HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-02 - Orange Coast Pilot.. Jets, ships involved •· . ·r1t1s • • YDll lllllllll llllY PIPll I f, ~J I < ' •. (\ I \. 1, • /I. L - . . step up at.tac o.-, .... ~ .., O'OoftMI Both sides claim plqne hits . 81 fte Auodatii Pnu . BrttWi jetl attacked both atr- Ueld1 on the Araentlne-held Falkland Ialanda Saturday and warshipe bombarded Argentine army polidoOI near the capital of Stanley, battle communiques from the warrtna natlom repor-ted. . Both aldea claimed enemy ~laava were ahot down in ta or by anti-aircnft fire, ta1n edmowled,.s eome ..__ from air att.acb on ves-_. ol the Brtt1th armada block- ading the ialanda. Argentina reported aix aoldien were wounded in the air raid• and Britain said there were tome caaualtiea aboard the warships, but no Britiah lives were lost. CBS news quoted sources in Buenoe Aires as saying Argentine officials now believe a British invasion is imminent and could co\ne early today. -Argentine-President . ..Leopoldo F. Galtiert went on natlonal radio and telev1.llon late s.tun1ax and vowed Argentina wlll ' keep ~ until we achieve victory.·• G&ltieri, wearing h1a 1eneral's uniform u head of the ruling mllltary junta, did not stve de- t.aill about the 9ea-alr bettlee but acknowledged that the fight with Britain "surely will coet ua many lives and much material W.." He accused the Brlll•h aov- enunent of "endangerilll wort«t peace.'' Galttert uked Argentines to pray to God ''1o give ua force in thia Argentine undertaking." The pre-dawn raids on the aintripe were the first attacks by the British on the Falklands, al- though there were 1kirml1hes · when Argentine troops seized the ia1anda April 2 and a week ago when British forces recaptured South Georgia Island, a Falk- lands d~pendency . Argentina claimed its gunnen thot down two Brltilh Harrier jets, with one pilot killed and another captured, and aa!d two others probably were downed. Government communiques and reporta from the Ar1enUne Em.- bassy in Waahtn1ton aald one Argentine Dagger, which la an Israeli vertiQn of the French- designed Mirage fighter, wa1 de1troyed along with an annS' helloopt.er that waa hit while oi the ground at the Gooee Green tettlemenL A British Defense ministry ~claimed all the Britiah aircraft retuned safely. He said at least two Argentine warplanes-- a Mirage fight.er and a ~ bomber -were shot down in dogfights but he could not con- firm reports from the aircraft carrier Hermes that a second Mirage waa downed. "Apart from the two Argentine aira'af1 shot down, reportl lndlcate th~ (Se~ FALKLANDS, Page A%) , SAVING FACE? -Mac Sterling, 15; of Huntington Beach, thought making a mask was fun while the goo set. Then came the tricky part as Jean LaBorde tried to remove it. Mac was glad he could move on to_ other Celebrate UCI booths at the Irvine campus carnival: * * * * * * * * * U.S. still hopes for peace WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre-der M. Haig Jr. and Defente Se- sident Reagan and other U.S . cretary Caspar Weinberger be- officiah, denying they had ad· fore aoina on for further t.alka at vance knowledge of Britiah at· the United Nations on the crlais. tackl on Arptttlne-occuded Air· Pym told reporters on arrival bun on the Falkland lalanda. the British strategy "hal been to uid Saturd=y the atill have apply inexorable pre9SUre upon bopee for a 90lutlon to Ar1entina, that it, diplomatic, the South A: tic cri8ll. eoonomic and m1lltary, to indicate ~ ii he thou.cht full-ecale that aarftlioo dca ~ pay. Thia hostilities will erupt becau.ee of woukfcleeriy i.ndJcate that recent Saturday's c\uhes, Rapn aaid, eventl have brought thil home "No, I don't believe they have to rather sharply." nee 1 1 rlly follow. We hope there U bad not prevloualy been can be a peKefUl IOllu-." known that Pym would aee Tb. State~ meen-·--W~Friday1he while, iasued a written atatement United S~tes would "rHpon.d aaytn1, "The United States re-pmltively" to Britiah requests for ma1na reedy to Ulist the parties aid, without direct U.S . involV@- in find1na a eettlement." ment, but it was not known if Brititn Foreign Secretary Pym waa bringing any such re- F r a n c it P y m a r r 1 v e d 1 n quests. Washington for meetings today Reagan told reporters that with Secretary of State Alexan-while ~ United Stat.es had no advance warning of the Britia~ attacl< he does not believe that wider hostilities "have to neces- sarily follow." "All I know is we still stand ready to help," Reagan said aa he boarded a helicopter. "We hope there can be a peaceful aolution." Reagan said later in .Knoxville that he had "no report" in ad- vance of the British att.acka. But, after conferring with Adm. John Poindexter, the top-ranking mllltary aide on the National ' Security Council's staff, he ac- knowledged that the Aacenalon Island facility "is a joint use base" for both Britain an'1 the United States. A British Vulcan bomber that took part in the Falklanda attack took off from the island, 3,500 miles away, refueling in the air. ~an · clever defendant tip· justice's scales? By DAVID KUTZMANN O(ftle OeltJ Not Staft Sure, Willie Wisely was smart. That's what they all said any- way -the court watchers who marveled at the way Wisely handled himself during his trial; the attorneys who listened in- tently from the audience as Wisely cross-examined witnesses and argued legal points before the court; the judge who reproa- ched him once for making self- deprecatory remarks. Sure, Willie was smart. And he had guts, too. After all, didn't he k on his own defense in the mate mind game -a murder where the stakes could pos- siblYI be his own life? He made headlines. &specially when the jury con- victed him of first-degree murder and then recommended he die In the California gas chamber at San Quentin for the suffocation death of his stepfather last year WORLD t an Huntington Beach. What did Wisely think of ac- ting as his own lawyer after the verdicts were in? "I came to regret it almost every day (after making-the decision)," the wavy haired ex- convict from Huntington Beach said at the time .. "Obviously, I'm not an attor- ney, 1111d I probably could have gotten a better defense from a qualified attorney." In an interview 1eVeral weeka late r, Wisely offered a further assessment of his performance In court: "I lost out on a couple of things early ... BlJt about three-quarters o f the way through the trial, I found I knew how to Impeach witnesses and cross-e>lamine witnesses." He said he learned this by reading second-hand books on criminal procedure which others supplied to him. As the trial Poles dely regime WARSAW, Poland (AP) -About 60,000 Soli- darity support.en ICreaDlinl "Free Lech Waleu!" and "We Want Freedom!" defied martial Jaw authorlUee Saturday and ttaged dartna ahowl of unity f« the 1uapended trade union In a counter to offfolal May Day oelebrationa. STATE ' W'hat airilce 'I ~ruclcen ale .,,,.. ............. An Jndiam tnldril' llid he WM i.dinl lndepen- dlilit bMalen out on ltrtke naUanwkle, but• IPOt check •' 1rUck ltops Saturday lndlcaWd he Md few folio-..._ progressed, he said, so did bis abilities. Orange County courthouse ob- servers who closely monitored the trial believe that Wisely de- f ended himself as capably as m11n-y experienced atiorneys could have. They also said he may h'ave done well enough to e.ncourage other criminal defen- dants to consider similar tactics. Would they have fools for clients? Because o f a U.S . Supreme Court decision several years ago permitting more pro per defen- ses, the law no longer emphati- cally says yes. Many attorneys and judges do, however. "As a general rule," said one Newport Beac h at..torney, "(defendlng yourself) is the most foolish thing you could ever do." NATION Sa.id another criminal defense specialist, "Some gurs try It just to create trial error.' And ventured another: "Pro pers (short for propria persona, to act as one's own lawyer) o.nly try to create c<>n-fus-ion and delays." This viewpoint found partial confirmation from a .knowled- geable aource -Willie WUlely. He said his experience ln the 50-man pro per tank at Loe An- gel.es County Jail, where he was held last year on robbery char- ges, seemed to indicate that de- fendants there were interested mainly In dela~ their cases to secure a more favorable deal with proeecutors, especially If the eviden ce against C~m was strong. Several lawyers lr\terv1ewed - T INS raids end 1 / - LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Immlll'adon and Natur~Uon Service'• oontnMiillal IW9ell abDed at • provtdina Jobe for unem~ dU-. and 1-1 .._.. ldenta hM 9nded, INS 8lkl. About 4,000 pec>- ple naUonwide, includina 1,200 in California. wwe arreated in the crackdown apimt undocumented worken. after the Wisely d ecision cau- tioned that it was hard to generaJ- lt.e on the subject since any decis- ion to go pro per rested heavily on the nature of the crime and tlle personality and intellect of the defendant. "At first blush you may say. why should he do that? That man really needs a lawyer," said Oxange County Superior Court Presiding Judge Robert E. Rick- les. Wckles said that if a penion is articulate enough as well as poi- aed, he could possibly find that a jury would be willing to "give him a little more of an edge" than if he had a lawyer. "You have certain people who have that ability to represent themselves," the judge said. Most observers agreed t hat Wilely, a fonner student officer at Golden West College in Huntlngton Beach, flt precisely into that mold. INDE.IC But more than one lawyer emphasized that 1t takes skills in addition to a good vocabulary and the ability to ask questions to succeed in a criminal trial, espe- cially in one so grave as a murder or rape proceeding. Knowledge of the evidence code -of knowing what is and is not admissible in court -is cri- tical to a good deCense. tbe11e_ lawyers said. Wisely, who like convicted-'. murderer Bbpby Crane achieved maximum media exposure be- cause of his own defeNe, said he. could have definitely uaed more help in the investigation of bia case as well as better expert legal advice from advisory attorneys. Wisely had the assistance of two court-appointed advisory la- wyers and a private investigator'. The man who convinced a jury to sentence·him to death, A.ssia- tant District Attorney Edgar (See AC11NG, Pase AS) Clalllfted D-8, Fl..e NaUonal Newt A3 eto.word B2 PubUc Notlcel E3 Death Notkel • D .....i r.tate D6 l'ditorlal Pap A8 =marketl Bl-6 D\Mrtainment E1·2 04-5 r..turtnc D8 ~ Cl--8 ,._.... D~i 88 ~ ,,__.. 1:2-3 ., ... D8 Travel 111 ...,,,,,. A8 r.rlWaten A8 ~ JilOvolll 11·2 W•ther A2 SPORTS t °'I Orange Coat DAl~Y PILOT/Sunday, MIY 2, 1882 ~\ . ------------ \" Continued storl•• FALKLA-NDS ATTACK ... Argentines may have shot down The Brltlah warplanes alao one of their own aircraft," he struck at the te<X>ndary airfield at aaid. Gooae Green, 40 mif ea weat of The Argentine Embaasy said Stanley. that aa dogflghta rqed over the British reports aaid that the Falklands around 4:30 p.m. (12:30 tint air atrlke wu carried out on p.m. POT), three Brltlsh de-the Stanley alrfield by an agtnc 1troyer1 began ·~:l~ Argen-Vulcan bomber that pounded the tine poe.ttlona. It one de-r""°way with 21 1,000-pound stroyer-was ''silenced" and wlth-bomt.. It aa1d a later raid on the drawing from the area ln flames, Stanley field and Goose Green , "8!i'ndlng an SOSth to the hitleel~',!,! airstrip was carried out by the said the two o er wan Pl...._.. carrier-hued Harrier jeta. were pulling back. An Argentine military com-The report• said the Vulcan munique said the warships were was refueled In the air three frigates, which in the British times during its 7 ,600-mile navy are smaller than dest.royen, t round-trip from Ascentlon and claimed one was seriously Island. damaged by Argentine war-Peter Archer. correspondent of r.-! an es and a II three w e re the British domeltic news agency ·•· 'obliged to leave the scene of Press Aaaociation aboard the ar- combat." rnada's flagahip, the carrier HMS Argentine reports sald six Ar-Hermes, said British Harrier jets gentine soldiers were wounded in shot down two Mirages and se- four waves of air at1acks on the riously damaged othen. South Atlantic islands, but de-Archer wa a British wanhip nied British claims that the main, was hit during the air battle but 4,000-foot asphalt runway at the damage was not believed to Stanley was "severely cratered." be serious. .,..., .... SCENE OF ATTACK -Map of Falkland Islands shows where British warplanes attacked aintrip at Port Stanley. The British and Argentines issued conflicting claims over airport damage and aircraft losses. Youth nabbed _in chase A 16-year-old Wettmineter youth wu ln custody Saturday·at the county'• juveJlile hall after a . 100-plua.. mile chue that ltaAed-- in Westmiruter late Friday and ended early Saturday in San Diego. • The youth, a male whoee name was not released because of hls age, tled an outdoor party ecene in Westminster when police arri-p ved to investigate a nol.e com- plaint, according to Weietmlnater Pol.ioe Lt. Jack Smith. Pursued by Westminater Police and the California Highway Pa- tr o J, the youth Jea a c hase through Westminater, Hunting- ton Beach, Fountain Valley, Santa Ana, then onto and oft Interstate 5 all the way to the Mexican border. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of .. Daly .......... on It's 4:60 p .m . in Room 618 of the •'O&JlaLL&.ll<..l:.:.....o.&><.;Uc.4/ Newp0rt Beach. In 10 minutes President Reagan will go on nationwide television to dUlcula the impasae over the federal bud- get tor fiacal 1983. Rep. Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey, R - Menlo Park, welcomes the lone reporter to the room, often his visitor a chair and dispatches campaign aide Duke Black - wood to pick µp twb six-packs of Deer. >..Blackwood~ a young Malibu resi- dent, dashes off, the candidate for the 1cHOEMEHL Republican nomination for the U .S . S e nate be- comes his own press aide. He rummages through a bulging leather satchel for the latest McCl~key-for-Senat.e news. IT'S A PRESS RELEASE, to which is attached a copy of a letter to G ov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. McCloskey is asking Brown and governors in 18 other stat.es to push their legislatures into calling for a constitutional convention for the purpose of considering an amendment that would re- quire a balanced federal budget. McCloskey, between telephone calls to associates, says the 1983 deficit could·htt $182 billion. If that happens, interest rates will remain high as the government saps the available credit or the Federal Reserve Board will be forced to increase the money supply, a move guaranteed to bring back the days of ."double digit" inflation. McCloskey 8ays the budget must be ·cut. He says he would attack social programs s pe nding. ho ld defense spending to a "real" increase of 3 percent and defer the third phase of President Reagan's 25 percent tax rut. Mc- Closkey says such moves could pare $90 billion from the deficit. Soon Reagan is on the television screen. McCloskey takes notes, expresses approval o r disapproval at certain statements. and offers commentary of his own. . WBEN THE P!\ESIDENT'S RED marking pen faHed- to work. McCloskey grinned. "Someone's gonna get canned &ecause of that." McCloskey was obviously self-satisfied when Reagan called for ·an amendment r equiring a balanced federal budjlet. "That's what I called for this morning," he remarks. Satisfied with thf! president's position on the balanced budget. McCloskey grabs his well-used overnight bag, pulls out jogging shorts and shoes and w ithin seconds changes from suit to shorts and sweat socks. After Rep. Richard Bolling, D-Mo .. offers the Demo- cratic view on the budget statement and after CBS an- chorman Dan Rather recaps it all, McCloskey gets up and says, "I'm going to jog for half an hour.'' DEADLY FORCE -These are the Sea Har- rier "jump jets" of the kind uaed in the attack against Falkland Islands airstrips, shown du- ring South Atlantic exercise. The aircraft are called "jump jets" because they can take off and land over short distances. The youth turned beck toward C' San Diego at the border and switched to Route 805 in that city, where be finally wu ap- prehended at the University Avenue exit, Smi.th aaid. WlllLE HE'S PADDING AROUND the Marriott en- virons, a C.able News Network film crew arrives. as does Burt Sims of the Newport Ensign newspaper. Returning to the room and now ready for a cold beer, McCloskey allows a member of the television team to clamp a microphone to his windbreaker before filmmg begins. ~\1' Buffalo Burllngton CMrl1tn SC Charlltn WV U.S. su1nn1 ary Charttt• NC ~,,. Ctllcego ClnclnMtl Ught rain f•ll from Taxa1 and ~ Arkan1u 10Jcart1 of the Gull Clm1>141 SC Coa1t end M di. Allanllc Ital• Columbue Saturday o.ft Wth Scatt.,•d thund•ntorm1 for· Oeyton rTl9d OY9r Loulallllla. MIMIMlppl. ~ Florld• and IOUthllfn hltU and 0. Moll1M OY9t mucn of tM Sout'-1. O.trolt Moat of IM rMt of tM Milon EJPuo had telr 1klu , ueept tor th• F~1 nortt19rn Up of MllM. whlc:tl Nd Fargo IOrMIOOW. Flagltafl TM Natlonel mMlhllf 8«vkl9 OrMtF ... toreeut for today call•d tor Hlf1ford .,_. C1t1« IM ptr-Mof1t.. HoNllulu _, ano north«n .._ Engl9nd Houa1on and rain and • f-thunderlho-Ind.,... w•ra .c:atter9d truouoh th9 Pia· ~ ,_, and Flor1cla. ~ Ski•• wlll b• 1unny o¥•r th• K-Ctty Or•t Butn end moat of C.llfor-Ult v-oea nla. th• north.,n AocklH, th• Uttle Aoclt c•ntrel Plaint end moat of th• Lout.\lllle ...twn hell of 1119 nation. Memc>I* Mleml MllW9Yk• California Mpl9-St.P NuhYlh N9won..n. 8outh41rn Calttomla can •llPKI N9w York low~ Inland to mountain Olcla City 1lopH lat• night and mornln~ Om9ha hou11,oth•rWIH verlebl• hlg Orlando doudi-ttwougtl Monday. ~ Ofeng9 COunty wtl MW hlghe In lh• mid 80• at the l>HChH . Pill1bur~ nHr 74 Inland. Cloudy tonight Ptl9nd, Wltll IOWI In upper 501.Sunny Piiand. Ore Mond«y"-'ttl lllgha ee to 12. PrOll!cl9no9 Inland YWye ~ lllgN Reno around 70 both da • -Alohmond eo. Salt Lall• Local IOUth wtrldl 1 &-25 mph In San Mtonlo mountain .,_. HIClfW 58 to 86, a... lowt 35 to 45. :,.--,: SoutllwHt wind• 15-26 mpll during all•rnoon and eftflln1 ltUMI h0Uf'810f-t '°' daMna. New-et p.r.,,.. tNrn dms1 lllgN In -..,.. In lpoUM 509 and low IOL ~ dlWt ~ea.. lllgN 90 to ts, 1oW1 In 10L Tue.on TIAN Snwg w~ Wldllta TM soutll COHI Air ouellty Manag•m•nt Dlelrle!J:r•dlOI• ~"=fort ay lnall A POiiutant ltandlrd lndea of 71 la fOfecaet fOf lfll ,.,..,.,..,.. len ..,.,,.,.IO --. A P9I of f1 la for8Clllll tor N pomon. and teri GaOftll ~ Ind ..... of 41 fOf ... °""' ,.. glone, lnOlt.dno lfll l.rl ,«nendO and lenta CWtta ...,., fMWO. po1111n Lo• An11IH, eo••= C'l:::ld ar-... o..er. ~and-~ .....,.. . ....... ~ ·Temperature• High cloudiness so 45 97 3a 50 72 so 73 41 79 43 73 37 " 43 71 52 ea 96 79 43 72 50 71 so 72 53 78 34 71 ... 71 49 73 49 42 31 n 44 82 37 78 3e Sen FrWldeco 64 44 flAM.....CAN 78 64 Santa AM 74 90 ~ 81 73 83 72 SenW e.rt>wa 87 51 llerb9do9 ee 75 n ee Stodlton 78 45 e..muda 70 ... 73 48 Tllllo9V..., se 21 Cweceo .. 79 7t 69 Tllwrnll to 82 Frwpon 12 .. 78 58 TorrlllC9 et 5t Ouedelejlre 90 68 ee 50 Yum. t3 • 0•~ .. 72 92 83 Hevene 82 73 70 58 Klng9ton ee n 75 55 QLOllN.. Meutien SI .. 75 83 Athena ee 84 M9rlda 93 73 78 75 Bengk<* 83 ee Meldoo City 12 ... 83 37 e.lrut 73 6t Mont.my ee 13 72 «> 8«111'1 84 341 ,.._, 12 ee 77 53 ~ ff 44 Sen June. P.A. 90 74 79 82 B'Alr• 71 83 Trtnlded 90 78 n 57 C.Wo 82 83 v .. Cruz 12 73 70 M c.recu 82 se CANADA 87 45 Dublin 112 ... Celgety et 3e 81 81 o.r-a ... 3e Edmonton 71 29 75 52 Hong Kong n 70 Monti ... eo ... " 73 JMerta llO 75 Ottewa 70 48 68 47 ~ ee llO Regine 78 36 58 M 1(19¥ 118 46 Toronto ee 42 ee ... K'Lumpur 90 73 v~ 6t 42 75 58 Una 73 ee TOl'ontO ee 42 78 34 Llabon 7t 58 Vanooww It 42 eo 48 London 84 ... WW-,0 74 31 78 41 Madrtd ee 41 79 t2 Merlla .. n t2 45 Mon~ 77 81 Tick1 71 ., MoloOW .. IO . . 12 • Newo.1111 t3 71 '°°"' 74 47 ,.. 84 llO ~ MIU\. u IO a No 7t 118 lolt 11:411Mft. .o.a .. • ..... M 17 ~-~ 4.t .. '4 ~ 11 41 • T ... f1 .. u '1r1lt loW 1:1t e.11\. 1.t 11 ee 8ecMA 71 u =::;: 7!08 &In. ... n ... = a 71 io.1:21=. .0.1, ... 64 .. • ...... •r:c 1.1 ~ • .. l4M , ... tOdeY I t :OI •·"'" 71 • .... n11,..... Tollyo 71 .. "'°"' ....... ...,. l.lft.,,.. .. .. Vterw'9 4t 41 ....ap.m. a 80 ta .. 71 • .. • .. • 70 .. .., .. IO 11 .. 41 IO .. n• si ... ~= 71 .. .. .. A·•·• 71 IO ~= •• 11 • 11 Smith aaid the youth waa charged with retisting arrest, evadlng arrest and reckless dri- ving. Police apparently found no- thing incriminating in the car' when he was stopped, but com- plete detaila of the incident were still unavailable Saturday. He makes his major points. The defici t must come down. Social programs spending must be cut. The tax cut must be rolled back. The questions answered, the footage shot, the reporters thank the candidate and leave, knowing they'U soon hear the same conunents when McCJoskey addresses hundreds 'of persons attending a candidate's night sponsored by the Newport Harbor and Balboa Bay Re publican Women. MCCioskey hits the shower. L ate r h e arrives in the meeting room, refreshed, all smiles, posing for more pho- tographers and television cameras. Just another evening on the campaign trail. Man arrested after chase along coast A Westminater man was char- ged wlth usault on a police offi- cer wlth a deadly weapon after a 45-minute chase through New- port Beach and Huntington Beach Saturday night, Newport Beach Police said. Richard Seslar, believed to be in hia 20s, was arrested by Huntington Beach police ·at about 8:30 p.m. after a 30-minute auto chMe and a 15-minute foot chue, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Dave Elliott aid. The chase started on Bal · boa Peninsula when police res- ponded to a report that a car driven by Ses1ar was traveling at • SEND MOM THAT . SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WINE -BALLOONS -TEDDY BEARS FLOWERS -MUSICAL TER RARIUMS SAVE 50%. ONE DOZEN HELIUM BALLOONS!! ONLY •an with l DOZEN ROSES ORDER BY PHONB 962-6687 very high spe«is through narrow streets. Elliott said that in the latter part of the chase Ses1ar allegedly "deliberately rammed" a New- port Beach cruiser with his car. • then allegedly tried to run down two Huntington Beach foot offi· oera a short time later. • • A Complete & llnic1uc FLORIST 21'62 Broolmunt 5' .. Huntm,tOll Beach . ·; ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ l I .I I. J J ~ ) I . . ' ,j ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 . . Water campaigns flood media .TV advertising blitz on canal vole to inundate voter in next five week By STEVE TRIPOLI ...... .,..,,... ..... Armed wlth Hveral mllUon dollan and eupport from a va- riety of allies, the campatan.a for and a1aln1ta te ropc)aecl Peri- pheral Canal are prepa- ring to lnun ate voter• with a media blitz before the June 8 vote. Television will be the main battleground thle month Ln the war over the multi-billion dollar packase of water facilities, apo· keamen for both 1lde1 aay, but * * other media alao will play an import.ant role . AdverUaina on radio and blll- boarde, direct mall appeala and the UM of eo-ca11ed "free" media through expo1ure in the newa all are part of the etrategy. There II only one official ca,m- pe.llJl orga.nlz.ation on each aide of the mue, but each one forms an umbrella for lta num~roua and divene supporting groups. Citizens for Water, which coordinates the campaign for pauage of Proposition 9 (conatructlon of the canal and * * othe r facilities), draws much of It.I support from bualnet1 leaders In Southern California and the San Francltco Bay Area, apoke- aman Leo McElroy aaJd. The nearly $2 million th~ or- ganh:ation expecta to raiae for the campaign comes from "a broad baaed assortment of business interests a croaa Callforn 1a - mostly, but not e xclusively, m Souther;n CaUforrua," according to McElroy. Californians for a Fair Wat.er P olicy, the highest level of op- position to Proposiuon 9, expects * * to raise about $2 million also, about half of It from two huae agrlbUJlnea flmui In the Sacra· mento River Delta area, 1p0ke· sm.an Doug Walt.I said. Both campaign• already have spent some m oney, though nei- the r side had figures on how much , admitt.in3 the bulk will be spen t in the laat tour weeks of the campa.agn. . Watts said he ia hoping to have $500,000 to spend on televltion a dvertising and $250,000 for all other media. Facts trickling down? Though current polls indicate a heavy m ajority m favor of the canal in Southern California and a h eavy maJOrtty agains t the package ln the north , Watts said the anti-canal campai'-n's focus will be "almost equal ' on both ends or the state HlS organization is working to Deity Pllo1 Ptioto bf Petrtdl O'Donnell P UFFING PROSPERO -Sid Wilcox, costumed as Prospero the Cavalier for the Renaissance fair at UC Irvine, enjoys his pipe as much as the festivities in Campus Park. The carnival continues today from 11 a.m . to 6 p.m. Fraternities and ~rori­ ties will present a Greek songfest at 7:30 p.m. in Crawford Hall. From Page A1 Freeman, said his courtroom ad- versary was able to use hts posi- tion as a pro per to hlS advantage , in several ways. A good questioner, W1S('ly was a lways able to keep up a conti- nua l presentation o f h is <:ase, Freeman asserted in an in ter- view. "Each time h e asked a ques- tion, it was difficu lt for the triers of fact (the jury) to separate the questioner from the defendant," the prosecutor said. In effe<-t, the q uestions them- selves became evide nce. "And tha t's a very gr eat ad- vantage, 1t would seem to me," Freeman said. During his closing s tatements to the jury -a panel that had sat through nearly three months of testimony -the assistant district attorney freque ntly descr~bed Wisely as a "very clever ma n ." "Confusion is the order of the day," Freeman told t h e Ju r y then. "Confuse the JUry . This 1s not a new device. It has been used before and 1t will bl' used again." Elaborating on those !>tatc - ments in the interview, Freeman maintained that Wisely's style as a pro per was to "compound a nd confuse" the.panel to such a de- g ree that it put "the triers of fact in a difficult situation." He said that 75 percent of the 5,000 pages o f trial tra nscri pt generated in the case represented an attempt by the def Pnda nt to confuse the jury. which heard a procession~! more than 80 wit- nesses. Suc h con fu sio n , Freeman maintained , m erely frustrated the s y ste m and im peded the search for truth. Responded Wisely: "The ju ry was not confused by me T hey w e r e co nfu sed by the prosecution " The Huntington Beach resi- dent, who has steadfastly main- tained his innocence in the death of his stepfather a year ago. said he attempted to focus on t he is- sue he felt was most important - whe ther truck driver Robe r t Br a y 's death b e n e a t h a 2.000-pound truck cab was acci- dental or not. It was Freeman. Wisely clai- med. who frequently engaged m a running narrative with the jury contributing t o AFTER VERDICT -Willie Wisely conte nds, "The jury was not conf used b y m e . T hey were confused by the prosecu t1on." c.'Onfusion and delay. The def endant, who will re- sume his own d e fe n se during sentencing proceedings later this m o nth , said h e now believes there are no real advantages to self-representation. Wisely said he defended h im- self m court only because his at- torney backed out of the case days before trial was scheduled to begin last December. County P u b lic D e fe nde r Ronald Butler, addressing the pro per issue from the de fe nse attorney's viewpoint, agreed tha t a defendant was being unwise In shunning professional represent- ation. Yet, Butle r conceded, it was possible that the closer contact between a pro per defendant and a Jury loomed as a potential ad - vantage. Through a pro per's present. t1 on of evide nce, h e said , "you become (more of a) human being in that sense." J udge Rickles said h~ recalled as a trial judge having a repea t offender come through his court and successfully de fe nd himself against charges of being intoxi· cated in public. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai ~lass1hed adverhstng 714 642-5678 All other departments 642 4321 Thomas P Haley P111fh H•"' 1iWt t """' (.,., 111!\I•' fllttt ,,, Kay Schultz Vktt11> ''•-"11...tH-.1 I om llllurph1•14' ftifth• Mike Harvey r)it...,-uw ,.,. M• ''"'''"' 1( JfuA.Ult'nf Ken Goddard [)1 ..... 1 .. ·~.._, ...... Rey Maclean ,;~,,..~ Chartes Loo& _,.,1."10JIY' f (JtttH ) MAIN OFFICE J)tj W.-\t 1-iA• \I C r'°"t-' Mt' t r A M Att .. dtt,,.,.., kn• I Wt ('"'IA Mi \t!l ( I\ 'l/;..11, <1,..,..1144"' l'tiJO'tt'"-lt (,.,, .. , P\ft>!11t.fuh'lthtt1~-."Y frrrfO f'"W' \tnt11 \ 1tl1i\l,1•flr,.t1\. •·dfh')fi .. J ni.•tl~• fjt ftd .,,.,,,,,.'"..,..'' ,_.,,.,n m.4• h•• '"O"wtllf~ wri.oltho\lt ,,,.., IAI 0t·tm1..,,fflt'l 'lf ,,,.,,.,,,Qhl tJw Ar• ""' "'"' • • ..... r•· •·•Qf 1··•"' .i c ,,..,.,. Mi ~ , "'"'''" ... , tffl' 1Ulf"W1. ,fr r1ph tv• ''•~A'•"'\• l\rt~nU•h n• ,, ••• "" ... " .. ""'"'• VOL 75, NO. 122 They've appeared regularly in the mailboxes of Southland me- dia outlets during the pa.st two months. "NEWS (or NEWS FEA - TURE) from the Metropolitan Water Distric t of Southern California," the top of the cover page proclaims in bold blue let- ters. Some of the titles: March 2: " 'Why Isn't It DOne?' Asks Man Who Authorized Peri- pheral Canal in 1966." March 16: "Water Agency Chief Rapa Mike Curb's Anti- Canal Pitch." March 16: "Why Metropolitan Favors Cap.al." LA TE MARCH: "Aqueducts: RECALLS CASES -Orange County Superior Court Pre - siding Judge Robert Rickles says certain defenda nts can win jury sympathy . This m an , Rickles said, would roll up has pants leg a nd show jurors his artificial leg, an injury h e suffer ed a s a Ko rean Wa r veteran . lnvanably. he said, the defen- dant would win Jury sympathy, and h is case, much to the chagrin of prosecutors. Like many other legal officials, ho wever . the presiding judge said the pro per issue had to be evaluated on a situatio n -b y - situation basis only. Adde d Butler , the county's ch ief public defe nder, "I d on't think a law yer should be forced on anybody ." Going without one, how ever, could prove disastrous, lawyers said. Explained Newport Beach at- torney Richa rd Fa rne ll, once a front-line homic ide prosecutor for th e O range County District Attorney's 0"1ce: "It depends on the individual. The re are some for whom (going pro per) would be the dumbest thing they ever did." Many pro per defe ndants, Farnell said, start out tepresen- ting themselves only to discover "the y 'r e In way over their heads." As a de putr district attorney. one of Farnell s biggest cases was prosecuting Bobby Crane, now a convicted double murderer and reputed prison gang leader. Cr'P.:!e defended himself ln hiA first Orange County Superior Court murder trial in 1979, e ventually belng convicted of firat-de,ree murder for th e slaying o a Seal Beach jeweler. The jury deadlocked on a aeoond murder count involving another man. During that trial in the sum- mer of 1979, Farnell der.cribed hil adveraary as being like a 11snake ln the buahe9, aomething that 1llther1 up to you, trlea to . .., ......... .., ............ We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pllot., Whal don't you like? Call the number below and your mt1sa1e wlll be Tecorded. tran~c:r1bed and deUvered to \be approprtett editor. ' The same 24·hour an1wtr1n1 1ervlct mey M Ultd to rttord let· ten to the edit.or on any topic. Mailbox contributor• mutt lncludt their name and telephone numt>.r lor vertflcaUon No clrcul1Uon calla. please. Tttll IJ• whan on your mind More Than Half Our Wate r Comes From Distant Rivera." April 13: "Canal Suppo rt Reaffirmed." April 22: "Job Losses Predicted If Drought Hits in 1990." The me.age is usually explicit but IOmetimea .implied -if the Peripheral Canal and other additions to the State Wate r Project a.re not built, there will be water shortages and economic woe in Southern California. The MWD has never made any secret of its support for Proposi- tion 9, the June ballot measure which will decide the fate of the Peripheral Canal and a multi- humor you, to get some laughter, some sympathy out of you " Farnell, m a recent interview, said Crane was de finitely a un- ique case. The sandy haired de- fendant was able to credibly de- fend himself because he was both "bright a nd pe rsonable," t h e former prosecutor said. At one t ime. defe ndants li ke C rane a nd Wisely probabl y would not have been allowed to represent themselves. Before a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the early 1970s, a JUdge could impose an attorney on a defendant no matter how much that pe rson wa nted to defe nd hinutelf or herself. That rule, however, was over- turned on the basis of a Califor- nia case which allow ed defen - dants to take up their own de- fense except unde r e xt·ept1onal cu-cumstances. A jud ge, F a rne ll said . n o longer had to be convinced that a potenual pro per could handle his or her own case. Instead, the law requ ired the court to simply ad- vise a potential ja1lhouse lawyer of the pitfalls of pro per act1v1ty. ln Los Angeles County, there are a n estimated 50 prisoners who populate the pro per tank of county jail at any one time . They have access to law books a nd conforence room faciht1es ln O ra nge County. there arc six, according to a jail spokesman Wisely said h e would agree that at's be tter to h ave s killed lega l representation. From his viewpoint, however. there lS one big problem "Most at''torneys are incompetent and illiterate. All they're inte rested in is money," he said, adding bit - te rly, ''They're like vultures waiting for somebod y to drop dead so they can pluck your eyes out." billion dollar expansion of the "max1rruze" vowr turnout in the State Wa ter Project. anti-canal north. however, Watt.a MWD officials say passage of said. the m easure 1s c ritical 1f Sou-McElroy said Citizens for thern California 1s to h ave e n-Water w1U focus on what he cal- Qugh water for future devt>lop-led the "two pockets of support" ment and if they are to properly for passage of the canal package do the ir job of providing that -Southern Callforn.ia and San water. ' Jose/Santa Clara County. Opponents of the cana l pac-The campaign expects to spend kage cite MWD press releases, about $500.000 on television - television commercials, speakers' all of 1t an Southt>rn Cal1forn1a. campaigns, exhibits and tours as S 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 o n r a d 1 o a n d a blatantly illegal use of public $150,000-$200,000 on direct mail funds by a public age ncy to m-efforts. McElroy said fluence the vote on a ballot Both sides will c'Oncentrate on question-. simple messagc•s wuh regional They have filed a lawsuit see· emphasis in their attempts to win king $1 million m damages, an votes, spokesmen BaJd immediate sto p to wha t they Californians for a Fair Water consider an illegal campa ig n . Policy will press their message in and other remedies from M w u t his ar ea by te l ltng voters the "to counter the damage done." • canal is not needed and will be ·MWD officials say the c harges too experuive. spokesman Burt tr~w!l!t1 and that th~are Wllson said , .. 11 acting w1trun the law. The swt iS-. 'the message in 'trle north will scheduled for hearing Tuesday in be that Northern California's U.S. District Court, Los Angeles. water will be taken to fill the "We have a statute that allows canal, wath disastrous env1ron- us to e xplain th e activities of men tal consequences, Wilson Me tropolitan. One w ay w e do said. that is through press releases," T he pro;-<:anal campaign m tht> said Carl Boronk.a y, MWD's full-Southland 1s expec-t.ed to tell vo- time general counsel. ters that thev face severe water All of MWD's activities that shortages if the canal IS not built. touch on the canal qut.-suon are. w~1le the message 1n the north in the age ncy's opinion, "part of will be t hat the whole state wt.11 an informational program," Bo-benefit if It IS ronkay S<tid. Though the two sides. by their It's something that MWD does own accounts, claim to have trn:. all the time, he said. "We're not same amount of mS'ley at their r e quired t o sto p what w e'd d1sp~sal (bo th question thl' otherwise be doing just because others figures, and official re there's a ballot measure." ports on total campaign contn- Boronkay said he has advised buuons will not be avad.able for MWD directors that they cannot, Wl'l;'ksJ. thc.· prli C'a n1;1l side ap- using government funds, advo-pears to have.• a lfoar advantage· cate a decision on a ballot mea-in non-monPtary support from sure. "It's influen cing the pu.blic that's prohibited. not ad vancing something in the Legislature or the meaia that's i n M e t 's (MWD's) inte rest," Boronkay said. "Currently, as you'd expect, we're terribly interested in the Peripheral Canal." Canal o ppone nts see the ac- tions as something less benign. "The MWD has been polluting the electoral process," said Tim Brick , coordina tor o f the anti- canal Californians for a Fair Water Policy "A referendum 1s a c1tiren vote on government acuon and it's totally inappropnate for the MWD to intrude in the cam- paign. "It's tough e nough to compete (in the campaign) with the res- ources of the oil companies and other special interests. but here we have a government age ncy turning public resources against the cithens," Brick added. "What the MWD has been doing is ero- ding our democratic rijhts." outsldl• tlw off1t'lal campaign Local water agencies, cham- bers of commerl~. private groups and tht.· M1·trupvl1tdn Wa te'T Dastnl'l h;":c.· u~Nl th('lf existing publac relations apparatus tp pump thousands of press relea- ses. member alerts and ofher pro-canal messages to the media and public T hough the a nta -canal forces g e t help from e n v1ronmentltl groups. outdoors groups, some farmers and others. th e publk relations blttz has not match~ outside support re<-e1ved bv the pro-('anal group:., t·spN·1ally an Southern California M WD. the most prolific of those g roups, has been served with a m1lhon-dollar lawsuit fi- led by canal opponents. T he suit clauns that MWD. the huge public agency that imports most of the Southland's water, ia using public funds to influence the election -a Vlolauon of state law. fl! ON /fl IN &oath Coast Introducing Hickory Rlrms·Kremes1 ?taza Come on in ancf try Hickorv Fanns'" txddng new~· They're a rich and creamy· smooth Neufchatel chme, in five delectable flavon1 like Peach Melba, Mandarin Oranft. Scnwbeny, ~. and Chocolate Krbnt'.· r----------------···--·~ 1 1)y thl• t«ipt! for ~mt-"' I : ~.Whip any nn vor , • Hickory Farms"' Kr~nw'" with ' : milk until it reaches a pudding : : consistency <about Yi cup milk : 1 to 8 oz. Krtme'"l. t'faill. : : Fora ~rmousst.add a , L~:..~r;?t--~·------·-----_J Your nearby Hickory FanM"' Ii your year 'round JC1ft tort. iii l....-C ....... .._. lrf1te1• ... S• Di:ep """_, c ......... o,..~ .. , .... •• :st ... ,_ ....., 1 .. 1,... 540-6991 • Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Mav 2. 1982 Some clout saved • Ill s ·acramento James C. Mansfield of Fullerton ~a king run for governor's office AIMS HIGH -James Mans- field is Orange County's own candidate for govt.•rnor By CHARLES H. LOOS 01 the Oe1t1 Piiot SI•" Orange County maghl have mor<• t'lout an Sacramento than a lt>t of folks thought 11 t.'Ould un- dl•r the controvcrsaal Ot!mocrauc r <•apportionment plan William Campbell, the mino- rity lt•a<lt>r an the state Senate. now r1•presenc.i. portions of eas- tt•rn Ornngt:' County His dlStnct, once l'nt1rdy wllhm Los Angeles County. 'now spills over into Brt>a, El Toro. Irvine. l....<i Habra, Lake Forest, Lagunn Hilb;, Lei- sure· Wcirld and Mis.'>aon Vie.JO. Rt•puhl11:an Camplll'll's new dastrll't. thl· 3 lst, al!-0 t·ovc•rs City of lndu~try, Diamond Bar, Ha- Cal'nda Ht•ights, La Habra Ht•ights, Rowland Ht•ights, Wal- nut, Wc•st Covina and Whittler an Los Angc·IL-s County Campbdl's distract orfwe 1s an th<' Caty of Industry. llc• says hC' plans to open one· an Orange County soon. -- • • ORANGE COUNTY has its very own candidate for governor. too. He is James C. Mansfield, ~l, an auditor-appraiser with the l.'OUnty Assessor's Offwe. Republican Mansfil'ld , a Ful- lerton resident, is a Stanford graduate and holds a master's degree from Ha rvard Business School The most important issue in the campaign, h e says, "as the deterioration of the quality of Life in California during thl' past 20 years." A political unknown, Mans- f1t•ld l'heerfully admits it w ould t.ake a miracle for him to wm the RC'pubJacan gubernatoria l nomi- nallon • • • DR. BILL McCOLL asn't the only former football player run- ning for ~t· Republal·an nomana- atfier's ~ag ~rawi/)g \ Have a Great Mother's Day fro m all of us at (Jstbl4J \!ilia~ (enter \ \ .,. \ • 1, \ Eastbluff Drive -Newport Beach ---=·· • lion In tht! 43rd Congressional DI.strict. Newport Beach attorney Jerry S haw, who has been serving of late rut a member of the Orange County Board of Educallon, is one of too many GOP candidates an the 43rd. And S haw was an all-conference linebacker on the 1967 national championship t.eam at USC The Republican ladles had planned to hear Curb and Deuk- mejaan ot Sant.a Ana's Soddle- back Inn, but the meeting place was switched to Buena Park • • • JOHNNIE R . CREAN, a no- ther o f the ma ny Republican candidates in the 43rd Congres- sional D1str1ct, as mv1t1ng ha s supporters to "An Evening with Buddy Ebsen." HEADS AGENCY -Antonio Amador is fifth directo r of California Youth Authority. A $1 50 -per pel"llOn fund-r aiser for Shaw is planned Tuesday at the Sant.a Ana Heights home of Robert Lintz. Prominent names list.t.'<i on the host t'Ommittee are John Virtue and F.d Scheck, se- nior partners in the law firm S haw is with. It w ill be from 5 to 7 p .m . T hursday at the Quiet Cannon A J restaurant m Dana Point. Crean ,.. ffla OT Says says it isn't a fund-raiser A lso o n the• list: George Ar- gyros, Col. J ohn V. Brennan (formt-r Naxon aade), Tim Haa- danger, Gavan S . Herbert and Gen. William Lyon. • • • REPUBLICAN gubernatonal candidates Mike Curb and Ueor- ge Deukmejian have a date Thursday with the Orange County Fedeqltion of Republican Wome n. Lt. Gov. Curb and Attorney General Deukmejian will make their respective pitches to the Republican ladies starling at 10 a .m at the Buena Park Hotel near Knoll's Berry Farm. All Orange Countaa ns a re welcome lo h ear the two GOP contende rs, but reservat ions for lunch a re require d . Call Rose- mary Johnson, 540-6339. or Elai- ne Rustin, 993-6786 • • A FORUM featuring most of the leading t·and1dates ror the Republican U S . Senate nomina- tion Is on tap Friday It's sponsored by tht• Republi- can Assocaat.es of Orange County. rt starts at 5:30 p.m. al the South Coast Plaza Hot.el an Cost.a Mesa. Ted Bruinsma, Bob Dornan . Barry Goldwater Jr , PNt> Mc- Closkey. Maureen Reagan, J ohn Schmatz and Pete Walson an• ex- pected. • • • CAN)IDATES in the county's 69th Assembly District Nolan FrazzeUe and David Salls will be on television when KOCE. Channe l 50, airs its "Vo te r's Pipeline." . The candidates will discuss the issues when the show airs a l 9 p.m. Friday and again at 10 a m Saturday _Hostages released, hijackers in Cuba TEGUCICALPA. Honduras (AP) -Four leftist gunmen Sat~rday...{reed the last 11 hos- tages held for 72 hours on a hi- jacked Honduran airliner rigged with dynamite and left on ano- ther plane for Cyba ~fter their demands were rejected. The hijackers, who earlier vo- wed to "win.or die," in the siege, yielded the last exhausted cap- tives several hours after a daring night-time escape by 10 hostages, including the pilot and eight Americans who dived through smashed windows and an emer- gency door. Two of the original 4d hostages on the four-engine Honduran Air Service turboprop seized Wed-.. nes(lay remained hospitalized. Others suffered minor cu ts and scrapes but all were in good con- dition, army officials said. top CYA job worth risk Antonio "Tony" Amador of Huntington Beach says he knows he took a risk when he agreed to become dJJ"ector of the California Youth Authority. Amador, 38, was confirmed to the post by a 21-2 vote of the state Senate April 22. "I knew I was taking a ch.a.nee because I'll be working at the pleasure of the governor," he said last week. "But I felt I had something tc, add to the Califor- nia Crinunal Justice system " He also said that his talent for hard work and as a capable ad- ma nas t ra tor should be pluses when at comes to job security when there .1s a change of gov- ernors. ~ Amador, who is the fifth di- rector of the youth authority an 41 years, gave up a guaranteed four years of employment on the Youthful Offender Parole Board when he accepted Gov. Jerry Brown's appointment. • As ari officer ofj the L9s An- geles Police Depah ment for 13 yea.rs. Amador was a ·three-time president of the Los Angeles Pol.Jee Prot.ectJve League He saad he became acquainted with Brown whiJe on the Police League and later endorsed him for governor. Amador also said his former boss. ex-Police Chief Ed Davis, ··ted the c harge" for Amador's confmnauon as CY A director. Amador will be tn charge of the CY A's 4.500 employees res- poOSJble for the care, treatment and rehab11itat1on of wards of the courts. The Robinsons Gift A CLASSIC SWEATER. DAY OR NIGHT. Every year one gift stands out In '82. this is 1t 1 The classic cardigan by Adele Joyce In a beautiful boucte knit dipped m the nicest colors white. natural. camel, taupe, golden brown or rosewood acrylic Two important pockets and a t11m little collar S·M·L $56. Robinson's Sweaters. t To order. c all toll -free 1·800-345-8501 I . -. . Orange Coast QAIL y PILOT /Sunday. May 2. 1982 Deep slices: End to school lunch? . By MARY JANE SCARCELLO .,...,,...., .... ...., t>ropoeed cuta m tederal fundlna for IK:hooJ lunches, ·already permanently alaihed by 30 percent, may end the program completely by 1989. L . Gene WhJte, director ot child nutrition service for California, spoke at a media confe- rence In San Diego sponsored by the Dairy Council of California, telling them, "The nutri- tional well-being of many California children ls ln jeopardy because of these cuts." The flrst federal budget cuts. Initiated du- ring the Carter administration, were expanded anJ made permanent l.aat August, she said, res- ulting in an additional 1088 of $1.3 billlon. Calilomia had passed legislation reimbur- sing about 8 ~ cents per meal to schools, but by last July all state support was eliminated for the full-paying child, a 1065 amounting to more than $12 inilllon. The rsesult has been an mcrease in school lunch prices averaging 25 cents per meal, OT 35 percent of the fo rmer cost, she said. and reduced-rate lunches for needy children have doubled from 20 cents to 40 cents. School lunch pactic.ipallon, once growing by 6 percent a year, is down 9 percent overall. al- though free lunch participation has increased by 1.3 percent. . "Child nutrition programs have become Vi- sible and a cause for national t.'Oncem," she said, "and things are just starting." About 01.7 million children are served each day, of which l million are offered as free or reduced-cost lunches. The school lunch program was established by Congres.i in 1946 to provide nutritionally ad- equate lunches for school children and to provide a reliable outlet for America's farm surpluses. which school cafeterias sull use, paying only transportation costs. The law specified that the school lunch program should be available to alJ children, re- gardless of their ability to pay. and should pro- vide approxunately one-third of the child's Rec- ommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) as esta- blished by the National Research CouncLI. . Additional legulation tn 1966 expanded the child nutrition programs, for the hrst ume pro- viding free and reduced-rate lunches for ch1l~n from low-income families and adding nutr1llonal education. "These programs are well worth the in- vestment put into them which, incidentally, amounts to less than one-third of 1 percent of the total national budget," Ms. White said. (Eve Cremers, food services director for the Newport-Mesa school district, said the cost of a tray lunch at today's prices could run as high as $1 50 without federal support and surplus foods. ' ("We know the budget cuts haven't been detenn1ned yet," she said, "but sc~ool food ~r­ vlce could be in danger. We contribute to chil- dren's health and proVIde a service to parents, but in today's economy it's no he lp to raise prices from the present 85 cents for elementary and $1.15 for high school. Ms. White noted th.at this year's increases m full-paymg lunch p~~ ~ve averaged 25 cents state-wide. and partlcipanon dropped 24 percent, or about l percent for each penny of increase. Lunches brought from home probably have taken up the alack, she aald, which alao LI a cause for concern. A San Joee study showed that many home- packed lunches are of poor quaJlty 8Jld nutritio- nally inferior to lunch<!li provided at 1ehool, she pointed out. Some parents don't know how to pack an adeQuate lunch, and manv famllles unable to afford school lunches are also unable to afford nutritional home-packed meals. · Doris Derellan, executive secretary for the California Dietetic Assoclatlon, followed Ms. White's presentation with a list of alternatives for providing lunches to school children: -Buy a school lunch. -Buy partial school lunch and supplement wtth food from home. -Buy vendor food near school • -Bring lunch from home. -Organize neighborhood group feeding. -Do nothing and let child skip lunch. -"Obviously, the f irst choice as best, in my opinion, Slnce one-third of the chUd's RDA la met with a tray lunch," ahe aald "The problem with giving a child money and letting him select food la that the nutritional responsibility talla on him. U he buys single Items at school or from a vendor, parents only can hope he buys a hamburger and carton of milk. He may spend it on a soft drink and dessert Item, instead." Fast food lunches can run three limes the cost of a tray lunch, she noted, and even lunches packed at home can cost 88 much 88 $1.50 if well balanced, not including the time involved with planning, shopping and preparing the food. ~ for group feedings in neighborhoods, she said, "They're a sort of hit-or-miss, 'Swiss cheese' answer. A few efforts have been organized, but most areas couldn't support and maintatn a suc- cessful program, and there are no guarantees of (See LUNCHES, Page A8) ; I>'. TALKS TO FOOD EDITORS D1etit1an Doris Derelian explained why tray lunches are bet- ter than vending machine options ~~~~~~~~~~.~=========..;-~-=-=-=-=~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~--'==j I've got a lot off CORVETTES. "Nice ones, too! And they' re all for sale." Always a tine selectlon ol good used Corvelles Ollen a good seleclton ol new Corvelles WE LEASE CORVETTES. OTHER CHEVYS OTHER MAKES' HOW AR D C h e v r o I e t Dove St. at Quail St., Newport Beach • 714/833-0555 (1 2-mtle soulh of airport. behind V ictoria Station Rutauranl) 1922 A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. Reservations Suggested 64s-1on ORIGINAL COLOR ETCHINGS by Josef Eid en berger I hl' It 'o rld \ Forc·n W\ r ( 'u /nr Ft chl'r Galleric~ ,, pk,J'l" fl I ,111111 t!Jlll l • a1 ,l. p1:r~1111.i1 ·' l'f'l ·ti .11 ll l 111 A11,1r1.111 .ortl'f j()SEF EIIJh'NJJFRCFR I \1111,l.1\ rill Ill! 111 ,\1 I, I 11111il I I' Ill ,-i,~ I <11.1'{ ff\q (,,,,I.I. ,1 \I -1 I (, .... .-.... The Robinsons Gift f) I A WHITE BLOUSE. PURE AND SIMPLE. Geome>lric.. shape~ figure rrominently on our Lloyd W1111ams blouses A SQ••dft' neclr ant' A 1riangfe lroni Beau1iful fashion points well tal<pn for summer Very sofl Sooh1sl1{' al Pd With sleeves oversized puffed ' topp1nq tH• o.·: lhe elbow In a new cotton 1ner lexlurP Lei! yokf' Iron! c;hpover or r1qhl s rJP bu 10n"d each $58. 4 10 14 Robinsons 81ouws ? > To order call 101t tree 1·800·345-8501 .. . ·~ ~ · 1 ··.:. ·~ • . ~ ./ • ,, " ~ . ~ ·' .. .. J ' . " -# ~ , ~ < ,. .. ~ . ) ... • ,. .. ... ~ . . ' .. " " s , " ~ ; .. 4 ~ "'I "I 1 .. I I I . ~ I Al Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1882 Speed of assistance eases loss from fire Too often when disaster strikes, there's a lengthy lag time before assistance -be it from the public or private sector -reaches the victims. A notable exception to this unfortunate rule is the tragic and devastating Ana heim fire, which leveled 500 apartment units and left more than 1,000 homel~. Government took the lead in initiating disaster declarations with remarkable speed. Only five hours after the fire broke out -as firefighters were still pouring water on the smoldering ruins - Orange County Supervisor Roger Stanton, acting in the ab6ence of s upervisor s C hairma n Bruce Nestande, declared a local state of emergency. By day's end, Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. had toured the fire scen e a nd declared a state-level emergency. By Saturday -only three days after the fire -P resident Reagan had authorized the federal-level disaster declaration. thus opening the doors for as- sistance to the fire victims. Those victims will now qua- lify for low-interest loans to re- place their uninsured possessions -;m<t-vn:Nide temporary trousinr . The speed with which gov- ernment operated in the wake of the fire was matched by that shown by the private sector. The American Red Cross was on the scene immediately, operating an emergency center and coordina- ting help for the victims. Dona- tions -cash, clothing, food, fur- niture -poured in, and continue to come. Only Thursday, the Orange County Cares committee of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce issued its first allotment of emer- gency relief funds to fire victims. Relief funds can cover the cest of a deposit on a new apartment, or such thin gs as baby clothing, medicines or work tools that were lost in the firestorm. Oran ge County Cares has received more than $30,000 in cash grants and pledges for numerous businesses and individuals. More, of course, is needed. Getting one's life back in order after a disaster like the Anaheim fire isn't easy -nor is it cheap. • At least the fire victims know they're not without help as they ClJ1lJroa:Ch that task. ·nreakdoWn disappoin·ts President Reagan made a long awaited trip up Capitol Hill Wed- nesday to discuss a compromise budget deal with congression al leaders'. The result: Nothing to cheer about. Neither Reagan nor his Democratic rivals were able to nail down a formula with the goal of reducing deficits that many fear will throttle a convalescing eco- nomy. About all that came out of the \ meeting was a set of general tar- gets for deficits over the next three years, but without the dis- cipline a comprehensive package would have unposed on Congress. The failure to reach agree- ment is ver y unfortunate. The private sector, which had been counting on a budget deal as a means of .Qriving down interest rates, must look forward to more uncertainty on how the high cost of money will affect recovery from the recession. For more than a month, ne- gotiators for the White House and Congr~ wrangled over an alter- native to the president's unpopu- lar $757 billion budget for tiscal 1983, which begins Oct. l. Objec- tions to his spending plan center on the proposed $100 billion defi- cit. Many fear the estimate is too optimistic, and believe a $182 bil- lion red tide is possible. The purpose of the n egotia- tions was to cut that defiett. Such a move, it is presumed, would loosen up money markets and cut interest r ates, allowing businesses and consumers to afford n ew plants and equipment, new hiring, new homes and new cars. If heavy government demand for money keeps markets tight, a weak eco- nomic recovery is feared. The talks broke down mainly because both sides were adamant that p et programs were untou- chable. Amon g other disagree- ments, the president r e fused to • consider abolishing or reducing the 10 percent income tax cut scheduled for July 1983, while the Democrats said such action was needed before th ey would talk about Social Security cuts. Eventually, the negotiators tried for a plan with general pro- posals for cuts and tax hikes, lea- ving the details to Congress. That didn't work either. At Wednesday's meeting, the president's final offer of tax in - creases -apart from income le- vies -and a three-month delay in both Social Security hikes this year and in the 10 percent income tax next year was turned down. In a Thursday night televised speech, Reagan appealed to the American people to support his economic program. Whether his plea will enjoy the success of last year remains to be seen. More significantly, perhaps, was his de- claration of support for a consti- tutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget. · In the speech , t he president also blamed the Democrats for the collapse of the talks, with the De- mocratic rebuttal calling the talk too partisan.' Perhaps the talks were doo- med from Hie start by deep p!li- losophical disagreements between a conservative president and libe- ral congressional leaders. Perhaps it was too much to e xpect politi- cians to give a lot of ground in an election year. Whatever the cause for the breakdown, Americans have a right to be disappointed with their elected' officials. The president concluded that the outcome now will largely de- pend upon the respon&e of the American people . Member s of Congress will be moved by what they hear from their constituents. Under our system, that is the way it should be. Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on tn1s page are those of tne1r authors and artists. Reader comment is Invit- ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-432t. L.M. Boyd/'Lonely Eagles' Q. Who were lhe "Lonely Eagles" of World War ll? A. About 10,000 black ainnen who gave themselves that name. Segrega- ted , they made up the all-black fight.er and bomber squadrons of th<' U.S . Army Air C6rps In Europe. Q. How much does President Ro- nald Reagan pay for his auiw? A. Never lea than $900. Siu 42. Can you name the animal that rnovea around by someraauhlng b1ckwarda? Neither could I. But a ch1nce alance In to a eel •ntlflc perlo~ dlcal reveat. 1uch to be a Uny riw\ne ORANGE COAST Dai~y~il~ --.....-f-f Mf e4 IM '"' 11 1• llf ... l•Y " c~ ~ .._"" <¥••-• • ... •i.t t-tia-C•'1•~ • crustacean called Mtnnoq\.11lla decem- spinosa. Lives only on the cout of Panama. Fish farming seems a little morP lhan a generation old to most of us, but 1t does indeed elate back at least 2,000 years. The famous Roman na· turaliat Pliny the Elder reported on the business of one Ser(lius Orata who sold oystera grown In nt1 own artifi- cial ahellliah beds. It waa •Id to be a lucrative enterpri.e. Among solfen who pl1yed tn the 1981 North Dakota Open waa one Wylie Bogie. Thomas P. H•t•y P"bll!.her Tltomn A. Mu""tne Editor 81rura Kreilllclt Edltortal P ... ~dltor' Vote switching new t~rget Ralph Morrell, the Dixon cunnudgeon who single-handedly has been waging war upon the Cahforma L4.>g1slature for 1 ts quesuonabl~ pract1<.·es. h as scored again It was Morrell's one-man campaign aga,msL "gh0st voting" which brought -the Assemblymen t.o heel, fomng -them to adopt a rule <:hange wh1l'h purpo r- lt-dly would stop tltoe lawmakers from voting their abse nt brothers. So bras h had lhe legislators be<.·oml' that many nl•w laws were bt·ing passed 1n tht• As· SC'mbly without so much as a quorum in attendance, those present taking th£' li - berty of Illegally casung the votes for those absent. The new rule has slowed the practice but not ehm1nawd It. NEITHER DID THE Sl'('mmg v1,·tory sl<Jw MorrC'll Doggedly he has pursued tht• solons on other matters he bt'lievcs are improper and illegal One of thCSC' 1s "vote switching," an exerl'1se closely re· latc>d t.o ghost voting Lax rules penn1t a membc-r to l'ha nge a vote from "no" to "aye" Or Vl('e versa arter the official VOi.(' has bee n a nno unt'ed. Thus member s come in at the e nd of the day and change or add their votes to the roll. Morrell argues. with great nwr1t, tha t tlw praellt'l' 1s d<'Cellful and don(' only for the purpose• of making tht• l<'g1slator "look good t.o his c:onslllue nl'y." To help with his crusade agains t this prat·t1~· he h as formed a .. Comm1tlt'<' to Reform Voting Pra<:llC't~ in the-Assembly" which he• l'alls ··Operation Vul1• S wnc·h " A la rgt• part of tht• OpC'ration 1s dt•lug m g th(' pn •ss with matE>n a l. mostly the· re - fiults uf his res(•an ·h. c·xpos1ng spec1f1c· cast's wh1 t'h he bdievt.·s v1olat<' e thical leJi(1slative conduct. He 1s hopeful that enough newspapers will report his find- ings to compel the lawmakers to refonn as was the case with ghost voling In support of Morrell and an rehan<."t· on his research, fellow column1sl and publis her of the F:nrf1eld Daily Rt>pu- ElRl WlfERS bhc, Don Han<:ock, has become mvolv('Cl In a brouhaha with San Diego As.•wm- blyman Lawrence Kapiloff. soon to bt·- coml' a superior t•ourt juCigC' by virtue of a ppo1nlmt.·nt by Gov . Jt'rry Brown Kapiloff 1s lhc same fellow who. as an altorney. took time ore Crom hts k·g1sla- l1Vl' duties a while back to represen t dc·vt>lo pen. having trouble with Coastal and Planning commissions . Smee these <.·omm1ss1ons regularly have leg1slat1on p<'ndmg before <:omm1ttees on wh1l·h Kap1lo H serves. a question of t•tmfll('l of interest arose Kapitorc d1sm1ssed Lhe ethical issue by stating he wasn't paid enough as a legislator In his column Hancock quoted Mor - re ll 's ('OntC'nllon that Kapiloff "1s not morally quahf1c'CI to serv<'" and repeated Morn •ll's l'hargc-s that m 1979 Kapiloff h<td mdulgt•d in no ll'ss th;rn :M vott• l'hangl>s lr:.tt(•, Kapiloff dashc'Ci o ff a lf'ltt•I to Han<.'tx·k l'hargmg him with pubhshmg "blatantly foist.• statements" and flatly d<'nymg thl· vott' switching «hargt'S by swtmg " an no 10:.Uim-<· d id I change or 'sw1 t<.•h' my vote in ord<·r to look gOod " lfr then adm1tlt'C.I that on 33 oc-ca s1oru. durm~ <hat yc·ar ht· had his nam(· addt"C.I to roll calls afwr the· fat't Ht-gavt> as hL\ <·X<.'U.\l' tha t hc was away attending to otht•r lc•gu;lauvt• bus1m-ss lgooring-4he fa<:l that newsmen repar.\- what thl•y s<."C at th<.• lime 11 happens. ht• att.a<.·k.., th<.• prc'S.'> for failing to wait until the day after the vote to check the As- sembly Journal, which duly reporlS the amt•nd1.'<.l roll t·alls Morn.•11 qu1<.·kl y gav<.• thc ltl" to K.ap1· loff's da1m thal "an no instance" had he sw1t.ch<-d has volt.• by produt·1ng a ('OIJY of a page from the> April 2, 1979 J ournal. dc.-arly showing Kapiloff listt.~ as having sw1tl'h.<-d his voh• from "aye" w ··no" on Assc•mbly Bill :u 2 Kapiloffs own ad· m1ss11>n that h(• had his namt· added to 33 roll <.·alls vc•rif1cs Morrc•ll's charge that Kapiloff sw1tch<.'CI 34 or more limes du- ring tht-yl'ar For adding one's name LS a switch from be-mg rc'(:orded absent. AS MORRELL STATES, "It can be dt'bdted as to wht-ther an added vote. msofar as a <.'Onslltuent is con<.-erned. 1s .m y d 1ffort.-nt than a switched vol<.'. This t·omm1ttN> takes the pos1t1on there is no d 1Hercn<'<.' as both are dt'(:e1tful." Dedanng his <:omm1tl.t:•t's onJy t'Oncem ts the 1mmed1ate future of California a nd our <.-ountry and with thC' c1t1zens who feel helpl4.·~ to C'Ontrol their des tinies, Morrell sldtC'S. "Wf' bc-heve a turnaround wall only <x1:ur wht.·n lying politicians are {'Xpos<'d at <•vt.•ry m:.tant'e .. He said the <.·ontmuC'd v1l{llam"t· of the press LO pro- v1d<' th<' pt•oplc• with the truth "ts our only salvauon." Delaplane tour of Greece superficia) To the F.ditor: Please accept this as a protest against Stan Delaplane's April 25 superficial article on Greece. Greeks are some of the most friendly and hospitable people on earth and those I have met have usualJy troubled them · MAILBOX selves to learn quite a bit more Enghsh than "Greek salad." Most Ame ricans cannot say as much about their know- ledge of Greek. I FOUND most Greeks well informed and intensely proud of their hi•tory. I would direct him on hls next trip to some of the marvelous local guides ,. particu- larly the curator of the museum at Del- phi. He peoples that ancient hillside with the characters of the ages and makes It live. Go to a tavetna and watch the Greek men dance the local dances In Levi's and cotton shir1S. Look at the pride and love for their traditions in their race11. As for Byron's graffiti, it is quite easy to find if you ascend to column-level on the side of the temple faci ng the res- taurant below. On the far right column about three feet from the ground la his name -one revered and Car from for- gotten by the Greek people. 1 didn't. think travel wrltcra were 'IUpp<>se<l to sound as vacuoua and unin- formed as those sad travelera who go somewhere juat to aay they've been there. ANNE M. ROCHMAN .. Oil fight doomed? To the Edit.or: l am not realJy e"nthueed about th' (orthcomln1 OCS (Outer ConUnental Shelf) lease sale to be held in Junt. Thwfh, tr)'lna to be reeliltJc about thta matt«, I wilh to ootnt out to ~ who uy to ltop the sale of certa1n tncCI oU 9U' Oran&'I County CoMtline, ~ may be clOom.a for dllapp)lntment. In stud .. the lawa, ..... ichedW. Md oth«eiwhich 1 have In my tu., l ftnd of the tnt.ertar. Jamel ~~a. only ro":wl~ th• Int.At of , Lew IW12 b)' ~In 1978. The 1980-85 Jeasjng schedule, part of this law, is being adhered to by Mr. Watt. But according to the p~ release oJ March 15, 1982. it is being revised. This law indicates "national interest" prevails to such an extent that local op- position will have little or no effect on permanently stopping the sale of certain tracts. For instance, it will be d ifficult to prove that the unsightliness of drilling and operational fad.lilies off our coastline will have a detrimental effect on tou- rism . Haa Santa Barbara lost tourists, where some or these facilities are in st.ate waters within three miles of shore? IT MAY BE of interest that the st.ate, without fanfare, Is allowing more dril- ling, with perhaps an additional plat· form on existing leases, and is contem- plating a new lease sale above Point Conception. r Baaed on the number of offshbte wells drilled the possibility of the octurrence of a damaaina oU spill is remote. Ta.rlkera spill more-oif than wells. Wells are dril- led under very strict rule1 under OCS orders. Dril.Ung cannot be aia.rud unle. oil spill containment and cleanup equip- ment It readlly available, aome at. the drlll tile, others on shore. In the Loa Angela Harbor area there ii over four mllllon dollara worth of equipment on hand. There are anchon In place on both of the Newport Harbor jetlin for oil con - talnment booml to be u.ed in cue • aptll ll heeded our way. D1Jnace from oil aptlla foe all practical pw-poeet it temporary. The law mentoned before called for the formaU,on of the Offshore OU c.om- pensation Fund. It appewa \hat It will take care of all ~ and la. of In- come rtllulUnl from an OCS apill. It will even tak• care of loa of taxes. Alao, &h•r• le another fund to compenaate flahennen f« "-of par due to OCS ICtJvtU... l sua-t that tho9e who wflh '°spend Wtps)WI mcJM)' in flahd.nf <XS dev.- Jopment do CONidenble homework be- • fore hand, by tudying the law men- tioned earlier, rl ulations under titles 30 and 43, OCS Jr .ers issued to Lessees, Maps, and th ldt.est copy of OCS oil and gas statisti• i-.Also talk to the Coast Guard rega .. , .ng spills and the oil indu- stry. It may turn out that some or all of those controversial leases may be worthless; and the government, of cour- se, keeps the bonus money. The only way to find out 1f there is oil out there ia by drilling. WILFRED A. BERLS Lea ehold 'solution' To the F.ditor: Since the Irvine Company obviously wishes to do the right thing b y th at committee of leaseholders and others worried about th eir new rental fees, l have a aolution. • The company already obtained new appraisals on the land. Let tenants do the aame for structW'ft. Then the ~ pany can offer to pay tenanta wishing to aell, (1) the full appra!Jed value of the structure, plus. (2) 6 percent times 10 of the CUl'ttnt land appralaal. Sy cuhlnc out dlllentera the eompe.ny will be fee limf.le free to do with the land u they w th, and the tame wi\h atructwa. The c:ompany c:oWd tell eve- rything ln fee tlmple and recoup thelr investment wtth a tubatantlal prout, which It all they aak for tn the first place. 1 bMe my idea on the ~now used by' th• Irvtne Company. If one cannot trult thOlt amounts, whml can -b9 trusted? KEN PORTER . . . . . . . .... ' . . . . .. '. . . .. . . . . . . ... S tepf~milies • not so· instant_ By JODI CADENHEAD OftM D...., Hiol II•" It wasn't until Elizabeth Einstein had been a 1tep child and a stepmother twice that she began to reahxe there was 10methlng vastly different about being part of a stepfamfl y. Some thing tha t Hollywood had left out of its topsy-turvy version "With Six You Get Eggroll'" and completely ignored w ith the everything-turns· out-OK "Brady Bunch." For one thing, ever_ything w as never OK, noted the 42-year old New Yor k ste pmoth er-lurned - aut ho r dur ing a recent trip to Costa Mesa. At 20 she became the instant mother of a 10-year old girl when she married u man JI) years her sen ior . Sbe blames her own imma- tur ity on the break-up of the marr iage seven years later. Her own sons were 4 and 7 when she ma r- ried a man with three children ages 8, 9 a nd 11. T he Brady Bunch they were not. Her new ELIZABETH El NSTEIN husband soon le ft on a six-month tour of Viet- nam, leaving her a lone with five child ren. Everyone fough t. Th e plumbing busted the first day. Within a week the babysitter left amid accusations of a missmg diamond ring Th ings didn't improve whe n her husband re- turned because the two differed comple tely in child -rearing philosophies. He was a strict discipli- narian. She was not. One stepson ended up Living Wlth his real mo- ther. ll wasn 't until recently that Ms . Einstein me nded her strained relationsh ip with two of her stepchildren. "We don't get stepchildren all wrapped up in a blanket," said Ms. Einstein-. "We get them at 8 or 10 and they're very angry about the d1vorc:e " After returning to college to earn a JOUrnallsm degree.in 1977 she decided to write a book about her :...experiences-in stepfamrne5. -._ "The S tepfam1ly: Living, Loving and Learn- . ing" is already in its second printing. S he interviewed~ more than 50 ste pfamiltes for the book and came away convinced that they share ·11 number of sinulanues. "It helped me to realize I wasn 't a terrible per son," said Ms. Einstein. "This is a very difficult si - tuation and I was in the same 0081 as a lot of other •people." Unlike other families. more than 25 million stepfamilies m the United States must learn to deal with a biological parent that e xists somewhere else, said Ms. Einstem. Childr en often become members of two hou- seholds. with belongings and friends at both homes. Stepfamihes are the result of e ither a death or divorce and unless adoption occurs. th~re is no legal relation.ship between the stepparent and child. said the author. FVIS4 I l - Also the relauonship between the parent and (See STEPMOM, Page A8) + IRE YOU BUYING l CIR? WE COULD SA VE YOU AS MUCH AS $3000 ON HIGHER PRICED AUTOMOBILES AND CERTAINLY HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON MODE RA TEL Y PRICED CARS WE WI LL DO YOUR SHOPPING "' CALL VIRGINIA AT (714) 845-4800 or 645-1122 Ath:nd .1 S1ay1ng Hcahhy Seminar. Learn from med- it"al expcn:-what you can do to avoid heart prob· lc1m . 7-9 p.m. Ho,pital con ference center. Call 760-592.'.\ 10 regi:-ter Fret Mi,-.ed •the mo't recent cardiac rehab group ~,. :-ion'.' Don't worry. Thi:-4· week program take:-place throughout the year. Call 760-5594 for more info . Do you or someone close to you have cancer and need some emotional sup- port? A !lf)Ccwl 11roup meets under che auidoncc of n skilled profc~slonal. Tucs- day11, 6:4.5-8:1.5 p.m. Call 760-23.50. ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2. 1982 Hoiase Of Almonds ccia SAMPLE o ur -..election of ca-.ry ::ilrno nJ._. ~ho'' \1um \ou\'c 1n hl'riced her ~nnJ ca-.re hy Lhoos1ng fro m n;n ur:d, rn:i-..tl'J -..alccJ, un~al red, rnm hL·m, h1L kory -,mo kcJ, and harhl'Llll' 0:1\·1 >reJ almnnJ-... Fl LL o ne of our hright ;i nd colorf u I t in~. Jccorati VL' Jilr-.., h;1-..kl't" 1 lf \.!I ft hoxco; tn t hL· hrim wi t h rl w almonJ trL'<lt!-> -..he'll l'njoy l11 lbt. 1-..n't ch i-.. a lt)t mon .. · pcr-;on:il ;mJ 11nag i, nnti \'l' t han picking up thL· -..aml' nlJ box uf landy cnch yl'a r? HOUSH RLfDilns SEND \\ iur t!tfr ii \'llll l ,II) 't bt ii ll'fl' II) pl'r-..on. ~ 1nm "ill .IJ'J'fl' L intl' \'l iur t ho u).!htf u Im:,-.. A11J wl''ll h;mJk .11l 1ht· Jl'tnil -. fur \1>u . -.hipJ'll)I.! \n1tr :ilrn l mJ ~dl'\..llllll .111\'\\ here 111 tl1L· ( :11 I JI 11 ll I \I .1 I l '.~.1\. BUENA PARK MALL SOUTH COAST PLAZA L'ppl'r It·\ l'I. 1\l'.1r \ Ln C.1. l '1'l't·r ll·\·el . rn:ar ~l"'r' A P'ycholog1'1 -.peak' on the hcnefit!I of cx pre:-,i ng grief. Conference Center. I JO p.m. Open to every- <1nc . Free. --Have tea for two at rhc Maremity Tea. Learn about the program-. and facilitie~ avai labl e to you. 10 a.m. Ho:-pital Conference Cen· ter. No rcgh.tmtion. FREE. See 11 play ubout loneli- ness. Confe rence Center. ' I :30 p.m. Free. -Wont 10 be 11 good grundma or arandpa·~ Come to our grandparent cll5' Coday . 9 a.rn.-noon. Hm.pital Con· rerence CenJer. No regis- tracion. Free. 1-Ielp <Vs eelebrate! A' Hoag Memorial Ho:-pital Prc'h)ll'nJn enter' 11\ \0th }Car. \\l.' 1n\ Ill.' you ro join u~ in celcbraring.. A' J cnm mun ity re,ouru:. \H' rcl.',1~1111t.· 1n1r rc~pon:-i bi lity to area <.·i1 i1cn'. Not o nly h' help )OU get hcttcr whi:n you ·ri: s ick. Bui also Lo keep you well hy pmvi<ling he<ilth l'<lucatLon . hlo<l(.I prt:'- :-urc checks and l\pc~al event:-. Herc ':-a calendar ol happenin~' Im the next few·day~. I Join u:-. won 't you'.' Your good heallh i' our hc'l h1nhda> prc,c111 , Now·, the time t<' t.i~ a CPR couN~ ... not "Larcr ... CPR Hcun Suvcr course/\ arc o(Jered every Thur~d;1y cvcnini 111 Cho ho pi tMI. Call 760·5923 for rc~rv•· tions well, In advanct. Frcc. HOAG HOSPITAL Tui..c .i tour ol tht.: ho,p1 tal ph:mmtC)'. Learn ahout the man y !\Cr" ice!'> it offer:-to pa tients and the commu - nity. Sec a dcmon:-tration of ii i. ama1i ng new com- puter 'Y'lem. 1-4 p.m. ' The Sandpipers and the 552 Club. ho~pitaJ suppon groups. host a sala an ni- versary cclcbratron at the Mamou. Call 760-5917 for rcscrvationic. - For rho'c "ho .ti\.' rai..ing pri' tllC prepared chi ldb1nh cla''C'. there\ :i 'f>Cclal on"' !'>C,,ion lubur and dc- 1 ive ry onentarion. Free. Cull 760 -5940 10 fi nd out more. . . . I ' l ' ! 1 I I \ . ' I ~ I· l : Or1nge Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mey 2, 1882 LUNCHE S . • • (From P11e A6) • IOWld nutrition. • "The Type A (tray) acbool lunch la 1till the belt nutritional buy." The las\ alternative -letting a child go whhoul lunch -can be most expensive of all In terms of a child'• future. .. "Some students miss breakfast or eat very little before coming \.o 8Chool," she pointed out. "Studies done In schools all show t hat skip- ping meala can seriously affect concentration. It there's one thing we know for sure, ll'a that hungry children don't team." L .M .Boyd D ·1 p·1 informs, i n the II J I DI -.--=-.----MARINA ~ • l' BATHROOM P1ar1na TISSUE ~·~ ®--I s ''ltM~•MM .. •-CINt"-'°'' __ _, __ , ___ _ -L-Ofle< Te OM Cl) _ ..... c..-. 4 PAK ~NORTltERN "HIGH ROLLERS" 20.ROlLU INSTANT HAIRSETI£R Compact with convenient accPc;<, doors '1 511 20.95 Star brtte POLY SYSTEM ONE LIQUID CAR WAX 5 99 16 oz. • KODAK COLORBURST 350 INSTANT CAMERA .... , ...... , cap.Witty. lo\¥ ON AO lfll>C( 64.95 • lll lAT'l OilllCT 10 00 '110 Mll00All , YOUll COST 54 9 5 AnlllllOOMl llHATI e PYREX ~.MIXING BOWL Stt mctlld•. 1 'h pt • 1 •.ii & 2'7 qt, ~-----1 bowls ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!=· •I ~ ' '\ , ,. ~J '"'..,; .. ., . • MITUm Mnlll , ...... , • JtftST , .... , ........ , ·=~ .. 6.99 '" : CU'!§imwuTcLox ALARM CLOCKS "BAn£RY OPERATtD" BUY SaSAVE 35e ~PiETUllA~ CAT FOOD ASSCMmD FUYOIS I STEPMOM • • • . (From Page A7) ch lld predates the couple's boQd , she said. "The blqe1t problem stepfamlllea have ill that they try so deaperately t.o make this work," said Ma Einstein. There are enormous preuures on everyone t.o make the arrangement succeed. It Is not uncommon for young children In the beginning to try and tteparate the couple thinking that they can bring their parenll back together. Considering her own and other couples' expe- riences, Ma. Einstein found that It takes four to eeven y~ for 1tepfamiltes to stabilize. Members mu.st be prepared to compromise and discuss their differences or el5e they w1u probably fall, ahe said. Even with the obstacles, stepfamllies can en'Py the benefit of exchanging new ideaa and leamina th ings they might not otherwise have, said Ma. Einstein. Special April 21,-May 4, 1982 811bus tetr11onf: 1.99 I am from Sumatrn M)' cou1111 lhe "Tiger Barb" ~ail given the entlro lamlly a repu1n11011 of being fin n1pper1 and bu111e1 we are nol However an oc- casional hooligan may be fount.I In our mldll bul ge118fally we ore peaeelul See me at Aquatic Tropl· cala where I am on 191• under lhe name · Albino Tiger Barb" for only I 90 VISA' CD 1$10 W. llk••Ctsl1 Mm 549·Ut1 •Corner HMbtl ' 8#t1 SAVEaoe t SAVE see Hl·C DRINK MIX rltUIT .-UNCH • fLAYOll MAKES 12 QUUTS SURE SUP£11 DR~ 4oz.IPRAYor 2 OL SOLID } WE;tONeR YOUR-GREDIT! Master' Card I . Permathene-12 ,._~CAPSULES REDUCING PUN AD PRICES PREVAIL . SUNDAY, MAY 2nd THRU TUESDAY . MAY 4th FOLDING DIRECTOR'S CHAIR STANDARD KETTLE COOKER 22 Yi'' DIAMETER • QUAUTT • rH,OllWtCl • DUURITT Black. porcela1n·on steel unit broils beau11lully & cooks las• by concen· tra11ng lhe heal on the Ie:.~," 64 9 5 400 SQ.'"· • Sturdy molded flip-over lid for GEMCO WAR£ Coffee System Sel includes callee brewer & whistling m1n1 ketllt' plus ltllers "DURAND" DEBUTANTE ARCOROC 16-PC . DINNERWARE 8.88 ~D NOME llOOD '9t1SSUIE MONITOR/KIT,. .. holdlng cups, cans & untensils.119 I Urtth1ne Insulated ~.:.-=•17711/11). u. ... (#7711/lt) • NABERS CADILLAC SPECIAL! 6.4 oz. ROLAIDS p ANTACID }::LITS 2.49 .. CONTROL 12-HOUR APP£ TITE CONTROL rGRMULA .. UNISOM NIGHTIIME SLEEP AID .. " , ,.---- Unisom :!ams 3.69 •1nu 1• NAIR OXY 5 p ACNE PIMPLE MEOICATIC>ff I ot 1.99 Blush ( 1' 11' I tit cl llh·•h {I. ll111h•111t1t1·1 2.39 EA. Nail Slicks "WA T£RCOLORS" A~ ... 1 s11.111r!> 99c 11 ti. oz. u . .~ '· ll~il~_llilllt SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1982 TELEVISION 86 . . . "" . . - .. Orta's pinch homer carries Dodgers past Montreal. 82. .D . ~- 0 EXTRA EFFPRT -The varsity eights cr ew from UC Irvine strains to give a little extra during Saturday's 15th annual Newport Re~aita on Lido Channel. UCI finished third in this race behind California and UCLA. Orange OllMy Pllol Photo by CtleftN S'-7 Cout College's crew also participated in the regatta. Ad- ditional photo, Page 84. ·Baylor can't bunt, but blasts Birds His homer in the top of the 13th helps Angels claim 6-4 victory • BALTIMORE (AP) -Don Baylor but I thought it was my duty for the Stewart in the top of the 10th. Martinez , then relieved and got two quick strikes , on Fred Lynn before giving up a sacri- doubled down the left field line 9COring went to the plate with the intention of good of the team to get Beniquez to ae- laying down a sacrifioe bunt. Instead, he cond for Bobby Grich," Baylor Mid. w<>Wld by cracking a two-run homer in "Martinez's second pitch was h igh, ' the top of the 13th inning to give the and I fouled il Qff. He threw me • An1els a 6-4 wm over the Baltimore bre-1dna ball the next time," Baylqr said. Orioles Saturday niaht. "It (the pitch) huna and 1 ~t it high. I On TV today channel 5 at 11 Lynn. Baylor, who sinacKed a two-out double knew I got enough of it foe it to go out. I in the top of the eighth to allow the game just didn't know whether it dropped in fice fly that scored pinch-runner Jose to go into extra innings, was thinking the first row or the BeCOnd. There was a Moreno and gave the Angels a 4-3 lead. The Angela took a 2-1 lead in the top of the sixth when Jackaon hit h is second home run of the year, a two-run shot that went over t.be 387-foot lign in left. center field and ICOl'ed Rod cattw, who sln.gled with one out. bunt all the way when he came to the strong wind that just teemed to whip up Bu.t John Lowenstein slugged his plate with none out and Juan Benlques in that hall of the inning.'' third home run of the .-m leading off Dauer put the Orioles back on top with a two-run abot of bis own in the bottom of the sixth. Fonch surrendere<l a one- out walk to Al Bumbry, and Dauer then hit hit first homer of the year. On f1rlt in the 13th. But he fouled off two Martine%, 0-3, wu tagg.d with tr\e loea the bottom of the lnn1na, knotw:aJ the bunt attempts and then drove a Tippy in relief of Sammy Stewart. Martinez score once again. Lenn Sakata singled Martinez curve into the left field seats to sun-endered ttiree hits in three innings one out later, chaling Forach, who gave ICOl'e Beniquez, who opened the inning and gave way to Don Stanhouse afte r up just four hits in 9 ~ innings. with a single. Baylor's homer. The Angela tied the 100re 3-3 in the "I was given the bunt sign on the first Don Aase. 2-1, picked up the win for eighth when Lynn sing.led with one out pitch. Tippy threw it low .and I fouled it the Angels, spelling starter Ken Forach. and atole second. Reggie Jackaon then off. I was on my own the second time, Brian Downin.g's leadoff triple chased worked Stewart for a walk, and Baylor ~~~~~~~__::::__~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~ The Orioles took a 1-0 lead ln the first when Ken Singleton delivered an RBI double. Fonch walked Dauer with one out and Singleton followed with a dou- ble into the left-field comer. KEYS WIN -Don Baylor slugged a two-r un hom e r in the top of the 13th inning to give Angels win Sa turday. RUN FOR THE ROSES-Gato del Sol, the Cal.Ifomia horse with Eddie Delahoussaye up, croaes the finish line to win the Ken- I ,_, Wll ""9to tucky Derby Saturda~ in Loui.svWe, V.to del Sol went off at of 21-1. Another headache for Rams? LOS ANGELES -Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . •If Rams draft choice Barry Redden suffers from rn.lgranes, he is arriving here a year late ... another beadache on the 1981 Rama 80ene would have fit in ~utifully. •Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says NBA salaries flTe not rtdkuloua and he is right .. They are obecene. •It is the student aenators at USC who are de- manding an investigation of athletic director Dick Perry but they do not say what they suspect such a probe might reveal. •It is not necessary to like Reggie Jack.son to admit he haa a flare for lhe dramatic, 1f not the unexpected. eTBAT RECORD FISH caught off Australia weighed m9re than 2,000 pounda and if Jou are wondering what 1anc:Ung the creature woul be like' ... lt would be like pulUng Tom Luorda or Stu Naban out of a awimmlng pool •Probably, the reuon the Rama do not explain the very low profile of general manager Don Klostennan is that there ia no law which says they have to. •Probably, the reaaon Ulli.stant general manager Jack Fa~ has lost IO piuch weight la that he will look more presentable at the social functions a general manager ii required to attend. •If you check the attendance figures of the Angela you 1ee where it ia pcmible for the club to draw three million to Anaheim Stadium, poetically and appropriately called the Blaei' A. IN RETROSPECI' it 1ee1n1 almOBt l.ncredi~ that Vince Ferrapmo dMf not cu.er advice. •The Natkmal BMbtball lion ii callli)g ita playoffs "Showdown '2" but the way these th1nga drag on it may have been more appropriate to name them "Slowdown 82." •The whimpertna by USC over the aanctlona applied by the NCAA w. probUly julUtied from tM Nndpotnt of the~ of the pmilbment in relation to the crime. but USC 11 put of the RrOUP SPORTS COl.UMNIST BUD TUCKER that makes the rules and cb.arRea -the NCAA-with the responsibility of enforcing them ... The point being that perhaps the NCAA members shoUid ei- ther obey their own rules or get rid of the hypocricy altogether and get on with the game. •A situation is develop ing with the Angeb whereby female "joumalists" in the clubho\.lle Jl'.>AY lead to a ban of all media as was the c.aae with tile Rama l.ut aeuon . . . Gene Mauch, the manager. is furious over incidents during the Angela' 1ut bo- mestand. "! I •INCIDENTALLY , THE next conventlon:Of award winning female sports writers and apor1a broadcasters will not be held in Dodger Stad.h&m . . . It is echeduled for a rhone booth in A%uaa. • eirrelevant Week is scheduled for its usual location -Newport Beach -but its 1982 guest of honor, San Franci8co 49er draftee Tim Waahingtcill, says he does not think he will attend . . . Well, that ii irrelevant. i •Rama owner Georgia Fronliere was de9Critild in the 1979 media guide an as proudly diaplaytnc!•'a six handicap in golf ... from the men's tee" ... , Madame Ram played in the recent NFL Alunm.l tournament and the concemua of opinion waa tbat one'• pme reelly auffen if one does not have U.. to pndke. •Next. look for a list of NFL players who c1aUai their conncta call fot them to get paid durinC a strike. · •h ii a cinch to pick Howard CoeeU out of the ll'OUP ..• Jack Kent Cook.et Ted Tu.mer, M~ mad All, Reale Jaclaon, Andy GranateW, Don King and ~ Steinbrenner •.. Howard ii ~ one with the eco. . GatQ del Sol · comes all the way hack to win Derby CANUCKSPA¥ FOB CONDUCT. MONTR&A~P) -T Vancouwr Can lYw &.t •10 000 ........ ,....... the .... ~. Uliltant eoech, ~ t.m flMd •1,000 bJ the N....a Hockey i...,. •• NIUh al • tDW91 .. ~ inddlat ~. ~~t~···· thollUI~ ...... ~ Black Ha ' ~. Ne~.!! ...... ;~ ............ , ........ ..,.. ....... ., .... ~ ... Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 ,_ __________________ __ t. ~~At least Shoemaker . ~i picke d the winner . ,..,.... AP .... teMI . - M"'· \ LOU~SVILLE, Ky. -Willie ~ ;··flhoemekw: didn't~ h1a 8,121at ff. ,.dinl vtctmy tn the Kentucky Derby . SatUrday, but be bid the winner. "0.to del Sol WU the bent to beat," II.id . the world'• most durable and -~ jockey, · wboee llMlft-thlD-32,000 mountl have earned in • ~ of $81 mUJlm He UC> baa now ridden in ·more Kmtucky Derby ncea than anyone ehe. "I wu lmpre11ed with what I aaw of blm on the C.out. I told all the guya Fri· day that be would be touah·" The ~year-old "Shoe," a H-pound aaddle aemua. fi- niahed eighth juat behind the favored Air torbe• Won in the 19-hone stampede. "I never aaw a worae ' · -'"°°9•Kn 8C!'&mble," Shoemaker said. • : ::,My hone got bumped at the I 18th pole the f1nt time around and WU ~ '· :llldewaya. · . "I didn't ave any time. I ~ to rite ·-blm a little btt but we didn't haw a good trip. He ·:didn't get a good shake. Once I got him going, he . ;flat1ened out around the last tum.'' · It WM juat another day'a work for the one-'\lme Tex. f.armboy who began riding at Golden •:t;ate FleJd9 in San Frand8co in UM9 at aae 17. • ~: 0 Now, back to the Coaat," he said with a )tab. ·•. Aaked if he would return Eut f~r the Pre- almeel, he replied: "I think IO." f'WW you ride I..inkaae?" IOl'Oebody queried, refen'lnl to the Winner ol the Derby Trial, who aldpped the Derby and lbipped to 'Baltimore for the leCOOd race in the Triple Crown aeries May 15. "Pcmibly," he aaid. . McRae powera Royals put Toronto Bal McRH unloaded a pair of a two·run doublH, one that helj>ed triael' a ftv9.nm rally in the ..venth tnnrnc, and th• Kan.lu Ctty Royall held on to notch an 8-7 vtctory ovw the Toronto Blue Ja~ SaNrdaLn, rQht ... Ellewhere, RoJ Smalley·• _pnd n homer capped a five-l'W\ el&hth lnnll\l andpve the New York Yanbet a &·1 victory over SMttle . . . Texaa' BW Stell who 1tn1led home the lead run in the top of the 12th, committed a throwtna error ln the bottom~f the on • potendll • ble play that allowe two rum to ecore and pve Bolton a 6·~ victory over the Ran1era ... Oorma • nomu hit a two-run homer ' • in the eJ1hth inning u Mil· MollA& waukee exploded for five ru.na and went on to poat a 6·5. victory over ~ . . . Jefr1 'hner 11.ngled hocne the go.ahead run in the fifth Inning and Laace . Parrt.U belted h1a leCOnd home run of the eeuon to lead Detrolt8aat the Chicago White Sox, 5·2 . . . W1111e rota homered and Mike Beatll and Dave McKay a1ao drove in two'runa apleoe u Oakland downed Cleveland, 8·2. Jeff Joaea, making h1a first major·league •i.rt after 75 relief appear&DL'ft, lifted h1a record to 3·1 while yiel- ding both Cleveland runs on aix hita over the firat five i.nninga. Quote of the day Don Zimmer, the pudgy manager of the Texas Rangers, well aware of the appeal of new Texas outfielder Lee Mazz.illi, who has youthful good looks: "When we go on the road, I'll room with Maz.zilli ." Bucks win on last-second shot Sidney Moncrief banked in a m 10-foot jump shot at the buzzer, lifting the Milwaukee Bucks to a 92-91 National Basketball Asaociatlon playoff victory over Philadelphia Saturday af- ternoon. Moncrief finished with 20 pointa and MJckey Jobson added 21 to lead the Bucks, who trail the 76ers 2-1 in the Eastern Conference semifinal with game four slated for this afternoon ... In the other Ea.stem semifinal, Robert Parl1b and Cedric Maxwell combined for 45 points aa &.ton led throughout and posted a 92-83 victory over Washington, giving the Celtics a 2-1 edge in their aeries. &ston has now won 10 straight games played at the Capital Centre. Padres rally to ,down Phlladefphla TerrJ &ttme4•'1 tint homt nm • of the eeuon hl1hll1h1led hil three· RBI perfonn.anoe, and L•lt 0.Lff• pitched five 1najnp of two-hit rwlief to 1Md the San D1et1o Padree to a 9·8 victory Ovt'I" Philadelph1* S.tun!ay ni&ht. x.nnedy drove ln the Pldlw' tint l'W\ wttli a llCri&e fly in the ..xmd lnn1na. mn11act home the IQ--ahetid run in San Deao'• lout-l'W\ flf1.h lnn1na and homered for the Padres' final run ln the aeventb . . . In other National 1..-,ue pme1, Keltll Morelaad'1 fourth·lnntna 11.nale broke • 1-1 tie, and the Chlcaao Cuba anapped a ltrin8 of 19 ICOl'ele8 i.nninga to b eat Atlanta, 5 -1 ... Terry P1•1 and Joae CrH homered in Houaton'a w ~3.hit auack, and Nolu Ryu won hi1 aecond In a row, beetin8 PlttabW'ah, 6-3 . . . Rookie left-hander Adee Bammaker pitched five strong inninp tor hia fiJ"lt National lAq\.&e victory u San Frandloo downed the New \l'ork Meta, 6 -3 ... Daa Drleaaea cracked h1a tint career grand al.am and Mario Soto teaed a five.hitter for hil fl.rat win of the aeuon, pacing Cincinnati to a 10-1 rout of St. Louia. Islanders take commanding lead Wayne Merrick acored from a ·~ acramble with 3:08 remaining in the ' \ first overtime period Saturday night to boost the New York Ialanden to a 5-4 victory over the Quebec Nordiquea, puttina the Ialanden within one triumph of their th1.nl Stanley Cup final. The two-tlme defending National Hockey League champions lead the besw>f--teVen aemif1nal aeries 3-0 and can clinch in it In Quebec with a victory Tuesday night ... In the.other semifinal, Vancouver wingers Cvt Prater and Seu Smyl came out of the penalty box to score goat. u the Canuclu edged Chicago, 4-3 to .take a 2·1 lead in that .e- rles. The teams resume their aeries Tueeday with game five in Chicago. Hollypark holds Century ·ca.P today 'Be Bal1 and Seper Momeat, two • aa:ompliahed runners, will carry co-high weig~ 124 pounds in to-. day's Century Handicap-at Hollywood - Park. The 1 ~-mile event for 3-year-olds has attracted a field of 10, with To-Agori-Moa, Don Roberto, Sllaabark and Big• Coanael also entered ... Job PHI Jr. of Atlanta edged Daany~n ala for the pole poaition with a record-· lap during Saturday's qualifying for the Camel T Challenge race at Lagua Seci Raceway at Monterey . In a pinch, Orta does job for Dodgers • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jorge Orta who came to Loa Angeles from Cleve-The homer waa the tint of the year found hla.lf fi1llna two rolel narmaDy land d\Jl'tni the off--eeuon, added: "rm for Orta and ai.o h1a f1nt u a Dodger. He uncommon to him&=, but liked getting a little more URd to a pnch bit-had one hit in elght previoua at·bata the fee1ina that llCCOID them. ting role. I know what to expect more before his towering drive into the right· Orta, who de.crtbea bhmelf u not now and I have a more pollitive feeling center field pavilion at Dodger much of a home run hitter and a neo-about it." Stadium. phyte ptnch·hitter, ripped a pinch two-Dodger left fielder Dusty Baker made Mike Scioecia bad walked with one run homer ln the 8eYellth tnntna to give a pme--savtng throw in the top of the out and, a11er pinch hitter Jay Johnstone the LCJ9 Ancelet Qodgen a 2-1 victory ninth when fie cut down Warren Cro-flied out, Orta batted for Dodger starter ovu the Montreal Expo.. martle at the plate. Cromartie waa trying Jerry ReUll. He 1aahed a fut ball from "rm not a home nm bitter.'' aaid Orta to IOOl"e from leCOnd on Tim Wallach'• Charlie Lea, 1-1. into the stands to put after he ~t the Dodga beck from a aharp single. . the Dodgen ahead 1-0 defidt. •l} don't have the atrength "f wu playing ah.allow and wu ho-Reuss. 3-1, who had pitched shutouts in and my awing i. too abort. Once In a ping he would hit it to me," said Baker. hil pttVioua two starta, allowed four hits while rn hit a home run." He added, with a grin, "When you don't and one unearned run during the eeven Orta. a 31· ea.r.ald native of Mexico hope it's hit to you, it always la." i.nninga he worked. GAME· WINNER J orge Orta's two·run horner gave Dodgers a 2·1 win Saturday. . Edison takes Sunset crown Marina topples Oilers Edi.Ion Ht1h completed a "triple crown" of cbamp&onahipt Sa~ afternoon. cllnchl"I the SW'l.Mt Le.,ue bue title with a vlc1ory over Wntminater, coupled with Martnaf1 conquest of Huntlnaton Beach. T~~era were lea1ue champ In football and previoualy. Here'• how lt went: ldeeOn ............... 2 .. .... The Char1en .. urec1 themMlvea of the top 1pot ln dramatic f.uhion. rallying from • 2-0 detidt PREP BASEBALL m ~~~~------~---------"'11 in the bottom of the sixth inning to acore lix Umea and beat the Ltona going away. Joe Kwolek capped the big Inning with a three-run homer to right field, h1a leCOnd HR of the lealOD. ' The rally began when the Chargers loaded the buet with none out on a walk and a pair of ainglee. Charlie~ hit into a fielder'• choice for one run. and an error let two more runs come acroa. Mo- menta later, Kwolek cracked his homer. Senior right-hander Greg Cloney earned the win in relief, u he entered the game with runners at MJCOnd and third. none out in the fifth and allo- wed only a sacrifice fly the rest of the way. Cloney won hia 10th game of the season, tying a school record. ...,.nll I, Huntington 8Mch 5 Firit baaeman Ron Evans and catcher Shane Florea each blaated home runa aa the Vildnga (6. 7 in the Sunset League) dropped the Olten (S.5) into a second place tie with Fountain Valley. The VUcingJ, who aoored two runs in the first inning, added one more in the second on Evans' smash to left field and two more in the third on Flores'. dtnger to the same apot. The Oilers, who trailed at one point 5-1, made it cloee when they aoored three times in the bottom of the third. In the inning, Brian Beard opened with a single and came home on Brian Patrick's triple. Greg Shirley'<lraiiiltentionally-walked befON ~ Budtela-hit a ground ball that aoored Patrick. Barry Beard then singled home Shirley who had gone to aecodd onBudceta' ground out. The Vildnp P';lt the game out of reach, howe- ver, when they BCOied three times in the fifth on an error and four aingles. Tandem run set NEW YORK (AP) -Frank Shorter, the 1972 Olympic marathon champion, and Kiki Sweisart . the fourth-place women's finisher in last month's Botton Marathon, head the field for today's Trevira Twosome -a unique 10-mile race in which the winning team i.a detennined on the couple with the faatest time. Partners are matched by their ages and their best running times. Some 1,500 couples are entered for the race through Central Park. This ia the fourth year of the race and Shorter's {int appearance since 1980, when he was the sev- enth men's finisher in 48 minutes, 34 seconds. but he and his partner. Joan Benoit. wound up third. The team of Craig Virgin (46.32.7) and Ellison Goodall (53.37.9) won the inaugural race in 1979 with a total time of 1:42.10.6. The winning duo in 1989 wu Herb Lindsay (45.59.8) and Margaret Groo6 (54:29.4) with a combined time of 1:40.29.2. Corona Del Mar's NEWEST CITIZEN Happy Mother~ LIDO DRUGS 5 via Udo • new port beach •phone 67 5.01 50 REPAIRS YOUR HEART WITHOUT SURGERY CHELATION THERAPY* BEFORE Blood vessels Blood vessels obstructed by cleared by deposits (thin Chelation (rich & weak blood & thick blood supply) " supply) STEENBLOCK MEDICAL CLINIC FrM ledvres on Heort DiMaM & Chelation Every Wednetdoy 4 p.m. ·' p.m. Coll for further infonnotlon. (714) 770.9616 PAY~ ~ • • 8 .. 5% PASSBOOK Minimum Aooount t 10.00 • • ... American Home's Mr. Moneys worth says ... your money always earns what's it's worth at American Home Thrift And Loan! laA a QOGM ......,_fTI ~TlllGA111 ALIO A'IAA Aal Atle&an HoaleThrlft and LomA88ocladon IN IUIN• PARK ?m u ....... Aa 827-0333 \ ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2. 1982 NBA twiil hill, Angels on tube • MOUND FOES -Angel Moreno (left) duels · -SCOtt McGregor on TV t!XJay. By BOWARD L. HANDY o<lleDlllJ"'4 ..... Followtna are the top •port.I eventa on TV to- day. Ratinp are: ..,. V' ..-..,. excellent; V' ..-V' worth waich.lna; .... v fair; ..,. foraet lt. ~ 10 a.m., CbanneJ ! v v v v NBA PLA YOFll'S: Philadelphia at Milwaukee. Auoaacen: Dick Stockton and Bill Ru.ell. After a dramatic lut-leCOnd victory Saturday, the Bucks wW try to even their aeries at two garnet apiece. Sidney Moncrief helped Milwaukee win ita first game of the aeries with a jumper at the buzzer. 6 11 a.m., Cba.nnel 5 vvv v BASEBALL: Anaela at Baltimore. Auoaacers: Bob Stan', Joe Buuitta and Ron Fairly. Lakers s eeking Angel Moreno duels Scott McGregor in the lone game the Angels will televjae on their current . road lrip. Moreno ia 2-2; McG~or, '1-2. knockout blow ® 1%:3o p.m .• Cba.nne1i .,,.,,.,,.,, Th ey can clinch series today PHOEN IX (AP) -The L os Angeles Lakers, up 3-0 in a beSt-of-seven Nntional Basket- ball Association playoff series against the Phoenix Suns, appear confident they can deliver the knoc- kout punch here today on national television. "We want lO wrap this thing up as quickly as possible,'' said Laker center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of the Western Conference semifinals. "We want to prove to ourselves that we are the quality team that we think we are." Pacific Division-champion Los Angeles has had an easy time thus far with Phoenix -burning the Suns on consecutive 19-point victories at the Fo- rum. NBA PLAYOFFS: Lakers at Phoenix. AnDO!lDCer: Frank Ghcber. The Lakers can earn themaelves a few extra days off i! they can poliah off the Suns this after- noon. While all other series are at least assured of five games, the Lakers would complete a four-game sweep with a victory this afternoon. OTHER TELEVISION Noon (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -Actor Buck Ta1 lor fishes for striped marlin off the southern Up of the liaja 1-'eninsula. l p.m. (7) -SEATTLE SUPERCROSS -The 1981 Gold Cup Supercrosa. 2:30 p.m . (4) -NBC SPORTS: RINGSIDE - Tony Ayala (18-0), one of the fastest-rising junior middleweight contenders, vs. Steve Gregory (27-2-2) in a scheduled 10-rounObout, taped at Tampa (7) AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. taped at Hawall and the world'• strongest man competition. Alao: A look at 28 years ago lOday I when Stan Muaial hlt five home runa tn a double- header agalnat the New York Olanta. (7) -WIDE 1 WORLD OF SPORTS Heavyweight Oreg Page (18-0) defends hia USBA title aaainat Jimmy Young (30-10-2) In a scheduled 12-round bout taped at , Atlantic City. Aleo: The Hawaiian Mast.era surfing championship. 5 p.m. (7) -GRE ATEST SPORTS LEGENDS - A proWe of 1978 Triple Crown winner Affinned. RADIO Bueball -Angela at Baltimore, 11 a.m., KMPC (710); Montreal at Dodgen, 1 p.m., KABC (790). Basketball -Lakera at Phoenix, 12:30 p.m .. K.LAC (570). PIONEER ~M • .' .. . ~o.:~-= ... I ~-= ..... . =:;:. l ... ~ ii~~o • ''"h l ullon T~ •Muoi< S.orch • ATSC rel' ...... ••I a• • Av•o f j9<t Auto hploy • S.porote lo11 & Treble • Control• • Wllh 'Ion .. , 15167 Coo•lal s..-o~•r• •2,,!?00 , ... IN telletlo" •i••. tt ·----....... , .. _ ... , .. _.., -·••0.•1• -... -•• A •''"tr '"'"' •N<<uot~ 21995 P•H .... _ • ....,..,.,. • SALES & REPAIRS • ACCESSORIES • OJSTOM NSTAUA Do You Need ~elp Hauling, Landscaping, Spring Cleaning, Carpentry and Repair Work ••• BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL has everything you need t o get the job done. WE RENT: Trucks T r ailers Garden Equipment (Lawn Mowera, Rolotlllers, Trenchera) Hand Tools Shampooers Plumbing Equipment and much more . Call BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL " . . . ( • . . . ; In game three of the series here Friday rught, the Lakers recorded a 114-106 win behind the 26-'point effort of forward Jamaal Wilkes with guard Earvin "Magic" J ohnson adding 23 and . AbduJ-Jabbar 22. ----· - "We're p laying very, very well right now." Abdul-Jabbar said. "I don't know if it's the best we can play. but it's close." -3:3-0 p:m. 4) -SPORTSWORLD -Mark Frazie ( 17 -0) vs. Tiger Walke r (9-0-1) 10 a scheduled 10-round JUnaor middleweight frght taped at Tam- pa. Fla. Also. The mixed pairs target diving cla.ss1c. 21570 Morguorlto '"wY • S1.1lto 111 • Min ion Viejo (Avery & Mor91.1orlle) • •• ..,, -. -·•,. °"' , ... , ••s-M33 z• ~!!!il !!!ii !!!5!!!1 i!i!Bi!i!ai!i!ki!i!ei!i!r3!, ECi!i!oi!i!s!!!it ai!i!i!!!!i!M!!!iei!i!si!i!ai!!!!i!iii!ii!!!!i!iii!i5 4!il!!ii5 ii-Sii5iil21i!!l!!!ll!!!ll ' t : --~·?· ' , llTllllClll TIE MITIAI 111111 SYSTEM. All TIE · PEIPlE I lllE IS WllT IE llE TlllY.. ~ figured it was time to take a gcxx1, lo ng look at the whole idea of moving yourself. So we d id.~ took a gcxx1, long listen, too. ~ listened to the problems people encountered when they mo~d them- sel~. And tried to come up with a Jartran rt ll' t ru<. k ~ ft nc. r~u t I m:nJ 111ovi11g pad~. hand truck..'> solution. ~call our Solution the Jartran Moving System. An economical, prac- tical way to move yourself. Our trucks are made for people who aren't truck drivers. Most of them have automatic transmission, radio and bucket seats. Power steering af19 and cl trailer lo really do Truck Rental U1c job right' ix:>Wer brakes. Along with special aero- dynamic Nose Cones~ to improve mileage and handfing. \\e can provide you with light- weight easy-to-tow trailers. Moving equipment like hand trucks and mov- ing pads. You get a complete Moving Guide that tells you how to wrap. pack, tie and tow And a 24-hour toll-free num· ber to call if you ha~ any problems down the road. All that plus a network of dealers all over the oountry, adds up to the Jartran Moving SystE>m. A professional way for an amateL•· mover to move. TIE PlmSllllll. ... 11SfS1DImDE811111 lnD. 11.Jarfran .. .. . ' .. I · .-. ~~) .. ~ -i;I.· ....... . , ., ·' . • . , . .. : . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ltuckRentill --- Ar4AltEIJll Thrifty Rcnt·A<.ar l 099 w Kalt.Ila Ne.. 714177&6.5.52 1)1~ Rentals 1659 W Lincoln 7 14/~1 nvrMrARK Les Orf mes Company 6310 Manchester 81\(1. 714/.52J-062.} COS'R l'IES.4 United Rcnl·All 710W 19thSL 714/645-0760 flJU.DlTOl"t Bryant Rentals 20Jl W Commo~lth /Wc. 714/87Q-6961 Mike's Scrvk:4! Center lJOl S. Harbor 7 14/871"451J ~GROW A·Rentals 10 162 Westminster 6MI. 7l4/5J4.4141 S& H Rentals 994J Garden (ll"('M! 6f'Jd. 714/5»7~00 lfU"fl1NG1m BrAClt Mac's TCJCaCO f'\oicc I~~ 6cad1 61\<l, 7 14~~ ORNM.lE Auto Mobll Service 106.5 6at.avta N. 714/532·2366 rtACl'JmA Dan's rr ~ eo~ w Orangcthorpc 714/~24·3982 S.V.rr.DIW San Pcdm Rcnrals IJ03 N. Qalfey St llJ/831-0J~.f ~Al\\ Naytor's Texaco Penny Rent A Car 2201 W l82nd St. .50JS.OrandNe. 7 14/3~784 7 l4/9~ WfSTlllNTf.R &~Cit)' Rent.at$ All Rentals Inc. 420 HadX)r • ' 7042 Qardcn Ol"CM 61\.d. 7 14/8»522~ 11-V89.>Q5l6 AloM~nt.al 18lt3 Hawthorne 81\(f. 2ll'37o..l318 I ( Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2. 1882 Temple to Mint races • Will LAS VEGAS (AP) -Jim Temple Qf Laa Veau and Rolf Tiblin of Sweden bounced their way to victory in Saturday's Mint 400 Off-Roed delert race, covering the extremely Nepd ~ ln 9 houn, 32 rnlnutai and 29 aeconda. Another Lu Veau resident, JICk Johnlon, tt- nlahed aecond in the 15th runn1nc of the event in 9:69:28. Johnaon wu the overall winner in 1980. The firlt two finishers were the oniy onea to complete the 100-mlle course four times in upder 10 hours. , A total of 443 vehicles, competing in 16 diffe- rent claa9et, left the lt&rting line at 9 a.m. in what la considered North America's largest, richest and roughest off-road race. The vehicles have 18 hours l-0 complete the raoe, meaning competition was to fi.niah at 3 a.m. on Sunday. Other unofficial cl.au winners as of late Sat- urday night included Temple and Tiblin in Claaa 2; Johnson in Claaa 1; Malcolm Vinje of San Diego and Mark Hanlon of F.condido in Class S in 11 :45:06: I BARD WORK -The Orange Coast College junior varsity crew shows the strain of competition d~ Saturday's NeWJ>Ort Regatta Delly Piiot Photo by"ClwlltM Starr on Lido Channel. The Pirates finished third in the race behind California and UCLA. Ivan Stewart of Lakeside and Charlotte C.Orral of Santa Paula in Claaa 8 in 11:49:46; Jack Irvine 9f Rolllng Hilla, and Kit Trenholm of Costa Mesa in Class 9 in 10:28:53; Roger Mortenaon of Thousand Oaks and Russ Welch of Monrovia in Class 1-1600 in 11:51:49; Bobby Neth of Temecula and Tom Neth of Costa Mesa in Glass 1-1600 Limited in 11:01:17; Jim and Lisa Greenway of South El Monte in Class 2-1600 in 11:26:36, and Sandy Turley of La Mesa, and Sharon Julson of Lakeside in Class 2-1600 Li- mited in 11:39:46. OCC clinches title tie Golden West, Saddleback narrow winners • Orange Coast C.011.ege continued ita quest for a third straight South Cout Conference baseball champioruhlp with a shutout over Grosamont to highlight community college action Saturday. In o\her games, Golden West edged Cypress, while Saddleback held off San Bernardino. Here's a look: 30-win seaaon. u the feat ia accom- pllahed, it would mark the tint time any state community coJleae team had done ao. Golden w .. t 2, Cypr ... 1 The Rustlers, the undefeated champlona of the first round, puahed OCC 4, Qroumont O • The Pirates (29-6 overall, 14-3 in BASEBALL the South Coast C.Onference) clinched IN COMMAND -Or-a t least a tie for the conference c h championship for the third year in a ~ their iecond..round mark to 5-3 wt th a an g e 0 a 8 t r i g t • hander Jack Reinholtz row. tight victory over the visiting Char-shut out G~mont on The Bual can pome91 outright claim gen. to the title by beating San Diego Mesa Rob Meyen abut down Cyprees on · six hits Saturday. at home Thuraday afternoon (2:30). just four hits in winning bis eighth · Saturday, it was the left arm of game of the season. The only run Jack Reinholtz that propelled OCC to Meyen yielded came in the top of the victory. Reinholtz, in going the d.la-third on a run«X>l"ing double by Alan tance, threw only 91 pit.chea and at Geldbach. one stretch had retired 13 batten in a Golden West tied the count in the row. fourth u Chuck Spiegel walked with It was the fourth complete game of one out. took third on a singJe by Curt the year for the Ocean View Wgh GervU and rode home on St.eve Mo- product and improved hla numben to rello's RBI ling).e. 8-2 wt~ a l .77l:RA. The RustJen went in front in the Offenaively, the Pirate. pounded bottom of the eighth aa Bob Granda- out 14 hita but left 13 runners stran-taff si.naled, Chuck Spiegel walked ded. They did 1COtt a pair of rum ln and au1a Schultz delivered a hue hit the first inning, though, to stake to bring in Grandstaff. Reinholtz to an early ie.d. Schultz's bit extended bia hitting Mike Carozza started the game by streak to 21 games. &lapping a single to left and he went to Meanwhile, Meyers wu in com- third when second baseman Rick mand throughout, walking two and Hopkins followed with a single to striking out six. The aophomore righL Two outa later right fielder Jett right-bander retired the Charaen in Brown drove both runners home order in the ninth to end the game. when he doubled over the center Golden West, 24-5 overall, visits fielder's head. Los Angeles City College Tuesday. The Pirates went on to add two more insurance tallies in the eighth. Sbortatop Scott Groot 8COl'ed th, first • 1"¥1 when he singled to left, stole ae- cond, and came home on catcher Darren Puskarich'• double to center. Puakarlch then moved to third bue on a fly ball tQ right by Scott Darling and acored on Dave 'Ilnoco's sacrifice fly to center. 'nle Bual, with 29 victoriee, are just one win shy of_ their third strahrht Saddleback 5, 8. a.rnardlno 3 The Gauchos (15-6) maintained their lead in the Southern Diviaion of the Miuion Conference aa George Bonilla improved his leque record to 7-1 with a victory over t1le Indiana. Bonilla worked eliht lnningl-plus (he worked to ooe better in the ninth) before betna .relieved by Gary F.uley, who eamea the save. UCI -sweeps Diablos Junior Mike Rupp belted a grand &lam home run in the opener and ad- ded a three-nm blast-in the nightcap to lead the UC Irvine ~ team to a double-header sweep of visiting Cal State Loe Angelea in Southern Call- fornf a Bue ball Auociation acUon Saturday afternoon. In the opener, won by Irvine 9-6, the Anteaters bad to overcome a 5-0 deficit. They did it by scoring two runa in the bottom of the aixth and aeven more ln the aeventh. Rupp hit his grand slam with one out in the aeventh to .:o&"e the tint four runa and then outfielder Ron Cumminp added to more tallies with hia aeventh home nm of ~ aeuon. Curt Ruther, who relieved atarter Dennia Cowan ln the fourth lnnlna. allowed only one run and aix hits during hia five inninga of work t-0 improve hia record to 2-0. In the niahtcap, Rupp homered again to help stake UCI to a 4-0 fint- innin1 advantage, but the Diabloa scoreCi nine runa from the four- through«xtb fnmm to ... m>e a 9--6 teed. The Anteaten pulled it out when they parlayed a double two .maJea. an error and three waib into four runs. The third walk. in fact, forced aero. UCI'a winnina tally. Rupp finlahed hia day's work going 2-for-~ at the plate with three wal.k:a, two home runa and nine RBI. The victory improved UCI'a l"flCX)rd to 26-23-1 oVera11, 9-11 in the SCBA. CSLA dropped to 14-31 and 5-15. UCI'a next game wW be Tuetlday when the Anteaten h0tt Cal State FullertDn at 2:30 p.m. Gilder leading by three DALLAS (AP) -Bob Gilder composed a fr o nt -running, 3 - und e r -par 67 and stretched his lead to an impressive three shots Saturday in the third round of the Byron Nel- aon Goll Claaalc. Gilder. winner of two titles in seven years of PGA Tour activity. took advantage of another day of near-ideal 11COring conditions to compile a course-record score of 199 for 54 holes. That's 11 shots under par on the Preston Trail Golf Club coune that baa been robbed of its natu- ral defenses by the ab- sence of wind and has yielded the lowest ecores in the 15 years lt has played hoat to the tour- nament. By war. of con- trast, last years event, played in more typical windy and stormy wea- ther was won with a l~er-par total. This time, gray and gloomy skies have threatened on a dally buis but failed to pro- duce the violent weather ao common here. lnatead, the temperatures have been very mlld with wind.a mere gentle bree- i.es. "Absolutely perfect conditions -no wind, the greens soft and holding," said Curtis Strange, who had his .econd 65 of the tourna- ment and moved into aecond at 202. 11vu M•y 22, 1982 Fish&. Chicken Dinner Onlj •239 Get two gn:at tastes In our Fish & Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a cfiapy flah fillet and two tender whltemeet Chicken Pi.nks.• served with freah cote slew and golden f ryes. ~ -HA890R kVD. coaT•••• ..... louet\Of Sift D1etO Frwy. Aoroll ,,... 'edoo Shields takes first Freshman Holly Shields of Golden West Col- lege was the only area swimmer to capture a first- place honor on the third and final day of the com- munity college swim championships at Cerritos College Saturday. Shields posted a time of 1:01.41 in the 100-meter backstroke which enabled her to tie Annette Dianda of Chabot for first-place laurels. Other top area finishers included: Saddleback College's Paul Newallo, who fi. nished second in the 200 breaststroke (2:06.34); Sadd.leback's David Neault, who finished fifth in the 200 backstroke (1:58.12); and Golden West freshman Doug Burchell, who finished second in the 1,650 free (1 5:57.18). SO ELEGANT! GLAZED ITALIAN QUARRY TILE! ALL PAlTERNS 25% OFF! Choose bHutlful, practical, Italian quarry for floors, walls and counters. Right for any room, any motif, or any lifestyle. Magnificent aelecUon of colors and de- signs. Oven-fired glezes stay gorgeous - never nHdl waxing! Re,. t.29-1.s9 97c .}\~. SALE PRICF.S - The unofficial winners of seven clasaes had not been detennined by late Saturday night. Daniel stumbles BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -Beth Daniel stumbled off a record-setting opening round of 64, losing a 4-strok.e lead Saturday but then righted herself to stay two strokes ahead of Patty Sheehan after two rounds of the LPGA Birmingham Clasmc. Daniel, leading money winner on the tour for the Past two veara .. olaved the final nine holes in 4-under-par 32 for an 18-hole score of 70 and a two-round total of 10-under 134. Sheehan, winner last week at Orlando, conti- nued her steady play to move into second pl.ace with an 8-under 136. YOU'LJ. LOVE OUR NEW SPRING WALLCOVERINGS! All NOW 25% OFF! Give every room• fresh, new look durtng our spring walrcovertng aalel Pre-pasted vinyls In a fabulous selection of pastel florals, bold stripes, vibrant prints and subtle solids. -.Woven graucloths, tool Easy to hang-save time, effort and money. Reg. 5.95 -19.95 446 1496 SALE PRICF.S -S/1' SAVE 25% ON MOSAIC TILE- FOR WALLS, FLOORS AND COUNTERS! When you redecorate your bath, give It • new look with mosaic tile. Great .. 1ec. Uon of Intricate patterns •nd shape• -all the latHt decorator colors. Permanently glazed ... and mounted on shHta for eaay lnstellatlonl Reg. 99~-3.99 74c 299 SALE PRICF.S -IHHT ova SM ru. •Mn" AllO WALLPAPD MUMAITS COAST TO COAST SANTA ANA 2801 So • Bristol Sl WESTMINSTER 15191 Beach Bodevlfd SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Strff t COSTA reESA 2221~ ......... ( .......... , (lw-) 557-1324 898-3388 547-7781 645<:1126 \ ~ • • .· ·~ MAJOR L.IAGIW ITANDIMG8 ~-L=• W L Pct. Qll 1f 7 ··-12 I .IOU 2'Ao 11 •. 650 , .... 12 11 .122 4 11 13 .461 ..... • 14 .311 1 • 12 .w 1'Ao ....... ~ 14 7 14 • 10 • • 11 . " • 13 • 13 ............... .N7 - .ae "' .6M 2'Ao .421 5 . 421 5 .311 a .318 1 M9e1al, ~ 4 (I,.._.) Oeiland I,~ 2 809tOn 8, T-I ( 12 lnnlngl) C>Wolt I, Ctllcl8go 2 Mlweull•l.~5 ~City 8, Toronto 1 ..... Yotll 6. s..c1le I T..,..._.. A•t•I• (More no 2-2) al 9eltlmore (MoCJnoot 1·2) 8H lll• (lannle1a r 3·0) al Haw York (Qulclr'y t-1) T-(Meolcl\ 1·2) a1 8oeton (lie*_. ~-~land (K-..gfl 2·21 al~ (Walt9 0-2) O.olt (Morrtl 4-t I at Clllc'aOO C~ 4-ot Mllwa11kaa (La rcll 1·0) al MlllnH ota CW--2..0) Toronto (Clancy 1 ·21 at Kan1H Clly (L-d2·11 ":='~ 51. LOIAe Montreal IMw Yotll PltlallUtQfl =c.,.... W L II • 14 a 11 11 10 11 8 12 10 14 ......... ~ ' 14 • 10 • 10 11 • • 11 • 14 a 14 Pct. 08 :127 -. 700 I .500 5 . 478 5~ . 421 l 'Ao .417 7 .eae - .561 2 .47t 3~ .421 ..... .3'4 0 .300 1 Murr91.~ It Cooper ......... II Yount,.,._.• 13 ~.Minn. II Herrafl, ~ It Mc9r1da. ~ 14 11onM11. T OtOftlO 17 NATlOMAL LIAGW QM9'N .... Woode. C111CeOO 15 54 7 21 -* ar-. 8'. L.oUla 21 .... 4 11 .M4 lilorelllWld, CHceeo 22 '3 • 30 .:se 1 Jon-. &In OlaoO 17 ... 20 It .362 Colloepelon, CINI. 20 n 11 27 .Ill LAIMlrrr .. ~21 1$ 11 29 .Mt Thompaon, Pitt. It 71 It M .a-47 t,Mw, a.n FrMCilCO 12 3t 4 13 .$42 ~NY 21 57 1 11 .333 o.M. ,.,..,.,,,.... .. "14 42 3 14 .S33 .......... ....... , ....... .,....,. 2. MontNal 1 CindMell 10, 8t. LoW I San francleco I , ..... Yotll 3 HouAon I. PlnMMall 3 CtllCego 5, Altmnta f -K~ • .._ Yofll, I ; Thomplon, Pttta- l>Urgll. 7; MIKJ)fly, Allalll&. 7; Hornet, Al· 1an1.a, a: M«eAanct. CNcaoo. 5; Olel. PMe- delptlla. 5. San DlaoO t, Pt.~ .. .-.... a 1 T..,._0-.. ~ (Aogmr9 .. ,, at ~ (Walch 3-01 • St. Louie (Martin 2·2 and Mura 2·0) al CindMall (Mca ().() etlCI LalbtWldl 0-'~ 2. Hou1ton (J. N .. kro 2·1) at Plllab11rg11 (Orlflln ,_,) ChlCIOQ (~ 0;2) Ill Atlanta (Walt 2.2) .... ~«It c.i-'2. ' lllld l ynctl 0-0) al San Frendleo (Holllnd '~ and ~ '~ 2. PNladelpflla (KNk-1·2) at l!lall DleOO (Curtla 2..0). AMOICAN L.IAOW ~ .. 0Nlee4 C~ ULT9IOM .,.... ., ..... o-N'lg0 II I 0 1 0 lumbty, cl 5 t I 0 ""°""°· pr 0 ' 0 0 0.-, 21> 4 2 ' 2 a.ti, II I 0 0 0 111ng11n. dll I 0 t t Lynn, Cf 3 1 I 1 E. ~. lb 5 0 0 0 C.-, lb I I I 0 i.-.cn, II 5 1 1 1 -=*-•11 3 I 1 I ford,11 I 0 0 0 8eMQUZ. 11 1 1 1 0 Sabia. • 3 0 I 0 e.ya. dfl • 1 2 3 Alp&an. $1> 3 0 0 0 Qridl, 211 8 0 0 0 ~. pfl I 0 0 0 0eCnoa. at> 5 0 I 0 Bonner, • 1 0 t 0 FOi.ai 5020 oemp.y,c 3000 Boone, c I 0 0 0 Nolltl, c 2 0 0 0 ToWI 47 I 10 I Totalll ~ 4 I 4 c.llornla ": ~ ~ 100 2 -• e.iomor. 100 002 000 100 0 -4 LOI -c.llornla t , IWltrnof-a I. 29 -~:..c:;,. Beytor. 38 -Downing. HA. -2. 0.-I, L-*'1 3. e.ylor 4. 88 -Lynn 2. S -FOii, O.U.. sF - Lynn ~ fond! AMalW.2·1) ~ •Mt1111t•ee> ..... 4 4 4 2 5 ~20 0 2 3 8'9Wlln 114441 T . .__ (L,G-3) :S 3 2 2 0 3 91""'*-1 I 0 0 0 0 .....,, pild*' IO 2 """9 In the 1""- H8P -9y Fcndl (...._);by T. ~ ~ynn). T -3:11. A -2:3,27t. .._. .. ,....... ....... 010 000 06()......t • ' ~ 022 000 01o-6 I I Vuc:acMc:tl. :.€: 1'1 and ..,_., Yo.t; ....,,., Cor1l9Ct ,.,..~~Mara. W-Yuotco'lldl, 2. L 0-2. 8- flnoa<e (4 ). H"-Mllwaull ... Mon., (31. T'-1M (I).~ Veoa(2). A-2Ut t. ......... ...._.. T-000 120 OOf 001-8 11 I lo9ton 020 200 ooo 002-4 1a 1 HoneycUtt, c-(I ), Darwin 1121 ancs INldt*g; ~ Sl8ni9y (5). a-(t) and AllenaMI. W-O!Mr, 2 ·I. L --<::oi'Nf, 0-I· HA-T-. $.rldberg (2). Boston • ...,_ (I). A-S2.713. A'el, ....... I ~ OtO 003 001-1 • 0 ~ 002 000 000-2 • 0 ~ UtMtelwocl (II Md HMlfl: ..,.._ -·er-(I).•~ 1e1i.-~· flad'lllll, W--.IOnM. S-1. L-• 2·2. &-UndafWOOd (2). HA-<>ekllrld. 0.-(2). A-20.tM. .,..... ........... OW-oil 010 110 200-6 • 0 ~ 200 000 000-2 7 0 PMl')I, PIOHllla (7) and Pamati; ~. HIGk•Y (7) and Hiii. w -Petry, a.2. L-ocneon. 1-3. a-...-111. HR-o.troet. PlfTWI (2). A-17 ,3M. ., .............. 1 leMlle oo0 000 001-1 t I ...., YOltl 000 000 Olll-5 t 1 ....... tNMon (II. v ...... (II. c-. dlll (I) and IHl•n: Moreen, 'iufw 111. ... '#My (t) Ind ()etOM. W-fruter, f-0. ... Ille, 0-2. HR-.._ Yotll. lfMllty (t). A-20,111. MA110IW. ...... Dita, .. ..,.., ..,.. L09 .... . , .. ,.. ., .... ---· ''': .... 4000 ,....,aaot ~.1i. 40 1 o ..... 4iit ...... ···: C.W,t • tt 0 ..._,lf4 0 I ,01111M.lf ••••1,,__.,,ooo E ru 1 I o1 OW, a I 0 I 0 • tt •t ...,,.,rfltOI ...... tttt ~t It i O ,...., .... , ..... . '1t Ottt •1000 ' •• • • .• 0. 0 c::l!Jl t···'1 ~· 1010 ~-)"I, E5 1 t 1 I • J' •• ,, • 0. ,,_t t,lt ,_ 101 .......... ~=-· I: ··--· .,,_ ~··°"""·~-'·&49 ----... • -0"9'~ ..... ;_I ~rr11,. -; • tll:. ; ~ ·"1 ii ·lj ~ p~..1-"9.T-A,! ~ ..... ............ c.....t c~ 001 ooO 000-1 • o Ooldmrl w. 000 100 0111-2 • 2 tnln .0 HIGM· flMyere Md ICfMlttJ.. w~-Mayen Ct·2). L~-twa ln . • G• •ctt (Ct. ...... (OW). Of91111tC.-... •• ar.,.. Co.t 200 000 ot0-4 14 awww110111c ooo ooo 000-..0 I 1 ReiftllOtU •Ml ''*'atlell; lllenlall -~.-. .__._ COOC)....,.. (GI."'-" Wtd\COOCJ. • •. ....... w .... led• •ta 220 001 ooo-t " 2 ..,, ...... dlllo 001 000 OOl-1 • ' 8oftlM. ~J: _. ll'Wlll: ...... Md ~ •••.• ,.~.~.-:tm: ~~ 8TMD9IGI '""' CeMI CHiii ii DI ... -=. COllll ;: : '" ..... .,. 11 I I ,... 1 •• ... lllftAl!tollll • • 7 t".=...... f ~~ '~ ............ Or-. 0.-~=• I IC 0 ..... AMt4. 4 ...... N*llO '· ............. ...... ,,,;;.. .. ,-:.:-:. ~ ......... .... Gl .......... o..... ..... oc.=:•.,. .. , ••• , ---.... . .. ... ,. . ~ 14 f 1 ... '°"' • 11 • ............... caw tt • ......... tO 11 • ........ oc 1 .... 0..-, • 11,, .............. II S • 1Nc* I, l.wl 9ltlwdlrlO I ..._... 00 •• ten.dlto 00 • Qllrwl ...... . ...... ...... ~210011,1111111 lo11tllWHl•r11 I , Chatley t . Crat• ~··""'&:: T -·---=1111 .... t•r•~--bo•lecf Flll II ........... a... .....--~ .~ (al Cemlila c.ee> ..... 1,uo w-1. o.t11eM ~ tt:4t.»: 2. llnNI (Golden W.C). 16;17.11; '·Car· .., CWwt VlllM. 11:11.23. 4. ICelllnO CW• Vatl•rji tt:U .51 , 5. Wiiton (CyprHa), ta:sa.n • 100 11 .. -1. Mtdcllalon (DlablO VallaY). 45.18; 2. 8ul'* ( CWeet YlleY>, 41•=· Van l..anlngllem 1W-' Ylllw(). 4US; 4. (Santa Monica ). 41.t't; II. Moore ( H t Y~47.lt. 200 b aok-I '•"" (Olablo Valle~) • 1:54.ta; 2. ar.bowllll Cfulanon), t:&o.71; a. 8nodgra" (Chabot). 1:58.at; 4, Mllo~I lWHI V•ll•y). 1:57.113; II. Naaull Saddla«W*). I :51. 12. 200 brH•l-1. Moeller (WH I Valley), 2:0I. 18; 2. ......., (Saddre net). 2:oe.a..; 3. lollroadar (CCJleoa Of leqlm). 2:0I. 11; 4. Mew .. (LA Valley), 2:11.211; 5. BrlOgeman (Cohoe of SeQuolf). 2: 10.14. 200'11y-t. Qu ell (American l'llvar), t:M.42; 2. Tellord (Ot-11. 1:15.07; ~. Betney CSaddlel>adtl. 1 S6 27, ~. Gr""""*" (I.A Plerwj. t:M.31; I. CatW CW-Valty). u1.eo. 3-nleter dMng-t. Redman (PllYernkM). 4H. 10 f.olnt1; 2. Elll1on (8addlebaCk), ..U.65: . 81#\0 (Sin [)Iago ~ 40UO 401.40: 4. FcieW tlllablo Vlllw(). 5 . .,...., CW• Yalty). 3116.36. <100 tr'M r-..,-1, West V...,, 3:06.at, 2. Olal>lo v....,, 3 oe 03. 3 c11abol. 233. • Sant• Monica. 3 09 21; 5 OolO•n WHI, 1:11.IO . Teem Scor.: I. Weal V'*1/, 372 poll'IW: 2. Olablo Valley. 244; 3. Cllebot, 2U: 4'' SadOlaOack, 228; 5 OolcMn Wnal, 121, t . Santa Monica, t 0 I; 1. CoCMoe of &equol4. tS, I (µONINlf\I. 8$, 8 Fullerton. 70 10 MOOMI0,11. ·-200 madlay rel•y-1. Oleblo llnlley, 1:63.47; 2. fOO(NI, 1:54. 70: 3. &lnla Plona. 1:111.00; 4. Cuaett. 1:115.12: 5. ModellO. 1:17.12. 100 1r-1. p.tld90ll (Sen'*"° ..... ~ 52.tt; 2. Kent (El c.t!*\01. 63.21. s. a.iwect (OlablO Valley), 54 .... <I. 8'nllll (MocleelO), 54.13: 5. lklr1on (Santa "-lo 51.06. 100 baell-t. (ti•) Oland• (Chabot). ~ fQoktW1 Watl). 1:01.41; 3 . ...,.__ !her (MM!n). l:Ot.113; 4. Updlun:lll (San~ 00 Mena). 1:03.53; 6. llmet1 (BakereAlkl), 1:04 40. 100 iwe.t-1. Wolfe (Moda9IO). 1.07.57; 2. Saatcamp (Foollllll). l:Ol.OI; $. St-(Weet Valley), 1.10.'2, 4. Vendl (Ola bto llal .. YI. 1:11.32; 5. MayM (Sa nta Aoaa). 1:11 . .U. 100 tty-I. Oa¥klton (kn OlegO MMe). 57.17; 2. Kaflla \Ola~ ValleV), H .11; 3 OlallOa CQolboe). -00.04; 4. ~ (Can'ltOll. 1:00 21: s. eernen i-. .....,,. 1:00.11. I-mater dlvln,-1. Hawkin• ~lablo y~ 4:04.00; . °"~i:;' alleYI. 1:41.21, 3. HugllMnkR ( 1:-tll.fl:t; 4. 0.-IWeM Y'*'I). 3:218.44; . """9tl (lllen'•). 3:28.04. 200 ha t911\1-1 Olaolo V'*1/. 1:40.12; II. a.... 1:41.51; ,. Modeslo. l:Aa.28; 4. Cdlngn ot 1ec1UC*. t'4Ut: 5. Ooldmrl w.t. 1:44.U. T-Scot-. I. Dtal*> V'*1/, 121 pOlf\111: 2. San Olago ~ 20t; a. FOOChll. 141: 4. OolOen WMI, 131.5; 5. Mod•IO, 124: a. Santa Aoa&. 1 lt. 7. C-ta. tS; I Cell.a. of 8eq11ole, H ; t . Weet Valle y, 91T fu OnflOt c:o.t. 13. ~echoot . ...,.... ......... " 100-1. Y....,. (Ml. 10 I, 2. ~ (M), 10 3; 3 f9*oa (W). 10.6 220-1. Y....,. (M). 22.t: 2 Hudaon (M). 23.3: 3. ~ (W). 23.5. 440-1. MorOlfl (M}. 63.1; 2 laz.anc JW). &5. 1; 3. TtMlble (M). 67.0. NO-I. fw-(W). 2:07.3; II. AmWIJOnO (W). 2:11.0: 3. Brown (M). 2;14.7. ...._,. Mlddlllon (W). 5:01.2: 2. Oolderl (W). S:ot.2: a . .._ (W). 5-15 1 . 2~1. Wiiton (W). 10:35.7; 2. ,.,_ (W). tct.M.7; a. Golden~ 11:o:s.a. 120HH-1. ,lynll ( , 18.51; 2. Marting (W). 11.&1; a. Heiney tu. :)30LH-1. ScflerlMfllorn (W), 40.1; 2. Louno (W). 40.t; 3. Mor01f1 (Ml.41.7. 440 Nley-I. WooclbftOlle. d 7. ... Nley-1 ...... 3:11.4. HJ-I. Hayl'le (W), M ; 2 Motga/I (Ml. f-4;3,noltllrd. LJ-1. Evant (M), 20·4: 2. Pllllllpe (W), 1M; 3. C'*'9 (W). 17·5. PY-'1. n,M (W). 11-1; 2. WWO (W). to-+, 3. no tfllrd. U-1. Joflnaon (W), 42·3. 2. WNtaelde (W). ,..... 3. Pannebaker (W). 374. . OT-t. PenneMk4f (W). 112..0: 2 JoM-aon (W). 10&-e; 3. Wllltnalde (W). 10 t .10. ...... COWIOS , ............. ) 100-t. Kellay(UCI), 12.; 200-1. Tilompaoft CCIUM). tU; 400-1. KaooM (Unartaclled). 11.2; I00-1. W ... (UCI), 2:11.7; tOOl.H-1. Lofton CUCll, 1&.0; 400Ui-t. AuPe1 ICf"Pl. t:Ol.I : 1,100-1. tottomley (UCI), ~:H.t; l ,000-1. Keller (CIUN), 10:11.'t; 1,000-1. L-(UClll). 11:$1.0; 400 relay-I. Cal IL Nof1twtd9e, 41. 1, Mii• ralay-I. Cal Poly ,0111ona. 4:0l.t ; LJ-1. lall (C,P), 11·11\t; I P-1 .Jollneon (0,,), U -0 14; JT-1 . Wintermute (~), 112.1; HJ-1. Hel>C>tlfd (llU8). M ; OT-1. Wrwri (CPI'), 114-11. ~IO fMlll w1t11 UC lrWla, Cll Poky ,04Nlfta. cal ttata NonllfidOe, ~tti«n UWi MM1. UC __..,.and Aw PlllCMo). ... ~ ............... .,, ......... 100-t. Kedlll IM>. 1 U ; 220-1. 1111rton (WI. 27.t ; 440-1. 811111011 CM), 1:00.I ; "6-1. I( .. (W). 2:34..4; .,...._,, ~ (W). 1:21.1: ~··,..,. (W). 11!41.0: HOU4-t, Glddlfte (W). 17.1: 11«.M-1. OlddeM (W). au: 440 f1MY-1 • .....,.., 11..4: ... ,.._I, .......... •1•.t: HJ-1. 1C1M11 (W). f-4; u-t. JoflMOtl (~7-t; 2. o.tlld'9t (I). 1Wl TJ-1. ICllWli M-1: IP'-1 . .._ (W). 244; OT-I, (W). 71-1. Orange Ooaa1 DAILY PILOTl8unday, May 2, 1982 .. ·'°"'"~ , .. ,......., Ce91ee) ._..... ...... f a ddelly (Ot1no• Coul) dal Kiin• (Otangt CoMt~:;.:...e;:: Fedderly (Orang• Cou t) def. 8r1dley COr--'I). 2..e, 1-4. 7-6. ........ ~ Bra11n·Allatortk (Orane• CoH ll def Mauz.,romma (Oroaemont). 0-4, 5-1, 9.4, Kallogo_·POnc:e (1'111 .. rto11) oet. fHderlY· eonte (Qtange CoMI). 1.e, 6-3 . OellMMPIMI a ra11n·Allator11r. cOranoa Cou ll dal. KellOog-Ponce Cf1111etlon), a.2. 3-1 ...... Team &oorea. I, Otanat eo.1, zt pOlftt9; 2 01011mon1. 2<1, 3 fUltarton, 13; ~ San Otego MMa, 7; I . Ml. 81n Antonio. I: I . C«rltoa. I; 7. Senla ""4. S ....,..COWllMMC8 ~ ~._.:r.cc:> 91aok1tona (laddleb1a~~1:ar. Hunte r (Al¥w1ildel. 1-4, 7 ·I: So1bner (8e4CllDa<*} daf. Farland (8an Bernardino). l •O. 1·2: Ste pll1 n1 (Saddlebaclo.), def Ora u (8addlaba ck), 7-•. 4·1, 7·1: Ol1111tHd (~I def LlaYWI (PakHMI}. M . a..o Miiier (&addlet>ack) def. lflCl{ak.M#lla cc11N.1. 6-4. 2.e, 9.2; 8trot>I CSadlllebec*l def. LAa11a (laddlabee*). 9-1. M . ~ ........ Cl11H (Alvet1lda) da l. llaoll1tona l8 addleback), 1·4, 3-1. e-a: 8c1tbna r Sad<llabadl) def Ollvl« (San DleOO CC). 9-2, 8-1; Ol!Mlaad (Saddlebac*) IM! ... p11a111 (Saddleback), 1.0. t -2: Strobl (Saddlal>aCk) IMf. Miier (SadOlel)adl). 6-4, a.2. ~.,....... LHll•·Orau (SeOd .. back) d•I Ycman-O eV 111 (San •arnerOlno). 1-2, 8· 1; •Olm•l••d·Mlllar (Saddla bac k) def . Sa11dknop·Cralg (Pelomar). 7 -8. 7-6, Bl"kt1ona-S1apllan• (Saddl•OICkl O•I tWQllM·-1--lo l>-U, -· l)Uoot-18Crlbner (8a ddlebaclll del. Catala no· Ate6anO (San e.rnarOlnO). e-1, e-2. ............ 0..... Lnalie-OWU CSaddlet>a<'ltl def OlmllMd-Mlller CS.Odlabadll. 3-t, ~. t-2, llttobl· Scribner (8addlabackl def. ll•clo.t1one-s1.-CSedOlabae*I. 6-3, 7..e. ,..,... ........ ,.,_... ........ GaDOal (Hiil oef. Halllted, ... I; t. Sc:atleltl. 6-7: I Ceo.~; def Srnlttl. e-2: Bamatd (HI) -· M , .. 1 ... 2. W ; MOr-(H8) won, 5-2, e-2. 9-4, 1-3, Oaftz (Hiil won, l-0, 9-4, !oat. I ... 2 ... 0..-.. ~(Hl)t.er--ci-. 1-4, 2.e. Clef. Cumu11 .. A1lta. a..o ... 2: Carroll· Cr.,.,,.,. (HBI IOa1, ...... M ; -· 8-3, M . I I 5 l IM MV., C:..-.... UV. ........ Warner (CM) def Aguirre. 9·1, loel to PTlem. 4-e, Iott to Le. 2-4. def Pr.OU, M : Tran (CMI won. t-3. loll. 4-e, 0-8, won, 9-1; Kogia (CM) IOlt, ..... M , 2-4. won, 8-3; L. PTlem (CM) 10a1. 9-7, 0-8, 0-8. won, .. 2. 0.-... l'llctley~ (CM) llOlt wllll Yl·-Ouonll. 1·1. 0-4. dei Alnrai-'rrou11g. I · 1, l·O . Smllll·Slmmon1 (CMI 1011, 4·1, 2·8, won, .. I, 9-2. 0.-... MacrH -Conkay (NH) 1plll wltll Ewing· Soldet, 9-4, M , loet to PY~. &-7, 4-4; ~(NH) !oat. e-7. 1-t. u . M . 1..11e1M11 ...... "'"'· C ;I • -Y..., 11"' ...... SMntz (L81 !Ott to Miid, 11·7, def, Lln4· etrorn. 9-2, dal. WllfMlm. 7 ·I . cSaf. Tlllbe-OeaO. 9-t; 11oetwn« (LB) Iott. 1 ... won. M . 1.e. 1.e; Cot-' CL.ll loet. '-'· 3-t. 1 ... won. W , 8Nmflllld (1.8) IOlll. M . -· 6-1, M , 9-1. o.lllM Cepoellonoo-P'er!Y (LB) eplll wttll Flnden· Hein. 8-3, ..... def. ~-kvaa. M . W ; lrendW<Oleftda CLBJ IOat, 2-t, 2 ... 3-4, M . -· . ........,..., t•a..1111 ...... ) OMo .. Id .... 1t.OO ..... IM«= 17.00 ,.., Ml I I.AO ...... ,.. .... 4,W.W~I. ""'""1nll; .. ~ .,, ""',.,. _ .. • .., cwi-1: •. ~ ~ 10. e..-coy't .wr. 11 e1 l@a, 1a w.-ino Mon• .,ell, I) ena.ai-la. 14. _.. ~. 16 Mul lO Laadef. " 8old 81)'1•: 17 WOlfle Raec;;. 11 """" OI__,, fl. Aa.i Dw• TMNI UCL Ona mlle i-e· • CocM II Man (On#IOY) 11.40 10.20 5.to MultJ ~ (Crogfwl) I I.to 7.00 Bon BU cw-na> 3.to Al .. raced: 0..., Woode, C9" Oullalne • Hlarloua "'"· 9ryen, c.lgary. TW-2".01~ • IXACTA (,._2) p.id l 14UO. """"" uca. Ona llllla i-e. TequOa8W(WIOamal UO UO 2.20 .,_, KOiie (~ uo 2.20 T1ma --· "'°" ~ 2.40 Al•o raoad: Aandom Wl11d, r;::::_·• KnlGlit 8r-.nclnCI ltOn. &ramble acir Tfme: l:M 2/!. • UACTA (1·31p.id110.tO -. • rte« .. ~2·1) p.id 11.13<1.40 .... 17 ~ ~ (ebL '*-1-S2 ""* Siii ooneolatlon p.id 125.40 .... * WCnntllO llcilela CllYa hofena) moHTll MC&. Ona mlle i-e Wlntano (..._,,) t.20 4.IO 4.to MK Adloe A(~ 7.00 4.IO Plncll .. (PwMr) 4..20 Al .. raoed: Cool Gay. Captain Knigllt. hi* fifty. Reoollnl. Moody 81ua, A\M Gotd. TlrM: 2:00 315. a UACTA (1~) p.ici 144.20. ~ MC&. Ona mlln .... Otlt(Todd) 1.40 uo 2AO T1ma Tr-(~ UO 3.to NorOal Tryu (-...ti) 3.00 Aleo r..ct: Kantuc*Y King. Trancty Tru, "'-" 8conlall l\llftbow, JlnVfl'f M«' I Miii. Time: Ut2/5. ti DACTA fe-3} p.id ..... IO TSlfT'N MCa. Ona m7e .... MonteNy "-(lekar) I.AO UO UO Mlol!Ml'n Tllll'I' (Mllt•n-1 5.20 UIO M(to/e ~ (Mrrnlnl I.AO Alno raced: Lynn'1 ~ c-oodltY. &4ly For You, T~. To u... T,... IUNHl#IW. Time: 2:011/1. a UACTA (2-6) p.id 12t.20. IUVSwnt MC&. Ona m7e ~ e.ry ....., CONndy) auo 1uo 1.40 8'arrlly Altadl...., 4.00 3.00 Sclloler cw---1 :i.eo Aleo racaO. Ula Time, NotM Piing, SCIW1<· .11-. Home a--. I.a 8peOee Time: 1:51. It HACTA (W ) p.id 1210.40. Attano-. ,,242, ltoltnloGd,.,. aATUFlhrt ..... T9 (7111 el..., ................ ) lllMT MCC. One rn7a. C'-1<.,'1 OtONin I Plere4il 111 40 t.20 4 to C1Ub FUii (CllMrW) 14.00 tOAO Ed'• OynMty CUllOk) ~ Aleo~ l"lotllc: lt.nt, Mlel"• Stnir, M._ Glleft•'• OrHlll, ,, .. Duty, Muolla PllH . 8ubdMOa Tlmr.I~ n-.> MCS. Ona mne. Bed ... t..uoy , ... , 11.00 1.20 1.20 LYM'• ffl'lllf CMcCanonl 2.tO 2.40 0.. 'rwdfl ... ) uo NltO r-e ,,._ r-. ,.,._ CorMt. ... ...... T1tMt 1:17118. • IUCTA Cl-ti• -.SO, 1113 PQA tour edl.dute (.,.,u.I) Jan ._,,Joe GaraQICJla.Tuceon °""' .. Jan 13· 16. Glen Camo«>ell·LOI Angelee ()pan J ell lt-23, Bob Hope 0.H<I CIHflC Palm Spnnga Jan. 27 -30. l'tlowll• Open Feb 3·0. 8lng Croeby N111on1I Pro-Am, Pebble Beactl . Feb. 10-I 3. Hewallan Open Fall 17-20. Wlci<H·Andy Wllll•m•·St n Diego Open Feb 14-27, 0«....eaat«n Open, Miami .,..,en 3.e. Honda .,,_.ary caa-c:. u..- dert\111, Fta Mnrch 10.13, B•y Hiii Claaate, Oflendo, Fla ' Merell t 1·20, USFl.G Clnulc, Naw Or· --MW(lll 24-27. T~t ~ C"- piONhlp. Ponte Vaclta, Fie M•rcll 31·Aprll 3, OrHler Graen1boro Ooen. Aprlt 7°10. Ma.tllfl. AUQUlla, Ga. AprM 14·17. SM Plnee-He<llage Claeelc • Hlllon Head !eland. S C Apt11 21·24, MOHY·T~ cA er..... piona, RancflO I.a Colla Apt1121·24. T...,_ ()pan April 21·M•y 1, Byron Naleon ClaWc, Deltaa May 6-1. MldleloO-Houeton °'*' Mey 12.15, Colonlal Nellon•! tnvll1tton, fort Wortll MllY 19-22. Georgla-Pac:Mc: Allarlta ca-. etc MllY 26-29, "'-1ai, 0..blttl, Olllo ~ 2·6, Kampa< Open, Betlleeda. MO Jufte 9· 11. Mnnulecturert Hanov.,. Weetchnalar Clualc:, Ham-t. N.Y -"-19-tl, US. Open, O.monl. Pe Juna 23·26, Oen11y TllomH-Memplllt Cl9nalc Juna 30·J11ly 3, WHtern Open. Oak "'°°"· •. >Jty 7-10. Orwt• M ....... Open ,..:::J. I 4· '7. Brlllnll Open, louttlpof1. En >Jty 14-17, °'* Cltlea Open. Coal v...,, •• 21 24, ~.....,. cia.c. wt- Ya. .Mt 1, Cenedlan Open. OlllMle, Olll Aug. 4•7. POA Clle111t>1ont11._. Loa An· ~ A11g. 11•14, l alllflly Dnla Jr.-ONater ~o.-. ~. , .. 21, ..-°""'""""Midi. A4IO-H-21. Wottcl ....... OOlt. ,..,...., OlllO ; -· - l I ' ' I j' I :~ .. I f • .· •. . . .. .. . .. . .. ·· .. • .. . .. . 1. • i , •• ' .. Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/Sunday, Mey 2, 1082 • AOAM-11 •• ICIN<l'ATNCIC l'l.AYI TUBE TOPPERS \ ~MOl·~- 1.-00. VOYMM TO THE IOTTOM CW THI HA l~IO (}) MOVll IA()H -Rlllph Klrk.,.lllQk, one Of the world'• O-IHI harp· lletlordt111, perform• • redlel of ""'4llc by 8ach ''°"' ,,.,. ,. .. bOdy Con- MtltllOl''t Of Mutie ID AMIM)AN ITCHW "8oelal Ae!Ofm" Q'I IHTtMAIHMINT THllWUI< lnlervl•w• wllh Roger MOOt•. O'*"a Eulon, 111111 Mot-. Pit Boone and 0-ge Hamilton 8 UORTaWON..D 10-round mtddlewelght ~I bet-Matk FtUle •nd Dwight Walk., (llv• fron'I Tampa. Fla ~ Patt 4 ol lhe World 1 8trongeel Mt<\ comf)elltton, Mixed Patt• T.,,., DMng (from Hawaii I (A) WACJl(Y WOAU> OF JONA THAW WINT!N QUffl: Rulh &iul. • • 1h "Pelet Rabbll And Th• TalH 01 8Hlm Poll.," (1171) Fred.,ICk Aaht0'1, Al .. an<Mr Qran1 Member• ol London's Royal Ballel COfl\Pany pe<· form .,.,-alOl\I ol Pigllng Bland," "Jeremy Fish., ''Jemima Puddle-Duell, PLAYING A LEGEND -Ann Jillian portrays Mae West, the brassy, bawdy entertainer who delighted millions and shocked the bluenoses. Movie airs at 9 tonight on KABC (7). 1:IO 8 MOTOROYCLI AACING "Squl•rlll Nulkln. and "Two Sad Mice .. l :.00MOV11 • * .... "The Looney. LOO· ney, LOC>My BuQ'• Sunny Movie 1191111 Animated Voocn by Mel Blanc, June Foray New matetlal II blaoded with Old 1n lhif cornp1la1lon of classlC Frill Frei.no "Looney Tunes featuring 8ugl, Dally (ti} MOVtl W "StMI" (111&0) LM Maj()ls, JerWler O'Neill A 1teaulitul woman i. awsl- ed by • tough con1trve1iOI' foreman In running lhe con'lpany she lnherlll al1er ,.,., 1a1~·1 susplctoua. "accidental" dilath ·PG' G MACMOM04l l'AINT'INO 8 AQNCULTUN U.IA (.A)MQVW Ovck Porky Pig Yosemite Sam. T-toe Pie and oth· era trom tho cartoon ..... ·G' 8:30 0 OOYSSEY * ·~ "The Lall Ch ... " ( IN1J Lee Me1or1, Chrlt Mak*l)eaca In • world of Iha future, • fOf"* r- ear drl..., and 1 tHl\-egt oon19Ut.. ••perl llghl the govwrvnenl'• p<oaerlptlOn of automc>OlleS ·PG' 5:'6 G) CHRISTOPHER Cl08EUP 1:00 9 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEHWOAD 9 YOUTH ANO THl) IS8UU G) 818LE ANSWDIS Cl) ROMPER lllOOM Cl) SUNDAY MOANIHO (.1)) 04AECTION8 at A CONVEMATIOH WITH OA. OER&C* CC>t4EH Carl St•'" talkt wtth lhe cttanceltor ot the Jewish T'*>log1Cal Senunary ot America at>Oul •-lac- 1ng Jews In Amfl(~ Ind abroad fHH•OVIE • • '' Salem's lot ( 19791 Dav~ Soul. J.,.,_ Mason A noveliSt retumt to htS bOynood home 10 put an end to troubled memor• but !Inds that a 11n1ste< mystery ah•oud• his town PG 8:06 (SJ MOVIE a a H1wk The Sla)'Af (19111) Jacit Palanoe. Jofln Terry An adven1urou1 young man enlists the aid ot 1 bind ol warrlon lo fOQht h11 eVll uncle. the owrlofd wflO llllled "'' fati-and II hOldlng 111'1 abbeM lor ranllOM 1:15 CJ MOVIE a*• "A88A The Mov,. .. I 19781 A88A A llapleaa d1ac ,ockey tenactously pursues the ren-ned Swed•Sll IUP« ll'o.iO ... they Jang 111 ol U..W hltt. 1nclud1ng "Dancing Queen ' Waterloo." "SOS · and "Fernando " ·G' 8:30 8 FOA OUf' TI..a 0 SEAENOIPfTY 9 A08EllT~ II DA YaREAJ( LA. 9 AMENCA: THE 1EOOHO CENTURV llD NEWS 9 PV8UC PULSE 7'00 8 TOOAY'8 REUO~ 0 THAT'8CAT B UTT\..E RASCALS IT IS WRITT£N ~ G) DAY Of OISCOVERY • CARTOONS &i) YOGA FOA HEALTH 9 IP£CTillUM Q! SUNDAY MA88 CZI MOVIE • • · Cattle Annie And Lal· lie 8rltehet" (19111) Burt Lancaller. Jonn Savage Two tOUQh oulla-pteh up a pa1r of taen-aga gH-19 and take lhem atong on the4r ICIY9ntutn 'PG 7:10@ MOVIE * • * '"' "Troe Four S..-aona" (191111 Alan Aid•. CarOI Burnett Three cou· ple9, all c;IOM. long-lime fri.ndl. HpetlenGe p<O· found ct1•noes an thel• refatlOfl~ when Of'4I ol the marrt•g•• d111n ~rel" 'PG' 7:309 FAITHWAYS G WHm.EY ANO THE "°80T D CAMPUS PAOfll.I "V~t On Nutrition" Guetlf Actreu Robin S~. acir-Jo Ann Pltug, Gary Gordon. M 0 G) Jf(llttl'( SWAGGART • MllT£A AOGERS (A) ()) TV~LOOKSAT LEAANNQ -~ TotllOfllll/(1# t:OO I MJHDAY ~ THIS IS THE Uf'l ~A.NOHll FMNOI • fllMONAL Dlli...,... I LLOVO OGILVll ILICTNC OC>elWNIV I ~~=~ MX~ CMUlMllM THIATM t'TM1T PflneeN Gt.ct 11MY9'• 11119 ck>Qlmentec'Y -"'di ~ on thr• yOuftO. ltitM~ lludentl .. lhe raoowMd l<ltO\I B•ll•I ktlOOI In ~ • ._ tMlf 11r11 ._ eudltiOI\ 10 • pMlk>nlll• ~ ... .....,. ...... .. GuHll Olan• Bruno· Harri•. HU110*f Orgaifttlno Team of the 1ntetfal1h Hun- ger Coahtlon, Nallvo LopN. Ameri<:all Frlendl SetVtCe Committee: Raver• end Monaagnc>r J&in F Barry. 11:00 0 ON CAMPUS toeatured. • v1111 to Iha "Qualtar Fntlval" al Whll· Oat College to learn 1boUI Iha NllOfY and W1 ol the Ouallert • TOOAY'8 9lACK WOMAN G .-ETINO TIME AT CALVAI« I FMOER1CK K. PNU ILEC'TAIC COMPANY (A) (I) Tltl lAHA YES 8 KNOW YOUR ll8L.E CS)MOWE • * "Who Seys I catft Ride A RalnbOWt" (1971) Jack Klugman, Norm• Frenell TM eareulker of• Gr....-:11 VlflaOA pony 111m facea llVICtH>n by an un~ , ... al- agent wflO wanl• to build• hlglMIM on the t1rm'5 IOI 'G' 1~46 (%) MOVIE • • "lncorngtble" 1111791 Jean-Paul Belmondo. Genev•••• 8u1old An un<epet'll anl thief c.onlln· un tw. awtndllng ways IOI· lowing Ns r.ieeM from 9:00,~~ ldAME. l'TMET <"l ~ rT•WNTTWH 1:10 i5~ • * • "The Earlflhng" ( 19&0) Wllllem Holden, RIC:ky Sdwoder A world ttfttlllr '8olldl9 • young ~ ... ...,.Of_...... .. In 1M ....,.._. WllOW· ~.·PG· 1::10 8 Cl) f/la. THI NATION D at MIETTltl l'MM II NEW ZOO MVUI I DAY~ OllOOYUff THEWOM.D TOMOMOW 9 KENNETH COf"£LAHO fCJMOW • • '"' A Thunder 01 ~uma p9611 Rlchatd Boone George Hamoflon A -80Md captain ol lhe U S Cavalry rlda hatd on a grwn, young lleule<\anl iust out of West Paint 1~8 ()) N9A MIKET'9AU PUYOf'F9 0 A OOHVt.MATION WfTH Ofl GER8C* COHEN Can Stern talk• wllh Ille Chencelto< ot lhe .>aw1.n T '*>IOglcal Seminary of ""'*"lea about 1ssoe1 tee- ing Jew9 In ""-lea and al>toad 9 GM LIClAN'8 llUNO D llAIH"1.L 8UNCH G HEAALD Of TM/TH I AO HUM8AN> THI LAW'MM<EM CorrHponden11 Linda We<troe1m.. and Collie Aobertt fO'" Paul Duke for an up.10-lll4t-t•w>01e eum· mary ol Congre111ona1 ac11v1t1e1 e MAGIC Of OIL PAINTl..a at NEW8CEHT£A W&Kl.Y SNEAK PMVIEW A tool< 11 lakMI al ttM! mov· .... tPK•al• and 1por11 events coming up on Horne Boa Oll!Ge (S)UOVll '* * * * "Anuoec:tlon" (1MO) Ellen Burltyn, Sam SMc>at'd After • neet-181a1 111110 acddent, a woman find• that ~ l\a1 the eblll- ly to hfft other• but la P«· MCUled beeauM of "*' retu.ai 10 clalm • dtvlrie influenc4 •PQ. 10:11 (%) MOVla • • • "e.rbwella" t 196&1 ~ Foncta, Mao O'Shea A daring 19-hetOlnt of the future encounter• 11range galulee and vii· lalne, ~by. blind 0111.-dlen anoM 'PG' -I QeU..IQM'e Ill.AND OlaDIAM ~TOO 'Oueet1. Wiiiie Tyler and lHler. Jim Plunkell. comedlell Pll Hufley. lltm- l'ftM• Wiil 8MMI (A) I ::;~ ONNMIC> • llAIOALL Calllornla An~s vi Bal· llmore Oriolel ., MOVIE a* 1.\-'Van Nuya 8lvd " (1979) 8111 Adler, Cynthia Wood A Calllornla laen· ager'• 1n1.r'•1 "' ttol rod• and d•tc:09, pelel when ... , .... ..,love • MAITEAPIECE THEATRE "Love In A COid Ckmate .._ Ape>arent" Th<t MOlll· dor" tocate 1hel< l'*r CedrlC, Londa 19!."" h4lf ~ and .:novet 1n w.th he< new love (Par1 51 ~ WASHINGTON WEE>< IN REVIEW (R) QI VOUHO PEOPLE'S 8P£QA.l "W-• Th< .. rrwin1ally retarded young11en wtlO par1lelpaled an the NetlOnlf Special ()tympOea are p<O• flied. 11:06 0 Kf.HHY LOOGIH8 Singer I songwri~er l(..,...y Loggin$ penorms many of "'• o<•t•t hll• -lnetud· ino ·w-1 ca11 You Friend" and "Keep The fife" in 11111 c:onc;«1 taped at lh• Sent• Bubar• Cout>IY ao.t. 11=*> I AQNC&JLT\JM U.8A 9 TMll w&J( WfTH C»W>~ 0 nMVCOLE· WHITTAKM • CHURCH IN THE HOMI Ci) WALL STREET WEEK ''Good ~ Don I Alway• Mak• Money 0-t St""*' C Levi· hold. mitnaoong director. The Leutl'totd G1oup IR) 18 OUTOOOA UF£ CCJ MOYt£ • a "Cattle Annie And Lii • tie 8r11cttes ( 19& 11 Burl Lancasler John Savage Two IOUQfl outlaws pock UO a pelf of taen·aga glfle ~ tak• lhem eiong on their lldll«ltur .. 'PG' -AFTERNOON- 12:00 8 OUTDOOA LR F .. Nted F1ah1ng tn Ba1a. Mealco . ·~ a a* "It H1ppened To J-" (19591 Dotts Day. Jadt Lemmon • THE'1AST Ct4UACHIL.l8 "A Famous Vlc:to•y" Ctw<chlll. now Duke of Marlborough becauM or a.-Anne, IM!eall the Fref'Ch In the Battle of 8lenMlm G PEMOHAL FINANCE AHO MONEY MAHAGEMf.NT • '°'"ed Income lnve1t1ng" !BRtHOSIOE 10.round junior, m1ddlawe1gl't1 bout bet-Tony Ayala and • Sieve Q~ory (IMI from Tampa. Fla) CSllOLA FALANA: TH£ F1"8T LADY Of LAS V£GA8 LOia Fa&ena perlorme "I Wiii Sun4Y9." "Love The One Vou',.....,.Wrltl" and '"*"° W1I Buy7" In • ton• c,r1 perlotm-from the Al•ddln Hotel In LH Veg.u. (Z)MO'lla a • "Pflotlle" ( 19110) Paul Mldlael Ola ..... Suaan HOQM A O'CIUP Of menlal pe1lent• ere murdeted ecicordlng 10 ll'lelr lndfvldu· 811Mr1. 'R' 12:11.MOVll • • • "Popeye" ( t9&0) Robin WIUla,.._, Sttelt.y Ovv ... Whlle -cNng fOf ,.,.. ,.,,.,.,.Ille ~t­ ing Milot vleill • qualnl h ...... -.. ,.,. pietl• uo • IOUfldlinO Md I 11tlfwy NMtllNtt. 'PG' 1.-.ao•CI) NM IAllC.IT'MlL l'l.AVOf?I l :=ro.. l;HANNEL 'LISTINGS THllAXT'IM ..~Mod Couple" ..... ~ANANCI NfOMOHW .......... " • ICNXT lt8$) e ICN8C fNBCI • ICTLA find I .ICABC (ABCI • KFM8 1Cft$) e Kl"IJ TV (Ind I e KCSl IA&CI 0 0nTV Z Z·TV H H60 C (C.fMrn.tltl tf l IWOAI NY., N Y " IWTBSI I l ESllNI ti t 1$11cM111NI • 5'10fllt!M • (Gllbl'* ,,._. ,.....,,, ... ''In • ltftO In llotldl'' a1=MHGM '* • 't' "lllelft'a LOI'' ( 1111) DrM '°"'· ,,_ MMOn A nowllet retvrnt to 1111 ~ llOfM lo !M en IN to It~ fllMIOrW M .. "* I .... ..,.., ---........ ,.. ..... ORIM\.I MGll9 ........... Clo.I" ...... TM.IC •Oreg Racing On Two WhMle" 0 WtLO, WILD WUT JI) ADAM-12 ID AME~ 8TORV "Ma1111 .. 1 Oettlny" (.C)MO'lla * • * "Juleol And Jim" ( 1981) JH nne MOt_,, Otkar w .. ner. In pte- World Wet II France. • cerelrM young women lovn two """' who ar• cloM lrlendl and retuaM 10 QIW up ell,,., -· 1:44<.l)MOW! • • "lneorrtgtble' ( 19791 Jean-Peul Belmondo. Genevieve BuJold. An • ~tan• 11\ief contln-"*' hi• 1wlndflng -)'I tc* IOWlng Illa r--fr(lft'I Pf'-' 'PO' 2:6o I ,... •AU. CMUJGAN'8 lllAND ·~TWAT ••*'A 'The Par•ll•• View" I 1974) Warren Seal· ty. Paula Prentlll ID MOW • • * ' My S,. L°"" I t9631 Debbie Reync>ldt Clltt AobeftlOfl &l TIWNINO DOGS THE WOOOHOUOE WAV "Walking To Haaf' Wlll'I the use ol the correct type ol cf\Olte-cl'larn • dog can qulCltly be laughl 10 wlll1 lOhMI ~ WflWTIHO FOR A REA80H "The Senl4IOC*" (P111 II 1$)MOV1f • • * 'Sornelhong 01 Val· .,. ( 19571 Rock Hudson Dana Wynl*' Th<t viotence encountered by • peacemalt8f lutnl n1m onto a Meller of vengeance 2:10 0 MOVI£ a a a a 'Fathe< 01 The Bride' ( 19501 Spe(IC4f Tra- cy EkZabeth Taylo< A falhe< •~petiencel .. ol !he ,oye 11\d headachet Involved wtln Ille pr*l)W• t1on1 tor NI d1ugttter'1 upeom>ng weod•"O t-M 8 AIHG9IOE 10-round junior m1ddlewe1ght bout bet-Tony A~ Md Steve G•AQC>fY (lrorn Tam· pa, Fie) 9 OIWGAN'818LANO D O AM1NCAN ll'ORTSMAN Pe\er Sir_. tttllet 10< b1ac1o matlln otf 11\41 GrNI BaNler Reel near Autlra· Ml, PM Harr• and Cuti G-dy hunl ~I In South Oakol• Pel•• ~ travels 10 8rl111h Columl>la to -the ............ llablt•I and habilt of the dangerous ltlllef whale G MOW • * "ShlHIOCk HOlmet And The Spider woman" ( 19441 Bull AathbOM, Gata Sonderaeerd &l PM8Qfn "Cocoenu1 Kldl" 8i) WNTlNO '°" ,. AEA80N "The Sentence" (Per1 2) 00 TMl.I KTT1NG8 Robert Klein, (iletn Heck· art. Stocklrd Channing and OH\ah Manolf ""' In lh1• --ol lllft*I• eboul lam11y fife, set around dtnner tlblea Taped at the 8r00klyn Center for Perlormlng Arb, 8r00klyn College 1:00. INTEJllF~ • MOVll • •'-. ''The Snail-I Gun In The w .. t" (1968) Don Kno111. Barbara RhOa<Ma 9 AMERICAN Sl<YLINE 8i) OF EARTH ANO MAN "Japan From The Sword To The Bomb Cl) THIS WEEK IN IA8EBALL Q!SUOAARAV l.EONAN>'O GOLDEN OlOV£8 Calllo.nla Ye New MeXJGo 1:20 (%) MOVla * • "Ceule Annie And Ut· tte er11c:nee" 11M11 ""1 l-ler. John Savage Two laugh outlaws ~ up • palf ol taen-age gifts and take tl\etn along on thllf acl11tt1tur• 'PG' ·=-1...wtMJllCaM • ~IWOftL.D 10-round lftlddlewelgllt bout ti.t...-n M.,k Ftllle and Dwlgfl1 Wllllter (ffOfl\ Tampa, Fie.); Per1 4 Of the World'• Strongetl Men eompellllon. Ml•ed Pair• Tergtl Diving (l•OM Hawlll4) 8 9 WU WOfll.D CW POfff8 Oreo Pqe w Jlmm~ Young In 1 12-round tte~t flQlll (ftom Att•nflo City, N.J 1. 1Ww11141ri ... ..,.... SurllnQ ~(from Iha tona.i Ptc*1M In Oahu • Hewell) • NIWMIAT: t..OI •Nt"•WGICIH NVllW -~~AMOMNI "Jepen: A~ Mlrede" ~.IA-tiUUOt ~~ T~ Of Ofume" nM1) JljoMrd IOOM. o.cw .. ~. A----..-i~IN u.a~,....,_.on ...... 1G'll'I ...... -ill!'°"' .... '°""· .... ..,. • • '1W Of ~ Wllftd" (1111) °""''"''* ~ l11e LJOft ......... KABC (7) 7:00 -"Counterattack: Crime in America." George Kennedy hoeta new aeries \hat encourages viewers to joln the war .against crime through communlca· tlon. " KOCE (50) 7:00 -11Computers, Spies and Private Lives." Benefits and potential hazards of computers are explored. KCET (28) 7:30 -"World Champion on Ice." Scott Hamilton talk.I about winnJng the World Title in skating. KABX (7) 9:00 -"Mae West." Ann Jil- lian stars in the film about the life of the legendary actress. See photo, left. received lron'I outer -oace by a t>rllllanl eomput., eel· anu~u -n lhlt eatacJye- l>fottter• to atop 1 raurld bOOllegger, the Bandit, from 11anl0Qflln0 • beby elephan1 ·PG, mlc: dlaUtetl we about to bel .. Earth • MOVll uo I AOHT IACK THAT'S ..OU,YWOOO "Hottywoocl'a 8111 Pk:· tllf•" * '" "Bewaret The Blob" ( 1972) Godfrey C•m· bt~. ~ Clef1o -~ e * • "Oeetll Wish" (11174) a*1ee 8ronso11. Hope Lange • i.toY1I • * * •;, "The Nu11y Pro- 1"80'" ( tN3) Jf/fry Lewie, 81 .......... • WAU. fTMlT WEB< "Good CotnoMliN Don't Alway• M••• Money" Queal: Stephen C. l.eul· tl01d. managing dlrec:tOr, The Lauthold Ofoup (RI • "'°'*' UNMME Cl) ITMTMK 8MOVll a* "Mt.-on Monte Cer-lO" (19&1) Roger Moore. Tony Cunis (R)MOVIE '"' "Steel' ( 19110) lee 'M1for11, Jenniler O'IM>H A t>eeutllul woman la ..... ,. eel by a tougn conatNChon foreman in running the company an. mhe<lts altll' ner lathe< a 1u1~c1ou1, "accklentaf" dealh 'PG' ($l t.IOV1f • * * • Reaur1ec11on· ( 1990) Ellen 8u1styn, Sam Sl'lepard Alter a ,...,.111a1 auto accllMlnl. 1 woman l•nd• th1t an. has the abth· ly 10 heal OH>e<I but IS per· secuted t>ecauM of ,.., refusal • to cl11m • d1v1n• annuence PG 0 MOV1f • * • lhe E111h11no 1 t980l Wiiham Holden RICl<y Scflrodef A world 1r1veflr teacttn 1 young orpl'lan lhe weya ol surv1•8f in tne Aualrllllan WllCSttt neu PG 4:30 I!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN AEVIEW (A) 'Ii> PROJECT UNIVtRM 5:00 8 ITAATM>< D OMATU'T IPORT8 lEOENOe "Affirmed · Ho•• t<en Howard ' • FRNOUNI "Resol\09d Thia HOUM Approva TM E:conomoc ln1toat1ve1 Of Prwdant Reagan' The llf-11 part of a det>ale bit-William F Buckley and John l(annelh Galbralltl IS pr-led (R) ~ PROJECT UNIVEAR M•A•&•H Hawtteye fella into' enemy hand• while drovtng lo Seoul ®l NEWS 0 MOVIE • • Tne w a1., Ba~ I 19791 An<m81aon Ind !Ne action James Maaon A oou1ageoua young bOy s1ve1 several playful ocean crea1ur" from the wrath of unelfofw•tll' ene-m-IZ MOV1I • * • Culler I Way" (19&11 Jotln Heard. Jeft Bl'ICSOH A tN11....cs v .. 1. nwn ¥9' encl h•a t>est trttnd. • aoelal drop out. foou• ,,.,.., -QIM Ofl ~a murder case R uol ceaNIWI NeCNe#a 0 AaCNIWS • MC>NIYMAKEM "The Real "-rd1 Of Relf E1ta1a" ()) WUCOMI~ l(O'ff'UI TM s-tt'IOQ* deClde to brUlt uP and ... their tortu,_ outside Iha wellt ol ~anan (Ptrt 2) (C) CtfflDMN M THEA TM 8TMET Prlnceta Or-narrat .. 11111 CSocu<nentary wtolQI focu-on thr• youno 1alented lludenl• al the renowned l(trov 81llel Sohoof In Leningrad, from the!( IH'al fer>M eudlll0'1 to 1paMIGMle~ Mll~lelet. ---l'LINl!G~ M>1u-- • e '4 "Al The Eartfl'a Cor•" ( 19741) Ooug McCM.. P.ler ev.Nng • Ito.wt • "'°"" * • "The Aetum Of Frantt Jll!Mt" ( t9M)) Henry "°"" da, 0.,,. Tlefney • .i- J-' ~ _,.. hie dMtll. • M0\19 " * • * * "A-"8n Of lftl-tl" 11tn1 Aon .._o. Cindy w...,.,. I L.141~UI ~AT IVWMONV &el-c.--concNcte "" lo81on ~ e>ru- tt• II\ led\'• SlftlOnla lor Dov~ ok""tr1 •nd "Trott P.\I'" Ulwo!M" i OllYlef ~.(A) ()9NIW8 ~ANM1.I QiNICH9We oo~-~---• A'°°' It l#ltll at IN,_. .... eoecllll ltld ..... 9"'111 CO!Nnt up Oft ~~o::..oM · ~---·­a..~..- ... MOVll . ••14 M~ ,,_,.... ..,.,, .. ,,.., ... ...,. noldl, ....... ~ .......... f~ -llllMllWO--- I WHY .. THI WOflll.D a..wa MOV1I • * "IOJIO Of The Mou~ 1jlj\" '1981) Hwry Hamlln. JOMPll 8ollomt. Thr .. young l A. bachelor• cle¥ot• 111*1• -~ to 111e tPOf1 Of c1r eo "1llno ·PO' ~~ * • "WhO S1y1 I Cfll'.l'I IUd8 A RalnbOWI" (1971) JM:ll Klugman. Norma French. ThA caretaker ol • Gt~ VlfUIOe pony fwm ,_ evlc:110n by an ~· r ....... ,. agient ""° wantl to build • lllQfl·flM on the term'• lot ·a· ~48 (1) CHAALH CHAMPLIN ON n.t FllM 8C€NE 1:00 8 (J) to MIHUTU 0 (8 FATHER Ml.NHY An -ly mountain man lee"" a ChtlO tte 11ae cared lor Janee &NI w11 aban· Cloned H a baby al lhe orpflanage (Perl l)(RIQ 11 9 : COUNTfAA TT ACI<: CNME IN AMEAICA 1PremM1re) George Kenne- Oy hOIJll lh+I ,_ ...... that encourage• v-t 10 10tn lhe war against crime through communleallon a fUPWIU()fj GuHI• Tony Randell L-Horrie MoO•<n Jezz ()uwtet • TVTAHKHAMEN'8 EGYtfl ID NOVA "Computer• 9.,_ And Pnvate llv"" The t>enef•ll and potanttaf hazards btoughl aboul by adVlll>C- .. In c.ompul .. techndogy ••~IQlltecl !RIO a::> t«)Yll • •• "A88A The MOYie ( 19711) ASSA A hapleat dlee je)Clley ·~ pur*'"4tt "'~ 9-dltl\ IUC* O'OUP at Owy WaO 1• ol ''-hlta Including • D1ncif'lg Queen." 'Waterloo." "S.O S " and "Fernando .. ·o· (O)MOYI! • e • 'Fort Ap8CM The Bton.a" (191\I Paut Hew· men. Ed AM* A 1ougn cop bettlee crime 81\d cor· rupllon In N-Votll City's Soulh Bron• nelghbo" flOod 'R' (%)MOVl5 • * '.\-' Petet "-bl><I And The Talea 01 S.alrh Pot I« ( t971) Frede<lei< Aal\lon. Alealll'lder Grenl Member• ol London • Royal Ballet Company per· fofm -lllone of 'Plgling Blend." "wwny F',_,. " .. .leMifna Puddle-Oudc. 'Sctu1r'19' Mulkin. ' and "Two sacs Miele .. , •• ICC7TT ~TON: woM,.o CHAM"10N ~ 1DE Scot• Hamllton lalk• abOUI wlfw*'O IM Worid TI!lll In sltallnO Md II eteo INlwfl .. he pertormed In the 1980 ll"IMlf'natlonaf Siers OnleeSllOW t:OO G Cl) AACHll IUM(EA'I PLACE Archie'• new lawyer lekes ,,_.,.. to have Iha bar NII Ille own way D a!CHIPt A band ot computer lhleYas h11mpe< Jon and Ponch't · eflorts l o apprehend them by rouuno '£ Iha CHP I computer 9 ENnRTAINMENT THl8WEEIC tntervtews w11n Roger Moor•. Sheen• EHlon. Rlla Moreno, Pat Boo,,. erlCI Geolga H1m1Mon ··~ t ---"°""°' P,_...ed •• e11~•10ne -~ .... ~Of'ni. Dead." 1fha haunt• of Europe's werewolves, ghoata of Scotland' a Qlemlt cattle. ancs lj)lfltu· al l'tMllngl II lOUfdft ·~ * 111 • o.; "The Paraltu. View" ( 11174) WarTen BMt· ly. Paul• PrentlH An tnveetlgetlv• reporter 1ttempl1 IO uncowr I n•llonwlde nttwork of ~tlcel-lllM. • AUIT A#UX>Q(l'I ~ "Tiie New Found Land" Spanlitl, Frencfl, Outcll, Englltll, llow did the wtolte """' Q8I 10 ~ and wtletdlOhe ..... , • '°"" "nwln•" '"' tclel\tlllc •teliltdl on IWlnA II • lltld ~-ll't damaging "-' but alto ll't 1mpot1111t,..- ~ ... (Alo • ..,..,. 108 lMIATM. "LCM In A COIO ~. l<Of91gnen Are "'"°'" I.or~ ...,.,, of\'91 ~ • lltttl llOuee. and Ctwta11att ~ lnVOIVM Wllfl one of Illa ............ tllllpjllO ...... .... ........ cw•• 1~1tQ ®MCMI ···~ . .,,. ,.. ... ef!tyl' ,,. •• ,,. ... ~ ....... ,.,.. ..... ............ ~ ..... ..,.. foun<I ~ on lhelr teletlonltllPA """*" -of the marr11ge1 d111n t~llee 'PO lJ JMOVll • • 'h "The F11t1' (IHtt L1uren o .. all. Jam•• Garner A popvl11 lllfn ttar ii YICtlmU.ed by I peyc;l'IOUC acsnw .. A .MOVll a a a "9 To & (111101 J.ne FOllO•. Dolly Parton Th•ff worh•ng women rebel ag11n11 the11 sub1u gllion by• male c;heuVlnral b01a 'PO UO f) OHEOAVATA TIMI Ann end c;ompeny ere pe< · auadeel 10 do another 1how at lh• P11k Utopia ... • THl,IMT •• ~ ,-- A '•moue ll1c101y ChurnhlU ll()w Ou-· OI MtflllOfough b~•uae of 0-Anne. OefNle the Frencfl 1n the Dellle of lleMeom MOVle • • ·~ Corne Out Come Oul. Whatever Vou A••' (19141 Lynda Day George. Pei., Jatt1ey 0 MOV1« • a ''I · Jannll., A Wom· 811 • Glory ( 197111 fllLI· belh Mont~ Brad· forll O!ltman Q!MOVll * • "The Allel>I A•• Com· Ing" ( 1980) Tom Muon Metindl FM Mf\IOt etllienl hOlel 9 THEWOfllD TOMOAAOW 11;45 G TH£ AOCkl"OAO Rl.U ,z MOVIE •a ·Pttob11 ( 19801 Paul Mlchae1 Glaur ~uun Hogan A group of rne01al pa11ent1 ••• murdered accordU>Q 10 ll'lelr lndllfldU al1Nt5 R HOG CI) ALICE o awovlf • • • ., t<enny R~• A• The Gambler ( 111801 Ken· ny Ao9*••. lee Purcetl 9 WILD l<INOOOM o-... Sy Cople< Marian lak .. 10 Iha eir in I hell· copl., 10 Match tor Can•· de 1 goenl moo•• and mountain goata 0 (11 MOVIE 0 MOVIE * •• The Ahen• A•• Corn· "'9 11980) Torn MHon Mctl•nda FM D MOVIE * * • •, 'Rachel Rac;hel 11968) Joanne Woodwa10 James Olson H WITH A Touett OF 8UALESOUE Sid CBf!sar and Imogene Coee P4'frorm baggy pan1a comedy end 1l.•p11oc1< IOUlltleS aJOl\Q will> pe<f()< mane•• Dy butlesque a-s 1n • sl\Ow laped itl the Siar Theatre "' f lint M1Chlg1n -MIOHIGHT-"MM Weil' (P1em1ereJ Ann J1tu11n James 8r011n The kfe of the legendary aetr-wno bullt h4lf star· dorn on M• •• chronicled t2:00., HEE HAW Z MOVI( .OflCHO II) AGAONSICY ANO COMPANY fD MA8TERP1Ea THEATRE love In A Cold Climate F0<eogners Are F,.ncu LO<d Matlin gives Landa a hltle hOUM. and Clll•stoan becOm4ll tn'fOIVed wttl'I one ol h11 aides wto1te hetpmg r•h-O-of lhl Spenosh C"'~ War (Patt 6) ~) m AMaW;AH PLAYHOUSE ·Private Con1en1men1 Reynolds Price 1 original set .. nplay abOul a young 101dler'5 lall 19m11y reunton bef 0<e being wn1 10 hgl'll an World War II afars Kall•et'"* Walk.er and Jol'ln McM111tan •, 1C'MOVIE • ~ "Ca111e Ann .. Ana Ln· lie 8rotclles (191111 BY1t Lancaster, Jonn Savage Two tougn ouUaw1 plCltl uo a pa" of taen-age girls and lake them along on lhe•• advenlurea PG O. MOVIE a • • "Mahogany I 197!>) Diana Ro11. Anthony Per· kona A young b4ild< wom· an ,,_ trorn Iha depth• of the gneuo to 1n1•na1aon.t1 ·-... ,..,_, desagner and model •pc; •.ao f) Cl) THe JUffMOHI George govn Ftoreoca some l\elplul lips °" how to land• man..1._ 9 WOALD- IUfMVAl 8 JAC#. 'VAN IMf"I ., NEWS ·~II Cl) TMPPt:A JOHN. M.O. Gonzo """' am11eur detec:t1Y9 to fond I bOf'9 m&f(OW donor 10< one of Napat-11 •• ., NEWS -G ntE SfCAET WAR 8il EXCHANGE No Excuse, $11' Th" mytha end realll-of the world• most femous m111- 1a1y onttllullOtl ol ntghef educ.lion WHI Pooni are e•plored ,., IHJMOVIE a''> 'Tl'te LHI Chase (19811 lee Ma1ors Chr,. M11k~ In 1 world ol the l\itur•. a tormer r- ear~·-and a 1aen-age computer upert hgl'll th4t government a pr09Clll)tion of automobllel •PQ' ($)MOVll , •a* "AH That Jau" 11979) Roy Scheid ... Ja• 8ea Lange Tl'te lumoltu· oua hie of a prof--1 Ch<><ec>gr•oher •• followed from 9UCC*9I on the SlllQlt 10 pAl"IOt'lll crtMS R 0 BAR..V MANILOW IN CONCERT M•n•IOW perlorms I seleC t;on,pl h•• hill 10: 11 ?J MOVll • • • B1rba1etla I 19681 Jane Fond• Milo 0 Shea A daring spac• heroine ol the lutur• encounters 1trange g111 .. _ and 'fll· 1a1ns. accompenHl<I by a bland gu.,d•an angel ·PG 10-.JO G) JEMY !<Al.WELL . G) JIMMT SWAGGART ~ LOAO MOUNT8ATTEH: A M.N FOR THE CENTURY "The Labor• Of ~ .. Following Iha JapaMN 1urrendar 111 11146, M ountballen be<:ome1 llW04ved In llandling post. -r poilllcal end humen Pf"~ (Part 5)(R)Q t1:008D8Cl)Oa! .-wt I = INIAK~ MOVll * • ~ "Tiie Return OI The Seeauclu• Seven" 11080) M1rk I Arnott. Gordon Of9C>I). The rriembert Of II .,.oup of cohge IWdenl• ICllW In the p<Ol .. I ~ tnenl du•lnQ th• &01 get her f Of a Wffllenel reunion 'A' (D)MOVll • • • • "Tiit Stutll Men" ( 1H0) Peler O'Too11. Steve Rllllaback WaMed ll't "" polloe, • dlltUf'bed llietnem .,..., an find• 111 -• ,.,._, on • movie Mt wNf9 1 WOf'ld war I t04'C 11 Ming filmed. 'R' a a"' Monty Python M .. i. Beyond Tne F'rong• ( 111761 Narrated by Dudley Moore A betf1nd·•ne· acenff look ,. taken a1 ret>ea•sats and prepara· ,_ for Amnesty lnte<na- tionlll s 1976 c()l'N!d, t>en- •111 show th.ti ,,.,, .. cs member• ol Monty Pytnon 12.:06 S MOVIE • • Mountarn Men ( 1980! Ch.a.iton H,..,lon 8rra" Kttlln Two fur trappers •ntoY tne free- dom ot lhe witoerneu on the IUI ,_ ye••• o.!IOH• the 8f\CIOa<hmf'nl OI CMh zallOfl R 12: 15 0 MOVIE a * * 5 111 Cr11y t 19801 Ricn11rd P•yo• Gene W iid ef T•O men ~ut m••la""~' 10< b-1ob~•s and M<nl 101•1 R 12:45 fJ NAME Of' THE GAME Dan fa11ell 1n•ell1Qates chwges ot moo11r1"da1 cante ruslhng IH MOVIE • • Kong 01 TM Moun ...., ( 198 11 Ha1ry Ham••n Joseph 8o11om1 1n1et1 young L 1' bacnelo• ~ csevole the!• en<1rg1es 10 the wort ol Cir~ racing PG 12"50 C MOVIE • * •', Lili Caoe Au• F'OlleS t 197111 Ugo Tog- n&Ul Mte:nel $4w1Aul1 A ntgf'!lelu b ow.ta< 1 roe1 lo prepare "'' 1•an~v11thl8 lover tor • .. sit '01 h11 &or> • foencee s tali.er lhe morall comma.-ol Fr.,_ R 1:IO • T\JMA80U'T 9 A8CNEW8 (JtNEW& (Z)MOVI£ • ·~ "In Praise Of Olde• W omen I 19781 Tom Serenger t<a•en Black A Hunganan lolhat•O remin- isces on "'' pu1 1ornan1.c c;onquests horn nas 11rs1 al Ille 11911 of 12 10 nos ~UC 11on of & hov•~!IP .ll 30 R 1.45 0 AT Dl"E G..es1 acln< Sud c..,., $ MOVIE • • ~ Dead•y Game!> • 11981 l Sam Groom Ooe• Butkus A woman returns 10 l>4lf h0me1own to 1nves l!Qllttt he< sister I myalefl· outd9Alh R 2:11 8 NEWS 2:10IH.MOVIE * *'\ 'HllPPY 8irlhd8y To Me ( 19801 Metossa Su<' Anderaon, Glenn Fo1d As MUider ~1ns ChOC>~l\Q away It he• circle ot el•llSI 1neno1. • l>"l!C> scnoot sen· aor worries lhal ll'le may b• the ne11 YIC1om • Of PGU•· b4y the lullef R @MOVIE • • 'lovers And liars 119791 GOidie Hewn G11n. carto G1anrnnt Wh•.._ trav· et<ng an Italy an Amer~n gar I ,,_ti and I AHi an love w.11'11 married man R il:IO 8 TOOAY'I R£UOION c MO\llf • 'H• K'}PW5 You,. AIOlle" (1911()19' Don Scardi· no CaHhn O'He11ney A psychOhC: murdere< stalk5 a1tr11C11Y9 youno 1>t1<1e1-10- be S>lenlty and lelh811y slashing their dreams 01 wedded bf1as A' 2:461 NEWS l:OO NEWSMAKEAS 1:20 I Zl MOVIE a * "Phob11 ( 19901 Paul Mtd\Mlf Gl•MI. Susan Hogan A g<OUP of mental petlenll ere murdered aceord•no 10 ''*' lnelntldu· alfeart 'R' 1:111 • IN'ftfw:Aca (S)MOV11 • * * .. Alf That Jan" ( It 79) Roy Sclleider, Jee. MCA Lange Th4t lurnullu- Oue Nie of 1 prolelalonll ettoreogreol\« la toilow.cs from tvcc .. 1 on the s1age to .,.,-MNI er•-'A' ••CC>MOVll • • • "Tiit Aaturn OI The Seeaueue ~·· ( 1980) Mark Art1ott, Gordon Cl"llP the "*"'*' Of • O'GUP of ~ 1~11 ectNetn Ille protelt mo- ~1 durlno Ille 'IO• ~,.., '°' • ...-~ reunlof\ '"' dt.lllCWll • • 1" "lltW*~ And Tiit llndll 11" \ 1N0) 9urt ~· not011 Jaell,. OleMOn • $11etlfl Bulofd f JllellOI ~ NI Illa ""'° i.-lln ~ to It«> • retnd bOOtleOO'W. tfle ..,., lrOftl lf9Np0f1!n0 • '*'Y ....,._. ''°' 4: 10 (ft) lttlCMI. .... " ''TM '°"" .... .... (1tl1) ,,.,. Alda, Cwol~ .,.....,.. ..... ~ ........... ~ ...... ..,.. ............... • -,... 'tilMft .. ., 011 "'aflllfH •t1l1t• ~·-.· \ l ~ewelry You can tell Mothers Dqy. is approaching when the ladies start talking diomondJ. . . C2 1e Party There .are some heavy duty parties for fund raising along the Orange Coast ... C4 .... ----------------------.. I' . Cl Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/lundty, May I, 1111 I Stiff back or-stiff knees, you stand str-aight at Tiffany's. • • BY NORA LEHMAN Dell~ f'tlol ITVLI ldlter . OR BAILEY· BANKS ANO BU>DLE'S: Or Cartier's. "Diamonds are a-gfrl's be.11t friend," you know. Diamonds are very serious business, ac- cording to BtUJocks WilshJre's Fashion Coordi- nator, Rosemarie Troy, who announced at a recent fashion show, that ol' BW is "very strong on pave diamond{'' I found myself muttering, "so who wouldn't be?" Well, in all honesty, tqer.e probably are some who aren't strong on pave diamonds, or any other kind, for that matter. They just haven't crossed my path. In lact, an awful lot of people seem to fall on the other side of that fence, includin~ a nOM person very close to our family. Actually, she's the daughter in our household and while her mother admits to being a shoe junkie and en- joying jeweJry, this young woman is living w ith two addictions, poor dear. One she inherited from me -shoes - and the other skipped two generations -je- welry. She inhe rited that from her great- grandmother. She was only 12 when we went across the Ponte Vecchio and with her along, it's easy to see why the Florentians call it the ARNO's "Bridge of Sighs ." l t took us close to two hours to walk no more than a hundred yards. All that glitter and gold ·confuses i:ne. but not her. She even helped a young man pick out an engagement ring for his girl back in India- na. S he didn't have a bit of trouble, especially after she got such necessary infonnation from rum as how much he wanted to spend. what the girl was like. did she like diamonds or some other stone et al. Well. she was probably born with a je- welers loop in her eye and Fritzie Williams, who is a real jewel addict too, feels our child got some blood from her somewhere along the line. The way I drift into shoe stores, they drift into j('Welry stores. This IS a u brought about by the fact that mother's day is upon us and jewelry storie9 keep drifting acroos my desk. One release comes from the Trifari Com- pany. Let me explain that they make costume jewelry. (that's for thd9e men out there who perhaps aren't aware of such things), and sent a long some information that made me say, "I didn't know that," to myself. Maybe you did, so you can feel superior to the rest of us who didn't know for instance that Ma~ie Eisenhower bro~e tradition twice the year of her first inaugural ball and wore a pink gown -no othe r president's wife had done that. although why "no pink" remains a mystery -and she asked Trifarl to accessorize her pink satm-strewn-with-rhinestones dress. The simulated pearl choker, bracelet and earring set were designed by the company's head designer, Alfred Phillipe. Only three sets of the jewelry were made: One for Mrs. Eisenhower, one for the Smith- sonian and one for Trifari's archives. Four years later she had Trifari design a secon(S set of je we ls for h er next inaugural ball. And again she picked pearls. Trifari's PR people went on to educate me, by pointing out that Mamie's fashion sense was right, in that traditionally pearls have been worn as a symbol of rank -high rank, with the numbers indicating where one is on the social scale. For instance, a countess is allowed seven pearls and an earl eight. A viscount can wear 16 pearls affixed to a golden circlet, while a baron wears six large ones in his crown. Kings and queens can dazzle us with as many as they choose. King1 and queen• aru like that! Real honeat-to-real jewelry la beautiful and wonderf~ to have, eomethina to care tor and pa11 along from aenerat1on to pneraUon, but care mu.t be exerciJled when purchulna tt. Not too many people are born wtth that Je· weler's loop, hence the advice that one'• bett bet for befng sure of the rellablllty of one's purchase is the reliability of the jeweler. But, we don't always want or need "real" jewelry. Fashions do change and moods are elusive, so aometimes to make the kind of f aahion sta- tement we find good paste ls just as effective. For example, when the 1'rifari Company was founded in 1925, America was in the·mtclst of the "Roaring '20s." The world was filled with newnea. Henry Ford had introduced the Tin Llz:zy; FreOd was into the subconaciou.; the Brothers Wright proved that if God meant us to have wlngs He me.ant us to invent them; Charles Nesle had invented the pennanent w._ve and suddenly there was a new breed of m81e who became known as a "leg man." He appreciated a finely turned ankle, calf and short skirts to show them off. American women were bobbing their hair and to balance the small-head look and the short skirt, they needed bolder }ewelry. · The three founders of Trifari, Gustavo Trifari, LeQ Krussman ~d C§1:1 Fishel began producing the kind of jewelry the American woman was demanding_ -J as handsome and arresting as the "real" stuff. but relatively in- expensive. Five years after the founding of the firm, Trifari hired Alfred Phillipe, who had de- signed for both Cartier and Van Cleef and Arpels. It was under Phillipe's direction that cos- tume jewelry began to be in a class of its own -rivaling fine jewelry in design. The company became known for several special pieces -the Trifari crown, first made in 1944 and the Honeycomb, introduced a yeat later , a set of flat golden hexagons, looking somewhat iike a honeycomb, and draped like a necklace. This spring and summer jewelry looks big and important and, as often as not , mode of some )man-mode material. Ten ~ears late.r, Trifari took a competitor to court for lifting thei.r designs and making them on their own. The judge ruled that Tri- fari's jewelry designs were entitled to a copy- right as a "work of art." This spring and summer jewelry looks big and important and is as often as not made of some man-made material. One of the newest jewelry designers. in the not-for-real area, as opposed to one of the oldest. the Trifari Company, ls~ Manevit:z. Raised in F.gypt in a family of jew•lers, he learned-the art ot jewelry making early.on. In addition, he trained as a 8CUlptor, and in 1961, when he left F.gypt for Paris, to work with various jewelry houses, he began to think in terms of using other than precious metals for his designs. His choices were lUcite, other plastics and some pewters. , In a period when fashion in other areas are moving back to the natural f.abrtcs, Mane- vitz'~ designs are fashioned in man-made materials and somehow their bold, somewhat abstract designs in bright colors seem to be just the proper juxtaposition to makeatfoth the garment and the jewelry work well together. Take a look at two very dilferent concepts in jewelry design. Both good and both repre- sentative of their times. A ~kincare formula~personal we ca ll it a "prescription for skin" Offering the following services: FACIALS • Mini Facial • Deep Pore Cleansing • Non Surgical Facial lift BODY CARE • Body Wraps For CeHUllte MAKEUP • Cus~om Blended Makeup • Individualized Make-up Design • Make..yp lessons SPECIAL •Mothers Dll)' Spedal • Swedish & Cellulite Mass.age Facial, Mike-up, Basic travel trio, Rejl. 55.00 • Foot Reftexo4ogy • Complete Waxing NOW 25.00 South Coast Vllige (714J 5~71J1----~-......,....,.--.:+-............. --...... ' At Mrs. Eisenhower's request Trifari designed two sets of necklaces and earrings which she wore at the Inaugural Balls of '52 and '56. The$e designs can be seen at Buffum's in Long Beach. A bright geometric necklace of hand- carved plastic shot with silver designed by Issac Manevitz. Trifari designs from the WOs , '50s and '60s. Lower left: the highly success[ ul L 'aiglon neckjace (1956). Worked in gold with rhinestones, it has matching ear- rings. Lower right: The Casbah, (1968) is a gold-tone collar with matching clip f!aTrings. Center top: Syncopation, (1956) is a simulated ivory necklace and ear- rings. Center bottom: Mirage, (1956) are mu.lticol~red cabochon stones with coor- dinated. clip earrings. Hand-sculpted plastic ~arrings. cuff and bib in yellow .• red, black , cobalt. white and clear lucite by Isaac Manevicz. Available at the May Company, Robin- son 's and the Broadway. Bathing with herbs • • • By VIDA DEAN Dlllly "°' heuty lei* Let's take a look in the old mailbag. Here's some information on making a beauty bath al home with inexpensive herbs. Today, I think. most people are shower- takers rather than tub-bathers. t It's jump in the shower, out in a few minutes, and off to work or to do a million chores. But, if you prefer a sit-down bath occa- sionally you'll be interested in some informa- tion from F.melie Tolley. Tolley is the editor of a monthly news- letter exploring the many ways herbs can be uaed for beauty, health and cooking. She says herbs can be soothing and hea- lin1 to weather-damaged skin,. relaxing to frayed nerve9 and invigoratin& wh~m one is tired. There are herbs, she says, that can aoften akin. tighten or open pores and deodoriz.e or •11mply perfume the water. lierba can be used fresh or dried in the bath and the simplest way to use them is to VD~ prepare a strong infusion of the herbs, then add four or five cups to the bath water. Also, the herbs can be made up ln small muslin bags. Tie a string to the bag and let the warm water course through the bag as the tub is filled. . For extra benefits, rub the bag over the body. The bags can be dried and used aga'in. but they'U get weaker with use. When making bath bags, add a handful of oatmeal to the handful of herbs. The Olltmeal acts u a water softener and soothes the skin, u does milk. Try steeping herbs in cold milk for a See Using herbs, Page C5 finhlcn~ ~ £pet*1a ~lal $20.00 $35.00 D£1illi14•H!lrliii Orange e oast "IMA GIVER" lt S8);S on the license plate of Michael Watkins' silver Honda. That's reinforced by his saying, "You see, I've been lucky. I've had all thls given to me, and as a result I feel it's my responsibility to give back w hat I can to my community." It's a refreshing attitude in an area some- times more conspicuous for its personal con- sumption. When Michael refers to "all this" h e's talking about the 600-acre ranch stretching out at his feet in the rolling hills southeast of El Toro. It was Michael's ~randfather, V.P. Baker . who bought this acreage in 1958. Raw land then, Baker planted it in oranges and avocados and no-.v across the property, healthy trees bloom in various stages of growth -some as old as 20 years, others as new as four. "Although we'll keep enough to grow fruit and vegetables for the family, I'm afraid this land will have to be developed fo r indu- strial and commercial use eventually," Michael says. "It's just not going to be economically fea • sible to keep it the way it 1 is, unfortunately. especially with civilization encroaching on us so quickly." He gestures towards some condominiums just below the property towards Lake Forest. "I swear they weren't there three weeks ago,'' Michael shak~ his head. Born in Los Angeles almost 33 years ago. Michael is the third-of-four children born to V.P. Baker's daughter, J ean . His first three years were spent in Boston, where two bro- thers had been born before him (his Los An- geles arrival was due to a visit being made to his grandmother by his pregnant mother). His family moved to Pasaden a in 1953, stayed for a year and then settled in Atherton See Orange Coast. Page C5 Michael wears grey cotton pants by Been e, and a purple cot ton Daniel Hechcer knit shirt with a grey cotton- knit collar. Around h1s s h oulders is a grey and purple principally-cotton pull- over sweater and all are from Alex S ebastian/South Coast Plaza. His soft tan cowhide oxfords are d esigned by Peeples, and his watersnake belt is from The Look at Fashion Island. A gainst the background of on e of th e older avocado grovl!lli, Mich ael wears ~deep beige cords and a 100 percent blue cotton sh irt striped in deeper blue, green, red, brigh t blue and yellow by Henry G eth e l . Cloth es by Alex Sebastian/ South Coast Plaza. A S 11 lldQr S«f loll of th~ <>nmg. Cocut Oall11 Pilot Thomae P ,......... Thomu A. Murphlne .... L. ~ Scttuttz ¥11e 1a 1 I ... ................. Nora Letwnan ..,....., ......... ,... ....... -.... .. .. .. ,. ...... Cell 842""321, E1ct 205 •' imprin.teT: ... .. • ti' ..... .... • • • • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 2, 1982 Michael Watkins J WOM>Ell .. LL MOTHt;lt'S OA Y (,ffT IDEAS for thot bpl'1'111I pt'raun 111 ~our lifr Jr1>f'ln trr;1,11r1•& ... to IM" l11vl'J anJ 1'ht•rialwd . Ire.tu thr corlll'mpuriiry. l111d1 fa&h1on ... to the trJ1lt11u11al. thr l1r1rlt)(Jllh 11£ tomorrow llAHUAH \ k.. JAt:KSU'\, nat1onall> known, J\'oartl 1"o11111111~ Jt'l'orln tJ,.-il(rwr. bring~ pt•ro.ona latl'•I "'" 11 r• ,111J ur1~1nJl1I \ uf des11(n tu th,. Nt'wport -\ ,..,, E11tt'r 1nt11 du• wondrou' wurld 11! lw.rn11lul ~··11i-.111d fuw 1•·1>1•ln . . FEATllHING ... Ongmal l)e..1g11mg. Cu~tum Rr"~tyling & He~ttmg. !\ l~,1gner Collt"rtiou uf Cold & Pla1111um Jewelry. lluunond1, Pf"11rl>.. Fant: Colored Cerns1011ea,· Cu~lurn Jeweln ~la. nufat•tur111g & Repairing. Wearing a white raw-silk jacket. a multi-colored striped raw- silk lie and pale blue shirt with navy wool gabardine slack s, Michael poses with ranch foreman, Joe Es tero in the ranch shed. , W e've stretched Mother's Day into Mother's Week at N-M Newport Beach. All week long, all over the.store-awards for your special woma n of the year. Topped off with a Mother's Day brunch in The Zodiac on Sunday -a great place to go to throw your own pri vate awards ceremony. Monday through Saturday -Sally Welch and Janet Walsh from LJdo Valise will display the" custom-made canvas c •mers Have your favofltes personalized in time for Mothers Day from 11to3 in Luggage Thursday and Saturday from 11to3 -Sharon Alexander and Kay Fatrba1rn will autograph copies of the" latest cookbook, The Apple Cookbook, 10 95. The Epicure Shop. Fr1day from 11 to 3 -an artist will handpaint floral decorations on charming wicker desk and boudo" accessones m The Stationers Sunday Mother's Day Champagne Brunch in The Zodiac. There 'II be three seatings -at 11 a.m., 12 noon and at 1 p.m. And informal modeling! 12. 50 per person. For reservations, call 759· 1900. ext. 329 Sunday from 12 to 3 make Mother's Day picture perfect ado have a family portrait done after brunch. We 'II have a photographer on hand to capture the fun. 6.00 for each color print. The Zodiac. Monday through Saturday -discover Mother's favonte fragrance. Or try a new one on her. Choose from our splendid collection of famous fragrances m Cosmetics Wrap it up with our special Mother's Day Gift Wraps m Custom Gift Wrap, Second Level. Cl ... ....... k Cl •Al U11W'IA , .......... , .. /\'-~~" tAtl11"'° ... .... ,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 Heavy duty partying • • • -~· Kathy and Kelly Munson: Melinda and Doug McCray and Bunny and Tom Crosson gambled their way in t.o a successf ul fundraiser for the Newport Beach chapter of Rotary's e ffort t.o provide an alert system for the handicapped and elderly Lied mto Hoag llosp1tal's emergency room . Sharon Fair and She ldon A L 'ippe chat during a fund-ra1S1ng tx•nefit for the Panfic Ch orale held at chr o p e n1ng of L '1ppe!Warc•n 's 5'_'C'ond .!>ton· in San Franc:1- sco. A number of ar cs supportN~ from Or- ange County flC'w up for the opcming party. T he.• duciors S heldon L '1ppc· and James Warc•n have' bt•en in the crystal business in Laguna Beach for seven yl•ars. From th£• lc•fl Pac Co.\ "as honored by Plann('d J->arn1Lhuud ol Ora11gt> County for hrr 15 ,Yl'~Jrs of Ul'Votwn to tht• orgamz.aLion . With ht·r is EvC'lyn }'nun)!. incoming presi- (Jc.nt of th£• South Co<Jst Orf.(anization for Pl.inn<'d Par<•nthood (SCOOP) and Jud'r· B.int11ng. pn•s1dt·nc 11( th<' l'l..inncd Pareni- ho<><l 8n.1rd uf 0 Jrc'(·trm; ----------------,----- D iamond tolltalre rings. pMdantl & ••rrlngt $ ~ from J95 ffdt Koftf\/C<edll • Miiiet Cerd •VI .. • Ametlcan EaprMI ...SOUlH ..COAiJ PlAZA 3333.U.LSIOL st .... CO.STA.ME.SA . . ' By NORA LEHMAN Of ttte O•HJ '"°' llett -~ THANKS FOR SMALL FAVORS: At least they're all in a row. We won't have to be wanderinl( all over the county to cover them the way we did on September 26, 1981 ... a day that will go down in infamy as the biggest overdose oC, partying yet to hit the county. Well, we've almost reached that peak of perfection again, folk. Despite warnings to everyone involved in these things, three of you have locked horns again and done a number for Saturday, the 8th of May. Over at the Marriott-on -the-hill, Jan Loeb's hostel, one group of music lovers will be waltzing away the evening at the Vien- nese Ball. That's to bene fit the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. So . . . it's "black-tie" and If wal tzing's yo ur thing, give Floss Schumacher a call. Then , a round the corner and up San Clemente Drive, the Boa rd of Trustees at the N~wport Harbor Art Museum, is thro- w ing another black-tie affair to put some money in the museum's coff ers. Those guests will wine, dine and then gamble the night away.So .. .i f li ving o n the edge - of-the-roll-of-the-dice intrigues you, give the museum a call. Then, just a few strides on up the hill, in the new Newport Civic Cente'r Plaul, the Mozart and Debussy Chapters of the - yup, you guessed it -Orange County's Peforming Arts Center are having an in- (ormal ''do" with a Dixieland Band, a Bar- bers9op Quartet and all such things. So . . . if you don't want to get all done up in your now-wearing-thin dinner jacket and per- ha ps tired evening dress, pull on your r e- placeme nts for blue jeans and hike yourself over there. Diane Kraeme r can h elp with that. (1 h aven '{ decid ed whether lo w ear croppe d slack s unde r m y ballgown and change on San Clemente or not.) HOM E FROM T HE SEAS : T he same night, as luck would have it, a number of yacht clubs, w hose members are usually out there among 'em at the fund ra1sers. are welcommg their sailors home from Ense- nada. The ratings for the tell y should be very low that evenin& arou nd here. MASTER CAL E NDAR: Tha t most necessary or all items is in the serious pub- lication stages o f ta lk. Dina von Burger's efforts towards saving us all from ourselves will indeed come to pass. More late r about this. All I can say is start now thinking of it as a planning tool. P-L-E-A-S-E! If you don 't all you fund raisers ou t there will have to hold yourselves person- ally responsible for the e m ot ion a l and physical breakdow ns of editors and colum- nists all over the county. BUT WHAT IF THE T IDE COMES IN?: Gloria Mooney calls the new Paci fic Federal build ing at 19th and Newport Bou- levard in Costa Mesa "the sandcastle." G IVE A SQUIRREL A BREAK: Th a t's what Vick Knight said his bride's birthday gift to him was predicated on ... a .22 rifle to s care t he s qui r re ls away from h is "plantings." He says he's such a bad shot the squirrels hardly look up from their mun- ching when he lets a bit of shot go. Careful of the windows there and your left foot. L E BIBLIOTECA DE C ARMELO: T hat's the name Carmelo Manto has given to the "library" the ne w club a t La Strada Restaurant in Corona d el Mar . It's for Or- ange County authors to gather toge ther in their ver y own milie u a nd since write rs usu a lly ta lk as "good " as they write. it should be a lively and a musing bunch who gather there. No-one Jn this photo is the winner of that diam ond pendant awarded to Ken Fobenius a t South Coas t Rep the other nig h t. But Cynthia Wittenberg is a very pretty lady. and besides her husband Eric is president of the Board·of Trustees. so if she wan ts to try it on, it's ok ay. Here (from the left) are Bruce L am bert and Stuart Moore -the pendant donors, with her. So, finish u p your books, gang. Then you too can join Joe Wambaugh, Ted Taylor, J im S leeper, Vi Smit h , Leland Frederick Cooley and, so far, a handful of others. ACROSS THE STREET and down the block, Todd Morrow has added a whole new wing to his Line n Store a nd boy does it make you want to have your morC' intimate quarters done over . maybe <.lo th('m in your basic w hatever and then get sets and sets and sets of towels and s heets and bed- spreads and comforte r s a n d pillo w s and breakfast trays and mats for the trays and aprons for the person(s) wa1t1 ng on you .. If you missed h is opening, w h(•n he pre - sentecl a check to E.G. Chamberlin, NHAM Museum Council pres, to go towards doing a d ecor a ti\le sound-proofing JOb on th.C' Sculpture Ga rden, then stop a nd take a gander during regular hours. S H E'S GOING TO STATE That's Carol Fuchs. w ho. not content wath some community activity m her own home· area around the harbor. has tak('n on the )Ob or state president for the Ebell Clubs of Cali- fornia. We ll . m 'dear . congratulations and good luck. OVER IN COSTA MESA. South Coast Re p not only had its First Naghtt•rs party. but had the drawing for the diamond pen- dant designed by Fashion Island\, Wyndham Leigh Diamonds to raise some• montc>s for thC' theater. Valued at $6,000, the drawing raised over $8,000 for t he treasury and Costa Mesa had it all its own way that night. !x'<'ause THE WINNER WAS (open the· e n velope, pl ease) KEN FOBENIUS of CM VP Geoff Stack a nd his bride. Vickie pulled Mr. F.'s name. The Irish meal. in honor of the play · "DA'' was p re pa red by th<' Costa Ml•sa Guild's Hospitality Comm1tt.<.'<.' and the h<>S- tesses: S h e rene Ross. Bar bara Murra v. Phyllis Kessler. Mary Cunningham. Susan Gates, Sheila Hoyles. JunC' W1ll1ams. Martha L yons, Betty Taylor. the one with the true brogue, Catherine Thyen. and Irish c:uhna ry expert consultant Maisie Lindsay. Ha r pist Joyce Hansberger played t he harp during the reception. Because there wasn't e nough t'lsc gomg on. w hat with the diamonds and the play and the food, the newest mC'mbc rs of the Golden Circl e were mtroduC'ed and thC'_v are: Jerry Williams, the Mike Gerings, the Bill FOQtes, Chuck Martins, and the Len Millers. The Br uce Lamberts and the S tuart Moores, who are Wyndham Leigh Diamonds ... INC. were brought u p to the sta~e for 6BAND-OPEN-ING JANUARY'S the most prestigious nail sa lon in Newport Beach has ex- panded to a complete beauty salon. WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE FOLLOWING SERVICES BY IPPOllTIEllT OILY: • No Lift Sculptured Nalls • Mas~er Sculpture Artists • Hot 011 or Water Manicures • Juliette~ and Liquid Nail Wraps • Nall Tips • Hand Painted Nall Art • Pedicures • Sculptured Nalls Taught J? I /,) • Individual Lashes • Lash/Brow Tinting • Body Wraps V::>od'I Lare• Massage-Masseuese, Masseur• Waxing for Women and for Men, Beard, Back of Neck and Eye Brow Shaping • Featuring Oucette Cosmetics • Individualized Make-up Design • Make-up Lessons by January or Linda Ducette • Skin Care -Featuring Esthetlc Products • AIE certified • Eathetlcfan • Aleo Featuring Saco Products :J.acia/s SPECIA[t!-MANICURE AND PEDICURE s20 cJANUAR cr·s 2400.W. COAST HIGHWAY. 8UIT!8 A a 8 NIWPOR1' BIACH, CA.12113 • (714) Ml-1411. Ml-•44, Ml-3141 _......____._ .................... ___...._.. 1 • Weik 8:00 •.A:OO • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/'°""y, May 2, 1812 Partying • • • tba..dnwtna and. oh y.. juat.c> the..~ audience wun't 1hort-chan,ed, Ted ~ally, author of the· Stcond Staae 1 play-to-come "Comtna Attractlon1." wu al.lo introduced. · It began to be remlniacent of the Ed Sullivan Show . . . "and in the audience is . . . " Some of you have hung around long enough to remember that. Come on now, don't deny lt.· S IX WEEKS: That's the title of the movie premiering for th' be~efit of the American Diabetes AssoclatJon this fall. La Cuisine's Bill Discenw underwrote a press luncheon for the Premiere Committee recently -even offering that divine dessert cart to everyone, for heaven's sake. At a diabetes meeting?!?! . (There are a few of us threatening to go in there and not ~ go, but go directly to dessert.) The picture's starring two Moores - Dudley and Mary Tyler and another Irisher, Katherine Healy, who if she'd been any kind of a sport would have changed her name to Moore for this picture. Chairperson Germayne Cumby, of the American Dlabe~-Premiere Committee, ts going to bring back hars singlehandedly and they do top costumes off, don't they. Here Alice Zamboni looks at our pho- tographer, but we must get pretty Bunny Pero to pay more attention. What do you suppose caught her eyes· over there? That La Cuisine dessert tray Bill Decienzo tempts everyone with? I'm going to list names here, because this is a distinguished group of gals from throughout the area and you should know who they are. Take a deep breath. Headed by Germayne Cumby, a La- guna person, she had Nancy Farrand, Dai- dred McCredie, Bunny Pero, and Terry Spreen from he r area with her. Huntington Beach is represented by J erri Cimmarrusti, Joan Lund, Nancy .Harris, Joan Klu\:mik, and Alice Zamboni, while Karen Hansen represents Costa Mesa; Ann Pang, Newport Beach; Dawn Piel, El Toro; Rose Reed, Fullerton ; Kathy Ruper, Orange; Beverly ·Thielen, La Palma; Pat Weiss, Los Alamitos; Sandi Ventura, Irvine and Shirley Corwin, Corona del Mar. Margare t Gaffey, supervisor of the per- forming arts for the dty of Irvine, and the Pilot's entertainment writer, Tom Titus, recently r eceived honors for their long- time support of the arts in Orange County from the Angels of SaddleQ;lck College. Orange County impr inter: Michael Watkins (From Page C3) on the San Francisco Peninsula where his sister was born. Off to University School, a boy's boarding school in Victoria, B.C. at 14, he played rugby, cricket and was captain of both the basketball and tennis teams. The Northwest had caught his fancy and after a few attempts at further education, usually at small junior colleges, he found h e was bored with school, decided experi- ence was what he needed, and went to work at radio KTAC in Tacoma. "Working in radio is fun, but the money's not great," he says of that experience. He then went into advertising and from there in to PR, handling public relations for the Seattle Cascades of World Team Tennis. He was working for a firm called Physio-Control, a life-support system manufacturer since bought out by Eli Lilly, when his gtandfather brought him to Orange County three years ago to help manage the family pro- perties. "I was the only grandchild with administrative experience," he ex- plains, "so he hired me. Handling paperwork is basically what's needed to run property like this, as well as what we have in Texas and San Francisco." He had a two-year training period before Baker died last year, and now Mic hael, as co-execu to; of his grandfather's will, is the managing partner in handling the family's fi- nancial interests. That includes his two older brothers, a younger sister, COVER: Michael Watkins, agains t the • background one of the family ranph 's orange groves, wears a grey raw-silk jacket -texture played against the smoothness of his grey wool-gabardine slacks. To add some dash, he combines the neutrality of grey with a blue shirt and pink de. All but the shoes and belt are from Alex Sebastian/South Coast Plaza. Cover story phot.otJ by Ciary Am- brose. his mother and his aunt. The day-to-day, on-the-spot job of running the ranch is done by Joe Estero, an El Toro-born Basque, whose been on the property since the beginning. Under him are six full- time people who w ork and live there. "When a nything extra has to be done, like pruning the orange trees, we bring in special crews," Michael says. "It's more economical and we know it'll be done properly." A clothes-horse, he explains that ~hile he always admired the way his father dressed, an interest in clothes didn't translate to him until his fi - ancee, Jill Harley -whom he'll marry in August -asked him if he'd ever read "GQ." "I didn't even know what it was," he laughs, "but she told me it was a men's fashion magazine and that I should get it and read ill: The bell- bottom pants I wore when we first met weren't her idea of style." "Well, I did get it and I did read it. Now, I wisti she had my bills. "Do men's stores like to see me coming? You bet. I buy what I like and I'm afraid I don't ask the prit'e." . Using herbs in your bath • • • (From Page C2) few h ours and add to the bath, or mix powdered milk With herbs in the bath bag. Chamomile is a soother and cleanser. Use fresh leaves and flowers or dried flowers. There is a mild apple smell. Elder leaves, bark or flowers can be softening and healinJt to the skin and mint provides a relreshing and cooling summer bath. Rcsemary is stimulating and good for oily skin. Crush the leaves well to avoid scratches, cautions Tolley. Al Fasblon /1/and, join Us For AFTERNOON TEA ThNe-are s~ many good bath products on the market that using herbs may seem a bother. But ad- venturesome, pioneering types may enjoy making their own. For 11\0re information about how herbs can have a place in your bath, send a stamped self-addressed enve- lope to Living with Herbs, 219 E. 49th St., New York, N.Y. 10017. • • • • . Also, from the mailbag comes this on "sweet spring indulgences." If you're the type that likes to switch to light floral fragrances w h en the weather be · to warm this ma be with fresh baited scones & appetizers Weekdays 2:30 -4:00 p . m . G~at Drinks Dell&hdul Lunches Gloilou Dinners· eoC> N. Euclld St. Anlhel'11 Ptaza 772·2130 His favorite fashion haunts? Alex Sebastian for sports clothes and Saks Fifth Av~nue for the Giorgio Armani suits he favors, being tall and slim enough to wear them with the ir spare European cut. He heads into The Look in Fa- shion Is land, too, a nd last w eek when he was east investigating the possibility of obtaining a Haagen- Dazs ice cream franchise for his .. sister for Balboa Island he slipped into Barney's for a high-fashion tour. The result -four spring and sum- mer Annani suits. He's taken his grandfather's place on Claremont College's Economic Institute Board, as well as being ap- pointed by Supervisor Tom Riley to represent the fifth supervisory dis- trict on t•e Orange County Fair Campaign Practices Committee. He brought an interest in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization with him from Seattle, where he was much involved in their work. Both he and JilJ, beng fond of children and not, at least presently. planning to have any of theii own, will work together in this pro~am after they're married. "There are so many children now who have unmet needs, we'r'e loo- king forward to doing ,what we can to help in that a rea," Michael says. Are he and Jill planning to go to the Angelitos Ball, one of the Big Brothers'/Big Sisters' organization's major fund-raisers and scheduled for May 15 at South Coast Plaza? "Oh, of course, we'll be there," he nods, the n adds musingly, "And I must get a dinner jacket -soon!" of interest. Alyssa Ashley, Inc. has a French Garden Collection -the four scents of which may be used separately or combined for a bouquet effect. There's natural spray in Tea Rose, Gardenia, Lilac and Jasmine. The people describe the scents for three pages saying in effect that the fragrances are "as becoming to the women who wear them as they are to the flowers that bred them," but I'd sum up the information by saying the sprays are light , flowery and smell nice, and that moisturi7.ers and talcs come in the same fragrances. Pilot ltdvertlslno II good business for Lenz of Callfomta. Stcwtty Protection f 0t: 'Silver, Cameras, Furs, Jew· elry, Collectibles, Guns. Documents, Computers. MAKE YOUR CLOSET A FORTRESS PROTECTION FOR YOURSELF & YOUR VALUABLES Affordable Security For Home or Ottlce Call Our Consultant For FrM Evaluation CUSTOM SECURITY CLOSETS 552-3975 534-8797 I I Presenttng the Dove, In exquisite crysta l by ~arot, the Crystal of Kings. An elegant paperweight or decor ~lece. New tom Baccarat. S70.00. Balley Banks & Biddle World R~ ~krs Since llJJ2 SOUTH COAST P\AZA, COSTA MESA Fnt Le¥91, near The CGIOUlet (71•) _7&1·5640 The Diamond Anniversary Ring ... a band of, diamonds tf'lat says y0u'd marry her all over again. I • I ('8 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 , .. • ' \ , ¥'• ' , , . , • ~'MtS SERO~ 'I COLE· HAAN Daily Pilat SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1982 STOCKS REAL ESTATE TRAVEL 04-5 oe 07 Esteelll, productivity. By CAROL MOORE OtllteDellJ .......... David Bladatone's smile 1uma up the progresa of occupational therapy at the Rehabllitation In- stitute of Orange County -if you can catch him. The 21-year-old, who Uves in a board-and-care facility in Coeta Mesa, rides the bu1 to RIO In Orange each weekday to start the hectic achedule that makes small allowance for his cerebral palsy. In the morning h e coflec ts, sorta, copies and delivers ,inter- departmental mail among RIO's various wings for physical, audio and vocational therapies for clients of all ages. Part of his lunch break is s~nt ' traveling to a Wild West clothing store where he spends two hours hanging and sizing Jeana and 1hirta. Then it's back to RIO for a shift wor king-on subcontracted projects at the Mary'MQOre Vo- cational Center. When Black.atone I.a intervie- wed at 2:30 p.m. a bout hi1 di- verse respon.aibllltles, he grins like any employee lndicatlna the work could be easier. He's very intent on his mail rounds and hia supefvisors at Wild West are pleased with his three-month try-out. That's the kind of report Ka- thy Morris, his cue manager at aro. is glad to hear. Since last September she has gukjed his aptitude testing, eva- fuated his physical Urnitationt, designed individualized rehablli- tation and obeerved his t.ra1n.lng on posta l mete rs, scales and charta and dupllcatina rmchines. She cbecka regularly on-lite at Wild West, and when Black.atone does find a permanent job pla- cement, 1he wur follow up for one year to eliminate potential problems. "WorkiJll on location heli:-our clients lmprove thell' stamina and productivity and take directions fut.er," ahe said. "Plua we can see juat how. much aupervblop the need.'' Iliackstone la just one of 50 clienta slowed by birth defecta, injury, debilitating stroke or ill- ' neaa who are flnl1hing their "restorative" programs at RIO at preeent. "They have reached the end of our continuum," aald Chria Hill, vocational aervloet director. "The clients go through adoleacence, ao SKILLS APPLIED -Delivering mail at the Rehabilitation Institute of Orange County was part of David Blackstone's training that led to clothes sorting job at Wild West S tores. to speak, u they learn or re-learn how to take care of thermelvea, make decblona and live alone. The 1ut step ii betnC productive, earninl a Uvtnc." Twenty conipan.1• bel()ft8 to RIO's lndwtriaf Advtlory Bcmd. They evaluate the Jewll of tral- nina and provide temporary pc.ttlona to monitor clienta' em- ployablllty and Job retention. Board member~ and other firms contract with RIO to make such Items u flashll1hta, pool cleaning klta, cigarette filters, craft and tool auortmenta and the speaker units for Airline pu- aenpra' head9ets. Or weeks of concentration and painatakina effort can 1harpen the 80lderlftg, codlna and Ulml· bly skills that will earn a good wage ln electronics, packaging or light machinery operationa. "Since 1972 our wOl'kera have performed Ume-conaumtna pro- duction dutiea, rellevln1 other oompenles of job tet-up, aupervi- sion and training.'' Ma. Hill ex- plained. "We give a competitive bid baaed on rate per piece. Price in- cludes storage, materials, set-up and pick-up and delivery, lf df!. sired. Quality assurance meeta th e manufactucer 's preciae standarda. '' Referrals for t~ vocational program'•walting lilt oome from the RlO staff, the state. Depart- ment of Rehabilitation, private therapy progr:am1, lnturance companlet and school dl8tricta. "fndtviduala rem.tn in tra1n1ng from two week.a to three years, depending on their needa," said Ms. Hill who has a muter'• de- gree in rehabilitation adminiatra· lion from the Univers\ty of~ Frandaoo. In her three years at RIO ahe baa aeen such aucceas atoriee as: -A woman "graduate" who haa been employed by Beckman lnstrwnenta for almost a year. -Another client Who Wal hi- red u an electronlc:I u.embler and now is ln charp of alx other employees. · -A custodial lef'vicea trainee who haa worked for the aame employer for more than a year. (Eight cllenta currently clean RIO headquarters in this phue of occupational thenpy.) The newest addition to the in- stitute, a non-profit Euter Seal Society agency. ls the two-story Mary Moore Vocational Center. Economic slats can be If riddle u:.less you can fipre th ose seasonal adjustm enl8. P .. e D2. Deltr Not,...... ..., Ndwd 1(-- DET AIL WORK ~ Margie Ga retz turns out pr inted circuit board componen ts at Mary Moore Vocational Training Cen ter. The benefactor serves on the boerd of directors at c.out Metal Craft Corp., and Golden State Foods Corp., the food supplier for McDonald's restauranta In the United States and Canada. Her late husband, William R. Moore, founded the Golden State Corp. Each afternoon the long work tables are lined by clients whoee busy hands are doing intricate wiri ng, snappin g components into place and reaching for inde- pend!!nce. Ramo stays optimistic TRW partne r seeks agency to p r obe techno logical hazard s CONCENTRAT ION PAYS OF F -Barry Bonner of Costa Mesa pays cloee attention to .. LOS ANGELE.5 (AP) -In an age of increa.a.ing specialization, Simon Ramo recalls the ideal of a · Renaillance man. A adenUst. termed by Fortune magazine "father of the electro- niC9 revolution," he ll alao an author, tncher'. futwtlt md vk>- lin.iA He's the .. R" in \be 1'edondo Beach-hued multibillion -dollar aerospace conglomerate TRW. founded whe n Ramo and Dean Wooldridge left Hughes Ain:raft in 1953 -after a ~nt , over Howard Huahes' 1Q&nage- ment style -and formed their own company with a Cleveland, Ohio auto parts manutacturer caned Thompeon Products. Ramo also is noted for his hu- mor. Aeter watch ing a missile rise six or seven feet before fizz- ling, he is said to have turned to hil project. About 50 of RIO's 60Q clients are· Air Force Gen. Bernard Schrle- trained for competitive employment. ver and commented. "Well, Ben-nie, now that we know the thing Swank competition • moves 1n can fly, all we have to do la im- prove its range a blt." Has Newport Beach becom e too affluent for .f. C. Penney? Now 68 and retired as TRW's vice chairman, Ramo still chairs TRW Fujitsa Co., a joint venture w ith Japan's largest com pu ter manufacturer. He'• abo involved ln dvlc and cultural affairs, plays the violin in duets with the likes of Ja.:ha Helfett and ln a at.ring erwemble dubbed the Pro and Con Quartet, writes booka and, ln a labonatory at UC Santa Barbara, i1 reaea'r-' ching the applicationa ol ~lecttc>­ nics theories to the functionlng of the brain. By STEVE MARBLE Of'ttwO.-, ...... IUff Ia J .C. P e nney not awanky enough for Fashion Island? That question wu railed last week after the Irvine Company, owners of the circular ahopplng center, revealed the department store would be pulling out of Newport Beach next September. The ato re, an original 1967 Newport Center tenant, occupies the second largest building ln the cent.er and haa lM employees. The three-atory structure 11 the lar1eat J .C. Penney ln Oranae County. • In lnaktnc the announcement, a rfC1ona1 rnanqer forr J.C. ho- ney Mid financial projectlona shOwed ....anlnl In the center ~ Neiman·Marcua, Bul-locu Wllahlte and Broob Bro- thin .. not tn &he fbm'a bat ........ 1 O"M'eh fnllD J.C. PenM)' dMl not. .......... ,the .... .,_ I have slumped, though store ma- nager Stunner White did note It wasn't enjoying the high-volume activity the company expects. He added that in hla opinion the center wasn't too tJWanky for a J .C. Penney. White said the announcement came as a aurprile to molt of th' top-level penonnel at his store and "there was a lot of crying." Without saying so dlrectly, Ir- vine Company Jpokeamen hinted that Newport Beach hal become too afOuent a community for J .C. P~. TheY added the ~pany ex· ~ectt to brin1 In eeve ral •blab-end, bJC!:i-futilor\I' cllentt to the ttore once J.C. Penney pu1ll OUL I\ WH the Irvine Company, rouahlY tour years aao. that ap. proached J .C . Penney about buyifta u p th• ~ yean on the flrm'11-. Tbl oampany more~ct.w~~ .. for remodeling the 224,000 squa- re foot build~ and leasing it to several new tenants. Officials from the Irvine Com- pany would not aay how much they paid for the 15 years re- maining on the leaae except to note "It waa not a token amounL" .The Taubman Company, ithe leaee and management agent for Fashion ~ handled ~Ua­ tlon~ with J .C. Penney. The Taubman Company, one of the nation'• larseat ahopl>ina cel'lter developers, LI headed by A. Al- fred Taubman. UC> dulliTnan of the board of the Int.ne Qomputy. The Irvine 0JmP91'ly r... .ut it will 1pend rou1hly $2 mutton remodellna the ator• and wlll have It reopened by the end of. the year. The remodftlinl la ~ lo lnclude a roof ,aiWn •tine for new ienani., an atr ium and a multiplex movie th1ater ar· raf\Wt ln the bu ernenL ·-·~··~·' - "We mwst find a betaer way of balancln. the neaauve a1pecta of technololY With the benefits it can produce for the majnrtty of people, .. Ramo IAld. rn a torthcomtn1 book , h• propolel 'In tpnC)' of .....,._,. and tctenU.tl to lnveetipte po- tenUal ~ of new tllct\no&o.· 119 lll'ld pre at the Info; nwtlon lo a political board, which couJd rnakt JUdlmen•. Crltln of the approach fear auch penell would IDt.erfeN with 1dentlflc .tradltaoril aad lhty doubl that ~ Mid .-tUtc ... Could be prodiDd '° l'ade the pOl\ddin _..,. __ _ RENAWANCE MAN -Simon Ramo, the "R" in the aeros~ ~te TRW, diaplaia satellite models. He has been cal- led 'Father of Electronics ~volutlon." : . ~ Ramo remains optimistic about technology. while acknowledging that many people equate It with such evils as pollution and the thre.tt of a nuclear holocaust. He aald he believes sc ience ''can 1upport and accelerate aoctety's nae to a truly golden ace." He haa seen h1a own work lend Itself to the peaceful exploradon of apace and expansion of me- dical techniques aa well to the ~r ot nuclear annlhUatlOft. A Sah Lake ~t)' Native wJM> 11'8duac.d from high 1ehool •t l_5J fWno went on 1o 11CCUmulate "° patenta bet~ hew.. 30 tn hJa werk on Ndar and ~ ""· cnJlt'Ol)el for General ~ in ScheMctady, N.Y. Movlna wM lo leCtUi'i at tt.. CaUfornia lllltll\lte of Techno- loo tn Pwdena. be arid a l'O"P £~-c·•11oe ... ......,m and ... *\t IJ'CIUP for H\leh•• Aircraft that dt· • • signed a weapons control system: and the Falcon guided m issile\ The mis&le became standard U.$~ Air Force equipment during ~ Korean War. ·1 • Durlna the 19501, Ramo coJ ordinated and U .S . project tO build an interroritinental ~ mlasHe and, with other ex~ developed abla tive materials - which realst the effects of hea1 by converting from a llOJIC! Into - gas whhout palling throuah tbff Uquid ai.ge -for Ule on rocke"t In addl\Jon to his rontlnulni 1clenUflc \vork, R&mo -w hq m•k•=· n&men\At wa&h h Wife Vlr nia 10 \hey can ha tltiit -.WO " a or .. ot_orpniatbll tndu• dtna UlllGft Bink. Tin. Minw. Co., th• Lot a\ac•••• Atf.11-i CoundL dW .... C.• ro.l dalion aftcl the NatlOnal s,. ph;lny OlchMnl ~ ' ' DI Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 '··r ............................................... ..i.t..., .......... ~"'"' ......................................................................... ... - . ! . • ; . . · , . . . . 5 , • ' ' ? I l l. IRANGECIAITITICll Following are the stock marke t activities of pub- licly trade d Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, A pril 30. Data provided b y Ne wport Securities Corp. UMI I '"" I MIADQO&ITDI t.OC&TIOI 'llOOUOTI I I .,. ,,. ..... -........ ''" lle1 t I f\Hll f lo 100t'e . -...... -....... -·...... .... .... . ... . . .. . . .......... . ... . . .. .... .. . .. ... .. . . . .... . ············ ...... ... .. ......... ....... . ........... . • u,n. Mt•r• l U l •O Cor •• : :::~·:~,. ~ ••• ,.. ,.o •. 6 ••1r\o•n .\t.. 1 4aer.T'h•r .. 1 ...... ,. .. ,, • a.n•·••woorl :~ ~=~~~~~"1:o. 1l .,.14aro•d rd. Al.Ill •l l ADCll anNu UC,• llrL u ro• 1) C.l.I C TNet -t4 Capt •lr•no h ... 1'\ C.,.1 Care~.,. CAIL 16 Cert,.Oft Co,.p CITI 11 C"•••P•••• rNIU 1& Cltll•n.t h Ai.. 19 Coltu " ,., •• ... o Cot1o1•11it• s. •. lt COMir~o. lnc:. Cl!farJ 11 Coepre t"t r• a-PM IJ Co''"''°" COYT• l ' C1.t1h&11' r1e"t CUSH 211\ Oat 1oower 16 ou.atron , .. !>u . .- 18 0oW"l•1 SIW, :-. r1C.>. tnt' lO ttP ~tc,..,, orw~ OTU DaTH• DSl Cit' '"" l' 11~..,raJll Ian-. ELD8 11 lll.i..l•• Coro f>tu • Jj hol..1t I in t ee-ft .. ' l• ht ut tn~ 111 J\ rer W.1t. Ptn. N f )~ rtru "''"·'· ra".a H 11\ota,. Corp. 18 Fl llorc>C'.,''3on l~ ~:~.~=~L::1;: • ~e,,erel ft~ •1 Oo.d~l'I "' k Pt,.lt • 'Cll1'' rlTJll' Of'f& !:t .. I l1'14 . 11) Creel 'ti Hosp 1Ml , .. ft••ll" fl'\.l, Iii!) He lton•tt"' MU,.a •6 ""'" l t •I• a."" t4•TI • r l•• .. '-"0"' In"' !'tM'! ''l ker )fllt t. •.,c. .. •9 ,, l• .,, " (Ji..f e.,o L••· 111 al• •Jt ua a '> \ Ll"ear lnet,.u t.tNR \2 l..ton Count,., ,~,,. '>l L?• •S.•l•as ........ St L_.t"i•,. "M J L~:~J IS~ Kel'""•""' e ,... -'-6 M.r 0"4,.f s.~. "tSL. '11 "'lCl"Oe•11l .. <>l"I. MS:-'"A -;8 'tore l'lo..,u tn:la"fll! '> J ~.SJ )It 41 r,,'"'"' IC.SI ~o ••' ,.,,,. 11 "f:" • •' "•"C ., '~od llllA' .. "'' .. , ...... ·~,.. •L.a II, t •ewp')r"' <1"0• ""''' ~*" 1fl"f06"\ tl• .. l •rw:P. ,,~ tf•WQOf"I !'"•"• •111,Jit fll6 ti•w Vw),.' <: ... .,. Iii NV ,, •1.1 . \r-"""' , ~ • ,')~·'-., 1 :fl , ., ?lfr; I•" 11 • l "\fell' ~ Pu•J fi l •f'\ , .. , 'f' p., .• , :.orl f>••• PA,Fpt '1' P•r11\ Pe'" ",." ,,. I I r 11•,.. 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IT .. ) 9'7-IH• <•• '°' ,.,.n ... c11.un1ea, '111SJ011ft) • ( ., 1n 1cuu 'Tll&T '"''Olf llCVl lTIU COI POU TIO• • ., & PVILl•al I UIAJICR Ul'Ol1 UUl..ULI 01 Tllll COlll'An t1l•tt•I•• •f fo,.t• ar• ••• t..o •••wre lh• aa•ura11 and ltM l ln••• or th• daU ooe1e tnH '" t.l'l••• t 1llll••i ••loh ar. ••••4 Ott •o"'"t:•• 11!1•1t•••d tG IN r-•lt•Dlt . ~l '"' •.oour-101 ••41 u .. t ln••• ar• aot .,,.,..,." ... •M .. .,..,., .. ,u,. tl•• '"' tM• •W•· oa"r ._.._.. flO lhlllllU.J for lftJ lfta11ura1t 11 or u•U•llMll et t M U t a l"ftlll .._.,. .. ,... -D1IUD ......... ··-··-............................ -· ............................... ____ ................... _ .................. _ ................... ____ ... _-:-···---·-··-···-·----······· ... ·• THE • I PERFECT .BLEND . OF MUSIC ·24 HOURS ADAY KDCM ·ma.t \ Franck Pourcel Ray Conniff Johnny Gibbs Kenny Rankin Caravelll Johnny Pearson Nk:o Gomez Anne Murray Raymond LeFevre Fleetwood Mac Clebanoff Al1 Garfunkel Frank Chacksfield Harald Winkler David Rose T onl Tennille James Last Ferrante & Teichef' Henry Mancini Alvtv Wiiiiams Butt Bacharech KJngeton Trio Bly Vaughn Barbra Streiland Don Tweedy 'Laufindo Ameida Stu Pt1llpe Gordon Ugtn1oot Hugo Mof ltlnlgre> LauM.,... P9rCy Flllt OMI Newlon.JaM, .._ ___ ,, Riddle of the n umber s ~conom y confusing if ~u don't know what's behind fi gures By LOUISE COOK Anoc:let9Cf ltrHa Writer Two and two don't always add up to four In lhc world or stallstlca. The unemployJnent rate can go up when the number of unemployed goes dov. The Conau- mer Price. Index can go down when prices go up. And that's only the beginning of the riddle . Numbers don't always tell the whole story. They frequently are the only avallable measu- rement of the economy, but It's easy to get con- fused tr you don't understand what's behind all the figures. . President Reagan focused attention on the numbers and on something called seuonal ad- justment recently when he talked about unem- ployment during March. The Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate went from 8.8 percent i}l February to 9 perceflt in March and the number o r people o ut ot work Increased by 280,000 . Reagan said that the number of unemployed actually decreased by 88,000. The department rigure was seasonally ad- justed; Reagan's wasn't. The adjustments reflect seasonal trends like school closing,, holidays and weather which af- fect the number of people working, but don't really h,ave much to do with the general state of the economy. Une mployme nt generally drops In the spring; the Labor Department expected a dro p of more than 200,000 in March. When it dropped by only 88.000, the statlsllcl.ans ''adjusted" the fi- gures to show an increase. Those seasonal adjustments are based on past trends and the government uses them to try to put economic changes into perspective. The adjus tments a ffect the Consumer Price Index and other government indicators as well as the unemployment ra te. That's one reason the numbers don't always reflect what's happening to your familv · "The man tn the street doesn't pay 9ea80n· aUy adjusted prices," said Pat Jackman 'of the Bureau of Labor :.::>tatialics, w hich compiles the Consume r Pril'e Index. There art' hundreds of items in the Consu- Sunglass purchasers have seen the light NEW YORK (AP) -Amencans have seen the light when It t.'Omes to protecting their eyes from the sun's rays. Some 86 million pairs of non-prescription sunglasses were purchased in the United States last year at a cost of $870 million, says Becky Jones of the Cor ning Glass Works su nglass- products department Photochromac lenses. those that change from light to dark in sunlight, continued to 1hine in popularity. she says, with sales reaching the 15.4 m11J1on mark in 1981. nearly 13 limes as great as a decade ago when they were introduced. I MATH MAGIC Savvy m nsum<.·rs know which statistics arc seasonally aclJUSt<-d mer Price Index and many of the m flul·tuau· with the season Fru1LS and vc•g<'tabll•s. for t•x ample. generally are morC' t•xpl•ns1v1· 1n the· winter. Clothing costs go down an J a nuar.> he cause or after-Christmas sales Using computers. the government hai. d t' t.enruned which items show a stablt· ~mablt· pattern and 1t. adjusts pnce..changes fo r J.hu.sc. __ a terns. It's a t.'OmphcaU...-d proa!SS-hut hc:rc.f io a :.im. pie. hypothetical exampk> of what 1t l'an ml·an Suppoise fruit and vegetable prac't-:. usually go up 10 percent in January If they ac tually go up onfy 5 percent, the adJusl<.-d index might wand up unchanged -or even lower. J ackman saad thC' seasonal adjustnwnt~ du not have a bag imfiicl on the ovc•rall andt•x, but individual romponents s how a baggc•r change'. In January, for example, the unadJU~tc•d index for apparel and upkeep we nt down I 7 percent. When the figures wert.' adjusted to a<:- count for the nonnal Ja nuary drop in clothing prices. however, the index showed a dN:lmc• of only one-tenth of a pen:enl. During February, the cost of food at home, on an unadjust.cd basis, went up I perct•nt Afwr adjustment, the increase was eight-tenths of one• percent. FOR BUSINESSMEN DOCTORS ACCOUNTANTS lmagne. hlxldreds of smaff oomPlAers and word p(ocesSITTg systems all together ln one place Vou'U see computers ranging from inexpensive personal sys1ems to soph1staca1ed small business systems You'H see word proces5Klg systems that increase yois office produclMty Plus all the rot new releases in smaff computer softwate._g9<ipheralS. accessores. 9eNIOOs. even suppll8S So. If you want to t..ndefstand what the r~ly • emerging small business and personal computer aystern pnenomenon as all abcxA and what c CNl mean to yotJ, you should be here BecaU98 you'U be able tO study and compare tylfems and appeica. • Anaheim Convention Center May 7, I, 9 Fr1doy U AM·9 PM Soturdoy, Svfldoyi 10 AM 6 PM TOMORROWS EXECUTIVES tc:>ns And oo JUS1 a few But t'uldreds The popular names yC>tJ already know And ir,new ones you should know about ComPlAer Showcase Expo is the one com- puter show you need this year •a-helm eel b ~rfacl Orou.11 Frominvham. MA 01101 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 DI Glut takes a whack out of oil company profits NEW YORK (AP) The oil glut splashed a drop or two dr"r«t tnk on the U.S. oll lndustry In the flrat quar._n!rtmry~-nr;·ll\l!"'tven the giants of the bu1lne11 auffe red their b iggest profit d rop1 In aeven years. The arithmetic Involved in the earnings re- porta released over the last two weeks was not complicated. Many of the companies were paylng about $34 a barrel for oil that, once reflned and sold as products such as gasoline and home hea- ting oil, gave them a return of $29 a barre l or less. The trice of oil products plunged mainly because o an oversupp.ly caused by conservation and recession in the industrialized countries. Retail gasoline prices, for example, fell nearly 28 percent from a year earlier, although prices have stabilized in recent weeks and have even risen a bit in some ·areas. While the companies were earning less on pumping oil from the ground, they contin ued to sink millions into new exploration projects. For ~ny, however, higher natural gas pnces helped offset the drop m oil prices. The storm spared Ccw. Amerada Hess Corp., which ran ks as the nation's 17th largest oil compa ny, reported a $16.2 million loss for the first three months of the year. The New York based company said it was the first time 1t had lost money in any first quarter since it started doing business. Ashland Oil Inc., a major refi ner and the 18th biggest oil concern in terms of sales, lost $11.6 miUion. The company attributed its los.s to "near-chaotic conditions in crude oil and petro- leum product markets." While the bigger companies avoided faUing into the loss column, the size of the profit de- clines was substantial. Standard Oil Co. of Cal - ifornia, for example, said its earnings plunged $436 million from a year earlier to the lowest level for any period since 1977's first quarter. 'l'o illustrate the magnitude of that decune, DID YOU KNOW: You can own your office space. J oo ...can s.i.op-¥.ow c.enLfrom goin1-41P- You can own the land -not lease. .. ··~ AIRPORT WEST BUSINESS PARK 245 Flacher near Red Hiii, C.M. Call Mr. Davia 751-7400 Broker Cooperation 3 PER ANNUM INTEREST Payable Monthly Highly Liquid -Safety Assured • Conceptics Computer Corp. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 975-0388 The MONEY I TIX GAME"' An ffMnllel, one-time, no obllgellon mlnar for lh• aophlatlceted bu1lnH1 "' end novice tu payer )41P preHnled by: rt "ne Fatlter ef Fl111oi•I Pla11l11" Dr. I. W. Y1r•H, CFP a Co-founder of the College of Fmanc1al Planning. former member of the Board ot Regents and vice chairman ol academics • L1ste<l ID the marquis of who s who ID the South and Southwest men of achievement fcadcag The Righi Soeakec and Notable Americans 78 & 79 T tfios l1el•411 • How lo reduce peraonal and bu1lne11 I•••• end lncreaH your annual 1pendeble Income. • Ana mor• '" c111tt 1tter4 le •In lttl• ,,,,malty Wt4., 1., ltti le•tlt C111t Pl1za lltttl Me Anton Blvd., Cotla MeH Limited SHllng, call Immediately for rHervallon 710-1111 If you use words You Need to Meet US Our machines and experien ced personnel will save you time and money in the pro- duction of your paper work. •LEGAi. DOalPT1 •M>TO-«EAOY con et1EP£TITM l.ETTW •lllAllJSCWT. TElM 'APW •AOOllDS fl[ WMGODT •MTHD MMCIG You Need To Meet The OCR You can take advantage of the benefits of Word Proceaslng and yet realize consider- able savings-by doing your own typing. The OCR reader wll "read" your own copy (or even a Xerox copy) onto magnetic media, _ reedy for revl1lon1 or for final printing. Avoid cntly temporary help- a.nd rour work to o M@)· it repreaented more m oney that the combined earnings of Amerada Heu and Ashland for all of 1.aat year. Exxon Corp., the nation's biggest company, said ita profit was $360 mlWon lower than a year ago. Mobil Corp., the No. 2 company, reported a LOST CONNECTIONS -A cons truction crew's distch -digging machine accidentally chopped a tele phone cable, shown by Pacific Te~ephone's Bob P arks, recently, resulting in $314 mlUlon drop, and Texaco, the third largest oil concern, aald It earned $29 1 million less. The nation's alx largest oil companies - Exxon, Mobil, T exaco, Standard of California, Standard OU Co. Indiana and Gulf OU Corp. - reported a comblned profit of $2.90 billion. That interrupted phone service for 900 homes and businesses. P acTel advises excavators to call 800-422-41 33 for a cable location expert before turning their shovels. was u d rop of 31 pcr('t'nt from the $4.24 billion earned in last years ru-sl quarter The dl.>ellne fo~ thoec six t'Ompanies was the largest for any fin \ quarter since the r~~1on yt'ar of HJ75, when their combined prortt droppc..-d 31 percent to $1.46 bllllon. T h e comg an lc11 w i th large 1ntcrnatlonal operation s wert• hit parli<.'ul<ir ly hard . wh ile those concentrating on U S . rnarkt.>ls fared so- mewhat better . S ta ndard of California, with a 65 pt-rcent pro fi t decline, suffcn•d thl' mos t of the four American partners in thl• Arabian American Oil Co. that produc:cs mO!>t of Saudi Arabia's oil. T he other partners are Exxon, Mobil and Tcxa<.'O. "It 1s absolutely s h ol·ki ng ." Consta n tine Fliakos, a Merrill Lync:h & Co analyst , sa1ct of .Standard of Cahfornrn's n·sull.l. "They truly are depressed" The Araml'O partners wc•re squeered harder than most other companll'~ b<.•<:ause they were obligated lO buy S<.iud1 011 at SJ4 a barrel. the official benchmark pm·(.• or th(• Orgami.auon of Pe trole um Exportmg Countrit•s. while yields were running about $5 a barn·I les. Companll's buying frnm other OPEC mem- bers either re<.'t'1ved d1S('OUnl.l. (Jr stopped taking the 011 The Aran'l<.'O partnl'n. l'h~· not to sever their tics bc<;aUS(' Saudi Arabia. with a govern- ment friendly to lhl· Un1 1<·d Stall·~ <i nd oil res- erves largt·r th<in any in th1• world. 1s a rl.'11able sourc:e There Wl'rl' a ft•w w111nl•1 s <.imong lhc Oil l'Ompantcs Union Oil C'o of Caldor nw reportl'<I a 9 percent 1m-rt•aSl'. Allanllt· H1l'hf1C"ld ga1m•d 5 percent and S un Co W<t!'. up ;$ pt.•rt·(•nt. Dcsp1lt' tlw gloomy outlook. signs urc· emerging thal oil prin·~ hav(• hit bollUm, follo- w ing OPEC's dt'<.'l!->lon in lall' M<irl'h w sharply reduce' produtllun Spot mark(•! pril·t·s for audl• ml have n!><:n, and many oil ('Ompanil'S h<ivt• rn1~'tl wholt'!><lle prices for ga~1llm· ov1·r tht· la'tl two Wl't'ks ~ -THE -r:;-----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--~------------------' FORECLOSURE (714) 542-5811 4-1 R&D WRITE-OFF s-w ......... .... .. 11· r!!!!:,! St LC ?116!>7 Set.<., r~ Sta''~ a1 tOUt Door re .... ~ -rYOOnV.a1 COSTA .... 641-1219 U»N•--'l lv<ll. -MISSION••uo49~ Profih soon loxed a t long term. 550,000 GIVES -S'l00,000, -'81-~~ction 'OT refund~ '7-9;--'86, '81 taxes olreodY'>-f{oi~ (71 4) 751 ·4824; Eves & Wkends {714) 493·1153, (7U) 552·7191 uni c-.... c..u••-1s-Diet• Prwy ... A•ery r!.wy.) Big enough to be safe ... How safe? $26 million strong ·Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Admin istering over $150 million for other financial instit utions Small enough to be neighborly. How neighborly? ·The simplest, sa fest IRA 15 OJo for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account,.. -the interest-bearing chec king account ·A Small -Savers account. the big hitter's envy! ·A non -stop welcome San Marino Savings 200 Wat Coast Hlahway Newpon 8'ach. CA..92663 645-6133 LENDERS: when you already have a p roblem don't compound it. Come to wh ere the banks. __..... ............... · &lfs. andJ oans_and morll)~brgkers _have _ been coming for over 3o" years. Profeaalonal Excellence Since 19S1 · STAN-SHAW CORPORATION >! . ; l • 04 ~ Orange Coast QAILV PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 NYSE <:OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOUTIOIO lllClUOI! f U OI\ ON 1111 llfW YOlll MtO•UT, 'ACI"( , •• 11/tfOll OIUOlf AllO ClllClllllATI U O(I ( a (MlllOU &110 •l'O•flO U flll llA\0 ANO llllflllll NEW YORK STOCKS CONTINUED Pl \4f" "" "''"' t..• U\t (flwl H••" le• j) • Otangt Cout OAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE OUOTA110H\ INClUOS I UOO OH l "l HIW YOU, MIOWUf l'ACl•IC, ~tW, 10,fOH. Ot UOlf ANO COllCINHAft \TOO fl!CNAHOI\ ANO wnoo•ftO t'f fHl HA\0 AN O IHtflNf I pf '--"' ' '" )l'• lO '""" , ,, . I lol • IOJ li ltl1t I • I> . . )) ., '•""-" ' lJ, n..,. a" n, 11 l'I\, 1)1) ""~' )/I ... t' ..... io1 • n 1n 10•, ... 111 t1l-t 11 111 n .. n '91 II IO • 10"0 »"' ,,.,~ JI ,, '°" I tl't • M11 •n , ..... 1• I JO S'-S • .. 10 •II .... "" )0 '' "\O >4'-Jt ' W • oOt n1. It. al , .. h tl'I 1)4. ,, .. .... f1. 11 • .. , '•'• IO', ~·· " .. )I ' ... I' JI .. '°"' I• 10 u .. .... L4U t. ... ,.... . .. ,~..;: )~ u·, lJ •• J)". ?t\, l• • •.. 11\. 101 •• ,, "" 101 • ><'> -,, .. ... ,., . ,, .... ,, It" .1 ; • .. , .. ... , .. .. I J "' .. • I" ' ''""' .. -.. i< • I '1'-. , ... .. . , •.. ti t, ' • ... 1 )t ~. }'. J1 I• 1t )C) )\ •• 1 n. •''• II • Ml ,, .. ti , 1\' p ( \.t~I\ ...... .. l s.... fihl Hit~ Le• L~ll ("' ,, l 85 \iltt Net H••-,.., U\t (flt ' ' 1 ... • I i I I I I .. • I • ' • I I I I ' I r I ; I 11 I • l .. 08 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mey 2, 1982 REAL ESTATE OUESTI ONS /COMMENT Should business buy into office condo? By RANDALL McCARDLE · The office bulldlna we rent for our executive offices ii being converted to a condominium. We are pleased with the location and the faclllty, but hesitate to get involved with a purchase. In your opinion, what are some of the factors to CCUlslder when buying an office condominium? Thanks for your Information. t' T S . Costa Mesa Some business firms ttave slay<.>d awa.y from owning the buildings an whal'h their business is conduct<.'Ci This has usually bl-en a tlec1s1on baM'tl on two facL'i: I. Some l"Ompanies du not lik<' to clulll•r up tht•ar balance she<?ts with f1xtod assets They makl· use of thl'ar resources by ex pane.ling normal busuw:-....., rathl'r than owning proµcrlv ~ The normal depn'l·1~t1011 pl'rlod for a mm mercial builchng un<kr tht.• uld t.al\ law was 40 years Sometimes this muld Ix-shortcnl'<l bv usanj.( component depn.'t.'1auon, but the resulung m•gotaa- tions with the lntern<1l Revf'nuc Sl'rvlt'C' eould bf• taml' consuming Under the m·w 191:11 tax law. budding dcpn·· c1auon has been i:ut to 15 y<.·ars. This afftX:ts <1ssets placed an 84.'rvacl' an IY8 I and an sub~uent year:. This shoulcf ch;mgP much of the thanking cimong business own<·rs. s1nct the t'Ompany l·an rc•<:aptun• 1ts anvcslml•nt in a n·l~1vcly short tamP. ln add1twn to tht• mut·h shorter time pt'no<l. owners of bus1m•ss pro1x•rty tan ust• a highly dl'Sl- rable 175 pert'l·nt Ol'<·lanang Baldnl't' ('()St re<·ovl•ry of tht• building Tht· building l'dn bt• either new or ust·d and thl' c.·ost n'<:overy (dt.•pre<·iauon) llmt_o p<.·- nod and ac."t·c•lt·1 ;Jtl'd tlt·pn'<:aatlon s<:h('Clult• <.trt' thl• !Wn1l'. Buying any l>us1m•ss propt·rty should ~.lways Ix· a "busint'~·· dl'l·1s1on rathc.·r than " ··tax de<:1 - -sion ffo}vevl'f':' ~1!nl1}:fttl~ rules· es drash<.<al~ 1:1& _ tht• cost r<.•<:nv<·ry has been rl'v1sed. wall changl' th<· input that go<·s into tht• dt'\:1swn-makmg pron•ss. Th<· bus1ntoss dl'uswn to pun·ha::.e an off1n• t'Ondom1111um may bl· made by the busanl~'> uwncr based on all of the advanlagl'S ~f real property owm·rsh1p and b;.is<'d 11n the rww wrale-orr scht>- dull· Othl•r advantagc·s to buying tht.• unit whc·rt· your offll'l' 1s now loc.:atc.'Cl might Ix• • ·Thl' property •~ locatc.'Cl an a familiar area You <.1nd your c:laents alrc·ady know the art>a. un- dl•rstanc.J the parking • You do not have.• to move· to gl'l tht.• nl'W tax c.·ons1dNat1ons Tht·rc· 1s no disrupllcJn of ,1t·t1v1ty • Tht· condo unit as frl'<' of any problems of rl'nl 1ncn•ases The.• busan~ owner 's monthly pay- ml·nt wall be an amoruwd loan Whalt• loCJns today ma) hav<.• a v<.1nable 1nt<·n•st rate. th<· < hangc>s 1n tlw amount of the: monthly payment wall bt manor EDITOR'S NOTE. Randall McCardle 1s the former president of the Real Esu.iters. He 1s also an author. lecturer and instructor Send your com - ments and questions to Randy MC-Cardle. clo the Daily Pilot. Post Offu:e &x 1560, C<Jsta Mesa. CA 92626. Home builders told to act lf home builder11 plan lO survive the current mortgag<> hnuncing crisis which 11 crippling the industry nationwide, they must give up their tra· d1tionally pa!l.'lavc "vkum" role of accepllng wha- l<•ver the fe<foral govt•rnment or some other outside for<.-e SC.'t.>s flt to hand them. MOVING IN -The newest resident of Sea Island condominiums arrives at the Newport Beach development near Upper Newport &y. This was th<' fl\(.'SSage Chr1Btopher 8. Leinber- ger, cxecullv(• vkc president of Robert C h arles Lesser Co .. a &overly Hills-based national manage- ment <.'Onsulting and market research firm, de live- red to the Home Builders Council in Newport Beach, n>ct•ntly Thotlt' builders who wait for the federal gov- ernm<.·nt or tht' financing industry lo come to them with a solution will be out of business lo ng before sul·h hl·lp arrives . • Sea Island open in Newport Condominium communities opening along Orange Coast Purchasers in the initial incrC'- ml•n t 0f S<.·a Island <·ondom1- n1ums arc: now in res1d<.•ncl• at thl' new tommuntty in Newport Bc.·ach. The rC'cently introduced. multi-mill1on dollar proJ<.'<'l is lo- ca t<.•d on a blufftop s ite within blocks of upper Nl!wporl Bay and ad l<Jl0t'nl lO the (airways Of {rVtnL' Coast Countr y Club and priced from $:390.000 to $795,000, s1- tuatl!d amid sem1-trop1cal land- scaping and n .·crcation areas. St·ven model home's are opl•n daily from 10 a m to 5.30 p.m at 11 Sea Cove Lune, Newport BN1l·h, JUSt off Jamboret' Road and north of Pac1f1c Coast High- way. FIC'x1ble terms to suit th<.· ho- mt•buycr arc now avallabl<.· at Vista Pac1f1c Homes an San Clc- -nient((wht'rC' a wfde rangC' of fi- nanc:ing can bl· tailor<.•d lo 1n- div1dual needs. Priced at $279,500. the Vista Pacific Homes mdude a choll't' of both three and four-bedroom plans with d<·luxc built-in kst- l·hc•n, wide UtW of Ull•, dramulll' t.•t•alings. quality cabinets, and d1'('p pilt· carl)(•tan~. To reach the Vista Paclfll' mod<.•ls. v1s1tors should take the San Diego Fr<.-eway to El Camano Real exit Tht•n go ll•ft on El Camano Real to Ramona and tum ll'ft to the site Olive Brook Court lownhomtc>s, rl'ccntly put un thc market by Sttoll rt'ch t Const rut·tion at 23rd and Jack.son an Wt>Slm1nstC'r. art' now offcrt'd at thl' rl'llUl'cd antl:'· n·st ratl' of I 0 % pcrc·C'nl. Down pavml'nL.., art• from 10 pt.•rl·ent The humt-s range from I .2HO to ) ,490 squart: fcl'l an size with pm·c-s suirun~ at $I I '..!.YOO. Homt-s fc•aturt• w;.ill-to-wall <.-a rpe-tt n g; 'Va u ~t ed-t't" thflgS>-a n<i wood-burning f1replac•<.-s . Two or thn·c-bc·droom units arc avmla- bll· with two maswr suites with private b<.tths and powder rooms downstairs. A combination of pr1c<'S (ranging from $5:i,990) and lorn- lion (w1than walking d1stanl't' to Lak<.• Elsinore) has lt.•d to thl• sut"Cessful prt_oview opening of the new condominium commu- nity, Runcho Laguna. For anformatlOC\ on th<· Ho· meownl'rs Assocaallon fees a n d financing. buyc.•rs arc anv1tl.'d to visit thl' saks offal'c at 686 Park· view Drive in Lake.· Elsinore which as OJ>L"1 daily <•xt•ept Wc-d- nesday and Thursday. from I J a m . until 6 pm Or phont•, ti74-ti85 l To rt•<.tt'h Rancho L<.tguna. from the• corona 15 southbound. take the.· Lake Str<.><.•t exit to Machado and turn right to the site. From the Corona 15 northbound, t.akl' th1..· Ortega Hig hway (74) off- ..-amp to 1:::rk~~. ~rrr-norttr ont• blcx·k to Machado and left to lhl• Sill' From the.Ortega High· way (74) itastb<Jund. tum ll'fl on Wl'st Grnnd and right on Ma- t·hado to Ran<:ho Laguna. While .111 rht.• 11rhcr guo1..I rhmg, in lift> ML' J.!L'ttmg nH 1rt.· t>xrL·n- '1 \'t.', h 1 llTil' I 1Wl1L'f'h Ir 111 Cl 1r111l,l JL·I M.1r ·1<. .,uJJL·nl~· m11rt· .1ccc,,1hk-' , ' r h.m it h.1, ever hccn . ear fix I 0%downan rate financin stors welcom The luxury cunJt1man1um' 111 San1..lca ... rk· are •Jea ll \ lllc1ced 1111 th<.' 11cc.-.m ... iJe of thi: h1ghwav 111 \ ,. .. cild CPronn Jd M.lr .. 1 pll'a:-anc l11nj.! w.1lk from rhc ~ach. rmk .... Fbll-x11\ t ... l.anll anJ !>rylt-.h :,hllp'I. Eleg.mrly appointeJ Pl1l' ;md fW\l h1..·c..lmom modl'h, k.1tur1..· large ma~­ tcr :-uitc.., and g11urnwr k1rchcn:-.. "Home builders. an the best entrepreneurial tradition of th<-' industry. must take hold of their own dt.-slany and bet"Ome tht· leaders an developing !>Olut1ons that c.·onsumers. financial inst1lut1ons. guvcrnmt•nt and the builder t.·an all hve with," said Lt·anb4.•rgt'r ··Afk•r all," the nuirkcung expert pointed out. "who hus th(• most to lose 1f a viable soluuon d0t.'S not em<.•rgt.•'! The govl·rnmt'nt has a lot more on Its mind thc•st• d<.tys . rnvl'stors havc no shortage of plat·es to put thl'ar money. and t•onsumeri. can al- ways swy wht•rc lh<•y are, doubk or triple up, rent out tht• upstairs. or hve with their parents. Homt' buildt•rs IUS<· tht·1r hVl'hhood, a proud 1d<•nuty aud the· work they lov{'. Sann· tht· l'Urrcnl slump began in 1Y80. many t·ffort..., al "ln·atave financing" h avt• been a httle h:ss than rt•ally c·rt·<.1t1vc. at.i.:ording to Lcanbergt•r. "Time bombs sut·h ~ short-wrm antl•rest rate buy downs are beginning to go off, and every month. consu, ml·rs an· losing their homes an r('(:ord numbt.-rs." Lc.·1nbl'rgt•r said that 1•veryonc.• l·onn•rnl'd bualdt•r.. <·oru.umers and f1n<.1nc.·1al <·nlllll~ must l<lkL· <.1 fn-sh look at tht· l'nllrt• home.· pur<.·hasc.· dnd anv<.•strnt•nl process "Trad111unally. all the.· partu·s ll·nded lo look al homl' buying a!> a "snap !-.hu1" Vlt.•w of tht· s1tuat10n lhL· prc."M"nl t'OSt of lht honll'. th(· pn>M·nt fananl'1al status of thl· buyt•r. We.· nt't•d tu ~tart looking al 1t as a "motum pac.·tun.-· and n·ala:.llt·ally 1•valuatang th<.• buyl·r's pott•nl1al f•ir 1nt:onw growth as wt•ll as lht• apprt.1.."lal.J.ng yc,tlut• uf tti1· pfcl~ry:"·t;c-mbwger-stttd-_ ---_.._ --·--··- Undl·rs tandinj:t 1ht• rt•a l l'Statc.• markt.>t I!-. lhl' key to making sound Judgments and the need to bt.- abl<' to do this <.'On:;lStl'ntly opens up a n 1mporwnt m·w fwld lO the• markl'l n-st·an ·h and home building 1ndustnc-s. Ll·anbergt•r null-cl Ir\ rnd\ .1 r.1 rc h .1ppcn111i.: whL·n c hl: prt(l' 111 .1 prt.''r 1g11 n1' l'1 >n· 1..l11mm11 1m 1 .... 1di11'tt.•d d11wnw.1rd r.irhcr th.in up\\.trJ. AnJ rlw r1ml' lc1r yw1 ri1 r:1ke .1J\';mt.ag1..· ul th.If r.1rL' h.1rpL·ning , ... right n11w. The times have forced us to adjust our prices. D ownward. OLD PRICE: $169,500 NEW PRICE: s149,500 I I 1-.rA .;:: \11 '°' '.: '·\' 1111 l ·<) llN'.'Y 14•''ll ~ I \\lllt. IRI ~ lllVll ~ .... ~ ..... ~ £!: ... I ''"'"' ;;>:; , ... , .\\.11 ..... \1\1 '""' j\ lo 1 .... \II AND CASTLE IN CORONA DEL MAR • 777 Avocado Avenue OlMH\ll Jet Mar~ California 92625 (714) 673-3271 .... . ' .. • :.:.• •. , .• , ........ l •::.·:·.·. '·.·· •: •·•·•· ,, .· ••• ····~ .. ·~ ..•.• ,,. •:• ··.·.' •.....•. ,. ·••·· ...... .. .. . . -• ~Puerto Vallarta • IS I • growing • Tropical paradise still friendly lo the gringos By STEVE MITCHELL of the Oeltr Hot l telf . '' .Flying lnto the amall airport at Puerto Vallarta, the second-time v isllOr noteii the once-remote fl- ahlng village, surrounded by lush jungle, haa grown. Even the alrporl Is undergoing expansion- ' albeit a more orderly and cleaner transition than 'that currently taking place al LAX. From the dirty window of the Mexkana Air- line jet, one spots two new additions to the town's sk yline-the new Fiesta Americana and the Bu- ganvilias Sheraton -each boasting more than a dozen stories, reaching up into the bright blue tro- pical skies. The ·downtown has changed, too. It's still congested, mind you, with dozens of . yellow taxicabs careening around vans, s~t ven- ' dors and pedestrians on the narrow, one-way cob- blestone streets. But the white-washed stucco shops, restaurants and bars have encroached irlto what used to be the suburbs of this tropical city, intruding on the green jungle that makes Puerto Vallarta unique to many Californians, whose experience is limited to visits to drier climes. such as Ensenada, San Felipe, Guay- mas or Mazatlan. Moet likely, they'll amile and respond Jn En- gllah, whJch le far better than your halting, garbled Spaniah. , We stayed at the Camino Real, about 100 peaoe (by taxi) IOUth of town, a 250-room fetOtt, With each room facing a breathta~ view of tl\e ocean. Rooms are not cheap -at about t lOO U.S. per couple per night -but the beach~front hotel fea- ture& large, clean quarters, tennJa courta, the jungle lO the back and the ocean to the front, and a awlm up taverh appropriately called the Coco Loco bar. Activities at the Camino Real include para- boating, at a cost of $15 for a thn!e-to-five minute ride high in the sky in a parachute, pulled by motorboat. There's also scuba diving and snorkeling around the coves, body surfing, a Mexican fiesta and buffet luncheons . And just about the time you've finished your third·cerveza, a white-garbed man with a mega- phone arrives on the pool deck to announce the beginning of the burro polo competition. That's where eight donkeys square off with eight novice riders atop, wielding brooms in an ef- fort to push a volleyball across the sand to a goal line. Not a lot of fun when you've spent the night before on the dance noor of the Capriccio disco until 4 a .m . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 2. 1982 07 What has not changed is the beauty of the crystal clear waters, stretching for 25 miles along mountain-nnged Bandaras Bay. What has not changed a re the flaming bou- •gainvllleas, draping the walls of even the most modest homes. What has not changed is the friendliness of the 80,000 Puerto Vallartans-a family-oriented people who hold hands and push baby strollers along the mile-long concrete buttress adjacent to the ocean at dusk. But. a short fall off the burro and a quick sprint to the bathwater-warm ocean is better than aspirin, and, if you're so inclined, the shorebreak · P ALAP A PARADISE -Thatched-roof pa- offers a quick, two-second ride if you don't mind lapa hu,ts line the beac h at Playa de los landing on the sand crabs below. Muertes (Beach ol the Dead) just south of If you're economy-minded, you get a break downtown Puer to Vallarta. The town has 08'1y Piiot Photo by Steve Mltehell c hange d , but the bea;ches remain cr ystal clear a nd walk-in warm in this M exico paradise. Ask them if you can still get a sunset pina co- lada at the Oceano Hotel. As k the m if Carlos O'Bnen's restaurant is still packed to overflowing with thirsty gringos. Ask them 1f the came asada ts 'still tender and delicious at El Cebollo de Roja. Ask them which of the dozen or so discos in town has the Largest danCt! floor. Cmtverter is instant solution An instant solution to travelers' problems with international conversions is now available through bookstores across the nation. The pocket converter has been proven by more than 100,000 satisfied 'customers in countless appli- cations all over the world. It was first introduced in England and entered the U.S in extensive market testing two years ago. The converter 1s designed around a vari-scale money calculator which "floats" with any change in the exchange-rate of every world currency. Its pa- tented features provide instant , at-a-glance con - versions without any need for button-pushing or repeated scale-s~tti ng. Metric distances. speeds. weights, temperatures and liquid volwne, as well as conve rs ions for international clothing sizes and world time zones are also selC-oontained. r--------------------, I . FLYFRER ' I PAN~ 2 FOa I aKJP0NS I I 13 countries; save to I 11 $2.500 .... $40 each I 714431-3M9 L--------------------~ ' .. , ,,,~ .. " ... ' . ~ with the recent devaluation of the pe90. (A U.S.,---------------- buck will get you between 40 an d 45 pesos, de- pending on where you cash your travelers checks.) A beer will cost you $1.50 U.S. at the resort, and a little less in town. Food, which is delicious at many restaurants m town, costs about the same as here, but shnmp dishes are no bargain. What is a bargain is the Bora Bora Cruise to Mismaloya, complete with box lunch and domestic bar for $1 8. Another bargain is the prices on many tourast trinkets available in shops along the water- front. And, 1f you get a package deal from your travet- ageot, your flight and rooms to Puerto Vallarta- for seven nights, no less -can be as low as $325 per person. The best bargain. o f course, is the sunset, which paints the sky and ocean a deep red, and silhouettes the palm trees which reach all the way down to the shoreline. Performance dail y. 642-4321 Direct or collect. to subscribe to your hometown paper. the Dailj Pilat Mediterranean Explorer. 7 days in Greece plus a 7-day cruise foronly s9g900 This TWA Getaway9 Vacation is a classic. Spend seven days sightseeing in Athens and other historic Greek cities. Plus seven days on ' ! trip includes most meals, top- value ho tels-even nightly entertainment aboard the cruise ship. All for only $989 to $1169 • ", And with TWPi.s great low fares. you'll save money on air fare. too. a cruise to· the Aegean .... ••----• Islands, Egypt, Israel and Turkey. The May ia ret away month at: ON THE GO TRAVEL South Coast Plaza Costa M f!sa, ~a. ~or lnfofrnaunn & l<1• .... •nJ11un• Lill 546-2363 Q OIV-THE-50·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_, T~EL 5Elf'VlfE ~ Yoµ're going to like us •Excludes air fare. and Is based on per person. double occupancy • "' • * ·~~-"' ·.:•"I"'· .rt• • I ... .> ... .... • ~ •I I • • "' • 4 • t ; • .... • • ) • .,. • ' • • ( . . ...... ' .-. I • I • ~~ t.•.''" ;; ~ .. ,., ' ' 'AA· t' 1.• ... ,-~ • ~ \_, .. ~. :'( .. 7 •• - • I l., \ .. .,.' Open Slnlay Fa.I To Ge Patio llninl Now Open For Breakf .. t AtM ... Verde Only '7f..67l5 • Pines . """ttti • SM4wich11 .... • $1114 Also Located On Balboa Island ... ENTERTAINMENT NfTELY COCKTAILS & CASUAL DINING H A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M. 545-1718 Mother's Day Special Cameo Miniature s995 Choose From 5 Different Roses WEQDING SPECIALS NOW BOt>KING FOR SUMMER photography by Jeffrey "CREATNE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY" 545-6786 WELCOMES TO THEIR SALON: • CORRY SUPER NORMA CRUZ From DelEONS w.tlshops ,. Clrtstmas ~otcta1111 avallal* at the lhop. ... DI Orange Ooaet OAILV PILOT/S1turday, M~ 1, 1982 DAR to 1neet . at Hotel Laguna Clergymen rate highest among proS PATIENCE WRIGHT CHAPTER of OAR mee\I Tuesday at 11:30 a.m . In the Hotel LQuna of L.aauna Beach. For more lnlormation call 40~-1969. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS of Comordla, Lat Palmaa, Ole Hanaon and Palludes Elementary achoola sponsor parenting talk by Greg Bodenhamer Tueeday at 7:30 p.m. In the Ole Han- son Room of the San Clemente Community Center, corner of Del Mar and Seville In San Clemente. Public is Invited. LAGUNA BEACH BRANCH of Amer\can AB- sociation of University Women meets Saturday at 9:30 a .m . in the Laguna Hills Baptist Church on Mpulton Parkway. For more information call 499-2721. SADDLEBACK VALLEY STUDY CENTER of the Th0050phical Society in America meets Monday a t 7:30 p.m. in Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 24301 Paseo de Valen<'i11, Laguna Hill!. For more information call 493-8341. OASIS CLUB presents armchair tour of Orange County Art Friday at 11 a .m . at the center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. For more infor- mation call 759-9471. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thla ta aoinl to bu " Iona letter. I hope you print aD of ft. A. a junior hlCh ..:hool teacher, I un frequently uked ques- Uona about career cholcet. Studen\I want to know whjch profealona and types of employment are the most respected. In an attempt to anaw.oorrectly l did 10me l'fteal'Ch. The beet eou rce was a recent Oallup Poll that refiect.ed the opinion of approximately 1,500 people acroa the UnJted States. The quettlon was phrued aa followa: ''How do you rate the honeety and ethical at.andards of people In these different fields -very high, high, average. low or very low?" The percent.ages cateaorlzed as "hlgh" or "very high" and the profesalona and ca- reer choicea are lilted below: Clergymen 63 • Pharmacist.11 59 Dent..ist.s 52 Medical doctors 50 Erudneers 48 Coilege teachers 45 P olicemen 44 Bankers 39 q Allll LANDERS m11ter1 of ye ol' mortar a,ad peatle! Tbat vote of no confidence for "advertl1la1 practitioners" doean't 1quare wltb Uae realltlet of tbe marketplace. I flod ft bard to beUeve tlaat con1umera have 10 little re1ard for "1dverll1ln1 practitioners." If tblt were true, tbey would not flock by tbe mllllon1 to buy tbe product• tllat are beat promoted. U.S. aenators 21 Buaineae executives 19 Building contractors 19 U.S. representatJvea 15 Local officeholders 14 Realtors 14 Labor union Leaders 14 State orfice holders 12 Insurance salesmen 11 Advertising practitioners 9 I Car salesmen 6 / ~ What s urprised you most about this survC'y, ~! Ann? I'd llke to know your thinking Imes up with J mine. -OAKLAND, CALIF .. READER i£ !A DEAR OAK: I was dltappolnted tbat tbe U.S. ~ senators, U.S. representatives and state officehol-1J ders didn't come out with higher ratings. ~~ It's 11 ~ rea ~ ~·-.. i:n .. evdable : THE M09'1t YOU US« Y'OVR l'AC.~ • TME MORE IT WILL O&VIOUSL V &~ A USl:D FAC£. NEWCOMERS' CLUB of Newport Beach meets Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Bowers Museum of Santa Ana. For more information call 640-8388. TV reporters 36 Newspaper reporters 30 Funeral directors 30 Lawyers 25 Stockbrokers 21 It was a happy s urprise to see pha rmacists .. u ranked second only to cle:r~g~y~m~e~n;·~H;oo~r~a~y~fo;r~th:e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOMEN'S CLUB o f Laguna Niguel meets Saturday at 11 a.m. in the Holiday Inn of Laguna Hills. For more information, call 831-7336. f'iEWPORT HARBOR LAWN Bowling Club meets daily except Sunday for play. For more in- formation call 759-9966 FRIENDS of the Newport Beach Library meets Thursday through Monday from 10 a.m . to 5 pm. in the Newport C.enter Branch Library for its a nnual Book Sale. HOUSE OF TAJLORJ~G Al TERA TIONS FOR MEN & WOMEN ), :u.\.:i ! PLW )!08:J, lo•f'f' lt"•l"I by c orOU'tt.•I RUFFELL'S N rwport Slusic aionstruatttrv b<eliet-c~ 'n Mu\IC Educo!•o•> lJiano ....... Mlllk • "-'hl-c-..-y c:...... vo~iot1n-llu1~u1tar ......, • ,_...., l.M.. clredor Call 10< Brochure ........................................ Throw Out T 111io1 11tl Find Your Inner Power to Chance Thift11 You've heard grea1 1h1ngs about the Yoga Center since 1970 I these busy pressured days don't you owe yourself one night a week to learn how to relax and vitalize your body at w111• Also. you can enable your mind to expenence your inner Superconscious Sell with its wisdom and power to change things! YH Nl'T UYl Tl TUYQ ULf WAY ..... nl Wllll Tl All A llUTU IF lllrTATlll All ..... awaanus. TIUE'S Ml II CISTA IUA. Vou'N t>e llughl 1ne htgl'ler Vogas t>y one of the few masters on the w0tld today Ramaitrlltlna Ananda1• IS 1nternal10nally known as a maste< not only of Voga but alSo of MetapnyStCs and MysflCllll'\ A practical. vnpretentlOUs. humorous Western born Oulu. he transmits eolighten1no consco0usness as well as marv91ovs conc-i>ts and teehniques. COME TO THE FREE DEMONSTRATION Tara and Larry Wiii demonstrate the netlKal and easy ex.,ClleS of Hllha voga and show )'OU how 20 mlnut" a day can vnak.te y<:Nt heart . lungt and brain, slow dOwn lhe aging procna, tone and trim yOUt body, ano eneble you 10 INlntaln .. WOOCMlfll.ll MllM ot well· beo(IO. T uitlOl'I is reuonabl9 and the benefits are pttCelese Also you wll! lfffn the Full BrNlh -can add yMB to yOUf kte ... , .. ,..,_....,,_..., .... , .. - Gutu 01 V091. MyoltCiem -a.a.lo ~· FREE DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW MOfl>AY, MAY 3'd at 7:30 at the YOGA CENTER OF CALIFORNIA ELABORATE MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET Sunday, May 9 Served Pool-Side 9:30-3:00 And our Regular Champagne Brunch Served tn the Mediterranean Room 9:30·3:00 /,£ f ) • 'I \ A r \ '. 18700 MacArthur Blvd. UPHOLSTERY ......... twe!MIS..• I '22 HAJtlOl IL VD. COSTA MESA -541-11 56 112'1rktof '57..021 1 __ 1!_ ftOll·Pf'O(fl eduUllOnal loundallOll} 445 E. 17~ STIEET. QJITA •SA,.._ 646-1211 ro.r-rtn1M11nd1rw»srr.rs1 Airpater Inn Hotel Irvine 833-2770 Paid Advertisement ,. Electronic Exercise Just Lie There and ·- A Machine Exercises For You Using the muscle stimulator, combin ed with Bio-He alth Center's favorite die t . Brad Asp1n we nt from a s ize 38 pant to size ~ 1n Just 2112 weeks His mothc·r Norma s aw s 1m1lar results 1~1ze 12 to s ize 8J in the !lame 18 day period These are JUSt two of the many successful & happy Bio llC>a lth Center c ustomers That's v.h} people are flockmg to Rio·llcullh Cente r on 17th S t reet 1n Costa Mesa a nd becoming regular part1c1pants of e lectronic exercise with amazin~ results The principl e behind this phenomenon is straight-forward In a so.called "voluntar y" contraction. that 1s to say during e .ieryday movement. the brain sends a signal along a nerve to the "motor joint" of a muscle. This s ignal. similar to a weak electric current. 1s a message to the muscles to contract In e l ec tro -mu sc ul ar s t 1mulat1o n at Bio-Health Cente r. electrodes in the form of conductive rubber pads are placed on the surface of the skin o ver the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current ia applied through the pads. the s ignal finds its way through the skin to these moto r points and causes the muscles lo contract. jUSt as if it had received a signal from the brain. During the contrac tion of t hese muscles, the muscles are actually expending energy and doing the work. Patrons ot Bio·Health often comment that the exercise feels thorough and really works the e ntire muscle. Most say you have to try it to appreciate it. Doctors say that 45 minutes of stimulation is equivalent to 800 to 1.500 sit-ups and/or leg raises. Despite exerclslnt your muscles 800·1,500 times In 45 minutes. persons feel no paln during treatment and most don't even reel t hat familiar soreness like In no rmal exercise. The current stimulate• clrculaUon which at the same tlm' ride the muscles of waste product.a and tox Ins. Bio· Healt h Cen le~ 'participants do reel a t11hteninc end firming of tbelr muscles and very o ft e n after the l st treatment. B1o·Health Center 1s currently treating m en and women from the aj!es or 18. to 87 years old Some come to Bio·lf ealth Center 1ust for the exercise firm mg up t h e ir fl a bby musc les and i m proving their ovNall body tone Othe rs. who a re over weight, combine th1~ electronic cxt'rtis e with Uio llt>a lth Center's favorite diet program allowing a substunt1al weight and inch los,<;, . Al first people say it feels strange and are amazed at how .thoroughly 1t exerc ises the muscles. Then they relax and progressively wo rk throug h t he ir 45 minute treatme nt. Afte rwards persons experience a five minute relaxation cycle that feels like a massage. Doctors are se nding th~ir patients to Bio·Health Center for this o uts t andi n g e xerc ise program. In some cases. these persons are unable to do normal exercise due to back injury, etc .. allowing them to now exercise muscles for the firs t time in years . Bio-Hea lth Center has a nominal charge lo try this wonder machine On your rirst vis it a trained technician will do a full set of body measurements th(.'n let you lie atop a padded table for treatment that will take approxim11.t ely 45 minutes. During this time the technician will .:!ducate you further on what is transpiring, which gives you furthe r understanding of the sensations you are feeling. Arter your first treatment, the t echnician will remeasure & calculate the results. First time users have el(perienced inch loss varying from 2" lo 9" overall. This change l~rimarily caused by the toning or the muscle due to the extensive exerciu It has just completed. This type or equipment has been widely used In both the medical field and in areas of professional sports. t n medic ine , e lectronit' sti mulation has been widely u se.d In h oapttala r or the re -edu cation or puatyzed mu1clel. In tl\ese cases : where volu ntar y exerche ii impossible. there lt obvtoualy no s ubstitute for eteclrical :sitmulation. In cases of paraplegia or homipleg1a following a stroke , e lectro mu sl'ular s timulatio n 1s invaluable for preventing loss or tone or atrophy 1n affectC'd mui.cli"i. Olhl•r arcai. of medical use include the treatment of tx-d sores b} Lmprovmg muscle tone a nd blood c1rculat1on In Sports. hamstring. muscle strain and othtr injuries have been treated by doctors without risk Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits of musc le stimulat ion ln the treatme nt or muscle and ligament Injuries. The practical ad vanlages of greatly reducing the lime .. pent by top players inactive du(' lo injury can be 1mafi(ined. East Europeans became the foremost exponenL" of electrical s timulation for muscle power lrainmg Other countries are using muscle sllmulat1on lo t rain every type of athlete from the endura nce needed by long dis tan ce runne r s , to explos1\'e power requi red by s printers and hig h jumpers The fastest girl in the world. Angella Taylor. for example. uses muscle stimulation in training. Electronic exercise, however, 1s n o t for. ever yo n e Th e st1mulallon could interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease. pregnant women and persons who carry meta l i n their abdom e ns because of s urgery. Lone gone are the days when conlrol of calor ie Intake was believed to be the only way to keep in shape. Modern thinking now concludes that exercise is an essential factor in the quest for totaJ body health. Bio-Health Center in Costa • Mesa also specializes ln other European concepts which Include Cellulite Control and u. v . A. Tann ing Beds and Equipment. If you want to be more active, alive and have a creat looldnl body without the drud1ery of stre nuou ~ e xercise and uncomfortable dlet pro1ram1, eet In on the action and try givln1 Bio-Health Center on 17th ln Costa Mesa a call. • - Kelly Young i s in her battling suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine is keeping her in shape with its electrical impulses . The familiar sign of Bio-Hearth Center on 17th Street In Costa Mesa conveniently located ,in the Von's Shopping Center. Cl111lfled advertl1ing la your beet choice for hetp In Mlllng the lteme YoU no longer need. It'• Quk:k and ~ lnexptnllve. and the Piiot r4'achea .,...._~who HYe In Wt .... Cetl tadly. . t j f ... • RDck producer· turns to stage By JA V SHARBUTT A, Of•lft• .,,.., NEW YORK -Cli ve Davis sits In hia ninth- floor midtown office, tape rcc.'Orders behind him. a desk lltWrcd with memos, lyric sheeta, contracta and cauettes in front or him. Once head or Columbia Records and now Arista Records, the man has playL'<i a major role in the careers or such pop and rock biggies as Janis J oplin, Simo n & Garfunkel. The Kinks, Melissa Man- chester and Barry Manilow. He plucks a cassette from the pile, pops it on the tape deck. "Listen," he says A pumo plays, a male voice sings a ballad about "the kid inside. walkin' down old high school hallways." But the cassette 1s no new-star-in-progress rec,'Ording. It'!> from a vf'ry d1ffrrent arena, Broad- way, from a new show that asks the musical ques- uon. "Is There L ife After High School?" Davis co-pr oduced the show It's his first Broadway effort after 20-plus years o f life m the fast lane of pop and rock ll's a modest first step as today's megabuck musicalll on Broadway go. The show, dealing with the often-bittersweet memories today's young adults have of their for- mative years m high school. has ol'\ly nine players, a nu\e-man band and a budget of $1.6 rrulhon. The score is by Craig Camelia. quite unknown even though Davis submits he's "the most exclting. r eally brilliant composer to come along for th<' Broadway stage sinre Stephen Sondheim.'' The players. while all of good theater sto<:k . mos tly a re in the "who?" categor y -tht• best- known being Harry Groener, a Tony -nominated trouper from the "Oklahoma" revival of two sea- sons ago. The rookie produeer ~howed no worrtl'S about the lack of maJOr names 1n his first Broadway pro- )l"Ct. It isn't that kind of show. he says Declaring 1t exciting to d1s('over new young talent. h£• say~ this musical isn't a "star vehicle.'' It's ...... -. .... ............-.. i.. ... w ... 0 UOU81 ~ UAM0VIES 4 ~ IOlllAllOS \9'Cl"l ... ACl '<'IR '""'"••-' •••t ••O •!'Wf••r•f I ..... 990 .,21 The oddest team on the squad and the funniest cops in America. l-l'IJl/lri'l...CJ!H !Ir h Pf ',1-!U.'..l.'ll', Al J "AIN JI i "1 r I J '4><.A).~1'-.•1 11'YN1 r11 •A1 ~;HI.Mil 'll\llf!fll') ~f1t-4l l"M'"' A•. P-'~'f·i~'-l"'P.' f,. ~•HPi-•);f'tflilA'1 6Jlflt" "''°"' t 'f lllMYI' /{'1f II •• 0 1 •· 1 <;,A,.f/f~, • R .,..,_,_ 1&. ,., '•I', 1'Yt ~v~J>.' ~ -~.·:-..;. ~ A "~IY"'t: t~ '°"' ' Jh p; \, NOW PLAYING &aAllllM IMllWI I• IOWUOl l~DDtlUCK ua ct••• IOWU Ol 1-Ut• H it It Ii,, ••• ,., .. .. _ ...... .,. LfWUHtll.IOIWIO .. y ·- IMAMI , ....... CUii• rowuos -'UWtC IOYt• COA'1 V• • '' t IW' H '" ... ,. -" .. ... .. ,, ......... . ClltfDO•l "~ ... ., ...... , .,,,.._,...__ ... . IOWUOl IOtflW tOUI , .. ,. ,, .. '"" ~ lt ~ ' fOWWCll ftltt•MA& ,._,, •'•t WINNER4ACADEMY AWARDS BEST PICTURE BfST ORIGINAL SCORE · VANc.;E'l15 Bf.ST ORIGINAL~ KEENt'l.AY COLIN WELLAND BF.ST COSTUME MELINA CANONt:HO ~ ~-=-==--:iii: ~-CHARIOTS QF FIRE I ....... 4 ~COMPANY fiirt1 t ·~=-= ~~-='+o LC.!:!J _____ ._ ___ ....,._ .---- . ROOKIE PRODUCER -Clive Davis 1s co- produter o f a n ew Broadway mus1t·al , ''ls Thl'rl' Life A fter High School?" a work tha t emphasizes the ense "To have any star cast in tt wo balance of lh<' t•vening, place an u at tcnt1on ·on that person.'' Besides. he adds. maJOr stars "may 1ve you a good hox-off1t.·t· advanc:e But the y don't guarantt't' SIJt'Cess.'' This seems borne out by this season's Sll;tr- t.:rossed c rop of Broadway flops: "Curse of a n Aching Hearl'' (Faye Dunaway). "Eins tt•in and th<• Polar Bear" (Peter Strauss), "Duet for One" (Anne Bancroft) and "Little.· J o hnny J ones" (Donny Osmond). In Da\'ls' opinion. m Broadway muskal matters (See ~~cord, Page E~l LET THERE BE ROCK .,_ ... ,,... ... r~ ., c~...,...,. ............ ' • ,, ... o.-·U..?Ul What happened to him should happen to you. R ..c.::.-::~ -:::.· I -~ .... ,.1.11•"1 '" l~t .ill ~-it--ise Music Ptllormt<I o FOO STEV'#Jl:T. ERIC CLAPTON. &OTt-ERS \ Orange Coeet DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 2, 1982 El Capricorn: Harmony restored~· Munda y, May 3 ARIES (March 21 -Aprll lY): Elfort.11 will bt· t·oniwllduted , you'll get job done with n1d of ont• who sharl'li b l'nef1t ot experience Emphusll'I on home. !M.'Curity, family reunion 1md restoration of harmony on donwstic front. RcmcmbN dit.•t, nutn· lion rt.'liOlut111ru'-Don't eat and run! TAURUS (April 20-M»y 20)· Pert·1.•1vt' picture us a wholt• leavt• fine potnl.'i, deuuls for a nother day CX>mands ar«> made on your time. S<X'lal acttvity at'<'t'lC!rates and a trip may b<• necessary. CrcatiVl' l'fforts an• highlighted, you fec•I more· ullvt• und l'OUltJ fa) I in lovt• GEMINI (M<1 y 21-Junc 20). You'll be asked to n :va·w f<u·ti., tu rt.'Vtsc, n ·bu1ld and to gt.•t rad u f supt•rfluous material. Prat.·t1n il 1ssut.•s a n • h1gh- h~hkd and steps will be t.ukcn lo 1mprovf' m~urity You make conl<lct with unorthodox 1nd1v1dual who rrnght bemme a valuablt• ally. CANCEi\ (Jurw 21-J uly 22). Numt•rou!> 1dt.·as, sugg<'st1on" arc• presL•ntL•d st•ll•t.·t quality. avoid :.hortr uts or lo(t•t-rtch -quiek S<:ht•mc•s. Emphus1s o n ehangc>. travc•I, variety und romann• Mt·rnbt•r of ctpposrtt· st·x <·x prt•sM.'S conftdt•nt.'l' and tt11s boo~ls morall' LEO (July 2:i-Aug 22)' Fot·us on honw, M"l.'U rity. g1 fL'> to nwrk Spt'('ral annivt•r"S<Jra·s a nd 1mpro- v1'tl fmuncwl pmspt.'('ls. You t.·an lcx:alt.• th•m th;1t h..id lx•en lost. n11ssing ur stolt•n You'll l'llllt'l.'l ad - dllwnal da ta .rnd pus1t1un will be s trungt·r than originally antrt.·rpatt'C.I VIRGO (Aug 23-St.·pt. 22). Lunar 1·yl'lt• n ·- ma1ns h1~h . you'll lil'l' ph11·t·s. pl'l)plt.· 1n i.I more· rcahst1t.· light. Contra('tual obligations will bt· dan- r.~'<I Stand UJll fur righ t!>. 1nd1v1dual behind SC..'l•nes 1s t•nv1ou s. n·st.•ntful and may attempt "1·harac·tt•r c.tS.~1ssma lion " LIBRA <Sc.•pt 23-0l't 22). Emphasis on 1nsti- ~97~1!J • FRI. t:GO SAT/SUN. 2:00.$:25,t:OO -"A LITTLE SEX" I'll FRI. 7: 15, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 3:45, 7:15, 10-AO tu t1on11. urj.(111111.11 t111n11 and pm1111 bll' ho!ipi la) vl11I}. You'll h~v•• rnor1• n•sponflrb1l1ty. added uuthorltj a11~ l'tlll\pt•n. ... 111011 ('t)Uld ht• llll'rl'a:.t-d E>tt't•llt•nt for murtworn Jt'llVlly, ll·gal Judl(nwnL' and lht> ob~ ning of t'Opyrt~hts. putcmts SCORPIO (Ot:t 2:.i-Nov :.! I): You 'll rompll•tc lullJ.i!itandin~ prol('C.·t Wtsh t.,>nws true• Ill t.'Onfll>t'llon with member o f o ppotit.t> sex You'll win friends and HDROSCOPI inl lu1·1lt.'l' JX'Oph· You nught lx· .1skHJ to Ix· spokP- spt.·r~m fur procJut.·t 11r pollllt.JI Vtt•wpoint Watch 1\111·~· SAG ITTARl llS (Nov :!<! Dt·t· :.!II 1''1x·us on rww s liH'l"i. addt'(l mdt·pt·nd1•111't· and opJ)Ol'tu111ty t.o pumt•t·r a proJt.'t't Can ·1·r promulron 1·ould Ix· on .Jgt..nda I.A'(>. Aquarius JX'""'"" C1gun• prum11wnt1x. Whal -.t.'\•mt'<I ht•vond v11ur r t•at·h will nov. tx"<.111ne 1 l':.tdrly <1vailablt• CAPRICORN (Ut•t• :.!:.! .Jan I~): T rav<·I or ho- lul;.iy pl<111s an· l'l.inf1t•d l<'.1mlly mt•mbt:r mak('j> 'f>t'<'l;1I r<<qUt'SI <ind It ll> rc-<Nmuhlt· U1ff1·n•nt't~ will lw 1t•"1lvl'd. h:.rmony 1s n · ... to n·d Long d1slanC'e t·11111111u111t·a11on lt•nds sp1u· 111:.c 1·11a1111 W.11.t h C:Jn- 1·t·r I AQllARltlS (Jan :.W Fd1 I IH Y11u d 1s1·11v<1" nuwt· n ·sourn-:. than 111 rgrnJll~ .llltll'llJJll'tJ Bunlch is lrlll·d . t.·mutron..il b.irn1·1 1' 11·11111\t-d .ind vou'~I h,1vt· ~n·;itt·1· fn~·d1Jm 111 thuught ad1on V1 1ur ult·iilc will ht.• sought, Vil'""' v..111 ht· v111d1t·..,11·d Wa tt·h Sag1tt.a n us' PISCES (1''t-t> JY -Man·h :WI Ma111t;1111 stt·ady µ<ll'c: .• 1vu1tJ t'ldrl·m1·' LJl(';11t• lt•gJI d1.x unu·11L,, bo.• aw1Jrt· of n-qurn·nw nti. w1tl 111.11..t "4uu•t 11 .. 1,,11 w' • At'l.'t'nl Jb.o on pulih< n ·l .. t11111 .... p.inm, ,111p 1111-....i- bll1t11.., and mar1t;1I 'talus Kl1•p 1·:-1· on &11111111' FRI. 7:15, t:15 SAT/SUN. 1:15, 3:15 5:15, 7:15, t:15 (R) .• PRlVATI: LESSONS" PoN(f~, FRI. 7: 10. t:10 IAT/SUN. 12:30, 2:30, 4:30 l:JO, 1:30. 10-.30 "PRIVATE LESJL~t:,I;' IA\ SATISUN. 2:00, 5:30, 9:00 "TAG" '"'· 7:0S. 10-.30 SAT/IUN. S:45, 7~15, 10:40 FRI. 1:45 SAT/SUN. 1:45, 5:15, l:A5 (R) "TAG" FRI. 7:00, 10:30 SAT/SUN.~. 7:00, 10:30 "ENTER THE NINJA" IN 30 AHOY WARHOL'S "FRANKENSTEIN" FRI. 6:45, 1:•5, 10:35 IAT/SUN. 1:00.2:50,•:45 6:A5, l :•S. 10--'5 (R) FRI. 7:00 .... 45 SATISUN.1:15, 4:00 7·00. 9·45 CR) RY AN O'HEAL JOHN HIMT "PARTNERS" FRI. l:SO SAT/SUN. 1:00, 4:35. 1:30 ~SC:-~@ FRI. 7:00, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 2:45, lr.30. 10:15 "ENTER THE NINJA" FRI. 6:45, 6:40. 10:30 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 2:50, 4:45 6:45, 1:40, 10-30 (R) FRI. 8:30, 10:25 SAT/SUN. 1:10, 5:00, l:OO "CLASH OF TIT ANS" FRI 1:10 SAT/SUN. 2-AS. 1:45, 10-.30 PG ed wards CINEMA HARBOR ULVO AT ADAMS COSTA ME SA 546-J 102 CAOl:lol WAlll>I ri4l\ C11Qrrc;;;:. IHC'-Ml? N:TUM ~ IY"\l '1 ' I J FRI. 7:00. t:1~ Of fl RE SAT/SUN. t:OO. 3:15, 5:30 . 1!00, 10:15 (PQ) FRI 6:45, 1:15, 10:00 ••liiililllilmil••--------·----SATISUN. 1:30, 3:15 5:00, 6:45, 1:15, 10:00 (R) ... - edwards LIDO CINEMA NtWPOAT BLllO A T VIA LIDO 673 -8350 NfWPORT 8FArM DEATHTRAP ~ ....... < ..... , ................... ... .. _,..,,....,.,.. BJ • • m1sSUlg. "''· 1:30. 10:50 IATl lUH. 2:05 1:>0 10M "ENTER ntE ~- NINJA" r•-·-"II. t:15 . IA TllUll lltl. ..... 10".JO IATllUH I .. I U, 9111 "TAG"., MAUTIU SEX" "DEMON RAGE* ,., .... _ --c~ flll I». 11• .,.,,_ -, "· -IATl-1-11. -IA TIMIN >.H. I ft, I HI\ • 'Olltf t r;; RYAN O'NIAL M.m.,.,.. .. • ~HURT 0 VICTOA/ "PAAT .... I" VICTORIA" , .... ,. 1:11 , ....... lltS.,... IAT/auM. 2111 IATllUM.~ fM.1 .... •:21t~t:JI ~ ...... .. ) '110, 1MO (ft) aAT/IUM. ,,_ •11.1-. ... ( .... ii Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sundey, Mey 2, 18~2 llecold producer turns to Broadway miisical (ll'rom Paa• El) - "the luct'ela or f&UW'C of the show ts really depen- dent upon the book &nd the mu.le. And if you look ~'Chorua Line' and 'Annie,' Lwo of the biggest m\Wcala in the last 10 yean, neither really had a However, he aays that'• not why he'• involved himself and Arista (20th Century-Fox Is another lnvolvee) in "School." a contemporary but not rock-music musical. "'""" Thia ls not to say, he says quickly, that he'd shy away from a show suit.able for a star It's JUSt lhat ''School" isn't It. He hopes It will lead to a hit orlslnal cast al- bum, which in recent years has been as common aa a sunrise In the Wett. He's not out for hit songs first and the show second, he inaista. Throughout h11 years as a pop-music mogul. the dapper Davia naturally has kept has ears alert for the kind of songs ttult when recorded will go &Old, platinum and whatever lies beyond that. S ure, he say11, a Broadway musical can have "a nice secondary benefit 1f It can spawn hit songs. But the first real test is: Do you have a score which is so affecting. so accessible, so memorable. that you cannot wajt to get the album.'' - 'Circle of Deceit' violent filrri Bv KATHY HORAK 4MOClae.d ...... Wtll., "CIRCLE OF DECEIT" is German director Volker Schlondorff's ("The Tin Drum") brutal ex- ploration of the wa r correspondent as "objective obeerver.'' It is set against the seemingly insolvable sectarian violence of the Lebanese cavil war. Pohsh director Jeny Skolimowskl plays the photographer Hoffman, Laschen's foil with a cynic hunger never satiated by the freshest gory shot5. He knows only that the story matters; he's dis- gust<.'<! when Laschcn tries to save a Christian fa- ther and son from Palestinian guerrillas. Laschen (Bruno Ganz) moves from the con!1- denct' of the indifferent professional to an emotio- nally crippled murderer, who is shaken from his aloofness by a knifing, apparently in self-defense. But the killing is as unexplained as much of the vi,olence -the film offers plenty -in the every- man-for-himself atmosphere that prt•vaals in anar- chk Beirut. Hoffman wangled an invitation to the shoo- tings, having missed a Christian-sponsored massa- Cr(• tht• day before. Hanna Schygulla 1s hypnotic a~ Laschen's somet1me:>s lover. As war movies go, "Cm:le of Dc0?1t" 1s a bloody SUl'l'l'SS. "I Rated R for v1olcnte, explicit sex. DEATHTRAP A wickedly funny w ho'll-do-it. 0 --------.... 8'H P!vJ ~29 5339 CHM •EU fdwMds81~ :i•O 74U . :. NOW PLAYING COIU MU I lltWllll OltAllCI fOWMOS C...tmi ~nlet [0..Mlls WQOOOfo(IOe \1.0""" 0.IVt tn 979 4UI 551 0655 639 8710 ll TOllO •011.UG( WESTMllllTllt fow.,o' ~· CllleOome UA '*"' c-~ 581 5880' 634 2553 898 I 243 '"'° •U.U-t 4CC1"t0 '0411: , .... ,fllQ.AGC.N'l J TDDAl'S CIDSSIDID PVZZLI ACROSS 1 Undulale 7 Yellolilr bugle 10 Femlni,,. suffix 13 The East 19 Army leade< 20 Wink 22 Not com- plete 24 Wire ll«V!Ce 25 Tempo 26 Prinl measure 27 Curved molding 28 Amazon oetacean 29 Teke place 30 Wei earth 32 Loadalone 34 Cloalc 35 TV commer- cials 36 Sh•p's t<>U"1al 37 N1vy COIOf 39 Grande Of Ebro 40 Chopping lool 42 City tram 43 Pigpen 44 Beyond· Pref. 45Wet1em Indian 47 Swollen 50 Do an office IOb 52 HU119nly body 53 Account book 55 -whlzl se Outer zone 53 Tufted, In Botany 59 Faithful 81 Pub brew 82 Eaaent1a1 Gharacter &4 Bectctalk 88 River llland et Crinkly fabric 7 1 Britllh aai10t 72 Acireu Turner 76 Oily 1tqu1d 78 Fish egos 79 A GersllWlll 81 Fit from wool 83 Ealomo dwelling 84 Fertile loam 86 Pedestal par I 88 Bye 89 Coueoe deg. 90 Western Ind tan 91 Mt,,. en1rence 92Sand11111 94 Chum 96 MO's neigh· bof 97 Whtie 98 Collon flbrtC 101 Range crest 103 Mtelltgan Ctty 105 Blu1sll-red 109 Wire measure 110 lrtSh M8 god 111 Decry 113 Mon1t0f lizard 114 Muncil Of kmch 118 Entrce 118 H•rem room 119 Clllld 120 Ranch lnclosure 123 Aegean ltland 124 Reode-zvous 128 Otacla1m 129 Blbfeeal food 131 Mod'1Mme 132 Neceu11a1e 137 Bedeck 138 Withered 139 Examiner 1'2 Steel coale<l alloy 143 Pant papa 14• Foot 145 Egyp1 .. n tout 147 Courtroom figure At:>br 148 DOE oppo- nerit 150 LOW fellows 151 Bil of buller 152 Oowncaal 153 Salad fish 155 Sang llQhtty 153 Ae9M1. In mulic 159 And· Lat. 180Hea11ng *"9 181 Altringent 162 Attar as 163 lnflarnma- flon &ii 165 -Oeum 166 Repent 168 Nina or P1n1a 170 Vole seeker 112 Othc1a1 order 173 Musteat syllat:>le 174 Beto1e to Kea1s t75 Ano1n1ed otd style DOWN 1 Beal back 2 Al home 3 Favonte animal 4 S ltlf ty deco- rous S Truman s b1rtllplace 6 Judte1al writ 7 Arrow poison 8 Yield of wtne 9 Current 10 Tidal tlood 11 Stynest 12 Ooze 13 P1in reliever 14 Pop composer Newman 15 Sprtng flower 16 Airline lbbr. 17 Nlcket symbol t8 Smell drum 19 FrOllC 2 t Haul 23 Envoy 31 Two 33 Contectton 36 Tibetan monk 38 -on encourage 41 Eleven. lo Ne<o 43 Small herring 44 Grepefrull 48 Lam.prey 48 Etec:tr!QI unit 49 Take out 51 Japanese coin 52 Heart 54 Hone of a certain color 57 Lukewarm 58 Vte11r s deputy 60G1ve1n 6 t Greell god 63 Indian cymbals 64 Capuchin monkey 65 Bony of frame 66 River deposit 67 W1kl plum 69 Lelluce 70 HlllorlC period 73 Baa.ball gp 74 Golf 11on 75 Reply Abbr 77 01phlllong 78 Desert shrub 80Common viper 82 No. in Gluoow 85 Lubr1C11e 87 Basebell pley 91 Behind a lhlp 93 Donkey Brtllsh style 94 Hatt>Or 95 Pll11tpp1ne wn1te ant 96 Baking p11 -CLAlltFIED llCTfOH '°" ANIWIRI ' 97 o,,. or any 991nsectegg 100 Liquid flt 101 Swiu mounlatns 102 Soak 11aa 103 Give 10 me 104 Had lunch 106 Gallium symbol t07 Again! 108 Swias 11ver 112 Comfor1 115 Does a CtrCUI !Ob I 17 CaSlle dllCll 118 Trying expe r1enc.e 121 Possess 122 Malay gibbon 124 Make tace 125 EKplOSMI t26 Natty 127 tmragine 128Clustty 130 Cloudy '\ 131 Liturgical book 133 Gumshoe 134 Nomad 135 Composed (a poem) 136 Renter 138Calm 140 ACIOf Asner 141 Eye perl 144 Siik velvel 146 Amphibia order 149 Attack 2 worda 152 Headliner 153 Diplomacy t54 Doctors gp 156 Eurytus' daughter 157 Ttiin coin 180 Catchall abbr. 16" Yellow ocner 167 Hebr- lettet 169 Odin I brother 171 Helm po1111on . "IF YOU COULD SEE. WHAT I HEAR" '"°' I 12'00. J:OO. $ IS, 1 AO. - "CAT PEOPLE" (R) l!:lS, 2:IO, l'.05, 1-H, •-.S "STRIPES'' -"GROOVE TUBE" 1111 WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWARDS From hls standpoint, the main thins here "ia to have a tcore the public can't wait to hear aa an orisinal cut album. And I don't think many shows in recent yean, even the hltl, taliafy that criteria. "Maybe 'Annie' or 'A Chorus Line' with one or two aong1. But nothlnf now compare• with the general level of qua ity in 'M y Fair Lady.' 'Camelot.' 'Sound o( Mu.sic,' 'West Side Story' or 'Mame'.'' What doe1 DavlJ feel has been wrong with mo9t Broadway ICOl'el of the last decade? "It hu not given the world the songa it wants to slng.'' he says. "And h'• not because rock has become the moet popular cat~gory of music. That's a co pout. "You do have wonderful singers, Barbra Streisand, Dionne Warwick, people like that who are always looking for non-rock material. But you find lea than very Uttle that'• come out of Broad- way In the laat decade. . . "They aren't writing songs that have the combined melodic and lyric atren~h to be played on the radio and become atandarda.' He allo feels that modem Broadway musicals just aren't "atlractlntJ the new talent.'' unlike the days when America s top tunesmlths, Gershwin. Rodgers. Porter. Berlin, were very active in the game. Today's heavyweights, the Paul Simons, the Randy Newmans and Jam~ Taylors, have gone into albums. not Broadway, primarily because the books to today's musicals ''have not been so strong," he feels. . ' "Pryor is wonderful!" "''"''''' llt"ll"''° 1.lk ANCt.I f .... I IMt' ... NOW PLAYING UA c1•••• IMC OltlllG( Mill lDWlllOI fDUHAI• uun N~~tn•• 1r1 U>O~•b t)MIQt bll Ol•O loont...,. V~"t> 8J9 1~00 IU( .. , ••• Dlllfl-111 ua CITY CllllMI lOWHOI ll(Wl'OflT ~Pi" 811 •OIO 0rMIQt 634 )911 .,.,.;>,I BMr ~44 OlbO 11111111 lflll 'I.AU STA.Otlltl Dfllfl·l• SllO I.A MllWIA OlllWf.111 illu \19 ''119 OrMl9t 63? 8110 LI Mw1C11 921 1706 lDWHDI SAOOllUCll COWIUl lflllTOl MIHIOtl OfUfl·I• u roro ~at \880 C.0..1~ lltw ~·o 1• .. -.SM>......., '-'''"' •9l ·~·~ HOU J•U•CCU1fl0 '0-ho\ l"'G.601"'1"'' Funny,~. SM==.. ~of· • Com• •1rty Ano •njoy WALT DISNEV'I f'Nn'AllA IOI At 12:00 2:30 5 :00 7:30 l :H .&on.a..,. .... =• A-d Win,,. O#nteLOSI' AR 1:00 3i11S 1 :307:45•10:10 *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All PtrformancH before S:OO PM (bc.,1 Special Engagtments and Holldaysl l 6' Mtll6'[)6' M6'll M11000 01 to1•c•on1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 99•·2•00 "QUEST FOR FIRE" 1•' "VICTOR VICTORIA" IPOf _, .. t•t •U IQ t•t ... .$ •>•,_t ote I U 'OM ~~~~u;-. ~ '::f~:; "PARTNERS .. t•1 ti» Jtl I .... '9>0 tJ H >• tet 1 .. t 1\ 11 tt "POAKY'S" ,., ,. "IF YOU COULD SEE 1ue >».•• •».u• ••» WHAT I HEAR" 1Po, tt)O J~ t 4i0 t•l I M> teM LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll(·IN .. ., YOU COULD IH WHAT I HE ... " (PO) 1:11, l:JO. 1:90, 1:10, 10-.JO LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK IN focYlly Al Del Nno 21J/6Mot211 .. , AC~Otl />MO Aeftltl "OH QC>l.DEN f'OHO" ll'Gt ., ....... _...,_ 1.-'GUN.A so. COAST WALK-IN ... , ""(tUM. °' , ... 't'IU I "CHARIOTS OF FfAE" ll'<l' ~nu t••• •• ,,,Utf ,,, ... ,. •JO t locut,., or Conoiewooo 212/531·9510 ''POllKY'l "1•1 ·~ ~ l'Jt , .. ·- "FANTAllA" tO) ·~ ... ) .. , ........ "PA TNERS" ••• Ute JO •M l )l tai\ ti .. ... , ~tVM: AND KM.l"""--Af "CHARIOTS M FlftE" lllO>•I"--, ..... ·-... $011•1'1 Cootl Hl•OY ot l rooowoy 494-1514 "PARTNERS" 1•1 MON f"I I U t tO •• ,, • ..,.. 700 •OO too 1 00 .... 'ACtftC IH!AlllfS OlllVE IN $W1" MlCT$ \'l ffC• •Ov• t t.l(tl v••• '"'GI-' •1 HAlllOll l l YO OlltYI 111 '0"ANCf OlltYf 111 t •• tO) ,. U tVAO'f & SVttDA• ••ti, ... ~ 't11tOtt\ •t ._._.,.,,. 11.t.°""'• IMPOR UN r NOTICI' CMllORlN UNOl R 12 f All' H1rMt _.•-Illa 11w frl l:tt -SaL S-.. "°""''' 600 CllOf " SOl/llO • •i.t-4111 tNI '1AOIO 1$ tOUll Sl'Uotl' ·• 'Cl 01 tMI ~ 'illl• """1CIN ICCl'SSO!ll ~ -Ml., ..... !•Al.I ()ljf.$1 OllW-lllS llt Oii AM !WIG ltNAHflft.I ANAHEIM DIUVl-IN ''•••OY 91 OI I,.~,. \t 179-9150 1 -t'fllYATE. USSOHl" 1•1 ..... "llACOUET" 1•1 (lflff fl \l"i4Jflt0 ~ .... , ....... 1•1 "'"' I AHO't .... ..at:.:~: ...... ,,.* "MOMMIE DEARE.IT" tl'<l• (fNl fl SOU'-LI I UINA PAlll BUENA PARK DRIVE IN L•l'\Cotn ••• ••d Of lll"ott 121-4070 BUI NA P6'Pr LINCOLN DRIVE ·IN l•MOfft ••• We ... of •nol• 121-4070 81.lllill"ii San 01ega I,.. at lfOO• Ph>'" (lo ) 962·2411 .. , ~.,.., .. ~1111 Hl·WAY 39 ORIYf tH "PAflTNl'.M" 1•1 ...... "fillOtlttMt5 DE.AllllT" cPot CAT PEOf'll!' ••1 "OEMON RAGE. 1•1 l'\UI "NIGKTMAAE'" "'° ONf' UNOfllt , , A.OMUTIO ?.\HTER THE NIK.IA" t•t l'\ln THI! Ot&APPEAAAHCE'. ll'I "PRIVATE lEllONI" ,., l'WI "RACQUET"••• kocn e .. a so OI W<Gef\ Gro"' lttt"°' 891·3693 ••' *""""' nos""" "CHANOTI CW ,_. tH I .. ... "AllTif'-"'" 1.01 CIMI JI SOU!IC> :111t II WllOIO ____ Y_OU_C_OUl._..;._D_l ___ l _______ ·_·PONC--n .. c-"-,-- WHAT I """'°' !NI .. .,. .w& "Tltl llUOOY HCM.LY ''\Ht IH hlO«S" Liit 9TOfn"'1H1 C.. II toUllO • ... ~Ir'. LA HABRA 011,v1 tH -·-~-·-........... 17MH2 .......... ORANGE Olll\lf IN ~ ... .... . ' .. MISSION DR'"' IN . .· to~IO A~o '""' l llol•C-.. 551·7022 .....,,. .. .{~-flit "Tltl D19~ANCr flll Increase seen in gas prices ·~ L08 ANOl:LJCS (AP) apot a trend that prlcea -PricM for ,..,un.anc:t may bt levtlln1 off other pet.roleWn producta w h • n th• y had been are hMded bllCk up and droppln1 . then If they the lncrtaH may be detect that tome primary fairly lharp. eccord1na to reflnen are raising pricet tht authoritative Lund· -=-1f they think It la a ber1 Letter. trend they will atart to "How hJah prloe. may flll up immediately," run ll lmpomible to pre· Lundberg aaid. Mt.IC NOTICE MUC NOnct lllCTmOUl9'.I ..... MAMI ITATIMIMT Th• lollowlng per1on 11 doing ~e· !XCU CARPET CA,.!, 5'03 Al~~~~. ~I 8Nch. OA 92~ JOHN CHAAl U eu~; TON.-6403 Al¥w A-. e..ctl. CA t2te3 Thie bu11MM i. OOlldueted by 111 lndhllduel JoM C Bulflt!QIOI\ Thlt lllltrl*\t WU In.cl wllh lhe County ci..11 ot O<enoe CO\lnly on .April t , 1t82 ,,,....,. Publil h•d Or1nge COHI Oelly Pllol. AprM 11, 18, 25, M~ 2, 1t82 tll•0-82 PtBLIC NOTICE diet, but a runup may very well be long overdueb" oll lnduatry analy•t an Lundberg said Saturday. FtCTITtOUI 8U81NlH FICTITtOU8 IUllHIH HAMl ITATlMENT NAMI! STATl!Ml!NT The tollowlng peraons are dotno The following peraon la doing t>uslneu aa bu1lnna ea (a) CANVASBACK HOMES, (bl BAVWOOO CONSTRUCTION, CHUCKEA HOMES, (c) DECEMBER 1419 D•l1w11•. No, 4, Huntington HOMES. (d) DOVE HOMES. (el Beech, California 92848. MUC NOTIC( ITATllHNT Of WlllftMAWAL nOM ,.AftT .. flltw onflAT1NO UNOlfl 'ICTITIOUI 9Ul!HHI NAMI Th• 101low1ng i>•r•ori 1111 wtlh drewn Me generel pvtn« trom Ille p1r1 n•r1hlp oper1t1ng under th• llctltlOua ~ natne OI 1$LANO VlllAOE PAOPEATll!S, Sf.Al. 6EACH, 3 t3 Mein SlrH 1, Sul BHc:h C.Ulornl• t07~. The flclltlou• buai--eta· ttrl*\I fOf Ille ~lnetahlp WU !lied on Mey 4. 11181 In lh• County ot Oreno-. The lull name end rHldence ot 1ne Qefton wllhdtawll'lQ M aptt~!* l AWAENCE ALEIEAT TAEV lr.40,. 18780 Pectflc CoUI Hlghwey, Sun· "t Bffdl. California OCJ742. Thll lllltmenl WU llllld wflh Ille CO\lnly Clerk of Orallge County on Aptll 9. 11182. ,1t141'7 Publl1heo Ora nge Cout Delly Pilot April 11, 18, 25, MIY 2, 11182 1636-82 l'talC NOTICE The overall price for all aradee of auollne had dropped from a h igh of $1.38 a gallon in March 1981 to a recent low of $1.18 a gallon, Lundberg said, and prices have be- gun to move back up. FOAE HOMES; (I) M O O HOMES. D1nlll E. O•Uutela, 14 1 IJ (O) MALI.ARO HOMES. (g) PHEA· Oe4aw111, No 4, Huntington Beactl, !!'ANT HOMES, (I) PINT AIL HOMES. Calllornla 92648 1 t78 SE Main Streel, Irvine, CA Thia bualneu 11 conduct.a by an ~l~:.~.J• 9271 4 lndlvlduel PHILIP H MCNAMEE. 111195 Daniel E O.UU1t11 The lollowlng peraon la doln9 McOermon .ti Irvin• CA 927t4 Thll llllement wu l1100 wnn the boal~l~E OE COU NSELI NG ·The weekly newsletter said induatrial, agricultu- ral and oommerd.a1 uaen of petroleum have been drawing on their invent-ories. DALE SIMBRO '1430 Santa-County Clerk or Orange County on CENTER, 17900 Sky~·11 Clrote, lt -ne111 TanlC8 Corona del Mar CA Aprlt 6, 1982 ..-921125 F 1M75a vine, C1 t 2714 Thia btlsrness is conoucreo by 8 Publlan•o Ora~• Coaal Diiiy Joan ~lleln. 521 Via Udo llmltlO pannerahlp Piiot Aprll 11, 11, . May 2. 1912 N";~lt ~=-~':,!,!::3 an Dall Slmbfo " l83l·t2 1ndlvldual This 11a1emen1 wu flied w1tn Ille 0110 llC NOTICE Joen A~11 .. n CO\lnty C1et11 ot Orange County on n111 Thia atatement was tiled wtlh tne AP<ll t4. lll82 F1'1314 __ F_l_C_Tl_T_10-u""'s_1_u_S,...IN-E'"'s:-:s,..--1 CO\lnty Clet'll or Orange County on Published Orange Coul Diiiy P1iol. NAME STATEMENT AprM 9. 1982 The reduction in in- ventories, the letter no- ted, baa aet the stage for a sharp rebound ln prices because once users de· tennine that prices have turned a.round, they will rush to buy. "The ll)oment they DEATH NOTICES April 111. 25 May 2. 9. 1982 The follow1n9 persona II doing t 739-82 business ., -----------YOUNG KYUN CHUN EXXON Pta.IC NOTICE SERVICE STATION, 3003 Newport f'ICTmOUI IUllNllt Boulevard, Colla Meas, Celllornle 92626 NAMC STAnMINT Youno Kyun Cnun, 3021 Coo· Thi lollowlng pereon la doing 11..,.• Avenutt. Costa Meae. C1111or -bualn..a u · "V (Al DON-EL COMPUTER PAO· nla 112826 DUCTS: (B) PACIFIO COAST GAA· Ttils bullnffl II conduoleO by an 0 1ndlvldual PHICS; (C) CALIFORNIA C MPU· Young Kyun Chun TEA CONSULT ANTS, 3281 Mlchl· Thia a1a1ement waa ll'ed with tne ~te:-"ue, Cotta M ... , Calltornle County Clerk ot Orange County on ELEANOR MAAGUEAtTE REIO April 6. 1982 f'1M711 TROUTT, 3281 Michigan Avenue, Published Oronge cou t Dally Costa MM&, Calllomla 9211211 Pilot April 1 I 18 2!> May 2 1982 Tilll b\111""8 11 conducted by 1819 82 lndMduel. . GIFFORD EIHnor MR Troutt otm11c NOTICE DORCYI'HY C. GIFFORD. This 1111emen1 was nieo wtth.thl1 ____ rUO\. ______ _ "'6 · f Wh t County Cler1< of Orange County on FICTITIOUS IUSINEH age .., • a native 0 I e Aprll 30, 19112 F111445 HAM£ STATEMENT Plains, New Yo rk a nd a PubllahlO Orange Coast Dally pt. Tne ropowlng person 11 doing r eeident o f Hunti ngto n lot. Mey 1. 8. 15, 22. 11182 l>usinfl!I u Beac h . Ca. Passed away 2013-82 COMPANION DOGS BY SUE suddenly on Fndafi• A}£nl MYLES. S02 3111 St Newpon P P\8.IC NOTICE Be&cn. C1 92663 30, 1982 at the aci ica DI· Sue Ehz.al>eth-Jean Mytn $02 pita!. Mrs. Gifford w as born NOTICE OF DEATH OF 3111 s1. N-por-t Beacn. c a 92663 January 16, 1926 in White EDWARD C. R USSELL. aka This business 11 co~ed by an Plains, New York. and wu EDWARD C. R USSELL, SR. lnOividolls M Hts ' the only daughter of Albert AND OF PETITION TO Tnoa 11,::,,.~1 was lecJ wnh tne and Catherine Gle aso n ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. County Clerk or Ore oe County on Davis . She has been a resi-Al 13%58. Aprr1 9 t982 F1 ..... Publl1h1d Orange Cout Dally t'llOI April 11, 18, z~ May 2. t982 1610-82 IURIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINEl8 NAME 8TATl:MEN1' The following peraona are Oolng business aa VIA DEL A10 I, 5369 Westrldge Aoed, Anaheim, CA 92807. MIC HAEL A McGUIRE. 5369 Weslrodge Aoeo. Anaheim. CA 92807 . JAMES VANDEAHEIOE. U D S . 5285 Aural Aldga Circle. Anahe4m. CA 92807 JERRY GIMBAATI, 2077 W O"taroo. Corona. CA 91720 MEl VIN SAVAGE, 5346 We-Sltldge Roed Anaheim. CA 92807 nus 1>us1ness 1s conouc1eo by a general p1ttnerst11p Mlcnaet A McGuire Tnoa statement was hlecl wnn the County Clerk of Orange County on Aprol II. 1982 CAPR£TZ I KAID.AN Alt0<ney1 al Law 2091 ....._ Centet Ori .... Suite 200 lrvtne, CA 12715-1151 ,, ... 1 Pubhsned Orange Coast Dally Pilot April 18 25. May 2, 9, 1982 1740-82 dent of HuntinJf:on Beach , To al.I heirs, btonefici.aries, F1llMI Ca -•--1964 J ed 'f red' d Pubhsned Ora11ae Co111 Deily . """"" · ov W1 e c 1tors an conungent ere. P11o1 AP"' t t 18 2~ May 2 1982 1Mm11c NOTICE of Lewil Guy Gifford. bel<>-ditors of Edward C. Russell. 161 1.82 rUD\. ved daughter of Catherine Sr. and persora who may be -----------STATEMENT Of WfTHDRAWAL Davis of Huntington Beach. otherwise inte rested in the Ml.IC NOTICE =-::~= Ca .. beloved mother of Do· will and/or estate: FICTITIOUS BUSINHS f'lCTtTIOUI BUSINEH .... n a ld G . Giffor d o f Simi A pet1t1on has bee n file d NAME STATEMENT Tne rollowlng person naa with· Valley, Ca. and Kelly A. by Edward c. Russell. Jr. in The following person II doing drawn11•g41ne<elpertn«lromtne Gifford o f Huntington th e Superio r Co urt o f t>ualw~sic CLUB (Bl MISS ri~;:,~!~!n~u~i~:~!"~:m"en~~rt~; Beach, Ca .. also surviving are Orange Co unty requesting JEANNE'S MUSIC CLUB. 250 Cecil NAIL NOOK el 22762 Aapen, Sull• 3 grandchildren . Friends that Edward C. Russell, Jr. Place. Costa Men. Calltornla 211, El Toro, CA t2630. may call af Pierre Brothers bto appointed u penonal re· 92627 Tne tlctltloua bulln..a name 111· S 'ths' M rt f m 12 00 i dmi · t Junrw1 Mayer, 250 CecH Piece. tement tor tMI partn«Shlp wu ttteo rru D uary ro : presentat ve to a nis er Coau Mesa. Calitornla 921127 on~· 18, 1978 1n 1ne County of noon to 5:00PM on Sunday, the estate of Edward C . This Dullness is conducted by"' Oranoe May 2 , 1982 and fro m Ruaaell,Sr .(undertheln-1n<11vldual ·Full NameenO AOdieuotlhe 8:00AM to 5:00PM on Mon-dependent Administration of Jeenrw1 Mayer P•raon Wllhdr•wlng Aulhenne day, Mffc 3, 1982 Recitation F.4tates Act) The petition ii Thia •111-t w .. filed wtlh tne Blaha. 33782 Peqollo Drive. Dena R JI .__ · . n.... . N County Clerk of Oreoge CO\lnty on Point CA of the oly osary w1 .,.., set for hearing tn ~pt. o. Apnl 1 198~ Aut11anrw1 Blane held on· M onday. May 3, 3. 700 Civic Center Drive, ,,.... ,... No. Ft01101 1982 at 6:30PM at St. Mary's West, m the City of Santa Publlah•d Orenge Co111 Dally Pubtl•h•d Orang• Cou t Delly By the ~a Catholic Church. Ana. Califorma on May 26, Polol Aput 11 18 2:> Mer 216~,8~2 P11o1 Apr11 11 18. 25. May 2. 1982 Me.a of Chruuan Bunal will 1982 at 9:30 p.m. l--------.---1---------'&e_1._82_ be at 8 :00AM on Tuesday. IF YOU OBJEGT to the If,=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May 4. 1982 at St. M~'s By grantlng of the peuuo. you II t he Sea C atholic C hurc h should either appear at the with Rev. Fa ther Daniel hearing a nd state your ob - Johnson as celebrant. lnter· )ecttons or f ile written ob- ment will bto made in Raver· )ectaons with th e court be - side -National Cemetery, Ra· fore the hearing· Your ap· versicle. Ca. Pierce Brothers pearance may be m person or Smiths' Mortuary d irt'Ctors. by your attorney 536-6539. IF YOU ARE A C R EDI- YOHE TOR or a conungent creditor PERCE P. YOHE. age 89, of th e deceas~d. y~u must a resident of Laguna Beach, file your clai m ~1th the Ca. Passed away on April 29, court o r present tt .to the 1982. Survived by his loving' personal representative ap- wife of 48 years Madeline, pointed by the l"OUrt wathm daughte r Racine P . Haw-four months from the date of kins, of Costa Mesa, Ca .. son firs t issuance of . letters as &bert P . Yohe of San Ra-provided rn S ectton 70~ o f fael Ca daughte rs G loria the Probate Code of Ca.lifor- Bel10 of Lag\Jha Beach. Ca. n 1a . Thi; t im e f o~ fil i~g and Linda JoharuJOn of BaJ-claims will not expire prior .NEPTUNE SOCIETY boa, Ca., l sister El11e Ke r-to four months fro!" the date nott of Newport Beach, Ca .. of the heanng noticed a bove. 7 grandc hildre n and 3 YOU MAY EXAMINE great-grandchildren. He was the hle ~ept by th~ court. U a member of the Masonic you are interested in th e es- Lodge of L os Angeles , Ca. ta~. you may file a req~est Services will b e h el d on with the court to receive Monday. May 3, 1982 at special notice of the m ven - l :OOPM at the PaaCJc View tory of estate asset.s and of Chapel with Or John Ho ff-the petiUona. accounts and man, Sr. o f St. Andrews reports de9crlbed. in ~tion Presbyterian C hurch offi-1200.5 of the Califorrua Pro- ciatlng. Inte r ment Pac-I fie bate Code. View Memorial Park. Pacific Kla1, Cue and Gifford, View Mortuary directors. Attoraey1 at Law, 700 South -;:;;=======,~IFlower Street , Salle llU, , Loa Aogelee, Cal ifornia to017. (%13) 6H·U 81. CREMATION & BURIAL AT SEA THE INF\.ATION FIGHTERS FUNERAL FOA IMMEDIATE NEC:DOA FllEE MEMl!EA~IP POAT FOLIO CALL OA WAITE 646-7431 NEPTUNE SOCIETY PLE ASE SEND FAEE 2 .. 00 WEST COAST HWY. PORTFOLIO Suite 9 ~t:ln Newport Beach, CA . 92b6~ c1rY OP "HCI llOTHllS l&I. llOADW.t.Y MOITU.t.IY 110 Bro adway Costa Mesa 642-9150 Published Orange Coast~lb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U Dally Pilot, May l , 2. 8, 1982 2021-82 l.t.LTZIHGllOH SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCUF* CH.t.l'IL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 rtHCI llOTMllS SMITMS' MOITUAaY 627 M•in St Hunt~llCh FIND YOUR NAME • 4 TICKETS WORTH $36 *COit.Mia MOITU.t.llH Lagun• 8taen 494-IM15 UIQuna Hiii• 786-0933 Seaclff V1a11 Shoppln1 Ctr. -~tilrton Beach ~ Tuesday, May 11 ttru n.s., May fO Winner• recetve patMt valid tore p.m. lf"1W Tuetday, . Mey 18 or 4:30 matinee Wedneeday, Mey 18 ~ ~s ~a1011Wa\l--ond al.,......,_-~ )l r For more clrcua Information, c.il (714) e21.fo4cC a., JIU/#1 C.pl1trano .te5-1ne • • 8 Wmers In Today's Classifieds! ---------~---- Orengo Coaat DAILY PILE>T/Sunday, May 2, 1982 The marketplace on the Orange Coast !~~!!!.!~~'! ....... 1 ~ .. ~~~~t ........ .i.~~!I ~ ... ~~~~~ ......... !.~~ ~~~!!!.'1.r.1.•1! ••.•••• l .. 111} JOfj Bl•lll /11 $1J1 I HIHll /01 $1/1 1#81111 Ill .. . ., ... ,,, ,,, "'' : ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~ •..•..••• 1.f!I: ·•·•••············••·• .••....•........................•..............•••••..•..•••.••••• IHI 111111 -------------·· ••••• •••• •••••• •• •• •• • OPEN HOUSES £0\IAL HOUStHO OP'OllTUNITY P1Mhhr'11et1 .. 1 All real Mtate advertlMd In thl1 newepaper 11 .ub· lect to the Federal Fair HOUllng Ac t of 1988 which makea II Illegal to adverllH "any preferan- ce, llmlletlon or dl1Crlml· nation b•••d on race. color. re llglon. ••• or national origin, or any In· lenllon to make any IUCh preference. llm11111lon or d1scrlm1na1ton Thia newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad· vert111no tor real es1e1e whlcti 11 In v1olat1on or the law EllllS1 Advertisers should check their ads dally and r e- port errors Imme· dlately. The DAILY PILOT assumes Ila· bllit y for the first Incorrect Insertion only. 11100 IOWI llYS WHlllllHE CllH I Beaulltul upgraded 3 Br condo end uml w/alra lg patio A Oollhouse · Cati Peg Dame ro n • ! ..... :...• RVM* ~~~~~~~~ 4 II lllYllE IOISES AS LOW AS 1121,000 Beautllully upgrade d homes. trg assumable loans w/low down p&y· ment Great locetlon Call Peg Dameron. agt. WHOLE VA Price jull reduced on this aharp 3 Bdrm Col- lege Park home lncredl· bte ltnencing Very con- veni enl loca11on Full price $129 750 751-319 1 EAS111H CUii SUl,IOO 28K down & S 104 1/mo buys this charming 3 Bd E s ide ho me freshly painted and reedy Price includes ranoe. micro WtD Oon 1 delay c all Diana loOay Diana Pletenpol-Volpe 55g.9400 What it means far your ad ff) be "clossified" large audience 0 Moet of the people in our community with money t.o epend f'Md ct...UW Nf\llatl.y. TbouMndl of pto8pecUve buy.,.. •ill ... your ad. TODAY Irvine Terrace, 190 I Uala- lea. $795,000 foe. Great view, n~'<ia TLC. CALL US ABOUT Cameo S hores. 45 11 Cam den, CX'<.'an view, 1 blcx:k to water. $885.000 fee. H1.1ntington Beach l'ondo. 19098 Flagship C r . $119 ,· 500. 2 BR 2 'ft Ba. All of the abQve listings on fee la nd & with good fa- nancmg. Big Canyon least:, $1 ,075 per mo. 2 BR. 211, ha, tm· maculat.e. P eninsula P oint 5 BH. ltkt• new Walk to 0<.·e;.sn or lmy $449,000 fl't.'. Two 710-1317 173-7711 -.. ONGS GERRY & CHRISTA STARNES COMPANY RCTaylorCo Of Newpot't, , I Cole J, Realton. ' .,. ..... .:::]) PllllSIU 11•11 I, 1411 W. IAY lfll UT 1~ P ri ie W <.'8 t Bay bl.I y front. S Ii pt1 for 2 boa \ai remodelt.od 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200.0QO. ~ .. · ---;1 .• Oc.'tStn & jt>tty Vll'WI. Marine room, 4 bdrm • .)·. blllh. 3700 111.j.ft. f 1.385,000. Ooeanfront. LIDO ISLE IOIES ~" f'r1mc Lillo Nmd bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5112 t>atlJ. L"l' L H . 'l bout bh!J6 $1.!'>00,000. , ~ kl"modell'<J 3 hdrm, 2 bdth + large rec mf•" bt'am ce1hngb, rurmshed. pauos $420,000 LllDA ISLE UYFllOIT ...agoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath , playroon31 UJr k 'm. c1. II, flo>Jt '"P s1.:J!'>O,OOO ,, , BAYSIDE COYE Spt>tWrulur lluy!ront view 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 bf.: 2 bJ dn '!. IX>dt !iltpi. $1,900,000 · . · COROHDO CAYS Corun:ido lsli1nd tUM bayfront lot 85' boat- thl(:k Pl<iru. J\Jtl $.i25.000 w 1 wrms PAii L•D :J lxJrm~. 'l ' · liath:. c undo nf"«r p.,01 S 1.i5,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,11fo r "v~ N 8 67S 6161 i ~~~~~~~~~~i ' . $72 900 I ~:~ " FREE REIL ESTATE LICEISE SCHOOL Spacious 1's1ory conno lowest proced at on~~ 2 Bdrm losn landsca S319 SOO This charml • po ng pool s pa 20•1. 11ome os an excepllon ~ l•J ff le Ht Optie• down $&42 Pt payments value and won t las! IOflll ~ IH•tif•I, ot•plete~ 1 Bargain call 546-23 13 Located near ciubnou$f; ' I ~ i.. ano 1enn1S courts in • '! rt•• t h 11•••· ~1~ -!.:!·!.!I ctassy ne ighborhood:: is available 10 you 11 you a re a noghly motovated posmve and amb111oos per son wtio wosties to e nter the e•c111no and· ~:~·. ~ :•1: .':~~f ,(:~~~~-~i~t~·i 9~i~?~~~~~J;::J~~ ~~1 ava llabl'S ; ~~~~~!r1::i10 Whal it ti-lfiltat I teward1ng field of real estate sates Cati Glenn Eonema n for an a ppointment A C Taylo r Co Olloces on Newport Beach, Palm Desert & RancllO Mirage RCTaylorCo 640 9900 USTSllE COSTA IESA I 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with 1 plenty of charm. 1n ptlme 1oca11on Assume S91, 000 loan at 12''•% end I I Miier will carry 2nd with lo w Oown Proc ed al $149 000 Ce ll now 6-46 717 t ., .. , ••• C.•'" T"•' style ce .. H , j Se. ef hy la C.r•H ••I •ar. Catlldrel celll•cs I lsla9' lilt· cll11. Fr11t nit J Mr• SUl,000. Rear nit 2 Ur• Ull, ooo . ,, ....... I Sat /I•• 1 ·1 ·! 411-'11~ .... u •. s. .. n•t "l" h11t."2 Ir 21n la, utlle•ral uill•& ce .. e . FlreplaH, 2 car tacl•se• ,., ... , ,riute ru4. Pri•t leoatl••· lw•er ,,. .... ,,.,, .... sell. J11t r1•1ce4 t• mRJlns for your ad tn be "clossif i£d" ·IAYflllT• lllT SUP IEllCEI P11va1e beach, lite & cheery comfortable horne"j" 1 3 large l>edtooms & den, 2 , baths t1reptace and muc;ht : more• Will trade down•J . I INCLUD ES THE LANO" Owner·Aoen1 673-9187 or; . ~-------1675-7060 $579.000• • ........................... --.,.,.----_ I ' I IOLF CllllSE t : I 1r~~~~b~~~ ~~!j f --...._ bath formal tam11y room; : wolh loreplace. formal d•· 1 · n1ng room Huge bay window country k1tct\efl overlooks sparlcltng pool ( & spa Close 10 3 Costa { Mesa Goll Courses Try 1 acti ve readers c small down, owner w1t1 W!M!n people read help with lln anc1 ng / your 1d in $275 000 Ca ll now 1 clase1hed. they r e 5'16-2313 1 . ::, '::t ~~~~~=~c~! r:li;!§i§i1 I . Beau11tul Newport Beach COLE OF NEWPORT t.o fill their need-I ' 1140,IOO. home lor lhe e1<ecollve REAL TORS be 1 ano nos IAm11y large • may it's in vour 1mm1m '! 2Sl5 E. Coa11 Mw, d Bdtm wllh open beamed Co•ona d•I Mar 1 · ~nock s ollen when you cat heOrat ce111ngs. in h-675_5 511 D•l.IJ Pl.lat uo;P 111su11 ge111ng·oa1ty 1 1 vino room AV access • I P1lo1 Class1f1eo Ads 10 Low intere~t rate Iman-fl'<!Ch the Orange Coast c1ng evaolable Call for IPT HITS STULSI cta111fled ads mar1<e1 c 0 m P 1e 1 e de 18'1 5 • I have exclusive 11s11ng on 642-5678 Phone 642-5678 646·7 t7 1 3 g 4 Bdrm homes Call '":;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~======::::::-ti1l!§ta1 i ~~·:;~ .. ""'" .,. Sell lh1ngs last w•lh Dail Piiot Want Ads tt)~@~~@ "ean \. ... ',I . '• ..... TllTUllCl/ IU&llHI PUI l Lovely 2 story, 4 Bdrm, family rm, 2 'h bath, skylights, 3 car garage and wrap around patio for easy entertaining. $259,000 fee . Open Sunday 1-5. 19512 Sierra Canyon. •WVDlllUm 4 BR, formal DR, separate FR, 3 baths, Republic Home with 3 car garage. Immaculate condition. $225,000 fee. ..UMQ From $27 ,000 IPll•ULMAISUll 2 bodroom plus 2 bedroom plut guest room duplex with bay v1 •w. Outatandlng location. Owner will flnlllk'C. $598.500 ,.l ........ . Ul .,1111 l>jfl/11 111111 1 o,r,111 •I ~VII I<, CAMEO SNORES 1741,000 A gall O(Jt'n~ into .1 'sylvan glade' with pool & 'Pd B1•yond . a pan - o rumtt \.H'" o f lht· 1x·po.in' :i bed - room .... t'<ll h w ith bath & large 11- vtn g .i n•a ek e or.1tt·d w1th tas te FEE oru SHIAY 1-i 4527 &OllHI IN NEWPORT CENTER x644-9060 ). * A SPIRAL * STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites, sold oak cupbNrds, •1'chts 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751 ... 9905 • l . I : Orang41 Cout OAILV P&LOT/Sunday, May 2. 1982 hHlu.1-IP • ....... , .. IPTlmt ........... ...,.a .,. U4t ...... -..1 ....... , ...... ... ··-"··., .... _ .. ,_., .. _ ......................... -....... ... IH U4e Pirti. 1·1, " ............ IMl,111 .. ••••••· "' ...... _ ... ,_u.._ ., ................... -1 .. .-... U4e Pirti, a.1, ................ .... 1111aw...PLW.h ............... 1111• 111 .......................... -.1211.- 114 ... , •• ,. ............ _,_ ......... . 11••~ ............. _ ........... . 1114 ..... IW., ............. 11.-.-Ht 1tltt ... , ,.. ................... 1111.- IH W. a.,1 "...., ,.. ... 1 .... 11 ....... ne1 .-.. u., lllff ............. •an• 424 .... a..., ,.. ................. 1411.-.. 1..,.... ................. 11.-.-Htl.,.... ...,_, L1pu.u,-.• 4 ......... ...., -......... ~2.-.-112 .... Lac .... Llpu ................ .... ILIFfS-IUITIFIL PLll UW" .... ,,u ........ ,, ... ' .... , .... ..., •ntrt. T ... tttry I W. wfttt flt•· lllllt f1111tl111 AITI. L1111 1,t111 trt 1111,100. 111-1400 · llYllE TEIUOE .,.1 ••• airy 3 h4rH• ... , wftti 1at11 lllltolll11, f1•Hr rt•• witlt ""'''" 114 ,, .. Ilea••· lloe ••ti• u4 lllaolll 1ar•, UU,000. 111-1400 llllE Fii llYESTOR Ptrftot 3 lllt•rH•, 2 •atta •••• t1 lar11 let .... ,.,,., ••• Jailt ..... , wilt .... , f1111ct. 1114,000 11 Cuti •111. 131-1.00 llPLU IUI IUOI Leri• 11111 wit• 2 h4n••1, 2 lll1tlll ..... , 111t11 ..... Jwtiq . o.-.-e, , .. , ... 111111 ..... , •Ill .. ,,, 1211, 000. FH La••· Ul-1400 ILIFFS 01 llEEllELT l•••e1latt 3 •••rH• 01141 I• 1 fl1t rllillt1ti1I f1•ily tlfirH•tlt. Easy •• te SClllHll, l••ac1latt 3 lllt•rH• HHt 11 a flit rtli4Htial t .. itJ tmtH ..... EHJ walk It soltHl1, 11tt,1, , .. 1 114 t1111k. UOl,000. lllllTllCTEI IOLF ClllSE YI A f1hl111 •0Cl1l1 ttw1lllt•t H ltti ... ., tf lie c .. ,.1 cc. c. .... llttritr ra4l1t11 lllttlt ward I 1l1111oe. IHMt 1,,.1 •• c ..... 11, , .. ,, 1•• a ''"''· 1141,lllftt. IAYFROIT-URIE I LOVELY ..... ,,.., .. •"• ...... .,,, .. ,,, ,,,. fr•• ...... , ..... ,, .. 1 .. 1 ........ . lar11 llric• ••tit 11• Jltr ftr twt II' yedts. Ct1•t1i11t lecatiff M4 11,.ol.U, ,.,,, IM•c r•••· •lent•• 111111 , .... Lare• Illar, fa•ilJ rt••· ,111 111114 lilt· chi. Sia llldrtt•s, h11 •11ttr Hitt wltlll •arllllt firt,laoe 114 lllrtatlltalll11 ....... all. a "" ot•ftrt.W• ...., wttti • 1 .. 11., et ,,1,ac11 11,110,MO •• cle4t111 ... 131-1.00 IEW 1111111 llllE ELEUIT All ttae •••l•H• 4etem•1 •f tltb LHl1 llY 411111. lit1trt11 111 tf •erllllt, orystal, lea4ff I llle•*4 stats, , .. •· 4111 st1iroas1, ,111 ftr•alitJ •• .... 1. IHct .. ,.., ..... lily ............ ....., I 41t1ll I• t•is 2-sterr rHl4tHt wltfa ...... t111allllt , .. ., •• 10 ......... ,. Hiii a14 I Ma tf llpt Hctth-S,UlllS ' l•HtltlJ 11 .. 1., 11ttr11l1f11 , ... I ........ , lt.fq, ...... li1lq, •• ·-- llJ rH•, "'aratt I•• rtt• wllll lllr, .. ,.,.,, st••·•••• ter .. 1 Illar witti 11111· CllJ. St,arllt ,rt.aft •lsltr Hitt I 4 tetal llldrH•s, ''" 1,1 I 3 car 1•1&•· 12,200,000 ••••• 'TWO llOIE' IAYFlllT--flEI A ••• , .. ,,., rtsi4tllff al ,,.,.rty •ftti I ,, ..... 4"' fer 2 llleats. s..,. ..... Y1EW ......... ,., ... ""' ... ,.,,. ~- 11411 11itt. Eac• 11ff ii lar1•r tltH .... ............ 4 ... ,. •• 1, '" lllatlll1, •••ill ... faaily '"'"' ,. .. 2 ...... " ... 2 .............. , wftl ... ., .... . te •uliflt4 llllytr. U,200,IH FU. 1n.atoo QIEPUma.AnJ lrtlf lecati11 a14 1relf 4 ...... HM ... ,.,,. ltt ... ,, ... ,. 1 ...... ..... ... ... , ... , ,, .... ii. 1411,000 ""' , ... ttr•I· ICUI Yl-tLI Cll ,, .... .., ... ""' ...... lb• " ..... 11 ft. frt•hlt 11111 Ith 114 ,..., .. io Y1EW tf MtM 194 Jtftr, r..ty lt•Jtrt r11141111 wltlll till• olllar• H4 , .. u1y et •11•1t ••11 ..... , ... 1111, ••"1111 114 '''f' ,.,.,, 11,110,H • HLLH WILL H IST WITI FllAICIH. IOH lo1111h4. HYER SlllEI WITllFlllT C..rty•• • ..,, lltt ... ,., ........ , .... ... , ......... li&MIPtt tf ..... ..... ...... ,, .... 1 .......... ., ""' tarp ..... , , .... ,., •• , 411111 ,. •• •It• .. ,.,, ... , ltflrltt ,, •• ., ....... ., 111t1 Jiii I •1ln1•1. Pltr I •II• ftr ,.,,., , ............... ..,,, tarp .... ... , ............ ,,... ..... 1t••1t•I Ila 0..-,1 1001 0.11111 1001 01111'1 1001 [01111'1 1001 0,,,,,1 IOOZ ~.'.!!ff.{'!.1'J.' ••••••• !'.!!ff.{'.'.!!J.' ••••••• !'~ .................. ~· ............................................................. , .......................... _................... i I IOOl llt•,111 l•I ...... ,., I.I• ... HI /ft Ill• ...... /11 ,,,, H •• ,,. ,,, l•I• H ..... ,., ,,,, I H•···· ,,, ,,,, f!.~~, .............................. . ~.................... •••••••••.•••••••••.•• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••..•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• " 2 111111 ~ ~ VllW YllW BEST IN BLUFFS ' YIWll lllt,000 ........ ......... Unqu .. uon1btv one of the flnHt ocHnfro"t toe•· t1on1 lhtt• It 8eaullf\it 3 bdrm home wl1h 1orm11 dining rm . l•mlly rm . mild '• quar t•rt. • wor1c1nop and tV9f'I • wine veutt. Lo.,.iy tropical d•· ••on Sp1c11c:utar whll• Wiii< VleW $2,000,000. l&IUll 2 Bdrm. 1 llor y, $1800 Rart opportunity on · Sp•c11outar htdd•n l! down 175,tOO huoe Nhll>Ofl B .. c.h lot 11ory hom• Ill b .. uuful W• have I beautiful aelectlon of homes 2 Bdrm, I ato1y, 18400 Sell« wlll carry 11141 lat •t ...... Vttde Elegant ~ t thl ti •11 floo~tan1 l'.'.lood views r down 183.000 low 1n1eraa1 Both nornet v•red •ntry wty. torm1I a I me. " ' \;i ' 3 Bdrm, I 11ory, 19400 have 3 bedroom• Live 1n living room •nd dining. good financing, go buya. Some lease 1 down 193.tOO OM. rtnt onet Hurry. c1111 ltmlly room , gourm•I options . Some lnolud lng land. Pleate let I 3 Bdrm, 2 ••ory. $12,000 873~550 1c1to'*1, • ........ bdrm•. rta sho w them to you I down 11111.000. bath•. be~11u1 vi• our expe · An h•v• poo1a, II>" •lld THE REAL ESTATERS from, .. , yard. Attwm INI 1·1 148 OUlll CHITilY Olll uunH C•ll tor more v•ry high toa11. Prtud 1117 laje, I lllr, t Intl 1111,111 MaJ bolt1111 fer Otlter Prtftrty d111.11a 648-2313 S23UOO. C•ll 548.2313 Ill•-, wffll lu4 1271,111 1 Muuntft~c·nt locution u'looking 8th grei.•t\ t110 ..a .. ...,.. -'-1211--c. .... ~~~liifiiiit ....... , ,.,.. • • l.lljiiiiilfliliil!~ ... ~I 2111 Yllta Ml .. , 1 ltHI, "'"' ,._ of golf t•ou~·. Majt.'lllit• Colonial c·witom 4Br. ca1ned1a1 ce111ng1. & Ill.,......,~~ 1221,111 by owm •r/bu1ldl'r ~ bdrmi;, IJW formal romod•l•d kttcnen Al· ---- liiiil~lliiiiillllii~ Ill Ylttl , I lllr, .,,., 1111 ,111 rl;11 1111, him rm. btlluml rm. rt.•frtgl•ratt>d ou don't need 1 gun 10 ~~b~~::; ~.~ ~ Tllll 1111a.,1,4 lllr,.... / IHt,111 1 win1· r111, & li1' bd. Marblt•, ftnl'Sl wood "diew 11111" wnen you 979.5370 A 01v1s1on or Witt trade ANYTHING o WIU. llU. trade or exchange 3 br. 21A I parwl1ng , a ir c·ond . + m an y custom . piece an ad 1n 1he Deity ~~~! 1;~,~~~l~y ,1~n~80 ba, $249,900, by appt. lt•JlUn~. $2.150,000 tnC'ludmg land. May ~1~~12~:;~ Ad•' Call now K•MY· agt 648-8492 HELEN B DOWD w ll lurn1slwd Ow111'1 w ill hl'lp fmanl't' 997·1215 t ind wha t you wtnt in -------• I oou• VIEW 1211,000 Dally Piiot Classllieds Classihea Adi 642·5678 II arbor Investment Co . \. f ~·I I. I 111~ • 11 l•f A • \ a.' f , '¥f •1 • *• llXl&Y PIYIDTI* F or six months on b r a n d new townhome in Costa Mesa. Featu- ring 2 master suites, enclosed ga· rages & private courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. * SIX 01 I LOT * S ix houses on on<' lo t in prime n •nwl area of Costa Mesa. All but om' have fireplaces and hav<> rec- ently hcc n pa inted. No ~cferred maintena nt·<'. Asking $395,000. 9032 Adam~. Huntington Bt>ach. 556·7035 * llCI llY IREI * * 1131,000 * 3 br ho use on fee la nd featuring ha rdwood floo rs & i.hinglt• roof with 11% assumable 1st T.D. Pnet.-'d for 1mmed1ate sak•1!' :i670 Sc.tn Mi · gut•I 759· I 50 1 or 752-7:373. * 110,000 IUYS ITU Ladies a ppa r el s hop with good leaSt> te rms. Loc-ated in busy shop- ping l'entt>r Invento ry negotiable. 9032 Adams, Hunting ton Beach. 556-7030 * * PILElllO * * UA .. YIEWIM Totally remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring French doors, wooden shutters. plank floors, used brick & pool & spa. FEE land w /GREAT TERMS !! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. * ZElll IOWI * On thC' water Pm-e slashed $1 5.000 to $199.900. Owner wall finance . Pro r l'SS lo n a I I y d l•t·ora t l•d w I gourm t-t .kitche n , 9032 Adam s. Huntington Beach 556-7035 * WITEIFlllT llOIE * PlllYITE IUCll Scnsattonal 4 br home smack on th(• water'! reaturmg french doors. fr pk. proft•ssaona lly d t'l·ora tl•d & private S AN DY BEACH Onl y $249,000 & SC'll er will carry AITD' 2670 San Mig u e l Dr . Ne wport &ach 75Y· 1501 or 75:.i .nn •MASSIVE CISTOI FIREPLACE* Spt'nd thu~t· romantic evenings basking 1n the glow of this massive f1rt>placC' T his s pal·wus fou r be· droom home• •~ ideally lcx:at.cd <:l()S(.· to Wl•s tminstC'r Ma ll and Golden- wcst College and priced to sell $119,900. 9032 Adams. Hunttngton Bt•ach 556· 7035 * WESTCLIFF llllllLlllS * Sensationally remodeled & tlN.-ora- tcd 4 Br home featuring swimmmg pool. bonus room, skyltte, lush pri- va te courtyard. fplc & assumable financing Only $299.000 on FEE land 2670 San M1g u<'I Dr., Ne w- port Bc.>at:h 759· 1501 or 752-737:l . * TllEOYEll 11.2% LOU * Onlv $20,000 dn on this spacious four bedroom. 2 bath home· with soaring cathedral ceilings. Earth· tone decor throughout with custom wall coverings . Bright and a ir y rountry k1t.chC'n plus family room and custom patio. OHC>red at $1 54,- 900 9 032 Ada m s. Hunting to n &ac:h 556· 7035. * 11.11% Fiii ... IYllllLE * ---.-u·sm •111 Zero points or fees takeover low IULTlll, •· 144-1134 4 Br . i 1, 811. Vie w home owrlooking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Pavi lion. C<11.<.1hrw and nth: ht<.-s Wc-haVl' l.11111A1111A111 ___ 1N.,_,""""'""-""IWll""""'~"" A MACNAB u~~- DRUM llOME 1• THTLE llOCI Up gradt·s l'Vcry wlw n •, IH'<.iU trful t·ustorn hril·k J<tl'U771 11v1·rluukmg htlb of Turth· Hcx·k C.1qx·ts & drc.1p1.'l'lt~ an· dl'(~11alor J14.'rft'('l Lc11.·aw<.J acros.., I rorn 1·111nrn rx1ol & :-.pa un ~u1 1•l l'U I dt· sat· :-.t OW<: I~ :!nd $J'14 !1110 l'at Ad1•11 a5s .. n4:~ FAMILY HOME Ill CORONA DEL MAil A plau· fur th1· c·>..i ·t ul1v1• ~ l ,1 fam il v Bc•Jut1£ul pnv.111· pool sldt· honw on quwt -.111·1·1 Thi:-. 4 BH. '1.1 ~ BA hrnru· -.tiow-. bt·tl1·r thi.l n i.I rnudd W.dk 111 \11U1 .< pn v.itc• llt'~1l lll'~ 1\ll .ti ,, 111111• vou ~·an a 11 111 d t;111xl t rn.111< 111g too! $357,000 Pat Aden 855-4343 855·-t:~-t:i SIPEll STARTER < ;11od 111v 1·-.t1111·11t contl11 ClrJSl' lo 11111· 111 :t -.p:1-. Walk to pvol Eiw1·l11 ·nl 1111 ;1\11111. dOS(· llJ frN.•lt\,1\-. Onl\ $!-fl 51111 Low d1Jwn LA>\~ rn1111thh .J11\1t· M c C u I I o u ~ h o r 1' a t /\ d 1 • n 855 H4:~ llC CllYH A most unique contemporary Ca pe Cod custo.m estate on the golf course Featured are 8 bd .. mcl. maid's qrtrs , study & libra ry . A secluded pool, gymnasium, & fam. entertai- ning ar eas a re included for your at -hom e acuv1t1es Pri- ced at $2,950,000. Call for ex- c l u s 1 v e s h o w in g_ J ac ki e Handleman 631 · 1266 hcblll• '"' ""'"' No need to worry about sel- ling yo ur home! Owner of large, e x ec . custom 5 bdr. home on Mesa Verde Country Club will consider exchange for smalle r Mesa Ve rde pro- perty. Call Jackie Handleman for more details, 631-1266 CffHSTUUI Now is the lime to get these At BELOW MARKET PRICES w /10% ON! 3Bd. 2 B a th $1.320 m o · $110,000 2Bd. 2 Bath $119,900 Irvine 2Bd. 2 Bath $135,000 Newport 2Bd. 2 Y2 Bath $155,000 Tur tlerock 4Bd. 2 1h Bath $2 14,900 2.000· Newport Harbor Ridge Condo for only $399,000 -Newport If you want a deal on a condo -we will fit you into one of these TODAY! Call DIRECT for De tails PATRICK OR FRED TENORE 631 -1266 or 760-8702 NOW. an 111d1•p<•nd<•nl appra1sul for $:3:!0,000 VIEW VIEW VIEW + I Try s:w.ouo dow11 until you 1>C'll your Catalina, whitewater, canyon & honw Own<·r will hl'lp fma nn· nlte lite view are yours from this 1251 SURFLIH war OPH SAT/SH 1-6 unique multi level. one of a kind A REAL JEWEL " THE ILUFFS A fan t<.iSlll' :s Br "Linda" motlt·I on wi- dest greenbelt Like New . Val·ant $270,000. New carp<>IS & drps. Ready for 1mml-d1att• <X't'Upaney See anytime 2111 FELIPE OPU SAT /SH 1-6 MAH OR Vlf W -MUliE UH ~Utl'l. 1><1rk hk1• sl'l lln~ Hm fur pc.iddll· I 11•111w; <.ind pool G n •JI lor ort'hurd. Cul di' -..1l· .,1 ;{ IJC.lrms. Lim rm. $:i7~.500 ft<i.• I I HUllliH "VERSAILLES" SlH,000 El1·ganl 4 btlrm & famil y rm T hi· pt·r · f<'t'I µIan for h1rg<' 01 -.mall family, young or nol so young Lg1.• maslt·r -.u1h· 11n I grnund floor Bl:aul pool and vt•ry prt vat1· pi.i llO:-. Bl•Sl bu y 1n Big Cu11 yon V.1<.int &'t.· 1m yttm{' 644 ·4YIO llli OUYll "YEllSllLLES" (;1111 1·uursc· vie w! Beaut lanrlsl'apf..'d . PJ rk like :-.<'lllng Lovl'ly pool. s pa & g.t11·lio Catl'CI ('OUrtyard w1lh founliim I M.11 lilt· foyPt w/ghlll•rtng c·h,111dc·lwr -l bd1 111~. dt·n . fo r mal din rm. 4 1 ~ ha . $!1.10.000 111dudmg land Laq . .(1· l·•irrwr WESLEY •• TAYLOR co., REAL TOH I 2111 San Joaqui11 Mills Road IUWPORT CHTH, IU. IU-4110 Cao1uacs 10 Go Caris Whithiver 1he Fad Roll t'm olt lhe m.ir~er Wtlh a C•ass.lted A<l Gau Now• 642 5678 P• 1plc wno nooo Peopli. I 1 na1 s 111111,11 lhe DAIL y PILOT I SfRVICE DIRECTORY •Sall <1bou11 RESIOENflAI REAl fSIAIE SERVIClS REDUCED TO $385 ,000 IN BAYCREST Ht•duc·l•d and n·<tdv to St'll Gor- f(l'llUS n •modl•ll'<I 4 bdrm, :i bdth homt• with fomily room, pool and S JM G n •:ll for C'llll'rta 1n1ng or familv fun As...;unw fi rst and owm•r "rll ,:arn largC' M'lon<.J JAME MITCHLER IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 custom home. The ultimate family or entertainment home for the buyer with flair for the unusual. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, huge kitchen, large deck & spa. Great financ ing. available. I~ IOWI -10YI~ lmlEST New Cape Cod 2 bedroom in prt· vate community with pool and Ja- cuzzi. Walking d istance to every· thing. $137,950. Open dally 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. 548-2239. UAlllEWUSTIH Prime and exceptionally quiet Newport Beach neighborhood. featuring 4 bedroom 2 'h baths . Extremely spacious and well ma- nicured yard with plenty of room tor poo l, Jac uzzi or adding on. Seller will carry financing. $299,- 500. 2421 Francisco Drive. New- port Beach. Open Sun. 1-5. con 2 sto11 -1.1. Located in the beautifully planned private community of Broadmoo r Seaview. this 2 story, 4 bedroom 3 bath Port Royal home illuminates custom elegance . Pool and tennis facilit ies available. $398,5000. 2106 Yacht Grayling. Newport Beach. Open Sat. and Sun. 1-5. LUSE on111 Prestigious location plus views of the city lights in private commu- nity of Newport Beach features 3 bedrooms i family room. Owner is motivated and will carry large 2nd T.D. or lease option. $399.- 000. 2109 Yac ht Grayling, New- port Beach. Open house Saturday and Sunday 1-5. lllVllE TEIUCE Smashing views of sunsets and sailboats are enjoyed from this spacious 4 bedroom beautifu l residence. Gourmet kitchen plus swimming pool. Price to sell at $895,000. includes the land. Seller will finance. t_(lQ, ~~~J~ Ql~\JJ)' 675-2311 548-2239 GARDEN PARK VILLAGE 41 New England designed townhomes-2 & 3 Bedrooms/2~ Baths TllPLD PLO IOUIFlllT •• I ..... if • "'"'" ~ ...., ........ 119a. .. ....................... ...,a.w ... interest loana on thll 3 Br HANO. VER model. Featuring atr ium & prime location facing Greenbelt overlooking Turt.lerock Hilla. Only $154 ,900 . 2670 San Miguel Dr ., Ne wpor t Beach . 759-1501 or 752-5353. 11111 •tou Course, 3 BD. 2 Bath, Liv. RM, FAM. RM .. Frpl, & more. ASSUME 10,, I NT. W/Low Dn. Prin. Only -Call D IR ECT to PATR ICK or FRED TENORE 631-1266 . Sfo Down I 07/s% Interest* ....... HtHt .... I 2 M* ... .-.irloll llHllMsfflt ................ .... ......... s1.•!!1"'· .... ftr • ''""' •Ifill! II 1· 1419 111119 ....... ...., .,.,_.. J-tWJ I W. + '-lhll ,. ....... , ....... ....... •. , ...... .,.....: ...... ...... ............... " ..... WltanllT Plll•IU411111 .... ~...:::r-~ ': == ~ ................... ...., ;.:a -;c, ................ 2 ... ... ,... ................... .. ............................... ........... .., ••• Na~'"* .. ..., .. .. ... ,., ............ ir.r, WATf.JIFRONT HOMIOO. INC ttiM. U1ATt Urt !!#ow.ft I'~ MMlll.,,, ... -, .. ~,~ H» w Co.fl tlwy llS MMw ~ ~ Bt.rll a.. 111.nd ...... '7Utll ),, - * 120,000 •• * Spacious family home with 908rlng cathedral ceilings a nd bright a nd airy country kitchen. With 4 large bl"I, 2 bas and a family room. lt'a a bargain at $1M.900. 9032 Adams, Hununston &ach. 556· 7035. llWNIT IUOI lff111 2171 ... llptl .... (714) 7 ... 1111 (114) 111-7111 Ull FMll In Newport Beach Pool Home with owner Cinanclng 3 Bdr, den, wet bar f<Jr only $198,· 500. Harry Frederick DIUlltlWlnan.T Exceptional opportunity for 2 Bdrm condo on the bay. Long term assumable loan of $250.- 000 a t 12.5%. Ownera will oonsider exchange for income property. Call for further de- t a I h . Ruaty Guinther 631-1266 30 Year Loans A11amahle/No Prepayment Penalty Cape Cod pool & JPA. large private patios & baleonles, Individual washer & dryer areas. wet bars, woodbumln9 fireplaces, mlcrowav~ trash compactors, private 2 cor garag~s w/access to home . Opttonat air-conditioning and solar heat. from $137,950 Fainiew Roa• al A•eca•o ~IWtbm.. . ...._' ......,_. \ll AS600A1ES Open Daily: 11 ·5 Celt (714) 548'-2239 • Broker Coop .. tlotl l.mtacl Or•ng• Coa11 DAILY PILOT/Sunday. May 2, 1982 ES ~.'!!.~ ••••••• ~ .....•... }." !f!fft.~/:* ...... . ~m.~!a.'! ...•••• !~.~~ ...... ~'.!!!!.!~'.!#! ....... ~m.(~~!!'! ...... . ~.~ ......... / .. . ...... , ..... ,'' ·4~'-'. Merrill Lynch :rt;;,. Realty ·~ .••.••.•• l.'!fl ~':! ......••. !.~I ~';l. ••••••••• !.~l~~~ •••••••.. J.~I 1111 .. llT ~~ n:a.d=x~t~c! IN ,,_V~N,~RACI th• Hiid, wlll t1ke 1ml Bey end oce1n 11lew1 down or ttt<le end cerry m1kt Ihle houH e mu11 1111 entire 1>a1enc e lor the dlacernlno buyer. 1 780,000•t>llt ctt1I on 8"1ctM the l0tewr vMw, 1441 UUIY a (IU U.) Lux ury & perfection In Dover ShorM. 5 bdrm1, plu1, plus. FM land. View. Fantntlc 1eller finan- cing. $1,400,000. I --------••Iii I OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1·5 H.erbcw View ffiUa 130f SAHDCASTU CORONA DEL MAR ~•nt & aped ou.e 2 11y .• IDEAL OCEANFRONT LOCATION IWllNI IOW YtlW I the wttlf. lhe home oner• 4 8Jrm1, -~ ····n ll>IClout llvlng room. pool -nt..'li ~h 11ro• dac11 S 1,300, U. -U,_.lt.ilJt f"1(J_..I.~ IPll IAT I .. 1·1 Tll ...... (fll ~) a.a NTI lllUZI Frames custom Corona del Mar dream I home. Entertainment center opens to atrium wtth 11pa. Mammoth master 1ultc. $636.000. "Blulinlanw." 4 BR, 3 Ba, fem rm. b11 bonu1 rm, form din rm, 2 fplc. Fee llnct. Ttrrtflc canyon vtow. •s~.ooo. .. llMtl lltUI "urf Mrt' Ml JflUr dt1t1hlPft IOI thl• f;,·11111llul """'""' :l·•l•H"). t bdrm. :11i1 l\fl h.,m,., Prnlr "' """"'"hi10 on .t .. t•ll 4' 11u•lh~. 4 .all II•~ 11111 """"I• t•111 hl111t1noi ... ,. t1f r\ ... 1111 U11111r• for ~tH'f"U41 ...... ,.,., ••••l•t,.,f" fhhtn4'1U •• 17!l!'i.CMM•. Lrg 3 8drl'f' 2 81 w l RMllOfl, 11&·8000 comm. pool a 1p1. F11· I~~~~· ~~~~I tur11 lncludt frple, 2 c11 g1r1ge & AIC. A11umel•------• aidatJng loen & owner wttl To place your mM1t0e ( ................. ) Popular 1 atory 3 bdrm Linda Plan. Alr/c::ond., 1ecur1ty system. $275,000 Fee. llTIU 1-. IPYIWI llW lllfOlll 4 BR 4 8a, pool sized pastoral vtcw . Owner financing'. $615.000. 10 llTlllll1 lr4 Tl ftl t YUll Assume let and 2nd. Oesµerntlun . Must huve o ffe r . 4 BR 3 Ba, near ocean. $2U9,500. A1k For LOAETTA CURCI Ottio. (714) 8'73--8550 THE REAL ESTATERS h ,., O~t1 "'w11 .. 1-.1. :lliO I 1'. "'"'Wttfrt11tl. '1•t. """· WATERFRONT HOMES, INC llf:Al UTATf help finance. A1kl11g tMt.lora th• • 128,900. 131·7370 1eadlhg pubtlc. ... Kt+•M~· •• , •• , ...... ~ttlfltH Tf{\()ITIO\ \I ~f,\I " phone Dally Pllol Claumed. 642-567& UlllUI 1111111, ll. Tl. 111-1111 1c 1aullled Ads ere the Selling onrthlng with II 1n1wer to a succeulul Datly Piiot Cl11111ted Ad garage Of yard sale! lt'e a 11 a 11mple m111er Jutt better way to tell mor6 l•Jll W l°IMel IW.~ JI~ M.!11rw A\O N'°""""' Bor"' h ""*""' ltli111d .,...... '7Uf00 12c,ooo•n ...... " buys thl1 roomy 4 Bdrm family home w/2 llra- plac11, a warm famtly room wl wood beamed callings Decorator ac- cent&. $120,000. Prlncl- pa1s only Don't Claley, ca.II O.ne toclay Diane Platenpol-Volpa ! ·-•• RVM* Betty Kerr Raelly Open Sun 12-5 1437 Serenaoe Terrace 1rv1na Terrace Corona Clel Mar $398.000 111-1111 SIU 11 TIAll 4 Br Palermo Home 1rade Clown $322,000 lee CllllA 4et UI 2 Br Collage near beach $195 000 lea Bernt la Ellert sen ReallOf 675-2373 .()( 720-0740 Mo1ivated Seti. neal 3Br, $87,000 752-8731 llYEST•'S SPECIAL Condo in So Cou1 Plaa area Asaume 11118% APA loan. 10% down Only SH,950 Seller high- ly motlvatedl Happy to carry lge 2nd at low rate. South Coast Condo Sales, 957-2892 Alao 2 & 3 br Untll 111,IOO •WI $87 ,950 LUllU"f ~O. 2 br, 2 ba, pools, a/c, spa, rac r ms Sout h Coest Plaza local Ou1clo. 1111 needed Assume Isl at 10718%. 2n<I 14"1. interest only Call Owner/1g1 957-2892 Class1tteo AC11 your one-stop Shopping centl!f The floating cape II llm- ply a 1Quare of fabric hemmed Ill around, with oeck gatllef1, lwo loop9 and two t>u1ton1 °'"' hH pulled 11111111 end y()t(e In one. "'Y rvtfi.d detlll Printed Pettem At4e by Cheri•• Klel becker comes In MlaMe Sina f, 10, 12. 14, HS, 11. SIH 12 (bull 34) cape 1.111111 3/t yerd• 00-lnch: d,... 2'A y11d1. l /f yard con• tr..C. Send 12.10 ror 0111 PMlad Pattern 10 OAll. Y PILOT, 8 ox St, Old CMtMI Sta .. ~ YOftl, N.Y 10113, Add 50c IOt po1taga and apaclal h•ndllng. Ptlnt Hame, Addten. Zip, Style ~end8lm. 19'1aatlonel .. \/Inge on aen11t1one1 clothel ere ,..,,_with OUf NEW 1M2 ll'flOMIN!NT °"~" ,ATTl!AH CATALOG. You MW MO--t&OO end ,,..,.. .... you ... 1 "" .,_'°"name•, neweet ... ,.10-.. w d1111n• ..-. llt dreeMI. coett • .. , ••••• , ,,u. 10• HNUI COU,ON for ••~ -•Uerft et your ....... ...,., .. ,°' ..... .,,.._ HOUSES FOR SALE 2 Bl!DROOM 1561 Miramar, Balboa Penln Pt, NB 642-5200 $339,000 Sun 1-5 386 Broadway, Costa Meea 751-3191 $133,000 507 Jumlne, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $220.000 1010 Wiison. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $104,900 2 HDROOM * * 3300 Marcus. Newport Beach Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 12-5 646-5945 Sun 1-5 259 Fairview. Laguna Beach 494-3754 $225,000 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Sun 2-5 673-8900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • * 225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa Island 673-6900 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 221 Via Ithaca. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sat 1-4/Sun 3-6 2 BR plu. FAM RM or DEN 702 Acacia, Corona del Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Dally 1-5 1 Aldergrove, Irvine 552-0660 $198,000 Sun 1-5 * •633 Lido Prk Or,#E1 ,LldoPen. NB 631-1400 $649,500 Sun 1-5 107 Ruby Ave .. Balboa Island 644-9060 $598,500 Sun 1-5 535 Hazel Dr .. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $350,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 19 Curl Or .. Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11-4 1525 August Ln. Costa Mesa 673-8550 $134,900 Sun 1-5 * * 10 Balboa Covee, Newport Beach 642-8235 $525,000 Sun 12-5 2 M plue LOFT 552 Hamilton. Coeta Me.a 759-1501 $114,950 s•DROOM 601 Gary Pt, Npt Bch Sun 1-5 752-5111 $215,000 Sun 1·5 **42 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 642-5200 $550,000 Fee Sun 1-5 820 Victoria, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $95.900 Sun 1-5 18 Sycamore Creek. Trtl Rk . Irv 752-1414 Sun 1-5 101 Debra (Plaza del Sol) CM 546-2313 $199,000 Sun 1--4 1581 MlnOf'ca (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $136,900 Sun 1-5 2647 Westminster, Costa Mesa 645-9429 $140,000 Open Sun 1-5 16474 Hemlock. Fountan Valley 839-5138 S 119,950 Sat/Sun 10-5 19302 Mauna. Huntington Beach 963-6805 $109,950 Sat/Sun 10-5 1946 Port Locicslelgh, HVH. N.B. 644-4289 $210.000 Sun 1-5 1586 Myrtlewood. Costa Mesa 646-3255 $131.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1126 E. Balboa Blvd. (Penln) Balboa 759--9100 $1 ,295.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1437 Serenade Terrace. CdM · 673-1181 $398,000-Fee Sun 12-5 408 Avocado Ave., Old CdM 675--4225 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1610 Tuatln Ave .• Newport Beech 552-Agent Sun 12-4 102 Blue Lagoon. So. Laguna 631-1400 $545,000 Sat/Sun 11-7pm 3024 Ocean Bl .. Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1 .350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 17912 Butler, Irvine 552-7698/552-7500 212 VI• Eboll. Lido Isle. N.B. Sun 1-5 673-7300 $498,500 Sun 12-3 1911 Court St., Balboa Penln, NB 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 2653 Vista Omada, Bluffs. NB 644-9060 $285,000-Fee 1312 Santanelta Terr, CdM Sun 2-5 673-8550 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 503 Vista Grande, Bluffs, N.B. 6«-9060 $180,000 sun 1-5 5041 PaMO de Vega,,Turtletock, Irv 760-1900 $167,500· Sat/Sun 12-5 1 Aue Fontalnbleeu. Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 ssoo.ooo sun 2·6 11 F .. tMrwood, Univ. Park, Irv. 559--9437 $189,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 a 8'I ... LOf'T 701 Gotdtnrod, CdM 831·1400 $3&0,000 OJ*' Sun 1-4 I 8'I ..... OUllT 1e21 LoulM st, uiauna 8MOh 494.7579 t29t,000 9un 1-15 a M ..... 'All Mii or DIN 420 Oehlla. COrone del Mar 131·12ee te25,000 .. Bun 2-15 222 luaonle. Npt 8ch t71-fe70 1114,900 9un 1-4:30 211 Opel, lalbo9 ... , Npt 9ch •15-4000 •1.eoo aun 12-4 311 J• ,...,. (Qd ~ CdM 17~ '380,000 call 642·5678 Pl09lel DIRECTORY -• ..,, tM• "-dJ .,_...., wtMI ,_ .... ...._.. • ,_ .. 11-......... •I-. i.e ...... ltW ...... -·~ill ............. ..., ............ ...._ a~· DAIU MOT WAMT ADS.,..,_, .. w ................ fw .. -,.... .................................... _ .. ,...., _,,...,, * 1087 Glen Cir, Costa Meaa 640-9900 $229.000 1312 Dover Dr (WestcH) NB Sun 1-5 642-5200 $259,000 Fee Sun 1-5 * * 301 North Star (Dover Shra) NB 642-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-5 958 Cheyenne, Costa Mesa 546-23 13 $129,900 Sun 12-4:30 14131 Klee. lrvlne 642-8235 $169,000 Sun 1-5 3823 Sundune Lane. Harbor View Hiiis, NB 644-6200 $397.500 Sun 1-5 2345 16th St (Nwpt Hgts) NB 645-0303 $240,000 4091 Re~es (Greentree) Irv 645-0303 s 145,000 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach Sun 1-4 Sun 1-5 675-1771 $255,000 Sa 2-5/Sn 12-3 2323 Cllll Or .. Newport Beach 646-7768 $889.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 452 Broadway, Costa Mesa 646-3369 $197,500 Open Sun 1-5 2627 Bunya, Newport Beach 752-0777 $232,500 Sun 2-5 3711 Seashore Or., Newport Beach 673-6578 Sat/Sun 10-4 2109 Yacht Grayling. Newport Sch 675-2311 $399,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 542 Harbor Isl Or. (Prom Bay), NB 759-9100 $1 ,400.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4601 Camden. Corona def Mar 759-1221 $895,000 Sun 12-5 2331 Cllff Oc.io Newport Hgts, NB 63 1-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or .. Bayshores. N.B. 644-9060 $536,000..fee Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland (Westclf) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 1436 Serenade Terr. CdM 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 134 Harbor Isl. Rd, NB 751-3191 $650.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 25 Rustling Wind. Trtlrk Vsta. Irv. 759-1501 $280,000, Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 New Sat/Sun 1-6 *4527 Gorham, Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $749,000-Fee Sun 1-5 19 Whitewater, Jaamlne Creek, CdM 644-9060 $379,500 Sun 1-5 120 Shoreclltt Rd.(Shoreclfs)CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 2-5 1524 Santanella Terr(lrv. Terr)CdM 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Bl .. Bal Penln, NB 644-9060 $759.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 102 Via Koron. Lido Isle 642-8235 $685,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4931 Hemlock, Univ, Park, Irv 644-9060 $193,000-Fee Sun 2-5 * 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795.000-fee Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee SaVSun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royal. Big Cyn. N.B. 760-1900 $675,000 Sun 1-5 3 BA ptue FAM RM Of DEN plue OUl!IT 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 642-8235 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 405 Irvine. Newport Beach 552-2000 $200,000 Sun 1-4 4 HDROOM 600 Begonia, Corona del Mar · 631-1266 $585,000 Sun 2-6 2421 Franclaco Dr., Newport Bch 875-2311 $299,500 Sun t-5 222 COt'al Balboe Island 876-e921 $539,000 Set/Sun 1-5 . 1985 Port Claridge, Newport Bch 955-3454 Sun 12-4 42A Bef'vue Ln., Balboa Penln, NB 831-1400 "419,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 7 Trafalgar. Newport 8"ch 759.1221 $1.400,000 3113 Madeira, COlta M ... Sun 12-5 $13,500 Set 12:30--3:30 4 M plul 'AM RM or DIN •111e or1o1e Or (MMe Verde) CM ~31-12ee s21&.ooo sun 1-4 222 VI.a Koron (lido 1•> NB 642-5200 Bun 1·S 30e5 Loren Ln, Cotta MeM 979-&370 t12t,500 open 11:30-<t 2112 TebaaO (Mlaa Vltde) CM a.2-aaocJ e11a.ooo eun 1.a 261& ~.HY Hm1. CdM M4-GOO l•,IGO LH. 8un 1-1 2701 Canary (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $239.900 Sun 1-5 2333 Arbutus, E-Bluff, NB S.2-8235 $245,000 L.H. Sun 12-4 * 1805 Glenwood. Westcllff, N.B. 644-9060 $349.500 Sun 2-6 1612 Anita Ln. Newport Beach 63 1-1266 $225,000 Sun 1-5 2149 Miramar, Bal Penln, N.B 63 1-1266 $645,000 DaJly 2800 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 546-23 13 $147.500 Sun 1-4 1132 Sea Ln, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $350.000 Sun 1-5 * * 2804 W. Oceanfront. N.B. 631-1400 $725,000-lee Sun 1-5 233 Polnaettla, Corona del Mar 673-427 1 $624.500 Sa/Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beach Cir. Spyglass. CdM 645-0776 S 179.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 •ae1 2 Palermo Dr .. Hunt. Beach 963-0061 Sat/Sun 1-5 18971 Antioch, Turtlerock. Irv. 541 -5032 $185,000 Sun 12-3 • 5190 CaUfornla. Norco '' 1-735-5086 $164.500 Sat/Sun 12-5 2106 Yacht Graytlng, Newport Sch 675-2311 $398,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1753 Port Manlelgh Cir, HrbrVu, NB 640-9996 $459.000 Sal/Sun 1-4 1306 Sandcastle (HVHls) CdM 644-426a $550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 25 Warmsprlngs (Wdbrg), Irv "51 -3191 $359,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge, N.B. 631-1400 $2,200,000 Set/Sun 1-4 1425 Watson. Costa Mesa 751 -3191 $128,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 4639 Gorham (Cameo Shores) CdM 559-9400 $649,000 Sun 12-5 1 Rue Val Bonne. Big Canyon, NB 673-9060 $795.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *607 Bayside Or .• Newport Sch 631-1400 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl., HVH, N.B. 675-2373 $322,000-fee Sun 1-4:30 2412 Cliff Or., Nwpt Heights. NB 673-7771 $598,000-fee Open dally 333 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar 760-0452 $498,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglaaa, CdM 644-9060 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo. Mesa del Mar. C.M. 631-7370 $152,900 Open Sun 1-4 * 15 EV4tnlng Song. Turtlerock, Irv. 675-6670 $174,990 Open Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, NB 675-3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1115 Galatea Terr (Irv. Terr) CdM 644·9060 $498,000 Sun 1·5 125 1 Sur111ne Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 644-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1101 Grove Ln. (Westcllff) N.B. 642-8235 $500,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1441 Galaxy Dr .• Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 St. Tropez. Harbor Ridge, N.B. 760-1900 $850,000 Suri 1-5 3 San Sebastian, HarbOt' Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2.3 mllllon Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Hrbr View Hiiie, NB 760·1900 $760,000 Sun 1-5 4 BR plue PAM RM or DIN ptua GU.IT 2211 Tuatln, Newport Beech 646-4380 $335,000 SaVSun 1-5 IMDROOM **219 Via Lido SOUd, Lido IM, NB 780-1800 $2,250,000 Sun 1-5 I IR ptua PAM RM or DIN 2762 BaYthe>re (Baylhorea) NB 759--9100 $875,000 Sun 1·5 3058 Johneon A"19., Cotta MMe 842-<Me1 $149,600 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1«1 Oaluy Or, Oowr 8hrl. N8 $75-2373 .1.400,000-Fee Sn 1-4:30 ••124 w. Bey, lelboe '**'· Na 631-1400 t1.485,000/ Sat/Bun 1-8 938 Via lido SOUd, Udo I •• NI 844-9080 .. 50.000 Sun 1:30-6 •12 Tr1f~ .. Hrbr Aldge, NI M4-9200 ~500.000 Sat/Bun 1-5 1 MOrtaoo. Hrbr Aldae Eat.a• N8 944-1200 ttN.CM»O a.vaun 1..e •1211 Clltf Or (Clftwn) N8 842-6200 '421,ooo ,_ sun 1.5 11172 Via Tcwhayrtrtc) trv 116-eOOO ~' ~~r....r,:-r t M plue FAM RM °' MN * 1848 Newport Hla Dr. E .. HVH, NB 642-8235 $569,000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 RDROOM 2525 E Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 640-5560 $499,000 Sun 1-5 4 11 'h Dahlia, Corona det Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1815 w. Bay. Bal. Penln, NB 673-3777 $350,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2277 Pacific Ave .. Costa Mesa 673-7300 $125,800 Sat/Sun 2-5 2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 209 19th St .. Bal. Penln, NB 631-1400 $319.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 *501 St. Andrews. Cllffhaven, NB 673-7300 $169,500 Sun 11 -1 * 10 Crest Cir. Canyon Crest, CdM 673-8494 $165.000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 304 Esplanade (Bluffs) NB , 640-0020 $277.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *31 4 Avenida Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 7'59-9100 $210.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 551 Vista Grande (Blutts) NB 759-9100 $222,500 Son 1-5 2445 Vista Nobleza. Bluffa. N.B. 675-2373 $27~.000-Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 '111 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 53 Seaplne, Big Cyn, Npt Bch 631-1400 $340,000 Sun 1-4 2116 Felipe, The Bluffs, N.B .. 644-4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BA plue FAM RM or DEN fi7 Rue Vlllars (Big Canyon) NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2642 Vista Ornada (Blutta)"NB 759-9100 $244,500 Sat 1-5 4 BEDROOM •201A carriage (Bradford Pl) SA • 857-2040 $89,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 404 Columbia Rd., Npt. Crest. NB 631 -1400 $249,000 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 Bl!DROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd .. Costa Mesa 5•8-2239 $137,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 It 3 Lago Soud. Irv 640-9900 $159.000 Sun 2-5 3 BEDROOM 2521 Sunflower #82, Santa Ana 640-9900 $119,500 Sun 2-5 873 VIiiage Creek, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $136,500 Sun 1-4 * 157 Yorktown Ln .. Costa Mesa 646-8396 $102,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 Faln.'lew & Avocado Ad .. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-2 RDROOM 515-515'~ Orchid (Old CdM) CdM 759-9100 $356,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Ad., Newpor1 Hgts, NB 673-6900 • $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 aa ~lu1 PAM RM or DIN and 2Mend1 BR 107 • 107'h Ruby Ave. Balboa Island 644-9060 $598,500 Sun 1-5 2 -1 BIDROOM 1510 Abalone Pl, Balboa Island 673-6900 $535.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 plue 3 HDROOM **5061:. Oceanfront: Bal. Penln. 673-7300 sun 1-5 2-4 MDROOM * •202 S. Beyfront. Balboa Isl. 673-8900 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 PROPERTY FOR LEASE 4 IR plue ,AM Ml or DIN HOUll 230 GofcMnrod, Cofone del Mar 873-8-'94 $2600/mo &atl&ln 1-6 I M PIMH. CONDOMMUll *'°2 Schotr Piiia. #131, v ...... 673-1300 •?Simo Sat 10-12/Sn 1-6 PROPERTY FOR RINT 4M-.•AMIMwDIN 1627 Harbor CrMt. 8pyglUI Hiii, CdM 842..ena 11100/mo. Sun 11-a 7 Albor Oten, WooctbttdQe, lrltne MS-0778 $179,000 &Un 12-8 ~ I ,, ----!'-·· El Orange Cout DAil. Y Pll.OT /Sunday, May 2, 1882 1175 TOYOTA COROlll Wl&Oll 4 speed trans .. air cond . radio. Automatic trans .• power brakes, luggage rack. delU>1e exterior In stereo cassette, custom cab and metalhc brown with saddle vlnyl In-step bumper A great work truck terlor Great economy with room for that's priCed to sell the ram1ly (383MPR). CALL 5 2999 TODAY! . 1171 &IC 414 1171 IUSTAll "MllM SIERRA 11" FlSTllCI Automatic trans .. pwr. st. & brakes. Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 air cond., stereo, cassette, sliding speed iransmission, pwr. steering & rear window, dual tanks. custom brakes. AM-FM stereo, wire wheel wheels & tires and chrome step discs, radial tires & more Must see bumpet ( 1 M68928). What a neat 4 to appreciate. (853VAE). wheeler for just 5 3699 5 6999 1979 HOllDA 1111 TOYOTA ACCORD 4 DOOR COllOLU "Siii" LIFTllCI 5 speed trans., air cond., pwr Automatic transmission, power brakes, AM-FM stereo, ext. trim steering & brakes, air cond . silver p~age, spotless yellow finish with metallic exterior with burgundy tn· black vinyl Interior. (381962). A fun tenor & AM-FM radio (465WUOJ car with great sty11ng for just \ 5 6599 5 5299 1111 TOYOTA 1111 TIYITI ClllOLU 4 Ill. IElll -lt.U .._I" Unl&ll Auto trans . factory air conditlo-5 speed. factory air conditioning, n1ng . power steering, power disc power steering, power disc brakes. brakes, AM-FM stereo and low stereo ca11ette, aunroof & under mlles. (1CGE044). 11 ,000 mlln (1BSY724). 55499 5 7399 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP 4 speed transmission, front disc brakes, 2.4 litre engine and fully factory equipped. (039756). A graduation special at $ NO EASONABLE • • • • SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! llll IATSUll 1·210 2 Ill. 5 3499 Automatic trans . pwr brakes, AM-FM radio, steel radial tires.. exterior trim pac- kage Very clean in every respect (328TZD) White exterior with beige vinyl Interior for )ult 1911 DATSUI 21151 5 4399 5 speed trans , air cond., pwr brakes. stereo. tinted glass & more! Gleaming metallic suver w ith custom 11.tertor (263VCP) StyllSh economy tor only 1110 lllll 121 COIPE 5 6999 Automatic trans , pwr. brakes. air cond . AM-~M stereo, alloy wheels, ext8flor trim pacllaoe & more (1BJZ435). This glea~ brown metallic beauty has less than 15. mites: don't miss Ill ·1 1111 TIYITl llPU s7999 6 cyl., auto. trans., factory air conditioning, power st881'1ng, ~disc brailes, AM-FM stereo radio, lilt wlieel and alloy wheels (933ZFW). . BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 speed transmission, bucket seats. front disc brakes, 1.8 litre engine and fully factory equipped. (234512). a graduation spe- cial at $ OFFER REFUSED ON ANY TRUCK IN INVENTORY ••• MAKE US AN OFFER EVEN AT FACJORY INVOICE,. INCLUDING 4x4'S! l .... 1111 FORD 1111 ISUZU F· 150 PICI UP "LS" COUPE 6 cyl . auto. trans , power steering 5 speed 1ransm1ss.on. AM-FM radio. power brakes. AM-FM radio. ttnted all the factory equipment, 1ust over glass custom wheels & low miles 11 000 miles. custom wheels & tires ( 1'1'41087) flCOA945J 5 7699 5 5999 1110 DATSUN 1171 TOYOTA . 121 o un11c1 CELICA LIFTIACI SL package, 5 speed. lactory air Automatic transm1111on. power conditioning, AM-FM radio tinted steering. power disc brakes, AM-FM glass. custom interior & exterior & stereo. rear window shade k1l & under 8000 miles (1APBU7) custom two tone paint (613UXTJ 5 5299 54299 1179 TOYOTA 1111 TOYOTA CELICA um1c1 CELICA LIFTIACI 5 speed trans . air cono1t1on1ng Auto trans factory air cond1tio-stereo. power steering rear window nong . power disc brakes. AM-FM shade & custom two tone red me-radio sunrool and alloy wheels talhc l1n1sh (842XSOI What a car tor (1AQX975) only s5999 5 7999 1110 YILllWllEI 1971 TOYOTA SOllllOOI "I" CDWOLLI "H" COUPE 5 speed trans., factory air cond . 5 speed tran1m1ss1on. stereo cas- power disc bralles. stereo cassette. sette, power brakes and morel sunroof, alloy wheels & gleaming (677ALFJ An e11cept1onally clean black package (1AOK676) rare model for 1ust 5 7799 s3399 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (415074). A graduation special now pr1ced at only $ ~ \ • Orongo Coast DAIL V PILOT /Sunda , Ma 2, 1982 Fl «t!ff!.{f!.!:\'! ••••••• ~!ff!.{~~! ••••••••• ~!ffl.~~····•••• '-~!!!!.~~'! ...... ~~!!!!.~!~• ....... ~!.'!!!!.{'.~!.•.'! •••.... ~'.~!!!.~o!.!!.'! ....... I~'.~!!!.{'.~!!.'! ....... '!.'.'!!!!.{'.~!!.'! ........ '!.'.'!!!!.~'.~!!!! .••••.• !!~t{ ......... !.~. '1!..,_~t ........ !!:fl ~~~~ ......... !.'.!! ~¥. ......... 1.'.!I ~!!~IJ.. ......... .'.~I f.'!!!~.~~!.'!!! .. !.~ff 1c11111t1t1 1021 f!.'!!.!!!!t ..... !.~~1 !~!'!! ........... !.~~1.m~! ........... !.':f1 ~~~~~~~~!!Hew•• on B90on11 1235 •••••••••••••••••••••• 173 000 ~r doo11 1kylltt SMART 000 101 v•IU411 p11n only 11., HWI I HWPtlT MftllfTS 2 8or 2 8d i.111,nen fe D011ra .... on llU, UWlll 8kt. (213)4311·5H3 ••• .: 0•••111 ,........ m1ly 1 ITI ll)Oblle 11ome sta•y ~ft --"" -" f 1vt n•w :J bdrrn 3 both A11um11l>ltt loun Allot ft lmm11culott Noflh C('"" condo• Plu•h t lrp11ta. 1ni;lu<lr•~ 1111•11•• 1-1001 I Owning your own llome 4 Sr. S 81. 2 atory ·rownhoUIO. 2625 .q. ft. Bre.tthtak.lng. Sell or exchange for Newport Beac:h or?? Submit. M38,ooo. •11e.ooo ~ulty. IWIU 171-4141 I 144-4121 2112 UYIMll lllYE UYlllOllES IPEI SUI 1-1 Prime Bayfront View. Pier. Dock. Quality 5 BR In Desirable Gated Community. PV1 Beach. Beautiful- ly Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land, $2,076,600 Total Price Is Less Than Equal Locations With Equal Amenities. Priced At $975. 000 leasehold. Marilyn Twitchell's Listing. # 1 llE YILUIS llli ClllYOI OPEi SUll 1-5 Spectacular Golf Course View. This Elegant LJst1ng Offers Pri- vacy, 3 Large Bedrooms. 3 Baths. Family Room. 3-Car Garage & Lovely Gardens. Enjoy Entertai- ning In This Dramatic Home. Pri- ced At $725,000. Trudy Stubble- field's Listing. 314 lVElllDl CUllRE ILIFFS OPEi SUI 1-5 TlllE, LEASE/OPTIOll, OR SILE Only $15,000 Down. Large Assu- mable Loan With 30 Yr Fixed Rate. Owner Wiii Carry Large 2nd T.O. At Low Interest Lovely 3 BR End Unit W/Wrap Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Immediate Posess1on. Only $210,000 Sally Shlpley's Listing. 1121 E. llLIOI IOULmRD PEllllSIU OPEi SUI 1-& Waterfront With Dock. Panoramic View -Great Location. Redwood Float + wO ' Dock. Custom Built Home Wl3 BR, 3 Balconies. Ex- ceptional quality. Kitchen W/Vlew Window Has All Modern Amenl- t les. Used Brick BBQ In Out- standing Patio Area. Even Tiled Garages. Great Ottering. $1,295.- 000. A Dion-Marla Listing. 142 UllH llUll RIYI PIOlllTllY UY IPll Ill 1·1 Custom Bayfront. FEE LANO. Parquet Floors. New Carpets, 3 BRs + Conv. Oen. 3% Baths. Sep. D.R. Huge F.R. W/Wet Bar. Kit- chen W/Pantry. Brkfst Rm. Sau- na 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1 .400,000 Marilyn Tw1t - chell's Listing. Hl VISTA liRlllDE ILUFFS OPEii SUll 1-5 Single Level. Lovely 3 BR With Enclosed Yard & Private Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted & Newly Carpeted. Only $222.500. Sally Shlpley·s Listing. 511-515~ OICllll COIGU DEL Ill OPEi Sii 1-5 Duplex. Recently Completed Custom Unit W /Used Bnck Fire- place. Mexican Tiies. Vaulted Ceil l n$1s . Master Sui te W / Cathedral Windows & Treetop Views. Cozy. Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit Plus Poss. Guest Quarters! Great Financing. $356.000. A Collins-Hill Listing. 1111 CllYOI Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Presti- gious Big Canyon. Shows Like A Model -Typically Pride Of Owner- sh Ip. Huge Mas ter Suite Plus Separate Guest Quarters. Owner- Agent Wiii Finance. Priced Under Market Value At $415,000. John Merrill's Listing. SAi Jiii CIPISTlllO lllLLTIP ESTATE Special 5 Bedroom Home On Ap- ,., prox. 5 Acres. Solar Heated Poot. Spa. Room For Tennis Court. Horses. Guest House. Magnificent View Of Surrounding Valley. $1 ,- 975,000. Binnie Dixon's Listing. llUT flll&IOIM Big Canyon Mclain Condo. 3 BR, 2~ BA. Dining Room. El Dorado Mod e~. Community Pool & Tennlt.Seourlty Gated. Priced At Only $230.000. $50,000 Down. Marilyn Twttchell'a Uttlng. Niil OlllllY Drac.nattc Home • Approx. ~ Acre -4 BR • Poot -Spa • Park 8 Cara <t R.V. -Great location • Keep 3 HorHa, Maybe More, On Your Own Property. $289,000. A DebOlt.Shlp.y LltUng. 11 ... lllOMMAHLUI This house Is o n 4~' lot, zoned R-2. block from ocean. $390,000. IPll U .. AY 1 .. a11 JAlllllE 111-1111 HYFROU /\ ho n w wuh tht· ulu- mJlt· lt·alun•s f or u lux urwus llll' sl y lt· fill" bout slip. 3 BR. fom rm & rornud dining Sta1nc•d gl..i:,!> 1•vl•ry'-' hl·n" Jt·nnal n '. t·t·ntral vat·uum & air n>nd lll<ll bit· fplt:. l'Xlt.'nSIVl' Sl'<.'Urlty sysl<•m!>, ba ys1d<' pat10 & 2nd ... turv balrnnv $1.750.000 Bobbi Hyo.a.n 75'L-14.14 tK:l7) MARIOft ftltcE'S FIHST Magn1fi- l"1•n t t•i-t<J lt· h1>nh· l"omb1n1ng f111•111al1ty ll..t. g1 al·1uusrwss 4 BR f;1111 r m & l1br..iry Fahrtl" W<Jll t•11vt·r1ngs. l"Uslum woods & f n •rwh cl ours & wmdows i':lc•- l;!<•nt mi.J!>lt•r !>Ulll· pool & s pa t\fl )Vllh an Ul1!.UrpJS ... l•d V1t·w1 SI . iso.ooo L vnni' V Jll•nt1nt· 1; 14 -n:wu 1K:mi HYFRHT Stwlt1·n d II\ llJr uur bland • M<.oan ba v v11•w w lr.im rm & p<H>I g 11·..1 i for l"n tl·rta1 • mng $1 .·HlO.OUO Lil St•lh·r will ht·lp w l 111Jnt·1 njo( Fur a ppl o n securi t y I s land ca ll D o n a Chic hester 642-8:l35 (K39) CUSTIM COLOIUll Sunplt• Yl't l'll• g;1nt :i BR h111n1· an N1•wport":-. t1n1•-,1 gu:1r<li-d t"n1111un1t y . C~u .. dlly W•11 km;1n:.h1µ & <ip- p 11111tme•11ts plus Vl·ry l1 v abl<· flo or pl<rn ror t hl• UIM"l•fnang l'tJUpll' or snrnll l;,1mlly Vi1•w $1 ,295,000 Land included . Martha Macnab 642-8235 (K40) PHH&•IC OCUI VIEW Came·o Short's h o me south o f PCH :i BR ~ lovc•ly family room Lots o r extra. room & i.turagl' See Catalil"la. sail boitl !-. & sunsl'ls All this o n ree land ror o nly $729 .900 Darll·nl' llt•rman 752-1414 tK4lt l IME Willi '9111£ C u stom built - for prt!sent ow n C'r s by l van We lls &•auurul l"Ornc•r lot lhgh l"t·1hng!>. lg formal cmtry, formal din rm, lg country k1tl0 h<•n w / rpk & '>l·attng an·a S parkl\)lg pool $U4.500 incl. lands Ow- m ·r will finance. Barbara Aunt• tl4:!-H'L:i5 ~K42) UU VIEW UHIH This scn·m · Plan I m prl-st1g1ous J.M . Pl•tcrs "Landing" IS JUSt two homc-s o ff W11<1dbndgt• South Lakt' Spa- l 111us Irving & 1mpn·ss1vt• Jrch1- l (·e·turl· l'Offihtnt'd W/tl'fr1f1t r1 - n;mnn~ makl· lh1!> homt• a mu~t t u :-.t• t • $ :! ·Ui . ~ 0 0 /\ n n e · H a 11 551-8700 (Kt:11 THTLE ROCK PUSllUT UM£ n t. a u I I ( u I I y d (• l II r :J t (> cl "Ex1·1·ut1Vl' H ome•" w l hu~t· p;1rk lake· g;irdt•n /!.J t•11vc·11-d p;,a- t1u'> ·I RH . F\1rn rm. formJI d1- 111ng w l m<m y l'l1·gt1nl upgr<1dl>s fo:M l'llt·nt finaneing · Ownc•r w / l'Hrrv ht TD s:s2s.ooo including land Bl·ll1· P .1rtc·h tiH fl200 CK4·l> WOOIHIDH PUCE -STOIEWOH MODU CUL-DE-SIC LOCATIOI Just ... tt·ps lo tht• lake• & tf'nms t·ourl'i 1 ... t h1::. h1·.aut1fully upgradt•d :l BH. l)IH" IPvc·I ram1ly hotnt', fl'U· 1u1 ang !!pa in 1•ndosNI privutt' r;1t10 o.arc'a. luvc•ly atrium, l"UStum pl.rntalio n shullNs plus c•xn ·I· ll·nl finandng $2:.!!),000 DurlC'ne P eintinger 551-8700 (K45) WOOIHIHE OHH C h a rming "R€'dwood" modt•I -'.l BR, 2 1' b;1ths, dining a r e a . profess1onnl- ly dL'l'Orated in s pring colors. Lg patio -;ur condit1onc'Ci. Commu· nily pool. t<'nms c"Ourts & lake. $1 55.000 F<•c D o nna Godshall 644-6200 (K4tl) .... u IHI Elegantly appointed 2 BR unit in thl• meadows hu new l'llrpe t . c u s t o m window coverings, designe-r r lxtures. 2 storage sheds, redwood decking & A/C. Too beautiful to believe & priced al $59,000 Lorraine Reid 551 -8700 (K47) SPIOlAOIUI YllW 1111111 11•1 llYllSlllll Excellcmt financing/ plus O\lllne r wilt ualat. View, Mutt 5<'<:! CuslOm foaturcs. El~ cgant 5 BR, hon'le Incl. ex. lg. prl. spa & lnndl'JCAplnj{ by Rogers Gardena. Plantation 11h uttcra throughout, fln~ll c•rpellng, hardwood noor11'\I· Crown mol· ding. $9.ae.ooo ,Bea Arnold .. 6«~200 OHmY IHUSI MllH :J Bdrm 2lull1>1.1111~ drpt 1lll1n111l glua pvt •P• 111w11 11ow1111g rte •1111 mak .. more ttnM Duplex, 4 bdrm plu1 2 1127.000 wllll 13•1t 1111un yorda 2 cur qo.11aga 2 10 11nt1 llolJtry rm II. o '>OCU I "'•n •enllng Start whh bdrm, 1 year new Will '1"0 on 111 TO Ju1111111•d 16th Platt 60"'• lu111 u1 11ly u111a Ownm wouio 111 1• IOv11ly Plan 5 In trade down 1385,000 n11d1 111111 ••crow C1111 I 12' .~. own11r will c1my 111o.11 111 ~••II "' 1111d" f~ D Of'llf1i)e l rH 2 bdrm, I .. .... LeM 709 Orchid, Corona dtl 64(>-1151 2nd Of try 11qu•ty snaring condo c.10 .. 1 lo l A b w!lh 1Unny dec:k and Beautiful "Eaatatde" c:on-Mar 851-9135 I I p•C>gTam w11h 110 n1oney 1 lie.re' ywr 01XluJ lu1111y1 prtmlum 1oca11on 1 98 . O"m' •HLllM down John Ellol, Agl, I To111 Mo1r11-l11vt1111e1 11g1 500 pon. 3 bedrooms. 2'1• Duplex. • bdrm p1u1 2 673 J9611 01 631 4509 doloca1tdcloeet0Ntw· " 1 1 631 43 '11 wu111<d11y1 . !>ei99400 b1th1. Fireplace S 146. bdrm. I year new Will I weekend~ 000. 19111 1dvont11ge o t trade down 1386.000 A l T E-NTI O N-VE T g terma~ l,I,, Ttr•tl ~o:, ~~cl~~i3~orona del I latftl4t 8·2 Ltf , BRANO NEW CONDOS0 Stretcll out In atyltl w11h I I ltt11tl11 l ulhltrsl 1 13 elegant 'J BR 2•., ba lhls 4 bedroom. 3 bllh IY OWIEll "1 N11wly dc•r.oruled 2 Bdrm conaor. ·" 1-111m1110<;t111011 ldreaml ·About 2200 aqua-J 702 Acac1a CdM S23f>K llome on 60x I?!> 101 l \p• uu11111101 kllc.h•n ,0 feet Dining, lamily OpenOaily l·S 673·2041 Room 10 bu•hl f111t TD m1c10 ov11n1 vJullti<.I 1oom. llreplact Plomly otl $102,000 us!>urnul>lt< c11 cuil111g11 ti .. 1~01111•~ room 101 a s w imming --------• 14°'• Asking S 137 SOO y11rd1, 2 c ar g&td(lt<S p 10 o 8 onl S168.500. asaume FOREVER VIEW ror an ap1-101111111u111 10 pool & !ipa Bu1loer o•vllb MM! cell 540 1151 ~1n1 rates & 1011w1 Sa l/ Sun 12·5 631 6194 O•••llY 0.•1111 I BAYfRQNT w~dys. 850-9718 (vos Tn1s 3 bedroom P'Oot' 751·3297 llome is perfect for enter-"CHANNEL R£[C" POOL HOMF $ t 4t 900 to1ningr HIS family room. 1i1r • BR 2 Bt.1 r.ul cJt.. ~.ic :~:1~1,~cs8. ~~~~~'n ~~~~I 2121 ltlll Ir (Fl) •HE II l 100 slloel viH.an1 Ownur ls kyhgnr and at11um S173 e,.1 Te4ay 1·1 JBR 2BA A 1 co11<.1 Q11 t.1n.<iou~ Will nego11 ... 1e SOO seller will help linan·1 Seld om ottered 111 ""' 1arg11 R ;:> lot Park 1111~ Pay PO•nls or go VA Cun ce Landmark IOcallon bu11 yard ras1s1de By ownN loday C-2 I Adobt' 12 2% llftrtSf ding Verv spacious 2 $13'l ooo 64:> 9125 or ___ 7~8!97!._ • 1 odrm. 2 tlfllh wllll ~wee 64? 2741 &II<'• !>JO PM Sellai assisted financing ping panoi am ... ol Nt"w Two story 4 bedroom! porl Bay & bluo P.ic.ihc 3 Br I Sa nou~ uu 1.119e home Abou1 2100 square Assoc pool apo1.•oui. 50.< 17!> J un11 IQI 136 feel Formal dtn•ng room. 1 \un"ecks & boat slips HJm111011 Oo not ch\llllh l•eparate tam1ly room Approx SJOOK ol anum 1en""'~ $ 129 000 llfeplac:e Large POOL I loans ollered 111 5499 000 !>48 504 I evt!> o w~n<Jo, wllll lots ol bncll de<:kong · 611 JS<O wkdy~ $199.000. bl<r Golla see• I lll-2390 i~:rnt11u1!i & l!: ll .. il\ rii llu rn OW•H IEEH OASll Ring 640· 5560 Anytime Eastblufl Pfol Bldg. 2 Br I Bo I I 01 I U.i 72~ H)!:. H:? 101 Do 1101 ••Iha Id••' IOOI Ulblurlr ll:'lllllllb 1~21! ...................... ~~~~~~--·! o,aflgt.1 s l 71) 000 01tf•• '" ••• .) : 5•6 ')04 I l•VC\ & W~lld~ Charming 4 bdrm. 3 '~ Cozy co11age 2 b< I bA, &31 :i~~O wk<.ly~ ba 2 s ty Don Peterson trplc , walk to boac tl home. breakfast room, Owner finance R·2 101 4 Br :?' UJ Cnnrl• tly fireplace, many e1111es S215.000 640 -4776ev!. O wnt'r M ani ''''" $539.000 222 Cur al $105 000, "' '"~'""''uh· Open Sal/Sun 1·5 Appl I 270 IEIRH VI h11anc1nq AL~1119 $1 I<' Owner/Agettl 675·6921 Walk 10 beach & t>ubl ';00 fr4b 0790 oflfce l!om tt11s cu,.om HUH llU bu111 home ol wood 6 CorHrsttH S1and111d Size IOI plus 50 g1asa En1oy Buc.k Gully PropertiH yr old collage on qu1e1 wlldllte & suns£'ts over HEAF 11 is• 101 2 Es.; and ol Island $270 000 Ca1a11na 3 Bd• 2 Bd lu Twnh•.. 1 ~· ild ou; "' Owner Wiii finance Bllr lal p11vac y S57~ 000 lt'l.I l!om l.u1ldt>r c .... 1 646-0295 Fee Opn Sun 1 !J 40~ S1<1•• OPEi HlllY 12-4 211 ., ...... ,,, .... CUSSIC ottlTaY THIR Unsurpassed Quality \u~ erbly des1griea with old world charm Sol•d oak lloo•s. oa1o. cabinet~ oeams rock lrplc muc:t• more 3 Bdrms 111c:I mst• sui1e 3 Ba. lam rm tor-I mal dining rm & lg root de<:k $647 .500 171·4000 anuonn 2 STIRY +MODERN APT Nr Bays. S385 000 W blln fabulous financing. Save De Sola Ter1at 1 8kr Br AUTH 1 I 4El1 ;W 1 646-0295 g1 cal 911 .a In~ ,11u1n S13~ ;;00 PREVIEW HI Mael Ir, C-'M Open Sunday I 5 t,,9 W Wldt" Slrf'el to Sllec>I IOI cool & qu1e1• Cu•i1on1 :> h<lrm den :> hillh ro1rnu1 dining room 16•J4 lrv1nq room plus a new ~ •11'.nt•n ll. bredklas l rooni Ordy $3~0 000 SttlllJr "'"Y 11 l;)OCf' • • • 151-2233 Ct1t•try Cl1tll V1t Op11 "'"' <;,un I " ,•4 t Mt> •I Or l•'''' S ll'' '•00 W11t1 '>Uh~loHllrdl LIUWll uwnl•r will c;..;rr r bJlilll<.t: lo• :>O t"• Frir lurtht'r u,lotrnal1on ~ 1tppl lt1 .,,.,. ~.,11 Geor11· row.1111" Hlly l'I I 'o','>b Nf w roNno•, A I "" r h!Jllll•' N() CiN In qu,111 l1t•r'> Hl" • 1.111 Ptml I y11.ir RLA l11v M.111ny 8?l !i!JJ9 QUICK SALE NHDfD Mori11celln lownhou!>f' 1 Bdr 1 '• B.i dbl qar !JOO' 1 ~7 Yor ~triwn ln O tl F.:mv11•w ""' f J" & W•I son l •Med "' S 10;,. .~00 Mattlttw KM•tJ AHum,. 1c.1 al 1? "'• 602 La<~Sf)UI Avt" Mat.• 11lle1 Op11 HSP Co~a Mf'!><• $HI C.un 1 '• or •,flow You a1e Ill• winnl'1 QI anyt1m .. MESA VERDE ovet) 4 Borm home w1111 "'II" lsm1ly 1oom Well : lrPd for lnt.dl.-•d (•fl q•11t•t \tr .. r~t '" ldm•ly flf'tyht '" •OulJ VJCdnl .Jt•d tt1,ut:1 ~I '3 000 2112 Tiii•&• Open Suday 1-& 142-1200 t\Mm1nq 3b11?b.i A•, ~ume \88 OIXJ $ 10'1 OCIO Uwne11~q• 64.' <11n 2 Ml. TO IUCll A ~~ume IOK VA IOJl1 8 .• ml 3 Bdrm hpl< A ~~1ro9 $114 0 0 0 .,41 rO?J f)l,,111, Agl UiE HR I FAM RM N•ll1 18 •J':I Ericl Pdl•Q 1t otn d!.!.untt! luau~ s I.tr '>00 G •. urher Bd~ ,., Agl lj4'/ 0 46 I or 754-62 18 Dao• Poi•t. 1026 . •.•..••.•......•...•. PHORUllC VIEW J br :.t bJ ttmdo l'r>ol ''"" IPnn1~ sec: gatf'd Dnpym1 SJ!> 000 r P $137 SOO Agl 496-!>980 [!.~'!!~~'!. ~~!!~ . .'.~~t ) RR ,;nql $ly I'll"' S 148 ')fJO A,.,_, m SC.t• 000 OWC Ar"lnu\o .uH %8 6533 1040 ..•..•.•.............. 5PUSHt SPLASH S1nq1 .. story , .. nch -.1y1~ ,p~' IJC:ular POOi 1' ~IJil 1 •( ;uahlying Just $13!> !IOO a~r 848 0109 10~ •••• Or Lease O,tie1I Ot>111c.11ed nome 10 lr111ne Wto-'llri.ce ••• New cllrpe11ng floors ;i oorm 1110 """ 111u111y 'en11dl au SI 19 000 u1>gra<1totl r111r e ~''Ill o ... nor 55' 8866 000 17' Lin ';;1ngll) ~ly , ---- lully )nu111·1t·d l!plc L••D•• ••tt /IHI Jlt1um "' µ001 t4'nn1 ••'••••••••••••••••••• O~·~n llvu ,.. Sun 1 !. No I ORECl OSURE SALE 1 All111t9"'"" Ownr•1' U11L111r 11. .. 1ae< s COSI So 111~• '1!.:t·Ot.1,0 l 1qu11,o pvl t1Slale 180 S 11,500 IUYS $185,000 ' !lt'(} <J<.eiln vu Secunty S'if '• 000 85'> 20 13 EIHlll HY N u 1111hly1111) '" '"' Woll lll'lp .,., 1,1, 11,.,,1'1 , 111, AWAHO WINNER 'J O rJ t • w 11 hr fh • 1 ri \JI. t•,1t 11t .. w' J bdrm 4 Nn••••w11u1.I . ,,, , 1 w t111 '-it w c.onve:n1ences 111,. """Y lvrm.11 .,.,111111 l11r11 1111 lqt< qarden pai.o. 'ivt ,,,,,10 ptttil 1. ,11•1 ,fOfrTl+tt tJm rn1 lg~ hv rm Oun 1 11,,1 1~ 1 ill (" ,11 1 CJu•t<I, ul di' sac $8 l?K "'~'·•Y ur rrwn"r 673 44 11 (l•Ull•I l'o .. ll•nplJI Vl)lpt• !>!>9 '1400 IOVE UP I f ,mld~a.r buy' North end J t1<J 'I IJo lgf' llv trpl tir ldsl .11u.1 IJlus guest qu,111(•1 ~ Wal~ 10 l'JeaCl'I A,o;.,m .. loan Owr •t help '"'"'"" $2£>9 000 Peg All1•1• Hll1 4'.14 1518 A ,,, .. ,11 "ipdr~ h11g 3 l>d ? II• t nrrdo Ir pie neam J11111 1f1fl' ,,.,,..,, 111, 1 • , •·' r Jt1u t"t 9tt1dge I urtl•·r < • r • • ,..,, ~ u 11u<il clubhouse Owner tf!ll fUl'A-t dft tfl,1tfJ It hvt I. ilf f 'f 10(,jH s 1 s~ UOO "' I 1111!• 1 1 • "' 1111, :t "'"'1 All<m Allr 494 7578 HtJrn~ u .• 0111'• 1.u111lr H ;,..... Iii\( .. hOMt" & ' t1•Hn .. "'11 f +Utt ,,tru,rtt ~ (I S TO TURTLEROCI 1,ll11 • • .Jfi ,.,u. •'' A-.. °')t•r.\tl"ll'f JJ r 1ce wtth l>O<'. "~1 r~·nn•s ., will,. l"°'' old ~ssumab•e l>ll"" ~L• t<ttS S 1 "l IJOO ln.111 J 81 / Ba $299 run, M "'~ l 111t"''d ... .,, QOC'J s59.9400 L.,., .. Yillac• 11.E. fdt'*dl F1Pttrf"mt·t1t µ t'~ 4r f* ••' "'• J\r-f·t l bt i• i•UIJI \~·· HI'. ,.. t f,Jlt'l AIJUfl tf ttll 't'l (f"' Jh1J1toil II ltVI l1o•• Ali "" lnr S4f:! /On t f r I t~.1 · ''•-' llH•"' I d i)• q 11 M o l~ll " 417-1711 OPH UT /Sii 1-5 WlllTEWlHI YI Vnn1 lqt 101 J Br ? Ba ~ rpu· I <1rlrs Clo~" 10 1.1ow111own l dQUOd Pro ti.w · SJ 10 000 175 CHshi•• CALL t44-7211 llor••" Ar)I 111,1• »;>1 mlln W•H>!lh1"lt1• ·1 llr [J"I !: rH.HO• .. t.\ll Ou • .. u J l f ~ 0 NII AQI Woll t111.HIC." Be-1ow m1•1 ,11 $tl<IOOIJ 64'' om EMEULI UY 4 01 :> 1:.1 '·""' ,,,, rJ•n ,,., FOii 15'J. HWI •U ot u c I 11l!J7' Ar.ti I l:lH 2 ba l.irge POOi & ur11 S ll:l'> 000 Qp11 1, ~P • Ma~s1vtl firepldCe Suri 1 ·, '>4 l·'.AJ3;> ~<>IT·" OC.t'J" v•l'W E•ce• ,..,., liOdOC•no $4•9.500 FOR SALE TUIE ClSM TWI 1 $$$ REU IW.n (211) 414-0IOI lour tree 11cke1s tS36 00 •11frt-' SttYlf, Rltr value 10 Ille Hl-1311 3 Br 2 B.i 1n QU•('I .ill adull LUSE -omo• romm N<>w l·l•PCl 1riq0\Febulo11~ WA~I 11191r1 " lhruoul Cr•mm pool Woolll•• l•l()" E' ,1 Hr l luonuuM' eac P"ceo IC• "'' Jtu I " ""rr I 1m rrn ~t·I• .... rn SIO 000 d"'n .0:. IJ<•OI '. H•.! IO I 11 '"''• p.1ym,.n 1 ~ under $800 pr •vr<1 l1t low n .. r ~•'I 11 Or wt•rn•I '"'m!> Call"" S:' I~ Cl·IO ~ 11 I 000 ,, v'ou can s1eal lh•S spec l<IC·Jlo.11 .iew w•th :io·. 1.dlro/l .10 .... n 3 BR den 2 l1<ttplrtees Puvaae wOO<J Sy sell•nq S299.000 IUT Ill.Ill ISUll LIT PLIS CIRCIS YlRW Seaclltt Vtlldoe IY OWIER Hunt11>9ton Be. h SIOI< HHOW MARKE T Tuesday May 18 ii 00pm Sh:Jrp 4 tu ;:> b.i f<1m Wedne sa a y May I 'l rm c;p,1 hQmt> an•. 1111 $30,000 .... Lelrel IOI g1ea1 loca11on a1 309 Sepph1re ptus appro- ved plans lor 2-story Cape CO<l Call lor details 101 & plans $329.500 or OW t>u1ld lor SS00.000 4 JOpm 30 yr hJdr' 'l ~·I• undf'r Passe$ must bf'l H•l'leP $142 ooo 979 I IJ8 8PM q68· 138) \um I• .1n) Mu I tr! l.1,1 bu1\ ot,.cln view En ChJnl•n9 3 BR ? Ba hnmt-Nt>•I lo Emerald BdY Owoe• will lrnanc;e $34!> 000 Watedronr Homes Rllrs Coll 631-1400 meo betorf' show 11ml' , Ta ~la1m PH~('<, ~l\11 COOL ocu• HUUS 642 5678 P•I :>7~ P.1s P.1nr11<1m1c. ricn v1<>w & se<o mu~I l>P tla1rr1o>1J 111 romanl •C n1oh1 lrqt t'\ May 14 IYB2 Only $ 1 •,non owri ~ ~ i l U•"') , St y 4B• 1Ba µr>ol & ~"" upgr .. a ea Gr .. al "r"" Y64 1.J I 1 .10,~ ll)r Ro P •f, l-Onf. I ••• 1 OOK HLOW MAH ET New 4 br 3 "" 111m lt•i•HI• /001 rm formJI din rm ~lu<.ly •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 blk 10 walfu 554q ono IP£• TOllY 1-5 Ski 673 1148 1711 Plaza 411 S1r SI. OF MWY Charming Cape Cod 3 N1ct" duplll• ;:> •l'lPntlC al br . 2 bi! on quiet st I un11s 3 br 2 l>a 1 .. 1c t1 across lrom park Newly 1 s 3 3 9 . 5 o o o w c remodeled Xlnl llnan·1 573 3415 Ownr tAl)I ctng. SJ 99,500 By ow· ------ ner. 675-•009 IY OWllER I Duple• Oest 1oc.a11on let lea4f Fer h••tr ex Ira wld£' IOI Reouc.e<.I Ralecl tops tor lhe fam11y1 lo S329 SOO I 94? 8'l80 3 Bdrm 3bath.largel•·IOPEN S A T&'SuN 1 !J v1ng room wtlll fireplace. New custom A B• home> lofmal dining room Ups-with guest un11 So ol lairs tea1ures ma~rer Hwy w•lh oceari v•l"w bdrm with llreplace and 333 Poppy Ave S4911 lluge lamlly room Largo 2 500 760-0452 Owr•er car garege paloo w11h gas ---- BBQ Owne< Wiii carry 2nd llSCOYHY HISEi TO $495 000 and worth 1tr A SUfPrl5e • Unur;ual' 1121 L ..... lld. S!>8S.000t0wner ""anc" -...1 Su4aJ 1-1 Large yerfl 1" lot\ ...,.. OPEN SATISUN I 'i 142•1200 408 AVOCOCIO /\ v 01<1 I j PETE ' BARRETT .,. REALTY CaM -675-11225 Ownl&QI 1H 111 to£H YI UH UlSE/OPTIH 1-;~iiii~iiii~I 1mRT111n Ii 4 Bdrms 1n c1u<.11nq :? RUIY Fii 1-11 mas1er su11es. J ,Be lg One lamlly or two can use lamlly rm. 2 lrplc~ rustic. lllete 2 11ng1e units In tht wood beam l.tllllngs 1111 1n tl eart o f the Penlnaull a walk to provate beac h Point Gresl locallon near 1ocallon The perfect fa· beach81, tennis and boa. mlly llome in 1111 per1ect ting One ol a kind OP· l1mlly nelgllbor llood portunlty $339.000 S525.000 wllh perleca fl. 1111 llr..., Ir. n~~~':lHOUSE SUN I 5 .... s.4aJ 1·1 5440 Mer\dOta Te1race 141·1100 Corona Hlglllanda \ IHd "" ··············~······· b ......... ............... f!Of ule Of rent. Unlt 21 71 .. ·531-8010 . . 00(1 n11 !Or , 11.1 I 1% DOWN tlOOI ~ H•a NAhrJI "" "' t1Porta•d 1 ('d.H t._·1lm~1' 1~ f111 ront nPw 30r J Crl' h Jn U ~tHnP u , .. .,, h r H ~ l1p1c v,,,,,,., H•r Id I ,•;.>'>.I g&tdQP m1 IO tu~,u r1 nwt ••PP•u• $41.000 •' yr'> Ill) paymPr11 t~I 111 1 I '1 S ? :;> 0 0 0 0 M '• '18!.0 llC)l 960 3364 , 581 lH:tdGh Q1Jfl1 P-'Pl .Jlf•fl $60 000 tlPIOw m.111\••t Mu~t sell now GHANO 0PENIN(, SAl SUN 12·5 1a:1 Mo·1te V•sld 8 Custom Conelos. S 14 1, OWNER DE SPERA TE: 000 to S I ')4 000 f ll"!Jollll & ti• .1m.,11c ') & 1Br llt plJn\ m.,-..,,v,. tr pits wr•I l);!I'> 18 VollllltHl C:,111111111 8~1 848-0709 c.f'1hrn)s lo1m.1I din .IHd 'H t' t 2 c " CJ d' .. Q £'.. y <.15 •••• , •• r1P11c.h dr~. balcon•t>~ H•tlN•r 1042 ~ohd oak Uoonnq & much • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • mno E•P~ %11 646;> OWIH IHPHATE MUST SUL 4Br ') 000 SQ fl hom1- w lnrmol 111n1ng ;, l<1m1ly rm A mo11• Ca ll now <179 ~70 .\"l>ILI 1IJ}tl lllEALfY 6 INVESfMENTS IEW ltSTllC MUST ~El I .t br 2·~ oa Broaamr.01 Co11do ildl to rna•mJ ot-u1ss from UC'h•n A~ <.um aole lo 1n R.-.. 'l 1 3 ~92 !>JOO flu ·" 714-846 333(; aql STOL fTI I omor row Oit r1>,1110'' w1U t1 •Yf"11 ft lhf• JJtl(I Wilf n.- lh0U'\tHl(J41 mou·' OPH TODAY 12-& ·i;i wrr;r VA1r 1r1r" k'<INr S!>•• C.4.,C• DEHFIELI t Pl ., lt1wflhOmt' w 'br1(. to tll><.I lrllv..il" l"rn fl 11rH•11 6 ~' "1ti"iol<~, SUlh-.~ S. l 'l'-1 000 li1uke1 8!> I 880() VIEW 4 011 ;> o .• Pl.111 II Ill I urll1•ra<.k $;•(19 1100 w llO<>d frnJllC.lllQ 0,. SHHY 12-3 .,'14 11 ()1•Vr'r ()(·nn1s Rlek1•1._ A Ac.'oc: 1151 0424 OW•H llEART OF UHU WJI~ "' •·c..ic:tt and 1own l ~ .. 0 1"" w ood and ql,1~· or. .... 111 V•t"w :> BR tnndr• S..'l'l900 4H-7H1 Millie lcCor•ack RE IRS liOT YOI? 01cln I lh"v count your 1en1 rnc111111s as deduc:· t•ons? Buy11ig thlS eco- nom•c.al condo will solve lhol problem 3 bdrm 1 •, bath~. co"1munlly pool and p.irks Owner w~I co11 y et low mlere&I '.11e S 103 500 YACHT Ult L .HQc> dnuble sited 101 w1lh '>l>••tlaCular ocean Oltf'r" \UPI'< f11nnt11111 v•ew~ Pnc:c includes l••rrn~ on lh•'> •mm,H 1.>l.111., <survey & soil re-""'""r~••y P,)rl< ~•nglf'I porl o .... nor mav ne1p n. 1.1m11y 111!>1drn1 t• J l1c1rm n,ince $215 000 $1'J OIJO Cln Ownl·• wrll COIM£f1CHL,,. '·"*"" et 12•, tor "'.,, .. 1>111ld•ng plus re~1den11al unll< G•f'al mves1men1 Or>Pt" lun•ly One res- •donlral unit may be conver1ea 10 e second SI '440 p;iym I or It•!' Slrul lure l1nunc:1nri lo yo.Jr n•·P<.I> Call 1119,. Aqt !>~:? 7tiq8 557 7500 It l1terest Ltll ~0111 merc1a1 space Pr111t1p111 only 1.>11ym 1 ,,,. Oc t>On v1Pw Walk 10 1h11t 7 rrdrm Un•veridYj ( ro c 11n1 Bay Beach Park Home $•0 UO(l dn $4ij~ 000 with monthly paymenl'> ot S 1500 for 3 year .. your p111'1Crp ll 1>111 1$ S8!.r 000 PrlCed I 179 'iOO A-.k Im I 11111., Agl !J(l,1 7!10el /Jn ·.' . ' • l • ~ ••<ro .. c-~ ~--c. '*' , ·~··· . ' ) t ' Orenge Oout DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, May 2, 1882 lltllfl /tr hit Ho•lfl /tt $1J1 ,,_ ... /el,,,. ... Hf lft ,,,, !~!!!!.{'!.~.'! •...... ltll.11 •HJ 61111 Ollwt IMJ lllllf ~.'.!!f!.f~J~.'~!!~ •• ~!.!!!t¥!f!~J!A~ •• !l_~!!!!J~f~!~.'!!~ .. ········••!••········· ..•.••••••••••.....•.• :'.~11•••• .. ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••,,..Ji rl:' ••• z; •••• -:. •••••••• r:=-•••••••••••••••••• ~1.'"·!'!'.t .. !.~ ,~, ~· ,,,, l!!mtt.~!! .. J.~r ~!!!r.!!.~!A .. !.~t e.~:... .....,.a ~ , __ ,,,.., .,,1,.~'1,, ~!~~t ........ 1.¥.f f!!!~.!!t!t •.•.• 1.~~~ ~,~."1~ ...... ~n~ Ululla BE•CH .... 0 •••• ......... • ... ~ ............ ~f ~ ,.,rvw ..., °"'1111•1• •W •Tl l•Y 3 81 I Ba IAf~ yatd, re-3 Or 2 Ba, ltg yerd. prt• A A WM ll&I 111ll RIOUCl!O 150,ooo PLUS ·~··•OlllioK••••••u••• !•••••••••••""••••••••• H 0 M ! SANT A AN A dee t$83 Contlnontal vacy. Cf OH to 1choo1•. White water ocean vl9W. 12 ~% tor 30 yre II\ ~ lnterMI fln1ncinQ. 'ii jl1llton Ht1d lel•nd, SC Hl!IOHTS 20421 UPPtr 1 1700/mo 559.5001 1h0pptng 1750/mo Call lar\tuttc •·bedroom, E•••bkltt. Price rtduc.d acte. 4 Ir. HO< .... pen-1 Rent Of buy. AvaH Mey BevOt SpKtov•G Br or l 8312 101 • • o I l & Lu• furn condo. lle>e 4 Br/don, 3 bath•, front 3 br hOUM on •..; ecrt IOt ---3 b1th w1tn blll11d room, to .2s ... o O View lot. .JJ.'.AJ'<i~Qif< f<.'J2'qi~ r> 101r1•..muol•~•e.•1n355m,0o0u0n· e on oci.en Aff.t 2 2530 Sin ta Ano Ave ui...r-111..~ 3 1111r11y. 01r1um was aold •P•. new c.,pell 6 paint C-" • .. • ,.... ... 93, 1·17 ...... 793 & rear p1110•. cer o•· _._, ,,,. O 287 but 111truw dldll t clOM Opo Sun t2·3 2'21 Bu· Bro«., 499-152t, ..,_ vw•v r!IQ9 + e11par1 011rd~ 177& 86 1 8228 ••••••••• •••••••••••• ""' ••• •P•Clel hou'9 nye I own tho Jaraetl ple<.-e or property ln ... Au I ,... ...... lneluded 112:11>/mO •CHILO W£LCOME• HOMES FOR RCNT wnh a Norm1ndy IOOli in tll-1171 Newport Beach'• moet prettlllou. com-••• .'!................ let'I Tiiie "-rt 540·7~~ ~'' _ '1 Br clean. quiet. cer-~!c,~80;;~, ~·~~~ .in oul1taoa1no IOC11llon munlly. Plans have beeo. approved tor Yl/Yl ... ,...,, Aaaumeble 12% I',,,,,, •• •-...... ,.,, pelt drepu, fenced 1<101 & P•t• welcome WH lotted "' $708 000 h •. I :'~~ ••••••• e':'!":: •• ."!.. yard gtrage. RV per-64S-2000 Anant' no , ... W• t i n I handle thv Cit• 10,000 sq. ft. ome, t.enn.la court °' E CONDO. 3 Br. 1"'bl, 2 84&-9301 ( .. L. 0 king ~o Pal• $550 011 --.,.. •. ry Ownur/bulldtr wtll '" area WouJ.-1 conaider teWnfc land or lnt •ly, 2 Gii g•r. Nr. s.c. A-'., I', •• ,, .. '"' ..... Harbor 960·39119 ... t Be _.. 3-9 •• 1 d • Y P1111. 1 1o•K. by ownr v• "' •--,1tt 011 • 42 B' H 11 ""woar '"'' "" uown wi th lntere1 e venture property for deve oprnenl. ro-548-0497 -• • 4 .. 1m tori• ••• .,. ••••••••••••••••• prospect and malle an milll "'ftll $ 1rt•rt. 1660 For H ie 01 rttnl Unit 21 •••Ma•-Country charmer, Npt lltrllCIMI dUI Please '.It pot.enllal; $3 to $6 on. -: t.eve, 3 br, 1 ba, 10% d own. , ___ ,In , .... ·····~•·"-··········· 714-!131·8010 -... ,,,, Holl. !I Bdr. 3000 •q ,, 811 t(714)673-4H2 2135377l00 Mon thruFri P NI ,.,._ 'f!.tf..wvv HEAVENLY VAl l fY Sunuy2 6r 2 8a.X111tfoc Vacant RV1eeea•.Cett ~, 4g~ n4246 10 see 1ne • • ' • ' ' ,::,P,:'~~n~~·O:,v.,~ 0;1~ i°UNITScos·rA M"esi.~ Free & ~~~~% .. than C11H1 ''' 1111 JZZJ r1r sc Ptaza Open beam. 0111no. ogt 83 1-1286 nou~t.1 W!ITOLIFF flnence Int. 13 Yt . n11d1 work. great po·, i o o yo e fr o m Stage· .. xin"t"i"b',7•;b~·-;;;o··1 •ky111ee, lrplc, lg dec:k -OC-RENTAL.S Lower l t1111lf Arcto Bay Gn llO OOO 1829/mo. 185.ooo. 1242 ltntlll, '310K John coach 1111 2Br. 2Ba. J•· (2 13>450-1960 wkOya ~~~.1~•:1 1~~~~pln°::' 1·5br·a $200 to 12000 Oceun View Divorce r fllftll Y•W ... C arlton , c orner S 846·7860 AGT I cun 1 eomplet11ly turn (7 141640-97!'>3 eva/wlind A 1 s8001 760-3314 open 7-day1 rorcessaleOllertr11011 M in olS50K under 11.AL.._.I z•llUF•. Brll1ol.'9•..0l5-4 l4111TOM w111lat1 or tradelor , 1 0 ~·~_3n3o~6 wk d~~ OwnertAgt 499.3144 ~~::':.~~~b!~, ~7:,:r Z~'. ~HBER:ti~~;s H~~~~ s"~ .. ~h.oooltoo.nQfl>Fte.y.o4r.B•rn B;~od~:.r~t,\~wBn•~' gaa~: All 2 bdrm• 25;. dn °'I ~~~~~: P~g~;,.w :~!~I EIEOITIYE 75J·8 t84 evett wknds t~;,~~ e:i!,c~~f":~.r;i!,· £.&.., f:ettll J0S5 1ume to1n1 Owner wrll USED BRIC K Ff RE· ,,..0 II II k $8ll trade? PPLS ONLY Mr 000 85l-5008 Home. new 4 bOrm 3 Spacle>Us 2 8' 2 lla split 4 BOr micro many h · ..... ~••••••••••••••••• calfy Spacious 4 Bdr 3 PLACE. S 0H0U TSTERES . ~!>'"'~-5 Cleo. Un ltd ~ ~.:~u;.oOo ltt Cr~/'~' 493-3827 bath 3 ftreptaces tormal tevet lrptc micro 3 tru Vear or more tse PlRI PUCE ESTATES B• Gtlm home Del ... agt FRENCH 0 A l A· '"7"777·, ..... 273" at 11\.'Wo Agl. 857-2040 • • CUSTOM Bit 9p8CIOUS d1n1ng room family room deck s sk yfote ope n $1495 Cati Loi• agt DING TO PATIO & SPA " .,.. '",... " 9 UNITS HUNTINGTON hOme. 2.400 t<l ft on•· gourmet kitchen. 2 wel beam dbf gar/opener 631 1266 S2l5,000 Open Sun 2 tlll d1nk 203 Ofj111HJ 111111 BCH 10 yra new. all 2Br. ac horse prop w/barn bus 1n1er-com b1y & Ava1f S-24 S850/mo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VIC JASHINSKI. BKR VI• Ravenna. lido ltle. •••••••••••••••••••••• $458,000 Bkr 536-0123 Magn1llcent view. •stoow· ocean vutws S2 600 mo 9 7 9 3 3 7 6 w Ii o Y s UYFlllT 111-1111 1435.000. Try 12•h CHh #dllt ••n place pool w/l pa 164 rp .J / /'I I 751·8184 evea/wknd5 ?--st ory 4 + bd rms. 2 4 IR. 2lti IA. 6E1 I FR•THAN MOO EL tiA$ fVERVTHtN(, Cul di! s.ic street Sun Ii. Sail II Club & wour TO ol appro• s ll Tri-pie• tn Banning $125, 500 1·73S·50 86 or ''•(1~(11111 (II' • f(ll Afftr4alllt S ' 000 1 1 A flt lflt 000 or traOt for 2 br. 2 1-359-5349 .1A .. J. 1 · AHll ltwl baths, l1repf11Ge gorgeou1 PRICE lllSIEI 111, AOUL T MOBILE HOME 111' 0' equ ty gt. •••••••••••••••••••••• ba nr •hopping center --ttbJitF • 7 Mf'I'( (((',) 4 bdrm. 2', ba view Pier and sllp $3000 6 7 3 • 1 2 ~ 1 o r Newport Beech De Anza 1•849_.506 · l•iltill, F1t•I, .,.... • rt •1 I per mo Avail Feb 1 000 PARK on tht Bay 1 2131876-1437 Iv mag, baylro nl Park. Mint Cttrll 2100 , fi j.J-81.'11 •••• ft' era Owner w1n11 out, great 2bdbrd~·md.en2.b1ab$•4S660.000.000. 2• llY .. fll cond ·75 dbl wide. fire. 111 unite, Newport Beacto ...................... 3141 £. Coaat ::::., ,...... 0SP69110118Pdfues 1d~p3o9~3118.L8se. associated ;IO n11n to Newport Center Dover 11ree. w alk lo piece, brick patio, 161. Btst aectlon Try $1.500. ---------:.::! , ...._ ~ ~ water 3Br. 3Ba w/ bdrm $25,000 300 E ..-1 M Ull 000 Alto 2 br . 2 be . 000 Agt 631-1579 or ~~~~~~---3 Bdr & oen townhouse s;i 10 ooo w,1,., s 1so ooo at 12·. l1Ae<l ra1e & fully :lmortozeo ov11r!>1zed lot & amenities Cst Hwy Unit ll3, New· Naw custom tradlllonel double wide, corner lot 848-81f5 .!1lllTUIYPAll0llll Just rehsteO COZV 2 Br vacant nu paintfcarpet, gatore $410,000 por t Beac h Bkr homeonbutstreet S39,000 8 111 Grundy llLmlll· .. '" -hpk:new tpti.smpa110 dblga• Maygo•ease 64S9850agl 960·3384 675-3347 3900 sqflon 1'h lota. 675-6181 ,..._ H orses boarded & 2 So of Hwy $725 optoon $750 Diana dO'··~~~~~~~~ 11 w • f " , i1 • r. · St~ '' "' .j. . .. No r>oinl~ or Quahty1ng 770·0347 Owner I Aqeni Pves "I01 UH" 11eps 10 2 beaches, club ASSUME 9•,.,•1. loan BV e .. rc1se arenas Secfu 673 1734 631 1266 & tennis 4 bdrm or 3 & ACROSS FROM BEACH OWNER . Prleecl BELOW slon & pnvacy with 8 6 ---------N 1 Bl ti 3 B YHSAILLES 2 Bdrm 2 Ba Penthou· i.e Par t1al ocean view OWIER DESPERATE Beaut upgraded o w e Bvh•nd'" payment~ 2nd TO $194,'iOO Bkr $220 000 1n 1ms11ng 11 673·2749 or 953-66 10 11Jnc1nq 4 BO• 3 Ba ,.---------•I pool ~PJ wtwultJrf.ill All WATRIFlllT tor $279 500 Lall Carol H egt 559 9400 NEW LISTIN G ·Older bec1cto toouse wi th lant · N 1 & • IHI ast1c future• On canal with • .'.'!r.! •••• ~! .......•. pier arid doctc Perfect for ---------couple wtoo ere looking fOf IOYH SNORES 4 Fir O"" Formal Omrng Room fueptaces 3 c.c1r 911r.191• t 1.irge Hobby Ronm Poot srzeo lot beaut 1.:ino .. caoed Owner w11f ··~~·~• a1 l1nancing Only $420 000 011t•n Sa11Sun 1·5 Rl)b•n"'o" Aeallor 541-1141 lt<w tarqe rooms and de- S•rt' to oo-•t-yoursett · with a platl' tor ttoe t>oat Great oppor tun11y1 Price 1ust $425.000 1nciu01ng land 142-1200 PETE BARRETf •.. REALTY High rtse condo, 8th tlr den. 4 belhs. 3 frpfc a Beaut. I wide. 2 Br. 2ba, MARKET at $247.500 acres. levef. w/rothr1g hills HARBOR RIDGE 3 bt '1 ba trplc choice c~~e g~ee:belt s:i on oceen & bay view Security pre-wire, auto tge cuatom hutch & many 0 /W/C tow lnttrfft 2nd & running c:reek to pro· Soa11ng cattoeorat c;e1 er e.i Wallo. to ~'lops St 125 644.5319 a1p $950,000 ExclusMt 1 kl 3 & 111tru Selling below llP· Open THURS·SUN 817 per1yedge Lgeook Slla<le lings beaut•tul view $800 wigrdnr See Sun Agt 752-5710 ~~~.",,:!Q.. ~;.~'sat/ prt lHI 11 $44.000. For Je nnifer L ane . C M trees Older 2 br toome. country kitchen 3 BR 12 4 pm 3069 Loren tn ON THE WATER• OCEAN VU END UNIT Sun 1-5 210 VI• San appt call 968-8al7 546-1575 Of 1·481 -5242 t, rec toall w/pool City ot I Vrly lse $!900 mo 673 8594 I Gr Pill view ot boats & )( Barrett Alty 642·5200 b 1 B • f 1 Prlmloc 2br.trl·M ."' Remo . Own t agt ACROSSFROMBEACH. No.Legunaprlme ocean r ange ctlylomlls tn1 -----ay rte .. irepace. Npt Crest $235,000 Bkr 675-3048, 673-2556. Beaut 1 wtde. 2 Br. 2ba. vu. Top location 1480. horse ranch estale or lu· I Cos~ Mesa 3224 Ufll P1"<l 41m beauty' I country krtcM11 1 Borm Tom Gottler • 646-9200 -·-•-NT lge cuatom hutch & many 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 d 11 n lure development Asking •• •••••••••• •• •••••• picnic pa110 pet $350 1 Peninsula cottage Ava1-v--.r11 extras. Selfing below ap· 873_7771 11 2 mlltlon Call lor bro-I OC·RENT ALS OC R[Nl ALS 750·3314 lable now $875 mo Call Ctl4t 11111111 pralnl at $44.000. For chure, 1·633·3434 (lou1e1 1·5br's S200 to $2000 ---673 8550 2 bdrm plus Oen As for the l)(lc:e Of the land appt call 968·8817 llPll UITIAll lllll 1 750·3314 open 7·days El TOJO 3232 'HE REAL ESTATERS sumbebte 10 87% S 197 alone, you can own this -.u R .. TAI SIElTll I I( Ill If •• .. ·••••-.;:s··y··=·,·•••,·· ,J b1 2 b.i fr pte 2 car 000 ctoermlnn 2 br waterfront -.ii; a1 -fl·,,. g~r~ge Bt~· to beach 645-9391 -I toome Jth seduOed yrd Obi wid e Redwoo d . 3 fM llYHTllll 111} 111111 TIE LIOIY FEW 4 bdrm 3 ba aor cond N"w;, Stoores• 548.909j' llUT FUlllOlll g boat d<>cil. uve In,, 0< Bdrm wot ber. ample Sen Clemente pride ot lxti•••f ZlfO Rent in Cosl a Mesa 5 Tennis pool $950 _ __ _ S200.000 loin avellabte rent 11 out Open Sun outside ato rage, trptc ownetlhlp Modern Spa. •••••••••A••••••••••• NE w Es r gated 7 o 213 43.t ~627 eves City LI&lrtt/ at l0%for 7 yra Fee land 1 1.5 3300 Marcus Of call E11celt pttk w/clubhouse nllh atyte l our un11 4 bOrm. C an at Front, Townhome Vil LAGE Octal Yitw agt 646.5945 & pool Owner wlll assist apartment house wrtto Newport for Btg BHr CQMMUNITV 2 & 3 Br Hunlilcton 3 bO rm 2, • b ~ spa In lowest density area 1n 1 · $42 500 751 3191 hlll & fv:f ? Cl 0 B If 3 B d • . • ocean. s course property or Mr lrll 2'h Be 1600-1800 SQ fl Be•·L 32401 skvhgtot deck fireplace the tu s dr eon o I lllASTIG lfllCTlll v-. close to very1hlng. I 645-3370 after 5 PM of pure tuxury Garages •"'1 ' ' ' old /3 I g patio •••••••••••••••••••••• all P•tras $825 per mo '>yrs w r II 1110 MA only three yeera old. 1 hydro·tubs on master OC RENTALS 96 •• 3•68 Drastic price reduction 1 ,._ ahowa ltke new Seiter I TRADE Cabin In F1wna.ktn ~ ~ Best b uy 01 $277.000 I N-port Heights. 2 atory _111 help finance ond $96,000 for hOUH or suite. dining rooms 1 !"ibr ~ S200 to $2000 1- 3 bd 2 ba 11h RV w d 0 Ct wood burning 11rep1nces. 7'·0 3314 o""n 7·0ays LWE tmll Call Phyllis, agt 640·0020 rms. w MVe buy&r thousanos of c 0 n ° 1 n r g Y micro-wave ovens. p11 • ,.v or 760·9678 , access. Asaume 9% 111 ~1,..1 fH Ill• I dollarafll Sotllng prlee of 548·5518 or 645-4500 v a.t.e P 8110 5 & 4 B-;-sgl tamHy Qu1e1 cul·I OR lWE Owner wttf carry bef •I •••••A .. ••••••••••••• 1325.000 la way below alt 4PM de-sac tloke to beach 1 4 B' Canal lro11t Fee ..... , ~·..... t<W. wilh 20% dn. 1610 --•a-current replacement BALBOA DUPLEX ~:~o~~~~~~~.~:n~rg~1'9 ' S800 9 6\l · !'>806 ''a no M r Clar k Lowes1 prlled Mon1co Tus1 1n Ave Open Sun ,.,,.,.,_, ._ coal' I PRf NC 1 PA ls Ownt-r wants 10 trade up 15 minutes trom Fashion 962 889 t Dorothy 645 3370 All 6 Newpor 1 oce.inlron1 du·I PRICE IHIOTIH! Onfy s25.ooo down 3 Br. 12•4 7500 Wiry I• ... ef dlte1 0 NL 'f I C •I t o w ner E•cellent 2 Bdrm home fsta110 1 mrnutes 10 SC NEAR ttoe beto 3br2ba HARBOR RIDGE/VIEW pit", S600 000 Aqt Candf lront 4 Br Fee lovely yard 12 l O.OOO 552• ·Agent l everaged Investment• (714)642.()138 I with 2 Bdrm unit on heatt Plaza or O C Aorporl trµk: gar 1'.rd-pet $500 Pvt comm 2500 sq ft 3 ()1 t 1!>7'1 l)r 646-6 t tS ta no l er ms $299 000 Op en Sun 1•5 1946 IEW*T OlllT wilh excett upside poten· DEVELOPER LIOUIOA·j of town $289 !'>00 Call Jus1 eas1 ot Newport oc RENTALS 750.33 t4 br 3 b.i frple s 1600 mo l EASE OPTION Mr Clark 645·3370 alt :.~~412J o c k 1 f 1 1 g h Cllll t11t TING 1 Linda Oeth Barrell Alty BfvO & so ot San Diego 549 9099 67~4078 TRADF·SALE 6PM Pt an 4 4 bdr m . 3 ba 11'9 h1I • 11'9 lltt. 5% down°' exctoange 1342·5200 -Frwy Starting at $900 e 2 P~r,,~ c?~s~°:':~ht~~~ I Ill CUYll B•utl~ 1nw dwn 119 8S· miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llsnaATl UYflllT $200.000 ....... lntstwtlltt 14 Units. defux.e Town-·--· •• ,,,~ month 63 !·5439 2473 w 0 S52S 661-3539 sum x1111 '"""s & •oc l~IT C•KST $10,000 casto own & take h hn 't •• llt le .... MA house Condos Gooo i mu -01 ange Ave Costa Oa Ceff °""9 V •' t .i" • i? t 0 0 0 0 2 Bd~::"; bat to "den di· ovllf paymen111 Pron ooly ~ _, ,.... S1nta Ana area New I WulH ZIOO M"sa •BLOC~ TO BEACH IEW CUPITS 644 0496 nrng room large Ooubte pis Kasey. agt 548·6492 16',01. 30 yrs S2 00 mo llett"'1 lett.a.tth Nevllf lived in 1•••••••••••••••••••••• __ O_l_l_Y _ fu•c 3 Bor 2 Ba tam 3 Borms 2 'Ba Pool. - --garogn E•ecl opener Of 997-72 15 AN~N96-E H72AIR8R, 1~99-12""' Fre• 1111. $1.150.000 2 br 2 ba houcse nr stoop· IA A rm tor mat d1nrng rm I Jacuu 1 • Tennis N~"" ~ I .. • "" 0 6 7 5 6 & pmg center· M • under 3 Br 3 Ba Townhouse lµrlc garage. 963-5191 ° .,....., PlllCEI TEllMSI Ouret end unit Walk to FllEOLISllE P11m1rlly Interest • de-w n •' · 4 4 I $90 000 1 849•6598 by bobbling brook Ir pie. I dee J!ac:ant $1 200/Mo 0 I COlllTIOll me beach $185,000 .... .... ... .... ._ ...... _ ' ..... ducttble. 844-4720 I . Olw pool. dbl gar many HOMES FOR RENT w.11., •• Tarter Ct. LOCATI I "9J loCattllt ltttr --•--.,_, I P•Mh 1t • 114 lo. TRl·PLEX HUNTING TON I I I .iias No pets $800/mo 3 & 4 Bdrms $675-$700 Rl!altors 6.44-49 tO All tour 111ements are nere a.a• 1721• ' Charming 3 bdrm home Expanded cus to mlted Pr1n only Bob Ciuslln. BEACH. a II 2 Br. h vy .!."..'.!••••••••••••••• 1 ease . 151 & 5 e c Fenced yards & garage~ 111 ""' We:.tclllf toome with --plus 2 bdrm •Pl Bloell to Palermo. 4 bdf m . 3 be. 213.907.9422 lllake roola. l4 yrs new 6<11i-0423 Kids & pets welcome llovety 2 BR den ano 2 Ba ') Bdrms and den plus 3 beaeh Soto for $365.000 French doors, bay win-S l811.000 20'1. d wn B••HI lu•iiiH 545.;,>000 Agent no fee· Harbor V-toome. Gar- D8th11 Cant>elonanceooy S ept 19111 A s k ing dows Oek throughoutt • OWC Bllr 536-0123 •••••••••••••••••••••• JUST toste<I spacious -dener 1ncld tmmed pos· Y'llN 1001 $259000 OCWFlllT $350 0 0 0 O w n e r Poof Mol1vated Hiter c ... nn•l .. I ..... l I ' Jlflf 2bt pa1ro. k id NOW 3 Br Coodo 1'· Ba 2 car session $985 mo Agt 1312 ltttr Ir 673-6083 or 760-8517 Open house 12·4 PM &m, ,,. .. ,,. I lllWPtlT IUCI ... ":-:r..!.~!.......... $.430 garage Super area near 557 5784 ~·•• Sua•ay 1:5 By owner Dreat•c pr1ce ----.,---11--.-RU--1985 Port Cfartdge. Fee •••••~••"-••••••••••• Fabuloua buy -2 apt HEW furn 1 & 2 br prkg. OC·RENTALS 750·3314 ~~~~o~~2~2~~~ Vacant 'wiki'o Bc-,.,-3-B-R-2-b-8-2 r 1•2_ir.200 reduction for lge down· •-~ .., fend Contact Bkr Jo11n New •hopping cen ter. co mple xes In g r ea t wkly from $350 Mesa det Mar 3 8, 2 Ba car gar lpc pat io • v payrneot 640.7990 2111 Yhta lartff 1 Stoa 955-3454 Newport Beec h S600 areas Pot1tlve casto ftow (213)885-6969/885-6•64 Fam rm 2 trptc. Obi gar Irvine 3244 Comm Poot. tenrn~ $825 ,. IPDI ... 1-... 000 orou year plus. $6. whh 15% down. 20 Units lEll.1.Y UIC&ll lenceo yO Gardener 1nct •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 960-1235 642·8915 • OHi llYnATlll SELL OR TRADE lovely tlLY 112,811 IWI 800.000 Excell return Newporl Bch, 60 Units $900 673-t 173 3 Br 3 Ba Ei<ec Home onliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I i ', • • • V1s11 our unique presema-8 l u FF S tow n h m t or 2 master BR, 2'"" ba. 4 83 1· IS 711 or 646-61 15 Torrance Upteg touno YEAIL Y IEn&L NOflhwoods. 2 story with CdM 3Br Vu S t300 toon in Clrfl Haven. the CdM. NPT BCH or BAL· years new. Owner wUI n. Agf on 011change or wllf sell 3 Bdr 2 Ba, baby grand EASTSIOE 3br. dbl gar xtra 119 lam room No L•do Pk Or Vu StSOO w111mth OI wOOd ano brick BOA IS duplex Oetlfl· nanc e. S 120 ,000 tn a Am.I YALUY outright. Agt. 1345-9850. p iano, beaut patio. bbQ. patio. pet ok $485 OOQS please Gardener & Eastblutf 3Br $1200 lend co11ness to our on-bte eod-umt with tg lam $130,000 neighborhood T • .__..__ DELUXE 4-PLEX auper location. cleaning OC-RENT ALS 750·3314 I wate1 pa10 $900/mo Blulls 3Br·fam1ly S 1500 formal family home Poot. rm. formal dining. 3 BR. Super terms John Mar-II ...,,.... By Covington Top area. aerv ·gardener are alf I •Ctean 2 br dupteA off· 545-2000 Agent no tee China Cove 3Br $2000 ---------•lspa and on add1honal voew 2''t ba, 2 PV1 patoos plus shalt, agt 63 1-2242 or Near n8illl 4-Ptex, 2 bdrm. top term• & lle•lble Pron. Included i o7 Apolena s1reet pr kg Quiel $4 75. llEIT&LS --,Bay s, o e Cove 2 1 d en .Ew 0 ••• •1n1 guest apartment are bo-touge balcony overlkng 963-34118 2 bath each un11 wr1to only Bkr 54g.1366 S1500/mo 873-2230 utlls rnct N o pe1s s2200 n hreptace enclosed patio t bt 1 oa S650I OovPr Stoores Baytront•1nuses• Offered at $4 25 tranquil garden-like ~ -·----· ·9, p · Clean & 1>1etty 2 bdrm 848·2474 9.5 M·F 2 br '2 ba SJS0-$800 Baytront 5B10ock S3250 000 1~ grnbll Beaut decorated -•• ,_.,....., garage. • Ill os h ome. patio garage. Watertr~t Ho-Rttrs S11dt•ou~ home 0 " 60 01 = witto cstm shuttera 1 no 1o Newport 8c:l1 L•vo ln cash tlow Now SI 511. 71 11"1 New 2 sty 3 Br wi den or 4 2 b• 2', ba S800·S850' ~· .. _. N81ftr with P•N and ttoat I 1211 Clfff ... • 500 Biii ~undy. Rltr, av a 11 M a Y & June Br 2'. ba COflOO 2 car 3 br 2 b.l $925 131· 1400 ,1,,11 1 v•r .,, hnm the oeck 0....,1 S-"-l·I wellcove11ngs thruout HBlbor Ridge! Tl\ls lovely llllll IMYI S 5 O O 1 mo I Ju I y M 1 3 ,. b $800,r---------• r• •--1 A ssm $138 500 1 l'lo 3 Bdr toome too been 675-6161 $4501.,,.kl 675 9667 auto gar any x •as br ' a ot JI tt' ' ,,ll•nq lun 1•2 1200 & $ 75000 12 Ill 000 Poo1 1ac lease $950 J,b• 2 ba $1400 C I .i•"' r.q • BcJrm home • • toan owner wilt carry re<luced to 4 • 8 ac commercial c0<ner ' I •·J"-· 536-0776 or ask fOf Mr 3 l>r l bd S tSOO lurn Bedut1tu1 3 bf 2 ba home 0, 1 .. , ,11,..,1 Sunny •ge 2nd twm lllST SIU Hemet Ca on main st 1l --lu1>1s 546•2313 4 br 2 ba s1350 18?• Por1 Barmouth r v ,, t tr on I c.nur1, ird SUBMIT' Aasome the exlStrng 1st F&1 test growing aree 1n 1 , "' •, 1••i•••I• 3101 4 or '2 , ba 5825.s 1100 S 1050 mo Pto AV Pat- "",..,., provJty for all low OWNER ANXIOUS T o at tile fixed rate of Catr l On Ftoroda St A L l l ! t 642·6 I 53 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2BR Iba Obi car Pnc gar LI' Raisor Ally 833•8600 mer 1213>426· 7301 ,111c.t-$~25000 GEORGE BOLDBAUM tO 37'1. f o r 30 yr s & steaf at $1 .650,000 Peninsula Poml lge 3 Br & yard New cp1/pam1 _____ _ 301 lortll Star La. 833-9191 owner wtlt carry a very 631-1519 or 646-6115 3 ba1h. f1m1"1 room 1 lge k1tch 2177 Pomona NPw beau11fut 3Br 3Bal S 0 UT H L AN D A EA l rtexlble 2nd Ed Esceno. Agt partial furniture Walk to Unit A. chltOren/pets ok 1 twnhse by UCt poot. ia· SPYGLASS RID - GE O•H S11•ay 1·5 TORS Judy Jordan. 644-7020 _.;;...._______ •--:,·.:..-:.-:-:;:':~.,:.;• • beach , b ay , sh ops S5951yr1y 640-5078 Go cul11 pat•o. 2 car ga 142-5200 IFEE If THE SU 121'-w •••1•••• in lingo Real Ellale l~~~~~~~~!I S 1200 mo Cati B11t or I dorect or can rage upgraded cpt & ,,~,. --1: Hel8fl Gold, Barrett Ally, IE•• YE•IE I drps $875 mo 85 1-1433 Best proce & terms on 3 Ba 1n Harbor View 111• .. llllE Wtl ffl ..,, -· ·eves~ I 4 Bdrm 2 Ba t ~m1ly HOME FOR RENT this 3 Bclr beach barga•n ..,. •••••••••••••••••••••• QI F , Owne• will carry 10 yrs $t95.000 in assumable Jodelte Mdl . This home &YTll ...al C.1t1 #111 3JZ41 toome Oulet area Avail 4 BOrm s75o enced wcmn ... E WITI VIEW ,. I Beauttful P0<toflno 4 Bdr •·• ••-1342 5200 673 4396 -n Possible notes g trades loans Pr1ceo 1309.500 ollers lu•ury and comlort -1 •t •••••••••••••••••••••• 1mmed1atety Many ame Y"' d & garage Kio s & I Agt 546-5605 f~ 1 ... attt·~t 3 Bdrma. ...,,_ -New 3 Br 3 Ba Condo 1 nitles 675-491'1 BKR pets welcome 54S·2000 ~ Br 2,, Bo 2 hrepfaces Summer/winter rentals ~ ,.., ~· llWfltlT Yl.U Pllll S 1500/mo furnished Agent no tee •-~~~~~~~~ Vacant Call Dtane Cap-By Owner 4 Bdr. den, & 2'!t % format dining rm OllTll ~ 1000 unlurn Mo 10 Mo 3 Br 1 • Ba garage fen ------puttmg green. garoener e>ef. agt 631·1266 guest rm. 2 lamtty rms 5 and a panoramic view of TIT fR .... I renl el lSI & last Su· ceo yaro S630t mo + W OODBRIOGE 3Br I $1700/mo llW. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ba lrptc, formal living & alf Newpo<1 and Ille blue A~ch1ttti.fH•fnera, I OwfMW uys Mff or trade per b locallon nellt 10 $400 sec1.rr1ty Santa Ana 1 •Bil nr pool t. tennis Realtor Joyce Edlund CAIAL FROIT IAYFRtn W/SllP d1n1ng 1225.000. S50 Pec1llC Financing ,, leas rn ~n::por-:'c:::::: this OUlllAndtng custom stoopp1ng & thea ter s H e I 0 h' 5 0 up I ex $700 mo No pets Avalll 6•2·8235 Fhm bedrooms 3 baltos. Super hnancmg. low down 000 Own 545-8108 1 ha n 11 ·~ 'n 1 A• k Ing One la 2000 sq fl end view tol no w1 You can 548-4968 833· 1927 2020 t·B Borcto 1 s I w k o I lune 2 Br 2 b8 condo eno uno1. luPptaceMme ReOe<:O·w1llbuylh1s weltlocate<13 ICWflllT -179S,000. one1a 3000 ~lt Very own thtstot lor ~thtle SI 1 494·4142 pool 81k etobeach rated Al'50 includeo Bdrm home Vacant . IY 1-R• llLITlll al.Al.n tevorabll' ret .. •l W1I· down and exc ellen t B••li•fl~• EIS1de 3 br den. 2 bo IW111t>rfront Towntoouse Encl oarnge t ch1to °" NOQdPn paho ancl small QUollfled buye' can name .,,_,. Danny Bibb hem Co!A!. Brolttt terms lncfudmg aubordl-J.iei 3140 swimming poot $850 Broc1dmoor 2 Br 2 Ba Av81t 51 16182 S650 year boa• dock 2 car Qarnge. terms• $550.000 fee le •••lifJlll 966-9058 Of 640-7665 na11on for qualified •••••••••••••••••••••• u" l u' n $9 5 0 I u r n I ltptc, wet bar, bbl gar lease Sec dep $650 04 00011.s to OceanF S1,26m5. 1 .az lal•ta Ct'''' II lew 4n11 buyer Call now for more 3 b r, 2 ba. newly d ee 557.2783 boat slip poss. water· 673·7737 714 8J6 8542 or O,ttS.•4.,1·1 3Br &den,2'"1Ba.stal· IPll•11·1 840·99000f548·3900 achoots Good netghbor-3Br l'~B.a.lrgyard.pets 675·7171 HA MfN w ~ • Information Agt Close t o bea c.h ' I tronl patio $950/mo c--R G_N_E_P_O_R_T 7J I :.?81 t 142 1200 ned g t au . 2 f rplc a. hood S975 1 yr min OK $650/mo Joyce. agt HEIGHTS 3 bdrm 2 be. • secu11ty system. R-2 lol 111It.la*IWI14. .... LJt191llS * • • • lease 064•3161 631•1266 Turtferock end conoo. 2 f1repl11ce large yerd le It Wltll Olatsl On UDO ISLE your OP· portunoty to see this brand n"w Quality toome · spa- ~ PETE J BARRETI •. REALTY cious rl)oms beaullfulty!~~~~~~~~~~I detailed designed for la· 1: m11y provacv as well as E~ecut1ve condo ocean & !!h•qsn1 en1P,rta1nono On bay view Fpk: cathedral ovprsoz!'d 101 · ~ee rt to clg• etc 1 + den $10 • 1pprec1ate ltoe toner ooo option money Oya 1r11ngs1 558·9035. evs 673·4899 222 Vis ltrtt o, .. IH4aJ 1·8 142-1200 IEWHRT IElllTI ·~ ~ SELL 1dfe item• Wilh 8 Owner need• c:ash, clean antique type house 2 Br 1 Ba 50x 117' tot Large detached garage S 179. 000 S48-5041 eves & wllnds 63t-3S20 wildya. Dolly P1101 Cfl U lfled Ao •WATERFRONT• -, VIEW - BY OWIER ThrM bdrm 3''> b31h'. spac10U1 lhllng room. dining room. den with wetber Two fir•· placH . pr1va1e spe In uun1 room •300 eq ft Buutlfully dec orlled home with views Of 8"y end Ocean II hi llnett 1181,000 OWNER WILL. CAARV OPEN SAT-~. NOON 'Tl 5 PM 2323 CUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH Can be 2 units Win trade llST Yllll • Me.lie Oflert Norlh lido I-" U..a br 2 ba sep OR att 2 $850 for income prop ert'y -Complell-3 Sly Ocean vu 2985 Bew S Im•• 3144 2BR nr SC Ptza A du ft ear gar dtx $825 mo 548-6190 $800.000 (7 14 1 Uflll,,_ 7 0fflceSul Aleo Cos~e M8$8 t ••••••••••••••••••••••condos Poot.fac.sec 851 t516evs/wknd IEWPHTOIEIT 673-6578 37 11 Su Large '®nY eondo, 2 BR. 2 ...__,_,. L8:i..u5'.ooo You,,. the winner 01 WM-1111 gate. carport No pets 540·7010 X2363 oys shO<e Or 2 bl, community pool ,....,_...,,' Move In cost nag S520 + Beautrfut 4 Br lam rm Cfoao l o everythi ng. E.ch. o w e. 631,..179 lour Ir .. flck1t1 ($36.001 Ttoree bdrm•. 1•• ba For S35 u 111 556-t 626 2 Bd 2 Ba on gOll course dining rm Condo. ocean IPEI Slll&Y 2·1 Dally by appointment Charming 3 BR. greet view 2627 8unya 1232 500. Ted Hubert Bkr . 752·0777 4 .. IPMl .... , .... ,"' OP{N SAT/SUN 1·~ CuSlom hOmt on tge IOI Chock th11 one-ol-a·tilnd property'befor• you buy Groat flmlly home $335.000 2211 Tustin Ave Ruth Lauri., Rttr 848-4380 $189,600. Po11lb .. leeH liiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iil value to the lease Of teue opt s750 775-2580 w /panorem1c vH!w vr-. pool tennll Yearly tlon. leAIT 1Wf -... YAIUI 75 t-9905 I Comm pool mcluded s t200tmo 646-0686 Seeclllf Vitt....., ,_ •--&. JJ~I ELEGANT VIEW CONDO Only $825 Call Glen --------EJl(c:tllent bualneu pro-H Unnton e:.:..h w•••• _.,. .,, 2 bt, 2' • ba, mtcro. gar Heltwarth, ag1 559.9400 BACK BAY Condo. adll perty with establllhed te-un ··• .... ••1••••••••••••••••••• S 8 2 5 5 3 3 -4 3 0.0 oriented 3 bf or 2 & den, nanta ow help finance. 3 Tuesdey Mey 18 8:00pm Panoramic vlewa, spa, 3 675.178 1 1 Br condo. nicety up· 2 ba bl1rl5, frig•. W/O, unlte.potenttattoexp1no. Wednt1d1y May l9 br S2.000 graded $495/mo Call frpl,attflew deoor. p~s 11. 175,000 fee. 4 30pm Water1ront Homes Rltre 2 BR, fenced yard. gilt. on 552·7485 & patio 5950 mo l st . PaaHI muat be reOee· Cell 631-1400 lndry, stove & oven. ne· 1811 & sec. 642•1155 - mtd belore show time • IH .&. Jiff vtfr renled Grdnr/wtr University Park 2 br. 2 ba . :iiiiiiiii~, "'\ll HIKll'lol To clall'(\ pauu. call ,...,..rt I• Incl $595. 1695 aec Ill g arage Condo Ill OllYll LSI llOMI ' IM. 842-5678. ext 272 Pu-··-·•"••••••••••••••••• Ownr 640-5868 S660 553.0168 eves REAL ESTAlf ... muat be Clllmtd by 1 BR. condo. pool, Jacunl. • 2 SR Mclain Condo .. f HlllMA tHI 141~1 Mey t4• l982 gym. blHlarda, Muna 24 E/slde 3 Br 1 Be endsd l a Beach 3241 11075 I* mo c.fl Gerry IA~... * • * hr sec Garden vtew gar. tergt yerd NO ••~•••••••••••••••• 673-7761 or 760-1397 S 5 9 5 7 5 4 -4 1 1 4 . PETS 1519 Rtdlanda Pl Lovely 3 Br & don. 2'~ Be. 3 BR Blulls condo, s 1. Quiet buch' mlln bay NEWPORT BEACH LOT L:rn:n• Btach level bull· &42·9057, Katt $64S/mo. 548-8680 no pe t•. $850. Hans 050 Oott-.......... ~ _, view, hOby launch. gue•t b d oc • • • 5ss-1656 ,.._ 494 640<! ~ ""'"._..,, -dock 2 br 2'h b• guntto neu ey an ~· d ng altt. View. Owner II' llAT SUP Best EHtslde loc etlon, ..• ,,_ -675-eo<>o or 780-1966 ape:11eam1h 0 o wer. =~~;~Oflr~ r. ~".9.!f:~~~;;:.•u. Largeser 2.,.,8,2 ,1ory roomy1Br/wa11rp1ld Charming beac hlron tHVHom.4 bdr,2'A ba. aunkon pn, 1ecurl ty, m a-• '"'¥" · condo. Frplc, bllin kttetl. All g11egt. Adultt, no home. 1pect1CVlar view, FR ape comm pool No cuatom tilt & oell $350, .. ~. -... ,,. ,,_, Yitefly. 67M775. peta. $435. 631-075-4 brick courty11d enlry. 4 peta l~a ... ii500 mo If.... 000 $25,000 down. Rtllll Beverage lull• !m!!' ',,.,, E.•lde 2 Br w/pvt lenced BR 3'~ ba. Igo LR. DR. No fee . Agt 831-1476 0 "'8 = lat/IM 1• I ,, t>MCh room, lot• of ato· HA"BOR VIEW H M.. &• neu. Xlnt loClllOn In ••• ••••••••••••••••• 810 CANVON EXECUTIVE y1rd, dbl Cllfporl, edulta rage For teese only. Call Harbor View Hornel Someraa1. 84'• bdrm•. 4 1 W. llfr. , .... , high trellle ., ... above LAKE ARROWHEAD HOME. View, privac y, pref . 110 pets, $475/mo Peggy Patttal>n. ,or an 4Br, 2~B•. View. poot. ba, family room. Aen10-173.3777 Oi•73-5589 1veraoe 1ncome with fl· /JO/JO eq ft 5 Bdr. 5 Ba. eecurlty Ouallty lurnl· plu1 l300 MC. dtp. Ot>n 1ppt 1 U -955-24 73, 1ann11. I 1400 mo del under con1t. l•&O. ---------vor1ble lorma. Write or /~n rare i,; ac. vi-101. an I ng 1 & c • r p • t . 10·2 Sat/Sun. 1eg S~t• wkdy• 8•5 8u .662 1 ooo. WANT ACTION? Clll Jerry liHton for Sepetat• ept. IOf mtld Of S2500fmo. 8'0-461& laabel AllO -------- 844-4337 ClaMlled Adi 142·5&7& Commerclet Pr opertl '911111. 1475,000 Owner. 3 BR. 2 ba. 2 eat gar. Nice New 2 Br. 2 Ba. ct.n.nome. Big C.nyon Condos 2 l 3 ------------ evtlleblo , Smith 71~7-1180 Mobile abl l100 I d l'"'"O oc;n.c;yn view. ftowet"a. ,_. lk. Ml golf COUfM view. W1m1ley Re.,ty, 117 $. yrd. w gr ner "" m I to o c n I 1' 6 0 1utnllhtd or unlum. pool, Corte.&. Preeeott, Ariz .. Perk City Ut•ll condo . Np!CfMt 3/lem 11500 &48-3135. 837-1458 494-3478. tennla, HCurlty. $ 1200 t e 3 O 1 . Ca I I Owner l<>OlllnQ for part-NptHgi.. 3/pool $1150 C bl 1111 h E t 1MM 6"4-7424 Bllr w.77 .. 3400 ner. MOOG up tront, "°'of Waterttont Homes Rllr• 1 n-e ouH. H • Enc: hinting 3 BR. 2 81 • .,.----.--,.-----1-'!::--------,,._,.~1 ·~-_,, ..... ...,71 Ctll: &31-1400 .ide. t br, clen, lndry rm. o c ean v tew. nexl t 3 br. Btuft• (Ptul1), on R"'O , ..... 15.., ........ 8a1 111 __. .. .,.. .. ...,.. H~lmo Pd 111h $ 500 ... "' ., .,. ...... "'4"' ... .;" -..... """'" EmetllO Say. I mo. qu l e I 0 u I. d •· •• 0 . 1425,000 l may 11"9 ..., ...,. JMl lltall ~ v_.....,"" • ...,,..., 40-4-7551 11 tOO/l'l\O Ntr 731.,...45 'JtNf TO of ~oa S12t. ._. l#f b 6' II# 750 for equity. Aot ... mufll! ....... -...... ! .. .!'r. ......... . 873-t241 or • 213117t-1437 IV fllld. .. -------------.. -·. t Acre dMalbte llte H°'911FOOdlltt10 OOf9W"t tOO ft. ,,.....y 11 00.,.~ ......,.w,......,.eo '1•-114.1211 Ke~~tw~!'! TownhcMm CQndo9. Oood Santa Ana ania. New. N4'M-Uwd in. tl.1&0,000, ...... ,., .... 4 •· a BL 2 ltDf)' ~. 2826 ... ft. lh91huadni-Sell Of uchanfa for Mew~rt Beach or?? Submit. .,.. •-=.1 ...... ,. w"W....• a~.'fb~,=1c **WOOOBRl>- ~ 8e~h Zett Of .. 'I 14·4t4-2041"' 1112 Ollalty Of. ocean w.1900 mo. 80411 GE Vou are the winner of 40W61·7131 Sherp a ldr 2 le view tour tree tlck•tt (138.00) hamel ....., lake a be9dl V111tM to IN .... YllW club. Av•ll lmmed -f.al 2 bf ''~ ba tlOUM yard. 11000/mo ..... °" ''If ..::=~~~ p1110'. froic: •126 lnc1.1•. T"91dey Mey 118.00pm "'"'· "8y let. 31146 Ind ~I ~· ..... Wedn•:,d•y MO U St lo. . lefllt , ..... m:f':. ,..._ L .. II.SI,,_. f!'l9d .,.. ~ '" •e••••-•• • ..,. fH-f\•\,lt\llir le> Olalm PIUH, oall HOMI '°" Rltff Mt·MU, axt. 272. Pll• a ldrm. lt71 ,etic:e H..-~-Y9'6 .._ .. muat .,. ~ b; yerd & gv•o•. Kida l to ...., c....,... • • M9Y ''· 1•2 ~we!OOme.Ml-aGOO. It ••11 1 Calt MOYC . • • • Agent, no flie. M2·Mf&. , --I .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 2, 1Q82 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (Non·rtf11nd1ble, lalre llntt t t OO) ------------------------------------- 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 OLLARS ~~~!!! · ~~!·!~.'!~~~.. ~~1~!~!!. "-'.8;.'!!~ I A,,,,.,.,, I A,111•1•1• A,,11a,.11 I Rooms 4000 '~~!~I?. t~ .5!'.'!L. -~~~!Office Rtnbl 4400 11BusN11 Rental 4450 1 BtisWltss ' U1lu•l1AH u.1.1.i1•H u. I I ...... ,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• M I d t t • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••• 11.,, .. ,, ... ,, '''' ,.._. Bt•c~ 3769 ••• ,.................. •••••••••••••••••••••• • .,,, ,,... I tt It 11••,.. "' 0 'lt(Jlfl (, M 2 01t1ce11. 34~. bath, A1tt.t11I ••ore •• 26'° Avon llrvwlltllitz soo~ ••••"••••••••••••••••• •• ;-r..-; ••••••••••••••• ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• AuC>m lor 111nl proh,n1u h111•1Jlllul ~oronn Cllll M1H atotago 11v&tl $250/mo St 1640 aq II plut 8 <.t• •··-"-••••• •••••••••• Harber Vlvllit lli)ni• 3 6, 2 1001 llllllLS "!''' lf111 3114 Costa Men 3824 L1cooa Btacli 3848 11111 rn11111 111 30 •. tJnn,11 hom11 $:.?IJ!J/rnohth Plue !>48-3345, 494-3803 ga~11ge 64 1 8777 or •· or aao, rpo, 2 c.ur vii ko 11 n wA 1 I ar. + 811011 let & leat 1 bdrm dupt11x. yurd. ga Studio '• b lk lrom m 111n pool ovo11 S250Jm u 840 6470 EXECUTIVE SUITE -• choice ol $6 1)00 'oow11 B I le I I A I bl o $3001• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••' NB h(l111e Kile.hen p11v ulll1t111• 1,1111 fl(lhl nt1w• ---873 7?70 flCAUTV SAi.ON& your rr~oe .. N~ P 8 •t 7 a .. Avoll w074:_ •6170 u P O 0 n 1 aec urlly S!to Coll rogu. emall pot ok $400 boch 1385 u111 int i I 100 tfop 760 8.,42 Dov., r O' N 41 w l>O n C--dA' g., 11 y 0 u 1 n e i. r "4 • • "5 o • " '•411 4'388 mo 540 7998 oooo k1tch 4g4•3o.c4 B.-11c11 A11011 Muy 111 ..,,.,..,, ., 848 0709 6'44·7220 0<.1111"lro11t wkly~1''.lh• -' STUNNINOtruge l br ----Roon1l111111sttc•oluflrnl ROOMMATE Formor111nloc.a11 Rentals 4475 :::::::;;;~~ E;'°ec lbr view homu w/ comp lu111 cl 0111 Avl •2 Br, I ha Mw111 vtH<Ju I llll•Ollfl apt Pool 7Hl W <;1ud10 S180 •, bloc.k l uq1rnn N111u"I """"' 714/631·36S1 Mon H 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••I lrplc + poot only $8?5 now 640·4784 upp1.1 0N"""s0!0ro0r No I. 18th Strout beach. nr 11t1opp111g. ulllM 1 ''""'1" onl y 'JOO w i FINDERS 1617 w11111clill NB Wont lfftOl H IMP wAo[fSifE QC-RENTALS 150 3314 pt!IS a' "' I mo 1 111 d 4 g 4 3 ll ., 0 1 kolc.tu11• 1111v 4'1'' ~0,'14 en nwwtr DldO on C:.OHI JEAN STORE Studio 1ummer orily, 833·8974 I odrm. ;.ilJI "'286 Cany<ilt 1'4.,4 ... 0 1 • UllJHI II. 18'1l11*' llllM!IC.y llnellttul 1"11 7oooa 1 Hww South Layun11 Ap Ow11 your own beauttlul 2 muter 1>drm1 2'~ ba $675. townhomt Avail now 2 matter bdrm5 1va1I Juno 1 $690 K1d1 OK no 1Jel1 John Mur ahall 1g1 631 2242 or 963 3488 '"500/n>o .. ..~ Room 101 ""'' v11v • 111 All 1.l,.11t1• 11c.rnanot.t w1111 1. 1 11 0 A 0 •,. 1 ' • -~ Ot1vfl. 1mm11C1 occ. ~ " ' ,. "rOA ~00 tQ I fnol !d••"'net iean .and ll'Ofl• Near ~llc.h 97!>·0670 * 3br nr S C Plaz.i S A 5 SOO IJtt! wk or S 17'> 11t11 ptootoa " r11tt•rt•11cu• r,4 t !.OJ2 ... ·• -Co1por1 pool spa $67'> 4!1'>1mo C 1111 Ru\'\ l ft I 3852 mo No 61tLur11y lcltMI <.rl'<l•I\ c o~11101101tt>1u t1Jnl provate p.irl.11111 wear •lore Fu1ll1ons lrom SUMMFR Pel ok 7 ~?·582? ,,, 642 61'>3 .!l~ .. l"! ••••••••••• 10, \lllQI• "''m Juv £,,,.~ (.uoct Mortuno Am .. r1<.1t bl!l11nd bldg 5!>;.t'.i mo Pur11 111c olle1t the un· Studio Apt Furn I 04 l· !460 • 1 (Ir uPU• aded n111.,1y (,6 t q');?fj 1 h• 1 omotruw Sh-Ow IOLL OEITER I urnOf A•..OC 4114 I t77 I 1qu,. op11ortun11y to tell 5!>001rno !175-0679 Sci Co11st P1a1a? an' ""w pno1 '"n" ' * "" • t o 1111 nnw 11w-•T llnllL •pacE nd1tona11v known brands. •21>• 2ba nr SC. Pldl•l bu lcJC' p.1110 lull sec. SSSOimo 2131919 116t N 8 lg11 11•t qu1t'l lut11 l"Wn •" wnole\ale d11ect lo lhe VEARl V 18r I Bu deck SA Poot spa $!>50 No K1tta OK S!>65 one.I OH 11 1111 /PM ~1u1l10 St!ll wt11~""" y ll ltorllt10wflhfo n1tf' .... d 11 plalce ~.:~?l~CJ11t~·uE••1110r,1u1,11~els•e"' 1000 Ml It Hu1bor Blv<I, 11ubltc S?O 000 111c.lud111 8CIOH ltom be•Ch pets 7'>:1 ~8?? 01 W.Jter N o leu Aqt $'1'..0 mo MO·Ci?'lO EWP 1-1 .... ro u. ~ > c M G1e111 ••POSurP 1Jeg111111g 1n•entory 11• UAllR IUllE w~hr/clryr $475 mo mcl fi411-t460 %7 0222 Newrxirl Beach 386i Fr~ bactielor•llo muturn cr11turn11I re<.ept1on1~t A•d•I 1mmed C..ull fll'J '""" eiuiri•••., trnining E-·r1s . YllPW ut1I 673-4132 ••• .,-.................. I M ., I , , I 0 • n, <1u I a I ... 1 .. p1tone ana & more lonomtC• 875 Ci700 pronram lttlJ tu murlo.el .... '"' • 1hr nr 5 c PllUd s A ~ Or 2 Bo PllltO CdlPO•I 11dy •Ch1lllljl' "'' baoy .. • ) • ~ 0 1 I <436 0 • WESTOLIFF "00111 c hornt• '' Pint ~~ rom • mo n Jrtd II'""" O"enmg pro Ava1l1bte 1mm~11Jtely 3j (,Jr pool ~P" $750 no IJC•l!I $4'>01mo A.rul ~1t1111n ~work 54'> 47Jt "' ·• "'" ~" I s 65 T ( "' ar 3 balh muter suite Apartmenh t,h1ld ok 11;,2 r,5;n "' 5117 548 667'; Baout 1 b• & c1eou 111.111;. ._,,.., 00·14 no11~rn~1 54'00 7'>0 II. '"11 0 ~s 1 ~o 11 ~~?~~.'!1.t?L ••• ~~~ mo111ln Atu.01u1.,1y no I et HI Ve p I b41· 1460 jJOOI S5!>0 640 78 14 u 111' r ... I ) ., ? J Hf AO UART ER C..OM N.. , .. , •• Borth 1,Ctv> .,. C.fJrTtpl'l•l•Ott settrng l ust w r r ry rive 8 Unfurnkhed F.-1 .. 1dH 2 8<Jrm upgru Pvt 110111v r10 smokmq <>• 494 '1/42 PANlfS A IJ•Oleuioro;.il ., 7 ' ,QVV ·~ Qud1tt1 "'"'1.h1nd11t1 For •P8 $2900 mo Beli Ar •••••••••••••••••••••• Ett•IM<lE' 'l Srt •111 y111Cl IHr<l ••Pl Oown,.1111\ I EIA c.onclo Versallle~ dronk tn(f QU•f!I M '"''" on1111unmt•fll t 7 141 II or IPS\ MIA l uht· hl•.>l'hutt• ,.,,<J intormat•<><• nold Agl 644 8200 Gentral 3802 1 np11onal u11.ic.1t (I.tr Sf'>C)() 548 8713 h~u riew $550 mu Call 30 $2!>0Jrno ~111111• ulll• M ti•· I•'~"' w/'l h11n '""c. 8'Jt 0681 Aount !.•I ~03;-hy m.111 'Rll toll 11 .. t.i •••••••••••••••••••••• $495/mcr 1100 'II ti ')PA(,IOUS' IJ• 2 ba I ~;~~:;~.7~~~·830 2J23 55fJ0637 ~~:~.".;·J~·.~:~ .. ~~·.~;·~ •• ;. [~<K, oll1c .. al111N8 ltx. Stome 4550 ~po'':'' IOIB 2920 N ~!~.~~~t~ •••••• ~~?~ I.EVERLY MILLS S4B·4B4S 11!1ult 1.ondC• Nr So C~t GEN Tl[MAN ttun ~mkr H.111oy 8 •1 1'J'J Ob5t r.opier 52<'5 ••••'••••••••••••••••• ""u"' "1 P.ir·~ ft.,,.'> 8 EACH C 0 T l A GE 2 LHIH 1 Ill 2 Ill 3 IR Plnll• muny itro~ Avl I 2Br lbll ,.al 111 k tlCh fnctl l tte kllr:h P"" Nr Nr>t '.166· 177f:ll640-b:i 15 JOOO Ml II wollt!llou.u 30c •l i5•460iil-•••••- bdrm 2 1>11 Wik to train Our W1l5h11e Cor11<Jm ' • • ,.11w $600 q79 IJ'll\I puflo II gur $535 no lll 548 7S86 W1rnl••11 Pur11u11 "' ~'" 3 11 1111 or""'' t Ttlt ~ twn Dch S7po 492 7913 Suites oller not c)nly p11. Ni•wly dti1.or vC•S r>ll 1 I """ 642-2 134 hr /IHI ~v.ic. .if.II"' '•:i'O ~q 11 SI OO Pt>r '>Q Pomo11<1 tl'.lt 0871 IA•t N••1·cll"w"'~ lrom t. turn\que view~ & &me I o;nc.I CJ"r Adwo,hr pool 0 p-i..t 3826 O•er 2 1 Pool 111< It"""' C..dM W.Jlk I<> b••.tr;l'I It 3975 Otr<.h NB 8111111 \ht1p Fully •toe.I. S•n Ju•n n1t11>• fl)O r1u~101ou .. to bt.Q Aoulh ttO p••I') ana 1191 PARK NEWPORT S tup' '" b111H ,, At•h \J4'" I • 11 Ai:ienl !)4 I SO:J? R w I d s (.. • • rnrrnl1011 bu·; ·~1ao 2 4 642 5073 I j°t~~·i~;·;;·,~·,;,~~~~·s•: Nl'wpor t Be.ti '148 4<'b0 \1ri',,' ~'i'~ 4~>2b/~;; 4.411 .!~t!~ .. .a.'1.! •••••• ~~22 ~r~ •,N•~,; 1' 1 ", .,1;~'"~',:', ••• C_a,P.i!tr.a~ ••••••• H~! lirJur un1lormed securlly IN1c..e T er I Ba in 4·1-11"• Oc;itin ltou~.-Sat & Sun I APARTMENTS Hot I M I I 4100 Stir 4 br ;,> oa Bluff• C..ompltttely rniion)1blu I()•, JO 2Br, 288 Condo. t m1 10 II a full surv1ce bu1lt11ng $440 67'l ~6 c ... ,,or 1 4 2~4? I Altu V 1~l·J I es 0 es , prot W Ol'\1111 I •IC.Il l OanaPomt Hortior $600 Come '1111 lor your~ell '>40 4484 GG I '>824 or 637 0706 •••••~•••••••••••••••• t.nndu Nwpt lic.h Movnmn111 l hera1,io,1 Investment I • 1 HH • PUOE? S4':l011110 Ask Im H11nry ·~L• unlurrt Qui••t .. , •• mo inti "Bl 6 w11 Calli our o"e wo., I Hee ----" 0 7 ,.~ .. , • u • .. b" I I .... , ..... 1PTS u.-t· t I CDUITRY OLUI R1111s W1•11kly nu111:0 1'20 !. ;,> tlH'ltC nlUIUtl' U"fJl•t 1 l'lnnNIW!itz 5015 Mike (714) 75?-76!>!> dy!I u"'I SIJI ltlt now l)Vl)ll8· 1 """ " " nun trll on I< ICt II Pl ./ •• c-·-.. II ... • •• -rr.-.· •••••••••••••• 0, eves 17 14) 962 9746 bh• IO• 1ease Atlult 11v1ng 1 Br c;,u Beach 3840 LIYlll II 1 '""'' e~ IOMll M uvt11 JO ;11r :/ 01 I b., /r-"'"''"''' Odrm '" ,m .. h t>u~" 1 ·•ciun.i llOdth hull'"'" !he Wtl&h11P fsw1a port pool & ltJundry No ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• l t h;.intt(ll MOvt1t~ lun1 111011111> 11um1• f.l<>OI .;.,.,,.., C..wouu dl'I Mii• 10 <;."' 11• 1 111 1.itlulOu\ <•l"J" ? br Iba condo po<>I ;;,>t3i273-Sl50 "4l" $450 931 w l!lllt !Hf WHIHI flHf( 1 2 ~ IEWPDRT c,,indp1por 1qr;7 Nuw t ittu N ll $J'>0 inc.I •,I'""'"' t.lt'm.,ntt> C..1111 49'.> '>811 ,.,...,., 1.,,,. M tti, ·"" g .. rage No Pt>I'> • S5'i0o -I St 548·0492 OdrM Apt~ Gym SpJ IUCH IJOrl ., 1 t I•, $ 1 ~ O o "p • '"' ••• ........... tlt1y\ 4'l& 165':> uvu~ ""' tJ ,194 1, I Tt. mo ullt\ 1st & 111~1 3Br hSI $650 Ill C.o,,l Me~,1L4'.'ltt7 1,1•,<iAl.ll o75 •603. "/'.'~:.'::,·..:. ".UMMf"<J"'tY Avail July 1 49(, 116 t 4 1 1 / Br newly r1>dec. tlulJl"I St1un.; pool lc11n1s 111<. --~ -• .-, n " I C II _ ~ 75;;>-873 t w/StnQle gar 13«JP ~ard 84f> 061'1 A lu•ury commumty cm SEAUlll MOTEL '•' ,., ,. 4 Ur "''""' l••·t 2'+ yr uld IJw ~tud1.<11t w •Hsttn + I toters Santa AN 3280 $SO-Olmo 559 ~001 o -1ua1r f.IOUl~tdO !ltd'"' 11\t• B11c.k Elay Spe<;t11cu Wldy to•nli)I~ '"'"' ""·"' ..... " e.;y II "' ""' lljll Wf'll lttlt111•d du11 . v ... 1 '" .. r ••ylon <,.,r, ······················1Balboa Island 3806 ? 1.i• 5µ;i 7 6wtmmtrtu $10!> "· UIJ C..ol•1• IV Aw.111 now ttl~ ,•Ii.IT "" w t1r ~lft<j ,,, AtrlJOll 111"' .. lut ,,, 11:. ,.,, ,,, SC Plaza Art'IR J bor m •••••• ••••••• • •• • • • ••• l Br 1\18 I Maple AvH hi lj,. '1 b' b J b It"' pool~ 8 ltghled tennu, Pnoocs In rt1Ctm I;• i I (,PM nt•t'tl S u•nt •I I 'JI lu111 •Pl•' " I H '" lrol ,,,,1.,, lpc lg yd patw No w 01, 8•('(. 2 Br apl 11r..i11y llr no IJ"IS ') p .. rv11" <J~whr I rn1l1;1~ t•••ut.h N1!wP<1rl Bl<1cl CM July r,111y "'"'"ti It M,,, ·•lllHJ >~·d ·•' $4;> O•lO Avaol S600plui.<;l"en1ng St.TS 206 Pt·.irt No $4 2'> 5,.,,,., M gmt Adult"'""'"'\ S'.OOmo <.ourls b•~e lta•I~ µul b•"" 1•••, 11.i•oJrtlror1t M I "''"'mkr •IELll( OFFICES* $4 00 mo U ti NP1•cJ c.u~r ltr,., '"''' < • 1 13"• '>3t. 8Jb2 ''"U nreen BdC.helurs I ~0 ~·• ,., " t 1 1 540 4314 ! pel\ uq . <~ " '.ltr cur J 1 lOU~H from 1IOOm10 3 IOOrTI~ 121)114/ IJ14J murh l,.S\ "°'~" 'tl"r drtd <' bedroom apurt· OCEANSIOF C.A $440 .\' ut1la 61i8164 PP 114 '180 t 71'4 1lt Sou--l---32.it 2 bdrm apl Veurly $700 S500Jmo lmmed or.cu Ol'lu•" l .~' I B·J "' monts ond townhouses BP .. c.tiltont ' rmm St J6 a ~q 11 No 7PM ~ 1 1 ... t~ .• a.c.~.a ••••••••• ~ 227 , Coral Alll< B• $700 part<.)' 2 Br I 8.t ho~ .. ph•• Ovv h<>O~ tJP5> trom $540 10 s 1000 per New 8f'Oulolul II. "'''P tl!IUll ll<)n ""''" •e·J~·· IC!QU"l'd Ad1 Air BoWss/lnvest/ wk .. nd N ' , .... , ,.,.,. 3 Br 2 ea Be•uttlul 213 'JfJS J'>ll yard ~mall qar.igP all t-11<.l'>~l QM No""'~ rTl<Jnlh ....c.ludod '""' <,111 lqodph pvl "" r•O•IPr lrttt '117<' Dupont fl..---· I 101 Aµpl 5<18'• ct<IO 441B4 On Jitnboree .st W C> cl•·•~ & llJI<. C,tlM <..ill AM 83J·3?23 •141l"-~ ocean •111Sw7 '>wOIJI~ to Balboa TSL Mgmt 642 1fi01 'l fir I B.1 nr 8•·.1ch & 5.,11 Joaquin Htlli Rood YILU MARINA $/fiO ,,,, Stir"''' •·v' •••••••••••••••••••••• P Hln••f Ar,,..,,, 01 ,,,,, t 0 000 .... 01 l•I• •• .. .,,,. \HJ 01)1) mo • '" lttry Pubf L.1, 0 H 1 AS'> 6070 g3ri5a5~ mo P~a 3807 Slatt·• MC.I'd g;.it ,46';, 17141644 1900 ,.,., 1114j BAYFRONT Business •••••••••••••••••••••• Ne,"'''' b4 I 9348 dJy'> NO FEE' Apl & Co11cl1J INN l'rut M /F ~hdll' lu•u•y P11me OlllCf' 671-11)0'1 nnNvtunitr soo~ Wutminter 329 40R LBA yearly Frolc. IAY TlllERS 640 1076 11•6'1 reritJI~ V1lli1 Rental'. I Dr 21H ~Itch' llll.11 turn c ... ndo s (. Pl.Jtl) ••• -rr.-; •••••••••••••• ••••••••E••F•O•R•Fi:ENT ••• bll1nspark1ngClose101 '1HormliE!lltondo 675-4912Broker 1Joc k ' lr om SJ4 S28~ 1)41 41125 'h llTEREST llYESTDU HOM I:> a y & 0 (.fl .. n B, k r SPAC..•ouc 1 Br ddlly 5 14'1 .... ~ $1.'10 ""' 'lbL 84 79 exec I an 2 Bdrm $475 Oarngl' I ~ ""ti jJdl•o ""' pool l&JfllOltT LllO up 1 67!> 4'11;> ~ireplac.f! pool 11 muc.lt 1,.,.,,,., $~7'> 1 728 3061 " "' 200811.ut.>or CJr tbtld OK no P"'' I ·1 Br 2 Bil 51600/mtJ ri nc .... n,1dt! N•itt .... ~. llll <.(ftod•J lO~ 1Jw11 huyl your ''"" IJ0111 .. 1 \tl\onl 1Jlt1JI•• t;.<..nr1ol <H c.om(J.ttlhlo Would you ,.., t' ,.,, irn mt-d1Jte I\ h•qti r.tlt• ,., tt)rn tJn ,nu1 ntcH1•·1 11111•rf!$1•'<l"' r,;111 11,,tl 4<J't 04~ I 545·2_000_ Ag&nt, no let< j 's~c:.'o":. r~lyb:~·2,,11a~~~as morP tly' 840 •,3oq "'"~ ylldrly 2131282 1733 "" 9:;>0',4 11411;>;' l'ol> I \JOIJln1u I • IJlll $1'•0 "A ••• Ct•O•Jt" HOM ES F'OR RENI 141 9111 I l:Jll l1alt1X11aray11 11Q'} •h•p '11.4 J(,!><1 11 ft full set•tCt!lc.u'>tom 3 & 4 Bdrm~ 5675 $700 mu G4S 586:.> -----·-----1~ .. wman S'l&S l&t lu~1 1Nt'wport Heights prtvttte Summer Rentals 4200 11 .. ~11 I 10 ''" I hr ;-I•·• <1tt1c.e & dMk ~µace "'""ll''' .. net own llw ''~itl t•-.1J1t• f ')U)t-1 t U4;1•t M.,,,, ( .111 n A( H()O rented yard'J II grirages o\ dllp 642 4431 01 wlgM<Jge t. p.1110 dll •••••••••••••••••••••• t11Ju~1· (. M frplf N11 Nr 0 C. A"pmt K • I c. llEIT•Ls ullls II QJfdt'nPr 1nc.tr1 IAJF•o•T I I. cl <"I(' I Soo 10 AµpretlJte• ids 0 pat~ wr• c.nmt-COfona del Mar 3822 ' • · "· •mil• h••11<.t1 l Ii• I c.ur 5'P'> mo A dult., no " pl' '0 ' 1 11 •< 1 ' c.. r 11 c., It E / M A JI Montw lo loan 5025 631 1?6fl Agl t••••'••••••••••••••••• 545-2000 Agent 'I(/ t11•• •••••••••••••••••••••• I Uclr I , Ba S!>2'J 2 l1dt ·~·" r..uv fl IJUll!J Jli r1o(ll pt•ts 1'J2 ?'>50 4 b<Jtnt .. ti.Ill> ••• ridy lllll~ Avu•I Mat I Kelly lll-1971 ) E11 I ' Biol ~~ lrnm 1 Ba $500 Both hllYP 11ntit .. II rec. ar e 1t & l>P.1c.t1 P""" 110"1 760 O'J'll !>49 062b •-•lllliiiiliilmiillll•-FRllCHISE 7 fl" t 0 ~ \,llJ ooo \ 1•,o ooo tu111 ""'"'I tu 'lfi1y1~ l')tr.t'r t'ttO\ l u $I 000 000 Afl'fl' trimm I JS nnn own~, pr0Qrarr1 Pr1n only t.•11 tor agt DOW NE. Y S AVINGS 0rl'nl 96J 7611 CondomilllMns 1,ru1c.n $ 7!.0imo Day!> I QdtllQllS & patio; C .. 11 .. • • • $8000 tor AulJ"'' !1111 Unfur ..1.."'·d 342 759· DOI E:ve' I'. W~r1ds Jom fi31 7370 5b7'Jl"l,O :>lJ/9;?'; H'IG 1 (uundy Rltr t>7'> 616t 1•,00 ~q ft c.cmdo Bil/ tune ARLlllTO• •ns In. ,,,., r.,,.. . "' w p 0 0 I 0 fl 1 ... till •••••••••••••••••••••• 644 2578 _ I Wests•OI'~ ea ceri " 2 t8 Grttnd Lan.ii ? bdrm 1t11" c.oncl" C.M <"1r1•l•nooll 5!>7 166'1 "' Noer new noull condo nr Wal~ 10 be11,11 All utilsj 1ra1 hea11ng Qilr<IQ" N«IH b11llth Sriuc.•ou' E!albo.t 1s1o11c1 Ava11LI1fJ 11uu 81' I b40 6J'.lq SC Plo1a Sf'c gate• pd t rm w l'• t>ath $300 '>IO•e c;;arpets drupe" q u '" 1 2 A' 1' 8 ' You ""' the w1n11 .. , ol 5!>'JO mo '>4 • '>41'1 lnuned .1v,ut lorn rm wtpv1 hum "' .; t1t>uul1h1I h~u "' Irv Tj I 8(,30 IJOOI Trac t'' small mo Rot'\ No kitchen I No pets ct11ldr110 water Townhoutf· \49~/mu tour lrt>ti ttcketft ($111001 fi lriendly rHOll ltke I !'>49 9322 12 13)492 1592 l>t:'dS $450 + 19'Uttty !160 86St. vnlue to the Np1 c:8h oaytrr,1tt w tlOl~ OR dm1nn <llf p11110 I dP"n•tl c.49 c,••<> ''' ''P~ 10 $17'.Ct pr w~ • B ... ' ·' ~ ~' 1 '" ""'<!" w 110'•1 ) m• ClllCIS YlflllS ti 1 N .. ( t. 1, l •, • , , S11<.t1Jd1<d l'nt1 un11 Nt> Walk 10 11vt OPilC.h 2 r 770 5629 lu oeach il~a•I tttJw pets $495 + 53'> u t11 10.1 trpic 111 pauo encl _ 5e.i~ltll V1lld11e 1,1~ u,11 77S·2!>1l0 q.i•&l)P grdnr Cape 2 Br I Bil Beame<J Clt10'> Sf:.00 !,•,Cj 886I w~rtt1 •luntmqlon Be11th t BR pOOl ,.u. \4!>-0 viu,, Warn•., liuulonqt<>n Bea<;l'I 11111 •,<.12 tOO I Hr Cede SUO. 752 873 t Costa Mesa 3724 •••••.•..••.••........ Pr"l"S\ocrr11tlly d"L'""'"cl 1 Br r.011rJc, with Jll ~rllf'Jllifl''> ""'" c; (.. P I rt l ,, • y to 11 ' I y I ~ d -. P SSSOlmr1 '41.i :1786 or ',~J· 1<'0<' alt !> ttootlncton Walk te leacll CtJ<I comp1 .. 1etyremo1d 2269 f M aple $410 Hv' lue!>ddV MJt 18 600om 'SIOOO mo 1714) 5'10 41484 ll•ILfJtll)O S4 '>0 V•ll• W"dtlf'~dJy M .. , 19 6,.4 7761; 833-2900 2 br 1 ,oa lrplc OW IHI w,.,,,,., t?tJ) 81711404 4 30pm Cod1 t') t li '•'17 160 t (,h11,. Pa.~e-. must De ,,.tJPP patio garagP No " .. '~ ml'd bl'toro 'lltow tome S525 54J·'>4 76 ro c.l••m p .. nei c .:ill I l:ldrm ? bu 2 ~IO•y '1 BR I I IHI townlt•1u~ 1>•2 5678 f'l l l72 P.1~ M.Jnth ''' Auw1.._1 l •Cl<> t flt II"" $2000 o .... , nro8.i1 31 ·I ~;-·.oo <.11M h" ,,,1 c,1,, ~:ioou W (J< e.u·lrnt '"' $4'>00 W11tNI•<>• t Ito"""!> Mllr ( ttl I I t I 10() l•1Wllht)u~c clup .,, I lrl'IT'lilC: QU•PI no fJf'I~ l'her'\111•0 pot.r1 Pnv.;11> Batrony p111to Qd• lrpl ""' ~ , : A D lJ LT .~i; ~ '> l IVING w~ mus• be <.la•m+'<l fly Vacation Rentals 42~0 May 14 198:' • •••• •• • • •. •• • •• •• • • •. I••'-lorP11l.1tr· 1J11I· \'>2~ mr, 9i'l •f,SI! o-N11r,h~r Bu•ll 1rl"t S'J'-,0 rn r1 ' i .t r I f I P ;t \ ,. %1 llS3'J .. 11 4 1 t.H1rn1 ~ .. 1n11p •J"cJ ''''I $!.50 1111 IJ<'I'> '"' 'l tt 644 780~ UWSt.B.AU TOWHOIES N .. w t.ortllo IOI "''" " Br '}', BR $105/mo Uhl .. Hr I n .. PwtllHllJ\11 lll •jil• l11POl8C•· pool spu Im~ lrpl I> t111c~ s r ,., 666 W 18th 64S 2739 • StC•"I~ C.•ln • P(l(I & An llOO"' • 1 4. I ijR P1t•o Apt\ • 'i1ret"' L4il"ldltt1p1rio . o.,~ .. un11 \ ' 980' • JOO 10 8ucn & Snop1 'ii /\ I NVllH 1NMI tJJ , I H , I I e • I ,.1 .... '.p.Jl.•Ou~ I II ;> Br ••IJI~ 1 mli<• It urn IJ('BC 11 llr1 ''"" t,~~ ?J!>l ' OM "'"" Ofl '""" IJH11(.t1 Sh'>O n111 I'll last II ·•f" 1,15 1'101 Nt•W I Ht I t:la v.11., Bal hoo Adult Co110 0 wit fl O< ( A~lf ltClN I ,• ~ 4 Ar A w<;)ll ,, JW l/Vt"•·~ It ft·hl '\ .1tnnwr 613 7R;'' , 1 ar1 w ... 11~ v111 •• , •• ,,. 1,ik j fl.• Cull l 14 (,40 ',',~I' tlf WPOH f OF At.I< t 11111 t pool Aqt I •• ~!~~~•••••••••••E~2 IGO 1111!1 blwrt '+ (i Eus t ~od., 1 t>dr pool Wt1lk to B•~I ( l)ttttllt 1 br "cl u I I \ no tit• I ' I I view o f Ctttuhnu '" .. unSftl""i N••"' Mill Str1J1tm Crjll<lo 2 S650Jmo 64'> 114'1'1 lu'""°'~t fufn "it ... tl/t ••w rrH1rt ol hOrrtrt Ntlw 01• u '>ePt Oc.11 & C.11ult•1t1 "" 1 + 1.1rn rm $41800 ""' IJl1I 111cl Ownt>tlllQI 11141 140 '2917 340 ');>94 H.l.'1 FllEST '3pan11h E11111e L1V111q1 Bfjaultlut park ltkA !lur rounding• T Arr 11c.11CJ pool Sun ~An Q81 l>Dq SIJB•~linO l oun1111n• Spacious rr,oms Sepe. rate dining area Walk on C.IOMIS honte "~" ~•ICh en & ca1>111e" Walk to Hunt•r.QIOn (,entl'I I Bdrm lurn S'JO!> 2 Bdrm unlurn lr om 5!.Ci!> N() pet!> U1tllt1e, Free• LA OUINT A lif AMOS A 16211 Porkt1oe l n t blk W ol Beach. 3 blkr. S ol Ed1ngt1 141-1441 ~!~.~!!~~ ...... ~~~! Furn l 11oun1 Beach 1u ~ury 1tud•o. spa. Sa16'11111 TV, saune maid service phones S 1015/weok 499-2:&'27 .....,. llUOIO• one ~!WO l*rOOll'I ~­ me nit fU"HllHEO encl UNFU"Nl ... ED Ot1twooO elto offer• • All Utlltt* ,aid 'ltNNdllte Ooowltncy • ., Miiion In ......, Md Mll(l'I More• FOi 1 mot1tl'I Of e hit· lllN ModM CW'fl. tJ •Iv tlw!llOOPm Nol)l'I•· w1 ~1 IChtrn /. l••••o(l '"' $:J7~1mCJ Ai I IH11r1 $4'>0mo (,,.11 K.,,. 1 b461~47 Br t • 011 lllin~ 0111 lvt'r-.111tl•H I or r.ondlJ 11111<. P'•1•I \7"'> I Ot'IJ 55'>0 Clo.•• to IJt•O(.h fil1J·f1700 l 1rqt• I t>r ~ ,,c,I t~\m•I ur; 11>1 '/ IO'l full ~'" u11ty 548-3874 l£Jr I H.1 S37'1 + $:l7SIA•Mtsl1p/l-v~ 2 Sr 11u """ IJA~ Pel ru Bt>ot<.hf 11aonttr.rpt no 1)61~ $800 MAii, MAWAll Cosla Meu 3824 .........•............ llSUIT Ill S!i?5 '6001mo 2 B• I Ba T ownl'louse ell OIJlll 1115 b'llr ony l11undrv 1 nt CO•t'tl'd P&l~tntj NII" 1oc..111on l~l Mgmt lle81iB.AU lPUTllHlS Beoulllully 1and$Caped garden apts Pool & Sps Covered paik 1no H"•at p11d No pets 81<.hf'lor $395 I Br $440 $455 2250 VanguoroS•O 9626 5450/mO 2 Br 1·. Ba upt balcony rr at 10 laundry rm c.erport <.10,e 10 1111 C..a11 tor appt TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Wl!Hf ield HMIU ans.· 0eau111u1 gerotn aptt P1tlotldeck1 Hell paid No peta Children ...,,,. come 2 Br 2 Ba $536 3 Br 2 Ba l600 3911 W Wt110t1 631·5583 OI 6-42-3709 .... ICOIPAIOYt 1385--$4 7$/mo 1 & 2 Br apte new ca1pe1, 0111oe, Utl>Ofll Cat 01( T8l. Mgmt 6-42• 1603 A~l'lly 3 Sr T ownhouH apt In qulel 1dull com• Pl•~ Newly dKOrtltd. llr~Kt *°''Id OtllO t ger•g• Sorry, nofet1 1800 M o 6'5·33 I 0 1 875·5949 1500/mo 2 Br. I ltt up· Ptr apl., lnClld g1r •• b•lc~ny1p1t10, 11undry rm A~•lf 5·5 TIL Mgmt '42· 1I03 IJl•1' J 170 fi4f> / l 1'l "' hl I Oll84 2 Br ltv1ng "" 1J1n111Q rm • f•Bt lti.cJ 911' n,..w r .. 111 p• .. t A d•>IP", $4SO l~u 11"1~ 5ntilll 1nldnt .1e<.0•11tr>d ,,,., 1)715 Blvc1 II Mo4 r l .tc:ltJl'n 671-&:tOIJ 673-!JIU qu1PI no I"''~ 891 48<M Sh111p G .irdt>n Gue,1 N"w "" tn b• It rJlu'h 2 home 1br Qu•lll WIO Ar <lhl 1011 ') "" Wf'I p .. t I 0 $ 3 3 5 I m 0 It.tr •nlerc.<Jm mrbl lrph 641> (l'l'J1 1il't1ul1tut Whlllfll C 11111lt• Uf I K 1\tiflOPh 0t•1lC t I 1 Al'droom 1 11.1111 ( 2 1 3 ) 873-5211 f '>•tl•' ?1>1 lbA S!>OO lbr Iba $400 No pet\ 64~ \1161 752 0911 MJ w II hlXI~ UP I 81 l Ba Bil qll• lt11lc romctn 11111 '>Ob;> lJ•1no1tr Or 84()·9'.-0 I San Clemente 3876 IHl1/1 11 8'111 4300 ..•...................................•••... E StDF-18• 2Bn Q8111Q4" ch11oren 01< no pet\ $62!> mo + 54'<. dep re lundable Ava11 May t 646-Q596 2 bdrm 1trnc acl Quiet Cul dl'·~ac Gorog11 $•11'> mo fvl''> 11: 59~661 Eas1~111e ? Br 1 Bii gar $'>50 mer 310 A<>ch1>~lr1 011 <;.i n ti) Atta St Studio apt ncP.1n v1P w ulll •ncl d $375 mo 3J? Irvine 3844 Encmo on Son Clemente ••••• • • ••• •••• • • ••• •••1 ~Me lhfl Mgr Apt C) Nf'w I br apl tor lnn,e -- -m.iny P•ltAll Sf,•,o "dull S tudio •love re Jo.inni) 95'> 1811 '"0" ul•ll S2601mo '>16 8720 S5 IO move 1n 498 8452 2 Br 1'1 till upgrlldPd Santa Ana 3380 CONOO Nor '''wood •••••••••••••••••••••• $7:>5 mo Avn1I 111 IAOl IAY 73 I .,4J I Detuxe I Br ,I.LL ulll1te9 ~4:>_ n~'l f!l.~~~.~!.'.t.t .. !.~~~ p111d Pool re<; room 20 102 Birch St Ju11 0 11 Br"lot Near everylhonll $490/mo Contact MnQr Apl '4 :> t>r t ·, b~ ti 10 Joonn !:>t I OOUIFllOIT Adulls pref Sm.111 Cloul ok 54 75 646-5436 Mo" 0111ga111 opl bldg -- -I 1n Loguno Beech lmest Roommdlfl crent••f• P"" plti Ot1l'Olf'd IJICll pr~ll'r r"° 10 'hr ') Br w lllu<ly tully turn S:>65tmo C M 5115 Drbrll !>48 3981 5':J6 &604 Aoomm111e wanlt'O MIF to Jhllll' 2 bdtm I t)A h'ICl l 0 y 0 W I Q II r l ~ II • I' meuaQ" on hu~ Aru 11 I phon" 645 3:>73 Fflmol1> non .mok1>r i5 40 IO lha•P ') lldrm 2 11.i L 11guna Bntl< IJ a11t with OcfJan V11>w i 17'> .\ 'I Ulll 494 3304 Prul lrm lo Rh• 2 Br 'l Ba Rooms 4000 11µ1 S500 Ocun vu p;~;.;.·,:~~;t;.;;;;,;·~~~~ 675-3605 -- 28r, new int. lncd yd. ga iocallon m l()wn brl!eth· rBQO 2229 Rutgers Dr tak1no v1ew1. 1111 bull ms '$465 mo (2131675·6 t3::i heated pool. sub oa amok er t haro 3 Br Shr lrg 3 Br duplex, CdM Condo, $225 6i15-'l549 non . 1 m k r pr o I 2 Bt 1 81 n-ce1pe1 & palnl $500/mo Broker 851-8800 Sharp 2 BA 2 Bl lge rooms. all bllna tncl O/W, gar No Cosla M11u nr McOonllos s.526 mo C•ll 5 40· 1168. Uk lor L.,ry or Pam ee A Ul l_F_U_L_3_B_l_M_•_·_··I Veroe twnnome type 1800 eq ft Loe pe110 • lrpl' encloHd g11 No pets 1650 3094 M1ce1 Ave ~46-+tO 16 I LO 3 bOnn. 2 b•. ntw CPI 9nd drp1, c1rpor1 Ne1r OCC, n o Pet• S650 751·38H rage, olev11tor L1ue only $8!>0 & up 330 clf1r Or 49il 8083 •II &PM $265/mo 873 4239 ''°° "'° ••••·•··•···············•·•······•········•·· t\<·n1wl1u11 kport ·~ Isn't he the guy who kicked the winning fleldgoal in the '7 4 Super bowl? -"-~ f°LI 1'/f..._ II 1n~ It llf•I urr 111h11 "' wh4t 1 KtM~l>un~purl ., . Oon I ltH b td tou rt nol Alo"t K•nntbVn~porl '' •I• vi 14 ti• ,l11K fl,•11 1l·ll•f•1•I •Hrlm•nl fk"1r OIAll\ 11 c, ,,.,1~f 'llM•v• 11• tl11nl1n~I"" ll•.t<ll ~•4••1ld V·IL11• I •• "\wll 111 1111 .• 11, IM·r "''"'''"' l)fOl•urntral 1~ '"'''"' 111--n•J t<f ~ll•t1l"111 11111 d• •rw-A 114'lll'd '"''"' I ll•ltM• 11/l<I ,,.,,.~ ll')ll•d 11 ; tn1 ..... 1 with 1, 11~~"'• t.111 .. • ~nd ~11·-I 1Jo1ttd\ c04•tl'd b1 n~turlll l•t '40 \tl~1'1 ~d 10 thAI ltflnt\ (0111" \Wlllllll"'f "'"~" ·.. "' .1110 J wrt .. m~nl l11utio11 n,~, \hu01>1n• 1•1 rt11tll~,flln"I .uld fUU fP ~ul • I~" W ~'lfllllt •il•iO 1110•1dt1 L •• '"""' ti••" P.t11~"1mnk1111111 1 Qi"' ~1td l•t• 1~1i1111r1 11~ 1t1id two lr.tlh ~1111111 .. rilt hu"1 u1ioo 5§ ... ~ ----9AVFAONT Fem1lt IOI Balboe 1111nd 3 Br 2 Bo $350t mo + •, ulllt Bryen 673.t3 18 01 950-1324 Fe~1111 non -1moker Ammt wanled netr S C PIU• Avail now S225 + ·~ ulllt 967·2'31 Iv mag Condo lo lhr, 2 br 2•.; ba patio. lrplc C M 1285 lmrned 831-7808 Rmmtt wanted, 3 br, 2 bl, UPI* llory dph1. ON TH! HACH Bal Penln Ntw bldg Vtty IH .387 mo 93S..)301 tuMM!A ONl V. tl'lr your home Of ept s .. my 1d In Clate 4800. 9111. AHP ftm. non-emkr ehr wl•tmt , ultr a CM twnlhe nr bcl'I. No~" '200 &4MH7 l~(Wl'OfH ar A(;tl M.ll""' M!f 1111 '... l>t ,,.,,. 5"1QIJ 1~1 t.1~1 (,46 !> 1'>!> ' Nf••-<1 t root tf,ornmdltt• M ~ lnr trq HQl!i nomp ' Hrlr !. l'1IJ ;>A I'> 01.1n.i (, 11 t;>(,!, M f r"SIJ fll(j Jtlull "'"' .n11J.r M~H '3r or U•·lt« t1 (;rJM ..,,t 1011 $UI' HAM &PM «;11.uror1 r,, I 1· ,, '"fd •1.'.J l1tJ .. ~~~~,!~ -'~-~!'11. ••• ~~~~ Prr 1111 .. 11 tr.t(jfl ~1rrr.1Qe only '1b4 f'ltmw• ~I nea• w 1•1111 c M !t4b un C .. ttdQI' lw l(•nl S4!> mo Ml'Sd dOI M 1H A"•ll t.nll 1'.J t 990~ lvu rn1•ssao0 4400 01/ltt ,,.,,, ····••········••······ r 11•1 ut•vl' lJll1C!' .tn<J Ot•~k ""'"Ii Bt>'I IOC Ill NPW· pnr I 0••8lh rteqa11t I <O· '"' .11 Sf"thnQ with H>doo• pr,nl\ rind lu'h 11.ireleni'I Cnuf-.rttnt.•' room& ~O· Lrt•ttlflrtl se1 VttPS 11•,1 1000 f)(rC..UllVE OHtCE Bal ltua Pt"nn 525 It $400 mu Pr t• 8d A C 8576111 6753600 ""' 68J4 Co,,8 Meu 250 II IUtle $ 175mo Ulll meld 779 w 191h St 851 8928 P11mf" ollocu ~pece Co· rona <lei Mar $850/mo 675-9510 O.C. AIRPORT Olficc tpac.e avallot>le. '1'lc1,1111 066 0 1n At•O!IS lht Po&t Olllct sm I llU• 2 16 AIV!ll'\ld!I CM I 840 5557 645·4 7'6 Oll1ct apace uvo1la1>le, 85e to SI 00 per loot .- Connery VIiiage Burr White Altr 675·4630 P1yChO·lho111py office ovell, Npl Bch 31Hi Pll· conlla A ve. 309. 1 bllo. lrom 11o•g 631-0~1 OHICt 1n CdM. 2nd 11ory walk-up Ocean view. cpl&. drp1 & penttlhtQ 4~0 tQ 11 875-5•44 Newport Beech o ffice. neil to water, $300 mo Henry 842·8200 580 tq It Httt>or Blvd nr Bali.tr 81 CM (oopOetle FEDCO) Vacant. cplt, amplt pkg Mg r 549-1388 '>moll su110 215 f11v0r~1de N 8 aero~~ trom Po~t Qtl1tt> $3'•01mo 1145-472&1840 S':JS7 NllWIJC'J!I B,_,,Ch rtt•.ir l'iOJll ltr•~IJ tOOO \Q ll ~p t u11tl "'''" otltu·~ tJm111t• µJr.,,tttl w••H u1.ttfllrt1nfAtJ I• I,, 'J v. I .. ' d .. y ' 7 14 f14'> 41!00 (_.rut~ult1u1t 111 hvtnfll hit~ tJt!JC 01111.11 Ir> 'hull N••·•' A11p~Jfl R~ ., 1 .. rm:. (,1111 752·0 t86 GdM Ill• suote A C 11mp11> pllg ultl pd 2655 ( c~1 tlwy 675 6900 All thf' benel1t1 non" 'Ot t111• 1ogu11111on• Pnv;,I(• owrno1L'l11p Eern S!JO 000 plu~ Or inge Cu .u r•J (.;,ill l 1w11•nr o ( 0111 1• C...thlorn111 M 11to11•r1aric 1· 5U1Jf.lly '>J'.) 4J()O Hr'irAukAt.11 11 .. ,,.,. Montw Wanled 5030 Kn'111\ dtP:tl Oy Clw ftt•t ••••'"••••••••••••••••• P11n < nly \ 1001< "' $10 000 $100 000 +tor mall" <>ll!'t I 1•rm\ "''"Y l<JL .. 1 fl''>t1lt'nt1dl TD ' "'" Spu11 .. , ... Bf'e• I Mil• oo• l IQ v RP.lurn ... ,,,.. S f'••• iso J 4 ubo, .. p11me Cati l'JIJ)424 •,n9 01>1tro1~011 & As.s ot (j7 I 7J 11 l r.U1P ffHH ol1J \tuft tot I Ot'W (Jt.Jf'ltJt_..•, W llh t l,lu\~oh•'<l ud 1)42 •,(,7fl 1 J• r••U' r1ld •ult Ir.it ' A , .. ,,, • .Vl lf Io I• 1t 111 •,4f> 1 t 'll Tell Mom You Love Her 1111• \l<1dw1 '• IJ.11 '""ol \1 11n1 ,, Ill'".''"" 1.'I. •·111rr .. 11r "\\,.rid• 1,, •• tl•"I \111m' '"111•••1 .11 llw ··1111" 11111•• (1,., 11Jol,.:r• "'111 , .. 1 ... t 11,,. 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Orenoe Coett OAILV PILOT/Sunday, Moy 2. 1982 ~!t!~!.~!~!~J. •.....• Ri.M.n .................... 1 ...:::~~ ••••••••••••••• £1•11!.1• !!!Yf!! .....••• f.~~~·.-1!'.~~-"!!!~!~f. ~~!~~J •••••••••••••• 1~~~?'~.!~! ....•... 1 !t~!t~!~~~!~t ..•..... !f~r!ff .•...•••..•.•.. ~!e!.~!'!'r.! •••••••.• ~? •••••••••.•••• S,L~.7A~~~v~~} tor a JO duy 11d "' lhtf IAILY PILOT IHVICE llREOTORY no IT NOW• As• fer Sn•ra four Uo11ty Pllut ~11rv1Ct< 01111<.tury Repres0n1a1Jve 142-Hll, tat. 322 '?~!~ ............... . Orivl'WU/~ P.11~11111 I ul HelJdltS ~f!dlC 01111111) 5&5 A\Pltll Id 1 4 l1J!JI I(. HRWIOl I ... Hullder1 Simi• 194 7 Addll1ont Aomm:t•llng Doora w1ndow1, peUo COVltll f roo •ti AH• l1<. 310942 ~49 2 170 R1•14tl l•t1lall1t c u11101n Ca1pen1ry Otn k~ & pa\101 J :; Cori,t Co top quallly v.nrl\ lie; No 38080 t I'"" tt\t 659 b'J l I £~!e~~t~'··············t r IJSIOM r,l•A OH~K'l l'.thO~ <Jfl/OhO°' l 1l 11 lfJllll {)I H1(.lt 't/4 );118 CARPCT RC PAIR Crowrt HIC1Uld1ng, <;edar 11 TH IH•I 10111 I HARDWOOD FLOORS l HOUSE.CL!ANINO 81 A,.VING COi.LEO!! ~ t N S I A l I Al 10 N ned CIOHh, IJC>Oktu•t111. lawn lrH ahrub llltlllll Oeeutlfully cl•tned IS OUR BUSINESSI STUDENTS M OVING aQu111111y 11r1 filled. 23 yra "11111tlu1 11111011111nmen1 frvf1 trlrtl·r•movol anl1 w1iuid 832·4881 10 yre Jl/'llC•'• Raggttdy CO Lie. T12•·430 up111. 11u11r11mv11<1 A 1n. c;11bln11u1 Wor•d 1otut1on~ t uv.n ctt•· Rototllllng ---Ann 61&-2614 ln•ur41d 841-84:.>7 1u1ad (7 14) 403 Yt.tJO to wood µrobl1•1f1111 f,<1/j 608& 0, cllll I HaailM WAlCH US GROWi R s t.AllPC l bl l 1'>711 I A"• w • r A d " ti 4 7 .::.-•••••••••••••••••• E•penlM Hou .. 1u1ep1ng ti ? 300 I HAULING aludenl hat Wt lurnl•h 11ewum & p.WIM Ctlnr. Acoustk Oecklnt 1 4 4 lg• 11uck Lowe11 ••It tuppt... Kilty 84 1-4970 ... -.~••••••••••••••• ••••"'•••••••••••••••• •••••A••••••••••••••• K&D l 11n1Ji.cap0 Mi11n1 I Promp1 C•H 759 11178 Ouellly Hou1tcleon1ng Piii PAim• • • • RIVf 11 110< "-P"1 tnc1 • R.,..11/Comm CIM n up Th•nk yO\J Jahn wta pettonal touch, CM by Rlch•rd Sinor Lit uvor l•wl clott • ~ 1Jolllo' 1 LI 11t1u11ng ~•8 2480 -I lltlt fH WHlkw•y•, •lilvl'w ly~ DUMP JOBS Irv, HB Belh 860-0933 280644 13 yr1 oJ h&PP> th 1 f 1Blh s1 ., ,.11 1,1.1 ;o 111 1 <1111ct111111111 W1111t110 & Smell Moving Jobs I -HOUSECLEANING local cu11omen < .o·.111 Mt•'•' Mowono 11<1g111g r11k1ng Call MIKE 648 139 l AeHonablt·dependablt Thtnk you, t\3l·"10 '"" "''' ""' w1 """' "' Otvwall b"'''t"ll'"U4/ '4"3"1"2'''·1 H1ut1110 gr ding o11mo11-1 hnya 963·2401 l NIP. PAJITlll f()&Jt ""H , .. ., •• ,, tSJb fJOJ •• \.................... 111M Oil f; t or I • Vlfhll' ,,, 1n,. OHVWAt I IAl'INC,, 1,A•, '){'If 11011 Conc.111111 & lree EXP ~IOUSECLEANER Ru1dltndu1/Comm I ClllCUS VAll8AI All h·•lUtC>\" rt(,t111 .111 111m o v 1hi mp "u c: k Rttlabh! rel• Free est Low '11 ••• Free 1ai I 111t ti I ~· v111 h7' tClllll l AWN <.ARE Ou1<k serv b•2-·7638 Cull 24 hre, 955·24 18 875·_7_1_&9 ___ _ t.lludill V•ll•CJ• t .m11111ltt !ICJ Nv.ptl!"M llu11tinc11on t1uu1.1t l•l<YWAI i /Af l'.'lll'> llC Xl•tl t••hilble wor~ HAULING & DUMP Wiii clean your house or PAINTER NEEDS '"""''"Y M.iy 18 8 1.)(111111 ,,,.,, '" ~ ,,,.,,, I\ t hi • I ''"' ""' U.i11y l\tl~· 1' 12 JOBS Alk fOf Randy othc;e Etec pe1n11ng It WORK• 30 Y" t11p, tnll *•BRYANT'S •• Wallco\1#1lng ~move! Alt t~• 642-1343 ~~!!'.(~!e~ ••.••••••• N•ll pttch" & te•lur .. Pree fft. Hl·14H PLASlERtNO tn l & e•t Aealur.c.o block wall• b86 41192 * 8111111111.., l~uir • Ra111c;omm Cc1111m1.,c.1•t L11nd1e.11110 :.,.,rv11 ua 9-,7 6'H!ll l1lon . .•......•....•.•••.•. All Al tr F•A f ION', A C:u'1om LttlllhOI Wear 10018 A<l1tm., 'llli L'• Jl:I Th PLASTER PA rCHINV •••• •••••••••••••• •••• Relluccos tnt 11u1 :101 OHTOM-0011. v•• N6ill Paul !.A5 ~ll77 rnrr EST LAO i'Otll rtLE tN•; t AU r IJ "llnhift• All KmCJ". ( HhU ,1n1+ttt(S ~';"; .. "':';~••••••••••••••• U1-'lb J •t•" H40 4t7 t/ El Ell 14t· ll21 •ltllfT I IAY• W• 11111-~<l.ty M ,1y l I i'' "'11 lloul '.'12 •1•11!} 641 8427 !Jlumbtng !>48-9005 C11t ACOUSttC cetllngt " 11111111 :','.~~.~~~~~~P:!~t Pf'IOF SERVICE 01v1a Palnllng t\47-5186 ~~-~!!!~!l.~!e!!? •••. f'.1~_.., 11111·11 111• 11 '"" flec;lric~I Clut1tti1lc 1>'11' 48.,1 111111llr~ yard cleanup Houusltlrtf tNTIEXl PAINTING OUALtrY c;ommirn 1;> * 11t All It! I • • Ou.ihty .. ur~ IO f' ~ "A 11111 G1:01uc llJ t '.41'1 cu,tom c ••• 1.uuu l1h~ Prompt f ,. • ., •• ,, Cr1ur" b42 fiSl!4 111'1 l MtM I ( T t I( A,' " I w " " gv v S I t' td I IC 8 S ree 891 yra 8 •P Ra111111/1mno1I nu1d tJt1IOH• ~fllJ\\ ,.,, .. , • • •• • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• • • (}"ICL, tlO/lh, Fr Ail ast 1 ••·•••••• ••••••.••... , L 'd R I F I f" c 1111rn JJ11"~"'• r "'' I I I ' • • i" '" TREES 673-05•8 11m1 • '' pro womo11 0 6 67 i,4;i '•676 .,,1 ;o1.i p,1., 11u1,1 111·1 1 ·""''''' "" _ ovall 1ummer nouse111 , 4 ·10 R11ls F iller h1t8lfl1 & I'• 1••"'•"' t.1 j (Jj1·11' 1 7' 1 ''476 e are er• e x1 ' 1 846 '•24 ••••••'••• •••••••••••• AlLSfAlf PAVINr .. ')f'(li(.CJdlUIQ•'>tll"lnQ c l s ' Rt-JpuuJ Cornr11 Mt•-.10 .~!e! ... '!!!C.~ ••••••••• "":. 01.,. 1 IJ•• , 1,11111,,11 ""' '•"II' 111 ·"' 111 1 .. 1.1, flipp111J 1t1111ovod c.;1ea11 Hom C S le 1 ling love• pelt & planll 1 Cistt• PtllHlfi sv.eeJJ·&alu 673 8184 Tulorint Mil" 14 , .. M., ' " r J UIJ •IWll lt •llC)V ' ... •••••••••••••••••••••• n re·--• .,.. , -2' LIC •O 9• l t ' ~"· ~ yrs ••P Roofilt • Mo~t suti1"'-t I\ • l II Bonded In• Reta Colot •••••'•·•••••••••••••• c.1-AIN"Jtt 71_, 1,, \f.iH•' eiperl 963·0911 Otck lltRIZll lllGFlll ca. Mr M .... , ... ,, l,A'i ....... PHstuum ~.~! .............. . • • • 111 fl f.l re. Tltlf'tAN 'Ju.ti VfOrll fh• 1 , th•. Lo<. 19716<' 1,4~ 8111 l rlu ''"'"rn1Nr, ,11.11111 r, .. ~!~~·/.~~-'!~! ...... . f t•·t t .1 ht I ',O/ l111rt \ follt u• li11h•nt wruhv ti W•il lltQ tJdd I fl~ 1 t••t-.' ,,.p, /••,' CARE II TH HMI Ht!illth r.ure tailored to yr,ur nce<lt Retain 1nde 1J•HlC1611ce & 111gn11y Aro 11l1011n111v11 10 convole ~!~1~}1~1 ............ . DoJIJy'>llllfll'I Ill UUI ( M llnme~ I yr II "I-A11~ Ins &4 ,• 8 4fll/f,4f> ') 7•,•1 Will [).ihy'>tl on mt i M hum« OoJ( 01 111g1tt Rt"I' "''' '>48 ;>fj 7 4 ~~~~~~'} ............ . For utl you n""d 11.1 lrnov. otwul h<1ni\r•1µ1r.y t.111 I I 14 J8:t!J 'I Hi;' Boah. Maintenince/ Service •••..••...•........... MARttif sr AVIC [ M•<t h.H •' p.ur11 1ur11 '1 f~1~ uh~"''' t, t•, 'l/ht, t' • '' ,,,,,,' t11l I 11 1111 11 1' 11!1 I''• I l•tl • I 'II r JI I I ; If I l ld .I < I 111 • ,, .. '•' Mottiacu. Trust Deeds -5035 WE BUY 2nds 1,1~~ AT ')(HJ t HIV[', r C..APll .A l t.<JIH' lli-4HO .l'l•llOW II.A', \S.1 I , I ) •• rlf l r '"' tri~ Ill N (,., t'tJ t (I 1· .. ,, I ~It f1 •'It lh•t1•11 ~c.ri A. •; 1, 7'J 7 l I t Purth•• ,. !. lrnf~ II ( q1J1ly I '>i•n".> frr1n1 t7• 10 Vt .Arnti't ')NrH•r r~r fi tm• t I J rir lfF< f•OHU', f1~()1< flt 1,.1 I I It, '()0 t,IJ;>/ WE BUY fJ• 1 '"'' ~•)d Ir 1j .I Of·t•O rh.H• If• J ,..~ •• ,-, 111 ,, • .1\ (,,,,,, ,, t Jnt1n "1h•1tt h1u..-.. r 'J~r_.., 34r,4 Announcem9111s/ Personals / losl & fW'ld <;1,111 5JJ .. <.iah" F .i•I rl•y r .... ,.,, Ill') 1•.e .. t ,,n,~fll MP•'''" I IUot llf V.Joll • C....u,e "'" ~ I u C tfJf'\ 1n~tu111r~µ.-uttd Ht•-.,,,,., ftut1 ,It/ .'tit.Ji f lr•t4J ~.H1l,•CJt1 ')luum ''"'' •,<,4 t:1•, 10 !iTJ 11· bl> 'Contractors. General .. . .................... . I .l(l,[ I l,AJH'f I C,,M1( I-Cl MOflf I AO() f)tl', t"'t µOol Uf•·• ''"' tHHJ Hf•••h lry I J • h· tflirlfJ We'" qu1t f ?S ,. ... "" tf'h'll• • i:!f-: •/ 11• J ll'I.! ,..,,, t.4', ,,,, •'• ''"'' ~' t\ .tP.un th ,m (,r1t·.>1 btH)hlfHlf110., V.fll c rpb 10 m111 l1h.,J1.11 H1Jfl llvld1t1 ,,,,_, \ 1•, .1v11 l"OIT> \ 7 '•IJ 1.11u1.ll $HJ , ,., !.'> c.u.11 ... 11n, "'"' d~,, c '"' (~p111t ,,.., .,,., t• 'ft rJo NUI .. rw'~ \t1lf l••·h ~'JI 0101 lb• ( ot• ... t.1'-'t Ch ,uu•t"- f .... Jtn IPftrt "' ut,;t1t•I, fttU .. to tntJUHt iJtol llil>r 0 QU•ll t,4 'J I/ 111 Vlh; "·'I ',ttutt Pnc.f·~' 1 t "JJ"I J.1~"' w1M h"y •lo t•~• I fpJff• wtt1•h•l\.1ltt rn11i 11 "'• to th•· 1hf11 r ,. .... ·1 I ~1 ,.,,fill >':'> 1 t~1.f/(! FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-Hll I r )<,I Ht.re~ ~ .,11111· c ,,., rn.u1 <,hPpht•Hl 'nuh• I 111•>. 2?11 cl C:, t t M '' O? 7q '->u "" At1ct•t1or1' I'. 1•111111d,•f1n" U fl h CJ t• 'I !J 1 11 • l If 2n~11,~ JG AllHn 4'~4 111 ll'l fllF"' f1t11 ShtHJ t.:.•HIJt•rttt y remodPlonq 'I"'' 1.tl1~1 l IC 4 l'J'i67 fl11n<J,1ll JO t:>t.O ~~?!~. ~~~~~~~J ••.• B·u~ IT1U·lt"h ti tl r If f1 t•1 ~ I tl'it•f1 &..» tl't tti i tJtJ(Jf"t tHJtJlt ( 4t•.;f•-. fl' ''"'rt ~ uOtt 'H,., )<Jn1 ruls I 11 fll48Ub <, ~f, 1'16(, f l l 1tJtt 11•''" A-+tt\ I 0.111.., f11lht C:tott'-.1f.1 d Ar1 f'HJh· ... ,,c,mtl ..>'lw'Hdt&f1 .t(lt• Vlf> 1tt•iJtr~it.tn1 Ill >!PM 'dli Ill l / f • tt•J1ftt11u f .u1IU'I\( I 11 .. 1 t tltt I "'-ft1 M • I• ~ .. 4 I ',,I• WAYIE I llUCJ f )lll~f •liJl.tbfll 1\ ''" fl' ff •1,)lh t11r II tld f" I '' J• • '" Y'''" t ·• tJ pt•• C111u1Pr P,lfft '"1t1·•••f-I 11 1 1\111 K Jo.111 h,1 1h t.ul) 1 n1• I) .Al ii; I 1I1 1111 Al W11H~ Ht••· I,,. It I I I i I H If I AN I •1 ~· ' ' 1 (. t1 ~ 1 '. f' 11 I I I 11,c,... "'4 • .. .. Ii ', . ., I It lll /OJ l<t l)'f r)MM I 1•1J1 i(0 f'P. On tti1' ""' ~r·H I\, • 'HO·t 1 Al f.M, /1 l.'f) I ~ ~~~c.aJ. ~ ~e •••••••••••• f t11•Mll A c OtJtll I W, l1rf1 ( .1l•11H I. n I it t'd I'"' • r •,4, •, j'1 Fountall'IS1 Sla1ned Gius ...••.....•.•..••••... ORUilllALS OU Y f f1f f1t11 • t fJ ti4k />i. r fl1 lff•'•' ,Nhl1 f•IU ,, IJt!flt;h fl11t1t1I 11~.11'• f t1r-r .. lfH '11'1 I t 1)1' • I 1tJI 'f' I th• l)/I I < Ill r I .t I.ARI r II •1 \;' '•'' •1 'l Hand1man 1 •'-"'"' terr• Call FullcarP 1 •••• ••••••••••••••••• ~6~ 09~5 I l .-tq .. u·uhy Mu11t.rJnry f( ''"'"' f'1ur1Uw19 I,,,..,... ,11 •,tuu 0 TtlP ll1•1111111t I ti fi4L 11940 '" lMI IMl'HtJvrME tit 1\1 J'A1r1 PUJMBINC. Ht, ''"'H 1,,uq,t•rt,ry rl~ hit• J ,,.; "'I Nu 1ob loo •,n1-1U 6·1 J .Jb I l r •' ru•r 111 M.11nt43ri.1nt ,.. fl111, w •, 11 O•·t.Or Jltng u •.• 111, • 11 "' (,40 •, 144 I t1t llANIHMAN C.AN fh 1 m nto1r..,t1me11I l 11 I lt,il!Jh 11(,1:1 'J 14', Ill ',llJI ri r tAL Rf PAlflS l t nll ,,,,,, 1t Ofl At-<I~ f'lu11 N1•hro11 <1!1f> 0 t J9 f .<Pl 111 HANDY~AN C. 11 P"''" I' rlh(Jl1ng J.iluwtJm1, ••tc '142 tJO 13 ~!~~-·~( •..• , ••••• Want •I HE.ALLY C.LEAN HOU<;f., Coll Oongnom (,,ti F 1"6 esl 645 'i 123 ROIJIN S CLEANING S111v11.u " lhorougnty 1,ltH1fl llOU~ !>40-0857 ';Cf\UB·.A-OUB Prill •flllS 1et1a1>lfl Hnh Jean 63 1-~16 HCllf LIH C.I fANING SERVICE R11.1~onublc• 1ates fret' t•,llmote~ no u1.i2 Ho11,11c.lear11ng nones! & deµundabk' 962 ?690 .• ii ~ f •• lf 11 ,, ft •I tlJ d ~ j tJtJf f If 111111• a.ink1nq 11,1 •• .,. IUITICIO T111Hl ol h1111dron1ng7 l 1111n for mgml pos 111 ne.., lyJJI' hlness s.iloni. Mu'1 ~ .itt1.ict1ve C11ll l<lf ••IJIJI 714 5•<; Fl J T ff. 11 '·ll','1 A1 - I • ,_,, 1 _, 111 - 11 1 -nto• •ASSISTANT blist. lookh 1,1r ... 0 'JI l I f f''f' I •1 d •• I ' •11111 ,.,,,nq t • • •t•• •' t fh nt•• , •t .,. •• •, A•,,.,,, t', /p tH ''" t 11111.-w Or 'Jlt• ',,, '->·'''''' /\11.1 f,44 • b2~ tOtJ .. t ,.~. MANAGER ( I• •nt 1 1 r,,j "''"'), h.tr~ Jh ••11, f, '" r1p[Jhtlundy .i, , 1..r.1 • .,, 1l"P> tu~aut1ful /,11,1l1t "' 1fht.t1 A' A~5t' 1 011 M._,,, ,,,foll, fOU ti ov•>r *t••t• ,t,1tl ,11pt•rv1 .tOfl c 11t,fC1fth't t 1•1 J1 !rJOS and 'u.,t M .1 t Ht•tt4• "• '"'''"' "1,f't 'I' Jltl h•u1ul• Atttluf ATilMDE•T c,r ,,, 1 .,.,., thf')h~ rnrt·~ t.A ti ' Antt I fi•'\\.Ull f,411rttt1 "bluc,Jftlll d,.~""" l1111•4J• t I r ., yr 1 1 1'• 11 -t tt•\,t 111 •,!\t e1 pr BOOl<Kff PERIOFFIC£ GrtJw1nu Co~l..t M,..,., 01•S0Qn r.,m hcl'> 1mmf' 111 .. te r1J>f'nmg '°' IJ"' <,-00 ""ll""""ced on light Loo~k OtlPlllQ I A I P IS A I R) & genNal o fl1c1•1 proc1•1Ju111a 111ctuding ty I pHHJ & guoll telf'phont> pet!.-011811ly W1• cons1Clm Pt1fl ""'" Send rt>sumt> 10 Ad 10 IL' Deily PtlOI P 0 BO• 1560 Coslii !.Al' .. f'J 92626 A.\11 l'Jlol •·•('"' \ om1rn11• "I r 11 "" 1 •· '" m.al• 1r1 """'., ·•"U ,, .. uonq t (, •• fT St'£ ,,,,. h 111rut)fl o.at1• 1n ' , 11•1 c ~I ..... 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Al •• 1, I• ./It h tlt.Jn.t f'rr11t l1J•~rtltfy '•t!Ul1rr11 .. 1d . .tt Ht·'t't·tt\J rA;> ); l;I f,7!J '}~14 ( ' t ff f f 1 f ' I'"' l.. f ~ h ,... t :• ""' , • /It fflf) '' t • •, I 1tl 1 I'•' (J4 \ ''"'"''' Ail'"' N1•wf 1rt1t ••It ..,.,,. 11ft••r ,.,, ••1<t~f>ll(H1'1I JC1HIJ ,.,1 ,;>l~I) ''" .,,.~ /tf,' ,.,.,,,. 1•11,u41n1T'h""t (.fJIT1 ( lltr<.lPrllCl1C OISl~lllfll 1. ,, 11 1 u .. ., 1:1 e 1 w " e n IOAM !PM tor mtt>rvo- 1,J' 779 l l ".I.A,,,,,, '' ..,, II fSr•'tt l, •• f••ruo-. h ,, I II 1:) f• Jlf ,, , l l·i• 'I II M , • • "'' "' l 'I l ''" •u'n ,,,,. ti;•ru 111•,. And ,,, tttr.u t1-.1•-11&ry Ptt.•11 1• 11 f 11 ( t' r or al <' 1 • • "> 1 1 Cl r '' 1,11 r~ C11uq~t"'e mdtutfl ·11 I 1 7Hll 1r,, ·•" IH'r.nn ~ TorP'T C<JM ,, ,, , •• "' •111 I "'" •• ,., t,4A 1·.16 fu11, q1r.1ld·• J .,.,,,., oltll Announcements 5100 1 ""'"' "'"" 1'' •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. ti ·'"'·'' ' '.,(11,."1 •• , JI If d11 r • • t I rf11, t Iii C, '• I t Ir I I •f r 'ht 11 4Mt IRA /KEOGH REP. CUlll/nPIST ''" mall .. o on Cosi.1 M"~·' C,or1d henolol'> I 1Jll '""" fype 40 wJJm f11uf1f~P Ok. C...dll Ann 1.11. •111 1 *SPIRITUAL RUDllC• ,,., . ' I 1, " ,, P..i\t I , .. .. .,, .. ,,.,, ,. Ht .Ji. H ! r 11 • ,1 ',,,, .. 1 t• /It i hi I :14'14 Personals 111.A ~~l'!'!~J ••...•...•.• lobs Wanted 7075 le•,or1 Buch Office .•.................... 5350 'r)w Mi''''' , •1 Los A1celu feder al t ,1 (' /t,t n If rt s • f 1 h ****** COLUMBIA ~VINGS ••••~·:,;j.;~~;·;;;~,••••• , t. ,. , •. ~" 1 II l•lftCS• Oft I 0 t 14! 1 11r c "' ''" '•'' 11 area 's larcut and ****** ,, 11 ' 1 ... 1,11 ···t "' .,. (, "'''' ,r1sticious S•· · ti l • h ,.,,,._,, "~' Av1~ 1• .. 1 l1w""' ""'"!JI ,,. * * * ~·1· r '"' ,, ••• , •• ,. ll•M vines Ill 0111 SSO• A11.1l11•1111 ( .. 1 '<.804 tr"" 11•·• '" •• ronr111· "'"'' s"1rr '"1 " '•11'1' 11• 1110 ciatlons, is currently o ltll.tl•S llSSIC• l ll'l II ,,.1 "''''""' 111 1,1 fl•1 f'tu•ll MJOr tumty y1111 .111(,Jt•fJr fH1 ( ·tq•· •11.~ 'tL'~C. "'"' ,,,,111,.111,,.,._ 11 ,1, s11klnc 1 IRA/IEO&M1 1''"pl'T'' 01;··; ~~ r:· ~;~.1:••) '·"" 10 (I • , •• r' I ,_.,.(l<t REP. for their , .. sioa _ ................... .. COIP/AllE. I II• ~ l•IOPll'f "ildy "'atit 1J.1v' ,,,...,. c,u1 ,,,., •• "' ,.,n "'"'""e Altn r .. ,..rl 1it1ull r.ov~ 'H\kpr <.M 611 7156 ML' .3461 a •• , .. , Ei,111111 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS t,•t r, '~'"', y1tl"i ttt t'IH•',1 Dtpt. h..ti l(u\f~ l•'>ITIP.,I f'-'" J ""'" ((UH Atll( II I 2 3 0 ' '"IH I'\ HJ''" hrnt•ll ltn '1//\ It 11 BRICKWORK Smell 1ob' Nvwpor1 Costa Masa Irvine Reis 675-3 175 8ry11nl s Landt1e11p1ng E111ck, utohe. block. con ttoh1 Frptcs. BBO •·pa 1 llo• & d11veways Guar Lie. & 1n1 536-09 14 CONCRE fE B11c1two1 t. Or 1o1n µ1pes cleanup ?5 yra llAP 536-2066 fop Quality, lo p11ctt luw 1111es on "'J"'" A prompt Ext g Int &pee roroohng loc t694?'> Video RttOfdll'I~ 1&111t Re• & Comm I Fret-'l48 3609 •••;;,~J;•;/f(;t>t,.~;:<·,;,··· "'' ~~~08__ HUBER HO<JrtN(", VllH () I Al•!. QUALITY PAINTING All tyµo~ & f111·pruoll111J f •II •l ll1•.1'o•111.1l•h• •·•"'' 10 yrs serving o c New kecover lJOG.~'-1 t uru,1r11 luh•t• '>t'r -11t..•1-> Re.i5oneole 848 !>684 l •C. 41 180:> ')48 <.17't4 11141' •' IO't l I 11•1J Boahop g son Piwit1ng l .iL01 M&IOflul Hrmt11111 Window CIUIWlJ 30 yr• &AP Beach are.1 Alt ty~' l-•t d qu u • •• •• ••••• ••• •• •• •••• froe tt6l 548 1029 tO yrs lt•trv 64? 6111 "' 11,, c,.,., .1""' In ---f tll '°;11 t,,,, •. i/lllhJtr,., t••lltl Pal1tl11 Screens 1 """"'1 1 1 • • •,o111 11fo11, 1 ~•Blind1••••••••••••••••••' lnt/eit W ayne Lenier .••••••••••••••••••••••1 ,,, ... M.,,,1,11t t11 .. t,u1ttt fl)(QVE) 761·9103 M obil<! Sc.rtwn 011<.101 MINI Blinds Cost p lu• Aop11111reptuc1: C,u~l<>m 10% Call Oeboreh p r>Minf Rous 631·6::SOO Iv" "'"V l tl lil',lllftJli/I\. 6•0·5078 .!, •••••••••••••••••• --r arth1ng lnt111101 Oes1g11 Movin' llANGING S 10/ROLI ••••• "E;c·Mc;;,;.;a····· auuh•y t•c""' s'""' a C I S ping Ot\C on paper u1ck ore ul erv1ce Visa MC Scoll 645.q32'> FrtMJ e111m11IH 552·0~ 10 .' 1 •• "IH• (Apl'rt wallc;overong "' • • shrlla11on A111111 pr1c.u~ l op Quality Special cart Conwt1an1 Ass1gnmerot in M11dllng 25 yrs exp 58 1-8590 I Cornpelltlve Rates No ovf'fttme 730-1353 M,Jku you• ~hoppin(l tJIJ s1er by using thff 0·111~ Cless1hod Ads 642-5676 P1101 C.tauohed Ads A•y t ~·, "Ill Avu ' "'1 $4 , (.1111~ l'i I ll Jl!M ~!!'.~~~t1!!~t~ ...... 1 Widows wuh-4 JUI CIFfS tr.on(. I • I fl 1 " I .It S'.J '15 c •8 /'14'• s. II • ty ~.' ~·.,I. tJ(J/ Skfli.hh l/VH~f>O'll t.t I .Atotll; •• :t'; •••••••••••••••• S. I '(fl', 114 1111r A * Jllc'ts • I •A:• •,44•,11,4•, ,.,,.., f ff1t! fl'<I 63 1 <1;1'i~ --llu· 1,,,10\t ,tf.tlf¥ u1 "'' Sell w1lh CA5 f' I w •• ..,, ,, (> "') Po11>1 II s., BfffE/F (,I,;•, .ol•fll .Atf ( 111 I 11J.1y Cld~~1t1e<J ACl\ (;•'1 "tb7fl C>-l<' •,t,7fJ '!.t.'1. !'!! ... ~'!. .... ii.~ '!.t.'1..~! .. 1 •.... !.~ ~ + '!.t.11. .vt! ... ~'!. .... !.~ ~~' '!.t.11. ."r!.a.~t.~ ..•.. z~ f!'! OANCC MI F assist on so <.1t1I ctub. ballroom c;l115 'es f.,, 90•7 Oft IVERY persons over 18 fl)r l A T1me1 to h orn U '> t n C M ·1AM 6AM Economy cur rf'Qu11ed No collec.11110 '400 S450 mo plu• bo nu\dll 6•6-0637 lt1t1I AnilfHt Ormo c;hr11rs1de E,c;t1I lto111 waqi: and benet11s HOA or tihg1blt1 Nf!Wport 0fll.ich 6•0012' OOMf SJtCS .,- Malur8 l10Useilet1Pf11 IOf JJrOIPr.11onc11 Vaned du lier. HonP'I energetic; rf'hdble 5 hrs pr day Mon F11 Car/felt reQ d 640 6962 HAPHY WIRHHM Nf'ed1 machine oper8· tors 10< nemme1. 9erger 1ac1<e1 ple11er Cu!>lOm worli.room elpenence 1~u1red 850--0688 lllVEIS fow 11 uck AAA e•ee· •1<-ntt' .Apply 300 E 17th St t. M Also bring OMV prlnl-oul 548-4843 lr•c Ster• Cl1rl •n hr• 110 evenmg' Sa 1.11y r omm.,n,.uratc on '"Pt'rH•nc" Laguna Hill\ 71)1:1 1784 M8H!' fduc;OllOll AIDES llatR snun Newpor l men s sa1011 Must hove foe.al lolln w ing 15•1. CQmm 646·271& HllWHE IALH fullllrnti Eaµ prPICI C1ow11 Hardware 1101 r Go.tsl Hwy CdM ~!EARING AID S11rs Rtthc• I Ct ..... C.11111taat lltarl11 Ai4• •• ,t t1•oettence nec.essary Full ltme. pt-rmenenl Bon0t11~ • APPL V IN PERSON 2•300 Laguna Hill\ M11t1 Laguna Hills eOE EMPLOYER Hones! price for roone.i top quality c;onstruclton work EJtper1ence<l & de pend1ble Call 01m111, 979 5027 lltt1I 111• Cler• Must tio f'•peroenc1>d NCl'l 4?00 Room "'~ ..... 111ons APPl ( T() David Mc Noel 01 M r) B.Jll.U&I between Ill AM • .rnel 5 PM lmLLAHH 4:>~ So Coast Hwy l fl •94-115 l J11lttrlal ' HHIH E 'per c:oupl" Jr;r ,.1111111 1101 work 111 New1in11 Arua 714·937 1'.148 Ulil SECRETARY llN•<l"IJ IOI tllJ\)' Cj• 111•1 .;t µt,t<..t1c.J-1n thHll Bet• 5t!ll-~t.irter I y1~ 1 .. q.11 "'IJ P•"'"""'J 84 7 6<•4 I 111 f GUARD& $4 1& '" 'iwtm lnstruL!Or~ \lo 90 '" Cdll 968·0'.l l 1 l ,,,.,, l1I ,.~ u ~lfUI Ir ~111t 1'11 1Tt0fftf ,,,_,, UI rH'h tyfi• '.1t1tt• ,. , •• 1nu• M·J',t t t Jt tr·'' I• it' t ,,11 t ' •iJ·t•• 7 l 1 .4' ''" Gffic1 la11cer l b1e1tiwe Sec f tJ, f·#~,,., ()I( • f "'. ,, ,1t l(.ltf1f''f l .J'll\ f f fTJ If f ,m1t lfte.lu-,_lt ,JI '1 ,,,,1f)lf* A 1 I IJry (rHnm ... r1•ut.u1t• .;..1tt .... µ,.r Ctlll '"'' ';'""''"', 83'J ,,, .. ~· tO•lll Proc. .. sso1 C:,1JJJ<tblP to 1u11 1 ger fJlll1.•• Mu'l !JI' .sbtf! to pr CJC.•·~\ fCJr fHL M C 1v.i11• 11 .•11<1, PAllT TllE 1 0 IS lat~un.1 f:jt•.•c.t1 :..ouph· to t~lr , t.tnH , tHtia $dlttfy Ol-Jt"ft "lu.-. ~t1 :;J!fl'~a11 ... u•t ot Lu 1 '"" <..omm S!t1()h Litt. I•• "4dh ,,...,11,. t<lvt •rt1••·11 tu Horrif' lo.:m~ 4'14 ;.;ii, t J<>(.t <,0•11J ""'"'!> h• nu~ ... ~ T •• f~Uf• A'~,., lr'JOking FrJ1 A C.hllll')"? i!.3-8177 Loldw~ll Bankf'r trv1h" 1\.tiiiiiiiillllim ........ _ .. . no w 1n1erv1ew1nf1 lo' '' tiiiiiiiiim ............ .. 'ule~ w •r son op!'11111q p rt Ti E Catt l o• .i tonl1dt>1111.i1 I •• YtS. tnlPrv1ew As~ tor Sondy I cli,,µh•Jnl' 0111011 ''"' • Arm5lrOllQ S~l )000 l~t>lp v'• ' ''"'" t • ~ '" m<Jl1r1n ''>' ltu ;u•d ') h MJ1ntena nc..,.. M.1n n., ~,.,._, nr~~, ... , .•. , '"''' u "' l()rtn dll tyl'f'' O( •111,Jfl r t 1 ', 11)11 1.A It 't I II I/ nlent rep"'"' Pr•·vi.Ju ,a1 n1ur 1t , ·~ r• IJ r Amploymf·nt d' opl 1 10 nttHnt~tl3ntP (H htJ1l<1fH SHd 00 t ""•'• '°' '' t "I CU$tomtlr Sf•rvtt:t~ t••q1•1 A.flf•, tir•,1 "'' ,,., ,,, .,,. 1 , f-' d S 1 ;• n n rn r1 u,l1trn·1 1111• ll"'fth 6'1:?·A90 7 "l 4 ti1ql1 ,.,,tr•1ll•1' t1h t• I' MANAC1fr. t•U ... 1.ut• r 1 '"'1''' 'c ~ 'i'1;~1 J ''" • IQ 1nanJQ~ "·" 11h. t111t11 "''' '' I I• luu~ IP,JS!rt(l (I r h .ihh• M 1' ••• , •••••• ,,,I "''' tl ,, • H•"> Untonul"fl ptJlfl11t1 11 1 • '•'J'>d for ~,.,., p h• trt•-• " ~ ,,_ •·4 '1 ~ _... m"k"I w1ll111y In 111v•»I "qudl 01JJ•1r f 111P1r1 ">11are lime 10 make '' 4" l!ou&ekoeper llv11 1n e• I por & rer·s nec;ees ;> ~46-1 '.)3\I PART Tiii IECllHIOI (1 'll1fT'I [1tJ,U•\1t1Hf y 01lt1 f•i.>enPncod Mu"tl hdvft t'lur1.,e11111q '''''1 I.,.,,,,. own tools Apply "100 r '1nq~ IOI l • ,, "" "'' 17th St C M S48 •64 I II' ""I "'"'""' t ••opl• 1•1 MltlCAl SEC'Y IT"•tovatt' ,1mton• "I HI t.\ y' 111 ~ ( ,tll • I J._IUt ........ lr, ..... "'''" ol• Ml!U'"" r11a1t (..'vi 1111 This c hall11cl11c •••i· BRANCH MANI•, p e ~ ·' 0 '' ' ti111 rt•1lr11 I llrt• I wougp nonr... r ,, Cl M • I", ( " "Cl p I ., I' monn ''''''"v AIUf'fl(."" E>pti'\> 01 Rl'hOtJlt' J1lt'oh1\lll "'''""'n Yitus ~·c•crou11• in GER n"ngs r u 11 •· t" d 1 I w ••I<" m • -t-t·• ~ w"r•. c1.1m1•·11"0 "·1 t I t I I I •01Jll.i1 tol'V"" 11,,rn,.m.i• itt tou ilth ·••<lr I 0C1111 II C 1 J' IC /\rr f''" '''"" ing toi ll 1 11. MOONI 1(,fHINf, 114164" 34'.l'I "'Ii' 11'11 Av,111 6 17 111•. 1J.1., ;t4 skills of 45-60 Wrl 11~ 1 Wfll 11MOCI µarl-ttme ch1sa room 01dei. wno are (1va1 loble to complete nine h°"'' ol tree 1ra1nong ana 1111t1no lf\slrU<:honal aides learn $5 3• or $5 79 per nour Pleo!le call Person net Department at 1 crul<lren 11 & 17 Muturn I woman to lake corn ol home on Hunt Hbr .ire& Musi bto able lo do som,. cuQk1rl'g Some English 11ecess Coit 213-!>92-244 l Nwpt Bc;h C.ulll•y., 1 ~? 4321 "'' :.i• 1 A~ boc;~grounl1 S alil•y tor Andre• lttlEIHPIR ripen Musi tyJJ<' 7S wµm ................. _ COMPANION for eldertyt 75~ I -- M'f r11,.ncll.Jth1•1 r•.1\ b,,, Ell CM lo b(l'fllle<l 1mmed 1,,, ''" "'"'' "'"" 11,,.,,., with 1htrth111d ••i•c • ,. t11dy Morning e111vo her I PtrHI frltl•J·l 1,000 tll Poller Worllshop Ind 'tlt•ieal htl1t11t c.onQP111at .... 11 "' 1111 1 m.1n1 N1<.f! tr11nq to '·•Y t l •llilfn '1'•<1 hbt> 1 .t f' I I I All,l.il<• ,,1111n<J~ 1~ too~onql II oul '"" 1t11lilt It•~ •I II fe, UI, t r 111 r111t1u"'·'"'' !IQ· '"'"" ... S·•I" 'l .~ It" •I Lind~ & Vicki's YtiUllQ no"""'' l<l.jl Wf.Julll qtQ ....... I! C.llH•f!t minded ~•·JI• J,,, u l llff' 11 I 1• ''' 1'1 I l 'I 1 vr I ltlr fll,OllliltilitllS 1nd1•ld<1ill Im lhf' po~1tonn "''"' t<1 .111r,1 tJ ttl•·tlllf rM TO MOIElS ""' "'111. < :tn nri .1 • 1roo1y , I .1 h .. 11 th t Rr.11.r:ri M:'ln11ier in our Joti""'"I 1111.,,. 1 •• •·\ ESCORTS ol I . .,:l.lym.1n l'•t>& 1••C l•t •.•• 11 I tfr,..e><11t Httu<.h Branen M<J!lNI 1<.11rn1<i flACK & Bff lfrl 'H2-9'J;.o•, PvM us• tor 1tlMl1lstr1t111 tf Ill&/ r1lt1t.P JI"' Quttl•l•P" epph ti rnAN EVER' 1~ Ii"' Boll l lEOIM acc111•h w ith (iJl•l mu~l·hllVP 5&L 01 $1,000 to ! $1~200 I to Sr Ctllzttn Center 101 With hmnoo )( Ray c.1•1tol1 ,0 ugtol lo 111••!1111•1 .1 '" lunc;to Afternoon shop colton ur CRT GnO<l pny t1«1y 01 tun<. I 111\ "''" .1 µong or movie Live tn .. 1111 chance tor r31'•11 .id .. f'll ""'11bli.t11•cJ o I o P I 8 I 8 r Y E v e v " n c. o m e n t C. 11 t t Bentley lidy• , A A '' 697 6250 __ 752-6300 Ask lor Or LP l' 70 B•CJ'>~t 111 •w'\:Jt HOUSEKEEPER jv•n Of' Judy Martllall 1 5le 114 S1n1.1 A'"' hp a w11el1. for home !149 2626 100 • Fr.,. ~~PP1.~~~ •.••••••• ~!~21 lllA0201 I ltlu ••ul~llltJ of "0"'•"00 h·1• ~qrou,.tJ. Htl'I, W•nttd 1100, uuotl w1tumur rP13l•ons (OulCOllj ••• • •••• ••••• •••••••• ,llftlllC Allll Orllli· IJl•1v11r• bt1>ll1t•" dl!vP.IOP· TOSlAAT It•• Oarttr Ptshltll Wiii 0111 .. tr lt••11t1 le hJ, lee. \\~nn~ I Acco1m1ong rl•c future se11la1rs11Tll·,r1l .11111 ~IJIJ(•rvl&ory yy uETT1NG MARR1eo1 I t .. h 1 "' 1· rhe 1 "'"'' Hurrah bach•• CRElrT Ir •fine ••ntlll • '"' .\ b<lC"O'"""" ti.Jr· ASSISTAIT 11 Stat PtsltiHI 714~Hl-HH MAlll SO#f0H( HAPP• "'AK[ SOMfOl'tf SMll( Ptoce 8 HAPPY ACl 1n lhls COium n lor Oflly $3 25 Call 642-567tl l1iHl1 I l1P\ (t~o;f' I i8 8c, U~ l t;ro~inq f'lf trorur 'J "tu ... t "f I L • II IJUI"'' ... " .. 1t19hl~ ' 'Q" 1au I U I J n11cd ~ 1•tt m1111v.1l"<l W1 offer • stlltl ulary ad 11 11cellut It•· uflt• ,uk1c1. For iM11tt4l1t1 consltltr•· tlen, ,1u11 0111 Marie 1. .. ,. Hr1w wr..,ulrJ y<u1 llkf-• to I '-'' .. rson '' "''''~ "' C ,.,.,.,11 ir,t1i:lr,.. .-HI .1ril'irtrn1·r11 u1 Of.irt ~"o1;\ tu•tJtl coltµ,4 Nuw,1or1 Ei•-<11tt1 with•• hon "''P•~r •'• J)ttJf (J tuit qre..ol v1t>w 1111 "''Ort la will cc.ro~1d111 r•r.'!1Jtwn.11 c.ol11'1·~1 l akr '""~ 10 11;11n1flg ;ippllc.nnt Hrquo 14Pw Vor~ Crtv & I.,, rH at l»11st 2 Y" 91>norsl l14·1l•-2t3l Vf'Qd, .. H11vl' uM' of a <.1J1 bu,inei, , •• par c:, 111 • o.1nd a v.rc~ty .111ow.ince? Chuck S5G 3880 I LQS ANGELES It yuu Are 2'} lo JO h•lY., , <Ill !t«C('lt!'nl hqurto & AP· 11eor .. nc .. anu <;1n .ip An1 &erv Plsnt ore N B f E 0 [ R A l S A prncmle t1''l1nc•11e ruin E•p O•tly 8 4 •nllt t1on9h1p w1lh ii youlhlul 548 9?3fl VINGS 3!1 yl'ar oltl bUllllO' Apphc1111ons bOltll) olCCOP· ~man plea11e tend leller 111<1 tor flrat qutllly lurn•· ~ phOIO to P 0 Box lur• dahvtry driver Own 8145 Newporl Beach 1ren\por1n11on telo C.A 92660 phone " dnt drtv1ng •• All r\'Pt~ wolt bt 11n"w• cord a mutl Cell Mtin r•d •nd held tn 1t11cl Fri 8 30-9AM only GOnflden<ie 646-748~ ldHJI .f Sdoo/1 I HO 1 ltw,ert llv4. ... ,.rt ltacll, oa e21u fqu111 Oogortunny employer ldH/1 I l••ltalll•• 1005 l••ltHll.. 1006 la1l1•ello• 1009 i.1111111•• 1005 •••..•.•.•............ ......•.••............ ..••.............•••.• ••...•..••.•....•..... WE HAVE THE ANSWERI YOGA IN THE MORNING! •Pt!ac·1• of mtnd •lt1•11hhy Boe.Iv •Bn•uthlns< •IX'<-'P Rc•laxnlion •Whole Acttiy Apprrn:l<:h •Toning •Ten Inn •Mcdll-0tlon FRIE DEMONS fAATION Tue1. Morning Mey 4th 10 A.M. CIHMI begin th• next day W9d., Mey lth at 8:30 A.M. YOGA CENTER Of Cetlforna. 4411. 17th ... (btwn Tuatln & lrvlne St.) (A ............ ldUc.UOMI ,....._ Coeta MeM Ph. Ml m1 N•• 1111..-, t•rtc..1 llPnl bene ' 1. r "~ •<'I•' 1nr.lud1no 1~.u ~ Pu1f1t '>haring Ptan ( .,11 fhr nn 1nhJrv1ew < 111nlH11• ()1 Lt'n lt'I llQ l :>637 ALLSTATE SAVllll I Lill 11100. A 11.1 .. mwr ol tn. S111111o Famt'°I' equal Oppor1un11y employer MIF Wh11t 11 W ondl!rluJ World of ShopplnQ right at your 11noer11ps •v•rydeyi 0 110y P1to1 Ct1utl 1•d Ada i o pt11ce your •d. c&ll 64?-&t\78 and let • Cl111llled-Ad Vttvr lletp you COUNTER PERSON.tor eQulpml renlol s(ore 'pe<.1al111ng par l y 11qu1pmt Typing req'CI . hvy phone• Unlled Rent Alt, 6•5 0760 OHaJH OUll For 1>u1y medtc:tt llb tire 8AM·5PM Mon-Frt 640-01'0 0.tt ... r ltnfM 112,000 Your diplomacy & charm .,. lh• key• to SuCCHI deellng "'"" poah ctien , ... Benlley, H1yee l Auoc 1570 BrOOllhOlloW Dr Sit 1 14, S11n1e All• 5'49·2826 I~ frM ~aily Pilat .. · ...... · .. ·· .... AO.,.,llllng NATIONAL ADV. COOADtNATOR Coordinate & tchedule natlonel 1dvert11lng. Reapon1lbllltle1 In- clude: mont t)ly report•. corr•· epondence, hHvy phpne w.ork end llght flllng dutlH. Appllcant ahould have aome edvtrtlltnb ex- perience, ablllty to handle buey phonee1 be detell oriented and eble to dHI directly with advenlA ling aoenclet, eto. Type 50wpm. .. Hra. 8 to 5PM. Apply: Peraonnel or.,...c ... tDlllr"'°' ao W • .., It., Coet. .... , An ..... OpportUftltJ ....,,,,_ . . . . . '· .. 4. ~. ~ •• :· t It. t e • ••• t I• •• •' t. t ~I'•• I•• e •ft a I0251 Yorktown Ave Hun11ngton Beach CA 92646 7 14·964-3339 equll apply employer mtllh Entry level ec;c:ounlan1 d ogreP reQuirod acc;ounllng or related No ..,. per necesaary Salary neootlsble Non· 1mkr A I P, A I R, 0 l . prep ot 1tnanc1tl 1111•· men11 Send rnume to PO Box 12130. Sanlt An• 92712 Alln Pllll· Cta FOOD MANAGER Ole & counter help Hun! Bcn or•• Se11on11. April • Sep! Sen c111ien1 wet· CC>m9 to epply. 6"·6378 Oen11r•t o ffice Helvy phonH. l)OO .. kHplng, S6 00 hr Ce1tlfted AP· plltnce &42..0240 llllUL ..... ltnmff FIT opening Hrt 8 30-6:30 Full benelll pkg Call Lii•, &56·31 10 . ltHrll lftltt Mutl M r\MI and Ible 10 "'°'" wflll publlo. Dultee l nc1ud1 r•g l 1tertn a guHll In Ye<'/ tway AV PA"I< C1tllf1r Hper MlpfUI ApP'f ........... 1111 .......... ..... ~ ... W/bookk .. plng t llP•r. Htwpor\ ltKll. bey ~. congen lat 1 girt office Sena reeu"'' to Ad No. '94, 011ty Piiot, .-0 lo• 1810, Cott• M111. CA ,.,. P.ople wtlO need ~ TMt'IWNt IM OAtt.Y PILOT HAVICE DtMCTOfft' '""==':..= .. =..,.=='== In Nwpl Ben 645 03 IS MEDICAL AflSISI Limited HOUSEKEEPER up 0 X-ray cert req <l IMSI I • Phon<' Sall'~* w/rels fOf home m lag Flex hrs 63 ~4'0 I Last Mn111h w" Ben •9• -0751 MGR. gill II Oro lido Vil PmCI c.c.mnll\\~IW'~ rJI lege ReQ p o w111 tu l S7200 '" M• " lllTIHTIR sett-mo1tva1Pd 1n '"111ng S4700 in M ''" •, Vocauonat lra•nl!f tor 16 1ett-11er1er 18t.e < n11rge S IC.!10 1" t,,irl 1' devetopmen1ally d111 last ·wort.tng S•llMYI fney <Jul ot b\I wrukinq bled adulll Ekper & ae open 673-•655 with <1u11hl1f' 1 w11lf' 1n gree prel Send Re"ume tl'a11~ eat>I 11n111g our Sllltlry reQultemenlS C:/O eaC.1 t1nlj Oii JJIOQ•.Jm Suaan , C 11i l Elwyn . NlJRSES AIDES Sound 1nlMe.,1111g? Coll 1832 .. ••t B fd F V Jom Solver ..ol 673 •JO:? v "" a 'Y· Ewp tn Oer11111c nws1ng a ---92708 No cell• Closing mu•I Qnty dtdlcetod. Pl1Jnl Ma1ntf'!n1mu1 tnl• d1te '1A11y 1 tovmg pereona nffd •P· rior & u 1e,.01 po1111oru INVEliTOR to teke over ply E,xp ell shill Xlnt 8\latl Full llmf' Mon-Fri 11n1nc1at mtnag8m#Clt ol In 1 pro gr • m Co 11 Mull have gOO<I driving m1nuf1ctur1no company 8•2·80o4• recOfd 5•5--6252 w1th s2.ooo.ooo 1nnu•t PUSTIOI •llD utea PleaH reply to Selttng onythmg wllh 1 ..... , .. 8011 993. Delly Pllol, PO Dally P1lo1 Ct11u1lled Ad - Bo• 1560, Co111 Meet. 11 1 11mp11 mattor to m111 tdhe•lve1. coa tings & '"lentt P11rme Ille PIHllCI Corp 1637 Monrovia Ava , N D CA 92626 )Ult call 64?-5678 MORTGAGE AGGRESSIVE MANAGER NEEDED Person with mortgage and tales . background-unllmlted potential ear- nl ng s. s2.009 monthly minimum bate 1&lary. PtQ( 702-456· 1606 -llNO AUUMI TO: - 4MO South !Mt•" Lal V19M, Nev. 91108 (Attn: A.T. ~) PLlllEI l(nowltdge o t reeld a comin't Mu11 be verH· Ille In 01tier trtd•• tl3 l·2346 Preer•.., a.llytt 1121 Cobol, CICS·Mtcro 008.VSE E•cell co & beMlll PIClt"Cll 841nlley, ~ & AllOC 1670 8ro<*llol!Ow °' Ste 114, Stnll Ana 5<19·2tl25 1~ FtM "'""' ....... AOllVI Npl Bch lndu· llrlll developer wlln qutttly amTbl1m1n11 In L.1' • Oto a ••n Dern•· dtno COUnH•• IHttlno lndlv .itn t0me .. .,., 1n Pfopwty Mf'l'll Atepot\ llbll1ti.1 10 lnclu6e di· recunl prolect 1ppe1· tWICI !Mini. Pfogflf'll, 1en1n1 reletlont. relur llltl\in1n1 & 1tn1n1 IM· l)fovem.n11 PlllM In· ch1d1 ular~ require ntlnl• wflll , .. umt 10. b MO, C>eltr fttlo4. ~ 0 =·~··~ Orange Coast OAtLY PILOT/Sunday, May 2. 1982 t '5 ~.,!lei .... 1.tff P!.'1..!•.-.'!!. •••• !.{! ,~l..!'!'!J. •... !.tff M\!~ •••.... U~l~! •••••••••••••• ~2 1 1,,.11.,. lllO j ,,,,,.11,.,.., 1111 Olll.-llnl'8tf I lh,,, #. / 80lts tti... PIT PwmMenl SALU f'"on went•d I PITS "R'" PEOPLE I•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••··~··· b: ' 11 •• ' ~· lllllFll lundl• FHlllon•. L•· sm.mT t , .. Pllft.I exouc vec:ellona h11r H•d ... ·~d. dbl, bllt neu• S111vlf\v t\4rW!ywedt mutl ••• -.,!~f!! .... e.!~ .. ~!!f!f!! IOJO .. ~.•. 9070 AllU&Hll 111t11 11011. Cell lJ 141 t.00111n9 lor e onang•'l ~·--C •lyi. & love et Shet•y • gehydt. good eond NII I pl •••tint• Towle , ••••••••• •••••••••••••· l'41C11no netlCINI IMfil ~·7·4T14 Wlnt .,.u. COMM •• eOilt? '1UllWlftH • areer Poodl• ltld• 4 .. ,. ''I '135 ~2-&107 Mllltr •ltrllng lllv.r "ltw we I nut L '\'P•d Ill bOlll•lfllltr I 7&11P &Un AwaH """ "'"' nHdl l111e1tt. ULU.... ::0-'~~u~ 'r""l 23 ~OPI• nffdtd to 1111 oup, toy, mlll 548·2i•8 I Dbl book cue I 100 111000 vtlut. UC• 11i :~~ 't'l!:~t~d•ble. (vinr~4~.1::2 Up 10 sef fl COM ••e• o•nt, 1dtpt111>le peoQle 0 d d 11 1 11 / M~ST o.U t~· lt.P entry leVel PQ9ltlon1 Doble mile, 2 yre. too lint. Custom glen wrouQht 14000/otflf 4114 6ll06 ya $11 oo f)tr 11 Cftll PIQV~ ttot Mull lltvt CIHr 1 .'9\1· o;' ~ IHIO nt· 17 j E tfth St. 't.M 1tten1Jon a a nrm htnO St uda n I d •• k $2 6 Wt1tmlne1tr Mtmor1ii typawrller w /oover Sporty V111k OinQy I 126 wk·d• 11 5 WhO enjoy publlc olln• 1 ' er, ·~' U ~I 548 •13..,.~p C! O\*'d treintd, nd• lov .. , Iron COllH lablt 1100 Tindem Double crypl Lall n'IOdal Adltr ttec 0t Caule 114·955 2473 ltleOhOM voie. All Idell r:.:1~·"' oomp•~~ . I . $1, 150' 0 o r Q. OU. s 2 7 5 Cuatom wood & rnltrOt Park VllU• 11100 Al 1200 842·3896 wkdya Br ... Clock & Baro NEWPORT -Potitlon for In OUIVoiftO O 731·2244 pletur• 135 AHorted kl '1t400 C••I A , $3&0 tor Plir 20 lb an Arch.-1 Ma '*'°"who Cll'I WOik on o l1l•pho11• P•r•o-TEACt!ER AIDl·lr"1n1 olllet cn1lrt U5 ti "9 .. ntwtf 33•80 Deak w/MC Y chlit chor tint & eha111 $t50 rinm '2 &11p1 av ii up ro • reoular echtdule. Op· netlty l '-011119 ~11trl-cenltr T111 & Thur, 8uut. Golden R11rvr 640·5621 Ad ~-'42_,.~00 ~ &.PIO+. hvy duty typ1r19 I/HF rodto S7b Other <12' 8•2·4844 9·5PM portunlty tor an ••Ctllenl ~::1.· i:.~~: l~i~r II!',: 11-5:30 .• 4.011 hr. lrvtne. • MARKETING TRAINEE Phu p •• SAK c .• h 0 11 ' Llkt ..... .. I I 1"0 f , v Racquel Club l1m1ly ~:;:'· 7 (2c)on3f0 '!oble w/e I good •lull 841·4005 WANTED Doc" ,;;;;,, 101 Pt'1/llma lneom• For a " '" 833·U78 'SfCRETARIAL C tmp ungotd llna 8 .... w • ov .... " "' mambtrahlp 1660 8 6 "· · •v work --'2 0 conlldtnllel lntuvl dloel btnallle a credit RE Wk• 833·t4tl • tech Colltt llblt 120. !160-6415 • • 11blee Xlnt cond OLD EVINRUDF IM boal1 Appro• 2 It ew, union Apply lnporaon 'WA HOUSE Sola 110. HIQh·bO)' ---762-8353 15HP,$400/orbatolr •11 N•wpOrt area ca 11 M r St r o It 11 M·W·F II• I llJTI' Animtl ,.....,, .......... .. ....... ltt, Al(C SILl(V TE~lfR I t60 Solid Olk dining 180 yda gold carpeting 1 676 •78<1 675-747'4 Hk tor Mark 545"6778· Crackett, 21& Rlveratdo ............. 114-.... MYJ Pupplt1, 8 wkl, champ tbl $150 Solid Olk ehr 12.00 •q yd 2 lg Chan'. WOOD EX6C DESK ---- Quality Control Dept. F11ll Av .. N.B Or1d09 4·8. Valid C•lll. aired. 12&0. 1·827-8263 12 6 L 8 mp • 1 0 I at 111 r. s 100 e. & SWIVEL CHAIR 1115 1:&~~er~u~r.~-·~-~·dg· ••• ,.,. •• ,, .. ttmt. engllth speaking S"L"'& T hi C ~ ·-·-i 850·0535 760·6776 64~4973 ... ,, ,.,..,.3 • Slip• avail dav wk or mo ~ttl'd. oz:iel Creellon•. a..:. R~rtun1111ve to P=~~on~11Fo~~~i1~PJ'~Y1~; =~~•••••••••••• -••" Pee1n credenza, BH .. 11. • * * Ollice turn· 4 dWf' Ille ca. -'"""" 111 vPM 6~5 1 --t4.e3l· 14 oall O!\ rttdtr ad bual· Schoot 0111. 17210 Oek ...._. •NI& a.&IDIJ about .6'. Aaktno s12s ' btnet, chd1re, desk Like Bo1b Powtr 9040 SLIP WANTED • t 1 d St, E.0.[. tt.-n;;•••••••••••~~ WOl'kaholle COUJ)ll muat 963•4000 Ml PtftrH• new 841-2066 • i ••••-'••••••••••••••••• tor b88ul1lul 32" G111n<J tel ltf... nua tccoun • or• • ...,... .W/IALI tell pereonallty plua F 530 Cllll or COPIER meket t 99 24' SUblrd Sword 11th Bank• boat 644·5005 ............. ;:~~~~1~.gBa~eo~~~~'. -puppy. Super atltcllo· living 1oom pecan cine Lagun1 BtaC:h · up 0 I 1:>0111 & trlr Compl r111 ------Need 2 uptrltnotd mlaeioll. company btne-ff~ Today thru May~nd n111, SIP, taf9 done. ehrs, w/velvet Mall A•·t You ue Iha wlnne1 ot copies per Ollg • hH re· ged. ready 10 lt1h $ 1!> WANT E 0 BAL B 0 A people In COMMERCIAL Illa, ~111 train N~11 •P· ... -. F1t1 ldmlHIOA. uni· tte. 1200 4f4·10llS eva king $1:!6. 963-4090 I lour tree 11Ck811 ($36.001 duc:tton capablllly. eaay 000 4115-5865 ISLAND Dock Stop -.. _...,_ lngtoll Center Mtll 40$ to follow color code _ Mooring 0t r1e Oo""n tor & INDUSTRIAL real H· pee1aoce & good &petting Wor11 In the tv91'tlno aet-Ftwy & ~ Blvd H B ...... Ill• ptf Co41et1 & lo\'9Htl, nr new value IO lht 11000 01 beat oiler Catt 53' YACHT Docked tn 8 Srut boat 675·97 Ill °' tall lor ~ aucc111lul & 1111nll1t. Apply Penny· ling •PPll tor my Nwpt M P\IPI 54G-l395 alt • atnl cond. A1klng $350 OllCIS YUW Keilh. 5~·3110 Npt For sale on ttme 640-5214 growing hrm BHI WOI• 11ver. 1680 Placentia, Bch otc tor a mlJOI' ho· ANTQ Chel1e1 •hlP'• 961_,.000 Seaclill VIiiage snaring 1>aa11 only Toa ---ktng condttlont In Ntw-C M tel Hrtv-commlulon-cioctt.t>< ... Clrca11130 Oobefm1n,11~yra,401b1 I Huntington Beach Pets 8087 bentl111 al•o avail BoatShp Newpo<tBeoct- port Beach bonus 833-3740 all T.eak •hip's grating, 1hot110 date, spayed: Mattress & boa 1p11ng. TuesdayMav 18800µm •••••••••••••••••••••• SllOO-Sf6001rno Doug up to 3!> uit Ht!IH) 714-646-5051 l&LEI 1PM 2114 rellnlshed, 9 pct S50 10 right personls) unuud cond Queen Wedneadoy May 19 Doubte yellow oorrot 675-3258 ~2 8200 al -i.1eonone sohc11or. no 966-2114 or 875-0396 1157 ~279 site 4 30pm $395 -- .. llt ... •-l...-. 8"3 3700 5 o 806 79 3-10 W-eucralt C1b1n Wanted Ott \llO•ll niou ._. UJ>er nee 9.5 Tues ftltJ"'---•-11 ... r m ". Passes must be re· '4 · 2 we have •A _.,..,.. 1- 0 --._ Alt IAll Golden RetrtevtH pi,ppies. Crsr •tern rrn 3 t' lwn ""9 lo• te""" New1•011 -· .,.....n . ._ .,. lhru Fri d co beneltts w k "'C " Oak Roll f"" Desk. n-oe11m11d btlore snow NA DY co DO • B 3 5 1 b two well dtHHd tnltllt· Apply tn person 1660 or your own his trom Mull aac:tlllce lg pV1 col· "" .• o + champions. -.. llme N N R Parrot 330 5 toade<l sips 6 .i Y . s J 1 o « t gent s1leaperao11a to Plll(;8nlta. C M 3Tnpumrs t&oS9alpmam· MEoanrn. lecllon ol Orlenlal Anti· home rallad lttter $295101!? .. •oo.. ro cl111m passu call & lg cage $150 or t>ost $38 ,500 731-4 332 SS t·649J -work In tht Newport que Ar1 Lg & small pcs 831·8984 ~ ..... " 642•5618 6~1 272 Pas otr 548-4228 637·5340 WANTH> N1>I Bch slip Harbor trea In comrner· S..rtf11J/L-al S4 per hr & bonus o.. ol 1ade. Ivory. PO<celalns, Springer Span1t11 AKC Que«1 size lleepe< "°'" & Mynah Bird. lall\,s Cane & I 411 IFF•.._• l .F 1 t g.ut!JnJI 496-62?8 clal s.111 and/orru-Orange Cly ..,p;,':, a.rea ving presental•Qll,.'l,O BronzH, Hveral mag-puppies r11dy tor good ttnen $170 ~8!y'';~5\::2claimeo l>y accesSOt1t'll s3"25 -tdeoltll aelet in the more lew lirm Melcs secretary selling t Gd pt> flLl• n111cen1 screens Inlaid home Shots & wormed eve 549.3573 72Q.-OI08 Bit rn "7 1 by ColOtnal. rw Slip lJ It 1 4 2 lor "'n' allluent ereH We olltr with top slttlls. min 2-5 PHIE l&LIS w/jade & 1vCHy, 2 with 498-7959 • • • 6-71 s. LO w/ect&ct 711'2 SJOO mo liberal commlSSIOfll and yrs tegat eaper Salary Aggressive compute1 Clolsonn• LQ porcela111 Sllhl chain sow ;;;-;;d 2 CIOIATIILI 1100 kw onon a ltsMrman s 64 0 5l!i!I groat auppor1 ti you ire 1 open ca I I Fran products co looking tor veSH wlllds, tevettl Cl· DOG OBEDIENCE Glllll S. IOSS AVO 11 $200 Incl cage 642-1260 dream NB stip 0 WC. at )4 '"P tnr r•.,•I t mw•th sett allrltr and 1 nerd 833-3622 female or mate telephone blne11 lnlald lg Kol Trolntng in your home j•••• ••••••••••••••••• 548-6250 • 12-,.. sne s 111 our doctls Nt"wpor 1 B"'"" S:> tC worker. Please call me salesperson Prev tale-bowlt Sun Only 12161 Reaulls guaranteed. The Applle. turn. clothes, misc PIJllOI ' Orons &090 in Lido l/tll NB asking mo &4;.> 1234 IOf 1 l)flrsonal, conllden· SECRETARY Gen otc phone 1ales 11xper pre-19th St Garden Grove W0tklng Dog 9119-7070 I Sal/Sun 10·3. 1971 Port I ••••••••••'••••••••••• S9.ot 500 Setler says 111.I interview In our pr.. tile typing, exper. nee I'd but not nee, wlll trarn Ca (714) 537.040 · Albans, NB 760-6865 1111 SALE 210 I MJ Hammond Con11ale Chord su1>m11 all olle<s I sllgloOs Newport Centtt 71'·557·3380 Mark Prime conaidetatlon will frH to You 8045 OCTAGON din lbl 4 brwn •Frtends of the Newporr I Organ. bench. music In· TRADE WIND YACHTS Boats, Speed & Ofhce. 00 aggressllleness Early ENGLISH Armolre, beve-•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 th h 3 'o Beoch Public Library cl d $375 545-2298 675-9007, 960 1725 eve 1 t'Lt" 9080 S t E led mirror. Early 1900'1 Cute female Benjie type ea er c "· rower .,.. ~EO HANNA ecre arl xec hrs . p/llme. straight SB· S~O 644· 1487 dog, apayed & shots open hutch. end lbl. coll IW e d · Ma Y 5 • 7 · 9 Pm Beaur Walnut Console ll••f• •-c1u •••••••••••••••••••••• SR VICE PRESIDENT I tary Call· Jim Canger, ... 6·2855 Ibis. light fixtures. hsehld trnemt>er s e 11ening), p111no $1,000 " -~ -llllllllEll SP"'Cul W .l... I T Venture c pllat ltrm 7 ,,... Th f' S t M 6 8 2'2 Chrtt Crall 58 Mo ~ .. •-r . •er 0.. Heavk phone•. typ'no 14-963-5500 items, ctotnet, etc May 1 ur1, " a ay • . 962-6723 n C1111i. c " '>ll M R 11 4 9 " • "ANTIQUE & Adorable kittens Sliver & 2. 9AM-4PM 5432 10·5pm Newport Center hog hull Every option '" '' ea ors ·4 10 and d taphooe. Musi be Tllftl AMIT COLLECTIBLES· l Tabby mom, box iralned. Ken 0 5 ha . 1111 Br an c h. Commun 11 y Story and Clark console Great cond Dependable ' 10 CJ null Ev"• Y '' 1 ' 110 " Recepllon111 needed. 2 good organizer and au-Min. 3 yrs up comm'! & Twice monthly magazine 7 wlls. 557-1491 llurlleroelt), 955.0424 I Room 856 San Clemente I piano Asking $900 6 cyl ml>rd 180 nip Her I Ore.it cond °"P"'" 1 ·' 1 ' 11 years typlng experience, thOr and have lront olllce vac Sabre trained Har 11 available FREE at better I I Orlvo, N e 84 7.0514 cutes eng Full 1nst r u- 6 c Y 1 '" IH d 1 80 '''I •Inf PR on telephone appearance. bor Travel, 675-1311 shops & shows Ask tor LOVEABLE Sober.an 1 men1a11on an"rad1o ptus Het(.ult!~ l'llO lu•• 1 11 v a. H " I S d 1 SUPER O"'RAGE SALE · Gutbran•an R'alto T .. -ater " st1"'m"r1tat1n11 tl t o Submit 1esume 10 Ma· wtltMI .. .., Millie yoor copy 1 us.y amoye yr " ----~ ' '"' dock spa c e Com pt u " "" ''"' rio's Consrructton Inc , lll-f... • -· old male. 775-5447 8 30am to 5 OOpm l&TilllN• ll•l mOI K w/externat Leslie summer pkg $4 !iOO plus <Jock sr"'ll' Lumr,1 2 7 666 Forbes Rd la· Tllftl Alm B & New & used Items NEW $25 642-1260 tone cabrnel 548-8798 ' 675-7474 "umml'r 1>~4 $4'100 a N 1 92677 Need Apolo-llalned sr lnnlwvon 1010 lack whoteOreatOllne. Sat-Sun --------675-7 4 1 4 gun igue . •~ttuw/lJH....t.l..t ~n;:~-;••••••••••••••• male. good watch dog. 1663 IOwa Street.CM l&UllO I TV, RJclo, 79 24 Sk1p111ck lo his Please no calls • -_, '"'• agenl w1lh 3 yrs mrn HARBOR AREA good wrlh kids No olher d k I Financial Investment firm eape11ence Nwpt'Bch APPLIANCE SERI/ICE mate dogs Black, grey & like new while rallan, lg tlfi. Sttl'to 8091 Sm~~~O con 7 as '"0 C S '· MllPT•ST Io r o du cat ors Call Norma 64<!-5373 We sell recond guar brown Australian She-SNEWPORT Estate Sale ~o8od2e7d8 175 548-3080. •••••"•••••••••••••••• 1 !>5 1566 or Jn'1)efS, iK tmmedlateopemng Ex·CommunlCllions/adm•m· dBe p Sun only,9-AM 2500 014 • 2 11179 282 Colo< ~!>·7~ RMt 9120 OtlC -h .... I appl1oncea 549-3077 phef agle mix up. 5 C111t Dr N B ••ust -~1 A••wAY PRODUCTS ........ 1 TVs.-0-hrs "'sk l0t Jim 1 • Gl SP R & 79 -r • owroom ,....,, s11a11ve dept sec'v E.x· YHatiM mos temlle Atso 5 111t· .., ...,.. "" ...., " .. A A wllrtr •••••••••••••••••••••• appe1ra11ce essent11t cell 1yp1nf & SIH req d I Re trig $225. Wasne<, tens black & white & grey 18c1 l<J s d111 Piaget ver ed to your no me 962·5593. 675·2734 eter Evin 15hp $ t 195 11 ' CatJovl'r c.amper " Heavy phones t1gt11 IY· E11ec. sec< et anal exp at hllef Peel Drv.,. D1snwaaher $125 s1r1ped. 7 weeks Need w at c n men ' I 4 c I Cyntn1a Btake 641-1215; r EAC REEL 'T <JR"EEl. Will sell sep 675 1050 7 1 F 0 ' tl PU . '> e 1 t ping Apply in person must Non-smoker Call Tt., &nic...-h ea 846-5848 good home 1mmed1at9ly Omega 3 14<:1 l/l/S2 d111 e11e 641 3216 I model 1250-S w t auto 7827, 11 BA v l INE A ~~on ~'1" "d S 15 oo Mon·Frr g.5 Trend Im· 64()..0123 We're seeking to build a Im ........ _. I Mowig 2261 0fl)ple$, 7 lad•es1men• gold lewel· 2 rotary lawnmowers w/ reverse & Dolby unit l/1CIOllJ Fly bridge Pac1lteCoas1Hwy.NB graphicartspersonnettor let 957-8133 Coyotecnia 64448()9 stereos bike mucn depthhn<Jer outr•gQO<' 9,,001.r'"" $4 000 ports Sales. Inc. 1200 W labor pool ot quaht1edl M"T..-. WKS ry coin jewelry antqs catchers $35 & s45 $2301olte< 752-7765 I/HF radio b 1111 tank I 72 Oo<lg•• Vari Po1' r1111 · 1 rnucn more Mus1cot in· IO·'>Pd men • bike $45 Beauttlul 25 color eon o B u•TWT lt«ttary ... , .... on-call work In lhe pre-Wht Westinghouse r·-e 8050 struments. Pewter & ob Boys Sears dirt bike 3 sole IV. dk walnut cal>•· w1rn trllllCr $22000 0 1~··8 rw .... ,. (11 Tirt4 tf ~ ~lal personalllv plus pres.s area. _Al least on4 waaner/Oryer. 1lmo11 un.-iects 01 art Brtng caSh or rnos S75 645-74112 f'lel. $l95 850.1860 646-2843 t. M t~•.a-.... _ gd altllls wtll land career yea< s expenence rn type-new (below whlslel S550 K;NG.iNNERSPAING.EX~I check 21, C"rt-'ti •-, 7 Cabov .. , c.,mp,., t• , --r opply with presllgtous selling paste up. camera! 633-8650, 760·8127 TRA FIRM mallress set.I _ Membership 1n Rancho MAGNAVOX AM/FM .. ... small tru<.• w """''"'" Not eoough time fOt aun firm operatlOfl Ot pl111emat11ng blwn llAM-5PM neve1 used. worth 5530_ Garage Siie a t Ellrs/ Mesi I/er de Athletic combo Tradlttonal. gd GOod runn1ny condition $700iOBO .,48 ;:ii,7.1 & e•ercrse? Steve·• De· Bentley, Haves & Assoc •S necessary Vo.i must be I ... ( ,._ sac ,248 del Never Be a c n Hu n t 1ng1 0 n Club tor .i covpte Reg cond 1225 644-1487 Twin 1/8 s w oo<J Hull I tatting 11 now hiring yng 1570 BroollhoHow Or available lo work on a 111:rlll. used que..en sz wort hi Buch May 1st & 2nd $200 sell tor $150 Wo<k Steeps 4 Nf'wport '>llP a.>toriztd Bikts 9140 people tor a hand car 9'e ll4. Santa Ana substitute or call-In basil I S75 642-46161631·2650 ,399_ cash only ,218 Sat/Sun 962-1129 '> 5 6 5 6 4 0 · home ~~~;~~ ~~1,°' 1T9v5:~r0 I Asking S II 500 Will •••••••••• .. •••••• .. •• washing 11rvtce. Waah 549-2625 100% Free ~alarv depends on expe·1 21 cu It Frig1dal1e, bron· del Usually home. Dover Shores multi 75 1 8252 -1962 644-4493 • c.ons1der tr.idtis SKtP GO CARI qo•J•I ro111J1 Ferrarl"s, Rolla Royce's. ence. Contact Person-ze. bollom freezer. •Int 754-7350 I family Sal 9.5 Npt Bell wine raclo. holds ove1 300 PER YS 673-!>?00 110<1 Must ~" $100 "' Mercedea & Porsche's nel. I cond Sl75 546-6446. 1.... h c ooi11es cost $600 sacr MOA pusnbutton color 10 unsinkable H1trd bP '>I o llE-• M••• white you soak up the s Ir•-••---" I ... ft•-11 nomps ire 11 Nr TV like new. '325 Dtngy w/oar• S'iOO 6_4 4 O'>O'> _ ecrefary -• --• <193-0803 ...,,,, -•• corner Santiago Or $100 646-4973 ~ Npt Bch son Full or pl bH....o&..t •-tfa"' la~ ma_,. Les 957•8133 _ ----Brian al 775-8191 842 3895 PUC s .. 11mepos avail 631-690C ""9 -or ~, rtlll't Whirlpool get dryer avo-:>05 Poppy, Corona Clel F1eo·sl11ndlt\g pol belly · · H 1-""1 "'" 11 Nr Electronics mtr "'Laguna 330 ·Bay St cado grn, 175 Weaner * *' BUY** Mar E•erything goes. fireplace, never been 2l" COLOR TV 13 Boston Whaler 40 HP riew Big llor .. kif Mola~t SALES/DECORATOR Beach needs an exper"d Coste Mesa free. needs repair tamps,radlos,steteoetc used S250 631·1218 C0nsole, rebuilt S'225 Mercury lull cove• I uh.;usr Saddle l><ig .. Must bt cr1111vt, Hit· exec sec'y. l0t oor 2 top An E.quat Oppty Emp!Yr 644 1487 s ---6'42-t260 custom tank. asking $4 1 Dealers perwnal Moped mollvatad. & love peo-exacvttves. l/P ol FV\llllCe -~ • -· Good uted Furniture &1 un ontv r rop11one pat•o turn Lg 000 842_3895 $595 673 1455 pie E•cell comm111lon. & Chttrman of the Board WAITRESS/W"ITER w/ Near new O"K"le & M8<· APC>llll\Cn--OR I will &etlj1'ARO SALE. everything lbt 2 bar stls 9d cond NEW KLH SPEAKERS• 80 ----- lle111ble hourt~. will trtln We require••"" typing car tor wicker basket rill built-in oven & tlove or SELL for Yo.i l<om A to Z 678 W • S65 540-6248 ~a;~v~'::,· ~~~~~u-BEST EluY--Morobecane Mc.by 499-1461 9*ill1, 75 plus wpm."""" tuncn se<V 9·30-130P••, lop, S350 642-1260 ll&ITIU llCT1ll I Go"8fnor C M Sal/Sun PICNIC b ON WEST COASl Lilo.P new 10 "' mit .. q• -·1n abilil I ¥"""' "" ••• .... 1••H21 I I tor lg tamrty 48 Hatterns 7• '(.f,•n I coppr>r coto• $4'10 ---------,,_ y.srongcom-Mon-Fri Earnl150-S175 1 Whlrlpool lor beth xlnll -· •r HUOEOar-Sate Sat & part\ Church schoolS45 BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA w ~ ~ 640 0408 Ill.El rnvnbhon & orn•n1zatt0· wkt M t....... __ ,. $7.. -..-., ~-~s Col0tfV sale 2.,rwrnl" S160 000 loaded . _ ,... V us .,.., neat. per-Cunu .. Oinelte Set ~/butcher Sun. 1975 Anah4!1m Ave c benC•""' 'JO 540-1735 , • Ettn big money worl\1ng net skills ab•llly to worl< son able & energetic 545 • .gs15 "'<>Ck lorm~;top lbt .• C M 6415_9658, ---$148 Free detrvery bnstol 81/7I·r1 s cstm 1973 Vespa ~ally nrack pan lime by the Beach 1 1ndependently & a<:coun-979-0H7 alt 10AM tor "' -~ PAii All 2 ftr 1 TV Jotins646-17rs/dav ~ec C.ill Dick (7141 w1w1nosn1 .. 111 x1111 co110 CALL w VLWilcoa ting or Ille bookkeep111g appt Apar1ment 111ze Washel & chrs like new $225/bst 11ckets s 100 645-7754 $149 546·2855 633 3581 645 4326 S975 OBO 64~ 343'1 714·960·84141 uper Dulles include 1y-Dryer 1125 each like olr 760-9279 Horsn 1()60, -~ SALES ping ~?rrespon<JbenC'I! h-Word Processor new CeH 548-•388 Teak bed qn S•Ze plal I ••••••••• ·,·a···.·-;;~~··· Nc~.:i:ri, :~.~hy ~;~s ~·~~:e~~.;ea~o,•:-~o~~r:I p.1~":1 t.afn!e:'s?5c;~·~n ~~~z~~~u:9;~ 1'0~.,,.~~ G '-'-3 OEROVtT • nenci ... reports. udgers Relr.n8fator Ilk•-~ auto form From ••e1 B o ~ $ t 15 .. 6 28 .. 5 C .,n 2200 d • • $750 C. 673 6'26 " "L etc , rnlertac111g With peo-Xerox 850 opere10< wtth .,, ·--· Cost 5900 a';krng '13~. w/stand S 150 840-8777 I C>efah•P S750 ~2-4847 " 4 · " •u• rr own "'"9 .ill ' no"" avatla bte in the pit 1ns1de & outside the toe> secretanal stulls 2 to d :d r9060os I 2 Or S 155 8 2.ot Zenith cotor Iv con· S l 3 00•mo inctds H H •-t-cvc'-s/ - USA ts it the Fovntarn of company. some accoun· 4 days per week Non-8 . 39-19•9 fllsc.a.teous sole neau111u1 pecan ca-slip Days 669 0500 ,., "' ' "" Youth? Free seminars. Ung & 1 varitty ot otner srnoker NEWPORT SE-lost 1ob mutt sell newj 9' sofa, like nu. revers ~~.~ .... ~~ Wlllttd 8081 b1ne1. S t30 675-0161 Eves 557 9 J 27 Scooters 91SO hroh Income potential. edm•n & clerical duties CRETARIAL Hotpo1n1 20 8 C F 1 cushions pastels $275 Dansk -Btue Mist stone •••••••••••••••••••••• Will rent tease 01 T 0 P •••••••••••• .. •••••••• 018 7141963 • 5535 e o er excel! pay & 752-2377 wrn y -w I bst • .,.. at ~ wa~ 6 pl8Ce ptoce 581 e buy old Boats' MJnte on vour 20 2" NB po rug ., ,.,. ne,. d1slributorsn1ps 1v111la-w II I 1 h $6001 675"•57 1 5 r QUILTS w 811/1 ~ o 7 .. 01" Sales,..... 141NtWMi9m• L::~·::3muat 9811 New I K~~d "!~r ~r~!e~ ~:~~~i ~~~<Jasye~~~s .. :4 ~~~~ Patcnwr:o~~1!'~ [ · t ;7~~ 1J:a 0 :. 1 850 8 13l.c' 1 ' ;~~~'>~a113:4:~62~311 .._, •• IF II 55., 2070 ••••~•• • ••• • ••••• ,8 MaturelorCosraMesa • • • 1 Whirlpool W I D $50 ... on roca c tse4FlflltMrt 79Bo~ton WhatN 1J 'YAMAHA•i tl)ll Women·s Clothing Store T ransler -wrntv wht 968-7148 ,_ -'-IC II General 9010 40 hp Ml'rc w tr.iilPr Good 1.c.1111 VPr-.: '·"' Permanent pert 11me e•· Please call t0< appt Soett Swaasea S600/bst 848 9983 ,,,w"1 8070 • tctlltles •0··l ·0··w·0••0•0••R•o··w··B•O•A••T• many e , 11 as $3750 o• S 5 o O O o u I ltl _.,. HlllLEY __ Cont emµ Walnut Dining ••••• ••••••••••••• .. • 968 5037 .iltr>r 6 559 5qqe per Pease lmmedla1e -2401 Margaret Of Frosllree rel11g. Copper . room set w1tn Bullet $NEWPORT Es1a1e Je 12 11 $50 or bst olr nest OllPr 7s9 1781 645-57!1 714-494-9401 NewportBeach nk1ng$95. I $595 QUALITY ""elrySate Sun ontv ~ital 675-4784 IGB42 ruce rryS9ciK 28 79Su1u~1HM t ,• 1>111 Sales Ask IOI Janet You are the winner ol 631-4185 675-7396 9AM. 2500 Clltl Or NB lnstnlnen Bombard inflatable d -Ca11lornian !)IF Misty I B•ke gooa c"'•tl S!>OO llAIE l ·-e.O E. M/F ~':;:~:'.':1~':'ets ($3&.00) Kelvinator Food-arama. New lull-size ma11ress sel. IEllTOIES '1 ·••••••••••t~ •••••• !~!~ w /ou1boaTd brack~~gl1 Tiy S i 9.5oo hclu51Ves 1 "m 645 0 4 ' 10 ITAIT•IE ClllOISYAIUS sharp tines. very lg S60 New queen size. Witt 1 d 12srringlallaminegu1t11r oars $'475 673-5051 I :4~c4~itter 8 kr 79 HONDACBX The Los Angeles TimH Student Job• Seacilll Village 1etrigllrtr dbl dr side/ S 100 750-5832 tones~~ 9e ~~~g~~~ .. , excett cond , wt case 12 Glasper speed nuli1-..:._ Be<1ut1tu1 r.uncl Must ~··II Clrcutatton Dept cur· 1m Hunllngton BellCtl side Coppertone. good 8" CQUch green. tor equ11:~n new Palm S'.?50 646 1937 -boat t101et1on tanks 23 It 1980 Cvttyhunk ope,, $26751060 7•,4 1885 rentfy has positions open UYS--lllLS Tuesday May 18 8 OOpm cond. Ir OSI tree $200 $60. good frame Springs condo Kasey I Of fie r 'tw ' newtv painted. trans dot· dt'Ck spor I ··~nerman l(.l 900 lb 6'10 n11 '""""I In sales As a lteld re-weonesday M ay 19 675-l355 549.3573 agt 5 48 64'l2 0 , t .. ,. t •y 636-0724 $550 (L•kP 11 Mako> 86 gal dual seat r.ic.i.. II oa1 i.. preaentallve vou II earn How would you like to 4·30pm Wh11lpool washer Hot-997-7215 I [111..irwMnt 8085' -1 fullt 4 w111 qa1van111'd resr •Int d11,1t• S 16b'i an hourly wage & gen-earn aa much as $5000 a Passes must be redee· point gat dryer, Maytag BeauJt lut Modern 8 _ ••••°"~·~;.·"·••••••••••I Boals MJfile tra1l'lr Bo.~t sel up lo• Ken 661 1711 erous commissions Hrs week? Do you hke drMHn 1 Couch good cond $125 Emerald Diamond Ring EXECUTIVE DESK 30•60 ' outboc11<J 1no engl $1 2, 4pm-9pm. f'0t mate into movies. picnics. pizza med be 0te show lime portable etec dry., 195 obo 645-1631 $2825 appraised must l•ke naw $ t751bst otr I [~nl 90301 000 rnv('\ted Must •wit 110 .. & &O 11•1 lllE llOllA Ill 75, 1lat please call 957-238t. parries. beach parties. To c:,:•m pasaes. call ea 546-8672 se tt . S 125010 8 0 760·<1279 •••• • •••••••.•••••••• S5 950 or bPSI oll"• $100 548-J:l04 eat 1204 plus manv other tn111gs? 642• 78· HI 272 Pas-New tn carton deluxe S·O-F-A 557-9978 sc•• COPIER I Lile preservers rings 631 3026 iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Then you would probabv ses must be claimed by Wh1tlpoo1 Dtsnwasner Very good cond. t><own. "" compass water slo.1 S300 'i48-1304 H•H ll100 Sates prot>ably eniov working May 14. 1982 1295 494•26115 PIP 130 642-46161631-2650 MJctinef'}. 1071 Excellent con<1111on Sec· rope ralt spinnaker polE'l34 D•P\el 1 rnwtt'• t q tor us King size bed set 1 1 ••••••• ••••••••••••• uhce SSOO ~5-1177 SSOO all 760-681 t 1<i7:;> $39 Y!>O Has slip htsWt laMs Tr ..... OUAllFICAltONS • • * WIMl.Ptll W&SIO cond Cost $450 S;ll tndus~~lnQC mach Obie Proles11ono1 L shaped 5 8 t Jet Ski •Int cond 642 1234 Xtnt $425 'i48 J304 Prom1nenlloc co olle1a I Over 12yearsot age $70 873-5889 S ISO 548 6446 nee e ompare at drawer desk & sw 1 S2300 with 1ra1ter Only excel!. earning potenual 2 Neat honest and de-•93-0803 • · $650 $450 646-8028 cna" S300 631 •5195've Boals. Sal 9060 lo570 Brooi<hollOvir Dr ---dable Bic .a.. 8020 15 hrs used 544-0227 ••••• •••••• ••••••••••• 7 8 Hand 1 l '>0~ tn m1 511 114, Santa Ana 3worlt alle< schd«t and For Ctass.hed Ad •• ].~ ••••••• \ .. ••••• Couch • converllble ftisctlaneous 8080 12 Boomerang hbe<glas~ many •Ira~ Sac11hce 549-2625 lOO°lo Free Saturdays Ag~~o: Jr Schwinn 10 apd . .xlnt $50/offer 2 ma1cn1ng •••••••••••••••••••••• Mi1t1ll1•to•I lli1t11lUH•I I i.ailboat w/spac:e °"Bay $1700 645-i l78 CALL TODAY• cond orig S 186, cell chai rs with tootstoot OLD SLOT MACHINE WulH 1011 Wi rH 1011 $525 962·2667 - 537-5936 Ot 531-5257 ~~·!~,~~~ S&O Dave 631 ·2157 $100 w411 sell 11e9aratety lor sale ...................... •••••'•"-•••••••••••••••!HOBIE 18 colored aatls I 'll luakl 11111 210 SELL idle Items withe SAM to 10PM ,,. 2 _ 5678 BM R 857-0248 Eves &73-'JS34 I I to 5pm cat bO• tr111er $3500 $625 OBO 6 4 5 9829 0 I PIO Cl il '•d •o s .... x acing Bike, light c 833-0503 -81 HONDA XL 500-S- 81 Y ' I ass "' "' weight Reedy pedals. Swedish smoked glas 0 MP LET E H 0 BB Y 642·5678 l~~~~~~~~~~I alloy crank a. many xtras dinette Ht. cane back PRIN T SH 0 P $ 2 5 0 -:sofreeP<><t 36 Oller low miles ¥fr as ( l ) ) ( ( ) ) Newspc(lper:· Carriers for l'outes in HU!lf~ Beach, FOUritQln VIMJ & Newport Beach $185 840·0408 cholrt. $350/0BO Phone 673-4855 79 Cre.loclo. 37 Oller S•400 549 26l2 Schwinn 10tP 24" Ir 27.. 850· 1860 BABY WONDA·CHAIR WANTED 76 Ca111rna 30. Olle1 SL 1001-londa Runs gOOd quick releue wheel•. Solid peeen coif .. g end Brand ~ S250 Looking for listings S250 tr 1 p p e d 111 S 1 5 o tables, w/wall units, $775. 642-46 t8/831·2650 tO Co• Bkr 984-6 110 556-0637 545-3838 wlll MP 850-1 Full tamlly membership /) /) 13· C1t a11n1 Cvctone 81 Kewasak1KZ3o5,7t;;-i PeuqeOt PBNIO. 12 spd, Nalural oak 6 pc bdrm John Wayne Tennis ~iauol' el-.icenje good cood. 1725 High cond M u1>t see 24" frame, peert white, set. <Jble /queen bed. Club. $500. 644-4301 -D lander tr Iller need& $1600/oller 75 1-4268 w /1cce11 . $2 25 near new. $400 Bathroom acceuorlee, minor rep111t . free with 644-5259· 850-1860 sonk complete with llx-213-552-4505 t>oat 551"3208 _ Jic>tor Homes, Sale/ Dirt Bike e•cellent condl· Cu11om contemporary lures. large mirror with MON SAT ) •10 lllHJ LH Rtnt/Stome 9160 lion $35. Or bl•I Oller 1 sore & loveaeat. orig atora~ & llghUng, h11vy ( .-· Luders 30 diesel &loop ••••••••••,..•••••••••• &44-5785 S l300 , aac. s 45 . weight glau •hower $38,000 obo M·F 9 •5 RENT 26 It moto• home 835·41126 850· 1680 doors complete, towel Susan 752·7179 Sips a rully loaded ball. 64M381 ~5-8616 12-apd Fujl touring bll\e, Elegant unu•ed aolebed. 11' • , & ••• A. a 24' 72 Cleu A w lnnlt •In t cond Stll5 mlntcond,orlg.$850. lttJfl, )(lnr cond 18950 '4S.11137 l8C $400. 850-1860 Bit by Chris Craft In 540·1542 OI 546-9460 • ..._ Couch & 1ov11e11. xlnt 1963, glut, cent cock--. cond. $175 Mt. 208 Jo· Pit. Aft cab aloop Tr*'1 Trawtl 9170 Mat~ 8025 llt1 61 .• H.B. 538-7235 80HP, eu• Great crul· ••••••l ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,--....,-------~ sing bott • need• CO· Ttllt trelltr family 1111. .. Jlt/n Htrculon couch, "$75, •melict Divorce forces good condt11on. 1011 ot Redwood 218 deeltlng, brow11 & beige f:lald. 1111 0 W C SO" of room a11d tatrts (low 4 • 20 • lonO: e1ao redwood gooes oono. s..a.s 20 129•000 P'iet~ 9117-8879 la11clng l.OWtll p rice Lazy Boy racllner. brown TRAD£ WIND YACHTS rr.a.n. Mv 9ll0 guu Jim or Ken any-t.weed,S°° oond. 125. e75-too7. M0-1725..,. ..... n••••'•••••••••• tllM. 94e-"85. 641-81 al' .... -A• ..... 6>18 uUll'ly Ir ..... 8 I " d 1 bd ltVV cMy t1r11 w/apeet c-n a o • .,e • eornp rm 1171. VHF. MP, 1e1110, $4?5 ...,..26115 ::;v:m:T 20::1~ AOF, IOW hra 5b1g1.h•1--------- d\WI. 831-1621 ~nC:~~-~w~· • Srict. Pwts f~~~S:,.."&°YACHTS .. !.~~'!!i .... f!! 8Ll!PER-80fA 8711-9007 M0-1716 ~ UTE IOOV WOM & pllnt/llO to ~ Off '/(Nf i..11r w 11r1r. 10nt colHI . body~,.. 536-"32 Otlt or aae •It SP~ ... _.. --• ~ 6rt1-41t30 --_ .. ·-• MOTIVATlOOWNI-. Ml .Nt· 9 Cll. 3• 8111+11111tY cond. Hl'1tr ... 8711-t~lf 1T' Y£NTUAI, l11lty tQlllP'd Mlllt oll•r •61·t6H Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, May 21 1982 !~ ...... mt ~1.'!!.!!fflttt ....... ~ ... ~t.'.l!tt!~ ....... ~!'!!.l!r.!~.: ..... ~ ... w.!~r.!!~ ....... ~~ .. ~'!.!!!r.r!!!....... ~ ... ~'!..~ ........... ~.'.'!.'..~~~ ........... ~,.~-., •• q~~ ......... .. . ~fl!!tlf'I. ,. .... ~.. ... 1111 ~~ ............... !?. ~ ........... !~ff ~~ ............ !?!9 IT!!~r! •••••••• !~f! ~-·············"°t.J f!'!?!tt! ••••••••••• !!~? Oii••-'"' Hll Mtt""tl>' ... •--r.::;••••••••••••••••• · I Oood deell '7t Victory ·75 AMC M1t1dor ow 1111 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ,., ~.-ct fMV1hlno 001111dtrtd: s *'llT&..,.A;;A.; 11M lllD& MEISTrDI I l!d111on TA-7, new eno , mllff. clu n 11300 Ml Otd• ·111 e<111aa1 Ctlai• s.i!JO "'' 1077 lhtu 1'80 ,. -•IWJI( Ul lllN U\ I olutch, more 12760 or 4'9A·7104 6y11, wknd• Yim T·Ttr 36K ml IO~td bkt Met• ...,.~. ~ •PIATI* Pllllll/1111 but 673 -1081.. · Fire engine rtd. m1g tapet5900760--0e41 _"""'!""'.,.....,...,.·,~-...f"--,.._ ... , Tl1l1 111 ~ n.td 10 WI Hlfbbf 8 752-2352 7t P~r. muat Mll. ti• wl11111 ra1t1d 111111 ./ ·• ... I -find "f.Mtern Zone" gold 1 0 Otn G lv<I reo S 1200/bHI oiler urea. auto 11a11t , 1111 ?" CUTLASS Sup11me Autos f61 • '• le Piaf INT... uter i or with brown •t rove I H2·1808 wn.et AM/FM atareo air 15,500 2111< "'' Loa<Jod ••••••••• • , .. , Mtr1y loct1o9M tromt vt1our1n11r1or,51p .. d l1ltt•ltrtltt•Voll1w1cen 9779 • •00n d &•b•olutely Newr1da,wirewhl1.a11. 11\APOA • CREVIER [11.,-nplM: Ir. n. ' • u n r 0 0 I I LMlllc 11;o·v.w v~······1682o) ,.......,. 9915 beautllull (4123091 lilt. •t•r•o. •Inf con<I roA A ISi •t i.. Or-. C:..ty 11 fl&f.... moonro~t Bltupunkt l14 11 ... 1111 fh• u111m1114fn'Vw •P•· ;-::;r.•••••••••••••••• 112o'J:uol PP 730· 15 15 ov~. ••--a.a ............... Cl whlt be wl A M I f M c I ... \ I• & I cio.utntu & •l yle Two .nlftJl* '711 CulllH Clllall dl..et. 11"' "'''' ua ilfl'M ~· 2925 Hart>Or Bl"d ..._, ...,.. ... lo 1 .uty 1 tQu1t1zer, •Ir condlllo· '60 3568 no ruat needa ton. p1lnt and Whliewau l&llUAOt Uflll 30,000 mt, •Int cond, 28 ""'11"0 byv:t..~4 .. ~ COSTA ME8A II ~•Pd. 11' 0("2~NJmtga nlng, rHr window d•· no worti 17500i per11al llrH Priced to Hll al We apeclallze In leasea 2llOO Harbor Blvd mpg comp! HfV rec hlfs in 1n. ... , -~~..... lll•llM lrllll ...... w mileage 1 NI frotter. leettwr armr•t. ltt~ ~0.8028 or1ly 112115 Bauer tor the butlneu exeeu COSTA ME.6A Optlone U600tbal ofr t•e<l tdWt .... 119 "°""-'"• ••1 14211 fog llohta bra Ctr cove1 I •• 6 11 a 1 Ilk> 1 1-1••• 6'2 9273 nn111 notl!\~lfitu•llY &ORLV 20•0001 '80 Portehe o24 Turbo & motora,292 Harbor ve pron na . I _..._ -tvemag •llJPlteult W-, UC.,,. WE PAY •••••• I.,' I... ,, .... , ·-· mli.11 Mutt Mii ON°Lv '10 Poreche 924 Both Blvd . Cotta Mua. Lara•......... 1980 Chevrolet Corvette '73 Dflllll 88 Need• n11 tr•"'*''' Jl•t,' 111!1"'' r• ..,.,_ Sll,119111 Call 97'-<1611 loaded Takt over It• 979"2500 tf ltw 1112 ( 18EE7621 like NEW 1n paint run• great. $6.SO 1 htlrgos. (• '°'air -pot. TIP DOLUll Lt,slq Racing green. 5 •pd, II• daya or 499-2530 1tter paymenla. 714/82S-t808 'll YW WtttfMla ... IMMI wh111 wllh red leather, 557-2783 tuHon cotttrof 4e¥1C. ,.. 1111 aa•s In reo. magi NONE NICER! 7:00 weekd1y1 & wee-'7 1 PottcM111' S~der ~ .......... -"I I low molet, T-Top, caa-••x;-7-8_0_l.-D-S_8_8_D_l_E_S_El c .. 111hctMO"' Of ~•ltr ... Spec ttllzlng only (IACP517) kend• • ._ aette oru1se conlrOI 1111 clo,umt"t~ pr99ar1. MAI-·· BMW 14ffl · maoa. S3700. 531-63e 12500 Cu . auume NA~~ wheel & morel PrleeO 10 34 mpg •o•d•d. •tra to on c n•rt1•• urtlJU aaanrt•"/ll•a•t Mlstt'atf 9739 '73 911·T 5 apd. low ml-paymentt of $1811 per ' sell at only S 12 '50 clean 1439.S 5'6·285.S o thurwt ... 1p edtl1d IJy '2~~rl>or a.::, Wllll OllTI• ll fllf lflllll •••••••••••••••••••••• INge. els lnJ. New In & mo. Betance l 6700 ('1\DI I 1\ , Bauer M otor•. 2925 Pitt 99~7 lhOadveili--COSTA MESA .. A 1 1111111 out . 110.500 . Jim ......... " "'"' 'I Harbor Blvd Cos ta •••~•••••••••••••••••• w":C:~1 ;,.!1111~y~_:g1 • ..........,,. 53~2&e0 or 999-5168. vw Eng 'H . 1835cc. au l•41Cl H" •• 111•" Mesa 979-2500 1973 Pinto good cond 10 Mt-4M 'lllYlll ...,., I • ""'·' '" '' "·111 Ilk ,.79 .,.., l •2 , •P ,A_ ... __. mtlet $950 g~!'!~~-······~~~!f WANtm ·TO BUv. L1n ·11111t.. 111• OllS •. WILSON iORO 182Ss' h!K:h BtV<!: •iun1ong1on ~ 142·1ft1 .IHI '76 924, bill on blll, 1111'1, new p1r111, look• & Ill• _l!!!! •• !1!!!1.... ""' ...., """'.., Ml·141l -ff 11TI 011.D:r. AIC,loml,llkebrandnu, atock, ru nt strong xlnt cond nu 111u s12 evH 559-40'6 WI •• ' I.I!!! . SU60. 176-2085, $650/olr.4'94-2407 '79. SeoanDellllle,lomi J 000080540.8801 ·1·80FordP1n10 •cyt auio 11 • 835-3111 11 FIAT 11/I ---UMI &45-5333 L-le •Int cond S899511ake ------halChb~~k •2""" E•cAI OLU.fta•s " 1111.EllM •' over lowpey lse 711br nCorv ,hkenu '"" • .,,vv " ..,... • 208 W 191 ~:~~·,,','~;e obr~ewg~l We'lldellveranywllereln ''11111 631-0496 I cond lomt $17,500 tent Cun1ron5.S9-59_.S11 . &II n1111 Santa An3 (659SMRJ the *Ofldl See U.I II Completely r•tored lop *"'Diii .... 79 Eldo. black Load•d I Call 4118•0~~2 Davl_o_ Plvmooth 9960 Cloted Suo ay 14211 1001 ....... to bottom and Interior ...... Sunroof JOnl cond 52K C 9933 •'•••••••••••••••••• •• CONNELL CHfVROUT .~11.Hl•,r ti · 'C-1 \\1~:"-\ su.1200 n. I t E ltl ,.. .. ,. Eng reblt lest thll\ 3000 .,.... m 1. s 10 ,99 5 pp .!'I~•••••••••••••••• 77 Trail Doster a11to P1B ti It IC 1969 Harbor Blvd .. C,M. ml. Blaupunkt hi power Pl111111 lllS 63l-6866 11977 Cougar XA7. immac. P1S look& &harp gd Part tf YMr ll FIAT 11/I 111-1110 atereo tyatem, Recaro t9eo'a lhru l970's l ull pwr AC cruise lo con<I b•~ tor.i~. S3650 ... hrtfaase tr Metalhc gold, 5 spd Al 848 Dove Strlt(. NB. -•· 754-0301 All reconditioned & gua-71 S.Ytnt mt o• 10 ow~e1 $4000 ~5·'4508 ~r 63 I 2662 Ultl O..W le I most newI (270YHll) l&2.ot00 1977 Portche 924, lltver. ranteed Will tr1de & fl. like new $5800 559·0Hi6 P . 9AL5 11211 I I b d & c nanee w e BUY BUGSI 5'0·9459 ---OQtiat 7V MoLartt gwn Mercedes 8eftZ 9740 :,,~ka,0&5~· ;,, in"~~ Examp1ee: ·10 c1a111c Et Dorado 1ow 'II ClllAll HOO ••• r •• W •• A •• N •• T.E··0••••••• .. ltm .., tr Le... We Be1tev11 We Have The •••••••••••••••••••••• v Ice record• PP 1HI YW IH moles alnt cond wh11e1 Great l•a~p 548·0802 Top <lollars for Sports ., hr""' Pl .. I Lowest Procad FIAfS "' ••I, ct 657-2980 eve1 4 sp<J , mlnt,(083UKZ) re<I int $ 1800 080 Cars, Bugs Campers. DodJt 9935 TQ BUY 9M's. Audi's (714) 122·1313 So Callforn111 •st4 '"'" '68 912 Targa. 2nd owner 11111 548-6446, 493-0803 ••• •••••••••••••••••• :. Aslc fOf U/C MGR ft I ... car, compt reetOfe<I No '78 Seville sunroof very 78 Do<1ge 4 dr loocJ LITE MllEL M .... .73 B••w 21)02. pe-rtect ~IJ l,~111 J'JJJ l.1. ~ :j __..1 tflet ruat. all reblt. Hard win-1 ... YW IH good cond 66,000 mi cond new trans 1800 ... .!'.) J l __ .!LJ •• ,..... Clow. air, alloy•, •lereo $9500 6'4--0890 PI P I 080 pp 63l-!>086 ISEI c••s Ya.llWllll body & pa In t , Compare House of Im-s IO,OOO or bHI offer 4 apd L1k8 new (SKP417) ---------an t8711 Beach Blvd '40001080 R11ns good MOTORS po<1s Dtrect 1eue and 80 6'2-6971 12211 'll s..lllt WILSON fORO HUNTINGTON BEACH 559-"09.S I,,\\ \\ 1011•·• :-.. \ •" 11 mos tenslble pymt1 I Blacl• whh black leather F 9940 Antiques/ . u2.•ooo Dtal 2 13 or 71': ~.ER-'75 Porsche 1114, 1.8. red. 1Hl_YW ___ IH I ••oon root All e~1ras Ofd -6 C EDES is 2 1 3 or .S spd, •Int 1h1pe. 60K, ,.. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Classiol ,,,7ft;r---------c-i 9715 11~1637-2333 $7500 646-9•".. ' •nd SHARP (UOV482) x,914".'890c ~ n d $ 8 '9 9 0 I 9 8 1 r 0 A 0 E s c 0 I t ••••••••••••::;•-••11• Premium Pf!Cff .:?;'•••••••••••••••••• " """ ...,... .. Hatchback Auto trans ...... t"wf : · 1 paXI for any used ca1 77 Capri V -6 4 -spd 71 MBZ 280SE 3 5 Clas-'73 914 PORSCHE 12411 aor con<I pw1 51 stf't?I 18255 Beach Blvo Hunt111gton Beat.h 142-1111 •hdy repll~, ~'4 , ·1tore1gn Of domestic) AM/FM cass · 8"· alarm, sic cpe Except. cond. Lo I 7, xlnt cond. $5895 I 7 1 s..illt rad1a1111es lokt< new Jus1 18 GRAN PRIX l J N"e <1upes 4 lC)eb.cfos• lngooc:tcond1tlon & moie Perfect Honda 9727 mi $17,.S00.6'5--0295 6'1·401 11751·6129 1 1111YWlll Excellen1 cond Brown/ over 7000 motl!S I cond S'.l~OOorbe;.101 11 m• 10067•d> C'tlf • See Us First• 833-2842 •••••••••••••••••••••• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ 4 SP<I CHIC (UZP7941 brown wholesale S 10 I lCNY 1861 $5499 Earle •e• 64!> 9246 A10'13)Prices\l'al'l109a1 WE'RE Rtnllllt 97551 12111 '50 tkeToyota F1nt-UsPd -71 <..AT ALtNAWGN OIU 11,1111 IEW II '12 •••••••Ui11·rr··•••• 675-3909 Car Sales 1'166· 19 70 v .. r1 ttean runs v.e11 *3000 17 Cad Fleetwood Brm Harbor Btv<1 Cosl.> S700 675·684':! Recreation't ~ ............ !~!~I .. ~.e.~~ ......... ~!! 1•111 Toyo111 Oc:Mj)llln 16' '"' '0.000 Ml lClnl ~ n>tded wfUntS SQOO. t..J1 12 18 4 Whee .DrtYn 9550 •• ..,. "' ...................... .. " .. •, 1 Willy\ 4 tme.W Orfve ',t,,11on waoon • .$'9.9j_ "II......, n.13002 5 SPEEDS 320 CMtwn«e It< IP.f'P CJ~. 55.000 .,., 5 spd. tnrl (Ser0928: runs ooocJ, IOOll8 good. ~Opel gm., ~ 1!>0_0_8_75_9'_~_1 ___ 1 s 5'<1. snrf cs.rosoe; 3~ Saiart beige. " b•::ue< 10 ml, mectia- '" ""Y IP.11,lt . rojle~. i 1~00 5A&-61i1 • .. rOt.ee emltm, cb 1 •O!• pkg a11 ps, pb 1'.IJ 49~J t88 !r.~s~s········-···~!1 "• , 10 Chev Pu Fully tJ .. d 11~1 9 llltlOe ""Q. '' 1,1 sell $~00 & lake ... , peymenl6· ,at, 2014 • : Ct-.evy +'• ton PU new t • • ~ an reg, & betlery ~J• .. as ii hllle tredy "°'I!. ~ c mor , e nl~""~ ! , •001ofr .S' 2 l42 at rPM HO Cnev L.uv PU. Mikado 1. 4 c;amper .nell Xlnt ""tl $!>.SOO M0-1'2t • ~ord (;our .. r .'90ld 1''"1 :;ac.11llQel S14t9 •' t.42 6799 esl for •• 1 F ORO COU'llER h 5hPll lllC,1 gOQd eono. , JOO 7>4-14.!8 5 spd. snrf (Ser3529! 320 Willie .s ipd. snrt 320 S11ver (Ser6021\ 5 sp<I, snrt rSer2' 12) 320 Sapph11P blue 5 ~. sml cser8513, 320 A9COt 5 sp<I. snrl (Sftr5852) AUTOMATICS 320 Staci.. a1110 anrl, etc (Sor77491 320 Lapl5 blue IUIO. snr1 tSer74531 320 Sapphtre blue auto. anrl (Ser7956! 320 WMe auto, snrl s.tar1 beoge 1Str727 I} auto. s.nr1 1Ser745'1 320 Baltic blue. .Ufo. sn(! (Sor7971) 528's -all colors .S 8p<l.S and automatlCS 633 Opal green. 5 S9d (Ser5,961 633 Sale11 5 spd 633 White Automatic 1Se15102) (Ser03231 DEALIN ' IEUILT 1HI YW Ill Mint con<lo Loaded Loi M esa 6 46 93031 - T.URBOS* llllOTlll Automatic (IU 651 mo Lea tner $6500 540-9'6_7__ _ 78 TRANS AM Gld Ann11 12411 642-3555 Eo T top fully loaded IMMEDIATE le Oalifenla WANTED 471( mo all •tms S7 100 p~~~!~~~~~t!iE 1IW1L1n(u 'DJ ~;\ JJJJllf;J ·~~0~~~&;:~::0• TO BUY ~:~ A~:~5:~ Ht-Ip DELIVERY ON and I OTORS •RESALE SALES• rnust '>ell th•!> week New MOST S.ltta Ctatt luH. A•eo'~~~,'!!c~ionot '''" 1"4,,1111 ..,, .. 11 1 ·79 Eldos~~·~oonroor UTE IOIEL ~~k =r~~;"991,r0°~~g~011 998-l3"0 (2 t3)424•7897 Renault 1111 sedans and wrute on wMe 6212' ISEr ClllS 539-90~7 wagons plus a oood se-4'3 w ea c M WILSON FORD MODELS 1110 4IO Sil , 1ec11on ol Renault lei 67 BAJA Rblt 2 t 50cc Y Thtllderbird 9970 Beau white: black llhr I Cars• Great cond & lots ol pw1 64'5·2963 18255 Bea'n Blvd •••••••••••••••••••••• WE'RE DEALING HilS the works Asking 78 Seville. 1mmacu1a1e • • • SAVE ~'~3~-~~~lrl 11.000 HAME oem $2699 631-8017 1eaine1 forced to sell I Huln41m2gtoln1Beach ... ,..., •• , .. , -----a-; •1.u '11 YW $95001080 847-8611 • 11 I 16051 Well1m Ln '73 MB 450SEL -• -- -.,_ Xlnl cond Mon-Frt &11 5 •R•a• T ClftUTillf 1979 SEVILLE DIESEL 78 P1n10 6 cyl s1at1on H11n1tn9lon =8Cl1 I YUi, 11,IOO •LE • WU.Uln -~ 33K miles whole wt red wagon Xlnt cond Low lou .He the w1nne1 01 AT 645-2434, &42·5532 2524 Harbor Blvd. Xlnt con<S. $7500 Ith• uphot. •••as luet miteaoe auto trans pis fou• tree 11c~~·~ 1S3600· 73 450SE Silver blue.J 549-8023 6'5·7770 646-.Cl 5l tank. 8 Irk. electric m11 I p/b. a/c ra<110 new ttre~ value to the wllh the purchHe or se- leeted Datsun s 1n stocl\ thia weekend only! Otter good tllru Sunday S-2-82. at close of bus•· ness. so hurry! HONDA blue 1n1erior Stereo ltols Ro ce 97561 1171 YW lq 1 rors. cruise conlrol rec· & orakes ~3080 I ClllCIS YAll&&S Excellent cond $9250 ' rear w1r>dow defogger 4 Hun1tnq1on Beach casse11e uses 11ny gas 1 ·•••••~•••••••••••••• S 1800 5'5'-6571 1tner passenger seat &42-2526 Seac1tll Village Mr Duggan 955-631.C #}DEALER IN U.S.A 11980 llW Jella )(Int cond wheel disc brl\s 011g 68 Ford Stal ion Wagon Tuesday Ma~ 18 8 OOpm If'""' llDmll• SANTA AM/FM stereo c aas owner $10 500 L•c OlD 1 good working cai S400t Wed11esday May 1 !l llSSll.111111 SW I ~CARVER 9700 ml $7500 da ART67.S-1Sa8 0 8 0 .S~' OOpm 80 MB300D. I drtver. IY'i 1 C ~ 859-7000. ev 6'0-7059 .78 Se Ille 1 1 d 80 Fatrmont 6 cyt 4 <11 Passe' mu51 be re<lei> xlnl cond , snr1. nu t•res. '1 l~..)LLSN..../I\_~ Judy I v · ll n con as au . aulo e1c E•c.ellenl me<l t>elore show tome Mtm... Tlllaotm ANA lambswool snt covers ••• .,.., .,,, • ..,, .. w .. • UG . ~r o r5o~f7 A'k~ptions I cond $3900/best CAN To c ta1m passes c.111 perf service record ·~ .,. • .a" . ..,. 65 B · reblt 67 eng & 759 3-l TRON 559-~958 '"2 5678 ext 272 Pds $20 8.SO 6 6 89 lron1 end. 1211 nu re -.,.. . ' • 14 I ClOUOWNOAli dials, xkll COl1d in & out. 79 SEVILLE White lea . -~ musl be c.1a1med Or 549-.S I 11 , S 1950 642_ 7293 I tiler 1nter1or Stereo cas Lintc*I 9945 May 14 1982 llW!!! •WPNTIATIW 888 Dove SlrMI NEWPORT BEACH 133-1300 '76 610 Top r11nn1ng cond Clean. air am/Im radio. 4 door .S 1,000 miles I Owner S2800 8:\3-0592 7b 610 Top running cond C1ean. 111r am/Im radio, 4 door 5 1,000 miles I Owner $2800 833--0592 Parts & Service Open All Day Satur<1ay 30 1 W Warner Ave ( 1 btk west of Main) 540-7430 GRADUATION SPECIAL!!! rivate p1rtr. OILY $2215! Ca 11 154-1885. 81 280ZX GL 5 spd. tm· ---------mac e1t11as Foreed sale 17 HONDA C1v1c hatch $ 11. 100 847-8611 back good condH1on ---------1 S2.300 972-9525 alter 6 80 200SX Hatchback 5 pm spd. SL package. air.-----.---- Stefeo & cass Sunrf. 15K '79 Hond11 Atcor<I H11tch· mi 1mmac $7.500 Days back. 5 spd, silver btk 6 7 3 -1 2 7 2 e v e s 1n1 am/Im cuselte aor 751-0285 Xlnt cond $4,975 759-1122. 831-0498 77 280Z beaul cond loade<I mags. 37 000 mi. 80 Accord. 4 door 5 $6600 673-2129 Speed, air cond amJlm ---------1 Xlnl cond $7395 Days 17 8210 4-dr mu11 sac-5 4 9 . 2 1 2 o E v e s rtloce S2400 540-550.S 631-0688 dyt 79 PRELUDE 78 280Z. alnt c;ond eor AM /FM cass mags $9800 ObO 675-11867 ·77 De1s11n 280Z, 40.000 ml. AM/FM PP CB. met blue. 1 o wner ne..., shoc ks tires more am/Im. 4 sp<I, reg gas. $5450 499-3 188 81 HONDA ACCORD 72 300SEL 6 3 One ol' ~aru 9762 seue H 8'0 5'25. o r !••••••••••••••••••••••I ••• the last produc;ed 83 I •••••••••••••••••••••• 72 BUS sunrl wicstm 720-2189 78 Mari.. II Cartier • --- - 000 1 1 XI • Sales-Senltee-Leasmg to p prol pnt & whl Moonroot loaded 4lnl V 9974 con~m~;::~Y ~q1 ~111ppe~t I 11111 EIAOI wens. type 2 eng Teak Camaro 9917 Con<! ~83~ .!&! ................. . Int •• •1 •-'I 631 6003 •••••••••••••••••••••• I I 7 4 w N I $12.300orbeatoller SMAii ... u~ .... • 79 6eflineHa cslmT-lop '78TownCar .4door ogon ew 11e& Contact HA or Chris 111-2040 491-4941 72 vw Pop Top camper 14995 Good cond loaded 1tln1 c.ond Aedu· brake, good cond Btllln 5'0-5621 othce. <!4 mpg Sink rel SI~ 4 661•6266 Ced to $6000 6'6-7988 S 120 0 4 9 9 5 0 9 I 6'0-0838 home SUBARU 6'6-25,9 I 80 Mark VI 2 d;-H"T29 I ~4 1_0 __ -- 1 ir. I f '72 350 4·spd. fact cond 1973 4 dr 280 aulomat" di•• ti t 76 vw Dasher hatchbk. 4 10 ortg mi S2800I000 000 m1 1 owner All ltr> A•lll UIH a11 con<I Pwt wtnd Orig ~ hfss apd tuel •niec ted AMI Eves ,.99_1025 toln e•l•as Xlnt cond •••••••••••••••••••••• prov pty Xln t cond 1 '12 llUll FM. r ear window de· I $12 800 best CANTRON1 6'6· 1970 966-1366 froster. new paint. tores & 'Chevro6el 9920 559·5968 I 76 4.SOSE •Int cond ITATill Wllll lune-up Great M PG •••••••••••••••••••••• ----~1\Bl ;J{S sunroof s1 ereo to mo Savef, auto (aer0958) I Pampered & very reha SU IS flllSTI ~~t. .......... ~~~ (! , \I )I ( I., \~(. $16 ooo 540-4258 Otly ... llr ble s2700 675·7448 °1 We have a good se1ec 1976 Cap11 11 4 cy• 4 s"o ,, • .. . •• 552·203 1 t1on of NEW & USED AM/fM cass+>lle stereo 58 MBZ 190SL compl '12 IUT 1 1978 Weslphalla camper Cnevrolets• 1 loo~s good mech •lrH CLEARANCE lher in1 Show car $20, restored red wl1an lea Bet98 Ol 4WD (aer008lll lo mi New llrPS AMIFMI $1400 !>51·6449 000 or irade for o wn-· ~~~ll cassette 8.S7-25_2'__ 78 ZEPHYR Villager Wgn ~15~~7,on house •-... Cl 2 d00:!!1r"!!~"am1fml ~:o ~~~ ~~'P:I~ ~~rK SALE! --m• s' 100 8'8-8200 28402 M1rguef'lle Pkwy casselle. new clutch 70 Merce<IM 280SL. con~ verllble & hardtop. AM/ FM r adio. new tires. $ 14 900 pp 832-3045' MltalOn Viejo j $2300 or beSt o fter '61 Mercu ry. writ 4 dt 114/Hl-2040 631-71158 ,.,.. -21111 ••Cl--, nee<ls ve1y lttlle work eves I --n • ... $200 6'2-81.SS 67 Bara 2 150 cc spo1 S6.S 631-2589 ----~ Torota 9765 •amps, ste1eo. custom' Must 99521 4 •• •t• •• ••••• •• • •• ••• • 1 n 1 new 1 "es new WANTED !'!& I llC f14~ 1979 TOYOTA Corolla shocks new e1ec0tr1cat 1•••;1•1• ;.;.;:.;;;.n••llf•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• SAS Llftback 5 speed ra9t w on t last a' S2699 .,... .. ~" trans. power brakes, a11 Call 63 t-8017 TO BUY I 118 auto. air PS xlnll AMITlll .. IWIEH TONNEAU COVER F11s MG's, 71 '81 Never 11se<I, $75 Mana 631-7797 Iv msg cond . AM/FM Slereo & a I cond $4900 t -S33·'242 soolless y ellow llnrsn ·71 Karmann Ghia. new LITE MllEL 14 MUSTA~ with t>lack l>ueket seats p11n1 tires. interior & 4 cyl needs oo<I ork low mlles (381962) molOf Must-· 53950 I ISEI CllS $700 642-2790 art w5 S5399 Earle Ike Toyota· 960·6'3' 1---- Fine Used Cai Sales 70 CONVT Xlnt New WILSON FORD 66 Pony 289Gl yellow 1966-1970 Ha1b0r Blvd pnl etc Bla1Jpkt S509S 18255 Bdch Btvd vinyl top 1lnt cond llCI 1144 , Costa Mesa 646·9303 752·.s200 Huntrngton Beach _S2700 548-1906 • ••• 640-9487 142-1111 ·1·9Mci8 "x~~t~~;,··am1 __ 8_1_r-.,-c:e1-L-1tt_b_ac._1t __ ·1,~1:..~~·e~~a~~~~ !~~0 ~~~!! ......... ~!~~! 1981 CADILLAC FUETWOOD HOUGHAM 1 l<.GXJ"iQ1 SIG,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE 1f, lfiXHl1 sg995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DIVILU "DIESEL " 1 "'•nQ Cob. 7000 ml, 1l1r>f'>!> IOrC41$ ~. S7350 n;I S8400 673-17&4 Im casse11e. 5 speed A11. 1Unroot. cassette 524001080 960_6855 •OllYITTI 1981 Oklsmobote Custom 733s 5sp<ls. aul()matlcs $5000 or best o ffer $6500 M-F 955-0900 PIP llW 1112 Cruiser 9 P159e0ger Es· l&lllllAOI... ·72 1200 em/Im Good ·79 Accord Hllchback 857-2395 (Andy). evs 548-9591 tale Wagon (100H3361 I $6150/beSI 631·5628 1522XWCll sg495 --------1 I I CrievrOlet c~ <Juoi.r • lofl Pickup l1>1!NEW llUONLY •" 000 m1IM 4 ti LOA· Cl( CJ• f OJ ~ at ONLY • 1 •00 Call 790-0544 28407 Maroi.-lle Pkwy cond s 1050 Eves & 5 spd am/Im. lmmac 'll Mii '73 llW Sqrbk Ablt eng/ Loaded. glass tops. e1c like new 111 white with M1Ssion Vttjo Wknds 760-9382. $4800 499-2122 eves * * 1981 TOYOTA Starlet Se-trana, auto. must sell Ser 474017217 wood 91a1n & blue vi!' 114/111-2040 Mum's got to let me go <Ian Options Include 5 1160-3635 MY 111,Atlt 1our Power seau onl ---------1 '72 Z. orange/black. ste· J 9730 10 good home for 13'00 speed trans • power disc MWU.I --.,eltt both sides. power win reo. mag wneela. sharp .• a.(~!••••••••••••••••• low mllts ·cuz I'm her brakes This one ts luhy '64 Bug. nu eng. bral<es, .,.. dow s & locks cruise 'u" s g 0 0 d S 4 100 1979 Jaguar XJS Coupe weekend car. Delivered lactory eQ1Jlpped & gels interior Perl paint & Dove/Quall Sis con1rol 1111 wheel cu 1971 CADILLAC SEVILLI (4 76278) 96J.l579 (587YBDI The ult1ma1e oreen with tan top Ma· great gas m lleage bOdy $1875 661"3982 NEWPORT BEACH sette. only 18.000 m•les1 Vans 9S7G '80 Hatchback 4 or 510, 1112 Jaguar Grand Turi-xlne l lBJD2831 $4999 Earle '80 Rabbit conve1t . lo mt, ISS-1111 & des11able dtesel eco •••••••••••••••••••••• auto air cond. am/Im, amo So !lard to llnd 840-52701850-1801 Ike t~yota-Fl ne Used extra t , $ 9 .S 0 0 ,._ nomy Priced to sell al s9g95 r, • Dodge Maxi-van. s' 7 9 5 run s gr ea 1 available for nle new C ar !ales l 966-1970 1·942-8580 _, on I y S 9 9 .SO B • u e 1 118 V·6. P1S. srpt, _,. 673-1784 C11rren1 proce-132.000 77 MG8, blue, lo m1IH. Harbor Blvd Cos1a ·11. 30 mpg. xlnt rnec;h'I Motor• 292$ Harbor r t1>an. T8K Or\Q ml, This •·aa new" example Tonne111 2 covers. nu M esa 646-9303 $4995/Best olr Dsl 79 cond new trans. tires Blvd , Costa MeaB ~.',600/0BO~J IM.ll-SllY* '71 1200 coupe, auto, on aale at only 5~6.500 !Ires. overdrive. xlnt 540-9467 Rabbit. 46MPG . .S spd, brakes, shocks 57,000 97g..2500 .,49.5518, au 1 IAP' am/Im cassette F\uns Sold & serviced by cond very clun, AMI' . 30.000 on new eng., 110 mllet. $2375. Alt 8 30PM 1--------- 4 831-2040 495--4949 good, look• good $1200 FM CUI $4500 obo 73 Corotla Wagon. 2 dr.' watt Slereo CHS w/4 831-6206 0 B 0 6 3 I • 2 5 2 9 or Since new a-uer s, 5'8--07116 apd, nu ctuteh, c ... n tn & apllra, MW Urea, mulfler. ---------lilflNTED 79 Dodge c:uatOlfliHd IAlll.DAll lft 631_7356 2925 Horbor Blvd .. Costa out. $1495. 546-025:0 bellery, plugs, Garman '79 Cht vell• 4 door, air nn ... n &'19'1 po..-,ie ode "28402 Mtr~lte Pkwy Mesa 979.2500 ~/ ' 1141 11181 Supre u ,ooo ml made. Blls1tln ahock•• cond .. radio, deluu TO BUY 11on ~eouced' 10 •10. MINion Viet<> 71 Datsun 4 dr. rebll. new1-·7_2_XJ_6-.-.-ln-1-. -ln_vn_t_me_n_t • •••••••••••••••••••• lmmac Fully •Qui p mutt NII 5'9-7749 dyt lhterlor. llke new. leas 500 641-79~. (Av«yE1dt otfl-51 paint, AC. A M /FM, Ltavlngcountry Re<lw/ '67Kad•ll S99000B0552-8988 673-2147evH Atk for tllanll,OOOmllet $4,100 Ull ... L 79 DoooE'i~oo11 Or•M ___ o_pen __ s_un_d_a_Y•__ s 1aoo. 842·4238 blk int Fully io11<11<1. New 4 •P8f!<ls~~Ur:•• S850 Rtc:n 546-0500 '"" 5 P.M \hapa, IVC " .. /flM ·79 8210 halchbac;lt 14 tlrea. brl!1 Show car _________ ,·77 Coro:~·· 51/'go~ dr.t·.-8-4-V-A-N-. -1-8-3-5-cc-.-1-2v-, '78 Monte Carlo. good ftll Qllll con S4·'*' •H l2't ~=lf'I !~~o~~~u!~~\::~1 :!~'. 11:~9:' J.s::·~~4r1 XJ6 rt1•HI 1141 , ~~%eo: :47-051:' 1 ~o~1~~ ~~:':ao'51900 ~c:;~· !u,'~poi~r4 t~' WILSON FORD Aulos Wu.. Htl Canlron 559-5958 ( 165YATI Low mllea on •••""••••••• .. •••••••• 81 Corolla cpe, 10 ml, &45-:le34 18255 ~h Blvd ........... , ..... -.. & .75 210 One OwlMlf 11111 Immaculate. tuel• 11177 PEUGEOT DIHtl 12K, abtolutelY Ilk• new. '7 1 VAN. new eng .. •11 •75 Mont• Carlo. xlnl Huntington Beach $2050 ln)ecltd tcooomtcal 6 Wagon1 Auto.btraknl • 14595, Jetta. 673-17S.C 2!~~~yp~, S=s cond, a" Ille xttH. Rec· 142-1111 6'&--3018 cylinder Hdan. Orlglntl pwr • .. pwr . re 11• '68 CROWN. Aunt ••<*I. 6~_7018 ~6•1eos anlly palnt•d . U OQO 1--------- .. , .......... ,1 .... ~ .... ,.it•• .......... , .. """""' ~ Hklng p rlct·f 15,995, s tereo cut. w/pwr. Auto mutt Hll $760 i--.:~ii.iiiiiiih~ 640-11111. '711 Dal Cull1ta Supreme ~!!!'? .......... !!?! s1a~~::i11B~~:, t~~~o~~ ~~1b1uu:'111~~~~ ~= llf50.537s . . •'1111•1111'1r '70 Nova, Vt, 307, auto. ~~a:i~:rr.~ly r::::. ... · 292S HarborBIVd.Costa family car. t293TZV) '79Supr1Uflbacic lmmec loml,llr,ttereo 17 mpg. Cle#I, 91K, pe, 720-18116, 5'<t-Ot05 l.\eta. 970-2500. S47IKI Earle lka Toyot• Slut , 111n1 cond, wire CUI • itlraa. ShOWToom nu tlret / matr cyt/ crpt.1---=---~--- DELOREAN Fine UHd Cir SllH Whit, em/Im ti~ lepe, new. $6500. Mulne, $1800. PI P MS-3343 '71 Cutlua Supr.me XJ 12L 4 dr. 2 U OO ec:tutl 1986-1070 Hatl>Or BIYd., ale, new ,~181•, 40.500 8"0-62701960·1801 1,000 or belC o.iter jO 8,._W 3201 811utlfvl (•09067) ml, 11110 , air, alereo Cotta Miia. 8"8·0303 Ml. W errt n l t a vell. '79 't/W CONVT. Wht on ·:;~~~~rJ. :11~~fo1--.,..--64_S-_133_S __ _ J~~~~HI!~ ~Cu.flm•r• cotot, ••• ua g:~~R~~nd , U .000 . 54~9407 16500. Merty M·F t0-5 wt\I. 4tK ml. U .500 film. mt, mint cond. P.P. 14• Otdt 78 ~''-" C~ulMr, 1**1191· 1 13,800 .. ..,... .,..11..SllSI 973-134:..:Hkeoda 675+04tt. 55t-S<l>t 450 5<46·21151 w9n, very cl11n. mu11 flf • ~ l.-. '331. --...., 'lt PIWf .. Chip~&-Mii Semi loeded. $31195 ln.420t 11111 Kept In llOt1ge for a --------lJ IW -~ 992$ 552·1118 r 1..-•Mw .. 201 L 1 Ill Maida 973' )'9M • .,.,,. cleen, rneny ,.._. 9767 Chemp a,ne edition. tt.\';';i••••••••••••••• •·.1-8-C--I --,..-_11---1 • ••• .. ~ ow m • 301 W w.. •••••••••••••••••••••• extrea. 1395 or beet of· .i.e;r.•••••••••••••••• S un r o o I 4 I 0 0 -'76 Cofd9ba. tllll. 3eo V-8, ul I M ..... a•. x1r1a. llofl!C41• !!.•. A~!!'r...~1_!11,!."'.:!!; ... ,. flt tt).tJOa 1977 TrtuMPh TA7 Corn-N3-4t34 l oaded, 10 m l, •lnl. mint c o no St, 1&0 -...,,...., ......-....... _ • pltltlV recondltlo~d 1---------S2tt>O ,57..os30 4114 5t07 con~ . 8 .... 19 1 0 • 1618 PIUCHOT &04 Ott-Jutl fitted '°"' mll••g• ~ t772 --·-------· ,_ .... ....,..,.1381 __ .....,. ____ 1 rMt ffl .... 4 ~l atereo oatt. tt7t Cll'IAey tMllt ~Ot-ffi";'•••y;;;; .......... ,_________ '"It ....... ·-11 ool ................. r.·• pwr. ti. & Dr ...... £wt. .... """" ,..,. °'"" # 1 .... PS. till 'tft!I. AM/FM Ill • 1978 CADILLAC • SEDAN DlVILU ~ t38011DT I S6995 f 979 CADU.lAC PlHTWOOD HOUGHAM (71?XWPI s9g95 1911 CADIUAC UDOIADO COU'E (6434901 .$15,995 1977 C .. YSUI NIW YOIKll Sth AVINUI SIDAN (91ZXYZ) $1995· l91t CHIVaOUT COIVfm l ·TO' j18JZH6) $16,995 . . ~~Z,-" ·~:,.,':, === :: O~~:t~:=:.'o1n~y =~ ~~~~~~ II lrllll .....,. reo ~,ri: ~~'.!!!!t!!J!!!_t ,......-------1 trn CHHtlt, fuel Int. !Of onlY . brte 111•1 bit . Only SHH. Ctll ,78 ~-~loll. Offtr GOOd l'htu u •• , 320I, •II QClllOfll , ••• "'°° '40 .. 1 .. (JIM) I '~•-f'ln• U•ed C1t1 (7 14)187·0t019'11tnlflO• -.~:a:.r ~ f!1.J!!OO/b .. t otter NMAonoo~2•8's C~llOnll oatt ltktn, 'ft llO ,_... _. .. .. m 1 .... ,.10 ~I l Mekendt II 9ftY llme _._ l'!nlftao . SU.t &O. llru,oarll '~ewt'!:', '"""" •1vcr .. C o111Mu1.,78 TA7,,1CM>Obelow Ovu.&IAIDIUYDn' ~521 Loot• fOOd ~...... .-n..-. , .... .-MO-N1 1 booli 10 ml. mint 0,19 !XPIRT8 tt70 Olds Vtata Crulttr t ("Al)ll:.1 A(" 'tt i.u Sports Coupe, •lfl I 'oond •nu llru, •Ir, 1"1f0oo~~· • ,. • r9llulft ~. ,,., llf•. ---• y~ don't ,_., 1 fUl'I toi 4·1pd, U H O :•II Mr -M~ aVO. 1ST OffEA °" n•• •ltc&rlo•I. n••1 ,.....,. ' "draw fut" Wl\tn you ! Wllliamt. 141-7a a I '"....... I COITA mu l t1,9000WNICMI INflll, new •tdl ator, •pleat 8fl lld In lllt Delly '7•TM,O\ler4'f\'e,Mtteo. ....,_~~ 540 1860 =~~-~~:~=z:~-1 ~:=:~~~r=~;111;e=:;'="=~;·=:=~~·~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~:·~~~~~~":M~-~ ~~ 'I' •• ' IUlll CUii .... ' .. YOU'RE LOOKING FOR YOUR Pf ANO, Rl6HT? DON7 6ET SO EXCITED! IT CAME OUT FINE .•• SUNDAY. MAY 2. 1tl2 • H CINU . . GUESS WMAT •• I WASHED IT! · FReM A WASHER?n l WILL APMIT · ONE THING, HOWEVER ... . . .. . Ernie Bushmiller -·~. . • • .1 µl • OA·RFIELD® by Jim Davis ~~==::-:'"~-------------------------------------,~ r· . . . ~ . ' . ' . . ·---~ ... ____ ....._ -'-"-"' ----~ ~ .._ ----· ---. ... ··-~ .... -~;·_ ....... -···---6'·-._ ...... DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham His FOLU»JtN' ME.--I GUe93 He9MeU.9 MY SOH!S. l TAJ<J: SOME HONE ,..---~~MAl---f3e--')t)<J--.... ~ .. ARM! EVERYDAY. i3ena< 1lJCt< 1HAT UNDER YOUR •.• ~IJDGE PARKER <l<J<l LOOK; I DO~'T LIKE Dl61URr>INC:, YOUR CU5TOMER5 WAIT HERE EVEN IF SHE REFUSESTOTALK THERE'S A REPORTER HERE, ... eUT WHEN A WOMAN . Olf>ARM5 A HOLDUP MAN, 1T'5 WHILE 1 TO U9, GET A M155 CLARK •.• ANO 5HE A &TORY,,, ANP I WANT lT TO MAKE THE MORNINCJ A5~ HER! EDlTION OF MY PAPER! . PICTURE.OFHf;R! WANT5TOTAL.K TO YOU! . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Ir SEE.M5 LI KE ONL.4' -QESTERDAQ 1HAi I WA5 PLANNIN6' ANO ~IN& R)" 4™E FUTU~--·. _ AND NOW H~ I AM IN MI DOLE. A6E ! '\ \ \\W' VIII///~ .:!!' ,. ' ~ ~~ ~v_)i ~ • • . . I";. 1-..'IWl••• .. ,:..- ~,3;';.-t":.i~ . .), CU-"'' .... WfC'T1 ~f" .. 11ME NOT ON~ FUE.5 WHEN lrt>U'fC:E: HAVING FUN ... . . ---..... . WH~ DID 1HE 1lME GOC: ... ~:.!&I.al~~~~­---. r ~~.:~ • -------J .....-------. i l ,_,,_,. .. I ...., ... __....-"" • 0 j I -·---------~ -....... , ..... _ --. .... -.. __,,. ·~l ----·-·-.......,....,.. ....... ,.. .. ---·· ...... ·----·--· -· --···· --···--~ ----------- MOON MULLINS ALL.. FINISH~D, LORD P. ~ IT'S A UNANIMOUS, PLE'A'SURE I'M SURE. TO P,AYYOLJ. DOCTOR SMOCK GOOD SHOW! LET ME= SEc. by Ferd andTOln Johnson····--··-1 ----DOODLE, WHAT HAVE I you'RE ,A BEEN TELLING <5ENIUS! You? ~- By George Lemont . \\\,,...0-....~ I L _ ~MOW 8E.A"'1NL.. You LOO~. MAQ..CADcJKlrJ -·-·-·--·-···----- ·-.1-11 ...... ·1---.11P •1 ~N ·1 ·eurn1w •1 ''"" //0 IWV ., ·Alt""" •t •t ·c ·eu1n1w •t 'IC!Qftl '& ,,._, •t PffH · 1 ;u><1e~110 · .... • 'tll2 Unlvarfll Pr111 Syndic • • 11oe1..,1 1wo11•11•• 9141 IO A.I• .IOI IOUll Ha -l lH OPEN MOUllt ._. CMt ,_ ..... eeM,lete We..._.. ly outdoor scene? To find out. add lines 1 to 2. J, etc. oocti l LOCAL OIOSI CMer'I wNI eMlnce tMI 'Pl1:..... .-: 1-lted. 2-Lt. blue. S-Yellew. 4-Lt. '"'-"· ,_,..., 6-U . ....... 7-0lc. brown. I-Ok.~ t-Ok. .... ,. ..... ' SPELLBINDER. .......... ....,. ...... ~ ... '°..,,.. __, __ _. _____ _ .... : 0 a ST AC LI ...... _.. _ __., ___ ..,. ----. .., ... by Lynn Johnston • I I • a • c GORDO SHOE 1 JUST IDIE nus TJMEa:~.~OE - ~ A-i.AIS 0()1/' TOLITLE MOAIOE KNOWS "fHAT·- . . 0 i I f I , -:-.. --~- IOI WA~ 1'4£ OM\.'I Oltt: WMO ~~EP, At&O we'e '-L.AO ~ o.o: ot-t Ot;CA~IO~, we·~ fle.O ~ 1"0 '41S LE& It~()~ MlM l~ A "~MOl(, C\lcK :f"I~ MAS~ M!\-l'N.. WMeK -~ OUT fOft f'lttA . • SORft'f, eoe.1 Ot~'f ~I? fME.'/ UJ~ bOtNC, "'f'O MAt(& A MOl~E.R~ OOf Of 1\41~. ~--_, By Gus Arriola by . MacNelly ANt> °™E ~S!! T05E£ CPLDl'O.N 1UE LA~ AT f.46T! ... Afl'aZ ~~ ~ ~'(Gl?A'r'H . - ,. ---.--· , . llllJ Pilat May 2, 1982 ---"'\- , . . TfEfTl FOR SENATOR HARRISON SCHMITT (R.·N.M l WbM CM the Gowrnmat do to hlfp our privet. c:.:ompan'-cempfta with lat.erna- doe.-1 IDclllltrt.7 -S.L., Moxl. MMia. • The Federal Government must move rapidly to he.Ip make U.S. manufacturers on ps wlh their foreign oompetlors. The problems in the manufaduring in- dustry were partfy caused by a lack of Federal suppon for basic research and Schmitt· kU.S. behindcompetttors. •· technology development necessary for the continuous ~ of producttvlty during the 7CJs. ID-devised and shortsighted Federal regulation and tax polk:y In the 60°s and 7CJs are also to blame. In addition, Inept and mitguided trade policy to ward ow-international compettt;on has left other countries fret to trade in the U.S .. while we are restricted from trading with them. FOR CHERYL TIEGS, model Does the eleph.nt chm'm Vo" war uoand yow neda haw .ay apedal ~7 -P.8 ., L.-V..... Nev. • h certainly does. A couple of years ago I was sent to Alrlc.a on assignment and was given this elephant charm (gold, nearly an mch wide) while there. From the moment I put It on I fe.lt safe . I think It brings me good luck and now I rarely take It off. The one who gave It to me -Peter Beard -Is now my husband. FOR TEllY SJllAlAS. saar of the Ame:r1can P\ayhoute series. Mv Pollkor1, (10 be aired May 4) How oa .. c1o Vo" to beck to ~ ........ blrthp&.c:e .. Greece? -E.S .• TwlD F ... lMho • I had never been to Sparta, where my folks were bom, until the summer of 1981. Naturally. when I got there I was greeted like a hero -a change from my usual receptions! It seems that the Kojok series is very popular over there. FOR IRMA SHOREU... sk1n care expert and co-author of A ~me o/ Slcln &outv (Simon and Schuster. 1982) How 1e1 c1hte•----•11GS._.elthllt n1 &di mmh th.t eo many stan ~ bv7 -B.G., ~. c.w. • Most food-based recipes are great to eat -but the -.kirl can't absorb food . Putting things from the 1eb9Jator or the pantry shelf on your face does as much good as using cold cream In a cake recipe. YOURSELF FROM 11tE •ASK" EDITOR IMAGE: hul Newmm"s t:.r-drinking Image is about to be diluted -in Japan. He's doing coffee commerdals for that ~ cowmy .... Ever wondered which of our recent Presidents was mosa con- cerned with his pubic image? h's LB . .I .• aocording to John B. Oekes, former edlor at the New York Tima. who has known every chief exec. from F.D.R. to Ragan. A few nights after .tF.K. was assassinated, the White House L.8 .J.: Hooked up to inft"°""'*· phoned him. Oakes was puzzied about the purpose of the call. L.B.J. said. ~rve been thinking about you." Oakes replied: "fve been thin1dng about you. too, Mr. Presadent." He later &earned that Johnson made similar tJrief calls across the ~untry to all 1hose-he thought could be of help to him .... ITEMS: DoDv Parton and her husband, Cart Dean , have a hard and fast rule that every year on their wedding annivenary (May 30) they return to the Aorlda hotel where they honeymooned in 1966 .... The lips featured In the ads fOf Victor/Victoria don't belong to the star, .luMe Andnws, but to co-star Lesley Ann War· nn . . Victor Drai (.Mcide Bileet's ex) and U:z Treadwell (George Hamlkon's former companion) have obvk>usly forgotten all about their respediw past loves. according to those who see the n~w Pair_ around town. . .IRELAND: Sean Parton O'Huiggin, consul general of lmand, made these mnarks when news of the sec- ond annual Grat Irish Fair (planned for June 5,6 tn 8ro(>klyn, N.Y.) was revealed: ~It's not a SU\ not to be Irish -but It Is a great shame . . . When an Irishman stands up to speak. everyone has a shrewd Idea of what he'U say, but only the good lord knows how long he'D take to say It... . .INSPIRATION: Nine out of 10 stars trace their desire to ad to the moment they saw their ftrsl movie and vowed to be just like dw leading man or lady. The 10th one Is tWTy ~ now In Ma.Jcfng Loue. He fell in love with movies at age 5. The one who captured his heart was a lllde deer -Bambi .... Pop recording star .-. .. , w..n.. was lnlpired at 4. Her mom, dapenu b new ways to keep her babe occup6itd, ftnally resorted to playing records ... I calJ!#lt on quick," said JennlNr. '"Every night l showed my dad what fd learned. Alm two weeks I hAd a rcpatore of 10 90ng5 ... PRO St•e S-..or P.-von ~ CR .·Wash .), chairman, Transportation Committee PRO AnD .con CON St.eee Sen.tor Edllh Mlllr ,... CR .·ldaho). chairman, Judiciary and Rules Committee During 1980, 60 percent of the 16-year-old drivers In Washington ttate were Involved In traffic acd- dents. In the same year. 18-yar- o&ds had 66 percent fewer acd· dents than 16-year-olds. Increas- ing the licenslng age to 18 coukl potentially dmlnate about 15,000 ecddcr'ltl pe ye.-lnvofvtng 16- and 17-year-old drtven. But we need a more aten- ti\ie ~ of on-the-road Naruction as wcU • to mcourage more rapontlb8lty In young drtvm. Should the Legal Ase Jew a Drfw• Ucen. Be Rdrrd 1n Al Sima lo Aee Jtr/ ~ ......... .,v~~WllllJ Because a variety of conditions ex· lst among the states. It is aeentlal that each state adopt Ill own drivers ~S. Idaho, fOf' U · arnp6e, Is 12th ln ~ .. wtlt'I "a popuiatk>n of las than i ' mllbon. Many highways ant In rural eras wtth UttJe traffic . and young teens Med op«aaton permltl to drive to ~ or lrWllpOft fwnJly Ism aipplla. The Idaho ~ hM recognlled Ihm 9 ii not ttM onJy all•'°" of a penon'a ebllly to opam a whtdl. ~ . E'XTRA! EXTRA! "' WIN & SAVE WITH cmPS AHOY!; mE '16 CHIP' COOKIE. 1111Mllil10~ • 8\111$1 .... P.O. b 124. • 'ibri. N.V. 10048 ............ 111 .. -....a.~•Coo11111IQ11p'Sa11J ..... &cillllflla,..._Ca P !llien ........ aQllillMoyl,.._ora ......................................... - IO NDtlllf IEUINIY. ( .. 1111111 #1.) ... • Win a 16-day, $16,• Family Vacatton to \bur Choice Of America's Fun Parlcs. Or, Win $16,-CBI! ·Enter the CHIPS AHOY! '16 Chip' SWeepstalces! CHIPS AHOY! the delicious '16 Chip' cookie. brinos you the '16 Chip' Sweepstakes. Win a 16-day. expense-paid trip for you and three other members of your family to America's famous coast-t()-()()3St fun parks. (See Official Rule #3 for complete details.) You 'll enjoy the wor1d's most breathtaking rides! Meet famous cartoon characters ! Visit castles, haunted houses, pirate coves. go on a jungle safari ... there's fun and excitement galore! OR. take the $16.000 cash and make your own tun. The Grand Pnze choice is yours! There are 1,649 prizes in all. To enter the sweepstakes. simply complete and mail-in the Official Entry Form below or look for details at participating stores where CHIPS AHOY! cookies are sold. Every entry is your chance to win. so enter the Nabisco CHIPS AHOY! '16 Chip' Sweepstakes today! Use the 16C coupan below and enjoy CHIPS AHOY!-the chocolate chip cookie with an average of 16 chocolate chips in each cookie for lots of chocolate taste. GllAHO Pl.lliE: •• sr.coND P117.BS: II naST PllZES: 1111 THJID PllZBS: SAVE lM ,.::;." •• CHIPS AlllY! Qooolale Chip f.ooldes 44000 l0 .. &a07 • - Horsing Around · Wiih Jack Klugman As a slouenly ~ and a caring corona, Jock Klugman haa captllJOted TV Jana everywhere. Stll'9 he acorns the medium that'• made him rich. Hla enduring looo: theater, ~ and a thoroughbred named Jalclln. You Haw to get up earty In the mom.Ing to talt to Jack Klugman. At 7: 15. to be precise. because that ii when the savvy, ~ttrung. hlgh-rollng star ol QuJncy ·- rives on the set -that is, when he hasn't spent the night at the studio ... ,. down wlh the wrtlerl and work on each .tlOW," ~the fellow wlh •face like ewrybody's old Arm>J buddy. "I IOmi611ii work 20 houn a day. But It's my terta Ind I take ful respon9bllJty few It." for that l'UIOO, Klugman's pollce COIOUe hat been NBC's quallay prime-time oftetng b the s-t six years.. Olle .tlOW Wiii ncendy renewed b • seventh.) Klugman demands a MUJ'OIW'9IOO'I at- tention to detail on the show, a dedk:eaon to aalt that ~ drives ~ to dlilbaclon. Sdll, It ha{~al.!M Klugman, at 60 one of the mOll popular ind cobful c:hlncm ldor'I In the land, maka It work. "Oh," says Klugman, "we get an occalional Ider saying, 'You heJd the X-ray . • • """'1A.Y WIBCl.Y, -2. - By Mark Goodman Kennedy, Sharon TflU and. more rec:endy, Wlaarn Holden. Natalie Wood and John Be.lushJ. Oddly coupled wlh hls s&evtsh deYoclor'I to d.tml 11 the fact that Klugman doan't rally 11u teievt-aon. It's true he ~ himtd as one ol TVs hardmt penmniall bid< In the Golden Aflll °' the so •. when he made tome. 400 dnmatk appes- ~. They led him to choioe ~in aach pows- ful ft1ms • T....,. Angry Mm and .ca,,. of wttw . and &... But his ... low? '°Thelialr. .. he .. emphalk:aly. '1 want theate ~ now; I need to be Nfueled. You CM't do My good edlng on 'JV; dMre jlJ8t lln't ttme to work. And time ii one ol the mOll Important eletneldl In any mt form." That's why KJugmen NgUlerty thrutent to a-.. Quincy and wlMl6on and ga bid< on the boerdl. "At my age, what does suc:ce11 me.\? You hew IO be .-iccetlful for younelf. What do I need at 6IR What do I want? I want to do what I wn to do. and rm enttded to do tt. I want to be wllh my ... ------·---~-------~-~ -~ ----___ _... ------------------- horses; I want to travel; I want to enjoy the rest of ~y life. And," h.e frailkly adds, "I have enough money to do lt." Of course . television has provided most of the .aver lining In his podcets; but his beloved ponies have also contri>uted their fair share. Any place Jack Klugman lives In Is bkely to look like Oscar Madison's ruined beQroom of 1Vs Odd Couple lore, and ltust Is because he exists In a morass of ICJ1pts and racing forms. They occupy just about all of his time now that his son Adam, 18, who had been lJving with Klugman in his Ma!i>u condomin- ium, has gone off to New York to study acting. Klugman's older son by ex-wtfe Brett Somers (she of Match Game fame), David. 23. is earning a master's degree at Johns Hopkins. K lugman's horse sense is very real indeed. and his love of action deeply Ingrained. "My sister. who raised me, was a degenerate horseplayer .like me," he explains. (As a matter of fact, he once told a reporter that he got Into acting because loan sharks were after him: Klugman, like Oscar. is not above pulling a leg now and again.) Back In 1960. It seems, Klugman was at the track one day. tapped out of funds. when he got to talking with another railbird who empa- thetically offered to lend him $50. His name was John Dominguez, and the Klugman-Dominguez stable now boasts 11 thoroughbreds. The most famous is Jaklln Klugman himseH. the racehorse everyone thought was a filly when he was born. He w~ discovered .to be a colt after architect Dom · inguez named him. and went on to become one of the fastest thoroughbreds anywhere . ln 1980 Jaklin ran third in the Kentucky Derby while his ecstatic owner pounded the rail and aied. "Now It's in the record books forever!" "People might not believe me when I say this colt has changed my whole life," Klugman once said . "but it's the ~lute truth. Nothing has ever had such an Impact on me . This horse has brought me Immense joy and tranquility at a time when I needed such a thing and thought I would never find it . ., Jaklin fetched a cool $5 mUllon In stud syndk:a- tion. and his owners are putting the money to sober use: They're build· Ing a horse farm in Te- mecula, Caal. Klugman's fond dream is to go to the Preakness and the Derby again. As he put It : "That was two years of thr!Jls compreswd Into the greatest two minutes of my life." It is the lot of the gambler to try to win love and security out on the edge , against life's odds Klugman 's back- ground is indeed the sort that produces horse- players. dreamers - and actors. He grew up in the predominantly Italian neighborhood of South Philadelphia. the youngest of six children of Russian immigrant parents. By his own ac· count. this milieu pro- duced his raspy roar. "If you wanted to be heard. you had to talk like that .·· he recalls. "You had to be pan actor. and that's what got me into the business. It's also," he adds. "why I cook the best pasta." In his youth he wori<ed as a bartender, a waiter, a housepainter. "I quit all Wlth Tony Randon on lhe Odd Couple: Never a ratings succeas in its flue ye01S on the air. the show hes found a new fife In reruns. those jobs because I wasn't good at them," he says. His sister the gambler also took him to the theater, however. and he got hooked fast . "I went to Carnegie Tech in an old )alopy on the G .I. Bill to get it out of my system." he recalls. "But the first time I got on stage I knew that's where I belonged because I was good at It. rm a clumsy person In life, but not on stage. rm soda11y inept In life, but not on stage. That was my place." Klugman did 10 years of hard Broadway time In ~ bit parts before he got his break In a road-company prodl.Mllion of Mr. Roberta. He married actrea Brett Semen In 1956 after she met him and said, "You're going to be 111y second husband." Soon hJs career began to climb as he disttngu1shed hlmtelf In Important roles In the theater and on televtston . where he won three Emmys. Still, nothing w\11 make one a househo&d face quite like prime-time te&e"'*>n . The Odd Couple was by all odds one of the funniest sitcoms ever, with Klugman's klutzy Olcar and Tony Randall's persnickety Felix struggling~ to M.p their friendship stronger than dirt. (lronlcally, on the show, Somers played Otcar's estranged wtfa, Blanche; affer 18 ye.an of mamage, she and Klugman dlvcm:ed In 1974 but are still very cloee.) Klugman'• ceaselete wonYtng over ICrlpts and details comes from what his friend Randall detcrtba as •·chronic lcvetchlng" -a Ylddilh word that deftna complaint at a mode of existencl. Klugman admits he's a .. heavy RUll&an type," and adds. "if I'm sitting and just thinking. someone will come up and say, 'Things can't be that bad."' Still, steady kvetching will sometimes win the race. In the post-Marcus Wdby era. when doctor shows were pronounced legally dead. Klugman carefully fashioned Quincy Into 'a formidable and significant dramatic series. HJs Impact was such that Klugman was called as an "amateur exp4M'' before a Congressional panel stu· dying "orphan drugs" -drugs that are not pro- fitable to produce because of the low incJdence rate of the diseases they cure. Quincy had done an episode dealing with the matte.r, and Klugman made an impassioned plea to get these drugs on the market. Said Klugman: "How many aies before they get heard? We're not talking about or- phan drugs. We're talking about orphan people." Hls role as Or. Quincy (the charade\' has never been gtven a first name) has had It's lighter side, as \ll'ell. Like Robert Young before him, Klugman is penlstend~ asked for medical edva from strangers. He has a ready answer: "Look, l play a coroner -I can't hq, you until you're -dead." And what happens when Jack Klugman -ac· tor, gambler, kvft:her nonperctl -pasaes on? "rll flip a coin," he deadpana, "to decide whether 1'111 It'• burial or aemation." 111,J Mort Goodmcln, O /r94WJlt ~to fNia.V Wtou.Y ... 0 /ofmlw.....,...,,, ......, /or nm.-"" Nlw Tm. m. . .. . ,AMtL't WllKl.V, ... 2, mz e ' ........ • 4 --4... • • ----t When You Both Wotk, Is There Time for Love? By Terri Scnultz Recently, we spoke to a number of working wives, as well as several mar- riage ~· to 6nd out what com- • r• . GNE GIFTS FROM SINGER & SI I\\ TC (GENEROUS SAVINGS IN TIME FOR MY I:.. MOTHER'S DAY, WEDDING OR GRADUATION .) FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODB..6104 NOW ONLY $19999 SAVES50 OFF REG PRICE FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE MODEL834 SAVE $60 OFF REG PRICE FREE ARM 5E'MNG MACHINE MOOa 5522 SAVE$5Q i, SEWING CHEST $3199 VILLA CABINET SAVE ~5 PORTABLE HAND HELD \ACUUM SAVE TOUCH-TRONJC" 2010 SEWING SYS I EM SAVE $2()()!. SUPERSPE~! oa.UXE FREE M SEW1NG MACHINE MODEL 1411 SAVE s150 CfFREG PRICE BRIARWOOD CABINET SAVE s35 2Q% CfFREG.~ LOOK FORTHE COMPLETE LINE Of SINGER SEWING NOTIONS AT YOUR FAVORITE RETAILER. mon P'W&ems tum up. In duaJ.pay- check man1aQa ~ how they can be dealt wllh eff ecttvely. •Not 10nlght o... rm 10o 11red"" Work-related fatigue -especially • when a wife begins a new or different job -Is nonnal. And the first area to show signs of strain Is a couple's &ove life. Sex may occur less often -at least temporarity. But It can some- times be even more satisfying, espe- dally If a woman's job makes her feel more fulfllled, more Independent or more equal by allowing her to share the 6nandal burden. So If your love llf e languishes for a while. don't panic. "'Sexual frequency only indicates persistence," points out Or. Merle Kroop, director of educa- tion and training In the human sexual- ity program at New York Hospital- ComeU Medkal Center. ..I know couples who make love only once every two weeks and are quite h¥W" If work saps your evening energy, talk to your husband about your feel- ings. Set aside some "together" time -whether It's for lovemaking or Intl· mate conversation. And enjoy the pleasure of touching and holding one another some nights without the pres- sure of sex. U fatigue persists. however. it might mask other problems. Sometimes. the solution is fairly obvious: Some women reduce or change the1r work hours; others seek part-time work or find a job closer to home. Since chronic fatigue can also be a ~ that you feel angry or depressed In your job, a new employer might be the answer. If you are ln the sexual doldrums, It's up to you to take that first brave step and tell your husband -ln a lov- ing. not accusatory. way. The most Important thing is to enllst his help - make him your ally, Instead of your adversary. "WtM* 1\sn II It 10 Do the Dllhelr Some husbands of working wives do more than thetr share of the housewoci<, and even the most reloc- tant men will often agree to do tome of It. But the hard reality. according to a recent national survey, Is that 86 percent of all married women who work sdll handle most of the cleaning, laundry, cooking and chUd care. Some women can cope wtth this; those who cannot have several op- Uons. A direct request for a helpalg hand, !Md, firmly and wtthout ange( ls USU· aly th. bell way to begin. Ant, be spedftc. Tel hin( you are having problems juggling domelttc and )ob ~· Tell him ex- (con'*'wd on page 8J T.m SdluJlr 6t °" GllMironl (lf'O/w« of /o41r-,,_,, !' New Ven u,,,_...,. t • ,~y WllKLY, -1. tm --~-I ··~--......... 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Mr c ....... _ Onfy ..... plu• s I 25 poalegt I t end llandll119 fTotal Sil 20) t I 0 IAVI U.41f 1W for Jult 117.N pkla S2 00 poet· I 1 egt end handling (Total $19.95) 1 ,1 0 IAQ 111.... ,_ tor I~ Ul.11 plu.s S3.00 1 .. poategt and llandUng (Toial 132 96) ......... -.. --------------- WOM AND LOO fconJJru.w4Jrom ,,. 6) actly what help you need. lf neces- sary. prepare with him an outline of the way you spend your houn each day. Have him do the same. Then see if you can agree on an equitable ar· rangement for housework and chlld care during each of your free houn. Chances are he will be surprised at the length of your workweek; family time· allocation studies show the average workday of the working wtf e Is 13 houn long: for the working husband. it Is eight. .. Women should try to speak up," says Mildred Kllngman. a New York psychotherapist 'who often counsels couples. "Often. a woman Is afraid her husband will say. 'You can't han· die tt? Qutt the job.' And if she feels she doesn't have any real right to work -If she feels guUty -then she is totally vulnerable. Unfortunately, privately that you're no.longer home enough. Don't Ignore the danger sig- nals. lf he seems angry. withdrawn or upset when you go off to the job mar· ket instead of the supermarket. talk to him about his feehngs. Tact and negotiation are usually the most effective antidotes if your hus- band Is experlenong this type of dis- comfort. When Martha C returned to the work force as a nurse in a Madison , Wis. hospital. she overcame her hus· band's objections by reassuring him lhe money was ''for httle extras ... Other women find that volunteer work or part-time work Is easier for nervous husbands to digest. And be aware that your husband may react with less than )oy to any promotion or raise you might receive. Many husbands genuinely en)oy their wives' success. 'Some grin and bear It. But if yours Is prejudiced against it. don't make light of his very real fears. • Somdlmu, fmproulng a relationship takes work. As Dr. Kroop points out: "It goes right back to first grade. when girls were told. 'Don't raise your hand so much - boys won't like you if you know aD the an- swers.· That's why women are so often ambivalent about get· ling a )ob, or a promo- many women still believe they don't have the right to demand more for themselves." ButwhUe It's nice to have your way, be sure to consider your husband's needs, too. If his background or job pressures simply make It Impossible for him to help, be prepared with other options. A housekeeper one day a week may diminish your pay- check, but salvage your happiness. Your children may be able to take on a greater share of small chores. Your mother. or his, may be wll1lng to lend a hand. Or your hu$band might agr'ff to do other nonhousework but time· consuming pbs, (like grocery shop- ping) that now eat away at your energy. Whatever arrangement you make, be sure It does not breed resentment or regret. If your agreed dlvlsk>n of labor does not feel comfortable for either of you, change It. .. My HulbMd Doem't w ... Me to Work'" A hutband may appreciate the ex· tra Income when his wlfe WOtkt, yet raent the fact that he Is no longer the only breadwinner. He mey bolllt about you .. pda, then ccmpWn I • ,,.,,_., W&.IU.Y, -t. - tion, or a raise," she explains. 1bey are afraid to threaten their husbands - and often wisely so." Sometimes. a frank discussion will unravel mixed emotions. A third party -a member of the clergy or a mar· rlage counselor -can be a hefpfuJ In· termedlary. But the key, say the women we Interviewed, Is to avo6d dntwtng battle lines around a stngle Issue. .. My Job SllWd My ~ It Is Important to remember, how- ever, that an outside )ob often can ease marriage strains as well as add to them. Everything from the way you communicate to your sex life, &om ft.. nanca to how'.awork. can be~ for the better tf handled with J lltde wisdom, flexiblllty, a seme ofhumor · and a dash of self ·esteem. "Now that I have a llttJe Independence, f don't think about our problems at home tO much," says Mary K., who lut year began w6rklng for a marktt·mean:h firm, canvassing ·neighborhood women door-to'"<loor about natl poa.h. breakf• foods and lhampoo . .. And now we get alof'9 bitter. W. haw more thtnga to talk . rm about." .. . Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. I . LIFTS • PEELS •STRIPS AWAY UP TO 18 COATS OF PAINT WITH ONE SINGLE 60·SECOND APPLICATION! • Simply apply-let dry-peel away paint like paper In one single actJon • Ends sendlng-scraplng-spraylng-chlpping-steef•wool FOREVER! • Amazing European discovery turns layers of paint to a single sheet of 'paper' so It peels away Just like you'd lift and turn the pages of a book! WORKS ON ANY SURFACE ••• WOOD, BRICK, METAL, PLASTER, GLASS, STONE, ANTIQUES! Amazing new formula actualty penetrates old paint (varnish and m1)( with water and coat onto any painted surface. Then press down lacquer. too). in minutes Transforms rt 1mo a soft plastic-like him. speaal ·Peet-Away' ~1c-fibre l.Jft-tex stnp-away cloth. (included Then s1mpty let set . lift. roll. stnp up to 18 coats of paint away 1n a free) . let dry and adhere to surface .. and without even s1nole peel-away action' Yes. years of built-up paint peel away as dirtying your hands. lrtt away old paint. 1ust llke you'd peel a quick and easy as you'd tum this very page' Ends sanding. banana It is as simple and easy as that. No mess. No·tuss. No scrapino. chipping and foul-smetltng chemicals ONCE AND FOR Odor. Old paint lifts~ ltke a smgle sheet of paper. Original bare- All. wood finish comes through like new aoain. There's no dust up. No clean up. Just a single peel-away action so ECONOMICAL TOOi MERE PENNES PER JOBI AND restores the bare. onginal finish ... good as new in a flash! THE P£EL-AWAY MAGIC-AIRE a.ant IS COMPLETRY SO WY MN A CHllO CM DO fTI Rf.OSAIU, GOOD FOR YEARS TO COME! Galled 'Peel-Away', this new wonder-formula has been offlclalty Peet-Away is Mry home-owners dream come true. Ideal for reoistered wrt'h Gov't. patent offices throughout the Wor1d . It is indoors on walls, windows. furnitu re. etc.-plus 101 out.door uses completely odor1ess-completely safe! Reacts only with paint. too. And It costs only a little more than a penny per foot coverage varnish. lacquer or shellac ... nothing else! So you can use it on Homeowner's size alone gives enough coverage to strip away as even finest furniture, precious art frames, why even delicate wicker much as 500 to 750 feet of wall and door trim . window frames. or valuable painted-Mr marble. In fact. 1t is so safe, so gentle, it is furniture molding, stair railing, patio furniture. roof-<Jutters . its used by London's British Museum and wor1d-tamous art galleries uses are almost endless. to strip old art frames and 6enturt<>td paneling. Even used by SAVEi WOM, SAVES TIM£. SAVU MONEY antique deale1s to strip down pnceless furniture treasures for resto-... MAID TMING Off twWT EVEN EASIER TMAN ration. Ves. 'PEEL-AWAY' literal~ WdY Mry last layer of old PUTTING IT OMI paint even from hard-to-get-at P such as Impossible-to-reach So for the new low-cost. super-fast W8'J to peel '8Na.Y old paint windowpane comers ... grOOYed molding . . finety tooled ... lift ~ old lacquer. varnish and shellac ... order PEEL- woodwor1<. etc .. etc. AWAY today on full money-t>D guarantee. REMEMBER: You must SIMPLY COAT IT OM SEE IT TURN PNNT TO "PAPER" be able to Simply coat ... peet ... lift and strip '8Na'/ l!ri to 18 It JUST MINUTES ... ANO PEEL IT AWAY layers of old paint in a Single peel-away action without •A SltOlE Lff-Off ACTION! sanding. scraping, ch1pp1ng or steel wool or purchase pnce Best of all this new wonder-formula Is so easy to use. SJmply refunded in full. Order today WINDOWS WAU.9 A PICK FUMfTU"IE llAIL NO-lllSIC COUPON TOOAYI r----------------·-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ Ollpt. ......... °""'°"" ....... a.t ...... --~ ,,,. p._. RUSH. me tr. ~ ol lht "PEEL NNAY' New ....,,..,., Fomue c:n.cMd be10w If I wn ~ ..... lied Wiii fie_,•,.._, up IO 18 ~ ol Pl"'il wll\ jUll one W1Qlll IC4**D• I rTWJ """' lor a !Ill ~ I._. i ~ft! hlndllng. ol courM ' CHICK Off'-'P DONO sz='Eirmm· - Amounl ata-1 $ '""' IW4d9nla plaMe add ..... lax) Noc 0.0.'I plMle aw.aa m 111s ITWWTUl1 ctwv-1 ': VISA -MllllrCltd ClllMC.O . -----tiio 0. --..,. _________ _ AOO!m---------- Qcy~-------------~ ,,,. ................. ------------1---- Lighter Foods .. Spring Dining or To help you enjoy the longer days of 8JJff11g and summer, we've choeen a medley of redpea you can prepare In short on.fer. A bonw: Their low-calorie couni. (even our Wine-Qlbe Paefult has only 123 calories per ., wag) mean -you11 look Iii 8hape Jew aummet Jun. By fllotilyn Honaen 2 -illttJW ........ ....... l cm (141.\ oz.) ~._ c:hldiaa brudl It uaaoma..-,_. 1 C9 (ll -., codlllll .......... lt 6 .... , 9 .... --%• lfDDlhol ......... 1 10-. .... 4or ll,i Cllllll9 .... , ......... . c.-.. ... .... bine remaining broth mixture and cau.118owerets. Ch.ID until ~ thickened. Spoon over asparagus layer. Chill until slight· ly firm (about 5 mlnu~. 5. To make third layer, chop re- maining asparagus: stir into vegetable juice mixture. Chlll un· ti1 ~ thidc.ened. Spoon aves cauliflower layer. Chill until firm, sewraJ hours or ~t. 6. Unmold ~ before serving. Garnish wilt\ radish slices and green onion fans if desired. · Malen 8 wrvlngtr-~ 2 Clllf9 .... c ---· coolied...t ...... 1. In saucepan, sprinkle 1 envek>pe gelatin over chld<en broth to soften. Plac.e over low hat, stirring until g&lntin Is dissolved. Remove from he.at; satr in 1 teatpoon lemon juiee. Cool. 2 . Meanwhile. In another saucepan, sprinkle remainjng gididlrt owr c:oddall wgetllble juice to !Often. Place owr low heat. stirring until gelatln • dmoMd. Rt!l'n()IW from heat: slfr In Worcesaershlre. hot ~ per sauce and remaining lemon juice. Cool. 3. To make first layer. pour about 1/z cup chicken b'r'' - ture into 6-Cl:P -· Chill until s.1gn ll~,: (about 5 mlnutesl . Meanwmle. tnm tips from asparagus to fit mold. Arrange aspwagut tips spokes·fathion on gelatJn. Spoon llbout lf2 cup c:h6cken broth m&xtutt owr 8lpln9.IS. °" until ~ firm (about 5 mtn~. 4. To inaU ..:and layer. com· Approldnw.de ca&ones per serv- ing: 38 I ..... (10 QI. ..ti).._ r:tiau1d"'-alw2"" Clllf9 .... ~Woe· col. 090liild ........ 1 ~ a.-... I I I s..it c:e-. 1 emt(l~OL)~of tnoei-. , ..... ~ ....... \4 .. ..,.,_ ckiecl dlll werr awbed '" tea." 1. Greaw a :• , J • pan. To make first layer. in e.Jec. tric blender. combine broc.coli. 1,; cup Swill chcae. 1/2 can IOUp, 2 eggs. 1/4 -.poon dill and ~ trr lfOOl'l pepper. blend until smooth. .z. Pour lnlO pr~ loaf P9fl. ... w.i\..h)\ r,. mau .. ·.~ .: -.:i~:. and ~teaspoon pepper. CMT()(S, com, onion and musaard; blend until .mooch. ~ c.aR!fully onto flnt layer. 4 . Set mold In rOllltlng pan. Pour In ~ hot ,,.,..... to come halfwey up 9cia ol )oaf •. I ,•.,,.;, ..i.e ·'· , ri, r:~ _,e at 375 'i: •• :~ or until kniffl' .:mier comes c-1 • 5. Cover: ,. loOllen from small spmu.li Garnish w!th c~mc..t .1ow...:;. cs • ..i frah dill weed. Moka8.ervtngs Approidmaee calories per MrY- lng: 19'l apple, Q~!.\lo~ I -..~~ 1 I 'I PD mft'Y,..., ~ m"an .,...-..w T..-..~ C=•wadonJ111191 J2) f'Mll.Y MBCLY, ...... 2. -• tt -----·------~ _J --· 0 l I '1 SPRING DINING (continued from pogs 11} 1. In food proc:es90f or electric blender. combine all in~edients except coconut: blend until smooth. Chill overnight. Shape into ball; roll In coconut. Serve with aackers. Maka about 1 '~ cups Approltlmate calories per I-tablespoon serving: 40 Note Use low-calorie mayonnaise, if avallable. to further reduce calories. SPRJNd GARDEN SOUP 14 CllP c:boPl*i onion 14 c:up .... c:elcry 1,4 leMpOOa crUllMd Ny ..., -f t.MlelJ' c D.• butt.For merprtne l CM (1~ OL) er-. ol cbk:k.-_,.. 1 .... (10 OL) ha. peM or f~ aip9 n.b peM, c:oobd -s draJned 1 alp ... 1. In saucepan. cook onion and celery wid'I bev luif In buuar until tender-Add .. malnlng Ingredients. l. Pour mlxtute into electJ1c blender: blend until smooth. Return mixtuN to .,..icepan. Heat; stir occasionally. 0\18 c:owred, 6 nows or more. Garnish with lemon slkes tf desired. Maka 4 Nnllngs ApproxlrNa calories per servtng: 209 SHERRIED EGGS IN ASPIC , ........ ~ .. tin 2 cam (1"'1\-oa. m.) ~to-MrW beef broch ,... alp Illy tMny 1 alp cuollo8ll ,.. ............ canot 4~okad .... d6dMllC9t le hlllf 1. To make a.pk:. 111 saucepan. sprinkJe ~ .owr beef broth to IOften. Piece owr low Milt, lllntng until geUdlr1 Ls clillolwd. Rert'IO\'e from heat; • In lhmy. Chll until ~dy thkMned. I. Arr-. 8 oa.d 4-or. mo&ds on Inly. ti• ,,..,W.CU.-1.- 7 Pour 1/•·inch thick layer into molds. Chill until slightly firm (about 5 minutes). 3. Arrange single layer peas and C&TOl5 on aspic. Spoon 2 tablespoom additional aspic over peas and carrots in each mold Chill until sli!jitly firm (about 5 minutes). 4. Arrange eggs on aspic. cut-side up. Spoon additional aspic over eggs to cover. ChlD until slightly flrm (about 5 minutes); decorate with single layer additional peas and carrots. Spoon 'remaining aspic over peas and carrots. ChiO until firm. Unmold. Moka 8 savings Approximate calories per serving: 71 SlllAWBERRY YOGURT SAUCE 1 Ql'10ll (8 oz.) plain yogurt 1 cup alk:ed, hsh etrwbema 1 tabM911oon ...-r 1,4 • .....,._ almoocl Clllnct 1. Place aD i~edients In blender contain· er; cover. Blend until strawberries are ~ed. 2. Cover and chW 1 to 2 hours to allow flavors to blend. Serve over chilled fresh &ult of the season . Maka 1 'lz Cf4'9 Approximate calories per I -tablespoon serving: 10 RED AND ORANGE CHICKEN SAlAD I qta. blt.ebe pieces Mlad ~ I new! orue-. peeted and dk:ed 2 red-tklnned ~ cond and diced 1 red bell 1M1PPft. Meded and cut Into .... . 1 ....... bell IMIPPft. Meded and cut Into etrtpe I cups c:oobd c:hkbn etrtpe 1 cup ~cranberry Juke codtuill I ~ ton.tan:h 1,4 c:up lemon jute. 1,4 cup or.,.. Juke 1 swdet dehydrated wgctab&e broth. 1. Line a salad bowl with greens. Mix together oranges, apples. red and !J-een peppers and chicken .. Spoon Into salad bowl over ~s. Cover and chill. 2. To make drallng. mix cranbeny juice cocktall and cornstarch In a small sauot- pan; stir over medium heat until mixture bubbles end thk:kens. Sclr In &ult Ju"- and dehydrated vegatable broth. O\ID. 3. When ready to serw, lpOOl'l drallng over salad and toel. Maka 6 NrUlngs Approximate clliona per lllYlng: 180 •Nole If available , UM a\Jlhed low· IOdium \/9gltable boulllon cube. l I (COftllnwd on p.-17}, -- --Rllm ~tend me the Campbell IOd ~ch(a) ~below I~ endoled $15.95 pb UY 2 labek (front pandl only) rrom Campbel'• Chk:km wllh Rice. Oilcken \1eaetab6e Chldlen a SW. 011 ~ ~i.,..., fcreKll ..tell order-ed. I t.¥'e eldoeed a tml ol --llibdl and•·--- (check°' money order only~ MAL TO:~ Kid. P.O. Bo. 8604, Oinlon. IA S27J6 Campbell Kid WrtltwW.ches Boyi Wllc:h LJ Cufa \\Wd'I D Mani Wlld'I D \\bfnan i w.td'I 0 Hime Qty Scale lJp Of'F'fJt Dnll:SlllAYSI. lta.Of'l.pod °""... m~· = lul and °"'1 pod In US.A.. PUeno Rico UICI tz•r Plwiil.._lwie.-•~ \Wet lllald. l'tllllrtdtdar......_ ..,._ 0.- _ llie ,_.. eo ._.. ......,~~ ... _ ... ~. ("Alllpbel "9ce. c--. kl-. ------------------------·-- ------------~· .. _ .. ..,..,._ ---.-, ............... ~~~~~~========:J l I Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Riter K"lngs. 15 mg. "taf'. 1.0 mg. nicotine; Plains. 22 mg. "tar''. 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarane. f!C Repon Dec. '81. • 1 1 1 .._.--. ........ -... I!' 3 •rra··::r:nrml•WI ~ Calar ..... , ....... Toe.I lor mard'lendiM s Red (22) &Nwlno ena Handttng s I so • Tan (24) T«*le.....ora_..... . CAt'-_... lldd ..... tu, Sottr. nocoo•a.1 Bone~ METHOOO#N~ OCt-* enctoMd • ._to "Amt ecW') ·I~~~.......,.......-~~~~~~~~--'·~, ~Ix~,·~ c;;:o.....,.. ~-----~~~-----------------2l'01t' ~-'-------------~------~No·--~ -------------..... ZIP--- -----------------------------------------------~ -~-~---·-1 SPRlllQ DllllllQ (contln~d from ~ 121 With slotted spoon, remow 6sh to metal or ~-on-metal au !J'adn pan; keep ~ WINE CUBE. PARFAIT la d094m'm ............ Yt cup Kw.. cw o...n. -a--.r .... '4 aip .... 1'4 ~ mm. cw G.Rft. U--.wtM l•t!sc-..- lpllltm~...._. 1. Splnkle geladri OWi' 1;, cup wine In small saucepan. Place Oller low he.at and stir constantly until gelatin is dissolved, about 3 minutes. Remove &om he.at. 2. Add If• cup sugar and 11/• cups wine; stir until cu . Pour into 9 x 5-lnch loaf pan. ChUJ until firm. 3. Cut Into I-Inch cubes. Layer In pa'falt glaws with ~ ~ halves. Chlll undl rudytoserw. Mako6.initngs 1 Approximate calories per serv- ing: 123 I Dlll.Y C01TAGE CHEESE DIP 1 aip ._ ... cou..-~ Jut' J _ ..... _. 1 • t' ,clMI.._,_. '4 11•..rt Sutlr"clllM___.. p6ctda 1 f t' ,c IMI millmd ... OlllDlt 1. Ptece coaage cheese In a smaD mixing bowl. Bat on high tpeecj of mixer until almott smooth. about 5 minutes. Stir in remaining b9ed1ents. 2. Cowr and chi! 2 to 3 hoUJs to allow flavors to blend. 3. Serve owr a toaed gr.ti salaci. This mixture can also be 9Gwd as a piquant dip for a19p ~ crudftes. Mako l cup Approximate calories per 1-tabepoon serving: 14 POACHED SALMON WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE I am (l~ oz.) dtAdi.t twoth 1 cup .... heh _ _,_ (about,,. lb.) Yt cup IMtv chopped ~ I ...a dow ptlk, ..inc.cs l trtlu,co-IMltt• Of ......... 4 ............. (about Yt lb • .. ,., ~ aip ClileWla Of odMr ., ......... 11 .... ..., .... lUtlllfa-~ 1. R.-ve 1/• cup brodl. In .._, ..atR mushroornl and cook onk>n with gartc In bumr until ..... J. ArrWlgl Ml In ..... Add,.. f . ~~ ·1 maining broth. wine "i"' bay leaf. Cover; bring to boil. Reduce heat; cook over low heat 15 minutes or until done. Dbcard bay leal. 3. Remove ftsh to heated platter. Mbc reserved broch and rom- smn:h; gradually blend Into mushroom mixture. ~. stir- ring unl!I thk:Mned; serve w!dl ftsh. Maka 41D1Jln911 Approximate calorles per serv- ing: 402 POACHED SALMON WITH PARSLEY SAUCE ~ aip.,, .wt. .... ~aip --- 2• tt 'tCWIMM,... 1 tz''r'ta• ..-.t ...._ cw.-aCll!lm9 Yt• ec•Mk 1 .... Mli .... lYt .............. cw .... l•u rc•-..ar ......... l •'I 'c•low ... jlOlk. ....... I «Mlr,.coe ..-.t ~ l . Place wine. wmr. lime ju.Ice. sha.Docs. salt and bey leaf in a 9klllet; ha to bolling. Add salmon. OOYfll and *""-- Cook un1ll ..imon flakes easily when tated wltt'I a fork, or allow 10 minutes cooking time per Inch of salmon thickness. measured at Its thic:Mst point. 2. Remow sUnon &om tkillet with a slotted speiula and •- range on a serving planier. Scra1n poachjng bquld and reserve 1 cup. 3. In a small saucepan, melt but- ter. blend In flour, Pually add raerved ftsh stock; cook and ltlr until thk:kened. 4. Sta-about I/• cup hot sauce Into egg yol<; stir mlxlwe Into sauce. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes over very low heat. sdntng ~ smndy. Sdr In ~ · 5. Spoon IOml! of sauce over the salmon; pass remainder In a sauceboat. Mako 4 tenrin911 Approximate calories per wrv· Ing. 335 Fill.ET OF SOLE NOCADO ·~.._., ...... t c-. I •U11,1• --ow ----1\4 ...... oflolecw ...... ..... 'Ale-.., ..... .... Ytaip .... .. l UU 9' HI .. ,,. .... F-,.._ •elhlv..,.... P'IPP# Yt c-. (I oa.) liM6v th....w.id S....cta-1_._.._,.,...,.. ~ l a.1111,.ao•llmM_. 1111 rmq ...... l . In ll!rge skillet. sauti mush- rooms In butter, sdrr1ng unl!I jUlt tenda. 2. Place 6sh In 5killet; add wine. Heat )usa to the simmering point. cowr and simmer 5 minuties. 3. In timider combine sbn mik. flour. salt and pepper. Pro- cess for 10 seconds or unl!I smooch. Pour mixture Into skillet and heat to bolling, sdrring. 4. Pour sauoe owr fish. Sprinkle cheese over aU. Place pan briefly under broiling rack. 4 Inches - from $OUJU of heat. for 3 to 4 minutes to melt cheese and brown lkjldy. 5. Meanwhile. peel and h.aNe avocado, remove seed and cut lengthwtse Into 8 sllca. Sprinkle wtth lime juke. Garnish sides of serving pan with overlapping avocado slices. Maka 4 MnJlnga Approxlmat.e ailories per serv- ing: 300 I r----------------------------------, I RIST B>mONS, Dept. JM-7640, 340 Potabr SCreet. Hl.nower, PA 17331 I I ~MM --fl-GlrcNll °'"8(ts) NllfT I I ~l ts Indicated. llAM£ I I s, M. 1.. ~ s14.11 p1va sus *· I Slzn n. •8dl °"" ••s.• giva SUS p&ll. ADOIW -----------• Q!".!' _, Order rw Ot-tor lust I I ..: = l!!°.r.:.a" a 1t11M1lln1 on Nlllt CITY STAll --ZJf' __ I : =m OAIMrtc.= O~lelto:e;.~5f:.1~~ : I ~ .. !'.'!'..J~~ a c.t• •i.ctie o V'isa _,.. ow ,.uc, i. i. ,_. I -··-• na 1H ...-ttr. Ct.it ~ ...,_ f -... ,,,__ '"" ctw11t ..,. __ DeYrs -I Ltp. Ute t1t1~ """""· .,._ ...,_,_. W1t111a to I I O EaclCIMd i• S.-(dltc• Of lllOMY ordetl ""- L------- -------KJt.1.1oc. 1m ---------------' SAVEsgJ1Beauti/!d s11Jas A $23.99 Value! IJUYI JUSI_,~1111 FLOWER-GARDEN i>RESS City Ciiio ••• Co6Mfr)' CMrwr ••. A dr9el to 11¥1 In Ind love, aM 111•:~=mer drlftof~ cotton ,..,,. • • • I ~. rtc:Ny botde1ed. ........... Drlnt •.• From and beC:ll ~ ...... llMtno. Wear It"" Md flowlf'9: ec.-Cfaild ........ ,Ntllly 80CIMtd wttti *"'· anct ..._ ... ..='"-°'~ ........ .,. ..... Mey ...... u-. , ............ (l'D.., •tCI), 111(11-14), L(•tl) ................ ... ~) ................................... .... .. ----•r·-----SAfllUC:TIC* ~Ol lllAll TODo\Y' -_____ , I OLD VtuMiE ......... VM-1114, -,.., ............ 17111 I ....... "' .. _.... ... ""'*....,--.,.... .--I •n .!.....__ prs ....,., TIOl l •tMr (M24257U) Sin --•1«11--o-"'., --llfl. llletl'I lled. L•IMf CMUM0211 lin --Wlflll __ _.,.. '•ft\li -'"'· ...,.., 11-s.i.citc1 IM242Slll) Sin __ wi. __ i:P" _..., ..... S...S.-l-*21Jli•l 1 s.,. ___ -- ... lrt -trl. W-'I TH lmlltet (llt20l5Utl Sire __ Widtll -1 --II" ,..._"llllrtll9tllef CM203ll711Sir•--Wldtll __ _ pn . .,._., lll11t1 l u tt1¥ (lll22.Jltla) Silt __ w.-__ m IT " I _ pn ._..., •·-~" 11i122J1M11 "" __ Wi11t11 __ • Bl I !of iuJt $14.U p< •• plus $2 to I'" Pt. p01u,. 111d MNlllllC ~-=-I SAVt llllC:*! Ordit1 TWO pair for illS1 $2'." plwt 5$.00 po1t1C1 tlWI11Mfl111c. ,..__ 1 cu1110 Allltf•cu w11u 8 c.te11Mc111e a ..... ., c--11 t••'tl>t ''"' 11: 0 lllSA Ou11n' Ch•• & !Wiii ). I lllCIOHd l• $___ Acc't • -Dalt (Ip -- Old I l"IUNHIAMl ------------------- Vi.Qage I AODllUS --------------------ShOi> I CITY__ STAT l"----1 Ole' h.,, _, .-'°< tot • ~-·· ~-i. -1.u.-..,. ... Of ... 1otb "-"·PL I aJl..u) ow POI<) •• 10 ,, .... ,Ill ...... ,._,, e. .. 11 to•• ...... '" ..... " ... -<t-_., 0.U" .... ,~ .. "°""'" ......... ·--·-wllA .. to U,. 1 17»1 . '---.----.--.. C)M..M.l.IK.., 1M2 -... ---~---• • Don't Pa"5Q-Don't PaV... NOW JUST 14.88 Genuine Leather Smooth <X' Sueded NOW! llLB5R.L COMl'OllT MOllltlllfG ·ro MGHT1 n. dewt ....... . .... ...,..., .. ·,., .. ,we -................. .. celllfert ..• aM .. "'a•-..._......._ ,_•11 ...-. • .. ta• .. .......................................... _..._ .................... ....,,.. 'afs tr t inc n. ...... Ct a h* ardl ...... --celllhrt .._ .......... el • ' I• •. s A.-...c.-."*'"* ................ ......_"-' ,_ ... I C' • --........ celllfert .......... ~ .... ...... ,.. .............. ..., .. , ...... _... ........... .... ...................... W •-----. r--..... - 1, n . ' n. '· ,,.. ,,., '· "'· '.,., '.,., tt. .. h, .. .,., -.. tt ,.,., t1, ""· ... -ti .... .. c. .... -.-~c. .... -.- ....... _________ ~~--II'!!!!!!~~ .......... ------------ Boxe1-Poet Ray manclnl Lowe1s the Boom Boom Fo1Hls Dad Rav (left} agaimt champ Alexis Arguello lost October and (Inset) at 8 months. already a raging baby buff By Bouy Wllne< In 1941. Lenny (Boom Boom) Man- cini was a top contender for the lightweight title. He was a relentless, buzz saw of a boxer. As one writer put it then. ..With &om Boom, you wound him up and he couldn't stop punching:· That year, he lost a controversial split decision to champion Sammy Angott. The next year. Lenny was ready 10 sign for a rematch with Angott when he w~ drafted Into the Army. Lenny never got another shot at the titJe. In 1944 in Metz, France. he was hit by mortar shrapnel -six pieces in all -which tore through his arm. back and leg. The doctors could remove only four of the fragments. Though he returned to the ring two years later as a middleweight, Lenny had lost au of his fighting skills. Today. the scars of age. boxing and war remain. Lenny. 62. is partly blind In one eye. walks with a limp and has frequent memory lapses. But Lenny has ah opportunity few men do: His son has chosen to pick up his father's Ufe and fulfill Its promise. Rey (Boom Boom) Mancini ls a 21 ·year-old lightwetght boxer from Youngstown. Ohio. He gets his sec- ond sho1 M the world title on Satur- day, May 8 In a televised bout from la Vegas against World Boxing ~n champ Arturo Frias. A superb all-round athlete, Mancini probably would have received college 8orr)I Wilner frequcntlv repottl on 1he ~ .,,,,. lot FAMA.v WEEJ<.Lv scholarship offers as a defensive back In football, point guard In bas- ketball and out- fielder In baseball. But Mancini chose the rir\g. His reason was simple. "My fadier never got the shot at the title he deserved and I wanted to do it for h im .·· explains Mancini. who lost his first title bout In October to formid· able World Boxing Council champion AleXJS Arguello. "My father paid his dues and now he's getting a chance for some publicity. Everywhere he goes now. he's a celebnty. When I wm the rttle. it will be for him as much as for myself. We like to say that after I win a title. there11 be two champs in the f amUy." As a boy. Ray would listen to his father·s tales of boxing glory. He went through Lenny's scrapbook so often. he memorized every detail of Lenny's career. Then, as a teen-ager he began training. wearing his father's old trunks and shoes. Ray turned pro at age 18 an.d has risen steaddy, under the tutelage of veteran trainer Murphy Grtfftth (uncle of five-time champ Emde Griffith) and manager Dave Wolf. a fonner sportswriter (Foul) who h~dled Too Tall Jones In his embarrA551ng one-year hiatus from football. Now. with a 21-1 record and 17 knockouts. Ray Is a hero in Youngs· town. a blue-collar city with little else to cheer about in these recessionary times. But one person from Youngstown wasn't exactly thrilled when Ray decided to become a boxer. That dis· senter was Ray's father, the man they call "the unaowned champ" around Youngstown. ..My father told me there was nothing special about box· Ing," says Ray. "He said It's tough and lonely and that I wa.s talented enough to do other things. He has a favorite saying: 'One da~ headlines, the next day breadbna.' How dki Ray convince the old man? '1 t~ him f d Win the tile for him." (condn~d on PoS1' 211 l'AMILY WUIU.Y, W., 2. 1"2 e It UPAIU LUOGAGl,AUTO SIA ' -............ _..,... ___ _ ...... .._. ..... _ ..... _...,_.....,_ ==Sil ..... _____ .,. ___ __ .. _......_. __ ,_, .... .. .. _ •""9 ....... -...... ... :r:t. ----'* "".""'.,It ..... """'"' .. -......... -IMwt"• ,...._ .... ~-...,. .... -..... ..... -........................... ~ ~WW••---••-••":J'.­IW•-"'•-·•-•....., IOllt• _. ................. ....., ..... _ .... _ ...,....., __ .. lml\'1 w.. ... , ...... = ........ -....... ..-. ,...._ .... __ _ ~--""" ..• ~ .... ~ Cilflllt .. ,.. ........................ ,.._ ............ "'"·---!ml ........ -----.,,. . ,. ... .., ... -. "-............................ 11'•• ....... -.. :1: .... ,, .... ,.. ........ " .... ......... _.. ......__ .... .,... .. ,.. __ l_ ..... CONvan1u TOPS, 100 UPHOLSTBY, GOU UGI WNINGI, IHOll, IUG nNTS, SAILS, n only ... s49s Ml ._,a, M ... 1&,~l.T.- r-~-----------------l .......-..... 92••U , -............ ~ ...... I,.._ .. _____ ~--·- ::..-==...-...~ .. -......... ., ... lo • ._ .. _,,.,,.. t1•..._, ..... • lo •----.. • ..,...._, __ 10 -..... -.................. ! 1_ au ........ _..._,., ; 1--I 1_ I 1-• I ~------------~----J The renowned illustrator of "Little Women" cremes her first porcelain sculptures . . . Amy by T~~ Tudor Inaugurating Tasha Tudor 's first collection of porcelain sculptures. Individually crafted, hand,painted and issued in limited edition. Arc of enchanting beauty, at the very attractive price of $75. In today's world of fine boolc illustrators. there is one n~ that stands out among the resc-Tasha Tudor. An artist who. for almost fifty years. has been capturing the hearts of millions with art 'that 1s happy. innocent and filled with old-fashioned charm. With delicate use of colors and a wealth of detail, her illustrations create a magical world of malce-bel1eve with characters as loveable as they are unfo~ttable. Now, to celebrate the ISOth anniversary of author Louisa May Alcott's birth, Ta!ha Tudor has created her very first work.s in porcelain. A collection of limited edition "Little Women" sculprures that are sure to be of exceptional interest to collectors. "Amy". portraying Louisa May Alcott's charming, blue-eyed beauty. inaugurates the collection. Crafted in fine, hand-painted porcelain. it is a thoroughly delightful work of art. And it will be issued at the very modest price of just $75 -which may itself be paid in convenient monthly installments. The figure that Ta5ha Tudor has designed is so vivid, so alive, it's as if" Amy" had invited you into the pages of "Little Women" to come pay a special visit. There she sits with dreamy eyes fixed on the sketchpad in her lap. From her cascading golden curls, to the ruffled pinafore she wears as an artist's smock-she's the very vi1ion ofloveli· ness. A captivating and compelling sculpture as charming and full of grace as Louisa May Alcott's young artist. To ensure that every small detail of Tasha Tudor's art-every nuance of exprcsaion-is faithfully capcured, each sculpture will be mdivl<:lually crafted by master porcelain artisans in Japan. Each sculpture will be hand- cast ... hand-assembled ... and hand-painted wjch un· compromising care. In the tradition of classic works ln fine porcelain, "Amy" will be issued in a single limited edition, mcrved exclusively fur th~ who order from the collection by November 29, 1982 -the 150th anniversary of Louisa May Alcott's birth. When all vall<:I orders from thete indiv.duals have been filled, the edition will be closed. .. Amy" will bring her own penonaliry and chann to your. home and any room in which you choose to duplay her. And in time to come. this enpalna work of art Is lilcrly to become a treuured family heirloom, lovinaly pasted on from mother to daughter. To acquire your own hand-painted fine porcclaln tculp<ure of" Amy" by Tasha Tudor, it i1 important to act pt0mpdy. Pleue be sure to mail the accompenytng ad- vance retervadon application by May 31, 1982. Fiaurt '""'"' -cc.al •'-' -,. j---- ---------------------AOVANCE RESERVATION .... PPLICATION --------------------------· i\rny by Tasha T~ Valid only if ponmarked by May 31, 1982 • Limit: One sculptutt per person. Franklln Porcelain Franklin Center. Pcnruylvania 19091 Plcax accept my reJe?Vatlon for" Amy• by Tasha Tudor. to be handcrafted for me In flnc. hand-painted porcelain. I understand that I nttd tend no money now. l wLll be billed In four equal monthly uutall.mcnta of $18. 75• plus 75• for ship· pin( and handlina. with the flrtt payment due In advance of shipment. •Pli4J my •f4t.t J<!lts co.x SiiMture ---------- Mr. Mn. Miu~----------- Address ---------- Ci~------------ State, ZIP----------• 1141 ·------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Portratt of the boxer as a Voung man: If not/« the war. Lenny coulda been a contender. If Ray does puU it off It wlll be In the same nonstop, re- lentless • of his father. A natural left:flander who was switched to the right side because southpaws have troub&e getting fights, Man- cini's left hook to the body is his best punch -and It's a devastating one. And the 5-foot 6-lnch. 135-pound Ray lsn 't one to lay back and walt for the right opportunity. He just keeps flalljng away. It has been estimated that he throws as many as 100 punches a round. "If you don't throw punches, you don't win," he explains with Impeccable 1o9'c. In order to continue his at- tacking ~le. Mancini has found a unique way to train. He spends nearly an hoor neck-deep In a swimming pool. throwing punches. Lenny marvels at the train- ing regimen Ray goes through. "I never had the kind of preparation he has for his fights," says Dad. .. Watching Ray get In shape would hurt anybody." UMy fatha always ta~ed to me about having more heart than anybody elle," uys Ray. "He alwAys did. No matter how hard he was hit , he kept coming ~ you. ("J never took a step backward, .. Lenny Is fond of uylng. "But sometttTMa . J wtih J dtd.1 "The lnSplaador'l he gives me i. IOfMthtng ..,.ml. I look owr from the dng and .. the look on hit face - though I don't make a habit of it. And I wink at him to let him know I'm In control." Mancini has no doubt he 'II beat Frias. He even thinks he should have taken Arguello. who Is considered by many to be the best fighter In the world and has held three dif- ferent weight-class crowns. "I learned a tremendous amount about myself as a fighter," says Ray, who was knocked out by ~ello In the 14th round of a vicious f1ght. a fight Ray says he was winning until the 12th round. "I know that even when I'm hurt. I don't lose my com· posure and faith. That means a lot to you when you get back in the ring." Away from the ring, Ray goes in for more sensitive pursuits. He espedally Ukes writing poetry. "When things move me, I like to write about them," he explains. "I don't plan It but when they happen .... It's just a gift I'm blessed wtth ... When he was 13, Ray wrote a poem for his father, entltJed I Walk In Your Shadow. One of the verses reads: I av eucry tear that thi. man crfa, 'try~ t.aaJc that thi. morttria, ' '*" -~ tnfmOrY that thlt man -,,., I ,.ap •u.rv mountain • thai "'"' man Mcp. On 5Murdey, R-v Mllidtl b1a to ltap chm In.a mo\11'1• ~. For him.I. For .. hi.flilh•. ... 'AMll.Y WIBl.Y, .... 2. 9'm •ti Q------! k can inake or break }Ullr rtm9<leling prqed. It's qual!ty. Qualiry building products in.rure sucx:euful remodeling. Poor-qualiry products can rum a dream plan into a nightmare. Cltoo&iD1 quality windows is easy. It's And c n en. The word for window quality for almost 80 years. Easy 10 install Andersen• wu1dows bring the bcsl lo any remodeling and window replacement iob: Beauty -duoogh their famous slim Unes. En~efficiency-wi1h double-pane imul.ating ass. Maintenanc.e freedom -with Penna· ·eld~ a thick. extremely hard vinyl exterior covering thal won'1 need painting. If you're home imeroving don'1 leave anything 10 chance. Bwld-in quality. And Andersen. You'll find both at an Andersen dealer. See the Yellow Pages under Windows. Cane home tocpaaliql Cane home toAndmen: AMAZING CRYSTAL BALL Uke makint pr.dlctlona? Then accurately predict the awe and admiration of thoee pslnr upon thla authentic 4 inch diamel.4!r, lftlD119&, aolld cryata.l ball. This macnificient. handcra(t.ed cry1taJ 1phere 1a M perfect U humanly pc>Miblt to Cttal.4! ... one nawltM Oow of SOlJD cryltal ... putt, brilliant, arm~inrJy ttnective. Truly a collector'• Item, this fine, rare objet d'art m1ke1 an ncU.i:Df sit\. • refretblnr connruJion piece, 1n impraaiY• addition to any home or ornce. A retail value of well in exctM of •100.00. Take advantace or thla unique opportunity to J>OIHll thil amazing cry1taJ n.lue for t.he 1pecial pricit of only U9.95 plu1 •5.00 for po.tafe, hand.line and inaurance. You SAVE OVER 160.00. If not <Mllsht.ed, retum in 30 daya for a prompt, FULL refund. BONUS FOR PROMPTNESS: Place your order within 7 day1 of t.hla ad .. nlMmenl and ...ceiYe a beautiful, FRRE norace pouch. o ltlO A. L. WRIGHT INTllRNATlONAL CORP. A-6 Eut Hilla Cent.er, Box 8785, Pittaburp, Pa. 15221 ----------------------------- A.. L. ftlOHT INTERNATIONAL CORP. Dept. Fl7, A-8 lrMt HUia Cent«, Boa 8736, PIUabursh, Pa. 16221 SAVB: 2 for t77.&0 phu t7.50, poWip, hand.lint and iruutaftce. Pleue Mnd me &he AMAZING CRYSTAL BALL. EnclOMd •---------PL Neideota add 6,. -*tu Name ---------------------- Addnll---------------------- Oty _____________ St&t•---- Warning, The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cignne Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • MadLom Rea~ Speak Out On Tlmelg lsauea •••• Theg' 1e Wottled If the Presidential election were held d.isbict come the next election. 42.9% tomorrow, more than half of those the G.O.P. and 4.9% a third party. surveyed ln FAMILY WEEJ<LY's latest Readers cast thumbs down on the poll would vote against President President's foreign policy (57.8% dis- Reagan. approve of the way he's handling A mood of pessimism about the foreign affairs) ~ his proposed present Administration and the na-defense budget (a 56% vote of dis- tion's .economy pervades the re-approvaO. sponses to our March 14 "Timely The majority of respondents (52%) Issues" questionnaire. Our readers also disapprove of the President's seem skeptical about the President's handling of environment.al protection. Nindhng of a wide range of Issues: foreign policy, defense, the environ-J ment. employment opportunities, the· i cost of Uving. They appear less wor-i ried about their daily Uves -mar- riage, children. the work they do. The Administration • 41.6% would vote to reeled the President, 57.8% would not (lnduding 11. l % who say they would choose another Republican). • Vice President George Bush and Sen. Howard Baker are first among other Republicans. with 32.5% and 25. 9% of the reader vote respedfvely. • The Democrats named "most qualified to challenge President Reagan" are Sen. Edward Kennedy (22.1 %), Walter Mondale (21.1 %) and Sen. John Glenn (16.1 %) . • Of aD the First Ladles of the past 50 years, the one most admired was Eleanor Roosevelt with 3.5.9%. Nancy Reagan was fourth with 10.4%. Bess Truman was second with 11.6 % . fol- b.t.eeci by Betty Ford wtth 10 .8 % . Rosalynn Carter was fifth with 9. 5 % . More respondents Identify them- selves as Denioc:rats than Republicans (43.9% vs. 33.7%), but 52.7% of our readers prefer a Republican as Presi- dent. The G .0 .P. seems to get the nod of those who cite affiliation with a third party or with no party. However. our readers feel differently about their C~: 50% want the Democratic Party to win In their Report card on Reagan: 57.8'! soy they'd uote ago/NI him in on election If held now. The Economy A few Interesting paradoxes emerge ln our readers· 'responses to economic questions. Although 53.2% support the President's per- sonal tax-<:ut program and 53.8% ap· prove of the cuts in the Federal budget, readers seem quite skeptical about how well Reaganomic.s Is ac- tuallv working. More than 40% say they are worse off financially now than they were when Reagan was elected President. Another 40% say they are about the same. Only 19% say they are better off now. Respondents don't seem any more optimistic about the futUre : 28.2% say they'll be better off a year from now. but most say they'll either be worse off financially (41 .2%) or about the same (29.2%). What's more, 46.3% of O\.\freaders (conlln~d on page 25) MllM.Y\IWRJU.Y. Mlf t. -• 1:1 '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I FOUND! IN GUARDED VAULTS! S,000 ORIGINAL, U.S. GOV"I'. MORGAN SD.VEROOUARS that waped Gov't. meltdown! Rare SurvMng Hoanl of Original U.S. Gov't. Coins To Be Released To U.S. Citizens For Only $30 Each ••• Acceptance Deadline: June 13 Tonight at midnight. history will be mtlde wt1tn lhe National Monetaty C.... opens its vaults and release• to the public some of the last surviving ORIGI- NAL U.S. GOVt MINTED MORGAN SILVER DOLLARS IN EXISTENC~ IN All THE WORLD. ""· a valuable hoard of 5,000 Morgan SilYer Dollars ... that escaped Gov't. meltdown over a half a century ago ... and have become one of the rarest coins on the face of the earth. THE DAY THE SILVER DOLLAR ARMY MARCHED OFF TO WAAI You see. 1n VVo<ld War I, due to severe silver snortages. the U.S. Gov't. drafted from circutatlOl'I and melted down some 270 million Morgan Silver Dollars. In one single actlOO--Qperation Meltdown"-lhe Morgan suddenly became one of the rarest coins ever minted. Whlcti Is why the "91eate of ttlls hoard of 5,000 original U S aov·1. Morgans is such a significant ewnt in the wor1d of valuable coins. FOR THE RELEASE TO INOMOUAL cmnNS ONLY- FOAEIGN ANO DEALER ORDERS WILL NOT BE HONORED! Most significant. each of these original Morgan SllYer Dollars. is guaranteed to ·contain 412 .5 grains of ninety per cent fine sill/er,· to measure 38.1 mm in diameter with wetQht of 26. 73 grams and will be aooompanied by a Certificate of Authenllcity to this effect fOf yo<.ir own insUl'ance purposes. · PAtCE GUARANTEED FOR THIS SPECIAL RELEASE ONLY! SUPPLY GUARANT£EO FOR ONLY AS LONG Al TlfEV LAST! Due 10 limitations of our available supply, and the acute scaroty of onginaJ U.S. GOV1.Mo<~an Sill/er Dollars stJtl in good OOndition, we can only guarantee this initial offenng pnoe of $30 per eotn plus S2 PoStage. handling and insurance per coin tor this special release only In addition wa must aet a strict limit on no mof9 than twenty (20) Oftginal Morgan Si!Wr Oofl.vs per Older. AND SINCE THIS OFFER IS BEING MADE AVAILASLE 10 PRIVATE U.S. CrTIZENS ONLY. NO ORDERS FROM DEALERS OR INDIVIDUALS FROM OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES Will BE ACCEPTED and uncuhed checks wit! be~. But once aollifl ... this Is a STRICT LIMfTED OFFERING 'TO U.S. CITIZENS ONLY. M ~ wlll be ftlled on a ftrat-come, "'1it·llN9 beala: and of cow. )QK purd\w price l9funded lntull~~ whhln 14 -"not~~. INCIAL COUl:C10R'I DllCOONTI: a COINS tor m plue 15 P«*IQt. hln- dlinQ' lnluranct: ·--tor.,. plut 15 ... hlndlr'fO. ~; fO oolnl tot t22i plut 16 ~. ~ 6 lnlur9"0t: ID oolnl llW 1411 plua 16 tot pottage, twdinO a lneurMCt. lb ..old ~ itment or future l9gl'll(. )'OU muet piece )QK Ofdetl lmrned'#fy. /ll;T NOW! MnoNAI. MONEl'An Cl'NllJI. DD'I'. SWNY-17 ~ 17411, WASlllNCION, D,C. ZOiia I I I I I : "Join· us!" Vital changes directly affecting the quality of yow· life are being discussed daily in Congress. Inflation, taxes, pensions, Medicare, Medicaid, long-term care, hous- ing-are all major topics. " ti AND THERE ARE MORE AARP SERVICES ... You get free retirement advice in guides on money, 'taxes, health and other vital subjects. And, in OYer 3000 local AARP chapters, you'll have a chance to share activities with people your 0\\11 age. You'll also be eligible for AARP's Group Health Insurance Program and the Association's money market fund. JOIN NOW! - ! . YOU NEED AARP, AND AARP NEEDS YOU If you're 55 or over, just $5 gets you a full year's membership in AARP, the American Association $5 is a small price to pay for membership in an organization that does so much. Now, as nevei· before, you need AARP and AARP needs you! of Retired Persons. Right now, AARP's Federal r--------------------1 Legislative Staf! i.s working to protect the interests I MRP AMERICAN ASSOCIATION I of AARP's 13 million members. I OF RETIRED PERSONS I THERE ARE OTHER BENEFITS 100 ® I am.;.;Ol"uklt-r. ':\14~0. Box 1710. Long Beach. CA ~l : I In addition to AARP's legislative work, mem-~enrollmt·a.• bership also entitles you to many other benefits. ::;:~';"'n!'~Unt· Atklrw Apt.•·-- Such as savings at hotels and motels throughout "fX~c~-mt;;:,v~,u· City :-iti.i.· the country. Discounts on Hertz, Avis and I h(>ncllll\. ~• 11nr1: --I National car rentals. Reduced prices on pre-I 6~~~~=1 z1,, Hirth11au· I scriptions and other medicines. A specially priced I -:·:'~vmawi ;~..-. "' d~.., ~~t~ tor ANAA"wt"'" 1111bll('lltto•"' I AARP Motoring Plan. Plus automatic free I Make dlrdc or rnorx,· ~ lhk• ou11111k• r.s. dunw-.tic nutil limit fl: $7 I Y'\'llr. "" :i I I IJl,\'ablr to A.ARP ~·eano. P~llM' al'°"· i• 111 6 'IWk .. fur d.-llw~· al ~'Ollr I subscriptions to Modern Maturity and the unique no ~crrsEsncAs11 mtombenihrv kit l AARPN~sB~~~. ~~------------------~~ . POLL tcon11nued from page 23) say unemployment is the natiOn 's most serious problem and 59.6% say they disapprove of the President's hand.bng of the lssue. (In our May 1980 poll, 69.6% of respondents said they bebeved the Carter Administra- tion was aeatlng enough benefits for the unemployed.) The second most serious problem is inflation, cited by 27.4%. (In the 1980 poO 60.3% named inflation as the nation's biggest problem.) But 52.5% of this year's respondents cite the cost of bving as their own most serious problem. followed by job security at 13.9%. Crime (with 16 % ) ranks third among our national problems . On a more optimistic mie. our we:aa.en have noticed an easiAg-in the energy aisis. Whereas in 1980 energy was caDed the nation's second most serious problem, garnering 23.6% of the vote, the readers now place it low on the list with only 5.4 % . Our Uves Now Respondents seem to feel fairly secure about the institutions of mar- riage and the family ; 84. 7 % of those who are perents say that if they could M their lives ayes they would again choose to haw chilchen. (The median number of children they'd have is 2.2.) ~ 46. 3 !g bele~ that UMmploymmt Is our biggest problem. And when it comes to citing their most serious personal problem. chiJdren, wwttaJ relationships and work satisfaction come last. This is one area, it appears, that has not changed since our 1980 poU when 59.7% of readers felt that marriage woukl not diminish in impor12Jnce in the future.·· One final question . that reCeived overwhelming support: 92. 7% said terminally iU patients should have the right to request that their treatment be stopped. In general, then, It seems our read- ers have serious doubts about the performance of the Reagan Adminis- tration thus far in many areas. both foreign and domestic. And their disenchantment could have a major effe.ct on the Congressional elections this November -and on the JWI next Presidential race. ~ How do our conctualons compa,. to the findings of other national opinion Polls oonducted around the same tim9? The following figures appeared In the Aprll 5 IMUe of Tim., the February 8 luue of N.W•Wftk and The New York TlmH on March 19. FAMILY WEEJ(Lv'a poll ap!)Mred ln our edition of March 14. fMaY Tm/ lllEWV.llEll WElllJ W.S.OWICN Cll Al9yau...,dlf Bitter off tt'Y. 41,. ~nowllWI Worse off 40.5'1. .. ,.,.. 559/.e yauwn.-i About the s.ne 40"/o 30"!. flDlllld Allglrl was ..i~ DD yau Iii* 1111 a 8laer oft 211.2% 42% ys hm now YIM.I -.oft 41.2"4 ~1. .., your famt1 AbolA the sne 29.2% 17"o ....... DD yau giinnly WoW fl ..... d Rnld Allgln's: ,.....~ ~ 53.2% 52"Y. 31% ...... ~ 42.5% 42% 113% ...-.o1 AAlrM 34.1"1. 27-1. Obaqaow SU% 113"1. a.• .. .-...a ~ 53.8% 55•4 .... OlMarM 42.9% 37% ...... °' ~ 41.1% ........... '*;;ow 42.rt. ........... ~ 39.4% St% .... c· " ... !5CPlf. 40"1. .......... AfflM 38% .... '*"""" 57.8% -.-~ 40.2% 3'79/. ., Lail.., llllappl'M 52"/o 40% ,.... ........ OenloCrllic 50"/o 53'4 ---"*' ...,... 42.1% 4t"f. ... °"*fl 4.1%12.211. e% .... yau ·-·· "° .... Qal9 I ill fAMILY WUIU.Y, .... J, -• • Fo ltenc-NEYll FIRST TIME rr. IN THE U.$.A. Foltene" OVER 1 2 MILLION AMPOULES SOLD IN FRANCE COMPLETELY SAFE & EASY TO USE/ ENDCMSED BY NEWSPAPERS a MEDICAL JOURNALS Le PrQ.,.ncal: MA Mlr.cle Remedy Against Baldness'" (51251811 :·TM tlMlment WTllell Cu,.. Baldne.a" 1&10'811 Le Joum111 du D1manclw: "Baldness la conquef'lcf' (5124181) "FOltene hu given e11cellent rwsu1iw·· (51241811 u Qoo11d1en du ll~n ··JW.ersed Hair Loss" (71811 11er1e Frenc» ·Almost a miracle" (1182) "A Ae¥olull0f'.MY Product (1182) Nol Sold In S.._! ORDER NOW! OGI /FOL~NE · I SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: 1 ..... s2995 11• Easl 32nd St . New 'l'Otll. NY 10016 ••-y d!JVISA 6 MASTERCARD HOLDERS ~r.. +'2 ,,Z.:.~"9 c.an TOLL FREE 2C hours tDay or Ntgl\O 1~2028 {)pe<a!Jor 320 rnrr I""' Wt t h <-.H h Jl•'lf ¢111 Stiii. v. °"'"' U71 """-It "-". aa--.o.....a --------- SllOM CUPP· PlllCa OP WHY PllOPU RISK ftll!IR U9a (llAR8L2) CAD If your companion's snoring is keeping you up, the solution may be as sl.m- ple as aggies, cat's eyes or Boston b&addes. An Oregon doctor re~ ports that marbles can cure snoring. No. you don't shove them In the offen- der's mouth. But Dr. George McGeary recently revealed a trick his grand- mother-sick of hls boy- hood buzzing-used suc- cessfully. Since most snorers sleep on their backs. sew a marble Into the pa)ama top, between the shoulder blades. under a scrap of cloth. Lying on a marble encourages one to roU over onto his side or QMNGmRTH IN ACHAIR An ancient method of giving birth Is now coming of age In the U.S. Lying down to give birth didn't come Into fashion unttl the 18th century. Before that, a squatttng or sitting position was used. And nQw women at 300 hospitals around the country can have their babies delivered ~omach. where he won't snore, or at least not as loudly. McGeary reports it's worked for him and hun- dreds of his patients. In March a van fuU of teen-agers, returning from a party. stopped at a railroad crossing In Mineola. N .Y. The wamlng gate was down. but the driver tried to speed around It. A train. going 65 miles an hour, smashed the van broadside. Nine of 10 passengers -friends since chlldhood -died Instantly. Every year, nearly 1,000 Americans are killed when their cars are hit by trains at grade crossings. Why do people take the risk? CINaATIC DILIA VU Ah, Hollywood, land of Imagination 'and courage. Just listen to the original movie ideas coming this year: Grease 2, Friday the 13th Part 3. Star Trek: Vengeance of Khan , Airplane 2002, The Sting U (with Mac Davis and Jackie Gleason as Paul Newman/Robert Redford). The Black Stolllon Returns, Rocky W, Death Wlsh D, Amttyullk Horror II and Hallowun m. And don't forget remakes of Cot Peo- ple, The Thing. 1, the Jurv. Vldorl Vldorla and The Babe Ruth Story. stbrring Joe Don Baker as the Sultan of Swat. Really now, can Star Wan XVUI be far behind? &om a modem version of the birthing chair. BIRTHDAYS Avallab&e here since late 1979, the molded plastic chair, set on a pedestal, has a motor to raise, lower and tilt the seat. The sitting posltk>n obviously takes advantage of gravity and, notes Dr. Lynn Lowe, a Providence, R.I. ob- stetrician who has used the chalr In several births. "Women find II easier and more comfortable to pUlh from a sitting position. They can use their arms more ." Ewtenc:. allo 1Mm1 to In- dicate that the tft1tng pOilltion Birthing choir: Idea rebom. cuts the tecond age of labor -pethapt by half. . Lowe doesn't recommend the chair for Mdeted women ("They could fall out") but adds, "as more women choose• natural chlldbtrth, this method will be even mor. populat." a e ,.,,,,.,y WIPLY,..., I. - . (Al Taurus) Sundll'/ Benjamin Spock 79. Mon- ~ -Frankie Vaill 46; En- gelbert Humperdlnck 41. Tuaday -Audrey Hep- burn 53. Wedne1day - ~ The~.,,.,.,,,.. _., &.-.._,, A .... ,.,_ ""'* N. Y. IOOZt llOllODY'S KID SISTllR There are two things you first notice when you meet Stella Parton. DoDy's younger sister. Her eyes. They're huge, brown and beautiful. The sixth of 12 Parton kids, the reed-slim Stella has been a country singer for 13 years. In New York recendy, Stella, 33 this Tuesday. admitted. "Being Dolly's sister has been a big pain In the butt. I've always been taken less seriously." (There's also buxom baby sister Rachel Dennison, now recreating Dolly's original role in the 1V splnoff of 9 to 5.) Stella's new album (her fifth). So For. So Good, shows her wide range: country. pop, rock. gospel. folk and rhyth m According to Penn State psychologist Herschel Let- bowitz, these drivers are .. rational people with fuU use of their senses." But their perceptions may de- ceive them. As he explained recently In Psychology To- doJ,>, wamlng ~als are de~ signed for "the fastest train, the slowest driver and the worst weather.'' Thus, most people who take the risk make it. But Leibowitz points out that laiger ob- jects appear to move more slowly than smaller ones. In addition, C'OS5ing signs &e· q~dy remain In place along abandoned tracks. encouraging people to Ig- nore them comp&etely. Tammy Wynette 40; Allee Faye 67. Thunday -Or- Dl Weles 67; Bob Seger 37. Frldlly -Teresa Brewer 51; Darren McGavtn 60. S..- day -Don Rickles 56; Ricky Ne.Ison 42; Toni T~ nlDe 39; Melissa Gibert 18. and blues. The days of be- ing pigeonholed Into one style of music are finally dis· appearing. she notes, "as long as you can pull it off." (Her early ballad, "Ode to Ollvla ." was a sp irited defense of Olivia Newton J ohn, then spurned by country music's elite.) Twice divorced. Parton raised son nm. 13, mainly on the road. Asked If she'd like to settle down one day, she laughs, "Heck, no. I love Ufe on the road (up to 200 days a year). I want to be riding around on the bus giving concerts Into my 80's. If Ella Fttzgerald can do It, so can I." i l((])L I I __, L--i'"''I c, VANSLYKE I 111 (I .Jb/t(;1 !!111/," :}ttf'(l/r .Jt(JrJ l2JO SU." Any 4 for s1 with membership in The Literary Guild. I - -·The l..Mmary Guld Dept. FR-;,;,;: Olf. ~-~5;---1 I PkalC 8CCepl my IC'Pf ICllion few ~ip in The Utcnry Ouild l8d tend me tht 4 boob I or tcts whole numbcn I ~ pnllRd in die l>Nca bdow. BUI me only SI. plas lhlPJ"na Md I hlndtinl-Al90, ~'!? tol.J bq. which 11m.lne10 keep,~ if I docl't mna;n 1 mcm-I btt. I .,et to che p p191 u cbcribcd in di!. Id wl urldentand Ihm I Med only I I buy _!men bookl. .. replar low Ckab e whcnevcT I Wit them. I I Nan::: Al ,.ta. ........ Air:, 'lllMrt ................ _....llkd ...... wll ......... ..,...-......... I 1 I .-----. Mr I I M·------------I ---Mtto C""-l'ri1111 I I I Cily 11• z;. I ! L..,_._1"'9rtl ~lll U.SA .-c:...m.c......-. ..... ---"'-0.... 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You alw9)'S haYC at least Kl days to mUe I decision. If )'OU Jet an unwanted Klee• 1ion because ~ hid less thin JO dlys to make a decision, retum ii 111 our expcruoe. Theft is a dlip- ping and hlndlina char)e on all boob shipped . The Guild ofTm its own complete, hlrdbound editlonl. llOmdimes lhenld In sle to ftt sptelal pre-.. and UIYC me~ c~n mote. Wldl aM pwdlw ol ftlft'} I Ill C ........ ......... ,.. ftftlW aeclla ,......,.. .... ......, Ute them to ecq~ vahaablc boob 8' sub- llaftllal UYlnp ... coffee lllblC: W>lu:me1. reference WOft.I. c:MWmi'a 111orie.. ruottluoti, prdtn auidea. Md C¥eft claAict.