HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-14 - Orange Coast Pilot•• lllABI ClllT Ylll lllllTDll UllY PAPIR I llllll\) t\11\'1 l ·l l 'l'I.' ORANGL COlJN I Y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS JFK tape: 'No second guninan' WASHINGTON (AP) -''The acouatic anal~ do not aau for tho Howie Committee on The new study aaJd IOunda on probably aa a result of a The report by the academy'• Sound record1n11 made when demonstrate that t ere wae a Allusln.aUona. the record Ins w hlch went con1plracy and that the Dallas National Research Council said President Kennedy waa 1rau~ knoll 1hot and ln ~zed in earlier analyaes recordlnf "e1tabl11hes a high the acoustic evidence of a shot ananlnated In 1968 "do not ~tcu ar there la no acouatlc Two 1roup1 of expert• then 1 'conclualvely that the firobabll ty that two gunmen from the grassy knoll near tht support a conclusion that there for t))e claim of a 95 percent said It WU pcmlble the recording prevtoualy analyzed 1e>unda were lred at President Kennedy." aaassinatlon spot "'-lnvalid" and wae a second lunman," aaya a p..00.bW'(' of 1uch a ahot," said made when a motorchcle recorded about one minute after further study of the recordln& National Aca emy of Sclencea the J!ne of experta auembled policeman accidentally le t h is the auualnation and therefore, Thi. conch.Won conflicted with would not justify ita COil . re~ rele&ted today. by e acad.emy. radio tranamltter open 1howed were too IAte to be attributed to that of the Warren Commi.uion. he 1tudy also said there 11 evidence of a aecond gwunan and U1811lnation shot.." which said Lee Harvey Oswald These findings agree with &IJ conclusive evidence that the The conchwona about a O.UU a fourth ahot fired at Kennedy. acted alone ln f~ three ahota earlier fl:H examination of the oontrovenial recording wu made police recordlnf conflict with And one expert said thtte waa a The congreaalonal comm! ttee from the Texas c hool Boo k recording that concluded there about one minute aft.er the actual those of acouat c expert.a who 95 percent certainty of a te00nd concluded after hearinp in 1978 Depository at the Kenned y was no evidence of a second ahoottna. examined the evidence two years gunman. that Kennedy waa a11a11inated motorcade. gunman ft.nng from the knoll. Hinckley envisioned 'massacre at Yale' .,.., ........... .., awt. ~ SLIPPERY CUSTOMER -Martha and Bob Stewart of Costa Mesa try to catch a baby sea lion, which was thought to be sick, near the Balboa Pier. They would have taken it to the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter -if they'd been able to catch it. Schmitz raps Haig, Falklands policy SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Sen. John Schmitz of Newport Beach has come out against Secretary of State Alexander Haig , U .S . policy in the Falklands, and "'Jewiah power in this country. Schmiu ii a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. He told a newa conference Thunday he would introduce a legillative re10lution to endorae a Saudi Arabian peace proposal. The proposal would include laraeli withdrawal from occupied territories, includina the former Arab section of Jerusalem; creation of a Palestinian state, and mutual peace guarantees among all nations in the area. In a written statement, Schmitz alao said the Reagan administration has shown no. Interest In the Saudi peace proposal because of "the Iaraell-firatera in our own aovernment -most notably Alexander Haig, who ia reportedly run.nJ.ni for president and knows where the money in America la." He added that "the Israeli lobby . . . Jewish power in this country," wields an Important and hannful lnfluence over U.S. policy in the Middle F.ut. Schmitz. far behind ln opinion WORLD SEEKS PACT -State Sen. John G . Schmitz declared Thursday he favors a Saudi ' Arabian peace proposal. polls in a crowded Republican field, Implied that the "Israeli lobby" had hurt hi• campaign fund-raising. He said he has collected about $100,000, far le91 than in a prevloua campai$01. I Israel masses troops ' TEL A VIV, llrael (AP) -Israel's military chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan, confirmed in an interview publiahed today that Israel bu concentrated foroea on the Lebanelle border for a po9lble attack on Paie.tine guerrillaa. NATION Ad man liglits back Advertillna men rank eomewhere between Wied car u1amen and ooncr-nen In public esteem, and one llCI man. decldet to ftcht btick. Pap 84. Cannon fires bat;k Acu.. Dyan Cannon lit a.It from the M)M9 of a taillnc car... and bM a new tmace and future. P-ce a . . \ No thin Mt. St. Helens • erupts again VANCOUVER, Wash. CAP) - Mount St. Helena erupted today, oozing IAva from the crusty dome covering ita throat and shooting a plume of steam several thousand feet into the air, ldent.ista said. Spotters in a small plane reported seeing glowing avalanches on the northeast side of the volcano's dome, and a light dusting of uh fell on the northwest flanks of the mountain. Sclentlata aaid they w eren't sure exactly when the eruption beftan. 'It came in with a whisper rather than a roar." aald A.B. Adami of the University of Wuhlngton geophysics cent.er in Seattle. "It appears at thlt point that It's non-violent." About 3 a .m . a 1team plume rose to 16,000 feet over the southwest Washington volcano and then alowly dilaipated. The plume was detected by National Weather Service radar in Portland, Ore., about 50 miles 10Uthwest of the volcano. F.arthquakes continued to jolt the mountain, including a harmonic tremor , an underground shiver that uauaUy Indicates the movement of molten rock Inside the volcano. Occasional gas emiaaions were detected. The U.S . Geological Survey and the University of Washington wued an eruption alert late Thunday pred.lcting an eruption within 36 hours. "Shallow volcanic earthquakes that warn of eruptions are becoming mo re numerous," Donald Peterson, the U.S . Geological Survey 1<:ientist in charge of the Cucades Volcano Observatory near Vancouver. said late Thursday. "Rates of deformation of the dome and crater floor have more than doubled. "We expect that the eruption wlll con1l1t primarily of dome growth, with or without minor explosive activity," Petel"80n aaid. COUNTY "There's no clue to anything maxr:~;~g dome growth, molten rock pushes into the floor of the crater. Previous dome-building eruptiona have left a mound of hardened lava 680 feet tall. Mount St. Helena last erupted April 4. A devastating explosive e ruption May 18 , 1980, left 60 people dead or rniaaing. County labor union faces jury probe By The A11oclated Pre11 A federal grand jury ia investigating the financial dealings of an Orange County labor union and its officers, officials confirmed Thursday in Loe Angeles. Investigators declined to reveal specifics of the probe. Agent Jim McCully of the U.S. Justice Department's Organiz.ed Crime Strike F orce said the grand jury's investigation of Laborers International Union Local 652 has been under way about two months. But he added, "It is only beginning ... The grand jury i8 not near a decision." This LI the second time in three years that Southern California locala of the Laborers Union have been the target of federal probes. In August of 1979, a U .S . District Court jury convicted Manuel Renteria, head of the huge Loa Angeles-baaed Local 300 of the union, of mail fraud, conspiracy and aollclting a $10,000 kickback. Earlier in 1979, the union's international leadership had placed the d.taenaion-tom Los Angeles local under receivenhip. The Orange County probe aleo comes at a time when 11 Laborers Union leaders and alleged Mafia figurea are on trial In Miami in connection with a (See UNION, Pase At) Local actor moves up Costa Mesa actor Steve DeNaut takes a big step. toward' 1ucce11 in "Under the Nutcracker." Weekender. Local districts retrench F.nrolbnentl are falllna, the dollan are drying up and local 1ehool dl1trlcta are cutting back through attrition and layoffl. Page Bl. STATE Grades color-coordinated Students at an r.condJdo hlah IChool are weertnc ·their phY*a) education acblewmenta on their lhanl. Pap.A&. ,.,.,.,.... MISS USA -Terri Le.a Utley, Miss Arkansas, is the new Miss USA after being selected Thursday night at the annuaJ pageant in Biloxi, Miss. Lake yields toothy catch WOODWARD, Okla. (AP) - Jack LaBanca knew the fish were biting in a lake here, but never guessed he'd hook a 10-inch piranha. The man's catch has officials of this western Oklahoma town wondering if more of the raz.or-toothed fish are in the lake. LaBanca, using a worm for blUt, hooked the fish. He gave it to game ranger Dick James, who sent It to the lllate Wildlife Department's fisheries division. Layoffs coming SAN JOSE (AP) -The recealon may prove hazardous to the health of Santa Clara County residents u more than 1,000 employees, including most of the oubllc nurses, face layoffs INDEX Doctor claims • • 1nsan1ty WASHINGTON <AP> -John W Hinckley Jr. considered massacring students at Yale University. dymg in an assault on the White House, spraying t~ fl oor o f the H o u se o f Representatives Wlth gunfire and trying to ~inate Sen. Edward M . Kennedy. a psychiatrist testified today. Dr. William T Carpenter Jr. of Colwnb1a. Md .. a defense witness called to testify that Hinckley was insane when he adm1ta he shot President Reagan on March 30, 1981 , told a federal Jury that Hinckley identified with an auortment of murderers a nd other h1Stoncal Cigures as well as fictional characters from books and movies One of those people Hinckley read about, the psych1atnst said, was C ha rles Whitman , who murderd his wife 1md mother and then climbed the clock tower at the University of T,xas in Austm in August. 1966. and shot and lolled 14 other people before he was slaJJl by police. With Whitman 1n mind, Carpent er said. Hinc kley considered conducting a similar shooting spree in early 1981 at YaJe. where Jodie Foster was a student Hin c kle y had an obsessive. one-way love affair with the young actr~ "He developed an Ill -formed plan to conduct a massacre at Yale. where there would be shootings of a number of studenta as well as himself," Carpenter said at Hinckley's tnal on charges of trying to assassinate Reagan and wounding thrtt other men. The psychiatnst. who spent a total of 45 hours interviewing the defendant. said Hinckley also "felt an identity" with President Kennedy's assassin. Lee Harvey Oswald, and purchased a rifle similar to the one Oswald used to kill Kenned y in Dallas In November 1963. Part of Hinckley's adoration of Adolf Hitler s temm e d from Hinckley's admiration of "an unimportant, common person who rose to emi n e nce ," Carpenter said. Hinckley. he aaid, felt that h is own life would (Sff HINCKLEY, Page Atl L.M. Boyd A6 But1nell 84-0 Horwcope 82 Intermi..ton Weekender c.automla A6 Cavalcade B2 CluaWed Dl-6 Cornlea C6 en.word C6 Deeth NoUces ce Stan Delaplane 82 Edit«ial A6 Entertalnment Weekender Home/Garden 83 SPORTS Ann Landert B2 Movtm Weekender NaUonaJNew1 A3 PublJc Notlcea C4,C6-7 Sport.a Cl-4 Stock Marketa 85 Televialon TV Los Thea ten Weeken<ktr Weether Al World Newa A3 Anp_ls win in overtime The Anpla win In a walk but It took 12 lnnlnp. Pap Cl. / YeB, VirsJnia, there is . • . Ia Vlrainla'a Ralph SamjllOll really the t6 rnilllon. man? The lAbn UUnk IO. ~ Cl. • ' ! j [ J s INCKLEY TESTIMONY . • • w thl' llU'M path." The P.'ychlMtritt Mid Hinckley '1doeen t become the characten. John Htnc:klt'y la hlmaeU, with h1a own makeup. But he taktt on Geft.Aln attribute• into hl1 own makeup." 1k•rpenter uid Hinckley PUfhl a .36-caJiber Charter ~ handaun, the aame type 1tf. make that Mark David ' pman u9ed ln the murder of : . M Lennon In New York City .~n,,qec. 8, 1980. Jt ·1•\'Ke wanted the 11ame aun," -~rpenter said. " ... He allo ·~ted the fW' that Lennon wu .,uu,.d with.' Carpenter said that at vanous ·r.r:· Hinckley oonaJdered plans assassinate Kennedy, the ' f'Uachusetta Democrat, and 'apodered whether to go to the 'tJiR•"\Se gallery and fire at WN\~en on the floor, aa did .?\f~no Rican nationalists who .~9 und ed five members of Con1rca1 In such an Incident Man:h l, 1964 . Hin ckley, wh oH repeatod advances Mlu fotter 1purned, allo tan \.U1led killlna himlelf ln front of the IC'lreal, cw kUl1na her and then takln1 hi• own life, C-ar_penter aald. The p1ychlatrht called attention to Hlnc:k ley's almo1t frantic travels In early 1981 , when he went from his hometown of Denver to New Haven, Conn. -where Yale is situated -to Wuhiniion, O.C .. and bllck to Denver aeveral Umee. In one "scenario" which Hinckley enviaioned ln hbruary 1981 . he saw hhnaelf storming the White Hou1e and dying ln the attack, Carpenter Mid. Carpenter testified Thursday that the character with whom Hinckley identified the most wu Travia Bickle, the central figure in the movie ''Taxi Driver" -a man who 1talks a presidential cand idate ,UNION PROBED ... .IM!heme that purportedly netted itwln $2 million in kickbacks. !Fh'M trial is m its fourth week. ... ocal 652, which is based in ta Ana and represents some J 00 construction laborers, has been under investigation for several months by the FBI and the Organ.i:zed Crime Task Force "to see if there was reason to take this to the grand jury," said one government official, who asked not to be 1dent1f1ed. ully said the grand jury naed financial documents o 652 on April 7, but that ~ union refused to tum them bve.r and sought to have the ~bi>oena qua.shed. 1 Only after a fede ral Judge ... •'' upheld the subpoena did the union relinquish the documenta, Mt'CuUy said. FBI spokesman John Hooe said his agency "has an open file on th.at case, but we're waiting to oee what the Justice Department does before we decide how to prot.'eed." Julius Reich, attorney for the Sant.a AM union, confirmed that fi.nanc:ia.I and membenhip papers were turned over to the grand jury, but in.si.sted, "All they want to do is look at our records." Reich said he believed the grand jury was o n ''a fishing expedition." 1.Jruon President Ruben Gomez declined to comment on the investigation. 1,04,000 to go "~amburger o r d er a record ? ST. LOUIS (AP) -What may be the world's largest ·oarryout order was filled at the White Castle regional ~eadquarters, Jumping-off point w the hungry West. Employees loaded 104,000 pre-cooked hamburgers aboard !,.~rigerated moving van for this weekend's "Midwest Fest" lry Fountain Hills, Ariz., said Ve rnon Bertram, the chain's aeneral manager here. Three years ago, Mrs. K .C . Evans, organizer of the •MPCQming festival, ordered 10,000 White Castle hamburgers ·from Columbus, Ohio, becauae so many of her neighbors were lr'om the East and Midwest where the chain has 173 outlet6. It •has none west of here. The burgers were snapped up in l lh hOUrs, she said. 1' • This year, she said, she placed her order here because the e£ice was only 24 cents per burger, two cents cheaper than in ~lumbus. saving her $2.008 overall. STEADY HANDS, GOOD EYE -Tim Johnson literaUy had "a lot" of work this week when he set out w hne the parking lot at Westminster Mall in Westminster He's obviously the man to get things straight. Newport hunting two eatery bandits Newport Beach police were searching today for a pair of armed men who herded seven e mployees of the L e Blarri ti Restaurant into a restroom Thursday before escaping with more than $6,000 in cash and a pair of a1 rl1ne ticke ts to Las Vegas. The bandits, pohce said. may be the same duo who held up the Quie t Woman Restaurant in Corona del Mar last wee k , escaping with $1 ,330 LO caah. The crooks, one weanng a fake beard and the second a dark n ylon stocking mask. walked into the popular French restaurant Thursday morning before It was open for business Police s aid the men . both report~dly wearing surgical gloves and carrying automatics, pushed employees i nto a restroom then made the manager unlock the restaurant .safe The bandit, witnesses later told police, appeared nervous and continually asked r estaurant employees to keep their eyes on the ground Two men of &milar description and s porting s imilar disguises rusHed into the Qu1et Woman on East Coast Highway be for e business hour& last week and locked seven restaurant workers in a liquor storage area. They forced the manager to unlock the fi rm's saff:. ln that eplSOde, polJce said one armed bandit was wearing a nylon mask and the other a white baseball cap Nobody was hurt m either robbery The Le Biamtz holdup marked the third time this mo nth a Newport reitaurant has been the targe t o f bandits. The f irs t incident, at West Newport's Spaghetti Bender Restaurant, resulted in the diner's owner beLOg shot onct> in the chest The bandit fled emptyhanded Braniff seeks court support GRAPEVINE. Texaa (AP) - Braniff International worker• 1tood In unemployment llnes Hekln1 &emporary job•, and other carrier• applied for the pennlleH airline's routes u Braniff offlctal• 1oueht court protection from credltora, who may be owed $1 billJon. Braniff tlcketholders sought refunda Thunday or waited for standby aeeta on other camera, u offlciala of the ttrat major U.S . airline to fail alnce the bamltonnl.ng era said they hoped to be flying again in six weeks. Branfff aU..pended all flighta al 5 P:m. W~neaday, then met at m1d.nlaht ln the home of a judge in Fort Worth to file under Chapter 11 o f the federal bankruptcy laws, seeking protection from creditors while they try to reo rganize the company. At a news conference Thursday, Braniff Chairman Howard Putnam , his v oice <.nck1na with emouon, said Wing thti pcUUon wu the only way to Mv~ the airline. ''What we had to do 1llt ru,ht WU v~ry dllflcuJt," Putnam Mid. "Wt-'re t.ryina to provide I buts for ~ future (or this alrll.N!' " In Waahln"'°n, offlclala of the Civil Aeronautics Board said other carrten1 were expected to m ove quickly into Braniff'• do mestic ro utes Officials for F..utem Alrllnes said they would inaugurate Lalin Ame rican service today, taking over lines Braniff previously agreed to lease. The CAB said travelers who bought Braniff tickets through another airline could uae tne llcket.s on another carrier or get a re fund. Travelers who bought tickets through travel agents wW be able to Cly on a apace-available basts with other carrien, but no refunds will be made unlt'llS the tickets were purchased aft.er May 10 Laguna's Sanchis to leave schools? Laguna Beach schools Superintendent Roben Sanchla appears u odds-on choice today to b~ a p pointed new chief admtnlatrator of the Glendale Unified School Dialrict. Glendale school board memben meet Tuetday at 7 p.m. to offlclally announce their choice for new superintendent. Unoffidally, aources within the Glendale ayat~m indicate the selection from numero u s candidates had boiled down to Dr. SanchU and an educator from New York. Sanchia got the nod. San c hia , 4 5 , b ec ame superintendent of the Laguna Beach Unified School District eight years ago. PrevlowJly he was UIUtant aupenntendent and princ ipal of Arevalos and Newland achools in the Fountain Valley Elementar y School Dlslnct H1a salary at Laguna Beach LS $45,000 annually. The Glendale s uperintendent's po st pa ys $60,000, a ccording to June S weetnam, Glendale school board president. Laguna's school system. including one high school. one Junior high and two elementary campuses has suffered severe financial cutbacks and dwindling e nrollment in recent years Enrollme nt has dropped from 3,250 to 2,580 1n the past eight years. As of today, however, both Mrs. Sweetnam of Glendale and Sanchl.s would only acknowledge · that he is "a finalist" candidate. Reflecting on his years at Laguna and the future of the school system, Sanchia did say In an interv iew Thursday that Laguna student enrollments can be expected to continue to decline over the next five or six yean. "Laguna faces continued school financ ing difficulties unless the California LegWature changes the financi.al structure," Sanchis s aid. "If not, Laguna sc hools will need external funding , help fr o m the f oundation and perhaps reducuon LO services The Laguna school chief said th ere also would be the possibility of additional Laguna school c losures. The district closed Aliso Elementary School in 1981 , a board action that t o u ched o ff conside rabl e community controversy. Budget fight spurs concern Cooling trend A.in~ Snowf:;:;J ~·II Flunlesl*~J Animal treatme nt in 'Con a n' flayed LOS ANGELES (AP) - "Barbaric" 1s t he way four animal protection groups describe the treatment of untraine d a nimals in the ne w adventure film, "Conan the Barban an," which opens tonight arrud threats of protest . In co ntrast, the Glendale system , eight mil es fr o m downtown Los Angeles with a draw from 150,000 population, has three h1gh achools. five junior high achools and 19 elementary campuses. Total enrollment is 19,000 studenta. WASHIN GTON (AP) - Membe r s of Congress are worrying aloud that d1v1s1ons w1thm the ranks of Republicans and Democrats may make it impossible to build a consensus and break the budget l<>gJam on Capitol Hill -a situation that President Reagan and leplators agree could mean dl58.Ster for the economy . ..._Vi•l'\01 weste<ly 8 to 16 i..nots lllT'l•noon WMtllfly a~I I 10 3 ·~• Parttal al1e1noon c;leer1no 'U.S. suniniary S11ow111a and 111unoe1storma reac;l>ed lrom IN! Pteona lh•OUQll lt.e M1u 1u1pp1 Vall•y and Ille •PP•r Great La•o• ••o•on on .lhur1day. wltll 11eavy rain 1n '1'uea and 011lahoma causlno llbOCllnQ thal lorced hunore<11 of tlYIQ.lallOnl A enowfall of up 10 14 lncl'IM lct••P hot Colorado w1111e 17 "W11adon 11n T•;.u '°° two "" ()ltlel\Oma In Ille 24·11our Pllf'loO anding at 7 a m Thurllday More 1 toot of r a.In let I In soma -e moelly clear on 1119 le Co11t 1tate1 and the ragion. and lrom Flo<lda VlrQln\U r 1o oay t h• Nallonal aeth e r Servtc• loreca11 f: owera and lhunoeratorma aohl"O acroe• the cenlr•I Plain• ! no throuoh 111e M1u111tpp1 • alt.y ljl, Thar11 will be a cllence o f , a11.,eo 1hower1 elono Iha I th Pac1flc COUI and slcleS wlll I aunny lrom C1hlorno1 to the uth•rn and central Roci..1ea IMWt>er•. ll wiu be parlly cloudy 81)<'4! 8011011 &unalO Burhnoton Che•lstn SC. Charlstn WV C11ar111e NC CneyMne crucaoo C1nc1nna11 Clthltllano Ctmb1a SC Columbus Dal Ft Wiii Dayton Oeove< Off MOlnM DellOll Dululh El Paso Fa.,t>anks Fargo Flags tan G•NI Falls Hant0to Helena Honolulu Houston lndnapllt JKkMI J acil.anvlle ~City LU V90M L•tlle~ IHL Lou+svllle Memphl1 M1am1 Ml1wau1<ee Mpll-SI P Nalhvll+e New Orleans ~VOtlt No<10ll< 01c1a City Omaha Orlando Phlladph1a Phoenix Pltlaburgh Ptlend M9 Ptllnd, Or• PrOVtdence R4"0 RlehmOn<I Sall Lalla San .A'ntonlo S..ltle Shr9'1tpe)'1 Slou• Falt• SI Louie St P-l~ Sl)Ol<- 8yr9GllH Te>p911• lUC)a(Wl lutM WMl!lnQ1n Wlclhlla CM#OMeA • 'I"> emperature~ .. : . "' 1J ti 411 87 eo 71 .. r7 66 Lo·. 44 3e 32 12 ... u It .. 41 • 11 56 76 62 88 91 92 "8 86 M 82 n 88 73 88 51 7t 81 49 77 53 60 80 83 76 87 84) 77 87 88 S7 10 83 83 88 87 78 so ,, 88 86 82 78 73 88 85 81 89 83 1).4 88 81 75 88 66 82 50 73 70 86 S3 71 72 " IO 72 86 .. .. It .. 87 78 65 93 88 73 57 es 82 10 n 81 77 76 58 87 88 67 57 74 96 74 82 711 80 62 ,.. 1).4 711 711 e9 &6 116 12 85 82 116 88 79 1).4 112 70 112 57 Uetmud• 48 Bogota 21 Curacao &O Freeport 68 43 78 61 6t 73 10 1~ 73 64 73 66 Gu1oe1aj1r11 5 7 Guacli!loupe 48 Havana 50 Kingston 50 Mont900 Bay ~ Mazatlan 56 M.,ld, 51 62 54 50 45 50 57 52 49 51 55 4!; 48 54 52 47 47 56 &6 61 49 51 67 48 53 48 67 47 29 81 &1 67 Lo 75 711 Snwg Tho South Coa11 Air Ouallly Men1oemen1 01t1r1c1 preo1c11 good elf on all 11teu of South9rn Cahlor n1a toOay Good 311 W&I IO<KUI on the A1ver11o e San Bern11dlno ere• wl1h ~ Pollutant Stand1td lnd<1• of 100. tor 1119 Pomona end San 01bt1et valley1 With PSI 92 and tor lhe Metropolttan atM with PSl1 50 Good air Quall!)' w11 tor.cul lor ot h•r •••••. lncludlng matropo1111n Loa Ano•IH ano B1nn1no. Htlmel·Elllnor• PSI 87, LOrtO 8.actl and lhe COUlll 8rN. lnlAnd Orange County, Bio a.er Laka •nd hlOh 111\0 low ~. with PSI 42 Ex tended weather Sunday-luHdey L•lt nlQhl tnd morning low cloudlnH• Oth9nw!M lair. 1>u1 g119ty wtn01 at '"-In mount•tn• Hight 82 to Ti In 11141 eoeat.i at-. Lowt 411 lo && Hight 48 to OS In 1119 mounlaln1 Low• 21 10 38 r lllf llPllT u 3.2 .... ., ·- 1 t 2 .... -2 2 2 J Der aw ew aw W • UTUN>AY '• fllrwt hlgfl 2:0I &.nl. 4.0 I '"" tow 10: ,., a.m. 0.1. ~ lllGfl 1:01 p..m IA leOond low 10-A p.m. U 1 lun M l• lod•Y at 1:'7 p.m.,, ,......_ .. 1:12a.m . Moon ,.. ..., et 11;41 Ul'I. .... ~·1•:ot1A The movie features anima ls who weren 't trained to handle s tunts, said Carmeli ta Pope, direc tor of the Holl y w ood humane a.s8<X'ta t1on It was widely kn o wn 1n Laguna Beach that Glendale trustees were aerioualy interested in Sanchia u their new school chief. Glendale school board members visited Laguna and interviewed teachers, staff members, echool board and PT A o fficers and Chamber of Commerce lead~n. Reagan said Th~y rught m a natio nally broadcast news confere nce that congressional approval o f th e budget comprorruse he struck last week with maprity Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee "will be the foremost step" legislators could take in solvmg the nation's economic ills Robnson'S PLAN TO ATTEND OUR DIOR PERFECT NAIL CLINICS M~ ,g'm~T21. .... -....... And 1n 1us1 one hour you can learn how 10 achieve a professional looking manicure 11ght at home You'll also receive your own working krt of full·s1ze Oror na11 products to take home with you All in all. a terrific beauty investment indeedl Kit (includes five Dior essentials) plus one-hour class. 112.50 For your reservation In Newport. Thursday, May 20. or Friday. May 21 , tl a.m or 2 pm . please call (714) 644·2800. ext 681 Robinson's Cosmetics. 12 j -----------------------------------------------------------------------------o_r_ange ___ eou ___ ,_o_A_1L_v_P_1_Lo_r_1_Pr_1d_•~v.~M-•~v_1_•~·_1o_e_2 ______________ s ____ ~1 \ CAUTION- STEEP INCLINE • SHOW OF SUPPORT -Sgt. O'Neal, a Los Angeles International Airport security guard, points out the sticker of support that was ted on the door of a Braniff International ,,_.,..... airlines loading dock. Officials of Braniff, reporting losses of $160 million last year, have suspended all domestic and foreign flights and Thursday inittated bankruptcy proceedin . S. Africa's Botha to take step away from apartheid JOHANN.E8BURG , South Africa (AP) -Three years after Prime Minister P . W . Botha warned hla fellow South African whites to "adapt or die," his white-minority government is preparing to lake a step away from the apartheid policy of racial eeparation. After 18 months of study. a President's C.Ouncil appointed by Both.a's ruling National Party has re<:ommended that the vote be given to the 2.5 million colored.a, as people o f m ixed race are called. and the nearly 800,000 South Africans of Indian and other Asian de.cent. The commiulon, which included coloreds, Asians and whiles but no blacks, also suggested a voice on local and regional matte rs for blacks meeting property and residency requirementa. But few of the 20 million blacks could qualify, so even in these restrlced spheres the majority could not challenge the 5 million whit.ea. The coun cil s rec ifically rejected repeal o the Group Areas Act, which requires the races to live apart The prime minister ha s indica ted he wall take the proposals to provinciaJ congresses of his party for approval before pushing them through Parliament Thia means their adopllon LS severaJ months away But the ove rwh elm ing Nat ionalist maJor1ty an Parliament erauree enactment of anything the government wants. React ions to the proposals were a.s expected Ultra-r igh t i st white supremacists declared them June launch slated for space shuttle C APE CANAVERAL. Fla (AP) -The apace shuttle Columbia will b<' ready for its fourth ventur e into apace by June 27 , a spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Admlnl.stration say• "However, that's not the same as a launch date," cautioned spokesman Rocky Raab. ''What that means la that the machine will be ready. But there are plenty of other variables in the equation." The ahutUe can only blast off after the worldwide aatelllte-tracklng network, the payload and ahuttle utronauta Ken Mattingl y and Henry Hartafleld are certified "ready to go," Raab said. "A delay In any o f those variables would mean a delay in the blastoff date," Raab u.ld. At a new1 conference at the Kennedy Space Center on Wed.nftday, offJdala laid out the achedule for Columbia'• fourth million. The reuaable spacecraft. now at the Orbiting Proceaalng Fac1l1ty, next wall be moved into the Vehicle Assembly Building, where it will be· paned with its extern.al fuel tank and two solJd rocket boosters. On May 25, the C.Olumbaa wiU be roUed out to the launch pad. It wall sit there forlat least four week.A, while techructana perform teats. Two mock countdowna and launches are scheduled, noted Raab -"one with the aBtronauts and without the fuel being loaded, then one with fue l but without the aatronauta." The fourth mlsalon will be the C.Olumbia's last teat flight, Raab said. Plans call for baaic tests including an examination of the atmoaphere the shuttle creates around ltaelt. The flight la echeduled to land at Edwarda Air Force Baae in Callfomla. The flrat two filghta landed there, but the third wu diverted to White Sands. N.M., because the landing strip at Edwards was muddy from heavy rain" ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHtlfi.d edvertltlng 1t41M2·st71 All other depertment• 642-4321 Thomu P. H•leY .....,.., Md ChW t-u.. OMoer K9Y khuttz \llOe,.,......,. _, Olr«W "'....,_.. Tom MurpNne MllGr MM!• HWY9Y oir-oi ....... l~I Ken Goddard °"*' Of 0.-- ~ecuen 0Nt'99L.ooe _,......., MAIN OfflCE JIO Wttl • .., SI , C"'I• -WI, CA -II -8os 1'60, ( .. I. Mew. (.A .,.,. ,_.,,..,.. tm 0.-.,.. CM•I "UOlllN"O '-Y He-•""'"· llllltfref..,,, N"orlel mett•r or~ ., .. , ... _.. IWf'•lft ,,..., .. ·~-.., wltftoMe l ..-<lei_.,,.,_ of '411¥• ..... -· VOL 71. N0.1M unacceptable even though the whites outnumber the coloreds and Aaiana. Militant coloreds, Aslana and blacks rejected them, at least publ.lcly, a.s an attempt to draw the coloreds and Aliana into the white "laager" -the circle of covered wagons -to fight off the black majority. Critics of apartheid said at best they amounted to a return to 1948, the year the Nationallsta won control of Parliament and the government Many coloreds an Cape Province had the vote then, and the Nauonallata took 1t a way because they generally voted for other parties I n marginal districta. ""'!'h is sounds like a aophLSUcated way to entrench the old system with minor changes," said Dr. Rashid Salojee, a Johannesburg Indian leader. "I do not see conflict averted by proposalB such aa these. "There is no doubt a lot of t'Oloreds and Indiana will be sc•duced by the few advantage• they will gain from the ayatem, and th.at black unJty will suffer, and 1t w il l ca uae us great d1ff1cult1es." said Dr. N"thato Motlana, leader of the Committee of Tenin Soweto, the township south of Johannesburg in which more than a million blacks live. But he sald he wu confident c:olored and AB1an leadena would eventually see through the acheme. Botha m a televiaed statement laid change would come slowly. He said it was In the general interest of all races th.at "whitea s h ould be given a aen se o f security and a guarantee of their permanency while othe r population groupa ahould be offe red the prospect of their reasonable expectation• being realized." Opi n ion polls h ave long Indicated that the majority ol white South Africans favored restoring the vote to the coloreds and granting It to the Aatan.a. but the National Party realated to avoid ultra-rightist defe<:Uona. The party won co ntrol o f Parliament and the government in 1948 becaUM It got the votes of nearly all the Afrikaners, the 58 percent of the whites who are of Dutch deacent. It feared a apllt would allow the "BriU.h" whites to regain power. Both.a and other "verUgt.es" - e n lighten e d Natlonafl1t1 - believe that the whltet mu1t change or perlah becauu Independence for the real of Africa haa surrounded South Africa with tu.tile bl.lick Mltiona 1uppotted by the Soviet bloc and 90l1le Western natJona. Thia vtew and rwnora that the council would propose sharlnc power with non-whic.e. provoked the defection of 18 NatJon.alllt members of ParlJarnent tbrff months aco. the bfaelt 1pUt l.n the party lincl Jt cunt to power. ..., .... ..._, ......... We're Listening ••• _,,,.,.,,..., ,, ,..., .... - ,...,_11¥taClllM -Nbel II M -,.o..r a!OY •K be....,.., .................. ...., lfJ'OutollOI _,..._,,~, .... - ...... 10 .... Md llOYI '"" ... .. ..._.. • What do you llke about lhe Dally PUot" What don't you like' <.:oll t~ number below and your m HUlt' will bf recorded transcribed and dtllvt-rtd lo the appropriate editor. ' The Hme 24-hour an1wtrint servlct ma1 bo Ult'd to record let· Leri to the edit.or on any topic Mallbo• contr1buton mu1t Include their name and telephon_. numbfr for verlflcaUon. No elrcuJatlon calla. plu"f' Tell us wh11t '• on your mind' Billy Graham criticized S ome church l eaders rap Mosco w address NEW YORK (AP) -Some church leaden are dluppolnted in evangelilt Billy Graham'• villt to the Soviet Union, 1aylng he wa1 a 11 poor witness" and eoft~peda.led reUstoua perwec:utJon there. Others, h o wever, applauded h1a effort.I In dl1fkult tlJ"C\Unltancet. "He did a great dlt1ervlce to the ciuae of reltgloua liberty," aa.ld the Rev. Blahmlav Hruby, a United Presbyterian and editor of the documentary journal, Religion In Communl1t Dominal.c!d A.reu. "He definitely ahould have apoken out 1trongly, but he Mid nothing about religious persecution there," he added. "A very poor wlt.netl." Graham, in hla major Moecow addre11, urged all natlona to "reapect the rl~hta of rellgloua believers" and 'the freedom of the Individual to profeu and practice" his faith, but without referring •peclfically to the Soviet Union. of Churchs, aa.ld 1uch 1 vllJt wu bound to be mtaunderatood, but "bu1cal.ly I applaud him tot It." "Perhaps he could have been more candid and critic.al, but you can't stand off afar and judge IOmeOne In a difficult aituatlon," he eaid. Graham apparently c hose "private representations" with Soviet offlda.la to try to enhance religious rishta there rather th.an "puollc outcry." Brld1ton 1aid, calling both "viable options." He Hid he believed private efforu are probably mo9t helpful, b ut "as for 1trategle1 and particulan, thew are ma1ttena of debate. Only time wW tell If hia were effective." James Wall, editor of Christian c.entury, an ecumenlcal weekly, aald for Graham to say he had seen no ev1dertce of represalon "auggests there isn't any. and there's a lot. 11 Jot of people atrugghng under preuure for their (aJth." · "I don't blame Billy for being gracious to his hosts, but I'm sorry about the la11guage he used," Wall said. "To imply an at.nee of oppression 11 JUSt not so. He better stick to preachinJ( the ppcl. wh.ich It what he it~• he wcmt to do." . • Graham "teemed retpoftlib\e, reaaonable and e ntire))' Chrl1tlan," aald Ruuell Sh•w, public a ffalra director for ~e U.S. C.thollc Conference. '1fs very eaay to aecond -su ~.t• aomebody In a dlfflrult tdtuation. Someone ellle might have done It differently. but I don't aec erfy good ln second-gue111nr Dt. Graham on it. H~'• no babe fn•t.ht wooda. "He went with hi.I eyes \Vi.de open, knowing the conferet)Ce was ta k Ing p 1 ace u n d't'r q ueatlonable au1plce1r!ci probably rigged u a propa · exercise," Sh.aw aaid. "But t w..,. one more opportunity to trf to break down wall• of fears and 1usp1c1ons that divide peopl~. An y o pportunity 11 W(>r~ ma lung the effort." • However, Robb wd "the v_.i majority of evangelicala are v.tt)' concerned at BiTiy'a new '*'ee emphasis, and particularly his trip to the Soviet Union. He wu quoted in waya that seem~d almost apologet1C' for Soviet policy on religion" In news conferences, the Southern BapU.t evangellat aaid he had seen no direct evidence of religious reprelaion in the Soviet Union, that church services "are allowed to go on freely," and th.at he h.ad "experien<:ed total liberty in what I say." The Rev. Edmund W. Robb, chairman of the Institute of Religion and Democracy in Washington, said Graham was "manipulated to give legitimacy to a conference controuea by the Soviet government.'' More action taken on drunken driving "There la no question about his integrity and good intention.a, but he la apparently IO anxJowi to be an apostle o f peace that he's blinded to some of the realities of the world, one being Soviet oppreulon of the church ," said Robb, a United Methodi.t. But the Rev. Keith Brtdaton. a Lutheran who heada the U.S . C.Onference of the World C.Ouncil WASHINGTON (AP) - Legislation to combat what has been termed a n ationwide drunken driving epidemic has been endorsed by the House Public Works and Transportation C.Ommittee. The measure, added t o a f o ur -year, $69 .6 billion authorization package for federal highway and mau transit Al'Wlr ....... T R AIN DE RAI LED -About 30 cars of an eastbound Burlington Northern freight train are scattered near a farm out.side the northeast Mislourl town of Callao. The derailment resulted in the evacuation of 901'Tle 50 families in the area. programs, providea $12~ m1ijiW'l in incentive grants over tt)re,e years to states as the y take recommended steps to control drunken driving. The House panel's act2fo n Wednelday came only a day a r the full Senate approved legislation. But that bill calla for only $75 million over two yta, to the states and requires tile states to carry out all recommended action• before receiving any money Both version • call for $25 million in the incentive gr;u\C.S during 1983 and $30 milHo.n during 1984. But the House committee plan , sponsored by Rep1. James Howard, 0-N.J., chalnnan of the committee, Md Michael Barnes. D-Md., would add another $50 million in 1986. "The slaughter on our highwaya perpetuated by d.ru.olt drivers haa to be addresaed Immediately," Howard said Both the Senate bill and t~ Houae committee version would u se money in the Federrt Highway Trust f'und • According to figures provided by the committee. 250,000: Americans have been killed In: accidents involving drunken drivers in the past decade. Last year alone, more than 25,000 persons died in such crashes aJ¥i another 650,000 suffered aeri~ injuries as drunk.en dnvera werei responsible for economic losa.e. totaJJng more than $24 billion. ! Some action.a recommended J.r> the stat.ea include confi.cation •f. the driver's licen se upoh! determination that the driver I.a! drunk, creation of a statewl~: record system to track re pel't! offenders, and authority for dW' couru to impoee a wide range of! penaJtiea Uke community aervlce,: alcohol safety education and; alcohollam treatment a.a well u · lmprltonment and fines. · LEE'S CARPET MAY MADNESS SALE It~ ............ ,..,.. yow ...... o..-.. ---. unbelev..._ U¥fr9 on LMI' MOii pop&Aer ~ 0ur*'9 04lt Mii)' ~We, )'OU'I find INga. pMhet. KUlptur", In ,__eds ., ccNon end nytea. You'll find LH• ,.,, ... with HCIUtlve llofrH h . I~ fl IN ,........, pnMlltl thet flgtlll odon ..t odot-CAIUUng NdMia. end kffPI 'f04/lr c.wp.t fibers hygMnluly ,,_,, f« W..J You'I .,_ flrW IAft C..,.U In 1011 and cruah r•slna nt Dupont Antron. Take lldlf.,.. of OUI ~ Mii)' M•*-S*. Scop by yow IAft _..., now. To ..,_,. IUdt an opponunlty wouN be ...., ,.,..,.,.... Tone-On-Tone Rlchly styled twist created for your elegant llftstyle. Deep sumptuous pfle tuture and natural tone-on-tone shading are the haffmarks of this nne Lees Carpet. , 12195 SO. YD. fNSTAWO Twist Crafted from hard twisted nylon yams that are speclafly deslg~d for years of outstanding performance. Vibrant colors add to the deslrabfllty of this long-wearing best-seflfng Lees Carpet. S 199 5 SO. YD. INSTALi.ED Carved Texture A luxurious carved texture that renecu the finest of tradltlonal carper styling. A wide range of decorator colors. Designed to ~r1orm an~re In busy ~s. 11650 SO. YO. INSTALL.ID Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad DE N'S Made better by •••••••• J • • • • • • • • Burlington HE) ·instaltation ·custom diapsries;· UO.llO.-I AllSA. CA 12127 •Pim &A6-4831 --646·2355c ____ .......... -..-.... , -------------------------------·-·---------,---- Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/l'rld1y. May 14, 1112 ~\·~\ ,,,, ~ Credit eases but only a little By ne A11odated Prell ~ conaumeni are f1ndl11~ l'rcdll l» l'aaier to ((t'l UJllun lhloae day1, but th• cmt II hlfh and tht• lendl'nt aro picky "W11t'N! MU golna a ter tht> upHCale l'WJtomer," 1UAld J im Mut- thew1 of Contlnent1al llllnola National 8ank and Trust Co In Chlcaao. The flood of credlt that peniil\A.."<i t.hrouah much ot the 1970. dried up In March 1980 when the government lmpoaed reetrictiona to dl.lcouraae borrowing. The reetrictions were llftc'<.I ufwr a fow mon1h11, but <.-redit remained tJght. Lenders had to puy steadil y rising interest rates to atlract deposit.a, lit.alt' u11ury t·e11ings limited the amount they couJd charge borrowers, crt.-d1t cards and loan11 ofll'n Wl'rl' un- profitable. Slowly, however, the p1c·turl' Is changing. U:tur·y ce11ing11 have been Ufted. Fl~ and service rhargl'!I have bt~•r) lmpo&.>d The crunch haa not ended, but It has eased The Federal Reserve Board says that out.st.andintt mnsumt-r Installment debt, not counting mortgages, increased la.'lt year al an annual rate of 6112 percent. That ('Omparl'S with a Ul80 growth rate of hall a percent. Joe PoweU, director of research for Mast.erCurd lntl'rnat1u nal, wd the number of cardholders is down, but 191:11 ..ales w<.•rt• up 15 percent from the previous yc·ar ''What is happening is that people art> (·onsoliduting th,•1r credit cards," he said; because of new fot'8, p<-opk· who uS«I t1J hold two or more cards have switched to om· Powell said that only half the banks re1>µonding to t• MasterCard survey last faJl reportl'<i that tht'Y Wl'fl' luuking ror new accounts, he said, are being Sl'lec·t1vl'. "Banks are showing more soph1sllC'atton in terms ur s1·g menting their market," Powell said Sandra J. McLaughlin, senior VK'e president of tht· Mt•llon Bank of Pittsburgh, said the credit s1tuat1on 1s "oJX'nmg up u httl(' bit." Pat Coate of Chase Manhattan Bank in Nt.-w York City swd the lifting of the state's usury ceiling early in 19HI ht>lped 111- crea.se the flow of credit "We are acuvely looking for ways to offer pc·oplt· t·11.J1t," sh•· said. The usury celling on cno'Cf1t-rnrd mu.•rc>St 1n lllinrns was t•li mmated la.st October. Matthews said Continental and most otht•r lenders now charge an annual rate of 19 8 p<>rccnt on VL..a and MasterCard balan<.'1.'S whu::h art' not paid in full each month "You can make money at that level today," StJ1d Matthew!> as long as you are not paying more· than an average of I 'L perc1•nt on deposits. Matthews said the numlx-r of purchasc•s per a<:ttv1· credit card acrount at Continental during tht-first two months uf 198'L was 9 percent higher than in the same p('nod a year t•arher, th•· size of the average purchase was up 8 perc<.·nt. When you adjust the figures for inflation, "it's not an exciting mcrcast"" ht• S<tid -------------------------Heart drug studied BOSTON (AP) Two 1tudles xamlne whe\her a drua called aodlum nJlroprualde redut.'ft lhe dama11e of heart auack1. One found It to be a dramatic lUeaaver; the other concludctt It doettn't help. Althouah there were 1ome dlfferencn In the way the two atudlea were conducted, lt wa1 1tlll unclear why they reached opposite conch.a.Jona. Both ie.t.ed the drua on heart attACk vtcliml to find out whether It reduced the number of death• In the weeks following the aelzuree. The poaltlve result• were obtained In a European 1tudy directed by Dr. Joeeph D. Durrer of the University Ho1pltal of Amsterdam. He found "a significant reduction In mortality." Only half as many people died during the first month of recovery after the heart attacks when they received the drug. However , U S doctors working independently found the drug had no e ffect on the death rate after a heart attack. Their work was conducted at 11 Veterans Adm i nistration hospitals and directed by Dr. Jay N. Cohn of the University of Minnesota Hospitals. Both studies were publlshed in Thursday's Ne w England Journal of Medicine. N1troprusside has been used for several years aa a way to treat extremely high blood preHure. The drug is given through intravenous solution, and it improves the now of blood to the heart by opening up the arteries. In an accompanying editorial, Dr. Eugene R. Paaaa.mani of the Nauonal Heart, Lung and Blood lnsutute in Bethetda, Md., noted differences in the experiments that might help explain the rontraating result.a. In the U.S . study, all the patients had poorly functioning left ventricles, and they received the drug an average of 16 hours after their heart attacks. The European patient.a were largely free of ventricular failure, and "Got a problem? 'Then wrlw to P.<Jt HOIUWltz.. Pat will cut red CMpe, getting the answers and action you need t.o t1elve inequities in J(overnment and business. Mail your quesoons w Pat Horowitz.. At Your SelVICt', Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1 '60, Cosu Mea, CA 92626. As IDllnY let~rs .., possible will ~ ' they got the medicine sooner - an average of five hours after their attacka. ~~=========::::::--=::::==:::=::~-::-:'"":=~--- I • WHO ARE THEY? -It looka like u talk ahow hoet's dream panel: Ptin<.~ Diana, Woody Allen. Barbra Streiaand and Orson Welles . Except that all four are look-aUkes furnhlhed by the man at l@lt, Ron Smith of the Celebrity Look Allkes ....., ........ agency. Di, Woody, Barbra and Orson, (Cheri Allen, Richard Nakli,, Cheryl RoUn a.nd Michael Glvon) were brought to a Toronto TV st udi o for this appearance. 14-year-old pol advances A junJor high student with an interest In noxious plants has w on n omination to a Nebraska weed rontrol board after a campaign that Included a natio nal TV appearance. Erle 8. Salem, 14 , who appeared March 26 on Jobooy Canon'• "Tonight" show on NBC, finish ed second in a non-partisan primary race that was he ld to pick four candidates for two opening• on the Lancaster County Weed Control Board. The primary was a formality, since there were only four people running, and all will advan ce to the general election. Salem rl'ce1ved 11, 106 votes. He said he wanted to serve on the board because of hill interest in noxious planta and a news story last year m which authorities said tall weeds may have been a <.'Ontr1butmg factor in a fatal accident, becauae they created a blind spot at an intersection. Comedian and political activist Dick Gre1ory haa a financtal problem, but hasn't lost hit sense of humor. He la in arrean on a $96,700 mortgag.e, forecloaure proceedlnJZJ have begun, and the house In Plymouth, Mass .. ia due to be sold at auction June 9, a legal notice says. Reach e d fo r comment, Gregory joked that he "was surprised to see a 1tory about somebody losing hta house, when I thought the news nowadays waa when somebody can afford to buy a house" MUSICAL OPENS -After the Broadway opening of the musical "Nine," star Raul Julia , second from rig ht. appear£'d ,.,,..,....... backstage with J oey Heatherton and Sheryl Lee of the hit "Oreamgirls," and "Nine" co-star Anita Morris. right. Paid Advertistment Effortless Exercise: The Story Behind Electronic Exercise Using the mu!><' le stimulator, com b1ned with Bio Health Cent er'!> favorit e diet, Brad As p1n wC'nt from a size 38 pant to size 30 1n JUSl 21;., weeks His mother Norma !>aw s 1m1lar results tb1ze 12 to 1>1zc 8J in the same 18 day period These are JUSl two of the many successful & happy Bio-Health Center customers That's why people are flock111g to 810-Heallh Center on 17th Street in Costa Mes a and becoming regular participants o f electronic exercise with amazing resulL'I . The principle be hind this phenomenon is straight forward In a s o-ca lled "voluntary" contract1on. that is to say dunng everyday movement, the brain sends a signal along a nerve to the "motor joint'" of a muscle. Thia signal, similar to a weak electric current, is a message to the muscles to contract In electr o -mu scula r stim ulation at Bio-H ealth Center. electrodes in the form of conductive rubber pads are placed on the surface of the skin over the motor points or 16 major muscle groups When a very weak electronic current 1s applied through the pads, the signal finds Its way through the skin to these motor points and causes the muscles lo cont.ract, just as if it had received a signal from the brain. During the CQPtraction of these mu11clea, the muscles are -ctuaJly expendin1 energy and doln1 the work . Patrons o• Bio-Health often comment lhat the exercise feeb thorough and really woru the e nUre muacle Most say you have to try it to appreciate It. Doctors say tha~ "45 m inutes of sllmulallon la equivalent to 800 to 1,500 alt·upc and /or le1 ral.3es. . Oeaplte exerclalnt your muscles 800-1,500 limes ln 45 minutes, persona feel no pain durln1 treatment and mott don't even feel that famlllar aoreneu llke In normal exerclte. The c:urr'ent 1tlmulatea clrculatlon •h\ch.at .lbe.•.Jmt .lllnt. ridl~ mutCMi Of'"waate prOducti elne. Bio-Health Ceote rtlclpant.1 do feel a tt1ht.enln flrmin1 of their muscles :ver 1 orten after tbe 11( \,. . As Seen on Channel 7 H10 Health Center 1s currently trl'almg m en and women from the ages or 18 to 87 years old Some come lo fho·Health Cent.er JUSt for the exercise firming up the 1 r flabby muse les and 1mprov1ng their overall body tont• Others. who a re over- we11(hl, combine this electronic exer cise with Bio ll ealt h Center'11 favorite diet program allowing a substantial weight and inch loss. Al first people uy it feels strange and are amazed al how thoroughly it exer c ises the mu,clei; Then they relax and prol(ress1vC'ly work through their 45 minute tre atment Afterwards persons experience a five minute rl'laxation cycle that feels hke a massage. Doctors are sending their patacnl.'i to Bio-Health Center for thi11 out sta nding exercise program In some cases, these person." are unable to do normal exercise due lo back injury, etc., allowing them to now exercise muscles for the first time In years 810 He alth Center has a n om 1nal charge to try this wonder machine On your first visit a trained technician will dq a full sl'l of body measurements then ((•t you lie atop a padded t<1ble for treatment that will take approximately 45 minutes. During this time the technician will educate you further on what is tran11plring, which gives you further understanding of the sensations you are feeling After your flrs1 treatment, the tec hnician will remeasure & calculate the result.a. First time users have experienced Inch lou varying from 2" to 9" overall. This chan1e h1 prlmarijy cauaed by the toning of the muscle due to the exten11lve exercise It hu 1uat completed. Thia type of equipm ent hu been widely u1ed In both the medical field and In uns of prof eaalonaJ tporta. I f n medic I ne. electronl< stimulation hH been wldel11. used In hoapltala . for th• re-e duc1Uon of paralyaed muaclee. In these c:uea, where .vo l untary ••erclee 11 lmpo11lble, there IJ obvloUlly no auballtute for e lectrlul fttm uh ti on . rn c aaea of parapJeg1a or hom1pleg1a followi ng a s troke , e lectro mu sc ular sti mulation 1s invaluable ror preventing loss or tone or atrophy in 1:1ffected muscles Other areas of medical use include the treatment of bed sor es by improving muscle tone and blood circulation In SportA, hamstring, musde • s train and other injuries have been treated by doctors without risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits of muscle stimulatio n in the treatment of muscle and lil(amenl inJuries The practical ad vantages of greatly reducing lht• lime spent by top players inactive due lo injury can be imagined East Europeans became the foremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power training. Other countries are using muscle stimulation lo train every type of athlete - from the endurance needed by lo ng dis tance runners , to explosive power required by sprinters and high jumpers The fastest girl in the world, Angella Taylor, for example. u ses muscle slim ulat1on 1n training Electronlc exercise, however, 1s not fo r everyone . The stimulation could interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease, pre1naot women and persons who tarry met al In their a bdomena because of aur1ery. Long 1one are the days when· control of calorie Intake was believed to be the only w•r. to keep In shape. Modern lhinklnt now concluda that exercite la an 111entJal fact.or In the quest for total body health. Blo·Health Center In Costa Meu also 1peclaU1e11 In other European concepts which Include Cellulite Control and u . v .A. T a nnins Beds and Equipment. U you want to be more actJve, alive and have a areat lookln1 body without the drud1ery of · ttrenuoo .. • •••rctee' anct 'uncomfortable d iet pro1rame, ••t In Oft the action and try. 111v1na Blo-Heallh Center oo 170\ tn o.ta Mm a can. &4&·7717> ' .. --· .... Kelly Young Is In her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine Is keeping her In shape with Its electrical impulses. The famlllar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street In Costa mesa conveniently located In the Von's Shopping Center .64&.-7717 t -· Achievements color coded PE shorts denote elf or ts in fi tness tests ESCONDIDO (AP) Everybody knowa which boy and which atrl at San Puqual Hlah Schoof can run f11ter, jump hither and do the mott puahupe [ and aituJ19. They've eot the red ahorta on. There are only two of them, lhouah. Thoee who flnlah ln the bottom 40 percent of a physical tline. teet muat wear blue. And ln between -weartna 1hort.1 of black, sreen or aold In ucending order -are moat o f the t.een-a,era. Proponent• aay the colored 1hort1 make pupils try harder. Opponent• aay they humiliate atudenta and violate their right to privacy. The mandatory wearing of thete colored gym 1horla 11 the most controversial 1ub}l!Ct at San Puqual High School, where Bob Woodhouse heads up physical education. Trustees vote d u.rwlimously Wednetday night to continue the 1horts desr1te cl.aUm they 're harmfu t o th e undilciplined or the un-athletic. Aa an over flow crowd applauded or spoke up on both_ 1ide1, counaelor Roberta Spike ar1ued thtat the 1hort1 "1UJ[Jnalhe people." Cunice Fraley, a parent, aaid 1he c hecked and found that educatora at 16 nearby achool1 oppoae the proaram. Marge H ob bs , whou U -year-old dau1hter 11 a freshman, told the truat.eet that her daughter'• phyalcal education records "are here and mine, private knowled,e." She l&id the colored shorts violate that right to privacy. On the other hand, Robert Gi?rstJe said his daughter moved up from blue to black ahorta and 1s being "rewarded for her discipline, hard work and trying to apply herself." Woodhouse told trustees that America's youth can get into physical shape if prodded by such public singling out. "For some, it is easier to tear d own the standards than to improve yourself to meet the critena," he said. Woodhouse, whose colo r coordinated physical education e f f o r t w as d r o p p e <!_ a t nei1hborin1 San Marco1 Hl1h School after he tranaterred to San Puqual, Mid "aome people cannot accept the challenge but 1 am not In favor of lowerina 1tudenq to meet medJOttity." Twke • •meeter, pupU. must take a te1t uaed by the U.S. Marine Corpe that Jncludea pu1hup1, jumpins. 1ltup1 and runnins· A boy and a girJ with the top acore set1 to wear red ahort.a In fiYlll until the next te.t result.I. A majority of the atudents belng forced to wear blue ahorta e nd up with "C" grades in phy1ical education, ack - nowledged WoodhoUM, who a1ao coachee football, but he said they still can improve their grades with good c1aaa participatlon. School board president George Ree d spoke 10 favor o f the system, despite the controversy. "Anything that causes a student to be motivated to earn more prestige -whether it's in chemistry or physical education -is positive,' Reed said. Orange Coal DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 14, 1082 Folk r emed y rapped SACRAMENTO (AP) -StAw h e alth otl1rlal• ar~ warning Mcxican-Americur\8 not to uae a folk remedy known aa aZArCOn or g:reta, aaylng It lS rn<l*tly lead and has severe ly poisoned s.-veral childrt>n Health Ser vH·es D irec tor Beverlee Myers wd the orange powder <'<>mes from MeXJro and ls apfarently admm1s tt>rcd ln smal doses for "empac ho," a term me aning chronic: indigestion, l'ol1c or o ther gastroinlL'flllnal 1llness<'8 lu. 10gred1 enL'> an.• B~ ~rcent t o 95 percl'nt ll'ad Lead P.?•s<m1ng can cause abdominal 1Unt:SSeS, brain damage and even death. Tht• departmeot said at least three H 1i.pana· childrl'n 1n Cal1forn1a and one 1n Colorado have ~n h0tip1tal1zed sinc.'t' Last summer wtth lt>ad poisoning tr act'<i to az.a.rcon I# "".,,tloto CAVITY CHECK -"Spanky.'' a capuchin monkey who is part of an animal show sponsored by Six Flags Magic Mountain, takes a c urious peek inside the mouth o f a cooperative Sandy Byrd. The monkey and other animals werl' in Bakersfield perfonning at a local school. --- M1> Myers said a nyone who has az.an:on or gret.a should Lum 1t ovt:or to a doctor or local health d<·partmt'nt Nudist crackdown promised MIAMI (AP) - The head of a special anti-nudity police squad says his eight officers will patrol a secluded beach as often as necessar y to keep swimmers f rom frolicking In the buff. Poli ce Lt. Peter Kam e n esh said hts officers ordered two nude bathers to get dressed after they tried to challenge a ban on nudity at the beach on Virginia Key, whlch the city wants to tum into a family park. The Miam i Ci t y Commission vot e d unanimously againt making the sandx strip a "clothes-optional ' beach. In the past, bans on public nudity had not been enforced in the area. Ancie nt tree topples YOSEMITE NA - TIONAL PARK (AP) -The Leaning Tower Tree, a giant sequoia be lieved to be abou t 2,000 years o ld , fell victim to the elements this spring. The tilted tree fell in calm weather April 28 in Tuolumne Grove at the northwest section of the park, the National Park Service said. The tree leaned fo r decades, but the angle changed noticeably in the past decade, satd Superintendent Robert 0 . Blnnewies. Park forester Loren Weat eatimated the tree waa 280 to 300 feet long. Its trunk shattered In several sections when it fell. Defe ctive ventilators recalle d WASHINGTON (AP) -Emerson Ele<:tric Co. of St. Loua ii voluntarily recalllng 11,500 attic ventllatora which could cau1e flre1 , the Consumer Product Safety Comm.ialion uya. Emeraon aald l t haa had ee'Veral reporta that Urea were cau1ed by overheating of the motor on the ven tllatora, aold by Sean, Roebuck and Co. in 1980-81, accon1Jng to a statement by the commilllon. A p late on the motor carrle1 t h e model number 758.648360. Own era can h ave the motor replaced free by calltn1 Emeraon '1 t oll-free teleph one n umber, 800-326-4130. IUFFELL'S UPHOLSTUY •. •14'alts ....... . lfH~IOalUD. ,COITA MIU -14tot 116- $1,000,000 luggages Save 50% on these grou ---Ill/ u n!TEO JCPenney and United Airlines Air Travel Certificate Bonus • A S1~ ~., ''•w•' C•'1;••c1t• ••H r>e g;••"' •01 •••'t I~ •o,,,, of •uo9•0• pu,cn1a.eo • You• Un'1eo '"'""•• ''•••' ce n1f1c111 .,., tM '.0Hme-d by 1n1 l uU'0'•1901'1••' .gtncr 01 Ufhlt O A1ti1ne1 l•C••I IO<lt•Of' tor I 125 O•tcOVt'\I 10•1'0 ou•Ch•M ot o~ .Ourt 101.1no 1r1p t•C••t on 1ny •9!QVl1'1¥ Kt\90~.0 Un•eed A1tht'l•I fl~hl bet""'""' "°""'' .n '"• lJrMeO St1t11 •f\Cl\#CJ•no "'""'' • Vow• S2~ 01K O\lnt ""'' oe •PC>• •O \0•1'0 .,.. .. IJl"l•fKI C>t. .. t»111"1..0 acsun t111 t•nc•~·"O ~'"'' s,..,,, tor -1'\•C"' yOu or tCh.I' O.tu;>n1t•O l"I..,. If Qul l·I¥ Only one C..'1••<-•I• .... , oe I PC>l .. d pet l1C•lt • y°"' Cl '1tlt(l ll '"Liil C)t P'•Mnl.O" '"'' ....... ot t•Cill .. Ou'C"._.. • Tr•·~,.,, • ., o.g n any •~me Of'\ 01 •h•' '-41; '17 ,Ml •no mut t bit CO""Ol.ieG «>efort f'f\•On.gn1 0.Ct mCM' ·~ •962 • Your cert•'•Clll "''Y be UNO Or' any .Ovitt U1v11 ,, YOU Oft·Ql'\1(1 ..,.,.,, ,.Ou PtC• uO ,,._,. Cl f1lf1U le f P\I Ge'11f1CltH l tl l'\Ot H1neter1ett• Ot tl P'I Cetefe tf IOtl • All f.O.tl • t11fl 1"0 IOCI 1 .. 11 l tl ff\e '1100'tt1b1I 1ly OI tr\e Ce ,11f1C1le rK 1p••nt • C.r11f•c1111 mutt bl tl lutned 10 JCP1 nn1'1 ,f ~uo~=-,~·~~~~,':.:T::•;.~:~:~', ~::;,o~;:,eo·• <~C:M•Ot'lt Save 50% on American Tourister· 1200 Series Femou1 qu#ty herds~ ~ with one·piece ruooed plutic ahella Split lid cue con1tructlon 10< euy peckJno .nd acceN c~ of ranch hide O< chlnch .. Tek9·e6ong tote 21 .. pulman beg 2"' -pulman beg 2 7" pulman beg C« beg Attache cue 3·eull« cae . e~· 88 60 110 00 1"'700 . 79 7!5 79. 715 1o43.00 .. i. aa.oo 4'.21 H .00 71.IO H M H .11 71 .IO Save 50 % on 4 700 Series American Touristef Softalde nyton with contrwdng vtnyt tr1m In ~ C«ltM buckl9 •tying. Choice of ~/b\a'gundy tr1m or chocolilt./brown trim. Tote btlg... .. ................ ~· 2r.~ C#TY·on. .. -.. . .......... Se& 12.IO 28" pulman w/whHla. . . .... 186 42.IO 29" pulmen w/whHtl. . . 196 47.IO c. beg. 150 21.00 Save 50% on "Prima" nylon acrylic luggage pieces ~ lfld many~ lo flt ewrythlng Into~ ~! Wet> ~ lfld detachlb6e ahoulder •trac». loo. In t.n "' .,._. ~eoc. ..... 0... ahoulder ~. ~topc.ry·ll .... Myton zip-top pulmen . ~-· . . . tMIQ ...••••••••. . 2~· .. 41 .99 .. 48.90 && 90 59 99 •.. 79.99 .... 11M 20." 24At 27.M 2t.M H .H Save 50% on "Sentry" Samsonite• hardside Durably constructed with tough, Absollte~ molded shells, chrome·plated d1e·cas1 zinc herdwere, and contoured handles Choice of wlneberry or dar1( blue Beauty ca.ae 2o4" pulman 26" pullman w/wheeta 29" pullman w/wl"leela Shoulder tote 2o4" companion beg 3·aultltl' w/wheela Germentbeg Orig $75 $105 $135 $160 $55 $105 $140 $65 Save 50% on quilted- rubberized "Westwind'' Sele 37.50 52.50 87.50 80.00 27.50 52.50 70.00 42.50 Fuhloneble. functtonel and ettordabte luogage Quited and l'\lbbettzed 10< ehock end w1ter retllt.anott. A~ In bleck 0< loden green with tan tr1m Shoulder tote. . Bo.-dlno beg. C#f'Y·on ..... eo.dlng beg . a.m.nt bao· Orio 29 99 3919 o49 99 36.99 59 99 Sale 14.tt 1t.tt 24." t7.H 21.tt JC Penney •• 10 01 co'"" you c1n cherge •t -~·EB ... ..... ..,., ............................... . Avelleble In Loe Aftlll.., ~ Rlwerllde,. len lematdlno and Venbfta countlM. .... 1W1R1a11 et,_...,-.....,.......,......_'•••••• uww. • --·-·-·· .. ,, 11 ~ • t . I I ~ • •• r I• -. .. '. , . . ,., 11' HI ·111 • • t •• ' . ' ; I , ., ' I ' : .: .. . '· ... ... 'I I ... t l • ,, •• • p Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1•. 1882 Airport r escue move needs extensive study Sorn'-' would :1ugg1·st thot, vlu u fl'<'tmt Al'llon, thf• Orunl(l' County Bourd of Supt•rv111<1r11 i.m·tty mud\ h u R m u d c.· u p 1 l H m 1 nu u n l h l' 1rnhjf'C'l uf pt·rm1tt1111'( privo ll' 1r1du s t1 y lo pro vi de> 1·ra1.1h/f1rt>lrt·~·ul· st•rvu-.•1.1 tJt J o hn Wuym· A11 port W1.· t:t•rt111r1l y hopt• that's n ut I h 1 • l' illll' What the· huurd did this Wl'l•k wus tu mil for p1 u posal1; that l'CJUld I e IJ d l u p 1>t1 • n t 1 u I l rn n 1.1 fl' r o f ua!ih /f1n!/rt•S('U•· up<!rut10n" from l ht• 0 r u n Kc· C: o u n t y ft' 1 r 1· Dt·1mrtmL·nt t<i .1 pr1vatt· (irm In drJl fll<( kO, th e.· bourd wus followin~ up on n'<·ommt•ndulHms t·ontJ1tnl'<I in u r<'p<>r t pn·pan•d by o ( ( 1 t• 1 a I s 1 n t h 1• ( o u n I y Admm1i.t1 at1vt· Off1n· and at tt11- ;.11rport Ttwn·'k a c·1m •wni-u1; unu1111i< thOk(• Offll'l ill k that th<• f1 r1• cl1·pt1rlnw11t 1nr>ll'< t1011 1·xn·c·d1; lht• 1 t·4u1rt•nw11t:-. for thf• ;_urµort and that tht· 1•st1rnal1·d $1 2 million pra·t· t :11< fu r opt•r:1t1 011 of tht· t ra:,h /f1rt·/r1•:-.t'Ul' s lut11111 <HlJtH'(•nt to tlw u1rport':. m111n runway 11> JUkl tlJU high . From what w e've seen the flrn d e parlml!nt ha8 d o ne an t:Xl!mplary job o f provldln6' tovl'roge ut the airport during e morgcm·y s ituatio ns. Une hH o nly t o loo k back on the c rash landing of Q jetliner In 1981 for evidence o f tho department'• quick and correc t re1pon se during 1t d1Ange r o u 1 11 tua lion. And tne advantage of Immediate bat:kup from othe r fire st.allona la a major l'oniudt•ratlon Whe tht:r Ii privat(• firm t'Ould du tht· saml' rl'm111n.'I a qUl·stlon A ">t•rwus unt· The• board'!! dt•<·1s1on to St't•k l u rtht•r 1n fo rmutwn w ill twlp p r ov!d•: (tn unswt•r But u lot u f 1 11 I fi r m :i I 1"11 1 s n ,, c• d •· d f' or r.:;µ{rnph ., what olh1·r :uq J1>rt.'l US(' pnvat1· f1rn11s'! H us s11 f1 •ty bt·•·n <:11mµr11rn1M•d '1 Wt•rt· <ost i-.avmlo(s n·ahzt·d'1 Thnt•'s nothin~ wrong with wkinij u dt•f'pl'r look al outi.1dt: 11rx-'rn ti on of the l'rash / ( irt!I rt'8('Ul' pro~rum. Hut in tht: final deci81on, i.<Jfoly mu.-.t outwc·lgh <.'08t White House walls B i.l 1· k 1 n .J ;.i n u a r y ;.i trt·rn1•ndou" hulluli<tl1"1 :1111s1· ~h1·11 l'rf•1ocJ 1·nt H1·a1-::Jn bat·k1·d o propc~I lo 11·mov1· an 11 y<'<u old IHtrl on rl'1°n1 1 tling tux 1•x1·111pl -;tut ui. for '>C: hool:-. 'ill I I pr:11'l1t·111~ ru1·1t1 I i.c•l(rl'j.(a twn S pt•t·ifH· <:euws invol vNJ two ~·ho<1li. -.<•c•kmg t<Jx t·xt·mplmn.'l a."t thunt;Jhlc• 1nsl1tulwns dt'tlptw thl'ir r<JC'liJI pi>lll'tt·s b<Jse•d on n •l1gious grounds Tht· Interna l Revenue s ,. I v I l l' h a d d (' n I (' d l h (' 1·x1•mplwns H1·iJg<rn's stand appearcu tu t · I 1 ·a r l IH · w tJ y f o r Bo b J o n es tl r11 v (•f''i1ly in South Car o lina, wh1l h ;1dm1ts hlac:k s but b a ns 1nt1•11ac 1ul dot in g , a nd the Goldshor1,, North Ca rolina, Chr11;11a11 !·khool. whac:h does not :Jdm11 blat'k'i, to qualify for tax rt•l11·f Th<·y W(•rt• bul two amo ng many :-o t·all,·d "white flight " pr1 vatt• i.1·h<1 01!1 that had been dt·nll'd t:1x 1•xl'mpt1on on rl'hg1ous ground' IH·<·aus<· o f thc·1r ruc:aa l pol1t u•i. N ,, t ' u r p r 1i.1 n g I y , t h c pn·'>1<l<·n t '"' appurl'nt rl·fuiwl 10 1·1mtinw· :11111 S<.·1itr1·g<J t1on tax ruli'1'! '>f•t ciff :1r1 out< ry fr11m blal·k l1·ad<·r~ W1th1n (r1ur d<J ys, t ht· d1-<·1i.11111 w.r'i rr·vt·rM-<l :ind Rt·agan !H11d h1 · w1111 Id '>U pport lt•gu1la t11m u l' n y 1 n g tax ·ex<· mp t s lat u a to 1>r1vutc sl·hools a n d l'O llcg(•N pr ilt'lll'lnl<( n.it•ml diS<:rim1nation. But th;_et 1s not the t'nd of th<• :.1111 y This week, appearing ut a pn'<'lominantly black high S('hool in Chic<igu, th<· pre1ddent told students he "did not know'' the re s till w t-r f' private St'h oo l s µrnt'tk i ng racial dl1tt'r lmin a tion wtwn he made h111 lnillal decision tcJ rcvl'nie the tax (•><emption rules. "I waH unde r the impression that that pro blem of se~regated schoola had been settled,' he said. "l did n ot know th ere w e re any (schoo l s that pra c ti ce d segregation)." Mu c h con ce rn h u b <>e n expreued about the preside nt's Isolatio n , by a diligent White Ho~ staff, from the current facts of hfe In America. Thia la a small. but alar ming e xample o f his 1so lauun , and one~ that waa qu1t'kly rl'C l1fwd. We do not l<Jok forward t o gravttr , le1H1 easi ly r l'ctiflablc "xampll.>H Hc'Cen tly the pretudcn t h <1s tak<·n to ~oing out into the 1·ommun1ty to m eet with cll1wns u 11 d r 1: Ii J> o n d l o q u t• K t 1 o n s Obvwusly m u <'h m o re o f this 1s nt-ed1'<.! to brN1ch thf' W hlll· lfoWi(_• wallt1 'Hardships' hard to buy Our hc·arts go out ag;11n lo thmw trnrd working. n ·:-1)1)11s1bl<• rrwmb ·r"! 1>( ConJ<n•i.!i who mU'>t '· 11 ti u r l' •1 $ 7 ~> p c · r cJ ;1 y t a x dNlud1011 tlwy vutNJ th1•ms1·lv1·1> last fall Hut th•·n 'wm1·hod y h:1:-to MJl'f'lflt'<' for th1· puhhe 1-:ood While• mor1· than I 0 pc·rc'f•nt uf th•· workfhrl'f-1~ utlt., th1--i<• pir:1tc~ r>f t h1· l1otonrn1· f1·:1t~wr tht·1r own m11Ls t·ve·n mon• Th1·y can df'<h-1l'l lhc $75 a day fw Wui;hington laving <'XJX.'nM..'11 1•v{·11 when not in Wruihangton and m""t tamt'H when Congn~ as not in sN1slon And thf· dc•dut'tion d oe11 not h<.tvt• to be JUSt1f1 {•d to th<· lnh'rnal Ht·vt•nut-St•rv1c1• Som~" of thf• ''hnrdKhtps" the• rc·~ulatwn Is t•1tusang 1•m('rged ut an IHS h1.•<tr1nJ( th111 wet•k 1n W:aMhlngton A JUnlor m1·mtwr o f C:o11grc.'M, ltl'p Dou~ Walgren. JJ P:i , said th'· <lf'clueuon um 't nN•<l1·cl "Mo!4l of the t1 m«· t h t·y ( t ht.· t·ongr<•11sm1.·n) don't f'Vf•n pc.i y for thf'lr own lunch," he said. Only thrc..: tongn."'Mmcn even bothf•rt'li to Hh ow up for the hl'a nng, wh1t'h lruit.<.>d 45 mlnutcll, although :WO say tht·y oppose the prov11uon A r't!prt·!!ol·nt.alivc of Common Cuuiw.· denounced th t· tax break 81 wrong, l:l('lf lsh and unJust1f1ed. and d«llvnc·d nPorly 28,000 IPttflrs from r<'adcrs of two P1ttHhurgh :1011 Clnc:innati papl·rs protC'Htini;< lht• pr11v1sion. Thl• IRS K<11d it al~1 rt-<·Mvttd 6,000 lctwn1. "Thia $75 dal l y '"' l'll'arl y 1·xcL>1.'llve and inappropriate," Rep. BnklPy Bedell, D -Iowa, testified. Rep EugcnC' Atkinson , R·Pa., 11 poke a gainst the "un e th ic~I. tlandcstine maneuve r " by which Congrt"M a pproved the d l-dU('tion. He rd erred to its being attachPd t.o a bill rrusmg coal LaXt..'11. It W«18 not known when th1.· r RS would ruk. o r whetht•r I\ would re-duce tht• $75 dl"duct1on (Jr m:lke It p(•rmuncnt. Then again, In th<' waKtef ul waylJ o f Washingto n , It might want to rah1e lt to SIOO a day for our long-suHering lawmakC'r8. L.M. Boyd I Monkey manners &hc1on11 Mlll'k out lh1•1r ton~Uf'll tu l'Xpn·n d(•f 1uru·c.• So dti .mtrw nallvt• grownupi1 llU<'h m1 tht• M8urh1 of Nl'W ?',,c•11bmd t~rtalnly, littl1· 1.·h1ldrc•n dolt worldwldt• But t~ll' 111•h1Jlnr• w h1' look Into human IM-huvfor 1111y th1 •y don't rC"nlly know why Tht•y 01110 do n't know why for mnrc: llltl1• t(lrl1 than 11 tt lt• boy• dn It ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot -.-..~ ~,, '"" ... tlW , •• , •I ... """" ••• M . ,.... w "-"' ,.,,.,°"~ .. ,...••It• 0 ... ( .. U w, I A t/U• Q Wtwn• i. It that thl" low aays • wo;t111n'11 hulr lx>lcmgJ to hn hu1b4ind? A A Mk hlgun Jud((" honded down u rultrite to thttt <!(ft><·t. but nothln& In th,, rt'<.'f1rd 11t hand lndl<:ul('!I 11'1 o law onywh<>r1· In thh1 C'ountry &mt' poll.all'n y only one man In 1lx claim• to domlm1w hit own home• ThomH P. Hal ey Publl\h r Thom•• A. Murpftlnt E d itor 81rbilr• Krtlltlctl Edltort11 Page Editor ~~--· 'f1'1J1JW HAIN. Why Watt defied Congress WASlllNGTON ll'11 •·usy l'lluul(h t.o h,1u~h al lntnwr S.1·r1·~1ry Jomt•N Watt With hl8 bald hl•ud and 6(1~~. 'md lil11 1•xtruvagant. '>hout (111111 tlw lt1> s11r<·UH111, h1•'11 a car1 11nr1111t'11 cJt•ltl(hl 11n 1·g~ h1·11dt'l'l 1•xplr11u·r out t.o nail Hanil11'11 hid1· to h1~ 11ff11·1· wull Unfortun11t.1.-ly. lht· wurkuholu· ISf'( n · t:1ry 111 n<i l11u,:<h1nu m11llN Wh1·n h1 ·'11 nol thinking of way11 lo UM' Uft tlw 11,1 tum·, nuturnl n~1url·111 an ttrm• for tlw s. .. ·111111 l'omtnlo(. 111''11 111·lwm111~ l11 k1 ·1·p {'011~1111..'t 11nd th1• publ11 rrorn kn11wrr11< :mythu\J( about wh11t'i1 Klllrtj( cm 111 th•• Jo:x1•1·utlV(' Brnnl'h 11f tlll' u11v1·rnnw11t Ami I 111t•ar1 anything FOR SI X MONTHS, Watt d1·f11·rl 11 1•ongrt•1111111nul rl't~~u'llt for :ii d11(·urn1•111.Jt t'OJl('l'rntnK Canud1an f'nt•rgy J>11l1<·y, 1111 j(r11undl!i of "<'X•'•·ut1v1· pra v1h·1w" 1111tl "rw11on11I H('('Urlty " Only on th•· hrtnk uf a mnl•·mpl utatwn drd Wutt finally t:Mwk clown and 84.•nd lht• i.up{xJl'lt'dly lllf'r'L'!lllV1· doc:urr11•n!JI up to C:up1LO Hiii My a!lll(X'tal<· Timy Cu11m't·l11 h111• 1·><h mh111I th.-documt·no., and lt'11 < h·or thut th,•y huve• nothrng to do with nnt.wruJI U><·ur1ty 11r d1plomat1t· 1•mharras11mt•nl Th1•v w1•n•n't 1·vc·n d.111111 f11 ·tl W;itt'a dutrn of 1•x1•c ut1v1· pr1vtl1•J(1• wui. pun· sh<"'I' dip N11rw uf thl' doc um1·nll> w.11' adclr1~-.1 lo Pn'ti1d1•11t RA·uj(;in, wt.11 h 11llj(hl hav1· prov1dt-d at 1 .. u t a lt'<'hnwal f"'K t.c1 hong thl· <·><t'<:ullv1• privlli·j(t· argu11wr1l 1111 Nor wa.a the president even present whc.-n the !!UhJ1·1·t u f Canada's d11,·r1m1n11t11ry tr1·11tn11·nl of U S nwrJ(y t•omporill'!I w.1N d1-.t w .. -..-<J 1n ttw Cahtnt·t C,1un<·1I Mulil 11f tlw "hot" dtl('UllW111.-" 1·1111l1111t hortnl( tc•<:t111wal daw til l1tth· 111 1A•l't'lil l11 unyorll' liut Ht•p .John l>lllHt•ll. l> Mlt'h. u11rl htll 111lh•.11<u1·' 011 1111' 1':1w1 ~y .ind ('111111111•111· ('or11 r1111l1•t•, who w1·n· rt· JICI INDIRIDN vwwing the· Mtnl•ral l..;1111111 l...t•as1n)( Al'l For 1•x11mpl1· Thrt't· cir tlw d111·1m11·nts w1·11· drnfu. uf lc11llmony W,1lt 1<av1· t.o C1>0~H "'-' laio.I Au~u11t Ar1111 twr hu11h hu'th 1u·m. wtthlll'ld h1·1·.1u111• 111 "<11·n-i1ltVI' fo r1·1 1<n JJ•1l1< y 1wgot1at11m,,," was wntu-11 hy ;, M'<"•lrlrl y1·ar l11w :1tudn11 lll Gt•org1•ll>wn l111 1 w·nuty who wa a kmporary. J);irl 111111 lntc:nor l)o·1i;1rt rrwnl 1•rnploy1-.· Watt 11.1111 th111 ml•rn11, dut.c-d July 14 . Hlli l. wa>; 11d dri,<w-tJ to tlll' l"ab1111·l ( 'ourn·tl A1·111,tlly. 11 wM 11d<l11"K."''<J Lou m111or hu11·;11111.1t 111 th1• Bun•uu of Lund M111wgl•rrw11t An•illll'r d111·um1·n t Watt d11l11 '1 want ltt t11r11 11v1•r w:L't hue anft1rmullo11.1I l'l1py 11f 1111 undtuullfll'd 1·abl1• fr11rn 11u r 1•m lms11y 1n Ott111 wa to LhCJ Secretary of Suitt-. dljt1-d July 24!, I UH 1. h 1tntt'CJ th11t th1·11· was 1111 lflll''lltrm 11( ('11nud1a11 rl1" 1r11nr11a l11111 ,1j(llll1'-l 11 S 111v,.i.1or'! N111•· •1f th• :11 r111111n11·11 h W•·r .. un1111opwd .uul 1111dul1•d, w1 lh 1111 111'111 11 t111n th.11 llwy h.111 1•v1•1 h1-.·11 1 ornpl,.t•·d. lllU• h I,.,," Ill t11 .111ybc1dy < >111' 1111·11111 w," .1 l11 •·,1d .111d 1111111·1· r1t 1l1 fro111 Wh111· I l111l"' t·c 11111111111 .1dv1~·1 H11g•·1 1'111 tc r 1h.111k111i.: W.1t1 1•11 "'111l111v. l.1111 .111 ""JI' Jl.'111 I 1111 1111 • ( ',111.1dt.1ll J1J1.l1l1 ·111 1'111 It I 1111 l11d1·d .t 11 '\1 1 ... l'd ·•w ·11d .• f11r .111 111ir 11111111•• t "'""'' 1 c '111111111 I Ill ·c·l 111~· WllY, Tlll•:N, rlul Wrt11 •lt ·tv <'•1111~••"•" 11v1·r tt.1-. 1 ,.,.,~ 1,( 111.1r ,l1111 .dlo1"',' Tl11 rr·as1111' 111 .1 v Ill' 111111•· ... 1111•.t•·I tli .. 11 111111 11l11ui- W .• 11 · •• l••J!l •l.111\1• I n1111.; I .• 1 I 11t1•11•11 •.• '1'111 ·•"1'''' < :.111 "" "'Ito "' .... "'" 111 H1 1 lt.11 d N1x1111·, .111111111 y , 111 ltw llll'>Ut ''°""ful 1•((1111 111 k1·"1' llt1 111111111111,tl111~1 'v\',1tl •fg.1t 1 I.If""' 11 .. 111 tlt1 '>Jll" 1,tl J1llN • 11t111 Wtth ( ;,,, r ......... 1dv11 I ' W.1t l -.i·1·n1 i. 111 h.tVI· l,;·1·11 II vrr•v. Lo Wiii ,, ... k111rl ,,, t•),f'i llllVf • '""''"I' t1v,h1 tit.II N1>.•111 1•1"1 lr11fl't d . 1111'1• w.i., ,, J.•ll1t1g. l.11r11la.11 fllll/. lll tlll' ';Wl'f"Jlllll-( • l.11111 11f 1•)(•" Ull\11 pr 1vtl1 w 11111t.111wd 111.1111• ""' v.11111·11 h-, A1t•1r111 y (;1 ·111·1.tl Wtlla.1111 1-11·111 It Sr11rth Ill :o<IJJIP'" l 111 W :ot I 1 .... t ( )( l•llK I M v ..... ..,_I.JI• ( 'l,11 k M11ll1·11h•1l I .... 11111-.I 1 .. 11111 •It• I >111w·ll < ·,,1111111111 • 1lt.t1 11 11 ·n11111lc·cl lt1111111 th•· 11u 11·dtl1I• • l.1111" 111.1d1· l1v thc .11 t11111••v' •~· 111 ·1 :ti 1111d• 1 N1"'"' 111 Ap1 ti 1 11'1:~. '"' • 11.1111pl1 Attur 11•·> ( ;, ..... , ·" H11 h .11 rl K l··111d11 n-.1 I l.111111rl '"'''' 1Jt1v• 1111 vtl1 J'• f111 .di :1 1 11111111111 1 r11pl11v• •' •11 thc 1 ,.,., 1111\ • hr .1111 It 11r1d1 r ·'"' 111111111•.t.1111 •., 1111 lud111J• 1111 "'"''' 11111• Ill II W.111 It.id \1 111'. dt d Ill d1 11\lllg < '1111gr .... , 1111 .st 111u 1. ... -.tf,, d d•1111111• 111 .. t11· "'"uld li.1v1· 111.1d• Kl• 111d11 11 ... 1·. 111• 1""'•·11111 ' dr • .1111 .111d d1• """ r 11 .111 111 .. 1pl1 -. 1111:1t1r11.1r• • otrt1• tr"' Going to movies used to he more fun It's beginning to look a1 though I'm g oing to mlu 1eelng the Acadcrvy Award-winning movie again lht. lear 1 don't know how long "Cha.Mota o Fire" 11 going tO be around, but I doubt If I'll catch It I'm 1ure It muat be gOCJd but I don't ~en know what It'• about. When I wu young, there wu nothing I liked better th.8n tO go to the moviet1 on a Satu rday afternoon whe n I sh ould have been outdoon playing. It wa1 al· woy1 a double feature and we'd comt" out of the Madllon Theater f~·llng ell funny from having been coopc.'<1 up an the dark for liO long All the kldA I Wt'nl with hktod the moviu •·vt'n 1f the•y W<'rl' had In thosf> day1 I don't evt•n rl'cull that w<• had any c.'1il1cal opln10n It w1111 juat "the movies." J STILL Uke the movit"I hut I don 't M'f' more than one or two a yt>ar now It lan't televialon that keep1 me In. lt'11 juat that J Uke wh.at I do around the houae when I'm not d1Jlng anything, mort• thon I ll kf• going out to th<' moviee. Going to a movt!' 111 a 11mJlll <'vent and I don't need another c·vent In my Jlfe right now. J !ind hf<• i\M.'lf eventful 1·noug,h. A sttond rc•u1on I don 't go to many movies !JI that I'm nevn Vl'ry lmpn~ ANDY RODNEY ~ with movll'll lhat aet out to be arty They ure filled with meaning thut do1•11n't mf>an anything to me. Thl·1r dt'pth l'11Capes me Motion picture makera, more thun mo.t artlata, h11Vt• coruc:lowly IK't uut ll> make thelr product arty, and that nevl'r produces much •rt Art ii a by-product of an honecl und 11uc'l~ful attempt to du IOmethlng well . 'Che mistry' can kill r e a son 0111· 11f th1· m1111t wtd1•11pn·11d 11nd In n111l1<·uhl1· of human cl1•lu111111111 111 thut w1· l1k1· or d1Ml1k1• Hp1•1·Hw and1 v1du1tlM f111 "n•as.<11\11" c1f cine• 1M1rt or 11n1>ttwr, wlw11 tht· fttct 11 thut w<• llk1· th<:m or don't, und then find rea11otlll I! d1•numdt'd of Uli. Omo can alway• find a' rc•wton, pro or m n. but It ii only after the flK.'l 1 like IYlllY Hlllll IOme people who are u different from me 11 nlah t from d•y, and lnten1ely dl11lke 80me oth r1 In whom J dlecern aaome of my own unlovely U'alta. There 1eem1 to be lhtle rhyme or reuon to th~ "chornlcal" afflnlUes or alltt&ln, for want of a more 11tlafM.'1ory adjt'Ctlve. I like llOnW men who &1'41 to the left of Trotaky and IOme who aro to \he right ot Oe1nah11 'Khan; t0m~ who aro atlmut.tlnl)y brUll&nt, and IOml' who are IOporUlcaTly dull; tom who 1h.ar• my own backaround 1tnd pr'«.'ICOncopOoN and llOmC who ml&ht have come from Man. My "oheml.cal" &heory la bome out by the f'mb&rr .. lna fee\ that, ao often, the frienda of our ROoct fr1endl ere no\ Pf'C>- pl• we would choote •• frlondJ et. all. ond w1• f111d 1t rltff11 ult 111 u11d1•111ll1111l httw \111111•11111· wr· l1k1· and rt•11 1w1·t '" rnlH h 1·11uld hav1· anotht•r frn•nd i.11 to 11dly un1J~'('t•pt 11bl1· It d1x•1>n't 11tund to n ·11111111 whldt 111 why I 1n 11i1l thlil n•ut0n h1111 nothing to rfo with It. To lnjl ... ·t o m<Jrf' r)C•n1onal nok'. wht•n I h"·turi· urnund the· l'liuntry, tht• hOlll or h<)lllA.'M ml'(.'lrng m..-11t th1• plum· or hol«>I wlll of 1.t•n udmlt (nftc>r 11 cJrlnk and din· l't'f) h11Vlnait hod tcrl'Ul lrt•pltfnt111n tx•for<! the t-n(•ounwr. "I'm 1ud1 a dull r.encon," tw or Mht· will uy, "that I <'&in t lmegln1• you'd be lntemtfd In my company," ur word11 t/J that cfff'Ct Thia 111umt1 that I prefer an 111- ~bla• of witty lnwllt tu•la, all alanlJI In their field, and would ht• dluatl•fled with enythlna Ina. which I• total rub· btl"h. MOit lntellectuall I have mot give mft a arand pain In the behind, •nd many to boot IN' duller than dl.lhwec.r The ' ai!I' of thl' mind, u I have uld ~fore, ta lf'tl lmpon.nt ttum tho 1hapt1 of It lndoe1d , thl' only kind of people J cannot 1tand are Uw:JMo who care for only their ·•own kind," and are wary or ro- jectln41 of a 1tr1naer who comet from a different milieu Th peopl' havi lhut off tht'lr ''ehemlairy" compl•i.fy, and aro operat1n1 on mechanical controls t hat have been UUl"rly dehum.nlud. Tht-y'ro thf> truly dull onN. ...,.. ........... -. . .... hof>C' mot11m p11 t11n~ prtl'lp•·1 ,,., un art form bl'• oust• tlll' b1•'tl 11f 1lw111 an· wondt•rfully ~111,U .. rt Tlwr1··, '"' n ·aM1n not Lo runk motllm fJl('tUlf'S al1111~ wrth opera, htt•r11 turi-. lh1· \tJ~'" 111u .. w. or HCUlptur .. :11111 1i;11ntan~ llh lt·g1t11ru1t1 • art Thi' fLl<·t llHlt rn1111t mtJVlt•<; ar •· Junk rl111'tln't 1·nt1•r 111t111t Mollt :crt in 1111y form 1't Junk · Nurl1ty 111 th1· rr1ovu•:1 •~ .1 K'"1d l'XJm pit• o f f;1k1· art Moi.l prrnlun ·r... huv1• found 11 l(l.IOd l111x offtl'\' 111 th1· J>Ml HJ yN1r:1 to 1111·lud1· 11CJnll' •w xy rwk1·rlnt•1111. hut thf'y almo,.1 11lw11y11 camouflf11(1· ll M url I don't mlrid tht· nudity, but I objt'<'t l•1 lht· prt•tt•llM' that 11'11 ort A11 .1 muttl'r of fot•t, 1101,111•ll111t-H 11 juHt cl<Jt•1u 1't l1111t Ion~ 1·nou1<h J' Vt• K£•1•n 1111m1· vn y lwuu t 1 f u I wom1·n t.akl' all or rno'lt of th<·ll d11th1-11 11(( for th<• ('IJmt•ru Th1·y li1ok<'CI Just flrw 11nd l didn't turn my lw1:1d uway, hut th1• mnvw lilllu'<l fur two houn. und th1•y only had tht:'tr doth1·M off for mJJyh•· u 111111ul'' or two and ttw 14•st of th•· muvu• w1111 t..rnhlt• AT MY AGF., I'm not 111tr•r1·~tcd 1n wwctmg an hour and !18 m1nut1"C and $5 JUlll lo 111-t• o ltttl(• 11url1ty Movh'll ar<· hdtN thnn thc·y UM-t i lO bt> whf'n I Wll.'I growln~ up I w1i;h I llkcod them 1111 wt•ll Th(• ~horlA.•omlng 111 mor<' mint' thim tht·1r11. Ttwy'n• doi n~ lht•l r part Movl1•11 have an Important, wt'll· done. blg·tlmc• oar about tfwm Even tht" worst one11 do n 't look 811 though tht'y W<'re don~ hr omat~ur fllmmakl.'111 They eren t muklng movltt I want w •t•c, though. I li ked "Hleh Noon" and "Tht' Sting " Wht-n 1 go to lht• movl<!I, I want tO be entertalnrd. not f'duciat.ed I don't go to thC' movlt'I to learn h1>w ter · rlbly .,.d llfe• c1tn be for a marrlf'CI (.'<>U ple who ha~ t"tteh other and have two chlJ· dren. l 'vc.1 1e•n douna of example. of that In rt-al life and It doc1n't amuatt, divert or educate me. lllllY Ill . ' I A.re kJda and &ema really able to handle ; lM "tar out" 1ex knowltd .. lht)' pkk CX>NCl:RNED up wetchlnc PO and R moY1M? l l COMMENTS Aatronomer Carl Sagan says scientists must polish their image among children to of fse l a "nasty trend" of discouraging youngsters from e nte ring scientific profeaaiona. Scottish • income highest WASHINGTON (AP) -Americana of Scotti.sh descent tend to be better educat ed and have higher incomes than other European-based ethnic groups, according to a Census Bureau study. Based on a sur vey taken In late 19 79, the study said Ame ricans who tra ce d the i r ancestry to Scotland had median family Incomes of $20,018, highest of eight single -ancestry groups studied. Second In family Income w ere those of German background. at $17,531. while those of Spanish background had the lowest median income at $10,607. The Scots w e re the only group to record no 11literacy in the survey, had the lowest unemployment rate at 2.1 pe r cent and the highest ratio of high school graduates, 81.2 perwnt. The study looked at c haracteristics of Americans of English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Scottish and Spanish deecent. Among them, those of Spanish d escent, 30.3 percent, were most likely to have been outside the Un ited States. The Italians were a distant second at 13 l percent, while only 2 7 percent of the Irish were born outside the United States. Scots r ecorded the hi ghest proportion of married men, at 79.6 percent, follo~ by 75.5 percent f or those of French extraction. The lowest ma le marriage rate was 62.8 percent among the Spanish. Among w omen, the French were most likely to be wed , at 68 .6 . percent . w ith the Germans second at 64.3 percent. Polish women were least likely to be married, at 60.6 percent. Bible due in stores NEW YORK (AP) - A new veulon o f the Bible based on a 3,000-word vocabulary may not be the literary masterpiece the K ing Jama version la, but the translato r says his concern "Is that people understand It." The Simple English Bible la a oommon--teme version o f the New Teti.Dent, aaid Stanley Morrla, a llnaulat who directed the project for the International Bible c.o. of Harttord, Conn. Come ln and see our .large selection of Swimwear South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday, May 1'4, 1982 AT PUBLIC .NOTICE I DINH TES ttt.00 0111.11111 MA l l RE:SSl S "' .,_ 'It 0,, OAk FINISH O()Ul ll WAll UNll •1"·" MAJOR· FURNITURE MANUFACTURER hat to llquldote vlont Inventory ond hat choHn Oron~ Countyt HOOKS HOMI PUINllHINO INC. to be their outlet .. LARGE SELECTION OF FABRICS & PATTERNS AVAILABLE Velvet1•Herculon1•Nylon1•Prlnt1•Solld Color1 •IJCAWLI• ONl y 2 PC. SOFA & LOVESEAT •39900 Retoll E:IHwhere $1243.00 ONt WHlt ONl 't I BUNK BEDS . '" CHEST I EOS .... •U.00 lt!CLINl!RS ........ $1 .. 9-199 All lompt l'tt•u••• Mlrr11n ond A<c.euorle• 1'11ted 1090 2 ~. IOPA"\OVlllAT Country Engllth Trodltlonal And Contemporary ,1 I\ '3ct900 '89900 •IXAMPLI• N o thing H1gt..1 2 PC . CAMEL BACK SOFA & LOVE SEAT Retall1 $ 1487 .00 '499°0 Decoroto,. Welcome HOUH: BROOKS HOME US•S aroolchurst Loyowoya M 0 "··••4. ,.... Westminster tHld 751-7500 I ":,~~~=;~yh:~-:.~.~:::-S:~.",';:;'~-"~~=-· FURllSHll&S llC. (714) 531 -5450 .._ l Corne• lroolthurtf & Mcfodd.r -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~----~----~--~ -, -.. . .. -. -... . -. . . ~ ~ . - t I If I I Orange Oout OAILV PILOT/f'rlday, May 14, 1912 18956 BROOKHURST ST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY (CORNER GARFIELD BEHIND McDONALDS) I I PRECIOUS STONES! 16", 18", 20" LIMIT 15 PER CUSTOMER "MAYIE THE LOWEST PllCE IN AMEllCAll " 14 IT. GOLD CHARMS RINGS 503 a11075 3 on IYllY llNG IN THI STOii iS 50~ND75~f HURRY I - • 4 50% AND 75% OFF STARTS SATURDAY, llY 11 1 O·OO IEHHEWHEN e THE DOORS OPENI AM SHARPI THIS IS ITI UP TO %OFF DON'T MIND THE CROWDSI 2 DAYS OILY SILE EIDS SALE STARTS SI TUR DI y, MAY 1 & SALE HOURS 10 00 THURS. ·e FRI . 10·9 • SIT. 11-l AM SHARP!! _SUI. 11-I I . WATCHES 75u%0 0FF GUCCll HOLSTONI COLO: 5Al CHAlllll JONTUEI INVEN ORY WOITH OF PAllSI 25% -58% LANYINI NOllLLI fAlllGll HllMISI OFF YYU SAINT LAUIENTI CHAILIS IEYSONI PllllE CAIDINI CHllRIAN DIOll lllTISM STllLINGI YAN CLllll GIYINCHll UMIOGHINll ZIZANlll etc. • ! I t "IUOAY, MAY 14, 1M2 Are 1/lmy "•lli6•1or pear•" the route to lax shelter paradise'! See Stan Delaplane, Pase 82. D ~ Ill Cllll 111 TIE mm CAVALCADE GARDEN STOCKS 82 83 86 0 COUNTRY IN OR COUNTRY OUT? -Sometimel you can really get oontwied by new1 that drtf ll ln here at our office. Juat con.eider thil conflict we have here on country and wntem mUlic. First, th1a dilpatch arrives that declarel the country and western music fad which haa prevailed for aome time C. practically dead. "Country and we1tern mu1lc wlll be dead .._ totally dead -before the year 11 over," declared Jack Payne, who la mlWcal directDr for one of thoee ca.ainol over in Lu Vega. "Actually, ~ I'm 1urpriled it haa luted th1a long. It wu jult a fad •,. and like all musical world ~. ' ~~ people get tired Tai MURPHlll .~ THAT SAID, THE next pre. dispatch arriving waa from Dianeyland, right ln our own Anaheim, announcing that Dottie West la going tD headline a "Saturday Night ol Country Music" at the Magjc Kingdom thia coming May 22. For this affair, Disneyland'• going tD stay open from 9 a.m. to midnight, hold two electrical parades and put Dottie N-"'llUJlt'• Do«Se Wen: 8tl1l loab plimty Uvely. on a floating river it.age in Frontierland. Other country and west.em st.an will be ecattered throughout the place from Tomorrowland tD the Space Stage. Gee, from all thia, you'd gue11 that Disneyland doesn't filure country and west.em music ia dead. Particularly tDtally dead, as Mr. Payne so quaintly put it. AND WAIT AGAIN. He re comes another new1 dilpatch, declaring that a "C.Oncert on Caring" ii going tD be held at Long Beach Arena on May 23, with the prooeeda going tD specla.1 training camps for kidt in the Sped.al Olympics, summer camps and community services for developmentally disabled youngaters. You surely hope that country and west.em music won't be demised before that event comet off becawie ·this ia going tD be a country and western concert. All for good causes. And who will be the headliners? Why, it's that aame Dottie West who Dlaneyland ls launching on lta floating 1ia,e. Now, it should be noted that your correspondent ia not one of those rabid country and west.em fa1ll who 1tompe around ln booll and rides mechanical mulet ln saloona. When country mwU.c gets beyond ''The Tenne.ee Waltz" most of it has loet me. My idea of going out intD lhe country la to drive down tD Salt Creek Beach. TIM! nearest I want to~t tD Home on the Range is tD watch the Irvine cow1 gr a.1ona Cout H!ghway or out Laguna Canyon Road. At Mt [ think they're COWi. TO THE COUNTRY and western mu11cal fan1, however, don't get too exdted about Mr. Payne of Lu Vegu declaring the muaical trend tD be nearly expired. Critics have been declaring that lince the 193-0I. But country and west.em la lt1ll kicking. I know that country and west.em mwdc lull a long time. Several decade.I back, r had a bunk mate in the military who played lhe 1tuff day and night on the radio from a place called Del Rio, Tex.u. I know country and west.em mUlic haa longevity. It'• •till rtnct.n& in my ears. NESTING - A pair of dovet took advantage of a hanging fem lant tD build their neet at the home of Dorothy llcebuchJ Dlll'I ......... "' cewtM ....., in Huntfnlton Beach. The two birds didn't seem tD mind the a of a photographer or hi.I camera. Schools cut as funds tighten Teachers, staff to lose jobs in budget retrenching By JEFF ADLER or ... Dlll'I,... .... Four of eight Oran1e Coaat achoo! dlatrlcta are cuttlna back on teachers and other dlatrict penonnel next year bec•uae of declinln1 1tudent enrollments and •Ultere ~. Toppm1 the liat of fl.nancially atrapped school diatricta are the Huntington Beach Union Hl1h School Dl1trlct , which moved earlier thla week to lay off 64 teachen tn June, and the nearby Newport-Meu district, which will lay off 24 of Its teachen and an un1p_eclfed number of non·t.eechJJ\8 employeea. Two other dlatrlcta alao are reductn1 the number of 1Chool employees by layln1 o ff "We're growing and that helps us to hold the status quo." non-teac hin& perso nne l. Fountain Valley School Dlatrict truatees have eUminated 15 full and part-time joba while the Capistrano Unified School Diltrlct has eliminated 30 ataff poetion.a. However, the Laguna Beach Unified School Dlatrlc t, the Irvine School Diltrlct, the Ooeen View School Dl1trlct and the Huntinaton Beach City School Olstrlct will be staffed next yeM at cloae to thla year'a levela, achool official• In tho1e four diltricta report. While distric t tru1teea In L.aauna Beach have not had to lay off any employee., they al8o have not hired a teacher In the put four )'ears, accordlna to a diltrict apokelrnan. The 1pokeaman 1aid achool atafflna level.I have been reduced u t.eaChera or other employeea retire or leave the diatrlct. Such poetionl then are left vacant. Both Ocean View and Huntlnaton Beach City school dl1tricu will not be laying off teac hers or other dl1trlct employees, but the number of h o ura cla11room a l dea are workinc may be cut beck., achoo) offldala tn the two diatricta aaid. Laat year, the Huntlnaton Beach diltr1ct laid off 50 teechers, added Ronald Brown , the district'• -'8\ant superintendent ln chup of penonnel. The Irvine Unified School Diltrict flnda Itself Ln a different altuaUon. While other Oran1e Coa1t ac hool dlatrlct1 are 1hrlnkln11 Irvine achoola are growlnf, Mid Delaine Richard.a, aulatant superintendent of penonnel aervicee. He aald that d espite tlaht·flated school budgets, staffing levela have remained at.eady because of the influx of MW atudenta. "We're growing and that helps us to hold the 1tatu1 quo," Richards expalned "With the budaet c u ta and the alight Increase In enrollments we 're able to hold on." But It la decl.ln1na enrollment. and bare-bonee 19A2-83 dt.trlct ~ that have forced truateea ln the Hun~ Beach UnJon and Newport Mesa dl1trlcta to trim the number of t.eachera In thelr achoo.I.I. Huntington Union district offldala expect to aave about •t.~ million next year In teacher aalarlea and benefits from the 64-teecher layoff. In1tructlon In the aoclal aciencea w ill be amona the subject areaa hardett hit by the layoffs with 100 fewer couraee to be o ffe r ed and 20 teac hing posi tiona elimina led. Alao, eleven or 12 physical e ducation in atruc tora are numbered among the teachers who will not be beck next year. Dlatrlct administrators aald they don't believe the layoff will affect atudenta who want to take IOCia1 ICience COWWI nor wW it affect the dlatrlct'1 competitive iporta Pf'OfP"IJl\· Teachers to be laid off at the end of thla year will have flrat rl1hta next year aa aub1tltut.e t.eachen, accordlnc to Howard Roop, one of the d lltrlct'a llliltant IUperint.endent Abo, Roop uld a number of teachen laid off could be rehired In September after o ther teachen leave the diatrlct or take lea vet of abaeonce. The Newport-Mesa Unified School Dlatrlct hopes to aave $720,000 next yeM by laying oft 24 of lta teachers. In spite o f the layoff, how - ever, apeclal programs alated for eli minat ion, suc h aa gymnaat lca, 1alllng and a developmental kindergarte n claaa, have been retained. Aa part o f th e distric t's budaet-cuttlng e ffort, truateea alao approved sending layoff n otices to 336 n on-tea c hing employee.. Indlcationa are that only abo ut 35 to 4 0 of thoae employttt actually wlll be laid off ln June, achool admlniatratora aa.ld. Slnce 1976, the Newport-Mesa a c h oo l ayate m haa loat approximately 1,000 atudenta each year, acoordina to officlala The Fountain Valley district lay off of nonteachina penonnel will affect two cuat.odlana, two part-time food service workers and two part-time llbrarlana, echool offf.clala laid. • Other po1ltlon1 alated for elimination Include three clerk-typlai., one Instructional aide for the handicapped, one communlcatloM apeclaliat, two the rap y al cJ.ea and two bua drivttt. Similarly, Capistrano Unified achoo! truateea h ave approved the layoffs of 30 non -teaching employeea, the dlatrlct'a first since Its cre•tlon In 1965. The layoffs will affect school counaelora, llbrariana, nurses, ape ec h patholog11ta and induatrial artJs teachers, acx:ording to d ia tr i~t Superintendent Jerome Thomaley Approximately •3~0 ,000 In aaviJ\81 will be realli.ed from the ataff reductiona, he aaid. Dart contest due in Laguna The 13th annual Far Weat Shootout, featuring up to 500 Southern California dart toMen, tak.el place th1a weekend at the Lacuna Beech Boya Club. More than $8,000 in prize money la being offered In the benefit match, in which proceed.a 10 to the local boya club Boya Club manager Pat Barry aaid he hof:M!9 to ra.lle "4 ,000 tor the organizatio n fr om the two-day ahoot. Advance entr1ea and event achedulea can be o btained by calling the club at 494-2535. Spectators may attend the dart • tom for free. They're retiring as they s·tarted: A team OCC president and secretary both calling it quits after 22 years Separations that follow 20-year marriqm aren't unuaual today. but th.ta one la d111ennt. Oran1• Coa1t Collea• Pretldent, Robert B. Moore, 11 Ntirina at the end of th1t achool year. Alao due to retlre la hla aecr. etary of 22 yean, Kathryn "KAy" Stanberry. ''I think you could 1ay that OW' relaUonahlp ~er the yean hu been aomeUl1nl of a marriap, '' f Dr. Moore uy1. "In fact, I OCCMionallv find m)'lelf ca1llnc her 'Pat.' .r Pat .. the IWnt ot Moore'• real ~ of MU'ly 40 )'9U'J. Kay Stanberry mme to OCC In 1908 and worked • a .....wy tn the office of Dr. BHll H. Peteraon, the 0011•1•'• flf"lt prwident. She beeanMt Moon'• ..,....,,. In tht aummer of lMO whln bit w to tht -,.. • the mllillt'• ~ ol lnllnaction. Moor• a11umed the coll•&•'• pnlldmoy ln &IM, and took Kay wtth ..... "lie didn't have much cho6ol wblD M UTtwd hire, hi at Of lnheria.d me.'' Mn. ltanberry "We've aotten a.l°"8 well over the yeen becau.e of my Arizona upbrinalna," he aay1 with a mlachievou. amlle. "I 1rew up with a bunch of Texana. I wu able to undentand mc.t of what 1h• wu aayln1 rl1ht from day one." A native of Amarillo, Mn. Stanberry h.aa lJwd tn California ma 194}. With three daupten born here, lhe cona&den ~lf "nearly a native." Her TexH accent hH faCled to a 1U1ht drawl ''Bick in the =y da Kay and l dJd almott lnl Oft campue. from an niltradve MMIDGllllt" Moon reGM:tl. 0 We banahd all the faculty 1ebedu1tn11 clau t0heduUn1. employment intervlew1, evaluat1om, r;:t:'· fecllltlff uaap, ... N ~~· . We Publilhld m. , .......... and _faeulty mAN"' • ••Now we haw a ct.I\ tor MCh 1one of thoee functtona,'' Mrt. Stanbeny acid• wltb • lau1h. "We Uled to put In our· lhare ot ll·how' da1'- that haa taken place on thia campus over the yean." "What ahe'a really watched," Moore quJpa, "la me aetttna older day by day." Moore 11ya Mrs. Stanberry . 1chedule1 every o ne of hla workinc daya. "If I lou1e up, lt'1 becau1e I · haven't looked carefully at what lhe hal achedu.led." What etren1th1 hH Moore om.. v.d in hJI .ntaty '1VfW tM yean1 "She po•••• txtr~ f°""Cht." ht •)'I. "She alwaya be8fnl MCh project wa~ MMd of 1cfiedule, and' u1ually hH to haml9 me~pt nw 8be .. Yflf'1 • very arid " a ltJddtt f« ... Mn. Stanberry Nyt Moon'1 •=th l• the fact that h•'•. I on.nt.s,'' "Ke u... to peop)e lnWl\dy, and Mu9 what they •Y· He CM defule an)' lltuadon. beclwt he lihowl people chat be'• lntw .... and~.·· one reallzea that I 'm hard of hearing,'' Moore jokee. Mra. Stanberry planned to retire laat year, but Moore wouldn't hear of It. "l told her, In no uncertain term., that she couldn't nomibly retire Jut yeu," he Mid. "fkMw I had just one year left until retirement, and I didn't wut to apend that year with a new aecretary. Nope, I wouldn't hMr of lt." "He convinced me to come back for one more year," 1be adda wtth • mnlle Moor• and Mn. Stanberry admit t.My'U ma. one another - thou1h they ma1k It behind a constant banw. I "I think he'll be al.Id to aet rid of me,'' lhe -.y.. Mn. Stanberry wlll retire to her Co.ta M .. home wlth her hu1band Jlm. Moore and bl• wlf• wlli move to their 1mall fenn lD IOU&blrft 0rtton. Wlll Moore and Mu. Stanberry amd 1D1m01 beck and fortht ··~ ... Moon..,. ...... ~. ·u::· ..... ............. ""' hit •t ol1 tram the ~ "1''1 beft 1reat,'' •b• ·~·· '1'\19 ............... .-- watehed dw ~ l"OW'h "in. rMMA l look lUaa l.!.a UNninl IO tnt.tly ii becl W no ••we•w beae toptber for ., *it 1that1 ....... -11 CXlllWIMMlicatt~­by mental tllitpathy." t . -· .. Orl"9f Oout DAILY PILOT/Prld1y, May 14, 1H8 •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •HOROSCOPE Welcome mat no longer out for mother-in-law DEAR ANN LANDERS: My dau1hter lntonned me that her marriqe wu tiniahed and ahe wanted a divorce, but ahe wu afraid to tell her huaband becaUH he mt1ht become vlolent. She beged me to •ta~ wlth her for a few day• and be "on hand.' I wu ln their home when he r huaband received a t'Ourt order at hl1 office, forbld- dln1 him to ent~r the h ou1e without h er permilaJon. When he came to pack hll baa•. he auddenly turned on me, accused me of breaking up hla marriage and ordered me o ut of the house I was atunned. My dau1hter remained allent. So I drove l!>O miles to my own home, crying moet of the way. Now they are back together and he holds me re1pon1ible for all hla marital problems. I admit I was bitterly opposed to the marriage, but when my daughter said 1he wu going to be hl1 wife no matter what anyone aald, I acwpted him and tried to be supportive. (1 1hould tell you my daughter waa not yet 20 yeara of a1e at the time. He waa ln hta mid-40. and the divorced fa- ther of four chHdrun). Thi1 la the preaent s itua t ion: M y daughter I.JI f)t'rmJtt.ed to brtna the chlldren to vl1lt me. but I am unwelcome In their home -now and forever. I am tick about it. Can you help? -SOMEWHERE IN TEXAS DEAR TX: Help you do wlaat? Sboelaona your way Into a 1ltaatloa tbat woald lnevl· &ably result In another f•mlly fl1bt, wUla you drlvlag bome •gain In tean? Wlaat do you need lt for? Your IOn·lD·law IOUDdl Uke a tyra.at, and your dauabter baa apapeUl wbere ber 1plne belon11. Be 1ratef ul Spa1bettl'1 lord and maater allow• ber to brln1 tbe cblldrea to vlalt you. U't better tbat way. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I know you havP h eard some lollapalooza1 over the years, but thil one ii a winner. I'd llke your opinion. Are we nut., or are they? My wife'• rich coualna from Maine told ua they aave a lot of money when they go out by ordering one dinner and two plates. Sometlmea they have to pay an extra ~O cent.a or $1 for the extra plate, but they aay It'• worth It. What do you think about thlis plan? -JUST AMAZED IN VERMONT DEAR JUST: One dinner and two plate1? And probably no tip. Tbe word tbat comea to mlnd la tacky. If tbeae relative• bave 1mall appeU~• and don't want to waate food, they can aak for do11le ba11 aad take tbe leftovers bome. No reafaurant owner object• to tbl1 prac- tice. It 11 con1ldered acceptable behavior even la tbe flneat placea. But two people 1pllttlng dinner 11 boorl1b. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Two years ago I met a married man and knew I wanted him more tha n anything In the world. His marriage was a diaa8ter and If it weren't for the children he would have ll'fl her long ago. When hC' finally asked his wif ~ for a divorce, she• said, "OK. but 1t will t'OSt you plenty.'' I would loVf' to haw a baby. but I can't ~ ANN LANDllS wke the tlme off from work We Uve in a tiny apartment while hial ex-wife ls still doing au the thlngs she did before -trips. a maid Jn th~ h ouse, l'X pen HI ve doth es. It bums me up. la it fair for a woman who was a rotten wife to get half of everything? A.Umony 11 thl' b1ggt.11t racket gomg on PlC>ase, Ann, tell ml' why It has bt:oc.'Ome a way of hfe for llO many women. I'M YELUNG J<'OUL DEAR YELLING: You can yell all you want, but alimony 11 tbe blgb coil of lea- ving. Wben a woman marries a divorced man 1be marries bl1 r espon1lbtlltle1. You 11ld you wante d blm more than anytblng ln tbe world. Well -you've got blm now, 10 don't complain. Tbe law favon tboae who are legally married, not Illic it I oven. ls alcoholism rwning yuur ldt-'.' Know the danger signal.~ and what to do. Ht•ad the booklet, "Alcoholism Hop<' and lfolp ... by Ann Landers. Enclose 50 cents with your request and a Jong, swmped. sdf-uddrl'SSl.'<i en velope to Ann Landers, PO &x I 199.5, Chicago, Ill. 6061 l His shelter taxing BEATING COST OF ELECTRICITY -Dr. Alan Sweedler , director o f the Center for Energy Studies at Cal State San Diego, displays photovoltaic solar panels that were installed in a San Otego home. The panelB can .,ft ....... produt'e enough direct electrical current to not only eliminate the homeowner's electric bill, but an excess that can be sold to a utility comp.any Leo: Burden lifted Saturday, May 15 ARIES (March 21 ·April 19): Favorable response LS received to your inquiriett. Good news flashes in connection with money and romance. Significant changes occur, you could receive Invitation to travel. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure promi- nently TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Family member makes concession Be a gracious winner. Combine diplomacy with determi - nation -superior calls or pays visit and admil8, "You were right" Libra, Aries and another Taurus play important roles. Pres· tige moves upwards GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Techniques are perfected, methods are streamlined and terms will be defined . Perceive potential, look beyond the immediate -mystery ls on brink of solution. Cancer. Pisces, Virgo rut· tives figure prominently. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphwlb.1 on loans, payment.s, debts, interest rat.es and possible tax shelters. Relationship intensi- fled and if you're merely playing games. you could be in for rude awakening. You'll learn truth concerning financial status of one who ii secretive. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Lie low, go alow, be aware of legal ramHlcattons, rtghta and permiallions. You'll complete t.uk; bur- den ii lifted, communlcatlont Improve and you'll gai.n wider audience. Aries, Libra and another Leo figure prominently. VIRGO (Au~. 23-Sept. 22): Highlight POT SHOTS ev ASHLEIGH BAILLIAN1 ·::: ~'= ::,:r;: ~ t'M SO GLAD YOU TOLD ME WHAT I OION'T WANT TO HEAR. HOIOSCOPf BY SI DNEY OMARA versatility, reach beyond current expecta- tions, make contacts with those at a dlatance and open lln~s of communication . Obtain professional appraiaal of valuables, including property Gemini plays important role. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emotional responses dominate acenano. You'll sense when something of importance Ls t.o occur. Focus on romance, creative efforts, signifi - cant changes, dealings with talented indi- viduals a nd children. Aquarius figures pro- minently. SCORPIO: (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Study Virgo message for valuable hint. Some re- strictions are neceesary and do not represent setba<k Know it, change your attitude from one of defeati11m to optimism. S urprise in- vi tat1on receivf'd and g loom will be 11ent packing SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ob- tain valuable hlnu by atudylng Virgo and Scorpio messages. You'll be uked to review, revise and posalbly to rebulld on a more suitable base. Emphasll alao on trip11, calla, unusual requesll from relatives. CAPRICORN (~c. 22-Jan. 19): You f lnd what had been lolt, mitllng or stolen. Focus on Income. payment1, col1 ectlon1, ability to pther needed material and make cont.acta with lndlvldual1 who ald In COii'· pletlna project. You're on brink of hltUnc }ackpot. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18); Element.a of timing and luck ride with you. You'll be at right plac:e at crucial moment. Major do- mestic adju1tment 11 htahUaM of ecenario. Tauru1, Libra, Scorpio penon1 flaure pro- ~ntly. Navy blue ll your color for today. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)~ Much that occur• 11 behind scenH, 1ecret or oft the reGOrd. Cland'ettlne encounter prov• pro- ductJve and romandc . .::C.Wl vilt\ wtll bl ~ and could m.-for CM" - who la c:onf!ned. Another Pllcel playt lie· nWC!Ant role. SAN FRANCISCO -"There is a tide in the aff a1rs of men," said Will Shake- speare. HI.a own ran mainly to riptides. Can't determine whether my tide is going in or ou t. I'm deep in avocadoe. "You need a tax shelter." said a lawyer friend. "How would you like to own an av- ocado grove?" I don't really own it. A lot of ~°c£le own pi~ of a place that grows av oe. The theor y ls you deduct thls from your income. "You lose money, then you make more," he awd. "The n we take out the trees and sub· divide it for real estate." I couldn't see how w e'd lose ANY money. A vocadoe were seUmg for a dollar or more at the supermarket I said: "Wha t 1f we MAKE money?" I NEED NOT HAVE WORRIED. Avo- cados are gomg for a song nght now . The financial pag~ s~ud. "The apparent heavy supply was caused by many people raising avocados for t.ax shC>ltcr purposes." I'd heard about tax shelters but didn't know J could gC>t under the t<..nt I said: "1 thought only people likt' Soc·al and Exxon and Chase Manhattan could do that.'' I had a Jtttl(' cash , though . Maybt.' l'nough for ONE avocado tree. 1 figured if the shellC>r began J..-aki ng, ( rnuld a lways make guacamol<:. It's a big boost for thC> <'go I foll li ke a gentleman farmer. I wore a tweed coat. I bought one of those floppy lns h tweed hats. At North Beach lunches I t'Ould say· "I hope this ram is good for the crope I've got a smaU Interest in evocad06 " BIG COMPANIES HIRE expensive tax architects to put up their shelters. Small people have to make do with what they can. _, ' . STAN Df lAPl.ANf ;t + AROUND THE WORLD I think my sheller LS hardly bigger than an A-frame. I haven't seen my avocado trees (or tree) It's somewhere near San Bernardlno. There's a house on the land We rent 1t out. I think the lawyer raised the rent but J didn't ask . Gentleman farmer 1s a ntc(· feeling But a heartln.s landlord, no I called the lawyN I said ... Havt' you ~n the way avocados an• gomg down'' Wt· do sell the blasted things. don't we?" He said: "Don't w orry (may tni<fr these oH and buy orange grow-:. .. Mtt.ch Curtts was my Monc•y M:Jn I h· urged me to get a tax s h,·ltt·r but muld n•·v<·r find one that would flt mC> Ht· wa.' drilling 011 wells for rich docton. and lawyer:. I said: "M atch , I c:an't afford a rf'al sheller How about raising an umbrl'll~ ovt·r me.'' THE DOCTORS AND LAWYERS didn't need more money. W1Jrm and dry in tht·ir shelters, they looked out a t mt• 111 th1· ram and chareed me doublt.• f t-t'S, No idea when avocados wil l improve· m y life. Haven't seen a crymg d1mt• so far Tht· lawyer said: "It takes a little· t1mt• " flt• sa1tl lots in a aubdivis1on across the wuy Wl'rt' 1:1elling for incredible pm·t.>s I read that some· blg m mpanies had a fiddle. They sold tax c:red1l8 to t·ach otht-r I said. "How about S<'ll1ng my tax c:redlls? Maybe to Mobil.'' I paid the same taxt.-s The• aC<.·ountant charged me a little more A sht•lter rtAqum!'d more ma1nt.enant'«' ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ I . GOREN ON BRIDGE RY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHAnlF' Hoth vulnHnhle. S1111th tlN•l<1 NOKTll • ~3 "A7'2 ?Q9U • K32 WEfiT EAST + 9 + QJ IOU '? Q 10 8 U '? K J 98 () J 103 () 8 • QJ97 • 8$4 SOUTH +AK742 ., v.w O A1'7'2 •AK 10 T he bld(Un11: 8H&.h W•1t Nordl £.- 2 • P ... 2 NT PH1 a o , ... • o , ... e o P ... , ... , ... Openln1 lead: Queen of •. l•n't It amazlnic how oft.•n 1 1tar receiver will oome up with an Incredible catch and then drop the nut ball that 11 thrown rlrM Into hi• hand•'l Like today'• declarer, he tlmf.ly took hl1 eytt off th• bal . South'• hand more than compenuted In dltirlbutlon for an1 lack of hip catda be misfit havt hfld r.. hi• ff. mand opening. When North rould support his ~t1cond suit Cre11Jy . South lrapMl str1ight to lll&m. WnNt lf'd th1• qu~en of l'lu hs. and df'darn wu dl'llKht~d with h., dum my -indeed, he waa thinking 1n term• or an ovc-rlrick. 11 .. won the king of duha. cuhed the 1cr of diamond• and con tlnued with I diamond LO th• queen. He w11 not unduly worrif'd when Eaat ahowed out on the second trump. Dfflarer led a 1p1de to the klnJ and tried to caah the ace Of 1pad11. It Wll only Whln Weal ruffed thi1 trick that d1c l1rer'1 predicament be1an to dawn on him . He had already lo1t on• trick, and ht had thrte epadt loMra and a club to dl1pon of hi hi• hand. and only two lrumpe and tht act of htartt t~ t.akt care of them. In the end, Sou\h had to eonc•d• a blaek· ault ~lek to tht dtf tndtr1 tor down ODt. Detlartr w11 unlucky t.o rind a 8·1 trump epllt and a ~ l 1pade epm, but It waan't dlllleul~,C:~ltlnet thf act..i .U.apMM wtrt DO Wont lUft i,t, tllt c:'Ontr11rt roulrl not ht· df'f1•1ttt•d 11111t·~' tr um11~ w1•r•· 4 0 1n th1· wronK hancl Th..r1•(11r•'. llfln w1nnin1e I hi' f1ral rluh lr11·k do•darl'r 4houlrl 1mmrili111o•ly lull tht' acl' kin~ of ,pail<'~ rr hoth llvt!, 1lt•durf'r rlln draw tr11mp1 and r la1m h1• ron trafl A• th~ r11rd11 lie. Woll ruU• tht! aecond apadt, but declarer 11 1t1ll 1&ft1 1-;vrn 1f Wot return• 1 trump, declarer win• In hand and he ran 1tlll ruU thrt!f' 1padea In dummy th.. qut111n of diamond• on the table prev1:1nt1 Wut from 1teorfn1 1 aecond 1p1de rutf with hi• remalnln1 diamond honor. The ace of hearta takH ca.re of declarer'• club lo1er. Have 1•• Ne• ........ l•te ... w. tn.W•? LR ClilarlM Otn• w, 1" W , .... , ........... el DOU LES tw ,._.. ... .... ~., ... ..,, .. W. DOVl&.11 -.. w.c., ... tl.81 '-"Q..,.. • .,.~ .. .. .... .,&Me ............ o. h1 •t, N.,.,,-4, "'·'· .,.... ................ . .. New...,u•uh , 0 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday, M•v '"'· 1'~82 LLOl'D•!i SUCCULENT ffomt· J<rown w·uet.ahll-'M, hkt· lht• tomal<H·S <JhOVC', lift• l<IKty ;,and ll U('('Ult•nl ht•<.'fWNt· I h1•y <'tan ript•n l•> p c•rfN·taon nn tht· VIO(' <JOtl tlwn bt• fJI( kt·<.J lit fJt'iJk rl:1vor GARDINIRS CHICILIST • Wh1·n 111·t tanJ( r1ul 1wedl1ng11 of tmn<1toci., 1•1(gpl.rnt p1·pp1·r :arid 11th1•r •wmrnt·r v1·1(1•lu blt•:., rnrll'rnh•·r II> rnulr h t.11 1 um.•·rv•· fTl11111turi· ;md h1Jld tlu· Wt'f'(l'I dr,wn •St.ak1· and lit · 1klpt11111um pl11nt.t1 t1nd l(l1td111lu11 ll1 11v111d brokr•11 Htlllk11 oind drooplril( f111w1•rH • Jo'L·t·d 1111w11 aftN the· finll flu11h 11( lll1.1om arid k1 ·1·p 11ph1di. in 1·h1 .. ·k w1l11 11p111y~ •Ttwri·''I 11llll ttmt• to J>Ul 111 11 nt•w l1twn bd1,r1 · ttw h11l Numm1•1 w••:itlwr arrlV•-H • IJrm't allow rlmd1xJt·ndmru l.11 llf•I M'f'CJ Wh1·11 the• flow1•n1 w1th1•r, 11•rn11vc• tht• M't•d pu<li. t:1ku11( ('tllf• lll>l l.11 lllJUfr• ltw 1ww Hruwtli, liud.11 or sh1.10L'l IRE YOU BUYlllG I CIR? WE COULD SAVE YOU AS MUCH AS 13000 ON HIGHER PRICED AUTOMOBR.ES ~"" '.f .. I Allll ( HUll()~fD'; or DOll AW, '"' IAIJIJI llAl[I ( ~·ruc.1 () c .... w. NI Wll l l>CJ VI )IJrl '1llOl'!>IN(; CALL VIRGINIA AT (71 4) 645-4800 or 845-1122 DAVE'S CLOCK SHOPPE Speclall1ln9 In the repair of antique and new clock•. Hou•• calls on grandfather clock•· Certified Clockma· k •r Sale1 & Ser· vlte. (714) 495-3233 287!>2 Ma1gue11t9 f>k wy M1'J•uon V1eio Oft a1 Avery Grand Opening SALE Rugs -Kilims •GEOMETRIC DESIGNS • NATURAL VEG ET ABLE DYING • 100-/t WOOL •ALL BY HAND Kilims-Avera1t. Site 4'x5 ' •1 oooo AND lW Ru1s-Avera1e Size 4'x7' •45ooo ANO lW BIGGER OR SMALLER SIZES AVAILABLE . AL.90 ORIGINAL COPPER PIECES. CARPETS 'N COPPER I "M.l IY ...,,, Decorating the outdoors Now La tht• vory ~'tit lhnt• tu Ulkt" Ii !Jln<lac.Mpti lnvent.ory oordenshop PATIO FURNITUR SAVE 33 TO 353 ON ALL ALUMONT FURNITURE IN STOCK Do r'u h1tVt1 IA lull 1h1 ub lhal ob1curc1 u window. R "plul't• ll wllh ti lower growlnti kind a1.h1ptt•d \11 the• locallon Or , repl1u.·ti low ~rowln" 11hrut.>1 thut urt• plarntcd In front of Ii.rat', V4H'unt wult. with Uill. vl~orciua oru ... or " vine that bloom.11 lt'i. 111-c> tlmt• to do 10mt•thlng ubout cruwdlng. Sorllt1lln1t. .. JA'<>Plt' get carrlt'tl uwuy whf:'n they arc plunUn6' and put In 11bout twlct• the numbl'r o f plurita thMt tht' lpll4'i' w ill *-''t'onurwdJit.e CJf\C.'t' thl'y rt'taeh mature 111.l' Tukt· ll11m• uut and trlm ba<.·k tht• rt-mammg planta t.o he•IJJ tlwrn bUJih out (BEDDING PLANTS 1 ASTERS and .-kt MARIGOLDS (White PIHi" f flYI) Ideal ~ Of l:fumm•r Sun Pooy P1k llAUTIPUL HANGING FUCHSIA IASKITI t In bloom or bud. Ideal for 1hady locatlon. Reg. t1.08 llOW 69~ .. ----./ You rrwy a1M1 wont lA'> r..-pliK-e a ltlt but kt-.·p 1n mind that It tJJk"• aM.•vcral yeara for l'Vt'n l• lurgc m ·w lfX'\'lrnt-n ui pruvldf! thl' 1h1td1· o f tht· old tn~· i''rull tre-. .. t:un 1* phantA.-d ot uny t1m1• of the yt•ur Th1•rt• ut.<1 urf• a numbt•r of ijOCJcl dwarf vurt••llt'li, t1Jptoel&lly d tna, thut mny ht your rlt<t-<11' a11 fat 1.1..1 NJ>'K"' Iii ('Otl('l'mt'CJ ~~ --, ' Why Buy Use~h~na:~oc~~ b~:~~~ fo'or lnatunt t:olur pol unnuul flo wcn l':dgl' IA flown lA-d with ttwoa ur i. walkway At the top ,,f thl' l"'t an· pctun1a11. u~crutum, portulm·i., lobt:laa, Vl•rlx·nu and zin111wi fo'ur pcrc.'llnuil t'fJlt1r pl3nt 110011· lwddang dnhllu11, f1l>ruua 1Jc"'on1U11 , dc·phl11lu11111, tronsvanl dul111t'fl und pc!l&rg1JnlUffill Th t· I 1 1.t 11 ( 11 u mm t· r r o I 11 r Ii I 1111 1 n d u d t• 11 u~upunthU!i, tubn•1UJ1 bc·K<m11111. the· silk ln-<· 01 tht• Jl•rnr:mdu, fut·h!il&, hydrnnK•·a urnl olt·undcr c.•d•r llnib•rt 8ic8111l It they 0111 v• uHd tor r•· ttlnlng w•ll1, oulllnlng Pl•ntlno .,., .. or 11 1tctp1 Wiil 1811 Y•••• In th• ground $10?.~ __ , Installations set by clubs (AGAPANTHUS LIL y or THI NIU SOUTHLAND NEW OFFICERS or thl· SpygW. 11111 UiArden ('luh wtll be 1n1L<tlll'd ut u Q 30 a m mf'l•llng Wf"dnt'tld&y at the hom(• of Mni Carl W lllgcroth O tflccrs an· tht· M me• J11me1 Fr11ble , p1t111d«nt. Jo'rarw1s &·uul'hump, Vlt"l' prl11id1•nt, Van Pt•1 lanuttt·r, M11rt' Mt•tzlt-r &nd J ot· Ctt rnc.-y, 1'4'< rt•wrat11, Holx·rt Cimini, trM.lllurn MRS. EOWARU SALE RNO wu11 1n1Ht1llt·d pr"lld•·nt of tht• U Jgun& BNa.<:h G arden Club ux.hiy Snv1ng rm ht-r board urc: till' Mmt•a. Lt-11lw Knox. Don Mur11h&ll, Mtaurlr't· Vun Dyke, Dori>thy H111·ll1·r a rid .1 Cllfford ArMUt•, Vl('t• prt•11 1d1·nts, Arnold Kt•urna, lltJht·rl St·hotl 1.1nd Donald M1{'ry11wl, IU'<'rPtanc"fl, and C' L .&•rry, lrcMurn ALSO I NSTALLING o ff1n·r 11 will be tht• N e·wf>url Jfal l11 Gi.rdt·n Clu b during an 11 u.m lunc:h1•11n &t tht· M1·n u r y Suvlng11 und L oan tiu1lt11nl(, Tu11t1n Ready To Bloom Full Sun 1 OA&.. Sile Ree.ti.ti IOW '249 _; •.<>(")rAAM'-J I ~I, f,,., ".J,,., ' -.. _,... u .... l .. ,. • PUR!ILUE •RYEBLUI! •DICHONDRA •TIFOREEN CHECK OUR NEW LINE OF COLOR HANGING BASKETS AND PLANTER POTS ·····················••e••••••••e leturn your old wire ba•k•t with mou and g•t $5.00 off the purchaH price of o n•w ba1ket. (one ba1ket r•turn for each new ba1ket) OPEN MON TllRU SAT 7~ -SUN 9-6 a11r•· 111t1 • LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO .. INC. ri~ =:i Nt·w off1l'1•1 11 Jft· th 1· Mm1·1"1 Donald J And1·r111111 , pr •·a1d1•n t . Orla ndo Ludov111l'. v1t•1• IJfl·~11l1•11t, llf'nrv :v111•tfrma. 1n·u1tur1·r . Thomwi H N 1>rtr111, 11f't·rc·tu r y . JOd N11rmun S Brody, I"'" l11mw11ldnan 2028 N.wport Blvd (•t Bay 81) Cotti M .... CA 92827 I (714) 648·7441 -., ..... Flowering Plants Including Fuchsias, Begonias, and Geraniums MONDAY ON[Y MAY 17, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. rwport Btu.etc <fonsrruatoru • I ... t <I I l/t • I#• ff.i" fJ rn 11 u liR4wMMMc ·'~ c_.......,ca.-. ~'"'., 11<Jllfl ff111 .. •Jll•l.i• I .111 1111 Urr"' t111rc• I 12' lri1tol '57-0211 Protect Your Home From FIRE!! f'ermoguord Plre f'rotectlon treat• exl1tln9 or new WOOD SHINGLES with f'M· 101 fire letardont fl11u r '"• •ot<"Q C.vn•Ol'••M•J , f•o•• "''"' ···~· ""'" '''• LICIHllO AHO IOHOIO 100 1q. fl.· $17.00 11ntll 6/5/12 999-71(17 SHERMAN LIBRARY & GARDENS 2847 E••t Coe1t Highway Coron• del Mer ·---~--~~-~-----------------------~---------, :FLOWER SHOP SPECIALS ;~~~ '-----------------: 2 BIG COUPONS ROSES ~--------------:OR CARNATIONS ONLY Fragrant, V•rutll•. . . • I JASMINES I '°' aummer tr•tt•nce d•r and night. l~~:..1=:-bloom•.,. - groundooww. 1 QAL. REG. l .H EA. SALE 2 .4 7 EA. THE #1 SPRAY TO ACHIEVE IEAUTFUl ROSES, FLOWERS AND ORNAMIHT Al PLANTS. OITllO ORTH EN EX IN•CT AND DlllAll CONTROL CoMlllMt I tp-IAll Dllolde and .neo ... fun...... . 1 NfTMMU 11QM.l . .UY 7 .98 CentNte ....... tnua .. ,Md...._ ...... ,.,. ............ Since 1946 Ha)lishYs. · Nur•erv • Florl•t 2140 Ho"or llvd., Co1to ..... N ow Is the time to f i ll the house w ith Flowers from our Award Winning Flower Shop! And they're Florist Quelltyl Cell now and order now 645-0093. OPEN DAil Y f ll 11 Ci ::.:::: ,. \ --· . ,,,_,,.. ,....,.._. " •• ~ ~n. r ---·r,.111:N 1l-----1 r -----f(1JlfJ•T11----.,r----1.N'.tl.•.W----, : THIV''" NOT HIGH NOWI : : OUR fAMOUI TH&Y'flll NOT HIGH NOW! I I l'AHH CUT I I MUSHROOMS COl.Oft,Ul I : ROSES :: age fluu CARNATIONS I : '2'' : : POUND •2•• I t 001. I I Doi. I I IAVI N .00 DOZ. 11 I AVI 70' IAVI U .IO DOZ. : •---------------1•--------------~L--------------~ r ---·f(1111:J11t1 -----1 r -----f(•llJ:N1l----.,r----i.(el!l4liliJ ----, : CAl8'. VAUNCIA l: IT'I NOT ... HIMI CAl8'0ftNtA : I I ORANGES I l LETTUCE PEACHES I : 6 •100 1': 29e 79• l I t'ounde I lltouf'd I I LIMIT 12 lH. 111 IAVI W MIAD IAVI IO' I I I • I •---------------' •--------------JL---. ----------~ 1-----f (tllJ;NlJ-----i r-----((1llf ;l•T1l--- -... r-----((1llf ;ltl1t----, : 10 GOOD NOW 1 l LOW l'MCll ITOCIC Ullt : COAOHlu.A t I IWllT NIW I 1 ""'" CAl..W. 11 AID I I Tl!XAI ONIONS 11 ZUCCHINI t 1 QAAPIFAUIT I I I 8QUA8H " J ·--~~~l!:JL ___ ~~;~ ___ Jl __ ~~;;~:.t~- cou,o ... .,""" THURI., MAY 20th -• '·~· .o .. oeo ,.,un '"''""" •011 .. 'l'IAllt ... Orange Cout OAIL Y PILOT /,rlday, May 144, 1082 Advertising man seeks revenge for slurs By MIL TON MOSKOWITZ Advwrll.al~ pNplo alwa)'11 f"l \hoy are belna pkkt'd on, and yMtrn lo I.um on tholr tonnent.o,.. Th~ lah•at tu yltthJ lo thli lomptatlon la John 0 '1'oole, chl&Jrrnan of Fuol4', 0>110 & &ldlnai. tho n.utlon'a 1t1vcmth laratl'lt adwrllatna •II ncy o·rrooll' hu written a book, "Tht' 'T'roubll' with Advortl•tnti ," which fairly hrl11.lt•1 with d 1•fem1lvt•ruH111 from t he optinlng gun, whnt' hf' dt•11<.·ribt .. tht' rt"l«'llon uf ~ woman with whom hr hud workKI fur 11wrt-1.hun a y~ar raulng m"'wy tor tht• Arrll'rll',.n Dallt'l Tht'ater "Funny," Hht' said, "I t·an't hdlt .. vt• you're In uclvurtlamg " O 'Toolt.• udd11 thul ahl' "uppurt·nr.l y t•ould not r1 ·1·o nd l" my 1nh·rl'st 1n the urt11 , ur pnhup11 my ub1llty to rt•ttd without moving my hptf, wllh ht·r obviously v ivid 11ter t-111.ypt• of un &dvt>rllalng pt'nlOO" So O'Toole took up tht• cudaoll, explalnlr\I( that "belna of Irtah dHl'l"nl. I feel an •t.avt.tk allraac:Uon to a good f 11i ht, tlw mort" hop('lt'11 tht• c1111t> tht• bt<twr " O'Tooll''a litany of the lndll(nllil'I ud J>"oplt• haav• t.o put up with la familiar Th.,rt• iarn thoee, for t'X&mple, who lnat.t thl'Y are never ln(lut•11t.'<-od by lldl. O'Toolt< relate• how one woma11 111111.!1· thl1 dairn while 1mokln6' a Kent lI1 111. u tlnw whc•n thla brand waa to l\\'W "1he t'OuJdn't havt• hl!urd ul It any other way than lhrough iadvt·rUalng" advt-r th1l ng, O'Toole negleclAI t.o point out, done by F'oow, C.mt> & ~ldlng. O'Toole say• ht' knuw11 who'• cutting out tht• t·oupon1 In h11 agency'• Lltt<rery Guild ud1 and who'11 kndmai for brochurt.'fi about lk•rmudit, uam~ the box number that apJWllni only In h!A agency 11 uw .. MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY l · ' RAB8fTT IMSlJtANCE •):lt tt \ot•.1• ,~J \111\l\l"I oll \ ~ !"' Ill I 111 11 II I~·· \I'"' ~, . f AaMCRS INSURANCE GROtJP 44 I Old M•wpor1 lt•d H••port a.och. CA U l.77 40 Call 642-5678 Put 1 l ew word• lo work for ou Bank of NewpOrt PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS OFFER: • IMMEDIATE LIQUIDIT~ • CHECK WRITING • INSURED BY FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE UP TO $100,000 THE SECURITY & FLEXIBILITY ONLY A COMMERCIAL BANK CAN PROVIDE Our partnership' accounts are an 1nnovat1ve new way to earn JUMBO T C.D rates with a low m1ntmum investment. whrle still having 1mmed1- ate access to your funds Here's how a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP account works. We lt nk your deposit to a line of credit in order to create a 30 day $100.000 Jumbo Trme Certificate of Deposit Thrs "partnership account allows you to write checks against your deposit without disturbing your JUMBO T C.D and its hrgh interest return , while prov1d1ng maximum fl ex1b1hty and safely The rate on the money we loan you rs iust 1 "o above the interest rate on the money we pay you on your JUMBO TC.D .... so you earn a high yield on your deposit. whrch 1s the difference between the loan and the TC.D. For full details on JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Accounts. call a Bank of Newport Investment Counselor at 760-6000 or stop by your nearest Bank of NewpOf't ottrce When you compare other programs. you 'll frnd you can't top a Bank of Newport JUMBO PARTNERSHIP Account. Bank of Newport Substantial Penally for E arty Withdrawals Name Address I J Please send complete 1nformat1on on Jumbo Partnership accounrs I 1 Please call me end provide more information aboul 'partnership accounts . Telephone # __,.. MAIN OFFICE Coul Highway et Avocado/760·6000 • OOVEA OFFICE Oovor al Slwteonlh Stroot/645·5333 UDO OFrtCE. Thlrty·eteond Street at Lalayettt/876•&333, Newport BHch, Callfornte " .. •· , '"' "It 11 you," he a11tirl1 w i th a venfit•anc.·•·, ''at.anding on my nelahbor'1 palJu with a whlt.t• wine 11µrltit•r In ont• hand and my lapol In the other ., yuu wll me you ~y no attention to advortlalng lf It rrn1kt>1 you foel bf!tter, tine." Wuy to ge l eve-n . O'Tuult•r T ht•n thcro are profe.o,.. and coruumert..ta and authot'll whv yell at O'Toole, "You 11.1U people thing• they don't nt .. -<l " O'Toole'a anawt!r! "O f t'OUnM.' I do So do you " And he al.Ida. "People need very ltttlt> othN than food , wat"r and 1helter Thl' rlchrwu o f human llfo, aa oppoaed to that o f the beaau, 111 h.tT(WIY a ret1ult of thlnp we don't need at aJI Pop.• Jullua IJ didn't need lo have the relUng of hlll (•hapt'I painted by M1chl'langelo The people of Charlrell d idn't rit'(.-d o cothc.-dral." O'Toole a1Ao takes a crack at ''paranoids tlkt> Va n e t• P(;l t:kard, auth o r o f 'The H idden l>ersuudt'rti'." who he says "have made fortunes J"-ddhng the fiction that advl'rtislng 111 somt' urrnne turcc that l'il~ you to a<.·t again.st your will " Rel.Orta O'Toole "It's hogwa11h Advc•rll111ng d epends upon tht' simpll• preccpu o f human pcniuus1011 Think of your dealings with your own chlldrl·n H you've bt>cn sU<.'l:etwful and lo purl'nta that ml!ans getting them to accept your values and conduct themKelvl'S act:<Jrd1ng lo your 11t.andard11 It undoubl.t.'dly 1s dul' lo their knowing c•Xal·tly who you urt>, trusting thut you aren't going tu s uduc•nly m<'tamor pho11e Into som eone quite d1fft'rcnt, and acknowlC'dgmg that what you are 111 rlt.'!R'rv1ng of a t-eruun rC11pect.'' Along lhl· way O'Toole giws somt' examples of th1i; U!it• uf "human persuwuon" in advf'rtlamg. In the· 1950s his ogem·y went lo work for S 0 S "W>ap puds, wh1l·h wne mude of s~I wool and soap, th<' Kaml' as the t-ompellng brand, Brillo. Both were also colored pink Foote , Cone, after talking to women, got S.0 S to increase the llOl.tp conlt'nt and l'hangl' the rotor of the pads to blue Out came the ads. "Ne w, blut> S O .S h 's loaded with soap," S .O.S .. says O 'Toolt·, knocked Brillo for a loop. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS I) I I I !ilt14 (I •1 , ., l"111t1v J\ • 1\'-• ''"''"" ' ,, . '"· ... ,,, ,,. t• , U • tl•tv•t ' ' \.: :::;\~ ~ 11-... I)'• ~1fflh•ll I/', I l li(t"'Qlnt • 4 ' it tt 1t,,-1H, U• • '" ." .. p.v U U •••IM f I , tt v111 •• JI IJ , l •fHf>' J\ II l Annk•\ 1\•0 1\'• I 40"'' r, ti • I/'--l lh1w' t~·· .• t ,,, •• u .. llf . , ... '1hfttd \ :i : :~~ ~.~'"' l/i.. \J , M C,f fhl ti '• 19~ M1tth(,r II' ~ 11 t., M•V'""" ' ••• ~l kt t • • • M••1on IA 1e • MAyf-'1 11 '' 'l""'-v•l t .~:· !;: ~·[,~:::.' , .... " """f .,. '"'• • Ml tk1•1 t'• t M 1<1HW '.. . Mel"""" )4 • M.._ M1dU''"' )t • 1• • 1'1. lJ M•d lllo ' ~~I~ !:, f ~:~·~e~~ •. • • . Mio•·· " , )h. ,...,,,.""' ;: : ~~ ... =~~ I'• I'• Mril'Ok.,, I\'• 1'' • IWJr -w1ln J l'. """" tvt1 t) I) ~""'' U • '4•• N•t•fl' tlf It• N fU• ti tl • N J,,4"\rl '• / '•"• N Y ,t.01 4 1 '" N 11 llC>f. ?0 10' • 1 Pl'l1t•N111I :.!: n I ~:~',(~'t 11 , )0 f."1onH1 \ • \ •• '" f.'o"'' ta1., tt • f''"\(.,M JI'. )'If , f.>"r\\l~•'• JO•; /I •-'rOQfP H . P " Pb\¥N( n 11 . Pu''"""" O)', I\<. PytCJ("ll tt 11 W••r<h 1• , 1'•. Ua°"n< 11 ~·. "1 .1 ::::,';:; ... ,. 14,.,..,.,. \ 14 '• 1\ I k oat:lf:, 1'46' tlf"'9 Aoot>Mt >•. 1• "'ovw I• _. 11 • \.t011 .. r • M • \..tl•tO & .... •'· ,, ... ,.,,.fll'.1 t\~. •• \t~•ut 4 ' 4 .._ \, t1pH \ • • • \.n"°' \"' \'• ~.,..,..., ~ • ~ l~~~I I • I ,,~f'\wmv~ II )) •1\1•tAk\ 11• ff • \Ille rJn.-lt • n .... \C. .,wi, ••• " ...... 1\¥ ~ If.._ \I 4tf'dyr1 \tOMuu1 ·;)••, 'J,'• ~:~.';l,' n n. ,.,,,.,, ti t/i.. \t14 w ( I 46 ..... "'0"'\J •'• '•' 1u 0f'rt l " " . II /11 ~ 10 . ti ... "' ,,. Ill'. ,,. ,, .. I'/ 11 ,. llf IJ..,_ I) 1 .. I 10 11')•, DC BUSINISS Diane Ken& o f H untington Bt-at•h haa ht·t·11 named San Fe rnando V11lley are11 dl11trtbut<>r fo1 Safe1uard Bualneu Sy1&em1, lac. S ht· had bt·t•n with Srt·urlly Mortgage In Cot.tu Mt'!MI Sa!t:guard ahw named Linda Cbrlatenaen o f lrvml' a regional 11alt.'1J manager and ct111tr1but.or Shl' wua with Safeguard Dt>nwl Pro<.'ll{'t' a nd M1'fl1l·al Procllce Systems Timothy J . Friday , formt-rly pre1;1dt•11t uf LlfeSource. a con1ulllng firm iwrving the· h1·alth ca re education and promotion marketa. ha8 )Otni'Cl V. Monte arande & Co., Inc . l rvinl', a markt·llng ('On1municauons agency Loli J. Baker hWJ bt't•n namt'<.! .us1stanl v1t(• president and manager al We ll• J-'a r go Bank'• Laguna Beach office Sht:· formerly wa.'I with Union Bank. Rober& J . Bellkoff hai. t.11·1·n nam1·d K wlbet salesman of thl· yt'ur K w1k.'lt.'t 1s a d1v1s11Jn of Emhart lnduslrtl'll, Inc and l<JC'Utt'<l 111 Anuhf·1m Builder raps subsidy LOS ANGELES (BW) "WP an· uppo'-('ff to uny governmen t subsidy of th11, 1Jr any IJlh1•r troubled industry," !iald W11lu:im D fo'()nlA.•, prt";ld<'nt of Cadillut· Jo'a1rvww Hom<.'& Wc~t of Nt·wporl lk1.1c·h Thursday "My oppos1t1on IS n ot without •wm1· 1111x1·d emotions lx«.·aust-I know th1· stat1· or uur mduo;try " Foolt•'s rt•marks Wl'rf' mad<.• m n ·m·t1<m to ru·ws of Houst> of Rt'prt'SC'ntat1vt>8 pai..-sagt· of HH lii!N , enabling l<.·g1slauon for a b1l11on-d0Uar mtc·rt'!'ll rat.t- buy·down for fam1h<.'!l wh1JSt• tn<.'t1m1'l> d 11 not 1·xn'<'<i 130 pcrt·1·nl o( mt.-dwn tn<.•om1• m g1v1•n <in·a~ ···"· Mi,.. Uf', .,.., ... '"""'"' , olittJI'\ \•l••'\CI (ft,...,..., ·~·"' " '''''"'' ~r~-:--n~ ,~ .. AdwfJQI\\ 1~ ... 1 ,,., #IAMt A..t ... ;•~·h , .. ,,.,, .. t 't\I 1,,1 /1111,.. •• ,,,, hh\'1. ' Nt .w••1• \iin'V\ln ,,~, , ....... k __,,....ti; , ",.,, f ,, NAt•• I• I ~ . ". '. I• \•. ; ,.,, '"'I I • fJC1 4\ ~ ''• 'H1 41 4 • ... i/t ,,. t • .,. " .. I • 111 IJ . . ,, • , .. '" ')tJ • ... I " . \ ,, .... If• •• I I ''I t• ''' u I 1;1 I• t j. ,,.. t4(,I .,, ,,., fl I)\ "" "' " . Ii, ilf It 4 t 11 " ~ '. ,,, '· .,,, I/~ " . "'' ltJt. ... ,,, .,,, 1 • H 'I l•o 111 IJ11 1111 ,,,, '-~ I,, '" • I VI • I > I V I ., /, ': '~~ ~:~~~~· ~ I I' , N1Pl,11 fJ 1\4, '"• ,.., .. ,. h ,,, 11 .... u, "'''"' It 1/10 N•tNff\ O'• ,.,,. N -.\tf"'\ U • 1 I\ No••ft !:~ ::INASOAO SUMMARY t t,U,-1tlh . '""'''"''' flf-41~ .. , ,..~,.,.,. O()WH\ l "" I'• I I ' " . '. I• I ,~, '". ',.. I• I ~ "' I I • ''" ,, , ... ,,.. MUTUAL FUND ~ ; !:: ~~:,'f.,' ,, ' )It c,,. ..... n.o, 11f•. tt , Oig 1tw.,N1 tl.f , 1• , ()h1nf ., )\•' ,.. ,,,,, .. , .. '"' 1 .... l>ft•f t •• tW • 11 t•t A Int I 4 f-'•tJ,tU I\\~ fh_. tt (14'H ,~"-~ : ~~!';Jt \ \'• Vf>n•fne tt It•. P•nUt \ 10.._ 10~ Pruof •P >~.-. I)•. ~'""''"' t\ 1\1, f11ttt1t._, .11 , l(J . Nt W YtJR~ A,_,I MJ:t\-t M l•..,,,,,,.... tl•. •• tr ... ~""'" ''°'"' ~.-.-. .,, b ir ,.,.~"' It .... H " N•I•• Vf)llu,... HM1 A~,..J t ~ """'"""-· ,....., .. , . ........ ,;1 111•11111 1 (tW'tn 41ff Ql(.(I 1~16 I/I~ 1/U• ).rl , )ol•, lf,11"1 414'1,..00 (] J1•_. •I , ti l ~h My I,~ ~~:;,: ,~. '"-11• MC I( 191900 • •'• /I•• rt 1 J'Aflo\IH ?ti) 'OJ 11 , 11"'- I• • I••• f'IQ#•H• \ )0 lfO;J It • ~ 1 !L~ :r· 1 ~:;; ~~ !: ;; · ;;~ ,, , ,.~ u .. ,,., ... ~l )(t) ,. ,. •• " ' I) 11 ..... I\ '"' It"-' \vtli/Vtr 141) .rtJ II 111 • • I , I " I I),._, A JOO • • I ll • lb II .. 11·. ,, ... II,._ t• Aid>1MW"'1 • • · 1 °"' '"""' 10 11 llN ,..,.,..., I I• ll fot•I '~' U~ U '• ...... w h1Qh-\ 14 U 1., Nw ... IUW'\ .,,,, • ., f t)litl \.4111"\ 1. I. ... Ill I JI\ II~ II '° j I 1'1 loOO '" I~ I) 11 II• )\ ... _,, .. .... ~\t• ,, f t,A f IA .... , .. .,,.,,,., ~,.,,, 111• ., .. ""' "" .. "'""'" C)ft..wn l .... ,ii:,, i 1nbtd ........ ,,, .. tmt1JJ#\ M 1l HJ'\ ut1 ,,,.,~ I• I I U '. " , .. • ''· , .. \ . II I • ~ f jllt I ... I., ... (/ft ''" "" I , II I • " ' 11 ' IQ O II \ '"' 11,0 f /0 (JI ''" .., , I t t/ft .. I ,,,. . , ... t "' • 6 ""' ''" . ' ,,., • 0 ,,,. • tJ '"' , . '"' '' (Jff , I ()ft , , ·~· ., , Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 14 , 1882 85 mortgage rate < 'ro('k«r Bunk hmc lownt.'d lt.t honw mortg.11(t' rut.- to Ill 111·n·1·nl from ltl '"' JIC'"-'t'lil 1•fft>cUve May 1:1 Tiu· 1111t· l'11v1•1., (1v1· y 1•ur f1>ct>d -rutt.• rn11r1u.1K1· lo1111N fw "'"Kl•• (,uutly h11111t>tt with monthly fhlYllll'lllJI IHllUI tl/,t•d OVt'I ;i() yt-Ulll. St<><!k off er planned 1'11111rn111x lral· of Irvine announced It pla11i. ••1 otr1·1 appru x1nu1t('ly :uW,000 1hor<-t of It.a ,·01111111111 11wck In 11 publl'' offering 111 udd1t1<1n . tt·rtam •h•rehold('rfl rn11 y 1111 lud1· ,, prn·Uon of tht:tr 11h 1:tl'l'S tn the offt•rlnl(. Tlw 11ff1·ri11~ will ~· moth: nnly by me"Ant of proepK1ua to '"' fd1 ·d with tht• St~untll .. & F.x"hattgf' Commission Office park completed The $9 mtlllon Lag1.1na Hills Off tee Park ft•Jtur 111~ ofC u:e condomiruuma has ht-en completed. Dav1s Dt>velopment and Elliott Corporautm, both of Newport Bea('h, are joint venture partnt>n. 111 th(• developmt'nt of the one-1tory office bu1ldl11g11. loc.·1'1t"I on La Cadena Drive, nc:ar the San Otego Fret•w,,y Lf'o<> and Strock An·h1t1~t.1 or Newport Bc•Jt·h d1 · 111gnf'd lhl' buildtn~S <:ounty firm get pact Gt·m·ral Automation Int·. of 0Aruthe1m 1u11wum·1·d thl· r11 m hw. lu·1·11 awardNJ an lnltaal c·onlr.111 liy A tonrn Em·r f(Y of <.:anadu Ltd Tlw t:ontra<·t 111dud1-s ont.> GA J61240 and two(;/\ llil<!<!O 111111pu11•1i. 111 prov ldl' a rc.>actor 11h111d11w11 d1·v1·h.1prn1·111 ~ylit1•11) for Al.;(.'L The? pok•ntial v.1lu1· •>I tht· in1t1al award urid future.> prCK•un•m1•n1 ... 111uld c·xcl'f'd ont•-half 011111110 d <illani. IK't.'Ordmj( t.11 < ;1·11•·1.11 Automut1on f 'irm sh(Jws profit Standard LogK Inc of Santa An.a annuunn"<I ,,, 1L-. annual rn<>eting that preliminary resullJI fur th•· qu.u ti'r endt.>d April JO mdrcatt• a tent1.1t1ve profu 11( ·•I> proximately $1 00,000. or :l1 1 cent:. pet srutrC'. •m ..... ,., l)f about $2.1 m1llton Last year's second 9uarter showed a IOSll of $-1 17, 763 on aa.Jes of Sl,46-4 ,1'95. Standard Loflic manufacture11 vanous pr111 lu< t-. and 1yai.nu auned ot °'e electronics. computt-r :.nd manUltlC'luring lnduttriel, and produces a point of ~s;;l1· • ~rmlnal ayatem for the h oep it.a.Uty lndu.atry Entry sy. tern announced Tt>lt·filt• Compult>r ProdUl'tl , Inc o f lr v111• annuun<.·c•d plan'\ ft1r summer d elivt•r1e11 o f 11-. 11w11 e ntry l1•vc•I '\yi.t(•tn (ELS ), which la IUPOOrl<•d by ,J T ele f1le T -61 centraJ processan( unit (CPUt S ecurities seminar set Nt•wport 5'-cuntif'S <Arp. wtU presel)l a 111·m1r1.11 on "5rt'Ur1ly lnvt.'ftlrnenta m 0rang9 C-ounty'' at 7 /1 rn May 26 at lls off1ct, 31 ~ l AJrt1•Y Ave .• Suite· I I ~lll M<'8a f'or rnfommdon, can 917-1081 Varco sets annual meeting V<1 rco lntt'rnt1t1.,nal. In c., of OranJ(t•, w t 11t 11 designs, m:Jnufac·tun°" nnd a.rll• c-qulpmc·nt for 1111 pt>troh•um industry, will hold lt.s ahareholdc.·rs m~·tm~ W1·dnt•)lrl 1Jy tJI 10 1t rn at t he Varc:o 011 1'11111' ronf1•n •nt1· r~111m. HOO N F"':khoH St , Oran t.• STOCKS ltt THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES flit w rtJM11 Af• S•l•t '"'-''' lUtt.1t HfW vo. .. t_.Pt ,_.,..., e--. >•t1• 1t<rif\ •• ,~, ,_... 11 'TO(J(S _.,,,, ,...,. ,,,,.,,,,.., l'lf t,... f111M!lrl '"'>\I ,,,, .. ,.. ...... "''~. 'jh_tt... t "~ ·~"""' "i1t(J11"1Q f\..th,_-ntly •• fhll• l'Yln 't ~ , .. ,,.., '"' ) IJ) CA» 14 , It , Mt1thtnt\,t I 0'10 JOO h • • AM /\ul·I\ I f t0d t• • 1 I 1 t ,,,,,,,;. "" " f .. ) N.O •••• • •• f I A/)n 'I I )t) "tlXJ •'• I I (,.U•.Airl ., I 111.t(AJ H'• •I\.. '""" """'"" t OM t00 «'• '• ........ , '"''.,.., .,, 000 )01 ' • N •t N ( ,l;lt1 ltA 100 \)6\ 1 "- 1 W (t)l'{I ll't IOO '°'' . \,, U'•l'lfft "" •rt )(I') t I • \o<!f lUc \11 100 I\ .. P~ Am If/ CIO • • .,., ... ,.,. 4'f? "llO ... , •• (Afltn\IM Q 41' 0J0 1(1 '• AMERICAN LEADERS , . ., .. .......... I""" • 1 . .. .. '• ... .. UPS AHO DOWNS NI W Y()fllf IAPI IM IQl-1"0 If• ---""'' ~,.. ,.,._ \4f'W•\ """ ....,,,, .. h ""-'' M-"• .,,,. .. lho ,,_, ..., -"'" ...... 1 -... ,.,,..,. ,,. '""""' to;;.t(ll ........ ........... .... , ..... _. Ho Wutlfl"" lfoldif'lll ~-~ ..... HWI U(tOd -.,,., -t fl'f\1-,.._, -... c.t•tf........_• ~ ttw or"v'°"' (90'\lng p Hc• enci T hut •O•y • 011ce -.~ ..... , ~ 1°"'6eflt !S=~" .~., t • "•'" '1lol ,~ ""-'~"~,:,. "~ L •~ti'• ,'t:t. Up~tJ1 S 11•, • 1 .. VII tt a v . "' V'O ••• I'• I\ VP I) 0 W 1 • •• , U• 110 It > V.. tO I t•• • • t1 • VP tO) l7 ._ , •"" \iO I J ''', , t1 • Up l 't '"' • ... VII I t 10•, 1 "" VP 1.1 .... '~"" ,. lf·•l'•V. •• "'• "" U• ... U•• 1°' VP t i ''" ... Vtl •• ti ~, VP t I ocJ.1 : : :: : I u" C"t "'" '"' t OH ltl ti t ... °" 111 .,.,. f\lt °" •• ""' l\lt °" '"' : ,'' g: tt ':\,, ·~ S!!! f. ~ ~ ~ d ,,,, I"-11 .,.. ... IO~~I I rlfilw 4 12 11111~ ,.., u!;j • I 1-' 1z 1 AC.DI I£.~­!l ;r;.;"I;;; #i;i';E GOLD COINS ,... v. t u ~ ,... I\.\ J .... .. \~ :: ; iov. ... , .,.. t" HIW Y~K (A~) -,,ICM i.te T.,... Olly of QOlct colnt. OOnlpetect wlUI Mon· •• pttoe. •r..-.re"4, 1 troy or , H AI. 11, eft ... n. •, .._. INf, 1 1ror 01., .. ut.71, •" ... ,., .......... t ·~-... ,..,., .., .. , .. AfttrtM ,. tf'eft, .NOi lroy oe., 1111to.tff11..a. JO '"" lO ,,,. <t;' lO :r ... ~ ~ ~ I) V11 0 , •• .,..,.,. l\J 1\l~ .. Mll tnno11 v • ti~ I} ltl l'I If\ .. ti• TJ h \I )01 I) )4l Wl UI 1' 119 /I o It """ VIII~ '" \t' WHAT STOCKS DID NL W Yf}ttlt tAl"I AM• II __ ..., Clwfo.-1 Ut>C .......... 104•1 '""""" ----- Tri u t. ~I •• .... ..... • •• ...tW V()fOt t A.P1 ,_...,, It METALS T ''"' ' , .... ,,., '"' , .. " I T ""' aa • 1 \tit 0 .,J,, Allt 1J ti "'flt.I . ., .. "' . ... , ""' lff) .,, ..,,,, " . ... ~.-. ""• !<ti ,,. '" ·~ I/ I c_,.., 71~·• 1 cenu • pouna IJ ~ o.twi.none U.. ~~7 c;t!lnll • OOUM ZIM 35 a.nt~ a pouna, 11ttllv•l ll<I Tift M 8890 M9tlllt WeMI COtnJ)Olll• II> A~ 79-77 CMlll a pound N V ..__, $370 00 P9< , ..... "-"'""" $390 00 lroy 01 N 1 SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., TM All 1•111 .. ,_ S..C• ~ fOICI ptlc;M ThuteCl•r ~I "'Ofnlng ll•ln9 1331 76, up IOH &.....-.. lft«llOOll hllng $33:1 :1~ ... 't'-'i Henoy & H11t1N1n "33 t 00 HCW YO"K CAPI -3Pot nonlerrou1 IMlal pttolil lodtly SYMBOLS =====:r·--_....,. ___ .,_I ....... _., ., --~ ........ , •• " ... <-•• .. ,,,,. ............ == .... -......... ....,... --.:::. • .=-:i.:::;:: -..... ..... ~ ... -o.ei-.. "91• IA, ......... If -IN ~ ......... _._ ....... .. ........ ,....__ ........ .. -..-------.... ·-., ...... ,.., ... -~·life -...... .......... _ .,...._ rO.CW.oo .. .. ......,.. .. _...~-·­...................... , ....... _ ........................ ........,__ , ....... ~ , ... ..,_..,_ -~ ...... • .. • ._ ....... wt .... -~ __ .,.....,. __ r =i="'-:.: ...... •-... • ....... == ... ..,_..,,. .. _. ,......... ................ __ • Ofange OOMt DAILY PILOT/f'nd•y, May 14, 1812 MEWPORT HILLS CENTER Day at Newport Hills Center Saturday, May 22, 1982 Featuring: Food, Prizes, Country Western Band and SIDEWALK BARGAINS Allyn-Black'• Hair f uhion Bank of America Bonaparte BaJtery Cout Federal Savino• E-Sen.1u&lt, Llnqerie Schuyler C. Joyner, D.D.S., M.S. Orthodontic• John I. McGlauohlin, Inc. Inveetment S.rric• 640-9494 759-4572 759-1100 759..()181 644-1169 759..()882 640-9381 MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY Needleport Newport Hilla Animal Hot1pital Newport Hilla Dru01 Newport Hilla Flori.at Newport Hilla Tranl Newport Hilla Shoe Repair Kenneth B. Schwan, D.D.S. General 0.nt:btry Parker'• Pet. 644-7597 Outstanding Selection of Every Day & Special Occasion Wines At Discount Prices. 759-0567 759-1911 640-7373 6.0-7980 644-7371 640-7302 ~2970 640-0090 Ralph. Madtet Sparkllnq ClM.Der1 The 1rinqe Beutit Traditiow Jewelen Vlllaqe Home O..iqn Walk.er & LM Real r..tate What'• Cook.inq? R.taurant Wlu Country Bud Graham & Son'• Union 76 644-7992 6'40-9440 644-5080 760-8035 S.0-9193 759-1501 644-1820 644-7597 644-7151 $ Traditional Jewelers 760-8035 Domestic and Imported Beer DESIGN • CUSTOM WORK JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIR FINE JEWELRY • GEM STONES CONCORD • SEIKO ROLEX WATCHES HOWARD MILLER COLONIAL CLOCKS THAllfTIOl'lfJ JI WCL.Ub A Trodll""' ol f""' THE FRINGE BENEFIT NEWPORT BEACH • FABRICS • NOTIONS • PATTERNS 144 IOIO • J_.IJ)., :W-• .n<t C1ol1..,..n11>1p Cadillac Of Lingerie For that EssentlaJ Gift! Designer Labels Select Items Fashion Showt Available Gift Certificate Available Vi1a!Maater Charge Men Welcome 644-1169 . -- ALLYN-BLACK'S HAIR FASHIONS MENA WOMEN A~ ' llllJPllll "'90AV, MAY 14, 1112 COMICS C6 lr¥lne, Ocean View, Edison ad¥ance in softball playolli . See story, PalJe C3. SaIDpson: Lakers' $6 1nillion man? 8AN 01&00 (AP) -San Die10 CUppera owner Donald T . SterliJll NJd Thunday that he'• been otfer•d te million in c11h U he w ould l\&&f'Ullee the Loe Anle1-Laken the No. 1 p&ck ln the NatJ.onal llublball AmocJ.at.lon draft. Bu.II' undemanclinl that he had impmed no •urh dMdllne on a d«:ttion. than llllCOnd. Loa Anaelee obtained lll lofty d.rafttna ooeltion by virtue of a trade with Cleveland, whkfi llniahed lalt ln the NBA ltandin&I. on hometown f&N to help them l(p\J~ • oomel>Ack. The two tHm1 flip a coin next Thunday to dei.tnnlne whkh club receivee lht No. 1 cho&ce ln the NBA draft Jww 29. Boch ch&bl wen rePottedly ready lo make Vlrlinia'1 7-4 center Ralph Samr-on their tint choice If he chooeel lo pu1 up h1I aenJor yMr. Steiner NJd that ll SamJ*lfl deddee not lo tum prot ... ional there w111 be no deal. U Sampaon decldff lo for10 hl1 Mnior Y.ear at Vlrt{!nta, the. I...aMn can conttnu.e unW next Thunday ln t.helr neaouatJona with San oc.ao. 8ampaon MUI\ make hit dedl6orl by S.twdly. "Bull Mid we can 1U1J flip, f>ut the aareemcmt would be that we would pJck •x• if we won the fUp, IO he could pick the player he wanta lt he didn't win· lt.." Sterlin.I Mid. The Laken So lnlo toni1ht'1 a~ leading the be1t-o f -1evt n NBA 1emft l nal aerie• two.-~· to-none. The Laken 1wept tho Phoenix Suna 4·0 In the We9tem Conference eemJflnal.I, then beat the Spwa 128-117 and 110-101 In the opcmlng garnet of their t'Onference final ln Loa Aftatlfe. to bt!come only the fifth NBA team to win lix ttral,tit p!Ayoff p.me.. Sterlin1 uld he rejected the Initial offer by Laken' owner Jerry Bu. but told him, "I mJaht CIOlllidef' $10 milllon, plu.a a player." He NJd Bu.. pve him unUl mJdnt,tit Saturday to make up hJ.I mind. "Th ere'• a po11lblllty t0methin1 could be worked out," Steiner la.Id, addinl that &la int.end.I lo tUck lo h1I previoul pmition of not givtn1 any current LU.er players lo the CUppera. Sterlln1 had aatd, 11l 1uea1 they think h 4' (SamJ*>n) ll com1na out. It'• an unoond!Uonal olfer, ao they mUlt know aometh.lna I don't know." He Hid the o ffer WH made T"ueaday at a 1ocial Ptherlni ln 8-verly Hilll. "He tcild me he'd ctve me t6 mJWon ln cuh. I Nld, 'No. but I mJaht oonatd4tr $10 million, plua a player, he u.ld, '1 want lo ctve you more cuh, but no e1ayen.' "Then he told me that ti I tum thll deal down I'll be maklna the biggeat mistake of my life, becau.. with SS million I can buy ao many playen from around the league and really build up my fra.nchUle," Sterling Mid. San Antonio coach Stan Albt-<'k uya hi.I team ii caoable of tyh~ UJ> the aertee In the two pme9 at the arena, which Loe Angelt't co.ch Pat Rlloy h.u called "a horne t's neat " A crowd of 16,000 11 expecled to fill the HemilFair ArenA But Laker 1pokeaman Bob Steiner, in San Ant.onJo, Tex.u, for lhe club'• playoff pme apinlt the Spurs tont1ht, aald br telephone thal it wu 'Ibe Clippers, with the eecond-wOC"lt record ln the NBA th.II )tear, are MIUred of dratting no lower Meanwhile, the fut-breaking Lakel"I meek w win their seventh 1traight NBA playoff game tonight while the San Antonio Spun are oountinjil The Spun beat Loi Angelea tw1re here durtna the regular IM!aaon, becomJng the only NBA team to win their M!ries a&Q1net the Laken, 3-2 Albeck uld the Svun playoff IOIUM"C have not been I.LI wide WI the tlru.J 11COret 1nd1cau• Pirates enjoy I 7 -8 laugher Cerritos n ext on agenda By JOHN SEV ANO 0( .... o.-, ll'flot •• .,. Whl"n Orange Coalit Coll<'gt•'11 0..ve Tinoc'O CWTW to tht• plat.t· in the bottom of the fifth anrung, ht' had only one thouJ(hl in h ue mind. The dealgnated hitter wanted to llOO'M!how rt.'t.'Ufy for h11 mental m1stakt· from the· Inning before Tinoco, who had lll.Jl8100 in the fourth but waa doubled-up when he loet 1ight of a hlt-and-run fly ball to center field by Kevin Sliwln.akl. poulbly cosllna the Ptrat.es aome rune In tht> process, WWI coming to the phtt.t• m th1• fifth with h111 warn uhc·ad, i 1, and the basea loaded. "Sure, I had thought about what I h ad done," admitted Tinoco of hi.a balle-running crri1r "I t'OUldn't waJt to gN up again " C)Mfr ............. Tlnoc'O Bure mu1dn't With the l'OUnt 2·0, the freshman batt.erc.-d the next pH.ch thrown by Mt San Antonio's Ron Proctor to th1· hue of the le£l-<'f•nter field (el'l(,., clearing the baaeti and m tht> proc'e&'I propelling the P1ruW& to IN THE SWING -Tommy Jacobi, head pro at La Coet.a Country Club and Bob Rcsburg, a touring pro for many )'Mr'I, aave a clinic to memben and guesta at ~ig Canyon Country Club th.ls week. Here Jacobs (left) t.elll of the proper plane for ·the back.twlng while Roeburg demonatrat.ea. • Angels Will this one By CURT SEEDEN °' ... °"" ......... O K, ao they're not thf" New York Yankees. No more Anaheim Stadium crowda In exce. of 3~.000 each night The Cleveland lndiat\a came to town Thursday nigh t, and de1plte their current 14-16 reoord, they're loaded with talent and brlmmlng with potential But no one told the Angela. C-ertainly, the Indian.I' auccetS on their current West Cout toed trip w_,'t on the mJnd of Angel rt&htflelder Juan BmJqun u he stood at tl\e plate with the bues loaded ' and two out ln the bottom of the 12th lnnJnJZ. What WU on BelUquez'• mind WU hia 32nd birthday and \he memory of hia 27th blrthday w~ he alao knocked l.n the wlnnln& run whJle playing for the Texas Rangen beck In 1977. Thi.I time, however, Benl.q!Jft didn't need hia bat to help the Angela map a modeat two-game losing 1treak. He needed only to watch Cleveland reUever Dan Spillner tau up ball four, forcing home Fred Lynn lo ctve the Angela a 3-2 victory. Winnen of two In a row, five of their la.at lix and eight of their last 11 , the Indiana came lnto Thursday night'• game averaging better than eight ruru per outing on their Weat Cout trip. Cleveland had powered 24 home runa ln 29 gamea coming Into the game; they had acored more runs than any team in the American Lea1ue (167) and they owned the best on bue percent.age of • Ill any team m the Amt>ncan League Such 1tatiltics didn't 1R'f>m t.o both<'r Angel •tarter Steve Renko, though Tht· veteran rightha.nder tumed m his second 1trrught impreulve pcrformanc<', earning him anothe r s tart n ext WN•k an Milwaukee, before giving way t.o Dun Aa.e 1n the aevcnth Inning "Thcy'rt· all pretty good c·onlnl·t hilt.era," noted Renko aft.er thl' game ''They're very tough to pitch You ;uat have lo stay ahead of them M much aa you can." Renko did juat that In hia 111x mningit plus performance lie left the game without allowing a walk He al.so left thc- game with nothing to 11how for h i11 oerformance. Enter Uon Aaae who pitched ~ 1h Jackson deal a big mistake iJupcrlallve 1nn1ng11, but l1k<' h111 predeceuor, had nothing to 11how for 1t when th<· ganw was ovn Andy 11.a.ulf'r, who got the last out of the 12th inning, was the ~1p1ent of thf' vu:tory. his f1rlll lhll> IM'WIOn "ABAC waa pumping, pumping and pumping," prauied Angl'I Managn Gem• Mauch "He threw about 75 quality pitches" The Angel manager had equal praUK' for Renko "He really hanp 1n th<>n· Whatever he's got, you'll get It." R en ko, Aase a nd Be naqut•t. will probably go down u the big heroes of Thursday night's victory, but th1· <.'Onlribulions came from otheni, too For Instance, Lynn, ln1erted into (~e ANGELS, Pase Ct> John Bamberger giving Mets confidence Magee says "no thanks' to Mavericks; Schermerhorn applies at Santa Ana .NEW YORK (AP) -There are only two thln11 New York Meta Mana1er Geor1e Bemberaer can ctve h1a ptichtt-1 -conlfdence and the bueball. They JO hand·ln·hand, he aaya. Thunday nl&ht. Pete Falcone 1tru11led throu1h tlve lnnlnp, then aettled down lo defeat the Loi AnpLee Dodaen tor the fin& time llnce 1W78. ,..alcone went 8" l.nNn&I ln the Metl' f-2 vtdory and Bamber1er Mid he wllhed he could haw let Falcone 10 t& whole nine. ••rw been lrYtna lo ln1Ull 1am1 oonftdencl ln theae IUY9 bec:aim I know th•Y have the ablUtr.," Bamber1er uld. 111 hope Ive been able to con tribute ~lo the Ralf, but I can't •1 rw Nelly done anythinc but t!w ta.n the b111:0.U " ........ pined. NpUtaUon for belna an .. tuie ba.Ddler of pltohera when he Hrved H .,.....,. ooecb for the Baldmon Orlof•• •nd uun•d th• MUwauk•• 1taff around H ~..-ot thl ...... Mow, he ·~to have U.. Metl' NU h'9ded tn ttw not dlncUon.11M vtctory llW ru... a r..-cl ot M . l&iM:IJ JOMI, a retned~ YOUDI .,..._, Al '-1, md CharU. Puleo .. •·2. The inatf ( ... DODQDl, .... CI) NOTES IN A COOKIE JAR: New York Yankees p4tcher Tonuny John aay• owner Geor~e Steinbrenner'• blgMt miatake WU Jetllng Regie Jacbon &et away. "He made thtnp happen," uya J ohn of Jecklon. ".And we need aomeone on lhia club to make th1np happen." ... Add John on the Yankeea' current crop of talent: "U we don't !~ our hlll ln bunches, we don't pt an~J\I·" ... There are a lot of "It. ' involved, but If the Lakert don't wind up with the draft n,hll lo Virainia'1 Ralph Bampaon, word LI they wlll araft Oeor1la'1 Dominique WllkJna, the junior forward who h.u 1one the hardthlp route .•. THE DALLA.8 MAVERICKS, who own the No. 4 p6ck ln the June NBA draft have told UC Irvine'• All·Amerlcan Kevin M1pe they would draft him that hi&h If Mape would part.ldpete 1n a aupentan camp ln ChSceco f« a couple of days .. 'The Maverid&a want lo tab another look at M.,.. ap1nR what they call ''top-notch compeUdon'' lo lnlure they',.. maklnC the riCht dedlion . . . Add Ma1_••:. Maae• hat t old the Mavertdal, '4thankl, but no thanla" to t.hMr ldN. x..vtn'e Joc'c II that lf he 11* lo ~end hll an of~would bun tu. ~ ~· e point II ~ tAUn dimi the ~ •.. QCI uel1tant buketball coach Bob ~rDll'hom NI a~ tor lbe Wt he9d coadUnC Job at ...... Ana eon.. Schermerhorn'• rH•on1 for Htkla1 tmploylw\t .-wtwe .. two-fold: (a) he wantl to be a 1-..d ooech: and (b) hie lalary 8PORT8 COLUMN48T JOHN SEVANO would be aJmoat double what he'• recelvtna at UCI ... UCI ASSIST ANT COACH Herb UVM)' LI worklna with M.aaM three days a week on akllll Ille• dribblTn1. pauinc, tacln1 the beaket and drlvtnc to the hoop from 20 feet away. Th ... ere •xerciMI Ma1ee didn't ...Uy have to perform ln oollep, but wtJJ have to l•arn ln order to 1urvlvt in the NBA. Mac-. repoNdly hat a tnmendoul ftnt step '°'"' lo the bubt ... Am I UM! only OM who hu noUa!d that Fred Lynn hu done ablolutely nothlna fOf' the ~la l1nce oom1nc lo the teun ln 1981? .. ' UCI heed eok'h 8Ul Mullipn, who haa aare•d to a new three-year contract Wrbelly 1 hM yet lo llln the aareement, Reportedly, the hofdup 11 with th• peperwOC'k, whlch Medi to be pcocn med. Mullipn Al expect.ed to qn IOml time niext .-... Raml quar1erback Bert Jon. ii a fiery competitor who deml.ndl l*'fecUon from hll &Mrnma• on the field. He haa been known to l•ll. or lfab teammate• for eomMhlna cney-w done wrona and tell tMln to ...,.pe up t11 lat off the field. l can't watt tor Bert to do ~ like that to IOlmlOM on the Rama. Can YCJU tmacine him grabbing or yelllng at Denni.I Ha.rroh or Jackie Slat.er? APPEARING AS A GUEST at th~ monthly Oran1e County Sportawrlt.era luncheon Wedneeday, Yankee coech Yogi Berra wa1 Invited by the e mcee to participate In a little word ILllOdaUon. Thf' emc.-ee ca.ttfuUy expl.alned he would throw out aome namet from the put and he wanted Y<>tP lo aay a few words about each. "Readyr' asked the emcee. Berra nodded. "OK , Joe OiMa11to." Yo11 \hou1ht a moment and then Mid: ''What about him?'' Farm update : T hrou1h 30 1amea at Albuquerque, Mlke Marshall WM hJtt.1.na .381 with 1llc home Nnl and 24 RBI, while o .... Brodt wa1 betuna .143 with aeven HA &nd""l,n K~l. Wonder ll thme numberl wW enter lnlo the ~· thln.k1nc ln any tuture dea11JlCll with Steve Garvey? ... Best heerd line of \he week: "Now that Nancy Lopn ll f lliJll for dJ\IOl"C9, lt wlU be lnteresU.nl lo aee If the ltarta/laytna Ua Nancy Lopes a1aln inatea ol rirancy Loon-~lton . . . Without the ume klnd of publicity, Forum owner Jerry Bu.9 rewarded lbe Kln1• with another one-week Hawatt vacadon foe u,..tttna r.dmonton ln the fU. round of the NHL pla~ . . . Offlda1I 1n c.and.letUck Park .....,u1 hJred an 1111ttanom1r to ~ what be the t.\ ~ time to ec:hedW. to avoid tM ookl and tttona wtndl ...U1 whip throulh the IC.ldJum. Aft.er a couple of Wffkl of compllln1 tntormatlon, Lhe •tn>oomer w up wtth 4a.m. a 17 H duhbmg of th1· Mounueii 111 tht• f1J1jt round of thl' South Coast Conf l'rf'n.ct' Shuughneay tournament Thur..day Th l' P 1 r :1 l l's ( :j I Ii), w h o 1•nl.(·rt'<.I tlw t.ourrwmt•nt as the N11 I Sc.>t-cJ hy v1rtu1· of their 1 cmfj•rl'f\t.'t• 1 hamp111ru.l11p. h08tcd C..rnt.t,., today An OCC vl(·t.ory would c·1111·h 1t!I 1>p<Jl 1n the upt•ommg 11wt.t· playoffH, whneas a lou necet111t.ates a fin.al meeting_ with the· Fakv1rui Soturday. Thi· PirnlPK, who lra1lt<d l ·O enu·nng lht· fifth, 1·xp1odcod for six rurlH dunnl( ttu· frame and a tot.al of 17 over tht· last four mnmgli t.o c·rui.h the· Mounties (2 1·12). the conference's seed T 1 n o c· 1) , w h 11 h a H h •· e n :tlu-rru1ting tx•hind th1 · pl.au· with &'till f>wik11n(·h throughout the 'l(·twin, t·urnplrtA.-d t1111 day's work grnng 4-for ~' with thn ... · runs M'Orc-d and flvc-HBI "IT REALI. Y r .. 11 good thht I wall 11ble to do th11t,'' added T1"'x·u. who rnnw up 1n the• sixth with the ba.11t""I load1-d and got an 1n111tl1· the J.mrk h11mc.• run, of 11oru, wht>n hf' singl<.od and tht' MS AC «·r1 f1C'ldc-r bootA..od thf' groundt>r into on fldditional three t>BM· 1·1·mr "Wh<•n y11u can make Ur l1kt• t h;1t, 1tflN the m1.1take madt·. 1 t makes thmga a lot tx•ttrr " OCC Omc.·h M1k1• Maynt' felt 11 lot l11•tt1·r. 1.111,, w. h1• wat.ch1.od his Pirull• l11t11·r'\ l'"und out 17 hit.II "I k11t'W 1f Wf' play1-d wt•ll W t' Wt't 1• 1<111111< 111 l>t:at tlwm," awd MJy1lt· "W1· nm't k<'<'P l'ounting 11 n b I H I 11 n 1 n I( II , t ho u g h Sornt·lll)ll'll 11 !'an ~l·t ltl 11 point nwnt.ully wh1•r1· wht·n you don't l(t·t th1·1r1 you fall "What l like •• that we're one gt.mt· away f rom th(' atate toumument :ind wt• have· two ganu-i. to do ll " Six of tlw nint· Kt.art.era for OCC had two h 1 ts or more Tinoc·u 1('d the· barrage, but SliwmskJ WPn t a for-5 with four RRJ mcludlnl( two doubles and a home run, the latter being h ie 10th over a two-yl'ar span to aet an OCC record. P US KARI C H ALSO contrlhuted thr('(' hits and two HBl, while M1k1• Lnllowl, Tom Duggan anti Scull f>arlmg had two h1t.i. Pnc:h Kc>n Santoro started for the Bun1 and &l'a t lere d 11 hits through the• fanit six innings to pick up hl.li third v1l1.ory without a dt>f<•at Left-hander Jack Re anhollz, occ·. at·(', WU scheduled to pitch agamat lhe Falcon. today. "If th~ru'1 one thing thll lffm can do il't hit," aald 'rlnooo who, with hi1 performance, rallied hi.a avera~e to .368 OLYMPICS GET . TOP COVERAGE NEW YORK (AP) -A.BC wtJJ broedcut • rt'COrd 207 ~ hours o( Olympic covcra1e durln1 the 1984 a._ ln Loa Anaelet. th& network ~ ThUnday. Tho oow.raao •p&N 2 ~ week.a bectMlna l'riday, July 21 wt th a 1 p review of tho OamH and 1 concludtna Monday, Au1. ta., The procrammtna tnclucfet 11 1 howl of prime time~ 10 howl of w•kdaY d8yUmt ~ OOYerlO, 37 howl of weektn4 j daytime lhowl and l9 ~ houn ot late nilht ahowa .. ! ' , C!I OrMOe OoMt DAILY PILOT/Priday, May 14, 1812 •' ''Trotters won't play ~ ... •:·:·.in this part of globe' ,, . ,, lrom AP dl1palclae1 NEW YORK Ttrn Harle m ·m 1 • Glubotrouen. aaylng thty wore ' rotated by booking agenta, Thunlday ' cah(..'Cled • 1er1C!tl of bukelbal.I pme. 1'11~hf'dult'd for South AlricA. 1' Olobettotter Vice Prelident Joeeph Aro a19o; II I 111 ~d the duh, nwdc up of only black plllyera, dropped the tour to the racially .eveaaWd .QQUnlry becJu.11ou ll feared bad pubUdty and •. pro\elta from Ila playera. 1 Promotional ada for tho four game1 May 28·31 In South African nt'WIJ>llJ>C!nl lhla week api.rk<!d a wave of prolci•ll from foes of apartheid, including the OrganJzaUon for African UnJty and the UnJted Nallona SpeclaJ Comm.it~ ARalr\lll Ap1&-rlheld Quote of the day "Today, both people att alive and weU." -Milwaukee'• 1witch·hitting catcher Ted Slmmoaa, who waa atrugllng from both aidt.'tl of the pl.ate until cruhlng a pair of . homera aaahut Mlnneeota. Islanders can smell Stanley Cup . Clarll GUiiet and Mille 8011y "1 b ea t VarH·uuvt'r goalie Rlc bard ' Brodeur from cloae range In th«' l'C!C<>nd ~riu<.I Thuniday night, leading• thtt New York lilanden to a J.o vkto~ ovn lht• u mudu1 und moving them to within one game of thdr third straight St.anlcy Cup. The lalandens, who h·od thl· be'f!l-Of·aevcn final 3·0, can ~'<>mt: th<' f1n1t U S baat.>d tRam t.o win lhrt.~ 1uc.'Ct!tllive National H<x:kt.>y League dutmpionahlJ>8 If they win In Vancouvc.>r Sunday. Ne w York checked Vancouver IO tightly that lllanden goo.II•? 8111 Smith tw<l huh-work after thf• tint period In 1egl•tcranl( the· third playoff shutout of his career · Believe It or not, Ripley wins Ch1rn~o·11 Al Ripley, mMklng hi.I first Mt.art of the ae&IOn, ('Omblned with Lee Smith on a thrf'of.'·h1tter and • drove In a run Thur.day mght u the Cubs conunutod their 1982 ma11tery over Houaton t,Jy dt-feaung the Atllro11, ~-0 The Cube, who swept a lhn.oc-game JK:f"lt.1 from Houaton earlier, roughc-d up Joe Nlekro, 3-3, with two runa on four h1t11 in the aecond inning Tllo Landrum drovt· 1n three runa with hia lint mapr-lcagut• homer and an RBI lingle while St. Louis llC.:ort'Cl lWll.'f' In each of the flnrt three Innings 1tnd held on to beat Atlanta, 10-8 ... • Dtck Ruthven pitched a lix·h1t1« and Gary Matthew• 11l1:1mrm.od a two.run homer and drove In lhrt-4· runs u Phtladelphla won Ila fourth · irtl'aight, 8 I <JVt·r San Fra.nct.X> . . . Warrn Cromartie smgkd home Terry Fraacooa from 11<.'L'Ond baM> with one out In the 11\.h lnn1ng to 'i)ve Montreal 1.1 6-5 victory over San Dfego : . Plnd1 hitter Rafael Laade1&oy drove In , .\he wlnnJng run with Clnclnn.aU'a lhlrd double of . \he ninth lnnJng and right fielder Mlke MU.er threw out a runner at the plate to end the game · u the Reda rallied to down Phtaburf(h, 2· l . 'I Golden West 13-1 : Golden Wt,.t Collt•gc poundud uul a 13· I dedalon ~ vla1Ung Loll Angel<.• Southwest O>llege In them California Conferenoe buebalJ play and ~d,dlebeck won a J .J victory over San Bernardino In the Minion Conference veral o n o f the Rnauahneely playoff• Thunday. • ~add lehoc k advances to the confc•rencc ·hamplonahlp glUT\(\ with Cltru• SaturdMy and mual lay away from home. Golden Weal conclude• .cul8r aeuon pwy Saturday at homl> aplnat Ee.at ..,. Angt'I<.,. Br1td Kinm•y w1•11t the• dU1tanc.-.: for the GauchOI n poaling hi• t•ighth VIC'tor-y of the year aga!Nt one f'lcat. San J'4!rnardlno llOOred lta lone run In the p of the ninth with two of lh4· flw bue hlta the lub gameri'<l for the day The Gal.k'hOI mQVed In front in lhl' flnt lnnJng AS EBA LL ... ~llh a linglc run and add.!d t wo more In the llll!!ClOnd. Bobby Gray <)pt-ncod tht-ganw with a double and h..r Dale JU.hn w11ll«>d, •C'Ored on a hit by Mark Wkncoel. ~ •fa the 11t.«V>nd. Huu Lee opened with a double, ~ afwr a peJr of at.rlkf'OUla, Rick lrwln doubled pt one run aero. and eco1'f'd hlmlt'lf on an error pe Kinney and the Gauch<Ja a 3-0 lead which held for the reat of the pme. I.den Wt. .. t, aft.er atruaJln• for a part of t~ ~If of the apUt Southern Ca.J Conference , came on atrona aplNrt Southweet, ICOf'tnc x run. In Ole third and addt.nc five more ln the to take en 11-0 lead. ~k Crockt!tt picked up hi.I flnt wtn of the , workJnt •l&ht lnnlno and ltl1kJ.nc out etaht th , no walkl. ft markecf hit f lnrt start of the Ch.rt.a Schulz doubled In two rw111 ln the third to cap the tint bt1 lnnif\I. 11M1l ln the • Chuck Sptt-ael doubi.ct with two n.&nMn on to pt two runt ~ wtth other markerl l'rolmin. the pl.ale on • lllCrlfJce ny by Scott P'Olter a triple by Steve Morello. LeedJ.na tho Golden Wen hil Dal'9de (13) w.,. Uo with 2·fot_. and a RBI; BpMlpl at i-t«_. 2 RBI; Foster wtth a.t«_. and 3 llBl; Bob randltalf wtth 2--f«-4; and Schuh with 2--for-O 2 RBI. ~ W•t. atier wtnninl the ftnt half of the with a 14-0 reaotd.,... ~)'off form. ConterenN UU. ne•t w""· Loe Anf•1-arbor and &lo Hondo are both ahHd o th• ~umw in the ICand.tnea F'nc Into S.turday'1 ftM1 ' Hoyt wine Mventh wfthout a loa1 .... ..,, ff•Jt. bedctid b)' • 30-hJt • au.ark lnt'ludlna home n&n1 by Orea ~··"~and ... ...,,.,., bem.mi e ma a..cu-• tint eeven·~m• wlM4'r Thunday n&aht by hut the Chicqo WhJte Sox to a 13·2 victory ov•r t • Mllwaukoe Br.wen Hoyt, 7.0, picked up hi.a l2ch 1\l'aJihl df'C.ia&on over two eruona and now hu won 14 1am11 at <:omlakoy !'ark wllhoul Iii th•fHl u both flD"-a alar\or and l't'llltMir I 9' Stteakln111 Hal MClRH drt>Vtt ln thno ruN u KanMaa Clly bittered &.ton. 11 ·2 for the Royal•' fourth 1tralaht vSctory • . Rookie Geor1e Wrltlat 1eorcd the wlnnlna run with two o uta tn the ninth lnnlna on a throwln& error by Toronto 1hortat-0~ Alfredo Qrlffla -Gr1Uln 1 "°'" third error of the pmo and the Blue Jay1' tdxlh -u Texaa cl4&1~ • 4.3 victory . . . Larry Heradoa drove In two nma wllh a honwr and t.rlplo and Detroit aot • alx·hll performatk.."CJ from Jack Morrt1 In a 6·2 win over Mlnnetota ... S&eve Balboni 1taked Roa O•lclry to a 2·0 lelld In th • flnl Inning with hll flral major·ll"ague homt-run aa New York handed 0.kland a 6·4 .,u.:k . Al Bumbry and Du Ford hit aeventh-lnnlna home runa and Deaall Martlaea pltched a four-hitter aa Ba.lUmore •haded Seattlci, 4· l. Baseball today On thla date ln ~~ ln 1972: ln hla flrat pme aa a New York MC"t , Willie Maya cruhed ra flfth -lnnJng homer off Don Canithen, Ufting the Met.I to a ~-4 vlctorr over hla former San F'ranclaco Olanta lMmmatft at Shea Stadium. On th1a date In 1967 New York Yankeea' aluggcr Mickey Mantle amaahed hi.a ~OOlh CAU'<.-er home run -a ahot off Baltimo re'• Stu Miller lead1ng the Ya.nlu to a 6-~ Mother'• Day victory over the Oriolea at Yankee Stadium On thl.a date ln 1913: Wuhington'a Walter John.Ion yielded a fourth-lnnJna run to the S t Loul.s Browna, ending hla lhutout atrcak al 56 col\1£.ocullvt· lnnl.njJ -a major league rec:ord that would al.and for ~5 years. Tod.ay'a birthday.: IUna.u City Ma.naier Dick How11er IJI 40 Boaton flral ba1eman Tony Perez ls 40 Chicago Cubl pitcher Dick Tldrow I• 3~. Toronto outfielder Hoeken PoweU ii 27 Mears races fastest Indy lap Tht! chue for 11pet!d becwn4: even • more hectic Thuraday w. Rick Mean regaln<od the lop 11pot Jn practict• with the fut.est lap In the hl.atory of the · lndianapoll.a Mot.or Speedway. u 2 'h -mile tour at 206 8 mph. Mean' lap, a half-hour befor" tht> end of the day'• K"tlliion, ecllJ*'(J te"1T\lll8te Kevin Co1u'1 run at 206.3 a day 1•arller. Then, flvt- mlnutets befort! tht• \rack cl.otk--d, Marlo Andreu! became the leOOnd·futest In Spt"Cdwi.y hl.at.ory with a run of 206.6 ... Wo rld welterweight champion Sa1ar Ray Leonard la recovering without ar.y compllcatloru from surgery for • detacMd retina ln hia left eye, hla advtAer said Thunday ... Jose IAl1 Clerc hu been aent a letter of reprtmand by World Champlonahlp of Tennia official tor defaulting during the WCT Houston final last month, offkla!Jc .aid Televlalon, radio TV: Basketball ' NBA pl11y1,H11, LaknH u1 San Antonio. 1 l :ao p.m . Chann.-1 2 Tar,.-d RADIO: Bucball DodKC'l'll al N•·W v~1rk . 4 30 p.m .. KA.BC (7U0), Clc•v1•w11d at A11~t·l!I, 7 30 pm. KMPC (7 10) BwiketblolJJ LukN11 at Sn11 Anlor110, 6 pm , KLAC (~70) TEACHER & COACHES What Are Your Chances of Eamin& $128,600 A Year? We are an Eaat•n buecl Fonune &00 C()fpcxetlon Heklng quellll•d te1ct1er1/co1cnH wlftl HIH 1plllud1 or prevloue HIH e11p1tlence. We u1 lnt«•ted In lkllHutl. M>Qa.lty mobile J*>ple wno ate unutlefled wttfl I'*' Pf...,,I lltuallon ~OU must naw I ~ pot«ttlel, I llnclf• deelt• to eerve peopte, atMflty to dell wtttl IUCCIMful men ancs women, and be Pfep11ed for lntenatve 1ra1n1no We are wllllng to lnveet 1ub1tantlelly In the right peopte wno .,. lo<*lno for • car..,, Management and -.ming opportunltlee •r• unllmlted deC>endlno on YOUf talent Ind 11111. If lnttrtsttel, .. to lttMd I ClrMt ults opportll'itJ ..,._ It tM Seuttl Cobt P1u1 Hotel on lbJ II 11 7:30. f0t....., rtMn1tloM ul lon Jtc*ton_. 714) 644-4242 (71 4) 833-2750 Spring Clearance AloflQ with 1 ~ e' llflOl'lC111Q rin Our (l(JW ConlllOC.. OHJ dftcOUnlOd dvtlnQ our ~tng c.tuortJrl<" A "'9('10<.ukJr \Ole on 011 Sevlllet flrl0t0d0t Ou'\/t1t"• Btovono1n1 unci Clmonona Huge Selection Chc:>Ott from our huge .olo<'tlOfl '~ r1Ufl('l11)(J, of rlOW COdlllOCt ond tol!A oavontogtt r,t trio moat tt1hWm t101 to111no• '"'' ve<>t fr.mendOut dltCCUntt on oll dl(J~t1 v M f ~N tl'le 1;0w Hf4100 l)OW* aystom model\ 1(1 (:Jlf lt'le COIOI• you WO()I and v.otlh trie QPllOna yov <Jnelm /\/'Id 011 r~iv IOf lmmodlot• ~llltlfY WNtt~r vnv wtth le l'Juy ('Jf lnoto l"tOW It ,,... lime Bllf lh• llJPPIV fl dollo1tely llmOl!d .,, be 1Ute to hunv In *>riv ror vour be•I aolfi<' tlQn Tills m «n ' h<· your lase <'hcu1<·c.'f NABER.'il~600 Horbot 81vd CADIU...AC 5~f~rnoo.121 J1 ~,,, e2t>0 • Trojan runners have high hopes CIF 3-A track prelims set Saturday By HOWARD L. HANDY MtlMI D..., rht ltafl Unlveralty HIMh Sc:hool'a dla\anc• runnln1 conunai•nl 11 l'Xpl'C.'led k> lfve the Trojan. and t~ Sea Victw Leque the major porUun of quallfyi"I 1pola In the 3 A CU ' traac k and field prellrnlnarte. Saturday afternoon al Valcmda Hlaih. The nwet I.I chC!du.led to set under way at 3 o'clock with nine quallflera for tht> final• nl'xt week at Cenito9 Collesc. While the focwi will bf-on the UnJvcnll,Y dl.atanL-e cr<•w In both the men• and wonw•n'11 rM..'t.'S, C.:O.t.a MtiU High aenJor Robe-rt Urt"go could tx• the big aurprlM• H ht• WUI In the s .. a Vlt•w Lt!ague mt.'t.•t laal WN'k. G rt•l(O h»d a doublt• vil'lory, winning th•• 300-met.f•r h1w hurdk• and lhl• 800-mewr run In the· EIOO, ht' clc·f1·nt.t"<i favorite OuvlJ AnJnwon of Coronn dcl M1tr with u l ·~!\ 7 performam-e. Ancic•r11011 cupturc<tl the 1,000 tltlt- unJ t·ould he· 11111u11u Uw fovorlt.t .. in thut 1•vcot h1 Suturd11y'11 CW prellrnuuary rnc>t•t Un1vcn1ty'• Jo'tt-<lrlk Ht-Mlc·vlk 1J1 cxpc'l't.ed to ~uulify 1r1 th1• :1,wo with fl.Jlwn<.·w H Jun McCttrlhy d01M.· bl•hmd. Ot hen who ('{1U Id qua I If y lrw:lud1· Irvine polt· vaulter Curtla ll1hlt, Brud St.c•wurt m the ll'tpl.- Jump and Todd I lomer m the 400 for thP TrojaNI Polly Plumn, the.· two-time d1•ft•11cJl11K 11tntc• I ,tH>O ·me te r 1·hump11111 , hu11n't h·t up lhl11 li('Wl<Jn und will h•• havored to repeat for a third crown. Plumrr won tht.· 800 und 1,600 at the S<>a Vlt-w League• mt•l•t with ea11c with t<'ammat.NI following hN. il(.'r<IM tht• flnillh line In hoth rU<.'t.'11 Te·rl1ta &moa flntahed behlnd ht•r in lhe 800 and won the 3,200 with u rec..·ord Ume of 10.39.0 while S ue. Amwntrout WWI the From Page C1 k'COnd plM.'C! flnJsher ln the :t,200 Newport thrbor'• Suun OeLacy t"OUld qualify In th" 300 low hurd.l.s alter M&Una • l•AiUCt record of 46 0 ln thtt luauo fln&la. Grqo ran the 800 only btocaWlt" • back Injury fol'Ct'd him out of the pole vault and hlfih hurdle.I "l twd k> flnd loOOWthfnl( \IJ k~p In 1hapo," he aald of hi• J)CJlltlng a I :M .7 effon ln thto 800 nwt.c.•nt Coenen tops All-Sea View Coata Meu High '• Puul Coonen haa bc:.-en chc_.n u tho Sea Vl~w Lt>aaf(ue•'• M o11t VuJuabll' Player In vull.-yh1all hy tht! league'• cooch•• Coenen led Ml18 to o ltK'<m<l plan• flnlah In leagut' behind r humplo n l':atancla und the MWJtwiga Wl'rt' !k'Cdc.'<.I third lr1 the CLF playoff• Ix-fort• t:wlng uJ*"t In the 11eCOnd round AlJIO efltnlng ftnl lL'am honor-a w .. ,... three from PAtanc:li., und or\f" c•8'·h from Unlvcnuty, Coron.tc d t• I M fl r , Co 1 ta M f' 11 u 1t n d University. Elt.a.n.c.ia'a bif( thl't't· urc• ft'1•nto11 Carey, Derek Danlc•l11on und Doug Plm·kney Chr11 Miller o f U11lVl'r11lly , Mike John11ton of Curonu dt'I Mar, Mark Arno ld of C(lflU. Mc.1&11 11nd Eric Hallman of Un1wrslly round oul the flnt unit All· ... \'Jew L-e- 'lr•t T- f enlon C11tf1Y CbUlnolcll, Oetek ~ 1e.1el\C:••1. 0oaP1no11ney 11e1enc1•1. c"''' Mia.t CUniYw • MIU ~on (CorOl'le <Ml M.,), Mtllll AF (co.le MeM), ft10 H.aman (UnMltlltVI Moel 11.iueoi. ~ P.ul Co.nen CCO.ta ....... ..._..,_ Oen o-(b le.nol•I. e>.11 Mu~ cCot•• ..._), 0.¥9 1.at.ldenl>eoll (Htwpoft Hett>ot), at-M#tln (COt-Oii Mtw't, Mett Cwr100 (blenole}; John le11111 1trv1n•). Chu tH Hwnbort {Coe\e MeM) DODGERS BEATEN. • • haa a team ERA of 3.22. "Georfte hu 1hown confidence 1n me ,' Falcone aald. "He'a alway• aald he believed In u1, that he believed tn hla atarte,... Jle'a from the old school. He belaevea lhal 1tarter1 •hould ao nine Innings. and that'• what a pill her wanta to hear. He ~JPhcved in me, and I appreclate it .. "The loHea art• hurting mt'," Lb8orda aald "A manager lives and die11 by h1.1 club Right now, I'm dylnl(" Jo'alcone atruck out seven, w1.1lkcd four and scattl'red nine hH• before he nf'Cded help from Nell Allen, who earne d h is tfahth Nve. ltubte Brookt drove In all the New Y o rk runt with bun-loaded 1ln1lea In tht' flnt and fourth lnnlns-. John Stt'affill had four hlt1 H the Met.a won their fourth aa.me tn a row while handlngtheDod,enthelrfourth atrai&ht 8etback. "I juat Ir}' to go up and do what I can," aald Brook.I, who Md hit 190 In the prevtoua aix games. "I try to do my job and set the rW\11 acr o11 the plate, but l don't conalder ml'l'l!lf u the one who beat them. Pete Falcone beat th .. DodgeB, and they are one of the moat potent offenalve teama In baaeball." From Page C1 ANGELS • • • t.M cleanup 1pot f« t.M flnt tlme lhl1 year, WH 0-for·4 befo~e ~to open the 12th lnnlna ana ev•ntually 1corln1 th• wh\l\lnai run Ly1111 h&KI gtven the AJ'i la thtilr flnt Jtnl with a b111ea louJt'(j "round out ln the fl1'9t lnnlnti Aftl!r that, he faJJed to get a htt In three 1trat1ht appeararM.,, with • runoor on bua "Tht'rt''I u INuM.• hit aomt'Where thul ll(Jf'l\4' d•y I• pnf '° ~ meaningful l o Fr.-d .ynn," M11uc·h nott"<i "And ol'\Cf' ht• Sela It, It will unlc-uh him " Rod Corc·w al•o madr hit r.-turn to ttw linl'up a •1.K.'C81fuJ om• with 1t flrt1t Inning bloop doublt• a.n1J ,. 11lngll' to ralMJ hill ovc-rag<' to 21HS Curl'w w111 n'llting hll lr1Jurt-<I wriat tht' lut ft·w d y» whl le• wultln" for takf' eff «l M1·unwh1h'. Bt•nlq~-?. tu.d only u 11lxth inning 11ucrlflce-which pawd the· woy for the Anf(t-la' lil>e.imtl run off Indians' st.IU"U'r 1.-.·n Burkc-r Wh1·n ht' rame to tht• pl&t.t• In the· 12th wath the bww'll full, tlll' Ange·I l'rowd, not wanting to 1w1• 11nolht•r t-xtra lnnanf(, Wlllt on It.II fc .. •t ··1 knt-w tht· t·rowd w1'" trying t" r o o t f '' r u 11 l h u tf t o <·m11•1•ntnit'· 11n tht· p1t.d1 but J'm 11u11• th•·y $(Ill 1.(1 Sp11ln..r u Utth· tut," Hc•nllflll'~ llllld "lit• {Sp1llm·r) was throwing 11tru1ulit fwct h11llJI and I tried to l<.wJk fur ll uuotl plt<:h Anything d11e1t• and I km•w I had t.o awing Ill 1t," &-111qut'? uddt!d Thl· An1w1Jc hPld on t.o th1·1r 1-0 lt•ud untfl tht• fourth lnnlnf( whPn thl• l11dlunM' Von Hayes C"onnt'C'ttod for hl11 fuict h11nw run 11f th«• yC'ar to l'vt•11 ttw flt'(lff· Tht• Angt•I• rtwdt' 1t :.! I cm 'J'1m Jo'ol1'-c JU3f 111ngll• But C.:h·vc•land l11-4l 11 up in tht• 1'('\lf'lllh 1&K Jc•rry Uy h11m•k1 and Alim 8unr1111tl'r M111~l1 'll lo <"hlll4l' JWnko, &nd Tohy lfm rah j(f('l•k"<i Aane with un HAI '1111ul1· * ANOl:L NOTll "-tfle J.UMl'I, wtlo haa lfll·~ MV .. 411 Q8fn ... 1-M ol P'Obi9ma '"'"' r11a 1.all "'""'''"· (ll(J no• •11111 f ll<HMl•y 1110111 • (lam .. wllh 11 1.,1<1., ttol•• ~--Tr .. hro-l..W,•m" lotn09' W.01-d'•y niohl •rt.< J9' ~ "''" "lacle t dMng C..IUI ()I e II.all NI by N•w YOt k'a Willi• llfe,. .... 11 In Ille nlnlh 1nn11.g I ~ ... ,., ,,. l'lutl hlrnMff l>U1 ,,. dlOfl I llo11o~ II •A\ -l<IU• •"'4.'Qh lo <AJIM OUI ol lhe o•ma C-.11 I m "''' lc;t> c.onGefnecl abOul 11 M•11~• a.-1111.uc;ll Mid '""' me ttM'.IOtltlt Wa<tr..,Ml•y niotil bul !he •"'1)()11 ftiuolldey wea lh•l JllC~ fll)f1 wlll IHI Oii IO 0•¥ 10 dey bH tt JM >.on 11.0 •lllMCI Illa ev .. llO'I to :147 ""'" !11 n>a 111to17 f 1wt Ang.I• .,.f'°""'*' """' h•ll ••h"' w ...... ol ,,.,.,.,, p11''-...... ,.,.,._, M>d OMlgn•lllO 1n1-Me Mo<-l0t u~• 10 rnell• •oorn l0t pllt h•t 01111 C•rll•ll end lnft•ld•• "•• WHf~. at.quit"" "-'•Y In e Vedtt w!lh IN Mll1llml11I• fw1n• II Mo<NIO 11 nol pt<;hlWI uP I/II ......... ... wtlt r,. t•HfMOOtlO In lhcl AllQf!I• '>11.,. lltla letr11 L9'Jh 0ehnMn hed 111111•••"0 "' uve n 11•rn•• p11cn1no '"' 111111011• th• h od •lk-1 ll '"" et.O five fl•H•"<I '"'" wt,1~ rrwn1:1•ltng •n 0 t tee.tHtt and a 4 Ml "., ""° • ut1 •WW llO" I hit 0 ''"'""'•" 00110 O•Cln eea 1•11 II•• game ll111r~tf 11111111 all., '111kttKJ <IVI In ,,.. llf .. m11111u l)oo(,•111 •• < '""'"'""""-' ol blu• '.o •IM<11• "''" ,.ttc1 tfff.HHhwt ha,,,1og ptr,1bHwu 1 wiHl ,_,. 1 ut•ll., I i.,,,.,., .. IMI Oowtltnf haa n()oOo ttll Ut lfAWttO ,,, fl• ••• , myhl <J•l'f'MIM lh•nll• to h1" '"" 111111'"-' tJoot*t ltttHM'.t•1 ,.,..._ lloo••••ll • o c "'"'man o l 111e Na11011•1 <...t111h•tt•oc." "' ( tu1•t•.,1t af\d ~ (Otange !.c•mlr1 IJl_.hld ~,..,.,. 10 .... y < '"'IMI 'llltHllUtf\ ''""''" "'• V"~ «Afttn\Qn ... Amon(I ""' "'"''"''' wn1n Mlbl M.f•w•llMf •na IYl•I• &Am ....... bOth Of IMne ~~ ;~- Two Big Events In One Giant New & Used Trallerable BOAT SHOW Tho largest llttltt:tlon of now llnd used I 01, eportflshers. fet drives, anllbo&ts. lnflateblH and dlnghle& ovor o ffor1td tor 113fe In ono locntlon by manutnctorora, deolors and private partloa Dul d irect with IM Hiier a nd uve big dollaral May 15·18 Orange County F•lrgrounda Location Frto parking off Arllngton Drive at O.C. Fairground• In Co11a Mou Adml1t1on 12 for tdull1, children under 12, ftH Houri: 8:30 10 3:00 • 0......C.-.-•_..._.__ .... _ • tlWYf • MOllO-• _,., INDIANAP0115 JIMI r•IAL• •Ar. MAY 15 •UN. MAY 16 BROADCAST TIME: 3:30 PM -4:00 PM IAr. MAY 22 •UN. MAY 2~ BROADCAST TIME: 3:30 PM • 4:00 PM IUN. MAY 30, 1982 BROADCAST TIME STARTS 8:15 AM .......,..,. UVI --.0 ·-cov.Ael" ..... ,.. .'°" •11owA• uneo ~ . ' ---·~ L Qrange Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, May 14, 1982 Irvine, Edison benefit from pitching gems HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S lrvlne'a Uu MuU.n U>ok up where ah4.' left off durtna \.he reauJ,ar MUOn by phchina • no-hJ t ter to 1Md \he V11queroe to an ~y 10·0 triumph over vtal\ina ~ 8Mch Jordan HJ&h Frt~y In openlna CU' women • 10ftball playoff act.ton. tn other a•me1, Edl1on'1 C hartt'rt h•d a ane·hitter fr<ICn Julie Carpenter ln downing W..-t Tomanoe, 4-0, on the la.er'• field: Marina la.l a heartbreaker to vilillnl Loara, 1-0, ln n.lne lnninp: and Ocean View had a two-hitter from Pam White ln defealina Villa Patk, ~-0. WoodbrtdJie lolt, 1-0, to La Serna and Eatanct.a loll to Lona Buch WU.On, 2-0. ln the Southern California corrununJty college touma.ment at Golden Weet College, Golden Wett advanced to the le1'Jlifina.la with a pair of one-run d.ctaion.t while Orange Coast lOlt to Pierce, 4-2, In Ua opening game. OCC later defeated Ventura, 2-0, on a 10th lnnlne two-run homer by JIU Tincher. Jan Culp pitched the ahutout. THE RUSTLERS DEFEATED El Camino, 2-1 ln nine innings In the opener, then held on to !capture a 2-1 verdict over the Hometa at night lifter Fullerton had won a 17-inning marathon, 3-2, over Santa Monica. Martin's no-hitter was her sixth of the sea.son and moved Irvine to a second round game agamst No. 4 seeded Workman Tueeday. Flick.a Locke had a double and was 3-for-4 at the plate with one RBI while reserve sophomore Elaina Oden had a triple to dnve l1l two runs. Martin had nine strikeout& and iasued two walks. Fresh.man pitcher Carpenter had one of her better days on the mound, linuung the host team to one hit and striking out 12 batters. S he faced oniy 23 batters with no walks. Cath y Spaeth belted a three-run homer in the seventh inning to give the Chargers a cusruon after they had taken a 1-0 lead lnto the inning. Melanie Cooper walked, stole second, went to third on a sacrifice by Kori Gendron and scored the first run on a paS8ed ball in the fourth. SOFTBALL Lori Bl.rd wu the catalyat for the R1.&11Uera of c.o.ch Mlckcty Davia ln thtt iAm4t with Fullerton. Bird bt-1~ • trtpl~ ln the •ixth lnnlna and ICOred on • ainale by De.h-ec Johnaon, then with thtl same on the Ilne In the bottom of the aeventh, made a perfect relay throw to nJp a Fullerton runner at th~ p.IJ&k\ for the final out. The tint C WC run C4lm ti In the third on a single by Colll>en Cale Md another si{lgle by J ohnaon who drove ln both ru1111. But in the bolt.om of the final lnninl. Liu Barboea tripled with one out, then with two away, Cathy Cart.er belted another tnple to the u.me 1pot an right ~nterfwld She sped a.round the bues and tried t.o 1tretch It Into a honle run but Btrd'1 .a:urate th.row to c.tcher Donna Mcl!:lru nipped l h~r •t tho plate for the flnal out. GOLDEN WEST DEFEATED El Camino ln the tint pme when the opJ)Ol.lna e11tc~r dropped a third 1trilte and threw Wildly lnw rtaht tleJd aa Shanna Moore went all the way a.rouna to 1COre . Oranp Cout lolt 1n the teVenth lnn1na after rominl from behind to Ue the ICOre with .in.tle NN ln the fourt.h, fi fth and 1.lxth lnn1Jl4PI. Shen Petrol\4' tripled and 11COred on a single by Ronda Ctwnben with the tying marker. But a lingle, an error and a aacrifloe fly gave Pierce the wtnn1na run ln the bottom of the lnn.lna. Second round CIF acUon t.akee place Tue.day with LM Quinta at Zdi.eon. Ocean View and Loa Amiga. flip a coin to detennine a home team and lrvtne will travel t.o Blahop Amat Weekend TV sports Top seeds successful AUTO MARKET .•. ..... • • LOS ANGELES • , • ''The n.hman Buodali," ti"9 world'• moat expenatv• car CIOlltlna ti mllUcn Md let\ YMnl ID C:Onal.Nct, will be dlaplayed ID the pubUc fat the tlrat ume at the 17th annual Auto Expo '12, openint l'riday, May 14 thru 23 at the Loa Anp&. Conv~ Cent.er. BUJ 'I'llhman, iJand8on of the founder of the r~hy and conatructlon company, whoN olfW. buildlnp llne WUahire Boulevl&l'd, d«.ided co take on the pvjilct -'t41t lll!elrlg ~v~ral old pholl>IJ1li>N of the ortcinal "Buccl&ll" shown at Piui.t ulonl In 19)1. He Md been a clulk CtAr hobbyl1t for many ycan and aaw the rebuildint ftom 'ICl"a\Ch of the elepnt car the c~ ol a ll!etime. Several huz-.dn.-d workmen were employed ta hand 1 tool every part uf the car. Tlahman lhou&ht the pro}OC't would t.ak .. only two yt'All'I, but aa time ~~· tw ~ inure dt'mand1ng of eYerf detail of e car .a.nd UU. wu the reuon for the 1ehedule oonunum, for u-n yean. It took 1everal years juat for Tlahman co approve the 6000 pound.a of hand tooled body, which dramatJcaUy n!fl~ta th~ t"lepnce of French can of the early 1930'1. A unique feature 11 the bu1lder'1 own e lectro- ' pneurrallt• de1lgned 1yatem that open.a and dOllell the 1 trunk lllld al8o injecia water into the C11.r'1 refrt'llhment cenwr Saturday TllfVlllON 9 • In 1s1 COLUOE IAH•AU use •• UC~A TILIVlllOM 10 • m (2) -NeA P\.AYOf't Soelon 111 Phlllldelphla 10·30 a .m. It II -•All•All - Oocl04tt1 81 Now Yo<11 Three of the four top seeded entries In each of the three age brackets for the Seventeen ,SCOPE FACT SHEET Auto Expo '82 prea.entl over 300 new can from England. France, Germany, lt.aly, Swe- den Japan and the U.S .. including the Citroen Xenia and the Saab Viking. lat.eat detlgMr prototypes flown directly from the l~llan Show. which cloeed May 2. tor their ~n­ can Debut. Auto Expo w1U alao premiere the world's most experwve car, the million dollar T111hman Bucc1ali, plua the lateat auto acces- I I a m 1~1 WCT TENNll 11 IS am (41 IAIEIAU 8oalon et 1<.,1'8t City 11 30 am (21 N9A P\.AY0,'8 Bo>IOI\ 81 Ph1leoe4phl8 ' I p m (11 WIOE WOflLO Of' IPOflTI T 11• 1amll1na11 or 11111 World Boa1ng Chemp10111h1p1. t•P41<1 at Munich All() live co•erage ol the rece IOI 11111 poi. poatllon el lhe lhdl1nepoh1 f>OO 11me 111111t end a p•eview ol lht 107th 11Jnni11g ol lhe P1eaknee1 2 11 m (2) GOV l h11d round play In lhe COlon11111 N11llQ11al 1rw1t1111unal, lrom FOfl Wo•lh. Tu (4) OUTDOOfl lll'f Comedian Phil Harri• hunts phea11n1 In Southe<n ldlltlO ( 71 HORSE flACINO The 107th running ol lhe Preakneu 2 30 pm 141 -SPOflTI AFIELD 3 p m 111 WIOE WOflLD Of' IPOflTI Continuing cove<aoe ol the WOfld 8o•lng C.nemp1onll\l~ and • ll•e report from Iha lndlenepoli,.600 time trtal• """.,..,._Of'"-PrMI<.- 4 30 Cl m ( I 11 BAIEIALl The Ootlgt11s a1 New V0<I. Mel" i;> 30 p m (2) QOl' Final round play 1n lhe Colonial Nallonlll lnvneuon I 30 p m (I I) THll Wl!l!I( IN I AHIALL 2 pm (41 OUTOOOfl llf'I Pete M•••Ylch MllrC"4tt IOI Mllll•h otl Coale Ale• AlllO A lea$0n In Ille uetnlng 01 Labrador retrievers 2 30 pm (4) MAC tPORTt: fltNQtlOI! Alu Remo. ( 14-0) va Wayne Caplene (20 2) In • scheduled 10-round middleweight llghl ••P•d 81 All•nllc C11v, N J (7) AlffflJCAN tPO«TlllAN -Eaplotet1 agM 17-24 lrom "Operation Dr•ke' 1rev11 10 Papua. New Oulnee 10 lludy a lrtbe tha1 8'>9•k• over 700 dlalect1. attempt 10 nevlgalt lhe Slrlcitland River, c!tac:ove< WOl1d Wet 11 rallcs In lhe mountains 1earch lor an ••Ohl 1001 lllerd at1d conduct • crocOdlla &ul\lfry Magazine tenrus tournament a t M ission Viejo's Marguerite R ecreation Center, hav e advanced to the semifinals which are being played today. But one seeded player l1l each of the brackets fell by the , wayside in quarterfinal action · Thursday as two rounds were , played for the only time this week ln the action that features 1 top young women stars from each of the M iitates and Puerto Rico along with the Di.strict of Columbia. eon es. CYI'HER FEATURES· CITROEN XENIA World-famou1 designer Trevor F1orc•'s newe1t and moat exciting creation. S AAB 900 VIKING. Developed for thr Turin Motor Show as a proLOty~ by designer Tom T j8al'da of Ra yton Fiaore, new Tun.n design house. PORSCHE 944. The newest vera1on of this dass1c, with aU-new aluminum 2.5 In.er en- gine l OCEAN VIEW RODE the pitching of Whlte to victory as she struck out 14 and walked one. Both Seahawk runs came m the fourth anrung as Lynn Alleri opened with a triple and acored on a passed baU White then walked and Louisa Salazar singled with Sherri Monroe driving in the final tally. Marina's Viking11 couldn't score w ith runners on base and as a result, gave up the wmning run in the ninth on a walk, a bunt, an overthrow and a squee:d! bl.lilt. ~ 30 pm (91 NBA P\.AYOFFI lh• l11ket1 01 San An1on10 RADIO 3 30 pm (41 -IPOflTIWOfllD Je,,_ "Hore! Rock' OrMO ( 12· II va "lrleh Teddy M ann 127·81 In • 1cheduled mlddtewelotit bout l•P•d 91 Allenltc City Aleo Taped coverage of the UCL" 1nv111uonal lrll(;k mMI tn Los Angetn (7) WIDf WORLD Of' 8P0fl'TI Tne llnel• OI 11\e Wo1ld Bo••no Champlonlhtpt In Munich Alto· A rec>o<I from the lndlanepoll1 500 1im. 1r1111 ln the 18-and-under bracket, Jenny K.lJtch of Columbus, 0 . lost t o Mary Norwood o f Oklahoma City, 7-5, 7-6. Klitch was the No. 3 seeded player in her bra,·ket. DATSUN SENTRA: A new economy ted.an ;. dc111gned to replace the popular 210 1er1e1 . oftenng up to 58 mph hJghway The Vikings had the bases loaded in the eighth but rouldn't 9COre. A GALA Batet>oll Dodgers di New York ~ 30 Pm. KABC 17901. Cle•eland 111 Angell 7 11 m , KMPC (710) Ba&lcett>ell lak11r1 al Slln Antonio S 30pm KlACtS701 Hort• Racing Preaknen Aeporu 8 40 9 40 1 I 40 am 12 40 1 40 pm KNX 110101 I flADIO BaMball Doelger• at New VOO. IMll 10 30 e m KABC (790) Cleveland 81 Angela I pm KMPC (710) Caroline Kuhlman, the No. l see d ed pla ye r in the 16-and-under bracket, fell to Terry Phelps of Larchmont, N. Y ., 6-0, 6-3. Kuhlman is from Fort Mitchell, Ky. PREMIERE Thursday, May 20, 1982 Edwards Newport Cinema Newport Beach A Special Event To Benefit The KOC&TV Foundation The Dream of ANNIE E~ neede a champion. Someont that can ht- ~upon through thldi. end thin. When you tum around In a time ofnttd, that champion ia thttt to ht-or the brunt ofbattle with you; to help you 1urmoun1 tvrt v challenge. Tilat champion 1haret IOm('thmg 11p«ial with you, a dream of a brighttr future. A futun flllrrl with gut hopet and~ g:rutrr accomphshmmta ANNIE hu a champion; a man who camr from tht dq>tha of~rty in England to reach the pinnacle ol bwinetil 1UCCeN in Amttica. ~WAI conatantly at Major Underwriter• f1uor Foun"dation Hoag Foundation Newport C.enter A88ociation . Van C.Smp Foundation Disneyland Security Pacific National Bank Neiman-Marcus ANNIE'11 s1dt'. ll'nmm~ frnm hr·r w111Clom, helping her thrm11(h 1hrnw d 1fll<.,1lt t1me:1 anrl linolly 8aving her fnJm thclA<' whr> wr11tld do hrr harm Ouddy Warbuck! twi1 b«1Jme 1hc.-11vmhol of 111ud1 tlUtl •~ ~ood wllhm our llOt'ICIV. And, h1• wn11 hrn11j(hl 1nrn fl w11rld much llk.e lh<' on<' wr 111h11ln1111d11y, niw filll.'fl w11h ronctm for the l11t11rr /\NNl£'11 lt'llow urpha11, pubhc tl'ltvt&1on, nttdJI 11 own champion. And thal chi1mp10n ca11 be p1. You can talc.e the.-11me and l'ffort and maJu.-thtcomm11ment to llll't'n~hen the f\JIUn.> dream that ht public ttkvtalun. Th,. htritage ofexcellentT that 18 public 1clevl11lon'11 meantt nothing without the> ongoing concrm nnd 8upport of pmplr lllu-you. /V. we 111rt~ to llUC<.'C-ed l.n 11ervlng lhltl m mmunlty we call upon yuu m1d otht"nl llkr you to tl&kr up tht wiun<lel and to ~'<mM-11 rl~mplon for puhllc I c k-v1a ion. The ANNll: •pcciAl t'Yent U. •he rniult ofrn.ny chompiorul who c&me to the banner ofJ<OCE. They Include tht undrrwritenwhoaupportrd 1tw growth of t hie 11peclal t'W'nt and 1 he volwll"'ra who committed thouaandA ofhoun to 11181J<'Ct'M. lf)'O\I a~ not ytl a part ofthlit tlf~d&I ~Ing, tht opportunity await•. With yourAlpport, we can eNUf«' that thl• IM'nl And tht days that IOl111w will be nlleod wllh ho~. Become our ct...mpioo, IOmtOM who conaldt'l"a ICQCE..1V and Public Ttle'vt1loo a tr~ wor1h ll'Ving. ANNIE Premiere Committee • Mra. Jamt11 Baldwin Mn1 Jamn Baromo Mrs. Daniel Boy~ Mrs. Mich.at-I Brown "Mn. Raymond Bukaty Ma Arlene Bullard • Mn. Andttw Carlloo •Mrs. Bertrum C.Ofrty • Mns. John Demman • Mrt. J. llobt'r1 noor II • Mra. Terry Ctlfl! Mra. Donald Gilmour Mrs. William Haney Mra. William Hart •Mra. Vernon W. Hunt •Mn. Jame1 Kllponm "Mn!. Jtwaell Lind ~. ~I Llnlhkum • Mra. Leon 4'00 Mn. Eu~ne MellrU.ofT Mn . Gmr Mu •Mn. Maurkr Mulvillr •Mr. ~II Peart0n •Mn. Edward Schwnacll6 Mn. Nathan Earl Srott "Mn. Petrr Shu Mn. H. Edward Stming Mni. Mk::hael Tbonvy Mn. George T. Trlggl •Mn. Robert Wannlngton 0 Mn . Norman £, WatlOfl Mn. Alan Wit'l'IC'r Mn. Maril WelM 0 M1. Faye Wllaon Mn. LaWl'l'JlC«' A. Woodward •Mrmtx-r. of tht Extcutl"T C&bl~t Fw Benefit Premiere 11cket 1ar.111at1Ga Phnlt 891 .. UJ at.140 -Channel IO Graap C~ Pablle fi11wlll• I WHERE WHEN HOURS. PRICES. AUDI QUATTRO: The first turbo-chareed high perfOrll'\.aPC'e 11porta coupe With full tfme 4-wheel drive to be sold tn the U S VOLKSWAGEN QUANT U M An all-new Flagship car. with sophisticated ttthnology and aerodynanuc European atylmg RENAULT F't1EXX>. The newest entry from the famed French manufactur~r combi.nes rot- kish contemporary stylJ.ng with supenor fuel t'(.'Qnomy ASTON MARTIN TICKF'ORD. A luxury venuon of the BL Metro that reflecta the en- gineering excellence o r the famed Brit11h manufacturer. SIL VER VOLT: A luxury electric car with alJ the "want.ed" extru that boast.I a top 11~ to 70 mph and a range up to 200 nules. Los Angeleis Convention Center, Pico & f). gueroa, downlDwn Los Angeles f'nday. May 14 through Sunday, May 23 Dally. Z p.m to 11 pm., Saturday: 11 am. to 11 pm . Su.nday. 11 a.m LO 7 pm Adults. $4 .00. Children 6 LO 12 yean $2.50 and under 6 yean: Free RIVERSIDE ... When the King of Beers 1aya "ftaot. fana, this one's for you," you know ll means IOl'nething specia.11 And thnt's exactly what you can expect on JUNE 13 when the "good ol' boys" from NASCAR'11 WINSTON CUP Series return to Riverside for the BUDWEISER 400. There's JUSl no better racing anywhere than when the stock cani get together at the only track where they tum both ldt AND nght! h 's a doubleheader, too ~ BUDWEISER 400 Wll\StOn Cup race A.ND the Warner W. Hodgdon 200 Grand American race make 1t a day of ACTION and EXCITEMENT worthy of the kJf\11 of o~ Best of all, you won't need a king's ranaom to~ 1tl · plan on t.ak.mg the whole family or fnenda, etpecW.ly they've never s..~n the thrill of stock c~r racing on a roed coul"lK.' General Admission for k.ids under 12 11 free and there's plenty of FREE parking. too Purchase you~ tickets 1n advance and en joy Saturday practice trl qwilifying without an addilJonaJ charge. Park ovemlgh 1f you wuah (alight fee involved). But don't mJM a single bit of the action when the TOYCYrA Pace Cu leads PACK to the green 11.ag! '• . .. ~· Fnday, June 11 -8:30 a.m. 400 Practiot 11:30 a.m. 200 Pr~ l :00 p .m. 400 Pr~ 2:00 p.m . 200 Practice •.•' 3:00 p.m. 400 Qualifying (20 can) 5:00 p .m. 200 Practice Saturday. June 12 -8:30 a.m. 400 Practkle 10:00 a.m. 200 Quallf)'U\i (20 aan) 11:30 a.m. 400 Pract1ce 1' 12:30 p..m. 200 Pr~ 2;00 p.m. 400 Qualifying (15 cart) 3:30 p.m. 200 Qualifying (15 ~ 4:30 p.m. 400 Pract1ce, ,. 1 Sunday, June 13 -10 a .m. Opming Ceretnonlee 11 a .m. Warner W. HodCdOn l p.m. Budwel8er 400 ., •; •One w~Und price of •10 (leneral. admialion) ... •Ovttniaht ParkJ.na (vehkle pem fee ~) •Vehicle pus required for -.JJ ~Uonal v .. hJclel, p6cil·,Up tnJcka wt th aheu.. and V&nl. • # •General adml.M1on Ucketa purchMed ln ad-•• vanee are honored for S.turday pnicdce. "" •Chlld,..n under 12 f rM Oeneral Adm1•hm ' "' both d•Y•· ~u•t h•ve reaerved ticket for • • ~ .. Unaon~. • HoldJ.na .,_ (J"riday ftilht only) ',, t •Ar. operw at noon ~'f • Mumt haw S.tw'dlly/8unda.)' dcUtl ,, t •No p1191 ouw •In try to R•ceway 1round1 be11na 7 a.m , 1 &t\.lnky I •No m1N-b&ke « motcrhed eydt ridh1I ptnnltlild lna6de ~ pound&. • SE£ WHA'T~fi· JA)C,\L7 1AUTO DitAL bA VE "": TO 'OFf'! YOU' . I J I 'TOPA t: ~.PA R. • ~ I I ". '. lllA.K>ft LIAQUI IT ANOtNO• A!Mftc11n L ... ue ... *"~ W L .... Ga 10 10 .. , ~ 21 13 Ill 1 Kan ... Ctty Oe11i.no a..111e ......,_,. 11 I) 611 2'-' 11 II &20 4 16 20 4211 , .. T-11 '' 314 11 ... • " ,.. 10'A 8oelon o.ltOll ...... _ .. ci.v.i.,,., -YOtk roron10 8rMllmO<• ·-"'"'~ ,, 11 18 17 II 14 14 16 14 II I) 18 17 11 ,.__, •• 9"fM ..,..... 3 c ...... -7 c ,, ""'"'O" o.ltOl1 I. M""-Ola 2 h•u 4, l0ton10 .3 CNoaQO 13. Mllw .... k• 1 K.,. ... Cny l I, Botton 2 ,._ YOtk 8 Oaalanll 4 8e/1lm0ft 3 a.ante I T ....... t•ea- .., o·~ e·~ a a...IMCI (I«-).11 et ........ (Kleotl 1~1nne1011 1ke<1••"' ? •1 •I Oe11011 CPUl\nlCli I 71 Toronto tl .. I 2 "II leAU \ h natt• I •I MllweukM CSlaton 1 01 tt C.noc;~ C0ol9()f1 'l·ll Boelon IT.,<1or ) q ol 'l•oo••• C.:1ly c Splmorn 7 21 ...... Y0tlo. CJolln J 41 al Oe111an<1 CK"°"Ofl 3·31 B•l11<'110fl lfll-atl 1 7) 11 SMlll~ fN .. ~ I 61 Nellon•I LNGue ... ..,,. DW1elOfl Ali9nlAI 88n l.MQO W L ~I. 21 II l&e g~~~~t.c(I Ill 14 S31 HI 17 •8~ ·~ 18 ·~:. ,, ,, ·~J C~1,,,..111 Hou•t<Ht 14 Ill 4'/4 ~ .. 1 .. n Otwt.lon 21 12 6M 17 ·~ 16 I~ 1• IS " 11 13 Ill II Louie -Yolk Pfltl.o .. pll•a Montreal l•11111>uro11 Chicago Thw....,. .• k41f .. N9w Y0tk 4 Oodg«9 7 ~)I ~10 481 •14 406 Mont•MI 8 San 0..00 b c 11 1nn1no11 Pt\11..a.lpllla I, San '••nc,IM.O I C1nc;1t1nall 7 Ptll1bu1gn 1 91 LOUlt 10 Alletlla 0 CNceQO ~ HO\lflon 0 o• )'.-. • \ 1 I • T ....... 1'•0.-~· tVl-luel• 4 'I •I N-Yn<• fJonft 4· 11 Sin Ot-oo fl Oil•• •DI •• MQ41"<1al t8vr11• 0., Sen FtMC;llCO IG ... I n al Pt\tlalHol!>h<• 1cw11on 3 s1 Clnc1nn111 t3Hve1 1 •1 -• 1J111~nv•o11 tRot>"1oon 1 01 91 Lou•• IA11t1u1•• 1 11 e• •111n1 • IMc:WtMl9"'1 2 II Cl\t<:-oq INQIM 4 JI at HouolU<• IK1~ I 31 A•NCAN LIAQU. ........ ~2 c:uva.AJ1D CAUPORIU .. ,".. ...11 .. MlnW ,2b I 0 1 0 o-.tno.M 9 1 2 0 Henlfl.30 I 0 4 1 c--. fb 4 0 ' 0 -..... lb • 0 0 0 Gtldl.:lb • 0 0 0 llwnltl.dfl It 0 0 0 L)"V'P S I I I Mc:erde.f'f I 0 3 0 8e)tor ,Clfl II 0 2 0 ....,._,,. 6 1 1 I 0.C""9,)b I 0 0 0 "'-"*'O.Cf 4 0 I 0 ~.)Ci I I 0 0 Ollotle.d I 0 I 0 "«> JUfl,30 2 0 0 0 ~.e 6 0 1 0 Ae.JUnJlfl O 0 O O v..--e.•'•4 Mew YOtll 100 103 000 I I 1 Oeiolend 000 100 110 4 I I OullJ!y 1 ,.,.., 1•~ ~ 1•1 -•eoi., IJncl«woo.J, 8 Mel euoNln ll. OwG/lklllO 1•i. INrci 19> .,Id ..._en w a~. a 1 l Uoll.,•OO<I. I 2 8 lh•tey C21 1411 Nt• Volll llelbonl 111 Olkland MurllhYC'I A 24 MO ..., ... 11, llM ... t Rc:>alon 000 100 0 10 2 I 0 KllllU• <;tty to I O?O ?Cl• II 17 0 Relf\ey Hurtl (II. Aponle Cll ll>d Geomen I IQ<ll. 0 ""'"~ C9) alld W•lt'tan OUI<~ Ctl W 1'1001 4-1 l R~.) I A II 4t>I ~e ....... ,.,., 1C1<on10 010 001 010 3 I O re... no1 001 to1 4 1 o 811e o ano WMll M•Otch Come• C81 ..._ .... 111. O."•"' 191 11/lO 8uMbef1 W l>1tw1n l I l Gl leD, 2 HR IO<onlo~·-(31 A e,110 1.t.-1 ~ 000 000 002-2 t I o.lf Oii 2" 110 OOll-t • 0 .. ..... o. ,,_~ c>I encJ ....... Mon'la and Woo-enluH W -Morrlt , &·3. L -P~. 0.1 Hfll -~. Hf1*1110~ • Oetlott, Hernootl C31 A -11,9411 _ ... ,,.._.., ~-001 000 100-2 10 • ChiOaOO 1 I 2 oa6 IOK-13 20 0 Ce~. ENterly Il l. AUQ\llllne (II end MoOfe VO.I Cl), ~ 8llCI ,lei., Hiii (t). W - Hoyl. 7-0 l -Ce tdwell. 2 ·> Hiii - .....-•• Yount (2) ~. UIOMlkl IOl, l.eflOfe C31 A -2'.~. ........... GrlCfl llenlquel cw- 8ey!Of f•QUtOfl ~-lynl\ Boone file • .iea.-o.onc-Fol CW!! 8ur"90tl I(..,_ J Moreno TQl.ia ~ lMvl ,.._ Renl!O 1(1- 8"nclwl FOt.cll Wlt1 A MOteno &"-' ~"?°" .......... .. " 30 2 11 31f 44 & 14 0 4 311 011 ,. 21 0 1 H6 1)11 10 39 • 24 291 11 2 II 0 0 211 132 20 31 1 111 213 2t2701294 110 13 2t 0 • 294 101 e 21 o 10 2112 87 1& 24 4 13 247 Ill 13 27 4 14 nt 110 t 24 0 II 211 24 1 4 0 1 117 46 4 1 0 2 tM 4 7000000 S3000000 1.111 IM SOO :t3 13' 267 MCtMO • "' .. '°' W-4. IJlA 11 13 I 7 1..0 I 06 117 44 11 10 ~· I 74 :Ml'A 211 17 31 $-' 2 ti ~ )0 1 12 3-1 2 12 24'1\ 23 14 16 1..0 269 '""' 11 1 10 2..0 3 20 82 '3 Ill 11 2~ 3,. )0 )0 111 14 2..0 390 37 41 Ill 14 2·6 412 M\ IS • II 0-1 • ee rot.i. 324~ 291 121 14121-13 '" NATIONAL LEA QUE Met• •. Dodgen 2 l.01 ANOILU NIW VOfll( aob1hbl .O•hlll Ill-Omo /IJ ~ 0 ? I WtlMlf\ ~I !> 0 I 0 1 ""°"" cl 4 () O O '>•••on•• ~ , • 0 J<t Mtlo t>h 0 0 () 0 Ynngllld ti ~ I 1 0 o ..... II ~ ' l 0 l'tt'ljmAn 11>4 ' I 0 (',-,., ti ') 0 I I f Qtl .. II ) 0 I t) U••vey lb • () 0 O llail<1' II 0 0 0 0 ~ 11> • (I 1 0 llfl>tll>• lb 4 0 J 4 1ot"Of" c 4 0 I 0 8c.•mt• )U 1 0 I 0 s..tanoot• 11 • o 1 o v~'''"' 1n I O 0 0 llQQl{,11 1J '/ 0 () 0 C.rflHtlf A' 4 () 0 0 IC1'>totln 1>11 0 0 0 0 I ..u_,,. .. I' 4 0 I 0 f ,,. ..... " 0 0 0 " ......... " 0 0 0 0 ,,.,....., IA I ' I 0 fC,IAI• 18 I !; 1 lolMlt Ill 4 11 4 kO<. bf ""'"'9• Loa At~ 001 000 001 I N-•II'• 700 X>0 00• • ( lltn<,•• LO& lo• At~ II N- Y0t' I I J8 rnr.m•• Ruu .. lt ;fl ll•k .. se '>•••"" L4"A~ •ie>olt>n (I I ll J f)ftlet ..... v .. ~ II' H 11 Ill ea tO ., '"' 4 4 J ... I fl 0 0 7 I al<""" IW I 01 8 \I I l 4 "''""•IS81 '• () 0 0 0 WP I al(.N>e T l ~ A lft 011 I•,_ I . Podr .. S llhn'1tou~t (ol ''°'-· """I.. t.cOftd ......wi lllfte Jn-Lula c,...,, ""' Civtte•O T1""'11 ~· 6 J 1/11 .. Q .. u101l11 d<ll PO(llo S..IO'li«I ti I T !. O•entu<.o R1na10onf Clef O""'ge CJuv'lf• fl ~ II I Ju•" Aven<lano ael lva11 0v l'•llQu.., I 11 ft. 7 LTA S•tefflte C•• l.N-Oft·8c*M. ~ ....... I ....,•a Ou~ ...... t;h.,I .. F 1.IKull -AnM<I Amtll••I 4 fl II 'I 11 II C.•lllQ Miller def 0190 Wllyt.CtON IJ I «! 3 0..... I en 0.1 Roy MOO. e 6 1 b 1 9,.,., Porow oat Wa111on M...., 6 I ,, 4 w-·· o~~ •lf\olff 'lh.tley WolptJ+.t d4'1 ••"'*°" Pellet• 6 3 f :1 """~ C.•011 a.I l'.I"' Seddon II I 1, i 111 J""" <jfOI MH~O 'l'anaQI 6 J II 1 1 "'"'"''" l 'ljl•llNJCly oal AmeNI• I oom r 6 , .. Qrllnd Prl1 tOUtn•ment C•t ............. w .. 1 0..-Jl thlfd ".-cl •lftt* )f"'4 Hl\IV(lf•t 6'lf [!rot fell~ 6·7 II J " ~ Bua•.. MOii• •Ill d .. I [CldHI Olbb1 IJ • I J Jimmy Conno•a de! 11e1111 r,.,..,,1n .. 01 6 • 8 7 Pet"' McNamata 0.1 r 111a• M~<>" & 3 6 4 AtlOt• Gurr.et l)otl C.l>fOI I -· II ) II 4 ')I' . . ., . Women'• aoftbell COMMUNITY COUIOI loul,...n Cellfornla T_,,..,.,..,t (el 0-... Wffl Coltep) , .... 111.......s~ Ooldeft w .. 1 2, I I C9"'1no I I I t.omono 000 100 000 I '> 1 I~•'''"'' W111l ()()() ()() I 00 I l J 0 '"'"V•• ••Ml Wol~•n Kjlftf .... a M(fllH Jll Uw!lw ire I HOll'liq•"'' If Cl "le<O. •. o...,.. C-1 J fl• ••IQI t.UAt 1 000 111 0 ~ ~ ) 1 .. ..,~. ()l)l 000 ' 4 " 0 l ull1na •od 81u nal C:ulp a no c.,, u.1 IA P•I"""' 10(.< I r,_0-IPI 01 .... kof"ff Cotonlel lnwttetlon•I (et ,orl Worlh, TuM ) v ... ,,. ........ r 33 32 60 ,...,,,,. Clem4onl1 33·3l 66 J.C.• Nl(klaua 34 ·37 69 J•m 8(>ot01 33·3!> ea W"°"Y 8lach1><11n 3S 33 ea aa11y 1a-.he1 J!>·33 ea IQm ll•lt 3l·3S 6' I a11y N .. ..,,, 31 31 ea AH\OIO Palnle< 33 3~ ea l>••• ll(;f1411oe<~ 37 36 ea """' No"" 3• :i• ea r;.o<u• A•'".. :16 32 ea Jr;<t ... ....., 36 n ea &•lld &.yant )I) 32 ea Pet .. Ouol11I""' )4 3!> 611 L..,,.,.,o rnomo-· 3S 34 Gii f uuy 1114111• 34 3~ Gii O'MI T ..... , 3~ 3• 1111 lioh •Au1""y 34 31> Gii ,,,,,, f p_,,, 33 l6 611 Trim Pu•ll• 31 '.16 811 Huw.,d lwt111 34 36 69 p,,,,., J•WIJ .. • 34 31> 611 .,,., .. •tocn 3~ ,. 811 hon !.11w • 36 :n 69 (.,o eQ PCM•n )6 34 70 BnOb7 Wea>on. .I~ 3!> 10 &111 !;11111111 3• 36 70 Do-• J"""ary 34 36 70 O A W"'t><"'O 3~ 3S 70 J<"'n Menall"y JS lb 1•1 (., ....... (,u6.Jy 3~ .lb 10 c,.,.., I 1111t< :µ .16 10 6'>bl)y '·'""'I>"" 36 3• 70 Thurtd•Y'• tr~tlon• fA ... AU. A---.L...- 1>1 I HOIT hOE AS Acltvatecl A4"...., L ''"" p11~h•1 0011on•C1 Many Cu11110 <,,•tCPlef ,,., (van•v•lf• o f th• Am•,;cen A~a(l(..1ahon N(W YQJIK YANK[('; ()pl-0 ••• I •Roc• .. "'"-and Juan EW<no UIC~ ... 1<1 (.l)lymt>v• ol Ille 1111 .. nohonel l •"9"" ... ,__. Leoee ... I'll 138UROH l'IRAICS PIOGfOd 0••• l'M•., n<ttl~ OI\ '"" IS Cl•t CloHbleCI "'' 'i .. N f f\ANt.ISCO GIANT'> A<oaclt•aleO ~.,M ) I 1 0 W11n9.P' 0 0 0 0 9enqi.lt,tf 4 0 1 1 ,.cl.• a o 2 1 Satl l>teg<) O:xl 110 •00 00 ~ 10 () Montt .. I 000 :>0 I 11() 0 I 6 IJ 1 M0<1lllfUllGO. l UC.et t1 I (,hill"' j 11 IJo()l\e tfll O.L 1t0<1 j 101 ""'1 ll•w..Oy (k,111<0 """ ll•••OQn 181 • ''""" 11()1 •no C••l•• w r 1vm.,. 2 0 I ""'"'"' ' I HR s .. Women't tournement (•I Lue-. 8wt11wlatwl) e.coftd ~ llftt* ~ •O .I 80 111() '100 140 I ulle<1n<> ) S•nla Mon<! a 7 117 w1rnno11 l•t11.ma1 1 Vett1u•• 0 Utll\Q'I Coao1 2, VtnllH 0C10 lnnWIQ91 hconcl......wi~· c"""'~P .,ec1r .. [Inti 8t"'•ly lei,_ Optl()n(O() Jt•M 6'tt00. hnt t)a.,..m•n. ~o Pti°"""'•• t.1• u.. Pec;.1hc C.uaol I ""II'"' f00f8AU. --...c; $010 Tot.le 441 2 13 2 ~ & 0 I 0 ~ ..... ~ 100 100 000-2 O<eov ll•11 Pl Rv Jonn 1~1 A 1~ '.114 I.hit• E-• I 10vO a.I 8ont<M G~ I IJ '' I II ..... • ~Olot de! Dena Ollbefl 1 r. 0 I II ) Mat(>ella MHk" de! Sve e.n. .. a.1. 7-6, 8)M<I ......... def J<atlllMn H1µve111 II 4 11 4 f'tl•t<.lll Meclta<IQ de! Cl•Vll•• PeMNalot 11..0 II 1 llffgll>tl Ru1tc1 ""' 11,.~ uee L ~e 6 7 II 4 1'norea '"""'•••" d~ I "'QI\ Aoot,. lne'imponn 11 2 r. ' '""'" .. ll~•m••~ <1<11 Mao•vo• 0-1 b 0 ~. Celtor'nle 100 001 000 001-3 TWo -....., -wno""' eocw.a ( -Oybllflllll, Cerew. Qrlcll DP -~ 2. Celtotnle 1 L09 -~ 12, Cellfornle 14 29 -Downing, C•r-. l•ylor, Hiii -H•JH 111 I -ltnlq~z. ,,,_ ••. 0~1. 1 ~ ... •·~·.-.v 010 000 000 1 r, 'l '"'~"'""""'" lOO OX> 1 t, 8 10 o fl)wC><n Bar• l'•I a..,,..,,'U 111 •no May Her&°"'' .. • M 11111•eo ..,_. • •221 3 ~L,0.31 ~ & 1 1 2 0 c........ ""'"""n and UtAI W nuth1t11n ") ' L I nwt• •• 3 2 HH 1>n11 a oel1Jh•• M&"""''" 111 ,. n o~i C~ 6, Aoltoo 0 < n• °'II" 001 • 10 100 •, tO U Ounie World Tournament jal T .. JO) ............ "-fMI ........ IW*o l 'A I 2 2 0 2 ~ 5'.\ II 0 0 3 2 ~ 1-4) ',\ 0 0 0 0 fln.••1'•" 000 000 000 0 .. t) R•Ot.'f Le Smt01 tf• •nd tlAv•• J N~tn l o C.!J U 1'>1 l at.O•I" "' • .,,, "'""Y W Ropiey I 0 I J H•H1 .I J 5 1 ot ~t\ C2l A -1:U&& •••" I""°' ""' 1 ouyoaht Fukur, 0 I &-2 ll•l•Y Amotl•l l Oel Mat• (<Jmon<laon ti 4 IJ 4 T -) .... A -21,461 ._ .. , ... , .. -........ AndtH J"'O'>' de! l~ .. Al-6 I 0 I ----. ---- rt.II.IC NOTICE P'\J9UC NOTICI N.._...,1 8edd .. beocll Community Co090e 8TATIMeNT Ofl A8ANOONWHT Ofttrlct '*'•by glv" nollee tl'l•t II OP UH OI' 'ICTtTIOU8 l'IM lllld tor • mejof c:Mnoe 1n 111 auatN«e• NA• F'..oetel Communleatlon• Comm!.,. T n• lollowtng pe11on1 h••• e1or1 ~Oon tor 911 FM Trenele-eben<loned me VM 01 the l\c;11110u• tor 10 Mrv• N-port 8Hc:l1. C•ll· bu11ne11 nem• BREA CANYO N IOfnla 10 be loc:8tecl on Ille roof ol M091LE ESTATES •I 182 1 r 11111 H<>-o Hoeoltll Regarding ~a-Stteott S•nla Ane CA 11'70 I tlon Ille 18PF'TI f0115 fA. d•ted Thtl hc:t111ou1 1>ut1ne" neme re M.,c;11 18. 1912. Ille lollowlng lerred lo ebov• w•JO 1119<) •n County cl'la no•• l'l1v• bHn propoeed t on June 2 I 1918 Cl1anga of lraquency from 811 I MHz I Moblle Flnenc••I. Inc , 1621 E to H II MHz 2 Ch•nge In po .... er 1711'1 S1r .. 1 Senta Ana CA 92701 output lrOtT1 M'Qle ten W•ll arnc>illlet fh<o bU .. ._. wu COf\OvCled by 11 10 du•I ten welt •mpllll•11 3 limited Pen,_~IP Cilano• in number ol dlr•etton•I Rlc:l1.,d Simonian antennH from four 10 two Com-Vtce Preoioeot ,...m1 In IUPC)Ott of 0< In 09P()elllon Tl'lll ttel-1 WU llllCI with ll'le IO Ille epc>llc:atlon mey be llled Wl11'1 ounly Cteno OI Or•noe County on !tie FICl«ll Communication• Com-put 10 19112 mlMIOfl Publienecl Jn Orenge Cout ,.-.oz2 Dally Pllo1. O•IH ol Publlc;•tlon Pvbll~ Or•not COHI Diiiy Plk>I, Mey II. 7, 12. 14, ti, 21, 18112 U 28 Mey 3 10. 17 1962 2098-82 1839·6<> MUC NOTICE 1'1CTmOU• ~•• ,ICmK>Ua aua•H .... STATIMCMT NA .. eun•NT Th• foltowlng peraon It doing fl'le following pe11on 11 doing ~ .. : t>USlneu•• NOROIC REFRIGERATION. PAAAI LELS. 37 1 2 hl St , 1112& W M•cArll'lur II 17 C09t• ID, Hunltnglon ee.c11 CA 92646 ""'-· CA 0292t Pei• 081\i.t Biii< er 32 I • 2 I 11 WAYNE M STAALIE80N, t •0, Huntington a .. ch, C A 17082 Qr-81•"1. •93. Hunting-2646 ion ~. CA tH-49. Thi• l>vllnff• 11 conduct.a 0y .., Ttw. ~ HI conducted oy ell indlvldulll 1ndMdu81. Pe1er 0 8111• w..,,.,. M 81Mleeorl Tiiie '"'-' wu tiled wtll'I the Tillt •~ -ftlld wtll1 IM ICounty Cleft. ,,. Orange Counry on CountY ewtt Of Orange County on 1Mev 3, 1oe' Ap'CI ft. tM2. ,,-..a Ml..IC NOTIC£ PU8UC NOTICI An e.ppllc•llon l'laa ~ m..o by 11'1• trvlne Comp1ny S50 Ne'*PO•I C t nt•• Or1ve, Newpott Beec;l1 Cal1t0<n1e. 1noo:i. tor • 1.one c;t\enge 10 allow'Qene••I retell HIH and eervtce •no gener1I 0 C11ce u1e1 within lht Hom• Improvement C tnter Pla nned Community Reguta1ton1 c62-zc -00ee1 fl\1• epp11ca11on I• to p•rmll 49 P••c•nl gen•••I "'''" HIH 1n" _.,1e;e u-•nd 10 pe<cent genet•I otllc• uH• not rel11ed to l'IOm• tm()l'OV-.11 In '"" ac>fCl•lly r91ell Home lmprov-• Center loc;ated 11 the nort11..,e1t corn•• ol Culvo1 •nd lrv!ne Cenlet Otl~ The enwonmentll de1.,mln•llon tor '"' ~uon le in ecc:ord•nce wlll'I 11e11 end city guld•llne1. • Of eh NeQllllve Decilat II ton hu b9et1 p.tpared tor the prt)pOMC! protec1 end potted for public; rev...., from Matc;h 19, 1982 10 Ap(ll 2, 1082 A pubtlO Miring wtfl ~ held on !1'111 IC)()l~llon by the CHy of !Nine City Council on '~ad•Y· May 25, 11182. el 7 30 pm , In :l'la City Counc;ll Cl'l•mber• Irvin• lnl.,lm CIVlc C•nte r, 11200 J•mbo••• Bovtcwerd, IMnt. Clllfornie. For par11c;u1.,,, c;lll 7M-3'113 or cell el the offle;e of lhe City ol lrvtne Communi ty De v e lopment D•p •rtmen1, lrvln• Interim Civic c e nte r, :uot MoOew, 1rv1n•, Clllllornte c rrY Of' IRVINIE By Nancy C Rowland City Cletit Publlel'led O,.nge CoHI DaOy PHO!, M•y 14. 11182 2110-82 Ml.IC NOTICt 'ICTITIOU9 aua .. H HA• aTATIMeNl f l'le lollowong peraon1 a•• doing DullnM• u . VIS A INSURANCE AGENCY, 1600 Oovt , Ne..,porl BHCh Call lornte 9'860 SIMS ROMANO ENTERPRISES INC , • C.illotnla eotporatlon. 1800 Dove, Newpo11 Beacn. C•lllornla 97660 Thie bull,_1 II conductCIO by • cor por •I ton Sima Rome no En1e1 Oevtd V Sim•. Pr .. fhll •1•1-1 WU Ille<! wtth lhe Count}' Cie<lc of Or.no-Covnty on April 28 1912 ,,aara Publllhed O••ng• Cout D•lly Pilot Aprll 30. M•y 7 14 21, 19112 1888·82 NOTICa <>' TitUITH'8 9ALf rrvet .. ·a .... No. "'41 t4M'·' On June 11 19112 ., II 15 A M Prec;l1lon R.conveyence CO•ll . • C1lllorn1• Corpor1110n n duly !IP pointed Tru11 .. vnder end pv1tven1 10 tl'I• O••d o l Trull re corded I 1-111·11 .. ln•I No 228311 In b OOk . Peg• o l OtllCl•I A«:iord1 In Ille office or tne County Recorder ol Or•nge County. Sl•te ol California Ettew1ed by Bot>ble Morgen l.,,. •• II« eole end aepe1a1t Pfoe>erlY Will SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH IP•Y•ble et time OI Hie In lewful moneoy of the United Stet") al 11'1• front entre nc;e to 11'1• Old Oranoe County Coortl'louM 1oc11.ci on San11 An• 8/lld , be....,_ S~· mo•• and 8ro•d••Y. S11n1a An• Cellf •II rlglll, tltha 11nd lntarHI conveyed 10 •nd now l'l•ld by 11 -------------und•r u 1d DHd ol Trull In Ill• Nl.IC N011Cl i:irop•rty 1ilu1led In Hid CovnCy M4 Stet• dee<:tlbed u f'M:TIT'IOUe 8U ... 91 Loi 13 TrllCI 842$ In lt\e Cny 01 NAm ITATl ... NT Newpor1 BMefl, County of Or•no-. Tl'le 1ouow1no petl<>fll ere dOl"i) St•I• ol Callfornll u I* tnAC> •AC bu""'-.. 01t:1ed In book 3311 pag•Ctl 6 TOOl SHACK OF' S ANTA ANA, through 14 of Mlacetle,_ MIO• 2111 Soutl'I Mein 811 .... Sent• "11&. In Ille Office of Ille County Aecofdet CA 92707 of Mid County ANTHONY P CIAOCCO, 1228 The etrtel eddrua •nd otl'l•r Elin«~. Anllllelm, CA 9210t. c;omrnon deelgnellon lf ll/'IY. OI tl'le Tiiie ~ It~ by 111 rH I property dHClrll)•d •bove •• lndMduel P\Hl)Ol'llCI to be 33 MtlnMtll Oflve. Anltw>ny P Cltoooo lffwpon BMcll. Cet1tornl• Tl'llt at•1""*'1 WM med wHl'I '"' Tile unclertlgn•d TrUllH 011 County C1tt11 of Or~ County on lalm1 any ll•blllly 101 eny 111c;or Ap(ll 22. 1N2 1n t'-_...... __ .. Ne1loftel .. _.... l--OOlde11 w .. 1 2, ,...._.,on 1 UAll AS COWBOYS S-oneo Roa HIP OOIOeft .,,.., 001 001 0-2 I 0 oeien .. •• bK-lo • mu111 tH' 'on'' Kl fulletlon 000 000 1-1 1 I or NVl R BRONCOS Signed Ch.,co rJ11tl1' •hO ~t.fh ea Wiatt ""d J1•nc1t 111 th•d 11,wc 1 Jlert>ON 1r1 ~.,, .. ;I 1 -'ll•n •nd AOt1•n ROCHUttOI\ O•'•'U1¥• , .... ,....... Bob O...ty c~-I w l>r• •ncl 8 111 Smllll. llnebec:k.,1. end Roll Truory nftfttu~•vtt 11nemen l •tU#day'e o- t I A'" / IJm 4 f' nl t ot..w " t>f.C-•1 ftl\el Cf1M"1v1ou-nto gem.- ',..r-r.nd O..,..,_ 1f '*-••U'Y KAN'>AS C..lfY C.•llU'i !loQMO Ro<• ()Ii•" ,.,.,, O..n p, et.,. o.teu .. ve end• Oouo H•n~ a Hinn1no tJ•C• Je•om e &eerden \•1.,.tt •~td JIU'TMte M1k!at-J qv.,1NOK• Hloh IChool 111 W H<tjl ANO f•A HllOI~ Sogned c " •. ,, ,.,., "-"" Pleyoft• Loar• 1, Ma1Jn• O I "'' LoHm• hnM>K•"" (JleQ '·~·()f W\dft '"'("'"•' •M1 ,,,. .. AQflt1t• Mer• (.,tu••~ AruNrnr Rl)t.t •NJ f "''" c,~lh dM.n11.1.- 1.1...: •a ltw•t Mf')l\tfJlll .,WJ C>ernw• Ow.n• I "'''" 000 00<1 00 I I II I •A'"'''" 00() 000 000 U '-> 0 th wet tu" a r•U tiollmef\ I •''"'n 1 nd Htnof ,~~/ ,,. .......... l tt<J HOOUl'W .. 41 JOtOl l\ •no J•m rtlltlC NOTICE FICTmou• •u•tN4E•• NAME ITATEMENT '"" lollowtno P"' '"" •• Oo•ng bv.,n•n H PAC.lflC 1•001 C ARr 9')21 Ooumb .. el. ttunllngtnn Be&ctt CA 11?646 l1moln1 w ,..,c,1111y 1•70' l 11FIOH Norwal~ CA Thie liuOlf\9111 11 1 nr>01xt"'1 by 11n 1ndMOu11I 11tnoO•y W McCl111y H>ta 1lal"""f!l'll wO li~ with llWI County C141<1< ot Oraog• Coontv on May !> 1g97 F'IMI07 Puhll•h•Hl U•&nga Cont D•liy P110I Mey 1 I 4 2 I 28 11182 30211-67 PWllC NOTICE PICTITlOU• 8U91N«H NAMa 8TATIMIHT ll'le lollo wlng P•r•on I• oo•ng bull,,. .. H ARM ELECTRICS 7711 W 11111'1 St•eel. Cott• M .... CA 026'7 S TEVEN ROBERT HICKMAN 1100·~ So B•yfron11 Belt>o• 11191\d, CA 92882 Tl'lla bvaln-1, conducted by •n lt\Cll\lldU•I Steven R Htekman fl'llt el•l-1 wH llled wtll'I llW County Cl«k of Otanoe County on Aptll ,0, 11182 '111711 Pvbllellld Otenoe eoa.1 D9llY Pi. IOI. ""'u 23. 30, Mey 1, ,4, tM2 l752·82 MOC NOTIC£ 1~11 .... 10 IJIV •• P\8.IC NOTICE "CTITIOU8 8U9tNal9 NA .. 9TATIJIMNT Irle lollowlng peraon1 .,. dOlng bull""' u KASliMIR. L TO 347 I VI• Lido. :.u•le 21 t Ntwporl Be•ch. CA 97663 DANNY J AY SCHEUER 2& Rocl!y Knoll l""ne. CA 0'1715 OAVIO H EVANS, 32 Roclly KnOll, lrvt,,e, CA 9271!1 T I'll• bullnw• la Con<IVCtlCI by I general pertn .. aNp O•nSc,_ fllll alat....enl WU flied wtlh lhe c.wnty Cieri\ 01 Olenge County on APfil 20. 111112 ,,l'TT.M Pub«llhed 01 anoe COHI Delly Pl· IOI. Aptll 23. 30. M•Y 7, 14. 1962 1757-112 P\8.IC NOTICE ITATUffHT CW A8ANC>OHIMNT Of UH Of' flCTmOvt •u•'"t•• NAMlf I he lollowlng par1C1n • 11•va •bencloned the UM OI lhe ltctll!Ovl bu•lllMI n•me /UmR CONSTRUCTORS 5616 Rtv•• Avenue. •322 Newport &<tech CA 9'883 Tne FICllllOUI e..11._. N11mt •• ltt•ed 10 •bov• w•• hied In Oranoe C()unty on JU•M! 13, 1977 HARRY M KN01T8, 861& Al· •tt A~. 1322, Newpoft 8e11ell CA 92883 LILY KNOTTS. 56U Rlv•r Av.nue 132', NewpofC S..Cl'I, CA 92883 Tl'lll butlnftl WU conducted by a ~al pe'1"9fthil> Ml.IC NOTIC£ ....... ITATEMINT Of' WtTHOAAWAl f,_OM PAllrTNl,_8""' ON"A TINO UNO«ll FICTIT10U8 aua .. aa NAllM Tne tollowlng peraon ,, .. with· <11awn H •a-•• perlo,.r lrom the p.,tnerenop operellng under lll• llCllllOUI butlneH n•me ol AllS· TATE REALTORS MILLEA MOORE ASSOCIATES •I 11111 5 Allan11c A~ue. Huntington B<!ech. C1lllo< ,,,. 92646 Tiie hctnlOue bu~ n•me 1t•· 1.,,,..,1 lor ,,,. P•rtnerltllp ..... ru.o on o.e.mbet 3 1081 1n lhe County or Orange Full Neme And Add•en OI ttte Peraon Wllhd••wtng JAMES MOORE 76S2 Antle Lene. Huntington Be11<:l'I, Camorn•• 92647 J -MO<>r• '177U1 Publt"'90 O• •noe eo.11 Dally PllOI. AP<K 111. M•y 3, tO. I 7 1912 1840-62 ,ICTITIOUI 8U ... H NAMI 9TATUllNT Tile IOllOwlnQ pert on It doing bv~U Al FACE UP OF SOUTHERN CAUF'OANIA; BJ NO un NAILS. Cl WESTERN IELECTROLOOV 6 ,.A CIAl SUPPLIES. F) WORLO IN · TEANATIONAI NAIL I BtAUTY TRADE SHOW: Ol WOALO INTER NATIO NAL NAIL I BEAUTY AB· SOCIA T ION. 292& Coll•O• Ave , •A· 13, Cott• Meea, CA OHM 'Co '"J!'=1 Publlah•d Or•nge CoHt O•lly """'"'*' OfMOI 7 ~~ 1 Pllo1. Mrf 7, 14, 21, 21. 1082 ,_., Acw1 23, 30, Mt11 • , 0.;1. 3029·82 ~ION, KClt a STIWMT llC1-,,. llreet """'-_..., rt.11.tC NOTICE ..... A.., ... _ t'*' common dttlgnellon," eny, eUNMOfl COUftT m I , TIMvllftd O•b 91-,d,, .... l'lefeln <>' CAL.,ORNIA Harry M Knoll• u1y Knon• l8ufen<A H 0 -lnet. 2341 Tu· •-· Cotta M ..... CA 02t27 Tl'llt twelneet 11 conoueted by en lf>dlvtOvet ll03-e2 STATUlllNT M U~NT "31 81ld ule wlll be m•de, but wl· 100C="~ c::=o: ... °'use"" .,.._..... °'*' cA ..,. l'IOU1 __., °' warrlll'lty, ••P< ... HCTmOUa IMl._11 MAm ,~ lfnC)lllCI, reg1rdlnQ 111 ... !>ON"· fMlt9 A-. C..._. aml1 fl'le IOllOWll\Q ~ton 11U al>All· Publlthecl °'"'O' COMI o..ty on, Of enoumbf•noM. lnGlvdlng Malttr OI tl'le Adoption Petlllon Of f'llCmlOUe .._.. "'""M)Ue .,...... OonlCI IM .... OI 1111 flotltloul bull· Piiot, Aptll 30, May T. 14, 21, 1Mt. • otl#ON Ind Uj)lf\Mt of It'll Wiimer O•n• J1n1c•~. Aclopllng ..... ITAT'lmlf'r NAMI ITA~ -name: -, • ....., Tt11tl• lllld ol lhe In.Ill• oreet.O by Patin! TM 1011ow1na .,.,.on• 11• dolno Tl'I• lollowlng p1rton 11 dolno PICCAOllLY PAA>< CATI.*' • .Wd DMd 01 Trut t to wll: 1151,. .,....,., CrTATION J.'::"""> ~T'"M'"NMJ.HA •LECT-.1C CO . ~IOVSENGtRAY MOUSSE 81rcl'I llrH I, Sult• P. Newporl 1------------.00 with lnl.,Mt ''*'°"from c ....... AO " " " ., leecfl. CA HMO •-"" lllftftl'lr' NovemNt 20, 1H1 11 22 perotnl THE PEOPLt OF THE STATE OF rtalC N()TIC( f 1'111 1111.,,,.n1 .... ftled wtll'I the County Clerk ot Orenoe County on APfll 19 1982 m• Publl•h•d Orang• Cout Dally PNot, Aprll 23 30. Mey 7. 14, tH:f 174M2 20lt2 CMlrl ~UM, HvntlflO'on IT CW, M ,.,, Ortve, co.t• ...._, Tl'll l'lclltlOut ~ NlllM r.. ~ nui-. per 1nnum H provided In Hld CALIFOfllNIA, 9eldl, CA t214f, CA mQ 2t. i.tted to ............. WM..._.. In,..._ Netl77• ....... ~·~ ...-1 lllld:,:r .av.,_. To· JOHN CARTlft UAl _,_,.,,..., --·· WAY .. TAMAHAHA 20tf2 011t1 arrle A. WIMI, 180A Del Mar ~ ,_, ..,.._.,..... ""' """' y .. ~ b ••t.-.. __ .. 1 r.-. ,,...,.,. -- L.8Vrenoe H 0-lnet Tl'llt Ital-I wat lll9d wlll'I Ille County C•tc Of Ortn0e County °" May 5. 1N2 P*Ta Pu1>ll11'1ed Orange CoHI O•lly ~·.Mr( 7. 14, 21, "· 11182 ~1M2 ;.--_·1 ,._ ............ 0 ... County on Mey 17, 1111. Of oe '*"In OU are ·-· y .......... reqv•· ..... ITAT'DmllfT Cllr'll ~.-in, CA 1214t ........ -· --· A ... ,. RO NALD D CftAIQ, t1709 rtCTmOUI .,_.. Th9 ~ Uftdel l8'd o..ci ~ IO ~ 11 I '-1na In Ihle TATIUO f"AMANAHA.C: w. ~ M C68<11. 116A Del M., T11111ft Vlfleoe w111. IJt. Tlllttn, CA ..._ 9TATlmlf' ol Trvel hffelofOfe •~ICMICI •nd OCM1 on""-2S. 1N2 11 f 46 •"' The IOllowtno wton• -doing '9CT1nout .__ .. 190 ,.., TOfT'.,_, CA • • ...... • ...... CA tH2t t2MO fht foflpWlng peottont .,. doing cl•llv•red lo lh• und1111an•d I In D1pl •• too•l•d II 700 Olvlo b<ll~--~AT( OITAtL, 237' NA• ITAft....,. ~ ~ II OOftdllOted by • II-fllll_, ~ conduclecl by a Thie bue1MM -conduoled by bu"'-M! Hien DIGlar1Uon of 0-'llUlt end C..I., Dl'lve WMI, 9..,11 Ane, c.i. N•w" ...... lovlevard, COlll Mffl, ,_Thi~. p«ton lt dOirlg Ovit> ,.._. Plft'11tllHO. .. ...-u--~ en fndMdWI IM Mft A.HOILOI CAPI COO Demand for teti, ind 1 wr1111n Horni. 12701, Ind 10 QCw eny Jegll ,.vo' -w.-tMWWtw .>tlffr"t M OW1I ,._....,. D CfelO HOVll 111 Mft. ANO!LOI rTAUAH oi•~-of "-fe••ll llld li.ctton lo r...on wtly. ICOOfdlna lo It'll \Wt• o.Momll 12926. ltCUftlTY CONSULTANT AND Tll't ltltMett\ WM filed wt1h 1119 Tiiie ~I -Med wlll1 Ille TIM~ W.. tied wttfl IN INH, 11 .. 1 HMbor loutl'<•d. O•· 'TI.~_,_, Mid tied~ filed with fhla ooun thll JEFfR~ ""°a HA'!,~~ ... ~ AlAftM 8YITIMI, 21111 llOClt· COUflfY a.ti Of°'""' eoun~ on °""'Of Otanoe County on COUnty ee.tl Of Ot--,. ___ on den°'°"" o.llfomi. Ht40 111( adoption p•tUlon 1l'lould not II• ~ 1v-177t.1,...· _, --· Pott DIM, •227, 1.eouna Hiit. CA ~ IO, 1"2. 1. 1"2 Aofll :IO ---.,..._"' MA ANOl!l.OI tNO •1 C•ll· Nolle• 01 0.11111 •nd 11.otlon 10 Cid ....,..,.,_ ~ ,,.,,. """" Apll • 1"1• ,_., fOfnl• oOtpOflllon, ·,. .. ;·Harbor 110.::: :ffd In ~~ty Qf:c.d Ap(M l,1. ,.., DAVID KAAUI, 322 lall u.. AliAI IADAftt. 11111 llooll· ~·· M.., or.,... COMC Deify *!'° Orenot COMt Delly "1lol. ~ ~Coal! ~ ~~· Oardln °'°""· CellfOf· ON: 1,'! Jr..~ 1. .. A. •anoll, Clef• o., ,n.~INM, 1811 o.tlnel. C8ltfotnle "" °""' ,n.,, u.-..... CA ...... ~ta. ao, M11r ?, '4. 1tlt "'• IO, Mey 7. 14, 1Mt ,_ • .._.. 1y let~ Qted9 · "'63 . int-a l711MI lot, Acwt ta. ao. 7, '"· Thie ...,_. It OOnduGted by, reolllon flleoonveyal'IH DICluCY TIM~ 11 ooncMltld by • 'Tiii• 1111...,_ 19 oonctuotao lt1.., ,.---------------------------....,-ILCoorpor•IOfl c:f·1. Unooln A WIJ,WI 9llJUCI VOii OIMl'll IMll'I:;:. L l1t_. ..... ,......_ ............... ~ A. Y'"""9 1 ~. C.a.oYA I ¥0M "' .~ .__ --· TNe ~ Ml 11ac1 ..... .. Oranoa. CA...... -.._ --.... Df"8 1"1111 Ntll!Wlt -lltCI -"ti h fMt •lllefMf\1 ... tied wltll tflit eos>le.all a g Ill the Orange Coast rely on the 642-021 -----------------------------------.J .. ='I -... ""-~--.. Mid f,,.., ----a.11 of Otanoa County°" --... ..,._.,.... ~"' -· tr: Jofwl c HIJIOll, _... ,.... ·,ooumr c.tt..,°' o...,.. ~ "' ""9 , ttll. ~· . ....,.,. ....... CA -,_,. ""9 IO, t . ,~ --cne~-,~ ""lllllhed o,.,... Coatt Diiiy ---· ~ Oranoe CoeM "'°'· ""lllllllH Or•l'I~ CoHt D•lfY llulltlaMd Of'8llllll c.... f111ot, Acwt ao ..., '?. 14 tt 1112 'ulllllhld Oren .. Ooe~•::i Aorll 2J 30 r.uy 7 14 1 f'ltot. Acwl IO. ""81 , 1•, 11, 1Nf ,,..., ~a. tO. ... 1. W. • ' • , .......... ..., 1, t4, It. tttl . . . . tQM1 ,..... ,., ... 1 . ' . . • ' \. - THIE t't\MIL,. ('lllC'lH BIG GIEOllGIE by Virgil Partch (VIP) fi 1 l 'jl 1 l r .. r:' . ; ....... -- -- \~ -. \ ., "Don't you know anything bealdea 'CHARGE'?" "Billy brought home o bod port re ·cord!" '9 \Rll \Dl K•: , - by Brad Anderson Dt:'''S T H•: 'I•::\ \l't: Hank Ket chum ~ ·v f'Z~ . ., ' I .. . \., .. /. " ··well so much tor the old ·get your foot in tile door theory' Jl DG•: P \RKt:R ACROSS 43 -In OM a I Eu1e>pean '1\lpt $ Potyn Gheel· 44 ~Qla nut 4$ Auc:tk>n t Rae. 4& T 9mpc>fllH ldleduln 49 G1vt baCk t4 Afl'IUll rtY« ~ Hui tS Whitt CM ~ M111ntt It $$ H ewll eyt ti AetOf 'Jynn 11111 t7 lul)tf 5' ApOloglit ti Madt t big $7 SetWMd MtW SI PlclUftd If "Honlttlttf ' 5i L.-n I 20 loothld 1t1tn1ntt I ' 22 ~ tfttf &O Flth »~ llJUOluO• I 24 lenlflt 25 .. _ tMn t OOWH doomtl'' 21 -CNrtle 22 Mlen colN a3 Tttct• )Hied M ~ N"'1f ., ... '1 , ... I .,...,.. ··~ ........ Lair •ff• by Harold Le Ooux I /\H l l ('1(' T[l 1 ~H ~': ~"·'"I\,\\ N I 1,., ' 'p, ltJ • "'I Al 11 illf.' lltLINO [ l\,itif I< A_<,1 fll\.•HI I 111 ~· T11AI [\ Wi\ •A rfMAt l '" 11'AtAVll,EI-' •t· l ~'I Alt ~"l"lf'• "'' .......... ~ t•.\Mf p p "' ·-Mfr IHAI I '" l'1P A '· ~ ~ . '{ YES -ALLOW ~E1o FIX YoO oNt:, PROFESSOR ... TtttMIOAY'I PUm.l tol VED 31 HOM 40J~ eNp """' 42 M• FtlllQt 4SPt~ 45 Hletlel. • 0· .. ,elgtted 47 NA L.tt 4'0ecW• •• ,fl'IOI IOMrt a.. It Ct• ., ... 14 -W... ,·/ '~ I ,_ 1 • by Ferd & Tom Johnson Or1ng1 Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Mey IA, 1982 Cl Pt:A ~l'T by Charles M Schulz YOO RE GOINb TO ATTA ~ THI., CA; fLE 7 WELL l DON T TMINK YOJ ~LD 8CCA\15f DV YOU KNOW WMO LIVES M~f 1 AN U6LV GIANT!!! THAl WA., ~VN ~ ~ ._ I l ~­ ' ...... , ................... .... SHOt: '(e,llH .. 1111? ONE WHO L-051 HIS CJ~uMsncKS. NANCY -· [ LOCKED THE TV UN TIL YOU CLEAN l(;UR ROOM ) J r [ HOW f..Pf J IOU LOC~ A TV SET? DON'T t > ( BELIEVE .YOU I I ~ ....... , ......... ' .., ... I ' GORDO t 'l '" l "l~Kt:RIU:,\ '\ rf\Mr 1lJ:· 1'.'lMI' i:·i.:h:; <'hap•l·r'lhi r'J't1 1d1· Bnrl< ·w //I lf! I /Al'' r I "': di:< v . DR \881,t : I. ,, r-e r ~--"'~ r...:'~~r rcr~~ ~"'f;:' \'-' .. 4 '" [ ,' TrPmors were sent through the mu.sic v.or ld rC'cently by the dl.scovery nf Claude Barlow'!' Lor tp; ln:;t. opera, Heck l~~nd Jec k ~e ! Nf.IL 1 1(s ME.-~~MAii! i I bOf A. J06 "~E. Af fllf'VO'~ llE (R£AM ~LOI ~ ' • I 't . by To m K Ryan rowru.~! 'II Ol f NC f. ISN'I nu: ArJSWCK. -)h~.~lj ./"I '·' '4 ii • (..,, > _ .. ~ •• t • •• .., ''""'~ by Jpff MacNe11y t>y l r n1P Bushm1ller IF /0lJ r.Jr v r If J THE rLf)C;t T) 1r - • . r:t '~J !..,, tJy Gus Arriola ; , / ti~ Tom B at1uk M 1~1.c cri ics have for yrar~ llVPd w 1 h 1 he fear that morf> of hIB music wr Ill I c1 Lin fn1 ind ! .. t>y KPv1n Fagan 6£ ~ H 10 f,t\JE. M( e.Ac J' I/I~ OOl .. AI< \.1,)IU N <;HL • NO" ()I I I ~~(, I r- < • (f / ['-~, , ·.')"" I <' y ( \'·:" 6 : = ~~-'" ' .ilJ iJ l DR. S'90{"K FOii BETTER 011 t'OR WORME ---------------------Wf\ rr A MIN~~· I ZJU$\ WRN~1iME-101HINK- 1HA"(S RLL1 -----~--J by Grorgr LPmont ( G R eA-r-I we ) W O N AN(l°f'Hf: R 1-R Cf G Av-F I l •· --. t I I • ~ ?' . .. "• ,, -.• (fir -~· . ,,,, .. ' .. ~. ..... ' .,II':>•' I '(_If ,,.., .. -' ~ .,,,,.,, ... ..... ... ' . ~ ...... ...,, .. ,, ,.,, . •'--.. ,,..,. ,. ~~ I ..:;l.1t "' ·.~·· ,1 r111t , .. , .,, ,,,,., ... \•' ··~ ,., '.,. ,. J-... 4 •• fl(, .... \, .... ~ f ••WU "'I I ~tll'O': .,.,..,, ' .. H •W• l . " ~• Oltl I ""! t.t('•I ;• ~ ~ ~ I•• d• Ch ... I 12 l>t '"~ 1114 <*' "" ft ~ "" ~ '" Tl " 1. e ., ,.. • p g c Ct p , II .. ,, " I ' J 4 ' ( ' I • ------c~~~----------------------------------~~===============;::;;;;;----;:- Or111g• Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Prld1y, May 14, 1112 ACtress reshapes image Dyan Cannon returns to star • ID 'Deathtrap' NKW YORK (AP) Pooplo rnapa.lne t>rlL'CI uld that thll mm, "Tho Lut of Shella," L'OUld h•V• betotn th• IHt of Dyan C1n111m, who 1tarn:ld In It Follow1n11 thf' r elH•t> of the rum In 1973, thei IK'trc.w took to her bed for • month. UpM!t th.at the 1crlpl and m uvlt' were 10 different Thtin tht1 lltcrally druJ>pcld out for four ytan Sut like the lt'icn1hry Photmax, MIM Cannon ha.a rtMn from tht· uhu o f an &l llna career, 11t>Mrlna with u new lmaac and a new futurt• "I juat ff'e'I Ilk.-my Ufe hu juat bt.-gun," 1he .ay•. "[ ft"CI llkl' l'm ju1t touc hing tht-•urfut·1· And morti lmporumt than a c:ur~ir wu undt>raunding pcac t' iand nwlntaining It" The 43-y1·1.r-o ld Ml11 Cannon spent tha.ie four ytian when Mh•• waa out of the Hollywood llC•f>nt• dl1coverlng and t·xploring ht•r peace of mind. The experience haa been a good one, ahl' 11uy11 Dyan Canno n hu d1scovert-d Dyan Cannon and 11he llkt.'11 what ahe aees . Unllkt• M y ru Bruh!, th<1 11kltt.er y hy11wr1c she play8 In hn currt-nt film. "l>eathtr&p." Ma u Cannon 111 rduXl'd as 8h e talks about her 1m1tgt· and rt>11 hapt•d carc•n Stw doesn't 11pil out >11·r wordil 111 nuu:hlnl"·f1Un rapid flrt• lrutead, they seep out 1Jowly and languidly. hkf' 11u nd 11l1pp1ng through tingt•f'll. "In order tu undt•ratund the n o w In my Ide , I h1td lo understand the thl'n," 11hl" suys "I'm not surt: If l"Vt•ryonc ha11 to I dun't like ltJ fr'<·I bad in ordn to fl't-1 good I don't think thut's nt"C.·t11S&ry .. Exploring "the tht·n" showc•d M hi'I Ca11nun that hn Image an faJm Wl.W that of a 11(.'Uttt'rbrolned --------- NEW FUTURE -D ya n Cannon, 43 , who "dropped o ut" o f the movie scene in I 9n. hru1 rii-ien from the ashes CJ( u n 1.t1ling cart:l'r a nd ls souring with a n('w image Cloot1c. Up until then , ahe hud playt-d In "The RUie and FaU of Lt·ga 01 amond ," "Doc to re ' W lv1·11." "Tht-Love Machlnt•," "Th e Andl.!r ao n Tapea," "Sha mu11" and "Bob 1tnd Car ol 1rnd Ted and Alice," for which 11hl' rt~lved an Academy Award nom1Mtlon for her role of Allc.-e. ''I withdre w from t hl' Hollywood »Ctme b<.-c:auae I wa1t deva11 tated with the way tht- work wa.a c.'Omlng out," she said "( didn't like the way w o men wnt-treat<.>d "I'm a total workaholk," sht· 1ay1 . "I like t o k•op my lnalrument ln tune. I don 't h•vo to w ork to be happy, but 1 enjoy It. 1 unjoy It much more than iolna to panJea. 1 know a balanc;,. l1 Important, but l'm Juat betna honett about It." Ml11 Cannon packed her.elf o ff to t h e Wom en'• Olrect1n1 Worluhop of the American Film 1netltu-te durln1 her tour·r•ar hlatu1. What emeraed In 876 wu • polanant 1hort featut9 on adoleacent 1txuaUty, "Number One ." It waa nominated for an Al·acfomy Award. "H ad I n o t 1topped and U.awned to thAt voice, 1 could not hMV«l written or did 'Number One," lhO NJd. Shortly aflA!r h er fllmmaklng debut, Warren Beatty aaked h~r to play tht: conniving w lff' In the Oacar wlnnln1 "H eaven Ctm Walt " She turned him down four time• H tir ro le s o t ht'r another A l·ademy Award nomination. S h e enjoyt•d w o rking with Beatty, 1he aa.ld. She al.lo learned a lot about direction from Sidney Lume t durinai the tllmlng of "Deathtrap." "He utlllie1 the two-week rehearsal period br illiantly, ao that by the end we were on our toea," she said. "The tec hnical thing ls JU•l aa muc h an art aa being a n a c t o r . I love lhl' diaclpllne. I think diaclpllne la one of our best friends. A. an actrt.W, I've had It for a long Lime." And 1he hopH to develop al aa a direc to r and writer . She'• co -wrllll'n a projf'c t for 1.tn upcoming film, and 1he hopet1 to do a mU11lcaJ, "J enny Rebecca " ' • I d o n ' t h a v e l o p r o v 1• anything," •he says. "Film i. Ho collaboratlv.-( think I've 11pcnt moel of my lift. proving It " Victims learn money lesson llurd-/u,:k. 'e,·onon1ics professor' preys 011 wome n LOS ANG ELES (AP) Kindly womt.-n at Loa Angt'lf·:. lt11.t·rnal1onal Airport th1• lallt JO yl•ara ucca111on1tlly h11ve been a p p r o a c h (' d f o r h 1• I p b y a d1 11ungul1h1·d -look1r1~ man In tWt.~y clotht-s And for Just that many years, tht!y appur(·nlly have bt.-en l o aning thP hard -luc k "pr(1fesaor" money The man, iwy authorities, tell.I the women he approachee he> la an t·conom1c11 profeuor at tht' Un1v1·n11ty of WIJK.'Onaln. With an ubfftrartc-d demeanor, ht• tt·llil v1ct1ms he hd mlaplaced h111 wallet I le add.Ii that although som.-o n e 111 w 1r1ng ham som e DllTH NOTICIS mom•y, he nt't'ds cab fare t.o g .. t to UCLA w make a spt-eeh He asks for $5, $10 or cvc.•n $JOO dolWJ"ll, g1vt.'tl th•• womt'n an uddrt.'11 and takes thcan, saying that he will rl'tum th(• money by mail. But, said Eileen B o lland. t'co n omlc• department adm.lniatratDr at the Unlvenlly of Wl1con1ln, the mun 11 not a profe.or. S h e uld the un1 ver111ty haa r~elvrd 10 to l ~ Inquiries int<> hlm each year for I 0 yeara "The: lt•ll1•r11 arc: 110 patht.-tk ," M11 Bol:lnd u1d. "Poople are 110 truaung 1ome of the ladlt·s even 11NH him C hriatm.u ca.rc:b." O nly once has the man uacd th«-name of anyone who actually 111 u professor at the unlverelty Tht· man's widow still receive• threatening lt•tt.eni from the con man'11 vlctlma, M1t. Bolland aald. Loe Angele. police and airport IH."Curlty aay they have n ot had many compl.alnta about the man. and that hill detaerlpUon la vague. "Betldt.'I," Ila.Id airport aecurity chief Al Ket'd. "It'• not exactly allegal to borrow m on ey from aomeone " Pollet• det.ectlve Richard Ried says ht• would need a t leaat :rn vlt'llma to b e ablto t o draw {"hatgl'I. WHITE ll UGll G wmn:. Ml(•· k7. J :17 y .. 11r rl'11td1·nt o f lfuntinj(ttJn H•·ill'h , <.:11 . pM8t-d 1JW1JY •m W1.otlnt'tl<IJ.1y, M11y 12. 111&2 vl th•• l'atlflu llu1fl1tiol Mr Whitt· ha~ llH'n rmpluyr'<I Ill Gt'lty Oii l '11mpany for ot:111i y1•Qrt He· waa ll mt'mhrr 11f th1• US Army World War I, •1110 o m 1·mtwr o f thl' Hunllnl(ton llf·•t·h Lodg,.. llJ80 F'&AM for :'i:'i yi:ar•. thf' s .. aa1dr <:hapwr ltZ~9 OF.S wmJ th1· tlu11t1ngtcm f\f'arh Barrw.k• of World W11r I Vt't••ran1 lll'loved f;athrr of M11r1ha Whlw of Hunllngllm R4!ach, Ca Wld Joy~ lnnl1 11f Sanu. Aruo. Ca , ala<11urv1111ng '-'" 3 MortlWry frum 12 00 n1111n to M ount C)llv.-Cl'Oll'll'ry ('a, gruncJC'hllcJr('n, Gordon II OOPM <Jn Jo'rlthty, May 14, &-rv1u1 und,..r thl' dln-c:llon 0 Crary 111. John L Cruy, 11182 Mf>fl')lmul .. ·rvln'S wall o f ll urbor Lwwn-Muun l Thoma.a E Crary and Brun• tw «'OndlJ(.1.t'<i at 10 OOA M nn () 11 v t• M o r l u 11 r y 1t n d 1~ C rar y , Jr .. a 1111 t' r Suturdny Ill Luk•'tlltl.-< 'h11µ.·I M1·1T1t1rlwl P11rk :">40 ~!'>M Dorothy 8 To ylor of De.llaa, fn1ndch1ldrf'n und 2 •llll'f"I d¥ Brt·W •·r 1i111d a .... Wh lt1•hr•d l1<oth •1f Lo ni{ Ut•1M.·h, <.:a Frn•n.J11 rnay 1·111! :it P1 .. n·r Rrnth1•r11 Smith•' r PIHCI UOTHHI r~ IMfTHI' MOaTUAIT bU Ma111!'.1 li11n1111r}l•Jn fk•il• tl '>1'; h'i 111 al Wl'•ln\IO•l••r Cl"mt'lt-ry Tt-xau 11nd a11tt'rl·ln -l11w with lht-s .. 1i111d•· Ch•µt .. r SAWCHUK Mr1 Vlq(ll P Baker 11nd n 2 ~II 0 ES 11 o d t h c KA 'r 111!: KI NE S AW· Mn Allan II Crllry Funrral Huntington Buch Lodl(t' CJIU K , rt•ald r nl of Coat• wrvlc.-. wert' ht>ld on May 1131!0 t '&AM offlcl11t111g M l'au, <.:a for 20 yt'ar•. 12, 11182 at ttw Plildflc Vlc-w lntt'rsnt•nt will be made-In Pll.UM aw11y at hl'r rt"&ld""'"' Morcu.11r1 Chapel, Newport W ~llml n1tt'r Ct'mf'tl'r y o n Ma y t 2. I '1112 Bor n Botach Ca lntMment WM al P lrr<'e Brothl'ra S m1th1' S1lt'm, Muuchuu~ll• on Foreetl..awn MrmoriaJ Park, M o rtuary d Ir .. ct 11 re July ltl, 19M lier hual*nd Glendale, Ca. Pad fk View :'>:\ti tl:'l'.lfl S"mucl pr t't't'dt'd hl'r In Mortuary dlrt.<C:toni d ... ath In 11171! S urvived bl OYER ht'r c·hlldtl'n Haymond G Pllll.JC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUt tUIMH NAMI ITA TllMINT Hie lollowtng P•••On• ere llolng l>utlfleH H w OOOCttU(,K INOUll T Rt( 8 1113'1 Wl\111••• 'lull• C:4. C:oat1 M .... <~A 926:17 ltAHAY OlNf PJ A(,~l[V , it3 !Jouth Kelt<>V AY11"1J41 'ulltiton C.A 111633 8Tfvf N MICHAl:l 800A eon Tracy $treet. Oa1de n CitOv• C.A 11?804 I hi• l>vtlnH• II c.Ondui.141d l>V • II mttld pa111111et1t1> St-M 8ode Tllo• •l•tement wH flt•O wlll\ 11\e County c.1er11 of Ot•noe County on Aptll ,0. f"82 '"'"1 Publl1heO Or•nge Co .. 1 Oelly PllOI A0tll 23, 30, Mey 1 14, 11112 111>942 MUC M>llCf NllC NOltC£ NOTtCI •VttlllfQ INDI "CTillOUI .UalNIH NOllC.e It tie1el>y g1 11e n lllet the NAMI tTATIMINT 1011<.1 ol l•u••••1 u r Ill• l.unl '"• lolh•w•11111••••on •• <101n11 Cvl'ln1v1•lly C.oll•U• IJ1a1r 11-1 •JI Cl• 1,.,.,,. ... •• 811\je C"vnly C..allfu111t•. wlll r~<t4ve ftll l1l C..ONll llMl AltOuNrJ ... ,ed bid• Ill> ICI ... 0(1 I> m MOii 4411 I 11th "' I .,.,. Meu (,A dey May 14 1111;/ at lh• l'ur<.he IUIUI 11n11 O•ll•llm•n• o l tlld ~Oll•y• ll11a11 li111 "•'" )•ill•• 14011 'I dlll<ttl llit.•letl 111 UfO Ad11tl9 Av lt•IO• '11 •114nl• A11• I A 11'//0/ erru • 1,1111• Me .. C.•11111111111 111 ! '"' ,,.,.,,,,. .. 1a 1 ""'"" t•tl by 1 11 Wlll<.fl llr11• allld IJlda Wiii tin l/Ullhtly llllllYlrlu•I 1111•n••I •"d teed fur Ii' M()N I •I U11u11 U11tlla111 JC111e1 1 r AUl o~ wnrtn 1•11oc.t a111No ''"' ,,., ..... ,., ..... ttled """'' '"• t4AMU WAIH ANU 11111 !WAHL '·""'''f Cle•~ ul O••"U• '·''""'Y '"' Wll 11 01' llONAI II MON 111 Hr A11t11 JI IUllJ NtWAllS ,,,nn l'uol•th••• ()"'""" (AIHI ll•lly 1>11111 "" Old• a•• "' I>• '" •• "o•d•rl(A AIJ•ll ~I 10 Mey I 14 '""1 •llh !tie IJld '°'"l lt1tlr<><;ltona and I ft! 1 81 (.ondllklfl• e1111 flvet.••1<.ellQtl• w11i..11 •------------- •1 • ,,., .. ""rue e11d "''Y lie.._.., • .., MllC NOTICE m th• ullk.e 111 ttie l'u1a1H uiu Au.,•• ------------01 a•lll c.Cllteue dlllflC I ,IC TITIOUI tUtlNIH NAMtl ITATIMINl t•• h l>l<Jd•r mual eu1>11111 wllh 1111 Did • I ........ f.fl•1;h 1.••Hll•d I fl• l(lllUWlllQ ,,., ....... dlllllQ 1.he1.~ 01 l>ldd., • 1>011d m •d• 1'"1",.'" •• • P•Y•l>I• to Ill• u•O•• 111 lh• COHI l)()M t~lllUINAI 'j 'IOO j M•lf• Cotnmu1111y CC1ll911e 011111~1 Board lit 81• ~ tl, <>111110• I.A V7008 ot l1v•tM• '" •11 •mount nol ,... '-•''' 011wn lla•I I) 16 I""' 1han II•• ll••cent (D'ltl of tne """ l)ellmo•n 01•110• CA 111111.11 l>IO 81 • @VW9'11M lhal Ille 1>14J4.. rrua W•u,.aa la lielllij 1.1mil1111"'1 will •"'•' Into Ille P•VPOe•<l Con IJV •r• u\Cl~ .. ouet l•llCI ii Ille ••m• I• •w•rO-cl lo him C.••I• Oewn 11••1 In lhll .... 11 of l•llur• Iv .. 11111 11110 Tht1 1h1l1trnent ,. .. l1ltt•I w1tl1 If•• llUt;h tdOllll\,I, 11,. 11·~· Of lh• c ........ Y Ctttk. of Or•"U" (,11ur11y "'' chet ll wllt he to•l•ll•d 1>1 111 th• A1>1ll l I 1118:1 , ... 111 • ll<J4td the tuH auno 111 .. ltOI ..,iH n. 1!1tlllltlld lo ••Ill i.oll"(j" Cllt '"'' Nu lltdd•• m•v w1111111ow tne 1)111 101 a 11•<1()(1 h1t lflf ly llv<1 (4')) lleyt •II•• lh• <1111• ••t Im lloe OIJ•n•nu ,,,., . .,, f111tn .... ., .. .,,...i ,,, ""U" C.nHI 11•1•1 IJ!lol April I J Iii M•Y I 14 11111:1 I /lj/ Ill l't&IC NOTICE flC TITIOUI t UllNIH In• ttu.111 .,, I otl\111"' 1"'"1•H HAMI ITATIMINT .... flll•lh,U• (If l!!je<..1111\j ""Y """ .11 I,)., lull11w111u '"'' lf)fl 1• 1l1i1ou tittle '" 111 wa1o141 M/ly 111tl(lulat1t1H nr ltuaor•u• u u11t11mollllO 111 •llY 11111 111 '" lh• '111l/llt l.OA'i I llOA f YAllll IJl<J<llflQ Jl/(I N"Wlrt•tl UWl•YMlll N., .. ,,.,,, NlllCMAN I WA f !ii IN i, .......... y Untt11I <>f f; o•t••oa ( '"''' (,IJHUtHlflHV ( 1,li"IJ" IJl•llH I h ff9( 11 I •111111 lua 11/llll I Ml( llAl 1 IUl4N llAVll; 100/ Nt; l:t ( '' '""' 11uv111111tn1 N"wvun lllf<tl Ii l.nlllllnu" 41'/l\tl j rh1• tlU\utHIU\ U• t Oftdll'-1nd t;y ft tt HU)l'iUIUal Mt.IC NOlJC( ...... "OflllOUI Ml9*1H NAM9 tTATIMINT I h• tollowt1111 pe1 •1>11• ., • 11011111 llutu,.H II Al llHH All t N' n llOO <, l am1i.r1 l\11 .. 1 lull• UOI fl t1o10 (A tlJ610 Al HI 111 llAHRHHJN 1•1111 I It I 1001 C:hap1le MIU llm \ll•IV CA 11;o1111;o llH HrllHl All I N OOUBl I UI l Ill I .I C,arr1<l811 l'l•U I Ull81 lo11 (.A 028l3 lhtt tlutlrte•• 11 l1Hlllu<.14MJ 11v • (19!111f al 119111191 ehlp Ille.herd Allen Uvu1Jl4'11H I hie tllltm .. 11 WH lllecl Wllh lhe <.out1ty C.let~ ol Cl••nge C<1u111y ''" AJ/fll I~ 11111} , t974'9 l'ul>ll•h•d Or•ng• C..uHt Oenr, Pllut Aprll 2J, 30, M1y I 1~ llllll' lft II 1)1 PU8l1C NOTICC "C flllOUe a UllNI II HAMI ITATIM&NT ""' lollow111u '""•on• .,., •l<Jlr•U t1u•111tt•• •• 1111 lllVI '1 l Ml I~ I IJHCIKI 11'• ()I 1,AI If (l•f INVI '11 Ml N I fllttl l<fflf1()I '•OUfHlrtN l.Altl II) Mhfl1tr<J trv1ne (,,t 111114 I l H I NII lll•fll 'ti 'I llH A I tlllorn•• tOIJllJr•ll4Jtl "' Me•l1111l Ir""• CA fll /14 fh1• t~&Jll•ll la 'Ullthl(..tttd hy 8 t U'JJClf all(.Ht fl II I lllor<IJll..,, lrn I l ll•n•un .,,.,,•Ottttf "''' 1teto1t1ont w•• flttwt •1U1 U1• C ltU,.t~ ( '"'" ul ll'""V" ( 11ur1ly 1m M~1U1 10 llJH~ , 1M :r74 Puhllth•d O< ange C.ue wt t11111y 1'1101 AIJ#~ 73 '.lO M•v I 14 1v11;, l&QA 81 Pt.ellC NO TICE r1CTITIOU8 e UllHlll HAMI IT A TlMINT f ftu f 1,11t1 w111u l•"'"fJ" •tt rJ HflU f;UtUhtt•• 16• I IJIJNlllf 111'.flJM'. N'/II P\aJC NOTICE '''*'''~ bu .. 1 t..uelu M ft•H < 1tl•f11r f IMUO 11.,. '•16U NOflCI °' TlllUITH'I IAt.f l.I . No. n9) On lune • 11111? ... 11 00 AM & TAN !!HAW (.()lll'OllA llON • Cehlornt• c.orl)Ol91it'Jh u l)uly •IJ po4flled T t1JOI" ut1d"' at1d fl<" 1KJ1r11 In 0-S t>I l•u•t llftt.0 'l<tf;l11mh•• 30. 11180 '"' orded o~toll•• '/ 11111-0 H 1n•I NI> I?~ I In hoUk 1:1/ /I Pec>e lfllltl ol Ottoco•l II"' "'ti' 111 the ollk e 01 th• C.ounty hec;o<de1a ot O•••'U" Cnvnty 81•111 ol I et1lvrn11 •u.,.uled lly Ch00t10 llee 111-•11<1 lloon J1 Ah••· huthend end wit• end l dlT'Und K Kim • maul4HJ no•n ••hie eole and MO••••• p•o1>e•ly Will 8f:l I AT PUIH IC AUC llON ro HIGHEST BIOU{A roR CAl;lt on AS SET f'OA 111 IN :ICC.:. I ION ~924 r OF me CIVIi (,()0( ., ., .. 110111 enlrence ol 8110 S haw t,or po<ellon 2316 E 11th kt l'l•nte Ane CA 927 11 •II tlljhl lllle And 1n1 .... 1 GOO•eyed to .,,,, now hl!il.I hy 11 uni!., ellO o..d or Ttull In If•• l>•llV•tly ellVlled on H id (,ou11ty an() 0•••• dMGtlbed u I hihh•l•ntl ""'"U" 1 ""'' ll"ily MAIHIJrt I l~t1llM Mt I I lflH Piiot Aptll JO, Mey 7 14, :11, 1982 ~Ill luwnt1 .,1,.,,., r "''" Mtu•t ----------'-tl_liU_tl_I t t1htHUlllt 1f°/ftJ/ Pt.el.IC NO TICC flCTITIOUI IUl1Nfl8 NAMf IUUMf Hf 1 ,,., tqll11w 111u ,,.., "'''t• '' 1h11••tt tiU .. lf1l•\lt If\ Af~lif ll'ollN I fl 11 111''41:,1 ', "' t il M11unull1• < so ••••••'"'U''"1 It,.,.,. f, t A 11;1f;4f1 II t flf't I luu • .-/uul~t ••1t MAUtu1hot ( iU H11ftlo1ut''" lh•'H 11 <.A '1,n,it11 T '""' IJ11,.u1,,-.11 I~ t mtth,H t•1'f ll'f 1111 1t11Jhttthrnt I hi~ 1IKh•fflf'IUI -N••• 1.1 .. (j Nllh " ... ( •1•1t1t'( ( lf'r .. it r1t1111t-,., C '"trily •111 Apnl !/I l'ittt f 111114 ltJ~ l1H .. 1t1 .. ii.t 1, f •1rnhH f"tJ t1f t11 lhfhlllff1otl M1nt•1tt I Mt I '"'1 llH\ .tUtltrtlt•fll <lltlt 111,..tl Wilt 01~ r •m"'' ', .. , .... ,, • ""'·u~' ,,.,u,y .,,, A1111I Ill t!l~I f 111277 t•,,1,11tt.rinO f tr dhtJ•' I 111•"' l)it•I 1 l'1lt1I A1J11I t/J M•"t f 14 ~I t•th7 ·~11·1 I!/ NlUC NO HCC I( 00121 NO TICI Of IAll! OF AIAl PllO .. lllTY Al PfllVATI I At.I Ho A 111e11 J.1,Jt1ll-,lu•O ()'•'•U•' C 11.11\I ll1a1ly f•tlt1t 111 If•~ '•~>l'"'ltH C.uott t1f tt11• •,,,.,.., Af111I "It Jfl M •t'f I tit tfth'I 11t f ,th tr,,,.,n f t1f lh" (''''"'I o f t 719• lt:I Ot•tf\lt• u1 lt1f"I "'"'""' •11 tt1n r \luh• PllltlC NOTICE FICTITIOUI tUllHlll NAMl I TATI MI HT •i i fJl4Vll I I I Wit I '"M ', •htt oua.ml N 11t11 .. I' ··"'fifJ'f U'" .. '' thHt Uflfl"t'l~.J"hfj will tot•U 1.11 f't1"11tt,. IHtl" ,,, u ... t11u,..,,, ""•' ,, •• _, t .. ,,,,,., IX . ...rf "A.. fn• toth1wf1tU 1uo\on "tJt1ttl(I •utJt••( t HJ c..•1'1f.,n1ttl1t1h ''',.,•ti PARCEL 1 hu"HM'f•• tt• '1u~f11Jf t .. uutt uu ''' ·•''"' .,,,, /'Ah lJnll :16 •• tho•n end d••Ctl 1•1 A/A Tl•AVI I ti llllH 'IJ I Clily ,,, MK1 lllh/ ·•l ff•v "''" .. ,,, belt 10 th• Condominium Plau. "' w Ut1u 1c,1,1ti1;q;.., Av.,,.u" f uHmtw1 Mut1«)' Pttllt/ A"'",,,.~ ·•' t l•YW '""C11yollrWM1,COun1yU10t .. 'O'. c.A 141~1111 .... , '' '""J •,..,,,. 10 S•••• of Ce llfornoe •• P•• Mep I llf lfll ru< 1''1 Jh'.llt. M&rn w"""""""' 1A•1n11111/141 recotdeO on M•y 3' tQte • .,, l:k>ic:* '''""' M ... , •• ,,, v ... ,,, c A '•1h'f' IJY4 ',',,(JIJ 1 •• ,.,,.,1 ,,, CJ••flUt-· .,, .. ,ff! t;-697 PeQM ~30 ttwu ~' Mt.c:...t fl11• t;ut .. 11~··• •• tt1110ut , .. o tJy mt tA Caahlc1f111• •II Ht" "U"' 11u.-. utttl ''.neou• Mee>•. an the Otf'Ge at th-. 111th>111tu11tl u11.,, • .,.,, ,,, "~111 ihHtt"''""'' .-1 tf1h County Aec;otdet of •a.cl C0uuty f flnti'\'f tht .,.,, t1rru~ ''' ;j,.olt• .,,.,J isll lflfl nyht 1111,. PAACEL 2 f •u• "''•h•tOf'lfll '*'" ritfKI w 1H1 lh" •1111 mhu ""'' Utul lflff ""'''•h~ t1f \••ti An undlvlO•O ()n• th1tty fU~t ( ,..,,.,, t , .. , .. ,,, 'h#U'1,.1~ '·'t\''"Y '"' 1J ~ '· H ti J ~ ,, .... " •• f ,, ., I,,.,, ., 1 f 1/3110 W\t••t u a l.nal't t~ COi'" ~,,,., HI Hfl'll 'JJ1otilhc>11 1,f IM\JW' ''' ''"'"'' Wt\tot'I •1lhtu mon tn lhe t" tnl.,MI W1 allO tu ttwt f117&11 Utt1t1 'H m 1•t1•J1tifln 1h 1'1nt ''' urnl Common Ar•• o t lot 3 Qf ''·~· ~'uf}l1•t1"tt '''"""., C.unu' (h1tly dQ(ltMl\.lt'' Jtl tho luru• .,, fhoUh ,,, 869' •• '* Mep tll<ttl on flo<Jlo 4'1 1•111,1 A11•1t I 1 l<I Mny I 14 111"' w1t1 ''' .11 ""' '·"''""' "'"' ""'"""Y P90" I 10 1 lllGlu91W or MllCAll• Ill)/ 87 91luele ll "' t.oly •• 1 MHl•1ty C.1ty ne ou• M•P• r•<.Cltd• ot •••d -------------C...r1•.1r111 ,,, l>t•''01'1 •.to ll'! 4,f U>uro1v .. llu(;I• 1 .. m •• deton.d '" P\aJC NOTICE c .111u""" ''"''" "'"''v o""' ,,., .. 1 •• ttte at1t<.ie entHs.d o.ttnUtOO• of ---,-.C-T_l_l _IO_u_1_a_u_l_IN_t _a _1 __ f()fl(JW'I tu ""'' '"" Oel.t.,•11<1<1 ()f (,cr;e<t.,111 Con I 01 111111 lollu ~ 4 ul lr1to,I II'.',"' dlllO<lt end ~lrtc;llOfle re<:(lftS.0 1n NAMI ITATllt\INT J>'I• Mn11 '"' ''"'"" "' floo~ 11 1'•11" Book 17119 7 P•o• 301) nr Ottltlel 111" l•ilt1Jw•11U '"'""" " '1'""" 4!• M••• Mnt" rnm" tt.mnor111ty Aecordt t Ttte O.c.1e1el1tJn ) end hotif\t"o'• "' ""''""ti ... 14/:i' t '4-.wl•"'' M 10wut ameoa t thtit.. , • ..,,,. f •'4 1 • "'''"'-' ', '"' .. <#11., L•"''"rn" v1t1•,·, any PAA( .. /~' '> An•h,.•m ,..,., t ,,•.It M""'' <A f•tm\ '''••I~ t.d,ft '" h •.-f11t f •1•tn•f\tl •I t•t tor th In th• 'l"/t)°JI HHHiHY (Jt U1e LJrntnO •,tulrn-Oh l;ohi a.c,ht1n tlfJtll•ttd C•l•ht f•...-n~t• ltH h,.,;J W ( '1'm IO;t', Ah,. ,., U•tl t.•An •tt'1 t1ul11u,r~ ttvttJn"' ,.,, '"' C)w.on•r• •fHJ -.uoport 'Jetll• '1•'"" ( '•"·'11 ,... .. ,,. 'A'•;''"' t;r '"Jttt ••c..u, .. tt ••:t M'"'U"U"' ,,, ment •nO r tU t(Jat hment fJf the f "'' liit\d' ' '"'111' h•tl liy ,.,. f ,., .. , (>ntHl ,.,, HI~ HU•C11tttt1 ~• \>oht etHC. .. Mttlti...cJ f #~" (Jf lhe •Mh;itlu.tl f t,H I.Ht' • t•,1t itf tt•111t1nt ht't If; ,,.. C>et.l•tAhf>n hu '' •H1 W 1 -'~0" tfe(HH•llNJ w1U\ l.titl fh" ~''"''' •dttru11 1tnd ''ttlttf '''"' tl1thHfHtrif w,., fll••O wtlh "•" "'ti' 'J' ttftt"' h1 Im Ht wt1111111 ithd c,,tJ1f'mt)11 d .. ~nat~t If auy. ()f tho t •111111Y I .Im., "' '" 11111•• ( tJUfily '"' 111r111 t1" '"' •t1o;110 ut '",. "''''""'utd t••I &Jtt>pttrty dett.tlh•d ttbt>ve It A$•'11 /I 1''HI t1tfu ,. ;ti ffflf tf"'" 1tflrt fl•• flt•I ""'"'"'.a 1u h.. flll/M ~,.;hh' HI•••";...,, .... ,,,,,.., t,.•1r•~"· tf.1t1· It hu1t11no W 1ntJ h viu" ( A 1'''1'11 tu'''" •"'I' f.•1 •"' t1•1l1 t•ilf1I ,,, -...t .. f1'7 t• A11•11 / l lfl .,.,,,. I t• l'•t1I Oulod tt11\ ltJU1 dav Hf M1tv l'fh/ I ll• ur1tJ"'"Cll••1I l1111l t1• 1111 lll!IJ 11/ Ot.0<1 0 Wllll11mt t•••mt any ll•hlloly '"' .,,1 lfll••I ------------Admtllt•••••or of 1h<t 19(.1,,..., ,,, ............ """'"· •M ruauc 118TlC( fal81• o4 Mid ~I 01""' c.omtn<lf• 11.,.1une11on 11 •HY .. Aun a At90CIATll at\(IWU ,_..,,, •r. Mwr., ...... ,1 1'••<1 .. ,. """ 119 mMJe t>ul wttti NOTICI ~ TllUUll'I I ALI An.,_, el Lett wl wvenenl °' w•tr•Hty. '"l>'•H TI Ho • 2A 141JO 8MClfl ••· Me. 1oa 0, ompll.iJ, l9QAtdlnu toll•. l>Oil... On M•y ~I lflfl? at II t 6 A M . WMllllNI.,, CA nt9) 11on IJI en<:utntir•nr ea tnc;ludlf!O 1111 £ 'lfHlllCES INC. u Clvty 4IU AttetMY• '9f ~.W f-ch••OM w l(J ••!Ml"-01 11,. IKll'lllMI l1u"M url(let., • w•auant ''""""'"" O••••u• '·••••' 11,.,1, l1ue1 .. .,,., ()f lhe llullt ,, .. ,lkl t1y to Deed "' lruat '"' '"Cl"<J Mey 19 1•1101 Muy l'I 14 ;io l'JHI Hid n ... o Of Trull 10 l>"Y Ill• 1e 11180 .. ""' lllJ 190~ j on n110~ 1111 "I m•1n1ng p11ni;tpal 1.,,,.. nl Ille l'HllO l'"U" l~/11 111 fJltic.oel n,. no l•OI .. c;uia d ny u lcl Oe1td ,,, c.urtle "' the 01t1c;e ol the C.111.1t1ty I lull 10 '"" '?~ 000 00 •Ill\ •nl•• h•• mder ''' 01e11ge C.ounty Cell ft>1n1e Will S (ll A l PUBLIC. "'' '""'e<.<1 fiom N1>•_...D<M ? 19111 \IJC. TION I 0 HIGHF 8 I 8t00f R FOR el 13 ,,.,~,,,., ennum ee ptOVI (,ASl1 C ASHIER G Cl~ECK OR d9d 1n llAld no1ac11 p1ue cioel• eno any advAl'UlH ol 1 16.382 67 wllll c.rRJIJ tfO l..lt(C I< (flAylll>I• •• 1n1., .. 1 p1ue to<ecloeuf• cioett ""'• 0 1 •"'" 11• t•wful money 01 th• TM '*19!1<;tary vuc.I., ael<J o-i u1111e<1 '.>lat") e1 m .. trunt 8'1h•r1<-41 ol ftull h•••lolo«t •~llCut•d •n<J to the Old flr 9flU• County (.our d•ll••••ll lo 11\e ufld111a1o n•c:I • lhOUM ICM'.•111(1 '"' t,•n•-An• l:IOV wllll•n ~l•••llOn ,11 ll•f•vll e<1d l••••ll lletw11•u1 l>yt•mo1e Sit••• O•mand tor 8•1• a ncl ., wt1lten •nil R•o•<l••Y· tlenlt An• C.•llll'lf NOllt • t>I O•l•ull e n() llecllon 10 n•• •Ii tight. tlWt end 1n1e1HI et1n $411 ff\e ufidet~ r.euMd Hid Y4"1ed It> and now "'"" lly II Un<18' Noll'• ot Oelevtt end fl•Clltu\ to .. Id 0..0 01 T1ua1 In '"" l>H>j,.fly S4tll 10 I>• ·~rded in lh• covnly enueted on 11111 County end 8 t•t• -·the •Ml ptop;wly •• l()(.elltd dMGl1'* u O•t• Mey 3, 1911:1 l 111 tO or J1ect No 7800, tn th• 8 TAN·811AW <,OH PORA C.lly ot 'lewpOff Beach H I* meo TIOH te«Hded m 6oc»o '\04. l>evM 3~ 10 ?316 r '"" 8 tl4'91 37 lllClull .... 01 "''~'-· map• Se nt • A na C•l1fo<t1•• "''"" olflC4 t>f '"*county lllGOfd .. 927 ti t>f .. ,d coonly (7 141 6"2 68 11 p.,c;•I 2 Nt>n euituatve •Pov•••· a• H id l<utl... nent ••H tnenl• flll lt1g1•11 end By 1.ynn 8runn.r ~1en ov•1 Pll••I• •••••I• •• H I AMI Seel ,,,,.,, on Ill• O•tl•••ll<>n ol co•• Pllll.IC NO TIC£ "CTITIOUI tUtlHlll NAM« ITATIMINT r he fftlt<1w 1ng CHJf ,01111 •'• tlnmu tJutMueaa ;i.1 C.M r (.ON llNI NI Al ANO II r C.Hr AM 4)'11) Ht" I All( ... "··~ w•v •II """'• l..A 111/ 14 VIII! Nl)llA I< llMAll I I /00 l 1111" tJt,,111 Av•riut• 011trt1fmtJ Fhu I.A fll7M '>1111 1 '111 KIJMAH I 1101) 11111• ()11••1 A••'"'" u,.,,.,,,,11 e., l.A (lt1M 1 flll INlll(l•a• IO llHtd•Jt ltt<I lly ~n 1ndMllu•I thu•ll•ntl 8 w•l•I VlrmHlf11 Kumar 11111 •lnh•m"'" wffa ltl••I wlllt trl• C.uunty ~let~ r,I Ot•tt(J• (,l)tlflfy 1111 AIJlll ~II 11182 fllMOO l'ulllt•fl•ll Ot ""0" I ,•11111 Dally l'•lnt April '\o, Mey I 14 11. llljj? 111'11 1n Pllll.IC NO TICE P'talC NOllCf ... ,,,,, IU ... lllOtl COUllT 0, CAll,OflNIA COUNTY °' <>f'ANOI TOO Clvlo Center 011"9 w .. 1 lent• An•, CA tt701 l'I AINI ti I II 1114AM()N (,l( \IC I AN(J A1 l••ot1141111l ~1-ll1llvt •ii thw I Ol•I• 111 CllANf A VAi O('l, Ol 1 I llllAN I I l IJNAllll 110 111 II I ftl AIJ\1 1 1 I •nO ()(If (j I lhffMijh •,o lhC,.k.ttlve aUloffotOMI c ... ,.. ueno NOTICl l You h ... e bHft e11ed. fhe courl mer decide .. aln•I YCMI wlll\oul 7011• betne heard u11leH , .... r••pet\4 •""'" :ao • .,. ...-' IM lnl0trn•llon IMIO• II you w11h '" ....,.. lh• ed>o•<.e v4 tlft ••ltlllflflf IU lttlt IY\ilfl .. t y(JU 'fumhl ,,,, '" C1Hut1plly '" 01•1 '/t:iUf 'Nflltf"h '"'''''""' If ,..,.., u •• ,. btt II t•,I Utt hon AYllOI UaftO I\• aldo demet1• dedo II Hlbunal pwed • d ecldlt conh• Ud t in •Udl•n<ll• • ,,,.,... que Ud IHPOl'ld8 d •ntro de 10 die• L•• I• lnfo<mmclon q11e •'91.tto, 't• lhh11t df"•fltlf 11t1ht 1~1111 ''' (.(iU 'Mjh ct.-''' f'll1,~1HJf1 •ft •thl UllH.IUtO .i .. 1, • .,,;1 hut ,.,1,, 1Hn1•JdHAh11•\"11t• d• 01tt• m1,Hhf1t "' ttr•vu••lw "cw"** I ''•1)1 lJhfW•1• l>U•"fh '·"' '~''''WI• .. ""'"''' I ft1 l1tl IJllttll•ANI A11•1I t tun1,ltt111t h•• f;Moll til11d «rt H1• µ111111111r +•{1••"1'' t••u If ~vu w••h to th•fmut H11 l1fW\u!I 'I''" m1ol >N1Uun JO ,, .. ,, '""' tru"' '"""'"'", '' •~• 1• ti 1 ''"' I le lllfllt Ito t 111111 d ""'' llt•11 n .,,,,,. t 11 thr-t 1 ''"'l1l1t1til ll••lt •• ,,,u ,,, ,,, t•i•Jf 1J11f 11111 ""''" ,,., .. ,. ... , .... •1i• 1111111•• '*''''" ,,, ,,. .. l1l1t111t1U 11111Ho•,1 '''''' 1011, 0111 .. , 41 111d1'""''1' "l·tl"°"' 1•1' It,; 1111 ,,.IN'lf lff fft ti lrtJ •II lflf I Jft•ftlttlf t A10t1.0 J•1ffl •• •ill 1 'I 1ttu\f1tu••11t u l "".,,,. ,,,.,,, .. , "' ,,., .. 1,.f ,,, ,,,,,.,.,,,, 111 11!1111r H~lu•f flt1p1• lt•1J Ul lfltl ,.,,,11fA111t1I U.th·•I hilt II l'tlUJ •.• "' ftf ••• , f1 ch •• 111 I• ,, •~ A f4 ,,,,,.,,,,., t .... ,.,,'t MAGAHA, CATHART Mc~ARTHY & PlfARV 1t01 A••nu• or th• •••1• lull• 110 to1 An9e .. a. C A tOOl1 17131 UJ &00 l'10•ft'ift"'' (Jr +IHlf l '"i'\1 IJ111'1 l'1fltl Af1•1I l'I 111 M"t I 14 l't~ ••tit I HJ ru1uc MOncr CPI' 1U01 I '• N(J ll t 11,•,•_,A Httf 1;'0 t•,f:StJO 8 NOTICE 0' TllUITU'I IALf f 1ttt.\Jl~tJ u~ b•lly f •,t~vtma11n 1trttJ ftornWM I ~tnwN•'''" IJH I t11ta1 Mliy /#1 tlt~I' Ml ff I' ,. M I I"( A(,11l•lt 1 IN',11'4AIH ( ( t) M µA~ ( • ' ,, u I, H ,, ,, I" t" d 1 ru\IO" utul,,, fflfl '"'' '"'"' HJ l>m~tj fJf 1tu,t lt"fflffhHI ,,, t0 1'1 '" !JI"' "'' "' ,,,,.j .. 1 L1' t ''"\I" tl•t•, ''' t '"" 1.,t fcor 'If''' 111 ft~ 1;tfu 1»11i ''' U" f •11Jnf1 fhu t1Hhu t>f q, ""0'' ' 111,nf t c •lff ,,,, u WU l 'ol I I A. I l'IJh l II Alll 11111/ I() 11llrt4( ',I Ull1IH 14 I 'lll <.A'o14 jtJU'fllf1I~ ,., fUll., •JI ,,.,. lfl lioiWfol ''t'"'"I ,,, fflfl ljmt"''' '1fttlv•> tAI Ut• htJHI .,,.,,,..,.,,. ff1 tf1" t1l•I '>••••U• t 1111111 t f fo1t I Hrh1\f'll h l wt"d ,,,, .,,.,. .... A tt.1 f\IYt) ''"'~·~"" .,,, .. ,..,,,., ",t •tHrl fh•HtON .. f' "111t•lfit ,..,, .. (,ahft1tt11t1 t1ll 11tjf1t ltfl•• ,., .. , 1ill.,tH'-I i ,,, • ._.t'I f•d ti, •IHfl nf1w ''"ltl t1 f II ",.,, .. , ,,.,,, ,,,.,.,1 .,, f "' "'' "' "'" ,,, ,,,, .. ,,, ... ,.,, .. ., , .. ,,,, ,. ,f1 ,, t, •• , .• , .,,.,,"' ,,.,,..,,,,...tl , .. l•Afll f I I '''"' I ,,. t "" ' H 'I ,,, t ,,,to M~''' f f1Ut1t f ''' 0UJflfJr ',f.,ln nf C,.ahluu1111 •• 1tt111w t1 •Hid 1Jf·f11,4f!Hf ''" th•I ',.,l.11• r ,,, •h1uu1'""' '''~' t tH ffldr•J '''''rt 1 •, l'' /V ff\ U1J().., I l 11111 rn•U" I Iii" I 11111 '"' 11,,. <1141 .,, ()rutttJtt c.uw1ty c,.,1tt11t111;• l•Attt.11 'J Art ut1tjh11fhuJ I \Ith tt1t;u,.,1 11 .,,.., ,,, I ,,, t ,,f f' aM,.f t4t .,, .. 7' II lhfll (,Uy ,,, C f1•t• Mtt•• C,()Unty r, O•ith(I<" '1tnt• u t <.t10lr1uo• •• C')f'•t Hlftf> touJ,.)Htl Ir\ ftl)-1'>" 4~ t r1•(1•~? \ tr; II ''' M111~1 hltQflf'l'1•1• M•~· rtt , •l'fd\ ,,, t 11 "''lfJf• ' 1,.i1t1tit (.•ldorn1e '''fJ~lfu·• ,.""' 11111 '"'''"'"' .. mttnt 1n •• , .. ,," ,.,, .,,,11rn1 u, .. ,..,. 1,m C..0t1 (J•1ffHtttUOI lJrnh: 1 th tfni\Jh 'J tOllu 'f"" It~ t1ltttt ll1•••rw111 l'Alll 11 1 An 1u11.,,,,,. ""'"••nt-f'lttt "''''''' h•ftoHI "' .,,., ft •JtHI ,,,. ..... u~ .. ,.,, ,,,,,,,,,., .. y ul lho~ ,,,.,"'"''of ft•• '""lftt lftd I t1tnrTiflf1 .. ,.,,. tJ,."tlUHMl .. t in Um fhuf-.ffffH1t• ,,, fh.'tf'1t11(.f10t1t1 lflf o,,h+lf 1t1 U<_., .. i l fft!f fu•(Jtt It~~ l)lf.,141 .\et •Jfth tjf tlJtHI l.t,.tr.ty •rul '"'•'Aft ''" "'"' ( 11ttlt11ttuit111rn f'l'IH ,,,, "' .. '' '"''' '''" -.t11;11t 1Hlt'''°""l 111 •J •11'101 ~ qttlf'lltll tl"~lflH,_IU1IJ If <Ulf f1I lh~ lt111I 111fil•••1I; IJf'!'\I 11f1,.d tl1t1Jt 1~ ,,.,,,,.,,, .. ,, ff r.n /if>'· , ... , ,,,1 ,...,,, .. t1t 1~t4t1 tfJI ft•t •Mt• t1 <• Ulldl t "" u11t1m ''U'•••'t •ti"'i 11.t•fn~ ~.,,., li11lnl1ty '"' ••ilf lill .,,,,.,Hitt"''\ HI th,. 'lttt•I 11flil1 ~ .. y11(J t1lhtlf I qff\ffl(Jfl ft .. 11,,tUttftliqf1 If tU'f' 'hUWlt t1ftf .. th '••t•fJ ""I"'""''" h• ni•tl,.. f1•1( #I 1f1r .. ,1 c '1YtOH1nl ,,, W•t"•'*'~ .., .. ,,, ••• , ''' ''''''"'"' 1ou1utJm•1 ''"" 11•l•l\tt" 'Ifµ! 1,t Ntf Uffll lfOW n" ffl l•HJ fhf\ t•nHt11t1UtJ ,_Hlli tpol ''"'' 11f ltlti!t u1:1 .. 1't ..,.,, lJl•H) h 'f aM1ft t),..,(J t1f I ••1'9 w11t1 tr•t•t.-•I lt\ .. tf'llt1ft •• ,,,,,,ilt)""'' .•• '\ltHI unh~ .. 1t41¥AttUt• 1t Hfl'f' urnhu tf10 lt9'rn• uf Um f}NwJ 1;1 l1u•t ,,..," • f)a1uut arnl "'P"" "-•" of .. ,,. , hi\IN, Ql•d Iii ltt• hu••• f tf'IAl .. d Ly \ft1tl Unt•d of 1 ru•t tu '"'' $ /7 411 I 4'1 fhl"I llttor1fK 11uy ut•tS,.f ••ocl C~t ''' ''u•f fuu .. tnft1ro ••,,f.utntl ltllfl 1htflv•u,.•t to ''-" u1uh oa1yoMO • tNfftlttn UN l•1 •t1ou ot O•f•111f AHd U •m11n1J '''' C-..111,. AtHJ • w'111en N<1ll<.e ol ll•l•11ll -nd I ••• 11011 to be<I I he ""''"'•'Cll\lld c.l u-1 u•(l Noli<." 111 ()"l•ull e111J f ln1.1111n to !l"ll tn IJ• 111tO•ll•d 111 the t.ovnly wt""" 1he •••l p.011e<ty 11 l0<.a1..0 N•m• '>11••• All<l••U a nd l •I• ptol.Hle Nun••-or TtullM °' 11411aot• <.Oullu<.t1flil .. 1<11 oa L hlCAOU f111e In au1an'• C•imp•ny .12116 Wll•h•r• Olvd IOt A~" C• 90010 1;i13) 'WI 1940 rAClftC YllW "61MOl1Al r.a1 (,umo•tl!ry M111111.tfy (.haoel C.rom.1t11ry )..~)() r i.c 1111 Vu•w ll11v1• N-j>lltl ftu,11 II I-' HAN C ES J DY£ R . Sawchuk of Cu1111 MNa, ~ ~'\I away on May IZ. 19H2 arid Philip 8 Sawchuk ot In S1o1nt.t1 Ana, Ca She WU II a .. 11vu(•, Wuhlnat<>n .• r<•tld,.ut of Laguna 0..1ch, brotht·r William Gromku of <:.. '''' many yuni Shi· w11.1 MMMKhUM·tta. 11 sa~r Mary 11 m .. mt>e!r of thf' AmPrkan R 1 o u i ht o n o ( NI' w Lt•l{l<.n ond V fo'W Auxlll11ry llamp1hlrl', :'> fUandchlldl't'n 1n Lal(una 8Pili'h. a mt"mbrr and I itreat 1rendC'hlld of St C11therlnt"'1 <..:1thul1c 84"rvlcu will be held on Chu n h . al10 ()( Laguna Monday. May 17, 1982 at ~uch , Ca ~h,. It sur vived 10 OOAM et thl' Pacific Vlc>w by 2 dauaht..rf francH E. C..:ha~I with Father Mk:h-.cil J)1,hyn1 of Ranta An1, Ca Harri• offlclatln1 With &nd PattrlC'la Uyn of S ht1ll entomhmrnt to follow 11 8f'a<h. C l Gravr1l th Pac·l flc View In ll•u of 1nv1cu will bl' hrld on noweni thr family hM ululd l''rlfl oy, Ma y 14, 11182 at for donc.tlon1 t-0 tht' Heart 11 OO AM at A1c 4!n1l o n Pund S.ltx &rseron SmJth Ct'!TM"l.t'ry With f1i1lht'r Jamn & Tuthill w ... l<'lltt Chapc'I llutm·tt, who will l)ffld al.f' M <>rlu•ry of C..:t>t1la Me11 In N11 l·11llln(I ho11n1 M<-CUrmll'k r harg.-of arranarmenll. ~ ~!tv<e nant• co11dlt1ona 1n11 tHl<tctlon• Pllll.IC NOTICE ,,,own nti•n -------------PubllllleO Orenge Cont Dally lru1101 Of 1eo0td own .. JOHN A "CTlllOUt aUt lNlll Vela Al)tM ?.I 111111 CHICAOC) 11 lt r IN6UAANCf C.OMPANY Al TIUllM By A1maoo ll••Hledt> .Autl\Otlled tl•onahJ1• ~ .. 1100 .,_COtt....a MOITUAllH I IQUllol 0.,;11 ti .. ~ ... 'l<ll ~ Lsuun .. !loll' !AA 11.):)J •,.,,, Juwn Y l>t'llt 11no .. !J'1 If lb HAllOI UWK-WT, °'-IYI Mortuary • C..ne1t11ry Creme101y 162!1 G11l•1 Avri Cotta M1t1111 b...O !>'>!> .. .... CIHOTHlll llU llOADWAT MOl'fUAIY 110 8rotdway Co.la M 1t11 64' VI~ ·------ M •>r tuar y, La"una B""t'h 646 IJ37 J ·~· 1141~ KENDALL FINKELSTEIN J AMES A KENDALL, MOJUUS YINK.ELSTEIN, La1un1 Beach, Ca . P11Hd aa•· YO, of Palin Sprtnp. <.:a aw1y on May 11 , 1"82. Hom Paurd away on Mey 12, September 17, 1980 In I 1182 a .. 1011ed hu1b1nd of Pomona, ~ He ii 1urvfv4ld Mr• Jun F lnk1l1teln for by h i• parent. Thoma1 W . o vt.'r ~O yeera and they and M l r l1m Kendell, reuntly celebrated their bj othtre Thom11 Ro bert Golden Wt'ddln1 Anni· te.nd.all, Paul Alan Kend.tU, verury Lovin, father llatMI 8uMn K..ndal.I MAMa of JUN Howard o Suffern, end Kathleen Kendall. New York, Selma 0 11Mr of funeral aervtc. will be held New York City, New York on S.iurday, May 10, 19821t and Jack l'lnkel1teln of ll:OOAM at the Padfic Vloew 0 a r d• n 0 rove , C • . Mortuary Chas»l with RtY. oh1rl1hed 1r1ndfather of 7 8ruet A. Kurrie offldattnc. and are1t-1r1ndfather of 8 Interment at Pacific View Devoted bro ther of Mn. Memorial Park1 Newport NetU. Oreen of New Je,..y. 8 e a c h . P 1 c I l I c V I 1 w Mr. r1nk1ht1ln WU . Monuuy d~. ~t of Palm Sprtnp. C... tor the JliMl 0 y.-n, fonnetly CRAJ\Y of Nsw York A Uf11.n1mbet• BEAT RI C I BAK IR In th1 Knl1hi. of Pythlu . CRARY , widow of the late l'untral ltrvtc. will be held Oordon B. Crary Sr . She It ll:OOAM on Sunday, May waa 1 re1ld1M ol La1una HS , lH2 It Harbor Lawn Hilla and Loe Anatl•i~ Mount Olive Memorial Born Mud\ 29, 1#2 ln =wlt.h a.bbi Oeor1e O ty, South Dakota. P...ct ol T~ a.i.h away on Ma 10, JH2 In &met o ldaUna. m Ueu of Hewpor& ieuh, C1. flowen the fam111 ......-lurvl ved by htr eona donation• to Tempi.-..o, Gordon a er.ry, Jr. ol Loe &met In memory of Mr. Anttln, Ca. end Brue. P. rlnk1l1&eln. I n terment Cra ry of Newport .. ach, 11'\Jt l.IC NOflCI Piiot. Mlly 7. 14, :!I, 18112 KAAJIAN and OIAN( A KAAJIAN NAMI ITATIMINT ttle ~11 ol the un1v.,1oy of 2092 82 hu1bend Md wife H 19inl tenenl• I ti• lollowtng ueraon 11 1101ng <..e11t0<nt• are ..... "'O tundtng 11om ____ MUC ___ NO_Tia _____ , Th• •"••t •OO••n a nd other 11u1111-. .. •• 11\e U 5 Oepett,.,..,t of Comme.c.., --------------lc:omll\Ofl ~netlOn, If "'Y of 11141 JOJOfJA HUIC ARCH PAfll l'uhhet1e d Orano• C.:.O••• U•••y Pilot Mey 1 14 ?1 18117 2001 9' N111onal Tetec:ommunteeuone e nd 'ICTlTlCMll MlllMlll •H I propetty dHOrll>ed a bov• It NfAS 1)()1 Oove ShMl, 81111• nlO. lntorm•ll<Jn Admlnl•lll ll011, to re NAMI ITATIMINT Pv•PO•t•d lo l>e 111 Aue Vllll re, Newpotl llellGh, C1ht0tnl• Oi'6l>O f'UBl.IC NOTICE M••ttl .. 111>11t1111no a 141fec:onleten• The fOllOWlf19 penon• .,. dOlflCI N.wport 8-11, Cellf()tnl• AOIJl!llT [ COi I 011 1' 811 c1ng ltclllly at '"• Unlverally of l>utlneM.. Th• und•llfl l\•O Truel•• di•· HatbOr Ortve, Hu11llngton l!let<.h , ....... tT""'' CalliOfn•• 11v1ne B a I( fAUCKtHO ?OO o.i .,_., c;telm• e ny 1111:111111 101 eny 1nco1. CettlQtn•• 9'641 ""' ...,.,e 9UllNltl A copy OI '"" •l>PflUllOll •• ••el A ..... Coefa ....... CA '2027 reel,,... Of,,. flrMI addr ... atld Tl\11 tk1alt1 ..... CO!\dUClflll fly • II ,"' ... 11 ITATl:Ml .. T fable 10 lh• pul>llc h l.comrnunl AoMll Oelm•• H .. e. 201 Def ~!'* ~ .. '"°" dMIQnallon, If Illy. ltmlled 1>9tln<Mtll'llp 11.,.,;::,.: ,:•mo i>e•enn 1• domo c11too1 Oe<vlG" Offic•. Unh1tlf1lly Mer Ave , Coflt MeM. CA 92027 ... own ·-n Aobw1 I COl9 OUR COMPANY 1 ro Qt C1111orn11 t1vln•. Irvin•, CA Katlllfftl Anne H•H, 2ot o.i Said H I• 1111111 tie mede , bul wl Tnte •l•l-1 wae 111.0 wltll tl'le l\00 8 Malll c;1 tJte .,., o.....,~ 0'117 MW A ..... Coel• ...... CA tH21 lllOut C0\111111111"' ••1t"'1y, .. ,,, ... Covntr Ciani ol 0rll'IQ9 Counly <WI CA 112668 -...... Comme111e o n th• appt1ca11on Th"~ le GOnduet.O by 1111 or ''"'*"·'~dine UOe. 110MM-Ap<M 2'1, 1982 c;1,1~ Oewn Hall 'I II , .. , ttlOIJld t>e -• 10 PubltO T-.oom lllOIVIOu91 lllOn. Of tnOumtlr-. lo pay the '1m74 0 " ,,.. c 0 .... rnuntoe uon• f1011111 .. 'rotram, Aob«t Ha.. ~ '*-ol ll'le nottl(tl MOii· Publl•htd Orano• co .. 1 Oa•i • MOnl. "'anoe A 'lvvT HTIA/000, ~ 4071. WMhln04on, fhle ltt...,.,.,,1 ... fll!ld With Ille ltd l>l Hid OMd of Trutl, IO-wil. Pllol, Aprll IO, Mav7. 14, 2 1~_1" ,,,c:.:::··-It COl•<.lutted by an 0 (), 202ao. County ow. Of 0tln0' Couftty on ~-·11, 7ut, lnOludlnO .. prO'Med 1 .. 1.u Cat .. o-ri H1111 flllvl>fl•ll•d O••na• CoHt De lly Apttl 1, tM 2 '" M id llOttC•). H val\OMb!'.:"'1 Thie •ll'-'l -Med"'"""'- ll'tlol. Mty 1. 14, 1112 ''""' 111\dtf Ill• lttrn• ol H id 0 rtaJC M)TIC( Counly 0...... o4 OtlflOe Counl'f )()17.e:z flllubllt ha d 01ang• Co111 Ca lly Trutl, ..... ~0-end ••P9MIM 1------------·IA ' tH on -------------P110t, Mey 7, .... 21, 21. IH2 Of,,,. Tru1lff I nd of th• 11u••• J)rll t I 'ICTl'TIOUI ., ...... MAim ITAflMIWT ,,,. lollowlllf l*IOfl• .,. doing ~ .. HIOM IOCtlTY (A Oenoe 8 •1\dl, JOH ,.,l\MOfll Ln , Ootla M .... CA t7t2t 0 H '""•Y MoClure , JOtt '•rnhHlll I.I\ • Colla Mau. CA tM'I John Undfor1, 11 LIOO Non.t, If~. CA t:Z7 I& Tlllt 1:1ut1noM 11 oonduot.o t>y I ....... ~. Tiiie ttlttlMM ... Mid ....,. the Ooullfy ~ Of 0tlfl00 c..wity Oii M~t. tH2. ,.,.. ,ultlltllod Otl!ltt 00 .. 1 DIMiy Not,...., 'I, 14, tf. ... "" .,,., .. " )())7.9) Cfr.:' t!'~ 0.:: ~I Owl '~:.wi.:::· P111>1tahed Ott•nqe Coul o.::-:;: ----,..--IC-N0------101 Trvtl Mttl OH tHCUled •nd rl\e fo41owtng "''°"" .... dOltlO Al.lfH 13 30 Mey, 14 '"' -----------'~----id•llva1td 10 lllt unde retg111d • ~ M 1116.U '9CTTnOUt .,._.. wtllltfl O.CWltlOll of o.tlllft and CONTlllACTORI 1001<1<11 ..... ITATIMIWT O•mlnd for l al•, 11\d • wrllttl\ PINO & AOMIHllTAATIVI llA flle tolloWlflg petlOflW are dOlf!O Hollee ol 0.111111 I M lltlCllon to VICI&, 113 w .. 1 111n 8trMI, New· 'ICnTIOUt IMlflNIH bUe1ntiM 11· .... Tl'le ~ Ollltlld lllld l)C)ff hWI. CallfOffllt t26t3 NAM9 tTATIWMT IPIA" TAUCl<IHO, 21 It , •• Hollee OI O.ltulf and 11.CllOI\ 10 ANNI T H•OllHtUAO 670 '"" IOllOWlllQ !*ton•.,. dO!nQ mona.. eo.te,,..... CA t2'27 loll to bl r.eor., 111 lllt COUl\t'f Hobie l ltHt, Orang• 0 1 tlforn1a b\#W-11 Tl""'f ,HILi; lfllllAl'I, t 1 ti ..,_.IN r"' Pf()pelty It IOOMN. 12MI WEITll'N HAUMA~ OA"°8 POfnCllM, c.. ...... CA t2H1 Tl'\I~~~ ~ ..... CHRllTINl l Hflll TT. s .. ' a1n1. 71) llo Tu•llll A\19 . Ot· OAHDAOI IU~I 1 .. IAI" 1111 Tnu ~I, ..-c. ' l11umwood, lrtrln•, 0 1llfo1nta anci-. OA tHM Pomolll, Cotti Mell, CA J1 ........................ -H7 14 11111111 l111•. UH COtOl\I , Thie bWlnlN.. by an ... ~Co... Tiiie butlllfte .. oond"'''° by • Notoo. CA 117to lrldMdaHrl .....,. ~· '*',..., Mery LAlll .. ,,.. COtON, Hor· T•ry .. 1peet --~-Anne f TllOrnblirt oo CAfl1to Tlllt .... 9'!\tnl ... ...., Wllfl.... l'IVICU. IHO. 1 ... .!!!.'9 llltemlrll WM lllld wllll ... h!it ~ .. ~ltd br . OOullt' Ct«I! Of OrMtt ~ on • T"*'9. iw-ilY a.... of Otenoa o.uiity on 04'f*li twtfWllfllo At1f1 IO, tlU ~ • ~ ~II 21, 1H2 ..,_a l Ullll ,,.,,. ,...,, ,_.., ,,,.,...,. Otltltl 0-.t Otllr "' .. llltll Of•~ 00111 0111, 'ullll•ll•• Or111\• co .. , Oalr ,ul:lll•llotl Or•110• OOHI Oel .. lot, "-9 U . IO. Mer 1, 14, t .. t fllo4, i Mlr"l, '4, till · ,..,.. Aj»f'M IO, Mt~ , 14, llL_lff flllllot, Mey 1, t4 fl, H , !NJ 11M.fl ,...... 1-.1..ai IOft.a • I Or1nge CoHI DAILY PILQT/frldey, M1y 14, 1982 '1 '~ ERlHdi II 16 OOD , .. Cll:: ltWln•, I"'° J1 n1lle1H ~ lllllM <l•l""r,le llM 11111 ..... 1 Mne :tr 11 lt OOIO IOt lflf ff'tlfllt Ill 111i11111 ll"'plu WHI """""'~ID r~ ll~ ttie 1111 Di1tO C1• Cit\tf\fttl to Ille IHI ,.._pO(t .,_... 1 .. 1 tu Ille _, lw11nc;a 111141 Wftl'* Av.,.._ tu IN 1\()(1!1 W\41 CeMfvt Dow lo Ill• .Wiit r11t ~ of lite Ill Wt.-0 llille Cl*'Oe f(lfOlnp..-•" 11•u~t1M "llllln Ille !twine t11du1111ei C•1<11Vif• We•I llll4I tn Ole Mllf'I/ JtmbolN •teN..0 C..Oll'lllhllllly, l flll ~lltltlt MPJJI OAI ni11111 tooo e1.1H Tiie 11e tv•• •>I Ille PtoPO.-cl uuie w1a1~ would redttlflllllt e ll Pfu~ll .. w1111111 .... WN ltom lliell W#ttlll IOtlll'\Q .... u. to e t111•1 OI , ... IOllOWftlQ ll•OPOUO dH•g11e11011• fle111r lllerlll/Olltte Mt•eG lJM HH1d41fl 11•1 Or ln1Jual11•I ftoe PlllPU••O Clt1lg11•t•on• w<iuld ••1<.1>m111u c.n1ngn ul u .. '"'' O•v•lu11tt1•11I tllflld'llO• QfHfRAl .. I AN AMlNOMCN I n The Cit; or 11¥1nt 11JOO Jr.in C>Q#N Roed lr¥tnt Cellfou111 h•• ln1tltltd e O•n•t•I Ple n Amino trltttl OPA t:I for 1110 ¥• ttlO In 11v•t11.i (.(JI"""' '" 0to .. 10 .,t1t1110 11 .. o-•• "1"" l etld u .. ,..,nlt(l, 111• PIOOOHO •mt nClm•11t "Ovid ~lflllt Ille lend UM Wle(IOIY from Oentill fndutlttel .,IO M1t1Uf.Clvrll\( t nCI liltMlt'll 10 9u11neH 1110 In Clutltttl CfOA &lAIVI f'IJ!eu•n• to Ille C" 1lllo1n11 l!ln'9ro11mer1te1 Ou•llly Ac.1 ICf!OAI en •nv11onmt nl•f '"' P"'I tfOOll U!IH) n1t 1>M11 11Q<.ml0 fClt Ille l)IOIJ(Mt(l '°"" c,nenoe end oen-el "'"' -KJffillll I 11u.il'I. llQlllloQ • U l>e 1...0 Lt '"' Cuy or ""'"' City Coun1.11 u11 T.....01; M•y ~~ tN1 ti I JO pm " th• Cuy Courn:11 c;ne mb••• lo •••O 11 t 7200 J1m1;01•• Roeo G11y 111 11v111e Ca11101111• 1111 P4Jlllk; #UI htev• Owe t~t I tu Mlll./'tUU •11tS b• het tO IJf II>• ( If I~'"'"'" C.1111191 .,, '"" llftljJll-) • "'"V"' .,14 • ll1•fl ( IH N IH ,,. .......... '"' put1I 1 1e1t•• •I ti•',,., mutut1 U•v•h11>m•ut fJe1111•tlme1 I f "'' Lent•' Aut ,., 1110 t Mc fut# hv111• (.,•hflJltH• t IJI fur ttu,t I fl to Miit Ht t.•H l'i4 lfJ 11 ''' /•,4 I~ I t 01tlttd Mat t, l!Jlli' , Irv ()I lflVllH 11J NA14C Y C HOWi AHO r>11111111>eC1 0••1111• • O•ol O•lly l'oltJI M•t t• l~t;I JfHJ7 9' l't&JC NOTICE 'ICTtTIOU• .ue•H NAMI ITATl ... Nl I ht llf!ICIWlllQ i>t•t<Hll ti• OIJlllQ llu .. lllH H P~OPLHIY MANAQ(M(Nf COMPANY 60t 20th 6 11 .. 1 ,.._.~I lleef.I' l..A 9,IOJ P1011•ll••• W•ll '"' • (.;el1l0tn1• f 11rpo1e 11011 !IOI 111111 &11w1 N4'wJIQtl Metil CA 9186J '"" l>Ut41•1t .. " (.(/lllJV( led liy • l JIPCJIMllOll PropetliH Wffl Ir•( 1.J•n• H &m•l ll Vr• .. d<ff•I "t:}ilC NO'flC• NOTIC ~, AVAILAllUTY or •~AL fllf'Otn l'uiw•nt 111 11 ... '""'I) 104 11 ul Ill• l11tetf••' U.-v.,-1\H' (,.tHIW 111tht" •• l\et•lly QI,,.,, tl\et "'• •11111;e1 ''llV'' frH Ille t.l lt llO ll , .. , 11191 of IJ()f4'JfH1 QAANNI aiULLIVAl4 e ptlvel• lo1111<.1e11u11 It lt!IHll'lle •I '"• roun•Jet1011 t "'"~'"'' ullt<• tor lht 111•11•<.llVf' d u• 11111 ••11ul11 liUtln.t .. "°"" fr11m I II"' 111 ~ p m bJ t1ty utt.-"""'° teQ!Mtt K w1111111 100 Oey• •ft.t tilt t1tt ot Ill•• l><JIAK •hC1tr 11" IOl;UclallQ11 t f'llllt.lf;el <Jllo<.• It lu,eltfl et 1 41'> 61wrh• ( ""' M"• 1 C111111rr111 u2e11 Th• prlno1p111 m•n•ot1 o f Ill• '11V•Hl•t1011 it M•ry l.>lnin l•uf111allec.I 01 •"II' I '""' !Je•ly '*JC HOUCC 'ICflflOUI IU.HI .,..., tutt ... •1 I"• ftll•wt"U t1t t0•1n •• 111111111 ll\l•ll ••••• •11.JHWt 111 "f'AI tr1"1 il•eU VIM f\•hll (.,1111 MtHlftll 1/lt)CI jJA lllfll I 14• 11alCI I llu•M,j1tle 14111 VII , .. , I. ( tUI M ••lllHi Vi•I•• c A ~#' l t I 1 • I.Ju..,•••' '' (.frh I • 1-0 111 •n 1 ii, •kJaJ 11411 •Id I Hu•ojjlle I I '' ".,.,,•Ill .... fl~ wlll1 II .. C,<1111 •1 t '"' ~ uf Cl• ••!fl• Cc1111111 on M11,' 111111 .. , ... 00 l•uf 11•1 ••> '"•"U• I riot Oally J0,1.,1 M•1 I 14 11 ,. 1119/ 111 IJ ., Mt.IC NOTICC NOTICI CW fflUeTU't tA&.I ,, ... ,,~ I 0 14\ftVIOI COMPAHY .. dUly •1>1101111.11 T111•I•• unoe r th• loth1wlng OHl.llbed d Hd of 111111 Wll l l (ll A f PUtl tC AU(; flON 10 THl HIOlillf lllOOlft f Olll CASH IO•V•bl• •• llm• of H I• Ill lewflll mOt1.y of the Untied l t.et•I ell 11{1t11 11111 111\d 1111., .. 1 c:onveyeo IQ •110 110" h•ld by It 1111de1 Hid O••d or l1u11 In lh• f/IOPtrly htftlnelt• OMGllMO lAUtTOA lllVI N l 8HANA1lL r en \lllmllll ltd 1'11811 .fNlrlCIAAY AOHALO 0 LU • lillOlf ltletl R•c:ord•d Auguet '4 1878 u 111111 No :IOU Ill l.IOOk 13214 pege 1$92 of OlflClel "41cotdt 14' Ille 1.1lflf.t of Ill• H.c:ord•• or O••"U• Coun I y, teld deed of HU-4 OMGl lblit , ,.,. lll "'• fuilooWio ~QC>el'ly fl11t>I M•r 14 1812 ""• ••••• ,..,,, .... hied Wiiii II .. C.wnly C,letll •II Otet'l)a (,OU111y 1Jn M•t ,, 11111 '11t214 rt.a.IC NOTIC( !Jullll•ll•d 0••11g• '·'"•' 0111ly ---,-IC_T_IT_IOU--.-IM.I--.-.... --.-.-- ,,,,,,, M•J ,. I I l & Jimtt 4 l'Jf., NAMl ITAflMIHT JIJ/'I 1)1 f fH fl.1llt N II \I f ., \IJI " () I J tJ Pl.8llC NOTICl "1'\ f ~-· .... h II IA fl It I I> It I ,. I I I l 01 .. Of Tre tt 3067 .. P•I M90 ttf.4t0.0 in IOOll t:> Pl(IM 4 I llll4 42 mlec..eflllMW• meoe "' '"' OlllU OI Ille County Htl.ll•Clt r OI Hid (,wnty 1900 111ur•l•nd Av• N•w11or1 It••< 11 t A lr?lleO fll •• ., .. , 9()01 ... "' !.omm<Jft d• .. 1111•11011 " •llUWll •IJOYt nu "''''"'Y '' 11'"'" ••t o''' flC TITIOUI •Ulffflll , 1,rn!Jl•I-,11 IAll'"'"'"'I NAMI ITATIMINT ,, TIMI ll4fll.tl(1e•y uno~ Mid 0..0 iii If IMI 111, /161• v• ltt1lt ,,., 1,1 t C 14 /4 It I I , ,, .. ,ow WU u lJfi!f,tJ•• ' lJ "' , ,, ftuat ,,, , ..... " (Jf .. (JIM<.ttl ,,, • '"'" "' <l•l•Ull 11 11111 tJIJl 1jellu111 M~UltO I A ti I/ I•, 1 I f 14 I I AH I I' I I "'•••l1y ller•l<il•1•• e••<.UleO eflO b l llVlf ' 14'111 t lllJ•• A~•· 1• ....... ""'' 11 .. 1 ••••IJ "'""' unoe •lllj•l•d. """" I A "'"' 14 I 1 .... ,_ .. ,., .... I 1 ... , "II II. .. ..... n o.c.1 .. 111<11 (If O•••ull •"IJ .,.,,,.,,, J l •1 1••• t4•,,e,1 (1~1nt1 c .. ,.-offJ•• ,, r ,,...J •t f,.,nana f0t~aie ano w11tten not.ce MOC NOflCl Jicm tOVI I UllHIH NAMt tUflMINf fl.,. tu•f1 •lhU f •t • ,,, ete dclittf Ill ..... 11ltWtl1 lllJll 1Jllt•1 I IJN'1lJL f A•l I I 14 I I //11•1 111 ! o•I• M11H CA t 11J1I I "JI",. llv t1•ll "'"''II Ill 14, f /Ir (~II ( ,., 1 M1r .. I A t/1'111 It t.. ,_. t •• t tyhu A h t" J• t f "' I ' I •••• Meu • A lllt1I 111, IJwt" .. 11 c.• I o~llHI II; • \I,., .. ,., II•'"•'""" l u111rr19 11111 '"' fllWIQ Ill fl" ... 1.,.,,.,11 .... 111••1 whlJ II• f '" rol f ( lel~ f1I ll• •' U" I t1111llr " f\µ111 I I I VIII .., ,.,. lh••• ,,..,~ ( AIJ' 11 • J JO M•1 f ''''"' ··" fl• •1 1'111)1 14 "'" ''"" '' ruellC NO rice "CffTIOUa •uatNlll NAMI tlAllMINT f ... ft flO'#lf•Q ''"' t.•H" .. , e tSUUMJ llW• ,. ••••• '>t /. IJAI 11 I '>I MlllAHh lllH ~.,,,,.II" 111 14•wf.t II II•"' 11 ( A 11~04J UIUH()fl h~el 1814 8 .,111.a{j(J 01 NewplJI I U.lll II (..A ll~OGJ Ju~I 01•t1GI~ 111~4 l t111tleCIO I,, N-f>Qll U.Kll (.A ti'6'1l l1w1 liUa111e .. II U;nduUIO lly • 114"llH IOI I'., I 11et 611111 ,., .. ,, .. l~<ttl>e.11> fh11 •••I•"""'' w•t !tied wnh Ille <..wm, c lefl> ul 01111'119 "'"'"'Y Ull Ma1 '• 111111 '"11Tt ftuull1h•tJ """II• <"••I 01111y l'~ol M•y I 14 :;>I Jll 11181 JOIO Ill Ml.IC NOTICC ricrmou• •u•1N111 HAMI •TATIMINT ffu I 1111 Wll fJ I •1' I ~ J >I U 11 , ... t , ... '" ~ w A ')I J( I A I I • 11/ I / f "'"' f I t' 14 i ' It JI fi• .. ' ( A tl '14h I 1r I" ... ' A1m1ut. h I ... t,. fill I~ .... , ,,. ... ~, hi ht9ae.fl alUJ •If ..... (.Ht '" <.auM f'UBllC NOTICC 11 ''1''"' .. ""'""1"1.,1 "•"' P'ter111 tl1t•und•111un•llluo•ll ••tO 1 h t iO ,, f ,,, , ... J 'H•'U', ••• 1111, irt~,.,,,, •• tlefy•••dut)t~tlUOI f 1 1 r 1t J ,1 r.-4 '' I '" ' J• wotw:r to cliiDffOiii ,,.,, .. ,, i , ,, ·• • ,.,1 ,,. .. , •4 " 1~ J ••• , '"' ,.,., 111•1••"•' .... ""d•1•'u"•d Of •UU< flllANe,1111 11 " '1"1~" "' 1 wu• 1 1"'' w II II" / 1411 Ill <,•11..0 M IO lllJlllA! tJI IJt•ll( II 11 •J (If 1•..:• 110t .. t07U CC I 1 ""11 1 "'" '' '1 ''""1 "'11 1" "4t<l1J11tui..Rev,..0.0J111u11 111 11 .. 1,.,,. toa1e111 1 ,. • '' IAo1 11 ••Ill .,..,,IC NOllC( l\l~l •• 111011 14u •~ 031811') tn ', .. ,, ,, , • ,,, .... ""ft .. , .. ,, ... ,11t'2.91 ,.UDl. t '"' ... ,,, l>fhtl .. ,....,Ufdl ltufl\l•tt', "•' .. ' ,, ..... ,,.,.,,.. '''''1 ''"'' ,,,,.,f, .. I .. ,, ., ... , )•t d ,.,. Wiit lJ• fUld• llu• ""''"' I "" 1n<1•h• '•" I.,,.,"•' I I I M., 14 11 l'I ''., 4 HJll/ K OOl>J .,,"'""' Luve11e11I "' w•lfl l ly '" •i-•111 I. ""'""' , .... , '""' I I )II ~I f IC fl TIOUI •UllHI •• I •• I , .... ,,, '"'"'''"" •eu•1011111 1111• r1 . YlrClf-.1..-'•I b1\t'1•'t• HAMf l fATIMl!HT ')''"••••'" 01.nr1mt.;1•t1t •• f(J 11 PUBLIC NOHCr rtC llllOUI 9Ul1Htll NAMt ITAJtMtNf I ! " '' I 1 ,._ J IJl!.ltljl,f (,,,,,.I, I I A" . ,,, '*''" ,,,.. 1 ,. ·~· \. ,,., h II It I I I I f,4t t "iJ •J' ~ •' u r '"" ' i • • I•'' PUBUC NOJIC( ftMr t1111uw1r111 p<t•ttJttt ••• 11111111 j 1••1 lhl! ,.,,, •'"'II "'"1<.•1••' ..,,,, tJI "•"''" IJI(\/ "'" flHll '>I I bVtlf\4tM U l ""'''''"'>r M><.11•....,l1yHIO u-.l <JI IA 11111 4 11.IH IAl<flH ~r1t l>fll11Jf14 f M NO TICl TO CllllDIJOllll W l l !ER AN l.J HAHf'IJLl fou•I •Ito 111w1 .. 1to111 M•ll uvte 11 "' AICHI MAVFA Hutbtllt1 and Wife Of' •UU( llllAN.,1111 e llv11 •Y• 11 I I• e 10 N••P <lll IHU¥104'1l •llv•nc.e• •I •l•r ullO•r 11 • ' 1 4fJI ( 1111 ,,,...,, I "''• M"•• < A l lect 1101 .. 107 UC C I (,en 1 •• (Jrrv• • I~ ICJ Ne•pui 1 '"• '•""' .,, U ICI f)eell ''' 1 tuol 11 .,,,,~, ,. '' ,, • ' h~, ~ t1 I CJ• 'it , ' I f.Me<.,h c A 1116&0 , ... f hat~ •'"" ·~·-"" .... ,, ..... , t ' 1 1 ft~'',."'*" " ( "''''".,., ,t .,.,.. '"'' ',' ,,, ""'' "'11 u ' .. mttd Miton f Hetp«JI• IO• tjr1 f•1>tlM•ntJ•1f tt"flttV•'•''"'.0 hy '' c.t ,,., ~~""' ,,,... ,,,, ... , H • "'~ t.>•' " ,, ,,., ,,,,, •t •• • •1t•'~ ,, •' ..... , ., MMJ•v.iin r • ..a.,... < A v' t'I.& •• o o ... J ,,, ,, ,,, '' I\ ' ' ,, tJu•' .... ;tft{• ,,, Hut , .. ., th fl) ... ,, ,, .,, , ., ,, wtJ• , ,,., ,,, 111 ,, ... w .. n-..1 11 (.,l.J(\()UC.,,_, tJy .,. I >• fJ •••• "'''' ,,. '••f(J tJO , , , ., I I,. "•" "' ' .,. 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'" "·~ ~'"" k I AIJ"' /I t " 1' M'9¥....,¥1ewll "''' 1111 A1""'''"' llltJ1 ,11M --(,I 1-NJ)f NNINI uk • Crp<•H. CA tOl)O ••wl 11" Id" •hoy tur 1 '"'II tJa1111. 1 / CPP llJll ( A I l Y N ! , I ,I' N l It' N N IN< , ""1'1"11•'1 111 •• UM 1 •1••1 Uerty I f 1 I J ~u ,_ •• I 1 I"'/ .. "fl'"I -f •"l•"a I e•• a "•tot f\IJfll 11 111 IA 111 I 14 111111 ''''"''',.d U•tiU• ,,.,,, l••l1~.~.',' .. ,,,·;..,'",~,' .. -,.:,-1:1r1~,,,,,,"',,. _.,,"""'""" r.v1 ,i fL1•11 1171111 ut1dt1•,,,,,.~whf1tuoytu ,, ,11,. I' 1 '' IA4y 14 1•!11 -" --· " " ' •1th• I WIM 111(( I I "'It <I Ill 1111 ;0•1 .s1 , ,,, '""'"'•' ,,,. .,.,. •f•• '•''I 1, ,,, , , '''''''~'.., ' l)tf ve N', --------------•' ""' '" I Ill JI 111 ( A ',I I Vf Nl> Wtll .111111111 t .,i,,11 l'U8llC NO HCC NI.IC NOTICC r .... I Af/111 'fj 11111~ 1111 M ., 11111 1\1111 "'II '" AM A ,,, ''''''" ""~ '"I II fllt d ,.C flTlOUI •UllNlll IJ•1••t11lmmftf JIJIAAttllNl',tMllllUJ a (all t.y 'll YI J IS ANNY. NAMtaTATIMI Nf rlCTITl<>l.I• •u•1HC11 r.1e10••"' '" '"" 1 "" • ' ,,.,, •• ,.,, ~' 11u1y llflV'''"' <,Lt N IJ I' N NIN <, 1,. 1 Ii, 11, .. , "' ,, , 'J 1,.., NA.lilll •T Affll!IC#T to ,,., dotl 1,.., 1.,,..,, OHi I""'"" 1•111w1 •• d IN<Welll I« I t • t11Ut1""'"''' ,, .. ,,,,,t ... "'"" ,1 ,1 1 \I •HI ,,,,.,.,,., r ,,.,1 r1.,1, IJ•tt'J ,,1 fual '"''''"'"" '•tJtu•'" Suf'• 11111 C 111H I ,,f (JJtA NC,fi luJ~U.,."' 44 " • • II"'"' II f 11' I 111101141 • J" I/ I ,......... •• I 11,1 IA .. , 14 "'•' 14 .... ,, ••• , "'' l/ll'J ltl ( 11u111y '"l"' llloj! 1111 1 M I I . IA v I W OOOST0HE. PROOlJC. Xl4 tl1 .,,.,,.. tt'i(JI t•"<I' 11171 ut {)lfo<.1el l'll YI I IS AN Nl'j·~·:,:·;," '•t '"" ,.,, !IONS 430 f Bey IYnut 8aH>oe h• "'II'" .,.., "" • "' 1119 (,VUflly (, I I' N 11 .. N N I N I, 11 f "" 1 '"'' W1H1et1 ".11•• J•flll CA t?M I k.ovJld"' 11 I Jltro(J• (,1111nly '11•1• I I If ,. 1 loll I 1 1, • A lr~I ;o JIJ',r ,,11 P 1"1f tJNf 6flf 4 ICi PUBUC NOTICC .,, ' •"''""'" """ l 7,1 t l A 1 l'1Jt1111.. u II fl '•' n 1 • 1 1 I' 1 ' ''" u • ' • " ' , I f,,A '" I ( •'•""H Ii .... , ,.,., II r ,,., A ......... llnll;t, .. l,A U~l\4 I r1CTlflOU• IUll..... AIJI Jl()lj flJ 1111~11tl5T ltlUOI k ,. '"'"" '''"''"' In II( nllJll~kl r ••llfllJ ""• "I ,,., I A lllldO r1,,, '~'"''""\' '""'d ,, loll t,1 .,, NAftll •TA fl MINT I IJk I A \H ''"''""'" •' llm• i,f a.I• 1111 ' ~111 t• 11f C A I.Vy N W 11'" f; ''' " • •• ,,, it,,'"'' hy "" "'""''"' "1 ..... ,, 11 ""'f "'Ill• !Jtlll•l "' .. N IH NNJ NC , ll<VINt . 111•11111 14 .,,, f I,.;,,.,, .. ,.,. fti. llJflt>Wing p<tfMtn• ••• Oti roQ hlllf"tl ul u .. '"''I f'llltan<• 11, ti• ft1t\ .1.,1 .. ,,,., I ••• filtwJ Nltf Ut. 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II fer ,uW!ceilot! ,., .. . ••11 I rt1,•I 11111 1111 1111111e110 .. ,. '° •• ,. lttlll UI• of 1111,.. Tiie DAILY f'ILOT w lll ,., .... II ,_ M••-llf ,., ••••• 0111 &ltcwl•IJtft lfldlj•• lflt •11111• o ..... e c .... ., ........... _.... .,,..,"' .......... Ill •••• , It twi.11111 r•111 •1•1•111•"' •• '"i.11 ..... 11 ••11• ~.,,, ....... .., . ellu Ii te fHI DAii. Y ,,I.OT , 0 ... , ... C•tt• ..... CA ... Well .. lfle 1Hf ,_. lflf9fllt ...... .._, .. ... .... ,..... ...... .... N1 .. tt1 & 1n "CTITIOUI IM.IMHIH NAMI •TATIMINT f he IQllOWtng jH1<1on• l lOI d1J1t U ,,., . ., ..... W JQO'f8 fOVfllfl' 'IERVICf8 b tll 'll•ot• I lt1tt C.<JOle Met " C•lll llJ07t '•;1•1• Jl!ell Mtll>41 0 ,,, '1t1fal• .,,,. '·""• M .. e <,9111 ll?fllfl ICIH<(I /4 Moody Jt fllfl 6hH le I •11• C t1<1la IA .. • l..lhl 1178'11 ,,,,,.,l\lttn.tt• II l:Ott<WCl•d hy ,. ""*" ,, .. ,,.., thlfl •>'I"'• J Mood~ 1111• •Ill-I wH llltd flllllh the {,l)u(ol y ( let h of Ot lfi(ll t.-Ounty Oii Mef ~ tlll'J ''M'IO Pulllttll•d Or•n11• CoHI Oeoty Pllol M•V 7 1' '1 71 1N 2 7069 u "'"''tn ,,., .. ,. l •rd ••I• will IJ• med• ""' w1 llVi'JI tO•etllllll O' wa11anly ••t1••tt 111 11tlpt1ot0 191)6/dtnQ lllte JJll•M• "°'' "' .... uml)tllM'" tCI P•r 11 .. tetn e ttilflQ '""" •p•I I Uftt f1 lf\e nol•l•I ••<ured IJy H id llHCI ,,, rrull Wllh •nletetl 111•••011 tt prtlt11ded n •••d n•il••I •dv•11CA• 11 e11y 1md., 11141 teHro• IJf 1e10 o-1 ,,, rrue• , ... U1••11•• e11<1 ••pet• ... of 11 .. I ru••• atod ,,, ""' ,,.,.,, ""led br Mid 0..0 Oi I •u•• Tiie Mt•I ilmovnf of lh• un11••CI b•'•"'• or ""' 0Dllg•11011 .. cur•d l)y 111• l><Oj)trly 10 b e eOIO e llO rueonelJte et11me1«1 CO.le .,,....,, -llVlCI •dY.,_ II ,,,. '""' or Ill• 11111tef J)llOllC.•llon OI Ill• NOilf.t OI ft ... 11 Ml :1MOO The ~9'ilty vno.. Ul(l o-t 'ICTrTtOUt ~·· Of ''"'' ll•••IOfOI• ••t<ul•CI eno •AMI tTATll#INT d eflve1e d lo Ille und•r•111n•d • Tiit fo4low1ng P't''°"' ••• omnii wtlllll"I °"'•"''°" o f Oeleufl end .,._ .. Oem1110 101 t •I• e nd • •llll•n c ' M AllOCIA I r . 4000 llfc>llU I'll Oereull l ll(j fl•Cl lOll IO M•1.A1tllur Newpott •uoh CA Dell Ille UtlOttllllltltd C:.U..0 tetd t1MO Nu11c.e ur Oeleulf erHJ l••~Uo11 10 Cvtllt Co11tne WOrl•r Jo ?a l eft lu I'll IKOfded In lttt i;ou11fy (Mtetlolt ffYint CA 0114 '°"*e Ille rHI rQ9tt1y It loceled u-.. Them! W ,_ 'I f I Dete Aofll ' 181, .,.;l,:V. CA1t21°ri'' N J OMAl'I INV&afMINl CO ~:u~ It conducted by 1111 :;~=~!i~ CIHll• W0tl9y JI 1.-°' ~ CA .vu 10 Thie tleittnenf w• fll9d wtfll 11141 1 IJ/ta7•'861 CMl4J ~ of Ofenge Coumr °" ly Wllldl M~ W, I IHI ANfttaM ltct .. aty ,.,. ~"'°""" ~· ,.,..,911e4 Otlllf• c .... o ... , 'ulHl•llH Ottllff "r" D•lly '"°' Mey 1 If It H 1 .. 1 ,ll04 Mey 1, If 21, tN to7M1 fOQt .. 2 lto!Jett I llO'J~ • llVM flllt t lulel! 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'1 M~O rCllfTA TIVI MAP °" wllhtl11•tflUrltr1 rMt!IV•f RA CI r "''''O l'IJ H 11p1 t IHI 111111 t t• 11 I I h 4" Of'lOORY AUll10flt1(0 A01Hf lnvunlill y u f ··•IBlt' llHClta ,0,. NORMA ..... 1100 lt06 I , I WH ll f O AI( P l.A C C '0A .. n, II I lt1 pt llllui .. k'.lttUllC. jtLAHNIO OIVIL0".41NT AHC> 11nd •• po rl• th•• rllwd In TfNTaflvt MAit or TlllAOT 10 KcH 11110 I :m o !) o f lh• C',ONltAUCT llOH1 fiUIDfNCf!O (;Mllf11rnl• l'IOhlt.f• (-00., IO< AflO Al 773 a ~11 MOHTf PROCTOR ' PROCTOR -VltfA AV,NlJf IN AN 141 lON( By MARLAN PAOC'TOR ~~:~~1i':..,.::J~~.e: ~it AUorM)' al Llw LMAftON UH W VW!t.ry Blvd ,o~ 'u ArHtl'I 1~l'ORMAT10N 81rh•kL CA llHI ~:lt'11~:0:-01~~-:floug~'~~1•L (UJ) ........ Ar 'Hr 0 ,, I c I 0' r H. •••·HH 1"1.AHHINO °''AATMfNI MOM Publl1htd Or1n1• Co11t 200 71 l'Al~ °"'~ cot TA Ml.IA, ()aj~ Pllol, M1y I I 14. :w, •,L:.~i:: 0t;u• c .... 0.lly IH 211 l 82 Hoe, Mer 14' ' '044 It MUC NOTICC "0 TlrtCHJ• IUl .... H ._ ... ltAJllHNf 11w l11M1t"''"U 11•"""• •It 1Jrm111 ..., . ., ...... llVM I Ill II 001 A I• ( 11 lhmlllljjlOh ll••t h I A 1171141 J trll•• fl 'I •11 llt ll"I "f I f J .. ""'" ......... , ' ••1 ( ,.. 1171~() Ut Vlll " '·• If I"' ., I ••111 I I 11v11111o01· ' 11., .. to 1 A v1eA• Oer n1 ,,., • "•' 41 t 1411. HUltlirlljlt 1 11 ... ll I A llt4• A"''."' '. JIJllWI " ,, , ti11111I " HUllllflUlt 11 II••• I f A Ulfl411 1 lllt 1/1/0lllfl.. l I 4/lllft;(,1•11 l>t '4 11411111 •I fl"' l11e,.1 •1> J•" "' It Vett '''° .. II " •l•l•mel•I .., .. lll•il w1 t11 ""' C:uu;11y t..loH-ut 01••>0• <.w111r ••• Mer b IU9J fllllM ... Ut I •' ••t 01 .. ow• f I IHI II I l'r 1'1l1JI M•~ I 14 II Ill 111111 11114 M1 P\alC NO TICC f'ICflflOUt 9UllHIH NAMI ITAflMINf Ttte t0Ut1w1uu P9t•• 11• .,,. I 11 o WMO•I• •• IJNIOlj( I AANIH'UI< I I< I If ill &1)11111t11~1., le l'ol"'-I A IH>ln JQttll I K11•1M-ke .. ~I I I 1 I r <.loi l • P11111'1e ( A \IOtil I Yvell• M lttiVMf • • .,., It I 1 C11~1e I • P1lm11 I A llQl,11 f hi• ll11•111eu I\ I fl< d ''I• •f h I ttttJt•l(Ju•lt flluelmwl 4 W1tw1 Jl)l111 I l\ljYIOf ~' Yv1tltft M Kuvll<h• CITY OI 'OUNfAIN ¥"4U'f CAA.WCMl•A NOTICI IHYIT ... O UIOI lflJ I II I lb Ill ftl IY f;IVI 14 111111 111• I uu11l•lll Vlflly Au•ll'I' fill (;1J(11rny111ly ll••"'vlJ•l\el•I ul Iii. 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I • '.I t I • 111 tt tir f u111t~ I tf " If t 1.,,,~" nwt ott•f• • u • ' 1, ~•6'tll HUOIJ •tt•t•t Aw"' '"" ,, , t • t ,. u.., t 4µ" 1tul•tJ /t..t It• ,, ..... , '' t l101e Hll IJttJe ••• • it•tJ lffil I" •tOTlflOUl IUIMH NAMI IUflMINT 111• tufluw111u 11•• t un " """'II ,,..,, . ., ..... t llMI 14 «111 l llAVI I I I'• I hwt11 "•llh~ '-u•tt ltiuh ••t 1 • U>ll•• Ueee.11 (,A 9716 I WtNO'l I Hf AM IHI • I •Ill '' 111• t 1qH1111111,11 t H>4 ••• ""''• I • II"''" llelt lo • A 11~11~ I fh. 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'~" v ,, I "", I I I I • • T • ... MllO ... utilf•httd ()1 '"' 1• (..,11"•' fJ !111 f P1l<1C M•t I 14 11 lh '"~I 1•11•1 llJ f , •µlt'!f •, fl4 -1HJ •J IJlt, " "'I"' , ..... "'" ". r•• ''" , " tt<J I t<..t lb Ill RUIY OIVl N ,,, .. I "'' ' l//ll ur111 •Ill f I " I"" fltv1..,1y JUiie I tll&~ ti ICJOO ' ,, • I I IH , I ... ' ,, ,, •" • , c fl-W ... '" ,,, ••Id d•y ff o .. 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'•--' , .. , '" tr.+ t ,,.. #ftt tA ttf (l'althKJ h.1 ,,.,,, .. , •• ,., hJ'lt ., th• ,,., ••••• If,, ,, ' .,•n•r••• t .,,.,, 1111n a .,.,, I ••• I , I l I ,, , • ' , • '> , tJ Cit d ,, , •.,r1l.,1tll"" t4 111111 11 l1•M I 16111 ''~" 1111 ,,, r11111 1al k•,(111]• •• ti •"JI Hff ttndm•ot• Uf •• 1 •1•1 "'a "...,.,.,,, CIT\' 0' POUHTAIN YAlllV CAUfOANlA NOflCI INYITIHQ •tDI PllOJ«C f MO 4116 G<*I r.-uc "°" ~ '#HlllCHA"' llAMf't 11 I 1., "'••1 e dO•eu "' utt••• t. 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It "'.," tlleH 11e en edOlll(lllel t J 00 I'" 400 '' To ffletmlnt tilt ope Nelllier '"' c.o•• or me P11111 •110 n1n9 b id rou 111•r ••II (714 1 8ptf.tflUllOllt 1101 th• LO•t Of 937.otef m1 111119 11!0 ll•n01tn1 wwllt O• I P ett ~· ~ 1tl2 1ffllllftf r D IUIV.ICI OOM,AHY flll Cllr t HthH Ille right lo .. Mid fru~~ rvllte MOOCl Cl'~IMM NOTICI! Of' TlllUITlll IALI ftv•I No IOIM l/1 JUI. I 111111 •• 'I ()0 ." I I" • I ,. M f frn A II , I ' I r IN'> 11 Hf\tH,f I IJIAI All f • ( rtllfo111t• t.fJfl/IJI aUt1I •• f I '''" IJI )t;t t •• .,,. l•u•l4HI ut &v1Ja11111CMJ l•u•I" •ii lh•I I etl•lr 0 .. tl Of !111 ...... l ul•d hy <~Ill (J()AY !I Jf t~Oh1J ~INI< •nO Ol OOAAll A Jt NllhtJ 'JINA lluW•ttO IN! ..m. ell<I IJAM'f A WAQH( R 111 u nme rt1•0 me n a<l(J ,., l1<1Jefl OGIC)()el 7~ 111111 H ln•l•um•nl n11 JJ141i 111 hCJllk 11111~ r>•Ot 088 tJI Q111<-1et l4.ec.o•O• •If Or •nQ• f,11unty <.11110111te •r1fl 1111r1u•1ll w 11111 • •rt•1n Nolle.• 01 f)<rteuu eno f '"'"'ill to bell 1r...1 unOet ·-cJeO J.,.,~'I ,. '"' .. lf'ltl•U1ne<1• no 11 030641 111 b<loa page Of Olf\QW At t.OIOI °' Mid County Wiii und« ll>d fJU'tlllnt '" ••tll o-1 of Truef Mii •• pu1>111 e uc uon for , .. h I•"'"' mon•v 111 the U111t•d &1e1H 0 1 Am ttitl t i tllt m•ln en111nc.e Ill r 1111 Ame t lC•n 1111• ln1uren1.• (,Qmpell)t loc.tteel 11 I 14 Lui I 11111 1i1te t1 111 Ille City Of 8•111 1 Ant Cet11111111e •fl 11111 11g111 1111• 1no lnl•fft t;.O#lV~ Ill lt\d I-llelcl by II uno.r Mid 0..0 Oi 11ue1111 Ike plOf)tlry llliutleel Ill Mid County 11110 Btllt 0-lbed u I 01 1 Of TrlCI No 10 I I H eno...n Otl • """ 19GOl'OeO "' ~ 110 '•llff ,. II enct 17 Of M .. ~ Mec>t •-0. ol 0.•"91 Couttf'f Cliilornte r11e w• aoor ... °' olfW com MOii Mllan•llOtt °' ..... j)foPef1Y " pulflOlltd 10 .,. .,0 fl\cl 171 ..... tiOll OllYt Cofte MllM C.llMOtllll l •ld HI• wlll *>• lll•d• wlllloul ,o.,e111111 or w111111ty ••P< ... 01 !nlpl!H H 10 lllle ~ 01 ~lftMelO ... ~IN~ bet~ Cl~ 011 Ille llOlt Ot 1101 .. MCUftd lty H id DHd of fllltl 10 Wll I IUH 02 plue Ille lollowtng Mllmeltd Mete ·~ encl "" VtnC* el Ille 111111 Of IN lnftill pu.. bUcet1011 OI lflfe Holle. ef l tfe ,,,, 00 ~~~ • CelfOtllle OOtpot .non OAllOi ~II IHI Detll OtflwOCI '·~· enr °' •II Old• ~ Vlc:llf J Md•rvv- Otled ':fr,,'"2 ~Mt fee.r~ ·~ Ofl9ll' I McaendOll OM Cllr Jlvcl It• ..... '""' ..,_ Oft) CAM o11M C1t1 Ct l11tll A111, 01111111111 Ol ,tuntwl Vl/lltlt. CA (7.. .,,_ P'119lllll•f 01111 .. Ctllf Dell~ ,ulU OflllM ~Ill~ ~··1.-;;·· hot Met 14, IHa ,_~IO ....,"l, 14, 0.... I>*,._ 2114·H 1 1f.t1 lit, 1, 14, t , Ml IOtt .. t 1 t I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/,rlday, May t•, 1812 4 •P••d 1t1n1 , 11r cond • radio luggage rick, deluxe 1i1ter1o r in me11Jllc brown with Hddle vlnyt In t6r101 01eet economy wltn room for the f11mlly (383M PR) 5 2999 1111 IMO 4x4 0 111111 II! 1111 Fiii VU OUTUI I Plllllllll Equipment 1nclude11 power 1il-1og r lidlO, pt>wer br likfl!I 111111r1or d..cor and c.om11l•1t11ly or1u1nal 1r111d11 lirld outl 12 19WOA) PRICID TO SILL! • c.ond • 6 4 '"*' ltll 1111.c.k 1111 Alll IOOO "I " Ill IMP Autom1111c t11m1 full power l&ettJry 111r cond 11tt1reo ceuette, r..rul•• c.ontrol, alloy w h••I• & low, tow rn1te11 l <><.•I I 0Wr141f ,., 1936W/C.j 5 7999 Autom111c 1r1n1 power brakn 1tereo c.auetle, cuatom c.1b 1nd aiep bumper A great w o 1k truck ttlet'1 pric.d to NII (1TIHl261) CALL TODAY! 1111 IUITlll F&ITIAOI Ecunom1c11 4 cylinder 1ng1n• 4 ~ tr1n1m1HIOf1, pwr llMrlf1g 4 br1k11, AM·FM 11ereo. wire whoet dl1<.11, radial urea & m<Jf• Mu•t 114n1 to epprec1ett1 (863VAf) 53399 1111 TOYOTA OOROLU 0 1111" un1101 ~ 1peed tren•. 11r c.ond pwr brlkH, AM F M 1111110, ut t11m 1J1M;kag11. 1pot1H1 yellow flnllh w11h bla<.k 111nyt lnlerlOf (38 1862) A lu11 c.11r wllh great 1tyllng fOf )ult 5 5299 1111 TOYOTA MllLU "Ill" UFTUll 6 apeed, factory 11r c.ond1t1o n1ng POWlf 1teerino. pr1W1r dlec IJr•k•• 1tereo ceuette, 1unroof & under 11,000 mu .. I tBSV724) 57299 1111 vw UlllT f <.011orn1<.11t 4 c.yl eng11111. 4 •v••d Irani 1twreo c.a&Mtto,<..u11tom 1n1fl 11or. etattl r11d11t llr111 4 n1111111 171i13SVZ) Save on thll <>Mt et only •3499 TOYOTA • 1966 Harbor Blvd. SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage care all carry Earle Ike's excluslve 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't lose! BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1117 llTIUI 1-210 2 Ill. Automatic tran1 . pwr t>rtkH. AM·fM ~ 3 3 9 9 rtidlo, •IHI r11dtet tlrH. l!Jtterlor tr1m par..· ifl kage VtHy c.111111 1r1 •very retp.ic.t (328T10) Whit• ut•rtm wllh b111ge 111nyl 1nter1or lor jult e 1171 DATIUll 20111 '> 111.,.,d t111n• . air <..ond pw1 tir11ktt11 • 4 2 9 9 111111110 tinted u11111 4 mor11I <il111m1ng met1tl1<.. "l11t1r wtth r u1tom 1nt1111or 1261\/CfJJ 'ltyt1"'1 economy 101 only e 1110 llAZDl 121 OOIPI • Automett<.. t111n1 , pwr brekH , air c.ond AM fM lllfflO alloy w~· Hlllftof trim pac;kao• & rnur• I t8JZ4:i51 Th11 g1e11m1no brl>Wn metallic. 1>4111uty h11 lt111 tllan I b ()()() m11111. don t m111 111 1110 TIYITI SIPIA '6999 6 cyt iwto tran1 , lec;tory 11r condtllonhi{I, • 7899 P<>Wlf 1teer1no. p()Wlf dlec bf'•kff AM-FM •l•r•o radio , tllt whael and alloy' wn..11 1933ZFW) 1111 OIRllLIT OIOITTI IATOll&OI 1111 OlPll UTOllAOI f 1.on1)m1cel 4 c yllnder 111gt1111. 4 •ri••d tr11n1 f1c.lory 111r cond till wt11111t custom interior roof rack n-paint with lllver velour 111t81'lor & uu<Jer 40 000 mite.I (b07XJX) 116 ua1omat1c tr11n1 . l1J<.IOJY 1111 <.ontl riower st1111r1ng & tira~u• t111lua11 1nt11<10<, new GC>Odyt111r E 8(11u 11oo<J1et11 and mmtt• (430YOll) OtJr1 1 m1H 1111• ll>w mlteage l>tt&utyl •3999 •4599 COltaMesa Autom111c tren 1 • lull power 111 cond . tlll wheel, crulH control, etloy whHl1 I morel Thi• utllm1t• Toyot1 11 burgund,Y with m1tc..h1nci •ii;"ii9 1111 .. A IOOllll COWi Poputer 6 •peed tr1n1 •Ir <.<md A M -FM 11t•r•o. rool ra<..k & mor11t Spotlee1 betue flnl1h with rn11ct11nu 1nter101 Low mltH & out1t11nd1nu 111 ev111y r11pec.t11814/lll '6299 lilt'" .. HID ... ,, t> •i>oed tren1 • air cond full P<JWef. 11t11r110 c111111tte. Blloy w111111 l11 4 morel Only 3 t ,000 mllu on thll1 •11116' & blue 1>111utyl Ooo't m111 thl11 ·s ·9 ·999 1110 TIYITA llPll I IPEll I ull r><1Wllr, t1Jt;t<1ry 1111 Cllnd 1111 wlltltrl crul!Mf c.rmtwt l11ttlh11r :w11t11 1oterll'l <..1111eth1 &Uoy• I ""'"" wft1h1 wllll IMHge 111ter101 I tAllM'141) 5 8499 1llO TIYITA llott !~~~t~~n e~~-u11 tu 1Jr1v•I £ Qulpp~I 1111411 •• 111tuy wh1111 I r11d1111 ltlt>b 1.u1tom 83;.I •S"'99 •• blJtt•tl tranttnUHllJrl AM .. M llCJl(J 1111 tho loLlmy '"lllll>lllltnt )Ullt CJvwr t t IJ()IJ tnlh•• <.Ullt<JfTI Wh&ell o\ 111111 I tl.<JA!J4f)/ •5999 111 1 TOYOTA Of LIO& LIFTl&OI Au11, tr1111i t1c.t<1ry lllf tri11t11t111 "'"U fJllWtlf d1" l111J~1i. AM f M • 111J111 '""' 11r1I 1trtd alloy wheel• I IA<JiC9/'>J 5 7999 1111 TOYOTA COROLLA 11H" IWllTIP •, ~11111111 tr ot1blf1tblt111n bhirur1 <.I• ')ftllH '''J WUf t;tti .. .,b tlft<J nHJta• llo l lllt I 1 A11 t11t llfll1t"'nll1 I l1u111 '••ff• 1t111th~I hJI tU•t 5 3299 1111 IATlll 1210 2 IHI f !.t11trlll1IC.lll 4 I ylllt<lttr tlltlJlllfl 4 l>j*<J<J tlllflbOllUltlfl W<lll1 llltillttl 4 1tlJUtlt1ill g1JlcJ tt11111h Wi ii! tH .. (jt! Im• lltil ~.,bl~ l'1'161iJttl Pru •111 111 ,,.,,,, 5 2599 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP 'It Ton model with 2.4 Iller engine. 4 speed transmission and fully factory equipped! (04591 4) A graduation special now priced at only $ (714) 646-9303 (714) 540-9467 Opeft W8ekdaVS eoo a.m.-9:00 i>.m. sat.unsays 800 a,m,s:ro p.m. sunciav 10:00 a.mr 7:00 p.m. service ana Parts 7:30 a.mr6:00 p.m. MOnaav-Fnday saturcsav 8:00 a.m,4.00 P.~. -------·· --- ..... llllyPllll ClASSlfllD Looking for a career in sales? ~ Friday, May 14, 1982 See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. • • . .. THE REAL ESTATKRS TRADE ........ Tlllt1 ,.., Wt.., ., ........... 673-8585 ~I Fii ,. TIE Fm&.YI In thl• te1ge. b .. ullluf 4 8d1m pool home with .pa, 1n Corona d-4 Merl 8"t buy 1n 1~ •r ... not •nother llkt It Atuum• I II, owner wlll curv b•· lance •t tow rate. Cell ., .... ,.,, 1;11s1111 llWYllWTIWHlllU 2 MHttt &lit.. View Of Oc••n & Night ltghtt Ovitt Ar.. Petttt, operi •P•CH 1126.000 Only 10% dn Xlnt Fin Htl Of Pet e-Agt 873· 7300 uu llTIEUllm 2 on I lot In Coeta Maul UPQreoed home p1ut ,_ -UnH In 1 .. 1 wtth lilt • piece Auumebl• htt Own., mouvettd •lld wilt flnanu et below merkt1 tntlffHt rat• A mull to .... call now! Only I 115, 000. 6'6-7171 THE REAL ESTATS:RS ......... with c•thtdrel celllnO• Md• rtmOdeled kllehen. 9 6% Utumtble loan •lld 1n enxlou• ow11er Only t 110,000 c 111 979.5370 \ f >I l I 1/ I~' II I " .. •1 •I ''I •t I ... TR\111 I I< >\.\I l~I .\I I ) Y°" don't Mid 1 fl#! 10 "drew fl.ti" wllen .JO.u ... If! ltd "' '"' ~ llloc WM( Adel Ctl now / M2-N7e. ~ -. Real Estate -the Complete Orange Coast Market Place . llllllPIWIU wan1n11T wm 1111 Panoram1<.· View · Great Waterfront Location . R<'<iwood Float i ~· Dock. Cust om Ru ilt Homt-Wtth Thret> Bf'drou m1 , Three Balco nle11 E>el'eptional Qualtty · Kitchen With V1l"w. Window Haa All The Modem Amentl1t11 Used Brlck Bar·B-Que ln Outlltanding Patio Area Even T1lc...od Garage11 · Great Offc·ring. $1.29~.000. A Dion-Marla Listing --.......... 7S.911 uc..,_ • ..._ ... .,..c..- RCTaylorCo 640-9900 12 llUD...,. Thc1e o n e year n.-w unltl are locatf'd Jutt one mile from the beach In Huntington Beach. They are built to condo apeclflcatlona for potential conver1lon . G r ea t auumable flrumclnf at 11 %, owner will a180 l'IUT)'. Cal for aet-up and Information today! . RCTaylorCo 640 -9900 11£11DVHl*4 llUL tlifATE 5EA\llC£' ... tlllAll 11, 1M• Th• dau.llns world of u.la, •hips & tun.tea. 11 your forever view, 4 BR 31A 8A & private pool. One of a kind de•lan. Secu rhr. 1y1tern & Cedar cloaet, O n foe and. Great poU>nllal hert. Com.> tre. IN N•WPORTC•NT•R 644-9060 l . . - Two Master Suite•. solld oak cupboards, skylights 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OP£lf SAT. 12, SUN. 2-5 P.M. 2277 PACflC AVE., C.M. End Of Wiison .,., ., PllHlllU New llttlng on Ch•net lmmecul•te top pttl•C· tlonl Newly retu1blthed thruout · b1and new kit· chen to dellghl th• mo•t p1rtlcu111 cook, new beth• Stnot• tlory, 3 Bdrm With enctoM<J pello. double garage Super tocatlont 13H.OOO with good financing •v•Hable C.11 8111 Gold '°' det•ll• 142-1211 j PETE J BARRETT · .. REALTY C11'1tfl•• ..... ,,,, .....•...••••••....... 11...,.0 ..... o .............. For Mle Of rent Unit 21 714-53t.eoto • A lllUt REDUCED TO 1122.000 Ownef enxlout, 4 Bdrm. 2000 1q II home with t0tmat dln1"9 •no family rm• Mull NII In 30 deye Cell now 979.~370 \ ( : ·I l / 111~ • 11 lq j ' ' ' ,t. •I I •,ttf 14' 9.5% 1tt Macnab Irvine ,, .. ..., .. ~ bUI VIEW me.lcet II worth $4 1 J .000 to Ill• Oltcer nino buyer Orig fllull• ( :; bOrm 2 •, b• lluuoma 2 level. open be1m1 ov11rtrink1n11 A11y e<Joe ut Ulull• quiet tul <le ••1,. Street TlleO IJft 110 111tr1n metllle 11nt1y t1A1>41ntlve will cr1vftrtrlQ lop g1•0ll '-"Ptl• New ep11ll 11n(.111 f 111g11111ty <June 1no kepi up Auu 11111111 lat 10 St lll.000 111 'l'1"1• fie•• 1• up to buyer 0 11b 11 while ow 11ef 11 '""'"'9 { mpty11e11 1>yna1nn1" 11no 11411 • 1pe<.t1cult1 home r.111 1'>9 8011'.I YICTHIH lllWCl ~lew 4!i00 aq It eut~ll•f. I ng111ri home I 11111••11<. Newp!Jt I t111t 11111 >11ew• l1t1m l """" Comp! t11mmecJ 1n 11<.h m11hn 11•ny oenutllf' e ntu1ue m1ntet1 & 11111nto1l 11••0 meke ""' l\om"' • Ot11gr11 lur 111,. 11n1 111ue bull' Ur 1v11 toy 11 0;; 1(1n u• rtmtcJ t.4!> IS)l7 Hllllll lllll CllTtM Open 'i•t!Sun 1 ~. l(lnl r1n1n<.lng ';1lfl<..t111..ula1 view c:.r11ury 1111 oc.kh•11 te7 IJll47 12¥• lit. I S1tl,Ht 11 lu•••~le l1H1. on lhll be11u111u1 481 Port ut1110 model 111 Har 001 View S ep•••t• moth•r-rn l.11w quallera Alm<1tt new c11pet1ng (.l(IM to !)()()I $ 1t9 000 ........ , 1-1 1•44 Perl CllertH It. 0.ut ... .,., Ma-IHI U1-t114 •WPORT HTS OWIU SIU ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ c., ... ,,, • ., 1011 J bdrm, flmlly room •mell office Coverad petlo. big yard 198,500 \/A auumeble Aot 540-8149 llPU ... C '•tutrve t1m1ly home (lle1t1g1<1ut (11ttlJlul1 !Ot•ll(lll lln<l VIHI W 1 p1noram1t vu on g1"n bell beaut•lut neutr•t l1al1an 1tl1 rn etltry tlVlng dln111g kll then 1 •P• <.rout 8dr • 3 Ba e .. ) walk •<> •• ho<>I• 6 •hor• ping, •raa•m• Choice 3br 2ba home in Prime UnlYerally Park location! •t,000/me rent all appllee to- wardt pW'Chue In 1 year. 2670 San Mlsuel. 7 14 /7~9 -1~01 o r 71417~2-7373 *114Xt .... UYllllT AIU '11D* Huae executive ranch-atyle home featuring 4 br'a, family room, formal dining on cul-de- HC w/room for R. V 'a. Only •23~.ooo. 2670 San Mleµel Dr. 714/7~9·1~1 or 714/762-7373 *mTY, Inn I YllUf * ••1••• 9.9, Ulumable flnanclns avai- lable on thla mt.fully decor•ted ·3 Br Townhome. Vacant & quJdt po9e11lon. 2670 San Mlpl Dr .. Newport. Beach. 769-1501 or 7~2-~3&3. •nrr11&11.,,.. ",. ... ....., ...... (114) 1H·1H1 (11•> 111·1111 ..••...•••............ " .... 102 Ac.cle, CdM. 12361< 01*' dtllV 1·6 873·2041 CAMEO SHORES Cu.tom 4 8r. 3 81 pool, Jeo uul. kot pond, 3 lrplc '•. 1476 ,000 876-5930 Owner/HVH Buut 3br. 2be Lg IOI, vu l 2S6,000 780· 1390. 8A&·8332 DUPLEX 3 Br 2 81 tteh. highly upgraded, 10 of PCH 1280,000 Htumt bl•. oon•lder trede 1437 .000 876·2500 ~/lfotl• o,., '"•' '°" •••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN HOUSE 8A T /8UN 34406 St. GrMn L•nlern Unobetructed view Of harbor end coutllne Perched high •bovt th• Chert ~iouM rHtaurent New 3200 IQ II lu•uty condo, bulllln 1larm 1y111m1. 11una and I•• CUZZI Pvt ttevllOf MOd· ""Y J)flOld It $4ff,900 Advenetd AMllou 961-1244 •PtCllCUltr vlewt ere Wflllfr 0MM yourt to enjoy fore ver End unit. 48r 7,11 be, 2 11om thl• eontemporery cer ger 118o,ooo. 111 wood 6 glaH condo. An 10 11311.000. try 1•1. dn al'.cetlent noor plan wltn 2 dtcke. fireplace and lo · P' 1 n c; 0 n 1/ 6 k r C•t•d CIOH 10 pool ' 7 I 4 I 911 4 4 4 & 0 r •'-"•tor $23&.000 1_eeo_._11_a_5_ev_e_•_. __ _ "l'ev•r ~'-14.-.. .... Mf. I .. I.,._ Yltw . .............. . 3 bdrm , 2 ba . •p e ,1co11e1ed p1t10 Ouutllully deco,.ttd • • ~ o... ...,._ I Auum•ble loan With 5~ ...--~ -· dn U :lt.600 , .. By Owntlf. 079.3923 171414'4·1117 ------ "' •--&. IHllf°l11d what ~Ou we111 1n • ....,, -·• Dally Plk>t Cteuillldt .. -...................... ----!!~'!!~~'!J~!!'7..!.~?~ Duplu, bHI tln1nc1ng **lSK [)()WM Reduced 10 1329,60 nn t442.t&e0 Auume 1ow 1ntareet CUITOI EXPUOED PORTOFIH MODEL U ..... 17t,ooo 1oen Lrg 4 ldr "AHOR VIEW MOMU aW1L =. ~ w11t utty HUT FINHCIH IY OWNU 8e•m•. btlcll. 3 frplc•. ltH ,IOO QOUfnwt '"'°'*'· teeoent Ope n HH sun t 1 ·& Greet lamlly home on quiet clrcle. newer home, febufou• 1'133 Muir Wooctt en Four Bedroom1, three end one half ="9· 2 .. 'Y 4 90'' 1""4Hl•rldtc bathe. 2850 SQ Ft. Dramatic entry If you can •wino 200K RtaftH Profe111onally decorated. llallan down a • , .. , .. crow, " you cen .... , 111 ,r111. Hl·:tollll Tiie. French Wlndowt and Door1. Oflly. eu~an ,.,. ,. • .,,,.,,... Central atr cond itioning with elec· •IAIJllll -.U •u11a,.,. tronlc olr fllters. Sophl1tlc1ted La.t J.AM Hourlty and amoke detection on • beeutlfut etreet In ••• -;m~••••••••• .o;Jf 04M. 2 tdrm ownet't IHllt PLllH .,L.AIHI ayttem. Overalzed 1troet to street "'bHmtd o•llln11 •nd lpeotaouter renoh et~ lot. Large patio with flreplt over· l OWl::ST PRICfO D[LOAES IN OLUH !-1 $7''4.&00 No t>ro ker IMI, low Int r•tfl Oli lrg tt .. um1ble 111 mor1oao• Owntr Will help lln1nc• tmutt retocettl Cell lot IPPI Alk 101 Mika F4nli wo1~ 1173 <>1100 home 7511· 1113 t ••• c1,.,.,, 101• .............•........ Beach Retre11 In 81n Clemente. r1<1wooe1 1t10 (lltU 3 bdfm, 7 'Ii ba Studio. o•rne r"' Welk to beach Lota of prlvt cy Open Sun I 6 PM 2'1 W Gav101• 1339.000 Tttme Lingo PtUI Voo.t 114_.ta_.teo nf'llWATUNW Ore nee cout'a bHt be aeh lront vtl~I lll!Pt to Ille MnO OeluH OOll· do,,,1n1um1. only 4 tell lrom Ut7.500 Open S.tllun. to3 luene Vitia ,ti lotl, 4..._ UMO. ... ,, A.1 '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• lredford Pl, owner •n· l lOUI, 41( 1 ~II,,.,, patio, pootlpertc H . toO Aeeume tlt,000 let It tt~. ~. 117-2040 rlreptaoe. AL.IO to• t w1111 poo1.,,, .,,., l tM. bdfmlPfwllrlllOllMbe· too. Low '°*n: ~0 looklng c u1tompool1ndover1lzed ._,._.A 1-. °'*°'•1o · Qood rnoom.. , .. 0111 1111~1,,o . 111r . 1p1 and w aterfall, 1urrounded by rm.9"."'.o •••••••••••• er~ JOO!. A..,,,,.. MM7ot ..... Tift.tit .-ioen. 1111.000. --------1 mature, well manlour•d landacap-u hr 1 uero.o commu· .... 7111 DMM Oetden HolN, 'br Ing . Chlld• playhouM. Fifty foot ntw . nt lurt..._ Av.. •1 .. lltl,000. 14.!b-aVll"' ..... ,.. 000 .... ~.IM ti.t bl, "' t '" t e '"'. A 0 I l"I • I .. w.. . u · •• be.cl\, I lrpkle, 111-t .. a 1 r.n1u11o vt.w "°"'root o. e.t/luft to.a h-"'lrtier a•r tNI 1 ..... ,... '°' _.,, ••u ooo toatt ~Lft. M.a. ~Jl!!ll!!!!_,!!!!!! ____ ll•.·--· -~--~.l::';'~·'~//OWO~~·,"~tt~ll~lt2~:t~1~11 . ' DI ft!r.t. Ati! ·"-'~.'! ..... #Mil• ..... ,., ,,,, ''" ..•..................• Newpo11 011on Oe Anu b1ytron1 Park Mini c..onu 71 dbl 1111a1. 11re p11ct . Orick patio, $81 000 Al10 2 br 2 b• dOUbll Wldl, cornet IOI $39,000 Diii Qr unoy «176-6181 Hunllngton BttCh. double w1d1, 1ou111, large 101 1 1m111 pet Oii, nHr lhoP· ping, low 1enl $26,900 Term1 847-2964 Orange Ooue DAIL y PILOT /Friday, May t4, 1912 • tate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place P!~!!.!ti!!~.'!.~ ..... l'!!fft.f~e.~ .. fl.~t!!f.f~J,.t~~~-~ .. !~~!f!.f."f~.re_~~ .. ~r..~1!!~.1!.(!.1.-.'J.~~ A1'tlaHl1 Al'tl•••I• li•l•li ti 11ut 4'00 !!~f.~.'1.!!.'!f f~.~!t~~! .. !.~~ !'to~~.~~! ...... !.~~' ~!.'!r.!!.!ffl~ ... !.~!~ ···r..'' ..... ,,,, .. J!!!!~!~#........ . .. ~!!!!~!!~.~ ........ .,. ................. . llYllTlllT""' COZY a Br lrpla, new 2 bdrm , 1'A ba Condo Nwpt 1t1un1. 3 Dt <>n cttol· •••• •••••••••••••••• IC•1I• •111 31l4 jHHll•Jlll ~· C/•Hll 311 '' tnttt .. t Inc Side Tri· epll, 1m patio So of Flreplaoe, WHtt.t, dryet ee greenbtll, 1ti1rp ·.. 1••••··•~•••••••••••••• lt11• 3140 •••••••••••••••••••••• plea.120 000 own owe Hwy 1726 813-1734 Ha& 8e1·363t S1125 8•4·5319 3 8 r 2 lh )'I'd, flplc,1 ······················ A.dull, tlVdlO w/1tovt . re FllDERS 2na Ut 3Ull 1114PM tar, lrplc d 1hw1hr, 0•·11/ rm WzN t 8 j"'X' S890tmo Oroker .,, mlle bffc;tt 2 br 2 car lrl' Utll Pd 1250/mo Owner r1g1. s160 mo. 112 Ja· •••••••••••••••••••• ~. tW oceanlron 3 , ,.. 51· 1100 o•r. cov'd iMuo. all Pool H 0 move In 4118·0402 OldHI & laro .. , agency lllTI W&ITD amine open 7.4 dlll IL Tiii UIYll ~~m 2 frplc.,.;t,••rly '*2 br nr 8 C PU 8 A rl~l'ltl & rec 11111 Mira Colla Condo 2 t:>r A~ f11'~11 ~crHntd Wllh 642·13°87 Y 2 b1, 2 ba. almott new tmo "411·0 e Poo1. •P• 1545·'800 18 5/mo. 213/925·479e I p lu1 dtn. dteor111e1 g,:O~.~ c1:.:=~•n ~.~~l~o~to~,'I J'wn~r LEASE/LEASE OPTION condo Community j)OOI, Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 Carport 752·6822 or 2Br l'l~B• 1375 + 1376 lhruout. pvl p1110. pool, Oooo Morning A!MllG.I 673.8578 Lo• l'1tWI" remod 38r •P• & tennle court• 1 oer Ba temlly rm $1150/rno. 841· 1<180 dtp. 011 'pd, nr e .. eh 1acvu:I, HUna lecll 2 car Thi Tomorrow Show · 3 b• fem rm In trvl nt oar•11• Wiii eon1ld11 Purchut option avail AVAIL ffWt Bl vd I M1cF1ddtn ~ 1775 mo ee1 133& *'• ott• to all n._c11ent• Utttt La4J r • r'r S 160 0 1 m 0 Ptll 1&26 month-+ 1&26 84<1·8917 14 15/m o 2 Br 1 Bt quiet, no P<Jll 993·4094 I "dUlt 1tudlo, 11ova. relr~. Wl\Q n..a a piece Loolo.tng to buy M1aon.a 631·7 I tll, 846-0446 ' uc11u1r_l~ldlte>OI, i"a' .... 11 Newport M1lghl1 large 3 pool, 11und1y rm, new i Br No p111 or water· ulll. Pd S245tmo S4 5 •lWNllT 141-1111 TD'• Aot Steve 1 -Br S B• many amenl· carpet, upper unit Thi• bed• S315 rnov•ln 498•8452 __ __ ROOllUTE '152-1920 CdM I yr olc.I, 3 Br 2h Ba llH 11 tllO/rno Cll1 AA• lpeelow 1tud1oa on(I one wont IHll I 980-1123 alt 8PM $9~1mo BHtl•flH 1 lull A.ti 3110 BAVfAONT F•m•I• 101 14 .... 0.1 2 Or , ..... Bl S750/mo tttony day• 842-5757. endl'WOl>edloom•PIM TSL Mgmt 642-1803 On IM bHCh ' Br pool .•••••••••••••••••••••• 8•11>oa 1111no 3 Br 2 Be *EXCITING* I All I b d I Work 9 75·0383. Res ... ,. JZ40 •vet l wknd1 831-M30. men1i FURNllHED 2 BA, pvl patio. MW p1lnt uun1, •P• UOO/m o 2 Br 2 B• Townttou111. S3 86/mo • •; 111111 pool :~ •• ~ 1~':' 26~. ~~ 1eo.2&ee •••••oc:RENTALS••••• ltllttM .... encl UNFURNISHED & cptt. vecant 1ne1 1v1u 1t4/t46·1854 Ev• over 11. no Ptlt ssoo Br v en 8 1 3 1388 o' A 24~.:"•f ~': or trade? W 111y lln1n· 2 bdrmptued9'1 3bahM t·5br'a$200to S2000 ThrH bdrm. 1824 Port O•kwOO<I ;ilso ollcHS I nap '41:mo CahLarryl llUll JU 211 b9p':nN S~~er~~ ·~~ 1160 1324 _ 11 eywtt ome 1 <;Ing f>PLS Only Agl 111 & 111111300 750-3314 open 7-deye Oarmouth, N9WPQ'1 Beh 'AllUtlllll .. Ptld or am, 40·1150 1 • • 2t3/317·25 tll FINO & SHAAE U gh I Inter lo" • l.g lh1lno Steve 752· 1920 840· 7000. 846·7521 3 Br 2 Ba fr pie Obi "• S 10SO mo. A. V Pal~r B f I 1 m bCh, Ir pie, enc aid "' NwpttCdM area Prof dining aree1 ·open kit to . ,, • 2 13•425.7301 'lmmtdi11t 1 r rerg,atove,earpett. oer blt -tnt , amo k• Sunny t Br S325 lady #'8·35 yra. 1t11lghl 11m rm . 2 lg bedroom• & P A IM E N E W P 0 AT C I # 3zz4 rege, ltne*S Ylfd Kldt & Oocuciency 0 r 1P9 1 13 7 5 1m 0 1 •l1rm. P•llO waler Pd 1403 N Spurgeon enlhu111111c; nonamlo.r 1>11h1 Ownen wlll carry BEA CH 10% down, .!!.~ ..• !!~••••••••••• plla ok, $615/mo Alt Blu111 3Br 2~ bl, pvt toe, '$1MllUonln I 848·034t •11I30PM 1&75 893·0485 638.0708 K8 1ny 957 1112 (11·5 bal 11 rt11onabl1 lnlt· ~-~~1~~:~;:1 '..,.~~~P~:I "COlllOt" 1tyie 2bt 8PM 831·7002. b1y view. S1350/mo Im· Aeuflilfion 2 br, ''" ba. 810 Joann St 2 Bdr 2 Bl 1ownttouae, 3 Br 2 bl condo So CSI wl.dy1) r .. t. w/gar. petlo. NOW $350 Pierpoint Condo. 2Br m • d o e e u P • n e Y A"" Much Morw· Adult• prel Small dog tennla & 1p1 nr bch Lil'•• llllt Pen Anume large 12'1t% OC·AENTALS 750·3314 1'"bt Pool, tenn11 875-2478 "" • Ok '475. 648-5436 1 2202 H111 Cir S576 V1ll11 Meny amenlllH M I F prof 28-35. nor1 A 8taut1Tul 24xOO Qieen· 30 ye1r loan Buy 1, 2 or 16501 C M 841 2599 For a monih 0, ,1 hit• I Avail 6/2 648-4784 evH amkr 10< Npt Bch hOme brier Home . Open kit 10 ell 644-7424 Bkr ll Ill If · mo. 1 • =o~~Yc;n:~'. hme MO<lf'I~ 0 ..... ., "t •·Iv Spec. 2 1ty, 2 BA. l'lt bt. 2 Br w/gartge atove & J --4AAA Movo 1n now SJSO 011- ltm rm w/wei bar • 2 tg TAl -PLEX 2Br hM, 2·2Br Tll LIOIY •IW 1 bdrm, otetn view. 111. 't Ir I 0 , W I 0 • S 9 0 0 9errt to6orf\ No pt i pool. carport, pvt patio d I h w tt r b a I con Y ,.., """ na 631 1268 bedroom• & bllhl both unlla. s210.ooo 100.-. dll Rent In Cotta Mt11'1 IHI i nd MC ~ '426 831-0480 I ~~1~;.~ ~~'~'.~no~~·, S550/mo 536-7979 F~~-~~:·,~·;~d·b;,·,; sru jl)r dUplei< Btlbo• w/lh<>~• All appllancea owe bal 5 Yll, al 13V. N E w E s T 0. It d 2 0 980-3 ;> 13·375·8107 . I'--' ' 31~~ Aetrto l285 Penn "' H St 111/IUI Included. S39,500 548-6204. 673·1468 Tow nhome VILLAGE 2 bdrm, t '1t bl Condo. ~EWPORT CREST 3 Bt 2 Oakwood .~!'~~•••••••••••••••~! 845·0108 S2:>0 +ulll 573.1101 111 · CUlllC • COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br Flrepleee, w11ne1, dryer atory, tnd unit. apotleu, GI den A r1 1 Newer 2 br. w/gar•o•. Latge n9W I Br condo tor H B L e oesul bd m wt 5 •ttU ... , UlH M1Hl11•, Dntrl, 2'lt Ba 1800-1800 IQ fl S625 8et-3&39 ~.d::;~:'.n~1!~~:1~~0 l r Pl men 1 ~:4~1~11~~5 ~~7fe11 11111. near u C 1 m1c10. b•lh i 1tgh1 1u1 p~1v 1n Fem81., 10 ~11 ;;;-.,.,;ih 2708 Htrb01 Ste 206-A 111111 Z400 ~·y~ro".,'uullbu•rylnGma'19Q41111,,· 2 bdrm. H\ bl condo, lpe, betCh S 12 50 tuu Newpof't BNch/NO 0 • I weve, Ir pie Wither / lge llorne llf beach $300 &11me no11ae In Orange 14 .. iln ·;;~~i'e~~·y·c0·~~j;y·ci~b · ~'u"ite . dining room a. fridge, po ol end Ja e 644-7424 Bkr 880 Irvine CM IEITALI dryer 8198 S6SOtmo All 3pm. 968·2951 non smoke< s220 mo ~ Cl b.. "515 1 1•6thl • • Joanne 955 -18 33 9978075Ev111 3 br, 2 bl . 300 Pt1n, all wood burning llrepla<:M, u .. ouu • ti. l br. Bluff• (Paula) on • 2 Bdr I'> Be S525 536·8720. Mile pref Pool. Jae. ten· ....:_ upgraded So mountain micro-wive oven1. Prl· 1111 dep q uiet eu l·d•·••e. (714)645-1!04 2 Bdr 1 B1 S500 n11 Lt eooltlng Steps 10 Shr \hdlp ttu F v M ~!!!!l.~.'!!.!!J!.!.~~I v1ew Nr pool Auum v 11 e pa II o 1 & 7&8-7833 s11001mo. Allr 731-4445 ~ BNch/So I Bo11th hcav11eJ1011613•1o•7317&0l ll'"Nll l11tJi 3169 beech.NB 5A8·4280 25·35 S285 mcl u111a 1. ac"EI 1 t "• loan $30.000 dn yardt,glfdener provl· 2 Br w/gar•~•· atove & pa os a m · • •••·'"••••••••••••••"• _, M • n Io I w y N 1 t k OWC 13% 1·348·2034 d4 d Eleg1n1 ltvlng ont C & :uetom home 3 br, 2 bl. 1700 l81h SI NO FEEi Apt & Condo Gent non-imlr.r. hie kit· 964 .,7611 Running strttm 011r. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~ Y Olanwai h Id amen n_, before rtnltd Jt· IOo•t '•' t61h F1replec•. pool pvt patio ren1111 v1n1 Ren1111 chen pr1vtl90H Reteren • --""' Eaeeoen1 view Full 15 mlnuttl t1om Faahlon Pe 1 o k I S 5 0 Imo cuuJ, redwood Oeeklng, (7~) 6'42~113 1 4 d1hw1tter X lg 1&2 Br I 875-4912 Broker '"' 548-7586 C M Fem 8tl1 ocn vu con Clo. price $45.000, owner wlll S•IW llMMIT Island. 7 mlnutn to SC 536· 7979 betutllully wooded In & 118' den ap11 on Eltldt -, Npl Ct ell wlmotllflf and cariy Agen1 676-2139, Can 1k1 to front door 3 Plan o r O C Airport B I out Slllned "'•u Quiet from S460 657-2841 Ver11lll11 1 br condo Am in 10 3BA hOUH C M daughter Amen111u Ju st 11111 o f Newpo rt aal •flla v· _ SS50 Clou 10 belch near OCC & t>eaett Kite S300 incl ulll 642-4691 876-2699 Bdrm 2 ba Elcepe Condo Blvd & 10 ot San DteQO a,, .... __ 1z~z •br,!!k Lloo•VdlablLgld·o'·.~eop~ UECM'TIVr sum I Large 2 Br I Ba S4 10 Full ttcurlty 548-3874 prlY S260mo 846-2718 -- - 21 ACIES Sale-trade tor Inco me Frwy Starting ti S900 1 •• -.. "" " •11•11> 797 W Wllaon 642-8843 1 :;jAvall 1mmed turn rm 1n Paved road , 1n clo se, l~~~~.~J 1~.~~!~o=e~~: month 831 -5439. 2473 o·c·;;;,~~',..i0~;,~;,"o~·2·;r~ ping. 3 block• 10 beach. Beytronl tower H CUrlly or 995-6813 PARK NEWPORT '"4fsT =·,~fo ~k'& f ver twnhSe full hH p11v treea Owner anxloua lell Ora nge A v e , Coeta 2•;, bl, den. frptc. wit ll200 mo so7 Clubl'tou· bldg One Bdrm condo 1 _ ...... ~ I ...... _ APARTMENTS A ·1 sie.~2 11 H I poot1tndry F v nr 405 M•N be1. 1p1et1eul11 view ae Av e W Bro wn, $1000/m o on yetrly l ~'"• '"1 • ••--• 8 1 Fwy S250 mo + '• ulll Lowdo wn low prlCe, Barte11Alt(642·5200 StlOO/mo 3532 Bra· 8 4 7 -4 788 e11ehg , bull SludlO Wl h cerport &I ~B Houeeprlv t t>llo.10 Prel maturem111e11fle1 owner wllt carry IAOI IAY vet•. Jon• t tt • n 67S-5557 evn JR PllPlln p1110 Poot & Spa. No C~U~~:ig~~~i~~~O b c.h S2 50. tst11 1111 7PM 963-8114 Agen1676·5717 0 I IC I 3 Br 3 Be Townttouaeby t213"'51·4387 (24ttoura) •--•••-111' '••IUIUT I pell '395 549-2447 20-30 resp M S-6763 el1 5, 672-1775 • I H• 1 b bbillnng I) 0011 1 1~ ,. ----.. -A deluxe community on Wantttd ,11e1ght mete r z O 1 pool ' rp .. w11er1ron1 3 br 3'..\ ba. Two 1tor111 on cenyon llM1ll 2 bdim 1 b• fenced YO ttte Beek Bay Club hOU· 'lpt Beh Lge QUiii pV1 furn o v11r JO 10 shr super IHHt.HI lad •••• ~~!7. ........ ~!. ~:,~. No ·i!~ "t;00";~"J spectacular view Jee. w11tt ocean view Tttret I ;n~l 8~~~ 11g;3 S6~~/mo s.i & 1pa, 7 pool•. 8 ten· 11 ud1 o P riv II e g" s Laguna Bc;n condo. l•OO Why go out of Stete7 •• ., fi...tft I e 1 a1 , 11 t & 1 e e tiplct thruout. 78' bott bedroom1. Two b1ttt1 A 4 · 14 nta court1. cloH to bull S•SOtmo 6.40-8290 mo 111 & lesl • '> u111 Leveraged C1llforn1e In 14 aero wllh creek 64M 423 dock S2000/mo 18471 Private balcony oft ltvlng ,.tl•1•l1 S625 3Br 2b• Chlldr¥n nna & Shopping Call Oeve (71<11) 833-34130 vestment with excellent s44 900 6 eerea. lerge Barnatabfe Jon1then room with view s 1150 "•/etai'iL--' oi. no peta t86 c· c fl1l1l1 #ol1l1 4100 dys 171 41 4 97 3890 Id 1 11 1 ME•a YUH I "' •n I · "'-Unturn11"--' 11ud1oa. 1 • 1 · •••• ·'·· •• •••• • • • • • •• up1 e po en 11 oaks SJ 1,000 Bottt Ill· • (213)451-4367 (24 htl) per month, yrly I•••• ••• • ••• • .. ••• • • • ••• ••• 2 111 S 1 Now a v 1 11 """' '" evM/wknds 11% hn ler hnenc:ed, low 1ntere11 4 Bdrm 2 B 1 t 1m11 y Broker 780-0189 Ill'-' 648-9596 or 546-8965 2 or apartments. town· IUUIK MIUL 1n11111 1nvfftments AMEAIC AN PACIFIC home Ovit! aree Avall /m•t 3144 houMI Wkly ren11lt now 1v111 Fem 10 •hr spaciou& trom $3500 Hwy 140 and 11 Marl· tmmedlattly Miil" eme-•••••••••••••••••••••• llMffl 11•i•1•l1 3101 VILLA POIO•a S5•0·S 1000 S 105 & up Cot o r T v Newpori Shores home Monlhty tnst1llments pose 0 1 209-IMW!-3121. nlllet 875·4912 BKA 3 Br 3 Ba. Eaec Home In Four bedroom• ThrH 4eR"2a·A·y~~;i;·;;~jc'. I "" Phones tn room 2274 wi rnale own im Ava11 lromSt~ I eves 209·966-3891 Nortttwooda,21torywtth batttl Condo End unit. bl 1 C IPTS. •S1ver1111udlot& I ' NewponBlvd CM imm&d 631 -7992 19 acres ano up Best Euttlde locellon, 11tra lro lam roorn No Near •ho pping end b t·na&perklng 10B" 1° 1 a 2 Br B11u tllu11y bdrm unltsereturm1hed 648-7445 rem non smkr 1o ,hr 3 Bob Ce us Un 682. 1182 Jtil llllll roomy 1 Br /wa1tr peld dogs pieeee G11de~ 6 schOOl1 S 119S pet mon-1 'I 0 c e 1 n r k ' l1nd1ea~. Qultl com wlltt fine dea1gner turn1. 1 BA 2 Ba belthlronl epl Sorry Prlnefp&ll onty .. L ZIOO All garao• AdUlll, no Wiier ptld S900/m o th. yrly leall Bro l\11 875-4912 pita. enc garages. Clf· lure & acceuorlea Move •Ell a PlJCU w t2 Jr eallt males $310 .. xt••••I pets $435 631·07S4 S45-2000. AQ9fll. no tee 780.0189 , 'pell drapea. pool. pe-1 1n today or r11erve lor Rell Weekly Ra1ea !:148-4148 121L lo-a ••••••••• A........... C ' I .. 31ZZ s K11 h tt P .. r• •• Each 34K equity In Kone. 3 Br 1 Ba 11rge yard. re· HOME FOR RENT IAYOIUT ltl•I I 1111 "°'·laundry lee somme< month• martty e ene ea · .. ones Soulh of Corone, oak Haw&lt condo tor lease dee 1963 Contlnen111 4 Bdrm S72S Fenced ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• SORRY NO PETS lurnllhed model• open ·z Channel Movie~ vw mechanic; 28 l tteks l ren 18n18SllC views, on 3 b r h ome , S 0 $750/mo 559.5001 yard & glrlgt Kldl & Thret btdroom1 Two 2 Bd, dtn flpl. tltpt to $400/mo & up $200 aec 01lly Stndplper 1967 N41w. f!SI house/apt 10 Shi '#I sireems. soll ieport Low 0 r 11 n 0 e C 0 8 r 8 1 1 lie 54c 2000 b 1th 1 Pro p er t y 1 n l>HOh S 1070/mo D&r depoan I porl Hable perSQn 842-4444 down Low m1eres1 Agt I 12 13 .. 38.5832 IU•I •EW pe • w ome .,. "m ove-In condition rell. Ownr/Agt Re/Mu I t 780 P omona A ve On Jamboree Ad et Bl Cosl.JI Mela 645-9137 Fem 25.35 to:;;;., br 2 r Agent. no IN ueepllon1l land~•plng 759·1'221 "'4 2-201"' S A ---• c 6 7 6 . 5 7 I 7 a I 1 5 Sunny 2 Br 2 Ba Xlnl loe -·rli .,.. ,, an Joaquin Hiiia d S J 1-1-f200 ba condo lrvme Poot 676-6226 r::~oee 1~'.~~ 1~~~ ~eb:. nr SC Plau. Open beam I Ttm.utel ~o A~:.'t;oe"31~.7;u. C••I• #tu 31z41 Eati.ioe 1 Br. s3801mo 644-1900 .~."!!'!!! •• !~.!.!...... 1ac S295Jm(I mcl u11I• I j I IJSO porl Beach Mr Clerk 1kylllt1. trplc, lg deck B1end vew condo 2 lge •••••••••••••••••••••• utll petd Call 540.1168 ~ w1 d 2B lb 1 I llfflllll 552 050• art 9pm or .. '!t. ... !!t!!!{....... 6~5-3370 111 b ~~'. ~':iho~~~~O~ ml 89~' :u~t=~ ;;~ b~ frt,1· N1ew hom2t .b22!?!:, ~ t1t • lllTUT Ill Larry 0< Pim :11i h ~ncl 1patl~ e;~; 4 bdrm. 4 bath, u ndy w~nd Wlllll C .. H ,... ........... ~ em rm, r 'V'"' ""'· •· l515·S595/mo 2 Br 1• .. 1 Su,_.2 bdrm. 1 l>e OW S535 no pelt 642·2134 OelCh p1 e1 & II oat M tu~"' "l br Iba duple• 1 Bdrm lurn1tl'l&d TRADE Ce ntr1I Co111 & water pd Avall now I 997-4818, 111 4 cuut. mle1owave, cedar Be Townttouee all built· p;ii~ BBQ pool S500 S8000 for August Biii wl f&tO . Oll111eet pri.o. S6000. 50V.1n1 clear. custom 3 br view l7SO/m o 9 79 ·337 8 lllTAU c louta. 3 be. view , Ina. balcony. l1undry rm. Isl a 'dep S46-0362 . 2 BA. 2 Ba. ger. lplc, P•· Grundy. Altr, 6?S-8181 c M $242 SO+ u1111 S IO.OOO _ tOO% tnt hOrnt on 2 ac. ttorae wkdyt. 75 1 ·8184 e\IH / I 1 br 1 b• S&SO guerded g11t S976 mo covered pai klng Nice 110. blk to bllCh S825 6•b·327J IOus.-lve m'Ol ppty AlllCIOflfO S225M wllnd1 2 br, 2 ... ....,. 498-0065, 492~ loeetlon I 3 Bi 2be patio, carport. mo 840-3787 2 bdrm turn condo GM Bal1nce 26 yrs S64 000 Valve 10< ttome or unit• "" _.,., TSL M 641-1803 1 1 hll k Av111I 6119 thru 8 /21 Shr hse on Balboa ltle. a 1 I 1 ~. C 1 11 Oro Cty bHctt arH i ... I... 2 or. 2'1t b1 S8()().~ Wnl-1•1111 Jiii omt rp, e. :525d~n ° • ~o -•roe 3 Br 2 Be lrplc S550 mo 541·5419 turn tm Non·smkr pref 71 4/975-0927 Ownr 005-406-4043 TOWNHOUSE. 2'h 01, nr 3 bt, 2 ba 1960 •••••••••••••••••••••• I Pll 1 range v l1m rm deck . dbl o•· Conte<.t val 673-8238 --------new Prlv 1oc All built Ina, 3 br, 2'..\ bl S&OO HOME FOR AEHT Apl C S560, 842· 1485 rage up1tl111 S750Jmo 2BA 2b1 furn old CdM EL llAOAAO BEACH tor 2 cer gar wnh etec ona, 3 b1. 2 ba StSOOtvrn 3 Bdrm S660 Fenetd ..._ ... 9nu, Ou1e12 B1 bu111-1n1 o•· 780-1668 l rom SIOOO monthly ev,., 6' 1 l t50oya ren11 10< 1a1e 1500 11q It •1at1 /1 ""' -.;;•u nu M 1 c s 1 L LIVE l r E BF c r mobile home, No la .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 --'----.. "'2000 --•• 1r•-YUILY 75" 12•3 1 1 h B 1 1 1 " ntr S850 Av all 8 / 1 4 br 2·~ bl $1350 yard & o•rao• Kid• & ......... rm I re~. ldUIU. no plll • y oJ . e p " I A H A H II guna OeHnvlew/beach John Me11titll. Agt 4br.2''t bl '800·1826 l>'l''""""'"'"" .,4""' Bteutllully l1ndse1ptd l4 /mo 645-0816 --I •· .. mae os are I ie 3 BR. upgradeO w/750 81e111 faral1•H 631·2242 Le AlllOI' Alty 833-8&00 Agent. no IM gerdefl ept1 POOi & SPI 1·1 Br 1191 $350 uttla in ~1~' 4:1b: ·B~I~ OCEANFRONT lukury 2B~ ~~S~~•2S285 incl u1r1 SQ It deck 760-2890 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BA 2 BA trplc. range 2 Buullful 2 bdrm. 2 btlh HOME FOR RENT Covered perking H111 cid s 1!IO MC dep BI v d e 7 3 . 2 7 6 9 I No Ltguna Jae. lrplc. -C11l1 #1u 1JZ4 car !areot No pell houu In Woodbrldl: 2 Bdtm $475 G11ege. 1 peld No pelt J Trailer ior rent I Br S225 67S-9797 • Willy/mo. 49•·1725 F 10 shr turn C M condo C1•••ttl1/ ...................... S77 /mo 111 ~ S·50 G I I & Child OK no et B h lo "405 Wl f occ ~ludenl Pool 12 oorm. oar Avell June ~ .. arage, ge ront • . P • ee • ' • plu1 ut111 S150 sec dep Eitec "'""· 1 bdrm Bat 1111 2 Br sleep• 6 1enn1s S260 642·806~ 11'Mtl~ 1600 I 19 thru Sept 8 Utll 4 MC 646-6423. 642-0935 yard• Cloae to pool & S<tS-2000. r\glnl, no I• 1 Br '450·'480 No chtldrtn or ooga 133 condo aauna ~pool S2SO/_.,, Mty & Jun• Ami YAWl mo -·vuvv 0 $750 mo 5S2·9794 111. 8 11••'•/.J .. 1 2250 Vanguard 540·9626 c M 642-9193 lmmac: cond Imo. • r ..... ~;.,-............ 1 gard ener Incl d SSSO 1 BA & OEN ............ ~ • rec tic Kld1/pet1 Ok ,. 2 B1 I'• Ba l S tO E 18th St Space 42 · · • 675 2910 Shr 2 Dr 2 011 ap1 n SC T.I S .. •tt•r 6•6-2295 prlv11t, huge yard, OH & n I I L-J "~11 642-88881831·7119 Lido Bay front luxury 4 Br I sp~~zOe1n~t,1 uoml1l~nlNl•o11w~ " ., waler peld. range No Cle1n 2BA. good neigh· "• at8 ••-~.. 1 Br '4801ShlfP 2 BR 2 Ba lge 5 B ttome Sit I I c ~ ~ , Near new 4-plH 2 bdrm, peta Carport $5 10/mo borttd & IC hit sees. R~~"o~i~.~;;~d·:1~i;;~j~; 161 E 18th &42·01156 room• 11M bltna mci OIW ~IC· 3 Br 3 B• Condo. bea~hel Bro!I!· e:~. ~~~ 5897 540·3233 ... ,, 2 beth each un11 w11tt f!l.~'!~.~'.t.t •. !.~t~ 11 1 -+ S 3 SO s e e •v•ll 5122 857-8S91 SC Plzt Pool . grdnr gar Mesa Verde S525 pool Jecuu l •lllChed r a 11 on Mon 1h1 v _ llroplac:e. eocloMd patio Attractive 1 Br college 646-6423, 642-0835 Olua lBr No pet•. '475 IMIEI. ICOIPHOY! I mo Call 540-1158, H k I g.8 r • 0 e S 7 2 51m 0 675-8074 Resp M prol age 28 is oerege, 9~•-111 Poa Avail lo July 15th St75 2 Br anclld gerage. ctr· * *4 BDRM & S•5 u111 77S-2580. S475/mo 2 Br, 1 Ba 10< Larry or Pam 6'9169 seeking nou!e or ap1 '" castillowNowSt59.500 """ u11l 1>c:J 3blkl pelt drape• n 3 w B 556·1628 apt1new e11pe1 p111101 1 --PllYATEPATIO Step1to b11c:h 3 Br 2 1,Brblux~ry•ulle.k•tc,,.n CdM tO \hr w1lh M 0<F B iii G r undy A ltr . oeecttltown.494-0077 W i la o n No pel l Lovely roldmoorllornt cerpons CetOK Be lrple,1nc1dp1t10 • loScSbFeech shop-nonsm~r .clean4otJ 675·616t 15261mo 631•4889 In l1Dulou1 Woodb<ldQe 2 bdrm, 2 c•r gar, enelo· TSL Mgmt 8•2·l603 1 bdrm beam cetllng, Avell now $800/m o ping 1 0 ri-Mon S365 pen<JBble 673-6070 lllWMtl l.at6 3161 Anx1ou1 81 S1025 mo on aed patio ~'So Cit on and wa1er pd New yearly Agl 87J..2507 weekly 49•·54 10 or . -- UWPOIT Olma Art tut .. ~ h dt•••t(nf'"rt 1>l•nn•or• rwu ·~n 1n Nt>'A-JHHt c ... n,.,, C>n•· •• 201111 •4 It und Qllf· •• ;l(Mrc1 "4 11 v~ry IM YUr .. hl• ratr• 1 W1I l1•m t ".,h-Rtuk1·r 11 % INTEREST 15 ye11 plut Cllh flow New center, excel lot•· lion. trtdea accepted or TO'• F/P $3 3 mrl 8% FINANCING Seiter to eerry 1ge TO, 10% e .. h now F/P 1995. 000 •··•'"••••••••••••••••• EJSlde 3 b<, 2 be. lam rm 1 yr lelH Sh• Olhefl 10 PI a I 1 l 5 7 5 mo Roomy 3 Br Townhouse cp 1 and drps Out111n 494-2797 Ael1neo hn11nc1ally re~· wllrple. teneed yo. o•r· c.hOOH lrom w1·11 1tte 545-9706 ept 1n QUiit 1dull com ding loc No~·• Prk1no 2Brtden. 2 b• S650/mo IOCEANFAON'TJT:lBR pons•ble so .. 110Mmo BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE HOME View. privacy. aecunly Ouellly lurnl· lhlnga $2600/mo 640-4516 1 1 well dee 2Br Npl Cr111 condo Close 10 1men1. 11e t p 1rll1I view $1200/mo 631-0480 ""1111•nn COM 3Bt, vu .. .$1300 CllH Or. 3br. vu ... S1450 Chin• Cove 3br . $2000 Be}'llde Cove 3br S2200 w Bey 5br docit .. '3250 IEWNIT IUCl/f1n Mobile 2br . . S700 Newport CrNI 3Br S 1500 Npt Ht1 3br pool S18SO UllHIUOl/f .. Panorlmle vu, ape. 3br. lam rm S2000/mo den er cpl• & drpi ontt 10 call pie• Newly decoraled '440 966-6565 4234 Mll1rl11 Wey (Nr ,600 1 S 1000 k · lo.mg 1aoy 10 ~hr,. B .ip1 $400 Av1ll now 277 W\l\~"'·.ihlrtldqc 'cir.. .... ,~1!!#.!"4~.! •• ~ •••• 3 •. 1 • 1 • 4 • garage Sorry no pell Z ~ .. 1 h 8'f 631-0437 673 • 6900 S22S mo & , ulllS NtteO S900/mo. 111 & 111t + [g A I I f, nJ 6.1 fireplace. enel1d p11110 & I -----Hoag Hoapl 844-1944 or 0 wee w 1same Prku poQI Robin Hood Lan e S575 Mo 6•5·338 1 or 980 W 17th St Cerport ., B 1 B sc 751y rl Watertront Homee Rllr' ownOdrm lurn 962 1295 556 737 \I 875 5949 $400 669-4718 I c , • ~ el y. lrl I ·-~zso1 --·-'-------.,1 IOllll •••••••••••••••••••••• • I carptll. drapes, open rltll1N -•l1J1.. *lllllEMATtS* 3 Bdr 2 Be. nu crpt, no ·"' · CW IE Ill S500/mo. 2 Br 1 Be up-, Duplex 2Br. 1Ba. lo pvl yd, ~· Open HouM Sii •••E" .. F"o"r'00 •••••• *IHllMATU* pell. nice ylld S700 •~:.'111\.r,.,. .. l'\••·1""" ALL UTILITIES PAID per IPI . encl1d garege, w/lg patio & gaa BBO, ~M 1118 W Belboe OC AN A N 2 & 4 Br 842-9772 L 3 ~• beleony/petto. laundry 0.,egt E Side S550 213J8e5-2S42 Avill now W"kly lhru Proless1on1lly gets pee>· c.. .. ., ...,. z.,. c rm. •viii ... 5 mo 5•8_8•9.. aummer 673-7873 1 pte 1ogelhf!I< 10 share ..,.-;••••••••••••••••• o mpare before you "' " .. .. ~ N H ... v PUA OPT wlthll lrg 3 br, troplcel patio '495 OC·AENTALS 750-3314 MESA \/EADE 3Br. lam rm , n i ce S 776 494-2330, 494-8594 Bibi HUAAV family atze Jbr dbl gar, pet1 ok $486 OC-AENT ALS 750-3314 3 br. 2 ba. all 1menltltt Nr SC Plait $795 846-9161 (An11 or La· Oo<ll) Aemodled 2br on eut· tldt, bbq, kid• 1430 OC-AENTALS 750-3314 Chi min b Ch f O 1 t C t -.u.n TSL Mgmt 642·1603 ear oag nOIP ery tndltn W .... 11 Vitia. turn 3 houal09 ' 0 •• r n ''" u• om v__.,. ,..,. ----''-------Xlnl loe W1lll to s C me. 2 1tory. 2 Br 2 B• BA 3 S:. •Pioneers smce 197 t ~~:·e=~~,!~1:-4 ::::;,:~~~~ *i.~~. ~~._Pa':~ J7~ :~~· tJ.W;, 't,~:\n~ ~rt,~:u:~~::.;usedr'/ Call 714·640-5548 •Pe1~111 Service Br 3'1t Bt.1.,gelMngrm pluah land•caplng, No Pet ok 752-S822 o r eludes trpte, elegant Ad u lll, no pell UKE TAHI The Company thlll Cl • & dining rm, bMcll room, pell 64 t-t 460 F h 1 d 1 .... "230 IOI• ot 11oreoe For ,_ 1 8f turn lrom '490 rene w n ow•. poo • .,....,.,,. North Shor• 3 bdrm wim res only Calf Peogy PtttllOll 2 Br turn lrom 1580 SSOO·l525tmo 2 Br 1 Be l ennle, whirlpool •Pt. -W-1-tk-to_be_t<:_l'l_,_N_e_w_po-rt llkt view Luge fire-132-4134 lor •PPI 7 141955·2473 385 w WlllOll. 842·1971 1 etorv. 11110. drapH. ~~u.~~· ~~ne;ryer~:. Sl'lof ... 2 Br 1 Bl. $&96 piece, comp furn Delly -Wl\dyl 8 S petlo, fiple, d/w, belmed Cl'tt'll, 1-956-U71. end weekly rt1t1 M/F lo shr 2Brl lba hm • Nice 1 Br dpfx Oulet SIC> Cllllngt. garege & much more 549..0012 Cd M 2 b I k • 1 o b ch 3Br ,,,.., b•. 2 eer Olf, toe by gar 1 emplyd 1duh TSL Mgmt 642•1803 Why rent wtten you c:en Ovitt. 2 Bdr 1 Ba, gerege, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-$300/mo 67S-1401 ev lot Ocetn/cenyon VleWI. over 3S No pate. S330 now own IOI only 11000 patio, pool. No pe t• S87S/mo. 974-0414 or 548-1021 '*2 Br t b• Mell veroe down & low monlhly $500. 1801H 15tttSt,Npt llWPllT IUCI Need 2 Christl•n rmmtes 957-8577 1----------upper New dteor No p1ymenlt Call lor d t · Hgta. 842·7340 Turnkey turn, Seavlew shr home in S A Poot •u11'•1l1• ptl a Gar S495/mo 1111 1 549-342 1 3841 -=---------1model ttomt How thru 1ee l 250mo 754·6997 No Laguna 3 BA 2 Ba. a. 133-8974 Bear St C M BetwHn VerMl ... 2 bf, 2 be, lrplc. Sec>t Oen & C11allne vu 3 eve elegtnt thruoull Oe11n lf1t• 3140 MacArthur & sunnower. mlrtored werdrob••. +lam rm $2800 mo. Utll P-rot M to •hr-;;-br .... -In view, n11r beach, pvt •••••••••••••••••••••• •.a.11a .... •-1 ••75 e!t-AAY ~2 •1c9 ° « ''lill"ll:1 patlO Major ep1)41e & ml· -• -.... , EeetalOt Condo 2 Br 1'"' .., ....,,~, "" In e 1 0wn •'1 Ag 1 CdM. walk to bdl S285 erowtvt S1500 mo "Or I.I.'• FmlT Adull llvlni. 1 Br .,.,. Ba frple. g111gt s.. c1,.,.,, 3111 714 40-2977, 340-32 4 + .. uUll 640-6856 wm Mii S30 000 down .. s ... "-port, pool i.yndry No S&50/mo Call S..6-35&1 ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• · · penl ... , ..-tat1 LMngt pt1t. '395 931 W 191h Studio 1pt. oce1n view, waterfront "om•. o ld Olli~• l11t1I 4400 Agt <194-4674 B11utlful perk·llkt 1ur· St S48-0492 G AO T •~ " I T A EN AP utK lncl'd . ...,75 mo. 332 CdM. View ol entire hlr· "18· ·,·1·w·· .. ··,,·::·, .N •• B.·w··.·n·, Top of , .. _ ~-.... 3 Br 2 round ng a trrtetd 1 b<lrm *"7 .. /mo _,_ E~lno In San ""---tt m• ...... "'"' t s k 2Br.11Nl1MlpfeAve,11t ,.,. " • -'"' .....,,._, b o r Healed p ool 11nt nc11111n11 7000et Bl Ftntutlc oceen view poo un en 0 11 bbq. pd A v . 11 MI y I 7 <-the u.v Apt C) S97S/mo lt1te 3049 •park llng 1ount11n1. fir. no pet• 2 penon1 H8· 1452 """ 875-2763 1 •' t Io o ' Ag• n t Zell Or. 7141494•204 1, Sp1elou1 roomt. Stpa· :.:1~~32~1 err• Mgml Sell thing• Ital wlltt 0 111v Have something 10 Hll? 541·5032 408125t·783l. rett dining llM Welk·ll'I ---------·I S375 1 BA, Qlf, Child OK. PllOI Want Adi Cl1ss1ltecJ adl do 11 well --------------------1 cioMll. homt tllle kl1Cl'I· WHtllde 2 Br 1 B• Oll'I· no P•ll 13 5 E Bly 1-------------------520 •q " s 1 00 per aq Agent 444.9513 HMMll •DTW 4Br. 2Bt +lg add-on. IVlll 8·1. Mtll Del Mer. Ref. & IN req, 1800 mo 7S9·0147 or 848-4289 aft 8 30PM M·F If/Ill•• Vltll ,111 en & cabinet• Walk to tral hullng, 0.,10,, 541-5331, ev1 848-2325 IHll•ftN BHll•flH fl 3975 Btrch NB ••••••••••• .. ~••••••••• Huntington cent., tlOVe. et1p1l1, dr1p11 2 BA 1bl, 22nd nr Npl Bl .... ,,4' ... ,. 3140 ~enl 541 ·50_3_2 __ _ Shopping 1trlp, Hunt Bett. (MONTH OF AUGUST) 6042 Werner $325,000 Lido IBr. den 12000 or aubmll 496·29e9 Beeeon Bay 3 br $2500 HOME F~ RENT 1 Bdtm-lurn, 1505 No pell, cttlldren, water· l 5 5 o 1nc1 0 ,, d 8 n er • • ••••• • • • ••••• •• ••• •• • • •••••••••• •• •• • • • • •• 3 Bdrm S8SO. Ftnctd 2 Bdrm-unf urn trom bed• S450 + u cu11ty 7St-S52S yard & 011101 Kida & $565 dtpo111 5411 -5442 or pt11 welcome. 545-2000 770.5629 2 Br. tnel gar, lg patio, Nwpt Hou. 3 br. 2 b1, Agent. no I• No 1>911. ---------clean. 2228 Auto.,• ---------CdM Beauty Sb< $3000 !!!~!l!!r.!!l.!.~ 8 UNITS COSTA MESA, need• work. 01111 PO· tent11I, $310K. Jottn 848-7680 AOT FORECLOSURE Seit, 58% under mk I value Min bid 120,000. Prime arta. Sp1elou1 2 atory 5-43-~1. Sl(r frplc yard ger•o• No Utllltlet Frttl 2 BA, 1·~ bl townttoute '475, 1175·8311 pet lees. 642-5722 3 Bdrm 2 B1tl'I Condo 1rnmi e. quiet. no pet• AIC, w/w eerpt11, mo· 0 •A Blleony. 1>1tlo, ,...,,, fr"". 3paelovt 2 Bdrm lrlthty 3 BA 2ba. lrple, dbl ger, dtrn apptlanett. 2 ear LA UINTA He MOSA •-"" Int .. n t 18211 P .... ,.... 1 S526 mo AVlll Juna 111. Pl Iv, tw Cl'PI 8, l ncd yrd, lgt driveway. garage. p1t10, clott to ,,,.....,. Ln, 1 bk g79.18se g111ge, prtv111 tun<leok Iii'-' on M a p I • n r 1 9 I II pool and reerMtlon 1r11 W 01 Btactt, 3 blka S. Of 1111 Jennifer L•ne C M ,,., ••• u 3Z01 '700/mo. 111 & 1111. In belutltul Ml .. lon VI• Edlno« .. ,_.... So. Cout PIH• 2 BA 1 IHeTel •••••••••••••••••••••• 5'48·5599. 831-2372 Jo. 1825 FIL plut 1100 -.-ba. lot pa110. full ue ui.1 .. H Charming/Sparkling. 2 2 Sr. y1td. no Pl1•. child e1e1n H2·0793 Evet. 1-,,.--10--,..-.,-.--,-1-11-1 Kldt OK. 1585 Incl g11 & O.llltry WM4a ttOfy, 4 bdrm, 2 b1/ l1· ok. Wntald• 1550/mo 91 1 •---L .,.,.1 ••'-•••••••••••••••••• '!5•7t!!22H 0 let. Aot Large 1 Br IOfl. country mlly rm on Ptnln. Point 641-0783. •~t _. •-urn Lagunt Beach tu-• "",. titti ng N o Ptlt w . Oceenfront 3br .'4600 Wlttrfrtet ..... ......,. 111-14" Kennebunkport? lsn 't that the horse that won The Triple Crown In '72? ...-r ror t/(":..:.; If you're not ture wtio (Of whit) Kennebunkport wee. don't IHI bad -you'rt not alone Kennebunkport le one of 1• dletlrn;llvely different 1p1r1m1n1 flOorplant at Sffwlnd Vlll1ge In Huntington 8Meh. HUCU111 •lWPMT Eltg1111 Eatc aullH In prHtlglout loc Incl ... erttarlal, recep11onltt . telepttone tn1 & more. Olea from '436 mo On· call OICI s 16S mo TME HEADQUARTERS COM· PANIES: A proftulonal environment (7 14) 151.()861 WFSTCLIH BLl>G 1 blk from BtlCh 1nd •• oc··~;N•o.; .. •L•s•••••• xury ttudlO, tp1, 81telllt1 2 If 2 B11 patio, cerporli S496/mo 180 2 lit. St •..... , ... I •e• Bey Yt1rfy lelae 11,600 3 BA l' ... ba. vacent, F/P, 1•5 .... 1 l 200c "to l "OOO TV. MUN. maid MNtot. no ~tie 1•50/mo Aval Otg>:t 848 · 1184, Evea ...... ~ mo 87 .. ""75 dbl oar 1750/mo. ant "' ... •• ..u3 831-1268 , ___ .. _..,_~-----! ~I l88 " 750-3314 °'*' 7-0.yt phon11. 1 115/wHll. 511 . 548-M76 .... ·- S11wlnd VIiiage 11 • rffYlt of totally PlflOnlllHd profeaalonal plannlnQ. The kind or 111en11on you dlMfVt. A s-*t b6erld or n1ture Ind llvlno -,,.etflld In • tor•t wltl't babbling brook• end qulf!t pond•. cooted by >j[ 'l\<l.>fll~' flf Al •• . .... . .... ~~~~~~~~ 4BA 28A hou11 on tht --------t--1-•• -•• -_....;..... _ _,;.~ _•_to-_222_1_. -----•STUNNING la rot 1 br IJ fetf 1111 9 UNITS BatbOI Penn. 11000 mo. 111· qui.t, fa · ref .. retrto. ..-.. .,..,.... tudlo, walk 10 btacl't, garden apt. Pool. 710 w. ••••••h •••••••••••••• HUNTINGTON 8CH YMrty. 67~ tOlf'I. +reno-. rple.i no doge, • Wll tk)'llOflll, ""'tn1ry, nice ll1tl 8trM PH!ASANT Crttk If 0 111 + dep. 1U5 mo e C I I ' • I J 20 Toto New, cllx 1 br, 1 1 yeare new All 28r, C~ ,,, .. , 1111 e41-t5M 4 r. ena ront . H "mo llH, unt to 2 '"' 11A 81. fple, D/W, ba. condo. Parkllkt NI· 1461.000 •••••. •••••••••••••••. ---------11 n d . M r . CI ar II 0 to 2 0 . I' 6 0 mo. mr,11o 6 u-r No ,..11 TAl-PlEX Spyglau 4 Br. family VllW lfROM liV£AY RM S.11-3870. Aft I . f65·111t &43-. ,...... ' ting, wet• or141nttd, ten• HUNTINGTON BEACH roorn. 2 lrplc oc11n/ 2 BA.1..~~ be, Micro, oer mo. 3-l418 nit. pool, •P•· w1r Od. All 28r, l'lu vy l htk• IWlfbof vtewl-11950/mo vp9fl 533-'aoc> 81\CK IAY oonoo. •cllt. ._,La.A ntl ··-$600. a&S.11525, 1~5PM t 4 ~-3 bf Of 2' den, .......... -::::::........ ...,_ $0:_ ~ wfy•~ new _&46-0 __ 1_7_e_. -----CINn 2 bedroom unturn. 2 ba, tt""'· fr~. WIO, 1 '"· v er111t111 condo, 1 bdrm 1tov1, relrlg . •••fl.,,.. o!.vc. Bkr. ~12:-"· LO. 1 BA. AvaJI. 811. ger, OertQt, no pet• HOO trpl ... new decet .. poo11 rol, J1cuul, gyrn, bll· ~;: lncludlng .._. ,, .. W/0 . tlorage. 1105 . mo. 23'0 liJdtn & patio. IHO f'ftO. 111, ardl, MUM. 24 hr MO 10I •••~••••••••••••:l .,_.. 1 U i,; Mar l gold . 841mtMtAtntel •If, Mela lu1 & MO. 842·1'55 Garden vltw. UU. 2 bdml, 2.,._ Meta Vttde, Tt4l 'M4W'LIT"U 1•24 Hurt11ng1on lnol't I MC)..4255. Vttdl ar-. 781-37N 0t 91o Cai on Condol 2 a :t 7&4·• 114: U2-t0S7, ltrtpllCt , dlthWHl'ltr. adrm. Aptt, Gym, 8pe, Unite, 7 Y-fl Old, air,+ 8peotaeular 00ttn a city (213) t27.J001 lilt .. r'{)/ QOff IOIJfte ......,,, 1--K_a_t•-------U60 ::r..:. l)OOI, t.nM, - 5-Hr. UH,000. 20~ Ughte Vltw from every Po11lblt 4·1 l•r. 1 ba, ~OfunM'n.OOOl..i ... MITILI 731-IS48 ----''--....---1 dwn, OWC. Prln Only. room. LMOI & 1p1G1oUt %2nd N Npt 8l. M7a lno ttnnla1 ~urlty. 1'20C1 Ava II Ible now. UOO Deluxe pooltlde, lltta let• Bkr. 5M-Ot2':1 2 Ir. many 1men1t1 ... 9fdnt 71u..e828 ...... .,.....1•2• lllc. we alt up. Aeent Mott tamlllH ''" oemno 11• 2br, lb•, bllnt, '"Peotilt .... need PiOPl't 11200/mo. 0.. Mtt10ftV -· 87M11Cl. th• camping "bug" lttle dtwfW, t~ mll" belelft. TNrt'• wt111t tt11 dt)'I ua-1111. 1v" & ~~an 9)19on1>tlcea '""IDDiiMiM;t;iih;'."i'i".i~'."'l V-lf If you nave• cam• A!IM: "° ,_. ......._ ON\.Y l'ILOT wkndll ei1..ao. ~ ... ~ .:': euy ••t·b• • reou1., •· 21 a llr, sitr 11111•1 no1 o•ttlno ..,.. .. ·~=70AY W• Ml Cel ... 2-M7a • .... MWe7'. ~;~+il•d ruiier , ~~n;:. Get. Avt, ~r:!1,::11~ now Wllh 1 hll Idle lteme S.2-IUI ---·-------...... ~----................ -..-..: - natural ocean t>, .. t ... Add to that tenn11 eoutll. 1wtmm1ng PoOI .. • apa end• COf\~ltnt IOcallon nt1r shopping llnd employmtnt and you've got 1 pleoe anvone would proudly call nome. (iven KennebunkpOftl) One and 1wo bedroom one and ~ b11h apartmenll from $515 00 sy.-~·~ 161S5 Huntington Vlltege Lane Huntington S..=(71"4) 89).6191 From thl San Freewey drlW nonn on lhech to Mc eddetl1 then weat on Mdec:ldtn to~ Vllltlge Fum"""_..,.,,., ....... -Millable • Open Cie11y 10 AM 'UI ./c....-,-111 "-. ./c-,1,.,,. __ _ "---,/ •P U1 tfr • ..., "' f ,,., ,, •,'" 1 ........... llrom 1 room to S rootn1. llrom a 1.1e • tq. ft. NO ltlM~.MJ.Alr• Por1W IM. 2t71 ~\. Cell AM ~ 450 1q. ft. furn. otllct ~l400fmo. .. ,~,., Or1nge COHI DAILY PI LOT /Friday, Mey 1 ... 1992 ~.b~7.~e!oo~!J IOf I :Ml d1y Id Ill the NIU PtUT lllYttl ltllOTllY 00 II HOWi Aek ftr I•*• t1w1 Delly Ptlut b•Nl1.41 CltrtielOty H•l>IH•lllltlVI 142-Hll, eat. 112 ~!/.~~!~ ............. . fJ••v~•Y• r•111>.111u l ut H•P•ll• 'it.11k.u111n11 !)6 t. A111hlt ll'J I 4 IVill 11.. Alt 8 1Alr PAlllNO !JH IW•llnu !>tt1p1<11,1 ll•IJ•" • (,ornm IA••ld I If. •jVl}f)J 64~ 8181 0 111 H1llti11g lt11ct111u I l•1v11111 c,,, H1111tomt I 11.. J971104 u;. I ll'O ~~.·~!{~'!~'··········· I ti ffit;tlt111 Wiii I ••8 l<JI yrxJI r1111 ... 1111 I U y1<1 & Ud rneelt M~ ')"JI 'J W•nt t111t11•1tt111v ti JO 111 4 JIJ U I •II 6 (.cal• Mttn '.>4b 4bbV 11111, /111i•l1•ur1/ ,,,~/ct MA141Nf '>I mll(.I ~. MU<,.,,,,., 1'111111 Vftlllllli lo-~ 1111) WI• lj4'1 \j/ljlj A1Jcl1t1un1 1urn110111111u thl<,kl llO/W Vll\lllUl,tlrm 'lo• ""'U I uuu1111 b <.h 411 / J !llH 1111ul11111, IJllLUI f !!t~.1/.~ttm!f ..... llff!!~~ .. ~ .... ~ ....... ~.'ll!~•{~f ....•....... c...m.tll~MMOnty· t1oc.i. Wille Cvtl wllfk u .. IOP OUALllV CLCANUPI HAULINO I 1 l (. I HIGAL WORK if;flnklet• Oen.tit HM/'om ,.Oii 0'7 ~et:) 11 ... lllH 113 t tlO&ll )'i•llllftll~ 0411 '"' HH flll(.,IAP4 lie. MOwfkOltO ,ttl U O Conc;1111 H1muv1 Ohl R1pl11.1 New 8mt1v1 j(lt,lt H.p41l1t 1411 I& I' IJJI OI (; 10 &t11 •ll 1H1ult0\.lmf>1t19 l l'>ll f'O jUIJI M1tnt I re p 1 11t MI r II Ctl1' Ca11 '>48 &'OJ 7&.a •i04.!_Htl ~ 770 100• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill f\1(1/(,QMM I /INO 10 Y•• Ou my own wurlo. I 11' 1181)4 1 Al 640 1 118 O •• t •• •tt ..__ __ 1 (;hlld C111 tn my ll(lfl\e "' I 11 ._..... 19111 I Plac;10111 <.;o•t• look1n11 l1J1 1 nom1 twll M•H 04:1·11818 u .. ? PlHM c.•11 R1nd •ll Cj f< / 111/I f f>1u l11. Jr 0 1 fr•d ••11111111, OIHlll .!!!f!.~'.t. ••• ! ........ . W II' on I'• 1 I>. 1111 w • • • • •• •• ••• • • ••••" • • FORMICA COUNT""AS RfMODf l/AOO O N8 I .. 11u n11t lr•I. l I I u ro 1110 C llpllllty Ue;'cJ lopt/C11llne11 11fte.O 1'111111100 jll)yH,'t lrw1n t14112/HI l •ffffl Cl4:/tl:J!17 I f.·.~~ .. ~L'!~~.'~1. ...... '1118 l11111h•ll (.111)11111 y I ftHl•I••/ (,1tm1e11 a C1•1111111y I remiioeltn11 '"''1111111 I lt1IH' 01111 '>m•llfotit lH•r>•l•t ll1.. 41 1111111 H•nct •ll •••••••••••••••••••••• 'I .. """""'" 84!1 200:1 l'JO 1160 I OIUlll&U HU f~!I!.~!~~ ........... . (.lJbl O M fWA OH.K1:i l'1t10 • 01111tJ1i. l t<. o John ur HIGk 0/11 3:.> 18 <.OMM llRr8tO Lh11111n." ld ao 11nri lt•mod Acto 111 Rep1111 V••1 lt!H Lie. :l~U>O 011,11/•f Ja'-k H A•ntt•U Jt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (j.,, t.01111 ~!>:.> e 14 :.> TH 1111• IOUI n,"' 1tt ....... ., ( •P o. (IU1llty work 11 reu relu M1lnl I l1111h 1;1 11lrt(J NI/COM only Ron'• O a10elllnv. 8111 H8116'2·84M ~~!4T!!~~ ••.••••••••. Cerp1nt1y .. M1tonry f\uull1111 Plumbtno Drywall 81\ICl.O file Hernoc.111 J fl &40 8011<> ti OM[ IMPAOV(Mf N r Rf PAIR P l UMOINQ llHlillO IOlll>lfll')' llec;, 1111 f t .. Ml NO )OIJ 100 tmlll 11411·28 11 ~~~!(•1 ••.........•.. •AO, I lllVIC H•UllnO ya1d c;,..nup OUK.II I t.'4Mll f 111 M l 173 0041 HAUi INO e nd IOC.11 mo vlng ttudlfll wllh lrut.k l-•· 876 1180 llAUl INO OHAOINO d1mol1tfon, Cl11n u11 0 0ft(fell ' ,, .. lenlO'Vl l Quick -v 042 7038 ~~!!!!!~~~!~'········ Went 1 Hl!ALL V C L LAN ~lOUSC? C ell Ol11yh1111 0111 ,, .... , 0411·8123 R0t11N'8 Cll ANINO 81tVICe I 111010\lilhly c.le1n h(JUM 640 08 0/ IAOllUU CUM~INO 8 E:R lllC.l R111on1bl1 1111• fr•• Hllmll .. 120 014, ko,.tJ.O g lnautld I •wn ., .. eh1ub 11111111 I IN trim rlll'IOVll fHI TH GH,H1'11 , f.-.~'.'.~. ~~!~~~!~r. u 1ner1t Metn11111nc;• Aeµ111t a O.CO••llug llouM1.l11nlng, hon .. t & Ouallty . Hay ~0-11144, O•ptnOlb141 Hrn 100 n 1 11moo F'• 11111 11111 •• Oec.k 1 <.1b1 "'" .. II 1130 OIJl I f ~!r..'. !!.'!'!!~ ....... . NIJ '>1e11m1Nu ""•"'llO<I '111111 !JPKl•l"t f All .,, y r ""' .,,, isav t '>&l' c.11111 1111t•fll••11•1114KI I t1111cJ IJ•m•gv ~•••m I lllU ~~4 IJ~ IQ 9 f'J 8~611 '•li•rn11(1(} /) ,1,,,,,,, "'"'"" r •JI•>• l1t1(jlil•<u111 w111 '"''~ 10 "'"' tll•Uh I ltnfl flv111111 r tr11 $I~ ••U bar• 111•n1411t k tl <.1b 1 11111• ,.,•ed pu1el111u 011U•I l>OOl>.CIU•• I• m1111 6 4100 ona .llt11t rela l1' l:IJ411:.>l(l ')!f) [Jt}tJ !'.'!!!~!! ............. . ()llVWAll I APIN(i All t1•t11re• 6 I C.Ul.lllk. I,.,. vat Kev111 67'1 fJ{)lj/J f)llYWAI I /AC.f)USllC f1111'""' 11ew 6 ulcJ I I yra ••IJ Hod !i'I~ 0'.>6:.- 11,1,111 '1 1.10 cou<.tr $ 10 £/ I J J c ttr ,._, (JUdf •tf'O 'Jttl l ••!!•~•C• .. ••••••••••••• •1•1111 <.rpt 11rl1'" I') yrt I l ~(., ffH C.IAN 1-'llC.e ll Ul"I.> 11•1 WUH 111ya11ll I "Uhl lr11u ;j~llm11111 1)11 I lhtl~ '1'1 1 /)II) I lllllJH Iii lflttoll jOhl w .. 1,,.1t1 (.rfil C.le•n•r& I 11 3061121 6/'.l.03~\I '>l'llJIH l h!llll 6 uµhlJll Ltr, lJ lllC,rn1CIAN r .... k "'"""' un11 Ou•I W(lf .. n1111t r1111ea WI., .. guar 045 11111 l'r..e 1>tt fl'll·'.>07:1 !um l 1wn 1.11e Rutc>llllm(j ~r .. 1111111111 .. l.>48 6-00b I XP(IH HANOVMAN K&O l •nd1e11141 M•1n1 I C••111111ty Aoollnv """dt(,omm C11111 u11 1-'lumbtnv e11. 642 8013 11 1t1uh11g 640 '4 fl(I I KNOW l ll 8 OET ED M11w•11u edu111u 11~1ng 4V4 119!>11 9e2 2090 HOUS[CLfANINO A .. tOll•Or.~deOll f eny1 11&3 240 I lXP HQU8ECLEANEH fl1ll1t>l1 ••la fr111 111 c.111 '4 hrt 96&-:.>4 IO '••lden11111 W•llllKI I OIF I He 1..1n Ila 111yth111gt •w11011111u r ••• •1t1 m 11 I • 1 6 4 ~ 4 J I l' 11 r B11,1tlN TIHll Wiii t lHn your huuH 01 ll•'1 .,,.,, ··,;AHowooo·Fi'ooF\!i' 0111c.• Ft1c 111111111111 11 I AWN (.AM U111ulllully Gll1nld plumt>ino !>48 ti()()!> l.11mm11 .. 10 Nwp11C,M to111l weA.0 1 8 '.J2 488 t /(1111 r•llllJle WOii>. 0 11111111• ke1ry 1)4tl /4 t<t l ~~!!~•..f ...••...•.•••. 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PHI UTIIATll 8od 11111111\l•r I ahrub 111111!1111011 Out work <inly look• o p enalve (;t1e<.h our 111lc.e1 befo11 yov buy Call Mark 11 u.,,. ,., .. ""' l lt 1'046 HI C40 166 I ~~!!~!1 ............. . RRICKWORt< f11111ll 111llt N-port Co••· MeH lrvlll• Helt 876 :.S I/!) C.u11ocn 811<.k 8111"• Blo.;k Conc;ral• 8 11,1(.W Hell • '" 111 1148 ll4V:I C lJll rOM BR1C:KWORK liMALl /LAAOl JOB!; Npl/CM R.t1 114~ 8b ll' Ylt)(.k w1ll1 1>r1ri. """"' & c.oncre t1 Ouallly wc,rt. man1n1p lit.. 11ua1 .,11o1e<I l l(. I llunlled 01'1 '.XU I ~!!!~r .............. . All<. MOlllNO Oul(.I>. C.•,.luf ... , VIL• I r1111 1111m1i1e1 ~'ll O• tO •A-110¥111* f lJfl QUttllly :>1~181 1.llrtt '" h111111111g 'J > yra 11~11 l.fllllfltlllll~ll niJIUI No 11~a1111110 / lO I J'>'I i> I MWIN(J (.,Oll CI.If )l 11 Jl)I N Vi MOVIN(1 (.() I IL I 1:14 4'}b 111-.urutJ t,4 I IHl' I wA '""us or1o w 1 I htr.t••l11111 All• h•1 '1blll r~J~!!~1. ........•.... Piii 'atlTI .. 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'.e.~ .... .!.'. ~~ '!.•.'1. .~ .. !.~ .. ~ .... !.~ ~ Al •'IAAl•H(Jhll. the Complete Orange Coast Market Page ···~'";······'········ L .a. f: ' hovMI 101 •umme1 On 11• J•111101111/hr1u...c.l•1n111g Ill • ••• "4181 boecn NB, lti $'1'>0 l!VU u•oH \/lj 000 yrl1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Found f om tt111>l'i&t o ""' IJlk lt&n Aed LOll111 El111I •H1to 11t11no 111 ~ '>00~ hm 671-4017 Ill I I' LINI '1 lb 17'14 '"'' Melfl 7 14·3"7 0901' I''" 11111.11 ,40 000 inLI 'I '~!.~!~!.~~"!!.".~' ... ~~~ "" 1in• lvo mo111ge "~"' uquq,rn11n1 A 111lllN111 .. 11 M1.01J118IO S111mp1 CJIJ.1\1 II 'I' MA~i.,Af,f l•111ltt111111111 :;w11d11h al'fll'! 1111' 11.a1mon1 Ollit• IHl•I 4400 Ce•••rr/1/ I 111m111 O (, uia111a1111 '"' '' l.11rme 11v1111 /Ol' 109 7 1 ~ ~OtbO l 1>1t I t11m lllk W/U111 C.1,f h11 ""' I rn11le Ill~ 111111dlo m11 4 1?11 lltorho• llU llmua ~411wnrd 1144 44114 t118Cll1tr WIJUIO 11 .. 0 l lJ 41JI / 1(/4 49:1 IJ654 tplll fj'}e, /11'., 11~1 17 HJ ljPM '148 :Ill I/ • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l1•l1l1 441S '.,t.JM rJll' •ullu A.IC 1truµlff •. • • •• •• • •• • • •• • •. • • •• t1(JCJa•ar11111n I 111111 ri u ~um1nor <n(Jtithe '" •.h1111u" belJyattttny •Int "~u u111 1•<' 11w, , c., ao1otL Patnan llW/ ,,,., t}ltl)(J .... 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(., M •e·~· rHpon111Jl1 ., '·~!,~ ~~y /110tlflffl ft., I 1)11 I 1114 fl4~ 30J6 lllf live )'OUllO Women to I I •hlle WlllflllJnl 9tlll• DtHI $035 f r111ri<1 Mlllfl 'lllt1llle vie. 1w o l boe1 llL 111 e~ W•••1•,••••••;_•:••••••••• Vtt.ttJtlA ''' Ji•c1flG C M 'r1•uoe far •<im• light i i i w ~•A·• .u "" ro • ti41 86811 I HI l ue111 IOI' IJ IJ tu. llOUHt.•1111110 OL<.•ttu c.rer111 1.h•~~ N•J p1111 """"' "1m1111111111 '" ,.,111 n et IJ•bye111111u (;•luy •lty Oe11n11H111 A11•1• 1,1.,.,,,,,,.., ttih "''II wttll po.aible (.1 111140 171f) lll'l n 11 I A111wer111u "'' vu.11 1111e µ111111e ''""' 11 lrH "~ '"'" flfll f No Olllftll 1119 1) •PPly flAM 4P M Mt1n I 11 J6:> 3rd '•I '>te C, l egun1 S.ech llWNRT HYFHIT I n•llle F Ct<J111.i11 Vallely t•w_.,, 1<1 hv11 "' • •••• .,.,.," *"" •• ,,,,.,, It•"' tr1fl11•tl•11i1J 11, ~1>11'•1Jlfllflfll, ft•ll Jlfllflfll1 ft•ll I 'ht l>t;1f1urJ JIJ\ dtJ 1t wtrll •••~!•••••••••!.~~, ••• ~! ......... !.~~~ IAIYSITTH M; 111;mt1 June I Atilt ~ /111111 C M 113 1 l'lll'> f IOlllUIU 11'1"'' ';IJ(J Ill II turrnahtt<1 I "'"'" \111ht $1J',O ti 1•, IJ4()0 1111w111 ultJU 1Jr,wn11,.,,, Hf! 1 utl1I IOI rt•JW 8'11111 111 fOt "l 11 41'11 414 A i"I'> "l II bll J I J•, I ,rifH It. lac ()I fl(.( '>l'AI f 1()1 IH ae '.l)O '1000 IQ It µer ••ng IUJIN l'I V ASS<J (,IA H s 4911 ne:s execuplan A l~t W !.ON<.f PI I vii MtvK.1t1.uat•1111 11fllCM 1 d111~ tf1a•.• NI 0 (; AtrrJll f!>fj 887 tltti It., G.I . •OO •·~ II o t11ce 1p11..1 Al(, QIHI pe1klf10 U'••' bulk11no AMIOfiomk,, 8/~ «1100 I OCfANrA()Hf ()HIC{ Incl recept t 3&0/mo Hunt &n 842 Ii 100 1.11 ....... ,,, "" ..................•... 2 Aoom o flfc;1 & v11•0• NHr l91f1>01 81y Ctul> N9 U85 P1011<.tedl e.e 1e.1 UMAO&IYll Sh<lp 494 4784 800 tQ II 01f1c;1 or but 81on•'• throw lrOl'n l•Y lelboe p.,, ftl&o mo 87&·6774 c .... ,,,,, i.111/1 4411 •••••••••••••••••••••• .,,. ... In ,, .. ., bldO on COHI Hwy, South LAQun1 A(>- fl'Oll 600 lq It C~t privet• p11111no btl'llno bldg HH mo Turn•r AMOC 4"4•1177 .. Wll 100 •q II ,oot tr1fflo. Ol'llllW't ......... ,,,,., f) ti' M' I I II . .,,""'''~' (.ont1nue 1mpl•me11lal1un of a ti(jnte1 U.,te L1l1t•11t)t1 Pr(J(Jtam '" llflf)lllV• hou11nu 1JPPOflu11111 .. IOI 1uw •nd mO<l4'<•1• lfl(.Otnl u t11.n1 I u •HIOI 1n me (l(4U11H11m IA llll<l IC>J II,. l•lfnlJlltllon Of • IQw •nrl moa11•I• •N.om<t llout1no 11e11•~• Pu1>l1C: &ervt<.• to vpgt.O• GfJ'Hl'J''ll-JHH)' V'OUl•M• and ,., '"''" lo< tl'le -ly lu l>'l>VIO• -'Ill.ea tu -""' lllllellt '" <.•JnJunc tfl)n w 1tn a 5 •rittH c 1t1 1e11 (Alli .. t n • nnM<Y• b<lllO•fl{I• wn~h c «"1lt1bUte lft IQc el l>lt!Of't l o •11111 In 1rie t enablllta llon or •l•uClv••• wh""' ••• P*" ul ,,.,. ICK ., '""""'°'" Of hlelo11c; PIMG4M <.•1"11"')' ti Oev•lopment 01 • Compr•l'l•na1v1 c-i11 0.V~I Pten l o l)fUVIOO • O-• Ml• erio ..i111ary Irving •nvtronm1111 tor i vory Founta in II aflcty IM!d.nl To <11\1.tocl a 1)11111 Q...,,ltfylng IM Cllf• 11utt1no llov•1n9 ••oc' e nd tu1u1• l'louelng Medi, .. -•• "' ltllt• Of •l9f0nll riouetno n.d• NOllOl I• further given lhet petlOIM withing to GOtnlftlftl on 1111 above l l•tement OI COt'flmuntty DIVllopt'flent 0'111Ctrv.. or 10 o«>tetn "'°'' 1nt0tm..ttton on the Q ty of '°""11111 V•llef• llQlltn v-HOuelnll end COmmuflny ~I llQOll l>f111I Protrem tflould COlllACI 1he l'IAMlno Olplt1men1, Clry H ... 10200 lilt• ,.v.MJI, F0tll'ltelll Velily, H) .. HJ. ••I Ht I I _, CONSIDERING? * HOME IMPROVEMENTS * CONSOLIDATE DEBTS *VACATION * INVESTMENTS * PURCHASING A CAR YOU CAN BORROW FROM $5,000 TO S125,000 ON THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME AND TAKE 5 OR 15 YEARS TO PAY US BACK EXCELLENT TERMS & RATES COMPARE BY CALLING LOAN DEPARTMENT 835-3333 1802~ M•1n hit• BACK STREET ,,__,. HI•• p411aon1 '·· thlttO wllh m11r1•11111111t111 emlJ1t1on 1nd c a1111h1ll 1111- NeWIJIJll U811,h 1110 I'°' H11b111 .iruet f111111nu 11111 $~ C>O hr & up plut 1111.ertllvH 111 oµr 'd U'J O•"•" f ull 11nrl r1/llrn11 Au11nen m1nt11t1 we w9'1,n111., yuv ao 1,rm111 1mn u• You m•y u nd tH11fnH 111 1pply 111 p11111n I r1 flllf k ~lrltt 0 11 u11v1 0 1111:11 l>t>6 fl 1>1 I Utlln U:/680 f elopflon1 Clllt I /I . no f\C) lllM&ll Nlgn1 thlfl 7114 0860 'I< ~7'3 716& &ASIC StCAEl ARIAL & IOOt<t<EEPINO 81<tLL6 n••d tel. 8 ) Mon·Frt (7141 fl ... 9 .81& I O(AUflCIAN 3 heir 111 uone for r•nf. •lnl loc 17tlt St CM 846-0 100 htwly &Ilion ""'' ~ Mf> I ..... l>ll•V ~ I ... uty 81 ton n1•d• •om1 lollowinv U 2 •848 alllf & 111m ,,.......... ..... Loofltno lo 1Cld 10 our 1 11111 l11hton 0111 nt1d, ptoftulon11e •lwtftf A ... el1nte • I Shempoo Q1r1 •1 Mlllllc:u1l1t •1 MUMUM • 1 M9Qup Arll1t •1 ,tcltlfat Afehtlel Outtttl• laklft ~CenterDf,NI llooll muon. tlp 101 OOl'l\ptl\y In ll T Of o .,.. Mu•t be up w / lound11ton re111n1110 Wllllt "' .. ., ---t ..... tr .,.,.,., wnt1tud {,,, tHJ!l)' bHlt1tt 4'1'1 fj•,•>J ll•111k ~ <1e1,er I 1 1 pri.I int"'"'' tln111ur• ,,, '"'ht H•c1tu111 l11>< •ur our111 l,'!111111 lll1f1I l)/'J l).,;IJ IOOllEEPEll I'l l '/hr& 111 AM 'J •tit• 111 wt'f!k Muat tit1vt1 "'JI 111 1,.a1h t;ulun<~n ~,,,,._.,. ~ 'J"'" l1•1•1t.•11"111nu All ply 1n phr 11111 Mr111 f 1 J Al1M lt11utrnfl • """' t•'I' I :,.'>I f'~< 1111 I 111"1 tlwy Nii C.A'illll Ii & huua•wn•.,• '"'"' 1111mo AllPlf '" r1rl 'Uri ( ft1W ll ltMffl w • r ,, J 11; I I l f1 u •I llW/ C.1jM ltll I I C Ahl I w111• I t" t1ftS ftty ht1rrttJ C..•tf all 'Jl-'IA Ur,n11u IJ46 4661 Gllil4'H ... ,.,.,, .. , '•"'' (,tul1 o t l •0""" • "'" J11111< 1 / .,.,11 _,,., tn, f l:CHHI HllC~t•CI N If 'tt1lr1'un 1'1 , '''~ o woo"' M'H• ,, .. ,,. 11. ,,, 1r1 10 " 4'1• /1, l<I I 1111 ~ I YI•'" '>mull <.11 w ith UtJ•,1d t1fit1ttll'ti f"o'"' Mu•I 1(1141 4'1 Wl'M I 11try lt1Vttl ''''•"'''fl W1fl '~''"'" 1J111 '""""" A•~ 11;1 Arin '14:1 11 ti> I OOlllCTIOI IH ""''"'" .. ~ ,,,, ttJI • 1t1uu N11w1~u1 l f1tuu. h uetu u M Ht •, /tfur• 01i,,tlrt•'" ft lttJIJrly & C fJ"HTll.ltUJH I.Mii 111111 11'>~ I 4fj I COllTHGTIOI Aap'1tll µ11v111y l1tl1111H tflr I atuh <J111n11" < 11 P11v•11u r o '"t'., '"11 "' µttr ituu ,.,, u11J1v 10• •• t1m•••r•u .. ,,,, •11111~ 11 1 p11~1ny LCJfllllll la 511111y Hlll)/()f UJmtnlH lfJI•• !JIU' IHJl111t11~ '.l /II "''" b•pc •'IQ <.1111 ~48 'J')., I titwn I""' A LIJfJ' to• 111>111 GIOl/lt Mukpr . ''>' t1()1J,,, ""'' , f'ltft t ,,, 4 1111y1 w~ '14 '" 1J11; $110 ',411 IJ/IJ'; I f 101' 1••11 ""'" •1r 11111 l1U1t'" ftJt "ltft tottt"tffltJfd t, •• 1hly Mu"t ~'''" ii.11tHM w•lnh t. 111lutlf11J 111111' ' "'"" f "flu r 111,> 1111.1 11lttu/\dfll Wt;tt.my t ,,,,,11 llf1fPI IJrl t1ttfU ft \UIUt f "''ljl111/Jhl11 A'l<I 'J4',U ~~~ ft1t Mtlt t,tJlhnb I I Jf) I' /\ I' II I I• r I/()~ 11rtH0tJ0 lff•""''1 i1l1IJfUt1tJ ltullou t ,,,,._,,,,fJ ,,rHhtntitl .A1Jt1l1111 ,,.,,•,on 11>1 J1-.t l'I ti H 1,1•, J 111 f .f JI >tilf 1t ~ lifJ\h•'.) ,, f .. ,, '*'*'' tJ IHll "''' ,,,._ I Hll ,,, 11111n u '1ala1 y •Juf,_,,,, tl1t1t# f1f .. .flJo~f t)4 / 3,,,., 111',llJ MI l•,.ht '.1111 f'J•Jl"I '1•J'(J•11t11a f,rH1t1ltJ 1r1th•t •f I f h;.11 ht!) < t.11 I' I 114 / COHTU HLI l•t ''" ( t1u1Au -. WflflllttJ '" #&•i•t lh "' ,,.,, .. .,,,. .\ "'U"•' ,,,, 1ut I tt11' I~ ,., ..., (> t•mh ..... 11 '""" 11•1! f,fj(f., DllTAL RlClPTIOlllT f4t11\tli1H1 HVM•lllffJJ .. ft11 i1f yul••/WI ,..,u rnuhvHltut ,, • .,-,,,11 "Ndh ,,,,,.,, I I I 11H1 AttOt •iuldf f t;f1ttU ll !II I t 1(1 f '""''' itl (Jtf11 u I fPJ•,ltH lt1ll"' 1.,, t4ttl• '""' .. ,,, 11fHIUJ ~ I tUfHJHllllt Hll'''' ':i._,u~ toquUt.10 c .ull 1 '"'V 111 /t,11 1111 t I I '.l'M MrJ11 f II fJn11t11 Ml u lfu • HtjltY1' "'"'""• lion~., 1>u11111u \•, 1)1) hr (,11rt1l1.,1J Af1 I''""" •t li4:t 0;,140 tHIRll O"IGl ,, .... ,,, .. ,., .. ttU"'" t Ill ( ·''!ltlli Mn•ll •1a.1 <1(JtiHll1t,J .,,, """"J""' "ft'''''' ,,, li1w1JI" ~•ll'fly r1I 111111 "' thJttu• Mu-.t t1H 1 .,,,,..,,, ~1l1tu un<J 'lf•ll•r•u 1r1 l!!•tn '•ftfrlft thl\tU ltUt • ffl f.J" fttttte: tt rluautul f''fUJ 1 rim11•••v 110111l•i. I <11 1111111 •1111 '•"'''II" •,4•1 11•1(111 WAl~I ,., IHrll '1 1 ( <.._ __ ~==--'--> ) WANTED ( (---co:;-. -----) ) IH. Ofo/leortt1ritl "'' 'J'''"'"fJ s•uhlu, rulu tu,, • .,, tu,,, "" '1•• 1 t,1•nv .),, 'N''"' htf,,,,,,,,,.., ,., 111" t ,,,.,~., t M 1,,1u.it ~tul ttl 11 .. 'f',/ '1'1'1'~ Mr,n ft,,,, I 11 II ')I; ~111 t•J li11n• lf/1114', I fl 111 I rf11~11ut1 1•11 1111~ f 11 .. 1111111 l•illlld ... 11111 ,,, j 40 I 'J llHIWHl HLIS I •111 ''""' I •fl Jlllll cl I r•JWll lll!fll••11or11 I 11J I I I 1111~1 llW( 1.tllA HSTHSlS Allf•'1 M11n lloru 111 i "' 11J•ff l'HUttt1•,.. (1 ,dtt 1,IJIJ IJ '4uw'''''' t nfllu• Ill llh HSTHll HIT I 1tll I,/ j / rJI) lr11 oflf•I MOTIL t1,.1u111ttf M•tt•U•' ,, .. ,. t101J ,,,, lut u• r ' "U H iil ,,,. 1• ti •••1ttrJ (.ur '"• 1 ,,,,. . .,,,,,, •' ... , .... , , I <i I H 11f•d ""'''' AocJ•tur H' l••1t ltHif r~ ,,, t,C 14 4 /(JIJ I 111 ',,,, f'''"i1Hu1 fff Al1V1 t HlUi-. fflfl '1•1 t .. 1,UO'l I ,,11 4'f'f ,, It "'' ,.,,,,, H1,11.,ut;of ttJ IHt"tf 1n~1tJb I\ fl /1tf 1J M t;'ll fHt<tH •J•1•1•I 1 nil 411'.I 1 •1 I J 111111'>1 I I I AIH I•'• 1111111& l'fdl llN ll t1uflf\ f 'I' rt •,4r, (JH',/ HUSHH'UI I 11fl111y lflfl~ 1n9 1111 11111 11,,lt• hYtf th''' tJUt h• .._ .. ,,, •,111t1t• >"l•1lh 1 htfcJ <.•ru ~Au~t tu• 1oftt1• .. d-.1J u1 ""''"n,11 flf1Hlth touo '''''"'"~I urttJ """• ,,..,.,, I t NfP1pt1I fttllUh tllt htttt"J 1 lttltUth'/ ft•HI \tflf,9'tff 1 "'' "''I 1, / t '1 t <J;. NIJ I IJl.1 f,41 I ,ttt I I •It, ,, . 1,. 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"""" ....,. ... _ ... , Mlld4I, Joo In Nfely, Oulllll Ill~ llOOUllllo tll2 l'lllnrudl 4'-' tio. ,.._ IUTPUT·TmM•'flWlf hM¥YIVPlno IOWPMM W•Mffrecond ,guet 2 Y••r• Old lt lO I l•I 11lu1nu• b1n1110111 1 110•0fbeet0h• • vetuHd,wl lQ•f OH INet fir•••........ '*"' olue IMdlOel ai>c>ll•MM 641·)01/ 4711 Ot06 •t" f.'e.t061 4112-4t37 un. HU Call Dou'/ ,... ...... R I , ...... w .. unu WlllU I~ --Turin work 973-10 ., • .......,. •rig ,.,.,, ''"'' 1 20 p c 1lalnle11 1 te1I LJIWll ... llT horn. .,_2 4910 •" 7 Work In our fu11, i·uual, proflt·mak.lni l eotetary wilt u1111 Dryer, Ol1hwHh11 t tH fll•ITlll DRIVE SALE w111r11u cookw1re. uftk t• u u t1•l1•phurrn 1alct1 prumotlun merliettno v P 1n .. 040·H 4• WllUllll ILU· 1260 4h-7Hll HM. 111-1111 ....... 1fttr l'lt'l'k lot lht• u~M '• flnclt nowip•par. coo~11no1 1ntlY9ll Wiii I llY &Pft.IAllU Ulll 1000 q n IP ••IUlll ClectroptldlG e.a. e11nd Ol/ln firall•ll .t (r ULL) for 24 to 20· NII pertorrn v1rlou1 lno•· I" H7·1t:l3 .,. new, never u11a 11 all boat t t26 All 6 Only rn~1ulromt1nt 11 • Koud t~luphone pend•nl p1ojecl11.. ... 0 .. 1 prlc•• guaranteed I Lth tf h4rtt• flrlltlrt, 11, I'd ,704, Tr•O. or ... 11°' Lal-lat 1111 494-2113 I th I I L< I c· ·~ M -" t lgn• .. Oood 11ypln Whlrll)OOI OlthWH~ 11706 rolnger, 1 b lk I 1•1• • 2 2" ···"'··~············ ---VI) l't• IUI( (Ill Ull wim X'll (Jllwo t._ tkAI• r~'d Plut •bltlty I~ 100 IClnt Cond w •• I u I H. I bu, eu41tltHn, , •• ,.. ....... .... •• I v "· 114.. 4 .. ,. Cont.,~ T11>te, oek .,.,,, lhomH I drf IOlld Otflt't.• worli 11rllll• aupervlilon l 42 .. 3A8 1130 1239 .tM. 2 COIOf TV'• Hll a 1128 llnlah, wl 6 ru11 uphol 1iru1 llrllilni Bell ·~ ";~:t',~:•'r~!?' ~,·,•:;lo ~!g.~:•b1 • 0A~,:~,~~~:~~,~~2~:~ 8b';~1~:f~2:och~~!':: 2811 SllTI All IV. :;•oa\.'.:uh~'~ ~~'J·~~ ~~·111~!e3~;d ... kino ;.,: ~;:: 4~0 I~ t 1H •·•·· 1H •·•· S.Curlly I 116 & 4 2 o o 11 . JOfdon U•mboo A1mo1re Ootfl Miii •Int 040· 1626 8 11u1d ay only 800111. •••••'••••••• .. ••••••• f k h • A ROL 760.0HO '1110 Dro wn I Jordon Lftl IALLMll trundle bed, coo'"' Wiii 11111. lttll or T 0 P $1i4 ()(J ror lr1t W l'll • l en II )Art• 111 p T -Two WQrld•" 4 dining 30 lilllum Balloon• 111m• 0391 OrHnwlch un your 20 :I& N 8 po o.n ,..., l tH ,... Gett• .... Atta II '37 60 2092 W•ll-I 128 Old o ... Dror Liii ; ,.,.,,.,, ,,,,,Apt 1111 ,.no• ' o ven. '"' every fJOOH IOn o, .. , Microfiche AH dlll t oo llf3 1388 Of 060· 1324 portnl•nihlp'11 prof II.II Kanmo1e w11h11, • 11111 ch1111 (no pillow•) .. eh Oellv1r1<1 • card p.,fec;ll Or Ii l!I w • • b o • t 6 r y • n '41·H11 tat. all Night• onty, 7PM lo &AM ~1-7011 Oitk 116 IJ11ueu1 natu B~~~~1i~j,j;;~:.:;9~~~;; 11a1nle .. 11MI tlnk & Cl 101 brldH a 1111du1111 each I P11r1n11 want.cl 711' a 111p Mu•• be 25 or 0v., with U OLITIU Wdlll ral IJurl wr>Od m1rro1 1116 111.,,.,. Olu. llor•I dU!iln• blfltt, other mite 1100· OlJ..4419 eg2•43 111 j JllCk E•r r••• C ibln INSUAANC( I 08 hH ope ning In ,. newal dept !Of '*'°'' to Quoit A tollowu11 on re newel• Auto 1et1ng o r unO.,Wrlllng ••P preter 11d 8elary eornm1n1u· 1111e w/exper Cell Aon 111•. 640·8900 ln1uranc1 Ofllct 111 CdM part lime Cell &16·6444 01pe1101ll•• hutb1nd & wllll IHm A 111no1e IOVI• p e r1on fu r g rowing m11111111ance comp1ny T r1p p11y F •p1r11 n't 11ret 83 I Ol:i':l •II 101m 1'111 11me d•Y• U1n• P111111 Are• Cell 1197 07110 IHHU f ood a11vlc1 re1 11 11 tok11 out Contetl mgr of .,pe1e11on1 9337 L1ure1 C.nnyl'\n fllvd . 1'11c..01m1 <1 91'.J)I (:1131 IJ8:1 1(11)6 Mii. flllT lfflCE I 1Jll/11me [ •perlenc• 1 "II •••ttvy pnon111 f<11 t e1d1ology firm Ael4!rttn • ,,_ req :.'>II IJ811 4 llJOlll••l MHIOAL IOTWY ill!Jl'ONSIBI f: WOMAN 111 <.0<11'. end handle em111 t1o ara a nd c ert hOme LIVI In, l!I d l '(I W•ek ~411 0196 UDIA *DUGOUT* gd driving r.cord Pt•· ltOO CdM 1144·1004 lll .. IH ,i nd new Arm :0011 cu1hlun1 1326• dlH 342 92nd 81 MB - -(;1u111r 2200 dOwfl + mlum pay for 11cen1td _ _ Chelr1 u111i & 1111 velvet 4111 &OH 811 only tO 4 A1m1trong 801~1.1.um ."?: IBM Typewriter mooal c I t l 3 mo lncidll H H 1110 1w11ca n1 Meny 1>ene1111 Adm1111 8/R RtfrlO IQ ell. Novell<> 1 11& .a<.h i8 11 ---wl,t lt00<lng. 11 & x 6 4 >tint cono 1300 0 .... " 0 .. 00 L 1..a...--""'---• 11 1n 1 c 0 n d I 2 4 11 211 u1k ou1uk>n1I t11ll1 ') Plec;e "' 111 t<>I•, m•1· Wicker tu rn llure, Iron Cu1hlon1d . 1111 Olu1 013-0<tn .. !/!3~;· " v•• twtwr..nww• t N 11 11 ... °' h h I • I 11 1Jr111 dOUble bed Clo I I One p1ltern $40 ,,., • 1 Oa... '"""'°"" 649 7809 •Y ove o "" "'no r. 11111 c • 1 • eroe o o .. , _,,, 1l11d W11111111<1 frame. m i n win• cllc1 1040 lhe• •no mlM; 390 Sanl• 1140-3<1~ DESI LAMP 10347 lOI Alamllot Bl El ec d bl oven/11111·· al beige IUttdl Ilk•. 11t11eo 1100<1 c;ondlllon ltOO . IH l>el Coll• M•H 4 Whlllt t<l.cO wt1e •PO 516 '611·41140 LOI Al1mllo1 mond w hit e , 200 & 8 t•eclt & 2 l1mp1 ln l tirnwn ltllht r rocking llT l ·I ked S lllb Tt4-1121·2020 &$1 0228 Of 120 1090 llH dbOlll1 1776 Oc.I•· Chllr SUI (11<42-41163) di II 3007J 648 0 130 ,, __ ,.~ olltlr. IC 8 19 c bl fl 1 h f 1 goru11 3&" •ntry llxtu11 --r.I I •e• m ••·•· ne • ·-·• .,..., "~.~Y. :111:n~~,~~t:::U~. lrMutr;.,.,uf;~ •.;s:r 1 00 46 " round O''" I !':•!;f/.!.~~~! ..... ~~!1 Ctubh ouu Cir Mua P"lr Sliding 01111 Doore! $26 550·4640 846 6781 uk 101 Clar1'. I SELL 866 6821 llbl• •op $86 I< Irby ve Antq China, uek chal11, Verdi ----4 xO''"'" S26 6<48-0130 E~11Cullv1 hlQh llac.k ewh1el cuum • hlneM Plllt• A 0111 p11.1uru & tr1m e1 Color TV bed• dtt...,I, M( TAl BUMP ER tor c.helr 160 18 "" keln•ll C1u111r, f /A , du1I controlt, lo• ded, m1n1 c.ono 8•• 11 Slip 166. O• Anu B•v '1d•'Vlll1Q1t, N 8 I I t 000 P/fl 833 :/493 'ewtrig mechlne~llO<. 11 llYll Sii 01ne1 de1.orallve llem1 11 1 m Sat /Sun 2 2 t 1 1he lvH , 1011 o f greet •rnal l lruclt s26 659-4540 N-z• hr tOHM ahoe> A ••1' . qua lity minded 220V CdM f.'4 1&<>4 C1ll 752 &e~ Tut lln N IS llulll Sii 12·11. Sun t0·5 64!1-0l30 EKecuttve dHk alnt 1.on Uenelll• Piece rat•• l<INO SIZE MAHRESS "J 191 Aural I n. Cott• r-.,tner w1nt1'1 2 4 II 5FAAAY SUNOANClR NO. t llp $6500 C.en It nanc.e Deya 699-0600 '11ye ( v .. 6~ I 11:1'1 I lltr Q94tlllng Jur,. t e42 lle62 RefrtQttllOI ""'" GOid S 1 MeN r ur H ie PenAM 2 tor 1 dlllon 180 116 C•ll 11/J 4226 .. ,ly & BOX PAINO. 75, IWAP •ET 0000 1111 6131182 $60 ,,, 559 4540 Lltllll ,.. TH HIT .... •O..b ••HtnMt/hth •Wtfftn •WtffrttMt .... ,.,.". ........ ...,. ••• rt ...... •OM .. 111 W1ltrtt1tt C,OMPE TITIVE WAOES Al I SHIF rs OPEN Al)Ply 1t1 Plf'IOll I 4pm UMUAlll l'l11 [ l<tlell1 Ana'*m IA111 tor Don Menoni TUOIUI morl\lngleovenlng U1eo 4 rno1 &3 1·13 t9 (very Sunday lllm.3pm AN llOUES T Ill•. ch11, bat 01, 374•11037 (aM-.... .... &umrn« job Crld elem F A II I B I C ' C dHk Schwtn 10 l pd ., ---"""• h w db Id Aelrlg / rir tor Hie Al uc. ner, .,~ oy. • 111 I Ort1 11U• out ollege Oahne eurlboard book11 OOLD PENN SENA ro A 11nd chtlr. wO<ld grain II 1 1••~ ",'· o1o ' ~· mond colo r late mdl c.ur1d , w1t1Hler & 1111110· F a1r111ew & Arlingt on, reC.Oldll 10 tool• i REEL Whol"'HI + uw. nlah 1200 nr btll 01111 rea k :7T e rr~ ~rrf•d;. 0 S 150, 6411 ·04117 tor 61ow11lgOl<I tweed C.0111e M111 Admlu lon me.re IB2l i~~. St Set l10'I I l llll 30 't S l llO 63 1-3388 wor • ••I· unveo $tGU film 641111060 !rte 10 buyert S ell e r ' , • . ' fA-&ehool90e Children'• day lltrt/11 IOZO I ReM1v1111onlllnfo only Q 4 He _960_:.4907_ ~o • 11311, 90 • $3119 lf:I M Elect,ypewr1111 Wide c.•t• ce nter S e ud re· ••"••••••• .. ••••••••• Heaulllul oak dH k and 6111 I !150 &llllO OARAOE $ALE S•ll&un I &44·7007 r.erriagefk:I iy,,. Owd '""',. YWCA t.•ICh Key Blue B4Hlch C.rulM< r.hr New 1890 H C.•lllee 1 ,59 7 Columbia c M fnjOy N..Ole<.•lll17 work In cond $ 1 ~O '.J tA W 'Vale loop Dr Like "-St60 $7!tO 9411 84M -Motorcycle & mot9 ftnd out how to earn Ir" C.e111 6•8-2652 eov lrvlM :i&7•83ll3 BH ullful "'" 110111 M>I• o\ 12 f AMILY Irvine Com· --neaolecran pro)ecl• Call " munll y Nu1~ Sch0ol11 AtO &ALE . Si l/Sun 9.4 f1<1¢u11ve 0.11< Boye' Se111 24" 10 •Pd. lt1vne11t o nly few rno1 2nd Annual 'Born to 0 11k duk chr lev1lo11, C..•lhy, 6<45·&209 eve A Chair •Int c~d ~1y ridden ., ol(! 0 400, 1148 64eG 8 0 s • £O --••tH ~ .,., · '"' • • 1ru11n" 11•1111 •I• em 1ppllenc:ee, 1oy1, clo ........ ~ .___, S1H. , .1,,. t1<12.• 1u ' 'ff'UUI Wkl, 1110 01 bHI offer " 1 M. t ~ • AM -.,. .. With ability to l•k• l•I•· 7M·6000 675-7144 Wroug ht iron dlnlllt 111, I "• . y ", o 11\•• lie 840-8020 2200 831·01H_ 720-1700 ,l•ll 10111 phone ordll•I 000<1 11• __ ._ I ht1evy bl!1ck 0<..lagon top, 14881 Pln1h1111n. C:t lll fie.II Dume ... N 8 '"r For lnlervlaw call Nlll'llkl 10 •peed Olympie I II h I b . c. k '" 1 11 • llomff '> I •mlly 0 111g1 S ale ......... UH. ..NlW 0BAMBOOCAOF00 A I 'o n 5 411 2 2 7 I 0 11mea Racing Bike. n-SJ!IO/OUO 63 t 1319 Hll IW Furnt1ure, i ppllancn , 8~-0~71 720-17S8 Laroa 3 Uer $I~ llAM-5PM •CCHllOllH , mini cond PtHl111ytv1n11 HouM 11>!1 Muit ••II e ll 11e m 1 I mite llemt 27~1 Sia•· Od111y TV game w/ 14 S411-7~~ Trlllnee Show HOf .. Sii· ..ioom uitld c.oet l 45o l tghl blue good tond MOlllNOll 11em1 1nclud•l "M Lane, SJC Set II 1111 tape• '260 DI • I.Ive 1n N on ~:;:~,~~~2~~o~~:;•o $100ob<> 16217!_3 motorcyclt (7!10 Hond1 4 720-17~.8PM·llPM ::~P!~·~.:~~'l Smokeu 244·22 18 like new, 111 wood 0 ple<A (,ht>p,,.r I I II drill pt HI Blulft MOvlflQ St le 0 E 1 ........ __ A-J Sc.hwlnn <.rulltr •lnl c.ouutry dining room 111 IV g11m•. e.rterc111 btcy Wllher/Dryer Kiwll .,.._ -... J 11m11le Cock1lt11I w11n TUYIL llllT cono. range I01k1 $130 woi $IOOO, o kino $llOO c.le 1ew1ng machine . Studio Plino world Siu 40 )(Int t 60 c.11116 1 year old. Siio Fxr1<t11enceo S•llef tral-or b1111 o ffer u a ry 8110 01711 11•lllQue1, gle11ware, B<>ok• sewing M.cNM &76·7070 1142·11606 '"'"' TILDllHI ~AN T A S Y ')7 (Cr1111g tlOOPJ a nd AOY Al C.AU1S('R 40' (I /U I wn Dal S/f I I hlH 2 111gt1 QUl l lbgl yachll FROM •.w EOEN 01t11ed tor le. c111 tiuy111w 1 1 •P•C. t erm1 ( 17'~•;, fin I wlln wlls• <.•edtl 11 ueeo •• llemcia (,AU (kt(. 114 117 3 88111 NORD YA(.Hl$ lo• dllll lll C.111tff>rnlen 28 f)J I 9. ( 8 A1111ou1, 1ry S 14 000 6411 4006 21 ft ftirtlttt .. ~ C.ruNOel CIUIM l!I ~ 11011 a t fJ OPH 114{.h VIO :;> oeplh 111undet1 I 4 Hove< raff and 2 ~iP m11 M11ny mure ~Ir•• J lnllhlUClU I $1<4 ';00 1118 llO)i' 73 !o4lllt,rll ll f,c,OJ11re r1p1 fi<.11 Some c.oll91.1e & ---------111001c.11 IJkgrd IJfOI Mu11 11n1iuren1 If~ f~wprn 1~11· lllJJ PIT lttlltt O..• nlld With tollowtno lop 702·6'4t3 QUiii , Hit>I•. end other! ~ome Antique L1mp1, 0£EP FAY COOKER PAAAOI S11le 1y 7 14 9 14 6079 10'JPD MEN'8 81KE htlc1tr'tltt1• tiouMttioldllema,etc ta ble ch1111 women• [lee . 220 volt Atr11.angrey very young Evening• or wee!\ end• X1r11-lllt welghl. 27' Nl1I ~0111 end love M•I Top I ~'"' 'lAT l')UN MAY lSlh Peugo1 10 tpd bike All 1260/080 831 2978 & lama, 11ao T ..... -.......... r1m1 $1115 87' ~1114 1~1111l11y Ove111utt11d pll & llllh •1, '>!18 & S i nti good cond 1894 VIII• 11<47-5863 ,..., .,...,,... low Mull NII Ane Ave CM _ Caudel. N B 0 0 , Sal Mini trtmpollne fOf heallh __ _ I •lo 11 1w1rr t / 1 More ()18 '· 1un1J 1r,we1 d1111I 1.c1n1rol1 w h/dr 11•11 1111g VHF C1t11.11" 1111m <Jer II 101111 b•ll 1110~ (IUlfl(jg11r1, 1•0 Q•I luel ,.,.,,,.Y ln~pr 1 chllrJ11n Apply be tween 3 and 'I Mu" 11ti.1t \ aw1m N<><r P M 600-D Newport ~ m r; ~ " r d r 1 n ~ • r C.en1er Drive. NB 111'• {i4()fl, f1Hl1Uflnl ! full ttme Mon 6 TuH I //'/ 6113 3710 l!leet Madi. Jog tn ulety 8A8Y MOLUCCAtl n1ght1 Thur1 & Fri • •I , C,pnng ttouucleanln9 760 3067 rel111lng & b1nellc1e1 Hand fad very 1ttectto 9 -;PM GOO<I driving re-ll1l•tl•l1 IOZS P11l•1J r urnllure old tiul ~•1" 30<1 1 Donnybrook You name 11. -problt>I S 199 8-4&~!1 1 cord min age 'JO APC>fy ...................... a1urt1y llun1 •11e11rnent ln. CM 6el/Sun 9.5 have 111 S et 9.2 174i n•I• 3 ~<>;·5!~~411 Pennyu11e r 1660Pla UIUllAITIEI c.omplu l!lloung41alt01oeiioeu11 b arga in•. Por1 Hemi.y c1r,NB Old HACI ENDA DINNER c.a p 9•lv "" meny "' It Ill sn 1100 <.all AM wer AO $41i b4J 4300 ,. hrl ..... ry ,.,, .... 10 CIO at1>c.ktr111 "•'" wnn .va111rlng f ull um. wMk rl11yt lnler"1ew by app I ., ,, 1 y 1 ., •, 1 ,, r u r r 1 r1•11 1441 l l OYO ' t4UM~Cl~Y HRIUY HUI I trr1kt11g l<Jr 111•1 91101 II""'-fi'tllt{ll\ 1(1 (,IHJW """" ~ w•ll e11b (," M1n1mum 1 f' 11111111 r1u11ery uiwr "''' 11 rull Tl~ H111111r1g •-1 $111)0 ICJ i I 100 pot mrJ Pd llolld1y1 & VIC Hll•Pllltl Int 1"''1 l11le• ~l/Jw 111 epp I only 1uM lhru I 11 6 4 6 1 44 I I l OYO ~ NURS(HY <Jcld jO!>I (~roc11ry ""'" 1>tng eic 1 10 2 '"' p.r w~ (. M 64~ rJ'J7 1'111 I 11rru1 rn111d for Wtt'I ~11nd1 Sm•ll mn1el 1n , C,r1 rorie del Mtr $• 'J'J ,..,1 hi l(J lllft 673 4~20 1•111 I 11r1141 111•11111 1 ant1 ... H 11111cmet leeder 111 lele t1h<1n• m•1ka11ng •• "" ~ tng 'l qu1llfM>d Ind Iv Int rJl"er t i fled w1J1 k •Jn be h111t <11 m•JOt <.llerlf 1.orp A1>"l11;1n11 mu•I ''" 111 l••l1le lnlolllg~I m11ur11 I\ trOll11~11ed II /llU 'lU• hly rileoft r.all Mr <1ary ., .... , .,, lb l•erl ''""' 1111embl111r m•n "J(j lit wl< Wiii trell• 111 ll 1111 11 11 4 '• 4 IHI II lit w 11 8 (JAM Pm Tiii ti 'Jrim EAP•ndlng youth r •••1r11.,i1tno llrm h•• ope "'"V' tnr 1 '> 1herp out u•1•nv matur• n•opl1 to m11tlv••• a111l>lllOUI 10 13 tr otO• C ell 2 ~P"' 11•" 41:it, ext 14'1 Allk lur Andree Hc>•te1M1 & 8u1bOyt Nnw ac.cepuno 1ppl1ca I 110111 •PPl'I 1n IJ•rton blwn 3 ~. lhe Corner '>IOfll Cal• 3000 Br11tol '•I Coit• MHa 1<,0fner or 8 e1'.er & 8r11tol1 He11t1 S•'" HlllL lllf Par1 10 full 11me. w!ll lreln in hrtdnl bul pret111 <.on j atd•ruble 1vpe1 1n rellll I r 11111111111 ~,.,.,, (,1)a l11 c..-nt11 Ave CM 0000 Mleet10•1 l8 l1<1 "'"'" 16 1.111111 lb H Ch I furn11ure . women• I•• 1 d11111r c hild '• 101 & WARE, 4!1 PC ntllng.I COCKAf~ n,IST ., ";:" dflll11•r~ tP"(.lt~ llvy 1 IJt all 1145 3381 hion•tile clotht•. rnl•c. """ 11111no , r ocking i~~ ~]11,'.'~4•1~cl•C111 11 :,u1phe1 c.r1111e 8 moe cl>i.O L•9une <.anyon d, 2 Melr.hlng Lrtrnpa tht l>•I only M•Y l'llh trom c.n1111 11len1 eland. hou-old 111110 tam 4Q P1111 11"'e ~ • wHk1 orl l agun1 Be.ti 404 '4 f!l4 1>•tr $'.l~ Br•nd new 10 111 • 11161 w 11f1e1u, uhold c101h1no . 1oy1 OtHlq lwM flt 8•7-51111 '111· l'J 1:1011011 Wh•lt11 6(1 nu Su1u~1 & 1·~ ''" t..an 111n~, r.11ver lt~e new $0900 'J89·07!Kt 1u11111me 11 rtu11111ed IOW Jlo/n. 6•6 ,.291 H R 1M a 0 ,. o 11 11 11 1 1urrboerd1 wh .. lch111, w ood e nd 6'rau wllh LqVE~DS Mghl 12am 8am Set & Yo•~ 1own1 """'"'' l><Xlkl & llt h 111 d "•·'~'-u• pair " r ""0 f a m .. e r ' mn1 y1 en .. -~. "" 1e ll"•f c•t>m 4•.11p mu sun 11.0.........., Min ""' n1d wouo2118deck1ng 7rnll th•tt••1 V<t>u111 11 b 1 c 1 ··c•" ~ ~ -..-.. 3 '·erege 1111 moving ~•bult1111 a lley e1le·S•ll •m• u b• omp llt ..., • ., • 1111 • •• ,, .. •1'""'108<) l><Jfl\9 119y $700/wlt Call 4 ?O ~ 11110 r.cJwOOCJ Hrand n-11•6 <4711 "' o v ~~ • ,.,., 0 0 f I . II J K 1ter1CJ TV .mell girl 1 "J ';u11 II 2 81111ool11 d"lt 13~ C.Hh ~9-2602 ev COC.lo.llOO, Umbrell• 17~ 811 ')11711 Mra u1nn 1 em 4pm one ng • '"' OI •11 Moom d1111der with gl•H hi .. k 1 1,helrt Se111 ~tip lhre<J tl4~ llOllO Aft11 ru.. 11n)'1lme, 7/S 14111 111,11 ,611 Brand new ; 10 "~m'1~·~·~ ·~•I. ~~1 dei u••<l•" 10011 con· Vt1<.uum $25 Lawn Chair, Atld Lord Amu on $3!1-0 17' 1iihingt11<• t 10t•p '>4n u.,,.. Appl 18·" •·•91 81d1pread . Iron . $6 ~•8 !1440 new upllol • ••11n1 lrlr ..,...,.,1 ., 1>1111 11ntr11nc.e door• .,u . .,« , '\It') 4() <..e<J11 ,.,. Ln t.011 1t•r110 lamp1, lrplt ""' •10 ••Ch All wood p e ce n II a -0 -IOIO $2600 Run• IJ'"'"' npflf P1ac11ce lly n11w • fnbltt .VIOU(,lht lrt>I!, QI• .. 1rv1ntt. llfllv Pk i4~~itt~~1~18&1nm1~;:v ehelvlng unit COii $600 •• f~.'.~.-: •• !lf~~""' 97'/ HWfJ dya 1!4 t 0:1'.)') f "'' 4 reliable good H I 4~ 4038 lup, 411:11 4 cha1ra Ml I urn1tu1 • lllkllt. c;lomet, 11411 411 4 7111 make o~ ~:6494 P11110 1m1ll up11gt11, 111111 evH Mua ')41) 1811 '"Y 10 lllrl Nl(A •Imo 'i•I ot w11orob11 dOCHI '100 64' 1604 •IC. 1)11 tO 7 Sun It I d I Id & I I he< ~ 11 0 ., Aof11g1111or. goO<l cond. c.on n1 • ou u Flyin1i 6rr<Jue .,,.,1,,1ure !1'>11 ll'lJJ •P fl Of 11111rvl~Wt Prec 11c.11 lly nttw $:19 Rolllu<i 111 , c.t b ll\e l ~4', 1<11101 Pl'' U 4 l 1mlly "IOI -.114 elmo.I new couch n1d 4 a 1 11ve red S f~O 011 • ,8 Slo.ipiec.~ _1111 ,.,,,., ~ 1 ~· ~PnM !1 4 11 '? 1 1 4119 40'lll :Ml• t81JO 11reen l1<.Qllft•. T r1 01 1 no u 1e w•,.1 ~~:~. ~:r~d ;~~'ch~~\~ 045 08 111 847 ~72 cond $I~ i,•,7 41!>11 ~I .. fet A IJud l umne r Alll 11 S 100 l.dM 844 1&04 1Joolo.1 m11c. S•lurcl•y St c M SM t0-5 1 arge Swtrnmlng Pool 1<1w11 Studio Upt1of1 with 74 Ooi lon Whelflr 1:1 fl (Jtra IHt .. 1 nrtlf good c•1nd ove r $300 f legore glen 1helv11 Q 4 I 14:i' V1etorta Plae4t epprox 4 hlQh -t 7 t.i e ncn welnul Xlnt '>0 llP J1Jl1111r,n l gu 11\o t>e rinyuve r la ac. r r111 pece d i'A Ue pl/ worth $ 10 0 c. •I h ()r,.,n 4 11aa1 '16• lfl•ll G M ~:rr,~o: ~~~'c •;!'1~~~·n e<.rOH . good cono $50 $ 9 !> 0 B t 11 o If er ten~• Ru11• & l<;oh •lnl '"~""U eppll1.1t1un1 tor I ~;;;::;,~~1:0;.~~·;~~ 499-S24 7 "00 C:.dM 1144 lt\04 '>f"'"U C.IU l\lflg t f urro lO 'I 20110 Meyer Pl • 960-9078 -I 160 36t 1 2 t3127 t-3939 l r111ler rnc.ld L ic 101 8? t11l•ph<;l\11 '10llr,1tnra Pl lla(,ttll"nl typing grem C••ltll I IW1rkur 111811 un11 I •hell, .nuuc.el IW)ulp , '10 Ooo •C M Po1ter1 WhHI, Sp1n111ng l h••• It~, lrN4 l(~n t c;ond i ·12~0 limo lira l uttt lhru frl,I me1 A o10011nu tklll• r,. I I 1030 ')7-101 /1 wlllle $20 80. g11<>dlH gelore S•I T1uer eleclrlc 1260 or C$1J S•rlH , II walnul. •' I 'J711030 11AM 12 Noon Apply In 'HU 1000 r • .,':1!~!! .......... CoM ll•4 tll0<4 4 II Me•dow•-1. tr I IOV. llLE bftll olflf' 67J 1098 ytt otd . mi n i cond ilHll l••I p1111on 1600 Pl1cen11a 'l'>MM KOWA CAMERA vine !Univ Pk) I u 1 r y IhI 11 O O 0 I 1 -O g 7 / , K1r1g 111e bed c.nmplet• • <;.,er• refng alt condlllO $850 5 ·06411 d 1y1 C" I fOSO "M u:~:t;·~~.~11~~': ;;::~ Wl~~~·~~~::6!> , wlti.•eObl>••<I & b.cldll\Q rurn11ure ••frig clo1h11 1146·6068 n., 5000 BTU. llkt ntw 063·2963 ll'V" & wltndt .... '!~!.!! ........... . ..... ""flOnl II'> 111.,hl• C•ll $11'> COM 8-4•.t904 Plu1 IOl1 more Sal/Sun $16-0 5411-7252 111 8 Rlory & Cl u~ Uprlihl ')All BOAT AIU(~ lJnr ... .. I 9 4 94 17 Le n11 circle Ull -· .. •tu 1 l I Cn n r n CHEil & ['IT! 640 53811 n-1 1040 T1undl11 1yrie 111011 ""' -11 u ..--lrellt r St 1~ Contractor practice piano $!. 0 '"'"' 1 4 urc u " LI\ :".It.................. IJ<1P up bed• compl••• Ntt+ght>O<hood 0••~ (A(llet m1 175 T bl & CdM ••"-tor J e n Oy o' a 1111 r l a• o II o u<. I Y .. -"'~-'c0c>r•llQ9f Spaniel, AKC M v•tr $&0 COM 844 le-04 I 1111 111111 S AT I SU N SALE 4 Bentw~:d Chll i 200 84<4·9J 11 Ev 7511·90'\2 61'> 789~ .,.... llvr 6 wtlt "lhol1 & WOI (,11n1"1ng •Qulpml o ak Gh8111, appllancn hou Sk 1 & 2 t -RICH I Tllll ltNef PMf j mecJ $700 •ell 1969 1 ~OIJf FN·$1~~1Bf D 0 11J1 mnt<ircyc.14', tl lkH. aono111 11emt, men1 & wo b 010~~ e; 100 11~11 ~ !!!';~'A.~~~!'!!!!.~!1~.'!t.~~!~ ••• ... !.~~~ lterell Mteter T .. , lt"c...... P•• o wner • w11 u lee e 11 1 • rnew ~. ', :r""'~'/) l nduro "" In 11llty men• clothing Old book• 11113·0021 ll:ftr lewl-llOlll.. MOllVAILCJ OWNHI Hlhlbll• dlgeellon ot c;a1. w,. re '"'e1r1no 10 t>ulld •I your pet Whllfr yr1u v-c• 117°11l,,.d11~ ' '2 J > ;. 11a ll•Jr1ll11gton St H8 "' '"' md 11lbum1, 4 · lhl<.k ----. (.el '14 '••" 11 w•y tnnr1 11 , 11 r 1 c; h 1 11 , ch• 1 l•bnr pool of qu11tf1ed 1100 nc. c•oe• 1>64 one ., ' 2111 IWll 1n11n1 •lab double llH d C•nnlng 1•11 •1111"•• cOll 18 no 01'l9 H•llt1r1ta 111., er 11 ""Piiie 1111 •-aonntl tori !; Ort•nlal IH~ tier $'100 1>01110 whue wlckt r 701 1111" & l ine lope A• 1-· n •• .J I fp<J1lllOM C>IU• l)r .. d & .. .,.,.. Al<C C.QC.l<EA ~ PIJf' ( ,, r., "I '1 I 11 c. 0 " I• I l llJO p.,~ Urive N-pQlt m1ng1on et11C & Dellon .. ,11 •• _, 014 r ... r• fun 'l.i M•• (,rl!V"' •P•OMlll) 0 " c.•ll work In the pr• Rull thot1 8 w1r1 ""' 1111 111 • Orvttilo ~i fl M""" fu1n11ur11 m11c; fl•!l•ll A<.tOH '''"' ''°'" m •nu1 I c.•lcula l lng .f'.-•••• r .............. t.•tem•••t• 1 77 000 f1tt1und 11001 11le1 OIJ 111•11 '""' Al 11111 one l 4''JOl09() h/'I lt'J8 •l•m• 11 tamll1 <t1) 'le11 011t11n•~ I n •tleur11nl mac.h Ho11e h11r llngl• Aem mod 1170 ?O II• ()ft (J mu\t "'"' pfJrlunlly for 11110 call fHr• •AC)<WllCl(,t II\ type 1:11:i.,c:i1 t~7t IOfl ID U1mo A lrna for mo111s111Sun t01m 3pm mtlh -646--0920 IJUml' l11<11 new New ~411 'l?Oll f1f1'.l ~')"I'. 01 4(11\ 4744 "'lllng Piiie up Gamet• ,. C •I 41 CI k 11 $If 'I ""*rettun 01 plell!fTl11t1ng (em Poo<Jle 11•vet AKG I ull 11111 l tke ,,_ ''00 trHu ••11'.un 1Jn•1••Cly on yovr IHI? 114~·80111 I n'9netJM JO tu rrn 1111 •,.,101 11tnK••u 1yYoun•ualbe J tOO '>mti. 8u1 .. 11•,41)4 ;t11J '>•ll!'iurt10 4 ~1'1 &'1 16 H•t1•I IOIO tnvalld walliar,llka n"w l . rn11ir.rng11\ll .,,.r., ft,.tn hit,""' •vall•ble IO WOi k 011 II ll4~ :14]0 11111 !ifl2 017!, :•• 'lllX77 l}4Wn480 (,ll•H I ~I ltllle 11111111 Clrl,l<t , ,,,., ... ., ••• , •••• .,,. 1:11} .,46-6642 ~~~~r~l~:11~0~~:1· ;J~,; $4llOO/IJll '1411 .-4?~ 1•"11•11•ut• or c:all In bH I• Al<C Oolden 1'11111111v11r 1 '''II c.ofl•• llt>le . $47'1 I f.,pyglen1 t.orona d•I WUTUl llllLI S11 111 Thomu m a tching 1f!ll S50 911-0 91176 711 f 11<.•<1n l'I 1trrhur1 "'' (, 1 11 u • • b o u 1 1 h • '1rilaty <1e(l4flde on "Pfl puppy mel• s 1:06 I '\fl e nllque round O•k I Mar wla111nd $ t50 ll•0-8777 bl • 11 b 1rome 1 er " & 111 QU• w/1Jb1111 Pkng IJUl•l•ndlng career op rl ance (;ontac.t P t l•Or> ~·., 1884 "'"" ltt•f ••Ille $ l 9b A 11111 0 ~ ~ "'"' -"'IC• lllll 648-400., I TV, J.'11, 1, y 'e. 'ill It ~ r u111wn1111a •• •n ln1u ~ . u n u,1,, o•• II yr old reg'o Appy OtlO .,, "; •-att 1,., "H I old fe male 'la Uunc.an Phyfll llbl• & 11 1 grill cl•w tool tub ml,.c; W1t11/l11Q 11000 Of beal FOiCOLLAR BIT/ llllH IHI 114-6 4'1 '1?61 llntA AQltl1 f111n1ng ... lll -• c,hr• w/'.l IH VH , $9(10 '\ti 9 3 837 W WllM>n ()II .. 1131 ?t6!> 0 .....,. ,~,.It•~ ••o ••••••;(••••••••••••••• ll"O 14wHh11allfW •t/!;-0 nullnterlellwllhyour • ........ tl'IOy•d Wllhpe pert C:"nn l 1ombone •go c ·· VVV~"'"''"" ... 1''7" 2 •2 Color" • ,._., • ~"' n.a3 2" 2 ~ • .., 642 4853 • • " L 1ke new J>f......,t employment a30 Bey 'it .,1.,.., '"' d up11ghl v1cuum S35 I •Hr with trelle r 190(1 _·__ IV• ·Ohrt Aak 101 JO 121 J•'-114l -,641 CO.la MMI Ooldrtn R~t r1ev1r Al<<, 1}4:;> 4610 "" m<iving U I• Oood Xlnl cond M·F t lltr 5 lll1till••H•I I 002 ~:>113, 11/!1 '7'14 "' 9'JJ 4b 111 An Equel Oppty Emplyr JIUPP'f <.h emplon line r otmel 011,1,,11 rm. 11 Pe •luff Sal •3 lll26 Mer Pm. wk n d • • 11 d • Y S11t1ot IOI H ie 111n1pl.,t• 'i•IH tterdware full time • -· -· Sholl Home r•l•e<l Ill I /3 •· • guertte (Bayview Apll) '141-09')0 WlalH IOI/ 8CA Ullf UL ?ti" RC.A hood condition 1100 -c1ro 1•11 • "" • ,..av•t . ., t.01one d ll Mar ... ••••••n••••••••••• Color TV t•HI 2 yr winly 1146 '>l:lO 1111 a ~M pne111nn retell herdwere Vohlcle Oper1101, Ol•l·A· tflr c.1111 . bu llet S fOO B • 1' 0..4 IOIS lllTIIT CUii I $148 FfH dellvt~ et ore, no 8unll1y1 01 Aide, 81ddl4rb1ck Val'-Y 11:1 1 81184 W••••IJ.0. Qll "· & mo• MUL II FAMILY SAL( •• ~~!!.! ... ,. .... ~••••• Circe 1940 Like new I rv John'• 846· 178'! lllOO 14, # 3')'1(1 w/lrlr 1Jve r11ng1 8 •• IH•v• 11ea t8 w/~lnl driving frM •1tt .. t old Ilk• nu wl lll\t nt 1AntlQu11 & c~1111e0.11t>I••. o n1ENTA L RUO Eleelrlc movement 1740 1,, z~ttll co1~ TV i:i 000 (? tJ1 'Ill:> :,11115 , H W Wt lQhl Co 120 record Starting S• nr $3()() :>~I 0801 g Hlt<;llOn ,4 "Holly Aet(,141 8311103. $160 • "'' .,.. " ---------AochMter C M [ () E 1130 6 IG t l)twn 960-9302 IN 5 PM 1 •1141 Npl H11 SAT 11 6 6<4'4· l&O• 1'14 1030 d1 01 64'1 0493 wOllo.t gra111. S tOO ~ "I PUT Tiii lO-tlAM - -011 e111 8 pc. 1ec;llon11 !>IJN 11 <4 eov _ _ 190 1879 loolttng for new 1k1p1111 f11111r 1e nct1d preferred ., .... 1n1wn111ona1 Manu -Wiil fll TUllU •Ola ""''"" s ooo , I 1010 RALPH S STAMPS .. c -c-SANfANA .. , .. C,lu n I I ~ lh I I 1 ftc.lure 1 01 computer w•nmu11w•ns• 8'> I ll:l'/9 Of 1'0 1090 Treller Motorcycle Wit Jftill 'l. 'J., <>IOI onl()le TV loe ded 1 h/p Hcinill im ia .. '>II • 10' r1 .,.,, .. ,.... ""'" I C l S I •••••• ............... N!Nd no 703. r-110 D • ,.,... I I """t " "4 h LI t>11Hd lndoor •1t"ulllly •vt• o 111 e1 ur "•PPl'IA"'S "RUBIES ••~w.,.,..,ic n ,,_ure "•a·•~1 0 ••0 <·•II ning' ourawee .y ·~ 000<1 weoea.no 11pe <.a11 Roundr•tt1ndlnlng1e1 '"' 'r" 635·7716 1xt 11 $3~/080 831 t3 19 " u v · ''"''ll'" nour1 Some 5et mori110 11no ec1u1pm1nt 673-7730 tor •w• Al<C: r 1g1t111r10 •Int w/4 tene b•C.k twlval tioerd, fl(, 742 1 Elden (cul) N-2 calh 110'% off ---• l141fl1 ·20'>0 11r1111y1 C:.ell 64' •'l?1 11••1bllan1ng n-bHe In -breeding, 9 ~·old Xlnt thlllrl N•w l t•OO 8 ,. bi l/Sun 9 .3 _ 0 SI w11t11n •pprelHI Went tnu pen1l11e 000 CO!llSOLE S lERFO I?' Boomerang tll llhl r llll~mrirv Im •r>PI C.•111 Rel" fntt1••11 WHI PllOUSIH wetchdog1 bul tt11ecllo· r •I y u 1 , <1 , $ 6 6 0 Mite. rurnlture & c.lolhH 8<44-1007 tfOUSE tor m.a lg dog Derk \ovooa cabinet $ 100 I lllH• 11~• ntw qac;rllloe lreil Otttt ~:,•v?c': ~~a7:r':hl~•:,~ Exp'o EXXON'S . OYX nele 661 6<''6 01 1"0 t080 All 1t11 M1 mutt go S•f/ -OOLO 8RACelETS-ft4b·8802 ·~ -~-13 19 147'> ~82·~661 leJ Plitt I M4 Order proceHlng 6 121·1212 Su n 9-6 8311 1 Lomond Hit a Heft Cotl 1726 11 WANT CD 3011 or longer Alert unl1 wllh gime Both wor k d•gr11'''1>ful 1)1'10/\ff lrvlne furn mfr v1n1to• Ti ee o f Lii• 01 H 9 638 H OO F I 00 double leader, A.Horii item• Il k• new • 160 74 Columtlit. •Inti ond "J'I~:~:'~::. <\I ~=r~~n~:. h~•;gr~;~~"rii Call !._H 'l40·8004 Oulden At11lt ver/ White ~~ew;~~e'12 ;x Ill, 1 126 O•r1~ Sal;, 8 11/Sun ~~~·~1~1 67~~;~344 ble 963~~ &45 470~ • sm~ ~f ~~~A .. llt An f9u1I Opply Emf>lyr range C•ll tor eppl lfireu"'llf S hepheld p up w t th ,-17.f'S? Appalec"l•n F V If I I C • -• -· 48:1 3&:14 ••••••••••••• .. •••• .. • M\011 1 t6 8-411 373;;> Old T •o•r Oek 111 ot 4 fcnr r uclld & s111er1 lll1t1ll••Hll IOIO •• ti aH r• 24' olor r v por •-•111 II/ii •-ti •-s dr•w •• 11111 11150 ...................... / 1 1 IOIJ tabi. $100 -,.. 'I!" .-Whit• Shepherdt golden 6311 f!)ll8 lletwn 17 'J •~uoe 1 f 1mlly Oar1g1 & AMWAY PRODUCTS dell· ••• ~~!~.'!!~!........ lle3-40llO DHkl H10 PllntH j(j Mlellle Preeaman I 1,11ltJt 1 f) yre 11ap Wll· ling to run a rnaller IJ'fll'" '16 yr Old r.o In l •11 11111e Ou1llty con tM'. 1111(.1 F Ac.ell 1)91\efll e C.ell II~ I 91100 PlllTIH r .• m1111p111aroom .. 11t11n1 Mon t3PM 10 1ppro11 llPM). Tuctt l'lPM 10 lpl)rOx llPM). I r l (9·1'iPM). 8 tt IO·OPM) Wiii work v•rllo•I cnm· m1re111 camera Know• lt dO• of PMT procua helpful lo xcell lor COi· llo• 11uaent1 with rt14•· ••o c.11u•• Apply 1n pe11on 111110 Plt c•nll• Ave . C M SALES llAIE IUOIS START HERE •••• •••••••••••••••• Re1rltver puppy wllh yerd ••I• frl/SatlSun vere d to your ho me 1064 LES PAUl Seer• co~~'• ater•o •••••••••••••••••••••• A WESTMINSTER 1hot1 116 040-3732 Old •w111e l duk ch11l1 . 70<102 81yvl1w Ave, S A t.yn~hla1 83~•".• &41·t2111, TV moael e1ec; gulllf, 111110 combination. ~lnl ...,.,. llritt ABBEY AKC c-oc-ker Spenlll_pu_p-. ?;e;n113~3?5:~•11 betwn HQ 11 0 ( tt8 1• c k 8 •YI hl!I u<4 • ~ '" 1260 648·11006 i.ond $76 960-~711 Sl1 pa 11va11 oey, wl< or mo ANTIQUE MALL plll, butt, main S1T6 · 540 31 4, tiding mlrrQI INTEAARMS Ml< )( 1-11.-f -,;;_ --1148·0!161 t 1 7 !l 1 O., d • n w 11 t . 847 ·38&8 Ueeulllul flQ41< oek a m i te tl()l)ra, n-m1.rble tlnkll, Pro f1ttlOnelly CuitoM • .... .,..., Megn111ox Coneole A11ro --- mtnll., Ave dining ••bl• 1700 C•ll c11oe n11111 •up1111 e1, Bullt Rlllt HHllY Barrel Oulllr wlcue tt60 Slnl Sonic Comb A1dto/ JI' lteriM I Th• LO• Angel•• limn OAR0£N GROVE ''" ,, '•• 1048 bfltwn "2 ~38 16&6 dOOrt & ICfHnt . men• 22 260 wlln Redfl •ld M<IOUI t>eolnnet Stereo Whl/gold r r Ray f)Qtf oH 8•~· ltle ctrcu11110t1 oept cu,,ent 5M.flt03 ...................... -cloth••. lg• wo men• 3 ....... Scorc• Co••'' 875-7079 Prov H«ctndon cabtne1 A1k1ng 111800 8k1 I" hu pc>llllOnl 009fl In 7 k llll fl t llled g OOd Free-11tndlOQ. lablo l ltl <.IO l h II f •• ' 1200/btl 640 4294 714•046 2,01 ' 1 J bl ••1 "1"' C " •• em a . urn , 100 !lac I 00 'lrm. Jeff "'-•11d'· 11-1 .......... ,. u lH A• • ll•ld 11p11. homt't, wka, box trll· ec;o i n ... rr0t • " • l>Ook• di•~ '"""' .,.. ... _.. v.,, "" " • ............ _ .. .,_,, 2 2 ..... ,..... ' -.:......::!_-~ 042 11170, O&e-O<l&o ... ,, a .. ,rla• 11111111111. vou II earn -~~¢ neo. 644·3ttl8 •II 4pm ~twn t """' uvv • ,., PIER houfty WIQI & QlfletO\lt Prtv111 pert)' St l I Bun or E T 8-d / h -h • .• l.1.1.1.l.I.•.•." •• '.'•••••'•"••• 'lftll ldl• item• 1142 687_8 llf •• l.1.n •• l.l.o •• H •• •.• ••••• IOlf.... ~/ .. 1al comm l111o n 1 Hr a only ll·d 1178 Olenney· .-9REh .. 1111 Hut.9u1H for u;1C:0 cH~~n;0•11 c~~~ ~~:.:,::.;~~~=~~~-~~~~~:=;;===~~=~~~~71 •••":1:ao. •••••••••••• UP TO 29 11 •190 mo 4-9PM For lnform111on , • • l ·1 u n. 8 •• c h 11 nOUll or oraoe ~ •!) .. u p v"• r •• ,,,, HU Ma1c.u1 Channel c1ll 714-ll67 '1301, ext 484-199 Shed 714'* 11874 ~ 6 8 7688 1~2 _ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-lt46 120_4 __ -----Vlotorl•n bona handle'" BffuUful 2 yr old apeyec:I Of Coff .. l•ble ¥fllh AM/ OINOHV. lnlllllbl•. Cit· ·o· S l_l _I_ ••t"'• PIT'-fruit Ill. Cito• 1881 wt fern ell LanOlofd won't FM lrnlbl 6 1p1o.re 120 CAR TO cR· IB rlet 4 paM, taltM 2 hip N.!..""..P1~1 v 1..,P· 1• n1 1 '"' "'" nr,. •• ....,._. 11i10W Call 64M250 &3& 711110 bel 12·2 engine UMd I011'e I 160. """'""" MCUf '"Pf VI e t.oc111 worlt In Newport, c... '650, 1116· ..... 2 --062-4&&l • • ~ly &73·7873 eo.11 Meu 180 pet ht Vlotorli n p1111 handled Fr" mall blk L•b to QOOd C.011 fined hOpe cri.et In f.'1·11111_0lc•t lleh 111 Circa ttOI wl llome, 11 mo old, 11ary mah<>Qany 150 Call bit ti' RAT &OnOM ... ,,, 1,..4 I ..... CUI '400. M&·M412 0000 wlcNldren. do... IM ~30-7&811 Furnishings for Home and Office w/TRAILER 1226, ,., '°" -. few 1r101te No pepare. -v -1 -1 -ic-11--M d I h d d t It 8'42·2023 ervlwkndt •••••••••••••••••••••• •-i-""Pnenornlnlll Tudof I ll'Ulrl QIUIW11e. 178·86117 9'Y "0-iorm 1 w nvt 0 e Ome 8n 8COr8 Or ems Spon-Valt II Oln~rc Ind•· 26' Thunderbltd ,ormut1 _, 11'"'•1 O~it •11 103 "ct 12700 pn oftlce chettlllO CalllMrl. Twn OMC lully aqulp Age n o 1:1111111 IOI pl I a •'M' llTAlll"'I •••..JO.a,.' ' f111Jl•1I fffO 12·2 83e·7&H l lrUGllbll PIH G 109 ' • IO le k II d c" ~ .,.._..,... • ••• f.'MOOI ' ped 1877 )(Int oond :;.:· •Y. I A~ Wlf111d. Mct<lbbln 11•11· f nglltll P0tc.l•ln Ginn.,. KiNaiNNERSPRINO.IX· Amerlean Manlntvlll• din Couches, dressers. chairs, lamps, outdoor ltl,800 ofr 133·73t1 In ~~r:;~<M• "*'"'· c M 979-1413 ware Mt'Wt 12 Ayneley TAA FIRM mattr ... Mt. ... •• Chelrl '1300 0 8 0 10' lu&*111• ~ tor pp Ave NB No pN)(le eek ....,. •• /.... gold• on Whl. id poi ne¥9t UMCI, worth 18)0, ~T 8!LL H&·~ furniture, by gym equipment, desk, flle 08 Kini COftd U&o -t4-.-l -tar_et_af\ ___ ,-56H_P_C_twy . ... ,.lt!Pl10 .... 8T A11ltt1nt lo t111r1tellno 1:1000, MO..M412 U C UO <Ill HtVll Ooublt l>l d . nllHllnd, Cabinets. Ml.e64t Ulr 0 18, I trlf nc.....-"' uttd qu11n n . worth dr...., mirror l>ootlute ... •--'--'1200 64Mtl<4 needed for ln1urano• dlfKIOf H9wpOf1 e..cn FURNlTUM IAL! UH CHh only 12 •• I 211 0 Mui T 8 El L ,,, _,... brok•r•o• firm In N:f:t lrn1'11d openlnq '°'the "·" ~ ........ &O a 1 'u 11 11'orn1 1 ..... 1127 ~I I H'11 •1·,.,~··1-•ch Dullea lnc lu 1 rlnht ri•rton C1 ll for O~.r.;"_.._ • .....,~.7"' •. tua Y • ""' 1-.. •• 11 ,,._ QI • ~ ~,_.. .. "' 704 1l00 1-.. •••• ·~············ ••••• • •••••••••••••• telephone= and eppl 62~1 CllWd bend\ 1290 Nl1g1r1 Rou ... r chair --'•~; 1935 Ford N-'TU"AL OAI CVl.ll'f· AlmMI '"' m~~&:t c:all amnm . o~ ... ~lllloPT~: **'BUY** ~~rn:~:~t:..:1,: ·~;, Antique Ill·~~ ~~·.'.'~~·-.'~ ·····~ea"e;;;.:;····· Someone wllo dOHn 1 Ao c tuo1y Hou11 , oood 111td '"'nllur• e or l>Ml Ofi.i Ml·2212 • '44·7007 '4000 1111,t/S.., I mind WOttllng fOf t IMnO. 11116-A ... ,..... OR I wtlf Mii W &.-.. J__::~ N (u-l""'-1 11M620 1•nPotllY OOlltlon open A~ Wllftout 1e111n9, lf E M<lOUfmotl °'· INIM ""'T!ancet-Wino rtfrlg 1100, 7 ~ art,tuU•t _ •"'7"•' '17 hlnrvd• 11 Hit 1rnm.Ol1t.ef1 In ""'141· you,. wont\ It , Olfl Of· IM-1t22. lalllun 10-4 Of llU lor You llv rm ••• 000. quten Clearance J• -Gott "3001090 ~ "" rtttt OMIOfl "'""'for .,.. lie• laper ot train... l&ITDI....,. el11 mall tH1. 7 p iece 7 -., 17&-4714 "-f II• rOll. to ....... Holltt .... 2"'2J7 • pla nk p in• b l•nk•t ... .... ., ..... ,. pello ... NO. •90 m . ,_,.., LtWCO 10 amp l•tt•ry ... '":T:" ............... . AM'°• "4 ,..._Oii Whit • WOt1d«tu1 World «rf:/J"f 090 1 llY •••rnlM O 1 "•' "'1' 0 11 •"' • , v-ChatO-for bo11l.. oem• • Ptok •· Cu111•1 .. u. ~etOrlf'ttl~ of lttopplno,r1011111 1 «720-1 ,_ ,_oi_1_·_11_u_____ perf •1111u10. oon'91Md.t4IO "••f111ren1 l trvJo-tt 'f04H 11no«11pe IWfYOllYI 11t8 ~ OlnlnOrm tbi. LAI t67 .. 1U .... ., .... ~ 1M01 ,. .. An., tmne, Ca. 11114 141 400I. .., .... 770 2eo1 DtJmi.t ••• ..,,,. Dilly "1101 CIHtlfl•d Wllh -loP IMV9I and ..... Nfl-elt.l INtlr...... (I ... k ..... ) I I l>O ' I' An• 71.,..t•l712 Ad• To piece your ad, rn11oh. ohalrt. •1200 ... 0. New quHn 1111'. l1M. Ml.. 'J '"' lll'N8.:.J ~d~~1~1f,,·4~~~ t~ ~.0:::'.0a:..i1 Q ;Mi IAHI call 042•H71 and ltt t t48•1t11 t100. 7IO-NH l<lng llH w111el"1 Wlllf IUndlf_.:}"_., 1t. 1-17M IOt propent ....... lie bM I If'• 1 WU CttMln.d Ad·VllOr http lill idie "•"'• wltn 1 ifilnd whit ~Jent 111 b•d wllh llHler l lH. f"-·... lol• of 1tor111. HOO. , C1i111!fled Aat t42-M71 ~· Deily Pllo4 Cl~ Ad Ot11y Pilot flldt 1_'4_2_~_11_7 __ -:.. ___ ----~~==~===;;========~=====~~~~~Da~lly~Plloe~~C~l~1~tt~lf~lff~t=~t4~ .. ~M4~;t===== \ 0 .. '79 HONDA )(L 17& Aun• grMt. ~00 Call 973-21112 '112 Hon<t• Qoldwtng lnt.,•t•t•. lull or .. •. 220 '"' 1&900 846-7••• Lii ol• l•dy nHd• to ••II '78 YZIOO, 111n1 c:ond, l&tM 979-1942 I S A1 1D I Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT1'rtday, May 14, 1812 '11 h¥11i., 111nt conCI. t OM*. 11.100. 120-111t In IHI ............. ~~······ 'ft l TO, beet OT* ov., t1,IM IM-78'3 '11 'Ol'O LTD.•*· ~II, '11J.. AJ_O .-eo 40,000 ml ......... ,.,..,., .,. fOf'IM. 4 dt, 1'W bet· l•r~ & IHOU. lee. ltOOO. e44fOIO lft I. DI n .. '''"'' 1110 ...................... '78 T ·Bird. 119feo. 111 pwr 19111 -1. lo ml 21MPG $3500 ~8-3&34 A11t11 V11d ..••.................. NABl~l(S < :1\l>ILI.., \C CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC PUITWOOD llOUGHAM A1troroor CPf' (tCRR5921 $15,995 1911 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (1CGX35!i) s15,995 1"2 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILU "DllflL" (14'123) $16,995 1977 CADILLAC SIVILU (391lRS) sg995 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI "ASTIOIOOP" C711WC0) sio,995 1979 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI (4tOW0W) s3995 1979 CADILLAC PLllTWOOO llOUOHAM (lt&KET) 19895 1979 CAINLlAC llVILLI "AlntGaOOf" (OOtXHY) . '11,995 ., ---- IE* '12 EXP , LIAll fOI IOIOIEY$15311 IOWI • + CASI llCll TU ,Of ... -... opflf0¥ed Cf.... 0,... "" i.o.. Cop. (Ott 171 "· REBl11S AID DISCOUllTS UP TO '· FACTOR REBATE $665°0 IEW '83 RlllER 3 O ~ .. TO OIOOIE Fiii • • ~-~~--------------------------------------............................... .. •May 14, 1982• INSIDE s ..... Steve OeNaut In 'Under tM Nutcracker' page 2 •ntert.1"'"•"' 'Dukes or Hazzard' at Knou·s p~ a 1 en YC JUR ( :c >MPl.l·~l'E c;t ll()f': ·n) (>RAN< ;E { :ClAST DIVEHSIONS Dfnlnt Steinbeck's Is wo11ti ~ enort page 4 San Diego More than just a port in the storm • • By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Mitt. o.-r Not li.tt • Writer Robert Benchley said it befit: there are two t•laael of travel, fu'St cla&'l and with children Despite th.at warrung, each year thouaands of parenta take to the highway• in llCal'Ch of a Family V1:1(:al1on, complete with offspnng. One theory holds with the ldea lhat 1f ~ou can't beat 'em , JOIO 'em. which lli why the San Diego area lS such a good rlace for famllietJ. F1n1t of al . it's dose For most of the Orange Coast, it's only about a drive of an hour and a half down Fn.'<'way 5. ln children's tenl\S, that's half a box of cookies, a bathroom stop and three argu - ment.II with your Little brother . In the second place, there are the animals. Within a short dtStarx.-e, a family can vb1t both the San Diego Zoo and Sea World, with the Wild Aru- mal Park JUSt a short hop away near F.acondido Allow a full day for each place ao no one has to mas any lltlle furry, feathered or finned ere.tu.res. And then the re 11 the hl•tory. Schoola can't order up field trips as In years put, but teachers know one visit to a misllJon or mwiewn can mean more than a hundred pages of required reading In a book. Ml.ulon San Diego de Alcala, JUlt off Interstate 8, waa the first in the chain of Cahfom1a missioru founded in 1769 by Father Serra Old Town In the main part of San Diego l5 a charming aix-blcx.•k hunk of what thln!ls muat have looked like in yeani past, tf you squ1nl to Ignore the commerctal overt.ones. Balboa Park, location of the zoo, ll also a trca· sure trove of museums, 1ncludmg one in aerospace with photos, models and real airplancs dating back from early e fforts. A few old can are sprinkled in among the planes, and It's a great stop for anyone with a mechanical bent. For older children or adults who have overdo· led on the kiddie stuff, the Old G lobe Theater in the park ha.a been rebuilt from a diaaatroua fire and la back In buaineu: Summertime meana Shake- speare, but the city fathers have kept an open-air performlne area built laat year while the theater WU being redone. Vlalton tired of walk1nc can drive over the toll brtdee (a 1peci.9CUlar view) to drive around Coro- nado laland. Hotel Del <:oronado isn't the apot for acreamln1 toddlers, but older children might ap- preciate lta charming Victorian atylins. Another day-long excunlon lies over the bor- der ln Tijuana. Durtna the awnmer when l.lnel of can are waltina to croa the border, families ahould conakter park.ins In the lot.a on the American aide and walklntt acre. to avo6d delay. Here'• a rundown on some of the attractions familiel mlsht enjoy In San Dieao: SEA WORLD -Water-oriented 1how1 at apedfl.c tJmes all day plus rldee and exhibit.a. Mo.t dramatic 1how: Shamu. Funnleat 1how: Seal and Otter Show. Don't mlu the otter exhibit, either. Skytower and Skyrlde, auided tours available. Opens 9 a.m. SAN DIEGO ZOO -ln Balboa Park and one of the world'• larfeat. Take tho tour bu.a (n~ ones are doub~eckera to aave the feet. Free sea Uon and animal 1how1. Children'• aection allows petting and feecttna of goet.a and mnall deer. Don't mi. the 1>eby animal nursery. Movins 1idewalk1 and Skyfarl Cable Ult. Opens 9 a.m. WILD ANIMAL PARK -Monorail takes vta- &e San Dle10, P• 6 I 1-The entertainers-----... j 'Under the Nutcracker' f big step for SCR actor u.. By SANDIE JOV Tht• ll(Jn of a tnu•lci•n f1thtir, ~ I o<tN o.-r ..._. ,..,. Naut turnt<d t.u hit muakal ik.1111 aand Thi!rt-•re 1.:h»r•·Lt+r M(.'torb and le11· 1.-rfl>mlLod m GrHnwk'h VlU.ee caft11 ding mt-n and hit pl11y t ri. Tht n imd wtfee ~. I there'• Steve ~N»ut Eventually ht! JO'nod up w&Lh &Juy J "I'm funutun.-," !IMid OeNaut of hi.a Lt-nhut 1rnd the St1v .. nth Soni to part on NBC'11 d.aytJm.t1 dratnB, "Dey• I.WT Thl-y played rap rock, a muaicaJ R of Our Liv~." 11ty le tw Hid "for tho .. d•y• wu ir So far, DeNaut, a C:O.ua Mt11t resl· con,1dere1d obtcene." It waa Indian dent and re1ular with South Coa11l ra~ with a rock beat. ~Y Ttwat.er, haa WOC'Ud In 14 'Preuy •wful,'' DeNaut uid, but epl.od .. of the aoap opera 1lred •l ttit1 t>.n4 had a foUowloc and even. noon weekday• on KNBC (Channal t.ually pleyed Camep Kall, an event 4). he recalled u "the mott horribt. ex- He 1ppear1 1n aeement11 aet In perienoe I evw had ln ~ Ut..." Douc1 c..tno The C1rne1le concert waa called "rm 1iuln1 Jn \he bar at 11 table aomethln1 Irk• Polk 8ln1er1 for with a dllterent youna lady each Peact-, he uld, ind lnclulhd Ume," DeNaut .. id. "p&Mifli behind "everybody In tha folk world lnclu- lhe principal.I l do one of thoit: ever y dlng Pete Seepr playlnc 'Thll Land week or IO ta My Land.' "You can take a chimpanzee and "Then we wheeled out the ampUfl· J>Ut him in my •ult and ht> would >ave en, and thert> were h'-and hoot. l no uoublt-with. t,h(l purl," thf: Met.or alA!ppt.od b&c:k Into lha ahadow1 wea· ~u1pptd, "but, ttumk Gr>d It IJ'IYll the r1ni the dJill'k c:1ulos f wore to hide rl"nt." my foar. The ~ anaer had jUit put Since he beg1rn atppt!&rlng on tht-on oow aultJu' 11.rfnp IO he apent tW(J 11oap Laat Oc·1J1bt>r. oPNwut ~tt1d he'• mlnute11 turung whilft r cont.em1>l lt'Ct bt.<oome IOt'Oelhln& of Ii cull ht:ro with pouring ~llrw over my.elf " l11CA.I folk:. r6'.ugnlz.ing tum from the H11 eroup f)t'rformf'd "Lt-t'1 Gt-t 11huw :rnd ukrng what'• going to Togt-ther ," DeNaut aid, "tht-n r Wt-Ill IUlf)f.ll'fl t.o lht! main Ctuirlil{'t.t!f'll htJmt: and threw u ) " &('lWS*' s .. gmt-nll1 lrf' t.lipt!d two Aft.1:r that, thi-~ta MetMtn iiiild lu: wt't·k.s In a.d varwe und f)(.N"ut tildn'l d«:ltic::d nwyLt-muatc wun't hlli thlni havt-t.o (llgJl a lli!Crt!rl.'Y d..aWM', he'11 In " so he took a job u a delJvery boy for good pclltllWo to Up thttm off "Hj Maau.Jne" where tMJ Mid within During a rec..'t'nt 1nwrvlew, he &aid nlllC! montha he WM an ...i.tant edit/Jr lw hopt-S hl.S 1'hltrlt(·tn wlU be txp&n "m.wkinj fant&litic money with an of dt'd tu ... looking dowl) °" t.he Plat.a Hot.t1I " Mt':mwhllt-, lw Of)f'r\t'd Muy 7 In tlw Alter lour yeiu11 of edlUn1 and ... pr.-rr11n .. ot "Undt r ttw Nut.1.rbl'ur," klrl6' teen Idol• what lh«tlr favorltt• 'I don't want to be a 1tar; my ideal i1 to make a rood livinr.' h 11tagt ph1y w11ltlm and directt!d by Coron.a d .. t M"r naUw 0..vid Weddle. "Nuu:racur" rull.li wet>lumd1 t.hrough June 13 lilt tt'ic-Bevnly ltll11 Platy· huu11t1 , 2:S'4 S . Rutwruon Rlvd , Be- vt!tl}' H1LIM. The plf1y , • humorou1 and b1un1 luok »t lt1t< hMdu, hu bt'C!OI and Of~·grl'flt mov~ 1wd.Jo wnc.en, 11Uio 11tar1 Corona del Mar naUvt< Tracey Wrddle, th .. wrlt.er-dlrecwr'• 1t.t.er Tracey ii a drama 1tudent at UCLA and al.io ha.I perfonnt,d .on "Oay1 C>f Our L111ec." rnlor1 wern, OeNaut •a-In threw In th,.. wwt:I and ret.ut'Nld to CalJfomta He had 1tudied acilnc ln New Y or1c with John C:...vei. Md appeared In theatrlail productfon1 at the Llvlna Theater Mnd the A£1Dr'1 SlUdlo. 8lnct1 11171 , he'• been a re11d~nt »t'lor at South Caul ~pertory The au-r, Co6t.a Meu, whi:r·e he'• perfor o~i In a wld• variety «Jt produt..1iona Back wht>n he 1tarted with SCR, D1,-N1aut uld, "We had more people on th.t-llMIJ.1' ttu.n In the audibnce. It WU really •low and nobody got paid " The w11y SCR haa IJ'OWO, he Uld, Ill "uv·redlble" He exphuned, "I've 1.een a lot of thealA!r and SCR I.a lhe beet tor U• 11b.e and toc.t.Jon, u aood "not better &han anythlna In L .A. or San .Frenct1Co .. an.d you tittl peld now which la even bet~r" AcURi .repreeent.1 a third career fDr the 44 year-old DeNaut wht> att.end.ed HoUywood UJ.gh School at the aamt' OeNaul indi.cated h.e'• 1pprehenllvt time u D11v1d Nelaon of "Oziie and •bout branchlne out lnc.o producdone Harriet" fame, then 1pllt for New in Loi An&elN York'• Grt>t-nwlch Vlllaee where, "WorkJnf at 8CR i.. Ulw wOf'kln~ In dut1n& the '60I, he played ~ with the womb, h4t Mid "Jt'a ufe and It!· what he uid wu "the wont folk rock t·ur• 11nd they takt-cue of yo u aroup that ever c.ame down I.ht' pike " Ttwni'• alway• 11 way to INlke a 11Vln6' Alm alone ttw way he'• been editor hut there ire &On\b In.credible &Clora of "16 Maga!lne ," a teen fan map-theru who ID up to L.A. and ma"-,. tane. fortune." OeNaut u1d he Lh.ouaht he h.ad the That'• what O.N1ut ll hoptna co do. world in hia ha.nda when hB wu 21 « "It'• very hard," M conllded. "l'm 22. He'd been sJIJ')ed for a Bra.dway no •pftna chi.ck.en. Btb11 an actor la play, lh•n It wH canceled. Meal)· one of Lhet matt traumacJc pr~ whne, he wu Uvlnc tn wh.at he call.I b4lca11.o all you meet up with It r•· "an el 1lummo" area of New York )l!Cllon •fter reJ-ctJon . Per,.v•· City, "in a cold wit.er flat that actu· renct la important." aJJy wu a cold water flit." But, the C4>tta Me11n 11ld, h '• DeNaut recaJl.ed, "I h.ad OM truly been thlnkln1 about i.tkln1 the bll lhrMdbue oott and the heell on my chance for approx:lmac.Jy a y..,. now mo-were wom down. I Wtnl co aU end lfv• ~1-nt• ire tuppoNd c.o ... it. PU~."'"8 .... J;i(tl)"6MlJMJIJ .91 h~•m.:.n ·:niY"U~~· H\,4t~idt .. U. CMne not. tunny an~•' Nf4' TJ'o, •rl UdWQ& 'lt..'\~p1 ;, H i'"' twU with It.''' taUf hFI" "uwraiilur ~' Sf'EVB O.NAUT ... Fum/run on 'IAy• ol Our Live.' of greed" and Uuat, "It'• 11 great ~rt. A lot of lmport.ult people are iolne to ~It." Oe Naul u1d he'd 11ure like to branch out, that act.ln1 l.t aomethln& ha'• wanted to do since hB wu a chHd d.c1'na 1how1 ln hia aar&&e "f'm aonna do anythina that an actor can do," OeNaut declared. "f d.cHi't WlilOl t.Q be a at.I'"; my Ideal aa t.o rnakt' • good Uvin6'. u <•omfort.able H- vina doing what I would do lot lrt-t- lt 1oc . .1nd1 ~lfl•h but fun " &Ing Mn act.or, he *Mid , "II Ill«, II vtng in ~ conat.ant it.aw of fn.AltraUon You're IUddenly out °" a hmb It'• likf' bt<ina 11 gambler In Lu ve,,,.." Re addf'd, "J inwnd to keep plu1· liOB· l have to bel&ove I'm aof.nc to m11kc It In &omt> area or I wouldn't k~p doing It " OCC symphony ends season Oran1e Co11t Colle1e'1 &9·plece Symphony Orchestra wUl end ltl 2lat .... uon Sunday with a 1peci1I performance by thre• tololllt, pertormln11 works by ClmaroH, MOW1 and Ponce. n,. concert, te•turinc oboilt 8rew Wlntor, baHOOnt1t Paul Wolt& 1nd 1uitarl1t John Mclt\ery bealna at 4 p.m. tn the ooU.,•'• 1udlt.ortum, • Tickets are "4 at the door and IS tOtt Oranae Cout CoUeae atud.t!n1.a Wln.lor, • UC Jrvtnc ifaduate, la a principal obolit wlt.h ~ Oranee Cout Colle1e 1ymphony and member of I.he lrvtna Symphony Orch•tra. Rel wUI e•rform Clmarou'• Concerto for Ob09 and Strlnp with the orcMltra. Wolt.1, 1 8Taduata of tho Univnty of Sou&berri CaUtomla, hu 1tud.Wd ln lurop• and hu bHn prlndp•l ba .. oonttt with the Oun1• Coan C.oU•t• 1ymphony IMnct 1878. It. will perloi'm Moun'• CotQr1.o No. 2 fcw Puuon and ~t.tn. Od~r work.I performed ~ U,, dlr.cllon ot 1ymphonJ_ conduotor JOMph PfM'lman. lncl~L''Ov~ to A MIA.anvnet Nithtl ~-i?l M•nct.11110hn1 "8ymPhor')' Ho. 102'' sn:v~ WINIOR ... In OO/K'Wl1. ~1ydn, ,,.,. "Jo urMY'' b~ '/i..J .. tire. IUfJ.l~ or "'°"' Int~ C9IJ tM .... rr. ---·~~-------------------------------------............ .. 3 ~- 'lJ /. 5 -The business--------- Seminar will' offer 'Way to Grow' By JEFF PARKER O(tM Da#y "°4 llaff ~- Tony Shepherd, the director of talet for Aaron Spelling Production• of Hollywood, will be the featured speaker at "Way To Grow" seminar Sat· urday al 1:30 p.m . an the Lafluna Moulton Pluy· house in Laguna Beach. The seminar, which wall also feature writer Mary MizelJ, Ill for any peniONI interested in acung at a profession and wall offer tnLormaoon on the workings of the movie and television industry of Loe Angel~ "The lhang I'm mo6t cooc-erned w ith iB act.ora and act.resM.'C who are so busy getting the job, eo busy trying to work to the lop, that they forget they're peopl~ dealing with other people," Shep· herd said. '1'he mo8t unportant thing !or an actor LI t.o be open and honest and willlna t.o take a risk. You h.ave lo it.art doing t.hat u a person before you can do it in a perfonnance too. You can't do .omethang u an actor th.at doesn't. come out of your character at a person," he sald. Shepherd knows show baz like the beck of hui hand. His ereat-gra.ndfather LI Louia B~·Ma er; his great. uncle I.a David 0 . Sel.mick~ hll ther, WIJJ.lam Goetz, headed 20th C.entury o)( Studios and hl1 father, Richard Shepherd was head of MGM for aeveral yean. "In the aeminar, I'll talk about acting aa a profe.alon," he said. "People think that acting ill all fun and gamca becau.e it lookalike that when you aee a perfonnance. Well, it'• terrifically hard work. "I'm a1ao going to talk about the nuta and bolta of t.he profeulon. Agenta, contracta, Interview•. llCJ'een tests I'll try t.o give people an idea of how t.o handle themselves In profeuional altuatlona," he said. A. talent dtrector for Aaron Spelling Produc- uons, Shepherd w1U alao be keeping a ket>n eye out for talented actors and at.1.re&lle8 "I meet 2,000 ac tors a year," he said. "And when 1 find one with talent and they're right . I pul them t.o work." , Shepherd participates an some 40 ~mman a year, saying that "helping people help themselves" is the best way t.o faster talent and enlhuaiaam. "Motivation comes from lrWde," he aald. "And success comes from one's .elf. Suocess always looka easy lO 10meone who wasn't around when it was earned." Joining Shepherd will be writer Mary Mizell, currently under contract with Zane Grey Corp. to write a mini-aeries, paperback novel and play bued Tom Wo1N t, who por· tr•y• Lulu Duk• In tit• -popular CBS t•I•· ~l•lon HrlH, 'Duk•• ol H .... n1,' wlll IH ,.,. lormln' In tit• Codd T im• Tlu•t.r a t ICnott'• 8•rrT P•rm t ltl• w••k•nd. Tiu C•n•r•I L••• t it• •moo tb -ru nnl ,.,, dltelt-Jumpln6 1tunt e•,. lrom tb• .. ,1 .. , wlll •IH IH .,,,,_,,,,, •t tit• /.,m. It 11 on 11/•plAT I n C allo• s,.,.,.. •'"''"~ ' ,,,~.... I .f ,,., f!; f J'>~'f' 't'''.tf•-. •ti¥ i / -~ ·I TONY SHEPHERD AND MARY MIZELL ... Featured st 'Way to Grow' on Grey'• love story. She I.a a director a.i.o and will writer's and dire.:tor's point of view. bring her IN11ghta on the acting profeaion from a For more Information call 631-5936. 'Dukes of Hazzard' weekend set at Knott's Berry Farm Tom Wopat, star of the popular "Dukes of Hauard" televialon ahow will be at Knott'• Berry Fann May 16 and 16, alon . .r with General Lee, the hard-metal •1itar" of the eeriea. The General Lee, a neon-orange stunt car, i.I 1een weeKly on the pro-gam, leaping bridges, JUmptna road· blocka and performing other aerial feata. Actually, the stunt car 11 one of dor.ena u.ed on the pr'OITam. Becau. of the force of lmpect on Heh jump, the ltl'Uetura.l lntesrity of the vehicles are de9troyed. A nd, with an averace ~f three Jwnpe filmed ln eech epi.lode, about ~ can are junked durlna each tele· ' vi.lion~. Not every Identical 196~Dod e Charpr u.d on the .Mw II . The one that will appear th Tom Wopet at Knott'• ~ ~weted wtth a •tock~ cub6c 1nc~1 ~·~ ,,thJJ,.,Pu,!,n/J'1 $'~1 l~~'I ~~·--it I uaed In the 1tunta are all equipped with heavy-duty shock ab1orben, helper 1prlng1, alau pack mufflers, cuatom wheela and radial Uree. The locking mech.anlam on the foot parkina brake I.a alao removed to en- able the Duke boys and stunt driven to perform the famous Bootlegaen' Turn, the 180-degree stunt seen often on the show. During Knott'• "Dukes of Hau.a.rd Weekend," the General Lee will be parked In Calleo Square for fana t.o photograph. Tom Wopat will perform ln the 2,- 100 aeet OOod Tlme Theater at 7:30, V and 10:30 p.m. Saturday and at 3, 6, and 7 p.m. Sunday. In addl\lon t.o h i• acttn1 ability, Wopat la a 1ln1er who ~ntly rec- orded an album fM releMo later thi.I year. Knott'• will be open from 10 a.m. to mtd!\iahlJ)etunt.Y and from lO·a.m. Uf V lt.'Wri. ~f(nu (.1•;111 I 'f.Jt 'l.u.,. •• J. iil l'll !• l,\ ~ ,, ~ I» -:< ~ CD '< .• -co OD I\) -Table to table My auc·11t ordnc•d thl• Hlud with u crc:umy dre!lf>ing t1pln'(J with .Fri·ni h mUHt.ard IWUt~· I c·htJM• tht-crt'&m of mu11h1 uum »<>up . wh1l·h we.· h11th ugrt't.'<.I WaH ph·w.ing t.o th1· psdut.t· anti, in fot1, ww. quill.• u rc.·rruirkublc.> &<,"Omph.shmt•nt • i Steinbeck's ... It's ~ ~ worth the trip c u.. .... By JOEL C. DON QI ()(" 1i-. Dally ll'llot ti.tt g STEJNB1'X.'K 'S. 217 Mimnt· Av1·, Hu/lxm la Q) /Jlrt(/ 673 O:J70 OJnnn M'rv1'C/ Nl'Vt•fl duyb II Wt'(•Jc, J from ~ 30 w JO pm l>innn·s from SH IJ5 LIJ $/H II~ ~ Rttw•rv1JtlmJ.'i rtnmin11·ndt-d M11,1r c·rr.,111 C'IJrtb ~ About thn'f· yt'an ago. Guy Colbt·rt wwi rt•udy cl: to chuck tl11· n'11U..urnnt lradt• ull.of(ethn and Utk1· htH bUJ11n1-s.~ admin1Ntr11t1on skills t:laewl11·n· lt'a Ju c·ky. howl'Vt>r, that Colbert ft>ll an low with an 1nllnwt1· Hulbua llilund rt•8U.ur;int t•allPd lfomlngwuy'H and dt't·td1·<J lo t.akt· ovt•1 ttw 11il.ab J111hm1·nt with h111 d1arm1ng w1ft'. Lindi. Thi· youthful hUHl);1111I urnl w1f1· t.t•um havl• turm.<J th1· s1t1• Into one of th1· "''""t 1·x4ullfilP danltlj( llJX.llM ori the Oroing£> Cowit A f~w thing:i huvC> changed 111nce Sw111bt'('k'a opened two year11 ago The most n oticeable d1fft!rence, of coun.i-. ui a new AITlf>ncan author un the masthead. (A lle'C<>nd Herrungway '1 rernatn. in Corona del Mar ) Lunchet have been dropped IO Uu• Colbert.a can concentrate on their •r:>«lal evening fare. And Steinbeck'• ls now open Monday ev~· nJnga. for th•· (!Vl'lllrlj(, lrU•· l11m11"11tylt• 11t•rvw1· W't't'lllMI by tht· t1r1y d1nanj( f•10111 with ar1 l"l•rlhy. t·:ucu:il ulmo 11µlwrt• A li(•li'f'lA·d w1111· hht lu.11> lx>i•11 1 ullt'tJ liy I .1t11..lu trom 11w:11d w11111111u 1•11lr11.,. of Ora11u•· County 1111d Southt•rn Cahforn111 c·um1.lt'tit11ir1.t1 Tht• nwln l'ntrt-.'H urt-t•hu:k<•11, fn11h Hid1 of tlw tfa y, f1IN n11Knon. rut·k uf lamb aml v1·11I .l!:IU'h dlllih cvrnt_'ll with a J(t·n.-roUJI 11W•ltoe:LJon of i.111Jt'i'li (;uy 1•i.llJ. th~ menu ortt'rlnp continental. though thl'rt• 111 u lt•u11mK toward thf' t 'rcru.·h aide uf th•· 1Jcird1·r Anuizmgly. th<• Colbnt.\ Nivt• l(01rn1•11•d mut h of th1•1r culinary sklllH from 11 four month .ippn·n Ut-i-Khlp with thl· fornlt'r Jfrrrungwuy'b d11·f C:uy had prt·v1ously IM'rvl"<l 11.JC rrwnager o( u Wa11·h11uM• rc"'t.11urant and Lindu wa.'ol a wo1tr1'!Cl'l 11t A11th11n y'H Pwr 2 In Nt•wµort IJ.•ad1 fo'rom lht•lr hrn·f .111.>l'lt hUHku•nt ti u1n111u . tht-C.:ollx•rlli h:1v1· nur lu11·d u Hplt•mlld rM•lt'c.'t11111 of 1folk11ll· '"'U("t'M ( "h1·f Jtl"IC• fo'ninc'l1 d<.N'tl milHt ''' th1• l'ookln" n"w. 1>111 < ;uy will lit"l' 111to the kll.c·h1·n whf'n h 's llmt• lo t1dd yt•t unotht-r 11.our1· to th<'ir mf'tlU Appc.:llLt•n .ir1· 1·t l•·t·t11 1mµ<Jrh·t.l gfJ011e pull' with tr\Jffll'11, muahrr1011111 with v1ncgur, 011 and hl'rbt. poochcod lk0111l0Pf1, t'tlt·urgotJJ &nd feuuc:1n1 We dec1d ... d on the t>v•·ning llJ>t-'<.'IUI, tiny buy 11hrimp with 1lku of J vtx:udo 1n a c-rc~amy d1H &aU<.~ ($4 95) The light 11plaxh of dill w&.11 just lht' right l.ouc·h for thia .eafood dc.·light f'1Jr the· n111in c.•11l11·1" my J(U•·Ht •wl1•1·t1·d the· pan-bro1h•d lil1·t m1gr11111 ffott!lllll, with Burd1·Ju1w 1w111·1· :ind 8u1111c.• l1v1•r p11t1· 1$11 ll~l) I watc quilt• HUrprii.t'<.l Whn1 (;uy <h•flvnt'\J It lil.t•ak kntf1• for tlw fth•t It ww. so t4·nd1•r 1t n1ult.l ht.av1• hc1·11 i>l1n1I w11le 11 liutll·i k111ft'. or d1nt11•1 fork for thut ffiJllf•r fri ,J thi.1 Ub.'111111 latl·r, (;uy llllld ht• h,1., d1•fi..1l1·d with his w1f1· wh1•th1•r lt1 uffn \lt•Jk k11rv1.., with th1· fll1•li. No d11uh1 the.• u11111·< t•i.11ui y utt·ni.il' l"V1·ntu111ly will Ix• d1'W .1rtlc.-.J (111111 till' 1t"l'lldUru11t I 1>rd1•r11l I h1• Fri·ru h 11tyli· 1·hu·kl•11 hn· ... .,l WJI h :1 c'rhi111y J1·ru1tulc·111 111.1Ut'l' ($11 95). f.-11tur111~ rn111>hro11mi. JIHl 111 t1d1ok1• h1.·urt1t Ttu· 1 h1<·k1•11 lirVi1'i l w:1i. n1·ith1·r un1lt·rnx1kc•d 11111 11vc.·rdm1t·, ·• f1·11t th&t pay¥ C'tJmpJ1mcnt "' th1• Colbc·rt.H' t-mpht1~111 11n t•11t1l'PI\ pn·1111r1•d t11 ord1•r 111 11tvl1· 11( 11111J v1·l11· l 'UllOIW J\bo 11f n111t• .111· 1111· Vl'J(l'l.;1bl1· .11't't1111p11111111t•11 L-. Uft.t·11 wt•'v1· f11u11d v1·w ·tuli1t.,. 11r1· 111rnply .,l.t•.i1111·d or 1auteed and •1tl1fod to the plnt1· lfi. un ufh•r thought But w1 w1·11· d1•l1Kllt.t'fl IJy 11 ... fri~la l(ll'i'll ~ana, lightly M-wuu11·d with t1hallolli, bulln, ,,,11 and pepper. Tht:! t·urmt slJ("t.~ al.bl> W(•n· a !>UqirtS4 with a delectable hutt1·r und brown bU~ar Kl~u· A limJted tel«"llun of hom"m.adt> d11'.'4·rt11 ur 1· offered, Including &v;,i.ruin mint <..'hoc'tJlat<-mow..'lf• cak e, 1trawberry trifle, praline c hee1el'akt> and fresh bt-rriCll and crcm(;!. Either Guy or Linda or both will be your hoat ---------------------- Oinncr11 un• Jk•rvc.'<i with soup or lialud, Vt'St'· tables. powto und, aa mentioned, ti C'hoke of &&U('t: for each enlree. Above all. wl"IJ kt.-ep St.elnbc-ck'• hi"h on our re-tum ltst for 11onw tlm<' to come MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ''A SASSY, BRASSY, a.ASSY COMEDY." ··~ ... ' .. >' I Ii Ult I l(l n. J 11' , , II I I 1 Hllll '"llU I .. 1111 1 If.. I 1111~ • Ill/I r~1=::~=~.~!'!~J 1Dttt. ---NOW PLAYING MU totfA .... ...... ........ .... 1'1.114 ICl'to•lh c ...... , c.rn .. (IW•tl\ Wocldllrllll:ll ~ Ori•t 111 ~7H'39 tlt414t 01 OtU UtlTIO cetT&•M U fMt ...... Wllf-ff• f.._.ft.rtlOI (ft•lllt ~· C........ UA ''""" ~ \40 7U4 ~·I ~HO U41'~l HI 110 ·-... ···m iU!J15iiiiJ ,,..,....,,~",., ...... ,.......,,.,J Tht.• ultimate in ~rt and sound. Now, I'\.' rcconj{'(f in fl{'W ~sk.'f\•o. {el.q~.,.,,. F~TA5~ "" .. d •••••• ·•. ,, ,. ••• ,.,., """ ~ ...... .,. .. .. ·~ COSlA MUA ldwotcn lown Cenlei 7!11 4184 OIAHQf ClnedorT'te 634·2~ Keep an eye out for the funnleat movie about growing up ever madel You ·11 be glad you camel 'P-' ~--.:J~. 9th Hllertoua Week IN IHr ClfY efNllU Ql'IA#OI • eNtnJ "Chariots of !"Ire 1.5 a wonderful film. It will thrill you t.:1nd delight y ou and Ut!f'Y poS!Jibly exalt you to tears. A rare fllm that will ..,urprl..tte you with i~ beat.Aly and magnificence of spirit . "• • • • (Highest rating; 'Chario L• of l"lrt> llft.<J the !tpirit to a new high. -•·• • ·• 4 , '•r• • • • ··.·" . . <--:> .. ... rn · ·:i · .. , ~;t:~ lliii55im ~! ---~----------------------------------------- DEATHTRAP A wickedly funny who'll-do-It. .... Clfln ...... ~ ~-""· .. , .. ,..,.. IAT/f'*, 1~ 1111, 1MO DEATHTRAP m ..... WO IATllUN.4!00,1111 -.,..nwm. .... IAf/IUM.,... ... MO "PARTNlfll'• IAfl=.'il = *M Mil-•· , ............ . 11VICTOA/VICTORIA" '"'· .... 1 .. ,. IAT/IUN. 1M, 4c11 1:41, "'' ''01 CJ1ARIOTS Of flRf: llllJ ,.,..1111 "''**·' .... . , .......... ,9'1.NO UT/IUN. 114t, l:20, t:oo "PAATNEA8" "''· 711a, 10:IO IAT/IVN. >.-.1:11, ~ ~=~· , ... 1:46. 9:16 I AT/IUN. 1:41, 4:1• ......... ,. "GOIN' All THE WAY" ''" NO IA TllUN 2· 10, S:M, 9'°° w A urn£ SE.X" r1t1 '"'· 7:11, 90-M IAT/IUN. IM, 7:11, ,..AO '"'·"" IAT/IUN. 1o41,1:11 ClAsH a T1w..s lt!ll , ...... **' IATllUN. 1i0 1ciOO 90-.IO "ENTER TH~J1.I~" I ATllUN. 1;M, l:OI, IM "f°"8IOOEN WC>ftLO" ''"· 7:00, 10-.ao "'' IATllUN. liJO, 7• te-.JO (j tAAJ()'f s 011 nru: 0 ll'!1J --Ufltilk ... - /df,,#r ~",...,..., •.mC.n.i:- ... , __ _... ... , .. -... --,,.. .... ,. .. fli_ 'DIAi tW T#I ~ LOITA•• '"'· 1•1 NI • uul&. ,.,., .. l.Af'llUN. ,. .... ........-.... , .... ..., .... t IAf. OM.Y .... rlll t le, it .. .. ,..,..,,. Dal Boal '"' 7:00. IA• IAf/IUH.111. 4:00 1 00, I 46 (RI • "CROCOOU" ''"· l:IO IATllUN. t:OO, 1:21, l :IO "GOIN' ALL THE WAY" '"'· l:Af IATllUN. 1M, 1!11, •M "f0R81DHN WOftLD" ,,., 1111, *40 (fll IATl lUN. l:tO, Mt. 10-AO PRIVATE LESSONS ,..,.,. ,.,,_ , •.... "GOIN' AU THI WAY"1•1 ,..., .. _ Uf1.U. ,.,, ...... ,~ IATti'UM.' trtt N1.tiiliUt1 "PARTNIRI" , ......... IATllWN. 1111 ........ MANCOMMflY "WA ONO •• RIQHT" ""· IJAI, ~ IA T/IUM. l!iO ..... ,,.., "'' '"' NUI..,.. .. 11VICTOA/ VICTOfUA" m,=.~ ...,, .... ,,., ·"" ----~--~------------------------------------------------------~ 6 N San Diego ... ~ .... Frum Page I • 1ton1 uround ~uny ac.-rt.'8 or oµt·n land rl'pn-sc-nllng >. Afrko and A:lia with un1mab roaming rn-.•Jy Bird. ~ elt.>phunt und dog shuws throughout th1· day, plw. 11rnall unimul c xh1b1t.s und shop!! Opt·rui 9 a m >. MISSION SAN DIEGO D E ALC ALA A cu 'C c u.. small mts111on and grounds wllh a remnant or tbc Qi original monaatery and living quarters of Father 'C Serra. A lovely campanano (wall with bclla) and i 11mall cxhibllJI of old artifacts. Tap<-d tours available. J Opens al 9 a m ~ R ··~~ .. --. __ ,., .. "' ...,.._ ...... _ ---...... ._..... I\ NOW PLAYING UA CITY CUllMA UA Cl•fMA fAMIU TWI• CJtdll{/f' bl• JU I I We~tmof1,tr1 841 ·1 0'14'1 I 11unt4111 V•ll"t <Hl? I 748 UA Cl•lMA Cllrntti·, 924 ll'Jti ..., •• ,.,..,, ••ttu '"• '""'"''""'"''"' B\MBISE I .,.,,.. .... ,.... s . ....,...,_,_ . .. ~.-".... :.:. i ......... ··---· ,_ LUXlJRf THEATRES J ~Eceftomv ... tine 12.50 Iii l :OO PM Unltu Othlrwh• Noted~ s 11am4,x.n.tl6i 61~2ss11 ~::=.:--~:;~. J s * FOi Funt E.XCITEmEnTI V111tOvr.::-) * t<IN":tfi::GU, <N:a1 W•nM•' BlST PICTURC ~ ~ • RIWting -i fnthtdlng .. ,:;: :ai•o 1,20 ·1 IAJ{K)T~Of tlRF. 1100 t. I01SO I O 1 I ;10 CJIJ! WRONG is RIGHT Id.ti-,·~~ 1 :11•1 >100 l 1JO CJ Economy linttn ht Hout Only ,, .. 01ot1 0 1 o :a oo -I Vou'I M f1-tJ •< )n<~m ~~l;i'i!l-- 1 1001.1110.so •· ,,.._,flQ,m '''dMW'' 61619 s1101-zr~'g;;;) TO YOUll OMI ~™~~-WRONG1sRIGHT THC llLANO C"I TUNNCLVlllON l"l m * m 119ing all the way T I N " R9BIN 0000 .IJJ C'11tR°~ TITAl'd(f'Q) STRIPES(!) i'l~WL.\\~!c'cWJ1 '" * OLD TOWN Six h!O<'k-squur<' hi.stork park nc·ar lnu·nit.alt· H Shopt, rt"Mt.aurunlJi and mUM·um.' dot tht· 1.1r<'1.1 , and many buildtngis url' rt.'(•11ru1lru1·u-d from llw original adobl'i.. Jo'ret• parkinl( and 1wlr gu1d1-d walkm~ I.our BALBOA PARK A rt't.'rt·auon and t·ullurt· l'l'lll<'r t·ontutn1ng th1· zoo (Sl '(' above'), A1·ro11pa(·1· ll u1toru:al C:l·nt.t·r . Bulan1ntl Bu1Jd1n~, Hall of Champions. Mwicum of Man, Natural Hunory Mu· seum, Old G lobl' Theate r, Reuben H Fk'l'l Spucc: Theater and &.·ien<.'f• Center, San Diego Museum of Arl, Spanish Village Artll and CrullJI Ccnl..r, TLm· ken Art Gallery. M08l op<•n al around 10 a.m .. bul call for spt.-c:1f1<.· lime!> Holly Visel to offer entertaining evening Voat·c and drama 1n11tr unor Holly V1-.<•I will presN1l a free evening ol cntertamm(•nt Muy 22 in the n•aeut.1o n center of Costa Mc·sa'i. 81·1ht·I Tow1•rM A dlrc.'Cl.Or or dramuut prodUl'llOn In Orange County for more than 60 yeuns, Mn; Vmel now u. s1•m1 -n ·llrt.•d anti lC!aches only at1h.•ct studPnts in acting, public 11peaking and singing &th1•l Towcni is localed al 666 W 19th St SNEA.K PREVIEW TOMORROW ----Out of the hat Magician Lee Bayless likes to leave 'em laughing By J ERRY HERTENSTEIN of'IM 0.., Nee IWI Lee Baylua' profeulon la magic. But he would almo.t ra- ther be known aa a oomed.Jan. He oombi.nell each on atage. c... ....... ., •••• , 191!111111.4111 COH2N ~ • -"OrOCOOftE NAT PtJVANAI • TA1'Y Tlflf ANGELA WUU • HllUC WAlffffN DICH llANOUL lfOeufT CHAN SOllf POTE SANDI ITS TALONS TEAR. ITS BREATH BURNS. IT IS TERROR. AND ONLY SORCERY CAN DESTRCN n: • •• ..., f ••• •Ji• f. • ~ Jf I, 1111' 'I' I •I I .,, '~ IJ ' 11'" wl•' " ... II I. ''''~¥•'•-A t' t '• •1A•; '-PfirNBTa...a ... ntei i;..;"'J;,... ____ ...... ~ 'I *II •""".,,'>' .. ·~I', -JJ/1;., • •JJ. ,., fC,,I> t1 ••11 •~ll•,' '>',!#:'" t'r ... l•l'llJlll ' ' '• '~J} 0 11/,YAJ """' H,.i !' t•• 11 !'•t'J ~}>fl/' (J Ill ilO hi IWI AN1 11 11( JC A' ' •11A11, Hi h I jtj • ·~:·· ·r=-.. .::-... :: STARTS TODAY IDWUH WILIO TW.. IOWMOI WOGllltlll UIO _.. ll&ll MMllM ....... Mlltiafl YllfO 130 H90 ltv111t 551 005 OrlllOll 137 0340 .Anlllelm 878 8150 llWAMl•ITOl IOWAMlfOUIT•HUIY ucen-.11& ...... ....._... Colll Mtu &•O 144-4 FOU!ltalr! Yllley 8311$00 OrlftOI 134 '911 Siii Julll Cil*UlflO 03-450 7 8 ~Intermission~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • ~ 'Promises, Promises' to run I 'N"I, Ut llll'll tmd mu10<'Hd\ll on J UIW 21 und 22 f>11~r n.·por\ ubout un act.or who hud wt•n qut·Kliont·d tn u Hl'rlt"I of Loli Anu•·lt'll wluylng:i ~ ~ nine performances at OCC 'O Sl'EAKINC. OF Jo'l·rzact:u, th4.· OCC drum11 initlru('lor hu11 com•· oul with unothN original plcay The author of "'fh(• Jl'ualu11· Ul Zl~wg," "Mlilq(o 11nd th1· Garh1" 1md "AflA.•r tht· f''ut't" ha11 P""ru·d a on<> :tl'l t'alll'd "C lu·k ." wtm·h rt-<:L·1v1·d 1\a lo<:dl prc•mtt!rc in Lllt(Una Beach Ian wt.-c:ktmd As prt•iwntt-d 111 Luguna'" FtJrum Tht·att•r, "CIJ1·k" n-t't·IVt'11 1•01111· in tr 1 gulng I"'' forrr111n1·e11 from M1c-ha1·l (,A•1gh and Jt:n11ly Wayd1•, Wh(J play a t.'u t-and 111ou11t• l(amt· of tt1rnwnt 1mrl 11urv1vul Dllth n·fl•"'<:l a kt-t·n antt•rl.lflly without dropping too many dut•K about lht·ar 1x•nior111J1tu'll c u.. By TOM TITUS ai OflM DellJ "91 lleff 11u11\11Wr .ihow, rooun\a th<' KWUt' u( ttw OCC auditorium July 22 for thnot• wi•ekt·nds and nlnt' pnformum·c.·K 'O Ont ott.en-voicl1d c:umplulnt ubout i Orange CoaHt Cullegc'11 othcrw1sl· ii highly popular aum.mer mwut-ul waa ! Uw fact thMt, 1n put yean, It only ran > four dayK If you wcrf! on vat·11t1on, § you might wt'll m!M al a: That situation will tx· changed thl11 yi·ar when "PromiM.1, PromlBell," lht· Costa Mesa college'a 27th annual The m1a1uil, udupl.f'd by NC!tl Surnm from the O.Car-w inn1nu movie "'fht• Apartnwnt" with music by Burt &- <·haroL·h und Hal Uav1d, will lw prti- M.·nu-d July 22 -24, 211 :u and Aug 5-7 John Jo't>rUH'l'B as dlrl-cllng. h111 aaxth time ut bat fur a aum.mer mwiicaJ, and wall hold audltlon11 for alngera, dan- h'• a more.• amblguou• pact.'c than h11 earlier works, foc'Ulling on a man who has wkc.·n a woman hu•tagt! und who muy or muy not b~ u Hlll11d~ 8 trangln type Jo'erzucca 1ay1 he wrote thl' play aft.er aiel'lnl( a n1•w1t· "Cht'k" wu11 th•· wanner o f this y1•ur's Soulht!rn Callfornaa Theuln Jo'eatival in Fonllrna It will be tht· Lagun.u Moul\.On Pll!yh0Wit'011 t·ntry in the thi rd annual Orang" Countv lm.·lu<.ling "'' r AC nu" ~rh''"'l' llt·1)hun1 111'1 A< lllK lknl) li1nd' Samson And Delila ..... NEWEST AElf AHS-NOI TAlOIA•CONCERTI RELIOtOUS·SPORTl.CHllDRCNS·AOUL l INCLUDING THESE TITLES TEN ('OMMANDMFNTS l If l Of rffRIS 1. VOi UMf I. II Ill JI SUS u r Nil/A/IL TH (,/l/A f[S f II/ROES ()f fHl 1/18/f fl IL f{{)IU fill < IWS~ llNn 111£ S WITCHBLlllJt llHll"•U•ll~ IJI IAf'l lo .. 1';111111>1!>II)I1100111 11101\11 (OPEN M F.109 SAT,106 SUN,12·&1 ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR VIDEO NEEDS ASK ABOUT OUR BLANK TAPE SAVINGS fl I , I J1 ., 1 •11 , ""' l tu, I , .\.f,. , t ,,1.1,11n1 , 'I. 11. I 1 1'1 I II \ft)P ,N bJ I /II/./ .rr /11 "t Ill{ JM HAI Pit \ /Ill VIDEO j ~·Partners' combines comedy, 1u1penae and quiet Insights In a supertetlvety entertaining and unpredictable f 11hlon." Ju•I/ ':ilb°" 'tArl I ~ANC..1'>(.(J f,IOICllOCI ( R ... , ...... -:...·r:t ·.c:- NOW PLAYING IJIW&Mt ..... WI I l'Ul.t f ... QJlll•C-*1 C.0W ....... /ti lUA NClllMA -W-.1ot H,O\~ ........ .,.., *"'"" .. .,,. ... tlt(I AMGOUMf M#.H o....,. 1.1101•0 ......... , A-/11 tHt lllOUIMIM Ootl ........ .,.. .. ,.,..,. -.... •,n .,,,, tnAAH u•uuc:a f t.,,., "' ~••O '""'°' flUIJAlll t AlUI ••""..S.\tlaU ,_ ............ ''°° ------------------ • 8ARQAIN MATINl!ES • Mond1y thru Saturday All '•rf0tm1nct1 belot• s 00 PM (E1ce,1 ll*ilf lnt1tt1Nn1& end Hol1d1y11 " w111•r ,,. ._.,. o Muooo or t o••<•O"' LA MIRADA WALN IN 994·2400 "DftAOONILA YIR" (PO) •• ·"· •"Jt ,..., - "'°""Y'I " 1111 ... "' ..... ., .... LAKfW0('1U C lNJU~ WAI I' IN ................. • "W YOU COUl.O Ml .... , ... .,.""°' htl, ldt ..... 119', ,... I A IO WOOi> (.JN I frl ',(JIJIU ""' • "' ... , AGI• Alie AGt•tt "ON OOl.OIN f'OMO" IH I ....... -...... - "VICTOR VICTORIA" iP01 .,. '" \ ..... ,, .. ., ............ .. .. ., YOU COULO Ill WHAT I H•AR" 1•Cl1 ",. >Jt ........... .. foo11lfy ol COl\Clltwood 211/Hl•tHO .. ,. ... ,,, ....... , ................. ,. .. ,ARTNI .......... "DIATHTRAP" (PO) ,,. ....... ••• ,:~ ~i:-~: ... Nlf"'<f_A ... Klltf-01 CHAllllOTI 0' ,.,..,. ........... ,,., ..... .. , .... _ .. ,_ ,,CUI( IWUlllU 0111vt Ill, • ., ions '"'''" 'lv•t11hl \'1wtt•• 0.t• at MAlllOll ILVO OllrVI Ill • OllANCI OlllVf Ill I •• ti ' ,. la fVIO• r & 'WttO•t t •U 16.Aa*-' luetf',t\" ..-.. .. 11t1 Ht.tifv• ..... •• ftl )0 fl I" "'"-\11tll W ~liilll IM,Olt t llH NO HCI t CMll DIU II UllOUI 11 HUI' ....... ·-..... ""''" 1• '\•l "" ll!Wt,. ,. C1111 11 :oOU110 • rfJu'I •11 I.Ml llM/ICI I\ •W* \l'INH ,; ..0 •1' rAll ""'1'1 1'1!1• OtlTlOlt llUIUIJllt IV\l!Oo --"" llQlll Allf 1•tou CM "_. MD Olt &11 ilotOO Ji.t•A'1f1M ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN ,,_" .. ,._ .. 17t·tll0 "" YOtr'CO"ULO IH HAT I .. .,_.. -"THI •UODY HOu.Y ITORY" ('Q) (,tlll J• YlU'ol.I l lJI .... ,_.,, BUENA PARK DAIVI IN "CROCODILE" (R) "IM °FORCE: FIVE" (R) (., ... ,, Y)ijftll '11DRlOONllAYP~ (POJ -"THI ILl,,.ANT MAN" "Q' t.Hfl ··~ "WRONG II RIGHT" ""<o"• ,. •• ••11 et h o" "TUNNEL VlllON" (A) 121·4070 ftlll .... v .. .,, "001H' ALL THE WAY" (R) LINCOLN DlllVf IH l•f'U (lit Iii•• .... IJf ·~Oft 121·4070 "FORBIDDEN WORLD" (A) -~ -,, 'J'4'~""' FOUNTA IN VALLEY UJllVf IN "CONAN THE BARBARIAN" (A) l'lue to,,O• ... ,...., •'''"'""'.io•1 "THI NORllMAN" (PO) f62•2411 l "4 I ~l• .... '~1··· .,., H1 WA y 39 [lllltll IN INt><ft 11•0 \a trl tNfo.n GIO.• trt•"'11t 191·3693 __ :~jf i;;: f' ... :::!~:.:'. (0) "lie "THC IUOOY HOUY • Uf' IN I MOtll' '"' ITC>f'V"1N1 Ctlll 11 '°""o ""'' " '°""u -----,. ... .,. lA HABRA IJlllVI IH ,Ah n.1i ~ '', ·..-All• MISSION OlllVI IN . ' " tf ' •t , •t I I • 1• WAJlNER IHllVI IN .. WRONO II RIGHT" ~··•-•tulll&OIW ""' •"4tAt A l A-M .. RIO DI ORO" c ... .. OULCll NAYAJAI" ----~------------------------------------------..._------------~-- Thl•ater Assoc:1at1on one-act festival an mid-July. THE UC IRVINE Theater Guild wtll Inaugurate Its St'cond annual membership drive next week with a showcase oC graduate acene work Tuesday evening In the Fine Arts Conl'crt Hall on campus. Student.a will present scenea from "Red Peppers," "Mourning Becomes Electra," "The Moat Happy Fella," "Trouble in the Work.a" and "Dames at &a." The progTain will be followed by a champagne reception and exhi- bttaon oC costumes by UCI designer Ric hard Triplett in the Fine Arts Callery. The UCI Theater Guild la a support group for the unlversity's drama de- partment in teMl\11 of acholarship aid, patronage and community Involve- ment, a<:c.'Ordang to its president, Joie Jont'S, a proft.'llo.'W1r of radiology at UCI. Further detatls regarding mem- lk•rsh1µ an· .avJ1lalJlc at 83~ titil7 or tt:i:i-6614 CAST ING The· Huntington Beach Playhou.~ has annoum•cd tht' c:ast for lls nc·xt production, Robert Bolt's hl!ltortl'al drama "A Man for All ScaBOns" .. Jamt.'S Stargcr wall play the leading role of Str Thomw1 Mor4t, walh Ralph Richmond a11 Cromw«ll and Art Goldman as the Common Man . others m the company are Marc Lc.·Blam:, Susan Doyle, Tl!renct- Doyle, Alexandra Robert.son, Chuck Neal, Tony Holt and Don Barrett "A Man for All Seasons" opens June 4 for a 111x-weekend run undt!r the di- re<"tion of Randy Keene. The Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse has cast its fm.aJ productJon an the Or- ange County Fairgrounds theater, the comedy "Not Now, Darling" . th<' cast includc11 Jack WlllenbachC'r, Lar- ry Walsh , Shirl<'e McDanlels, Robbi Schoonover, Stephanie O'Bryan, Jen- Executive Sporb & Tecate Beer Presents ••• TOMMY TUTONE IN CONCERT May 22, 1982 8:00 P.M. Crawford Hal U.C. Irvine Ticket• 1t UCI end Tlcketron University of California, Irvine LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA with BELLA DAVIDOVICH -Russian pia- nist Sunday, May 23, 1982 -7:00 p.m. in the Village Theatre ntfcr LaVlgnc, Jim Flynn, Ron Moeller, Paula Krauss and Mathew LaVignc ... the show opens June 3 and will play Thursday•. Saturday• und Sunday11 avoiding conflict with thl· motun·ydl· rut'l•S at thl' (a1r- gri1unds on Fridays John Feriucc•, who'll direc t ''Prom/1e1, Proml1e1" •t Or•n,e CoHt Coll•••· •110 hH • new pl•y o f h i1 own , the one-•ct dr•m• "Cliclc." 9 ... -· IO i· -.. -f ~ ~ l J -!2 Cl: I • Beginning April 27th Tll'v Mlt • ~ ~n'\\\91~ J . """'"' ..... , .............. .. . ""' """ ,_....., .... ... s .• '•. ".•'(I • ,, .......... ,,. .. • " w .... -··. 1111 .... ·~w. ,., • .,,.., ~· ,. \ ...... , ....... """' ._,.. • -· ........... \19 .. ..:.:...-....... -...Jd~f~~~~~-~·.l~~~WlL.. Au.11~-·-ll-ANJ(A~--··-·._=_·.··-·~~~-----~ @ Mat1neee 11.,.. ,~ .... • ""'' I 10 50 Tu .. day Frld•Y •••ntnge I 12 50 St turdty •••nlng $14.60 $19 50 $2150 . . . 124.60 • Petl0<manc• and ,_,. Of dinner p11c.. lt>Cludet la• Md 911tulty COO!!!!t •1'd ~·_, .,. emt 11141 •Ill l'e ,...., -•lely lleM,,,tlM>fll CMnolM ctl~ Md t lf lk:,•t ..... a1e l1t\al llaH• C"-Clt will D9 01 .... wlll\ lony .igllt l\CNll notlCI A E S E. A V A T I 0 N S l 1 4 7 ·1 9 J.1 4 B Aug. 3 thru Sept. 5 ~ * """-r-,o. .. l.AWRENC! W!Lll VILLAC! THEATEJI .,_ •-" °"' ~-------------,., .......... -.iiCla.--------ltfd';J"'~J -. _____ s~O)~~--------~ ... Magician From Page 7 the houae be for 18.le by -the neighbors?" That got Iota of 1.augha. Bayle11 was ln1ultlng ah la Don Rickles, poking fun at one man'• plaid 1porta jacket but uns Uke Rickles, wu a bit apologetic. "No, only kidding, l like to nave fun," he kept repeating. Baylees, who opena for headlis · ner acta In Lu Vegaa and enter- tal,na on crul1e 1hlp1 when not playing amall clube, likes to get the audience involved . He beckoned two women to the •mall 1tage to aid Ln an Illus alon In which cards "Invisibly" changed from the hand of one woman to the hand of the other volunteer. He borrowed a $20 bill from one man and changed It into a dollar. And juat before conclus ding hla performance, he borro s wed the dollar back and changed 1t to a $20 bill. Thia time the bill had Baylen' autograph written on it In red lnk. Mmt In \he audience appeared baffled by the fn88ic. "People uk me If I use planta," Baylem said after the ahow. ''No, I tell them, I uae huma.na." Bayleu, like many ma&fciana, uld he became lnte reated In magic aa a child In Dell City, Okla. when grandfather Lee Ftah gave hlm a book on magic written by Harlen Tarbell. Bay- le. cl.al.ma the book la now "an antique." Lee U)'I he will do ''anything to get people laughing" but his ahow In Newport Beach ta quite different from the routine he d~ on a blg stage. Denim '\den-em\n 1 A we11 known bruic conon LEE B A Y LESS . magic with comedy. Mixes H e p e rforms a bag stage pickpocket ac t that takes 20 minut.ea for the one routine, he aald. Baylen bllla himself as "conman, cheat, pickpocket, I.tar, thi f." lte will be at Magic Laland nightly Tunday1 through Suns days through May 23. And he'a 8Cheduled to make a return trip to Newport Beach June 29 through July 3 at The Laff Stop. BayleH ian't the only act at Magic Wand. Members and i'JeSll attending the poah apot that haa an illus 11onary, aurprialng entrance, can aee two other magicians, Peter DePaula and Jim P iper. Mark H e nder1on Is ma s ter o f ceremonies. Lou Landcalter does closeup magic with balla, card& and coins. HOLLY VISEL Of bleodod fCJt)(IC The fabric Is very dUtoble ond ts PQP.Jlor t0< oO typos of gounents trom work clothes lo sportswear oM hu been a 1tuoent of the Oral Artl tor an entire llte-tlme and presents two showings a year combining these arts. All ages perform. Anyone Interested are Invited to hear the entertainers on Sat., May 22nd at 7 p.m. (Juniors) 8: 15 p.m. (Senlorsl at 666 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa. For more ntormatlon , call 673-0134 before 6 a.m. or after 8 p.m. e119n4ng~ -=::liiliiiiiiiiiiiii!i;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 2 A coorse blue dunooreo •1k'<J · IOf wor1c CIOlhos Ot1g1nolly USOd IO< SOliotl work CIO!tvJ~ Al 's Garage; Your Denim Store £~ ~~ A Levi "501;' SMri<sto·ftt basic denim. a. Lee Rider. Straight 1eg denim. 56 FASHION ISLAND c L&A·b sMen, s1retch denim NEWPORT BEACH 0. CoMn Klein. ~ Ol. denlm~~~--.sLllUiliU:U1M.1a.:o:s:x.ir:1na .( 714 644-7030 -Currently screening 1'.11111 •· IJri1111,.lly 111 tlll' ~lury ol two 1Athlf'l<.,, vyinl( f•1r " hid \n th4!- t 111111 c nvmtJll l'u11 \¥thlon II'• It I 1•h-t.r1111011 "' I''"'"''' tlon, Ii 1o ml.hip. "'"Id h.: .. ltt. .. mJ ii•ol l•ld1t'lll. w111u•11, du•• !I'd llnd l'"wlu<"'tl by ftlll••fl ·r ..... nt• Tht· ft '"11111( " ,,,, m1tllly hc;mc.1 .. •ualtl v 11nd iulull 11tu•llorui A 1.1'1 T L~ S,.:X II.it• ot H ,1111 -"1'1111 M.11 h• '"" l'\.111 I ·'l"'h.1'4 ,111<1 ~;q.,. ,,, d Jl..e t 111.11111 111 tlw ''"' \' "' .1 111.111 "h" 11 "" '" t .. f.111hlul llUt l1111h 11 hu1ol Tiu ti r.illfll( '" f••t 1olul1 "'"·1 11un" ATLANTI(' CITY: R11tt<l H ~t"'~ H111 t l.u1w .. •t1•1 '" '"' 111<1111< tw11tom runl( 1·x·aang.1t-r wh11 l(•·IA 11111 1 ... 1 dHHI\•· l•1 111o1k1·" 1111( 11111 k wtwn tw h11ppenio Upon ,1 l .. t j(I' lllll<J\lnl Of (U ••lllt .11111 11111• 1 ... t ( hAnt't' tit l"C.lffilllln' WIWn hi• n\l't'\A Sw.lan s .. r 1111411111 ,1 I Mrtf cl• .. 1 .. r UJ\1111 Ma ll<" dt"' h~I tlu\ 1111 ol wh1mav Wrllh 11 hv Juh11 < ;u"'" It'• lt.-.h. runny, and allv1· 'l"h•• Jt 1ut1111( " '"' v1•il••1ll1 '""' .Jdult ~ttu..lwna BODY HEAT: Kateod H, ~u.1111111 WIUlam llurt "" u hu111tllnl(. 11,y,.,.1ruck a1u1m"y and K.athlt·(·n TumC'r u th•· '"'""'" fotJ1l1• I'"~ 104.'XV, Q('VIOUI my1wry t.11k1-. pl11u· tn II lit llllOU. t l11r11J11 IUWll "''hot that IJ"(>pll' tn cart'W ordt'r IC't'd lt•U \WO 111 ii llnw Dl11• ll'fl bv Lllwrrnu~ K.tidan as an htlf'f\IOl(l' lo film nou. 1111 It '"ltni. 1 ;,mt .. tr11m hrh·I nudity. Molly lon11ual(1• and 11 l(t'nrr .. 1 .111 11f •14'11ffiltll• CANNERY ROW; .It.It'd Pli. •1111 • Nuk N11l1t· untl l>di1u Wing1•r tn 1< lr!'\'·IWlnl(Jnl( film adaptaUon of John Su-anbt-ck'• ''"' 1N "Canr~ry Row" and "Swr.·t Thunid .. y .. Shot 11n MG M ,.1und 11AgH. th111 movtf' ho.a .. -w•~·t •·•~h1o1t11J'tl look and fin( µ·dormanC'H by Noll.I'. WlnjC••t and Audn1 l.indlf·y u th«' m .. dame N11rrakod by Johrt Jlu,llm Thi• PC ruun11 •• ltJr iw•xu •• 1 mlult 11tu11llona CAT PEOPLE ; H11 t1• k ,t11n N1111.1u11; K1n1k1 11nt.I M .. k11lm Md)uw ell 1n 11 1 .. I•· ol lt1Yl' .. nd tho· aupnri.1tun1I Dt r•1t•·d l1y 1'.1111 &hrnll11 mu"' l1v (;,..,,1(111 Mwuol•r T lw H r .. 111111, i. frn ,,. •• and Vlfol""' •· <:HARIOT8 OF FIRE: lti.11'\.I !'(, m 1<l •i..1111111 Ht 11 <"r•u .mtl l1rn Ch;irlf'90l'I u runnl'n tn th .. 111~ IC llyrnp1tld. wh•> run tlK'('I f,,r 1Jlff1-n·nt reaJIOf\I but mAn .. l(t' IAJ w111 JV•l lh•· !M.11Tlt· Tht· IJt.; rau1111 mu~t be· for 1ta lofty the•~ lh(•r•• t• nu nud11y, "" v11ill·1M~· 1Hlol v1•1 y loltll' olfl'J\SIV(' llllll(Ull(,. DAS BOOT· IUlNI H I• ,, < ·•·rr1i.m """''' i..lt uf th• n1·w "'1rk1nJ1 tn bru\AI <'Ulld111un. "'•Nt11I •• N.a11 •uhm .. rir1t in w.,,.td Wwr II Thi' ltlm au.ni Jui 11••11 l'ru, hnnw und Kl.,l!• Wt·n11c·n>ionn Tiu l:t r.1t11•1( la for vmlt•nn• DEATHTRAP: Ra11><t 1'{:. 1tnn C'hn1uiphn ltf't•vr-, Mu 11111•1 t'"IM and Dyan Cannon Jn 11 l lf.'Ver murclf'r fllY•lt•ry 11l~1Ul 11 WAAhl'<I up wrl~r and a prom11ln1J young .. utt111r wh<> p1·r1111 iirt-.. t rny1~ry 1llC' PG raUfli ta for vlok-OC'f! F.NTP:R TllY. NINJA: lt11t•-d It •i.t"" Ch11-•1111lwr r:1~1r11" fr..,,, . ., NN11 .incl S wwn C 1·ur I(•• 111 u 1.ol1• of m.1r11ul "na ~nil v"'•l(t'·•ll<'· Thi· It rallnl( I• 1111 v111l••r1<~ EVIL UNDER THF. SUN: Ki.tt.'tl P<" ,,,.,., Pl'wr Uaunov J .. n•· B1rk1n, Sylvtu Milt"' -:J,.,,,.,. Ma1111n .ind IJllll'\ll Rigg 111 Al(ulh" ( 'h11•llr'a I.nit-•1t murtl..r ind 1ntr11(u" 'Tl"' PC n1lml( " 1111 e<lull a11ua111ina YORRll>OY.N WORl,11 11 .. 1 .. 1 II l' ,, '"w11t• flt 11on 11 .. rrur '''" y _.., 111 •1>->• 1· Th•· t< r.111111( 1~ l•1r vw1 .. 1~ •· THE FRE~CH LI EUTENANT'S WOl't1AN: Ralt-d R, 1U.l'll Mnyl SlrHp In thf' role of thl' tw11r tbrrik•·n and hcanbrHklnlJ f'rench Lif'Ul.t'fUll\\'1 woman and Jl'rnny lroru aa th,. V11·i.1rurn gf'ntlrman who pmbift hll love and rf'put.a11on on hcot Th .. Vk I.Orlan kw\' at.ory fabl• ta 1n~n-u1 w11h another plot tlu mud•m day film ('few maktn11 a movlt' or ·Jrhr ~·r..,ich L1f'u tt•nan1'1 Woman" hu Ill own rornanll<' drunu •nd downfalll wh1r h arf' ~ant t.O <'f.>mpiorl' 11nd rontrul with lhl' Vwuir111n "'~I\"'""" Tht' R r•tin11 11 for adult ll'XUAI allwllona (;QIN' ALL THE WAY: Ratl'd R. IA 11l1t1Ut 11 1\1•11my 111.1mmt•r ""'' y•IVnl( J>l'flPW w11h "only utw thlf\IC on lht-lr mind.I .. T>w H r"\lnl( 11 for adult 11twlloi11 111>d n1><t11y IF YOU C'OULD SEE WHAT I HEAR: lt..u .. l PC:, st;int Mian· S1111("' anl'J Shor! Jurpc-r Thia movlt> i• 1111..ro u11 lht• llf«' of Tom Sull1v11n. 1tn1t1:r «>mplllll'r. Wl'llN 1flr .... w r •nd •lhll'IA! who waa bhnd Ra11n11 I• for adult ailu•llollll MAIUNG LOVE: Rllwd R. 11&n1 Michat-1 OntkHn. K1at.- Jacklon and H&rry H&mlin In 11 •tary about a w oman . a man and hll homowxual lov«. 'Jlwo R ralln11 tJJ ror adult 1ltu1tll-Onl 1md homoeexUAUly. MIMING: R111<ld PG,111n Jack U.mmon 1uv1 ~1 .. y 8.l)lttk 111 1 man and hla dauahw IJl law who ll('•l"('h ror hi• ml•ln11110n Tht· l"Vf'nll att bued on a trv4I 11.ory In which a )'OUJ\i Amencan waa appal"t'ntly allowt'd to bf' killed In • i...un Amol!nc.n count.ry by fort'f9 fnl"ndly wtth lht-US. CovC'mrm·nt ThC' PC rauna b fur •dull mtu.atlona YOUI ClOSl·IY ISLAND Dally Crul111 from San Pedro and Long Bt1ch apaclou 700·P•oo· NcM rn•I• afMMIA CIU9• "•N,.etlone. lflfOffl'MIOon: 21J·775.f111, i.!3-132-4521 114·121·'111 (J)TICMl'TMN UN c;OLl>t·;" POND l!.11t~l l't; •t..ra 11 .. 11r y •• ,,,.,1,. •H>tl K .olhJI llh 11 .. ,1t1UI" ··~ .... ,jl(lrll( t 11u11h· fl'tUfllllll( ... II\,. on C ;.,Iott 11 l '•11111 111 ·, lill•~I "11h .111i.1..t1"" 11lw1v1 111· .. th ~h ... • H1t•·1111111.1l1h '111111111 Th•) l11o k•, 1•1lt1 .. 1y until ti••· •• rr1v11l "' tl11·11 ll.1ul(hl1•1 1J11r11· •·w11l11J, 111•1 l.11t•11 lll1vfrn·nd /lilly l1.1h1y1<I hr ilh1111tlv tiy l>.1l11tf'Y ( '1111·111.ull "rnf ht• 1:1 y, ... , 111.t lw1y Tl11 I'{• 11111111( " fur l11111(UUj(f' ONE f'ROM Tiii-: llEART IL.tt•l R t..•k•-.. 111 ... , 111" .. ,..,.,, ,t.11(• N , ,,.,,11,,11 "' 1 .... V1 I<"' .mtl ((•Ill th•· ~tur> 111 ~4 ""'""' an 1111 ltv ..... 1 IWll lu\'f'r'!I Th• film WllJ> dm .. 11-d hy f I .1111 .. (.',,,,,,.,, .. wrt11t·11 lty Ar 1r1y1111 ll.•rnJ1tt·1n .. nd l -.1pf1Vla, uod •UU~ f'rt'(i1·r11 ~·•1rn ... 1, 'f'.-r1 ti1<n. ~ul Juhn 11nd Nllll~l11 K1nak1 l'hl' It r1111n" I~ fut ttdull ~llUll\llllU. f'ARTNER.o; lt.1lt~t I< ~w" Hyotr1 l)'N1 .ti .11111 .l11h11 Hurt,.., n•I" 'If•• \tr .• 1.:tu ~•n•i "'" t(#•V who "'""' hv• '''J<C•ltu·r h1 '''" k ,, rnurol•·r t••'" Th" II rnl1111( 1• frn :.duh •1tu .. 11111ut "'"' h••"""'"''"l11v PF.RSONAL BEST: Hult'(! .It. •1.i111 M .. ru•I l11•11t111Hway and l'ORK Y'S: Ral.f·d H, •i.t•~ Kim l '111tr"ll S.vt (',1l1MT1by and Alt->C Kllrn•• 111 " Uill' 111 tir>VJ l(fl>W1nu up Th•· H raun11 11 for rnulity 'll•l':ST f'OR flRK ltute•I H. 1• .. l11uk "' l"''l1tall1r1< man "nd WllllUlll, t•Hnµll'tl' Wllh ptlHllllVt• t..niiu.iic·· ltltld ..... , "' "twidy l.1111(W.1!"" 1l,.vt•lopt'd by 1tntl11t11J't'411(11l [),..,,,,..,,.,Murri• Th" fllm •l1t11 f.vt·r.·11 M<-Clll and ft~r r> .. w11 <"t1tml( Thi· H 1.tttlnl( lll for v1•1li·f'l(•· »nil "''" REOS: rt.~ PG. at.ara Wan1>n Be1111y u John Rttd. th'" Amn1u.n 1 JUrnallal and Dl.ane Kt•1<1l.n WI Luw.• Bryant who l•'(•lffit' h11 w1f(' Thu. film nma w••ll nv .. r lhrt ... hours on 111 ltulfl(1•1 or ovt-r J30 mtlh•m 11111l tlu• l•1v1111( n1rt· of B.·auy, who •oo p11~hx'l'tl nnd dirr< i..-cl, ~huw1 Ttw I'(; r1111n111a fur t.naua11e and ucluh 111u111Juna A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank ot America • Biibo Baggms •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Ha11 Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capedes •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel M1one's • Music Market • P1ecemakers • Photography by Jettrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harj>or & Adame) Costa Meu, CA 11 '! !. -~-----~~~---~.._.--~------------------"""!"~~!"""!~91!"------...-----'!!!"ll~--!!!!!!!!!I .................. . J2 i -Diversions • : -PLAYS------ al ~ "THE CHE RRY ORCHARD," a drama by ,;.. Anton Chekhov, concludes lta two-week stint at ~ Orange Coa.st College with performances tonight c:: and Saturday at a p.m in the Drama Lab Reser- u.. vauona 556-5527 i "g "CRUCIFER OF BLOOD,'' a Sherlock Hol{nt!il a> mystery drama, opens tonight at the Laguna "i Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Performances will be given Tues-~ days through Saturdays at 8 p,m. until June 5 with .§ Sunday matinees at 2:30 on May 16 and 30 Reser· a: vationa 494-0743 "DA," an lnsh-flavored dramat1<.· comedy, gives its final performances at South Coul Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa, playing to nlght and Saturday at 8 pm , Sundays at 7 30 and weekend matinees at 2:30. Reeervallona 957-4033. "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," Arthur Miller's clauic drama, being presented by Showcase Pro- ductJona, end.a it.a run at the Westminater Auditori- um, 7571 Westminster Ave .. with performances tonlght and Saturday at 8:30 and Sunday at 2:30. Retiervationa 894-6786. "FOLLIES A LA CARTE II," a variety show, t'Ompletes it.a run at the San Clemente Community For Dine Out Advertising And Information Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ext. 269 Theater, 202 Ave. CabrWo, San Clemente, playing tonight and Saturday al 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30. Reservations 492-0465. "THE FRONT PAGE," a comedy about news- paper reporters of the Thirties, continue• at the Westnunster Commuruty Theater, 7272 Maple St, Westnunater, playing Fridays and Saturday• at 8:30 through May 22. Reservations 995-4113 "NORMAN, IS THAT YOU?" a comedy about homoeexuaJHy, ui on st.age at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3~3 S Harbor Blvd , Santa Ana, The show plays nightly except Mondays at varying c urtain limes through Junt-13 Reservations 979-5511 "ON GOLDEN POND,'' tht' play that 1nsplrt.'<.I the popular movie, stars Pat O'Brien and hUi family at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave Pico, San Clemente. It ruru rughtly except Mondays at varying curtain times through June 20 Reser- vations 492-9950 "PIPPIN," a futunsuc venuun of the rnusiatl fantuy, wmds up lta run at UC lrvme's F\ne Ara Village Theater tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m . ReeervaUona 833-6617. ''SEE HOW THEY RUN," a fast-paced, Br1t11th-flavored comedy, completes Its run at the See D1 versions, Puge 14 FEZ MOROCClll Authentic Clink WW Open 7 Night• 5 to 10 p.m. BHr a Wine Served Reaerv•tlona Preferred (714) 840-302A 5910 WAA.U A f Sl'lllll:OMl KlfTINGT°" BUCH "111 n•rnwu cunn A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RCSTAURANT 1\w.ird winnin~ tr,1d1t111n.1I f .1p.1nt'''' 1111.,1111• .ind 'llJWlh Wl ''h'rll 't\'h• 'l'I'\ lolltl\'' Y1111 r ft1\\1rit1· ""1111,11.I , I l111 l..1•1l , ,ll)d .,,. ,fj.. I l1•l11 ,lh' """"" ·•11d dd1~hlhrl ,,,1.111 .. ltr1pi•11,1bk '''" 111 111 •• 11\11 .. 1 b1·,11111111l ,1 ·ll111~ 1>1" II\ l'I '\ ,tlfl.1111 ,, \ ,., v "I 'n 1.tl d 111111~ ,., P''111·1h ,. UBIDBtO 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach I 644-4811 Century Pl.ua Hotel 217·1840 CRAZY HORSE ENTERTAINMENT &bby Bare, said to have one of the fine-st ears for a song in NashvWe, will return to the Crazy Horse Steakhouse Sunday and Monday. May 23 and 24. His Sunday shows wilJ be at 6 and 9:30 p.m., while his Monday performances start at 7 and JO p.m . Tickl'ts are on sale now st the Crazy Horse. Real Cantonese Food ••t here or t•ke home STAG CHINESE CASINO Dining delights REUBEN'S -The popular duo, Phil and Janll' Shane, 11 c urrently pt•rformmg ttl lteub<.•n'K, 24001 Avf.'~ nufa de la Carlolt.a, Ill Lugut};j ll1lhi Duwn; al H.t.·ubl·n'11 haw C'njoy<.-d lhlJI hand for lht· past MX yt·ar.. Thc.·y pluy l'CIOll·mporary and t•ounlry muim:, ab wt•ll as somt· originttl hit)> Phil und Jttnll· Shar11• t•nlt•1 tu1n Sunday through Thursday from 8:00 to J ·OO u n1 and F11day and S.itun.luy fr111n 8 ~m w 1.ao a m WAREHOUSE RESTAURANT Kc·c.·t·ntly ct·lt•hratang 1t8 s1·v1·11th a n n1vc·rs&ry 1:. th1· popular walt·rfmnt dinm:r hCJUM' Jnd mghlllpol, thP W;i ri·huultl.: Ht•hl !JUf&lll 111 Nt:wporl ~·ad1 Tht• n'!lt.aur<:int fc •atun-s 1111.t·r 11;it 111n-il 1·111.,1111· :ind fr1 •11 h :w :af11od , and a t1pt.<·1ulty Uf the giant Malaysian Khrimp. butlA·rCIJC'd and bro1lt-d, then S(•rvt><l with a pol of melU.'<.l hull.n for d1pp1nJ< Thi· Wurehou1u: huK Jiv1· <'nlc·r1JJ1nnwnt ntt(htly in tht• douhh· dc·t·kn C'1x·ktuil luungt'. anll th<' bar sux·ks a lurgt• lk'll'<'llon of lx-<·J'lj from around tht• wurld, as wt•l1 WI um4uc· and c·xotw gn>t(H Ownt:r Burt H1xw11 has n·t·c·ntl y laundwd a frurwh11w µrogram. and t'tght nt'w Wan:how.t'h will soon bt· op(•OlllJ( Curn•ntly dJJ pearsng In thl· Wharf Bar 111 "Swef't Talk " Ttwy arc · (N1turt.-d Wt'<.lm'!iday thru Saturd<1y n1t(hl:s, and Harold P ay1ll' and t-:d l't·usl' an• on '>lagc• SundJy thru T111·stfoy nights Both groUJ>~ f1 ·1.1lurl' rrwllow, t•a."ly li11tt·111ng nx·k and 111·1 form ongan ul 111wuc· Pacific Symphony s lates Sunday performance Th<· Orange County Pal·1f1l' Sym- phony, under lht· dm.~IJon or KMth Clark, wilJ pc:rform In t'Oncert Sunduy at 2 p .m . at MiHS10t1 San Juan Capi· strano. Prtt't' rcir lh1· al frf't>l.11 j)f•rf<1rHUUll't' of &'t·thoVl'n'i. Symphony No 2 1s $8 for 1:1dult.H alld s:~ for ch1ldn·n Mor(• 1nformut1on call 77:S-226 l It ID1NING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ;t I ISCOVER Blackbeard's New Look Wt' "v•• •·hatt•l(t"d a nd lu1 v•· u n ••wl y r t•1nodt•l••fl l oun l(t·~ o yl'4h·r ha r & dirnH"r nwnu. f :\Tf:RT 11\tff:\T 6 \lfiillTS ...,... 4250 Martingale Way New ort Beach 833-0080 STARRING CHARLENE KISE Music By JULE STYNE Lyrics By STEPHEN SONDHEIM Book By ARTHUR LAURENT& Directed and Choreographed by JOHN SPINDLE R SOMEl'HING OLD $6 ( 0 fl..'jll' ""' • J;1t l!lll'!\. sl .11111p .... ""' llllJ' .11nl ... 1.l t•d frl· .... l11n11 .... l11111l1t1 .., 111 .1 .... l1l'll ' "·H•ll' w11h din·~" ( )rll' 1.l'oll', .md y1111'll ~\1 111\\ \\"~ 11\ ,II\ 11ld f,IVl lrlfl' SOMETHING NEW $6 l ~:d l\r 11irgu1gn11n ( :rt·pl· I 1lll·1I ""11 Ii ll·11d1·r lx·d ,111d p1.:.1rl 111111 111'>u111k n I 111 1t·1I Wll\l' ,11\d 11 'Pl'l"I "ad 1 lrl'"" 1111 ..... lrn 111111 '"lll l'. Ir \ .1 11·rrif1l Ill'\.\ rn 1pc . SOMETHING BORR~WED SOMETHING BLEU $6 Crq x· ( ~ 1rJ11n f'll'u . Layl'l"'I of h:i111 , r urh·y, Sw 1"' .ind lwrhl'd du.:<.'\l'" in a crcpl·, hn.:.adl.'d anJ frl'm:h fric..·d In a g11IJcn hn1wn Thi" 11ni....1\11.: lll.'W J1,h w;h rmpm .. ·d hy thl' n'\tl'>rl'I < lwf.., 111 hanll', R1gh1 now, y1111 c.. an l'llJetY any rnw o f rhl'Sl' dl·lt tHlll' d11mc.:r" f11r )ll"I $6. Ea<:h c·nann u1mpll'll' w11h your< h1 11<.t' of ,1 llllXL'd gn.'l'n nr 11r;ing1: ;1lmcmd .... al.id. I A1 d w Mag ic PiJn , thl'rt·'·" alwity' "011u:1h1ng lll'W h I (Orlll.' h.Jl k f(), South Coa1t Plaza (714) S56-ll25 Open daily fmm 11 AM Brea Mall (7 ) 990.434 3 Offer 1fttr S PM 13 ' u i -Diversions -i. From Page 12 ~ Newport Thealf!r Art.I Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, 2 Newport Beach. F1nal performances are toru,ht and Saturday al 8 p.m. Reeervationa 675-3143. ~ "VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET ," Gore Vidal's "O i:: u. antiwar comedy, continue. at the Huntington Beach i Playhoule, M-'" Street at Yorktown A~enue in the -0 SeacUff Village Center. Show time 11 8.30 P..m. i Friday• and Saturdays through May 22. Reserv-J Uona 847-4465. > "THE AMERICAN DAME'' is presented by Artilta Repertory Theater and Saddleback College May 20-22 at Laguna Beach High School, 625 Park Ave., Laguna Beach. Curtain la at 8:01 p.m. "MISALLIANCE" is staged May 12-16 and 18-23 at Cal State, Fullerton. Tlckell and reserva- tions 773-3371. "PROMISES, PROMISES," an American mu- alcal clallic, l11i.ged July 22-24 and 29-31 'and Aug. I Josef Friederich "V" PIESPOlllR GOIDIRCMUIEll • sp~dri£ter Oistmct1vc: Waterfront Dining ·Oyster Bar • Cocktai.h 3333 W Ptafic eo.t H.,hw.y. Newport Bad! Roefv•IOf1' Aocqxed • Ml-229S Wf 'ICMlfSI YOI GOOD CHlllHI IOOD WHCMH • DINNIH • TtOfltCM COCKTAILS ~ IAIQUIT fACIUTIH • ... CAllltNO * FOOD TO GO omt 1 DAYS I h lrlDM -·" ...... " IO I "''~ "=-......... ......... :>-7 al Orange Coast College Auditorium. Ticket Information 556-6627. -GALLERIES ----- COSTA MESA ART LEAGUE annual juried members' art show la s~L through June i~ with work.a on display at Gle e Federal SaVlnga and Loan, Fashion Ialand, Newport Beach. "JOHN BALDESSARI: ART AS RIDDLE" opena Sunday at.Long Beach Muaeum of Art, 2300 Ocean Blvd., Long Beach. Hours noon-:> p .m Wednesdays through Sunday1. Admiss.ion free. "IMAGE WAR; A DOCU-SLIDE-DRAMA," a lecture-performance by Lucy Lippa.rt. who la an art critic, historian and writer, la to be presented at 4:30 p.m. Monday ln Fine Arta Village Theater, UC Ir- vine. THREE WORKSHOPS BY THE SEA -in photography, watercolor painting, international cuisine -are planned at Eiler'a lnn. Laguna Beach. ' ICI ,tfllll)IJlll I' lllP ,,.,Vlfllj ut I ""•h I •'>'1 "" f 1111.1v u111 '~.il111d,1y t!vt>n""I" •i11tv l 11Jltlly l>11·.11h•rt """ qtollt«I "' .J gohJun uruwn Urlly $4 45 C..dlllotn1a Style toppod w11t't ..i mild Sp.u11'>h Siiuc.1• an<t sltce<I tom.ito dnd avO<.dOO Only $4 95 Photography work.shop conducted by Jerry Burch- field begins Sunday. lnfonnatJon 494-3004. STUDENT WORKS will be hung at University Art Mwieum, Cal State, Long Beach, today through May 28. DOROTHY KENNEDY'S WATERCOLORS are displayed through June 13 In Canterbury's Design Plaza Shop, Newport Beach WORKS BY VEN I CE ARTIST / PHOTOGRAPHER Jacky Lavin are displayed through June 7 In Orange Coast College Photo Gallery, Costa Mesa. Hours 8 a.m.·5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. weekdays. Adm.IBsion free. -DANCE------ DANsE ARTS THEATER performs original and traditional works in ballet, jazz and modern idioms at Saddleback Collejle at 8 p.m. May 22, and at 3:30 and 8 p.m. May 23 ln Fine Arta Main The- ater, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. Ticket.a 768-9683 HERITAGE DANCES OF ISRAEL are per- See Diversions, Page 16 hut oncP you luld U'> you re in for o pleasant ~urpn-,e l nler Che/ l...dullt-<. d Qwunt French Inn fi-ntunnq lh~ dromauc c.0111Jnent.al cuisine'> of Fnince 1 hi-c~, l..Jutrec caters lo the romantk who M'f!k the t-nchanttn~rll of o fine French Inn. To those cJ1s cr1m1.Mtlng ldSte'> that desire the paldt.able dehghb round only tn th<'< uhnary arts of French Cooking f-.xperlenc1· ~1 pleasurable combtnall<>n of scrvKt' dnd warmth 1n .1 true atmosphere of a Pansian dmb1 er1ce, without the Haute .. pnces Chez Lllutreoc offers dally a unique vartety ol .,..o .ind fres.h water fish prt>pared 1n thto pallenlJy °''ht>! uo1t"d nwthods ol tJ1e qr~ot chef!. of I ur~. d~ only 1.hcy c.on W1lh rndny popularly t.ant.ahtlng e:ntrce!> to choose from. wt" aho pm:k· our-.el~ m our selertc'<I a!tsortmenl of rren< h Wines and p11'\lrtl·~ wh1<.h wlll enhance ar1y mt•ol Wtry not JOU) us Mid d1~ovt>r wh4t th<' l'l1t1• o4 l oJ<1 Ilk hd\lt" alr<'ddy fnund' Bon Appc-111 FRENCH J42 I Via Udo. Nt'wport Beach ror Reservall<>ns. .. ( 71 4) 675-4904 Your HoSlS P'terre [, Damelle .. [,t IJ11NING" ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE~ I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC MARKET AN INTERNATIONAL CAFE •c.oa Tl •1.11 Serving Lunch " Dinner From 11:30 a.m. 631-8925 FULL llR I COOITllLS 428 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA A Prime find -at $6.95. Enjoy our delicious Prime Rib dinner at a savings. This coupon off er very special savings on our popular Windsor Gate cut of Prime Rib. Served complete with baked potato or rice plus a basket of fresh bread. And for only $1.25 additional, you can make unlimited trips to our famous salad bar. But hurry, this Prime offer is only available with this coupon through June 3rd. Victoria Station The hfft Pri119N! Rib. AllMI •ow a whol• lot more. Laa• .. Hiil•, 24231 Avenkta de la Carlota, 761-1"4 Newport S.acll, ~cArthur and JamborH, 752"°240, WHt111l11•t•r, 14041 Buch S.vd.,S9M702 Retun1l11Jl to Bob Bur11s f 'asblon Island RONNIE BROW- at lb<' pla110 • O/re,·t from bis lJ. l . tour • I.Im/led ~UflUJ<(•me11t heJ<lns Mqy 4th • Appet1rlng 1'ut•sdtly tbru Sat11rday 11/JlbU J 7 f'asbl<>t1 Island 714"644-2(Jj0 Complete Dinners from ss.2s to ss.os 5 :<H> PM · 7 :00 PM D aily Yow c IH111 ,. <ii"''"'" o r .., .. 1.1d .11 1d n n1 · of tllc·..,1 · 1·11111 •1 -. I t 'lllH 11 11 :"l.cpturw" I Ill' W«l~lu \\'.i11 lwr l>rolf('d, fw!->llly c ,round lic'C'I country h1w t>roih·cl. l>r1 ·,Hlt'd l 'ork <.11o p .., l ·l..,ll ;uuJ c 'hip!-. c >rr wit ·ttt · du Jow phi..,} ow c 111111 c• qf dc·..,..,1•r1 111< lwlln~ t1.i.ig1.·11 I'"'"' 11 c· < H'<Ull o r /\ppll' i.,1111111'1 .11 111 .1 ..,,.,"' 11111111f lwvc ·r,1~1 ·.., lr11111 c offc •1·. 11 ·.i. I< c·tl 11 ·.i. 1111lk 111 '-,,1111\.i ~le4K.h ~~'°'' C.APRICCIO CAFE ;,, "C~ enf})r' You'l Like Our Prices '" You'R love Our Food U~ Served 5 to 9 P.M. MiCJiN: CLAM STRPS .•.•..•.•.•••..........................................•.......... 3.95 Dees> tried ''"'" of IWMf dame Cnob of potato, cote Mw TUES: CtlCKEN FlLET STRPS ................................................. 3.95 Whl .. IMAt Chldl.., tNlet etrlpt d.ep trtend Md NtWd with ~ of dlpe, tried bfMded wccNnl, cnotc. of potato. WED: Slit-FRY BEEF & VEGETABLES ....................................... 3.75 ~ beef It.It tri.d with muehroome, oreen peppete. ~I «*ery, IQPPN With tat1ylikl MuOe. hrWd With rice. TtUS: CHICKEN WITH 880 SAUCE .......................................... 4.45 BOMd Chldl.., bf..ut-a;;klci With 880 eauce. 8.-...d with oote elaw. ohoio. of potato. FRI: Sttlt• MARltARA .......•....•.•..•..•••••••.••.•..•.......................... 3.95 z.ty ~ Of bay etwtrlp onion, oreen P9PPWI. 09tety, muetwoome, MIWd on beef of rice. Veg.M..,... SAT: HAWAIIAN STYLE CtlCKEN ............................................... 3.95 Boned cHoken .,,..,, toPOed With crttp beoon Md plMeppM Mt· 8efWd wlt"h rice and YeON*· U: ROAST MKEY ................................................................. 3. 75 8"* roeet turtt9Y NtWd With dfeMlnO, etenben'y MUM, veeet•bte, ohoa of potato. MEKL Y: OCEAN PERCH ..•••.•.••••••••••••••...••••.....•....•......••..•..•...... 3.95 Qltlled IWttlV IO'Wli.d With ohoppad parWy, ~. ohdoe Of P*to. 15 ! -I J ,, ~ ~ f .... ~ .... ! "'7fltrATii, ..,..,. -... • 4 • • 16 i-Diversioris -<ti From Page 14 -~ formed at 7:30 p.m. May 20 at Jewlah Community ~ Center of South Orange County, 298 Broadway. ~ Laguna Beach. Admillion $2.50. ., 'O 'C - LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA perform• at 7 p.m. May 23 ln Fine Art1 Village Theater, UC lrvtne. Tlcketa 833-5M9. NEW YORK STRING QUARTET performs at 8 p.m. Saturday In Fine A.rt.a Village Theater. UC Irvine. General adm.luion $6. ~ "AND THE DANCE GOES ON," Saddleback UCI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA perfonns at 8 ~ College's student dance concert, la at 8 p.m. Monday p.m. Tuesday In Fine Art.a Village Theater, UCI 'O and 3:30 and 8 p.m. Tue.day In the Fine A.rta 1he· General admlalon $3. i at.er on the Mlalon Vlejo campua, 28000 Marguerite __ ------------§ Parkway. Box office 831-4656 is open 10 a.m.·2 p.m. :> weekdays. ~ ''THE TENNI8 DANCERS" ia among aelectlona 0: to be performed by Loa Angelee Choreographer• and Dancers at 8 tonight ln UC Irvine'• Fine A.rt.a Village Theater. General admaalon $5. -ETC.------ VOCALIST PATTI PAGE of "Tennessee Waltz" fame perfonna at Disneyland Saturday. A1ao scheduled S)ltUrday la alnger Jamea Darren, ven- triloquist Shari Lewi•. pianist Roger Williama of "Autumn Leaves" fame, and Orrin Tucker and His Orchestra. INDIAN DANCE CONTESTS are a mong eveni. at the American Indian powwow May 28-30 at Orange County Fairgrounds, Co.ta Mesa. Infor- mation 638 -2750. TOM WOPAT of "Dukes of Hanard" fame performs at Knott'• Berry Fann, Buena Park, Sat- urday and Sunday. WILDLIFE AND BOTANICAL ART SHOW and s..Je, 1ponaored by Greater Loll Angeles Zoo Aaodation, la May 22 and 23 at Andrew Norman Education Center. Lot Angele1 Zoo. Information 661-2184. . STREET RODS, HELICOPTERS, hot air bal· loona and model aircraft wUl be featured at Marine Corpe Air St.atlon (HellCC!J>ter) Tuatin'1 Third An- nual Armed Forces Day open HOUie 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday at the bue. lnfonnation, call Maj. Douglas Relnlk.a at ~51 -7321. -MUSIC------ CONTEMPORARY STAGE CHOIR, Voce, performa at 8 p.m. Satµrday in Recital Hall, UnJ- verslty Mu.le Center, Cal State, Long Beach. Ad- rni9jon $2. CONTEMPORARY GUITARIST JOHN MCLAUGHLIN _performa at 8 p.m. Tueed.ay in Or- anae Cout Colleae Auditorium, Cotta Meu. Re- eerved aeata $9.50. Ticketl ~56-6627. INDIAN TABLA VIRTUOSO ALLA RA~HA appea.rt with 1ltarl1t Ravi Shank.er at 8:30 p.m. Saturday ln UCLA'• Royce Hall. 'ncltetl $12.50 and $11. Information (213) 6'27-1248. ''PUNNY GIRL" opena at 8:30 ton.iaht for three weekenda by Fullerton Civic Llaht QPera. Perlor· rn&ncfll in l'lummer Audttortum,l..emOn and Chap- man Street.a. Fullerton. Information 879· l 732. "THE JOY OF 8CBUBERT," a concert~}' the 50-vokie On.nae c.o.t Colleft C.O.t Matt.er Chon.la la at 8 p .m. S-aturday in ~ Auditorium, Co.ta Mesa. Adm1llion $2. "TE DElJM," Oeor1e Friedrick Handel'• "Sona of Pralle." II at 3 p.m. Sunday by Cypreee Colleae Mu1lc Department at WHt Anaheim MethodJlt Church, 204~ W. Ball Road, Anaheim. Adl1\illion free. AN ALL-BAROQUE CONCERT by l"Ultarltt Michael Kcnubek and plan11t1 Marjorie and Ray· mond Jonet LI at 8 tonJ&ht in Cypre11 CoUeee Fine Art.a R«tt&I Hall, 9200 Valley View St., Cyprett. Admilllon by donation. "SPIUNG ORGAN SPECI' ACULAR" la to be pretenr.d at 1:30 p.m. Sunday by Oranp County Prof-'onal Oroniata OuUd at Sheraton Anahetm Hotel.r.~~01' W."'Ben Road, Anaheim. lnfonnation 527-tlVU. Burdened with a huge Inventory, battered by high interest rates. we have no alternative but to proceed with the most comprehensive sale In our history! Picasso •.. Neiman ... Rothe ... Alvar ... Miro. Many. many famous names. But they all must go. Hence. our discounts range from 20% to 60% oft. with an additional 10% otf tor cash. Beautiful orlqlnaf graphic art. Each piece is hand signed by the artist. and framed ARCO PLAZA; 505 South Flower St (213) 489·2444 BEVERLY HK.LS: 275 So. La Cienega Blvd (1 bloek So. of Wlf1hlre) (213) 659-&226 BEL AIR PRESBYTERIAN FESTIVAL CHOIR and Pacific Symphony Chamber On:hestra perform at 3 p.m. Saturday in Mount Saint Mary'a College Chapel, 16221 Mulholland Drive. Loll An- geles. Information (213) 788-4200. HOLLY VISEL preaenta a program with stu· dent.s of the oral arts at 7 p.m May 22 in Bethel Towers Recreation Center. 666 W 19th St., Coat.a Mesa. Admission free. and matted to museum specifications. This could very well be your last chance to acquire an investment of such caliber. 1n many cases. below our current who4esale cost Brought on by our lnabtlity to continue f1nanc1ng thousands of wOO<s of art. this sale creates the unique opportunity for you to invest. perhaps. in just a few pieces of great art of your own. Come 1n and see what we mean Now. at The Upstairs Gallery. DEL AMO FASHION SQUARE: (On the tocond level noar Rob1nson'1) (213) 542·1601 ORANGE COUNTY: South CoHt Plaza (Next to Bultock a) (714) 6'9·9191 - •May 14 May 20• < >IC'\N< ;i-: ( :< ).\S'l'·s \1< >S'I . ( .( J\ll>J.L'll. 'll'.IJ:\'ISI< >~ \1.\< ;,\/.1~1-: ChlM'• Ying Ruoche!J6 u Kublai Khan and Ken M&n1haU u Marco Polo. Marco Polo. • • Ken Marshall on threshold of discovery By ROBERT GLASS A1111!11M ,,._. W...., IVER HEATH , England -Like the I 3th-<.-enlury explorer he portrays 1n NBC's upco- rrung "Marco Polo" rruruaenes. Ken Marshall could be on the threshold of dU1COvery If h11 publlc11ts are rll(h t. the 31 -year-old newcomer from M1ch1gan may hnd out what 1t'1> lake to be a 1uper1tar Four years out of drama 1ehool, Manhall has the lead rolt' in a caal of 300, 1ncludmg fourOlicar- wannera, ln the UO nulUon 1pectal that boastM 3,000 eu11twnes. Tht' JOlnt NBC-RAHRadio Televu11on Italla- rut) production, more than a year 1n thf> making, will be shown nightly, May 16-19, for a tot.al of 10 houra. It aJ.eo haa been 110ld to televlSion networks In more than 60 <.'Ounlrles. Marshall won the title role after Mandy Pa- tinkin, 1tar of Broadway'• "Evita," left the cast just before shooting began. He ''Urrcntly ia workln~ on Columbia Pictures' big-budget fanta1y film, 'Krull," at Pinewood .5ee related story. Page 3 Stud10t1 outside London The movie is due for re- leaae next year, and, like "Marco Polo," could prove a boon to hia fledglmg career But Manihall, an easys~lng, athletic type w1tn boyish 1ood looka, aoh-peda.l.I the notion of instant fame "I don't 11t up night. th10klng about stardom and that kind of thln1," uya Marshall. "If 1t hap pena, It happens "I think If you go tnto thi. bustm'M with that kind of ment.ality, you 11et yourself up to be hurt." In fact, Marshall already hu had a brush with the paparaul and groupies, an experience he found dlaconcertlng. While ''Maroo Polo" wu beln& ahot on locatJon in Italy, the preu save ext.enalve coverage to the production, and Marshall became something of a national celebrity. He tella a 1tory about leaving a hotel In Rome with hU wife, Linda, shortly after the attempted aua.ulnatlon of President Reagan laat year "There waa a auy 1tandlng outalde, JUlt stan- ding there with a camera up to hll face," he recall.a. "It waa the aa~ kind of baby face aa that guy who shot Rea1an. He jWlt kept following WI, cllckma hia camera and yeUinfl, 'Kia her, kiu her.' "It wu tcary "!' Manhall aaya. "Marco Polo" follow• the explorer'• 2~-year voya1e from h l1 home in Venice to aouther n Mo- rocco and C.thay (China), where he reached the court of the Kublai Khan. He deacribed the journey See Marco Polo, PM6e 20 ' F ernale artists studied 'Winds of War' sets sails See Tube Toppers, Page 29 See In side TV, Page 31 I (\I Cl) Q) .... ••••••• !!!l!l!!l•!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~--!:===4 ========-=-~.: --""=---- 0.. py•Olllld omp • 112 ~ ;:'..'7~,ct. ••••••••• $CJ50 Tandberg TPT-3001 s995 0.. world's ,.,.... s995 FM r.,.,., (0)••••••••••• Tandb!,':! TR-2060 60 wott,,., '4 I I AM·fM re<.,,.., W.W. $ preMt lvnff19 (N)•••••••• • 109 5 Tandberg TR-2030 FM It_...,, p•-l\lnlnQ $465 '309 30 woff\ per cllonnel (N) • • • • F11her Audio System _-·TAP£ DECKS Yamaha K-850 Avto flllldloll, flletol '219 =::~~ ...... •370 Yamaha K-550 '225 MelGI ~ ~ •300 .... to&.iold '°""°" (0) •••• Yamaha K-350 '$180 :~~~)••••••• '240 Sharp IT-12 ~ toudi ~•. s 12 5 ~.~(0) ••••••• •110 PHO NO CARTRIDGES ·~·)" ..... w..tl 20 -,... di AN.-fM 5 O°' off ~.~':efd.d .• 870 '519 ORTOFON1 JO .... ,.. •)'!...,.. 91oM doot rod !Dl ••• All COl1ridgM In ttoctc ... , ******************************* TllE llCllEDllLES _O -~u·;,•Mtio~F -d~~~-TECHllDYIE! r::-~ PM.__... ( THE HPS-11& ~ ............. ., •• ., ....... _,_ hnil,tie. .. jld.a M yw WITH Fl TUIER _::::.,-:: ~;. "::!.. .. AID yev ................ _ _, ..... ..._...,,,..., -A"'-"r "9fl ,_ .ff EIRPHOIES ......... 1a _,,..... •• .... -4.,, ..... ... IDW AT ATWTIC llLY ••••• s9900 SPEAK£RS UST SALE rttta PRICE (priced each ) KEF 105.2 0.. world's 1 ..... 1 . $ I 15 lloot atondtng .,_..... • '"''-11'<.ted.bie -...cf (0) • 1 5 25 Yamaha NS-344 IO~ 3-woy. top·~ • 110 by leodillQ ,_,.,., $ lftOQot>M {DJ••••••••••• 260 Yamaha NS-244 $ 39 10 w.cfl 2 W"'f _..-, of top t~ .,_.« (N) .... S200 1 AMCM Monitors I il>Ch 7 way on o reol wood <ab<Mtl 0.. s 129 perfe<1 7nd .,_.i.., wt ( N) • e • Yamaha NS-6 •150 10 lflc:h 2 way (N)•••••• .. Hervlc HP-1 •69 .... " heodphon.i (NJ ••••••• AKAIVPM350 '69 '104 •33 ~~~ ... •15911191 AKAi VCX· 1 ,9 ~~;,.,°:'(NJ ••H•• '129 5 19 AKAi VPS-7300 •979 ~,~,~· ••••• •1495 JVC Hl-411 OU, TU-41AU AAP-41 AU,.,,.._ ,911 ~~'16) ••••. •1775 I ILL ml.-Wiii ML ... 111£-WWIY · -.. (I) ... •J:.1 ...,_ ..... ,. STOP IY TODA YI I -------- Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 Weet Bay St., Coat• MeH, Ca. Mall •ddreH: Box 154!0, Coat• M .. a. C• .• t282e Telephone: "42-4321 Program informa111m 1:; fir<JV1th ·d tJy 1h1• nf'lw11rk.\ nnd statio1111 und L~ NUl>Jt'<'I tu 1·h11111w without nuuc1• Index O ra nge Coast '/'\' /\rit1•111111 Sports J/1ghilyhts Daytime Schn lult· 1-: ueninq Schedult• Insid<' TV .. . ...... .......... . . ........ .. L<.'ct<'rs ...... Word Ga1nl' .... .. ... . .. ...... ,........ . TV Puzzle f)<J11t mw l>rumtJ Channels 8 K N XT 1C~"i 1 6121 W Sunset Ul wl '"'' An1c.·'4·' c-., D KNBC 1NB<'1 3000 W Alamcd:i i\ v1• llur ha11k . Cu 0 KTLA rind 1 51100 W Sun:.ct Blvd . l.u:. A111w1t·'· (':. 0 KAH<' 1AH('1 41 ~11 l'n,.;pcr l Avt•. l.11' i\111t1•l1"" I \1 1111 Kfo"Mll t('llS1 7F.77 1-:nl(inl'cr ltd . San 1>11•1(11. < ·., 0 KllJ TV clnd 1 5!>U Mt'lrt>!>c i\vt• '"" 1\111t1•h•' C'J I 101 Kl~I fAll('j H330 l':ng1neer ltd . Sau 1)11•1(11. (' J • KTTV •Ind 1 5746 W Sun.'ll'l lllv1I . ""' i\nl(df>'>. (';, C9 K COP TV t Ind 1 91!> N l.11 Brea Avf' • "''' i\111(1•1t·~. ('a 1241 CBS Cable 11 KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd . Lt,s l\ol(<·lcli. Ca ~ KOCF: 1 PllS 1 15744 1.ohlcn Wt·~t St H11nt1nl(ton 111·:.rh 10 1 On T V 11 39 1;rnn1J <"<•nt1;1l l\v1· 1;11•111lal1• C',1 <Z1 ZTV 29'J9 Nebra~ka AH· s.111ta Munar;, t'll 111 1 fill() • I 'ttyl! .'I Jjoge 5 /><JCJP fi Paq<' H Page .1 1 Page 32 Page 32 1-'oqe 'l'I f>oge :J4 Time IJft-Bhl$C , ftl'X·kc•(f'lh·r C'1•ntn N Y ~ Y 1('1 (.'1ncm1u T1 m1• L1f1• BlllL! 1l1M:kd1·llrr l 't•nlt·r ='I Y N Y 1)1 WOil I !'I y . N 'I • 171 t Wl'llS1 l\tft•ll l.•. lta I J-;1 f':~J ';'\I I f, I '-;1•h•1 I I~ I ~ll'tfltj.!flf { ''"''''" "' "'' "'''"'"'k 1 ()ran re Cc >a~t '"f V A nten na NBC takes gamble on 'Marco Polo' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of !tie De#J "°' l leff A lot of high hopes.from the 20th Century art' pllUled to the coattaila of 13th Century adventurer Marco Polo, who Is the tUbject of a 10-hour NBC mml-aerlea that will be iieen on four consecutive nlght.s, beginning Sunday. Network offkla~ are hoping for blockbuster "Shogun"-!Jke ratings. NBC UJ taking a calculated r11k In airing, "Marco Po lo'' during the May "sweeps" period. during which advertLSmg rates are set based on ratings If the earlier hours of "Marco Polo" capture the fancy of enough viewers, "Marro Polo" fever could sweep the third-place network to a rare ratings victory. If the series fail.a to ignite thl.a enthusiasm, a major chunk of NBC's sweep1 period achedule could sink Into the cell.an of the Nlelaen ratings. Al..ao pinning high hopes on the aeriea are ex. ecutlves at Procter & Gamble, the giant household product.a company that ia reputed to be television's largest advertiJler. Procter & Gamble has done a little gambling of ita own by putting up about $10 million of the $2~ million to $30 million It coat to produce "Marco Polo." The firm i.. reported to be paying NBC an- other $4 million tor the "Marco Polo" airtime. It the ratings run high. the company, whkh la sponsoring the entire telecaat. wlll see lt.s aoap ada reach an awful lot of viewers. But u the corporate powers at NBC and Proc- ter & Gamble keep their eyes on the ratings. an- other party will be awaiting the public response to "Marco Polo" with equally keen interest. That man I• James Hong, a veteran Chinese- Ameracan actor whose face la familiar from hun- dreds of televiaion and movie appearances. It "Marco Polo" wins the hearta of America, Hong believes the aeries may open the door to ad- ditional Western fllmmg in China. to more produc- taona focusing on Oriental history and culture and to more substantial roles for tht. nation's Asian actors "If thi.a thing is received weU. it ahowa there ls a market, a desire to see !11.mJ of Chinese and Asian background,'' he says. "Thia will encourage the movie Industry and the television industry to do more !Urns on Asia and about Americana with this A.slan heritage, instead of always pust.ing ua into the~d. JAMES HONG ... V~teran actor will play Phags-Pa in NBC's epic miniseries, 'Marco Polo.' "The roles they have given us Aaian Americana h.llve been very aubeervtent, very aecondary, very unimportant ... It you're in Loa Angelea or Or- ange County. you see Chlneee doctors and Chineee profesalonala all over. But ln television we hardly ever see them ." Hong admit.a he hu played his share of sub- servient roles, from Charlie Chan's number-one son to the caretaker of Faye Dunaway'• grand home In "Chinatown." ln "Marco Polo," he had the chance to portray "Phags-Pa," a powerful Tibetan monk who feels threatened by the ltallan trader. "l'U let the audience deCtde whether it's a vll - lainoua role or not," he aaya. "Thi.a wu a Tibetan monk who Invented an alphabet. He believed ln the future of h1a country. He protected It from foreign Influence. He did not want the Westerners to come In with all their values and religions." Overshadowing the role itRlf, however. was See NBC amble, Pa e 33 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • MODERN PROBLEMS • NEIGHBORS • BLUE COLLAR • EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS / WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX • JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT ""' . • STRIPES I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See the Video Experts at . . . Video Cassette Rentals 1884-1 HARBOR ILVD. ¥/SA' COST A MESA • 646·8928 = • TIMI BANDITS • HEARTBllPS • THE MIRROR CRACK 'D • No club to ioin, "° .... ,..,,...., fen • 1.000't of lftOYIH ov•W.. all ratlftCJI 3 .,, 5 - -• -CD (J) I\) "'. ~ ------mllll! ~ AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP--UHAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 BOB McLAREHS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540..91 oo CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 ca: 1;a11 #;I u sJ:' .1111; 1 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 --540-8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTA AHA · LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOH. IMC. 445 E. Coast HVl/Y'. Newport Beach -6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-23 3'3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA .. 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855!: VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 ..... --~...-...---- Sports Highlights Frida~ MAY 1,, 1982 MORNING e:oo I THIS WEEK 1N THE NHL 8:30 SPORTS FORUM 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Fort Wortl1. Teit· as l? hrs . 30 min ) 11:30 (()THIS WEEK IN THE NHL AFTERNOON 12:00(() F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" ( 1 hr.) 1:00(1) TRACK ANO FIELD "Budweiser tnvitauonal" (2 hra .. 30 min.) 3:30 (() NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Baseball Baserunn1ng'' 3:,5(() NASL WEEKLY 4: 16 Cl) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Soccer Jug9!!ng. Dribbling And Passing" ':30(1) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Montreal ~~s (2 hrs .. 30 mtn ) Cf) SPORTS CENTER 4:35 Im BASEBALL St Louis Cardinals at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 6:00 Cf) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at New York Mets (2 hrs . 40 min ) Cl) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1973 Wimbledon" ( t hr) EVENING (() DIVING "US A lnternattonal Women's Spring· board And Men's Platlorm Finals" (2 hrs) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 7:'° ~ KINER'S KORNER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Fort Worth. Tex as (2 hrs .. 30 mm ) 11:301J Cl) NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Los Angeles Lakers vs. San Antonio Spurs (2 hrs.) (() SPORTS CENTER 12:30([) DIVING "US A International Women's Sp11ngboard And Men's Platlorm Finals" (2 hrs I :.... •• • Corporate Membership • family Membership • Single Membership • Associate Member5hlp 2:30 (.1) NASL WEEKl Y 3:00 Cl) POCKET BILLIAROS Luther LasStter vs. Cowboy Jimmy Moore ( 1 hr ) ':00(1) SPORTS CENTER Saturday MAY 16, 1982 MORNING 6:00(1) RODEO "Schrade Pro Team" Dallas l ados vs. Tulsa Twisters (I hr . 30 min) 6: BASEBALL BUNCH e: GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1975 US Open" 7: SPORTS CENTER 8: F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley Semi Finals" Queens Park Rangers vs. West Sromwk:h {Jhr.) CID RACE FOR THE PENNANT "The Rookies" Hosts Barry T ompkms and Tim McCarver take an inside look at what It means lo be a rookie. 9:00. COLLEGE BASEBALL UCLA vs. use (2 hrs) Cf) NASL SOCCER KICKS Cl) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1972 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr) 9:30(!) GREATEST SPOA'TS LEGENOS "Bob Gib- son" Host BrOOks Robinson hJ:OO CI) FIGURE SKATING "Women·s World Free- style Championships" from Copenhagen. Denmark (2 hrs.) 10'.16(1) PADRES PRE-OAME 10'.30 ()) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Montreal Expos (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ... NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:008 BASEBALL Boston Red Sox at Kansas City Royals (3 hrs) 8 WCT TENNIS "$300.000 Dallas Tournament Quarterfinals" ( 1 hr ) GD BASEBALL Regional coverage ol 8o6ton Red Sox at Kansas C11y Royals, C1ncinna11 Reds at Pills· burQ!! Pirates (3 hrs ) 1 1.30 6 NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Boston Cel· tics al Miiwaukee Bucks or Philadelphia 76ers (2 hrs . 30 min) AFTERNOON 12·00(() PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE SPECIAL (R) RACE FOR THE PENNANT "The Rookies" Hosts Barry T ompklns and Tim McCarver take an Inside look ar what It means to be a rOOkle. :2 1:008 aJ WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS World Boxing 0 Championships (from Munk:h. West Germany): the ... battle tor the Pole position at the Indianapolis "500" ~ time trials (live): a pre-race report on the Preakness Stakes. ( 1 hr.) ~ ()) NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS (Joined In IP Pr~ess) ( 1 hr.) .,, 1;30(.l) t'.>IVING "U $.A International Women's ~ Spr~board And Men's Platform Finals" (2 hrs.).• 2:00 • Cl) COLONIAL NATIONAL INVITATION "< GOlF Third·round coverage o1 this $350,000 PGA ~ Tour golf tournament (llve from the Colonial Coun· ~ !Club 1n For1 Worth. Tex ) ( 1 hr ) OUTDOOR LIFE • aJ THE PREAKNESS STAKES Uve coverage of ·:... I 1071h running of the second jewel of thorough· le bred raclng's Triple Crown (from Plmllco Race ~ Course in Balllmore. Md.) . ( 1 hr ) 2:061 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:30 SPORTS AFIELD 2:35 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 9 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Continued coverage of the World Boxing Championships; lndl· anapoffs "500" time trials, featuring the battle for the pole position (ltve from lndlanapolis, Ind ) • a QQSt·race report on the Preakness Stakes. ( 1 hr ) ()) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL (!) RACING FROM AOUEOUCT 3:05 al) WAEBTLIHO 3:30(1) GOLF HtGHLIGHTS "1978 US Open" See Sporm, Page 30 l J ... ~~Ja0:~n L ] iic PEE Wll'I Fiii Ml WKI -;I <.> UY A1Y 111' ... llT I Ri ~ Sll&LL 1111 na (Cl• YILIE) 8 ~ ~ !.:: ::::= ~. ~ j ~ co:_A ::,•A \ ,open Deity 11 a.m.-10 p.m. sun. 12 p.m.-8 p.m. c=: • • c:--= A't-• Automatic Garage Door Systems l FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automa!ic Garage Door Operators by Stanley STAll.EY Mel. 201\~ $149.00 inst•d p. = LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY "We Are Never Undersold" Stanley Digital "High Security" Radio controls • three signals ~ TI . I Sfl\Nll V r Day or N1gh1 - Prompt. courteous - ~ conscientlout service • Junk>r Executive ( 18 to 29 years of age) • Junl0t Membership ( 12 to 18 years of age) • Swim Membership • Aerobic Membership • And our new Annual Membership lot fVl1hef lftlorMotl•, coif Mr sol .. dlNctof W.OOIO //~~t/ /Jedd r ~Nd f t?LI t J 6 !Daytime - ID PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT (FRI) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY (MON, WED) AMERICAN STORY (TUE. THU) THE LAST Of THE c~oooes (THU) SPORTS FORUM (FRI) ~ ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE (MON. fUE) 2 THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (THU) -MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (FRI ) ~ 4:65(C) MOVIE (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (MON) '.g 5:00 9 SUNRISE SEMESTER (FRI) THE LAST OF THE CADOOES (MON) l.L I SUMMER SEMESTER (MON-THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR ' 24 MIN.) (TUE) ci GENE AUTRY {THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR . 35 MIN.) (THU) o BIZARRE (THlJ) 6:451 NEWS -' MOVIE (2 HAS .. 10 MIN ) (FRI) 7·00 MORNING NEWS ~ LIKELY STORIES ( 1 HA.) (THU) TOOA Y 5:05@ I OAEAM OF JEANNI~ 700 CLUB g 6: 16 (!) LAFF-A-THON (WED) ~GOOD MORNING AMERICA ii: (Z) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (TUE) THE FROOZl.ES 6:20 00 MELISSA MANCHE.8TER IN CONCERT ( 1 ROMPER ROOM HA.} (FRI) BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS 5:30U JUNTOS (MON. WED. FRI) FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS SLIM CUISINE (TUE. THU) BUSINESS REPORT JIMMY SWAGGART • PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) MENT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUA (MON. TUE) I AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (MON. WED) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) OF EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. THU) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) MOVIE (TUE. THU. FRI) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) SPORTS CENTER MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) f ON VACATION WITH MICKEY MOUSE ANO NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) FRIENDS (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) no MELISSA MANCHESTER IN CONCERT ( 1 HA.) UNIVERSITY Of= THE AIR (TUE...fRI) ~ED) ._ MELISSA MANCHESTER IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) MOVIE ( 1 HR . 10 MIN.) (TUE) ~ON) MOVIE (2 HAS .. 14 MIN.) (WED) CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 47 MIN.) (FRI) 7:30 0 THEAE IS A WAY 6:35@MY THREE SONS THE FLINTSTONES CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR, t8 MIH.) (WED) CARTOONS 5:M> (I) MOViE (2 HAS.) {~) YOGA FOR HEAL TH 5:4511 HISTORY Of M~ (MON. WED. FRI) MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING I AMERICAN GOVERNMEN't (TUE. THU) MOVIE (MON. WED) I A.M. WEATHER MOVIE ( 1 HR , 60 MIN.) (THU) 5:50 NEWS 0 THE LAST OF THE CAOOOES (FRI) 5:65 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES (MON. WED. MOVIE (1 HR .. 45 MIN.) (MON) FRI) (J) WACKY WORLD OF JONA THAN WINTERS 9 HOME GAAO£NER (TUE. THU) ~UE) 8:00 8 L.A. MORNING FAACTUREO FLICKERS (THU) HOT FUOOE MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) PEOPLE 7 (FRI) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON. WED) JIM BAKKER OCEANUS (TUE. THU) JOHN DAVIDSON MOANING NEWS TOM ANO JERRY COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) BIG BLUE MAR8LE (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON-THU) MEET THE MAYOR ~UE) BOO'V 8UOOIE8 FRANKLY FEMALE WEO) BRENDON CHASE (FRI) rr CAN BE DONE (T U) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (TUEl STRAIGHT TALK CH) THAT MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE: F D.R. (2 JIMMY SWAGGART HRS.) (WED) NEWS MOVIEj 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .• 3" MIN.) (TUE) rr·s EVERYBOOY'S BUSINESS (MON, WED) • MO IE ( 1 HA .• 20 MIN.) (WED) HUMANITIES THAOUQH TH~ ARTS (TUE. MOVIE t HR .. 38 MIN.) fHU) HU) MOVIE 1HR .. 39 MIN.) FRI) I PROJECT UNIVERSE (MON. WED, FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .. '5 MIN.i MON) MATHEMATICS FOR MODERN LIVING (TUE. MOVIE 1 HR. 36 MIN. TUE) HU) MOVIE 1 HR .. .0 MIN. THl.J) PROJECT UNIVERSE (FA1) 8:06(fl) MOVE VILLA ALEGRE (R) (MON, WED) (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 37 MIN.) (THU) WArflNG FOR A ~eASON (TUE. THU) 8: t 6 (%) CINEMASCORE (MON) wtLD BABIES (TUE. FRI) (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 16 MIN.) (TUE) SIX BEARS ANO A CLOWN (MON) 8:308 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER BACKSTREET SIX (WED) I WOODY WOODPECKER THSS WEEK IN THE NHL (FRI) VILLA ALEGRE (A) SPORTSWOMAN (MON. 'rHU) MISTER ROGERS (R) INSIDE BASEBALL~UE) MENDON CHASE (~I) F.A. SOCCER (WED MOVIE (1 HR .. 26 MIN.) (MON) CHARLIE. THE L ESOME COUGAR (TUE, MOVlE ( 1 HR., 31 MIN.) (MON) WE~OVIE 1 HR. 30 MIWN ~HU) e:oo1~A~ ~~ ~~E (R) MOVIE 1 HA .• 20 MIN. TUE. THU) OZZIE ANO HAARfET MOVIE 1 HA., 3" MIN. WED) A M LOS ANGELES MOVIE 1 HR .. .0 MIN. MON) . . MOVIE 1 HA .. 57 MIN. WED) ~~LALANNE MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN. HU) THE ROCKFORD FILES THE COUNTRY Q (2 HRS.. 30 MIN.) I LOVE LUCY e: ~~E ROMPER ROOM 9: 16 e HEAL TH FIElD 8E8AME STREET Q • FILMS THAT TEACH DONAHUE 8:260 ED ALLEN VlllA ALEGRE ~A 8:308 CAPTAIN KANGAROO MOV~O:C, T THU. FRI) to'S WOMAN (FRI) TOP XI (ml) QA=MOH-l'HU) ~~~w ~CAN ee ~E (FRI) PKA FUU.. CONTACT TE (WED) COMM~fTY FEEOBACK (MON) =° oa"Jlm. (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE l88UE8 (T\JE) 9: ~ ~ (1 HR., 10 MIN.) (WED) ~~~ lTHU> 9:IOUlt~ GAEAT SPACE CO~ THE AIA.EMAN . (C) MOVIE (WED) 00 HITLER'S MASTER RACE ... THE MAD DREAM OF THE SS (THU) (] AEROBICISE (MON. WED. FRI) MOVIE ~1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HA .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) 9:40 'Z) MOVE ( 1 HA .. 16 MIN ) (FRI) 9:45(%)1 MOVIE (1 HA., 57 MIN.) (THU) 10:00 Cl) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS BIG VALLEY ~ LOVE BOAT (A) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM OF JEANNIE EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMING I GETIIN' TO KNOW ME (FRI) • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON· THU) GYMNASTICS (TUE) 25 YEARS OF JERRY LEE -A CELEBRATION 1 HR ) (FRI) ( J MOVIE ( 1 HR . 30 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ~ 1 HR , 31 MIN.) (TUE) ) MOVIE 1 HA., 40 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HA , 33 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (2 HAS . 50 MIN ) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS ) (MON. WE:O) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 45 MIN ) (TUE) ) LAUREL ANO HARDY'S LAOOHING 20'S ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) I MOVIE (~HAS.) (MON. FRI) MOVIE (3 HAS .. 5 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR . 45 MIN ) (THU) t0:06 ~MOVIE 10: t6 MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 35 MIN ) (MON) 10:30 PITFALL MY THREE S0NS INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MOVIE (MON) WCT TENNIS FINALS (WED) SPORTS FORUM (THU) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (WED) 11 :00 fJ TA n'LET ALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA III FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS BULLSEYE (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) THE SILENT CRISIS (WED) BULLSEYE WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WHY IN THE WORLD (THU. FRI) ElECTAIC COMPANY (A) (MON·WEO) RICHARD SIMMONS MOVIE (TUE. THU, FRI) DIVING (MON) POCKET' BILLIARDS (TUE) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOO'TBAU (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., .0 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ~1 HR .• 37 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 26 MIN.) (TUE} 11 :30 I THE OUNG ANO THE AES1LESS SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE MATCH QAME (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) MATCH GAME .NEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT BIG BLUE MARBLE (WEO) MOVIE (WED) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (FRI) VIDEO JUKEBOX (MON) HITLER'S MASTEA RACE ... THE MAO DREAM OF THE SS (TUE) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 67 MIN.) (THU) • THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HRS .. 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVlE (1HA .. 47 MIN.) (WED) 11:45(%) MOVIE (1HR,35 MIN.) (THU) .\I 11 .H'\<><>'\ 12:00 8 • DAYS OF OUR LIVES fWi(IQHT ZONE ~L MY CHILDREN •• MOVIE ~NZA DO< CAVETT MATH Wl8E (MON, FRI) FOOTSTEPS (TUE) OmtN' TO KNOW ME (WED) FAST FOAWARO (THU) F.A. SOCCER (FRO AlL·8TAR 8PORT8 CHALLENGE (TUE) MOVIE~HA., Ml ilN. (MON) MOVIE 1 t~.fh!O MIN. (TUE) WHAT t:NnH ) MOVIE ( t HA.. 38 MtN.) (MON) A C00NTRV MU8tC TAl8UTE TO KITTY ---~) (.b ~~VA 1elai0) &a9M a 1 o a~at ......... ___ _ -• f ....... ....._..-·-· -·~--........ ··~ .. ..,, .............. ., --~--------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 I MOVIE 1 HR., 3815JIN. ~HU) MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIH. MOH) (%) THE COUNTRY OIAl (2 HRS , 30 MIN.) (MON) 12:06 lFUNTIME 12:30 Cl) AS THE WORLD TURNS ILIGKTZONE OVER EASY FROM JUMPSTREET (FRI) UP ANO COMING (MON) WHY IN THE WORLD (TUE, THU) AMERtCAN ENTERPRISE (WED) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (TUE) TOP RANK BOXING (THU) 12:36@ THE FUNT8TOHE8 12:'6 CZ) MOVtE ( 1 HR. 36 MIN.) (FRI) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HA., 30 MIN.) (W~O) 1 :00 G. ANOTHER WOAlO HOUR MAGAZINE lll 0HE LIFE TO LIVE M'OVIE • EDUCATIONAL PROORAMMING MOVIE (TUE. THU, FRI) TRACK AND FIELD (FAI) RODEO (MON) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 31 MIN.) (F~U) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 26 MIN.) (WED) FRACTURED FLICKERi> (FRJ) MOVIE (2 HRS .• 10 MIN.) (TUE) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION ( 1 HR ) 1:6~,THE MUNSTERS 1: 16 MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (THU) 1:30 Cl) CAPITOL NEWS SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) NAPOLEON & LOVEJMON) BIG BLUE MARBLE ( ON) MOVIE (MON, WED) THIS W~K IN THE NBA (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (THU) LAFF·A-THON (FRI) BIZARRE (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 57 MIN) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 12 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (TUE) 1:36,LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 2:00 (J) GUIDING LIGHT CHIPS (R) J HN DAVIDSON (JI GENERAL HOSPIT Al IRONSIDE OPEN LINE SUPERMAN BOTANIC MAN (FAii MIXED BAG (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) COLLLLLECTING (THU) OUTEN TAG, WIE 0EHT'8? (FRI) GUTEN TAG IN DEUTSCHLAND (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) TOMOAAOW'S FAMILIES. TOMORROW'S FRIENDS (WED) HABLAMOS ESPANOL (THU) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUI:) GYMNASTICS (WED) PKA FULL CONT AC1 KARA TE (THU) TIME WAS ( 1 HR.) (MON) TO BE ANNOUNCED (TUE) MOVIE (MON, TUE. THU, F'RI) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION (WED) AEA091Ctt>E (MON, WED. FRI) MOVIE 1 ~. 36 MIN. UE) 2: ~~ 2: 16 ~A&C-OAE (MON) 2:Cf6.~~ 14MIN.) (WED) ELf EAGENCY MOVfE (THU, FRI) CANCE (MOH, WED) KEHNE0¥'8 CHILDREH (TUE) MISTER AOGE.R8 (R) MOTOACYCl.E RACfHG (MON) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) THE STRANGE 0£A TH Of THE DESERT FOX FRI) MOVIE 1 HA.., 33 MfN. (TUE) MOVIE 1HR.,31 MIN. (WEO) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. jFRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 46 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR .. 20 MIN. WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 30 MIN. THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. FRJ) MOVIE ( 1 HA.. 16 MIN. MON) 2:36 !!EV~L V HILLBILL 3:00 BARNABY JONES AHUE RtCHARO SIMMONS EDGE OF NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN MOVIE HAWAII AVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT THEWALTONS MIGHTY MOUSE • HILLARY'S CHALLENGE: RACE TO THE SKY RI) HOME GARDENER (MON, WED) AMEAlCAN GOVERNMENT SURVEY (TUE. THU) HOUA MAGAZINE SESAME STREET~ MOVIE (WED. FRI YOUNG PEOPLE' SPECIAL (MON) WILD BABIES (TUE) CINQEA..ELLA (THU) F A SOCCER (tUE. WED?: MOVIE (1HR.,60 MIN.) FRI) ( MOVIE ~ 1 HR .. 41 MIN.) MON) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 16 MIN.) (THU) ) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN ) (rHU) 3.06«1} ANDY GRIFFITH 3· 15<?; THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HAS., 30 MIN.) (TUE) 3 30 9 RICHARD SIMMONS I PEOPLE'S COURT CHARLIE'S ANGELS CLOUDS OF GLORY: Wll LIAM ANO DOROTHY WED) CABARET TIMES THREE (THU ) INSIDE JAPAN (MON, WED) OCEANUS (TU~. THU) SIX BEARS ANO A CLOWN (MON) C NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SEF~IES (FRI) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (THU) LOLA FALANA. THE FIRST LADY OF LAS VEGAS ( 1 HR.) (TUE) llt MOVIE (1 HR .• 66 MIN.) (FRI) 3:~ «l) GOMER PYLE 3:'6 (() NASL WEEKLY (FRI) (J"J MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (MON) Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Jt'aiths" - 4:00 8 BARNEY MILLEA flARY TYLER MOORE °l COUPLES X NEWS M*A*S*H (FRI) ~ WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (MON· THU) YOU ASKED FOR IT 0 TOM ANO JERRY '1 8COOBYOOO ~ J;LEE.N FARRELL· THE DIVA SINGS POP f_ ELECTRtC COMPANY (R) LITTLE HOU6E ON THI: ~AIRIE VICTORY GAAOEN (FRI) WHY IN THE WORLD ("'40N) HOME GAROEHER (TUE. THU) NUMEAO UNO (Web) COOKIE GOE.8 f 0 THE H06PIT Al (TUE) MOVIE (THU) INSIDE 9ASE'BALL (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA fl'UE) SPORTS FORUM (WED) THIS WEEK IN TH£ NHL (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (TUE) FLASHbACK: THE LAST VOYAGE Of THE MORRO CASTLE ( 1 HR ) (WED) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (THU. FRI) THE LAST OF THE CAOOOES (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 46 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 33 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 36 MIN ) (WEO) THE LAST OF THE CAOOOES (THU) 4:06 «l) WINNERS (FRI> (Il) CAROL BURNETl' ANO FRIEND6 (MON, TUE, THU) (Il) BASEBALL (WED) 4: 16 (I) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (FRI) 4:309NEWS I BOB NEWHART ENTERT AtNMENT TONIGHT BASEBALL (FRI) M*A*S*H (MON-THU) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON. TUE. THU, FR1) BASEBALL (WED) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS SIGNATURE MISTER ROGERS (R) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT THE LAST OF THE CADOOES (TUE) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE ( 1 HR., 20 MIN.) (MON, WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.I (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HA.. 39 MIN (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 10 MIN. (FRI) MOVIE (2 HAS , 26 MIN.) (WED) ) THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HAS . 30 MIN.) (T HU) 4•36@ BASEBALL (FRI) «l) SAHFORO ANO SON (MON. TUE. THU) 5:00 8DG9NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE NEWS (MON-THU) THE SAINT BASEBALL (FRI) HOLL VWOOO (MON) MOVIE (TUE. THU) THE BRADY BUNCH SCOOBYDOO MIXED BAG (MON, FRI) QUIZ KIDS <1'UE) I lctrbor l"awn ·Mount Olive Men1orial Pat'K · Mo1~tt1ary· Mau oleums Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipment -'Cremation, Plans Available , ' ~ r \I< >IC\ I~< ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 6:00 e "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Orama) CBtherlne ~ Deneuve. Gerard Depard1uu Directed by rranCOl!l ~ Trutlftul LL 6:30(%) "The ldolmaker" ( t980. Orama) Ray Shar • key, Tovah Feld&hUh ...J gi 5:40()) "The Amer1can1za11or1 OI Emily" ( 1964 Comedy) James Garner, Julie Andrews ~ 8:061fl) "Bad For Each Other " ( t954. Ornma) Chari ton Heston. Lizabeth Sco11 8:3000 "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982. Fanl&by) Chris Makepeace. Fred Owynne 7:00 CC) "Sox And lhe $Ingle Parent" (Comedy) Mike Farrell. Susan SI James 7:30(%) "Thief" ( t981, Orama) James Caan, lues· day Weld 8:00(1) "Muleleathe<s" ( 1978. Comedy) AOfy Cat hOOn. Don Knolls llt "Underground ACe$" ( t980 ComedyJ Olrk BenedtCt, Melame G11fflth 8:061fl) "Here Comes Mr Jordan" ( t94 1, Comeoy) Robert Montgomery, Claude Rains 9:00 ct) "Kill Or Be Kiiied" ( 1960. Adventure) James Rynn. Charlotte Michelle 9:30., "Red River Range" ( t938. Western) JOhn Way']_~. Ray COfr~an 9:40CZJ "You Cant Cheat An Honest Man" ( t939. Comedy) W C Field&, Fdgar Bergen. 10:00 (1) "Aalntree County" ( 1967. Orama) Elll.llbeth !!Ylor. Montgomery Clift t8 "The v I P s" ( 1963. Orama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton 10:06@ "BallHng Bellhop" ( t936. Drama) Bette Devis. Edward G Robinson 11:00 CC) "Cellle Annie And li1tle BrltcheS" ( 198 t, Western) Burt Lancaster, John Savage. CID "From Hell To Victory" ( t979, ()fem.a) George Hamilton. Oeotge Peppard. (%)"The Earthling" ( 1960, Adventure) WIHlam HOI· den. Ricky Schroder. .\I·· J Lil\.<><>\. \I<>\ 11.~ 12:ooe "Blood On The Moon" ( t9,.8. W"tern) Robert Mitchum, Batbara Bel Geddes e "The Perils Of Pauline" ( 19'47, Comedy) Betty Hutton. John Lund e "South Sea Wom3n" ( 1953. Adventure) Burt Lancasttw. Virginie Mayo e "Lions For Breakfast" ( 1979. Adventure) Jan Rubes. Jim Hen&haw 12:.4&(%) "The Fan" ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall. Jafl')ft Garner 1:00 (]) "The Valachl Paper•" (1972, Otama) Charles Bronsoo, Uno Ventura. CC) ''Biiiy Jock" ( 197 t. Drama) Tom Laughlin. Delores Taylor. CB) "A Force Of One" ( 1979. ()fama) Chuek Norris . .Jennifer O'Neill 1:30e "The Four Season•" (198t. Otama) Alan Aide Carol Burnell 2:00W "The Boy friend" ( 197 I, MVllC81t Twiggy, Christopher Oat>te 2:30ta "The Spider's Stratagem" ( 1970, Orama) OtuilO Brogl, Alida ValU Cl) "Muleftathert" ( HJ78. Comedy) Ro<y Calhoun. Don Kno111 (%) "The wanderers" ( 1979. Drama) KM Wahl, Linda Manz 3:008 "Way. Way Out" ( 1966, Comedy) Jerry LewTs. Conn .. Steven• ~ "Tuck Everlastlng" ( 1976. Adventure) fred Keller, Joseph MacGufre CB) "Salem'' Lot" ( t979. Horr0<) Oavtd Soul Jame$ MabOO 3:30e "f oul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Ci,ChaWt 4:00 "The Shogun Warr1or1· S~eteerl" (19 1. Fantasy) Anlmated 4:30(%) "The noad To War" ( 1938) Docu~tary &:OO(C) "Kill Or a. Kiiied" ( 1980. Adventure) Jlmtt Ryen Charlottt Mlehelle &:3011 "Marco POIO Jr," (AcJventureJ 1 .\.1 . '\ f '\( ' t:oo••NEWS ICHAALIE'8 AHGE.1..8 WHfTE SHADOW THE JEff'EMOH8 HAWAM FIVf.() ()WA EASY "Alcoholltm" Guett1. Galt Storm, C.. on. (R) Q THE STONE KIUEll -OJMJM Broollon at.an in a at.ory about an unckrworld Jdngpln (MartJn B•l••m) who train• Vietnam~•~ ~~ram to le.JU hi. ~Mm/ea Jn ''The Stone Kill~r" Friday at 9 p .m. on KABC (Ch. 7). CID MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger•· ( 1982) Christopher Makepeace, Fred Gwynne An epp<en tlce printer In 19th-century Mlsaourt daydreams him· sell Into medieval Aus1r1a ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The four Seasons" { 1981, Drama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnell. Three couples. all close. 1009 time friends, experience profound changes In the11 relalfon&hlps when one of the marriages d1&jn- l~rates 'PG' ( 1 hr , 67 min.) (ZJ MOVIE "You Can'1 Cheat An Hone1lt Man" ( 1939. Comedy) W C Fields. Edgar Bergen. A young woman llle8 to marry a wealthy man because lhe think• her lather It poor { 1 hr . t6 mm) 6:30. ALL IN THE FAMIL V 9 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Matie WalewSka" t-tapo- leon desires the POllah Countttt WaleWska bot eh'l retusea him. (I hr.) I NEW88EA T: L08 ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW NEWS BU8tNE88 REPORT 7: 1888NEW8 I HAP~e-g:V8 AGAIN P.M. MAQAZJNE A rare panda bom In captivity In a Mexico City zoo. a former Playboy bunny who ned the Marlnel KOJAK M•A•e•H JOKER'S WILO BU81NE88 REPORT THEMUPPETS PORTRArTS IN PASTELS MOVIE ''S.x And The Single Parent" (Comedy) M ke fimell, Susan St Jamee. A couple find out the realltlff of itartlng over, when they try to marry and their chlldrtn bioelc the way ( 1 hr . 36 min ) ([) MOVIE "Ho Knowt You're Alone" ( t980, Svtpente) Don Scardino, Caitlin O'Heaney A psy chotlc murdertf atalks attractlvo young bfldet·IO· be. allently and lethelly sleshlng their dreams ot wedded bllu 'R' ( 1 ht , 30 min.) CD) MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981, eorn.dy) Jef· ry Lewlt. Suean Ollver Afttt the clrcot cloMt down. a veteran clown !ties NI hand at varlOUt fo~. telling mlw~~ly at them 811 'PO' ( 1 hr .. 31 min) • JOCKEY Wllllam Coorad narratee a behind-tho telnet look 81 tho occupation of horae rftclng ( 1 hr.) \ 7: 115 (%) CINEMASCOAE 7:30• 2 OH THE TOWN Ftttured: a nn theof)' of the 80'a ··a Uni< between promlteutty and can<*. a look •t profeu!ONI wtntllng; an Nttortcal look 11 the ..... rtl Movlltont MWI , ..... ; f'AMfl y F£UO V9'HE' SHtAlEV & COMPANY TIC TAC OOOQH A•t•H IGHATVAE <Jue11: Z Btz.ezlnlkl MAONIJL/ (H) HrTLER'S MASTER RACE ... THE MAO DREAM Of THE SS Hat Holbrook nalfates th10 documentary detailing t1llorts to carry out Hiiier's plans for crest· 1~ a &Uprt1m11 Aryan race (ZJ MOVIE ··rho Farthling" ( 1980. Adventure) Wu llnm Holden. n1c..ky Schroder A world travelor tuac;he:. a young tJrphan the ways of survrvut rr1 tl1u Aui.tralran wilderness 'PG' I 1 hr 37 rrnn ) 7:40 KINER'S KORNER 7:361NEW8 8:00 CJ) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Dtt1<,y 1~ 11ppo1nlfld Honorary County Treasurer on the dAy the bdnk 1:. robbed (R) ( 1 hr ) a GD MOVIE "New York. New Y()lk" ( 1977. MUbl cat) Lita Minr~h. Robert De Niro Oum~ the · 40b a big band n1us1cran find:. hu; dedrca11on torn between hi& career an\J Irr:. wile (3 hrs ) II MOVIE "Thu Tlrree Musketoor:,'' ( 1974. COfne dy) Oliver A89d. Raquel Welch In 17th-century rranc..e. three dashing adventurers COIM 10 the Al<1 of Kinu I ow11 XIII when they leorn that hi& crufty cleric.. CarcM al R1chelleu, Is hatching a nasty p101 ~a1n1>I him (2 hrs l U !fa) BENSON II appears thal Governor Gatling and Ben~on are out ol Jobs when the gubernato11111 e1ee1ron ends in a three-way Ile 9 D ENCORE NEWS Highlights "June 10.1968" Robert Kennedy. who was 6h0t while campa1nrr1g, 1s 1>U11ed. James Earl Ray. who assassinated Martin Luther King, is captured. lhe USS Scorpion 1a Im.I under ~a. Icarus the Aster()jd comes lnlo vl6w (!) BENNY HILL G) P.M. MAGAZINE A rare panda born In captlvlly In a Mexico City zoo; A lormer Playboy bunny who BA TTL EST AR GALACTICA ilned the Marines. MIXED BAG "Culture Al 40 Batow" An exam1 nation of the cultutal exploalon of Alaska that has resulted trom the plpellne and wlndfall profits, with a loo!( at its effect on the native population I ll> WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW 8l'OAT8 CENTER ON LOCATION "Robert Klein At Yale" MOVIE "The Electric HOfseman·• ( 1979. Ora· ma) Robert RedlOtd, Jane Fonda A Las Vegas cowboy steals a St 2 mllllon thoroughbfed horM 10 save him from his exploitallve owners. 'PG' (2 hrs ) D MOVIE "Cutter' a Way" ( 198 t, Drama) JOhn Heard. Jeff Brrdg66 A maimed Vle1nam vet and his best lriend, a social dropout, locus their energies on aolving a murder case 'A' ( 1 hr . 45 min J 8:308 9 MAGGIE When Mark's grade6 begin 10 slide. a psychologist recommends thal Len project a more mascultne lmaP!' to hll aon I ERIC 8EVAREJO 6 CHRONICLE IAONSIOE AU IN THE FAMILY CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY Of LINCOLN CEN· TER The ensemble performs -...Ctlonl from T orelll. Bach. Arne. Rachmaninoff and Krei.ler. with sopra no Barbara Hendrick• and trumpel aotolst Stephen Burns. ( 1 hr.) • WALL STREET WEEK "What's New In Comput· era" Guest. Ulric Well. prlnelpal, Mo1gan Stanley 4 Compa_ny, Inc ID CREA TIVITV WITH BILL MOVERS "Women And Creativity" Three female artltll explore the conn1c1 f otessional creativity veraus raising a lamlly D MOVIE "The Foor Seasons" (1981, Drama) ttn Alda. Carol Burnell Three couples, all cloee. IOng time friends, experience profound changes In their relationships when one of the marriages dl1ln- 1egra1es 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min ) 8:36«l.) AU IN l'HE FAMILY 9:00 9 Cl) OALLAS J R attemptt to atop OIJ•ty ltom protecting Sue Ellen and JOhn Ross (A) ( 1 hr) D MOVIE "The Stone Kiiier" ( t973, Orama) Charles Broneon. Martin Balaam An underworld kingpin trains Vie1namese veterans to eliminate his enemies (2 hrs I G FLIP WILSON lIJ MOVIE "The Pink Panther Strlkei Again" ( 1978, Comedy) Poter ~lers. Herbert Lom The manlecal former police Inspector Dreyfus directs a dozen 1111N1na to elimlnate lhe bUngllng Inspector Jacquet Cloulffu. (2 hr1 ) e MERV QRIFFI~ "Superstar Models" Gue•I• Nina Blnnehard and her modtlt. ( 1 hr.) I BA TTL EST AA QALACTICA CREA TMTY WITH 8fll MOVERS "Women And eatlvfty" ThrH female artl1t1 axplOr• the conflict Of l)fOIHalonal cr .. tlvtty vll'IUI ralllng a famlly D e VOTER'S PtPEUNf Jim eoop.r lntervlew1 lhe candldatH In the 42nd Congrelllonal R•ee Thia 9'ecllon II lmoortant to both the Stall Legltlaturt and Or•not COUnty -• ~ MOVIE "Bllty Jeck" (1971, Dr•tn1) Tom Llugtllln. Ott«" Taytor An 111-0teen Beret hall btMd champlonl t~ catM of • t1Mdom ech004 lof tUNwa on an Atltona lndlln ttMfVatlon. ( 1 hr .. 66mln. T ~~~!'~~·~\ h, Te ~ Friday (a>11Linucd) 1.1111 11, ti.iltlr· 1111> 11•1! lrlJ>I-.ind burettucrm.y ol 0<.1ty lt,111 P<, I t hr JG 111111 J 9 05 (f7) MOVIE l "P·ll r 1969 Su'>pen6e) John f • "' 111 • ".11" I i111 I l.i .PtJ on lhe ·,1ory by l eon t 111 /\ f 1,.1.1 '' '.1"11•·1 ·Ill""' 1rtV1·'>1tyate5 Cuh.1". h111t "'1•11 ti 1· ,11v+H 11111• I'• mm I 9 15 'l CINEMASCOAE 930('f MOVIE tJ11~r111 .vt1 Worl<.I (19!>1 '>C•f•llCe r 1<.1 ,,, 111 JI,. 1"1·11•XJU M.111ly11 Nash T<i 1•'.1 .. 1pc• t111• t:tl1·<.1· ,1 .1 111u lt•,u t1olc>t .1u~1 a grouµ of •,c1ent151'> <J••\11 11 . ., J 1111•111.1111v11 1ti.11 will tali.1> thf'm !CJ sheller di f ,Jrlt• , t.IJI .. (I hr 10 nun) @NAPOLEON & LOVE Mam· W.ilewi.ka" Napu l1>on _,, .. ,,,. .. th•· 1-'11h'.lt Cnunte<,•, Wi!lttw5ka but 5hP ct•hi•,t" 111111 ( I l1r J fll) JAPAN INC A tr1r1~ 1•, 1.1kPn .11 the p1<~ress !Ml h.1'. tH•••r+ "+.tdl' 111 tNrw. ot quality and quantity ol prc1d11c.1 • 1w111u o1'.'.4•r111>1ce1111 Japfln iI!) NEW YORK STAINO QUARTET lfi1 MOVIE "f<,r;ip,. rrom NPw 'fork" ( 1981. Sci 1•ru •· I 11 t+rn•I K•ut ll+i''"~ll /\<.lt1enne OarbPau tr1 t<)I) I o1 t1.11d1•r11•tl 111111111.11 1•, olfered a p;:irdcin 1f ht• c ,,,, r" 1 •w th1• 1111",+rJ1·11t ol fhlJ US from the pll';on c·11y 11+.i! M.lf1h,Jt1<1r1 11.1•. t>e<..ome 'A' 11 hr 40 11111• / z. MOVIE rt11· I .111· ( 1'181 Su~µPnse) Laur+'11 f\<1c..1tl Jo11ru" C.,,1111• r /I. popul,Jr 111111 star +•, v1c.t1m 1/NI t11 1 •,7<.hot1c. .1rJm11Pr 'A ( 1 hr 3~ rr11n) 10 00 6 NURSE /\ rf'o•ntly w1CloweC1 lr1f'ritl 01 Mari._'. 1r·11~11.1r+lt rnovt-s 1ri w1lh hPr I 1 hr ) UUCDW NEWS fJ3 TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL ThP St11Jqf1t1> W1t1u1 lh'• <>11uy1Jh• Toni Orown 1>xi1f111nes tflP rol1• vi w• 111M1 or lhf· 1r.1r11111malty malr c1c1minalfld blnc.1< ll'.1tJ1 r .t ·•11 iI!) FIRING LINE nPVJlv(>tj Tt11s Hou'>(> ApprOVPS I tu· r u 111r,1111<.. lr1111.t11vf"'• 0 1 PrP",1c11!nt Reayan T ht· .t•tt i11<1 IM' I ril .1 <le bate between Wilham f' Aucl-lc•y c:1r+<J Jr1lir1 l<t-r+rlf·th <Jalbra1th r'i pre->en!ec:l (A) I I hr J I SJ MOVIE Brubaker ' ( 1980 Drama) Robert Red torr! V.1phn1 Kotto A rt•lonn rmndaCI werden uncov 1.w, w•<Je•,µri:Md corruption when ho Pnters his newty J',.,1yr1~d µr1son pof>lf\Q a!'> dn inmate 'A' (2 hr& . 10 rr1111 ) 0 MOVIE "Tile rOl.Jr Se1u;om," (1981. OtamaJ At1111 /\l<.la C.arCJI Burnett T hro(J cr;uplw, all c.lr1•,1> lony t111w friend<., l"xpe11flnGE! profo1JnrJ <.h11nges tn their rt:l•1 t1ow,h1p<, whf'n onP ul Iha marriayes d1',u ... tr>yralf>•, Pf_.' { 1 hr ':i 7 111111 ) 10·30Q)NEWS I SIGNATURE r.uf'"lt /t11v1111•w Or""'""k1 CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW , THE FOUR TOPS Tht> prPc1•,1> h..irmon•AS <11 fhP r ciui Tr ip'. .ire 11'.itulE'd in such C:.OUI c!ASSIC'> 8!. Berr+dcJf•llf' · and Standing In rt1•· Srradows 01 l OVP ' 11·00 fJ D a 11]) m NEWS I SA TUROA Y NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s •H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG C,u!hm• At 40 Below' An exam1 n;if,,,n , t thf• <.tJlfur;il PJtplc19irm ol Alaska thal ha'. ,, •• ,,,111•1J """' 1he p1p~h~ 11n'1 windfnll profits. with a lo()t. .11 11" 1·llr•c t wr 11111 n;:i11ve populauon ~ DICK CAVETT r;u,. .. t Saul Bellow (Pitrt 3) (R) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW ) MOVIE "C:illlr Annie And Little Britches" ( t'lA 1 W1•'>ll'l11) A11rt l anCA!;ler. John Savage T N l1 t<Jt1~ll 1i1Jft.1w-; prrk 1JP a pair ol taen·age girts HflcJ t.Jl<ti tl1M11 nloriy 0 11 lh1'rr .iClvootures 'PG' ( 1 tir 1'; lfllfl ) (L. J MOVIE 'LirldcrcllA" I t<J77 Comedy) Cheryl Srn+th. Kirk bG<Jll A rmnct• trio•, •.11wN;it yo1Jng wom ,.,, 111tw.1<11tyc101111n h1<, """'ch lor the onP h,. m11t HI 11 111y;1f tJ.111 'fl' ( I tu . 10 111111 ) 11 ·05 'Z' MOVIE .. rtir n,.c..1111" ()I W1..,1cm C:1v1ll/i1!1on' (MIJ'." .11) tll'w N<tvf' rrn1r,1r by tinnds •,uch llS All<.P Oaq £1,mrJ lll.u.~ I l·•ll Cirl.lf! J1•r ~ '• 1111<1 f c•11r I' f(':1 lurr·1J I 1 t11 40 """ ) 11·30fJ <11 NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Lr1· Angi>IP< I .1kN', v<, San Antorno Spur!> (:> hrc;) D GD TONIGHT Ho•.1 Joh11ny C:rw1on GuQ"ll'> Mel P;'ln ~'''"""'""' Chrlfltlf' Orrnkl1•y nobby K•!llOn 1 tQ ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK SONNY ANO CHER SANFORD ANO SON CHAM8EA MUSIC SOCIETY Of LINCOLN CEN· Th~ 1tn•..ernbl4' perlOfms '>e!N:tlOfll horn Torelli B.1c..h /\rri . Rochman1noll and Kre•".,. with aopm no Oert>ara Hendrick~ end 1rumpot 1otot11 Sl flph"1'1 f)ur111 (I h< ) I NEW88EA T· LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW CAPT10NEO ABC HEWS 8POf\rl ctHTEA MOYIE. "T~ Fari" f 1981 8utpenU) LaUtM = ·~ k~~ ~~:K ~in· TAKES A BREAK -The medJciU team of Michael Learned and Robert Reed takes a break during the filming of an episode of "Nurse." In the Friday show a recently wi- dowed friend of Mary's (Learned) tempo- rarily moves in with her at l 0 p .m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). A(J'l'> Ar1thr1rry Purkrrr:, /I. young btacll woman rt9eli lro111 1111 • dr•pth1, ol the ghelto to 1n1mn;:i11onat fame •l<, •i f;1•,h1<111 r1&c.1gnt-r .ind model ·po· ( 1 hr . ~,o m1nJ_ 11:40()1) MOVIE 'Kr11Pr5 From Space" ( 1954. Sci ''"(" r1r,f11111) Pt:!Pr Graver., Barbara Aes1ar An atrJ11t1c. •.r1ent1<;f 1'1 k1dnappNJ by f!xtrntarr .. 5tr1a1 c.re.Jlur!'', N~llJst! Hlfll If I'> lo rJe&.frny f arth ( I hr , 30 '""' l_ 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The conctus1on of n two part report on male soap opera '>tar-. G ®) FRIDAYS Hust David Naughton Guesl5 81! ty_ and ltw APaters (R) ( 1 hr • 30 min 1 C!J MOVIE !he lulllc•o:; Of Tahrli" ( t942 Comedy) Ch.HIP'. I .1uytr1or• Jon Hall A devil may c.are 1stanc1 family hva the s1mpff> Ille ol bl!achcomt><•rc, (? tus ) tD LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 9 MOVIE "P11v111p A+>n1amm" ( 1980, Comedy) Gofc11e H.1wrr, r111-e11 BrPnnan A WPll-IO·CIO younu woman nust4kenly 1Q1W 1he Army toltowrn~ the· de11th CJf 111•1 r1r•w hu<,l>And on their weddiriij rught A' l 1 !tr '>Cl 111111 I 12: 161Si MOVIE Tllf• row Seac;onc," < 1981 Drama) Al;in Alt1it \.arot BurnPll Three c.ouples alt c.lose lony 1•1110 fr11•rr<I'> 011)"11eoce pcofo1111d 1,hanyes in ttleir rt:!.1111111'.h1p·. whon oni> ol thn m.1mayes d1stn tour Jlc!. P(;' { 1 hr !J l rn1n ) 12:300 GD SCTV NETWORK (A) I COUPLES MOVIE "Way. Way Out" ( 1960. Comedy) Jerry Lewi' •. Cur1r11tJ .,1even6i /\ rneek astronaut ,., pro poll(Jd 11110 •,p;ic.e with a prelly femat1> cornpan1on to ~er:-ilc u turrar we11thef stallon (;> h1!, ) UJ MOVIE "OrrJ<.1Jl11 Vt> r rnnkonr.tein" ( 1971. Hor ror) .J C;irr11! Na1'\h. I 011 Chnney Ot;icute help•, Or r r iln~ """'"'" m11111e hrs mon'!ter tn ra1u111 !or hfe·su" -1~,~~Hi<l <serum I I hr, 4'l min) @NAPOLEON U OVE "M~11e Watewska" Napo tpon rJr•'.1t<··· tt10 POl11;t1 Lovrrte'I~. W:ilewska lJul sh1· relu•,f•'> 111111 ( I 111 J • (f J OMNO "US A lnt1>rna11ona1 Women's Spn~ board /\nd M~n s f'.alform F1n1tl1" ci hrs ) 'll MOVIE Sc;inner1" (1981, Horror) Jo11n1f~r O'No1ll Patock McGnohan A lethal conflict ariseb bolw,.I II lwO !lm(lll urovps Of people WhO~,(' e11trtt()f d1n;J1y p:.ychrc powera 1nctuon tM l'lbltlty to krlt telejJlllh•t.ally 'R' ( 1 hr 4? min ) 12:-iO CC) MOVIE ·The Return Of fhe Secaucus S.V· M " 111'.180 Or1tmaJ M"rk Arnott. GOfdOn Clipp Tho 111emt>01' of a group of cott• 11uden11 ac1lve In lht prow11 rnovomenl during IM '60s gll~ lor fl wHkMd reynron 'A' (1 hr .. 48 min.) t2:4& (Z) MOVE ·:.rt11 w1noerer1" ( 1e1t. Orama Ktn Wehl, Lindi ¥a"'1 Ttw ~At I I 1960t~reor ~~l~n'th4~i9r~on;•~~~iftwi~~~ ~~ I • 1 00 8 AMERICA'S TOP TEN Cl) MOVIE r octurti Chdr11tJ1•r <JI Ur ~,1d1sm, ( l!Jb9 Hwror J Ch11!>topher Lee I EJ.( Barker A w1«1tlf1y W(lf11,111 1" k11111apµed by a wrcl<ed coont wh1J t111ltJ•, tu•r c.1p!1110 1n ..i d1Jngoon ot horrors ( 1 hr JO 111111 J t 05 H 25 YEARS OF JERRY LEE ·· A CELEBRA· TION .Jot11or y C. ,J'.11 Krr'> Kristolleiwn. ChJ1ho H1ch .11111M•11 .. y < ""''Y 1•i1t1 J1•11y Leet cw1!> 1n a pertorrn ,Jr1u 1.1~>+·!.l .11 th1< J,J1 k '>1111 H;i!I of thl' I ••r+ru•'.'."P l'P.rlu111111 'ii Ar I'. C.1•111t•r 111 Nt1•.lt1111!1• ( I tu I I I 0 lT1.) MOVIE 1)1·1·p V .11tr•y ( 194 7 fJr .1ma) ld;1 I t1Jllltc• rJ,1111• C,l<1rk A borc<.I mour+la1n {Jirl llnc.J~ rClllloJlll t• wl+foll •,t++• fJftJVll!O<, •I r11tJrll(l pl.tC.I• ltJf ,lf1 ••'1<.:1,''"' lr11111 ,11t1.11f q.HIH (I hr '10 nun) 1.30U NEWS U SHA NA NA D EVENING AT THE tMPROV 2·00CJG)NEW8 8 MOVIE "Att.ICll ()t lt10 Pup(J•:I Poopte' ( 1958. Hnrrnr) .J11t111 A~.11 John Hoyt A 1oy manufacturer p••rltJt.!'> .i 111t·ll111cf 1Jf turr11ny hwnw11> into dolls ( 1 hr , '.30 111111 J (3 JUDY COLLINS IN CONCERT Judy Collins 1•, 10111•••1 11y 1111• H.1111111011 f1yrnpho11y Orchefltra and RCJy Hoq.,·,111 111 ttll'. i;olcJ 0111 p£>rlorrndrt<.c taprd Irv!' 11f'.1r l wrn+lo ( 1 lu J 2.056 MOVIE 'V1llt1 rl11Jc><," 11()68 Advt>ntwf') V11I 8ryrnw1 ll11twr I M1tchurfl /\11 avid I Or tearn'. up w1U1 P.111d11 V1ll,1 to l111ft11•r the• r.111"•' of the M•"1111.;111 RP11t1ft1l11111 (:> llr•, 10 r11111 ) NEWB HJ MOVIE Ttr<• Hand . ( 198 I Horrr1f) M1c.MPI C<11nf' /\rrrlrf•,1 Mr1rcnv1tr1 A11<trrP 111c.1df'nl5 <11111 niyt.1111,111:'.; ooy1n h.ip1J'•l 1111Q lft 11 Ci:ll t11onr',f 5 Ille dfh•r 1... ult.•r•, lhP los•, ol <1 h<11111 A (I ~., 44 rrlifl ' I$ MOVIE Thf' nh1P'> Arolhf'r-. ( 1980 Mus1c.at1 Jot·11 HPh1'.h1 [J;in Aykroyd Two blues smge1s mu'>I cont"'''' ""'"' thr• C.h1<..agn police the CIA Nee, Ndl1« .11111 1h1• lJ S Army 10 pul 1oge1her a benefit com 1·11 111 1.11•..e nmni>y 101 the11 parish 'A' (::> hr•. 13 111111 l 2; 15 m MOVIE "N1yti1 Tide" ( 1963. Orama) Denrns Hopµer. l ua11a Anders A young sailo< enc.ounters a strar1y11 t.dtrnval y11I who bel•eve<. she cnmes a mer maid's tur•,p ( 1 hr 4~ 111111 ) 2:308 NEWS Cl) MOVIE "The Terror ' ( 1963. Horror) Boll!. Kilt totf .JAcl< N1c.holc.<in A fr"!nch ufhcer track& Clowri a my•.11•rrci11'> yirt to an r>e11e m:i11&1ott owned by fl '-'JfJ+•,f+c 111111!rr1.J11 ( 1 hr 30 n11n ) (Ci MOVIE "~r·1 /\wl I tw Single Parent ' (Comedy) M1k•· r .rrrt·ll SU'>•"' ~1 Jttmes A c.ouple find uut tht- l!?c1t1t+1"• 111·,1,1111ny 1J11er. when they try 10 marry ~nd 1hr11 1 l11l1Jr1•11 bloc.Ii. tllo way (I hr . 35 rn111 ) ( £) NASL WEEKLY 2·35(J) MOVIE I o:.t ~atrol" ( 1934, Adventure) V1c.11,r Mc.I dylen Boris Karloll Arabs a11ack a palrol ol wtd1ers IO'tl tn the desert ( 1 hr :>5 min ) 2:"46 (%')MOVIE "le Sell Shop" ( 1 h1 30 mrn ) 3:00@ NEWS (() POCKET BILLIAR06 Luther Lass11er vs Cow boy Jimmy MOOfe ( 1 hr ) 0 MOVIE "Cutler's Way" ( 1981 Orama) John Henrd. Jell Bridges A maimed Vietnam vel and h1'. bef.I lr1c11d ;i social dropoul, locus their energies 011 solv111y .1 1111ircJpr C.A'>e 'A' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 3:308 MOVIE "Tt1e Ginni Gita Mons1e1 ' I 1959 Serener• F1won) Oon Sull1vl\f1 rrecJ Graham Fol low1n1i .1 .,,.11,. .. of 11r1expla1ned deAth<i A town 1s held 111 11 IJ"P of 11.1r111 won<.ltoring wtro will be the neirt v1c f1m ( I hr '!O min ) 3.60IHJ HALLELUJAH HOLLYWOOD Gene Kelly hosts A <J.111hny l11buto 10 the dayb o f Hollywoocl wh1Jt1 !tll' Ml 1M mu<ircal re1gnod <>upreme ( 1 hr ) "4;00 Cf) NEWS CD MOVIE "Urir11w~ocl'' ( 1949. Mystery) Robert Rockwf.'11. Brlrt111ra rultcr The pubhc IS stunned whw1 tho !rue 1den111y CJ! a ph1111torn killer Is ult1ma1e ly 11•11•.,tlfl<J J'• !h11I ol A prrnr1111on1 pr#50n ( 1 hr 30 111111) (f) SPORTS CENTER "4:06 ltZ> VEGETABLE SOUP "4:10fCl MOVIE "lh<• F1t>nd1•.lt Plot Of Or ru Mun chu" C 1'l80 Corno<.ly) Peter Sellf-rs Sid Caesar The Hll ,Jnd Scotland Ya1d'1 Det Nnyland Smith pv1•.tw 1ho t68 year old arch villain a'I he searche!. for llu• 111uwd1ents. 1nclud1ng lhe Crown Jewels. u~cl 10 11111ko htt Ill prOlonglng eluur 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38m111) •tl5(%) MOVIE 'Obtomov" ( 1981) Oleg T1bftkoY (lc11.1 Sol1>vo1 (?hrs • 30 min ) "4:20fS J MOVIE "The Eleclrlc Hor1eman" (1979, Ornmn) nooort n.dtord, Ja,,. Fonc:ll A l at VtQ•• eowboy 'llOOll a $12 milllOn lhotoughbf.cf hofM to savo hrm from hll el(plollallve ownett. 'PG' (2 tvt.) •:30iMAKE PEACE WfTH NAT\ft 4·31 ~AOOM ., • Norftl. .,......, a. . • area on Bl. MOVIE "A. fOf~ Of an.:· (1178 Ora"") ·;... ~ . ' .. \ ( .. "'" 9 -ID CD N wwwww::e 10 :Saturday 5:008 MOVIE 'My•,tery <it I rJw•rt l>r•11J•I t l'J"j•, ¥istery) Cl.iude f"la1ns. v,1lr·111· tt1JtJ-.1m CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP RODEO S<..hrad1· Pro TP..im n1111.1·. ri ... ,p.,r.1 do~ v•, T ul«;,1 I w1·,fer'> ( I hr ·m 111111 ) 0 MOVIE I oq••lt1t•r ?" tHwri.1111.P) J11cq1mlr111· 01«;',r•I M.11 1rr11h.111 ~<.hell I I hr .!0 111111 I 5 05@ BASEBALL BUNCH 5 30 <'TJ NEWARK ANO REALITY 5·35 @ THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 6.00 f) SUNRISE SEMESTER 0 SERENDIPITY ((')PUBLIC AFFAIRS 0 TEEN TALK I APPLE POLISHERS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MORNING t J MOVIE '11t•v11• llJr.1tr•.t1 < ,1,·r11l.i 1,11 ~·,11r1 Mo11u W.i ,t1t;1 •tirrn· 6:05@ WAR AND PEACE 6.20 6i)NEWS SJ MOVIE Tiu· •,h<>l,Jlll• W 11r1•ll' '>I••" >'h•l•·N', { 198 I r ,JI l.i I! Arurrt,1ll•d ( I t I 4 () 1111rc I 6 30 f) DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THAT'S CAT PACESETTERS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE • AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT · CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ' DR. SNUGGLES f ) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS 'VJ I~ US < 11w11' MOVIE C,;\r t11111 Copy ' (1981 Crnm·tlyl l,pr.11w '1"'J"' S11•,;1n St11nt J.1rnw, 11 h1 J'' 111rr1 I 0 MOVIE M 111" Pr1l0 Jr I Advenhirt•) ( t 111 30 min) 6 45 %, MOVIE ·fou (,.1n I Ch tMt An M•1r111t.I M:111' ( 1919 C,11rrtl'Cly I W C f 11'!1}',. f rlqar ll1·rqP11 ( I hr 16 01111 j 7 001J KIOSWORLO G) THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE @) SUPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR • DAVEY ANO GOLIATH OOCTORWHO TURNABOUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH (1 ) SPORTS CENTER 7.05@ MOVIE "The Bedford ln~r<lent" ( 196b Ora ma) Ric.hard W1drnark S1d11ey Po111e1 7.301J MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS GO SMURFS OR. SNUGGLES (II RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 8:00 fJ CJ) POPEYE 8 MOVIE "South 0 1 The Oorder ( 1937 Wfl:,tern) Gene Autry. Smiley Burnette G REAL EST ATE WEEK (!) MOVIE "Clearing The RAnge·· ( 1()3 t Western) Hool G1bso11 m MOVIE "Lost In A Harem' ( 1944 Comedy) Bud Abboll Lou Costello fD TRAVELING HOPEFULLY Roger BnlC1w111 the 97 yl"ar old l<Junder of the Arnurican C1v1I l •bct11es Union. ,., prr1t1IP.d (t) MOVIE "Tho He1sl' · ( 1978, Ad11onlure) ChArlcs Aznavow Vtr na l 1s1 (f J F.A SOCCER "The Road To Wembloy Semi Finals" Oueeni. Park Rangers vs We'it Bromwich { 1 hr ) <li) RACE FOR THE PENNANT "Tho Rookies· Hosts Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver take an Inside look at what 11 means to be o rookre ()) MOVIE "Julie" ( 1956, Suspense) Doris OAy Louis Jourdan ( 1 ht , 40 mill ) II MOVIE '"The Earthling·· ( 1980. Adventure) W1I hom HOiden. A1eky SchrOder ( 1 hr . 37 min ) (%) MOVIE "The Rose" ( t979, Otama) Bette Mldler, Aton Bllff. (2 hra. 14 min) 9:301(1) TARZAN I LONE RANGER I l<IO SUPER POWE.A HOlJR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG PEOPLE ANO OAQANIZA TIONS MOVIE "Cavemen" (1981. Comedy) Ringo IH 0.Mlt Quaid. 1 t hr .. 31 min ) COW..W ·~ALL lJ_QLA vt US£ _L2 • L.A~& ... REY ,._ ...._ ................. -------------~ --- 0 MOVIE 'The Omenan'>' ( 1968. ~.w.i••'""''' K1311l1 1 •II'"'" lr11111cJ Pill j NASL SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGLEY NEW VOICE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 1 TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS t<}f? Wrrt 111,,11r;11 ( 1 hr) 9 30 fJJ BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER 9 05@ MOVIE Thr• I rn1nt.11nh1•.11j I 11J41) IJr.irri.1) (1ttri l1CIJH r l '.J1fll l,J (lft;ll HEA THCLIFF I MARMADUKE I SPIDER-MAN GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS fsr1l1 111ti·,1111 Ho•,t H111uk•, flc11Jtn'to11 ' MONEYMAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT J MOVIE You I 11Jhl Up My I •h• t 1•1/ / Aor11.111u• J 01d1 L•mn l<>f' b1lvM 10.00 0 fJl) SPACE ST AAS m ®) THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD MOMENTS IN TIME MOVIE "Ad1ot. An11~<>" ( 1')/b. ComPClyJ f-re<J W1llran ••,rn1 Richard Pryn1 I CAA CARE CENTRAL BOB JONES LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sear'> U'*-b a d1agnoG11< C.Ufrtpu tPr tor 11 Camaro lune up and demons1ra1ei. tiow to lest a battery CAI Qt!) VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper interview& the cand1dat~c, 111 lhe 4:i11d Congre'>s1onal R;ic.e Thrc; elP<.t10n 1!> 1mi.>or1ant to both lhe Slaff' l cg1c,la1ure and Or.mg1· \,O\inty CE) FIGURE SKATING 'Women's WorlcJ rroos1yle Chamri1nn<,h1ps" lrorn Copenhayen, Denmark 12 hrs) (ti) MOVIE ·fou1..Md By Lovu" ( 1980 Dr.Jrna) DebCJrat1 Rnfl111 fJrane lane ( 1 hr 33 nun l '$ MOVIE 'tlolkes • r 1980 Adventure) R~er Moore JJme'> Mason ( I hr 39 min ) 0 MOVIE 'Amntree County" ( 195 7. Otamn) f hza · beth T aylo1 . Montgomery Clift ( 3 hrs . 5 min ) 10: 15(1) PADRES PRE-OAME (%) MOVIE "Tt11ot" ( 198 t Drama) Jnrnos Caan T Uf''>day Weld 10.30 (() BASEBALL San 01oyo Padres al Montreal Expos (2 hrs , 30 min ) I WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS WE'RE MOVIN' NASL SOCCER KICKS PHOTO SHOW PORTRAITS IN PASTELS t 1:00 11 BASEBALL Boston Rn<l Sox at Kansas City Royals (3 hr'i ) 8 WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Oatl.s fournAment Ouarterllnats" ( I hr ) D QI WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Girl With ESP" A young girl d1r.covera <jhe has psychic powers and <JecrdP.'i 10 go into lhe tortunl'Hell1ng business (R) I WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS SOUL TRAIN THE ROOt<IES COOKING MEXICAN BASEBALL Reglonnl covera~e of Botton Red SOx 1'1 KMMI City Royals. Clnelnnatl Reds al Pitts- burgh Plflltt (3 hrt ) • HILLARY'S CHALLENGE: RACE TO THE 8KY ...SU. ~ad tilllw:.t.-Ji7l..A~d1Jlan..Ju2ln -=--==~=I lgft'== '""' dllta 10 ttt fOCITCW ntgtf 1""1he-Hl"'l•llylt II documtnt•d ( t hr.) f)t.:an Junt's an d S:1t1 d y Duncan suu 1n "$I. 000. 000 Dudc. " ro b<' bruadcast 1n I w o p a re s o n "W .:dt DisnC'y," st.arCml( S~ll urday a t 8 p .m ()/l KNXT (Ch. 2). Ci MOVIE 111 .. <111llt1w I 1941 We'>IN'•I J.1m lh1•.' ,.u W.1l11·r H11'>lr1rt 11 30 i) NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS nu:.tvr• Cut lu. • 11 ''11lw.11J~f'1• Buc.k'> w l'h1lt1rjel1.;h1iJ ff,.,,., /;,o l1r• JU 11111 J § O',i AMERICAN BANDST ANO WILD, WILD WEST MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING 11 35 (]Z) MOVIE PN1rty Snrcn111J1•. I 1 <J4 1 I >r .1111.i I <,art r.r 1111, lrt-11c Dunne . \F.1 lJ{\< >< >~ 12:008 LOST IN SPACE (fJ MOVIE Joh11 c,u1cH.11lJ. Plr·;1•.11 Cw111· I l1Jr111• ( 1<.J(,', C<11111'rl'f) Pr•ll'f lJ•,1m11v 'it11rl1•y M•t1 I .1111c d) MOVIE 1.1.1 Ut T1>c· l<1·1l H(1l lov1w. 119/? c .om••<ll) Ald11 Ark111 Sally l<clh·rmdn IAOAM-12 QUILTING NEEDLECRAFT ) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE SPECIAL RACE FOR THE PENNANT "The Rooktt>\> Ho•,to, 0.11rt Tompkins and Tim Mc.Carver ta ke an rnc;1c.Jr· look .11 what 11 means to be a rookie ($J MOVIE "My Bodyguard" ( 1979. Dram<J ) Cht1«; Mak~Pac.c, Adam Aaldwrn ( I hr . 38 mrn ) 12:30 0 DISASTERS iJ MOVIE "Town Tamer ' ( 1965 Westarrt) DanR Andrews. Terry Moore IKIOSWORLD AOAM-12 COLLEGE FOR CANINES NEEDLECRAFT MOVIE "The Ame11cMr1a11un Ot (rnlly' ( 1964, Comedy) ,J11rru•<, GArner. Juhe Andrews (:> rtrs l (ZJ MOVIE "The r dn" ( 1981. Suspense) t auren Bacall. JAm01i Garner ( 1 hr . 3b min l 1:00 8 THE MUNSTERS G (fJJ WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS World Bwung Chnmpron•,t11p& (lrom Munich, West Germany), lhe batlle tor the pole µos11lon at lho Indianapolis "!>00" 11mP 1na1•. (live) a pr&-roce report on the Proakne&s Stake& ( 1 to l NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS (Jrnne<l In Progrec;s) ( 1 t1r I GJ MOVIE Cttptarns Courrigeou"' ( 19/ l Arlven· 1Uf(') K11rt Malde11. Jonathan Kahn fJD WOODWRIOHT'S SHOP "While 011k Spht<1'' Roy Unde<hrll splits and weaves <..half l!ottorTI'. tn) QlD GROWING YEARS (C) MOVIE "SIAV•fl°' {Orama) Gtond.1 J11t.1<&0n Monn Washbourne U MOVIE 'Oh c.,ocJ!" ( 1977. Comedy) George Durnr., John Denvur ( t hr • 36 m111 ) 1:30 8 F-TROOP e NOVA "Why America Burn1" A report on lhr lire pr~on11on establishment ond strnteg1e11 tor f' roving fife tafely IS p<~nled (A) c;J ( 1 hr ' GROWING YEARS DIVING "U $A International Women's Sp11ng bOl'ltd And Men'11 Plo1form Finals" (2 hrs) 2:008 Cl) COLONIAL NATIONAL INVITATION GOLF Tt'ttrd·round COlltflgt of thl1 S3SO.OOO PGA Toor golf tournamenl (llve from TM Colonlal Coun 11 Club In FOfl WOfth. tex) ( 1 hr.) OOTOOOA LIFE 1~QA;LnL;Gi';N~··D*~•eMnDrli;i;iiii5i-~.sii' rn 01 1071h running of the NCOnd l9Wtl of thorough· Saturday (continued) bred 1 t1C,tr1U !> l ttfJIH Crnwn (from f'11111t1,,c, ll-JC.l• <..11Ur'A111111.11111111110. Md) ( t hr ) 1J MOVIE "Tt111 Arnbui.t11~rs" I 1'.llil, Cwr111tly) 110•111 M.111111. 'JHrilu Bt-'U''' C!J OUTER LIMITS m MOVIE Mdtc1r '>~f'lli·r (f',Jrl t) ( 1<J1•1 Or.1 rn,1) ";11•·11.• r<.111.,tiar) c '"''rtlfl OrC,orr111 Qj SIONA TUAE <J11••'>t lb1ur11••w £111111111·.~, GD MOVIE i\urot M.try ( 1'1RO nr.1111.1) J~a11 !}ta1,lf!lt1ro M.Jtl111 B11l• .. 1111 ~UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 11 ) MOVIE "Tt1r• C11n"r; R111tum Oori1" ( 1'1£16, C.ornn dy) 01111', (J>ty. Ht11J T r1ylt11 11 hr •,() 1111n) 2:05 ~THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2. 16 CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 2 30 SPORTS AFIELD 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND @ MIXED BAO "Cult11rf' Al 40 llolnw An cxamo nitlloro "I tt11• 1.ulturnl exp11,i,11,ri of Al.J•1kd thal tlilS 111'iult~<J hwrt ltur IN>Oline c.Hld Wllldfall pwfot'i, w11tt II l<ml< .11 11•, 11ffo1 t "" the nallve populf111<m fJD LEARNED IT IN BACK DA VS AND KEPT IT rtor 1rJa IJA<tl<HwPr1ver I uc..reaty Cla1k 1s profllerJ G) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (H) MOVIE 'flollt~" ( 1980. A<1ven1u10) nr>{J''' Mocirt> J,J1111•<, Mdc,c,11 (? tus I CZ1 MOVIE 111.-n111ul ro War" ( 1918} f)Qc,umenta t y ( 1 hr 1 •, uun } 2.36@ MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 f) 2 WITH YOU I AGAICUL TURE U.S A MOVIE 'D11wrd,•rly OrdPrly" ( t'Jf>4. CornfJd)'I Jerry l ew1'>. Glenda Fairell fl ®J WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS C.cm1tnued cov eraw• of the Worlrl Boxinu Champ1on'lhtp<. lnd111n ap<1h!. !>00 · 11rne 111.il&. leatur1nu lho b<Jllle tor 1hP polf! pc,<>111011 (live from lnd1anal)Ol1s. ln11 ) ,, p!l'll rac.f! reµort r1n th& PtaAkne~s Stal<11'1 ( 1 hr J W THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL RACING FROM AQUEDUCT MOVIE "Thu lnc.r1JrJ1ble Mr l 1111µ1,t" ( 1%4 r.1r1 1a-,y) DrJri Knottr. Cat0le Cook @CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF l INCOLN GEN TEA I t11• •·r •,<•111tili, pf·r l0rms -,el1>c.11rin:i Ir 1m f <JtP.lh Bac,h Atr11: r~<11 torn;itunolt and t<te1c.ll•r with •.opr11 no ll.irt>.H.1 ~•e11dttc.1<•, 1-tnd ttutnpttt •11ilo1•,1 Staphen nw11'> 11 hr) ~ RAINBOW ROAD HOME GARDENER I J MOVIE I 110~ B•t' I< lro /\r11wr" I 111'1H li1.11ri;1) Ct.1111• 01,,,,,,, Ilic l11tr1t llwtq11 Li MOVIE ltu1111Jc•rt,11rJ•, 11, rt,,. Ill·~ 111• I l'1H 1 Or,,,,,., 1 "°'l'i'"''• 0 JOCKEY W111t.1111 r ,111tr.1•I 11n11.1t11, .1 ,,,.h111rJ tti& '><."'•f:', ""'" ,,, llu1 11< r 11µ11t1t>n of hflr•.•J r.1c.•r•o ( 1 hr 1 3:06 '11) WRESTLING 3:30 fJ MOVIE 'H111 D1r•11I , D.111ut11or ' 111Jt:i. Hor HJr) ShP.lif.ly Wini"''•· [jut111d-i M<Jnlgomaty Cl EVERYWHERE l 1)(,11t11i11 hv11 frorn Ou11kt11 111111, lntPrr1.1to<1r1,1I /\rt •,t1t1w Wc1rltJ Trnllo (,1-r1fPr Aw1kot Hollc, I t tit 'JO 111111 J ( MOVIE 'In farorJ"m I 1'114 Drumt\J c.,1,1uclt1 Akm•, r r<1nk Cc,)(ovet~'1 (f) WILD KINGDOM fJD BUILDING WITH THE SUN Die.~ ~ lh'> olhm. µrac tic.al •t<Jv1c.1· on ttle U'>•J CJf 1Jl'l"~1v!l l.olar f1n11rgy QD) HOME GARDENER (()GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ·• 1<)7f) ll S Op11n" 3·461%) MOVIE Tho fnrthhng" ( l'JUO. AcJvPnlwc) Wtlh:trn Hold,,n. Ricky Sc.h1oder I I ht 3/ riun) 4 OO fl MOVIE fhu Hu~tlm' t 1%1 Or1111111) P"ul Newman Jackie GIOA~)(l I GRIZZLY ADAMS EAIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE THE ROCKFOAD FILES DODGER DUGOUT NAPOLEON & LOVE "Mar~ Walawske" NFlpo leon d<r. 110•, tho Polish Counte'><i Wfllow,.kA t>ul 11he rafu~ him ( I hr ) I OUE PASA, U.S.A ? (R) MARY TYLER MOORE INTRODUCING BIOLOGY SPORTS CENTER WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS RUNNING WILD -Granville Van Duaen and Linda Gray portray scien tiats involved in chimpanzee research and an often-comical ad- venture that re.u/ta when domeatic.sted chimptl mPf.>t a wild band of their peen1 in the African Jungle in "The Wild and the Free" Saturday ot SJ p.m . on ¥J5T JCh. 2). __ ( JlW',I J11h11 fJ,J\llfJ'>()(o 0 JUDY COLLINS IN CONCERT l•uly Coll111•, 1•, 1rnr11•1I liy !lot-HarrnltCJn Symphony f>tr.:t1w,tr•1 ar1<1 rloy 1lo~J·"·111 or1 lh1r. 'iOld '1ti1 perforrnc1rice ld~d hve rif'ar foronlo ( t 111 ) 4 16 m DODGER PAE-OAME 4 30 (f) BASEBALL l <JN Anycle!> fJtJll!Jm•, .11 N1•w Yor~ Mf'I•, (;; Ill'. 40 fluro I m BASEBALL I 11'. Ar10011 .. , U11il1J1•1· .ir 11 .. w f 11k MPf', 13 tw. 1 I SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY BOB NEWHART INTRODUCING BIOLOGY ) MOVIE 'L.irfl1111 Arrn'lt I 1 <i In My1,tNy I C ic..trry r.111,rlrciw. Miko Clt.111 ( 1 tu 3~1 nun ) 18) LOLA FALANA THE FIRST l AOY OF LAS VEGAS I"''' I AlllrHt purfrnrw. "I Will f;i1Jrv1v1.," I flV•~ 1111~ U11h Y11u'r1) Wtlh" and "Wh11 Will 01Jy?" 111" C1Jric.1•PI p1•rlrllmar1r..P frc)111 fhl• Al11l1rltn HCJIPI 1n I a• V11yfl:. C 1 hr I . 5 00 G AMERICAN ADVENTURE IFREE4ALL STAR TREK M•A·s ·H KOJAK NEWS MOVIE "Oundlc 01 Joy" ( t9&b, Con1edyJ 11'lb ble noyMlrls. [ ddlf1 f lbhur @THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOOS A µmtrayul ot rho hve1, ot ltalum po1u;nn1s At the turn c,f fhf• cenhJ I n ,.,.j i LAWRENCE WELK SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY MOVIE "The Kids Are Alnghl" ( 1019, Mus1cttl) Tt1t1 Who fl ) NASL SOCCER Potllanel T1mbf!r1t nt rftrnpn B1W Aowdle6 (;>hrs) CL) MOVIE "M1ddlo Aue Cro1y" I 1980, Comedy) Ann Mmyrol. Bru<.e Dern <0) MOVIE 'Vl\18 l 96 VftQ8f;° ( 1964 Milt.tr 61) f 111111 Presley Ann Mnru1n1 ID MOVIE "Tl111 l ooney. Loonoy. Looney !:Jugs Bun11y Movie' ( 198 1. Comedy) Arnn1&led VolcM by Mal Ulanc Juno r or Av ( 1 h1 20 r111r1 ) 6.06 llZ) NASHVILLE ALIVEI GUfft Ge<>fue L tndsay ( 1 hi ) 6:30 f) LAST OF THE WILD I NEWS WELCOME BACK, KOTTER MOVIE "Support Your Local Gunltuhtor' ( 1971 Co111ocJyJ l.i111et. Gainer. Su1anne PfPsholl~ fJD ONCE UPON A CLASSIC ' The T ahsrnun A1c..h did IP..irn•, t11.1t Kenneth. now 11 Moslem t.l<1ve 11> he11 w th11 '•<..ult•'lll tl11rm11 and 11ow worthy nf [d11h tPurt o> cn1 o CJ ) MOVIE ·7frolktt•• ( 1980, Adv~ntute) H<'UW Moma. Jarnttr. Mai.wt ( 1 hr . 39 n1111 ) CZJ MOVIE "Thu no:.o" ( 1979. Orama) Aufto Mldlor, Alan Balf.16 (2 ht!:> 14 min ) e:oo I (I) ces NEWS I NBCNEWS LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY WHITE SHADOW UP AND COMING "Inside Trac.k" Marcus t1nd1> a 11umf1rP way 10 make fasl money 1n order to buy a mo1orc.;ycle D ID SPORTS~MERICA ® MOVIE "Touched By Love" I 1980. DrJma) Deborah Reftin. Diane Lane A nursing trainee lt1e!> to bring d hand1c..tpped g11f our of a deep dep1es~1on by enc.ourag111g het to correspond with her idol. Elvtf> Presley. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 33 min ) 6:06@ UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS· TEAU 6:30 G fl Cl) GD NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY WHY IN THE WORLD MOVIE "I et It Oe" ( 1970, Music.al) The Bea· tic' J1,hn L em1011 Pnul Mc.Cartney Ge0rge Hair1· -,on .. 111rl n111yo S1a11 are tnllowed lhro1Jgh rehears ale,. r.:cord1t1g t.esi.1onc, and an 1npromp1u c.rH1cen ·c;· ( 1 tir • :>8 rn1n ) 7 00 f) Cl) IN SEARCH OF I FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY WHERE WERE YOU? THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTEA· IES I PEOPLE'S COURT SOLID GOLD CHECKING IT OUT Kr•ly i\11111r,.1 ,,,,11111•, lrw•o tj1•w '(1,r~ 1.11 t1•1•r1 .t(JM', l1111ny l)rt 11'1P11 11wl1 Q 6' THE MUPPETS ll) MEDIA PROBES I 1111111i.i1J" Vor 1t11 An1gP ollN·. hr ,,.,,,, "'lftflfll t11Jfflf)I '" oifl Ul'rJllJ1Ah11r111I thtt 1111p.11,,t .,t 1.1111.1u·•Ut! ''" t.•ilture D 'Cl MOVIE 'Thti 011t1.1w ' ( 1 ~3. Woi;trrri) Jane nw,•.nll W.1111•1 I lllhlOll Atlly tile Ktd loll'! Ill love, w1tt' •1 l)(1.1ut1f11I w11rr111r1 whCJ h1clac; him from ttil't l1tw '' ht:.) If } POCKET BIL LARDS "I ogenda1y Stnr& Se11es" ( t hr) 1 l J MOVIE I he F rir1 · ( 198 1 Su,pen"'l) l auren Bac:all JdmPs Garner A popu1m him s1a1 r<> v1c11m 11t•ll hy d psyc.110111,, adm1re1 'R' ( 1 hr . 3!1 min ) 10 ) MOVIE "Tllu Apple Dumplfng Gang R1de1> Aga111" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts A p1111 of weotetn CJ\lllAws try to wfllk the stro 1t and narrow '(,' (2 hrt ) 7 06 ~NEWS 7· 10 KINER'S KORNER 7.30 DANCE FEVER I t~R~1 u: SHIRLEY & COMPANY OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER FIGHT BACK AORONSKY ANO COMPANY EYE ON SAN DIEGO A look 111 taken at San Diego's Wild Antmal Park I LAWRENCE WELK PRE8ENTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Et>ert end 011ne Sisk· el look at the changing HollywoOd por1r11y11I ol horno1.1exut11tty with ecenee fr om "Mel<1ny Love," "Ponionnt Oest" nnd "Victor, V1Clorl11 " !J/J,;//nv1 Jf.~!Mn . kh,-u ~If/ lk · 4,'" '/'' tr1 ~=-~ ····--~· , .. ,., .... ............ (~rc ;uivc Jeweler~. Inc. l 't,.,ftt'f' ~4'/IA~I h k r y;.,,.,,;;, /" (714) 76().6766 2610 E PACIFIC COAST HWY • CORONA OE L MAR rlatx <••ri• lo "'"""' l111ni.m• art11 lo 01111111111 11f\ 1 NATIO NALLY KNO WN. AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~· f} , ' . ..:£/ <i '/ :.J)ll f kt ~(I e; /. (./nf''IJ11// • REMOUNT SPECIALIST II ... .. L ._._ __ - 12 N Saturday ( rontinued) co OI -({) A COUNTRY MUSIC TRIBUTE TO KITTY WELLS Tammy Wynette hosts this trihutt: to the "Queen Of Country Music" teaturtng performances by Lynn Anderson. Tom 1 Hall, Hank W1lharns Jr Merle K11yore Charly Mclain Roy Ac.ulf and Kitty Wells t1trsett Tapec1 at Na5hy1flP c. Cr.~11<1 Ole Opry House ( 1 tir . 30 mm J 7:45 (~ CINEMASCORE 8:00f) Cl) WALT DISNEY 'St000,000 Uuck" A debt ridden sc1en1ts1's research d11ck bciy1ns to lay 9Q1de11 i>ggs ( Par1 l'J t 1 tu J U G) HARPER VALLEY Wtieo 1ynored lire '.All•ly standard:. lhreJten the town Sttilla bec.omeb dCt1ng volunteer fire chief (A) 8 MOVIE "~quum" ( 19T6) Don Scardino. Patrica Pearcy When electrical wire!. hill on the ground on .1 rainy 111yht large sandworm•, come up out ol the ground (2 hrs ) D ®' LOVE BOAT Tile entertainer h1re<J by Julie turns out 10 be an exotic dancer, and Isaac learns that a former passenger m1sunderst00d some advice and divorced his wife (R) D ( 1 hr ) G MOVIE "The BrotherhOOd Or Satan" ( 1971. Ho1101) Strother Marlin, L 0 Jones A <.;<>Yen is responsible tor the abduction of 13 ct11ldren and the brutal s1ay1ng of their parents (:>hrs ) i PAULHOOAN BA TTlEST AR GALACTICA THE TREE Of WOOOEN CLOOS A portrayal ot the lives of llahan peasants at thP turn ol the c.entu ry_ (3 hrs ) fD TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY Cl) MOVIE ·oanger lighrs· I 1930. Orama) Jean Arthur Robert Armstrong Colo1 and romarlU! are !he rewdrds 101 railroad worker:. ( I ht 10 n11n ) (()SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "Carbon Copy" ( 1981. C.orr•edy) George Segal. Susan Sa1111 James A su<.<.essful White businessman discovers lhat he has a grown son who is blacl< R' I 1 hr 35 min ) 0 MOVIE "Urban Cowboy·· ( t980 Orama) John Travolla, Debra Winger A blue-collar worker who fancies himself a mOdern day cowboy fitlls in love with a girl he meets 1n a popular country-and-west· ern bar PG' (2 hrs . 12 min) (%) MOVIE "Middle-Age Crazy' ( 1980 Comedy) Ann Morgret. Bruce Dern A Texas developer's sue· cessful 1ob and beaullful wife manage to drive him into a mtd·hfe crlSla 'R' ( l hr • 31 mm ) 8:05 al WORLD AT WAR 8:30 D a ONE Of THE BOYS Adam and Jonathan believe !hat Gramps has been Involved 1n a rash of robberies. i RACING FROM ROOSEVEl T SONNY ANO CHER GAEA T ESCAPES 9:008 ()) MOVIE "City Qfl Ftre" ( 1979. Orama) Barry Newman. Susan Clark. A plan of vengeance by a recently dismissed oll company employee erupts into a blazing inferno whlCh threatens to dest~ an entire city. (2 htt ) 8 • BARBA.RA MAHOREU ANO THE MAH· ORELL SISTEA8 GUOSls: Johnny Cash, June Carter casn (R) (1 hr.) 8 9 LOVE BOAT The crew StJtpeets that a beau· tiful woman is trying to kill Nt! mlt¥onaire husballd. and a glam<lfous dlvOfcee tries to get reacquainted with her aon. Cl ( 1 hr ) I WRE8Tt.INO BATTLEST AR GALACTICA AMEJICAN Pl.AYH008E "Oppenheimet" tn fttst part of a Mrlel on tht Hfe of the controver· elal Amencan sclentltt. phY** J Robert Oppen- hellMf becomes lnvotved In lertltt polltlca whlle WOl'klng at the Uni¥efllty of C.Ufornla. Berkeley. ~atl f) D ( 1 hf.) MOVIE' "The Fifth Floor" ( 1980, Otama) Bo opklna, Ola~ Hull An ..,,. yovng woman la Incarcerated In a bizarre mental hospltal whe<t llk>- lence and dr~ abuse ire the Otder of the day. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 30 min ) Cl) NA8l 80CCE.A Portland Tlmbefa at Tampa Bey Rowdies (2 hrt.) ([) MOV1E "Trlbult" (1980. Or~) Jack Lem- mon. Robby Benlof\, An l<reeponalble Bro.owey Pf ... agent beglne to regrtt hit wasted life and hit tenuous rtCatJonlhlp wttft 1'111 gtown son ·po· (2 hrs.) av MOVIE "Without Warning" ( 1980. HorrC>f) Jack Plllnet. Martin l...lndey, A ~ ttatlon altendant and a Vietnam vtftf'an pit themutv" against a ter· rltylng ind powtfful humanoid which ettecka lta ptty with deadty ftytng Of'Olnllml. 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) CJ) MOVIE "My Bo<Jvprd" ( 1979. Orama) Chris Makepeace, Adam SaldWln. Tht new kid 11 a Chi· cago l'llgh achoot mlkel friends with tht tehool out· cast and togethtt' they atend up to tht cruel gang wNctl had peraecut.d tt-4m both. 'PG' (t tw •• 38 9: ~'\l~~1Wav'.',{1$Me.~-P i. ·t>tM!a M<>foa1i WNli DUINno her you~ TIPS ON TRAVELING -Felicia Jeter co· hOtSt.s "Great Escapes," a five-part KCET travel series. premiering S aturday at 8:30 p.m . on Channel 28. Each week she and co-host Jerry Hulse will offer tips 011 traveling. ,1Slf'r I<> !.laroom a girl wrecks her own Ille (2 hr!>, 10 111111 ) 9:30 Q) ALL IN THE FAMILY Cl) MATINEE A T THE BIJOU Featured Kenny Del· mar and June I OCkhart 1n "It 's A Joke. Son" ( 194 7) a 1933 i.hOll "Technocrazy", and Chapter 3 of "Don Winslow In The Navy " (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min) CID MOVIE "Caveman" ( 198 1. Comedy) Ringo Starr Oennrs Quaid The clownish member ol a barely human preh1st0tlc tribe begins to discover that brains and not bfawn will be the key to his peo.ele's survival 'PG' (I hr . 31 min ) 9:35 lZJ MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981, Orama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld A prolesst0nal crook. gives up hlS independence IOI' a big SCOfe 11\81 he hopes wlU sewre his family's lvture. 'R' (2 hrs) t0:009,. NBC MAGAZINE I 'ftl N~ ABY ISLAND A young woman Who wants to be the center of attention learns she Is about to become a human sacr1tlce. end an engt. neer spends a night 1n a harem (A) D ( 1 hr ) 1J MOVIE "The Night Of The Ge~ats" ( 1967. Mystery) Peter O'Toole. Omar Sharif. A Nazi malOf SU6pecls three of hes generalS of murdering 1 War- saw prost1tu1e (2 hrs • 40 min ) CI) MOVIE "The Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave" ( 1971. Houor) Anthony S1etfen. Marina Malfatti. After hl8 release from a mental lnstltutloo. a titted Englishman returns to h+s estate and dltcovefs hit dead wile's burlel vault II empty. (2 hrt.) 1 80UOOOLD INOEP£NOEHT EYE "Dotng Time" lookt al Ille In the New Mexico State Penltentary. ( 1 hr.) 10:30. PORfRArT Of A LEGEND CC) UCME "Tht Hetst" ( 1978, Adventure) Chariea Az.navoor. Vlrna Lilt A Fr~h hoodlum trill to fol· tow In !he f~steps ot his Amtflean gangster hero. John Ollllnger. 'R' ( t hr , 32 min.) a MOVlE "Excallbur" ( 1981, f:antasy) Nigel T 81· ry, Nicol WIHlamson Thi eic.plolts of King Arthuf bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table 'A' (2 hrs .• 20 min.) 10:36 av HOANOe 11:008 D 8 Cl) 9 e NEWS • ENfERT MNMENT THIS WEEK Reporta on cellbrltlet' hornet. malt t<MIP opera ttart and Hol· lywood MX ~· ( 1 hr) • MOVIE 'H.ittt 8kett«" (Ptrt 1) ( 1976. Or•· ma) Steve Relltback, George DICenzo. BaMd on • the novtl by Vincent &gUotl alld <A.lrt Gentry. A 81T\811 band of drug-crazed hlpplet led by Charles Manson commltt a win of bizarre thrlll·kllllngs In the Hollywood hllll. (2 hrs.) • MOV1E "ThO Maater Gunfighter" ( 1976, Wett· trn) Tom Laughlin, Ron O'NetT. A gunflght8f haunt· ed by a ahameful deed Mt• out to rldotm his hon°' with a plttol Ind a aamurll twO<d. (2 hrs ) QI THE TREE Of WOODEN ClOGS A portrayal of the llvtt of Italian pttMnt1 at the turn of the oentu· 111. MiM ~·1\ f..!f1t:~ ~ __ •:<:.n ,.,,, ~vc~...-'' ·• • AMl'JICAN CHINA TOWN Metle Woo nattat• 1t1e • t•,, y 111 rhe Sacremonto dell.1 cartemunrty of I u<.kt 1111~ last 1nllablled rural Cl11ri:111Jwn 111 11te (.;(}\Jlllr )' ~ SOUNOSTAGE Tho Ma11h.1llAn Trdn•,fi•r llw !.optll',ltt .1lr?d lour "'Ambl'r group perform•, T1111• cl<1 Ju111 .. l11111 · l w1hytt1 lune' .mu otl1w!. lrorri Ct11 r • .iyu·., P,irk Wf'">t T11Q;iter (R) 0 (I hr ) Cf ALL·STAR SPORTS CHAlLENGE All lttru· Oodwr· "' Sdri Fr.111c1!>1~0 G1;in1• ol the 1'.)70" H1 MOVIE An f y•· I or An [yt• t 1981 Ao11.-n hJIP.) \,IHJl I< Norri•, Chri'>IOµller lur• A 5a11 r run<.1'> CtJ ct•f• qwh 1110 lorc;c to aveny1• tt1e rnurrJ~'r of t11s parlric1 t1y 1111•r11t1l't!> of a druy '"'U R' (I hr 46 1111n I 0 1 MOVIE I OYP Play· ( 1980 C.omedy) Alcw Saury f rn111a11ue110 Pare1e A hu!.band and w1fl• .111<.l their r111c;1r~·'>l> en1oy a11 um1•.u.~I hov!>Pk<:Pp111fl 11rra11ym11e111 ( 1 hr t ~nun ) f$J BIZARRE ·voyd rw Health" 11· 15@ MOVIE 'M1'.J•,m11 Qyer Koren. I 19~, !Jrd ma) John Hod1ak John Derek Dunny the KurcMn War IJPr'>on.11 no<,11ht1e'> erupt between two rrul1tdry l)fflCC!r!. ( 1 hr . !:;5 111111 ) CLl MOVIE 'The Story Of O" ( 1975. Oram") Cor 1nnP Clrry Udo Kier A young woman 1es1s tile h1111t!> ol love ..,., she allow'> t1erself to be dominated by the man '>l•C lu11e5 t 1 hr . 3~ min ) 11:306 THE ROCKFORD FILES 0 ti) SA TUROA Y NIGHT LIVE Host Danny !JeV1 10 Guf>SI'• Sparks (I hr 30 min ) fJ ABC NEWS (I) MOVIE "The Aldr110 ( 1960. Western) Jann Waynf', Ric.hard W1drn.1rk The Battle ol the Alamo 1•, wayr~d lly tiero1·~ wht1 light 10 free Te,,,as from Me.1111 .. u (3 hr!> 15 men) ®)MOVIE 'The M1s..ou11 Breaks" ( 1976, Western) Marlon Orando JdCk N1ch0lson A flambOyant hired yunrnt1r :.tr1lk~ the lleadwaters ol the M1ssourr A1..,er 111 M<J11t.11•a tu drivf' off a gany o t horse th1e11es (2 hr!, 1 !> 11111 I ) Cf ) SPORTS CENTER (J ) MOVIE "Bloo<J Adrr1er' ( 1980 Adventure) Telly Savatar, fdd1e Albert A bOrOe1 patrolman tries to bring landowners who 11athc 1n 1llcga1 ahen!> to )US lice ( t hr . 26 men ) 11.45 U MOVIE 'Blue Knight" I t973, Orama) Wll ham Holden. Lee Remick A Los Angeles policeman must decide between staying oo the l0<ce or roarry ·~the woman he IOYes (3 hrs) (ZJ MOVIE "le Se11t Shop" ( 1973. Comedy) Juliet Berto, Claude Bem A bookstore proprretor finds Instant success when he stocks hes establtshment with &eK manuals and marrtal aids 'R' ( 1 hr 32 m1n_l 12:0011 MOVIE "Bfoody Mama" (1970, Drema) Shelley W1nte<s. Pat Hlngte Ma Bart<er and her dis· turbed &ons leave the Ozarks to assume degenerate and vulgar hves as c11mlnals ( 1 hr . 45 min ) CI) MOVIE "The Man From The Diners' Club" ( 1963. Comedy) Denny Kaye. Cera Wiiiiams A scanerbralned employee unlntenlionally issues a credit card to a gangster (2 hrs J 12:06CC) MOVIE "l ook. Back In Anger" ( 1959, Ora· ma) Clair~ Bloom. Rtchard Burton Based oo the play by John Osborne At the last moment. a man dlSCovers that he loves and needs his Wife ( l hr • 40 mln) 12·30 9 MOV1E "Rooster Cogburn" ( 1975, Westeffl) John Wayne. Katl"larlne Hept:>vrn When a federal marshal sets out to track down a gang of cieSpefa· dOeS. 8 spinster With a grUdge tgaftl$1 the gang lnOlsts on joining hrm In the hunt. (2 hr9 .. 10 min ) Cl) NA8L WEE.KL Y 12:~00 MOVIE "The Haunting Of Me" ( 1977, Sospeote) Mia Farrow. Keir Outlee After recovenng from an emotional crlsla. a woman purchases a house thet appears to be haunted 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 minb 1:00 ROCK OONCarr e · "Attack Of The Robot1'' ( 1966. Sci· enee-Flctlon) Eddie Constantine. Fr~ Br1on. People In Spain with type "O" blood come under the control of an lnternatlonal syndicate. ( 1 hr .• 50 min) I NEWS EVEMNO AT THE IMPROV (I) PK.A FULL CONTACT KARAT£ "WC>fld Wei· terwelghl Champlonahfp" trom Atlante. Gtorgla. CD MO\ltE "Pet Of The Yeet" ( 1980) Document•· ry. Terry Wallace, Linda F8fguton. 1'he glamorous women who chooee to become prof~! aex symbols are ptoflled In this look 11 why thty bare alt In hopes of becoming tht Ptnthoule Ptt 01 The Year 'R' (I) MOVIE "An Thal Jazz" (1979, Mualc:al) Roy Sohelder, Jessica Lange. The 1umultUOU1 fife of a professional chC>feographef II followed from auc· cess ()(I the sta~ to pe<sonal crises. 'A' (2 hrs • 3 min.) a MOVIE "F1me" ( 1980. Orama) lrent Cart. Bar· ry Miiler Seve<al gltled student• at a New Y()t1c high school fOf the performing ar11 ticpetlenoe various aetNck~ 1~ aoccee ... of both per'IONll and ptO- ~tonal net\HI 'PG' (2 lift.. 14 min > J·J. •..N ·-.. ,·..\ CJ) MOVIE "The F1111" ( 198 t, SVIQer'IM) Lturtn Saturday ( wntinued) Bacall, James Garner A popular tum star 1s v1ct1m 1zed by a psychotic admirer 'R' (I hr . 35 rrnn) I: 10 all MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:30m MOVIE "trnpacr· ( 1949 Mys1eryJ Boan Donlevy Ella Raines A welf·conce1ved ptol by a woman and her paramour to dispose of her hus band via an "11cc.1den1a1" death backlires iromcally for !he •o<;herrung pair (2 hrs ) 1:-458 MOVIE "Never Say [)je • ( 1939. Comedy) Bob Hope. Andy Devine A hypochonortac causes proulern•, tor the stall 01 the sanitarium 1n which he is s1ay111g ( 1 hr . 30 min J [O) ABC NEWS l~ MOVIE "You l 1~h1 Up My Life' ( 1917, Romanc:.o) 0101 Conn. Joe Silver An a~p111ng '><mgwrtter Ifie!. 10 cope with the three men 1n Mr hie while u1>1abh:..111nu her own 1dent1ty 'PG' ( 1 hr 30 2:00;NEWS 2:06 NEWS 2: 10 WORLD AT LARGE 2:25 MOVIE "The Dogs 0 1 War " ( 1980. Advon furl') Ct111slC1pher Walken. Tom Berenger Altt•r bet11t1 1011ured and deporled by an Afr1Can dlC1ator. a nierl..cn<iry rf'turns to lead a 1evoh111on ff ( 1 hr 45 rntn J 2·30CJ NEWS i PUBLIC AFFAIRS AGRICULTURE U S.A SPORTSWOMAN 2:4011 NEWS 2:-45(%, MOVIE Th1• Ro:,.e t t9!9, Orar11<1} B 'Ill· M1dler Alan B111es A or1ven rock singer's hie 1n lhe last ltJr1e leads her irreversibly to d1r.as1er 'A' (2 hrs 14 rnin J 2:50 G) MOVIE 'Three Oodlatherr." ( 1949. West erri) Joh11 Wayne, War d Bond A lrto of b11nd1ts pul I heir hves on the line when they attempt to deliver an orphart l hey found tn the desert to the nearest 1ow11 3.00 (!) STRAIGHT TALK all NEWS (I) GYMNASTICS "USGr Smgle flirn1na11on Cttarn p1onsh1ps" Mitch Gaylord vs Billy Paul ano Becky Rashofl vs. Patti Rice ( 1 hr ) 3: 10 G MOvtE "China Sky" (1945. Adventure) Ellen Drew. Randolph Scott An American doctor assists the eflOflS of a band of Chinese guerrlllas 1n their struggle against Japanese 1mper1attst1 ( t hr 35 min.) 3: 15 8 MOVIE "Roman Scandals" ( 1933. Mus~I) Eddie CantOf, Ruth Elling A man takes a fun-filled daydream Journey back to the ttme of Caesar and the Roman Empire. CJ) LOLA FALANA: THE FIRST LADY OF LAS VEGAS Lola Fatana perfOfms "I Wiii SUNl\19, .. "Love The One You're Wllh" and "Who Will Buy?" In a concert petf0<mance from the Aladdin Hotel In Las Vegas ( t hr ) 3:20(.C) MOVIE "The Hoist" ( 1978. AdVenture) Charles Altlavour, Vlrna LISI. A French hoodlum tries to follow In the footsteps of ht& American gang- ster hero. John Diiiinger 'R ( 1 hr . 32 min ) 3:30 II MOVIE "Ari E'ye For An Eye" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Chuck Nows. Chnstopher lee A San Francis· co cop Quits the force to avenge the murder of hit partner by members of a dtug ring. 'R' ( 1 hr . .ce m1nJ_ 4:00(!) DA. PAUL YONGGI CHO (I) SPORTS CENTER 4:05111) BETWEEN THE LINES .C: 10(H) MOVIE "Teuor Train" ( 1980, SulpenM) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Curlis A college fre1eml- ty's New Year's masquerade party turnt Into a nightmare when n vindictive oue-t start• killlng oft the ~rty-g<>ert. 'R' ( 1 hr. 37 min) 4:16(1) WACKY WOAlD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Quest· John Davld&On <4:30 i VIEWPOtNT ON NUTRITION 4:36 rT 18 WRrTTEN 4:46 BlZARAE "Yoga For Health" Big Bird goes to China PEKING (AP) -It wu an Incongruous sight near the legendary Forbidden City: Big Bird and hi• Muppet buddy, &rkley the Dog, were riding on o Chlnete army motorcycle. The two Muppet• charac\ers are In PcklnfJ fllm!ng "Bl& 8Ud In Chin.I,'' which 1oea on the olr thll fall ln both t~ United Suattt 3nd China. h l8 the first joint television production of U.S. and Chlnete prod~n. Bl1 Bird, \he feathery 1tu of the children'• televlsfon program "Sesame S trttt," la known In China u "0. Ny1u." Bl& Bird, s>layed by Caroll Spinney. 1lrudy has lmpremed Chlneee 1peciaton 1tngln1. dandna •nd tnaina "hlklnn. The 11'ow i. directed by wrltor·dlrector Ion Stone of "8-me Stnet,., and Barkley It played by Brian Muehl ~ '-• ., ,/ .. c. .., "Y ·~1.._r, # t~J~J"-f I ~./ ~ y.•• 14V()t;A ';f:, Sunday \I< >H ~ I ~.:( I 5:00• VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA i NINE ON NEW JERSEY • MAYBERRY, R.F.O MOVIE "The F1f1h noor" ( 1980. Drarnll) Bo Hopki1111. Dianne Hull (f) NASL SOCCER P0<t1and T1mber6 al Tampa Bay ~dies (2 hrs ) (}) MOVIE "Mlddle·Age Ctazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Ann·Maruret, Bruce Dern ( 1 hr . 3 t min ) 5:05 Gl) JAMES ROBISON 6:30 CJ) DAY OF OtSCOVER'Y II THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION Marty" Rod Steiger and Nanc y Marchand 1tar 1n a 1955 p<oduc1100 0 1 Paddy Chayetnky's teleptay at>OUt a homely butcher who lalls 1n love with a plain girl ( 1 hr.) 6:35 all CARTOONS 6:4'6 at CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (I) A ·COUNTRY MUSIC TRIBUTE TO KITTY WELLS Tammy Wynttlte hosts this tribute to the "Queen 0 1 Country Mu!llc" featuring performances by Lynn Ande1soo. Tom T HAii. Hank W1lltams Jr . Merle K1~ore. Chftrly Mclain. Roy AcuH and Killy Wells herself Taped al Nashville's Grand Ole Opry House ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 5: 50 (H) VIDEO JUKEBOX 6:00 8 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM TOWARD RECONCILIATION leaders ot tht> Anghcan Church and the Roman CathOllc Church 1n Or1ta1n d1bCuas the ecumenical movernents 1n their respective churches ( 1 hr ) 6:06 all LOST IN SPACE 8:30 8 FOR OUR TIMES SERENDIPITY R06ERT SCHULLER OA YBREAK L.A. AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY POINT OF VIEW PUBLIC PUlBE NEWS ~NEMAX SHORT FEATURE MOVIE "Salem's lot" ( 1979. Horror) David Soul. James Mason ( 1 hr • 50 min I g MOVIE "Lei II Be" ( 1970. Mua'Cal) The Bee· tin_{ I hr . 28mln) 8:"40(%) MOVIE ''The Fan" ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner ( 1 hr . 3b min ) 7:00 8 TODA Y'S RELIGION THArSCAT LITTLE RASCALS IT 18 WAITTEN KENNETH COPELAND e SUNDAY MA.SS SPECTRUM DAY OF OISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "Penelope" ( 1966. Comedy) Natalie Wood. IM Bannon Cl) SPORTS CENTER 7:06 a!) LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 9 COMMITMENT • Y!HITNEY ANO THE ROBOT ?ro.fAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTm. I TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THAre THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WOALO TOMOAROW 7: &dll MOVIE "Volcano" ( 1969. Adventure) Maxi mllian Scholl. Brian K~llh 8:001J SUNOA Y MORNING THIS 18 THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRIENDS PERSONAL OfMEH810N8 LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSICWOALO JERRY FALWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REXHUMBARO POWERBOAT RACING From Miami. FIOf1d3 ( 1 hr) Cl) MOVIE "The Shogun Warrlore· Spttcoketeera" !98 t. rantaty) Anlmattd. ( t hr . .com n) A Dt'1FER£NT KIND o~ WINNING A yovng 1 atoboard whiz trltt to prove 10 her cynical lattier that nlU glflt don't atweya flnllh latt .. ~ .. ~1 ··~~~~- DIPLOMA TIC ATTENTION -The costume- wom by the Chinese uc·tor Ying Ruocheng as Kublai Khan in KNBC's JO-hour epic minise- ries "Marco Polo" is flanked by Ambassadom Rinaldo PctrignanJ of Italy (left) and Chai Zemin of the People's Republic of ChiTUI du- ring a recent celebration at the Textile Muse· um in Washington D.C. The series was filmed Jn Italy, North Africa and China. Elena Solove1 (2 hrs . 26 min I 8:308 ODYSSEY Guests Or . David Roy and Dr. Mari0n Luenbe<ger of 1he F1rsl Congregallonal Church. L A . Sister Suzanne Jabfo talks abOUI the m1n1stry ol lhe L A Cathohc Archdiocese 1n p<l&Ons with Ronald Morales. Rabbi Barry Budholf and Can- t()( Howard Ka1ger of the Ahavat Zion Messianic S nagogue. Encino TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE ELECTRiC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey WAies" ( 1976. Western) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke (2 hrs .. 16 min.) •HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR 9:00~ CONFERENCE I G ORfL 7 A06EATS A08£RT SCHULLER rT 18 WAfTTEN SESAME STREET (R) D MOVIE "I'm All Right. Jack" ( 1960. Comedy) Ian C111michaet. Pele< Sellers (() F.A. SOCCER "The Roed To Wembley Seml- Flnals"~Malch 19) ( 1 hr.) 9:30 I FACE THE NATION I EET THE PRESS NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF DISCOVERY l<ENNETH COPELAND THE WOALD TOMORROW • THE OOLOEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Msrty" RM Steiger and Nancy Ma1chand star In a 1955 produc11on 01 Peddy Chayefsky's 1e1eptay AbOut a homely butcher who falls In love wtth a ptatn Qlrl ( 1 hr) 10:008 NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Boston Cel Ilea at Milwaukee Bucks or Phlladetphla 76ers (2 hrs , 30 m111 ) : AT ONE Guest. Chinese actor Ying Auocheng hr,) MOVIE "Disorderly OrO.rly" ( 196~. Comtdy) Jerry Lewis. Glenda Farrell BASEBALL BUNCH Guotl. Sparl<y An~1ton MOMENTS IN TIME HERALD OF TRUTH OUTDOOR LIFE OOOOER DUGOUT THE LAWMAKERS NEW8CENTER WEEKLY MAOfC OF Oil PAINTING MOTORCYCLE RACINQ "100-Ml.Road o~.?~ooe!!W:1~9 , '*'>I ~ ~J M li ;..,._*-:11 tt • ~ J M I Sunday (continued) r-uon) Max1m1han Schell, Robert FOfste1. Yvette Mlm· • leux ( t hr . 5 7 min ) • 10:16(1) PADRES PAE-GAME >. a» DODGER PRE-GAME ~ 10:30 D ®,) KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests actor ~ Adam Rich. producer Garr y Marshall. ventriloquist >. Jay Johnson. com1clS Katie Ford and Glenn Spell ~ man (R) ( 1 hr ) c CJ) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Montreat u.. Expos (2 hrs J g> 0 ROBERT SCHULLER -' (!)BASEBALL Los AngelM Dodger!. at New York > Mets (2 hrs . 40 rrun I I-Q) BASEBALL Los Ange1m. Dodgers at Nf>W Yurk Mers (3 tir!> J I OPEN MINO AGAICUL TURE U S A MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "The l ooney. l oc;ney. Looney Ougs Bunny Movie" ( t 981 Comedy) Arumated Vo1cfr.> by Mel Blanc. June r oray (I tH 20 rrnn J 10:35 Q'.Z) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10'45 <%.J MOVIE 'Tl1i' rartllhr1y. I 1980 AdvQntur;,J W1lha111 Hvlden R1c.ky 5<.t1rCJ'1cr I 1 t1r 37 mir1 J I 1.00 0 ON CAMPUS reaturPd 'Fcc.10~1y'' <it C:larf'· rnont and Pitter C<JllP.ge•, Q) MOVIE "The Incredible Mr I 1111~t I t964 f"ar1· tasy) Don Knolls Carole Cook I MASTERPIECE THEATRE LOOK ALIVE WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) MOVIE ·-ram1ly Man" (Orama) Ed Asner. Anne Jackson (ft) MOVIE "Young And Free" ( 1979. Adventure) Er1~ Larsen. Keith Larsen ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 11:05 (JlJ BASEBALL St Louis Cardinals at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs. 15 min) 11:30 0 TOWARD RECONCILIATION Leaders ot the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church 1n 811ta1n d1&<.ui.s the ecumenical movementi in their respective churches ( I hr ) 19 THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY TEARY COLE·WHITT AKER OUTDOOR LIFE WALL STREET WEEK "What's New In Comput er11" Guest Ulrtc Weil. principal. Morgan Stanley & Compar1y, Inc (R) (f ) GYMNASTICS BROADWAY ON TV -Faye Dunaway •tars with Dick Van Dyke and Ken Howard Jn the ''Broadway on Showtirne" pret1ent.11tlon of Clifford Odet1' cluaic, "The Ccuntry Girl," premiering SundJJy on Showtime. . \I . 1 LI C\ < >< > '\ 12:ooe LOST IN SPACE I SEARCH THE FIRST CHUACHILLS "Not WithOut Honor" John and Sarah Churchill are banished from Eng· land by Queen Anne They do not return until George I becomes king ( 1 hr ) e RINGSIDE IO·round middleweight fight between Alex Ramos and Wayne Caplette (Uve from Atlantic City.NJ ) I 1 hr) \oibothane™ Oclldoa ~ A VISCO ELASTIC POLYMER 'JJ: Ci) PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT (I) MOVIE "The American1za11on 01 Emily" ( 1964, Comedy) James Gamer. Julie Andrews ( 1 tu . 50 min) 0 MOVIE "Urban Cowooy" ( 1980, Orama) John Travol1a. Debra Winger (2 hrs. t2 min) 12:301) Cl) COLONIAL NATIONAL INVITATION GOLF Final round t.ovcraga (Jf this $350.000 PGA tour golf tournament (live from 1110 Colonial Country Club 1n Fort Worth. Tex ) (2 hrs. 30 min) D SUNDAY Locati<m the Pac1f1c Al.1an Museum. Pabadena ( 1 hr 30 m111 J I DIRECTIONS MAVERICK NEWSMAKEAS PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT CEl TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS ' 1'H1 W1111bledon· I 1 ht) !HJ MELISSA MANCHESTER IN CONCERT Ttu· pop11l:ir :.1n1wr rmr lor111<, M1d111ijht Blue." "( JCJ11' 1 Cry Ou1 luud.' 'WhoncvPr I C.Jll Y'"' fr1~11cf' urHl 111or 1> ( I hr ) ( l J MOVIE K111u ()I ltlu Mo1m1o1111' ( 1'181. AdVl'rl turu) H.iu y H.11111111 ''""'P" 111111!•!11', (I IH 10 mm l 1.00 9 THE MUNSTERS D SURVIVORS rJr W1tl1.1n1 fl,i1JP1 ,,.,.,1., ,, r1·1t<1r t 1111 the world ua1t1e111.q "' H11llx .HJ'.I '.IJIVtl/(JI,, 111 1 .. r.11•1 ll hr ) 111 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Report•, w ce'ebrilies' hornei.. n1Jlv :.oap cir~»ra r,tal5 and Hol i ood sex goddeb&e'> ( 1 hr ) AOAM-12 BLACK THEATRE MOVEMENT H1stonc footage 8nd Interviews with key black actors Robert Hooks Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee are featured (Part 2) ( 1 hr ) CD SPORTSWORLD 10 round m1ddlewe1gh t bout between James "Hard Rock" Green and "Irish" Teddy Mann (llvo horn Atlanttc City. NJ ) , UCL A lnvnallonal Track Meet (hve from Los Angeles, Cahf ) . Part 6 of the WOfld's Strongest Men compe t1t1on (2 hrs J ID AMERICAN STORY CC) MOVIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Or Fu Manchu" ( 1980. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Sid Caesar 1: 10(f) KINER'S KORNER 1:308 F·TROOP WILD, WILD WEST MUSIC WORLD ~~~~~~~~~~- Announcing The r·----···········--------------~ i $ 5 Gift Certificate $ 5 i Marriott Tennis Oub J Good Towards Purchase of 12500 or More I I Mot G...t 0. S. ,.._, exp &130J -------------------------------E&D Athletic Wear 9594 HAMIL TOM A VE. HUNTINGTON IEACH 964-3256 "Th• Very •••t lh •th••tJc 'odtwe ,•-''' ' ' ' • • Limited Membership Available • No Initiation Fee • 10 Champiomhip Courts • Full Club House Facilities •~~Tennis 900 N1wpon Ctnttt flrlvc Nrwport In.eh, CA 91660 SwxJay (continued) I THIS WEEI< IN BASEBALL AOAM·12 AMERICAN STORY ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team" Ama11110 CowbOys vs Tulsa Tw1s1ers (2 hrs ) Oil THAT MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE· F O.R Rob- ert Val.ghn !.tars as Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a one-man show detailing the renowned pres1den1·~ personal and pohllcal challenges (2 hrs ) 2:000 OUTDOOR LIFE F'eatured sa1lllsh1ng oft Cos ta Rica training labrador ret11evers I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 0 SPORTS BEAT THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTEA· IES G) MOVIE last 0 1 The Red Hot l overs" ( 1972 Comedy) Alan Arkin, Sally Kellurman d) MOVIE "I ad A Dog" ( 1962. Drama) Peler 13reck P<>gvy McCay @ THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOOS A pwtrnyal nf lhe 11111", fJI 11al1an pea'>ar1t'> ;i1 the tum ol tl1e cl:ntu ' (Jhf';} TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY WRITING FOR A REASON ) MOVIE .. A Thtmdffr Ot OttJrn" ( 1<.lb 1 We~tem) Richard OwJr,1• (,1•m1;t• H,1r111lto11 ( t hr 40 min ) z, MOVIE lt1111I I l'J8 I (')r m1o1) J,HJ1f", Ca,m r uesd.1y WolrJ ( /> tw. J 2 20 lJZ) NEWS 2:308 RINGSIDE 10 round m1ddlewe1ght light betwPer1 Al<!1 Ramos and WatriP Caµh•llP (tr orn Alla111tc City N J J ( I hr } I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND • ®) AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Parr one of cover Rge ol Or 1•r.1t1rJ1• Drakr .1 l'NO yPttr global 1>.cped1 11on by " IJ''' 1p ol v1ll1~1· .1go '5lud11nts llY\l-111g tn1s wePk .11 H ,f'ir No1k o r1tj arlvcnhJIP'> 1n Now G11111ea t_I hr) fJ MOVIE ~harltx k lfol111r", Aritj Tnl" Woman In CrePn' ( 1945 M·n toro Ba c,11 RllthtJonf' Nigel Bruco I PRESENTE WAITING FOR A REASON MOVIE "Oh Gr>d' B()Qk 11' ( 1960 Comedy) Geri ' c Ourns. Suiannl' Ple•1hf'tto ( I hr 35 min ) 2:35 WRESTLING 3:00 INTERFACE 8 MOVIE "Ca1>1<11n S1ntJad' I 1963 Adventur1•) Gyy W1lhon1&. Heidi Bruhl i BASEBALL BUNCH THE PERSUADERS HUNOEAlWASSER'S RAINY DAY The colorlul world and work of Austrian painter-printmaker Frledensre1ch Hundertwaaser are explored GD SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Hlghltghls" (Part 3) (I hr ) ~Of EARTH ANO MAN MOVIE "The Man With Bogarl's Face" ( 1960. medy) noberl Sacchi, Ollvta Hussey (lJ MOVIE "Badge 373" ( 1973. Orama) Robefl Duvall, Verna Bloom 3:30 G NEW8MAKER8 D SPOATSWORLD 1 O~round m1aa1eweigri1 oout between Jal'Tiff "Hard Rock" Green and "lrlsh" Teddy Mann (lrom Atlan11e Ctty. NJ ). UCLA lnv1· tat1onal Track Meet (from Los Angeles, Calif ) . Part 6 of the World'• Strongest Men competi11on (2 hrs) D 9) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Finals of the World Boxing Championships (from Munich, Wes1 Germany) , a report from the lndlanapolla "500" time trials (from Indianapolis) ( 1 hr , 30 min ) I WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN NEW88EA T: L08 ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW OF EARTH ANO MAN GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1978 US. Open" MOVIE "Salem's Loi" ( 1979, Horror) David Soul Jamee Mason. ( 1 hr . 50 min ) 3:36 il)ij NICE PEOPLE 4:008 MOVIE "l~t1nnle Caulder" ( 1971, Western) Raquel Welch. Robert Culp (I) ST AR TREK IJ MOVIE "The Brolherhood Of Satan" ( f97 I. Horror) Strother Martin, L 0 Jones (!) ENTEAT AINMENT THIS WEEK Repor1a on celebr111es· h0me1. male soap opera stars and HOI l~ood sex 9oc1dessea ( I hr ) m MOVIE 'Helter Skeller" (Part I) ( 1975. Ora· ma) Sieve Railsback. Geor9e OICenzo m MOVIE "Bugty Malone' ( 1976. Comedy) JOdle r-octer. Sco11 Baio e WALL STREET WEEK "WhAl's New In Cumput ara'' Ouesl Ulrle Well, µrlnclpnl, Morgen Stanley & Company. Inc (A) e MOVIE "Madome Sin" ( 1971, Adventure) Bette Dnvlt. Robert Wagner I PROJECT UNIVERSE SPOAT8 CENTER A CONFLICT OF INTEREST Jot0 Ftrror directs ony winner Barnard MVgl'\et In thlt drama about a coost11ut1on111 showdown belween the Prffldtnt of Hamson rord, Lesley-Anne Down ( 1 hr , 49 min ) -':06@ MOVIE "lAss1e And Neeka" ( 1968. Adven ture) Jed Allan, Laas1e CZ) MOVIE "You Can't Cheat An Honest Man" ( 1939. Comedy) W C Fields Edgar Bergen (I hr . t8 min ) 4:30• WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (A) ID PA<>JECT UNIVERSE 6:00 8 ST AR TREI< . D GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bob Gibson" Host Brooks Robinson ; M 0 A •S0 H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS NAPOLEON & LOVE "Mone Walewska" Napo- leon desires the Pollsh Countes1 Walewska but She reluses him ( 1 hr ) • FIRING LINE "What's Left Of The Idea 01 Feder· allsm" C1uest New York Clly Mayor Ed Koch ( 1 hr ) ID PROJECT UNIVERSE CC) MOVIE "I'm All Righi. Jack" ( 1960, Comedy) Ian Carmlchael, Peter Sellera. (f ) DIVING "U S A lnternallonal Women's Plalform And Men's Springboard Finals" (2 hrs.) ([) MOVIE "The Apple Dumpllng Oang Aides ~Aln" ( 1979. Comedy) Tlm Conwa y, Don l<nott' (Q) MOVIE "Up River" ( 1980, Adventure) Morgan Stevens 6:26(%) MOVIE "Middle Age Crazy" ( 1980, Como- dy) AM Margret. Bruce Dern ( 1 hr . 31 min ) 6·30 fJ CBS NEWS INBCNEWS tIIABC NEWS WELCOME BACK, KOTTER MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "The Oullnw Joeey Wales'' ( 1976, Wt1tt rn) Clint EastwOOd. Sondra Locke (2 hrs . l6m1n ) 8:00 888NEW8 ffAPPYl)AV8 AGAIN CB8NEW8 KOJAK IT 18 WRITTEN CHARLIE'S ANGELS M•A•S•H .. ' • Khan A Mongolian warrior holds che horse car- ry ing the great Ku- blai Khan, portrayed by China 's leading actor, Ying Ruoeheng. ' He Is riding next to Marro Polo, played by .. Ken Mars h all, in a scene from "Marco Polo," the 1 O·hour miniseries starting Sunday at 8 p.m . on • KNBC (Ch. 4). trained Doberman p1nschers belonging lo e revival 1st e>< con turn the1r ears and talen1s toward tracking down c11mina1s for an undercover cop (2 hrs ) @ DANCE "La Fllle Mal Gardee" Leslie Collier and Michael Coleman perform In Srr Frederic Ashton's 1960 verSton ol thts 200-year-old ballet (2 hrs ) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS EVENING AT SYMPHONY Guest conductor Klaus T ennstedt leads rhe Boston Symphony Orche1itra in Handel's Conc41no Grosso. Opus 6, No 6, and Mozarl's Piano Concerto No. 9 1n E Fla1. K 271 (R) ( 1 hr ) (I) MOVIE "The Amerleanlzallon 01 Emily" ( 1964, Comedy) James Garner. Jullt Andrews Romance grows between a British war widow and a non-hero· 1c olllcer as&1gned to provide his superiors wllh the fuxunes of hOme. ( 1 hr . 50 min ) • MOVIE "The Apple Dumpllng Gang" ( t975, Comedy) Biii Bixby. Susan Clark. A cardsharp agrees to take possession of some valuable proper· ty for a lrlend, and la rather surprised to learn thal 1hree orphans are Included In lhe deal. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 40 8:~:1 WEEK IN REVIEW 8:30 FIOHT BACK APPY DAYS AGAIN THAT'S HOLLYWOOD IDNEWS fHE WORLD TOMORROW THE JEFFERSONS WHY IN THE WORLD A DIFFERENT APPROACH 7:00 9 Cl) 60 MINUTES D GD FATHER MURPHY An elderly. Illiterate drltter clalms that ho IS an orphan becnuse his partritl are dead and 1n&lst1 on being admitted 10 the Gold Hiii aehool (A) o ( 1 hr ) 8 HAPPY ~YS AGAIN I di COUNT ERA TT ACK; ORIME IN AMERICA FLIP WILSON JIMMY SWAGGART THEMUPPET8 ASCENT Of MAN NOVA "Why Amorlca Burnt" A repon on the fire prevention ,.tlbllthmtnt end tlrateglet for t9frov1ng flrt taftly 11 prtMnttd. (A) D ( f hr.) MOVIE "Penelope" ( 1988, Comi8y) Natalie Ood Ian Banntn. A neglected wife dectdff to dit· 15 .,, ~ ~ r- $ 'Tl :1 0. ~ ~ .. '< -• -co CD I\) Doberman•" ( 1976, gul&t herstll and rob htr hu1bend'J .~!"'~ ( ! hr . -'O ed At t11lr1, fill ~~n .)l\•llRW'i,1 ltt '(ltV 0tiT · ~ .,...;.~ , "'j .......... ..-. ........ .-.. ................................ __ ...................................... ~-.-........,..,.,_ 16 ~ Suncl.ay (continued) (';) (!J TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS 1cf//I Wirnl>l1r1J1111 I 1 tit ) ... <l i MOVIE tfolw<111<' ( l'J/I, ()1.1111.1) I .1y11 ()iJW1 Wd'f f'i·lt·r I "" It A11 ;iyu1q 1 .. 1,.,11.,111ri 1111w'1llldll wt111· • 1.1111,•r· .111• ·,f1«11l1I/ '.l1pp11111 1•, f1111wtl 1111<1 •I l.tt1l111y pl11l1liftl •11 ft1•• iJllWoJlif''• hy' •I I l•1fl/ fl1t11011i• p111u1.111111 •11•11 ··~1·c111111•· 11· 1:> '''" 1 (0 MOVIE Bi"''"''' M•11.u11 I l'HiO Uturt••r l f 1Jw.11•l W•1•1•lw.u•l J.1c ~ lt111111p•,1111 All',,lrnh.111•, (,IJll'•<.llJlh•CJ 111 ft(llil 1/11 ( l1(jl,111CJ '• '.ctJ1• Ill ltll! flC>lH w.11 •J,.1.1161· 111 lcotcl 1111· 1lr1m ~1•1111111.1•. 1111 1111111 11wr1 101111', ,,, I (I t11 4i1 111111 I l l J MOVIE 1'111u <J I Ito• M111111l.1111 I l'JH I AcJ11u11 11m·1 11.111y tt.11111111 Jr1•,.,p11 B1111'"''" ft111•11 yrnmo ~ l A ti.tc.l1•·hlf', 1J1•111111 !111•11 ''"'''<Ji"'' lo lhtt 1,pcirl <JI -"' tJr.1&'" ,,,0 1•rj· 11111 ·so 111111 1 Ii:: 7:06 . NEWS 7:30 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN G) THE MUPPETS 8:00 fJ ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE ~Jll:µhunie twumu .. , 1·~l1111c1Hy 11 .. 111111•, wt1•111 11 WCHll•tn lrc11111J nt Ar<.1111• ·• '''''" .111 •111111•1 h•rt1l t11y D m MARCO POLO ()II ..... tll•tJI', ,,, II 'i( •• l(rdal<N', ltJ11t• •111.111 I 'IH1 c 11111t11 I V1•11M1.111 M•1ll.t1 Polti 1r11n~ hr. l.1!111•1 .ir11J 11111.I•• qr1 .i P••IMI '"''"'">rt lfJ (,h111f1 1'1·1 l.A.w.11.111 ''"""''"'' f 111<111 ,.,,,, l 1111y Vog11t ',t.11 (I' ,JI I 11 I I hr· I 11 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Re~lll'> on c,•·l•·tirrt•"'• 111111111-. 111.111• •,rmp ''fl''"' star•, And Hot IJ.:!I''''' I . ,,., • j• 11JcJ1,.,•.1•'1 ( I Ill ) U 11Q, HOLLYWOOD THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER ( ,,,, r: ,,,,,.11 11•;111 (JH '"'"· J;,1,I-l urnm1Jl'1 WallP.r M.11lli.1 1 fl11.l1.1t1J f'r 1111 .r11rl rJurt lli•y111J111'. tiry,t ;1 .,,,,, .,1urJ1Jt•tJ ·,,,hrn· lr11111111.f/rrn~1Jy Q ('.J tu •,) ~PRIME TIM( IT IS WRITTEN ( MORECAMBE & WISf MOVIF 1 .... , (JI ,,,,. ltt~d llr,t I 1)1/IJI'•. ( l'J//I. <.0111••tltl Al.111 1\11<111 •,.illy 1'1·11••11111111 A ma11111d, 11111J•llt· .1•1•·•J 111.111 .1ll•·111pt· ''' '>1•111' ,. up rw, 1111• with .111 111111•·1 of1111.111•, (;.>,.,.,I G) AUST AIR COOKE'S AMFRICA IS NAPOLEON & LOVE 'M;,m· W.11t1w'>kfJ " N111>1J lr•r111 ,,, .. ,,,, .. 1111• l'c.lt'>h <,r11inlW,', W11l1tw'Jl«1 bUI :.1111 11•fi l' • • I .11 I 1 lor J ID NOVA <.1ty '•P·tl •••, H11111.t11 f'l.1r,P•,' Wtlh,Jm H Wl11I•• t.ikw. "'' '''"'(llitful .111tJ t11i1111,rr11J'> look 111 <.1ly t "'' ~ . pl.u .1· •. 1111J •,tr'''''" an<J ti,,, p1tCJpll! wr1<1 •J")tj ti 1•111 lllj LJ ( 1111 l G MASTEAPIECE THEATRE I 111111 Ir. A C,010 Ch lfl,)ll· 111 I 'H•· 1\1111 w .• , 'Jrt(.fl~ M111t ., f;Jllllfy U·llt1,.r•, .rt /\Ir 1111l1·1uti l<Jf 1111: 1J111a1to11 ol tl1r1 w.cr . ra1111y''. "'''""'' .111M·'. wclh twr l»IWJI p11r;11111>1Jr (fJmt 6) Q I 1 lir J If) SPORTS CENTER (ff) MOVIE "Thtt l egornJ 0 1 Tho I ono rllm(J(lr " C !ORO Wf'•,f111nJ Khrtton Sp1l11l11Jry. Chfl&IOphOI I h>Y'J 1111· I''"" l11111yi;r rtnd Tonto pu1&ue !hell .irf.11 '''''"''Y B111ct1 Cavl)ndmh. who hat. ktdnapped 1111' fHO',l(JIJlll o f the u s 'PG' c I hr . 40 mm ) ($)THE COUNTRY GIRL r11ye Olmawlly, Dr<.k Vur• Oy1<c11 a11d Kun Hownrd 111er 1n thh; r>erlorm11nc..e of Chll1Jtd Uool':i play aboUI Iha cornpte.rc roll'lllon!J\1f)f) IJf!lw1•f~n an olcohOlic; ac!Of, hi:. w1to and a lheat11<.al d110<.tor (2 hti , 30 min ) g MOVIE "Death Hunt" ( 1981, Advttrllure) Charles Oron:IOn. Loe Mnrv1n In !ho 19306. e Mo1111 11e .ind a hont101 cnm1n.ol wage an old t>:llll6 AS CMll 1al1un mt<.rw1c;he'> on lho CanRd1an wcldern1t1if) II ( I hr • 36 111111 ) 8:06all JERRY f:ALWELL 8:301J ONE OAV AT A TIME uro11CJrn11 ffonulno 111kft"I up 11 now vocalt011 !hat Ms '>chrtll1CJN ,,,auy worned ~ THE WORLD TOMORROW EVENING AT THE IMPROV ) THE COUNTRY GIRL Fayu r>1111awoy, ()ck f.tan Oykl" .snd l<r•n ~fow11rd 11nr 111 11111, p4'rlormat1Cf• of Cl1llnrtJ <Jt1ut'r. p111y rit.>oul the compltJl! rol.111011shcptt ootwcm1 .111 11lcoholic. :1c1or hit. wllit str1<.l 11 lhi;A111c111 dlr~I01 (~ ht!J . 3() llltfl ) 9-00 G (f ) ALICE Mor., 111uttt1•r <.cHrtH~ 10 Ptu111r111 111 1nvoi1 111 11·.11 111t11lt! .111rl prornull' 11111 nttw < <1<1~ book I WILD KINGDOM OR.CHO AGROHSKY AND COMPANY CANCE "l A rtlle Mal C)l)lc1mt' l e'.llio C...oll1f\1 11ncJ chAol Colomon p4'dorm 1n Sir f1udot1c Aahtor1'11 196() VltfOl()n Of lhl'il l'OQ y81tr old brJll,,t (? htt) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "L ove In A C()fd C11 m111e tn Lov And Wor" Unclo Mltll'• lamily gnthot1 81 Atconleigh IOI thn duration of !ho wnr, ritnny·11 mother a111voe with tier IAtoat p1uamour (Pnrt 6) q l! hr I • AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "OCponholmer" In lho '"" ~IHI ot fl Milot on lt)f Ille of the COllltOVOf llal Amortcitn teientlt t, phytk:ISI J Robert Opptn· hOlmer beoomot Involved In leflllt potlllc• white wOtktng 111 the Unlvtttlty ot Celllomla. Berkeley ~.,~,,~ ...... ,~ ... ~,Atfftf J':c~OnJy;J'{.r h1vfnQ an 1lf1lr, do.I I m1n ·N1 THE GIFT -Carol Burnctr, along w ith Dom DeLuiae, Jade Lemmon, Walter Ma- thau, Richard Pryor and Burt J«.ynolda, will be featured in a atar-arudded aalute to rom- c."Cly in film on KABC (Ch . 7) Sunday at 8 p.m. lt>oih/•• l11'.. ltl11tCJflU 11~c;µ<!'>llJlhl1{", Ill olhfll'> ( 1 hr 40 111111 ) If ) FIGURE SKATING ·womun'r. Worll'J r rumitylo Cll.1111p11Jr1•.111p•,' lrC1m L1Jpcnhayo11 (Jer1tnark (;> hr" I CL) MOVIE l'r.iy TV' I 1980, Cor110<1y) 0111111oy Col11rmm. A1<.111ti t'illhll A 1t1Jil,.ba11k1up1 TV 1111111011 c..li1111u0'., 11•, 101111111 w all rel1g1urn. pmyra111n11r~ 'f.'(,' ( I t1r 30 111111 ) CO> MOVIE 'Th1J Laal Motro" ( 1980. Ot11r1111) CAIMrlnl) Oom11111e. Oorard D<ip11r<Mu Orre<.tod tJy I r 11111.rni, r rulfaul D\Jrlng World Wlll II. tho prop11e ""'· <ii ,1 ·.mull Par11, 1ho11111; lry 10 ktwp thmr tthlllb 1t<;.t11111•nl op1•n du1111g IM Oorrmin 1x.<.11Pl'lllfJ11 ·pc,· (/I t11•, 10 111111 ) 9:05 al) OPEN UP 9:301J (JJ THE JEFFERSONS A11 olc1 bf.11ttJ ol I lttl urt''> 11111111·~ hrrr 1111t to hinc.h I WORLD OF SURVIVAL JACK VAN IMPE ) MOVIE "t,nhm. Oo11th 0 1 A J11w' i\1>&111 011yo11. Ak1111 T .irrwoll A young 1r.roo11 pt1•.<111"' lf!f\J!>("• lcJ 11.11110 lluJ'Jl' whc> It lpod 111111 1nflltrntn .111 Arnh 1 our1 ~ (ii"''· ) W NEWS 10·0011 (() TRAPPER JOHN, M.D lr.1pp1·1 l11i.ll' •. 1 lc;1111a,uu;1 ~~':'" of ll r"llOt0U'> cull ( t hr I CHILDREN ON THE RUN Jcil11111y M•1rn1 l11>'•1'i •t 1Jrn 11111,.ntmy 111JmJ1 1ttn 1111llloms "' c.h1ld r11t11unor. to llt1' wwlcl (I hr J fa CALIFORNIA OAEAMS 'Wild rrtOf>lt Man' Ho~t fdrl1n /\lt>or 1 lo<>k1.1 111 tho Illa nnd wr1t1r1u11 OI orw1ror1 niontnhht John Muir. tM lrither of YOMmllt1 NAllonnl Pt11k ID MATTERS OF LIFE ANO DEATH ('H) MOVIE "Tho AwAkctnlr1g" ( 1980, Houo1) Chiuf· ton H11111on, Sutlann&h 'VOf k An arch&ool<>iJtll'li d11uuht1Jr u.tcomen po!!1011t1ed by lhe moltvOIMI 1plr1t CJI an 11nc1un1 £uypt11tn quotn 'R' C 1 hr 4:> trtlrl ) 8 MOVIE 'fllO ran" (1981. Sueponoo) I 1ur11n tlocnll, Jomoti 0 tner A popular lltrn et1tr 11 v1eom lrad by n psychotic Odml1tr 'A' ( I hr • 36 min ) 10:06a2') MOVIE ''Oakora Lit" ( 1960. Wetltrn) George Moot~, Ao(j C•n'Mtfon A g<>vtfnmenl ~tcltt1111 ....... QUISlw. wttbiha_.. ance ol • kwt y lady forger In °'~' to 1r1p • band .. ul l llJU~" ( I tu '>0 rn111 ) 10·30 G) JERRY FALWELL G) J IMMY SWAGGART ID CALIFORNIA DREAMS ll11• V.illt·y . 'Ulft(l l'jr111•11•· 11•11t1!W .. ti 111 ymwth rJI < • .il111J1111.1 a11111.11l1t11n 111 !111• ',.,1111,1•, V.tll••y G LORD MOUNTOA TTEN A MAN r OR THE CEN- TURY ( J 11 t , Al ll•ill"' I 1r1J Mr11111ltJ.1!1H ''1"' ''" ·'"· 1111• 1111J••1111111J,,11c •· ,,1 h1tJ1.i o1r1•I 1'.1"1•,1.111 Wiil 1111• 11••,111!1110 v111ll•l1I fillJlt•',I'. •tr11j m.1'.'.olC '" .11111,1111 11,,. H11 1tfu•, .1111J ti ••· l.411•,11111•, Cf',11t 11 (f<J (.] ( 1 I 1 1 ,..,, MOVIE I "·•"''"' f t'IH' ',,,,,,,,,ti tl1q•·I 11!1 1y Ntt •11 V/ilh.1111•,1111 fl11• 1•111lrJ1f'• ol Kin~ Arll 1111 h11rn1 p•1w111 .1111J cl1•,1tt1 ''' 1111• ~r11•1t.1·. 1111111• f<11w1d T.Jtih· ll (I hr·, 10111111 J 10 .45 8 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE r Z i CINEMASCORE I 1 :00 IJ CJ D CIJ (fOJ (Z NEWS I PACESETTERS COME LOVE THE C HILDREN H1,.1-, Ari t 1111< 11•111•1 1111J (,.,,,,1 I •IN"''"·'' flJ(,tJ', ,,,, 1111• '"'I'''" 1tr1•,1111· • .irnJ .1111111HI <JI 1111• w1,rtrJ "<.11111111•11 ( 1 trr J Q.f NAPOLEON & LOVE "M;11tH W.Jl11w·,1t;i" tl.1p<1 l..c11 •l•" ,, ••• II• f'r1h•,l1 (..1,<1111t ... •. W.il .. W'.,ViJ "''' '•"" r••h1 •'" l11r11 I I hr I f.13 SNFAK PREVlf WS n''ll"' r h••ll ,,,,,, < ,,.,,., ·,, •• ~ l•I ,,, •• ~ .11 1111· , 11.J(ICjlll(I Ht1ll jNCJ(J(j 1111rt111y.11 <11 ,,,,,,,,,. 1·111.1111; ""'"' •,c 11111·•, trr ,111 t...1.i~111y I''"'''. 1'1 1·.1,1 .ii Ill • I .111tl V11 l11r Vu tc111,1 (llj Ci MOVIE Tlud 1111 tt'Jlli lt<Jrrr1q r<1<1 1.it<J Clftr• ''" J• "''''''1 l'Hl<•I A .,,,,..,11,r .111rJ lf1r11(y111u f1J11..1• 1.11111 ,.,,1., 11'.1·11 II•{"'"'"' ,, tro111 cl11r11 111 ,, ropulf11Jly t..1•1111• •I 111111 .;: II' ( 1 hr 'lO 111111 I E SPORTSWOMAN 'l MOVIE Wti.it fl11• f•,.,,p,., ',,,N (l'J71 '•''""''""'') 11.crrly l<Pl!J"' 111111 r ~htr•tl A <Jt•,1111h1·rl ti' fhll ••l•l 111111'. 1111• dt",lllJC lllJI• 111 lr1•, f,1tlwt'•, ',f•f ,,,,,, r1 111•.1q1• ft I t 111 4<l '""' I Z1 MOVIE 111•· I,,,, < 1•111 1 '•IJ'•P''"'"'l I aur,.,, 0111 .ill J.11111". 1,,11111•1 A 11•1p11l.1r 111111 "I.Jr 1•, vtr 11111 111•cJ l>t ,, p-.yi.t1ol1t ;11j111111·1 If (I 111 'j', 111111 I 11 15 11 CBS NEWS f0 MOVIE lt11c 1<11· I 11JH(J [>r.trrt.IJ 11111< hor1ucJ1<.I I 11trl.1 fll.111 A •,t.1111 •,lt111.lo1i1J Vtr•l11.1111 111•t fJ1•;tlJll1!, "''' ph1C ,. 111 .• '11111111 Al.1!>11111.1 ltJWfl f•(" 11 '" 'i1J 111111 I 11 30 t) SPOATS FINAi 1700CLUB ABC NEWS MOVIE .. 1111• I 11·1.11111111 Of PrMtlCs $1<>1111< ' ( l'l/'I IJ1,ur111J M1111111 ',l11•11r1 flod rlmtlly lt1e ,,, .. , A111c-111 .111 I<> IJt! 0111<,u1t•11 tor de'""''u" '>lflt.t! 1he C,11111 W.11 l(JIJlll!if'lll'> lhl• p11rp1•h11il hllllll> IJ4JIWll1111 1111t1111rlu.1I .Jrtd 1111111>11111ll(jl11'.111 '""'' u l wllr (:> lln, ) (!) LIFE OF RILEY imJ MOVIE '">lo1Jp1,r · C 1Hrl Co111orJyJ Woody All,.,, Or.1111• K1w1<m Atto1 :i 1'00 y1Jur i.laop 11 lor mor tiu.1llti t1xxJ 1.11111; l""""""ir 11w11k1111'> 111 a 11111110 µoft<.« •,t.rtu und IJoc.omm, 1111101110<1 ,,, 11 µlot to k1<1 nup lllu 11oi.4• ul A <11c10101 (I' tur. ) G) MOVIE "Tlf)( I 138" C 1971. !,1,c11r1<.(J ( 1<.11011) nolil'll fJtJl/1111. ()onald Plli.J'Alfl(.0 '" lho world C)f tho tul1J11• wr1111c; l1urru1w, aro rttd11c.ed by druu•• to 11tJlurnuto11~. a man and woman bt.c.ttpe tt101r 1Jor11li. and lall 111 10110 (;> hn, ) I TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED THE FIRST CHUACHILLS "Not Wllh<JUI 1101101. .John 1111d !Sur.ch Churc.h1ll ore bi1r11shed tro111 r11u ta11cJ lJy Ouuon Anr10 They do nol 16lur11 until Coo1gu I 001.<mto!. king ( 1 lir I GD MOVIE C:o11tw1•.ton1.J 01 A t 1111y C..op" ( l'J60. 011111111) K111011 Ol.1t;k, !Jon Murrtty A t11end'1:1 ~w c1d1• 1111• mttl of n wm11111:tt And "" 1111uns111u 111rm tuml 1J1111u 11 1.1114'81 poll<.owoman to lho be111k of 11 111•rv11u-. IHOUk0()Wrt (n ) (:>hrs ) Cf ) SPORTS CENTER 11,.46 G THE ROCKFORD FILES CJ MOVIE "C.(J11f6'..l610n11 0 1 A l Ady Cop. ( 1980 Drnrrn1J Karon Him k l)Oll Mumty A trlencfa ~1 c.1<J11 1111• 01111 '>' 11 ro1111111co and 011 11111111atve man l11m1 tmnu 11 1,11ru~r pohc.owor1111n Ir> 1110 brrnk ol A ""'"'"'"' lllt)ilkcj11w 11 (I\) c:> hr•.) D MOVIE 'I arry' I 1<J74 01,11n11) I rode11c for ,,..,t T 7'"'' 11.1ly A ;>Ci yo.11 old ma11 who hni. ooon in ''" '"'•''"'""'' lw tlto rf'tllrtJnd ~111<.n 1nl11n<.y r'I Cll•• t.Ul/Plt•tl l•J l/I• 111 lllJllllill lrt10lh(Jltr1(.ll (I hr , 30 111111 ) CHJ MOVIE 11111 tl.tml" ( 1081. HorrCJt) M1d11111I Cd1110 J\11drc•11 M1Jrc.ov1c.c.1 B11a1111 111c.1dcml11 iifld nigllfrthJIU'1 11oy1n h8pf)CJ1111'1U 1n I} GUllC>Olll\I •• 1110 1111111 hu ";iullorf tlttt loci11 <>I 11 hnnd ·rr (I hr . 44 "''"i 11:66 (ll) MOVIE "KW'> Mn DMtlly" ( 10''~ Myslory) Rnlph Mc~1<111. Albert Oflkkur A PrlVlllO oyft 1111<1'. h11111.iJll mvolvoa wllh murdor whun hn pick& up 11 tov~ hitchhiker olonu IM rood (?hr•. 6 nun J 12:00(JJ MOVIE "Corvette K ?:>b" ( 1943. Adven 1uro) R11ndolp1t Scott. EIU! Rnlnos A courog ow1 C 111101 rt otllcer e11ompt1 10 protoet a N11vy dottro yor lrom tNmy otteek (? hr11 ) I HEEHAW OANCE "la rnte M111 Gerdff" Lotlle Coltler nnd MlchHI Colemen perform In Sir Fr IG Afhlon'\ iteO~ot (ttwtt • MOVIE "H1nov11 1tHI" (Um~. Romtnct) ........................ --------------------~~----' Sunday (continued) Harn-;on Ford Lesley Anne Down An Ame11can p1101 fall~"' 1ove w11h a married Engltsh nurse during World Wor II lhen embarks on a daring m1ss1on to res(.ut.: tier t1usoand lrom enemy f01ces 'PG' ( 1 hr . 49 nun ) 12:30 'C MOVIE 'The F1end1'>h Plot Of Or. Fu Man· chu" ( 1980 Comedy) Pe1er Sellers. Sid Caesar The f'OI and Scotland Yard's Det Nayland Smith pur~ue the 168-year-old arch v11ta1n as he searches for the 1ngred1ents, 1nclud1nQ the Crown Jewels. used 10 make his hie-prolonging elixir 'PG' ( 1 hr 38m1n) NASL SOCCER Portland Trmbers al Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hrs ) 12:35 ZJ MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981. Orama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld A professional crook gives up his independence for a big score that he hopes will secure his lam11y·s future 'R' (2 hrs ) 12:45 D NAME OF THE GAME ([) MOVIE "Rough Cut" (1980. Adventure) Burt Reynolds. Lesley-Anne Down A Bntish socialite lures an 1nternat1onal jewel thtel out of retirement to help her s1eal $30,000,000 1n diamonds. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 52 min) 1:00 MOVIE "Tetror Trarn" (1980. Suspense) Seo Johnson. Jamie Lee CurttS. A COiiege fraterm· ty's New Year's masquerade party turns into a nightmare when a v1nd1c11ve guest starts k1lhng oft the £!1rty·goers 'R' ( 1 hr . 37 min ) 1:30 (JJ) ABC NEWS I TURNABOUT NEWS MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976. Western) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. A man becomes an oullaw when a ruthless band of Union soldiers destroys his Southern farm and kills his wile and son 'PG' (2 hrs, 16 min.J 1:450 AT ONE Guest tennis star Arthur Ashe (1 hr) 2:00<lnRAT PATROL 0 ~OVIE "Death Hunt" ( 198 t. Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin In the 1930s, a Moun· lie and a lrontrer crlm1nat wage an old ballle as c1v1h· zat1on encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'A' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2: 10 CC) MOVIE "The Man WhO Fell To Earth" ( 1976. Sc1ence-F1ct1on) David Bowle. Candy Clark. A rock atar from an alien planet. on an tn18fplanetary 67~·185o .1;,i;:; 1-.. "t C'ou~ ll11th" J\ A DOG OF A SHOW -Fred Asta.ire stars in "The Amazing Dobermans," a story about five well-trained Doberman pinschers and an ex con w ho trace down criminals on KCOP (Ch. 13) Sunday at 6 p.m . search for water for his people becomes an exploit- ed m1ll1onaire on Earth 'A' ( 1 hr 58 min J 2:15 8 NEWS 2:30 8 TODA Y'S RELIGION ~MORNING STRETCH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE All-Time Ood...9._ers vs NBA All·T1me All-Stars 2:40(SJ GALLAGHER: AN UNCENSORED EVENING The comedian performs a senes of one-liners and comic vignettes ( 1 hr ) 2:4511 NEWS MEN'S TRADITIONAL WF.AR 1-·nr thflse who shnfl (or 11uuhl\ l 'ps/c11r!i r/111c11sta11 s- o// arn111ul Pol .Warier(.\ 11011 cn11 savor tht> ~11cce.<1!if 11l look." m doss11 trad1tronals-tmlnred h11 craltsrrnm wh" care- des1gried f mm supnh fabrics fnr 11our ('()tn/urt Cht>ck thl' attic sale room ror undiscovered savings. ('11111n11 ci(•I \1,11 · • RARE GIFTABLES and • OBJECTS 'DART ... for any gift occa.tfon I I • 1 . (,,-,1,omon PH~r 1 .. ,~ .. ,,?, 1vvl'l1tnl·f 31VOM 11J1 ... MOVIE 'The Earthling' ( 1980. AdvenhJfe) Wrl· ham Holden. Ricky Schroder A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways ot survival rn 1he Australian wilderness ·PG' ( l hr . 37 min) 3:00 8 NEWSMAl<ERS i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS POWERBOAT RACING 3:308 INTERFACE 3:40rs) THE COUNTRY GIRL f"ayP Dunaway, Dick Van Dyke and Ken Howard star in ttus performance of Clrllord Odel's play about lhe complex relation· ships between an alcoholrc ac1or his wile and a theatrical director (2 hrs 30 mrn ) 3.50'11" MOVIE · Death Hunt' ( 1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin In the 1930s. a Moun· tie and a frontier criminal w::ige an old battle as c1v1h· zahon encroaches on the Canadian wilderness 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) 4:00 (!) JIMMY SWAGGART (() SPORTS CENTER (I MOVIE "The Howling" ( 1981. Horror) Dee Wal· lace. Patrick Macnee A woman reporter is menaced by a krller who seems to be a werewolf 'R' (1hr.31 min) •:05@ FUNTIME 4:30 (f) JIM BAKKER CC) MOVIE "The Evil" ( 1978. Horror) Richard Gren· na. Joanna a.t?t1e1 A sinister and 1ernly1ng f01ce conceals 1tsell beneath a trap door rn a reputedly "haunted" house 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (Z) MOVIE "King Of The Mountam" ( 1981. Adven· lure) Harry Hamhn. Joseph Bottoms Three young L A bachelors devote their energies to the sport of drag racing 'PG' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Staple ton gets new role HO LLYWOOD (AP) -Jt•an S Lapleton , a lhree-ume Emmy winner for her portrayal of Edith Bunk~r on "All in the Family," w1U st.ar t.n "The Buddy System" for 20th Century-Fox. Miu Stapleton stars with Richard Dreyfuss and Susan Sarandon in the romantic comedy, which g_~ into producti.on in July.' It is her first feature film appearance since leaving "All in the Family." She was seen as Eleanor Roosevelt in the CBS movie "Eleanor, Fint Lady of the World." Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday l7 ~ 0 - -• -CD (I) N ~--------------.-. -------------- 18 !Monday \ J< >IC\ I '.\:( ; \I< >\' I LS 6:000 ''The Apple Dumpling C1iing· ( 197& Corm• dy) BHI Bixby Su5an Clark 6.05@ 'The runcr Bru<,h G111 I 1%0 Cume<Jy1 l UClllC Ball r 1Jd1~. Aloof! 6:30(,f:t) "TM Apr>le Oumphng C,any n1dAS Again" ( 1979, Cor11edy} Tim Conway, 0011 Knolls 7:30 fC) "Up River' ( 1980. Adventure) Morgon S1e vens <SJ 'R11wrrec11on ( 1980. Or.Jrrtd) rl!Pn Burs1yn Sam Shepard 8:00 0 'Culll'rS Way ( 198 1 Drama) John Heard Jeft Br1doei. 8•05 !IZI "The Young Land" ( 1959. We&1ern) Pal Way_ne. Dan O'Herllhy 8:30CHJ ··savage Harves1" ( 1980 A<.Jvenlure) Tom Ske11111 Michelle Pt11111ps rz1 · Mu:Sdl,. Age Cra1y. ( 1960 Comedy) Ann-Mar· grel Bruce Dern 9·00fC; ·cover I Action" ( 1978 AdYAnture) DaYtd Janssen Arthur Kennedy 9·30CI) "Throe le.11as Sleers" ( 1939, Weslern) John Waynf• Carote Landis 10 00(11J "Beyond lha Reel· ( 1981. Romdnce) Den ton Ka'ne M:tren Jen-sen 'SJ Sil~ ~l<>ek111ij!. · ( 1957. Mus.cal) Fred Astaue. ~ Cha11!>!>e U · fhe VIPs" ( 1963 Orama) Ell1abe1h Taylor R1chdrd Our Ion 10:06® "My Favorite Wile" (1940. Comedy) Cary Grant Irene Dunne 1016(l)"TheFan" (1981 Suspense) Lauren Bacall James Garner 10 30<CJ ''Lo/11a" ( 1962 Comedy) James Mar.on. Sue Lyon . \I·, I l .H ~< >< >:\ \I< >\ · 1 L" 12·00D "Way Out W9'°1" (1936. Comedy) Stan LaurPI Ohvor Hardy Ga · t .. odu&" (Part IJ ( 1960 Drama) Paul New rnan rva Marte Saini Cl) I'll 5a<1 Yoo 111 My D•aam'> ( 19'>? Mw,1t.;1I) Dom. £:1.i y. Danny ThOmas (}11 ··rr•Jrn Hell f,, V1c1my' I 1q19 Or•HMll c,,.111w· Ham1llrJri. G<:(J(ge PeppArd cs) lhP r ,rn" ( 1981 SiJSPfitl'W) t au1ori nilu1ll Jam1'<i r .. amer g 'I oul Play' I 1978. Comedy) f~td11• H;iw11 C~Cha!.-0 1.00(!) "Conle%•0fl'> 01 A Pol1cP. Captain" C 197' 01arnn) Marlin Balsam. f"ranco N'Jt(} ' 1.30'C, 'Up River'' ( t980. Advurllure) Moru.in SI<• vi:ins 2:00(1.J "The Four Season&" ( 1981 Drarnll) Alnr1 Alda Carol Burnell 9 "l overs And Luus" ( 1979, Comedy) Goldie Hawn Giancarlo Olsnnlnl 2:30CJ; ResurrectlOn" ( 1980. Orama) Ellen Burt· !,t!l. Sam Shepard W "You Can't Cheat An Honest Man" ( 1939. (213) 947-2121 hittier ~ EmplOyment A1e11 Live-In h.oi\aekeepen, oompanaona, nan nlet . Brought to your h ome unywhere for Interview• StalA· U.c'd & bonded • •C•t.- °'"'"" •Ulllll • • u,eraht•r • Capal: I Oraperlet made In our · worlcroom."C1ll for frfe eatlmatn In your home. Comedy) w C. F 1elds. fdga1 Be1gen 3:008 for1u1e C...arden· (1967. Horror) Jack Palant.1i [Jwyess Merodllh <HJ "511•1•1' I 1980 Oiama) Loo Ma1CJr~ Jt1nn1ter O'Nelll 3:46 (%) "K111y OI TM Mountan1" ( 1981 AdYdf1fure) Ha1.!1. Ht1rnhn Jo'>l.!ph Bo1iom& 4:00 U 'C:111tpr •, W.ty ( 1981 Drama) John Heard. Jrfl B1111yP'> 4.30• $) Touy And The Ko..tld Bear" ( 1981 f"anta sy) Roll HAr11•, 6:00(CJ 'S<Jmettuflg Of Value" I 1957 Orama) Roclt Hud<,011 01tn<1 Wynle1 6:05 !IZI "All That HP.AvPn Allow'>' ( 1956, Romance) J.lne Wtllliill, nock Hud•,on 6.15C%J 'The Farlhhny· ( l<J80 ArlventurP) W1ll1tJrro Holden Ricky Schroder &:00 8 DD NEWS WHITE SHADOW I CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS MOVIE "The Bild And The Beaut11li1 . ( 19!>~ Orama} K11k Uougla& LAna Turner A cold hearted Hollyw<.>f)d pr()(Juef1r Alfectf, the ltves ul vwer,.1 peo ie purau1ng s1ardorn (2 hr-. . :10 min ) ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSON& HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Ouesta Melissa Manchester David Manchester (A) O James L. Zimmerman Certified Publlc Accountant Full range of personali1ed profeulonal services for small buslnOJ'iOI & lndlYldullt\ • INCOMe TAX PRl,AAATtON I ~NNltfO • IYIT!MI De.llON I INSTALLATION • COMPUTERIZIO '8NANCIAL R!.-c>RTINQ . ,.., .. lnHlal Con1uttatl0n IU Doyer Or lute• JO Newpor1 ... en Resting Terry, Miswr Nobody and Puff the M agic Dragon (from left) take a break on rhc•1r rrip through Funta - verse m the new am - msted musical special "Puff and the Incred- ible Mister Nobody.'' Monday st 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). I NBC NEWS NEEDLECRAFT ) MOVIE "HtP Apple Ournpllng Gang A.deb Agatn" ( 1979 CurnoCly) Tu11 Cor1w<1y Oon Knri11s A Pd" o1 Wf:Slf'IJl OUllRW& Hy I() w.11~ thu C,(ratl arid narrow ·c· (?ht'>) ($J THE LAST OF THE CAOOOES Alter <l1scover1n~ his Indian hl'lllage a f exaa youlh 00<.001~ Ob<,f'•,<,(•lJ w1ft1 loarr11rig 111or11 at>out h1•, ,rnCf",lors and thl:l1r <.ulturo 0 MOVIE Tt11> v 1 P •, ( 1963. D1ama) Fhrabeth T Aylor. n1ct1a11l Hurtori A& paswng1m, ul a delayed flight <lw.j1I 1ak1, ull 1n the VIP lounge ot a l ondon a1rpcJ1I 1111•11 """'• bocomo C.Utt<)IJSly mte1tw1nc<1 1;;i hrrJL 6,30(1) GO NEWS I BARNEY MILLEA All IN THE FAMILY NEW8BEAT: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT Qll) BUSINESS REPORT (f J PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE rwm A11,u1t1c City. Now J(lrs1,y ( t hr . 30 min ) ($J THE GIN GAME Hume Cronyn ;md Jess1<.a l an dy r,. cte<llc tht'ir Broadway rote•, a& 1111 Pldtirly cou pie who d1sc0Yer that Ille 1n ar1 C)l<l aga homo hl'J•, few 1Pw .. trd!> outside ol playing 01r1 un111 IPri'11'111 ere~!> l11to 1he gamelJ ( 1 hr • 23 mm ) 7:00 U CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Radio talk ett11s. people who are mak1n mono w1lh mal(..order bu&lnesses NEWPORT DATSUN W1nts To 81 Your # 1 D1t1un D11l1r In Or1n11 Cou11Jl S11 Us Tod1J ... We Ir• ~ff1rl11 F1nt11tic l•J S1vln~1! J 'I ' - Monday (cont inued) U KOJAK ®J ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT r•.trt t c1I I tolly we,, ,cJ'i. lJ11•,•>lv"cJ M•,1•.lt·1 P'"t1ti· th11 cJ11;iH1 01 11 , ,,, d r 0•1tJ I M"A0 S0 H JOKER'S WIL 0 NEWS EILEEN FARRELL THE DIVA SINGS POP Thi:, Opt>r.1 '>t.11 1r.y· ""'"'"\.•'., u.1ss1c!> mclud1ny wmo Gur .,h.,1111 1111:1001e'> I BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPETS PORTRAITS IN PASTELS ) MOVIE "Rr1llttr A1mg1e ( 1979. Mus1<;al) Lind11 Blair Jim R1r1y A rn.tt and tt1lented music student seb o"' 10 w111 " rCJller '>ka1111g dance contest befo1e rt:'>u1111ny ""'' :.tud1e'> PC.," ( t hr 43 m111 ) (J.J MOVIE 'The OcJcJ Anyry Shot" ( 1979, Oiema) Graham Km111•dy John Harg1eave11 An Australian volu11t1:1<1 w1cJ1Pr 1s11' 1 quite prepared lor the Sights and '>1tu.1111111~ t'1ti l1nd'> du1111u his tour of duly 1n V1el11dn1 ( 1 tu • 3? n1111 J (0 ) THE COUNTRY GIRL fayi> Dunaway, Dick Van Dy~P ;i11rJ Ken Ho ward star in this perlClfmance ol C1tt11,11J (J1 Jt•I ., pl.Jy oltJOIJl tilt' comple)( rela11onsh1ps ue1w~1:11 .111 ulc.ohohc a<..101. 111s wile and a theatr1<:al d1rt:c..10r (~ ,.,., 30 rn 111 I (Z MOVIE . fc,u Ca11 t Cheat An Hooest Man" ( t'J19 Con~dy) W G Fields. Edgar Bergen A you11g woman tries to rnarry a wealthy man because Slee think!. h~r lather 1!. poor ( 1 hr , 16 min.) 7:3011 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a sneak p1eview 01 rlv1s Preslet s 1egendary Memphis home. G18ce l1J11d, ao uverung al the Grand Old Opry 1n Nashvftle, v1s11 0 11ryld11d the rnusrcal theme park. tour the Cou11lry Mu~ Hall ol r drr1e <.hat wtth Eddy Arnold I G) FAMILY FEUD M OVIE "The Green Ae1ets" ( 1968. Orama) Jotu1 Wayne Dav•d Jans~n A cynk:al, antl·V1et· nam newsman travels on asl>!gnment 10 the front line& with a bOld team of Ame11can commandos (2 hri. 30 min) G EYE ON l A. reatured d proflle of controvttr111al Thomas Noguchi. aerob101e. lhe newttst exercise craze, a profile ol winning rockey Lafitte P1ncay, a I lo the Las floristas headdress pageant • TIC TAC DOUGH fOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest G1endi1 Jaci-•,011 MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS Tro11u:. Afld Gr.,s s1da' Anf11r1 l esse1 ani:l SuMnr~ Bu,,J1·11 !>l.1r 1r1 tile 1elev1&111n 1Jr oduc11on 01 one ol the Rard'E> ltlilt>t l<nown and most 1nt11guing pldy'.> 111 whlCh the <;har· acters are more con<.erned with appearances than wt111 reaht1es (3 hrs I 8:00f) (I) PUFF AND THE INCREDIBLE MISTER NOBODY Arumaleo f'utl thf' Magic Dragon helps a talPnled ltlllt' boy Q<11n lhP CtJnhdenc.e to ta<;ti !he world on ht!. own Cl ID MARCO POLO After suf1eriny through bubonic ptayue. rt111st and an avalanc.he the POios arrive at Xanadu the summer palace of the Kublai Khan (Part 21 (II h16 J G ®J MOVIE 'The Loncorde Alfpolf '79" ( 1979. Suspen~.e I Aldtn Delor1 Susan Btal<ely An arn1a men1r. tyc.0011 plot!> t<> destroy a supe1sonic airliner tt1 IJ'e~~"' -t pds5enyer trom reveahng that he sold weapon'.'> ICJ foreign 1nt~res1s. (3 hrs.) D MOVIE "Golckln Dragon Sliver Snake" ( 1979 Adventure) Dragon Lee. Johnnie Chan (2 hrt. ) G) P.M. MAGAZINE People who are making money with ma11 vrder buslnesses. a premature oaby who was nurtured 1n an ar11hc1al uterus m MOVIE 'Gooobye Bruce Lee His La1>t Game 0 1 Death" ( 1973, Adventure) Bruce Lee, Kareem Abdul Jabbar Bruce Lee's hie and rise 10 stardom in the Onent and the U S are examlMd (2 hrs ) 9 MIXED BAG "New Blues" A took into the cur rent btues·scene 1n Chicago • THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS "Tro1lus And Cres- stda" Anton Lesser and Suzanne Burden srar in the telev1s1on pr0duct1on ol one ot the Bard' a least known and most 1ntrtgu1ng plays 1n Which the char· ecters are more concerned with appenrances than with realltNts (3 hrs ) Cl) SPORTS CEHTtR 00 MOVIE "Beyond The Reel" ( 1981. Romance) Denton 1<11'ne. Maren Jensen A Potyneslan·Amart· can gtrl who has been educated In the U S return& 10 he1 1Sland hOmo end lalls 1n love wHh 8 pearl dMlr 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) (j) MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" ( 1975, Orame) Al Pacino. John Cazate A New Yon< City benk robbery eeealetes into a near c11c1J1 when commonlty lctlv· 1111 1oin In to stage en 1ntl·polleo protftt ounng tht f (2 hf• .. 6 min ) MOVIE "The ChlneM ConnectlOrl" ( t973, d enture) Bn~ LH, Robt<t Baket A•marllal artt lludent -.1!~l Jo av,f)Oe tn. mut4'f of his teach« ,. , ,. ~ .. ,.7. '~~ .vxottw J•r~i·".tt:.-4!1· --------------------------------------------------------------•9 8:06~ALL IN THE FAMILY 8: 16 CINEMASCOAE 8:30 REPORT TO MURPHY Mutphy·~ sweetheart breaks the news to him that II is she wtio w11: be r>t066CUt1ng one of hill lavofile parolees I BAN DIEGO JOURNAL IRONSIDE AU IN THE FAMILY KENNEDY'S CHILOAEN Ftve characterll recall the 60's In Amertca and the effect II hod on their hve6 ( t hr • 30 min ) THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Ouna111ay. Otck Van Dyke and Kon Howard star 1n this performance ot Cltllord Odet''> play about the complex re1a11onsh1ps bPtw~t:r1 .111 1Jlt .. t>h<1lrc. ;ic;11x t11s wtle and a thearnc.al direcf()r (;J llr'> '.lO min) ZJ MOVIE 'M1urJh· Ay~ CrMy' ( 1980 Con1,-.1J1I Ann MargrPI Oruce Dern A Texas df!vtilCJper's S•JC LCS~1ul 11111 dllU ~Auhful Wllf' manaye 10 drtV!j twn info .l rmrJ Ith• c.11s1s A I t lir 1 I n1111 ) 8. 36 lll') MOVIE · Tllf! Brave Bulls ( 19!> 1 Or arna I MPI r er101 Alllll<J11y (Ju1nn A famed mAltldur 11ve1 comes '"" lus6 of sell 1,onftdt111ce to rnturn to 11111 11ng (2 hrs 10 rntr1 ) 9:00 fJ Cl) M •A ·s · H A USU troupo 111ak11s an u11e~ pf'Clcd dc:1uur 10 the 40/ fth when 0116 o1 tis men• berS 1llllS di tn) ( 1 hi ) m MERV GRIFFIN Guests Carl Reiner Pal Mc .. Cor mtck, Joan rrnbery, lella Lehr ( t hr) fC) MOVIE "Mean Streets .. ( t973. Drarna) Harvey l'e1tPI n11oert De N1ro A small time hOOd and h•s 1rre• po11!,1lllt-l11unr1 l1r111 plenty ol trouble 1n New York':> l 11tle 11.1ly 'A' I 1 hr , !')O min ) 1£) DIVING ·u S A 1n1&rna11om11 Women's Pta11wrn Anr1 Men '> Spnngboard F1nal1>" (2 h1•, J 9:30 (!)MOVIE 'Wild Harvest'' ( 1961. Orama) Doto res r r111h, Dean Fredericks Oepres&ed Cahlorn1a lJr3pf' IJ•t.lo.&rs 1111eo1p1 10 1orm unlonis ( 1 hr 30 IJllfl ) <HI MOVIE rrom Hell To Vtetory" ( 1979, Drama1 Georuu Harn111on. George Peppard Four 1r1end& horn d1fteran1 countries must leave Part& 1n 1939 10 11ot11 f(Jr 111011 ind1Vtdua1 countries 1n World War II 'PG' (I tu , 40 min ) (0) MOVIE "Fort Apache. The Bronx" ( 1981. Ora ma) Pd1JI 1,Jffwman, Ed Aener A toogh cop ba11tes r 11111t1 ano c;orrup11on 1n New York City's South Orori.( n~hborhoo'1 'A' ( 1 hr , 59 m111 ) 10:001J (J) LOU GRANT l M CA digs lJr danyorous details about the victim ol a 1Atal hit and 1un acc.1 dent (1 hr) -Ga QUINCY While aboard 11luxury11h1p, Quincy tries to determine lhe cause of a series of violent desths~a1t t) (R) ( 1 hr ) e NEW8 11. FARRELL: THE DIVA BINOS POP This oporo star 11ngs Amenca's classk:s lnctudtng some Oorl>hw1n rnolOdles 9 MOVIE "An Eye FOf An Eyt " (1981, Adven· tvr4t) Chuck Norris. Chrlttopner LH A San Fr1nc11· co <.op qulla the force to avenge the murder of hit pa11ner by rnembera ol e drug ring 'A' ( 1 hr , 46 min~ 10:06 MOVIE "PICk·U Summer" (1 981 , Or1me) Mic HI Zelnlci<er, C.rr Mtrotll. A rCYNdy group of young fought end high IChool kid• vlt fOf the pk'lbell cl'lamplonlhlp It a k>Cal arcade 'A' ( 1 hr , 46 min ) (%) M0VtE ''Le S.x 8~' . 1973, ~) .Ml4t Bitto . .Qaucll ie.w .. A. "'1 .tlndt1 1n111nt IUCOMI wtten h. ~ Honor Laura lngall.R Wilder (M elius Gilbert) lind6 ahe is part of a romantic triangle In "A Wiser Heart,'' on NBC's "Little House on the Prairie" Mon· day at 8 p .m . on K.NBC (Ch. 4). with sex manual£> and mar11al a1Cls ·n ( I hr 32 m1n1 10:30 m NEWS @ SIGNATURE Guest Glenda Jackson ID PA~ CHASE "Ktngslteld'i; Daughter ' An embittered young woman finds amusement 1n humtl· 1at111y luw i;tudent James Hart, who 1s 1111rac ted to her _j I hr.) 10.46QZ) MOVIE 'Hell Betow Zero" ( 1954. Drama) Alan l add. Joan fetzet When an Antarctic whaling c.aµtain is murdered, his daughter taket. c.ontrot of hrs &hip 10 trap tne killer (2 hrs ) 11 :00 IJ II a (J) 9J m NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR ll JOE FRANKLIN M0 A •S0 H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "Nt1w Htues ' A 1uok 11110 tl1e 1..ur rent btues·SCP,ne"' Cht<;ago fD OtCK CAVETT ~ MOVIE "FHm1ly [nfor(..er" (DrarnA) Joseph Corte·~ Jo~ph Pesc1 A you11g rnan '" s to get ahead in the m11lla. but hasn't tht: bra111s to pull the scheme oll 'R' ( 1 hr • 20 min ) Cf) INSIDE l:iASEBALL (() MOVIE "Bibi" (Orama) Marte For!>a. Anrne Sebnng A teen-age gtrf enthu&1as11cally explmes sensual_eteawres. ( t hr . 25 min ) 11 :30 9 CJ) QUINCY Ou1ncy qoes to Mexico to deter mtne whether bones l:>Und in a cave are those ol a 17th century pue6t. ( t hr , 10 min ) Cl G') THE BEST OF CARSON Guests Mac Davis. Joe Namath, Judith BleQen, Andy L1pk111s (A) ( t hr ) I (JJ ABC NEWS NIQHTLINE KOJAK THE JEFF'ERSONS SANFOAO ANO SON KENNEDY'S CHILDREN Five characters recall the 60's 1n Amenca and the elfttel II had on their lives ( t hr . 30 min ) e NEWSBEA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Dogs 0 1 War" ( 1980. Adventure) Chn'>lopher Walken Tom Berenger Alter t>emg tor ture<J and deported by an Afrlc11n dictator. a merco- 11ary return!> to lead a revolution 'R' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) C0l EVERYTHING GOES Kip AddOttll hosts thlf. advtt comedy game show where contestants must take off the11 clothes II they Incorrectly answef a question that has been qtven them. 11!46()) MOVIE "The Fan ' ( 1981. SvlC)tf'IM) Lauren Bacnll. James Gerner A popular ftlm ttar Is lllct1m lied by a psychotic admirer 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min) (%) CINEMASCORE 12:00 e ENTERTAINMENT TOHtGHT Pert t of "Hol· tywood's Unaolved Murdert" ptobet tt~ death of Thelma T<>Od. • 0 MOVIE "final Chapter •• Welklng Tell" ( 1971°: OrltlNI) Bo 8Vtn90n, FOfrest Tudl.,, Ten· neMH lawman BuftKd P..., llgtttt bKk egelnat the hoodt IM~ tllN> rrudered hit wlte. ffi) (2 ""'·· 36 rntn.) (!) MO'l1E "Thole ~ Ffom 8Mttle" ( 1953. Mualcal) Rhonda Flemlng, 0.,,. Barry. A woman ht&dl for Al1 .. 1t,dU1if'IQ t~golcj n*'1wj.lh ~ IW' bllulJtul deUQht~ In tow. (2°'hrt.) , - - - I - to N Monday ( a>ntinued) ~ • m MOVIE 'MurcJpr Ir• l r1t1 ~love Trade · ( 10 74 Mystm 11 J,Jmtt~ !..ttiwurl D1c.k Gautier A sport• b·H'"' ,., '"u1dered ano thti t 1trOO Is p111nt1d on A IOrrt•• 1 1•1•1!1.J.111 IJHJ -Nh11~ r1Pferi&e is bemg pJ1t1 101 11111' 111 11111 '> mdr1w ( 1 111 30 1111n ) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY IJ MOVIE n.,1us1011" ( 1981, Mystery) Pa1r1<;1a Pe,111 / J1,• 1 ph Co11t1n A p11va1e·duty nurse lalli. '" k.1e h ill ,,,., pdl11mt's 11.m~ young grand::.on 'R' ( I l1r •"' 111111 I U MOVIF r oul Play· I 1978, Comedy) Goldlu Hawn U • 'I (,t1J'>t: A l1brJrtan enlists the aid of an 1naµ1 '''''" • •J111u<:t1ve a111:r She becomes 1nvolvt1d 1n a ti11.,1ri: •.t•11<'l> of 1nurder1 and ktdna1Jp111u 8llt!1111JI' I I 111 '>~ r111n I (ZJ THE COUNTRY GIRL rdye Dunaway. DtCk Van Dyk,,. .md l"•:r1 HCJwdrd star 1n this performance of C1tt11,w <J1Ju1 s IJlcJt about the c omple11 relationships bet N.:•:ri ,m dl<.ohohc ac1or. hli wife end a 1he8tr~I dlrtt<..tur (?hrs. 30 min I 12:20'C MOVIE ·Gr.iduaflon Day" ( 198 1, Suspense) Ch11stophe1 CeOfge E J Peaket A madman 1s oot 10 mu1oe1 dll the 11ack stare of a high l()hool end no one s.eum!> 10 know W'ho 1111 ( 1 hr .. 40 ml.n.) 12:3011 S LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Gue<,ts .1•J11101 an1hropotog1st Donald Johanson, NBC •,t10fo•,h1ne men Joe f empcAe and FIQYd Jeck· r.ori I 1 hr I I COUPLES MOVIE forture Garden" ( 1967, Hou or ) Jack Paf.1'1(.fo burg&Mi Mere<:t1th sw.,al peopl4I VISll a uniqu& !>•IJt'>htJw which 111v11es them to rnke 11 look at the evil .v1thm th6m (2 hr<i ) I NEWS PEOPLE AND OAGANIZATIONS J PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE I "'"' Att<1111tc C1t / t1 .. ,, JH e y ( 1 ht 30 mtn ) 12:408 <lJ COLUMBO A psych<1io~1s1 tr1t:s to p111 the muroe1 1,f " patient s hu6bar1<1 urt lt1t1 unstitble pat1,,.11t 1r~1 < 1 t11 Jb """ ) 12:,6Q1J MOVIE S1.1ugt111ir T1<111' I 19b1 W&S temJ Brian Q;,1111 1y Gig Young A g1u~ ot ttueve'> rriur der'.. dt• A1111y •Jfl•<..f'r an<J three Indians'" rJJld tJlc><xl ( 1 111 j() fllll I I 1:008 GENE AUTRY • MOVIE 5e~t(..'fftber AlhtJr . ( 1950 Romance) Joan Foota1ne. Joseph Collen Two people t>eheved killed 1n An a11p18ne crash C<>061der starting ltfe over ~"' tc..gttther ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ID EILEEN FAAAELL: THE DIVA SINGS POP Thtt> opera star !>lr'lgs Americil's ctasS1Cs 1nclud1~ some Gefs.tlw1n rnel0dl95 ([)MOVIE 'An Eye F0t An Eye" ( 1961, Adven lure) Chuc~ Norm;, Christopher Lee A San Francie co cop qui" the l0tce to avenge IN murder ot ht& pa11ner by members of a dtug ring 'A' ( 1 hr 46 rninJ 1: 16(11J MOVIE 'NetWOl'k" ( 1976, Ofama) Faye Dunaway. Peter Ftfl(;h An aging teleV1610n newt· man who&e ratings are steadily &lipping. 11 turned into a ran11nu prophe1 of the a1rwevM by a uafty ferr1ale prf.1'r ;imrrnng eitecottve 'A' (2 hrs ) 1:20<1) BEST OF WHAT'S UP AMEAICAI Featured th(; wo1td 1a ooly nut museum. two p rotes51onal femJlt1 l><uf'rs d&rrng lhf .. ·yeer-Old sJcners, BB gun warrlOI~. 11 nude photo M6St0f'I 10< a centerfold ( I hf 30 mm I 1:30G SNEWS I CfENE AUTRY SPEAK OUT 2: (C) MOVIE "S0<neft\1ng Ot Value' ( 1957 Ora m•> Rock Hudaon, OM& Wynter The v1olenc.e encoon1ered by a pe•~•ker turn him 11110 3 seeker of vengean<A ( 1 hr . 65 min ) Cl) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ' 1978 US Open" • LIKEL y STORIES ri,. WOfk of fod8y'6 holle6t young wntcrs dttectors end 1tars are g&1tiared 1ogethe1 111 stlort fttm, vldeO and animated seg ments ( 1 t11 ) 2:06!NEWS 2: 16 NEWS !Ill AT PATROL (%) MOVIE "The Decltne Of Western C1v11t1a1ton (1981, Mui;1cal) New Wave mu.le by bands sucn as Atlee Oag Band Bleck Flag. Cucle Jerks and Fear IS featured ( t ht , 40 mtn ) 2:30 (f) MOANING sr,,,rrCH Cl) ROOEO "Schrade Pro T e1tm" Arkanaas Spurs vs Tulsa Tw16let!I ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 2:361 NEW8 2:-45 WOALO AT LARO~ 2:60 MOVIE "AlrlC3, Texa1 Style" ( 1967. Adven· lure) Huyt1 O'Brien, John Mlllt Amtriean cowboys art hired to nrovo thet Alrlean wlld 1n1malt can be ~ttGated (? hrt . & ~ ) CJ:)MOVIE "Dog Day .Aftern00rt" ( 191&. Orem•) Al Paclno Jott11 C1t1ale. A Ntw York Clty b8nk robbory escat/Ues into a rwtftr·clfcue Wh4W't community c ttv 1fitff iom 111 "' s11Jg on nnt1·pol1ce prot"t durrng the capm (2 lrra . & min~ ,OOCfl.JOEfA NKLI (f7)trtftWt ' ,, ' • I 1•1.1 .: ( \ ~ ... ·'. g MOVIE "Out 0 1 Season" ( 1975. DramA) Cltft Aobettt.an V11rwtt1.a Redgrave OIO prot.>tem& rfffiUr tac.e when Joane< tover6 meet agsin at en olf·s.edsc.xt seai40. resort ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 3:20 (Jj) WITH A TOUCH Of BURLESQUE Sid Cae· 5ar and Imogene Coca perf0tm baggy pants c.ome dy and ~1aps1tck routines along with performances by bur!MQue queens in a show taped at Ille Ster Thedtre "' Flint. MtehlQan ( 1 hr ) 3:66(C) MOVIE "Mean Streetr." ( 1973 Drama) Har vey Keitel Aot><rrt De N1to. A ~tall llmf! hood and his 1rre11~00B1ble l11end find plenty o t uc,ut>le 1n New Yo1k's Liiiie Italy 'A' ( 1 hr 50 min I 4:00 CJ) JIMMY 8W AGOAAT (f) !PORTS CENTER Trouper G w e n V e rdon (pu:tured with Harry M organ as Col . Pot - ter) gueHt s tars as a m t>m ber o f a USO troupe tha t makt'S an unexpected detour to the 4077th when one of the per formers be- comes Ill m a special h our-Jong episode of M'A •s •H Monday at 9 p.m . on KNXT (Ch . 2). t ZJ MOVIE (vu C.an t Cheat All Honest Man" ( 1939 Comadtl W C r 1elds. fdgar B«gon A. yoorig woman tr1e"J to rnarr y a wealthy man becaute she 1h1nks her 1111t1e1 is poo1 (I hr 16 min ) 4·06 ® FUNTIME 4:20 00 MOVIE "Me(~1n AM Howard" ( 1960. Come· dy) Paul LeMat, Jason Hobard& An o therwise unk 11own gas station a11endant clalm& 10 be the 11gh1tul he11 10 Howard Hughes l)llhon dollar estate 'R' {1 nr . 35 min ) 4: 30 Cf) JIM BAKKER 0 MOVIE 'The Ch1nc!>e Cor111t <.tt<Jn' ( 1973 AdvP11tur~) (j11Jce I ee Anbert Ba~ er A mar tui l 1t1tr. '>lutJtirit '>ttl!; out to avenge the rnu11Jer ot l11s teacner 111 w l11t I ,1 11v.1I 1,C.lt<JOI Wd b tnvOlvPd n• ( 1 ht 4 7 "''" , Marco Polo ready to air Sunday From Page J In ''The Travela of Maroo Polo," dictated to a writ.er while he wu lmpriloned ln Genoe before the tum of the 13th c.ntury . The chronicle opened the Orient to th~ Euro· r.eena, but Marahall 1ay1 he found he a nd the 'Marco Polo" cut • aource of curloelty In Inner Mon§OUa nearly 700 y~ later. 'So m.any of the people hadn't aeen a <:Auca- aian before. You'd be mobbed by people 1t.arina al you. LIUle klda would aee hair on your erma - they don't have any -and they would touch It and pull It," the ICtor uya. "One little boy camt" up and put hit hHd .,alnlt my chftt and rubbed h11 fllCe." Marahall, the a«ond eldetl of 1lx children, studied theater at the Unive~~~:f Mlchlpn and later trained et New York'• J d School, where hl1 claumatn Included "SupenNn" 1tar Chris to- pher Reeve. "' 'People L1.ke Us' awarded He worked 1ummeratock, oft-Broadway pro-ductionl and 8haM9peare f•tJvall unul he s ot hit flnt bta break ln 11179, ro·1ta.n1ng with Anthony WASHINGTON (AP) -The National Educa· HopklN at Lo. An,elet' Mark Taper Forum. He lion A.Mcx.iaUon hu prC!letltf:.'d a aped.al award to ret~ to New York the next year and took over "People Llk.t· U1," tho rt'<'Cnt CBS l>iew1 d.ocumen· the le.ct role In the Broadway production of "West uiry th.at wu attAckttd by the WhJte HoUlt' u a SI.de Story." · d11tartlon of the effoctl of Prt"lid~t Reagan'• ero-Before MjJlnnlna work on "Marco Polo" in nomlc poll(!y. November 1981, Marehall apunt a year In Italy The ...oc.iatJon Mid It found the program -1ta rrtn1 with Burt L•ncaAer and Mu cello M• which fOCUIOd on f.Qur cnc.ampll-9 of people CBS said 1trotannl tn LJliana CavanJ'a "La PeUe " have flll n through tho 1oelal u fe ty ne t a "Marco Polo" brlnp Marshall and Lanc111~r "polan.nt ttxploratfon of human auffctrtng In t hC' ioaether apjn, with Lanc.uter In the role of Pop • Urllted StatH." Ort"aory X: 0th r Academy Award-winners 1n the< The t~ac:hera' aroup a lto h onored 10 other product.ton Include Sir John GlcltJud, John llOUIC· tc•levl1lo n pto duc t lon 1, l nd udl ns "Ci.p lain man and Anntt &ncroft. K11np roo,'' 01t• "Nlc.'kelodoon" cm chlldrcm'• c:.olil<' Manha.II uya hll "blgett dlMppotntment" In ~~Ir.tr'~~ ilir _.an•d•~iiiiii\&l_<~iiii·f.·'"-~iiiititiJ>iii)'~-~ .. ! .. 1 ~-·o .. ~• ... p1:1{ut:~~~-wrh _.. ..................... --------------------~---- Tuesday \1< >If\; J '.\;(; \1< )\'I l ·:S 5 15'%., "ThP r .in ( 1981 Su<,pense) Lauren Ba<.dll James C..arn ... r 6·001 S lotJy AM H"' K11.il,1 Bear · ( 198 t Fania '>Y) Roll Ht1rr1" 6:06@ Th" Dari< Lrirr111r' ( 1946 Mystery) l uc1lle Ball M.11~ ',f1•11N1'> 6.300 I tCm'> f1Jr Orf'cll<fasl · (1979, Adven1u1e) Jan RutJ•" Ju11 Htn•,tMw 7 00 C '••' Ariel lhc S1nu1e Pa1en1'" (Comedy) M1l<f' f .rrr•·ll Sui,,111 SI J,1meb 'ZJ "Tht-nr1.rrl Jc., War' (l'J38) Docurnentary 8:00 fH1 "lft1lkr"• ( 1980 Adventure) Roger Moote, Jt1n1c~ tA.1•,1111 1$) t(.iwl< fl••' Stayf>r' (1981 Adventure) Jack Pal.1111.1 J11r111 T tfly Q I • v••r'> Arnl I 1<1" I 1'J79 Comedy) Goldie Haw11 rJ1.111r,,11lrJ C..raornrn 8·05 Cl]) 'f..rr.JI< I 1<}'i l ArJvf.lnlure) Victor Mature. M1cr1;i1•I W1hJ111y 8: 15(l 1 "Y<irJ C•m't (,t1f'.tt An Hone'>t Man" ( 1939 Corru·•JI) W C. f 1Clth [ c:lyJr Buryen 9·00 C Tt·r l'°••J•, A1P Alri~l1I ( 1979 Mu'>•CalJ Thf• Whr, 9:30 (I) oNyutrur1g (J"tl11w ( 19'39 Wt•'>lerri) Jot1n Wr1 yr11· f~•IJ' Hutton 'ZJ l".1111) <JI H1~ M111,11la1ri' I 1'181 Adverlfutl3) Ha111 1 f.111 11111 J1J'.r-rti OcJtt<>"''> 10·00 H r,,,.,, . .,,,.,, 111181 < .. .rJmedyl fl1nuo S1<1rr 01!111 1• J 1.111 I $, 0 I ,,,,,,,,,,. C.1J1Jr111 I 19!.7 CJramu) r h1ttt>f'flo Tay1C11 'A1,11ty1111u•1y (hff 10:06Q]J Mari CJI lt1P w ... ,,. ( 19!>8. W C'.lmn) (Ary Cooper Julie I omJon 11:00'C1 "'Bla<.lcb<Jdrd Jungle' 119!>!> OriJ111.iJ r~1rm11 f ord /\11111• f1dnc.1s z, (Jt,1v11 •1v 11~81) (Jl1>y Tab'31<ov [lena Solo V(H . \I· .. I lJ{'< >< >' \I<)\' I LS 12:00 O Wurm~n Of Tl1P Proh1slo11c. Plaru'll" 11966 Sc1er1<.1· I tt lion) Wend<!tt GCJrey Ke11h l ar'>f•n CD "f,Ot1lf', (l'arl ~l (l!JbO r>ram;J) P..;111 tlt'W man r Vol M oll If' Saini G> "'G1J1Jd!Jye, My fanc.y 119~1 I. Co111<1dy) Joan Crawforo. nooor1 Younu IHJ "SRlern"; lot" ( 197<}, Horror) r>a111d Soul James Mason 1·00 C!J Mad1yan" ( 1968. MyslCfy) Ric.hard W1d mark Henr I F onaa (CJ "A1lly J,Jck (1971 Orama) Tc>m laughhn, Del0<es T ..;yl11r (SJ ""81ubo1k1:r" ( t980, OramA) flobett Aedtord. Yaphcl t<o tto 1:30(ZJ "Thfl f' ;in · < 1981. Suspense) l au1en Bacall. James Gainer 2:00(LJ Nighthawks" ( 1981 Orama) Sylvesler S1allonc• Billy ~ W1lhAms 0 "Ruc;ku&" ( 1980, Orama) Dtrk Benedtcl, L 1nd0 B1a11 ACUPUNCTURE 0111-IWI 0111, C.I . AUTH09' OP "ACIWUNCTUM I aCllNCI" Forme< Chelrmen. Mmlnar of ChlMM AcupyncYtre Found1tion PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, OAAOUA TE CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 131h EdlUon 545-2438 Mon Wed ,,, ., ........... ~ tno a.~ae. ~ ... m SANTA ANA 532-5040 r,,_ ·Tllut .... ....... OMt .. ~~ tlOOl~Aff. i..a UM' OMHQI FACE-LIFTS SMOKING & PAIN-CONTROL tMIY ona.....,.,...,,.. 2:30 (.HJ ·c ardiac A11est'" ( 1978, My61ery) (_,arty Goodrow Mike Chan 3:000 '"Hr•111 Corr1es M1 Jordan'" ( 1941. Comedy) Robert Mcmty1Jml!ty Claude Rams 4:00011 ··cartJ(Jn Copy' ( 1981 Comedy) Geo1ge Segal Su',<111 Sa1111 James 0 ··ratt11•1 01 rhe Brt<Je"" 11950 Comedy) Spen- cer Trnr.y. [h1abe1h Taylor 4:30($1 "Invader& rrom Tho r:H11Jp'" (1981, Science r 1c11on) PupJJtJ1& 5.00(!J 'Tlw Kremlin I etler" ( 1970. Suspense) O•b• A11de1:.i:.on Richard Boono CC) "Thf• Kids Are Al11ghl'' ( 1979 MuSK:af) The Who 5:05@ '"S1alag 17"" ( 1953, Drama) W1ll1am Holden. Ottn PrPq1111ucr ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCREASING? Our energy m1ne .. ment ty ... ma can reduc:9 your uttltty coellt Call UI for FREE Information Heating and Air Cond"lonlng 8peclell1t1 1lnce 1915 545-5542 979-8771 O"ANOl COUNTY Corrupt Lff>nJJrd N1moy, who played the unemotto- n a I Mr . Spod< 1n "Stnr 1'reJc," portr1Jy1J A c hme t , an a V1'rt - cious, corrupt Turkish r egC'nt t o Kublai Kh an , 1n ''M arco P olo," whic h conti- nues Tuesday a t 8 p .m . on KNBC (Ch . 4). 5 30U "Lion'> f or BreaklAsf" ( 1979, AdvPnlure) Jan Rubes Jirri Henshaw ( Zl ··K1n1,1 0 1 f he Moun1a1n" ( 1981, Advontu10) Harry Hamlto Joseph Botloms L \ l . '\ I '\( ~ 6:0081JDNEW8 CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Guest Dave Brubeek (A) 9 A peAllc wYlct of the doctors at ~--· • ~ Newport roct.try Gr°'4> Your Job and Your Feet fr )llJUr r11r l hurl WhfOn y1.u t~lff\I• hi1m1• lr<Jm wr>rk •I n111h1, lh• prohlrm may fll1t 1,.. In ltw kind of wurlc you d•1 but In • ''"'' prof> lt'fTI lhal nc'C!da all.t'ntiofl Many fool problemt .,.t' c114rw·d hy lrnl111Jarlff• be> lwl-t•n IJV• borw 111\(l mw1<'10 11ur«turt• lh•I lhruw. not only your fa-t, but I.ho mrt or your body OUI ol ti.Ian ,,., ('4>rtl9 •nd t•all..,.. .,... 1ndtullon1 or toot prQI) lanll, ind 10 arf' lkhlnlC •nd f'IU'f'MIVf' ptll'lplrallon An7 l•t1>l lnhit•tltin ahould ti. lrl'lted bt-furt! 11 ... ,, woru ind l1tad1 to other ~ Ach lna. Ured fH I no1 Or. A11h11r A. "•lt- 1419 . uptrivr A•"·• N.B. 11nl y aftt•ct your ht1ahh, 11 ... y •an al1<1 afft-('I your <ll11J'J11lllun aond your r rtl < H·ni y on lhf' .)<Jb Wh.in thry arr out ut balam·•• thl'y ran alto CllUlll! M'hft tn your 1••6(11 and '-"k bf.ol.ilUlllll 1tul!M' 1lr~lurw art lhro WQ OU I of bA!Ance, IOO &mt jol:Ni rtoqulr• • lul or w1lkln1 or 1U1ndln1 Othttl'I l'f'qUll'O mot'lll llr• nuou1 ar \I vi\)', 1uf h 11 c·llmblnc or bmdlllf •I un <'•llllfotlahla an1Jr1 Nu m11Hflr whit 1h11 activity, your f lle1 1uppor1 your body up to tour llmt'• 1141 w.lahl II your fem hurt. have the problem trutl'd by your foot 1pedalil1 Or. RolNon J. Mil•IM-otwor l:JOil 4w0t.edo A••1~ Jf, 1 ~ 0 - _.. ...................... ____________________ ~---- _, , N ----------------------------------------! - -.2 Q: STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 7:00 PM Nl'wport :-;ow" 7:30 PM l.1\'l' Nl·wporl Bt•ut•h City ('011m·1l t•ovl.'rage or ('1l1zcn~ f orum· ( alt1•rnate Monrluy-. 1 WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM ·N1·w1>orl Now THURSDAY 7:00 PM "A Better Way" FRIDAY 7:00 r~1 Nl·wport Now· TUNE IN TO CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K Our local programming lineup includes the interview aeriea-"Citizena Forum," boated by Mayor Heather and live cove- rage of Newport Beach City Coun- cil meetings. Plus, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show "Newport Now." Our f ocua ia on the iuuea that are happening around you, and we feature people and placee that you know. Your neighborhood and ita resident. are our stars. P'ROGRAIOllNO - .. Df THE PUBLIC Dn'EJtaT"' GROUP WcABLE Wett~ Broadc:Mthg and Clbte. Inc. FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL (714) ~2·&797 Tuesday (continued) UNOERSTANOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR I NBCNEWS FIGURE SKA TING "World Dance Compe1111on Championships" lrom Copenhagen, Denmark (? hrs ) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest George Kennedy 6:30(1) llD NEWS I BARNEY MILLEA ALL IN THE FAMILY CLOUDS OF GLORY· WILLIAM ANO DOROTHY Filmmaker Ken Russell examines the passionate relationship between the poet Wordsworth and h1!1 SISier. Dorothy ( 1 hr ) I NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT CHARLIE. THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adopts and raises an orphaned CO\Jgar kitten (Part 1) CS) LAUREL ANO HARDY'S LAUGHING 20'5 The greatest comedy leam ever perlorms classic slap stick ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Rich Llllle does his 1mpress1on of Ronald Reagan. a man who gave up the business world to become a V1rg1n Islands beachcomber. G KOJAK 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Part 2 ol "Holly· wood's Unsolved Murders" looks at George Reeves' solcide JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPET8 PORTRAITS IN PASTELS IM•A•s•H MOVE "Sex And The Stngle Parent" (Comedy) Mike Farrell, Susan St James. A couple find out the reah1ies of starting over. when they try to marry and their children bl~k the way ( 1 hr , 35 min ) CD MOVIE "Callle Annie And Little BrllcheS" (1981, Western) Burt Lancaater. John Savage Two tough outlaws pick up a pair of teen-age glrls and take them along on their adventures. ·PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min) (Q) MOVIE "Mlddle-Age Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Ann-Margret. Bruce Oefn A Texas developer's suc· cessful JOb and beautllul wife manage 10 drive him Into a mid-Ille crisis. 'A' ( 1 hr . 31 min ) e JUDY COLLINS IN CONCERT Judy Collins 1s jOfned by the Hamilton Symphony Orchestra and Roy Rogasin 1n this sold-out performance taped live near Toronto ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "Oblomov" (1981) Oleg Tabakov. Ele- na Sotovel A young man who spent much of his Ille hiding in his bedroom falls 1n lovt with a young woman who htlPt him re-enter find cope with the cha~e!I of the world (2 hrs .. 26 min.) 7:30 U 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a visit to aome of Southern CelifOfnltt'a nude beaches and resorts. an inside look at the North American Air Defense Com- ma~ located Inside a Colorado Springs mountain I _, FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON L.A. Featured: 8 repott on blondft, a look at hot rOd c1u1: a search for lht bes1 hamburg- ., In Los Angoktt : part two of a report Ofl Ttt9fnas ~~l 1(1 I I I I. I 'ti 4 1•4 I I " Involved Melinda Dillon a nd Ronnie OJx co-star in ·'Fallen Angel," a drama aoout a young g irl's involvement in the w orld o f ch J/d p o rn o graphy o n · KN XT (Ch. 2) Tues - day at 9 p.m. Q) TIC TAC DOUGH NEWARK ANO REALITY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•S•H SIGNATURE Gur'>t L<my Adler MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I NEWS ) THE STRANGE DEA TH OF THE DE~ERT FOX fvl'nl• 11• 1rl1ttg It> Ille Oc.tCJbN 11)44 <Jealh CJf Field Marsr1;11 f rw1n Rommel aw recalled through news 1tttll fo01t1ge. still phrJtographh dnd personal te':>t1mo· "Y lJy nommel''> son Manfred and biographer Oavic1 lrv1i 7:35 NEWS 8:00 Cl) BOOK OF LISTS Hoc;t 8111 81d.>y and a repertory company deliver monologues and perlorrn sketches and muf>1Cal numbers based on material lrom the · Book 0 1 Ltsts .. C t hr ) 0 6l) MARCO POLO Marco's growing influence with Kublai Khan altenates a ~owerlul Tibetan monk who orders the young Venetian ambuf>hed (Part 3) i_? hrs ) 11 MOVIE ·Patton· (Part I) ( 1970, Biography) George C Scott, Karl Malden The colorful and con· 1rovers1al General George S Patton launches stot· my m11tlary campaigns from Europe to Nor1h Africa dun~ World War II (2 hrs.) 0 [Q) HAPPY DAYS Joanie, unwilling to go to col· lege but afraid to tell anyone. learns that Howard is ~ctmg her to attend his alma mater (R) O 1J MOVIE "The Executioner" ( 1978. Advimture) Sonny Chiba. Bruce Lee Three professional killers are ass1g~ to stop the Japanese Mafia troin importing narcotics (2 hrs ) Cf) BENNY HILL CD P.M. MAGAZJNE Meet actress Deidre Hall of 'Days 01 Our lives''. a man who gave up the busi· ness world 10 become a Virgin Islands beach· comber cm MOVIE "Master Killer" ( 1979, Adventure) Liu Chia Hui Alter a kung lu school suffers a brutal attack, a survMng student vows to learn all he can abou1 rhe martial arts and avenge the massacre (2 hra ) I QUIZ KIDS DANGER UXB Brian Ash Is posted lo a bomb disposal company assembled to combat unexplOd- ed bombs which are threatening lo paralyze Lon- don (Part 1) (R) O (1 hr) ID NOVA "City Spi ces, Human Places" Wiiiiam H Whyte takes an 1nslghtlul and humorous look at city parks. plazas and streets. And the people who use them (R) O ( 1 hr ) (!) SPOATS'"CENTER CID MOVIE "llolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason A dapper. woman· hating frogman is called 1n to lhwart the plans ol extorhon 1sts who have hijacked a supply ship and are threat· ening to destroy two North See oil rigs (2 hrs.J Cl) MOVIE "American Glgolo" ( 1980, Orama) Rk:hard Gere. Lauren Hutton A Beverly Hiiis gigolo becomes the prime suspect In a murdtr investiga lion. 'R' ( 1 hr . 57 min) D MOVIE "Tho ldotmaker" ( 1980. Drama) Any Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh A mantpulohve manager uses venous ploys 10 cal&pull two teen-agers Into pop s1~ng stardom. 'PG' (I hr. 47 min.) 8:30 D (lJll LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Laverne and Shir fey double date with two COiiege fraternity m n (R) i MAUOE ~1.L IN THE FA~ll Y • QNfQE.,"P~u ... ".fNdOU t44'~~tv pn~~le 'II \I'll' ... \,,ljtl 1 •llf11• 1'~ I' • I• .Id °' Pl "" ' II "' I _... ............... ______________________ ~~----- l~y (continued) Pon11w; l>ta1 wrlh tne Parts Ope1a Ballet 1n their pro duc.11011 of M1<.:ht!I rokine's masterpiece ( 1 hr ) (O)SKY DfVE 8:36@ALL IN THE FAMILY 9:00 f) CJ) MOVIE ·rallen Angel" ( 198 I, Drama) Mel1ncJ,1 01llun Dana Hill A lonely. unloved 13·year old v11l 1Juc..fJlfl<''> involved 1r1 c:hrld pornography (R) {'1 hr•,) 0 @) THREE'S COMPANY Morr1mable moment., ltorn 1111· p.i!>I '>•ic '•Pill.Ort'> are SPen, l ucrlle Ball hO'>I'> 0 ( I hr ) i RACfNG FROM ROOSEVELT MERV GRIFFIN AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Oµµenl1t!1111er·· 111 1947 Op1 r·11lt1•11nN !.+•lect'. I <1'> Al,unoi; N11w Mt:'A• r o 11 r 11 .. •.rtr-r1I lhl· tompound whpr.-he 1111<! Olltt>r '>c.11·1111:,I'. Nrll • ""Y 11111 thP11 1e'Je,1rc.tr (P;Jrt 71 c::;i ( 1 Irr I eII) DANGER UXB fir1.tr1 A• t1 1c., µo'..fl'd t1 .t bOmt> (!1•.pr,. .. 11 (.IJl1il hlli1 ........ rnblNl 10 c.0111b'1t UfWitf.)IOrJ r••J ''''" IJ'• NI"' 11 dll· lt•rl•.11 .. r111111 tr1 Pillilly11• I 011 tJ01 If"'' 11 ffl) o 11 n1 1 fCJ MOVIE lll.tl ~tfri.ird h1111Jlt~· ( 19'°>~. D1am,1) Cilt•111 I td '"'"" J 1.1r1r • A dPd1cat1•lJ you11g fl',lf lit•r .1!f1•rt JI• 1•1 rt• I ,It• 11rrj1•1 Ill 4) big (;1ly lrm11 "'~ •,r 1111<11 wl1M1 11·1·11 .11Jfl 1.1wlf.''.,',11P•,• a11tJ v10IN1c.i h.1v1J t.J~•·11 rO!Jt ( 1 111 40 111111 / 'E PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE W orl•l W1•1 terwl'1ut11 Ct1..irnp1on\t11ri·· ( 1 hr . 10 min J LJ MOVIE "BrF>akor Mor.1n1'' ( 1980 lX<Jmo) rdward WlJ<itlward Jack Thomp&0n Austrahonb <.On~11µti1d 111 lighl on England's side in the Boe1 War d~w.H~ to fight the Boor gu,.r1llM on lheir own term~ PC ( I hr . 46 mm ) (0) TINTYPES This Broadway 1evue pays trrbute to Amenc;f •, yrowmg pains 1n the era between 1he Gay N1nct1ei. dnd the end of World War I ( 1 hr . 50 m1n_l 9:05 IIZ) MOVIE "L 11tle Caesar·· ( 1930, Orama) Edward G Robinson. Douglas Fairbanks Jr An insignihcant hOOd w0tks h15 way to the top of the underworld ( t hr . 45 min ) 9:30(!) MOVIE 'My Forbidden Pasl" (1951, Ora· ma) Ava Gardne1, Roberl Mitchum When a girl f1om the "w1ong side of the t1acks" comes 1n10 a frnanc1a1 windfall. she drscovers 1ha1 money cannot buv he1 love or social acceptance ( I hr , 30 min ) @CLOUDS OF GLORY: WILLIAM ANO DOROTHY Filmmaker Ken Russell examrnes 1he passionate relat10t1shr~ between lhe poet Wordsworth and his sls1er, Dorothy ( 1 hr ) (I) THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Dunawa1 Dick Van Dyke and Ken Howard star in lhrt. perlorrnancP of Clifford Odel's play about the complex relatronshipt> between an alcohohc actor h1i. wile ;ind a tlteatrrt.al director (2 hrs 30 min ) 10:008 GD QUINCY Quincy's vacauon companion 1s stricken by the mys1er1ous disease that hat. r.wept lhe Jux~ crurf>e bh1p (Part 2) (R) ( t hr ) I fl tU g) m> NEWS 9 HART TO HART The Harts face a $2 mrlhon wrongful death suit when a fender bender accel erates rnto murder O ( I hr ) • WrTH OSSIE ANO RUaY ""A Solo Soog For 0oc·· Roscoe Lt..<e Brown narrates a dramahzat1on ol JamPs Atan McPherson's short story aboot a drn 1ng c;ir warier who hAS spent hrs hfn workmg for the railroad O MO\lfE "CavemAn·· I 1981. Comedy) Ringo Sia" Denni:. Quaid The clown1ah member of a barely tiuma11 prehrr.tor1c lflbe t>41g1ns to discover that bra1111. and not brawn w•ll be lhe key to his people's wrv1vnl 'PG' ( 1 hr . 31 min) (SJ ROMANCE. LOVE AT THE CROSSROA06 (pArt 1) 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR 10:30ml NEWS I SIONA TURE G1J1?St Larry Adler CONVERSATION Guest Vilma Mar11ne1 AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE ··Oppenheimer 111 194?, Opponheuner sotect~ Lo& Alamos. New Melo c.o fur 111-0 srto of the t.ompound whf'rti he and other r.cientr'.t•, will c.arry {)ut lhe11 research <Part ?) Q ~hi) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA LAFF·A· THON A comed11n host end lour comlC contettiints who compete against one anothof are featu1ed 1n thlt uncensored comedy game •how 10:60@ MOVIE "Johnny Allegro" (1949, Drama) Georgo natt. Nina Foch An e.x-gengster rends hra asti:;tanco to government agent• who ere trying 10 1na1e "'1ugg_ltft. ~ hr • 50 min ) 11:00IJ 8 U (I) ID NEWS SAfOROAYN HT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M*A•e•H BENNY HILL OUIZKIDS OICKCAVm ~ MQVIE "Tho Fiith FIOOf" ( 1980LQfemt) 8c> ~ OllMI Htiff An ..,_ Yollng 'w~· Ila lnc1w:erattd 111 a b1z11rro mental holpU1I wtwre 11to· lcnce and drug abuse are the 01def of the day 'R' ~hr 30m1n) SPORTSWOMAN MOVIE "OOOdbye. Emmanuelle" (1977, Ora· ma) SyMa Kristel, Umberto Orsini A beai.:tlful woman s search for the ulllmate erotic exp.rience bdngs her to a starllrng reallzallOn 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min) (Q) MOVIE ··The Ste<y Of O" ( 1975, Drama) Cor· lnne Clery, Udo Kier. A young woman tests the llmlt& of love as She atlOws hetself to. be dominated by the man she loves ( 1 hr . 35 min ) (I) MOVIE ··Brubaker" ( 1980. Drama) Robert Red· ford Vaphet Kotto A ref0tm·m1nded wa1~n uncov· ers widespread corruption when he enters his newly a&s1gned prison posing as an inmate 'R' (2 hts., 10 min J U MOVIE Deadly Ga~ ' ( 1981 Mystery) Sam Groom. D1Gk Butkus A woman returns to hef home town f(J 111ves11gate her '.>ISter·s myste11ous c1flAth 'A' ( 1 hr 3!J nun ) 11:30 tJ ()) ALICE rto'c, bronc. busting baby brother proposcl. rnarnaye 10 Ahc.e (RJ D ID TONIGHT Host Johrmy <.;a1wn Gueats W1J he Nelson. Tim Conway ( 1 hr ) I @) ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE KOJAK THE JEFFERSON$ SANFORD ANO SON DANCE "Petrushka" Rudolf Nureyev and Noella Ponto•& srar with the Parrs Opera Baller 1n their pro duc11on of Michel Fok1ne's masterpiece ( t hr) I NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER RACE FOR THE PENNANT '"The Aoolues" Ho•;t•, Batry T ornpkrns and Tun Mccarver tal(e &n 111111dc look at what rt means to be a rookie 11.46'%) MOVIE "Le Sex Shop'· ( 1973 Comedy) Jull<'I Oerto. Claude Bem A bookstore proprietor l1nds 111s1.1111 success when he stocks his establish· merit w1tt1 !.e.-: manuals and mental aids 'R' ( I hr . 32 min) 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Part 2 of "Hol lywoo<fs Unsolved Murders" looks at George Reeves· sute1de G @) FANTASY ISLAND A detorrn1ned younu woman pursues Jack the Ripper. end a 1.hy man betorrtc'> a gigolo (A) (I hr 10 min) (!) MOVIE "0011'1 J>u<;h, I'll Charge When I'm Rea<1y" ( 1%9 ComPdy) Frt10 Cerus1co, Sue Lyon An 1talw1 POW 'iomehow ge11. drafted 1n10 the unn e<J Stntei. Army (?hrs ) m MOVIE '"Fhght From Ashlye" ( 1964, Advon ture) Y1JI Arynner. R1chl'lrd Widmark Three a11lator1 recall the11 varied PHIS wh1Jt lnvolvod 1n rescue operation~ during World War II In the Pacific (2 hrs) I LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE EXPLORING LANGUAGE MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981, Adv n· ture) Chu(..k NotrlB, Christopher Lee A San F1anc11- co cop Qu•t8 tM force to llvt>nga the murde1 of his pnrtncr by mornt>efl of a drug 11ng 'R' ( 1 ht • 46 mlnl 12:05 IJ (J) MCCLOUD McCloud'1 ee1trch 101 on lndl· an chief's son tendS him 1n hOI watef with Chlaf Chi ford cru_ (2 hr• ) 12:308 CID LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LITTERMAN Guett '°'"* NBA pl11yt1·coech Tommy~,, t1 hr I Atomic J . Robert Oppenhei- mer (Sam Waterston, left) and Edward ·Teller (David Suchet). two o f the brilliant physicists brought to- gether to work on the Manhattan Project, discuss their progress in d eveloping the atom bomb on "Oppenheimer'' Tues- day al 9 p .m . o n KCET (Ch. 28). I COUPLES MOVIE ··Here Comes Mr Jordan" ( 1941. Com edy) Robefl Montgomery, Slaude Rains A young man returns 1n anot~r man's body airer dying before his time (2 his ) e NEWS @CLOUDS OF GLORY: WILLIAM ANO DOROTHY Fiimmaker Ken Russell examines the pasSlonate relationshrp belween the poet Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy. ( 1 hr) Cl) MOTORCYCLE RACING "100-MUe Expert Road Race" f1om Daytona. PIO<lda ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 12:36 (C) MOVIE "Billy Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Leughhn, Delores Taylor An ex-Green Beret half· breed champ10ns the cause of a freedom school f0< runaways on an Arrzona Indian reservetron ( t hr , 55mln) 12:.CO@ MOVIE "Government G11J" ( 1943, Comedy) OJ1v1A de Havrlland, Sonny Tufts Wartrme Washing- ton be(..1Jrnt;!> the '>Cena of much social actrvlly as badly c111t11urnbered mal~ elbow each other out 1n a matJ •,c.r.irnule to yet dates (2 nrs) 12·45(L) MOVIE '"The Jazz Singer" ( Hl80, Mu'l1c.al) Nori Ornmond Laurence Olivier A New York cantor breaks with famrly lradrllon and sets out 10 find sue· c.e'l'> ai. a µop music star ·po· ( 1 hr . 55 min ) t·oo e MOVIE "'The Story Of Dr Wassell"' ( 1944. Orama) Gary Cooper, Laraine Day Or Roydon M Wai;~ll. a heroic Navy man, rescues Amerrcan troop!> from the Japanese (2 hrs . 30 min ) a> MOVIE "Silver C11y·· ( 1951. Adventure) Yvonne De Carlo, fdmond O'Orlen A top mining expert has lroobte with a shady lady and A rival before finding tru{) Juve and meaning to Ille ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ct JONI MITCHELL IN CONCERT Popular singer I songwrrter Joni Mitchell appears with the Pal MethPny Group and The Persuasions at t~ Santa Barbara County Bowl (I hr ) 1·1o a MOVIE ··she Lives·· (1971 Romeno•) Sea· son Hubley, Desi Arnaz Jr At• discovering that r.he rs torrrunally Ill, a young wvman and her tovor attempt 10 w11rd 011 death with the help of an experl· mentnl sc1ent1s1 ( 1 hr 30 min ) aJ) NEWS 1: 16 'SJ MOVIE "Massar.re At Central High" ( 1976. Orama) Andrew Stevens, Hoberl Carradine A cruo;11de trn rf'venge begins after a prank that went too far w.1& pulled on the quieter student& by a group of bored high-school friends 'A' ( 1 hr 27 nun) fZJ MOVIE 'Tt•e Roaa To War" ( 1938) Oocumenta· ry The,,~ ul lho Fascist movement from Iha end of World W:ir I to 1937 · Is chronicled ( 1 hr . 10 rnrnl 1:30 fl)NEWS 1~46 MOVIE "The H1unt1ng Of Julie" ( 1977, SuspenGe) Mle Farrow. Keir Dullea After recovering from an emooonaf crlal9. 8 woman purchases e hOUl\6 that eppetlrs to bt haunted 'R' ( 1 hr , 35 min) 2:00• MOVIE ''I'll Be Seeing You" ( 19•9. Drema) Ginger Rogoro, Jottph Cotten. A girl just out of p1l1- on nnd an emot1ona11y upeet eoldlef find " new lease on life during a IO·day romantic Interlude (I hf . 45 min) (I) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL _. "' CD "' • MOVIE "The Rooe" (1978. Ot1me) Bette Mldle1. AIM Bates A driven rock linger'• Ille In the tasl lane 1oed1 her lrrevoralbly to dfeester. 'R' (2 ' ~CAin.).......... • ·--~"""",,..,._ .......................... J 2:06 8 Cl) NEWS n '= , .. 14----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Wednesday ... \ I< >H :\ I :\( ; \ I< )\. I r.s 5:36(1) "You Can't Cheat An Honest Man" ( t939, Comedy) WC. Fields, Edgar Bergen. 6:00 (I) ''Hawk The Slayer'' ( 1981, Adventure) Jack Palance. John Terry 0 "The Four Seasons" ( 1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. 6:05@ "Joy Of Living" ( t938. Comedy) lrenb Dunne, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. 7:00(1) "The Rose" (1979, Drama) Belle ~1tdler, Alan Bates. 7:30(C) "Tuck Everlasting" ( 1976, Adventure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGu1te. 8:00 CS) 0 "The Looney. Looney. Looney Bugs Bun- ny Movie" ( 1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc, June Foray 8:05@ "Happy Go Lovely" (195t, Comedy) Vera Ellen, David Niven 9: 15(%) "The Road To War" ( 1938) Documentary 9:30(1) "Lucky Te.1tan " ( 1934. Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes (CJ "The Outlaw" ( 1943, Western) Jane Russell. Waller Huston 0 "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981. Adventure) James Ryan, Anneline Knel 10:00® "The Legend 01 The Lone Ranger" ( t980. Western) Khnron Sp1lsbury. Christopher Lloyd Cll "The VIP s" ( 1963. Drama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton 10:05@ "Across The Pacific" ( 194:?. Adventure) Huf!!ehrey Bogan. Mary Astor 10:30 CZJ "Thiel" (1981. Orama) James Caan. Tues- day Weld 11:30(C) "Tt1e Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980, Com- edy) Roberr Sacchi, Ol1v1a Hussey liJ "The ldolmaker" ( 1980. Drama) Ray Sharkey. Tovah Feldshuh. .\l· .. llJl:\<><f\ \l<>\'ILS 12:0011 "Carefree" (l938. Muslcal) Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers. m "Scorpio" ( 1973. Orama) Burl Lancaster. Alain Delon. • "Pony Express" ( 1953, Western) Charlton Heston. Rhonda Flemlng. 12:45(1) "King 01 The Mountain" (1981. Adventure)· Har!1._ Hamlin. Joseph Bottoms. 1:00(.!) "P J." ( t968, Suspense) George Peppard, Raymond Burr CID "Savage Harvest" ( 1980. Adventure) Tom Skerritt. Michelle Phllllps. 1:30(C) "Covert Action" ( 1978, Adventure) David Janssen. Arthur Kennedy. 9 "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Orama) John Travoi- ta. Debra Winger. 2:16(%) "The Rose" (1979, Drama) Bette Mldler, Alan Bates. 2:3000 "A Force Of One" ( 1979, Orama) Chuck Norris, Jennifer O'Neill. (J) "Muleteathers" ( 1978, Comedy) Rory Calhoun. Don Knotts. 3:0011 "Count Three And Pray" (1955, Western) Van Heflin. Joanne Woodward. Ct) "Tuck Everlasting" ( 1976, Adventure) Fred Keller, Joseph MacGulre. 4:00e "Oh God!" 11977, Comedy) George Burns, John Denver. 4':30 Cl), "The Loor. . Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie' (198t, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray CZ) "Oblomov" ( 1981) Oleg Tabakov, Elena Soto- vel. 6:30 Qt "Orchestra Rehearsal" L \ 1 . '\ I'\( ~ 8:00• D 8 NEWS a CHAAl.~8 ANGELS RICH 1~ cotton - pleated collJr -yolle A full comfortable be wOfrt-f or almost By Bl8A RED delicious red with and ~ sleeves. shape, waitlne to any O«aslon. S·M-l $39.95 PA.NACRE 10.5~80 221 MANNI IALIOA l8UND 873-1110 l ~~e::!oow ~~~W:RSONs HAWAllAVE-0 OVER EASY Guests· Chila Rivera and her ldau2~r N~ Mordente. (R) Q NEEDlECRAFT GYMNASTICS MOVIE "flolkes" ( 1980, Adventure) Roger. Moore, James Masoo. A dapper, woman-hating frogman Is called in to thwart the plans of extortion- ists who have hijacked a supply ship and are threat- ening to destroy two North Sea oil rigs. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) D MOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 1981. Drama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Three couples, all close, long-time friends, experience profound changes In their relationships when one of the matrlages disin- tegrates. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 8:30 Cl)• NEWS I BARNEY MIUEA AU IN THE FAMILY CABARET TIMES THREE Three New York caba- ret singers. Bobby Short, Hugh Shannon, and Mabel Mercer, perform In three separate segments. ( 1 hr ) I NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "You Light Up My Life" ( 1977, Romance) Didi Conn, Joe Sliver. An aspiring songwriter Ides to cope with the three men in her life while establishing her own identity. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (ID CHARLIE. THE LONESOME COUGAR A lumberman adop1s and raises an orphaned cougar l<ltten. (Part 2) 7:00 9 CBS NEWS --n1vORCE MEDIATION-....ii A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNIELOR·ATTOANEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752·1084 Robert Q.....,, Attorney JMn Qla1Mt, MfCC Fugitives Nick Nolte and Tues- day Weld co-scar as fugitives from a band of drug smugglers in "Who 'll Stop the Rain," a n action drama to be broadcast for che first time on KNXT (C h . 2) Wednesday st 9 p.m. HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with Calhenne Bach of TV's "The Dukes Of Hazzard": 27 couples take part in a marriage renewal wedding ceremony DKOJAK 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Part 3 of "Holly· wood's Unsolved Murders" looks at the death of Bob Crane. IM•A•s•t-j JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS PORTRAITS IN PASTELS POCKET BILLIARDS Cowboy Jimmy Moore vs. Wlllle Mosconi ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Harri&. The new minister In a small town organizes a group of dotty women 1n his congregation to stop the flow of church funds to criminals. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) CO) THE WAY IT WAS "1947 World Series" Brook- 11'.!:l Dodgers vs. New York Yankees (Part 1) (ZJ CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... "Irving Allen And Herb Berstein'' 7:06~NEW8 7: 10 KINER'S KORNER 7: 15 MOVIE "The Road To War" ( 1938) Docu- mentary The rise of the Fascist movement -·from the end ol World War I to 1937 --Is chronicled. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 7:301J 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: Point Venus In French Polynesia; Tahiti's beautiful women. rhyth· mlc dancing and synchronized canoe racing; Papeete Harbor and Tettaros. the Island owned by Marlon Brando: Or Jean Paul L1ntllhac. plastlc sur- geon 10 the stars: Baron George Von Dangel. rene- -\\t-<frl(~lay (continu 11d) lc.11• f1<1rn t11e 1oyftl t;u111ly ol P11l.11u1 &) FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON L.A. fHaturrJd ii prof1lo of tlw l'Jfl/ Pla11n<1tt:: 111 tt11• 'fp,,, ,, report or1 111olt>11c " 111 I Angelo!. c.1ga1ns1 hCJ1110<,1>• Ml' (I) 'I) TIC TAC DOUGH Cf) NASL SOCCER Nf'W (r>1 k L•1•11fHJS II'• rr.,r11.1111 J T1mb('1•. 12 hr· 1 @) YOU ASKED FOR IT I M0 A·s·H SIGNATURE Clue'.t t rn d J>,1111ck l 1tct1lu·l•t MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT MEDIA PROBES Pc•hl1tal Spots' Wd ,t 11.qtrn• Po•.t {(1l11rnr11,t M.1r1o. Sh1elels lookc, at th" t1•1.h111qu•"· u·~tl liy to1Jay s poh11cal med•a maker<> o CJO BOXING Ni!110n:ll Coll~1ilte ~'J',C>(.1.1f1C)rt F1n:i1•, The be!.t cvllt::Q•ate bo1e1s 1n t"' weight clil!.'1t>'. c.ompete tor the nett1nal t1!1e~ ( I l\r 'JO trllll ) ~ BASEBALL Chicago Cut>s at l •JS Angeles DodJl."' . (3 hrs I 8:00 6 C1J THE INCREDIBLE HULK Bat1r1Pr 1"> taken hostagP b; three women who have esowcd tron1 prison tAJ ( 1 nr 1 D m MARCO POLO Marco lalls 1n love Wtlh lhe adopted ruropean daughter of one of thf! leaders of the rebel lest t•rm who is intent on over1hrow1ng Kub tat "han·s 1..:111p1re (Part 4) (3 hrs 1 D MOVIE Pat1on' !Pall ?) I 1970 BrO<Jraphy) George C Sc.011 Karl Malden The colorful and con rroverr.1a1 ueneral George S Pallon launche!. slor my military c.ampatgns from Europe lo Nollh Altica durir~ Worto War II (2 hrs) D ~ THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO R;:ilph goes into another d1mens1on 10 ballle a female r.r.N1l who has pos~ssed Bill Ma>'well (R) ( 1 hr ) fJ MOVIE "Raye 0 1 The Dragon" ( 1980, Adven turc) Dragon Lee (2 hrs ) a» P.M. MAGAZINE Meet a very young karate brown belt an 1nterv1ew with Catherine Bach of TV's 'The Dukes Of Hazzard · Cl) MOVIE "The Best 01 Benny Hill" ( t979, Come- dy) Benny Httl. Jack Wnghl Benny 1s 1oined by other Brrt1sti comedians IOI a h1larrous look at hie and 11r, complex111es (2 hrs ) (3 COLLLLLECTING FeatUted the resurgence of Wes1ern Art. learning how 10 collect line prints. a new discovery -sell-taught ar11sts • MEDtA PROBES "Pol111cal Spots" Washington Post columnis1 Mark Shields l()()i(S at lhe techniques used by today's political media make1s. o ID CALIFORNIA DREAMS "The Dream 01 Don Guada!Upe" Ale1and<o Rey recounts the story of the Ille and times of California's founding father --Gen· eral Guadalupe Vallejo (C> MOVIE "The Dain Curse" (Part 1) ( 1978. Mys· tery) James Coburn. Nancy Addison Saeed °" the novel by Dashiell Hammell. A ptlvate eye lnvestlgat· 1ng a diamond robbery encounte<s a series of mur- ders and a strange young woman who believes she's the victim of a family curse ( 1 hr . 40 min.) i SPORTS CENTER BIZARRE "Best Of Btzarre's Second Season" MOVIE "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Orama) Cathem'8 Denevve. Gererd DepardteU. Directed by Franc0tt Trulfaut During Wood War II, the proprle· tOfs of a sm4H Paris theatre try to keep their estab- h&hment open during the German occupellon 'PG' (2 hra. tO min.) 8:05 all AU IN THE FAMILY 8:30• ALL IH THE FAMtLY t8 MOVIE "Orcnestra Atheersal" Fealnl's eQn'\lne- llon of the currtnt poltlcal lhuatlon of the Western world through mul4c. ( 1 hf.) • 80LOIER GIRLS the chengea In aUllUdel and conflicl8 in rOlet fOf both m8't end temale Army pertonnel brought about by the•~ of wom- en Into the armed servlcet Bfe explO<ed. ( 1 hr., 30 min) • WATm. WA~ EVERYWHERE? A look al the various uses of the Calffornla water suppty end 1he controversy 8Ufroun<Slng the proposed Perlpherll Canel Cl) A COUNTRY MU8tC TRl8UTE TO KITTY WElL8 Tammy Wynetle hotll tNt tribute to the "Outen Of COuntry Music" feeturtng pertorman<* by Lynn Andtrlon, Tom T. H•ll. Hank Wllllamt Jt .. Mef1e KMgo<t. Char1y Mclain. Roy Acuff and Kitty Wtltl htfself. Taped af Nalwlllt'a Grand Olt ()pry Houte. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Tht Rott" ( 1979. Orama) Bette Mldttr. Alan Bates A drlvtn rock alnger't Ifft In lht fast lint leads her lrreveralbly to dfsatttf. 'R' (2 tn~14 min.) &:36 MOVIE "The Streett Of San Francisco'' ( 19 2. Mystery) Karl Malden, Michael DoualH A young lawytt It framed fO< t~ mordtf of a glt1 whole body wat found floating In San Francisco Bay. (2 tvs .. 5 min.) ~,W_~ ::l6lbo'l..a&QP Ib&Blln?::.LWA---OJama) Nick NOite: f lietdey wg A Nth• crew Of drug ~· putSU. ~-amaNIMt WhOle Journey Denholm Elliott (far left) and Tony Vogel play Niccolo and Matteo Polo." Ken Marsha JJ stars as Marco Polo and Burt Lancaster la P ope Gregory X Jn the spectacular recreation of the journey to the Orient 700 years ago. The 1erie1 enda Wedneaday at 8 on KNBC (Ch. 4). dream of sudden wealth bec-Omn a desperate bat· CO) MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981. Adven· tie for their lives (2 hrs.) lure) Chuotl Norrll. Christopher Lee A Sen Francis-8 Ill THE FAU GUY Coll and Howle travel to co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his Hawah to piek up two ball-1umping moonShinera. partner by membera of a drvg ring 'R' ( 1 hr . -46 i ) ( 1 hr.) min ) MERV GfW'FIN Guest· Kai Rudman. (1 hr ) g MOV1E "Urban Cowboy" (1980, Drema) John JAZZ. AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Dex1ar Travol1a. Debra Winger. A blue-collar wOO<er who GO<don Quartet (No 2)" Dexter GordOn, tenor fancies hlmlelf a modern-day cowboy falls 1n IOYe sax. Ruylus Reid. bess. George Cables. piano. with a glfl he meets in a popular country·and-wesr- E.dd1e Gladden. drums. (A) ( t hr ) ern bar 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min.) (I) DMNG "US A . lnternalional Women's Spring-10:~ all MOVIE "The Garden Of The Anzl-Contlnis" boerd And Men's PlatfOfm Flnala" ( 1 hr , 30 min.) ( 1971. Drema) Lino Cttpolkx:hlo, Dominique San· (8) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Ouna· da Oirec1ed by Vltlorlo De Sica. Anti-Semitism way. Peter Finch. An aging tetevtsion newsman, gradually and polllonoutly Invades the Hvet of two whose ratings are 11eadlly silpplng. Is turned Into a Jewish famlllel Jiving In Italy before Wofld War II (2 ~~~~~~~t~~:~(~1~l::::: ~~~~i:'=~NEWS . Sharkey. Tovah Feidshuh. A manipulative manager llTI.JAOAY NTQHf UMS various ptoya 10 catapult two teen·aoer• Into YOU ASKED FOA rr pop singing stardom 'PG' ( 1 hr .. '7 min.) JOE ~NKUN 9:30(!) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Part 3 Of "Hol-M·A·e·H tywood's UntOIVed Murder•" lootcs et the death of 8EHNY HfLL Bob Crane COLL.LLLECTING Fe.tlur'~· the reeurgenoe of a CA8AAET TIMES THN!E Three New VOt1C c:aba· Mtern M : leamlng how to eOlltet b ptlntt: a ret singers. Bobby Shaft, Hugh Shannon, and Mebel MW dilcovery -aelf.ta.ught arttstt. MercerMimlnthreeeeperettMgl'Mnt•. (1 ht) IOICKCAvm 10:QP8 t •NEWS ll'ORTS F<>AUM • 9 · WAYNE NEWTON SPECIAL Lsuren OH LOCATION "Robert Klein At Yale" (1 N .. Bacall Joint host Wayne Newton for an ~ of min.) entertafnment (1 hr.) CD MOVIE "The Flfttl Aoor" (1980. Orama) Bo (!)OUTER LIMfTS Hopkins. Dianne Hutt. A tane young woman It lncaf· • PVR8UfT Of EXCELLENCE Thlt er<>Qfam ce<aled In a bizarre mental hOSDlfal where vloltnce focuses on champion marathon runner 8111 RO<Sgera end drug abuse are the ordef ot the dey. 'R' ( 1 hr . and Olympie me<Sll winner Frank Shorter In P'tP•· 30 min.) rttlon forthe 1978 Bolton Marathon. ( 1 hf.) (!) MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981, Orama) JamM Cun, • 80l.OteA QIRt..8 The changet In ettftuote Ind fUttdey Weld A pt'ofetllonel crook gl....a up hit confllctt In rOlel for both male and Mmlle Army I~ fOf a big ICO<t that he hopes Wilt personnel brought about by the admfflllon of wom-'aecure hit faf!'lty~s MUf9. 'A' (2 hr1.) en Into the armed WVk:et are •llJ)IO<td. (1 rw .. 30 11:ao• (I) MOVIE "Orea" (1977. Adventurt) Rich- min.) ard Harrlt. CharlOllt Ramptlng. A commef'Clel flther· CC) MOVIE "Covert Action" ( 1978, Adventure) man harpoons end klllt e Whalt. Initiating a bloody David Janssen. Arthur Kenn4M:Sy. A profeatk>nll spy battle bttween hlmtatf and the whale'• mete. (A) becomes Involved tn Intrigue Ind esplonege when ~ hra .. 10 mln.) he is handed a dangerout aulgnment In the Greet< • e TONIGt-f'T Hoel: Johnny Carson Guett: Alen ()) MOV1E "Young Lady Chalttny" ( 1977. Ora~) 'O ~ NI Harlee McBride A young woman Inherits hf( faml· KOJAK ly's huge mansion and an 1ncos1or'1 diary delaHlng THE JEf'F£R80N8 numerous eexual ncepadn. 'R' ( 1 hr., 28 min.) 8ANFOAO ANO 80H :Y. i5' - Islands. ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) IKI~ (!~)NEWS N""HTUNE 10:30 e NEWS MOYIE "Orchestra Rtheartal" F .. llnl'a eumlna- •~1M81GMNA•T•UAEMlll08ueaMl1:._L111or._d11Pfl1t!trlck•UtlMilleh•field,..., ........... S ttor) of lhtlrf'J pgttic91 situation of tht Wettem ... Mte•:cslf•ttee1tct1n•1•c1ea:e •=Llf!-• ... £ ievNnd &-owne w. PNladl!ONa ~Kida e 4M& T wnw Cl.c, ~ "°*"'* .1 t6 N \\cdr~lay (continut.~O ~ II) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (°C) MOVIE "Tllf' 0111law" ( 194:J, Weetorn) June •• Rur,•,1ill Wall1•1 ltll'1lr)11 ll1lly lt..i Kid tall' In love with .1 h•1otut1lul wwriu11 who h1tJ1111 tum lr<im the law (2 hr•,) Cf J SPORTS CENTER >. 11 45 's, MOVIE .. rt11• r IJIJI ',uar..un•1". ( 198 t. Dr ivna) al Al.iro i\1(1.J, (.,uc;I fl•Hrn•ll T ttr•JH VJ1Jple1>. all Cl01Je. :g lu110 111110 lr11•rnJ•1 •11111m1mc.ll profound c hanges In u... their r1·t.1t1<m'.t11~c, wt1N1 111111 ol lho mn11111ges d1111n a tegwtw. I'(, (I tu 'JI rn1n ) o 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Poll 3 of . ~1ol ~ lywr.r1rf•, tJ11',tJlv••1J Mw•lm<, lookc, ill tho dunth ol ~ Ot11> Cr .111f! a QJJ LOVE BOAT c.,opltf)r """ Ill ,,,, II a.nget In the tounyr a m rJri •,ui,po<.t', 1t1.it h15o wile 1~ having "" ull111r .intJ a widow fj•f.wv~ a rnrnanllc surprltJe i!ll ( t t11 tO m111) (fJ MOVIE "Cod11 N11mff 111.<111 ' ( t976, Drama) L arn• \.~moll W <~ M<.M1llan A biological w&rl11re wu•. lt111J•, "" w.iy 111to the waler <1upply of a small Per11•!.jlllaflliJ IOWfl (? tir'I) a» MOVIE .. A Tt11J11•,;u1cJ C,lownr." (1966, Comedy) .Jai;o11 Rot.J111Clb Uu1t:iarn HarmJ A social workot C.Onl/111(,fl'• ·"' UllOHIPICJyed "'""8' 10 get his jOb b8Ck arid r11d1ry tier. S() that ho won't lvse cus1ody of hi• ne~t•uw (t' tir'I 30 rr1111 ) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA· THE SECOND CENTURY 12:300 ID LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETIEAMAN Cue•t& rather A M1ew Greeley. M11r11n Mull ( 1 hr ) I COUPLES MOVIE "Counl Three And P111y" ( 196b. WOfll· ern) Van Heflin, Joanne Woodward A CMI Wftr vet eran becomet1 ;i Mil ordained minister and &tit• BbOut rec.cmatruc11nu a de•troytcJ church. (2 hrs ) g)NEWS 13 CABARET TIMES THREE Three New York c&bll rel -;1nge1s. Bobby 5horl. Hugh Shannon, and Mabel Mer<.fJr ~f0tm in threfJ ,.paralo Mgmonts ( 1 hr J ~PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS Al/TO RACING 'Belgium Gtand Prhi" (I hr ) MOVIE · Ft.c..1po f rom New York" ( 1981. 5<.1 en<.<: F"1c110n) Kurt RutjMll Adrienne Barbeau In tC>~H .1 hardened c.11m1r1111 lr1 olltfod a pardon II he r. iJfl 1e ... c.11f' th1· l"'''''JPnt r>I the US from the pntK>n c.1ty rt-,,,1 Mr1ntia11;;r1 h1t6 oocome 'R' ( t hr 40 """) 'Li MOVIE ·Happy R11thrJay To Mo" ( 11180, H r11 1111) M111,.,~,a !,uo Andlllt..rirt Glhrm For'1 All mwr!nr l11•wr1•. 1 IH>Pl""IJ .1w.1y ut "''' <.1rt.to IJf tJht1~1 lrt(Jrrrl" •I 1111•1; '.<,hl11JI "'llll(Jr W!llllllfl ll111t -.he may 00 th(• r1P11 .f1l.t11t1 ur p<Jlj'.thly lho kill"' 'Fl' ( 1 tu "8 1111r1 I 0 MOVIE ft11• f 0111 ',1•.1•,1i11'I. f t<JA 1 ()r.1111.11 Al.111 Al<!.1 {,.itol U1Jtm•ll I h11rn 1 11uµlo'I 1111 <.llJ'-"I lr111y 1ir111• f11+•11•J1 '"'"'""''' e fJHJlr1•J11<J c;h1111y11'I "' their rttt.1tio11tih1p" whllf1 ur1fl ol th" <Tldlflage-. d1<i11 togroto!. PG' ( t hr !l 7 111111) t2 .0 l!1) MOVIE ·Cr/fJo 0 1 ~r.ot11111d Yrmf' ( 194tt, My•itury) r>1,m11 CJ<Jr<o Oi;c.er Horn1Jlk11 An blt(,:11m1• lrom !JfJv1t'11 holarirJ po·Atfl lilt a 1oputobte ant1Ql.lf' dOaltir (2 hi!. ) 1'()(). MOVIE "() ~ s ' ( 1946. ()f amfl) AIM l MW. G1'rnld1ne r "'Jl~rnlrJ Ju11t prior to the D Ofty 111v11 111or1 un (J ~ .., 'llJY 11111m II tll!ipl'ltched to r11mco ~tllli) • MOVIE r11undo1 In Th4> f8*1" ( 1953. Adv&n lurn) Alan I 11dd Oeboroh Ko11 A blind u1r1 011omf)t1> tu hetv 11 "'"'*' ten'llont nl1er IJ mon t.nlla ~m. ton mah11111111h ( t tu . 30 min ) W MOVIE "The Fan" ( 1981. Su•,>ftntf) I au1en Bllcflll JAn1wi Oamer A populor Mm ~ta1 ta victim· lad !?Ya psychOOe adml1er ·n· ( t hr • 36 min ) 1: 10 D MOVIE "Klir1t111 City Bomber" ( 1972. Dfe rnit) Raquel Welch. Kevin McCMthy. A woman fl!Cfl problemt1 with her te8mrrt,,tff And her mnno- gerti whlltJ <.llmblnu to the top In the rollor.<,.rby cir cull ( 1 hr . 30 rn1n ) a:INEWS (%)MOVIE "l fl Sex Shop" ( 1973. Com.Oy) Juliet Betto. Clnudo Bftrtl A book&loro proprla1or !1nd1 1n1t~r11 &IJ~8 wh1tn ho \IOC.kt hit ealabh&hmenl w1tt1 ~" manuals nnd ml\llt11I 111t111 'A' ( t hr 3:> rn1n1 1·30DlmNEW8 CC) MOVIE '"Shu'11 t9 And n111tdy" (Dcama) Two young women throw lhomtolvH 1mo their work and Mn f11111lly INBinea& lnlo plosaure ( 1 hr , 35 min ) Cl ) GYMNASTICS 1:40GNEW8 <I) MOVIE "Thff Attic" ( 1979. Ho110<) Cnrr1t Sn0<Jgrfft, Ray Miiiand A flbratlan llvn In fht ~011 with he< memOrllt1l ot l'I IOvt who dlUJ>PNred 'PO' ( I hr • 40 min ) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2: tO(JI) MOVIE "Tho Httnd" ( 1981. Hotr0<) MIChttt C1tlno. Andfoa M&rCOVicCI e 1zarro lncidenta and Thursday \I< >IC\ t:\<, .\I< >\ IL~ 4:65(C) "The Evll" ( 1978 Hor1or) R1<;trnrd C1e11ns1 Joanna Pollet 8:0000 "Tho Myll&f•OUS ~tranger'· ( t982. r.111t11•y1 Chris M11kepeaco. Fred Gwynno (I) "Mulftlaothers" ( 1978. Comttdy) nory Caltiwr•. Don Knott11 II "Oh God' · ( t97 I Comedy) uf;lorue Aurr1'. John Denver 0:05 (IZ) "fhe Magic C11rpot ' ( 19!> 1 r dntasy / I uclllu Bnll. John Agar 8:30(1) "The Fan" ( 1981 Sv&P4'11&o) I aurf!n Bacall James Oa111or 7:00(C) "The Ft0nd1 h Plot 0 1 01 fu Menchu ( 1980. Comedy) Potor S1tlle11', b1Cl Caesar 7:3000 "The Onybreake,. .. ( 1979, Woste1n1 Glenn Ford. Sam ElltQI 8:00(8) "My Bodyguard" ( 1919, Dram11) Ch11•1 Makepeace. Aelarn Baldwin 8 "The Apple Dumpling Gtlng" ( 191b, Comedy) 8111 Bixby, Su9'tn Clark 8:05(1Z)"AK••sln TheOntk" (1049 Comedy) David Niven, Jane Wyman (%) "Tht ~arthllng" ( 1980. Advonture) W1ll1am Hol den Ricky Schroder D:OO(C) "The Ot11~Curae" (Part I) ( 19/8. MyW11y) James Coburn. Nancy Addioon 9:30• "Neath Anzona Sk10t" ( 19.14, W8'tern) JoM Wayne, Sheila Torry 9:45(%) "Tho Wllnelfftera" ( 1079. Drarno) Kon Wahl Linde Mon1 10:00(Jf) '°Cb td1oc Arrc&t" ( 19/6, Mys.1ory) Garry GOOdrow, Miko Chan e "Cut1or'" Way" ( 1981 DtnmlJ) JnM He&1d Jell B11dgo11 10:05 (IZ) "The M11tl0n811(Jti'I' / 11}61 C..omedy) Sopt a l ore11 Pflter Se11et1 11 00 "St1Mci' (Or ttrf111) C..IOndo J.Jcki.<>t1 Morin Wa"hbOUmo 1130fH) 'fhlt four Seit~.lfl'> (tflSI Orama) Atari Alda (,arol Burnett 11:'6 CZ> "Thi• Fan" ( IOA I b•J'lf)en',l)j I auren Boe.all Jam"'' <Jarnftr 12 00 fJ I nv., Me T ~ndrn' I I 'l'lO M•J'llrnl J f"lvu. P11t'.li·1. ll1c.t1o11d l 111111 a» T 1r.11 T11r.11 l 1J1,11 (l'llrt tJ I t'ITO (Jra11t11I M·llllf1 H;il•;,Jll JtJ'.rph C.oll"r' Cl) O• ,,,, Jtin•<", ( t~11l ll1•1un111t1y1 f1•1h li•11,11 Vt11.1 M1l1•1, fB I t11· I ''"'' Ml"'tll> ( 11:180, (J111rr..1) <.,.itl11•1111•· Oor11/1)1fl ( 1f)rttrrl r>op.11rl1ou rJ1111c tnrJ by r r;iric;111•. Twll,1111 1 OO llJ · A!.',.Jull CJr1 Pro<.111< t t')' ( t'JI{, fJr.1111111 Au:.1111 ~.1t1Awr. (JIHWlll .)O'-t<>ll c CJ .. TtJc r 10"'''"" Plot or D1 r" M111•c.t111 ' 1 'J!:lO C'.-<>11111tl1/ Pater !>ellerr •. Sid C1101Mr 1' 16 f%J "Ttl.i f artt1hng" ( 1960. A1Jv1H1t1J111) W1lll,1111 Holtlori. n1rl<y <,(,hrC>llfll 1.30 'ff I ··cflrbC1n (,opy · ( 10tl t C..11rr1i,dy I Grmrw• 'Sttynl. c;u.,lin Saint Jnmm. 200fL J f y1rwl1n6'fls ' (108t Mystery) S•Q<Mr\4•y Woavor W1U1t1m Hurl <8) · My Booyuu111d" ( t979 Orer111tJ Chris Mll~H)&CC, Ad11m BaldW1n 2· 30 ta "Orchestrll Aehenra111" e "The Groen H0tl10n" 11981 Adve111u101 Jamin Stewart, Ph111p Sttyor 3:009 "living Free" ( 19/:!, AcJve111uro) S11~Hlrl liornp11h1ro. N1gn1 Oavenport (h.) "Tha Outlaw Jotey Wnlt'•" ( 1916, wni.tern) Clint f 11atwood. Sondro lO<.ko (%) "K111g Of rtio Moun101n" ( 1981 Adve11turo) H11rty tfnrnl111 .l<>'IOPh Bottomfl 4 OOCCJ ··Secret V11lloy" <l l "Tho Shogun WarrlQfll Sp11<.ftl-11t1~r'>" ( 198 I rantw1y) Antmated 4·309 "Undoruround Acoe· ( t980. Comedy) {)trl1. BenedlCI. Melitnle Griffith 6:00(!) "Vlllnyo 0 1 The OitmnmJ" ( 1960 Svence fiction) Oc<>fge Sandora. Borbo10 Sholl.,y 6;06(11) "C11p111ln Horntlo Hornblower" ( 19!> 1 AdVon1ure) Orogory Peck. Vlrg1n111 M11yo 6:308 "Dodo' 1<11 r>on" ( 1~7?) 00 "Tht Mytlerloua Sttangor" ( 106?. F"11ntn11y) Chrtt MllktPHCO. Frltd OwynM L\l ."I"<· nightmnr .. b9gln happtn1ng In e cattoonltt'I lift 9:00 8 8 a NEWS at1., he 141110tt the lose of 11 hand 'A' ( 1 ht • 44 I C-HAAIJE'S ANOEL8 ~J.. ._ CB8 NEWS ~~~~1·~);'~·~~~e. 8111111 'fZ•\D<l!L "~ '-r • ~'-' r J ~",., ,MtlHW .vA AUITAA .1 rote JI j MAGNUM SPECIAL -Thomu Magnum, played by Tom Selleck. recalls h'6 wedding to Michelle (Marta Dubot.) when he catches a g1Jmp11e of a woman he bclft:ves to be her -pl"f!flumed dead whrn he If!! r Vietnam - on a special two-hour epiMXJe of "Magnum, PI." on KNXT (Ch 2) ThunJdsy ut 8 p.m. I THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE·O OVER EASY <;u<•'.t fi1t11 (J1r1· IJ11wt1" (H1 Q NBC NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN E:l(HAVIOR J MOVIE ·111n 1t1·1'.t ( 111111 A1lv•11 11t1w1 1,1i.H11 .. , A1r1o1.,11111 '/1111.1 I 1<,1 A I r1•r11 Ii h1111c!h1111 111••, In 1<11 l11w 111 1111· 1t,11r...1t•11'. <ii 111'1 Arrn•ri< "'' fl•H•(l'>tlH hn111 J111t11 fJ1lhl•!J"' H 11 hr II 1111r• J 81 MOVIE !'11• I Im lr1r llc1r'.11m.111 I 1'179 IJ••I ,,,,,, fh1IH•rl Ht-lllt111J J.1111• I 11r11J.1 /\ Id'. l/1•oo1•. UJtNt)(Jy ,1,.,11·, .1 \ti rr11lh•J1• ll11Jru1J4t1tirorJ hor·~ t11 •.a111• t11111 from tu._ 01pl<Hl.11iv1• <1w111•r't P<, (;.>hr•, ) 6 30(1'0) BARNEY MILLEA IALL IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS NEWS BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "Mnrco Potci, Jr ' ( tU/3 A<Jvo11t11r11) An1rn,JIOd A cJ1tl\{.llf11l11rit t>I tr1•i lamorJ!I o~f)loror jt>11r11By<t ICJ X•1nad11111" ,111.h ul 1110 ulh(lr t1All r)l lho < ,1110011 Muc.Jall1<J11 t1I r 11onrJ»h1p G' I t hr '.>O rr11n ) 8 46 < Z.> CINEMA8CORE 7.00 G CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AOAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A look 111 the t tngo cro-Ns lor lht neoch Boys. Mom1cn'" Prlr1(;f"'ll Cirll(.I'! Vllltf.I her hom111owr 1 ol ~'lllllldelphlB I KOJAK MEET THE MAYORS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Pt11t I ot 11 sene•i on mov11l ratings look'! at "M1dmght Cowhoy " IM•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD 8U81NE88 REPORT THE MUPPETS POATRAITS IN PASTEl..8 ) TIME WAS "Th" l'l60t" 01c k C,av.-11 r8Call11 tho dec:n<Jr "'tuctl w11s mnrknd hy tt'ltl war 111 Vlf!tnnm. tho ov•I riyht$ 11r111 tom1niftt movomnnts. tho Wood 1'10<.k mck cor1c11rt l'lnd 111nn's llr')I 11teps on thn n10rnl ( t hr ) CL) MOVIE "lJrt(Jorground Ac1t11" ( 1060. (,omody) Ofrk Bm11J<fl<.I. Mnlilnlo Otll!llh Parking ott1tndftnt11 wreak havoc at 11 1wank At1vorly Htlla holftl 'PO' ( I hr , 39 rrnn ) CO) MOVIE "Tho Apple Dumpltng Onou Rici • Ag111f'f" ( 197R. Com,,<ly) Tllo Conwny Don Know. A po11 ol wntorn ou11r1wt try 10 w tk IM 1tr111 end """ow ·o· 12 hrt > CZ) MOVIE "The F n" ( 198 t, Su1penM1) Laurtn Bacall, James Oamlf A popul11 film 1101 It vlellm lltd l)y a cho11e adml1tt 'R' ( 1 hr • 36 min ) I ·~~~------------------------------.......... ... ~--------------------------------~---- 'rhurscfa y (continued) l'>l.t J ll1r1•1• A1111•r1c....11 lrur11 t~ewprirl Bu.it •• whu bu1ll 1111:11 c1wn 1'.ld1td PH!pire .J~an t,1,1utl~ Hruulht•I r 1e11d1 d(Jvl'llfurt•r ancJ Pnlr!.'JHPr1l'lH '>U1qrn C1.1lJI lr1u 1Yl10 t."ulJ tJ1· r dh :l ltt• frtl1tk S111.1t1<1 rl Tat11t1 §ti) FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON L.A r "<1lu11·1.J a rnport 11r1 r11HlP b£Jt1t11 C"• .1 toul. .11 '.ky1J1v111g .ir11J a 1;:>Q rnpr1 lree·l.111 ()) m TIC TAC DOUGH I APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT M"A "S"H SIGNATURE C...11e<>r St.otl Mered1lh MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT NEWS 'Ci MOVIE Up nowr·· I 1980 Adveri1ure1 Morq,111 S1evN1·, A your•q poonPcr bl!come!. obSC'>Sed w11h rev•·111.w al11.;r h1'> wile 1r, k1llecJ by a local lancJ IJ<H<m w111, r<:Y:fll!.. tur, succe<,c, I I hr 3~ min ) 7:35@NEWS 8.00 i) (Jj MAGNUM. P I M<ignum lJ11et1y ·,er· d y111 who rr•<.P•1 lilf·'.. h1<; "'''" who was rPpOrl< •J 1JNld 111 Sa1qc111 tn1 12 hr•, 1 0 fl) FAME Bruno I.ill•, on love w1lh ;) yorl who un~m,wn 1<1 t11ni has aro 1ncutablE-dosP-.se (flJ I I tor) U MOVIE ru'Jl>dll forward. ( t972 Drarm11 Ben Ga11.trd [rJcN~ Albert A lough World War II general rak•''> c.~1.irr1r> ot d 01v1<,1on wh1c.h 1r, pt11g1Jed w11h prot,l1•mr, (2 hr<, I tJ QD! THE GRINCH GRINCHES THE CAT IN THE HAT An1matNJ The 1l'lun1y Cal in 1r1e Hal inr.ur~ thP Nfl'lll <JI lht· Grmch. who t>m:ims mean mar.h1f1µ< rhar rurri trie Gar 1<i1u a lanras11c hghr show O MOVIE "Olat~ Sar111ua1" ( 1976 Adventwe) Jirn Kellf Ornc.1• l ce lr1 or<1Pr ro rer,c.ue the Prur1P M1rn•, htr'•, rJ,111vtirr:r the Blac.k Samurai contronrs .. fhP Warl<x.~ ' 11.:adf'r of lt1i:> South A mP11c.an c11me o:;y11 rJ1c.1lf· ( ;> hr'> J (!) BENNY HILL m p M. MAGAZINE M <JrldC.0 '> PronCP'i'> Grate VI'. 1tc; ht>r hor11erow11 <>I Ph1ladf'lph111 a n1•w danc.P. crale C.dllCJt'.J tht: "Chicken Dance .. Cl) MOVIE AhCf' ()r>f>sn·r l 1ve HAre Ar fmor1>'' ( 1974 Dr.m1aJ fl!Pn B•JrSl/11 Kn'. Kristollcr'>oro A youny w1d(Jw bt-tomec, ,, singer wil1t1e'>b 10 '>1Jf1POrl tier ,r•lt rHtd hr•r 1 ;:> yea1 •Jld son (/ hr!:> J fS BOTANIC MAN 'Wh1IP. DP;ith. t lew l 1IP A look <ii t1<Jw µa•.t gl<icoal ac11v11y hPlped m<ike largP •,c,1IP. ~11c.ultur<1I enr::leavCJrc; poc;s11Jlp W LAST CH ANCE GARAGE Brnd Sears l1xr·~, ,, liar tire nnd loo~'> nr the qualtty·cr>nlrol end ol the auto 111dusrry 8i) ANNIE PREMIERE A preview or the upcommy mOVlf' at fdwardc; Newporr Cinema "Anrue" CE.) SPORTS CENTER ®MOVIE "Cardiac Arrest" ( 1978, Mystery) Garry GCY>drow l.A1ke Chan A black market opera11on thal ..ells d1.,emt>od1ed hcarrs for transptanrs is dis· covered lly an ollbear homicide cop ·po· ( 1 hr , 33 min J ($) MOVIE 'Resurrection" ( 1980. Drama) Ellen Bur5tyn Sam Shepard After a near-lalal auto acc1· dent a woman ltnds that she has lhe at>1hty 10 heal others bul is persecuted because ol her relusal 10 claim a d1v1ne influence ·po· ( 1 hr . 45 min l iefallaheu Gullt Shop • ~I, .. t:l.A ..... ""' 't/-1 .,... HJo,t,/,'V!'Vl llfG APRii. 12/lt • llA 'VDffAOE Ql'IL 'N • r;wr.tt • A 'VTl(JI E,o; • 1-AHRlt:'i • IHJl.U ,tlAKINC fll 'l'PU f:.'i 2701 MAllllOll 9LVD. '"""'' r o Ati.1t0n'•.'" A.doomot &41·3112 ---------------------------------------------4 ________________ 27 0 MOVIE "Ttw Applo Ournpllng Gang" ( 1975. Comedy) 8111 Bixby Susan Clark A cardsharp agre(r5 to take pos'>efls1on of some valuable proper· ty lor a l11end and is rather surprised to learn that three orph<in5 are included 1n lhe deal ·o· ( 1 h< • 40 m1n1 8:30U ®J MORK & MINDY Mork and Mindy escape from the evil Kalrnk by using Mork's time travel &hoes (Part 3) i RACING FROM ROOSEVELT ALL IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Dodes' Ka-Den" ( 1972) A look inlo lhe * PUBLIC llOTICE * •50 CASH REBA TE or 10°/o off our regular price If you own • llOllle ~tructed bel0te 2122176, llNteo end -....a by 8o C81 o .. Co . you're eliglble for 1~ r1n1nclng " tow 8% AIW flnenclng, on Ille py1Cfl-Of eoo Ml 11 or more of R· 19 lneulallon wNcll wlll bttng Ille entire ecc.eell>ie a111c ltH up lo A-It Stlndetdt Tl!lt mOMy becli Off« It good on lnelM110n putCl!ued bet"'"" Mll/82 end 8/tlU unletl eitlended, ameno.d. or retetnded by lhlt c:ompeny ptlot public rw>Uce. 40% c.ffl 81111 Ind 15% ,.,.,., tu Ctedllt -c>P"f "E•lllY llORllE" 646-8818 ''DELIGHTED TO SERVE YOU" CATERING • Wtdclnp • l&llChlonl • SptcW Occallons Unique Lily Tomlin brings her cast of outrageous charac t ers to the White House Jn the offbeat comedy - var iety special, "Lily for P r esident?,•· T hursday at 10 p .m . o n KNX T (Ch . 2). Among the characters s h e portrays are (clockwise from top left) Ernestine the telephone operator, Tess the bag lady, Edith Ann and Judi ty Beasly, se,cretary of consumer af fairs. lives. tuJµc. and dreams ol a group of Tokyo slurn dwellers (2 hrs) ID SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Eberl and Gene Sisk el rPvot>w • Conan The Barbarian" and "Wrong Is R1 ht ' 'eiB LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears stra1gh1 ens out an alignment problem and evaluates dtfler ent make'> and m<>dels of rires 8:35 (fl) ALL IN THE FAMILY (%) MOVIE "The Wanderers" ( 1979 Drama) Ken Wahl I 1nda Manz The members of a lough 1960s street gang 1n the Bronx discover that the processes ,.,, r 8 ' ................ lfl!lll~--~------~--..----------~~--- N 'll1u1"S<hty (continued) ~ ut y11Jw111y 11p .ir1d l<tlhriy 111 I0\18 ore n1uch rn1Jru -: d1ft1(,uli 1111pu11unc.(1';. 111.-1ri t111y of the rumbles they'"'e .,, taku11 1i.ul 111 If ( 1 t1t . '.:JI n1111) >-9:00 D ti) DIFF'RENT STROKES A111uld <Jor1t11t; cu w111t a 1.11m1u•. tidUflrmn O ~ D 00; BARNEY MILLf R' fl 11111•y ,j(l<J tw. 1111•11 .,,,11 havt> r 1 '''"" .1v,1Q1tmf•11I'. I" ttu 11 1,1•,1 cJdy illll\11", 111 lt1f: 1111 prt't "" I 1Ju111J111y N iue II t1i11> btl~r1 i;old il!> •l l11!>IC11u 1t11J1111111cnl (P,:111 'IJ 0 (!)MOVIE f>Hly Mcint'y· ( 19 /;>, Drama) R1c.t1.11d Crer111.1 l ,.ill101111e [Jtmuuv1• A beau11tu1 w<Jm,111 1•, 1cm 1 lll'lweor1 her lr1ve lur ;i cJ01ec1111e un<J 11111 IJe\lc, 11'"' lu .1 w.i111tJrt c.rir11111,,1 1:-hrs) m MERV GRIFFIN < ,uc'.I', U N Arnbij'>~<idm J£.,i rll' K11k11atr1c.~ r.11111:1 A11cJH•w Greeley. Andy Cow1m (I hr I 9 NUM ERO UNO R1111r1w Irena ~tPw1t1:,k;i ol Pol.inrJ <.w11ri••l1I<>• rn h11t: (Jlymµ1acl'> o11 l w111r1e1 ol ~ev1•11111c•1J,11• ,., pr•>lil••cJ QI!) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "l ovc 11 • A C,,oltJ Lh 111alf· In I r1v1• l\rt<J W.11' Unc.IH Malt''> I 11111ly yalt1111" ,,, A le' 11tlt•11Jh 1111 ltll! <lur:tll()ll ol lhC N•ll r.11111:(<, m o1t111r ,,.,,,,,... N1lt1111•1 l.llr>'>I pa 1<1mour (P.111 8) Q t I t11 ) < C MOVIE Tt11• f>,1111 c 11 ,,. (P.m ;> 1 1 1''78 My!. ler y I J,11111· C.1JIJ• 111 t1;1111 y Atl01&0n fi,1-,ed or1 1h1• 110\1(~1 01 l>.1 .1111·11 H.Jr111111•11 A p11111Jt1• • 1•· 111ve:.11v.11 1111) •• 1J1o11J111111J rl1l1btry (!(l(IJ<)'1tl•r•, •I • .,,,, .... rJI 111W dol'> 11111l "' '>IH:trtgf:' '(()IH1g wor11,1n wt1•1 tX::lll!\lt•'> ~his'" 1111• v1c.11111 of ;~ family c.urse ( t 111 40 rnH1 1 ((J AUTO RACING "Oetg1um G1t111d P11ic ( 1 tit ) rr , MOVIE · r1,11 A1Mdt1• rhe Brom" I 1981. 01.1 mJJ P;1111 IJ1·.Nrr1d11 ro Asner A 1wg11 cop ba1111•" c.11rne .1r1tJ thHlJfJllOn rn New York < .11y's Sooth Brornt r1t-1yt1tJOrhood 'R t I hr 'JI) mrri 1 (0 J MOVIE Tht-Herir~ ( 1980 Horroq f11::.h Van OevP<e Jl,Y1ph Collen A sct1()0tlea1,l1111 1r1ec. lo 1ecovt1r l1111n 1;1 nervou~ IJrNJkdown al tier 1a1e aun1'1, r10111c: wit•<. ti 1::. tms1eged by d~monfi ·PG· ( 1 hr 4 0 min l 9:06@ MOVIE "A bandon Ship" ( 19'>7 Orama/ T yron1> Po w1•1 LloycJ NotA11 Adnlt 1n ar O\lorcrow d ed 1tleboa1 a r.apta111 mu::.1 rnakP hie 01 deAlh doc.• Stoos lo enwre the survival o l 1tte rcn1;,ir11rl{I pe&sen· g ers (2 hr'> I 9:30D CID GIMME A BREAK Nell b1mows moo.,y lrom lhP c.lucl to g111e 10 hPr 01g·1Alk111q b1u '1ream 1~ e1 hu'>lldntJ (R) D 9 TAXI Tony relurr•'> to the born1y yarnP 11'1 rnartliq&r ul ,J young heavywe1yhl, and l 1J1J1e 1m111e d1a11jjy tw1s ayJ11t!>I Tony's protege (A) O fD UP ANO COMING lt1e GuP~I 7f vtbll l>y JoyrP" 1111<.lf' toms into an angry <.tJ11lronlnl111r1 when 111., IPPhnys c.oncemtnq blilt k<. ,,, .. 1ypo<ied ~ HITLER'S M ASTER RACE THE MAD DREAM OF THE SS H.rl Holbrook 11;111 .11e~ lh1·, d<><.0nwntAr y delnrhnu t•llort'> ''' c.arry uut t llllttt''i plt1111, lrn creot 1ng Ci SllJ::llf'r11e Aryan ra<.o 10·00 IJ (.IJ LILY FOR PRESIDENT? f 111-.•11 Brerni:111 Jame-:. C11t.<1 ar1d &everrJI vttlPr~ ttelp l 11y Toml111 111 her hgtll IOI lhe Office i,f PrP'>tdenl 1t ltlf' Un111 •cJ Stalelio I I hr J D CID HILL STREET BLUES ronowmo ,, rn<1r.s;icrr- at a local bilr Captain r u11llc1 dcm1.md"' .1 Lonlcrcn<.« o f 1<ica1 yar•u chiefs. a11rJ Belk1ir yet!. u11w an1E11J "aid • lro111 a we11do b1lhnu turnsell as Cap1.11n r !!lt:l MAY CLEIRllCE SILE 20% off RETURNS NEXT SEASON -&J Marinaro, who guest starred in a few epiaodes of "Hill Street Blues" Jut season, has nailed down a regular )Ob on the police drama and will return next aea1on as Officer Joe Coffey Thursday at JO p._m. on KNBC (<;_h. 4). doni (~JI, hr ) 1120 I 20D NEWS TO THE MANOR BORN GYMNASTICS MOVIE ltie DayOrNtkt>r•. ( 1979 We:.tem1 Glern1 f "'d 5drn f lhcit Th'• S.t<.kell bro thers hnl1 ad\lr•ntur1• w11e11 !hey lrdvf'I w e'.>I from 1he11 Tennes <iee tirJ1111· !-'(.;' I I hr 50 1111r1 I {f J ROMANCE LOVE AT THE CROSSROADS (P:ir1 ::>) U MOVIE "Culler'!. WJy" ( t98 I, Drama) John HedHl J1 II HmJyes A md1mf'd V1etnarn vet and h1'> be!.1 l111•11d .t ..oc1al dro pout k1<.ll'• the11 enf:'rg1Ps on solv111y .1 111urdc1 c.a::.e A' I 1 111 4!> rn111 ) 10·30G) NEWS I SIGNA TUR£ GtJ'"·I ')< oll M1•ff•C1rllt UP POMPEII MONEYMAKERS J G ALLAGHER: AN UNCENSORED EVENING Tht· c.or111•1J1,111 podwm'> .1 '.Piii'" of one l1n"r~ awJ c.rm11t "'Sl""llr~ (I hr I 10:35 Z MOVIE Tht• Oec.ltnf' <)t Wn'>lnrrt C1\11l11a11011· ( 1'181 MIJ'.tl .11) N1>w W,1111• 111uo,1c IJy bijrt<J!:. <.u<.11 ds Ahu· h.1u 8dr•<J Blac.1< rt.1y r "' 1 .. Jf'rk~ .ir11J Fa<ir 1•, lt:ah111>d (I hr 40 nun ) 11:ooa a o ®l m NEWs I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT ------------L~~-~------c•d Newport Gas N Wash Drive Thru FREE. • MOH.· ~OfU' DAY • 1n UO. ,,.ICI • TUH. • MaN'I DAY • 112 ltlO. ,ltlCI • WID. • •u• DfT All • 112 ltlO. "'ICI • THUltl. · '"H CAlt WASH WltO GAL. QAI NRCHAU • , .. I.· IVPY tttl CAlt '"H • IAT. ·'"".,,RAY WAX W/ltlQ, WAIH • IUN.·,ltH .,,ltAY WAX Wn.IO. WAIH 011e Per C~••-er co"""' II t ""' •""'"' MHC lflO, ...... POll\Cttf, fOIU IG". OOMUllU Come In To Th~ Mobil Stallon Al 462S W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. "'' MWUllOlt 673-3561 l'H----·------ i JOE FRANKLIN M·A ·S·H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN ' Wt11h• IJ••.Jlti NPw I tie . A hiok 1Jt hlJW fltl'.I tjl,11 1111111 ltv1ly l 1t>lpfllJ llldkf' lrlllJ<• '.C.<tlt• i ll(.IJlfl)f,lj l•lllhJ.1\1()1', pO'.',tillt• DICK C AVETI THE LAWMAKERS C1J"'"•l''''''lfl11I• I 11111,, W1·r """" 1·1 1 l < '""' fl•1li•·1 t· 1•1111 P.1•JI """"!or .111 up 1•1 11., • "'"'''' •,111111"'">' ol C111111rt«,•,11J1 ;ii ;ic.11111111••, CJ MOVIE M1•ar1 ">IH•1•1• I I'll l IJ1.11110'IJ M.11vey l'c•1l1·f n••ti••fl !11• N1rt1 A ,11i.1ll 111111• l11mt:l "'"' h1• 1rr•·'.J1C1t• .1l11t· l11w1tl hr11J plf'11ty of 1111ut1IP 111 Nc·w Ycit> •,I 1tll1· ll.tl)I H ( 1 Irr '!() r11tr1) 'E 1 THIS WEEK IN THE NHL '01 MOVIE llt1i.i11 <.1Jwtmy I llfllO IJ1,11t1a) John T 1 " ,fl,1 I I• ,,,,, W1111l"' A l1hm collar worker who 1,,,,. 1" 1,1111· ... 11 .1 1111id1•111 '1.J'f 1 <1w tJCJy lnHs 1n love will ,, q1rl '"' 1111 1•1•, 111 ,, p11p11l111 tuunlry and·W~I ..rr1 ti.11 l'C, II Ill'. 1:;> 111111 j 11 05 ltlJ MOVIE 11.,11111 .. r rl<jf'I•. 111J',/ lJrdrn.1) Kim Nov.ii-h•lt L11.1111!lt!t [ht' c..111•1•1 <ii the lamou., .11.I••·'.' r1•,1·:. .111d 1111•11 t.111'.. tiuc .1u•,p CJI n '.lllJCj(Jll' w11t. .iii .. 11111 (;1 111•, I() 111111 ) 11 30 0 tf J QUINCY 1)111111-1""''•11ul lu 1J1u11e 111.11 ,, ',()(,1o1f1l1 N•1111,Ht lllfl\111 lt•CJ •11 llllJIC)IJl•flCj t11,r flll tJ,111tJ 1• t 11 1111lly I I 111 HI 111111 ) D ti) TONIGHT 1111• I Jc1t1rn1y (,,11•.1111 ( 1u1·~I<.. L ari R*'" 1•r W /I 11111 J,11 11fi•,1•11 Artjll' I f,11111i11i11 I I hr I THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON I ®I ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK MOVIE '[Jn<lt'• Ka 01·r1 I 111//1 A h11 ~ 11111 lht• 1111~· I 1 ·• ,111tJ tJ1f•ar11" 111 ,1 411.1111 ' I I c kyo •,lu111 tJw1•llM' V 111•, I ' NEWSBEAT WITH C LCTE ROBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS ' } SPORTS CENTER J MOVIE ·Th« C...ocJi.i-r1tJ I 1.'Jl:iO. ltwrw) CytJ H.1y111.i11 M.1lc 01111 Stodl1rirrJ ll11• ltrJll l>l<i 11> 1u•,1 h1•~111111111J hir d rtJ•ill f nyhsh c.ouplt· when 1:1 mys1e11 OU' W<1r111111 drop'> by. QIVOS Orr lh I() llfl <ilblllO bllby y1rl J rtd 1J1•.,1ppc•111'1 teav111g llte 1111.;111 t>ehrnd ff (I tu 30111111 I 'SJ THE COUNTRY GIRL Fnytt Du11dway D10< VJ11 Oyk1 .11111 Kc•n HowarcJ !>tar "' """ pt>rlorrnance ol Cl1U111tJ r J•lf'I .., pldy ijbOul ll•e 1..ompll•1 re1a11onsh1p'. tiotwt>1•11 '"' .11c.ohohc ac.101 tllf; w1fr• •tr1d a lheat11t .1I d11et.fl11 (i' l1r!, , 30 mm ) 11·55 H MO VIE 'Cnroon Co11y ( l')B I Cornt>Oy) Ge• ·"W '••·uttl ~uc,;an Saini J.1111!''• A .,,1< c.e~slul wt1111· IJuo,1111•'>.,m an d1scu11ers lhal tw t1.1~ .1 grown ~or· Nh<i 1!, l>lack PG' I I hr 3!> mm 1 12 000 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Pa11 1 ol .1 c,c11"'" ''" ""'"''" 11111noi. lo•ikt. ,11 · M11lr11yti1 Cow boy G [§) VEGAS Dun lollowo, "'" '>C.Onl of flowrJI', to Ira<.~ •luw11 1Ap1'il'i who tlllv(! doc,;troyo<J lwo puc1 pit>., 11111" .md ,Hf• lhrPi1lf!r1111y Ottn111c.e (R) (I hr 10 ""'' I (f) MOVIE •_,1.1r S1i,1nglt«J Rhythm" ( 194?. Mu::.1 c..111 A• II f H111111n r ddif' Bra< kNt N.ivy fOPn nff' 111•,1tt·tJ It .1 p1•rlorn1anc.n l>y lht• n.111nn'!:. All llrrlf' .,hC1W IJIJ',lltt•'>'• yreal<, (:;>hr•, ) m MOVIE 'l •lW A11d Order" ( l'l7b Orama) Dar rr;11 Mtfi,1v111 fo1u1nne Plo•,hnlle OR~ed nn lhe 11011 Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer CALL 641-IJOO I ... c. ....... ..,c ......... WISTCUff C .. IOPIACTIC OMCI ~ .......... ..... l14JW ....... llr ..... IH ............. ............... ......, -- • el bt Oo1C)lt1y Uh11dk Thr.e gene1c111on1 ot an lrn~h family 111 Now York <.;11y pv16ue law enlo1cemen1 A!t o caree1 (3 tlf:. ) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE EXPLORING LANGUAGE MOVIE "Afl fye For A11 Eye·· (1981. A<Jvtin lure) Chuc.I. tlor11$ C,h11!tlc>1Jher l uo A San F1.111(..1" c.o <.lllJ qu11•, rr1c lmc,4· lo dvengo lht: rnur~r ul tu:, µc11tr101 l>t 1111m1bo1•, o f 1t drug '"'IJ 'R' ( 1 ''' , 4b llllfl l 12·16(ZJ MOVIE K1r1t1 (JI The Mountain" 1198 1 Adven1u11J) Harry li.srnhn. Josept1 Bo11om11 Th11;ie yourl{J L A lJdChelOt& Cl6vOle their energ106 ro thti ~port ol dld(,j rci<..1n1J 'PG (I hr • 30 min ) 12·300 GD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guesr Jea'l Kosm~1 ( t hr ) I COUPLES MOVIE "L1v1ng r1ee" ( 1972, Adventure) Susan Harnpstwe. Nigel lJavfJOPQfl Th1ee m1sch1evou11 non cutM. ue1 11110 all sorts of t1ovble while being 1rar1s ported ro a game preserve (;> hrs ) eNEWS (I) TOP RANK BOXING fron1 AtlantlC. C11y. New Jer~ JI ht I t2·.0a Cl) MCMILLAN & WIFE O r1tt of Mee'" tor· mer 1eamma1es JS found ata1ri at the11 ?0-year col ~e football reunion (RI ( 1 hr . 40 mtn ) 12·60(C) MOVIE "The Hel1t''. ( 1978, Adventwe) Cha1les Azriavovr. V1<na Lill A French hOOdlum tnM to totlow 1n the foot&te~ ot N5 Ame11can gang- iler hern. John Dllllnger 'A ( I hr . 32 min ) 1.ooe MOVIE "Five Graves To Ca110" ( 1943, Adventure) FranchOt Tone. Erich von Strohelm In 1942, a Brlt111h tank olllee< attempll 10 pry aecrel information lrom Field Marshal Rommel dunng hts v1S4t 10 a small North African town (2 hr• ) ., MOVIE "Footsteps On The Moon" ( 1967) Doc· umentary Nalfaled by Dr Werner von Araun Man's llfst lunar achievements are 1ev1eWed (I hr . 30 m1nj 1: 10D MOVIE "The Day The Earth MO\/ed" ( 1974, Orama) Jack~ Cooper, 8 t8'1a SttvernJ Unifi thO tremora &tarr no one believes a man who says there wm be an earthquake ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ONEWS 1: 15 al) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (t) MOVIE Ml O\/lflQ Couples" ( t980. Comedy) Shirley Meclatne. JarMS Coburn A married couple and a pair of young &1ngle10 awltch partnera In a ~amo of htestyle aamphng and romantic revenge PG' (I hr . 37 min ) 1:30DeNEW8 Cl) A~O RAC4NO "Belgium Grand P1lx" ( 1 hr , 30 min) (£f) MOVIE "Melvln And Howard " ( 1980. Comedy) Paul LeMat, Jaeon Robards An otherwise unknown ga1 station attendant clalme to bt the rlghlful heir to Howard Hug~· bllhon O<>llar ntale 'A' ( 1 hr . 36 1 :46 CINEMASCOAE min~ 1:60 MOVIE "Pk;k·Up Summtr" ( 1981, [)(ama) Michael Zalnlcker. Carl Marotti A rowdy group of young tought and high school klda vi. IOI the pinball cha~onllhlp at a IOcal arcade. 'R' (I hr • 46 min.) 2:00• MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Orama) Ire~ Cara, Barry Miiier Several gifted atuden1S at a ~ Y()(l< ht h school fOf the performl aria ex rtence varl· TAKATA NURSERY, L.andlcaplng & Maintenance Expert Japanese Gardtnil& Service * Monthly·WMkly *Yard Malnt., Tree Trimming * Bon .. l Pruning & Gen«al Cle•n..Yp •Commercial & Re.ident181 •20 Yeera Experience Expert Takata Land1capin1 Service •New or ~andtoape •W•t.,n & JapaMM Stvte •8pectal1: W•terlaUt, K~ Fllh Pond. Roek Arranpnent• * Landtoape oetign •trrlQatlon 8Yttem l Oratn Syttem •Patio · Dedclng • MMOnry TROJAN WA.II COMEDY -8h&kt¥peue'1 "anti•WllT oom«Jy," TroiJUI and C/'f!.SltJ.a, Ja ready to aJr on KCP.:r (Ch. 28) Monday •t 8 p.m. with Anton 1.a#r and Suunne Bur- den Jn the t.Jt.Je role.. oua setback• and successes ol both per600al ancJ p.!_~fff6il00al natures 'PG' (2 hr&. 14 min) CZ) MOVIE "Le ~11 Shop" ( 1973, Comedy) J\Jllet Berto, Cleuc;. Berri. A bo()t(s1ore proprietor flndi Instant succ.es1 when he st()C6(s hit establiwn.nt with sex manuala and mar11a1 aids. 'R' ( I hr • 32 2:06 NEWS 2:15 RAT PATROL mini 2:20 NEWS 2:215 MOVIE "Stevie" (Orama) Glenda Jackeon. Mona Weshbourne A poet 11 for~ to come 10 gnps wmi llfe's hm11s ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 2:30 Cf) MOAN I NO STRETCH • MOVIE "N~ht Of The Sorc.rers" ( 1970. Hor ror) Jack Taylor. Simon Andrue Evll and danger beh•ll the members Of an expedition when they accl· dent1tlly stumble on 10 a 88Cliflclal bu1lal gtound deel n the JU"Ole& of AfrK:a ( 1 h1 ) 2:40 NEWS 2:'6 WOAlD AT LAAGE 2:66 MOVIE "Force Of Evll" ( 1946, Drama) John ')arfleld. Marie WlndlOf A famffy aquab~ Inside the nomt>er1 1yndlcate leads to a break-up In the bu&inftt. ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) 3:00. MOVIE "King Of The Underwater WOl1d" ( 1975. Adv8'\lure) Documentary Narrated by Leslie Nielsen E.xpk>fers embark on a Pacific under water expedition In aearch of the awesome and etu IN• grey rNf lhark (2 hrs ) (!) J0£ FRANKLIN LICENSED J\ESTHETICIJ\N C opian • U '-"" facials • Mt\SSAOE (on Balltoa l•lan•) FOR 1NrOAMATION 714 CALL llNO IALDWIN ••• 67fHJ727 ID ~ aRAD IMPORT LW DOM IS TIC ANDER<oN ~ NJTortOTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE HAVICE 'Rll ,ICKUP·HUVIRY =::::· .• 11 (114) 142-1111 Tube toppers Women artists i studied by Moyers "" Three women a.rtJ.sta exg:J.ore the conflkt of art f va. ral1lni .a family on •Creativity with Bill · Moyen," all1nC Friday ate on KCr:I' (Ch. 28). f • * * '< Academy Award winners Lita Mlnnelll and ... Robert De Niro recall the Bl1 Band era of poet-~ World War D ln the romantic muaical "New York, - New York" at 8 p.m. today on NBC (Ch. 4). i Included ln the CMt att Lionel Standtt, Barry "'> Prim1..1a1, Mary Kay Place and a veteran of the .Blg Band tta. u.xophonlat Oeoriie Auld. ••• The Iona-awaited debut of scrv·. venion ot . daytime drama and two movie ofterlnp are on the "SCfV Network" blll of fare followlna Friday'• edition of "The Tonl1ht S how Starrtna J ohnny Car.on" at 12:30 a.m. on N.BC (Ch. •>· John Candy 1 Joe J'1aherty I F.u4reM Levy, An• dru Mart.in, RkJ< Moran.la, Catherfne O'Hara and Dave Thomu are the 1how'1 resident repertory company. *** l'lre r~ unoontl'Ollably ~metropoU. In "Cttr of F1n," a drama lf.&n1na J Newman, Suun Clark. Shell_y Wint.en, LealJe Nle , Jama Frandacu.t, Ava Gardner and Henry Fonda at g p.m. S.~f on CBS (Ch. 2) . Alter betn, d1arn1l8ed from a oontrovenial oU refinery, an employee takea revenae by •botaclna the plant, NleMiJ11 dan.proua oombultJbJ.e ptttro- lewn throuahout the IWTOUndJ.nl d ty. When fire breaka out, lt 1pcw:ll rapMily throulh the dty. *** Carol Burnett, Dom DeLW., Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Richard Pryor and Burt Reynolda host a hilariout. 1tar-ctudded salute to film comedy In "Hollywood: The Gift of Laui,hter 1 .. a thre&-hour proCJ'Am to air at 8 p.m. Sunday on ABC (Ch. 7). *** A1tn1, labor, chlldren and ethlc1 are the themae of ihe four cow-to be offend ln the 1982 leMOI\ of "8wnmer Seme.ter' .. befPnn1na Monday on Channel 2. All of the ''Summer aem.ter'' ~ will be bfoedcMt .... varytnc cm.. *** "Puff and the lncNdi.,_ Milt.er Nobody," the lat.-t animated •pedal fMtwinc that mo9t contem- porary cSnaon. will air Monday at 8 p.m. on CB8 (Ch. 2). *** Robert w.,_ It.an .. a man who laWlCl\m a aeriee of explotiv• att.aclu on a 1upenonJ.c Jet in fll1ht In "The Concorde -Alr_port '79 .. /' to be brolMScut Monda at 8 .m. on ABC (Ch. / . gp;;; Thutt. thN Tu.. & PM • ~ « 3MO E. COMt Hwy• Corona M9r, Ca (714) 673-3933 ., • • ; Sports specials ,.... FromPage' ! 4:00 • OOOGER DUGOUT >-Cl) 8J>ORT8 CENTER f 4: 16. OOOGER PRE-GAME 4:30 (!) BASEBAU Los Angeles Dodg&ns at New ~ Yen Mets (2 hrs .• 40 min.) ~ • BASEBALL LOI Angeles Dodgers al New YOfk ~ Mets (3 hra.) •SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY t 6:00 • 80CC£A MAOE IN GE:AMANY _J Cl) NASl SOCCEA Pottland Tlmbert al Tampa Bey ~ Rowdies (2 hrs ) EVENING e:oo. SPORTS AMER.CA 7:00 Cl) POCKET BILLAR06 "Legendary Slars Sef!ff" ( 1 hr.) 7: 10 (!) KINE.R'S KORNER 8:00(!) PAUL HOGAN ('[) SPORTS CENTER 8:30 (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 (!) WRESTLING Cl) NA.SL SOCCER Porlland Timbers at Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hts) 11:00 All-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE All-lime l rs vs. San Franosco Giants of the 1970's 11: SPORTS CENTER 12: NASL WE£Kl Y 1: PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "World Wel- terweight Championship" from Atlanta. Georgia 2: 30 (!) SPORTSWOMAN 3:00(1) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single EUm1mwon Champ1oosh1ps" Mitch Gaylord vs Billy Paul and Bee~ Rashofl VS Patti Rice ( 1 hr ) 4:00Cf) SPORTS CENTER Sunday· MAY 16. 1&82 MORNING 6:00([) NASL SOCCER Porlland Timbers at Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hrs ) 7:00 (f) SPORTS CENTER 8:00(() POWERBOAT RACING From M1am1. Flonda ( 1 hr ) 9:00(.f) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley Semi Finals" (Match 19) ( 1 hr ) 10:00fJ NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Boston Cel 11cs at Milwaukee Bucks or Ph1ladelph1a 76ers (? hr&. 30 min) I BASEBALL BUNCH Guest Sparky Anderi;on OUTOOOAUFE OOOOER DUGOUT MOTORCYCLE RACING "100 Mlle Expert rioad Ra~'· from Daytona. Florida ( 1 hr . 30 mtn ) 10: 16(1) PADRES PRE-GAME • OOOOER PRE-GAME 10:30(1) BASEBALL San Otego Padres at Monireal Expos (2 hrs ) Cf) BASEBALL L~ Angetet Dodgers al New York Met& (2 hrs. 40 mm ) • BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers al New York ~II (3 hrs) 10:36al) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11:05 al) BASEBALL St l ou1s Cardinals al Allanra Braves (3 hra . 16 mtn ) 11:30(1) GYMNAST.CS AFTERNOON 12:ooe RINGSIDE 10 round mlddltWelgnt fight between Alex Ramos and Wayne Caplette (Uve from Allantle qty. NJ.) (I hr ) 12:309 Cl) COLONIAL NATIONAL INVITATION GOLF Final-round coverage of this $350,000 PGA tour goll 1ournamont (hve from 1he Colonial Country Club In Fon Worth. Tex) (2 hra . 30 min) ([) TENNIS HIGHLIGtil'S '' 1973 Wlmblodoo" I 1 hr.) 1 :00 e SPORTSWORLO t 0-round mlddlowelghl bOUI between James "Hard Rock" Green and ''Irish" Teddy Mann (live from Atlantic City, NJ.). UCLA lnvltatiOntl Track Meet (llvt from Los Ange· I", Calll.). P1rt 8 of the World'I Strongeat Men 1: 10 KINER'8 l<OANEA Surgery Su1ar Ray Lttonard underwent •ur1ery reoenely Jn Baltimore, lorcln1 • poarpone- men t ot hi• welrer- wel1br champJoruhlp tlgnt with Ro1er Sta/lord, which wH 11eheduled tor Frid•y ni6ht. Docton are not •Ure It Leonard wJJJ ~ able to rswne hi.I boxing career airer the eye •urgery. week at lhetr work and adventures 1n New Guinea ( 1 hr ) 2: 36 all WRESTLING 3:00 Cl) BASEBALL BUNCH fl) 800AR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "Hl~llghts" (Part 3) ( 1 hr ) 3.30 U SPORTSWORLO 10-round middleweight bout berween James "Hard Rock" Green and "lriSh" Teddy Mann (from Allantic City. NJ), UCLA lnv11a11ona1 Track Meet (from l os Angeles. Calif ) Part 6 of the World's Strongest Men comp"- 1111on (2 his ) G lIJ WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS r 1nals of the World Oox1ng Champ1onsh1~ (from Munich. West Germany). a report from lhe lnd1anapohs "500" time 1r1als (from Indianapolis) (I hr , 30 min ) (I) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN Cl) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1978 US Open" 4.00(1) SPORTS CENTER 5:00 G GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bob Gib bon" Ho~t Brooks Robinson (£)DIVING "l) SA lnletr1>Jl1on:il Women'c; Plallorm And Men's Springboard r1n:ils I? hr'i ) EVENING 7:00(£') TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS t9T;i Wirnbledon ( 1 hr ) 8:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER 9:00(!) FIGURE SKATING Women t. World Free style Champ1onr.h1ps" lroro Copenhagen. Denmark (2 hrs) 10:46 1 SUNDAYSPORTSPAGE 11:00 . SPORTSWOMAN 11:30 SPORTS FINAL (I) SPORTS CENTER 12·30 NA.SL SOCCER Porlland Timbers at Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hrs ) 2:30 All-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE All Time Oodmr'I vs NBA All·T1me All·Star'S 3:00 ( POWERBOAT RACING 4:00 P PORTS CENTER Monday , MAY 17, 1982 MORNING 8:00 Cl) SPORTSWOMAN 6:30([) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE All· Time Oodm rr; vs NBA All· Ttme All Stare 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 NASL SOCCER Portland Timbers at Tamptl Bay Rowdies (2 hrs ) 11:00(1) OMNG "U.S.A. lnlttnallonal Women't Plat- fOl'm And Mtn's Springboard Flnal1" (/>hrs.) AFTERNOON comm lllon (2 hrt.) 1:30 THIS WEEK 1H 8A8E8ALL 1:00(1) ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team" Arkon11s Cl) "Sch11de Pro Teem" Amftrlllo Cowboys Spurt va. Tuite Tw1t1tr1 ( 1 hr . 30 min) vt. Tulu Twltttrt (2 hit.) 2:30 (I) MOTOACVCLE RACING "100-Mlle Expert 2:00 8 OUT~ llFE Featured: ullllthlng off Cot-Road Race" from Daytoot. Florida ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 8:00 (.&)SPORTS CENTER 9:00(1) DIVING "US.A. International Women's Plal IOfm And Mon's Springboard rinals" (/>hrs ) 11 :00~ INSIDE BASEBALL 1 1 :30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From Allan· 2:00 GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1978 U,S Open" he Cit . New Jersey. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 2:30 ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team" Arkansas Spurs vs Tulsa Twisters (I hr . 30 min) 4:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER MAY 18, 1982 MORNING 6:00 (I) INSIDE BASEBALL 6:30(1) All-STAR SPORTS Cl-iALLENOE NBA All· Time All Stars vs Philadelphia Whtz Kids 7:00 ((')SPORTS CENTER 9:00 C!) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1973 Wtmbleaon" ( 1 hr) 10:00 (lJ GYMNASTICS 11.00 ('[) POCKET BILLIARDS I uther Las!>t1e1 <1s Cowboy J1mrny Moore ( 1 hr ) AFTERNOON 12:00(() All-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE NBA All Time All Stars vs Philadelphia Wtiiz Kids 12:30i AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL 2:00 INSIDE BASEBALL 2:30 SPORTSWOMAN 3:00 FA. SOCCER "Tile Road To Wembley Semi Finals" (Maleh 18) ( 1 hr ) 4:00~ THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 6.00 TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "19/4 Wtmbledon" (I hr ) EVENING 8·00(£) FIGURE SKATING World Oanc.e Coml)<!l1 lion Ch1tmpt0nsh1ps" from Copenhayen, Denmark (2 hrs) 8.00 (!.)SPORTS CENTER 9:00 (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVEl T ([) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE 'World Wei 1erwe1gh1 Charnp1onsh1p" (I hr . 30 mm 1 10.30~ THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 11 ·00 SPORTSWOMAN 11 30 / , SPORTS CENTER Ck ) RACE FOR THE PENNANT "The Aook1e!>' Hosrs O<my Tompkins and Tim McCarver t:lkf: an 111s1clt! took at what 11 means 10 be a rook14' 12:30 f , MOTORCYCLE RACING "100 Mile f>-per1 Road Race" from Oay1ooe. Florida ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 2:00 '~AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL 3 30 ( THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 4 00 SPORTS CENTER Wednt~-my · MAY 19, 1982 MOANING 6:00(() FA. SOCCER "The R0aa To Wembley Semi· r1nals" (MftlCh 18) ( 1 hr ) 7:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER 9:00 CI) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE r rom Allan- llC ~!!)'. New Jersey. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 10:30 ll) WCT TENNIS FINALS "Ch8mptonstup Match" lrom Danes. lox.as. (3 hrs ) AFTERNOON 1: 30 Cl) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 2:00(1'.) GYMNASTICS "USGF Slngle Ellmlnalton Championships" Brian Babeock vt Jim Her1ung &ncJ Kym r1schler vs Kathy Johnton ( 1 hr ) 3:00([) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley Semi Finals" (Maleh 19) ( 1 hr ) 4:00ID NUMERO UNO Belglum'a Eddy Merckx. lhe world's grMlesl compeltlor In tho sport of cycling. is f}flled (R) 8POATS FORUM 4: 11!1 BASEBALL At1an1a BravetS Al Montreal Expos (3 hrl.) 4:30(1) BA8EbALl Cincinnati Red• al Now York Mets (2 hrs .. 40 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTEA 6:00 AUTO RACING "Belgium Grand Prix" ( I hr.) ta Alce: training labfador rttriever1 4:00 ~INSIDE BASEBALL II 8POAT8~ T • 4:30 8POAT8 CE.NTE1' EVENING 2: AIHQSIOE t<Hound mlddlewtlght fight &:00 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL bltWNfl Ale• Aamot and Wayne Capi.itt (from e:OO (I) GVMNASTIC8 ~lk:Cl~J.) (1 hr.) EVENNO 7:00(1) POCKET INLLIAR08 Cowboy Jimmy Moore • GI AM AH 8PORTIMAH Part one of cov.,. vi. Wllllt M0teonl ( 1 hr.) 1g1 of ~-.r,a tWO-)'Mf _...~I DV•I W(I>~~ ACT KAAATIQ,. .. i!lr-l CD> THE WAY IT WAS "~l.Wd~ L!·lon:bl~~:=::!· •!--!•!!r.c .. ::tfudlnfe::~·· '°° ~::::!tNI::.:::~ ··E1e1e! City~.::~=!:=!~·:· 30~mln~.1, ::: ... :-::· : ... ~:..J _ s.. ~ "--D .........,,, ___ .. _ l Inside TV 'Winds of War' has already set sail By JEFF PARKER OftMO.-, .......... A.BC hu begun touting Its 16-hour dramatiz.a- tion of Hennan Wouk'1 "Wlnda of War." but what is interesting ill that the show isn't 8Cheduled to run until next lear. Mark these dates on your television tchedule I you're the type who book.I early: Sun- day, Feb. 6 madu the opening episode, and the show will continue through Feb. 13 (ex.eluding Feb. 12). Robert Mitchum, Ali MacGraw, John House· man, David Duket and Jan-Michael Vincent 1tar Smath entertainer Wayne Newton, whe>1e tal- ent reaches new heights with each stunning per· formance, will appear Wednesday on ''Tile Wayne Newton S~' along with Lauren Bacall. Newt will 11n11 'C.C. Rider," "Bridge Over Troubled Wat.er," .,,One ln a Million," "Baby Face" and '1"he First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" ... "Hollywood The Gift of Laughter," will air May 16 on ABC. Thia three-hour tribute to the laugh will feature clips from the hlttory of fllm, including Harold Lloyd, the Keystone Kops, Char- lie Chaplin, and bring ua up to date through the great comediana of the 1970. ... "Dreams Don't Die," a "hard-hitting •tor)' of teen-age love and 1urvival amidst the harsh reali- ties of the urban combat zone" will air May 21 on ABC. Stan are Ike Eilenmann, Trtni Alvarado and Israel Juarbe. Drug puahen and child crlmina1a fill th.ii tale ... Jean Slmmona baa been set to join Richard Chamberlain ln "The Thom Birds," a nine-hour televi..lon movie hued on Colleen McCullough'• best--eellina up of an Australian dynasty. Flhning will be8in in June . . . \"/hen Jack Haley, Jr., producer of "Hollywood: 'The GUt of La~ht.er'' wu aaked who hia favorite oomedWw of all time are, be answered: ''Laurel and Herdy, Cary Grant and Irene Dunne; the areat KftWbAil corned1es and anythina directed by Frank Capra. Leo McCarey or Prest.On Sturges. I think atructu.re la the most e9telltial ~t in comedy. After vlewina thoulanda of filnia, I find that there art Iota of p-eat ICeneS in what are Mlefltially lousy movies. But look at any clulic comedy that holds up well and rema1na enjoyable wW ahow an extre-- mely well-thouah~t and IOUd ttructure'' ... The final epilode of "Barney MUler'' la .et for May 20, wtt,h the men of the 12th prednc:t bu1ld1na stW umure of where they_ wtµ IO\ llince the place hu been IOld aa a h.t.ioric ianamant. At the end of the epUode, the men get their ...ianmenta ... tan• of Tammy Wynette will be ecstatic to 1nm that the televillon mov1e bMed on her rile from raga to riches, "Stand By Your Man," will be re--broedcast Tuaday. :::f. 26, on CBS. The mavfe stan Annette <>'Toole nm Mcintire . . . Vin Scully haa been named recipient of the 8roldcMt ~ Award. ,Sven I« excellenoe in aporta broedc:Nt1na. Citina hit eloquence. President of the Broedcut Ploneen uid that Scully quoted T.S . Eliot, Dr. Samuel Johnlon and former M.uten' Golf champ Bobby Jonft in the Nme hour. Scully wu cited for hit ''articulate and colorful deterip- Uona and belief in the butcl of good erammar and Importance of ualng the lansuaae in a beautiful ~ ... ·· Popular daytime actor John Weslel Shipp. who playt med student Kelly Nellon on 'Guidln8 LICbt." wtll llnc at bia father'• chun:h next week- ROBER T MITCllUM ... He •wait& a cue on the set of ABC's "Wind.t of War," which has already begun to pick up headwind, al- though it la not set for airing until next aeaaon. end for charity. Shipp'• perenta and lister will join in the mulic . . . "Grat Movie Stunll: Raiden of the Lost Ark," will air Wedne9day, May 26 on CBS. The thaw la a ooll«tion of the areat movie stunt.I and will feetUtt a number of top 1tu.ntmen, Terry Leonard, and Glenn Randall included ... The 36th annual Tony Award pre9efltation la set for Sunday, June 6. Theee awarda honor the talents of the people involved in American theater A multi-milllonaire and hit 15 hetn whom he .eNU on a winner-take-all challe for hit douah LI the •tor)' in ••Scavenaer Hunt," let foe May 26 on CBS. Thia wacky corned}', ~ theatrically in 1979, 1tan Rich&rd Benjam1n, Scatman Crothen, Ruth Gordon, Clom Leach man, Cleavon Little, Robert Morley and Tony Randall . . . "Bare E.ence.'' a new fOW'·how' mtni-eeries tha\ takes a look at the wealth. power and romance behind today'• bullnela. bM be8un production for broadcaat on CBS. Jt wW 1tar lkuCe Boxleltner. Linda Evana, Genie Francia and Lee Grant . . "The La1t Round-Up of the Elephant.i," a 1pedal to be narrated by Juon Robuda, wW focua on the endanaered A1ian elephant. FUmed on lo- catlona in Srl Lanka and 1nd1A by eminent wUdllfe phot.olrapher Dieter Piaae. the •pedal will allo take a look at the h.t.ioric tranlpOrl of the elephanta from "llOlated poc:keta" to natural reeerva ln a desperate attempt to 11ve them {rom exUnction . . . Sondra Locke wlll 1tar ln t he "RoHmary Clooney Story" Mt for ~ later thia yeer on CBS. Alie> IW'rinl in key rolet are Tony Orlando. Penelope MUfo.1cf, Katherine Helmond and Joey Travolu. Locte will play Ro1emary Clooney, "America'• Sweetheart," who 1uffered a mental br9kdown in 1968 and fqht her way '*2 ... 51 ... NBC gamble From Page 3 the actor'• fl1'9t opportunity to vlalt the People'• ~ Republlc of China. Hon(• family i. Chinete, but the ,- actor wu born in Mlnneapollt, where hla father $ operated a niahtclub and teVeral re.tauranta. .,.. "Marco Polo" marked the first time a Western ~ dramatic company had ever been allowed into at China 11nce the Revolution. Alter 10me dubbing, -:< the 1erles wtll be ahown ln movie theeten in China. I: One-third of China'• population -about 333 mil-~ lion ~ple -i. expected to view It. .- 'It'• 1olng to be lnterestin~ what hap-• ~na when they show thia in ," Hong said. u; •ww thla crut.e even more cwiolity? A drive to oo auociate more with the Weatem world? All of a "' 1udden they'll see a picture about white people entering their world." At the tame time, Hong believes Americans will identify with Marco Polo u he takes hia fint look at a country quite unlike hia own. '1'he look of thl• aeries l• utonlthing," he observed. "I think that's the star of the 1how -the look of China." FUmina ln China did not take place without a few hitches. lnllde an ancient Ming tomb, the ae· rlee' Italian production crews al.most touched off an international lncldent by pounding nails into ttta· sured wooden colwnnt in order to hang their lights. The OOltly production ground to a halt, Hong aay1, while the ltallana and Chineae aettled upon 90f'ne rules for shooting in the tomb. "The bigge1t problem, obviously. wat that there were about five~ 1poken on the .et," he recalll. "The oddest thing wu to see all thete Chlne9e lnterpreten running around 1peakl.ng per- fect I\allan. "Some tranalaton 1poke Japane1e, eome spoke Engl1.ah, and IOlne tPoke their own language in a couple of d.ial.ecia. A1I you could hear waa a fifth dlmeNlon in IOWld . "At times It looked 11.k.e everythini WU aolni to fold becau.e of the differences between the two oou.ntries. The Italians and the Ch1neee are almost oppoeite in nature. The Italiant had a hu1e flair, yelling and flghtin1 amons lhenuelves. And the Chlnete, they too yell, but they're much more oompoeed, much more patient and wt1llna to wait for thln8J to pam. "And the ltalianl were jult going cruy becauae each day, I imagine, wu costJ.na hundttdl of thou- unda of dollan .•• Dsplte ~ dlfticultia. Hana hopes ''Marco Polo" will encounae additional art&tic cooperation between ChlN and Western nattona. He aaid he hopes to return to China. He CONiden the "Marco Polo" film1nC "the P"Mtetl event of mr, life." "There we were, fllmln& h1lt.ory, ' he recalll. ''It wu almost u if hl1t.ory had 1tood 1till for a aecond, and we went there and filmed th1I mov1e of it." Stars aet on 'Star Chamber' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Michael Douf.l .. , Sharon Glem and Y aphet Kot to will star ln • Star Chamber" for 20th C-entury·Fox. Peter Hyama. who allo wrote the ICn!ellplay, will direct the contemporary drama for producer Frank Yabla.nl. lt wW IO before the cameru May 24 in Loe Aqeles and at the ltud.lo. Hyams' ~play ii bued on a ttory by Rod Taylor. Jean Stmmona baa been aignecl to play Ftona Clear)' In the ABC mlnlaeriea based on Colleen McCullough'• best eeUer ''The Thom Blrda." The eeries, a David L. Wolper-Stan Marsulle. ProducUon.. allo Nn RJchard Chamberlain, Rachel Want and Barbua Stanwyck. for ' • a H . i Letters -t. 'QED' performer >-~not 'The Saint' f 'Q .. E.D.' QVEllY -P...,. a.u .. ll tM aetor ~ ..... •••x•• s1 ... , .. 11at April • ., ..... ,, ft "Q.11:.D. I• Slat Mme aettr wlae ,1a1t4 SlmH .:J Ttmf_lar .... ....,_ ..... Se.lat.'' U M , wlaat I• .. , > aame f•,...,. ref.-ee? .,_ Ian a.,uvy '8 the name to remember. U you're a 0 tan of ''The Setnt, •• you mieht bt lnt.erwted to know f that Roem' Moen ta mul11na over an offer to return to the role be 0'9t.ed on t.elevilion. WEIGHTY TOPIC -II S11u Prau (Aaae ........ -"O...nl =&al") ,, ..... &.. ., flat .... Jul _.... a lea ., w a recady? Both Pratt and tho ever-noble nune Lopn are factna motherhood. The actreu la expectlnJ in Sept.ember, and the writ.en ahould have penned the pnpancy lnto the lhow by the tlmt you '* t.hla. GSB'I 'GOLD' -rn Me.N IUt AMJ GM N lea•I•§ "Sell• Gel4." Wlaal'1 SM rtaHa? Tlat ""'••IMt1ae .... w1-...lda. Untortu.naa.ly, the tyndicated eeriet already Mil bad to make do without Gibb a couple of timet this aeuon when h.t failed to tum up for work. Even in Hollywood. that will aet you ptnk...Upped, which la what happened. Afltr 1IUla, tlarH1la all tlae male "biddy" dlowa el ... pea lt yean, I wMW J••• llke to aay .ua a pleanre It Is a. flaally ... two womn la a Hrtou lrletldslalp •• TV. May "Capey ud Lacey" Un forever1 I hate to be the ~ to tell you, but the male "buddy" 1y1tem teem. to have come out on top aptn. CBS la tak.1nt "~ and Wcey'' off the .chedule to lfve "Simon and Simon" anothtt ahot. My frteM UMI I ""'' taWq diie o&Mr atOt abomt Rlclaard Pryor ud we were w0Dderta1 wly ~ TV aerln • NBC wu dropped. Aho, are Utere uy plu• &o re-ru cu tMwf From the very be(linnlng "The Rkhud Pryor Sports specials From Page 30 tyn Dodgers vs. New York Yankees (Part 1) 7: 10 (!) K'iNEA'S KORNER 7:30 Cf) NASL SOCCER New YOfk Cosmos v& POft land Timbers (2 hrs ) 00 BOXING "Nallonitl Collegiate Assocta11011 Finals" The best collegiale bo;xers in 12 we1gh1 clas!>eli compe1e IOf lhe nattnal 1ttles CO) BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at Los Angeles Ood~rs (3 hrs.) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 OMNG "U S A International Women's Springboard And Men's Plalt0<m Flnalt" ( 1 hr . 30 minl 10:00 • PURSUIT Of EXCELLENCE Thia progtam toc:u1e1 on champion marathon runner BIH RO<Sgera and Olympic medal winner Frank Shorter In prepa- ration tor lht t978 Botton Marathon. ( 1 hr ) 10:30 Cl) ALL-ST AA SPORTS CHALL£'.NOE Hall Of Fame Cleveland Btownt vs Phlladelphla Whiz Kida 11:00i8PORT8 FORUM 11:30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 AUTO AA~NO "Belglvm Grand Prix" ( 1 hr) 1:30 Cl) GYMNA8Tte8 2:30(1) POCKET Bft..llARD8 Cowt>oy Jimmy Moore vt. Wlllit Moaeonl ( 1 ht.) 3!30 Cl) SPORTS FOAIJM •:OO Cl) SPORTS CEHTEA ~ MAY20.1tl2 MORHINO W>rdGaine .------------------------------------, FILL I~ n4E Ml~SING L.€1Ta~ IN ,..~£ '1 TV ~" 8€1..0W. 181 IDIDI I H~ICJ~EI I I IDI !NI IKHIOI I ISi MIAIN I IOI fTI ~,c~I .---.I l~Pl_,_..SI IR~ I I l2l2l2l·11 :~~ ~ ~£ARRNJ6€ T~ ~'if' vi!~ lf11erlS You Frt.LeD 11J 11J ~ ) lb 9el.l i"HE ~ ~ A fil!S? 1V /MoVti AC~: ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I _J$1J I $ 1MJ Uftlted ,.._.I~. IM. Show" had eome problerm with NBC. J'tnt, the network echedultd what wu obvioualy an adult comedy thaw ln an 8 p.m. tame slot. Then to make matters wane they put it up aplnst .. Happy Days" and "Laverne and Shirley," whkh were at their peak in 1977. Once on t.M air, Pryor ~vtna frequent run-lnl with the NBC Cle'NIOrt, up to a aketch in whJch he appeared to be nude w explainina that he hadn't liven up anythina to aet the 1eries on the air. NBC Cielet.ed the bit f.rOm that epilode. And ln rather fut ordtt, Pryor decided TV wun't ready for h1m and halted production on the aertea. Since only five lhoWI were made, re-runa are unll~e))', although conalderlng Pryor'• current popularity anythlna ii J)<*ible. Send your JetteN to Petter O'Brien, United Fe•ture Syndic•~. 200 P•rk Avenue. Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10168. AFTERNOON 12:30(() TOP RANK BOXING 1;00(!) TEHNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1974 W1mt>eldon 2:~ (!] PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "World Wei· 1erweight ChamplOMhlp" from All11nta. Georgia ( 1 hr . 30 min) 3:30,GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1978 US Open·· 4:00 THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 6·00 SPORTS FORUM 6:30 TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jersey (2 hrs . 30 min ) EVEN I NO Future shocks for video jocks 81 PBTD MEADB At Pla~ble, th• All-Game Channel, they think lt iln t ~ jult to W•tch ~. They th1nlc you thoukt pz.y televWon, too. Stetiatkw explain why: Amemam •pend ap- pro:idmaiely llx houn •day wet.chine te~r and pwnp men than '5 mWlon Into ootn..opera1*1 video aal'MI. It w etUmaa.d th.at more than 2.& mWJon peoDle have purd\lllld video COIDJ)Olm'C.. IUCh .. Mahel'• ImeDMllGn. to play ai't'8de llU'MI a1 home. They may..,,.~ but~ play.ra have found tr.ea u.. ooat &ivolwd in purd\MlnC the hardwarw (U.. ln&eWYWon Mtes-compolMnl •lll fOt' ~m and IOftware (pme caruidfal) can mat.ch a plaY11"1 lllarj. That'• when "-l'C com. to \he rwoue. oomponat, sublcribln have~~ ft ITV teasers What was name of Paul Sorvino series? By W. WILSON CASEY c:....,, ........... 1. Name the cr1.me drama .me.. Clue.; ABC ... Paul Sorvlno ... Denn1a Patrick ... Robert Pine ... Sert ... Breen ... Larry JohNon. 2. Who •tarred In the title role ot NBC'• ''MLCloudr ' 3. Name the actreu who portrayed Deputy D.A. Laurel McNauahton on the NBC mini-eerlee "McNauahton'• Deuahter" of 1976? 4. Who were the mechanical beln11 on "Batt.ie.tar Galactka" that were out to destroy the life form known u man? Star• Included Lome Greene, Rkhard Hatch and Dirk Benedict. ~. Who waa the pre u y host.ell of the CBS mapz:lne format ahow. ''People?'' e. John Houaeman ponrar.ed what~ lnatructor of law echool on ' The Paper Chase ' which ai.o ttarred James St.ephena? ANSWERS: l. Bert D'Aqelo %. Deul• .... ., J.S.aaaClan f.Cyelou i . PkylUt Geor1t I. ProfetMr K.Jq1fleld TV TH.er• •re •v•llable In the book, "TV Trivia Quiz," which Lndudn more than 300 quN- tJOJU and may be ordtted for 13 from Cue Co .. 101 La/ayer~ St., SpuUnbur6, SC 29303. S.U..faction 8'JMMIUJ«I. Francia in 'Bare Eaaence' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Genie P'randa, in her flrlt role lince leavtna ABC'1 "General Hoepttal," hu been ligned to star with Linda Evan1 ln t~ CBS mini aerte. "Bare F..ence." Tile four-hour aerlee, about the IU~r rich of the perfume lnduatry, wu adapted by Robert Ha- milton from Meredith Rkh'• novel for Warner Broe. Ttlevialon. Walt.er Grauman will direct. 8:00 ~SPORTS CENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 NUMERO UNO Runner Irena S1ew1nska of Poland, compe111or m ltve Olympiads and w1nnor of seven medals, Is profited (J) AUTO RACING "Belgium Grand Prix" (I hr ) 10:001 GYMNASTICS 11:00 THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 11:30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 TOP RANK BOXING From At1ar111< .. City. New Jerse_j' ( 1 hr ) 1:30(1) AUTO RACING "Belgium Grand Prill" ( 1 hr . 30m1n ) 3:00(E) F.A. SOCCER "The noed To Wembley Semi· Flnals" (Match 18) ( 1 hr ) 4:00 Cl ) SPORTS CENTER Intelllvi1lon 1ame1 monthly for approximately one-halt the COit of a ~ ~ oartrldae. "W• fe.l that PtayCablit1 strenith fiee in the convenience, variety and coat aavlna lt offert 1ub9Ctl.,.rt," .. ya Gary Stein, PlayCable'1 vlce ~t and pneral manaaer. The lnteWvilion PD* are tophlatic.awid and req_uit9 QWck reO.X. •well• fP.OC:1 concmtraUon and cocrilnadon. lntelllvil&oft fooUMill, for exam_ple, ta not for the aver.,. armchair ~rbeck. The ottenmve ieun c:an~onn Wee the Dallu <Awboyl -180 d.Jfferent a.re pOllfble -if an .cMpt butt.on·puaher II at conttoJa. Pl.I~ aoon will bl oll.-.d natJonwide ln .,..... wfth a cable 1ystern. To find out if th1I wrvice ii~!!,~-~~~ kK!al cable op-moo1g~ -~.... •. .. TV Puzzle 1 4 5 I 5 ShtJwn nos• •in Tno New You A':>l<N1 ~•Jr II Snr1w 11 ls1a1:I s D<tYil" 12 SeP3 Down 14 Mt'lS Ba11e1 s ID 15 60 Mtnulrs es•ay•st 1ni1 16 Marr1 17 Don 18 Tn1., Is Y•JIJI Lit .. no<JI <; 1n111a1s 19 Mt'l'l Day 21 Younq&trr 23 In BP<l WP 25 Ro.-,e anCJ BP.n C<1'.>l!'f 26 Played Glrma Sl1v1c 27 How swef't ' 29 Lec1ve-10 Beaver 1 Rachel - ACROSS 30 Plays Lou Grant 32 The-of HazzartJ '36 -tor Br()~ e 37 The -Animal J8 The-Show 41 Allee s boss <14 Golf gadget 45 So Proudly We 46 Z'la Zsa 11 48 Ptaye<I Andy Taylor Intl 49 Approval '>O Stewart or Ste1QPr 51 Neighbor ol Fta '>2 C(Jmpass point 53 -ot M1n<J'> 56 Tnesp1an 58 Moe or Curit 59 Close by DOWN 2 E1qn1-Enouq11 6 I 8 9 10 11 13 20 21 22 24 26 28 )t 33 )4 35 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 '>O ')4 '>'i '>7 EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE 12 A Ptay'l O;umnn Biblical 11111g Snart or Jerry Actor Burl Love Boat bartender Plays Sidney ln1ts M r Elga11 s 1ns1gne "4ermc1n -Strasgman Sees Down 'v1r Redford s ID An O'Neal M1&s Lancheste1 s :Sign olf -a110 yc1r111 Mr Caesar V1v1onne or Geo1ge Clark or R<><iers Krazy - Parker or Roo'levett Singer Pete -Bray Plays Bonnie on CH1Ps Pnnce Charles lady P1avs Snoop Miss Bergner·s sign.oft Josh or Ella The-Show The Rat D1.11ores del -tu Brute Hc1rt -Hart Tantalum !tymt>ot SOLUTIC THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to hospital em ergency room• for: --------- ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appoinlmenl Needed • tmmed1ale Attention Grven WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTE D OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 405 FWY 3e5 DAYS A YEAR OC 8 A.M.·11 P.M. Airport (714) 752·8300 ~ •MllRQllNCY DOCTORS Of',.Cll 4030 Birch St .. Suite 107 Newport Beach 1 15 OFF your first visit ------with thlt coupon = See what we have to ofter • - - A KITCHEN SO BEAUTIFUL our friends will hate i ' \ ' ' \. ·. .,,. ·~~·~\~ ~ .J~-1 ;::.J· ---... --. .-..,,--" ~----- E Sava to &03 on display cabinets .:lllllllUlllii011~f,IJIPJJPJftorl ....i_, .. ~.....,..,.., 33 ~ ~ ~ r $ "" 1 0. I» '!< ~ I» '< .... .• .... (0 ~ ...... 0 • .... ~ Liza sabotages vote u. in beauty contest By LYNDA HIRSCH E ALL MY CHILDREN: With Amanda's help, Laza O: aabot.ogs I.he beauty t.vntett vot.e and takes hnt p~ with Jenny rorn.11\g in Jlt'('Ol'\d When Amanda wanu to admit w deception, Ur.a thttat.ena to blame It all on her Opal takea a pe1110naJ taUy and dt:.cidet the vote waa i 1ham Donna h1re1 Jaaper S loane as a tempor ary replacement for Hughes, the butler. D1acharged from ho1p1tal, Palme1 get. suspended gynecologl1l G eorg<' Bentley w ~II Donna 1he mual have abortion During argument with Chuck, Melarue bnnga up Donna'• hooker put and an enraa ed Chuck seven relation•hlp with Mt'lanle Learnlna Benny Wied loan for betting, Rick telll him he'll aue for tombezzlement unleu Benny aoea to Gamblen Anonymous When story about Brandon alugging Kent hlU papers, Brandon I.I arrested. Pam tellt Mark she in~ndt t.o 1tay In P1M Valley for the IW'DIT\er Tom and Monique grow closer an au.ernpl to aid Sean ANOTHER WORLD: Sandy and B.la1ne bug Mayor Stetn'1 office. 8nan, running agtunat Stein ln the mayoral race, fean hi• ln1tltut1onall1ed ion Ted mlaht bt' campa.1'1' pewn. Rachel teU. Elena and Steve she be~es Jamie 11 MaHle'• father. Blaine get• Cecllle to 1lgn 1eperation pepen from Sandy. Lat.er, an angry CeciUt' IAlU with Mayor Stein t.o have Blaine put in j•JJ for a ruaht. Howard, a friend of Sally'1, manaa-to program Quinn'• computer t.o print out phony Invoices. St.eve la off t.o Finland t.o 1tart factory. Capek troubled when Nikolai rdl.lae9 &11&gnment t.o 1CUJpt Rulllan l!ader. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Warned by Bob ~t Mr. Big I.I In the country, Tom rues t.o Chicago to warn MarJi<>. Chris d11pleued when Tom U YJ he cannot work on caaea with MJl&ile Matt wanu K.attn t.o rontim.M! lhttapy alt.er hoepltal releaae When David accuaet Jrff of leading Karen on, Annie becomea angry, and alao feara that Karen 11 dangerou1 Dee starting to market Craig'• perfwne and lookl to Stenbeck for baclung John funuua when hi.I HoUywood producer says the movie will not bC' filmed. un,.ware that James 11 rnnlrollln" tht-purse 1trlnga. CAPITOL: Trey 11ckened when Lawrence mlormJ him Tyler and Jullto plant.owed Lawrerxie and Tf'f'y plut to keep Tyler and Julie apart, their flnt 1tep aetting JuJw lO have her own ls»rtn'W""lt Judaon wM.11\1 Julie to 1t.11y oot of Tyler'• life Wally in blu er debt when buebraU team he ~l heavily on loe.N Beth admll.1 t.o Thoma. she rPally had date nlaht she canct-l••d their plan• Jordy laughs when Beth reveals hll rompt'Ullon It Thomas, and Jordy Implies Thomas may be 1mpolt'nt Myrna plan1 t.., ~l 1ex trap for Philip Danr-. Tylt>r'11 pohural rhamp1on DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Romun :md Marlenn bc.-t:onw lovers but th111gs are •trained whf'n Gwen mov("1 In E.u"t!lle gNltng pi:sychl<' pactW"H of an i>vtldoing Jakr and reell Marlrn11'1 an dangC'r Tony and Rt'nf'.-coniodn marr1agr Linda u·lls Maggit· •hr knowa Maaa1t· !ci.r11 Mickey might rt•ga1n lntL•rt'lll In Llndn An angry M11ggtt' orders Linda out uf hC'r hmlk Wanting w be 1.ogC'th1•r, Liz and Nell plan 1tetaway wrekend Marl«' obvlou1ly attractrd lO NNJ fioberl wn11nur1 lo try 11nd dndgc S~fano ---------~----------- ROCKY ROMANCE? -Though they seem to be a loving, happy couple, Suzi Wyatt (Cindy Gibb) snd Brian Emer.<;on (Gene P1etragallo) could be headed for rocky roads as he considers entering a boxing march to repay her money he lost in a bad investment on 'Search for Tomorrow,' seen weekdays at 11:30 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). DOCTORS: Threat.enJ.ni BWy, Katie get.I him to go along walh her plan to lc.Jdnap Lee Ann. A frantic Theo and Greta find Ltt Ann by henell in Katie'• apartment AJthee retuml but can't decl~ whether to IK'ttpt Jeff's marrlaae propoeal Mike 1how1 an lntereat In Adrian Hunt and Nola g!vee Natalie the $1500 BIUy got 1n h11 blackmail ICherM. EDGE OP NIOHT: Sk y uptet when he learru of Nora'• part tn Raven'• entra pment. Smiley, pretending to be cab driver with Raven u pallen&W. fakes car trouble and leaves When he reappean It'• u a cop ordl'rang &ven t.o open her begqe. Fearing he'll find her lx>ndl, Raven fleea Later 1he 1how1 up at a tea room and Smiley's there apin, this ti.me dre.ed u Mn Ptoabody Later Raven dJ.acovcn "Mn. Peabody" tn her room going through her luggaae. Jodie upaet when her portrait ill 1tolen from the p Uery. ~n ii wl up Vl make• It look as though he ts giving Poppy a fur OOlll. CENERAL HOSPITAL: AiAJruat Dr 1Uti'11 advice. Jackltt d~ldes lO toke Laura lO New Yurk. but wht.'n Laura almost goe1 Into convul1lon1 al airport J1H:k1e chJ1ngea her plans Scorpio and Luke reallu DaVld's plans havt• uther mooves beeldH money Mel dev1&es new ll'rui for holugraphy projc-c-l David and M••I m.anagl' t.o sneak p;ut S<'Orpic•'• elaborate 1«.-curhy M'tup at mwwum anti l>i.ivad naJU. Lht· !ltafl ot t~ exh1bll Dr Brll<Uhi.w rdu~"l to tt'll Ann<' why he'a oontlnulna with law1u1t but dot'!! t~dl h11 wwyt-r about th:ather'a bl.ckmllil Dr K.au. pl1&ru1 t.o hold up un his evalu.oon of Heat~r Joe UJ*.'t whf'n Heather turm w Scotty for h.-lp Although everyon.-r~l11 P1•cky ta <ll•,,d, Mlkt' ii ceruiln he 111w him 1n his moom Rick ~-ontmuea t.o !)Cl lllrget of va.ndala GUIDING LWHT: Q uint reall1c-1 thut S1law h1u gott.('n ln th1• 11rch atcal pi«'es bf>lon-hr hu, but Nola •U&Rt'llA lh11t ahe prt>tend to be on Sllu' .We, thus galnlnf( RANCI0- hi.a contldem.'e and the artJftK·LI Juaun tellli J11Clue about Carrie'• allempl at aeducllo11 When Jackie tonfronl~ Carne, Carne aay1 ahe and Ju.atJn have been loniltme loven. Before Jennifer lt'ivd for Madnd, Mark ilVt'll htir aold locket lhal belon&~ LO h1-m<Jlher When Amanda strikea out at Mark for hi. relaUmuhlp with Jenrufer. he tries lO luaa her but 1he runs off Ototlnng_ a sampler life. Alan decldea not l-0 .eek pre11dem·y of Spaulding and Amanda relaml poeilUon Derek and ll11lary <..'OOUnue tn quarn-1 Morgan mugged m Nt-w York Josh IU'nves and warns her not t.u t.elf KeUv ONE LIFE TO LIVF.: lv&n. Karen and Mtnd art-111 Sun C&rlos Karen'• attcmplM lo t.11eaPt' by auabbang Ivan ar1! thwarted when hil aniura~ are only manor The trio head for the raver paradise of Xenta Arriving an San Carl08 with Jt-nny, Mart'O mak\"S her 11.ay behind for her safety and turea a guide who's really a thieV1ng murderer Rt.>covered from brain 1mpuml, a weakened Larry tellll M1m1 he stall cares for Karen and then sneak~ out of hosplt.al. Brad and Katrina bt't..~1me lovers Beau savt-s A.s<I from solaramlt~ explosion Tu11y and Pal grow clo111.-r Cassie moves an with Herb M1m1 turns down A,11 'J marruiJ(e proFosal Whtm ht-lult'r Mc'nda her a bo<Jk CJ( poetry 1he d1 covers lht' book wai1 ur1glnali,. sent to Samanthat RV AN'S HOPE: Onion and J<Jm 1.ake Arley t.o NPW Jt'rsey hideout They send & ransom note to Rae and S.•neca demanding $2 million Rae surprised and touched when Hollis offers her ftnanctal and moral •upport Fe<kraJ agent.I t.eU Rae and SE'nec·a to wall and not pay. but alter a threatening note from Orton plus a traghwning caJJ from J<Jm, Rae wanl.I to give the money right away. Jane beaten after questioning workera at lfoUlli' bwJdtng 11te Hollis 111111\JI tus men had noll11ng to do with It Oulldde Jane's hospll.81 room. Roger overhean her saying to Ox. "I hope we can recapture o ur old feelt.np.'' with Roger not realinng lhal at that moment she's talkan" about Roger, not Ox. Siobhan uncertain whether ahe should go ahead with a.nnulrnent from Joe. Jail agr ee1 to work with Hollis' redevelopment of R1vera1de, saylnR whtch bwldang11 should be preRrvtd SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Wendy manages to gel SUZ1 pert-t.une waltret1 job. Unaware Brian plana to enter ring. Suu makea love to him and then 11 horrified to learn of hi.a plan which could kill hlm due toaneuryamJo aorry 1he blamed BrUn for Suzi's accident Clay want.I to stay home, but Lee auggeat.s she open a d~ studlo. Sunny considering New York US1gnmenl. Ted puu Lut of hil money against Bnan, whlle Martin beta on Bnan to wan againal Mad Dog Evana TEXAS: Ruby ~LI.a Jud1th ,.bout Justin's bet wllh Rena to be\.'Ome hll lover A ware Rena ha." lhr<'t! wee kl lo ~llle b(>t, Judith t.ells Grant 11h«>'U move out of the house 11flt!r lhrt'(> weekl It's dilcovered that the Mayan statue fOl.lnd In l'ave hu been copied ond ropaeb arto ~mg 10ld JO!?l being stalked by J)l'<>ple who know lil'Crt'l of cave. BJ Jr wall live, but may huve pt•rrnant-nl llilrnagt" lO nc•rvous syswm und k1d11eys YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: L.mn· tells Brooks 1hlll he· Ill tus re-al fathn. and the· child rrm·ui negatively Working o wait.er 11l Luc:M' duh, Poul (t'f'la uselea and wants 10 do .. ,me1h1n" wllh h111 lift• lhw1 ng c•ol111p1<-d 11fwr marrying Kevin. N1kk1 Is h111op1whn'<l l>ut ichc• 1&1ad th" bu by wall hl• f111c N1kk1 111 unhtippy wtwn Vactor 11uggesL'I ~he 1.nd K1•v111 rnovr 1n with ham Wulkt!r. head o f Gen o a Cit y s y ndrcJlf' ~t·t~ up Curl with lnfomwr·pr<>11tllu~ who u1 re11lly thne to de9troy C&rl's ufe M11ry obvioui.ly ~·ulou11 uf <.'1111'1> vie~· i.quad work and hl11 working wllh thus JltTll<"lrvr pro1111tut.r JIU 1gnor111g l'l111ap an nrdt•r 111 ~pt·nd tlm1· with John AIJOtt //uvt• u 1111r•1tl1U11 111>n111 v11u1 l11v11111<• 111111 or llUllP $lar• Writt• ro Lyntla lllf:ffh , c n F1t•ld N~w~p11pl'r Syrad1c•1111·. P () /'J<nc /#tl20. lrv1111• C11M !12714 Sl1c will • .n.fwc•r ~ rrn111 y ques11011., 11:. .,ht• run 111 h<'r <Y1lurt111. b111 the volumt' 1Jf m11/I 11111k1-.; />f'NJT11.1/ n·p/1~ 1mptA"S1hJr fine staticray 2823 east coast highway -675 -10 I 0 corma del mar , __. .................. ________________________ __ 0 I )ayt ir 11c Morality in the eye of contract holder By LYNDA HLRSCH One of the gJortes of work.mg on daytime TV LI a little item m your contract caJle<l a morality claww Whal'• a moraJlty clauae, you ask? Well. ft means that If the show belJevea any one of lta performcr1 has cauaed It any type of embarra.ument, he or 1he can be fired Let It bt.· said that 1f a ix:rfo~r la loved, and popular, and fairly easy lO get along with, he can do just about anything -be It lnunoraJ, Illegal or In· sane -and be kept on the 1how But If a performer isn't overly popular and la kw th.an wonderful to get along with, then he can 1tand with hl1 lea• croued the wrong way and be sacked for "conduct unbecoming." Stan hAve teen lhiJI happen all the time, and when they're let go, "Who, me?" 11 often heard echoing through the halll, npeclally when they aee aome of the actions of their fellow performer• who've been gettln1 away with near-murder for ye&n1 and stay on and on and on. Prime example it the axing recently of a ma.)or aoap opera performer because It wu learned abe was pregnant and unmarried, althouah she don have an upcoming wedding date In June. We find It outlandl.sh that auch a clauae would be ex.erclled In this cue. However, things aren't all that bleak In the world of eoepa. For example, on "Yount and the RestJem:" When Melody Thomu, who plays Nikki. became pregnant after a aeparatJon from her teOOnd husband, and then let It be known that the father of her chUd wu the 1tudJ0'1 makeup artiat, • man ahe YA WANNA CHEAT? MIGHT Al Will DO IT U' HAL GOOD, HUH? CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP You'll have to scrape the butterfat otf the roof of your mouth, -that wlll make us fam®s - 1 CAAOUSEL -The ortgln11f "Creemery" Ice cre1m All n11ur11 fru111, real cre1m & low 1lr content! Fall Fill Fall Plue r .. 1 malled milk 2 Our c;and•e• are made with re11 butler I real chocol11e1 Creamyllclou1, honHll Jelly &.Ill••· tnol 3 Petll• Foure 1nd1v1duat1y decorated 81rud.i1 thet wlll blow awoy In a llghl breeze. The chMMcalte7 lndMCrlb1~1 4 Tha cookie•. brownlH & fudge? You prob1bly won't mike II Ihle fer. but II ycxi Oo, you'll be CIOM enough to crawt out the front d00t CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP Soon to be o household word In Southern California. Bring the kids too -we have a few video gemet to keop them busy. Llko PacMan -Gort -Phoenix In fronl of K·M•tt, HMbof A Wit.on, Coela M ... '--,_, -H ,..,, .... , ••'r• ,.._..,., ,..t t"H """11 -~~·- STILL POPULAR -Phil Don ahue still h o11t1 the popular daytime talk s h ow, "Donahue," weekdays at 3 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). It friend.Jy with and may marry IOtneday, but hasn't ju.at yet, the 1how didn't aay, "So Iona. Melody " They decided tD write the prelJWlC.-y of an unmar- ried young woman into the storyline. ALFRED DRAKE, who lifted hi.I voice In IO"I In the clalalc Broadway mlWcal "Kilmet,'' hu rec· en Uy made a gues~a pearanoe on "Edje of Nljht." A1lo recently ao a tn • 10ap wu Bini Crosby'• 1<>n Harry on ''' My Chidlren." Harry wasn't AC· 7'11 ; l I lr I ' '111 .• Of If,,,,,,,,,, 1.1\I ... L /Vll~ /·J· \ /·;I l t . I ~ ,._. I \I J (,(J\/)/'/'/(J\/\i, .~ l/.(J\ I ' I ' I 1 ' I ' I ' I I I ' I l ' I I ! • , I ' ' . ! I ','I I!,'-• I ,.11 IL1·. 1d1 11 1 c "' 1111.1 di'! \l.11 ,, ' I ,, '"' I'.''"'' .. 111111,, ••• \' 1 .• l ,,1 ting, however, he d1d a cameo plaYtna the piano at 3! the Chateau. ,, 8 -~ SUSAN PRATT (Anne Logan on "Gen~ral Ho1plt..al") will be leavlna that ahow in the next month. We underat.and the character of Anne wlU r be written out. No word on whether J eremy 8 (played by Philip Tanzinl) wlll be> awymg <in the show 'Tl ... Q NEW HEAD WRITER for "Gt!nt'raJ Hosp1wl.. ~ ll Anne Howard &Uct:y, who.e laat soap opera effort ~ waa NBC'1 "How to Survive a Marriage-," a show r» which many thought was ahead of lta time when 1t '< atred nearly a dt~e ago. Bailey hu decided t.o end ~ .everaJ 1torylJnes, Including Dr. Kau and Cynthut (we'U be IOrry lO see Jprdan Charney, who slays Dr Kati, leave), the hologram atoryllne an th(' character of Mel. We understand that thiJI summer GH -wlll zero In on the Heather-Joe-Alan-Monica- Susan plot ltn<' -with a he-fly fo<.·us on Luke, Jackie. Laura T and Scorpio, of course. Q: My frielld ucl I laave a bet on tbl1 ud we aeed a quick reaponee. My frleDd claim• tbat Erica OB "AJI My Clllfdrea" ud Dorian of "Oat Life to Live" are 1l1ter1, &Del tbat Pltylll1 Diller la tbelr motlier. II tJala lnte? -V .8., Cblca10. Ill. A: No, It'• not. We're not certain where thl.t rumor got started. Phyllia Diller la NCYT the mother of Susan Lucci, who plays Erica, or Robin Strasser, who plays Dorian. A.a for Suaan and Robin being allterw, 1p.ln, nd. But here'• how we feel the rumor may have bem 1tarted: The char.cter of Erica on "All My Children," which wu created by Agnet Nixon, wu the fore· runner of the character of Richel on ''Another World," whkh wu once played by Robin Stra.er. Althouah "Another World" aired before "All My Children," Children wu written first, and both Erica and Rachel were fairly 1polled young1tera who uplred to veat fame via their beauty. Have a que.tlon about your favorite aoap or llOllp •tar? White to Lynch Hi.r'9Ch, c/o Field News- paper Syndicate, P.O. Eox 19620, Irvine, CaJll. '127 J 4. She win MJrNer u many que11tJona a •he can In her column, but the vol~ of mall m11Jce. per· aonAl replie. lme-JbJJI. JOIN NOW AND SAVE 50% • AEROBIC CUSSES • LOCKERS • WEJGHT TRAllNG • JACUZZI • SffOWERS • SAUNA THE GIRLS GYM I Ttt1I flt1ttt Ot1ttr ,., Wt••• 1111 IEWPllT 141-1121 PIGIFIG COAST llllllWIY NO CONT. lAIUll 411-1414 UllU OUYOll .... ~ • 36 N Cl) a> .... ..,. .... >-CID :E >. CID 'O "C u. 8' ~ j?: -.2 ~ , ' • Sterling Optical now o1fers its huge collection at "package" prices ... complete with clear atngJe vision· lenses. •Va\Ue i!Je lllslWm TheDesifP'e" OJDectm <lollection O>llectm $.96 $3496 .!4496 A h1'}l quality lt.ne of eyewea.r at rem&rk.&ble pnoee The lateet 8tiYI• 1n pluuc and meta.I at re&lly atrOl'd&ble prtoee Designer •'-YI• t.ncludlng Oleg ~tru. Chrtstl&n Dior. Olort& Va.ndBrbUt. etc •Glau or plaatic Jen-. . . . . . . . . . . . . no extra charge • Overahed lemea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no extra charge •Strong pracriptiom• . . . . . . . . . . . . . no extra charge •Same dayHrrice tnmanycwa . . . . no extra charge Plua ..• The SterJtng Guarantee -If you're not satisfied, return your purchase Within 60 days for a tnll refund. STERLING OPTICAL.· AN IPCO COMPANY • Laboratortee !or ~ aervioe &t each branch • Same dq MNt.oe 1n many ouee • Bl!ooala on)3 t l6 ldd1t1on&l ----~, ... ~ t • f _ .. II l :~~m I ! ' • • Bauach l'JI Lomb soft. oontaot lenaee on)3 •ea pr. • MEDI-OAL aooepted • Cla&6raot' lenl8I extra. ~ ''"''" ... ( ) --f<k•• .. -I - ..... Mt 50I W 11th SI 542'35 7 I • , ......... flt 1c~••'" ___ ...,.. .... •••••• •• •• • • • • • • •• • ••• • •• • ••••••• •• • • • • ••••••••••••• ".1.._._,. __ ._:-_:.:_ _____ .J.:.: ___ _.,...... ............................. . . . ................... ,....... .. . ............... . 1111111:1111 lllTlllTll lllCI I f 1111111 111111 IH1l1AI ~.11 1\1 11 1'11'.' OHANGf:. COUN I Y C ALIFOHNIA 25 CENTS JFK tape study: 'No second gunman' WASHINGTON (AP) - Sound record1n11 made when Pre1ldeni Kennedy W81 uu11lnated In 1963 "do not 1upport a conclualon that there waa a aecond aunman," 1ay1 a National Academy of Sclencea report rele.-d today The atudy alao aald there l1 conclualve evidence that the contcovel"lial recording wu made about one minute after the actual shooting. "The acouaUc analyses do not demon1trate that there WH a 1ra11y knoll 1hot and In particular there 11 no acou1tlc but.a for the clalm of a "~ pe~nt probability of au.ch a ahot," laid the panel of expert.I auembled by the ~demy The conchwona about a Da.11.u police recordlnfl conflict with those of acouadc experts who examined the evidence two years .,.., .... ,....., ., aw. ....... SLIPPERY CUSTOMER -Martha and Bob Stewart of Costa Mesa try to cat.ch a baby sea lion, which was thought to be sick, near the Balboa Pier. They w ould have taken it to the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter -if they'd been able to cat.ch it. 'Non-violent' St. Helens erupts 'with a whisper' VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Mount S t Helen1 erupted today, oozing lava from the cru.aty dome covering lta throat and shooting a plume of 1team aeveraJ thousand feet inl.O the air, llC\entisu aa.ld Spottera in a small plane r e ported 1ee1ng glowing avalanchet on the northeaat side of the volcano's dome, and a Light du sti ng of ash fell on the n o rthwe1t flanks of the mountain. Scientist• aa1d they weren't 1ure exactly when the eruption began. Lake yields toothy catch WOODWARD, Okla (AP) - Jack LaBanca knew the fish were bltlni In a lake here, but never gueued h e'd hook a 10-inch piranha. The man'• catch has offldala of thl1 weatern Oklahoma town wondering If more o f the razor-toothed flah are ln the ~ke. LaBanca, ualng a worm for baJt, hooked the fish. He gave it to pme ranger Dick Ja.mea, who 1ent It to the state Wildlife Department'• fisheries dlviaion. WORLD "lt came in with a whl1per rather than a roar ," 1aid A.B Adami o f the Unl v•rally o f Wuhlngt.on geophyaka center ln Seattle. "It appean at thui point that u's non -violent." About 3 a.m . a steam plume rose lo 16,000 feet over the aouthwest Washington volcano and then slowly dl.u1pat.ed. The plu~ waa det«ted by National W eather Service radar 1n Portland. Ore., about 50 mllea 10uthwect of the volcano. Earthquake• continued to jolt the m o untain, including a harmo n ic tremor, an underground shiver that usually Indicates the movemP.nt of molten rock Inside the volcano. Occasional gaa emiaalona were det.ecied. The U.S . Geological S urvey and the Univer1lty o f Wuhlngton luued an eruption alert late Thunday predJctlng an eruption Within 36 houn. "Shallow volcanlc earthquakes that warn o f eruption• are becoming more numeroua," Donald Peterson , the U.S. Geoloslcal Survey aclentltl In charge of the C.ucadea Volcano Ob1ervatory near Vancouver, 1ald late Thuraday. "Ratea o f deformation o f t he dome and crater floor have mor e than doubled. Israel masses troops TEL A VIV, Iarael (AP) -Iarael'a military chief of staff, Lt. Gen . Raphael Eytan, confirmed In an interview pubU.hed today that llrael hu concentrated force. on the Lebanele border tor a pc>M£ble attack on Pale8tine guerrtllu. I NATION Ad man fights back Advertillnc men rank 10mewhere between Wied car lllesmm and ~ 1n public e.ieern. and one ad man dec:1del to flaht b.ck. Pace 84. Cannon fires baclc A.ctrem Dyan Cannon II back &om the Mhel of a faillna career and hat a new 'mace and futurw. Pap ce. 110 for the Hou.e CommJ u.ee on Aaaainat.iona. Two aro up1 ot experta then aaid It wu pwible the recordina mad ti wh e n • m otor cyc le policeman accldentally left hit radio tranamltter open 1howed ev1dence of a leCOnd aunman and a fourth 1hot flJ'ed at Kennedy And one expert aa1d there wu a 9~ percent certainty of a IC<.'Ond gunman. The new 1tudy Mid tounc.t. on the recording which went unrecognJi.t.-d In t'Orller analy11n 1howcd "con1:lu1lvely that the prt'vloualy an.alyt.ed IOWldl were rccordc.<d about one m!nute aft.er thtl aNUUlnatlon and therefore, werf' too late to be attributed to ruiaaaatnatJon 11hota" The congre11lonal committee mncluded after hear1ng8 an 1978 that Kennedy wa1 assa1111lnated probably u a rc11ult of a con1pln1cy •nd that the DaJIH recording "e1tabll1hH a high probablHty that two gunmt'n flred at Prtn1ldent Kennedy " Thia C.'Onclu.slon t.'Ontllcted with tluat of the Warren Commi.aaion, which uid Lee Harvey Oswald act.ed alone 1n firing three shot# from the Texaa School Book Depository at the Kennl'dy mot.orC41de. Thf' report by the academy'• N1ttlonal Re1e•rch Council aald the acou1tk '1Vldence of a 1hot from thtt irHIY knoll near tht auullllDlion 1pot "la Invalid" and further 1tudy of the recordlnt would not jUJtlfy It.a oott. • Theli(.> findings agree with a~ earlier l"J:il examination of th~ recording that concluded there was no evidence of a 1econd gunmean firing from the knoll. Hinckley Inotive told Wave from Reagan prompted shooting? WASHINGTON (AP) - Almost until the moment he blaz.ed away at Preatdent Reagan with a piatol, John W Hinckley Jr. had planned to travel instead to Yale University to murder actre111 Jodie Foster and then take h11 life, a psychiatrist test.I fled today Dr. William T . Carpenter, a Maryland psychiatrist wh o teatifled for the defense. told a federal trial jury that Hinckley moved cloeer to a deciaion to try to aaaauinate Reagan when the president appeared to wave at H inckley while entering the Washington Hilto n Hotel for a spe«h March 30, 1981 Then, when Reagan h:fl the hoH•I about 20 minutes later, Han<:kley felt "the experien<.~ of unw moving very quickly He f('lt Keagan about to turn In hi.lt direction Before the president has an opporturuty to do that, he tx·gms shooung," Carpc:nt.er said "HlS prunary purpose an thl!i L'i t.o t.ernunate h111 own expenen<.-e, his own c·xastl'ncl'," tht> ptiychtatnst add<.>d Hind<ley d18played no sign of 1·mot1on during Carpentt·r's ~ripping act·ount of tht- tt.!WiSSlnatwn attt·mpt, which the p:1ych1atrist glt:anl'd from lengthy 1n tl'rv1ews with the l6 -year -old df'f('ndant llmckley's parenUI b<Jwt-d th~ar heuds during the ~umony Carpc:nt.er said Hinckley got "J i.en11e o f somt•th1ng highly penoneal" when he thought Reagun'11 wave at th~ cr owd out.side the hotel was a gesture to him Hinc kl ey h<td the same feeling of rece1v1ng & personal message when Miss Foster'1> rnovaes werC' shown on wlevi.tuon Just before ll1nckley h:ft his howl for the Washington Hilt.on the day Reagan was shot. ht· wrote an unrruuled Jett.er to M1si. fo11ter i;&ying he would "g1·t" R ea gan to win hl'r lovt•, Carpc:nter said. But as he left thl' Park untral hotel. thP/sychiatrast uld , I [u)Ckley d1 not know whether hf• would get cl08e to Reag.an and l~latN<.'<i he :1u1J had the option of ~ulng tr> New Haven. where Ml.811 Foster was a student at Yale. "There were two po111ble outt·omt·i. the assau1nallon attt·mpt and the termination of ht!> fret!dom , or l.O proc.'C-ed on to Nc·w H aven to kill himself or Jodie F ost<•r and himsf'lf," CarpPntN iuud When Hinckley arrived at th• Halton . hC' was "surprised how .. :..sy 1t was t o get into the vu:antty. He thought there waa a ISee HINCKLEY, Page A%) 911 system goes blank Anothe r life ris k Falklands p e ace talks 'dec isive' ---- Aoki to cross Asia • 1n county in helium balloon? Orange County'• one - month -o ld 911 emergency responu telephone 1y1tem was out of operation for more than two h ourt Thursday afternoon becauae o f a comp ut er malfunction. Art Leavitt, a 1poke1man for Pacific Telephone, uid the computer, which route• calls to various emergency agencies was out of servtce between 1:45 p.m n.ad 4:1~ p.m. Only cuatomera of Pacific Telephone were affected. Calls o riginating in the county's General Telephone krv1ce area H untington Beach . Westminster , Stanton. L os Alam1to1 and Laguna Beach were handled, Leavitt aaad People who dialed 911 during the breakdown period heard a rapid beep-type signal. Leavitt said. The 911 system went into operation April 19. It lll de111gned to provide a single telephone number for people seeking polJce, far e, paramedi c o r o ther emergency auiltance . It ii strictly for emergency, not buai neu, calla. Leavitt said he didn't know how many calla were affected by the breakdown. However, he said the volume of calla on a Thursday af temon normally would be "light " People who heard the rapid beep algnal had t he option of either dialing a telephone operator or the aeven -dlglt telepho ne number o f the agency the y eought., he said. The breakdown was the first to occur alnce the aystem went lnto operation "We hope It's the lut," Leavitt said. COUNTY Uy PHIL SNEIDERMAN OflMO .. y~a ..... For Rocky Aoki, there's alway• &nother hfe-threat.ening thrill on the honzon Barely back on th e ground aft.er plactng third m the Gordon Bennett Bal loon Race, the Japanese business · m&n -&dvf'nturer he l o court Thuraday in has Newport JX.ach re11taurant, talking about h111 next l'hallt:nge: a h e lium balloon flight from Western Europe to Japan Aolo adm1ta hLS voyage acrOM A.s1.a t'Ould P'Jfie a hazard or two. dependmg on where the wind takes him There are the tall &nd treacherow Himalaya Mountalns to the south and unfriendly Husu.an air space to the north But the 43-yl'ar-old aeronaut has already come up with an idea tor smoothing any international fri<:tfon. "If we can find a Rul81an astronaut , balloon111t or adventurer and take him wllh us, maybe we c an get better cooperation from the Soviet Union," he says. Aoki I.a considering a fall 1983 la ftoff from e1 th er Barcelona, Spain, or Pana In the gondola beside hllTl, Aoki expects to havP balloonist Ben Abruzzo, the Al buquerque businessman who was one of three American• to complete the flnt trans-Atlantic balJoon night m 1978. Abruzzo al.lo flew with AolO ln th e 1981 and 1982 Gordon Bennett races and waa aboard A okl's h 11tory -maklng trans-Pacific flight from Japan to California last November In an 11 -story-hlgh helium baJJoon Local actor moves up Costa Mesa actor Steve DeNaut takes a big st.eP. toward 1ucce11 In "Under the Nutcrac k Pr. ' Weekender. Local districts retrench Enrollmenta are fall.ins. the dol.lan are drying up and local tchool di1trlct1 are cutting back throush attrition and layoffs. Paae Bl. STATE Grades color-coordinated Studen11 at an Eloond&do hJah 1ehool are we.arlnl their ph)'lical education .chlevementl on tMlr lhortl. PapM. ' 0...., Not Steff ~o ASIA NEXT? Balloonist Rocky Aoki is looking forward to a balloon tnp from Western Europe to Japan. Aoki plans to use a similar mammoth polyethylene balloon for hi.a trans-Asia trip, which he believes will be eve n more hazardous than the ocean croulng. Layoffs com in g SAN JOSE (AP) -The recealon may prove hazardous to the health of Santa Clara C.ou nty re1lden t11 aa more than 1,000 employees, lncludlng moet of the oublic nurses. face layoffs INDEX L.M. Boyd A6 By Tbe Auoclated Pre11 U N St.-cretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar &a1d today the nt•xt two davs will decide the outcome of his efforts to bring peace 1n the Falkland Islands confli<'t between Britain and Argenunn "There 111 always a ru1k of a breakdown," he said, but th~ warring nations also "are much duser than whf"n r 11ta rtf'd mv exerCUll' " "Tht·llc nt-><t days wall be d('(·1s1ve," ht• told reporters on earnv1ng for the ('Jghth day of talks at his N1•w York offices. ''As I nevt•r had m mind endless nc·got1auons wnh the· partJes . I hope that today or tomorrow I will have a final answer from the partJes .. ln the South Atlantic war zone a military lull persisted for more than 24 hours But Britain's foreign St-<.'rt'tary said Thunday unleS3 a l'ease·fire agreement 11 reat•hed, "mallt.ary illC1denta may occur with in c r eaai ng frequenl'Y " Earlier, Perez de Cuellar tald negowuorui at U.N. headquarters for such an agreement have moved into a crucial 1ta1e but that representatives of both aides were repeatedly aeeklng more 1nstruct1ons from their govemm<'nll A Britah source who requ~ anonymit y 1a1d the talk1 were "not producing visible re1ulta" and the chance11 of 1uooes1 were about 50-50. The source aald Argentina budgpd aomewhat, but "the gap remauu very wide." HotOICOpe 82 Butlneet 84-5 IntermJ...ion Weekender California A~ Cavakade B2 Clullfled Dl-6 Comlc9 c~ Ct-a.word 0 Death Not.ices ce Stan Delaplane B2 J:d.ltorial A6 l'lltertainment Weekender Home/Garden B3 SPORTS Ann Landen 82 Movies Weekender NaUonal Newt A3 Publk Notloet C4,C6-7 Sporta Cl_. Stock Markell & Televl.alon TV Lot Theltert Weekendtt W•ther A2 World News A3 Angels win in overtime The Antell win ln a walJc but lt took 12 lnnfnp PaaeCt. Yes, V irNinia, there is • • • 11 Vll'f.:'• Rah>h Sampeon really the $8 mWJon man? The en UUnk IO. P• Cl. Al Hiii ~\ \\' Continued HIN CKLEY TESTIMONY • • • plan to conduct a ma11acre at Yale, where there would bo ahoolina'I of a number of 1tudent1 11 w•lf a1 hlmaelt," Carpenter aid tat Hinckley'• trial on Chari• of trytna to 11aa111nato Reaaan and woundlna three other mon. lap1C' In H<'Urlty ," Carpenter MJd \ Hlnckltiy I• du1qrt•d In a l:i·roun\ Indictment whh tryln~ to auaulnatf' Ro•g•n and woundlna White Hou1e pr""' Hcrotary Jamu S . Brady, 11 Secrut Ser vice aa .. nt and u Dtatrlct of Columbia policeman Carpenter said that at various t.tmti•, Hinc kley conaldered mauacring 1tudents at Yale, dYtng ln llll aasault on the White Howie, spraytl\j the floor of the House of Representatives with ,Ul'lltre and trying to asaassmate Son. Edward M Kennedy. The psychiatrist told JUrors that Hinckley 1denufled wuh an usortment of murderers and other historical figures, as weU aa Ctctlonal characters from books 'tld movies One of th()8(> people Hinckley read about, the P'YCh1atrist said, wU Charles Whitman, who murderd his wife and mother and then climbed the clock tower at the University of Texas 1n Auitin m August, 1966, and shot IU'd killed 14 other people before he was slain by poht-e. ~With Whitman 1n mind, Gllrpen t er said, Hinc kley coosidered conducting a similar shooting spree in early 1981 at Yale, where Jodw Foster was a student. Hinc kle y had an obsessive, one-way love affair with the young actrPss "He developed an 111 formt•d The peychlatrllt, who 1pent • total of 46 ho'1n lnterviewlna the defendant, 1ald Hinckley al10 ''felt an Identity" with Preelden t Kennedy'• UIUlln, Lff Harvey Oawald, and purchaaed a rifle aimllar to the one 0.wald ~ to kill K enned y In Dallaa In November 1963. Part of Hlnck.ley'1 adoratlon of Adolf H itler stemmed from Hincklev's admiration of "an unimportant, common person wh o rose t o eminence,'' Carpenter said. Hlnck.ley, he said, felt that his own life would ''follow the same path." The r.-rchlatrlat said Hinckley "doesn t become the charactt>rt. John Hinckley is himself, with ha.s own makeup. But he takes on certain attributes into his own makeup" Carpenter said H inckley bought a .38-callber Charter Arms handgun, the same type a n d make that Mark David Chapman used in the murder of John Lennon in New York City on Dec. 8, 1980. "He wanted ·the same gun," Carpenter said. ". . He also wanted the gun that Lennon was k.Jlled With " Gasoline • • v1ct1In listed as critical An Anaheim man who poured tasol1ne over hi s body then Ignited 1t with a mat{'h IS in Canal talk slated in HB Tom Lovtl, pubJI(' information representative for the Southern California Metropolitan Water Dlstnct, will speak Wednesday at a Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce luncheon Lov1l will address the audience o n Propos1t1on 9 (the Penpheral Canal wue) The luncheon •~ open to the J'Ubhc but reservations must be made by Monday by calling the chamber offlct', 962-6661 The luncheon will be held at the Seacl1H Golf and Country Club Tic kets are $8 50 pe-r person low c touo• t nrough wavM critical condition today at UC Irvine Medic.al Center in Orange. The incident occurred at ti: 11 p.m . Wednesday at the romer of Lemon Street and Orangethorpe Avenue in Fullerton after the man, identified as Ai Xuan Le, 33, had an argument with a female companion, a~ording to fire department Capt. Lee Van den Burgh. Van den Burgh, who was at the acene, said the woman. who was not identified, got out of the car before Le poured the gaaohne over humelf and lit it. Le suffer ed second and th1'rd -degree burns over 85 percent of his body. Van den Burgh said the only parts of Leai's body not burned were ha.s feet and the top of his head. l'nto·morntng but otherwlH fetr ••tenotng 10 ntgn ctouoa wllh pa1lly aunny allernoon Hlgn tod.y ee to 73 Ovefnlghl IOw !i2 10 ~ Low Cloo<la durlog motntng l'IOIK• Seturday beComlllO mottly aunny tn th• afternoon High T Pntper<l.tur es S eturcuy 11 4 to 118 ~uoltngton -Newport area temperatur .. ranoe trom t IOW Of 56 to • high Of tie Atbeny Albuque NATIOff HI 73 Ge L.o ~ 4() 37 ~tllOr\.ioll Wt•;tl"hPf~,. ·~~ MISS USA -Terri Lea Utley, Miss Arkansas, is the new Mis.9 USA a fter being selected Thursday night at the annual pageant in Biloxi, Miss. Valley sets kindergarten • • reg1strat1on Fountain Valley School Distric t Kindergarten reg1strauon for the 1982-83 term is being conducted during May at schools throughout the dtstrict. Students entering kindergarten m the fall must be ~ years old on or before Dec. 2, 1982. Parents ~hould bring birth ceruf1cates or baptismal records and up-to-date immunization records when they register their youngsters. Registration limes for district schools are: Arevalos School, 1 :30 to 3:30 p .m May 20; Open house, 2 to 3 p.m. May 26. 19. Cox School, 1 to 3 pm. May -F'liuntain Valley School, 2 p.m May 20. Fulto n School, by &ppo1ntment. May 24 and 26. 20 Harper School, 2 p.m. May -Masuda School. 2 to 3 pm May 20 M o 1o la School . by appointment. May 14 N1eblas School. 1.30 pm May 20. -Oka School. 2 to 3 p m. May 26 17 Tamura School. 2 p m. May Registration matenals al.so can be obtainc.-d at aU schools at later dates Elaewher•. from Poin t Coriceptton 10 the M••lcan b<M'der ao<I oul tlO mtlea Motlly lgflt 8l>d vaneble wind• f>IOht aod mor!WIQ. be«lmlng -tetty ti to 16 knou lo the allernooo Wellerly awalla of 1 lo 3 feet Pertlal an .. noon clMrlng Ama•lllO Alhevllle 74 87 NOAA U .!> °'"'' ~ Comm'"''" 41 53 U.S .. 't lLnl 111 flrY . . Torn ad o•• and heavy ~at0<ma bfought toueotlal t"afnt 1od llOodlng 10 part• of "f•••• 1od w11ttrn Ark1nua "Od•Y· tojurlng dotent of peC>9le A nd forcing othera to II•• ••ert>ound homte Aeecue w()(lc.,, uMCl bOall 100 lt.;g• truck• to evtcutlt about bo people '" lloodeo or !1od·threatened H cllona Of chit• Falla, Tax••. where ollld•Y Creek ••c••d•o Ila I. Mndlng wate< CH Ctdl"Q city al!M\I MWhef•. 1bou1 80 rteldent• ., the Chapel of Cue nuralng lo Shermtn, Tea were te<I alt., e 1nch91 of rein the llM FOUt ~Of ~town Autl\n -· llao under •. ., Showen and 1hundeuhower1 ~vered much of lh• centrll d::':· aouthero South 0 0 01• ~Of Ille upper MIMIMlppl Soow COflllnu.d In the hlgllef eollona ol Coloredo end yomlng. end rein change<! 10 In toV\Mu\etn WyOmlng Temperuurea 11ound the tlOll eetty tod*y r~ from 36 llhwllna, Wyo • fo 80 In ownevtlle. Tt!IM Atlante 87 Atlante Cly Gt A11411n 7S 8altlfn0t• se BIN!nge 87 Blrmlnghm 87 81.marck se 804M 7 1 BoelOfl se 81ownav11e 92 8\Jttelo 75 Surllnglon 62 Caaf* S3 Ch1t'lttn SC 8G Chlllal" WV 91 Ch1rltt• NC 92 CMyenne '46 Chleaoo ee Ctl\cinnt ll 8G Cleve4end 82 Clbl1 SC 92 Columt>ua ee 011-FI Win 73 OaytOfl 88 Denver 51 DetM~ 71 Detroit It Dl'Uth 49 EJP..o 11 l'wgo eo "la091•" eo OrM \Falle e3 HM11ofd 76 Helefll 61 HOnOtulu .. Hout ton 77 lndnaelll• 17 Jaoken MS M J.0.9™1t 87 L.-... e2 Fronts Cold ~ Wi\rm 99 O< C.h~d ..- SS 82 t 52 84 44 Ot ~9 52 '9 53 70 2 89 50 42 42 2e 85 52 82 33 .29 ti() 57 58 68 se 63 42 511 4 1 33 e3 48 5t 4, °' 56 aa 02 27 Kana City 70 81 40 LaaVeQal 83 e1 Ullle Rod< 83 M 23 LOUlsvOlcl 88 82 LubbOCk 78 48 Memptll• 87 89 Mleml 78 73 03 MllwaukM ti() 5.4 Mplt-St.P 71 63 IG NuhYllll u 58 New Of ... ,,. ee 72 New York 8G 56 Nortolk 78 50 No Piette 82 41 1 23 Otlla Ctty 73 G3 Omallt Ge 90 22 Oflando 85 ti() Phlladphl1 81 59 Phoenllt 90 85 Pltlabut~ 93 58 Piiand, GA 47 Piland. Of• tie 48 PrcMdenoe 61 ~ RaMloh 82 eo ~ 75 4• s.11 Lakt 16 42 ..., MlonlO 82 60 S..111• &9 ~ 38 60 ,, 7• ee 2 .e 58 70 01 5t CAl.60RMA BUerafleld N et Bfythe 93 Eurelta 57 50 FrMnO H 5.4 lancet let 12 55 ~~ 72 68 81 BURf RIPIRT :::.r:. .... ...... ....,. r..,. Mft poot 51 MOflletey Heed ... Oakland Puo Rob!M Re<I 8lull Redwood City &lctart*ltO Salin .. 54111 DleOO sen Fr111Ctto0 Sen•• 81tbara St nte Marta Stockton Thelma I Ukiah Baral ow BtgBeer BtahOt> Cat•lln• Lono e .. ch Monrovia Ml Wtl.on Newport 8Moh OntarlO Palm St>tlnOI Peaaden• Sen 8«nardtn0 San GaOflt! Sall JON Santi Ana Santa Cruz Tahoe Veley Extended weather S8 88 57 53 82 so eo 57 82 s1 7• 47 e. 48 G8 62 55 50 G5 47 ee 70 92 81 S7 57 65 27 35 88 5e 70 54 77 52 87 45 G7 57 74 48 86 51 74 55 76 M 76 55 ee 51 72 57 G2 53 .. 28 SOUTHERN CALIFO .. HIA COASTAL AH O MOUNTAIN AREAS -L•lt nl9h1 I nd morning low CIOudln•••· o ........ lllf, but guety wind• 11 llmet In mountalnt . High• 82 to 72 In the ooutal .,..., Lowe 45 to U . Hlgha 41 to U In th• mount~. LOWI H to U . ·Tides 3 counts dropped • ID 'scam' By JERRY HE RTENSTEIN 0( tt-e Delly ,... It.ff Te1llmony from the .ecretAry of Ralph W. McDonald, a man occu11ed of ma1termlndlng an allesed multi-million dollar fraud scheme, as well as statements from a 10-ca lled financial coun.eelor, have been heard In the preliminary h earing o f McDonald. Still more investors wete to be called to the stand today ln the hurlng before Blair Barnette, munklpal judge at South Orange County cour thouse in Laguna Niguel Three of 35 charges against Mc Donald were d ropped just after Thursday's day -lo ng heanng opened. Those charges are grand theft and nusrepresent.ation and sale of an unregistered 1ecurlly to a specific client. Tom Buck, deputy district attorney, made a motJon to drop the counts because he said h e was unable lo produce witnesses to testify to those charges. McDonald, 41, of San Juan Capistrano, has pleaded Innocent to all charges. He was arrested al his Golden Eagle l nve1Hment offil.~ in El Toro during a Feb. 10 raid by sheriff's deputies. He is accused, among other charges, of bilking more than 1,000 investors out of millions of dollars by allegedly running a "Ponzi scheme" -collecting money from later investors to pay off early investors Latest figures released by mvesugators show that $849,890 m cash was se1z.ed during the raid along with records and weapons The records reveal McDonald had collected $18.2 m1l1 1on in investments, a ccording to sheriff 's Lt Wyatt Hart. McDonald, an Arkansas native and Vietnam veteran, returned $6 m1llion to mvestors and paid $1 7 million an commission to salesmen. Hart saJd $9 6 nuU1on in unaccounted for Soap tabbed • as noxious liquid odor The liqwd substanee rontallled 1n a leaky parcel that caused eight postal workers in Orange to be co m e 1 11 l h 1 s w e e k w~ a identified Thursday as a heavy roncentrauon of mduatnal .oap. The liquid cleaner leaked from a package onto a m&l cart behmd the U .S . Pos t Office ea rly Wednesday. causing the eight employees to suffer nausea and dizziness. They were treated at Chapman General Hoer1tal A special ch emica cleanup firm called an to examine the residue of the liquid 1denufied 1t Thursday. Also solved was the mystery of what had· become of the small padtage itaelf. It was found m a mail hampe r at the Orange facility, located at 1075 N. Tustin Ave. Postal offu:1als had been unable to locate the parce l Wednesday and feared 1t was shipped to another post office m the county l''ountaln Valley's 2~th birthday celebration co mmittee la seeking additional parl1clpant11 for u birthday parade plannrd on Saturday, June 12 . Committee member Jan Wllbelm said there Is a particula r need for horse-riding part1clpants. She said t he commlllt-e already has re ce ived commitments from local bands, neighbori ng c1ues. service clubs and vario us •Lee J . Hab e r o f Huntington Heath will receive his Eagle Sc:oul award 1n ce remon ies Sunda y conducted aboard the USS LcwLB 8 . Puller at the Long Beach Naval Station. A famlly member said that LN-rcquesu.'Cl tht! Navy ship •Sean F . Faircloth of 17552 DeLong Circle, Huntington Beach, a senior in the college o f arts and letters at the University of Notre Dame, •uarren M . Moort. son of Mr and Mrs. Brian F . Moore of Huntington Beat:h, h as been appointed to the U S Military Academy at West Point, according to an assis - tant to Rep. Robert Badbam, buslnt'llll'll who plan to take part i'l tht.• parade, which will luck off 11 daylong celebration. Tht:< parndt• will start !At l"ount.uln Valley High School, pro{'eed n wth on Bushard Strl't!l, and travel east on Hdl Avenu .... to the dty'a rt!crt>at1on center at Mile Squan• Park Entry Corms and add1uonal mform.allon on the parade can Ix-ubtamed from Joan Dean al 1-'ountain Valley City Hall, 1'.11)3-8321 ah thl· site • lor his n·remony bl'l'JUM' o f hie. anu·n·st an a military 1·arl'l'r Hai. Eagle prOJN't was h~lp1ng the City of Jl u11t1ngton 8l'a1:h to r1ubllt·1H· and promote 1t 11 ilufftop landscaping pro~·t ;;long Pal·1f1t· Coast lllghway has been named to the dean's l ist f or high scholastic achievemerH for the spring ~mester. R-Newpott &a<.•h M oore has bel·n o n thl• bas kt:<tball team and 1s a ml•mbc.-r of the Key Club at Edison ll1gh S<:hool Ht• will gradudlA.' m June· Laguna's Sanchis to leave schools? Laguna Beach schools Superintendent Robert Sanch1s appears as odds-on cho1ct' today to be appointed new c h1('f administrator of the Glendale Unified School District . Glen dale sch ool board members meet Tuesday at 7 pm to officia lly announce the ir choice for new superintendent Unofficially. sources within the Glendale system indicate the selec t ion fro m numerouh candidates had boiled down to Dr. Sanchis and an educator from New York . Sanchis got the nod Sanchis, 4 5, became superintendent of the Laguna Beac h Unified School District eight years ago. Previously he was assist.ant superintendent and pr1nc1pal o f Arevalos and Newland schools in the FountaJn Valley Ele mentary S c h ool District. H is salary at Laguna Beach is $45,000 annually The Glendall' supt:!'intendent's post pays $60,000, according to June S weetnam , Glendale school board president. Lagun a's school system. including one high school, one junior high and two elementary campuses has suffered sever e financial cutbacks and dwindling enrollment in recent years Oallr l'llol Steff Photo NEW POST Laguna S(:hool Su pt• r 1 n l l· n d c• n t R obt' rt San<.:h1 s 1s cxpectl'd t o b e appointed Tuesda y as supcnntcndl'nt m Gll'ndall' Enrollment has dropped from J,250 to 2.580 1n the past e ight yt•an. RobnscrYs PLAN TO ATTEND OUR DIOR PERFECT NAIL CLINICS M~~~~~T21, And 1n lllSI onr• hour yo u c an IPa rn how to ac:t11Pve a proless1onal 1ook1nq manicure rtghl al home You II alc;o receive your own work1nq kit of full c;11e 0101 nail products 10 take home with you All in all a lerraltc beauty investment indeed' Kit (includes llvo Dior essent1alsJ plus one·hour class. S12.50 For your reserv111mn in Newport Thursday. May 20. or Friday. May 21. 11 a m or 2 p m . please call (714)644 2800. e xt 681 Robinson's Cosmetics 12 Hunl::1':' Plef s.tlta ~ Jetty 1ft-2fl poot-4alf 51 40ltl It. NMpol1 1 ft poot 58 TODAY 8eootld hltlfl J:M p..m. U ' leoond low 1:33 p.m. 3.2 Und It. Newport ' " poot M lllboe Wedge 'ft poot &I ~.L.-1 ft poot ff ~ "' Poll' ff 1" "°°' 68 a.ti~ .... , •• ft poot N Tr= (T _, ,.., ,, pool N TOt.40 .... 0W'I TIOll: HIOh t :01 p,lft Low tO: H •·"' l•ell Olr.-on loua'"'4 IATUN>AY flltwt hlgf't 2:0t Lm, 4.0 l'lrlt IOw 10> 11 a.111. 0.1 ~,. t.01 p.111. a.t • ~ loW 10:.q p.ft\. U tun Nit toel•r •• '7:47 p.m .. • ,,... ietwdl!V .. 1:12 a.lft. I MoOft,,.. todlly"' 12:'6 ._,.,, -· t.wrdlr .. tl:Ol -.m . I • • i , l mill u~ rn rn Wholesale prices • rise Cost of food offsets declines in energy By n e A11oclaled Pre11 WASHJNOTON Wholt1Mlti prkt11 rewntod two month.I of declines ind rcw •' a tiny annual ret.e of 0.9 perunt In April, lht' govt1rrunent aald tod•y. Rl1ln1 price• for food luq(t'ly ofhet record dc.'Clln8 In t!ner1ey twl.t In the Latbcir Jkpat'tmcnt'• J'rodut•t•r Prkc Index for flnlahed aood1 -th• formM.l mun(' for thu wholeulti p~ lndux. With the-ovttr11l ""In lo April, lt1fl1llon at the wh<>h"IMlltt ll"vt-1 WM.a ruru1lng at Ill annual rate of 0 4 Pf!m"nt tor th«" flr.t four monttu. of 1982 For all of 1U81 , the lndu rt.lllt' 7 f>C!rt'tmt J Reagan urges nuke arms treaty WASJILNGTON Preuing the Soviet Union for a rt!Spo~. President Reagan haa renewt'd hlM cull for• n e w treaty t o reverse the growth ut "frt~hl.4-nJn.c" lonK·rangt> nud .. ur ml"-'lllt>le "Once launched, that'• 11, ttwy'n• vn th~1r w11y a nd tht·n"• no prcvcnllnti. or etopplng tht'm," Jtt.ugun IM.lld Thursday nlaiht In a rww• c.,·otlft'rent~. <:u lllnK lund bat1cd ml11.il .. 11 with multlpll" werhcud• "moil frlghtt'nlni to rno•l pt•uple," l{(:ugan urgt"d Sc>Vlt•t Prt'tlldf>nt Lt«>nld I Brt'."thnl"v t.o ugtt-t• t.o OJ>t>n n .. JlotlJ uun. lJy lu u-J unt· Senate votes to allow chemical arms WASHINGTON The Sena~. In u marathon ZO -hour debate over a $1 77.9 billion dt-feruw IJlll. voted narrowly t!arly today to allow l're111dl'nt H.eagan to retume production of t.'hcm1caJ weaporu for the fln1t lime In 13 ye81'1i. The Senatt-agreed, howev('r, t.o an amt-ndmt:nt pult1na a ca p o n the 11zt-o f th e U S chemical-wt-apon 11t.ockplle and aay1ng that humaru may not bt· uM.od for t·xpt·rlnwn~ with the.-dt-adly wt' a pollll Th.-final cl1•ft·n1w author11at1 o n bill ul1H> 1nt.'ludt•11 munt•y tor two n1·w nudt!ar powt!red aart·rafl rnrrll'nt, but $I blllton R1:agan r<.-tfUt."l'Su!d for inwrim dt·pluynwnt of tht• MX mliuilll" wu strlpJX--tJ f rcJm thl· mt•u11u1t• No utt1•1r1pt wa11 madt• tu cut tundi. rt-qUt'tlW<J f111 Ow B l bombt!r. President visits Pennsylvania farm LANDENBERG, Pa Pre11dent Reagan t.alkt'd about agncultural problem. on a ~.300·li4:rt' dairy farm today and, st.anding at 11 11plll rail fonc,. overlooking a herd of pregnant oow1, 11nullngly t(rtVt· a farme r pemu1111on t.o name a newly born calf uftt•r. Na.rwy R.t!ugan W[[)ffi[[[J After looking out ovt•r the two dozen pregnant c11 ws for abou t f1 vt• mir1utcs, the president 1.1ddrt-s11t:d 11<:vc·rul hundrl'd resld~nls of Chester County at Leon Wllk1n11o n 's farm near tht• Ul·lawar« hordn and about 3~ rrules aouthwt-sl of Ph1ladl'lphia Cosmonauts to join space lab MOSCOW Two SoVlt't c·osm onauts who blat1t£-d Into SJ>'K't! Thursday were preparing toduy for a "t.'omplex mant>uver" lo link up w ith tht- orb1un11 Salyut 7 1pat't' laboratory. Radio MOlll·ow reported Lt Col Anatoly Bert'tovoy, the m1u111n '-'t>mmandn, und pllut Vuit-nlln L1·bt'dev hurtlt'd into !!pan• abuurd an advum·t-<l Soyuz T -5 that blu.111.t'd off al l ·~H pm (2.58 a n1. PDT) Thunday from th1• Ha1kunur 11\iu«e l't'Olt•r Bt•rezovoy Ill 11111k1111( hlM t 11'Kt 11pm·l· t 1ghl Both 1m•n art· 40 y<·an uld Pope's attacker arraigned • Lisbon LISBON. J'CJrlugal Juan Fernandez Krohn, lhe archconaervauve Span11h prleat acc used of trying to kill P ope John Paul JI , waa arraigned before a Portugut.'11t' JUdge today and ordered held pending Lnal Th .. 32-ycar-old Madrid nauv<· wai; charged with att.t>mpt.ed hom1<:1de, which t.'arr1t1 a )811 term of 15 to :w yt•W'll upon t'OnVlCllon Llllbon poh<.-c dl'llCnbt:d Jo't•rTUlfldn Krohn aa 11 "dt'tt-rmmt-d, no·no~n&e man who knew whsit he w&.11 doing" Rut outhontlt'11 aaid they hellevN! the SJMmard'K utta1 k W(IA "<in 1~,lawd act without any l'Orlhplra.t y " Polish police battle demonstrators WARSAW, Poland Police battled 10,0110 pro-Solidarity demonstrat.ora in Krukow und 1,000 youth.11 In Warsaw protf'!lllng five month~ of mart1cil l;;w But mot.1ir111~ 1gnun-d cin upptoal from leadn11 of the 1ndcpendl•nt lab<Jr movemt•nl for a trnff1« blockade and ont'·minut..c.> h<Jrn prot.t-st 1n the cap11.HI ~TiffiTia Thursday Ped<•atrrnn• also disregarded a plc:a to 1•1mw 1.11 11 fiO·lll'<-'Ond 1H.nndst11J It WWI d1ff1tull to dt•lerminc the n·sPOnse to Solld11r1ty'11 mil tor nut1onw1dl:' I ~-minute fact.or y ~lrikt'll Howt•vN, the ~11v1•rnmt•nt'11 Radio Wan.aw 1rn1d lift· and work w1•r1· normal "pracllcally 1•vt•rywh1·r.-" 1u1d lhf'r1• Wt'rt· 1Jnly "11porad1c "4nc1dt·nt.H" Two cop killings spur manhunt RIVERSIDE Authorities inveat1gatJng the down 1laylng1 of two plainclothes police officers havf' launched II maulve manhunt for an ex·convict who 1o me 1ay WH bitter wllh police over an earlier 1hoollng that left h im paralyzed from the waist The 1p1nal <.'f>rd of Jack.an Chlilllbers Darud.11 Jr , 44, wu St•vt·red two years in o shoot.()Ul with police In a rubb1•ry at the First Trust Bank 1n Rlvf'rslde Ford settles over 'defective shift' LOS ANGELES -A former catering truck operator who loet a leg when an idUng car aUpped out of "puk" and pinned him ag.ain1t a t.abh: has settled with the Ford Mot.or Co. after a jury agrt't'd the car had a 1hift 1ystem defect verdict on whether the defect cauaed thl' man'• lnJurlet, aald Ford att tomey Kenneth R. Chiate. Hl' •oald Ford would move for a new trial. The amount of the settlement to Fabio Nunez, 44, of South Gate, which wu baaed on an unuawll ln-lrlal agre.>mt'nl, w111 not dlsd<ltied H <>wever, the jury was unablt' to reac h a OR ANOE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P H81eY ....-... -°""" ,_ ~ Key Schutt1 Yal'r-...., OorC'et OI .......,_,. Tom Murphlne ("'91 MIU HllWY ()Ir-"' 1111.w\ .... 1G1r...-.-1 Ken Goddetd OW~OIO,.- ~ Meol..-n c.w .... Ctwlriee Looe ..........,. .... ..., ......... ..., ,,._......, ""°"" .. ,,141 .. " lff)u 9Q <'(ii .... v. __ ..,..11) ............... , , "' -,...... Ulfl~ """"" -... .. CluaHled •dver1laln9 714/8"42·M71 All other dep•rtm•nta e.42-4321 MAIN Of'FICE DIW••lll..,St c.,.to_w (A --.11.-... !lo• '* '°'"' -.. c" .,.,. ,...,,..,.. ,., °' ..... , ............. ,.. ... ,_, He,...,-·· 111u.irot1leOI\, MK••••,,..,..,., .. w.,11 .. .....,1\ IW•-'" ,..., M ,.,,_ '"''~ _ ... ,. ..... _ .. ,_, __ ... , VOL. 71, NO. 114 Pe nthouse victory may r ever se tre nd COMPTON -Penthouae m1aiulne'1 v k to r y In a $~22 million llbol suit brouaht by a South ern Callfornl• reaort balances a trend of puru.hlna the pre.a with ahoppln& damaae a11011ment1, a Jewyer for the maaaz.lne u19. Alt.er • 6 ~ month trla1 and 16 days of deUber1Uonl, a Superior Court Jury found Thunday that neither PenU\ou..e nor publiaher Robert Oucclone had Ubeled the Rancho t..a Coli. reeon In • um~ artlcle llnkJnc It with or1aoJzed crime. We're Listening ••• Wh1d d6 )'OU llk1• 11 l)t)1JI lhtl 0111)' ruot" Whlilt don't )'OU Ilk•' C'ull tht• number bt>low and your mc11a1e will bf' rrcordtd, tr1tn1crll>t'd und dt•llvored to thf' 1pproprlate editor The 11amt• 24 hour unawerin& Hrvl<'• may bto uHd to r•rord let lt•r11 to ttw editor on ony to111r Mailbox contrlbulon mu1t lnt'ludt lhelr ni.mt• und 1t•lt11h11nr numbc>r for v•rlflutlon No C'lrculaUon r ails. plt>tou• Tttll ua what ·~"" your mind 842·6088 Orang• Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Friday. May 14. 1982 STEADY HANDS, GOOD EYE Tim J o hnscJfl lit.t·rnlly had "a lo t" of work thls w<:ck wh<'n ht-Rel out to ltnl' the p arking lot at Westmlnater Mall in Westm1nstt•r I h•'s obvwus ly ttw man to get things straight Schmitz raps Haig, Falklands policy SACRAMl£NTO <AP) St.av· St•n J ohn St.'hm1tz of Ne wport Brach ha!i comt-out a~a1n11t St•trt'lury of S talf• Alt·xander ll alg , U S pulley 1n the Fulkl1111d11, and "Jewl1h powt-r 1n th1M muntry Schmitz 18 u candlduw tor thf' Hc•publknn nommullon for U S S.·nau· UCI quartet on TV tonight A beh1nd·thc ll<'t•nt•11 look at the New Yo rk String Quartet, in-r ealdence at UC Irvine 1lnct' 1978, w1JJ air tonlght at Y·30 on KOCE Chann«>I ~O Th"' half ·hour proj(ram was filmed al UCl In April ar.d fot•uat.·1 on n •hearula of lht' quartet 1n prl'parnt1on for l'OnN'rl appearancc-s The program was produc.:t•d and directed hy Carrol Ellerbe of KOCE , tht· liunt1ngto 11 Bc11l·h · ba11t>d pu blit· l1•l1•111f11on 11Lllt1on Animal treatme nt in "Conan' flayed LOS ANGELE S (AP) •'Barbaric" 11 tht! way four animal prot.«uon groupti de11erltx• the treutm1·nt o t untrained an1mal1 In tht· new advt-ntur .. film, "Conan thP Barbarian," which open.a tonight rurud threat& of prot.etl The m ovlf' features animal• who weren't tralnf'd to handle 11unt1 , said Carmt-llta P o pl', dlr~cto r o f the H ol lyw ood humane auoc1atlon Ill• t1Jld <a n1·ws nHd1·1 t•1111• Thurl><Jay ht· would 1nlr (1du1 •· d h:g1Slallvf' rM10lut11m t.11 t•11durM· J Saudi Arab1un pt·at·t· µ111po&ul The propo11ai would 1ntlud1• l.srueli withdraw&! from oct'Uplt"J tt-rrltorlt.'11, including !ht• formt·r Arab 1u.•ct1on o f Jerusol1·m , t·n ·ulion of 11 Pah:11tin1un 11 t;1\e, ._nd mutu&I pt·a ce guarant1·1"" among all natwns Jn the art•a Jn a written 1>tatt·mt·n l , Sc·hmitz also 11u ld lht· lh·uuun adm1n1str11t111n h1111 shown 110 1nter1: st 1 n t h t· Saud 1 rw ;11· c· f rop o 1al bt-cauH· uf ''lht· 1rael1 -f 1r slt<rs 1n uu r uwn govt'rnmt·nt m ost 11otullly A l e x a fl d t• r H a 1 g • w h u I ., N'portt'dly running fur prt-s1rfonl and k,nows wht-rf' thto murwy 111 America u1 " Ht' added that "th<· lsrat•l1 lobby Jewlllh power in th111 country," wields an important and harmful influc•n<'e ov1•r US policy in the Middle wt Schmitz, far tl('hind in 0pin1ein polls 1n a c.:rowdt."d H••puhl1«11n field, 1mplwd thflt tlw "li.rut·l1 lobby" had hurt h111 eampaij(n f u n<l-ra1111 n~. II t• H&1d ht· h .. 11; 1·ullt.-<:t.tod al:x1ut $100,000. far lt'!i.'I than In a prev10U8 cumpal~n "You start talking uboul u l'ruc1al and an Amn1«an111t poll<'y 111 thc· M iddl<' East and you M'(' w h a l h a p p L· n s t o y 1i u r fund-ra11>1ng ub1hty," ht' said Nt. tor the l"alklands, Sc:hmllz 111ud that If he had bt•t-n in lht• U S St•nate, hP woul<i huv1• d1s11ented rrom a rt•i.olullon supporting Great Bnt.aan While support fur Primt· M 1nl11tc.>r Mar garet Tha tt'ht·r'11 g ovcrnmen t m1gh l help lht' United Slates In the short ru11, Schmitz said, 1t was dr1v1ng Luun America away from WI snt.o lht" handa of the only power that we need fear, the Soviet Uruon H/r Braniff routes sought GRAPEVINE, Texu (AP) Branllf ln\unllllonal worker 1\ood In unumployrru:nt lln• seckanAi tt-mpo rary jolJ•. anc o\ht•r rnrrlcr• applied for th.I , p e nnlleu airline'• route• •1 Hr1nlff otf1clal1 1ought t.•our ,,ro1 .. c·tlon from t•rcdltor•. wht nwy IJt• owl-d $1 bllllou • 8rnn1H tkkt:th1Jldet1 111U(l~ r1•tund8 Thundtay or wklwd flit 11Utndby llt.'ttl.t 1m ulhf'r carrlcni, llr off1rn1l1 of th~ f1t1t maJOr U,& I lt 1 r I 1 n t· l o ( a I 1 • 1 n c t: t h • I borrut.orm111g ec a aaJd tht-y hopt'< \11 bt· flyln" ugam In Ill)( Wt"t'kai ttrunitt 11UJ1JX'ndl-d •U fll"ht.t 91 ~ ., m Wt•drwaday, lht-n met"' n11dn1ght in tht.o hornt' of e Jud,J< Jn f'ort W orth 111 tile under Chaptt!r 11 o f thl" tedt-ra uankruplcy luw11. •e~kln8 prolct·twn from aed1 tora whtk l ht• y l r y lo 1 l' o rgan 1 z c· \ b • r·ompuny A l a 111• w s ,. on f t re n UIJ Thuri1day, Br&n1ff Chai rman H oward Putnem . h1!i voi<:I' <0rack1ng with t•mullon, :wld flltnt th1· JX'lltlon WWI ttw only wfly II ..uvt• th1· airllnt' "Wh:al Wt• hud kl du lw.t nl"h wit.11 v1•1 y d1tfkult," Putruun suld "W1•'r.-lr y1111( 111 provide & huii fo1 u future for th111 &irllnf'." Jn WUHhingum. o ft1c1al8 of tht Civil Al•ronaut1<·11 Bciurd ssl , utht•r t.·iirrwr11 wc•rt• c•XJ>t--<·ted tc nwvt• qu11:kl y into Bran11f'j dcimf•sl1c: ruutt•s Off1('111 l11 for l'A'itt·rn Aarhnt'll Wild tht•y would 111.a u ~ u ru tt• Lu l 1 n A m<.•r1c-.,1 i.Nv1t t.· t1><.la y . t11k1ng ov~r ll111f Br.miff pn·v1ou .. Jy ugn.•t•d iii lt·IJ.SI• Tht-C:AB i.<J1d truvt:l1·ri, wt)µ ho uuht Brnn1ff l1tkt"t11 throuf41 JIHJlh(•f u1rl1n1· I ould USt' l h) ltl'k(·l.li on <Jnothn ( ;u r1tor or g1·t b rdund Truvt·l1·1ii who bou~h L ll«k<•L'I through lt;iv1·I agents wlij ht• utJlt• t.11 fl y cm a 11pac:e-ava1h;blt- liwilli with othn t:arr1erv. but rwl rdunds will ~ mad" uni~., th ] tu:kl'IJ> wt·re pun·ha..st-d aft.er Mu)I" JO County labor·· union faces jury probe By The Auoclated Prus A t t• d t· r a 1 g r 11 n d J u r y 1 1 1n vc•Jit1 gall rig l h c· f 1 nun t I Ii, dt.-:il1ngs of JO Orange Courn5 ltabor union and I ls o ff1n:rfl offac-1als confirmt•d Thursday 111 LtJti Angel.c. ... ~ l11vt'!illl(&t.11rs d<-c: ltni'il to rt"Vea 11111-t·if lt1t uf tht· prolw Ag1·nt Jam M1{.'ully of tht• U.S Jui.twt· Dt•purtment'& Organized Crimi' Str1k .. F'urt·e sai d the grund Jury'll 1nvt•i.t1gatwn o( LablJI ni. lntl'rnat111nal Untqn Lornl or,;i h<t& bt·i·n under way about tw11 months But ht· added, "ll 111 1111Jy lwginning The: ~rand Jury 1s n1Jt nl'ar -. drt'ision " Tlt111 111 thl1 IK'<.'Ond time in lhrt.'f' yt•tar11 that Southern Cal1forni.. IOl·ul.s of tht: Laborers Umon have l)l-t•n tht· t.ar~f'l of federal probes. I n A u gust o f 1979, a U .S: D1 11trtl l Court Jury convicted Manul'I Rt•ntcria , h~ad of the hugt-Lo11 Angt-les-based Loccal :mo or thl· un10n. of mail fraud, llJn11p1riu:y and solsc1tlng a $ I0,000 k1t·kback Earlier 1n 1979 lht· union 's 1nternat1on1f I l· u d er 11 h 1 p h o d pl a cc d t ht d1AM•J1J11on-t.om Los Angt!lc'I IOQJ undt!r rl'(."('1venh ip - LEE'S CARPET MAY MADNESS SALE It.., " ........ but titf1C now your Leet De., II off.mg ~.-.. MYtnga on Lfft' "'°" popular uwpeta. Durtng 0411 May MadMtl s .... you'll find tNfl, plushes, uutptur ... In h41ndr•d• of colon .net nyt ... You'll find L••• Carp•U with ••<l1o11lv• llofre1h. 11Mofr"'1 II the ~ prouu ttwt nghtl odort end od0f'•<au1l"9 b•ct•rf•. •nd keep• your carpet nbeu hy~ hth fOf We.I You'll .. to find Leet Clll"pl'll In 1011 and cr1.11h rHlllant Dupont Antron. T•k• .av~ of OUt ~ May M4ldnnl IN. S ... by yo4itl Lfft ... .._now. To ignore IUCh., oppcwtunlty would be llhe9f IMdne• Tone-On-Tone Rlchly stylt'd twist created for your elegant lltestyle Deep sumptuous pllt' tuture and natural tone-on-tont' shading art the hlllmarks ot tnls fine Lees. Carpet. S 2 1 91 SO. YD. INST AU.ID Twist Crafted from hard twisted nylon yarm tt)CU art sptclally designed tor years or outstanding performance Vibrant colors add to the dt-slr ablllty of this long-wearing bt-st ·selling Lees Car~t S 199 5 SO. YO. INST AUEO Carved Texture A luxurious carvtd texture that rttltcts the finest or tr•dltlonal carper styling A w ide r1nge o f decorator colors Designed to ~rtorm anywMrt' In oosy h0mts S' 650 SQ. YO. INSTAU.ID Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad DE N'S Made better by •.....• 11 •....... Burlington fill ./nsta 1ation ·custom draperies:. uo.•.-- 646-4131 -646-2355 °''"09 OOUI DAIL V PILOT 1'rldey, Mey 14, 1812 a By 'he A11oclated Pren &mw t'Ut\llUmt'rw Mft' fln<llna« l"l'l'<.ht Ill C.'Ultir tu &N ug11l11 lhNC day1, but t ht!t c.ut I• hlHh Mn<! thl' londt•r11 urt• pk:ky "We'l't' all aiolnfi o(wr tht• Up!k:all• <'U,.ltlU\ttr," uld Jim Mal· thew• of Conlln .. 11tlil Jlllnohs Nuuonul Ml.Ink und Tru•t Co In ChlCliO. The flood ot credit that penist.ed throu~h much of the 11170. drted up In March 1980 wh~n the: government lmpo1cd r99lricUona U> dlarouraif' borrowlnai. The r~1Hnct1ona wne llft4:d 11hA•1 1.1 rcw month.a, hut crl"dll remained tight Lt·nch•111 hud to 1111y 1il4•11d1ly rhlltlf( ant...rt·Ht rotl'll ID attract dt-poenlM. lit.alt• w.ury L-.·1ling11 l11nf\A'<I thl• um<.1u11t tlwy could chargt• borrnw1•n1, c:rt·dll L0urd11 und luun11 oht·n w..re un· profitable Slowly, howt•ver, tht' p1t:turt• 11 c·hanlilng U1ury L"l•1llnl(11 h11ve been llftt.'Ci Ft>t.'11 unrl 11nv1t1" d1url(t!11 hllw ht~·n llOJXJ!k'<I The crunch haa not endl"d, hut ll ha. eWl(-<f The FKlt-ral R.eserv .. &>Urd says thJt outatundlng l'<1rucu111t'r lrunaUment debt, not c:ounung murtgagt•11, 1m·n ·u,..-d ltuit y1·11r :it an aMual rate uf 611'J Jl4'rl'ent That c:ompuni1 wnh u 1980 growth raw of half t1 pen~nt Joe Powell. d1rK·tor uf n'll(-arch for Ma.IJIU•rCurd lnlt-r1u.t10 nal, uad the numbt·r of t•ardhuldt•ni Ill down, hut I \Iii I 11Ult'I> Wt·rt· up 15 percent from tht• prt-v10UJ1 y(•&r "What 11 huppenang I'-that pt"'f>plt· u1 •· ton!'l'1luhtting tllC'll credit card!l," he ..aid, tx-<.·auM· of new fr"-"b, fJC"i'JfJlt• who USt"I lo hold two or morl' cards havt• r.w11.<·ht'd \Ai om· Powell s1t1d that only half lht· lwnk11 n ·r.ponrl111g lu '-' Mllllt.erCard i;urvt·y last fall rr•ptJrtt'<J thut lht•y w1·r•· looklnR for new a«.'t.'OUnt.a, ht• ~1d, arc ht·ing w•lc.-<.·llvt• "Bank11 1trc tchowlng mun: M1J1h1:.l1t·at111n in ll·rm., •if s•·u mcnling their market," Pow1•ll S<JI< Sandra J Mt·Laughlm. '14·lllur vu 1· p1t..,1dt·11t of th•· M1·1l1111 Bank of Pittsburgh, s&ld th•· n ••<lat 111tuau•in 1-1 "'opt.·rung up u htth• bu " Pat Coult of ChaJW· M;mhatt;orl Rank 111 N1 w YC>rk City !!I.lid the hf ling or th1· st<1t1·'11 u:.ur y n ·illllj( Morly Ill l!lll I ti .. 1,,..d Ill crease tht-flow of uf'<lll "'Wl' an· at:llVt·ly lookmg for w.,y.., \Ai 1>frt•1 IJt '••plr· u 1'<l1t." 1th•· &aid Tht' u1tury u·1hng 1111 tn "'<J1l 1·ant 111\l•n ..,t 111 lll11111L'> w,c. 1·11 m1natt.'<i lw;t Oetuht·r M.1llh1·w., lkllll < '1111lllwnt.;d :md rtllr..l 11tl11•1 lcmden now <:h<tq~1· 1'11 <tnnuJI r<tl•· rA J!J 8 µc-rt't•11l 011 V1...,. ;,111J Mastt-rCard b<tl.ant"t'l\ which :in· nol 1><11c.J 111 full L•.11 h rn1mth "You <·<111 rrllikt' m11111·y at th<Jt lt•vt·I lr.xfay," -..Jiii Matlh1•w" u long as yuu <trt· ntJt payinl( rn<Jn· thiln :111 ;,v1 ·rd~I'11( I:! p••1t1·111 cm de· poll• lJi M:.ttht•w., r.:11d th1· 11uml14·r 11f purrhu.St·., pt.·r <ti uv1• 1 rc·d11 card a<'t'Ount at umtin<·n!Al tlurml( tht.· fcr11l tw11 montlu. 11f llllil ww; 1:1 pt'l't't•nt hrgh1·r than 111 thl• ~mt-1x·r11id :i y1•;Ar t'al ll1·r , tilt' 111z.c of the avt:r<tgt• purd1asc· wwi up H pt·rt."t·nl Wh1·11 y11u .1dJu't tht> f1gurt'!i for mCluuon, "1t'1t nm un tox1·1t1nK an< n ·;w-." lw ,;11d • ~-V11Wered. ·'()(Jt 11 probJ,.,n., 'l'hl.'fl wnt.t• 111 I'm llomwtl7. J.J:it will cut red tllpe, getung the aruwe/"11 and action you need t.o .o/ve in«JultJe. in J(Ovt:m~nr and busint!'llli Mml y our 41.Msl.JfH1'i tu J>;it Jl11mw1rz. At Y1iur .'X.•fVll.t•, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O &x 1 j 60, Co•t• M~. CA 92626. As many letters as po&'Uble will be -------------------------Heart drug studied 806TON (AP) -Two atudlee examine whether a drua called IOdlwn n!tropNll!de reduce. tM dam•&• of heart attack•. One f ound It to be a drtmatlc llf ... ver; tho other concludH It doesn't help Althouah there: were aome dlfferencn In the way the two 1tudln were conducted, It wa1 1Ull uncltttr why they reached oppollte oonclUliona. Both tated the dn.tc on heart attack v1ct!mt to find out whethu It reduced th~ number of dHth1 In the w~ka followlni the 1elzuret. The po1ltlve reeuJta were obtained In a European 1tudy directed by Dr. Joeeph D. Durrer of the Unlveralty H oapltal of Ameterdam . H e f ound "a significant r eduction In mortality." Only half a• many people died during the flrtt month of ~ery after the heart att.acka when they received the drug. However , U .S . doc t o r• working Independently found the: drug had no effect on the dciilh rate after ii heart attack. Their work was conducted at 11 Veterans Admlnlalratlon hoeipltah and directed by Dr. Jiiy N Cohn of the University of Mlnneeota Hoepltah. Both studies were published an Thuradily 'e New England Journal of Medic.1ne N 1 tropru1111de has been used for scverul yea.rs as a way w treat extremely high blood pre1111ure The drug 11 given through 1ntravenoua 1olutlo n , and It unprovt11 the flow of blood t.o the heart by opening up the urter1et. Jn an accompanying editorial, Dr Eug<:ne R. Paasaman1 of the Nauon.al Heart, Lung and Blood lruilllUte an Bethe9da, Md., noted d1fference8 In the experiment• that might help explain the contrasting result.ti. In tht' U S atudy, all the pallcnlM had poorly functioning left ventricles, and they receive..«! the drug an average of 16 houn after their heart uttac k1 Tht' European palienta were largtdy free of ventricular failure, and tney got the medicine sooner an avt'rage o f five hours a fter their attack.a WHO ARE THEY? -It look.a like a t.aJk 1how h<>1t'• dream panel. Prin<'t'M Diana, Woody Allen, Barbra Stretau1ld and 01'8<m W e ll ~a . Except that a ll rour &re look -alikt.-1 furnlahed by thf> man ul le ft. Ron Snuth of the Celebrity Look AJlk(->tl ,.,..,..,.. aaicn cy DI, Woody, Ba.rbra and Onon, (Cheri A lle n , Richard Naklic, Cht·ryl Holln and Mich e l Glvo11) wen· brought tot• Toron t o TV tJt ud io f or th1M Up pt!8T81lC'('. 14-year -old pol adva ncl.'s A junior high atudt.'nl with an lnt.ert1t In noxlou.s plunlM hill won n om1nat1on to a Nebraska w~'Ci CtJnlrol board after a campu1gn that included a nat1 o nul TV appearance. Erle 8 . Salem, 14, who appearl"d March 26 on Johnny Careon'a "Tonight" show on NBC. ftnlahed lil•ccind In u non-partisan primary ract.· that waa held to pick four cond1dote11 for two Opt"ning1 on tht-Lan<:aaler County Wc·ed Control Board Th(· primary was a. formullly. r;int·e th~re were• only four ptooplt' running, and all will u d v a n <: t· t 1> t h t• g c n t: r u I 1·lt"C.·t111n Std1·m ri·c·P tV<'d 11 ,106 v11tt·11 He 1mld he wantt'd to M·rve on th(' hoarrJ beol~ o f h111 intt'f(•llt In OfJXiOWI plant.II and II IWWIJ IHl>ry la.st year In whu·h uuthorrlle11 said tall wt·£-d ~ m 11 y h 11 v t: h l' l' n u 1·ontnbut1ng factA1r an a fat.al ltl.,-·1d<:nt, tx.-<.·1.1WM: tht:y C'rcat.c.od a hhnd spot at an ant.e1"8t'C.'tlon Comt'dlan and polillcal 1u:uv11t Dkl& Gre1ory ha. a fmanc.·ut.I problem, but hun't I011l hlll ~fllM.' of humor Ht: U1 In arrean on a $96,700 m o rtgage , f o reclo•ure proc..-eedln~ have begun, and the houae In Plymouth, Maa1 , la due to be so ld at auction June 9, a lt'tial notice uy1 Rcuc hed for comment, Gregory joked that he "waa surpruied t.o M:e a at.ory about 1iomebody losing h111 house, whc·n I thought the new1 n o w&da y11 wa11 when somebody can afford t.o buy a hoUll(" " MUSICAL OPENS -Aftt·r th1· Bru<.idw<.t y opening of thl· mus1t·al "Nim·." 'il.ar Haul Juli<.&, sct•o nd from right , <tfJp<·arc·d ·~ Wltept>oto bac kl>tagt: with Jot'Y lil'alherton <tnd S hl'ryl l..A..'i.' of tht> hit "Dreamg1rl.s," and "Nan"" co-star Anita Morns. right. Paid Advertlsement Effortless Exercise: The Story Behind Electronic Exercise ll!'lllllo( th1· mu'l<'l1· 'l1muli.t.11r 1·11111 l11n t>lf with H111 llf'alth < • t• n lt'r·., fa v11rllf' 111 t•t Brad /\!'.pin w1·nt rr11m .. \111' :~pant lo ll llt' ;j() In JU\l :!14.i Wt•r•k!'I lfl.S m 11 t h 1· 1 "111 r m iJ ., il w " n11 I u r rl''oUlt!! l'l/t' 12 tr1 'Ill' >i i Ill lh(" \amc If! <lay 1,.·r111tl Tht.·1>1· itn• JU'>I I wc1 of lht' many '>ll t:t"t'l>\ful & hup11y n111 fl('alth Ct·nt•·r c·u11tom1·r., That :-. why P''f1J1l1· <trt' florklllK to Bio Jf1•allh ('niter on 17th St r c c t 1 n C' 1>" la M (·-, a and hl.'coming rc·gular purl1<'1panL'i (I r (' I f• cl r (Jr\ IC" ,. )( ,. rt' I 'I,. w 1 l h amazing r('l>UIL\ The .prant•q,lt• heh1nd th111 ptwnom(•n<m .,, :;tr111ght forward In a '"<·ailed ·voluntary ' c·1intradion , that Ill lo ~ay during c .. eryday movement, the brain 11end11 a signal along a nerve t.o the "mot.or JOlnl" of a muscle This 111gnal, 111mllar to a weak electric current, Is a me1111aae t.o the mWJcles to contract In electr o mu 11cu lur s timulation at Bio Health Center, electrodes in the form of ronductiv<: rubber pads ure placed on the surfoce of the s kin over the motor po1nt1 of 16 major mw1ch.! group!l When a ver y weak electronic <'urrent 111 applied through the p11dll, the signal rinds its way throuah the skin to these motor po1nL~ und c11u11ea the mwsclea lo contrucl, Just aa 1f it hud recelv(•d a signal from the brain. During lhe CQ1\tra<'lion of theae mUAcles, the muscle11 ar~ •clually expending energy and d oln1 the work Patrons ot 910.lfeallh often romment that' the exercltW feela thorouah and re•llY worka the cnllre mu.scle Moat H)' you have t.o try It t.o appreciate It Ooct.ora HY that .. s minutes of stlmul•Llon la ~ulvalenl t.o 800 t.o 1,500 all·UPI and /or lc1t ral1e1 Duplle exerclaln 1 your mu1clt11 80CM ,500 time• In 45 minute.. .. , peraona feel no pain durlna t.reatment and mo.t don't even feel thal familiar 1orenf't1 llke In normal uerclae The current 1tlmulatt1 clrculallon )¥hlCh at J.be ••mt Umt r1da ~ mu1clai Ol'"·wHt.e prOducli a · ,01in1. 8to·HHllh Cente ~artJtt~u do fffl a Utht.enln ,and tlrmtn1 ot t.heir mu1cle1 .:'J 1very often after the 11~ ,,. . ..,. As Seen on Channel 7 11111 llN1llh < 't•ntn I'> t·urn·ntly I et•al&n)( rn<'n an<I w11m1•n fr<im I Ill' :.agr•'> 11f IH to ~7 y1•ar!'I old ~ • .,. 1• 1·111l11" t11 11111 llt•J lth C'f'nl.t'1 Jtl .. I (tir lttt· l'Xt'I , .... ,. f1rrnin.: UIJ th•· 1 r r I a ldi y mu., c· I 1·., 11 n d 1rnpr'11v111.c th1·1r uv1·rall bod) 111111· Olh••t '\, who ari· ov1>r "'''11o(ht. 1111n ln11c th1 ... 1·lcetron1c 1• x 1· r r 1 "t• w 1 t h B 111 II ea I l h C'1·1111·1 ·s fa v11nt1· 1!1Pt progrum ull11w111i.c a i.u h,l<tnt1al we11(ht a 1111 inc·h 111!'111 /\I f1r"l 1>eovlt• '>iJ Y 1t feel11 '>lr<JnJ:t' tand art· :.amawd at ht1w th11ro ughl y It f'IH'rClllCll lhf> mu-sc lt•' 'fh<·n they relax and 11rui:r•·">lv1•ly work throul(h lh1•1r 15 m lnutt· lrt·utment /\rl1·rwunb 1wr1>oni. eXIJt'r&enc1· IJ r1vc· minute• n•laxut11m rydt• lhal f1•eli. lah• u masli<il(t' Ool'lnr11 1He aendlnl( their 1rnllenlll t.o Blo·He.ttllh Center for thti. out11tandlng exercise program Jn some CBSell, lhete r><'r'ion11 are unable to do normal cnrct!lt· due to buc k Injury. etc • alluwlnl( them to now exercise m1111cles for the first tame In Y<'lirll Bto lleallh Center hu u nominal ch11rge lo try thl11 wonder much1ne On your firlll vhut a trained technician will do :.1 full M•t of body meaaurement11 th•·n lc·t you lie atop a padded tuhl1· fur lrt•alment that wall tukt1 u11proxlmutely 45 mlnulell l>uring lhi11 lime the technician will educate you further on wh•t i11 trun11plrtnu. which gives you furtht'r under11tandln1 of the 11f'nut1on11 you Pm feelina. Aflvr your rtrst treatment, the tvc hniclun will remeuure &t 1·111<-uluh• the re11ult.a ~'lrsl time 1111era have experienced Inch lou vuyln(C from 2" t.o 9" overa ll. Thi• chonae 11 primarily cau&ed by the tonln1 of the muscle due w lhe extensive exercise It haa )u•t complet.c:d Thi• type Of equipment ha.I l>f'en widely uaed In both the mf'dtcal field and In area.1 ol profeuional sport.a. I In m edicin e , e te ctron l~ stimulation hu been wldelyl uud In ho1pltal1 lor the r e education of paralyaed mu1clea. In theae c1ae1, where voluntary extrcl1t 61 lmpoaalble, there 11 obvioutly no •ubatllute tor eleclrlcal •lll1.l14hUon. In CHU of puraplt'JPU or hom1pleg111 ro1t11w1ng a stroke. elt'clro rnullculur 'l l1mulut1on l 'I invalu:ihlt· flir prev1•nt1nl( 11>'>11 of t1111t' or 11tro11h y In 11Cf1·(•l1·cl rllllHt'll'li Other art'u11 of mt'd1cul u111· 1ncludt' the lrcalmt:nt of h«•1l sorei. by 1mprov1ng mu'jrlt' ton1• and blood C"l rculution In Sport.Ii, hamstring, muscle • strain and other 1nJurie1 havc- hcc:n lr<·ah.-rl hy do<'lor11 without rii.k Top soccer clu~ in 1-~uropc h11 vt· long known the benefits of mu st'le 11t1mulat lon in th1· trf'atmt·nt of musrlt• and hgarnt'nt 1n1un~ Tht· pn1ctrc11l advantagc11 of greutly reducanl( lhl• tlm(' 11pcnt by top r1luyt•r-s inactive due lo inJury t·an lw i m u g inc.'Ci East F.uropeana ™:came Uw forcm<>ftl exponenU of e lcctnl·ul stimulation for muscle pown training Other countrae11 ar.- us lng muscle stimulation to train every type of athlete from the endur ance needed by long dl11tancc runner s , to explosive power rl'qutred by sprlnten and high jumper11 1'ht· fa.'llt'at girl in the world. Angellu Taylor, for f'xample, u11c11 mu11clc 11limulat1 on in training F:lcctronic t•xercls•·. however, Iii n o t tor t-veryonf' The Kl1mulaUon could Interfe re with pacemakers worn by per&0n1 with heart dlseaae. pre1nant women and per11on1 who urry metal In their abdomen• beuuse of aur1e ry. Lona iione are the daya when· control of calorie Intake waa believed t.o be the only way to keep In 1hape Modem thlnkln1 now conctudea that exerclae t. an euentlal fact.or In the que.t tor total body health. Dlo·Health Centu In Coeta M 4'111 1la-0 1petl11ll1e1 In other Europe11n concepts which Include Cellullte Control and u v A . Tannins Bed• and Equipment. If you want t.o IM more active, allve and have a treat lookln1 body without the drud1ery of 1trenuoo. ••e r ct1~ and uncomfortable dlel pro1ram1, •et In on the action and try. -lvln• BIO-Health Cent.r on l'N\ ln c.o.ta M .. a call &46-7717. Kelly Young Is In her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, wh ile her machine Is keeping her In shape with Its electrical Impulses. The tamlllar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street In Costa mesa conveniently located In the Von's Shopping Center .645-n17 • • l •• ' r •••••11111•• .... !11111 ... 111!111----~ .. ------------------.------------------------------- I I • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Frld1y, May 14, 18~2 Airport rescue move needs extensive study Some would KUfUCt.'ltl tha.t, vlu u tt.'t'..,nt l.K!Uon, th~ Orunflt1 County Bourd of Supcrvlsoni prt·tty muth ha. madl.' up IU rnln<i on thf' wubjl'tl of ptrmltl1ng privotf' 111du stry tu provide <:ru.sh/fire/re8Cuc serv1<.'<1' nt J ohn Waynf' Airport We Cf'rtionly ho pe that'K not the case. What the board dad thui wt.>ek was to call for propo!UlUi that could leiid t o potentilil trim sf er o f crash/Cirn/ret;eu~ opernlaonli Crom the Oriingl' County Ftrl· Oepartm~nt to Ii pravlitl.' f 1rm In d o ing so. the b oar d WiJs following up on rt.'t.·ornnumdataoru. t'ont.a1ned in a report prepared by o ffi c i a l s in the County Adm1nastraUvf' Off ace a nd al the c.urport There's a consensus among those o ff1 c 1al s that tht:' fin <lcpartmen l prot..e<:lion exc:t.·c.-ds tht- requiremen t.s for the airµort C:1 nd that the estima ted $1 4! million price tag for opera lion of tht> aash/f ire/rescue station adJa<'f'nt to the airport's main runway 1s JUSl too h1gh. From wha\ wo'vl! aeun th Ort! dopartmunt. hu don~ an exemplary Job of providing covenage at the airport during emergenc.·y 11tuat1on11 . Une has only to loo k back on the crash landtng o ( a jetliner In 1981 for evlde~ of the d partment'1 quick and correct re1pon1e during a dangerous 11\uatlon. And the advantage of Immediate backup from other fire 1tat.iona lB a major comidera tion . Whether a private farm <..'Ould do the Slim~ remains a question. A !lf'rtouK one. The board's decls1o n to t1et>k further informatio n wtll h e lp provide an answer But u lot o( 1nformat1on Is net-ded For 1•xamph•, wh<Jt other airports U.84: privatl' firms'? ll1Js sa fe t y been eomprorn1sc·d '! Wen · cost ,.mvings rt..oa l1u.:d? Therl''s nothing wrong with taking a det-pc.•r look at outs adt.· operation of the cra.sh/(ire/retieut.· program. But in the final d~uuon , safety mw.t outweigh c.'Otit . White House walls B ack an J a nu<Jr y a tremt-nduus hullabaloo ar1>SCo" wh(•n Pr l ' td d t' n t Re a g an b a c: kt' d a pru~l to remove an l l -yN.1r -old ban on pe rmitting tax t.·x<·mpt s l atui. for sch oob s tall practaC'ing r<i':1al M-gr<·gat1on Spec:1f1c c ai.es invo lved two SC'hools S<.>t!king tax exl•mptwns l:IB ehantable m s titullons despite their racial policies based on religious gro unds. The Internal R evenue Servtee had d e ni e d th e f:Xempt1ons. Reagan's stand appeared to dea r t he way fo r B o b Jones U n1 vc·rs1 ty in S o u th Carolina , wh1<:h admits blacks but bans 1nlcrrac1al dating , !ind the Goldsboro, N o rth Carolina , C hrt1>l1an $(·hool. which does not admll blatk s, to 4uah(y (or tax reht>f They wen· but two amon~ many so-t.:a llc:d "white fl ight' private sehools thnt had been dented tax exempt10n on rtl1gious grounds because of thei r racial polac.·1~ N o t s urpr1s1ngl y, th e prei..1dt-nt's appar ent re fusal to corallnue anu-segregallon tax rules set o ff a n u ut('r y from b lack leadt·r s Within four days, the de<:lslrm was n.:vel'St'd and Reagan said hl' would s upport lc~1t1lauon dt..onyi ng tax -ext-mpt status to private tichools <tnd colleges practicing ractlil discrimination But that as n ot the e nd of the s tory Th11> w e~k . appearing at a predominantly black h igh school 1 n Chic ago, the pres id en t told i.tudent..s he "did not know" there s till wer e private schools prac tlC'lng racial discrimination wh~n he made his initial decision to reverse the tax exemption rules. ·•1 was under the impression that that problem o f se,regated schools had been settled,' he said. "I did not kno w there were any (sch oo ls that pra cticed segregation)" Muc h con ce rn has been e xpressed about the president 's 1solallon, by a diligent White House staff, from the current facl8 o( Uf e in Ame rica. This is a small, but alarming t'Xample o ( his U.Oliition. and one that was quickly rectified. W e d o not look forward t o grave r , less easily r ectifiabl e examples Recently the president has taken to g oing ou t into the community to meet with citizens iJnd re spon d t o questions Obvious! y much more of this 1s nl-eded to breach the White House wrdls. 'Hardships' hard to buy Our hf:!arls go out again to those hard-working, responsahlt· memberi. of Congress who mui.t e ndurt:-a $75 -p e r -day lax deductwn they voted thc•mst•lvt.•s last fall. But the n somebody has lo sacr1f1C'e for the publk good While more than 10 perc:ent of the workforce is idle. some salons along Potomac feather their own nests even more They can deduct the $7!> a day for Washington llvrng expenses - even when not an Washington and most limes when Congress 1s not in seHion. And the deduction does n ot hiive to be justified to the lnternaJ ~venue Service. Some of the "hardships" the regulation is causing emerged at an IRS h e aring this week 1n Washington. A junior member of Congress, RPp Doug Walgren , 0 -.Pa , said the deduction tSn't needed. "M ost o f the time they (the congreasmen) don't even pay for thefr o wn lunch ," h e said. Only three congressmen even bot hered to show up for the h eanng, whic h laswd 45 minutet, <tllhough 200 SliY they opJ>OIM? the provision A representative of Corrunon Cause d e nounced the tax break as wrong, self ash and unjustlf ied, and de1ivc·red nearly 28,000 letters from read ers of two Pittsburgh and Cincinnati papers protesting the• prov1s1on The IRS said it also r<>C"twed 6.000 lc•twrs. "This $75 daily is clearly excessive and Inappropriate," Rep. Berkley Bedell, 0 -Iowa, tettlfled. Rep. Eugene Atkinson, R-Pa., s poke against the "unethical, clandestine maneuver" by which Congress approved the deduction. He referred to lta being attached t.o • a bill ralSing coaJ taxes. lt was not known when the IRS would rule , or whether 1 t would reduce the $75 dedu,:llon or makP it permanent Certainly It would be hoped nobody would want to r'Aiae it t.o $100 a day Cor our long-1uffering lawmakers. L.M. Boyd I Monkey manners &hoona auck out their tonguNI to •·xprt•Kll deflan(·e So d o 10mc• mwvt· grownups 1uch u the Maoria of Nt•w Zealand Cert.alnJy, little chlldrttn doll worldwide. But the 11Cholal"ll who look Into human behavior q y they don't really know why. Th y al10 don't know why far more little girla than lltUfc' boy1 do It ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot ,..,.,"""' ,.,.,, ... ot uw , .. , •« ,,. "'~ l•t i· ,,,,.,..... ._..,. ,,,,,. .....,.,.. ....... t~ (Ml•Mow (A~ Q Whf•rt• la It thol the law aay1 • wom4rn'1 holr bf>lonp to her husband? A A Mk h lg•n judge handed down n rullni;c to that eff#'Ct, but not.hlna In the rerord ot hand lndlcat.n it'1 a law t.tnywhcre In thla country Some poU.t.en aay only one man In ai>< clalma to domlnate ht. own home. Thomas P. Haley Pul>llSher Tttoma1 A . Mu,,..lne Editor Barura Krel~lch Edltor111 P1ot Editor 'l~:U1JW IWN. Why Watt defied Congress W AS lll NG TON It 'ic Nt.1)' en11u~h t..c1 !&ugh ut Interior St<t'I ct.ary Juml"I> w~11l With his bald htad and t(l&b8<'1J, 011<.l hlJc <>xtruvagant, shoot frun1 tht· lip lktr<'a""· h <''b a t•a rtoon1st's dl·ll~ht a n 1·10< hl'ttdt.-d t·xplo11.tr 11ut l.1'1 m11l U111nt>1'!1 h1J1• to h1i. orf1t•t: wall Unfortunawly, thl' w11rkith11l1t ~<t'l't• tJtry ts no laughing nwtu·r Wb1·11 111•'11 not thlnk111g of w11y11 t1> 111w up tlw 11u tum'!! natural rt-i;0un'(11 111 111111• for tl11· Sc-c·o11c1 Coming, h1·'ll i.c·l11·m1111{ lH kt-t•p C:or1gn~ und lht' pubht from k1 111w111g .111ythmg ubout what'" g111ng 1>11 111 th1· 1-:>wt·ulJ Vt' Brsneh of lht· 1(11v1•r n111l·nt A11d l mean anytlung FOR SIX MONTHS, Wuu dt·fu•d u t•o11g1 t'881ona l r~Ul1'l for :i I U<JCumc·nt.<. 1.·onn·rning Canadian 1•nt•rgy poht:y. 1m l(round!i of "eXt.'('UllVt• pr1v11l·gl'" and "nutaon:..I K"<:Urity." Only 1m lht· brink of a t'<Jntt.•mpt citation did Wutl finally l..>J1t·k down and H4..'0d thl· t>Upf.>l~ly KN UllUVl' doc:unwnt..s up to Cup1t.ol Ifill My as..'4<x·tutt-Tony Capat·t·111 liui; t•x.i m1m'<.1 thl' doc:um1·nlb und 11'111 1 le&r thut they hdve nothing t.o du Wllh ru.tmnol l"'Cunty 11r d1plnmat11· 1·mh•rra1>11m1·nl Thl'Y wt•r t.-n'I 1·v1·n d.o.-.1f1 1·d W.111 ':-. d&lnl 11( t•X(•('IJllVI' p11 v1lt•g1 Woh 11u11· llht't'fJ dip N1J11e of the dot unlt'nlll WJ!:t 1Jddrc~.J lo Pl l'!Jldenl &agan, whwh nu~hl h.avt- pruv1dc.od ul lt:wit a U't·h11wal fK'l( 11, hung llw l'Xt~:ut1ve pn v1lcgt• urgu11u..nt on Nor wu the president even present when the MUbJl't'l of Canada's d1 st·rimlnatory 11 .. &tmt•nt of U S em·rgy t'Olllp&nles WWl dl'o<'Ubla('fJ m the Cab1nct Council Mo!il rif th•· 'hut" clcx·urn1•r11h t'•Jlllltlll l11>rlllM tr·d1t111 .,1 d.1\.l1 111 fl UI•· 111L"1t'llt Lei J11y(Jn1 liut ltl•p John 1>1nw·ll . l> M1d1 , unrl h11> n1l11·u1<111·:. 1J11 tht Em·1 ~y .111d C '11111nll'l I l ('•11111111tt1·1·. whu w1•1t• ll' (' --~~----------------~-~ JACK ANDIRSON vll'wing tht· M1nl·rul L<tndi; l..ka.-11111( A( t !'or 1·iwmpl1 Thn>t· 111 tlw 1ltx·u111,•nlb Wl'I 1· drnru. "' l~'l\l1mcmy W.1ll guvu lAI ('lml(rt~' l.1i.l AUKU1't A1111tlll'r ltu11h hu:.h 11J·m. w1ttilwld twt'au:w uf ...... 11 .. 1t1v1· rort-1gn pol1<'y n1 ·1{11l1at11111'I," W1J1> wnllt·n by a Kt't'tmd y1•u1 luw 11tudt·11t ut Gcorgf'low11 U111 v1•noty wh11 Walt d U·m1JC>rary, µart t1m<· l11U·ra11r J)\·p111trnl'nl1·111pl11yt't.• W,1ll t><Jld th111 m<•fl)(>. dau-d July 14. 1981 , was ad drt">l>!'<J IJ> tlw C'abinl'l Cou1w1I A(·tually. rt was ad11rt'!.M'<:1 IA> J 1111nor burl'bU( rdt in ttw Hurt'Ju of L<tnd Mun..igtmwnt A1111th1·1 dm u nwnl Wa tt didn't w.1111 IJ• tur 11 11v1•1 w,1J~ hL'> 1nfom1Jt11111&I • '•J>Y ol u11 u tH lu1>:i1 f1 l·d cable fro111 r1ur t'mbasi.y in Ottawa t.o the Secretary of Sww. dul.t'd July 22. 1981. It 1t.aWd that llw11· w;.i. 1111 •jUl•t>lllm or Canadwn d 111 'r1m111:1ll1111 lt~lllllHl l J ~ lllVl'ICUJf1' N 1111· of ttw :i I d11('ll1t1•·11 l-. W•·t (' Ull!HKllt'd :111d ur11J,1tt•d. With llU 111dlt'& llflll t lilt t I ht•y li.icl (•Vf•f l)j-t'll t•11mplt-ll'd, 111ui Ii It·"' ...,.111 tu a11yl""IY Ont· rrwmo w . .1.., ., 1111·1HI .ond hut1.t·1 11ot1• fr11n1 Wh1Lc• I l11u. .... • '" 11111111111 .• dv1M•1 H•>W r l11irt1·r. tllank111~ W.111 for .,..11cJm~ t1111l ull 1:.:.1.11· 1wµ1•1 1111 t hi· ( 'anad1.1n 111•1l>l1·n 1 l'111 t1•1 111c l11d1·d" 11·v1std .1~1·11d;1 f111 .111 up• •1111111g C ".1to111H ( 'ou111·il II It'd lrl I( WHY, TU l·;N, dul W:111 d1·f y C:1111~1<'1>:> uv1•1 th1:. '1111( 11( 111.11 1>11111.dlowi.·1 Tiu· rt·a1wns rnuy la· 111 <J f l! 1>1n1~t 1·r thun nd1t·uluu11 Wutt\ Jf·J<"l.111v1• 1·ciu11"4 l .11 l111.t·n11r Ii' Tlw<><l•1r1· ( ;;,11 "h wli•1 WJ'> 1m1· of H1 1 li.11 d N1xc111 ', .1llo1111•y" 111 tlH· uni.u1 11 ...... rul 1·ff11rt tu kt 1 p tl11 1111 riminatang Wuu·r~;olJ· L.1p1·1' ( 1 or11 tho· '>f'('C 1uJ pr~· • ut111 With (;,1111sli'" udv11 1" W-.u M.'t'nu. l11 h:1V1· 1>1 .. ·11 tr y1111.i lo w111 lhP kind of 1·xt't'UllVI' 1·11v1•1 UJ> f11o(lit tloul Nixon lo!\! lndt'f'<I, th1•fl• w.11> 11 r'" 111g, f;m11l11.1r 11111( ttJ lhl' 'IWl'~'fllrll( I 1;11111 of t·Xt't'UllVt' priv1lt•>(t• 1 rintJll1•-<l lfl <• 1111·mu wnttt•ll IJy A 11.111 rn•y ( ;1 •nl'r11l William Fr 1'11d1 S1111th 111 1>UJ>P'1rt of Wa ll 1<11'l C.>t·tnlx•r My J.S ..,x·1utJ• C 'l<irk Moll1·nh11rt lt•1't1(1t.J l.11:furt· tlw l>lllK•·ll Cwn11111tt-.· tliut ll r•·n11ndl'(j htn1 fJf lho· inen·d1hlt· 1IJ1111~111..td1• by th1· .1tl1111wr• l(Pnt·1 JI und1•1 N1X•>11 111 Apnl 1!17:~ f11r • i..1111plt Atturm·y C1·1w1.d 1<11 h:ar d Kit 111dw11,1 1 lu11111·1[ c•xt·c 1111v1· pr 1vil1 j.(t (111 ,di ~ ~ million 1·mpl1iy•·•·i. uf 1111• ,.,,,., ut1v1· t,r,1n1 h uncl1·r :111 y 1111·1J111i.l.•11•·1·1"1, 111< lud1 n~ 1rn 1-"'U('hllU-llt rr W11 t I h;11I 1'IJI ('l 't •d 1•d Ill dt'ny111g C:•ml(n">t! tl11 · :o urll'l • .1s"ifl•'fl d111 umt·nt.s. lw W1J11ld h.1v1· 111.1d•• Klt•111d1t·ni.t", µ11 ·- p•1:.lt'ruui. d11•ar11 .111d tlw A1r11·riu1n pt·oplt·'i. mght111.J11 1t11111· tru1· Going to movies used to he more fun It's beginning to look aa lhough I'm goi ng to mlu 1eelng th~ Acud~my Award-winning movie llgain thl.8 lear I don't know how long "Chariots o Ftre" la going to be around, but I doubt if I'll c.at.ch It. I'm 1Utt It mutt be good but I don't even know what 1t'1 •bout When I waa youna. there was nothing I Uk.eel bet~r than to go to the movies on a Saturday afternoo n when I should have been outdoors p~ylna. It wu al- way1 a double feature and we'd come out of the Madi.IOn Theater feeling aU funny from havifli been cooped up In the dark for so long All the klda I went with liked the movies even If they wE-re bad. In those days l don't even rec111l that w~ had any critical oplnJon It was }ult "lhe movies." I STILL like the movies but I don't tee more than one or two• year now. It 11.n't ~levtaion that keeps me 11). It'• jwn that I like what I do around the hou.e when l'rn 1)ol doing anything, more than I Lake going out to the movies. Going to a mOVlt' ia a small event and l don't need another event in my !Jfo right now I find hft- 1\Aelt eventful enough A second reason 1 don't go to many movies LI that I'm never very tmprf..>68(_-d I-') ANDY RODNIY ~ with movtl'll that set out to be arty. They are tilled wllh mean ing that doesn't mean an ything to me. Their depth e9CApee me Motion picture makers, more than rno.t artl.tt.1, have conactoualy aet out to make lhelr product arty, and that never produces much art Art la a by-product of an hom•t and sucx:esafuJ attempt to do aomethlng well. 'CheIDistry' can kill reason One o f th(• most w1dl.'spn·ud and In · 1•11td1tal'>lt· of human dl:IWllllrUI IS thAtt Wl• l1k1· ur dislike s pc•t·ift( 1nd1v1dual11 lur ''rt•aMms" of one sort or onc>tht·r. wh1•11 the fact UJ t.hat W<' lake lht'm or don't, and then rtnd reasorui af demanded of wa One can aJway1 find a n.>....->n, prv or con , but It t. only after lhti CllK:t. I like IYlllY 111111 eome people who .,.. u different from me H nlaht from d•y. •nd lnten Mly dlallke aome othora In whom l dl11Cern IOfM of my own unJovely t.ralta. There 1eem1 to be little rhyme or rtuon to theee "chemical" afflnities or aUMatet. for want of a more 11tt.sfactory adjective. I like IOrM men who att to the left of Trowky and 90l'ne who are to tht' rt1ht of Oon1ht1 Kha"l; aom(' who arc ltlmulatlnaly brilllAnt, and aome who are aoporltlcally dull; tom• who 1h.Jlre m y own beck,round and pn!C.'OOOOpt.lonl and llOl1W who m18)\t have come from Mara. My "chemical" theory II bomct out by the embarr...tnl fact that, m oft.cm, W frienda of our 8ood trWnde are not ooo- pla wt would chOOM u frhtndt •t. •11. u11d wt• f111d 11 d1ffkult t.o understand how 1mrnt•11111· w1 • l1 k.e and reapt•t'l 1111 mul'h u1uld h.1vt• anothc.·r fraC'nd MJ lo tully um1<·1·1·pt11 hlt• It doesn't stand to 11·ttimn wlilt'h 1K why I 1nslat that rt'ason h1v. nothing to do with It To ln)l'(;l u more pent0naJ note. when I lecturt• arou11d the t.'ount.ry, the h<>1t or hoett."SS mt.>t•tlng me at tht• plane or howl will ofl(•n admit (aft.er " drink and din ner) hovlna hud grN1l trf'pldat1on before t.hc c~ur1wr. "I'm auch o dull f.CntOn," he or ahl' wlll 1ay, ''thut I can t Imagine you'd b.- lnWrttwd In my <'Ompany," or wordt to that cff eet. Thia H1umo1 that I prefer •n u 11emblalt' of witty int.cll('(.·tu.la, all glanta ln their field, and would bf> dl .. tllfled with •nythlng leu, which la tot.al rub- bt1h Mnet lnt.ellectuall t hAve met stve me o grand pain In lhf' behind, and many to boot lll'e dulJer than dlahwater. Th~ 11lic of lht> mind, 111 I have uld before, la lt.w Important tham the 1hape of It. Jndf.'f'd, tht' o nly kind of peoplo t cannot tt.and are thotc who care for only their "own kind,'' and are wary or r•· Jt.'CUna of • 1tranaer who CIOf1lm from • dJtferent milleu Theee people h•ve ahut off their "chcmtetry" complei.ly, •nd are oporatlnj on m.-chanical control1 that h•ve bl' n utterly dehumantud. Th<')""" tho wly dull ona ho pe mutwn pwturl'!i prrJC>per as an Ml form h<.-caust> lhl· lwst of them are wonderfully good art Thnt-'i; no reaaon not t.o rank motion p1l·tur1..-s along with optra. literature, the stage. muaac, or !IC:ulpture and pamung as legitimate art The fact that moat movies are Junk doesn't enter inw 1t Most art In any fonn ti; JUnk Nudity m the movies as a good e xam- µlt> of fake art Most producers have found 1t good lx>x otrtce m the paat 10 yt•ara to includt-some sexy nakedness, liut they almost always camouflage it aa art I don't mind thc nudity, but J object to the pretense that It's art ~ a matter of fact, somellmes It JWlt doesn't last long eno ugh I've seen some very beautiful women t.ake all or must of their clothes oft for the camera Thf'y looked just fine and I didn't tum my head away, but the movie lasted for two hounl and they only had their clothH off for maybe a minute o r two and the rei;t of the movie waa terrible. AT MY AGE, I'm n ot interested in Wfdting an hour and 58 minule!I and $5 JU8t to see a Utlle nudity. Movies are better than they used to be when I wu growing up I w ish I liked them as well The sh ortt.'Omlng 18 more mine than theirs They're doing their part. Movaea have an Important, well- done, bag-u~ afr about them. Even the worat one• d o n 't look H though they wen! done br, amateur filmmakers They arcn t makJ~ movies I want to 1ee, though J liked 'Hlsh Noon" and "The Sting." When r go to the movies, I want to be enterualned, not educated. I don't go to the movies to learn how ter- ribly ud Ufe can ~ for a manied couple who hat.e e.ch other and hAve two chil- dren. I've seen dozen. of e~amples of that ln re.I life and lt doe1n't amua, divert or educat.e me. 111.llY Ill ............................ ---------------. Ate kJdl and t.eent i.Uy abw to handle • the "far out" amc knowledae &My pick up watchinc PO and R maYtel? j OONCJ:RNID ---·-~~ ........................ . -·-n.. , .................. -~· t.---.... .... oi.-, .... O.lty ,. ... ' Achievements color coded PE shorts denote elf orts in fitness tests £8CON0100 (AP) IC\terybody know. which boy and which l:U'l at San Pa.qua! Hl1h Sch oof can run tuter, jump h.t&her and do the meet puahupm and llitupe. They've Sot the red ahorta on. T here are only two of them, thouah. Them who fln.Llh ln the bolt.om 40 percent of a phya!e&l lltJMM teet muat weu blue. And In between -wearing 1hort1 ol black, areen or aold In ucendlng order -ar e m oa t o f the t.een -agen. P roponent• uy the colored 1hort.1 make pupU1 try harder. Opponenta aay they humiliate student.a and violate their right lO privacy. T he mandatory wearing of theee colored gym ahorui 11 the moet controvenlaJ 1ubject at San Puqual High School, where Bob Woodhou1e head• up physical 1 e ducati on . T rus t ees voted unanimoualy Wednesday nJght to continue the ahoru desrlte claima they 'r e h arm fu t o the undbdpllned or the un-athJet1c. A• an ove rflo w c r o wd applaude<t or 1poke up on both 1tde1, counMlor Roberta Sptke ar1ued thUt the 1hort1 "1UarNU1e people." l.!Unlce Fraley, a parent, aaJd 1he checked and round that educatora at 18 nearby echooll oppoee the procrun. M ara• Hobb1 , whou l~·year -old daua hter 11 a freahman, told the truateee that her dauahter'a phyeJcal educ.Uon record• ''are hera and mine, private knowled1e." She laid the colored 1hort.1 violate that rl1ht to privacy. On the other hand, Robert Gentle aaid ht. daughter moved up from blue to black lhort.t and 11 bei ng "rewarded for h e r di.ctpllne, hard work and t.ry1ng to apply henelf." Woodhouee told trueteea that Ame rica's youth can get Into phy11cal shape if prodded by 1uch public singling out. "For some, it is easter lO tear down the a tandards than to Improve yourself to meet the criteria," he wd. Woodhouse, whose color coordinated physical education e ff o rt was dr opped_~ nel1hborln1 San Marco• Hlah School alter he traruferred to San Paequal, aaJd "10me people cannot accept the challenp but I am not in favor of lowerlna 1tudent.1 '°meet mediocrtty." Twice a Nmelter, puplll mU1t take a tHt ueed by t h• U .8 . Marine Corpe t hat Includes pu1hu p1 , jum pln1 , 11tup1 and runNna· A boy and a sirl with the lop acore 1•t1 to wear red 1hort.t ln aym until the next Witt reeult.a. A majo rity of the 1tudent1 bel.na forced '° wear blue lhort.t end up w l th "C" aradea In phyalc al educ atio n , ack - nowlqed WoodhoWMI, who al.lo coechee football, but he aaJd they 1tlll can Improve their gradu with 1ood clua particl peUon. School board pres.ident George Reed spok e In favor of the 1y1tem, deeplte the controversy. "Any thing that causes a student to be motivated to earn more prestige -whether It's in chemistry or phyalcal education -t. poaltJve,' Reed said. Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT l'rlday, May 14, 1982 UWtr._..... -CAVITY CHECK -"Spanky," a capuchin monkey who is part of an animal sh ow sponsored by Six Flags M agic Mountain, takes a curious peek Inside the m o uth o f a cooperative Sandy Byrd. The monkey and other animals were in Bakersfi eld performing at a locaJ school. Folk remedy rapped ... SACRAMENTO (AP) -S tate health offlclal1 are warnln1 Mexican-Americana not to U1e a folk remedy known u aurcon or i(.teta, eaylna It t. moetly lead and hae aeveroTy pol1oned 1everal children . . ., - Health Ser vlcee Direc tor ·.I Beverlc.-e Myere aaid the orange r.wder come.a from Mexico and apparently admlnlatered In 1mall do1ea for "empacho," a term m eaning c hr o ni c Indigestio n , colic or o ther ,..11 gutromtestinal lllne.e.. II It.a Ingredient.a are 8~ percent , , · t o 9~ percent lead Lead poisoning can cau1e abdominal illneuea, bnun damage and even death. .. •'J The department said at least th r ee H1span1 c children In Caltfornla and one an Colorado have been hoepat.ahzed smce last sum mer with lead po1son1ng traced lO az.arron Ms Myers said anyone who has az..arcon or greta should turn 1t over to a doct.or or local health department ',· '· ,. ' ' •1 ' . . 1'• 1 Nudist crackdown I promised M IAMI (AP) The head of a special anU -nudity police squad say1 his eight officers will patrol a secluded beach as o ften as ne ce11ary t o ke e p 1 w i mm ers fr om froUcklng in the buff $1,000,000 luggage .,,, P o lice Lt. P eter Kamen esh said h is o fficers ordered two nude bath e rs to l(et d resaed after they tried to challenge a ban on nudity at the beach on Virgin.la Key, which the city want.a to tum into a family park. The M ia m i C i ty Commiss io n voted u nanimously againt making the sandv slnp a "clothes-optJonalr' beach. In the past, bans on p u blic nudity had not been enf o r ced an the a • nc1e nt ree opples YOSEMIT E NA - IONAL PARK (AP) The Leaning Tower ree, a giant sequoia b elieved t o be about 2 ,0 00 year s old, t ell victim to the elements this 1pring. The tilted tree fell in weather April 28 in uolumne Grove at the northwest eectJon of the park, the National Park Service aald. The tree leaned for decades, but the angle changed noticeably 1n t h e past decade, said Superintendent Robert 0 . Bt.nnewles Park foreater L oren est estimated the tree u 280 to 300 feet long It1 trunk 1hattered In veral eectlona when It fell. elective ventilators ecalled WASHINGTON (AP) -Emerton Electric Co. of St. Louis t. voluntarily recalling 11, 500 a ttlc ventllatora which could ca u 1e flrea , the Con aumer Produc t Safety Commilsion uys. Emerton aald It hu had .everal report.a that llree were cauaed by overheatina of the motor on the ventllaton, told ~ Seara, Roebuck and Co. tn 1980-81, .ccordina t o • 1tatement by the comml..ton. A plate on the motor carr le• the model numbe r 768.848380. O w nera can have the mot.or replaced free by callln 1 E m e r 1on'1 &oll-f ree teleph one number. 800·3ZM130. "·•UFFELL'S " UPHOLSTUY '· 61 ft t?u _. .... ttU *'IOI IUD. COSTA Ml'-4 -14 .. 1 , ... . Save 50% on these grou __ ___ Ill/ un!TEO JCPenney and United Air1ines Air Travel Certificate Bonus • A \7~ A.it Tre•e• C•r11f1C•t• *''* o. IJ'"•" to1 .-,,,I 'l~ •0..,,.,, ot iu~Q•O• ovr<"•M<) • V(>wt U"fll94 A1tl•"'•t lfl \l'e• ce 1l1f1(11t w II b4 *iliOff"'.0 Ot l"J '"''""0' 19'0 1'1••' .gel"l(f 01 \Jt\ofe'J A.1r1tn.e1 h(a.., IOC.l l•Ot\ to' 1 S7!t 0 111C.Ql\Jnl 10•1'0 uurtf'll M or 0"4 •Ovl1 1ovno "'" l•C••t 0" an., '~'°"'' f Khed1.1 .0 Uf\1t.O A11l1ne1 U19P'\t Diel• .. ' o~"" "',,... U''"1•0 St•••• '"''"'°~"'o "••• • 'f°""' 11~ O+KOu"'t "'•1 CM 1ppt K to••tO '"' V"•t.O o._,01•1"-d .Ovitt'•'• t·"<l""'°'"'O §uo-1 ~·•' f01 Wf'l·(.f'I tO\, 0' VOur O.a.Q"Ale O ''he1te' l)vl l.fy 0,..,1_. O""f c.•rt·'·U le ""I Y 09 ape>4 94 H' 1-C•et • Yo...• te'1••·C.ll• 1•11,;11 Ot P'•Mtl'lf.O 1~ '"• f·'"• ot f1(lilt1 Ovtt.f'leN • Ttev•i ""•Y OtQ•f'\ l ""y I·~ Of\ O• l fle' IJly 11 1M 1 I nd ft'tvl l 0Je COl""'04e190 .,...O,e ""'•Ol't10f" 0.Ce""M ' I~ tN 1 • ""°"' <•tt1r+c.e1a "'•'CM vMO Oy '"' aduU H•••j··· tOU 0..-0"•I• •"•" 10v e>ic.• vo ,,,_. c.ettit.cat• J~ c.a'1•'•c•t•• •'•not '''"''•'•O•• 0' 11pt.ce101e .t 1011 • 411 t.O.••• stat• '"'° loc;e1 ••••• •'• rPte •et()Ol'lt b · •It Of 11'\e c.••t1hc1le 'K ip 9'\l • C..rMoc1tet ""v•• a. 1etv,~O to JCPenney 1f h ... g96Q• 11 ••tv1ne4 k> JCPef\"-ey tor Ci t" or crtHH ........... ,.,, t1c1t• IO• O•t•··· u• ,,.,.,., 11\0 t'>"'t'J l•On• Save 50% on American Tourister 1200 Series Femou1 quality twdalde luggage with OM·piece ~ plutlc lhelle St:>ilt lid cue conatructlon '°' e.-Y ~ and 1eeeu c~ of ranch hfM ()( chlnchlll Orio .... 88 oo n .oo 88 60 0 .2t 11 0 00 H .00 147 00 71.to 79 76 ... .. 79 76 ... .. 143.00 71.IO Save 50% on 4700 Serles American T ourlster9 8ottl6de nyton with contr'Mtlng ~ tl1rn In C>OC>lAar c.nw buclde atytno. c~ of ~/burgundy tl1rn or chocol9telbrown tl1rn . Tote beg C#fY·on .. 28" PUlmM w/whHtl. 29" PUlmM w/wn..ta c. beg. .. ....... ~· :.-: .... 18& H .to . ' . 18& 42.to H & 47.to . 160 21.00 Save 50% on "Prima" nylon acrylic luggage pieces ~and meny·poc:Uted to tit ~ Into ffloaf1lp conven6encel Web 6handlH and dNctlllblie ~ l lrape, too In tan Of ~ .... 11M ··" 24.41 11." 21." "·" ------ JCPenney ...... ............. , .......... ,. ............. Save 50% on "Sentry" Samsonite~ hardside Durably constructed with tough, Abaollt_. molded shells, chrome·plated dle·cut zinc hardware. and contoured hendlea Choice of wlnebe<ry 0< ~ blue BMuty cue 24" pulman. 28" pullman w/wheela 29" pullman w/wheela Shou~r tote 24" compenlon beg 3·14Jlter w/wheela aarm.ntbag m $1 06 $1 36 $180 $66 $106 $140 $86 Save 50% on quilted- rubberized "Westwind" Sale 37.50 52.50 11.50 80.00 27.50 52.50 70.00 42.50 Feahloneble, functional and etfordabte ~ Quited and rubberized '°' ~ and water rffllt8nce. A~ In btack °' ioc:s.n 0'"'1 with tan tl1rn .... 14.H 11.H 24.H 17.H 21.H ,. 10 Of courN you can cherge 11 ...... ~ 'A•llebl4t In Loe Ar ....... Orenge. R...,..., len lemardlno end Ventu,. countt•. .... ......... ,..,... ........... .,...., ..... Lawe ... - ... '• - ... Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1·4. 1982 HI F Bl _,..-------------------i---------------------------------.....1------------. ITE TRAN ~ACTIONS OllOUflO..' tlol(lllOI t•&•U ON fMI lll W \IOH MIDWUf l"&(.,IC l"IW I OtfON 01 flOlf AMO CtMCtllleAfl UOU IC(MAMOl\AMO 11 .. lf"lD l f tMI MA\0 6M 0 1M,f1Mlf ' • mine WASHINOTON (AP) -Production by tht• nation'• factorlet and m.1nee fell 0.6 percent In April, continuing a 1Ude that haa teen output decllnc In t•ll(ht ot the wt nine montha, the Federal Reliervf' Board reported today. Productio n o f con1umer durable goods lncludln, car• and h ome 1oo d1 -"lncreusl'd markedly' ln April, and there were moderate gain1 for deferuie and ·~ oqulpment, the report aid. Ultrasystem s earnings up Ultraayttems, Inc. of Irvine reported today a 52 percent 1ncreue in net income for the quarter Net mcome waa a record $430,000, and earnings ~r share lncreaaed from 10 centt to 13 Revenuu Jumped from $5,580,000 1r1 the comparable p@riod a year ago to $8.360.000. Ultrasyst.ems de.igna and conall'Uctt cogenerauon power plants, 011 refiner y and petrochemical plant~. and all.emauve energy 1yat.ftnl, in addlUon to spuu· and defense-related l'4't.lvftin. Firm plans name change Southern Cities !'«row Company, plans to t·hangt- its name to Shearaon / American Expreu Escrow Company. The Newport Beach-baaed excr ow company, founded ln 19~. h.u 2-4 offices th.roughout Southern California and Hawaii. h plans to ope n branch offices and cqordlnatlon of et1Crow aervi<.>t'S wnh other Sheanon/ American Express aervlcea. PSA lays off pilots SAN DIEGO (AP) -Pacific Southwest A1rltm.'b, blaming the slumping econ~m and a decline 1n passengers, says It laid off 20 lut month and plans to furlough 10 more Mo y. A spokesman for the San Dlego-bued aJrhnl' said Thursday additional layoffs can be expected 1( PSA does not get the n1ghta It wantt In drawings held hy the federal government. The government st.aru:.>d the drawing to determine prioritle. for reduced fl1ght.s becauae of the increued de mand on the nation'!. air tra ffic control system . Drilling partnership ends Tranalerra Exploration -Corp. of Newport &•ach announced the cl081ng of a drilling partnership wnh Sun Life A11urance Co of Canada and Allstate· Insurance C.O. The partnership called for the Lnaurance t'Ompanll's to provide $7 million for drilling actM tiea during 19H2 and, at their option, another $9 million during 1983. It al.JIO was announced that Allstate 1.nauranc:c 01 purchased $5 million worth of Translerra's newly Issued class of preferred stock. Assuming thl' 198:~ option for drilling funds la exercised, th1· totill commitment of the insuran<..-e companies to Trans1erra U. $21 million Elwyn enter s microfilming Califomla Elwyn l.nalltute, a rehabiUtat.Jon <.'C•nt.t.-1 for the physically and mentally handicapped, ha!\ entered the field of m1crof1lming CEI. a branch of Elwyn Institutes, is located at 18325 Mt. Baldy Circle, Fountain Valley. CEJ has nucrnf1lming contracts with several restaurant chCtins and is filming neuro-surg1caJ brain scans for a med1rnl group STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID N fW 1()tlll( IAPI -· IJ T n utl ~1 d ~ ........ .... , .... AMERICAN LEADERS N(W Y()AK IAPI ~ ... t p m l>'lf• --<M'Qlr .. .,. '"' ...... , ..... "'9W•I<.. '>lo-' ( '"~ """" ttadtnQ NUOl\All, .. mor. INn t t CNmp HD \rttf-,.,.. I '• OomePlrl \ IOt,100 1'•• ..,, ""I ~ )Qt.-> ~"' • "' A.,.-01 111,100 •'' '-Hum.KOii II IJ4 JOO IJ '-<"-(r"l•IOlt 101.<IOO ..... •I Huv 't'OG .i ,ODO "- N•t I>.-" 10) .... • ~. w-8 11,tO) ,... "' PG( 2 J2pfv •> JOO I•''-, '- ~ ..... I P\EC. I 1"11 1 ~"' s... J Am.<llrlll _, c £Al .-!() I N\""' 1 kif 6 H\""' c 11pf I Altt ~'''" I 0...P pll( • ~· 1Jlpr :~ :'o' .. It. """' WM, f A.Ml I (JIU -• .. N f:W Y()'tl( IAl'I _, II METALS 1n111 • , .. JS) ,,, I~ ti • "° C)'i l<illl) )1 ~ -.,.., ... ,... 11• 111 ., , C~ 71~·81 C•nh • pouno U 8 dellln•lk>M. L...-28-27 C*lll • l)OOM Z11'41 38 Clenll A l)O\.IM. o.llY41<9d Tifl M .eee1 M9tal1 W99k compo11te lb Alvtftin-78-77 Gll<lt• • povno N Y ....._, 1370.00 .,., nalk ~ '307 00 troy 01 , N Y SILVER Hendy & Herm1n 18 740 per 110~ ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS I 11 ...,._ ' U PSf.G , ,_, ",., ... _ L._...1morntng11111ng 1331 7S uo lo.7&. u CMIU£1' 11 .. Pll«ltldl I ... ~t=.l I,, ......... ·GOLD COINS OIU~ IA'I -Prlttt fll' of ......... ~ .. ....... .,,.... ....... ' lrety ........... ... IUt t ..,.. ..... t trey""• tMl.H , eft .,L..... ..... , .............. •11.ii"" A.--*~ ,HOl lfOJ ea., ................ LeMIMN attemoon n•lng $333 ~~. up u.n. ...,.. ~.H, up to 09. "' • 't pal.•t. up 12 41 • ,.,.... Ltt• fixing: 1333 00 1>10. 11p •OOi .,.,00 --ii y..:•t11 011ty Oelly q11ot• -dally QUOI• ~ 2& ., kt .......... ,,,., ....., quot.-,.t>tleelecl IMUl,upll.M. SYMBOLS ..... ,... ... ___ ,...."""" ..,..........,.._ ·--' .. ·----.................. _....,., :..=;-eft:cAt .. ,.,.,.,,. toet•ilA .-••"• .,.,.._ .... .....,.. ... _ ......................... ~ .... -·---e.A .................. -....... ,. .. ..._ E~lll ''" .. '"' 11 _.., ... ., ...... , ................ .. ---.-... ... ...... ~·o.-. -~·'• --·~ .... -........ ......_ • .o..w • ... .._... ..... __ ...... -....... ,·---~ ........ ., __ _ .,....,..... , .... --M llllMI -... "' ...... --____ .....,. _ = ti-,....,._, ... _,...., ...... ., ........... _ ..._.....,... ___ _ -Onange COMt DAILY PILOT"t1d•y. May 14, 181:1 • . 'MEWPORT HILLS CEMTER at Newport Hills Center Saturday, May 22, 1982 Featuring: Food, Prizes, Country Western Band and SIDEWALK BARGAINS Allyn-Black'• Hair f uhioa Bank of America Bonaparte Bakery Co.ut Federal Savino• E-S.n.aual.a, Linoerie MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY Needleport Newport Hilla Animal H<>1pital Newport Hilla Druo• Newport Hilla Flort.t Schuyler C. Joyner, 0 .0 .S., M.S. 640-9494 759-4512 759-1100 759-0181 644-1169 759-0882 Newport Hilla Travel Newport Hill1 Shoe Repair Keueth B. Sohwara, 0 .0 .S. Orthodontic• John l. McGlauohlin, inc . laveetmeat S.rvic .. 640-9381 General Dentistry Parker'• Pett . :tt;~ WiQe CcuQtry 644-7597 Outstanding Selection of Every Day & Special Occasion Wines At Discount Prices. Domestic and Imported Beer TH€ FRINGE BENEFIT NEWPORT BeACH • FABRICS e NOTK>NS e PATTERNS 144 IOIO • I I 769-0567 759-1911 640-7373 640-7980 644-7371 640-1302 640-2970 640-0090 Ralphl Muk.et Sparkliao Cleanera The Frinoe Benefit Traditional Jeweler• Villao• Home O..iqn Walker & Lee Real F.mte What'• Cookinq? Reet.urant Wine Country Bud Graham & Son'• Union 76 ~4-7992 640-9<MO 644-5080 760-8035 640-9193 759-1601 644-1820 644-7597 644-7151 8 Traditional Jewelers 760-8035 DESIGN • CUSTOM WORK JEWELRY AND .WATCH REPAIR FINE JEWELRY • GEM STONES CONCORD • SEIKO ROLEX WATCH ES HOWARD MILLER COLONIAL CLOCKS IHAfHIMll'tAI J~WI UR'> A f1.odtt•J111A '""' 1--lr\I .,_,w • """ I t•lt"""'nol"ll Cadillac Of lingerie For that Essential Gift! Designer La bola Setect Items Fashion Showe Available Gift Certificate Availab~ Vi1a !Maater Chargt Mon Welcome 644-1169 ALLYM-8l.ACK'S HAik FASHIONS . MEN I WOMEN APPOI~ ~ , _ _. ....... I I r' ' ' ClASSlflED Frtday, May 14, 1982 HIF Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 1100 . Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place ~!.'t!'t .......... . t ........ ....... All feel •tete ~tlMO In thlt nevnpaper l a IU«lject to IN,_,.,., ,elr HOUllnO Ac1 Of 1 Me Wl\lotl 1neke1 II Illegal to adverllae "eny preferenoe. llm1t1t1on or •dltorlmlnaUon bHed on reoe, OOIOf, rellolon. MJC °' n1uon11 orlgln, or eny Intention to make any IUCtl prtfetence. llfnlt1tlon °' dlecl1mlnetlon." Thia new1p1p1r wlll not knowlngly accept any ~IO'rlll•tlte wtlk:h .. In YkMltlon °' the law. Ulfllo Advertleera s hould check their " 1>•11•1110 111 ............... "" 3 Br. amale atory home with new carpet.a, drape•. pai nt, a nd appliances . Homeownera AmoclaUon maint.ainl pools & landacapina ao you can travel. Ideal for retired couple or jetaetiera. Move immediately. 1111 ... ,,.... ...... llWNIT lllJll, I.I. MM111 ade dally and report li 1i1.1irihi•lfi l;ni1 ,i...ii ni'i"nit;'i"; errora lmmedlatefy. Ii --------------The DAILY PILOT lllUT mJ.1111 11% • -411 assumes llablllty for es1.12ee C.omer lot -COM • Submit for detaila PllllllU .. II Prize W«'lt Bay bayfront Sllpt for 2 buata. rcmoch-ll'd 3 bdnn. 3 bath Jl,200.000 OoeAn & Jetty vlew;.M;rinc room, 4 bdrm 3 bath, :l700 aq.ft. Sl.38:1,000. ~antront. UllllU .. I P~ L.ldo Nord bayfront 5 be.Inn, 51/i buth Lge L.R , 2 boat 1Jlpt Sl,500,000. kemodeltd 3 bdrm, 2 bath + lArlt! rec nn. beam ~ULnca. fumt.ht!d, pauae. $420,000 UllA llU UYFllllT L.agoon vlt-w from 6 bdrm. G bath, playroom, dark nn. Jen, Boat 1Up. Jl.3&0,000 IA YSllE COYE Sp«la('u)&r bayfrMt view :.! br, 2 ba up, 2 br, Z ba dn. Z bout llhps $1,Y00,000 COllOllOO CAYS the firs t Incorrect I~~~==~= .,.. ..... F• llWlt Insertion only. Ii •""95 *1An.T* Fabulous 4 bd . Vacant. Steps from sand. Coronado lalan<J c:wl bMyfront lot 115' boat MAT IUP IWO 7 YIUS dock Plans avail $425,000 wlkrm:s RUIOD F• llMD Price reduced $76K . 15% dn. Steps from ___, SALE Privet• beach. 1111 & sand . Triplex. ILlfFS AA-.-cr-y comfortable home .,.,.... ~:~o(z ~!~rf.~0~~:,:~ 3111ge bedroom• & den, 2 12% ,.,.. Single story end unit. expanded 3 br, 2 ba on ., ••. 2 huge m••t•r bathe, ltfeplace llld muci'I 3 yr. new ea .... Cod home. 1 block from largest lll'ttnbt!ll. $250.000 morel Will trade down! ..-bdrm 1u1111. Tremen-INCLUDES THE LANDI water. Unbelievable price! Pllll Liii dou1 v11w1 lrom upper Owner-Agent 973-9187 °' 211 HWI end tower b1tconl11. 87s.7oeo. 1671110001 3 Udnns, 2 \Ii bitthii l'Ondo nc•11r pool $14~.000 Gr11t 111um1bl• fln•n· !~=====·==~~ Duplex + bach "' Income Fast escrow . ctng. Mull Mii thl1 -Ii very motivated. kind. M 231 llteH C&U. TW 11._ IN SEAWINO l'!!~P~~~~.-loram1tlc POl'totlno model chlrlTll( hel Mllllcan Pl· 111-1211 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1dt• Q,,,,,. N B 67S 6161 ~HERITAGE REALTORS 3 81. t Illa. h~ Oft large 50x I 11' 3 Ullll IOt. '38 Hamilton. oo not dl•tvrt> ten1nl1. 1129,000. 648·60-4 I •\lfl & wkndl , 83 t-3~20 wt.dye. ....... WI 2 Br 1 81. + 1 Br 1 Ba 121' 105' A2 lot Do not dlaturb tenant• 1528 Orange, St29 .000 548·5041 IV81 & Wltndl, 83 t ·3520 Wltdye • Br 2•,; Ba Condo By O wner. M any JCtraa S 105.000 In 111um1blel lln1nc1ng A1klng I 132. 500. &48-0790 IEWPHT llJU11 TIWllllU Five rteW 3 bdrm. 3 bath condo• Plu1h carpet1, drpa, 1111ned gl111, pY1 yard1, 2 car garage. IO% loan at 12·~. owner w11 c arry 2nd or try equity •haring Pfogrem .tth no money down. Jotln Eliot, Agt, 831 ... 321 weetideya; 613·31188 or 831·4509 weekend• ,,.,,, ,,, ,,,, ....•......•....••••.. Im•• IH4 ., ... , .. , .....•..•..•• WOODBRIDGE LAKEFRONT ~y .. J !,~9T09nI~! wlll ..., ~ lnter11t In IUXU· r1ou1 l1ketront home for I 13,000 to lnvwtOf °' tO-meone wtlo would IOll9 to llv1 on the weterttont at one·h•lf Iha price. 8t>•· CIOUI a 8 drm. 2'h bl I den with formal dining, br11kf111 nook, Indoor leundty and huge lake view cl•ok. AdJ101nt to ~vt. bllcll, llC>I •nG Club-ouH . l'ull price UH. 900. Buy " or 111. lnorldl- ble term1I Cell L VNN NOAH. Own /1gt 552· 1800 or 873-5551 ....... 1...., •• l.MtYlew PRICE REDUCED on thl• Mather MOd11 In ... ,,, ,,, ,,,, I ... ,,, ,,, ,,,, ....•••••••••......... . ·•••······•·•··•····· ~I.~~~.~~~ •.. !.~~ FORliCL08URE SALE Undl+' lender'• eoet So Laguna pvt Htate 190 m 0CMn YU Secutlty I &,000 8&6-2013 BLUE RIBBON SPECIAL 3 bdrm, 2 i.vel floor plan In wood & glaN ac.an view. beemed celllnge I\~• •tone lrptc l.o<:•· t high above Laguna'• Riviera coutllne $I H , ooo. MISSION ASAL TV 49•.0731 "nett vie•. Ultlm1t1 CUiiom home In flTll(eJd Bay, &000 lq I t OI cuatom t11t ure1, 6 bdrm1. 12,200.000 Open 811/Sun 551·123'4 ~/.~~~.!'!!! .... !.~!~ lelUt .......... By owner, home on I acre EqUMtrlan 180 di· iree vi-on top 01 hlll 34'4,000 5% down or will l1e w /optlon 831· 1068 or 831-3074 16, .. 111 OllYH UUOllM 2 1tory 2 IR • den • eunken llv rm • _, b11 c n I 2'h bllh• Seeurny gelid, omm. poo11, ape & Ian· 11. All Ihle & more tor only 226.000 611ter 11y1 MJbmlt on tlfmt A muet •• Suzanne Shuler "42·8235 • !/!:Macnab -Irvine ,,....., .. .,,,. ... but VIEW NllllM It worth SH3.000 to the dlecer· nlng buyer Orig 8lull1 'E 3 bd•m. 2 11t bl· 1hroom1 2 level, open beam• overlooklng Bay eoge OI Blull• quiet CUI· de-sac Street Tiied Pl· 110. 111111n merble entry. ex.penalve wait covering. top grade carpet• New appllenc11 Elegantly done and kept up Auu- C am br Id g 1 Courl. 2 L1•H• /1/01/ JOSZ mable 111 TO $116000 bdrm. 2 ba. almoat new ··'•••••••'••••••••••• at gv,•1. Re1t 11 up to home Pertee I tor lh• 591. Dowo. no qualifying 2 buyer Grtb 11 while ow· 1m111 lamlly or 1lngl11. atory 3 Br Condo 2100 ner 11 leellno "Emptynfft Plenty ot room tor prl· 1q. It lrplc. For I 185. SyndromeT. end get a 111cy UpgradH throug· 900. 714/495· 1530 epectacular home Call hout. Prime locetlon n11r 759 8963 UCI end •hopping '183 Lib l11nl 1055 --· -----000 ·1···••••••••••••••••••• YICTlll&I PUii PUCE ESTIRS •Ill. 2!h IA. WUICE N-•SOO 1q It eutl\enlK: ~~;~~~~~~~with ancloeld entry Thia -.. M!yllght1 IOd French .... , .-0 door•. Owner wlll help 11. Pllll llllODI nance 1t $3311,000. BETTER THAN MODEL umttE HAS EVERYTHING English home Fenteallc N~wport Harbor 111ew& lrom 3 floors Compl trimmed In rich maho· gany. genuine antique mental• & stained glen make thla home a delight tor tne antique bull' Drive by 602 Klnga Road 646-8532. $5000 down. 3 Br 2 Ba. Cul-d•aac street 1111,1111 1,-..H,l r-t"<C •Aotl \ INCLUDES LANDI 2 atory, Rllliore, 87s.eooo PElllllU NllT-IY IUGI hNPtfe.._..IJ 100 ft, fn• MM~, 2 IACllFIOI UU WU U T/Ill 1·1 Ill Olntlll, C.I . + Oen. pool + Bachelor Sun & Sall II Club Unit Monthly payment .. 523 CAMPUSDl·fltVU'E 20 min. 10 .. ...... ,ltl ................. . 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. l~~~~·~~~~~J ..... ..,,,.,. $1600 Full price S15g, --------N-port Center ooo 557-2763 THTUllOI YlSTA s210.ooo with s1so.ooo umtH UUJ VIEW II 12% tixeo rat• & HINI llHE ......... . .,~, .... J F• TIE ,. •• 1t Gr11t ....._,1g9, 120,000 down buy1 frlplex. E.11· celllnt location In SOUlh Cout PllZI er11. Won't lalt. call 646-23 13 ts~lfM TRADE ........ ""' , ........ .., ., ..... .... 673-8585 FllF• TIE FAaYl In lhlt large. belwtttul • Bdrm pool home with ape, In COfona dll Marl S.t buy In thl er11, not another Ilk• It. A1uum1 l at, OW"9r wlll c.rry be· lance et low rate. Call 'I .... ,,,, t 5t14 .. YllW JIW&llU 2 Malter Sult•. vi.w ol Oc11n & Night Llght1. Quiet Ar11. P1rk1, <>91'1 1p1c11. 1125,000. Only 10% dn. Xlnt Fin. Hll °' P11 Bauer Agt. 873-7300 Ull •TIE llllm 2 on 1 lot In Colt• Meul Upgrlded home plua ,,._ Wlf unit In r111 With nr• piece. A11um1bl1 1111 Owner motivated end wltl flnMOI 11 b*w m1tket tnter"t rate. A mu1t to .... Clfl nowt Ooly 1185. 000. 846-7171 t!nt431 ....... _ with c1th1dral calllng1 end • remodl6ed kitchen, 11 .5% 1uum1bl• loan end an 1nxtou1 owner. Only 1 1 t0,000. Cell 1179-5370 \ f ~·I I. I 111: • 11 • I \ o,, I f~I o, • TR\DI T 10\.\I 1-?I \I " You Oon't Med • oi-1 to "draw f"t" wh•n_you l*ce an ed In IN Delly Not Want Adi! C.. now /l42-N7e, IYO ... m Luxury • Bd 220b 1q It pool, 1p1 home In IU· hlon1bl1 M111 Verde 4 blk• 10 golf courM. owe large paper ol 15 yeare wtth low, low lnt.wn/Agt Loi• Miiter. 931. 12ee or MS.-0108 n .... 1.1. Pno•• ,., , .... , ..... ,, •• 1121,IOO. . Nicely decorated 3 BR, formal dining room and family room. Owner has been transferred, needs fast sale Super location. Call C.ora Skeilh MIV emortaeo .... STIM SS-000 down 3 Br 2 Be 3 b d r m . 2 'h b • , t g e No point• Of qualltyfng -+ Oen, pool + 81cllelor 1 entertainment center, 2 770-034 7 Open Sat/Sun 1 ·5 Unit Monthly payment 1 lrplea, community pool & Ownef/A Xlnt financing. S 1600 Full price S t59, tennl1 S25.000 below!~~~~~~~~~ Spectaculv 111-WAH.RFRONT HOME5.INC AfAI blAlf 000 557-2783 mrkt Owner/1 gt 1: Century211Lockh•rt 780-~··· ~'!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~~ ___ 118_2_·Mt1 __ 1 __ _ 14Mlt7 ... lay Ote4t 1411>"' ( ...... tlw, N~18r,,,h Ut-1400 Jl11 M.,,,~ A1,; .. S..Jtio.. l.J.t11d '7Uf00 TIE IW. ESTams 3 borm. 3 fia, lam rm, gar, large patio. Tennis , pool, •po $125.000 10%1 dn 12'h% 645-83117 --------·!You don t need a gun to For Cla&lllled Ad draw tut when you Cl1ullled Ada are lhe en1wer to 1 succeulul garaoe or yard 11le1 It's 1 better way to tall more people I More temlllff a1• getting the cemplng "bug" thl1 year II you hive 1 cam· per th11'1 not getting used. sell It now w11h 1 ClaMllled Ad. ACTION place en Id In tne Dally Call • Pilot Want Adtl Can now Dally PilOt I "42·5678 AO· VISOR 642·5678 GE I GEORGE ELKINS CO UI Ill PElmll.I WITURllT WITl llCI Panoramic View . Great Waterfront Location. Redwood F1oat + 50' Dock. Custom Built Home With Three B edrooms. Three Balconies. Exceptional Quality · Kitchen With View. Window Has All The Modem Amenities -Used Brick Bar-B-Que In Outstanding Patio Area. Even Tiled Garages -Great Offering. $1,295,000. A Dion-Maria Listing. --_. .. ,.,..,. 759-91• u c.,. ........ .... ..,..c..e.r * A SPIRAL STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites, solld oak cupboards, Skylights 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OPEN SAT. 10·12, SUN. 2·5 PM 2277 PACIFIC AVE.. C.M. End 01 Wilson * C11'1llu• ~· 1011 ••••.•.•.....•........ 11....,,.c ..... ............. FOf Ille or rent Unit 21 71•·631-8010 II & .at REDUCED TO 1122,000 Owner lll'IXloot. 4 Bdrm. 2000 1q It home with IO<mel dining end lemlly rma Mu.I Mt! In 30 daya call now 11711-5370 .\( :·/l/ 111~·,, AIAI '' ,.1~11[~,TMl'-'l\ 9.5% 12 llllll lml ~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 3 bdrm, I 1 m II y room -CNIU Ml ., IOU 1m111 olflc• Covered These one year new unite are located just on e mile from the beach ln HuntinglOn Beach. They are built to condo apeciflcationa for potential conve rsion. Great auumable financing at 11 %, owner will alao carry. C.all for aet-up and information today! . RCTaylorCo 640-9900 ... TlllMI 11,1 ...... The dazzling world of aalla. ahJPI & IWlleta la your forever view,• BR 3 ~ BA & private pool. One of • kind dealgn . Security 1y1tem & cedar closet. On fee•land. Great potential here. O>me 8ee. *fmllll* Choice 3br 2ba home in Prime University P a rk l ocation ! $1 ,000/mg rent all applies to- wards purehaae ln 1 year. 2670 San Miguel. 71417:19-1:101 or 71417:12-7373 *11'-MWI taYllUT uu nm• Huge executive ranch-atyle home featuring .f br'1, family room, formal dining on cuJ-de- uc w/room for R. V .'a. Only $236,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 71 41759·1~1 or 7141752-7373 *mlY, mTY I YAUl'l* *''"•* 9.K uaumable financing avai- lable on Ulla tastefully deoorated ·3 Br Townhome. Vacant & quick pc111111on. 2870 San Mipl Dr., Newport Beach . 769-1601 or 762-6333. .. NITIUll ..... Jttta. ..... ""' (71•> lN-1111 (714) 111· Ula l • • ••• •iytiiii•••••• ~tlo. big yard. IM,500. 702 ~ •• CdM.1235K. A euumable. Agt. °'*' dally 1·5 873-2041 6..a..a 1 •9 CAMEO SHORES lliM 1•/•I In• cu.tom 4 Bt. 3 ea. poo1, ·oPENH.ciJSiSATiSUN· Jacuul, kol p ond. 3 3«05 st. Green Lantern f r plc '1, 1475,000. Unobatructed view of 875-59GO. harbor and coutlln• Owner/HVH 811ut 3br. Perched high t bove lhl 2ba. Lg I01, VIJ 1285.000. Ch1'1 HOUN r•taurant 780-1390, 8-46-6332 New 3200 1q II. luxury DUPLEX: 3 Br. 2 Ba. NCll, condo, bulltln a larm highly upgraded, 10. of 1y1tem1, aaun1 and J•· PCH $280.000 111um1-CUZZI. Pvt ellYllOf. Mod· ble, con1lder trede. Mt~J:.~·~~o,.900 107,000. 875-2500. 1151·12•• Owner /Broker. " !~'!!~'!J~P.-x.!.~~1 Duplex, bell financing. * * lSK DOWN Reduced to 13211.500. l ·IM2-t&e0. Auum• low l nter11t U .... •ra.ooo loetl. Lrg " Bdr __.. conoo. OWner Wiit c.rry. ~"-Submit. 811m1, brlok. 3 frplo1. •130,900 00\lfm.I kltdlen, ~ 0~ HH Sun 11 ·8. new•r home, f1burou1 1 Mult Wooctra Crt. *"'9Gec*'9. 2-ety 4 lklr. (g)"9od1u1d-*" flnln. 1JW If 10u oan awing 2001< RelhlJ down I 11 ••crow, you c an 1t11I Ill Prln. $51·3000 Of'fty. 87~271 l'2tlbn111tt "'•)',IF\lllfo liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... "-,... •n I 19l.a ,,,,. IHI on • baautlful etteet In •••••••••••••••••••••• OdM. 2 Bdrm owner'• unit 8PLl8H SPLASH! W/btam9d oelllng1 end Speotacutar ranotl 1ty1e tfreplaoe. ALSO 19• 1 wtth poo1end1p1.. 11~. bdrM • w~.,.. too Low down: No :::'~.~ =~~y l ng . 81tr. ble loen. If tl,000. -O..--Qerd9n---Hof-me-,-,-.,,-1 M4-Tlt1 r. L_ .. . . ND. I ~I pM .. '216.000. llW- mlt on tunu. Agt tl&-1142 Coen a.t/lun 10-1 IOl\a ~ l.n, H8. PlllE lotmtll 12~ tit. I $111,HI . Cenat front • Br Fee I• &a ... 1~lt I•••· SIPP. .. lend Term1. S29g,ooo Mr Clark 845·3370 ell 6PM llWNIT IDtlTS Owner need• cath, cieln 1n11<1ue type houM 2 8f. 1 81 50x 117' lot Lerge detached garage St 111. 000 5•8·504 1 eVH 6 Wltndl, 831·3520 wlldya .1pect1cul1r vlew1 are Ul11UWf Ollll youre to enjoy forever End unit· 48, 2,~ ba, 2 lrom Ihle contemporary car 1.,. lllO.OOO, 111 wood & glue ooncso. An excettent floor planwtth 2 TO· 135,000, try 7% dn d k fl P r I n c o n I y . B k r ec 1, replace and 10. 7 1 4 1118 4 • ,. 8 ,. 5 0 r cited c1011 to pool a 960•1126 evM. elevltOf.1236,000. 1---------,..'l ....... ~"--..... ....... Yin • .... 0.....1• 3 bdrm, 2 b e . 1p1,/covered patio B11utllully decorated. 1011 c-...._ Allumeble loln With 5% .__c.. '*' dn. $2311 ,500 Fee By Owner 11711-31123 171 41 ...... 177 ,..------- • lfffj JHllFbnd ~11 &~~~i:,~t In ..'!'!r.!'! •••••••••••••• -lily-'------- CUSTOM UPUOED rGRTOFl.U MODEL HAllOI Ylfl HOMEI HEAT FllfHCIH IY OWlfEI Great family home on quiet clrcle. Four Bedrooms. thrH and one half bat ha. 28!50 Sq Ft. Dramatic entry. Profeaslonally decorated, ltallan Tiie, French Windows end Ooora. Central air conditioning with eloc- tronlc air filters. Sophisticated security and s moke detection eyetem. Oversized street to 1treet lot. Large patio with flreplt over- looklng custom pool and oversized spa and waterfall, eurrounded by mature, well manicured land.ca~ Ing. Chlld• playhouae. Fifty foot Aviary. S459,000. hwffl"'* ........... ~ .. .. on thl1 beeutllul 4Br Portollno mO<lel In Har· bor View Sep1111e mother.1n-l1w quarter. Almoll new carpeting CIOM 10 pool $319.000 .... , .... , 1-1 1U4 Pert CbrlM s.. Calif. llNltJ 141-1111 H1-ltl4 IEWPOllT llliTS 1 .. c1 •• ,.,, 1011 ··············•······· Beach Retrae t In San Clemente, rldWOOd and glan 3 bdrm. 2 'h be StudlO, geme rm. Wiik to b11ch Lot• of privacy Open Sun t-5 PM 221 W G 1v1011 . 13311,000 Tlfml. Lingo Paul Yoder 71~98-'4950 dllllTD Y11W Orange Co11t '1 belt beach front valu.t Step• to 1"9 11nd. o.iuxe con· clomlnlum1. only • l•fl lrom 1217~00 Open Sat/Sun 90S'° luenl Vlata ¢St• Bob, 4M·t0'40. ,,.,, AN '"' .•.••...••.••.•.•...•. Bradford Pl, o wner an· xtoue. •er 1 'ABa. I". p1tlo, pool/park. U , too. Alliume 150,000 111 at 111,;~ Aot· 857·2040 ~INll 1#4 •••••••••••••••••••••• .. .......... 2-4 hr .guerded oomm11o nlty. 819 Sutfald• Ave 1111 e.acn. $ IA I.,. ba. 211' to be10~ t trpio., fantNde vtew .,_ roof top •P•· •411,000 ,,P/OWC. 21Sllll41et DI Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1~. 18H P!r.!.~~o'!.~ ..... ~~1!!:'..~¥!, ..... ~.fl'!!v!'~ .. ,!.t!ff.f,!111.1!!~ .. P!.•m.fr/1.?.~~ .. ~~~~.'!.f!.'!.'~!':4 A,.,, ••• ,, A,.,,.,.,, ,,.1,1, 1, ,.,,, "" -:!'t~H UM ~r.!f.rrtr.flr.1'!/f ~.~d.~! .. !!:!f ~~~-~P! ...... !.~f ~!.'!r.!!.~!A .. !.~!t !'!!r.!!.~~!! .. !.~!~ ... '!~!~!~!!~.'!........ 1 ••• ~~!~!~!!~.'!'. ........................ , .. .. ••••••• :: ......... ,.-i; l11Y1111111T""' cozy a e r 1rp1o, new a bdrm 1 II\ b• Cone10 Nwpt e1un1. 3 11 on chOI· Ir..,,, #111 1114 1• .. 1 •Jiu I',. tl1•1•l1 111 ROOIM•TE Newpo11 leach Oa Allta '' 1n1411u1 In1 Side frl cpll, em p atfo So 0 1 rireoiac., w1ahef, dry., o• reenbe lt. •harp 10•0 ••••••••••••••••• ..,,, 1140 ••••••••••••••••••••" • bl)'llOlll ..... M i ni pie• t;IOOOOdwn owe Hwy 17H 173.1734 u 2tt 841 1-3038 1111& 1144 6319 3 Br 2 8• y1rd, lrplc ....................... Adull, llUdlo w/1tove. re FllDEll con\I 71 Ut>f wide 111• ,,,d 83 t 384\,all 41'1M -II i • l.,T. M601mo 8r0ker ... mile bMch 2 br 2 eat I '"' Utll po 1280/mo place, brlGll patio. H I Qwnel 1~:o:r~~SOd~0w1811:2 3:·1 ••••~••••••••••!!.~I N ... ooean 2 1r 1 on 1 1 3 er 11• 6 I IOO oar, c:ov'd patio, iif1 pool l b 0 ~In •H·t4~2 OllJHI & largHI agency 000 Aleo 2 br , 2 0• IL Tiit .--.. Mfly rm rpo .. YHrly •2 br nr s c Pti""'SAI rl ghlt & rec are11 Mira Cotta Condo 2 b• A:I eue~t• f'-ned with cloubtt wide, corner 101 llm WllTU •mint , open 2·4 deify -• 12500/mo 84&-on8. Pool, •P•· •1>4•.1800 I076tm_o. 2t3/1126·47_9e I ptu1 Cltn. Oeoor11eo Pcr1~!.011•1 Croam•"~itan •U 000 8111 Q 642·83117 2 br, 2 ba. afmo11 new -• ., ..., .......,. • rundy T1acla f or my Na ___ _ condo Communltypoc>1,Ht1bOrVtewHome)Br 2 Ct1po11 7112 U22 or 28r, l '"8a,'3711 •1376 tnruout,pYlpe110.pool OO<><I M0tnlngA"'9ftea. 8111·81111 oceanfront ~ Owf\ef LfASf/L!.AH OPTION •Pl & 1annl1 oour11 1 ctr Ba famlly rm 11180/mo, 841· 1460 dep. Otl pd, nr fl H eh jllCUUI, .. una fKll 2 ur file fomou.ow ShOw Hun11no1on lkacll, ooubi9 ~6611 1.r newly remoel 38r. o•reo• Wiii oon1lder Pu1chaH opllon avafl -HAIL .. , e111c1 I Mac fedOen, 0_!'. 5775 mo 681 1335 *'1011 • 10111 iwwc1ren11 wide, t c:IUll1, large IOI LJtt1t...,, 3 &, lim rm In lrvlnt pell I028 month+ $e211 644.4077 14 Ill/mo 2 Bl I Ba quiet, no pell 893-4804 1Adull atUdlO, tlOve, 1etr~ WtlO !IMO a pl.C:. ~~allg f:.,1 Ok. 1"*'1~8~00 Looking to buy aeaeoned ~:,~; t 18. 111!:.&.04~ m 0 ' MCNait'.11 1Y1d.,,oell, 1 1 1 1._ .. 11 N;;;pcj";'t Haight• large 3 pool, launelr y rm. new 2 Br No p•I• or water· ::!" Pd 1~!6~m~ '" 6 HWNIT 141· llff l • w ran ' T0 '1 Agt Slave Br. 3 81. men~ amenl· oarpat. upper unit Tnl1 bed• 13811 ov•·ln 4""'"46' erme 147·2064. 7112 11120 CdM 1 yr o!Q, 3 8r 2v. Ba llH . $1150/mo Calf An· tpecloul alucl•O• one one wont lull 900·8123 111 8PM I aAYFRON T f I I S0501mo s .. 11.,1.. ..,. h• 1110 •m• • OI * 14htt0~ EXCITING* All two baelrm1 . plu1 Ir poOI W CH h ltow 26~0 <Jn 11•1t Pal\ or 1r1C1t? W HIY llnan A 241160 l(eyweel Home . Clng PPLS Only Aul Light lntt rlott • Lo lllllng Ste¥• 782· 1020 01n1no area• • ooen 11.11 10 ------tam rm . 2 to bedroom• I p A I M [ N E w p 0 R T batna Ownetl wlfl carry 8EA<;H 10'4 oown, b•I ti reuonablt lnte· •·tr&·pluH & 1 duplex , .. , Coron• Clt l Mar & Bal ~ lillt Pen. A11umo large 12'1t'lt 30 YM' loan Buy 1, 2 or A Beaut ul 241160 OrH n· all 6 ..... 1424 Bkr brier Home • Open 1111 to ------l•m rm w l wat bar • 2 lg lRl·PLEIC 2Br hM, 2·2Br bedroomt & balht both un111. $210,000 10% on w/thowerl All 1ppll1nca1 I OWC b&I 5 yn, al 13'!. lriCludad $39,600 648-8204, 673· 1468 OUlllO --MHIU llMf HLll #i .. til•, O.utl, 27CMI Harbor Ste 206·A 111111 Z400 M1-i111 ·;;~,~~;;·c;,~i;,·ci~b· ~!!!~/.~.~·!.!!!!.!.~~ 11 AOIU 3 br, 2 bl, 300 Pl1n. all upgraded So moun111n view Nr pool Anum 11 ~. lo11n S30,000 dn owe 13% 1-346-2034 Running 1tream 0111. ,,_ E.l(cellenl 111ew Full price S46.000. owner will HOW llMMrT cerry Agent 676·2130, Can 11!.1 10 lront door 3 676·2589 Bdrm 2 bl Escepe Condo. 2 •• o"u Sale·trada for income property In Orange Co Paved ro1d. Ill C:IO H , $185,000 Cell Jeff BeftU• trtH Owner .,n,1ou1 lell Low down low price. I Barrell Riiy 642·5200 owner wtll cauy • AQf!lnl 676-57 17, alt 5, 672· 177S 0•1 1/ c ... ,, ......... Lad ••• ~~~!!'. ...... !.~!~ Why go <>YI 01 51111'1 IHr YeM•ff• Leve•ao•d C11111orn11 lr1 14 acres with c:reek, ve61mtn1 will! e1Cct1llent SH.900 8 acrea. large UpSlde polen1111 Ol k& $31,000 Both HI· 11'-.... ler f•n•n<.ed IOw lntereel lnlhal tnvMtmenll AMERICAN PACIFIC lrOt'f'I S3500 Hwy 140 1nd 1 \ Marl· Mon1hly 1n11allmen11 pot& Oa 200-968·3121, lrom l t50 I evee 200·966·389t 19 llCtff and up Bob Cau111n 662-1182 I,./ l1t•I• Sorry Pr1nc1pel1 only lxdH•I ZIOO 12'h ...... IE;~h·l·K:i~~,;·in•it;;:. South 01 Corona. Olk H11wall condo tor teen treea. lentuttc 111ew1, on 3 b r no me. So streema, aoll repo11 Low I Or • n g e Co 11 ea down Low Interest Agt (~13)438·5832 6711 5717 . all !> 676-6226 Trade tor BIO Bear cabln ----llrge C1nel front New-IHti 111•1'1 1350 I port B11cn Mr Clark •••••••••a••••••••••• r 84'5 .. J370 1ft 5 Wl•lll Cllll TR A O_E_C_a_n_t_r_a_l _C_o_a_tt I Bdrm turn111hed clear. cu11om 3 br view S6000 · 50'/, lnl nome on 2 ac horee s 10 doo . 100'1. int ppty AIHGedero 1225M Balence 26 yr1 $64,000 Value tor llOme or unite 111 I t'lo C all I Org C ty belch 1raa ..2_141975·<>1127____ Owm 805-486~043 EL MORRO BEACH lor tent/ IO• .. le 1500 aq It f1al•/1 moD•I• home No La· •••••• •••••••••••••• •• gun• Oce1n 111-/beaCll 3 BA, upgraded w/760 jBHlll fet•l16H sq It 0.Ck ]fJ0 .. 2690 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 6, 1v, Oa 1760/mo lhony d ay1 842·87117, andtwobedloom&Pln TSL Mgmt 642·1603 On lllt beech 2 Br pool, ...................... Ualboa llland 3 Br 7 Ba Wor k 076•0303, Re• ... ,. 3140 avte & wtlnd1831-M30 menl• FU,.NllH&O 2 eR. pY1 patio, new pa.Int ltun•. •P• U OO/mo 2 Br 2 6a Townhou•• S385t mo + ''• u11la 160 2.,.,. •••••••••• .. •••••••••• lt-.....u....a .... lfld UNFU .. NllHiO 7141114 ... 118•• Evte over 10. no pat1 S600 Ary 111 8 7 3 138 8 o r ...... OC·RENTAL8 ---&cptt.veuntand l v&ll v " 11110 N Sharty •:tO 8!)() IJ24 2 bdrm -'u• den 3 ba llM 1·5br'• 1200 to 12000 Tnrtt bdrm, 1824 Porl 01kwOOO ilto 0111.r• now "675 me Call Larry -• •11 • II. 2 •a op 1 n s at 1 o 1? 'INO . St!•"" "' 1•0 "'314 o...,. 7.. 8 th N , ... h or Pam, 1140·11118 --" -. r ., "'"ic 111 & 1111 I 1300. " • ., ,....... ""•Y• armOY · ewr><>r .,... •AU UllllllM P11d 1 ml bch, Ir pie, anctld 7 l3/377·26 IO en NwJJllC<JM ar&a Ptot 840·7000, 846-752 1 3 Br 2 Be frplo dbl ga lt050 mo. A V Ptl~ 'lmm9di-'9 I Br reftlg,1IOYe,carpet1, ger, bll ·ln1 1mo k e "unn• 1 Br. $3'" " · • 213·426-7301 Cl r ap•• 1 375/mo -. , ,., lady .cl 3!> yra, atratgnt f.'!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~~ ~·.er.· ~~~:'d"'~ld:~ a1utt1 3Br 2',\ be. PY1 ioc:. .~:;tn 648-0341 alt t 30PM ;':!;'&C~~8;aier pd 14038~~i;u~oeon ~~ttn,.,u;1~~·~~ 1 ~%·~~r6 "Collage" lly\e 2br 8PM 831-7002 bey vi-$1350/mo Im· Rect .. tlon 2 bl, , • .., ba 810 Joann St 2 Bdr 2 Ba townnouH 3 6t. 2 bl condo So C11 w11oy11 OCwlgaArE,pleuoL8,N07~1333bOP1arpolntCondo:2Br ;;:~479occ upanc:y . An<1Much Mo1u' Adulleprel Smalldog tennl1 &1pa nrbc h VtllH M1ny•menl11es M /~prot 28·36,non • N A uv• 14 I 'hbe Pool, tennl1. • Ok SA75 648·6'30 2202 Heh Ctr S61C> Avell 6t2 648 4184 avH amk1 tor Npt Ben rwme II .II ., $850/mn Call 8' 1·2S80 mm.<! oc:cupencv, 3 Bdr For 1 month "' " hi t.. I 000-••oue 1n ·~ S3 .. " Ota· :.:.!.: , '"v""t • 1 Spee 2 •tv. 2 BR, l 'h ba, 2 Br w /narti• ll"ve & .., • ·~-..v Newport Cra11 condo. bin\! '"'"""''"""11'1· .. v 1 1 • " H•I f ne 631 12"'"' Tll • -•y flW 1 bdrm, oceen view 111. No •• 1 pOO . carport, pvt pal o d 111 w n,, •I c. on y "" ~ lutandMC Agt'425 ttlrlg. W /0 , SO OO 91m l06om r $475 mo CnllO•en 01(. S560tmo 536·71179 •••••••••• .. ••••••• .. • Atnt tn Co1ta M11a'1 .,,.,._ 3900 831-0460 no pet• 646• 30 17• ____ rum prtv room •nd blln Snr 3t>r ouple.c Batbo• NEW EST galed 20 ~ 2 376 8 07 ll / 3144 Re!rto 1285 Penn nr H St 111/lut Townhome VILLAGE 2 bdrm, 1•11 bl C ondo 'llEWPORT CREST 3 Br 2 Qekwood 13• _·_1_ .!!.I!! ............... , 8<1!1·0 108 S2~0 ;viii 673-1701 all COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br Flreptac:e, wHher, dryer •tory, eno unit. llPOlleN, Gerden Apirtmenll Newer 2 br · wt ger •o•.1 L1rge new I Br c:ondo tor H B Lg• beaut bdrrn wt ~ 2•11 se 1800-t800eq fl S52!1861·36311 ~.0::.~:n,~~~;.~~o newpa1n 1 N or•'• IHM nHrU C I micro-bath &t1gntkll pnv enF em •l•IO\ha•ew1111 of pure luxury Geragee, 2 bdrm. I'll be condo. tpc:. beecn 1 1250 1ea1e Newport 8eec:h/No $44!>/mo 8"5-657 wave tr pit , wuner t '9e llOme nr oeach &300 ume nouae In 0 11n9e nydtO·IUbl In muter f ridge, pool and jac 644-7424 Bkr 880 Irvine CM lllTAU--dryer area Slll>O/mo All 3pm 988·:1'1151 11un •mokll. &220 mo tulle b dl~ln~I r~om1. ClubhOute $5 I 5 111, I "r. Blull 1 (P1ul1 ), on l•I ~1nl 2 Bd( I'~ Ba $626 J 0 I nn 8 9 5 6 1833 M11le pref Pool jllC. ten:1 997-8075 Evft wOOd urn ng re,,.&Ce9, 1 1 d u ,7141 ...... 1.,.... .., Bdr 1 Ba 1,.00 b36·8720 m1cro·w111e oven•. Prl· H · •P qu1.,1 c ul d•·••c . .,..~..,.. < " nla LI cooking S1e1.1e 10 "'" 11111rp hu F V M 111 t a p a t Io t & _ ~8-7833 s 1100/mo Rllr 731.4446 Newpott a..c: /So Bo th nave o•raou & lftrt•ll .. ff. Jiii ooacn, NB 5<18-4260 2~· }'> $28~ incl ul•f• yard1,glfdener pro111. 2 Br wtgar•~•· etove & h patios Call Jim 831 7370 ...... ; •••••••••• ••••• • --M tr• 1 o r w y N , (. t. 0 ... El II I 1 ;u1tom l\ome 3 br, 2 bl, 1100 l81h 51 NO FEEi Apl I Condo Oenl non-1mkr, Ille t.11 . 1164.1168 ""' egant v ng on Y d11hwer Ch Id & 1m11I never belore ranted Ja. !Dover ai 16rn1 fireplace. pool, pvt patio rental• Villa Renlall 1.rwtn pllYllege• Ret.,ren 15 m1nutu from Fa1111on pet o k S 5 5 0 I m o cuu l, redwOOd decking, (7141142•11113 & danweher )( lg 112 Br 976 "912 Broker ,,., 548-75&6 C M f .,m ,n, ocn vu condo llland, 7 mlnute1 to SC 536-7979 garden ap11 on E/lldel ----' NJ.II Creai w1mom.,, 1111<1 Plu1 or 0 C Airport ---bHUtllully wooded In & from 1•60 E>57·2841 Verullles I br condo. Hm '" lg 3BR hOuae C M dllughttr Amenl111ta Juel eatl ol Newport B••ll8fll• out Stained ~IHI. Quiet --S550 Ctoae 10 beach ""11' OCC & beach Kile $'}00 1rn.I ulll 642·46111 Blvd I 10 of San Diego .,, ... , 3Z4Z ~~~:k ~~·v~.b lpd·~·.i'op~ wclllftVE sum l "'Y' 2 8• I 811 $410 Full NCUrlty 648-3874 priv S260mo 646 27 18 • Frwy Starting It 1900 a •••••••••••••••••••••• WllW5. 19 W Wllaon 842-8843 PT BC N lAv••I ommed lu•n rm 1n month 631-!i439. 2473 Ocu nlront c:ondo, 2 bf, ping 3 bloc:kt lo bHCtl Bayfront tower ltcurlly 01 995-5813 PARK NEWPORT "'25 H $2:, imkr& rvtl l wnhH 1ui1 nae l)flV Or1nge Ava , Co111 2'" be, dan, frplc, wat 1 1200 mo ~7 Clubhou· bldgc One Bdrm c:ondo I -----APARTMENTS .poO!. 111 111 poolllndry F V nr 40!> M"' bit, 1pect1cu11r view ••Ave W Brown. $1 00/mO on yearly l.tltll, tlla'J, IHftt.,., Aeft 548•3682 rwy $2~0 mo + 'o utol $1100/mo.3532Bra· 847 -4 788 eKC:hg ' bH I• I Slud1o w1th cerport& COUNTAY CLUBLIVINO 118 Houeeprlv 1blkto1 Prnlm11urefrl11te 811111 UO•UY \!Il la Jon ith a n 675-5557 evH ... Plfflm J.18110 Pool& Spe No IN NEWPORT BEACH ucn $250 t.i/1 1111 /l'M 96:1 8114 3 er 3 81 TownnouM by 1213)461-4367 !24 houra) -1-a u-u' '•a••Mm I pet• S395 !>49-244_7_ 20-30 '1199 845-671):1 babD~ln btook. rrplc. -..,. •• ---A doluxa community on Wo11t11d \lfll!Qhl m•I• otw . dbl ger. man• watertront 3 br, 3•,; be, Two 11orte1 on c anyon llM1t• 2 bdrm 1 ba lenc.&d yd th• Baell B•y Club hou· '4pl 8ctl Lge qu,.t pvl lurn uv"' lO 11> ,.,., tUP'" , 1111 1 Th • encl garage, S!IOO/mo u & ""•· 7 ...,......, 6 ten· p L .,, • •oo ..iir .. No pat• '800/mo apectacular view Jae w ocean v aw. rat !>48_8204 673 1458 n-1, co .... una. c,,.,.,.loee 10 "u•'· s I u d 10 ri 111 t e O e' •11un11 .,..,., "'>n<Ju .... I • a 1 8 , 1, 1 & 1 e c lrplca l nruout. 78' boat be<lrooma Two bllhl. u • S•50tmo 640-8290 rno l•I & 1aa1 ~ '• utol 648·6423 dock $2000/mo 18471 Prl1111e balcony off IMt18 A,,tl•••ll S62~3Br 2ba, children! neH & 11\opptng Coll Oav., (7 141 8'.1:1·3630 81rnat1ble Jonatnan room wllhvlew $115 U•le1•/1AH ok.nopet1. 186 "C"E 1'1111/1 #111/1 fJOO d yt (7 141 497 3890 MUI YUH 4 Bdrm 2 ea r a mify nome Quiel area Avail 1mmeo1ately Many ame· Mies 675-4912 SKA But Entalde location, roomy t Br/waler paid Alt garage Adult•. no pela $435 631--0754 -3 er 1 ea large yard. re- dec 1963 Cont1nen111 S 750tmo 559.500 1 IUll llW Sunny 2 Br 2 Ba Xlnt toe nr SC Plaza Open t>Mm. 1kylltu, lrplc, lg dac• over luah landscp, pool/ tpa. dbl g1r /openef, OH & water pd Avlll now 1750/mo 979-3376 Wkdyl, 751-8184 9YH/I wknd• , ...... TOWNHOUSE 2'"' be, nr new Prlv loc AH l>\JHI 1n1, 2 ur gar with alee ope· ner S850 A vail 8/ 1 John M arahalt Agl 831-2242 (213)451·4387124 hrtl per montll, yrly I•••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 111 51 Now 1111 11 Unturn11n.o 1tuo11.11. I & ••••1·uu·'···1•1··.·-,;.;;,"" ev.,11w~nda Broker 760·0189 Jilt.I ci•6·9596 or 546-~985 2 b• epertm•nl• town. ••~ lniH 3Z44 -----hOu... Wkly rental• now avail r • m 1 u '111 \ P 11'' 0 11• ...................... lllffl ,,.;.,.,, 3101 VtLU POIOU S540 St000 s1 o:i & up Color TV N11woor1 Sno11u llOl'l'lt< 3 Br 3 Ba E•ec Home In Four bedroom• Tnree •••••••••••••••••••••• I Pllonea 1n room 2274 wi m1tle. own rm Avll•I Northw00d1, 2 11ory wltn b•lll•. Condo End un11 4BA 28A yearly Frplc:. 1 1 UTS. •Severs! 1tuo101 & 1 Newport Btvo CM immeo 63l fll!JL •Ila lrg tam room No Ne1r ahopptn g and blt·lna. perking CIOM IO & 2 Br Beeutllully bdrm un1t1aralurnllhe<J 646·74"!> Fom non \mkr lo"" 'j dogs please Oat<>eoer I acllool• $ 1105 per mon-:1al4: 2° c • • n 8 r k' 1end1uped qu1tl com I wlln fine deelgner turnl· l"'ll I PUCll Bf\ l Ra ~acntron1 Mpl water paid $900/mo tn yrly leHe Broker · 1 plh en<. g11agee, car· ture & &CGeMOtlff Move ~ wt' J1 e1te< mal<te l '.l 10 !>45-2000 Agent, no IN 760-0189 'pata drlpH pool "' 1n today or reearve tor ReH Wetllty A11e1 •148 4148 HOME FOR RENT c,,,., ''' #11 31ZZ 110. laundry tee tummet mor11111 Smartly K11cnene11&1 Pnont11 - 4 Bdrm s725 Fenced llYOlllT •••••••••••••••••••••• i SO AAY NO PETS turnlthe<J model• open ·z· cnannot Movies vw moc.l\1n1c. J8 t11et.a Tnrae bedroom• Two 2 Bd. deo. trpl, llepa to ••OO/mo & up S200 ·-d•ll" Sandpiper. 1967 New I 11a1 houae/np1 to 1h1 w/ vero & 01rage Kid• & 1 070 0 ... ...... ' 1 8 " 4 4 peta welcome s45•2000 b •In• Pr op• r I y 1 n beach 1 /mo 11 c:Jepollt po.1 a1ao e per$ot1 4, 4 4 Agent. no '" ·move-In" c:on<111lon rell. Ownr/Agt, Re/Milt t 760 P o m on a Ave On Jamb<><" Rd at Bl Co1t1 MelA646 9137'fttm ;>~.3~ 10 \nr 2 "' l Excepuon&I landtcapl':f, 769 ~ 842·2015 San Joaquin Hiiia A<l S I I fZOO ba <.onoo Irvine Pool TllTlUIOI ~~OA~::,:,o5;t~7~ Clll• llll• JIZf Eetllldt 1 er $360/mo 644-1900 , .~.~!f!!! .. !~!f.~...... 111c $295tmo inc.I u1o11 Brand uew condo 2 lge •••••••••••••••••••••• utll paid Call 540 1158 'lewty dee 2Br. lba, eat In IAYFlllT ~~~d OS04 i<ll 91.1m or m11r 1ullH, 2'1' be, pool, New nome. 2200 1q, IL. lllTllT Ill L1rry 01 Pam ---1 kllch Encl patio, 01, 4 bdrm. 4 batn. undy1 f8C & lennl l 19:iO l1m rm, 2 bt toe loft, Ja· $!115 $1105/ 2 8r 1' 997-48 16, et\" cvu i. microwave, cedar • mo 1't Super 2 bdrm 1 oa ow S535 no pet• 642-2 134 b eac h, pi er & llo et M to ~hr 2 or t be duplox I 3 Ba TownllOUM &II built· patio ee o pool s500·, l BR 2 B $8000 lot Auguat 8111 wty111d oll~ltl!flt J.1'~0 RllTW c 0 1911 ba. view , Int belCOny, laundry rm 111 I~ S..:i 0382 . I , ••. ob•· f,,p1c,6p2a5. Grundy Ritt. 675-6181 (, M S24;> 50 • IJl•lt $e&O guarded Oii• $075 mo I covereo parking Nice ___ ---10 b" l o eac: 6<1!> 3273 (bu~r l•to magi 1 br, 1 t>• 1,.00 496--0065, 402-6660 locallon 3 Br 2ba, pello. carport l mo 8~3787 2 bdrm ruin. condo CM 2 br, 2 be " TS 84~1603 1 1 hll k --Avail 6119 thru 8121 Sh• Me on Balboa Isle 2 br 2'1t bl S800·S050 Wlll•i•llll JZll L Mgmt rp c:. c dran ° •no .orge 3 Br 2 Ba l rpl<.,' $!150 mo 54 1·5419 lurri 1n1 No11 8mkr pr11t 3 br. 2 ba S950 •••••••••••••••••••••• pell 2525 Orange Av tem rm dtCll, dbl O•· C I V 67 82' ll 3 bt. 2'1t be S300 HOME FOR RENT Apt C $560. 642· 1485 raoe. upat&lrt $750/mo 28R 2ba, furn olO CdM ev~•~ ·~~\ 1 ~~O a~a J 3 bf 2 bl $1500 furn 3 Bdrm 1660 f enc:•d W8till.AU1 Quiet 2 Br bulll·ln• o•· 760-11168 lrom s 1000 monthly 4 br 2'1't ba S1360 y1rd a o•r•o• 1(1d1 a IPllTllml r•o• adult• no pet• M • y 1 5 • s e p 1 5 LIVE AT I HE H[A<.H f 11 4 br. 2'"' be '8004826 pet• welc.oma 545-2000 '400i mo 64~.o816 IUCI YWU 7!>9·12•3 m111., 10 """'" 6 111 l•le LeRallOrRlty833·8800 Agent.no t.. Beautllullyl1nd1caped 01,. 38r 2bll , g1r , QCE•NfAONTI 26 r1<Ju•e S:?8~111c.lu1o1 garden •Pl• Poot & Spe I 1 Br apt S350 ullla 1n. $800/mo 421 E Balboa I " uxury r I 6 7':> O 14? 3 BR 2 BA frple, r1nge, 2 Beautiful 2 bdrm, 2 bath HOME FOR RENT Covered parking HHI cld S 150 s.c dep BI yd 6 7 3 . 2 7 8 9 No Llgun& J1c. lrplc ... ~~~!'!. .••... !.~~ '""'nun Cllf gar1ge No pell houae In Wood bridge 2 Bdrm $.475 Oara{le 1 paid NO pelt Trailor lor r1tnt I Br $225 975.9797 . wkly/mo 494-1725 F lo atir rurn ( M tonoo 2·~;,;~"0;;·~:,.·.i~"j~~; l 7751mo 111+1•50 Garage toe 11on1 a tide cnlld OK, no pe 11 Bachelor 1405 p!utulll• St50MC dep Bal 111• 2 B• tlHp;-6 w tf occ &iu"""' Poot 19 ll\ru Sepl 8 Ulll 1 sec 646-6423 642--0835 1 yard• CloH to pool I 545-2000 Aoefll. no f" t St SA50·'460 No c;nildran 0, dogt 133 Exec retre•t 1 bdrm 12501.,.... Mey & Jul1e 1onn11 S2GO 6•:> 80t,~ c .. ,, ""' JI If T11 lll1hr Naar n-•·pie~. 2 bdrm, 2 beln 111ch unit wtth fireplace anctOMd p1110. g1111ge. O~·-ht Poe caan now Nows 1 r>9,500 A lli Grundy , Rllr , 675·6161 llWPHT Olllll /\H tut•• h d.-.•i tJn••ra s11 ... ,.,.,.,,. Tw,, •JJ .. u, • 1t\ N1·w51111 , t •,.,_,~., Oro•· 1• ~01111 "l fl ~rut •1tM i• moo "t t1 v.,r.,.. t ... v.u ... til• ,_.,, .. 1 wtl ti ... w ( 0ub lir•1k••f gardener encl'd S5!>0 1 BR & OEN luded & iec lac: Kldtl pelt Ok ,._ .8 I / 2 Br 1•, 81 $510 E l61n SI Space 42 I eoodo, aauna. gym, pool 675-2910 Shr 'l "' 2 b• llPI nr M . ·MC S750 mo 552-9704 aft 6 -••• • ••• 2250 Vanguard540·9626 I C M 642-9193 lmmac concl $e00/mo -----p1811, All itm.,111 11,,~ I mo 648-2295 ~~~!','·pn.~e ~:'ndo, :·~~ Cleen 2BA. good n••g l!· u.,.,.,,," 141$ ... ·-----642·88881831-71 10 Lido Bay lronl IUllUfy .. Br l 2!>0 '"'' UI 11& ""w • ... ••••••••••••• •••••• 1 Br SA60 Sl'le r P 2 8 R 2 B • lge Nice 3 Br 3 Ba Cond o, 5 81 hOme Slip tennis, 979 ~897 ~40 Wl l '••I W .. i 3141 peta Carport SSIO/mo bornd & ac:nl• $8 !. Reeott·llke adult 1,1ct nr l8t E l8lh 642·0856 tooma all b1tn1 1nc1 OtW pool. jacuzzi attached DeacnH Broker coope-288 •• I/..~~~ ...... '. ••••••••• ta1 + S350 aec: evall6t22 857-8591 SC Plza Pool grdnr gar Meu Verde S525 1 725 1 r111on M on1n1y _ A1trac11111 1 Br cotteg• 646-6423. 642--0835 * *4 BDRM Olui< t8r No pell' '476 l•D. ICC.,lllOYl mo Call 540 1156 uk X" •o• mo 67!>-807• Resp M p1or IJU" ?8 ·~ wk ,ulll pd 3blka p.,11,<lrlplll 773W 568-1826 &pl• new carpet,pa1101 PIYIT Tl S1tp1tobeach 3Br 2 1,8' luxuryeulle,kncnen, CdM losllr wo1n M 01f Avell to July 16tn $175 2 Br encltd geraga. c•r· & $45 utll 775·2580, $'75/mo 2 Br t 8 1 I lor Larry or Pam 46.9189 &eek1ng hou11e 01 11pt on beech/to 494-0077 Wilton No pet• Lovely Broa<imoor home cerport• Cal OK I l Pl I I Ba lrplc, enc1d pallo '\block bt•cn anop-no11amkr e;101n & nu 16251mo 831_4889 1n t1buloua Woodbridge 2 bdrm. 2 car gar. enclO· TSL Mgmt 642.1603 1 bdrm beam celllng. Avall now 18001'1'10 ping S150Frt Mon $365 ~MM,lll ·673 6070 An1uou1 at $1025 mo on ucl p•llo N r So Ci t gaa end waler pd New yearly Agt 1173•2~7 weekl y •9• 5 4 10 o r Well dee 28r Np! CrHI I condo Clote 10 1men1 Ilea , p1r1111 v i ew S 1200/mo 631.0480 Lrg 4 Bdrm femlly rm I cu11om pool home 1n t c:oun try 1 e 1t1ng S2000t mo 1a1u In I cludea wa1t1, gardener & pool aer111ce Bkr 631-7370 -------- 3 8dr 2 Ba nu crpt no peta, nice yard S 700 642-9772 ----PUA OPT wlth11 lrg 3 br troplcel patio $496 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 MESA VERDE 3Br. lam rm . n ic e 5 775 , 494-2330. 494-8694 Bibi SECLUDED 3br exec pool nome. dbl gar. NOW I yr le•M Sill other• 10 P I a z 1 S 5 7 5 mo Roomy 3 Br Townnoute c:p t and drp1 Oultl&n· --494-2797 Retineo lon•n<.111llv r"'h cnooM from We're lhe 545·0706 apt In quiet 1dult com d•no toe No pel1 Prktng 2Br/dan 2 be S850/mo I OCEANFRONT 3 8 28A por1s1ble :io • non,mo °""to cell pie• Newly decoreled $440 966·856~ 4234 Hllltla Way (Nr 1600 lo S IOOO week ' king llldy l<J ~h• H 9 11pt W .,,1 Id Autt•••I• ft,.iiiH llreplece. enc.ltd p1t10 I --Hoag Hotpl 84"·1044 or 673 6900 wl s&me Po k 11 l'""I lh~·"'callr111 9l' ·~'!··.,'.·,·!·.~.· •• ·.: ... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·,·.~·.;.~. garage Sorry, no pet• 1 2 llh 1 Ila apt , 831-0437 w · rl A l 22!> mo 11 •, u1111 NIWtd ,,., _ ,..,. 15 75 Mo 8 4~ 3381 or 980 W 1711'1 SI Cerporl 12 8 1 Ba 1576/yearlw all ront Homes. 1118 owrt b<Jrm lurn <1fil 1:"9':> e15.5949 1400 559.4118 r ' u r •--/ f2SO c:11rpe11. drapH . open rlffl1N _.,,I *ltlHllTlS* ·,·,, .IOIMI cw IE ... 1500/mo 2 er I ea up· Ouplex 2Br IB• lg Piii yd, beam• Optl\ HOYM Sal ..................... . 1~!"11•11••• • t·~, .. 1"'"' ALL UTILITIES PAID per apt , encled garage, w/lg p1110 & OH BBQ, 3-8PM 1118 W Balbo1 OCEANFRONT 2 I 4 Br *IHMllTlS* L .. L JZ I b1lcony/pe110. leunelry garage E Sloe $550 2131865·2542 Av1ll now Weekly lhru P•olo111onally gala POO· •••U ff• 4 C rm •vall ... 5 mo 5•8•8.na 1ummer 67"3-7873 pie 1oue111 .. r 11> 111eru ••'··••••••••••••••••• ompara b tlore you "' " .. ...,a N Ho H 1 " - C , TSL M 1 642 1603 H r •o 0 P .. ery '3' nouaino lltrmtng beech ront reot Cu1tom dMlgn •••· gm • Xlnt toe Walk to S C nice 2 1t«y, 2 Br 2 Ba Indian Well• VIII• turn •Ptonoen 11111cu 1971 home, 1P9(:tacular vi-. tur" Pool. BBQ. cov'rd *3 s c p s I BR 3 Ba b k I d I • or nr tue. A Plut NEW 2 Bt 2 Ba . 1 rt pie, dt l'lwr. laundry ·call 7·1• ,..0 ... 5•8 • Pe111011e1 !>t1•v•t11 ric: cour yar en ry ., gar•r· IYtrOYno.CI with C _...... ••75 8 8 S h k ••75 .,..,.. " " B 3 ..... B I llVI I arpor1 ,,..,.,.. IP• -, & I • or tudlo In· 00 ·Up, O"ao• .., -------r • arge ngrm pu1 land1cap1ngNo Pttok 7S2·51122or c lude1 trplc,al egan1 Adu lt•, no pelt t••"'TIHl & 01n1ng rm. t>eech room, pe11 64 60 548.02 --~ 1011 ot tlOl'tge For leaM 1 Br turn from 1490 1•14 Frencll window•. pool, 30 North Snore 3 bdrm wlln ooly Cell Peggy P1tt1110n 2 Br turn. from 1680 $600·S525/mo 2 Br 1 Ba tannta, whirlpool ape, Walk to beach. Newport lake view. Large llr•· T ne c.;omp1ny 11111 r • ,.,,. 132-4134 tor appt 7141055-2473 366 w Wllaon, 642-1971 1 1tory, thag, drapu. Muna, complete H9'ciea Sllofea, 2 8r 1 81 M05 place. comp furn Delly wtldy1 8 5 "'"liO, ,,....,., d/w, beltned rm In home laundry lac Ch< ... , ...... 6871 I/Id W-.ty ratea M l f lo tl\r 2Brt2ba nm Secrlllcet $325,000 01 submit 504 2 Warner. H B Shopping llrlp 4 un111 C1ll Ar11wer Ad S49. 642-4300. 24 nra 1550 Blllll U•/•,.iliH QC-RENTALS 750.3314 -• Nice I Br dpb Quiet Seo ~llngt,Qlflge I much more .,...,.. 649.00 12 C d M ' b 1 kt to b <. n 3Br , • ..., ba, 2 ci r gtr. lge by g1r t amplyd aouh TSL Mgmt 642•1603 Wny rent when you can Quiet, 2 8c1t 1 Ba. gerege, S300/mo 675-1401 ltY 101 <>c.anlcanyooVlew• over 36 No pet• $330 now own tor only 1 1000 patio, pool No pelt -c;~;;;r••••• .... Jzoi •CIHn 2 br Ouplex. Oii • ••••• ••• •• • ••• •••• ••• street prkg Quiet S4 76 $87!/mo, 974-0414 or 548·1021 •2 Br 1 b& Mau verde down & low montnfy $600. 1801H f5thSt,Npl llWNIT IUCI Ne.d 2 Ch111111n rmm1 .. 967·8577 ----------1 upper New dt1.or No payment• Call for d•· Hgte. 042·73"'0 Turnkey furn, Seavlaw th• nome 10 S A Pool IWTIOll•F• Utile incl no pell 63t·7220 9·6 M·F B •• tl.,I.. P•t• Ott S495t mo 1all1 548-3421 36 41 mo .. el home. Now tllru 1ac. S?50mo 754 6997 No Laguna, 3 BR 2 B• V9'Mlllee 2 ~ 2 b• lrplc u elegant tnruoutl OcHn ..... 3140 833·8974 Bur St C M. Bllween mirrored wudrobu: Sept OCn & Cetallne vv 3 evll -11 % INTEREST 15 yHr plue con llow New center. excel loc•· t1on, tradH acoepted or TO'a FIP 13 3 mil Cd M 38t, YU . 11300 c11n Dr, 3br \II.I S1450 HURR Y family alH 3br dbl gar, pall ott $485 QC·RENTALS 750-3314 view near beech pvt •••••••••••••••••••••• l&IU 11&1 ArTI MacAnhur 1 Sunflower M 75 Sendy 842-8140 • lam rm S2800 mo UtH Prol M lo 1n1 2br nae in &tlO Maj ""'le~ 1 Eallalda Condo 2 8r 1'h Inc I 0 w n er I A 0 1 COM walk lo l>c.h S765 Chine Cove 3br $2000 B•yllde Cove 3br 12200 W Bay 5br doc:k Sl260 3 br, 2 bl. 111 1m1n1t1ea Nr SC Plall $796 84 5·016 I (Ann or l•· Oorlll ~IOWlllt ~~mo ·7>; LI.'•,.,, ~~~·i::ti·1~u~~r/:I~ B e ' lrplC, i•r•1e•· ... c1, ••• ,. JITI 714 4o-2977, 340·3294 + ., ulll• 640 68511 :~~':~-~~~~down .. s!~:w.~ Eap~~~~ll~1:~r-pell $305 931 w l9tn se5otmo Call 49•3 1 si:;,i~·;~i."~~~-.·;:..i;::, Wetertront home Old Ollif' ,,.,,, 4400 8% FINANCING llWPllT IUCl/F .. Mobile 2br J 700 Newpart Crfft 38r St500 Npl Hll 3br pool $1850 -"----------• St 548.0492 GARDEN APT utH lnc:l'd $376 mo 332 CdM VI-of anllrt nar., •• • • .... • •• • • • ••• '•• •' Topoftheworld3 Br 2 rounding• Tarr1c:t d 2 8r I08tMapteA11e,111 lb<lrm.1375/mo.-tar Enctno lnSanCtement• bor He a t ed pool 1617 WHtclllf.N 8 Want Be FantutlC oc.an view. pool Sunken OH bbq fir• no pal• 2 pe110111 pd Av• II M • Y 1 7 <-the MQ' Apt Cl 676-2763 11nanc1 al en1t 70001 I Saller 10 Cltry lg• TO. 10% c:a111 flow FIP $996, 000 Aemodled 2br on Mii· tide, bbq, kid• '430 QC-RENTALS 760-33t4 $075/mo laut 3048 1parkllng lountetn1 1 ~ S ~-1452 t 11 t 1 o o r Agan 1 z.,11 Or 7 141494.20• I, Speclo1.11 room1. Sapa• 8 4 5 111 ' I M gm I Sell lntng1 IHI wllh Daily Have 1omolh1n11 10 111IP S41·5032 UllU IUCl/f .. P1norem1C vu. 191, 3br, tam rm $2000/mo 4081251•7831 rate dining eraa. Welk·ln 41· 1324 S3n7o5ple B11R, o•3r5, CEhllCl801Ky. Piiot Wanr Ads Cten1t11<1 11d1 do 11 .,..ell !>;>O tQ-I t S 1 OO Pllf sq __________ , CIONI•, home Ilk• kllCh· Wfflllde 2 Br I B• cen-f en & cablnett Walk to 1111 he•ttng , oer•o• 541-5331 eve 8•6-2325 l••ll•1I,. Bull•1t•• II 31175 IWcn Na Agent 644·0513 H•UIEITW Shopping 11r1p Hunt 8(1' (MONTH OF AUGUST) 48r, 2Ba +lg add-on, avail 8-I Mesa D.i Mar Rar & IN req UOO mo 759·0147 or 848-•289 au 6 30PM M·F !'.~~·!!~.~!'1! •.•• !.~~r HOME FOR RENT Hunllngton Centtl 11011•. carpet• drapH 2 BR 1ba 22nd nr Npt Bl ,.,,, Jl4' I ... ,, 3140 Ag!tt1I ~4 1 5032 1 Bdrm-furn, $605 No pet• chOdren waler s !> ~ o 1nc1 0 8 roe n er • • • •• • ••••• • ••• • • •••• • • •••• ••••• ••• • • • • •• • • • 5042 Warner S325,000 Lido tBr. den S2000 or Mibmll 406-2969 Beacon Bay 3 br 12500 3 Bdrm 1650 Fenced yard & g1r1ge Kid• & pet• welcome 546·2000 AQ41nl. no lee 2 Bdrm unturn from b•cl• 1450 + H curtty 751 -5!125 1505 dtpOell 548-6442 01 ---------CdM Beauty 6br $3000 l Ml 1 , .. ftr ZOOO W Oceentronl 3br '4600 Nwpt Hgll, 3 br, 2 ba .!! ...... !!,..!;c...... Wlhffrtef..... lrplc. yard, g1r1ge No 8 UNITS COSTA MESA. ......... Hl•l4ll pet $e96 642·5722 naed• w ork, great PO· ~~~~~~~~~~ 3 BR 2ba, frplc. dbl gar, tenllll, 1310t< Jahn 1: fncel'Jrd, lga driveway, __ 64_0_· 7_860 __ AG_T __ .. ,.,. On 1 p I e nt 1 91 h FORECLOSUR! Silt, lt•l•lal• JJOl 1700/mo 111 & tu t. NO pall Utllltlte FrMI 3 Bdrm 2 Bath Condo A IC w/w carpata. mo· darn l ppllancu. 2 car LA OUINTA HERMOSA garage. patio, cloH 10 10211 Parklldt Ln, 1 blk pool Ind recrMllon .,.. w Of e.tch, 3 blk• S. Of 1n b••ullfut Mf1t1on vi.. Eolnoer 58'1. under mkt vtlut, •••••••••••••••••••••• 548-6898, 031-2372 Min bld $20,000 Prime Chermlng /Sp1,kllng 2 JO 18211 ,,l j)IUI 1 100 M'J-1441 2 Br yaro. no pell, c:hlld CIMn H2.0793 EYM. W U lft1i ff fl aree. 8pecloua 2 1tory atory, 4 bdrm, 2 b1/ I•· Ok. W1111tele. 1550/mo w 1 ... L ••ff ••~••••••••••••••••• 641--0783 11wr.,1 f• "" urn Ltgune BHch fu· 543.e301. Btrr rnlly rm on Panln Point. t blk from 8Hcl'I end Bay. Yeerly IHM 11,800 mo. 875.03711 11-ir•y •L•U 3 BR t 'hba, vacenl. F/P, •••• oc:AENTALS····· xury 1tudlo, 191, 8tt9111tt 9W511 -----dbl gar 1760/mo agt 1 -&~·· 1200 to 12000 TV, Muna, mild Ml'\'loe, 831-12et &48·1168 750-3314 °'*' 7-daya pl'lonu 1118/wuk ~~~~~~~~~ UR 28A l'louu on tl'I• 499·2227 :; 11 UNtfi 'blM>Oa Penn. $1000 mo l8r, quiet, yd., .. • retrlQ. Wll "'1111 1·s-tu_d_l_o-. -w-1-lk-to_b_t _ac-11-, HUNTINGTON BOH YM tly 873~ egenl ~.~·~~.'~i4'18ci:o:· • Wll ekytlgl'ltt, pvt entry, nice 10 yttr• new. All aar, c.,,,,, It/ #1t IW 648•0580 4 er Canel 1r9n1, FH 8 mo lttH, June 20 to 14111.000. ••••• • •••• •• •• •••• • ••• ---------I a n d M r C I a r k 0 e O 2 0 I 3 8 0 mo . MUNTl:tJN~EACH er~~~~~· r~p~:. ~::.1~~ v~e.,~.';2~.~=~· ': 945.33870/" 8 ,_w_H_5_·_18_1_• ____ _ Alt 2'r. htevy •h•ll• llal1>or vMwl 1 19110/mo Open 533.,.300 BACK A Condo, edit ,,....,, LA.A 1111 ---------oriented. 3 bf or 2 & den. ····•~••••-:::: ••••••••• a~:~.Qoci~~n;; _04_8_.0_1_1_e_. ______ 1C1ean 2 bedroom unlurn 2 ba, 1>1tn1, lrlge, W /O, \ BA, VetHllltl condo, OWC. 811r &30-0l23 LO. 1 IA. Anll. 811, gar. Oar age, no Pell 1500 lrpl, 111 new dtc:Of,. poOle pool, jacuul, gym, bit· WI D . 11 orage. 106 mo. 2300 E!Qen & patio. 1950 mo. 111, H11Cle, Muna. 24 hr MO. ..... 71911\ Marl g ot o SummerAenlal 4B<.~ 1111aMC 8'2·1180 Oarden view. UU Hu ntingto n lucl'I 8 040-4250 Vet<M ., .. 751·3791 Of I c;.,, conooe 2 a 3 ~~·4 f 14· 80·00l1, Unite. 7 Yrt OICI, Hr,+ Spectac:Uler OOMn a city (213) 827.f001 i .. f~ tout .. llttw.1-------- 5·21r, HH.000 20% llgl'lt1 view from every Pou lble 4•5 IOr 1 l>t 1UtnleMc10tuntum.OOOl..1 .... alTIU dwn, OWC. 'rfn o"ly. room. Llfge l lpa(lloul a2"4:1 nr Npt ..... 71 tnO rennt1.1..~urlly. a1aOCJ Avefllblt now. UOO 770·5629 2 Br, encl gar, lg p1tlo, clean. 2226 Rulgere $475 675-8371 2 BR, 1 '."' ba townhouH 1mm1c. quiet, no pall Belcony, patio. oat. lrpl, 15211 rno Avell June 111. 079· 185& So. CoHI Plua 2 BR I 1>1. to• patio. lull H e. IOd1 OK S5e5 Incl gae I water N o I•• Agt 9117.()222 2 Br 2 81 ~Ito. Clll)O(I. no pet• •4110/mo Avall 11/17 648·M 7& 3peclOUI 2 Bdrm lretNy painted . new carpel a, garage. f)f'lvatt eundtck 817 J911nllt1 Lane C.M, UITllll o..tryW ... Lerge t Br loft. cOYntry 1tlllng N o pate 1416/mo 180 2 111. St. Oey1 046-1184, h u 645·0543. STUNNING la10• 1 br II fflf 1111 oetden apt, Poot 710 W • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 181" Streat. PH!A8ANT C reek El ----------1 Toro Ntw. ell•. 1 br. 1 2 BA I '" la, lplo, O/W, bl condo. P.,kllke .. ,. pvt ~tfo & ger No pate. ting. wa111 Oflented. ttn· 1112& mo. 64~6471, nle, pool, epa Wtr ~· Um.I l600 1118-1628 10·6 M I !>Cir"' 1tove. refrlg •Hll•flH Hloe. '°400 mo l~lng ... L Jf4f Ullllllel. 64&.0108 ••••••£~•••••••••••••~ 2 bdml, 2 I>-. Mete Vttcle, THE WHl,,LIT"H 1·24 flreplact . dfel'lwul'ler, lelrm. Apia. Qym, 8p1, •aao. aeune, poo1, '9Mle • .-o. 71toU41 _ ... ;...;,e..oe __ ,. _____ , o.tu•• poollldt, >Cira ,.,. IOU CllTU HWNIT Elegant Exec: 1ullH 1n prHllUIOUI IOC Incl .. c:ret1rlal, rt ctpllonttt. telephone 1n1 I more OICI tram $438 mo On C•ll OICI 1106 mo TH( Hl;AOQUART ERS COM· l'IANIES A pfOfHalonal environment 171 4 ) Hl-0681 WES TCLIH BlllG NI Wf'l,Jl! Al Ill" . .. . ... c--. :le...-..-.-./-. ,/,..,_ ./lo/ll __ _ .1 -... .... ./ .......... ... ( 111 M• Un,iw•rd ,, .. !) 61ll 1 .lllJll ..... * rrorn 1 rOOM to 3 roome. l'rOf'll a I ti I IQ rt. NO IHM r9Qulred AOJ !Uf· !>0'1• Inn. 2172 ~t. Call AM. m.uu 00 1q. It fur" offic e ~. l400tmo. '41.0783 IN!r.l~tn 21r.!711ny1mtnlllt1. grCIN.7Sl-6l2& teura."4-742411kr. ••tk up. Aoen1 ,M6'e lam111ee1regetung 'i>i0Cif9 ;t;O n;;t PiMii* ttlOO/mo, Clll MltlOfW t 17Mt10. 11'1• carnptnt "bug" 11\te Tllla:f• wM! "'9 01.-. 10·1117, •¥t• & l(eep an eye on Pflo9e tne Yttlf If yov ll•vt •ca,,.. D~~T ..,_ tlt-taQ Ht¥9 tofl'lethlng you went HI)' way•be e regultr ~· t& t bf, par tllat'1 not getting •• _, T....., 1-__,..._...._..._;..._' --.--1 to NII? Cl...,_, edt do c 11111 fled cl • co-. turn'ct. Qer. A~. u1'""'. ••ti 11 now with a _...,,le 111 llOOllll ,...., Went MN Clll 042-k71 II well '42·11171. 642·5t71 r ae 1 noW:"'M0-4714 Cl;;llled Ad =2br, 2b1 , 1>11n1, • 1 ._. m11e1 Haeft. .~.,.... llOOmO. BAYFRONT ~a~='=~='=a="~"":·====2=·&e==71:i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~1me~~~m~ioe-~1~1~~~1~~~== - \ l. ,\ .. • 111111 l:UIT UIHl IUCll /_,. CUii I HIDAY. MAY 1·1 1'1 8 ~) ORANGE COUN t Y C A L I FOR NIA 25 CEN TS JFK tape study: 'No seco.nd gunman' WASHINGTON (AP) - Sound recording• made when Pre1lden\ Kennedy wa1 a11a11lnated In 1963 "do not 1upporl a conclualon that there Wat a 1econd gunman," aaya a National Academy of Sclencea report releaaed today. The atudy also aaid the re 11 conclusive evidence that the controveraial recording was made about one minute after the actual ahooUng. "The acoWIUc an.aly8H do not demonatrate that there w:aa a graaay knoll 1hot anJ In particular ther~ 11 no acod1tk bull for the chum of a 9~ peroef1l probabUlty of 1uch a ahot," aald the pane) of experts aaaembled by the academy. The conclUSlona about a Oallu police recording conCllct with those of acoustic expert.a who examined the evidence two yean DellJ "-' • ..., "'°'° BLACK FRIDAY -BiU Arthur of Capistrano Beach glumly inspects his brand-new Camaro after a left-turner forced him into a utility pole on Laguna Canyon Road this morning. "Everybody admired it," he lamented, "but I'm lucky to be alive." Two other cars w e re involved. Nobody was injured. Council to study lineup of agenda By STEVE MITCHELL 0( UM De11J "°' lteff I t' s ca 11 e d, · · p u b I 1 c communications," a tune set aalde on the Laguna Beac h City Council agenda for ciuzens to alr gr1pe11. make suggestions, or talk about nearly any thing that apri.ngl to mind. It uaed to be at the beginning of the council's hours long meeUnp on Tuesday nights. But last November, the City Council voted to put that portion of the agenda at the end of the meeUng. Their reasoning, at that time , was the number o f coundlgoers who regularly stood before the counc il dai s e ach meeting. venting their spleens In an often caustic manner. -The council figured that by moving public communications to the end of the line, many of thoee chronic orators would get tired and go home And it seemed to work. Oh, WORLD there were the d1ehard11, to be sure, but meeungs seemed to be completed in a more rapid , professional manner . Enter freshman Councilman Dan Kt!nney. He wants his fellow council m e mbers to consider putting public communications at the beginning of the meetings once again. Sort of. "What ['m actually proposing," Kenney said, "Is alternating public communlcationa, with that portion of the agenda coming at the begjnning of the firat meeUng of the month, and at the end of the agenda at the end of the month." He also wants to limit each speaker's time to three minutes, instead of the current five. "That way , some o f the concerns of meetings going on (See PUBLIC, Pace AZ) Israel masses troops TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) -Israel's military chief of staff. Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan, confirmed Jn an interview published today that hrael has concentrated forces on the Lebanete border for a potaible attack on Palestine guerrilla.a. NATION Ad man fights back Advertising men rank eomewhere between uled car salesmen and congret1men in public esteem, and one ad man decides to fight back. Page 84. Cannon fires back AcU"ell Dyan Cannon la beck from the uhel of a taillna career and Ml a new image and future. Page C6. ' aao for the Ho~ Committee on Alaia8alnaUona. Two aroup1 of experts then aald It wu pouible the recording made when a m o t o r c ycle policeman accidentally le!t hia radio transmitter open showed evidence of a tee0nd gunman and a fourth ahot flred at Kennedy. And one expert tald there waa a 9~ percent c.-ertainty of a second gunman. 'l'het netw study aaid 90unda on the recording which went unrecoenized In earlier analylff showed "conclusively that the previously analyzed sounda were reoorded about one minute aft.l'r the (lUatalnatlon and therefore, were too late to be atuibutc-d t.o assa.ulnatlon ahots " The congressional committee concluded after hearings in 1978 that Kennedy was assassinated probably ea a re1ult of a conspiracy and that the Dallaa recordlnf "eatabl11hes a high probabll ty lhat two gunml'n fired al President Kennedy " Thia concluaton conflicted with that of the Warren Comrruaalon, which aaid ~ Harvey Oswald acted alone in finng three shots from the Texu Sc hool Book Depositor y at the Kenned y motorcade. The report by the academyi,. National Research Council .. lp the aC'ou1tlc evidence of a 1hot from the grasay knoll near the assassination 1pot "la Invalid" and further study of the record1ns wouJd not justify 1ui COil Thl'se findings agree with an earlier !''Hl examination of tht n.-cordlng that concluded therr was no e vidence of a second gunman firing from the knoll. Hinckley Inotive told Wave from Reagan prompted shooting? WASHINGTON (AP) - Almost until the moment he blazed away at President Reagan with a pistol, John W. Hinckley Jr. had planned to travel instead to Yale University to murder actress Jodie F oster and then take his life, a psychiatris t testified today' Or. William T . Carpenter, a Maryland psyc hiatrist who testified for the defense, told a federal trial jury that Hinckley moved closer to a decision to try to a.ssa.sainate Reagan when the president appeared to wave at Hinckley while entering the Washington Hilton Hote l for a speech March 30, 1981 Then, whe n Reagan left the hote l a bout 20 minutes later, Hmc:kJey felt "the expenence of lime moving very quickly. He foll Reagan about to tum In his direction Before the president has an opportunity to do that, he begms shooung," Carpenter said "Hui primary purpost! m thu 1s to t.enmnat.e tus own e xperient-e. his o wn e xi s t e n ce ," th e psych1atnst added. Hinckley displayed no sign of e motion during Carpe nter's gr1pp1ng acco unt of th e assassination attempt, which the ps ych iatrist gleaned fr om lengthy Interviews with the 2 6 -yea r -ol d def e ndant Hmckley's parenl.8 bowed tht-ir heads during the testimony. Carpenter said Hin<.'kJey got "a sense of som e thing highl y pe rsonal" when he though t Reagan's wave at the crow d outside the hot.el was a gesture to him. Hinckley had thl' same· feeling of receiving a pe rson al m essage when Miss F ost e r 's movies were shown on television. Just before Hinckley left his hotel for the Washington Hilton the day Reagan was shot, he wrote an unmailed letter to Miss Foste r saying he would "gl•t" Reagan t o win h er l ove , Carpenter said. But as he left the Park Central h ote l. the /sych1atrist said, Hinckley d1 not know whether he would get close to Reagan and believed he still had the opHon of going to New Haven, where Miss Foster was a student at Yale. "The re we n · two possible outcomes. the assass1nat1on a ttempt and the termination of his fr~om, or to proceed on to Ne w Haven to kill himself or J od ie F os ter and himself," Carpenter said When Hinckley arrived at tht Hilton, he was "surprised how t>asy 1t was t o g e t into the v1c1ruty He thought there was a (See HINCKLEY, fage A%) St. Helens erupts with steam, lava Glendale to get Laguna's Sanchis? Falklands peace talks 'decisive' VANCOUVER. Wash. (AP) -- Mount St. Helens erupWd today, ooung lava from the crusty dome covering Its throat and shooting a plume of steam several thousand feet into the air, ac1entists said. Spotters in a small plane rep o rted s e eing glowing avalanches on the northeast side of the volcano's dome, and a light dusti ng of ash f e ll o n th e n o rthwest flank s o f th e mount.am Scientists said they w eren 't sure exactly when the eruption began. "It came 1n with a whisper rather than a roar," s aid A.B Adams o f the U n ivers ity o f Washington geophysics cent.er m Seattle. "lt appears at this point that it's non-violent " L a g u n a Be a c h sc h oo ls S uperintendent Robert Sanchia appears as odds-on choice today to be a ppointe d n e w c hief administrator of the Glendale Unified School Oistnct. Gl e ndale s c h oo l board members meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. to otr1c1ally a nnounce their choice for new superintendent. Unofflc1ally, sources within the G lendale syste m indicate the sel ec t io n fr o m num e r o u s candidates had boiled down to Dr SanchlS and an educator from New York Sanch1s got the nod S an c h1 s, 4 5 , bec am e superintendent of the Laguna Beach Unified School District eight yt>a rs ago Previously he was assistant superintendent and pr 1n c•1pa l o f Arevalos a nd Newlund schools in the Fountain Va lley El e m e nta r y Sch oo l O.stnc·t Hts salary at Laguna Beach IS $4 5,000 a nnuall y. The Glendale s upt-rintendent's p ost pays (Stt SANCHIS, Page A%) De1tJ Not Ii.fl l"tM>to NEW POST -Laguna school Superintendent Robert Sanc hls is expec ted t o be appointed Tu e sda y as s uperintendent in Glendale . By Tbe A11oclated Pren U N Secretary-~neraJ Javitt Perez de Cuellar saJd today the ne xt two d ays will decide the outcome of his e fforts to bring peace in the Falkland Islands conflict betwee n Britain and Argenllna "T here 1s alwa ys a risk of a breakdown," he said, but th~, warring nations also "are muc,li closer than wh t>n I started my exercise ·· "ThPse nt'x t d ays will be d l'l'tS1vt•," ht-told reporters on arnvang for the eighth day of talks at h is Nt•w York offices. "As 1 nl•ver had 1n mind endJess negouauons with the parues . I ho~ that today or tomorrow I will have a final answer from the parties " About 3 a.m. a steam plume rose to 16,000 f eet o v e r the southwest Washington volcano and then slowly dissipated. The plume was detected by National Weather S e rvice radar in Portland. Ore .. about 50 miles southwest of the volcano. Earthquakes continued to jolt th e m o untain , 1nc lud1ng a harmonic tre m o r . an underground 1h1ver that usually Indic ates the movemP.nt o f molten rock 1naide the, volcano. Occasional gas emissions were detected. Investors testify in f rand hearing In the South Atlanuc war 1.0ne a military lull persisted for more tha n 24 ho urs . But Britain's forc>1gn ~retary said Thursday unless a t.·ease-f1re agreement is reached, "military 10C1dt>nts may occ ur with in c reasing frequenc:y." Earlier. Perez de Cuellar said negotiations at U.N headquarten fo r such an agreement have moved anto a crucial stage but that representatives of both aides we re re peatedly see king more in s tru c t io n s fro m their governments. The U.S . Geological Survey and the Univer s it y of Washington laaued an eruption alert late Thuniday predicting an eruption within 36 hours. COUNTY By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of !"-Deity "'6ol It.aft Testimony from the secretary of Ra lph W. McDonald, a man accused of masterminding an alleged multi-million dollar fraud sch e me, as well as statements from a ao -called financi a l counselor, have been heard in the preliminar y h e aring of McDonald. Still more Investors were to be Local actor moves up Costa Mesa actor Steve DeNaut takes a big step toward success In ''Under the Nutcracker .'· Weekender. Locai districts retrench Enrollmen\8 are falling, the dollan are drying up and local 1ehool districta ·are cutting back through attrition and layoffs. ~age 81. STATE • Grades color-coordinated Studenta at an Elcondldo hl&h 1ehool are wearlna their physical education achievement.a on their lhor1a. PaaeA~. • I ' called to the stand today in the hearing before Blair Barnette, munic1paJ judge at South Orange County courthouse in Laguna Niguel. Three of 35 charges against McDonald were dropped just after Thursday's day-long hearing opened. Thoee charges are grand theft and misrepresentation and sale of <See FRAUD, Page AZ) A British source who requested anonymity said the talks were "not producing vlllble results" and the chances of suoce11 were about 50-50. The source uld Argentina budged somewhat, but "the gap remains very wide." INDEX L.M . .Boyd A6 Horoecope B2 Buaineu 84-5 lntermisalon Weekender California A~ Ann Landers B2 Cavalcade B2 Movies Weekender Clualfled 01-6 NaUonal Newa A3 Comial 0 Public NoUcel C4,C8·7 era.word 0 Sporta Cl-4 Death N0Uoet1 C6 Stock Marketa ~ Stan Delaplane B2 Televillon TV Los Editorial A6 Thea ten Weekender Enc.rtainment Weekender W•ther A2 Home/Garden B3 World Newt A3 SPORTS Angels win in overtime The Anfela win In a walk but it took 12 lnni"il Pa,aeCl. • Yes, Virginia, there is ... . la Vlrainla'a Ralph Sampeon really the $6 million man? The l.Aken think '°· Pap Cl. • . ' • l Orange Ooat OAIL.Y PILOT"rtday. May 1•, 1112 _:,,.. ...... ________ _..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAN CHIS LEAVING? • • • tt!0 .000, acl·urdlni t o June Swutnam, Oltndale 1chool bOUd president w L11una'1 1chool 1y1tom. !·1ncludln1 one hlah achool, one •Jmior hJah and two elementary • eampUHI hu 1utfertd lcvere 1 fln&ncW cutbac~ and dwlndllng '•e1Hollm.int In recent years. Enrollment haa dropped from ·e1a&o to 2.680 in the pa1t ct1h1 ~·. '· Ip contrul, the Glendale 1y1tem, etaht mile• from .~wntown Loi Angele• with a ·~raw from 150,000 population. hal'thtee high achoola. five junJor 'hlfh achooll and 19 elementary ~mpu1e1. Total enrollment 11 tt ()()() student.a. it was widel y known In ILaguna Beach that Glendale 411.19tft9 were 1erioualy interested tt\1San~hl1 aa their new school 'ttllef. Glendale achoo) board members visited Laguna and 'tntervlewed teachers, staff members, achool board and PT A Officers and C h amber of ~rce leaders. As of today, however, both Mn. tiwoetnam ot Uiend.akt and' &nchil w®ld only acknowledae that he " ... flnalllt" candidate. lhtJecttn1 on hl1 yeara at Laauna and the future of the echool 1y1tem, Sanchla did My In an Interview ThundJy that Lquna 1tudent cnrollnwnta can be oxpected to continue to ck-cllnt over the next f Ive or 1bc yean. "Lasuna hcee continued 1chool flnancln1 dlfflcuJtlea unle. the C..lJfomia Leplature changes the flnandal 1t.ructuro.'' Sa!lchla aald. "If not, Laauna 1ch ool1 will need external funding, h elp from the foundation and perhap1 reducuon ln Mrvie8. The Laf una achool chief uld th ere a so would be th e pouib11tty of additional Laguna school clo1ure1. The district closed Aliso Elementary School in 1981, a board action that touched off conaiderable community controvel"'ly. Sanchl1 and hla wife, Connie, currently make their home In Three Arch Bay. They have two chtldten, Keri, 16, and Brad, 12. f:llAUD HEARING . • • an unregistered security to a Qll!Ciflc client. Tom Buck, deputy i&a\rict attorney, made a motion .to drop the counts becau1e he •aid he was unable lo produce witnesses to testify to those t>hatges. McDonald, 41 , of San Juan Capiatrano, has pleaded 11\JlOCenl to all charges. He was arrested at hl1 Golden Eagle Investment olflce in El Toro during a Feb. 10 nlid by sheriff's deputies. He is accused, among other dlarges, of bilking more than 1,000 investors out of millions of dbllara by allegedly running a "Ponzi scheme" -collecting money from later lnveators to pay off early inveatora. Latest figur.ea r eleased by investigators show that $849,890 in cash wu aelz.ed during the raid along with records and weapons. The record• reveal McDonald had collected $18.2 million In 1 nvestmen ts, according lo sherif f 's Lt. Wyatt H art. McDonald, an Arkansas native and Vietnam veteran, returned $6 million to investors and paid $1 7 million in commlaaion to salesmen. Hart aaid $9 6 million is unaccounted for. HINCKLEY TESTIMONY. • • lapse 1n security,'' Carpenter saJd. Hinckley 1s charged in a 13~unt indictment with trying to assassinate Reagan and wounding White House press secretary James S . Brady, a Secret Service agent and a Distnct of Columbia policeman. Carpenter said that al various lim es, Hinckley considered rna~sacring students al Yale, E in an a.saault on the White , spraying the floor of the 9 e of Representatives with sunflre and trying to assassinate Sen. Edward M Kennedy The psychiatrist told JUrors that Hinckley 1denufted with an Nsorlment of murderers and other historical figures, as weU u factional characters from books and movies. One of thoee people Hinckley read about, the psychlatri.at said, was Charles Whitman, who murderd his wife and mother and then climbed the clock tower at the Unlvenity of Texaa In Auatin ln Auguat, 1966, and 1hot and killed 14 other people before he waa lla1n by police. With Whitman in mind. Car penter aald, Hinckley conaldered conducttns a similar shoottna 1pree In early 1981 al Yale, where Jodie Foster wu a student. H inckley had an obse19lve, one-way love affair with the young actreta. WANTS CHANGE -Laguna Councilma n Dan Ke nney w11nt1 to alter method of hearing citizens' gripe!'. From Page A I PUBLIC. • • • forever will be taken care of," Kenney said. Kenney said he called nearly a dozen municipalities In Orange County to see how City Councils an those towns handle public communlcauona. The results of his survey? "l found some put it al the front , some at the back, some have time limits, aome you can talk anytime you want," he said. "Fullerton's (council meetings) don't even have public communlcatlona." Kenney alao want.a to move the consent calendar portion of the meeting -those routine Items that are usually approved en masse -to the front of the agenda. "Thal way, 1f someone oppoees a street light 1nata.Uation on the consent calendar won't have to wait until the end of the meetrng to object," he said. Kenney says hf''ll bring his so-called compromise proposal before the council Tuesday nJght At the beg1nn1ng of the meeting. Police seize pair in Laguna break-in Laguna Beach police arrested two men who allegedly broke mto the Pottery Shack and were removing property from the at.ore when they were di.<tCOvered late Thursday njght. Booked on suspicion o f commercial burglary were James Arthur Shaw, 20, of Fallbrook, and an un1dentJf1 ed male 1uven1le. Low clouds prevail Low c1ouc1 1 through mlct·mornlng but otherwlee t11r utendlng 10 high cloucte with ,,.r11y eunny allernoon High today 88 10 73 Ovem'Oht low &7 lo 541 Low clouo• our1ng morning • S.turoey beCol'l\lng moe11y t w1ny In lh• •ll••noon High Saturday 8 4 to ea Hu11 t1ngton -N1wpor1 ar•• •P"'•turM •-. from a low of Htoahlghof&e "El tewhere. from Point ieoneeptlon to th• Mu1e1n ,,...., and <Mii llO m4Mle: Ma.Uy 1 llgtil end vanable wind• night and "'°"""O. beeomlng -let'ly 8 to 18 1'no11 In lh• tller11oon WHterly •••II• of 1 10 3 •••• allwnoon e1Mt1ng. I M and ee In lM moun1111n1. lrom R•ln mm Snow UJ 78 to 1111 In Iha nigh OHert end bet_, 114 end 0-4 In IOw ~. Show9f11ll11 Flurri..E!J Bo.ttert trom POlnt Coooeptlon ,..;_;.;J&;..;....;.,p;;.;,;:rw.;.,;..;.;.;;;_;;o;...___,,_.. _____ .,..::::=-_...,,....~::; 10 1"41 ,_..Xl<;en bOf(j« tan ellj)ee1 l'Ohl. vwlable Wlndt dul1ng n1Qt11 enct morning hour•, b.c:omfo11 WHI IO •oulhWHI et 10 to 111 t.no tt Saturctay afternoon WMlet'ly 1We11t ltlOtlld be rvnn1r1g 1 to 3 feet wHh 2· lo ~IOOt Wind ...... NATION .. Le ~ Albany 73 40 Al~UI ea 37 it.mar Ho 74 4 1 A"-'111 87 53 Nallu•Nll W"M""" ~ .. NOAI' U !> ~1 ot Commt1<c.e Atlante 87 82 Front• COid ..,. Warm _.. Ckc.luded W"r Stalionctry •• Atlanl~ Cty 81 Aue Un 75 8elllm0<• h Blltlnge 87 81rmll'gflm 87 Blemarelc M BOIM 71 Boe ton M &ownl't'!le t2 Bolfalo 711 8ut11ngton 82 Cue>« 63 Ctwlat11 SC M Cl\eflttn WV 111 Chel'ltte NC 92 C~ne 41 ~ ee Clnelnneu ee c.....,ancs 82 Clbll SC 92 Colurnbol ee OaJ.f't Wtll 73 Oeyton H '*"-51 0.. Molri. 71 09t/Olt et OUlultl 4t El PMO 17 '"OO eo 'legetefl eo 0r ... , ... t3 H9111~d 71 Heltna N ~ .. Hou.Ion 11 lndneollt 17 Jllllk111 MS 118 Jedllll\4e 17 55 82 162 114 4' 01 &II &2 411 53 70 299 50 42 42 2t 65 52 82 33 .29 llO 57 53 H H 83 42 5t 41 .33 83 ... N 4a .ot M " 02 27 I(_ City 70 91 40 LUVeve-u 81 Ullle Roell S3 114 23 LOUI ...... H 112 LUCibodl 78 48 Memc>Ne 17 1111 Mleml 78 73 03 Mhauhe '° 54 ~8LP 71 83 11 ~ ee 68 .... Ol1Mll. ee 72 New Yori< ee 66 Norfotll 78 59 No Piette 82 41 1.23 Oltle City 73 83 OIMha N eo 22 Ot1eftelo H llO ~ 81 &t to 85 Plttebufrr. 83 ee PUand, 114 47 Piiand, Or• et 48 Pr0¥1dtf!Ot 81 ee ~=ah t2 eo 711 44 llllt I.Ml• ts 42 ..,. Antonio n 59 Setltit oe •n ,. eo 33 74 NU• .. 10 .01 111 OAJ.AOMIA hil•tfltld H 81 8/ytlle 93 Eurella 67 60 ,,.no 16 84 LMceirtM 17 55 ~ 72 H 81 llRf REPORT ~ 111•2" 1" 1ft 1 ft "' t" 1ft , .. " A ..... ,...., .. N .. N N H 8t 8t .. t•I ft llOOf N ~=:~ TIDH: Hltfl t 10I p.111. I.ow t0i t7 1.m. lwelt • Montw.,- ~-Oeklend P110 Roblee Red 81"'1 Redwood City Sauemento Slilnee Sal\ Diego Seti Frandaco Senta 8ert>eta Senta Marta 81oe1c1on ri.me1 u-1.n S.relow Big Bear 81•1\0p Catalina LOl\g 8Mctl Monr0V11 Ml. Wiiton Newport e..otl OnterlO Palni 8e>rlngt PaNOene San l«netOlno Sen O.br ... Sen JON &ani. Ana Santa Cruz Tal!Oe ValW( Extended weather M 88 67 53 87 60 80 67 82 61 74 47 84 411 1111 82 55 50 96 47 ee 70 112 81 87 51 85 27 35 88 6e 70 64 17 52 87 45 87 57 74 49 " 01 74 56 78 at 79 55 ee 61 72 57 82 63 84 2t SOUTHERN CAL"O"NIA COAITAI. ANO M OUNTAIN ARIAi -Litt n ight enct morning low oloue1 111e1a OtflerwlM fair, but fll*Y wMde 11 tlmH In rnouni.lnt HfOflt t 2 to 72 Ill the eotttal ., ... L-41 to U Hight 41 lo Ill In lht IN>llt'l1MM, L-21 to It, Computer mallunatlon 911 system hits snafu Oranae County'• one· month·old 91 l emer11ncy reaponae &el~phone 1y1tem wa• out of optir¥tlon for more than . two houra Thur.day afternoon b11cau1 e of a com puteir mallunctJon. Art t..eavltl, a 1poke1man for Pacific Telephone, uld the computer, which routee call1 to vatioua emergency agenctee wu out of aervice between 1:46 pm. nad 4:16 p.m. Only cu1to m er1 o f Pacific Telephone were affected C•ll• orl1lnat1n1 In the county'• Oener•I Telephone acrvlce area Hunt ln at on Brach , Weatmlnater. Stan ton. Loi Alamliot and Lagun• Beach - were handled, Leavitt .. Id. Pl'Ople who dJa.Jed 911 during thl' breakdown period hHrd a rapid beep-type 1l1nal, Leavitt told Thf' 911 1y1tem went Into operation April 19. It ii dettaned to provide a 1ln1le telephone number for peopl~ ~kina pol.Ice, fire, paramt'dlc or o ther t'meracncy a11l1tance It 11 1lr1,·tl y for emergency. not bu11i11t.'N, ~lll Services foT slain Ldvltt aald ht' didn't know how mat1y ca.Ill were flfff'Cteci by the breakdown. However, he said the vol~ of ca11.e on a Thuniday aftemon normally would be "light." PoopJe who heard the rapid beep signHI had the option of either dialing a telephone operator or the seven -digit telephone number o f the agenc:y they 11<>ught. he said Laguna man slated Funeral 1ervlcea will be held Saturday for Jamea Anthony Kendall, 21, of Emerald Bay, who was shot to death Tueaday morning In Laguna Eeach. Meanwhile, lhe 17-year-old girl accu1ed of his murder la listed In good condition al UCI Medical Center after she apparently turned a gun on herself after allegedly fatally wounding her boyfriend · Serv1ce1 for Kendall will be held at Pacific View Memorial Park an Corona del Mar beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, a family spokeswoman said. Graveside services will follow. The Rev. Bruce Kurrie will . o ffi ciate and Mr. KendalJ's former scoutm.aater, Rolf Jen.sen, will speak. The Laguna Beach H igh School graduate was attending classes at Orange Coast College. mapnng in etectrorua. He was a member of OCC's championship ski team, and h is hobbles included photography and motorcycle repair. Young Kendall moved lo Emerald Bay with has family when he was seven and attended El Morro Elementary School, Thurston Intermediate School and Laguna Beach High, where he was graduated in 1978. He is survived by hia parent.a, Thomas and Miriam Kend.aU, of the family home, brothers Thomas Robert, of Upland, and Paul , of Idaho . He is also su rvived by slaters Susan Kendall Maass. of Claremont, and Kathleen Kendall, currentJy 1n France. Mr KendaU's alleged assailant, Laura Lee Fe11t. of Laguna Police probe Laguna man's death cause Whal caused the death of a 22-year-old Emerald Bay man w1U not be pinpomted until tat resulta are analyzed sometime in lhe next six weeks. authorities s1ad today Timothy John Perry, of 223 Emerald Bay, waa found dead an bed by has father at 8 a m Wednesday. Ll Wyatt Hart said that il appears Perry, who had a _history o f epilepsy, died of natural ,·auses. Although there w ere no 91gns of foul play, the cause of Perry's death wall be listed aa "questionable" until the test rPllult.s are known, Hart said. Beach, races chargM of murder and burglary an the shooting incident that took place in front of a church at Legion and Through streets Tuesday momtng The breakdown was the far•l to occur since the system went Into operation "We hope It'• the I.alt," l.A!ava ll isaid Book £8ir slate at Laguna lihra y Friends of lhe Laguna Beach Library have slated a book fair from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Ubrary, 363 Glenneyre St. Participants wall be American Aaaoclatlon of University Women; the Jewish CommunJty Center of 1outh Orange County: • Lamaze natural childbirth claaaes, and a spec1al refresher course, wall be offered at Community Presbyterian Church 1n Laguna Beach. The natural c hildbirth c lasses, which teac h relaxation, muscle conditioning and breathmg lA.'<.'hnlques. will began May 26 •A fund -raiser for gubernatorial candidate, Sen. Jobn Garamendl, D· Walnut Creek, is planned for 6 p.m. Sa turday at the ho me o f Barbara Matbew1on, 394 •The Parent Teachers Association of San Juan Capistrano Elt'mentary School i1 aponsor lng an ant1-rablea vaccination chnac for dogs from 7 to 8:30 p.m May 20 at the tchool, 31642 El •K eooetb W. Wood of Laguna Beach will be honored Ma y 22 by the School of Environmental Design at Cal Poly Pomona aa 1982 dlstlngulahed alumnus. Laguna High S c h ool Americl n Field Service; Alliance FrancaJse; League of Women Voters; American Civil Liberties Union; Girls Club ; Business and Profes.s.lon.al Women's group, Smith College Club , Unitarian Fellowship and Evening Guild of St. Mary'11 Epiaoopal Church and run !ll'VC•n weeks Th e rt.• fr t• sh t-r co u rs t•, designed for <.'Ouples already t 11 m i 1 i a r w 1 t h La mall' nt-homf' birth methods but nl'<od to brush up their skill", will began Junt> 7 and run for a month F'or mon• inform:ttton call 494 -55H8 Weymouth Place, Laguna Beach Tickets are $15, senior c1t1zens and students $10 lnformataon 1s available by telephoning 549-1585. Camino Real , San Juan Capistrano. Cost of vaccinallon is $3 pet dog. Dogs 4 months and older are required by stall'. county and city ordi nances to be vaccanat.cd. Wood. a registered landscapto architec t an California, Arawna and Hawa11 , ii a 1962 graduate of Cal Poly Pomona and 1976 graduate of UC Irvine. Robtnson'S - PLAN TO ATTEND OUR DIOR PERFECT NAIL CLINICS M~ ~g'~~T21. • And m 1us1 one hour you can learn how 10 achieve a prole'>s1onal looking manicure right at home You II also receive your own working kll of lull·size Otor natl proauct!'i 10 take home with you All in all. a 1errif1c beauty investment indeed' Kit (Includes five Dior essentials) plus one hour class. 112.50 For your reservauon·in Nowport. Thur!!day, May 20 or Friday. Moy 21 , 11 e m or 2 pm . please call (714) 644·2800. ext 681 Robinson's Cosmetics. 12 llUllCllll 11111111m11 I HI 11 A 'y MA y ' · 1 ' I Ht I ORANGE COUN I Y CALIFO RNIA 25 CENTS JFK tape study: 'No second guninan': WASHlNOTON (AP) - Sound roc.:or<hnai• made whf!n Preu l dent Kt•nnt'd y wa1 uuulnated In 1963 "do n ot 1upporl a conclu1lun that tht!rc waa a H cond 1unm11n," HY• " Nallomal Academy o f Sc:lt1ncc1 report rcleUl!d today The atudy al10 aatd tht'rt' 11 conclu1lve evidence that the controversial rtlC<>rdlng wu made about one mlnuw after the actual 1hootlnR. "Thtt acou.tlc analylN do not deimon1tral• that there w11 11 1rauy kno ll 1ho t and In particular th•rc 11 no acouatlc but.I for the ct.Jm of a g~ percent probability of 1uch a 1hot1" aald the p1tnel of expciri.. H1embled by the acadt'my. The conclu..lon11 about a Dallu pollct' rt'cordlng conflict with tho1ti o f acou1tfo ttxperl1 who eumlnt'd tht' ~idence two yean aao for the Hou1e Commit~ on A.Mutlnatlon1. Two aro up• o f t'Xpertl them aald It wu poMlblA! the rt<e.v rdlng m ad e w h " n a m o t o r c y cl t· policeman accidentally l~ft h l1 radio tran1ml\ler open 1howcd t'vldence Of I MCOnd l(Untnan and a fourth ahot fired at Kenne-dy And ont' exptirt uld there waa a 9~ percent Ct!rt.alnty of a a.econd (unman The nC!w 1tudy .. id 1CJund.I on tht r tlcordln1 which Wt!nt uorec.'tlfnlwd ln earlier arualytn 11howtd "con clu1lvely that the prevlou..ly 1malyu-d IO\.&nda wt1rti recorded about on«' mlnult' afl.tlr the a11aualnatlon and therefore, wue too late to ~ uttribut.ed lll aMU111natlon 1hota " The conare11lonal commlllt:C t'Oncluded ilfter hearlnp In Un8 that Ke nnt'dy waa M.aaa11alnatc.•d p r o ba bly a1 ii ro1ult o f» con1vfhc:y and th1tt the Di.111.11 recordlnf "t'1t11bll1hc1 a high probabll ty thut two gunml'n flrt'<l at Pr~ldtin1 Kl•nnt-dy " Thia conclualon confllc:wd with that of thl' Warrf!n Comm111a11on, whlt'h uld L1·e Harvey O.wr.ld a<.·u>d ulont· In firing thn't' 11hut.a. from the T1·xus St•h ool Auok Ot-r1 011 1to r y ut th•· K1·nnt·dy moton:.adt• Thl· report by the academy'• N1Hior11al Neaearch Council said ttw ut·ou1t1e· evldencl' of a ahot frum ttw gr11Hy knoll near tht l.UW&.Wllrui tlon •pol .. ._Invalid" and furthn 11tud y of thl" rt-cordln~ would nut jU1tlfy llM <'Oil . Tht·iw fin<J1ng1 ugnt: with a~ t•111 l1t·r Jo'MI l'Xlarl1ln11llo n of thf n•('(>rd1ng thut rnn cludeid thert wuH nu t-v1d..-n<·c· o f rs lt'cond ~unmun fmng from tt}f.' knoll Death wish? Hinckley motives unveiled FULL STEAM AHEAD After m or e than seven years of construction and controversy and oppositio n . Un1t1 2 and 3 o f th e San o.Mr Piiot llaff ~to Onofre Nuclear Generating Station below S;in Clement~ got permission today to KO o n full power Mural to go up but when? Irvine High School artwbrk still controversial By GLENN SCO'M' O(~O.-, .... ltett Almost a oomple~ -=hool yt:ar haa paa&ed since 17 lrvint: High School 1tudent.a dabbed the final paint on a huge mural that, t o the ir aurprue, wu to c reate pret'l.!Wly the oppo111w furor they expoc~ But s urpr111ng or not, tht· 1tndent and contmulng cnuct.sm from a group unhappy with a s cen e de picting t h t' Ku Klux Klan has kept the artwork from ~rm&nent dlllplay on a campu& wall School official.I, howevt.1r, aull claim the colorful 47-foot-lonK mural tilled "One World. On..- Newport hunting restaurant bandits P l'oplt-" will be moun ted 1111 antPnded on u promlnf'nt wall lna1de tht-llumanit1<'1 Bulldmg It wlll ao up, they aay. beforl' c:la11ea are d l1m111ed tor the- 1ummer on June 18 So far no daw hWJ been lit!l But ac:h ool comm un it y relations c:oordinator Lorr111m· Dageforde said today: "It wall h<· hung before school ts out " O n Frloy , May 28, fac ulty members at the ac:hool ar•• 11(·heidu lcd to dtsc uu w ay1 of 1rv:orporau ng the mural lnt.o cl.ass lt's11o n11 , s he noted Studf.'nh won 't attt>n d 8t·h ool that d ay, preVIOUllly dea1gn.att•d HI Ont• o r flv4' t.eat·h1·r tr&mmg 1K'S.'llon11 (or the year WA S HINC;TC>N (AP) Aln1<nll urilll tht· mumt•nt ht• blbu.od aw&y ut Prt .. tdent H.eog1.m with a pllllll, John W H1nl'klt•y Jr hud plannt-d w travel 1ru;t.t·ad to Vall' Un1 veristty to m urd•·r at·trP1u1 J1Jda· Fost <'r c.nd thl'll la kl' h 111 11 ft• , U p Ny!' h I ii t fl Ii l tf'flllf1ed Wday Dr W11l 1am T Curp1·nt1·r. a M aryland plly(hlutrlst wh11 tt.'i>tl f1ed fur tht• dt'fense, told a rt .. dt•rul trlUI jury thut H1nckl1·y mow-d <:lr""'°r t.o a dt.'('lSlon lo try to :wiaM1rwt.t• Ki•ut(an Whl'n ttw pn ·sldt-nt appearc·d to wavt• ut JI 1 m· k I<· y w h ii c· r n t c r1 n g t h c Washington H11lon Hotel for a HJX't'<.'h Mun·h 30, 1981 Tht•n . when RN1gan h·ft thl• hot..-1 ubout 20 m1nute11 latt·r, Htm:klcy ft'lt "thl' <:xpt:rll'nt'l' of t1mt· moving very quickly He.· ft·lt Rt·agan about tlJ turn an hi.Ii dirN·twn Bl'furt• tht> prl'1Udt>rH hwi an opportunity to do that, he heg1n.'i 11hootmg," Carpenter 1&1d "HL8 primary purpclll#' in this i. to wnnlnali' hia own exf)f'rleom-e, hl 11 o wn exi s tenc e ," tht' p11yc:hlatrt8t addt-d Hmc klc-y d1.1playt-d no sign of 1·motlfJ n during Curp ... nlcr's gripping a cl·ou nt o f tht> ruw.t.881nnuon atwmpt, whK'h the psy c h11ttr111 t gl1•a 11 t·d f rom length y 1nterv1ew1 with the 26 year ·o ld d c f end'1nt H1nckl~y·1 paren l8 bowed their hl«tdB during the l.t.'flllmony C&rpt•nter !181d Hinckley got "a bf.• n s I ' IJ r s" nil' th I n g h lj~ h I y personal .. wh«n lie• thought llPa giJn'i. wuv1• Jt tht· t:rowd uuL111d1· th•· hot1•l Wll.N 11 gt-sturt' t.o h1rn H1nl'kll'y had tht: samt• fe('ling o f rec•·1v1ng a pt•nmnul mc1111ug .. wh1·n M l'lb Fooe tt·r ·~ movw!I wt·n· shown cm l••l1•v1i.icm Just bt•fore ll1 m kl1•y l1•rt h ue hott·I fur th1· Washington Hil ton t ht-day Kt!aga n waH 'lh•it, ht· wroU.· {111 u11rnwl1·d ll'ltn t•1 M1M foakr 'laying hl· w11ulci ·•gl"l" R 1· & g u n t 11 w 1 n h 1• 1 I 11v 1· . Curpi ·ntcr ss11d. But a11 ht• l<•ft tht• Park CN1trul hott·I, th<• p'iy d11at111d :w ad . llinc.kh·y duJ not kuuw wtwthn tw wrJuld Rt'l d•~ t.o HRagan and llf·llt·vt'<l tw 11t1ll had the optJon of g1J111g t.o Nt'W Haven, whl·rc Mu.a f'1J111.t.•r ww. 1t 11tudent ut Yale "Tht•rt• Wt•11· twu posa1ble ouu •1111t•11 lht• assa111n at1o n !Stt HINCKLEY, P11t AtJ Another life risk Aoki to cross Asia • helium balloon? Delly Not ............ ASIA NEXT? Ball<1on 1-.1 Ho(·ky Aok i 1s looking forw:ird t.o ::. balloon trip from W<·st.nn Europe· to J11p:.an Hy PHIL SNEJDERMAN Of lMD ... 111'MootalMI J.'ur ftot'ky Aoki, th..-n··11 olways ;mother 11r1• thr .. ttll·ning thrill ore tlw honz.im ffart·ly hut·k on tht' ground uft....r plll('lnK third an the-Gordon f3 t-11n t-tt Scdloon Rae~. thf' J1tpan .. 11r bus1 n ea• man advrn tur e r h t!I O <·our t Thunduy an h 11 Ne w port &·uch resu.urant, talking about h 111 n.., x t t· h 11111· n g e a he l 1 um bulloon flight f rom W utern Eurol)l• to Jupur1 Aoki adm1lA hts voyage acrcm A.111a m uld ptJ8l• a hauird or two. d1•pending o n when• the wind U..kf'li him Tht-rt-arf' th~ tall and trt>o<·hernU11 11 mUtla ya Mount.airu t•i th•-i.outh und un frie ndly Hu"1>1<1n ;111 .. pu<t' Lo th1· north But thP 1 :1 y .. ar-old aC'ronaut h1u. uln·ttdy mmc· up with an idea for 11m<)Oth111~ uny lnlt•rnat1onal fnt t11in •• ,,WI' 1.1 ri rind a Ru1!11an ..t i.t1 11 11.1ul holluo nl !l t o r 11dv1·11tur1•1 anti t.ukt• him with ua, in a y h" w t· 1 u n f( t• t b" l tr r ISet' AOKI , Paae AZ ) New po rt Bl'it<:h pollct-were searc h ing today for a dalr o f armed me n who h«:rde seven employees o f th t-Lt-Blarrllz R e1taurant Into a r e1troom Thursday befor~ escapmg with more than $6.000 1n ca.ah u.nd a pa ir q f a1rl1nc tickets to Lo8 Vega.a. pollt·e, appeared nervous and continually u k ed rc1taurant e mployees w keep their eye11 on the ground Two men ot almHa r det1cr1ption and 1port1ng alm ilar d11gu11t'1 rushed into the Quiet Wvman on East Cout H lgh way before bu1ine11 houra laat w eek and locked aeven restaurant workers in a liquor 1torage area They forced the manager to unlock t he firm'• aafe. Oppo11t1on to th.-mural htt1t t'Ome from a group with as many aa 50 people who object to a !K'l'nt> I n w h I c h b I a c k f 1 g u r e s u r t• t.ortured by three hoodt'd peoplt·. pretiumabl y from th" KKK Lock box burglaries abound The bandlta, police 1ald, may be thl' aame duo who held up the Quiet W oman Reataurant In Corona del Mar lut w t'ek , et1CAplng with $1 ,J30 In cuh The orooka, one weltring a fake beard and the u<·o nd a dark nylon 1tock1ng maak, walked lnt.o thl' popular French resta urant Thursday morning before It wu o~n for bualne11. Pollet' aa1d the m~n . both reportedly Wt'Ulni 1urg lcal glovea and carrying aut.omatica, puahed e mpl o yee• Into a retatroom then made the man.ager unlock the restaurant aafe. The bandit, wltneMeS lat.er told WORLD ln that epl.aodt-, polk.-e aald one arme d bandit wu w earing a nylon muk &l)d the oth er a whlw baaeball cap. Nobody waa hurt ln el ther robbery. The Le Blarrltz holdup marked the thi rd t lmt' thl1 m onth a Newport reataurant haa been the taraet o f band I ta. Thl' flrat lncfdent, at Weit Ne wport '• Spaghetti Bendt'r Reataurant, reaulted In the diner's owner beln1 1hot onct> In the cheat The bandit tied f.'mptyhanded Reds warn British MOSCOW (AP) --The Soviet Union i11ued a strong warnlnfl to Britain on the Falkland Jalanda crials today, saylna the Kremlin regarded air and sea exclualon wnee around the South Atlantic lslanda aa .. unlawful." NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judge, caatJng a cloud over c:onvtctlona atemmina from the FBl'a Ab1eam undercover lnveat11atlon, threw out all criminal char an today aaalnat former Rep. Richard Kelly, ft.Fla. Cannon tires back • Actrell Dyan Cannon II beck &om the uhel of a faillna career an4 hM a new tmap and futw'9. Pace a . Student artUllA aa1d that 1K:«"n1·, like severi.I otht-rs s h o wing et hn ic mino rity gro ups 1n agonized poaltioru. wa.a meant to portray lnJUlt1ces th<'y r<.'Celvcd beforf.' surmounting th<•m 1n o positive 11<:t'ne 1n th<• m1ddlf' of the mural lrvinr poliC('" cite continuing problrn1 with hon1,•s for sale In that panel. people uf 1Wvt•n•I races hold handJI u they c1rd 1· µ blue-grt>en Earth. The frwtrat.ed 1tudenl arthHJi, who painted moat of the mural laat 1ummer after •pending ii aemeater detlanlng It, aa1d th<'y e xpected crltlcl1m tor mixing racea , n o t Inciting rac ial problema. But a 1pokeawom11n for tht· (See MURAL,Pa1e A%J COUNTY lrvlnt• ill be•lng 1.1w1•pt by a flotXI o f burglur1t-11 linked t<> mailer key• rt•moved from r t>al estate lock buxe11, pohcl" 1111id. Two h omt>own1•rs in Turtlt• R<x·k rPp<1rwd tht-fUI Thur!Woy. bringing the-wtal numbN o f s u a p N'led luc:k box-r e lated burglarlf-s to 17 in the past three· week.a. N<> value had been twl for the 11 toll"n pr<'/erty, which induded go ld an jt>wf!lry at one h outu• ond 111lvt>rware at the other "Thnt> 1.sn't too m uch that we cun du about it al th111 potnt," said lrvln" polke Lt Robt-rt Lenm·rt "Th11 haa bel'n a problem for Local actor mo"es up Colt.a Mesa actor St.eve OeNaut wk~ a b ig swP. t owa rd success In "Under the Nutc rae k<'f . • Weekender. Local districts retrench Enrollment.I are f alllng, the dollon are drying up and local echool dlatrlcta are cutting back through attrition and layoff a. Page Bl. /, STATE Grades color-coordinated Studentt at an l'.eoonc:Udo htah ~hool an weartna their phyaial educatlon achievement.I on their lhona. P.,.M. • .• years on and off " H e· said the pro blt•m lit exucC'rbated by tht• e1t1mat1·d 1,400 homet1 ll.slt>d for sall' In tht• d t y Mo1t of thmu> re1ldt>ncl's have loc k boxe11, whic h alln w hef.'l\Sf-d re1tl t"lltalt-agent.a to gain e ntry to 1nspe<·t or 11how tht- homc.• ti> prospective huyeni whlll' the owne r 11 1tway. Because o f the numbt'r of homec for sale, h~ said lof'ttln« up a trap for the burglar 111 next t.o im~lble 'Ttw m08t wt· t'f1Uld do 111 set up In one or two h<>UM.11," he liJlld "But tt's llkf' tr y in~ to find a nt"(-dh• 1n a hay .•wck ' INDEX L.M. Boyd AG 8ualMU 84-~ C.llfomla A~ Cavalcade 82 Ctuslfled 01-6 Ci>mlCI 0 Cro.word ~ Death Not.lce9 C6 StAn Delaplanf' 82 t.dltorlal • A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden 83 SPORTS Sllll, hom'• 1to1•1len1 CAI\ protect thPmselves against burglanf!s t11«I to loc·k boxes Information booklets on the problem are avu1lable from the Irvine Police I>i·partment Lennert rt>commt>nd1 ~pit' 111(•ll1ng th1•1r h o m e• 1hould rt-mow all valuable Jewelry and plw.-e It 1n u 1Wfe or safety depocit box Tht' vut majonty of 1tem1 1wlt>n ure jt•w1•lry. which can be 11tuffed by the thief in puckei... Also. 1f a pc!non e ntera your house und dslms to be a real Pstate age nt, aak for a card or 11ome type o f 1dt>nt1flcallon , Lt"nnf!rt add<'CI Hol'OICOpc 82 lntenniMJon Weekender Ann Landt!n 82 Mov1e1 Weekendf'r National New1 A3 Public Notkt... C4,C6· 7 Sporta Cl-4 Stock Matkf'tt B& Tc!levlaion TV Los Th.ea&eri Weekender w .. t1wr A.2 World News A3 Angels win in overtime The Aft&ela wtn in a walk but lt took 12 tnnlnp. Paae Cl. Ye1, Yirsinia, there is • . . la Vlr~ Ralph 8ampon really the t6 mllllon man? The n think IO. Pap Cl. .......... ~ ................ ~..,...-------------------------~~~- HINCKLEY TESTIMONY • e • pondered whether to '10 to the H o uae aallery and fire at conar-men on th• noor. u dJd Puerto Rkan natlonall1t1 who wounded Uve membeu of Conare11 In auch an Incident March l. l9M. attempt •nd the tormlnatlon of hl.e fr.dom, or w proceed on to .. N•w Haven to kill hlmaalf or ,.Jodlo Fo1tctr and hlmHlf ," 1 O...penter uld. • · When Hlncklt-y anivtld at the Hilton, he w1,11 "1urprl1ed how •taay It w1u t o get I nto the ·*lnlty He thou1iht there wu 1a lapH In 1ecurlty," Carpenter ·Mid. • · H lnckltiy la durged In • t3<()0unt lndlctmc.int with trying to a111u l nate Reag11n and wounding While Houac prt>as 11ecretary Jame• S . Brady. a Secret Service agent and a •J;>isuict of Columbia policeman '• Carpenter said that at variowi 1f'me•. Hinc kley conaldered •m.aaaacr ing students at Yale, 'Eg In an assault on the White uae, apraying the rtoor of the ouae of Representativea wtth IUllf1re and trying to auaasinate Sen. Edward M. Kennedv. , The p1ych1atr11t told jurors •that Hinckley 1denttf1ed with an &Hortment of murderers and ~,other historical figures, as wt!ll as fictional characters from books and mov1e1. J)ne of thoee people Hinckley ~ about, the psychiatrist said, .waa Charles Whttman, who murderd hia wife and mother and then climbed the clock tower 1at the University of Texas In Austin In August, 1966, and shot .end killed 14 other people before be wu slain by police. 1 Wtth Whitman in mind, Carpenter said, Hinc kley considered C'onducting a similar ahooting spree tn early 1981 at Yale, where Jodie Foster was a atudent . H i n c kley had an obeess1ve. one-way love arfatr with the vounil a<:tceM Carpenter stud that at van oWI times, Hinckley tonsidered plans 10 auasslnate Kenn e dy. the Maasachuaetts Democrat, and Hinc kley , whoH repeated advancea Mlaa Foater 1p"rned, a1Jo fantuiUld k.llllna hllnlelf ln front of the actraa, or klllln1 her and then t1kln1 hla own life, Carpenter Mld. The payc hlatrlat c1l led attention to Hinckley'• almott frantic travel• In early 1981. whton he went from hla homt'tOwn of Denver to New Haven, Conn. -where Yale la altuated -to Waahlngton, D.C., ond back to Denver aeveral '\imet. In o ne "scenario" which Hinckley enviaioned in February 198 l. he aaw hlmaelt atormlng the White liouae and dying In the attack, Car~nter aaid. Carpenter testified Thur.day ttyt the character with whom Hinckley identified the mott was Travi.a Bickle, the central figure m the movie ''Taxi Driver" -a man who stalks a presidential candidate and then becomes o bsessed with a t ee n -age prostitute played by Miu Foster The psychiatrist said that a few months before Reagan waa shot, Hinckley wu despondent over hta unaucceaful wooing of Miss Foster and Lenno n 's murder. He also had loat h11 nerve to follow through with a plan to kill former President Carter "Ht: developed an lll-formt:d plan to conduct a mas11acre at Yale, where there would be ahoounga of a number of students as well aa hlmaelf," Carpenter said at Hinckley'• trial on charges of trying to aaaaaainate Reagan and wounding three other men AOKI EYES ASIA • • • cooperation from the Soviet Uruon," he says Aoki 11 considering a fall 1983 lift.off from either Barcelona, Spain, or Paris In the gondolet beside him, Aoki expecta to have balloon1al Ben Abruzzo. the. Albuquerque businessman who was one of three Americana to complete the hrst trana-AtlanUC' balloon fbght ln 1978. Abru:r.1.0 also flew with Aolu in th e 1981 and 1982 Gordon Bennett racea and was aboard Aok1 '1 hlatory -making trans-Pacific flJght from Japan W California Jut November In an· 11 -atory-hlgh helium balloon. Aoki plana to uae a ilmllar mammoth polyethylene balloon for hia trans-Alia trip, which he believea will be even more hazardous than the ocean cro.ing. MURAL AT SCHOOL • • • grpup objecting, Dr. Christine 11all, told the trusteu of t~e Irvine Unified School Dbtrtct m March that d111playmg the muraJ on campus may provoke r acial re e_ercuss1on.s --- :School admlnlatratora hive been working wtth the group in hopes of reachins agreement to hang the mural aince Principal Gary Norton decided In February to display the artwork. • 1.ow e1ouo1 1nrouon l'lld·mornlng but olh•rWIH (elr u1tndlng 10 high cloud• wllh p•rtty aunny efternoon High &od•y ee 10 13 o-n1g111 1ow &2 '10 641 Low cloud• ovr1ng morning fldUr• Seluroey becoming m091ly 1unny 1n Ille elternoon High Seturd1y 14 10 88 ltun11ng1on-Newpor1 11•• ,"""'911tur• range ••om •low of ~ 10 • NQtl of 81 T e tnpera tures NATION HI Le ~CtJ Al belly 73 40 Albuq~ ee 37 N•"°"'" Wftlllf""' ~ Oeltr Not ~e •y Cllettte lllln SLIPPERY CUSTOMER -Martha and Bob S~wart of Costa Mesa Lry to catch a baby sea lion, whkh wag thought to be sick, near the Balboa Pier. They would have t.aken it to the Laguna Beal·h Animal Shelter if tht·y'<.I been able to l·at<.·h ..J..L Investors testify in fraud hearing By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of IN OettJ ~llot llafl Testimony from the secretary o f Ralph W McDonald, a man accused of masterminding an alleged mulll·m1l11on dollar fraud scheme, as well aa statements fro m a 110-called finan c ial <.'OUnselor, have been heard ln the prel1m1nary hearing o f McDonald Still more investors were to bt- t.·alled to the stand today in the hearing before Blatr Barnette, municipal Judge at South Orange Count y courthousl' in Laguna Niguel Three o( 35 charges against McDo nald wert• dropped Just after Thur!>diiy 'g day .Jo ng hearing opened Those t.·hargett are grand Lhdt and rru.srcpresentatJon and 1'alc of a n unrcg1i.tercd se<.·unty to a specific d1ent. Tom Buck, deputy distnct attorney, made a motion to drop the counts bet.·ause ht- satd he wu unable to pruduce witnessu to te1t1fy to those chargt.'11 McDonald, 41 , of San Juan Captatrano, ha. pleaded IMoc:ent to all chargl'fi. He was arrested at his Golden Eagle Investment off tee in El Toro dunng a Feb 10 rrud by sheriff's deputies He 11 accused, among other charges, of bilking more than l,000 mveswrs out of millions of dollara by allel(edly running a "Ponzi schemt'" -collecting money from later lnveaton to pay off t'arly investors Lateat figures released by tnvt."sttgawra show that $849,890 tn c·ash was iwized during the raid along with recorda and weapons 911 system goes blank • ID county O rang(· County 's o ne - month -old 911 t'mergency rt•1>pornw tell·phone system was ou t of operation for more than two hours Thursday afternoon b I' C 1:1 U II t' 0 f a l 0 m p U l l' r malfunction Art Leavitt. a spokt:sman for Pac ific Telephone. said the t·omputer, which routes calla to var1owi emt'rgenc-y agencies was out ot 11t•rv1ce between 1:45 pm. nad 4 15 pm Only c·ustomc:rs of Pat.·1f1c Telt-phcme were affected. <.:alls or1g1n at1ng 1n the county's til·nercil Telliphone service area Huntington Bea c h , Wes tminster. Stanton, L os Alamitos and Laguna Beach - were handled, Leavitt said People who d1aJed 911 dunng tht' brt-i.kdown period heard a raptd h<'l'p·type signal. Leavitt ~ud The Y 11 sysH·m w<:nl into OJJt'rallon Apnl 19 It LS dtstgned to provide! a single! telephone number for people !M!Clung poli<.-e, fir e , paramedi c or ot her <'merg e nt y assista n ce l t 1s i.t r1ctly for emergc.-ncy, not husmt.'811, calls. Noth In Mt. St. Helens .erupts again VANCOUVER. Wuh. (AP) - Mount St. Helena erupted today, oozln1 lava from th" cruaty dome covcnn.i it• throat and ahootin(J a plume of steam .everal thoua.nd feet into the alr, ldentiaw aald Spottera In a amall plane reported aeelnt glow inai avalanchet on tht> nortneut aldt' of the voice.no'• dome. and n light duatlna of aah fell on th•• northweat flan ka o f the mountain Sclentl1U aald they wc:rt'n't 11ure exal·tly whcm the eruption bef(an. "Jt cume 1n with a whisper rather than u roar," said A B Adams oC the Unlverruty of Wwihington geophy1le1 cent.er In Seattle. "It appe8.1'11 at this point thut lt'a non-violent " About 3 a .m. a ateam plumt.> rose to 16,000 feet over the •outhwl·»l Waahlniton volcano iand th~n alowJy di111lputed Tht' plunw wu det.<.-ck-d by National We•tht:r Servin• radar I n Portliand, On· . •bout 50 milt-• aouthwl1t of th1• volcano Earthquokt-11 continued to JOit th<> m o untain , lndudlng 11 harmonl l' tr ... mor , on underground t1hlvn that uauaJJy lndl<"Dtl'• th~ movem~nt ot moltcn nx·k inalde the volrunn Ttw U S Geolog1cal Survey and lhl· U n1 vera1ty o f Washington lssut·d an eruption all'rt I.ate Thursday prt.-dlctlng an l'rupllon wtthln 36 hours. "Shallow volcanic urthquakt>t thut warn o f eruptions are betr1 m1ng more numerou1," Donald Peterson , the U S . Geological Survey 1c1ent11t In charge u( the Cascades Vokano Observatory, 11&ld .· •\'' Irvine cyclists plan for summer Cycling trl pa to Caapera Wilderness Park, San Onofre and San Diego are planned this summer by the Bicycle Club of Irvine. Cost for both the 52-mile round-trip Caspers tour June 12 and 13 and the 65-mtle round-trip San Onofre tour Julv JO and 11 LS $20 each • An art exh1b1t1on featu- ring works created by 1n · s tructors at Saddleback CoUege-North Campus w1U go on d111play later thia month at the Irvine Fine AIU Cent.er in lfl'rttag(;' Park Tht· exh1blt1on wdl be 11 p e n e d w I t h a p a n <· I dl!jCUSS IOn by l'Xh1b1t1ng artists at 7 pm Thursday. May 4!7 and will remain oix·n for public vit'wing until June 25 • Lesio ns on h ow to quietly get your way will be included m a workshop offe - red Thursday, June 3, in lr· vine. "Ho w to Lead Witho ut YeJJmg," wtll be staged from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at }font.age Park Youth Services Center, 4601 Walnut. Participants will •A ski n d1v1ng and camping trip to ~a o( Cortez, BaJa California, l1!I planned June 3 through 6 by the Irvine Coe.at Sea Otters. A $100-per-person f~e includes tran1portat1on, The San Diego tnp Aug 4!0 throujlh 22 cost 11 $55 and includes o n e-way cycling from Irvine to San Otego and a tram ride back Registration 1nformat1on 18 avci1lable through the cny'i. Co mmunit y Sl'rv1<·e:. Dl'partmc•nt at 551 -8638. Ft«tturi·d drllsts an· Bob Tom Dowling, Jeff Horn, Joan Jou, George Kyle, Jer· ry McGrath, 8111 Pasktwltt, Linda Rogers. Suzl Ruben•· ttln, Ladd Terry and David Whalen. Adm1i.swn to tht• ~all ery ilnd pam•I d1i.cuss1on 1s free Tht• g&llery 1s open 9 a.m ltJ 9 pm M ondays through Thursdays and from 9 a m to 6 pm Fndays diS<·uss authority ,·onrhct.s in tht• h ome and how to cop<' with them The fre1• workshop 1s sponsored by thL' c.·tty's Com· munity S<•rv1t.'t.-!I Department Interested ~rsoM can regui ter by 1:alltng the depart· mt•nt's Youth Services D1vi· s1on through May ~8 a t 754-3814 1nsuranu·, c.·amp ft•1•i., tents, food and d1vl' boaL'i St·a Otlf'n ts sporu.ort-d by D1•t•rf1eld Community S1•rv1ct•s Center , lrv1nt• Rc.·g1strat1on information c·an bc obtained by calling the <'<'nt.er at 551-8638 El1ewh1te, trom Point Ooncepllon to th• Mu1c1n Weier end OU! 80 mllM Motlly Wit encl verlat>M wtnoa nlglll .no morning. beCOmlng _,.,.... • lo Amarlllo A.i-llM 74 41 N()AA U ~ 0.•1>! Of Com"""' " 17 63 1e knoll ln th• ellernoon WHltrly •••"• of I to 3 IHI ~ 1f\111noon elMfltlQ "'.S. 1ui1n 1n t1ry 't . ' lo. To. r n •do•• • n d ht a v y ~ll«Mt brought t0t1enllal '~IM and flooding 10 perll ol ella• end wet1ern Arkenut ay. lnj\Klng do1en1 of pee>pM I nd torclng olhere 10 II•• tert>ound hOl'rlM ~ wor1\tt't u-s t>oet• end I tOt tructl• lo evecu•I• about 1 80 people 1n rtooded or • ood·lhre11ened .. c11ont of lchll• Fellt, Ton. where ollldey C•••k ueH<l•d 111 nill, Mndtng waler GH Ctdlng city lllrttlt llwWMr•. 1t>out ao ree10en11 Utt Chapel ol Ctr• nurelng om• In Shermen, Tell. were ueled etttl e tnchff of rain Ille lfM ,_ '*'di.a of .,,_awfl Austin -· ellO undtt' Allanll AllanlC Cly Au.lln 861tlm0f• . e111::;p,: &Ir nghm 81-cll BoiM Bol1on Br-n..me BulfllO ~Ion CUC* c~nsc Chafltln WV Ctwttle HC c~ Chicago ClnCIMell ~ Clble SC Columiw. Oel·FI Wlh 0ey1on o.n... Dee Molnet Deltolt Oululfl El PMO '8"00 fteo-l•lf a, .. ,, ... H8'1f«d HilMM ~ Houtton ~ Jeckln MS Jedi.,,... 87 82 Fronts Cold ..,.. Wmm .,... 81 511 16 82 I 52 I(..,. City 70 Ill 40 .. 84 LMV .. 113 81 87 44 01 Ulltt Roell 113 84 23 17 69 LOUle\flllt Ill 82 541 62 t.ut>boc* 71 ... 71 49 ~ 17 " N 63 Ml..,,, 71 73 03 92 70 2.18 Mllwd .. IO 64 711 50 Mple.81 P 11 13 18 82 42 NMfw119 .. 51 " 42 M NtwOltMn• IMI '2 N 86 Hew YOI'\ .. 611 81 62 Not1ol'I 78 69 92 82 No. Piette 82 41 1 23 ... 33 2t Olde City 73 83 .. 80 Omehe ee 80 n ae 117 on.noo 85 eo 82 51 PNleOpNe 111 119 92 N "'-'Ill llO es ae 641 Ptllaburf!'. 83 68 73 83 42 Ptlend, 84 47 Ill 69 51 41 33 PUetld. Ore ae 48 71 ea ... Pr~ ti lie II 61 Melgll t2, 80 41 43 .OI Ao9no 71 44 a.It LMe 86 42 77 M ten Antonio u &Q 80 H .02 Seeitlt 119 .n 80 27 83 3t CA&IO--7t 60 8elltrtfltld .. 81 .. 33 llly1"9 83 N 74 iw.. 111 60 11 .. 2 ... ,,_ 16 64 17 M ~ 12 86 .. 10 01 ~ 72 641 17 61 II lllf llPIRT To tit.~ '" "' t" '" 1" '" 14ft 1·1" ....... T-. M .. Ml M M .. .. N .. M TOtitOf'AOW'I Tl~: Hltfl l:Ot p.M. LOW 10:17 a.111 lwell DINoloft... L • Monterey Nte<llel Oekl1no P110 Rot>IM Red 8MI Redwood Clly Sec:remenlo Selin .. 8en Otego San Frencltc0 8anla B.trbere S.n11 Marla SIOCklon Therm11I Ukiah Ber11ow 81Q 8Mt 81tl\OC> Cetalln• Lono BMc:h Monrovta Ml Wllaon ~IBMdl Onletlo Palm 89rlno-Peatden1 ~ Btrnerdlt\o a.ti Gabrte1 SM JON Serita Ma S.nt1 C•ul TlllOt Vdty Extende d weather 68 ee 57 63 112 &O ao 67 82 61 74 47 84 49 119 112 66 60 H o Ml 70 92 111 87 67 86 27 35 118 641 10 64 17 62 87 46 87 67 74 49 " 61 14 68 78 .. 78 66 ee 111 n &1 82 03 114 2t SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN ARIAi -Lale night e nd mornln9 low cloudtn•u . OthtrwlN I elf. bllt OUt'Y wlndt •I llmN In moun111111. Hlgtlt 12 10 71 In the coeet• .,_ Low. 45 t o 61 HIOll• 41 to Ill In Ill• mountelnl. LOWt U 10 31 TOOAY lecOlld 111111 tell pm 8econd low I:» pm IATUMAY u u ""' """' 2:0l a.m. 4,0 'lr'M 10W 10: 17 a.m. 0.1 lecond """' 1:0, p Ill u e.ootM1 10W 10:4 PA U 1u11 NII1od•r 11 7:47 p.m., ,..... e.tlltNy llt 1:11 a,rn. MOCWI ,,... ~ It 11"41 un. .,... .. twde1It11:0t • m Robnsorrs PLAN TO ATTEND OUR DIOR PERFECT NAIL CLINICS M~~~m~T21. • And in Just or11• 110\JI yw1 ' <tn learn how 10 RC htPve a pro1"""1onat lookmq m;in1cure right at t1omP You'll ntso receive your own work111q k1I of flJll •me Dior nail pr0<111cls 10 lnkf' home w11h you All 1n all. a terr11tc beauty inve!-.lment indeed' Kil (tncludll!> flvC' Dior essentials) plus one·h0u1 cless. 112.50 For your reserva11on m Nowport, Thursday, Mey ?O. 01 i:rlday, May 21 . 11 am or 2 pm . please cell (714) 644 2800. ext 681 Robinson's Cosmetics. 12 ; lllHICIAIT 1:• 11u 1111111 I HIDAY MA I 1·1 1•1•1. ORANGE COUNT V CALIFORNIA 25 CE NTS JFK tape study: 'No second gun01an'. WASHINGTON (AP) - Sound recording• made when Pre1ldent Kennedy waa aau111nated In 1963 "do not 1upport a conclusion that lhert1 wa1 a second aunman," says a National Academy of Sc1ence1 report releued today. The study al10 aald there la conclusive evidence that the controvenlaJ recording waa made about one minute after the actual ahooting. "The acouatk analytet do not dernonnrate that there waa 1 arauy knoll 1hot and In particular then• 11 no acouatlc baaia for the cla.im of a 90 perunt prob.bWty of 1uch a ahot," aa.ld the panel of expert• auembled by the academy. The concluaJona about a DaJ..lu police recording conflict with tho1e of acoustic expert• who examined the evidence two yean a10 tor the Howie Committee on Auulinaliona. Two group1 of expert• then M.id It waa poalblc the recordiJli made when a motorcycle policeman accidentally left his radio transmitter open showed evidence of a 11t?rond gunman and a fourth shot fired at Kennedy. And one expert said there waa a 9~ pe~nt certa1nty or a aecond l{WlmAI\. ------- The new 1tudy said 1aun<U on the recordlnM whic h went unreco1nlzed In earlier 1tJU1lyaea showed "conclualvely that the prevlout.ly analyt.ed aounda were re<x>rded about one minute aft.tor the uaaulnation and therefore, were too late to be attributed to asaasslnalion 1hota." The congressional committee concluded after hearing• 1n 1978 that Kennedy was assassinated prubabJy Mii a reault o t • con1plracy arnd that the D11l11a1 recording "establl1he1 a high probabllfty that two gunmt'n fired at President Kennedy " Thll conclwdon confllcted with that of the Warren Comrru11111on, which aaid Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in firtnB three shots from the Texu School Book Oepo111 tory at the Kent1t'd y motorcade. Tht> report by th~ acMlemy;. Nutional Research Council Nl~ tht-11cou1uc evidence o f a 1hqt from the graaay knoll near the uai..'W.i41natlon spot "a.a Invalid" and furtht-r •tudy of the recordlns would not jwiUfy 10! COIJ\. Thest: f1ndmg1 aaree with an earlier l".lil ex<tmloauon of thr n·c.·ording that concluded thefJ' was no t'Vldence o f a aecon~ gunman f1r1ng from the knoll Death wish? Hinckley motives unveiled FULL STEAM AHEAD -After more than seven years of construction and controversy and opposition. Units 2 and 3 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station below San Clemente got permission today to go on full power. On of re plant • WIDS license Federal panel authorizes Edison Company's project By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tM Delly ,,... • ...., A federal nuclear licensing panel authorized issuance of a full-power licen se today for Southern California Edison Company's two new $3.3 biU1on reactor units at Its San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The unanimous de<:Uion of the thr ee·member U S . A tomlc Safety and Llcenaing Board was announced by Nu clea r Regulatory Commiaaion offlCMll.a in Bethesda, Md. The lscensing board, which held extensive hearings In Orange County last summer. Newport hunting restaurant bandits generally ruled m favor of Echson Co on emergency plannJng lssues related to coping w ith accident.al releases of radiation from the two 1.100-megawatt reactor units. located three miles south of San Clemente. Critics of the huge coastal power station had contended that emergency evacuation plans for residents who live within JO miles of the facility were inadequate. WASHINGTON (AP) Almost unttl the moment he blazed away at President Reagan with a pistol, John W Hinduc.•y Jr had planned to travel instead to Yale University to murder actress Jodie Foster and then take hts l ife. a psy<:h1atrii.t test1hed today. Dr. Walllam T . Carpenter, a Maryland psyd1iatrist who tesllfu:d for the defense. told a federal trial JUry that Hinckley moved closer to a de<'ls1on LO try lo assaMinate Reagan when the presidt>nt appeared to wave at Hinckley while entenng thl· Washmgton Hilto n Hotf'I for u speech March 30. 1981 Then. when Reagan left the hotel about 20 minutes later. Hinckley felt "the expern::nce of time moving very quickly . He felt Reagan about to tum an h.ts d1re<:t1on Bf'fore the president has an opportumty Lo do that, he begl.llB s hootmg," Carpenter said "H11 pnmary purpose in this ls t.o terminate his own experience, his o wn e x1sten <.·e ," the psych1.8lrist added. Hinckley displayed no atgn of emotion during Carpenter's gripping account of thf' ~lnaUon attempt. wh1t·h the psych1atr1st gleaned from lt.'ngthy 1nterv1ews with thl· 26 -yea r ·old defendant . Hinckley'• parents bowed their heads during the testutl<>ny Carpenter said Hmckley got ''a se nsf' o f som ething highly personal" when he thought R eagan 's wave at the c rowd outsjde the hotel was a gesture t.o him. Hinckley had the same reelmg or receiving a personal message when Miss Foster 's movies were shown on television Just before HincklPy left h1!. hot.el for the Wash.tngu.m Hii t.on the day R<.·agan wal. ~hot, ht• wrou• an unnuull'd l('tter to M111.S f'ostt-r saying ht-would "gl'l" Heaga n t o win her lov1>. CarJ){'nter iw1d. But as he left the Pa.rk Central hotel. tht' p~y<.·h111trist said, Hinckley did not know whether ht• would get dose t.o Reagan and ht-ltl.'ved he sull had the opuon of going lo New Haven. where Miu Fut.wr was a student at Yale. "There were two possible outcomes the assass1nat1on <See HINCKLEY. Pa1e AZ ) Another life risk Aoki to cross Asia in heliunJ balloon ? ASIA NEXT? -Balloon1st Rocky Aoki is looking forward to a balloon trip from West('rn Europ<• to Japan By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of CM o.ffy "'6ot Ii.fl For Rocky Aok.J. there's alwaya another hfe·threatentng thnll on the honwn Barely back on the ground after placing third in lhe Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, the J apanese 1>us 1n es1 man-adventure r held court Thursday m his Newport Beach restaurant, t.alkmg about his next cha lle nge : a h elium balloon flight from We:Jtern Europe to Japan Aok.J admits hts voya,e acrcm Asta could pose a hazard or two. dependtng on where the wmd takes him. Th('re are the tall and lreat'herous Hunalaya Mountauv to thE• south and unfriendly Hussian air spa<.'t' to the north But the 43-year-old aeronaut has already <.'Orne up with an idea for smoothing any tnternational f n ctwn Newport Beach police were searching today for adair of armed men who herde seven employees of the Le Biarrlli Restaurant into a restroom Thursday before escaping with more than $6.000 In cash and a pair of airline tickets to Las Vegas. police. appeared nervous and continually asked restaurant employees to keep their eyes on the w-ound. Two men of similar description and sporting similar disguises rushed into the Quiet Woman on East Coaa& Highway before busineaa hours last week and locked seven restaurant worken in a liquor storage area. They forced the manager to unlock the finn'• safe. The board, m authonzmg NRC o ffic ials to issue a license , conditioned their approval on certain defac1e nc1es in the emergency plan being remt'dicd before a full-power perm1 t can actually be i&aued The ltcensing panel's dec1s1on today 1s sure to trigger fresh protests from nuc lear po wer plant opponents, who previously had been unsuccess ful in appealtng issuance earlier this year of a low-power permit for newly built reactor Units N06. 2 and 3 at San Onofre. Woman badly hurt in Newport blaze "If we <.an find a Russian astronaut , balloonis t or adventurt-r ant.I take him with us, maybe Wt> t an get be tter <:OOpl•rat1o n from the Soviet Union." h<• says AukJ 1s cons1dermg a faU 1983 liftoff from e ither Barcelona, Spain, or Pans In the gondola bes1d(' him. Aoki t>Xpects to have balloonist Ben Abruizo. the Alhuquerque businessman who was one of three Americans to <.'Omplete the hrst trans·Atlanllc balloon flight in 1978. The bandi\a, police said, may be the aame duo who held up the Quiet W oman Restaurant In Coron a del Mar last w eek . eecaping with $1,330 in cash. The crooks, one wearing a fake beard and the second a dark nylon stocking mask, walked into the popular French restaurant Thunday morning before it was open for business. Police aald the men, both reportedly wearing 1ur g1cal gloves and carrying automatics, pu1hed employees Into a restroom then made the manager unlock the restaurant safe. The bandit, witnesses later told WORLD In th.at epiaode, police said one armed bandit w as wearing a nylon mask and the other a white bueball cap. Nobody was hurt in either robbery. The Le Biarritz holdup marked the third time this month a Newport restaurant h.aa been the target of bandits. T he first incldent, at West Newpor t's Spa1hetti Bender Restaurant, reswt ed in the diner's owner being shot once In the chest. The bandit fled emptyhanded. R eds warn British MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union i11ued a strong warning to Britain on the Falkland Islands criais today, aaytng the Kremlin re1arded air and sea exclusion zones around the South AtlanUc Wanda aa "unlawful." NATION . WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judge, caatJna a cloud over convictlon1 1temmtn1 from the FBl'1 Abacam undercover tnve1U1at1on, threw out 111 criminal charaet today aaatntt former Rep. Rich.a.rd Kelly, R-Fla. • Money Bupply down again The nation'• money IUpply (M • l) fell t800 million du.Ma the latat .repoidnl period. the Federal 8-erve re thil afternoon.. An NRC spokesman wd I.Oday that the Nuclear RPgulatory Commission 1taelf must decade within 30 days whether the licensing board's order will become immediately erfect1ve or whether It wlU be delayed until all appeala have been exhausted by Edison'• opponents. The Safety and Licensing Board's decision authorizes t he NRC staff to ultimately Issue a full-power permit once ll is convin ced that Edison has remedied deficiencies in the emergency plan.a. (See ONOFRE, Pa1e A%) COUNTY An elderly bt>dndden Newport Bea(·h woman was burned seriously today when a heat lamp reportedly tipped over on her bed. 1gnit10g a fire that swept through her Kings Road home. Ruth Jones, car ried from th<.• flames by her private nune, was undergoing emergency room treatment late this morning al the UCI Medical Center burn unit In Orange. There was no 1mmedtate word on her condition The prtvate nurse. Jayni Muscarello, r e portedly was burned during the rescue and also was rushed to the burn center for treatment Tht>9:45am blaze at 1411 Local actor moves up Coeta Mesa actor Steve DeNaut takes a big step • toward success in "U nder the Nutcracker.'' Weekender. Local districts retrench Enrollments are falling, the dollars are drying up and local school districts are cutting back through attrition and layoffs. Page Bl. STATE Grades color-coordinated Studen .. at art Facond1do htlh IChool are weartna thetr ph)'lk:81 education achievement.I on their ahoru. PapA5. Kings Road , overlooking tht• Ne wport Harbor, gutted the two-story blufftop h ouse and could be seen as far away as tht• Balboa Peninsula, firemen said Neighbors, who beheved th•• woman to be in her 80s, said Mrs Jones 1s a reeent stroke v1cum and requires around .the-clock nurstn~ care. Firemen sa cd the blaze reportedly was In full-force when the nurse noticed the smoke and ran to the invalid's aid. F'm•hghters doused the blaze quickly and k ept It fr om spreading to neighboring houses INDEX L .M. Boyd A6 Buslneea 84-~ Ca.lifomia A~ Cavalcade B2 Claulfled 01·6 Comics C5 Crouword C5 Death Notic.u C6 Stan Delaplane B2 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden B3 SPORTS Abruu.o also flew with Aok.J in the 198 l and 1982 Go rdon Bennett races and was aboard A o k1 's history -making trans-P acific flight from Japan to California last November in an l l -swry-h1gh helium balloon. Aoki plans to use a similar mammoth polyethylene balloon for hts trans-Aa1a tnp, whi.ch he believes will be e ven more hazardous than the ocean crossing Horoecope 82 Intermission Weekender Ann Landers 82 Movies Weekender National News A3 Public Noticet C4 .C6-7 Sporta Cl-4 Stock Marketa 85 Televialon TV LotJ Thtta ten Wcekendtt Weet.her A2 World News A3 Orange Coast College nttda just one mo!'@ vlc1ory today to advance to the s tate communhy college bueball tourney. Paae Cl. Anselsl win in overtime The Anaet. wln ln a walk but it took 12 lnn.lnp. Pase Ct. • I .. OIN Oranae Coa1t DAILY PILOT1fr1d1v Mav 14, 188' I ~---~------------------------------------------~----Foul up HINCKLEY TESTIMONY . • • attempt and tho t4trmlnatlon of h'-freedom, or to proceed on to ,l\lew Ha\len to kill hlmaelf or "'4~~Je Fo1t4tr •nd hlmaelt," !"'4U"penter aald , When Hl~kley arrived at tht' Hilton, he WH "1urprl1ed how •UY It WU to s~t Into the W"lclnJty. He thought there wu a ~~e In security," Carpenter H inckley 111 charaed In a l3-<X>unt Indictment wfth trying to assassinate Reagan and wounding White Houae press '••cretary James S. Brady, n Secret Service agent and a ·District of Columbia policeman. · Carpenter said that at various ttmes. H inc kley considered massacring students at Yale, dying in an assault on the White ffouse. spraying the floor of the House of Representatives with gunfire and trying to assassinate Sen. &!ward M. Kennedy The psych1atr1st told Jurors that Hinckley identifled with an a11ortment of murderers and 1.other historical figures, as well u •fictional characters from books and movies. One of those people Hinckley read about, the psychiatrist said, .wea Charles Whitman, who murderd his wife and mother and then climbed the clock tower '*'-the University of Texas 1n Austin in August, 1966, and shot and killed 14 other people before he was slain by police. . With Whitman in mind , Carpenter said, Hinckley conaldered conductlna a almllar 1hootln111prte in early 1981 at Ytle. who,.. Jodie Folter wu a 1tudent. Hinc kley had an obaeaatve, one-way love affair with the youna acltt91. Carpenter uld that at vartoua tlmc!., Hinckley CONldered plana to a"a11lnate Kennedy , the M1U1sachuaett1 Democrat, and pondered whether to go to the H ouse gallery and fire at congreu.men on the floor, u did Puerto Rican natlonall1ts who wounded five m embers of Congre111 In such an Incident March l, 19~4. Hinckley, whose repeated advances Mi11 Foster spurned, also fantasized kllling himself In front of the actreu, or killing her and then taking has own ltfe, Carpenter said. The psychiatrist called attention to Hinckley's almo1t frantic tra vels In early 1981. when he went from his hometown of Denver to New Haven, Conn. -where Yale la satuat.ed -to Washington, D.C .. and back to Denver several limes. In one "scenario" which Hinckley envisioned in February 1981, he saw himself storming the White House and dying in the attack. Carpenter IMUd Carpente r testified T hursday that the character with whom Hinckley identifi.ed the most was Travil& Bickle, the central figure in \,he movie "Taxi Driver" -a man who stalks a presidential candidate . ONOFRE LICENSED . • • According to the panel's lengthy decision released this morning , th e so -called Emergency Planning Zone around the seaside reactors will be increased from 10 males to 12 miles. This means all of San Juan Capistrano and Dana Pomt wall now fall within the zone requiring emergency evacuation plans m the event of accidental releases of radiation. The board left one important issue unresolved in its ruling today, a spokesman said. It wants &lason to submit further plans on providing off-aile emergency medical care for people injured m any nuclear related acddent. reported on '911' Oranat' County's ooo- mon l h ·old 911 emerae11cy reaponae telephone 1y1tem waa out of operation for more than two hours Thursday 1alternoon because of a computer llWfunction. Art Leavitt, a •p<>keaman ror Pacific Telephone. said tht computer. which route• call• to various emergency agenclet waa out of aervlce between 1 :4:) p.m. rwd 4:1:) p.m. Only customers of Pacific Telephone were affected. Calla oraginaung In the county's General Telephone service artia Huntington Beach , W estmln8'er, Stanton, Los Alamitos and Laguna Beach - were handled, Leavitt said People who dialed 911 during the breakdown period heard a rapid beep-type signal, Leavitt said. The 911 system went into operalJon April 19. rt is designed to provide a single telephone number for people seeking police, {are, paramedic or other emergency assistance. It Is s trictly {o r emergency, not business, culls. Leavitt said he didn't know how many calls were affected by the breakdown. However, he said the volume of calls on a Thursday afternon normally would be "light." People who heard the rapid beep signal had the option of either dialing a telephone operator or the seven -d1g1t tel ephone number of the agency they sought, ht• said Request d e nied LOS ANGELES (AP) -A federal judge has turned down a request by opponents of the Peripheral Canal to block the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California from endonung the controversial can.al project. Mount St. Helens erupts again M~u~~VifR, Wash. (AP) -"lt came In w i th a whisper harm on 1 c tremo r , an ooz.in~ la · f e e~~rupted ~ay, rather t h an a roar," said A.B. underground shiver that usuaJly covering ~~ t~'::at e':{~ty ome Adaf!ls of the Uni.versity of 1nd1cates the movem1>nt of Plume of steam se an lsthootmg da Washington geophysics ~nter In molten rock ins a de the volcano . . vera ousan Seattle. "It ap.-a.rs at thts point feet mto the air sc1ent1Bts said th t 't' vl...-I .. The U S . Geological Survey Spotters in' a small pla~e aAb1 8 no3n-oent. 1 and the Universit y o f out a.m . a steam p ume w h t · ed realported seein g gl o wing r ose to 16 000 feet over the Jas lamgTonh I~~-aned~rupuon JlV anches on the northeast side ' h 1 a ert te U•audY pr 1ctmg an of the volcano's dome, and a Ii ht southwest Wu l~g~n vo cano eruption within 36 hours dust I n g of ash f e 11 0 n t'J! e and then slowly. dlSSapated. The "!:)hallow volcanic earthquakes northwest flanks o f the plume was detected by National that warn of eruptions ate mou tai Weather Service radar In becoming more numerous .. n n. Portland, Ore ., about 50 miles Donald Peterson, the U.S Scientists said they weren't southwest of the volcano. Geological Survey scientist in sure exactly when the eruption Earthquakes continued to jolt charge of the Cascades Volcano began. the mountain, Includ ing a Observatory, said low ttouot 1nrough rnio-mornlng but olherwl•• felr •xtendlng 10 high cioudt with pertly eunn'/: •It., noon High \odey ee lo 3 CMwnlgtll '°"" !12 to 66. low Cloud• during morning he>uta S.IUfdey t>ecomlng rnotlly tunny In the •lternoon High 8eturoey 6 4 10 61, Hunt1ng1on-Newpor1 u ee ieme>«•lur" r•llQ9 from • low of 56 IO I hlgtl o! 68 e11ewh•re. l1om Polnl Concepllon to Ille Mexloen bofo. eno 0111 80 rnKee Moetly lgtlt eno verlel>le Wind• nigtit end 11\«nlng. l>ecomlng WW1erty • 10 t i knoll In ine ell•111oon Wt11er1y awe111 of 1 10 3 f .. 1 Patlltl •ft•noon c:IMIVlg '.J).S. s1unmary : Torneoo•• eno n•evy \flunoemonna brought torrentltl ;re1n1 end flooding to pert• of , Te11•• end •••tern Atk•ri••• • todey, Injuring do1en1 of e>.ol>M ,.end forcing othere 10 11•• wet•l>Ound ~ ~ AeeGue WOttier• uMd t>oell end 18'0• truck• 10 IYICU•t• l l>OU\ 2110 P•OPI• ,,, lloodtO 01 flood-th111ten1d H cllone of WIChlte Fella, Tuu , wh11e _.Hollld•Y Ct••k u c••d•d II• •t>t llkt , ~Ing wll., Cl.C.dlng down city 1t1eete llMWNte, •bout 80 rMlder'l\a Of th• Cll•P•I Of C•ll nunlllg llom• In Shermen. T•x. ••re 1eu1t9d afler 8 lnchN Of ral11 11.•llMdo~ IM ltM Four l*lc*t Of downtown AUl11n -· et.a undef --"'°""' 111d tnuno.,-enow.te covered mucll of 1111 centt1I .p111n1, aouthern South Oekot• end ,.n. of the 1JPC* M~ .Vt/Wy. Snow COlltlnu.ct In the high« t lentlont 01 Coloredo end Wyoming, e110 rein cheng.cl to enow Ill 90Uthe11Wn ~ Ttmp trelurtt eround tit• Mtlon tetty toci.y rll\09d from 3& 4' Aewllne, Wyo .. to SO In OM-'le. r..._ Low clouds prevail 68 eno ~ In Ille moonlelnl, lrom Rain ~ Snow cm ~.:!,6 ~ ~~ ;!~~ :!!:~: Showefalml Flurrles[fil 8oet9fl from Potnl Conception ;.;_1;...:.,~;r:.:,~;.:;::.____, _ __,. ____ ..,..::=-~':%""-7=::::; 10 11\e MeJclean bo<d., cen ••PK1 llQlll. vertebM wind• during night •no morning houre. !>•coming WHI to aouthwHt el 10 to 15 llno t1 Se1u1oey 1lt•rnoon. w .. 14'rty IWell• lllOuld l>9 running I lo 3 IMt With 2· to 3·1001 wind Temperatures NATION HI LI kt! Albeny 73 •o Albuque M 37 Amarillo 74 41 NallOnAl llV"•""" ~~ NOAA U ~ ()f>pt Ol Comm•"<." F 1ont1 Cold ..,.. Wa1m .., Oc<..luded ...-Stattonarv • • Athrll ... 87 ~3 Atlente 87 82 AUenlc Cty 81 55 Avatln 75 82 I 62 BelUmore ea 64 811111191 67 u 01 8lrmln{11\m 87 511 Blamarell 5e 52 BolM 71 49 BoSlon 50 53 8rowntvll9 112 70 2111 Buff Ilk> 75 50 Sur11nglon 82 42 CMC* S3 42 28 Char11tn SC &II 96 Cllanetn WV Ill S2 Cl\aftne NC 112 82 c~"' 48 33 29 Cllbgo 86 60 Clnclnn111 ee 57 C..,,.,_nd 82 58 Cll>la SC 112 58 COluml>ut 88 lie Oel·FI Wiii 73 63 42 O.y1on .. Iii 0en¥9f 5t 41 .33 OM Molnel 71 e3 .... o.trOft " 58 OYluth 411 0 .oe EJPMO 77 51 '"90 60 &3 .02 l'llQll•ff 60 27 OrMtl' ... 83 3t Hllt'ltOrO 78 50 .....,. 58 33 Honolulu .. 74 HOultOll 77 M 2 .... I~ 17 61 Jectlell M8 .. 70 .01 Jec:l!envlle 17 61 K-Clty 70 9i 40 1..UV911u 83 61 LI111• flock 83 84 .23 loultllllle .. 82 lul>t>oc:* 78 48 Mtmptllt 87 611 Mlatnl 71 73 03 Ml!Weuk .. 80 54 Mple-81.P 71 e3 16 Nuhvllle aa S8 ...... on..nt l!I! 72 Hew Y0tk .. 55 N0tfoll< 76 5g No Plett• 62 41 I 23 Okie City 73 63 Omel\1 68 60 .22 Orlando 85 eo PNlldptll• 8i 511 Pl\oenl• llO 85 Pltt11>ur~ 83 5e Ptllnd, 64 47 Ptllnd, Of• aa 48 Pr~ 81 SI! .....,.. 112 80 Reno 76 44 Seit lake ea •2 Sen ""10fl!<> 82 50 S..llle 59 40 CALWONlllA S.kerlfteld ee 111 111)1111 113 Eurellt 67 50 ''""° 15 M l•ncMt• 12 55 ~~ 72 58 SI .• ,.:. __ S~Rf REPORT T~ •?.Z;;- 1'1·2'1 "' 1ft 1" tft 1" 1" 1-tft ...... , .... aa 58 H .. .. 6t .. .. .. 1·1" poor 6t ~= TIOll: Hltfl e:01 p.m. low t0:1' e.m lwtll • Monterey ~ ... Oeklend PHO RoblM R.ci 8luff Redwood City Bec:ramento Sall nu Sen Olego 8f.n F llOCllCO Senta 8er1>ere Senti Mtrle Slockton r....,,.,,,, U~lah Bare tow Big BNr Bl•hoc> Ce1ellne long Be.ell Monrovte Ml Wll.an N-r>Of'I 8eecll 0n1.,1o Pelm 8prlnoe PHadene Sit\ B«natdlno Sall Ot l>fltl Sen JOM Slnte Ana Sa1111 Crui hllOe v~ Extended weather 58 88 57 53 82 50 80 117 82 51 74 47 64 411 89 82 511 llO es 47 ee 70 112 8i 87 57 66 27 35 68 se 70 54 77 52 87 45 87 117 74 41 " 61 74 611 78 &II 78 65 ee 111 72 117 82 63 114 29 SOUTHl"N CAL"'OANIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Lele night t llcl mornin g low oloudlnt•• OthenlllM ,.., • but guety wtl1CSe •t tll'llff In movn111n1. H!Gh• 82 to 72 In the OOM!el _, ... LOWI 46 to lie. Hlt h• 41 to U In the mounte1nt.1Lowe 21 to U . 1Tide1 TODAY ~1¥ H ep.M. U '-'° IOW 1:13 p.m. U IAn.dAY ""' ltiotl t:oe e.lft. 4.o '~ IOW 10: 11 un. o.a • ~ hlGfl 1:01 p.lft. u 9eoond IOW 10'~ PJ'I· I.I l 11n H t• 1oe1er at 7:41 p .m .. • rltM ...,,_at l:U a.m. MOOfl rltM todlY .. 1UI e-m. ......... 1l:ota.m • / • I , FLAG GIRLS -Members of Harbor Senior Citizens a nd Zonta Club of Newport Harbor raise new flags at clubhouse across 15th Street from Newport Harbor H igh. From left are Zontans Karen Margret& Wood and Louise Hamblet and Ursula Varilek, secretary of the senior c 1tizC'ns g r o up. Seniors. who use Delly l'flot "'°'• bf Le. P9rM ch.~bhouse built in 1960s with Zonta support. got flags from R ep. Robert Badham and Assemblywoman M<1rian Bergeson and donated them in appre<:iat1on of Jongtaml! Zonta C lub support of programs for senior citizens. 'Buy America' rule costly to OC transit The federal government isn't going to waive a ''buy America" rule which w1U cost the Orange County Transit Distric t an additional $1 million for the purchase of 105 new buses. The d1str1ct was informed Thursday by an attorney for the federal Urban Mass Transit AdmmJStration that the district's request for a waiver to the "buy America" rule had been denied. The district had sought to buy the new b~ from a Canadian firm , Flyer Industries Ltd . of Winnipeg. for $1 5 7 million As a result of Thursday'!! de(·1i.1on, tht-district must now purchase the buses from the :.e<·ond lowest bidder. Gillig Corp . of Hayward. Gdltg's bad was $16 6 million. or about one m1ll1on more than Fl yer's Forum needs audience Audience members for a studio taping of a Newport Beach cable televiswn program on JUVen:le c:rime problems are being sought C1uzens Forum, an hour-long talk program to b e filmed Monday. will feature Newport police detective Lavonne Campbell and c l1n1 c al psychologist Mason Fries. The show will be hos~ by Newport Councilwoman Evelyn Hart. The 5:30 pm. tapi%session will be held at the uroup W Cable (formerly Teleprompter) o ffices at 901 W 16th St. To become a membe r of the a udience, call 642-5797. Thl' show wilJ air in June Glendale to get Laguna's Sanchis? Laguna Beach schools !:)uperintendent Robert Sanchis appears as odds-on choice today to be appointed n e w chief administrator o{ the Glendale Unified School District. Glendale school board members meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. to offlcaally annou nce their choice for new supenntendent. Unofficially, sourc.'eS within the Glendale system indicate the selection from numerous candidates had boiled down to Dr Sanchis and an educator from Nt-w York. SanchlS got the nod Sanch1s, 4 5, became ~per intendent of the Laguna Beat•h Un 1f1 ed School District e1gh t years ago Previous I y he was assistant superintendent and principal of Areva los and Nt'wland schools m the Fountain Valley Elementary School District Hi.a salary at Laguna Beac·h JS $4~.ooo annually. The Glendale sup~rintendent's post pays $60 ,000. according to June Sweetnam. Glenda le school board president La~una 's school system, including one high school, one Junior high and two elementary campusC's has suffered severe {mam:ial cutbacks and dwmdhng enrollmenl 1n recent yea rs Enrollment has dropped from 3,250 to 2,580 1n the past eight yt•ars Church to hold May Fiesta Sunday A public fiesta at Our Lady Queen o{ Angels Cath- ol ac C hurc h , to "°ature a chance to dunk a priest m a tank of water, will be held at the Newport Beach church grounda Sunday from 11 a m. to 7 p.m . -r-~------------- Thl' annual May fiesta of· f ers a variety of booths. games, refreshment and hve entertainment There w11J tx- a raffle with a $2,000 prize The church Is located at the mtersecllon of Mar Vista and Domingo drives. RobnsorYs PLAN TO ATTEND OUR DIOR PERFECT NAIL CLINICS M~ ,g'~~T21. And tn IU'>I onP hour you can learn how to achieve a professional looking manicure nghl at home You'll also receive your own working kit ot lull size Dior nail producls to lake Mme with you All 1n all. a terrtllc beallty 1nves1ment indeed' Kit (includes l1v1;1 Dior essen11als) plus one hour class. S12.SO For your reservation 1n Newport, ThurSdoy. May 20. or Friday. May 21 . It am or 2 pm . please call (714) 644 2800. e)(t 681 Robinson·s Cosmetics. 12 ~~~--~--------------............. , .. llllli .. _ ............ m&u~rnrn Wholesale prices • rise Cost of food offsets d eclines in en er gy By fte AHoclattd PreH WASHINOTON -WholN&le pril'n revenlf'd two montht ot declinft and ro.e 11t ¥ tiny annual ra~ of 0.9 percent in April. the government ll.ll.id ~y. R l1ing pricH for food largely otf1et record decUnt'I in energy C08ta In tht> Labor ~parln'M!nl'1 Producf'r Price Index tor finish ed 1ood1 the furm&l tuun<• for the whol~l' price lnd x. With the overall gain In April, lnllatlon at the wholeaale lt'vt>l wu running at an llllllUal rate of 0.4 percent for thf' flrat four montht of 1982 For all of 11181, the lndf'>e r<>1e 7 pen-ent Reagan urges nuke arms treaty WASHINGTON -PretStng the Soviet Union for a respoaue, President Reagan ha.s renewed hlB call for a new treaty to reverse the growth of "fr1~ht.en1ng" long-range nuclear mU1111leH. "Otlee launched, that'• It, they're• on their wuy and tht!re'a no p revenllng. or stopping them," Reagan said Thunday night In a new1 conference Callin~ land-baaed ml111le1 with multipl e warheads 'most frig htening to most people ," Rt-agan urgl-d SoVlet Prl'llldent Leonid I B~hnev to agree to open negotiauona by late.! June. Senate votes to allow ch emical ar1n s WASHINGTON -The Senate, in a marathon 20-hour debate over a $177.9 bilhon defense bill, voted narrowly early today to allow President Reagan to re.urne production of chemical weaporus for the first ume an 13 yea.rs The Senate agreed. however, to an amendment putti n g a ca p on t h e size of the U .S . chemical-weapon stockpile and saying t>utt humans may not be usc..'<1 for expt'rimt'nt.1:1 with the deadly Wl'apottB The fanlll dcfenac author1zat1on ball also includes money tor two new nuclear-powered aircraft carrieni. but $1 balllon Reagan r~ul'1Jted for ant.enm deployment of the MX mwule was s tnppcd from the measure. No attempt was made to cut funds requested for the B-1 bomber President visits P e nnsylvania farm L ANDENBE R G, Pa. -P resident Reagan t.a.lked about agncultural problems on a 5,300-acre d8.1Ty farm today and, standing at a split-rail fenc.'t! overlooking a herd of pregnant cows, srruhngly gave a farmer permission to name a newly born calf after Nancy Reagan. WOOffi [OO Afwr looking out over the two dozen pregnant c ows fo r abo ut five minutes, the presiden t addressed acveral hundred residents of Chester Co unty al Leon Wilk1nso n '1 farm near thP Delaware border and :.ihout 35 m1lf'5 ltOuthwest of Philadelphia Cosmonauts dock capsule MOSCOW (AP) -Two Sovael cosmonauts docked their capsule wath the orb1ung Salyut-7 space laboratory today 26 hours after thPy we re launched into space. Soviet telev1s1on sho wed the tosm onauts floating Inside the research ship and c arried excerpta of a conversation with ground control "We are home," one of the cosmonauta said, to which a ground ('Ontroller answered, "We wJBh you a good hoWK•-warming." The docking was thl' first time cosmonauts have board('(j the SaJyut-7 station, which w&s 11ent aloft Apnl 20 Soviet t.elev1s1on said the lank-up took pl.ace oit 3:36 pm (4:36 am PDT) Pope's attacke r arraigned in Lisbon LISBON, Portugal Jwrn Fernandez Krohn, lhe archconservatave Span11h praeat accused of trying to kill Pope John Paul II . was arraigned before a Portuguese judge today and ordered held pending trial. The 32-year-old Madrid native was charged wath attempted homletde, which carries a pal term of 15 to 20 years upon ronv1cllon Lisbon police detenbed Fernandez Krohn u a "det.errrunf'd, no-nonsense man who knew what he waa doinf ' But authontles said lhey believed the Sparuard 1 att.at k w88 "an l80lat.ed act without any consp1rac.-y " Polis h police battle demonstrators WARSAW. Poland Police battled 10,000 pro-Solidarity demonstrators an Krakow and 1,000 youths in Wani.aw proU.-Stang (ave months of marual law But motorists ignored an appeal from leaders of the independent labor movement for a traffic blockade and one-minute horn prolf'!it in thl• t apatal ~TI ill TI~ Thursday Pedestrians also disregarded » plea to rome to a 60-serond standstill It was difficult to dt'termane the rcsoonse to Solidarity's call for nataonwade 15-manut.e factory strikes However, the government's Radio Warsaw sa1tl lafe and work w e re normal "practically evcrywhc•rp" and there w1·rr only "sporadic .,nc1dt'nt.'i " Suspect 's girlfriend arrested RfVERSIDE -The girlfriend of a paralyzed ex-convict who vanlabed aft.er the murder of two plainclothes officers was arrested today and booked for investigation of "aiding and abetting" hill eecape, police said Jack.Bon Chambera Daruel.s Jr .. 44 , whoee lep were paralyU'd from wounda suffered In a police ahoot.out years ago, suffered another buUet wound an Thursday's shootout when officers came to serve an ar rest warrant on him. Ford settles over 'defective shift' LOS ANGELES -A former catering truck operator w ho lost a leg w hen an ldli04i car 1Jlpped out of "park" and pinned him agalnat a table ha.a ~ttled with the Ford Motor Co. aft.er a jury agrK-d the car had a shift system defect. verdict on whether the defect cau1ed th e man'• lnJUnes, aaad Ford attorney Kenneth R Chlat.e. He sa1d Ford wou ld move for a new trial. The amount of the aettlement to Fabio Nunez. 44, of South Gate, which was baaed on an unusual in-tnal agreement, wu not di11cloted. However, the jury was unable to reach a ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. HaleY ..__ -c..... t. .......... ()Hlc;et Kay Schultz VleeP•- -Owector "' ..._,*"' Tom MurphlM lOllOI Miiie H•rvev (111-ot w.tk ..... fCl<QllllOIOf!I Ken Goddard °"-"'°'*-~MK&.Mn C4ftl•- CNl1ee l.ooe ~ .... .., ........ ..., ..... -'"' ...,.....,, ,,,.ft' " -9CI ...,. -....... -~ll >Qp M 4 .. IOri--• I , ... _,._~ ... " .. --.. ,........,_,...,,...,.,rv..ooiv ::.&':" ... ~ .:;, W.,"' ... '! --- Cleutfled edvertlalna 71 4"42-5471 All other depertmenta 642-4321 MAIN Of"CE no W••• ••v". Coot• A.Vu, CA ~It • .,.._" h o 1"60, C•t• Me .. , CA.,.,. , .. ,,~ .. ., Or ..... c .. 11 PllMltfllnt ~y "-,,_, --. lllvtlrel-t, MIH.•l•l m-or M \ffftlW,._h ... ,.i., ,..., .. ,.., .......... wltlwvt -··· .,.,_._. .. <-·""'-... , VOL. 71, NO. 114 Pe n tho use victor y may re verse tre nd COM PTON -Pe nt hou1e magazine'• victory In a $~22 million libel 1ult brought by a Southern California r uort balancea a trend of pun.lahing the preu with •hopping d ama1e a11e11me nt1, a law yer for the magazine u ya. After a ~ ~ month trial and l~ days of deUberallona. a S ujfer1or Court jury found Thunday that neither Penthowie nor publisher Robert Guccione had libeled lhe Rancho La C.O.ta reeort ln a 197~ article 11.n.k.lna It with orpniz.ed crime. We''e Listenf ng ••• Whal do you llkto :about th(' 0 11lly PUol" What don't you like" ('1111 the number below and your meauce will bf ret"orded, tr11n1<·rlhc-d 1tnd dellvt"rt!d lo ttM-•pproprial• t dltor Tht same~ hour •n11wcr1nii H rvlce m11 ~ UJf'd to rf't'Ord lc:t tt.>r11 to the editor on 11ny toplr Mallbo~ t'Ontrlbutors must Include th1•1r n11m•· und tdtph11nt• numbtor for vf'rlflrntlon No t'lr t"ulallon t'111l11 , plense Tt"ll u11 wh111 '11 on your m ind 642·6086 ' Orange Oo••• DAIL y PILOT /Friday, Mly 14, 1982 STEADY HANDS, GOOD EYE -Tim Johnson llwrally h<Jd "a lot" o! wor k this week when he set out lo lim· the parking lo t at Westmmster Mall in Westmim1tA:•r llt>'s o bviously tlw man lo get things straight. Schmitz raps Haig, Falklands policy SACRAMENTO (AP) Staw Sen. John Sc·hmatz of Newport Beach hu c·ome o u t against Secretary of State Alexander Haig . U S polic y an th t' Falklands. and "Jewish power m thlB country Schmitz 111 a candidat.e for the Republican nomination for U S Senate UCJ quarte t on TV tonig ht A behind-the-scenes look at the New York String Quartet. 1n -re11dence at UC Irvine 1ince 1978, will aJr ton1ght at 9:30 on KOCE Channel ~O. The half-hour pro~ram was filme d at UCI 1n April a n d focuses o n rehearsals of the quartet an preparation for con<..'Crt appearan«'ll The progr am was produced and dire<:t.ed by Carrol Ellerbe of KOCE , th e Hu n tingt o n Bt>ach -based public telev1s1on ~~uon Animal treatment in 'Conan' flaye d LOS ANGELES (AP) - "Barbaric" 11 the way four an imal protection groups describe the treat ment ol u nt rained animals in the new adventure film. "Conan the Barbar ian," which opens t.orught amJd threalJi of protest. T h e movie feature• animals who weren't trained to handle 1tun ts, said Carmelita Pope, direc tor of the H ollywood humane aMOCiaUon . Ht· told a nt•w 11 t·o nft.'re m·t· Thursday he W(iuld 1ntrodun· a legislatavl' re:ioluucin lo c•ndon.c a Saudi Arabian peace proposal The proposal would includt• lsrael! withdrawal from occupied lerr1l0r1es, ancludang the form<•r Arab sec tion o f Jerusalt·m , creation of a Pales tanaan state, and mutual pe ace guarantE>es among all nations in the area. In a written state ment , Sc hmitz also saad the Reagan adm1n11trat1on has !!hown no an te rest 1 n the Saud a pea<.·c- f r o posa l bec ause o( "the sraell -f irsters In our own go vernment -m ost no tably Ale>eand e r Haag , wh o ., reportedly runrun~ for presJdent and knows whNe the money m Ame nca 111 " He added that "the Israt•l1 lobby Jewlsh power in this country," wields an 1mportan1 and harmful influence over U S policy an the Maddie Ea.st Schm1u, far behind an oplnwn polls in a cr owdt•d Republican field , implie d that the "Israe li lobby" had hurt h is campaign fund -raasang He said h e has collected about $1 00,000. far lt'S.'> than an a previous campaign "You start talking about a crucial and an Amf'rlcanast poll<.')' m the Middle East and you lit'<' what happen s t o yo u r fund -raising abalaty," he saad AB for the FalkJandt>, Schmitz &a1d that if he had bt>en an the U .S . Senate, he w ould hav1· dissented from a resolutio n 1upportlng Great Brltaan While suppo rt fo r Pri mP Mln111ter Margaret Tt\alche r's government might help thl' United States in the short run, SchmJu srud. 1t was driving Laun America away from us Lnto the handa of the only power that we need fear. the Soviet Uruon. c Braniff routes sought G RAPEVINE. Texaa tAP) ...... Branttf International workett 1tood 111 unemploymonl Hnn nt:king temporary Jobi. and oth ... r carrwn appllt'd for tht penn1le11 airllnf''s rvutea •• Braniff 0 Hlc:lnl1 11ough t co u 11t protection from creditora, w ho rnuy be owed $1 btllJon. Br•nlff tlcketholders '"upt refundi Thunday or walt.00 for ato.ndby 1t-at.s on other carr1et'1', 3ll 0Hlc1al1 of tht.> flnl mu)Or U.8 . ~arllne to full 11nc:e th..- humat.ormmg era said tht•y hoJ*,1 UI be flying ¥gaJn In 11!)( We@ks. Braruff swpended all fhghta ~t 5 pm Wednnday. then met at nudrught lll lhe home of a Juda~ in Fort Wo rth to fa le under Chapt1·r 11 of tht' ft.>der.af bankruptcy laws, seeking protl't.'tlOn from cr('(Jalorli wh1h tht.-y try t o r corganazt.-th,, company At a news co nf e ren 1·1..· Thursday. Branaff Chaarm¥o H o ward Putnam , has v o ice crocking with emotion, said hbnR tht.· petition was the onJ y way fO lk.l ve the a arlane "What we had to do last mghl was very d1ff1cult," Putnam uid. "We're trying to provide a b8"8 for a future for this aarlme " In Washington, offactals of Ow Cavil Aer onautics Board sasd other earners were expec·ted to m ov e quickly into Bran1ff'11 domes tac: routt's. Off1c1als fot East.em Aarlant'S saad they would 1 na ugu ratt• Latin A m e r1 c:a11 Sl'rVl<.'l' today. t:ik1ng UVl'r l1n1•s Braniff prl'Vluusly a grec-d t'l. lease. f The CAB Haad travc-lers who bought Braniff tickets thro ush another :urlane could use the t1ckt.·t8 on ano thl'r earner or gel • rPfund Travelt.>rs who boughJ tu:ket.:. through travel agents wv~ be able to fl y on a spa<.'t'-ava1labU; basis wath other ci.rriers, but nJJ n ·fund!l wall be madt.-unless th«; ticke ts wen· purchased aft.er May 10 ,,. Cou n t y Jabot · unio n fa ces jury probe By Tbe Auoclated Pre11 A fE.>dt•ral grand 1ury 1 ~ 1nvt.-s t1gat1ng the f1nan c1,1 dealings of an Orange County labor union and its offu:ers. o fficials confirmed Thursd&y an Los Angelc't>. Investigators declint-d UJ revl·al sp<><:1facs of the probf> Agent Jim McCully o f thl' U.S Justacl' Dt>partme nt's Organl:if"d Crime Str1 ke For('c st11d tht grand Jury's 1nvest1gat1o n of Laboren lntcrnataonal Umo,Ji Local 652 has been under way about two months But hl' add~. "It 1s on I y begann ang The grand Jury 1s not near a dt"<.·1s1on " Thas 1s thC' !K"('()nd lime an th~ yl•ars thc1l Southe rn Cal1fo rn1• locals of thl' Laborers Unaon havf lx:.en the t.arJ(et of federal pro~ In August of 1979, a U.S. Distract Court Jury convic ted Manuel Renteria, head of tht huge Los Angeles-based Local 300 o( the union, of rrwl fraud. conspiracy and soliciting 4 $I 0,000 kickback. Earlier in 1979!' the union 's interna t 1o na leadershJp had plac ed thtt dis&ens1on-tom Los Angeles IOCBJ under rece1versh1p. --------. -1 LEE'S CARPET MAY MADNESS SALE , h ..a1 M .......... M r'9ht now yout LHt 0.8'tr 11 offeting ~...,._ uvt1'9 on LHt' molt pop4Aat CMJNU. Ourlng out ~ M--. Sate, you'• nnd INp. pfuthet, aculpturea. In hut\dred• of colon .nd 1tylH. You'll find L••• Carpeu with u ctuslv• l lotreth. j9'ofrnh It the ~ procetl tM ftghtJ odon end od~·C.Ufln9 bac1H1•. and lcH pl yOtN CMpet ftben hy~ treah '°' We.J You'• abo nnd l.Ht CMJ>9U tn 1011 and crush resistant Dupont Antron. Talc• advantage of 0411 spectal May Madnfta s .... Stop by your Leet dealer now, To Ignore IUCh .,, oppottunlty woutd be INel' INdnHll Tone-On-Tone Richly styled twist created tor your tlegant llttstylt. Deep sumptuous plle texture and natural t o ne-on ·t one shading are t ht hallmarks of this fl~ l tts Car~t. S z ' 95 SO. YD. INST AW D Twist Crafted from hard twisted nylon yarns that are specially designed for years of outstanding performance Vibrant colors add to the deslrablllty of this long-wearing best-selling Lees Carpet $ 199 5 SO. YD. INST AUED Carved Texture /\ luxurious carved texture that reflects tht finest o f tr•dlt lonal carper styling. A w ide range o f decorator col ors. Designed to ptrlorm anywhere In busy homes. S 1650 SO . YD. INSTAlilD ' Installed Prices Include NZ)(_-36<XJ sponge rubber pad DE N'S Made better by • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Burlington @fl ·installation· custom draperies:· UC,9'C).--I i6'3 Pt.ACOOIA AVE. • COSTA IEA. CA 92127 • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355' l e: 2 0¥ 3 3 Orange Oout DAIL v PILOT /Prld•v. May 14. 1H2 a By 1'e A11od1ttd P ren Sor'n«' ronaunwt'I Aan· I l11cl111K a1otlll 111 t•Will•J to g•·I 11Kall1 Utt-.c.• day1, t>ut tht· t'(111t ll hll(h a11d llll' lc·11cl1·111 art• p1<'ky ------------------·------Heart drug studied && "We're• 1tll t(ulng 11h N the· ups1:olt• l'Ualunwr," iw1d Jim Mat· thtw1 of (.'011111wnt1•I lllln11111 Nu111111ul U11nk 11nd T ru!lt ('c, In Chicago Th• flood or cr'tldlt thut pt'nlllt.cd throuuh ml..K'h of the 1 \*70. drie d up In Marc h 1980 whf'n the l(uvernm .. nl lmp<J1t·d retlrlctiona to dlllcouna f? borrowing. 1'ht· rt1trktums W('rt· IHlt•cJ uflt•f' II r1·w mu11this. but t'll'CJlt nmwlned tight Ll·ndcni had to J>ll.Y i;l1·uclily 11111111( 1ntn1~t ruuil t.o atlra<:t dt·pot11~. "U.L<: u11ury t•c•il lllK" l11111tl'<J the· amou11t thc·y t'Ould chnrgc· tXJrrnw1·r'I, ert•d1t c·urrl11 urul loJnll oft1•11 Wl'ff• un pr(Jfltablc BOSTON (AP) -Two ttudi111 eucamlne whether a dru1 called eodlwn nJtropruaalde redueft tho da maae of he art auac:kt. One fo und lt t o b e a d ramati c: lifesaver. the other concludH It doetan't help. Altho uah ther e were 1ome dlfferen<:H In the way the two 1tudle1 w ere conducted, It wa, 1tlll unclear why they reached oppc*t.e conclualona. Both tat.ed thl' drug on hcau-t attack victJ.ma to rind out whether It reduced th e number o f d eath1 In th o wceb followtna the telzures WHO ARE THE Y? -It look. like a talk "how host'• d ream pan el: Princ<.>Ha Dumu, Woody All~n. Barbra Strehwnd and Or1JOn W e 11 ea . Ex c ept t h at a 11 f CJ u r u rt· look-a.likes fumJHhed by lhl' mM at k f t, Ron Smith o f the Celebrity Look AJ1kf-H ,., .,.,...._... ugc·ncy. Di , Woody , B6tr b r u and Orson, (Ch~ri A llen, R ichard Nuk he, C.:hc.·r yl H.olln and M ichael G 1von) w c·rl' brouJ(h t to u T o ronto TV i.tudlo fur th111 epµc.·oram.'t' Slow ly. huwc•vc·1. till' µwturi· l'I d1.ulglng lJHu1 y 1·l•ll111u11 have bc..'i.·n llftt-d fc'i'tl u11d r.Nv11 1· d1u1 l(c•i. huv1· IM-.•11 1mpo~1·d The crunch has nol e·ndc-d, hut 1t ha' l'iib4.'<.I The Fl'<lcral Ht"Mt•1 Vt' Board ~Y" th1.1t '>lll-"lm11J1111( 1 orn1ui111•1 lnat.allmt-nt debt. not t·ounting mortKUl(t"\, 1111·11·um"(J 1 .. ,.1 y1•ar ul an annual rate of IF 1 pt•rt1·nt That c·ompdlc"'I with J IHllll 1(11Jwth rate of hulf & pt-rn•nt JC* Powell, dlrc-<·tc1r of rt"M'llfl h for M.111tc•rOinl lnlt'l'nullo na l, &aid th1· numlx·r or l'ilrdholdc•ri. 1i. liow11, hut 1'1111 K.1lt'll w1·n · up I ~ pert•t•nt from th•· pn•v111ui; y1·11r "W hat 111 hoppt·n1ng 1~ that 111·oplP .111· 11111M1l11lut1nl( 1ll1•1r credit card11," he· 'ltlld, ht'<<tU~· of 111•w f•'f''I, 111'f1pl1 wlt11 ll~'fl to hold two or more• l'1tr1h h11v1· sw1u h1'<J to oru· Pow<'ll 11a1d that only h ;df thc IJ,tllk' "''IJ't111tl111< t•1 .J Ma.t.erCard survc·y lu.<it full r1·port1'<J that th1·y w1·1t· l11t1k1111( for new account.!!. ht• said. urc bc·ing M·l1'<·l1v1· "Ban ks are 11how1ng mun• "''/'hn1t11 .1111111 111 t1·1111'1 11( "'J< mf'nting their mtirkf't," Powc•ll !6«11< Sandra J Mt·Lauj.(hhn, 'll'nlflr VII •. prt••ml1 ·nt or tlw Mi ·llim &nk of P1lt.abuq(h, lt<lHJ lhl' ( n-<lll '1luat1•m 1., "11111·11111.1( up a httlt• bit." Pat Coull' of ChaS1· Manhutt;111 H;1nk 111 N1 ·w York ('11 y -..1111 tht-hf ting of the· '!test•··, ui.ury < .. i1111.1ot .... 1 Iv 111 l!JIJ I lwl111 -cl 111 t·real(• th<' flow 11f <'rt'tlll "We ilrt' a< t1v1·ly l11<1kinJ( fo1 wuy\ \11 0H1•1 IJC">fll1· 1 r1·d1l " .. tw NB Id T he u11ury u ·tl1ng 1111 1 n ·d1t n1rd 111t1•1 t ... 1 111 111111111' .,.,u., 1·!1 minau-d lwit CJ~:t.ol.11•r M<1ltlww., ~·111 C'w1lllwnwl .. nd """'t ••lh1·1 lendl'rs now l'harg1· a n ilnnual rat1· 11! I ti II pt·n 1·ht 1111 V1 ... , .11111 Ma111.t•rCard bulant•("ff wh1rh 11n· not pauJ 111 full 1 .. wh 1111111tlo "You t·an m:ik1· m11n1•y iJI lhiJt lc•v<'I \11tl.1v," -.;11d M.ott h1·w' d long rui you c1rc· not paym~ mun· th.in ._.,. .ov1·1.1w· 111 I:! Jl4·11 •·11t on dt'pos1ts Mutthc·w" •w1d thi· numlw1 11( pun h.,,w, pt•r ;it t1 v1· 1·1 ••dll card IJCC'UUnt 111 C.:11nttnt·n1..<il du1 tnlo( ttw f11 !\l tw11 rn1J11th' 1d !Hill was II JX'r<'t·nt hll(ht·r lhtin 1n tlw '\amt· JM•1 lcd ,, y1·;11 '"" 111•1, 1h1 · s1z.c.. of tht· ;ivnaj.(t• pur('hiJ."' ww. up H JM. It Mil Wlw11 v•iu .JdJU'll thf' f1gun"H fur mf1:1t111n, "1 t"• nnl 1111 1•x1·1tmg 1111 r•·;,..., " lw ·-.11d T he p ositive reaulu w e re obtained In a European 1tudy dlr~ by Or Joeeph D. Durrer of t he University Hospltal of Amatt-rdam H e f o un d "a signi f ic ant r eduction In mortality" Only ha lf &11 many people died dur ing t he flr 1t month of n.•c:.'Overy after the heart a ttack• when they received the drug. H owever , U S . docto rs wo rking lndt>pcnden tly found the drug had no e ffect on thf' dc·ath r&lt• afler a ht:art a ttack Thl·lr wCJrk wrui condu(.1.ed at 11 Vc>terana Administration hoeplt.ala and dlrt'Ctro by Dr. Jay N <.:u h n of th e Un iversity of MI n nf.'flOta H-09pl tat. Both studies were published In Thur11day's Nt:w Eng land JoumaJ of M<.odktne Nllropruulde hu been u11ed for M-Vcral years a.a a way lD treat l•xtremcly high blood pre111u re. Thl· drug 11 given t hrough 1ntravt·nou1 11olutlon, and It Improves the flow of blood lD the heart by opening up the arteriee In an at:companylng edlt.orlal, Dr Eugtme R. Pauam.anl of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to Beth<..>tlda, Md , noted da fferent·ea in the expe riment.a that might help explain the t'<mtraatmg r~ul'-. 14-year-old p ol ad vances A Junior high 11tudent with an 1nt.eret1t to noxious pluntH has won nomination to a Nebr8Jlka W t.'(.'d t'<>ntrol board uftcr a t amp11lgn that 1ncludl.'d a 1111t1on1t.I TV appearam't: Eric 8 . Sale m . 14, who appeured March 26 on Johnny Carton'• "Tonight" 11how on NBC , finished Sl't·ond 1n o non-porusan primary run· that waa held to pic k four candldatcit for lWIJ opening• o n the Lancuter County WL•cd (;crntrnl Board Th•· primary waa 1t fllrmol lt y, 11l n l'c th1·n · wc:rc o nly four pt'<1plt• running, and all wdl 11 d van l' ,. t o t h l' I( t• n ,. r u I elt-ction s a It· rn r N ' f' I v •• d I l ' I 0 6 voll'li 111• Kaid he wunl1•d l<i M·rvc· on thr txiSJrd tx'\:aww of h111 m lnt11l an noxious pl.an\JI 1111d a m·ws st11ry last year m wh1l'h i1uthor1tu.·11 11a1d tull w t· 1• d " m a y h a v l' ht· t.· n a l'lllltributlng ffwtor In a fowl ttt't'ldcnt, bc.--caWM· th<·y c.·n ·alA.-d a blind 1tpot at an lnt.erst..-ct.1or1 Comed ian and polltlcal &cllvlst Dick Grecory ha1 a hnanl·lal problem. but hwin't 1fJ1tt hla HC08t' of humor I It• la In &rrt-ani on a $96. 700 mortguge . fore l'lo11urt' pr ot~'(...Jin~ h avc bt-J(un , and the hol.IM' m Plymouth, Masa , 111 dut• to t-w iiold at auc·u on Junt· 9. u lt•tcal notlt'l' '"'YH Rt• ac h .-d f or 1·om mt> n t , Gregory Joked that he· "waa 11urpr1Bed u1 ~· a story about 11om<·body lo111ng his htJUllf', wht•n I thought th•· nt-w11 nuwaduys WIJ ll wh1•n 1~onwbod y l'an afford "' buy & ho~·" ''(A'Jt II JJft>'1/11n" 7llt'rl wnt.t· In l'ut J/IJ(lJW/V , • .,, WI// CUI red tape, IJeltlil/I thr• Ufl!IW<.•rs Ufld IJdJUn you n~ ro !IOlvt-Jnequ1tJet11n J(Uvt:mmenl and bw11m'S'I Mm/ y our 'JIJ1~1J1n., Lt> /':it Jlomw1l7, At Y1111r ~·rvJn'. Orange Ca11al Daily Pilot, P 0 B"x 1 ,'jfJ(), Co.~111 Mt!Y. CA 92626 As many /el""r.J a.• polf.!llJ/t• will tx· In tht• US. study, it ll t he patien t.a had poorly functioning left ventnclet, and they received tht· drug an average of HJ hours aftr-r their heart attackit Thi· t:uropcan pat1ent.s W(•re largely frN· of ventricular fail ure, and tney got the medicine aooncr MUSICAL OPE NS -A l u:r tht· Broadway opening of tht· musical "N1nl'," ~tar Hdul Julia, Sl'l'o nd fr11m r1~ht , appf•ar•·d ·~-"~ bat'ksta~<· w i th .J <H·y lll·atht·rto n and anrwered. an uveragc of five hours after th 1 ·Ir a tt.aL'loi Shc·ryl Lt'C of thl' hit "On •amg1rls." and ''Nim:" c·11-star Anild Morrn ... nght P aid Ad vert1semt:nl Effortless Exercise: The Story Behind Electronic Exercise lli,init th•• rr11i.,"11• 't1rnulal111. r· '' m Ii 1111· d w 1t 11 11111 JI•· a II h <'1·111 l'r'' fa v•1 rit1• d11·t . llrall l\s111n w•·nt fri1m .1 '"'' ~1'4 11ant to "l'' :•1 Ill Jll'>I i!' / Wf•t•k 'I ll1s moth1•1 Nr1r111;1 '\aw 'l trndar rt•'lulh ''"'' Ii! 111 '>Ill' 111 1n the· '>om1· 111 ilay 111·11111J Thi"'" t1rc· JUlll I wo 11( th1· miiny 'Wl.'<'•·11,.ful /I.. hap p y 11111 ll1·alth C'1·nl•·r 1·ui.tom"r"' T h1Jt''i why Jlf'<1plt· uri· rt1wk1nl( to B1u llt•:Jlth C't·nter <in 17th Strt•1•t 1n f't11'\lu M 1''11 ;in1I ht•C'fimlnl( rc•l(ular r1art11·111ant11 of 1·l•·<'tron1c t•x1·rt•1"" with 1tm&1.1nl( n ·sult'i Th 1• 1ir 1n<'IJI I1• 111· h 1 n ti l h 111 J1hcn11mc·n1111 1' 'tr ,J 1 l(ht forwu rtl I n u "" <·allf·lf v11J 11r1t .1ry' ('1intral'l10n. that 1" tu say du11nl( t:~crydily moVt·nu·nt. lht· brain 11cnd11 a 11lanul along u ncrv(• lo lhe "motl>r Jfllnl" 11f a mu11c·IC! Th111 "11(nal. 'i1m1lur tu 11 wc11k clect rlr currcmt, 111 u m es1111gc to the mu'ld<..11 to c•nntrac·t I n ,. I c r t r o m u 'I r u I a r 11 t l rn u I u t 1 on at BI o ·II•· a Ith C'c•nter, t•lc1·trodes in lhl' form or 1·ondutt1vc ruhlJl'r pi.ds urc 1il 1trNI on tht• 1111dar t• of lhc !!kin t)VPr thl.' m11tr1r 11rnnt11 c1f 16 maJr1r m11111'11• l(rt>lllll'I When u ve ry w1•ak t·lt:l'lronlc curri·nt ltt itppllt·d t hroul(h the pi.d11, the itllcnal find11 1t11 wily through the 11kin t.IJ thc•11t· mul<>r pointA unct cau11c11 the mu11t'l1•11 t.o contract, 1u11t u 1f 1t had n•ce1vcd 11 11ll(nal from lhc brain Dur in-c the· t'tt)'lt r a clion or thc11f• mu11ch·11. thf' mu11r lc11 are ~ctually •·icpendlna ••nurn and dolnic lht• work P atrons of Bio ff n lth oftr n rommeint lh»t' the c:•c rchw fct•l11 lhorouic h und reall y work• the cnllrt muitele Mo11\ 11ay you have to try it to appreciate It l>octor11 say that •s minutes of 11tlm ulallon Is equivalent l/1 800 to l ,600 all upt and /or lea ral11ca Otitplte f!xcrt'l11l nc your mu1cle11 800 I .~ t1mea In 45 minute•. periwn• feel no pain durln1 treatment and MOil don't even feel t.hat familiar 1orenea1 llkt In normal exerclu . The current 1tlmulate1 clrculallon J¥htc:h It lbe,H me tunt ri4J~ m u1clei or-w•at:e proGucl.i 10" In• Ito Health Conte ~artlclJ>AIQ do fM I I Utbt.nln& ~ftd llrmln1 ot t.helr mu1clea and Ytry o fte n a f ter t h e II( As Seen on Channel 7 B111 ll1·all h ( ···nl1·r " 1·urrc·11tly 11 , .. ,11111.: 11wri .11111 worn1•n frt1m 1 lw •II!'"• 111 IH t11 H7 ) ,.ar~ old S111111· 1111111• 111 11111 1f 1•alth Ct•ntt-r 111,1 1111 11 ... f')(t·rt I"" (11 mmg u11 I h ,. I I r I :i Ii" y Ill us (' I 1· 'I ll n d 111111111v1n•: 1111•11 11v1•r;dl l111<ly ton•· <Hh1•1'. wh11 ;1r1· ovf'r 1.1;1·11:111. 1·11111l11n1· this c•h•rtronlc• 1·x 1•1 ''"'' wtlli H111 tl callh I '1·nt1·r' fav1111t1· dwl prul(ram al li1w1 nl( a s uli.,t :11111al wt•1l(hl anrl 1111'11 1,,.,., J\1 f1r'I Jll'flJllf• .. a y It frc•lll '' ra11•~·· :11111 1trt· amazc•tl at how I h•1111111.:hl y 1l 1•xt•rc·111M1 l h l' 111 u'll'l1·<, 'I hl'f1 llwy n·lux and 11r11~:r•"•'IV1•l y work t hr rJUl(h lh1·11 1 ~, 1111nute· tr1·utmcnt 1\(11•1 wa11l1t 1.11•ri.nn'I 1•xp1•r1f'n<·1• a f1v•· 1111nut1• rt·l1111al111n cy<'ll' th.JI fri·l'I l1k1· a masol(l.' IJo r tor11 ure 11endlnJ( their 1w t11 ·nt11 t.o B11Jofft.'ulth C11nter for th1" uul1'l11ndln f( c•ercl1e prol(rum In some ra11u, lhe11c w ·nHmll un• 11r111hlf' to do normal exr·ri•111t.· 1hw to l1u<'k injury, etc , ullr1winf( lhf•m t11 now l'l(crclse m11.,1·l1•11 for th" fir11t limf' In y1•:11 .. B 111 ff 1· 11 It h <' «· n t c: r h u 11 ii n1im1n;il c•h1irgP to t r y thl11 w1m1lt•r 1nac.·h1m.• On your flr11t v1111I "11 ulnt-d tt'rhnl"111n will ctu a full set 1if hl1<Jy rrwu11u rement'l I ht•n ll·l y11u Ile utop 11 r1addf'C.I tuhl1• for lrt•almt•nt thitt will tukc u1111rt1x1mutcly 45 m1nule11 IJunnl( th111 t1mt' the tcrhnlclan w1 II 1·1l11rutc you further on what 1s lr:m11r>lrlnl(. whlc•h l(lvea you further und<>r11t11nd1na of thf' llNllluUon11 you urc frellng. J\ftc·r your fl r1't tre atment, the t•·1·hn1 riun wi ll rcmeairnre & t·ult·u h1tt· lht• rf!11ult11. f"lrt1l llmt" 11M·r11 huv<· UJ)(!rlcnced Inch I<»• vorytnl( from 2" w 9" overall. Thl11 <'hunl(1• I• prima rily caul(ld by the tonlna of the muscle due to lhe u temtlve enrchui ll hH )1u1t completed Thlit ty~ of equipment hat twt'n wldf'ly uaed In both the me<11c11l flc>ld and In 1ro111 ot profrulonal •port.a / In m e d icine, e l ec tron l~ •tlmulullon hM1 been widely, u ud In h o1 plt1l1 for the r e ·e duc 1tllon of parely11d mu1clC1t. fn theH caaoa, where vo luntary exerche 11 lmpo11alble, there 18 obvlou.1ly no •ub1tltule for e l ec t r ical •ll1"ul1Uo n . In cuu of I> a r :i JI I 1•.: 1 a '' r h" m 1 p I c K 1 a f11ll11w1n1< 1t '1 t r11k1·. elt-clrt1 mu s f·ulJr 11 t 1mulu11on ti. 1nv11luah1'· for prt>vcntinl( l<Jflli or t11n1· 11r atroph y 1n :i ff1•rtf'ft lrlU'll'lt•,_ 0 1 ht•r un•1111 of metl ie·al 11w 1nt'ludto th•· tri·ut m<·nt of ll<'tl •;1irc·11 by lmJ>ruvrn l( m ul\clc t1in1· 11 nd hlood cln ·ulut1on In St"nt.'l. hami1tr1 nJ(. mUACle • 111ru111 a nd other tnJurle11 h11v1• twcn lrC'Ut<·d hy doctors wilh<1ul ru,k Top 11ocn·r duhll In Europe have• long known the hf'nef1ta or mu 11 de 11llmulal1on 1n t he t r 1• a t m t> n t o f m u s t· I c a n d l1gam1•nt 1r11urlc11 Tht• practtral ad vantagt·11 of 1<rc1ttly rt•ducing lhl· t1m<· 11pent by top playn11 inact ive dut-lo lnJury can 111· 1mugined Eut l!:uropean11 lw<:llm(• th1 • f<>rcmm1t e"poncnt11 of clcctnrul Kttmulatton for muM·h· 1Jt1w1•r t ratnlnf( Othl'r countr11·11 ttre u~ln R mu,.clc• 11tlm ulal10n to train •v<'ry type of athlelt• from lhe cnduranct.· needed hy 11111" d lKta n c·c ru nne r s , to l'Xploalv1• JH1wcr re<1ulrt>d by 11p rinti>rs nn<I hlf(h Jum pt•r'I T h<' f a11te11t f(I rl In the world. l\ogclla Taylor, for 1•xamplt•, 1111 c 11 m 1111 1• I •· 11 t1 m 11 lill ton 1 n I raintnat E lt-<:tronlc cxerclHe, however, 111 n ot for eve r yon e The Ktlmulatlun could Interfere with pacem akers worn by pcnona with heart dl11t.&1e. pregnant wo men and J>{!r11on11 who carry m et al In l h <'lr a bdo m e n 11 becau11c of "ur1ery. 1.ona iione are the day1 when· control of calorie lntak4! waa belie ved to be the only way to keep In •hape. Modem lhlnklna now coocludea that exerclae 11 an H "tmllal factor In the que11t for total body hea lth. Bio llH lth Center In Co1ta M cu also 1peclalb e1 In other Eu r o p e a n con cept• whic h lndude Cellullto Control a nd u . v. A. Tann Ina Bed• a ncl Equipment. If you went lo be more actJve, alive and have a 1reat looklnl body wtthout the drud1ery of ~tre n uoo. exerc l1 i and un comfortable diet pro1r1m1. tt In on the action and t~r vln1 Bio-Health Center on 17~ CoN Mela • call. &t&-'77 17. Kelly Young Is In her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine Is keeping her In shape with Its electri cal Impulses. The famlllar sign of Bio-Health Center on 17th Street In Costa mesa conveniently located In the Von 's Shopping Center .646-n 17 ! ....... ........... .__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~----~~--~~__:~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...J I . ~ llWPllT UH I Hiil lllCU I H ll>A Y M A 1 1 I l"'i.' ORANGC: COUN I V C ALIFOHNIA 2!> CENTS JFK tape study: 'No second gunman': WASHINGTON (AP) - Sound recording• made wh~n Pre1ident Kenned y waa a11a11lnat.:d In 1963 "do not 1upport a conclu1lon that there was a second gunman." aay1 a National Academy of Sciences report releued today. The study also said there is conclusive evidence that the controversial recording was made about one minute after the actual shooting. "The acouatk analytet do not demonstrate that there was a grauy knoll shot and In particular there 11 no acouaUc baais for the claim of a 96 percent probability of 1uch a shot, .. said the panel of experta auembled by the academy. The conch.aalona about a .D&llas police recording conflict with those of acoustic experts who examined the evidence two years ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ago for the HoUJe Committee on A.ll.'laaaina tiona Two group• of experts then said it wa.s poeaible the recording made when a motorcycle policeman accidentally left his radio transmitter open showed evidence of a second gunman and a fourth shot fired at Kennedy And one expert said there was a 9~ percent certainty of a aecond ~-·--- The new study aald .ounds on the r ecording which w ent unn'<:ognized in earlier analy1e1 showed "conclusively that the previously an.alyi.ed eounds were recorded about one minute after the auasamallon and therefore, were t.oo late to be attributed to assaamation shots." The congressional c:omm1ttce <.'Oncluded after heanngs in 1978 that Kennedy was a1111assinated probably as a r f'1ult o f a conspiracy and th1H the Dallua recordin(l "estnbll1he1 a high probability that two gunmen fired at President Kennc.'<iy" Thia lvnclus1on confllcted with that of the Warren C.Orn.mJA1lon, which said Lee Harvey Oswald acted a.lone in firing thr~ shots from the Texas School Book Depository !fl the Kennedy motorcade. The report by the academy'• National Research Council aald the acoustic evidence of a 1hot from the grauy knoll near the W1Sa1111inatlon spot "la Invalid" and further study of the recordlna would not justify lta coet. These findings agree with an earller l'!:il examination of tht recording that concluded there was no eviden ce of a second gunman firing from the knoU Death wish? Hinckley motives unveiled FULL STEAM AHEAD -After more than seven years of construction and controversy a nd opposition. Units 2 and 3 of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station below San Clemente got permission today to go on full power. On of re plant wins license Federal panel authorizes Edison Company's project By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tM 0.., "-' • ..,, A federal nuclear licensing panel authorized issuance of a full -power license today for South ern California Edison Company's two new $3.3 billion reactor units at its San Onofre Nuclear Generatmg StatJon The unanimous decision of the three-member U S . A tom1c Safety and Llcenaing Board wu announced by Nuclear Regulatory C.Ommiss1on officials in Bethesda. Md. The licensing board, which held ext ensive hearings 1n Orange County last summer. Newport hunting restaurant bandits generally ruled in favor of Edison Co. on emergency planning issues related to coping with accident.al releases of radiation from the two l, 100-megawatt reactor units. located three rrules south of San Clemente. Cr itics of the huge l'Oastal power statJon had contended that emergency evacuation plans for residents who live within JO miles of the facility were inadequate. WASHINGTON (AP) - Almost until the moment he blazed away at President Reagan with a pistol, John W Hinckley Jr had planned to travel inst.C'ad to Yale University to murder actress Jodie Foster and then take his life, a psychiatrist testified today. Dr William T Carpenter, a Maryland psychiatrist who testified for the defense, told a federul trial jury that Hinckley moved closer to a declSion to try to assassinate Reagan when the president appeared to wavt• at Hinc kley whale entering the Washington Halton Hotel for a spe«h March 30, 1981. Then, when Reagan left the hotel about 20 minutes later. H1nckl~y felt "the experience of lime moving very quickly. He felt Reagan about to tum in his d1rect1on Before the president has an opportumty to do that, he ht-gins shooung," Carpenter srud. "His pnmary purpose in thts is to temunate his own expenence, has o wn existence ," the psychlatnst added. Hinckley displayed no sign of emotion during Carpenler's gripping account of the assassination attempt, which the psyt h1atr1st gleaned from lengthy interviews with lhe 26 -year -old defendant Hinckley's parents bow~ their heads dunng the testimony Carpenter said Hinckley got "a sense of something highly perso nal" when he thought Reagan's wave at the crowd outside the hotel was a gesture to him Hinc kley had the same feeling of receiving a personal message when Miss Foster's movws were shown on television. Just before Hinckley left has hotel for tht' Washington Halton the day R<·agan was sho t . he wrote an unm.a1led letter to Msss Foster saying h e would "get" Reagan to win her lovt.>. Carpenter said But as he left the Park Central hotel, the psychia tr1 st said, Hinckley did not know whether he would get dose to Re~ and believed he still had the option of going to New Haven, where Miu Foster was a student at Yale. "There were two possible outcomes: the assassination !See HINCKLEY, Page A%) Anothe~Jife risk Aoki to cross Asia in heliuil1 balloon? o.ity ,.... lleft f'hoto ASIA NEXT? -Balloonist Rocky Aoki ts looking forward to a balloon trap from Weswm Europe to Japan. By P HIL SNEIDERMAN Of IM Oellr l'tlot It.fl For Rocky Aoki, there's always another Me-threatening thrill on the honwn Barely back on the ground after placing third in the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race, the Japanese business· man -adventurer hel d court Thursday an his Ne wport Beach restaurant, talking about h is next challenge: a helium balloon flight from Western Europe to Japan Aoki adrruts his voyage across Asia could pose a hazard or two. depending on where the wind takes him. There are the tall and treacherous Himalaya MountatnS to the south and unfriendly Russian air space to the north. But the 43-year-old aeronaut has already t'Ome up with an idea for smoothing any international fnct1un Newport Beach police were searching today for a pair of armed men who herded seven employees o f the Le Biarrilz Restaurant into a restr oom Thursday before escaping with more than $6,000 m cash and a pair of airline tickets to Las Vegas. police, appeared nervous and continually asked restaurant employees to keep their eyes on the ground. Two men of similar description and sporting similar disguises rushed into the Quiet Woman on East Coast Highway before business hour. last week and locked seven restaurant workers an a liquor storage area. They forced the manager to unlock the firm's safe. The board, m authorizing NRC o fficials t o issue a 11 c ens~. conditioned their approval on certain def1c1encies an the emergency plan being remedied before a full-power permit can actually be mued. The licensing panel's dec1s1on today is sure to trigger fresh protests from nuclear power plant opponents, who preVlously had been unsuccessful in appealing issuance earlier this year of a low-power pemut for newly built reactor Units Nos. 2 and 3 at San Onofre. Woman badly hurt in Newport blaze "If we (·an find a Russian a s tro naut , ball o o ni st or advl'nturer and take him with us. maybe we c an get better coo peration from the Soviet Union," he says. Aoki lS considenng a fall 1983 liftoff from either Barcelona. Spain, or Pans. In the gondola beside him. Aoki expects to have balloonis t Ben Abruzzo, the Albuquerque businessman who was one of three Americans to complete the first trans-Atlantic balloon flight in 1978 The bandits, police said, may be the same duo who held up the Quiet Woman R estaurant in Corona del Mar last week , escaping with $1.330 in cash. The crooks, one wearing a fake beard and lhe second a dark nylon stocking mask. walked into the popular French restaurant Thursday morning before 1t was open for business. Police said the men, both reportedly wearing surgical gloves and carrying automatics, pushed e mployees into a restroom then made the manager unlock the restaurant safe. The bandit, witnesses later told WORLD ln that episode, police said one armed bandit was wearing a nylon mask and the other a white baseball cap. Nobody was hurt in either robbery. The Le Biarriu holdup marked the third time this mo nth a Newport restaurant has been the target of bandits. The f irst incid ent, at West Newport's Spaghetti Bender Restaurant, resulted in the diner's owner being shot once In the chest. The bandit fled emptyhanded. Reds warn British MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union Issued a strong warning to Britain on the Falkland Islands crlsia today, saying the Kremlin regarded air and sea e~luaion zones around the South Atlantic ialand.s as "uruawfw." NATION WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judae. cutinJ a cloud over convlctlon1 1temm!ng from the FBI'1 Ab1cam undercover lnveatlgatlon. threw out all criminal chargn today agafnat former Rep. Richard Kelly, R-Fla. Money supply down again The nation•• money .Upply(M-1) fell $800 million du.ring the laui.t repoit1nl period, the Federal Relerve reported lhJa afternoon. An NRC spokesman saJd today that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission itself must decide within 30 days whether lht· licensing board's order will become immediate!~ effective or whether it will be i!elayed until all ~\:,als have been exhausted by n's opponents. The Safel y and L icensing Board's decision authorizes the NRC staff to ultimately issue a full-power permit once it is con vinced that Edison has remedied deficiencies an the emergency plans. (See ONOFRE, Page A%) COUNTY An elderly bedndden Newport Beach woman was burned seriously today when a heat lamp reportedly t1 pped over on her bed, igniting a fire that swept through her Kings Road home Ruth Jonc·s. carried from the flames by her private nurse, was undergoing emergency room treatment late this morning at the UCI Medical Center burn unit in Orange. There was no immediate word on her condition. The private nurse, Jayna Muscarella , reporledly was burned durang the rescu(' and also was rushed to the burn center for treatment Thf' 9 :45 a .m blaze at 1411 Local actor moves up Costa Mesa actor Steve DeNaut takes a big step toward success in "Under t h e Nutcracke r ." Weekender. Local districts retrench Enrollments are falling, the dollars are drying up and local school diatricta are cutting back through attrition and layoffs. Page Bl. STATE ,,.. Grades color-coordinated Studenta at an Eecondido high achool are wearing thelr physical educatJon achJevementl on their 1hort1. Pa,e A!J. Kings Road, overlooking thl' Newport Harbor, gutted the two-story blufftop house and could be seen as far away as the Balboa Peninsula. firemen said. Neighbors, who believed the woman to be in her 80s, srud Mrs Jones 1s a recent stroke v1ct1m and requires around-the-clock nursin~ Catt. Firemen said the blaze reportedly was in full -fore(' when the nurse noticed the smoke and ran to the Invalid's aid. Firefighters doused the blaze quickly and kept it from spreading to ne1ghbonng houses INDEX L.M. Boyd A6 Business 84-5 California A5 Cavalcade 82 Classified D 1-6 Comics C5 Crcmword C5 Death Notket C6 Stan Delaplane 8 2 F.di tonal A6 &ter1alnment Weekender Home/Garden B3 SPORTS Abruzzo also flew with Aoki in the 1981 and 1982 Gordon Bennett races and was aboard Aok1's history -making traru-PaC"1f1c flight from Japan to California last November in an l l-story-h1gh heUum balloon. Aoki plans to use a similar mammoth polyethylene balloon for his trans-Asia tnp, which he believes will be even more hazardous than l he ocean crossing Horoecope 82 lnterrnialon Weekender Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender National Newa A3 Public Notloel C4,C6-7 Sporta Cl-4 Stock Marketa 86 Televiaion TV Log Theateiw W~kender Weather A2 Wotld New. A3 Orange Coast College needs just one more vfc:tory today to advance to the state community colle1e bueball tourney. Pace Cl. Angels win in overtime The Angela wln ln a walk but It took 12 UWnp. Page Cl. ) I Or1nae Cout DAILY Pll.OT1'rldev M1v t•, 1811' .J-------------.... ~=------=---------------------------------------------------.------------0 ul up HINCKLEY TESTIMONY • • • llteJnpl Miid lhtt tormll"lallon of hla frffdom, or top~ on w •Ntw H•ven to kill hlmaclt or ·.Jodie Fo1te r and hlmectll," (larpentcr uld When mm·kll'y 1rrlvfd I\ lhe- ffllton. hu wH "aurprlaed how e11y It wtu t o il"l lnlo the vfdnity He-thought there w111 a )ap1e In aecurlty," Carpen\t•r ~d. H I nc k I e y I 1 ,. hug t> d In u 13--count indlctnu:nt wllh lryinti to 1uuu1lnot1• Rcuaan an (l Wounding Whit~ l111u11e pn•u 'tecrctary Jarnea S Brady, a Secret Service agt•nl und a t>latrict of Columbia pollt'eman Carpenter said that at various times, Hinckley considered mauac r1ng studt-nlH at Vult>. dytng In an il.ll&IUlt on the White Ho~. 1pray1ng the floor of the flouae of Reprt-aent1ttlvea with gunfire and trying LO asaaa111nau.- Sen. Edward M Kennedy The paychuHrtlit told Jurors that Hinckley 1dt•ntlflt'd with an as•ortmenl of murderers and other hblloncal figures, as well fQ tlclionsl characte rs from book11 lllld mov1t.'11. One of thO!le pt.-ople Hinckley ~ad about, the Jl6Ych1a1.riat said, was C harll'll Whitman, who murderd h11 wife and mo ther and then climbed the dock tower al the University of Texas 1n Austin in August, 1966, and llhot ~ lullc--d 14 <Jther p<.'Ople befor{' he was slain by pohc.-.. With Wh1tmun 1n mind , Carpentt·r ~aid . ll 1n<.•kl<.·y '-'<>n•ldored conducuna • 1lmll1r 1hoot1na 1prH In early l 98 l at Vale, whore J odJe rotter w .. • 1tudent. ltlnckl•y h ad an obae11lve, one-way love a ffair with the YOUJ\I ICU'ell. C&rpenter aid that at vartoua llmel, Hinckley coNlde"td plaN to uuulnate Kennedy, the M1u1chu1ett1 Democrat, Mnd ponde,,red whether to 10 to tht lfoUH• sallery and fir~ at <.'Ongrt111men on the floor, u did Puerto Rican natlonall1l1 who w1Junded f ive member• o f (;on1re11 In 1uch an Incident Morch I . 19~4. H inckley, whose reputed advances Ml11 Foster 1purned, al.Jo fantulzed killing hll'T\lk'll In front of the actrt'l8, or k!lllntJ her and the n laking hi• own life, Cbrpenter &aid. The p1ych 1atrl1t ca lled auentlon to Hinckley'• almo1t frantic trt6vel1 In early 1981, when he went from h is hometo wn o f Denver lo New Haven, Conn. -where Yale la t1llu.ted -to Wuhlngton. D.C , and back to Denver aevt-ral times. In o ne "scenario" whic h Hinckley envi.aioned In February H181, he aaw himself 1torm1ng th1• White House and dying 1n the atW(·k. CMrpenter aaid. Carpenter teatifled Thursday that the character with whorn Hinckley identified the moet waa Trav111 Bickle, Utt> ct>ntral f1gun· in tht· movie "Taxi Driver" a man who stalka a presldenlrnl t'U nd 1da te . ONOFRE LICENSED • • • According lo tht• p&n e l's lengthy dt·c11>1 on released this morning , tht· s O·l'alled Eme rgen('y Planning Zon e M"ound the tl(-1u11dt.' ructoni w1U be 1ncrc-8.liit'd r rnrn HJ mJlt'S tlJ 12 miles. This meani. Jll of San J u1m Capistrano :ind Uanu Potnl will n o w r u I I w 1 t h 1 n t h e z " n t· requiring emergen('y evacuation plwu in the event of accidental r'·lt-ast"ll of radurnon. The board left one important issue unresolved in Its ruling t.oday, a spokesman 11Bid. Il w ants EdiJJon to 11ubmJt funher plan.a on providing off-site emergency medJcal l'att for people Injured 1n ;my nudear related aoctdent reported on '911' Orantir Cou nty '• ono month -old YI I omeraency re1pon1e tcileph ono ayatem wu out of operation for more than two houn Thurtday afternoon bec:au111 of a com put e r malfunction Art Leavitt, a 1poketsman for Pacific Telephone. u ld the computer, which route• c11l1 to VariOUI omeraency qtnclet WQ out of aervice betwern I :4~ p.m nad 4:1~ p.m. Only cu1tomu1 o f Pacific Tl'lephon~ were affected. Calle urlgin1ttlng In the county'• General Telephone aervlce Area Huntington St!a c h , We1tmln1ter. Stanton. L o• Alamltoa and Laguna Beach - were handled, Lt-av1tt aa1d: People who dialed 911 dunnti the breakdown period heard a rapid beep-typt• •linal, Leuvltt aaJd. T•he 911 11yt1 tem went into operation April 19. It Is dt!81gned to prov1dt.' a s1nglt-telephone number for people SC.'f;'klng police, fir e, paramedic or ot h e r l'merge n c:y ass111tunl·e It 111 strll'lly fo r emergt·n cy, not busmesa, calls. Leavitt 11a1d he didn't know how many calla were aflec'ted by the breakdown. However, he said the volume of l'Blls on a Thursday afternon no rmally w ould be "light." People who heard the rapid ~p signul h&d the option o r t•lther dialing a telephone opt>rator or t h l' 8 t-v e n . d 1 g 1 t t e I e p h o n l' numbe r o f lhl' agem·y tht•y sought, hi· :w1d Hequcst d e nied LOS ANGELES CAP) A fodcral judge has turned down 11 reque11t br o ppont>nta of the .f'eriphera Canul to block the Metropolitan Water DI11tr1ct of Su11the rn Cal1forn1a from t•ndon1ng the c."tmlroverslal t•arwl pro1oe·t Mount St. Helens erupts again M:A~~Y1VfR. Wash (AP) -"It came 1n with a wh11per hurmonH· tr"em or , an oozlun I.a · ft•eruihrupted ~xiay, ruther than a roar," 1aid A.B. underground ah1vn thut u.1ually ';.f va rom t e cruaty omt· Adams of the Unlvt.'r11ty of 1nd1ca tes th(' movemf'nl o f c~-oluvme ngri~~throot and 1shhootmg a Wuhlngton geophysics c..~nt.er In molten rock ln11dt-' the volcano e o s'"""am !!f•Vt.'ra t ousand &-attle "It a~ at this int • • eel into the air !ic:ientiatll 11a1d th t t' 1 .. po Tht• U S Geological S urvey · a 1 • non-o ent. d h u i . f Spolte r s 1na 11rnallplanf' Ab a I un t (' n Vfr111ty (J out a.m. a steam p umt• w h I d reporlt•d seeing gl o wlna 16 OOO f h as ington s1ue an «rupuon n rose to , eel over t e I I.a Th _ ... _ --' . avalanches on th<.· northeast llldt• W hl I a t.'rl te UillUild preulcung an . southwest u n ton vo cano • of the volcano ll dome.>, cind a light nd h lo 1 di!.J ted Th t r~.P.t1on within 3 hours d u al 1 n g 0 r a 8 h r" 11 0 n l hf' 8 t en 1 w Y pa · t' Shallow vokaruc t•arthqWlkes northw est flank • o f the plumehwaa dSel«tedl by NdationaI I that warn of eruption s ar~ mount.am Weal er erv ce ra ar n hec.·o mtng m o re numerous,'' Portland, Ore., about 50 mlle1 Don" Id Peterson the u s Sclenll!lt~ sauJ thc·y wt-rl·n 't 11outhwest of the volcano. Gc-olog1l·al Survey 'a<:icntist i sure ua<'tly wht·n the· erupuun Earthquakes continued to jolt charg<' of the Cascades Volcan~ began the mountain , inc luding» Obet.•rvuttiry, a&id LOW CIOUO I 1roro11gh m10.morn1ng bul 11111erw11• l•I• u1eno1ng to 1>1g11 ~1ouo1 w1111 ""llY t unny 1fternoon High tooey M to 73 O'NnlQtll low &2 ·10 se l -dOucl• out•no "'°'nl"O "'>url Selurdey beCOmlllg mo.Uy 1unny In tll• elte• noon 111gh 8 11u1oey 84 10 81 Hunt1ng1 on Newpo•• 11e1 ~•lur• fll\QI from • low Of M 10 • l'llQh 01 ea llte w t>e re trom P oi nt Conc epllon to 111e M•~lc1n ~Oer el\O ovt 60 ml... ~tty lght eno vet111>1e Wlf\01 nigh! 1no fnOfnlno. t>ec0m1no -tetty 8 10 11 knot• In Ill• •llernoon Wtlle'rl~ 1we111 of 1 10 3 l••t fetllti • .,noon clwllnQ lJ .. ~. IUllltlltary rornedo 11 •nd 11 1evy .~•lot"" llfouglll tot•etlll<ll "'"' end 11ooct1ng 10 P"h Of Te11•• end wHl••n Arlr1nue todey, lnJUll"O ctozen• Of people enct f orcing ot1>er1 10 II•• !'weterbounO MnlM ' "-cue WOtlL.,1 UNO boel1 .net ~Ill~ llUCkl 10 eVICUl 1e l bOUI r260 people In floooect or ~llooct·three1ened .. c.11on1 ot t WIChlll Felll , h.01 wheh • Holllct•v Cre•" •1c••d•O '" .,.,,, .. , ~•ng •• ,., ce.c;ect1no • dawn City w .... l!IMWMtt, •bout 80 reelCMnl• •I the Chepel 01 Cue nurelnt llome In lhermen, Tu wt,. 411.eu11.o 11ter s Inc"" of rtln =IN., .. fOUt btc>c*I of OWfl Aueun -• lllto under lhow.,, end 1huncteu110W.,• ~overeo much of 111• centr•I ,,.. •• 1"'· I OUlhern IOulh 0 111011 •;.nd 1*1• Of Ille UOI*' Mt•n 1pp1 v..., • tnow aontln...C In 11141 l'llOflef e lt v1Uon1 of Colorecto enct WyOfftlllf, '"d rein Ch•llf.O to "' ~-" W;oomltla Tempereturu 1ro·und fhe ~ IOCMY renoed from H ewllnt , Wyo , to 10 In owi--.. r ..... ' Low clouds prevail Ra1n CJ Snowl:J Showe<•• Flurrlff (!'t) ')fl en<! fie Ill Ir.. tnOvtl\alnt "Qnl 18 10 88 In Ille lllgl'l OHerl end 0.1-SA eno 94 In low OeMr11 Boet., e It om Po!nl eonc.ptlQtl I() Ille ~Jlk.en l>OfO.. cen eapec1 llQhl verleble WlnGI OvrlnQ nigM end morning lloura, «>•corning ""'"lo •oulllw•ll 11 10 to t& ~ nou a 11ur01y tflernoon w .. 1..-1y ........ llhOulO be rllf\nlng I 10 3 fMI Wllh 1· 10 3·100! *""° HATIC* .. YI ,,. Alb.ny 73 '<l Alt>uque Ill 37 Ametlllo 74 41 ... .,....,,.lie 87 63· Alletlll S7 112 Allllll" (.1y 81 116 Au1t1n 7& u 162 81111m0t• .. 64 81111:1r: 117 4A 0 1 81rmngnm 17 611 81ernetcii &e 52 8olM 71 49 &o.ton 611 53 8rownevtte 82 70 2 •• 8'.lflllo 75 50 ltut1111Q1on 82 42 Cuper !13 42 20 ~t1n8C IO 116 Chenttn WV Gt 52 Che1111e NC ~ 87 Cheyenne 40 33 28 ClllCeQO 811 60 C1nc1nn1ll 811 57 Cleveleno 82 ~ Clt>l1 M: 92 lie Cotvrnt>ve ae ae Oel-11 W11'l 73 83 42 OeytQfl .. 60 Oenv.t 61 41 u 0. MoH>M 71 N ... 0.0lt II .. °'*"" 41 43 .OI 11 ll'MO 77 50 ,.,go IO &a 02 "•'•" eo 27 Ot•I ,..,, u 31 HMffOfct 71 50 .....,. = :J3 HOtl04ulu 74 "-!Oii 77 .. i ... lnctNlph 17 M JllOt(tr1 Ml .. 70 01 J.ekemott. 17 51 N•tiicYt.tf 'Nf*1ttO-~nt.~ N<)AA \) '"J (Jni,it tJ'f (..~nu~f ., Fronl1 Cold ~ Warm .,.., O<.<.ludP.d .,.. Kant C1ty 10 l u Vegee 13 llllle Aoc;I! 13 L~ 88 lut>l>Oek ~ ~ Mlem4 78 Mflweull• llO ~SIP 71 Neenvttte Ill ,...... OrlMM ee IMw Yortr Ml Norfollt 78 HO Plelle 82 0ti11 Oty 73 ~·h• Ill •ncto ea P~pN1 II ,.,_,. 80 Plt1M>ur~ 83 ll'tlencl, M PtlenO, Ort Ill ~rovtdenoe 111 :::" 12 76 Seit Lei!• 16 lln.AMOfllo 12 ....... 6t OAU'~MA lleok., tflllO 8'yttle lurek• ,,MllO '--'"' ~~ •• 40 ., 84 n 82 4S 89 73 03 64 83 Ill 611 72 66 59 41 , 23 113 eo 22 eo 59 116 611 47 48 ae IO 4A 42 H 4() .. 81 ., 117 ao .. M 12 60 72 H ., MQntetey ~-Oeklel\O PUORoblel A.a Bluff Aeowooo City Sect.,....,10 81Hnu Sen OMc1o 8611 Fr~ICO Sent• 81r1>at1 Sente Melle Slootlton Thefmet Uklllh 8•rt1QW Big lk•• 81"'°9 Cetelltle long Buc;h Monrovt• Ml Wiiton Newpofthech Onter10 Pelm 89ftnge PMitdet\1 f::: 8ern81dlno 011>1191 ..,, JoM le.nte Anl aente Cfut T alloe Veley Extended weather 54 -.. 67 &3 82 00 IO 117 02 61 7• '47 &4 41 19 82 aa 50 ea 47 60 70 9, " 87 117 611 27 36 M $0 70 04 71 02 87 40 17 67 74 49 H It 74 .. 79 H 7S 611 le 61 72 11 82 " ... 2t SURf RIPOil IOUTHIAH CALl,OAHIA COAITAL ANO MOUNTAIN AAIAI -L iie nlt l'lt enfl morning low Oloudlneu. ~ ''*· bu! pr;..,. .. lllMe 111 rnount11111 H!Ofl• O 10 72 In lht ooettll .,_, l owt 48 to 61 Hlt h• 41 to H 111 the moum.lnl LoWt 21 to H T~1 ,.~ 111·2ft 1" t" '" t" 1fl "' ••• ft ,., " ... _ ... T .... .. SI .. .. .. " " .. .. .. FLA G GIRLS -Membcns of l larbor Senior CitizenH and Zonta Club of Newport Harbor raise new flags at clubhouse acr~ 15th Stret'l from Newport Harbor High From left ar~ Zontan11 Kare n Margre ta Wood and Lou1st: Hamblet und Ursula Varilck, !lt'Crt·tary of the sc·nior c a tizcns group Seniors, who u 1u: OeMr ~I~ lltJ L.M ~rtM clubhouse built in HHiOR with 2'...<mta lfUpport, g o t flu~s Crom Rt>p Rob('rl Badham and Assembl y woman M ariun Bt·rgt·i.on and donatc.>d them 1n flpprt..'<.'1a t11m of lo ngt1mt· Zonta C lub !!Upport o f prugr4.lir1 s f cir i.f·n1or citizen!> 'Buy America' rule costly to OC transit Thc federal governnwnt Isn't going to wa1v.-a ''buy America" rule which will <.wt th.-Orange County Transit Dlslr1<.•t un Jdd1t1o nal $1 million for the pure has£• of I 05 new bWleS The dla tra·t was Informed Thursday by an attorney for the federal Urban Mau Tr1rn111t Admml8traUon th11t the dt.atrlcl's reqUt"lll for a waiver to the "buy AmenCD" rule.· had l>eim denied The dlstncl had "°ught I.I> buy the new bua-s frun1 a C.anadwn firm, F'lyt:r lndu11trtl'8 Ltd . of W111n1p('g, for $15 7 m11Hon A A u r esu lt CJ f Thursdi.y '11 d1·dislon, th1· dlstrtl'l must now purt h &st· the· buNes from the.· sctond lowc.·11t baddt:r, Gillig Corp , of Hayward Gtll1g's bid wa11 $16 ff m1ll1on , or uhout one.· n11ll10n mo1t· lh&n F'ly .. r'11 Forum needs audie nce Audwn<.-e mt·mbcrs for a 11tud111 taping of a Ncwport Bt·ach ('abll· telcVllllOn program on JUven·h· c.·r1mc· problcma are being !IOught C1t1zen1 Forum, an huur-lrm.c talk program t o be.· f1lmt:d Monday, will ft..ature Newport p oli ce detf'l'l1v1' L avonne C a m p b t' I I a n d c I I n 1 1· a I p1ycholog11t Marmn Frw1 The show will l:>t' hosted by Ncwµort Coun<.11 worn.an Eve I yn Hart Th<' ~.30 p m lapin~ llelilllon will be held al thl' Gro up W Cabll' (formerly TeleprompH•r) ortlC'cs al 901 W 16th St To he come 8 mf'mbcr or lht• uud lt>n ce , call 642 -5797 Tht! Mhow will air In June· Glendale t.o get Laguna's Sanchis? Laguna Bea c h sc h ools Superintendent Robert Sant•his appl'an; a.s odds-on chmce t.oc:fay lo bt· appointed new c hief administrator of the G lt·ndalc Uni r 1ed School Distnct. Gl e ndale sc h ool board members meet Tul'llday at 7 pm t o officially announce the>lr chok't' for new supt>nntcndenl Unofflc1ally, sour<.'t'fi within the· Glendale system 1ndkatt• the.· scl tH'lt o n fr om numero ui; <·1rnd1dat1:s had bulled down to Ur Scinl'h111 and an rout·utor from N1·w York Sanch11o got tht• nod S u n l' h 1 s . 4 5 , h t· c a m t· MUfH'rtntendenl of th•· Laguna Bt•al·h Un1f1ed Sc:h,,ol Dti.lrict t•tght y(•urs ago. Pn·vwu11l y he W illj &b.'>1!11.<tnt supl'rtnlt.'nd('nt <and p r 1nc 1pal o f Arevalu11 and Nl·wland S<:houls 1n tht· fuunta1n V a 11 1· y EI <' m t.' n t u r y S c h o o I Distm·t tlLS !ialJry at L<iv.unu &•a(·h ts $45,000 unnuully 'f'ht· Gl('nd&lt· supt.11ntc rident '1t post pays $00 ,0110 , a1·c<Hd 1nf( lo June Sw1·1·tnJm. Glt·ncJ;dt• sdHJOI bou rd prt·'l1dt.·nt l.<illuna'" s( h11ol !'I Y'lt1·111, 111dud1ng uni· h11(h '!( hool, on1· JUlllCJr h11(h .:tnd two t·lnrwnt.ary ,.dlllJ>UM·~ ha-. -.u ffc·rMI lll'Vl•fl• f1m:1m·wl 1·utbado. <1nd dw111dll ng 1·nr111lm1·11t 1n rt·fl·nt y1·Jr' Enr1J llnwnt hu11 dr11pp1·d from a.2~1() to ~ ~11!0 1n th1· f)<l'll f•ighl yt'fll"'oi Church to hold May Fiesta Sunday A publit· fl<-sta at Our Lady Queen of Angl'ls Cath olH· C hurch, t o feutun· a c.·hdlln· to dunk u pru-st m a Lank of water, will ht-hl'ld ut lh1· Nt•wport Beuch chun·h grounds Sunduy from 11 ;i m to 7 o.m. Ttw ilrlllUJl M;oy fw:o;ta of (l'r'\ a v.1r11·t y o f h<1,llh ,, l(aml·i., 1 l'fn .. 1hm1·nt &nd 1Jv1· 1·11l1·rta11tm('11( Th1·rt· will bt• a rnHlt· with a $i,ooo prm· Th<· l'hUrl'h 1~ hx·utt-d 111 th1• mtNM'<.'lJ<in 11( Mur Vtst.;1 ;11H..I Domingo drav1'll Robtnsorl's ---- PLAN TO ATTEND OUR DIOR PERFECT NAIL CLINICS IN NEWPORT. MAY 20 AND 21. • ) And 111 111•.1 0111> 110111 you t Hll IPt11 n tlOW lo ,I( h1f•Vfl tJ p1o ll•·,•.1on.11 look11111 mtinic urn riqhl al hl')rno You II alVJ "'cc~1v~ your own wor kmq k 11 or lull '>llA 0101 nail p1oduc1•, 10 1.Jk11 ho me with you All 1n ;111, o 1ortll1c tmauly 111vPslm 1mt in<JPf'd' Kii (1nctuc1m; tlvo Dior essen11ots ) plus one·hOur c lnss 112.50 For you1 10Re1vo11on in Newport. Thurc;rlAy Mey 20 01 Frtd8y. Mny ?1 . 11 ,, m or 2 rm . ptooso cell (714) 644 2800 ftxl 681 Robinson I\ Co'imAt1cs 1:> f Orarw. tlnul DAILY Ptl.OT/ .. rtdty, MIY 14, teea N •• ~ ......................................................................................................................... ~ NYSE ' (~OMPOSITE TRAN 'ACTIONS ' \10f4flOlltt Uf(L\101 flADU Ott tit• •I W \'DU •. llllOWl"1 f'ACl"•C. "IW, ... fOft, 0 1 flOlf a•• Cllf,11111 .. fl tfOU a C11AftOU ........ lflO f \I fM li ••to A•O llfUllfl f ' I Dow Jones Final O,F1.33 CLOSING 857. 78 • mine output down WASHINGTON (AP) -Pruductl1Jn hy tht! naUon'1 factories and ml"4. fell O.e percent In April, con tJnulng a 11ldt: that hU teen output decllrw an u"hl of thf" laat nine monlh.t, t.he Ft.'deral Retlt'rv~ Board reported today Produ ction of con1umcr durable goo d i. lndudln~ earl and hom~ iOOdl -''lnl'rf.'Ulit'd m4lrkedly' In April, and there were moderau• gain.' for ddense and ipw..-e <.<quipmen t, thf report said Ultrasystem s earnings up Ultr~yatems, Inc of lrvlne repo~'<i tod&y u 52 percent In.crease In net lmv~ tor the qu:artN Net irn:.'Ome WIAS a rt<•ord $430,000, and t•&rr11nK--c per share lncr~aaed from 10 cent.a to 13 Revenues Jumped from $5 ,580,00 0 1n 1 ht· comparable• pt•rlod a year ago to $8,360,000 Ultrwiyswma dt-sagJU and ron»t.ruci. ro~wm•rat 11111 power plants, 011 refinery and petrochem1<·1tl pl,111t~. and alt.ernatave energy 1y1t.ems, in add1tJon to llpm·., and defenae-relat.ed acuvltles. Firm plans name chang6 Sou them C1tle1 F.lic·row Company. plans t.u 1•h<.mJ(t• Ill namP to Shearaon/Amerlcan Expr ess t:11cr11w Company . The Newport Beach-baaed t-x c row company, founded in 19~. haa 24 offices throughout Sout h ern Cal1forn1a and Hawa11. It plan11 w o pt•n bran<.'h offlcc.'fl and coordination of e.crow servlll-S with other Sht·arson/ American Expreu 1erv1c-er; PSA lay off pilots SAN DIEGO <AP) -Pacific SouthwHt A1rlm1.,,, blaming the slumping economy and a dN·hn1· 1n paaaengera, says ll llud off 20 pilota la5t month .md plans to furlough 10 more Monday. A 11pokesman for the San Diega.based airline i.;Jad Thursday addition.al layoft. can be expected 1( PSA does not get the flight.a it want.a In dr&wings held by the federal government The government st.artl-d lht· drawing to determine priorities for reduced flights lx-cal!M! of the 10<.·reaaed demand on the nation '!> ;iar traffk C'Ontrol aystem Drilling partnership ends Transaerr& l!:xploratlon-Co'rp. of Ncwp<1rt B N 11 h announced tht' cl01ing of a driUlng partncrahap with Sun L ife Assurance Co o f Canada and Allstate ln.surance Co. The partnership calJed for the 1nauranc-c companll"b to prov1dt: $7 rrulllon for drilling activ1ll<>8 during I ll8i and, at their option, another $9 mJIUon during 198:1 ll a1ao was anno uneed that Alatau.-lnsur;mct· < ".o purchued $~ million worth of Transac:rr&'s n(•wly lliSUed class Of prcderred stock As1um1ng tht• JHtt:i option for drilling funds la exer cist'd, lhl' l11ll.ll comm.itment of the lnsurance oompanl(>t lO Tr11rlb1l·rra la $21 rrullion. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS .. W VCJIM,fl (A;', ••.i.. ,.,. tt V'-.... •·d 1..-i ~ (/J tr•~ ~I • •• •"""'••M '#ti,,, ~ ~ t'IO•n\I "'•' •· •''• •t ,.,_• •w UPS AND DOWNS u" I ••I (lie U"-• • ..... , ... '"' • l t ' I 100 ...• 1 0 • , , ...... '"' ,.,, . ..... , . .,, , .... . . .. IJ'• • -· t•'• I I ... ~ + ~ 41 I '""' t)•· t " ,... . .. ..... "' t ,, I Ill) t •Ai • '"" OOWNi L•" COLD tOINS 11 , .. , 11 V. """ ,. """ ' 4\lo ~ ,, .,,. ,,,,, Wt ·~ '"' t~ II •· 14.., .. liD U'• '• ,,,. t o-. )II • ' I .,,, . '• ••• t ..... .... ,..,, t., ,,I. . I'. " 1:~ -= I~ .... Utt ,,, VII II t VP 11 t UC1 It: ~ 1~ ~= :f Up U UP t i Up t i u. • J Up • J Up t l VII • 0 VP H Up H Up tt VII \I ""' II 1 . , .. : i • .... :t 0 lt,...nlH. I ltO'f 01 . 1141.00, off .,t~· ...... '"'· 1 troy 01., U41.00, off l f,i!t.____ .. _.,._. U 1tootm ..... f1 .• OfflU O, AM',. :: 10A •'""· .ttol troy oc •• P.tlf.M,Off•UI. I (t ~'•••Ou •II .,.J 1• , .., , ... """ tla '"!ill ' Oomifo'"'' ~ IU'W Xl.J I .... ""' -... ,. .. MJ \<. Att\rtl"',. "'100 1• C>Ulf(..on Q r1 lfJll I> , ~:Jf,.~ n ~:: .r· R~J •1000 • • c.11.. ...... 01100 , .. METALS . .. '• .. HEW YORK (API -Spol nollleflOUI metal Pf~ toOey C...., 71"·1 I cenll a pound U 5 OMllNlllOM L.-.. 2'-27 C4Wlt• • povno !Me SI 1*111 a 09Uf\d. Oell-llO 1"111 M Ml I Meitlft w .... CQM90eil• lb All.A llMIL'fl 7t-77 C*'lll a pound NY ......, '370 oo per n .. ~ ,......_ '301 00 lroy 01 H '( SILVER Hand, I Herman H 7•0 p., 1roy °""°' GOLD QUOTATIONS .....,, ... , morning flalng *33 I ,6, up 10 76 ~ en.,noon N•lng 133'.l '6 up IH5 ,.,_ 1336 ae up IO 09 ,,...f\ln: 1335.~ I, up ., 41 J!¥t .. fl; Lett ll11ng 1333 00 010 up p ,00; t3M 00 .... td NIRllr a HerMa11: only dally QuOI• t.m ti, up N 21 a..111w• on1y de11, quo•• 1333 26. •tf,n . II ..... only delly quoit leOfleated Nott.o •• uM. r·4 ... _-.... ·--------0r-11'99-;-.-0oelt'Cf!!!"'• --=L-Y-P-IL-0-Tl-l'rtd-ay-. Mo~~. 1H~ . . NEWPORT HILLS CENTER Day at Newport Hills Center Saturday, May 22, 1982 Featuri ng: Food, Prizes, Country Western Band and SIDEWALK BARGAINS MERCHANTS' DIRECTORY Allyn-Black'a Hair fuhlon Bank of America Bonaparte Bakery Coaat Federal SavinQ• E.-S.nauala, LtnQerie Schuyler C Joyner, D D.S • M.S Orthodontic• John I. McGlauQhlin, Inc Investment S.rv1c" 640-9494 759-4572 759-1100 759-0181 644-1169 759-0882 640-9381 . '.u;~ Needleport Newport Hilt. Animal Hoepital N ewpott Hilt. DruQa Newport Hilt. Flort.t Newport Hilla Travel Newport Hilla Shoe Repair Kenneth B. Schwan, 0 .0 .S. General Dentittry Parlutr'a Peta WiQe CooQtry 644-7597 Outstanding Selection of Every Day & Special Occasion Wines At Discount Prices. Domestic and Im ported Beer TH€ ~RINGE BENE~IT NEWPORT BEACH e FABRICS e NOTIONS e PATTERNS M4-IOIO •• ,. 759--0567 759-1911 640-7373 640-7980 644-7371 640-7302 640·2970 Ralph.a Market Sparklln9 Clea.nera The Frin9e Benefit Traditional Jewelen Vlllaqe Home 0..lqn W alhr & Lee R..t Lt.te ~hat'a Cookinq? Re.tawa.ot Wine Country Bud Graham & Soa'1 Uaion 76 644-7992 640-9440 644-5080 760-8035 640-9193 759-1 501 644-1820 644-7597 644-7151 9 Traditional Jeweler s 760-8035 DESIGN • CUSTOM WORK JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIR FINE JEWELRY • GEM STONES CONCORD • SEIKO ROLEX WATCHES HOWARD MILLER COLONIAL CLOCKS Cadill4c Of Lingerw For that Essential Gift! Oeelgner Labels Setec1 llem11 Fallhlon Showe Available Men Welcome Gift Certificate Available Vi1a!Mcuter Charg~ 644-1169 ALLYH-DLACK'S HAI" FASHIONS MEN& WOMEN APPOt~EHT •