HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-03 - Orange Coast Pilot---- M OND A Y, MA Y 3, 198:? <) H I\ N G f C 0 ll N I ·, C A LI~ 0 R N I A 2 5 CE N TS Two pairol boats · attacked •• • • r1t1s p ·an Newport eatery Arm~d bandit shoots owner . The 68-year-old owner of a Newport Be.ch Itallan restaurant Wiii shot in the chest late Sunday while attempting to puah an ar- med bandit out of liil Coast Hiabway diner. Lorenzo Puini, owner of the Sj)9Chetti Bender, 6204 W. Coast Highway, was taken to the trau- ma center at Fountain Valley <:.ommunity Hotpital where hla condition could not be oonfirmed. Police aaid they believed the vtctim WU not aiUcally injured. PolJce a.id the youthful gun- man walked into the restaurant at 10 p.m., approached Paaini and demanded mane~ _ I Hearing .June 7 Paalni, officer• aaid, led the bandit to the back of the re1- taurant ualng the ploy that the money WU kept beck there. Once at the rear of the restaurant, po- lice said Paainl pushed the armed crook out the back door and a1ammed it shut. The gunman. police la.id, reac- ted by firing one round from bia revolver through the wood door. The slug hit the restaurant owner in the chert. Police said nobody reported aeein, the bandit leave the area. ~aid he escaped empty- Court denies hail to Dr. MacDonald BY ROBERT BARKER or .. DlllJ ....... A federal appeals court in Ridunmd. Va.. baa denied bail to Hunttnaton Barbour .-phy~ Jeffrey MacDonald. 8etltenced to tm. life terml in priloo for the l~O ldWnp of hia wife and two tma11 dauahten. Ralph ~aer. an attorney for M .. J')ne aid today that while refuain, to reinstate bail, the court la expediting the hearing of argument. into the merit. of the CMe. 'nM! arguments are IChedu- led for the week of June 7. Spritzer aaid that the argu- menta include whether trial er- ron "had been made and if the Police probe drowning of SA boy, 7 Santa Ana police uid today they are taking ''a clOR look'' at the drowning of a 7-year-old boy and the near-drowning of his 9-year-old brother in a Santa Ana park pond Sunday. . ~drowned at 'Ibomton Park wu 7-year-old Toua Vue of Senta Ana. who wu pulled un- comdoua from beneath the 1ur- f.llC!e of a pond in an undeveloped partion ol the recreational area. A.i.o pulled from beneath the water by fire department reecue personnel was 'l'oua'a brother, Nena Vue, 9, who was reported in critical condition thla morning at Children'• Hospital of Orange O>unty. A police apokeeman_aaid the Incident ( .. beinc inw.Ugated to determine tf there are any 1ua- ~ dlcwm1ances related "> the~. It ii beUewd a bywtander aler- ted autborltiea that the bo')ta wer.e in trouble. WORLD 38-year-old former Green Beret captain bad been denied due proce9. MacDonald wa1 arrested Marcb 31 at hi1 Huntln1ton Harbour home after the U.S . Supreme Co\lrt relrultated bia oooviction of the murders. The clerk'• office of the 4th U .S. Circuit Court of Appeals said today the order from the three-judge panel denyinc bail WU iaaued verbally late Fridat · A written order that may gsve reasons for the panel's decison haa not yet been received, the clerk's office said. Government attorneys oppoeed bail for MacDonald in oral argu- ments in Alexandria, Va .. last month on grounds he would be temp1ed to flee rather than face We in pNoo. MacDonald, 38, now ii beinB held in the Tennint,l Iala.nd fed- eral prison in Callfomia. He wu returned to cuatody March 31 after the U.S . Supreme Court revened a 4th Circuit c.ourt decision that bla oonvlcUon wa1 '::!f.:1:r because tie bad been a speedy trial He had been free on $100,000 bond, which waa revoked imme- diately after the Supreme c.ourt dedaion. Hla attorney• a1ked the 4th Circuit Court to rel.natate ball pendJ.nc further appeala, ~ that he had not tried to e9Cape W¥ler the prevlow bond. But the government ar1ued before the appeal• court that MacDonald 'm...i be drutk:ally more peuimlatlc" about event- ually galnlnc bla freedom in the wake of the Supreme Court deciaion and mtcbt try '° flee the country lf relealed again on bail. MacDonald waa convicted of killlnc b1a ~t wife, Colette, 24, and their dauahten, Kim- berly, 6, and Krilten. 3, at thetr Fort Draa, N.C., heme. He Ml atelldfald.y maintained that the murden were commlt- (See DOCTOR, Pap Al) Planes to Jordan OK'd WASHitfGTON (AP) -The ~ Mmlnta- 1ratkn Ml IWhed .....-mmt with Jordln on the .ie of r-50 ftah:/lmll and Sttnaer anU-alft:raft ms. .... IOW'09 today. STATE .. Alwt4l 1C1 BRITl8B STRmB POWER -Vulcan 1tr'ategic bomber of Royal 'Air' Force la lhown at bombe-away In a tra1ninC exer- d8e. Plane la wtype med in pre-dawn ltr1ke Saturday aplnlt Falkland MTe111l~llliDda.--. BATTLE ZONE -Map indicates where British m1811le-firing =ter sank one Argentine patrol boat and "certainly da-" another in the akirmiah over the Falklarvt Jelanda. I Suspect arrested in 43 burglaries A young Santa Ana man alle- 1edly cau1ht breaklnf. Into a Newport Beach doctor a office la1t month haa been charged with 43 other medical office break-lnl ln the dty, polic:e cte. t.ecttvee repor\. Paul How.rd W!Uht, 21, WM linked '° a 1eries of of flee bur- NAT ION ctatl~a in Newport Center throU&h finprprint comperllona. ·police aald. Wrl1ht, orialnally arreated March 8 alter .... rtedly brea- kinc into a medJca1 office near Ho.a Memorial &lpltal. II ts. an ~.ooo bail. 8' 11 echeduld to 1JO to court later WI month. Eree of Texas on Bob Hope Bob H~ makee pm about America'• female Mtronau\ Ta., a>lf, ltlldentl. boom, ctn.. ID and the Aa*-P..-A& • More vessels on way BJ Tire Altodate4 Presa Britilh milaile-flring helicop- ters sank one Arsentine patrol boat and damaged another in a claah lnaide the war f.CJOe Britain imposed around the Falkland blanda, the Britl1b Defen1e Ministry~ today. The reJSorted ainking came a few boun after a Britiah subma- rine dama&ed Argentina'• only cru1Mr ln a torpedo attack out- 16de the war zone. The additional 1hipa, which must make an 8,000-mlle three- "-" voyqe '°reach the Falk- landa, were further indications Britain WM prepartna for a ~ aie1e to wrest back lhe ialanc:la ~tina leiz.ed April 2. A mlniltry communique said "two armed Argentine patrol aaft-type naval awdllaries, •• lni- uated the latest shootout around midnight Sunday in the Falk- lands (8 p.m. PDT) when they ••fired on a Royal Navy Sea ~ (helicopter) from HMS Hermes, the canier-flagahlp of the Britiah fleet. ''Two Royal Navy Lynx heli- copter• from ships of the taak force then engaged the ablp1 with miailes. One of ~ WM aunk and the other duriaged," the communique I . Ministry offidala aatd they did not know the~ or lbe of the pAtrol boeta, or whether they were UD01W the nine petMl boats beJonllna to the Atamtlne navy. Britilh newa repo:tta aald the veuela were amall patrol craft with a crew of about 15. The Btitiah communique a.id the ahootcut took place north of East Falkland la1and and 90 miles inside the blockade area. The helicopters dropped "life-saving" equipment to the boats, and there was "no da- mage" to the attacking helicop- ten. it added. In Buenos Aries, Argentine military IOW'Cel aald they bad no knowledge of the ~ported patrol boet attack. In a atatement today, Ar1en- tlna cried foul over the torpe- daina of the Argentine cn.tl9ef 50 m1lel beyond the war mne. ''It should be emph.Mlzed that the attack took place to the 80\1- theut of hla de loa Fatadoe and outaide the so-called 'zone of excluaion'," the Argentine joint chiefs of staff said ln a commu- nique. The Argentines a1ao announc- ed rejection of a peace propoul announced Sunday by Peru's President Fernando Belaunde Terry. Buenol Arlee clalrDed the 2,lan WM auuested by the U.S. ~ of"State, ma like sev- eral ptt1vioua propoula wu not accepiable. In New York. Britiah Foreign Secretary Franct. Pym met today with the U.N. Security Council •dent for May, Chlw Am- bemador-._____ UnQ QJ.ng. Speculation wu be would Mk few men action from the 15-member pe.cekee- ptna body to encourap a eet'tle- ment. The cou.ndl'a ReeoluUon 502 =after Aqen1ina aeiaed the called for withdrawal nf Aramtlnll troupe. cemation of (See PALILAND, P1p AJ) INDEX A4 B2 M • A5 B2 CA-8 81 ~· Al .., SPORTS ............ lllocUde Force• Aircraft + ..................... ................. ,.. U1lup•rs - aI!E kr;?Jc . 10LJR•t .. lcapltrs 2 •--• A1ee11tt \ Helnp......, AlllMll10YulalA••• .... · ..... J .... Cl Hr· Po••Nd lull .. ~ 1 Aln:61At Canter 1 ....... Aftr8'1 c.rter ·~ IF••• 2~ 1A••lll .... ,. ..... ,...,......, lulu• h. .. , It ••••• ,......_ .. nt «".I c:: G ............ Fllll ..... ••.... ,. ..... , ........... 1c.na1nel1 ana ' Mrcreft Canter 'Cnlleer ............ 1, ....... 2 Illa _,.JCtH • .. Capital eyes • evacuation SACRAMENTO (AP) -Cali~ fornia Director of EmergencJ'l Service. Alex Cunnin1han.\1 predlcta that Sacramento coul~ be evacuated "in one day, two day. at the most," in event o~ nuclear war. , CUnnlngham a.id ln an int.er~ view with the Sacramento ~ that the national relocatlo pl'OlrUll la hued ln pert on belief that a major nuclear war: would be preceded by a pwluall wonening of international N1a-; tiona. I 'nM! plan few Secramento calll: for the evacuation of 801,00Cl realdenta, or 80 percent of th population of the county. All but / 40,000 "emential worken .. ~ heed north and nmtbe.t. ?l by car, to Amador, Alpine, Dorado, Placer, Nevada an Sierra count! ... and north tncot Yuba and Sutt.er countla .~ B2 82 B7 Al Ct Cl-3 • • BT . AJ Al ' • c • t, I I I .. • Britain -to outfit· DOCTOR DENIED BAIL ~ Queen 2 ted by lmla-halrecl intruderl who dwlfed ••Add II f1'0'1VY· KW the ~ Auawit. 1979 conviction in ·U.S. Dlatrlct Court in North Carolina WU revened by the 4th U.S . Circuit Court of Appeal• July 29, 1980, and he WM freed on bell at the appeala COW't'• m- listence. ~ MacDonald hid b*l Uviq In California on •100,000 bail afnce the appeala court ded.don. The bail WU revoked by the diatrict court in North C.arollna after the Supreme Court acted. MacDonald'• lawyera imme- diately Wed foe a review of the Supreme Court dedalon. and ap- pealed the bell revocation to the 4th CircuJt Court, aayln1 it re- tained JwildkUon and ltl earlier order about ball ltlll wM valid. Brian Murtauah. the Juatlce Department attorney aupel"\'iliina the MacDonald caae, recently aa1d the FBI. at the requ.t of a retired FBI agent, bu reopened ita tnv"tl1atlon of \he cue on the bull of new evidence. 'lbe evidence II a ..,.._ state- ment by Helen StoedUey, a one-- time police informant, who clahnl she wi~ the murdera and that they were committed by · a satanic cult that broke into the MacDonald home. Ma. Stoeckley's account would support MacDonald's veraion of what happened. AT EL TORO -Thia WM part of crowd that' turned out Sunday for air 1how at El Toro Marine Corp• Atr Station. They walked throuah crounct dilplaya IUCh .. um C-6 Gal- °"' .............. axy CU'IO plane and watched the mue Anaela aerobatlca team. Record crowd of about 400,000 villted the Marine hue air show Saturday and Sunday. Anti-Duke -protest held \ LOKDON (AP) -The Bridab Defenae M1n1stry announced to- day lt la taktna over the world'• moat famou1 luxury Uner, the Queen Elizabeth 2, to ferry an infantry bripde to lta Falklanda war fleet. , Mlnlatry 1pokeaman Ian McDonald abo announced the requ.lsltLoninc of two carao ahlpa. the Balde Ferry and the Nordk Ferry, and a container ahJp, the Atlantic Cau.eway, to transport helicopter 1upport for the brl- pde. Both ferrlee will be fitted with heUcopt.er 1and1na pada. FALKLANDISLANDS ... 200 'freeze' demonstrators · walk in Irvine Prime Minister '1argaret Thatcher'• 1overnment al.ready haa taken over two major c:rui8e linen, the Canberra and Uganda. u troop and hospital ships for the fleet. The QE2. flagship of the Cunard Line, will need only a small number of modifkat1ona before carrying "several thou- sand" backup troops to the Bri- tish force sent to recapture the Falkland Ialanda frem Argentina, McDonald said. hostilltiee and negotiation&. Britain admitted the subma- rine attack Sunday on the crui8er General Belgrano, the former U.S. Hg~t cruiser Phoenix. oc- curred just outside the edge" of the 200-mlle "total exclusion" zon e . But it claimed the 44-year-old cruiaer, Argentina'• aecond largest ahJp, "poeed a aig-• nificant threat" to the Britlsb fleet in the area. The British Defense Ministry said the allbmarine, reportedly one of three nuclear-powered hunter-killers in the area, "severely damaged" the 13,645-ton cruiser with torpe- does. When fully manned, the Gen- eral Belgrano has a crew of l ,000, but there was no word of cas- ualties. The British oommwlique aaid the submarine "resumed her patrol" after the auaclc. Argentina said the General Belgrano waa hit by one torpedo .. that produced damage," and that Argentine ahipa "have been dispatched to the area to aid the cruiser should it become neoeeaary." lala de los Estadoa la at the aouthem tip ·of the South Amer- ican continent about 250 miles aouthwest of the Falklanda. · In addition to the cruiler, the Argentine navy baa one alra'aft carrier, seven destroyers, seven frigates, three submarines, nine patrol craft, two fast gunboats and two torpedo boats, according to Jane's Fig~ting Shi{lll 1981-82. Araenuna loet a submarine a week ago when it was acuttle<l after t>eing damaged at South Geocgia Island by Britiah forces who recaptured the Falklands dependency. The torpedoing of the Bel- grano on Sunday was the first sea attack of the aouth Atlantic crisis that flared in to battle Sat- urday when British jets attacked the Falk.landa' two airfields. By STEVE TRIPOIJ made to those who walked, o<h o.i1r,... '""" • donationa trom the ~and Agalnlt the backdrop ot mill-the ale of. Items IUCb u 1-shirta tary jet.a wheelin1 and thunde-bearlnc the aJosan •-one Nuclear ring overhead, nearly 200 de-Bomb Can Ruin Your Whole monatratora 1upportl~ a freeze• Day." on the production of nuclear ' "We're trytna to get people to weapons and power plan ta realize that" thf.a ii not a liberal walked l~ kllometera from Ir-i.u., It'• not a comervative imue, vine'• Herltaae Park and back to it'9 a human t..ue,'' aa1d speaker dramatiz.e their caU11e Sunday. Karen Lltfln of the Oranae The "Walk For a Nuclear-Free County Freeze c.ampaign. Future" alao included a rally Ms. Lltfin aald the United during which the speeches and Stacee ahould freeze it.a produc- mualc of anti-nuclear activlata tion of nudee.r weapom even if were frequently drowned out by the Soviet Union doea npt be- noi9e from Sunday'• air abow at cau.e th.ls country po•e•e• auf- nearby El Toro Marine Corps NJ' ficient overkill potential with it.a Station. pre11ent anenal. Organi.zen said thethe expected She predicted that the Rua- to ra&e $4,000 from walk to liana would match a U.S. &ee-ze, help finance their next acUon, however, because "their eco- what they called "a major, door-nomy ls crumbling wone than to-door canvaaing campaign" in ours and they know war" parta of Orange County on the through their experience in nuclear weapons freer.e 1-ue. World War Il. The money came from pledges The apeakera also told mar- chers that put SUIXEWI in stop- Survival. which co-aponaored the event with KEZY Radio, said the atmoephere waa needed to help build support. "We're not here to give people a party, but this i.s very impor- tant to give them (the walkers) a aenae ol oonununity," ahe aaid of the music and festlve atmos- phere. The music, ahe said, "is politi- cal and it's here to educate peo- ple. Even if they come here just for the music they are politiciz.ed through it. "We saw in the Vietnam War that when people were educated it didn't matter who was in power -they had to listen." Reagan woos Democrats The ahJp left Philadelphia on Wednetlday, and Cunard officials said it should dock at the Engliab port of Southampton around midnight (4 p .m. PDT) with about 1,650 passengers and a crew of 1,043. "We greatly regret the incon- venience caused paaaengers but the QE2 . . . is wliquely suited to carry substantial numbers of troops" and land them fit for duty, McDonald said. The infantry brigade that will board the QE2 for the South Atlantic numbers 3,000 paratroo- per s. Welsh Guards, Scots Guards and Gurkhaa, recently trained in F~like terrain in the Brecon Beacon hills of Wales. 'Play ball' again for Arri ping constructlon of nuclear po- wer plants should energize their etfort to ptevent Uoensing of new nuclear units at the San Onofre plant 10Uth of San Clemente. WASHING TON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan's fight to push a budget through Congress is entering a phase that is new, and at the same time familiar. . Having failed in efforts to achieve a bipartisan compromiae on the bUdget, the president and hls Republican allies are going after sufficient support from Democrats, aa they did a year ago. to win pasaAge of the admi- ru.tration'a spending plan for fi- s:al 1983. "This action is being taken becauae it is only prudent when conducting operations of whate- ver kind ., far from the United Kingdom, to have reeerves avai- lable nearer the theater," McDo- nald said. Youth back on field after Little League OK Putting an eliilbWty aquabble and a firebombing incident be- hind htm, 12-year-old Arri Bu- ford waa back on h1a Fountain Valley North Little~ dia- mond aver the Week.end. De1plna bis team to an 8 to 7 victory. "I really hope It's all in tbe past now," said Arri'• mother, Minnie Buford, .. abe and other' family members watched him work out with his team, the Aa- troa, before a game Saturday against the Giants. "He just wants to play ball." The contest waa Arri's first since national Little League Morning cloudt will give Wl/'f to M#lflY lfternoon. HlgN todl/'f lie to 74. Low cloudt tonight deertng '" th• eflerl\OO" on TuHdey Lowe to"lght 54 to 51. High• Tueedey ee lO 75. Temper.iuree In the Hunll"ljton-Newpon ., .. ,.,. from • high of ea to low of 58. ~. from POlnl Conoec>-Uon to the M••lcan t>o<Cler and out eo ~ UgM Vlll'l&ble wtnd9 ttwough tonight uoec>t eout'-1 ·to .-1 10 to t8 knot• thl• -'*'IJ. W-.rty ....,. t to 2 teet. l.oW cloudt fl"W touthem ...... tonight. U.S. summary TllurldlnfiJO••• ,,...... MUOfl °' ................ ..... PfMlllld·ln~ot..-. "'-'" ... ,..,.,..., ....... w~ OM1t. w-....,. Appataolltafle •11• '''"' u-. IOI• .... _.. .. loull.. '°I oowtM ""'°" Of ... eoutMrlt ...... •111 ... .,. llllllJ ..,., '"' GtMt LUM &ltd perte of ttle ........................... ,., ....... ,. , ............ . "-!""" __ ............ ~. -r;Of!I~ IUwi I .................... ... ,... .. ~ Ollfllr-.................... ..................... ....................... ........... "'°'*' .. ....................... ..... .,., ............. ........ oftlciala ruled he ls eligible to Arri'• strong pitching and hit- continue playing In Fountain tlna skills prompted aome rival Valley, dapite the fact that h.la ooeches to quesdon his eligibility. fam.lfy ii now living 1n Garden Police are attempting to deter- Grvve. mine whether a firebombln1 Natimal offid.ala uld Atri can incident at the Buform' bome·ia continue to play became he wu related to the dispute. llvlq with a family friend in · With the national decision be- Fountain Valley at the time ht; hind him, Arri displayed his __.up. athletic talent in Saturday's ~he Buford• had lived in game, playing ahortaU>p and tint Fountain Valley for nine years, bue and pliching more than five but Arri'• father, a disabled ve-lnninp. lle al8o got two hita and teran, moved to Detroit tempo-scored the Astroe' firat run. rarily for medical treatment be-Arri aaid only that he waa fore the Veterans Ad.minatration "happy to be t>.ck" and hopes to relocated the family this year to c::ue a career in professional Garden Grove. ball. Sunny afternoons 11 78 74 IO 70 77 .. 13 11 '7 IO 1t 7S 71 74 • 72 • IO 71 n 10 11 11 12 • 11 IO II n 71 • 14 11 12 71 71 • 11 71 11 • • 71 74 ...,. TT • TT 10 "' l'4 • ,, 71 • • • • 71 "' • 11 . . -1: .. ., n IO 47 • M ... 41 46 10 41 40 42 ... 80 11 42 • ... 42 12 .. 12 41 41 46 41 .. Loi* 12 81P-T .... ............ 47 lpoll.- 44 ~ r, TQIMIU 44 =" 71 ~ 12 Wld"'9 41 ~ M Alll*V~ 11 Mn11'1 41 ....... : '-"*" IO ..... .. ~­IO...._. 1t ,,... ·~ .. '"""' .... ..... ..,_ . ..... .,..,..._.. . ......... : ...... 11 ::. :.:., =--• :=J ..... 7t OMlf'9 .,.......,. :: ........ ............ ....... ........ Cllr ,, ..... ,. 11 .... " .......... ·--=-===-- 10 41 •• 51 7S 11 71 • . ... :: ~ .... s·mo--u~-~--- • 41 0 11 • -El MOffTi (~ -n. loultl 74 14 c...t Air Quality •anaoement 74 M oe.wtot pr9dlcta good "' qyally M 17 for Monday In all loutllla11d ..... 11 41 • A Pollutant ltlndard --of 11 II \QO 11 lorecaef f6r t!M Rn Ar·., • .. ,.,. ..,,.. a.tta WllJ9, .. 11 IO· ... ~.~ .. • 41 " ...... Mel .... ..,,_cftfto ...... II A'llotM•--tor .. • 47 ............. oflOll 11 11 .......... _.DSlllll :&M ~: ~:: ......... ... 11• ..................... ~ II 41 ~C.., ....... LIU 11 ., ........ .... 71.. ,_. ... ...... IO IO ................. .. .. , ...................... . 11 Mtel~Mt40I,_. •• fW' ...... -n ·•t :: : Extended "' . :: I weather f: :: IOUTMa•UI OALl,ORMI~ t1 OOAITAL AND MOUNTAtft "' ~.. AMAa -............... ., .. :::.~r:.,~.= . . .. ......... ., .......... .,. ~r ... z:::::.a:-:= ---=::. .. ..... .,_. ..... :-........ -•• -1· lllf 111111 Tide1 TONY ... A .. , t l ... ... -,.. " • I I I 11 11 11 ti a.c.td tow 1:21 p.lll. 0. 1 ........... -. -Dir ..... """ 7:M P.111. t.1 """loW ~~ u1, O.T , 1 , , , , ' fltrM ._ UI a.Mo 4.1 "' ~ loW l:OI p.111. o.t = ...... ·~'""' u W hft ....... ., .. 1:11 , ...... ..... ~ .... , .... .............. :41,.. .... ,..._at t :H •·"'· The event had all t~e ear- marb of demonstrations amocta- · ted with the Vietnam War era, from the heavy accent on jeans and peasant dreae9 among the prednminantly youthfvl a:owd to the ai.cka of literature and the mu.le provided by a young WG- man who called herself Anna Banana. Organlur Ellie Cohen of the Orange County Alliance for Reapn plaJUled meetings tod- ay with House and Senate Re- publican leaden and then with the Republican members of the Senate Budget Qomm.ittee. The 66,852-ton Queen Eliza- beth 2 ia the last trans-Atlantic ocean liner in the world. The 963-foot ship sailed to Phbadelphia last week aa part of the city's 300th anniveraary ce- lebration. It arrived April 25 with more than 900 Philadelphia area residents among the appro- ximately l,400 ~ Our own make tropical suits in class"ic olive or tan Our own craftsmen cut and tailor suits you will find surprisingly lightweight, du'rable and crease-resistant. The outstanding • polyester-and-worsted is offered here in ,. neutral shades that blend in handsomely with your wardrobe, accepting a wide sanae of colored and patterned accessories. On our 3-button model in olive or tan. Coat and uouaers. $320 I• -'""°"' to 1lor1, ,.,.,,,,,., 10•1 """ •"'"" lort1, tlt11• ,.,,,, ~•"'• ,,. ... ,""" ,.,.,, ''°''"'•••" ,,,. """5' /(f' 10·6 .' I \ '"~'-"" ~~ a&~IJliG?D · furntshln91 for.Iii~ amm -lov• · 530 MIST mf STRBBT. LOS ANOBLBS. CALIR FASHION ISLAND. NBWPORT BBACH, O'-LIR AIRBORNE HAMMER -A Tucson television news crew ducks for cover and dashes for their car with members of a controversial Christ Miracle Healing Center and Church in hot AP~oe pursuit. The oon.frontation came as the crew tried to film a meeting. Note hammer (inset) being thrown at the cameraman. No injuries were reported. Reagan seeks budget balaiice by constitutional amendment WASHINGTON (AP) - There are going to be a lot of cam>t c:rope before anybody aew the stick Preside!lt Reeon 1&)'9 it will take to put the feCleral bud- get permanently in belanoe. But there may be 80me votes to be harvested with hla call for a constitutional amendment to fOC'- bid deficit spending. Sturlt with a reOOrd deficit in a congri.ional election year, Rea- gan said Congress should pau, .. NEWS ANALYSIS "as 9000 u posaible, a conatitu- tiiooal amendment to require ba- lanced federal budgets." 'nle only meesure available for quick action at this PQ{nt ia one approved by the Senate Judicia- ry c.ommittee, which wouldn't go quite that far. It would make deficit spending !IOIDewhat more Law firms to get. state legal fees LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state Department of Education must pay $1.2 million in legal fees to the winners of the 1974 Serrano school-financing case under a state Court of Appeal ruling, attorneys said. The appellate court ruled that the fees must be paid from the Education Department's "operating expenses and equip- ment" funds of 1919, 1980 and 1981. difficult for Coogre. to approve, but It would not flaUy require balanced budgeU. . 'lbat really doesn't make much d1tference, since the immediate problem for Reqan and the Re- publlcana baa more to do with politics than with IUCh detalla. It is that even with the spending cuts and curbs the administration wants thu year, the president's 1983 budget adds up to a $102 billion deficit, a runaway record. That's the administration projec- tion; Democrats and some inde- pendent analysts say it will be higher. Reagan didn't mention that in hie nationally broadcast addrea Thunday night. He concentrated on what could happen without spending cuts: deficits of $182 billion in the 1983 budget, soa- ring to $233 billion in 1985. "Not only must those deficits be reduced, they must show a decline over the next three years, not an increase," Reagan said. "Our goal must be a balanced budaet. And our budget would have eet ua on that road." Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, May 3, 1982 Al Toxic shock 'a threat' Reason sought for decline in reported cases ATLANTA (AP)-The num- ber of reported cases of toxic ahock. syndrome haa dropped 1lnce the fall of 1980, but-the J>Otentlally fatal diaeaae la not 'heceaaarily on the decline, the national Centers for Dlaeaae c.ontrol baa reported. To date, 492 caaea of toxic shock syndrome that originated in 1981 have been reported , compared to 867 cases that origi- nated in 1980, the COC said in fts Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Toxic shock syndrome, first identified in 1978, is characteri- zed by rapid drop in blood pres- sure often resulting in shock, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, a skin rash and, in some cases, death. Women who use tampons 'Testing waters' exempt from rules WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Election Comm.lsaion has ruled that a ~tentlal candidate who is only ' testing the waters" is not bound by regulations on political campaign fund-raising. Although the exemption had been implied in past commiasion actions, this was the tint time the commiuioners had taken a for- mal vote on the issue. The decllion wu rendered in responae·to an inquiry from a committee advising Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Callf., on whether he should aeek the 1984 Demo- cratic presidential nomination. On a 4-2 vote, the commiasion ooncluded that "a committee ea-· tabliahed and operated to 'teat the waters' for the pouible pre- s id en tl al candidacy of Sen. Cranston may receive funds for that purpose from prohibited sources and In excess of the limits." This means that a potential candidate only assessing his chances may take more money from more sources than a pel'80n who bas become a legal candidate for federal office. Federal law prohibits candi- dates from taking money from corporations, labor unions and federally chartered ban.ks. It also allow• a candidate to accept no more than $1,000 from any in- dividual oontributor and no more than .$\>.gp<> fr,om a political com- mittee. However, the cornmisalon said that in such caaes the rules might be invoked later. The panel or- dered its staff to add warning language to its formal advisory optnion in the case. ,.Such funds would become retroectively sub~-t to diaclosure as well aa the Federal Election =gn Act's limitations and ·tiom if Sen. Cranston be-come a presidential candidate," the commission said The commissioners held that if Cranston later becomes a candi- date and has collected or spent funds that would not have been permit1ed a candidate, he has to return the money to its donors within 10 days. The law provides for testing the waters to give sincere poten- tial candidates a chance to assess their chances before committing themselves to an expensive and politically risky campaign. increase the riak of contracUn1 the dileaae, the CDC laid. The decllne in reported cues may be attributed to fewer wo- men using tampona or intennit- tent use of tampona, aatd CDC epldem1ologiat Dr. Claire Broo- me. But it alao may be explained by a decline in the voluntary repor- ting of the dileaee, Ma. lkoOme said. "We cannot aay whJcb fact.on are most important,'' ahe said. In August 1980, nearly 140 cases of toxic shock 1yndrome were reported to the CDC, but the number of CMeS haa hovered around 50 per month llnce Octo- ber 1980, the CDC said. In recent montha, fewer cues have been reported, but reaear· chera 1uapect thit is caused by delays in reporting, Ma. Broome said. The figures, nevertheleaa, indicate a oontinued threat of the disease. she added. "It has not gone away," she said. ''There wu IODle tendency ... with the removal of Rely (brand tampons from the market) . . . to think that the di.e.ue WU disa pealing." ~e CDR reported in 1980 that there was "an increased risk aa-- sociated with the use of Rely tampons among toxic shock syn- drome patients aa compared with controls." Procter & Gamble, maker of Rely, removed the product from the market after the report waa iaued. The CDC repeated ita rec- ommendation that women can significantly reduce their risk of toxic shock syndrdme by not using tampons or by using them intermittently. As of April 9, a total of 1,660 /\ cases of toxic shock syndrpme have been reported to the CDC since it was first identified. Eighty-eight of thoee caaes, or 5.6 percent, were fatal, the CDC said. The appellate court has orde- red the state to reimburse two public-interest law firma, Public Advocates and the Western Center on Law and Poverty, who successfully challenged ln the state Supreme Court the state's method of financing public edu- cation. Deputy Attorney General John J . Klee Jr. said thl appel- late decision would probably be appe_aled to the state Supreme Court. "Our real client is the Legi.ala- ture. I gue91 they would want to have their statutes tested by the Supreme Court." Klee said. He said the administration plan would reduce the deficit to $44 billion in 1985, "and you can aee Al' ... _... thata balanced budget ia not that HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU -Anheuser-G . Brown Jr., California Secretary of Trans- far dittant." Busch chairman August Busch ill, second from portation and Business Lynn Schenk, Busch, Once it'• achieved, he said, "I left, toasts visiting dignitaries including, from and entertainer Lou Rawls . The gathering want to ensure that we keep it right, entertainer Nonn Crosby, Los Angeles heralded the grand opening of the new $500 for many years, long after I have Mayor Tom Bradley, California Gov. F.d.mund million brewery in Los Angeles. Tuesday's appellate ruling counters legislation enacted in 1980 and t 981 that prohibited court-ordered payment of legal fees from state agency funds unlem the Legislature specifical- ly includes the payment in the budget, or unless the award" is made in compliance with a spec- ific law that provides for pay- ment of legal fees. The award consists of $800,000 awarded the two firms by a Loa Angeles Superior Court in 1975, plus interest. The Supreme Court upheld the award in 1977, but the state refuaed to pay it, IO the law finnt went back to the oourta seeking an ·order that the pay- ment be made, said Alan Rader, director of the Western Cent.er on Law and Poverty. ORANGE COASl Daily Pilat Cl11tlfled 1dvertl1lng 7141642·5678 All other departments 642-4321 Thomas P Haley ~,..,,,...,. ~ ~ ( ..... ,.~ f)th• .. Kay Schultz VIC~p,~ and 0.«IO< 04 Atl-t•t-~ Tom Murph1ne EO.too Mike Hervey 0..«IOf ol M.,L.t.nQ •G•CUl•IM)fll Ken Godd11d • 0,..ctoo DI Ol>fltet-. Ray Maclean Conlrollll MAIN OFFICE • JJO WP•I 8.tf St CO.I• ~w. (.4 AAAol lclelr#~ Bo• I W.0 C.•I• M4>W ( 4 .,.,. COP••>qllt ""'°'-Cool f'llOl•"""O ,_. frrrfo ,,.._, ''°'._.., •Uv'\fr•hOft\~ Ht4cw ... t m•tH or M . ., .......... " ................. , . .,._ .... ....... \Pf"Ctal IW'ff'Hllti\.tOft o4 C00¥tii9f\I .,_,., left office.... .--~:;.._~~~~~_;;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~-=-~~~~~~~- "Only a constitutional amend- ment will do the job," Reagan aaid. "We have trfed the carrot and it failed. With the ltick of a balanced budget amendment, we can atop government'• equande- ring, overtaxing ways and save our econoniy. '' The adminlJttration once waa cool to the idea. but .. Reapn'• prospective deficits have l.ncrea- led, '° baa h1a enthu&.n for the amendment. It otters a haven fOC' Republic.ana who lone have de- nounced Democrats ,over deficit apendina and now face the pro- blem or vottn1 for an admini- ltratkn budcet deep tn the ,,,cl. At 1eMt they would have an op- portun.lty to vote tn favor of the concept of balanced bud1eta, even If the bruk ... ven poCnt it years away. Conatltutlonal amendments tab time even lf,. a..,.n Mid. ••,,.._roota IUpport for a belan· .ced bud1et amendment la out there and wlll carry the day apinlt the apeda1 tn ...... " \. from cur pr1val<i labz.l col l<U:tion, our moot p:>pular 1ofl9s~ ~ ~u4s ... yz,ar-m and ~rout thtz.ecz. !h\tts m-cz. ~ a bas1c m <i'RT)'lxxiy.B wardrcbz.. a fb'-Urita. fbr ~ a-c.asudl ~r ava1\a\:iq, in waehsd 'Ml.Cr doa-aV'coU.on a 100'0 cx:ilcri -,~~\ : ~,,,~ :'1 Amending a return D&AR READERS: What a relief! You fl- nilhed your tax re~urn, eel It, attached your W-2 ~ and it In the mailbmr before the April 15 . But what do you do if you find eome extra deductlona two weeks after you aend your retwnT Or what if you bear about a sped.al tax •vina Item that you could have u.eclT 'n. Internal Revenue Service hall a lim- ple IOlution to IUCb problelm. Cbanaes can be made Uliq Form 1040X. "Amended U.S. In- dividual IDcome Tax Return," and it ii avai- lable free of char1e by phonina the IRS at (800) 242-t585. Taxpayers have three yea.rs from the due date of the return or two yean from the date the tax waa paid, whkbever ii later, to make cbana-. In the cue of the 198l returns which were due April 1~. 1982, an individual would have until April I~. 19M, to file an amended return. Taxpayers expecting a refund hued on their oriainal return ahoWd wait until the first refund cnecx anives before filing a 1040X to claim any additional refund. Chimney sweep needed DEAR· PAT: Alter readma yon receat SaUJ article abotlt tile lmportuce of kee- plq a ft.replace cMmDey cleu, I dedded to uve WI doff. Bow do I filMI a compuy tbt dMt WI type of work, ucl do yoa bow of uy mt are la lrvl.De? C.F., lrvlae There are many firms listed under "Chimney Cleaning and Repairing" in the c.omumer Yellow P.,.. te~phone directory. Ocx:ulonal1y, the molt obvious IOW'Ce of loca- ttnc ~-bultnm la overlooked! You may want to contact Red ~ot Chimney Sweep1 of Irvine foe an eltimate by pbonlna ~~1~273. Owner Frank Steward 11ya hJa rw# bu8lnem hall picked up llnce the pu- bllca tlon of the article you mentioned. It po&nted out that the buildup of creoeote can be a definite fire hazard when chimney cleanlni "nealected. Check gas valve DEAR PAT: My brot~er told me b'd read abHt a reeall of iH,HO def ectlve pa vain• 11ed oa Uq.td propue-faeled ~eatlDa applluces. How cu I flail oat 11 m1De la oae of tile defective oae1? N.T., Buttnstoa Beac~ Call the C.Onaumer Product Safety C.Om- mi.Dion'a toll-free hot line for thia and other recall information on hazardous products. CPSC will tell you If the recall applies to your model and what to do to aet lt replaced. The hot line number la (800) 638-8326. • • 1 Got • problem? Then write to Pat Horo- • witz. Pat wl// cut red tape, 11ettin11 the aniwen and .ction you need to 60lve Jn -M equities in government and business. Mail your que•tlon• to Pat Horowitz, A t Your Service, Orange Gout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60. Costa mea. CA. 92626. As many letters u poa/ble will be vu- wered, but phoned inqu.lrles or letcers not including the reader'• full name, addres3 and bwilness hours' phone number e&nn0t be ro.nsidered. The RobnsorYs Gift . OUR BROCADE JEWELRY ROLL. YOUR GIFT WITH A FRIENDSHIP COLLECTION'~ """" PURCHASE OF •so OR MORE • J ·(•t Just select from our Friendship Collection ot authentic handmade 1ewe1ry and artifacts. and you'll receive the jewelry roll:"valued at $11.50. as our gift. From China. most pieces are one· of·a·k1nd designed in jade. c101sonne . cinnabar. enamel, rose quartz. agate. tiger's eye and intricate filigree work. As perfect a Mother's Day sentiment as you could hope to give The collection $15-$175. Meet special Friendship Collection envoy Ms Hedy Kessler. m Newport, May 4. 10 a m · 1 pm Robinson's Fashion Fine Jewelry, 14 1 Gift with purchase IGHT I e With The University Diet, you can keep it off through our exclusive ftfeeding and maintenance programs'. The University Diet is a prot.ein·sparing, mod.med fast that is clinically proven and available only through licensed med· 1caJ offices. Pre8cription supplement.a supply your body's nutritional needs while unwanted fat ia burned off. A Complete Program. Unlike other pro· grams, The Uni\oW'Sity Diet includes a pre-admission physical, preliminary ket.Q· genie diet, fasting procedure, preecrip· t.ion supplements, regular lab t.esta, EKG 's, refeeding, behavioral counseling and maintenance. Medimlly Sele. You're under constant IUpervilion of physicians and weight.-1088 ipld•tia to prot.ect your health. R.,w ReMalU. You can loee an avenge ol 20 pounde per month-ewry month- until you reach your goal. Simple and Effective. You make no decisions about food -only the commit- ment to follow our program and succeed. Individual Cou.naeling. Behavior modifi· cation and nutritional guidance are offered to all patients by expert.a. If you need to lose 20 pounds or more, call our phone counselors for an appoint.- ment or information. They're fonner patients. They undent.and. You11 find we cost less due to our 'size and experienCe. Your insurance may co~r it. And after you complete The University Diet, free counaeling is available for the rest of your Ufel Call 1·800·.:J2·8876, 1bll ftoee. 8 AM to 9 PM 7 cl.ya a week. Physician inqui· riet welcome. OOPYIUOH'I' ltM. UHIVSUITY ttaAl2'M CAU MANAOEMSN'I', lHC. 1lm l.JNWERSITY DIE.r,. WHEN WllAE PE.Am 10 LOSE WIDft Laguna's Fourth 'quiet? · u there 11 to be a flreworu dilplay ln Laauna Beech on July 4, city offidala •ua-t the ODlt of the pyrotechnlc9 come tram the pocketa of conununlty IJ'°'.lpl. Laguna Beach !)re Chief Ron Adami laid lt would COit betwe- en $8,000 and $12,000 to put on a profeaional, half-hour ahow off Main Beach Park. And, co111idertn1 budget con- atralnta for the next year, City Manager Ken Frank will aak the City C.OuncU on Tuesday to de- ter~ne if community ori~-. tiona or bualne.s groupe mJCht be persuaded to pick up the tab. Following lut year's Fourth of July cele6ration in Laauna Beach, the council lmpoeed a ban on all types of firework.a ln the city. The action came following a report from the police depart- ment ou tlining a total of 337 service calla between the 3rd and the 5th of July. The COit to the city ln overtime alone durlni lut year's holiday was $4,342, with many of the problems prompted by viaitors tQ Laguna Beach from communities th.at had a firework.a ban. 0..., Piiot llaff ll'hoto WORLD UNDER REP AIR -It appears as though Rossmoor Corp., owner of this globe near ent.r.,ance to Leisure World, Laguna Hills, may have answer to world's woes -refurbish the globe. Pete Damron, top, David Hald and Tim Terry of Scaffold ~an. Orange, erect scaffolding for repainting job. The globe lS to be deeded to Orange County as parks project. It is located near intersection of Avenia de Carlota and Paso de Valencia. Bank of New~rt PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS OFFER: • IMMEDIATE LIQUIDITY • CHECK WRITING • INSURED BY FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE UP TO $100,000 • THE SECURITY & FLEXIBILITY ONLY A COMMERCIAL BANK CAN PROVIDE Our "partnership" accounts are an innovative nJ»N way to earn JUMBO TC.O. rates with a low minimum investment. wnile still having immedi- ate access to your funds. Here's how a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP account works. We link your deposit to a line of credit in order to create a 30 day $100,000 Jumbo Time Certificate of Deposit. This "partnership" account allows you to write checks against your deposit without disturbing your JUMBO TC.D. and its high interest return, while providing maximum fl exibility and safety. The rate on the money we loan you is just 1% above the interest rate on the money we pay you on your JUMBO T.C.O .... so you earn a high yield on your deposit, which Is the difference between the loan and the TC.D. For full details on JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Accounts, call a Bank of Newport Investment Counselor at 760-6000 or stop by your nearest Bank of Newport office. When you compare other programs, you'O find you can't top a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Account. Substantlal Penalty for Early Withdrawals Address ___________ ....;;...._ O Please send complete Information on Jumbo Partnership accounts O Please call me and provide more Information about "partner1hlp" accounts Telephone#----------- ----·. -. -~--- I Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Monday, Mey 3, 1982 Al' ------------------------------------------------------------~ Eyes of Texas on Hope CBS ii enUUed to be repaid $916 666 f.rom producer Da· vld Mer rick In a breach-of contract 1utt over fallu're to make a m ln l-aerlH of the belt.-Wna book "Blood and Money," a federal judp Mya. Senior U.S. Dtltrict Judge DavN Wllllams '8lued a pre- Um1nary memon.ndwn of h1a Intent ion to rule after an 1 l~y trial ln March over the complex contractual arrange- ment between Merrick and the network. CBS paid the $9161666 to Merrick to belfn the project. Female astronaut target of·jibes .,. By U TBY BAUR The audience waa Hope'•, an,_ APWlrla,._o PUNCHY -Erik Estrada (left) and Jem Echollas go through sparring training at a Van Nuys gym in prepara- tion for an upcoming TV movie, "Honey Boy." Critics to shift focus Movie critics Roser BIM11. and Geae Sl11kel plan to quit their public televiaion procram, "Sneak Previews," to It.art a aimllar'program for commercial television. Begin n ing in September, the two will introduce "Movie Views," a weekly show to be aired on about 80 oommercial 1tations nationwid e . They will continue to host "Sneak Previews" on about 200 pu- blic stations through August. "Sneak Previews" is in its fifth season based at Chi- cago's WTTW-TV. The new show will be taped at WGN- TV, where Ebert and Siskel have a new four-year con- tract, lhe station announced. ''Blood and Money," by Th omu Thompson, la baed on the aensatianal Texu cue involving Dr . Jolla Bill, whose wife, Joaa RoblalOD um, died unde r myaterious circumstances ln Houston in 1969. Her father, Ai la RoblD· aoa, led a fight to have Hill proeecuted for murder. Hill • was later murdered ln 1972. Abou t $750,000 worth of impressionist and p os t~ impressionist French pain- tings and English watercolors was donated to the San Diego Museum of Art by Los An- geles millionaire Maxwell Glack and his wife. "We view this as a land- mark gift," said Steve Breuo, the museum's executive di- rector. H e said the Glucks had made a significant gesture by sen.ding a $250,000 endow- ment along with lheir collec- tion, which will pay for the art upkeep and a Gluck GaJ- lery to show it. ' MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY • 11' •• • ..... .... 'ru REVIEW oldtt crowd and the Mme people AUSTIN, Texu -The day 11 who wW tune ln h1a TV apectala after Sally K . Ride became the · t s t -' no matter what the critic.a aay - tint American woman utronaut and Hope cuts down on that aort to be Uligned to a space million, =., w~i;:~':/:;'~~ ~ of adverse reaction by not pre-abe turned down a chance to ap-.. ,. ,_. viewing his specials for the pre11. pear on Bob Hope'• "Stan Over include patented pe leer l1nel Th e ta p f n g wen t fair 1 y Texaa" TV special. (Related called In from writers ln Los amoothly aa such on-location photo, page B6) Angeles. programs go, production people The hour-long abow, to be The rest of Hope's 30-mtnute said. But that could have been ,broadcaat tonight at 9 on Channel stand-up routine, which wu to due to the lack of production - 4, feature• Hope, Olca.r-winner be edited way down ln Burbank, no 1ets to speak of, no nothln' - Jack Lemmon, "~ Road" consisted of, in de.oending order almost down to Misa Fairchild's star Morgan Fairchild, and -Texas money jokes. gol1 jokes. strapless gown, which would not country music's Gatlin Brothers. studenta and booze jokes, 1tu-cooperate with her body during The sped.al was taped April 20 dents and drugs jokes, atudenta the taping. at the tlniversity of Texas' Per-and sex jokea and, of course, Lemmon waa ln town to play forming Arts Cent.er, in conjunc-Aggie jokes. on pro-am day at ~e Legends, as tion wlth the Legends of Golf The jokes themselves aren't was Hope. An aocompllahed jazz Tourn ament here, and as a be-particularly funny standing plant.t who !:l:Js by ear, Lem- nefit for the March of Dimes. alone, but they tend to build on mon was red to alng1na with Got all that? one another untjl the audience Hope a medley of dumb 11ong1 Although Ms. Ride declined has the giggles. There's a feeling about golf. Hope's last-minute rdXiest to that Hope could speak Portugue-After rehearsal, his only com- appear for taping, that 'tstop se and his delivery and timing ment: "U you're going to make a the 78-year-old comedian from would get the same response. fool of yOUn1elf, do it big." pepperlng his monologue with less-than-liberated jokes about lhe female astronaut: -"NASA says there won't be any hanky-panky -but who will know?" -"That's the dream of every woman o n ea r th -to b e weightlet1 for six days." -"It'll be the first spaceship with a back-seat driver." The last one at least elicited a couple o f h isses from the au- dience. "Miss Texas" -everyone just called her "Miss Texas" -was added instead, and cue-card wrl- Japanese OK lwo landing TOKYO (AP) -The Japaneee government has formally appro- ved a landing exercise by U.S. Marines on Iwo Jima, site of one of the bloodiest World War II battles in the Pacific, a defense agency spokesman said. Spokesman Masah.iko Shimada said the landing exercise May 4- 6 would be the first on the island by U.S. Marines since it was re- .. tW-ned to Japan and placed un- der the jurisdiction of the Tokyo metropolitan government in 1968. An estimated 20,000 Japanese and 5,931 Marines were killed in the 36-day assault which ended Feb. 23, 1945. Iwo Jima is located about 700 miles southeast of To- kyo. Doctor heads 1panel Dr. Robert E. ea.idy preeent a clinic for school of Hunttn,too Beech bu coaches, nUJ11eS and phy- be> woe c:bairman o1 the siciana, team trainers and / RABBITI HMcE. NO~ THE MONEY IN YOUR . 25th year Onmae County Medical you th sports coaches A..oc1ation'A. committee May 2 2 at 0 range on the medical aspecta of . -. 1porta and phya1cal fit-County Medical Associa-nea tion offices, 300 S. Flo- Tbe Committee will wer St., Orange. ~ Annivers ary ~.! • int~ II arbor Area f AIMEIS IMSOWCf 5-441 ow ..... ,.,. ltt& M.w,ori'-cll.C~ Ul-7740 This inay be the breakdlrough youw waited for. Depending o n the transactions, Cal Fed can offer qualified borrowers a long-term home financing program as much as I% to 4% below current market rates when compared to con ventional real estate loans. Plus-monthly payments that start at low levels, then gradually rise as your income 1' expected to rise. (That's especially good for young borrow ers.) Cal Fed's here to help. • We lend for all kinds of residential ftnandng. for single-.family dwellin~, o ld or new. For condos. For apartment buildin~. Anything else, just ask. we•re waiting to hear from you. aan our toll-free 800 number · right now. Or C2ll an office Ustc:d below. It's easy and quick. 3 OR 6 MONTH CERTIFICATE IS JUST A PHONE CALL AYIAY. lntrocludng FldelltJ Federafs ON·CALL:M MOMf Market Certificate. J No Waiting. it you need money. you·ve got 1t With just a pho ne call No Paperwork. And no special checks to write Up to 90% of your ON-CALL'M Money Market Cert1f1ca te value 1s avdtlable 1mmc·d1dtC'ly-th e '>ame day you call We"ll c.red1t whawwr dmount you neecJ -ac., low as 5100-tc your '>l'f\lltC'tharge free Fidelity Fed 51 1'\, Checking Accnunl And t he co.,t ol these funds 1s 1ust I". abovC' the high money markC'l rate your certificate continuec; to earn No Penalties. Your ON-CALL'M Money Market Certificate remains intact. so there are no peqalties for early withdrawdl Naturally. your money 1s insured to 5100.000 Only at Fidelity Federal. Yuu muy nPver have an ea rly need for the money 1n \our ON-CALL'M Money Market Cert1ficdte But then c1~t.1111 you may If you do it's as close as your phone Bcc.1u..,<· <1t ~1del i ty Federal. we're on yqu r side • 6 Month ON·CALl Money Market Certificate No blank or SAL pays more. 13.02°/o 13.63°/o Annud 'l •l'ltl ' ;.1rrenl A11n1 .. sl ~ 11 The hlchest rate allowed by law. • I I , , ~ * I t • ' ,. 'f ' I ....... ft ' ,,~ ,,, 4 f h, ' 11 ,, 1' •• ' I • ' ', kt.JI I t'A t, •hit it ~ rr p •' i Plt._t inc:,.. i•..1•r• .... i '"t '' 1 t i l ., ' >A' r! ~ dr.1,\11 \ \r I r1 l" I 'v\1n1rnt1n1 l' fltfh .th IH.'f\•' 11 11100() -- ' I ' I • I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I ' I ' I I I I I I I I I I i l Orenge CoMt DAILY ptLOT /Monday, May S, 1982 \Ae ·----------------------------------------------------------------------,.--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' EXPO. IT HISsmtlllNG . FOR ACCOUNTANTS -. . DIGGING FOR A SCHOOL -John Porter, left, Casey King and John Wilson were among 50 girls and boys, ages 2 to 7, who officiated at groundbreaking ceremonies for Children's Choice School in Laguna Niguel. Children 0.., ............... used toys to turn first dirt for construction of school at 29082 Aloma Ave. School director is Sandra Senn. A September opening i.s antici- pated. 55 'double dip' in Congress Taxpayer group says R eagan also draws two paychecks RESTAURANTS/HOTELS LAWYERS TOMORROWS EXECUTIVES WASHINGTON (AP) - Fifty-five members of C.Ongress are receiving two government checks each month -their sa- lary and a p e nsio n -the National Taxpayers Union says in a report. American taxpayer blew the whistle on double-dipping from a U.S. Treasury that is drowning in red ink." Article Il of the C.Onstitution provides thai the president, while in office, sh.all not receive "any other emolument from the United States, or any of them." Imagine. hl.ndreds of small computers and 'lt'Ord pmcesoog systems all together n one place Ions And no1 1uS1 a fevv But hu1dreds The popular names you already krow And the new ones you h was disclosed earlier that President Reagan a1so is a "double-dipper." He receives $22,450 a year as pension for his two terms as governor of Cali- fornia plus a $200,000 annual salary as president. Some of the pensions received by members of Congre. are for service-connected disabilitieS. srould krow about , You'll see computers rangl('lg from inexpensive personal systems 10 sophisticated small business systems You II see word p<0cesS1ng system,s lhal increase your oHt<:e productivity Plus all the rot new releases tn small computer sohware. peripherals. accessories. services. even supplies Computer Showcase Expo is the one com- puter srow you need this year "We do not question that these members have earned or are en- titled to their military, civil ser- vice, Social Security, state or city pensions or veteran s' compensation," the taxpayer group said. The taxpayer group said its list of lawmakers who are receiving government pensions as well as their $60,662.50 salary was drawn from Defense Department and Veterans Administration records and financial-disclosure sta t.ementa. · •A-helm S onsored by So, 11 you want to l.Xlderstand what the rapidly emerging small business and personal computer system phenomenon is all about and whar rt can mean to you, you stxxJld be here Because you II be able to study and compare systems and apphca· T~e lntft'face Grou_9- f ramingham, MA 01701 At the same time, the organi- zation added that "it's time the The Taxpayers Union said it Is possible Reagan and those mem- bers of Congress who accept a military pension while in office are violating the Constitution. Anaheim Convention Center May 7, 8, 9 Friday, 11 AM-9 PM Saturday, Sunday 10 AM.O PM Fmt we it one resource people could g counton,no ~~¥/'"' matter what. (' The United ~l ~<-States Treasury. "''1ttH ANO c~ So we decided to invest out fund exclusively in U.S. Treasury securities. Because they're backed by the direct full faith and credit pledge of the U.S. Treasury. If the worst happens, the Treasury will, by law, honor its obliga- tions to the fund. Without question. Not all money market funds can say that. Not even most govemment- only funds. Now what does that mean to you? You 1et the safety and security }'OU need to sleep fliahts. Which is why every one of our acc:ountJ is what we call a Safety Ac- oount. Herc's what happens when you open • Safety Account. You put in a. minimum of Sl,000. That makes you an investor in the fund. The fund, ln tum, invcsta in U.S. Tttaaury securi- ._/ tie1. You don't have to leave your <' money in for 1 tet period of time. If • you need it or want to movt it around, you limply write 1 check. And you don't -pawlittd eithtt Capital Praenation i• not in- .ured, • 1 bmlk ii, by the RD.LC. But die RD.l.C. bolds ill own cmerp:ncy rua .. ID me w kind of Tralury ....... 11~ Then we made itpaJ -------- U you had invested SS,000 in our fund when it opened, and Jeft )'OW' money in, you'd have over Sl0,000 ~ Still camina hi&h interest. And etil1 protec- ted by the U.S. Treasury\ direct full faith and credit plcdse. That'• the kind of income that would bne helped prouct )'OUI' capital apinst inflldon. What'• comin1 next? We don't know. Thae daYt, nobody does. We still MY tut it'• 11fe, and IOWld, to m1l iood money OD JOUf money. And IO do the J80,000 ima,. ton wbo t.ft 111 rnamPI t21 billion ln..m. Looks like we asked the right question. If you think a Safety Account might be the answer for you, give us a call. Or send in the ooupon below. Wc111 be glad to send you a free prospectus which will tell you all about our fund. Includin1 characs and expenses. Be sure to read it thoroughly before you invest. Or drop by and sec us. - --. ---- rlJ CAPf'fAl PRESERVATION RJND 1900Amlutof1he Si.n Sulie 715 Loe A1111t1ca. CA 00067 ,. IS YOUR WOOD ROOF PROTECTED FROM FIRE?? BY THE TIME YOU CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IT'S TOO LA TE! ... WOULD YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY REPLACE ALL OF YOUR VALUABLES? SHINGLE PROTECTION SYSTEMS INSTALLS A LABO- RATORY TESTED FIRE RETARDANT SPRAY PROCESS ON THE AVERAGE ROOF FOR 171/2~ A FOOT. CALL IOW FOi FREE QUOTE llY DI Y OR EYEllll (114) 130-8115 .s E :\'I( > H CIT I Z E' ~ SI .oo llt·arin~ TPslll~•·t For :\t•\\ port Bt·al.11 ~ ' I :'\-• . ' ' . --' it be given at Newport Be a cl!_ Hearing ! • J CeJ!ter 'hes., May 4, Wed., May 5, Tr .ars., May• 9 ~.M. to 5 P .M. Hea~ tests will be conducted by a hearing Aid. Speciali~t. who is licensed by the California State Board of Medical Quahty AsslD'ance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser. · Anyone who has trouble hearing or un~ersta.nding is w~lco~e to a test emploiying the latest electronic equ1P,ment which WJIJ determtr\e his or her particular. Joss. You will see a modem hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER FormerTy MOOlg"Omery Wardlliirin1Aliftenler: COit.a 'Mesa 1600 West Coast Highway Newport Beach 646 -8Z66-- at another time --~ --- FIND YOUR NAIVE •· SUclff .......... Ctr. -, .. ~ 8eldl ,.....,, lij lf.,.. n.n.. .., <1Wlnner'e ,_,..,_..Wild tlw I p.m. 1t!CM TUlldlly, •, Mey 11 ot •:IO mdnet YNdrlH .,., Ml11t . \ Finally things start rolling for Chrysler BY JORN CUNNIFF ,,, ..... ~ NEW YORK -It had been another blC day for Lee t.oocca, the Chryalel' Corp. cba1i'man, one of many in the pelt three Yeu"llt wluch eerlier in the day he to.Id conar-nen ~ been "lheer hell ... He Hid lt a1aln after flr_ln1_ up from Wlllhlnaton fer a brief ))9.,. in Chryller'a office here, ''tbeer hell, a dtaln oo the atam1na, everyone m my beck. unJoN. bank.en. aovemment..'' He~ ''My father told me God lets you aee only one day at a time,'' he aaya, tlw1ld.ng God for hla charity. He knew ChrwlB faced the pits, he aaid, but be didn't know~herd-hAve to "Jump a canyon." H8d he known what wu in ltore -begging Conareu for loan ruaranteet, the receaion, the layoffa he had to order, the penonal atreea -he aid he miaht not have tried. "I bate even to think of it," he aaid. If that 1a IO, it doesn't ahow. lacocca in pel'IOn ia apu.nky .. he looks and 9ounda in ' ads. Same guy. "We've got the beat can," he maps. No doubt ln hll mind "We have the beat warranty too." Despite cua1omer fears that Chryaler would fail, it has raiaed ita market ab.are -the only one to do ao -to 11 percent from 8 pen:ent, and Iaccoca sticks to an IACOCCA estimate of $150 million profit foe the year, though much of It would come from ule of the compe.ny'a tank divilion. Compe.ny aurveys ahow the percentage of peo- ple who feel Chryaler will fail has fallen to 5 per- cent from more than 60 percent in late 1979. "Actually, you can't measure it anymore," the llWB AIAlYBIS chairman aaya. "Nobody holda back buying now becau.e they fear we'll fail." Thing, are turning Chryaler'a way, says Iacoc- ca. "U you have a good product, people will be on your aide," he says. "They're starting to roll with ua." Some rnanqement people, in fact. think Chry- sler might become a symbol of reindustrializ.ation if it maintalna its pins. Sued on hf.a experiences, Iaccoca has even be- gun offering advice to the adminiatration, whoee problems he teems to feel are similar to and pro- bably aa critical aa Chryaler'a difficulties of three yeen ago. ' "I give them four 'Fa' and two 'DI'," he says. "Reirulatory policy: They can't figure out what we need. Trade policy: 'lbey're for 6-ee trade; they're out of their heeds. "Monetary Polley. Who appointed him to con- quer inflation ori the 1-U of houlina and can?" be aaka of Paul Volcker, Federal Reaerve Board chairman and exponent of tight money policies in battllna inflation. Iacocca ii angry; the housing and auto lndu- atrtes are devastated by high interest rates. "He'a lndependeotly ~the country," he aay. of Volcker. "He says be bM no interest rate policy, only a money supply Polley, and that you have to give them their medicine," the "them" meaning car buyen, home buyers. consumers. peo- ple in general. Add contempt to anger. "I wiah I could be an idea.logue; they have great theories -and we have 70 percent black teen-age unemployment in Detroit." He continues: "Flacal policy: Changes every day. Tax policy: They're living beyond their means. Energy: Nobody knows what's aood." Professor J.acocca, educated in life's realities, flunka the ad- minls1nUon. "We need a blpart.iaan e<:onomic policy," he aay.. ''They (Democrats, Republlcana. the ad.mini- stration, the Fed) owe It to the country." There muat be movement, agreement, action, he say.. ''We have to do IOmething within the next 30 day. or the cowitry will bum down," he said. "We can't wait until July when the tax credit comes in. U they just let the free mark.et nm the work.a,'' and let the ted continue ita tight money policy, "we're on a di.laster courae." ....... , ••••••••••• 7 .. ~. ''llGSllR cw.RfT1lS FNNl.Y NtGHf• All Seotl $2. 00 off TH&&.Mlfl ..... SAT., ~ I ••••••••••• 111GO a.m.f liOO , ..... , 71JO , .... t I SUN., MJ!ll 9 •••• 1IOO , ..... , 4alO , .... , AH lelltll111l"ll_. .. 17.IO, M.IO .. ,.~off Oft dlllchft12~" "'* «..,.. fA25 or-. ________ .,.....a. .... -------- G E T CASH FOR YOUR ALUMINUM CANS! Orange Coa1t College's Recycling Center wlll pay cash for your aluminum cans. The current market rate Is 18C per pound. Open for buy-backs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eaa)' acce11 parklng--east- bound off Adame Ave., between Harbor Blvd. and Falrvlew Rd. Every Tuesday (except holidays) RECYCLING MAKES "CENTS" AT occ·s RECYCLING CENTER/ Distinctive Foshio'n a Orange eo .. 1 DAILY PIL9T/Monday, May 3, 1982 AT e~~' You'n like Ow Prices llfl You'U love Otr Food · ~ •. served 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. MON: BLT & AVOCADO SNl>WICH .......................................... 2.75• s.v.ct open t.ce on to.ted ,,.,. 'biMd ··· tC>PS*S wfttl 9Vocado cneoenu. lnCludee ,~,,., TUES: GARDEN PATCH llltKEY SAll>WICH .............................. 2.95 Thin llloed bf"'t of tuttey, avocado, Amer1can chMM, .,,.,.. acwouta ..,.... open Moe on wtde ._, bteed. WED. & FRI: POCKET CHAftGE Pita breed aandwtch ttuffed with leuuc.. tomato, aJlaJI• eproute wved with mixed fruit T1111 u lld, cticken sala d ............................................. 2.95 Slr"i11p salad ..•..•.•...•.......................•.........•••.•••••••••••• " •• 3 .25 THURS: VEGETABLE MEDLEY OMELETIE .................................... 3.45 3-eog ~· ellr tried green beena, btoccoN, rmilhroom1. onion, tomato, 1wlN chMM. Choice ot hash browns. mixed fruit, and tout. MON. THRU FRI: CHICKEN FILLET STRf SANDWICH ................ 3.25 Deep fried white meat chlciten llllet 1trlp1 on • hoagle style roll with lettuce & tomato. Sflfved with French fries and cole llaw. 7 A.M. TO 3 P .ll SAT. & siJN: EGGS BEMEDtCT DENNY'S STYLE ......................... 3.25 Thick 1llGed hem and poached egos on touted English muffin. Crowned with dellclou1 cheese sauce. Sel'V9d with huh browns. Avallat>le At TheM Locations: ___ Ev_e_ry_S_u_n_d_o_y-in-----.;;1.~.....--- 18477 Beach Bl .. 842·2112 74M ~-. 147-4731 10136 Adams, 963-... 1 • Celebrate the Grand Op · of Great American FederalS Sanjuan Capistrano office. new It's a week-long, fun-filled fiesta • Monday, May 3, through Saturday, May 8 Each day during Cinco de Mayo week, we'll have free gifts, free refres hments. plus festive decorations on hand to welcome you ... all leading up to the Big Day, Saturday, May 8. Check this calendar for events you won't want to miss: Monday, May 3, and Tuesday, May 4 JI a.m. to Free pho1os taken for Mother's 1 p.m. Day by Smetona Photo. (No reserva\ions necessary; plck up pbo1os at branch on May 8.) WedllelQy.May~ JO aJn to Mariachi band 1 p.m. Baslcel weaving demonstrations by the Juanel\o Indians Personalized IRA compuler printouts Display of historical artifacts from San Juan Capistrano's past Thunday, May 6 1 p.m.. "Financial Outlook for the '80 s," presented by Jim Krun'linski of Orut American Federal. (for reservations. call 661-0897.} Friday, May 7 IQ ~m. Praentatlon by Ann Flclschcr, color consultant and wardrobe coordinator. (For rcservatk>'n~ call 661-0897.) .... SATURDAY, MAY 8 9 a.m. to I p.m. Mariachi band Stagecoach rides for the children Dances performed by the Juanei\o Indian<> Baskcl weaving demonstrations Pickup of Mother's Day ph otos Free helium-filled balloons Priz.e drawings 24-HOUR TELLER demons1ra1ions IRA individualiz.cd computer printouts, plus free IRA slide calculator Breaking of lraditional pirlata al noon Take hon,e three free alfts I 'When you visit our new San Juan Capi~trano offtcc during Cinco de Mayo week, we'll give you an exclusive Oteat American Fedcrafkhe ... frtt. Plµs an''( • San Juen Capistrano" bumper ati.ckcr to show your community spirit. And. a /rtt copy of Colifon•lo. Th• <ioi•n Stot• . . featuring 112111c1or1pcctacular color photography. An ~on•t forge1 to enter our special prl:r.e drawing to be held Saturday, May 8. \ Plan 110"' for>'""' /11t11tt witll"" All-AlfttrictM R~ti~IMlll AuOMtTM(l/U)J ... IDI< >'".' GfNt A m1ri<'aJt F~d~rol I RA ~c ..lht /M dlt.U.! ···a Great American rederal '""'"'°l •NO ~OAH UilOCl4TIQOt T1tt MW .... for S.. ~ F..._. San Juan Capistrano Jl m Camlno Capistrano Near Avm.Wa La Paloma Telephone: 661.-, PH J ........ lrudt M....- Hot1r1: Mo11day•TltundQ)I 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 ,.,,.. Friday 9:00 a.m. lo 6:00 P·'"' Sotufdoy 9:()() ca.11t. 10 1:00 ,.,,., l I ' . Co&lt DAILY PILOT /Monday, May 3, 1982 • operty loan ruling uld all ect coast I Wltb all the controveny along &Onnae c.c-t over due-on·aale ~Wialu on property loans. it is fit- Udk that a cue the U .S. Supreme ~ aaned to hea.r involves a :.rttncton Beach shopping cent-ttal The arguments basically are -Conaumer and real estate u 1 maintain that buyers •J.&kl be able to U1Wne federally Mm.UN!d hmne mort.gages or first deeda u they are called in . ' '-'lp.llgs"JJla. ' • ' -Savings and loan inatitu- and supporters contend that balance of the federally char- ~ trust deed is due to die lender on sale. They say that llllUlllptiona of loans are one rea- ton their industry is in deep trou- ble. Little did Reginald and Mar- '8ftt de la Cuesta realize several years ago that their declin:f.a~ pay Fidelity Federal a loan - ce and contesting its policy might Jeed to a decision on which billions of dollan are riding. If the high court rules against 1ome or all low-interest loan .-umptions, there are thoee who My real estate sales as we knew them as recently as two years ago .Mlg~t be ended permanently. Othen say that ls not the case. But it should be noted that the overwhelming majority of house sales along the Orange C.out. and in moet areas, involve aasumption of an existing mort- gage. Perhaps the most intriguing part of the case is the disqualifi- cation, at his request, of Justice Lewis Powell Jr. During arguments last week in the nation's capital, the high court appeared to be closely and bitterly divided. Divided enough to result in a 4-4 vote? If so, the decision normally reverts to the next lower court which had ruled, in this case our own 4th District Court of Appeal. It upheld the de la Cuestas. Such a course of events though, would apply only to California, not the nation. The state Supreme Court, in its famous Wellenkamp decision. said that state-chartered savings and loans could not enforce due- on-sale clauses. It extended the ruling this year to private loans. It will be extremely signifi- cant how the high court rules this summer on the loans of federally chartered institutions. Clean air buy-off? Thia happens to be Clean Air Week. Last year a Harris poll found that 86 percent of Ameri- ama be~ Congress should pre- terve or strengthen the Clean Air Act of 1970, probably one of the most sucxe9lfu1 of federal lawa. By coincidence, ~ committees are in the procea of CICftlldertng billa that coWd modify or profoundly change federal clml air regulationa. ltUd;t;i-~:~~:.' ~na· lobbying orpnlzatlon, re- Vaala that memben of the Home and Senat.e oommitteee ttViewing the act have received a total o1 $729,71~ in campaign contribu- Uonl lince 1980 from the political action committees of 93 corpora- tiom found in violation of Clean Air Act standards. The donors include automo- bile, chemical, forest products, metala and mining, oil and gas, lteel and utilities corporations - all accuaed of violations of clean air emilliom standards. Two different bills are under study. The Dingell-Luken Clean Air ~ bill would raise allowed emission standarda, allow industry to turn off pollution control equipment that already is in- stalled, extend compliance dead- lines by six to 11 ~ears and relax protections for national parks and wilderne1B areas. A bill by Rep. Henry Wax- man of Los Angeles would en- deawt to oonect 101De of the least WOl'kab1e provisions of the current law, allow limited deadline ex:ten- .._ foe specific areas and remove mne red tape, but without gutting the existing law. So far proponents of the i ndustry -backed Dingell - Luken bill are ahead. It was ap- proved by the House Health and Environment subcommittee in a vote of 12-8. The supporters - now dubbed "the dirty dozen" - resisted all Chairman Waxman's efforts to modify the bill. Rep. John Dingell, author of the bill, received $21,250 from the air polluters. Other committee members each received ue to $37 .- 000. Waxman received only $900. Money, it appears, still talks to politicians. .ConsUIDer warning gag ThO\llallds of American con- aumen have been protected from tnJury and pcmibly death through tiiniely warnings by government ~· 1be Food and Drug Adminis- . traUon WM able to order the recall • of a defident brand of infant for-, muJa -identifying the brand - IJMi to wmn women of the danger ot. toxic lhock syndrome from the \m of tampons, with the principal Cfttnder identified. • The National Highway and Tr8fflc Safety Adm1nlstration c.an noU.fy ownen of apedtic car mod- eJI of ct.fective brakes and tires and the Department of A&ricul-date can identify potentially • · lldfttld meat and dairy products. Unfortunately, the U.S. C.00· ...... Product Safety Ccmm1lllon llO 1onpr lt able to 111ue early &*1a to potential hasardt from air., buim, eJectrocutionl, lnJuriea · .n4 canes cau.cl by manufactu-red Jl'C)Cluctl around the home. · 'Bud1et cut1 of 30 percent, . = with new nalet paaed by ... require the cammillion • to go through time-consuming procedures before warnlng the public of possible life-threatening risks. Under the new rules, manu- facturers must be told in advance what the commission plans to dis- close about dangerous products and brand names cannot be relea- sed without endless red tape. In each of two cases, that of a brand of garden tractor batteries that were touching off explosions and a roto-tiller responsible for serious leg injuries, more than a year passed before the products could be identified to consumers because manufacturers insisted there was no hazard and claimed the users were at fault in the ac- cidents. Obviously manufacturers do not want adverse publicity. And flrmt should not be damaged nor conaumen frightened by prema- ture alarms. But the Product Safety Commislion hu an obliga- tion to warn consumers of real product hazards -and it should not be gagged. tWllAI APtwhed 1""1M ~e 1bov'e are thO~ of tM Dally Piiot. OtMr views ex· , ~on tnls ~are thos. ot t,,.,, authOrs and artists. Reaoer comment 1s 1n111<tJ , M;:;f:,r"' ·The Dally Pilot, P.O. 8011 1S60, Costa MHcl, CA '92626. Pnone (714) I ' Tf1oma'1 P. Haley Pu bits.Mr TIMmn A. MU""IM Editor Bar'Nra Krelbtch Ed1tor111 Pao-Editor. '- Pork-barrel projects thrive WASHINGTON -The howls of anguish from Capitol Hill over the Rea- gan budget deficit wouldn't have such a hoUow ring if congressional leaders were willing to give up some of the costly pork-barrel projects .ut their own baali· wicks that add subetantially to the defi- cit. But in an election year, too few of our distinguished lawmakers will do more than express pious outrage at the general subject of a $100 billion deficit. When it comes down to specific examples of ex· pensive boondowes in their home state or district. the legislators' fiery rhetoric becomes a defensive, barely audible murmur IF A DEFENSE contract or public works project keeps a few hugdred constituents off the unemployment rolls. it will get the enthusiastic support of the senator or congressman, no matt.er how dubious the expenditure of tax dollars may be for the nation as a whole. Here are just a few examples of the pork-barrel mentality that pervades Congress at a time of record budget de- ficits: -Sen. Pete Domenica, R -N .M .. chainnan of the Budget Conunittee. has com e up wath a number of ideas for reducmg the staggering deficit built into the administration's proposed budget . Yet one idea that seems· never to have occurred to Domenici is any assault on $38 million worth of flood-control pro· jects under consideration for New Me· xico. A Domenici staff aide evc-n uttered the usually forbidden word when he explained to my associate Peter Grant that the levees are really "rather minor pork-barrel projects compared to the things an othrr states " -The Pentagon has developed a cu- rious attitude toward the billions la- v1 shed on defense by the Reagan adm1nastrat1on The ,generals and adma- 'Q -JA-Cl-AN-D-IRS_O_N -~ rats read thl• newspapers. and they're dearly afraid the rearmament Christmas tree may smaller next year. So they·re determined to get what they can before Santa's sleigh as grounded by an irate public. ln one case. the brass hats can (,'OUnt on • solid support from al least one of Santa's helpers on capitol Hill. He's Rep. Wil- liam Camey. R-N. Y .. in whose district. the Navy's F-14 interceptor is manufac- tured by Grumman Aerospace. Before Reagan took office, the Navy was con- tent with 509 of the multimillion-dollar planes. Now the admirals have asked for an additional 336 F-14s. at a projected cost of $5 billion. A Carney staffer wasn't all that sure why the Navy wanted the extra planes, but said : "I can guarantee you we would not be advocatmg shuttmg down the No l source of employment in our distnct " -Special interests also add to the budget deficit when it's revenue-r~ that's under ronsideration. Tax loopholes and favored treatment are as jealously guarded as pork-barrel pro,ects. Take the proposal to raise "user fees" that is. to have the cost of a particular government service borne by those who benefit directly {rom it, rather than by the public at large. One glaring example is the Treasury's plan to charge recrea- tional boat owners fees to cover the ex- pense of the Coast Guard's search and rescue operations. THIS MIGHT seem a reasonable pro- pos1 tion to the millions of Americans who don't own yachts, but it's anathema to the white-duck set. And guess who's chairman of the House Coast Guard Subcommittee: Rep. Gerry Studds. D- Mass. Has district includes Martha's Vinyard, Nantucket and all of Cape Cod. Studds doesn't want his boat-owning constituents to pay more for Coast Guard protection than an Iowa tanner or Idaho rancher does. -Sizable sums could be raised by restricting the tax exemption granted to businesses for construction bonds. A Depression -era incentive that has ling- ered on. its cutback would raise $7 bil- lion. An influential defender of the ex- emption is Sen. Jo hn He inz. R -Pa., chairman of the F.conomic Growth Sub- commit t.ee. Pennsylvania is the largest beneficiary of the tax loophole. "I'll do everything I can to pro tect t his program." said Heinz, who·s up for re- cl(.'('tion this year. Would tax credit launch Atheist Hi? You're not Roinll to believe th1s -at least I hope you're not -but last weekend I waa talking to a friend who doesn't believe in God and he was telling me how much he likea President Rea- gan's plan to give tax deductions to pa- rents who aend their children to private 8Chool.a. It tums out that for years thu atheLSt has wanted CO open a small, private shoot to promote bis atheist ideas among the youn g people of h is community. H e thinks this tax abatement program the Pr&ldent is proposing will give him just the k ind of financial help he need.a. PARENTS WILL get a $500 tax credit for each child they sen d to a private school instead of a public one. So far, the idea has received most of its support from Catholics and fundamentalist Pro- testants who want religion taught their way in schools. There ~ 1,500 Catholic high schools in the United States now with 800,000 students. Under the Presl· dent's plan, we'll all be pitching 10 to help pay for the Catholic education for those 800,000 students, and if my friend gets his atheist school opened, we'll all be helping to pay for that, too This fellow smiles when he thinks of having millions of religious Americans helping to pay for an atheist school. I pointed out to ham that he'll be helping to pay for aJI those Catholic and Protes- ,~,, -AN-DY-RD-ON-IY_ ..... 4 tant educations, too. but he says the trade is worth it. He's no longer in favor of separation of atheism and state. President Reagan's tax refund plan for parents sending their kids to private, sectarian high schools does not ext.end to colleges. President Reagan told 4,000 Roman Catholic educators 10 Chicago that 1t would cost the government $100 million in taxes the first year alone just for high schools. He said he'd like to extend it to colleges, but the government couldn't afford it at this time. My atheist friend plans to take ad- vantage of this. He doesn't think Rea- Education in deDlocracy Thoughts ar Large: -ln a democracy. It is not the prime task of education to teach everyone to know, which is impossible; but it is im- perative to teach everyone to t.ell those IYlllY 111111 who know f rom thoee who do not know, and to lilt.en to lhoee who know. -The basic \rouble with power is that the qualities that make It successful are the very same quallUee that lead ltl po11e.ora to abule i\. -Our hard line of nuclear mwacle- nexlfti apinat Ruaa 'remlnd• me of the mJnatory words of Niemche a century aao: "Whoever battle. wtth moN1el"I had betlef' 1ee that it doel not tum him lnto a moNW. And If you gue IOf\8 lnio an abyla, the abyll wW p.-t.cJc. at you." -(f J-.. OuUt lhoWd l'etun\ \Oday, peopl• would not crucify him: they would put hlm on the DoD.ahue ahow, and publlahera would inqu1nt lf he had wrf uen a book. -It la my feeUn1 th1t •ub-alOrn.lc • PhYlb. no mat1er hOw ~y It ~ ~' ~ penetrale lnlO "the nait\n of. reality," but that research into our ways of knowing and perceiving will .be tar more productive. -Many more young people mahy for negative than for positive reasons: not because they seek a new way of living but because they are bored and restless with the old way -wh.ich, in too many cases, lead• eventually to becoming bored and restlea with the new way. -Cracker-barrel philoeopbers oua,ht to be put into the barrel and the lid firmly nailed down until they procnile to read more and talk less. -1be "realist" and the "idealist" are not op~ltea, but polarities alona the tame axis. each nec:eaary to the other; wiihout ideallam, realism la blind, and without realism, ld.eallllm ii crtppled. -Any occupallon or profHelon la unworthy if it require o1 ua that we do aa a functionary what we would be llharned to do • 1 private penon. (The hooded hanpMui .. a bal\lftW\ JM.) -Comic performen. on th• whole, wen unloved Oil lpored 11 ch1ldrtn - which allo eccounte tot ao much hc9dllt1 in t.brir humor. -Tbt moet ~ 11111*' of our e1ect.onl IYl\fm .. that ~ four ,..n more and more cltlsena vote A6-'n., wpfdfte candldacee, not fOI' th.er ~ nen• gan's plan will hurt public schools. but he thanks at will hurt colleges. If parents can get a tax deduction while their children are in high school but not whe n they go to rollege. parents are going to keep their kids out of college and in high school longer. It's something I hadn't thought of. Because my friend feels college en· rollment will decline, his plan is to re- cruit some of the closet-atheist professors teaching m colleges now. With the help of the big enrollment he hopes his atheist high school will have. he'll be able to offer the former college professors pay comparable to what they were getting at the university level. This guy really has big ideas. If Pre- sident Reagan ever ext.ended this plan, as he'd like to. to include the colleges, then my friend will tum his atheist high school into an atheist college. His dream is to have a football team as good as Notre Dame's. No matter what else you may think of this fellow, you have to admit that it Notre Dame ever played the Atheist University of America in the Orange Bowl for the national cham- pionship, it would attract a huge partisan crowd. I'LL BE PERFECTLY honest with you. I'm reluctant to have any of my money go to the teachin1 of atheism, even indirectly, no matter how weU- intentJoned President Reagan la plan may be. U atheists wish to pnxD«M their tJe. liefa, they are free to do ao. but not with tax money. U they wani '° open paro- cl\lal tchool.a that t.eec.b chUdr9\ there is no Goel and that their Uvem depend on wh•t they do with them, that'• their bualne11. I just don't -want them to do it with my money. 1 feel the same way about C..tholic and Protestant schools, too. Relll[ion la our own buainesl, .nd anytime the' govft'D- ment geta into helping it or hurtl.n8 lt, the government la mJ.ndlna our Nmnew. not lta own. -·------ ... Orange C'Oiet DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3, 1982 Al Good meals.· SURVIVOR -Purita Santos welcomes her .Prematurely ~rn aon, Joeeph, home in Santa Ana after being eeparated from the infant for three months after birth in Honolulu when Poetic justice for Congress WASHINGTON (AP) -The prosaic pages of the Congressional Record, where appropriations seem more at home than anapests, are jlettil\R a touch of poetry thanka to Majority Leader Howard &Ur. Each M{mday or Tuesday u the Senate as- aembles for iti first meeting of the week, the Ten- ne91ee Republican makes it one of bis first orders of businell to enter a poem in the record. "lt'a just a nice way to start off the week." said Jim Miller, a Baker aide who helps select the poems. Miller, a poetry lover whoralso writes •peeches for Baker and sprinkles them with literary alld- siona, came up with the idea and the majority leader embraced it. It becaine a matter of record Oct. 20, when Baker aroee in the Senate to express his ";ure and certain knowledge that awnmer had paseed and fall had begun." To illuminate the change of seaaona, Baker aaked unanimous consent that Dylan Thomas's "Especially When the October Wind'.' be printed in the record. 9AJCD Nobody objected, IO it was. Since then, Baker haa inaer1ed works by Emily DiddNon, Robert Penn W~. T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Robert Frost, Marianne Moore, Vachel ~Randall Jarrell. Wallaoe Stevena, Archi-bald .,.Jash and James Merrill. Along with theee luminaries, he haa included le.er known writ.era such as Gresory Orr, Thomas L . Mamon, Tom Absher and Ja.epb Malina. Most of the works have been contem~ary, alth~h Baker included one poem. '"The · t of Youth,' by the 19th century poet Richard enry Stoddard. Except for Thomaa, a Welshman, the poe18 have been either native born or naturaliz.ed Americana. The poems have generally been serious. al- though MaalOn's "When I Get Time" is light verse about procrastination. • Baker usually makes a few introductory re- marks, and often tries to make the poem appro- priate to IOl'ne oocasion. Dwina the week the Senate considered expelling Sen. HanUC>n B. Williama, D-N.J., who eventuall~ resigned. for bis role in Abecam, the poem was 'Ethics" by Linda Paatan. Miller uaually pick.a the poem, subject to ap- proval by Baker, but says the senator sometimes. comes up with suggestion.a of his own. He says the aenator geta "letters from all over the place" about the poems and 90l'De people have suggested they be aaeembled in an anthology. But Miller said maybe the biggest fans of the Monday Record are the librarians in the Senate Library. ''They read it before they read The Washing- ton Post in the morning," he aaid. -Dark deters crime PORTLAND. Ore. (AP) -After-hours ligh- ting at area schools makes a difference in crime - turn off the lights, and burglary and vandalism decreases, achool officials say. "When we talked with vanda.la and asked why they didn't go further, they said 'We couldn't see . ~hat we were doing'," said Phyllis Sandy, cheif of die district's police staff. , OffJda.ls told the achool board that incidenta of burglary and vandallam declined 30 percent since the "lighta out" program began 1ut July. SHOllTIST LINH IN OIANOI COUNTY "IXTIA IDGI" OAIPllLO IANk ~ llE· Yll 111111 I Cll? WE COll.D SAVE YOU AS flJCH AS 11111 ON tlGtD PRICm AUT<IDl.ES AND CERTNNLY HUNDREDS CW DOU.AAS ON MODERATELY PAtCED CNW. WE WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING. CALL VIRGINlA AT (114) 141 ... er Ml-1112 Y•aa ... ,..tflCI..._ Y•mttiP,_,...,_ ........ Y•a1_lll._.-.. ._.. G~_ddeals. ---~~ ------. -----•.• -1\19~ AIM I -p ! le r.-:1. • $5.99=r. •$7A9FL 2 Good for lllree pieces ol huicy oolden I Good tor nine p1ec.es ot 1u1cy gotden I Redeem this couPOn IOI a Cwy Pack O.t-I ::> .brown Kentucky Frted C 1cken plus orown Ken1ucky F'rieo Chicken wilh loadeo wilh ltlleen pieces 01 iuicy. ~ 0 single servings of cole slaw mashed I lour rolls a 1aroe cole slaw a large I ~~ she and her ~usband. Teofilo, were returning from the Philippines. Joeeph was the surviving bab of a aet ol twins. "~ ~ ~~ u Potatoes and g1avy an<I a roll mashed ootafoes and a medium gravy golden Drown Kentucky Frted Chttllen ~ I lomtl two 011111 Pfl l)Ultll.lH Coupoo gooo I I l•lf•I 1 .. 0 otte•s Pf< Purcnn1 COlll>Oft OOOd IH ont)' IOI COl'lOlll.lllOl'I \lltlilt/O"~ OIOlrs ltmot 11110 o"eis per pu1c111se Coup0n gooa Oll4y IOI '°"'°'"'loon .. n.11101rk 0t6tls Cusl0111tr ~·•1 •II ·"""~•ht1 ••1a. 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There's a new 91-day Account at Home Federal that stands head and shoulders above the 91-day certificates at any bank . Our 91 ~day Liquid Investment Ac- count pays you just as much, but gives you something more: The freedom to use your moneyt sim- ply by writing checks on your Account for at least $600. No interest penalties, no fees, no transaction charges. If you're sure you don't need liquidity, Home Federal can wrap )t'Our goal in our regular 91-day T-CertificaU . And reward you with more inUtrest -~% more than any bank. For the kind of goals your most im- ~ dreams are made 0£-college for ~our children, a round-the-world crui.M, an extra retirement cuahion,... - Home Federal otrera new hiah interest 3~ ttJ JO~ Money Mar/wt Ctrli(icotu. And, Guaranteed Bonus Certifu:ates which pay interest at guaranteed money market rates for 10, 20 or 30 years ... plus bonuses of 20%, 25% or 30% respectively, paid al maturity. To give ~u an idea of the savings power that offers ... If you put as li ttle as $1.000 away today, 30 years from now 'ou could have over $50,000 for whatever your goal might be. And be ilW'anteed a big share in the secure, comfortable place which is Hom~ Federal Country. 91-day and 6-montti Liquid Invest- ment Accounts ' ($S 000 . . ) , mmamum pay interest equal to any bank for the same terms -and alao let you write checks on your Account for $600 ''·~I-day T-CertlficatesS pay~% ..... lmb~.Cert:lftcatea. S~ to 10.yeu Money Marke& CertJ· ftcateel ( in' ) .->m ~· Guaranteed BonuA ('rlificntes:i (no minimum) earn guaranteed money market interest for 10, 20 or 30 years - plus a bonus of20%, 25% or 30%, paid at maturity, based on the principaJ balance which is on deposit at that time. Interest on all Home Federal accounts is guaranteed and accounts are insured up to $100,000 by an agency of the U.S. Goverflment. You can get more information and open any of the accounts you're now reading about -probably right where you are. All you need is a phone. And a goal. Call direct or collect, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (714) 272·1832. 'IRA and K .. ""'°"' ... ..,._ • ...,..la ............ 0-.. ~ ""'"'°' ............ - -"'°'' .......,._ -....... ,,..,.I .. ladaM :-:.; tubelaMMI ltrf-41Y-r .... ,,, wiUI• ....... .... ~ IA ·~-....i •-1'U'•IA-... •-n"' .,..,.. .. ,.t.. u ..Ulrit1.,...,..... °'""'''-Ill,,. haw --~ ...... l .... ..wtlloMI .,... - l Ale 0rMge CoMt DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3, 1982 , . Starting May 6. lntroducir!Q Celebrity Service, brand new nonstops from Los Angeles International. Two a day to .Detroit. iWo a day to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Wrth star treatment all the way: convenient schedules, to fit your own. Discount fares, to save you . money. A ~ightful choice of entrees, to please your palate. And more. New One-Airline Service East. Republic's new nonstops open a worid of new connections. New one-stops to New York's LaGuardia. New ways_ to Boston, Bahimore, Toronto, over 30 midwestem and eastern ci1ies. Now you can fly Republic all the way:_ New Four-Airport . Convenience. Republic serves all four airports: LA International, Ora~ County's John Wayne, Ontario/Riverside and Burbank. On Republic, you can fly to more cities than on any other airline, from the airport that's best for you. I Fly2b1. Wrth Reeublic's Pair Fair, . buy one full fare round trip ticketatleast24 hours in advance, get a friend's round trip ticket for the same flight~ Ask you travel agent or Repu6180r details . , Co111e Aboard. · Our new Detroit and Minneapolis/ St. Paul nonstops, new service to the midwest and east, and low discount fares will save you time and money. Our famous pers<?nal attention will have you smiling from here to there. Call your ffavel agent or Republic Airlines: Los AngeleS (213) 772-· 5100; Burbank 1213) 247-8333; Ora~e County, Santa Ana and Anaheim (7l4) 540-2060 or Ontario/Riverside (714) 988-8585. TIY /TDD Service available for the speech/hearing impaired at 1-800-328-2213. New Nonstops from LAX Contlnu1.ag Seniceto Depart Arrive LGAAntves To Detroit/New York 1:40 am 3:45 pm 5151 pm (LaGvanlla) 11z45am 6:50pM Retvms To Loa Angeles 1:25 am 9:55 am 4:30 pm 5:59 pm ToMplalSt. Paul 1&45am 2:00"" 11 t30Cllll 4145,... letums To Loa Afteele• 9i 1 S Ht 1Ch4S Giil 5140"" 7: 10 ..... Republic also serves Minneapolis/St. Poul with daily one-stop flights from Burbank and John Wayne Airport and ~vides daily through service to Detroit from OntariO/Rivenide. . I -. , ' J. MONDAY, MAY 3, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 84 ' B6 Readers are focusing, on Ann's new pictures. See Page B2. 0 0 . Weather Calif orniaZa ti on takes time flip-flops GONE IN THE GLOOM: Rummaging through the stacks and ~percllps upon my desk, rxe just learned that aomebody )Obbed my 1982 Old Farmers Almanac. This is an outrage. How am I ever suppaied to figure what the weather along this best of all pcmi~e c:oasta ~going to do without the current almanac? . It was proba t»l.Y . ~ heisted by somebody wno didn't even give. f hoot or • .,_ ' holler about the ;feather. -~ Tht;Y probably j\ill4 )Y~ted Ill IURPHIN' ~~ to flgure out wh.-l.IO PJ,ant I. ,~ ' spinach, or so~1binf ~ -.-. --------- less like that. : r,, .r ·,. • YOU MIGHT·•ONDER why a person would want to consult the almanac weather -which obviously must predict far in advance -rathor than just read the daily weather report? . The reason is that the almanac usually hits it cloeer. Not too long ago here at the paper, we got a short note . from one loyal subscriber who 1-uded our abbreviated local weather reports. She said'l.be liked them because she could clip out the report and keep it on the comer of her dresser, day-by-day. "That way," she explained, "I always kno~ what to wear when we go out at night." .. o·f &•• ~,. · ... ~ i:f f1"::! O_LD ~ ·1:l fi\\Mll(•\'.''~~ .~ & ~8'19 ;::-¥_ . r~== :=-(i ~ ~Jf Al\~~~, --ialf .... t.$f;~mu Don't giggle: it may be cJa.er to dw wearlwr IOl'f!Cllat th.an you think I shuddered at the thoulht that WE might be respon- sible for her coming down with double pneumonia when the U.S . weather forecuter Md come out With one of thoee "fair and wanner" rnim:alculadona. -, THE RE iloN I ACl'UALL Y got leal'Ching for the current edition of tbe Old Fanner'• Almanac ia becauae of what our coastal weather has been doing in recent times. This is the time of year that our weather is suppoeed to get really nice during the weekdays when everybody is either at work or still sweating over Physics II in some classroom. Then, when the wee)tends roll around, the coastal fogs roll in with a vengeance and high clouds take over until sunset. Come Monday 'morning, it's all bright and cheery again. IN RECENT. WEEltS, however, an odd thing has been happening in the local atmosphere. It's been really gloomy and overcast during the week days, when nobody really gives much of a hoot anyway. Then, when the week.ends roll around, it's been sunny and bright to the extent that you figure the Fourth of July must be just around the romer. That, of course, was upon earlier week ends. If you expected the same thing thls weekend, you got fooled again. Saturday and Sunday both started out gloomy along the beachfront and just stayed that way. So much for trying to figure out patterns. IF THE WEATHER has turned freaky, however , I'm not going to wait upon the wisdom of Dr. George or some faceless forecaster out of the Los Angeles bureau. Now conslde# wtiat•the Almanac says the first cou- ple of days. It says, 1!penly sunny" followed by "mostly sunny." Of course, that's the Almanac for 1979, which the thief who is planting spinach didn't care about. That's okay. I'd rather believe the Almanac for '79 than aorne of the current people who are guessing. But British 'exchange publicist' getting adjust ed By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or ... .,..,,......,. Six montha in California hun't taken the Engllltiman out of• John Greenall. . tle still puzzles his secretary with worda like "tick" f« check mark. He'1 been pulled over by ,a traffic cop for making an unpr- thodox left turn at a Fountain Valley interKction. And he'• developed no affec- tion for reataurant.a that serve fut food without providing metal cutlery. Neverthleaa, California'• mild weather and friendly resident.a have made Greenall w1ab hll lo- cal 11ay could last just a little bit longer. Since November, Greenall has been part of an international job awitch with Jack Chappell, pu- blic information officer for Coutline· Community College, headquartered in Fountain Val- ley. For the past six months, Gree- nall has been living in Chappell'• Irvine home, working in bis Coastline office and driving his two cars. Meanwhile, Chappell and his family have been living in Gree- nall's home in Milton Keynes, 50 miles north of London. The Coastline official has been wor- king in the infonnation office at Britain's Open University, where GreenaU ia director of informati- on services. Greenall concluded his stint at Coastline this week, just as he had finally gotten into the habit of spelling "color" v.:;thout a "u." "Driving was a problem for about the first two weeks I was here.'' he recalls. "It wu not so much drivina on the right side of the road. Toe biggest problem was having the gear shift on the right side of the steering wheel. In my own car it's on the left Deir ..... '""' ....... COUNT E R PART -John Greenan is winding up an exchange program as infor- mation officer at Coastline College while his counterpart takes Greenau•s' job in En- gland. . becawte the driver's aeat is ln a different _position." After eome initial anxiety. he even got the hang of freeway driven, finding American moto- rist.a more courteous than their count.erparta overseas. "On our freeway•, which are called motorways, the 1peed limit i. 70 mph. -and they still ex- ceed it,' he says. The Open University, where Greenall works, operates some- what like Coutllne. Like the lo- cal community college, it has no formal c.ampua or classroom buil- dinp. Deputies neutral in sheriff race The A11ociation of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs isn't making an endoraement in thi.t year's three-way contest in the race for sheriff<aroner. The auociation's politi~l ac- tion committee declined to make an endonement in the race after interviewing two challengers opposing l.ncurnbent Sheriff Brad Gates. They are Deputy County Clerk Marshall Norris and for- mer Santa Ana police officer Pat ... Bland. Gates declined to be intervie- wed by the committee. He said his actions while in office de- monstrate his positions on the ia· sues. Gates eaid he considers hi.maelf the only qualified candi· date for the position. "There was not 1ufficlent in- put to endorse any one. candidate," said Rob~r\. Mac- Leod, executive director of the 800-member deputy sheriffs as- sociation. In the 1978 race for sheriff, the asaociation endoned a challenger, Loren Rusk. over the incumbent sheriff, Oates. Some observers said Gate• might have had a chance of winning the auociation's endor- sement thia year had he appeared before the politlcal action com- mittee. Eleven'\! the committee'• 13 members interviewed the two other candidates for sheriff. The committee aho declined to make an endorsement ln the only superior court judgeship race in which an incumbent judge is being chalJenged. In that race, Anaheim City Attorney William Hopkins ia opposing Judge Leo- nard Golcletein. In a second superior court race, ln which the Incumbent is not seeking re-election, the aaocJa- tion ii backing municipal court . Judge Robert Knox over three~· other candidates, Joeeph Bari.Ua. William Farria and William An· dent0n. In a race in West Orange County Municipal court, the u- socia tion endorsed incumbent Judge Joanne Harrold over challengers Dan Dutcher and Ronald Nixon. In a race in Har- bor ~unidpal Court, the aaeoda· tion backed incumbent Judge Robert Polla over challenger Paul Robbins. Other races and thole winning endoniementa were: -Fifth Supervtaorial District: Thornu Riley, incumbent. -County A.sseuor: Bradley Jaoobe, incumbent. -County Public Adminl.atra- tor. Jamea E. Heim, incumbent. _:County Dlatrtct Attorney: C.ed1 Hkb, lncumbenL Televi1lon, radio and rdailed material 11 uaed to help adult.a earn their bachelor's degree at homes throughout the United Kingdom. I S t udent.a in courses 1uch as chemistry are loaned 10phiatlca- t.ed lab equipment IO that they can perf0,rm required experi- ment.I at home. Unlike COastllne, however, the Open Unlvenity does not provide vocational training for various trades and does not offer perso- nal enrichment oounes, Greenall aa.ld. Dwina his stay in California, Greenalf has attended local en- richment workshops such as as- sertion training and a "People Sampler" gathering. In fact, Greenan was so im- pressed with the array of Sou- thern California singles activities that he hu written an article on the topic for a London daily newspaper. While noting the dearth of events geared to older singles in Britain, Greenall reports in his article that Southern California has groups for "metaphysical singles," parents without part- n e rs, Christian 1ingles and others. He writ.es, "Which British ~l­ lege would dare, one wonders, to run a clus called 'Intimacy: If You Want It You Can Get It!?" On a more aerloua note, Gree-nan bu been keeping a cloee eye on his homeland'1 lnvolvement the Falk.land Island.I crtm. ''I do recognU.e that the BritUb determinatfon on thi1 i1'sue b very genuine," he aaya. "One can see that the Argentine invuion hit hard at the British sef\lle ol pride." Warnings issued on credit hook The Orange County District Atto rney's office is urging people to be wary when respoa. ding to advertisements offerina advice on how to gain credit and credit cards. "There's just no such thing• credit for free," said Deputy Di- strict Attorney Diane Stavenha- gen who recently prosecuted • civil complaint involving a M .... rina del Rey finn offering Neb - advice -for a fee. . Ma. Staver\huen 18.id the an., Re-established Credit Bureau, • now opera~ within the requi- rements of the state'• Businet9 and Professions Code. But under the forrper OW\oo nerahip of Jason Friedman, ol San Diego, she said, the firm w• selling a booklet offering tipe oe getting credit that contained nu- merous falsehoods. The book 008& S3~. Deir ,...,.....~ Lee,.,.. SHELTE R SHOWOFF -Wild-bird specialist Susan Parkes, nurturing~ six-week-old fuzzy barn owl, will discuss her rehabilitation ef forta during an open house Saturday at Ir-v vine's Animal Shelter. Free pets offered at Irvine Shelter II r Pell at the Irvine A nimal Shelter in Laguna Canyon are be1nc offered f« adoption at no COit through Sunday. The free adop tion• -plu1 certificates for half-price •paying or neutering -are part of the shelter'• dvitlea th1a year oele- bra tln1 national ''Be Kind to. Anlmala Week," aald 1belter, spokeswoman Terwa Davia. · Kickback figure gets prison, Probation, fine An open houee will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturda/; and veterinarian l'.d Cole of IrA vine will be on hand. to give free ph)'lllcal examinatiorw to lldopted anJ.mU. Alao, do1 obedience traln• Sue Myles wUl lhow off her ~ t.-t ••puppy drill tam" at noono. and wild ~ rehabWtator &amt Parbl t¥ill dl8am bet worll: fC the ltate Fllh and Game De.-.: mmt. The aheltm' at 30401 &m v* ley Drive ln ~ ~ II• thlrd of • mile IO\&th of the • T«0 Roell lnWllC:dion of Bl~ and Lacuna Canyon IOlidl.. Tblt lhel• curnntly hll *l dotl d 10 cata, al\hou1h tbe n wabell fludUa• .ad Ma. Davia. Irvin• la in the pr oce11 o1 ~ • new.11111m1 shelw a-' ~~ ...... Santa Clara Shike • ... •• ~ OOMt DAILY PILOTIMond1y, May 3, 1882 , , Ann's Photos draw mixed 'reviews from readePS DEAR ANN LANDERS: How In hea· vtn'• name do you find time to write the column? Judaina from the variety of pho- tasrapha that appe1r tn the p1per, you spend JJ.Dt of your time in front of a camera. What ,c0bl1) COMliton your part to think that you ant weartnc a polka4Jt blot.we, a bYick drem with ..P911'la, or a white turtleneck sweat.er. Jqn keep wrtu.n,, Doll -never mind the ~lle ahow. -NOT IMPRESSED IN EVANSTON ... DEAR EV ANS: 1'uk1 for you vtew1 -laere are several more. FROM GLENVIEW, ILL.: Your new picture9 are terrific; Ann. How smart of the Su.n-Tlmea to run a different photo of you day. Your cheery face gets me off to a start in the IDOl'Ding! -NEAR NORTH RA FROM DALLAS: Hooray for the new ptcture! In the old one your teeth didn't look rtcht. My husband uya you have new den- iure.. la he correct? -TESSIE DEAR TESSIE: Wroa1. Tlley're m1De. AB miae. • FROM HARTFORD, OONN.: The new YEARBOOU, YEARBOOU -Like the tax man, Josten'• American Yarbook C.O. has Ita busy aeaaon in the 1pring. Angie Chavez . (above) I.a one of 700 employees at the Visalia t photo In our paper loolal like It mflht have come from your high achool yearbook. Quit kiddin' the public and run a photo of your- eelf the WA'¥ you look NOW. -PINKY DEAR PINI.: Tlaat plctue wu takea ln Jlly by Beary OW, elllef pllo&op-aplaer of ~e Su-Tlmet. (Tiie mu l1 a aafat.J FROM SALT LAKE CITY: You need a new wardrobe. The new picture in the Tri- bune shows you wearing the same outfit you wore when you spoke at the university in Provo aeveral yean a&o· -I WAS THERE DEAR LW.T.: Yo• are very obtervut. Same bloase . . cllfferent aa.U. FROM LAPORTi, IND.: Throw out the new picture and bring back the old one. Your mouth looks funny. ALSO FROM LAPORTE: Love your new picture .. Thank heavens the paper got rid of the one where your hair looks like you are ~oing to take off and fly. FROM OMAHA, NEB.: I'm so glad the World-Herald baa a new picture of you. For awhile there was no picture at all, and I had a hard time finding your column. Tell the ,,, ....... plant who are completing more than 1.5 million copies of 3,000 individual yearbooks for schools in the western United States. Pisces: Check sources 'heldaJ' May ' ARJF,S (March 21-April 19): Forces are scattered -leave fine pointa. details for another day. Perceive picture u a whole. Accent on communication from attorney or offic:lal concerned with rulea, regulation.a. Gemini, Sagittariua penom figure promi- nently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasis on routine, ability to locate needed material and necemity for rebulld1ng on a more aolid base. Focu1 alao on employment, depen- dents. b9alc i8luea and care for pets. Aqua- riua, Scorpio, Leo nativea play prominent roles. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be ready for Cbange, a yariety of aenatlont, speculative venturea 4d romantic concerm. Creative abllities are highlighted, you imprint style and penona1 magnetlam I08J"I. Relationship lnten8lfies, YOUDI penons ltate needs and you're lllked to lign agreement. ' CANCER (June 21-July 22): Check aa- fety devk9, become men aware of 8eCUl'ity -family member preaent1 gift, makea 1enutne attempt to re1tore harmony at home. lfijrhltaht diplomacy, be a gracious wtnner. 'l'aurus, Libra persona play key rolM. · LBO (July 23-Aua. 22): Be open to nu- ~ ~ fdeM, formata. Plillw and =-~ ~~;~v:~= and nlauv .. command part of .cenarlo. Cancw, Vlrp. P*-perm flluN promi-nmtlJ. '°' s•rs· -. ·BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ·-. ON&.V .V II' ~CTTt...C IT' HA~N CAN t K •URC WMAT IT WAS TMAT I c:!~~. ~"-SV'SNTSD. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Focus on power, authority, responsibility, promotion and increased compensation. Older indivi- dual~ key role, lendl financial support. You te missing material and establish a meaningful relationship. Capricorn native is in picture. I LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You sense pulae of public; you're able now to complete major usignment. Roadblocks are removed, drcumatances tum in your favor and you are at right place at crud.al moment. Your own judgment ii on target. Highlight direct ac- tion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be ready for new atartl, fresh contacts and opportu- nity to become more independent in thought, action. Spedal meeting ta on agen- da, my1tertea wlfl be reeolved and puzzle piecs wW fall into place. SAGITl'ARJUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Wish oomee tn1e following confrontation with fa- mily member. Serwe of dlrecUon ii reRred, conflict ii reeolved and you might be treated to aowmet dinner. One who aided you in pMt will ap1n be available. .. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Spot· light on uplrationa, career, eodal activity, apam6on of peraonal borilom. Gemln1, s. .. Cua nativea n,ure prominently. Special '8 part of aoenario -you're Mked to partldpate ln fund-tat.tn1 or community activity. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Good lunar upect colnddea with diatance, trips. ap&ttual ~ lcJnl·nnae proJecta ud a ~ lntmnationll law. lndttldual ln tion of 1uthorlty iupportl you, will 11'"11 u,ht tor llllianment tbal lnwl· w. cxmmunlcation end .aueatson. PUC~!:,b· 11-Marcb 20~Jec1 ..r::::: explanatlam w llCk iu . 0-=k-..rc., ...... a.w .. u.. and reall• llpifioant 1atna are polllblt tbroulb wrtu.n matertaI: M..,,_ of qppo- IHe ,. Ii dnwn to '°"' anc1 '°"''D mow tt. edit.or there to'* hl8 llDU'ta.and keep that picture IN. -THE CX>RNHUSKER DEAR CORN: I doa't tell etllton uy- tlata1. Tiley tell ME. At far aa tlley are coacened, I'm jut uotMr we~ 1tUf. ) FROM DURHAM, N.C.: Like your new picture. Your hair 1ooka ll&hter. Peroxide or IJOt'~ ~ will you, Annie Baby? - DEAR LEX: lt'1 Clairol. DEAR NELL: I laave seat Ku ... City aeveral plaoto1 ud tky are aot lnterftte4. Ru you eyea bad to my responae to Com ud yoa1l 1et die plctare. FROM SAN ANTONIO, Tex.: I'm so glad to aee a new picture of you in our paper. The other one gave me the creeps. Not that it wun't nice, Ann. but you leelDed to be looking straight at me, reading my mind. - H.J.R. FROM FULLERTON, CALIF.: Your new picture looks swell. My wife bet me $10 you got a new wig. Right? -LOIDS DEAR B .J.R.: Got ao time for mlad· reac1J.n1. Jf 1 all I cu do to 1et tkoqll die mall. DEAR LOUIS: Wron1. U't mine -all mine. FROM IOLA. KANS.: We moved here from Kanau City and were thrilled to aee a picture of you with the column. It'• auch a warm, peraonal touch. Please tend the Kanau City paper,a pcture. It sure would help the looks of the page. -NELL Diacover how to be date bait without f aJlJng hook, line and sinker. Ann Landers' booJclet, ''Datini Do'a and Don'ts." wiD beip you be more poised and sure of yoU1'9elf on datea. Sen<J 50 cents along with a long, atamJ>td, aelf-addressed envelope with your requnt co Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 80611. In lather over soaps "Psychology Of the Soap ()pen" IOI Inds like aomething my kids would acbedule their aenior year around, but would need a lab fee to cover the cost of a new TV aet. There really is such a class being taught by a .professor in New Jersey who, with 54 students, lits around and diaeecta the basic human motivations behind the soaps. flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END From what they've already observed, they are predicting that in another 10 years, there will be more sex in the afternoon and more nudity. could keep that kind of pain a secret? Secol\dly, one-third of the performers on soaps are 55 or over. With all due respect, the human body at this age, especially when bare, is not your bask religious experie~ Tll,AT'S LIKE SAYING to a pregnant woman you are going to be more pregnant next month than you are right now. Besides, I don't for a minute believe a word of lt. You all know my theory on nu- dity ... U God had meant for us to walk around naked, He would never have in- vented the wicker chair. PEOPLE ARE BECOMING bored with the human anatomy. There aren't too many corners one can tum these days without a feeling he's been there before. Using that same principle, the aoape will never produce more nudity than the traffic can bare . . . bear! Joggers wearing shorts with racing stripes that go all the way up to the armpits fill the streets. Body-builders ba,,ted in oil fill the magaz:inee. Bathers wearing littl~ pieces of cro- cheted string, scarcely big enough to 9et a glass on, fill the beach~ And if I never aee another fanny with Calvin Klein branded on the backside, I could still go in peace. It just ltn't real.i.tti~. To begin with, three-fourths of the I08ps take place in the dramatic confines of a hoepital. 'nlere isn't one piece of equipment in a hospital that is not chilled before using ... tables, instru- ments, handles, etc. Do you honestly think there is an actor or actrea in this world who I say to the soaps, "Give it a rest!" It's going to take at least another 10 years for ,me to get my curiosity back. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.l -A1 South. vulnerable, you hold: ..\IC lii>AS 0 154 •AM7tl The blddlnr bu proc;ee<fed: S.•~ W..t N~ Eut I• PAM I Iii> I+ 2. , .. ! Iii> , .. 1 w~ action do you take? A. ~ow that partner hu 1bowo a Ions. and poalbly fine. bu.rt 1uJt, ram• "' a diltinct poaibUlty. However, the hand mirht play better in no trump than In bearta. Ratber than rabe to three beartl with your doubleton ace, we 1u11eat you cue·bld two 1pade1 and hear what partner hu to aay. Since you made a mlnlmum rebid at your aeeond turn, partner won't expect you to bold the world for your cue-bid. What he 1hould expeet i. that you have a 1pacS. •topper. aome IOl't of heart flt and a mu· lmum for 7our previou• b6d· dln1. Doun't that · dffcrlbe your band? Q.1-Both vulaerable, u South JOU hold1 •AK4 lii>AQN OAQT •llT la tllitd IMt, JOW ript-Und opponent ope11 OM Wcldiq with OM .... Wut ~ I do JOU taket A. -Your baDCl ii &oo ...,_, for u ovetetll ol OM ao &.rump, wllkla 1lilon UoM the equivalent of a oae DO &.rump o,taial Wd. Double, then Wd no tnamp at the ebeepeet level o••r pu1Mr'• ,..,.... , .. , ~ cltlerlbe 70U1a.udeud17. What do you bid now? A.-With your wealth of prime controll. you certainly intend to continue cooperating with any 11.am ef· forta your partner might make. We 1ugge1t a bid of five no trump. That cannot be the grand •lain force. bec.auae neither you nor your partner hu 1bown lint· round conlrol of diamonds. The only makable 1lam mi1ht be in no trump, where 7our ltlnr of diamondl •on't be ex· poeed to a lead throu1h. Your bid m111t 1how aecond·rouud diamond control, end It mutt be the king ii.nee you are prepared to play in no trump. Q.~-Neltber vulnerable, u South JOU bold: •AQ CVJI O&lM6 •QMQ Tbe bktdiq baa proceeded: N.d!EMll ._.. w.-t• P .. I 0 P .. 10 Pa. 1 Wbat do you bid now1 A. -Tbe auction h11 ckveAoped V.1 la.onbb' for yov. A Jvmp to two DO &.rulQP will DOt oDlJ uaouna 1our iDteDUo8 to pt to pme, bat It will alto lAlonD pertaer t ... t IDOlt of JOV .. ljth ... la tlM nitl he dW DOt Wei. Tbe ..... wiUI a jump ' &t .._. dube la that It ..U,ht &ab J*l btJood dine DO trump. not convey the full strengtb_ or your hand. The only semi· ble course is to malte a cue- bid or three diamonds follow· ed by a jump to five clubs il given the opportunjty. Don't concern yourself with t!M po11ibility that partner might pus three diamonds -his jump 1hift guaranteed aoother bid. Q.1 -Eut-Wut vulnerable. as South you bold: •ll87 CV951 OQIS •AJI01 The bidding hu prodeeded: S.•~ WNt N~ F.ut P ... Pue l 0 P ... INT P ... P&M DW. ? What action do you take? A. -If your partner hu a 1ound opening bid. Eut i1 in trouble -rour aide bu a a(Jnlficant edp in ttreDCtb. A redouble DOW wtU ·advil9 partner that you are at tbe top of your ranp for your orlJinaJ rupoue, and will leave him weU plaeed to IDQe lnteUipnt dtdalou u the auction PfOl"HM8· l 1i Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3, 1982 aa ........................ u ...... .. ----------------------------------------------...------------------------------· THE FLOWER MIL 10126-A Adams Ave. Huntington Beach. 963-0739 . SHERWOOD FLORIST 23024 Lake Forest Dr. • , Laguna Hiiis 155-4213 DUCKY LW'S FLOWERS 118C Agate Newport Beach . 675-9484 644-5565 LEE'S FLOWERS • 711 WMbnln8ter Awe. w .......... , .,.2511 R Broadway Flo~r Shop t1S HAltlOlt I LVD. •I ADAMS I In C<il .... GenlH) COSTA ME~ CALIFOllNIA f'M2• now•n ,.,. All Ocattlo1" Gt .. n "°nh o...,, Suncloy• ond HoHcloyt DINXN_E VARON • • ALICIA'S WEST Ct R.OWHS&..-n · 1101 cw1sa1M. w., PARK ~ J-'-1110.C. • ....._..,. __ FLORIST .... ...,....._. Ul-11~3 14740 COUJNS~ Bea c h Blvd. FLOWERS We at- 21 .. Soutll Herbof 81¥d. minster, Ca. Anaheim, CA 893-3501 750-0451 EM IN DER .. Feminine · Fltn111 • • • • For Every loclJ Aerobics $40~Yds s25 10 Classes • Postwe • Ci'culation • Slim Hips • Firm Thi1hs ~· Tighten Buttocks Includes • FREE AEROBICS Dflip•d for .... MahreW~ Bad Back? Try Our Therapeutic Lounge ® . Start the Diet Center program now ... and be thinner and more beautiful by Father's Day. YOU CAN LOSE 17 TO 25 POUNDS IN JUST 6 WEEKS! 11A wonderfully natural wei,ht Jo., pro,ram11 Home Units Available \ MAGtlJUA ,. TM.SERT NW STATEI MAHEJ 1999 S. COAST HWY. CORNER OF DIAMOND 'The Sf:UV/NG COSTA MESA• IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH .Flower CORONA DEL MAR HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY Place Hu1lislus ~!'116 ~-Hl2W ..... A••· ....._,.y·Fk>rlst ...... ,.. .... ~ ............... .. j1¥Jfli 14z .. zs41 _ 2640 H~rbor Blvd., Cost• Mes• I OrderNidy · D R S Avoid DtN9P01ntment e MU L' ' FLORIST •. Ste 1-83 11 rvtne Ranch M kt. shopping center {]olden Wejf :J.forijf 13786 Goldenwest Westminster. Ca. 892-6677 (;avl(flY'S. "Always tht Stason.1 Flntst" FLOWERS ~PLANTS~ACCESSORIES 2983 HARBOR BOULEVARCI COSTA MESA. CA 92626 (7 14) 7 S1-470S 3841 BIRCH STREE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 e. Costa Mesa ~ 1630 San Miguel Orlve, Harbor View Center • "4-'°80 646-4479 448 EHi 17th Street. Colla Meu • 645-3144 '-..... !l 2275 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA. CA 92627 T .. ROW& ... GM.DB• t60l28"dtltYd. ............ ..... FLOWER GAZEBO ZSS51 Alie'-l'lcwy Unit 8 a...-Hiiie. Ca. (114J 111-a:11 MILE SQUAR FLORIST 18511 Brookhum St. fountalft v ... y .. 139-5200 . 2211 Martin . Irvine, Ca. (714) 752-1780 ~, .. ,v (714) 964-6344 ""'~· . ,, ~::-~-~ (:.of~',.,'•" ''. ~-t."..., vAcce"t geoatst ~ 9•JOW•-A..,.... ~ f-1•"' Vellrt, Callfo.,,,. 92701 ~~ . Order ear1y. Send Mom your love w ith the Fro~ :Big ljug®:Bouquet The world's best Mom deserves fresh ~lsies. sweet-scented carnations and beautiful mums. Or send another gift she's bound to love. L .. '" I '' . • ' . '" . " .., 11• ---.. rh ;,., , .. ~ OPEN MOTHER'S DAY , -The FTD Big Hug~ Planter. , .. ~ HERITAGf FLORIST 14474 Culver Dr. Ste 0 . MOORE FL ONE RS Best Selectlon In Orange County OPEN MOTHeR•s DA y • 1215 Baker Coeta Mesa 5~7870 6013Warner Huntington Beach 847~212 All In an exclustve FTD~ Ceramic Flower Pot. 3aid your love with ~pedZll i'l«'I' Aun .. \I ... on : .. .,.., ~-411••• iu 1 !~!: .-.,, -. - (;h"l l I. ) Otlftgl Collt DAILY PILOT/Monday, MIY 3, 1812 THE f1'MILl' CIRCt8 by Bil Keane BIG GEORGE ' by Virg il Partch (VIP) "Which music are you putting on - -exercisine, wori<ing, reading or dancing?" "l hatt Mondays." ..a·. by Brad Anderson ri I! J _____--? Hank Ke~hurn "He hides them every tr~sh pickup day!" ~ . MD BLESS 1H/S FOOD MAAS BEEN REPAIRED FOR.US." Jl'DGE PARKER I I A5 THE NEWS MEDIA j DE5CE"ND5 ON D e :1 FOR 015ARMIN(, l HE !I HOLDUP MAN 5AM LOO~ONWITH :.1 AMUSED ADMIRATION AS SHE ANSWERS ~, 'THEIR OUE:ill0N5' Ii*""'·-",_, ~i ft V}'~', l 1 . I ". ~.aar:cr ...... - by Harold Le Ooux j NO' l LOOKED liE'f> PROe,A~L.Y L NOW, IF lOltll EXCU!iE U5 lJNEMPl..OYEO WlfH ' MR DRIVER AND I ARE Lt:T HIM PITCH c;;oME 10 ME., 't<AYo .'? A !:>ICK WIFE AND 601N(J DOWN 10 POL.1Cf l'\105. NEE DS MONEY HE~DOUAAlER5 ~HERE DEE>PEAATELY' WE WILL OFFER TO 0 DHEND THE POOR £<XII. ' THAT 15. IF YOUR FAT~ER P0£5N'T &AT THE HECK OUT OF YOU F'OR OOINCi THAT SlOPIO STER£01YP£. ' PEi\Nt'T8 1lH:'(SAY ~ 1ru:Ri: AftE • 1 &H:L.1evf. MAN¥ l'UffALD HUWRSOUf ON 1l£ f\AINS 1HIS V~Aft by Charlff M. Schulz by Tom K. Ryan' ,4,') )(, "-······· ~ ·~ lL.J.J.LL_lfL_.....dLJ.•LL!-__::M~ SHOE UNQ£ CC6~? ... 15 IT fl'.AY I~ l WAT~ TuE • lXKD lME. CLOWN SUPER (!IX.KY HOOR"? ·-. ·~··· .... •'l''\K l ' M l~Kt:RBEA ~ --------™ERE ~ 50 IVIANt.l IF ONL(yl I'D !:f'€.NT" n.1NG5 I WISH I'D frK)R£ 'TlME lAll™ HAVE OCIJ£ OIHEJtENTt9 ('(V.) KIDS WHEN 1HE4 IN rw.; LI FE .. t:{) ~ urnE ... MAt-¥-) fie~£10 . BRABBLE MOM~ ~o~ I F~O ·nu~ ~\)~Mf.t'. (1,.l. ~ A <Sl.lMME.R J06 !~ Coellf{lt!O'f1MC, "fo 1'.tf. E.~ AAO~f\~ 1"0 l<Etf' OUR ~~1\oM Otl 1'"£. MO'JE. ~ ... . . c---~- by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Amo la. ·~=r1:v 6WUAJ8 ff/l!J TAIL UltJ~ HElfl l'OOTr • • by Tom Batiuk IUlll CUil 11ERE ARE . a Read all today's U news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the 1 1Alright, light and Ii- . · vely Daily Pilot. . . ® Keep an eye on . (.6, local government · t+:Jo other newspaper brings you more news of your city council , planning 'commis--~--~ sion, scHool and ., college districts and county government: ~ 'La~gh, cry ~r get ~smart . Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bambeck, interesting features on people, I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, May 3, 1H2 • To keep up ~Ith · · ~. ·all that'.s happe'!lng 1 , ID your eommumty you . need the Daily Pilot · ••• every day \ REASONS WHY.~. lifl_ Follow your t~am "-r/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community col- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff .. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and c!J shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort and money. Enjoy your ~Sunday ~Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- esting reading packaged in your ~---. Sunday Daily Pilot. .t::;~r Enough to read - and enjoy. \ifJ Tune in to the U latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- sion guide is published each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. opinions, informa- t1V9 c~lumns and AU Get into the Dally PIJot lll.IJfilat comics brighten , for only $4. 75 per month. yOur world .. ------~----~:~~~~~-~~--~-~~=-:-~.:~:~---~~---···• 642-4321 .. .. . _ : I'd like to enjoy the comfo~ts of a home ·•· ' 111111 I "° ""'AGI 1 'L 1 delivered Dally Piiot every ·day. ':~' : ~ ... .__ ... __ , Enclosed la $4.75 tor one month. '""":-o::."~. !1111111-----~ ,1 BUSINESS REPLY LABEL I I ••K'B ............ , ••• COU•MfY ,.,....... I • : Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -·-'"''., • .., •....... N, : 1 Address ...•...•...........•....................... _/. Or•nee CN•t Dally ftl... 1 1 I . aox 1MO I City ..•........................... Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cost• Mete. CA. ,.. I I I I . I I Signature ........... ·.· ................................ \ CIRCU~ATION DEPT. I I I 1 • .,.,°"'".,_,01strlct .•..•.....•...... :. Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • I I -----------------------------·---------------------------·-· Cl .. I ... the _,,... • • • tM • ... the pnp1lll w..I .. -Mwtllpl fiir 1111•1111 • e.I 642-4111, Alli. t. QNU .. llec:ii • .. I OrMQe Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3, 1982 , .. , ...... ' CtWllLa'a AHGl.L.I I I • WHrf'SlttADOW •THl•:aw • HAWAII PMl-4 • OYllll IAIY Guell: locltlla Loren ( R) l:=::n MCNIWI NICNIWI r.eov. • * ~ ''Hot LMCI And Cold ,... .. ( 1971) Jim Dale, Don knona. In The Old Waat, twtrl twOChen -one rough ·n· 1ougll, Iha other a clty- ll(ed mllqueitOalt -com- ,,... In a grueling c:ont•t to -wflO wit tnMrlt their ...,_.a 1or1une. ·o· CJ) THI LMT Of' THI CAOOOll Aller dltcowring hit lndi· 111'1 harftacle, a T 8XM youth • bacornM obeMMd with IMmlng more about hit -'OB and their CUI· n.n. , -· AU. .. Tl4E,Mr&Y I ·~T: CAl.l'OMIA OONGWllONAL '90flT l ••WREP<>AT QIMIW8 MllNIE'Y MILLE" MOVIE • • ~ "Vive LM Vegu" ( 1"4) EMa Prealey, Ann- Mergrat A Lea Vegu awlmmlng lnarructor becomee the object of altactlon for • aporlt car nut and hie Italian friend .MOYIE •• " "Lion• FOt Break· feel'' ( 111711) Jen Ru bee, Jim ...._. Two young bfothera, en Old drifter and • dog pur.-• drum -• baitt• lite few Ill on M Old '""' -but ~ meny halr-ralalng adven-ew.. along the way ·o . 7:00 I '* NIEWI ..CNEM ~OAY8AGAIN I MCNIEWI KOJAK •. M"A'8'H Hawtceye langlet _.th a IOl'Ofl Army COionei and 8.J. halpt • 01 whc>'• f90lllYed a ··o... John'. ... I .IOUR'S WILD ••raeNPORt MAGICO#OIL f'MmNG (I) p .M. MAGAZlNIE Wllnd the -., "Wl<RP In Cincinnati"; M lntaMaw with Bullalo Bob of TV'a old "Howdy DooOy 8how": 0 INTPTAINMefT TOMGHT The first of a -*' on Hof- ~·· blonde bomb-lflala. a~~ au.t: Senor Wene.. (C)MOWE ** "Looll Beck In Anger" (1959) Olalra Bloom, Rletl- •d Burton. Baaed on the pie'; by John Osborne At ltla IUt moment' a man ~ that he IOvet and r-oe hll wff• (D)MOYIE * * • • "Tiie LM1 Metro" ( 1980) C.therine °"""""· Gerard Dapardleu. Olrect- ecl by Frencolt Trv"eu1 Dunno Wof1d War II. the prapr18IOB of a tmall Parlt ._.,. try to keep thelf ••"''lhrnent opel'I dur1ng .. German occupation 'PO' , HOPE SPECIAL -Bob Hope is joined by Jack Lemmon and Morgan Fairchild in a charity performance to air at 9 tonight on KNBC (4). See review, Page AS. (%)MOVIE • * * "T lf984•" (HIM) 8«11 Karloff. Tim O' Kelly. An llQlng hO<fOl'-m<IVla atat triea to ,_, With • mur- cletous tnlper II a <!riv.Jn movie lhN ler 7:30 9 2 OH THE TOWN F .. tured a vltlt to Auatrt· II• _,,.,, the ~ollc wlld· Ille, Great Barrier Reef an<I cac>ittl city of Syd~ era explOted. I Q! FAMILY FEUO LA WANE & SHIAt.EY & OOflAPAH'f The gem p<al.,,O to be Fonzie and Rlc:Ne't flan-°"' to """ them from a thOtgun ..,.cjdlng. D EYIEOHLA. FNIUtecl a tepor1 on the latMt IOoll In awim-.• IUt,,.,: a ride In the femoua GOOCSyNr Blimp lor 1 di""'"' look •I L A i... beam• u a new an torm G» M'A•&•H Alatmed at the poor phy ... cal condition ol 1\11 unrl. Cot Potter dacidM 10 hOICI 1 M0 A•S•H Otympic:t. • Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACHa-1 LEHAEA REPORT Qli) GREAT PE.RFOAMAHCE8 "Llw From Llncolr\ (An. tar" Olatlngul•hed writer. prO<luQer and director Biiiy Wild« It hOnored In a epe- cllll tribute by the Fiim Sociely of LlncOln Center ltD YOU ASKED FOR rT F1atured • C•n1<111n Karate E•perl ano "Hew-not Toaa>ng Tric:k- ater " l:GO. CJ) THa 8UG8 9UNNY I ROAD RONHEA MOVIE Animated The adventutee and~ol&uoa Bunny -~and vlr'ltaga car10oN 1-hllng Iha A09d ~ -P'• -*d. • QI UTT\i "°'*OH THE~ .,_ It ~ wMf'I he lnad\l9f1ently w•• In on • bank robbery In pr0Qf- (P"1 1)Q -~ • • "Bruce LM We Mitt V ou" Btvc:ie LI •9 THATS INCMDl8U F .. tured· a female QUlll"1· erback; a llnk•d·b•ck 80tnet&ault world tecord 11tempt, an 88-yNr-old female dltc jockey • mol0tcycle I oarachula &tun! G MOV1E * * * 'Biiiy L11r' f 11163) Tom Courtanay Julie Chrltlle An und4lf"lakar'a clerk lantua" hit way through Mfe G» P.M . MAGAZINE M.-• miniature hO<M wf>O .. big In thowba, buN- mla. a compultlve cycle ot binge M1Jng followed by vomlllno e WOV. • •'It "Mc()" ( 19741 John W-. Ede* Albett eOAIAT .... ~ "Live Fr«n Lincoln <An· ,.,.. Ottllngulahed wnter. produoer and director Bltly Wiider It honored In a ape- clal tribute by the Fiim Society ol Uneoln Center (HJ MCME • *"" "Eacape From New Vort." (11181) Kun RutMll, Adrienne B1tbe1u In t 11117. a hatdened criminal It otterecl ' pardon If he c:en reecua 1he praeldent of t!M U S lrom Iha prison city th•t MMhtttan hu become 'R' CS) MOVIE * * "The Bl8dl Hole" ( 1117111 Mulmiltan Schell Robert For11er, Yvette Mlmleu• The er-of a l\JIUrlttlC ap--1\ip di• co¥ert another venal patched on the edge OI a formlllon wttlch pulls any- thing nearby Into • glMt vo<O where lime 1nd tpace c;eaM 10 all.isl 'PO' Cl TiiE GOLDEN AGE OF TEUVl8tON "Many" Roel Steiget encl Nancy Marc:t1an0 ..., In • tts.5 11<oduc:hon of Paddy Cheyeftk y· • telaplay about a hOmefy buleh« wtlo l811a In love with • plaln glrl 1:30 G» ALL IH THE FAMIL V , Edtlh • cousJn Floyd dropt tn lot dinner wtlh nopee ol IUVlng hit daughter with Iha Bunkw1 t :46 (l.) CHAN.ES CHAMPUN OH THE FILM saHE 9:00 8 (1) M•A•S•H Kll"Q" htr" CharMIS to defend him 1galn1t cnargea 01 1teallng Hawil· eye and B J:a -cam· «• f Pan 21 (RJ 8 QI ll08 HOPE'S STAM OY8' TEXAS U€QAL Jlcil L""mon. MotgM F ... cNtcS. Dottle w .. 1 an<1 Larry Oatlfti join Bob Hope 1n a Charity Pflt1ormance •t the un1veraity of T .... •• Au•tln. 8 QI THE LETTER , The beaulllut, rwt .... wife of • rubber plan ler becOfT>M lnvotved In for· bidden romance and thoct<tng ltegedy In W SomerMt M.ugham'a t ... of IOve and ~t. LM Remick and Jeck Thomp. aon attr G» MERV QAIFFIN "Salute To 'DynHty' Guea11 Jonn Fottyth•. Joan Colllna. Lind• EvMt Jonn James. P.,.,..• Bell- wood CC)MOVIE * * 'h "BlHy JKll" (111711 Tom Laughlin. Delore• TtytOt An ••-Green Beret half·bteed champlant Iha cauee ol • freedom 8ChOOI ror runltWtlY' on en Ari· zone lndlan r_,.•llon CIMOVIE CHANNEL LISTINGS fr * •,t, "Nlghlwlng" ( 1117111 Nick M1ncu•o. 0 1vld Werner The popul•llon of • Southweatern desert region la lerrOtlzed by hun· dredt ol vampire b•ta wttldl Invade the •rM In m .. a number• when nlghl fallt 'PO' e KNXT !CBS> • KNBC (NBCI e KTLA llnd I .Jt;ABC (ABCI e KFMB (CBS) e KHJ-TV (Ind.I e KCST I ABCI • KTTV (1 ncl.) 'e KCOP·TV Clnd.) •• KCET I PBSJ e KOCE <PBSl 0 ()oi TV 1 l TV II HBO e cc1nema.a1 D CWORI NV .N V @ I WTBSI llJ (ESPNI ('I) (Showt1me l • Soolltght • (Obie Ne~ Nelwork) (Z)MOVIE * • • "Straw Doge" ( 111721 Dustin Hottman. S~n o.orge. A men and hit wife •11emc>t to remove them..._ trom violent A,.,,.,lcan aoc:lety, but dl&- cowr thet 1 peaceful tuf· ,_ can hide u"°"1ylng llV908fY .... ell MMMTHI eMDI ,....,., .... ltl ..... "°"" ~· In !IOI* of~M\ld9nl•lto-lllly~ .IMMI Aio. .. 1Mt.t1ti6ca•Of • ..,..... Ldll ~ .,..... lftCI llow t,_ ,..... .., lt)4ll and Pfll• ~ ('ll)MOYll ~· "Mldd ... Aee Cruy" (IHOI Ann•MW'gr9t, lr'vce O.•.AT-~'t ~'°°Md bM<ltl- "" .... meneot 10 dtlw ..., '"'° • ~ orwe. 'A' 10:00. (I) LOU GMHT Lou end the • .,, gMI' up lot the blgo9et ~ et°')' of Ill ...... Qf'tM In the Mlddtt EMI _.., to mall• the thrMt of nuclear WW' !J>OMll>IUty. ea MOM TV om•CM> ILOONM Flubbed Nm Olpt end out· ..... ~ Intended ff)( pubMc~-~t­ ad; c.Cll CW. '-lt. (R) • ••• Nlwe WM.LIOI,... RlewdO 'Montalban nar- rat• 1(1 nptoratlon of the 11-and Ct'9111ont of ...... ICO't gr .. 1 .. 1 muralltta •• Iha lat• D•Yld /Alfaro Slquelrot. "-Clemente Orozco and OMgo RN-era. • """" CHAla "Vo'-Of SMence" A vol- llf'll-In the ecftool't p,, .. on Attlatanca Progttm become• 1mollon11ty lnYOl....O with • polttk:al Ktlvltt who I• being held In tolltary con"'-it (8)lllO'M • • "Up The Academy" ( 11180) Aon Lelt>man, Bar· bert Bech Tht war- obeMMd commandant of Weinberg MllHtty Aca6e- my It no mttch fOt the trOlll>leaome brtll enrotled th«a.'R' Cl)MOYIE * * * "Starling Over'' (1117111 Bun Reynolda, Jiii Claybu<gh A"., montht ol TV dinner• tnd bllnd dtt... • divorced "-o•· zlne -ner think• he'• found true IOv• when a IChoOllNIC,,., entert hit ltfe. 'R' 10-.ao • NEWS I 11:00 ea• Cl) o a NeWS • SATUN>AY NIGHT Ho91: Ruth Gotd°" Guaat Ctluc*Beny Cl YOU ASKE> FOA rT F .. tured; "Walking On A Wing t'nd A Prayer" t nd "England't ToOeccx> Sniff· i~FtctOtY " m u ·A·s·H While -lltng 0own IO llt- ten lo the Army-Navy game. the 4077th It bom· bafded encl lef1 with .,, unexploded bomb 10 defuM. • lllNNV Hk.l Benny p111y9 • "" chief Ci) NUMERO UNO w... GafmMy'• FrMZ Beckenb1uer, widely r*Q•rded •a aocce r't great•• ... .,OUfld ~. Cc)::'. * * "MIOd ... Ag41 Crazy" ( 11180) Ano-Margret, Bruoe Dem. A T ••u dawlopet'a auocaulul IOO and beautl- "" wtfe manage 10 dtlYe him Into • mld4He cn.i. 'R' (Q)MOYIE • • "Loving Coupi. · f 19801 SNt1ey Mee~. J-Coburn A m.,,lecl couple and • pelt of young ting'*' SWl1Ch part,_• in a game of Hf .. tyta aampllng and rom•nt~ revenge 'PG' o uow • * 'J, "A,.,,., ic.n Pop f 111811 Animated T"9 ,,.... tory ol American pop tmnle, from ~ to rock ·n· roll, It lleoed through -ti ~· Ilona of • ltmlty of mual ciana 'R' (%)MOVE ..... "Am«lean Glgok>" f 1118()) Rlc:hatd Gere, Lau- ren Hutton A e.-ly Hilla gtgo1o becOfT>M the onme aueciect In • murder In.,.... tlgallon. 'R' 11:ao • CJ) QUINCY GQ!THEIOTOF CAMOH OuHta: Henry Fonda, Crystal O•yte. Fernando ~. ~ Neutieut CR) 8 9 UCNEWS ~ D Ko.w< -~~ -~AHO IOH l ~CAWTT c.vTIONID A8C HEWI • ®~ • * "TatfOt Train" (11180) Ben JonneOt'I, JWl'lle '-- TU BE TOPPERS KOCE (~0) 7:80, Kerr (28) 8:00 -11LJve From Llncoln Center." Dl1ttn1ul1hed writer, producer and dtrect.or BWy Wilder la honored. KNXT (2) 8:00 -"The Buo Bunny/Road Runner Mpvte." Advenlure1 of Bu11 Bunny are ~ and vtntaae cartoona feature the Runner. KNBC (4) 9:00 -0 Bob Hope'• Stan Over Texas." Jiiek Lemmon, Morpn Fairchild, Dottle We1t ~Bob Hope in charity perf onnance. photo, left. KA.BC (7) 9:00 -'The Letter." Lee Re- mick atan u the beautiful. re9tlell wife who1e 1moldering paulon1 erupt into forbidden romance and ahocking tragedy. See photo, below. Cun.le. A oOllege lfa!MN- ty'a New Ywa rnaaquar. llC1e pet1y turna Into • nlghtmer• wMf'I • vlndlo- tiv. guNI lltMtt kllling off Iha party-goen. 'R' 11:41 Cl) <aAUAGH11t TWO ~ .. The comedian ~ a --of ~"'-· and comic vtonett... • -Ml>NIGHT- 12-:00. IEHTIAT AIHMIHT TONIGHT The nflt ol • _ ... on Hol· lywood't blonde bomb- tNllt e a wow •• "Arnetlcat~" f1117111 JoM Ritter. HM'tl9)' Kew. man. . •..O.... • "HOl'ror HouM" ( 11170) Frankl• Avalon, Jiii Hewot!h • LOYI. AMeNCAH ITY\..E -~THE IEOOHO C8ITU9'Y 12:30 8 Q! I.A Tl N9GHT WTTH OAVIO L.ETTtMtAH a..-11. Arthur Aahe. Ar1 Buchwald, PrH ldenl Reeg911'. peraonal battler Miiion Pitta ·=-• * .... "Zorro .. f 11175) Alain Delon. SlaNey Baltw A Spanlth . noblem1n l>ec~ • twordamen and urgee the poor to rebel agalnat a dMj)ot lc mfflrary govennor ·~AHO OAGAHIZATIOHS CJ:)MOYIE * • "Fillmore" f 11172) Documenltty ..,,.. Gr•teful OeecS. Ou6c:k ...... ~ ~ SaMce. Jeftereon AM· pl-. Hot Tuna encl San- tane Pflt1orm one '-time in a lwewett conoert to F*- more Weet 'R' 12:40. (I) OOl •-.0 A mot1Yetlot'91 r-dl ~ kili8 "" D6adl· mall victim. then ,,_ the-·· Wife tew the......,. der (A) 1:00 I : Al/TR'( • *'" "The Big Carnival" (11151) Klr'k Oouglal. Jan Ster11ng (l)MOVWE • * "Swlllging ~ ••" Jo ~on. Col9een Cwnc> A joumallMI majot inlittrat .. the rtnlla Of • college cheerl••dlng 1quad to ••POH t h• ••PIOlllllOn ol th• cr-lead«a by Ille foot· ball tum 'R' Cl AH EVENIHO Cl# COMEDY AHO MAOC Oraon 8-> hOata • Ult'/ nour of &lelght-Ol·hand and atac>tllck taped •I San Frlndaco'1 Orut /lt.m«l- can Mualc: Hall (?)MOVIE • .r. * "Twgeta" (1~) Borla Karlott. Tim O'Kelly An llglnQ hO<ror-tnO\lle atw tr ... lo reaeon with • mut· o...-sniper ... ctrtv.ln movM ,,_.,., t:10®~""'AT THI COCOANUf eROYI Eric ~ hoe!• ""' documentery lllut1fatlng Iha tragic -•• ol t•tur· -"""''· .._.,. 21. 1942, wMl'I Iha t-. ao.tan nlghldub exploded Into • b4ez1no lnfwno 1~.QIHEWI GINI AAlff('( INN<OUT 2:10 MCMI * 14 "Smolley Bit• The Dual" (1811) Jimmy tkNI· chol. J-t Julian. A hlgll ~ delinquent gett Iha lll'flOla town on hit trell .... he malt• off With the homecoming ~ end i-o. ecroee tna atate In • --.. tlolen eutomo-l>llM. 'PO' 2:11!= • • "LOok B.ck In Anger" ( t115111 Clalr• Sloorn. Rich· erd Burton B...o on the play by John Osborne A I the IUt moment, a men dlacover-. lhal "' IOvee and ~hie wll• z:ao l MlW8 2:IO MOVIE • • "Ruc:kUt" ( 11180t Dirk Benedlet, Lindt Blllr A lhell·lllOdced Vietnam vet dillUtb• the ~ ol a tmalt Alabama town 'PG' (%)MOYIE * *'It "Monty Python ..._., Beyond The Fringe'' ( 11178) Narrllied by Dudley Moore A behind-th•· --IOOI< .. ,..... 81 r.,_..,. end prepata- tlons few Amneety lnt•ne· tlonal'• 11178 comedy ban· tilt ahOw thtt 111arred memt>ers of Monty Python 2::11 Cl) MOYW •'It "S-' (111n) WM· llam Smiltl, Barb«• i... u S lntefliOence calla In a apedal agent to atop the Imminent ,,_~ ol _. H1wallan crime 1yndl· cat.._ 'R' 2:118 MOVIE • * • "~m•" I 11138) ~ M-.y, Sebu A )'OUf'l(I lndlen boy -• Brlllth r*Olment from being~ In India 1:40 (HJ MOYIE * • "Rudiua" ( 1980) Olr1c 8enedict. Und• Blair A .,...-ehc>c*ed Vietnam vet dittufbe "" ~ of a tmalt~town 'PG' .. CJ:)MOVIE * '..\ "Kitt Or Be Kiiied" ( 1980) J-Ryan, Cllar- lone Mlchelle A ''¥,,_ Nail c:ommMder. whO lost an importMt ktr•te match to the J~•-during the war. Melt• lo •venge hit def .. t by enllttlng the top kung fu lighlera lrom er ound the world In • tour. n--.t 'PG W MOVIE * • * "Str•w Dog1" ( 11172) Dustin Hollm1n, 8Uten George A man an<I ht• wife 11tempt to remove thenleell•• lrom vlolent Al'l*'lean aoc:lely, but die- covet thal 8~-­ ,_ can hide underlying uvaoery JOHN DARLING COnstructioll ·~ available at ·. ·lleritage Bank. . • Rel11dellflal • COlnmm:lal BuJldJngs: .Takeout commhment ~~ along dh leW& •I COl.-Ct ·ldf·'90n SOUlh Olllale CDn,vtn'lfte 7Wl5M050 \ '+ • --I -·--.., '"' ut (l)eAU..Mat• TWO ll9M. TN~ parfonM • .... .. OM-llnart Md OOfnlo~ ... dO.MOWI ••'A "Out Of .._,,, .. f 1'71) Ollff ftoo.ttaon . v-......... OICI pto068IM ~-.... '°'"* io-a -IOMI .. .,, Oft.-..on ....... reaott T1W•da11'• Da11tl•~ Mo"I~• ._CC)*..., "~al Vf//w(' ( 1131) Rlcflerd Att811, Vlt· 9'1118 o..y. The ooncrib<>- llon ol the llOrlll In "" de\91c>C>ment Of the Weet It oNonldld . CJ) • • "Mui.teatwa" ( 11171) Rory Caltlouft, Don Kl\Otlt A ""* r ...... i. ed\'9fltur.. wllh hit ~ owner. • orOGMd 0060 ptottipaCtor. 'PO' ••• "Underground ""'-" C 1H0) Ditti a.. diet, Melanla Otltfl1h. Plfk· lno attendant• wrtak ,,._ ... ...,. 8ev«ty KIM hOtal 'PO' Cil ..... "In ,., .... Of Old- ., w-" (11178) Tom eer.no-, IC.aratl 8lac:tc. A ~ IOttlat1o remin- laCM on .. !)Mt fomMtlc ~··from 11'8 llret 11 t!M age ot 12 to hit Mduc:- llon ot • hOuMwlf• et 30 'R' 7:aG CC) * • "Cotton Candy" ( 11171) Cllnt How••<!. Chwtae M8r'tln Smith A group of high llChOol mi• Illa lotm • roe:& band to c:ompeC• with the tchOol'. Mitablthed band .. QI) •• 14 "Daapalf" ( 111711) Otftl loglfda, AndrM Fer· reol. A Ruttlan contecilon· • N\llng In Garmany It f aoed wllh total ruin dUl'lng the rlM ot Nailarn. D ** "KllAndKill "Glin" (11181IJ-RyM. Annellna Krlel A MM'tlal .,,. upert bani. "" mlnlona ol • ~-mad ecientlat Intent on enal•v· Ing mankind _.,h a - mlnd-con1rOI drug 'PO' CZ) •fr "The Thi:i' Of Pat· It" (111671 Jeen.Ptuf Bel- mondO. ~ Bujold A young man rlllMd en uncle, wtWI wuted hlS w-Jt-. hKAI to a Ille ol Cl"-~ with tn.e robtlery end o..tructiOn ot the mansion Of the MM wtWI looll Ill• lovely btld• to-be rrom him t:ICI • • * "W•twwd Ho" ( 111351 Joh!\ Wayne, Shella MannOt8 CC) * * * * "The Leta Show" f1117TI Ar1 Cerney Uty Tomlin A -..0 private eye encounter• bl•ckm•ll •nd murder when he ~ OU! OI r9tltement to locate • cat belonglng to 911 ottbNt ,.,.,..ctient IC)!OO (HJ * * * '" "The FOUi 8 eHona" (1118 1) Al•n Aldi, Cerol Burnett. Th<M ~. ... dote. tong. time lrlenda. experience PfOfound changes In their relatlonM>tpa when one of the m1rrla11•• dlt ln· ~at• 'PG' Cl)**'"' "AM The Fine Young Cannibals" ( 19601 Natalie W oo<S. Robert Wag._ A "'9Clattong gorl from • poOt Southern ,.,.._ lty matrlee lor money. not to... CZ)**'..\ "Tn.e Mat1 Who Lovec! Women" ( 11178t Chari" Oenner. LMlte Ceron Olf'ec1ed by Fran- eolt T •u"IUI A man ia 80 Ol>MaMd ""'" -tll ul ""°""" Iha! he l'lndt It dlffi· CUii to remain ttttafled with any Individual rela- llontl\l9 'R' 11 :00 CJ:) * • • "Penelope" ( lllM) N81811e Wood. 1911 Bannen. A neglected ... ,. decldaa to diagulM ........,. and rot> her hu9band'1 bank ••• * '"' "My Body-guard" ( 1117111 Chrl1 Mtll•PUU. "'"" l9ldwWt "'* -kid ... Ollloago hlgll nllool INlll• fftal1da """ .... llll'IOof CIUIGM4 and '°"""" • ltie,I lland UC> to IN ON- el O*"ll ... '*' pet• MCUlecl """' llOlfl, 'llO' ,.,. ...... "Tiie Gitt"""" (1'64) "-*id "'-"' Femando i.-. • •••~"Mada'OI Eadl °"*'' (1911) ,__ Taytot, Joeacitl ~ • •*'"'°Tai Story'' f IMO) J-l'oncla, Antno- 11y Pwto:tna. (I) •••..• ,., Ctsr;" ( ttto) --d Pryot. 0-W Wider. Two "*' .,. ,.._ ..... '°' '** t.wi-• and ..,. '° -'It (%) * • "Ptlotlle'' C 1tl0) '"'' Mfbllael QleHr, lklNI! Hoelft. A 9'°'41 of IMMel ~-· .,. mut· clared aoc:ordlng 10 their lndMduel ..... ,_. tl:IO <Bl • *. ''The Ollllew ~ w .. ,. f1t71) CNnt leatwooll, loftdra Ladle A "'*" beOOft* 811 ouelew ...... MHeM bend .. Unk>n ~ Cleetr<>ye hit 8ou1hern '*"" and ..... ,,.. wife and 1«1. 'PG' 1:00 CC) "St ..... ' 1;.41 (%) •• "The Thief Of Pat· It" (11161) JMn..Peul &-. mondo. ~ BujtMd. A )'OUnQ man r illeed an unde, wtlo W99tad hie lnherttenea, turne to a llta of crime beginning with the robbery and delttuctlon of the mMtlon of the man whO tOOlc hit lovely bf~ lo-be from l'tlm. ~Cl)** •\4 "The FOO<. SeHont " ( 11181) Alen Aki•. Cwol Burnett ThrM couplee, .. dote, tong. ume friend•. expenence P<ofouno Cl'llltlgee In I htlr rtlatiOnlNpt when one of th• marriage• dlaln· l~rll•. 'PG' ~.aG U * * "Underground Ace9.. C 1980 t Dltil Bene- dict, ~ GrlftHh Pa.rll· 1ng •t1en<1anta wreak havoc at • -WI~ Beverly Hlhholal PO 3,;00 Cl * * '" "Fat1-n" ( 111671 T Of\)' F ranciota. Raquel Weleh 00 • * '.\ "H8rd Country" (1118 lj JWl·MICh... Vin• centl Kim 8uingw A Te•· u lllct<>fY WOtll., It torn ~ hit deelt• 10 con- tinue "' lhe .. goocl Old bOy" lff•tyle and ,,.. ,..,... o.e·a thOw buelneet tmbl· 11ona 'PG' a:A6 CD • •..., "Peter R8bbl1 And T"' T .... Of S..tril Potter" pll71t FtedarlCk • AthtCH\. Ai.xanoer Gr ent Member• ol London·• Royal Ballet Compeny Pfll· form -.ion1 of · Plgllng ~ ... "Jet.ny Fiaher," "JerNma PUCIC1 ... 0udl," "Squirrel Nutk1n " llnd "Two 8aC1 Miele " 4:00 ctJ •·~"Secret V811ey" ( 193el RIChatd Arlen, Vir· Qlnl• Grey T"9 contrlbu· Uon ol the horM In the ~I OflhaW•tlt CIVonocled. • * "The Snogun W8r· flora D1ngu1rd Ace" (11111) Antmeted A myst• r~. n\Uked -• c:no-_, lo uptlln • ,_ flying bettleahlp to fight '"" giant war ~ ol en 9'Vil warlot'd 4:111 . * * '4 "The Green Hewtzon" f111811 J- St-an. Philip Sayet An """"*' n>Ologltt In A tri- ce lind1 a refuge °" t"9 Wlldttfe JK-OI 911 aid· •t)' men and his gr encl· daughter 5;15 (%)*•'.\"Monty Python Meeta Beyond T"9 Fringe" ( 11178) "'"'*''° by ()ucjley Moort A bahlnd·lh•· ~ IOOk It telten 11 ,.,_..,, enc Pf..,_,. 11on1 ror Amneety intern• tlOnel.. 11178 c:om.ay ben- •111 W10W lhal l ltrrecl members of Monty Python 6=*> CC) • • "Cotton Candy" ( 11178) Cllnt Howard. Cherlea Manin Smllh A group of high acflOOI mi .. 1111 form a rOc:li OanC1 to ~ wflh lhe tehool't eat•b!Wled ber>d by Armstrong I Batluk WAA1''6 1'HE Fli:<&T IHING~RE GO•NG 1'0 5HOW us, PL>-N"TMANf .JOHN, "l~T ~·o START OFF WITTf SOMeOFIHE UNO ~UL.ES/ Liz play canceled after aide stricken ol '~~;,-w~:a:r9J:;= Taylor'• Mentary and penonal wistant wu ~ p&taliled In critical condldon. J'rlday nlaht'• _performance of the hi~ J>laY went on wi\hout Miii Taylor.,_ Lelley Heme w• found ~ ana an mlical canditlon. llkl Mm Taylor'• pnm ~. Tony Wella. ......... " ... .,_.,, .. $0 ... amAl'lW ... SH$))t ... -c.JUCOTD c:.a lllell 179 ' .. t A~~~ ._ ........... ~~ NOWPCAYING UIWAMI UIOUUCl r1 Taro u1 uao NnrNl~I •-19312•3 uw ............. lrvlN 55 t 0655 lOWAllOt fOl*TAJll UlUY fOUM.., Yl/llfy 139 I )00 COWMllS llJO *ll lllr\-...... ·~6110 'AClllC MlllT• COA'T L ..... a..tfl 4t4 15 I Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3. 1982 • LUXURY THEATRES 'DMPI_, OF THE rtrt.OST Altl< BJ UG ,,307:30 10:00 all 1:00 S:1111:30 7:481Cl:tO c;1mg,\1js1a16S~ 941~,~~J llf .c>PIHI WIOfjUOAY 11ao0Ptld WIOOlllOAY CLOSED THAOUOH TIJEOO:J°A EQUIPMENT AO.IUITMfNT . Qn ( ~ \'ou'I.,. gllld -~ l10TIU )Oii Ql'Mlm""""'~ _ !tr<i0.t11~ PfR$()f'.jAL BEST IPGI IJlE STRIPES@ THE GROOVE TUBE IRI lo. LITTLE SEX (RI ~ SomeKJnd ~Cl of Hero S.0 .8 . fRI RIOWD PRYOR LM ON THE SUNSET STalP Ole. WinMrl m ARTH * DRIVE INS OPEN a·oo WEEKNIGHTS/7:l0 WEEKENDS * Choldo~n Unde• 12 FREE U nleu No 1td *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All PerformencH before 5:00 PM lhctpt Special EntafM'lntl Incl Holldaytl "QUEST FOR FIRE" 1•1 ,t' ... )4.t ........... ,.,., HIT N:1UM 4..0 ICfllftJll'UY ••CHAlllOTI OF FIRE" ll'OI f-. I oe, t IO UO •~JO "PORKY'S" 1•1 •V. -••••• ,. .. ,. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN "aa. IUNO CW .. 110" Ill) ,......, ___ ,, ... ... YOUCOUU>HR WHAT I .. AR" ('Q) 1:15,-=-. uo. 1:10. 10ca0 lAl<fWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IH l.A&UNA "VICTC>tt VICTORIA" CNI ----- .. PARTNeRI""' •&.M.-.............. 1 .•• "IF YOU COULD 8EE WHAT I HEAR" 1..a1 tl:Je Ull. -OM HI. - fac:u1ty at Ca1101ewooo 213/511·9110 -.c>MY't" ,., ----- "PARTNERS" 1•1 u• 1-4'.ttit t M .... tt• .. , -.0""'9 .... ___.., w~TICW'FN" '"' __ .... __ so . COAST WALl<·IN Soutll Coa1t Hlway at •roaoway 494-1514 •• ., PefUM 0# ,,... ...... I "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" t""I MOM-,., ... . .. ,,_ n., ... •••• I "PARTNERS" 1•1 ~ .. , ..... U fllUIN r:.e •• tOI; t• , .. llila In fri 1 JO -S.1., S... 1JS ... SLn II W IMPORlAN f NOTICI• CHILOREM UNDER 12 fRU! ltllW -w._ llila tlw Fri. 1:tt • SIL. Sia, IWUy1 , .. tlNU I WUN0 • r~ ... CAii MOO 4 "°"" PlM~ ow I;() 'Ill CA• IWllO Wiil' OtlTOI ACClUOll' flOlll'OI --A# fl'OlllAIU l'Ali ONHl _._ llO Oii All! MOIO ANAl<fl"' ANAHEIM ORIVl·IN ''•••O• •t oi lemoft \I 179·9150 Pj\jtr••t 4•• """' ••M()MMI( OEAllESr" ll'OI •111fl1 ~0 '"f'f'IVATE UlttOHl" tol ....... ""flACOUET'" llll Clltl "S0U..0 A.IC)¥ WAllltQ. a nuJ-.U .. ,..,.. f•l """' "CA l "Of'l.£~ r•1 Cl'ttl•llOUtlO ----_ __. ________ _ tUIN4 PAR' BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ''"'°oln A¥• Weat of Knott 121·4070 BUI NA ~AllK LINCOLN ORIVl·IN ltftC'.01" A•• .... Ol It"'°" 121·4070 IOVNIAIN A ~•A~PA LA HABRA OlllVl IN "'-• ""'" totcll ..... - -l7MM2 -- a.••1 ! ORANGE [)'11Vl IN ... .. . " M1SSION r1111v1 ,,.. ' . HOf.M<* llAOf" ,., ....... "NIOHTMAllS" "°°"'-" 11 AOMITilfD H""IVATa LlttOHI" "'' ....... HllACOurr"' '"' -~·-­"CMNO'Q °' ..... .,.. -w""'"""" '"' Clllt H '°'*'----- ~~,.., ~--•"1111 1:99 MIOUllO -. . . .. .. . ' "Pryor J wonderfuJI" :,tw-11• ltit-hd•U l,,;, ANC,f It'\ llMt-"'i NOW PLAYING UA CllltMA AMC OlllltOI MAll lOWAllOI fCMlfAI• HlUY WWlfWl\t .. au O~•h JI ".it UT 0340 I cwnta.on Y•llrf U9 I \00 IUOIA Palllt. OfUH 111 UA CITY CllflM.A lOWAlltl IMWNllT' ll•oeN ~JI~ U I 4010 ""'"'" O J4 JQ ti Nwoewt 846'~ 6U 0780 MUlf lllU Pl.All IHIDIUM DlllVl Ill 1110 LA MlllWIA Mfft·lll 81u S29 &339 l!ftlW,lt bJO 0110 LI lilerldl 921·1706 lOWl llDS UODUHClt lDWAllOli lllllTOl MllllOtl M!Yl·lll fl lorn b8t ~880 I ••..-•• _.HO 14U ~ J-~1141\0 4U 454~ 11M.1 •o•U •;.rttttt •<>-,,..,~AO._.,. .. , .................................................. 1111119 ................................................... .._._. .... ...__.. __ .._. _________ .._.._.. __ ~~--~--~-~~~--. Or11nge 00Mt IWLY lttLOT/ ... onctey. May I, 1182 • Dolly Pat ton 'jelled ~ with Burt R e ynolds C61nco de· "•yo 'Festivities By JOit EDWARDS ................. ,..., NASHVILLE. Tenn. -Stnaer-actrem DoUr Parton aay1 1be and actor BW't l\eynolcll Jell.cl when they IDMle the movie ''The Belt uni. Who- reh<>Ulle In Texaa." The movie, which will be rele&led lhll awn· mer, is Mias Parton'• second. Her flrtt wu lut year's "9 to 5," with Jane Fonda and Uly Tomlin. In the new movie, adapted from tbe long- running Broadway musical, she playa a madam. She was a aec:retary in "9 to 5." "I make a better whore than a aecretary," she quipped in an interview. Reynolds plays a sheriff who protecta her place of businelll. "Therfs one passionate love .cene but it's done tastefully," Mills Parton said in her rapid-fire delivery -a delivery that makes her words seem like someone has P.usbed a fast-forward button. 'It's no- thina to bum your panta off." Reynolds, she said, waa very professional. "He helped me a great deal," she said. "We hit it off and had a lot of fun and we att 'ARTOM similar in personalities. I think some people jell on screen and some simply don't, but we did. ''I think the movie will be great. It's the best I've done." She said, however, the filming was diaorgani- zed and the turnover in behmd-the-soenes penon· nel made the location work difficuJt. "I still love music best," said Mias Parton, whose "Single Women" has zipped up the country music charts. "It's whal I know best and what I love." She heard the song "Single Women" on the television show "Saturday Night Live." It's on her new album, "Heartbreak Express." "I loved the song when I heard it," she said. "It's ~.rel\1 aood, sonf, but it's not getting pop air- play like 9 to 5, so guess some people didn't be- lieve it. I'm real proud of the album, too. It's got good singles on it." Miss Parton was a poor mountain girl when she left a two-room Smoky Mountain shack at age 18 to become a country music queen within 10 years. She just won a Grammy for the title song from "9 to.5." Now 36, she plans to concentrate on her music for another 18 months to two years, then possibly consider a more serious movie role. She'd even like to get involved in writing and producing it if pos· s1ble. "rm not going to do anything (movies) for two years. l 'd llke to be a dramatic actress and write some serious things," she said. t She thinks "The Best LiUle Whorehouse in Texas" may help change her image -which she deecribes aa hair and boom. "I think a lot of people see me as gaudy and don't take me too seriously," she said. "But in this movie they will see my emotion. my mood changes, my tears. I think peoe,le will see me differently, ano r m hoping people will see me more seriously as an actress. "I think people see me curiously and mysteriously," she said. "Life is an adventure and I want to be the best singer, actress and performer I can be. I just ended a seven·year cycle in my career and now I'm laying out another seven-year plan." Miss Parton's younger sister, Rachel Dennison -one of 11 siblings -has Dolly's film role in the television series of "9 to 5." "She's beautiful and s he's good for someone new to acting," Miss Parton said. "She's done great and she's only got one way to go -up. She's got a bright career in movies if she wants it." fDR THI RICORD HOAQ-~l H08"'1'Al. Match 77 M~ and Mrt Henri Hosteller. Ir· vtne, glt1 Mr. and Mrs VltlC*ll Von der Aha. Corona del Mar. girl Mr end Mrt ThomN Orr. Costa ....... glt1 Mr and M,.. Larry Shlohame, Newport EIMct'I. glfl ... cha ~r. end Mra. Jerry Carlton, Co· rona del Mar. boy Mr. and Mra. ,..t., Maxton Coela Meea. gin Mr and Mn. Craig Robl1on ~8-1'1.boy Mr and Mta. Koylcxlr am SlllTkMI. Fountain Valliey. boy Mr. 8nCI Mra. P«er entton, eo.ta ..... boy Mr and M,... WflYM Welle. Colle M .... t>Oy Mr. and Mre S1even Rooman. Costa MeN. bOy Mr. ind Mr1 Oregory Simmon•. Intl,,., girt Mr and Mre Thomaa Monroe, Ir. vine. girl Mr. and Mr1. George Curtll. Coela ...... boy ........ Mr. and Mra. Larry Arnold. M-· port 8..c:l't. glr1 Mr. and Mre Ian Smltll. l99una Nlguel.t>Oy Mr and Mrt. Mk:hMI Smith, C~ rona del Mar, girt Mt'. 8nCI Mra. Vincent F.,.,.,.no, !MN, ""' Mr. and Mr• JemH Hall, Santi Ana., boy Mr end Mrs Jem11 Bordyn, Fountain Vt/Wy, twin boy9 Apttl. Mr end Mre John Brittingham. Tu1Un. girl Mr and Mr• 01vld Cattll. l"'lna, boy .,,.. s Mr anO Mra Brian Carroll. Costa MeN. glt1 Mr and Mr• Steven Hamman. Huntington Beach. glt1 "fr end Mr1. Michael Contreraa, Huntington a..cn. boy Mr and Mra. Albert Brooh. ,....._ port Beaoll. gin .,,.. . Mr and Mre J-Phiftlpl, Costa Mesa. bOy Mr and Mrs Wldlh '9adran, Hunllngton BMcll. boy Mr end Mrs Richard Sadler. HunUnoton Beach. boy Mr and Mra Catlmlr Harrie, Jiuntlngton BMcll, boy Mr and Mrs St-Snyder, eo.ta Meu. girl Mr and M" Timothy Almond, New!>Ot1 Beach, glt1 Mr and Mo!. Richard Grunt>aum. Huntington Beech. boy Mr and Mr1:'C:.11 Roy, Hunt· inoton Buc:h, Qlf1 • Mr. end Mra Wlltlam Hargrow., Fountain V..,, boy Mr. and Mra. Patrlc* A)llln, Hunt. inoton 8Mctl. bOy Mr. and Mre. Wllflam Walt1r1, Newport a..cll, glr1 Mr. and Mra. OlfY Singer, lrvlnl. boy Mr. and M,... Wllllanl Deub, Costa Mlu,glr1 l'OUMTAlt YMUY , cc•'"!'!l,"°""M. Mr. and ...... ;;;' ~Uhlt. NllWpOft IMOll. girt. ... Mr. Ind Mrt. "onald lortlll, ~lead\,"°¥· ·Mr . and Mr1. Juen M adrano, ::':'~~~C. wo'"'"· ~-=rr· Oregcwy ""°"'° -ICllnrll a.. ~ ......... Mr. and,..,., l•r-.iu M•a••· ~ .......... Mr. lftd Mn. "°"" Oorrel, c... ....... boy. Mr. 1114 Mft. Kia Ceo,'°""._ V*1,Qlllt .. ,. 1114 ,.,.~ ........ ,_.._ Yllll¥, -........ ..,., .... ..._,,._. -.Yllllp.~ .. ............. --.:.,.., ...... ............... Mr. an d "S' n...11 Marten, ~ ~. f Mr. t lMI .., •• ,,.,. .. 0....111 ... c.. ... ~ • .......... ....:.~ ..... ................ MAlllOI M~POOD Yo u can prep ue to have a IOt or tun her•. In ceteewation ot Cinco de Mayo. hippy how wtl be al -long on W ednesday, M•y S. Hootlngton Beach res-ldenU should be ,.,,, ... lar with both loca: tJons, one bt'lng In the Five Points shopping center ror sevtn years a n d the other on Springdale at Edinger since 1972. The Five Points loca- tion Jeatures enter- tainment Thursday, Friday. and Saturday evenings starring Johnny Ballad. You can enjoy the salad bar all you can eat for S2.50 as well as their dally s~clals and great margaritas. Martos has come a long way. Just rKtnt- ly o~n Is their liquor store and Mexican dell on Beach Blvd .. offe- ring carnltas. sweet Mexican bread, tortl- llas and other dellca- cles. They are also an- ticipating opening tor Sunday brunch In the near future, at the res- tuarant. THE GlllNDall Known for their heav- enly hamburgers and fresh ground cortee, this gourmet eatery Is offering chlll and beans fo,t only 5 cents. Yes tones. you read right. What a bargain, huh7 And hey Nnlgos don't for get to register for free pinatas filled with treats. Winners wlll be notified by Thursday. May 6. and need not be present. Complete coupon with ad on these pages and return to any Grinder Gour- met Coffee Shop. Two locations to serve you on Coast Highway in Newport Beach. and Pacific Coast High- way, Huntington Beach. THa OlllGINAL DON JOSE It's good to return to restaurants that have become like old friends. comfortable to be w i th and S'p end time with. After being around for J 7 years. The Orfglnal Don Jose Is lndHd llh i n .old frr•n d~ Loc1ted on Ad1ms near Magnofl1 In HUntlngton kach Is Where tt all st.Mted and has been under tl')e 11me ownership ever since. They offer plHslng rood at better than bellev~ble prices. Don • Jose's motto Is "We strive to maintain the highest quality native Mexican foods so the palates or our guests wlll be satisfied again and again by the al- ways taste thrllling Mexican Cuisine. Drink up, tor all mar- garitas are half price every Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday, any size Including the 60 ounce Muy Grande. and fresh strawberry margaritas. Don Jose is open 7 days and Ns wide screen TV ror a• major sporting events. T.N.T. TACOS IN TSQUILA A dally breakfast spe- ciaJ for 99 cent.SI Spe- clals like this are hard to find. But wait , there's morel L\Jnch s~cials are SI . 49 and dinner for S 1.99 . T.N.T. has this going for them. And what's mo<e, they offer Sond- ay brunch from I 0 :00 AM to 3:00 PM. Breakfast especiales are served with choi- ces or refried beans and Mexican style rice or fresh fruit of the season. For eye ope- ners you might try a brandy milk punch, bloody Mary, or Mi- mosa (champagne and orange juice). Lunch specials consists of a variety of comblna- t Ions of tostados. tacos. and enchiladas. The dinner hour may begin w ith appetizers and flngertoods such as quesadillas. Mexican pizza, nachos and po- tato skins. Try the popular Taqultos Ran- cheros which is corn tortillas rolled around shredded be~. dlp~d fried and served on a bed of crisp lettuce. Garnished with their own special spicy avo- cado sauce and served with rice. beans and CINCO DE MAYO! join Us Wednesday, May 5th for Special Mexican Dlsbes:Margarfla fltc.'>ers, Tia Marla & Coffee, and Fun! Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644·2030 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 Take a TrtJ South of Thi BottMr For. CINCO de MAYO F11hri11: • DlllJt ESPECIAi.$ =td1\r ~ Mexican rest1ur1nt In the City. n,•Y •re ramed for urn• 111d1, chicken mote·, shrimp "'c•pul- co, green corn tama- les, and chorlro, all prepar~ on the prem- ls•s. To celebrate Cln- do de Mayo mariachis wfll be on the scene and tequlla specials wlll be offer~. lunch and 'dinner Is served from I I : 30 AM and Sunday brunch Is from J l :00 AM to 3:00 PM. Mas- ter Charge. Visa, and American Exprrss Is accepted. A.T. U OI Take a trip south of the b9rder for 1 Cinco de Mayo celebration with A.T. Leos. They will be featurlhg dinner spe- cials, tequila minia- tures. cerveza de Me- xico, and tactate bttr. Free auth•ntlc tacos will be especl1lly pre- pared by senor Miguel, which by the way will be dressed In a very authentic Mexican costume. Plnatas fl#ed with gift certificates and otfler prizes wlll be on the igenda tor the ~ta as wel as special contesu and other surprises. A.T. Le'o'" Just opened approximately six mo- nths ago and has quickly become a fa- vorite among the coast fine resldems and bu- s I ne sse s. Lunch and dinner Is served as welf as Sunday brunch I I AM to 2 PM. sour cretm. T.N.T. In- vites you to their dy- namite Sonday bNnch with complimentary champagne. The T.N.T. om•lette, known u the Hangover Speclal Is suggested. This hot and spicy egg dish Is pr•pared wf th mlld and hot chilies, onions and cheddar cheese, serv~ with fresh fruit ;and Engllsh muffin. Happy Hour Is 7 days a week from 3 to 7 PM. T.N .T. speclallzes In tropical margaritas such as banana. strawberry, melon, peach and orlglnal. Pina coladas and da- qulrles are avallable In the same sensational navors. Cinco de Mayo FESTIVAL •o• .URNS ll•ST AUllANT This very promising restaurant located In Fashion Island, New- port Beach Is promi- sing a tun filled gala on May S serving special Mexican dishes, pit- chers of margaritas, Tia Maria and coffee, and dos equles (Mexican beer). Mexican style decor shall certainly accent the fiesta, Re- turning to Bob Burns Restaurant, direct from his U.S. tour Is Ronnie Brown at the piano. This limited engage- ment begins May 4th appearing Tuesday through Saturday nights. Tea anybody7 What a way to spend a lfesu- re I y afternoon. Bob Burns Invites you to their afternoon tea with fresh baked scones and appetizers weekdays 2:30 to 4:00 PM. TORTIUA PLATS This 32 award winning favorite Is a muiti-lev~ showcase with two level parking facilities. Enjoy Catalina sunsets from the cnatlna deck. Tortilla Flats located In Laguna Beach. has been estabflsfled since l 946 and Is the oldest 1740 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach THE ORIGINAL CINCO OE MA YO CElEBRA TION MARGARITAS V2 PRICE 9093 E. ADAMS 962·7911 HUNTINGTON BEACH To celebrate the 5th ot May. the Grinder Gourmdl Coffee Shoppes will 0 f1er Ch1h & Beans for only ··c1nco centavos" per cup for Cinco de Movo 1Dehc1oso• (714) 494·6S88 ' maeltJ~ ?2etJta11ea11t • LUNCH • DINNER • COCKTAILS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD Cinco de Mayo Celebration HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY LONG - Entertainment With Johhny Ballad THun .. Alt. & SAT. (IMlrn Stt-eet '-'*" Onty) look For Our Daity SpKiols Food To Go TWO LOCATIONS Fi-. Polnn ~ c.nt.r 18603 ""°"'SI. ~leocfl 9'2-5811, W.2372 -......._... ·~ --. . Ripken, .Orioles I ireak out .. . • Francis nearly a Ram NEW YORK (AP) -Tight end &. Francia aald Sunday that be almoat wu traded flnt to the Rama and theG to San Diego be- fote the New Enaladd Patriota finally awJppea him to San Franciaco durins laat week'• Nadonal Foot.ball Leque draft. 1'Up to the l.i few ~ I w• convinced that I wm aoU>a to the Rama, .. Francia Aid: '"1'6ey had • better pc.tdon in the draft to ~ake 1he deal with the Pa- triot•. They all teemed to be comfortable with the tnde, and I don't know what happened." J'randa, who at out the 1981 Nn .euon, aald be .had been eqm1ned by Bam phy9dw and hMl met with ihe club'• owner, a..-p rrmu.re. Durtn1 th"9 draft, the Ra.ml apearenUy cbanaed their mlnca and the~ far a l'nDdl trade ahltted to Su ft...,..ICO. With the 49en ..,. '° the ... two m.lnutee of die 15 a1lowM eedl temi far 11• tint-round •lr:Uoa. Prancl1 wa1 notified of their, l.D"'9l But be .i.o ...... dist s.a Dle&o b8d -~the pk-.. ~t-Patriots ...... ., .. 1"flld .-;r thin. ~ llllJPllat MONDAY, MAY 3, 18,2 GlASSlfllD Lakers turn off the Suns Series sweep gives them another rest hef ore next . i:ound • .P,BOENIX (AP) ~ In the mlnd of Earvin "~' Johrwm, there WM DO way the Phoenix Suna could beat hit L04I Angeles Laken ln the National BMketmD AmodaUIDD playoffs. And Jobnaon penonally aaw to it that hi• pndictkm held true. Johmon IDlred alx strataht potnta late in the fourth period to put Loe Ancefee ahead to ltay Sund~ afternoon and propel the Lakera to • .n.mm1~101 vkt.cxy CNf//r Phoenix . ..,I didn't they cow.l beat ua. We would baY9 had to bm our.iv.." .mid Jobman above the din of beer CllDl~DC·and hil lAbr twnmatee ..,,.,,. lD the roo. awen. "It ... a total teim effort and ... t --far ... " Loe ~..:::!:&the bedo-of ..... w .. tern Ccnt9tnce ID four ltraiaht _.--. DOW mull wait to ~ the winner of tM S.ttle- 8.n AntlOllUo--. jumper with 1:43 to go and a Nixon free throw made it 109·102. Dennia Johnson, who had a 1ame-blgb 31 points fOI' Phoenix, fln1lhed off a tbree-pomt play to narrow the Suns' deficit to 109-105 with 48 leOC>llda left. But they oouldn't draw any cbel' after that. ''They couldn't do what they wanted to do at all. We were able to upeet them," Abdul-Jabber aaid. "They had to flnd waya to get around ollr defeme and they were on unfamiliar ground." WALTE&-DAVIS IOOn!d 18 potnta for Phoenix. Alvan Mimi and rookie Larry Nance had 16 .ch with Nance aetttnc •club playoff record by blocktnc five lhoca. TraWnc 36-24 after the flnt period and 57-54 at halftime, the Sum took their tint mt at 78-7& on a laytn by Dmnil Job.mlm with 4:29 left in the th1rd ~ken led 17-H enterina the fourth quarter but the Sum bUd • 100..97 adYant-ae be- fote a thne-pomt }Illa)' by AbdW-Jabblw Ulcl tlae pme and trtgwed a run of nine rtnlCht Loe An-aelem points. Eddie:D. strikes ~gain • , Wallach .. •• "" riddles •r ., ,, Dodge:rs ·1 I U)6 ANGELI'S (AP) -Stew ~ Garvey didn't ltar1 a pme for the f1nt time In nearly two ,_,... But It didn't ....U~U.. The Montreal dubb.-ed Loe Anaelee 13-1 unday, mat- -chine tlie Dodaen' wonrt...vet km at Dodaer' Stedium. The only other time the de-fendinc world champiou have loat by aa many H 12 runt at Dodier Stadium WH ln 1978, ~ when they were blMted by Phi-~ ladelphjal~2. ~ Thlrd tw.man 'llm Wallach. a :i. University High and Saddlemdt !' College product, knodted in four .- runt with his f1nt ltiDer' or the year and two single9. . 1 .• I . I f t I t J I . OrM09 COMt DAILY PILOT/Monay, Mtiyl, 1912 .----------------------- Preakness may not have Derby winner PNID AP dlapeCCMt • LOUISVILLE -Gato Del Sol , will ablp to New York. and lt 1oob • !!J lf the \ls-el winner of the Kentucky Derby wW 1tay there until the Bef-. mont Stak.el June 6. Immediately after the na S.twday, trainer Eddie G~ laid, "He'1 not '°"" to the Pre-"'"'-·That'• not I« thia honi." Sunday, G~ laid any u:mouncemarit on whether Gato Del Sol wW aldp the Pr.knem May l~ at Plmllco wowd hav. to com• from Arthur B. Hl""CCICk. who bred and OWD1 the colt with Leone J . Peters. Hancock'• office at Stone Farm near Lext.naton, Ky., aald be probably would not have an announcement until today. But Grepon didn't eeem to have chanaed hil mind Sunday about aldppinc th. 1 3-18 mile ~and •t.artlnc hil atretcb-nmnina colt next in the 1 ~·mile Belmont Stakee at Befmont Park. Quote of the day "I don't put any credibility in wbllshed reports. I don't even believe my o.wn quot.ea," -Eldon Miiier, Ohio State bu-· ketball coach. Boston, 76ers, Spurs one win away Ce4rtc Maxwell dropped a pair of m free throws with 17 seconds remai- ning to send lhe game into overtime, then added two of Boston'• final six foul shots in the final 75 seconds of the extra session to send the Celtics to a 103-99 vict.ory over Waahingtoh Sunday afternoon in the Eu. tern Conference aeminfiala of the NBA playof:&. The Celtics, who tr:alled by .as many as 10 ~ts m the third quarter, rallied to post their 11th straight vie· tory at the Capital Centre and took a 3-1 edge in the best- of-seven series ... In the other Eastern Confe rence- .emi, Jall•a Ervillg acored 21 points and Caldwell Joaea matched hia single-high for the season witfro, lea- ding Philadelphia to a 100-93 lllAxwm.t. victory over Milvhukee and a 3-1 edge in that aeriea ... In the Western Conference, Dave Conlae unk four free throws iq the last 30 seconds aa San Antonio moved within one game of eliminattna Seettle with " 115-113 triumph. • Simmons homers from each aide Switch-hlttlng Ted Slmmoaa II belted a pair of three-run homera Sun~. one from each lide of the plate, and the Mllwaukee Brewen . went on to an 11-4 rout of Minneeota. Winning pitcher Rudy Lercll, 2-1, eave up ftve hitl be- fore belnC relieved in the seventh by Dwl1llt Benw-j . . . Eltewhere in the American Lea- gue, Huolcl Bal.Dea drove ln three runa with a aacriflce fly and a two-run triple and unbeaten Lamarr Hoyt became the AL 'a first five-game winner u the Chi· cago White Sepe raced to a 10 ·3 victbry over Detroit ... Dave Wlafleld drove in the tie-breaking run wllh a line drive off the third-~ bag in the eighth ...,... inning and Roy Smalley ad· ded a tw~nan aingle, giving the New York Yankees a 4-2 victory over SeatUe ... Deul1 Eckenley ecattered eight hits for hia second ahutout of the season and Boston rode a five-run flnt inning to a 6--0 vic- tory over Texas, the Rangers' ninth straight .etback . . . Lloyd Moseby and Willie Upsbw drove in two runs apiece and Toronto'• Jim Cluey outdueled Kanaaa City's DeaaJa Leoa.arcl, giving the Blue Jaya a 7-5 victory over the Royala. The triumph gave Toronto a aplit of their four-game series in Kansas City over the wee· kend. Glider easlly wins Nelson Classic . Bob Gilder put together a front-n running 3-under-par 67 and aoored an eaay, unchallenged 5-stroke victory Sunday in the By ron Nelson Golf Classic in DallaA. Gilder acquired hia third title of his seven-year PGA Tour career with a 266 total, 14 under par and by three strokes a record on the Preston Trail Course. Cnrtla Straage finished five back with a 271 total ... Betll Du.lei, who took the lead after the firat ro und with a c:oune-record 64, fired a final-round 69 to win the LPGA Birmingham Claasic. Daniel out- finiabed Patty Slleeiu by five strokes to c.apture her thi rd t o urnament v ictory of th e year . . . Gary Hallberg fired a par 70 Sunday and it was good en ough to win the Chunkhi Crown1 Invitational tournament in Nagoya, Ja- pan by three strokes. .. Krukow 1Uenoee 8an Diego bate Mike &rwktw hurled 1 four· Ill hitter for hil lllCCftd lhut.out and Mike . lcUDWt llarnrMd hil um homer of the Muon Sunday a1 the Pbtladel- Pb11Mm.*'1ked San D&eso. 3--0. Schmldt, ln MCOnd ~ activated from the bled U.t th a b, Nd a double and o-run h r, h1I t extra--....hit of the JeMI. Ne.U a on a nine·hltier GM t P~hit•two-10 e the New Y !.t.etit 2-0 I their double· wt Franclaco. The G wo n the opener, 4-8, taking an early lead on homen by ClalU Davh and Darrell Evaa1 . . . Joe Nlellro and , KUCOW Raady Moffitt teamed for a flve--hitter and JOH Cnz and Art Howe knocked in two runa apiece aa Ho uaton knocked oft Pitt1bur1h. 6-2 ... Right-hander Bob Walt hurled a five-hitter and received 12-hit support from h.la Atlanta teammates u the Braves routed the Cube, 10-3 ... St. Louil iett-hander Jou Martla_pitched a no-hitter for aiX inninas and ,JtelU1 Beraaadet and Geae Teaace drove i n three NN apiece to help St. Louil beat Cincin· natl, 6-4, and get a doubie-header split with the Reds, who won the opener, 6-l. Eddie MUDer and Roa Oe1ter, the flrat two men In the Cln· clnnati order, accounted for alx hitl and four runa in the nightcap. · Holloway completes treatment Defenaive end Rudy Holloway II of the Minnetota VUdngs, who com- pleted four weeks of treatmen\ for chemical dependence Saturday, saJd he now wantl to keep hia life in order and get read~ for the upcoming NFL aeaeon. "I'd like to aee what I can do performing without drugs," aaki Holloway. "I uaed marijuana -heavicy. - cocaine and alcohol. My problema were a com- bination of all three.'.' . . . Undefeated Greg Pase scor ed a unanimous 12-round d ecision Sunday .and retained hia United States Boxing AuoclaUon hNvyweight championship by out. boxing veteran Jimmy YoHg· ... Darrell Wal&Ttp charged past Beuy Panoaa on the last lap, then held off Terry t.bollte, Panoaa and Kyle Petty through the laat two turns to win the Winston 500 National stock car race ih Talladega Ala. . . . Racing driver Eraeat M1yaor of Bay Shore, N.Y. was fatally injured Saturday night when his car crashed into a wall at Ialip Speed- way. Police said that after Maynor , 47, was In· jured during a race, he wu ta.ken to Southside Hospital where he was proncJlle:ned dead ... Mu Sweeaey, seriously injured in an accident at AB- cot Park nearly three years ago in a midget auto race, died Saturday, a track spokesman said. He was 44. Sweeney suffered head Injuries in an accident on June 22, 1979 in a heat race and waa in a semi-comatose state until his death at a nursing home, the spokesman said. T elevlslon, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Cleveland, 4:30 p.m., KM.PC (710); New York Meta at Dod- gers, 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). • Phantom WIDS OR opening aay NHYC holth ceremonies , Sfxty·three •ta In eiabt ci..e. tUJ'Md out Saturday for Newport Har6or Yacht Club'• Ope-' nina ~race from Loe Anplel Harbor to New- port. 11\e nice wu a prelude to NH\'C'a 86th _,., Qpening ceremonies Sunday when over 500 mem- bera and euest1 turned out for tbe coloful event which fea~ inlpectlon and a~arda foe the best maintained yachtl on the club'a roster. Winner in the Int.emaUonal OUahore Rule clMI of nine entries wu Phantom, aldppered by David Ste'lner of Long Beach Yacht Club~ IOR B winner wu Vk&t, akippered by Phil Ramler, NHYC. Seven ltartera ahowed up on the line in the Perform.lb&» Handicap a.cm. Fleet Clall A. The winner wu Ru.Ian Wood, Rick Al~xander, Ca- brillo B .. eh Yacht Club. Claaa B winner waa Sommora, lllJed by Roser' Bloemere, Alaml~ S.y . Yecht Cub. Seduetion, ..Ued by Gene Wllli1m1, Balboa Yacht Club, wa1 the w inner In the •Ix-boat EtcheDl-22 0.., and Plym. akJppered by Burke Sawyer, JOIYC wu the winner in the Cruialng a-. 1'rol wtnnen in each clua: IC>ft-A -~ 0..... Stel· Jene Schock, NHYC; 2. Looney ner, l.8YC; I. Allla. Werren Hall· TUllN, Hany Pattleon, HHYC; I. oocll, NHl'C; I . ,, .. Enterpr1M, Dellv. Mike ........ HHYC. D6ck Enlnglr, NHYC. CAL 2·4t -1. Antonia, 'f'hll IOR-8-1. ~. l9t1I ,.._, DoeM, NHYC; 2. Orumt>eet, Don NHYC. Ayr ... NHYC; 3. Ea,,.ctaUOftl, PHRF·A -1. Ru11i.n Wood, ~ Row9, NHYC. Nk:k Ale.undef, C8YC; 2. Shiite-ETCHELL8-22 -1 8eduoclo!\ lagh, Ralph Wlntrode, 8 YC; 3. Gene Wllllama, BYC;. 2. Perlect: Centata, 8'~ Olff0td. LSF. Don Edler, HHYC; 3. Pr-, .... PHRF-8 -1. Sommore. Roger ctwd Hewtflome. VYC Bloemere, ABYC; 2. Fire Creet. Pat CRUISINO CLASS .:._ 1 Plym OlaDer. VYC; 3. Dtwtl StM V. Jeff Burke Sawyer HHYC· 2 ~· and J-Farwell, HHYC. ~ey St ..... ewnwid .NHYC ' SANTANA-20 -1 Deja Vu. ' • S~n Diego Cup to Broo.k Ann SAN DIEGO -The 41-foot Ne lson-Marek sloop, Brooke Ann. was the overall Winner in the San Diego Yachting Cup regatta Sunday, making it the aeoond major yachting event it has won in 1~ than a month. The boat recently won the Lipton Challenge Cup for San Diego Yacht Club under the helm- smanahlp of designer Bruce Neoon, and boat placed fifth in her clasa in the Ensen.ada race. 0aaa winnen were: IOR·A-1. Brook• Ann, Larry Frlend1hlp IV. Lury Menzer Harvey, SDYC; 2. Elu1lve. Jack SOYC. ' Paquin, Coronada C•y• Yacht PHRF ·B-1. Pllgrlm, Frenk Club; 3. c.Mrity, Biii 0.termlller, RAdlord. SDYC; 2. Blue BlazN. NHYC. Eugene Pennel. SOYC; 3. Moon- IOR-B-1 Amlg•. George Le-"*'-· Dennie Pennel. SOYC. reve. SDYC; 2. Dutt 'Em. Steve PHRF·C-Sltooltum, Menn- SOlrH, SDYC; 3. Pecemaker, Cuclll. SD Haval Salllng club; 2. SI-Promleioff. SWYC. St• Eyde St .... Stratt--e.m.t, IOR·C-1. Scorpion. Peter SWYC Taurua. Don Richmond. Young. SDYC. 2. Hot Rum. Al SOHSC CNtlllon. l<HYC; 3. Tonka, Hlt>b-.. MORC-Sea Dream, Miit• Klatt. Ana YC. • George. I( HYC; 2. Plca nt~ PHRF·A-1 M11querade, Crocttett·Htlch. A8YC; 3. SNI._: Thewtey..OW.,. V..i YC; 2 Rot>ltl, 18gh. Miile Coneny, SOYC Rick Reynoldt. SDYC ; 3 ~----------------~ From Page C1 DUGGAN'S FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT • • • when I &ot here," said Duggan. "Coach (Mike) Mayne tried to tell me to relax. but I didn'L I Wllll'l't tryiq to fight him. but I wanted to try to do if my own way. "It didn't work, though, ao I atarted learning how to relax." Learning to relax waa more of a mental than j>hylical strain for Duggan. For awhile, Duggan found it hard to get any oonmtency. One moment be would be brilliant; the next awful. "The ~ pert of the mental upect w• 1Mmi'ng to go out ..ch day and ~ every 1ame aa if we were playing C«rltol," be aald. "It u8ed to be lf I got a hit my first at bat, dLt~y would usually io from there. If I . 't ... " wen. it UIUally turned out to be a long aftemoao. >.. th1np tumed out. Dugan started llstenlng to Mayne, pncUdne what he learned, and thoee long afternoons got lhorter and aborter. "All he (Mayne) does ii keep poonding fundamental• into ua, 11 aaid Duggar\. "After awhile it gets to a point where you just do th1np out of reflex. "I remember one pnctioe he jumped in and l\arted taking grou.nden with the rest of U1 ln h1I bare feet. He made it look 80 eMY lt got me to thinking. "Finally, I sot my butt down, my kneel bent and l'cxmcentrated on ev~ pitch. Now rm getting to pound balla I never thought l'"d jet -to." Duuan not only ahowed draatic lm- provemerit Oil the field, hi.a hitting abo started comtna topther .. the reaalt of his new attitude. "I UMd to be so tight at the plate. would ~l but I didn't listen to that right away, eltner,'' ufd Duggan wtth a amile. "For a long time Coach Mayne kept trying different ltance9 with me until I came acr911 one that I really felt com· forta.ble with." Duggan took his new stance home and spent houn in the back yard practicing wtth a batting tee. The reaalt wu not only immediate, but dramatic. Struggling throuDi the early _part of the aeuon with a .2"~ average, Duggan haa improved on that by more than 90 pointa in his last 20 pme. (.323). He has also miaahed Mven home ·l'UJlS, which le1d1 the club and ii one ahy of the tchool record. and driven in 32 RBI (a ecbool mark). And, not coinddentally, Oranae Coast College bepn jeWng at the 181'.De time as Duggan'• bat. . Coach Mayne u.Md tO tell me that the tighter I got the alower my bat apeed ';;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiOiiiii~iiii:=:s=-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--..._rll Prelims set Tuesday Prep track league finals slated Friday Weclnlldaf ' 8UDlet Leaaue prellml (women) - at Edllan Hfch, f1nt nmninl event at 2. • 'f'klll1 Sea View Leatue finall -at Irvine llilb. f:lnt ~ went 5:4~. [ S_()Uth Cout t.Aaav• tlnal1 -at Saddlebacll Collefe, flflt runnlna eYeDI ... 2:45. Sumet ~· f1nall (~) -at Huntmatm Be9ch Bich. ftnt rwmlna ewnt It 8:80. &m.t ~ flnall (women)-at Edimm Hiib. 1Jnt numma went at 2. Aft .......... OM-tt!M, M 1111 .. ttoft ......... Jot .... eophldolted bll•IMll Md nftlM .... ...,.,. • ~ .. tM c..._. .. PIWllel .......... .......,_.. .. ., ....................... . ....,_., ef -nJt ltt • ,_ ...... -......................... M- 11111 ................ ,....,. • u.aM"' ................... "' ........ ....................... , ...... ,......,_. .......... t 111•, ............ , 111-•.,..""' , .......... ............... ,. ....................... ... ..., .... ,..., ....... , ena--. • How lndN'ellill I ~-ilfatl 1llahall ·Olft--. 111119 on._ ICIWiM .. • of h w ..._.. Tlli,.. CIOW'ffY Aot . ........................... ,.,. ...... ..... ' -. .......... ...,,...,. ..... ..... ....... . ............... " ....... QUllTll BDISIS llTUll! IOKDIT NIGHT, llT 3 All 12 Exactu · Pick Sil , Racing Monday thru Sahilday • s3~.000 Miss Princess Handicap . opens the richest Quarter Horse season in history Monday night .... Orange Coat. DAIL y PILOT /Monday, May 3, 1882 SCOREBOARD 'V' • • . ' • • MAJOR LeAGW 8TANDING8 ~J;:· W L Pict. Gii ~ KanaM City CNcego OMci.t>d SM Hie ~ Texu 1a 8 687 12 II .571 12 II .571 13 11 542 11 14 440 • 15 375 a 13 3ta .....,..Dtwlilloft Boelon 15 7 .882 o.trOll 14 II .809 .......,.... 11 8 57t New York 11 11 450 T0<onto II 13 409 ~ 9 12 400 Balllmore 7 13 .350 ....,.,._.. 8elllmO<e a. ~ 4 ...,. Yon. 4, S..nle 2 ~ona, T-o Oekllnd 5. C.......-.ct 2 Chic;ego IO, Oeltoll 3 MltwllUlcM 11. Mlnneeola 4 Toron10 7. Kanau Clly S 1'A 2i. 5 a a 1 ,_......o- Aftt•I• (Kleon 0·01 ti Cleveland t8 ant• 3· 11 Sea ttle (Moore 1-31 et Balllmore (Flanagan 0-31 MlnnH ota (Fellon 0·21 e t Bolton (Rainey 1-01 Oakland (Keough 2·21 at Hew York (John 1·31 Kan ... Clly (Spljttorll 1· 11 at M11w..,. kM (C.iow.11 1-11 Only 11al'M9 ld>ecluled ~~ WL~t.Qll 17 8 7311 14 1 681 11 12 478 11 12 478 11 1• 440 10 13 435 heWm DtwWoft St Louil 15 9 125 Mo!llr_. 11 a .579 -Y0tk 11 12 .478 Pttllbutgtt a '2 400 CNc-oo • 15 .348 PNtacielphle 1 1 • . 333 ....,. . ._.. MontrMI 13. ~ 1 Clndnnall S-4, St Louie 1-' Houaton a . Pflllburgtt 2 .... .., .. 10. CNcaoo 3 SM FrMQ8Co 4-4, .... YOfll 3-2 ~ 3. Sen Otego 0 2 a a 1 1 1•.-. 3'h s l 'h , ... TenleM'eO-Mew York (Puleo 2·21 •t Oe41ere (Hooton 1-1) AUent• \P Hiekro 0-0) al Plttlbutgtt (Solomon ·21 Chicago (HolM 3-2) et SI LO<M (B Fond! 4--0l Mo!llrMt (GulllcklOf> 1-1) al San ~ 90 (Monleluaco 1-21 Phlladelphla (Ruthv.., 0-31 11 S an Ff..-CO ,,,_... 3-11 Only 1111'* .,,.,.., AmNCNILEA_,. Orw.1,~4 C~Of!lllA U&.TWOM • '"... • , 11 llt RClarll,c:f . 0 0 0 Bmby,d 4 2 1 0 e.n1qu:z_114 o 2 o oeuer ..21> 5 o 1 o Foli.aa 0 0 0 0 Snglln.CIM 1 1 I Gtleh.2b 4 0 1 0 EMry. 1b 4 I 2 I &.y\or,CIM 0 0 0 Rond<JI S 0 1 0 OeCnc;e..31>4 1 1 0 . Clmp9y .c 3 1 1 1 F«ll9f\Jf 4 1 2 0 Sekta.aa 3 0 1 1 RJcllan, 11>4 0 2 1 Rpl(n 3b 4 O 2 2 Kellelw.u2 1 0 0 ' Oownlng,lf2 1 0 0 Boone,c 3 0 2 3 T01alp 34 4 10 4 Totaia 31 a 12 a ._._,.......,. Calrforni. 030 000 100-4 BaltlmO<• 122 001 00.-8 DP -8alllm0tl 2 L09 -c.lffornla 4, 8 alllmora 11 2B -E Murray 2. 8oone 2 SB -F0td c....,. • M lllP•tO Mor9nO(L,2·31 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 Renllo 41\\ 8 I I I 4 Ha.ler 11.-. 0 0 0 I 2 ......,_. McGregf1W .2·2) 9 10 4 4 0 • ' A Morano pitMed 10 2 belter1 In the 3rd PB -Boone T -2 44. A -27, 121 ................. T••.. ooo ooo 000-0 8 o &oeton so 1 000 00.~1 13 o Medich, Matladt ( 11 and Sundti.11. Eclleraley and Gedman. w -Edlerale)'. 3-1. L -~. 1-3. A -21.009. Yanll_4,_..._.2 s..tttt 100 ooo 001-2 • 1 "-YOf11 010 000 03Jl-4 I 0 F Bemlster, StMton (I). V.,...,11 (8). CalClll (8) _, &Nn; CMdty. Goa- .. (9) and C.ON. W -Ouldry, )..1. l -F. hnnleler, 3-1. 9 -~(3). Ai--35,029. --..1,..,... T0t0nl0 200 020 111-7 11 0 ~ city 000 020 OOS-5 10 1 Clar>cy, A.L "-*-11) MCI WN11, 8. Martlnu (7), Leonerd, Bleck (7), J . Wrlghl (9) Ind Oulrll. W -Clenoy. 2-2. L -i..on.d, 2·2. 8 -'8dleon (2). HR -~Qty. Mertlft (41. A -:f7.044. ..,....._ -.11i1ar9a O.Crolt 000 010 002-3 10 1 CNcaoo 200 143 CIOJl-10 12 I MOfrl9. Toblk (5). llou f7), S8Udat (II end L Pwr1911; Ho)1, &cernoa (II) and fllik, Ht1 (8). W -Ho)1, M . l -MOf• rte. 4·2 A -31.204 Alal,_....2 Oelclend 000 320 000-5 10 1 °""'9lllnd 002 000 000-2 4 0 Not"tlt end ~ Waite, WN~ m 111c1 ~-w -Norrtt, 2-2. L -Wllt8. 0-4. HA -Oellllnd, "-'*' (3). c.w.i.no, tteN9!1 lni A -2Ul6. \ .,__ 11, TwtRe 4 Mllw ..... 411 001 301-11 14 1 M~ 100 002 100-4 8 2 Lerch, Bernard (71 and C. Moore. Wllllame, CHtltlo 121, D. Jac:kt on (71, Cortlell (I ) end Bulere. W -Lerdl, 2· 1 L -WllMw. 2· 1 S -B«nMd~ -MlwllUkM, ~ 2 (2). (21 M.,.,_.., Ward ( 1). A -24,805. NAnoNAL LEAGW Euoe 11, Dodg9r9 1 MOWfMAL L<Mt ANQllLa8 .. t "... .. t" ... RalM," 4 1 2 I Su.21> 4 0 0 0 Nofmn.lf I 0 1 0 0<1a.r1 3 1 0 0 Tavrt.21> I 1 0 0 Baker.If 4 0 0 0 Dwtn,2b 5 3 4 2 Mndy,lb 3 0 1 0 Wl!Hu:I 1 0 1 0 Cey.31> 3 0 1 0 Ollw.11> 1 0 0 0 TlllN,d 1 0 0 0 Frncn.1b 1 0 0 0 0.-t,c:f 4 O 2 O Crler,c: a 1 2 2 Aueal.u 3 o 1 o Crtnt1,r1 5 1 a • Weleh.P o o o o Spelr,u 3 0 0 0 P-.p 1 0 0 0 PNtc>t.u O o o o Gatvy.pfl 1 o o o Wllctl.31>4 2 3 4 "-.P 0 0 0 0 AQn.P 3 1 0 0 Slwf1.p 0 0 0 0 JoM,,.,p/11 0 0 0 H.,_.,p 0 0 0 0 TOlalS 42 13 17 13 TOlala 32 1 S 0 ._.._,.....,.. MonlrMI 400 132 210-13 Loa ~ 000 000 001-1 E -Walleell. DP -Loe ~ 1 L09 -MonlrMI 10, Loe AnQllM I. 29 -Oa-. Cart.,, Oii,,.,, AalnM. HA '-We llect> ( 1) SB -Daw1on 8 - ":..... Roowt" i~1!1, lot • H 11 Ill• 80 II 5 1 0 2 9 \', 3 4 4 3 0 3'" 5 • 4 2 2 W~L.3-11 p-I 1 0 0 0 1 ..... St-1 Howe 3 15522 1 20000 Balk -Po-r (l.'\3 T -2 58 A -411.- l'IMTGAlll 1119dal,~1 St Louil 000 100 000 I 9 I Clnclnnllll 203 000 OOa-6 12 1 Mura. LAPolnl (51. Kaai (81 and Porter. l .. t>tend1. Kern (7) and fr11Vtno W - Lalbtlndl. 1· 1 L -Muta, 2-2 MC<*DQAMI C.d!M611,lledl4 St LOU19 100 000 500--6 8 0 ClndnnMI 000 000 004-4 5 1 J Merlln. Sutler (91 and Tenac:e. Price. SIW'9y (7), EdMn (Tl Ind O'Berry W -J Mllr!lll, )..2 L -Price. 0-1 S - Sutter (I) HR -St LOUii. T.,,_ (21 Clnc:lnnall. Conc.pclon 111. C<ldeno (1 l A -2tl,Ol3 Mlroal.l'tr-2 ~on 003 200 001-6 13 I Pllllburgtt 000 000 200-2 s 0 J Hl•kro, Molllll (7) end Athby, T GrlHtn. M09kau (4). Te4cul,,. Ill and Nl- weta W -J Hlelclo. 3-1 L -T. Qrtl- lln. 1·2 s -Mollllt (11 HR -Pitt•· llulgfl. Thomf>eon (81. Medlodl (2~ A - t1.h l .,_ to,CulleJ Cnlc;ago 000 000 102-3 5 I Allenle 004 080 00.-10 12 1 Lareon. Tldrow 131. RlpMy (51. W Her· n.andG (5), La Smith (71. ~ (II and Mot9MCI. w ... and 8eMdlct. w -w•. 3-0. L -Lereot\, 0-3 lifl -C.. ceoo. Morelend (8), A -11,4t4 f"IUT~ oi....., ..... a .._ Yd/'li. 000 100 020-3 II 0 San FferQlco 1so ooo oo._. 8 2 Ly..ch. Oroeco (41. Felc~ (71 and 6-...; Hollend. Minion (8) Ind Mey. W -HOlend. 2-3 L -Lynell, 0-1 S - Minton (41 HR --York. S1ewn1 (3). San Ftanchco. C Oev11 (3), E•en1 (41 MCONOO.U. 111Mt2. °'9ftb 0 New York 200 000 000-2 11 O San FranciacoOOO 000 000 O 9 O Ra . .ion., Allen (II) Ind Hod(lle: t.at- key. 8r9lnlng (81 Ind Ran90m w -Ra .ion.. s.1. l ..._ l.Mltav. 1-1 s -Allen (I~ HR -New YOf11. Foet• (4) A - 20.543 ................ PllHadelpNA 100 020 000-3 5 2 Ben Otego 000 000 000-0 4 1 KtukO'* and B Olu. C...U., Show (71 and T K81\tfitdy W -Kruk-. 2·2 L -CutUI, 2-1 HA -~. Scfwnlclt (II A -44,227 Top 10 ~ ............. ) AmMCAM LIAOUE Q A8 " " l"ct. Murrey.8elltmo<e 20 71 11 32 .411 &onn.11,T0ton10 18 411 10 19 404 Coocler. Mllw 19 18 12 30 3tS Hllrrlfl.~ 19 73 ,, 21 364 lot~IO 11 45 S 17 .378 R .Mlm 14 ff a 11 .367 Mwttn,KC 21 71 11 28 .361 Pallllcnlt.ChiclOO 20 79 8 28 .359 c:.Ml.O.Croll 22 92 11 33 .389 lllU.S: R H...O.,eon, OaklenO, 22, Bumtwy. 8ell!mot9, 11; Harrell, a.v.- lend, 18; Hrt*l, Mlnneeala. It; J Ctw. ..... 18. Mel Hfbelt . ...,.,_.., 22; Olll, Ken- ... City. 20; Tl\OfftlOfl, ~end, 19, • ........... 19: McAee, ~ 9. a: Cab9ll. o.trdl. 33: l. Murt91, Belttmot•. 32; ~-Mllw ........ 30. Gercle. Toninto, IO; Zia*, leet1te, 30. OCMMl.a•: Otlt, KentM Clty. 10; E =· ..,_., 9; LJM, ~I; • Dlilroll. 7: PedOtlll, ChlclOO. 7, ..... Km.-City, 7. 1llllLUi 11 Tied ...,, 2. *>m Mlll9: Hrt*I, MlnnHOta, 8: o.wma. ........ 1; Herrlfl, ~. e:en.a..-1. •TOLIN •A818: "· H1ndar1on, OeitlMd, 23; MMnln(I, Cltvelend, 7, LeAn. ~-1: lopea. Oelcilnd. 7. J. ()\a, s..ttle, 7. "1CMMO II o.oleloftt>: Hoyt, ~1- CllfO, M , 1.~ 2aM. ~ M.1.tlc o. Jeehon, 11.,,... c1r1. a.o. 3.H : Ceudll, ........ M , 1.".i..~~~· ao.10'1, 3-1, 2.11; Tudor, -· 3-1, 4.11; a.tier.~. a-1, Ut: hu- c:ler, °""°"· s-1, o.ee. 8~10UT8: F. hnnletw, S..tlle, 39; Ouldry, New YOf11, 29, Pwry, S..tlle, 21. Eekertley. 8o1ton, 27, T Under· wood, OMiand, 24 MATIOMAL LaAQUll 0 A8 Ill " Pot. Moreland. CNcego 23 11 10 32 see Woode. Chicago 11 58 1 ~ 1 362 Concepc:jon.~ 22 14 13 )0 3&7 J. Tl'tOfnpeon,PIU 20 77 17 27 .3& I ~.Oodewe 21 ., " 2t .Ml 0-. 61. Louk 23 52 4 28 340 ~.so 1• 111 20 19 333 0 Smltll. St loult 22 l'2 10 27 329 LccanO.San Otego 21 13 14 27 326 T PINI. Piiia 111 IO 7 2e 325 lllUNB: Ru . .ion.. San Otego. 20; LO 6mllh, 81 Louie, 19; Murphy. Atlante , 19; ~. Oedpn. 11; J Tt.omp. eon. Piii=, 11. Mt: M . Atlenta.'25.'J Tl!Om9-'°"· P1118t)ur , 22j, Klngmen, New YOfll. 19: K. Hernandel . .,1. LOUii. 18. J Crw, Houalon. 18: T. Kennecty. Sen Otego, ta. MIT8: Moreland. Chlc1110. 32: Con· c;epc:lon, Cincinnati, 30. Wt11on, Hew York, 21. 0 111er. Clnc:lnnell. 29. ~ .. Oedpn. .. OOU8llt: T P1na. P1111bur1111. 8, L.-. San Oleao. 8, MedlOGa, Piii .. hutgtt. 7, Parker. 'l>ttttbutgtt, 7. 11 tied '*'"" e . ~ Rote. PNladelC>hla. 3. Her•. SI LOUii, 3, A Raml1ei, Atlanta 3. II tied With 2 NOMI ltUMS: Klngmen, New York. 8, J Thomp1on. ~1111bur11h. 8; Murpny. Atlanta. 7. MO<eland. Ch1c1l90, I. Hor- ner. Atlanta. a. ITOl.IN aAMS: Mor-. Plttlbutgtt. 12, Lo Smllfl, St Louie. 12; Wiiton. New York. II.~~ I; Bullet, Atlanta, 7. "TCttlNG 13 ~ontl Fo.-.cll. St LOUii. 4-o. 3 38; Show, Ben Dteoo. 3-0, 0 00; Rogwt. Monlf ... 4-1, 1.~. Bet• ny1, Cln<:tnnau. 4.1. 2 ta. Saneereon. lolonlrH I, 3.1. 1.52, Ra Jon••. New York, 3-1. 2 79, Camp. Atlanta, 3· I. 4 32; Pt1t0<e. Ctnclnnall. 3· 1. 2 13 tTitltCIOUTS: Soto, Clnc:lnnau. 43. Carlton. Pnlla6elPhla. 38. RoQw•. Mon· t< .... 34, Ryan. Houslon. 77 Lollar. Sen Diego. 21 MIOM ~-r::.-_,.,. Pnu OI ua.A, fOr"*'Y of eor-dlll MerHWI.-•._....,_ . ._., nowWl Stanford a. use 5 MIOM 10. Cel a T-E P.o 4, Sen °'990 8t. 3 (11 "":::l.neton at. 2· 7, L Waelllftgton 0-.'I •1ron Ne1eon C ... elc , .. 0 .... 1 .. Bot> Otldw,$63.000 271 Curtll Str.,.,$37 IOO m 17-15-17-G7 Tom Wat--..Ste.200 11-ea-a7..S7 Dan Halldorwon.S18.200 88·M·•9-IMI 01w1c1 Grallam.S 18.200 88-89-e&-70 274 eo-uetne.S 11.331 Bot> ~ ... $11,331 Ptill Hancoc:lt.111.331 0.0.1141 Arot>er .1 11.331 m Pat llndM\t,17.758 Lon H1!1kle.S7,758 Scott Hodl.17. 758 Bobby Wadklnl.17. 7!';8 Jack Hewlon.17.751 Jim Colbert.17,758 m Mlll.e Aekl.IS.IOO Vanoe HMtner.IS.IOO &t.-Flal-.IS.IOO 271 Tim Qraham.$4.726 DA Wetbrlng,$4.726 m s1 ..... ~.'4.oeo Bob Eaatwood.$4.0llO -Ray f'loyd, $3,02 7 Jey Cudd,S3.027 Lanoe Ten Broel<.13 027 Ron Strec:l<.13,027 Tom ~. $3,027 Mike Holland, 13.027 211 .J9fry H .. rd,12,432 8auy H......it.12,432 292 Tom Kiie Sl.942 Scott Slmp8on,S I 942 Tony C.da.Sl.942 Don RMM.11.1142 H-erd T'*"tty.S I 942 Woody Blacaburn.S 1 942 Thomaa Orey.S l.142 ~efWI P•te.11,942 ., llt-*-7()..68 88-at-7t..S7 1o.ee;.ea.. 10 86-e6·71·70 70-72-et-eS IMl-81-72-'7 72"'-"·18 M-89-70-111 71·ff-M-70 at-72-88-70 10-13-11-'1 68-70-72-89 a&-73-e7-7 I 71-71 71..all 6e-7()..7 l-G9 72-70· 72·68 70.71-70-89 72-M-70-70 70-71·19-70 71-a&-71-72 11. 73.aa. 12 n . 10-13.aa M-74-72-87 72-89-73-418 69-69-75-fi 72-69·72-G9 71·70-72-et 71-7 1-70-70 71 70-118-73 71·70-71-70 611-72·70-71 a-111 ~ne.11.281 11.10.14-68 F0<r•l Fezler.St.211 70·89-74-70 Mark H•rea.11.281 10-11.10-12 MIU Hlco191te.l l,261 111-73-M-72 Jack Aenn9',l 1,2e1 72·70-*72 Martt LY9 S1,281 71..ef. 7C)-73 '--'Aid ThO<nptn,I 1, 211 ff-70-7()-7 4 er~ ea11en.s 1.2a1 ae-1s-&&-1• Tom Purl:ttr.1 1.261 70.71-'7·7S Morr19 Hel..,.V S 1 2e I 17-72-M-76 IUmtlngNnl Cleaek (8t~AJe.1 Belh Daniel. I 15,000 M-70-811 ., Patty SMellan. 59,IOO at Slndra Heynle. M .000 8onnlt L-. M.000 l1t Penny Pull. $4.000 211 -'-"""'" Kwr, 13.200 Ch1y Hiii. 13.200 Carow Jo Callieon. 13.200 212 J-........ 12.700 21, Pat 8t edley $2 .500 2'4 8"1)ara MOJtMSt.12.200 Jan St~. 12,200 211 OIMne Delley s 1.7 12 Jane1 Colet. SI 712 Cerotyn Hll S 1 7 12 Dac>t>ie ........ -..... 11 7 12 21' S. Bet1olacc1n1.1 1,390 A-Rltrman.11.390 JH Jan Feneria,S1 119 -'-C.lllter.S I 111 Barl>eta MIV-S 1 118 Barbera Banow.S 1.118 Vicki h bor.11.118 NA8L •tendlftoe laetem DIVteMri 89-'7-71 71-&1-70 ll-8e-72 73-87-70 70-72-70 72 70-71 74-71-89 74 77.73 74-74-67 7•-70-71 1~ 73-72 73 88-73 71-74·71 72-73-71 74.73.70 72-73-72 71-74-72 72-73-72 7•-et-74 W L OI' ClA W Pt&. ~ Toronto Mont,.., Chlc:ego 4 I 11 5 11 3S • 1 10 a 9 33 237 11 18 t • 7 12 7 13 S4Mlthem DWlelotl Fort La.clerdale 5 1 15 11 13 Jacl<IOfWllll 2 • 11 13 11 TulM 2 4 10 13 10 Tamc>t hy 2 4 8 11 7 ._,, OlwWeft 41 23 22 18 San Otego 4 I 10 5 8 30 POf11encf 3 1 9 a a 22 a..tt1a 2 4 10 12 8 ta v-2 3 !i 11 4 11 , Edmonton 2 2 4 4 4 11 s.n.i-1 3 2 1 1 5 Shi p04n11 ate awaro.d lor a teguletl· on °' -111M Ylc1ory Four POln1' IOI'• l hOOIOUI vlelory On• bonua point '°' .,,.,.y gMl aco.-ed wtlh a maximum ol lhrtl Pl • 9ame Ho bonu1 point la -o.o IOt -111M Of ah0040U1 QOale .........,. . ._.. 0Ncaoo 3, TIAN 2 'ort LllUdeldele 4, T0ton10 3 (901 a..ttle 2, San Otego 1 (90) ...,. ...... Tlft'IC)e hy 2. Montr ... t (Oil) co.no. 2. J~ 0 Edmonton 2. Sen JoM o PorUtlnd 5, V--0 T ............... No oen-ICMdUled T .............. No 118"* ac:tiecMld Camel. Where a man belongs • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigaretll SmoWng 11 Oangerou~ to Your Health. • 8 mg. "ttf. 0.7 mg. oicotine IV. p11 cigarttte. FTC Repon 0£C. '81. ~=-" .... ..=:. <••=--~ ...... ) ~Rider(~~ • 00 3 20 a.,.• COIMC ~I 10.eo a.to Bold l(hal (MOHlrvuel l.20 Aleo rac:.cl: CllennOfl'• erotll«, tt. Mari Bem, W•'a "-b, 8ofMltlln9 0.-rtne. A FMI P-.:. Vlltlng H\lllW, AA>-11ee, c.11 McM, nlldlllOMI IUlr. Tlm« 1;11 211 • 81COMD 111ACL 1 1118 tnlla. Cato'• Tune 1Sc:l\mkrJZ2.20 9 ao a 40 ,_ Nol1ll (l.Jptwftl :M.to 11.00 DylwNo Olli~ 1.40 Aleo ·~=~. HofUOll'• Dr-. Vlllf~. Qulr.oce{, Nloe ~. s.tt...ouely, Momlne .. ~. HMty aucr.., ~ O.W• Olli. Tlm« 1:'4. M DAILY DOUaa (1-121 peld llO.to. ~~·~·" ......, Tal*O on) 2.20 2.10 8tr1U H 8lg I) 2.10 Aleo ...,.. f41tter. L.onp u.. TMKMe. nn.1--. • UACTA CW> peld 131.00. ...,. ..... 1 Mtof10a. ....... ,...._, 11.10 7.40 3.20 'I-~ uo uo ,._ ""* 2.10 AlM r-O; W -Erle. All Nell Heed. Co*>111 ..... O~ I ,.._ Tlm« 1:21. • UACTA (S-2) peld 1174.110. ,..,.. RACa. 7 turb9- Sword a-(Mc:Hr1141)t ao s 40 3.80 L'Natty ~on) UO 2.to ....... ~ uo Ntto rdd; MoalO o:. Mw-o Worda. Penngr-. Delttl Gemb6er', SoClemom- twe, Olde Qty Led. CenWa Ten. Melt Timc 1::a1 sta • DACTA (10-2) peld "6.00. 8IXnt lllAC8. • IUrtongl. True• Mall•r True. Malt., ($Chmli1) 9 80 6 20 3.20 er.-. (McCtrfonl 12.to 7.40 • WyCr .. ~ 4.20 Aleo r.-d: PMiuwMI. GeMr'I, ludO-• WW\, .__. IMlilll. Nlfl Adlwm. Pampm 0,-. ...,._., Peppe'1 "911. Tin. 1;10. a.vmmt UCL 8 Mtof10a. 8rlQll1 Lady (MOCrn) 6.20 2 IO 2.20 My *"*'-~ a,40 uo W'• on OoMI {Owtlftoua11yi11 2.40 AIM reoeo: ~ Aull Con, Gof· o.n., T•h My --... _.,. Timc 1:0t Ste. • DACTA !Ml peld ..UO. a PM:« a1x t 12..: pakl '4.· 114.10 with U wlnnln11 uc:11111 (live helt-}. 12 Pioli Sia ~llon peld MOM wW1 1,094 ~ lldl.-(tour ~ ~ Mca. 114 mlU on turf. Thi 8ar1 (DI.,....) 5 40 3 40 2.80 llNlalleftt ~ 8.tO 4.40 Rwlilrl ~ 7.40 Ntto r..o: HIGf1 Colnlel. El1na .... =-"°'*'°• &..,., MOln"'1. To-Agon- Tlme: 1;47. l9fTlt lllACL I 111 a tn11a. GlrWN {MoCerToftl 11.40 5.20 4.00 P VIII ~ l ,to 7.to ._, Mcwo ~ 4.00 Ntto reoeo: Soft .............. ""'- Al. Prior ""'"1WA. /Ill Heir Abou1 Him, SlltlalnatY. 'nww Mt. Tlin«' t :A 1,., • IJIACTA ~ peld 122t.IO. A~M,t:l1 . NHL. otevofta C<>MfiMMcl FINAU ( ... , .. ......,1 c-....eo.•-Twedef, a,w1I %7 'I--2. Cnlc;ago I (2 OT) ,..._..,, April • Clllcego 4' v •ncou...r 1 a.twO.y'a ._. Vancouver 4. Chlcato 3 (Vancouver IMd• ...... 2·1) T.....,..a- ChleeOO at Vane:-~· a-VllnCOUVer al Chk:ego - ...,. at.Yott. COWl.~K~ , ...... .._.I •"""'c.....,_ Twedey, Atlftl %7 Lahn 116, Photnl• t6 San Antonio 95. S..11141 113 ..._.,,a,w11. I.Ml.. 1 17 ""-'Ill " Seellle 114. San AlllOnlo lit ,,....,, A'"1I • Lall... 114. Phoeni• IOI Sen Anlonlo 99. Seallle 97 ~.ac-.. Lell .. t 12 Phoenl• 107 (Lall•• _, _ ... 4-4) San Antonio 11S. SH iii• 11~ l~•n Antonio IMdl -In 3-1) ......., .• a- San An1on11 al S..llle 0 'rtder'• 0-SMllle a1 SM Antonio (II -VI ....,,...,. San Antonio at S..1111 (rl __,, betem eo..ter-·~ • .\'"1121 Boston 109, Watl>lnOlon 91 Pl>lllldllpflll t25. MilweuliM 122 • ......, • .\'"11. Pt.H-pNa 120 .............. 108 WtllllnQton 103, &oe1on 102 ... .,,. . ._ .. Bolton 112. WaNngton 83 M .......... 92.~91 .....,..acor.. 8 011on 103. W1thlng1on 911 (01 Bolton 1Nd1 -3-11 Phlladetpnl1 100, Mil waukee 93 (Phlledelpl>I• lead• --3· 11 • ......, .• o- W118Nt>Qton at Boelon Mllwauk• al PhllaoetoNa ,,...,..o-.. Bollon at Wut>lnQlon (II___,, Phltadetph11 et MllWau~ .. 111 nee: ... aer-tl ........,,...,. WastllnQlon at Boeton (11 _..,..,, MrlwaukM at PM.oelpflll (11 -- aaty) LAtMts 112. hM 107 LOI AHCMUI -Rambil 5. Wiik• 2• Abdul·J1bbat 24. E Johnaon 15. Hl•on 17. Coopet 11, McAdoo 14, Br• - 2. lAndlbe<g« 0 TOI• 43 2$-32 112 ftt+Ol.MOC -MAmt 1a Rob11won 4. Kelley 4, 0 JollNon 31, Mec:y 12, Hane» 18. Devit 11 Coak 2. Scott 4, Br ....... () Dykema O Totals 49 11.11 107 kote .., Ou«t«9 Loe Afl04lle1 36 21 30 25-112 ""°""' 2• 30 30 23-107 FOOied oul -D Jotvleon TOlal f'oull Loa Angelel Ill Pho9'>1• 25 T ect>nl- c:al -Macy A -11 932 WMkend tranteettona llA8E8All ~LMtw SEATTLE MARINERS -Optioned Brian Allerd. pltc:flet, 10 Sell \Ake ol the Pac.Ile C-t t.aegue ....._.LMtw SAN C>lEOO PADRES -Pl8C*I Gene Rldlarda. oullleld«. on the dlMblecl 1111 Celled up Alen Wlgglnl, outllelder. from H-all ol the PactfiC CoM1 ~ HOCl(IY ........,...-.,L..Mpa NHL -FlneO lhe V--Canuck1 110,000 and "°Oe" Ntllton. Ille tMtn'I ec11n9 hMd ~. Sl,000 .. a tmutt o1 a tow.1-weYlftll lrldOanl duflnll • Stani.y CuP pleyoll oerM on April 2'f } .. Orano• Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3, 1082 NOTaCW~ ........ ..:~'?..'·:~Oft T"9 =.: ~ ~ tlla 0111 d1y of A,r 1N2. Ille ~ -toarf Of 1°'"'91-of ttlo COAIT '"0 11100 oo•.,ANV UtO COMMUHITY OOUlOI oelTNCT, IOVOI ""c"" '""'· ,,o. IOI Olly OI Co••• MOH, COU'?,!~ of ,., ...... AM. CA tt10I. Or••· •d~ I ""°'Ul-1 ot ........ A. ..., 11tt ...,.,. "'""'* kl thdlot" ti! ~· 'Wrt ~ laMfl. CA.... l lld rtof!t-Of·W•Y lo '"' aou111etn ~ L .... llOl llloberta C•llJornla fdlaon Company 101 °"""• OnirlDI cA .._ cont1r11ouon tnd 1n1tallallon ot ~ 0. """" i'14 ,ran-tloctnc.I llnte. COll4Ull an= Oii i..en.. 0"'8 Mell. CA ttat. "*'t on, ~ Wld WOM Tllll ~ 11 ~ bY • pt oi.tr1C1 lend ioc.ttd ti •. ·1... O'f*'ll pal'IMj.... onc1 WUl\9f tlro«e. ,~,_,Val- lllobol't L...,.,. ~Y· County of Orange. Sl•1' ot Tiiie etatement -lllod with the llltoml&. CounlY OWi! of <>ninee County on A publ\O hffrlng upon Ille quea- Apftl ff tNI ot mu ling .ucn dedtGatloll w111 ' . p~ be held 11 the COAST COMMUNITY PubfleNd Or11109 CoMt Dtlly Pl-OLLEOE DISTRICT BOARD 1o1. Mey o. 10, 11. u. 1ot2 ~cl~~ ~~:"~y ~~ _________ 2.0_~_..,2 t tM h<Mlt =t o'dook. DllJH NIJICIS i~Voauiu1M~ coLuoa L W19Mft MANNESCHMIDT '-NfY of Ult hard GEORGE C . MAN .=~ Al TO LIQAL M®t- NESCHMIDT, LT COL . .wwic.~o.-a1c-nee1 RET. U.S. Army. Resident of c:.-c-~c ...... e>tetrlclt Newport Beach , Ca. P assed Oet• ~: COfllllllUMITY a way o n May 2. 198 2 F u · COUIOI DltTllllCT ne ral services and interment 1'10 AdelM •-c.ete MMe. CA will be h eld on May 6, 1982 - a t F o rt Sa m H o u s l o n MaoLU'TlON Na tJonal.Cemtery. San Ant· Tr~.~~~~t~c:.h.~ !oO:,;,~,.~; onio, T exas. LocaJ arrange-~ Olttrlat hereby dedal• tnal ments under the direction oC It nndl tnal It It In 1111 beet lnt«•t• Baltz Be rge r on.Sm1 th & of the Oltlr1C1 and111a111 It ltt lntant T uthill W estc laff C h apel to orent to I pubic 11tlllty, the Sov-lhefn C4llttofnia Edlaon Comt>any. • M o rtuar y oC Costa M esa. Calll0tnle oorporeuon . .,, euement 646-937 l. ano right of wrt tor the l>Uf'POM or ITZKOWITZ '"' 1Nl8"at1on ancl CONINCltloo ol DA YID J ACOB ITZK O · .i.ctrlcal 11-. conduit and equtp. , ment on the lollowlng delctlbed rMI WITZ. age 88, a residen t of properly louted Jn th• City ol Tustin, Ca. Passed away on Foonlaln Valley. C<>un!)' Of Orange. May 2 1982. SUJ'Vlved by his State of c.ltOmll· lovina.daughter Mrs. Harnet "FOUf 1tr1C1a of lend. MOh e IWt In G ld9 f T ti C width, lying within P1rcet t . n .... ..,, •TATl-MT Ot' AIANOOWKf Ot' UM Oii ~TrTtOUI IWMNNA ... Tiie rollowlno P••eon• h .. • ~ Ille lie. OI lhe llCllllCIUI 't>11t1n•n l\llYle lll(A CANYON MOOllC fSTAT I al 1U1 I! 11111 Street. "'111 M•. CA tUOI The llCllllOll• ~...._ neme r .. r.,,ed to ·~ w" nled 1n County on"""' 21. 1ort I Mot>lle f~. Inc;. lt21 ti 17111 SlrMI. S.,,1a AN CA 02701 fhll butln.H WM ~led~ 8 Limited P111t""lhle> ~.,d 8ltT101111u\ VIOe PrMldenl Tllll tlat-t wa• filed Wlln Ille Counry Clenl ol Oraoge CounlY on April 111. 111112 ,-OM022 Publllllled Or•~ Cout 011ty Pilot April U . May 3, 10, 17 108:1 18311-12 Nil.JC P«>TICC Nat2Mt STATE'MINT OP WmtoftAWM. fflOM PAltTNlll._ Of'£U TINO UNO«" 'ICTTTIOUI 8UIMll NAM The lollowlng pareon llH Wllll· dfewn u •general pwlnet from the p11tne1ehlp opef8tlng under th• flcllll0\11 bll11n .. 1 nlltM ol ALLS- TATE REALTORS, MllLEl\.MOORE ASSOCIATES •t 111115 Atlantic A--. Hunllngfon a..en Calll0t· nl• 9211-48 Tiie llctlOOut butlneM name .... tement for Ille pat'tnetthlp wU ftle<J on Oecamber 3 19111 1n fne County ol Orenge Full Mame and AddtHI of the P.,eon Wttllc:lrewing JAMES MOORE 7852 Anlte lane Huntington Be8Ch. C111l0<nle 112647 J-MOOfe ,,~ Publttllecl Orange Cout Dally Pilot. Aprtl 20, M..,. 3. 10, 17. 1982 1840·112 Ml.IC NC)TIC£ o man o u s n , a. oni mapn1ec1 1n B00111!),t, c h e ris hed grandCath11r o f Page48of Parce1 Mapa ln the0ttl0e MOTICI '"VlTINO 9108 R 0 Ch e 11 e. S h a r 0 n , and f the Recordet of Mid County. Nolle• I• hereby given that '"e Of Board ot Tru•t•1t ot lhe CoH I Marc I e -d evoted Strip No. 1 The northerly line Community College 011trlct of bro th e r ' o f M rs. Ed I~ h :~d •. •~z1~~'i~~ ~~·:·~~~t ~~ !~~ orenge coun1y, c1~1orn1e, wrll rec· Briller and Mn. Sarah S il-orlherly llna ot H id parcel Hid eive tNll d bid• up lo 11 00 e m. versteln, both of Brooklyn, nt being dlalant 155 teet thereon. Tu .. d ay, May 18. 1982 at the Pu•· ..... ...... II I Id eel Ollaalng Oepertment ol UICI college New York Gravesid e ser -rom ,,,. -1-·1 ,,. 0 ta per ; dlatrlcl localed 11 t370 Adame v ices toda·y at 2:00PM at lle~c;,~:!~ "9 degreH 3 ' HI" Avenue, Coeta Meta. Caltfomll. at Mount Olive Cemetery, 1625 St~tp No 2 Th• HlfMly line ot wtllcll time .. kl bid• WI• be publicly Gisler Ave .. <:osta Mesa. Ca aid 1trlp t>elng deacrlb•d H fol-~c~:;rg~INGER JOINT Services under t he d1recuon owe Beginning •t 1 point In th• SHAPER. Glue A"""lc.10~. AtMm· M "1y line Of Mid pe1cet UICI point .,.... o f H arbor L awn-o u n t distant 190 feet thereon. from t>te Pr .... Oflll\Qf Coall College Olive M ortuary o C Cos ta ha woutharly llna o l Hid parcel. Att bkt• er• IO be In IOCOfdanece M esa. 540-5554 Ilene• No1tn 0 dagrHa 39' 53" With \he Bid Form lnllrucllon• end JEMISON .... 119 '"' Condition• and SpKll'lcatlon• whlctl J E A N D 1 E M I S 0 N Strip No 3: 8eglnnlf19 et a point er• now In 11111 end may be .-cured • 11 • the noruwty line of Mid parcel, In the office Of Ille Pv<chalng Agent resident of Newport Beach, hat point being dlllant 160 tHt of Mid COiiege cJlatrlCt A I 30 tr --.. Eacn bl<kHI muwl tubmn wttn ntt ca. Passed away on pn • t"1y thereon, om tlle _._,, blcJ • CHiiier·• cllack ce111r1ad 1982 at the age of 75 Born In• of .. Id parcel, thence •ou· 2 1 1906 S terty 21 Mt to 11 point In a llM check, OI' bldcJer'e bond made pe'f· August . In an arallel with and cJlatant 12 '"' able to Ille Of<Jer ol the Coaat Com· Francisco. Ca. Survived by rom Hid northerly llnl'. inane• IYlunlly College 01atric1 Board or her sons Ramon Dana. Jamie uth O deg•-39' 28' EHi 77 Trust-In an amount not lell tnan COMIOUDAtlD MltOM OP COHDmON on1olldated Report o r condition of "SOUTH COAST BANK" of Coata MeH, Orange County, and Oom"tlc Sut*dtarlee at the dOM of bullMN on March 31, 1082. ..... lanlil No. ,. AIHTI Caah and clue from banu ...................................... 5,091 lnvettment MCUl'lti.t (Marttet value S10,146) -r .................................. 10,533 Fedef'al fund• told and MOUfltlea purcttalled under agreement• to re.ell In domestic off I~• .. . ............................ 3 , 750 a . Loana, Total (excluding unearned Income) ........................ 315,3115 b. Lees: Reserve ror poaalble loan IO&M$ .......................... 312 c. Lo ana, net ...................................................... 36,003 Bank premlaes. F.F.& E. etc ................................... 3 ,9e7 Real e s tate owned other than bank premlae1 ......... .... . .. .. .................... 704 Other aaeeta .... ................ .... .................. ......... ......... 1,276 TOT AL ASSETS .................................................... 60,323 LIABILmll TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMES TIC OFFICES .. ................ ..... 55,312 To tal demand depo1tts ................ 12,929 • To tal time & savings depoalta ..... 42,383 TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC ANO FOREIGN OFFICES ................................... 55,312 Mortgage Indebtedness .... .. ............................. .......... 355 O ther liabilities .... ...... ... .. ........... ...... ........................ 1,299 TOT AL LIABILITIES (excluding s u bord inated notes a nd debentures) ..................................... 56,966 8HAAEHOLDERI EQUITY P re fe rred s tock No. shares outstanding -None Commo n stock a . No. shares authorized 1,000,000 b. No . shares o utstanding 583.539 1,459 c . Surplus ........................................... 1,374 TOT AL CONTRIBUTED CAPIT Al ........................... 2 ,833 Re tained earnings ...................................................... 524 TOTAL sHAREHOLOERS EQUITY ......................... 3,357 TOT Al LIABILITIES ANO S HAREHOLDERS EQUITY ................................ 60,323 The undersigned. Nick J . Florio , President and Mary A . Ale. Vice President & Cashier of the above-named bank, ea c h declares. for himself alone and not for the other: I ha ve personal knowledge o f the matter• contai- ned In this report (Including the reserve aide hereof), and 1 be lieve that eac h statement In said repon ts true. Each o f the u ndersigned. for himself alone and not for the other. certifies under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Executed on Aprll 28 , 1982, in Costa Mesa. Ca lifor- n ia ls /Nick J . Florio, P resident ls /Mary A . Ale, Vice P resident & C ashlet Published O ra nge Coast Dally Pilot . May 3, 1982. _201S..82 Jemison a nd Marlin Jem1· t to• point heretnatter refer'recJ II~• percent or th• •um bid H • 0 u Point .. ,. .. thence conttnutng ouar•nlM that the bldd« wtll enter .,..,, C Ml\TIC( son. daugh ters Jarune Olson ovlh 0 cJegreei 311 28 .. EH i 76 Into tlle propoHd Contrect II th• ____ r_~_1 _,...., ____ _ and lrva Wagner. 17 g rand· Mt HIYI• •••warded to 111m In th• NW-14112 1----------- c h 1 Id r e n , 2 gr ea l · Strip No 4. Beolnnlng al the event ol failure to e"ter Into euch NOTICE OF TRUSTEES' SALE C" 17'Y P 'A~' .. ~11 contrecl. Ille P<oceed• of Ille cheek .,... 1 1 , .. gra nddaughters S he was a boll8 Mid olnt · : tllenoe ......... wtn be tOf!etted °'In Ille C.M or • On May 27. 1982 111 11 00 • m NOTICE OP TIIUa ... e · A.- f 0 r t ll <Jegr-3t'19"E&lt 37teeltoa First Amer1t11n Tttle insurance On May 18, 1982 81 ltOO e m reside n! o range "foun Y olnt nar11neltar referred 10 u bond, the lull •um thereof wlll be companv aa TrustM, °' Suc;cesaor FIRST AMERICAN TITLE IMSU· for 65 years. G raveside ser -olnt "B". thence continuing North lortaited 10 said college dlltrlct Trustee or Substituted Trustee. ol RANCE COMPANY, a Calllornl1 vices were held on Monday, 89 degr-31' 111" Eeet. 255 teet. No bldde< may WltMrew hll blcJ thel ceriem OffcJ ol TruSl e.cecuted corpo<llton .. TrullM. Of Succee.-p S h 0 d 39· 53" 10< 11 pet'IOd r0< rony.flY9 (45) dllyt T M ay 3. 1982 at 2·00 M at thence out •greea 1111, the dlllll 111 for the o1>4tnlng by Jettrey S Elslen 11t1d Eleanor L sor TruttM °' Sub1t1tuta<1 ruatM. F a irh aven Memonal . Park , ,::~;r!~ 1f:9~~0P~i~·'l~f~:~! tllereot ~~5Jf;.:~~;1~~~~ ~~v9:i~.1in ~~,f~~1 ;;r6~~m4 :' ~~rti~~·s Santa Ana. Ca In lieu o( conllnutng South 9 oegr-39' 53" The Boerd 01 Truateea reserv" Boot.. U292 Page 810 and re· ANO JEAN M BRIDGES. hvaband flowers the family n.>quests 58 IMt. Ille l)ftvtlege 01 rejlctlf\O eny end &ti recorded December 15, 198 1 as and wlle .. Community Property. dona tion s be made to the Alto a •trip or land. tO IHI In bids°' 10 welv• any lrragul8lillfll °' instrument no 18S07 on bOOI< 14322 and recorded June 27. 1080 u In· 1ntorrnallt1H In anv bid or In Ille A merican Cance r Society . width, th• 1ldellnH of H id atrlp blddlnQ page 1842 or 0111c1e1 Records of strument no 30277, In bool( 136-48, Di ,...,., b F · ha M being 3 fHt northerly and T feel 0 ,_, May 111 111112 _ 11 00 • m Or enci-. County Celolom1a and page t815, ol Ottlclat Record• of rec~.,,, Y a!r • vcn or · to111""1y of Iha IOllowlng deeeflbed ,....... l)ursu .. nt to 1na1 e<1rta1n No11ce or :>range County. Catllornla. end tuary. tine; =n E. W•t.on Otolaull tnereunder recorcJed Ja-:>urauant to that oertaln Notice of JOHNSON Beginning 11 above H id Point nuary 2 t. 1982 as Instrument No Oefaull end Election to Seti lher• G A R V LEE JOHNSON. "B". 1111nce Horth 119 degreN 31· c-~!:°,'~!:~:tl'IC, e2.023190 or Ottoc1e1 Record• or ,ndet r1COtda<I J1W1UerY 14, 11182 .. C 111" East. 17 reel .........,.. H•d County will under end PU" natr-t no 111..(1142ta, In book age 28, a resident of osta Al•o • 11r1p of lend, tll IHt In Pul>lfflhecJ Or= Coa'1 Oally Pl-:o-Jant fO nod Deed 01 Trust ee11 a1 ~-. page --. ol Olllclal Ra- M esa. Ca for the pa<il 8 width. th• t lcJ•llnH ot said atrlp lot . ..Uy 3 lO. 19 2 2020-ll2 puoi.c 1uc11on tor cash. 1ewru1 :ordaorSatc:ICounty,_.vndarand years. Passed away on Apnl being 6 Ifft Nlle•ly end 11 IMt mon•1 or t he Untted States of :>urWOant to UICI Oeed of TIU91 Ml 23, 1982. S urvived b}i h rs ..iar1y of Iha fOltowlng cJeeCttbacJ PUBLIC NOTICE Ame<tU • CMll•e< • clleck pay11>te 11 publlc 1ucllon tor ca1h. lqwful h line to sa1<1 Trustee dlawn on• state 0< money ol the United St1ta1 of mo ther M rs. M 1rtam O n -e'eo1nnlng at e bova ulcJ Po1n1 N8-r.te40 nat.onal ban~ •stale or reder11 A.rnerlcan, at the main entrance to son o f New York , brother · C", thence South 0 degrees 39' ACTTTIOOS BUSINEIS (redn union or a •late or te<1er11 Fi11t "marlcan Tiiie tn111ranca Ronald J ohJUOn al.9o of New 53" Eut, 111 ,_. NA~ STATEMENT ~vmQs and loan 1~1a11on <Jom>-!Como.anv loceted al 114 Eal« Afl/'I Y ork, and frien d Jeff Gil-RESOLVED Flh\THEA. tll«e 1111811 Tiie lollow1ng per"W>na 11re d0111g c.led on tnos 11a1e at 1ne maon en· Slrfft, In the clly ol Santa Ana. I M rt l II be PllbllthecS •I leut once a ¥fMlt l)ysulfts as 1rance lo F11st Ametican Title lntu· California. all that right, 1111• •nd ell. em o a services WI ror two wffll• 1n • newepaper ot ROV HOGAN & ASSOCIATES •enc,. Company 1oca1ec1 at 1 t4 E nterest conveyao to ancl now lleld be held t od ay at 7 ·OO PM general clrculatfon In 11111 County 1N\IEST"'1f NT~ Jt97 c Aorporr r111h SI 1n 11\e Ctfy ol San1a An•. by 11 und ... Slid Deed ol Turtt In the at Harbor L awn M OU n t Ille IOl'ego+nQ Aesolutlon ot Intent to loop Cn~fa M11· .. 1 Cl' 9'626 C o1lolornia all that roghl to tie and property situated on H id Covnty 01 Mortuary Chapel 1625 grant an eu«nent ancJ rlgllt of way JAMES B HOGAN Gen~r111 onlt"~'' conveye<I to ano now helO nd Stete delGflbecJ M ive C M to the Southern Celllo1n1a Edl1on Partner 28!l5 Cnat111W we~ t agun& by u OJndt"r ~sod Deed of Trust 1n lhe Lot 11 ot Tr1cl No 93 72 H G IS le r A ve • OS ta esa Company and a notice that lhl• ee11ch, CA 92~, property sotuated on aald County snown on a Map 111afaol 1acordecl In Services under the dlrectJon Board hereby call• for • public RICHARD K ROY , General llf'ld State descr1be<I as Lot 40 ol Book 410, Pages t to 3 1nclu11va. o ( Harbor Lawn · M o unt llMrlng to be held on May 12, 11182 Partner. 39205 Collo San Marco• Troct No 362S as &hown on a mllQ Moscellaneoua M1p1, r1cord1 of Olive M o rtua r y o ( Cos ta 111800 p.m. at the Coaat Commu-San Juan Ceplslrano. CA 9267!l rocorde<J on Book 130 PatM 7, 8. 11. said Or•llQI County M 54-0 5554 nlty COlllQ• 011\rlcl Otlflce. 1370 Th11 buslnMt Is conducted by a ano 10 of M111Cellaneou1 Maps, re-Ex~tlng lhafefrom Ill ott, gu. esa. -· Adam• Ave nue. Cotta Mn•. CA. t•miled pann«ll'l1p cord~ ol Orange County, Celolornia. m1n«1111 end hydrocerbon tubal•n· SCHEFFRES auch publlcl hMtlng to •1' Ille 1-. James e Hogan T~ street addretS °' other com-cu belo111r 11 daplh ot 500 fHI J ESSIE SCHEF FRES. It any, connected wllh grenttng 1111• Gener111 P&rln111 mon destgnallon ot said properly meesured from the turtaca of Mid a g e 76. a r e11idenl o f L os M8"Tlltlt ancJ rlQ/'lt ot way. This s1e1emen1 waa flied with lhe 3206 Nebr11&1111 Place, Coete Mete, llfl<I without Ille rlg/'lt ol anlry upon Alamitos, Ca. Sh e is survived RESOLVED FURTHER. that th• Co~.rnty Cterk ol Orange County oo Calllornoa Mame and address ol tlle tlle turf-thereof. u r~ In Board hereby direct• l/'le Secre111ry Aprll 9. 1982 benellciary at whoae requHt the dee<I rllCOlded In 8<><* 11961, Page by her beloved h U!lband Mr to tlle BOlrd to poet coplea of 11111 P'11702t Nie It being conducted. Patric•• w t9 t9, end In Book 1 t 911 1. Pege Seymour Sch e Cf re5, ch e-Aeaolutlon tn thl'ee publlc placet not Published 01anoe Const Oa1ty Pilot, R&deck. 30511 Gird Roa<J. Fellb•<>Ot<. 1920, Oltlclal Record• ol aald rished m o ther of M rs. Rita i.a111en1encSayebeforethe dale of Apnl t9 26. May 3 10 1982 Cahlornl• 92028. Olrec«IOfl• to the Orange County. Shankma n of Huntington the mMttng and turther to publlth 1738·82 ubove pr~ty may bl ot>ralned by Tne stree1 addreu °' 0111« com· IOI Of Intention In Iha form alt. roqua11ng same In writing ''°"' the mon dMIQnatlon of Mid property 11 f.iieach, Ca. and Alan Sche C-cf'led hereto at "811 onc:e In •,_. P\a.IC f«)TIC( beneficiary w11ntn 10 days from the purponed to be. 5 Aberde«I, lrvlM, fres of Skok ie, Illinola, lo-1pa~r of general cllcul1tlon pu· l1rst.pubttcat1on of this notlee Oahl0<nla 92714 ving grandmother of 5, and bbllacl In the Olatrlc:t not 1eu than NOTICI! TO CREDITORS S111d 111111 wlll b• "'•de wtthou1 Said HI• wlll be IYll da without ted _._ ( Dr Irv 1'lve deye before 1"' May 12, 19112 OF BUl.lt TRANSFER covenant or wettanty, expre11 or covenant or wattanty, a11pr1u or devo ....,\er 0 mg publlc: '-1ng. (lect. t101-t107 UC C.) ompllecJ es to !Ille possession or Implied. H to lltle. po1-tlon 01 Schuman of Woodland H ills, RESOLVEO FURTHER. that Ille Notice IS hereby gov~n to the encumbren<ies to settsly the unpalcJ encum~ to Mtllfy Ille unpaid Ca. and Mn. Dorothy KAay of Chancellor or th• EJCecutlve Vic• cre<11t0<1 ot Lilli MEZEI rran•ro. balance due on the note or notes belance du• on th• note or no111 C hicago Illin ois Serv ices Chancetlot be end hereby I• autho-ror whose nom1i address 11 24 secured by Mid OeecJ of Trust. to H<:ure<J by Hid Deed of Trull to and mte~ment will be held rl zed and <111ec11d and all docu-Coklt>rootc City ol lnrine County or wit S3 690 40. plus rne following wit 1311.831181 p1u9 the tollowlng on Tu-"'-y, May 4• 1982 at m.nta, pape<t and lnetrumanll, • Or•no•. Slate or C111Jlorn11 that e Htlmate<J costs. el!P9fl-end ad· •llmltecl ooats. e~ and ad· .,.,... atther of them deem naceuary Of bulk transter 11 about to be mede to v•~ at the ume ot lhe Initial pu. YllnC4ll at the time of Ille lnltlal pu· Westlawn Cem e tery, Nor-6Mlrable In order to carry lnro ... VIRENORA KUMAR and SUDESH bl1ca11on ot 11111 Nolle• of Sate bllcatlon of thl1 Notice ot S••• w ood P ark , Illin ois Local lee11111 pur~ and Intent Of 1111 KUMAR. Trenslerffs who~ home lnt91e1t oo Advanc;et Sii 10. f0< .. S15,389 05 ·-d th d i foregoing Aeaolullon. lldcJress IS 23700 Little Ou111I Ave ciosure Coll• $728 20. DA TEO Aprtl 15, 19112 arrangemen ... un er e . On motion of TrUllH George C11Y of Otamond Bar County ol lo• NOTICE TO Pfl~trrY O ... R FIRST AMERICAN TITLE r ection o f H a r bor Lawn -Rodda. Jr. cJtAy _,dee! and car-A.ngeleS. State ot Cehlorn•a YOU AM .. Da,AUl.T UNDEtllt A INSURANCE COMPANY, Mo unt Olive M o r tuar y oC rled. tlll above Relolutlon -ad-The property to be transre .. eo II DEED OF TRUST, OATIEQ IEP-• Cettfomta oorporatlon Costa Mesa. ~Q.5554. apted ~the lollowlng vote: Oesct1bed 1" Qtltllli'lll 81 All llOci< In TIMBER 2, 1HO. UNLfll YOU 011n Ormerod AYES. George AOclde. Jf .. Robert trade. lttturet. equ1pn411t and OOO<I T AIC E ACTION TO PftOTECT AuthorizacJ Ottlo8f ------------;L Hump/'lrayt , Wllllam E. Kettler, will ol that Cofl1111 eno lca Cr11em YO UR PROPERTY, IT MAY IE 114 fall Filth Slreet Alchllfd E. Olton, Catot J Gandy Snop bu11n11n known H 'CAFE SOLO AT A PUBLIC IALL,, YOU Senta Ana , C1tllornla ULnlHGUO,.. SMlni & TUTHILL WISTCllff CHAP'fl 4'27 E 1 llh SI Costa Mt·~;i fl4f;.Q~ 7, "llCIUOTHUS SMITt45' "10aTUAl't 627 Main S1 14unhnQlon a. .... r, 536 6539 rACJftC ¥1fW MIMOllA1. , Al K Cemetery Mortunrv Ct11oel·Cre ma1orv J500 Paco he Voe"' 011111' N9wP01t Beacn &4-4·2100 *COIMta "101TUAlllS lt0un1 OA9ch •9'·9'1S l.1CJuna Hills 766-0933 San Juan C.01s1rnno ~S..1716 .--- HAalOI LA~Ml. OLl¥1 MonutrV • C.me••"f Or.me IOl'f 1&2S G11ftt Ava CotrtMeN 540-~S54 NOES· None CONTINENTAL ANO ICF CREAM ' NEED AH EXPLANATION OF THE ABSENT· None and locat.aJ1 al 42SO Barr1nc1 NATURE.OF THE PllOCEEDINO Publlthed Orange Coul Dally Pl-Perlo.wll'f •R City of lrvlo,e, County AGAINST YOIJr 'IOU tHOULO lot. May 3, 10, 1982 of Oranoe. State of California CO..TACT A LAWYER. 20'211-62 The bulk 1ransl11r wlll be con Dated April 23. 1982 ------------summated on or Art11r the tilth doy Flrsl American Tiiie Pt.el.IC P«>TIC£ of May. 1982 81 10 00 A M at lneurence Compeny Na..«ll47 WES TERN MUT UAL ESCROW Bv Joseph E ROQWI. ,ICTmOOI 8Ull.-U CORP .. ATTN MARILYN WESTMO AHillent Sectetary NAfllllE ITATI!Ml!NT RELANO. whoae 11ddret1 II 14081 411 l~treel So Yorba S t . Sull11 tO 1, Tu1t1n. San o. CA 92101 The tollowlng pe11one ere doing Calll0tnlll 92680 That the taat dlll (71 4) 23 17711 butlnMI u : for !Ming ct11lma In the escrow rltf&f· p bll h d o C 1 O II MYERS & ROBBINS, 1 t8 W rad 10 hefe!n It Mly ISlll. 1982 u I • r1nge OH • Y !Ith StrHt, Sulla 101, Senl• Ana. So fer 111 11 known lo lhe Trant· Pllol, May 3, tO, 17, 1982 19$4·112 CA 92701 ferH all buslneH namH end •d· JUDY MYERS, 1424 F1neg<OY8 dr..sff uM<I by the Tranaleror 10< Av•nue. Hacl•nd1 Halglllt, CA the past three )'Mrt .,, 1ama 917~ARRY ROBBINS 1660 0 Dated AprU 20· 19112 • Vlf'endfl Kumar Greenport Avenue. Rowlend Sudeth Ku"*' Helg/'lt1, CA 1111.a, Tran•"'- Thll bu*-It conduela<I ~ • Publl1hed Orange Coalt Dilly llf'*al ~. PllOt May 3 19112 Harry Aobt>lnt • • 1949·82 Thie .,atement -lllacJ wtth II~ ------------County C*1I of <>nnoe County on Apt1I 13. 1882. 'ttn02 Publllha<J Otano-COMt Dally P110t, LlO':~~ICI IO, 29· ~ 3• tO, llll2. 8TATI Of CAL.,OANIA _________ 1_73_7_ .. _2 OffP'ICE Of' tTA TE~ HCAL fH rtaJC NOTIC( PUNNING ANO DaYROflMENT ----------IC lllT,,ICATIE OF Nl:EO QUNTl!O 'ICTTnOUI lltllMll Notice 11 h•1•by orven lhll ll'lt NAMS ITATCMl!NT OotetOI of tM 0 111¢• Of S11tltWlde P\8.IC NOTICE ,tcTITIOUI 8Ut1NHI NAME tTATEMENT Thflo following panon It doing blll',_ .. S NL ASSOCIATESIK·COMP 93 Eeptanade, lrvlne, Calllornlt 91715 S1nw11r1 N1t1on l.04Jd. Jr 83 fap11nll<le lrvl!>fl. CahfOt"'9 112715 Tht• 1'1111neu is cc>Nlucied b'f en 1n<11111<1u 11 S N Loud Jr f'"9 1tatament WU llltO wltll Iha County Clerk of 0r•l10' County on "Pfll ~' 111ta ,1t7111 Publl1hed OrtnQI COHI Dilly Pilot April 211. Mey 3, 10. 17. 1N 2 1&1M2 Th• 101tow1no P•raon 11 doing 1-14181111 r>11nn1no MO ()ltvfllopmenl bu•l""9 •• n.s oren1te1 • cert11tc111 01 M4IO<I P\aJC N011CE SCA NOIA DOWN SHOP a· under th• prQvl•lon• ol Stc11on 3333 8rlllol Str .. t, Coell M .... 07 10 ot 1ne Htlllth 11nd Stiely P'ICTmout WH Calltomt112829 COO. 10 the loll<>wtnO lllQllty(IHI NAm ITA~ Cou111 Cofn!Oft COri>oftllOtl, • lllOll M ... Conv•Hl.C.1'11 Holi>ft•I. Tiit fOllOWlllt pe11on ,. dOlno c.1torn11 OOll)Oflllon, 3333 8rlltot 2670 N1wpo1t eoulavud, Coate .,._ • l trttt , Cott• MHa, Caflfor1111 Mell, CA ~~IUllOl'I No 81 1~. ft.D,tt. MAlltfTINANCl, 2111 Ht2t Ad(l1t10n ol 12 tllllltd n11ra1119 '*'• P1olflo Avonut, CO•tl M .... CA Thill bu--.. conoucted by • 10 Ill ••fating llctnHCI I 11 bell taQ7. OOf1IO'allon tltllled 11\lfflnt laGlllty. Co•1 .,,,. l'llollard Kurtz. 11• t '•oltlo llon CoMfaf ~Ofnlort Corpora. ttO. !~~· ~. t',;~~ A~ ':".,C:=t; In M.rNltl A. a-~ o• c:r.n11-1e 1nc1t 1 r'lt ~ °"" ot Onlnoe CoUnty Oft PllOt ... 3 1"2 lfa.tl ~ ' '"' P""'1 • ..... I peat d COHf'Y. ~I TI*.:::::::-... ~ WiCll Ille F'111>1t•~'.~•no• CohLOtllr '"'"•lied 0111\11 c ... , 011~y lllop cl1111fled for 1 '-·.-It. MeJ'-10.J7~ tocl11'1 beat 1>u11 • . t~"'-mmit----------~~· 1--2 I01111 92702 (714) 65&-3211 Publl1had Orange CoH t Dally Pilot, Aprll 21, May 3, 10, 11182 1774·a2 P\a.IC NOTICE NOTICI Of' AUCTION OP N"IOMAL "'°"tlltTY lll MANNG ON YACAftO PM•M• Of F~" ftNANT (CC-I Molle• 11 hereby given thtt on May 7, 1982 at 3:00 p.m .. a« 14'75 Cheelllll1 In WMllYllntt«. Calltomla. th• 11n<l9"-'0na<I will NII al public auction th• ""onal pro~rly left by RacJ Goodmundton. Said property conlltlt of 2 ""*" eat 1re1ttt, watarbed, tl«OO equip- ment. ~· mecNnary and equipment 81ld auctlOfl wHI be mad• pur· "'"'' 10 1111 prOYltlon• of Section 1988 of 1111 Clvll Code Data<J "PfO ff, 1982 G W,R PROPERTIES UlncJlotd M5 Wtl,._ A'11911Ut Loe~~to024 Addrtll of Landlord P111>llth•d Or1n1e Co11t Dally Pilot, "Pr• 27. MefO, 1982. 197042 PUBLIC N011C£ • 6 4 2 • 5 6· 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 .7 B CLASSIFIED 'INDEX T1 fta Y• M. tall 642-5678 .UfttSAU a-11 1• ..... llaM IOI» ...... ,..,..... .... ~-..... .. .. c.-..... ., -c...11-... o.... ... -IJTwo ... ,__Yelltt IUI ~ ..... , .. '"* .... .... _ ..... I .. ..... !Wit itlO W.-J1icw1 IMI ·-"'""' Illa ~ 11• 1..- S..J ... C•IMI-,,.. s....u. s..i• ... IWI So.ollo lAI-1• ..,_ 1• --w. 11411 IUlmm Acn ... ,., Solo ID ~llUl«Sak IM =='11 1)111 1400 c-euo IAll Co,... UGO =~al'~' , .. llllO °"9k•• =· a.a. . llllO ._lelot ..... 1• ,_,_"' -1-.,.i p~y llOI .... , ... Solo DID llololo H..,, frlr "" Dllli --..-. ....... -Or~Co ,.,.., 2* °"' c-~ .. 2W Oul., Sla!t -._....v ..... c, ..... me llffl to!A(f t &<""a• .. Rtt1 l!'.llOU Wuotood -IOOALS ._,...,w.M 11• -v.r ...... ...., --"""wUlll lJQ C..0.W116&lP\lra )411: 0 • -t..•f Ml:! T........_"6no ,,_ ,_t..ol ~ ~ ....... li.11 ~ .. uo1 -"-''"" '"' ~t.: ..... JU A,uf\or110< l ol lilt --_ .. ...,. -_ _.._ 41& Cwtl-• ux _ _, lntob Ult ....... ltd ... "" R-.hloS..r•' Ulit c.,., .. 1or ... O!( ()(!In llf'llUI IQ -ll~l -1-.o111 ..... lllll :::.".t .. Mll<I Ull -ll~ll-.1• -. IUSUIESS, ltlYEST· MOil, RNANCE == WI> lollO ........... ~) lolll , .......... ~ ..... --)IOI.OH -.. _, ......... llllO M0tta••" rn, 1'111 AllNIUMCDIENTS, MOllALS & LOST & FOUND ~f'fNMt 11(1; l at Pool llli LruJ ~GtK-u -Looi 6 ..... "' m Ptf'iOMJ.lo • U!6 Soroolct..llo• ~ Tu vf'4• WJjj SEIYICES s.n. ... 0o ........ .... CMPlOTIIOIT & mwnoN S.-1•1-lWI '-"-· Ml "'-•-116 1' Ii IUICRAllllSE ~ -~ •Ml -llll) ::~M.t.rl••I• llD'I .e Ct NfU 4 t.q;wpcwM t;ilO ~ CJ) Dop -r;,. "''"" IOU t\trwlw-t MO ~., .. , ~;... II& l4orw. ao ~,., ... "1 J.wtn .,,., u""'"'' llO'U II-> om M1w-eU..-.wi -·~6MOWS .. '"'" O J 1111111..cM IMt,......IU Illa Oll,..f'llro a. ~"'P -, ... IOI! ='-C::t: .. Ul 5pof1toc~• -!lltt.11-roftl .. t -~'Ci-.H1'1,Sl<rto --MATS & MAllNC EOUIPllDIT C-11 ,.. .. IDMJ, .... M Mf'•Kt ~ llooU ......... c...,, -----. .... o. ...... --..s..1 --..si ... o.u "" -=•lil• .. -... -TIAMSNITATION ~"' "" c...,.....s..1o """ ti• Elo<tn< c ... •1• a=<S:a.-...· ,,. .,. ll_H.,.5olo tint ,,. Tr-.Tr .. ol "" ~~~ioru ,.. -Go.nl -.rOMHIU ... ............ l'.lu un -llo<ru._Y, .. <iftt ~ ~ .... ,. ... -UtnH -Trwu -v-.,. .\-WWAC -A-Woolad -AUTOS. IMPVITED Gffttol fltl All•-· fM """' '1VI A.U• Htal•y ~ llllW l'llJ ''"" ~ ~ rm o .... flllO ,.,.,. "11 l'l.i -~. fl1I ,., .. l'IJoi ,_ -=~M ml ma "• -··· t1• 110 "Q MOI fl .. o,rt ,,. , .... flfl ...... fl• ......... -"-"" mt _ .. ,... -..... "11 =-! l:..:·. --Velb-'"' ..... .. • •• J. "11 c-.. ..... -trwt ams.111 !:'Ar . a.a-('lot< .. ~ ••• ,,, ....... ft c.m. ._. • ····.··:·;r•. .. ~.!'!.1'!! ....... ~tft!.!~/:t'! .••..•• ~~~'!. ......... J.'.fl ~'!. ......• ,./.~ PllllllU .. I Prtz.e West S.y bayfront. Sllpe for 2, boeta. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath 11.200.000. . Ocean & jt'tty views Marine room. 4 bdnn, 3 bath. 3700 aq.ft. $1.385,000. Oceanfront. Ull llLE-11 ~ Udo Nord bayCront. 5 bdnn. ~'A bath. Lee L.R , 2 boat alipe $1.500,000. ~ed 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn . beam cetlinp. fumlahed, paliol. 1420.000. una ISLE IAfflllT . Laaoon view from 6 bdrm,~ bath. playroom. dar'k rm. <k-n. b t shp $1.3~.000 UYSIH COYE S pectacular bayfront V\ew 2 br, 2 be up , 2 br. 2 ba d.n 2 boat 11Jpe $1.900.000 COllUll CIYS Coronado laland cust bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail $425.000 w /tenns. Pill UN 3 bdmw. 2 11'1 oothll condo nt>ar poo( $1'i5,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•d" Dr'" N 8 675 6161 Wf ::--;1 FY ~ TAYLOR CO. Ht:Al.TOkS ~111u· !!Hf; .. CAil• WftlS&IUlr Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park like setting. Lovely pool, spa & garden. Gated courtyard with fountain. Marble foyer w/glitt.ering chandelier, 4 bdrms, d e n , formal din rm, 4 \i'z ba, $950,000 including land. Large corner. 2111 , ........ 1. llith 111-4 lllWNIT Clml, I.I. 144-'910 EUMla Advertisers should check their ads dally and re port errors Imme dlately. The DAILY PILOT assumes Ila blllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. llPW- lllTI 11111 Recently relurbltll•cJ home ~us ~ unit 1111 rear w1lh lirepl1ce Im· macutate con<1111on A rare hnO' Auume ISi Owner llelllble. will 11· nance at low Interest rales S 185.000 For complete details. cell 646-7 t71 t1Ul1 llYI llllT II S wim anytime In lovely IOIU h811•d pool 3 B<lrm H'. Ba, remo<Jeled kitchen In one ol Cost• Mest't beat are11 Ow- ner ve ry llexlble. Full p rice $14S.OOO 751·31G1 M 1'11 WAY IPt ITlllT llllT The perfect home tor yoong or small familtff. 3 Bdrm, beeulllully remo - deled kotcnen featuring all new 11pph11nces. new rool. 11esh paint. lant- aallc 11,.enclnt.. Me1a Verde area Full pr1ce $124,000 7S1·31G1 C:::::. SEl CC T -t-' P~()P( H ~ 11 - 1100,IOO ASQUIU Lii Spectlcular. sparkling poot & 54'.I• makes th11 3 BcJrrn 2 balh nome a bergatn F11n1as11c assu- mable loans Price S 149 950 Call for more de· rails, 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS M.a.11 S36K Oown to 10-A AITO 4 Br plus 1 Bdrm rental. OMC trade! Agt Bruce Blomgren 760-0297 111,IOO CllTA IEU Fabulous 2 Bdrm 2 bath conOo. with a meste• 1u11e loll Brighi. su,.ny kitchen. dooble car g1- 1age Patio Great finan- cing Call now lor mOC'e detallt. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS -' Beeutlful Newpot1 8Mch Motlvoted Sellor neat 381" • home lor the oxocutlve S87 .000 and his famlly Large 4 752-873 t Bdrm with 090" ~ c1Utedral celllng• In II· vlng room AV •CCOH. Low lnteroat rel• 11n1n· clng avat11bla. Call lor c omplota det1ll1. &48-7 t71 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS Liii llU Low11t priced at only $3111,500. This charming home I• 1n ••ceptlonol vllua and WC!n't IMI k1n9. Looeted Mer ctu~M and tonnlt count, In • clusy nolghborhood. Oood 1orm1 1v1llabl•. Ctlll 040-1' 71 THE REAL ESTATERS \f :II I tU'tl THF. REA l. E~1T /\.TJ\:~S 2 llMl I Piil 1211,000 Rare opportunity o n ~ Newpon Beach lot. Seller wtH catty Iha 111 al IOW lntor•t. Born llOmel have 3 bedrooms. Live In one. rtr\I onel Hurry, Cell 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS --- COU>Weu BANl(eRC ..... P!ftft.W.!* ...... l!tm!A!.t.L •.•• ~.~.le! ... ~, .. !~~!!!.!~~~'! ....... !~!!!!.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.'!f!f!.f~ •• ~-F~ .... ~.!~ .. lfl...i••• ~ .. , ...... l.@I .... ~ ......... /.. ~.!m ...... }.~ ~~.~~t .. !.~ !'!!r.!!.~! .. !!.ft ~.~.~ ..... ~.!!ff ...... ! ... ~ ........... 1.¥.1 '1.!rtt!.~!I!....... "" NI W v II w TOW H . 39er. 1 la. hOuM °" ._,r. FOA!CL08UR[ SALE •NIT lllUY1 &nit --OC-AENTALI lafU 8Mutfful 3 bf. 2 be home, ... '1... •-.z:.••••• ._ -HOMH. t ...... ., &ul· 0111111' 3 unit lot. 4 Uncl.r i.n<Mt'I c:oet. So Ownw nMdtcalh .,.-LIT 1·11bt''I S100 to •2000 t bf, 1 be M50 llU Port larmoulh, • Drainatto home IOoated In tH. View of OoHn I Hemllton. Do not cllaturt> Laguna pvt e11a1e. 180 antlqut ·~ houM 2 Br. 75043t<t °'*' 7-d•Y9 2 br. 2 be , 11080 mo. Ptl. A.V,P• t&2S.MOO/mo, 2 Ir. 1.,. thliWfYprlv•••andH· HlghtlJO'lll.OU6efAAN. tenanu. 112 9,000 deg.oc:eanvu Security IBI &ox117'1ot Large YIUAPml ..... 2 bt.2 ... b• IMl'.(na..-2e.1301, la.T~ ... .,... oJualYa oommuntw. 4 be-Parka, open apaoH. ::tJr:zJ •::; wttnd•. l f>M.ooo. 85S-2013 detached garage: 1119. llY 1K Mil ,. .-NW 3 bf, 2 be & Int. be600n)l, teundry rm. droom L1utremon1 plan '1 125,000. Onl~ 10% dn • · ooo. 5<18-5041 •v•• & Owlw MY9 Mii 0t trade .,_, 3 bf, 2 ~ ba ... 0--11 1111 c:over•d parlllng. Nice with apeotaouler view. >Ont Fin. Hal Ot P•t a.-........... v ery an~lout sellera aay wknd1, 831-3520 wkdys. thll outt1Wldlno OUltom A•nt In Coat• Me••'• 3 br, 2 be 11400 ...................... loCMlon PrtYa .. OOUl'tyatdWlthftlh AOtt-1~7300 P, rlfn "try $IO,OOO down end -u view IOI no•l"'l'ou c a.n Nl!WEST Oiied 20 3 br, 2 ba 11000 tum BEACH COTTAOE, 2 TSL Mgrnt 142·1'°3 ~. Prot.ealonally cs.. IN•-• -what,.,.. u do on tht. .-. own thla IOt for YfllY Nltle Townhom• VILl.AOE 4 bf, 2 ba 11350 bdrm, 2 be. Wik to traln.1 • .....;;~...:::;:-,;.._ .... -...--core'9d Md landtceped. HERE IT 1111 38r, 2'AB• c:hartnlno Old beac;h OlllL ntlT d own and exoallent COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 9f 4 br, 2'A b• se2&..s1100 twn, bc:h. '700. 492.7913 Roomy 3 I r. ToWnnouM Only '12t,too ULI • TUii TWMM, 1 ~ old·buy di-houte w/11udlo · 1225. Five ~room• 3 beth• tlfma lnoludlng tubotdt-2'A Ba. 1llOO-tl00 lq. h. Le RaleOr Rlty 833-teoo ... J •Pt In quiet adutt com- 4 Bt. Pfllef'mo Home trade s~.lrom Ullder Eut ~-VIII ll I ~1~~::4' A~:n~= ~~c~f ~o!ut!:'!:!: ~yr,'~~.~~':1~ o::r.:; "'T t>r-u,-1,...1;-rgc:_k_t_n..;d_c:_o_n_d_o_. -2 c.:.:... Jl1I ~.ric:::::oec1i dOwn~a~J-111· BEAUTIFUL 4Br, 2Bs, -.au •It • • wooden e•Uo and amall I nformation. Agt. lull•. dining room1, • a, NP· OR, alt. 2 ••••;ctt•••••••••••••• iatlliJ•· Sony no ,.1 •. - -are•t~rHI loc:atlon. '91-1111 bftMI doc . 2 ~-r o•rm. 8"0-8900 Of 641-3800 •ood burning flreplac:.e, c:ar gar .. dlx. 11125 mo. 2Br 28a Condo 1 tnl to eoo Mo ... 1.3u1 or 2 n. Cot•-.,.., bMCh 13" -..... I I 1151-151& ev1/wknd; o:.Aa p ...... , H-~ ....... .7 ............. .. .... _,,... . "'• . " blk1 lo Oc:ean. $2 5, m c:ro·wave oven•, pr. 540-7010 v........ -· "'" .. .,.,.. _.., .,......., .. RC"k1ylorCo : ' li}t, l i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliil-a 195,000 tea. II 1·2211 IHI e•T/Sll 1 I O o o FI rm . • * * vat• P •ti o • & "'""" dys mo. Incl QM l .tr. Cell -,OOO-,-mo--2-8r_1_8a. __ up.._ O«nlta EllenMn -• 7 1 4 • 8 3 8 • 8 5 " 2 0 r L.116 ....... yt rda,pudener provl· t Br. Condo nicety up-Mike (714) 752·7855 dyl per apt· .,d.ct _..,. I.& 1MD Aaaltor GRANO OPENING WllTIWAltll YI 731•2811 • 2721 8.,, Lucat Ln. <led. E.legant llvlng only graded. $495/mo. Cati °'..,.. (714) 982-9748 balcony/patio, lit\lnd,Y Tiu .. 2 Bdrm unite w/ 875-2373 Ot 720-01<IO SAT · SUN 12·5 Pool, 1ge lot, 3Br, 2Be + ' Coeta MIN 15 mlnut• from Fathlon Don 552·7<185. ... .... ,____ ._. rm. AV911. M . garagH. yardl & dlah· 183 Monte Vl1t1 guest q tra Ctou to PUii ~ You are ttla •Inner of llland. 7 mlnut• to 8.C. WOOD8RIOOEL '.\ST WK .... ~.-.;i...-. ... f."fl:: TSL Mgmt. 142·1903 waah•ra. At•um• low 8 Custom Condo•. $141 dowf\lown Laguna . canal front 4 Br. Fe• f--t-t ......... (-•.oo) Plaza or O.C.Alrport. 3 B 2 B B tlf 1 lnl.r"tlo.n.ndo.nel ... OOOloS154000 E'-ant I ~ ·---....., J t IN OFJune.<19"-<lt42 r . a . eau u • ...,.,.."25/mo.2•-.1&a. · · ...,, Sub111n1 I ll" reduc;ed to tend Term1. $2""',000. v-"-10 ....... ult ••• o ••port 1... tk to ......,.._ • -'#Ill ,...... fin T $20 & dramatic 2 & 3Br fir ' "'" -••-oc:ean v ••· •• 1 I rlr 1ha1' drana1 ,..,.. ance. ry · IN WOODeAIOOE only 1310,000 Mr. Clark. 6<15-3370 aft -y•-•• BIVd. & ao. of San Dieoo W1terfron1 TownhOUH b •a c: ti . $ 7 5 O I m o . 1 o ' ' ... -' 000 dwn. 631-7370 BHullful upgraded Bo· p11n1. mu1lve lrplcs, Ill O.utvltw 8PM --Frwy. Startlno al l900 • Broadmoor 2 Br. 2 Ba. 835-5500 patio, l'J)4C, d •· bMlned deg• model, 8 detached wet b1r1, 18' vaulted Seec:lltt VIiiage month. 131-5<139, 2<173 frplc:, wet bar. t>bl gar, · ealtlng•, gwage. TK\DITIO\,\l ~L \I " cottage with 2 Bdrm and 2 oelt2 Inga, lormll ~In. 3dBa. o··L ....... 1211 , .. ,, .... '"' T"~~~lngt!"18Motl11 e·.---Orang• Ave .. Coll• boat 1llp POii, water· Wnt.la,,., '"' TSL ~· 142.-1903 belhl. Fenoed ylfd. good Ci r o•r•g••. y •. --· •••••••••••••••••••••• ......,_, M .. , .......... Meea. front patio . 1950/mo .•••••••••••••••••••••• •2 Br 1 ba Me .. verde llnaoclng 1144000 French drs. balc:onles, M.111\3 br, 1 ba, 10.,,. down. Wedne1clay May 10 975-7171 HOME FOR RENT upper. Ne• decor. No · • · aolld Olk tloo'1ng & mueh Property Is c:tea.r. No loln 4:30pm 'Mae del ~ar 3 Br 2 ea 2 Bdrm. $<175. Garage. 1 pell. Oar. UOO/mo. Unique H~ more. Bui~ gives euy s . , lee, no potnt1. Own« will PUHi mu11 be radii-Fam rm 2 1,;,.c: d.bl ow' New bHutlful 3Br, 3B• c: h 11 d o K , no p • t •. 833-8974 Aealtort. 87 terms. WkdY9 850-9778, • 11 n . n c; e . I n I . 1 3 % med b9for• allow Um•. ~ yd Gares«-Ind. lwnhM. t>y UCI, pool, ,.. 5<15-2000. Agent, no ,... _:...:;_;,_;....__ _____ _ Wknds 5<18·5270, Eves ' ' $829/mo $85,000 12<12 To clalm PUHi, c:all $900. 87:i.1t73. . cuul, patio, 2 c:ar QI· HOMES FOA RENT •3br,"' 8.C. PNID. 8.A 968~82. C 1 r II on, c: o rn er S 642·5e78, ext. 272. Pu-rage. upgraded cpl & .. S Carport, pool,.,._ M75. ~iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;n1 Brlatol. 49<1-015<1 Ml must be ci.lmed by drp1, $875 mo. 851-1<133 3 & <I Bdrm1 . ..,75-700 Pet Ok. 752-5822 o r 11 <IBr. ~~~home ~!~.~~!~~C .... J.~~~ Bredtord Pl. owner an· May "'· 1982 ~~::.~np~k~~ ~~:x ... ~ft HOME FOR RENT ~~·Y:.~: !~:: 6"t-t4e0. w/lonnll dining g family Kious, 4Br 1'/tBa, gar. • * * ulll• Inc l. N o pell. •Bdrm. $750. Fenced 5"4S-2000. Aoeftl, no IM. •2br. 2b1, nr S.C. l'tllza, .. Llllm In Exclusive Seaview Area. Gate Guarded. Spectacular View. With Or Without Furniture. Three Bed- rooms + Family Room. Beautiful Condition Only $450,000. A Twitchell-Triviaon listing. ® --..... ,_ .. 759-91• uc.,. ........ ..... ,..tc..-.r rm & more. Call now POI PUCE patio, pool/f8rk $69, 848-2<17<1 9'-5. M-F. yard & g•r•g•. Kida a S.A. Pool,~· $550. No 979-5370. ESTans ~ Assume 59,000 lat .... ,.u ... ,,,.,,, ... ~ 2 lty 3 "r. widen or " pet• weic:ome. 54$-2000. C.8'..i.lu• pet I . 7 5 • & 112 2 0 r \( >ll/ 1lJ,·11 ,,f I I " ••• E '•''-'tNTS For Sale by Owner. <I Br 2 Ba. Dining rm. Family rm Mesa North. 751·5153 11~ 1m11m 11 wtiet ~ will charge on 2nd T .D Spllldlng 3 B<ITm 2'/t Be coodo near Npt Hgll. Can be yours for $20,000 dwn. lll-1ll1 · at 11•1r•;. Agt. 857-20<!0 • """" ., Agent, no fee. n-1-........1-&..~ UIJ1_64_1_·1_4e0_. ____ _ ... 21~ la •--~ e..11. Br. 2·~ be. Condo. 2 c:ar .,.,._ • • -• -M L....a• •---&. J•..11• •••••••••••••••••..... *"'-, nr S.C . .,. __ S.A. BETTER THAN Ot61t ltll 111111 •••••••••••••u••••••• auto gar. any xtra1. r."lli.":tt.~i: ••••• ~ llr.......... G7'. pool, ap';'."i750. MODEL •••••••••••••••••••••• P~:~;1:~~1~':1~~~~: ~J:;·~•.:•f!9~~: Charming beachlronl 752-8731 Child ok. 752-6122 or As E EA~ G #dllt g,.,. H/VV\ tr t ·~of .. ~ .. 2313 home. epec:tacular view, &<lt-14e0. H V •'HIN new . .,.,.,.,., up on · Lupi•.--· brick courtyard entry, <I ,, __ 1_.1.~ --------- Cul·de-aac; s1ree1 ffl l1J1 llllG $<183 mo. 642-0671 -BR 3'A bl lge LR DA ~-,,,_••It,.,..,. __ EHt1lde 2 BR. am yard . Sun & Sall ti Club •••••••••••••••••••••• .U w511--. ..... _Ah room', Iota of' 11"": :h.9•::;;"••••••••••••• optlo nat attach ger. 20 min to Newport Beach De Ania 4 Bdrm 2 Bl f1mlly ;;:: FO< ..... Miu c;ii C..t1 .IM nu $495/mo. 900 1q.fl. Newport Center baylron t Park Mini flat lbn/lllt'"al home. Quiet area. Av1ll. •-"'"•· •••••••••••••••••••••• ~5 s21o.ooo with St60,000 cond '78 dbl wide. fire· ~ Ull lmmedltlely. Many arne-Peggy Pattison. for an ProfeHlonally decorated --------- 81 l2Y. to.ea rate & place, brick patio, $61, •••••••••••~••••••••• nltles. 87~912 BKR appt. 71"·955·2<1 73, 1 Br condo with 111 1 M. 2 a I a fully am0<1lzea 000 Also 2 br • 2 be.. Pelll:::::, wtldys 8-5 ame~llles, near S .C . Ne•ly decor. OH pd. No points or quat1lying double wide, corner lot ....__ )c:'!'ci ~~r~S~~;~.; TIP If m WlllJ Plan. yearly lea11 enc:I gar. dwahr, pool, 770.0347 $39,000 Biii Grundy hlt'I ·-t $4-00'aec:urtty. Santa Ana 3 br, 2 be Fant11tlc 1550/mo. 548-3788 or bbq. Adulll. no pet1. Owner1Ag:n1 675-6t61 A~~2% Hei ghts duplex oc:eanvu.$900mo 30<19 553·1202 att5 642·5073. c.-lltial 833·1927. 20201·8 Birch Zel1 Or., 714-49<1·204 1 or '---•• ..... 3141 _N,;_ioe_2_8r __ 1 _Ba._ln_~-- llt!r.,111-iei lOff r tr 110. St. 408-261·7831 ::l'e'::°•••••••••••••••• $<140. 879 #Cl Center. •••• ••••••••••••••••• •••• ~~!;,...•••••••••• IHI btllf E/Sld 3 b d 2 be ,.. Furn. Laguna Beac;h lu· "'~" ·~·· Execuuve conao. ocean & •-u Y&L.LR .. _1 . .1.0 ••-• '· en. 1 • LA.au aJ111 •" aury studio, ep•. s11e4l1te ....:...,...,..._...,;__""_· ----- b Y v ~ Fpt cat"'""' al .,.." &111 • '" --swimming pool. 850 :';'11;H•O••M•e••F•O•R••A••E•N•T•••• TV. -~·ne, maid ~..,,_ •••• .... •-a Iv~ c. '"""r T •L-1&.... •••••••••A••••••••••• unfur n . $950 l u rn . -v -T-. - --•• cigs, etc 1+ den. S10. . U _,...,.. <1 bdrm, C anal Front, 557•2783 3 Bdrm ,675 Fe c:ed phonH . S 115/week. Adult llvlng, 1 Br., c:at· 000 option money Oy~ Near new <l~plex, 2 bdrm, Newport for Big Beu · · n 499-2227. port pool & laundty No 558-9035 evs 673·4899 2 bath each unit with property or ? Mr. Clark 3 Br t'h Ba. lrg yard. pet• yard & garage, Kida & peg'. $<l50 931 W itttt hreplece. enc:toaed patio. &45~3370 alter 5 PM OK $650/mo Joyce agt peta wetcome. 5<4S-2000 ._, ,._. 1111 s 548-0492 · · "" I t p 631.· 1,...'" . . Ag,nt, no IM. ;-.·.";r:;:.............. t. . •WNIT •llllTS IEWPORT CREST garage ... ,.-s oa. "'"" IEm MIJAU TIWl91•U 2 Bdrm 2 b11th. den. O•· cash llowG Now $l59• lt•lall 2BA nr SC Pin. Adult '----•'--' 11f2 Avallable now $300 2w8f=· ~-~;_~ . 500 8111 rundy, Altr. •••••••••••••••••••••• P I :-:ir. .... ::1'.~~....... .-.-yiwck Five new 3 bdrm. 3 bath nong room. large double 675-6161 c;ondoa. oot, •c. H C:. 3 Br 2 Ba 1ro yard prl· we• k u P. AO• n t $500 mo. ~1. condos. Plush carpets, garage Elect opener --g,..,, fl.ni1AH 0Ma0t!_1cn1corpsotr":lt. N.0 15P20•"+· vlhopplac;y, cloa,e 7 1 50 o 1chooc11, 675-8170. 2 Br. 1981 Maple AYI, 1st drps 11.'ned glass pvt Quiet end unit Walk to •••••••••••••••••••••• •• I o -" 2 ' · · h h s as ooo •-•&..--hhd Jiii 135 ulll. 55 • t 628, ng. m · ... Oceenfront wt<ly 2 & 3 br. llr. no pe11. par1on1 ~:.~'i>t2: ~:fo'a,,2~~ 1 a:OyMtCa~tl~, lttr. ~•••••••••••••• 77$-2680 831·2101. comp. lurn'd. Gar. Avl. 1<125. Sierra Mgmt. 12'1\%. owner will carry Clean & pretty 2 bdrm · llha.. nM Jlf) now 6"0-478" &41-132<1 "8-1121 h II ELEGANT VIEW CONDO •••••••••._~/:••••••••• ---------2nd °' try equity sn111ng ome . pa o, garage. 2 br. 2'h be. micro, gar HOMES FOR RENT Studio. summer only. 1500/mo. lmmed. occ:u· program with no money a " a 11 . MI y & Jun•. S 8 2 5 . 5 3 3 -4 3 0 0 . 3 l <I Bdnnl. 167$-1700. S500/mo. pancy. 2 Br. 1 Ba. houee. down. John Eliot Agt. $ 5 0 O I mo. (Ju I Y 875-1781 Fenced yards & ,_.agee. Near beectl. 976-0870 yard, amall Oataoe. Celt 931-<1321 w eekdays. OCUIFllOIT llWPllT "450/wtl). 875-9667 -for Awl 873·3968 or 1131 -4509 Ofl1tl ---------12 BR. lenc:ed yard, gar. Kida & pet• welcome. SUMMER TSL MQm1 &<12-1903 . ..-...-.. , By owner Dras11c price c.,,~ lfnl •t•..11 lndry, .,0.,. & oven, ne-!><IS-2000. Agent, no fM. Studio Apt. Furn __ ......;:;;...__ ____ _ '"""""'"' d I I I d Ar<'h•ICCll, d~•leners. .. -• ..,.,.., 975 ,..79 .... --··. NEWPORT BAYFRONT ESTATE with 60' on Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic vtew from the Pavlllon to the mountains. As authentic archi- tectural statement of bygone daya throughout this 3'atory residence plus 4th floor obaaervatlon tower. The quality and craftsmanship In this dignified structure-offer apacloua rooms & privacy, In addlUon to gen- erous Indoor & outdoor baJconlea, patios and courtyard entry. This magnificent vtlta offers two wtnge for private living. Thia lncludee 8 t>«t- rooms and 8 bathroom•, a formal dining room, 2 kitchens. fomwl Mna room, large family room & much more. A Mparate, aelfcontalned master suite. Latge pter and ftoet wtl accommodate boats. A detalled brochure wlll be available upon re- ques1. $2,650,000 fee land. Ad)ofnlng guest apartment, plus 3 car garage avallable for $395,000 on a separate 45x100 ft. lot. 0 ET S re uc •on or ge own· plannM11 Two •peen •••••••••••••••••••••• ver rented. Ordnrl•tr .___. ..... 1111 ._... mo. ""' _.,_ ~T T ENT El NCOV DOS. paymen1 _6"_0_·79~---In Nl'wporl Cel\,Jer. New 3 Br. 3 Ba. CO(ldO. lnc:I. $595. $&95 aec: .•• -.9f'H9•••••;:'•••••••• 2 Bdr 1'h Ba $525; 2 8dr BRANO N W N • lthrtla~I• Onl' 11 2000 eq ft and $1500/mo. furnished. Ownr. 9"0-5868 OC-RENTALS A,utmnll 1 Ba 1500. Both have WATERFRONT HOMES.INC REAL ESTATF ~ ~ ... .,. "'-·· ~._ ........ 2436 w COMI Hwv ~Buch '11·1400 C11'1tzu• c.,... hi llM 11n ..... 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• II IWllE,I balllht ..... Duplex. beat locallon, ..... l11,11t ... extra wide lot. Reduced For sale or rent. Unit 21 to $329,500. 1·9'42·8580 714-531·8010 c.t1.... ,,,. C.~ HI llu llJl •••••••••••••••••••••• .•.....•.............. Hou11 on Begonia $235. 12.11~ 1111•1•11 000, lot value. prln. only. f'llMlllc 86tr. (213)<138-5e23 Juat In time for aummer, _..., 1111111 this loY'ely pool home , ... Duplex. 4 bdrm plue 2 lures terrtllc: financing. 4 bdrm. 1 yHr ne•. Wiii large bdrm1. new paint , trade down. $385.000. near park• and ec:hool1. 709 Orchid, Corona det Offered at $139,900. Mer 851-9135 CALL US ABOUT OUR . OPE.N HOUSES . 11111'1YEllLIU Ouplex. 4 bdrm plu1 2 bdrm, 1 yeu new. Wiii trade down. 13115.000. 709 Orchid. Corona del Mar. 851-9135 • * • ...., ..... 1121 Salvador St. Coat• Meta You er• 1h• winner ol tour frM llc:MCI (134.00) niluatolhe• _, .... I ! HERITAGE RlALTCRS ....... .. 2 er. 1 ~ + 1 er. 1 a.. 72a 105 R2 lot. Do not disturb tenanta. 152 8 OrJ1noe. S 129,000. 548-5041 ~ & wtlncl1, 631-3520 wtlesy.. 13 eMgant 2 BA 2'h ba ADULT MOBILE HOME on.. ia lDOO IQ It Vf'rY $1000 unturn. Mo. to Mo. E/lide 3 Br. 1 Ba. ertdld 1-5br's $200 10 12000 lfllluJddM garagea & pat101. Call ~~r~~r.:c8~~. PARK on the Bay 1 ~ea':!:&::! Wil· rental. 111. & last. Su· gar. large y ard. NO 760-3314 open 7-day9 •••••••••••••••••••••• Jim 831-7370 micro oven1, vaulted bdrm. den. 1 be $60.000 perb loc:etlon, next to PETS. 1579 Aedlandl Pl. Harbor View Horne 3 Br. 2 c.anll Jlf2 Westlide 2 Br. 1 Ba. c.o- celll nga, balconlea 2 bdrm. 2 b• ~6 000 2 •hopping a theaters. 1645/mo. 548-o6e80. Be. tor teaM. fl'J)4C, 2 car .. •••••••••••••••••••• tre4 heating. garage, yardl. 2 car garages. bdrm S25 000 300 E 5"3-<1988. Bui Eeatetde location, garage. No pell. Avail. llftll.. Y aLJ 11ove, c:•rpet1, drapee. pool l .,._ &.dicier gfve5 Cst Hwy Un11 I 13. N-· roomy 1 Br/water paid 5 · 1 . 5 <I 9 • 8 7 5 5 or LllWT No Pit•. c:hldren. -••· ldnl ratM & llfml . Sall port Ba I c n Bk r •u.,·-Att. gar:1.•· Adulll, no &44-7220. Our "Wiishire Corridor" beds. $<150 + HC:urlly Sun 12·5, 1131 ·819<1, 675·33<17 ---------t•' •-.•-,... .~ ..... 1 ,.7.,~ Ex-3 ...... _..,,,~wt .,.,,.810tter not-"'...,.-deposit. 548·5<142or ...... _ 1150 "1111 E '=jjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ew•ir• • ...... m • •---.L .,..... ...... ... ~ ..... "V .... -.,., ·-......... _... "'"' ....... 110-5e29 -w7., ·• • ves, 1• ..-........ _ -• ,. ,.. ltplc: + pool, onlY le25 turesque view•. & ame· ----· -----751-3297 lllO Make Oflflfl North Lido •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2 ba. 2 c:ar 04'· Nkle OC.·RENTALS 150-331" nltles. 100 numerous to 2 Br. f Ba. 8eemed c:lngl. •••-1-W''u•I Comp1e,.,·3Sty0ceenvu 3 br. 2 be. newly dee. yrd. •lgrdner. $650 . mention, but 1110 2 4 2269 E Maple. $410 . ._,..,.,... ... 7 Off~ SullM: Also, ~ ~~h"tx:. 846-3135. 637-•458 Luxury pool home, mar-hour uniformed eecurlty 54()...44&4 '1111 11&1111 mllS 3 bdrm barg11n lo• buil· 2 Nl!Wl)Ort Lota-$85,000 hood. S975. l -..yr min. Cebln-llke houae, EHi· ~ WMtcllff IOcallon. & • Mt a.Vice tMl!ldlng. -B--,-.. ---___..._----- Spacloue f\IW 3 bdrm dets on extra wide lot With EKh owe. 631~179 ...... 964-3161 aide, 1 br. den, INSry rm, 4 Bdr, mleto, many .... Come He for your11ll 2 R. 1 ~ .... ,..,.... • ..,.._, den. 3 bath home Al· sunny p11110 A must to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $525/mo. Pd uUt1. tru . Year or more 111. our one. two & three lmmac:. quiet, n!1 pet1. f~. 1 15,000 optiorl see' _ .. .,. -_ _. I---------5"4S-4380 or 49'-0395 11"95. Cell LOii, agt bdrm IUltes nO'# avail• Balcony. patio. oar. trpl. tee. $1300/mo -• ••• -bTUt Jiff --------631-1266 ble for !MM. '525 mo. 979'-1858 l40-2"1 Excellent bu1lne1s pro· •••••••••••••••••••••• * * • liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Wilshire &tin&. party with establlehed te-Wl•l•E • ....,. ••-2131273-9150 Alli lor Lori, agt nanls OW help llnanc:e. 3 '· ""1 --•r-• · units, potential to expend Three bdrmt, 1 'A ba. For 20"11 Upper Bay Dr 2 at or y • 4 + bdrm I , 2 31 L $110 .. ~, PAMITS* =or lix months on brand ,_ townhome In Costa "I01 Ult" Hogh rise coodo 8th 11r ocean & bay ~·ew S9SO 000 E xclusfve Agl 752-57 tO ----- $I HS 000 I leue or leue opt. S750. Senta ~na baths, fl.....,ace, nn1geou1 r All, • • ' "· 751·9905 You era the winner ol view. ~...,.and s1jp:·S3000 752-8731 1111'111 " '"'· lli~tl ...,. 1111 value to the ..U.. hUM JM ....... ,..... ··················~··· RlAl [S1A1[ •••• ••••••••••••••••• --Dix exec 2 Br apt, yeer1y llWBllH New Condo for rent. 2 Br. 2'h ea. $705/mo. Obi gar, flreplabe, pool, .,._ 666 W. 18th. &45.2739 - "'"' l<l 1<11'1 lour lree tk*et1 (136.00) per mo. Avall. Feb. 1. 1--------- f I' 14 ' t BR, condo. pool, Jacuut. Seac:titt VIiiage 1975. 206'1\ PHrl No gym. billiards. uuna. 24 Huntington Beech pets. E1111l de 1 bdr, poof, hr sec. Garden view. Tuesday May tll 8·00prn e du 111 , no p eta. NEWPORT BEACH LOT. $ 5 9 5 · 7 5 <I · 4 1 I <I ; Wed ne1da y M ey 19 2 bdrm apt. Yearly 1700 13 75/mo 833-7890, ~ .... Featuring 2 maste< iulln, enclosed garages l prtvate ~rtyard Only SI 1",950. 2870 San Ml· 11181 Dr.. Newport Beac;h 759-1601 or 762·7373 near bay and ocean. 642·9057, Kale <1:30pm ~~~~~~~~~ 227'1\ Corel Ave. Bl 1700. 646-l9'47. By Ownet " Bdr den. & $ t4<1.000 or trade. Ownr. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Pu111 must be redM· Nwpt Blulfa, 3 Br on 213-395-3511 1---------guest rm. 2 l11mily rms. 5 675· 1854 BIO CANYON EXECUTIVE med before tho'# time. c:holoe greenbelt, aharp. Large 1 bf, pool, quiet, no Ba. lrplcs. lorma1 hvtnsg 0& iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HOME. View, p rivacy, To claim p11141, c;all ,,125. 6<14-5319. ..U.. ~·6-~~i· or 87~ dining 225.000. 5 . security. Quality furnl· &<12-5e78, ext. 272. Pu-~ "'1 000 awn S<15-8 t08 • ClllmOllL ah Ing. & c;., p • t. -must be c:lalmed by ON THE WATEAI ...................... E/Slde 2br. lb•, $500: ~ Walker 6 Lee tOWFHll -+ 1£SllEITllL $2500/mo. &40-45111 Mrt 14. 1982 Great view of b oats & 48R. 2BA. yearly Frplc, tbr Iba, $<100 No pell. Owner wlll help lln1nce. ~~~~~~~~~ * * * bayl Brick flr•place. bll""'5. par111ng. ()()et lo S4s'..9181. 752~11 MJ ::harming 3br/2ba As· If OWIER aume see.ooo. s105,ooo. •• fHlifyl•c Grtial potential & tocatlon Mobile 2br s700 ---------country kllc:hen. 1 Bdrm b • y & o c e • n Br k r ---------S215.000 NptCrest 3/fam SlOOO 3 Br. 1 Ba. large yard, re-Panlnaula cottage. Aval· 67~912 E. SIOE-39<, 28a. oar-oe. · Owner/egt 642-9772 ....... . 111·22U NptHgta. 31pool ,1860 dee:. 1H3 Continental lable now. te75 mo. Call ---------1 chlldren OK, no pet1. W.l_..._ont H~ Altrs $750/mo. 559-5001. 873-8550 c.NI lfl llM' Jllj 1625 mo.+ aec; dep, ,._ lutiaftf8 3Br & den, 2''1Ba, stal· ~~unho" """ "''~ THE REAL ESTATERS •••••••••••••••••••••• fundable. A11all May 1. Call: 831·1<IOO 3 br houee on~ acre lot. Walk to bHch. Alt ut111 646-9596 IHft 1040 ned gla11, 2 frplcs. •••••••••••••••••••••• securUy 1ystern. R--2 tot OWNER DES PERA TE Can be 2 units Will trade ...... lfaJuab.tH 5Br beach giant. exec; for income properly •••••••••••••••••••••• lkalt' area, $80. 00 below $800.000 (7 1<1 ) ,_ , --lnftal un market. Mull sell now 673·6578 37 11 Sea· utMf r-'--•••••••••••••••••••••• -· ~ ................. ,...... IDT .. • Submit Bkr 848--0709 ,...ore""' 8 UNITS COSTA M ESA. ... ,_,_1 IH4 needs work, great po· YM!'ty·Wetkty·Wlnler, 2, ~·•••••••••••••••• IEW USTllS 1ent1a1, S310K. John 3. " Bdrma. ••-lflOE ••• E Exc~ptlonel Newport 6<18-7680 AOT .1 ... 1 lllLn -" ..... Beach neighborhood 4 1.11 _.. a.a Price reduced·lov•ty 2 Bdrm, 21'1 battia SpBG1ou1 ,. ... , • PllPlln Bdr, 2 Ba Woodbridge and well manicured yard All 2 bdrme. 25% dn or ..... Cott1ge home Frplc, 2 ..,11h plenty 01 room for trade? PPLS ONLY. Mr ...... c:ar garage. corner tot pool. Jecuu 1 0< a<ldlng on. Cr075P2~19A28t. ,93•3827 11M111 euoc; pool, tennis & Setter wdl carry 11nanc1ng lake. Low down-great 1299.500 tenna. 1110'1 llUL TI WARNER. eg1 559-9400 lll-U 11 FOR SALE BY OWNER ~~~~~~~~ 2Br. 2B• Condo. 2 c;er -o-raoe. newty decorated. llWNIT Ollm 111 upgr•d•d, In Wood· •H ~oOo 551_2071 Plan <I. <I bdrm. 3 bl $200,000. "'° TAllE.nl FH llYISTMU 2530 Santa Ana A ve. 3 br, 2 be, trplo, 2 c:ar pd. 1 rm•/¥. bath. $3001---------$775. 851-622$. garage. Blkl to bHch. mo. Ref1. No kitchen. 2 bdrm, fenced, qul•t. -·-.. N'#pt Shofea. s.48-8083 5"9'-9322, (213)<192·1592 cul-de-MC. Garage $495 -mo. Evee 714-594-telt Sunny 2 9'. 2 Ba. Xlnt toe: UAll .,_ Walk to pvt bHc;h, 2Br,t--------- nr sc Pica. Open l>Mm. • UAll I Ba. fr pie:. lg paO mo. 2 br, 1~ ba. 910 Jo9lvt St. 1kylllH, lrplc:, lg dec:k 4 Br. Canal front FH ( 7 1 <I I I 4 4 -7 7 6 6 , Adultt t•f. Small dog 0\19r lush tandac;p, pool/ I an d . M r . CI I r k 1-833-·_2900 __ Cod_..;Y ____ ,_ok_._S<l_7 _._&<16-__ 5438 __ _ ape, dbl gar/opener. &45-3370 Aft e W• le..... 2Br. ,_Int, fnod yd, ga- Avall. now. 1800/mo. · · rage 2229 Autg«• Dr. 979-3371 wkdy1,Wlkto8c:h,3BR.2 ba.2 3bdrm .2 ba,2atory $4&. 387M32 751..StS.evetlwknda.. c:ar gar. lpc, patio. t o wnhou•• duple •. 5 mo.(21 > 1 .,A.......,•• 2 Br 2 Ba. .....,. C4mm Pool, tennla $825 Overtlzad P•llo. Private 2 Br. t Ba. ,_ carp« & .,.,..........l evel , frplc:·. m icro ....... 3• mo. 990-1235, &<12-8915 fee . llraplace , dl•h-paint. S50()/mo. wHher. Bullt·ln1. $950 Broker 1151-llOO. d•Ckl, 1kyllte, open mo . Yearly I ••••· Sh 2 B'" 2 B 1 beam, dbl gar/opener. CdM 38r Vu $1300 982-1835 1f1 4. arp " •· 9e Avell. 5-2<1. 1850/mo. Udo Pt! Or Vu S1800 rooms ... bftne tnc:t DIW, 9 7 9 -3 31 t wk d ya . EMtbtufl 39' • $1200 1 bdrm. a love and frig. gar, No. Cotta MeM nr 751·8114 ~ Bluffs 3&-fM'llty '1500 $550. No pell. no gar. Mc;Donalda. 1525 mo. ---------China eo.,. 3Br $2000 f.«·7800 Call 5<10·11511, Hll for .... IMrl Bayald• Cove 2 /den 2 Br, 1 ea PenlhouM. ffi. Larry or Pam 4 bdrm, 2 ... be $2200 tine. frpl, 2 deck1, c:ar-BEAUTIFUL 3 Br MtH ...... ....... ~ 5Br0ock ~280 port, po o I. Ao t ., Verde l•nhome type. ..00 ptue o.potit. LM. awtront Homaa. Rttr11 1~1199 btwn M . 1&00 1q. ft. LO• patio, Seec:llfl Wlage HuntfnGtOn 8Md\ Uttla Mi..·Muttet Mt on• Wooclbrldg• <I Br. Oat. Tu.clay M9Y 11 l:OOpm Tulle!. alO'}Q came a home, c;ul·d•·H c:. ale:. W•dnHday May 19 spider and rMO In the OwntAot. will finance. ...... ,.,.'t t6'h% 30 yr• s2,.oo mo. ANNE HAARIS <191-72111, <199-1266 OC)t/1rade. t •• ,... U1·1• ~ -----lrptc:, fH'\clOMCI oar. No --peta.. 1150. SOI~ Mac. ••••••••••••••• • A11e. 546-4011. P .. MS !:r':. recfM• ~~!~f~.::I~=~ ~7~rkl II $179,000. mad before lhow time. fet'a Tunet and bought tt To olaJm pa1111. oall for 19.85. You can Mii &&2-6t78, ext. 272. P• your tuffet and lot1 01 ... lftUlt be olaltned by otller tt1tn91 throwgh FllEI M9Y 14, 1912 Otlly PJlctt CIHlllled * * * Ada. eel &42·&178 -. IH•MITI LO a bdrm, 2 ai., -q1t 13164475fmo. t & 2 Br. and dtpe, oerpon • ...., _...new~· PAtlol. occ, no pet1. tuo ~ e42-1903/~.~1~ ... No oet• . ..-Olmo. ?Sii w. 11th. at . ........,,, I ' ·.j \ ) I ~............... ~~ ••••••••••••• ~ .. 'lf!! ••••••••••••••• *'-1 .... E•"'' wat1eower1no 1n-ALL ALTIAAT'IOllM To, qullllty. eoeoW Olt9 et1Jt1llon. ,.._, prlc:ft. l °'*Om~ W•. In ~ 24 ~ ..,. Coneullan1 AullJntMnl 10071 AclfllM ..,....., THI QAAllHOPPEA ComptN Lawn Maln1. ~ Aat.-5114"0 "" ... rrl ,_., No 0¥erilrne. 7I0-1S53 •aw a..-1 .... .!.!!. .............. . l!JJl.. .... ... .. .:A~oFtooifa.. sTAAVtNO coLLEoe r~--.. ~•n....... •• 1111 Domlnlo '42"4151 ...... -111•1• r.:mtc.i!f':Rf.,... &Mutlfulty deaned 8TUOfNT8 MOVING ••IRYAHT'I•• FAE! UT. 14*2 Cue1om C.,pentry and ed 13 ~-HOUMk..no co. Uc. T12"'43t. W~ie fWnoval Deck• l petlot. J.I . * * * '19 --W9X . 2-'881 We f\Hnllh vec:uum l !n8'1red. 8414427 All type9. 142·1"'3 TILE INSTALLED All K"*-au.t~. Refa.. JoNI "160-ff 17 Conat. Co. top quellty frtllil..... fN9t OOOI ~ patlotl, lawn-t......wub 1ntt.it ••II-auppflea. K"ty 84l-'970 WATCH U8 GROWi ••---~~ DO IT NOWI work. Lio. No. 380801. 7711 OarfWd Apt A. ••lkweya, drtvewaya, r,... ~ •••~•••••••••••••• Qualll" Houieotea 1 ---------rMa-, 5 5 .__.... eto 181 2371 HAULIN"' ' n ng •-•-•••••• •• •••••••••• r .. •t. 59'-511 HuntlnQlon _,,, ' • Lawn Clr•Aototllllno "'-atudtnl hll w/1 pettOnal IOUCh, CM. r-.11-Neef patCflel & lextur• **ALL TILE** '*......... FINI! HOME You.,.°'' winner of ._,, &"4e.eoe8 °'a.-~· truok. LO-•I ,.... Irv. HB. Bath 850-0933 ••••• .. ~·,·::;;:,;,;.·"· ,,.. .... ML1at Oulllty work. 10 yr• ... Y041!fDeltyPllot IMPROllEMIENTS fourfretttokete(131.00) r.1.-;=.•••••••••••••• Anawer Ad #547, rompt.Ca11759·1978. -•-.,..-pet.QeorgeNt~79 8tMol OW.Otory AddJIJana a WI valut IO"" DRYWALL TAPING 842-4300 Thtlnlt you, John. H 0 u 8 e c L £AN ING . by Rlchtrd Sinor. Lie. PLA8T£R PATCHING Atpreeentaltv. §! --Ym&I All t.-1'"9 I IOOUlllo Dependable, ••per. wlll 260844. 13 yr1 ot hllPPY Re1tuooo1. tntlut. 30 Cuetom Ceremlc Tiie ...... ti, nt. Ht m 8eecllff VIiiage ,, ...... Kevlf) 871·9088 Otrdenlng Wanted OOMP JOBS do gar~, w11t1 & win-local OUltomen. yra ....... PIUI &"45-2977 PfornP«. Fr• ••• Ct!uck .. .._ Huntington BNctt MOWlnt. edging, ralclnt. & Smell Moving Jobi d O ••• •• 57 Ttianl( you 831 .... 410 8"2-eea4 815-t401 ~~~~~~~~~ -..--Tu.day Mey 11 1:009m DRYWALLIAOOUSTIC lwHpln,. Free Hll· Clll Mii(! 044J:.1381 owt, • c. en.,........, ' l/••W•• ~ .-:Uc,,).~ Wednudey Mey tO Aep1lr1, new & Old. 11 mat••· 45·'4372 or Hlull"", nradlnn, d•-oll-Wiii c:t11n your houH or ..... ,..,.. ••:;;:;:"A••••••••••••,..._,_ J ~ •v•• 4;309fn Yfl tJCp. Bud 552·9582 045-5757. tlon:•co•n~re"•te &.,t,,rae office. Elec .. /_llntlng, II R11ld/lndu1/Comm'I. D IU. .... 'Jiii •••"HK•••••••••• •• ............... c.-1# v plumbl"". &"4 9005 Low rate•. Free 111• -Mo1t 1uUJec:t1, K·t2 & Ot1Yew9yl, PlltllnO Lot :;er.;; ••••••••••••••• P1ne1 mu1t be red ... n.....r...1 K&D •--.. .,,.. ..... u -•nt. remov-dump truck. ___ ·..._·•-----•-•I Ill• c:olltQe. 25 yra. H /hr. ~. SMlc:oatlng. CUSTOM SPA DECKS m«t befor. llhOw time. ::n:-e................ ""'"'~--:---~p. Oulcll aerv. 8"2-7838 • ....Sltba ._8_7_5-_7_189______ ......... •--J~ Mr' MOt'IJln, 0415-6178 l&S Aaphl1 831~1~ P111ot. gafboe. Uc'd. To cl1lm PH .. I , Clll l!LECTAICIAtol-Prlced L H .. ~• .. •••••"'··••••••• PAINTER NEEDS ,._ --1 ._,.. io;;:: JC>M or Rlc:t! 979-3218 8"2-6878, ut. 272. P... rloht. frff t1tlm11e on 1 llUllng. s.4S.2A19 HAULING l OOMP Semi-retired prof women WORKI 30 yr1 exp, Intl ••••••••••• ... -::r.:::. r,... ~ ALLSTATE PAVING ~ .. mult be olllmed by large or emell )obe. TIDI JOBS. A9k for Randy, 1v111 1umme1 houtHll · Ext Acoutllc c:.1......,1 QUALITY COl'IWft/rtl. t2 ••••••••••••••L.,..•••••• 8eelcoetlng-81rlplng I i.m,. May 14. 1982 Uo. 39Ma1. 173--0359 041.8"27 ting. Lovea .-1 & pienlt De~ p .. 'lt""' 8"7-518e yr1 exp. Aepalr{re(T'lod. VOA.fr WEOOI""" on Rtpllf'I Comm.IAeald ••• •••••••••••••••••• Topptd/r~ Clean ---------Xlnl refe. e.fi.'6424 ""II Rafi. Fiiter, heater & VIDEO TAPEI Uc #3973e2 &454181 No Steam/No Shampoo * * * LIC'D ELECTRICIAN up, lawn ranoY. 751-347' PROF. SERVICE 1---------...... ...... 1WMP IM. 873--818" Exp'd. Aeuonlble ra111 . .... ...,.,,_ dSl•IFn Speclal~;..F1~~ .. t'MM11c.,,.,. FOull. wonct .. .;Aeu, ""'7·.:ltTll HliUllno . Ytld cleanup ·--25 yrt •XI>· Ue.40!'9-41. •-"-Economy Video 8etvloea :-::"'":':.";;:'f', ry. rM .. ,. <>~•· ...,.. • ...... ,~............. r• II· -• ..., • om ... II,.,.,,,_ Quick 'oteen. Fr .. aat. ;me.:'" 8ond«I 1 Ref cot« :;";';':;'A (7t4)656.7091 Fred ·a·· ••••• ·······c•H• Crpll ln ... all/r-el--' Cement-MUOIW}·Block TOP QUALITY •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-05-48 B··R·rc··K·w· o·R·K···::..-...·.:~ IJIPeft. ~ 11 .. Dldl ····H·u·ae·R·~~·.~··· 1by1lttlng In our M. •• ..., ,.., Walll--Ou1t. worll. Uc. ELECTRICAL WORK Coll90e 81udante: wndw : ..,,_ ,.,.,.. ....,.,... ""' rlhMMt 0.•1• f'lomel. 1 yr. l up. Any .... ~5,,~llflw'-8 .. 1 • 9. 7S3-tetm8MA Rel/com R<IO $47·2e83 ......... c:lng, ear waxing, odd ... _,,_.,_ Newport, Cotta MMa. INT/EXT PAINTING All typel l FlfeproollnO ••• .. •••••H••::t-.. hr&. 942.0482/&4&-5759 _,_ ... .....;.. .. _ ...... __ 850>_16_. s_ ...... .,....._ .--. rat•. 531-5055 10b 1. 8 4 2 ~6 4 4 9 •••••••• ~r........ tMnl Ref•. 175-3175 Uc'd. Reta. Free eat. New-Aecover·Deck• ·tlit ttw lufWline in•· EXCEL CARPET CARE C.11,,,,.,. .... ., EL E c TR I c I AN ; LI c . &4~7972 Want I REA LL y CLEAN Bryant' I l..lnd-..ing 846-1087 Uc:. u 1 t802 6"8-173" Cell ~Window Wiii b1by1ll In my C.M. C I .,....,... •••••••••••'•••••••••• 233108-C-10. Small HOUSE? Call Gingham Br'-" ~ , •bor/M-•''"" .. __....,.. ~lid 54a-8853 tiome, day or nt1 h t P ........ ~.""rug REMODEL/ADO-OHS •--.i Girt F 1 .... 1 .. 3 ""'· 11one, b ....... , con-Top Quality, lo price. ~ --.........,.".,, _, .-. '""'·-·-1 AfM. refl. 548-287 c:lelnlng Wont guar. and Clr.._try, Uc'd. Jobi . Mllnl l rep1tr1. __.._.. · rM 11 · .,...,. '" c:reta Frpfc:I, BB0'1, pe-prompt. Ext &. Int s.....,.. Alf typee. Uc'd, gu., .. v-,. ""' ......,._, •--'-Free etl &45-1771 25 ye.v1, k;in 5-48-2719 &"48-5203 ··~~:·a,4;;,;,;;•• ROBIN'S CLEANING 1101 & drtveweya. Guar lalllt. Ree & Comm'I F;;. 10 yra. Larry 8"2-8233 •RESIDEHTIAL * --~ Sh•-nnn & 11 '-•-"""'SIQIC·OM .. '' 'IND o............. P"·m~ Service · I ttlofoughly UC:. & IM 53&-091-4 Ill 71-4-739.-0708 •~.. Avg 1 lly l30: Avg 2 lty •••••••,.••'••••••••••• _,,....,.. eam c;..,_,, Addition• l remodeling. """ "' ., """'""' "' clNn hOUM 540-0857 1---------1-.,,..,.,.,..,..~------$45. Chrl• g57-83ae For 1111 you need to know Color brlghtener1, wtit b 0 n de d SI a I e LI c 20 Yfl. Do my own wont. Drywall· Stuc:c:o • le · . CONCRETE, Brickwork. QUALITY PAINTING •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- about bankruptcy, c:all crpts • 10 min blHCh. #202752 Uc. 276041 Al 046-8128 Remodel. J.B. 846-9990 SCRUB-A-DUB Drain plpea, cleenup. 10 yrs Mrvlng o .C. Mo* Screen Doctor W11•1•1 ..... (71-4)835--9182 Hall, llv/dln. rmt S 15; avg J.G. Allen 494-1810 ,.,...~f."· HOME IMPROVEMENT Prof, rMI. rellable. 25 Yrl exp. 636-2086 Reuonable. 8"8-5884 Rtpeif/r~ Custom lrvlnt'I best. 8ae1c: 1 1ty room S7.50; couch S1D; uw REPAIR PLUMBING Ref1. Jeen 831-5018 _.1_, 1,,,_.i1 • Aeu. 831-8300 Ive m91J $20 2lty130 ... ,, lfllataun/ chr S5. Guar. ellm. pet Fin• flnl1tied carpentry, ~··•••• •••••••••••••• • ,.,,_ ,.... 8lthop & Son Painting • · ..:. odor. Crpt repelr. 15 yrs remodellng 1peot1ll1t FORMICA COUNTERS HNtlng, carpentry, elec. umltll ...................... 30 yr1 exp., a..ctt ., ... ~'1W1dau 559-1302 •••••••••••••••••••••• exp. Do work myself. L7~·1!6019587. R1nd11i F~~~·,....·m~7 :air.r:~t81~0 Job too CLEANING SERVICE MINI Bllnd1. Coll plua Free •t. 5"8-1029 ••••• •••••••••••••• WINDOW CLEANING MARINE SERVICES Reta. S31-0101 ,.,.. .. ReHoneble ral11, lrae tO'/o. Call· Deborah. ...... .U.,. 7 YRS IN AREA Mechanic:, paint. varnish. We Care Crpt Cleaners t ... llbu/ General Mtlntenenc:e aatlmet•. 1_84_0-_50_7_8______ lnifext. W~~ $3.26 5"8-79-49 1 __ 84_2_·5_«_9_184_5-_7_9_7_2_ T. I k . rub & w 8 x St••m ~·---& u~..,,,·-Cu,.. ,,...,.,,w_ , . ._,_.j 111--Repairs & Decorating 720-0742. W-J-r. IXO E ., ·~ ••&-978& -~.....,, ... ~... •••••••••••••••••~ --Quality* Ray &40-51-4-4 :':~ ••••••••••••••• ( y ) 761-9103 •1 m .,.. Truck mount unit B1r1. m1ntel1. kit. cabl· •••••••••••••••••••••• · Hou1e<:l11nlng, honest & • •••••••••••••••••••• More lamlllet ara geltlng woric guar. fS.45-3716 net1, rataed panellno. •••ALI MY THE HANDYMAN CAN dependable. Ou~~~~~~l~lce 1•1!!!!'1. •Sptlnkltf Rep•• th• camplnn "bug" thla Why Pay Store Pr'~li doors, bookc1H1, ra-Christine & Ed 84&-7815 Repair/Improvement 9'2·2890 Fr-.. tlm11 ... 562-0• 10 •F_:::.·~· 1n'', .. 1or··~·· Ras./c:omm. Commwclll • ,..... mod. & tdd-ona. Xlnt Lk:'d R11ph 968-91'461 ---------.... .. ""'" ., __,,n LlndlCSpe ~ yeer. If you have 1 cam· Carpel layer wlll buy I· refs Uc: 83"8278 ' HOUSECLEANING 1----------HAN ING $10/ROLL 957-8388 par lhll'I not getting rect lrom wtloles8le mlH . ' 53&-238& . Make your 1tiopplng ea-· RESIDENTIAL REPAIRS IS OUR BUSINESSI Sell with EASEi Ouallty. Uc:llnt. Sttlp- To pl9Ce your ~ before tile reeding public:. phone Daily PllOt Ctutllled. 8"2-5678 uHd. 1111 II now with 1 1 11 -do the labof. Free 1l1r by ualng the Delly 1 call doH It 111. Ref1. 10 Y"· J1nlce'1 Raggedy II'• 1 BREEZE ping. Olac:. on paper_ SELL ldla 11em1 wlih 1 Clualfled Ad. NI, ref1. 85t-9920 Clllllfled Ada 042·5'78 Piiot Cllllifled Ad•. Don Nelton 968-01-49 Ann 875-251'4 Clllllfled Adi &42-5678 VIA-MC Scott l"S-9325 Diiiy PllOt CllMlfled Ad (•-------• Real Estate the Complete Orange Coast M#ketf'8" ....,.,.,, A,imlnll llaJ.n.JdH 11.nr.JdH ........••............•.•................... F!!!~.l!!!! ••..•• Y.~ ~!.'!r.f!.~!A •• H.f~ ,...,, latm f-lllln r.111 Ull .Ol,.Wn llalal H• lww 41" Lam1111a1 .,,,,.,.., frul !.'!?!!IJ! ........ !~ff !!.~.tr!!~'!. .... !.~!! •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ . ttul!f. Jll f ---... •••• AGORAPHOBIC COMPANIOtol Aide. ma-u -C.M. 2 ofl\cea, 3"5', bll.h, -· -• )()()() aq ft w.rehouM, 30c 1 • _. ~~ E •r-• t II S2"'0/ -• --I II 7 & ••• t'e•••••• •••••••• 1•••-••••••••••••••••• HELP LIN ture •omen No live In. " bdrm, 4 bath, 11ndy ~ave " mo 1 & 2 room offloea lrom 1· 1 or part. 1 111 Lagune BHch hall Intl· WIDOW HAS $S$ for TD'• 636-773" no heavy hawk, full or baacti. pier & 11011. 5• 494-3803. $205 UIU lnctuded Pomona. e3l-OS7t rHt In t1butou1 ocaan RE Lo1n1. 10K Up. No Pett time 8"5-7-470 SIO°'O for Augu1t. Bill 16t7 Waatc:tlff, H.B. Went ~ 87M700 fnllll rlufH 4111 vln1 hme M in C:Uh Credit Cl'leck, No Pen-* * * Grundy, Ritt. e7W1,S1. lln1nc:t11 ln11. 70001.f. ...................... req'd '49~176 ally. D1nn11on Anoe. ltlMflt IM«Mt 1 1 t f Io or Ag• n 1 fUalU r.111 Hll ::ompletely r11pon1lbl• p.,,,_.Ae"ve or not _6_7_3-_7_3_1_1 ______ 1 ~ Month of Auguei 5"1-5032 •••••••tt•H•••••••••• prof. woman: Local s3o.ooo Inv oppty 10 Purai-S 2nd•. & Equity Open 2-4 hrl a daY Acc:ountlnO Udo 1bf, den S2000 Retall ltor• at 2850 Avon Movement Therepl11 Hrn S10,000 mo +II· Loans From 17%. 30 Yr 7 days• week lllMT Beecon8ey, 3br $2500 St. 1840 aq.ft. plUI 8 c:ar _., unfum. quiet . ._. 69 Gorge~• gtrt1 to CdM, beaut 5br S3000 llU. Biii garage. 841-8777 or 1hetlc, mature, Upper 1 l ary Publ Co Dan Amort. Owner/Non pamper you Jacuul, llSISTllT w.0ceantm1. 3br $4500 ••Piil 873-7770 bdrm or 1m111 houH, 855-6070 80% ~rreR ooees Sauna. Loc:ala 11 _.. 11 Growing Mc:trOf'llc di11r1- 3 bdrm apt. 2288 Canyon Drive, lmmad occ S495/mo Call Run, 842-8153. w11ertront Homea Altrt E191Jlnl Exec IUllH In If---~-• Corona del Mar to S1n 1m1T111 BROKER lourl111. Bank Amerl· butor Mekl highly orga-* • • Call: 631-1400 prMllglOY• loo. Incl ... ~.., Clemente Call '495-5811 Would you llke an Im· 640-60t& 711U'o. .,.27 card. Muter Charge. nlzed & 1111-mollvated , .. E rt I I I I I ... •-•-H1f dave. '49~ 1855 -......,...... American Expre11, DI· petlOn to work In Credit t r ,.. ., Al--•-•-•-4-• ere.,•. rec.pt on II. ..,. ,_, ··-m•dl•I• & high rate re-599 Favette Cr !.~ ............. -••••••••• .-••• telephone 1n1 & more. •••••••••••••••••••••• turn on your monav? WE BlJY n •r•. alt welcome Dept Some credit oollec· ., Otct f 1435 On ..,.. • smf I '--~1r-'/ ' 7t4/645-3433 2112 Har· lion ••per 11 praf'd. but Cos11 Mesa OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. rom mo. • u...-...,uml lnter1111d? Call Fred. bor 81 .. CM will c:on1ld•r exc:eptlonal You are the winner ol Avall. now. Weellty lhru call ofc1 1185 mo. THE Inn-er bldg on Cout ..,___ '493-0-461. discounted 1ru1t deed• • &1-fH f I tl<;ltel (S36 00) 6 "7873 HEADQUARTERS COM· Hwy, South Ul)una. Ap-.,...,. d I 3 I OUAUTI M•""''AGE training applicant Aeq~. •Uruf v'::~e r.':tt~ ~ 1 ~· 7-r . PANIES: A profet1lon1I prox. 500 IQ. N. Excel· •••••••••••••••••tt••• #ta ft""" lfZS C~·n t~c t y~~~1n °stie::: Prof.alona~lttl ~'.!.~~:::I :xyrp:·r~~~ IMcj 3140 OllOll Y••••• lndlan Welll VIiia, fUm. 3 environment (71'4) lent private parking ...,.,.. ••••!(.••tt••••••••••• 8roil8f'. 95S-3'454 1ty1e. VIP lrNtment. c~·~" 5,,.,3880 •••••••••••••••••••••• s -BR. 3 ea. 151.oea1 b•tilnd bldg. 1525 mo. .._._.,,.. •s 2nd To·• -1o..aPM 548-2817 '"""'· ...,.. THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2·3 eec:llfl VIiiage Call 714-640-5548 Turner Auoc. '494-1177 ••• wr::::::.-.;1........ S20.000·S150,000 runy ........ ,.,.,.,./ liiliiiliiiliiiiliiiiii••-Bdrm. Apll. Gym. Spa. Huntington 8eac:h 520 1q. It. $1 .00 per 1q. RESTAURANT, Bixby amort to 20/yrl. Other TelephoM Fantuy Ans. Hf'V. Plant ofc: N.B Sauna. pool. tennla, etc. Tlladay May 18 8:00prn ,_,.,,If Aln '"' ft .. 3976 Birch . N.B Wutrill ... 1114111 Knoll• 1,.1. ey owner. 2nda 10 Sl ,000.000 ,.,,.,..,,/ Conver11llon wllti Ml· Exp. only 8-'4 1hlll 8"&-0619 Wedne1d1yM1y19 •••••••••••••••••••••• A1JentM1-6032 •••••••••••••••••••••• Prln.only.S100Kor Apyli,comm't &non-i..111..M chelle M C/Vl11 S-46-9236. Detux• poolside, xtra lar-4:30pm Mal• needed to •hare 111.B. 3975 Blfc:tl. 5600 aq. mak• on.r. T•rm1 very owner program Prln •••••••••••••••••••••• 539-6370A --...,.-.,.-.,lont--~---.. -oc:-.. -P-P11111 mull bl re-beautiful Corona clel Mir fl or 1111. MIA zone. fl••· Spollaul Baer/ only Call lor agt DOW-•----~ •111 .,.,.._ ge 2 br . 2 b •. blln '· deemed before lhO• home. 1285/monlh plu1 AIJ«ll 541·5032. w In e . Se at s 80 NEY SAVINGS Brent ,......_,.,, ~ B/M MHtkl woman 35 or tad for fiflt qual turni· d1wtir. 1'~ mites ~ach time utllltlea. Call right now! Pl.Ill ~ (213"'24-5139 """·2•11 ••••··.·-,:,;;,:,;,;,;::••••• over. long l11llng rel•· ture dellvefy dftv. Own Adu"•· no pell. SSOOrno To claim p111e1, call ~79. ..-r"'5 ~ ~ v .rm1•-llonlhlp fom 641-0483 tran1portallon. tel•· 636-8382 642-~78. ext. 272. P... WarehouH 1p1c• with rt, Needla•ork. Trim & • w, IH llJI gn•I• phone & xlnl driving r• Deluu 2 8r I 81 In -must be Cll#ned by _.....TE c:arpala, drpi. & wet Brelcl lhop. Fully 1toc:k-•• ~!(. •• ~•••••••••• 181SSo.8CarninoReal, cord• mull. C1ll Mon- 4-plu . ow. hook-ups, May 14, 1982 n..... bars 700 to 3200 IQ.ft. ed. Haw. San Clement• s10.ooo-s100.ooo +tor s c. 492-7296 Full lie; Lilda & Vicki's Fri e.30-9AM only. ~~~~0 P•" • • • FlllDS ~,:.=,. ~1~·~.tn1~~~,~~'I~ ~J.~:~'49t Tu11-s11 ~:1~1~~1~11~~:~ Mwc•~~:d~%:.fot:.'!/fs' ....,. __. &46-7:..Wf B Spacious I & 2 Br. apu. 1 Oldeet l lafwt --,,:::., • Blull lndullrlal Puk. ' 3-'4 lbOVI prim• Call R d 835 7775 a.tl/lllBS d d I 27 Id 2 r. t Bl nr Baac:h & mite lrom beech. No All C11ent• ~-~{,; ~ 1835 Whittler Ave. Find whit you want In D1nnl1on & A11oc ewer • axt. naa • or yr 0 Slater, anc:tld gar. $485 pell &42-2357 phOt & et.. ./M --M2-<t4&3 & &42·7SO. Dafty Piiot Claullieda 673-731 I 17 OUTCALL 2-4 HRS quadrlpleglc: male In No pell. &41-93"48 days. oe 1 •icee. ./--Pat Owner's wlll place llM211 C M UYe In &4s.-Oe6t &"4G-1078 evea. 2 BR. Yrty ()Q tile beech Credit&:~ ~,... ...... your ...... In.~~....... B b Ill d d ---------• $e50 mo 111 last & 1ec Good Morning Amenc:a. .....,. ,...,,_ ..,,. • Y• er nea • •my 1 BR. bath & g.,age, 7792 67s-7907 • The Tomorrow Show. you vac:allon. no c:agff. hc>me. June I , Re1wen- Newman. $385, 111. 1111 *'Al oll * to all new T II M 96'4·9226 !'.P.!J!~! .......... oe1631-t985 Maggie &. dep. &42-443 1 la Cl 3111 c:11ent1 wno need • place. m JU. WHIM 1115 IOmea&I .,. rn11e bellch. 2 br. 2 car ...... !!!!!'!. ........• ,,., M1-1• e 0 SCRAM-LETS ...................... Tired 01 h•lrdreu•ng? g.,, cov'd patio, au pool Studio apt, ocean view. Legat sec:·y. 12 yrs Cal Train tor mgmt. poi. In rl~htl& rec: areal utlllncl'd S375mo.332 Mlletoltlr w/2r.m.tpac: y L H ANSWERS --s~f.c:~li~ell~;~~~h·:~ MWtypefll,_Nlon• le 5/mo. 213/925-4798 Encino In San Clemente Newpon Shor91 hOrne. 2 ••m .,,... Garlic:. Peaoa l lO. Hard wortler. no 11• Must t>e attractive. Cati ···--·-,_,he Mgr Apt C) room• a.v•ll. May t5. OU ove er s.._... en1-•1 lor annt 714-545-FITT -·-_.,. From 1room10 3 rooma ,...,., .. mlly obllg1t1on1 Oya __ ...... :..;.. _____ _ Nau bHch. Spacloul Adult Studio. 11ov1, re-Randy, 8·5, 752...0fl51 From 11.18 e aq. ft. Ho SLEEPING 6"5-7000, eve1557·8209 BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE quiet 2 er. l 'n ea . lrlg•. ullll S260/mo. Shr" br, 2'AI b• Bluff• ..... required. Adj. Air· N-l1lh4w to next door Growing Co111 Mesa TownhouH. S-495/mo. S510 move in. -498-8"52. condo, Nwpt Bo ti . porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. neighbor: "I think our Rellable. pleMlnl woman OHlgn Firm hH Imme· 9e0-8858. lat• Aai ,,,, $230/mo. A.ti for Henry, Call AM. 833·3223 n-baby la going to be ::!:m':Z'. ~-='. dlll• QP«llng for person 3 br condo w/pool, 2 ml.•••••••• .. •••••••••••• 720-0572. Th11 Motber'a Day aend Mom a greeting & enter our a doctor. She's already Avall. 6-12 hr1/d1y: 2-4 experienced In "Bhl to bHoh. evall. now. IAll llY Share" Br. tiome, bet· BAYfRQNT "World'• C~tesl Mom" ctntcst 11 the same time. Our judges ountd me 01 SLEEPING." hrl on lhor1 term bu41. bookkeeping (A/ & S•oo. 5""-8861 wknd/ Delu11• I Br. •LL utllltff ween Bay & Ocain. 111. •.i 11-UHlan '41M-&8&1 AI R) & general office v .,. " Prime office. 873-1003 will aelect the niceat Mother's Day Creeling ind that mother will 114Br -• -procedures lnoludlng ly· 9¥9 paid. Pool, rec room. Avlll. now.1875-2837 1'1 SSO 'f ·r. f I .1. d ••~•~··••••••••••••• Young--~ man W<>Yld ping & good telephone 20 ' ft., 81 ~ .. St J 1 ff 6p.. re<:e1ve 1 g1 t ecru 1cate rom a eawng cpartment store. A~J' "-'""' 1 br condo, S-450. v1111 ""'" r..... · us 0 .... ...i~ rii. Ilk• odd Jobi ev11 & petlOOallly. Wiii consider Wwner. (213) 832-640-4, Brlalof Nur everything. Oceanfront M/f non1ml(r execuplan ~ T wtcandl. Can doe vll'lely part llma. Send resume (213) 592-1601 Chrla ~~~mo Contec:t Mngr stir 2 br.' 1 ba hou11, • It's easy, write your m~e lo fit one of the borders below ol l'l1ndym1n Jobi. to Ad #1012. Delly Pilot, 21k, 1'AIBa. $375 + 1375 · S440 & 'n utll1. 873-818" MA ... IHH,e" or deaign your own border of equal llW' with m"51ge 1naide. 972·9525 evee, Ilk for P 0 Box 1560. Co111 dap, g11 pd, nr Baach A,.rlllnll luaiUH RHp, claan, non •mkr. Full MNlce/cuetom Borden come in 3 site5. 118. 110 and thf. spec11I child size for 8111· M .... Ca. 92626 · Blvd & M1cF1dden. ., Udua ,.,, tem.Stirtoedplx,pvtrm, offlet& dtek "*9· $4 for children under 12 yean of age. llti• W,.IM 1111611• rtulH 1111 quiet. no P9f1. 893-489" •••••••••••••••••••••• W/D. deck & fplc. CdM. Nf. O.C. Airport •••'•••••••••••••••••• •••'•••••••••••••••••• •-'-• ••~~ $280 mo. Shr utll, IVI "S.. to °'Weclllel" p•1 .. ~ ••••••••••• ~ IUWlll 759-91"3 T......,1 Bring or mail your greeting 10 the Daily P1lo1. 330 W . Bay -a1·1y I 81 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·-..: New t br apt tor IHH. YIWIE Prof. M/F 1ti1re luxury S1 .. Costa Meu, CA. 92626 before 5 p.m .. M ay 6th -or you many utr11. U50 N 1&2 bd lurn. Condo. S.C. Plaza. Sme .. ulte, 215 Nwrlidt, may order your me911!el by calling 642·5678. we have many • . Jo• n n • t 5 5 • 1 8 3 3. •w rm luxury S 2 8 5. 8 4 1 ·" 8 2 5 . H.B., 1c:ro11 from Po11 borden to c:hoole From and we 'II bill you or ch1rgt to your Viaa Adver11aing 538-4720 IP'• In 1" plent. 1 Bdrm "6-&479 Offtol *350/mo. NATIONAL ADV. 2 er. 1\41 bl upgraded ~rr'o.~~;n2h~: .';:,;: 2500 1q It condo. Bay-&4~7281145667 or MuterCard. \ COORDINATOR CONDO. Nortl'lwood S8'40 +pool•. tenn11. vl•w. pool on buu NewpOrt 8aec:ti new HolO Coord ln atel& schedule national 1 725 mo. Ava II 111 waterfalls, pond1t G11 OreenMlt. 557-7883 or ~· 1000 aq. rt. ... :,:~ ==:; advertising . R esponsib ilities ln- 731"5423· ~~1J0~~~ s'.~·~.~~~ 840-6339 Pef1t~ ~= Place 1 HAPPY AD elude: monthly rep o rts, corre- i.-.. lfMt 1141 Frwy drive North on lmbmed••" ln•val. ~~.~~~In bldL Vicky d•Y• In thll column ap o nde n ce. h eavy p h one work ~-=-··············· B M u' VW9U'"" ,,_ 11~ I • .ii-""' fOf' only S3 25 Studio: vo btk from main Heh 10 cFaddan 10 Irv. 731-UlO ... ..--..... Call 842-~78 and light fllln g duties. A p plicant baaoh. 1385. Utll Incl ~ ~-41)8~~~ ~98 VI I I 1 g e M/F reap yng adult non-Con1utt1nt In lrvlne llH Should have som e a d vertising ex- Oood khcti. 49<4-3044 11T1kr M01tr Br nr bMOfl large office 10 •htrt. J..11 I'""' I• '. perlence, ab lllty to h andle busy ~ ..,_, 4111 CdM°. 511-t0°/1. 1285. Ne ar Airport. R••• •••••••••••••••••••••• I I •••••••••••••••••••••• 8AM-&PM s11ar T terma. Call 1112-01ae ·pho nes, b e d~al or e n ted and Mo1t elegant apt. bldg. ~oom tor rent profetato-on or • able to deal d irectly with ad vert!· In i..gune 811oti. flne11 nil male In 3o·a beaut re11 873-8732 CdM dlx eultt, A/C, ample IOoetton In town. brMlh· N.B. home. Kltc:ti4.n prlv.: Roommate. orHtlve "°' pkg, utU pd. 2155 E. Cit f Olll) ADS sing agencJee, et c . Type 50wpm. lllllng vltwl, all butt-Ina. pool 1vet1. S250/mo. p1e oriented prof. pr-.,. Hwy. 875-llOO H rl. 8 to 6PM. App_!y: .!>ertonnel hHted pool. aub. ga-S100 dep. 780-82-42. red to ahr 2 tr w/et.udy, EXECUTIVE OFFICI! Bal· ARE FREE Ofante Coeet D911J Piiot re11•.;~v,ator 3~~H ~oom for rent prlv ent fully fur n .. HH/mo. boa Penn 125 ft, 1400 Cal no W ... , IL, Coe ....... ~.4M-aoe3up. tiff MOP« wk of 1175 p.i C .M . 5/ 15. De bra. mo. Prtv 8 1 . A /0 . : • ulll O ..a... e -a-. • • mo. No Security. ldHI 5*3"1, 11111 M04 117-11 11, 875·HOO, .., ... .,. An q ppottu .... , m,.....,._ · ••~ lwi 1111 tor lllngle man. Jay !'lee. Roommate WMted M1' to 181..aa.4 •••••••••• , • -.---..-rTTrn m ", •• ,.,., 1 , • , •••••• ,. • • ••••t"••••••••••••••••• 8&1·9528 1t1are 2 bdrm, 1 bl hte. COiia Mtea ZIO If, tulle ....., "r• bedlelorett• mature Lo yd w/oar . Luo l 171mo. urn lnctd. 179 e.ut. 1 bf a den, frplc, l•d~xci'lenge fM b.Oy· m• .. ·c~ bUI Anll· w 1ttfl It ... , ... ti pool. t.560. &"4G-78t4 lltt l wortl. &"48·•tla1. l)flone 71 ,tlm• Offlo• ·=·Co- 1 IA CO'\dO,r v.,11111e1, &"4 ''""It, non emoker, rone clel Mtlr. /mo. Mtlt new. 11150 mo. C GENTLEMAN non-emkr ~to.,_. 2 bdrtn, 2 111·N10 Nohard, 213-830-2323; Litt kltch pr'tv. Hr. Npt'. ba L19una l taol'I •Pl oe: •PCM 21~7164 81 548-75M wttl'I OclMrt VMIW. 1371 l -r--r 28r Iba, .. In kltoh Encl . 14 14 tt4 U04 f.: •••lfeb ... plUO & t•f. UIS, no aa:::·t~:;; t= BAY,.•ONT: 'tfftllt fot lltllll · ~112 .,.... .. 2.11:w ~ 8otl. ~: =~•' :i.,,T:: ':-;~,;::;-ctr ~-...,, ••• tryan I U · 1111 ot 14CM117, .,.....,.. ....-;;a••••••••••l°•~U M0-1HA. Offloe •r•ot avel ... le, ~ l fl.mt '•m•I• non·•moktt "'to 1.00 per foot In Kit--=~=. = :::.-,..~~ =.,, y~941,, "l " ohtMtl ~ ~Ulla. H7·1N1 IW • ------·...._ ___ ... Sandpiper, 1H7 Ntw• 1'111 'IYOl'IO•Ulora,~ Offlot port l!lcec. oonc», 1 ... klnd1 9\1111 Not '°"· "' ~ -..,.--.--.-..,~--• 11. Cotta MetO 14M1U CdM. 1 lllk Cfn eov., Otfttle A••• JOt, 1 bllt pvw91111. ~~·~2::: ""' • 1"°'* WklY rentata ftOW av9't. ~ ii . S4Mtmo. l JMI. °""' "' • IM ltory --------4 l 1el & 111t. Color TY. IN41" .,.__.., w1Hl•u1t •• Oft~."..!Jtw. = '" 'OC:. 12f 4 ..... ...... , .. ., :r&· ·r~'"'· ~ ..... • wf HMt, 111tr e OM •• m ..... ,., .............. ~~~:._--lj""'"' -·-r-.n;I~ ....... . .......... """·'·· ... ~~.=: rm~~~:r=. 118 •be LOST: aa.ck l wtltlt 0.· ,,_u_""'RT_QA_G--E -----""""'!-----.. rMn 8hepMrd mete. 7 """' moa. 22nd St. CM . oea.om. Suttn Loet: MM 8llge Per8'an Mtn•. An• to llaoult. Ma-2M7 t.oat: Germ. Shep. ml• puppy, wflt w/blk mer· 11"9. t -. old, on Set, Hwpt~a1-1211 Found: CJfy ""' Fem C.t w/wl'll t•••· new mo· ..... L.111. ....... 1 ,ound: bfond• Cockef, rod collar. F, Pacific Coe II Hwy, C dM. t7S-1* Found,i_GoJd•ft ""· ~I lrltft ""., M, Pit .... ml11, wM & -'" '· ..._. port leedl ~---*· ........ AGGRESSIVE MANAGER NEmm Peraon with mortgage end tal• beckgroun<s.unllmlted po._ W· nlnge. 12,000 monthly minimum beN Mlery. 1 ! Orangt Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 3, 1882 C1 -llll.l'MIL.J.<I lillMIC .... IAI l*.llltlC .... I.~ «w..t'M"' .... 1.( fllArt.ftfl ....... ~.-,.~1 ~!'!!. !'!~!! ....•.••. •1•n1•n ~ / w='°' =er~Het· o.oM1!1Ll~:0!0110't 1,11'71 .__ • .Afltl •••..• .llM '111( •••••••••••• l!.41 0 U.D OA"•·r.:~ Hen.. ff ter '*'& ~--ft -... hit 11111 ""-Wlftl,; l I ftleplttftt •r•er tletll. II rtpreot o 111t1t1nt, Hftdl • 0111 Im trl Help 111 oone11101 1 DrO· 0111 TllH bot*tlft t ft.IOl1 l'l\Otlon fOt thll .,..'I fl• ~J .. M tor ln\eMtw. l'f~~ II~ II\ •· ,_. ,.. ..... Mon tM1 1~1 1 per l ro f•1' neoH'• I ,, .. l :IO,M to t :30PM. ~ oompeny neod9 ~,.., 11 l11. Met\n f.;:,· mo'"'"ll' t :ao to ~~~· holp. =·~ •~k~:,·~ li4:oo • ... 1c to alart. .. """' Mue1 "Mio 1o do~ Attor flret WMk ltlara In tor tmall oo. In Coat• oootllftQ. Soma 1 1'" =~· r~ .... d nooo11. all rwnenta 1 ............ MOH ... oo banetltt. 213-8'2·2441 VOlol. Cell aft 1:00 • .,...,.,. Full time. Typo 40 wpm. EE Trainee OK. Call Ann HOUSE>< PER Management Opportunl· M 2·t3f3. Exp'd, w/rple, !Of tlqm• tlol • tn Nwpl &oh. 8-4~15 pt, 312, 142-81171 .. /.... HOUS&Kl!EPER, exp'd. f Exp. w/alderly. Stay w/rofa. for home In Lag. nlgh11/d1y1 ft••· Ctn Bell 4M--07'1 llva In. No amoko. Aleo • •PllOlla Salol• , naad good Cook/Hlllpr. mTl•lll Lui M~ C M . 8 3 1 • 1 1 5 41 • Vocatlon.i tralnat tor 16 Paid comm • of 142-348} davalopmal\tally dlaa· 17200 to Miit• J. 0 IMad ~as::r ~ t~~ \~ ~:' :.· ......, ..,...... ~llY "'r.q\llramant• c/o They did It by working Suu n, Calif. Elwyn, with quallflad wrlte·ln 2 3 0 P e t832!5 Mt. Baldy, F.V. lead• oxplalnlng our • t21Q8 No calla. Cloalng exciting oil program. data Mey 7. Sound lntaraatlng? Call • LlllL llmTllY Jim s1iv.r at 873-4302 n1ngs ntldad for buty general Plant Malntananoa. fnta· praotlce In Hunt Bell. rlor & •Xlertor poeltlon1 Salf·llartar. 3 yre laflal avail. Full time ~on-Fri exp prefwrad 847-9041 Must ti•v• good drtvlng · · record. S-45-&252, LIFE GUARDS 14.76 hr. l~le Clt*'lnt. b· ft point Ill , ,>fl " " ,.. Uft . LVnr, Al , latho. -. Mi"tl .... w ...... ...,.. NMt lri'~ f1rM pOrtallle ... dlyet ~ t D , iow 111'1. I hM 1._ ~ plol\upe a 1ppHr111oe HHnll11. for e d1101tor1 .... 141oM?I 111111 olt1lll HW mod. ~"~~~ew. o.w~· ooupH. 4 t.o 011oou Heavy plle>Mt. llftlt fY· ~nloetlonll edmlnl-A.V011, uoo. ?"41 lroml (001711) (ltk pl11g. Apply In pereon 101t1va d-.,1. MO'y. ~· _,.. WAiia 141-1280 "tAA~':;!OOp YACMTI "30t3). Pric.. 1tanlng at Mon-fct. t -1: Trend Im· o.41. lypl"f & 8/H f~ d. 170 US Hat ., II ... , ~ t ..... 1no. 1aoo W, lxeo ... cratarlal 01tp. 1 • • AMWAY PAOOUCTI M · f7&-t007 H0-172& l\09. ,__ Pal!lllic Coeat Hwy, N.a. ~t. Non·amokar. Oall: ..,,_.... w var od to your home. l.oHr wltrlr, •Int oond., MMRnl•T M0-01H Sil'fn:fe••••••••r.";'n' C~thll ..._. 641·1215; call or ua all 5PM, _.,,._ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=ldlWIM 10lp 24" Ir 27" OYO 1414218 5A1~30 ""' tf ;, i quick raloHa whoele, Mambaralllp In Rancho _M_O_T_l_V_A._T-EO_O_W_N-ER--1 ...... • 8WOlntJollY1bl ~UJ:d•tt I UO . CMH• Verde Atllletlc ca1.S..8all--.yoond. Not enough time aun tub for • couple. Rafi, Hatter ... 87M7'f1 a ..-c!M? ltovo'a l)a. •ft t•lt Paur,c:>I P8N10, 12 1pd, ta()O, Mtl for l f50. Wor11 u~~;~~~~~ t911ing II now hl""9 yng. How would you llkt 10 24 frame, pearl white, 5 5 8 • 5 f 4 O, ho l'I') • people tor a hand oar ..,n u mvch u 150.00 a w 11 oo•1 •. I 2 211 . _1_6_1_-12_&_2 ____ _ w11hlng earvloa. WHh WMk? Do you Ilk• dl'fv•ln &44·6258 WIM ractc, hold• over 300 ---------i ftwr.,l'a, "olla Royce·~· movl ... p1cnlo1. pizza Dirt Bike ••callant condl· bOttlM, coel $000, Mer. 13 ft MZ Flbarg1111 Day Mtrcad .. & Poracha • partl ... baach partle1, tlon 135. Or bMt Otter. 1100. ~973 Sailor wltranar 1150 whlla you •oak up the plue many other thlng1? 944.57911 OBO 548·8200 Npt. 9ch. 1Un. Full or pl Than you would probaby FtaO·ltendlng pot belly ti .J time pot. evall. 931-eeoo probably enjoy working 12·•Pd Fuji touring bike, u""P.11120:;.. n63av1~1r2b18ean .,,,, IU1' "' •• I U S •LES/OECO .. •TOR ror 14. x In t con d . $ I II 5 . aed. ""' ....._L... If•• r1lJ1J11 f " "" Q C TONS •••1n37 .,..,.. 1• ••••••••••••••••••••• Must be oraatlve, ••If· UA.LIFI A 1 : _.,. • ftopltona patio turn. Lg •"••••••••••••••••••• 1871 TO)'Ota Dolphin tll' motivated, & love peo· !· Ovw 12 years 01 AG•· l.JIJI--tbl, 2 b., 1111, gd cond. ... 6'111 RV 40.000 ml. Xlnt con<I. pie. Exe.II. comm1111on, .. Naat, honall and d•· --. 1115. 5'40·112411 Up to -51 ft, COM araa. Loaded w/lltrH. 111300 lla•lbla hours, will train. >andobta. •1t111'11 1111 p C IC f $8.00 J*' tt Call Peggy 631 1218 499-t4411 J. Work attar IChool and••••••••••••••,••••••• I N tbl or lg tamlly, or Catrla 714-955-2473 ~-·-------1 >atutdaye. llW H•l n P"11. chUrch, ld\OOl s.4S. wtt-da e-5 n.tJ lhlrn lfll UL.IS CALL TODA.YI Rad 0 d 2 e d eking 2bencllee 120 5.40.1735 ••••••••••••••••••••• Earn big nlOlltY working 537·5938 or 531·5257 4•20~ ~; .:.0 r~ Newport Baach Tannli NEWPORT A.rchu Ma· 78 Bluer. lo ml, mec:ha· pan time by the Baach. 8A.M to 10PM fencing. Lowul price Club, tamll)' mam· rin~. 2 lllPI avail. up to nlcally xlnt , rolled. CA.LL. W.W. Wllco11 I guar. Jim or Ken 1ny· benlf'llp, 1750. 8-42-'4847. 42 · 642-4844, t-5PM l t800. S48-t737 714-890-3441 111'1141. 646-Na5. .,.,_,, WA.NTEO: OocX to rent for 711 ChatokM, am/tm, Cb, SA.LES 1 ........ 114 IMr ,.....n .... 81 2 pvt boet1. Approx 20tt trailer pkg, air, pa, pb, GH-3GEROVITA.L Pllf1Ume,3 to 1f lhitt.C...UI Wulf4 • •I aa Newportuaa S31504jt-3188 now available In the Wiii train. L.J_..I llJI ••••••••••••••••••••.. 1175-7474 aak for Marit USA. 11 It tile Fountain ot 8-42-3013 ... ':1':"~••.......... o u IL Ts. w • bu Y o Id ._,..rt • ......__ f nch HU *1 -• •aa .... P1tehwork Oultta ... -_..... ••••••••••••••••••••• Youth? FrH Hmlnara. ---· M CllWYY v. ton PU, new I $1,000 to ·s1,200 Swim lnllruotora, 16.90 hr. Call tea-0311 high Income potantlal, TILl.-E New & uHd. Fan1a1110 540-2241. SllPI avail day, wk or mo I I dh I .,.. -s &4e-0551 br111. aft, rag, & battery 1..o.n Pr~. c.p.t,fe om x • H VH, co•· dl1trlbutorahlp1 avail•· ._.....,_ prlc ... Large N lec:tlon 1--4 ......... Nead• a little body w<>tk, to run 1 g.i ottloa. Must lings & sealants. Pwma-bla 7141963·5535 Work In the evening Mt· Perry's Camera, 380 E I ..... ~•-WA.N T ED BALBOA w/cmpr, en9 purrs TO START ......... ,........ ................... •bf. ... .. .... ,......., 11 ....... ... be able to proce11 tor Ille Pfastlca Co<p., 1537 ling appts tor my Nwpl lsl, luttln 632·386&.-•wl ISLAND Dock. Slip, 12300/otr 548·21•2 at FHLMC loan• & 2nd Monrollta Ave., N. B. lllles LMJ Bell olc. for a major ho-SLR 35mm auto camera 968-5037 attar 8 Mooring or Tie Down for 6PM T.0.'1. Laguna Beach PLllllEI Mature for Co1ta Mall tel. Hrly·commtulon· w/cua 195 Ilka naw 1111 1, __ , 8' Sell boat. 675-9716 or 1---------1 area. Salary open plus Woman'• Clothing Store. bonu1 833-3740 all condltio;, 54&.2655 1118 ,.., 640·5214. '77 CllWYY Cheyenne 4x4, commlulon. Clrcle Knowledge of resld. & Permanent part time ex· 1PM l•1lr.-tr "'3 . V -8. 4 •Pd 15700 Home Loene 499-2261 comm'I. Mutt be varH· par pleaH. Immediate. C. llJI •••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted. Off shore moo· 633.0186. tlle In other trade• 8-45-5711 , ... , ..... ......, ... '! .................. 12 •Iring Tallamlnagultar, rBlng for3•5·~ .... N~wport I ' Makb, experieno4J helpf\ll. 631-2345 Work your own hrs. from PMllan kitten, red tamale u cell cond • w/ca1e. • Y • · s a 100•1 · Vu1 51 NMOadfOfllmalh.,e& ---------Salee 3 pm t o 9 pm. M on-1175.Sholl&rafll•tarad. $250.t.46·11137 55l-6493 ;97•;·0~·,;;;·M,01•;1::~~~ S:11cf.~~n~n'.0 ~== PllPlln 11111110 11111 l.. Thura & Sat. am. Earn 6•6-9965 llMll~ ..__11.,, a WA!"'TEO: Npt. Sch. 111p, 316 v.8. PIS. crpt, vary COUNTER PERSON for tor Angle. No telepllOne Active Npt. Bch. lndu· ITllT 1111 $4. per pr. & bonus. GI-SlameH/Hlmalayan Kit· .,,,._.. •mrm • 3 1 Nllboat. 496-6226 cletn, 16K orig. ml, 1 1 strlaf developer with The Loi AngalH TlmH vfng preaenlallon. no 7 k 1 ••l-1•1 ,., , 15GOOIOBO ove< ssooo aqu Pf"'1·1 r~nta at ore c.1111 quality development• In Clrculallon Dept. cur· HlflnQI Gd. phone per· ten' wee •' m • e ' ... ";1,ae. ............ Slip 13~ 11 X •2 tor rant 548·5518. 6•5·•509 al1 ::u~:m~. T~p7~ ~~~~~ Maintenance Man. Per· L.A. .. Org. & San Born•· rently hu po9ltlon1 open aonallty req'd. Call: Choe. Pl. 150. •95-4814. SCM COPIER S300 mo. " $ CREVIER ................ .. ., .. , ... ..., ltltt·ltn l1t· u..a., Speclaft1fng only lo BMW WIEll lllTI· ID 111¥101 •111m 714 13&-3111 208 w. 111 Santa Ana CIOMd Sunday TIM Int IDMtlc hrt., ,,. ... ,., ...... LtaMO..W .. •Latta lllWU .., Ir Lt ... ly ... PlltH Plaaf (114) IZZ·IJH .... , .... " .. ILIHT & JO' CARVER iwy phooel. United Aenl form all typaa of apart· dlno counllea. Seeking In ialae. A.a a field re· Debbie, Ml.·9•70 ._ llfl Excellent condition. Sec-640·5159 1 __ • ------~"""."! A.If, &45-0760 manl rac>alrt. Previous lndlv. with some 9XJ*'. In praHntallv• you'll earn 1----=-----:"."A~••••••••••••••••• rtlloe 1600. 8-46-1177. 34· 11~ for rent 1 month. ·79 Dodge culfomlzed ... _ ••• , .• ,.. , ,.,. employment as apt Property Mgmt. Aeapon· an hourly wag• & gen-TUYll 11111' PETS "R" PEOPLE 33•80 Daek w/MC'y chair Newport Beach. 1210 van. every ponlbla op-",. ........ ".,. ·~ R lJ5 R. 1rt. t · lY\11\ \ ..... IUU For bu1y madlcal lab, hrs. 8AM·6PM ¥on·Frl, 840-0140 maintenance or builder sfbllllie1 to Include: di· erous commllllons. Hra· Min. 3 yrs exp. oomm'I & Exotic vacallon1, hair & pad+ hvy duty IY1)4no mo. 842-1234. lion Reduced to S 10, --------- cuetomer service requl· rectlng project appea· .(pm.&pm. For more Into vac. Sabre trained. Her· styles & love at Sherry'• stand, 7• conf. tabta w/8 500 646-7988 73 BMW 2002 perfect red . S 1 2 0 0 Imo . ranee & malnt. s><ogram. plaaH call: 95 7 ·2361, bor Travel. 675-13 I I. Poodle kid• 4 aale, T. c111lr1. (2) 30x80 work .. ,., 1,.-I . 79 DODGE 200 Great bod Y & Pa Int 642-4907, 9-4. tenant relatl()(ll, refur· ••I. 120• MIUle cup, toy, min. 546-26'6 tablas. )(In t c ond. _, "" ehepe. A.IC, AM/FM $4000/060 Aune good blshment & tenant Im-_, 559.4095 DANCE M/F asslel In so-MA.NA.GER -Hfl·starter provemante. Pl•H• In-SALES r•reon wanted TURL 11111' ..._.___.._ -~ ,...J 752-6353 ...................... c.ss .... 000. 5•6-512• ---------s di F ,,I L --.. II ,._.._., ---·-----1 51320 II I cllil club, baNroom ctaa-10 manage 1m ofc turl)i· elude salary require· un a 111 on1, a. Need Apolo-trelned sr M pups. 5-46-1395 aft" WOOD EXEC .. OUK 22, ,_r•-Cr-att.._ ,58 Ma· A•m •gt" 1• ' a op ions. •x· .... Earn u ~ lelm 10 ture !easing co Flexible ments with resume to. gun a Bell Call (7 14) agent with 3 yrs min. a SWIVEL CHAJR tl6 h '"h' 1 .. 1 E ,1 ••••••• "!"~••••••••••~•• cepllonat care taken I tOOO/mo. PIT aventnge. Hra. UnHmttad potential Box 980, Oally Piiot. Po •97-'477• experience. Nwpt Bell. Golden Retriever pupplet, · 646-4973 og u · vary op. on WI 1111 YMI Imm a c S 1 3 . 9 5 O Mr. Eftls 542·9047. Good for aharp home· Box 1560. Costa Mesa. Call Nor-ma, 6"4·5373. AKC, 90 + champion•. Gr .. t cond. Dependable •116-4523 k 1111 1 I 1 c 9""'"" ""'41'o IAlJI Plltel home ra11ad litter Ofttc.a lum "dWf Na ca· 6 cyl lnbrd 180 h/p .. llO OllJ ---------DELIVERY per•Anl ova• ma ar w no 0 nves a cucv-v""" O t II I ..,,.~ ..._.__ .. _,_ ...__.. '... 1111 UW 1211 ~ apare time to make It go rder desk. u or pl ,....... 631·0.-.,..,.,,en-•,.-........ Harcute1 eng. Full In· Anything considered . • 18 tor L.A.. Tlmaa l o S411-W9 · PIT PenNIMnl time, tor Orange Count· new. 8"1-20ee 1trvmantatlon and radio t977 lhru 1980 35,000 Ml. LOADED .. 0 m. I I n c . ... . . 1n·11 y'a moet dynamic tinging ...... ,... ,,., " ,.. 1145 COPIER· m-~ .. up •o ""' pl\JI dock space. Cornpl. !ST OFFER Of ~_.. No cotl-Ung -~----Good telephone per10· ,.., .....-Btacfl & wtllte GrMt Dane. c()9la1 per orig., hu r• 675-7 7 Jc , __ s_t_1_.900 __ o_w_N __ A_A_1_ :wiuAM. Economy car •• .,.. •*ilUllll telegram company T •-'-..... •••••••••••••••••••••• '"" ' ... summer pkg $4 500. ~ s c .., ~ · Expartenc.d. Must have Leading nalloNll martt• We re eeelclng to build a male, good watch dog. ductlon capabOlty, ... Y 4 4 Days 640-0763 50 mo. plua bo-own tools. Apply: 300 E. ling firm naede lntellt· natlty & legible l'landwrl-f wl h kid N her to follow color code. 1---------eves 6"0-9•51 ,_.., 8-46-0637 17th St., C M 5-48-4843 gent, adaptable people ~~:,:SI~~: S~/~r.9~!: ~~~~! ~~,!!,.';:;: = d~, Bl~k,0;~ & $1000 or betl oftw. c.11 ftM~llifa ...... ......... ~ lll'Y who enfoy public con· dlcal benelfll & credit on-call work In the pr•· brown Au11rallan Sh•· Keith, 556-31t0 ..... ............... ~!.'!.".".. .......... !.~~ Ortho chalralde. ucal-N wpt ech College tact Mull have clear union. Apply In pereon pre~• area. A.I leul one pherd Balole mix Pup, 5 • •-z C..,.n, 1'1• •I '"Or-.. CCIOlllfy lent wage and banaflll. backgTound Salar y telephone voice. An Ideal M-W·F 11·11am: A.nlmal year• expef'lenca In~ mot. female. Aleo 5 kit· !''!!! ••••••••••••• ~. Jnl 1111 2925 Harbof Blvd ROA Of aliOlbla. Nowpof1 open. Must type 75 wpm. ~= ~~ ::n ~~ Crackerl , 215 Alv~1lde Ntllng. pute up, camera lent black & white & grey NA.NOY CO NOOR Parrot •••••••••••••••••••••• COST A MESA e..cn. &40-o121 759--1633. a regular sch--'ule. Op-Av N B operation or platemaklng atrlpad, 7 week1. Nead & lg eao• 1160 Of best '72 Dodge van Pop Top, 111-2IOO "" ·· · ii ~. You mull be good name lmrnedlately. otr s,.8_,.228 goo d con d. 14 o o o DOMESTICS portunity for an excellent SALES evallable to work·on a Moving. 2261 Orchard · O.B.O. 2558 Fairway Or., Mature houMkaepar tor ...... ltshtMf pan/lime Income For a Sales Aeprffentatlve to substitute or cal14n bUla. Or. Santa Ana Helght1. ""-" j a..._ llH C.M. WE PAY proloulonal. Varied du-With lfmlted X·Ray certlfl-confldentlal Interview, cal\ on reader ad bull· Salary Clepend1 on ex.,._ DORA E ••••••••••:-:r;. •••••••• .._ ____ ......_ __ _ llOt. Hona1t, anlfgatlc, cation or C.R.T. Good pay ca It M r . SI rote et neu acoount1 tor ad· rlence. Contact Peraon-A. BL Hammond Coneola Chord 7' Cebover Camper tor TOP DOWR rallabla, 5 hrs pr day. with chance tor rapid ad-5•5·5776. ver tl1lng. M on-Fri, net, PUPPIES. 1 Wl<S. Orgen bench mutlc II')-emalltruck,wTnewjac:tta. Moo-Fri. c.,1raf1 req'd. 1 n c em en • Ca 11 llam·5pm Ba11 & com. lr-t •-.....o Coyote mix. 8-44-"869 ci'd sJ75. 5'5~2298 1700/0BO. 5"8•2674· FR 1111 GUI 64()..0962 v · ' · :::>uallty Control Dept. Full --752-6300. A.ale tor Or. Le-lime. English epeaklng mlllfon, company ban41-~ PHtt hnltmn IHI 14 llkn 1141 AL.Ill UI• -•-y WllllM vln or Judy Maflhan pref'd. C"'"'tal Creations. Ills. will train. Neat ap-•• .. •••••••••••••••••• rr, I.Ml., •••••••••••••••••••••• --.a•;-••i _.511 • •1 -pearance&goodspetllng 330 ·Bay SI KING INNERSPRING EX-•1•1 ,........_ 1111 UCH Sport Mk II. Nr ..--•--Naed1 machine opera· 71~~5414 • 1 p Cotta Mesa .u1, ,__ 2460 Harbof Blvd tore for hemmer, --. MEDICAL AN11t. Llmllad uf e1sent1al. ,.pp Y enny-TRA FIRM mattr-M1, ••••••.,••••••••••••••• new. Big bore kll. Mohnt ,..... I (....._._ Hver. 1660 Placentia. An Equal Oppty Emp!Yr ~ ·--', ---h •""". 1 9 7 9 2 8 2 Co Io r exhau-. Saddle bag1. COSTA MESA ,tacker, pleater. Cu1tom X-ray cart. req'd (MS). ._.. • __ _ ·-·-....., .....,, ~ •• . ••• ••-Rex hft. 631-4420 • ..._.... C.M uc. 12"8 def. Never TV1 ..()..hra. Ask tor Jim Dealers personal Moped. _._.. workroom axparlence · __,,......... WAITRESS/WAITER w/ u11d queen 1z, worth 962·559a, 075-2734 S595. 673-1•55. 141-1411 required. 850-0688. MGR, gift store. Udo Vll· N11ed 2 experienced l&Lfl car tor wicker baekat $3119. CHh only, 1218 --• laga. Raq: powerful, people In COMMERCIAL Telephone 1ollcttor, no luncn M(V. 9:30-1:30PM, def. U sually home, In/ WE lft .... u.e aalf-motlvated In Mlflng. & INDUSTRIAL real H -axper. nee. 9-S. Tues Mon·Fn Earn $15()..1175 754-7360 ·~---11•• Tow truck, AA.A ••P•· Mff.-.nw, tMe charge. tale lor a 1ucc:e11tul & thru Ftl. Gd co banaflta wkly Musi be Mal, per. l-liUiiriiiiiiiiiiiftiiH'-1 _________ ••• ~~~·:·•••••••••~ CLEAi OAll rlence. Apply: 300 E. fHT·WOr'lelng. Salary growing firm ea.1 wor-Apply In parson: 1060 1oneble & energetic. 1 llY WI• A.GNAVOX AM /FM 81 Vllaoo 750 flke new .. n•• 17th St, C.M. A.Ito bring open. ~5 king conditions In N-· ~lie. CM 979·07"7 aft 10AM for L.M 9!>7~133 combo. Traditional, gd. 4500 mL 311 mo. warr OMV prlnt-oot. 5411-4643 ----iiiili•ii:----Po rl Be a c II SECRET ARY Gan otc , appl c:ond. 1225. 544-1487 $2,3115 call 646-4829 .__ ...___ ~ ___ 11'"'646-5051 **I BUY** .... -• _. Tired of Nursing? Train Ille typing, exper. nee W d p EA.UTIFUL 26" RCA 'll lalll •IN 40 hn. no -Wnge. S• for mg mt. poa. In new hll ktMt lllles 71'-557"3380 Manc ()I' fOCessor Good uNd Furniture & Co6or TV ..... 2 yr wrnty 1825 080 645-9829 lary commen1urate on type ntneee Mk>na. Must We have an opening tor •--------II Xerox 850 operator with Appllanc.-OA 1 will NII I 148. Free delfltery · eJlPlt(lenca. Laguna HI"-be attracllva. Call tor two wall dre1Nd lntelll· lop MCtalarlal skllil. 2 10 or SELL for You TV John'• 646-1786 8t HONDA. XL SOOS 7611-3784 Mar1e appl 714-645-FTTT gent sa1esper1on1 to Secrelaty 4 days per week Non· ll&lllll.....,. lcrow1va antenna tor Low miles, xtru COMMRL CHEVIOLET ~tf.1rt.rt· · • "') \ "H ' I 546-1200 Entry level accountant, work In the Newport bfftltftt ... , .. .,, 1mo1Cer NEWPORT SE· mo\lleS In your home 2• 1 1400 549"2612 UllDSES HYS Harbor area In commer-Elecironlc:t mfr In Laguna CAETARIAL ...... Ul-MH s LIOO H d A """"" ... um d •gr e • re q u 1 red· nun ftlU(. cf al seles and/or res Beach needs en e per'd hrs/day. 1"9 546-2855 on ~ uns"""" Top dollar• tor Sporll accounting or related • • 752·2377 New lufl...Ue mattrese Mt, S250. No ex per neceHary. Exp. In Gef'letlc nurelng a ldentlef sates In the more exec sec'y for our 2 toP1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ISO. New queen elze. Wlreleu remote. control 556-0637 Cara. Bugs. Campers, S mull. Only dedicated, affluent areas. We otter necullvet ·VP of Finance I• 1100 750-"""2 unit, 1111 ell Iv t , new,.._________ 91•·1, Audi's · 1lary negotlabte. Non-YHll ~ ... R ~ c G IP G loving persons need ap· liberal commls~s and & Chairman of Iha Board n•...-wr; 1115. 5-46-2655 81 Kawuakl KZ305. xlnt Ask tor U/ M A •pmrekpr ·01At/lna' nAc'taAI. eta.Lia·: ply. Exp. all shltl. Xlnt great support If you are• We r,ulre excell. typing Summ 8' Couch, green, 2 ••. Z 1 11 1 con d . M us I 1 e e M ..... C S If S• t a d ha d -•111 5 lu """" C ... ,. ,.......... t " en 1 co or Iv con· $1600/off-. 751 •266. manta. Sand rMUme to: In•. program. Ill: e .ar er n • r ... I . p I wpm,""""' er areer ....... """"" ra,,,. IOle, t>Mullful paean ca-,_ ______ '1 __ -_ YIUIWllll Po Bo• t 2130, Santi 8-42-8().\4 worker. Please call me math ability, 1trong com· • 5•9·3573 $ 1-----------for a personal, contldan· munk:atlon & organtzatlO· 23 people needed to fill blnet, 130. 875-0161 ,,., • ...,, l.J•/ 18711 8allCt1 Blvd. Ana, 92712. Attn: Patrl· '=•=N tr/ tlal Interview In our pre-nal skllll , ability 10 work entry level positions. King 1lze bed H I, xlnl ,., a •-j •~ 'I II~• HUNTINGTON BEACH c1a. cond. Coal 1450. Sell II • ,,,...... _.ti ,., .. , -a.12 2tl0 ltlglous N-port Center Independently, & accoun· S 1 5 o. 5 " 8 . 6 4 • 6 . ~ I ••••~•••••••••••••••• -• FOOD MANAGER. Oto. & F di Otflce. ling or Ille bookkeeping $ , .. ,. RENT 26 tt. motor home 1---------t count• llalp. Hunt. Sch. t!'n!;~ ~m~NI~ LEO HANNA expar. Oullae Include 'fi" 1, 150 _4_9_3-0_ao_3_. _____ .;.;d"•••••••Hii Sips 8, ~~~~~ed. WAITED! area. Seasonal. April· lndultrlal complex. Sa· SA VICE PRESIDENT ping correepondence, I· Swedl1h 1mokad glau •••••••••••••••••••••• i----------Late model Toyotas, Sept. San. cltlzan1 wel· lary commensurate with • ...., L TQttr Ot. nanclal report1, budgeta, dinette Ht, cane beck 12• Glaapar IPHd hull • .,.n_, 1.•i-' ll•I Votvos. Pickups & Vans comatoapply.544-5878 u-..CallMr.Slmonds Realtors 6"•-'4910 etc.;lntartaclng wllhpeo-.... R"ETINGTA•INEE chairs, $350/0BO boat llotallontank1 , • .,,, ., •nl 11 C-" tod ! _.,.... .......... 22 pie Inside & outside the """ " ,... 650 1860 • • •••••••-••••••••••••• .,. UI ay General otllca. Heavy ~~ ~ecepllonllt needed, 2 company, iome accoun· 'SECRETARIAL • ~lnted, 1rao1 dol· ant trailer, tamlly 1lza, phonH. bookkeeping, yeare 1yp1r1g .-perlenoe, Ung & a variety of other "WAREHOUSE Solid paean coffee & end ly, 72•. 1650. good condition. loll of 15.00 hr. Certified AP· PllT Tm xlnt PA on telephone. admln. & clerical dutlal . It l&ftr. ltt. teblea w/wall unlla. 1775, .,,, ,,.,,.~ room and extrH. (low pllance. 8-42-0240 Ex Submit rHume to Ma· We ofter axcafl pay & 11• -· ••ta will eep. 650-1860 ' prloal. 997-86711 ---------Mpm. pandlng youth rlo'• Con11ruc1lon Inc.. ..---L.J...,.I H1I -..,. counMlllng firm hu ~ banafltt Including our ~~~~~~~~~ Natural oak 8 pc bdrm ••• ':1':".ll'e.•••••••••••• •It ~1 ,,,,, ltH......, .. & lmmad FIT ()9anlng. Hrs nlng1 tor 3.5 1h1rp out· 27865 Forbu R9d67L•7• 4 llf Wiii WIU I-111. dble/quHn bed. OLD EVINRUOE c: ......... '80 200SX Hatchback 5 1pd, SL package."'· stereo & cass Sunrf, 15K rm. 1mmac $7.500 Oa~ 673 ·7272. eves 751.0285 '77 280Z. beaut cond loeded. mags 37,000 m1 S6600.. 673·!-129 '77 8210 4-dr, must MC· rlflce $2400 5•0-5505 dye 71 Oalsun 4 dr. reon ,_ paint. AC. AM/FM $1800 6"2·•238 ·75 210 One Owner $2050 5•8·3016 0.LftH8 1121 .........•.....•.•..•• IEW DELOREAN (11060571 124,110 110111 SOT& AU 301 W Warner MO-lUO r;,1 11ZS .•..••••..........•.•. 8 1 Flat Spider 2000 Xlnl cond. low mileage. am/ Im cassette fuel lnl $8900 640-6198 (Jannl 8·30·5.:30 Full benefit going mature people to ~:. ~gc:':!, 2 * * * n •a r new . S 4 0 0 16 HP, $400/or bst otr. ..~.~.~ 1 ~"'='=4=.,='=JO=J=•=U=0=·'=4=61~ pkg. Call Ula, 558-3110. motf'nlta arnl>ltloua t0-13 . lhril lefttJ 650·1860 87M7M LITE BODY WORK & 1-71 850 Racer, rebft eng --.___--__.--... ----•yr olda. Call 2·6p m . More tamllfas are getting 23561 c ... Bonita Ave. Cu1to~ contemporary 1878 Mercury Outboard, paint/up to 50% ott your WI llY brka. carb New lop _.. 8'42·4321, ext. 343. A.1k the camping "bug" lhl• Quell van.y eola & .ov .. eat. orig 80HP. lo hrs, 1 1.800 body shop est. 538-9632 USED CA.AS & TRUCKS L~s good 6•2·•8611 Must be Met end able to for A.ndraa. Y98f. 11 you ha\19 a cam-You are lhe winner ot $ t 300, sac s•5 8-42.0053 alt OPM. --• ~· COME IN OR CA.U FOR 611 12,. Sports Coupe wortt wffh publlc. Oullol per that'• not getting tour tr .. tlcicetl ($36.00) 650-18e0 _ .. ·-nn lllf'llllAL rebuilt tl'lg•ne. new tires. ln cluda re9latarlng Have aomethlng to Hll? used sell It now with a value to Illa E ._,, 1 ...... .,,, I.wt 1141 165. 63t· sa9 Cotmlar·Oollllo new e tectrtcal, new gufftl In vary busy RV ,.., ___ .._.. _.. d 11 __,1 Ct---~ ..... -y•-•• laflanl unu .... IO a.,..,. •••••i•••••••••••••••• - -PARK. Cathlar exp., .,_,_, ""' o ....., . .._,...., ""· ---mini cond, orlfi. $850, 24' SH bird Swordt1tll lttD • -•-• lhocka, new radiator ............ .41..-lu Seaclltt VIiiage ~ .... 00 ...... ·-' 182t1 BEA.CH BLVD. dependable s I 100 ·-·-.,...,., ' Hunt~-.. __._ -·... • .,_. ....., boat & trlr Compt rl\-• I ... • __...... "'' _., I ---HUNTINGTON BEACH 601...()833 .,... Tuaeday ay 18 8:00pm Like new 2 iov-ts. 120 gad. raady 10 fish. 1 . "' ---------1111 .... .., •• • Wednesday May 19 each. Coffee table 120. 000 485-51165 TONNEAU COVER Ul .... l, 141-1111 lfMb f1n ....... ,........ 4:30pm Sol• seo . High-boy 83' YACHT Docked In ~G~~~~1 T Doi .••••••••••••••••••••• Pa11u mu1t be redee· 1150. Solid Oak dining Npt. For .... on t ime Marta 631-7797 Ill op . ar WE'R' E c:Q:> ) mad before ahow time. lbl 1150. Solld Oak cllr 1harlng bHll only Tax ~~~~~~~~~ W/bookkaaplng axpar Newport Baech, bay view, conganlal 1 girl office. Sand rHuma to Ad No. 994, Dally Piiot, PO 8011 1580. Co111 Maaa, CA 92628 .. sm.m Newport man'• ealon. Mu1t have local tollo· w i ng. 75% comm. 646-2718 ..... saa ,ull time. EJlp, praf'd. Crown Hwctwara. ~ 107 E. C.... Hwy, CdM HEARING N1' ) Toclalmpeuea.call S25 Lamp 1 10 . banaflt1a11oava11 .~ Patd 6"2·6678. ext. 272. Pu-1150--0535 11100·11500/mo. Doug A•"' /ttl Wt FOf Your Cerl DEALIN' :!Y ";~~11:;2 claimed by Pecan credenza, Bwatt. 876-3266 00iM;oRTANTNOTICE.. •ISM I - about 5'. Asking 1125. '79 310 Wallcratt Cabin TO READERS A.NO * * * 963-4000 Crar, 1tarn rm, 31', twn ADVERTISERS u. ...... ,..,, llB.K'1\fAT£ •-a.--~'--Living room paean cane 330'1, loaded, •IP• 6. Th• price ol llame ad-241211 Harbor Blvd'. """W ~.......... cnn. w/W/kvftt ...... ~ I 3 8 . 5 0 0 7 3 1 • 4 3 3 2. ver11Nd by ..,.,,le .. de•· Co.ta M... 540-5830 • DELIVERY ON ~-"--,,,, king 1125. ~ '37-6340 lart In the vohlcta clual· Premium prfoee '"';'11.~~ ............. Coucn • L.ovoaoet nr n6w Ill I Ill ..... fled adwnMllnQ column• paid tor any uMCI C8I MOS !NOLISH A.rmOlra, !>eve-• , , dOH not Include any (foreign or dornoa1lc) T lad mlrr~ E#ty l900'a. xlnt cond. A.eking 1350. 22 OMt Craft 51. M.. ~ble t...., llc«\M, In ~ ~lonl MODELS $640 8-4...,:1487 963-4000 llog. hull. Every 09tlon. t rantlar faff, llnenca a.. 1,,. .. ,.., • ,_..., D .... T "-"' ONat cond. Dopondablo ~ .... tor "' .,... ~..... #II "'-"j' op ..,_, now. 8 ayt lnbrd 180 h/p Hor· lullon control device :rc.:................ 1296 0:.....005 cul•• eng. 'ull ln11ru· ~"lc•llont or dell« HARBOR A.REA JMnlatlon and redlo P4MO documentary prepara.- A.PPLIA.NCE SERVlCE au.on...,.....,., tot• J d ooll epaoa , Qompl. tlon ohargH unlaea SAVE We NII recond., guar. llnon. 1110. •ummar pkg. 14500, othal'WIM apaeilt.d by appt~. 5Al40n ~ S.t-3113 • 876-7474 IN ac:twrt•. Relrlg, UU. W11horJ .... aMI 14' Gl.ASPAA wltttr' '71 ..__, 1111 I AT :v-..._oi::--l12D ···w;;iiii·~ =·.:.~~':fi-f~·· ~-Tew·~~······ HONDA '"' ~ W/ltllr)d 1180 l4CM1T1 '11 27Yt "· IA.YLINI" nAIUI b lM ta7.e133 • R aw "Victoria." Fly brld9•. TO IJY ••• ~.~~ •••••• 21 ou. ft. Fr~. brono !!f.7. .... ~~ft .. ,r-:: VH' =· :!~: tlnlc, • ""' MM re. bo1tom tteozar. 11tnt • • • :" "9ler tit.~ U11 • ... Ill •••··~··•••••••••:.·.i: SANTA oond. 1 175. !48·'44e. LL..... 144i 11•'1 ' ... 18 ~IOGO 4ltWI03. 3004~°'=-"4 II' ... • .. 612-2131 . W::,1~~~;:v.::; Vo11 .,. tfto wt~t ot "'°° NfWllnG Oondion. R5'I Fmto 'Tl -.. AN I ftH. nHda rapolr • tout ho ftdlwel (Al.00) Twin V~'I, Wood !'.full, 11266 lolld\ ~. 4 dr, lllnC running oond, ft 144-1487. --~.... :::r: •==' id'.iett' 11000.-.Nea """'80rel« "'-new, atto ,._ ...._ Oofl~af tradM. llU~1_..__ ______ .... dofroet, a dr •1u. . _., .. ...._.. ,.,..,. m..aoo 111111 .. •·eoeo. ~"''1':\~ """" ~ 11· •• ..wet °""' ... r~ f'rottrt.t t9'tl0, Copper. WodnHdlt MO U 1•0 hprHt O•bln 1t1do. '78 'Into, 'H llklngllt. ~ tMw.lllOOiown + .......... ~ .,, ... ,.. ........ ......... ,....... '""""°' ...... "· H. ..... ..-1 .... "K'"_e!v_l_n_lt_o_r ...,,-oocl---.,-.,...-'--,1 l!'9d ........ ._..... ellp. OIL~ ~11·0100, •hup lln ... Yltty ••. TO Clatfft peHH. .... .., .... ,. .. '~ • ~ltnr,dMdtotdil =::.:~'t WllreM, WT.O., • ..._,,.._._ .... aide. CollPertw • ..-.._ 14 ,.. °"row IO-ll' "·'· ,.. to• . .,..,... OoM, frotl ,, ... QOO, ' Wlr ltOtt. lrJtlt 1tll ~ 11...;'~"".;...;.Jlll;m; __ ..... .::...~1· ..... -----~·1 .,..,_ • -..... lefett , .. , .... w.,.n, 14' Dt.... r ftJ; "*'lH•i..v-:e·· ~----, { l ( ( ___ <CS ____ ) ) IUlllTill SPIGllUll 1177 HONDA OIVIO w4tt\ 1 new clutch end l\ew lntttlor, Private P'1'1· ONLY 922761 Call 764·tHl5. ----------~ . ~ ... ~u . • ••.... Mt!IJI •••••••• ~~ht.ff!!~ ..•.••. ~.-.'!!.~.r.!!~ ......• ~!.t'.'..~~!4 •••.... ····I ~!.t'.' •• ~~~ ••••••••••• ~.a.I!!..,~ .•....••..• ~'!!.!.~.-••••• : •• lftdl ........... llff lfftuf11.f1M .. ~ l'!tmf ......... /lff T~ .......... !lff !~ ..... !!.!, f!!.'!!!t ........ !~!! f.~m~{~' ........ !!f! ~A! ........... !!U P.¥!!~ ...... l!.ff 1• 111111 •n soo111.' t .i. one ot 1111 '"'°toT &o4 oi.-1:~: W,~~:k~ ~!~:~~ 84 1uo. n11 •no. br•k.. OllTlllPUTlll IH 11 Fiim ~~~~,:.:Ir~ w•NTED ..... th• IH I prod11ced . 13, Ml. 4 tpMd, ateireo cau, trlnll., POW9t brwc ... 91r Interior Perr paint & 0UtLUl1 We Jl•ve t good Hlec· OltO. pp ~1-aote n m ........ 000 orloln•I mllM. >Uni pwr. 11.' br•ll•• pwr. oond .. AM/,M •t•eo & • body ttl711 881·3h2 W• •P•C:llllH In...... llon OI NFW I USED TO BUY Thll i. • -.... Mtd IC> oond. 'ully equl,tMd. wind owe. (OOT ZU). apotleH yellow flnlah JOHIBHI ofr. Dal .79 lof the buelntu •••• 11 Ch1vrole111 f t1' "-ii find "IM*'n ion," 006d 111.HO or b .. t olt•r. Out11andln1 economy wfth bleoll buc*et ... ,, Rabbit, 48MPO, & tpd, ttve I prot"1lon11 ·1-..·e·•,••F••o••R•o•••e•,• o·o·•,•, ' UTI 11111. exteri or with b rown Conl eot H.A. or Ohrl1 tor only t&ett. htte *• • I I • velour Interior, 6 tPMd lallln 1140·6H1 ottlo•. ~:f:ta·Fln• UHd Car Low mllH . L3819821· 30.000 on new •ng., 110 Urlt ••Ht H Hatcnl>stck. Auto. tr•n•.. 1111 1111 1r 1 n 1 .. eunroofl '40-4Ulnome. .1Me-1970Hwt>or 1&399.l!arle le T0yo1a· wa11 11ereo o1u w/4 tfltw1H2 tlt oond ,pwr tl.,llMI I 81 d c t M l"ln• UH d Oar 8 •1••· apkre, new tlr"· muffi.r. o-~11a. ,..,,., ur ... llt!e new. Juel WlSON FORD moonroof. l aupunkl '51 Mil ttOIL, oompl. " " 0 • 1 11•· 1"6-1170 Hatbol' Blvd., better,i, pluga. Oerman -It over 7000 mlla1. n HONDA Civic h•toh· AM I" M o u" ti• I r•1ared, red w/1111 IM-~1)()3 &40-Me?. Co111 MHa. 846-9303 mad•. 811tteln 1hook1 ltw l1 l ... kl I tCNY 1ee1 t 5499. Eatte 18260 ~ l9tvd b•ok, good oondl11on. equallaer. air oondltlo· th« 1"1. Show oet. H O • ..._.. hH 640-9487. mutt Nit 549.7749 ctye NA~-:R~ k• Toyota . Fine UNd Hunttngteft e.dl '2.300 972-9120 en. e nlng, rear window de-ooo or tr•d• tor dwn· ;;r:;;9••••••••••••••• 873-2 147 eve• A•k tor , •t• Olm 21" •-'-""'· c1r Sate• 1999. 11110 •••-1111 P m troeter, IMtMr llll'M'•t, :Jim t on "'o 111 e . 1"'"1 TOVOT• St·.._..,_ R'·h -,. • -.-.. , t Maflte bf " lK'~T£R •0 " •-•.,.... "' (~A l l i\ ' 16~ &31·2589 Harbor Blvd , Cotti 79 Honda Aooord Hatctl· 1o00 ~L'f 2::8:oor:: Mn4 llllthl dan. Optlont lnclud• !I -8-4-v-A-N-.-1-8-3-5-c;c;-.-12-v-. ; ~ ~ , M••• 5 45 .9303 '79 Dal Cull ... Supreme bt cl\. 5 epd, tllver . blk m11 .. 1 Mull MU ... ONLY '70 MeroedM 2I08L ~ P•llll/••.. lpeed tr1111 .• POW9t dlao IUI*' dltt lfl/\I $1900 I• •11111 I• WANTED 540.9497 BrQUOharn Flllty toeded Int am/Im CNMll•. alf, 19,1991 Call 974.4911 vertlble I herdlop. AM} .... bflk ... Thie one la tu~ &42-7018, &46-1805 < ·~•, ',\ •• ·~• i 1 New rbll eng $4915. lllnl c.ond $4.975 F·· di ti 13631 Hatbof Blvd. llCtOfY equll>s>ed & get• w•NTED 720-1898. 64'-0805 759•1122, 831.()6M d1~1 or 4H·2!130 Iller '"',. o. new , .. & GercMrl Grove \)r••t o•• milea ge. 71 VAN. new eng . 111 TO BUY " 7:00 wHkdaye I WH · •14.t OO. pp 132•304 &a It I . I Ir t It e . (1BJ0283). s.4119. Elrlt German pat It, need1 79 Etdo bl11.k lolldlld '78 OLDS 88 DIESEl 80 Accord, 4 door. 5 kenda. evea 1 ... -a.... Ike Toyott-Flne UHd lllQht body work1 _$2900 Sunroof Xlnt cond, !.l4!K LATE I OIEL TO BUY 34 mp1.3101dtd, 1ctr 1 spted,l lroond.amltm. -·" ,,,,. '"' -.. CarSalH.1968-1970 &42·7018,&46-11w5 ml, $10 'JI.I !. PP UIEIC&·s ··n----L c4Mn 95 546-2856 Xln~c:ond. 17396. Oeyt ........................ ,................... l1• 111-1111 Harbor Blvd .. Co111 631·6666 n ..,. l9W95 I I HD ~41.08~~.20 , ev e a llA•I Ananll 80 316B, no ruat, n"d• ~40·~:e1. 846 -9303 ,;!;,!~ L~~.':~;~eo ·10 c1a11s1c: n Om100 ,.,.., WILSON FORD 110 GUI ie;;~Pin~~~~~~d:-;~ '7" PRELUDE Ml£11,. • .... no work. 17500/parll•I c111 .. x1r11 Showroom, mites xlnl 1.on(t whit"' WILSON FORD mlHll •950 • --·e trade. 84S..&o21. '79 Supra Llttbldl new 15600 Maxine red Int $ 11100 Ofl<J 18<'55 Beach Blvd • em/Im, 4 apd, r90. gu , OalllYI TONN~U ~O~ER Blue, xtnt cond. wire 840•52701850•1001 548·6446 491 OllOJ thmllngto11 Beach -669-4048 15 8 4 1 50 H0 4 N99-3D• ~elcc~ •••n ':!0u!ecl.1s1~1 ~:=h:2:2~~r~t~ ::'~.'·t!:"r':o~:.eo..Jape.soO 79 VW CONVT Whl on 'll Sn illt 142-111 1 !!'J:1~ng8:';~ 1t•lill Hff " " """" I d d T 1•2 1111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •••• • 4 dr, mtlalllc t llver. .u n11•1 Marie 831-7717 tv meg o a •• •k• over, .. m l Warranty avail. wtlt 41K ml $6.500 ltrm 618C.k wtlh blit• k l!flt>t•r •CORYETTI ~ • -~ ----~~~~~~~-~~' p~t•. 714/825-1808 $8500 Marty M F 10"' 876-0469. 559.5001 M001t roof Alt t AtllU w·NTED automatle. air '"""'· pt, Wt'I cMll"9r anywhere In = · · . ., •EW 1112 88 Ford Station W•gon " am/Im 11ereo. 5769 ml the WOfldl Sea ue 11 -11H '11111 I ~~~·i:;:~•ekend• 11YW111 ~~;~~~ntl \II gqo Lo1u1tt0. glu» 1op1. ate 1 good wOfklng car $400 $8000 Ltka n ew. ...-...... ••••••••••••••0 •••••• Completely r .. tortd top Champagne e dllton 1---s.. 4H01u.11 I OBO 541-2674 TO BlJY 646·754 l _.... •• *'11 .. * to bottom and Interior Sun r o o 1 $ 4 8 o o •B1;tow Whel11~.il11 • OILY S114111 -79 Acc0td Hat•""'...... l M 9 Herbor Blvd., C.M. Eng reblt IMI than 3000 fduU. 1112 963-4134 1 78 5""'"" $1600 ' I LATI '=L 5 •p", amllm,I',;,:.. U1·11ll Mum't got to llt ma go ml Blaupunkt hi power ••••••r.•••••••••••••• 0Fl7• RX MOWAJll CllatYrtltt l.l•ttl• IHI ~ u 848 "--Street NB to good hOme tor '3400. R '78 TR7, $1000 below ,, I 11121 •Rl:SALf SAi £' * Oh11010ut1ll Sts •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 I S-4800. 499·2122 evea UV'OW • • • Low mllH 'cu1 I'm her •ltreo •Y•lem. ecato booll. to ml. mint orig r t n · " NI WPOHT BEACH 78 Town Car. 4 door J ••• ' ''l,, 111.... w"k•n" c•·r. "·llvertd Mii. 754--0301 .. I t I ·•••••••••••••••••••···1 '19 fldo tirtz mrmnflJ•>l I d·.. I • d R-.. WILSON f()RO " "' ..,.. conu ., nu fll, II r , #1 Vehe IHler $10.'lOO IU-OHI 011 .,..., llnl con vvU· t• green with tan top. M•· 76 Portch9 914 1 8 rtd 4-apd. $2550 call Mr ced 10 $6000. 646-7988 .. A••••••••••••~••••• #ttfMft .... fffl xlne . . , ' Wllll1m1. "•8·7245 II lf1••t 0tHtyl Whltfl cm wtuttt f>'l l.'4 ------18255 Beach 81vd. 72 XJ6, ictnt. tnvellment. •••••••••••••••••••••• 840-52701850-tlO.l 5 1pd, xlnt thapt, 80K. ..,.. -44·i w Bay, c M lY C.:tte11et1'l 4 door. 111r Huntington e.ech Leaving country. Aid w/ •II, c: I $7600. 845-9805 Good dHll '78 Victory ...... -, 1-;IYICE MS 1%1 c.ourl rddio. delu•e #•rcan H S ••2-1111 btk Int. Fully loaded. New --~ • tJ..I 1141 ·73 914 PORSCHE Edition TR·7. new eng , -H c I 111"1 t0r · m I" new leas •••••"~•••••••••••••• .. tires, brks Show c.,. -•• -:-,..-... ,............... 1.7. lllnt c:ond. 1~95. ctutc;h, more. $2750 or Ill LWlll 1979 '>f Vlll f otr .r I ""'n '•.000 in11e~ $4 100 1976 Capri II. 4 cyt, 4 apd. ·~8 GRAN PRIX L J Nice $5.900 548-4141 ' .. I ... 87 Kldetl .... 1 .. ,.11n51 ., 12,. be 1 t 6 7 3. 7 0 e 1 . OVERSEAS DELIVERY 33K miles .v11111 wt rl'•J • 16 0500 &llllr 5 P M AM/FM cas5elte tle<eo, .. .._ .. , 4 .___. 1 ... 50 ,_....., .., " Ith• .,ph·il •Ire• r ,,., toolt.i good mech xlnl cond $3500 or 1>4111 o f· If•~'' '11f WJ I ...,_..,,run.,.,, .. -752·2352 EXPERTS tank 8 tr" 01 .. 1.tn1.. ,,,., ro Novd ve. 307 auto 12400 551-6.449 let 645·9248 •••••••••••••••••• .. •• Compua Hou11 of Im· 557·2 83 r.111 ~ 11$1 .,_1..__ 111.,, rors .ru•:>•• ~"nt•n1 •ti<. • 17 mp9 Ll .. fln 91K. ps ..,., porta Olfect teeM and ea 70 Opel GT. perfect oond •••·~··• ••••••••••••• !.~."!!f~••••••••••~ WU llE ltnflr pe• S•"'l1"' ~" ,1 r u • ., .. ' rn'!>lr cytl crpt 78 ZEPHYR VIiiager Wgn fi••'11t/d _,, moa. 11n1tbl• pymtt . Clajley & lharp. $1990. #}DEALER IN U.S.A 'll YW Wntfllt. Vil.VI rea• wirt<low ""'~l<lr.r 4 $1lCJ(J Pl!' 64&-3343 V8. auto. AIC. PIS. ste-•••••••••••••••••••••• Dlal 213 or 71 4; MER· 4114-4379 1986 Harbof Blvd wheel d•S< '"'" Ortg 80 C.:"'EVETTE 4 dr, AIC, reo tape, super dn 39K • • * c EDE s 11 2 1 3 0, RJy' CAR\IER • ..,., COSTA MESA owner s 10 '>00 I' Ol ri d•JIO AMJrM 1111 whl, lo mt. $4, 100 8•8·8200 •n. ••rt .... .,. 7141837-2333 ~! ......... !~ff ~ 1 C IY"t.r'r: ::;~~n~:~~·.~;~u.:~ Ml·HH 140·1417 I ART 675 1C.M rm m1n1 tlJnO Pp 14, I 01 Merc:ury. whl, 4 dr, 1111 Vat':l Clrot 111t 411111. 1977 PEUGEOT Dltul N ... )LL.YN....11\..C mo Balance S8700. 178Sfl11illr rlnt r:r:;;;J";,, 4'i0_5~5·29~---I needs very little work. Cotta esa BHu white, black lthr. Wagon . Auto. Irena.. ~..c~~~~1· 4H-1HI A 1 U. H tro roo f All 011"""" CA I llZS S200 642·8155 i!~ t~;! :~~::.1('3~oi~ Snrl. Ma'!~:'"· 17,000 pwr. at .• pwr. b r11ke1, . Cl~fD SVND•n .!.!!1 •• !............. $7595 6/J 1•.es ••• 'P...t! •••••••••••••• 1., 11 -s• ll&lue to the ml. 531.7...,., aterao c 111. w pwr. '87 BAJA. Rblt.2150cc ..... C •-5 ,79 SEVtLLc w1,,11, 101, 7!> Corooba. 0111 360 V-8, 1 ... 1 ••• ,, 11 OllOll yu••• ·73 MB 450SEL . I.Mn 1111 rea con .. o I o pwr. ••••••••• ... •• • ••• ••• •• I the< inteflOI Sh!f11C. cas· Io e d 6 d . Io m I . • Int : 'II OlllYllntll Seacllff Village 511 US ~ boost dual tank• & new G t d • t t t ,.,.1 ~1" t;.. • ' •••••••'•••••••••••••• .,.. 141'•~~~01~~ • Xlnl c:ond. Mon·Frl att 5. ,m•t.11bl~ 11n1121~3. TGZreV•)I •••••••••••••••••••••• Hiii the works. Aeklng '75 AMC M111dor Low sette H 840 -,425 0 1 $?900 957.0330 Huntlnnton Beac:h ~".,,. &45-2434• &42•5532. am y c:ar. • . S~L9llllng $2699. 631·8017 mltea, clean. $t300 720 2189 • -----V8. auto, air. P•. •Int Tueadey.Mey 18 8 ""-'m lftp IY & --------• s.4799. &rte Ike Toyota-.... "IK ,..1 YW 494-719'4 Eo/91, wknds __ ·_ _ C.rntle 1132 cond $4900 t·533-4242 ~ ... WJlfT M .. .., Flnt UHd Car SllH . -::.;;, 1 c .. ,,, lfJ7 •;9·~;~·c·~;: .. j;k ... ~~ Wednuday M ey 19 F c1ua1t1tc1 d l966-lt70 Herb« ~d.. -OHYDTIIU "-~11·• a .a •••••••••••••••••••••• e 'll Clltlass 4 30pm • fAClll'YI or A coat• M•H 848·9303 ••1 --••• •••9 Xlnt ___ .. 17500 I "..i.1lt ,,JS 79 Berun.,11., cslm T·I"" cond lo m1 St 2 500 Pines mull be rade• ACTION . -·£-_ _.,. ""'"'· ••••••• •••••• • •••••••• S499S c; ..,..., Call 498·0282 David PS 1111 wtit, AM/FM ste-med before llhow time. 111 WD II ttsll llUJ MUZM Cell • S40-94e7. 846-4151 '11 S.Yille 66~oti~~·O --reo cauene "4200 I To ct11m paeaes. c:all Daily Piiot 'lt PlmlT ~ F.'1!.! ............ !~!! 72 BUS. eunrf. w/c11m E11c:ettent c;ond Brown/ -c .. A,, H33 I 673-7713 Eves 64<'·5678 e•t 272 Pu. AD-VISOR Kept In ator•g• tor 2 '61 CROWN Run• eiccell top. prof pnt. & whl I brown. wholesale $10 ~2 JSO ··~p<l'~foo c~~~ ·-~.icoiUli "sioo.. 73 (Jetta 88, Needs nul MS must t>e ctalmed by 842-5878 )'eW'I, extra dean, meny Auto, mu at sell $750 wet11. type 2 eng. Teak 450 o o11g "" ' I paint runs great $550 I May 14, 1982 extru . $396 or bell ol· eeo-5375 Int. Mu11 Nit. 831-6003 675-3909 I Eves 4!:1~ __ Greet transp 548--0802 557.i1a3 • ... --~-lli~i;fer. 9§-2202 ------ 0 ATLAS CHRYS&.ll-ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor B lvd .. Coata~ Tll. 548-1934. 3 blcx:kl south of San D1990 Fre.wlJf off Htrt>o< Blvd. Complete body shop. S1i.a. Servi~. Peru. Service Dept. open Monday lhru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Ind 8 A.M. td 5 P M on S1turday. llACH IMP'OCTS 848 Dove Street. Newport Btech. Tel. 752-<>900. Call ut. we re the speciahats lor Alla Romeo. Peugeot;S1ab & MaHrat l T HEOOORI IOllNS FORD Moc:tern sales, service, perta, body. paint & tire depta. Competitive ratn on le ... & cMlty rwttala. 2080 Hltbor Blvd , Costa Meta. 142-0010 or 5"4CHl:211. • JOHNSON • SOH LICOLM MaCUIY 2826,Harbor Blvd., Coet.t Mela. Tel. 540-M30.,57 YNta of frrendly lem11y Hrvi~ -Or11ng9 County'• oldelt Lin· coln·Mercury deal«ehlp. 8 : SOUTH COAST DODGI 2888 Harbor Blvd., toett MeM. T ... 540-0330. RV Mrvlce • apeclali111, euttom ven ~ .. MIWPOIT tMPOltTS 3 100 W CoHt H l9hw1y. Newpdrt a .. oh. Tel. &42•9405,IS4()-1764. The Ferr.t ~ CLUllC MTOMOIUI 711 ...._, _, c.e. ...... Tel. taM• MATCH THE NUMBER S OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BO XES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beac:h. Tel. 833· 1300. At the trlangle ot Jamt>oree, MacArthur & Brlatol betllnd Victoria Stetlon. Salee, Servtc:e. Leasing & Parts We make great deelal • MAIERS CADILUC 29oo Herbor Blvd . Costa Mela. Tel ~9100. Orange County'• Lergesl C1d1llac dealer Seles. Servece. Leas· Ing. • DAVID J . P .. LUPS IUICK.roMTIAC·MAZDA Sties • Servioe • Leasing 2'888 Alicia Plrkway L.llguna Hiiia 837·2400 • CHICIC IVIASON POtlSC ... AUD .. ~ 415 E. Co111 Hwy .. Newport BHch 873-0900. Th• only deel9rlhlp In Orenge County with these three grett mek" under on• roofl • ALAN MA&NON ~AC.SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Coate Mtu. T91. 54~. S11 ... Stfvlce, L .. t lng. "Mr. Goodwnlnch." I 01 LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Btvd . Westmm~ler Tel 892·0651 Orange County s oldest and largest Pon11a1 d1>JINsh1p Sales. Service. Parts SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast H1qhway Laguna Beach •eJi.•y'1 pt It al .. for r-•" SALES HOURS Mon Frt 'l-7 Sat Q.S , Sun 10--4 49•·t 131 546·9967 • SAMT A AHA DA TSUM 2001 E 17th Street. Sar\ta Ana rel 556 7811 Your Or1glnet Dedlc1t1td Datsun Deeter • MIRACLE MAZ.D• We've moY9dl Our new loc11t1on tS 1425 Baker S1r11et. Costa M ... Tel 545·3334 Stop by & vtsil our brand new anowroom and see why we re the •1 Mazda dealer 1n Southam C111torn1a Sales. SflfV1oe, Parts and Leasing • ANAHEIM MAZDA "OW, o.c. ...... ~ .... "'" ..... b I.NII Ctn" 601 8. Aneh•lm 8 1Vd., Anaheim 956-1820 Just north of Santa A n• Frwy on Anaheim Blvd 'Call us llrstl ·we ARE HARD TOFl~UTWORTH ITI SADDLH.ACKIMW/SUIAAU 2&402 Marguerite Pkwy . AV9"f Pttwv U tt W. off• whit no bank or l••Sf' company can 1 Expenly tttrf.ci, mott mod«n al rvlc• & pwla dept , 2. One ot IM Soulhllt'ld'I most experienced UI• a le&Slng atalf. ~ EJlmlnatlon ot th• mldtlteman by IOMln~ detl• direct 131-2040 MllSiol'I VI o 4~,.9 ' COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel 540-6410 Orange County lor 16 years. 1 Mite So 405 SUH SET . FORD, IHC. Serving (Home of W1t11e the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 636-4010 OGM LEASING, INC. 730 W. 19th St.. Coste M"a &42· 19« You re In lor a surprise at OGM Le851ng 0 CONHIU CHIVaOllT 2828 Hert>or Blvd .. Cotta Mela. Oll9' 20 yNn Mrvlng Orenge County! Ser ... !Malng. aervlce Call 546·1200; apeclal parts llna: 546·9'400; body thop,Jloe; 754-0400. • 0 IOY CARVll IOU.S ROYCWMW 1540 JamborH R~ Btech. 64().64.4.4, Sal", 5-rvlce. Part• And 1. ... 1ng. • DICK Mii.Uit PIATILANCIA "Problbly lht io...... prlctd Fie.Ith eouttWn C.lltomla" (Looat9d 1 milt north of South Coeat Plaza neer Main 81. ttld Wartttr Aw i., San11 Ane.) 120 w. Werner, &m11 Anl . 5&7·2132 I. ' .. If. • Ylll 11111111. llllY PAPER .. M ONDAY, MA Y 3, 1982 O HANGf COUN l Y C ALIF OHNIA 25 CENTS Co.astal off shore Oil ·leases postpone d . By ITBVE MITCllELL or .. ..., ........ The deedl1ne fw the unveiling of offltbore oil tracta haa come and acme, and a spokesman for Interior Secretary Jamea Watt aya the lack of a ded.slon means a postponement of propoeed lea- ,.. June 2. Watt wu to have prepared a U.t of the federal government'• offahore oil leue tracta by Sun- day. But Jim Roblriaon, a apoke- sman for the Interior Depart- ment, aa1d in WaahingtDn today no dedsion on the 11 tnicta off Newport and Laguna Beachea has been reached. "By the lack of a decl1ion Two Argentine boats hit (today)," Robhuon aatd, "you have to aaaume we'll have to postpone the uJe becaL• Of the atatut.ory 30-day notice period." Both Laauna and Rewport have ~ on reconl .,.mat the leue aale, alona with tbe atate C.outa1 c.omnu.ton and Gover- nor Brown'• office. The oommimon hu urged the Interior eecreta.ry to delete five of the 11 tracta, and auaeeted atrict .UpuJationMJn the other alx tract.a to protect Newport and Laauna'• touriat lnduatrte.. Aaked why a dedlloo on the 11 tnicta hu not yet been arrived at, RobtNOn uid he could only 1Uppme the large number of let- ters oppoalng the leuea might have prompted a postponement. "We've received an awful lot of cunmenta, and I must imply the department ii 1till studying the tauee." Robinson said a decision on whether to d elete any of the tract.a off Newport and Laguna ahould be rnitde Later this week. He laid the department is now looking at the 8th or 9th of June for the lease sale. In opJ>08lng the lease or any of the 11 tracl8, the cities of New- port Beach and Laguna say th~ lease sale would adveniely affect tourism and the sensitive tide pool lift: were a spill to occur on th09e two shorelines · British pr.epare for long siege Bandit shoots • • v1ct1m The 68-yea r -old owner of a Newport Beach Italian restaurant . wu ahot in the chest late Sunday while attempting to push an ar- med bandit out of his Coast Hlahwav diner. Lorenzo Pasini, owner of the Spaghetti Bender, 6204 W. Coast Highway, wu taken to the trau- ma center at Fountain Valley Community Hospital where he is l.lated in aerioua condition. Police aaid the youthful gun- man walked into the restaurant at 10 p.m .. approached Paaini and dnnanded money. Puini, officers said, led the bandit to the back of the res- taurant u.ing the ploy that the money wu kept back the~. Once at the rear of the restaurant, po- lice Wei PMini pushed the armed crook out the back d oor and slammed it ahut. The gunman, police said, reac- ted by firing one round &cm his revolver through the wood door. The alug h it the restaurant owner in the chest. · Police aaid nobody reported 9eeing the bandit leave the area. ~.aid he escaped e mpty- The robber, said lo be In his early 20. and wearing designer jeana, re portedly left a leather jacket, that be had uaed to con- ceal hia gun, at the restaurant. Trio sought in assault Police are searching for two men and a woman who allegedly gave a ride to a 15-year-old Mis- aion Viejo girl., then sprayed her with tear gas, struck her, d e- manded drugs and left her on Beverly Manor Drive in Seal Beech. Offlcera were alerted to the · auault at 2:20 a.m. Sunday by re1ident1 of nearby Leisure World, who beard the girl .crea- mlna. police said. The girl, whose name was withheld because of her age, waa treeted at Loe Alamitos General Hospital and returned to her pa- renta. police said. Brltal ' na BlocUde Forcea Aircraft + ~ 20...,,.., ........... D-K ... MtleullMerbe H1llca11 .. ,. ~,~ 10 Lynx Hele ap .. ra 2 w .... xAsuu" Hell1:a• .. ,. About10Y .... lla11._. Shipe 3 Nucl11r-~••red lull...nw ' Alrcnf I Canter . ' ....... Aire,... Canter IDMtlOJ•I '"" ..... 2~ 1a ....... .,.. • Argentine'• Forces 19A-411rJM_.,......, . ....... ~ - 21 ...... FllflW ..... 11"1 4"I l-:: g .... lterl •• ,,_ ........... aD1111rs -~ ....... • Cenberr• •• Ill-· ' Alrcr8ft Canter 1 C..... ............ I F,...... 21t1111 ........... • LINEUP -Chartl indicated unofficial estimates of mill· tary strength of Britain and Argentina in Falkland Wanda area. Four p eople d ie in f la m ing crash MODESTO (AP) -A aporta car and a pkku8;:!ded head-<>n and bunt into on a bridge ln Mode.to,' fatally burning all four people in the vehicla. '?be two men in the aporta car WORLD and a man and woman in the pickup were burned 10 badly that positive identitle. had not been made by thi1 morn in1, Stani.alaua County coroner'• of- fice reported. Planes to Jordan OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -The ~an admin1s- tration hal reecbed ~t with Jordan on the ..ie of J'.MJ flab:Jlanee and Stmaer anti-aircraft mll-.0.. aou.reem today. Summit meeting potlBible WASHING TON (AP) -Prmldent Reepn will 11CC9pt the informal lnvitatlon by Soviet Preetdent • 1AClllid L BrnhneY to meet with him ln the autumn, ... COUNTY No bail for HB doctor By ROBERT BARKER Ol'hDelr"9t 8Wf A federal appeal• court in Richmond, Va., baa denied bail to Huntington Harbour physician Jeffrey MacDonald, eentenced to three life tenna in pNon for the 1970 : of his wife and two small da tera. .. ~ph ~pritzer, an attorney for MacDonald. aaid today that while refusing to reinatate bail, the court ii expediting the bearing of argument.a into the merita of the c.ue. The argumenta are IChedu- Jed for the week of June 7. Spritzer aaid that the argu- menta include w hether ti1al er- rors had been made and if the 38-yeer-old former Green Beret captain had been denied due prooem. MacDonald waa arrested March 31 at hi• Huntlnaton Harbour home after the U.S . Supreme Court reil).etated his conviction of the murden. The Supreme Court rulina dealt only with whether MacDo- nald received a speedy trial and not whether or not evidence ln the case suppe>rted a conviction. The clerk's office of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal• said today the order from the three-judge panel denying bail waa i.ued verbally late Friday. A written order that may give reaaona for the panel'• declaon has not yet been received, the clerk's office said. Government attorneys oppoeed bail for MacDonald in oral argu- menta in Alexandria, Va., lut month on grounds he would be tempted to flee rather than face life In prison. MacDonald, 38, now a being he.Id in the Terminal laland fecf.. era1 prt.on in California. (See DOCTOR, Pace A!) Early bandit hits CM store Police ln Co.ta M .. are ...,._ china for a masked gunman who climbed thr:1h the roof of a photo at.ore waited until an employee arrived Saturday mor- ning. A 27-year-old female clet-k told police that the summan weartna ' a aki maak and .IJova WM IDlide the In and Out Photo at.ore at 195 E. 17th St. at 8 a.m. Police aald the bandit, deecri- bed .. 6 foot. 200 pouna., fled qn foot with ~ In CMh. NATION More vessels on way By n e Auoclated l>ress British m1ss1le-firing helicop- ters sank one Argentine patrol boat and damaged another ln a clash inside the war wnt: Br1tam imposed a ro und the Fa lk land Islands, the Br1l1sh De fense Ministry announced today The reported sinking l'amt-a few hours after a Bn ush subma- rine damaged Arge ntina's only cruiser in a torpedo attack out- side the war w ne. The ministry alao announced 1 t was requisitioning the luxury li- ner Queen Elizabeth II. two cargo ferries and a container ship to take 3,000 troops, helicopters and other war equ ipme nt to the Falkland&, bo~ring the 60-plus ship Britiah armada already lur- king off the islands. The additional ships, which must make an 8.000-milc three- week voyage to reach the Falk- lands, we re further and1ca11ons Britain was preparing for a long siege to wrest back the islands Argentina se1?.ed April 2 "'~ BRITISH STRIKE P OWER -Vulcan strategic bomber of Royal Air Force is shown at bombs-away in a training exer- me. Plane is aame type uled in pre-dawn strike Saturday against Falkland bl.ands. A mi mstry commumque said "two armed ArgenttnC' patrol craft-type naval aux1Jianes." m1 tiated the lat.est shootout around midnight S unday in thl" Falk- lands (8 p m PD'f) whl•n they "fired on a Royal Na\ y Sea Kmg (helicopter) from HMS Hennes," the earner-flagship of the Bnush fleet. Strike settled? "Two Royal Navy Lynx heli- copters from s hips of the task force t hen en gagl'd thf.' ships with missiles. One o f th<• ships was sunk and the other (°ertaanlv damaged," the communique said Daughter only HB holdout Ministry officials said thc>y did not know the names or s1u> of the patrol boa ts, or whether they were among the nine patrol boats belonging to the Argentine navy. British ne ws reports said the vessels we re small patrol craft with a crew of about 15. Reva Gardner, the Huntington Beech houlewife who la on strike against doing all the Wnily hou- aeworit, aaid today ahe may be on the verge ot a major break - through. Mn. Gardner, 35, aaya 1he'1 alre.dy ~ contnicta with her buaband, John, and her older daughter. Ambi, 17, ape1llng out areas of howlehold responatbllity. Two teens rescued SAUGUS (AP) -A pauing motorist •ved two teens but the driver of their car died when the gu tank exploded after it cruhed at 80 mph into an em- bankment on a cu.rvtnc mountain road , the C.Ufornia Hiahway Patrol -'cl.. Michael Clemom, 15, waa pinned behind the wheel a nd bur ned beyond poaitlve identlficatiofl. T h e lone holdo ut so far 1s 13-year -old Robin, but her mo- ther says there appears t o be signs of settlement . ''She spent the weekend with her dad and they had an oppor- tunity to talk and it looks like 1he'1 changing her poeitic\, The British communique said the shoot.out took pl.are north of F.ast Falkland island and 90 miles inside the blockade area. (See FALKLAND, Page A2 ) "We all live together and we have to work together. God wil- ling, she'll sign ic>night." Mrs. Gardner, unwilling to Thug gets ~ 15 000 reveal specifics of the contract, ~ ' aatd they in clude learning to at Irvine station clean ovens and learning to rook together. An atte nda nt a t a n Irvine She says she has rece ived self-service gas station told police telephone calls and fan mail ~ this morning she was robbed of her ltrlke began on April 21. about $15,000 shortly before 7 "I've learned that there are a.rn. by a man with a handgun. many familiea w ith problem s Kathy Canu of Irvine told In· • aimilar to ours. vest.igat.ora the man walked up to "1n order to make thinga wor~. her booth at Campus Gas, 4601 all penona in a family must ahare Campus Drive, as she was coun- responslbWty." • ting the money. _, INDEX Eyes of Texas on Bob Hope At Your Service A4 Horcecope B2 " Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landem B2 Bob Hope Mair• Jok.ee about America'• fe~e atronaut, TexM. aolf, siudente, boo., dnlp, tex and the Agiea. p_,. A& . L.M.~yd A.6 Bl.llinelil B5 Callfomla A5 c.reen B2 Cavabde C4-8 °""'"' 84 Ctcmwald B4 Dlatb Notk9 C4 .ldltorial .u llntm1alnmmt B7 SPORTS Movies 87 National News 'A3 Public Notices C4 Spc>IU C1~3 Stock Marketa B5 Te1eYlllon 86 Tbelten B7 W•tber A2 World NeWI A3 • £uxuq1Jaer ·. IE2 to ~ecome l . , ~~u~•~o ~~~·~~~~~!~n~:C.: ;, trOO P carrier March 31 after the U.S. Supreme· k1ll1na hla preanant wife, Colette, Court reverted a 4th Circuit 24, and their dauch\era, Kim· c.ourt dedllon \hat hit convicdon berly, 6, and KrUten, 3, at their was lm1troper becauae he had: Fort Braa. N.C., home. been denied. speedy trial. He bu ateacifutly maintained He bad been free m $100,000 that the murden were commit- bond, which wu revoked Imme-ted by Jona-haired intruders who dlately after the Supreme Court chanted "Acid la groovy. KW the decllion. piP-~" Hia attorney• asked the 4th Bia AtJ8Ull, 1979, conviction In Circuit Court to reinstate ball ·U.S . District Court in North pending further appeal.a, noting Carolina waa revel'led by the 4th that he had not tried to escape U.S. Circuit Court of Appeala under the previoul bond. July 29, 1980, and he wu freed But the government arsued on bail at the appeall court'• in- before the appeals court that alatence. MacDonald "must be drastically MacDonald had been living in more peuimiatic" about event-California on $100,000 bail aince· ually gaining hia freedom in the· the appeals court decillon. The wake of the Supreme Court ball waa revoked by the district decision and might try to fiee the court in North Carolina after the country if releaaed again. on ~: Supreme Co~ acted. FALKLANDISLANDS ... The helicopters dropped "life-saving" equipment to the boats, and there was "no da- mage" to the attacking helicop- ters, it added. . ~ In Buenos Aries, Ar1entine military soun::es said they had no knowledge of the reported patrol boat attack. In a statement today, Argen- tina cried foul over the torpe- doing of the Argentine crui8er 50 miles beyond the war wne. "It should be emph.aai.zed that the attack took place to the sou- theast of Ia1a de loe Estadoe and outside the so-called 'zone of' exclusion'," the Argentine joint chiefs of staff said in a commu- nique. The Argentines alao announc- ed rejection of a peace propoeal announced Sunday by Peru's President Fernando Belaunde Terry. Buenos Aries claimed the nlan was ~ by the U.S. Secretary of State, and like BeV· eral previous proposals wu not acceptable. In New Yatk, British Foreign Secretary Francia Pym met today with the U.N. Security Council ·eareaident for May, Chine9e Am- SMdor Ling Qing. LONDON (AP) -The Brltllh Defeme M1nJ8U'y announced to- day lt la taJdna over the world'• moat famoua luxury liner, the Queen Elizabeth 2, to ferry an infantry br1pde to lta Falldanda war fleet. Ministry spokeaman Ian McDonald aleo announced the * * * Argentine ship u.s~ once vessel NEW YORK (AP) -The Ar· gentlne cruiser General Bel- grano, damaged by Britbh tor· pedoes In the South Atlantic, served in the U.S. Navy aa the USS Phoenix, surviving the Japaneee attack on Pearl Harbor and taking part in numerous ac- tions in World War ll. The Phoenix, launched in 1938 and carryinf 15 6-lnch guna, apent moat o the war with the 7th· Fleet, whkh supported Gen. Doujlaa MacArthur'• ialand- hop~ drive from Australia to return to the Philippines. . The Bri~ Defense Ministry in London said Sunday that the Belgrano. the only cruiller in the Argentine navy, was severely damaged by torpedoes from a British submarine. The Argen· tines said the Belgrano waa struck by only one torpedo. Lifeguards requ.lattion1ng of two c:arao ahips, the Baltic l'erry Uld the NorcUc Ferry, and a container lh1p, the Atlantic Cawieway, to tranaport helicopter aupport for the bri- gade. Boih fen1ea will be fitted with helicopter land1na pada. Prime Mlniater Maraaret Thatcher'• government already bu taken over two ~jor cndle llnera, the Canberra and Upnda, aa troop and h01pltal 1hlpa for the fleet. · The QE2, flagJhip of the Cunard Line, will need only a amall number of modifications before carryln1 "several thou- sand" backup troops to the Bri· ti9h force sent to recapture the Falkland lalanda from Argentina, McDonald aaid. The ship left Philadelphia on Wedne.day, and Cunard officiala aaid it should dock at the Eng.liah port of. Southampton around midnight (4 p .m. PDT) with about 1,650 paasengers and a crew·of 1,043. "We greatly regret the inoon· venience cau.ed ~gen but the QE2 . . . is uruquely suited to carry substantial numbers of troops" and land them fit for duty, McDonald said. The infantry brigade that will board the QE2 for the South Atlantic nwnbera 3,000 paratroo- pers, Welsh Guards, Scots Guards and Gurkhaa, recently trained in Falklands-like terrain in the Brecon Beacon hills of Wales. BACK TO BASEBALL -Arri Buford, 12, (left), salutes Oag before Little League game Saturday in Fountain Valley, his first since national officials ruled him eligible to play in Fountain Valley North League. 'Play ball' again for Arri Youth hack on field after gaining Little League OK Yacht club notes 66th opening day Newport Harbor Yacht Club celebrated its 66th opening day Sunday with more than 500. members and guests on hand to witness the formal flag-raising ceremonies and inspect the mil- lions of dollars worth of power and sail yachta lined up alongside the club's docks. Margie Ziemer for their Swan-44 sloop, Swan. uain $450 Putting an ell~bility .quabble officials ruled he is eligible to Arri's strong pitching and hi~ l!J' and a firebombing incident be· continue playing in Fountain ting skills prompted some rival Presiding over the fonnal part of the artnual festivities was Commodore Morgan L. Morgan who introduced other flag offi- cers and staff commodores. Highlights of the day were the presentation of trophies to the winners in Saturday's opening day race from Los Angeles Har- bor to Newport, and the pre- 8etltation of awards for the best maintained yachts in the club fleet. Winners of the coveted Sweepstakes A ward for the best maintained yacht·were Ed a~~ Morning cloudl Wiii give -y Id t11MY efl«nOOll. Hight today tie to 7 <4. Low cloud• tonlgf'lt clewlng • In the •fl•rnoon on Tu•1day. ~ Lowa tonight 54 to 68. High• TUMday tie to 75. T.mperetur• In t!M Hunllngton·N-pon ar .. ,.,. from • high of ea to IOw of ff. ElMwh«•. from Point Concep- tion to the M.txie.n bor!Hr and out 80 mllM: Light variable winds through tonight .. ~ eouu-.w.t to -t 10 to 18 knot• thl• eve- ning. Weet«ly twelle 1 to 2 feet. LOW Cloudl crt« IOUth«n Wll41rl tonight. Other inspection award ~­ ners were: ' hind him, 12-year-old Arri Bu-Valley, despite the fact that hia coaches to question his eligibility .. in 'l UD run ford was back on his Fountain family is now living in Garden Police are attempting to deter- Commodore'• Trophy -Com- manche, Art and f{allle Strock. Valley North Ltttle League dia· Grove. mine whether a firebombing The Laguna Beach Lifeguard mond over the weekend, helping National officials said Arri can incident at the Bufords' home is Sail Under 40 feet -Saga- doua, Chria and Ron Merickel Sail Over 40 feet -Expecta- tions, Phil and Mickey Rowe. .Amociation'a Fun Run Saturday hia team to an 8 to 7 victory. continue to play because he was related to the dispute. netted about $450 to the a.oda· living with a family friend in With the natioJlal decision be-tion, which will go in the kitty "I reallr, hope it's all in the Fountain Valley at the time he hind him·, Arri dis~layed bis ~t now,' said Arn'• mother, for a new lifeguard fadlity. ahe and th signed up. athletic talent in aturday's More than 130 runners parti-e Buford, 88 0 er The Bu fords had lived in game, playin~ _shortstop and first Bay Launch -Jane, Dick Chewning. cipated in the 6-kilometer run, family members watched him Fountain Valley for nine )'ears, base and pitching more than five with Lagunan Mike Farrell, 23, work out with his team, the As· but Arri's father, a disabled ve-innings. He also got two hits and Power Under 40 feet -No Salt, Larry Hamilton. ·the first to crom the finish line tros, before a game Saturday teran, moved to Detroit tempo-scored the Astroe' first run. near Qty Hall. against the Giants. "He just rarily for medical treatment be· Arri said onl.y that he was Power Over 40 feet -Con- cordia, Vince and Carol Arrigo. Sue Petersen was the first wanta to play ball." fore the Veterans Adminstration "happy to be back' .. and hopes to woman to flniah. The contest was Arrl'a first relocated the family this year to pursue a career In professional Non-Calm (junior) -Sabot. Peter Somers. The asaociafion says it haa since national Little League Garden Grove. baseblUL nearly $10,000 in the bank from 1--------;======::::==========:==-::===:==:::===::::;::=::::=:T------ Lively entertainment prior to the fonnal ceremonies wu pro-' vided by a jazz group from the Stanford Univeraity band. varloua fund-raising events, and expects to raille another $10,000 by late this swnmer. The proposed lifeguard head- quarters will be located atop the old sewer building at the north end of Main Beach Park. NH)'.'C is the oldest yacht club in the Harbor area. It waa foun- ded in 1917. SU.nny afternoons 78 •e 74 32 47 10 75 50 80 65 72 51 81 et 73 48 81 67 80 62 n s1 78 41 68 .... 82 87 .18 81 41 87 37 80 50 78 80 75 40 70 54 78 47 78 48 72 42 ea 42 80 53 71 30 79 82 .05 74 43 81 52 74 51 72 45 68 40 81 52 80 80 58 34 79 49 74 40 70 45 84 • 81 87 75 44 78 56 7t 54 73 54 75 67 .27 79 58 75 44 88 57 .12 80 5t 79 n 74 • n IO n 41 t2 t1 n &e 74 5t 7t "' u ea 72 57 17 t1 .ot ~ ro .. 41 Piiand. Me Ptllnd, Of• Provldenc:e :=a" Sall Lek• San AntonlO S-ttle Shreveport Sioux ~alls St Louie 81 P-Tampe St Ste Marie -~ Syrac:uae Topelca Tuceon Tulle WMtllngtn Wichita . 58 37 Santa Barbw• eo 49 Senta Marl1 -.. Stodlton -.... .03 Thermal 711 50 ,04 Uklell 78 36 78 57 .05 Barllow 80 82 ~= M 41 .07 I ~ 8Mch 81 80 .......... 78 68 Monrovle 77 57 Mt. Wlleon 80 80 NllwpOf1 BMctl Ontal1o 83 32 Pelrn Springe 84 44 PaNdena 87 43 San BemardlnO 72 61 Sant• Ana 85 57 rm-v-78 82 --.. 74 62 74 57 CANADA fS'1 63 e:. 41 93 78 88 615 ee 41 lie 72 60 81 61 ea 51 ee 50 78 50 02 ee 78 53 70 63 72 ff ee 2t 10 42 71 37 87 40 14 44 .,. ..... .. H ea ...,. I - ,Extended weatlier 80U'rtiUIN CALll'O"NIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN . A"IM -IOflle late ntofll and urly mornfflt cik>udt Mar 1M lllf llPlll ' OOHt, OOl•r•IH ,.,,. Windy , mountain ereu W•dnHdty. • ....... In Ill OOIMll ... "°'* tcre beaONI to low I01 tnllfld '.,... and !owl 5t 10 et. ~ .... retort ... "' Ill'°' 10 ... 70a Md '°"' It 10 41. Our own make tropical suits in classic olive or tan Our own craftsmen cut and tailor suits you will find surprisingly lightweight, durable and crease-resistant. The outstanding polyester-and-worsted is offered here in neutral shades that blend in handsomely with your wardrobe, accepting a wide range of colored · and patterned accessories. On our 3-buttoil model in olive or tan. Coat and trousers. $320 111 aUitt.,, ro 1llon, "'"lor, 10111 t1rul u1ro 10111. tit••• 111/11 tolft1 '" ,,..,,.,,. ,.,,,, pro~r1io11•d for "'"' S' 10" 10 6! ISTAM.I ... HH \ -- IBUffilm 7 hurt in rally rioting Many arrested in state May Day observances BJ 'ftt Allecla ... Pren J'rom Chrlatlant concerned with eventl ln Cennl America to memhen of the Revolutionary Qwwnunln Party, a number ot poupa marked May Day throucbout the ltate. In Loi Aqela, two marchee recop.lzed the tradltional Communl8t worken' holiday, with one reeultlna ln the injury of at lwt l8Yell penom and the am.t of more than three doun people. ~ admlnlltradon polldm were-opplled at a rally in San J'randloo. City craCks down on ~ragsters BAKERSFIELD -Authorltle1 from three acer1dll clmld in Clll a ltrnch of l"OllCiway popular . UDCllll dnpten for a decade and took 207 people in · cult.ody for nllClnl. most of them htah achool stu- dents. Officers arrested another 30 people for in-' vestigatioo of raclng just north of the clty about 45 minute. after the fuftial raid, California Hlahway Patrol Sgt. WW1am Klnnet uid. Hang gliders continue flight MADERA -Two bamstonnlng flyers bent on clrcl1nc the globe ln a pair of enfline-po&er:t~ gllden planned a 100-mile hop IOUth to today alter a prickly expl!'.lence ln a weedpatch. "We 1pent the ntgbi"(Sunday) in a hotel be- cauae af1er pulling our airplanes out of a field we have about five pOunda of dirt on ua and about 10 pounds of thlatles," uid Jim Campbell, 25, who ia making the trip with Patty 'I'ru8ty, 23. The two departed Saturday from ooutal Wat- sonville and flew about 60 miles before dark, Campbell aaid. They landed in a field ln Firebaugh, about 20 miles west of th.is community in Madera County, he uid. Polish union, ·police clash · WABSAW, Poland -Hundreds of riot police 1wln1in1 batont moved on a crowd of 25,000 8Cr'ealD1nl Solidarity unklo 1Up$rallying in WU.w today, wttnemee said. laid 8eCUJ"ity fores opened up water cannon md tear pa in an attmnpt to break up the demonatration, the ae- ccnd ~ cb.e1Jenae to martial law in three days. Wltneeeee u1d there were injuries and ambu- lances were rushed to the eoene, ai Warsaw'• Cut.le Square. There waa no immediate word on whether there was gunfire. According to the witne.es' accounta, police bad at least twice shouted orders for the crowd to c:li9- perse but were met by shouts of "Gestapo! Gestapo!" El Salvador president Sworn • ID SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador -ProYWonal Pre.ident Alvaro Mapna WM sworn in and pled- aed to reetore moral order. ~ rebuUctt'l the economy and do all be can to ena the,.. wt the ~~man la not cannon fodder for any appetite, f« any d.lcta11Dnblp and far no cold 'f"&?/' the former praident of the national mortgaee Denk said Sunday. .. >.. pr9ident, I am Plli to uae all the days of my eovemment ln searching for peace. We have nothing to avenge, nothing to reprem and nothing to neaotta~." · - North Korea to meet with U.N. SIDUL, South Korea -'lbe United Nations Q:mmand aaid today it will meet with North Korea for the joint Military Anniatice Comrnimion's 412th 9e9liorl at Panmunjom. Tue9day'a planned meeting. but pro~ lt two days after SOuth Korea accuaed the North of initiating a four-hour exchange of fire aero. the Demllitarlz.ed Zone on April 21. North Korea did not give anv rea1on for rnillu~rnm Clouds threaten solar event WASHINGTON -Four years ago today, thousand.a of Americana turned the Washington ·Monument into a giant sundial, attended aunriJ1e let'Vlcee acrom the country and heard a prmldent proclaim hia commitment to renewable IOW'a!S of Thia year'1 lharply ICaled-back. obeervance la sym- bolic of the 1torm cloucb threatening the aolar movement. SuppcJl'ten •Y 43 cltie9 have echeduled eventa of aome Kind today, but instead of the president belna a featured partidpant, he wW be portrayed aa the movement'• chief villain. .enerrii the activities were f« the firlt Sun Day. Shale-Oil project abandoned HOUSTON (AP) -Exxon C«p.'1 declPnn tc write off itl $1 billion Colorado shale oil p roject leave. anal)'lta convinced that the push for syn- thetic fuela to replace imported oil ii over, at leut "Synthetics have been lndefinltelr, poetponed, maybe never to get off the ground, ' iald John Llchblau, president of the Petroleum Indu1try Reeearch J'oundatlon. for now. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Hei.v ~ -C..... (aecul-Olficeo Kay Schultz Vlc>ePY..-,1 -Olrwclor OI A.,_,...,. · Tom Murphlne Ecltt0t Mike Harvey Ow«10fo4 ........ ina 1Clrc.M14IOlll Ken GoOc:lard OweclOf OI Oller- Ray Macleen CoMr .... Ctlatlel l009 ClaHlfled advertising 714'642·5171 All othttt «Mpllrtments 642-4321 MAIN OfflCE mwttta..M .co.••-w.c" M4tl\~ Bow lteO,cooi.-.c".,.,. ,..,.,..,... IC Ot-Co.~ P*•W"9 C- ... ,.._. ,..,,H, lll<nlt•liGft•, HllO<l•I m-t « - ••rllw.....,h ,,_.i11 m•y M '""'-" wtllloul ~i.1 ...-mk.-Of <ortrltftl _.,., YOL71.MO. m Attendance 'low' at World's Fair KNOxvn..LJ!!. Tenn. -Only =~===e:; lor the MCOnd day of the 1982 World'• Fair, but them who came ..nect to like what they •w. J'alr officials, reportina an official attendance of 40,001 &mday, were at a io. to explan the low turnout. :~ ..... ~------------------------------------------­' On SaturdaJ, 87,859 people e.ame to aee opentnc f•tivtti• and the exhlbita of 22 natlona, four atatn and more than &O oorpcndam and cqanllatiom. 1,;·-~¥£:; "°I• ~'" ' r, We're Listening ••• WUt do you Ub about \ht DaUJ PUot? What dOR't you lllle? Call the numt.r below ad your IDftla~• wlll be ~. tranambed ad delivered &o &be appraprtate editor. ,. aame M·hour .... ..._ Mntee ••1 be UMd &o rftOl"d Ill· i.rt &o the editor on anr .e. llaAllliox coatri...,,. mu.t tnelude tairir taame and a.t.phaM _..._ f« nriftcatton. No clmal"* calla, pleue. Till •What'• on Jout mind. Orange Coaat•OAIL Y PILOT /Monday, May 3, 1982 H/F MERCEDES EVERYWHERE -Fashion Is-ning of eighth annual show by the Orange land'• central court in Newport Center at County Section of Mercedes-Benz Club of Newpo{t Beach was wall-to-wall with Americjl. Autos on display we~e valued at Mercedes-Benz automobiles Saturday at ope-more than $8 million. GEE WB1Z -Elegant lines of 1929 Mercedes Benz drew attention of a young ball player Dltllr .......... ..., a......., over the weekend at Fashion Wand In New- port Beach. This model was supercharged. Police probe ·drowning of SA boy, 7 Santa Ana police said today they are taking "a clo8e look" at the drowning of a 7-year-old boy and the near-drowning of his 9-year-old brother in a Santa Ana park pond Stmday. Reported drowned at 'Thornton Park was 7-year-old Toua Vue of Santa Ana, who was pulled un- oomcious from beneath the sur- face of a pond in an undeveloped portion of the recreational area. Alao pulled from beneath the water by fire de.J?8(1n:>ent rescue peraonnel was ?-'O\fa's brother, Neng Vue, 9, who was reported ln critical condition this morning at Chlldren'1 HQSJ)ital of Orange County. <' Mercedes display: popular in Newport J valued at between $100,000 and $250,000. For aficionados of the Mercedes-Benz automobile, a trip to Fashion Island in Newport Beach over the weekend must have rekindled childhood memo- ries of toy stores at ChrUtmaa- time. From Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler's four-1eat 1935 tourer, l'. . to tne 1910 Runabout with more than 300,000 miles on it, to the , One of Southern California's favorite rolling status aymbols was on display all over the Newport Center in an abundance that nearly matched the spring flow en. six-door limousine used by \ Romanian President Nicolae : 4 Ceauaescu until its pu.rchue last : year by a Corona del Mar buai-; nessman, the cara on diaplay constituted pieces of automotive l history. It was by no means an every- day ahowing of the German auto maker's latest line, either. The 140 privately owned cars were mostly claaica. Many are Many of them had been resto- red by their owners, but 1KJ1De of the unreetored autoe were among the mast impn!98fve. , from cur priva~ labz.\ cdlq.ction, our fl105t p:>pular Jones~~ .ehir4s, .. ~in 800.ymr cut theecz. shuts SIU~ a basic \n ~l:xxiy.8 '1.'afdrcbz.. a ~ta. ibr dnz.ee or c.as a&~. avmld't:ia. in wa8-lsd WfZCT" doaut'coU.on a l~o:itm I ~ I I ; $ l.fJ • '--~~--~~..-..---~~ ........ -..-.. .............. .__. _ __.;__,~--~~~ ...... ~~~~--~_;._,_;.;..;.._--~t.--.--.;-:.......-. ..... ~~ ...... ...::...-..: ............ ....:-~.-..-----"'""""'"""-~--...----.............. --.....;~--...-.-- . 44.\ .... :••' ' Amending a return DEAR READICRS: What a relief! You fi- nilhtd your tax re~ed it, attached your w.2 tonm. and ctro it 1n the mailbox before the April 15 . But what do you do If you find 10me extra deductlona two weelu after you aend your return? Or what lf you hear about a apedal tax •Yina Item that )'?.& could have Uled? ~ lntemal Revenue Service hu a 11.m- p)e eoludon to IUCh Pl"Obleml·. Chanaee can be rmde Ullna Form 104oX, "AmendeG U.S. In- dividual lricome Tax Return," and it la avai- lable free of charge by phoning the IRS at (800) W-t585. Taxpeyen have three years from the due date of the return or two years from the date the tax wu paid, whkhever la later, to make chanpa. In the cue of the 1981 retuma which were due April 15, 1982, an individual would have until April 15, 1985, to file an amended return. Taxpayen expecting a refund baaed on their orlal.na1 return ahould wait until the first refund cneck arrives before filing a 1040X to claim any additional refund. Chimney sweep need ed Conlumer Yellow Paa-telephone directory. OccMkmally 1 the most obvioul IOW'Ce Of loca• Unc ~-bumne-la overlooked! You may want to contact Red Hot Chimney Sweeps of Irvine for an estimate by phonlna 551-3273. Owner Frank Steward uya hla new busiMll hu picked up llnce the pu- blication of the article you mentioned. It pointed out that the buildup of creoeote can be a definite tire haz.ard when chimney cleaning la neglected. Check gas valve DEAR PAT: My br otller told me llle'd read aboat a recall of HO,Off defective 1•• valves ated oa Uqllld propaae-faeled laeat1a1 ar pllaDce1. How caa I flail oat u mlae It oae o tile defective oaet? N.T., HutiactOD Beacla Call the Consumer Product Safety Com- mlsaion's toll-free hot line for th.ia and other recall information on hazardous products. CPSC will tell you if the recall applies to your model and what to do to get it replaced. The hot line nwnber is (800) 638-8326. DE AR PAT: After reaclbl1·yoar receat Snay article aboet tile lmportaace of kee- ptq a fireplace dlmaey cleu, I dedded to b •e Wt ..-... Bow do I ftM a compuy daat does Wt -type of work, ucl do JH bow of uy .Ut are• Irvtae? • .. 1 Got a problem? Then write to Pat Hora- • witz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the aJUWers and action you need to aolve in· M equitJes in government and bUJlineJll. MAU C.F., lrvlae There are many firms listed under "Chimney Cleaning and Repairing" in the your queations to Pat Horowitz, At Y our Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cc.ta mesa, CA. 92826. Aa many letters as poaible wiJJ be ans- wered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader'• lull name, addreu and btuineu hours' phone nwnber e&ruJOt be considered. The Robtnsorrs Gift . OUR BROCADE JEWELRY ROLL. YOUR GIFT WITH A FRIENDSHIP CQLLECTIONM ~ PURCHASE OF '50 OR MORE Just select from our Friendship Collection of authentic handmade 1ewelry and artifacts. and you·11 receive the 1ewelry roll. valued at $11 SO. as our gift. From China. most pieces are one· of-a-kind designed 1n jade, clo1sonne. cinnabar. enamel. rose quartz. agate, tiger's eye and intricate filigree work As perfect a Mother's Day sentiment as you could hope to give The collection $15-$175. Meet special Friendship Collection envoy Ms Hedy Kessler. in Newport. May 4. 10 am -1 pm Robinson's Fashion Fine Jewelry, 141 Gilt with purchase. IGHT I e With T h e University Diet, you can keep it off th.rough our exclusive refeeding and maintenance programs. The University Diet is a protein-sparing. modified fast that is clinically proven tp<;i available only through Ucenaed med· iCa1 offices. Preecription supplement.a supply your body's nutritional needs while unwanted fat is burned off. A Complete Ptopun. Unlike other pro· grama, The University Diet includes I pre-admission physk:al, preliminary keto· genie diet. fatting prooedure, preecrip· tJon supplement.a, regular lab test.a, EKG 's. refeeding, behavioral couneeling and maintenance. M..._., Safe. You're wm oonatant wpervition of physiciana and welaht-loea tpecla1iste to~ your health. Repkl .......,., You can 1911 an •veraae of 20 ~per month-tNWy rno.Jth- OOPYUOJIT-.; UNlVDalTY H8A11'11 CAM WANADEMINT. INC. until you reach your goal. Simple ud Effective. You make no decisions about food -only the commit- ment to follow O\lf Pf'OIJ'ftl1l and succeed. Individual CounaeUng. Behavior modifi· cation and nutritional guidanc.e are offered to all petienta by experts. . · If you need to loee 20 pounds or more, call our phone coUMelors for an appoint- mentor information. They're fonner patients. They undentand~ You1l find we~ less due to our size and experience. YC>Ur insuraoce m., cover it. And after you complete The University Diet, free cowaaeling is available for the Mt of your life! Call 1·800·"32·8878, 1bO Free. 8 AM to 9 PM 7 days 1 week. PhyliOan inqul· rieswclcome. .. ' . Laguna 's Fourth r • ~ , quie t. If there it to be a firework• display in Lquna Beach on July 4, d ty offidafi tugeet the COit of the pyrotechnial come from the pockets of community groupe. Laguna Beach Fl.re Chief Ron Adama said it would coat betwe- en sa.ooo and $12,000 to put on a profellional, half-hour ahow off Main Beach Park. And, considering budget con- straints for the next year, City Man.ager Ken Frank will aak the City Council on Tuesday to de- termine if community organiza- tions or business groups might be persuaded to plck up the tab. Following laat year's Fourth of July celeoratlo n i n Laguna Beach, the council imposed a ban on all types of fireworks in the city. The action came following a report from the police depart- ment outlining a total of 337 service ~ between the 3rd and the 5th of July. The cost to the dty in overt1me alone durlni last year's holiday was $4,342, with many of the problems prompted by vi.slton1 to Laguna Beach from communities that had a fireworks ban. -------...... J Oellr l'llot Ii.ff ~ WORLD UNDER REP AIR -lt appears as though Rossmoor Corp., owner of this globe near entrance to Leisure World, Laguna Hills, may have answer to world's woes -refurbish the globe. P ete Damron, top, David Hald and Tim Terry of Scaffold Man, Orange, e rect scaffolding for repainting job. The globe is to be deeded to Orange County as parks project. It is located near intersection of Avenia de Carlota and Paso de Valencia. . Bank of Newport ·PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS OFFER: • IMMEDIATE LIQUIDITY • CHECK WRITING • INSURED BY FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE UP TO $100,000 • THE SECURITY & FLEXIBILITY ONLY A COMMERCIAL BANK CAN PROVIDE Our "partnership" accounts are an innovative new way to earn JUMBO T.C.D. rates with a low minimum investment. while still having immedi- ate access to your funds. Here's how a B•nk of New port JUMBO PARTNERSHIP •ccount works. We link your deposit to a line of credit in order to create a 30 day $100,000 Jumbo Time Certificate of Deposit. This "partnership" account allows you to write checks against your deposit without disturbing your JUMBO 'tC.D. and its high Interest return, while providing maximum flexibility and safety. The rate on the money we loan you Is just 1% above the interest rate on the· money we pay you on your JUMBO T.C.D .... so you earn a high yield on your deposit, which is the difference between the loan and the T.C.D. For full details on JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Accounts, call a Bank of Newport Investment Counselor at 760-6000 or stop by your nearest Bank of Newport office. When you compare other programs, you'll find you can't top a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Account. Substantial Penalty for Early Withdrawals -------------------------------------- ~Bank ~of --Newport Address ------------- 0 Please send complete Information . on Jumbo Partneflhlp account• Q Please call me and provide more Information about "partnership" accounts Telephone#---.,-------- N OFFICE: Coatt Hlgt\way It Noc:ado/790-eooo • DOYER OFFICE: Ocw9r at &xt..nth St'"t/&45-5333 OFFICE. Thlrty·MCONS au.et at ~e/8'1&-«933, N.wport BMc:h. Calffomi• -.-.... •1.11t NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS OUOTAflONl IN(LUOI •••DU ON TMI .... YO••. MIOWln, ll'A(lll'I(, ...... •onoN. OITllOIT ••O (IN(IN .. .01 nO<• I •CMANOll ANO •I l'O•TI 0 I Y TMI N&•D ANO llOTINI f • HF •• firm wins contract Ford Aeroe.,.ce & CommwUc:ationa CorpotatJoD haa been awarded a '690,000 PhMe I study contnct for 1econd 1ource production of the Navy'• hl&h- velocity anti-radiation 1111-lle (HARM). Ford Aero1pace will review the authenticated HARM data peck.ale; recommend changea for bnp'o-vea proow,:11,)l.Uty and 008t; de.aign a let of production tooling and teat equJpment; and generate plana for production initiation and logiltic 1Uppon. The five-month study will be carried out by Ford Aeroepaoe'a Aeronutronlc Divlaion, Newport~ Brokerage relocates • Merrill Lynch. Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. hu moved lta Newport :ee.ch offloe to larger qua.rtert ln Suite 200 of the Douglas Plaza Center at 19000 MacArthur Blvd. The office waa fonnerly at 4501 BUch Street. Firm changes hands R.A.K. Producta, Milwaukee, has been acqulred by McGu.ire-Nicholaa Mfg. Co., Inc. of Loe Angeles. R.A.K. Producta manufactures Strate-Cut, the Uni- versal CuttinS Guide. McGuire-Nicholu Manufacturing la a manufac- turer of leather and canvas work aprons and tool holders. The sale wu initiated by Ronald J . Speyer, di- rector, mergen and acquisitions of Peterson, Diehl. Speyer and Brown of Newport Beach which has been retained by McGuire-Nlcbolaa to guide ita 1982 ac- quisition program. 4 Designer loses 1 cent Piper Hydro Inc. of Irvine, deaigner and manu- facturer of diatrict aolar hot water and apace heating syslems, lost $61 ,161, or 1 cent per share, on revenues of $213,349 in the quarter ending March 21. This compares with a loss of $22,372, or 1 cent, on revenues of $73,678 in the like period a year ago. Baker declares dividend Baker International Corp. of Orange declared a quarterly cash dividend of 23 cent.a per share payable May 25 to shareholders of reoo~ May 10. . . This representa an increase in the annual dividend rate from 60 cents to 92 cents per share. Legal seminar slated Discussing "The Fascinating Case of the Fru- strated Owner" will be attorneys David Cossaboom and Charles Brady during a legal seminar May 5. Sponsored by the Apartment Association of Orange County, the seminar will begin at 7 p.m. at The Cnn at The Park in Anaheim. For reservations, call 638-5550. Stee l exec to s peak Robert J. Buckley, chairman of the board, presi· dent, and chief executive officer of Allegheny Inter- national Inc. Pittsburgh will address Personnel & Industri~l Relations, Inc .. at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel on May 14 . Earnings on incre ase Wespercorp of Tus1in announced that eaminp f~ the third quarter increased to 28 cents from 23 cent.a in the similar period a year ago. For nine months, they were unchanged al 67 cents per share. Sales for the quarter increased from $3,323,000 to $3,593,200 and for nine months from $9,901,000 to $10,347,000. . . Wespercorp manufactures magnetic tape and dl8C drive controllers and other products for computers. Hawkins to appear Tommy Hawkins, KABC radio sports director, has bet?n named celebrity guest presenter at the Land· scape Beautification A wards program June 25 .of ~e Long Beach-Orange County chapter of the California Landscape Contractors Association. . The program will take place at the Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim. Gold,metals quotations Gold By Tbe Associated Pre11 Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fixing closed. London: afternoon fixing closed. Parts: $353.95, off $6.13. Frukfart: $349.02, off $9.98. Zarlcb: Late fixing to come later. llaacly 6 Bannu: only daily quote $345.:K>. off $US.75. Ell,elbnl: only daily quote $344.75, Off $16.M. Ea1elkard: only daily quote fabricated $361.99, off $17.S2-. 'Metala NEW YORK (AP) -Spot n~mferrou1 metal price9 today:_ c..er 78~-79 omta a ~ U.S. destinatiom. LeM 29-2'1 centa a pound. It. 35 cmie a pouDd. deUwnd. · Tia '8.9893 Metall Week oom.pmUe lb. A" "' rm 71-77 cena a pounl:I, N.Y. M•ewtl '375.00 per a.k. .,,........ '338.00 troy os., N.Y. r~J~r Hand)' & Hannan, '8.890 per troy ounce~ '(;{,Id C0Uu • • I 1 NEW YORK (AP). -Pl1ca i.-Prlday al. ... con. mmplared wtth ~· )ll'D. ~ 1 ll!JJ e&, tae1.ao. off *11.'11. ~ .~1;.1 '""m.., ••.ao. •en.ft. ' ...,.,_ ...... 1.2 tr'OJ a,~ 110.71: MltrlM 111 ·~ .9802 troy ........... Off ... 00. 8ourc:r. Dmk-Penra 1• Orenge Coeet QAILY PILOT/Monday, Mey 3, 180 \11"'''' -EVBM- t;001•• .... OHAlllLa'I ANMLa • WHn'l IHADOW • THIJQ#CacONI • HAWAII l'M-0 • OVPIAaY Guatt: 8oc>N• Loren. (R) • NllDLIORAl'T 1ii:S IMOYIE . * * ,_. "Hot Leed And Cold Feet" C 11178) Jim Dalt, Don Knottl. In The Old WM!, twin b<othtrt -O!lt rough 'n' tough, the othtt • Cllty· b<td mllQUttout -com- pete In • gruellng oon111t to -who wllt Inherit their tat11ar'1 fortune. ·o· CJ) THE LAST Of Tl-IE CAOOOU . Attar dltcol/9ring hit Inell· an htrltage, a Ta ... you1h · beeom. obeMttd wtttl IMmlng lnOft about his ~or• and their cul- ture. t.'*I. AU. IN THI! FAMILY • NEW88f.AT: CMJFOttMA OONGFIEl8IOHAL AOORT e 11 lllNEN REPORT (J)a!NEWI ~ :::::v WIL~A * * ,_. "Vlvt Lu Veg .... C t1164) EM• Pretley, Ann· Mttgrtt. A lat Vegu ewlmmlng lntlructor btcomtt the Object Of affection tor • IPOf1• car mit and hit ltalltn friend. OMOVIE * * * "llona For 8rMk· fut" (1117111 Jan Rubel, Jim Henthaw. Two young brothtrt, an old drifter and a dog pu;_ a drtllTI -a t>ett• Ill• tor an on an old farm -but experience meny hetr-rtlelng 8dV9n- tu,.. tiong the wey 'G' 1:00 9 C88 NEWS .. N8CNEW8 8 HAPPYOAYSAGAIN • AeC..WS D KOJAI( ··M·A•t•H H.wkeye tengltt Wflh a tough Army colonel and 8.J. htlpe • 01 Who'• r-"'td 1 "C>Nt John" letter. I JOKIJll'I Wll.D ....... AEJIORT MAGIC Of OIL PAINTINQ (I) P.W .• MAGAZINE Behind th• teen" at "WKRP In Cincinnati"; an lntarvtew with Buffalo 8ob OI TV'1 old "Howdy Doody SllOw"; 0 l!Nfl!RTAINMINT TONIOKT Tht ftret of a _... on HOI· lywood't blonde bomb- ahtlll. Q! THE MUPf"ETS Gu..1. Senor Wtneet (C)WOVIE * * "lo<* Back In Anger" (11159) Cltlr• Bloom, Rieh- ard Burton. 8Mtd on tht play by JOOn Oebotne. "' the lell1 moment. a man dleeown that he '- and netdt hil wit•. (D)MOYIE **** ''The Lat Metro" ( 111901 Ctttl8flne °"*'"'· Gerard OepMdleu. Direct· eel by Francolt Truffaut. During World War II, the IJ'opfletort ot a lll\tll Pllfll theetre try to kttp their -.1>11tt>ment °'*' duMg the Gt<man oocupetlon. 'PG' HOPE SPECIAL -Bob Hope is joined by Jack Lemmon p.nd Morgan Fairchild in a charity perfonnance to air at 9 tonight on KNBC (4). See review, Page A5. (%)MOVll *** "Targett" (1968) 8orla Karloff, Tim O'Kelly. An aging horr0t·movle ettt trlet to reuotl wfth A MW· dt<OUI aniper el a drtv.-ltl movie theettf. 7:.IO . I ON Tl-IE TOWN F•turtd: 1 vlall to Auttr .. Ila whart the axotle wlld· IHt. G<Mt Barrier RNf and oeptlat city ot Sydney 111t explored. I QI FAMILY nUO LAVUINE & SHIALEY &COMPANY The glrlt pretend to be Fonzie and Rlcf'llt'• nan- 089' to uw them from • thotgun wedding. 8 IYEONLA. F•turtd: a report on the 111111 IOok In awtm-•• i..th«; t rlO. In the tamout Goodyear 8Nmp for • dlffttent look at l .A .. ._ bttmt ... ,_ an lorm. • w•A•t•H A1lllmtd ti tht poor phyel- cal condition of hi• unll, Col. Potter dtQfdee to hold a M'A'S'H Olymplca. I (J) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEL I LEHRER REPORT .GMAT ~ "U.... From Lincoln Cen- ter" Oltltlngulahed Wfll«. producer and dlf'eetor 8llly Wilder It honored In e ~ Clal tribute by the Alm SoQety of Llncotn Center 9 YOU A8KED FOA IT Feelurtd: "Ctnadltn Ktrtl• Expert" and "H~ Touing Trtck· lt8t." 1:00. (I) THI 8llCM ~I ..c>AO,.,...,. MOYIE Anlmattd. The ..,_.ur• and ~of 8ugt Bunny -recepptd and Wltaoe _,_ tMtlumg IN Aoed "--~ ........ •alum.s.oMIOM TH9...wNI "-.. lhOt .... ht lnedwrteiltly ..-e In on • ber* "**Y In pr.-, (Pen 1)Q .MCMI * * "&Noe LM: Wt Milt You" 8Noe LI. FMturtd: I lemMI qutt1- trbeck; • llnk•d·bacl< ~It wor1d rtcord 8ttempl; en e&·yMf·old lem81t dltc jockey; a motorcycie I p.,achutt llunt. Ci) MOVIE * • * "8Nty Liar" ( 11163) Tom Courtenay, J1.1ll• Chrlttlt An undertak«'• clerk tantaataa hit way through Nie. • ~.M. MAGAZINE M..i a minl•ture horM WflO It big In llhowblz; buU- mla, a compulttve Cy<:lt of binOt Mling tollowed by llOf'nltlno. • MOVll! **"' "McO" (1974) John wavne. Eddie Albart. e<MWAr PPFOAWAHc:U "I.Ne From Lincoln Cen- tar" Olttlngulthtd writ•. producer and director 811ty Wilder le honored In a epe- Cltl tribute by the Fiim Soeltty of Lincoln Center. ®MOW! **'it "Eec:ape From~ YOtlc" (111811 Kurt RutMlt. Adrienne Ba rbeau. In 11197, a l\atdened etlmtntl It ottwed • pardon if he can raecue the pretldtnt of the U.S. from the prlton chy that Mtnhettan hat t>ecomt, 'R' ())MOVIE * * "The 81A<lk Holt" ( 111711) Mulmlllan Schell. Robert Fortttr, Yvette Milnleux. The et-of a Murtttlc apaceahlp dlt· covers another v•H•I l*Chtd on the tdgt of • formation wtlich pull• any- thing ~ Into 1 giant void Whtf• ume end ~ ~totxitt.'PG' • Tite OOlOEN "°'Of' ~ "MAity" Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand tltt In a 11166 productlOn of Paddy Chtyeftky'e tttltpl8)1 tboul • hOm8ly butc:her Who ftlta In tove wf1h a pltln girt. a:.IO • ALL IN THE FAMM.. Y Edith'• coutln Floyd dr<>91 In tor dinner with hopet of i..vtng hi• daughter with tht Bunll«•. IM(%) CHAN.a CHAMPLIN OH TME FILM 8C8IE e:ooe(I) w•A•t•H Klinger hlf• Ch.,.._ to defe nd him agetnat Chargee of t!Nllng Hhlk· eye and 8.J.'a ,_ cam- .,._ ~WI 2)(R) II 8 I09 HOPE'I ITAM OYIR TIXAI ....::IAl J ack Lemmon, Morgan Falrchld, Oottlt Wttt and Larry o.tlln join 8ob Hope In a d'larlty pertormance •• the Unfwf'tlty ot T-et M.tetln. • 9 THI Ll!TTP The bttutfflll. reatltN wilt of t rubb•r plantar bec:omee Involved In tor· bidden romance tnd lhocklng tragedy In W S-M1 Maugham't tale of io... and deceit: Ltt Rtmk* and Jact< Thomp· ton .. ., .. MERV GIW'AH "Salute To 'Oynuty' " GUtttt: JGnn Fortytht, Joan Cofflnt, Lindt Ev-. JOlv1 J-. Ptmtla Btll· woocs. (C)MOYIE * 11t'A "Bitty Jack" (11171) Tom Leughlln. Oelor" Ttylot An t.x-Orten 8art1 half-~ chtmplonl the ~ of 1 trttdom 8ChOot tor rvnewaya on an Arl- rona lndlan r--..atlon. DMOYIE CHANNEL LISTINGS **'Ao "Nlgtltwtng" (1117111 Nick Mtncu•o. Dtvld Wamer. The population of • South-ttrn d-1 ftOIOn le tlfr0tlted by hun· dred• of "~ belt Which Invade the lllM In 9 KNXT (C8S) 8 KNBC (HBC> 8 KTLA (Ind.) .KABC !ABC> II KFM8 !CBSI 0 KHJ·TV (Ind.) e t<CST !A8CI • KTTV (Ind.I 'e KCOP,TV llnd.l .• KCET (P8Sl e KOCE !PBS> r1lJ ()n. TV C%J Z·TV ® HBO <t> CClnernu) (!) IWORl NY., NY (Ill (WT8SI rtl (ESPN) I'll (Sttowl~l e Spotlight • <Cabit' NeWJ Networ k) , -number• wi,.,, nlgttt talla. 'PG' (%)MOYIE • • • "Straw Doge" ( 11172) Outtln Hoffman. 8utan George. A man and hit wtt. attempt to -thtmttt\ltt from vloitl'lt ""*'lean eoclety, ~t dlt- -th•t •~-· •-can hide underlying MVllQtty. ... <I) MMMTHI MADI ,_.,,._en._ \lonlj ooneuttant '" hople of lmotoW!t .. "*"'·'90-, ia:::.:· Alooklttne~Of • ~ I.Allin Am4lf'IGan 1r1ltt• Md now t"'-e ,.,... ttllw ltyle9 lllld I*· IONllll .... (D)MOVll •• .. ~. Ofuy•· (1MO) AM-M.,ft91, ~ Dem. A Tt• .. d.wlaper'1 -""job and~ 1111 wll9 1N1N1Qf to drlW him Into • mid-~ CllM. 'A' -·(I) U>U CIMHT LOu anc1 en. et.n oew up lot IN blQoMt dllleltar 1cory of ell wMfl • or1e11 In the Mlddte &M -to malt• the thf•t ot n~ -!JIOMlblllfy. eaMOMlV ceNIOM> M..OONM Fll.lbbed fllm dlpa end out· ,... ,_., Intended fOf public llltiwlng -.,,_,_ ad; Dk* CWll hoett. (A) • ••• NIWI WAU.IOf'AM Ricardo Montalban nar· rttat tn Uplortllon Of the IW. and CfNtlont of ~·· 1c:o·1 grNt•t murtlltla - th• late David Alfaro Slqutll'ot, JoM Clement• Orozco and Diego Rlvtr a. • PAPIA Ct4A8E "VOICM Ot Silene4t" A ~ol­ unt-In the echool'• Prlt- on A..i.tance Program btcomet emollonelly Involved with a polltlc;al ~lvttt Who It being held In llolltary confinement. (JDMOVIE * * "Up The Acadtmy" (1810) Ron Leibman. Bat· bara each. The wtr· ObtMatd eommandant of Weinberg Mllltary ~ my ii no mttdl for the troubletomt bf•t• enrolled theta. 'R' ())MOVIE * * * "Staning Over" ( 111711) Burt Aeynoldt, JIU Cleyburgh. Attar montht of TV dinner• and bllnd dlttt, • dtvor<*! maga. 'zlne wrhtr think• h•'• found true tove ""'*' a tc:nooltMChef enter• hi• Nfe.'R' =•=(1)98 NIW8 • IATUAOAY NIGHT H09t: Ruth Gordon. Gueet· Chuclc B«ry. • YOU ASKED FOR IT F•tU<td· "Wtlklng .On A Wing And A Prayer" and "EngllM'ld'• Tobacco Snlft· ~Factory." • W•A•t•H While Mltllng down to 111- ttn to the Army-Navy game. the 4077th 11 bom- l>Mded and lef1 wf1h an unexploded bomb to deluat. • llNNYHIU Benny~. lift Chief. ID~UNO W•t Gt<many't Fram 8eckenbauer, wldely regarded 11 1occer'1 gtNt•t llli·ttound player, ecr: ~ * * "Mlddi.+Aof Crazy" ( 11190) Ann.-Margret. 8ruot Oem.ATt ... ~'t -"" job Md O..Utl- ful wife manage to d<IW lllrn Into • mld-ltt. c:r1ele. 'R' (D)MOW * • "loving Couplet" ( 11180) Shirley Meclalnt. J-Cobutn A mttrled COUple and A p.ir Of young alngltt lwilch Ptr1nt<t In t game ot llfeatyle tampllng and ro,.,antlc revenge 'PG' .MOW! * *"" "American Pop" (111811 Anlm•ted. The hlt- tory of Amt<lcan pop mutlc:, from ~ .. to roetc ·n· roll, It trac«t ltltOUgh _.. gene<•· tk>nll of • fttnlly of mual· dana. 'R' (%)MOVIE * *'4 "American GIQOk>" ( 1lllO) RichMd Gere. Lau- ren Hutton. A e.vwty Hiiie gigOlo ~ the prime IUac>eC1 In t murdt< In,,_. t!'gatlon. 'R' 11:.ao e (I) OU1NCV G QITHEM.STOf CANON GuHtt: Hanry Fonda, Crytttl Gayle, F«nando LAm ... ~~.(R) e o AllO..wa NIGHTUNI • Ko.w< • THE Jln:IMOHI .INWON>ANDION I DeaCCAVITT CAPTIONID A110 NEWI ®MOYIE ** "T«ror Tr8Jn" (11180) 8tn Johnt0n, Jamie ltt TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (&<>) 7:80, KCET (28) .8:00 -"Live From Lincoln Center.'' l>btln1ul1hed ~r, producer and d.1rector Billy Wilder ia honored. KNXT (2) 8:00 -"The Bup Bunny/Road Runner Movie." Advent urea of Bug1 Bunny are ~ and vintage cartoona feature the Rwmer. KNBC (4) 9:00.-"Bob Hope'• Stan Over Texas." Jack Lemmon, Morp!\ Fairchild, Dottle We1t Join Bob Hope in charity perfonnanoe. See photo, left. K.ABC (7) 9:00 -"The Letter." Lee Re- mick ltarl aa the beautlful, reltle11 wife wboae 1molderlng pa11ion1 erupt Into forbidden romance and shocking tragedy. See photo, below. Curtlt. A college IYtt•nl- ty' 1 New v-·· maaquar. Ade party turna Into • lllgh\mare when • vindic- tive guMt ,..,,. kllllng Oii the party.goara. 'A' 11:41 (I) GAUAGHEt TWO N!Al Tilt eomtdien parlormt • -• of on.liner• and ~vlQnett•, -Ml>NIGKT- 12:00. INTUTAIHMIHT TONGHT Tht firtt of a ttrlet on HOi- iywood'• blonde bornb- lhelit. e o MOvtE * * "A,,,.,lcathon" ( 19711) John Ritter, Harwy Kor- man. • wOVll! • "Horror HouM" ( 11170) Frankl• Avalon. Jiii HIWOrth. • LOW, AMENCAN ITYLE • AMEAICA: THE ll!CONO CINTUflY 12:a0 a a LA Tl NIGHT WTT'H DAVIO L.ETTEMotAH 0Uttta: Arthur Alhe, At1 Buchwald, Preeld•nt Rtaoan'• pertonet barber Miiton Pille, ·=-••'Ao "Zorro" ( 11176) Alain Delon, Stanley Btl<ar. A Sptnlth nobi•m•n btcOtnet • -ordlll'\tn and urge. tht poor to ,..,,.. tgalntl a delpotlc mllltary govennor. I :iAHO OABANIZAnc>HI ~MOVIE • • "Fillmore" ( 11172) Documentary. The GrtteM o..d. Ouic:kellwr .._... oer Sarvtot. Jetl«eon /Ur. plant, Hot Tune and San- tana pertonn one tett time In I flll' .... oonc.r1 10 F*- "'°'9 41VM!. · R' 11*·(1)~ A mollntlonlll ,_ch tptdallat killt hie bllldl· rNlll *'""· then ,,_ the,.,..,., ...... for the..,,.,,. dar.(R) 1:00 I =AUTRY * • .,., "The 8lg Ctmlvlll" (1961) Klrll Oouoltt. Jan Stetting. ())MOVIE * * "Swtngtog ci-tead· .,. .. Jo Johntton, ~ Cemp A joumlllltm ma)or lnflltrtttt the ranks of • coll•g• cheerl••dlng squad to upo.. th• exploltttlon of th• ~lttder• by the foot· l>tltteem 'R' DAN l!WHN) Of OOMED'f ANO~ ()Bon 8-'I hott• I uny hour Of llelgflt-Of·htnd and alapttlck taped at San FrtncftCO't GrMI Amert+ can MUllC Hall. (%)MOVIE * * * "Targett" ( 1968) 8orit Kttloff. Tim O'Ketty. An 8Q1r10 horrOt-movlt etar trltt to reuon with• mur· darout tnlpe< •I • d""'9-ln movlelhMt•. 1:10 CB) l'l..\IHajlQC• fl1M AT THICOOOANUT~ Eric .a.v.r.ld hottt !hit documentary Hluetttllng !ht tfaglo .....,,.. ot SatUt• dey night, November 28, 11M2, wnen the tamout Botton nlcl'ltclub 9llptoded Into a bluing Inferno. 1:t018NIWI cae.AUT1'V lf'IAl<OUT 2:10 MOYIE * •;, "Smolley 81ttt The Dutt" (11181) Jimmy McHI· chol, Janet Jullan A high tcllool dtllnqutnt get• the whole town on his trllll When he mtkM ott With the homecoming queen and hMdt tefOM !ht llttt In A --of ttolen aulomo-blltt. 'PG' 2:11!= * • "Look 8ack In Anger" ( 1969) Clalre Bloom, Rlct'I· ttd Burton. 8uad on the play by Jonn Otborne At the leet mornent, • men dllCOWfl that he IOvtl and nttdt hit wtl•. 2:208 NEWS 2:300MOVIE • • "Ruekue" ( t980) Dirk Benedlci, Lindt 81tlr. A ehtll-tno«*ed Vietnam vet dltturbl the ~ of • amall Altl>411nt town. 'PO' (%)MOVIE ••'it "Monty Python Mettt Beyond The Fringe" ( 11178) Nttrtled by Dudley Moore. A behind-th•- --toolt It tektn at r--.al• and prlC>Af' .. lion• tor Amnetty lnttrnt· tlonal'• 11178 com.dy ben- efit thow that ltatred mtmbart ot Monty Python. 2:t6 Cl) MOVIE • ~ "Seven" p11n1 ww.. Mam Smith, Barbera Lee, U.S. lnttltlgtnce calla In • apeclal agent to ttop the lnvnlnent merge< of _.. Hawaiian crime 1yndl· catM. 'R' 2:11 • MOVll! • * • "Orum•" ( 11138) RaymorMj MMMy. SabY. A young lndien boy ....... Brltlth regiment from being rneaMa'td In India. MO(JDMOYll • * "Auctlut" ( 11180) Oiril Benedlc:I. Linda 8lalr. A the&-thocked VletNm vet dlll1urbt the peKe of • amelf Alabame town. ·PG' 4:00 CC) MOYIE • ~ "Kiii °' 8t Kiiied" ( 11190) J-Ryan, Cher· lotlt Mlohellt. A form« NazJ com"lander. wt><> Iott an Important kartt• match to the Jap-during the -· ""'' to •wnot hla dtf .. t by entlttlng the top kung tu ftglltert from around the WOtld In I IOUf· nament. 'PO' CZ>MOVll! • * • "Straw Doge" (11172) OutUn Hoffman, SuMn Geotgt. A man and hit wife attempt to - themMNM from vk>ltnt ""*'lean toclety, but dll+ -that. peaceful-· •-can hide underlylng 'f"'everY JOHN DARLING Construct loo ·~· available at :uedtage Ban". •REtildr.lllllil .. • CCJmmeldal llul~ , 'nilleouf VOlnrnltmen• ~ulmd along with~ ·' OJ $ ct . ·Jdf---SOUlb .... ~lne ~ ... Cl) GAl..&.Mlt ~ 1WO MAL Tilt oomedlan perlofme • ..... ot _..,,.,, and OOl'lllo vlONt*· ... MOVll *. •4 "Out Of a...on .. t ltl'&) c 11n flloberteon, ..,_ llledgrt\19. Old prOOIAIM rMYrl-wnen fOflNf io-1 Meet aoain at.,.. off-....,. teeort . T1W•da11'• o • .,,,..., n • .,,~. -MORfM_... t;00 (t) * 14 "Secret Vlk»/" ( 1113e) ~d Men. Vlr· glnlt Orey. The eontrtt>u- flon ot the hor1lt In the development Ol tht W•t ft clwonlded . (I)*• "MlllefNt'-1" c 1978) Rory Ctltloun. Don Knotta. A mule rtlel• Ne edventur.. with hie wlty owner, • croolttd gold proapector. 'PO' ••• "Un<Wground Aoet" (INO) Dirk a.n... diet, Mt1en1e GrHflth. Ptrll· Ing •llendentt wrttk havoc at • twtnk 8tverty Hllllhotet. 'PG' (%) * y, "In Pr AIM 01 Old· • Women" (11178) Tom Btfangar, Katen 81adl. A Hunotrltn lothatlo rtmln· ltCtt on hit pta1 romantic conQYMla. lrom hit flrtt al tht ll08 of 12 to hit ttdu<:- tlon of • houMwtte •t 30. 'R' 7:.IO ~ * * "Cotton Candy" ( 11178) Clinl Howerd, Cl\tfitt Martin Smith. A group of high IChool ml1+ fttt form • roek band to compel• with the td\ool't Mtabllahtd band. eaoo CID • •.,., "Dtec>ttr" ( 111191 Dirk Bogardt, AndrN Fw- t9o1, A Ruulan confection· w IMng In O..many l1 ·~ with tote! rum during the r1M ot Hultm. ...... Kiii And Kill Again" (11181)J-Ryen, Anntllne Krlel. A martial Alla boert btttlet the mlnlont of a .,,,_-mad tcltnt111 Intent on en..iav· Ing mankind wtlh • ,,... mlnd-oontrOI dNg. 'PG' (%) * * "The Thief Ot Par· 11" (1967) JMl>.Paul Bel· moncso. GtneYteve &ulold A young man releed an uncle, wtlo wuttd hll lnhwll-. tume to 1 Nit ol cnm. beginning wtth the rot>t>ary and dtttrucilon of the mantlon of the man who to<* hit lowly ~­ to-be from hlrrl. t:IO • • • "Wtttwttd Ho" (19351 John Wayne. Sheila Mannora. (t} * * * * "The late Show" (11177) Art Carney, Liiy T omlln. A Natoned private eye ancounte<• bl•ckmtll end murder when ht ~ out of retlf"'*'t 10 loc:at• 1 cet belonging to an otlbNt ltmtlt clltnt. io. CID * /i * 'h "The Four Seuone" ( 11181) Al•n Alda. CarOI Burnett. Thf• coUplee, all clott. tono· time frlendt, ••perlene4t profound change. In their rtletlonthlpt when one of the mtrfitg!ll dlefn· !!P'at ... 'PG' (I) ........ "" The Ant Young Cannlt>a11" ( t9601 N•l•ll• Wood. Robert Wagntt. A heedttrong girt from • poor Soutt141fn tam· lty mttrtn lor money, not Jove. (%) * * •;, "The Man Who Loved Woman" (11178) Chtrlet Denner. lttlle C..on, Oktcttd by Fran- col9 Trvffaut A man I• to ObtMttd With belluthul women that he flndt II dlfli- cull io remain aatltfltd with any lndMdual rel•· Uonahlp. 'R' 11:00 CC) ••• "P9ntlope" (!Ne) Hai.lit Wood. Ian Banntn. A negltcltd wtle dtCldet to dlagulM herMlf and rot> htt '-bend'• bank. • ***'h "MyBody· guard" ( 111711) Chrl1 M•k•P••o•, A delft ........... ""',.. llld ... c111oaoo 111011 1011001 INlll• ,,.. with thlt '°"°°' OUIGell and loOMfl-f/I ~ tCand wp to ... ON- .. glltlQ wtlllft .., ,,.,. _,... .._ bofl, ''°' , .... * ~ . .,,. Ollf IMll" ( 1H6) AoeellllCI IMMI!. Fttlltndo~ • ...... "Made ,Ot Eaotl Other'' ( lt7l) ""- T e)'lcw' JoMpfl lologna. ...... "'T•81ory'' (IMO) J-Fonda, Anftlo. ny Per1t1nt .• lJ) * * * "Stir Ofuy•· ( 1MO) Richard PtyOf, 0- Wlldtt. TWo men ll't mle- tllken foo' banlc rObbert and Mrtt to jell, 'R' CZ> •• "Pt!Obia" (1N0) P•ui MIOllHI Gitter. 8uMn Hootn· A group of menltl pellanta 111• rrt4.lt· .,.., ICCOtdlng to their lndMduel -.. 'R' 1l:t0 CB> •• * "The Oullew ~ w ...... (1'11) CMnt Eattwood. Sondrt Loe*•. A man bec:omee 111 outi.w when a ruthltM band of Union ~ dtttroye hit Sovtt141fn farm end kilM Na wt~ and eon. 'PG' 1:00 CC) "Stevie" 1:46 (%) * * "The Tllltt Of Piii• 11" ( 1ee11 Jtan.Paul Bel- mondo, ~ Bujold. A young man r lllttd 111 unde, Who wttttd hit lnll«ltence, tU<nt to 1 tit. Of Ctlmt beginning With the robt>ary and dtttructlon ot the manelon of tht man who took hie lovtl)I br~ tcM>e lrom him, ~CJ) * * * '4 "The Four SH1ona" (1981) Alan Alda. C.,ol Burnett. Thrtt couplM. ell dote, lono· time trlande. expetltnce profound ct>angee In their rullonahlpa *'ltll one ot the marrl19t1 d laln- ~•ltt. 'PG' 2:ao g * * "Underground . AcM" (11180) Dirk e.n.. dle1. Melanie GrlfllU(. PAik· Ing a1t.1ndant1 wretk havoc at a swaNI 8evetly Hllltlhottl. 'PG' a:00a **"" "Ftthom"(1ee11 Tooy Franciota. Raqutl Welctt CID * * "~ "Hard Country" (1118 t) Jan·MletlMI Vln- c.tnt, Kim 9aa1noe< A T t•· tt IKtory worker It torn bet-hie .,...,. to eon· ~ In lht ''good old boy'. llfesfy1e and hit flan. cee'• WK>W t>uu-tmbl· tlone. ·PG' 1:44 (%) * * •;, .. Peter Rabbit And The T81et 01 8Ntrlx Potter" (11171) Fredetidl Aahton, Alt1lander Gr11nt. Memb•rt of London'• Royal 8&llet Company pet· f Ot"l vtr'llol\t o1 "Plgllng Bland... '.Jeramy Atnar ..• "Jemima Puddle-Ou<*," "Squlrrej Nutkln," and "Two 8ad Mice." 4;00 CC) *'it "Secret Valley" ( t113e) Rlcflard Arlen, Vlf- glnla Grey. Tht eontrtbu· lion of tht horM In the deYelopmenc of tht WMt It Chronlcltd. (J) * * "The Shogun WW· rlore Dangutrd Au" (11181) AnifMted. A myst9- rtou., maalted -.. cflo. ..,, to ctf>taln a new ftylng battteaNp to fight the glMt Wiii' mechinet of an ..,., ..notd. 4:t0 D * * •;, ''The Q,.., Horizon" p981j J- St-. PNllp Sayer An tmnetlac tootogltt In Atrl· ca lindt • refuge on the wOdlll• pr-of an eld· «ty ,.,.,, and hl9 gr and· aughter. 5.:15 {%) **•;,"Monty Python Mettt Beyond Tht Fnno-" (11176) Narreted by Dudley MOOfl A behind-th•· _,_ IOOk It taken 111 ,.,_..., and prepar .. tlona tor Amne.ty lntema- tlonal'. 11178 comedy b4lf1.. eflt tllOw thet etarrtd mtmt>ar• of Monty Python. 5:iO (t) * • "Cotton Candy" ( 11178) Cllnl Howerd. CNrlM Mar11n Smith. A group of high tchool m1-. flt1 fOtm • rod< band lo . compel• with the tchool'• ttlabllahed band. by Annstrong & Batluk • I I I i •l I I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Mond.y, M.y 3, 1982 H/F . Liz play canceled s...,-.-------· (COHfl'Y Sut1n1 suo ut J:OO,.. Ullteu Otlltrwo• ••••4' WWW ...................... _ "Pryor ta wooderfull" -411w1.1ee..-,, L.oaAHQgt.QTifltU .s llitet44.ua11+1~msti::r:.*Y J ,S after aide stricken LONDON~~ -Twoweekect ~ °' 1"nw LltUe II WW9 cancUld.,... su..heth Ta)'lor'I ..-.tary and l*'IClftA1 lllil\ant WM boa-- ' pl'811-d ln cridcal oandldon. Friday ol1bt'1 performance of the blt_play went on wtthoUt Mill Tlylor after r..ley Home WM found~ and ln cridcal condition, aid Mill 'hylor'1 prw IFC)lremvn. Tony WelJI. MUC NOTICE C-tal .-.Cli IMll ....... IUNJllOfl COURT °" MAim ITAT'Dmlf C~ The lollowlng per•on 11 dolnll COUNTY CW Loe ANGB.11 A~ PICtl.ft ... ---~=Jr~ NOW~YINO l>llllnMI u : . In th• Matter ol -· -· FLEET· OVERSEA CHINUE BUSI· WOOO, Mlnof1tl NESS ASSOCIATION,""' Start>ottt A Plf'l«(t) wtlO atlOUld be dedaf'ed Ct., Newport 8Hch. California .,_ fl'om the ~ody and control ol 92983 lllla) o.renta. Shu Sun Chan, 19 Starburll CA• '*-" A111t7 Ct., Newport 8Hch, Calllornle CfTATlOll 92te3 ~,_........, Thie ~le conouc1ed by"' c....., ... c...... unincorporated utoclatlon otlle• (AU1NDOflMINT) then • pertr>erlhlp. ""' ADOP'nC*) ................. -1198'!>0 ... IMAl'WA ... ntn>t ..... c:mJU CUTlll Cos1A .... II• • 14 I UIWUll U"•UOI UWAW,_.All YAU.IT Et Tooo UI SH O f-Y*t Ut tSOO u Tw. ClmllAI m.. .. ~ w-n au•> .... ""'"•~ ..,.._ i I I 11 PACIJIC WTil CMIT w..,. SSI otSS i..,... ludl ... UU .......... --- •-lflltt> ---...... WT1I CMIT l'UU Tlllll COITll C..U Colll *M 7S 1 •114 S"" 6un Chan To Chtlttal Cerradlne alul CNl1ee ---------------------Thie atat-1 wu flied with lhl Otta Caradine (lllteQld nature! t• County ClilB ol Orange County on Uler) -~la unit,_,, to Aprll 22. 1982. a.t Aobt*'9 .. Linda Fi.twood f~ (moUler) -~ "'*"°"" ....... NOTICE CW l'Mltl'ara HI.IE Publlahed Orange Co11t Dilly and to II "9"tOnl deitNrlO to be"'-PICnnoua Ill n•• Lw .... Mitt OOt Piiot. Aprtl H . Mey 3. 10. 17, 1982. lather or mother ol H id minor ..._ ITA~ T.a ..... ~ ________ ._1_eoe-e_2 ~ct!!~=~ -,. .,..:-_~per.one -doing N:t~~i:o8~~Ks~NJ~~~AJb?: ftlltC NOTICE ~ c:ttld and (f9ClUlred to) ap..-AHTAURANl PROPERTIES SCO. CALIFORNIA, H duly •P· -----------Mfore the JudQI Preeldlng In 0.. CO 545 a.er-.. eo.ta ...__ pointed Tru•lll under the lollowtnQ ,.__ pert~t 2~. 1'oom 7-311 ol the ., uv..-, -dlecnbed cleld ol lrul1 WILL SEL( l'IC11TIOU8 ....... above entltl•d court. localed at ~ t2e2e" AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ,.._ ITATUIEf'T Cttmlnel Court 81dg., 210 W. Tem-e.k« s.,.rtCO.::. ~'::. HIG HES T 8 1DOER FOR CASH Thi IO!lowln9 peraont are doing '*· Loa Angella. CA 80012 on JI.-nla '2t2e. (payable 11 time ol 1111 In lewful bu*-aa: 21, 1N2 et 8:00 a..tn. ol that •· Del Teco. Inc., 1 Cliltot'lllll OOf· money ol the United StelH ) 111 LARRY'S MARKET. 30 t EHt .,,.., and ... IO..,.., c:auM, "MY poratlon 3-45 a.lier Street Colle right, title end lnlerllt con\'IY9d to Grow Avenue, Orenoe. California you have. wny Mid per.an etlould "'-. cilto,nia ta2t. ' end now held by It under Mid 0-S 929416. not be dlcUw'ed .,_ ll'om IN cor.-C#iot·NI lnvettmenta, Inc., • ol Trust In the pn>c>•ty '-elnefter Tel Van Nguyen, 14942 6'Hn· trol of O*l 1*'1"111 ~to the Ca1f6n1a COfPOflUOn S4S Bekll' dlecribed: hem Clfcll. lrvlnl, Celfomia 92714 ~on .... herein. Strfft, Coat• ...... Calllornla TRUSTOR. R.C 1...EAVENWORTH. Canh L• Nguyen. 149'42 &wn. 'rlll petition nlld herein I• '°' tM 92e21. • en unmarried men him Clrcll. Irvine. c.llfo<'nla 92714. ~of freeing thl lubtact dlld Thia ~ II condUCWd by a BENEFlCIARY· BARCLAYS SANK Thia bualnH• I• conducteCI by for plaelltl*il tor adoption. ""*91 pertnei"11p OF CALIFORNIA. e Calltomla Cor· lndlvlduele (hueband and wife). DAT'ED Apr115, 1"2. A•teu;ant Propertlll porallon, Reeordl<I May 19, 1978 Tel Yan Nguyen John J. Corooten, ~ u lnttr. No. 283&9 In bOok 12t81 , Thia ata1_,I WU INed with the Couney a.ti oJTeco. Inc. e 11991 1294 of Ofllcl .. ~di In the County Cler1t of Ofange County on ~ R. Kl.tllpo, Cllllf Corp. ' office ol lht Recorder ol Orange Apr1I 22, 1982. ~ ~ ,,.;,,,.., County: Mid deed of trust~ f1'7981 ..... I&. L.--Wayne W A t lhl lollowlng prop9fly Publlahed Orenge CoHt Dally ='l c.-.1 PNa. . rme rono. Thi nor1,_.lt1y 132.02 1111 ol PtlOt. Apttl H . Mey 3, 10, 17, 1"2 _.. ...... Thia I I , •• -111111 ~.,. LOI 28, Newport Helght• ... per 1&47-12 ...... ~ c.-.1 C°""'Y a.ti al 0nnga County mec> rlCOtdld In bOok 4, peoe 83, -----------.... ~ 0......... Apr1I 23 1112. °" Ml1c1llan1ou1 M1pe, record• ol . Mll 19Ja I ~ '="'S: ;;!;-~ ' ,.,_ u td County. EXCEPT lh• north· . ---l"WllllNd 0nnga Co.t Otly pt.. wHterly 270 IHI ol H id land. ~ lllOTICa -.~ :.?.--= --,_ u-. 3 1"' 17 .... 1...,.. ALSO fXCEf>T the eouth1Hl1tly ~--..--. --· • ..... • -· -300 , ... ol Mid land. -=l~I~ =7~ ..!c,"'J;r:; Apr1I 12, 111, , .,_ 3, 1 l---------202S-t2--2300 MARGARET DRIVE, NEW· me CM1 Code al The 81* of C. 1~ •-.,. -PORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA fom6a.. ,._ ""'~ ··111 1 atr• ad<lr-Ot common 1n aocoidMca wlttl the provtllone -.S lllll dHlgnallon 11 thown above, no of MC11oaa S071 and 3072 of the -ranty .. GI""" .. to''-~ CM Coda ol ttll StN of CeillotNa, • flO'nCa °" loM.I ..... ITA~ ,_ °' corr_). .. thl ~ e...ct wt*6a .. be 0. AUT~ Thi ~ .,.,_ .,. dolrlQ Thi blnlftderJ under Mid 09ld aoed .. PIAlfc Auc:1k1n at 10:00 t.lft. Nolioa la ... ~~ to ~ .: ol Tf'\191, by r-ol I bt.-:11 Ot May 14, 1H2 at 818 f . Walnut, -=aon 8011 and I012 al the CM PALMS MOell..E HOME PAN<. delault In the obllgallon• eecured Santa Al\4L Ca. Codi ol ttll S18W of~ thl 140 Cabrlllo, Coata Mall, CA thereby, heretofore executed and One 1978 8eab epe, VEH ID No. ::=ned, G a w TOWln&;.:,:! 82e27. delivered to the underelgned • 1197'200e510. Calf. Uc. S23WGT Wlf'/, COllta "'-. J'f and Barbera c-3030 written Declaration ol Oe11u1t and Ian Warner. 0.,. Inc., 811 E. COunty. Celfomla 112127 .. Ml at BrMk.,• Drive, Corona d4il Mlf • Oemen<I lor Sall, end wntten nollel Walnut St .• Santa Ane. Ca. 112701, public auction, a t 112 lnduetr111 Cllfomla CA llH26. 01 bfMch and ol lleetlon to '*-Uenholder. Wwy, Coete ....... Celllomla. at e Thia ~II oondUcted by an lhe undersigned 10 M ii Nld pro- Publlehed Orange CoHt Dell1 a.m. ott Fl1dey, ltle 211t */ ol Mey, lndMdual. perty 10 Mtltty Mid obllgallone, and Piiot Mlf'/ 3, 1182 187M 1"2. ttla tolowtng aut°"'°*(I). to J'f C-=~~': =~:: ::"'~ -----------wit: Thia "8tll'*" -llaCI wlttl thl lion 10 be Recorded OeQember 24, •-.,. -11 Ch•" 81 w · H 0 · Coun1Y Oertl of Or-. County °" 1"8 t 1• 1na1r. No. 31sas In booll ,._ ""'-IN364.7822!0M. X!letlO (Otda.I Apt 28, 1"2. • -'iaaUiiziiizoattii'CCCM:oii.lltfiittcwi°int1iiit xaa,~~.fP· No. A29U0922S, PublWlld Onnge Coest ~ =11d:,1g1 325, ol u ld Olllclal ITATI ::_.c~ Said Ml• fa for the purpoae o IOt, Mey 3, 10, 17, 24, 1912 Said u11 wtu 111 made, but wl- COUlfTY OP GRAW ~ llln of the Ulldlf'llCIMd 2027~ lhOul covenant or warranty. •Xl>f- CUMIS INSURANCE SOCIETY, towtnt and 1t0tage togetfiet with 0< Implied, regarding title. PGM"--.--.......-009'9 of ad¥er111111Q and..,,.._ •-.,. llllftTll'C lion or encumbranc .. , to pay Ille ;;-·· ...._......! al.... ~ ""'~ rem11n1ng principal t um ol the E•Nf•T c. CROSS· WESTERN o..d lfllt 3rd *1 ol Mlly, 1"2. notl(1) secured by H id Deed ol " 9 ::::.:=::..&.: ow ..., Trust. with lnterllt M In Mid note MO«TGAGE ~TlON: and • Or.not Co.IC Otly Pl-NOTIC8 TO COMTMC'TOM provided, advanci.1. II eny. undlf DOii 1 through 20, lndull¥e, 0. ~ ~lttl2 CAl..A.MG '°" _. the term• ol H id Dffd ol Truat • ......... ~ .... • 2006-82 a:"°°'~~~ lw:tl ,_, cNrQll end expenw ol llll TO -C~ •-.,. ~ 8ld ~ 2:00 o'Clodl p.tn. ol Tru1t11 end of lhe lruttt crMted by --,._ nu;~ Mid Deed of Truat. Said NII,,,. be M •IUA'9C8 OP_,. the 2111 ~of Mey, 1982. held on MONDAY. MAV 24, 1982, tt OP mcunoet A'IMflT f"9oa ol 8ld R«*pt: ~ 2·00 p m., et tlll Chapman Avenue ,.... 1 • *"-....,. tlOn Offloe, 7SS-14ttl St, Hunting-entrance to Ille Civic Centlf Bull· TO DIEl'INDANT, E"NIST C. PIC'TmOUI 111 ll•N Iott 8wt\, CA dlnO. re-<eco<dld JanuatY 12, 1M2. CN>88: U. ITATDmlff Project ldentlllcatlon Name: Ina tr No. 82·0 1111 f . Orange YOU. AMO-tACH OF YOU. are Thi f01oMng .,.,_ -dolllQ a..ocwn Uclfl4ln9 ...,..doll, County Ofllall Aacor'dl. ~ «fired to .....,. In 1111• • AG!* L. llNlh 8"fwltl:&y lcNo4. the of lnltlal publt»-cowt Jn DeputlMftt "24" at the ~ 8flEf.lJ! CHILDAEN'I • l>taoe ,. • .,.are on fife: Hto ix:.1~ ~"':uo.~tn. k*ll 8'"0Unt County CourtllouH, 700 Clvtc ENTER, tto Eaal 11th Str .. t. WeaMrty....., "* 2IDI. ....,._, o1 the unpaid b•-ol the otltl-C..-Drhla .... a.. Me, c.. ...... C4ilbnla neat. leeClfl, Clllof'llla t2el0. tlon _ .. by t"-•t>ove de---on Nit I. 1112. Ill t:IO Lift. Cert1eof1 V KoNer 5801 Luo-NOTICE IS HEMBY GIVEN tMt ~bed:; truec ~ _...., 10 tf¥e enr ...., reeeon wtly the Awnue, OeRMn GrM, Celtof· Iha ~--IClhool ~ of coeta, ••PlflMI, and actvenc11 I• ~!!!'~Ollld _!!~,· ~ tat4I, ~~~ ~ -:::::. 1111,808.31 . ...__.. • ·---~ Olorta .-.i l(oNlf, ll01 Lud--referred • To d1t1rm1n1'th1 opening bid, lnlW......_•~ wHdlll MlnU9, Gardin Qrvw. Celfot'· herein a t er reterr• to u pi may call (4115) 1145-1411 BAA· atteofl9cl '9 tllla °"*· Meo....... _.. "otlTNCT"', wll r90llM up to, INt CLAYS 8ANK INTlRHATIONAL U-olled ..... 11 ._ 110C1oa ,..-... Tllla buili-la oonducead by~ not lttet Utan tlte a....._,ateted MITEO Of-SAN FFIAHCISCO. CAL· by llcilorl •.11 of .. ~ ~and ::r tllM. ...... tllcla fOr .. ~of a IFORNIA, M Mid T"*11. ~~~~·-~ v. ~......'!'! ~:::r ... • .. GC. ....._ Date: Af>rll 111. 1982 ..,..,~. --. a.orta JIM ICCINs --,.. .. _.... 8)' T.O IE"V1CE A. P.ay .. 111c11 .. 11ec1""" tt1a ldafltlftad ..,_,~"!!' ... be-~ COMPANY, aoent ...... of.. a.ti°',.._,. __ Clfl nad and pullldy ·--.. -•1 .. 1 ft .. 9015 ...... Court ,... .... • .,,. ....._..., abO't• ...... tame and... l4'" _... '--0.... -. p-Thetl wtM be a S10.00 d= 8Y KIM KREBS, -•• ~ ..... AMI. 5ecf9twy ~1 ..... l...... P\lllllMcf 01W191 COllll Otly,.. ~ tor Mdl aet"" ""' 1990 N. Callfornla Blvd., A Pc ' rt 0..-1•11 lot,._ a, 10. 17. U. 1112 !Mflta to --"'" tfte rMW'lt lfl Suite 111 -Wllllllll ..._ 1• ... 2029-a llOOd OOftCltlon Ml*' 10 d9)'9 llfW WalrM Creek. ca IM..._, CA.... h tl6d oper*'f--.. ....... "787 C191.... .. -· -botl * fUluat OOflfot1'll encl ... 94.........., -N 5 w OrWflla Ooailt o.tlr ~ ......,. • ._ raa, 1 ,_,. to ._ ...,.,.. doCv. Pubt11hed Orange Co11~•3 lat.._ a. 10. 17, ,._ ,.._ • • ..-. "'°'· Mey a. 10. 11. !M2 1 -------~~----il&llllOU9.,_ ._..MlllllllNIDDIT+a ... W -..... STA~ ._ .....,,...,,., ..... _. MUC ""'-ni, to1owtr1t p«M>n1 •• dolllO .,... -. ,_.. and w .. 7't of IOUI ..,_.. • Dl'Gll09ld Ml ....... ""'~ nAm . "04H"'' ROOl"ING COM . ,,. DelTNCT ,_.. .. .: Th• followlne peraon 11 "'"0 PANY, aeor WHt ltonybrook to,.... llf'tJ!..,. 111111•-• '!_ lft bu111!W • ~ ,.,,,.,,.,., c.lltonM t2804. ,,.,, M · ,_ « _.,_ CHIMES BY THE HA, U'4 I. P. "°Ver._ 2807 Wiit 81 .,,. .... ~.:·:z 4d "'91 ::.':r· ~oet• MeH, C•ll!ornla ~ Dr'l¥9, ANltlelln. Callomlt CM Dtt9oeor., tlle D~•A et ~ Clamona. 274 Palmer, Kenneth o. Holloway, 821 ln.U.U'I., ,_......,. .-.: Ocllla .... CllliOrnla 112t27. ... = '--· AnlNllUI, ~ ==-..: .• Tllla ......... It OOftdu*d by II\ ~ .......... II OClftdldtd by N ......... tw ....... .. ~-~~ ...... pwil.llllp. al ............ --.. TNe .... , '-" -,..,. wlfl the l.f. ~ --.t .. -DtlT~T ~ ...... •.!! ! ()WMY a.ti of 0...,.. ~ Oft Tilll IClll illltll WM llltd wlttl the ,.. nov ........ -•• ~ft tea. ~ Clert .. Ol'lnge COunty °" 71t-14fl ...... '" "le:.= • ~ Apr1I u. 1112. ~ Oilllll lllltr rt.lbllalled 01 • .,.. Coeat °* . , Oft ........ " ~ .. -..... ,., ..... ..., •• 10.11.111f . -=--~= ~"'~::=..~ .... ···=-·e .. --~~·--· R.. ..... .... 0. Mi ............... ... li'uMIN4 01Mge D .. IY ter ... --Wlftl '1MIFat=P ......... Mer .... u. , ..... ".lflll -:=.:::= • n. ....... ,..."" .. ,.. . ~ ....... 'I:' ... --=& . I t ., ................... .... &OMAN.11........ ·····----"'"" ="""""' ....... ... .. .. ... .... ~.:::.:·~ =-::e~t=.= -S~•nntlflf :~:,.. =a- •• .t ..... .. A=== ""':i :=i;:,:rcrs:tf.-aF.:!:·~-11;' \ •• - .· ... \ .. Pl\ATNCAS ...... .._.~ . .-121002:00 4:00t:OO 1:00 10:00 m •"~a §:Q<~~. A LlTTLE SEX (RI •"·Ill ...... ,, .. :. • 8ARQAIN MATIN•••• Monday ttlrv Saturday All Pertormanc" befo,. 5:00 PM (~ ...... btlll•llll ... ......,., . .,~ _ _., "CMAMC>Ta Of' ,.... ------' "PC>fUCY'I" 1•1 -----.-.- "VICTOA VICTORIA" CNI -----.- ... YOU COULD Ml WHAT I ....... CNI ------•r111ki. foc111ty ot Conctlewood) _ n .. :-·'~~.·-211/IJl·•llO _ ~ Mecem ..., "" ...,-m · '.oMYT ce1 ------"""··· ----- ... YOUCOUU>- WMATINIMl"{N) 1rtl.lt:ll. ... ~-- lAl<fWOOO CE NTE~ SOUTH W&l • ... NOelNno 111 6M-ffll I ""~" ~----":t.. •"·-------Sovtfl COOlt lllw4ly 01 lif'oMwor 4M-1114 .ANA.t4lt~ 'ANAHEIM ORIVf ·IN ... _.. ... , -"M04ltlMS DIMWSr' "'°' Cllll i1 S011t10 ~vi lljA P Alll BUENA PARK 0111\ll IN U..C-A'fW ..... ~ 12t-4070 ,mtllil .• llftCOlft &.,. Well of •llOll 12l-4070 11.111:•"• M ft 0..0 '"" of _....,., (So) ..,...,..."1111 -........ "'" _____ _ ..... , __ , _ _,__I'll -"CAT "Ollla".4111 Clllt ·h $OUllO "DlllOM uor 1111 -"MGK1'llAM"' ---" - I 962•2.411 C1M R - ..... __ .:-a_a;_t_~_;_;o:._,_ ..,~ .. .., ""' . "lifQfRS OIAMaT"' <NI ca. ... '°""'° COUL.D"9 I WMATI_...,._.. ~ '"T'MI _.,MOLLY .,...,...., C..·A IOUlllO .... ,,. LA HABRA 11.,11.i " ---·--·-... 171-1161 -- . ' 0 '1 A NG E ' I~' I .. I ,, MI SSION •. • ,.. --·-. .... _,.,.. __ _ '"CIW9!m,.::P ........ .. ,....,... ... Cllil·fl-----""*fJT" ........... C..·11- ""'-"·--.. ft --~I i .. ,...._ :;,.· NOW PLAYING M QmlU UIC-llAU mw-,_y-tlUIY W..... H ) ~·· Or.,. U 7 0'40 ~Ml&MI V., Ut I MIO ._ ,... ..... llA an c:.1M ...... .....,. --.Pwti Ut 4070 Or11191HUtll ,.._..a.:ll IU 01t0 U.lmAl'UU tT..-•1ft.fl MOLA_... ....... ••&rt snt °'lllOI 1391110 b 1t1r• '21-1706 ER-UllUIACll l .. AMi IAllTOl .............. El TOIO 511 5110 COlll Mtv $40 7«4 Sift Juan Clpislf-0 3 0 46 "°' _ _,.,.._, ... _ '· .,.. . ·' 1 • .'.Dolly Parton 'jelled' with Burt Reynolds By JOE EDWARDS ........... ,,_ ..... NASHVILLE, Tenn. -Slnaer·llC'treta Dolly Part.on aay1 1he and actor Burl"'Reynolda jelled when they made the movie "The Best Little Who- rehou.e in Texas." The movie, which will be releued thil 1wn- mer, l1 Miu Parton'• second. Her fl.rat wu lut year'• "9 to 5," with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. In the new movie, adapted from the long- running Broadway mualcal, 1he play1 a madam. She was a 8eel'etary in "9 to 5." "I make a better whore than a eecretary," lhe quipped in an interview. Reynolda plays a 1herllf who protecta her place of buainem. · "There'• one t)uaionate love .cene but 1\'1 done tastefully," M1$t Parton said in h e r rapid-fire delivery -a delivery that makes her word.a aeem like aomeone ha.s ~ a f ast-forward button. 'lt'1 no- thing to bum your panta oil." lleynolds, 1he said, wa1 very professional. "He h e lped me a great deal," she said. "We hit it off ,ARTON and had a lot of fun and we are similar in personalities. I think 90lDe people jell on 9Cl"een and some limply don't, but we did. "I think the movie will be great. It's the best I've done." She said, however, the Ci.lming was diaorgani- zed and the turnover in behind-the-scenes penon- nel made the location work difficult. . "I still love music best," said Mts11 Par\on, wh06e "Single Women" has zipped up the country music charts. "It's what I know best and what I love." She heard the 901'\g "Single Women" on the television show "Saturday Night Live." It's on her new album, "Heartbreak Express." "I loved the song when I heard it," she said. "It's ~~ aood, sonf, but it's not getting poP. air-play 9 to 5, ao guess aome people didn t be- lieve it. I'm real proud of the album, too. It's got good singles on it." Miss Parton was a poor mountain girl when she left a tw<>-room Smoky Mountain shack at age 18 to become a country music queen within 10 years. She just won a Grammy for the title song from "9 to 5." Now 36, she plans to concentrate on her music for another 18 months to two years, then possibly oonsider a more serious movie role. She'd even like to get involved in writing and producing it il pos- sible. "rm not going to do an)'thinl (movies) for two years. l'd like ti> be a dramatic actre1s and write some serious things." she said. She thinks "The Best Little Whorehouae in Texas" may help change her imqe -which lhe dts:rlbes as hair and boom. "I think a lot of people eee me• oudY and don't take me too aerioualy,'' lhe aid. "But iii um movie they will see my emotion, my mood cbana-, my tears. I think peo~ will tee me dlttenntly, ano I'm hoping people will aee me more eerioul1y 11 an actress. "I think peo ple see me curioualy and mysteriously," she said. "Life is an adventure and I want to be the best singer, actress and performer I can be. I just ended a seven-year cycle in my career and now I'm laying out another seven-year plan." Miss Parton's younger sister, Rachel Dennison -one of 11 siblings -ha.s Dolly's film role in the television series of "9 to 5." "She's beautiful and she's good for someone new to acting," Mm Parton &aid. "She's done great and she's only got one way to go -up. She'a got a bright career in movies if she wan ta it." FDR THI RICORD HOAG ..-.oNAL Mr 1nd Mrt J1mu Bordyn. H0'"1 A&. Founw!n V""1y, twirl boyl lllrdl rT APfl .. Mr 1nd Mrt. Henri Ho1t1t11r. Ir· Mr ind Mrt John BrlUlnghem, Tualln. girl lllnl. glrl Mr 1nd Mre 01vld Cehll, Irvine, Mf. end Mn. Vlno«!t Von <Mr AAI. boy COrone del Mw. girl Afl'l I Mr. end Mra. Thoma Orr, Costa Mr Ind Mrs 8'iln C11rOll, Coet1 Mesa, girl Mii&, girl Mr. end Mrt. L1rry SlllOhlml , Mr ind Mra. Steven H1mman, Newpor1 ee:=;r • Huntington Beeclh. g1r1 Mr. 1nd Mra. Jerry Carlton, Co-Mr and Mri. Mldlll.i Contr•u, rona del M•, boy Huntington 8eech, boy Mr. Ind Mrs. Pel• Mu.on, eo.ti Mr end Mrl Albert Brooll1, ,...._ port BMch. girt Mesa, girl ... Mr. 1nd Mra Cr1lg Robison, Mr Ind Mrl. J-Pt\llllpe, Coet• Newpor1 8eech, boy MIN. boy Mr. Ind Mn. K~em Semuel, Mr 1nd Mr1. W1dlh 8edr1n, Founteln Velftcy • boy Huntington Beech, boy .Mf. and Mn. p..., entton, COllta Mr ind IDlra. Rlchud Sedler, ....._boy . Huntlnglon 8eecl'I boy Mf. Ind Mrs. Wr,M Wiiia. Colli. Mr i nd M r1. Ce1lmlr Herrle, Mela, boy ..Hun11ngt.On 8Mcll boy ~t=~~~teven Rodm1n, ~andc:re. StM Snyoer, Cott• , Mr. Ind Mr1. Gregory Slmmone. Mr end Mn. Timothy Almond, !Mne, glr1 Newport e..cll girl Mr. Ind Mre Thom• Mon<oe. Ir· Mr 11\d Mre Richard 0"_..._._ ~girl ._ ............ Mt. 8nd Mre. George ~rtla, C091e Huntington s.ectl, :OV Meta. boy ...... 8 Mr. encl Mr• ~aMll Roy, Hunl- Jngton Beech, glr1 Mt. end Mre. Larry Arnold, New· Mr. 1nd Mrs. Wllllem H11grow, POtl e.oti, glr1 FountMI VelltflY, boy Mr. 111d Mr1. l•n Smith, Uguna Mr. Ind Mre. l>ettlc:k Flynn, Hvnt-~~..:~boy M ..... _ _. S It"' ,.._ Jngton 8Mcfl, boy ... r.-"' t.Ara. --m "•"""' Mr. end Mr•. Wllll1m W11ten, rone dll Mir. Qltl .. _~ ... Md..,.,,""-" '9rfllgMIO. Newpor1 _.. .. glrl ~ gift Mr. Ind Mre. Gwy Singer, IMM, U r. end Mrt". Jlm'N Hill, Senll ~Ind ..,... w-.m Dlub, CO.Ce Alie.. boy ' Meta. ...... --· .... ... and ..,., Aon.id Seyeg, Cot1a ...... girt Mt. end Mre. Dennie Snyder, ~onBeecf\,_,. Mr. end ,,.,., Timothy Welle~. ~ Beecfl, boy Mr. end Mre. Alollerd Qrellem, ........... glrl Mt, ri..,., ~ ~. coeca ~i:.z.... --8ton.. ...... .,......,.., ... " Mr. lftd Mte. Oawtd 01111911111, c-. ........ •• -Mrs. liW!dl,..... ...... ,.,,..,.,..,, Mr. end Mre. ~oncl 'ule.,..., Olrw ,..,., "" Mr. -..,., ~ .... o.e. ~.,.,., OMI ~. ~· .......... ~ ..,, -..... """""' ,.,.., eo. ......... .,, Mr, ........ Mille ...... ll'Wle. ... .. . 'Mt. lft4' Mre. Wlfftl Moffett, ................. ...... ,r.·=~:r::c::. =~::: I °111:\.~ ....... , it- ~ . ... - '61nco de 5'iayo 'Festivities MAlllOI MUICANPOOD You un prepare to have I lot bt fun h«e. In cetet>ratlon Of Cinco de Mayo. happy hOur Wll bf If day long on Wednuday. May s. Huntington Beach res- idents should be famfj.. lar with both loca- tions, one being In the Five Points shopping center for seyen years and the other on Springdale at Edinger since 1972. The Five Points loca- tion features enter- tainment Thursday. Friday. and Saturday evenings starring Johnny Ballad. You can enjoy t.he salad bar all you can eat tor S2.50 as well .u their dally specials and great margaritas. Martos has come a long way. Just recent- ly open Is their llquor store and Mexican deU on Beach Blvd .. offe- ring carnltas. sweet Mexican bread, torti- llas and other dellca- cles. They are also an- ticipating opening tor Sunday brunch In the near futu1'. at the ris- tuarant. TH• G•IND•• Known tor their heav- enly hamburgers and fresh ground coffee. this gourmet eatery Is ottering chill and beans tor only 5 cents. Yes folks, you read right. What a bargain. huh7 And hey Amigos don't forget to register tor trtt plnatas tllled with treau. Winners will be notified by Thursday, May 6. and need not be pres~ ~omplete couporl. wltijd on the~ pages and return to any Grinder Gour- met Cofftt Shop. Two locations to ~rve you· on Coast Highway In Newport Beach. and "aclflc Coast High- way, Huntington Beach. TN• ORIGINAi. DONJOS8 It's good to return to restaurants that have become llke old friends. comfortable to be with and spend time with. Arter being around tor I 7 vears. The OrlglNf Oon Jose Is lnd•.td llke fn old , friend. Located on Adams ne., Magnolia In Henington Beach Is Where It .. s~ lnd1 has been under the same ownership ever since. They otter pleulng food at better than bellevable prices. Don Jose's motto Is "We strive to maintain the highest quality native Mexican foods so the palates of our guests will be satisfied again and again by the al- ways taste thrllllng Mexican Cuisine. Drink up, tor all mar- garitas are halt price every Monday, tues- day. a~ Wednesday. any size lhcludlng the 60 ounce Muy Grande, and fresh strawberry margaritas. Don Jose Is open 7 days and has wide screen TV for all major sporting evenu. T.N.T. TACOS IN TSOUILA A dally breakfast sp~ clal for 99 centsl Spe- cials llke this are hard to find . But wait, there's morel Lunch specials are S I . 49 and dinner tor SI . 99 . T.N.T. has this going for them. And what's more. they offer Sund- ay brunch from I 0:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Breakfast especlales are served ·w ith chol- ce s of refried beans and Mexican style rice or fresh fruit of the season. For ~ye ope- ners you might try a brandy mllk punch, bloody Mary. or Mi- mosa {champagne and orange Juice). Lunch specials consists of a variety o f combina- tions ot tostados. tacos. and enchiladas. The dinner hour may begin with appetizers and flngerfoods such as quesadlllas. Mexican pizza. nachos and po- tato skins. Try the popular Taqultos Ran- cheros which Is corn tortillas rolled around shredded beef. dipped fried and served on a bed of crisp lettuce .. Garnished w ith their own special spicy avo- cado sauce and served with rice. beans and CINCO DE MAYO! j oin Us Wednesday, May 5th for Special Mexican Dtsbes,.Margarlta fitcbers, Tia Marla & Coffee, and Fun/ Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644·2030 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 , OLE J. T1k1 a TlfJ South of Thi Bordlr For: CINCO de MAYO F11hril1: •DIRR £SPECIALS Mexican restaurant In the city. They are famed tor carne asada. chicken ~·, shrimp Akapuf- co. green corn tama- les. and chorlzo, all prepared on the prem- ises. To celebrate Cln- do de Mayo mariachis wlll be on the scene ~ ~Ill speclals win be ottered. Lunc:h Ind dinner Is served from 11: 30 AM and Sunday brunch Is from I I :00 AM to 3:00 PM. Mas- ter Charge. Visa, and American Express Is accepted. A.T.UOS Take a ttlp south of the border for a C lnco de Mayo cdebratlon with A.T. ~. They wlll be featuring dinner spe- c I als, tequila minia- tures. cerveza de Me- xico. and tactate beer. Free 1uthent1c tacos wlll be especially pre- P,red by senor Miguel. which by the way wl" be dressed In a very authentic Mexican costume. Plnatas filled wfth 91rt certftlcat~s and other prizes wlll be on the agenda for the nesu as well as spectal conresu and other surprfses. A. T. Leos just opened approxlmatefy six mo- nth sago and hu qulckly become a fa- vorite among the co~t llne residents and bu- sinesses. lunch and 1 dinner Is served as wet as Sunday brunch I I AM to 2 PM. sour cream. T.N.T. In- vites you to their dy- namite Stnlay brunch with complimentary ch~. The T.N.f . omelene, known 11 the Hangover Speclal Is suggested. This hOt and spicy egg dish Is pre.pared wfth mlld and hOt chllles. onions and cheddar cheese, served with fresh fruit and Engllsh muffin. Happy tfocx Is 7 days a week trom 3 to 7 f>M. T.N.T. speclallzes In troplcal margaritas such as banana , strawberry. melon, peach and orlglnaf. Pina coladas and da- qulrles are available In the same sensational ftavors. Cinco de Mayo FESTIVAL 808 8URNI ••STAUllANT This very promising restaurant located In Fashion Island, New- pon Beach Is promi- sing a tun tilled gala on May 5 serving special Mexican dishes, pit- chers of margaritas. Tia Marla and coffee, and dos equles {Mexican beerJ. Mexican style decor shall certainly aceent the fiesta. Re- turning to Bob Burns Restaurant. direct from his U.S. tour Is Ronnie Brown at the piano. This llmlted engage- ment begins May 4th appearing Tuesday through Saturday nlghu. Tea anybody? What a way to spend a llesu- re ly afternoon. Bob Burns Invites you to their afternoon tea with fresh baked scones and appetizers weekdays 2:30 to 4:00 PM. TORTILLA l'LATS This 32 award w inning favorite Is a multi-level show c ase with two level parking facllltles. Enjoy Catalina sun~ts from the cnatlna deck. Tortilla Flau located In Laguna Beach. has bttn established since 1946 and Is the oldest 1740 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach T.HE ORIGINAL CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION MARGARITAS 1h PRICE 9093 E. ADAMS 962·7911 HUNTINGTON BEACH To celebrate the 5th of Moy, the Grinder Gourmet Coffee Shoppes w ill offer Chill & Beans for only "c1nco centavos" per cup for Cinco Cle Movo IDelic1oso! Sotty llO tab °"" -plus _____ _ Register tor "uno p lt'\oto gronde:· tllled with all the ei<trosl (714) 494·6$88 . • LUNCH • DINNER • COCKTAILS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD Cinco de Mayo Celebration HAPPY HOUR ALL DAY LONG Entertainment With Johhny Ballad THUIS., NI. a SAT. (Mein Sti.et '-tlen Only) Look For Our Doily Specials Food To Go TWO LOCATIONS Fi,. l'04nh Shoppinv C-t 18603 ""°""St ~lecxh S..2·5811, M&-2372 ' Cinco de Mayo Celebration t.torl>AY • TlQDAY & WEDNESDAY • i I fl!ftft.tr. • • • •••• •••• ••••••• !~.!~~1 ...•..• ~!!!!.~111 ..... P!'!!!.¥~.. ~t!i •• f~ •• ~.'!~~ .. LlllM!lllll .. t' IMB ......... J.«I l!t~ ......... J ... flllr.lfftf ..... .J.@f ~.~~t .. !.~ ~!!!l!'!!.~! .. !.I!~ ff!!.~.~ .... M! ~.!fftf ...... !Mf ~f ........... 1.¥.f ~.ff1.~ ...... . -- NI W VllW TOWN· ':~,vr.·a'::..~ FORICLOSURE SALE ..... , ...,. &Tiii •-OC.RINTAL8 MIYU IMuUflA a lw, 2b• home .... ~.l!.f!f-uo.u,!Mf .. OMH . a Maat., lul~ Hemltlon Do not claturb Under lend9f't CO.I SO Owf\er ne.da caah, dun .,.. L1f t.ebt'a UOO to 12000 1 br, 1 be ll50 1U4 Port l e rmou th, iiHlft' -=a?.:$ ~:;::~:= =i.ifJ~J·~~~: m:,~5~~~~:~ r.~!:~~~;:r-*:· m"#,.':. 1~4-~1-dayt ~~:itbe =e !:~n°)4::1~~:r• =~~2J'~ droom l autremont plan 1125 000. Ol"Y ,~ dn ..,... 000 50·&04f evH Owner uye ... or trMSe 1111..r flW 3 bl', 2 ·~be MOO ... a-... mf ~=°''Yer~N:. with •Peotacu le r view. XJntFln.Htilor)>ejla..r .....,..,,, vary inicloua aellera HY wknd1, 831-3520 wltdya. Ihle outttendlnO out1orn Aent In Cot ta Meu't 3 br, 2 be 11400 r.:e................. ~tlen P 11 M\IMeOC)Ul1yWdwtthflall AQta.en.noo ,,.1_.._ "1ry ll0,000downend llUL vl ew lotnowlYouoan N I W!8T geted 20 3bl',2ba l1500tuml!ACH COTTAOE, 2 T8l u..-t 642•1903 ,,._,. Proteaa1~1>u d• ··---..... 1 'II d lhl own ...... •-for -little Townhom• VlllAOe 4 ""',"be 11350 bdrm, 2 b•. W• to traltl, -~-'"""'.-..."-----!::'.:.:::... ..... 1.=.o'::!...... HeRE IT I I ••r, "''A81 ... ..,,. we o on e '",. ''" ·-• "' ' -• T i.-. -··-.... ---T.._._.. • ~ ... ~di ohtrmlng old beach OAIAL ,_., down e nd ucellenl COMMUNITY. 2 l 3 Br. 4 bl', 2'A be 1825-11100 twn, be.ti. S700.4112·7tt3 Room~ 3 r. own ........ ~ t72U00 UIJ 11111 r~t~W: rumr.r. eaai houH w/1ludlo " 1225, Five bedrooma, 3 bllhl , ~~~~~lngu:i~: ~~::. ~~,;.S:.,:!: Le Raltor Alty 833-8e00 ... JW c::~r; =:~.':: -4 "· "::i2""210000HOl'Mf .. trede Side. ooollclM "'''ll I.I fireplace home. Aedeco-hydro-tuba In muter Turtlerock end condo, 2 If.~ ... ·-·-· . • • endld pdo a down. -, . 9 .... UTIFUl .. 8,. 2Ba, , 1, , re led. Alao Included buY9f. c.11 lor more 1 d br 2 be MP DR 111 2 -..... ..,, 8 t RC l~1ylor Co .; 11 ~I ...... - ~" .. ood 11 and au In formation. Agt. t u te. lnlng room1. · · · ' · •••• •••••••••••••••• latl9•· orry.J no P8 •· greet· grH t looaUon. 41l·1l 1 ~081 :'oce~2°ca, 11.::.. 840•9900 or 048.3900 wood burning llreplaoee, oar ger., dhl. 1825 mo. 2Br, 28a Condo, 1 m1 to eoa Mo. 8"4b·3H1 or 2 Br. COtt• "-' l>Moh. 1 139,500. 4 blk• to Ocean. 1285. micro-wave ovent, prl· ::0~;01~01 ! .. ~~!/wknd ; Dena Point H81bof. MOO 875-~t. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil1185•000 tee. •1·11U 000 Hrm. • * * vet• P•tlot & ~ dyt mo. Incl ~ & wtr. call -,500--/mo--2-Br--1....,.Ba._up-_ U. 119l11 Bernita EIMNln GAAND OPENING IPUI l&T/111 1·1 7 1 4 . 8 3 6. 8 5 4 2 , 0 r l.116 ....... yard 1,gerdener provl· 1 Br. Condo, nlcely up· Mike (71A) 752·7856 dye per ept. ~ _... ThrH 2 Bd rm unit• wt 875-237'r:'C:-20-0140 SAT . SUN 12·5 WllTIW&ru YI 731.2811 2728 8en Lucu ln. ded. Elegant IMng only greded. 1495/mo. Call or evea (7 14) H2..e748 balcony'/pello, leund,Y I~;;;;;:::; 83 M Pool, lge IOI, 3Br, 2Ba + Co«• M... 15 mtnu1• from FMhlon Ol:>rl 552·7485. •--•&. 1..a.... ·-· rm. Avell. 5-5. geragH. yerda & dl•h· 1 onta Vilt• 11ut 1I qtra C1011 t o PlllCI lEltOTilll You are th• winner ol "'-"d. 7 mtnut• to S.C. 00 _ .. ::;is •-TSL Mgmt &42·190i wln'te'rhMart'lo. eAn'a'nudmoewlnoewr .... 8 eu.torn Condoa, l l4 l, downtown leguna Cana l front 4 Br. Fee f tr t ........ (•"'•OO) PIHi or O.C.Alrp ort. W 08RIOOEL 'AST WK 3••••••••B •••B••••••1•1••11..,.....,...._,_ ___ ·_...,...,,.__,,-000to1154,000. Eleganl Subelantlally reou:ied to our • ....... a ...,., Jul! ea t! of Newport Of J~. 494-4142. Br · 2 •· .. ut u l &OG-'625/mo. 2 Bf. 1 Be. w111 ,_...finance. Try $20, IN' W0008RIOOE & drema11c 2 & SBr ttr ... 10000 land T9fms. ·$2119,000. value to IN ..... & ., __ ni---ocean view, wtlk to 1 1 t he,g, dre...,.1 • ...,. on1y.., • • Mr Clerk 845-3370aft ... ,..... ...,,d. ao.of ._....._., Wa terfront TownhouH b e ech . 1 760/mo. •ory, ,.;, ... -· 000 dwn. 831-7370 8Hutlf11I upgraded Bo· ~':r~·.~~·:~~·v~!i~~·d Ill Otelhln 6PM Seedlfl ""'~ Frwy. St1111no 11 MOO • Broadmoor 2 Br. 2 Ba. 83s..5500 pecio, lrplc:, d • ~ dega model,' deta<:hed •• .._. month. 631·&439, 2473 frplc, wel bar. bbl gar, · celllnga, OW•· colt• wt1h 2 Bdrm and 2 celllnga. lonnel din. 381• aa11 a.111.1117211 ~•I• All• 1111 H'untlngton 8Mcl'I Orange Ave ., Coat a. boat 1llp pou, waler· Wntmhu• Jiii TSL Momt 842-1803 TR \DI 110\ \l l~I \I " • b1thL Fenced Y9fd, 0000 2 c e r g ereie t , yde. ..-... -•••••••••••••••••••••• Tuetdey May 18 9:00pm Meal. front p1tlo. $950/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• *2 Br 1 be M ... 'fMdl llnenclng. 1 144.ooo. ~~~d=re, alc,on~!!: --~ 3Pbr . 1 ba, ~-O"I. ~o,"!,!}.: Wedn•~d~•Y May 18 us.7171. HOME FOR RENT upper. New decor. No ........ ...,_ m ..... , roperty 11 c ... ar 0 ..,..., ... lo4eae ci.t M81, 3 Bf. 2 BL 2 Bdrm 1475 G811Q1 1 p et, Gar 1500/lflo Unique Homea liQ more. 8ulld4w II MS't , lee. no poinls. Owner win PH••• mu1 b• redM· Fam. rm. 2 l!l)lc:, dbl gar, New bHutlful 3Br, 3Ba ch 11 d o K. no p • 11. 833-8974 • · Reeltor9, S76-e00i0 tenna. Wk4YS 85().9778, t · I 1 nan c e I n I 1 3 % med before atlOW time. f«IC8d yd, Gardeoet Ind. twnhee. by UCI, pool, Je· 545-2000. Agent, no IM. --------- .WUlml In Exchuive Seavtew Area. Gate Guarded. Spectacular View. With Or Without Furniture. Three Bed- rooms + Family Room. Beautiful Conditio n Only $46 0,000. A Twitchell-Triviaon lilting. ·.(!) ·--...... , ...... 751-91• ue.,...,._. .... .,..c..... NEWPORT BA YffAONT !IT An with 60' on Newport Bay. SWeeplng, panoramic view from the Pavilion to the mountains. As authentic archi- tectural statement of bygone daya throughout this S'story residence plus 4th floor obeservatton tower. T e quality and craftsmanship In this fled atructure-offer spacious rooms & privacy, In addition to gen- erous Indoor & outdoor balconle1, patl~ and courtyard entry. Thi• magnT11cent vllla offers two wtnge for private living. Thia tncludee e bed rooma and e bathroom•, a formal dining room, 2 kitchen•. formal IMna room. large family room & mucfi more. A separate, aelfcontalned master autte. Large pier end ffoet wtl accommodate boats. A detalled brochure wlll be avaJlabfe upon re- queet. $2,850,000 fee land. Adjolnlng gueet apartment, ptus Scar garage available for $395.000 on a aeparate 45x100 ft. lot. Wk nd• 5'411:.s210, EvH $829/mo $8S,OOO. 1242 To claim pau ea. oa ll l toO. 873-1173. cunt, pa11o, 2 car 11•· OMES FOR AEHT •3bl', nr S.C. Plaza. S.A. ~. Car I Ion. corn• r S 842-5678, ext 272. Pu-rage. upgrtded cpl & H Carpon, pool, ape. le75. -.... Bristol 494-0154 see m1.11t be claimed by drp1, S87S mo. 851·t433 3 & 4 Bdrmt. 1871>-1700 Pet o k. 752·5822 or -• _..... Ld1111111 1055 B-d t "7pi • May 14. 1g82 •CIHn 2 br dupte11, off· Fenced yard• & getegee 841.1490 •Br 2 000 aq II home •••••••••••••••••••••• ra oru · owner an atr"1 prilg. Quiet. 1475, HOME FOR RENT Kida & pell welcome. ----· -----wl~ dining & femlly .ciou5 4Br l'~Ba. gar. • * * utll1 tncl. No pall. 4 Bdrm. $750. Fenced 545-2000 Agent, no fM. •2br, 2be. nr S.C. Pia&. rm & more Call noy, POI PUCE patio pool/park. $89. 848-2474 9.5, M·F. yard & garage. Kid• & S.A. Pool, epa. "550. No 978-5370 900 Aasume $59,000 1sl .. 1_ ..___.. pell welcome. S.S..2000. c.u.-1e1.., p • t 1. 7 5 2 . 5 8 2 2 o \ . ESTATES ii' ll''t"lo Agt 857·2040 ,. ... , .... ,_,, '6ew2•ty3Br.w/denor4 Agent.nolee. n-•--t-&.,J u•• 841-1480. .... 2 1L IA • ..., .lfll Bt. 2Y, ba. Condo. 2 Cit ~ ·---.t .... , •. "'"::~ ••••• ':': ____ S_C_Dll_a._-..,8,....A.-\ ( >I l / 111:. ,, • • • •, '•. f r y t N•\ For Sele by C>wn«. •Br. 2 Ba. Dining rm. Family rm . Meu North. 761·5153 ·1n. m&llT le what owner will charge on 2nd T.O. Sparkling 3 Bdrm 2'~ Ba condo near Npt Hgts. C1111 be your1 for 120,000 dwn. 111-1111 •WNIT lllllYS ....... Aw iww 3 bdrm. 3 t>atn condoa. Pluah carpets. drp1, stained g1aa1. pvl yard&. 2 car garage 2 tO 18th Piece. 80% loan at 12V.% • owner will carry 2nd or try equity lllarlng program with no money down. John Ellol, Agt, 831·4321 w•ekdaya. 873·3988 or 831·4509 weekend•. 'TTENT IO N VET S. BRAND NEW CONDOS, 13 ~t 2 BR 2'h b'a condoe In prime ~llon. Lge gourmet kitchen, mlcro oven1, vaulted celllnga. balconlea. yerda, 2 car garegea. pool & IPL Build« glvel Jdn1 ratM & terma. Seti Sun 12·5. 831-8 111•. •dye. 15CM1778. Ev ... 751-3297 • • 'Fl • & • .t •-•••••••••••••••••••••• auto,.,. Many 111ra1. ... -o1•-. ._. •30r. nr .. r---. BETTER THAN vr.611 "'., •l•I• Park City Utah condo. Pool. e c. le11e sgso. •• •••••••••••••••••• llr ..... MM. Gar. pool, ape. 1750. MODEL •••••••••••••••••••••• Owner looking for part· 536-() 78 or ask tor Mr. Charming beachlront 752-8731 Chlld ok. 762·5822 o r HAS EVERYTHI NG #dill Boa11 ner. S8000 up front, 'h ol Lupl1 546-2313. home. apectacular view, 841· t460. Cul-d .. aac aireel ffl l•l• "" $483 mo 842..o871 brick courtyard entry, 4 .... ,. 11 hnJM-4 --------Sun & Sall 11 Club •••••••••••••••••••••• . • m1A Yllll BA 3'~ be, lge LR, OR, :T.':~ •• !!f ••••••••••••• E11t1ld1 2 8 R, am yard. 20 min 10 Newport Beach De Anza 4 Bdrm 2 Ba lemllr beech room. Iota of ato-C..t • 3114 optional 111ech ger. Newporl Cenlet I baytoonl Park . Mint r1a. lhtt/llllWYll home. Quiet., .. Avel . rage. For leue only. Call •••• ~ ••• !!! ••••••••••• 14 96/~o. 900 1q.ll. S210,000 wllh $160,000 cond '78 dbl wide. fir.. O..m.61 UH lmmectlatety. Many ame-Peggy Pettiaon, tor en Protesalonally decorated _54_8-4_84 _____ _ at 12% fixed rale & place. brick patio. $61. •••••••••••~••••••••• nlllel. 67~9 12 BKA appt. 714-955·2'473. 1 Br. condo with all 1 .. 2 !. I .. lutly amortized 000 Allo 2 br • 2 ba., .... •..a.-wkdya 8-5 amenities, near S.C. Newlv de~o . Gaa "'d. d bl Id n. 101 ....... J Br 1'A ea. i"~· ten-, ... ... No l)Olnls or Qualifying ' ou e w e, cor r •a.~ ._., .--•• Plaza. yearly le11e 1 d h 1 n0..0347 $39 000 Biii Grundy llt'I Tiet-• ced yard. S 30 mo.+ ,_. ,_ ,,__ $550/mo 5411-3788 or enc gar. WI r. poo ' Owne</Agont 675·6t61 Aaaumabte 12% '400 aecurtty. Sant• Ana 3 br, 2 ba. Fantutlc 553-1202 el1 5 bbq. Adu1t1, no P•t•. -&45-93g 1 H •I g h I I d u pt. x ooaen vu. $900 mo. 3049 842-5073. C1a•lrtUl 833--1927. 20201·B Btreh Ziil Or .• 7t4-•~20"1 or ........ lf«.6 1141 -N-lc4l-2 -Bt-.-1-Ba.-ln-~-- !~!!.~~!! ... '.''.~! Execuhve condo ocean & bey view. Fplc, c:athe<lr1I clgs, ato 1+ den S 10 000 option money Oy5 558·9035, eva 873...C899 I l ro rt. JllO SI. 408·251·783l ••'• .... •••••••••••••••• 1440. 878 .t8 Center. •••••~•;;-.••••••••••• Jt.} lllllf E/Sld 3 b den 2 ba La. .,,, l'•o.a Furn Laguna Beach lu· ~ •-11: YILUT Ix .__ llM 8 r. ' · ':':7.u• au1I .-11ury atudlo 191 Satelffte ----·-----..,..,...,. t';';';'A'; awlmmlng pool. $850 •• ••••••••••••••••••• TV. -.ina, 'maid ..,-vioa, 11111 ... IP1I Tu"''"'' ;•t,d•r•,;_~•C;~;j•F;~-,,·i°. unlurn . USO furn HOME FOR RENT phonaa. Sl 15/week Adult IMng. 1 Bf .. car· Near new 4-ptex. 2 bdrm. Newport for Big Bear 567-2783 3 Bdrm. 1675 Fenced 489-2227 pool & laundry No 2 ball! eacri unit wllll prooerty or? Mr Clark 3 8t 1'h Be, lrg yard. peta yard & gartge. Kida & pon, 1450 831 w ;tth l1re(>hl0e enclosed patio, 645-3370 al1er 5 PM OK $650/mo. ~. agt pets welcome. 54S-2000 .• .,,,_,, lfM.6 3111 r'~92 · · garai;J• 9\• 1s1 Po• 631· 12e6 Agent no lee •• -.-;(';;;•••••••••••••• t. . llWPHT CIEST c.ash flow Now $159. La., •{.-I J•s• IUll IUTIU 2 Bt. newly redec. duplex 2 Bdrm 2 bath den d • 1 500 Biii Grundy Rltr. ~'!!*••••••••••••••• 2BR nr SC Plu. Adult :-:11.~.~'1'.~ •••• ~.~ Available now $300 w/lingle gw.; large ywd . nlng room, large double 675-616 t condo• Pool, tac, sec. 3 er 2 ea lrg yard prl· weak up Age nt $500/mo. 5~5001. garage Elecl opene1 ---....... f.,.J,W gale. carport No pell vacy. close lo sch~ola, 675-8170 2 8t l9&l Mapte Ave 111 Quiet end unit Walk 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• Move In C08t neg. S520 + ~ $7SO/ Call · lhebelcn.s 185000 I ~&Jw 1111 S36 utll 558-1626, -""""no. mo Oceantrontwkty 2 &3br. llr.nopeta 2peraona .,, War41e R"' •••••••••••••••••••••• 775-2580. 831·2101. comp turri'd Gar Avl !~2s32s1err1 Mgmt. ' ' Clean & pretty 2 bdrm Iii"'-V/Mo-JJf1 now. 640~78-4 ,...1. I 4 141-1121 home plllo gara ge ELEGANT VIEW CONDO •••••••••·~·/,;-......... Stvdlo, IM.ltnmer only, -15_0_0_/_m_o_l_m_m_ed_.-oe<:--u. 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii av all· M IY '&June. 2 br, 2'A ba, mlc:fo, ro· HOMES FOA RENT $500/mo. 2 8r 1 Ba.~ I S 5 0 0 ·, m o . ( J u I Y I 8 2 5 . 5 3 3 • 4 3 O ' 3 & 4 Bdrms. S87S..S700. Near beech. 975--0670 ~imalt garage. Celi HWPORT 1450twk). 875-9667 875-1781 Fenced yards & garegea. 1, App OOUIFllOIT • By owner Oraallc pric.e reduction tor lge dnwn 1 1 payment 840-71190 lHtr4a~lt AOUL T MOBILE HO ME PARI< o n lhe Bay 1 bdrm, den, I ba $80.000 2 bdrm, 2 ti. $46.000 2 bdrm S25,000 300 E Cal Hwy Unit 113. New port Beach Bkr 875-3347 CtlTll ---------2 BA. fenced yard, gar, Kid• & peta welcome. SUMMER TSL Mg':nt 842·1803 ,I ... lndry atove & oven ne-545-2000. Agent, no lee. Sludto Apl Furn. Areh1tt·• u d"11;cnera, plannen Two lpACft 111 No•wport Cenler On<' " ;woo aq f1 and •Ill<" la :11>00 Ml II Very hvo111bh• rate1I Wll """" c...... Broktt C..t• #IN .. ' ' $500/mo. 97~79 •.. •-aa • ...................... ver rented. Grdnr/wtr .,,,.., .... Jllfi---------I ._ _.,_ New 3 Br. 3 Ba. Condo. Incl. $5g5. $885 HC .... :.-:.:.............. 2 Bdr 1'h Ba $525; 2 8dr S 1500/mo. lurnlahed. Ownr, 640-5868 OC-RENTALS ~t•tl 1 Ba 1500. Both have $1000 unfurn. Mo. 10 Mo. E/li<le 3 er. 1 Ba. ended 1-6br's $200 to 12000 Olllu.ldtl gar1g11 & patlo1. Call rental. 111. & lett. Su· gar, large yard. NO 750-3314 open 7-daya •••••••••••••••••••••• Jim 831-7370 parb looatlon. ne111 lo PETS. 1519 Redtenda Pt. Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 ,,._II WJ Weetllde 2 Bt. 1 Ba. oen-shop~g & thee tera. $846/mo. 548-MSO. Ba. for leUe, frJ>k:, 2 cer •••.!•••••Ac• .... ••-•••• tral heating. garage, 5-48-4 · BHI Eaatald• locatlon, garage. No P•IS. Avail. NYllLY .U 11ove, carpet•, drapes. roomy 1 Br/water paid. 5 • 1. 549·1175 5 or LllllY No peta, chlldren, water· B. -'·-All. garege. Adultl. no 844-7220. Our "Wllanlre Corridor" bed• S450 + ••curtly .w.u l .. lf.'TR4 * 8::~-11 ... peta. 1435. 831-475" Exec 3br vtew home w/ Sultea offer nol onty IMC· d77•f~!!. 548·54"2 or ,.,. -.-..., ,_.... + """' 1y S8 5 ture'""ue views. & ame-v-vv .. ,. U.. ••a"e Of1-• Nor1h UdO •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2 be. 2 cs,..,, Nice .. .,_ .,.,..... on 2 ....., ---------.., " w• 3 b 2 b I d -QC.RENTALS 750-3314 nlllel. too numerou1 to 2 Bt 1 Ba. 8-ned c:lnga. •••-1-•••wi Comple .. 3 Sty Ocean vu r. 1• new Y •c yrd w/grdnar. $850. mention. bu1 1110 24 2289 E Maple. 1410 . .,._,,....,_ -7 Ollie. SuU86 AllO, ~~~ ),,~••c~ 646-3136, 837·1458 luxury pool home, mar· hour uniformed aecurlly 54o-.«84 TWI IAITll --3 bdrm b11rg11n for bull 1 Newport Lots-S85,000 ;-'d"s m 1ne1Qr\ 1 • Cabin-Ilk• hou ... EHi· veloua Weatatff toc:atlon. & 1 Ml MMCe building ---, ------ Speclou • new 3 bdrm, !Ser• on extra Wide lot wolh Each owe 631~ 179 .... ~~ · ..... ~ .. 1·•1 yr m n ~. 1 br, den, tndry rm. 4 Bdr, micro, many Ill· Come ••• for youraelf 2 BA. 1 ~ be t~. den, 3 bath home. Al· aunny peho A mu1t to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimil~-~~·..:._....=::::::..:::v..:.____ S52S/mo Pd utlta. tr11. Veer or more IH. our one, two & three tmmec. quiet, no ~ta. fordeble. $15,000 option Mel oe&l'T IWY CIRIEI ~or 494-0395 $1495. Call Lola. 101 bdrm aMlt .. now avail•· Bak:ony, petio, g:• ffpl, tee. 11300/mo. lnU• '1H 831·12e6 bte for..... $525 mo 979-t 141-2911 E•ce11ent buS<ne1s pro· •••••••••••••••••••••• • * * * The Wllahlre &tine. ...... , ....,, pefty With estabhsnect le-Wllll... •,._Ill u-213/273-11150. ,._ •Of .....,. '• llQl. nants OW help finance 3 • _. • 1 1,._1 un111 potAntiel to expand Thfee bdrm1. 1'~ be For 20411 UPC>flf Bay Or 2 ltory' 4 + bd rm1, 2 31 h $150 *• _., s 1 17!> 000 lee ..... or ..... opt $750. Sanla Ana bath•. llreplace~geou· r ••• I TIHllm ~ 751-9905 You are lhe winner ol lllew. Pier and al • S3000 752-8731 New Condo tor rant. 2 WATERFRONT HOMES.INC. Pl * • \\\II HI HP" fO\lr free ticket• ($36.001 per mo. Avail. . 1. er 2'A Ba.1705/mo. Dbl REAL ESTA IT =or •b months on brand 1111,11 .., "'" Mi ti l#w.6 3111 value to the ·WM llhM "" g.,, flreptece, Pool. epa.. .... R.-no.i. p,_,,~ ~-·· , • .,. townhome In Coll• uaa1 Ult" RC .l csr•1[ • .'.'!r................. ·-YllUI ...................... 668 w. 18th. &45-2739 IHu. Featuring 2 mute< · --~: ·" " -Dfll exec 2 Br apt. ~I~~~~~~~~~ w11 ... enc:toted gar~s High rtee condo 81h fir r ~ t I i.ii ' 1 BA. condo, pool, Jacunl, Seac:Mff Vlllege $675. 208'h PHrl. No l: 2436 W C <Mii Hwy Nfwi>or• &o1eh 631-1400 • """~te ,.,..,-.1rd. 1y ocean & bay W!w gym. bllllarda. -.ina. 24 Huntington Beech ,..,11. Euulde 1 bdr, pool. a....... ~"I hr s ec. Ga rden vie w. T·~.. M 18 800 ,... 5114,950. 2870 San Ml· $950.000 Exclu1lve -•Y •Y : pm adults , n o p ell. l1'810r.,NewportBMch Agt 752·5710NEWPO~TBEAC~LOT. $595 7 s 4 -4 1 14; Wedn .. day May19 2 bdrmapt.Yearly l 700 S375/mo.833·78t0, 15$-1501 752 7373 near bay and ocean. 8-42·9057. Kata 4:3ppm 227.,., Corel Ave. Bl $700. 8-46-1947. C.,Utru. C-.111 • lfli or • · By Owner '4 Bdr. <len. & $14•.000 or trade Ownr P•H .. muat be redee· Nwpl Blutla 3 Br on 213-39s-35t 1 ---------•-·-&. Jiii •••••••••••••••••••••• &~~~~: ~0~~:1~1~~ ~ 675-185<1 BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE med before ltlOW time. 11 Chol<:e greenbelt, lharp. •-ta..... l::.r. ~OPoOI, quiet, no -• IJ .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilHOME. View, privacy, To clalm p111e1, ca s1125 ,,.....5319 -,,.6-· 731n· 6.7 .. "••~ •••••n-••••••••••••• dining. 1225.000, 150 se curity. Ouallly furnl· &42-5878, ext. 272. Pea-· · laJuU. "'7 "'" •or ~ ......... ..... Dupte11, beat locatlon, 000 dwn. 545-8 !08 CIMafROlll ah Ing 1 & c 1 r p e I . ... must be claimed by ON THE WATERI •••••••••••••••••••••• E/Slde 2br, 1ba, 1500; ............... extra wide tot. Reduced IOUlflllT . + ltflllflT1ll $2500/mo. 840-4518 Mey 14. 1982 Greal view of bo111 & 4BA. 28A yearly Frplc, tbr, 1be. '400. No peta. For Mia or rent. Unit 21 to '329,600. 1·942-4580 IY IWIER Owner will help finance * * * bayl Brick fl replace , bl14na, ~Ing. CIOM lo 645-9181 752~11 MJ 71 4-531-8010 ::hermln9 3br/2ba. Al· Greatpolenttal &IOCallon Mobtle 2br 1700 countrykl1cllen. 1 Bdrm ba y & ocean. Brkr1----·-------------C,,g.... JIM turne $88,000. $105,000 le 'HlifJl•I s215.ooo NptCr•t 3/fam Sl500 3 Bt. 1 Ba. latge yard, r• Peninsula cottege. Avet.. 67~912 E SIOE-38'. 28e, 881•· C.... hi llat llJJ •••••••••••••••••••••• Owner/egt 842·8772 ltw 4,., 131•2242 NptHgt.a, 31pool 1 1850 dee. 1983 Conunentat. table now. $175 mo. Cell c hildren OK, no pet1. •••••••••••••••••••••• w ..... H Al 1750/mo. 559-6001. 873-85SO c.... '" •u JllJ '825 mo.+ MC dep,,. HouM on Begonia 1235 11.JIS ft111rrtf1 fu""'* 3Br & den. 2'nBa. stat· at.,. .. on1 ornea ln THE REAL ESTATERS 000000•••••••000000•00 lundable. Avall May 1. 000 lot vlllue ~ only · ._._a. IHO n•d glaas, 2 trptcs, Celt· 831·1400 3 br l10UM on ·~ ec:t'l lot. Walk to beach All utlla ••• 9596 . . . . flrrrulll -· 2530 s t A A 2 I I 2 .... rv. be h S300 ........ Bkr. (113)433-23. JI.Ill In ti-f~ a•·m-, ••••••••••••••••••••• 11Curlty aystem. R-2 lot •n • na ve. 3 br, be, rp c , car ,,... 1 rm "' • I , 1----f ----1- .. _ v• v ........ OWNEA DESPERATE Can be 2 un111 W1111radl ..... Oat.rald«I S775. a&1.eue. f::;ge. Blka to bHch mo Reta No kitchen. 2 bdrm, encad, qu e t, l•lllY ..... thia IOvtlfy pool home'-5Br bH ch slen1, exec tor Income prope1ty •••••••••••••••••••••• -~.. Shorea. 54&-8083 548-8322. (2 13)"92-1592 euf..<».uc. Gerega 1495 Duplex, 4 bdrcn plu1 2 turaa tenlflc flnenclng. 4 a re•, ••o. 00 below 1800 000 ( 7 14 I llf.--• ._. -Wll -W lk t b h 28 mo E\'81 714-594-1881 large bdrm1 new ~•Int •v ' l !!!r.!fl ._. __..., •-• ~ 2 81. 2 Be. Xlnt loc ...-,_ • 10 pv HC · r • bdrm. 1 year naw. Wiii • · market. Mutt ••II now. 873-8578 3711 See· 8ffall --•••••••••••••••••••••• Pl Open ..... -lBa. lrpt~, lg paO mo. 2br, 1'A be.810 Joann8t. d d •385 000 ne1r park• 1nd ac oota ...... n.. ••••••••• •• ••• •••••• ._..ILi az&. .,_,, • Wll " tre e own • • · . Submit. Bkr. 8-46-0709 ... ore..,. 8 UNITS COSTA MESA. 115111 k II f I I d k ( 7 1 ") 8 44 • 7 7 8 8 . Adultl pref. S mall dog 709 Orchid Coron• del Offered et 1 138,t OO. ---------• 'I tH , rp c. 11 ec 4 Br. Ca nal front. Fee 833-2900 Cody Oil. 1475. 1Mfr5436 Mar 851•9fa5 CAllUSABOUTOUR lnf.-IHI -umll needswork,graatpo-YMl1y·Wealtty.Wln1er.2. OY«lulhlendaq>,pool/ land . Mr . C lerk . 0 PE N HO US E S . •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'" lentlal, $310K John 3, • 9dnna. 1pa, dbl g ar/ope ner. •~"' ,,,.70 Aft 6 •• tt ••• ...a. 28'. new Int, l11Qd yd, ge.. 111111Y ..... • ... .,.... ••• ir E11ceptlon11 Newport 648-7860 AGT 111111 IUl.ft Ava ll. now. S800/mo. .,............, · · -2229 A t Of. Duplex,,. bdrm plut 2 ___..19S -.& BH<:h neighborhood 4 •-•••-11711 ·33 7 8 w k d Y•, Wik to Bc:h, 3 BA, 2 ba. 2 ~0":_d~~0J,~·d~~•1t:z MtS·mo. (2 13l8~1U bdrm, 1 year new Wiii Price reduced·lovety 2 Bdrm.2'~ba.thl Spacious 14 llfT 0.M. PllPllff 751-8184-1wkndt. oer ger, lpc, p atio. trede down. $ae5,000. Bdr, 2 Ba Woodb ridge end well ~njcured yard All 2 bdrms. 25% do or .... Comm Pool. lannla $825 Overllzed petto. rivet• 2 Bf. 1 Ba. MW cerp« l 709 Orchid, Coron• del College home. Frplc, 2 with plenty 01 room tor irade? PPLS ONLY Mr ..,..... S~ 2 81. 2 Ba. llC)fll mo. INl().t23S 842-89l5 l•c. flreplace , dl1h · pelnt. l6001mo. M8I. 851•8135 cer garege, corner lot. pool, 1~ or addlno on Croppor Aot llM171 level, frplc, micro. 3 • w11her. Bulll·lna. '950 Broll• 851.UOO. 1110<: pool 1ennl1 & o ... ,_. .... 11 1 n 752· 1920. 493-3827 deck•, ak yllta, op a n mo . Y • • r 'l '••a•. Sh 2 8 R 2 B 1,. · ' ....,.,,.. -"'I n nci g beam, dbl gar/opener. CdM 3Br Vu 11300 962·1835 111 arp •. •• * • • ,_ -·~low down·great 1299.600 llPH C.-'•tz ... IMl•llll Ava ll. 5·2•. 1850/mo. Udo Pk Dr Vu 1 1800 rooma, .. bftnltnd DIW, ..., ...... ••-. · . Hlll'I lULTT 1.,, ••n'"'• •• T.-:0•••••••••••••••• t 19• 3 3 7 8 w k d y 1 , E.astbl\Jff 3Br . 11200 1 bdrm, 1tove and frig. gar, No. Cotta ..... "' 1121 Selvlldof St. -WARNER, agt 55•·•400 ll .. 2111 - -'"" r.............. 751-8164 evea/Wknda. 8tutlt 3Br-lamlly $1500 1550. No P•I•. no gar. Mc:Donalda, 1525 mo. Costa Meat ~2'!'id5~tl~t~D~ ~ FOR SALE BY OWNER "" llYUTMn ....... ... China Cove 381 S2000 844-7809 Call 540· 1168, Hie for You are the winner ol dttturb tenanta. 1528 28r, 2Ba Condo, 2 cer S11n Clemente pride of For Nie or rent. Voll 21 at• llwf Beyal de Cove -'2/den 2 Br. 1 81 PenthOUM. 91. Leny or Pem four free tlal.U (138.00) gerege, newty decofated, llWPllf OlllT ownership Modem Spe· 714-531-1()10 4 bdrm~ 2'A be '2200 f 1 2 d k BE UT FUl 3 e M veiu. to the O renge. 1 129.ooo. all upgreded, In Wood· .... nl•h atyle four unl1 .......__ 8ayfr t 68r0odl '1250 tine. rp · ec: 1' car· A 1 r H~ f5.4e..5041 eY9I & wknda, btldoe apartment hou1e with If----~-• •--.... ..,.. -• Wat.!'!.._t Homee Altrt p o rt • p o o I. Ag t ., Verda twnflome type, -Y.al 831-3520 MldY9-1144.<l· Plan "· 4 bdrm, 3 ba . -- -.,... Seto plu• depoalt. LM, ........ • 780-1199 btwn M . 1800 eq. ft. Lge petlo, Seecllff V1lltOe S1 ,000 551·2071 '200,000. °:n·::: .~ ~~= ··x."n"t2·;,··2~Sie0"0 cpt/lfede. 1~ 111·1• If ...... ·~· •• lfl)IC, enclOMd oar. No T.~tnoton 8-8 l:OOpmctl Uttle Ml•·Muftet Mt on• Woodbridge 4 Br. Oat. ·le .... tlPl't ~nly ~nree y·;;;;~· 01cf: (213)4&0.1MO w11ctyi 3 br, 2 be, frple, ctlolc• ~.':.~ ...... ~.. ~~··~1r'4 Mee. '~ey 1 · Tuff et. along c•m• • hom•. cuf-de-aac, •le. 18'""-.30 yrt. l2~00 mo. ahowa llf(e new. Seiter (71•)840-9753 ~ area. Welk to tllopt. 2 8', 2 bl condo, end unit, ... Wednudey May U 1plder and r,ad In the OWn/Agt. wlll llnanoe . ANNE HAftRIS wlll help lfoanca end J•·at r .... , ...... CO"" 2 Br, MOO w/OfOttt. S.. SUn. t:I. Bike to beach. ~7!,11•1•1 m2 :. lg S bdrm, 2 b9, .... ~ 4:30pm Dally Piiot Cle11lfled 9etow nwltt at S17t ,OOO. 49&-1218, 498-12e8 .... 1 ... ~·-·-... • ~ " ... ..., 12 .. -L • -~ 1 ........ ,... ........ mo. -net d...._ .. ..--..__, p.... t be .... .J. .......... ••ve ,,,,v-r ,..,.....,,.. "' _... MW...-am peno z-t pm, -oren ..... ......_ -· • • .,... -,.... .. ,_ 'mua rwv ... Mellon about Mtae Muf• '"°"""v dollartlll Selling ptlce of s';°'ot H'°;'y . I t 2 5 : 87M51M. AV81t. 82. ll50J::. apt&. MW~ pettoe, OCC. no pall. tHO ;:c'o~p=t:au ::;•.T9uttet.H . ~ ~~ flJEI ....... ....,.... $325,000 11 way below 873-1134. ....,..,. IHH. Sec. dep. I 50. ~t 942.1803 2 7•51·-MMTowMolM. 1 ... la. 142 &e78 lid 272 p... THE AIALTO -~REA . 2 c urrent replacement -4f1t1 873-7737. .._.. " • ' .. yout tuffet end Iota of -~ 1tory beaoh hou11 with CO llll PAINCIPAlS tl!...ta... .... .... ,,,,t.--A-C_IC __ B_A_Y_C_o_n_d_o_. -.d-1-t. No t:t•. "''°'"'°· 715 ... mult be <*'lmed ~ other thlllll• lhrouQh wrrSll o N l v t c a It own• r r::.-: •••••••••••• f.-:rz •••••• .. •••••••••••••• _.._...... • .._or 2 • ....._ .-., 1•. 1882 Delly Piiot c 1e11lfl•d With Httte lfMOlnetlon ,,._Ind dock Fixer wtth (714)642-0138 OC.MNTAl.8 .,._,_,, .. "' ....... •e'8'i8-. w. ""·St. .......of. * * • Ada. Cel 842.-6171 thlt ~ bdrm, hC be. g:'~=t=sa..25.000. DElUXE 4·PlEX Utll peld 4fM ~ 1-We taoo to '2000 :,:•;,N::·.:::· = INllf q lrencl ,_. COf* 2 llr. 2 = ':c:t~=-By Covtngton. Top.,... ~~ "r&NS14 1~14 OC*'t 1.._. & patio. iHo mo. ht, hautlf\llly lendec~ :~~~.:n·,1:':: bllt M d I I 'th p k DOVER SHORES · 80' on top term1 & flexible. Pr1n. 4 "· ... t.nlly, .,._CM--..t &. eec. "2·1156 garden.-, Pool I--....... 11 1114 -· 0 • n • er bey with pier. SlnQiea1ory, only Okr 549·1360. .. .. , de-MO, e.111• to b9ecll. Ila Canyon Conetoe 2. a Covered perking. H .. t --------Homea. '211,900. lovely home. U-25,000. • 3 Br. 3 ... TownhOUM UOO. US·HOI, •·· fulf gott oour.e .._ peld, No.-., ,._. IS't. 2 '!.W.-. 1 'CelJeoeFruM. WalfrW bybaMllrlgtwooa,trpto. ..... ,.~. tuiftl.t*10t~f!Od,· ~ '* GHW.no.-...-.'800 -.,.__,. 11• d'fw, '*'·dbl tw, ~ NIAA IN Wt lllf * tennla, MCl8fHy. tttOO 11r. M40t4M ....... ..._1010 8Al.80A OOVE.8 • Single ••'°•"~;;;11,00••••••••• wt1 ree. No pee..1 t l!OO'"'°• ~ .. ....__ 't900 ...._ ..... 1424 lkr. 2250 V~540-<IUI a.n, --I M 1,. ..... 1tory wltft bo11 allp. E•· ••••· 1 .• 1eo. :.~ ...... i----.... .,.._ .... --~--~-~-=--~-:-::~1 .,._ -oetlent ~tlon, S&&o,000, 1M~ LfA111 e.4e-6423. ......, ·---~ ttr. 81utfe ('aula), on 450/rno. 2 Br. 114 le. uuo~o pet1. t4H, neme yoUf tatmt. Can Jelt Ou•lltY 1111 up t>ulldlng In *llLOOK TO lllACt4 4 1tl•t o ul· de-14~:; •Pt., balcony, P•tlo.1 __ •_• _____ _ BerMelt. prim• c:orner 1oce11on . JUST lllted,..,..,... IHCI I actr I le. fem lttOOlmo. ""1711 leundry '"'· urport. lo. CoHt '*•I !Mt 1 -i. south 8en1a An a . Air 2br, pet~ld NOW '"'· forlft•I '~"i '"'· Qoeeto ... celflot= ba lte peOo, Ml .... · ON TH~ ""'NI!.· Bulldlng oondllloned offlo••· 2 OC.MNTAll ~14 iswto. ..,..., 111 **WOOD ~Mom!· "2-t i(id. OK. -Ind ... a . llfte wtth ot10e for 2 boetl unltt tltlve ~foot oe111nge HOMll "°" MNT water· No IH. ~tt. MC....lt ........ or 1 to-footer. M&o.ooo. only 4 Y••r• old . owne; !AST8IOl aw dbl O/llt I a'.,.,_, """'700 BRIO(I t .,, tft Id , __ .. _,_4!11......_ ___ _ ---.... -'-=""'~-~,c.-~ e.r.tt. w111 '*.P nnanoe. *·""°'Pit°" .-...a ,.-,.,... a......: w. • • -a., 1..,. ..-. ...-. 1-.... ,... 11 13aOOO OC.NNTALJ 1804a14 Kld•w.•t• ......... ....,, • .,, 2 ........ ..., .... no ..... ..,... A ... r.a'ln'~.-.. ~lf IAllOA 18 1.AHD • Pl•r ' • • ...... ._ ._' ,.... .._-. & .,.... •--·t1M deft 1 ll1?. Ml ..,. llU9 WOH and ellp, flom• wit~ In· '7J.4400 Uhte Mlae Muftet Mt 4Mt • _. ''T'"' • ._. olub. Av all. '"'"''d· --~ 811 •·1--·----...----~L ocwne "'"'· tTI0,000 wfth HARaOR 'hff•t, elono oan10 1 1 tr. a.. Mk I Mr ttOOOIMo ._.on 1 'I' c:'::l. Otl..:':t .... .,...~..,. I ....... I ... floor -......,_ INinelno· tpldef a11d rMd lft IN ............ MW e.. I olMra to oftOOM ' _, ,, llt .... I ...... °*' ...... Dally Piiot OleHI= ...... , .... v.-1. '"""' . r:--,... ...._._ .. _. _____ .. *-·""'*.....,..· :::ru....~-=... ............ Ir ....... .,:.... .., ... =a :::r~#, totlt.tl.Vovw ... ldlr Bl ..... ...._ • .=.~111 :rt: ,._. oo ••• I \II, '°"' tvlftt _, .... ., -'!"• 000. ettter lttll'lt• lttfOUlll ~-,_I lllf, 1-. SSl•Jllll 1 •· +, ...... :,_a .... ITU91 .... 1 -. p MllCIH MALTY Dlt11. Ptltl Cl .. •Hltf ttt. tere1e. Cottdt, " ..._..._ + 90llW"1· IMI. Cell ---IWll:" '11 -.o1'1 Ml..Otl ............ . 1 W),m_ ltl 1• ......... nE'. ... -.... -- • \ . . DO IT HOWi .......... Vow Deity Piiot a.Moe DlnlotOfy AmpieMl'i1atN9 MMlll,at.111 Wiii baby111 In my C.M. home, d ay or night. Raes, refa. 64 .. 2674 ,.._ ,_,_ , • .., ._,..i "" tHBn r.w "" ,,.,... .,,, ,.,.,..., ,,.,,,.,.,, ,,.,, ~ ••••••• !~ff {!.~.'!!!..!'!.... 101s •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••iW9••••••••••••••• ,..,..,,,,_alt. NIJ ""1MI fl.JI AGORAPHOBIC OM PANION Aid;~·,;,~: Un.f C.M. 2 ofllcee. 3::~t;att1· mfl ml . ~ ~ It wer~, ~ •••~m;;;-;;'•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HELP LINE lure women No llve tn. • bdrm • bath Hndy ~avail. mo. 1 &. 2 offtcel tr 1• • or pert , 1 t Laguna Beach hall Int•· WIDOW HAS US fOf TD01 536-7734 no heavy hawk, full or b e ach.' pier a.' floa t . 5, •IM-3803. S20S ~T'11nduded Cl!" Pomona. 831-ol71 rH I In fabutou1 ocean RE Loan1, tOK Up. No pert time. 645-7•70 SSOOO for Augu1t. 8111 11117 W•tcllff, N.B. Want ~ 117M 700 i.tlll flufN "" view trme. Min cuh Credit Check. No Pen· * * * • j Gn.tndy. R11r, 87M181. financial 1n1t. 70001.t. •••••••••••••••••••••• req'd, 4~1711 ally. Dennl1on A noe ltl-..M. ....... Ill. UfM Tllf 111 . t Io or. Agen t ,,,.,.,,, ... W Ull :'.;omple1ely rHpon1lble Partner-Active °' not 1173-7311 ..... ---••• •••••••••••••••••• Month of August 541-5032 •••••••••••••••••••••• prof. w oman: L ocal 1ao.ooo Inv opply 10 Purehue s 2nda. &. Equity Open 24 hr•• day Accounting Udo 11>1', den $2000 R«.all ltOfe al 2e50 Avon Movement Thereplit earn $10,000 mo.+ ta· Loans From 17%. 30 Yr. 7 daye • W.-111111 A,,nanll A,.,,_,.,, Dmnun• Utdaniu N Beeoon8ay, 3br 12500 81 .• 18'0 IQ.It. ptua 8 car ..-a unf\.w'n, Q\1191,.... 119 Gorgeou1 glrl1 10 a..-a1n CdM, ~ 5br $3000 llU. B1'll garage. 11•1·8777 or 1he11c, mature: Upper 1 l ary. Publ Co. Den Amon. Owner/Non. pamper you Jacuul, -•-• •••.....................•................•.. F!!!~.!!!!! •••••. e.~ !~.~!! .. e.ff W.Oeeenlm1. 3br $4500 aWNl'r 1173-7170 bdrm or email houH: 856-«>70 80% ~ER 00888 Sauna. Locals• well • Growing etectronle dlt1r1- Water1ron1 Horn. Rn gent Exec eultH In "'--~-• Corona del Mer to San llYllJlll BROKER tourt1t1. Bank Amerl· but0< -k• highly orge-3 bdrm apt, 2286 Canyon Dr ive. l mmed . occ $495/mo Call Ruu, 642-6153. •ulillflN ..... 1141 ....••••••.•.....•••.. THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2-3 Bdrm. Aptl. Gym. Spa, Seuna, pool. tennla, etc 646-08111 Detuxe poolllde. xlta tar· ge 2br, 2ba. bltns, dswtir, 1 1~ mll" beech. Adults. no pets. S500mo. 536-1362 Deluxe 2 Br 1 81 In 4·plex. OW, hook-ups. encl~d gar . No pe11 $.485. 54()...«84. * • • Cell: 1131-1 loui loc. Incl ... -Clemente. Call •~5811 640-80tS 780-&827 card, Malter Charge, nlzed & ae1t-mo11vated Ptftr E,..rt cre1er 1, receptlonlit, r.ta.11 4411 daye, •98-1855 ewe. Would you Ilk• en Im· Amerlcen Expre11. DI· peraon to work In Credi! telephone an1 &. more. •••••••••••••••••••••• medial• & high rate r• WE BUY n • r • • a 11 we I com•. Dept. Some etedlt COitec· 599 Fayelle Cr Olea from "36 mo. On-.... • .. &....z---n..-.'/ turn on your money? 714/645-3433 2112 Her· uon exper. 11 prel'd but C<nll Men oet:ANFRONT 2 &. • Br. cell ofce 11115 mo. THE In ,,..., bldg on Coul ~_:...-.-•. ln1erelted7 Call Fred, bor 81 .. CM wlll conlld41f ex~llonaJ You ara Ille winner 01 Avall. now. w.-1y 1hl'll HEAOOUAATERS COM-~.South Laguna.~ ,_ 493-0-451. dl1coun1ed tru1t deed• QUALITY MASSAGE !reining app11ean1 Requl- lour tr" lldlets (S36 00) ICMl'lfNf. 1173-7873. P .. NIES· ... pro-··•onai rox. 500 •-a. ft. eeixcel· •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ... r ··-•-• due In 3 Y••re or leu. r81 at least 2 yr1 gen«al V9llHI to 1he " ,. ...., p .... a--6.., n .. ---Contact Joh n Shea. Prof..ional Swecti.n bu1lne11 ex per Cell OllOIS YllUI lndlan Wellt VIiia, tum, 3 environ ment. (71•1 lent Pflvate perking -.... ,................ Broker. 955--3454 style, VIP trMtmen1. Chuck 556-3880 S---· BR. 3 Ba. 851...oe&l behind bldg. 1526 mo. ..,.,._,,. "" 2 nd TD . I 10-8PM s.48-28111iiiiiiiii'lliiiliiiiilll•• ._.111 VllllQ9 Cell 714-640-5648 Tumw Aaloc. •M-1177 ... OIA' ... :i:.'.c ........ 120,000·S150,000 fully Hunth•g1on Beach 520 1q. fl. 11.00 pef 1q. RES TAURANT. Bixb y emort. 10 20/yrl. Other Teieptlone Fantuy An1. aerv. Pl1n1 otc N.8 . Tuesday May 18 8:00pm ... la.II '9 Aut fM fl., 3975 Birch., N.8 . WafJUJ ... WfM Knoll• area. By owner. 2nd• 10 l l .000,000. ConverHtlon with Ml· Exp. only. 8·4 ahlfl Wedne1day M ay 19 ;;•j•••••d••d•t•··~··• Agent 541-5032 ;;8··-..-..75·~·=••• Prln. o nly. I 100K or A.py11, comm'I a non· i.1 I I--' chelle. M C /VI•• _54_8_-9236 __ . ----- 4:30pm • • nee • 0 1 are · · -........ -eq. make ofter. Term• very owner program. Prln •••••••••••••••••••••• 539--8370 A."""lcatlona bei"" ..,,....._ Peuu m u1t b • r e· t>eautlful Corona del Mar fl. or '"'· MIA zone. flea. SpolleHI Beer/ only. CaN !Of agt. DOW· •------11 •111 .,.... ... ____... deemed before 1how home. 1285/monlh plu1 Agent 541·5032. w ine. S ee1I 80. NE\' SAVINGS. Brent: ---~ B/M Mella woman 35 or led 1°' tnt quality luml· ti ... llltle1 Call ngh1 nowl •••••••••••••••••••••• over. loni lutlng rete· lure deltvefy driver Own me. v • • ..-•m• (213)ot24-5139 993-281 1 *IPWll&L 1k>nlhlp om ••1 "•83 tran1portallon, lele· To clalm pa11e1. call 640-M7t . r._ · .,.. ...,... · 642·5878, ext. 272.,,... warehouM •P~ wl1h Art, NMdl..,ork. Trim&. ar-flufN "" 11'?•1* phone & xlnl driving re- -mult be claimed by carpe1I, dfpe, & wet Braid ahop. F~:· =:1 ................ 1815So.El~Real. cord 1 mu11. Call Mon- Mey 14. 1982 IMIUTE bare. 700 10 3200 eq.tt. ed. New. s.,, 1•. 10.000-1100.000 +for s. c. 492.7299 Full lie. I :....ia & Vi1Ck1''s Fri. 8 :30-9AM only Me1a lndu11rlal perll, 8 75-091 Tuu-Sa 1 local re1lden1lel TD'1. UIU ~7'85. * • • flllDS -, ~ 711 W. 171h St..-.-.. 1G-6:30 Mu 8°"' L IO V. FWtutn McDonald'• Sum pi PllTI -.S ---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;---.,~........, ... _,... wanted. 102-709-715. Ill~ Spadou• 1 & 2 81'. llP'a. 1 Oldelt & 1etgee1 agency ~---• Blull l ndu11rlal Park, 3~• above prime. Call Reward 835-7775 ext. WTl/SAmlt d d f 27 Id 2 Br. 1 Ba. nr Beech & mlle from beech. No All cllenll ecrMned with ., 1836 Whittle r Ave. Find what you want In Dennl1on &. Auoc. 7 OVTCALL 24 HRS. nee e or yr 0 Slater,enclldger.~85. pe11.642-2357. ......,. lrf/fer ./,,..__ &42~&1142·78CM DeltyPllotClaMlfted1. 873-7311 1 . 111-1201 quadrlpleglcmeleln No petl. 841·9348 days, ... -·°' enoea. ./~ -Pel Owner'• wlll place C.M. Live in. 64~1 640-1076 evee. 2 BR. Yrly. on tile beech. Cfedlt1; Coemopolltan ./,..... _.. S850 mo. 1st, last&. eec. Good Morning America. your pet In• home whlle I~~~~~~~~~ Babyaltter needed, my 1 BR. belh & garaoe. n92 675-7907 The Tomonow Show. you vacetlon. no cage1. fa.&. home. June 1. Re1eren· Newman. $365, tst. lasl *'A off* to all new T 11 M _9114 __ ·122 __ 6 ______ 1 •• :t::f!~! .....•.••• ceell3t·1965 Megole & dee>. 642-4431 ... CJ JITI cllenll who need • place. m SCR J• ,,.... 1n1 7IAITml •;, mlle beech. 2 bf. 2 car ...... .'!'!!!.'!. ........•• ...,, 141-1• e 0 AM-LETS ...................... Tired of halrdr•••ln'g? gar, cov'd patio, all pool Studio apt, oce1n view. Legel Sec'y. 12 yr• Cal. Train for mgmt. poi. In rl~h tl & rec sreaa. utll lncl'd. $375 mo. 332 Male tolhr w/2 fem,epec L H ANSWERS s~~~cili~~l~;~~~"1:n~ new type fllnetl Mlon• $8 5/mo. 2131925-.4796. Encino In Sen Clemente Newport Shot• home. 2 .Ill.Ill ...... * You ove er Gertie . Peace 110. Hard wortter, no fa· Mu11 be attractive. Call llLmTll IPTS ( ... Iha Mgr Apt C) room1 avail. Mey 15. From l room to 3 rooms. 8""" . Entail mlly obtlgatlon• Oya for eppl. 714-54$-FITT NHr bHCh Specloua Adult Studio, atove. re· ~. 8-5, 752~1 From 11.18 e aq. It. No SLEEPING 64$-7000, -557-8209 BOOKKEEPER/OFACE q ui et 2 Br . 1 'h Ba frlge. utlla. $260/mo. Shr 4 br, 2\o\ be 8 lulf1 1MN requited. Adi. Air-New lather lo nex1 door Growing Colle Meu Townhouee. $495/mo. S510 mow In. 498-6452. condo, N wpt Bc h , port• Inn. 2 172 Dupont. neighbor: .. I think our Aellable. pteeeanl women Dellgn Firm 1111 Imm•· 960-88511. lull Au "" 123<>/mo. A.Iii f0t Henly, Call AM. 833-3223 new beby II going 10 be =:,,,:=. ~: dlate <X>ef\lng tor pereon 3 bf condo w/pool, 2 ml. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1_7_20-05 __ 1_2_. _____ 1 • Thia M other's D ey 1end Mom a greeting & enter our a doctor. Sh•'• alreedr, Avall. 11•12 hre/day; 24 experienced In ll~ht to beach, evell. now ... UY Share 4 Br. home. bet-BAYfRONT "W orld's Greateet Mom" con1eet at the eamt time. Out judge• cured ~of SLEEPING.' hfl on lhor1 tenn ball•. bookkeeping (A/ & 1600. 559-8861 wknd/ Deluxe 1 Br. ALL utlM1ee ween Bay & Ocean. Pr1me olfloe. 673-1003 will aelect the niceat Mother• Day Greeting and that mother will Ulllan 4M-Mel ~o':lt'ur~~::!,~'~y~ ..... p20a11~ ':.?~: s"t cJrolom.; :;:· now. 1175-21137 aft receive • 150 gif1 certific.te from • 1u.1:" • ..1-artment atore. Voung man1ed mart would ping & good telephone 1 br condo, $450. VIiia v~ ..,.r.,.. UI On ---·-------I -'6 u~r llke o dd I Obi evH l peraon.allty. W-111 oonllde< W.,,_. (213) 832~04. Brlllol Nell every1hlng. Oceenlronl M/F "°'*"6lr execuplan wllenda. Cen do a variety part time. Send r•ume (213) 592-1601 CM• !1,~~mo. Contact Mngr 1hr 2 br.' 1 ba houH. It'• euy, write your meuege to fit one of the borders below c t ha ndyman Jobi. 10 Ad •1012, Dally Pllo1. 28r. WiBe, $375 + $375 · 1«0 & ~ u1111. 873-e11M MA .. lill..... or deeign your own border of equal aiie with me119!e inside. 972-9526 evH, 11k tor P O. Box 1560. Colla dep. g11 pd, nr Beach A,ulmnll furduM RHp, ctHn, non 1mkr , Full MtVlca/cuetOm Bordera come in 3 me.. 118, l~O and the apecial chifd alze for 81"· Mela, C&. 92826 Blvd&.MecFedd en, •tDtdsn ""lem.Shr fotdplx.pvtrm, oltlce ldeekapeoe. S4forchildrenunder l 2 yean of age. tl•flUtM 1lll•l•flulM 1llO quiet. no 1>911. 893-4894 •••••••••••••••••••••• W/D, deci &. lptc. CdM. Hf. O.C. All'POf1 •••'•••••••••••••-••• •••'•••••••••••••••••• $280 mo. Shr u111. ev1 "See 10 Appreciate!" ~ ~ ........... ~1 wn• 1=1-;c;se-.:i:'"9"M14iii3;-;;;;mi~~l~~~.,..~~·~1~•~~ Bring°' mail your greeting to the D.ay Poot. 330 w. s.y pa1·1y p·llat · · · · ·· · · ··· · · · · · ·· · .... = New 1 br epl tor IHH, YILLlll 1Prof. M/F 1here luxury St .. Co.ta Meaa, CA. 92626 befon 5 p.m .• May 6th -or you m1ny ex1ru. 1650. tum. Condo. 8.C. Plcza. 8malleulte.215RIYetlkSe. m1y order your meuagee by calling 642-5678, -have many • • Jo• n n ' 9 5 5. 183 3 . New 1&2 bdrm. luxury I 2 8 5 . 8 • 1 -4 8 2 5 . N.8 .• aero•• from Poet bordert to chooee &om and we'll bill you or charge to your ViM Ad...,..lslng ~720 apt• In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm 968-8479 Office, 1350/mo. NATIONAL ADV. --------1 from S515, 2 bdrm from 645-472t/1140-5557 or MuterCard.. COORDINATOR 2 Br, 1'A be upgraded $570, TownhouM from 2500 1q ft cond o. Bay----------1 "' CONDO Northwood S840 +pool•. tennla, view. pool on beau PWwpoft 8eectl neer Hoeg Coord inate & schedule natlonal 1725 mo. A.VI II. 7/1. we1erlall1, pond1I G11 Gr~bel1. 557-7883 ()( ::r· 1000 1q. fl.... ==== advertising. Responslbllltles ln-731-5423. for cooking & hHUng ~ floor ofllcee. lfl'IClta --------• paid. From San Diego 1 __.. _.. .__ / pa11t1ng, well maintained Plece a HAPPY AD e lude: monthly r eports, corre· ~,..,i 1141 FrwydrlveNorthon m .. _.av-...... nnwpvt bldg. V icky d•Y• ln thleoe>Unn spon dence, heavy phone work •• •••••••••••••••••• Beach to McFadden to ba1h In• ti.aullfVI hN In 714/84M800. for only 13.25. d II h t flll d ti A ti"' t Studio: 'I• blk from main See w Ind VII I I g e Irv. 731-8&30 C I I I I h Cell &42·M118 an IQ ng U es. p p .. an bHch. 1386. Utll Incl. t714)893-5l9I. M/F reep yng adult non-on1u 1an1 n rv na H Should have 10m8 advertlll~ 8X• Good kltcto. 494-304-4 .-nkr MStr Br rw b.cti large office t o ehare. .__.I •--~ • ._ · I b lllt t h di ~ •--· ,._._ CdM· ... 11•10·,1. 128". Near Atrp or1. Re11 -· ·-._ : per ence, a y o an e u ay -,.,.. "' " 1 ,._,. 1"2-01... •••••••••••••••••••••• • phon es, be detall orient ed and •••••••••••••••• •••••• aAM-IPM Sheron Of T• errne . ..,.. ~ "" MOit elegant ep1. bldg. ~oom tor renl, profeello-able to d-•I directly With ad"ertl In Laguna Beech, nn .. 1 nal male In 30'1, beeul. r ... ll73-e732 CdM dbt IUlt•. A.IC, ~ ...... • • loca110n In town. breath· N.8. home. Kitchen pt1v., Roomm•1•. OtH11ve peo-pkg, utN ~· 2856 E. e1 FOlN> ADS sing agencies, etc. Type 50wpm. taking ¥iewe, e11 bult·lne, pool eva11. S250/mo. pre ortented prof . .,,.,__ Hwy. 875-teOO Hrs. 8 to SPM. Apply: Personnel hHt•d pool, 1ub. g•· 1100 dep. 760-82•2. red to ehr 2 Br w/ltudy, EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bal· IDE FR£E "'---Coeet =· Pltot ~•· elevator. Leue fully fu rn .. 1285/mo. boa Penn 525 It, l•OO M """_,... .M50&up.330Cltll ~oomtorren1.prlv en1. ,._..., •115 Debra o Prl Ba •/C Cal•. llOW ... JSL, ..... Dr •M-tOtG seo per wk ()( 1176 per .....-..... " • . m . v . ,. • -·-a ....... I! _.__ · • mo. No Security. Ideal 54WM1• 556-MCM ::l~ 1 • 87S·HOO. Ml ... 11 An 1..-0pport_ ... , m....,.,._ ,,...., ....,. •I for llnQle man. Jay ewe. Roofftma1• wanted M/1 to --------11n ••••.-••••••••••••••••• ee1-t 52t lhlr• 2 bdrm, 1 be flM. Coeta ,,.... 250 tf. IUlte mtaln Fr• baoheW91W. mature Lg yd w/gar. l eave S115mo. Utll lnold. 179 Beaut. 1 bf & den, frplo, tidy xchange for baby-mHHG• on bu• AnH · W 19ttl St. H1-ena pool. 1550. 840-781• lltt~ a wortl. 645-4731, phone 84M 273 Prime office •=· C 1 BR condo, VerHlll••. 54~ Female, non emoker. rona del Ms. Imo. Ilk• nft."1550 mo. Call GENTLEMAN non.-emlu 25-40 to"*-2 bdrm. 2 t1s.tl10 fUchatd, 213--830-2323: U te kttott prlv. Hr. Np1: be Laguna Beach apt • • 1••11T 21W23-7154 Bl ~15" wftfl OOMrl vi,.. *375 & ---. • r 28f 1be eet 1n kttch Encl • ~ u111 • ...._3304 Oltlo. ~--avallable, patio i. t•r.,AH5, no <>s:::·,:O:e.': 1;:.'!· BAYFAONT: Female for Mt/tel • IM-0122 ,.... 142.21:M Newpof1 let\. 64Mzeo: t':r, :':."'+1: 'u~ 1':, ~ ~ .::.=oec=. ...... ....,, 11• l ryan 17'·110 or MMA7 • .._..TM ~............... 110-1nA· omo• •rac• •v•ll•t>••· _ 1,.,.1 '•m •I• no,.·amok•r ... to 1.00 per toot lift AMI. Weekly "9tel Arnrm ..,,.., Mel' 8.C. Cannery VIII .... l urr Kttdlel-. • "'°'* . ..,... Avtllt. now. ms+ WNte Mr, 11...._ "Z'' cNMet ~ ~ ... M1·*' "'""'' _______ ... Sandpiper, 1111 New. '•JOltO·lherap1 otflo• POf1 !MO. condo, 1 of • ldftel, fttill Npt ... Ill ,... --...----,,..--1 11. Coeta Meee ..... ,37 CdM. 1 1111 CNlw Cow. oenile Aw., IOI, 1 Mk NO flll Apt. I Condo __________ , 2 •ty. '"*'· I"· 2 .,.. .......... , .... ~..::2 ':':: Wk~ ~t ~ell ::: f;,'.:.:,:e: C: Oftlot In CAI, IN llofy --------11 s 101 & up. Color Tv: -.1111 (M llMytl ••::·~:· °re"n:eiew, ~ ~ :=:,-11 '"onM lo room. 2114 ....., feln, non·lfMr ••" :G -. l911U:: Inf, u11te 1;!r"'* lnctd. Newport~.:" w/u mo 1 ~u r• O M • • -tlfl/180. Adult•, n ....,. rw Dan. No ,.... ,.... 11N110. •I •n .._.. •-... ..,..., Diii..-. ..-. t.o11 , "· 11n.m-mr .. "1'SA' .. ... .......... !\ f 91MlllH 1 br condo. 1 '"''"' f\trn oofMlo OM. aMll .,.... ... ~ · "'°.;.2~ ~T."· Avail I /ti tltrv t /li. 00*9 ..,..., ~ =•~· r,;' /oM ,_.._,,,. MI0,.._141.e4tt ..... ,__ .. ,_ , .. ,_,_.. ....... H e rp Oerden Guut NpC ldt ~ .,.._, W. 1la. CJtL l .. n. ~.-.·1,. .... ;~r-.~··.m·,~:: ~N~~o~m.r.::: ~:=-~= '";;;;; ::ft.:-:r:~ .. 1111 ~7911 71MIOI • I• tlU ....... l10 81ita ,.._., 0.7 ~ wl.,,.., in th9 Daly PIM on~. ..., 9 ........ ,,.i.r. c,..-. W." ........... .. ........ 1"'-.... LOST: IMdc I.._ Ger· man 8hephefd male, 7 moe. 22nd 81 . CM . ~.~ LOii: Malle ...... ~ M•nx. An• to ll1cu1t. ..... 2181 1.01t: Oetm. Sflep . mix t::.1.1.. wtll W/blk met-s •• oect, on a.t. Hwpt ..... 13t-at2 'CIUM: Gry Mii 'em C.t w/Wflt pa ... new mo· ...... Llf. ...... 1 '•und: blonde Cooker, r•d oollar, '· ftaolllc c out H w y , CdM. . .,..~ • ••• • • eo oT oo•<• .. TnoY, io li>•••lf"o •• ~. ••• ... • ••• • MORTGAGE AGGRESSIVE MANAGER NEEDED Person with mortoao• and H I•• baokground-untlmlted potential ... nlnga. $2,000 monthly minimum bMe-.,Y. ....... ~-----· ... -- 23 Openings To be fllled lmmed. $1,000 to $1,200 W/bookkeepln9 exper Newpof1 8-:h, bey view. con9enlal 1 9lrl office. Send rHume to Ad No. 994, Dally Piiot, PO Box 1580, Co1t1 M111, CA 02929 N ... ~~a&on. Mu1t have local tollo wing. 7 5~ co mm. • ~711. ..... ULll • Full time. Exp. pref'd. Ctown H•rdWlt(e, 3107 E. CoMt Hwy, OdM 1 HEAAIHO NO ........... .... 111 , ••• .............. ( l - •mn I Beach • •• ,,.,..... Llvltlg room pecan cane •••••••••••••••••••••• dWa. w/Yf/IYet -1'&.. M-~~ l!!f! ktno s12s. "3-4000 OOuSH·~:~;;::. COid! & ~. nr new led mirror. EM1y 1000'•· alnt eond. AM!lng '350. 154(), 644-1487 "3-4000 ,,. • ••f Olli Roi Tep 0.-. new . :Pl .... !!'!! ••••••••• i 1218/080...e....ooa HAR80R AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE ~ tin 16Mp« eofl & WI ... recond .. guar. 1nen. St70. epplllnoa 5"-3077 ._,.. ~73 ' , COHMRL CHliVROLET Y:JC liJ~ '" r !1 1 11 r-T' 'At'-1 SU-1200 ........... ., .. CMlelilk•e ~ •••• .,.,., ....... 7 Tllt9"tlaelffmc ,.,. .. , .. , ... ,., ..... Leaat O..Wlt loL1rt1 lllWU hf Ir Lene Ir hr Pllff• Pl .. 1 (l 1C) 122-1313 73 BMW 2002 perlec1 body & pain!, $4000/0BO Runs good. 559-4095 81 3201. all options, ex- cepllonal care laken lmmac St 3 950 496-4523 . 1111llW1211 35.000 Ml • LOADED tST OFFER OF St1.90Q OWNS CAA• Days S.0-0783 eves 640-9451 80 ~oosx Hatchback 5 sp'ft SL package. au at8'eo & cass Sunn. 15K ml. 1mma.c $7 ~ Days 673 -7 272, eves 751--0285 '77 280Z. beaut cond. loaded. mags. 37.000 ml, $6600 673-2 t29 '17 8210 4-dr must sac- rifice S2400 540-5505 dys ·75 210 One Owner S2050 548-3016 hWnu 11Zl ............•......... IEW DELOREAN (•06057) 114,118 ..... SAil& w 301 w Warner Ne-lUO N11 11ZS f,/0 .••••••.•...•........• 8 1 Flll Spider 2000 Xtnt cond. low mileage. am/ Im casse11e. tu1•t lnj S8900 640-6198 1Jann) n -71 850 Racer reblt eng, -• brka. cerb New top USED CARS & TRUCKS Looks good 642 .... 869 COME IN OR CALL FOR 69 124 Sports Coupe, Fm &nllllAL. rebuilt engine, MW tires. Cormlet-0.Ullo new elecirtcal. new OllftlllT shocks, new radiator. 18211 BEACH BLVD. dependable $1100. HUNTINGTON BEACH 661-0833 Ml .... l, M14111 r.a-----,l-17- l op Dolar ·····wi:;ilE ..... Paid DEALIN' ltAIDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SAVE 98 ll.1rb11 Rhd I AT l'o!lll• lh'l'J ~-0.130 HONDA ~~.~ ..... . W.,;e~e;o!m SANTA 562-.2"8 8RllUATIDI SPECIAL!!! Iii, 1 llONDA Clvtc with 1 r ew olulcll and na• 1 11 Ill• Private par1y 1u1 Y U;.>701 Call bA 1111!!1 Or ~ ••••••• ~'!!.~.m!'ft ••••••• ~~~ ••••••• ~~.,ttf ........... ~.~~.,~ ........... ~.-t~l!~ ••••.•••••• ~~.,m ....... m. hMfff ......... 11.ff ~ .......... !I.ff T."1.wm. ..... 1.«t FM9lff ......... ~u ~ ....... !-'! ~ .......... _l!n rH!!f!Hlf ...... ~r 1118 111111 '72 IOOHL 1.3. One Of 1911 P&UOIOT 504 Of9. t:~: w,i~:ti;A ~:~:~: 't4'1ug, nu eng, brlkM, .1Dft.A.... Ill • flllT1 ~~':!: ~r!:i.' 1:~ w•MTm !ht IHt produotd. H . Ml.4IC)MCl,ttet900Mt, llW\t ~ btllk• Wt Interior. Perr. r.•lnt a l&ll&Al1J We hlVt. good ••l•O· 090. PP. 83t·60M MIW Ul.... OOOor1Qln1lmlltt.Xlnt pwr.et.&brtkff.:.PWr. oonct"Afoltl'M....O&a body.ttl'11.M·3H2 Wttpeclall&elnJt•'" tlonofNIW&USED TOBIJY Thie It 1 eo.ded, hlfd to oond. 'ully equipped. wind owe. (00 T lU). epoti'111 yellow fin Ith a4ttalle•t ofr. 0,1 ·79 tor the bu1lnt11 .t xteu· Chtw.._I 1.-1 "" fin<! "!Ul91'n Zone" gold 112,300 or bHI Offer· Oullllndlng economy with bledt bUdlet t f\et>bll 48MPG 5 d tlve & profeMIOnel, •••••••••••••••••••••• Uft -... exterior wlltl b rown Oontact H.A. or Chrl1 for only 1aett hne Ike l I (3I ::z 1)· 000 1• • IP ' ~ .... 118 1 F 0 A 0 E IC Or I velour Interior. 5 •peed 8allln 540·5121 office, ~~t•·"n• U•t4 Cit ow m IH . lk t • 30• on.new eno .. 110 11 Hele:tlb-Au10 treN,, ... 1111 1,. n 1 .. 1unr0011 &40-0638 hOfM. , .... tl)O Httbor ~"· Eltte • Toyot• watt etereo 0111 w/4 .. 1111 .., oond .. l>Wf. et ., 11_. ftDft moonroof Blaupunkt ,158 MBZ 19oaL. compl. 8tvd., Coeta Men. ~=-~97o\~8::.::.: =~;;-:,~~:·o':::; l1M111 ~~,11'~~0•":r 1 '!":~ WlSON fUl\ll ,· 11C1NOA c.1vlc hatch AM/FM 0 .... 11. l rutored, red w/tan ,_. 14f.-t303 IMO-He7. Cotta Mt11. l 41·a30S made, it111ttln ehockl, .. 11 -...i l10NY1M) 16499 ean. 18265 ._,,, ~ r , • 11011<1 cond111on equallzor, 11r oondltlo· ther Int. a11ow oir. 120. ,..,., llll 540-14417. mutt Ml!. Mt-n49 d'/'I. N~ Ike Toyota • Fine UMd Hunt1n9ton leech ' ,,.,, ~" f.1~~5 811111 6 nlng. rear window d•· 000 or trade for dwn· ....................... 873·2147 av ... A1k for ... mn.., ....... Car Salet. ,.88· 1970 Ml ... 11 11111 lroeler,leatherarmreat, pymt on hou1e. 19t1TOYOTASIM1etS. Aklfl C u5. e31~i89 HarborBlvd.,Co111 1!J 1111n,111~Old11;tch. ~og~~~1~· ~r~:8:o~ _M_t5-_8_77_4_...,...,,..,...,,.__ den. Opllon1Include 5 14 VAN. 18315co. 12v, ~ M••• 848-9303 ·79 Oil Cuti ... Supreme l 11 ~ 'I WU 11~111 tllk mllHI Mull eell ONLY '70 M9l'cedel 2I08L oon-epeecl trent., POW9r dleO euper dltt. It.,,.,, 51900. lcOOH.111"• 1\MI WHIT£D 540-9487. Brougtlaln. FIJlrt toedtd. "' 11 .. 1" 1;4~•11•. •tr 19,91191 C11I 9H-481 1 venlblt l hardtop. AM/ brllkt1. Tl!M ~ le ruety 142-7018, 148-t805 c,._.,, ........ , \40 •ll()() M New rblt eng. 1 4995• ~ ... 1 r. "' $4 9'" .. 2530 f FM di ti lac10t)' equipped , getl w•NTED 720-leet. ~8015 IM•"" 83 , 0498 day1 or 49.,. • t•r ,. o. new re•. great aa• mlleege. 7t VAN, new eng., all TO BtJY ft 7 oo wHkd1y1 l wH· $14,900. PP 832-3045 (l9J02e3). '4"9. &t1e German part•, need• 711 Eldo. black. Loaded. TO BtJY '78 Ol.08 88 DIESEL• fl''' uro 4 tloor 5 ken<ls. ----------Ike ToyOll·Flne UHd lllght body WO(!(, $2900. Sunroof. Xlnl cond., 62K Uft llllL 34 mpg, lo1ded, xtra ·l•'"'I \ucumt em/Im If, ti 11,,., 1141 CarSalet.1988·1970 14~·7018,148-1805 ml , $10,995 PP . nu•••• UJl-l clMn.'4396.648-2855 .~". '~1·~1 .. r1115 r~·:: .. ~!!!~1 ............ 1 .......................... 1.. Herbor Blvd., 001t• *'lt ••tlll* . 83t..eete .... ,,.,. Hl1 •GHii ao 358B, no ru11. need• ~~:er. 8 4 8 • 9 3 0 3 lmmtc. Lo ml. llr, etereo 79 Cl•Nlc El Dofldo, low WILSON FORD ... 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• OHm'I ana1• no work. '7500/partlal CUI xtru Showroom mll••· •lnl cond. white/ WlSON FORD 11173 Pinto, good cond. IO 1:.3 ~·Rt'.LUDE • llma tracM. ~28. '79 Supre Ullbadl new ·aa600 ·MuJne red l nl. 11800 OBO 18255 8eecll Blvd mllea. $1160 • In ·1 pd r911 gas, OOLlllYI TONNEAU COVER Blue, xtnt oond. wire a.4o.152701850-1a(i1 648-&«e, 493-0803 Huntlogton Beedl 18255 Beech Blvd. ...,. 551-4048 ' 0 (q·J :,) lei! u111•n All MO'a. '7 t -'81 80 Por9Cht 924 Twbo & whit, am/Im 1191'90 tape. '11 .............. 142-1111 Humi..-on 8eedl IHllM IHI 91 .. , NflA ACCORD -" ~ uttd, 175 '80 Porache 924. Both ale new rad .... 40.600 79 vw CONVT. Wiit on -·"V· • ,, ··•t•ll•c s•tvei. IULEllllPt Mat1aS31-n971vl!l!Q 1oaded.Takeovar111 m1 :werrin1y'•v'a11 . wnt.41Kml.S8.600tlrm. Blacilwtlhblactcleath« ••Villi 142-1111 ....... W.•A•NTED•••••••••••• -payment•. 7141825-1808 $8500. Marty M·F 10·5 87~89. 6511-5001 Moon roof. All utru. R 1112 1 t•c. •11 .. ond ps. We'll dell\19' anywhere In 973· l345, weekend• ll YW.. Xlnl cond . $8.9110. 88 Ford Station Wagon • ' ,.,, "'""' '•7fl9 nu I the world! See u1 at -1161 '11 111 I Chip 14&-3&14 4114-8904 Loaded, glua top1, etc. good working car. $400 TO BlJY " 1•0t J, 1 1 ~" "u"' IUOll llNITI •••••••••••••••••••••• Completely reelored top Champagne edi tion. Ser. 474017217. O.B.O. &48-2874 ~ ,969 Harbor Blvd .. c M. *'ll Ml* lo b~ttom an~ Interior. frlu... 11,, 8 u n r o o I $' 8 0 0 . * ~o;;1:1;r~• MY 111,4111 UTE -L .,.,.,J ••.11rhb•1.~ ISl-l1lO Mum'1 got to let me go Eno ebtt .... hart 3000 ••••••r:"•••••••••••••• ~1~ OS7URX MWlll llinr.a.t £Jania IHI UI ••• 848 Dove Str .. t. NB lo good home for $3<400. ml. Bl1upunkt hi power '78 TR7, 1 1000 below ir-•,. 111'4 •RESALE SALES• Oove/Outll 811. •••••••••••••••••••••• I .... I low mll11 'cuz I'm her llereo •Y•t•m. Recaro book. lo ml, mint orln. rw • NEWPORT BEACH 78 Town Car • door 112-0IOO weekend car 0.llvered ... 1. 764-0301 cond ., nu tlru. al~. '""#i"y;i;;·i;.... '79 Eldo,~900moonroof Ua-1111 loaded, xlnt ~d Redu'. WILSON FORD l••tJll 1110 ~ •-,.1.~1 green with tin top. Ma· 75 Por9Cht 914, 1.8. red. •·•Pd, $2560 call Mr '"9t1I White on ...... 11• 5212• oed 10 $6000 6.45-7988 ··'···· .. ······~··••••• ll11tswn .. u ' ,, xlne wu11 "••72•5 a. lr-t · .... " 7,. c 18255 Beedl Blvd /. ' • n! •l\•\'llmttnl •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 apd, xlnt thape, 60K, amt . .,..,.. .. -4.43 W. Bey. C.M. . "' he¥ette 4 door, air Huntington 8ellc:h. '''-'"''• R1·u wt ••I prtfer I ~5270/850-1801 $7500. 6'4~9805 Good deell '711 Victory f 645-21163 cond . radio. dtluu •lttJUY HJ 142-1111 • •. 1r; i.;dftu Ntow 4'.. ~ ,,_] 1141 '73 914 PORSCHE Edition TR-7, new eng.. IALll, IUYIOI Interior, like new, leu •••••"~•••••••••••••• r.... tihOW l M .... ,..... ':'C. clutch. more. 12750 or .. I.wall 1979 SEVILLE DIESEL, than 9,000 mllel $4, 100. 1976 Cll$>fl 11. 4 cyt, 'IC>d. --------- ... ,,. ·.ill 4141 •• • ••• • ·····.9;-.<;d;it•••••• 1};1x~n~1c1on/7d6.1'.,61829._5. b. et . 8 7 3. 7 0 8 1. OVERSEAS DELIVERY 33K mllea, white w/ red 546-0500 1tler 5 p M. AMIFM caaaene llereo. '78 ORAN PRIX L.J Nlc4t ._ ....., -v • llhr uphol, xtra1, fuel took• good, mech. xlnl cond. $3500 or beat ol· Nu'• 1131 I 11Jt1tlq tlse1 ' speed, rune greet $850 752-2362 E.'CPERTS tenk, 8 Irk, electric mlr-·10 Nove, V8, 307, aulo, 12400. 551-64.411 le<. 645-9248 , ••••••••• •••••••••••• Compare Houae ot Im· 557-2783 a.ll.f •-111' .,_,.._ It"• rore. crulM control, rec-17 mpg, clean. 91K. Pl. ports Dcract lease end 110 70 Opel OT, perlect cond. •••• .• -:;~.··••••••••••• .,.,...~ •1 EMU Ill llner puHnger Hat, nu tires/ m1tr cyl/ crpt. 78 ZEPHYR Vllleoet Wgn fi.Untid H11 mos sensible pymt1 Classy & lhlfP $11190. *l DEALER IN US A •••.:,•9•NW~••• Wlln rMt window defoOQ41f., $1600. P/P &48-3343 V8, auto, A/C, PIS. lie-•••••••••••••••••••••• Diel 213 or 7 14. MER· 494-4378 · • · lllet Hwt>or Blvd. wheel dl1c brke Orl8 ·ao CHEVETTE 4 dr, AIC. reo tape, 1UC* cin. 39K * * fl C EDES II 2 1 3 or ruCARVER ~ COSTA MESA owner S 10.500. Lie OL tuto. AM/FM, Ult wN. lo ml, 14. 100 848-8200 ... ....,. IMfertl _1_1_4,_8_3_7·_2_333 _____ 1 r.'.9..f!!! ••••••••• !~ff -~ PS~y6~~n~:!i 'i~~~up~~ __ 141-__ l_W __ Ml-__ Nl_l_ ART 876·1688 ml, mint c:cnd Pp U , 111 Mercury, wht, 4 dt, 1111 Valley Circe 1 •• 0 4IO UL 1977 PEUGEOT Olnel N.../J~c:; '78 Seville, xlnt cond as-450. 545-21151 , nHda very 11111• work, Cotti M ... mo Balanoe le700. $200. 6'42·8l55 You are 1h• winner of Beau white black 11hr Wanon Auto trtnl ">«l_,.,tl()-AllOMl• •-11•1 ... ,,, ., __ ~ tro roof. Al.I opllon1 1ta,,_/ H·•• f I lck (*"'"OO) Snrl Many 'xtrs 17.000 pwr~ 11:. pwr .' brakea: • "'~o:i~ s:,:0:;-___ ..... ___ • ___ ~ •••• 1.:'~•••••••••• $7596. 673-1585 '::-:,.-:.!! •••••••••••• ~: i..---------• v':t~ rt~t:i. ell ..,... \If ~i f,:)C •c;o. .. , 11 .. 4l~4 ml 631-7836 11ereo cu1. w /pwr. '87 BAJA. Rblt 2150cc. AllC 1H5 ,79 SEVILLE. White, lea· '76Cofdoba,blk,380V-8, !!!!~••••••••••~!_ Olllll YllUI --.7-3_M_B_4_50_S_E_l __ , boost, dual tank• & new ,.,. 1111 Greet cood & loll of pwr, •••••••••••••••••••••• lhtt Interior. S1fll'eo cu-I 0. d. d . I 0 m I, •Int ... ~ Xtnt cond Mon-Fri atl 5. met. blue flnlah. Oreal •••••••••••••••••••••• Hu the work•. Aeklng ·75 AMC Metador. Low Hite H 840•5425, Of S2llOO. 957-0330 ITllll H~=~~I~ _64_s.._2_,_3_•_. 64_2_-5_53_2 __ , ~;1~Y ~ 1::~!.;o~~ s-:~ •• ~...ino• 12899• 831-ao11 ~::r"t::'le!!~nd• 120-2189 c..n.. H3Z ~·$!~1;:!J~~;~ Tuesday May 19 8 00pm "°' " & l tlilf Oii llW • ••O • I For Classllied Ad ACTION f ine UHd Car Salet. ~:;,~ '11 YW ~ Hl1 • .. •••••••••••n•••H• W11dn111d1y May 19 1966-1970 Harbor Blvd.. -.VDTlllE ._ ................... '79 brn CorY., ltke nu 'll •-~-4 30pm C ta MH• 11411 9303 U1 -•• ••• •••• X.lnt ___ ... 17500 ~IM HIS ·79 Betllnetta calm f ·t""' cond., lo ml. $12,500 ...,_. Patses muat be redee-rACIUT'fl I•\ I Call a Daily PH01 AO-VISOR fµ2-5678 ~9487. . • .,_ --""'"' •••••••••••••••••••••• S4119S Good cond .,...., Call 498-0282. Dlllld PS. tilt whl, AM/FM lie-med belore llhow llrTM. 14M1t51 'll lntlt· · reo CUMlle 14200 To claim pueee. call '11 PDIUT Mnl fnt1ll 111$ 72 BUS. aunrf. w/utm Ell II t d B / 861-e2ee C..•11 H3J 873-7713 Evn &42·51178, ext 272 Pas-•• -1.e •••• •••••• ••••••• . ce en con . rown ,72 350 4-.epct f t cond •••4'1••••••••••••••••• Kept In 1torage for 2 ,·68 CROWN. Runt excell. lop, prof. pnt. & whl. brown, wholeeale $10, • 11C · .. 'ti Mllll... ·73 Delta 88, Needs l'U SM muet be otalmed by )'M(•. extra clean, many Auto, mu•" Hll. 1750. well1. type 2 eng. Teak 450. lo orig ml, $2800/0BO paint. tuna great. 1550 May 14, 1982 :========l extraa. $395 or belt of· 960-5375 ln1 Mutt Mii. 83f"'8003 EYll 4~·1028 GrMl tran19. 548-0802 557•2783 ffl( 963-2202 --------~ 1--~---~--1~--------... 0 A.TLAS CHRYSLBl..ft.YMOUTH •• ,., r Bl.td Costa Mesa Tel ~1934 3 blockl 1r • S;ir O•ego Freeway ott Harbor Blvd. Complete Io ,, • • ~ ::.atei. Service Parts 5efv1ce Dept. open M IJ~y rtt•u Friday 7 30 AM lo 5 30 P.M 1nd 8 A.M. td 'i 1• M " ~lllurday HACH IMPOlrTS ~ '>••• ~ireet Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us, .. ti,,. "'" .oec1alists lor Alfa Romeo. Peugeot, Saab & '..1.11 ,'l"I .. THEODORE ROllMS FOttD ModPr11 seres, service, parts, body, paint & tire <Mpo. GompP••l•vR rates on lease & dally rent.ale 2080 Hatbof l}tvt1 Costa Mesa 642-0010 or 540-8211 • JOHNSON & SOM UMCOl.M MllCUIY !'llHI Hart>Or Blvd Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-5630. 57 VHrs ''' lrtt•nt.lly family '\erv•ce -Orange County'• old"t Lin· c >111 MMGory t1e11lershtp SOUTH COAST DOMI blM HiJroor Blvd Costa Mesa. Tel S40-0330. RV "rvlct ' occ1al1!lts cuttom van conversions. NIWPOIT IMPOlrTS 3100 W Coot Highway, Newport Buch. T t l. 64? ~4C!)l540.1784 The Ftrr•I HMdqua1tt'I. 765 N~ Way, ec.e u.e. Tel. 131-1M3 ''JAeUAAS 0UA SPIQA&.TY" XK 1l0'1/140'11150'111·1Wel s.... -8eMce -...., .. 0.f PllClintle ~17th & 111tl In .... MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beech. Tel. 8~3·1300. At the triangle of Jambo< ... MacArthur & Brlltol behind Vlc1orla St1tlon. Sales, SeMct. Lualng & Pana We make great deal II • MAIEIS CADILLAC 26oo Hatbor Blvd., Coeta Metia. Tel. 540-\100. Orange County'• largest C1d1llac dealer. Sal.a Service Leu- 1ng. • DAVID J. P .. LUPS IUICIWONTIAC-MAZDA Leguna Hill• SalH • Service • Leulng 24888 Allele ParkMy 837·2400 • CHICK IVllSON POISCHl-AUDl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dealerahlp In Orange County with these thrM grHt makn under one roofl • ALAN MAGNOM PbtnlAC.SUUIU 2480 Harbor Bl11d., Cotta Mtaa. Ttl. 5'IM300. 81 .... Strvloe. Leulng. "Mr. OoodW'9nch." • • IOI LOMGPU POMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel. 892-6651 Ortnge County'• oldest and l11gest Pontiac deelersh1p Sales. Service, Parts. • SAIL CHIVIOUT 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach '"Catny'a pf It ..... tw ,.., .. SALES HOURS Mon ·Fri &-7. Sat. ~5. Sun 1().4 494-1131 • SANT A AHA DATSUN 200t E. t 7th Street, Str\ta Ana. Tel ~-78t 1. Your Orlglnal Dedicated Datsun Deeltr. • MllACLI MAZDA We'11t moV9dl Our new looatlOn 11 1425 Baker StrMt, Cole.a Meal. Tel. ~5·333.4. Stop by & visit our bf1nd new lhowroom and '" why we're lht #1 Muct. dHI., In SoutMtn C.llfomla. Sale•. Servkle. PllrtS and Leulng . • ANAHBMMAIDA "09lrO.C. ..... ~ •• "" ............ c.. .. 001 S. Al\lhtlm Blvd., Anahtlm 95e-1820. Ju1t north of Santa An• Frwy. on Anehelm Btvd. Cell ut fl,.tl "W! AA! HAADTOF1NO-«JTWORTH ITI" COST A MlSA DA TSUM 2845 Harbor Blvd., Coate Mna Tel. S40--6.4t0 Serving Orenge County lor 18 yeara t Mlle So. 405 • SUNSET FOID, INC. (Home of Willie the Whale) 54.40 Garden Grove Blvd., Westminster Tel 63EH010 • DGM LEASING, INC. 730 W. 19th St .. Coat1 M .. a S.2· 1944 Vou'reln for a 1urpnae at OGM Lellllng 0 COMNIU CHlftOUT 2128 Harbor Blvd., Coat.a MtM. Oler 20 YMI'• aervlng Orange County! S•I••· 1...ino. ltl'Vlce Celt 548-1200; tptelal parta llne: 546-9400; body shop 11,,.; 754-0400. • IOY CARY• IOU.S IOYCMMW 1540 Jambor" Ro.d. Newport 8etdl. 14().6M4, a.i... 9tfvlct, Part• And L ... lng, • oiac Mtlua PIAT~ "Proti.bly the IOwelC pttotd Flitt S0utt..m Celfomlt" I (Lootttd t milt nor1tl of 6ovth CoetC ,._ nMr Mtln 81. and Wtmer A11t. In 8tnta Ana.) 120 w. w,,,,., a.. Ana • 5&?·2132 , • lllPlll IUCI I fllll lllCU MONDAY, MAY 3, 1982 ORANGE C OUNl Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS .. Coastal offShore oil ·leases postponed. By 8TBVE MITCllELL or .. .., ........ The cte.dllne for the unvelJ.in& of of11hore oil tracts baa come and gone, and a spokesman for Interior Secretary James Watt •Yll the lack of a decision means a pmtpooement of propoeed lea- • -June 2. Watt wu to have prepared a Hat of the federal government'• offshore oil leue tn.cta by Sun- day. But Jim Robinson, a spoke- sman for the Interior Depart- ment, said in Waahingt.on today no detjsion on the 11 tracta off Newport and Laguna Beaches bu been reached. . . "By the lack of a decision Two Argentine boats hit (today)," Robin.son said, "you have to a11u: we'll have to pc:lltpone the beca• lie of the atatut.ory 30-day notice period." Both La1una and Newport have gone on record apimt the lease sale, along with the state Coastal Commiaaion and Gover- nor Brown's office. The coJlllDi.ton baa urged the Interior aecretary to delete five of the 11 tractt, and 1uae1ted atrict atipulationa on the other six tracts to protect Newport and l..quna'a tourist indUltries. Aaked why a decision on the 11 tracta baa ':Jet been arrived at. Robimon he could only suppoM the large number of let- ters opposing the leases might have prompted a postponement. "We've received an awful lot of commenta, and I must imply the department is still studying the lasues." Ro binson said a decision on whether to delete any of the tracts off Newport and Laguna should be made later this week. He said the department is now looking at the 8th or 9th of June for the leaae sale. In opposing the leue of uiy of the 11 trac~. the cities of New• port Beach 8nd Laguna aay Ult lease sale would advenely affect tourism and the sensitive tide pool life were a spill to occur on thoee two shorelines. British prepare for long siege Bandit shoots • • v1ct1m The 68-year-old owner of a Newport Beach Italian restaurant wa shot in the chest late Sunday while attempting to push an ar- med bandit out of his Coast HiJrhwa:v diner. Lorenzo Paaini, owner of the Spaghetti Bender, 6204 W. Coast Highway, was taken to the trau- -ma ceoter at Fountain Valley c.ommunity Hospital where he is listed in 8erioua condition. Police aaid the youthful gun- man walked into the restaurant at 10 p.m., approached Pasini and demanded money. Puini, officers said, led the bandit to the back of the res- taurant using the ploy that the money WU kept beck there. Once at the rear o( the_restaurant. po- lice~ Pasini ~the anned crook out the back door and a1amroed it shut. 'nle gunman. police said. reac- ted by firing one round from his revolver through the wood door. The slug hit the restaurant owner in the chest. Police said nobody reported aeeing the bandit leave the area. ~-aid he escaped empty- The robber, said to be in his early 208 and wearing designer jeans, reportedly left a leather jacket, that be had used to con- cal his gun, at the restaurant. T_rio sought in assault Police are searching for two men and a woman who allegedly gave a ride to a 15-year-old Mis- sion Viejo girl, then sprayed her with tear gas, struck her, de- manded drugs and left her on Beverly Manor Drive in Seal Beach. Officers were alerted to the · uaault at 2:20 a.m. Sunday by residents of nearby Leisure World. who heard the girl acrea- mina, pol.ice said. T&e girl, whose name was withheld becauae of her age, was treeted at Los Alamito8 General Hospital and returned to her pa- rents, police said. Britain's · BlocUde Forces Aircraft + ........................ S1 ._ """ Alltl1ub.....,.-'M H1lc1111wa att~ 10 Lynx Helc1111 .. ra 2W ... xAtt9U" llellc~ .. ,. A.bout 10 Vulcan Ila• .... Shipe 3 Nucl1•r· ~mered ................... 1 Aircraft Cerrlef 1UgMAlrcrafl~ IDMtto1•a ,,,... ... 1~ 1 a ....... .,.. • Argentine's Forces Aircraft 1 ..... Penda<rdFlgMet'a ·ao1111ra .............. tCarettena•111....,1 1 Aln:r8" Canter 1~ .... .,., .. ,,.,...... 21Mbln6FCe ... LINEUP -Charts lndJcated unofficial estimates of mili- tary strength of Britain and Argentina in Falkland lalands area. Four people die in flaming crash MODESTO (AP) -A sports car and a A,6ckup oolJlded head-on and bunt into name. on a bridge ln Modeet.o, fatally burning all four people in the vehicles. 1be two men in the 1por1a car WORLD and a man and woman ln the pickup were burned 10 badly that positive identitiet bad not been made by thla morning, Stanialaua County coroner'• of-fice reported. Planes to Jordan OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -The ~an aclmlni8- tration hM reecbed qi-eement with Jordan on the lale of F-50 filh:Jlanee and Stinger and-aircraft mt. ... IOW'C9 today. Summit meeting possible WASHINGTON (AP) -Prelldent Reapn will K'Cept the informal tnvltadon by Sovtat Pretddent IAOlild L Br9lhmv to meet wttb him In the autumn, ~ alftdale .. today. COUNTY No hail for HB doctor By ROBERT BARltER Of'O.DelrPlot•Uff A federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., has denied bail to Huntington Harbour physician Jeffrey MacDonald. aentenoed to three life terms in pri8on for the 1970 ~-of his wife and two small da ten.. Ralph ..::;prit:zer, an attorney for MacDonald, aaid today that while refusing to reinstate bail, the court is expediting the hearing of argument.I into the merits of the caae. The argumenta.are IChedu- led for the week of June 7. Spritzer said that the argu- ments include whether trial er- rors had been made and if the 38-year-old fonner Green Beret captai11 had beeo denied due ....... MacDonald was arreateO. March 31 at hia Huntin1ton Harbour home after the U.S. Supreme Court relnatated hia conviction of the murders. The Supreme Court ruling dealt only with whether MacDo- nald received a speedy trial and not whether or not evidence in the cue supported a conviction. More vessels ·on way By The Aaaocla&ed Press British miaaile-li.ring helioop. ters sank one Argentine patrol boat and damaged another in a clash inside the war zone Britain imposed around the Falkland Islands, the British Defenae Ministry mnounced today. The reporteq sinking came a few hours after a British subma- rine damaged Mgentina'a only cruiser in a torpedo attack out- side the war rone. The ministry alto announoed it was requilitioning the luxury li- ner Queen Elimbeth n. two carao ferries and a container ahlp to take 3,000 troos-. helk:opten and other war equipment to the Falklands, bolstering the 60-plua ship British armada already 1ur- king off the ialanda. The addftfonal ships, wb!ch must make an 8,000-mile three- week voyage to reach the F~ , landa, were further indicationa Britain Wal preparing foe a Jona siege to wrest back the ialandt Argentina 8eiz.ed April 2. The clerk's office of the 4th U.S . Circuit Court of Appeals said today the order from the three-judge panel denying bail WM issued verbally late Friday. A written order that may give reasons for the panel's decison baa not yet been received, the clerk's office aaid. u-. ....... BRITISH. STRlllE. POWER -Vulcan strategic bomber of Royal Air Force is sl\own at bombs-away in a training exer- dse. Plane is same type uaed in pre-dawn strike Saturday against Falkland Islarids. A ministry communique said "two armed Argentine patrol craft-type naval auxiliaries," ini- tiated the latest shootout around midnight Sunday in the Falk- lands (8 p.m . PDT) when they "fired on a Royal Navy Sea Kina (helicopter) from HMS Hennes," the carrier-flagship of the Brititlh fleet. Govenunent att.omeya oppoeed bail for MacDonald in oral argu- ments in Alexandria, Va., last month on grounds he would be tempted to flee rather than face life in pri8on. Strike settled? "Two Royal Navy Lynx heli- copters from ships of the task force then engaged the ships with missiles. One of the ships was sunk and the other certainly damaged,'' the communique said. Daughter only HB holdout Miniatry officials said 1hey did- not know the names or size of the patrol boats, or whether they were among the nine patrol boata belonging to the Argentine navy. British news reports said the vessels were small patrol craft with a crew of about 15. MacDonald, 38, now ia being held in the Tenninal laland fed- eral priaon in California. (See DOCTOR, Pqe A!) Early bandit hits CM store Police in Costa Mea are aear- clling for a masked gunman who climbed thr~h the roof of a photo at.ore waited until an employee arrived Saturday mor- ning. A 27-year-old female clerk told police that the gumman weartna a aid mask and aJovea WM inlide the In and Out Photo It.ore at 195 E. 17th St. at 8 a.m. Police Mid the bandit, de.cri- bed aa 6 foot, 200 poun(lt, fled on foot with $650 in CMh. · NATION Reva Gardner, the Huntington Beach housewife who I.a on strike agaiNt doing all the family hou- sework, said today she may be on the verge of a major break- through. Mrs. Gardner, 35, says she's already signed contracts with her husband, John, and her older daughter, Ambl, 17, spelling out C'e88 of household responsibility. ' Two teens rescued SAUGUS (AP) -A paaslng motorist saved two teens but the driver of their car died when the gaa tank exploded after it cruhed at 80 mph lnto an em- bankment on' a curving mountain road, the California Highway Patrol aaid. Mkhlie1 Clemona, 15, waa pinned behind the wheel and burned '3eyond poaitlve klentification. Eyes of Texas on Bob Hope . Bob Hope niaket Joket about America'• female lllltronaut. Ta., aolf. ltUdenta, boom, drup. aex and tbe'Aalla. p.,_ A.6 . I 'Cut somewbere ellle' ~ram bowla of~ over the $100 b6Won deadt but mr are wGllnl to cmat pet portt- bmnl projdl. p._. A8. The lone holdout so far is 13-year-old Robin, but her mo- ther says there appears to be signs of settlement . "She spent the weekend with her dad and they had an oppor- tunity to talk and it looks like she's changing her position. "We all live together and we have to work together. God wil- ling, she'll sign tonight." Mrs. Gardner, unwilling to reveal specifics of the contract., said they include learning to clean ovens and learning to cook together. • She say• she has received telephone calls and fan mall since her strike began on April 21. "I've learned that there are many families with problems • similar to oun. "In order to make things work, all penons in a family must share responsibility." INDEX The British communique aaid the '8hoot.out took place north of F.aat Falkland island and 90 mU.. inside the blockade area. <See FALltLAND, Pase A!) Thug gets $15,000 at Irvine station An attendant at an Irvine self-~ gu statJop told pollat this morning she was robbed of about $15,000 ahortly before T a .m. by a man with a handaun. Kathy Canu of 1rvtne told bl· vestipton the man walked up~ her booth at Campw Gu, 4e0t Campus Drive, u ahe w• coua- ting the money. At Your Service A4 Hormoope B2 F.nna Bambeck B2 Ann Landen B2 L.M. Boyd A6 Moviee B7 Bu1linem 86 National Newa A3 CAllfomla A5 Public Nottio. C4 c........ B2 ~&:':Marketa Cl-3 C.Vabde C4-8 • Cornlea B4 Tel8Yillon • 0-C.WOrd 84 'l'MaWI B7 0.tb Notlca C4 W•tber A2 Utiarial M World Newa A3 ·~· B7 DOCTOR l>ENIED BAIL • • • He wu returned to cu1tody March 11 after the U.S. Supreme. Court rever1ed a 4th Circuit Court~ that hil ca:McUon waa Improper beoau" he had been dtNed a speedy trial. He had been free m $100,000 bond, Which WU NVOked imme- diately after the Supreme ~ decWon. Ht. attorney.-a1ked the 4th Circuit Court to reimtate ball pend1na further appeala, noUna that bi Nici not tried to ncape under the prevtoua bond. But the government argued before the appeal• court that MacDonald "must be drut&cally more peulrniatic" about event- ually pi.nJna hia freedom In the-. wake of the Supre~e Court decWon and might try to flee the country lf releued again. on ~: MacDonald wu conviciecs or ld1llnC hil preen.ant wife,~. 24, and their dau1hten, Kim- berly, e. and Kristen, 3, at °""' Fort Draa. N.C., home. ·He bu ateedraatly maintained that the mu.rden were commlt- i.d by Iona-haired tniruden who chani.d ''Acid la groavy. KW the ~ Aucwt, 1979, convtctian in ·U.S. District Court in North Carolina WU re-Jel"led by the fth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeala July 29, 1980, and he WM freed on bail at the appeala court'• ln· llstence. MacDonald had been Uvtna ln C.allfomia on $100,000 bail lfnce· the appeals court dect.lon. The bail WU revoked by the dil'trlct court In North Carolina after the Supreme ~ acted. FALKLANDISLANDS ... The helicopters dropped "llfe-uvtn1" equipment to the boata, ancf there was "no da- mage" to the attacking helicop- ten. it added. -In Bueno• Arle1, Ar1entlne military eouroes said they had no knowledp of the reported patrol boat attaCk. In a 1tatement today, Argen- tina cried foul over the torpe-dolna of the Argentine cruiaer ~ mila beyond the war woe. "It lhould be emphasized that the attack took place to the IOU· t.heaat of Iala de 1oa FAtadoe and outaide the so-called 'zone of exchwon' ," the Argentine jolnt chlefl of ataff uid In a commu- nique. 1'he Argentines al.lo announc- ed rejection of a peace pcopoeal announced Sunday by Peru'• President Fernando Belaunde Terry. Buenos A.rie9 cl••mect the olan WM ~ by the U.S . Secretary of°"'State, and J1ke RV· eral previoul propoult wu not acceptable. In New York. British Foreign Secretary Francia Pym met today with the U.N. Secu.rlty Council c=.t.for May, Chfneee Am- Ung Qlna. Yacht club notes 66th opening day Newport Harbor Yacht Club celebrated ita 66th opening day S\,lnday with more than 500 member1 and guesta on hand to wltneu the formal flag-raising ceremonies and i.napect the mU- llona of dollan worth of power and ..U ~achta lined up alongside the club • docka. Preslding aver the formal part of the annual feativitiet was Commodore Morgan L. Morgan who introduced other flag offi- cers and ltaff commodores. HighllC}lta of the day were the pre.entation of trophiet to the winnen in Saturday'• opeqin& day rP from IA Angeles Har- bor to Newport, and the pre- sentation of awards for the be9t maintained yachts ln the club fleet. Winners of the coveted Sweepstakes Award for the best maintained yacht were Ed an~ Margie Ziemer for their Swan..+t sloop, Swan. Other inspection award wln- n.ert were: Commodore'• Trophy -Com- manche, Art and Hallie Strock. Sail Under 40 feet -Saaa- doua, Chria and Ron Merickel Sail Over 40 feet -Expecta- tions. Phil and Mickey Rowe. Bay Launch -Jane, Dick Chewning. Power Under 40 feet -No Salt, Larry Hamilton. Power Over 40 feet -Con- cordia, Vince and Carol Arrigo. Non..calfn (junior) -s&bo&, Peter Somera. Lively entertainment prtor to the fonnal ceremonie. wu pro- vided by a jllzz group from the Stanford Univenity band. NHYC ii the oldest yacht club in the Harbor area. It WU foun- ded in 1917. LONDON (AP) -The Briu.h Defemt MlnlaVy ~ to- day lt 11 taldq over the world'• moet famou• luxury llner, th• Queen Elisabeth 2, to ferry an infantry brlpde to lta J'alkltndll 'f"&r ne.t. Ministry 1pokHman Ian McDonald alao announced the * * * Argentine ship U.S. once vessel NEW YORK (AP) -The Ar· gentlne cruiaer General Bel- grano, da.maa~ by Brltbh tor- pedoe1 ln the South Atlantic, eerved ln the U.S. Navy aa the USS Phoenix, 1urvlving the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and takina part in nwneroua ac· tiona In World War ll. 'The Phoenix, lawx:hed ln 1938 ,nd carryln1 15 6-incb 1un1, apent most of the war with the 1th J'Jeet, which supported Gen. Dougtaa MacArthur'• ltland- hopping drive from Auttralla to return to the Philippines. The British Defeme Miniatry in LQndon aaid Sunday that the Belgrano, the only cruller ln the Argentine navy, wu severely damaged by torpedoea from a Britbh submarine. The Argen· tlnea Nid the Betarano was struck by only one torpedo. Lifeguards gain $450 • in 'fun run' ' • • I .. BACK TO BASEBALL -Arri Bufbrd, l2. Oett), salutes f1lg before Little League game Saturday in Fountain Valley, his tint since national officials ruled him eligible .to play in Fountain Valley North League. 'Play ball' again for Arri Youth back on field a(ter. gaining Little League..OK Putunc Ap eli&1bt1lty ~bble officfals ru1e~ '1;1e ~a ellgi)Sl~' to' . ~ ~~~·:i~ ~P.r;l ~: and a' firebombing incident be-continue pla.Ying in F ou9taln ting likil~ Piompt.ed 10n1e ii~ hind him, 12-year-old Arrl Bu-Valley, despite the fact that his coaches to qUettlon hia ~gfbruty. ford wu back on hia Fountain family is now living in Garden Police are attempting to deter- Valley North Little League dia-Grove'. mine whether a firebombing The Laguna Beach Lifeguard mond aver the weekend, helping National officials said Arri can incident at the Buford.a' home is A.ociation'a Fun Run Saturday hia team to an 8 to 1 victory. continue to play because he was related to the dispute. netted about $4~ to the a.oda-1 living with a family friend in With the national dedaion be-tion. which will go in the kitty "I reallr, hope it'a al in the Fountain Valley at the time he hind him, Arri dla~layed his f W put now,' said Arri's mother, or a new eguard fad.lily. Minnie Buford, 81 abe and other lligned up. athletic talent in aturday'a More than 130 runnen parti-h d The Bu fords had lived in g.ame. pla=· short.atop and first clpated in the 6-kilometer run, family members watc e him Fountain Valley for nine years, base and nitc · more than five work out with hia team, the Aa-,.. with Laaunan Mike Farrell. 23, trOI, before a game Saturday but Arri'• father, a disabled ve-~He aJeo aot two bi&a and. the tint to cro. the f1nlah line agalrrpt tl)e Grants. "'He°'" .. t tera.n. n»v~ ~ Detroit tempo-ICO the A.tree' !int run,,;.. • "!. near Oty Hall. wmU"'fo-pray-ball." • ~-l:r.-~ rarily-fer ~ t.reatrnem-IM--" .... Mwi-HW.otir-that tteo·was Sue Petersen was the first fore the Veterans AdminatraUon "happy to be back'' and hopes to woman to flniah. The contest wu Arri'• first relocated the family this year to ~ue a career ln profeuional Th.1 a11pc1,uon •"l')S.dll.,._,, 1ince national Little League Garden Grove. ball. _ _ nearty $10,000 in the bank from 1-:-,~--;::;---;;::=:==================::====:=~~F----';;;__--__._­ varioua tund-raiaing eventa, and expectl to ralae another $10,000 by late thia awnmer. The proposed lifeguard head- quarters will be located atop the old eewer building at the north end of Main Beach Park. Sunny afternoons :. • II • ' • • • ~ • • • ! ' ' • ' i Morning doude .. ~~to ~ llfternoon HlgN tod9y M to 74. Low doude tonight ~ In tll• all•rnoon on TuHday. Lowa tonight 64 lo 51. High• T~ M &o 75. T.,.,.,..rur• In 1119 ftunllngton-Newport ., .. ,.,. lrom • ~ of ee lo IOw of "· ElalNMf•, from Point ~ lion lo Ill• M•111C:an t>qtd., and out eo mllw: UQtlt vW1al>l9 wlndl lhroUQh tonight ~ IOUt'-I lo ... , 10 10 ti knot• thl• -nlng. W•-'Y ...._ t to 2 t-.t. Low douOI -IOUltwn ...... tonight. 78 4e 74 32 47 10 75 50 80 55 72 51 81 61 73 48 11 67 80 52 77 51 71 41 ee 44 12 67 . ti et 41 87 37 80 50 78 eo 75 40 79 54 76 47 71 48 72 42 ee 42 Santa Ba1>Wa 87 63 eo 63 Ptlatld, .... 51 37 71 39 Ptland. Or• 80 ... Santa Matta " -Stodlton 14 47 79 82 05 Pr~ et 44 03 TMnnal 93 74 43 AeMlgll 711 50 04 Utilall 71 81 62 A9rlo 71 3' =-'a:, ae 95 74 61 8111 I.Ml• 71 67 .05 ae 41 72 45 San Antonio 80 82 C.tallna ee ea 40 s.tt .. 64 41 .07 Lono BMdl 72 58 11 52 = 11 80 Monro'lle 81 61 80 eo 78 IWI Mt. Wiiton a 61 51 3-4 8t Loult '77 67 N9wpOl'I &Neh ee ff 711 411 8t P·T~ 80 eo Ontll'IO 78 80 74 40 St 8t• M.O. 83 32 Palm 8prlnOI 112 ee 711 45 Spoll-64 44 p~ 78 13 64 89 8yr-87 43 San ISlrMnflno 71 53 81 87 Topella 72 61 sama AN 72 • 75 44 Tucaon H 51 Tlho9 V,,., ee 29 71 56 T._ 71 ea 79 &4 WMhlngtn 74 62 73 &4 Wlc:Hla 74 57 75 67 .27 CMADA 71 M CelOetY 70 42 76 44. o~ ~ 71 37 .. 17 .12 Bak.rllllMd .. .. Mof!W9ll 87 40 IO M = .. on... ... 44 711 72 -; " ... "'91"• 7t 44 74 •• ~ 13 N Toronto ... n~ 11 ·llO LanoMW .. 12 52 VltlOOINtt 11 .. ~.=-72 N It ., 12 80 77 N Monterwr ft 52 Extended 74 N ~ .. 1• ... ,..,... 14 ... 74 II ,_...""" a IO 12 17 ~Qty 14 IO weatber n 11 .oe a-....neo n .. n 54 ---~ ... aouTHllllN OAL"O .. NIA .. 70 left OlaF .. OOAATA~ MOUNTAIN • 41 left ,fWIClllDV • IO A .. IAa -lete nlgtlt 8"d .. ,,~ mOf cloucle ""' tflt OOHtl otlltrWIH fair. WI"·~ lllf llPllT , lllOu" t in artH Wtdll•: =-:ln•OOMCll--' l>MO~ 10 1-eo. 1" end ·.,... Ind -. 5t to M. Molin· t4llrl ,..,. ...... In Ult .. to ... ,.... :,-. • • • • • • .. •• 10I Md IOWI It 10 4t. Our own make tropical suits in classic olive or tan • ! .. Our Qwn craftsmen cut and tailor suits you will find surprisingly lightweight, durable and crease-resistant. The outstanding polyester-and-worsted is offered here in neuual shades that blend' in handsomely with your wardrobe, accepting a wide range of co lo.red · and patterned accc11orie1. On -our 3-button model in olive or tan. Coat and trousers. $320 /rt """',...,,, u "''"· ,.,,.,,.,, ''"''ad,.,,.. lort1, tA111 "''" eo#W '" ""'"'"' lt1111, ,roporr•ort1d fo' "'"' S' J(J' to 6: I I . ' c I' I ... ,.. . II < S.lft Htl l",I,,_ (IOW Cllt -ir--1 1.1: I ot .~~ ,.. , ,. '"'-" 'j i *_._ ~ :· 1M; 14~·~ AMUI • :ii IS • 14 AclMC IA 1 Dlh " ~~"'I' • 1\'t+ ... -Md7t.g: ~ ll 1!: ~ r ,, "' ..... .-.iu Ul 11d Gtlo+ '4 ""'-1a • • *'··. AHelft .. 2S l ..... ~PW ... t tO ~+ 14 A>~,., AO 17 dO '°"' ... !F. .. 11 1' """-.... " Mt'~" ~ lllAl.tt • . " •• " Alal".,..,,. I ...... Al.ti" " •.• di ""'• "' Ale' pl tM •. rlClll ~+114 Alal"pl I.JI , 1ct ~14 E IAOI 2~141 ,,,. ..... ··-.. Ull t 16 l--._ .• • • 14 • "' =' 1..i:.: ----E~ AK.-IAI 1 Ht ..... ~ 11Uf IO "6 '4 ..u.-.. ., ~I " •••• 141 " ~ .. M +141 A nt IA 4 111 -. V. "'9111 "1" . 22 ~ .... Al91 lllClt.JS . . S> IM+ \It Al..,.. 1.. • ., ""'. .... AIMii() I IO 14 13* .... = -.11: ~ ,; ~·~ AldCDrtl 12 •• ' .. +"' NdNPi I I 101 14 + 141 Alld54r 1.a I tit Jiiii + " AldTel " •• • s 16\'t+ \lo AllllOI . • II 14ft+ "' AlltCll lllUI • • t J7~ 141 AllrAu I A 16 71 ~ 141 ~" . . I IO\lo-141 Ak.oe I• I alUI 14\lt ••.•. Amls.tg ' J J ~ \lo Amax .to " .. 27llt. " Amrce I.» I 0 ~+ 14 ~~its.~~~ AHes pl UD . I 1411. _. 14 AlrtAtJT I • IO 22 0t ~ .... AIMir n.. ~ .. AAlr WC . 117 ""• 141 M lt pl 1.11 , 1S 1)11.-" ....... M4 14'11 t ~ AlltN I 1.S> 7 JdM Cl\4o • '4 Allnl pl 17S a l 22\'J • • Allldtst !AO 7 -"31\1> + l'-A81dM I I 4 n ... + Ill Alk.tl""' st 1 t t1 + 141 ArnCM> 1.tO 1 IJ7 ~ " ACM pl UD J 11 ~~., ::~ ~ u;: := ~ AEIFW Uli 1 tcm ""' .. Am~ 1• '1540 ....... AF ..... I AO I »1 ,..__ 14 ~i.2:. ~ ;~~ AGnOt 1.IDI • • JJ 2t + 141 AH9rtt ... \0 I 1'v. • AHd91 1n 4.., 1"". AHOft'a UD 11 2'11 ._ + '- AHolp 1.14 14 CU -· 14 AMI I .J2 IJ tll ti"' \'t A,,,,,_,. MD Pio+ Ill AHatR " J S 161 ~. '-ASLFla IJ S'-+ V. ASllp I ..IDa • j 14 11111 ..... M$d UD I !IS 71 +lit ""9rll .ll " Ml ,.,._ "' AlnSlr 1 7 •,.+111 .U.t pl UI . • 2 4D + - ATI SAi '"" ~+\lo All pl 4 .. • S1 ..... ATI Ill 3. .... 61 JI + Ill All Ill 1.74 . . 7 JI-'-" AWW 1.JD S IJ I~+ Ill AW.I Ill I.CS .. dSO ~+ Iii Awat Ill 1.lS • dD t -llo AINf'Oll ,,.., • • ,,_.,. -~ I .4D t 112 1S + ~ ........ 1.JD 11 0 •w.-11o ~-IM t W 22..,_ ,_ =::; 1::1~ 1: ~ti ~ 1S ,. 9141+"' AlftWI 11ue S 77 """• lit ..,.,,... l.tO • Q 21, + "' .......:'~io j .1.....,;t Alie ... " ,,. i i'J; .... =.· , .. ·; i ~~ Nt0rt UZ S II h ,. . ~ .... , 711+\'t M911C ... "' " • "' /l#Mta I.JI t Ot .,._. ,_ AlllW1 .J012 1'1S -l't Ame fl S2 S M ,,_ 141 "-foe ,. It IJ1 l4lolo. "' AotllP ""'it " ~ • 141 ' ,....... pll.12 ltO Sl\'a+I ,.,.._ flf2A6 • I -• llo "" .... ,., 4 .. 10 -·"' 4'1111""8 Q IJ Jt 22 ArCala M .._ """',., 2 .. , w •I Anal "'1.16 . " • • Ar<llDo .Mb 'Ga I~"' AT11PS l.JI • 91 »n+ 11o At11 lllt AO 12 J I Al'kla 1 AD 10 -19"+ llio Arl"AI I S6ll --1· 16 AnftQ> ,.. ' 9Clll lt\4 • \lo ~111 1.IO >Mllr-'-1om1r pl 4.IS rlO l1V> + l't Atmll!i l.4D 4 l> 11 .... + 141 """atWln 'i: ~ '°f ~'.+'·~ E .16 SI 2t II~. • I .lD Jt IJ 17\lt ... Ar;l11 1.12 IO Jt ~ llo ~ Al t1 "" .... AINOll 2A1 t tD ~ "' AalllO pf3." . . • """'-l't AtdOG 1.a I .11IOIJ n . . , AMO pl US •• Jlft '6 -'Ml At!llON I.to S W DV>-Ill AICYEI 1. 11 1 '2 II All~ro ... J 15 I ... All 1111<1\ 2AI • "" " -" Atllk pl J.IS 11' » Alllk pf 2M .. I ft-I All..C. 2 J4 ·~ "' AUMI I .JZ lt It ~· '4 Auf"Ot • .... " "" lSv. .... Avc.oQI t.a • MS *'• '4 A.co pl Ull • . I ~ .. ::: :: J ,.: r: ~ ·-> .... is>.9-~ """"'" u .. tsl'>• ... -----•T #II , S1 l\lt • 14 llelnlco e 1 11 ..... I lkf..U ·" 12DS ··~· "' ..._ .» " ,.. :IO'lo. • .. ~I.All t 166 M\l>+J"' lidllpfta •• l lCll ~ ... 0 , ••• --" MIYMI .tott• JM ..... ... IG« 2A 1 ., ZS-.. " .... ,,.4.JO ., lmt 15 +I a.icM I.JD U 2' 2J\li-"' ~ .... ._ .. M 1 ICIO t~ ... 8afl fll 2 .. I ~l't a 111v I.JO 4 ti JW>-"' llMN• '·" • IJ ~ .... ... Am U2 t IS. ..-i. .... ll&Alfty 1• • 14 :MV.-\lo .... Tr 2.os s m Dl4-"' llllTr pl 4.22 .. J J2 141 e ..... ~"' 111 .e w ... n,..."' I 112 IO 14\IH l't 11.aa • is 21 -14 A0 11 • It • "' ... ,.. •-l't 1.J6 2t 123 -.... llU!r • .• It tm JStlo •.••. ~·l'lll • " '"'·"" ~2,117 , ........... ...,.._I I 1 1t +llt ...,.H 1.• um 1"'• \tot ... UI •. SI JPlll• ". '·"" .... -, E ... "' ... J 17 --t:t'..:! :: ' J ttt' t: I .a. • ,. 1"-+ .. . ii 't -; ==·~ , .. ft: '"'• " J IU • -- 11 .. ---.. . .. .... .. ..... .... Iii ll't-'- "• n 11-"' , .... h ..... . , • -·-1: Ah ... W -• ... j 11 ----I 111 .... '- 1.W '1 ""'"'I! ••• • JM.+ .. !-! 1 .. -~ .ii I fri ,. .. " .. i. ~----------------------~:!!~_o_w_t_o_Al_L.,.Y PILOT/Monday. May 3, 1982 ............................. H •• NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OllOfAflC)H) INCl.1101 ,.AOUOlll , ....... •O•l. MIOWI U , ll'ACll'IC., ..... eono... OIT•OIT ANO (llf(lllllAtl •Toe.I' llcCMAllOU AlllO lll"Olt80 9Y fMI ltAtO AllO 111.tlNIT Dow Jones Final UP 0.67 CLOSING 849.03 · • WIDS contract Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation has been awarded a $690,000 Phue I study oontnct for, aecond source production of the Navy'• blah· velOd~ anti·radiadon m1as1le (HARM) . Ford Ae~e,ce will review the authenticated HARM data e; recommmd changea for lmpro-veo proauuowty and cmt; design a wt of production toollna and teat equipment; and generate plant for production initiation and Josi.aUc support. The five--month atudy wW be carried out by Ford Ael'08pace'a Aeronutron.1c Division, Newport .Beacb. Brok erage relocates Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. haa moved ita Newport Beach office to larger quarters in Suite 200 of the Douglaa Plaza Center at 19000 MacArthur Blvd. The office wu formerly at 4~1 Bin:h Street. Firm ch anges hands R.A.K. Product.a, Milwaukee, haa been ecquired by McGuire-Nicholas Mfg. Co., Inc. of Loa Angela R.A.K. Producta manufactures Strate-Cut, the Uni· venal CUtting Guide. McGuire·Nlcholaa M4nu!acturing la a manufac- turer of leather and canvu work aprons and tool holders. The sale waa initiated by Ronald J. Speyer, di· rector, mergers and acqubitiona of Petenon, Diehl, Speyer and Brown of Newport Beach w hich baa been retained by McGuire-Nicholaa to guide ita 1982 ac· q~tion program. Design er loses 1 cent Piper Hydro Inc. of Irvine, designer and ma.nu· facturer of district solar hot water and apace heating systems, lost $61,161, or 1 cent per ah.are, on revenues of $213,349 in the quarter ending March 21 . Thia compares with a io. of $22,372, or 1 cent.. on revenues of $73,678 in the like period a year ago. Baker d eclar es dividend Baker International Corp. of Orange declared a quarterly cash dividend of 23 cents per aha.re payable May 25 to ahareholden of record May 10. '.fbia repre.enta an lncreaae in the annual dividend rate from 60 oenta to 92 cent.a per~- Earnings on increa~e Wespercorp of Tustin announced that earnings for the third quarter i.ncrea8ed to 28 oenta from 23 centa in the similar period a year ago. For nine months, they were unchanged at 67 cents per share. Sales for the quarter increased from $3,323,000 to $3,593,200 and fot nine months from $9,901,000 to $10,347,000. Wesperoorp manufactures magnetic tape and diac drive controllers and other producta for computers. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS AlfWr TAT EltXOfl I Annc.OI"< T .. tl'Dft M9ttel Inc Olry-Raltblf'W CarttSo WK1 ~'f:t.,,, -. .. IBM RCA UAL. I"< WarnrC:-. ~PS A~D DOWNS Nl'W YCl'lll( W')-; TN .....,_.,. ... -... -Ttlf!lllOClll.-...----_,_ ... ..., .. ___ ... _ -... --~.......-.. ---..-. ....... 11 --..----.... c...,., ..... i...~ ___ .._,,.,.. .... -...... --UIJS ...,,_ l.MI °"' I vJWl<blC.oa M + \tt I Y-.Q» 11'\'t + I'll J~wt ~·\lo • OWYll 1.lfpl ... + .. j WlmlllelD ... • "' 6 Sul~ 11\lo t I 1 .,_Co ·-. -I Ti.r Int ..... • " t U9'111wn Jll IS • t n Sflelll' • .., 1111> • "' i.,. • • ~ J • " It II I~+ t n~& r :.~ -n--,, ... -1 ~-~· ~ ..._..a. ... + ,.., ... ~.. ~ + '*' METALS NEW YORK (AP) -SPot nonfen out metala Pflcee lodey CetltMf 78~·79 c.nta a pound. U.S. deallnetlona. ~ 2$-27 cent• • pound . ZJllC 35 oen11 • pound. ~ Titl se.&H3 tHta1a WMll eompoefl• lb. .,...._ 7&.77 oenta a pound, N.Y. ...,_, 1375.00 per ftMI. ,....._ 1338 00 troy Ol., N.Y. SILVER H•ndy & Harman, 18.890 per troy :>Unoa. GOLD QUOTATIONS • -EVMtG-.. , ..... OHMUl'I ANCMl.I • WHfT'l IHf.ot:/# • THIASUUSONI eMAWMI~ • O'l8'1MY ~! 8opNa l-. (R) I=== NICNIW8 MCMI * * ~ ''Hot l..Md And Cold , ..... (1878) Jim Diiie, Don Knott&. In TM Old W•I. r.tn bfothera -one •ougfl 'n' lougll, the OCh« a City• br9d ~-_,,. petAt In a Otuellng oonl ... lo -wflo Will inn.II !Mir tattw'• fortune. ·o· CJ) '"41 LMT CW THa CADOOa Att.r dlacowrlng hie Indi- an heritage, a T-youth · becon'e9 ~ wflh IMmlnQ mar. about hie -tora and tMit CUi- ture. tcao. AU. IN TH9 ,AMILY • NIWIMAT: CAUR>RNIA OONCl?lll~ ~ I ...... NJIOfn' CllNIWI MllMRY MIUJfll MOYIE * *'A "Viv• Laa Veg•·· ( t"41 EM1 Ptaelay, Ann. Marg.rat. A l• Vagu nrlmmlng ln11tuclot ~ Iha obtact of atfactlon for a aport8 cw nut and "" heliat"l lrlend. e MOVE * * * "Uonl For &teak· laet" ( t979) Jan Rubaa. Jim Henahaw. Two young b<othata, an Old drifter and •dog pu•-•drawn -• ti.ft• Mt. for all on an old farm -but ""*'*"" many halr-ralelng ~ luree along the Wr/ '0 " 7:00 I C8I HEM NeCNIWI HAPl'V DA Y8 AGA»1 • MCNEM • l(OJAK •. W"A0 l 0H H9Wi<ey. langlal wtth a tough Almy c:olOt* and BJ ,_. a 01 who"• ,........, • "Dear John" latter I JCM<Erl Wll.D ....... MPOfl'T MAGICCWOIL PMmNQ ()) P.M. MAGAZINE a.hind th• ec.n•• at "WKRP In Clnctnnell"; an lnleNW wtth Buffalo Bob of TV'e Old "'Howdy Doody ~··. III INT'fATAN.mfT TONOHT The tint of a -• on Hol· lywood'a blonde bomt>- "*" Cit THE MUPNTI OUMt: Senor w-. (C)MOYIE * • "L.ooll Bede In Anger" ( 19691 Clair• Bloom. Rief\. erd Burton 9-.d on the pi9y by John o.tlotne At Iha l•t rnomanl, • man dl9COY«I thel ha io.,.. and nMde Na .. ,.. (D)MOWE * * * * "The l.Ut Metto" ( 1IMIO) Celherlne Oenau¥9, 0...atd Dapatdleu. Dltecl· ed by Fr8ftCOll T ruff eu1 0uttng Wortd Wat II. Iha Pf09f'laitora of • emell Parte ''-'" lry 10 keep lhalf eetabllthment °'*' ounng Iha O...man occupallon 'PO' HOPE SPECIAL -Bob Hope 11 joined by Jack Lemmon and Morgan Fairchild in a charity performance to air at 9 tonight on K.N8C (4). See review, Page A.5. CI)MCMI *** ''Tar_. .. (1118) 80tla ~.Tim O'Kelly. An 11QW1Q horror-ll'IOllla atar 11* IO r_, with a ITIW· --.,,..,., Ill • ~ moYie .,_..,. 7:IO. I ON '"41 TOWN FMtured: a lllell to Aualr• .. .,_. "" aaoClc wlld· .... 0 .... 1 ..,,., Reef and c:aptM dty of Sydney -~· 1(9,N&.YNUO LAYPNI I IHIN.IY ·~Alf'( The glf1-preCend to be Fonite and Rlctlla'e flan- oeee IO -lhem lrom a lhOlgun wedding. • IY'I °" L.A. Faetured: a report on Iha laMiet looll In ~ - IMther; I ride In 1M ·-~1M'mP few a dfffaranl look at L A.; '-beeml u • -.,, form. • • M0A.01°H Alarmed ., Iha poor phyel- C81 condition of hll unit. Col. Potter deddM IO hold aM'A'S'H~ I ()) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNllL / letMR MP'()fWT GOMAT PPfOMWCU "UW From Uncoln c.n.. tet'' OlltJngullhld writer, producer and director My Wiider .. honOt9d In • ..,.. dal tribute by Iha F1lm Soc:illty of Uncoln Center. III YOU AIKB> FOfll IT Fealured: "Canedl•n Kara•• Expetl'" and "'H~ TOiiing Trick- It«." 8~. ()) THI IMIOe ~IN>AO~ MCMI At*NMd. The w-t .... and~of"9 Bunny -~and Wllega c:.1-laeNtlng !fie Aoed ~ -pr. ..,..., eaum.a~°" THIMMm .lemee .. lfloC "'*' ,. ~ .... lnona l*!k~lnprcior-. (PW11)0 .MCMI ** ·•en-lAI We Miia You".-.u ...... :--• IQlm.-.,ti Featured: a tamale QUat1· arbadl; • llnlled·back _,,.,..,.. WOt1d r-d •"-'C>I: an ~-Old tamale dl9c jockey; a motorcydl I parachute ltunt. OMOW * * * "Biiiy LIM" ( 19831 Tom Courleney, Julle Chr1111e An unOetUll«'I dar1l fan~ hll way throughllte. • P.M. MAGAZINE ...... • m1n1a1... ,_.. who .. big In ehowba; buli- mia. • comc>uleM cydl of blr'OI eetlng lollOweel by vomltlnQ. • ...av. ··~ "McO" (197•) Johr'I WIWM. ~ Altlef1 e<MIAT ~ "lhla From Uncoln Cen- ,.,.. Olellngulatted Wfll«' Pfoduo« and dlrec1or Billy Wlldat la hCNlOl'ed In a ..,.. dal lrlbule by Iha Fltm Society of Uncoln Cini• (8)MCMI *•'A "Eacapa From New York" (1981) Kurt Rueaall, Adrianne Barbeau. In 19117, • hardened ctlmlnel II ofttnd a pardon 11 ha can r-Iha 1)1'..idant of IM U.8. from Iha l)l'llon city lhal Manl'ta11M hM tiacome. 'R' (l)MOVll * * "The 8lecll Hole" ( 1979) Mulm411an Sdlall. Rob9rt Fonter. YY*tte Mtmleux. The er-of a lu1url911c ~ dla- covera ano1har ve11el perel* on the edge of a lormallon wNch !1'1111 any· thing ~ tnlo • gianl YOld ..._.time and ~ _.lonllt.'PO' • THE GOlDIN MM CW Tll..IVtllOH "Marty" Rod Slelger and Nancy Marc:t1111td atar In a 1955 Pf oductlon of Paddy ~y'• lelepley aboul • homaf)t bUleher who ,.,., In low with • plain gh1. e::IO • AU. IN THI FAlllll.. Y Edlltt'• COU9ln Floyd dfopa In '°' dinner wflh hopea of ~ hla daugtll• wllh thellunkan. Ma(%) QWIU.8 CHAMPLIN ON THI 11k.M ec.M e:008(J) W0A"8°H KJln9ar hW.. Ct\arlaa 10 defend him agalnat cNrgaa of lteallnQ Hewk· • and B.J ·a ,_ earn· ara {!'art 2)( R) Gll!.oeHON"a IT AM OVIJll TEXAt INCW. Jacll Lemmon. Morgen Fwc:Nld, Donia Waet and Urry 0.Uln )Diii e. Hope In • dw1ty part~ at Ole U"'-wlty of T-al Aweln. • 111 THI LITT'IR The tie.ltfful. r..U... .... ol • tUbber planlet baCOn.-~ In for· blddao tomance and lhocklng lragedy In w. 8omarMt MaJghem'a !ale of low and dacalt; L• Remlc:ll and Jade Thornp- eon"" • MJ/UfV GNFAH "8elute To ·~· ' Gueell. John FOflylhl. Joan Collnl, Linda Ev.,,._ JOlln Jemoe, Pamala 9afl. wood. (C)Movll ••'h "Biiiy Jlldl" (t971) Tom Laughlin. Oelor• T eytor An 111..Q,_ Bar .. half-tlfead cf\am9IOnl '"' ca... of • freadom ac:tlOOI for ,_eya on an Afl- llOM lndlan .-11on .M0"</9 CHANNEL LISTINGS * .... "Hlgfltwlng" ( 1t7$1 Nick Mancueo, David w-. The pclC)U9tlon of a 8oulh-tern ~ ~ .. terrortad by ,,__ dredl of vafl'ICll bate wNch llweda Itta ~ ... In 9 KHXT ICBSI a. It KNBC INBC> (l) e KTLA (Ind.) ® .KABC IABCI 'O • KFMB ICBSI (!) D KHJ·TV (Incl.I ll1J e KCST IABCI ((I e KTTV (Incl ) IJ 'e KCOP-TV (Incl I • . e KCET !PBS> • e KOCE (PBS) On-TV Z-TV HBO !Cinema•) IWORJ NY., N.Y. IWTBS) IESPNI 19'owllme> Spotlt9'1t ICabf• PMws Networll> -numberl ~ lllgflt falla.'PO' (ZJWCMa * * * "SltaW Doge " ( 1$72) DvsUn Holtman, "-Oeorve. A 1na11 and hie wtta attempl to,_ lharnMNaa wom v1o1an1 Amertcan eoclety, but dla- -lllat • paeoef\11 .,,. ,_ can hide underlying MVaQerY Mlli.MMMM ,...., '*-811 ...... ..,.....,.....,,,.,....,.. ol~eWeM-feo.. ~~ -~ A IOOk M tfla ~Of v.rloul Llltln AIM/toati wtlaU Md how ,._ ........... ltytae and .,.,. ~ (ll)MOW •• "Mlddle-"99 °'8'f' ,,.) AM-Mwllf .. , ~ Own. A T-dM PCpat'I •• Tlttul )00 Md ~ fUI ... ~ 10 drtYe . hlftt ""° • ~ ortelf, ·w tOllO. (I) LOU GMNT Lou and tfla ...... e-up for Iha blgoMt ---.. Oty of .. wMrl • orlall In the Middle lNt .-ne IO INAie IN ltWeel Of nuc1Mt ..,.!JIOll'Ulty. ·-~TV O.•OM> ll.OCP•• AlbMd fllm .,. and out.- , ... -Intended for pubflO ~ are.,,_,. act: Dlo6I Clatlt ._. •. (RI ••••Jett WAL.LaOIPN Ricardo MOtllalbln nar- ret• 811 Uploratlon of the ~and etMtlona of Mu· tco'• great..i _ ..... - the la te Devld Alf1to Slqualtoa, .Joae ~ .. Ofoa>co and Diego.._ ... • ,~CHAM "VO!Oee Of Sttanoa" A vOl- un1-In Iha lld!ool'• Pri.. on AlllAlanc. Program t11coma1 emo ltonally lnvolYad wfth • polttlc:al ectMet -"° .. being held In IOllts)' con"'-it Cll)MCMI * * "Up The Acadanly'" (1980) Ron Leibman, 911'. tiara Bach. The war· ~ commanclanl of Weinberg Miiitary ~ my II no melCh for Iha troublaaOme 11<111 ervOlled ttwe. 'R' (l)WOVtE * * * "Starting Ovef'' (1t79) ..,, Reynolda. Jiit Cleybutgll. Allat monlha of TV dlnnata ind tinnd dat•. a dh1oroad mag .. zk'9 Wflt« think• ha'• found true IOlll ""*' a IChoolleecher .,. ...... lla.'R' 1C>.:IO I NIWI 11• 8e(J)IIICll NlWI • 8ATUN>AY NtOH'T Hoet: Ru1h Gordon. 0.-1: Chuck Barry. G YOU A8KID roA IT ~: "Walklng On A Wing And A Ptayar" and ~England'• Tooecco Sniff· ~Factory " • W"A"l"H WhMe Mtlllng down to 111>- cen to Iha Army-Navy ~. Iha .017th t1 bom- barded and lafl wllh an unexploded bomb 10 detuM. • ....VHtU. Benny pleyl • fir• ctllaf G NUMPOUNO W•I O..many'a Ftanz Beckentiauer. wldely regatded II IOCC1t0I gtMIMI all·atound pllr)W, Cc)= * * "Midd'e-Aga C,uf' (1980) Anno-Mar~. 8t\JCe Dern. A T-cw>1lcP1"• ~)oband~ "" .... manaoa to dr"'9 '*" Into • ~ criall "A' (a:lMOW * * "LOVjng Coup1aa·· (1980) Shltley MacLalne. .i-Coburn A manlad ooupla and • pelt of young alr'Qlal lwttCh pert(lerl In • gatM of lfaetyle "'"9lino and romantic r-ge ·PO' .WOYtE • *'A ·· Amatlcan Pop" (1981) Anlmeled The....._ tory of Am«lcan pop rnuelc. from v~la 10 toc:i< 'n' roll, la lraoad t1wougri _., oaner• ttor. of • family of ......... cMna. 'A" (ZJMCMI ··~ "Alnerlcan Otgolo" (19801 Ric:tlard a..... ~ ran Hutton A a...r1y Hiie gloolo beCom. Iha prime -..pact In • murdar 1n- , ,:ao ICE'~ 8(9MKITCW CAMON Ouea11: Henry Fonda, Clyelal Oeyta, Fernando '--· ~ Nautt-. (R) •• A.80..WS NIGHTUNI • l(OJM( .,,..~ • t.AM'ON> AMO I.ON I l**CAVITT ~MC NIM (8)MCMI ** ''T•ror Train" (1M0) Ben Joflneon. Jamie lAI TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (~) 7:80. Kerr ~28) 8:00 -"Live From Lincoln Center. ' t>lat1n1ulahed writer, producer and dJnctCJr Billy Wilder 11 honored. KNXT (2) 8:00 -"The Sup Bwmy/&.d Runner Movie." Adventures of Bu11 Bunny are ~ and vintaae cartoona feature the Runner. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Bob Hope't Stan Over Texu." Jeck Lemmon, Morgan Fain:hild, Dottle Weet join Bob Hope in charity performance. See photo, Jett. . KABC (7) 9:00 -'"nle Letter." Lee Re- mick at.an u the be&utiful, restlem wife who1e amolderin1 pauiona erupt lnto 'forbidden romance and lhocldng traae<Sy. See photo, below. Cllttla. A college traternl- 'Y'• New Y-'• maeql.*'· ada party lurna lnlo a nightmare ""*' a vtndlc- llva ou-t Slarta kllllng off 11W~a.·w 11!4a (I) QAU..AQH8t TWO MAL Thi eomedlan partorme a --Of ona-tlnerl and comic vlQnailea. ~ .....-rM>NGHT- 1t:OO. IHTIM.......,,. TONIGHT The tint of • _... on Hd- tywood'• ~ l>OMt>- 11'9111 •III MOW * * "AmerlcethOn" I 11179) John Rlttar, Hanr.y Kor· man. •..OV. * '"HOrrOf HOuaa" ( 1970) Ftankle Avalon. Jiii Heworth. • LOW, AWNC.'N ITYL.I • AMU1CA: THE leCOHD CIHTURY 12:*) D Cit LA Tl NIGHT WITH DAVID tiTTlMIAH au..11· Arlhur Aahe, Alt Buchwald. Prealdanl Aeaoan'• paraonel b.,b« Minon Pitta. ·=-• a~ "ZOfro" ( t97SI Alain Delon, SlllMey Baller. A Spanlah nobleman t>ecomea 1 1w0td1man and Utget Iha poor lo re4>el agalnal 1 delpollc mllttary~ 1:iANO OM.ANIZATION8 (C)MOW * * "Fiiimore" ( 111121 Documentary. The Gra1e!UI Deed, Oulclllllvat ~ ci-S...W:., Janareon Alf. ~. Hot T~ and S- tana par1orm one lael lime In • ,.,..... concat1 10 Fi. moraW-'A' 12:40. ()) CCM 1..0 A moclvatlonal .-Ch ~ klla Ilia bladt· mall victim. than "-Iha-·· wltlt IOf lhe-der. (R) 1:00.=Atmrf * • ... ""The Big Cemlvel" ( 1851) Kini Oouglaa, Jan Slarllng (l)MCME * * ''Swtnglno C~· ••" Jo Johnlton, Cotlaat\ Camp. A joumallam major lnflttral• Iha tenka of I collage cheerlHdlng aquad lo ••POii 1ha ••Plollatlon of th• ~· by the foot· bell I..,,, ·R· -~EVININOCW COMEDY AHO MMMC °''°" 8-1 hOetl • uny l'IO<Jr Of Melghl·Of-flend and liapetldl 191>ec1 •I Sen Franciaco'a Great Amati· canMualcHell. (%)MOW • * • "Targets" ( tNI) 80tll Kanott, Tim O'l<elly An ~ hOtror-moYll ltat 1rtaa to r-with 1 mur· datoua enfc>9' 11 • dO-tn movlelhealer 1:10 (8) PUWOIC: WAT '"'COOOANC.n G..ava &le hvereid hOltl Ihle documantwy 111u111a11no Iha tflOIC -Cl of klUf• dly nlgtlt, Nc>Ywnbaf 28. 11M2, '°"*" Iha lwnout Boeton f\lohldub exploded Into a blulnO Inferno. 1:ao.a..we GamMJTJf'( INAKOUT 2:10 MCMI * ,_. "'Smokey 811M The Qua!.' ( 1 N 11 Jimmy Mc:Nl- ctMX. Janet Julian A lllgl'I IChool oatlnquanl get• the wtlda •-on Ne trail when ha mlk• off wllh the hOmeCOmlng ~ and '-di ICIOM Iha llale In a --of llolen Mllomo-bltll. 'PO' 2:11!= • * "L.ooll 8acll In Anfler" ( 11158) Claire Bloom, ~ ard Bunon 8IMd on Iha pi9y by John o.tlotne. Al the lael momanl. • man ~ ltt•t ha '°"" and naeda hi• wife. 2:201 NEWS 2:IO MOVll! * * "Auc*UI" ( '980) Dirk 9enedlct. Linda Blair A ~ed VlaCnarn wit dlsturtle the .,_ of • wnatl Alabama lown 'PO' (%)MOYIE * * '4 "Money PY1hon Meete 8eycnd The Frtnga" ( 197tl) Natr1ted by OUdtey Moore. A tiahlnd·lha· _,. looll II laken al "'-"Mia and l>'IPI' .. uon. tor Amneety lntema- tlonal' 1 19 78 comeoy ban-- ant lhow that ltarrect rnemban of Money Python 2:11 CJ) MOYIR *'Ao ··a.van" ( 1977) Wll- Mam Smith, Barbata LM. U.S. In~ celle In a apaclal agent 10 llop the """"'"""' merger of _, Hawaiian crime ayndl· ~·R' 2:M8 MOYIE * * * "D<uma·· ( 1838) Raymond Maaaay, 8ebu A young Indian boy NVW a Brltlefl reg1man1 lrom b4lnO fl II IT~ In ,.._ l:AO®MCMI • * "Rudwa"' ( 19'01 Olrk e.'9dlct, Linda Blelf. A ~ed Vietnam 'l'9t dilturbl the ~ of • email A1a1>ama town 'PO' 4:00 (C) MOYIE * ,_. "Kii Of S. IOtled'" (1880) J-Ryan, Chat· lotte Mlcflalta A format Nail commeno... who loll an lmportanl llar1ta malctl lo Iha~ during the -...... llO ~hil defeat by enliatlng Iha top ltung lu 119111.,. ffOfn around Iha world In • tOUf • nemenl 'PO' (Z)MO\llE * * * ··s1r1w Dog•" ( 11172) Oullln Hottman. S-0-ge A man and hie wtte '""""' lo r-t~ from *""t Amer1c:an eodety. but '*" ~that•~-· ,_ can hide undatlytng -agary JOHN DARLlNG •Rc......ea ., • COmmndlll Bulldlfl8I: , 1lllleouf CommlliiM!I .. requlftd alonl~le-.ea. .. ... (l)~tlM:TWO MAL .,,,. ~ '*"°""' • ..... °' on.Ill•• Md OOfllio ......... ._.MCMI * •'41 "Oul Of ._ .. (117') CtHf "°"'1Nft. v.,.,.... "9dgr'..,.. Old prMlirtle ,...... wtletl '°""" ~ ,,_. ~ II 811 off nrun MMide ree«t . Taw•d••'• u ......... .,w. '="MORl•G- tioo a:> ·~ .. ._ .. Vlifllrl" (1831) Rictlwd Mel\, Vlt· glnla Ofay. The OOll1fll>u· lion of Iha hot• In the ~•loflheWeetll etvon6dad (I)** "M ..... lharl" (1178) Roty ~. Don l<notta A mute ,.,.._ hie advanlurea wtlh hill wlty OW!*. • CtOOked gOld ptoepee1or. 'PO' • * * "UnderOfound Aoaa" CtNO) Otttt Bena- Olct • ......,_ Ortfllth. Park· Ing allend1n1a w•••k havoc 111 a IWanll e.varty HlllhOl•.'PO' CI>·~ "In Prallla Of OIO- er W-." (t978) fom 9atat19". Katen Black A Hungarian lolhatio ram1n- I-on Illa pul romantic ~ta. from hie ht 11 Iha age of 12 lo hie Mduc- llon of a ~· af 30 'R' 7:IO (C) • * "Cotton Canoy'' ( 11171) Cllnl Howard, Ch.ar1al Martin Smith A gtoup of high IChool mla- fhl form a rocll band to compete with Iha IChoot'I •t•btlahed band. l:OO ® * ··~ "Deapalr"" (1117$) Dirk Bogarde, Andrea Fer· ,_ A ~ conlac11on- ar llvlng In Germany II faced wtth total Nin during thl nee of Nazlam. • * * "Kiii An4 1<11 Ageln" ( 1IMI 1) J-Ryan, Annallna Krill. A martial artl npar1 11,atllaa Iha mtnlona of • pow1t.mlld adlntllt lnten1 on anll1v- 1ng mankind with • -mlnd~trol ck'ug. 'PO' (%) * * "The Thl9I 0C Par· II" (1M7) ~aul Bat· mondo. ~ Bujold A rout'O man raiaad an unc:... who ••ted hie tnherilenc;a, tume to • Mr. of Ct1ma beginning wtlh Iha robbery and ci.trucllon of lhl manalon of Iha 1111n -"° tool& .. tovelly ~ 10-tia trom '*"· e:ao•••"WeetwwdHo" ( 1835) John Wrtne. Shella Manno ... (J:) • * * * "The Late Show" p9n1 Alt Cerney, Uty Tomlin. A Maaoned prlnl• eye enc;oun111 • blackmall and mu•O•• ""*' ha comae out of r11lr-1 10 loc:ata • cat belonging to an ot111ea1 lamaladient tO:OO (8) • * *'A ''Tha Fow S111on1" (11181) Alan Aid•. c...ot eur..n. nu· .. couptae, all dc>M. tong.. lilne lrtanct., ·~ l)l'ofound ChatlQM In thelf' , ... uonll\lpe wMr1 one Of lh• m1rrlage1 dlaln· ~Ilea. 'PO' Cl) • * ..... Alt The Fina Young Cennlbelt;' ( t9e01 N111t11 Wood. '""otler1 Wfllill* A haadlltong gin ftom • poor Southatn lam. Hy martlaa tor money. not I0¥9 (%)**'_."The Man WM Lo...O Women·· C1878) Ctitvle1 0-ner. Lealla Caron Olracted by Ftan· cola Truflau1 A _, la IO ~ wllh beaulllul women that ha nncn II dlffl· cull 10 remain utlalleel with any individual rel•· llOMhip. 'A' 11:00 (C) • * * "P9nalope"" (lllM) Nalalta Wood. Ian 9--. A neglec1ed wfr. ctadde9 10 ~ hatMlf and rob her huaband'a bank 9 * * * ·~ "My Body-guat d 00 ( 1879) Chtl• ::::,..... .,.,.. . • Tht .. w1c1 •• Clll0190 llltll HllOOI ,,...... .......... ... --........... ..... -~ .............. ~ .. ..,.. ...... Md ... _...,"*"bolt\ 'PO' ..... ** ... ''ni. Qin"'*'" , ... ., ~ ....... ....,.. I.AINI. ••••14 "MMl'or l.llOll Ottler" ( 1171) ,__ T¥1t, "°""" loiOOM-...... ''T•ltory'" (,MO) Jina ,ond9. AMflo. "ft ..._Ina. ()} • * * ••tttr CAR(' l'flOI Aldwd Pryor, Gane Wiid«. TWo 11'1111 are mi.. 1111.., IOt bW robbet9 Md..,,. to j,ljt. 'A' (%) .. * "PflOOll" ( tlllO) Paul Mlchaot Gluer, ~ Hc>QM. A ll'OUCI of ll'llfttal pett.nte .,, mur • ~ ~ding to lhllf lndlvfdual ...,._ 'R' 1.l:IO (8) * ••.. The Outlew ~ w ...... ( 1t78) Clint EMtwood. 8ondta Lodlo A man ~an OUllew whet\ • ruthlaal band of Union IOldtar9 clMCre>y9 1111 Southam farm and 111111 1111 wtte and aon. 'PO' 1.00 (C) "SteWI" 1 !4a (%} * * .. The Thleil Of Pat· .... (18tl7)~ ....... rnondo. aen.vtaw 8uj06d, A young rnan ralaad an uncia, who WMted hie Inheritance, 1urna to a Illa o1 crime beginning wfth Iha robbery and deatfuCllOn Of Iha manlion of the men who tool! hie tovelly tino. 10-tialroml'lltn 2:;00 Cl) * • • 'J\ '"The Fo.. SeHone" (IH11 Alen Alda. Carol Burnet! Tlltea COUC>laa. .. Cloea. tong.. time trlandl, axpartanoe pt ofound cflanoaa In ttwlr telallonlNpl wMr1 one of Iha marriage• dleln· ~tea 'PO' 2:iO • * • "Undergtouncl .t.c.•· I 19801 D1t11 e..- dlc:t. Melanie Gntftlh Park· 1ng 111andan1t wra11t havoc at • -11 9ewt1y Hiiie hOtet 'PO' 3~ G **'A "FatllOm" I 18tl7) Tony Ftancloaa. Raquel Walch (8) * • ,_. "'Herd Country" ( 198 1) Jan-Mlc::hMI Vln- cen1. l<lnl 9llllngar A Te•· a factory -"" II lorn ti«-his daelta 10 con- tinue In ,,,. "QOOCI °'° boy'" llMalyte and Ne nen- caa'a "'°'* ~ ambl· ttona 'PO' 1:41 (%) • * .......... Rabbit Attd The TalM Of Beatris Pott«" ( 1971) Fr~ , Aahlon, A.lexandar Gtant. Meml>eta ol London'• Roy• 9ellet Comc>any pet• lorm vwralont of •· Plgllng Bland... .. Jerwrf)' Fllher ... "Jemima Puddle-Duell."' ··squitret Nulkln," and ··Two Bad MICI." ••• (J:) .... ··s.cr .. v.,,,.., .. I 19331 Alcl\ard Allen. Vir- ginie Gray The contr1tiu- 11on of Iha horM In the ~loftheWlllll Chronlded (J} * * "'The Snogun Wll· rlon Dang.,~ Ace", ( t981) Antmel"9 A myst• rk>ua. mull*..,. II c::hclor Mn to caplatn • ,_ llytno belu.Np 10 llghl Iha gianl -,,,.,,._ of an ...,. war!Ord. ·=-. * * ... ··n. Gt... Hottzon" (198t) J- 81-i. Phlllp ~ An amnealac lloo6ogilt In Afn. ca !Inda • teluge on IM wildlife pr-of an elO- arty man and hie gr and- daughler l :tl CI>.*·~ '"Monly Python M.i1 e.yond The Frtnga'' ( 197tll Hattaled by Oud6ey Moor• A t>ehlnd·lll .. --look II ,..,,.,, II ,_Nia Md Pf'IC)lr• Ilona lor AmnMly lntem .. lJO(>al"a 1976 comedy ~ allt show that atarred mam1>er1 of Money Python. l:IO (C) * * '"Colton Candy" ( 1878) Cllnt Howard. °"'* Merlin Smith A gtoup of lllgl'I lcl'loo4 mia- fltl torm a toc:ll band to Comc>ete wllh Iha IChool'• •tablllMd band. by Armstrong & Batluk