HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-10 - Orange Coast Pilot.. • Ylll 11111111 UllY PIPll OH ANGECCdJN TY C A L IFORNIA 25 CENTS Winning b·ailoon~sts slightly injured l • • . By PIDL SNEIDERMAN °"' .. Dlllf ........ The pilots of the Rosie O'Grady, unofficial winners of the 1982 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, were reported resting comfortably In Cody, Wyo., to- day, recovering from minor inju- ries they received during the bumpy landln1 of an 884-mile fl11ht that beaan Saturday In Fountain Valley. Meanwhile, U.S. Air Force of- ficlah early today were coordJ. nating a search for the three milal.ng men who had taken off ln a non-competing pathfinder balloon. "There's been an emer1ency locater tranamltter beating steadily since yesterday," race aPC>kesman Dave Blakeman aid. ''lt'a stationary, which lndicatet they're probably down." He said pilot Duane Powers and two unidentified crew mem- ber1 were believed to be near Wlllon Mountain in euwm Ne· vada, about lM miles northeut of Lu Vegas. Race organizer Tom Helnahel· mer said, "Duane Powers ii an excellent, experienced and pru- den t pilot, but you're always nervous and concerned until people do call in. "lt'a a difficult sport . . . Oc- cuionally, people aren't heard from for a day or IO." Mon encou.r.,s.n, reporg have been received concerntn1 the a~pare.nt race winners, Roale 0 Grady pilot Joe Kittlnaer and co-pilot Charlee Knapp. The red and yellow balloon came down into mllCh1nery in a ranch corral at 9:20 p.m. PDT Sund.av. "He'a doing fine;' r11Ce apok-.- man Blakeman Mid of Kittlnpr, who remained at c.ody Hclep(tal today. "Other than a coupfe of Thatcher calls 'war cabinet' • • • • bNlael and a dillOC9.ted lhoulder, he'• dotna flne." Co-pilot Knapp waa released from the h<>1pltal after receivlna treatment for bruiaea receivea during the landing. The pal.r reportedly endured thundentonns, snow and heavy wlnda during their flight. Unofflcial second place in the distance competition went to Maxie Anderson and hia son, ' Kris, both of Albuquerque, N.K Race offidall aa.ld they trave1-4 about 876 miles before landlQt Sunday evening at Casper (Q central Wyoming. Last year's winners, Bel) Abruizo and Rocky Aoki, won unofficial third place honors. They traveled 769 miles bef~ landing Sunday afternoon at Boulder Lake, Wyo .. race offl. ciala said. r1t1s 1nvas1on ue? Latins united by war BUENOS AIRES, Arfentina (AP) -The FalklJnd alanda war ii causiJl3 a realignment in Latin America, at least tempo- rarily, with formerly hostile govemmenta rupportlng Argen- tina and the Argentinea muting tbeJr traditional superior atti- tude. Such democratic governmenta u thoee of Venezuela and c.o.ta Rica, which kept a con.picuoua dlatance from Argentina 'a re- prellive riaht ... wtng military re- .rime, entbu.iutlcally support ihe Argentine cau.e in the South Atlantic. Even Sandiniat Nicaragua, once reported to be a iarget of Argentine CIA-style plotting, ii on Argentina'• aide in the cam- paign to get Britain to abandon the Falkland Ialanda. "My country will never forget ita a1ater nations which are with 1111 AIAlYBIS it in this trucial historic moment," said Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, Argentlna'a president and the chief of its ruling mill· tary junta. in a memage of grati- tude to other Latin-American leaden. Thi.I Latin 80lidarity ii a new theme for the Argentines, too. MOit of them are of European de.cent, and felt insulted when North American• lumped them with the rest of the Latin Amer· icana touth of the Rio Grande. The Argentines generally live better, eat better, dreaa better and have more schooling than moll of their neigbbon. Buenos Aires, with ita broad avenues, ~Jf.-faahion boutiques, concert and finW1all res1auranta ii a far cry from the dusty square with a burro t.e1hered to a banana tree on the Lete Late Show. Until recently, It waa n.ot un- common for white Arpntinl!s to refer to swarthy BraiUian. H "monkeys" becauae of their Af· rlcan heritage and to Bolivians and Peruvlam aa "Indlana" be- cai. of their Inca ancestry. ''I den 't think you're aolnl to <See LATIN, Pqe Al) WORLD Delly ........... "'....,_ ...... INTERNATIONAL GUEST -Natalie Stamires hugs her grandmother Nitsa Morphiadou of Greece who came the greatest distance when Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar celebrated "Grandparents Day." More of the turnout is shown on Page Bl. Trekkies moan Spock dies in new movie -or d oes he? OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (AP) -Sdenoe-f:lction fans at a .::reenine of the newest Trekkie movie, "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan," left debating whether the half-Vulcan hero Mr. Spock had died -or It ju8t Beemed that way. ... ."It left you hanging at the end of the movie," aaiCI Ted Koehler, 21, of Lenexa. The film continues the adven- tures of the characten from the 1960a television 1eries. Some fans said the film can be viewed as a sequel to a 1967 epi8ode in which the evil Khan ii stranded on an *>lated planet by the crew of the stanhJp Enterprt.e. MOit of the pre-release public- ity centered on the rwnor Spock would be killed in the Wm, cau- ~ an outcry from devoted fans. • Spock actually dlea," said Gordon Weaver, an executive with Paramount Pictures, "but there's enough In there to lead one to believe he'll be beck." Before the llCl'een1np. Weaver aaid that audience reaction to Spock's fate would help deter- mine whether the ending would be altered. Afterward, he aald the reKtion wu positive, and the film's conclusion would be left intact. "In ICience fiction one one ever dies, really," Weaver said. The movie, which opeN June 4 acrou the nation, waa previe- wed In two free acreeninga in suburban K.ansu City to coindde with a ICience-flction convention. About 800 ticketa were atven away for the tcreeninp, the first times the movie has been ahown to the public. "We wanted the Trekkiea who have been 80 loyal to the TV ae-- rlfll and the movie," Weawr Mid. STATE Troops • nearing islands BJ 'De Aaaociated Pren Britain'• Prime Min1lter Mar- garet Thatcher convened her emer1ency "war cabinet" today with JP'Owina llcrW British troopl will i.Dvade the Araentine-eeiJ.ed Falkland lalanda ff U .N. peace efforta collai-e. "The government's priority la to do everything po11lble to achieve a netotiated 80luUon," the Foreio Office said. But in£ormed mllltar.)' IOW'(9 aald the requiattiooed liner Can- berra curyfnc 2,500 marm. and paratroopers wu houn •••Y from the Falklands, where a Brltllh war fleet bombed and ICrafed Afaentine pmlUom Sun- day u a poeaib1e prelude to ln· VMion. British war corre1pondent1 aboard the fleet reported British frigates and deatroyera were within sight of the Falkland•, movt.na in cloeer to enforce a total blockade of the ialanda. In New York, U .N . Secretary-General Javier Penn de Cuellar aald today there were "reuona for hope" that Britain and ArKentina might acr-ee to a ~fw settlement of the con- "Let'a hope we'll make still 2 rogreaa," the aecretary- aald on arriving at U.N. eadquartesra for the fourth day of h1a peace eff<ll1S. Perez de CUellar, responding to reporta Argentina WU DO 1onaer lna1at1J1I on prior Britlah recognl • tion of ita aovereianty claim to the ialanda, aald lt waa .. very dlfflcult to c:rhave 90fte. ned on that 1-.le." "We are . ia procedwa, not sut.tance," he Mia. Sunday niaht. Perez de Cuel- lar'• IPOkelmian. Francoll QtuJJa. n1, said "aubatantlal" progress had been m.cle uver the weekend in the aecretary-1eneral'a Mpa· rate meetinp with Brttlah U.N. Ambaaudor Anthony Parson. and with Arpntine Deputy For· eip M1n1ater Enrique Roa. ~ British laid~ their ahipe and arc:raft Ar-aenttne military waeta around the alrtieJd at Scanley, the J'alk. lands capital; an ArpnUne hell· copter waa ahot down, and an <See ~ALU..AND, Pip Al) Bom binSB hit Philippines Edison Company bonored ZAMBOANGA CITY, Phllipplnel (AP)-Seven bombl exploded in th1a IOUthem Philippine city today, kllllnc four ancl lnjurtna 70 ln the country'• wont eertel of t4lrror1lt bamblnal tn two yean. The Southern c.automla lAlllan C.O. and an MIT profemor have been honored for work tn the ecoJao and enersY flelda. p_,. A•. · Propositions diaeUMed Twelw ballot --will .. dlddld by California voter• ln June. Columnut Earl Waten d'8c~ Propolldona 1 thlWlh a todaJ. _.... AB. COUNTY APWll Jllk WELCOMED -President Reagan gets a welcoming kiss from. one of the graduates at Eureka College in Illinois. The p,_ .. dent addresaed the graduating c~ of his alma mater and gave a speech on anna control. Reagan proposes • massive arms cut CHICAGO (AP) -Prealdent Reagan's bold and sweeping arms control proposal seek.a to neutra- U. the SoViet Union'• comman-dlni leed in powerful land·bued rnilllles while the two superpo- wers alaah their arsenal.a of nu- clear warhead.a by one-third. "The monumental taak of redud.nc and reshaping our IU'a· teaic forces to enhance atabillty will take manl years of ooncen- tra ted effort, ·~Ra an uld in ou~ h1a pro Sunday at n.t.reka ~llege, alma mater. Painting stolen FR.ASCA TI, Italy (AP) -A valuable 13th century painting W91 ltolen overniaht from the SL Peter Cathedral of Fraacati, IOUth of Rome, police reported today. INDEX A4 82 A8 A6 B2 Cl,CM SPORTS ~ a AJ Bl "But I believe that it will W possible to reduce the riaka Ot war by removing the inatabilldet that now exist and by dil~· tling the nuclear menace." The u.~. goal .. a treaty~ equal ceWnp on U.S. and SovMl strategic nuclear forces and 8-· gan told the Mothers' Day oam· mencement ceremony he hopee negotiations can begin by June. The arms control P.ropoaa.l came on a day of high emotion for Reagan. · He WU flooded with penooal reminders of the four years be spent u a ICholarahip student at Eureka a half century aao d~ the Depremoo and blinked beci tears when he Joined the 1r•· duatin1 cla11 ln 1in1in1 the school ..,,. Al the day drew to a clme. -president declared: "I have_.,.. (See REAGAN, Pap Al) 82 82 B3 A.3 B7 BM .. AT Bl A2 . Al 8 . ""•' ,,,.. Continued stories ALKLAND ISLANDS ... Arsenune fl1hlng factory 1hlp apparently 1pying WU captured In the Brltllh 6l9ckad,e aone around the colony Ar,entina 1el- &ed five weeka ago. Argentine Defense Mlnl1ter ~madeo Frugoll claimed the Prttlah warplanes dropped anU- pert0nnel ecatter bombl he wd were banned by international ~ment. He called the bombs ' Infernal death-dealina tnaehines." There was no imme- .<¥te reply from the Brltiah. "air combat" over the Stanley airfield. Araentlna reported a ~0-mfnute Brltl1h attack on Stanley and the nearby town of Darwin. The Argentine account gave no word of cuualtiea. Bri-tain uki ita Jetl returned aately. It wu the flrat fl1htln1 re, poned in 1be South Atlantic llrd an Ar1enUne warelane hit the Brltl1h deatroyer Sheffield on Tue.day with a French-built milaile, killing 20 crewmen, and a Britiah jet WU downed att.acld.na the Stanley alrlield. A#Wllr ...... • pair r board Two Newpon Beech Nlidenu have been a=ted by Gov. Edmund G. Jr., to eerve on the board of the Orange County Fair (32nd Agricultural A8ociation) tn OJ.ta Mesa. Melvin Feldman. an attorney wl\h the Newport Beach firm of Duryea, Curtla and Vaccaro, re-c .fair board member Robert Feldman la a graduate of the Wharton School of Bwd.nem and the Unive~ty of Pennsylvania Law School. He and hl1 wife Paula have two chlldr91. Linda Oeth, a realtor with Pete Barrett Realty, wW replace Mary Malavaai on the fair board. She la a graduate of Drexel Uni- ventty and is a member of the Newport Beach Aaalatance League. ~r four days without a mil- itary attack, ships from the Bri· t.ilh battle fleet moved clOH to ahore to bombard the Stanley alrtleld area, a British correspon- dent reported Crom the task force ti..gship Hermes. At the same time, Britain said its Sea Harrier jet.a strafed the Argentine posi· lions from the air. British corre· apondents with the battle fleet reported a missile fired by a Bri· tish warship shot down an Ar- aentine helicopter engaged In The attack follo,wed reportl that the Argentines had repaired the runway at Stanley, repor- tedly knocked out In two pre- vious Brit.lah raida, and wu alr- Ulting supplies to the I.al.and gar- rison In defiance of a Brltl1h blockade. But corr e1pondent1 with the British fleet said Harrier · jets had turned back Argentine C-130 military tranaporta etc0r· 'ted by Mirage jet tighten. NEW WEAPON -A West German soldier which will sharply reduce the C08t of ammu- takes aim with a n ew rifle being tested for nition. A bout $10 million was spent for the She and her husband Peter have three sons. NATO in Bonn, West Germany. The Gennan-development of the device. _mad~_e _w_e_apo=--n~fires~_a_b_ulle~_t _wi_·t_h_o_ut_a_cartrl~ __ d_g_e_·~----~~--------~~~--------~ · ~iJ-Ji1111 l:JitJs * * * * * * LATIN AMERICA ... hear much of that kind of talk from Argentines any more," said a Bue n os Aires man chatting with fnends and a foreign corre- spondent m a sidewalk cafe on busy Cordoba A venue. "It is true that we sometimes used those expressions about people from other pl aces m Latin America. Jk!t our fight with the British has t..ught us, I think, who our real friends are." Military reservists slapped signs on d owntown buildings denouncing Colombia as "the Cain of Latin America'' becauae it abstained on a vote supporting Argentina ln the Organization of American State1. Someone pen- ciled "the Colombian govern- ment, not the people" on one of wsigns. Even Chile, with which Ar- gentina a1moet went to war four years ago because of a border dispute, is sharing In the new glow of Latin American brother- hood. Chile alto a61talned on the OAS vote, but Chilean resldenta of Argentina have marched in support of the Argentine cal.lie in the Falklands. A Chilean ship helped look for aurvtvora from the torpedoed Argentine cruller General Bel&!'ano· And Chilean Ambeaudor Sergio Jarpa Reyes auured the Argentine• hl1 government would not take ad- vantage ot the C11U1cu.Jtlet with Britain to prel9 ~border i.ue. "Argentina'• back la well protected," be laid. EAGAN PROPOSAL ... ~g for a Soviet reaction. president had told President nld I. Brezhnev in a letter i<lay wh•t b e would aay In ilnday'• speech. WhUe there WU DO direct ~ vtet responae, Defense Mlnister Itri F . U1tlnov accuaed the fed Stat.ea of ''openly hostile Udea" in an article Sunday in vda. the Communist Party 1y newspaper. "The Soviet Union will not al· the existing balance of forces '°be disrupted.'' Ustinov wrote. Reagan was shown a news ac-ltount of Ustinov's remarks after ~ spe«h and had no reaction. laid Larry Speaket, the White Hou.te apokemw>. Speakes laid the Soviet offidal'I article WU not oom1dend a nspome to Reepn'a propcal. An authoritative reply woWd have to come from Brezhnev di- rectly' aaid u .s. offidall. Relpn'• overture cle&rly waa dealped to aebe the poUtlcal lnltiatlve from the Soviet 1-des'. Capitalizing on antl·nuclear tentlment, particularly In Eu- rope, Brezhnev haa advanced plant to freeze and reduce nu- clear miailea. The admln.lstratlon hat rejected them as one-aided. Rea1an's proposal. in the works foe months, wu bued on a n.umber of atrateglc judll'Oenta. Uriver held after crash; woman hurt A 34-year-old resident of Or- ange was arrested on felony drunken driving charges early Sunday in Newport Beach follo- wing an accident that left his female paaenger seriously inju- red, police report. · Michael Perry, who police said• slammed Into a parked trailer near the inter section of West Coast Highway and 62nd Street at 3:30 a.m., was held in lieu of $2,500 bail. His passenger, Diane Marie Kachurek, 24, of Anaheim, was ti'eated at Hoag Memorial Hospi- tal for facial lacerations and other minor injuries. Police said the early-morning collision caused a second acddent when two vehicles attempted to avoid the wreckaRe and plowed into each other. fhere were no· injuries in the eecond mishap. Peripheral canal discussion set The peripheral cana l will be dlscuaaed at a m eeting of the Woman's Club of Huntington Beach tonight at 7 o'clock. Sophie Wa lsh of the Met ro- politan Water District will speak in favor of developing the canal, while Dan Martin of San Otego, a represent.auve of Californians for a fair water policy, w ill speak against the canal. Mostly cloudy Hight only nMr 40 were pr• dieted ,,.,. IN northern "°°' ..... In lh• 80t 111 the rett ol tlle northern ttltee, end In the 70. tnd 10• In th• tOUthern IWO· tlllrdt of tM neton. Mostly CIOudy lodey. WNI winds ---------~ ':,~o T.~-== California lllng. beoom1110i.'r;°luHd1y. The Ntttonel w .. thet SeMce Overnight lowt 45 to 52. Hight ..-..lctt f,ecMly deerlr:f lklee Tueedty 86 \o 1'0. "' -l!JMwtlere, from Point Concto-t orott outhern Call ornla. to the border and out do throoah T~. with l\Ofttwt. Northwett wlnda 12 '° 22 erty elwnoon wlnde gutting to 30 .... 11 b mph In Ille rnountaine. • w•t com lned Hat and TempereturH ere expected ._. 4 to 1 teet through Tuetdey. _., degreat ~ Tueedlly. Llfhl variable wfndt night and Hight tholAd renge trom IN llP-Wt':Jo '=~~ I* 10• In Lot Anoe* and II In aouthern watett beco-low ~ and from 16 to 75 It llialoOnll Wealhef Setlnte § . ., .. TUMdt y lfternoon. bQ.chet, bet-U and 55 111 rly tw•ll• ol 2 to 4 fHt. IN mountalne. from 15 \o Ill In ming w tonight and T~ay higher o-1 •at1o11t. NOAA US 0.01 Of COlftltle<'-" lklawt from Point Co11oapt11>1t .,_ ___ ...._ __ __.._.-... __________ _, to the MelOcan tl«ds c:.n 9CpaC1 Fronts COIO .... Warm .., Occluaed ~ Stahonarv • • llgflt. wntllle ~ through mld-morn Ing, becoming we11 to nor1hw11t ti 10 10 11 knoll Tut1d1y tlltrnoon wllll • 2 10 4-loot ..... COndltlona wtll be rough "°" Point Conception to Sen Cl•· mente ltltnd. wtltl t~ to 2.2•not wlnda end awella from 4 to 1C ..... ..... tie 54 IO 46 12 .. 14 47 71 17 .... 12 IO' 3C 71 ... .. .0 51 S1 TO N .. 11 .. . u ... WT 42 11 .. 11 .... 11 .. 71 •• 71 .. 71 ... .... •• 71 47 . .. 71 ... ,, ... Dee MOlnee Detroit Duluth EIP-Fargo FlagtWI ar.., ... Hertford Helena HonoUu Houston lndMI* ......., ... '**"""" Kane City I.All Vegea Ut1te ... lOullll'9t ~ .......... Mllnll ...... .......... , ==.. NwYortl --No.lltlttil Olla City OIMfll Offllftdo ::::t* ~ ,....,ON ,,. ....... $?''- llllUM ... ~ ...... 81 89 53 85 81 53 3e 83 .. 16 71 11 13 1t u 74 19 IO IO 11 11 11 14 19 11 .. " n IO .. 10 .. • • .. .. n • 11 .. 71 11 51 33 42 61 41 41 32 51 ae 11 11 64 48 56 11 .. .. 41 53 64 11 = 41 I: .. 11 .. 51 It .. • 40 • 41 .. IO .a • .0 .. • c~~ ~ Vtlley .,.,i.kl Barttow Beaumont Big Bear Blthop Blythe ~City Ewt611 F'-'O LMlcaeW Long 8-dl ~=-~;;; MoftMClalo Moftt-.y Mt. Wiiton ,....... =ce..cl\ Ontatlo Pallll..,,. P...-ie ,_~ Al¥anlOe "94 ltufl llledwOocl City ..,.,.,._ .... llfllatMnllno ... ~ ... DletO ... ,rlflClllloo a.uAne ..,,....,,.,. .......... == ........ ,.,...,,..., TilenNI f°"6flOI ao 48 71 57 71 54 5e 44 54 31 ee so " eo 17 64 68 .... te 53 58 47 13 67 82 55 73 61 16 64 .. 54 68 60 II ~ 12 11 :·: 82 54 18 61 t2 51 N 11 53 11 41 11 41 r, :: 12 53 ..... 91 IO .. 41 .. .. M. IO .. 81 .. .. 11 47 IO M = :l ., ... .,. .... PARENTS ARRIVE -John W . Hinckley Sr~ and his wife, JoAnn, arrive at U.S . District court in Washington today for the trial of their son, John W. Hinckley Jr., for the shooting of President Reagan and others on March 30, 1981. I or I r eetlom SOLEDAD (AP) -Sirhan Sirhan'• time in prl10n for the killing of Robert F. Kennedy should be computed differenU~ from time served by other pril- onen becauae Sirhan wu forced t o lead a "loner kind of e><Utence," bJa law,tt •YL "The UI yeara and thret or four months he will have served if he gets out in 1984 would translate u 26 to 30 yean for someone else," 1ald attorney Luke McKimKk. Sirhan wu expected to make his penona1 plea for freedom to- day at a parole boud heartna In Soledad Prison. The boara la coruldering a requett from the Loe Angeles County district at· tomey to retdnd Sirhan'• 1984 parole date. Carte r a pplauds R eagan arms plan COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -Fonner Prellldient Jtmmr, Carter de9Cribed u "excellent ' President Beaian'a propoul in which the United Stat.ea and So- viet Union Y"~ aharply redlq their nuclear azwna1a. He ai.o UMrhe IUpportl WiJw, Mondale, hi.a former vice presi- dent, u Democratic candldate foe president in the 1984 electiona. Lightweight poplin is a Brooks Brothers favorite Both businessman and traveller will find the qualities they seek in a warm weather suit handsomely met here. The polyesrer and tot· ton blend has a neat, crisp appearance, good crease-resi stance and washability. Tailored on our 34 button model with patch pockets and welted edges, in tan, navy or olive. aoat and trousers. $ISO . Use your Broolu Bro1ll1rs ""'or A"'"''"" Bxprc11. I Breeder reactor Knoxville World's Fair 1 ' Foaall fuels Knoxv 1lll°' Wl'Htd.., F ,,, Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 10, 1982 s Nu·ciear buyers wanted Washington has two surplus plants for sale SEA Tl'LE (AP) -Two of the five unfinished Washington Publlc Power Supply System nuclear generatlna plant• have been put up for aale as surplus. The utility con10rtiwn received IOme purchase offers before the official announcement of the sale but "we really have nothing one could consider a hot lead," said Al Squire, the deputy managing director. The saJe announcement came after the directors of the system approved a resolution declaring the surplus plants "no longer necessary. material to or useful .. One of the plants 111 on the Hanford nuclear reservation and the other is al Satsop. The WPPSS has two other nuclear planta under construction and a fifth has been ordered mothbal- led for two to five years. The WPPSS has sunk $2.25 billion alone into the two plants at is trying to sell. Cost overruns in the nuclear program have forced the Bonne- ville Power Adm101stration to increase electricity rates sub- s tantially to utilities. and thC' costs have been passed on to consumers Squire said d1scuS1ion11 were being held, through intennedia- raes. with California utilities and "it's conceivable a consortium could take them over . . . But it's all conversauon al this poml." Square said that 1f the economy turns around and the demand for energy grows. "private utiliti6 from California to the Canadian border may be looking for sour- ces of power " Outsiders most likely would • not try to market power from the plants m the Pacific· Northwest. h<• said. "I'm JUSt spt.><:ulatang Things are very iffy." Squire said WORLD'S FAIR STAMPS -A block of four 20-cent commemorative stamps. featuring the energy theme of th~ 1982 Knoxville World's Fair, was issued in Knoxville, Tenn., last week. APWlt~o The Newport Post Office announced that 50,000 of the colorful stamps have been recei- ved and area available to the public. Laser beam urged to halt blindness WASHINGTON (AP) -A previously untreatable blinding disease can be arrested with laser beam therapy. and the National Eye lnstitute is urging doctors to start using it immediately to save the sight of thousands of Ameri- cans. Dr Carl Kupfer, director of the institute, said a fa ve-ye~r comparison test of the technaquc> with more than 200 pauents at 12 m edical cente rs was cut short afte r three years because the method is so effective. After th<• plants were aband~ ned "we wen• getling calls from people claamang to have a<."CeSS to Saudi Arabian money. but when we asktod thl'm to put a couple of m1l11on dollars an the bank aa good faith mone y. they'd say they didn't do business that way." Squ1n• said ' "We cxplort•d many of them <ind th<·y h.avc· all fallen apart. If the money lS there. we haven't :.een ll." - Social Security a big thorn in Reagan's political garden The National Ins titutes o f Health agency said Thursday that the treatment. which seals off bleeding vessels in the eye. could keep 13,000 elderly people from losing sight in an eye next year 1f they are treated early IC the treatment lS effectivf'ly used and the sight of thousands perserved , "that would mean that the expected nallonwade in- cidence of blindness can be re- duced by almost i4 percent over the next year," h e told a ne'ws . briefing Any wa y, he said. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regul.- ttons ma y proh1b1t a foreig'1 country or foreign investor frorn ownmg a controlhng interest in a U S nuclear plant A regional energy council is drawing up plans to ensure an adCQuatc supply of electr1c1ty for the Northw<>St through the year WOO. and 1t may decide that the power from the plants may be needed aft.er all. Squire said. WASHINGTON (AP) -Pres- ident Reagan said he hoped to take Social Security out of poli- tics once and for all, but it's still there. high on the Democrats' cam,Paign agenda. A bipartisan study commission, created at Reagan's urging. is studying the whole system. with a report due at the end of the year. In theory. that would shel- ve the issue until after the 1982 congressional elections. In fact, there·i.s no wiyitJ-keeP' polit.ia away from a program that taxes almost every working American llWB AIAlYBll and pays benefits to one citizen in seven. And the Democrats are not about to leave It alone now that Reagan has embraced a compro- mise budget that Is supposed to save $40 billion in Social Security costs over the next three years. Reagan has not said how that will be done, only that current beneficiaries will get their 7.4 Burying missiles . 'f" •• f~8s!~le ;hut cosily WASHINGTON (AP) -A Pentagon proposal lo bury nu- clear missiles thousands of feet underground and burrow them up again after an attack is feasi- ble from the engineering"point of view but might cost too much. a National Academy oI Sciences report says. The report. which gives no cost estimates, said such a scheme would severely tax the mine en- gineering and heavy construction resources of the country. The report, done for the De- fe nse Nuclear Agency by an academy committee on tunneling technology. said the so-called deep basing concept probably could give the country an assured retaliatory capability following an enemy nuclear attack. Some of the techniques neces- sary for the concept to work. such as using giant boring ma- chines to go through hundreds of feet of radioactive material, have not been tried. Theae questions require an extensive demonstra- tion program to prbve they can be overcome, the report said. The scientists and engineers who contributed \0 the report noted that they only considered the technicalities ot digging and maintaining the underground hues. They did not address po- litical, economic, military or hu- man considerations involved. The proposal, one of several options being considered for ba- sina the MX millile, would re- quffe burying the ro1sailes and tunneling equipment up to 3,500 feet under a mountain or mesa. The Pentagon says no number of nuclear warheads of any size could knock out these missiles . After an attack, including strikes at the underground base, crews would bQre up through the rock and rubble, erect missiles on the surface and fire them. The report said the scheme would require hundreds of miles of underground tunnels for mo- ving missiles and digging equip- ment around. as well as power plants, food. air recycling systA;ma and survivable communications systems. Site selection would be extre- mely Important to be sure the area contains material that ma- chines can burrow through. and that there is no underground water to interfere with the ope- ration, the study said. The repo.rt said machine pene- tration rates of 10 feet per hour during work periods should be considered acceptable. At this rate, and considering machine breakdowns and overcoming other unexpected problems, it . could take weeks or months to dig out, it noted. Critics of the proposal say it is unworkable and unreasonable for a number of reuons, inclu- ding coets of more than $50 bil- lion. They say lt will be difficult to get construction crews to work for months to raiee missiles when the world. including the enemy, probably haa been destroyed. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Classified advert11lng 714te•2·5678 All olher departmenll 642-4321 l<ay Sehuttr vie-"'""*" -Olr...:1"'"'"''-·-. tom Murph1ne [dolnr Mill• Harwv o.. .... ~ .. __.., ...... •C:.eul4llo0n1 K•n Goddar<S P...-lttt M 0poo.#lont!t Ray Mtc:L .. n """"- MAIN OFFICE Dt W••f....., SI Co.I"-... CA MAii •Cid••~ 801 ,,.. Cr.I• Mf'\• t A ,,.,, C-.f~lll t'l!t 0._,. Co.t•I P\ICllo\lot"t C""-y Mo "'""4 .. .,..,.. 11111\fr,.11.,.,, •clll0<l•t m.tllt«o• •d ••tll\•.......,I• ""•Mn ""'' IH' ••PFOd~.O '*''"°"' \M(t•f l)HfTO'\'Mlft Of c.e>pyr·tQttt ~Mr percent cost-of-living increase on July 1 and that "we will continue to protect the basic benefits of Social Security recipients in the future." That assurance covers people now receiving benefits, not those who are still paying taxes into the fina~cially-troubled govern- ment retirement system. Reagan said he would make the system solvent and cut costs at the same time. So something wW have to give. "lt could come from an entire restructuring of the program. actuarily looking back down to- ward people who are just begin- ning in the program," the presi- dent said. Details were left open, while the 15-member National Com- mission on Social Security Ref- orm studies the system. Reagan did say he doesn't think the commission will recommend cut- ting future cost-of-living in- creases for current beneficiaries. "I don't think that the people who are d e pende nt on Social Security should be frightened any more than they have been by the political demagoguery that's been going on about this issue.'' Reagan said. "The people who are presently dependent on So- cial Security must be assured that they're going to continue to get their benefits." Reagan was having political trouble over Social Security long before he began dealing with it as a budget matter. His earliest objections. dating back 15 ye.ars, were philosophical. AB a conser- vative Republican campaigner, he called Social Security "the flagship of the liberal cause" and sald it should be made voluntary. He disavowed that view long ago, and now calls it a canard. As Democrats raised the issue The laser-light treatment sim- ilar to a technique used to stop bleeding in the eyes of diabeucs, should be performed within days of the first signs of symptoms to be most effecllve. experts said. In an unusual move. advanc:<.>d copies of the yet-unpublished trial results have been sent to every eye specialist an the coun- try so that those capable of per- forming the treatment can start as soon 1¥ possible, Kupfer said. Peter Johnson. the adrrurustra- tor of the Bonnevtlle Power Ad,. rrurustrauon. has said that work on the plants <.:ould be restarted. I against him during two pres!-GETS NEW SPI NE -Sara Hodgin, 5, dential campaigns. Reagan said Huntsville, Ala .. is held by Dr. Robert Winter AP Wtrephete 1 Minn. Sara, born with a birth defect, was im-· planted with twin 10-in ch steel rods along with bone from h er low er legs. which were amputated, to extend her ongmal malformed spine into a new one. repeatedly that no one de pen-who headed the medical team which implanted dent on Socail Security need be concerned that he would curtail a new spine in her April 27. The operation was benefits, that he would restore done at Gillette Children's Hospital in St. Pful• the system to financial health. He - never said exactly how he'd do it, but promised to put the problem before a panel of experts with Instructions to find a long-term solution. A year ago, Reagan sought to delay a coat-of-living increase and curtail tome benefit.a for fu- ture retirees, but dropped thoee propouls ln the face of vehement congreMional opposition. Instead, he asked the Republican Senate and the Democratic HOUie to join him in appointing the b!partiun study panel. The Democrats eventually agreed, although they were re- luctant to help Rea1an flnd a way out of a troublelome mue. The commlalon la In bualnea, and hoJdl ita third "-tine today -wlth little more than alx monthJ untll lt 11 auppoaed to produce a pen1'anerl\ arwwer to SoclaJ Sec\&rtty problena. That'I 8 tall order, but even IO lt prot.bly la -mlll&t6oum than Reacan'• •uccntton that t h• conlilNMon llNdy Would tab the whole Nb~ out of polltlca. • from our k§'f privat<z. labi.1. col lcict1on, ultra light pincord ruit, .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, M9Y 10, 1912 Snapshot holder I shipment delayed ' I a, PAT aoaowm °' ... ...., ....... DEAR PAT: It dlere uy way J• cu Mlp me 1et tM .. ,... glplter" IMptMt liloNer I ordend 111 PeMul'y or a ref_. fNm Esicere B•te ef Gle8 Hea .. N.Y.1 I've wrtttea two letters, IMlt laa••'t W uy retpOllM evea dMMIO mJ ~ lla1 Mee a. W. U dM7 w..W Jut adMwle41e Get m)' erder ''.c"" er ..... a refad U Ii'• uavallable, I'd be llaNJ. I M ..-. UJ"1al It)' mall becaaH of all t~e bad iila11 I rea• abe•t mall-enler place1, b•t I really waated tk11 Hem fer my pllotel. G.C., H•daatM BMCll Your order and one placed by H.L., Irvine, should be arri- ving within two weeks, according to Encore House cuatomer 1ervlce representativ.e, Rosemary Taylor. She told A YS that there was a delay in receiving th1a item from the manufacturer, but 9,000 back-orders have now been mailed. Meat, poultry products listed DEAR PAT: It &Mre uy way a coanmer cu Had oat MW ma meat 11 la varlou caue4 meat prod1C?tl1 I've aJway1 wODdered abotlt ~. aad tMU I coaJd Uop more eeoaomlcally lf I llad 10me metbod of comparJM>a. B.T., Baua,aoa Beac~ A free USDA booklet, "Meat and Poultry Products," in- cludes listings for more than 250 popular meat and poultry products -from baby food to won ta'\ IOUp. It can be ordered from Consumer lntonnaUon Center, Depu1ment 523K., Pueblo, Colo. 81009. The USDA bu ltandatda of compolition and standards of identity for meat and poultry products. Standarda of oompclllltion ldenUfy the m1nlmum amount pf meet or poultry required tn a ~uct's reci51Por ex.ample, the standard of composition for 'chicken a la • states that, if a product carries this name on it.I label, at least 0 percent cooked poultry meat must be Wied in the recipe. Standarda of identity .et specific requirement.I for a food's makeup: the kind and minimum amount of meat or poultry, maximum amount of fat or moisture, or any other ingredients allowed. A number of labeling regulations apply acr<l9-the-boerd to all meat and poultry products. The9e include: accurate product names; ingredients listed from most to 1eut weight in the product recipe; net quantity of the pack.age contents; name and add.real of the manufacturer, packer or d.t.tributor; the USDA mark of in- 1pection; and any 1pedal care or hand.ling lmt:ructiona, auch u ''keep refrigerated.'' In addition, label photograpba or artwork mt.mt not be mialeadlng. ---------------------- L08 ANGELES <1l..o 'nw So\lthern California n Co. and • Mlluchuaettl lnltltute of TechnolOIY profeuor emerit~1 w1l1 receive thJI year'• John ~ Alice Tyler Ecolo1y-J:ner1y PriJ.e. l'.dilon ii the flt-t COC"pOntion to receive t.tMt award llnce It wu e1tabll1h ed nine yean aao to honor landmatk work with the environment and renewable en- tll'IY IOUJ'(8. The awardl will be made May 14 at a banquet lo Nairobi, Ke- nya. The ceremony ls ~•pon.eored by the Tyler Fund and the Un- ited Nationa Environment Proa· ramme, which will hold a weell- long conference of 4,000 people there to~ the U.N. agency'• plana for coping with ecological problems. The Tyler Fund said Edi.son "ii being honored for l ts com mil· ment to developing renewable and alternative energy re90lU'ces and for its emphasis on eneray conaervaUon." In 1980, Edison became the first major utility in the cou.ntcy to announce it wa. shiftin& its emphasis to renewable energy sources in what it termed "• major change in the way we do business.'' Si.nee then. a company spokes.- man said, t he utllltr has made "significant 1trides' toward its goal of relying on renewable IOW'Ce9 for one-third of the 6,300 megawatts of energy capacity it will add this decade. Tyler Fund spokeswoman Martha Hanis said MIT profes- aor emeritus Carroll Wilaon was being honored for "a lifetime devoted to the environment." She added, "Profeeeor Wilaon has been instrumental in devel- opment of global energy assess- ments, iotemational atomic en- ergy control, biodegradable pes~ tici~es., the flret United Nations Conference on the Human Envi- ronment, two major studies on man's impact on the climate and global environment. and research · ~ • "Got a nroblem? 'Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat wf11 focusing on future world energy ,... prospect.I.'' • ' • cut red tape, 69ttlnil the .tmwetlf and .cUon you F.acb award carrie9 a •100,000 med to dve Inequldes In ~t and b&..llinem. • 1 Mail yow qumCbJS to Pat Haowttz. At Your Senno, prize. The Tyler Fund said Edi- 1 OTaJtle Cout Delly PIJot,-P;O. Bux 1'60, 'Cmta--1-_.to.,finance~·..._.,~ ~;:t =~~ Me111, CA n81d. energy and ecology. ., . .,..... STAR ON TOUR -Larry Hagman, "J.R." on television's "Dallas," sports his cowboy hat as he takes a walk with his family in Monte Carlo where he ts on a promotion tour. From left, are daughter Heidi; Hagman; his Swedish wife Maj and his 90n Preston. Evangelist 'sees' 900-foot Jesus Oral R•bertl ' much· publlched vision of a 900-foot Jesus appeared to "my Inner eyes, not my phyak:al eya.•• the evangelist aaya in • Piii D .... 1• 1how to be brolcl- cast May 28. The Tu.18a evangelist wrote In a fund-raising letter lut year that he a aaw a 900-foot Jesu1 standing be1lde hi• 60-story City of Faith ffolpi- tal, then under COIWtnlction. The medica1 center was ope- ned bl November 1981. In Hollywood, where the 1bow was taped before an audlence, Ro berts talked about his viaion. "I was o ut of funds . . . very d iscouraged," Roberta aid. ''I looked up . . . I saw J-.. with my inner eyes - noi my phyakal eyes . . . and I he.rd him flt my heart," The wJdow of R•P· Jjb A1~brffk of Ohio formally lian.d ber c.m..a.n to .-w the remainder of her hu1· bend'•~ term. ~COunt)'~ Party Qiiarmu\ llalflt 9,... ke 11Jd ~MUf\I petidonl were belq prepared at the Licklnt'County Board of 1C1et:tion1 b ..... AtUNlk. Q1._ •1trt1 of the Ne· therlanC11, whoae vl1lt 20 yeara •10 la credited wlth chanain1 the face of New York'• capttal dty, will pay a two-day vlalt to Albany be- slnnlna June 27. aay Dutch diplomata. PraH B•l1m1a, a conaul for the Netherlanch in New York, nld the 44-year-old monarch decided to vlalt "becawie of the large Dutch heritage around the dty." A.ocordiQI fQ )col political lefiend, Que.a Beatrix'• fin& vi1it there 23 yeara •JO - w bile lhe WU ltiJ.I a ~ -~ to oonatnlcUon of the Empire State Pina come• in downtown Albany. Th• atory ii that Gov. NellOll A. Rocket ell er wu ao embar- rassed by the alums that he decided to build the comp~ in their place. A biographer wrote that Nelaon A. Rockefeller con- 'sidered the vice presidency "beneath his interests," but executors of the late million- aire's estate think the job ls worth a $355, lfO tax refund. Tha\'1 the afnount the ~­ ecutors are asking the u:s~ Tax Court to award the es- tate, based on a .claim that Rockefeller spent eome $550.- 000 in 1975 preparing for Senate conf.innation hea.rinel for the job that paid less thtn $65,000 a year. The Internal Revenue Ser- vice dlaagrees. It said in court documents that while private citizens can deduct aome of the coats of job -hunting, public o.f flclals ~ot claitn "expenditures made to obtain Condu c tora Leeaar• Giving about one-half of 1 office." lnatead of a refund, Beraatela and BerMrt •• percent of a gross income of the Rockefeller estate owes Karaju and pi.anlst a.••• '85,000 to charity is not at $44 293 in back taxes the IRS Arru have been cboeen to oddl with Illinois Gov. James c1a.hn.. ' receive the Mexican pel'D· ll. T~omp10n '1 belief in ment's higheat honor, the .. volu.nteeriam," an aide says · Harold M. William• he1td Ord~~~·~ rm:· , {IJ { =~~~~;6~n~~,( '\~~c::~~~::'G Former President Jl••J tlom to cbarlfable causes. the Carter administration, has Carter, on a European tow' been confirmed as a Univer- that includes vllita to Nor-Tilompeon, as he has each sity of Call!ornia regent. way, Denmark , Finland, year since becoming governor Williams,~. is president of Sweden and France, wlll in 1977, diacloeed his state and the J. Paal Getty MWleUDl in meet President Pra•e•ll federal tax returns for the Los Angeles. MJtterud on 'I'ueedQ."\. .... tllM" " ,Jlftvtwis ye¥. He is not re.. . H~ weceeds DeWitt IDul Elysee Palace, Fren'ai otfl~ qillre<:rto release copies of tax of ehum-V'5ta h\·• term tJ\it·m d.a1s announced. . • _ returns. expjres March 1, 1994. . ~. r ,,.,,. ..... ON THE BEACH -Janet Rodriguez fonns a she soaks up the sun in a newly designed IN THE SWIM -This cloeeup view of Miss which is becoming popular on the nation' contrast with the withered tree trunk at left as bathi.Qg suit. Rodriguez shows the deep vee top design beaches this year in new, bold designs. Swimsuits up; necklines dip MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -After an unu- sually long, harsh winter, the nation's swim.suit designers are expecting a big year aa sun-starved Americans take tO the beaches. And sales continue to go up for suits with necklines that go down, designers say. "It 1eema that every year, the girls are getting more and more daring. They aeem to like the plun- ging V-llnea; just the minimum amount of akin covered," said Olga Traino of Connie Banko Swimsuits in Hialeah, Fla. ' Sales are -off to a "pretty good" start this year, ahe aid. Designers say this year's most popular fashions will be one-piece suits, with contrasting, bold colors. C.ontraating "patchwork" designs are popular for two-piece suits, designers say. :-..,.,. , . , . . ~ J'noeless antiques: stol~n I I . I STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, Enaland (AP)- la noth.i.ni sacred? Aak the thieves who stole 50 to 60 prioele.a antiques from the 16th century oott.&$te of Anne Hathaway, where William Shakespeare court.ed b1a future bride. Offidala said the thieves forced their way into theJMtched~ ~ thJMtgh a locked window ~AJnDOYed ~~;"~' ~ • erandfather . ~r plates and mup, utenaila and oma- MAY OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS Sened 24 Hus Daly BREAKFAST STEAK & EGGS S3.99 Includes your choice of free beverage, pancakes or hash browns. DELI BAR SANDWICH S3.29 Includes soup or cottage fries or French fries, and large beverage. coffee, tea or Sanke. · NEW YORK STEAK DINNER $5.49 Includes choice of potato, vegetable, soup or salad, choice of free dessert. 10" Off Coupon• A~llllable 16205 BROOKIUlST FOIJNTAIN VALLEY lit WOOi.CO CENTER 839-3321 MINK SALE FOR PETITES AT BW NEWPORT BEACH Tomorrow through Thursday, M!Jy 13, you'll find introducto~ savings of five·hundred dollars on our exclusive new (all coU~cttOn cl luxurious mink coats and ~kets in hard to find sizes 4, 6, and 6. All are female mink pelts in color-added Ranch or natural Tourmallnee with the nch qualrty and craftsmanship you've come to expect from a SW fur Purchase your fur nO>N, and we worn bill you until September 1982•. ~kets, w ill be 53400-54200, SALE S2900-S3700. Coats. w ill be 57900-58300, SALE S7~S7800. Fur Sak>n, BW Newport Beach ,.. ""' '-10 9'0W <°""""f d °'""' ""°"" 1&1..,,1e oon nee ~ "' -,, _,_..,,. ot .,,., ~ IO«C$ ·~~t'«!!llOC ...... 's.b,ec• 10 ,,~, """"''"'' _..,.Cl-°"'0<-0\ """ ffW'Ct (....,,.cc~· -s ~ ,,,,,,,..... -°" ~"'~ "' acx>'""9"" -lltrc:t,,.~ d »9 ~ !O ~,,..\I 000 d ·~ "'<""°"'~.""°<Ii O<<tt"I to .,,., -.as~ S• 000 BU llOC~~ Wll)UI~[ I ll Stl (IAllY ~IO tl 83 FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH. 759·1211. MON-FRI lG-9. SAT-6, SUN 12-5. I I ~ COMt DAILY .-1LOT1MoftdeY, MIV 10, 1811 ore 1oca1 control or refugee funding •• The Ore.nae County Board of 'Supervteora bu decided to take I.President Reepn at h1a word. The president has been call- ing for a return to local control. :And he wants to see m ore vo- punteerimn in the handling of so-F service programs. Both elements are found in a troposal supervisors have ndoned for the administration of program for disbursement of lunds to help Indochinese refu-f.lees find employment, learn En- glish and adapt to Hf e in a new pountry. The block grant program. in- 1volving an estimated $2 million for .fiscal 1982-83, will be adminls- 'tered by the United Way of Orange b>unty North -South. Federal re-~ttlement funds disburaed by the ,Jtate will go to the private non- profit agency for ultimate distri- )>ution to other private agencies ,i nvolved in refugee assistance prognuTl.'. United Way submitted an 'mpressive program for admi- . nislerint the block grant ff'Oll'am. It calla for formation o a com- mittee that will control allocatJon of fund• and a ae parate 25-member advisory panel made up of refugee, industry and labor, government and education repre- sentatives. United Way is proposing elate monitoring of expenditures, regu- lar visits to sites where the fund.a are spent and close coordination among the many agencies, both public and private, inV'olved in refugee reeettlement programs. Until n o w the money baa been directly dis bursed by the state to various local agencies. Prevailing opinion among local officials is that coordinating the programs under an umbrella agency at the local level will more effectively meet the county's real refugee needs. On all counts, it appears the United Way proposal is a winner, particularly in the9e times when less, n ot m ore, dependence on government is needed. ~Dirty· air' blessing . . One finding that consistently tomes out of public opinion sur- veys is that a large majority of -'mericans opposes weakening laws and regulations designed to promote clean air. This loud and clear message seems to be running into a fog around the Potomac. W ith the P.opular Clean Air Act already threatened w ith dilution, a new attempt to weaken clean air en- ,orcement has come out of the ~vironmental Protection Agency. according to internal documenia released by three angry congress- men. · Under the draft regulations fnade public this week, the EPA would relax enforce1J1ent stan- dards for emissions of carbon tnonoxide, a common component bf smog found in automobile emissions. : CO, a colorless, poisonous gas, fan affect. brain function and leads to pain for many heart disease ,utferers. The basic limit for the gas, 9 parts per million, would remain Intact under the proposal, but local areas would be allowed to exceed the standard five times a year, rather than the one time allowed under current rules. According to the documents, such a change would be equivalent to raising the standard to 12 parts per million, a 33 percent increase. For their part, EPA officials argued that scientific review indi- cates the change would not be harmful, pointing out the average blood concentration of monoxide would rise to 2.5 percent from the current 2.1. T h e level at which adverse h ealth effects can be ex- pected is set at 2 . 7 , they said. That d oesn't seem to be too com - fortable a safety margin. Rep. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., one of the three congremnen. said the number of cities in violation of CO standards would drop from 110 to 39, under the change. If this is the EPA's way of bringing more areas into com- pliance with clean air standards, it's the wrong way. W e hope these proposals, which have not yet been present- ed to EPA chief Anne Gorsuch for approval, go no further. Any weakening of air pollution stan- dards would pose a threat to the health of millions, especially those with heart and lung ailments, and unborn children . Cutting back on federal regulation should not come a t the expen se of the public's health. Olds ters not all down The popular picture of the senior citizen, wea.rlng a frayed cardigan and serving up a dinner of canned dog food may be some- •hat unbalanced according to re- cent studies by a couple of eoono-mJ.sts. . While the elderly have been hit by inflation along with the rest of the populace, a great many of Otem are not doing all that badly, it seems. · Despite their gradual retire- ment from the labor force, the ~udy showed that real per capita E . come for the elderly grew 21 rcent during the 1970s, while r capita income for the entire puladon increaed 19 percent. And while in 1959, 27 percent of older dtlzens were judaed to be living below the poverty fevel, the !taure bad dropped to 8 percent in 1978. Govemment--J*d health cue, of cou ne, today &. a 1ubltantial help to the elderly, along with Social Security beneflta, which make up 38 percent of their in- come on the average. But many also can rely on private pensions, part-time ear- nings and income from invest- ments in real estate, stocks and bonds. A rather remarkable figure turned up b y the economists showed that in 1975 the average wealth of the elderly amounted to $100,000. This of coune included the value of homes paid for during the more productive years. While the senior cltlzen de- pendent entirely upon Social Se- curity benefits is likely to be ha- ving a very hard time, it would appear that a aubltantial number of the nation's 26 million o1dsten -perhape the product of a tbrU-· tier, ~t cud aeneratlon - have manaaed to rMCb retirement age in fairly aood shape. Perhaps the buy-now , pay. later generation would be well advi9ed to ltUdy iheir teclullque. ' .. L.M. Boyd I Faitlilul wile Three months' b.,d labor on a public projlct la th•~~­'*"-In l'lftland att.r a for dnlhken~ - • - Cap's ~knife' growing dull WASHINGTON -Cupar Weinber- ger 11 a formidable publlc servant of great capacity, enonnoua expertiee and obvioua dedication to large putp0ee9. ~ budget director for President Nixon, Weinberger earned the nickname "C..p the Knife'' by alaahlng federal prosr"um. But since he took over the Defen.e Department laat year, Cap's k:n11e hu grown dull and ru1ty. White House 90W'cee say that Weinberger, like other defense eecretarles before him, hu be- come an arch-representative of the military-industrial complex. INSTEAD OF trimming the fat out of the Pentagon budget, he has joined the military 1pendthrifts who equander the public' a money. The day after Weinberger took over the Pentagon, he got a lener from Elmer St.fats, who was then head of the Gen- eral Accounting Office. Noting the pro- mlaea of maaaive defense increasea, Staats warned Weinberger that frugal management "haa never been more important ." He th.en li1ted 15 "high payoff" opportunities that could save the Pentagon ~veral billion dolla.n a year. Today, a follow-up letter from the GAO to Weinberger 11 ready for the slgnature of Staats' aucceuor, Charlee Bow1her. GAO personnel who worked on the letter 1ay it expruu1 diaappoin~ ment at the 1nail'1 pace of the co1t- aavinR chanaes recommended by Staata more than a year ago. These GAO experta explained that only qu.lck and forceful action can alow the military apendi,na .iuuemaut. Wein- berpr, for all hil akiIJ. ind experience, bu been neither quick nor forceful in the battle againlt wute. "Time i1 run- G -J1-c1-1-11-11-11-1 -d ning out," a GAO IOW"Ce told my auo- ciate Peter Grant. While Weinberger haa failed to u.e his power against the bemedaled wutrels, the Pentagon'• puff artiata have been bu.Uy shoveling out propaganda that claiml victory after victory in the war on wute. Many of these claims are pure baloney. For example: -Deputy Defen1e Secretary Frank Carlucd bouted to Congress Jut year that under Weinberger 69 percent of the Pentagon'• oont.racta had been the result of competitive bidding, compared to only 41 percent in the Carter admin.latration. In fact, 1tatiatica were manipulated by excluding certain categorie1 of non- competitive oontncta. Thia created "the illu1lon that tremendous progress has been made in obtaining oon1petit3on," the government audltol"I Charge. -The defeme bureaucrats take credit for aaving $23.8 ~on by putting a cap on pay increaaee. What they fail to mention la that It was the White House budget office that imposed the pay li- rnita, which applied to the whole federal government. -Part of the b1llion11 Weinberger claims to have cut from the Pentagon budget is the result of econ om ies taken by the previous administration - like the 1979 closing of air defenae sites in Ala.aka and the 1980 comolldation of the anned aervices' news offices. In fact. the Pentagon vehemently oppoeed thete savings and only grudgingly bowed to congreaaional Insistence. "W e shoved them down their throat• and n ow they're taking credit for them." obeerved a Capitol Hilf 90W'Ce. -THE ARMY claimed to have actue- ved $647 million worth of energy sa- vings. No mention was made of the fact that it spent about $500 million to do the job. All this is bad enough. but to make matten wonie the Weinberger Pen\agon has made it dlffi<:ult for the GAO audi- ton to look at the books. The inve:stiga- tol"I have w threaten administrative ac- tion to get what they ne4!d, and in 10 cues they actually had to bring legal prooeedinga. Eight of the9e were decided in GAO's favor; two are still pending. Footnote: When asked about the questionable cost-<:Utting daims. Defense Comptroller Jack R. Bontlng acknow- ledged with some embarraument that "we did a lesa than perfect job." He ad- ded: "We bad a major administrative task aetting out the valid items from the invalid ones in the time available to us." Vote r s to face a dozen propositions In four weeks voters will be called upon to decide 12 ballot issues. Between now and then they will be barraged with propaganda for and agamst most of these measures although the heaviest cam- paigns will center on perhaps no more than six of them. The proposals taken in order are. PROPOSIT.JON 1. Thls would autho- rize a $495 million bond issue to finance new prison construction. The measure is sponsored by Gov. Jerry Brown who says the prisons are pn-tenlly overtrow- ded with 30,000 inmates and projects the prison population to reach 40,000 in the next three years: The proposal is attacked by Sen. Ollie Speraw and Anemblywoman Marian LaFollette who say needed prison con- struction could be financed from exllting resources if spending priorities were re-examined and wa1te pur1ed from current operations. They also indicate the prison needs should have been fi - nanced out of the huge surpluses the state has had over the past several years. The facts are that It would take more than three years to construct the kind of p~ns contemplated by thia bond act. The actual cost to ttle taxpayel"I for thil meaeure would run to fl.067 billion over the 20-year period of the bond l.asues. In o&her words th~ lntereet on the bond.a will more than double the ooet for the prisonl. That might be acceptable if the bond issue would provide the pnson fac11itJes necessary But insiders in the Depart- ment of Finance acknowledge that the money will provide little more than a IARl 111111 start m the prison construction program as planned. Estimates are the prisons wilJ cost $100,000 a cell. At those rates the $495 million would barely provide half the needed facilities for the antici- pated increase in population during the next three years and do nothing for the overcrowding that is claimed. Perhaps sensing the voters' rejection of the bond issue, the Finance Depart- ment and prison officials are already working on providing tents and the use of dilcarded military barracks to house prilonera. A shortage of fund.'> may also compel the officials to expand the prison conservation camps. PROPOSITION l. Thia meuure, as ANemblywoman Carol Hallett who la runnina for \be office 10 accurately oomplalN, will eliminate the "only con- 1 tlt u tlona l duty of the lieutenant governor, .. that of presiding over the Senate. Pity the author of the proposi- tion, Sen. Barry Keene, didn't go full Ult and eliminate the job it.sell. Costing the state more than $1 million annually. the office is not only archaic, it never had a uS<'ful function." PROPOSITION 3. This measure's in- tent LS t.o res1 •re equal treatment under Proposition I to those who must relo- c..-at.e their plac or residence by reason of eminent d<•n n or other government actions. PROPOS'. •)N 4. Authored by one of the LegisJ;. . e's most respected mem- bers, this .1easure would pennit judges to deny o..1ail in any felony case where release would be likely to result In bo- dily harm to others. Under present law judges must allow bail m all but capital crimes. PROPOSITION S. This seeks to do that which is provided in Proposition 6 on the same ballot, repeal the inheri- tance tax. Proponents of Proposition 6 contend that there are serious naws in Proposition 5 which would defeat its purposes. Although the legislators con- cede the tax should be r epealed they have failed to do so. Both measures are initlauves. Those who favor the repeal of th~ Inheritance tax should akip Ptopa.i- llon 5 and vote for Proposition 6. to 1pell tMm ·than t1 yOAA mumbk IDd uunt and emit eentencea full of 'l'fwanna" and ''pna" and such lnfeUd· tJea. (I recall a moc:k d1aloC in our school paper, beginning: ••Jeet jet?" "No, Jew?'') £nalltb, of coune. i.s .an orthoerapbic. monatl'Olity, and there are no rational rules \0 follow for the apellin1 o( \00 many ~Ql'da. Merk Twain WM ~ tonaue·ln-cheek when he aald, "They sp!ll It Vind and pranounce It Vlnchr, fore&pen alway. spell better than tM, ~··· , \111\,1) \' -~­..... .-we CHA..ut'I ANGIL.I I wt41TWIHAOOW HAWAl ~.O • O'IMIA8Y ""-lnQ'" Oi.et. Florence Hender.an {A) O I •IDUCtWT 1s.= "Su And The Sing .. p.,. en1" Mike F1t1rell. Su1en St J-A '°"9le find oul the rM/ltlM of 111t11lng THREATENED -Elizabeth Montgo- mery portrays a Nburban housewife whose perfect marriqe euddenly is threa- tened in "The Rules of Marriage-," a two-part movie beginning at 9 tonight on KNXT (Channel 2). -· Whef'l lhey lry IO mftl· ry end lheit children 1>1oc:11 thewey Cl)MOVll * * * * "O tgl" ( 1951) MMa Chevalier, LMlle CWon. A tomt>oy being groomed l>y her llUl'll and (>rendtnOlher Mii OUI on her own to eaten• rnan t.:30. NEWIMAT: CAU'OllMA OONGN81aONAl ~ ID 14 ....... ""'°"T ())8 .-wt <1) llANMY MILUR (B) CHAN.JI. THIE l~COUGAA A lumbetrnan edopll end r .,_ en orptollNCI c:.ouoer kitten (Pert 11 e wow * * * "°" Oodl 8ook ti" C 1910) Oeorge 8urn1. ., (J) TIC T At; DOUGH • MACHEL I LEHAEA ""°"' ml GREAT PIE~ TM Gtrta In ThW Sum· ,,._ o. ..... · And Other St0<lea 8y Irwin Sl\aw" TIVM ol Shew'• bell· known llhorl 11or1ee •• 'The Girll In Their Sum- ,._ o. ........ "The Monu· ment" 1nd "The Man WhO Metriecl A Fr.,c;h w 1ie" •• are drematlzed (RI 9 YOU A8KaO ,OA rT Featured "Tl\e Scream Macl\lne RoOet Couler" and "E.t>gland'I ~t Pty• chlatrlat .. cm HrT1..lltl MA8TfR ~ .. ™E MAO OMAM Mn.• Hal HolbtOOll narr11" 11\11 documentary datalllng ellotU to carry out Hl1ier's pl1n1 lor cre1 tlng a klP"-ll"fan r-Suzanne Pteehelle Ood re11irn1 10 Eerll\ •nd "'-the young dllUQh· ter of en edwrtlalng •HC:• uttw to tc><..O Nt me.· 8:008 ()) w ·A·a·H OO~world 'PO' * *' * "Minnie And M~ kowttz" C 1972) a.n. Row· lend1, Seymour CUMI A miMlatd* c:c>uc>le 1trug· gle to remain together ~their meny d"'•· -7:00 I CM NEWI N9CNEW8 ~DAYSAGAIN I MO~ KG.WC • M•A•a•H or J , ~eL LIC>e It put**' by e 11o1,bloodecl ttelWI .olcllef. I JC>tWrl WILD ....... MPOA'T MAGIC CWOIL ,MNTINQ (J) , .... MAOAZIHE An Int.,..,... with .c:tor Mld\MI l.Mdon; a C«nc>e- rry that wlll n-• tier llflw you for s:>o. 0 INT'Bn'AINMEHT TONIQHT Thi flm of a Mf1iM on Ille ~of the ..... •™-~ ~. 8o'6dy Rich (D)lltOYIE * *' * "EMa" ( 19781 Kurt Ruuell, 8-\ Hubley A ckwnatlutlon 01 the 'King of Aodt 'n' Aoll 7:.IO 9 2 ON ™-Tow.f ~., ..... '°~ Zealand, 1 -di..., wl\o NII rlliled ~In gold from the Pacllle. IM Olli· clal Arc:ti WIP<d of Center· buty. 1 8 ,AMllYRUO aMUALL New Yorll Yank-at Ce!._ fOfnle Angell 8 IYION L.A. FMturecl· a r990(1 on welghi loea and diellng, • r41por1 on "'9C)rt1 wld· OW9"; Loe llngelee' wal· tr-teM how to 991 bet· t• ~ tn r•taurenll • M•A•t •H Kllnoet bec:otftM I _.. ~ecsttor CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KHXT CCBSI 0'1 D t<NBC (HBCl ' e 1<TLA llnd.J ltJ .KABC CA8CI e • KFMB IC8SI CJ) 8 ICHJ·T\I Clnd.I 11) • KCST IABCI IJJ • K TTY !Incl. I •• •• KCOP-T\I Clnd.) • .• KCET CPBSI • • 1<oce CP8Sl DID YOU KNOW: Mell c:aH t>r•no• 1 dltlurt>- ltlQ 1911• tor B J lrorn 1111 wile end 1 delinquent apeeding llc:1ut1 for Col POiier fRt a a unLE "°°8£ ON TiiEPfWM Cl\at1el undergon a cteep r~s eapertenc:e -he learn• tn11 1111 •dooted aon Will aoon die (Pftl1 21 j, lllJ THAT'S INCMDl8l.E " MOVlE • • * "Man In TM Iron Mule" (19391 LOUii Hay· wercl, Joen Bennen. B...o on 1 novel by Alaundet Duma• Tha lnlamou1 Compte de Rochefort plac:n Lou+a XIV'a t,_.n brother on the F renc:I\ lhrone and lmprlaont 1111 , ... king ... the 8Mtllle. ....... MAQAZIHI An lntervtew with ac:1or M ICl'ta.. L~don mMt ..... TW'ln, """"° !oat 135 poun09 on l\la own diet e MC>Va * 1111 • "8-IUealar Galacti- ca" C t978) Lorne Gr-. Rlc:n1t1d Httefl A ~ "-' c:arrytng 1111 .... ,.,.,. nanta o f l\um1n Ille ernt>ar111 on an epc -rd'I for 1 MW ~t to '°'<>- n11e ~ '"T"--*irf• In Their Svm· mer 0r-· And 01,.,., Storiet By lf'#ln Shew" Tl\rM of Shew'a t>e9t· known "-1 atorlel ·- "The Gtrl1 In Their Sum- ,._ Or-." "The Monu· ment" and "Tl\e Men Wl\o Mart1ed A French Wiii" - are dram11Uzed (RI ce)MOVIE *. "Tl\e Min With 8og1rr1 Fae•" 11980) ~t Secc:N, OIMI H.,. NV A man dee:~ to Chtnge II'-U'"tyle Ind pl\ytlc:al appearance to ·-* hi• ac:r.-i Idol 'PG' On TV Z·T\I HBO CCIMmttX) IWORJ HY .,H Y IWT8SI IESPHI (Showtl~I Sc>olllQlll ICaJ>le New\ N•twork 1 You c1n own yu offict space. You c1n stap 1• rent from plns..up. f• Clft Ml tht llftd -not lllH. AIRPORT WEIT llUllNE88 PARK .,.._,,.., ........ C.M. Call Mr. 08¥19 711·7400 eroUrCupa....._ I !ti MOVIE • * .,, A FO<c.a Of OIW' C 19191 cn.ICk Nttrll • .-.. niter O'Neill A ,,_.., of ,,... "*1111 .,,. Mll*W• on • ,_'99>~14td -Ch for ,,... klllert "' .. aoopted aon 'PO' ($JMOW • • • "The 81UM Broth· er•" ( 1980) John BelueN, Dan Ayt<royd Two blu" singer• mull cont91'\d wllh 11\e Chlcego pottc:e, ttw CIA. fMO.NUla and the U.S. Army 19 put togetl>el a '*'9111 concM1 to ralM mon.v lor tMir patlell. 'A' O "fOVIE * * * *' "Ftthef Of The Bride" C 1950) ~Tr .. cy. Ellubeth TllVlof. A lather •llP9'1encea all of 11\e joy8 and l\Mdac:hn ln"'°""9d .,ti\ tl\e P<epe< .. llOna for Na daugl\let'a upcoming wedding HO 11 9rW(JH8 T.-GMOI Hftlry ~ rOlnerlll- cally ilwOIYed with an unaerc:ovet natGOhca Olfl- c:cw """"° ..... been Ul'Ol*I 10 the ICtlool c;a.mpul e A&.l IN TMI 'AMlY Arc:Ne lnailll thee • - hOme -nol NI -be found lor 1111ie Stec>Nnie tM ldnd-hear1ecl Edith hat other !dee• ())LATIN~ tZJMCME * * * * "The 81nll ()jc:1c" C 19AO) W,C Fleldt. Una M«k.11 A man lr)aclvl'fl· enlly 10418 a robbery 1nd 11 awatdecl the job of bank guftld, lorc:lng him to ,_ I r ... l\oldup t:GO 1J Cl) MOVIE "The AulM Of Merrlega" (Pftl1 ti CPrerNerel EJlu. t>eltt Monto-y. EJMon GCIUMI A" afftuenl IUbur· b4ll\ cowpfe 'a marri.g. eroci.. to the point tl\81 a eeper•Uon becolTlM nec:- .~ MO\llE ) • ~V "How ro .... '"'- Hlgl\ Coit 0 1 Uvlng" C 1979) SuNn Saint "-· JMslc:a Lange No lorlg9r I ble to kMC> U0 with tnfla- t 1 on, tl\rae Oregon llou-'-tu•n to letgeny IO l>elance their bu6olll .. ...,.,,. THIADAE04 Albet1 Speer tgnorM the ,,.... of 1111 lamllv end _,,.,... lhl reeponalbWty ror Hltief'I WIH mac:hlne. CPart 210 ID MEAVGAlmN GuHll' 80 end John Oe<~:JJrtu11 Andr- 6:) lllR KOOHINQ ON DI KOONINO Fiim c;llp1 end tntarvlewl .,II\ Wiiiem de Koonlng •• one of A.rnetlea'• -• tmport1nt 11\'lnt artlata - and "" will prOYM!e • ..,. cial lnllght 1n10 lbe 78- yeer-old 1bllr1C1 npr ... elorliel'I llte and work 9':30. TMV£UHG H<>flUUUY Roger &aldwln, lha 97. yew-old ·~ of the A~lc:an CMI Ubel11M Union, .. pn)ftlad MOVll •• "OMll\ H11<1t" 11941) Ot811M 8fonaon. LM M•· Yin In the l930I, a Mol#l- tie and a tronll« C'1lnlNll wege an old betlle • cMll· utlOn ~ on the Canadian wtldemMI-'R' O MOYllE *' *' •·~ "Tl\e Four See· tont" PHI) ~ AIA. Carol Burnett. fhrM OCNo plea, all CIOM, tono-tlme lrlanOt, .._.,.,.._ pro. fOUNI ~ In lhelf 1llttlonlhlpa when one of Ill• t:·~;:;,gu c1111n. Ml HOW TO YOT9 'IO:OO G • NIWI DI KOONINQ OH DI l(C)()MNG ,11111 OllOt end 1n1ani- wlll\ Willtnl 0. KOOftlnf .. one of Amerlc:a' • moll lmpottant llVing ftl'tltll - and hi• wlM pr~ •.. NI irlalgnl 11110 U11 7 .. YMt-Old ebtlrec:t ...,.. .. lionlat' I Nie encl wortt. CD ,ANll OHMI "8oreeter'1 AP9f'lf'lio." A ~ Court ..Mtlee .. put on the IPOI beoal-. of hi• recorcl of ,_ '-lllO hired • lelTI• llw --In hi• ao )'Ml• Oft• beftctl, CC> "'°"" ••.t "l<tll 0, le Klltd" (IMO) J.,_ Ryen, Chat• totta Mlohellll. A f0t- NUI ~. wflO Iott en~' k"9te 1Ntot! 10 \lie...,_. cM'tng ... wtt, .... IO~Ne defMI by ...-elno the top 1111119 Ill llglllata from around the~ In• tour• ~·N' av lllOYI& • • ... ..~ Deftcef" (1tl0) 0... Cerf .... ,,_.,.~A 9op Munt ... .......,.. ...,. "°'* 1lfflo w. ...,,.., him lntl'lt8llllell~o4ttle ~out..,.,,,, 'f'O' (l)~ ·*'* "Rude Boy" (1NOI Ray oenoe The ""'* of TM Ct .. I\ la IMtured In a took at tl\e 8'11111'1 punk IQene t°'-IO .. NIEWI (J)MOVll * * "The All kl" ( t9791 C1rr1e Snodgr .... Ray Mii· land. A Ub(arten uvee In the PHI with Mr memor ... of I IOve who dlUP"911tecl 'A' tt:009D8Cll98 NIEWI 8 IATVAOAY NtQHT Hoel· Aot> Reiner. OuMtt The L.oc:katL D YOU Alt<£O '°" rT • M•A•S•H Tl\e P*'•Onnel ol tl\e 401711\ try 10 mW!• • good tmpreulon on • peychi•· trllt wtllfl llvMtened Wllh reNt'gr.mei•t • 8ENNYHIU. TM L&cl'(btrd1 perlorm anolhef aong. • DO<CAWTT ID NUMMOUNO Sir Roger Bannleter of England, the llrat runner to b<Mll the barrier of the lour·mlnule mite, 11 pro- filed 11:ao IJ ()) OUINqY An unpopular coach la l>l•med .....,.. • metnbet or 1\11 college track tfftn dlM lrom a ._,, allaclc D a™-Bl.IT Of' CAMON a-··· Sw.Mne s-.. LOrettl Lynn. Billy Cryltal. (RI D <ti MC HIEwt NIOHTUNI D ~ WMn •woman II Ullgned 10 ~Of4111'• dMalon. ~ of them i. '-0\' abOul It. • THE JUftMoNI A ....... Ilion doeu..,.,,taty on LoulN'a .-a wltl\ a IUlc:iOe hotllne COUid ...., to • deeclly lllilur• • IAHf'ON> AHO 80H Fted and Lamont t•e In boatOlrl to pey ..... mor1· gage t>ul the pr~· don't took oood. • NEwaiEAT: CAUfOfNA CONGM.llK>NAL AUORT ID ~A8C .-wt ® HAL.L.IL,WAtf HOU.YWOOO 0-Kally hoe11 a ctaz. rtlng trlt>ute to ttte d9)'9 of Hollywood Whef'I the MOM mullcal reigned euprerne .MOVll * • *''A "TIMI Howttng" (19811 DH W1fl1c:a , P1tric:k M~ A woman rep0t1er II rnenacec:t t>y • killer wtto -• 10 tie a -ewolf.'R' 11:AO c.t.I MOVla *'*'~ "H~ Boule- verd'' 11976) ~ Alel- aon, Oic:tl Miller FrMtl lrom lndlena. • young aeplrlng ...,... beclofMe lnYOl¥ed In a rMI ro«>bery 11\et lhe Wnk• II pan of ...., ~debut ..... -Ml>flGHT- 1~ 8 IENT!ln"AIHMIHT T~ The llf'l1 of • _,_ on ltte hornet of"'" •t- - Orang• Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Mondiy, May 10, 1882 TU BE T01'PERS KHJ (9) 8:00 -"Man 1n the Iron Muk." 8Med on Alexander Dumu' novel, 1939 clMlic telll how Louil XIV'• twin brother ii placed on the French throne whlle the real kina ll lmprtaoned. KCOP (13) 8:00 -"Battlest.ar Galactica." A epace fleet carrying last remnants of the human race searches for a new planet. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"How to Beat the High Co.tot Living." Three housewives tum to theft to keep up with inflation. K OCE (50) 10 :00 -"Sorcerer's Apprentice.'' A Supreme Court justic:e is put on the spot. •• MOVll *•'A "King Crab · ( 1980) 811ryY N-l'f\an Ha1old Gould. Two feuding brotl\- •• """ tlll !amity bu.i· -lrtlO a bllllegtOUnd • tMy CC)m9el• tor their a.tller'1 IOW. IA) • MOYll *'*'\t "Murder In~ !Md" 11973) Jamee Slew• ftl1 , Stroth« Martin A detective del-Into IM NllUal )Ungle Of Holtywood 10 Oelend the hu1bend Of a radlno 111m 11ar ., LOW. AUPICAH ITYLE "The Beel" Paul Ind Corle gel 1 rMl l>afgatn on • new bed -~THI llCONO CINT\JlllY (aJMOYllE * • "The Return" fl981) J an·Mlc:l\aal Vincent, Cybill 8Mc>Mrd Two peo. pie whO htd I CIOM encounter with en alien 1pacec:r•lt •• c:t\lldren -alt 11\e allen•' Imminent return 12:0I MOVIE rt*'*' "All Tl\al Jau" 119791 Roy ~. JM. lllca Lange The lurnultU• out !He of • profMll<>NI c:N>r.ogr.,,. IS followed from tuc:eata on the 11ege lo'*-*ul-'R' 12: 11 fl) MOYIE * * *''~ "The Four S... aon1" pH I) Alan Aidt. CarOI Burnell Tl\fM cou- ple•. Ill ciOM, long·ttme lrler'ld1. ••e>erienc:I pro· found cllangee In 11\etr retatlonltllpa wherl one of 11\e m1rr1tges d11fn· tegratM 'PO' t2:a0 a a lATl HIGHT wrrH OAVIC> LETTENootAN ~ti Larry KtnQ, Sen 8111 Eltadley • OOUPl.U Ill MOVllE • • °" •·wen*' The Son- CIA11Ce Woman" (19781 Kat~ Rou, Hec:'lor EH- ~ Aller Buld't Cuai- 0y'1 deall\, Etta~ JOlnl IO<'~ wltl\ tl\e notor1e>u1 Pancho VIiie to hllacil • munltk>M train ·~AHO ~TIOHS MOYIE ***' "EAcallt>ur" (19811 Nigel T•ry. ~lc:OI William· aon The ••plotll ol King Artl\ur !><Ing power and O..tl\ to the knight• of the Round Tll>le 'R' 12:~ 1J ()) COUJM90 A 9dentl11 wttoM ton WM involwd In 11\e the11 or ,_.,c:h work kllll • col· leegue wtlo thrMlenec:I to r-' the lnlormlllorl lo thepr ... CAI 1:00 • QINI AA/flllY • MOW! * • *''-' "Fear StrikH Out" 119571 Anll\Ony Per· ktna. K1t1f Malden 8oaton Red Sox play.r Jimmy PlerMll suffer• • nef";OUI b1 tlkdown wnen 1\11 1111\ef I driving rnflue.- •nd '"* prMIUre• of big 1eague baMblll ge1 the better 01 l\1m 1:06 C MOVIE • * • ·~ 'Tl\e Men Wl\O F141 To Earth" ( 1976101v1<1 eo-. canav C•a•k ,,. roc:ll s111 lrom an alien pllnel. on •n 1nterpl- tery -c:n lor water tor hit people. t>ec:ome• 1n ••l)iOUecl m1ll1onalre on l!artll •R' 1:ao O QIHEWS 8 QEHEAUTAY CD SPEAK OUT U MOVIE • • "Undetground Aeet" f 19801 0111< Benedict. Melanie Grlllith Perking atten<1ant1 wreak havoc •• 1 swank S.Vetly H1t11 no1et ·PG' 2: 10 $)MOVIE a * "MHucre Al Centrli HIQI\" C 19761 And•-St• vetll Rot>erl C1t1radlne A cruaad• ror reve nge 1>eg1n1 alter 1 pranlo. thll wen1 100 ,., wu pullacl on the qu..W 11ue1 ... 11 by a group of bored nigh· 9C.l\OOl lrlen<t1 'R' 2:1198 HEWS <Z>MOW * * "Ma.-.c<e Al Central HIQh ' I f9761 Andr-SI• ,,....., Roben Cwr9dine A cru11d• lor 1evano• begins Iller • P' anlt 11\•I _,, 100 fllf WM pulled on the Quieter 111uder'tt1 t>y a group or bored l\tgll· IChool lrler\ds 'R 2:llO IJ MOVIE • • ·~ "01ma n11on 5" C 19671 Jeffrey Hunter, France Nuyen tn • detper· All allllT'PI to save LOI AngelM lrorn 1 hydrog4H'I bomb, an Mptonage agent emp1ays 1 H,.,..d1men11on macl\ine a:OCll HJ MOVIE 'II "S IMI" C 1980) LH M1)0<1. Jer>nller O Nem A t>eaulilul women It utlll· eel by 1 tougfl eonatrlJC1ton roreman 1n • runninQ tl\e compeny 11\e ""'*"' 111 .. her lather 1 eu~1. ac:c:J6Mlal a.all\ PG t 1:2tHC MOVIE * * * "Penelope' C 19681 !Utelte Wood Ian Bannen A negilc:lld wtla dec:lde9 10 dltgu1M l\erMll ftl><I rob her hulbftl><I I bank 3:JO 0 MOVIE e e *'II 'Pflvate e.t111· min" I 10801 Goldie Hewn, fl._, 8tet1f\tn A wetMo- do ~ women tn11talt· etlly Join• the llrmy f oltow· Ing the duth of '* new l\ulband on tl\elr wedding n19h1 'R' 1:46 (%)MOVIE e * "Rude Boy" ( 19801 Ray Genge Tl\e mu1tc ol Tl\e CIHh II lntured In • look •I IM 8rr111h punt. IC«le 4:11 (I J LAFF-A-THON A comedian hOll 1n<1 lour c:omtc oontMllnll who comp••• •g•i"at one enother art IHlllfed In tl\11 unceonM>red comedy game 11\0W JOHN DARLING T.,,..•dafl'• Dar1tl•t-Mot'I«-• -MORt•:1G- 1:oe CC)••,., "t10llyw00d RouleY*'d' 11t71 1 C1n0ic;e Mitllon. OICll Miiiet ,reeh 1rorn lndlt na. • young Hpltlng tlftllel l>ec:omel 1nv01vld 1n 1 real 1obt>ety lhll .,.. lhlnU II oan OI fief mo"4e l:let>ut ·A' 6;1() t(l • * 11 * "Grgl' C t9581 M_.ic.a Cnev1flet, Liiiia Ceron A tomt>oy being groomed by t>er MH!t and gr•ndmoth•r Mii CKJI on ner own 10 eaten 1 min 0 • • • 't, "Tl\e fou• S1Hon1 · (1 9811 Al1n Alda. Ca rol Burnett ThrH cCKJpiet, 111 cto111e, long· time 1r1er1d1, ••i>e•lenc• ptolound cnangH 1n 111.,, re1111onan1p1 wt.en 0"4I ol the m••roagea d111n 1119ra1e1 PG 8:00 Z • * * Tile M1rr1age 01 Maril 8'aun t 19791 Hann• Scnygutla Klaue Lo .. 111ch 011ec1e<1 by Raine• We•net Fuab•ncl•r Ov11ng WO<ld War 11 a Ge•man orode etruggi.s 10 aur,.1ve u .,.._ weilt fOf 1he return of ,,., llOI011< nut· band R 7-00 H • • •, rne My1tet•ou• Stranger f 19821 Ct1111 Maio.e~Ke rreo Gwynne A d•ydreomong MIHourr l>Oy 1encre1 en 4H'ICOUnl., wotn an angel of dul>tOul 0<rg1n •n m1K111val Au11rre 7;30 C • e T ne Outlaw ( 111431 J•n• Ruuell Wiiier Huston Billy th• Kio lella '" love w11n a beautiful woman wno noaes t11m tromthel1w 0 • * '" T!Wt Looney Looney loo11ey Buga Bun ny Mo•oe I 19811 Anln'l•I Id VOJCll by Mel 811nc June Foray New m&t•ro•I IS blflfldMI wllh Old 1n lhli coml)+lett0n of c1a.-.c: Frrtr FreienQ Looney Tuntt1 leaturong Bug5 Dally Ovc;k PO<l<y Pig Vo"m'" Sam T-111 P~ and oth· era lrom the c•rtoon seroet G 8:00 l • • • Thfl Leopard ( 19631 Bun L1ncu111r Claud11 Cardoni~ Gltl•· bald• I 1860 tnvasoon ol S1c1ly •e1Ull1 on 11\e demo tron 01 lhe a11stoc:r1ts on Iha soc:11I 0<d8f 8:30 H • • ' C11r<1,.c; Arrest f 1978) Garry Goo drow Mike Cnan A black ma•l<tt operahon thll "'"' <11Mmboched hlans lor lt&napients is d1tcover1<1 by an 0111><1111 homocode GOP PG 9:00 0 • • * • Ttoe LHI Metro · ( 19801 Calhtlfone O.neuve, Ger.,d 0.per dllhl ()trec:ted by F'r 81\GOIS Trull11ut Ov11ng WOtld War II. 11\e p<opr!llOll or II small Pans theatre fry lo kfllp 1ne11 111tet>11anmen1 open during the Germ•n occupation PG· t'.30 II) • The 0 1wn R1det ( 19351 John W•yne Mil· IOn Burn1 c• • , up R.,..... c11eo1 M0<g•n Stevens A young p ioneer become• obM Slld will\ revenge 111et 1111 w•le 1s l olled t>y a IOCl l l•nd baron who retents l\os aucceu 10:00 $' • e '• A Tnund41t 01 Drums 119611 Roena1<1 Boor>e. Gaorge H1m1llnn A eeesonecl capt11n ol ""' U S C1v•.lry 11des na1d on I g•-' young keulen•nl 111tt oul of West Point 10:45 lZ ,. * * "LOolung r0< Mr Goodblr (19771 Otene Kellon Tueaday Weld A M>Clllly repr11Mel tohoolle1cl\er 1e~i. s ••cilemen1 by lrequenton9 ll"g ... b1r1 and turln9 va1 iou1 men into one-n1gn1 1t1nd1 'R' HIOO (CJ **'Ao ·•Tt..F .. "d•sh Plot bt Or. Fu Menchu (111801 Flliler Sellen. Sid c ..... TM FBI and Seo•· l•nd Yard's Del N1yt1nd Smith pursue '"* 168 yttlr-old WCh VIH .. n H he -Chff 10< Ille lngred· ....... lnciud1ng 1he Crown Jeweolt. uMd '° m-. hit llfe·pt~llllttlr •f'O' CHI**. ''The Out• Joeey w.... C tt711 Clint f UlwOOCI Sonata L..Oclul, A m41n ~ M outtaw _,,.,, a r11thleea Nnd of Union IOlcSlaf• ~· "'9 aounwn lerm and 11111 hit #He end eon ll'O' 11*> g e * ··K111 And K• Ag91n (lffllJalllel"Yan. Annetone l(rlel A marttel er11 ••pert oattia. 11\e mllllonl of a l)OWW•mael IOientll l intetll on enelev-, 1t1Q ma11ktnd wtth a - m1nd-con1rOI drug 'PO' 12:00 U * ''°' "Hanna!\ Lae" C 111631 M~ Cetey, Joanne O•u A l\IOl\·prlnc:I· pied woman J01n1 In etfort1 to 1ho11-c1rou111he pl11>1 or , I hored kllltH OUI to let•Ot• It• horne1IHll4lfl • rt e e 'II •·Tl\e M•ICh· mlkar ( 19681 Shorl•y Booth. Antl\ony Pert11ns A , malchm1ket tr-to find a proper malt tor a rlCh CIOICl\ety old wldOwlf G) • • • Jac:t< Lonoon C ta.31 MICl\H I 0 Shea SuSln Heywerd An adv..,. tu•• wroter relalH lua per· tonli Hper~ from "'' dayt •• •n Oyller p1111e up tl\rougn nos work •• • llllcJ corre1pon<1•nl cov•11ng tl\e Boe< war 1:00 C * • Se11ure Tl\e Sto- ry 01 Kath) Morn1 Leon ••<I Nomoy Penetope Mol IO<d A t>uulolol young worn•n will\ a promot.•ng cateer ligntl 10< her ltl•. wl\en al\e IS atruck down by • n11r·l•••I bratn 1um0< '/. * * rt ' The M1n11109 01 Maroa Braun· ( 19791 Hanna Schygufl•. K18ul Lowou ct-Oire ct•d b y Rainer Warne• Fassbinder Ou11no Wf)(ld War ti, a G11m1n trra .. 1tn.ggln to survive H hne wllll ,.,, 11\e re1u1n ol hlr toldoer l\ut- band R 1:30 H e • · > C1r<11ac Arr"t 11978) Gany Goo- drow M•lo.e Chan A blade m11i..e1 oper111on thll Miit doMml>OCl..0 ~II r0< tr1nw1an11 "'Is d1sc:oveteo b) an olll>HI homoc;de cop PG @ e • e Tl\I Eer1Nlng ( 19801 W1lh•m HOiden. Rrc:k y 5'hr od<ll A WC)(1d He,,..., leaches a young orpn1n the wlyt of aurvoval on l!Wt Aualrlltan wtldef· neH PG 3:00 0 • • '• Oper1hon Mad Ball 119571 Jack Lemmon Ernie Koviac1 A pr1v11e onvOlvH h11 tallow rec:n.Hll enhlled men. olllc••s. nur111 and pr111oners 1n c1rry1"g oll the •·i.tad Ball 1 wild peny • S • • MuittlHll\era' ( 1978) Rory Calnoun. Don Kno111 A mule rei•let his Od•4H'llure~ w11h l\la wtly owner • er oot<ICI gold proepec:tor PG 1. • • * M1nn11And Molkow11z· ( 19721 Gane Rowl•n<I• Seymour cu • Ml A moamatc:t>eel couple sHuggle to remarn togell\· ., dflplte 11\W many d1I· r41fenc:as 4.30 c • • c 11 ... Annoe Ar>O l1tlle BroteheS ( 198 I) Burt L1nca11er Jonn Savage Two tough outl•ws p;c:I< up • P•" or 1--..ege girl• arlCI t ak • , ,,_, lllof>g on t l\ltl advenlur" PG $ 8 * '• Hugo The Hic>- PO I 19761 An1rnated v o.c<ts or Bu<'I I Vfl P ..,1 t vnoe A p.nh n1ppc>p01a- mu1 Ilk" an ad....,..urous trop acc:ornoenlecl by a kt· tie blllCk bO'f G 5:00 H • * ' • TM Mytterle>ua Str•nger p982t Chrla Makepeave. Fred Gwynoe /4 daydreaming M1uour1 boy r1nC1fl1' an encoun••• w•ill an angel of dubtOUI 011g1n 1n meooevel Aullroa l • * • '' The Four Su son1 · (19811 Alan AIOI C•rOI Burnell Three c;ouples Ill CIOM. tong• tome rr oends ••peroenc:e P• olound c111nges 1n tl\efr •flllhonShops -one ol the m 1rr1eges drain· tagt•I" PG by Armstrong & Batiuk ~----...; ........ .-. ................................................................................................... 1., e~' You'll like Our Prices 11 · 3. Se~:~~I }~~~m~~o i°:~m. : d MON: BLT & AVOCADO SAfl>WICH .......................................... 2.75 e ~ °'*' race on 1oaet4MI Frtfldl btMd te>pped wtth a\IOOAldo creec91'1tt. lncMMe French lrlee. MS: GARDEN PATCH TlltKEY SAfl>W1CH .............................. 2.t5 Thin lllc4MI bNUt of turkey, evooatllO. AIMricM ctleeM, ....,.. eproutt MWd °'*' f90e on whole wne.1 bt'Md. WED. & FRI: POCKET CHANGE Pit• breed ~ etun.d wtth i..t~. toma1o, ..... eprowt• MWd •tt1 ,,...., fruit. I • t • ,1 I .. " .. " Orange Coat DAIL y PILOT /Monday. May 10, 1882 -...1 \ltH: c Ill/I\-... 'I •••• 11 •. 11111 :· 1. -1-..... , I 1 .. , \,.,, 1 .... , n .... 11 CBS casts its eye on comedy NEW YORK (AP) -Comedy will be the dominant article In prtmt time next Huon. with tome familiar faces In new roles, and eorne 1tranae charactel'I In old lituatlona. CBS unvelled lta fall lineup, a 1982-83 tchedule lncludlni Bob Newhart and Sally Struthers In new half-hour ai\coms. CBS, the No. 1 network In prime time for three seasons, said 18 programs will return, joining seven new aeries -four of them comedies. NBC'a fall lineup will Include eight comedies, four of them new programs, while ABC said its \(v~ ·n~U \\{rrK r \ llChfduM Yilli fNlW'e 11 aitL'oml, t of them new. NBC aid It would lntroduce 11 1erlea for '82-83 and ABC an· nounced • fall acbedule that ln- cludet aeven new ahowa. Ne whart, whose "Bob New- hart Show" wu a 1taple on CBS for 1everal .euona, will re- turn In "Newhart," Mo ndays 9:30-10 r.m .. a1 Dick Loudon, owner o a refurblahed colonial lnn. Mia Struthers will revive a role ahe created for ''All ln the Family" In "Gloria," Sundays 8:30-9. Among the more-or-leas fa- miliar offerings announced pre- vloualy by the compettn1 net- worka are "Tht New Odd Cou- ple" on A.BC, wtth Ron OW. and Demond WU1on, and "Mama'• Family" 1WTln• Vicki Lawren- ce, on NBC, reviving 1ketche1 created for "The Carol Burnett Show," a long-time hit on CBS. CBS' new comedy _pro~ama, In addition to "Newhart • and "Gloria," art "Squart Pesa," Monday• 8-8:301 with Sarah Jea- aJca Parker ana Arny Unker u hlab school freshmen, and ''Mama Malone," Wedneaday1 9:30-10, •tarrlna Lila Kaye aa a widow who broadcaatl an offbeat cooking show from her Brooklyn a nt. ELECTRONIC HEARIN<; TESTS will be ai•e• aa Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center T•ee., May 11, We•., May II, Tll•n., May 11 9 A.JI. &e I P.M. Hearing teats wUl be conducted by a Heart.na A1d Spedallat, who ii Ileen.led by the California State Board of Medical Quality Aaauranoe u a Hearing Aid Oiapenaer. Anyone who hu trouble hearlna or undentandlna la welcome to a teat employing the laleat electronic equipment whl.ch will detenn.lne hla or her partlCular loa. You will see a modem hearina aid 110 tiny lt flta totally within the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER Forl4!rly Montgomery Ward Ht'arlng Aid Cen~r. Coita MNll 1600 Weet Cout Highway Newport Beach 646-8266 If )'dU can't makt' It In thne day1 • call f6r appt at another lime Buy one ticket and take some one along free I Bring your spouse, business associate, or just a friend -anyone over 17. • Every seat, every flight. Offer good anytime until June 15, 1982 (except /ky 28 and June 1). Like any good offer there are some qualifications. You must buy your full-fare Coach, Business Coach',. or Night Coach round-trip ticket no later than the day before departure. It is a group ticket so you must fly on the same flight, the same day, the same class. Ticket is non-trans- ferrable and the free portion can't be returned for cash. Check Republic's Pair Fare to these cities: From Burbank: Denver• Los Vegas• Minneopolls/St. Poul. Phoenix ' from L.A. lntemattonal: Atlanta• O,icogo •Detroit• Mlnneopolis/St. Paul New York (LoGuordlo) •Son Francisco• Seattle/Tacoma from Ontario: Denver •Los Vegas Minneapolis/St. Poul• Phoenix• Seattle/Tacoma From Orange County (John Wayne): Denver Houston (Hobby) • Los Vegas• Phoenix • Seottle/Tocomo ' Oma 0.scouNT FARES. If you are traveling alone, with children, or to certain Republic cities, one of oyr other discount fares may be • your best buy. Republic offers discount fares to every city we serve -over 160. These discount fares may have advanced-purchase and length-of- stay requirements and the number of discount seats may be limited. Chee~ with your travel agent or Republic. 2A·hour reMrvatlon Ml'Vlce. For fare lnformatf on to any Republ le city, cal I a travel agent or Republic: LOS ANGELES (213) n2-5100 BURBANK (213) 2'7-8333 •ORANGE CO. /SANTA ANA/ ANAHEIM (7W) S«>-2060 •ONTARIO/RIVERSIDE (7W) 988-8585. ---... _--- ·OD By SANDIE J OY Of IN Dell1 Piiot St.ff ln the kitchen of their Irvine home, Elinor and Lewis Follans- bee keep a box of what she calla "genuine aun-dried California camel cookies." That's camel dung, folks. a m e m e nto of Follansbee's 600-mile, 60-day tre k through the Mo jave Desert wilt\ three camels, three horses and 11 mulea. Weekends the expedition was joined by Elinor and the couple's 3-year-old Abyssinian cat, Missy. M issy didn't much like the camels, Elinor reported, but the Follansbees seem to be fond of the humped c reatures. Their atrium is filled with camel stat- ues, one of which is an incense burner. "W e like t o go o ut in the boonies," Elinor explained. Be- , cause of Lewis' botanical expe!'- tise. he can idenufy the plants 80 they've returned from forays with the makings of Wild Rose H ip Jelly, Manzanita Jelly, Horehound Wine and the like. "Wild currants," Lewis inter- jected. "That's a good one. Wherever we can find the fruits of the land . . . " Then there's the 15 sets o f spoons and knives Lewis carved from Vermont White Pine and Western Yellow Pine while in the Mojave a nd the wooden wine cases he converted into a carved, ceiling-h1gh curio cabinet. The Follansbees are "FFI." MONDAY, MAY 10. 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS SPORTS That means first families of Ir- vine, Lewis, 66, explained, aince they were among the city's ear- liest residen ts. A retired biology professor with an Insatiable interest in al- most everything, h e describes hlmself as an eclectic. Elinor is a registered nurse who sh ares hla lntereata with pride and enthwdum. The camel trek. which IAwt. finished April 15, waa a re- creation of the 1861 reconnais- sance boundary survey, the fint attempt at surveying CalifomJa'a east.em border. The original survey took 60 days, beginn ing on Feb. 13, so that's how Follansbee did it. Planning for the re-creation be· gan a year ago although he flnt became interested in the project more than 20 yean ago. ''I like the out-of-doors. I think that says it. I got interetted in who'd been there before me and that naturally followed an inter- est in Q'ai.la." Lewis was trail mast.er for the camel trek which at times waa joined by various persona inclu- ding Irvine residents Dorsey G rant and Palmer Osborn. Delly ,... ...... ., t..,.,... Among h is favorite e xperi- ences is when he foll<>Wed the LaSalle Trail in Tex.ta and tou.nd the ex.act place where the famous explorer had been buried. "The Daught.en of the Texas Republic have the monument ln the wrong town," he said . ALONG FOR RIDE -Missy the c.at is glad Lewis Follansbee is back biking around IIVine and not trekking with camels pcross the MOJ8Ve on a research expedition . :s , f Lalcers so· one up on San Antonio in pla yo/ls. BS Tradltlonaledueatlon .. . ~High demands1 raise results' By JEFF ADLER Of' .... 081'1 l'llot ..... ' BtU Honig'a plan tp wrest the oflice of state Superintendent of Public Insruction from inc um- bent WUaon Riles is an old fas- hioned one -more of the three "R's'' for California schoolchil- dren. HonJg is stressing what be cal.la a "traditional education" In hla campaign for the non-partisan poll of the state's top educator. The 44 -year -old superinten- dent of a Marin County achool district called for h11ber 1eho- laatJc standards, fl)()l'e homework and more dlaipllne in the state's public schools during an inter- vjew. "We have lowered our expec- tatJons and can't expect the kids to le am u much ," said ffQlllg. "The kids can't qualify for jobs because the schools-are not car- rytn, the freight of human capi- tal investment." 8-idel ~ reading, writing and a.riUunetlc. Honig would like to tee Calltomia schools teaching more 1elence, history and litera- ture u well. "Where high demands are made, that's where results are aen," ffonli said: "All kids can learn wJth the right standards and excuons." Beal shoring up Calitdmia's o.., ..... ltlllf ,.__.. COUNTS WAYS -Bill Honig has a number of ideas about how to rebuild confidence in public schools. He's a candi- date for state superintendent of public instruction. weak curriculum. Honig said he would Like to see schoola again emphasl.z.e traditional values that imbue students with a stake in society. He said that teen-age drug uae and the high rate of teen-age pregnancies are symptoms that youth is "not buying into our common cuJture. ·· An attorney who gave up the legal profession for a career aa an educator, Honig suggested that public education's financial cri&ia can be solved once the curricu- lum is improved. "There is not adequate public support for the schoob and we won't get it until the quality im- proves and w e build back the public confidence," Honig said. Turning to his Incumbent op- ponent, Honig said Riles "just ia not doing the job." He added. "His (Riles') major argument is that the achoob are doing okay but need mohey. I say money won't help." Honig also charged that Riles had forged an "unholy alliance" with teachers' associations to pursue funding while "n ot saying anything negative" about the schools. Honig said he opposed buatng because although its goals may have been good. the issue, none- theless. took the emphasis off quality education. READINGS SHARED -While Mandy Salter of Corona del Mar told favorite story to Betty and Dr. Arnold Bode of Santa Ana, sixth gra- 0.-, ,._.,......-, Mdlerd IC..._, der Brad Zenz of Newport Beach politely gave up seat to Marian Zenz of Ontario who sat in on claBle'S at Harbor Day School. Additionally, the candidate said he would like to see public achoob funded on a local level.. He said a funding source re~: served for local school districti. could be devised t hat would· grant districts thf flexibility of : adjusting rat.es to meet needs. Now turnout's • no surprise to headma$ter Most families In a mobile IOdety are sprad 8Cl'Ol8 the country and get to- gether only for major holidays or Ufe'a milatonel. . Honig claimed to have r&Ued $950,000 for his election bid from both Republican and Democratic campaign contributors. He admltt.ed that his name is not well-known around the state, but said, "if they hear I'm a auperint.endent and want to put in a su ccessful trad itional ap- proach, they're receptive." KNEE-WGH KIN -Erle Halliburton of c.oron. del Mar props up kindergartener Dierdre ~ of Irvine. So when someone s uggested a "Grandperenw Day" to John Marder, ~ of .Harbor Day School in Ocirana det Mar, he f1gured about 20 would ·~ and he Q)u}d eat them in hi. office. But 150·arrtved, and the t.rad.ltion wa1 started eight yean ago. HB pays out housing I und ·· Lat week 439 v1aited the cam~. Mn. Nit11 Morphladou from Greece came the great.est diatance, and othen came from Israel, ,Mlchl1an, Dllnota New York to fotn the proud con- t from annc-County •. ~na wu apent obeervlal each paridchlld'• clU1roo. -no .nan f-.t for W. wUh brtlllll elDOftl the atudent body ol ., ft private echool. Orand.-.nta ....... """' ......... t.extboob wlth .. ~ --noltwd ~ -CNftl • .... .... .. America urged. to w~ke up to ed·ucatiOn need DEAR ANN LANDERS: rm 70 yean of aae and have had • lot of time to pow with all the chaDa9I that have taken pllloe 1n tbe world. I bulft my own oomputer and I a.ta • my own programt. One of my computen II writing this letter from a disc file. The problem I'm writina about 11 my deep con- cern about the rl1fng crime rate and the condit.ion of education in thia country today. I feel that the lack of education in IOID8 areaa and~· quality of educaticn in othen -c1.4larly in the area of mar- ketable -bu contributed enonnoualy to the high Crime rate in the United States. The strong-back-weak-mind jobe are way back there with the hone and buggy. I've written 10methina and would ap- preciate <¥Our evaluation, Ann Landen. If you believe as I do, ple8le pus lt on to your feaden. Taxpayen 1hould realize that they must either pay now for better education or pay a lot more later for the results of crime. c Canmlt R~to ~~ E Education I lnaplre the N Non-performer R Rl!double E Effort T TQ3Vard R Reachin& E Every A Available T Talent -SINCERELY, STILL KICKING IN ORLANDO DEAR ORLANDO: I aaree wltel .. a:r- tedlJ wU' yo1r aaaly1l1. ~ore fNd for U.O.pt Uterae, la Japu 11 ff.I peremt. .w• .,, Amerlea! • • • , AP•1et111 80 THAT'S BOW IT'S DONE -Chinese The.fair opened over a week ago but dally painting ia demonstrated by Xu RerorJI riefore attendabce bu not been u !Ugh u offidala spectators at Wor¥'s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn. hoped. Scorpio hoIDharded Tuesday, May 11 ARIES (Marct~j~ril 19): New ca-reer opportunity ii ted. Fresh cone· epts attract attention of IUperior. Statw quo is shaken, you gain new outlook and draw to you creative, innovative people who encou- rage and inlpire. Leo figures prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): FOCUI on intuition, regaining eenae of direcUon. ma- king travel plans and revamping concepta concerning long-range outlook. Lea.ming procea la 1timulated by teaching, lharina and following through on first impreestom. • I GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Dlvendfy, be flexible, highlight venatillty and be willing to laugh at your own folbla Humor ii essential, especially when dealing with individual who makes fantaatic financial claims. Emotional involvement 19 part of ecenario. CANCER (June 21-J~" 22): Maintain low profile. Attend to de , tebuild on a more .Wtable bMe and put puzzle .,-. lnto place. Meam set bo\.e in Ol'der. a..s Jepl ript8, penniallom. Scorpo, Taur"U8. A4Ua· rtua mUva play~ ro&-. 11• . LEO (July 23-Aua. ~): Exchan&e of ldeu could lead to brtahter employment praepecta. Accent Qll chaw. traWl. ~ and 11bWtJ to exi:n-..lflD c:r.Uw, _... pelllna manner. You will 1aln throup written word. llOIOICON BY SIDNEY OMARA Focus on 1pecula~on, unique lnqulrlea, physical attraction and home remodeUna. Young penoo maka demands which may be unreuonable. Know lt, -draw definite line. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focua on reel estate, safety me ... urn, movea which en- harice leCUrlty. Empbuls ai.o on fine print, hidden claUlel, tax 1helten and internt rates. See places, people ln reallltic uiht. Define temw, avokl 81!lf-decepti.on and am gin&erly with Pt.cee native. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some nei&hbon, relatives could bomb&rd you whh fabe reporta and 1torin which caDDOt be sua.tantiated. Do 90IDe penonal inn tlnl, even lf llholt journey II nee e nery~ • peel added ~ty wbich brin&i It opportunity for ..__. rwwarda. SAGITTARl111 (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You'll be rtd of• ftnancial burden. Money comm your way D;l ~ IDUU*'. More people are eonce~ned with your vlew1, oplnknl, actlala Inv*'''*" oppoftUDlty la prwnl if reedy to·~ OUflPDded pro-Cedura DEAR ANN L;ANDIRS: 'nu. will be a different kind ot problem. It'• about a youna ,,..oman who can't ay ''y•. 0 • My h~'I n1eoe 11 ltayina with UI wblle Job-hunUna. Sh• 1t 23 yean old, a colleae. anduate, darllnl-Jookinl and very sweet. 'the problem II an eer-sraUng •peech hablt. When I bear her on the~ ffione, it driwa me C?ZY· Here'• her end o the con- v.-Uon: "Yeh -oh, yeh ... Yah? Yabet ... Yup ... Yeh ... Yar'l Yaaaaa. Yeah -yeah." I really love the girl and want to help her. A hint, pleue. · -lUGH POINT, N.C. DEAR HIGH: You aleee l• pr•bably uaware of ker 1lovealy 1peecla 11.ablt. Ua· 1111 1omeoae polat1 U o•t, •'e'll aever e.rreet It. If IM'1 ltrlPt Ille wW appr:eclate you taternt &ad lean to MY Jet -at dae ap- 'nprlate dme, I trut. CONFIDENTIAL lo Oae for tile Booll1 lD Syracue: lt't brd lo believe JM llave beea coultteatly ':f.~r 41 yean. Ev• a clock tllat lta't It rlOt twice a day. Me..aab tile problem It slltllq rival- ry. lt't a no-wlD 1ltudoa tlaat 1oes Hek to the cradle, so doa't 1weat tile tmall staff. There a a big difference between cold 11Jd cool. Ann Landers •hows you how to olay it cool without fre«ln6 people out Jn her boolclet, "Teen-age Sex -Ten Ways to Cool It." Send 50 centa and a long, .eU- add.reaed, •wnped envelope to Ann Lan- den, P.O. Box 11995, Chbgo, nL 60611. Me~ories of toys past I call tbl1 P.iece, "A Guide Through Toy1 Put" or 'Seven Reuon1 Why We Don't Need a $140 Video Game." Indulge me, folb, while I reminisce about the toy1 of yesteryear that my chil- dren not on)y l~ for, but convinced ua they could not po.tbly live without. HORSE. REMEMBER RIM? He was brown ~ sucked up 80 ga11onl of water a day thrOugh hia face. He was a lot of fun and lived with UI for three years. He toed in and every time the farrier came to 1hoe him, it ooet $45. No one wanted to pick the manure out of his feet because it was "gro.." He attracted flies and did not like the 1e111&tion of anything on hia back. fJe was ridden 12 times. Ping Pong Table. It was a big table and held boob, ooata, dirty laundry, lunch sacks, stuff that had to go to the cleaners and ltacka of old newspapen. You couldn't tee the TV over lt and it eventually went to the praae where It warped. Frankenatein Doll; When you wound it up the pant. tell down ad the face turned red. When the batteries wore out, it just stood there. Dolly and Bob: Two ovenexed gerblla who ltarted their own world. 'Ibey enjoyed popularity for a full 15 minutes. Then their cage began to smell and got crowded. Full Set of Leather-Bound-Gilt- Edged-3,000-Illu1tratlon Encyclopedias. 'Ibey were suppoeed to bring a new cultural flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END level to the family. Used twice. l. To point out a picture of Eve in Vol V who was to- plea 2. To bold open the door when tne new IOfa WU delivered. PLASTIC INFLATABLE Swimming Pool. Officially dedicated on the morning of July 5. Offidally cloeed on the evening of July 5 when it wu noted that a small boy in the neighborhood had drunk five glaaes of C:. drink and bad not left the pool in 12 Ice Hockey Sticks. In cloeet awaiting arrival of Canadian Salvation Army. Fell out of favor when it was discovered they did 'ot have training wheel1 on them and worked only when someone stood upright on ice lkata. I try to be a aood mother, a lovmg- mother, a considerate mother who wanta to see her children happy. However, I do not see little heads eating video wafen survi- ving the long haul. AB for Daddy'• $5,000 boat with the cute name that is parked ln the side yard and has not seen water since the last 100-year flood . . . tbat•s different. GOIEll 011 BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF vulnerable. Q.3 -Both vulnerable, as Nortla Eut SoatJa vulnerable, South you hold: 1 • Z <:::i 7 • AQ95 <:::i K93 0 K98 •1W7 What action do you take? Your right· hand opponent A. -There is a strong temp· opens the bidding with one tation to double. but your no trump. What action do band -especially your you take? trumps -is not quite good A.-If you enter tl\e auction enough. You might take only on this motley collection and one trump trick! There ;1 find West with the balance of also the possibility that power, the resuJt could be someone will remove the bloody indeed. Pus. A dou· double, and then you will be hie by you would show the badly placed in the ensuing equivalent of a one no trump auction. Pass. opening bid, and would be penalty-oriented. Q.8-As South, vulnerable, · you hold: Q.4-Nelther vulnerable, u •109! <:::iJMU OIU& •AS South you llolcl: " Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 10, 1982 .............. ·•-"'-'~--·--"' No more animals for Anita? BY JAY lllAUU'IT .,Ari•.,. NEW YORK -Anita Mortil r.1ay1 the madlm of &o.dwa)"• 'Tho Belt UtU. Whorehoute ln Ttxu." But lt lhe rt« Med coo like a pliec>n, ,rowl Wee a coupr or trumpe~ Ukt an tlephant, a.ht'• ready. This is ull6.-.~ with sue creetutA, IJA flilgtbN in •·sugar Babies," the cougar In Doug Hen - nlng's "Th e Magic Show" and the ele- phant In the movie version of said ifiow. • ~ She didn't ,.,..., q u i t e 'h a v e Mo1 .. 1111 this in intnd when, after grad- uating frbrn New York's Ameri- can Academy of J;)tamatlc A.Ma. she went for to act and sing. But ---- ah~ didn't think ahe'd 110 rlsht ln to mime, either. ''I went directly Into-tho American Mime Thuater," 1ht aoya "I alway1 wanted \0 do mu11lcal1, but I d idn't open my mouth for five )'ffn." The red-haired act.rem, a f~ ~rit Y(ho speak.a~!\ t b~ t OI of her patl of1\>l - "1 u, htl11 done r atlon ge work, of course. including "Sett.aw" and "Jesus Christ, Superatu." But no way did she evet'think ~e'd "Share the stage in a cage, no less. -with a cougar in IJla- gician Henmng's Broadway show 1 a few years ago. It was right in~resttng, she concedes. ''One time, I got too close and he grabbed my h ea d and smashed me up against the ban,'' she said. •·He raked has paw over my face I didn't know at the \lm~ he w~s declawed, and I thou~ht, 'Well, there goes the S fa<.-e'. The face, a lovely one, 1u.rvi- ved with only a few abra.tlona. MIH Morrla pre11ed on to To- ronto to make the 1how'a film vertlon. The publicity man there asked her to pose with an ele- .P~· ""J~ was 'oold and ra " lbe recalls. "Well. I stood w th my tiny umbrella near thi1 huge bea11t. lie looked at me, swung his trunk around, wrapped \t al'Q_Und m y leg and threw' m'e backwards Into the mud. I ' 1 • '/There were a Jot of pbqJog- na_phers there." she •lsfu~d. "N~turally. this was the plc\"1fe they used." La.st year, she replaced l\nti Jilllan in "Sugar Bable•." One nt..lft'lber required her to ~ On stage ln a slinky, aequined gown and sing whilat feetooned wlth a squadron of white pigeons. 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('°) 111', adO, ... 1:10, 1f:ll LAKEWOOD CENTEll SOUTH WAI• IN Al 09! M'IO 211 6M-t211 t ALIJNA "VICTCHt YICTONA" '"' ., ........ t it - "IF YOU COULD au WHAT I HEAR" tll'Ot t:IJI )I\ ............. . Focvny ot Colldl•WOH 21J/IJ1•fll0 "PARTNERS"'"' " ... , .. , ... '" ... " .. so . COAST WALK·IN .... ""''°"'' l)f fHf ..... I "CHARIOTS OF FIRE° "<01 ... (J ... , •• JI .... \•I UM I, • .,, .. , .. I "PARTNERS"'"' M()flil flltl I I\ I M ,., '\Vfit IOI , .. ,. Ito ... ... lln fri 7· -.s.t_ S.. 7tlS ... ltlltl II W IMPORTANT NOTICE! CNllD"I• WOP 12 fftEll ""'°".,. •-.... tin fri. 7M • SIJ_ S... ....._,. 1:00 CJlll.fl IOUlfO • YOUll IUI CM! IUllltf It.WU ~ If OIO IUI CM! MO!) Wl'l1t r.lllT'OI ~ llOSl!10ll -l"'ti .-l'QlllMU t•AU, Oltf-A 0111¥t-!11S m Oii IM WIG M~ AHi 111.l ANAHEIM DRIVf·IN Cltlf f1 SOUhO 8U! >jA PAllJ BUENA PARK 0111vf tti •I 121-4070 ,,,po ''"~' LINCOLN DRIVf·IH 't'W;OI" AV• We" Of C"Olf 12hi•070 JQq'-ff.ArN FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORl\/f·IN ..,~ 01990 ,,.,.,. Ol lfoo•l'llHtl (lo I •'GOIN' ALL THI WAY* C1t1 -WHIOH ICMOOL ftANRI" 1111 , f62•24t1 C1llE fl SOQllD ----a.._;-_;_.~_i"_.;_,_°'_, - ~~ WOfU'".., I "llllYOND IVIL" 1111 " -.,.. " lA HABRA 1111o;1 .~ .. • J .. , • How's this tor a good answer: money. Read our newspaper , and cash in on advertised values. discount coupons. food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week . We also save you time. Which is important for busy women managing a home. children and many otHer responsibilities. In the market for tun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events around town . TV and • movies. Recreation. sports. hobbies. a whole package of interesting news and features to give you a lift! Whenever you have the time. So if you've been feeling a little shopworn lately, get some help. Get the paper . . Whet'• In It for you? Th• a newer appear• on every page of • II 6A2-A321 ' • , , 1: ( !' .... ~'SIP' INOLS1'00D-a ... one of the NBA'• W..-.n ~~Ip...-between tbl ~ ~-~ An ~ bed been over for more U-. • lqlnum. But LaPI' ,_-ye tDrward Bob McAdoo WU ldll In unlfonn, atttna In front of hll cubkle In the locker room. He ••m8d. little~ and ~ty. ·~been hard few me to Mt and lleep. he fldmi "r-.. ).llt been IO exdted. The tenaon II ...uy here." McAdoo didn't aound like the NBA veteran he IL He Md jult aoored 21 potntl In helpinc the La- bn Wee • hard..med 128-117 victory '11/W the Spun f« a 1-0 lead in their belt-of-eeven playoff .... . "rve never been In an NBA final before," be continued. "Jt aeema like I'm ready to 110 every .:icmd.'' I The 3()..yeu~ forward 1ooked more like the • 1i,._,,...,..._ ... TURNING TWO -A4el ... ..., Tim Foll baa to throw araol*l bue- runner Terry Crowley to complete double play during sixth inning of Sunday's game t/xp "' fim.,_.. _.. out ol Narth Carolina lulldly al· --•die J'on8. Mc.\doo wanted U.. ball, and wt.. he IDtit, it~ mMnt two polnta. MoAaoo flnllhed the day wltti 1 10.for-11 -..a.11 ~ from the floor,_,~ GI .-na. tfftt rebounda. a techni~ Mal aDd Ila per90nal ~ wbleb qnaled h1a ..St With 1:88 remaln1DI In the canMM. HAI nu.mben didn't meuure up to cmter Ka· reem Abdul-Jabbar'a 32 polnta, Norm Nhron'• ca.-r-playoU hiah 31 potnta « Map: Johnaon'a 18 rebound• and H AMlata, but that didn't bother McAdoo. "awht now, it• a sreat f~. EwirJ •1 I have to l>reatt. a llatl of relief," MCAdoo Doted. "I juat want to win 10 lied." McAdoo, you 1ee, delpite apend1rw mote than 10 yean in the NBA, Ml never 6een on a ~­ lhip team. ffil deliiw to win II IO lltl"0n4L Gat be blew hia cool In She fourth quarter when be objec- I .. ........... ..,a...~ at~ ft AUels earned split of four-game 9e ~ lliftimore with an 8-4 victory. •, . Ortnge Colet DAILY PILOT /Monday, May 10, 1912 - flld to • foul cali.s .,.wt him and a1ammed the bell off ~ floor. The NMl!t WM l_~fi.,dlil IOf~ man. who ~ wtlb MJchMl Coaplr, llaa beer\ the key to the lAUrw' bench ~.,.. lllM.le he ..... obtained~ .. by .......... proved !!!:i'• point. J'ortunately for 'the Laken. OerYin hit on jult 10 of hia 24 lhc* trans the field: or the_..... ~t have been~. 'Oecqe \MMD ind :i MltcMll IN .::f to tbeia' 20 to IO polntl I t," Riley con "~rt not Fina to fran double and triple "I've n1'VW dane that ..._.." MaAdoo admit-ted about hll n.lde tnabmt of the blllletbll1. 0 I juat aot exdted bemUle " ..... t.d call.'' ....., a.vtri eech time be _. the ti.a. We ~ wantild to make IUl'e iu~ llke (Mike) Bratz and (Gene) Bmka don't have a., nilbta." All the LaUn le med I 'ted SundaJ, t.buW to a Jenathy break after aweep6nc Phoenbc ln bu pme1 In the Western Conference ..mfinall, 8anlu WH held to 10 potnta, and J:Srants, a thrM pcMnt buket tp'd•lbrt, manapd to hit on onp of two Iona jumpen for a mere three pomta. And. the LakerJ did not expect the ume eM'J time "1th the Spun that they had wt\h the Suna. 0You can ... thee:=~ WM at a~ lilw1 today," noted t.br Pat Riley. '1& w1a much more tntenee, much more competitive. I thil\k yoq're Dna to tee that throughout the .-tee." " Meanwhile, Nixon and Ma1lc activated the LakeJ' fast break after a a1ow f1nt quarter to aput& the rested Laken. The L&ken' .,_teat concern, of ..,.,., wu auarct Georae Gervin, and hla 34 Potntl 9tinday It wun't until the final four minutea of tbf first halt that the La.ken reelly aot their ICt ..,.... ther. With Nlxon·1COrin1 1lx polnta and Jamaat Wllkel and Jabber -=orina five each, the Lakera ltBee LAltERS, Pase Bl) Birds turmoil • ID f almer ready to fly the coop By JORN SEV ANO or ... .,.., ..... ,... A• the Angell get aet to entertain the New York Yankee in a three-aame aeriet 1tartin11 toniaht, Baltimore'• Jim Palmer will be in Oakland pondering h1I future. Palmer, uncharacterlatically, wu 1 viewer from the Oriolea' bullpen Sunday aft.emoon 11 the Angell handed the Blrdl their aecond 1trai11ht defeat, 8-4, be- fore a Mother'• Day crowd of 39,417 at Anaheim Stadium. Palmer la In the bullpen be- cau.ie hia manaaer. larl Weavu, baa taken hie hard-throwing n,ht-hander out of the •tartina rotation. The demotion, whtcli occurred juat prior to the third game of the recent Hrlea be- tween the two clut>., trtuered another U'lf)' exchange between Palmer and hia aldpper. available, the Analla don't figure to look the other way either. Sunday'1 victory by Bruce KJ. acn, hia fint in a )'t!8l', WU only the third win by an Ancel starter in the 1ut 11 games. "Yeah. f d like to come to th1a club," announced Palmer of the poHibilUy of playing for U;ie ~ "but I think lt may be too premature to talk about aome-thina like that yet. PALMER REPORTEDLY hM aaked to be tra~ed . Weaver "IT WOULD BE a bti decision countered by uytng the Orio1-for me, and I don't want to be have tried to accommt>date Pal-movtnc just to be movtna. I have mer'• wiahea, but every time a two~la -qes 12artd f5 -and trade la conaummated, the pit-they re mOl'e Important right cber vetoes It... now than utiafying aomethlng I "That'• a lie," aald Palmer may want like 300· vidoriea. Sundar, u he drel9ed at h1a cu-"It would be nice to come here bicle. 'Deaplte what Earl aaya bui I don't know if thinp can be rve never vetoed any trade." worked out." Palmer did admit, however, What Palmer had to like, H- aaytna no to a pcwtble deal which pedally Sunday, wu the wa}"the wOuJd have aent him ID s..t. ~i. are 1eoriq runa thne Qty for the Roya.la' A.a Glllf .. . ~la, -.0 M't 11-2 · one time. -· me, MUnd~ J:'~iole1 The Anp1a have inide ~ and cret of the fact they're ln the Stoddard -for 10 hits and market for another pitcher -eight runa, lncludlnc a two-run preferably a left-hander. But if a homer by Don Baylor, a three- thrower of Palmer'• ability wu run blast by &bby Grich and an as well RBI double and triple by Tlm Foll. Palmer -and the Orioles staff u a whole -haven't been get- ting the aame kind of support from the Orioles' bitten. "You have to win with four runa on the board," bemoaned Weaver Sunday, aa be again put the knock on hit P'tch.lni staff. "You're not going to win too many pme. when you give up eight rune. 11ime that you do you can count on one hand.'' Palmer, with 249 lifetime vic- tories and 16 yean of lel'Vice 11 • member of tbe Orlolea, la 1-1 with a 6.84 El{A In 1982. Although molt of the Anaela' playen would drool at the proe.- pect of obtainlng Palmer, many voiced cautiouane91 aa to whether Baltimore would actually trade the 36-year-old hurler. .. DO YOU REALLY think dley're ao&nc to let Jim P~ I!» anywhere?" 11id An1els Manager Gene Mauch. ''l don't think they really have any in~ terest ln moving him." . "They're not 11otn1 to trade J im Palmer," added Resgie; Jackaon. "There lan't a team in'. bueball that wouldn't want him.: He can pit.ch 11.ke he la now until he's 40 years old." . MONTREAL (AP) -IAft..bander Bill Lee WMD't arcMmd to watch hit former ' · · teammates, the Montreal l!xpoe, drop the etcbth lnnlna In what l:xpoe General Manaaer John McHale delcribed u ''no coodltlon to pitch." mark at Olymp6c Stadium, where they have been hard to beat In recent I.:"· They al8o alipped into third p in 1bat WM not the, CMe with Guerrero, however. He jumped on the flrSt pitch from Ray Burrta, 0-6, and drove it into the left field bleachers, -=ortnc Duaty Baker, who had doubled home Steve Su for hla 10th RBI In the 1-t three 11mea, and Rick Monday, who had Walked. Still, Palmer ~ extremely agitated when uked about hi& current predicament. : "He (Weaver) could have eo11~ up to me and u.ld be felt it ws time Sammy Stewart eot a~ in the 1tartlng rotation," aaicS Palmer. "But, lnsteed, he dkln'~ uy a thinl· He juat aaid he w..1 taktns me out because I had~ .utt neck. Well, rve had a IUffl neck before and I wasn't taken out of the rotation. ~~~trbtr ...... man than h1S team'• ~lam Sundn to the Loe Anaelea Dod91!ra. He allO m'-d most of a 10-8 lOll to the Doctcen on Saturday. After i.e.mm, prim'_ to that~ that the l:xpoe Md dropped lnflelckir Rocmy Scott from the roltet, i.. rtll*I up bit uniform and )eh.it an• ... -... the cWt of v:; Jilt IWMI The &d~IM-to a pub wr the Olympic St.ldlwn ad ~ ln Be6n &mday'a pme, tbe dub fined Lee *5,000 and requeNd walwn to 8iVe the v..._ Atcher Jda llDCODdtUOnal ..._. Lee Wt -............... the l!xpoe succwnbed to the efCbt-hit pit- ch.fua of. Loi Anaelee Jett-bander Fer-nanda vu.m.-, u, mit a tm.-.nm, fifth-1.nnbw balMI' .,, .,..,,., Guerrero that raWe&f'tbe Doda • ,... • 1-1 def. ~~ . The .. Wt the ... With • 12-11 record and a even more ~ 4-7 the National Leque F.ut, three percen- tage polnta beh1na the New York Meta. The victory WM the fifth straight for the 1ur1lng Dodgen. It 1ave tnem a four-pme aw~ of the aeries. "h 1ee1m while other clube are cuhl!:'I ln on thefr opportunities, we're laging, aid Fanntna. "It'• been happenins ao often. Today (Al) Oliver doublea and (Glf)') Carter hita a mnuh to center. It WM -of the hardest bUJa hit all day, but At'• an out." CIF baseball .playolls scheduled to open Friday UM) llDd pitcben Brim Ayen, Don Grep and Rick L&llanbe. ·-~ ........ -.eoe-. Mft c.c.ta awaltl the Olien with left..hander Jim Pw ~o: DA) wt rtabt-bander Richie Ta-tum (J.14 ), Uanl wt\h 'Mika Pen-yman (.372) aad Joa ........ (.llOf In the hitUDI dep9r1menl Aa:awmc Mira c.ta'• ac.n ~ cham-g:11-1g:~ ~~~ii~ 1),<= wldi rfch~bamdll' Gwy (1.80 ). Lllgune ..... Corone ...... Laauna Hilla enten with • ~and-down crew, bUt when the Hawlu are up, they ean be Sei Pak1ngt. Page 97 I "I really ~·t ~about a bame run in that litua~" Guerrero aaid of h1a lixth of the aeuon. "Manny (flnt t.. ooech Mota) toJd me to eo to rtcht field. But the pitch WM down and ln and I went to the left fJeJd inltellCl and hit It out." 'There'• no doubt I'm unhae:. py about the way thingl are now~ Comln1 hf re la 1omethin1 would definitely like to talk"' about." I J j .. Leonard undergoes surgery for eye From AP dJapatclle1 BALTIMORE -World welter-m weight champlon Sugar Ray Leonard underwent aurgery Sunday for a de- tached retlna in the left eye, but doc- tors aaid it wu too early to tell if he woUld be able to resume hit boxing career. The two-hour operation on Leonard, 25 , forced the postponement of Friday nJaht'a ICbe- duled Utle bout against Roger Staff<>nt at 8uf- fa1o , N.Y., aald Mike TraJner, the champion'• agent and attorney. Quote of the day Rlcll Go11a1e, ace reliever of the New York Yankees, after the season's 14th game and only hours before club owner George Steinbrenner fired manager Bob Lemon: "I'm depressed. It has become very de- pte91ing around here ... very tough to be an everyday player here. And it's getting wone. It's going to be a long year. I thought it'wu August already." Staub rusty, but delivers game-winner · Pinch-hitter Rutty Staab, who Ii came into the game without a bit in his lut 16 at-bats. blasted a 10lo home run with two outs in the ninth inning to give the New York Mets a 6-5 victory over the San Frand8co Giants Sunday. Staub, who had only two hill this aeaaon before Sunday's game, hit a 1-0 delivery from reliever Greg Mlaton, 2-2, into the right-field bullpen . . . Jody Davia' three-run fiomer 1n the bottom of the ninth in- ning -his first of the aeason -propelled the Chfcago Cuba to a 6-3 victory over Houston . . . Former Angel Jason Thompson extended his hitting streak to 17 games with his 10th home run, a two-run blast in the third Inning, and Jobuy Ray walloped four hits to lead Pittsburgh to a 6-3 win over Cincinnati . . . Bob Borner drove in a nm with a single in the second inning, then belted his ninth home run in the sixth to power Atlanta to a 3-0 triumph over St. Louis . . . Unbeaten Tim Lollar recorded hit fourth victory with a four-hitter and aingled home a run as San Otego snapped Philadelphia's six-game winning streak with a 6-0 victory. Celtics pound Phlladelphla In opener Rick Robey scored 15 of his 19 m points ln the aeoond quarter when the Boston Celtics pulled away from the Philadelphia 76en and went on to an overpowering 121-81 victory Sunday in the opener of their National Basketball Aax:iation 1em1final playoff lel'ies in Boston. Game two of the best-of-eeven teries between the two F.aatern Conference arch·rivals will be played Wednes- day night in Boston. John 1harp aa Yank ... but 8Mttle Temmy Job allow*' four hi" in Ill •laht lnn1np and OHar Gamble hit a two-run hOtMr Sunday !Wlht • the New York Yanktel beat ~ S..ttle Marinert, 3-0 to Nlv-ae a epllt of thelr four-pme MNI. John, 2,.., 1truclt out two~~ two and red.Nd 15 Mariners on around whlM IU$ a • ...,. pitched th• ninth and Mmld h1I tuth 1av1 . . . Aadr• Tlllora•H drtlled a palr of two-run boal9t1 and Mille Barsn••1 ftff H11- HY and atll'. all ._..reo in Cleve- land'• e IJa~th• lndlaru dowaed W • . . PINI drove In the only run with a altth-double u Bolton blanked Texu. 1-0 . . . J m Gut:Der hit 1 t~o.run triple and a buel-empty homer and Bea 01U•t• alammed a two-run homer, 18~ MUW.ukee '° •t.2 vlctory rNer Minne-eota ... " ... t)od;1 wdy Law knocked 1n a ,pair of tun1 with a e and a trij)le to back the eight-hit pl*hinc o Rlcbr• Do•1oa , ~evla Hfotey and laltmt BaroJu • Chlcaco comple- ted a t.hree-pme sweep over Detroit wtth a 4-3 vAc&.ory ... -i>ue Stieb scattered eisht hit.a in blanking Kanau Ci~ for the leCX>nd time 1n 11 day. uq; B.rfteld homered with two outs in the th lnnlna to snap a lkX>tele91 tie u Toronto nipped the lfoyala, 2-0. Sneed gains long-awaited victory Ed 8-ff, winle111n five yean on • the PGA Tour. tank a:four-foot birdie putt on the first eXlra hble Sunday to edge Bob Sllearer f9r the champlon- sh i p In the Houston Open golf tournament. Sneed, coming ott the worst year of hit n.lne-yMr career in 1981, drove a seven iron within four feet of the cup and sank the winnlnC putt ... Sally Little, the leading money-winner on the LPGA tour this year, birdied the tint hole of a sudden-death. playoff and beat veteran ltatlly WhJtwortla for the championahip of the 54-hole tournament ln Suffolk. Va. Little had started the dllY six ehots behind defendlna chamoion Jaa Stepllenaon but shot a 6-under-par 67 to tie Whitworth at 11-under-par 208 . . . Czecho- slovakia's Ivan Lendl relied on powerful ground strokes to crush Eddie Dlbbl, 6-1, 6-1 in only 49 minutes to win the WCT Tounwnent of Cham- pions at the West Side Tennis Cub in New York. Television, radio Following •'the top apor1a event.a on TV tonigh t. Ratinp are: v v v v excel.Jent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. n 4:30 p.m., Channel 11 ................................ BASEBALL: Dodgen at Philadelphia. Allnoancen: Vin Scully and ao. Porter. After sweeping a four-game aerlee in Mon~ treal, the Dodgen send rookie Ted Power to the mound for his flrst start of the aeuon again.It Philadelphia's Larry Christ.emon, 2-3 . 6 7:30 p.m., Clumnel 5 ..,..... ..,..... ..,..... ..,..... BASEBALL: New York at Angela. Allnotmcers: Bob Starr, Joe Buttitta-and Ron Fairly. On a two-game winning 1treak and in a virtual tie for first place with Chicago in the American League West, Geoff Zahn aeekl h.la fifth win against one loea against former Angel left-hander Rudy May. MDIO ~ • Baseball -Dodgers at Philadelphla, 4:30 p.m., KABC "(790);· New York at Angela, ?:SO' • ' p.m., KMPC (710). THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK A HIGH SatOOL STUDENT MAY MR READ. Amante ·ca tures .. LAKERS ONE UP. Whitney ~~opl,y LOS ANOILJCS -Mel Richl1y'1 Coate-48, Amante Lldo Iele Yach.t Club, t m•raed at the ovtrall wtnMr of the Lewta O. Whitney Trophy Saturday, tdlinc Larry H=• Nel~o-Marek aloop 8rOoke Anne, CabrWo Y~t Qu,b, and Amante'l '~r-#blp Brlle. oo-akJppered by ~nna Choate aad t>kk Melne, Loa A.ncelea Y.-ht Club. Winner of ~ 79-)"ear old Tlmea itn>phy wu Rava1e, co-ekippered by Bid Tr~tter end Mike EUu, Lol\I Beach Yacht Club. Second wu ot.e.- llon, Paul Welaer, Weat Wind Yacht Club and third was Windy, 11on Michaella, Ala.mil(¥ ~.Yacht Cub. turned a 48 .. 7 defldt lnto a 88-63 advan~. Like Mc,\dQO, WUka wu allo ticketed tor a technical foul, but !)ii pt.yen' rnelod,amaUce didp't bother Riley. . "I Wee that kind of emotion. The playen just want to win IO t.dly," Riley u.ld. Spurs Coech Stan Albeck uJd Nixon and Macie John.Ion'• abWty to penetra~ and then pu1 off to guys like Jabbar or Wl.l.kea for euy buketa played a bie part in the La.ken' l\.ICXell. "McAdoo really hurt us, too. If we're ~ to do tomethlnl in thla playoff aert•, we're going to have to atop McAdoo. We've got to flnd an answer for hlrn " Albeck added. Offenaiv'9ly, Albeck got 10me answers from Mitchell.wh o hit on 9-of-13 from the field and flnl1hed the day with 25 -pointa. J ohnny Moore added 18 for the Spurs. · San Antonio will try again on Tuetlday night at the Forum to st.op the hlgh-rolllng Lakera. Fut Lane. JX>-akis>a:>eied by T9m Shadden and Bill Coleman, Long Beach Yacht Club, waa the winner of the Little Whitney trophy. Runner-up wu Wreckleta. A.G. Kading, Capittrano Bay Yacht Club, and third was Triple Crown, aailed by the Newport Hatbo:r Yacht Cub syndicate of Marshall. rftii~iiiiiii~iiiiiii-~im~~-~~~~~;;m;;- Batea and Ray. • f>I •• L ~ • Your The father-Mm team of Tom and Doug Jor-~ Professt0nal genaen, LA YC, won the Todd Pacific trophy in · F/OflSI Tomara. Second wu Ribbet, Pete Hambrick and Fl..CffST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue P~~eu.e, LA YC; third was Quicksilver, Bob A-108 Costa Mesa Ne . LAYC. · . Stone Mill Business Park 641 -0810 Glendale Tonono loflonce 41• N llrond Blvd 1872• Ventura~ l820l Pt0111e /4ve (21J) 2'CHHO (21J) 111·0200 (21J) IU•J070 Downey WNtlier long lleocn 8228 E Ffrfltone ltvd 15750 lo fOfQe 4501 Poe Coqsl Hwy (21J) fU·J201 (21J) HJ-0221 !21ll •H·UOI Or•nge 111 1 E K•1etta Ave Co111t Melkl :>()()() H11bof 81-..d 17141 997 '3()0 • C7141 &«fa 31 5) ,, • r One of the best on-time records going. That's style. Fares that save you mon~ every dav on every flight That's stvle. too. AirCal. We do more than getyou the~ )Ne get vou there in style! " mPu•u• flllYM .. YIM PIT YM l•EY Tt W•I!! An HINftll ... one-time, no coet MmlnM for the 1ophf1tlcat9d bu1fneu and novtc:. t.xpeyer. "The lon1v Ind T 11 li1m1 , .. " ~tedby: "The F•ther of Fln9nd91 Pa.nnlng .. DR. H. W. YURMAN CFP • Co-teuftd« of ttt. c.....,. of Flnancl•I ,.tannins, fonMr ~-.. tM lloerd of ,...._..t. Ind vtoe ~ofA09d1Mb.. • ,onMf cMlnMft of tM ..... of lfttemeffoMll .... 1oct1tl0ft of ,........ ,.... .. . • Ueted "' the ...,.,.. of ...... Who In tM 8oulll and .................. Acfttftement. ~ The ~· apeekW, 11'"9 ......... ,.,_,.llW '11 A 79, T ........... • 'How lo r9duc• per10nal 1nd bu1lnn1 t111n •ltd ........ ~annual ~Income. • How lnctlvldual• & bu1ln111 profe11lonel1 can c:apltatl• on the adYentagn of the new Economic T11 "9coftry Act. • How to utmze Mldotn thoufht of penonel, .,.... .,..., end MrpotMe money you praeentty ~ • Aftd!Mf'9 .......... .,...,u..u- ,.. ...... ..... t;;;rrt:. ....... . ,,,.,. .... .. ................. ..................... Limited Seat1ng:C81flmmedlataly l0t reaervetlon. 781-111& I lawall .... Marina, .I rvine softball home • ................. ,~ llMcta WU.. aad fMi =ti:~l~~f tall 1~ ranlldn11, hH ..._ mowd to l·A ttatul and II at No. 2 IMded La Serna, the Whltmont i..,u. chunplon. l:l Toro II at home to West Covtna ln the S.A and Mluion Viejo'• South CoHt Leaaue c:hamp1 are at home .to Mayfair In the 2-A, while ll'DA11 1CbooJa play find.I Hetahta Lutheran at Liberty Chrl1tlan ln "' CI F haseb~ll pairings Cl' 94-Ml llUYOPN , ................. ~, ... No. Tor'9Me (1M) el Atoec11e (14-J) ..... ,,.,.., .. 9llflOp AIMt ,,., .. , Notre Oe111e, Sllerman Oek1 (10-7) ......... v-.. (1M) .... "'°"" (1M) •f "owtenct (10.U-I) ~V-(1i-1oe1 .. V...,(11.1) ~ c1t.10> et 0oe.,...... ~'....., . ................. ,, ... , .. ..,_...::'.tilw"itl.11-1) et LA '°'1 (IN) It. Peul (11·1·1) et 14111 ... ..... .... ,,..., .. a.-. ...... .,.,.., ... Glllw1ll ltt•11). ~ (11-1) ~ (1MI MW.... (204) LOI Alto• ( tl-1) 11 Collon (11 ... 1) El htundo (11·10) el LoyOle C1M) ..._... (11-10-t) et P"°8 V•· del(1M) TtlOUHlld O•k• (11-11-1) •• LM11 od (~ M 9*acar....c1a.11>•~ 11(11.4) La Hlllw8 (,,..10-1) • IA V..., Clo.ti Hoawr (11·11 el IM Lule <>11'-IPO (11-t) Nofte Vtete (11-1) al C.rltoe (20-4) Pet9'ft0Uftt ( 11· 7·1) •I Covl11e (17-1) Lem,.. (11-t-a) et Oi.nctore (20-1) ,..,,,.,.. (17·71 •I Qerde11 0r-11s-101 11111• Ane 117-7) •• Peclflc1 (Doi) ....... 110-11) .. Not1fl. Nv: (Jl-1) Up6Md ,,..., .. ~ (11 .. ) NoOelM (17·8) et lfM.OMMte (1S-10I Lowa 12.M) .. La °'*'-(1M) Ohetfe1 (11·8) et II Doredo ,,, .. , l!I Modet1e (14·1) et Down91 (1M) li'onrovta (I• 111 or North\119w ,, .. 10> llt ......... 111..a.11 WMl4H11 (11·t1) at ,ul .. rto11 (114) 'W Ll8l#la ... (I 1-10-t) et C- • llw C1M) laretow (f0·121 or Ge11Htl1 (11-11) .. Anf1tO (tM) Avlet1011 ~71 or le Mired• (1 .. ,, et It. -··· (14-1) .. UMdOUX (12·1) el Alltelope V-(18-7) Hewther11e (11·1) at WlllU .. r '"E: (12·12) .. ~ (12-10I p lpr1ftoe (1~ •• .,. (17-1) ....... ,, .. ,O) .. ~ Vellw('7.., C-... (9-11) .. YU011De •11 .... ,. (10-7-1) •t MoUntalri *-!•Ml . ~ (11·7) Cf OUll1Z ... (10-10! • ...... (1-11) .. ~....., .. --... (17.., -'7 .,..... .. M9lllorl YllfO (1M) .... 112·7) .. Noroo (14-fO) ..... Ormnge CoMt DAILY PILOT /Monday, M1y 10, 1882 THE PERPECT .BL.END ' OF MUSIC 24HOURS ADAY ' KDCM tm.t FM STEREO 117 Frlndl PaurCll Rly Conniff Johnny GIJbl Kenny Rrii'I c..vel :~ ' J Anne Mumly Raymond Lefevre I Fleetwood Mee Oeblraoff , ... Alt Garfunkel I Frank Chacklfteld I tWllkj Winkler Davtd Role Toni T ennMle ...,,.. Last Ferrente & Teicher Henry Mandnl Andy Wiiiams Bun Bllcharach King1ton Trio 8Mly Vaughn Barbra Streisand Don Tweedy Laurindo Almekja Stu PhHlpa Gofdon Lightfoot Hugo Montenegro Laurie Bower Percy Feith OiYta Newton.John Sound 80 Floyd Cnmer Btt.n May Paut OeWI - .. - OfMge 00.. DAILY IJILOT /Mond•y, May 10, 1982 ~ • • • ., . MA.K>f' &.RAOUi ITAMDINOI A"*1cena....,. . ....,,. .,.,,...... CNc:ago • t. ...._ oe 17 II 054 ~ K.,....Clty S..llle MinnMOI• ,.,. .. 19 II 033 10 14 533 14 13 519 14 H 4&2 10 11 323 1 10 2IO .. ..,.. .......... Boelon Mhaull .. OellOll a...MnO Toron10 -y-e.lllMOf• 20 9 090 16 10 015 10 ,, 511 " 14 402 12 15 444 " 15 42) 10 10 385 ._.., .. ._... ........ Bell-•· CNcago 4 OelrOll 3 Tor0t1IO 2 Kenea• City 0 Mllwaok .. 6. MinnHOI• 2 8oel011 I , .... 0 ~14 0elllancl 2 New Yono 3. S..me 0 T ......... ·.o- 2\t 3•; ''" 1 , ... 9'• .... Yori! (M•v 0.0) •• .,.... (z.ntl 4-11 ~ (eu.na 3-11 a1 loron10 (LAel 2·2) Delroot IWllccu 1·1) •I leu.a (HouQI\ 2·2) M...._ .. (H-1-1) •I KMMI City 1a...1-21 8oelon CTo•r•• 2-21 et Ml,.nH ole (frldl-. 4-21 8a111mo•• tGrlmt ley 1·0 or 191•• .. ,, 2·21 al oe111anc1 tMc:Geny 2· 11 Cl••el•nO t8ohn•I 0-0) t i Setlll• <Moor• 1-41 Natlonat LHaue ........ °"""'"' Allanll Sen Diego ~ir,: CllCO C.--tt HOullOI\ W L !"ct. Gii 20 9 690 Ill 11 593 3 16 13 552 4 13 18 448 7 12 16 429 7'11 12 II 400 8'11 ~~ SI~ -y°'" MonltNI Pt!UOu<gh 19 " 833 14 1!1 413 12 13 ,,aeo 12 14 4a2 12 1r. 44<4 11 •• 379 ~· Chlc-oc> .......,..ec-.. ~5.MonllM1 4 New Y(l(ll I. Sen f'fencieCO S Sen 0oeoo I PNledelphla O Ptlt80Urgh 0, C..--11 3 Allatlla 3. SI L-0 CNe8Qo I . Hc>Wlon 3 TOftltM'• 0-Dede«• jP-0--0) et PNl80elpfH 10in&1....on 2-31 S.. f"rllnOtCO lOele 1·2) at Monlnllf (l.Nl-1) San Ooeoo 1w .. e11 0-01 at ~ 'l'orti 1"-3-11 Pllltl>l>•Df'I (Rl\O<Mn •-31 •• Houlton 1&111on .._,, Cinclnn•ll (Pellore a.21 11 SI l.OVlt (MWlln 3-31 °"'YO-~ MOB..,,.., -Deryt ......... the Oran~ COHI College product ~ '-I ~ '-d ftom or Men 11n~ Aprll 23, llneUy reported to Spoll•n• Seturdey. &coni.u. who "'..it down by IN,.,... to mlll• room lor .._---. IC)ologad lor 1111 te rdln ...... y1ng lie tied eome "pel"90MI INl'WI'' .,.. needed .... ding . . . Oeec>fte Ille Anoele' n.-d tor enoctl8t lllft-Mnder In die bullpen, ,':,-~ .. ~~-=!!I;:.~ ..... wtlO -,......, by the Mon- ,,.., ~ S.turday. "I don't went enyt>cxty on Ille dub wtlo'• _.., then I e m," H id Men1ger o .. -. ........ . . De'9 .... ~ WOfll..s out wllh lhe ""O•ll -Frfday, wlll ••· portedly not ecceot .,, ln~tatloft to wort! out Wltfl !tie """ ._, IOd9y. Goltz'• eQllM, ............. ..,. hie ~ 11 ... c;oupi. of ~I-off«t then the OM IN ~ Ill .,..._ ting ... AN ,..-.... ~reted ~No. 2t....., -.. Tiie pit- ching metellup1 for Ill• Ang•l•-YenllHI Mfl•I ue: ton19~1 CIHn ,__ (4-1) YI......,..., (G-0): T~ d ey -K•• ,., .... (2-21 ve. Daft :t.= ~~? :4:..·~ :.;.:~ ~..., .... .... r-: .... ~I ~ 37 6 12 0 3 '2• Grich 81 13 26 2 1r. 30l c..-86 II 26 0 1 301 Ro Jadlaon 20 2 • 0 2 )()( 8eylOt 111 15 34 I 22 211 Lynn 08 12 21 0 7 28f f"•Qli-18 2 5 0 0 271 Oowflln9 114 II 3 I 7 14 27: Boone ts 4 24 0 10 26: o.c-106 17 2' 3 13 nt Re Jdeon 81 13 20 3 II 221 Foll H 5 20 0 10 211 CIMll 24 I 4 0 I 117 Bllr1elOfl 45 4 1 0 2 18« ~ 31 00000( Moreno 3 a o o o ooc TOI• 1,o31 IH 211 21 117 251 "'CtlNO • " • IOW~ IM H....... 1•\\ •1 II 11 0-0 t.:d Z1M 4t 3t I 11 .._1 I .. IW*o 23"' 22 I t2 i-1 IN ... 32 20 14 11 w 2 .. KllOn 2•\\ 23 "4 tt NI 2, .. lancttez It 11 I I 2-0 U2 'Ofldl &a 44 II ti 2·2 3 ~ Mor-U4't H 11 f4 M I 74 Wiii 21 21 17 I' 24 a.M AMINC~ LUQUI .... ~·,~:..u •rll" •rll_. '4nl>fY ,et 6 0 I 0 l<Mwl.lf I a I 0 Oeuat,21>3 I 0 0 lyilil,et 5 0 1 0 8ftaitn rt ll 0 I 0 A41.11llll r12 I 0 0 EMlfy.11>3 I I 0 RCllti H t 0 0 0 Cni+,.cffl 7 0 I 0 tylt,Oh 3 I I 2 A"8.Clll I I I 0 0teh 21> 3 2 2 ll L-111.H 3 0 I I 0CN:9..3b3 1 I 0 IVd M I I I 2 Ao Jk11, ll>3 I I C "'*n.30 • 0 0 0 !'Gii .. 4 0 2 3 0m9ev,c ll o o 0 loona.c • O O O ann. ... 2 0 00 ~pl\1 0 1 0 TOl.-3 I 4 I J Tot...:13 I 10 8 ...... ., IMll'9I Blllll"'Of"• 0 10 boo O:I0-4 Ceiilornla 200 001 50•-• OP Ce111orn1a 4 LOI 8eltlmore e ~-1 28 AyN . Beniquel. 'oll !Ill 'oll HR _.,oenlc:ke (8). ~· O<toll 121 SB -Lynn 8 - ....... • M llP•IO 0 Mr11N11l.1-JI I'\ I I 6 4 2 StOOOlfO t'\ 7 2 7 I 0 c ....... 11_..,W 1.01 7 4 2 2 I 4 H_.., ~32200 AaM '" I 0 0 0 0 Kllln p<ICl>ed to I bell• In tM 81'1 WP -SIOdelelO f 2 32 A 39, 417 ..._ .. r-..... 2 M~ 200 000 000-2 1 0 toillwaull.. 000 220 111_. I 1 I Aecllet"t B CMtJllO 18/ ancl W~. ~ •• Sleton C II e.rn.o 111. FlflQere Ctl "'° C Moore w -Slelofi. 2..0 ( -Redl.,n, 2·• S -Flngeu (ti. H" -........... ()gMe {7), OMtner C2l.A - 11.lft ....... 1 ........ 0 llo9\0!1 000 00 I 000-I 4 0 T..... 000 000 000-0 9 0 Tuoor. 8 llantey CSI, Clell (91 end ..........,,,. T-. o.w 111 and 8und· betO W -StMMy 3-1 L -T-. 1-4 S -CIHt (51 A -12,7119 ...... ,,.,. 2, ..., ... Kan ... City 000 °"" 000-0 • ' TOtOl\10 000 000 lb-2 I 0 Spllll0tll OvlMnbe"Y Cl l •nO W•· lllan, Slleb and 8 MWllMI W &11.0. 2·3 L -So4ttlor1!. 2·2 HR -Toronto. llarll9ld fll A -I 7 CM4 ........... Tifen3 Cl*:ago 210 000 001-• 1 OellOlt 000 200 001-3 • , Ootton, Hlek•y 111. lll •OjH (9) •nd Fiiio, PHll~k Tobll< (3). Aoum• (81. e..... 191 and Pw!WI W -~. 2..l l -PMlvlk:lt, 1·2 8 -BetOjM (I~ HR -o.troH. ll<OOll-I I.I. A -H ,468. ...._ 1'-A'l 2 a...1anc1 203 010 DOe-14 tS I Oekllf>O 010 000 100-2 9 1 Sor-MCI H_,-, K«Juoll, JoMa (5) and IWwmen W -Sor9n_,, 3-I l -t<eou9h 3 -3 HR -Cl .. elenO. aor-nton 2 191 HargtOYe (I), ...,_., (II M'"'*'Q ( 11 OelllenCI Murpfly (61 A - 30.SM Y.,._a.....,_.o New Yorll 001 000 002-3 I I leenll 000 000 000-0 ' 0 -· Ceudlll ~ E.MIWI w -John, Jottn, o~ (ti ano C..Olt9; ti«• 2-4,.L -,..~ • -o.e.oe111 Hll -New Gemble 111 A .._ 1,· 5n NATIONAL LIAGW OodlMr9 I, lxpoe 4 LOI AMOICI• llOWTllUL ..... 11-. .... , .. _, S.•.21> 5 ' 0 0 ~.2b 5 0 2 0 Grvy. 11> 4 O O o Ctmn.rt & O O o Bklf.11 4 I 1 I Owen,c;f 4 0 0 0 Mndy.rt 3 2 I 0 Olvt, 1b 3 I 1 0 TlvN Cl 0 0 0 0 Ct1t c 3 I 0 0 Gurr• ,ct 3 I 2 3 Wllac;1'1,3b2 1 2 I C.,.3b 4 0 2 1 J Wnte.11 4 1 I 0 Scoeca.c 3 0 0 0 Spelt.M 3 0 2 3 A ....... 4 020 •111.P 1000 Vllula.P 3 0 0 0 Ntfnn.pfl I 0 0 0 Atdrl,P 0 0 0 0 Twa.Pft I 0 0 0 Totela34 5 8 6 Totell32 4 6 4 ._..., ...... Loe Anoai-ooo 140 000-e Motlt•MI 000 301 000~ E -Rainea, Sax OP -Lot Moe'fl 1 L08 -LOI Mo9M I, ~trMI 7 28 -c.,. 8pel«, 6elc.,, ._...,., ~ HA -Guerrero (61 SI -~ 8 - 8'Hrl9. :tluele SF -W•llCh Lee • "11111•10 \/ltuM(W. 31 • • 4 4 4 4 ....... 9utnl(L.MI 6 7 6 4 4 O "-tOon 3 I 0 0 I 2 PB -8c:IOecla T -2;43 4 -:rt,- 904 p ............. 11 Sen Diego 0 10 001 ~-e t2 0 Phlllldelphla 000 000 D00-4 4 0 lollat ano Owolda, C1fflon. F•rmer 111, Alllnttt1no 111 •"d I Dlu W -~· 4-4 L -Cettloft, M 4 -H ,· ....... Glellte. 8an '"'" 000 O<IO 010-15 fl 0 .,.._ Yorll OOf 202 001-t 11 0 ,OWlll••· u,,.11• Il l. lref,.lno (I ), Minton (ti M4 Aan_.,...1. M"W' ~); ,.,, ~. ZecNy m. s .... l•l *'.IO • 81Mrna ft), YI -Swen, 2-1, l - IOFI, 2·2 Hf! -.... ''~· C. 0eoM (4~ LAMMl•(l).O'M...,:.r.1 NtwYOfll. ~ Ill. l<lntftlen I Ii). b <I) A .ooe.,_ a. Cer o Au.nta 010 001 I00-3 t I St ~ 000 000 000-0 3 I Cowley, Hen~. 8edro1len (t), Oert>er (71 Ind let; MChlj.,1 1111'· COii Ill and .. ortet W -Henne. i.O. L -Mdujer. w , -o.w 1., "" - Allente, ~ (ti A -21. I f Pltl.C-;h ""=-'ooo--~-t 12 f Clndrlneill OCO 001 011-' t I 0 0 ~ l•IM(7)Mdf.~ '"-· ~Md!,,,, ..,. (II. IWll (7). HliMe IOI and o•._.,, T~ (t). w -• D.~.ML -..._,l.O,l ­ t t1111lva (II Hfl -~11111t1tr111, J T"°"'910n ( 10) ~. ~ (2} A -21.AttC.. ....... I HcMIOft 100 100 000-1 1 1 ClliGeeo 100 IOO 003-t t O lllfl•9'•r. tilellll (I) 8111 Alhll}'j ~.:' 2: 10: ,,1,t/, u~. · ~ ............. ,. w . ...,,__19' Md J, 0... W -.. ~. 1-2 L - ....... 0. ·-""-"· SCOREB0ARD Top 10 , ........... _ ..... , AMllllCMI L.IACMM 0 MtlMM. Bonnell, T OfOl\IO 23 47 II 23 40<4 Herrtfl,0!9¥. ti .. .. 17 315 V9941 MIM II 615 6 2 I 382 lorg,Toronlo 22 51 5 21 3711 E Mvffey,8811 26 114 13 35 3n A JolVllOtl,MIM 2'0 72 I t 26 3e I Cooper M""' 26 106 II 31 358 8..ndber9 , .... 23 81 • 21 3511 T110t111on.c... 211 t a 23 32 348 8 Belt. h1.. 25 116 II 33 344 fllA noMM. ...... OMtlMM 21 1112 11 .an 21 110 II '2 .Mt .. ,, ...... 21 • 1 a .m 27 IOI 14 36 m • ., tr • .., 215 .. 11 12 .127 21 124 17 40 32* 23 n 24 30 .m 11 ... 11 322 Cotteee-.. UCLA 12. ""'-'-t liawWI 3. Sen DleOO It. 0 WlcNte llt. tM, AtllON St 4-2 -·~· I ·J LAll .. 1-.aoun 111 IAN A#T1*tO -Mf"tcihel as. DI--~ 15, 0 ~ 4, 0..-34, Moor• 16, Conine 10, llenli1 10. 8'111 3, ""-" Oley 0 Tot.,1 45 26-39 I 17 LOI ANOaL&a -"""bit 4, W11Me 11 At>Oul-Jal>I>•• 32. I! Jonneon 13 Hl•on a1, Cooper 10, Mc:Aooo 21. 8'• -0, L.and1-get 0 TOlalt: t.5 17-22 121 ._...,a-tat. San AntOtllO 31 22 31 2t-117 LOI Anoelel 32 3 t 35 30-128 TllrH -POl"I r:~ Bratz, Nt•on FOUied OVI Totel IOUll -Ban Antonio 23 Loe Anoe!M 28 Tech· n1u11 -San Anlonto Coach Albee~ . Wiii!•. McAooo A -15,700 L.Allllll MOTii: ~· fUlrd 1111· ..... c..,., .... ~ llMYoff ...... k 8Ulllf With 11 lu,.dey elt•rnoon. COOf* eleo .. ..._. Ule dey with 10 po1nte w •~"""~a ,,..,...,~ .... "°.:: •. -""""''° ·~ WM .. Int for IN I 11*111 In tM llrel lllllf he -lt't'lno IO pier ""'*' IN ...,,. ......... llut lfliln h CllWN *"8d to vet M of lwld, ~rm-..._,...,.., '* him to .,_ -.. ~ Cooper "°* .,_IN glr"8 • ""'**Md-· eral cOMPtelnt• during and 1fler the glllM. Hie "--~: ..... "' ~ l\ow t>.-... -Our fllYI don'1 """9 .,,, hot .... '" ... .,_..." ••• ........... klOk ~ 11.,.,.. ..... •. llr*'*'8 .... 19 poolnt6. Hll 14 -11e11 topped everybody on Ille floor l.e.lier Coectl , .. "*r le n- unoefMtecl "' ..,,.. p6eyofl 9Mle8 ... CI090tl. NI¥'• ...,,. ....,. the ,.._... llln• pttot to lundeY• Wlft • • • Ai-111111'• ............. Llllert . ...,.,.. ljllwp: "l'lt¥ ~ f-8#...WI encl ~ _ ,__, ...... Qer11 llln.W ... -,....,,... "'1ofWd ............. •• &II· 73-&1-72 7t-71~9-7 1 70-72-N-72 ee-73· 70-70 73-71-7~11 71-73-67-72 71.ff.72-71 17-74-ee-73 S7-75-72-41i 71-66-74-72 73-71·71-tl 70-73-71·70 71·71·72-70 70-74-70-70 71-e9-72-72 N-7Ml9-72 74-5-72-69 7 1-71-72-71 71-72-e9·73 17-71-73-74 TC>-ee-12-74 70-72-7 4-fi 72-47-70-77 11-10-11-74 ~73-75 73-88-72-73 61-76-70-12 17-14-72-73 71-73-72-70 71·12-68·75 1'2-11·1~-1 1 7(). 70-7S-7 4 61-72-77-70 72-72..a-75 99. 7 4-ea-76 12--.e1 61-fi-71 ..... 7.74 •.ea..11 71-74-70 71-71-73 72-73-70 71-75-74 74-73-73 71-77-72 72-76-72 7t-ee-73 74-76-71 73-73-7& 70-73-79 76-76-71 , .. , ,.,. 75-76-73 71-71-82 79-73-72 71P4-72 I0·71·74 74-73-78 74-75-76 73-75-77 76-74-77 74-15-77 , .. 75-71 73-7 .. 71 76-7:1-71 12-1t-16 11-1:s-n 76-74-77 76-78-73 12-1:1-72 74-72-81 'W"'*9'1 111'.-0 CoMt INTIRCOUHl.::. .. tMIMG ~ ,4 1. S1anlo~:c~L1ow, Karen Plu"ll•I. Oerolln• Brown, lett/ Edmo"d•). '7 point•: 2. USC (Ker911 ,.,,.,, Nwt Mcetloa • ._ ......... C.Ol Mc8rtdel. II; S. UC e.m. llerbwll I"-• c.t"acHI Lori fleflerty, L ..... Holmee, ,...._ V891erby), 71; •• UC lr-w.. ti; 5. I.Ono ..... .,,..., 100; I UCU. 112; 1 IJCE.E, 11•: I UC ._. Ollao, 1.a: I . a.n1.1 CNl. 1'Jlj 10. ... .,., • 14 . (116/11;/~ -C q~lly l0t Ille netlONI im.roc-.... l!Of'lllllll'• c:fwncll-'Wllfllp el Seettl9, JI.-14-11). W..und er•1MCUoft• UIUAL.L Mll.WAU~E= -Placed Lerry Hl•le. Offlonated hllt.,. on Ill• likle'f cfiMl>Md ll"tt. Aecelled Meretl•I !dwerdl. outtlllcler, '°'"' v---ol lfl8 Peolflc '=-~':." MONJNAI. ~POt -1WJffl/ .. IA LM, ..... on ... __, TO!'I! ~ ...... 81'41 .......... .......... oer. rrom Ill• Wlchll• Aero1, or Ill• Alnetlean AMOCiallon. Olelglleled Aocl-ney Scoll. MCOnd I> ... ,,..,,_ lat , ..... ~OU18 CARDINALS -Placed Orlld OrMn, ou111810er, /ttl IN IS·daV dl .. l>l•d 1111. RK•tled wun. McOM . °""'8ldef, lrom LOIMMl!e of Ille ~ can AMOClelton SAN 'AAHCISCO GIANTS -Pieced Reggie lmllh, llret O•Hm•"· on tl'I• 15-dey dlubted 11•1 Rff•ll•d Ton1 o·~. 1nftllder. "°'" ""-V o1 111e Pedlle COMI IMQue. POOT8~ .........~u..- N(W IHOLAHO PATAIOTI -SICIMd John f!HI•, •lltnll\'8 llcltle, l'llc:rierd Brown end Roy t>Nn'. Wide rec.I...,•; Ricky lynum, cor,.er1>1c11. •"d Peter ()orrfgerl, "'"'*'II 1>«11 Cou.108 TEltA8 EL l'AIO -l!O l-1a. elh· le(le onetor. r9110MO ClASSlflED ~ ... ==. llll -=Molonoi. -INDEX c-.... ~ .. -.. -Cota -Die• -~ .. 1ev .. -, ..... , .... Clll ......... -c ......... -C...o.. -142·5&71 -_, -.... _. "" .SfllSAU M..-,. -M..._ -=~-1• M--•antM -· 1111 -ellMtr-ou -==~.!t "'' OfllN "'"". ~p -,.. 111111 ~ ..... ., -"-~ -c.a --..... amt -o.... ..... -llTWe =:= ..... -....... "..., ... ~-r.. ... ".-.. -::. .... -.... --llM •ts&lllUIN( ==· -1111 E•PMm ~N11 ... •• ..._Viejo ltll C-ol "°" ~ .... ·-............... -... .... IMl>.11-i.i, -S..J_Ca,...,_ ... 5S"n--IMl.IAM ... -......... . .. -...... i..,.. .. ....,.11..,.0..u -·-·-_.....,. .•. -_.._...,. ... ~ ... -IUlESTATE TIMSPOITATION ~-Salo •• "'"'•" 1110 ~ ........... •• ='c~""' ... ... h= •• ti• ..._ , ... =~ ...... .... ~ 1Cn,u •• ... c-ftoal~) .... -HN.s.lt .... ... Oz t I • •• 1"111iort ,.,. .. , ,.,. ~VllMI.= •• !':"~i.n.. ... ......... •• ---~ -•••Ill( ~Solt~) '* 0.-ol ••• .a. -.11 ... Tr1r rru DOI ~-,Cl~ .... -----~.Ila.on -!l<voauoe Vdunn t6aii ~·•ttll..U -~.,.c:-';! .. -1 lkntJ --Trwu -!Mtla.. -v--..... , ..... en... "" ""'""'--IHIColMOl.l~ -"-·---11eo1r.oi....w..,.. -MTIS, lllPHTEt IOOAlS =~ , .. 0-•1 "''" ""•"-• '* -"""' ~ ..... a -4...uaHHMIT "" ~ tr = ... flll OIMolol-., ~ flll , ....... """ -'111 T-11111 llZ flll 0.-..Pllra -0..-,,. =.,u.i -'°""" 1711 1"' PW -Afll \ltll ... -..... rm A.fla "'""w Uof -J~ rtJll ...... -,_ tl1I --·=· -P'. fl» ~. ... mt 41.le mi ...... 11 .... 11 .. .._ .... '1411 v....-..-.u -MO flll -le ... ,.. ... MCI flM ~,., .... ... °'"' fl• °""" ..... -·-· '1'1 ....... ......, -,..,.. ., . .-.....11 .. 111 .. l'ww ... t!IO =·--a....Jt --....... R.7<t flM Milt II--"""' fl SJ .. SS.tm:Sl· SM~ fltl t:... .. IOT,FUCE fllll +=... '* == -"" -v ........ '"' ==1 Jell ve1 .. fTn -.r1s,p =IOI.AM 11Z1 ·-·--.U-.TO't 00 .. ,e-.... "r,. -..CUI $, AITIS, ISO • PllSIMAlS & o-tol ., AJIC -IJST &Ft• .... -CMlllac llU -...... c:,,_,. ttll c;.,..., a.-..... -........... ~,.,., . -"-''-c-c *7 ,,.._. C--llUI -ien.iCloo-.• cw..u. -Tr1..t• -SQYIU E. .. ···-· --... ~-.. -~-.., -EIPUYIOO & Uldll -lh--..._, -Pl£PAIATillC ·==.., -......... 11111wu. -io.•-..t• "' ·'-•1 iw.•-M•r I 1=-' --lllOCltAMtSf ~ -Iv.., 1114 ~ -........... ..... ,.,,.,, ·••·•••············••• ,., .. , . ...................... """' IOOZ •• ,,11 IOOZ ...................•.. ......•.•............. " \\ I ~I I '1 ', TAYLOR CO. H L :\ I "j ( If:~' I I 1 • I 1 ' I· 11 j ...... _ .. ,_ , 'l•••r'• ...... All,..., .. ta .. ~i.d In thll newspaper II IUb· Jeet to th• Federal Fair Houel~ Aet °' 1Ma wNch mak• It lli.c!el to adll9r· u.. "wry pr-.not,.llm'- t•tlon or dlterlmlnatlon bued on,..., oolor, rtll- glon, NX Of nallonal orl· gin, or any lnttntlon to make any euoh praftr· an e e, !Imitation or dltcf1mlnatlon." Thll nawapapar wlll not knowtngly ll008'>t any lld· vtr11alng for rHI llt•t• wt11ot1 la In vlolatlon of the law. THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS TRADE .. ..... ,..., , ....... .. ., ..... .... 673-8585 Quiet. park-like aetting. Rm for paddle ,...._... ..... ._ ...... _........i tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdrma, fam rm. $379,500 fee. 2111S.H...._ ... .... •••W,.19111Jrr BTll, u. ....... 11 H~ tomethlng you want Paoplt ~ nted people \0 .-.1 Claaelfled acs. do lhould Wayt ctltek tha It we 11 I C a II N 0 W , Sarvlcla Directory In Iha ... 2-5878. DAILY ~OT '==-' S(a~~lA-"~~s· ------"raAT L-.vl •:i=:-~ -~ ::: ....... ,_ ,_ H>plo -dt I KHESAN I I I I I* I I , Wfff .... tENM.1 .. NWfllHlm 2 ...... aun.t. V1.w of OeHn ' Night Light•. Quiet At... Pw1ll. open apaea1. 1125~. Only 10% dn. Xlnt ,.in. Hal or Pat 8au.r Agt. 873-7300 \ f 11 I tU. It C•JLDWC?U BA~~C?R ll =n.. ... _._ -· DlllJPllDt Monday, May 10. 1082 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . Prize West Blay bayfnlnt. SUp1 for 2 boeta. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 blalh s 1.200.000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath , 3700 1q.ft. $1,38~.ooo. Oceanfront. L91llLI11111 Prlmt' Lado Nord blayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 Ill b.th. Lge L.R . 2 boat Ills-•uoo.ooo. J<emodeled 3 Wnn, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ~ilings. Jurnlahed. pt1tb. '420,000. LllllA llU IAIFlllT L.aaoon view Crom 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. den. Boal 1hp $1,350,000. IAYSllE COVE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat lllPI Sl.900,000. COROUIO CAYS Coronado bland CUit. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock Plans avail '425,000 w/wrma BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l41 Boy~'d' D•,. •, B 61~ 1)11)1 ... RVM~ 11111, wum, YIEWl 1 ........ '" ................. .., ,.. ••••IMIW. ...... .............. ................. f .... , ,. .... . ..,., ................. "' Mhft8'. 1111 ••• •::L::;111. llH,Ht. fH. llf-1411. dlUlll lfflU. WATERFRONT HOMES,tNC REAL tSTATC ~ R•"'"" p,_,, 111,,__., RWUSTm In Exchaive Seaview Area. Gate Guarded. Spectacular View. With Or Without Furniture. Three Bed- roo1ru1 + Family Boom. Beautiful Condition. Only $450,000. A I Twitchell-Tri vision Ust1J\a. ~ ..... ,_ .. JASMINE CIED Thia be.iu~Uul 3 bedroom llnll• If«)' end unit ••Met Oft • prime sr-nbelt locataan "-t..l= upeMled with m1mn, skylJp• and al.lo hM a '200. MIUID&ble Joan at only lft lnW• en. C.11 now fol' f urt.her decaill. '427,500 •WNll mini ........ F1Yt ,.. a bdrm. a beltl con41ot, Plu9'1 carpet•, drpt, •tltnad ..... p'tt vwoa. 2 '* ~._ ~ loen at 12'iW.. owner.. "M1 • ...., carry 2nd or try aqulty ._.. · 1t1e11ng pr•em With no --High r1ee oonoo. 8th nr. moMy down John EJ1ot r--II Oeean & Bay vlewa . Aot. 831~21 ..-~ Choice 3 tw, 2 ba "°""In 1950,000. Excluelw Agt . 973.3999 or 831-4509 Prime Unlv1r11ty Park 752-6710 _WMkanda ___ ·-----1 ~:i1'1!~·=~r::; ;:~ --.. --1111--.--- BY OWNEA-38r, 288 wllg ohue In 1 )1991'. ~70 S.... 8eeut. Decorator Home. haeted pool, In lg Mdu-Mlguel Dr, Newport 3 Br, Broadmoor with dad badcyd, conwnlen1· 8 • • eh . 7 5 9 • 1 5 0 1 or Pool and Spa. Seller Wiii ly looatad & flexlble 752·7373 Help Flnenea. A1klng termal Call 640-t278 tor 015,000. Agt. John, mot'• Info. 831-0213 ....-.: Walker & lee ! J\l9t .. IMll[lo olllllfled • plaMlnO • m(l't91 turn• your unneeded Ce ~flad •d• wlM point Item• fnto oath. lrvln• 1 .. 1 tht rlQht dlrtctlon Mirror Cl81tlfltd •d•, 'fOU1t d th• home you ... 2-1 .. T !:e/ 142.&e78 . .. ,.,,,. ..• ~!t •••• : ..•• /.fff ........ ••• ~rt .......... ! .. . $17,000 DOWN! MOVE IN NEXT WEEKI 2 prime Huntlnpln BMch ~· dll. Shop~ ......_.Wtcb& • Ulle n•wl com.· Me, lien call yow-mover. 21098 G1J19Y Moth. 2 Br. Townhome tll7,000 lMI w Wt llfl 3 &. 1 ea. ierge ywct.,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• dtc. 1988 Contlnantal. MWNIT Liii~ 11501mo. 559-5001. 2 ue.ooo .. ch. ... .. 831-4119 SUnny 2 l!lr. 2 .,._ >Ont loc: rv SC Pm&. Open beMI. akylltH , frplc, lg deck over luati r.ndec9. pool/ 1p1, dbl gar/opentr. Avall. now. HOO/mo. 979.3371 wkdyt , 7&1-11t'~ (•/O "Dandelions are my favorite flowers . We con pick them without getiing in trouble." "So W1 going to be one of THOSE dlYf, th?" MARMi\Dt:KE by Brad Anderson DEN~IS THE MENACE ~c~ ----~~-).-~-----1 ~4) "I gotta think of something that will make Dottle mad enough to put me In the doghouse." .ILDGE Pi\RKER MOON llt'LLIN8 DoNtr '>OtJ NIP LORD PLIJS~~TToM ~ER ' Go [)ANCIN<i ? -. ..... _... IATUll)AY'I PUZZLI IOlVID ' k f I He's CONVEX, AND MY B,ACK ~'r I.AKE tr. ~ • I J1 b • -0 '0HE ,.. M'E LU(£ M ANO JU 6E ,WAIUW,1' NJ\NCl' WHY DO YOU SLEEP IN THE ~YTIME? H"88LE so '6MAT O\tJ "'°" 60-H ""' '(DOR MOM rO( Mo'f"E~ ~'f ? I DON'T BELIEVE IT--- ______ _, by Charle• M. Schulz fu r deep. MOANS, SHRIE?KS, CHAINS1 IHE USUAL. CL.ICHgs. ')QU'RE JUST 1---~ L.AZ.Y by Tom Bat1uk l(.fLJAL.kl( • IT WAb MORE l.JKE PLEA- BAR6AININ6 f ~ "'"O Of MOt~'S Ol'l C,&N' I~ 1'AAT ? "f'AAT5 MO"f 'JU'I fi.R~~ ~ n•--~~~'fll.l I I I . I '.""J(illalii.lif"&ri ........ ...,. '*""' ........ ,..... ........... --... ,,.. ~ c.... ce..... Of Dlll'tlt ........... .. Nl..-... .-be1111111• .. •.,_,......,,_....v ... .. .._ ... ,.,,.. =~ _,~ luy 00tt1or of Ora1199, •••• ot Celwlkw...-tr-....,.wNdl ......................... A ...,...'°""._.,.._ lllfleOflloeOf-~ ... !!'flf,..._.Mtl .. Hlloll .. of lllld .......... ....-a111e~COMMUNITY lad\ W.W M1i1t ..... wMtl f111 OOLLIGt OllTfUOT IOA"O 11141 • o .. t11er'• ohMk, HrtlflM :-c:10 =-r ... ~· coaa ..... • ....... ..... ...... ~ ..... ---E~ ...... _!!:"f 1•. .............. 0.... _ .. ·-· ;',:::~,o::e-.:=:. =..: == c: u..rr~ OOUHI fl~ ,.,..,., Of !tie eum llld ae a MWMT ~ .................... & ...... •• :!": r::==: 't:'..V~.::: =mo~ --• ownt ........ to .... lftto IUotl .. 0 m___, .. .....___. 00fllt1i0t, .......... " .. at.-. ---.. be tol""'1d.., Ill .. -... 0..-0 °°"" ......... ~":. ~ • ''*::,:' " Dllllll ~ca•'*"" No ...... ,,.; =-t111 btc1 COLLI• DllTMCT tor I ...... tor tol'ty..fM (41) ~ 1111 A--. A ... c.e. ..... CA .,.., b'8 ...... '°' tM ~ ~ '*n:-ioard of TNttoM r...,.... "llOL VlO, Tl'le loud of IN Pl'Mlafa of ~ wrt M4t e1 rrwa ... of uw eo..t Comrnuftlty 1*19 Of to W.. MY~« Colalle Delertct.....,, ..... tf111t lnfonMltttlea In any bid or In the It "'* "* It 11 111 the bolt ..,.... ~ al tN Otltrtot and ... It .. Ill !Mini °"81':....., 11, 1"2 -11:00 Lift. ~.:. ·.::~ ~. tN .... ~ ,...--...... on Complny. • ............ _,_00fpeielloi1 .. ....,,.,. ..... •• ~ .. ,.,...... ... rtgflt of wy tor i"9 purpoae .. C.-C1 rm m11r c..._. oe.erteit the IN'lalalkln and ~ of VALLEY WINNERS -Sonja Fehlman, 14 Fair competition at the Qra.nae County Fair. 1ot.'"'~T1~cweo.wy,._ =r:i~-==~ (left), and 9-year-old Reggie Van Sleet, both of So ~ f th --o 2020-ta ~rop•r1y looetadln t11• City of F . Vall n . won or e outfit she's wearing. Reggie ·-.,. _._ .:;:-: =-. Co411tty of Orlnf9. ountain e , are winners in the 4-H Spring for aerodynamic pro . ...-.... ..,,-. N,_,..,._a1tand,aMflt ... t1n I DflTH IDTIC1S Nil.IC M>TICC NI.JC ll)TIC( ~~ :=· ~•:o.,i:t~~\::!.i1 t:,.~ I ll ' 'ICTlTIOUl8UllNHI 'ICTmOUI ~":u.. J ~i:.~"::'of':c!:tv~ NA• 8TATlMIHT NAMI IT llU..... CUMl8 INIU,.ANCIE aoc11tv. ltnp No. 1: n. nor1hal1y h of Th• following ~raont • d 1 T AT'lllmNT INC., l'telntM, Mid •trip MlnG dHCflb9d H fol-CROSS LANGFORD bY11neas es .re 0 ng bu•~':~lng peraona are doing w. Iowa: -.Olnnlng at • Point In the ~ ~ARY IDA CROSS, a FRANCES MAR 1 E MANAGEMENT EQUITIES. 332 PACIFIC DETAIL 2911 Del Mer ERNEST C. C"OIS; WllTERH no'11Mfty lln• of Mid ,.reef Hid reu Fa<etl Avenue. Suite 22. P.0 So~ Cotte M .... CA 9H2? · MORTOAOE COAPORATIOH; end PCllllCborngdletant 155fwttllareon, dent of Westmlnl~r. C&. LANGFORD, paased away 99. Laguna Beach. Calllomla 92852 DE NN IS EDWARD S MITH DOES 1~20, lnclull\le, 0.. hlfttN...-rtyllMofNldparOlt; PalleC! away on May 8. 1982. on May 5, 1982 ln Monterey. Harold Lynell, Jr , l1101 Glen· 1903 1. Bay Avenu. Belbo• CA lendanla. thence North It d99fN• a1 ·1r She la survived by h •r Ca. while vishl~ICh•rw::'n. Myre StrNt.Apt.B.UQunaBeecn, 928411. ' · "°·~ IE9t.J10tOM. " " Calilornla 926S 1 E OMIR TO ~ ltrtp No. 2: TM ... tetty llne Of daughter Mary Bidlenan of She WU born ln on E J FFERY (JEFF) JOHN DO-.. •euAMCI °'.., ltrlp belnO dM«lbod u fol- We1tmln1ler, aon David April 11, 1900. Her Uaband Newpor~1=nMC~;o,~~a ~:~0· ~:8Td7299 Del Met, Coate ,,...._ CA OI DICU110N ~ low.: IO!tlnnlno ata Point In th• Crou of Santa Ana, Ca., l Thomas L . Langford prece-Estel• ot Jann R Harker. PO Thlt butlntM le an..... ~hof ...... lmldpoilllt brother Thomae Cruun of ded her ln d~th. Suiviv-~ Box 11S3. Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 generel pat1n«tfllp conCIVcted by • TO OEFEHOANT, l"NlST C. IM*\o ci..it '90MC tllaNon. from .,.... Hugh Blue, 4 Noflll Portola, Oennlt Smith CAOl8: IM M>Uttlefty llno Of Mid per~· Loa An1elea, Ca., l slater by 2 children l1llam Oecc-South 1.a11Una C1111orn1a 92877 Thie ttatement -llled wt111 tne YOU. A.HD EACH OF YOU, are tflOftco NOftfl 0 dolr ... H ' 51': Anna Crusan of Loe Angeles. 1e Langford of Monterey, Oenn<s E Ca,,u111. 7323 S•lver Coonty Clef1I of Or Coun 11«9t>y ordered to_.., In tllla W.. Ht..._ Ca., alao aurvlved by 3 Ca. and Dorothy L . o__.1~ horn Drive EvergrHn Colorado Mey 8, 1982 arige ty on c:ourt In o..>an-t "24" at the 8C1tp No. I: ••ul•*'t •a point .___,, 80'39 ,..n County Courthouao, 700 Civic 111 IN ~ h of lllld ....._ grandchildren and 2 great-of Newport Beach, Ca. 2 JoM E. Oat>otn M03 E Jami· Publllllad Orange CoHI Dally c:..ar OfM w.t, 8Mta AM, cw-that polftt befno dlaWlt 1'° fMt grandchildren. G r aveside siaiera Ruth Boland of Ma-aon C.rcie No<111 EnglewOO<I. COIO-PllOt M•y 10 11 24 31 1-. _.,.,on J4JI; 2. 1"2. 8' t:ao LM. ....... "°"' ""....-cy 1 '11 b h l IOUri and V raoo 80112 · · · • • -'· to 01..,. any lot•I roaeon wtly ttle tn• o H id parc•I: tll•nc. eov-aerv cea w1 e e d on irginia LaMar of J Kttl Bick. P 0 Bo.11 2014 209842 court eflOWI not IHue a Writ Of ~ •••tv 2t • eo a point~ a llne Wedneaday, May 12, 1982 at Arbana. 4 grandchildren and Sun Valley ldeho "3353 · ..UC flJTlC( r..... • reqi 1 1 ' ~ ._, pera!Mt with afld dlatant 12 feet l :OOPM at PKific View Me-2 ereat-arandchildren. Viai-Douglas e Clemen• p 0 8o• 111 tN ~.°""'of wHctl II from Hid nortMrly ""•l tMnce moriaJ Park. Pac:lfic View tadon wM held at the Baltz 1291 Sun Veley. Idaho 83353 ......., •11actted to""-orw. Mto atta· 8outtl o "9'-st' 2t" Eut. 11 Mortuary, Newport Beach Ber"eron Smith & Tuthill John H K•rwon . 3 Burnt Miii PM:TITIOUI 911 ll•N dlM ....-1a the notloa ~ ._.to• point._ ... ..,_,...,,.., ~·---• Road Plucllemln New JerH~ MAim ITA.,._, by a... tl0.31 of b Celiomlie to • Pdnt "AH; 1ttanOe oontlMlllla Ul.I~~. Mortuary on Sunday, May 9, 07978 The tollOwlnQ ~are Oo1nQ Coda of CM Prooaclur9. 8outtl 0 deOf ... st' H " &.t.. 71 MAC ENIGRT l 9 8 2 from 1 : O OP M to Tiits business 11 conducled by 1 ~ aa: DATa>: Aptl 21, 1-.Z. IMl. J AS 0 N A . MA C 5:00 PM. Funeral services ~al oartnershlp MYERS & ROBBINS, 118 W. PNlp A. '9e1y Strip No. 4: httnnlng at Ille KNIGHT, realden• o f Mia-will be h•ld on Monday , MANAGEMENT EOUITIES 5111 St,..,, Sult• 101, Sant• Ana, Judoa of Ila ~ ea6d Potnt "A : .,_ Nol'tll • ~ a CaJ1to<n1a CA t2701. lupelb CCM'I tldagr..a31' 1t"Ealt,'7..,.toa Ilion Vl.ejo, Ca. Puled away May 10, 1982 at l :OOPM at 119f*lll par1nenh"" JUDY MYERS. 1424 F...__0¥9 Law 0.... ~~t Mr•lnaft•r r•f•rrect to ae on Ma 8 1982 S··--' B J B S E Jari "" A H I d ·-....., ..., I..... .., .. : 9*IOt oonttnulnQ NorUI y , . ... vived by a u er1eron . ml th & mes Mur1r venue, ac en • Helglltt. CA A'' f 1 • C..-••• 11 ...,_at' 1r E.a.t, 216 ~ father Richard A . Mac Tuthtll Weatcllff Chapel c!:::/~~10,~*g:~~y'~ 917~ARRY ROBBINS, 1880 D -....... ..._ 1'91 .._ thence SCM.1111 o degr"• It' 51" KntJbt, mother Roberta, M ortuary with the Rev. Apr1122. 1982 Ore•npon Avenue, Ro wlenca Lea......._OA..,. EMt.317,..toapotnt~ .u,.r, Lila Mac K.nJaht and Gene Swan.t0n of the Har-Publl1h•d Oran11.• c o811 Dall~ Helglll•. CA 9174'. l111)...,... refanad to u P'otnt "C": 11\eftce gr,ndmother LIJ.Uao MacK-bor Chrialf•n Church of Pilot. Aprll 28. May~· 10, 17, 1ee2 ™' bUll.,... 11 oonducted by• ~ °'W109 COMt Dell)',.._ oonttfUlt l«lltt, ..,_ 38' &3". nt..&.. M .,_, N n-184M2 Q91*'el partnerahlp. lat. M9Y S. 10, 17, 2.4, 1112. 51 IMt. .-. ac 1UU8bt. Services ewport .oo:ach officiating. Hany Aobblne 20al-l2 Aleo a etrtp of land. 10 '"' In wllJ b e held on Tuesday, Interment will follow at Pa-Thlt .....,_... wu llled wltll ttie •-w-..wTll'r width, th• •Idell"" of Hid etrtp May 11, 1982 at Pacific View cific View Cemetery. Mrs. "8..IC M>TICE Coun7i o.11 °' Oranoa County on ~ ""'llK boln9 a..., tlOfttletty llftd 7 feet Chapel Interment as-Pacific Lan1ford waa a resident of Nl-«l!l71 Ac>fll 1· 1"2· fl'ICnnout .,.... 90UCllat1'I of"" tolowlftt dMCl1bed View Memorial Park. In lieu Costa Mesa alnce 1962 and 8TATR•NT Of'~ PWlllMd Ofwioe CoaM ~. ..,... ITA,......., .,..~Inning at abov. Mid Point of fJowera donadonl may be wu a member of the Harbor Of'llUUll ... Of'•l'IOTIT'IOU9• .... -Apt1I 11. 21. May 3. 10, 1M2. Th• follow1ng peraon ''doing "a"; tflenoa Nofttl" daOf ... 11' niade •'--r--'•--Ch -1737-82 ~ '* 1t" ...., t7 eaat. to .. 1e ....... ~Center, rlatJan Church of N~w-Tne tollo•lng perton• neve --------....;.;~..= TAIPAN, 4040 w. Chandler. Aleo• etrlp of land 11 fMt In Chl.Jdren'a ffospilal, Orange, port Beach. Services under ebandoned the UM of Ille flc:thloul "8JC ll)TIC( San~ Z a W~ A..!! ~~4 wWUI, ttle lldotlnoa Of Hid etrlp Ca. Pacific View Mortuarv the c:hrectJon of Bal-a-_ bu1lne11 Oal!M B~E.A CAIMYON _ ......... "· e, -..._. =1': :-' ..-..... · . ..,. 11 f_.. d.l.rec1on. .., ronSmlth&Tuthru\V:~ =~~~~~~~ 111n ~~N t-~ .. ~.7'.;'. .;m;d..c,.;;,; LINIOOLE cliff Chapel Mortuary of Tiie ftcut lout butllMel name re-Th• follo•lng P•rton 11 doing lndMdual. ....nlllftt ct abo\19 ~ Polnl DOROTHY E . LINKO-Costa Meaa. 646-9371. twred to aoow •• ,..., tn County t>uw-at. MlctlMI wooc111 .. c ... ttleftoa South o ctoor ... at• G t .I:' CALHOUN on Juna 21. 1978. CH RIS'S CREATIONS. 517 Tllll ~ -llled the the Ip" &it: 11 ._. ......, a 1'9ident of Huntina-I. Mot>ile Fonenc:lal Inc 1821 E. 14'11 Sir .... Huntington BMc:ll, CA County Oerti of Oranoa County Oii MaOlVIDll\JRTliER. ._..,.. ton 9eacb. Ca. Pu.ed away MARIAN ANNA CAL· 11111 StrM4. s .,,1a ~CA 92101 t2t4e M'f 8. 1M2. be pu1l9INd at._. oi.-1 _. on Sun~, May 9 , 1982 ln HOUN, a resident of Costa Thlt~-conduciedbya CHRISTINE 8 JENKINS. 517 ,_,. for two ...ete In• n.-.p~of M-· Ca Pa---~ Uml\ed Pllt'ln«-l!!.,".,!"lreet. Hunllnglon Beech. CA Publlahed Or•nr COHI Delly _., ..... ~ ..... t1on In ......... ty Garden rove, Ca. n-1,...,....a Ma..,_6, 9. IMleU away on ...._ ___ d_S.,..1-"""'~ ·~ ..-·~ --'"~ ~VT.,... 1 82 .... _ f ._.,_ ,,.....,_, Piiot May 10, 17, 2 , 31, 1"2 ....... "'-'*"'°"of"*"''° mother of Catherine Wol&on Y • •t u.""' age 0 80. Vice Pr..ident Thia ~ 11 conoucwd by ., ~2 or-it M .....ant and t1QM of -or Marlna del R e 1, Ca., She 11 aurvlved by a niece Thi• 11a1emern waa tiled w111111w ino1v1<Jue1. "8JC ..wTV'r to tt1e 8out11ern Ca11fwri1a ~ Mary O'Brien of Hund.ngton Donna Youns of Goleoda Countli Clerk°' Orange County on Tiii 1CN1111n• Jenklne ..,,_ Compafty and a notloe tllat tllla Beech, Ca., Vidor Perine of IllinoU. 2 siaten-ln-law ~ Aprtf 9· 1ta2. ,.-.cm Coun~/~~..._,eo:2:'.., ': '9Cll1IOUI ~.. Board lleret11 call• tor a publlc Whittier, ea .. James L inko-Lau1hrey of Shenandoah, Put>Hllled Orange Coast Deity Pllol, Al>f'H 30. 1982 MAm ITATDmNT ~to be lla6d on M9y 12. 1-.z gle of Ea1le Kock, Ca. and Iowa and Trilla Calhoun of AprM 26. Mey 3. 10, 17. 1982 '1'Mll ~'::,:::!wing per1on I• doing =~·~ ~~ C::~ Joseph Lln1ko1le of Palos San Bernardino, Ca., a very le39-82 pi:r.b~:~·1i.~;~~~~ 3~~~~2~•lly ORANOE DRIVE-IN-DAIRY Adam• Avenue, Coat• ...... CA, V rd Ca -•--lvi dear friend Flmna Neaon of .. n .. ..,. 2721 Or~ Road, Or·-· IUdlpubeollaeftnOto*llll..,_, e es, ., ......, aurv n1 -CA 926417. -...... If .-iy,.ooiw_.., w1ttl OfWlllnll .. are 2 eaten Mary Crowley Modesto, Ca. She will alao be IUlJC MJTICE P\8.IC NOT1C( SANO WOOK LEE. 2 Ntnoe 1 ~ and rtgnt of wy. of La1una Hilla, Ca. and m lued by m a n y o ther vtne. CA 92714. · "ESOLVEO fURTHER, 111at uw Mariaret Meade of Sepul-frienda and nei1hbon. Fu-.....,. f'ICnn:;:--.,._.. Tlllt buelt-. 11 conct~ by an lw'd ,__ ctncw ~ 8ect'«ary veda, Ca. and l brother Jo-neral eervices were held on f'IC~A:=r• ....._ ITAmmtr lndMdualSano w. LM ~ ::::..:=-.e=-= aeph Krue1er of San Diego Saturday. May 8, 1982 at Tlla followlng !*ION.,. dOlno The fo4lowlng poreona -doing Thia ,,.,_1 -flled wttn Ille .._._..,.~bllfaro deliaof Ca., 37 ~n and .. 9 3 :00PM at Pierce Brothen bWlnaal aa: ~ 4:ooAH & ASSOCIATES County Clllt'll of OnlnQe County on IN IMMlllo and Mu. to SM'1llllll great-grandc hlldren . The ~ ~~y~pei with Sourh"~tt'!~~ ~?r~:.A~Yc) 1::~ INVESTMENTS, 3197 "C" Alfl)Oft Mey 6 ' 1 .. 2 . '11m4 =-.:.~1nc:.':':: Holy Rol&ry will be recited ev. ares r o ficia-151e&, Santa Ana. CA '210..' Looc>. Colt• Mala, CA t2121. Publltned Oreng• CoHt Dally ~of"'*'' clrcutetlOn pu- at 9:30AM on Tunday, May ting. Interment at Pacific Howwd A. Miiby, 172! Maf11n JAMES B. HOGAN. Oaneral Pllo(, May 10, 17. 24. 31, l982. blW* ~the '*'1ct not.._ tfWI 11, 1982 at SL Mary's By the Veiw Memorial Park. Pierce wr, . ....,. a.di, CA t2MO. :::.~~~Way. L..-3040-82 ~· b M9Y '2. 1M2 Sea CatbolJc ChW"Ch where Brothers Bell Broadway OrM~~.~~ Aotler1a RICHARD K. ROY. Oaneral flUlJc ll)TIC( ""=°aO'Lvi!' 'UATHE,., that tllo the Mall of CllrilUan Burial Mort\Mry direct.on. Rlctwd D. 8arnte, 2114 Fnin-Partnw, 3t205 Calle San M«coe. Chano.llof or tM EJt-.tlW Vic. w 111 be co ndu cted at del.W, eoata MW. CA t212t. Sen-......luan ~.CA 12f'75. flVCttrlOUI WU al9ft08lot be Md.._ .. _,.. lo 00 .. ~ Tiiie ~ le --........._. .... • ,_ ~ la CIOftdUcted .... 1 NAm ITATWMRNT rited and dlr.ctad encl all docu- : ~ on Tuadaz. with --.. -.~.---"7 • flmjled ~. VJ ncv w~ UOUIKA UJU-.U ...,._, _,,. • ..._. ~-alttwofltlolft~niec1111ry• 0 -·. Fa•'--"'--•-• -"'-DEATHS ---...-.;:-.__...,L ............ J-• ... -......_., Th• foHowlno petton •• doing !Mflt9, peper. 8ftd lnet~ta. 1 u aelebnmt. lntenbent will Tiiie ~ -fllad wlttl.. Thie Oaneral ...,.._ CHIMES a v THE SEA. 274 ....... Ill OfW '°.,.,Imo ... be made ln the Good Shep-ELSEWHERE ~~2.of Oranoa COUrlCy on County=-:;'~ -g;:, ':;: =::t· Cot1• Meu, Callfornte ~T..0::-...:c' IMellt of Ila herd Cemetery. Pierce Bro-'~ APfll t. 1Na, .,_ Cynt111a Clemont. 274 ,..,,_, On motion of Trust" Oeoree then Sml\N' Mortuary di-PublWled Orll'lgl coeac ~ ,._ Putl4lefled Orange c:o.i ~ PIOt. C4lla ......_ Callfornla t2t27. ._.., Jtr. ""1 ......., Md ow- redon.. 5~39. lot. May 3, 10, 17, 24, 11112 Apt111t, 2t, Mliy 3, 10• 1Mf. 1'1111 bUa1nW It conducted by en !tad, 1111 a11C1'M "8IOlilllon w-. ,_ClllOTlml SMITHJ' WOllTV.MY 627 Main St Huntmgton Beach 536-6539 PAC-.C Y•W ..-GllA&.PMllf Cemttery Mortuaty Chapel-Crematory • 3500 Pac.lie: V..,w Drive NowpOrt Beach 644-2700 SHERBORN. Maa. (AP) -RlcUrd Saltastall, &4, a financier, tanner and phi- lanthroplat and a member of one of MMaacbu.etia' ol- dest f.amillea, died n...s.ry. BETHESDA. Md. (AP) -W. Beverly Carter Jr., 81, a fonner am.band« a1 laip Who alto WU a jour- nalilt. cattd' diplomat and an ex)>ert on Africa, died Sunday. L08 ANGl:LIS (AP) - MJa & .. •!1.1 22, dauchi.r of llnpr ale Adami and the late l'mie Kov9CS died S.twd9y in -auto milhap. :zoa+a ~ ......, ~"" ~ weec r--::;;::---;::=:::;~~!..l...-------21~7'8-12~!_1 Cynthia Qamona AYU: 0aoroa l'kldCla.. Jt .. ~ dp SUppoftthe Tllla etlMIMllt -fled wltll lhe L. ~. W*'-1.. KotUer, Ma ch t D. ~ CWlt of Or11199 County Oii fldlerd I. Olloft, c.111 J. Qilndy. .tn ..... _" -_..1e_Q-.,., .... -~'r.:.ne, s pril • 1N2. ,""'1 :::k ... NoM .,.,...~.-. ~-, Publltlled Oran9• Coael D~y ~ Orwllla C09t o.ly Pt-Pllot. Apfll 21, Mey 3, 10, 17. 1812 IOt. Mliy S, 10, 1tia. tU'2.a2 202..- T-on~ht ' IHORTNOTla PUBLIC AUCTION By Order Of The 8owd ~ And Other a..nd P.u. • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I. F I ·E D fMt!ff.~ ••••••• HOMI '°" AEHT 3 Bdrm. 1178. ,enc• yard I O'rlt•~Klda I Ir. 2 Ba. ilionUcello '*' W9loome. • TownhouH. No peta. AOlnt. no .... 11~11~. 11«ra Momt. w ,,,_, II Co .. 1324. ..~ • .-:,.-... ••••• -.. .. 38f, 2Ba, w.lttlno di to Dana Nial* lib a . 4 bdrm. 2 bl, fam111 grdnr . rae ., • rOOM, tpc, d•tlwthr, arr 4.,_..t't · · cool. telloect yd. dbt. gtl. =i: >Ont~-M2B. E..,.. .,,~ ~ 21~2 •••• • •••• 91~·······-i-FOR RENT eaul I _.,. 3 Bdrm. 1878. Fenc4'd 2 ar. carperll, drepe1. yard A garaga. Kida J laundry hooll-upe, f•n-pet.I~ 546-2000. oed yard, 'garage. Ho Agent, no loo • Dool. '680 water c*d 71{JN0..3Mt &4~7M7 .__,, 1-M• HM 2151C Orane&. ..-........ •••••••••~ 1~-;._;....;.....:.....:~:..:......-<>C-1\EHTALS , 2 Br. andlct gat&09, cat· 1-&br'e a200 to '200Q ~·••· drapH. 773 W. 760-3314 °'*' 7-dajs 16~~~!!'. ·83 ~.:Jt~ t • Nwp1 Bluffl, 3-8f on ctld-c• o r••nb•lt. •harp. EJSlde a t>r. 2 ba. tern '"' s1125. 144-6319 . wlfrp¥J. fenc.d yd, gar. d•ner, cpU & drpa ltOO/mo. 111 & lut + S400. Avall. now. 277 Robin Hood Lene. 856-1737 ... , .... Large 381 2'A&a 2 ~ condo. Frplc. bltln k , v-r1Y 875-7080. Uk I Pat . • IUR OPT wlttlla lrg 3 2 er. 2 ba conoo. frpt, ..,0 br, ttoplcal patio S4H uoll. pool. Biko to beectl. 7504314 Avall. 5116182. '650 ~TALI Encl garage. t Chlld~ MESA VERDE 38r, fam leu•. Sac. d•P· I 5 ,. rm , n I c • . I 7 7 5 , :::-8"."'"7:::-3-~7_13_7_· -----494-2330, 494-MIM Bibi BACK BAY Condo. adlt. SE o<len19d, 3 br O< 2 &~ CLUDED 3br exac: pool 2 bl bltna fr ig• WI ' home, dbl gar, NOW frpl Allnew'0ecor' · 1550 . •. • OC-AEHTAl.S I patio. H50 mo. 111, 750-3314 la.It & MC 842-1155 . HURRY family alH 3br Big c:roo CondOt 2 & ~ dbl gar, pm'* $485 :01::! ~ ~· ~ALS ..,,..,. ... .....,.... 750-3314 ••nnle, .. c:urlty. $12~ ...... 844-7424 Bltr. ~ 2br on wt-Hew oceanfront 3 Br. fl -~~lcM '430 mlly rm. 2 frpk., y .. nt . 7&0-33 14 12500/mo. 845..()778. OC-REHTALS Newpor1 ShorH , Canel t-5br'• • .....,. t • ..,.,... front. 3 bdrm, 2~ ba. _...., O -""" w-. to beed'I. Pool arid 7~14 °'*' l-da)'I t•nnlt avall No p•t•. ... 11a,,.. 1950 ~·52-7474 .... n401------ •••••••••••••••••••••• Cozy Npt Craat town-~ENTALS llome, pool, tannla,.,, 1-5br'1 '200 to '2000 b•ac:h. Ca ll to ••• 750-3314 °'*' 7-d9yl t82~7 HOME FOA RENT Harbor Vl9W HOIM 3 8r. 2 3 Bdrm. 1875. Fenced Ba. tamitv rm. $1150/n14P. yard I garag•. l<lda & PurchHe option ava11. '*' "*°"'9. 545--2000. 844-e977. Agent, no IM. 1-2-M-,-,-r-B--r.-.-2-,~-b-.-. 4 br, 1V. ba, lrplc. 2 car 1700/mo. Kldt/tml P4!1 i'r. Sgl family. $800. olt . .Avail now. John,~· ¥911. June 1. S13--0e28 1_63_1_-_22_4_2 ____ _ 1Br condo. $350/mo. Newport Helgllta large a "49 Contlnontal. (Apply Br. 3 Ba. many am•nl- 5:30 dally) 1_.97~90 t .... 11150/mo. Cal M- • .,__._ tllony day• 842-5757, u.....,,_ ...... a wncs. 831~. ..,.., 11a eroadmo« s..vtow 4 Bf. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Ba fam rm 2 frplc: Oc:oanfront condo, 2 br, wotb~r mlc:fo' gua ~ 2~ ba, 'tl•n. trplc, ••t ar•• 'pool .; t r 1 bar, a9octacular view. 11200/mo a.4_:~;0;· 11100/mo. 3U2 Ira-Open Sun • · vata. Jon1than1-""--------- (213)'51-43e712411e1ure1 lu Cl_..,. 1111 Watorlron1 3 br 3-A ba •••••••••••••••••••••• epec:tacullr view Jae' BEACH COTTAGE. 2 fr~ thruex11 78; boai bdrm, 2 ba.. Wit to 1Taln, o~ a20001mo. 18471 twn. bctl. S700. 492-79f3 Barneta bla. Jonathan lu J..,. (213)461-4347 (24 ""' c. ,,.. JZH •••• !P.e~ .... U.!f •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 2ba. twn nn, encl 2 3 Bf. 3 Ba. Exac HorM In eet oar. doMd t.dtyaro, Nof1hWoodl. 2 11orf wllh nr achla. A. V ttorago xtra I~::· room No avall $525/mo. 1aVlaet doge . Oardaner & 6 He 6 cleanlng req. wat•r paid. H OO/mo. 32 102 Vi a de Ollva . 545-2000. Agent, no .... 7141758-254SS HOME FOR RENT Wnlmiulft ,,. 4 Bdrm. 1750. Fencad ••••••••••••••••••••-ytrd I garage. l<ld• 6 HOME FOR RENT P9ll walcoma. 545-2000. 3 Bdrm. $850. Fenc.ct Agent, l}O .... yard 6 garaga. K~ WOODBRIDOE-3Br. ~~· 54s. ; 1'Mta, nr oool & tennis. ......,... · · • se&O mo. No P9t1. Avell 3 bdrm. 2 ba, vory nl~ 1 a I w k o t Jun•. 1875 mo. Near ec:hoof'. 4N-<t 142. ta2-22aa or "3-3117 DEERFIELD · 2Br. 2Ba. HOME ,OA RENT • don. super clean, plulh 2 Bdrm. $475. Garage. ;1 cpl. AC, frplc, dbl ga-c lllld OK, no P•••· rage, lg lot, redwood 54$-2000. AQ«lt. no .... ctoctle, nr OOOI•. parka, 1t no 9•t1. Avall lmm•d . .,.,.,.,.., 026 mo . 752-7Ut, ,,.,__,_l.M .u• 133-tl&e •••• ::r:~ •• :.::: • _. A.aort..mce adUll lfac1 nr ,. ...... .... SC PIH. Pool, grdnt. • bdrm, 21A 6a. J.,,.,.. Dtux 18f. No,.... 147& garden, comm. pool, 6 $45 uUI. 775-2584. ..-e, tennla prlvlf~e. 556-1821 ~=mo. 659 ... 783 So-.-C-:o.t--V--.--dbl-2-8"~1 2 le. nr So. Cat Plu4. BrlU Soc. gat•, poof, ctbha4. 1 br, 1 ba $450 '600. tn.ft1t . 2 br, 2 ba *800 2 bdrm 2 Cal -~ 2 br, 2~ ba M00-1850 aod p'auo Nr So c 3 br, 2 ba "50 p I •. 8 a t>r, 2-A ba l800 • 18 · 17 "'~· , *"· 2 .,. .,600 tum 54M 1°' I 4 br, ~ ba S1350 • br ~ ba MOCM825 J .. .,_,, . l~l.e!.!ft~-~Ol~Fllt)'~!·3~3~llOO~!_ ~-··········· P.-------..i··· .. ··············· MNTA&.~ ~=-"':. '= MO., a ino. "''"· NI etuff, d•P· r941'G, ' Pty. Call Oally '" A111w•r Ad No. '1 ........... I ' ' t ,,..,,,...,. f aluallW ~~·;;; ... ·;;; ••••••••••••••••• DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items tor cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item P9f ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalta. l.dnlMlttM) wr Si'Cl!f r HLI .(, •.1 h. I • I ' A •4 - ~~ ........ ~=-· ~ ....... ..... , .... --•J •. ,,., ' • • ' t ., 3 3DAYS INES CLA8SIFIED8642•5.678 OLLARS . Newspaper. Carrie[S ior i'Outes in Hunttngfat ~h, Fountain V., & Newport I .. '!"·~------,, THE ODORE ROBINS FORD lObv HUllOa lll't u COSTA MISA t.•l 0(.Ji'l .~ .............. ....... ....., .... ~'"'"" We tpecleflze In Euro-.,..,~. __ ........ ,-.. - ....... ,m llW111 208 w. 111 8.m..Ana aoeed Sundey ~.~~~·. !fl!ltttH. ·;· ··r .'lft't.. •• •••••• • .ll.... .. .... Wt. • • •••••• .'ti!'.. l'!ltfl. •.•• .... U"""··1va IAW1.~.iYI~ .. ~~~~. -~~..... .... .. ..~~~~ .. !. ....... , ..... ~~~~-~~'A• ......... . ''•' n .J......, ,,. Mmn1111 ... .·"ff lff'P. ............ l.!ff llJlt."'11. ••••• l!M • • ••••• r.~ir 1.~ ......... r flil.'Jltf ••••••••• "-!f F!~1 ........ ~ .~!1/l .••••••••• 11.ff .:••••••••••••••••:.1 1M'in•0 •••• .. ote1T nt'l.'i r eTni'eu r,-. I tWt toed OOftd '11 II Dorado bh1e I fl HO pyctw ConYWl IM1 W ... .,..., I *"'' -· UIOOliell offer'. , ..., UIM.. wl!Ue, ti~ re1tor1d. llT llLL* '71 LIMO!n Club Coupe. ~ 1 INWP Nl'll er••· UI • .. IDM 1114 ...... Mum'• tot to l9t l'N 9fl • ( Dt:AUR IN U.S.A. MMl10 Mwn 7 I 1. 1t AAMtT, neiw oMdl, t1IOO. M2·1IOO 8111y yet c1 .. 1yl Auto. MUil 111 ... ~1r.:; 1200011111 Olr 64t-Oll~ ....._ wtth bleOll lnWtor It 109oocf1*Mtot114GO. am/Im ouutta, olr wit o~4.loalwre YoU .... , • · _,_. ,._. I... Low mNea •0111 I'm tier IR&M 1177 VW, elr ~d. "'°' cond, Nice body, nice '71 11 Dor~!L• oiuelo. mlle•ao • .-uollet "''' ·10 LIMOln Mtwll lff, MuoC ""'f IHf Trtded •n Oil• new ••IM .. , weet1end oar. Dellwred ''°"· etoreo •HHtlo, Interior. Good onoino OOld/OOldlvc-. t1.ooo. AM'"''.....,_' morel 111 t1100. ••••• •••••••••••rf.1' Royoe 11 1 1!1t __ OomP"t H~UM ol Im· grMl'I with Ian t._,, Ml• Ye/y ~~~ 090 t1HO. 14MIOO jl3eWUD). Juet neoct r.. 1241·7IOO ' t • I,.,-POftlOifeot .... MCllO XIM ...,.-.... 1-.o.r""''~"..,.. -Nt-7 ... ,,,,, '711.!DorldO Mlntoond llblop1r_tyto1u111 WE RE llY IAltll moo."'*·~ CMlll M04170/tl0.1.I01 .. -,-•~M 1"• -'IO ICl,.,.606 llK 1t1J r~ ml IOM ml, tr~ w/blk 1oovi emall llMf'INy pmte. No flu&a.. "" ~ llf• ~1= ;' 1\4.41N1 .m· CIOWO WHOAfl A/C, AM1'M Q , p,w: ••••I'••••••••••••••••• lnlr, Miko Offer. C1ll otd oon"0011 to --.wne. .-;';ir;er•••••••••••••• DEALIN ' 1640 Jamtior• "°9d 1 or • .__, n •001tor eqUlllUr, 4 #1 ,.. ..... Wlldyt ... 2·1121 No Hok pmll dUo. Mil 1970 Muetano )(Int oond. NIW,,Of!IT llAOH Ha11en't you welled IOnt 1:.•Alle•••••••••••• ... , ,.,,. 1pkt1. Oalm, wtll1, Im· II.___-........ •'J'7 CAD llVIU.I lor "OH 10·4400, ~Or beet ollor. •• H•• onouoh to own• Mer· 1112 Jl":r.•••••••••••• •• n meo. T-"eCMWloo. t112. -...-_,., lClnt cOftd IMOO a&e.100t ,,roto UM. , ___ 1 ____ _ luurNAT£ oldH ltn1? Dt111t lot I '11 •AAI Turbo. 4 dr, &1 ';:lo Hl·OHO or -ua-*-'87 Muet. Xtra °""'· 77M IWlllUll ,,,.,.. 81, 11,4 1111eOOOOt1liftl1Y""YoU 1111 mEI blaok. 111 ... , ... •12. 11-...... 0..•""1· wall:'.:' WANTED orig""'· 1 cyt. ,,b, ,, •• DELIVERY ON •••••••••••••••••••••• by .ct nowt WI hoYI I IOO Cell M1·1MO '71 VW COllvortlble .. 'Tl llVll.LI. llc/btk..... 1uro trane gooc:t llrH . ·10 L.0 Convenlble. Aun• 11nt11llo Hltotlon ol Oomo 111 and dtlvo the !'•ff c~ ldlUon only OVlAllAI DIL.IVllllY 1n.r. moonrl I all 11tr11 TO BlJY 124911, 64f..1&11 good H150 or bHt modal• I oolotl 1111111· '"°'"' dtoMfl Aveltobte l111IMIN 6 fl mi: If~ 11noe' new. IXPEATI tt.000. 49 ..... f04 OST 902.1100 ..,... bll. for Immediate detl11eryl .r.tt".":.......... ... N7·11Sft Lill eaw1 1 ........ M ••"• 11u •.::g•• ~Y,::.::.::,:'e .... .:.;~ ·11 w uu.. r.~~'.. ...... 1.~¥. ... ; ~rl:~·2~.~~ MODELS ...................... t30t Quall,.,... ... ••11 ..-••• ,.. nu• Ill n film W1L'n11 FORD ., .. , .... n.u HEWPOf'T llACH .... Dcwe ltNot 111•IMI 411 •!•t lwry 111.rO. ... new. 1~~~· rr:nh:~·H·l~Old ~i°o Wf1 HMIM NIWftaf'T HACH ~ 1111 844-4143 Mt-tMa Ml-Mil Cllevroletel 112111 leedl IN'ild. !¥!!tf/lf ...... /lff SAVE '70 Mere.doe 28081. oon· 112-1111 .• ~!~••••00••••••••• '1t Poe>-t.oo camper, new Hu~~no2-ltonllaech11 WANTED vertlble a hardtop AMI '73 CO'OllO weoon. 2 dr, 4 11r •1. 11 Int o on d .. ~ ,M radio now tir11 ltnfl» 1111 epj, ""olutotl. "'-'In I '5800/080 ,.....1444 bl• llN4 'T t 14,900 i>P 832·304t •••••••••••••••••••••• out. 114ts. 641S·t280 •••t 11•1111* •••••1•••••••••••••••• C#wllt Hll TO BUY " r.llSTER ' IJ.,61~ Hll •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.... 11 lupra, 14,000 ml. IS Air, em/Im 0111 lo ml. -• f '711 Ten Corve111 T·top. Lill ...... 111 M..... ipd,AM,,MCAMw/amp lmmac. ISISOO . •h• •··~~~~.... redlt1n, t 7800. Stick. ......., HONDA HI us rt .. 1111/.. equ1llzer. 8unrl, orulN 140-5270/150-1801 •rimruTIR 8 4 2•6002 d•y• or 11111111 JO• YOU• • TIMbo dleMI, Al* red. 13831 Hetbor INvd. oontrol . .CO. SHOO 090, ...... UM1M1 841·1 .... l'ltlT MAIDA 8rown Yin~. ~ tank Qorden Qrow pp I c d J 8 11 . . I We epaclellze In 1..... '19 CAMARO ·--------WILSON FORD SANTA n• IT a 37'000f(e1l~·,.. lllM .... La11l11 714•5tl2•1988 ~~~:: w£. !~ ~,,.Pf~=..~wu-P#A~ ........... /!~~ t82tl& Beech 91Yd WlllT -.. ... '12 JM 114 111-2111 !tJl!!!!f!!. ..... !J.!~ Low mllu 'ou~.!_;m her Larae ltlltflN ellWOllY111t11! '~.70~0? g,i~ P1:. ~~C~ H':~ngl-llton e-on11 fAOUnl Xlnl cond, many •tr••· ·eo p ............ "24 .... ~-I '70 "CALIFORNIA BUO" woellend car . ..,...lverld ..... 1112 • P/W " II ... ,....._,,. • ''"'""' nr....,. with tan I"" M1 L--.._.., ....... t"""", etc. •er/ low m eage ANA 11n wu 11ct111 11111~H11' M500.494-191t '80Porecll•U4.8oth :i,:;""' v, .. · ...... s:;'4f40m,1 .,.,.. ~lcondltlon ....... . 79 300 so Dtl 1 OWMt loed1d. Tako over IH 9f ID.L* l-40-1127018&0·1801 ... II lttelll •Y 111Atll 0111842-6119 20mpg,..,.,., option ... 1-79-M-ai_d_•_R_X-7-. ..,...5-model-~. Ilk• new. mutt .. 111111i pe~t1.1i411u..1eoe Sliver. 4 •ed., AM/FM. 1911 vw Aabbft uc, lllnt N~R~ ....... .,.... 1trl 114' power. H ISOO/b11 ofr f'tirl•' SIMC4i Open All •If. Aini Con<I, n-peJnt. ..... 121,500 firm. Call ·eo PORSCHE 35e8 C&Netta. In er1of' Ext. ooocs. eunrl, 1111'00 Cllll. NEOoveWPo'°'*Rr BIES!'c·H 1·······w··A·N··TED·········· 5111 ·2493 I 559·838t Otty !>1lurd1y I •mlfm CllNlle $8900 Tucker t\48·22 t3 btwn No rut1, llMCI• no W'Otll. rlor In IUpef·duper con· ~ 720.18615 (' I A ' ,. WIM help fin~. 3"I W wernerAve 7,.2 ..,,.. 10am &7 pm. *7&00/part tr1de. dlllon.(18VY035).NMCI · , J JI ', t••-ii 1701d C C 1 3 " " ·•vvo 1MI t•• IL ~· rell1ble party to m•ll• '71 Sqbiil, MW llrM, rune 1, ..,,11,, •• ..... ,, • •-• ull. ru Mr. 11 btk wMt of Me.In) -email monthly pmt1. No great. 11200 CaN Doug ..,.., ... TO BUY IMt, lux. all 11tt11. Xlnt ,_ 540.7430 ll1tt1411 It•• 11f0 u .ooo ml, 1 owner, ell 74 P0t1Che Targe, While, old contrectl 10 a.MM. 87u 593 1 "'' • \\...,, C.,Jt1 •11.c1 '75 Monte Carlo. cl11n, •i.al 12950 64&-1064 •••••••••••••••••••••• orig Auto, 1lr, PS. PB, 11lnt malnt 113,000. No back pmt• dUo A1k , B P/B. PI S ll896/0BO Lill ...... 1973 4508l , 111n1 cond both lope. Excellent ..,.., 714-t91-'12t for Aou 842•4400, 75 VW ug, 11lnt cono . 'ff CodllloO ConV«tlble, _64_8..oe_1_2_____ ~ riallll IH$ 81 HONDA ACCORD I MW paint. convet11~ & COnd 112 soo 090 IS&&-1008 Proto LIM AC, new redlal1, 10 ml. creoni oolor. "'4 r01lOf· *M ,..... llU CUI •••••••••••••••••••••• • or m111111c 111ver. hardtop, 10 mi. 111.000. 5'e..1245 · ·14 114 1.8. x.1nt. t&&OO. · tasoo. &33-21ee Id '2000. 142•7soo -· • w•NTED 1rntom•1lc. elr cond. p1, contect Joe 876-2988 °' 642·1M51Evee. 1111 WW.. ,13 Super BHtle , new Nd• 1u10. approx 11&0. WILSON fnDD n Am/Im llareo 6789 ml 873-0944 ., 11U ·19 TARGA. 11lnl, MUST 1 1800 ~71 ~alnl, new tlrH, ml1c. TIE LAlllllT gOOd runner 640-2178 un '8000 Li ke n•w 79 450 SL Merced•••••••••••••••••••••••• S ELLll 01'1" o wnr 1 d I ..... 1902Cofvllru11 l82tltlBMChBlvd TO BlJY 1146 7841 Benz, Wlllte/11n 1411ther, 640-'25& • *'11 H•UU* "'tl;.~.~~-n · 1 • •" · llUOTllll I 1200. Huntington Beech atta1• I L ml .... It • .. .... I _..,..... 1•2-1111 Lill ...... 80 Ho no• Prelude, 5 211.000 ml, e11 11noed 1 t II mmao. o . -· •ao "' ate ............ low mllea-548-2074 ,. ~ ~1.1•eO. mtw tire•, moon I warranty, mint cond M..... II,..... 2 cue .. 11tr11. Showroom '88 8quarebec k. new ge Cadlllac1 In Scxithern , ..... tt••s roof 1mllm c111111a Many extra• Car pllone TONNEAU COVER Whlte/blactl leather, 300 MW 15500. Malllna. motor w/recelpt1. New CelltOfnlal See u1 tO<leyt I 811 Chevy lmf*e. nice fOf l.J•nla 1141 •~ ..,. llko new $8399 0 80 ~I 133.600 ~ Fite M0'1, '11·'1t HP ti IP .. d 128,000. 840.0270/85().1801 brlkH. Oooo cond, •••••1 low riding, nic. ~nl Job. •••••••••••••••••••••• WILSON f()RD Ev.. Wkno 681..()982 9% 111u Call o lc , ...._UNO, 175 Car hie to be c:onvat11d •85 vw Bug 11200 WW l1160. 491-4819 ...u. meg w11 .. 11 w nu tlr11. '19 Verealllee, lo ml, moon 79 Accord 4·dr. 6·•pd, 975-1128 l .. MW. 831·1197 Iv mes ~otyUi~:i!:o~~~d1. Pvt tlke b~ll o:'re r . 71 VW Con11ert Aed w/ 2e!'!!'! '! . .,. = f:'~.r:..·~=·t ~~~~~Olded. 17,900 18206 8Mctt etvd. Huntington Beech AIC AM/FM Clll II•· 73 280 $UP4H cln, I OW· 900-8149, 904-28211 ~top, clean, AM/FM .., • ., 1eo 10 ml, reg ge1. llk•1 ner 741< orig ml New #01 1144 '11~114 ,7 t VW Super a..til ang 1ter•o can. 18700 . COSTA MESA '83 Corv11r COnvertlble. ·ee Llncoln Convertlbl• "" ~81 -4 1711 Mich'• le.250 840-53a4 ••••• ••• •••••• •••••••• Red, lllnt cond, "395 Of WM recently dona.' MW 84e-8028 141-1111 Mutt Ml~l 15:o 80% fMIOfed All Black. M u,1 Mlllf '18 Accoro LX, 1.,80 ~·osEL white .... 1h 13'~00M0mBlnRtlE~_!n0Rd ~,. male• offer 145-llOOS clUtch, paint, t1r11, otc. '70 VW con11 95% r11to· 2•7 14.000 842·7500 1i•Nfrjl1' H1C • .. ., •• v ...., "' ..,. )(Jnt __ ... M t '85 Aid ~. ~ '19 cn.v.tte. Oood trana-••a u~-.1-,..___.I...._ e • • ••• ••• • • •• •••••••••• ,.1.er Ofig aw,..,., 13900 • • • ·ea Poreoho Super 90 . Mu ll ••e to 1pprac . r..... ""'"' ue .... -Id ............ """'•lion cat MOO V<I ,....,.., """ • .._. ...... 83 Cluek: T.8 . Oft. Tue· 142-1111 551-8738 '2300/blt otr. eea..8783 Prtoe 14,99&. '-·« · --· .,....._ · cl111lc, H% re1tored eon y•low blk Int 531< IV mag. Pvt Pty 946-22&6 842-7500 4te-M83 M.000. 642·1500 1dnt 13900.'87M174. ~~ ------iiiiiiiiiiiijli MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE IOXES 0 ATLAS CHRYSLa.f'\.YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel !M6·1934. 3 blOCkl south of San Diego Fre1tw1y oll Hort>or Bl11d. Complete bOdy shop Sale• Sarv•ce Peru Setvlce Dept open Mond1y thru Friday 1 30 AM lo 5 30 PM. and SAM to 5 P M on Sa1urd1y llACH IMPOlrTS 643 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752·0900 Call ue. we •• the 1pec111t111 tor Alla Romeo, Peugeot, Saab a M .. Mral1 THIODOal IOllMS FOaD Modarn Hin, MtVlce, porta. body, pelnt a lire dopte. Competitive ro1n on le ... & dally reotal1 2080 Harbor Blvd Co1t1 Me ... 842.0010 « IWO-e211 t G JOHMSOM .. SOM UMCOLH MllCUlY 2828tfarbor 8 1110 , Cotta Mela Toi 54()-5830 57 Voare of l11ondly lamlly Nl'Ylce -Orenge County • Oldeet Lin· coin Mercury doalertlllp 0 SOUTH COAST DOOM 2888 ~~arbor Blvd , Co1\a M ... Toi. &404330. AV M NIC. 1pec1111111. cu1tom v•n con\19f'llona. MIW,OIT~I 3100 w. COHI Highway, Newport IHCh. &42 ~17&4 Tno Forrlll I ludqlMlttert. NIW,OIT DAHUN 8S8 Dove Stroot, Newport Beech. Tel. 833· 1300. At Ille trlanglo ol Jambor ... MecArthur & Brlatol b«llnd Vlct0tla Stotlon. Salee, ~. 1. ... 1ng a Part1. We mPo grHt deolll • MAlllS CADILLAC 2eoo Harbor Bl11d Co1ta Mell Tel 640-9100. Oran~ County 1 Largest Cadillac deel4lf Bai.. Service LeM· 1ng • DAVID J . 'HILU'S IUICK.flONTIAc.MA1DA L..11Qun1 Hiiia S1le1 • Sorvloe • l.Malng 248U Allele Paricwity 837·2400 • CHICk IYlllON P'Ollset6AUDt.VW 415 E. Co1et H~, Htwpo rt Beech. 873-0900. Tht only Ciaelershlp In Or11t1J9 CoUftty >Mth lt'9M lhrH great mou. undor o,,. roof I • ~AM MAGNON rotft'IAC.IUIAIU 2480 Harbor llvd .. Coeta MM&. Tel. 64f..4'00. ••· 8or'illc., Lo11lng. "Mr Qooctwrtnch," I 01 LOMG PU r<>MTIAC 13600 BHch Blvd., W11tmln.ter Tel 892-6661. Or1nge County'• oldoet ond lar~ll Pon11ac dHlerehlp Sor.. Service , Pitta • SAIL CHIYIOUT 900 South Co .. t Highway Lagun1 8ffch "a-y'• .......... .., ,.., .. SALES HOUAS Mon ·Fri IH, Sal ~15. Sun 10-4 49'6·1131 546-9"7 • SANT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Stroot, Bal\i. Ano Tel. 1558·7811 Your Orlg lnol Oedlcet~ 0111un Oeallf • MllACLI Md.DA Wo'vo "'°*' Our now loc*10n lo 1425 lakOr SlrMI, Cotta MMe. Tot 545-3334 Stop t1¥ & vt91t our bt1nd now ehowfoom •M ... why wo'r• the, 11 Mazd• dtt!M In '°""*11 C.llfomle. la101, S.Vlce. P"'8 end L .. 11no. AMMtmMMAIDA "Oelr o.c. ..... De* ... ,.... ...... LMtC..." 801 S. Anaholm Blvd .• Anaheim ...,1820. Juat north Of Ian .. Ana ,rwy on Anohelm BIYd Call ue flrttl ''WI! A,.! HAAD TO "HO-eUf WOfltTH ITI" ' COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 H1rbor Blvd . Coeta Me" Tel 540-64t0 Serving Orange County for 16 yoort 1 Mlle So 405 SUNSET PORD, IMC. (Home of Wllho the Whale) 5440 Gardon Grove Blvd . W11tm1n1ter Toi 836-4010 • DOM LIASIMG. INC. 730 W. 11th St , Cotta MHa &<12·1944 Vou'ro In lor 1 1urpr1H at OGM l.Nllng • 0 COMMIL&. CHIVIOLIT 2121 Harbor llvd., Co•te Maaa.. ~ 30 ,..,, ~•no OrMgO County! 81,.., !Mii~ IMllOe. Cell 141-1200; tp90r11 parta lln•: S..t400: 9"°P 11ne: ~. • lOY CAIV• IOU.I lOYCNMW 1540 JamborN ,.oed, Nowpot1 IMOh. ~ 80 .... llrvtM. Part• Al\d,LNtlng. Ylll 11111111. llllY PINI .. • ' . • 1 • • $ .. • UH A N (il-C OUN I v CA I If O H NIA 25 CEN TS Winning IJ ~lloonists slightly inju.red By PlllL SNEIDERMAN or .. ...,,.. ..... The pllota of the Roale O'Grady t apparent winners of the 1982 Gordon Bennett &lloon Race, were reported reating oomfDnably today in Cody, Wyo., recovertna from minor lnjurlea autfered durtna the bump)'~ of an SM.mile flight that began Saturday 1n Fountain Valley. Meanwhile, anow tlurrlea In eutem Nevada were interfering thla mornln1 with attempt• to locate the three crew members of the only ml..tna balloon. The "10-Aall ," a n o n - compet1n1 participant tn the Gordon Bennett activl~~t wu believed to be ln the W:Wty of Wllaon Mountain, about UO milet northeaat of Lu Ve,u. Race apokeaman Dave Bla- keman aald emer1ency locater aignala believed to be comin1 from the "10-Ball" crew were p.lcked up SW\day, lot\ ovemlaht and picked~ .. aln today. He said the al ia at.ationary, in- dica tlng t e balloon la on the ground. lte aaid Civil Alr Patrol and U.S. Air Force aeerch crew1 were hoping that momin1 anow con- dltiona would clear to make the bunt for the m1111nc· balloon1ata ....... . The "lO·BeJ.l" WU not compe-tiJll in the Gordon Bennett Race, but WM llatecf U a "pathfinder'' balloon. Blakeman aaid pilot Duane Powera took two crew membera alon1 aa a training fllaht. Race or~anber Tom Helnahei- mer aald, 'Duane Powers t.a an excellent, experienced and pru- dent pilot, but you're alwaya nervoua and concerned until people do call in. 11h'1 a difficult •Port . . . Oc- culonany, people aren't heard from for a day or ao." Blakemen aiakt the two men in th• crew wlth Powera, MUton Cave1 and Arthur Hickle, both work at the China Lake Naval W..,n Station. Elahi otucial balloon teams llfted off 1n the Gon:lor1 Bennett Race Saturday at Mile Square Park. The cont.eat la one ol dis- tance, with the team travelin1 tart.heat from liftoff declared the winner. Unofficial race wlnnera are Roale O'Grady pilot Joe Klt- tln.cer, a Florida engineer, and Thatcher calls 'war cabinet' • • • • co-pilot Charle• Knapp, a Lot Anaelel bullne9 executive. Thelr red and yellow balloon came down into machinery in a ranch corral at 9:20 p.m. PDT Sundav. "He'a doing fine," race spokes- man Blakeman a.aid of Klttfnaer, who remained at Cody Hospital early today. 'Qt.her than a couple of bruiaea and a dlalocated ahoulder, he'• doing fine." Co-pilot Knapp wu releued from the hoepital after receiving treatment for brutaea recelve<I durtna the landing in WyomJ.na near Yellowstone ~atlonal Park. The pair reportedly end\&Nd thundentonnl, mow and beevy wt.nda dwinl their f.liaht. Unoftidal aecond place went to Maxie Anderaon and hla 10,a, Kria, both of Albuquerque, N.M. Race offid&la aaid they traveled about 876 miles before 1and1nc Sunday evenln1 at Caaper lo central Wyoming. L·aat year'• winners, Ben Abruuo and Rocky Aoki, pac.d third in the unottldal tallf. ~ traveled 769 miles before landlJll Sunday afternoon at Boulder Lake, Wyo., race offida.la aald. (See BALLOON, Pase A%) r1t1s 1nvas1on 10 bags of waste traced? By ROBERT BARKER or .. ....,,......,. Ten bap of lnfectioua wute' materlala dumped at a Hunting- ton Beach intersection when a trMh truck caught fire have been tentatively traced to a local dla- poea.l company, Orance County health offidala aaid today. Environmental Health Director Bob Merryman said the bao are betn• linked prellmlnarfly to W.D. Blneham Inc. of Hunting- ton Beech aft.er questionina truh oom~ ~Md juat pick- ed up a load there," Merryman ukl. He sald, however, the county ltil1 ii lnvestipting the eource of the .... Merryman aald the bap con- tained part ot a kidney, placenta "and other body parta that were strewn all avflf' the atreet." A apokesman for W.D. Bing- ham company, which handles dlapoul of lnfectioua waate for Southern CaUfornJa boapltala, aald he had not heard the pre- Um.lnary findinp th1a morning. "Our poature ia that nothing neceuarlly Indicates the baga came from ua," Vice Prealdent Robert Spurlin aid today. The ba8I were found Friday at the lnteraectlon of Reaearch Drive and Cbemk:al Lane, about a block from Btnaham'• location at ~722 Retearch Ortve, according to Merryman. The ba8I were dwnped when truh belna hauled In a Rainbow Ditpc>Ml Co. truck caught flre, apparently from 11he1 being hauled from the dlapoul compa- ny, Merryman aaid. He aaJd the lc.ci WU dumped In order to keep the truck from catchlnl tire and exploding. Merryman sald the lnfectloua material WM cleaned up and dJa,. Infected b)' the Huntington Beach Fire Department and by county officlala. He aald the pUblic WU not expmeci. • Merryman aaid the oompeny la fOCUllna effortl how to prevent lnddenta from bappenlna ap1n (lee WASTE, Pqe Al) WORLD ....,,.. ...... _,~......., INTERNATIONAL GUEST -Natalie Stamirea hugs her grandmother Nltsa Morphiadou of Greece who came the greatest distance when Harbor ~y School in Corona del Mar celebrated "Grandparents Day." M;ore of the turnout is shown on Page Bl. ' Trekkies moan Spock dies in new movie -or does he? OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (AP) -Sdence-f:kUon fana at a IC:fftnirur of the newest Trekkie movie, "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan," left debating whether the half-Vu.le.an hero Mr. Spock had died -or It just eeemed that way. "It left you h.anglna at the end of the movie," a.aid 't"'ed Koehler, 21 , of Lenexa. The film continues the adven· tuns of the charllcten from the 1960s televt.11on .mes. Some f.ana aaid the film can be viewed u a aequel to a 1967 epWode in which the evil Khan la ttranded on an llOlated planet by the crew of the atanhJp Enterptlle. Most ot the pre-releMe ~blic­ lty centeried on the rumor Spock would be killed 1n the film. cau- ~ an outcry from devoted tam .. • SPOCk actually dlea," aald Gordon Weaver, an executive with Paramount Pictures, "but there'• enough in there to lead one to believe he'll be bKk." Def ore the tcreen1np. Weaver iaJd that audience reaction to Spock'• fate would help deter- mine whether the end1na would be altered. Afterward, be aald the reaction wu positive, and the film'• conclUlion would be left intact. "In acienoe fiction no one ever d14!r really," Weaver aaid. Tne movie, which opens June 4 acre. the nation, wu previe- wed In two free acreenlnga In suburban Kanua aty to co1ndde With a ldence-fk:tioo convention. About 800 tlcketa were pven away for the .::reentnp, the tint u.me. the movie hu been .shown tO the publlc. STATE Troops • nearing islands By 'ne Alaoda&ed Presa Brttaln'a Prime Min.later Mar- garet Thatcher convened her emergency "war cabinet" today with growing aigna British troops wtll tDvade the Ara'entfne.-eeized Falkland Ialanda ff U.N. peace efforts collai-e. No fighting wu reported to- day. But the Brltlab Defenae Min.lstry laid ita forc:iee 1nflicted ''conaiderable damaae" Sunday when they atrafed and bombed . Argentine defemee in a pomlble prelude to an lnVMion. '-The pemment'a priority la to do ev~rythtng poaaltile to achieve a neaotiated aolution," the Brfdlb ~ Office laid. But Informed mWtary IOW'Cm aatd the reqwationed liner Can- berra c::arrytna 2,500 marines and &~troopers waa hours away British warships lwic:ina of1 the Falklanda. Brttlah war correapondenta aboard the fleet reported British frlgatea and deatroyera were within alght of the Falklanda, mov:tn& in cloeer to enforce a total blockade of the lalanda. In New York. U.N. Sec:retary- General Javier Perez de Cuellar aald toctar there were "reuona for hope' that Britain and Ar- gentina mi&ht acr-to a petieeful tettlement ot the conflict. Both nations denied today that remarb Sunday by Argentine Foreign Mlnilter Nlcanor Costa Mencfez wu a atep back from Ar1entina'1 lnalatence that the Britiab ~ lta 90Vereipty over the lalaDda. Arpntlna aeiJed tlie Falklanda April 2 after 149 years of British rule. On the CBS television J>l'Olf&m "Face the Nation." C.O.t.a Mendez aald Sunday that Ar1entlna '• pclllUon on aovereignty wu not a pttCODdldon for Arpntine forces to withdraw cw ta1b to belln. The Arpntine Foret.an Mlnia- try aaJd today Coat.a Mendez'• remarka were a reiteration of Argentina'• earlier po91Uon. In London, the Fonqn Office a.aid the atatement wu not "a new move.'' Eatlier today,,Pera de Cuellar aa1d It w• ''wry d1fficult to aay they (the Atpntines) have aof- ter*i on that partkular t.ue." Bombin6§ hit Pbilippines Edison Company bonored ZA.MB:>ANGA CITY, PhWpplnel (AP) -Seven bombe explocMd In UU. eouthern-PhWpptne d~ today, kJllln1 four and lnjurtn1 70 In the countryra wont ll!l'iea of t.erroriat bombUIP In two years. NATION The Southern CallfomJa Edtloll Co. and an MIT prof...-have been hooond for work In the ~ and m6r1Y fteJda. ~ Af. ProJH18iliom dUeDMeil . TwWft ballot --will bl cleckW bJ CallfomJa voten ln June. Coludmlat k l Wawn d1lcullri Prc>poiltka 1 tbrouab 0 today. Pljl Al. COIJNTY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""""'~~~~~~':::~, ., ......... TARGETS -Britain shattered a four-day military lull Sun- day by bombing and strafing Argentine military targets on the Falkland lalanda and attacking an Argentine fishing boat. Newport to have control of oil wells By STEVE MARBLE or .. ...., ........ Oranae County Superior Court Judge Druce Summer bu indi- cated he will order a petroleum oompeny owner to hand control of 16 oU wella over to Newport Beech and pay the dty more than $340,000 in damagea. The notification of intended dectalon from Judge Sumner ls the lateat legal turn In a two- year-old dlapute between the dty and Newport oilman Robert Annatrong. The city, which took over operation of the wella lut year, estimates It la earning upward of Vote signup at d eadlin e For thoee who haven't regi.1- tered to vote for the June 8 pri- mary election, time la quickly runn1n, out. The deadline ii mldnighL The Orange County Regiatrar of Vo- ters ottloe, 1300 S. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, will remain open until mldniaht to take re,Utra- tiona. People who have moved rec- ::~ chqed their names are they m\.llt re-repter, u mi.t tN.e who did not vote ln the ....u e1ectiona in 1980. For further Inf onnatlon, call 834-~. I N D EX M m M M • Ct,a.t Cl Cl Cl M • SPORTS $1 million a year from the rio. Attorneys for Newport aaiO the preliminary decision Friday IM9 the city the right to contfnue operating the wella while 'COIJeo. tina damagea for revenue It lolt while battling Annatrong. Robert Buchanen. an attorney for Anna\roni, aaid it ia too eerly for him to cornrnent on the pre- limlnary dedaion or to aay wh&- ther h1a client wtll appeal Annatrong, who operated the wella for the city tor 12 years, refueed to turn the rtp wer to the· city when hla contract exp- red lut year. 'The wella are located inland<:/. Weat Coast Highway on land outalde the city llmlu but are alant-drllled Into coaatal tide- land• controlled by Newport Be.ch. When Armatrong'a contraa with the city expired, the cllJ closed down the wella. After montha of Inactivity, the weU, we.re put bldt in motion afteS' tbll city teamed up with the State Landa Commlaalon to condemn the land under the rigs. Earlier thla year, an Oran1• County Superior Court Judge ruled the city had lmproperl)" taken over the weU. and threa- tened to fQl'Ce the dty apln 10 clme down the~ . Juda• Sumner a prellminary dedajon, city of fldala aald. a~ =-wW bep them In the°" . • H/F . AS'IlE DUMPED • • • had not undeflOM tit.her proc:e· dun. Spur11n. the W .0 . Blncham Inc . .-J)INIAdent, Mid ~com­pany dally dilsx-of abaUt 26 tons of lnfecUoua ma*1&1 from hotpitala, outs-tient c11nic1, nW'· lin4I hclmm and labontoriel. etc. Re -~ about 95 penient of the company'• dl1poaal dealt with drelltnp and bendqee and other non-human ma~rta&. illiam Durkee Ill rvices scheduled RESIGNING -Energy Sec- retary Jame1 B. Edward• plans to leave his job at the end of next month to accept the presidency of the Med1cal University of South Carolina. .Gymnastics to retur11:? Newport-Mesa trustees may reinstate sport BJ JODI CAD&NDAD 0( ................ OymnMtb may Ml bl aUnct ln the Newport-M ... UnJfled School Olatrict atw all. LMt March. uw.. weed 10 ·ellmJ.na~ the 1port at •ta.net.a, a.ta Mela and NewDOri Harbor blah IChoola in an eft«t 10 trim full-time certtflcated teachers Crom the»-~· · But •c;bool board member Sherry LoofbowToW llkl Friday that trultfff may mnatate the St becauae lt wu orlatnally t that lt took alx-t.entbl of a f u 1-Ume teacher to teach l)'lftDMtkl. Dl1trlct officlala have 1tnce dilcovered that lt COlta $3, 700 to employ three walk-on coichea, utd Kevin Wheeler, aa1l1tant 1Uperint.endent for pet"U'\Ml. tor that reaaon, symnaatlca waa not considered by the ad- mlninattve Jaw ~ revSewtnl teacher 1C durtna r.c•nl ~ MHa pr~lpal Don Champlln aakt Friday be planl to uk dfltrici offidall to reinttata c~tlca alnce full-time tea· c pOldtiom are not affecWd. ' need foe ellmlnad.n& It la no Jonael' valid," Mid Champlin. "I think It'• been • 11'Ht pro~ pwn. I would pet'S>l'Lilly like to see lt continue. peopae," aaacs Mn. s~ uwt It't impoNnt 10 the llrll. lh oae ot the ftrW 'POf1ll wfieN you can p.te u an tndJvldual and t.m." aren .. of ch1Jdnn enrolled in a devefoJ>mental klnderaanen clam at Killybrooke Elementary School in Coate Meaa are alao expected to attend the meeUna Tuesday to dllcuu the 1982·.81 bwiget. 'The puenta are conoemed that the poMlble lay off of two tea· chen oou1d mean the end of the prosram. Trwleel will meet at 7:30~p.m. in tae Harper Community <:ent- er, (25 E. 18th St., eo.ta Mma. Wall crash kills driver emorial aervfces for former . aul1tant secretary of de- Willlam Porter Durkee m, o died late laat week in Den-1~r. will be held 4:30 p .m . -~· ;Driver held after crash; woman hurt Thunday at St. J~t.oopal Church in Newport ..:. Mr. Durkee, a former Halboa laland resident, was 63. He had recenUy been a resident of Colo- rado Spring:I. He was president of Radio Free Europe for eight years and later aerved as al9i.ltant secretary of defense and U.S. director of dvil defense under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Airport emergency shift plan flayed Wheeler aald that the diatrict had orlllnallY comktered a.ttUna brdminton from the hJch IChoo1a, but twitched to l)'mnUtica follo- WlDI reoomm•ndatlon1 from bJah IChool prindpe.la. Gymnaatlca Wat one of 31 pro1rama either eliminated or reduced in order to trim teecb1na po1itlona in the financially ttrapped district. Tueeday trust- eea will COlllider a llA of 33 full. time tucbera recommended for d.lamt.a1 recently dwina cloeed h~before an adminfatrative law . • la the wont exerme that we 10 throuah," said Wheeler. "We would prefer not to a.tt any of the prosrami. But the a.tta are bued on atudent partidpetion. Elaine Stuckey, wha.e daugh- ter partidpatea in IYll1DUtk:I at Newport Harbor High School, said ahe plana to attend the achool board meeting Tueaday armed with 4,000 lignaturel from people supporting gymnaatica. A 27-year-old Huntington Beach man wu killed instantly Sundav n1'zht when hia ca~ struck a concrete wall while going about 65 miles an hour, police aald today. LJead at the scene of the crash. only about th.ree bloclu from hi.a home, was Lula Alberto Garcia of 19941 Cannan.la Lane. A 34-ye&r-old resident of Or- ange was arrested on felony drunken driving charges early Sunday in Newport Beach follo- • !:~ng an accident that left his ~: e puaenger 1eriou.aly inju-,• poJJoe report. "~ Perry, who police said -':ilammed into a parked trailer near the intersection of West ,Q.t Highway and 62nd Street ;~"" · 3:30 a.m., was held in lieu of : 500 bail. • la pauenger. Diane Marte K.achurek, 24, of An&Jlelm, was 'i;lted at HOii Memorial H01pi- 1• for facial laceration.a and olher 1 r lojUrlee. ,,, ... / ... Pair seized .. ;,~· ~in robbery :-l \ :~_,:Huntington Beach police have jailed two men suspected in the .$36 anned robbery of a apOrtlng ~~ store over the weekend. .:>~/!Held In the city jail today in 1leu of $25,000 bond each were Billy Jack Hickman, 20, of Ana- heim, and Robert Dean Perk.lna. it of Placentia. ~·ni.y were arrested Sat=~ evening after Hunt1Jl4rton pol.Ice officer Ed· Deuel followed them from the 1eene of the rob- bery, Tackle Land, 5036 Edinger. Ave. Police said the money taken in -~ robbery was tecovered. ,'~\~ ~· ~· . . A native of Chlca8o and grad- uate of Dartmouth College, he was director of the American Committee on United Europe for two years and a member of the U.S. Department of State for 12 years. ' Mr. Durkee twice received the Diat1nguiabed Service Medal, the b.igbelt honor awarded for dvil- ian aerv1ce by the U.S.~)'· . He was a member of the King's Royal Rifle Corpa of the Britiah Army and received the Silver Cl'C* medal after beina w~ in the Battle of El A1amein in World War ll. In addition to hia wife Dorcas, he la survived by three children: William Porter Durkee IV of Pittsburgh, Vaughan Durkee McTernan and Edward Chapman Durkee. He al80 leaves hia mother, Mn. William Porter Durkee Jr. of Costa Mesa. and one grandchild. He a1-> i.a survived by h1a lister, Frances E. Parker of Santa Ana, and a brother, Robert C. Durkee of Newport Beach. Car rams. house; driver uninjured Laguna Beach police said to- day that John Stuart, 21, of La- guna Niguel, acaped injury Sat- urday evening when bla car craahed through the front door of a home at 31~5 Mountain View Road. The shifting of emergency operation• at John Wayne Air- port from the Orange County Fire Department to private enterprise la under atudy by county officiala. The proposal already la dra- wing opposition. Among thoee against the idea ia county Superviaor Thomaa Ri- ley. whose district includes the 500-ac:re airport. "When you talk about thinp designed to save lives; govern- Two jailed, one stabbed in Mesa flap Costa Mesa police said today they aren't sure what started the fight early this morning that left one man with knile wounda and two brothers in jail. The incident occurred about · 1:35 a.m. at 2211 Pomona Ave., police aaid. When it was over, Kevin Scott Kozak was treated at Co.ta Meu Hospital for stab wounds in the back and face. He didn't require hoepitallzation. according to po- lice. Another man, John Howard Lewia, alao wu treated ai ihe hospital for abruionl. Arrested on auspicion of u - uult with a deadly weapon was Mario Pedraza Bizarro, 29. Hi• borther, Michael Bizarro, 25, wu &.m!tlted for allegedly interfering with police officers. Mostly cloudy N1!10t\11 Wt.mer ~. NOAA U S Otot o1 Commttcf' Fronts: Cold.. W11m 99 10 13 .02 • a 70 68 .. 112 .. 40 13 11 .OI .. 47 • aa .oe 71 .. 11 II .OI .... .31 1t ... ()1 ..... UN 1t to .04 .... It 11 ..... 03 ., . • IT .11 n • II II lllf IEPlll . 111 111 111 •. Cit et .. 67 ... ee ae ae 47 .. Q 68 71 46 IO 17 71 IM ... 11 II IO .. 17 aa 14 :: :a ~ :: •• .. . . .. .. ... .. .. IO II Extended weather IOUTHl"N OAL"O"NIA OOAITAL AND MOUMTAI• WAI-..._.._ • ....., .... :a:·---· ... "' .......... ._.. ..T .. n. Lewi II te H . H•~11 U1e ww•••••• "" .. • __ __,---- ment may be better able to per- form thOM aervlcn," aaid Ken Hall, a Riley aide who hand.lea airport affaln. '!be lllue hu been acheduled to be diaculled by auperviaon at Tuetday'1 meeting. But Hall Mid a postponement la Ukely. "It'• not important to many Police accident investigator John Beren• aaid the cruh oc- curred at 11:05 p.m. at the A.dams Avenue service road that dead ends at Carmania. lialI l&ld Riley wants the pro- pmal 9e'Jlt to the county Airport Comml..lon for further comider- ation. Alto le11 than enthuaiaatlc about the Pl'Osaal ii county Fire Chi!f Larry Hohm. Huntington police seek woman biJndit "Sure. tbly can ~t a propou.l at a cheaper price, bul for our cost they pt all of our n!90W'Cel, not just the men at the airport. "Our primary concern, of coune, la the safety of ctUzena. We provide a h11h level of sup- port. I think that wu demon- tt.rated durtna the A1rCal cruh (in February, 1981)," Chief Hohmuid. The cruh/fJre/racue atatlon la manned around the doclt by nine flrefiahten. The ataUon houaee two heavy-duty tire enalnee eq- uipped for aircraft reacue and flref11hUn1 operation• and a Uahter duty ••quick attack" unit. HOlrm aid. The cnth-firelre&"Ue station ii located on the weat akle of the airport near the Federal Aviation Admlnl1tration'1 alr traffic control tower. Police are searching for a woman who robbed a Hunting- ton Beach low-calorie restaurant manager of $3.000. Inveatiga~n said the holdue Lock box cited in Irvine burglary Entry to an Irvine home where $45,000 in jewelry WU reported mllliina milbt have been pined via a key from a reel est.a~ lock box, accordJng to Irvine Police Ottkier Ron Carr. The buralary at the Turtle Rock home of Jttry R. Thomp- IOn, repoJ1ed Friday, la the aec- ond recent Irvine burf!:k'y ln which police a.peel a box key miaht have bem Ulled to pin entry. Lightweight poplin js a Btooks Brothers favorite OCCWTed at Skinny Haven, 770'.l Edinger Ave., at 9:50 p.m. Sun- day. Police aaid an aui.atant man- ager was in a rear office after the restaurant had cloeed when abe waa approached ~Y-~ woman wb.> may have been hiding in the re- stroom. The woman kept her handa in her trenchcoat, indicatina ahe had a gun, and demanded money, police said. The robber then forced the re.taurant employee to drive her to the middle of a nearby reaidentlal area, where she fled, police said. The robber was de.cribed aa a black woman, in her early 20.. about 5 fee~ inches tall. with a slender build and a medium- length black "Afro" hair style. .... Both businessman and cravcllcr will find the qu•lities they seek in a warm weather suit handsomely met here. The polyester and cot· ton blend has a near, crisp appearance, aood crease-resistance and washability. Tailored on our 3-button model with patch pockets and welted cdacs, in tan, navy or olive. Coat and uousers. $150 , ' Vote for union counted 19,000 college teachers await r esults . . By 'ne Attoelated Pre11 SACRA.MENTO -Vote counttna •tart.a today to determine which of two unlona will repreeent 19,000 California college teachers -the largest ac- ademk barp1ning unit in the nation. The t.Mchen voted by mall at a Ume when the fint tenured lnltructon in years were being laid oU, and hundreda of the non-tenured were going without contnct renewal. The reault1 of the vote are to be reported Tueeday by the atate Public Employment Relationa Board. Mother's Day ends in tragedy SAN FERNANOO -The California Highway Patrol wu investigating the cause of a head-on freeway colliaion that killed four people, three of them returning from an outing with relatives who witne91ed the tragedy from another car. Killed in the 10:20 a.m. Sunday accident were Mark Steele, 35, of Sylmar, who was alone ln hia four-wheel-drive vehicle when it drilted aero. the center median, and three people in a mWl foreign car. uid CHP Officer Richard McMillan. He identified the other three victims as Myron McMillan, 38, and his wife, Mary McMillan, 29, both of Granada HU.Ia. and their niece, DenJ.ee Mc- Millan. 17, of Chatsworth. They are not related to the officer. Dean Martin facing drunk r ap LOS ANGELES -Entertainer Dean Martin baa become the aeoond televiaion celebrity in recent months to be arn!Sted for investigation of drunken driving in the Los Angeles area. Tlie 64-year-old Martin was arrested by Cali- fornia Highway Patrol officers Saturday evening, ·woorn[rn the Los Angeles County sheriff's department said. Martin, who has often amUled audiences with routines about drlnkbul. was stopped at 10:~ p.m. in West Ho~ywood as Fie drove near Doheny Drive and Santa Monica Boulevards, said sheriff's Sgt. R.A. Davison. PLO guerrillas shell Israel TEL A VIV, Israel -The Cabinet held a four-hour special aesaion today to plan Israel's next move after Palest1nian guerrillas shelled northern lsrael for the first time in 10 months in retaliation for Iaraell air strikes in .authern Lebanon. Lebanelle officiala said at least 16 people were killed and ~8 wounded in Sunday's air raids. A Palestine Liberation Orsaruzati<:>n official in Beirut said the shelling waa "designed to tell the Iaraelis that we are ready to answer whenever they attack." Israel, which reported no loeses in the guerrilla reprisal, aent jeta on reconnaiuance flights over 90Uthem Lebanon and gunboats to patrol the rout at daybreak, Lebanetle authorities reported. Billy Graham visiting Moscow MOSCOW -Eva.lgellat Billy Graham, prea- ching in M0800W's only Baptiat Church, told Sovleta to "Obey the authorities" and made no mention of alleged hwnan rigbta violations or the detention of di&denta in jaila, labor campe and mental hoepitala. The 63-year-old Southern Baptist minister spoke to 900 offfdally invited guesta, while about 300 Baptista singing hymns were kept behind a police barricade 200 yard.a from the church. Some of the Baptbta said they heard of h1a vbit th.rouah 1hortwave radio broadcast• by the U ."B . government-run Voice of America and travelled to M..ow from all over the oouhtry. Security WU tight and only people with tickets were allowed into the Baptist Church and a Ruman Orthodox cathedral where Graham 1poke later. Iranian troops march on port BEIRUT, Lebanon -Iran claimed today its troope were on a final thrust aimed at recapturing lts port dty of Khorramahahr, seized by Iraq shortly after it launched the 20-month-old war to take control of the disputed border w._terway t.o the Persian Gulf. lnq denied Iran'• cla1mt and said the Iranian troope had suffered heavy casualties and that their advance waa repulled. mm u~ rn rn Democrats clamor for SALT II WASHINGTON -Democrats are responding to President Rapn'a nuclear arma reduction pro: paula by ltepptna up their clamor for approval of SALT n. the treaty former President Carter fln- lshed negotiating but didn't get through the Senate. "The only way to bold the Sovieta in check while modemlJing our weapons ii to give formal approval. in 80IDe way, to the unratified SALT ll tia?.'. ," Edmund S. Muskie said Sunday. 'There may be some change• that could be made to improve lta chancel of ratification." said the former aecretary of state and .enator from Maine. Mothers hold . anti-nuke rally Motben marched at an anti-nuclear rally in Boston and two women had a ''mlnculoua" reunion with the 10n1 they feared were lolt at tee. while many Americana remembered Ma Bell on Mother'• Day. One mother abandoned her shivering, newborn infant in a 5traah bag In a Silver Sprlfli, Md., apertment , but a woman heard its crie. and re.:ued the baby y, who wu reported in good condition at a Joca.l hosPtal. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Halev "'--C-(,ew,.,.. Oil><• Kay Senultr VUPf ...... 1 -°"-ol At-•--. T om Murptl•ne ("'IOf Miiie Hat'lft 0..CHlr ol ........ "'O 1C..*"4•llOlll Ken GoddatCI °"~"" ,,. °""' .. _ Ray MacL .. n ~ Cf\• ... Looi ' ~fcMOt Claulflecl edvettlalng 7141142·5978 All other depe11ment1 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE lJO WHI 8.W !ti (°'la -... CA M•tl •dcl-8o1 IS.0 (O!ol• ~ (.4 .,.,. (opyt.qhl ,..., °'-,_,, p-....... '-· Ho ...... \IOI"''· tllw~•·•llOt>•, "Cli!Ott•I "' .. ,., Ot ·~ .,.,u,~m..,I\ ,,.,,.,,. mn IMt ••llf'octw<ecl wl"-w• ~tt•l -\-OltOO••lfl'l-IWt llw ?t..,.. ~°"'' 0.0.ty PtlOI ••Ill wllkll I\,_ btMd lllf> -Pr~•. I\ PVbU\Md by tllol Or._ Coe•I P_w,,_ ComPM1• s.,.., ... ._...., M• PW64•\-~ ""....,. Froda,-.., C•t• ~ H•wllOf'I 9-11 H""4if>Qllell 9H<ll ,_.<tln'll•lley ltv ..... l ...-fl...Cll S...11> (M\4 A , ...... r..i- HllHl'I ~ °""'"""" s .. u•d••• .ano S-41Y' '"' llf't"< •11•1 "'*''"""' OIMI '' "'' JJO We\! II*" )tr .. t, P 0 1101 ,,._ C8'1A M<'W (41ltfo<nl• .,.,. VOL 16, -NO. 130 .. Peripheral canal discussion set The peripheral canal will be diacu11ed at • meet1n1 of the Woman's Club of Hunt1n1ton »Mcb tionflbt at 1 O'c:Jock. Sophie Wa1-h of the Metro- Polltan Waw Dt.trtct wW ~ In favor of ~ the canal. while DID MarUn Of Sen Dlllo1 a resin-ntadw ol Ca1llomlma for •fair wawr 90l"'J, wW speak ..-lnll the CMaL Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, May 10, 1982 H/F Wilson, Goldwater to clash? San Dteao Mayor Pete Wlllon aay1 It'• time he and another leadlna candidate for the Re- publican party U.S. Senate nomination, Rep. BuTy Goldwa- ter Jr., R-Woodland Hilla, have a f.cP-to-face deb9te. WU.On reiterated the 1uun- tion Friday nflht at a candidates' forum ln Newport Beach, after cltlna a poll commi11ioned by KABC Channel 7 1howtn1 that he 1\aa 23 percent of the Repub- lican votera to Goldwater'• 24 peroent. The San Diego mayor aaid he wanted to face off with Goldwa- ter, "mano a ma no" that 11. hand-to-hand. "You name the time and place," Wilson told Goldwater, one of aeven leadina contendera in the race for the ltepublican nomination fOf the .eat now held by S.I. Hayakawa. Goldwater did not dlrectly ad- dress Willon's debate challenge during his speech to about 200 members of Republican A110- ciates of Orange County gathered at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. But in response to a question from a member of the audience, Goldwater said. "We're going to discuss that ... I can't answer tight now." The remark propelled WU.On, who had been standing in the back of the meeting area, to the podium. He shook Goldwater's hand, and commented, "Barry, that's great progreaa. You name the date." Goldwater later told reporters that he made a "policy decWon" at the start of the campaign not to debate any other contenders. But he said, "Campaigning ia always fluid ... nothing ts locked in concrete." Poles hold r ally WARSAW, Poland (AP) - About 1.000 Poles ataged an ap- parently spontaneous demonstra- tion in Victory Square after a military parade celebrating the Nazi surrender in World War ll. The crowd aang religioua tongs and flashed victory aigna, but disperaed peacefully Sunday when police armed with trun- cheon• and piatola moved throush the aree in uuck:a. APPOINTED -Attorney Melvin Feldman hu joined the Orange County Fa ir Board. ,, .. 1$f .. WELCOMED -President Reagan gets a welcoming kill from one of the graduates at Eureka College in Illinois. The presi- dent addressed the graduating class of his alma mater and gave a speech on arms oontrol. R e agan proposes massi ve arms cut CHICAGO (AP) -President Reagan's bold and sweeping arms control proposal seeks to neutra· llz.e the Soviet Union's comman- ding lead in powerful land-baaed m.lssiJea while the two superpo- wers slaah their arsen.ala of nu- clear warheads by one-third. "The monumental task o f reducing and reshaping our stra- tegic forces to enhance stability will take many years of concen- trated effort," ~an said in outlining his pro Sunday at Eureka College, alma mater. "But I believe that it w ill be po1aible to reduce the risks of war by removing the instabilities that now exist and by disman- tling the nuclear menace." The U.S . goal LS a treaty setting equal ceilingl on U.S. and Soviet strategl.c nuclear forces and Rea- gan told the Mothera' Day com- mencement cere mony he hopes negotiations can begin by June. The arms control propoaal came on a day of high emotton for Reagan. ffe WM flooded with personal rerninden of the four years he ON BOARD -Realtor Linda Oeth has been named to the Orange County Fair Board. spent as a scholarship student at Eureka a half century ago durfna the Depression and blinked t,.clt tears when he ;oined the gra- d ua ting class in ainelna the tchool song. As the day drew to a cloee, the president declared: "I have apeot the day In a warm flood of nostalgia." Probing for a Soviet reacUori, the president had told Prellidel\t Leonid I. Brezhnev ln a letter Friday what he would aay in Sunday's speech. While there waa no direct So- viet response, Defenae Min.ilter Dimitri F . Ustinov a.ccuaed the United States of "openly bmUJe lides" in an article Sww.iay in havda, the Communist Party daily newspaper. '"The Soviet Union will not Jl- low the existing balance ol ford!. to be disrupted,'' Ustinov wrow. Two Newport p eople join fair board •Two Newport Beach residenta have bee n appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .. to .erve on the board o f the Orange County Fair (32nd Agricultural A.s.1ociation) in Costa Mesa. Melvin Feldman, an attorney with the Newport Beach firm of Duryea, Curtis and Vaccaro, re- places fair board member Robert Krone. Feldman is a graduate of the Wharton School of Bwdne9 and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. He and his wile Paula have two children. Linda Oeth, a realtor with Pete Barrett Realty, will ret>Iaot Mary Malavasi on the fair board. She is a graduate of Drexel Uni- versity and i.s a member of the Newport Beach Aulatanc~ League. S he and her husband Peter have three sons. from cur k!IC privert.<z. labil col laction, ultra Ji~t pincord suit ... Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Mond•y, M•Y 10, 1812 Snapshot holder shipment delayed By PAT HOROWITZ Of !-Dlltr ,... ..... DEAR PAT: .. &Ure U)' way )'ff cu lllelp me s et CM .. ,Oto fllfl&er" ... ,...., ltolder I ordered la Februry or a refud from Elie9re BHte of Olea Read, N.Y.? I've wrtUea two letters, Ht uvea't bd uy respoase evea tllo.n my cited Ila• bea ca•· W. U daey wMld Jut ~c~wled1e tkat my order 11 Dndla1 or luee a refad U It'• aavallable, I'd be laappy. I 111a.m order uyt.W1 by mall becHae of all th bad til•1• I read abomt mall-onler place1, bat I really wanted till• Item for my pboto1. G.C., Hudasto• Bea~ Your order and one placed by H.L., Irvine, ahould be arri- ving within two week.a, according to 'Encore House cu.atomer service representative, Rosemary Taylor. She told A YS that there was a delay In receiving this Item from the manufacturer, but 9,000 back-orders have now been malled. ·Meat, poultry products listed DEAR PAT: II there u y way a COJ11Dmer cu flad oat llow ma~ meat l1 la vartoa1 caued meat prodact1? I've always wODClered aboat tkJ1 u d tllhtk I coaJd uop more ecoaomtoally If I llad some metbod of comparison. H.T., Butlasto• Beach A free USDA booklet, "Meat and Poultry Products,'' In- cludes It.tings for more than 250 popular meat and poultry products -from baby food to won ton eoup. It can be ordered from Consumer Information Center, Department 523K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. The USDA has standards of composition and standards of identity for meat and poultry products. Standards of composition identily the minlmum amount of meat or poultry required in a ~uct's recipe. tor example, the standard of composition for 'chicken a la king" stat.es that, if a product carries this name on its label, at least ZO percent cooked poultry meat must be U8ed in the recipe. Standarda of identity set specific requirements for a food's makeup: the kind and minimu m amount of meat or poultry, maximum amount of fat or moisture, or any other Ingredients allowed. A number of labeling regulations apply acrcm-the-board to , all meat and poultry products. Theee Include: accurate product names; ingredients It.led from most to least weight in the product recipe; net quantity of the package con tents; name and addreae of the manufacturer, packer or distributor; the USDA mark of in- • spection; and any ·~ care or handling instructions, such as . "keep refrigerated.' In addition, label photograph.a or artwork must not be misleading. • I . ~ • "Got a problem? Theo write to Pat Horowitz. Pat wt1l i ~· • cut red tape, p ftb:J6 ~ an1Wen and action you t • 1 ntJed to aolve intJqu/ties in government and bu6inecl. Mail }'UUT questions to Pat HDrowi~ At Your Service, ! ,... .I Orang• Cout Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, Co.ta i. ~ I Me.a, CA 92616. --·-- __________________ ....__ ·Edison·, ·professor . ·honored LOS ANGF,,l..ES (A.P) -The Southern CaUlomia Edl10n Co. and a Muuchwietts Institute of T~hnoloay profeuor emeritUI wW receive tlm year's John and Alice Tyler Ecology-Energy Prize. Edilon la the first corporaUon to receive the award al.nee It waa established nine years ago to honor landmark work with the environment and renewable en- eray IOW'Cetl. The awarda will be made May 14 at a banquet In Nairobi, Ke- nya. The ceremony Is co-spo1110red by the Tyler Fund and the Un- ited Nations Environment Prog- ramme, which will hold a week- lons conference of 4,000 people there to di8cwia the U.N. agency's plans for coping with ecological problems. The Tyler Fund said Ediaon "is being honored for Its commit- ment to developing renewable and alternative energy resources and for ita emphasis on energy conservation." In 1980, Edison became the first major utility In the country to announce it was shifting its emphasis to renewable energy sources in what it termed ''a major change in the way we do business." Since then. a company spokes- man said, the utility haa made "significant strides" toward lta goal of relying on r enewable eourcet for one-third of the 6,300 megawatts of energy capacity it will add this decade . Tyler Fund s pokes w oman Martha Harris said MIT profes- 80r emeritus Carroll Wilson was being honored for "a life time devoted to the enVironment." She added. "Professor Wilson has been instrumental in devel- opment of global energy assess- ments, International atomic en- ergy control, biodegradable pes- ticides, the first United Nations Conference on th.e Human Envi- ronment, two major studies on man's impact on the climate and K}obal environment, and research · focuaing on future world energy prospects." Each award carries a $100,000 prize. The Tyler Fund said F.dl- 10n asked that ita money be used to finance student achol.anhips in energy and ecology. .,~o STAR ON TOUR -Larry Hagman, "J .R." on television 's "Dallas," sports his cowboy hat as he takes a walk with his family in Monte Carlo where he is on a promotion tour. From left, are daughter Heidi; Hagman; his Swedish wife Maj and his son Preston. Evangelist 'sees' 900-f oot Jesus O r a l Roberti' much · pubUciud vision of a 900-foot J~WJ appeared to "my Inner eyes, oot my physical eyes," the evangelist says in a PMl Donabue show to be broad- cast May 28. The Tulsa evangellst wrote in a fund-raising letter lut year that he a saw a 90().foot Jesus standing besid e h i1 60-story City of Faith Hoapi· tal, then under conatructk>n. Conductors Leeaar• Bern1tein and e,rhrt •• Karajan and pianist O.•le Arraa have been cboeen to receive the Mexican pern- m ent 's higheat honor, the Order of the Aztec Elcle. Former Preside nt Jl••J Carter , on a European tour that Includes vilill to Nor- way, Denmar k, F inland, Sweden and France, w ill meet Presiden t Fraacel1 Mltterand on Tue9day at the Elysee· Palace, French offi- cials announced. The medical center w as ope- ned In November 198 l. In Hollywood, where the show w as taped be fore an audience, Roberts talked about htS vislQJl. "I was out of funds ... very discouraged," Roberts laid. "I looked up . . . I saw Jt!llUI with my inner eyes - not my physical eyes . . . and I heard him in my heart." Giving about one-half of 1 ~nt of a gross income of '85,000 to ch arity is not at oddl with Illinois Gov. James R . Tllomp100 '• belie f in "volunteertsm," an aide says of the governor's tax returns showing only $360 in dona- tiona to charitable causes. Thompeon, as he has each year since becorrung governor in 1977, disclosed his state and federal tax returns for the previous year. He is not r e- quired to release copies of tax returns. • The widow of Rep . J•~• A1 llbrHk of Ohio formally 1wud her campaip to ....w the remainder of her hu1· band'•~ te'TO. Llcld_lll COunt)' Republk:an Party Cha1rman Ralpll Brw-· Ile uld nomlnattn1 petldonl were t>.ln.a prepared a t the L ickln1 County Board of EJecUonl for Jeu AMb....._ Qaeea Beatrix of the Ne· th erland1, whose vl1lt 20 years ago 11 credited w ith chan~lng the face of New York 1 capital city, will pay • two-day vi1lt to Albany be· glnnlna June 27, say Du tch diploma ti. FraH B•llmaa, a consul for the Netherland.a in New York. said the 44-year-old mona r ch decid ed to vi1lt "becau1e of the large Dutch heritage a.round the city.'' According to local political legend, Queen Beatrix's flnt visit there 23 years ago - while she was still a prtnoe. -led to construction of the Empire State Plaza complex in downtown Albany. The story is that Gov. Nel1oa A. Rockefeller was 10 emb ar · rasaed by the slums that he decided to build the complex an their place. A biographer wrote that Nelson A. Rockefeller con - sidered the vice presidency "beneath his interests," but executors of the late million- aire's estate think the job is worth a $355,180 tax refund. That's the amount the ex- ecutors are asking the U.S. Tax Court to award the es- tate, based on a .claim that Rockefeller spent some $550,- 000 tn 1975 preparing for Senate con!innation hearings for the job that paid less than $65,000 a year. The Internal Revenue Ser- vice disagrees. It said in court documents that while private ci tizens can deduct some of the costs o f job-hunting, public officials cannot claim "expenditures made to obtain office." instead of a refund, the Rockefeller estate owes $44.293 in back taxes. the IRS cl.aims. Ha rold M. Wiiiiams, head o f the U.S . Securities and Exchange Commission during the Cart.er administration, has been confirmed as a Univer- sity of California regent. Williams, 54, is president of the J. Paal Getty Museum in Los Angeles. He succeeds DeWitt Rig• of Chula Vista in a term that expires March 1, 1994. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOUT!Otlt INCi.VOi t•AOUOll "'' .... YOll•. MIOWUT. ,.,.,,, ..... IOUO., on•OIT .... CINCINtlfATI UO(M I &(MA ... U AMII llllNUIO 1\1TMI116$0 •\l•D INUINI T WIK ..... ,_.... 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IUymdt I S t02 •--\lo TWC Ill 1 • • M ,,_. .... IUY1'! s 1.411 t GI ---. TWC pl T.tO • ID 12 D _, RNd8 1 AO s S11 ...,. TWC pl JM .. wtlS ,_.,., .• =~= '?o:! ., t If..:-~ f~= t1' .~ .0: ~ = ~ ~ .JO it 11: 1!:: ~ l~~~ .~ 'I: ::.:·4' "-<• .. , s .. . ,,_,. .mi . • ~ ... .. A""98 1 g • tl ..._ • ... TrGP pl UIS • ltO D\ol .... . ~I .. '"'• l.'t TrGPple... •• 1111 ._,_.,_ RekllC • ·; 1' 12\lo .... TAlttty • I ......... lhc>Alr 112 ,_,.. .,.. Tr....., IAD • tit """• ~ "-Cll AO 5 J:1 11 . Tr•"'" UI 5 Ml ..-+ .. Aei>F'nS I 10 to 14 3Ao-\'> Tric.n 1119 11 ..,._ l4a ltepNY 1,411 S 1 ,..... •• • TrlSolft ' • ,.._ ,,_ ANY dAa.Q . . 1 JIM. • Trl81nd A SI tt1 ._ V. A•pSll 2a 1 214 t--.... Tri•Pt 1 U IJ 11'Wt + V. ~Tn 1.• 6 a ~+ i. Trtc. .i. t SO ltYt-w Reh(.oe .l2 S 1166 12111 + lo'lo Tl'llllY .JO S 1• 11\te-"' R-..co t rt 11 ft1 11\o'a+ .,.. TunEP l.t'2 6 141 ti.._ i. ._.._. . S ~ , TWt..0. I IO S • 16 + ... ._..,IOn t.M I 100t ,..._ + '°' TycoL • .10 S ID tJlllt •.••• "-viii tf/I J ...... TYier tO 1 DI iw.-YJ Re-Ml 1 14 ..... T~ JI $1 11-v. "-"""' ... 1 """ .. _ .... -11-4.1 -Raynll\ UO 1 4SS ~. UAI. 1'tS ~ \lo R..,ln 11112.JS • . I 125 . UGI LOI S " ,,.... I.lo Reyln pl4 10 • . IJ 41Yt. UGI tf/I 2.7S • ltCIO e-.-'Ill 11..,Mu JAO • Jl ttt.-"' UMC At • I IV.• ... lleYM ptUO . • t ... -YJ UMET ,0119 n U 2-" AchVClo IA , .. J:M,.... UNCllill as " ........ R'-IT ta • 2A5 Mo . .. UNA 5 7J ""-··-~ .. IMI S 10 .___ "' USFG UO I 49 ..._ 16. AloOr pl All • 11 21111.. • Unllw I.Ile 6 I ....... +J .... lllMA 1 AD t1 • ~ UnlNV '7Jt S 5 '1Yt-I ,._,_ 1• IO I 1.-.--· .... ~ J 1 • ~14a Rob1Jt1 slAO S 1S1 -+ 1.... UllGwtJ SAD 6 .. --Yt "-IN •• I IJ7 ,,._, UnConY .10 II • ""-. .... ltecll(; l.7to S 1P t~ .... UftioflC .2'1 It '17 SYt + Yt RocllTI t.Of • n 11 • v. UnEI« l.!1 • ,.. !All+ "" llock"4 1.S. t *1 ~ '-UnEI pl 4.JO , • 110 JD +1111 ~Int• 1.JS . 10 .... SV. UnEI plM A • 27 »llo+ 141 lofwlft 4 t.s 10Y.-" UnEI pl 1.tl 14 1'i.+ .._ t OlllN IM I 22 I~+ "' UnE':it.n I -· ~ Rolm(> Jll -11"-y, UEI t . . I Sll +I ..._ 11 n. + "' UOI I I tG ~+ "' ~ " 4 t ~..... UftPec 1• IO I.. ~ YJ ·-.tO 10 W I~ i. Uni,._,. 4 411 M .... llowen .a 4 MlllJ 11~.... UfW'YI pl ie .... Olli+ Ill 11-.., 1112..U , . 61 » • v. UftllD n S 11 I""+ "' Ille (1111 1.0. • JO ~ .... Unlln<ll A " J I I 14r-\to lto¥1D ~ 4 J7S »!lo-.. UBrd Ill 1.10 • • t M ..... 1tubrm t.M 12 d "-14 UQN ,.,u" 151 ~ 1-. R111Tot 1 S a 1si.+ 141 UnE,_,. 2.J2 A .. ISV.+ f!lo ""..... I.JD 11 ,. ,,.,_ Ulllwn 1.ft s D n-v. -~ -UlllOI fl 1• • . 2 2Slolt-14 $CA ... I 1'7 m~-14 Ulllu ,, UI . dll U-'Ill SCM 1 6 m ~ Ill Ullkl fl 4 • . t .-+ i. Sf'N t.a 1 U a ... . Ulllt..... 1' ti "11 .,._ '- $f'STK .11 4 Z2 I~..... IM!fflftft .J2 I t -· \-. $e111ne 411 ft JD. J1"'-.... UJera I. II 4 M ~+ \to $1911 .. ' .» u ., I~ ... u-. . OJ 614>-"' ,. 11 S ..... UPllMn .. 12 ~-···· 2MI 1 Ill ttv.+ .... U5"9$ SJJ1e • • 1 lt\1.-Ill l6 I llS ».,.,._t\11 USA!r .11 A 71 U -14 t.M S S ""' • U5GYPt 2.411 I • --i. Sl'MA I.JD • 41 u "-• ... USHom 16 .. m 1Jll6+ \I. SIReoP UA 6 171 • ..._ ... V51nd .r. . 171 .....__ '°" ~ 411 s ts "' usu. Ml 11 00 ~. -50l.o. I.. S JD tf\11 • • . • V5 Rty .. 71 tit 1-lo\ SJ ..... e ... IO D5 ~ 16. USSflo s IJI 6 M7 » -"' ~ ... ,."~-USS-2JJD1~ .... SAnltl,1 lM I 2 I'""····· U$Tallc 1M It 11 O V.-1 Sl'elnd 1 1 1 6IO I~ \lo UllTecfl 2.411 J 1499 ,..___ 14 591¥11111 1.10 I 2t .___ 14 UTcll p1 U:7 • • at JD ..... 5eu!RE .lOt . 11 7-.... UT ell pl US . . It 21--. .••• S.VE" I.a I S7 111111 + "' UlllTet UI I lt1 10 -.... e A l.M .. I 11 • .. • Ullllnt I .1' U M It -YJ n . . Sl --"' Ufllv• M 6 d 11\1.--YJ n lllJD _ • *""-"' Ufllvf'd .• 1 • • + 14 $cllr,_ IM IO 914 --_, Unl.Nf ,_... 1 14 27"'-1111 5<Nltz ,I/le •• .,, !Mio... . IJPjdln t.• • 175 --"' Scl\lmll s .ID IO 11» ~Ii. USl If'£ .M S U• IM+ loll $(1Atl .11 M -..-.+ "' V5lF pQ.» .. 1 • +1 Scot I .M II 461 2JY>--14 U5t.1' pfUS J 2' ..... Seen.-s 11 , 4tti+ .,.. UslfeFd 1 .. ' ,_ 14 $cAIC,._ I.ID 1 OJ ~ \lo ut.Pl. t.10 t 2'9 --... Sco!IP I 6 110 11 -Yt ut'L pt 1M • • J Jllllt+ 14 ~ .n 10 n ~ .. , UtPl. pt Lto . 1 1114+ .,. Suovllt I.SJ • .. I~..... UtPl. Ill u. . ' 17'4+ ... SNC1 pl lA I .._._ .... -¥-- $NCI f/I LIO •• Z2 IJ . • VF~ 1A 6 ... ...,._I_, 5MC.on1 • .0 5 112 J4 -\lo Velefo .J2 5 4IO ... + Yt 5Mftl t..U S " UM> ... V~ln A S 7' ~ 14o IAD S J3 ,.....__ \lo VMOm 1.12 1 t ........ t J1 I -16. V•oo 11 .11 5 61 '°"• \lo s. AO 12 • • • .. • • v.,,1.. .J2 u n ~ " SNIPw ·IA' 1 4 ~..... Vtro A 1 111 t ..... SNrleO .sz • r. ·~ i. Vwco .JO 16 tM ~ 14o S.., 1.-ion. JD -14' Vtftdo •• P ~14a $1Clle< 2A 5 II D'I+ '°" ~:.I~ j6 ~ Ji.::: Sedce ~ : 2: ~·~ Vloft Jiff 2.IO .• • 1114+ \-. ~I .... t SI :ao.i.--14o Ve£llw I .JD 1 111 t,,,.._ 14o Stllll,,_ 1 S 11 1~ \lo VeEP 11117.72 • rW SMl+ 14 I:::'° lAD 1 227 ~ 14o Vel!P .......... c20I • ••••• $1\ttgio "''.: . ~ in ::;~ : ~=·~ ~J : : &:ti r; ii """""' I I SI t-.-14 ll•E p "'7 .A5 .. d» 90 • • .. • $fWW pl 4A IM n -I VOlfVld , , 411 I.WO-14o ~"-tA 'i f1 II.Ill ..• ., Vlllelnc .ft II J ~ 14 ,..,... M 7 111 :• ... -----,....... J 1J M • "' WI~ 2.U 6 ID 11 ••••• = .. ,., ... =~I;~=== "' .M 11 VI t -~ WltlMC u * Int.-" ·'°' G W I,.._ \lo WIMl!r1 '.» n 19 SI-\lo """'Ill uo .. • ~. 14 W.tam. ' 11 ., ..... -== : M 'f '::; :: WllHltt 11.a •• 161 I~ •••.• SlnitMll "" 'j t411 11 ... + " W•ICS¥ .M II D 11-14o 2.J2 12 1'7 ....,__ '°" WelUm 1 • ti 1W-14a IA t • Cl\I'>-'°' WlllU II I .. ylO "'• 14 M 12 -n.i., W.IU rlUO . • 14 111111 ..... 1 I IO 6 1W mt.°' -~ 1~ .! ~ ~ l: a:= 11~ =:;·w; a 1-! '! ... , !m:-... ~ lAI .. n JM+ \lo tJi J ' ~ ~ r UI 'j;: I~:: =• ~ 11 JI ;t.:;·w; • 2:1 , ;-t wetlllll .. .. "; JL..:: ~ •1..1•~ ..... ~··J • .. -~ 't: ?·~ t~.~ i::'":4: j ..... e :t Li;~·~ lf 1:;Jti= ti~I 1fm •'i =ri""lt . ! : i:il + ~ ~,...,. .. . +• M .. WllltP '1M • 1D '"It --14o =·I ..... .J. -• ~ 1' ij ll ... ~ It ..t :i ! :5; = '1 I ; +" l I ii ., ..,...;: n" e ..... ,~ !"1J'i w,· :· , ... " ., &\ f;J ~I w. ~ .. .-----... Mesan second • ID SBA contest Georae G. Slpoa of c.o.ta Meta, pr .. tdent of Delta Mecllcal Induttrle1, wu a runner-up In &he Small Bu1ineu Adminl1tratlon yearly lnnovaUon conte.t. The award • CallfOmJa winner wm be pn9e0ted during a ceremony at the LOI Anaelel OWnber of c.ommerce on 'J'uelday. Delta M~ Industries, a MVen-year old com- pany, manufactures diapouble Wten and valve1 uted during open heart 1urgery. The company ha alto developed a portable iNulln pump for diabetb. Firm changes hands Uniflite Yachta Newport Be.ch, 2001 West Cout Highway,·~ 1n ules and 8el'Yice of Untrute luxury power yachts, ii under new ownenhip. Orange Coa1\ Marine, Inc., wl&b Tad J'ujlta, president, and Jim McLaren. 9eCfttar)'-tre.Murer, hM taken over the ownerahlp and ~t. Mcl.Aren, who 11 allo general mana1er, baa been active In Southern California yacht retailing lince 1966, the past 12 yean with Uniflite dealenhJpe in Newport Beach and Long Beach. Reorganization eyed MODESTO (AP) -A men,.. firm with eight branches ha.I filed for fi.nandal reotpn..iatlon 1n lT.S . Bankruptcy Court here. CD: M~ C.O. of Modesto h.u $8.4 million in loan volume from flnt and eecond monaaces and about 500 lnveston, laid Lee Flab, chief operationa officer. The company operates branches in Modesto, Fresno. Sacramento, Fair Oaka, Plttaburgh. Oakland, Santa Barbara and Orange. Irvine lirm expands In an expansion and COOIOlldation of opentiom. Ainnac Technology Systems, Inc., developet' of elec- tronic voting syst.emt and ceyoemaic blMtina technoJ- ogy, signed a 10-year leue valued at $2.3 million on a 47,862--equare-foot fadllty at 15091 Bake Parkway in the Irvine Industrial c.ornplex-F..t. Cuahman & Wakefield amxiate Lynn Dort of the realty firm'• Orange County office repreeented both Ainnac and Trammell Crow, the le.or. The facility wW accommodate Ainnac'1 corporate headquarten u well aa the manufactwin& and dia- tribution operatiom of lta two dlviaiona, which are howled in three locationl throughout Orange County. Plaza work started Construction hM beCun on GoJden West Plua, an off.ice condominium pro.Jed near the Cypreu Civic Center. Designed by Meyer Luley WO!qneon A.rcllitec- ture Planning, lrvine-bued archlt«Wral fir'n>, the one-and tw«Ht.ory 31,500 IQUAR fool structure ii a ~of Goldrn West Capital Group Inc., Newpor& Bank up (or quarter Westlanda Ban1t of Santa Ana record~ higher ~ deposlta and a.eta 1n the ftnt quarter. !'.a.rnlnca. however, were advenely affected by the reoe91ion. Fer the three months ended Marcll 31, net i.ncome amounted to $50,000, equal to 2 cmta per share, off from 1ut year'• recor'd fint quarter rsulta of $334,000, or 22 omta. Telex meeting set The tint meeting of the TeleXchange, a new U9ef' group for Telefile Computer Produc~ and Xerox/ Sigma computer-uaen, will be held June 7-9 at the Hotel Del C.Oronado in San Dieso. For lnfonnation. call 657..ee60. Telefile Computer Products. Inc., headqua.rttted in Irvine, manufac:turen and marketa minicomputer, and medium to ~ 9Cale computer systems. Monex PR program pushed The Cox & Burch Advertialn1 Company of Newport Beach ii launchinc a ooc ponte campaip to familiarize the buaineu and financial preu with Monex International.. precious metals firm. Gold,metals quotations • ~ ~If\ H•I I' I"-' C .. M Cllt WW. II ~:I'll -c-c -:, .... , .. , , ~"' s ,. t lllt "' ~· • JI ' ..... ,g~ \,. ,. :al ~ ~i ~ J u .• -ti ... "' I.It ' ,,_.,, .. HAI I IDI , U ..,._ "' I'( '"' 1... • ,,. p . .. ~ u o ' , ~."' x ,,. •••• ,_"' s l t :ll ~l'I ·" 1 • ~"' , I II.._ ... ... ' --. ttr .. .. ""'"" .. LI('~ :: t ~ ~~·i4 2. IO t ff \IJJllH '- I I t If Jiftt W. "K 9 1.tO . * JIW.+ '°' " ., ,, .. " ~lt· w. <NII , .. f.J j ..... lb .IO tJ '4 1.:a • "' .... 9 JO Jl •"A .... CMtlW M 1 • • +I CMNl •2 f n •-"' S ltrlOO 11\il+t\IW ..... 121/t-I'll 140 1 DI 22"·"· CMI' Of U1 • 10 l0'4 + I'll CM-le 1 IO I 11 • -'4 C.l'\Plr I JO S 11 1"-+ " CAf1Hw I 22 t al• 1•1'11 .. ., Cet'IWI 6'I I 1S II + II. C.KNG I IJ • ll t + "' C.lllOi JOj ' WI ... C..rpT J.10 I U1 411'11 + I'll C'«oCP ... s • 1111.-"' c.i-• , • •"--Ce!MI fJf 4.» I ~+ " Cenlfl I.JO I ,_ 11"'-Ill ~ 1'•1>-1'11 ~'" .2.S ' 1J 211'1 ..... SoW .... • .,. ""' •.• Hull t• S 4' lfYa ... llU .. • "~ CenllPS I • 1 11' I~ • C/IUE II tO S JJ1 21'-+ " CeMPw IM 1 'S 11•.-.... CnSoY• ... 1S u 11 lo'>-"' CVtPS 11 i.12 • 10 11\'t .... Cenl•Ot " ""-I'll Cl'lltyTI n • U W. ... Cenvlll • • M :ll + "' Crt·-. It 11 ..... ~· .AO. J7' II -'4 Olmillft I . IC Cl I~ I'll °""' ,,, 1 JO ' 1~. "' Olm I pl 0 0 .. » JS'-+ " 0..'"51> .IO 12 "1 --"' CMrtO> I 11S M + I'll °"" wt llJ -.. "' (Mn Of U6 » Ml ..... CM• lAI m 54111-~ 0..V -.n I'° -Iii 0.1• AO 1'1 10\4 + -., OIHY I 2 • '1 ,. + I'll 0.HY pfl.11 IO DYi+ I'll OIMVe 1Cll 1 > W..-" 0.~Pn I n IO ll't ~ 9- CNW ft t It IN.-I'll OllMlw • tS •-V. (JllMI Df .. • Jl ... CNPn'r Al W IS.S --I'll Cl*~I Al 17 fl llt't ... OWllO I UI 14 m ..OV. + I'll OWIWt 14 4 ...,_ I'll CMo<N 'IO • u ·~· " ClvV'I• 1m '" ... Ow'y '"' 41 Wt • "' """'. ,. ...... "' C-0 I t-~"° c1ne.11 i.n 1 • ~"' ClnGE 1. IO I ,,. 11 .......• ClnG pf • rllO 71 -"' ClnG r tS2 rlGtS +I CWW n t Ml ~ "' Clll<rp I n 6 1'Cll ..,._. 14 ClllSvt uo . 2511 ~ " CltYI"" l.IO I m JS-"" Ctytn vi J II Jt + V. ,._,., t .a II lJ ·-\ti 8:-E U O I) 4S ~ "" YCll 1.IO 6 D4 21-14 vEI 2.tt • m 11 ......... ClvEI pf I» rlOO !O -1\lo CIWC* AO a I ,.._"" c-'2 . -·-"" Clwttl' .I• 1 ISJ I~ ._ ~ » ll IO -"° C:.0.R.11 .llO .SO M • I Cltl ,, l.G . • • • ·~ C«.O 2A • "" WV.-. .. ON" I .16 11 2'.19-• '-Col«.o IJ llOl ~ -., Col..,,,, l.:IO • JS ZJ -\lo 4;.o19P411 I :10 I 9110 W...--I'll ~fl: .. "'1~ • :: ~ ~ Col•"" 1 M 1 nt .. ~. -. Col"'911 1..1/0 2IO 16\i+ ~ Gollin I UO IJ 111 .-..--.... ColGa 2.a • I01 u.. .... Colwfla tO IS tO 11 14 C50 ploti.25 00" + \'> GomO!n t.IO • 111 22'11 + 14 Gml>Etl .... • '6J ""'. -Comdl I .:IA t 16 II + -., CM5w " .JO • SS2 --"" CAlmdl I IS U1 ~ "» CmwE UD 1 '°' ~ I'll Cwll! wtA I l\lo. CwE pl 1,0 . 1 ,,.... • CwE Df 1.'11 lll IM .... CwE Of 2 a ,,._.__ "" CwE 11181.AO rlOO 91/t •• CwE !If a.JI 1100 54\to + "" CWE pf U1 .. 4 Pit ..... CwE pf .__., 110 SS14 ... CWE Df 7~. r W.O ..,.,.,+I Cem6 ... • ,, ~ "' ComMC UO 16 ICM ..,.._ '- Co"9y< I JJ H " 2...._ "" ~ ... 17"+ ... ~ IO 2' ,,_ .... ClllVll' I :IA I 11A 11'4-I'll CollAQr A IO •t ~-., C-MI UO t IO l1 _ _,.. CmHG 2.10 • 11 17 + '-Conr« .. IO 12 1Wo-i... CollE4 S.» s °' ~ "' &:~ pl • .. "" -\'> Colli = 4 .: ~ ::.:·~ Cenllcll U 2 1 IQS ~ I'll Conf'. •·» . 2 ~"' "'6i'n IAO • f7 Jll'lt+ " CMHG 11• • 17 ..._ " OIG p1 t0• . •lOP ICIJ +Yi ~ u. • 7fl 11'1t ..... Cit... .... . • di) nv.-"' Cit,._ tff1 AS •• llOD ..,._. Iii OI,._ "'·" .. dO Slllt+ \lo Cit .... 4 u ..... "' Cll,._ IAtl .. • » .... . OI,._ prU O '" ..-.... " CnP'w prl.:IJ I I~ \4 Cnl'W pl').41 • I~ '-c.onlAI< llQ ~ .... . c:.omc.. .sn • •"" .... . o.tlQ> uo 117 ,.._ ~ ~Gt!> uo ,,. ~· "' OP pl i . 2 Mitt + I'll '"" 2 4 !OM ,. + "' Tit 1..9' 1 IS1 IN.-"" Del I .» • -~"" CM..-1 .... ~"' CoallUn Jl1r • 110 ""'. "" ~ 1.52 • -WA>-.. (o9apl ,, 2.. .. • Mt. .... ~ ..... JN-4" C..T 1 _,. S n -.... "" Goppwe '·'· • 1Z 2JIW.-"' <Ar-AO I G tlli .... . Cortlft .41 I 2'Z 11 ... . C.llG 1.» 12 IJO •" .... . Corllk 1.16 II U 2Ult+ "" c;_._ I ZJ IOI I07\lo + ._ CodlCI I .M U * 11''"+ "" Ctel9 ZJ s ._.__ " Ct-IAOlt S M W.0.-"" CTeylh II 171 n v..-._ (Tltoft s 111 ZJ ..... Cl'DCkN 2.40 I 2' 9'lo + "" CIUH lift 1' .. 1 21\lo--CmlK I to• 6 11312 411"9--'4 CnorO • ,. ,,__ .... """'r..I U0 II f>t 2'4+ -l'UI .. 1J ~"" 1. ... t JI ~+"" WO ... t » ...,._ \'> Win ,. • ....._.,.. £11 2 • " .,..._ tot ~"' , IO .. lll "-+ " ~-1 • ., = .... . ~--'~..!o'!... .... .. OMO .. • * ... .. ~ ···~ .. ,._ ..... . & 1.q 7 " ,.._._ ~ , ..... --·~ .... 1 ~-t " K111AO '• ~ . ---., ··u&: ~ ~ ·r~a ~ .. 41.:~ tt. l:· l !' . . -"' .1 $ ~::: • 1 i ';•..: J ! -16 '· ~" + = , , ... ' .. , .. ti :: .i, • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS I OVOlATIOHi 114(1.UOI UAOUON TMI 141 W TOA•, MIOWUT, 'ACl"IC, "'*· IOtTO .. , Oll•OIT &MO CIM(INMATI UOCs I llCM&M•U &MO •1"4>All0 IY Tiii l'IUO &140 114U tMI T • H/F c -----... Mesan second • ID SBA contest Geor1e O. Slpou of C.0.ta a.t .... president of Delta Medical lndu.strle1, wu 1 rwiner-up In the Small Bu1lnet1 Admini1tration yearly Innovation oontat. The awant • c.alifOm.le winner will l» p-.ented durinc • oeaemooy at the Loi A.naieJ.ee Chamber ol Commerce on Tueilday . Delta Medical Induatries. a eeven-year old com· pany, manufactutts dispoeable Olten and valwe Wied durl~g open heart 1urgery. The company bu alto developed a portable lNu11n pump f« diabetics. Firm changes hands Unl.fllte Yachll Newport Beach, 2001 West Cout Jl.iahway, ·~in ulel and aervice of Unlfllte luxury· power yachtm, ii under new ownenbip. Oran1e Cout Marine, Inc., with Tad Fujita, president, and Jim McLaren, teeretary-tftMW'er, has taken over the ownenhip and rnanaaemmt McLaren. who 11 alao aeneral mana1er, baa been active ln Southern CalifomJa yacht retaillng alnce UHH~. the put 12 yean wlth UnifUie dealerahlps in Newport Beach and Lcing BNcb. Reorganization eyed MODESTO (AP) -A mortcace firm with etabt branches has filed for financial reorpn1zaUon ln t1.S. ~tcy Court here. ltf~ Co. of Modesto has $8.4 million in Joan volume from flnt and teeond mortgaaes and about 500 lnvestora, aa.id Lee Flah, chief opera\Wna officer . The company operates branches ln Modeato, Fresno, Sacramento, Fair OU.. Pitllbu.rgh, Oakland, Santa Barbara and Ora.nae. Irvine firm expands In an expanllon and CCJnmlldation of opentiom. A1nnac TechnolOI)' S)'ltelm, Inc., developer of elec- tronic vottnc l)'Steml and ~ blMtina f.edmol.. ogy, siped a 10-year leMe valued at '2.3 million on a 47,862-equare.-foot facility at 15091 Bake Parkway ln the Irvine lndUIUial Cornplex-F.Mt. Cushman & Wakefield _,mte Lynn Dort of the realty firm'• <>ranee c.ounty ottioe repreeented both Airmac and Trammell Crow, the ~. The fadllty will aooommoda• Ainnac'1 OOi porate headquarters u well u the manu.f.acturtnc and dls- trlbutJo'n operationa of lw two divt.aiona, which are hou8ed in three locatiom throuahout Orange C-oul\ty. Plaza work started ConttrucUon has becwi on Golden West P1aa. an office condominium project near the Cyprea Civic Center. Designed by Meyer Luley Willdmon Architec- ture Planning, Irvine-baled arcbitec:tural firm, the one-and two-story 31,500 8q\Mft ~ ltrUC1W'e "a ~ of Ooldrn West CapAtal Group Inc., Newport Bank up !or quarter Westlancb Bank of Santa Ana recorded higher loana, depmita and a.eta 1n the fint quarter. Eaml.naa. however, were adveneJy affected by the rece.ior\. For the three montha ended March 31, net income amounted to $50,000, equal to 2 cmta per lhare, of1 f.rom 1ut year'• record fint quarter rmulta of $334,000, or 22 centa. Telex meeting set The f irst meeting of the Tele~hanae. a new Uter group for Telefile Compute r Produci, and Xerox/ Slg:ma oomputer-UleJ"B, will be held June 7-9 at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Dieao. For information, call "7~. TelefUe Computer Products, Inc.. headquartered ln Irvine, manubcturera and marketa mlnioomputer, and mediwn to large ICa1e computer aystems. Monex PR program pushed The Cox & Burch Advert11in1 Company of Newport &e.ch II launchlni a OOI pcnte campaip to familiarize the butlneu and financial preu with Monex International, predow metala Gol~metals quotations \ • ' . I Orang• Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Monday, May 10, 1982 83 .No · more animals for Ariita? · BY JA V "HAa8\J1'T A~ Ant Wflt., NEW YORK -Anita Mortl.I ~lay• tht madam o( Bro.dway'1 'Th Sett Lh\.le ~hoUIO In Texu." But It ahe ever nec"d ooo like a plgeon arowl Uke a cougar or trumpet ukc an r lephant. aht>'il ready. Thi.a la becaum Ila«"'• C0·11tatred with auch creatl..tr9. tbl P'aepna In "S uaar Babies," the cougar ln Doug H e n - ning's "Tht.i Magic Show" and the e le · phant In the movie version of said ahow. She didn't q u I t e tu v e MOMta this 1n mind when, afler grad· uating from New York's Amen· can Academy of Dramatic Arts, she went for to act and sing. But 1ho didn't think •h •'d go Mght lnlo mime, el\.ht.'f. "I went dlrtctly Into th~ Am~rlcan Mime Tht>ater," ah aay . "l lwaya want«>d tu do mualcal1, but I didn't open my mouth for five years." The red-haired nctl'lc-'SS, a fret> spirit who speaks In th-.. hmwycd tone• of her native North Caro· Una, has done regulation atage work, of couue, lndudlng "Seesuw" and "Jesus Chri11t, Supcratar." Bu\_~ way did she ever 1hmk she'd share th~ stage In a cage. no less -with a cougar in ma- gician Henning's Broadway show a few years ago It was right interesting, she concedt:s. "One time. I got too cl064! and h o g r a b bed m y h t• ad a n d smashed me up against th~ bars," she said. "He raked hl<t paw over my face. I didn't know ot the time he was declawed, and r Graduating? .. Changings Jobs? ... Starting a New lhouuht, 'Wt"ll, tht>re aoe1 the Cuce' .n Thu face, a lovely one, 1urvl· vud ,with only a few 11bra1lon1. M111 Morrl1 pre11ed on to To· ronto to ril kt• tht· 1how'a film vention. The publicity man there naked her to pose with an ele- phant. "ll was cold and raining," 1he recalls. "Well. I stood with my tiny umbrella near this huge beast Ho looked at me, swung hi11 trunk around, wrapped it around my leg and t hrew me backwards Into tho mud. "There were a lot of photog- rn pht•rs there," she sigh ed. "Naturally. lhlli was the picture they usc.'<i." Last year, she replaced Ann Jillian an "Sugar Babies " One number required her to come on stagt• an a slJnky, sequined gown and sang whilst festooned with a squadron of white pigeons. ' .............. n···. ... ..... -.,....._.,.._ ... ,. .•. ,...,,.._,__ I \\ • NOW PLAYING . Career or Lifestyle? lDWAllOI SOUTH lDWAllOS lOWAllDS HIDUIAClt Assure yourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal- lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Mbdeling and much more. Call or come in today for a free per- sonal analysis and program discussion COAST l'lAZA MllllOll VIEJO El I 010 S81 5880 TOWN ClllTlll CllllMU MAll CllllMA UA CITY CINEMA c"''" M~·..i 1~1 4184 Mission Ve1049~ 62?0 Olanoe 634 3911 STADIUM OlllYl·lll UA CINEMA lDWAllDS WOOOBIUOGI O•an\je' 639 8110 WtmnM\ltt 8113 OS4b l1¥1ne S~I 06S~ VlllA PAllll TWiii EDWAllOI fOIHITAlll vaun ""'""""'Ht• Orar>Qe 639 OOb6 I oullla•n Vilfity 83'1 I ~00 • .., • ..,,_, .. ,,, John Robert Powers PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & MODELl~G SCHOOLS R -~=~~~ -··--NOW PLAYING ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town £, Country. Orange (714) 547·8228· AllAMtlM Dlllfl·I• LOWAllOI UDOlUACll IDW&IUll fOUtlT& .. tall.fl ,...,..,., tl9 q9\0 (I'"" ~11 SUO ,,.,,...,.~ 139 1\00 MU. llllU rlil& II& CMll.U CDWAllll 8'u )7' ~33' Wt·-<t" Hl 0)•6 MllllOll flUO M&ll ClllOI& IOW&MI Cl•MA Cllllll IOWUIOI WOODllW-"""~"' Y"'JO •t~ 6110 Co\IA ~ tl9 Al Cl "'"'")\I C)t)) lff.W&l JI INUft·lll CllllOOlllf rac1rn: IOUfll CO&IT Wnt"""''"' H I )69) °'-UH~)J L-... ~ ••• 1 \.. rou1n11• HlUY lllllfl·I• CDW&llOl IOUIM CO&ll l'UU ,...,,,.., V""111y 9U 2 .. 1 tOWll ct•TU c1••A• eo'" ... ~ .... 1~1 -4114 --·u.• au • .., ... ~, ... ·~--· FREE · SHUTTER INSTALLATION ~ -THI .,11· . !!!l'! ,..... __ ..,. SI IX 2'11167 S...v<e r ""° Sl8!1S M V<N Coo< 1C a1 6101t> ,__ "°"' Al•I COHA MtA641-1289 ,.-~ ..... MIU'°" V1UO 49J..040t 2"'2~c..io­,_ oi... .,...., ...... ..,, .....,, .. MAKE SOMEO'ff HAPPY Cell 642-517'. Put e few word1 to work fof ou. • STOP BY OUR BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOMS OR PHONE FOR ESTIMATE You cannot buy finer shullers or mor~ eaperl JllS1411atlQll at any PllCP Every ~ty~ 'huller. eveiy sue agular and wrde louver os 10 cludl'd EL TORO ORANGE 24316 Swartz 1960 N Glassell ·---~}l~UX~U!jRYUjTHEATAf[!S~"'9••• lco,.on1~ SuttnQ $2 SO 111 l 00 PM Unlm 01h~•Wf"" N111•lt S llifetj•r•111il6J 6Jai~sss1~~-~ ) [ !.. 1 .: • '.: • • ~·) ~ JS~ i8 9C1DCu. ~ ml ---·-_ 1130m 1 aoa 4&1 46 --=========:__~~-1~~'~00~10::....::;:00:,__~~-f&)w~.ru ... mc1 '-'"' o.c .. Wonned 8CST PICTURE I Al "I V\XI\ l'.!.I RIYt1lng ~ Enthf .. tne ... ~conomy S.111n9 hi Hou• Only t tARIOTS or f1RE 12002305 00730•9&6 12002356107 4 101 Wonr..,I 9~/JllU OF THE rrtoST ARK lfm ca 1.4& 4 .301209 45 12 4& 3 oo 5·20 14010 10 c;1mg,\i§;121 61~ 92e21J\H·,~~'A ·) ,. (o)•ca·t~~tlco I VOii'" ~·;:.:·;:.::...., ... ~ fl ')(ma lB1l you camel m~ ~· I 9. 7 00 Sr 9 10 6 619 8770/ ~t~~,~ m going all the way HIGH SCHOOL fEASEAS IAI ~c1TO'llv~ PfASONAL BlSI IRI []Zf) STRIPES lEl fHE GROOVE TUHE IRI 'fWuwt Some Kind ~ m ottwo SOB IRI *BARGAIN MATINllS * Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm1ncea before 5:00 PM {ElctPI Special Enpgemtnll and Holidays) I A MlllAllA MAii Mirooo 01 to1ecror11 LA MIRADA WAUC IN 99•·2400 "PARTNIERS" IAI tl' ...... IM-4,.._.U ...... o .,,, ""'"*' •-c> ,, •tlWl\ .. f "CHAIUOTS OF FlllE" ..., ,,,. )00 ..... .. "PORKY'S" ,. OM», .. •:M •JO ll\ tt.t\ Y°"lh ahow kl 10 A Ill LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK IN "IOMI KINO Of' HlllO" Ill) ._ ....... -. ....... "" YOU COUl.O all WHAT I HUii" (f'Q) 1:15, '"°· 5:50, 1:10, 10-.JO LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAU IN Al Del Arno 111 6M-t211 l A(.'.UNA "VICTOR VICTORIA",..,, t)JI '"' , .. ,,, .... "UROH1 A MUllC WAR" ftll ...... -.-- "If YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR"••<.• •>• >n .... •o •M •tM •ocully Of CO'ICll••OO<I 213/131·9110 "POllKY'I " !Al tJtO ,. ,..,,,, ........ "PARTNERS"••• tit I •'•~ ,..,'I t01 '' tO ... , -.('""' ""° IC'Rll W\.•' "CHAlllOTI OF Fl"I" t'1'0t,t• JM I» 1• •• so. COAST WALK·IN Soull'I Coo 11 Mlwoy 0111ooowoy 494-1514 "PARTNERS" 1• ....,,. .... t\ "~ t.t '\u._ tr \ •OD &to ltOI .. , th 'U•f o.• , .. , .,... I "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" •c.1 M\.H'f •flfl• , Af lJJii I I I •• IMPORTANT NOTIC(' CHltOIUN UNO(R 12 FR((! Klr1* ... "-.... """ '" 7 00 • Sit . s.... MIMtJ1 6:00 C11t£ n SOUllO • YOU~ &111 CAI! llAOIO 1$ fOUll PUA[~ • • HO UI CAA llAOIO W!Tll l!'HTIOll ACCHSOllY l'OSIT10N -llllllG ~-l'CllTAIU 1•4U ONE-JI IJIWl:.IN$ CIO Oii Mil MOC! ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIV(·IN ftee"cry fl al I•"'"" SI "'OMllOO«N WORLD" 1•1 -"9EYOND RVIL"t•I 179·91..;..5..;.0 ___ ~-, "UfT~;f,i.~i"(ii)-YI~• "PlllVATE LRllONI" 1•1 "f'A"1Al'111" ·~· Cl~t"SOUolO t JINA PAlll BUEtlA PARK ORIV( IN l111cal1> A .. We tl GI lllOll 121--4070 BUI .. A PAlll LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•ncotn _..,. ••~ o' •nott 12ht070 A t• A,f'~ A LA HABRA n111v1 IN .. A,.... ~I 2. "CAT NOfl\.I" (., J. "ANOY WAllHOl'9 ffANICaNIT'llN" I., Cllll•- •'f'AllADtU" 1111 -"CAM<* COPY" ~I "OOIN' ALL Tw. WAY"llll -''t*OH ICHOOL TIAaRfll" fAI "PlllV&TE LRllONI" 1A1 P\UI "PAllTNElll" 1AJ OQANGE (•lllVI IN j. ·~ l ,•. O HANG[ COUN I Y C AI IFORNIA 25 CENTS ' I Winning balloonistS slightly injured By PRU. SNEIDERMAN Of"h Dlllr .......... The pllota of the Ros ie O'Orady, apparent winners of the 1982 Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, were reported resting comfortably today ln Cody, Wyo., recovering from mlnot Injuries suffered during the bumpy end of an 884-mile flight that began Saturday in Fountain Valley. Meanwhile, anow flurries In eutem Nevada were interfering thla morning w ith attempts to locate the three crew members of the only missing balloon. The "10 -Ball ." a non - competing participant In the Gordon Bennett acUv1Uet, wu believed to be ln the vk:lnity of Wilson Mountain, about l~O miles northeast of Lu V epa. Race apokeaman Dave Bla- keman said emergency locater slgna)s believed to be.coming from the "10-Ball" crew were picked up S~y, lost overnight and picked up again today. lie said the signal i.a stationary, in- dicating the balloon is on the ground. He said Civil Air Patrol and U.S. Air Foree~ creW1 were hoping that morning snow con- dltlona would ,clear \0 make the hunt tor the rruain1 ballooni.lta euler. The "10-Ball" wu not compe-~ in the Gordon Bennett Race, but wu lilted u a "pathfinder" balloon. Blakeman said pilot Duane Powers took two crew members along aa a training fUaht. Race organizer Tom Helnshei- mer said, "Duane Powers la an excellent, experienced and pru- dent pilot, but you're always nervous and concerned u.ntil people do call in. "It'• a difficult SPOrt ... ()c. caaionally, people aren't heard frQm for a ~y or eo." lnaketnen said the two men in the crew with Powera, Milton Cavet and Arthur Hickle, both work at the China l.;ake Naval Weapon Station. El1ht official balloon teams lifted off in the Gordon Bennett Race Saturday at Mlle Square Park. The contest 11 one of dl•· tance, with the team traveling farthest from liftoff declared the winner. Unofficial race winners are Rosie O'Grady pilot Joe Kit- tinJ(er. a Florida engineer, and Thatcher calls 'war ca~inet' • • • • co-pilot Charles ;Knapp, a Loa Anaelea buaine. executive. 'l'helr red and yellow balloon came down into machinery in a ranch corral at 9:20 p.m . PDT Sunday. "He's doing fine," race spokes- man Blakeman said of Kittinger, who remained at C.ody Hoepltal early today. "Other than a couple of bruises and a dislocated shoulder, he'• doing fine." Co-pilot Knapp wu released from the hoepital after receiving treatment for bruises receivea during the landing in Wyoming near ~ellowstone National Park. The pair reportedly endured thunderatonna, anow and heav}' wi.nda during thelr flight. UnoUlcial aeoond place went to Maxie Anderson and his aon. Krla, both of Albuquerque, N.M. Race offldaa aaid they traveled about 876 miles before landln1 Sunday evening at Caaper in central Wyoming. Last year's w i nners, Ben Abruzzo and Rocky Aoki. placed thlrd in the unofficial tally.~ traveled 769 miles befo~ landing Sunday afternoon at Boulder Lake, Wyo., race offidala said. r1t1s 1nvas1on 10 bags of waste traced? . . By ROBERT BARKER or ... .,..,,... • ..., Ten bags of infectious waste materials dumped at a Hunting- ton Beach intersection when a trash truck caught fire have been ten tatively traced to a local dis- posal company, Ora~ County health offidals said y. Environmental Health Director Bob Merryman said the bags are being linked preliminarily to W.D. Bingham Inc. of Hunting- ton Beach aft.er queltionlng traSh oom_pny workers. "They said they had just pick- ed up a load there," Merryman aakl He aaid, however, the county still la investigating the IOW'Ce of the bega. Merryman said the bags con- tained part of a kidney, placenta "and other body parts that were strewn all over the street." A spokesman for W.D. Bing- ham company. which handles dltpou.l of Infectious wute for Southern Calilornia hospitals. said he had not heard the pre- liminary f1nd1nga this morning. "Our posture la that nothing nec::easarily indicates the bag• came from us," Vice President Robert Spurgin said today. The bags were found Friday at the Intersection of Research Drive and Chemical Lane, about a block from Bingham'• location at 5722 Retearch Orive, according to Merryman. The bags were dumped when trash beina hauled in a Rainbow Dbposal Co. truck caught fire, apparently from ashes being hauled from the diapoeal oompa- ny, Merryman said. He said the load was dumped in order to keep the truck from catching fire and exploding. Merryman said the infectious material wu cleaned up and d.ls- i nfected by the Huntington Beach Fire Department and by county offlciall. He uid the public wu not expmed. · Merryman uid the company la focuatna efforta how to prevent lnctdenta from happening again (See w ASTE. Pace At) WORLD 0.-,Not ...... ~ ....... K-- (NfERNATJONAL GUEST -Natalie Stamires hugs her grandmother Nitsa Morphiadou of Greece who came the greatest distance when Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar celebrated "Grandparents Day." More of the turnout is shown on Page Bl. Trekkies moan Spock dies in new movie -or does he? OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (AP) -Science-fiction fans at a acreenincr of the newest TrekkJe movie, "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan," left debating whether the half-Vulcan hero Mr. Spock had died -or it just seemed that way. "It left you hangina at the end of the movie," said Ted Koehler, 21, of Lenexa. The film continues the adven· tures of the characters from the 1960s television leriea. Some fana said the film can be viewed as a sequel to a 1967 ep&lode In which the evil Khan is stranded on an iaolated ~lanet by the crew of the stanhip En\erpNe. ' Most of the pre.releue public· lty centered 0n the rumor Spock wOUld be killed in the film, cau- ~ an outcry from devoted fans. • $pock actually dlea," aald ' Gordon Weaver. an executive with Paramount P ictures, "but there's enough in there to lead one to believe he'll be back." Before the ICl'eeninp, Weaver aald that audience reaction to Spock's fate would help det~r­ mlne whether the end1na would be altered. Afterward, he said the reaction was politive, and the film'• conclusion would be left intact. "In science fiction no one ever dlea, really," Weaver said. The movie, which opens June 4 acroas the nation, wu previe- wed In two free screenings ln suburban Kansas City to colndde with a lclence-fictlon convention. About 800 ticket.a were given away for the ICl'eefllnp, the first Ume9 the movie haa been shown to the public. STATE Troops • nearing islands B.y fte Aaaoclatecl Pre11 British warships shelled Ar- gentine defenses around the · Falklands capital of Stanley again today in a prelude to a Brlt.i.ah invasion to wrest the is- lands back, the British domestic news agency Preas Auociation aaid. The report, from the agency's con9pondent aboard the British carrier Hermes, said today's "mission was seen as a softening-up process before an eventual landin1 by British trQopl." It gave no other details. A apokeamazi at t he British Defeme Ministry said he had "no infonnation'' on the repor1ed at· i.ck. But the diaper.ch from Peter Archer WU submitted to military cenaora on board the armada flaohip. The report came after Brltish'a Prime Minister Margaret That- cher convened her emergency "war cabinet" with growing signs British troops will invade the is- lands if U.N. peace efforta fail. Defense Miniatry spokesmen aaid British forces reported "conalderable damage" Sunday when they strafed and bombed Argentine defenses. ''The government's priority is to do everything poaalble to achieve a negotiated solution," the British Foreign Office aaid. But infonned mlUtary aouroes said the re<Juiaitioned liner Can- berra can'Y1nl 2,500 marines and paratroopers was hours away from Brit.lab warships lurking off the Fal.klanda. British war corre1pondent1 aboard the fleet reported British frigates and deatroyera were within sight of the Falklanda, mov1n.r in cloeer to enfon:e a total blockade of the ialanda. In New York, U.N. Secretary- General Javier Pera de Cuellar aald today there were "reuona for hope" that Britain and Ar- gentina might agr-ee to a peaceful 1ettlement of the conflict. Both natiooa denied today that remaru Sunday by Argentine Foreign Mini.lter Nlcanor Coeta Mendez waa a atep back from Argeatlna's in.al.atenc• that the Britiah ret'OIJllJe lta 10verelgnty over the lalanda. Araentina teJ.zied the J'aJklanda April 2. American envoys expelled LOS ANGELES (AP) -Screen Adon Guild memben have turned down an MMlory referendwn on unitina with an extru' p-oup,. meraer t.cked by aulld Pr .. tdent Ed Aaner and o:=.:r former WARSAW, Poland (AP) -Two American en· voya were expelled by martial-law authoritiel today for receivln& matertall 11barming the interelta of Po- land" .tate-nm te1evjllco reported. NATION pc.tdent CharltOn Hmton, lt WM today. . COUNTY _,, ......... TARGETS -Britain shattered a four-day military lull Sun- day by bombing. and strafing Argentine military targets on the Falkland Islands and attacking an Argentine fishing boat. Newpo:rt to have control of oil wells By STEVE MARBLE Mh D911r Net 8"ft Orange County Superior Court Judge Sruce Summer has lndi- cated he will order a petroJeum oompany owner to hand control of 16 oil wells over to Newport Beach and pay the city more than $340,000 in damages. The notification of intended decision from Judge Sumner is the latest legal turn in a two- year-old dlapute between the dty and Newport oilman Robert Armstrong. The city, whic h t ook over operation of the wells last year, estimates it is earning upward of Vote sign·up at deadline For those who haven't regis- tered to vote for the June 8 prl· mary election, time la quickly running out. The deadline la midnight. The Oran,e County Regiatrar of Vo- ten office, 1300 $. Grand Ave . .- Santa Ana. will remain open until midnight to take regiatra- tiona. People who have moved rec- ently or changed their namea are ~minded they muet re-~ter, u muat thoee who did not vote in the pneral elections 1n 1980. For further information, call &34-2244. INDEX Af 82 M M 82 Cl,CM ct a a M • SPORTS $1 million a year from the rigs. Attorneys for Newport said the preliminary decision Friday gives the city the right to continue operating the wells while collec- ting damages for revenue it lost while battling Armstrong. Robert Buchanen. an attorney for Armstrong, said it ls too early for hlm to comment on the Prt· liminary decision or to say whe- ther hit client will appeal. Annltrong, who operated the wells for the city for 12 yean, refuaed to turn the rigs over 1o the city when his contract expi- red last year. The wells are located inland of Weit Coast Highway on land outside the city limits but are slant-drilled into coastal tide- lands controlled by Newport Beach. . When Armstrong's contract with the city expired, the city closed down the wells. After month• of inactivity, the wella were put back in motion after the city teamed up with the State Landt Comrnisaion to condemn the land under the rigs. Earlier this year, an Orange County Superior Court jud1e ruled the city had improperly taken over the wella and t)uu. tened to force the city ap1n to clcm down the ~· Judie Sumner 1 preliminary decl.alon, city offlclala aaJd, a.,.. =.~ keep them In the oil B2 82 m Al 87 BM IN A1 81 Al A.I I I l· t HIP ASTE DUMPED ••• to determlne tr ne1111ence involved. U. Mid then u.. two .mpta- WlY• of treatln1 lnfectioua terlals -by lnclneutor or ve. e uJd the autoclave method mllar to a preuure cooker: , combined wlth pre11ure the materlall, he Mid. erryman aid the 10 blo of oua material found FHday Mel not u.ocSersone .tther proce- dw-e. Spuratn. the W.D. Blqham lne. ~ llnllder)t, .uct hil COin• pany dalfy dilpmM of about 25 tona of infecUoul material from hoepltala, outpatient cUniat. nur-atna homel add laboratoriel, etc. Re llld about 96 ~t of the company'• dispoNl deals with dr-1nal and bindaa-and other non-human matertafa. illiam Durkee Ill i-vices scheduled RESIGNING -Energy Sec· retary James B. Edwards plans to leave his· job at the end of next month to accept the presidency of .the Medical University of South Carolina. Gymnastics to return? Newport-Mesa trustees may reinstate sport By JODI CADDIDAD °' ............. OYIDDMtb may not be ..u.nct ln the =rt·M ... Unlfled School atw all. L..i March. tnlltMI Y.-d '° "ellminate the ·~ at •tancta. Co1ta Mell and Newport Harbor hi&b IChooJI ln an effort to trim full-tlme certificated teachen florn lbe payroll, But fchool board member Shen'y LootbowTow aid J'liday tMt trulteee may relnltate the 3 becauae lt wu orl1tnally t that lt took lix·tentha of a fu l·t!me teacher to teach ~· District officials have 1lnce di.covered that lt coltl $3,700 to employ three-walk.on co.ch .. , aata Kevin Wheeler, uaiatant aapertntendent for penonnel. J'or that reaaon, u•mnastlcs wu not considered by the ad- mlnllUdw law )adp revtewtna i.acher layoff• durln1 recenl ~Wheeler Mid. Co1ta MeH principal Don Champlin Mid Friday .... plans to uk dCttrSat offtdall to relnltaie ~ ties llnce full-tlm• tea- poaitimlt are not affected. • need for elimlnaq It la no Ion&er valid," Mid Champlin. "I think lt'• been a 1reat pro- ll'Ul· I would permnally like to 11ee it conUnue. P9C>llM." MJd Mn. 8cudwy. ''but It'• lmPortant t.o the Jdrll. it .... of the few lpm1I wfiete you can ~~~an 1nd!v1dual and ~11 ot dilldren enrou.d ln a developmental kJnder1a.rten clul at KUlybrooke Elementary School ln Cotta Meaa are also expected to attend the meettna Tuesday to dtacuu the 1982-83 budpt. The paren11 are concerned that the poaible lay off of two tea- chera could mean the end o1 the pl'Olfam. 1'ru.teel wW meet at 7;30 p.m. lntheHarperCommunJtyCAm~ er, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Wall crash kills driver emorlal aervices for former . auistant 1ecretary of de· William Porter Durkee m. 'I died late lut week ln Den- • 'er, will be held 4:30 p .m . ··~ :Driver held af ier crash; woman hurt Thunday at St. J~ Onuch in Newport :.. Mr. Durkee, a former tsalboa b.Land resident. wu 63. He had recently been a resident of C.olo- rado Springs. He was president of Radio Pree Europe f0t eight yean and later •rved as aasistant teeretary of defense and U.S . direcior of dvil defeme under the Kennedy and Johmon adminlatrationa. Airport emergency shift plan flayed Wheeler uid that the dlltrtct Mel onpwly COftlldered cutt.tna bedminton from the hJ&h echoola, but switcbed to .JYID1'Ut1Cll follo- w In• tecommendaUons from h1ah school prtndptll. Gymna1tlcs waa one of 31 proarama either eliminated or reduced ln order to trim te.llch1na poslUons in the financially strapped dlltrict. Tuelday trust- .. wW CONider' a llat of 33 full- Ume teechen recommended for dlamt-1 recenUy durina cloeed before an ad.minT.trattve . the wont exerct.e that we 10 through,'' said Wheeler. "We would pNfer not to cut any of the program1. But the cuts are bued on student participation. Elaine Stuckey, whoee daugh- ter participates In gymnuUca at Newport Harbor Hieb School, said 1he plan1 to Utend the school board meetin1 Tuesday armed with 4,000 lignatun!S from people supporting gymnutica. A 27-year-old Huntington Beach man wu k.U.led lnatantly Sundav nl1rht when his car at.ruck a concrete wall while png about 65 mile. an hour, police aald today. Ueac:t at the 90ene of the crash, only about three bl.ockl from bil home, wu Luis Alberto Garcia of 19941 Cannania Lane. A 34-year-old resident of Or- anee was arruted on felony drunken driving char1es early .. ~unday in Newport Beach follo- · ~1ng an accident that left his ~~e paaenger aerloualy inJ)l-:• 1'a, police report. •1 ~Michael Perry, who police Mid '•i1ammed into a parked traller near the intersection of West :,~Highway and 62nd Street ., · 3;30 a.m., wu held ln lieu of : 500 bail. · His passenger, Diane Marie Kachurek, 24, of Anaheim, wu ·'~ted at Hoag Memorial Hoepi-Htil for facial Lacerations and other ''fDinor lnjlaries. ... . / ,Pair seized -.,·,;. ~~n robbery . t ' :·•·:,Huntington Beach police have jailed two men suapected ln the , $35 armed robbery of a sporting -~oods store over the weekend. -.b:Held in the city jail today ln ·lieu of $25,000 bond each were Billy Jack Hickman, 20, of Ana- heim, and Robert Dean Perk!N, U, of Placentia. .J 'They were arrested Sa= evening after Huntington police oUicer Ed Deuel followed them from the acene of the rob- bery, Tackle Land, 5036 Edinger Ave. _Police said the money ta.ken in .. ~robbery wu recovered. ra\." ;,;_ ~~,.." H ~ A native of Chicago and grad· uate of Dartmouth College, he was director of the American Committee on United Europe for two years and a member of the U.S. Department of State for 12 years. Mr. Durkee twice receiv~ the ~ Service Medal, the highett bonol" awarded for dvil- ian 8ervioe by ~ U.S. Arrfly. _ He was a member of the King's Royal Rifle Corpe of the Britiah Army and received the Silver en. medal after being wounded ln the Battle of El A1ameln ln World War II. In addition to hia wife Dorcas, be la survived by three children: William Porter Durkee IV of Pittsburgh, Vaughan Durkee McTernan and Edward Chapman Durkee. He alao leaves his mother, Mn. William Porter Durkee Jr. of c.o.ta Mesa, and one grandchild. He alao ii IW'Viv~ by hia mt.er, Franoee E. Parker of Santa Ana, and a brother, Robert C. Durkee of Newport Beach. Car rams house; driver uninjured Laguna Beach police said to- day that John Stuart, 21, of La· guna Niguel, e9Caped injury Sa~ urday evening when-hls car craabed throuah the front door of a home at 31D5 Mountain View Road. The shifting of emergency operations at lohn Wayne Air- port from the Orange County Fire Department to private enterprise is under study by county officials. The proposal already la dra- wing opposition. • Among thoee against the idea is county Supervilor Thomas Ri- ley, whose district includes the 500-acre airport. "When you talk about things designed to save lives, govern- Two jailed, one stabbed in Mesa flap Costa Mesa police said today they aren't sure what 8tarted the fight early this morning that left one man with knife woundl and two brothers ln jail. The incident occurred about · 1:35 a.m. at 2211 Pomona Ave., pol.ice aald. When it was over, Kevin Scott Kouk was treated at c.o.ta Mesa Hoepital for 1tab wounds in the bKk and face. He didn't require hoepltallzation, .ccordlne to po- l.ice. Another man, John Howard Lewis, also wu treated ai the hospital for abrasions. Arrested on auspicion of as- sault with a deadly weapon wu Mario Pedraza BW.rro, 29. HJa borther, MJch.ael Biz.am>, 25, WU arrested for allegedly interfering with police offloen. Mostly cloudy ~oetW WMCPlef ~t "40AA U S 0tot o4 eomm .. ,,. Fronts: Cold ,... Warm WW Occluded ~ Stahonaty •• IO 83 .02 .. ea 10 aa le 92 .. 40 83 51 .oe M 47 .. 62 .05 11 ... S1 • .ot NM .It 71 ... 01 .. .. :: : '°" . .. 11 It ..... 03 11 • • 17 .u .,, .. • II o....aru .. I 0 I .... 11 .. ..... It ...... .. .. ,.... ... a-a: E5 ,..,..... ... --..... " , 81 51 61 II .ot • 48 67 41 ee 5t M 47 ... 43 aa 71 41 IO 11 11 ... ... 11 ti IO • 11 .. 14 II 14 .. M . .. 11 • •• .. •••• .. ... .. .. IO M Extended we6'tller ment may be better able to per· form thOH aervlcea," Mid Ken Hall, a Riley aide who handles airport affain. ~ Liit.ie baa been echeduled to be di.cu.ed by aapervbon at Tuaday'1 meettna. But Hall uJd a poltponement la Uk.ely. "lt'1 not lmPortant to many I Police accident investigator John Berens said the cruh oc- curred at 11:05 p.m. at the Adams Avenue service road that dead enda at Carmania. Hall aald Riley wanta the~ poul sent to the county Airport Comrnialkln for further comider· ation. Huntington police Alao lea1 than entbustaatic about the propma1 ii county Flre Chi«;f Larry &bm. seek woman bandit ''Sure, UWy can pt a propcm1 a.t a cheaper price, but for our cost they pt all of our reeources, not just the men at the airport. "Our primary concern, of coune, 11 the aafety of citizena. We provide a h11h level of 1up- port. I think that wu demon- ltrated during the A1rCa1 crub (In February, 1981)," Chief. Hohm eald. 'The cnah/flre/re.:ue lltatlon la manned around the clo$ by nine firefighters. Th• station h0\.&181 two beevy-duty fire ~ eq. \lipped for aircraft reteue a.nd firefl1hUn1 operations and a llaht.er duty "quick attack'' unit. lfolml aid. The cr..h·firell'9Ne lltatim la located on the west lkle of the -Jrport near the Federal Aviation AdmlnlatratJon'• air tra1.f:ic cantrol toww. Police are 1earchlng for a woman who robbed a Hunting- ton Beech low<alorie reltaurant manager of $3,000. Investiga~ra said the holdul? Lock box cite# in Irvine burglary Entry to an Irvine home where *'65,000 ln jewelry was reported mllllnc mljht have been pined yia a key from a reel estate lock box, ~rdhlc to Irvine Police Officer Ron c.an-. The buf'llary at the Turtle Rock home of Jerry R. Thomp- IOb., reported Friday, 11 the aec- ond recent Irvine bur~y in which police a.pect a box key mil!it have been u.ed to pin entry . Lightweight poplin is a Brooks Brothers favorite occurred at Skinny Haven, 770~ Edinger Ave., at 9:50 p.m. Sun- day. Police said an uaittant man- ager wu ln a rear office after the reltaurant had cloeed when abe wu approached by a woman wb.:J may have been hiding in the re- stroom. The WOllWl kept her handl in her trenchcoat, Indicating she had a gun. and demanded maoey, police aald. The robber then forced the restaurant employee to drive her to the middle of a nearby residential area, where ahe fled, police aaJd. The robber WU demcribed U a black woman, in her early 20., about 5 fee\.-6 inches tall, with a slender build and a medium- length black .. Afro" hair ltyle. Both businessman and traveller will find the qualities they seek in a. warm weather suit handsomely met here. The polyester and C'Ot- ton blend has a neat, crisp appearance, good creaac-rcsistance and wasbability. Uilored on our '3-button model with patch pockets and welted cd1e1, in tan, navy or olive. Coat and trou1en. $150 \111\.11\) -EV98t0- .. 111) wiMu:-- o o d g •,. •• ~ MO, ...... OtWIUl'I AHG1U I WNTI lt4ADOW HAWAII l'IYa.o • OYPIAIY "Hewing" OUMt: Fk>fence I~ A8CNIW8 N90 .... ~ THREATENED -Elizabeth Montgo- mery portrays a 1uburban housewife whoee perfect mani.aae suddenly la threa- tened iq .. The Ru lea of Marriage," a two-part movie beginning at 9 tonight on KNXT (Channel 2). "Su And The 81ng19 p.,_ enl" Miiie Fetrell. Suun St "-A couple find out the rMllllM ot ltllrtlnQ OYW. when they uy to rnet- ry encl fhW cfllldren bloClt tllewey. (l)MCMR * * * * "Olgl" ( 11151) M~ CMveller, laelle Caron. A tomboy being groomeo by ,,., -• enc1 grenctt110thef Ml• out on her own to cateh 1 men tcao•~TI ~ ~. NlllORT I ........ MPOflT QINIW8 ~MIU.E1' ®~THe LONU<>Ma COUQAJll ewov. * * * "Oh Godt 8ooi1 tt" (1810) Oeorge Burne. ~ Pleehett• Ood return• to E1rth 1nd a-the )'OUflO dlUgh- ,. of et'I ad-1111ng •-..e- utlw 10 ~ hie -Cir.:= wotld 'PG' * * * "Minnie And Moe-kOWIU" (19721 Gen1 Ao.- tends, &lymour C..... A mi.Niched ~ "ruc>- gle to rernllr> IOQ91'* ~ tllel< min'( dlN«· . -· 7:00 I C89 ... N9CNIW8 ~DAYIAOAIH ·~ .... • M•A•f•H ~ Lipe r. punued by • llOt-blooded ttlll111 toldlet. I JOeCP'IMLD •••••NP<>M MAGICMOIL JtMmNCI Cl)tt.M.MAGAZINE An Int~ wltfl ICtOf MICllMI Landon; I oomptt- tty that wtll ,_ I ttlr .,.., )'OU for l30. llllNTIRT~ TONIGHT The llr.t., ..... °" the hOtnM of the ltlB. an.~ °'*'· 8lldOy Aid\ (D)MCMR * * * "EMe" ( 19711 Kurt Au1811, 8-of\ Hubtey A df-tlzatlon of the "King of AOClt 'n' Aol • 1~ 8 2 ON THI TOWN FMtured· 1 ..wt to ...,.. z.alend; • -di..., wtMI hll relled mlllont In gold ffom Ille PICHlc: the ofll- Q\I Arc:tl Wlard of Canter- bury. I QIFAM!l.Y~ ............. New York Yet'lk-11 Clll· fofnll Angell • IYeONL.A. F .. tured: • report on weight ION Ind dieting; I report on "IC>Of1• Wid- ows''; la. Anoelel' -'- tr-tell hOO# to get bet- ,., l«'llcl tn , .. ,_"''' • M•A•t•H l<llnoer ~ I ,_... DllO« editor. I <I) TIC T~ OOUQH ~/LIHMR MPORT .MIAT ~ '''The Glftt "' Their Sum-,.,.., Or...... And Ottlet Ston.. _., INlfl SNw" Thrw of SNw'I belt- k-~ atoriee - ·'The Glrll tn Their Sum- rnet Or-... '"Ole Monu- ,_,, .. Ind "file MW! Who Mlfrled A French Wlta" - ete df11netlHd. (A) 111 YOU AUm fOA IT F .. tured: "Tlle SaMm MICl'llne Roller Coutlf" end "England'• ,.-. p.,._ cNalrllt." ® tm.M'I MA8TP MCI-. Tl9 MAD DMAM °''"'· Hel ~ narrat• thll documenl1ry det11tlng llfb1I to c:etry out Hltler'• pl1n1 for creating 1 ~-Aryanr-t:00•Cll M•A•l•H Mall c:elt Ortno• • Cllaturt>- lng i.tt« tor B J from hll wife Ind • delinquent IC)Wdlng tlclt.. lor Col. Pott•.(RI D 8 LITT\.£ HOl.a ON THI....,.... Clllt19I undergo.. • deep religloua ~ ....,. lie IMtna ltlet 1111 adopted IOtl wtll ·_, die. (Plft 2) iaa THAra ~ G MOVIE '*'*'* "M1n tn TN lfon M..a" ( 19311) Louil Hlly- Wltd, Joen Sennett. BIMd on • "°"'91 by Alexander Oum11 The lnC1mou1 Compt• de Rochafort ~ Louie XIV'I twin bfothef on the French ltwone Ind lmprtaone the r• klnO tn tfle e.t-. ........ MMIAZJNI All lnteMew ~ lctcW MIOflMI Landon; meet Miile Twin, whO 1oec 135 poundll on ,. own dlel .MCMI ••• ··~Galec:U­ c:e" (11711 Lorne 0.-. Rlc:ftlfd Hltc:tl. A ~ llMt c:wrylng IN IMt ,_ n1nt1 of hum1n Ille Mlbwka on "'~-.Ch lcw 1 ,_ ~ to coto- na.e. eGMAT lllUOMIANCD '"The Glr1s tn Their &m- m« 0r-· And Other Stonaa 9y 1nW1 SMw" nw.. of S"-w'1 ti.c- known 1t1ort 81ortee - ''The Otr1e tn Their Sum-,.,.., Or-:· "The Monu- ment" Ind "The MMI Who Mwrled A French Wife" - we drltl'latlud. (R) (C)wov. * * "The Min With Bogart'I F1c:e" (19801 Roe.rt Sacdll, OIMa Hua- ..,,. A man dec:ldel to cftlnge Illa tlf9atyte and l)hytlc:al ~-lo r-ble 1111 a«een Idol. ·pa· CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT (CBS) 8 KNBC CNBCI e KTLA Ctnd.I .KABC IABCI e ICFMB ICBS> 9 KHJ·TV (Ind.) • KCST CABCI • KTTV (Ind.) 'e KCOP-TV (lno l .a KCET IPBSI e ICOCE IPBSI 'Cl) On-TV l l l ·TV HBO 'C) ICl"""'xl (!) IWORI NY., NY 111> IWTBSI ff) CESPNI 'IJ ISl!owtlmel • Spotllgflt • (c.t>le Newt Networ-1 DID YOU KNOW: Y• can own JM office .,ct. y., can stop i• rent frmn ~ ~· y., cal ""' ... lald -not ...... AIRPORT WEIT llU81NES8 PARK 241 PleoMr ...., llecl ... C.M. Cell Mr. Dewie i.1.7400 .,-.,caa111,..._ IB)~ **~ "A Fore. Of OM" (1t7t) ChllCk Nomt. ~ nltet <>'Nell A rMRlr Of tM mlltlll ... .......... °". ,_ ........ ..... -Cll't '°'the II-. Of -edopted ~ 'PO' Cl)MCMI • • • ''The "'-Broth- .,. .. (1tl0) John ......,.., Dan Aykroyd. Two btlMI elngerl muet oonMnd with "'9 Cl!loeigo polloe, Iha CIA, Neo-Hula and the U.S. "1"'1 to put togethel 1 benefit concert to rllaa mOftrtl lcw lhelt petllh. 'R' OMOYll * * * * "'lthef Of The Bride" (1950) a.,._ Tra- f:'I, EllUbettl T lylot. A lather ...,,.,..,_ .. of the Joye Ind ~ ln\IOlveCI with the prep•• tlonl for hll deuQflt•'• upc:omlng wedding e:ao . MMJNQ,... GMOtl Harry .,_,_ rOMentl- CAlly inVoNed with 111 under-narcotic:a c>M- oer who,_ ~ a.lglled to thl achool ~ • AU. .. T-.. FNtl//IU Archie lnlleta that • - hotN -"°' 1111 --be lound for little Stephanie tM1t kind-Melted Edith NII other ldele. Cl) lATIN~ (Z)MOVll * * * '* "The Barlil Olde" (19401 W.C Flelda. Una 'i'«k•· A man lr\adYer1· ently foite • rot>bery encl II awerct.d the jot> of t>anlc guwd. lorc:lng him 10 f- 1 r.., hOldup ... Cll MOYll "The Flulel Of Mwrillge" (PW1 11 (Premi.hl OU. «>«II t.tomooi-)'. E'llot1 Gould. "" ~ IUbuf- Mn -ofe'• mer"'9e •odel to the point '"'' • Mperltlon ~ nec- iiilMCMI '* '*"~ "How To ._, The High Collt Of Living" (19711) ._ ..,,,,, "-· Jeellce Lange. No longer .,.. to keep up wllfl lnfte.. tlon. threa Oregon houaNt.., .. wm to weeny IO .,...,_ !Mir t>udQ9ta. •@_,.THI· TMOllDMOf All>«1 ~ ignor.. Ille plMI of hll fM\lr Incl ---tfte~ tor~·-~ (Pert 2')Q • ....VQMINI Ouftta: l o and John Derek, Uraull Andf"-. flD Dll K~ ON Dll KOONIHQ Film c:ilpe Incl tntarvlewa with Wiiiem de Koening - -of Ametlc:a'• moat lmpor1 Int lt...wig ert.1111 - Incl hll ....,. prO'l!Oe • IP9- Ciel tnllght Into the 71- )'Ml-old 111etract ~ lloNft'I ... Incl -" NO. T'OllAVBJNQ HOflVUUY Rog« Baldwln. the 97. ~-old IOUl'ldar of !tie American CM! Libert ... UNon ... profled. CH>~ ** "OMlh Hunt" (1911) CMrtea Bronaon, LM Mw- W.. In Ille 1t30e, I ~ .. Incl • lronltar orWNnal WIQ9.,, Oki.,.... -~ utlon •101oediea on thl Canadian ...,.,.,_., 'A' .MOYll ***'-' "The Fow S-. ION" (tN11 ,.,.. Alda, CeroC llurMtt. Thrw oou- plaa, .. CloM, lono-tlme -· ~1= * * "The Attic:" (19711) Cetrll Snodgr-. Rey MN· lend. A llbtlflen llvee In Ille pell with lier (MmPttle of • low who d~ecl. 'A' , 1:00 • • • <1> t11 a NIWI • IATIMDAY NIGHT Ho9t: Aoo Allner. au.ta: Tha Loc:k«I . I YOU AIKID '°"IT M•.t.•t•H Th• p.raonnel or the 40ntt1 try to melt• a good """'-.ion on I payctlll.-lrr.t Mien tflrellened with , •• 11 '0t ,,,,...t. • ....,*L Tha llld~de perform :f'::O 7YITT • NuwaoUNO Sir Roget 81nnist• of England. the ,.,_ runner to tit-* thl t>errter of the lour-~ mite, II pro- lllecl. '1=*> • Cll Ol.JNCY All unpopular COKh ta blamed wnen a member of 1111 colllge track IMll'I dlM from a ,_, attaca DQITHllUTM CAMON Oueltl: Suzanne SOmera. lofe«a Lynn. Biiiy Cryltal. (R) e 111MO.-. ~ GKOMK When I woman le M191ed to KOjlll'a dMelon. Mil'* of them .. hlOO'I about It • THI & ; Mioe4 A ~ documenlaty on louiae'I ._ wttfl I llllddl hotline ODUtd llld to I deadly llllure -~AHD80H Fred lr>d Llfnont take In 1>oerwa to pay IN mort- gage but Ille pr~ don't IOok oood. • NIWliMT: CAU'O$llM OOHalWlllOfW. Mf'OflT • CW'T'IOHID MC .... (B} HAii llU.JAH HOlUWOOO 0-Kally hotta a daz- zling trtt>ute lo the deya of Holl)>wood ""'*' Ille MGM ll'IUl6c.ll reigned IUPf'-. •wov. ...... "The Howflng" (111111 Dee W1H1c:e, Patrick Macn.. f; -report« le menaced by I kllllt Who -to be a wet9WOll. 'R' tt:40 a:J MCMI ·•~"M~--... ~ \fWd" (11711 ~ ...... IOtl, Olc:ll Miier. Frelfl from lndlene, 1 ~ Mplr1ng ...,... becomae lrMJl¥ld In I reel ro«Mlery tMt ......... pert of heJ ~debut. 'R' --~- 1HO. INTMTAINMINT TONIGHT Tha Int of a _. on the "°"*of the ·- Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Monday, May 10, 10~ TUBE TOPPERS KTLA (&) 7:80-The New York Yanbee come to Anaheim Stadlwn for the fil'lt tame dl.11 llMaO to clMalJeniie the Ca.U.for- nla Anael1. The matchup of R•11te Jack.Ion a1alnat hJs former New York t.mma• Alto promllel ftntworka. KOOP (18) 8:00 -"Battllfiai-GalacUca." A apace fleet carryln1 lut remnanta of the human race IMl"Chee tor a new planet. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"How to Beat the High c.o.t of Livinc.'' Three hoUlewiv• turn to theft to keep up with intlation. : KOCE (50) 10:00 -.. Sorcerer's Apprentice." A Supreme Court justice la r put on th~ spot. •111 MCWll **'it "King Crab" (1NO) Berry ~. l11told Ool*t. No~ br~ _., turn IN fllmlly "'*'- ,__ No • betUlground • ~ OOMpM fOt Olalr ..._. . ._. ,.., • MCMI ..... "Murder In~ lend'' (1tn) --lt- W1, Strother Mwttn. A d9lec:tM ~ Into 111e -'* ~of Hollywood to d9f9nd !tie ""9blnO of I fldlnQ lllm .... • LOYI. UialCAN enu "The !Md" Paul and Cor\e ;.t I <Ml ~g.it\ on I,_ bed. • Ml•c.t:TMI ~CINTUIW cm~ • * ''The "-tum" (1911) J an-Mlchael \/Incant, Cytllll lhapMrd. Two ~ ~ wtlo hed • doM encounter with "' lllerl epaoecr1ft aa chlldren await thl alien•. Imminent reiturn. t2:0I Cl) MOYIR • • • "All T'Mt Jan" ( 11119) Ally 8dla6dar. Jee- *9 L.anga. The '"""""'" -Ille of 1 pcctant°"'91 dlorec191 aphel II foltowed ffom -on IN stage to P«aOt\11 c:t1wa. 'A' 12.: 11 (%) MCM1 ***14 ''The F-.... tone" (1N11 Niii Ald1, Cetof BumMt. Tiv• cou- p1ea, ... doee. lonO-tlrne frlende, experilnce pro- found dllngea tn their r•tlonahl&>I When one of th• m1rrl1ge1 dl1ln- tegr1tea. 'PG' tl:IO D 8 lATI NIGHT WITl4 O.YIO~ Owau; Larry King. Sen. M8raoiey. =~ ..... ''Wented The lkln- dlnc:. Women" (111711 Keu-tne Rola, ~or D- zondo. A,_ 9utch C...... dy'I daelll, Ena p._ jolne forC9I ...,, the no4orloul Pancho VIII to htlM* 1 munltlone train. ·=-AHO OMNCZATlOHI ®MCMI • • • "Exc:allt>ur" ( 111811 Nigel T wry. Nicol Wllllen>- IOtl The explOlta of King Arttlur Ortng power and CSNlll to the knight• of the Round Table. 'R' 12:40. Cll OOWM90 A ldentlat whoea ton -lnVOl¥9d In .,,. theft of r-at wort! klh I col- ieeglle wflO ltlreetenld to rewal IN Information to the~.(R) 1:001 =Mmff • • •i. "Fe1r Strike• Out" (1957) Anlflony P«- klnl, Karl Miiden. 8oaton R.i So• pleY9f Jimmy PierNI IUff«I I MrVCUI breakdown when hla fllller't dfMng ""'*- and the ~-°' bjg ...,. t>Mebell get the bet!« of htnl. 1:0ICC)~ ...... "The Min MIO ,.. To llf'tft" ( 11111) Oe""9 lowtl. Cendy Cllttt. " rode 81W fr'Of'tl "' lflen pllnM, °" Ill 1n1erpien.. twy -.cf! '°' ...., for hil people, beoofftel an eaplohed mllllonllre on Eat1ll. 'A' 1:10IC8NIWI QINI AUT'lft' ll'IN<OVT MOYll * * '/Underground Acea" ( 19801 Dirk Ben1dlct. Melanie Orlfllth. Pltklng ln.ndenta wrNll lllVCC It I ..... 8-ty Hllll llOt ... 'PO' 2:t0(1)~ * * "M-• At c.rttrel Hlgfl" (11179) Alldr-8~ vene. Aober1 Cenldlne. A crund• for reYeno• begW\I lft« I prank that WWII too llf -puled on the QUIM• .woent• by • gr°"° of t>ored hlgh- ldlOOl lrtetldl. 'R' ~''!!w.NIWI • * "M-• At Centre! Hlgfl" (tll7t) AttOr.-St• ...... Aotlert Cemldlne. " cru1ed1 for reYenga begir1' .,.., • !>'Ink that WWII too fat -puled on the quiet• ltuderlla by • grovp of «>Med hlgh- ac:MOI frlenda. 'A' l:f08 MOV-. • •~ "Olmen1lon 5" ( 18171 Jeffrey Hunter. f1lfl08 Nuyen. In a delper- lte attarnpt to -Loe A~om I hydtogen t>omb, In eiplonlgt egent ~ • tlme-dlmanllon madllna. l:GO ®MOYll 'A "SIMI" (1HOJ lN Major1, JeMlf9t O'Neil. A ~lfut-le...iet­ ed by I IOUQfl conlWCtlon ~ In """*'O Ille CGmPW'Y .,... lnfllflt• llt• ,_ , .. ,_,, -~ ... "ac:ddentel" deettt. 'PO' .-{C)wov. ..... ,.....,. .. (1 ... 1 ....... WOOd, '9n 8linnetl. A nagllc1ed wtte declOw to~ ..... MCI rot> ,., '-bend'• bank. t:IO.MCMI ···~ "PrMlt• flen ... min" (1N0) Goldie H.-,, Ellean Brennen. A .... to. do young -mlll•-«tlly jolne the Army fOlow- lng IN dealt! of her - hu9t>llnd on "'* weddlne IM~..;. •• "Rude Boy'' (1tl0) Aey Genoa. The muelc: of The Cllltl II ,_tured In a look 11 the lrltllll punlc -· 4:tl (I) ~l)f()N A comecllen hoet end lour comic: c:ont .. 1an11 wtlo compate 1g1lnat ona another -fMtured "' thll uncanaored c:on'9dy game .,_, Ttte•d•f'• ' ••• ,.9Mt •• .,~. :-MOii-- .... ~ ... ~lld ....,.._.,., I tt1t) Candice Nelaoft. DtOk ..... "*"' ffOftt lndlaM. • ...,,.. NClitlne II.net '*°""' ~ In 1 tMI rot>Oaty "* .. ...,,.. .. pert °' her ll'ICMe deeuL 'II' l:IO Cl) •••• "C)lgl" ( 1t6t) Maunoe Ohevllltr. I.Mlle Ceron. A tomboy be1ftO groom.cl by ,_ aunt Incl grllld!nothef Mitt out on her own to oetdl 1 man • * * * ~ "Tha Four s .. 1on1" (ttlt) Al1n Alda, O«ol lurMlt. Tht• couplea. Ill ctoee, IOng- tlme lrlend1. e11perlenoe profound Olllngel In their • r•tlonefllpt wt'9n one of th• m1rrl1gH df1ln- ~etw. 'PO' 9lOO ~ * * * "The M1trlege Of Miiia Braun" ( 111711) Hanni 8chygull1, K'- Lowttach Directed by ~ Wern« Faaat>in4er During W~ Wet II, 1 German bride~ to -vi... u Ille wllta for IN raturn of her IOldler ~ t>ancl. 'R' 1:00 IB) '* * ,,. "The M)'awtou9 Stranger" ( 111121 Chrle Mlk~. Fred Gwynne A daydrellnlng M11eour1 boy llndea an _,.,,., with an angel of dut>lou1 origin tn medlevll Au9tt1a 1=*> CC) •• "The Ou111w" (11143) J-RUIMll, Walter Hulton 8111)' tha KJd 11111 In io.... with • ~llul -wflO hldel him from IN lew. • **~"The Looney. Looney, Looney 8uge Bun- ny MOiiie" ( 11111) Anlmll· eel, \IC>icft by Mel Blanci, June Foray New met«lll II blendld with old In tllla ~111on or c:tua1c F11u Frlleng "Looney Tun.." featuring Buga, Dally Duck. Porky Pig. Yoaernlte Sim. T-11 Pie Ind oth- .,, from the c1rtoon -•·o· 8:00 (%) * * * "The leopard" I 111931 Burt L1nc:uter, Claudia Cardin.la Ger~ blldl'a IMO lnvllllon of 8lclly reautt1 In the den'>o- llOn ol Ille arll1ocr ff a In ,,,. eodll Ofder e:ao ® • * ... "Cerdlac Arreet" ( 11171) Garry Goo- drow. M it• Chan A blaclt INrilat operation that .... dlMmt>odled ,_,, lor traMplanta II dlacO\fered by In offbeel llOmlelOe cop. 'PG' t:00 It * * * * "Tiie Liit Metro" (19901 Cltherine Oaneu\fe, Gerard Oepet- dteu. Directed by Fr111C011 Truffaut. During World W1r II, the proprletora of I '""" Pirie theatre try to kwp their .. llt>llat\menl open during the German ooc:upetlon. 'PG' t:ao. * "The Oewn Rider" (1935) JOhn Wsyne, Met· Ion awn.. (t) ·~"Up River'' (1810) Mcwgen 81-. A young pioneer bacom11 otlMIMd with r-. after Illa wlM II klled by I local land t>aron '*"o ,_..,._ .,_(I) * *'Ao ''A Thunder Of Orvm•" (1H1) Alc:hlld Boone. George Hamilton A -*I c:tiptalrl of the U.S. Cavalt) rldea hard on • green. young tleutenant iue• out of weac POir!t tO'M (%) * * * "Loo&lng For Mr Ooodb1r" (11177) ~ KMton, 'u.dly Wiid. A aoclllly repreaaecl 1choolleacher •••k• IM:ll-• by trequ.>tlng M""9a t>lr• Incl luring \fllf • lout IMll into one.night 1111\da. 'R' 11:00 C1:) *'*'Ao "The Flendllh Plot Of Or. Fu Mlftehu" (1980) Peter Sellen. Sid C-. The FBI Ind Scot· land Ywd'I Del. N~ Smith ~ the 1ea- yew-old erCh ....... he -°'* let the lngred- llntl, lnc:ludlng the Crown N At "' ...... W9lil .. ,,... .. ....,,~ ...... ''°' QI) • * * "Ti. OUIMlr .,..., w .... ,. ( 1111) Cllllc IMtwood, '°"*• i.o.M. A-~M.,._ Mlefl I NIHaaa ....... fl UnlOn ............ . ...,..., ..,... end ... . ......... ''°' U:IO. * • "tell Md ICll Aoliln" (1N11,,__ ~. AMllllM Krlel. A _.., llrtl ..,_. ...,._ IN lfttnlonl °' • power~ ~ Intent on ....-... ~ "**Ind wtlfl • ... ll!lnd"°°"'1of drug. ·~· ttM ...... "Hannllfl Lee" ( ttUI MeocloMld Cer~ • Joanna ON. A~ pied -jolne tn effort• to lhort-dtc\.llt ,,.,. plant of • ~ klll9r out to ttttor- ta ~. • * * * ',. "TIM M1tc11-m1ker" ( 1t51) Shirley • locMh, Miiion)' Pertclne. A matotvnMer trtaa to find • Of°'1et matt for I r1Ch, crotc:flety OMS~. ...... Jlelk London" ( 11431 M lclwMI O'SllM, &NII Hayward. An adwn- llHI ..-It• , ...... Illa per- IOnll ~ fforn hie deya .. .,, oyater plr•t• up I lvough hll wort! U I field correapondent cOYerlno the lo«Wer 1 :00 (Cl * * "Selture· The Sto- ry Of Kathy Morrie" LMn- etd NitnOy. Per>alope Mii- lord A l>Mutltul young WOlnWI with I promleing c:et-llgllll for her life, wt*1 Ille I• lln.c:ll down t>y I ne1r-111a1 t>r11n ·-(lJ * * * "The Man11Q8 OI M1r11 Braun" ( 197111 Hanna Sc:hyll'Jfla, KllU• Low111ch Olrectad t>y FlllMr Warn« fuat>ln<ler. During Work! Wer II. I Germll'I bride 1truoglea to IUnfllle U Ille Welti for Ille return of her IOldler hue- bet'ld 'R' 1:IO Of) • *'A "Cardiac: Arr .. t" ( 19711 Gerry Goo- drow, Mttte Cllan A blecll mark .. operaUon that .... dlMmt>odled llMrt• for l<amc>fanll .. dilcowrecl by In of'fbeet homicide C09 ·pa· 0 * * * "The Ear1hllng" I t910) Wiiiiam Holden. Aidt y Sc:flrooer A wortd .,.,...., teac:hel I young orpf\an Iha WIY' of ~ In Ille Auel r 11i1n wllder • ,_.PG. 1:00 II **'A "Operation Mid Bait" ( 1957) Jldl Lemmon. Ernie KO\face A priYl11 ln'IOIVel 1111 fellow rec:r\<lta, enlllled men, ollice<1. nur-encl pr,_, tn carrying off I lie "M Id BaM," a wild petty **"MuMfMlher1" I 11171> Rory Cllnoun. Don Knolla A mule r•at• 1111 ld....,.,tur• with hit wily ownat, I CfOOked OOld proepector. 'PG' (ZJ * * • "Minnie And MOU!Owltz" ( 11172) 0- Rowlande, Seymour c... ... A rNernltc:hed COUple ltruggte to rerneln IOQ9111· er deae>tt• their many dlf- lwencee 4=*> CC) * '* "Cattle Annia Ano Ltttle Brltc:r-" ( 1911) Bur1 llnca9t•. Jolwl a.woe Two tougfl out.._ plc:ll U1> I pelt of I~ glrla encl tlke them 8'ong on theif IOYenturea 'PO' * *-,. "Hugo The Hip- po" (19791 Animated V'*-9 of Burt 1-. Paul Lynde A p1n11 111ppopota. mu. tlk• an eo....,.,turOUI trip. aooompltllld by a 111- tll blec:k boy ·G· 6.-00 (tlJ * * '-' "The Mylterlou9 Stranger" (111121 Cllrll Miii~. Freel Gwynne. A dlydrelfnlng M'-1 boy fanc:lel 1n encounter with In angel of dut>loua origin In~ Au•trlL (%)***'-'"The Four 8euon1" 11111t1 Alan Aldi, caroe eum.tt. Thr• ~. "' CloM, long- llrne frtenoa. experilnce profound cl\angee In their r•tlonllllpe when one of the m1rrl•o•• dletn- te;tll• 'PG' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk ) ~~' You'I l•e 0.. Prices ~ :&,I• '" You'I Love 0.. Food U . Served 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. J fll(Jft: • T ' A VOCAi)() SAfl>WIClt •••. I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2. 75 ler* °'*' r.oe on ~ ,,..,. breed topped wWI e¥OOldo ~ lndudee Fr9"dl frtee. TIES: GARDEN PATCH 111tK£Y SAll>WICH .............................. 2.95 Tiith .... ~ °' ~. ~. AIMft09rl CIMeM, ..................... °" ................. WED. & FRI: POCKET CHAI& P'tte lw9ed .. ..,. _..... Wfth lettuce. tomeeo, .......................... ..,,... .... I .. RE NS -Bob Newhart will have his own show on CBS' fall television sched- ule. ar.,. OoMt DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 10. 1882 CBS casts its eye oil comedy NJ:W YORK (AP) -Comedy will be the dominant article tn prime time next 11a1on, wUh IOmO famll.lar ftiCJll ln new rolee, and 10me 1lran1e characlen In old lltualion1. CBS unveiled Ill fall lineup, a 1982-83 1ehedule Lncludln1 Bob Newhart and Sally Struthel"I ln new half-hour llt.coms. CBS. the No. l network In prime time for three leUOna, uld 18 Procrama will return, jolning .even new aeries -four of them comedies. NBC'• fall lineup will include eight comedies, four of them new pro1ram1, while ABC Hid lt1 IChldWe wtll fMtUN 11 litcoml, thrM of them MW. NBC Mid lt would introduce 11 1erlet for '82-83hand ABC an· now\Ced a fall ec edule that ln- cludee ..ven new thow•. Newhart, whOH "Bob New- hart Show" wH a 1taple on CBS for teveral 111UOna, will re- turn In "Newhart," Monday• 9:30-10 r.m .. H Dick Loudon, owrier o a refurbllhed colonial Inn. Mill Struthel"I will revive a role lhe created for "All ln the Family" In "Gloria," Sunday• 8:30-9. ' Among the more-or-lee• fa- miliar off eringa announced pre- vtou1ly by tht compettna net-woru are "The New Odd Cou- Dlt'' on ABC. With Ron OlUI and Demond WU10n, and "Mama'• Funlly0 1tan1na Vicki Lawren- ce, on NBC, rtvlvin1 •ketches created for "The Carol Burnett Show," a lona-Ume hit on CBS. CBS' new comedy proarams, In addition to "Newhart" and "Gloria.'' are "Square Peg1.'' Mondaya 8-8:301 wfth Sarah Jes- lica Parker a.no Amy Linker u hl1h 1chool frt1hmen, and "Mama Malone," Wedneaday1 9:30-10, eta.rrtnc Lila Kaye u a widow who broidcalta an offbeat oookina ahow from her Brooklyn a nt. ELECTRONIC HIWllNG TESTS wHI IM ~ at Newport Beaei Hearlq Aid Center Tuee., May 11, w .... May ••· Tll•n •• May 11 e A.JI. te I P.M. Heartna t.eltl will be conducwd by a Heartnl AJd SpedaU1t, who ii Uceneed by the California State Board of MeClica1 Quality Mura.nee u a Hearinl Aid DllPft*I'. Anyone who hat trouble hearfna or undentandlni le welcome to a teet employtna the latett electronJc equipment whJch wW detennine hia or her putJcular lo.. You will tee a modem hearing aJd IO tlny it flt• totally wtthln the ear;. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER Fomwrly Mon\IOfTlery Watd Heanna Aid C.enter: eo.1.1 Meea l600 Wett Cout Highway Newport Beach 646-8266 U Yau aan't make ll In ti-da)'9 ·call fllr appt 11 another time -·----- \ \ I • I \ Buy one ticket and take aome one along freel Bring your spouse, business associate, or just a friend -anyone over lZ Every seat, every fright. Offer good anytime until June 15, 1982 (except Noy 28 and June 1). Like any good offer there are some qualifications. You must buy your full-fare Coach, Bus;ness CoachTI•' or Night Coach round-trip ticket no later than the day before departure. It is a group ticket so you must fly on the same flight, the same day, the same class. Ticket is non-trans- ferrable and the free portion can't be returned for cash. Check Republic's Pair Fare to these cities: • • From Burbank: Denver• Los Vegas• Minneapolis/St. Poul •Phoenix From L.A . International: Atlanta •Chicago •Detroit• Minnea~li&/St. Poul New York (LoGuordio) •Son Francisco • Seottle/Tocomo From Ontario: Denver• Los Vegas Minneapolis/St. Poul• Phoenix •Seattle/Tacoma From Orange County (John Wayne): Oenvec Houston (Hobby)• Los Vegas• Phoenix• Seattle/Toco mo If you are traveling alone, with children, or to certoin Republic cities, one of our other discount fares may be your best buy. Republic offers discount fares to every city we serve -over 160. These discount fores may have advanced-purchase and length.-of- stay requirements and the number of discount seats may be limited. Check with your travel agent or Republic. 1 M-hour ,...Mltlon aervlce. For fare information to any Republic city, call a travel agent or Republic: LOS ANGELES (213) m-5100 BURBANt< (213) 247-8333 •ORANGE CO. /SANTA ANA / ANAH&IM (7W) 5«>-2060 •ONTARIO/RIVERSIDE (7W) 988-8585. I• CLOSING le0.t1 Mesan second • Ill SBA contest George G . Stpoa of Co.ta Mesa, president of Delta Medical lndua<rtes, wu a runner-up in the Small Buatneaa Admint1tration yearly Innovation conteet. The award • Callfomla winner will be pre.ented / durtna a oereniony at the Loa Angelea Chamber of Tue.day. Industriea, a MYeD•YMf old COID· peny, dilpmable Wten and valva l.-d during open heart 1urgery. The company hu alto developed a portable tmulln pump for diabetics. Firm changes hands Untrute Y achta Newport Belich, 2001 West c.o.t tlighway, ·~in ..ie. and lel'Vice of Untrute luxury power yacht., ia under new ownenhip. Orange Coat Marine, Inc., with Tad Fujita, prellident, and Jim ~ -.TeW')'-~. his taken <Ner the ownenhip and ~t. McLaren. who is al.o 1eneral manaaer, bu been active in Southern California yacht retaillna alnce 1965, the put 1~ yean with Unifitte dealennipa ln Newport Beech and Lona Be.ch. · Plaza work started Construction hal becUn on Golden West Pw.a, an office condominium project near the Cypress Civic Center. ~ by Meyer Laaley Wilkimon Architec- ture Planning, lrvine-bued architectural. firm, the one.. and two.story 31.~ equare foot tbuctl.are ia a ~ of Golden West Capital Gn>up Inc., Newport Irvine lirm expands In an expemion and COlllOlidadon of open:tiom., Ainnac TechnolocY Systetm. Inc., developer of elec- tronic voting lys1eml and ~ blutma technol- ogy, aigned a 10-year leMe valued at ~.3 mllUoo on a 47,862-equare--foot facility at 15091 BUe ParkwaJ In the Irvine Industrial c.ompJex-r.t. ~ & Wakefield -.:I.ate Lynn Dan of the realty firm'• Orance County office repwnted both· Airmac and Trammell Crow, the Jewr. Monex PR program pushed The Cox &"Burcb Adverti1ln1 Company of Newport Beech ia launch1nc a oorpome tWnP9ign to familiarize the buainesa and flnanclaJ presa with Monex International. predoUI metals firm. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMEllCAN LEADERS leW'IOMWI-...._ ___ _ ~ ........ ___ ., ........ ..-._,--. .._..., .. -- .:.:·~ + " -------1111 ---~ -\ll +" ... 'IOlllK WI -._, - - -.,.. =.:'.-----..... t;....;..,. -..-. ......., .. -- 11....oii •' = !: ··~ ~. ... ... m. +Y, .... ,... .... "'_. '"'' ......... II.Ml ' + " Tl& Qfft • .... ... -.. Krt.....,,., 'I ~ ~ •"' ....,.,_ ··-1111. + .. .... ... "•1111 ..,. ..... ---- MOAl.s' NIW YON< .J.~ -r 8pot nontlrr'OU9 ,........,... . C.,._ 1t..a1Cl4Nltt1 pocmd, U.I . II 11t*I• ..... a.41 .... pound. -·-•t*lftd. 'I I • 1 .. 11 _a oound, N.Y, ....., 1171.00 par .... ........... OO~Clll..N.Y. Sil YD HIMY & HINHll, tt.710 per troy ...... t 1 ~' 1 ') Orange Oout DAIL v PILOT /Monday. May 10, 1982 I'/ JAY HARi UTT A 4"1 Wrltef Nl!iW· YORK -An.lia M6rrla ~laya th madam of Broldway•1 'Th &a\ Llul Whoreho~ ln 1 Tt>ca.a." But It lh ev r neod t'O() Ilk a plaoon. rrowl Uke 1 t'Ouaar or trumpet Ilk an el phant, 1ho'1 I ready. Thi.I I• becaute 1he'1 c;o..1tarred with 1uch creatW'll, the Pl'ION I n "Sucar Bable•.'' the couear I n D o u ~ H e n - ning s "T he Maglc S how" · and the e le- pha nt in t he movie vertJon of said ahow. She d idn't q u i t e h a v e MOflRlt thts In m ind whep. aft.er grad- uating from New Yock's Amer i- can Acad~my of Dramatic Arts, ~ shew t for to act and sing. But •h• didn't think, 1he'd 10 rlah t lnU> m!rnt, .tther. 1 ''l w e nt d ir e c t ly Into t he Amorlcan Mlmo Thuat~r." ah aay1. "I a lway1 wantc>d to d o mu1lcal1, but I didn't opt-n my mouth tor five years.'' Th• red·halrcd a.clfftl, a free spirit who 1peakl In th hon yed ton ot her na\lve Nortt) Caro- lina, hH done tt'gulatlon 1ta1e work , of course, i ncludlna ''Seesaw" and "J eaus Christ, Superac.ar.'' Sut. no way dld she eyer think she'd •hare the 1taga-ln a cAge. no less -with a cougar in ma- , 1tcian Henning's Broadway show a few years ag o. I t waa right Interesting, ahe concedt'!S. · "One time, I got too c:loee and h e gra bbe d my h ead a nd smashed me up against the ban," · she said. "He raked hls paw over my face. I d idn't know at the time he was d ecla wed , a nd I thou1thl, 'We ll , therC' s oea the tuCCJ' .'" The face. a lovl'ly one. aurvl- ved wHh only M fow abra1lon1. MiH Morrl1 pre11ed on to To- ronto to make the 1how'1 m m version. The publicity man there H ked hor to pose with a n ele· phant. "It wu coJd and ralnJna," she recall.a. "Well, I 1tood wfth my tiny umbre lla n ear thl1 huae beast. He looked at me, swung his trunk aro und , wrapped It around my les and thr ew me backwards Into the mud. "There were a lot of photog- raphe rs th ere," s he sighed . "Naturally, this was the picture they used." Last year, &he re placed Ann Jillian an "Sugar Ba bies." One number required her to come on stage in a sUnky, sequined gown and sing whilst featooned with a squadron of white pigeons. Make lbur Future :: Something Really Special! Graduating?. , . Changlnos Jobs? ... Starting a New Career or Lifestyle? Assure yourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal- lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come in today for a free per- sonal analysis and program discussion. John Robert Powers PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & MODELING SCHOOLS ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town£, Country. O range (7 14) 547-8228 "'-' THI .if· ~!!.!r~ ._ ..... _, .... SI Uc 211657 S.....ce !""" blaito al Vour 0oot ,r.., &loie _ _, Vour Al•! COHA llUU 641• 12•9 .,,,.__. ...... lllll llOH Y•IO 495-0401 1"1'2 C-~­cs-..... ,_,., et AYWY ... _,,.) MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY · 1 ~ RA88ITT INSURANCE ct . ' ~th year .' I ~ Ann1n•ru ry • "i .r• mtlw llarl)l)rArea f AIMEIS llWfWCE HOOf 441 ow .... ,.... .... , H•wporl .. ed1. CA 631·7740 • Cell 142-5171. Put • few words to WOfk for OU. R ~ _.._..,. • llll(')roll.•:.0• ,,_. ...... _ ...... c..-_. ---. 1\. NOW PLAYING IDWAllDI IOVTH lOWAllDI lDWAllDI IAODUUCll COAST 'LAlA MllllOll YIEJO El T010 S81 5880 TOWll ClHTlll CINEMAI Mlll Cllt(Ml UA CITY CINEMA Costa M•~ 7~1 '184 MISSIOO VltlO 495 6220 Olanoe 834 3911 ITADIUM DlllYl-111 Ul CINlMA lDWAllOI WOODllllDOI 0.M>Qt 639 87 TO Wtstmtn$1tt 893 0546 lrv.ne 551 0655 YllU 'lllll TWllt lDWUOI fOUNTAlll HLUY Orange 639 0066 foun!Jon Valley 839 I 500 ::.-::.. ... ...::::;::. R,_~r=-~~ -··----"'P.)("'110<,l"C PlrllJl'f! A ................... --.. ---.: ... NOW PLAYING w•• 111t1n .N1 llWMN u ••uca uwaw rousru H UEY ,._.,, .. ~ l•ln»•»tO ,........,Vlltrtlltl!IOO .... lllU l'lAlA II& a.JU ,.. ... llm ~1t Sllt -ffl ~4' MIU• t lUll llAU C- 1.DWAMl tlmlU Cllflll lft-•DH•U--Y .... OSl710 ec. ..... ,.t1t•1'1 ~-ss1 otss •·•U•llllW .. e..... rACIJIC ..,,. cust •-"' :MtJ C>-l:M fSH l lQWlll lltXll '9• U " fOWlU. t&Wt Mltl ... lDW&lllll llUTII COAlf Pl.Ali t..,,,.... Yllloy M7 1 •11 T-CUfTlA c•MAI Cos1' 111tU 7~1 •11• .., • .._,.c;c.•,•••011,,..•--....:•.,. SHUTTER INSTALLATION STOP BY OUR BEAUTIFUL SHOWROOMS OR PHONE FOR ESTIMATE Yoo cannot buy line1 shutters or moie upert 1nslallahon at any pou £my style shuller every size regular and wide louver is in- cluded EL TORO 2•316 Swartz ' ORANGE 1o. 11160 N. Gtas1ell m going all the way HIGH SCHOOL TEASERS IRI ~1TOR'V~ PERSONAL BESl (RI [Jll! STRIPES@ THE GROOVE TUBE !Al A LITTLE SEX IRI 'fldlalrd Some Kind ~ m of Hero S0.8 (RI * aARQAIN MATIN•••• Monday thru S1turd1y All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (bctpl Special Eng1gtmtnt1 Ind Holld1y1) ..... .,....._ ... ........ ltSf "'C:f U"l Aflt() IC•lfW\.AY "CHAIUOTI Of fllll!" ••01 t7J0 >• \.)0 IOI ID)O "PORKY'I " 1R1 ,, ... J • ' )I .... )l 10" 'l'.,.111 ltlow lal tOAM LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlk IN Ml0fl19 KIND °' Hall()" !JI) -.... ---.··· ..., YOU COULO all WHAT I .. All" (l'O) 1:11, S!IO, ltlO. •:10. ,~ .. LAKEWOOD ClNTEJl SOUTH WAI~ IN I Al.UNA "VICTOR VICTORIA'' 1l'01 '1•lM, .. t t\tlM "URGHI A MUltc WAR"1111 ·•-•M.-- "IF YOU COULD IH WHAT I HIAR" 1l'01 •1JO ~j, ... ''°" t M ti" foc1111y 01 C:olldlewooo 212/IJ1·9110 '?Oftl(Y'SM 1111 ..... -.• , .. - "PARTNERS" IRI ,.,.,,t'\ ..... ,~.°' ...• •n ~ AtoO ICllUWU• "CHAIUOTS Of Fllll" ll'OI~_-. >a ... t• •» SO. COAST WALl<·IN So11t11 Coo11 Mtwoy o1 lfoodwoy 494-1514 •I" PtC '""' or h4.t .., ,.,. "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" 1oe1 llit<>-1 ••• /00 ". \At \UW 1 I f ... f 00 t M "PARTNERS" 1•1 W!O'N I lltt I •\ • tO ,.,, W H l ot IOI •II tot ttOO -.... 1ln rrt 1 JO -lll, S... 7:15 ... Sin II Dlrll IMPORTANT NOTICl! CMllORlM UNDER 12 fRUI 1111W ..,. w-lillit tin fri. 1:te •Sit.. SIA. MllWIJ' l:tO Clllf.'1 S0U..0 • •OIJll AM CAii IWllO IS TOllil SIUllDI 111 NO AM CAii l\AOIO 'tll!Tl4 <GllfT'ION ACCUSOllY IO$/l'IOll -lllllG AM !Qlmll[ 1•-.L CM.fl IJllM.M .. C)lj AM MOIO A"4AUl<M ANAHEIM DlillVE·IN 8UI 04.A PAlil BUENA PARK ORIVt IN llllCOll\ Ave Weol OI Cl\On 121·4070 81J• NA .-'A.Qr. LINCOLN DlillVE·IN l+ftC:Olft At'• Wa " Of lftO" 121·4070 J<>tJNIA1N FOUNTAIN VALLEY DlillVE·IN Sa" o..oa r,..,., 01 "ao-11uiu oo 1 • .,.AAAOtal~ 1111 -"CAMON COPY" IH I • "OOIN' AU. THI WAY" 1111 -"t410H SC~ TIAUAI" 1111 "PlllYATI: Ll!SSOfll" 1•1 "'U' ""AATNtlAI " 1111 f62•2411 Cilft '' \OOllO _.___Gtll_}_;_.~f_._;,_°'_, - ~1141 .. ~llll -... .,°"° l'ft."1111 C1llt l'I IOUllO ... 'YOU COUl.D RI WAT I MaM" 1N1 -"TMI 8UOOY HOU 'f IT°'9Y"t"et Cllll '1toutr0 • •Jllll, ... IA llABRA 111m1 IN ·---................ .... 17MM2 ... -- ()~ANGE {•IJi\lt IN •tr ..CT-0# flit -"CMA...OTI M , .... ,,.., ""' "AATMUll" '"'' ClM '1 IOUWO ---"POMY'I~ lN I 1'1.119 "UP .. lllllo.tl-" (Ill Clllf '1 IOllllO f •I .I .j .,