HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-15 - Orange Coast Pilot( ( ~ ORANGE COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER OH ANGE COUN t Y . L ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS • Local funds needed for river plan Hy t'REl>ERl<:K SCllOf•:MJO:UL 01 lh• 0 .11, Piiot ... ,. I .1 • ;i) guv1·1111111•11l Jl lf !'>du 11111" ,111 · j!o1111g lo h,1\'t 111 lwlp 11UI ti 1111· .1111l1rl111u" $1 1111111111 pl.111 1111 tli11"t pr 11t1•111111 .il1111g tit• S.111t.1 i\11.1 H"1·1 " lo ''"'11111• ,, 11 ·..,ltt>v ,, r.111k111g l•"hr;d 111 1111.d ,,,y., S p 1•ak1ng 1n S.111l.1 And 0 11 Fr 11l.1v J\.,.,,..,1,,11t S1·1 1 •·t.11 v 111 tho At Ill\ W1l11.1111 ( :1.111dlt '-lltf 111111 l1 ·cl1·1.ol '"1111 , • ., lilw l\ .,.. ,111,.. fl q11111•ol tu 11>tllf tl 111l1• .11 lt .. 1i.t :1~1 114 111 Ill 111 tlio· '"'' o f 111.1)'11 111·w flu•HI 1111111111 11111.)111°', .,111 Ir·'" 1111 Jlflll•l'HI .ill 11\t I pl,111' 1111 1111 S,1111.1 /\11.0 Hl\11 '1'1!1• lJ S J\ I 111 V ( 0 111 I" 11 I l•:11g1111 ·• r., Ii. o.., ''"II II 1. II 1 •cl I h.1 I $I l-- l 11II11111 111 d.1111.1~1· t 11uld •ll1 llr 111 <•r .111 g • Ht\'1·1,f1f1 .111 d S .111 WILL SHE OR WON 'T SH E '? UC Jrv 1111· .. 1•n1111 D1<i111 · Ta ... t.1k;1 l1J1Jk., l1k1· ... tw has hl'r doubts :rbuut tht!> gournu·t ga.,trnpod. 1·v<·tng 11 t·rrt1c<.1lly cift1·r r<'muvtng t ht· -.hi·ll l \4 •1111111111111 ('11U11!11·i. If p tt1lt'C'llUll 111e·a ">Ufl'" 11long !Ill' I tVl'I ,11·1· nut 1111pl1.,,11•1111 ·d Wl11l1· di V 1110 .. 1 ul tlll' v1•.11 , t ht• S.1111.1 i\11.1 111uld '1"11 11v1·r and 111u11tl.111 · h0,000 .u ,. . .., ol l.u uJ tn l)1.011g1• ('rn1111 y :1111111• during u m 11J11r flood . u ff 1c.·1ol!> :say Nlt-ai.u1 , . ., 1·:11l1•d 1111 111 th1• ph111 w11uld pr 11v1d1• pr olt'C'llflll u~ut ruit th1· 'Yl" u l f111o<l 1·x1.x'<·h'tl ont~ I 00 Vl'lll I< Hi· I .1 I(• d I fl I It I' f u II cl I II ~ t 'ju1•-«t11m ti. till' 1:-.. .. u1• ot w lll'th1•1 .i 1.i111 i.hould b1• built 111 1111· M 1·11111n1· a11•a of S.an &·111..inl11111 l'ountv W11h11u1 tht· d..im. tlw pror.'( i would n.ii.I .1boul $1i511 11111 1011 anti pot1•nt1t1llV l'ould he · mor tt like ly to recttlVt' ftodt.•ral a pproval O tlwr 1mpro~nH•11 ts would Dellf PUol l'ttoloa by LM P•JM MOMENT OF TRUTH 0.'<·1tJ111g ... tw may <.is w1•ll t·mbark on th1• n .. ky 1·x 1w rim l·n t. tvt... T a ... aku hC's tt:.it mgly sli ps t h e -.natl 111111 h1 ·r mouth Never Inind pesticides, pass the garlic B} JOEi. C BO:\ Of lh" D•1ly Polol '.ilafl H-. 111 " ""'fl ·" 1 ••llflf l'o·lt r 1~1.,.. I• r \.\ ,1.., .011 ""I'"' 1 rt lu ti l't' Ir\ 1111 ~·1.1du.ot1 1ttd1 111 v. ho fl ho d o I 1d1 d 111 "U Jll•lt 1111 Ill lit ... trl•".oµt I dtt t \.\Ith ~•11111 I flfflflll1r1 11.11 k 1..11tl "fl.lit... No "' ~·;11rit 11111, 1·11q1I""''" ·'" I'< 'I , ·""1"1.1111 rl1 ·.111 111 •.1ud1·11h 111 fl lr•lio , tlu td• ,, ••I If• .1l111g 1111 • 1111111111.111 d 111 tho 11111 .11 I 11! I llfl l\.,of lfl ~I ,ofld I IOl•l-lfl~1 t lt1 "' l'.tlflll•·•ll ot.t1111111 k1111\\ll .•• ''"'llf~'fd ~ .11t1•dq1 •h· h.etJtl • lJI ·-,IJ tt "' 1 Tl11 p1111~:• 11I .1111111.0 "' 111 ... lt g.111 11 "'-·•fltd 1l11111q:lt 1111 II fl l\'t I 11 \ (', II f I I I 11 1111.li·i. t-11d.01., .1 .. 1\11\.\I• r 111f111·d ,, It ., , ,, ri .1" I"' r r 11 I I' CI " (''"'I" r.1lfV" ( }u1d1o<11 l'1 11µr,1111 S11111• .111d1 11i... dot 1tl1 ·tl 111 "·1· ·Wlt.11" '1111k111 1 · .. rilv 111 turn .. 1fl.~11 t Iv ,, •• 11 \,\It 1· 11 I h I v dt"' •1V1 r• d lt11· lotll 111 f.111 · h.od l.H 1·n pluo k1·d 11 11111 tit• g.1rd1·11 q f Rowff·1 .., L<.igun;. lk.1< h horn1· Rt1v. 11 r h.od 1111 111• ,, llu .. ltmv 1 llll• I ' Ill 111 .. 1 •••• k\.ord \.\.I ri· f'drlil1 lllotd t.1 11 "''' ol 1111 .1 l1.1llh ,, lttll• '""'' 11 1.111 Ill "'"""ago 'Att1 ·1 I 11 11·d 1lo1111 I k111 v.. 11 wai. tlt1· f lj•,ltl ll1111g Ill d11 ho -.o11tl 111 l.11• 1 11·,11111 d tlt.11 N11rth i\1111 111 ,, I" JU°'I <1'1/111g V.tlh a 1.o1111 I\ 11111111111111\ k1111wn ,,., brown gJrd1·11 ... n.11h which .1• I u.111 \ .1 1 • 1 111·11 .. lto d .ornonJ( Ew•>f""'" 1·111111111.,-..·1 11 , Tho \ W1·11 · lll1fil1f t1 ·d 111 th1· lJ 111 I• ·d ~I .1I1 '" 11 I 1 I 11 11\ 111' .111d ""It t• lt.11.1 11wl 1111 .1111 111 .1 ">Ito; llllfrt •ol lt•fl t lt .oto I lot 11 11d1 I WORLD p .ol,otf 1,f .oft 1·'>1 .of ~111t ,of r< 11111.1<111 11< ·,,,,d th• "'""'" g.11d1·11 .. 11.111 oot lit hx ·"I" 1 ..,., It • .-. lw1 n \ 11 111.1 II' \\ "" ·d 11111 111 Eur "I'' dw 111 11\• I h.of\'t·.,ltr1l1 · V.'111 11 1.•111 a.i lk .• 1 ... u1 .. 1.·pp111g 1111 ..,,.,,r1., t lw\ r ,. I 1·:111 "1''"1"" I l11111t111d "''" Hi1\.\l1·1 wit•• h,,, ,, of,,. \I 1ra11· d .. gn·1·, 111 l1111l11gy 'Jiu \ ""'uld 1,. "'"'' 1li.111 ol I I I ~ lo 1 t d I •1 It .• \. I I Ii I' "l•I"'' 1111111\ 1•1 do v. lt.11 v.o 11 do oll 1~' 1111\.\ ho .11 folo d pl• •jl)'ll 1~ .1 l1.111dt11I 111 Ir \• '"·'"" 111t.r ,, p.111 111 f.1111111~'. \.\ .olt I '-i11.11t.. 111 1,. '"''"Vim d -.h ould 111 kt 111 Ill .111 t 111 11"'1 ,j ,111 ,o .t11d lid 1111 .1t 11 .... 1 111111 "'-''" 111 I> U f J.! t J II \< JI t • ' I I I I d f• t 1111t.1111111.11t11n fr11111 I ho tr ho.tu·" It• ... 11d Tlw\ o .u1 I"· r ,,,.,..ti 1111 ,, d11 1 of 11 lllll •. ••r ,,.., -.orn1 1-'fl·rn h 1111111.ory '>.p1 ·1 h pn·f1·1. "''"• ll·d Ito 11 .... rru f "I'''''" Ito g 1\1 1111 .,,..,tf 1111 ,ol olll I \If.I f.o .. 11 IMMt .. lt•f '1111 · .. n.oll ri. krlh-<l l1v hrnl111g ,,,, r1v1 · 11111\Ult..... Thi· bod y .... r 1•11111V1'fl from 1111 .. twll :1111( tht· g .ii I 11 r 111 If• :.t 111 .ti m .it I 1· r '·' p.11 .llc ·d from 1111· t..1s llt·r "f1111t " .... I I 11111 1\ I l•·r 1 lw "111111 h .1., h1•(•fl 111 '"" d or "' -.11111\ 111,1tr11g ll ('<tll 114 ... 1u11o;·d w111t g.1rlr• .md liut11·r .111tl \.orUr f<.a\'OllLI "Vll'I''> 1\ lrttlt· Fn·mh lm·ad. d gla~.., of 1 1i • .t1l1" .ind v111 l.1, 1'!-.('<1rgoL" B11wll·r ali.o 111ok1 ·<I up :1 hl!ll'h 11( l'ann('d Fri·n' h CS<'argo ts, but 11111'<1 1111 11\tolJllt I If f IH· .. 111,ofll•f I .1w1111.1 li<·,11 It \·.a111·1v ,, v1·rc t.1hl1 · Christ 'alive in I .. 011don ' A Brat4sh a uttfor-l<·c·lurl'r said in Los Anlo<(t·les Frtcl:.ty that C hrisl 1s alive.· :.i nd w e ll a nd l1v1 ng sn Lon don's P a k1s ta n1 community II <· da1ms Christ makt·s speeches cvPry Saturday Page.· A5 NATION R eagan gifts d etailed WASHINGTO N (AP) P rcs1<.IC'nl H11aga n reported Friday tha t he and his wife N a n c.·y 1:m·<·pted gifts worth more than $3 1,000 during I 981 Taxpayer protest d eductio n Thc.> Inte rnal Revenue Service 1s getting a lo t o f messages the vast majority loud a nd angr)' about the $75-a -day tax deductlon Congr(..>88 voled for Itself. Page 85. , d1 I 1~:1t 1 t\ 11ol \ 11u 1 1·1 1.1t11 Iv 1 .m I f1< ·,11 I ho fll II I don t l..n11\.\ \.\ ht·rc you l"iHt ._~I'! 1li1·m -..ml 11n1· till\ftrrnl-<l F1 • ·r wh 1 ~ .11 gol lo\ 1·1 foll11\.\ 111g lwr 111 .. 1 t.1i.U· of tit•· LJ~Una lit .11 h hr .md ·All ov1·1 llw ... d1·""·.tk at 111ght " 'ill:tpJ.Jt-d Bowh·r "NOT BAD, NOT BAD" Juclg1n~ I mm h1·r s mtl1" Ms T .... :1k,1 has d1.,.·ov1·n·d that s limy b1wky;1rd n111llu"k" 1 ;m lw tunwd 111111 a t.1<,IY tn•;1l STATE Mu.'tc un1 rolling in money With an f'ndowmcnt of more.· than $I b1lllon. lhl' Gelly MuSf•um an Malt bu 1s tn a pos1 t1on to domm ult· the art mark<•t. Page Bl 1. Brown 1>raises arn1 proposal LOS ANGEL ES (AP) Guv Edmund G Brow n J r praisf'd P rc·sid<.'nt Rc agun 's nudL·ar arms (.'Onlrol prop osal Friday as "as W(•lrom<:' a nd con s tru<·t 1v<• move," bul said "a bila teral nud<.·ar fre<.·w 1s nN'C.h ·d now. COUNTY 'Beast' may be a lransient Buena Park police have taken all the fun out of tht "mo111t.er'' watch by declaring the "beast'' may be nothing moro than a long-haired transient. See photo, P age A3. --------------~------------- 1111 l1Jd1 11il.11 g111g 1111 ,.,,,,, .. ,. ,., .11111 ( )11111 Ill ,If ( '0011111.1 .111d • lt.111111 I 111q11 ""''"'' 111 .ol11111: 1111 100111"1 11f \h1 11\t•f .11td oolll 11111 111.ojoot t1tl111t.1111 ..... 1ril1 .1 1•11 ( .... k (; I ,1 11 I I I t ., .11 l I I I \\ I I I Io• 'ol1t1111111' !11 J!l·t .o l•f•1j1 ·t I 111 tl11 111.1g111111dt· 111 1111 ~.1 111.1 1\11.1 ,.1 •• 11 tltrllllJ..:h lltl ft•do 1.il 1111 111 111 l\l.111.11•1 1111 111 .111.t ll11olgo t 111d1 .. ,· 11111"\ .ol 1\ I f lliioliiljl flll 111111.o , o,111111 do \I td l\J o • I 1111• \\ o I Io l I 11 .o I I 111 I \1111 1\111,lf \ \\Oii l ~fll l l •,, 1 11,dt 1h.11tfll.6H 1,t ttH .,, 11 1):• c',,IJt.I ~ Hu.11d "' • ti' t ,_ I I •• •I .11 it I , • f If I .• 11l.•I1 \I t 11t l(l\11 11!0 o1111! ~.11t l'.;111,ud111i o Tragedy stalks two families Hy STEVE MITC lll·:l.I. o r th• O•llr Pilot s1 .. 11 '1'111' K1 ·11dalf:-.111ol tlio V.'.rll,111 " dlt' Ill l,1\\1" .111d 1111 \ II\ I .11 1 11'•~ tit• """' t11111 1 1.1111 1111111 Ill t-:11111 .tld IS.o\ B 111lt l.1111111,.., 11.1\1 '"'" .,ft,1k1 11 111, .i "111 11t tr 11•1·dr• tl11 p.1..,1 IH r11•111llt tlo.11 lt,1\1 t.1k1 fl tltt· II\• -. 111 I 'If If 111 t Ito 11 ftll'lllfH·I" Tiii' l;rt1·,I d1".1lh 11111111 oof Tu1· .. dav 111 Lagu11.1 I~"" 11 v. 1111 lltt· .,iHlllltflg 11{ ,)Jflll'" 1\11llt•1ll\ K1·11d ;ill :! I Jll I Jr .111 g1 ( '"""' ('ti 11 t g , ... I lJ d I II I .... "ti h I 11 I 1 cl .. II ,J k I. ti I 1 II d \ \\ .• " d "'' II\.' f • 11 ·d I \.' 111 g 11 • • ii .1 I It ll 1 t ti park 111g I• 1l lit" g11ltr1t·11ol 111 '""" .1.11 , I .. 1111 . • I ·' ., . FI.,., I \\ I I It \\ 1 .. "" K o 11d.dl f l'jlllf l1•1fl\ 11.od 111 1•f1 t1\111g '" 1·nd ,, '"'"·'"'" 11·l.llr1111..,htp. l.o\ ltt ,of l1\ L.1gu11.1 (\t.,1ch J111l1t • 111 •)11\• r<.11 "" I-••hi 111111 l.olh "''•llf11l< 1, K1 ·111f.11l th1·11 llll llf'd .. .!.! I """I 11 ·v11lv1·1 011 lt1 •1.,,·11 111 ''" ""' 11q11 111 1•nd ht•r ow11 ftft Tlw girl. wlt11 1• 111.1111" 111 ~'""I I 1111d1l1111l .11 l l( 'I Mt ol 11.ol ( ·, ,,,, f T H E C HEF l'C'J ', as!>1stant dt•;.in 11( -.tud1·nl" p,.,,.,. Aowlt·r. 111t1oduc1·d s l u ch · n ts to ;1 ( • 11 11 t 1 n 1 • n t ; 1 I dc•l1t'a('y, c•.,(.':.irgot , •1~ part 111 lil t· ('CIO pPr;1tJ \'I' 11utd1111r pr11g1 ;11n INDEX Clas.s1 f l('<I (. ·:i (j Comics Bl :! Commt•nt 8tt t'l'Ol>.'-WOrd Bl:! Dt·nth Nol1cc~ Hli En lt•r t<.i tnmc•n t (.'I :! Mov1<•s C I -:! SPORTS I tl1111•1 d \111 1 lloo ll1li1dt f l.11111 '"' 111f ill I 111 fot ftlll 11 If louf.,, r1 I '.11 1111 \fl '' l\Jo flll11t.ol l '.11 I I• "" 11111 1~ 1lo1 111 .1 1111111.il 1111 ,, .. ,,"'"\\Ill .tll• 1111 1111 .. '""' ,,,, ) loo•lll,11' olod ;\)11 I.Oii "' t1of,1JI ·'"' ""'" • f \f.. 1 .. If 1n11t Ii .• g .. f•ol olo• olloo I 111f \\off I 0111 1\,1 1d.1I: I • \\ 1. • • •I I ' If \\ I 1 ' 11 I 1 I • ll lJ''' I lol'lill 111.oflt lf ld 111 d 111111 I lllll!lfll 1111 Ill \\ I l11111•l111t 11 1 ot 111 •t I "I 11 ,1 I• I '°"""I' .. 1 •I I• •ii tr•,• d 1• uft1 It d ft.. I I 1. I: • 11,,,, I ! 'I' I I , , I l \\ • I •fl''... .. ... Fol· I" \\ '''·"I I· rl· • ,, \\ . .it.... 11o .. ,., .. h• 11d,,jf I lot II• t "" ...,,. 11111 1 I I Ko ooof.oll \\ . .Jl.11• d rod !h l Ill !'1,() \\ltt11 1111 I~ • ' 1 .. , ... ,H' '•' "*"' II• • lo llf' Ill I I I f.o fl fllt1 lft1 t ',J. ,, ,, I· . t. t I t 11· \ ' I .! t\l r \\ , ,, , , 1 lf•J'' 1 ,,,,, ~ 1111 '' •111 ,t l.t t.,.,, ..,!, .\lit It .tl111tl11 • 11d• t 1.1111rr1• d u11u !u I •I I , ,,.,. t ,,,. dt if I •• I I 't It \ I .u t •t ol 11• tl11 l\l•oi·"' l>t •II ,rt .J11 k l'r11l1l1 111 t111 tl11 t\\•• f.1111rl11 d Id I I fl I ~ , , d It d I 1. '"'' I IL.! .I '111 • h.1 11d.oll do r11, I"' ~1 ,, I· ii•• lo\\ oil 11 • 111111111• o1 In lttt Uth ll t \. • t 1tl' u11d .d l lH "" , .. , .I .of (.'"If' , •• 111111 11111 ·11.111 """ \ l.01111 1. ''"'" \.\11111.111 .11d ,111 11111·10 ol ,, lio .of I .rlt.11 h ~It• 11 111.ollr II« fi l 1 ol 111 tf lfo ,t,.fil o f l ,, ,., ti fllfj Britis h j<·ts hit is land airfield H\ I h1· \"1w1alt'd l'n''' H 111 11 ... t11111 I l.01• .. 111 '"' 11'1.I f ''" r .r1k1 .. ,,o11 ,, .. 11o1 11 1<1 .· ·.\111, J' I I "I I ol ' I f 1 .. 111 I oo I ' t I 11111 I It I J\r 111-.11 \\.ol ti•• I .oll.11 l-11 11• tho .111 ,,, Joi .ti ll11 • ··1111.11 I fl\ «I S1.111I • \ tit• H11t1"h 1>1 I•""' l'v11111 If \ ,111111111 1111 d Ill 1 .. 111d1111 1\1~·· rot11 1.111 J•••t• ol t\.\11 H1111 .. l1 .rt ,otl.10 1,, tf St.or.I•\ 11111 • l.111111 of 1111 \ \\I 1• 111 1\I II ,,,,,,, .11111 .111•1 .tt 111• It 111.1 ol1 1111 1111 fill'ill 111 I I IJ,d llt ... llf d.t1Jl1•J..!'' 1\ I.off f • "fllflllflllljllt II\ lho 1\11'• 111111• .J .. 1111 < 1111 I 111 St.ii I r•1•11l•ol 11d1"'"'"·"' h.od l.Htll loo· I \.\ tllr Iii• ,\I l'' 111111.1 111)' hJ.o ofo (,,,.,I· I 1of11 \\ 1111 11 11 111 1 \,,,.., I IW·'I'' d Ill t1.111 ''"'' ,, II\ !lit'" . Ill ''" l\l.11\ '"·'' t I .ilkl.111ol .. 1 .111 ·.1 II ,.,,of .011 11111 ""I\' "'·•Ith \,\ I , 111 1111 I V,,I\ loot flt1 \'t"'-"'' 11111 J:.o\I 1111 fllf tho I tf• 1.lflo, ) I 11 I• •1111 ( 'I 111 I 1 of '-,t ,t 11 .11"11 I I ll d ofl 11fl 11 1.ol f I llllf I 1111 th1" olo .od .11111 111 1 1111• lr11n1 tht• 1\ll'I flfflll I Jiii t I (,1 fll J,il H• I 1• 1 ·"'" ,,,., h 1\1.1 ' .! ''' .1 Ht 1t1·,l1 .1 11Jrr1.11 111• -.1111111 111 thl' I '.olk la11d• 11 "" .\11 I .. ,11111 II \\I 'll' 1111 ,.ffll' I ~·fl \\If I ft .... Ill d olfld '..!() t~1·t· .. ALK LA"\l>S, l'aitt• A2 I P u hit<' Not tt'f'S BO. Ci Hd 1g11111 Hl:i Sports Bl 4 l'dt"l.'l'>llHl Biii Ttwat1·1-. <.:I ~ W1 ·at tw r A~ Youth ilH Angels, Dodgt•rs w in The Angels dt>fC'a tl'Ci Clt•vl'land. w h1lt• F<•rnando pa<.•t-d tht> Dodgers to u win ovt•r th<• M<'ls takers do it again The: L a k crs m a de 1t thrct• in a row over Son Antonio w ith tht'lr win Friday night. S<.'<' S ports. Page Bl J . . ... .. _...__ --~'-~--- \ ............................................... _. ................. .._ .... __ ~--~-r---;-~--~~~~~----· ~· 0 1 llQ• COHI DAil y PILOT llaturday, May HS, teea ~\ \\' Continued stories hod11 ·' liud l1t111 11~11v1·11d II "4rn l 1111 l.11111l1t .. 11( lh1· 1111 ..... 111y t..111 11 ... fl 111111111 ·ti 'I I 11 • 111 V. f o111 I' I ff I 1111 oil I .. 111 jl ... , 111,.1 '>Ill• I M1111d.1\ I .11111 ,,, \J N IM'oll I l,1lk" I 11l1•11•cf .1 I 111 11 oil 'llHj.('' 1111d I Ito• S11v 11·1 111111111 d1'l·l1•11•d Br 1u1111'•, wo11 11111 .. 111 Iii•· S111111t 1\11.111111 "111il.1wl11I " M11.,. •1w' v..11111111-( 111 Hr 11.1111 fllll 1111 S11\ r•.., -..1u.111 Iv "" tit• •Hit· 11f /\r i<•·l 111.1 1111d 11 .. L.11111 Alllt'l 11.tll ·""' Ill 1111' J-.1lkl.1f11h u ,,,,., w .... 1i1111-tt1111 11.; .. ""'''" """" H 11t.1111 ,, 1'""111111 111,.i ti,,, 1.,_1l11lf'll llw IJ111l1·d SI.II•", 11•1111 111•"1 S111111t 1\1111 111.111 111111111 ,, .. , •Ill 1111 · 1 ... ·.111 '1'111 · Hr 1t1i.li I >1·1• ll">l' M1111 .. 11 'I '\Hid 1111· r •lld 1111 1111 S l111il1•y I 1• Id liy S 1•;i lf,11f lf•f Jf•li. Wll'> "1t1 '\Ul>J>'ff I 111 lh• 1 •111t11111111g 1 111-.1 lil•it k.1d1 111 Iii• .... 1.111d.., 11 '·''"ti l111tl 1111 fl""',, 111 '·''"·"'"' A l1f I• I 1111111'>11 \. ,1,1111111•111 """ 1Jlh1·1 S1•,1 Jl,,1111 I jt'I'> v. 1•11• m1111111111g , 1111111.11 .111 p.111 111 • • • 01111111111 1111 , .. 11.1111 .. II did 11111 ·•IJl'l'Uf lhlll 1\ I j.(1•111111.1 lt11d I'' 11111plt·t.I I hl· l,11' 11 .ti l,11 k •, h<y II Ylllj,( Ill l111.,1k 11111111gli 1 t.1· lll1ll'k.1tlt• Tli1· 1111111 ... 11 \ ,1.111·1111•111 k1111I, "II '' , 1111.,1ol1·11·d 1·x11 .. 1111·l y 111dlk1·lv 11 ... 1 11.1 1w111111.1 1 ..... 111 •• 11.1u1·d 111 11111V1 '•lll•t1l1t"1 l1y ,111 111 hl'ol 11v1•1 1111 p .... 1 l1 ·w d.1y, dur 1111( 1111' ·•IU'f''"'fV1 11·11il11f11•11w11l •11 1111· 111111 k.1111 A M 1111,11' ,,,.,k, ... 111.111 111ld t\,..,.. 1.111 d 1'11·" 1111 .111.11 k'I W1•1t• lllll I 11 11 ,1111•11 ti •I Ill •I J 11 I • n-.:••J.~• •n• nl 1111 H11t1-.lt .1111t,,,.,,,,11for, 111 tlw I 111111 d N.1111111 •• 11ul IJ111t1·d St.111·-. v. 1I1 ·,1111111111111 ii 111 l.1111111111 1111 w I 1 k 1 ·fl ii c • 111 .., II 11.o I 111111' A l-'1111 11(11 UI r11 ,. '>p11k1 .,,,1.111 111 I .1o11d1111 '><ltd f11')(11t1.1ll•1ll'i ••• t lll' t l11111d N.t111111' h.1tl 11-.11l11tl .1 .l,1j•1 \,\ 111 II' \\I ll11111gltl If W111ild Ir If • lid' 1111 1111 lw11 tltpl11111.1h 111 t.111 I 1'111111 M1111,l1 r M.11~,111 ·1 I li.111 It• 1 ·"'" 111·1 ·•·n 1111 1111111 I• I'> Thirty Grand Jury fin a lists listed (Jr ,111g1 ( '111111f •, '-;up• 11111 ( '11111 l 011111.ol ........ 1111111111111.i llo1 , ••• ,, ..... ,,, 111 ,,. , ... , •• 11•1111 "'"''lo lilt· ll!H;! 11:1 ( 11,111d .J111 v will 1 .. ..c•lt1·t1•d ,JI .111 l lJil l1llllllJ.( d1 ,1Wllll'. f1 11111 1111 l1lllo .llJJ4 l \l .... lff,d d, .... , fl I ", I Id.. 1\., k 111 )1 I I WI 111·1 . ('11-.1.1 M• ...... J11il y H1ll11tJ<'>. ~"I . h11m1·m;ik1·1 I .•1g1111.1 I~ ... Ii 1<11111, I H111Y,11 "I.,, l111 ·d N•v.p1111 IS•.1111 f .. 1111111 f ,, 1111.11d I.! 111111 1,11 I , < flj~lf11•1 I '"'"'' 1'•11111 H.1d1.1f.1 l.•1VI II ,o J1lll1l11 It l.1f1•1ll 11 f1f1 ,• rol.illl.'t Nc WJll•f I H1 ·"It .111 d 1-:lc .111•11 Wil·>1Jfl f \ I• lflllf '(1\.1111 ~1•1111 1h1 lou11h •UfJ4r \1 ... 11.d dr 1111 I .11 • ll.11 •1ld 111111~ 1,J 111111d A11.olt•1111 N.1111 " l <1q1I-.• tf1 li••rro• 111.1k• r A11.ol11 1111 c ·1,,,, I• 11 111111 •.' 11 .t11111 1 ll.0111•1 c .1111111 M"ltr ,,, .1·11 'll1j1l•1\1" 1\11.ol11 '"' S"'·'" l'.11 k• r ~a v•1lu1111 • 1 Wt1fktf (J1 .1llJ(' .111d f11..,.plt1111 V.1111 Ill 11•1111• 111.ok• r 1\11.1lt• 1111 l-1 .. 111 llo• lforrd ''1"'"•~•11.tl d1..,11ut ·••• r..1.t1Jl,n }-11111h •' Hill fl••f di 11:111 f f .. 1 fl . .111 .1 H 11 .... 111 '"" t II ftl! II I 111 d ... , '1'•1111H11lt,11d11 .11 \ l1tl,111111·d 1·1 .... 1111.i "''" lr v 111 w., ..... 1111 . 1:! I 1 ·" I l,111 dt \ f l11f)4'f I 'f,tl t•flfj,j I 111111 1111 ·""fl" '"l"'f \t .... 111.11 111.1111 I ,,, , l•J1 ·•11111 l~·111l.1 ll I.! 1 .... 1 .. , w •. t11111 .... 11·1 1> •• ,1111t· 1· .. 11 ... 11 •• 1 11111111 111 •• k•·•. 1.1,, i\l.111111••· ll1llv1 H1tld '.1'1 1111111~1 · 111 Ir 111 1•11 lli1111111j.(l1111 H•·,11 It l.11 k '-i1rll1 v.111 fill ft 'lll"" 11111111111:•••11 l~ .11 Ii M .11 • 1.1 '1'.111 v ( v •.. ,, •• , .\:! 11li.ol11l1l.t111111 '111111 ·' 1111 ll11111111~t11111 111 .II 11 .111.f I· 1.111k 'A'1 l11 r '' 1111 d 11111111111•11111 I~ .1111 "'''"' , ... 111 ,1 '>llltll \1,1111.d d .... 1111 l ,1f I V11 k y (',1,'lf•lllll :lfi It,, II 'l ' w I ( ,. s ,, " t •• A 11 .J 1\.1 ,. I v 1 fl K r 111nI(Ii,.1 k ~1 7 1•111111 (,,,,d111(;,,, .... , .J i ,.,. I !\J, ll.1111 1 I """II 1111 "1 1111 "' ,, • ..,,,., 111 .1111 <'•11 ,1 flv1•·d•1 ·1 1 :,,,,,,,, 1\11.i St.11111 " 'I 1tl• 1 v.1 f1 I 1•t111d S.1111.1 /\11.i .11111 K.11•fl I 1q1•1l1 v. .k1 .'I: I 11•111 • v. If,. "·•f1l.1 1\11.1 N11wl1 • 11 '''''"''' v.111 1 ... d1.1w11 , .,, '111 1111 tolflllli' JUI.. Th•· t11.1w11111 will ,,. • 111 .1t I.!. ICJ p 111 '\J.1; .'f1 Ill 1)1Jl•lf11111 Ill I 11f llJ"' 1 lllf t t/UI I 111 ...... 1111.1 /\11.1 'f'h1 I'"\ .... ill 1.1k1· rol ff• I .J11l y I Swimmers raise funds Swir111111·f' I 111111 11tr••Ul(h11u1 CJr,1111(• C '1111 fll V 1.11.,,·d $:.!11 . .!. lli IJ't v. ,., k• 11d 1111 l1·uk1·1111.1 n· """'h Sp1111 .. 1111 d 1, .. I h• L1·uk•·f11 1.1 1(,..,,.,,,, h S1. 11·1 v 111 A1111·111 ,, I ill p:11 t111p.1t1l1' '\W,1111 l;1J1' .1f 11 •1 t1l 11 .11111111( 11l1·dg1·' I 1•1111 '"''""'', t-:1l(hl 1 ounty pooli. p.1r1 111pat1-.I 111 1111 i.w11n in A11111111( th<· duy·., t11p 111•1111·y r •• 1..,.r, W<J~ Su1..;111m· l l.111111l1111 111 l·.I T11r1J who r;,,..,.tJ SI 1'1:1 liy v. 1rn1111111( :t~1'1 lap' T11p ru11n1·y r;11"4·r' will lie• 11<1 11•111·d M:1v '14 r1t th•· l.<11(u11o1 11111., '-)k.ol•· l '.1la11• Balloon victory was • tough Oellp l"llot Photo lly fllc;Nrd K,,.hlef THE <;HAMPS Jue· Klltmgl·r . who:«· inJun·d lt·ft ;Jrm w:1!» in i.I 11lang, and ( 'harl•"> Kn:Jf.JfJ proudly d111play the• trophy ttwy rt'l't •tvr·t..I <1 ft1·1 lll'1ng t't·r·tifu·d the· w111111·r!'> o f th•~ y 1·:1r '11 (;11nJ11n !~·11111 ·11 H:dlrxin Han· 'f'IH' tt·;1111 f11·w 1lw larttwi.t, landing n1•ar ( '11dy, Wyo , !HJ.I 111d1·-. fron1 Frnrntum V.illc·y 'J'h1· truphv wa.., aw:11d1·t.J f'nd.1 v al :. S11utl1 ('wist l'l<1i'i1 I luu·I bJnquH Hy STICVt•: Tftlf'Ol.l 01 lh• Oalfp """' •f•fl I I "' J ,. fl I ' .... 11 t I \ I .r I ·" I 1o1 II 110 II I II AC w I ' II I .. I f l.1" I V.1 I k ... 111) IMf lit l,/,1fi!N Ill I ho• < ;,,, d 1111 H1·1111 .. 11 l • .11111111 l<.11, "'"' f11d11\I t\11\11111 fll'l'd1111( l•flHtl 111 llo.11 1 l.11111It.id1111ly 111 l••ok .it 1111 '<11111• •Ill 1111 11 fl otf 111 1,f 111 WlltlH I ,Jlll f\ I fl 111111 •1 ., I I I I II I( 1 • I ,1 fl tf " I Io 1 I p.11111q1.111h 111 1111 '·"' y,l11tl1 ••••k "" 111.111 l-'•111111 •• 111 v .• 111, I 1 I II If i: Ii I •• .. I I II 1: I If I I •• I lt1.111 r.1t'llf11( -.111111·" 111 1111 S.11111 I '11.11.I I 'l,11.1 11111..t li.111q111 I I 111 I Ii• f .ti If•, f .II I' 111(11 f,11.., l,offllllt• ,oflff I 111•11d' ., .ol1·. "' .. 11 .. v. .... 11111 II•,,, hr 11 .. 1i,., w1tli l11ilit111111: .uul •11111 r olH,11111111111' "111111 lftlll)( Ill IHllll• .of111tll flllW lli:il l'Vl 'f Y•1111 W.i, 11111111 · .. ol1 · lrlli-d tit~ .111 .ii o1 flrl' 11,lfllflU'l Jlfl'h' I tffilt II 1111 l\1ll1111w1 wh11 i1, ... 1 •• ,111" 111 . II 11 .l11111ld1·1 wh• 11 tit• "11111111i: lo.111111 Ill I<• 1'11 c) c ,, .id v I .111d• " 111 ,,, t'111lv Wy11 .. 11.t tit• 111JUf' Y,,c Ill" ffl,l Ill ,1'fll,ofltI11111111\ •ti li.oll•11111111g Y1111 1111-.111 '"·" 1-.11 I 1111 ...... v II fl.111dt11f.O .i1\A..1 V ... '". 111l..1·d K111111g1·1 'i. Jlttlflll'I ('11.1111 .. K1111pp. wlt1n.1· 1rq1 111 tli1· f(.,-.11 ( )'( ;f.1dy w :1'1 l11.,111 ... 1I!·•"11.1111•111 I l1j.(li I K11t111u1·1 :111d 1111 1111111 • XJll'lfl•IM t '<I ptl11l•, of 1111· ll •f• 111111 llfllllhlnl( h .111111111 ... ill 111 "1111111 On of re license advances l /11il 2 t•ould I)(~ 111 full opt·1·11tio11 /Jy ."'illlllllU~r., ."if:J~' Hy DAVIU KllTZMANN 01 lh• Oell1 Plfol a1elf S11u1l ... 111 < '.1111111111.1 l-:1Ji"111 ( ., ... Jiii w. , ' u I Ill w 111111 '.!. , , ,JI l•lf ·" 'ltt S.111 ""'"I• N111l•.11 c.,,·111.111111~ S 1.111•111 '••uld 1,. f 111111111g l1v 1111d ... urn111•·1 .ol 11'1 ,, k•·v (1·cl1 f .,1 11.1111 I Fr 1d.1y .o If I h II I f /I ti I , II .i 11 I I' 11 f .o l11fl l!llWI I 111 <'1°'1' ft•f IOl·Y,ly 1111111 I '1111 , 2 .ornl :1 'f'li• ,,, 111111 111 11.,. I: S Al•1f1111 S . .t•·I v .• rid l.111·11''"1< H11.1rd 1111.111 . 111.11 1ti1 N111l1.11 1<1 1!•1l.t1111 , ! '111111111 ,.,11111, .111 '""'" 1111 11111 IH•\A.• f I" I flllf llfll' II I, .. o11.l11 d 11,,,1 • .II '''I'"'''"'"" fo.1\1 I,. I 11 1111·1 "·"' "'" •11111 1.ol ,,,,, ... , '"·'' 1111 \ IM 111 \1 111• I 11111 1111 f.' oV..oll I 'If I .! , I •• It •I ' t 111 Id '" , ,, • tf "I. I,, 1111d '11111111• r 11 " • 1111• 11fh 1111111 q:••lllj1 111\4, I'"""' f I• l111)1 •• 111 li11111•" 11 \ ·'" '"'' l11 •f tit 1 I ,11111 t,f 1 ltt ''"I I 'v ,, tid 11~··11 .... ,. 1 .. , ... 11 Tl11 I""" I , l.ol• \I r 11l111f.• 111 t 111 •I llf1h•dd, l-.d1•,1111 ( ·,, I 111111 flflllll"" tit.ii I 1111 '1lo(t111 V I \ • ' I II •• I I t I II " I . ' II fl I , , I! f " , '1111111111111111 ... v.1111111 10 111rl1·' 111 1111 ''"""'' JlllWI pl.1111 " ,If I f J!l,1bl1 I 110111{11 111 W.111,1111 I ,,IJ,1111'1 111 ,1 111 I'll°"' '1'111 1111.111 I 111tf11 .1h•tf, h11w1 \ "'. 11t.11 r1111 l11 , .. 1111lv w ......... dt'ff •111 ·•11 .ifll(''flll'fll't 1111 1111 ... It•· 1111 "" .ol ,,, .111"":.: f111 1111· y,11111al pul1l11 1'111• l.flald 111 ,I l 'X flf''.'ttl 11111 "''' Ill 111• '\lllrj•·1·1 d 1 11111~· fll t 11 .. lllf.! 111 oll1111-(' Ill (It ,111..:1 ( • .. 1mt v f,1.,1 s .. 11t•·f11l>1·1 /\1 tll.11 11111• l.o\A. \• r ... 1111 1...itlt Iii• 111rlrl'v .111.t tit• N11111·,11 ll1 ·1,111l.t1111 v ( '111111111 .... 11111 """ f1·tf1·1 • .I ft 1•111.1111111" d11l11 I 11 lflflft '"·" •1"1 •·" 1111·d11.d l.11 rl1l11·" 1 .. I fl , , I .. ' • I " I I •• fl " I ' 111 " •• "'~ 1111!.1111111.11 11111 "' 1l11111 ... 1111h •11 I" • .,,,,. \A, 1111 I 1 \'" llf .. , 111· Ifill''"'' 111 .. 1.oll.1111111 l11•l1.1d ·'"'''"' •• •l)'ll•tl •111 1·~111.1111111 11q11111d """Iii.ti pl.111 ,,. Ill '1111 I 1111 111 ,111111 Ill 1111,,1 "''' I" ''"llfl• 111i •• 1'11uld '" ' • 11.111d1·d ... 11.1111111 111• 111111·1 ... 111 1111 , • .,1.111 If 111.11 w .... Ill~ •• , ... ., y I ho• 1111.1111 lt11v. 1·v1·1 ,,,rd 11 "''''"''" ....... 111l•11111.ol11111 "'' tl11· lllljH I 1\ 11111111 f ·"l'''I I 111 ~ f 1d.1 \ ~ '11l111j.' \\,1 ,J fl'l llllll'llll ,., 1 ....... lfot II 1111• IM1.11d '"·" flll '" 111111 1 1111 If.'' flt V pf.111111111,1 /11111 111 , •p.1111l•·ol "' 1111 1111 11 .di •ii S.111 ,., .. ,. ("'I'"''·'""·'''" I l.111.1 I '•lfllf I Ii• 1•1 • v 11111' pl.111111111' '"'" 1,,,, lflllllllfl·""" 11111\ p.111, .. 1 '"·''' 111 .. 11 .111d I'""·' 11111111 ,, v.• II ... fl ( 11 '"' fl II ' . .,., ', •• flt' 114 ·"lo .111tf c '.11111• I'• 111111 11111 <:rash probe <·ontinucs N.1111111.ol .. ol• I\ 1111.tfll ""'' '·" • 11111111111 tf I Iii 11 lllV"'' 1~:.1111111 I· r 1tf.1~ 1f1111 wit.or , •• u.,. d " ..,111.111 dll Jllollll Ill I I ol'>fo .. 111•111111 1 ••• ,, ... IS.,,, Ii 111 111111I11111I1111 /1.11 ""'IV 111v1·•,flH·''"' K• 11h Md ;11111 ·~11d tit• l'"'I" 111111.tlh. h I I Ill> I fllj' •Ill 1111 flit• lt,11111 ,tf 1t1fldtl11111 •1I 1111 ( ·,.,...,,,, 17.! II• '" ,1 •·kllll( Wfflll .,.,.._ lo lhl t f o\li l 1tl1tt W • .tl1·1 W I .. olt1111 y,.1 1,1i, 111 I l1111l1lll(ll1t1 f~"" Ii -..11tf ul Iii• ' ........ .11 1· lit.ii 111 ... l.111d11q( • 111111111'< 111.tlll1111 1111111 d ,,., It• wa' .tllt r 1pl111)' I•• l.t11rl 1111 jtl.1111 .ol 1\11 .1d<1\\ l.11 k /\11 I"'' I l ,1111.111 I .11h1111·y1 I . " I"'.• f11:• r 111 111, 1111 .. 11.11111 ., ,.1..,.. ""·" 111.tltd 1111 l.111·1.1111111. ·"'" 1,,,,,, d 111" N11 11f lw1 111111111 ,\t f I 1 t f M If ft•cf ·1 "' pl.1111 1111 1111 fl111f1d• '""'" •I'·''·'''" l1v ,, 11111111111•• k 111111 ''"'" 1111 llllfflll ..... , '"' .,, .... '1111 ...... \ I 11 1 llJ•·•ftl" 11f I hr 1 "'"lo 111 I• 11 .l•1lt11.,.,n 1, 1 .11111 Ii• r ,,,,. I 'lo,11 f11 Wt I• .1 ..... 1\ 1111111 11111111 , ti JI 11 f I fl II f.111d1 d Ill •flllV. \ "'111dy Wt ·.1tl11 f 111 W v111111111-t d• ,, 11111 d 1 h1 v.1·.111111 '" ""'"" 111 tl11 11111Mlu·'lt 1111 Y h.1d l'VI f l1.1lfl•1t11 rJ Ill I lio I(,, .fl ')( 11.od\ '·''"' """'fl Ill d.11 k111 , 1111 o1 f 1111 It II, dt.1)' 11111 ,.,.,, h11111 •• , ......... , 11111 .111d ll.1 1~1111ol11l 1 • 111111111• 111 111111.1 I ..... ollo •• 1 •••• fl IH·f1111 1111 h.1111, .. 11 fill.ill. 1111111 ... it ''l 111111d 1\ll• I flllt.t lv.11111111 11111-. ~ ... , 1111 .o lo Ill< .11111 ''"l<IH ti "I I \ tl1fllj1lh l\11111111 I .01d ' I I I• I I f t I ' I " I 1 II "' ' • 1111111)111•" "'"'''" ol •lo.11 111 1 .... 1 tllf. 1111 II ' 11• 1.f .II llt1ll11111• ""l'f" fl• d '" "'' 1111 1,,,,,,.,,,. "'' \\ •• •111\,\,d "' •• t. .. 111 ,!fill 1 •• " I" "l•I• , ... ,, ... 111ol 1111 l11'lol1 I .11111 1111 I"" 111 ·1 .11111 ,,. ·" t t ,, 111 Iii•'' '1'111 \ It ...... ,,..,fl Ill\ 1H·ol 11.11 k 111 111 1111· "r;11\1! 111,11 .11.ol, •ti 11,,. f11V. 11 • .J1tl<y I 1•·•1.1d1 1.:11.1111' ... 111 H· II ,\Id 11//11 ........ ft·''"' d ...,,,1, '""'''' N'""I"''' 11 .... 11 fl .... "' 11111 k\ Cl.1k1 "' 11 .. 11111 ol 11f,11 I l1,dl1111fl flt t1il1,1ll,I ,,,,, 111•111111111! If 1111< '1 .... t11 111. '"'"'"''' .11111 lo1"''' 1111 1••111d11l.1 "' flit• l•ullil It• tta• 1,1(, II "'·'' "'"" "' Iii• \A.Ill ·' \,\,1,1lli11 l \1"1\tf 1111 111 ,,11tf l'o11l11•1 1\1,l-.1 ••11111il.11111ol 111k1111•h 11 •• .i Al111t//ll 'V• fl 1111• .... '"" 1.... 1111 1 ·ii lh• j•1111ol.,l.1 Ill 111 I 11111 I 111 l11lfit1 fl •It• '"·'" ·'"" 11 1111111111 fl •h· llwltt K· II l· 1.t11k 111 "'' l1llli ,.1 ... ' 11111 .It• I , ...... I ,,,, ,,,,, '" ...... ' I l1flllillt1fl , 1111 fll d Ill It tlltM>fi 1111•• ( •• ~t , .,_, \f; \A.It f11flJ1 ii •1H f .1j1ld I 1111111 .t11d ol1 I• Ill ": I . olf( I I 1 1 I l'. ... I 1•l ... 11t ' l.1f1tfll1~~ Ill l'.1111 I I '1.111 I •• 11 .... ·rl 1111 1.,,111•111 '" •• "' °" lo1·11 11 -.t11H I ,111 1111)' •I "fl 1111 I.I.•'''"" I 1111 .1 ...... 1 .... ii• ,, ..... Jtoli11 ,,,,,, l'vl.111 s1o .... ,.i11 "''" ''" w1111:i. ol1.11!I''" 1111 If 1 ••• 11 ...... f(1Hl111 I •Ii• l.111 H11d .11111 it ,,.,,11111!.1 .1111111 11111 f11ut 111 t111f1 111 I"" thc V V. 1 f I ,1l,l1• 111 IH lllV II 1•1 ,, lt1j• Ill 1\111111 \A Bur11 li -..t•·fl vi•·tirrt "•·rit ic·ar \11 1 .. 1 ·., ,,, •1ld .,, ., p .. 11 Iii II 11 If ffl I• 111.ttfl' d 1f1 1 I t .I • """'''"'' I ol• I-1 l'f 1 ti 1 I I \l1tf1•.tl ( •11111 tfl11 l,.1111• 'I I ' , " , t I I • I t I • I 11 I I I t f I I ~ I ' I ..... I" 1t.1 .. 111•lo 1,., 1,111111. I' h· 1111• 1(11111 J.,111 Ill Ill iltd .. l.lflt•ol 11 .. 111 ... , 111111111111 1111111 ·' I I I I I I·. I " I. 11 " ,. I I " ' 111••1 lllllj' 11 lo• I 1•1 I 11• lolll • I 111 111• 11 11.f 1111 111.11• \ 111 11 I , II t 1 .f . II I • f 1111, 0 ff tf ... I 1111 lllfll II I t ••••.1111 \\ .1 t .. ·'' l.1111 I• 111111 lo• •I .. 11 .... 11." I I• II •Ht I ht .\•1t11i1t1 IM.f 'I It· 11111.. I I' Ill ;-.1., ... ,,,, "" .al • , \\ ·' 11111111" Ill 1111 '"' "''' \\ .. 111· l1•.t•tf111d l1ur n 1u111 .ii ( ·• til•, "I· I • tf I t•1lli I I J \I• do· .. I Partial clearing THE NEWPORT BEACH SPORTING HOUSE f}. I 1 f /fl ' t _., t111i I h ill! •I JI' I I /, fl"" ti !11 • 11,, I !" 1 '• ,,, . 1•i 1 ,., l( 1• 11 •• " "'I l I t I 1 I I t•f 1 fl ti ., ,,, 1' ,,. d ., • 1• ,1 I• 111 ' ,,, f~ o I 1 I I ii ,, 1., I ' If 111 •1 I , .. h ,., ' I 1!11 I I .. ~. """'""(tr'+' .. ,. , ... 1 I t t I I h ,, J ,, .... , ., I I 11111 '~"' 11·11tlt·tl wt•:1 1/u·r lo, .. t fU,fl j•1,1,1f . ' ,, ,,,,, 11 •• 111111 .~1110/.( ... 11111'1,,jy May , ., • Ho< I I I flfTl(M!f 111"6 .,._, ' , I• , 1 1 I, '" U t 'If' 0 ,1.,.1 f tont• (...(lkJ T9 Watm ... RaM• .._cm Sha ••• n.m..~ , ,, ·~ ! .. '1 I,,, 11 1• I " lt t ,,,,rt+, •pt.tl•l'I ---------------------------- fli fit • I 1 I I I 1 1 t} j I • , I I h I 11 ft1t•1 ,.,,,,,qi fftt• 1, th Jtp• .... ';lit ' 111 11 f 1 I • • , II· I If. •• 11 I t I. ii •'' I I f· . I' ' II I .... f '~"'' ,d, Ii I 'I I ji I I ' I 1 1 •I ll II• '" I I I j • I I 1t1tl ff •• •, .,, •''• , ... f ' ', 1t;f t lt111IK u.1 'oili!I I I 1111 ',,,,. • • lt,t 1 1 I' 11.111 r.1,,111,1 11 I j'I ti!! I /1dfl I . . ,. 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I I ""''''i" 011'! •,1 Olf11t1 t ti• •ti ''I 1 H ti ',, ,, t ,, • , •• It '1 .. • , it ,,,,,lh/ltlf tf II f I I l~'"lifor11ia •)tittff t•lt i • tt.,,t1:t t fU•o\tal •r•• w1H r '"' 1 ,,, 11J.-.1;dt1~ lo~ ; ,,,,, ,, "'" " " '''" '1 ,, •• , h lt l f •11•1HHI Hfl4'" 11•1•1 1.1 11111 fU11.011l1 h11hll t"/ IJlfu 1 .Hl'\f flllt'llllt I IH ., .. ,. "-.. ,,~ ... , ... (H flllitJt• I 1111111 f 1 1tf1 ''" JO•f I tu11t•' '''' 111 /II "'""' _.,, ''' •,1, luhmtl ~Hllff( .. N1U tn1,.ttf '"(''' fl'tlff ,,, tf1Nll. IH 111"' ',IJ-, Mt1llfll••U• t , ..... ,,,~,I 10 tl1 ftlf/ft w1ut1et Ml ,,,,.,. .. t(Jht •,•, ''' 6'1 l11w• 111 1•1 Mi w .. ,. I .. MHllft ... ff' I #t•lfl' /Q JO flnf)ft HI ttf'lt ,.Hfh f111tHt-f"fU tSft1"tfl hl(jfl• "' ,,, lllJ ...... ';J ... '" 8t111llM11ro 11•..-"' t.iqh• 114 h1 f1•1 io-.lfl{t(ltl Hf"'™"" •'"f C...nu.i <....itlorrwe wlff be mo.fly f ... lfllWijfl nond•y ·~(Al{lt llWr {lt>tld• ltlod l>•ttl'ly ll)lt elOflO (,I)••• f , -... C.Alll OAHIA Ml "1·1 it I .u •. , 0 I lt1tr1·1 llfh't ts,. tt ,, h,h h1 •qn1111 I .... , ,., ,, '"'"'' ~ It tl1 tt11 ',,/fl ( ,,, .illf .. I I,."'' l •U'H It-hf ,,,,.,, ,, .. .., .. '''" AnQ••lro' M11tty,v11t1 fA'''''' ,,., M 1111t•t1t4lh 1 fA11f1I• '' , Mt •N11 ,, t4f1HIJ1 '''""''''''' h1 ,., ,, 'h1litliu11I J.t14lfn '1ltflflfl" ''•\f•Otrf I .... .,, ,.,,,,1"111 f41iwftf'.Hh '''"' '""" ~···H'ffflff ~ftl f1tfhMhh1 ~elftl~ 6-ft ..... ,...,,,.,,,, 9,.,. """'" ft•H t ""~ ''°' '' ... ';', '·' di 111 Ill• 1)11 '" ,, Ill Ii 14 •1tJ I.I .,. ··~ 1)11 ,, 'II /I Ill ,,, "' "" '" 111 ,. 111 l\l An, ltr1l111 ""'''" h ,,,.,.., .. l u ,., 11 •1 ••h it\ ,,, ,,,, ,,, tu'"'"' ., ' h "''' ·~ i', I II II I OIOI AL .l'I ( ••fllH1f111tll 11 I 1 !111hl111 ''4 f' .,.~t.,, I ·~') .. •,4 "4 '.I) •.11 •1J •,o ..• "./ •11 Iii '•" ... ',Q 1,<1 . ., 411 •,ti ... "I 41 41/ •,1 II~ ''"°AY CLOWI 411 w .. 1 ••• I • '" ... II ... , .,, ~ I' ,., •I I I '• Ml lo ,., 'I " ,. '~,.. 1,4 '· 1,,, "' I I 4~ I 11 1'• t:•I t., ,,, .. ' 1,1 .... /II 4 I 1, ,,,, t 11.1 ,, .. t H 110 j ~ 1 ,11•n , f 1••; '•• , 'p,, ., I " I• I•·'' 111 ....... , ••1•1t•l•' , •• ,, •• .,,,11tlt ,1f11• t ' '"' ft I /\ ~· -' ., ,,,.,,. • •1 I t /II I• • '' 11 ... ,., l•I ,,, "' 1,1 ,., ~. '·' 114 'I • . .. '•'' •,•. Tl ·~1 .,, I" ' I I.I Al wa. ••• Huhlt ,, Aw •• Of lift Afllfd CofllfdiTiofllfi111c." A WAy Of Livi"<. l U X URIOUS l 0(.kl R f I\( II If If S f OH Mf N & WOMf N \AUNA, \TEAM, Jl\(U/ /I J SANO VOUl\'81\ll < OUIH\ I 8 MILE JOCCINC. TRAC,k INDIVIDUAL EXE RC.ISE PRO<,RAMS ~ \'MNASIUM ( BASkl THAU. VOLLE ¥8All) FREE CHILD CARE CENTER I 6 C HAMPIONSHIP RACQUETBALL COURTS NAUTILUS EQUIPMENT SP ECIAL AEROBIC CLASSES :n METER OLYMPIC POOL & SUNDECk PRO SHOP RESTAURANT, BAR & SOCIAL LOUNCE MASSEUR 6 MASSEUSE I TouRs CoNdtJcTEd DAil y • FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CAllJ 7J2-0J6J • . . . " . . . . . .... AM , ,. ... t,. .. ,., 10 ..... • ~UffiU~ Cement strike settled crippling walko°:t l.<>St\Nt:1-:1.1-:S 1/\l'I /\:1° w1·1·k,t11k1·uy l\·,u11,\1 ·1 11·1111·111 ll Ut k dr IVt'I' tlwl li.111 h,11\1~1 hll11tl11·d' 111 11111111111 ' u t d11tl,1t' 111 11\tlJlll 1·1111-.11111111111 p11q1·1 h 1•11111-d F11d,1y with 1111· llllllH',1111111 111 .1 lll'W IW11 y1·,11 1•111111.lt'I T1 .. 1111,1t •r spok1·,111.111 ( 'hul'k 'l'a11IJc•1 j.( ,;wl 'or111• d11 v1" would ht· II.wk 1111 th1• .111h S.11u1 day "11111 11111-.1 w1111'1 1'1'111111 11111il M1111d.1v " 1111111.,11 v 'f>ok1 •,111.111 .J.1-. W.11k111-. ,,11d 1111· 1ww 1rn1ll 1Kt l'Ull' for wa~1· trll'H'UM'!I 11( $I :!~1 .an hour t h1· far,t yN11 und 7!\ 1·1·nt.M tht• !ktt'OtH.I y1·111 Tlw 'lnwk 111111vu1111•11 1.kliv1•r m111 t• lh:.i11 YO Jll'I I l'tlt 111 lht• l'l'.lliy llltXt•d t'lllH'I t•lt• tu ll1UJUI' 1·11111Hruc:t1on pl'llJt'l'lS in Or1.111t(1• and Lo, Anl(l'lt:11 1·11u11111•s A' llll' -.u·1k1· dn •tU<t'<l out. tlw l:ll'k o f l'Om'f'l'lt• 11111·1'11 wo1 k on hund11·cls 111 1111lli1111s of dollan. rn bwld1ng plO,j('(" Ill t 111111' Ill II It.ill Phone buy plan rapped SAN 1-'HANl'ISL'< I Nt·i.irl\ 1·v1•r')orlt' c•xn·pt 1lo1· 111.111 wl111 Jll"I'"''"' 11 i. . .., n ·j.(hlt·rt·d 11pp1r..11i11n to .1 pl.111 1li.1t \.\11Uld 111111111 · l'anfit T 1•ll•pllll1W (.'., lo -..•II 1h 1t·l1·pl111rw' 111 1L., 1 u~111nwr' Th• "'''r'-' h1 l1111 11g l'1111 -.1•1"u' dur111,1t .11 gu1111 "'' lwt1111· I h1· ... 1.111• P ulJIH Utrl1t1•·' L'11111111"'"'"· .11<111d111g 111 l'Ul' 'l><•kl·-.r1wn C:1·nc· Hal1 ·1glo. w;" that 1h1 pl.111 Ix· n1,1d1· topl1011:ol for . tt·h·ph111u · c·ustonwrs 111slc•11d of n1uud11tory. f our uf lhl' f1v(• l'omm1ssmners w1•rt• 1111 hand tu l11 ·a1 .11 ~unwnlS on ttw plan subm1tu'Ci by PUC: Ad11 11111:-.lr i.ilrVt· Law Judgt• AJlx•rt Portl'I 111~ 1d<•J 1 alh·d to r ,111 11nmt'1i1Jt1• sw1tt:hovt•r of thC' 14 m11l111n -.111gl1· lint· tdt·pho11C'S from rt•nwl to pun.•ha"· .ind ""' n1·r,l11 p hy u~·r:- Execution of two bears protested EU IH:K ,\ 1\1.1111.1 .111d l'ap.1 B1·a1 .irt• d1•,1d , 11rd1 ·rt'(I k1ll1·d fl\ .111 111 f111.1I .11 th<• St.•qu111.1 Park Zoo whu said ht· had nu monc·y for trnnsport<1llon or t1•1n1"11.J1 ,Y h11u:-111i.: ..., hil1· .1 111·\.\ lx«11 gn1tt11 was uruli·r '"'"ti u..i11111 Thi· ''"'" lw.•ltltv .odul1 111.11 k 1.1 .... ,., wh11 'J.>C'nl llwir • nt111 llv1·, .ii 1lw "'";ind w1·r l' -.c•f'll h v about 811.111111 pc .. 1pl1· .1 \l'.ol '" 11· gl\'1•11 lt·th;,I -;hol:-. of -.odium ph1·r1<1b.11 l11 1.d whllt· th1·1 r two .. I m onth 11ld h:1hv '"""' l11<1k1·d 1111 Tiu· 1 111,., \\t 11 ·.,. 111 :t\.\,1\. lo W110Jla11d P.11 k 111 (',1v1 .l111utu111.(>r1 · i'A111kt•t·JM r Corl M:11tl11•w,, who Wd' .l(IVt·n 1h1· l't ''J'4H1-.il11li1 v o l k1ll111g llw bt·J" Tliu1 ,c1,,-... w.1:0. :-01dd1'111 •d h\ till' do't l,llJll M;.1111:1 Rt:.11· l'ollllC' tu llll' '·'"' "' .1 t·ul• 111 Vt'.11 '> o1gc1, lltt· :-;1n11· 111111 · Mallllt'W.., .)illlll'tl lht• ltl<I Thi· dttt 1s111n lo kill M;.irw1 .1ml I :.! v<•.ir old P:.11)d. th1·1r Z•Ni n.inw~. w .i.. m<i<h· h v m llr;g Pa ik:. and Rt•t·reatw11 fJ1rt'<'tor Ben Adan. d :!O vt·ar Vt'lNan of lht• Park:-D<•pJrlmt'nt H{' !>a 1d ht: s..·arc·ht·d for a hunw for lht· 400-pound ht·ar!> but no uthl'r 1111> w11uld buy or t:1k1· Lht·rn Abscarn conviction nixed W1\S lllN(;T< >N A ft•th·r.ol JUclg<· Lh11 ·\\ out 1111 ~ 11d.1\ 1h1 c 1111\'H 111111 11f fornwr H<·p Hwh.1rd K1 •lt'v . H l"l.1 .111d, 111.i11111dt•111nal1un o f FRI t;.1t·t11~. '"''' .1 111·w lq.(.d 1 l11ud uv1•r tht· 1•nt1n· Ah:o.t.,1111 111vc ·,l1g.1ll1111 111 1·1111g11• .... ,11111;ol t•orrupl1un ll S 1>"11111 Judg1· Wrll1am B Bry.1111 di..1111.,.,1·d .111 c r 1111111.ol 1 lt:irgt·' .1gJanSl K1·lly. "'rping nut 111, .J.111 .!11 1~111 <'1111\'H 111in hy .1 lt'<lr·ral JU•:- Im hr 1h1•1 v. t'1n,111r.1t\. .111d olht·r ft'<h·rul l'rlntr"' ~.1 v1 ng 1h.1l .. our puhltt :-.< 1va11 h J lt' 11111 11' 111111-<I lrom lhr• -.t min.1111.., Jnd mon."1-.lt 'r ll'~." tlw Jlldg• rult'<.I lh;1t Kt·lly had lx-.·n lht· v11 llm ,,r 1ntfJ1•r 11m.Mblt• govt·rnmt·nt 1·nlr<1prnc·nt l>ur 1ng tht• Ah:o.i <1m 0µ1•ra111111 . gov1·1 n11w111 undl'H'ov1•r .1g1·n't-. p<Nng a~ Arab :-h1·1k~ ,1tl..rnptt'<I to lu11· nlt'mllf·r-. o f C11ngrc~ .... v1d1~1l.<1pc'<I hv h11ld1 •11 <'a m1•r." 111111 .1111 pt111g lirtl11·' 1n rt•lur n '"' lq.~"l,ol l\'o• f,I\ 11ro; Money • rises $800 million NEW YOHK Tht· nation'!> ha,11' mon1·.., .itw.1d, ""d David .J1m1"i, ;,in c't11ncm11-.1 al Auhn·v (; I .. 111,11111 & 0) . 'upply ro:.<· SHOO m1ll11in in lhe first W('<•k of M.1 y Lht· Ft·d e ral Rl'!>l'r\'t• & ... rd reported Friday Thl' tnl'rt•ast• was (•xpt.•\:h·d . and reaction an th1· mom·~ markt•L<> was mtk.lly po...illv1· Th" f,,.J,·r.11 Ht -.t·rv1 · s.i1d 1h1· morwy l-U pµI) k111•\.\ 11 ,.., MI ni:-;(• tn ,1 -.(·a.son<illy ctdJU!'l!'<.I avc•ragc· nf ~·I l'I 'I btl hon 1n llw wc'(·k 1•nd1od May ~> from ~·l l'I I l11llto11 111 thl' 111 1•vmus Wt'l•k M 1· mdudt.-s c .. ,IJ 1t1 1 11·1 lll.1111111 plu-.. dt•p11srts 1n l ht·l·k1ng ·"' r111111' .ol 1111;1111 i;d 111:-l1lul1011s "M11m·v growth i,,,.., 111•><l1·rrrl1'll '11i(n1fit .011ll v 111 ttw 1,1:-.I lWll Wt•t•k, .111d th.it l'o grn11g Ill 1t .. 111 lo '"m•· dt'l lint·:-. 111 11111111'1/ 111.01 k1 ·1 1 ;111•.., 111 1111 w1•1•k:- GOP divided on Social Security W 1\Sll IN< ;TON :--;, ·11.111· C ;c >I' lt•ad• r' on Frida\ ,1g:1111 1·11do11"•d .o $Ill 1111111111 p.wk<igt• of S11<·1.il S1 ·1ur11 .., 'ui... lllll d1.,:o.1d1•11t Ht puhl11·.m, dJIOll'd gr llWlll~! '''1'11111 I '"' c u1t111g 1111' pt "I'""" fr11m th1· lludg1 I H1·puhl1t'an 11pp11n1•n t ~ l'li.11m1·d 1·1gh1 vcilt•s .1g.111i...t . how1•v1·r. m1111· tit.in r·nough lt) prt•vall 1f l>i·moc:rnu. remain un1t<•d in oppostt1on An i.lldl' to s .. 11 1'1·t1· V Oonwnrn . H N M . c·ou11ll'rt'{I that mon· 1h.111 .1 d 1111 •n f)(·moc.r<iL<., would -.upporl th•· $40 h1ll1on pat k;IJ.~I'. t•nough to guaninl<·1· 1Ls :tpprn\·al A' dc·h.111 liq,:.1n 1111 " l!:IH:~ 'rK·11drng pli.in 1·1111,1.111·d 1 .... 1 ""''' k "' l'n·.,.dl'!'lt H .. :.g.in S<·n;1tl· M ,1J1111l\ L1 .1d1·r ll11'-":11 d II BJkt·r Jr told n •1Jtirtt'r:-. 'I 1h111k 11 ,hould .oddrl's' lh!' p111hl1·m of Israel ll1asses border forces Ti':L AVIV (,1.wl 1,r,Jl'li fon·c.·~ an· ma'i.'it'd l'olll<' also <.hsarmlod J nlnt'-pound t1m1• l111mh tn ... h·l<'phonP huolh tn tht• c.-c•nu•r o f J1·ru-.alt·rn·, Jt•w1sh 1Ju.s1nN>S an·a h wa .... S<'l to t•xplodt· al lht• t•nd of th1· rush hour. ratsing SJ)''('lllallcm lhat P.1lt-o;Lin1an tl'rron~L., w1•rt· involved on lht· Lc •t1o1111 ·-.t· l11 111h•1 .111d lh1•ir ('hri'ilt.on allrc-s i.ltTtl'I.' lht l1 1111t11 r h.1v1· b1·1·n n •1nf11ru·d Y.1th $100 m1ll11m 111 .11111:-. .ind .1mn1un1t111n Crom lilt• J1•w1sh s t:11t • tlll' gn\ 1r11nwn1 d1"' lrr;1'<.1 frida v ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Classtfled advertising 71 4/642·S678 All other departments 64 2-4321 ()kinawa rclurn commemorated MAIN OFFICE # Thomas P Haley Pvbhttww end f f'M~t r ...... Uh\I• ()fflf'• Kay Schultz Va PfM•0-01 Tom Murphine Ed•tOf M ike Harvey [)wectOf of .... ,i.t"'Q 1C•C<11••10t1I Ken Goddard OH.ct0< O' Of*••"'"' Ray M1clean C0tW- Ch1rl .. Loos M~Edll0< DCllty Piiot D.lvery ltcn..+"4 Mond1y·Fnday If you do nOI II.ave '/O'oJf paper by ~ 30 o m call before 7 pm l rld your copy""'" be dehvl!fed Balu<dl Y 11ld Sunday 11 you do nor r~ your copy by 7 a m call before 10 1 m arld yOur coov IMll be dll~ed Clral ... T~aMt Moll Or9n09 County Ar 11 '4J"4J2 I Nottflwelf Huntonoton Beech anlf W9tfmlnater , ... IJJO LIOUna N1gu11 ••MMO l)O Wf\t 8AY \t ( O'\t• M •W (A #•ti •Ot9,-,.,, Ao• 1 \60 ( or.t• ,.....,_. (A .,.,. COrP•"Q"' ,., o'~QIP '°"'' PV041\h•no c~v No nf'W\ \tOn#\ •llU\l,•llM,_ •dtl0t1•I "' .. ,,,or •O v•r 11\•mf"f'lt\ ,_,.,,.. m•t bf rePfOChKMf •It"°"' \CW't ••I ~'""'''.of' ot t ooyr10M o•,,., S-t onrt •''"'..,,,.,,QI' N•O at (O'\t• -.W\• (•lltorrU• I UPS 10 IOCH Wb\t tlpf1on OV C •"''°' \~ I~'"°"''"'' bV mA•I "' "° •llOf\•Nv ffW. Or.,.. C.M1t O•••• Pll.of. w1tn ~kh "com- thr\f"d tfwl> ~ Ptt"" t\ ~t\,_O b~ tfW Ot•"9f (,..\I Pw114""'"" Com-y --•t• _,,.,._. 11ro 0\#0h\Nd ~ ... "''°"""" Frtd•~ for (Olt. NWw "•wper't e..c:" H"'hf\OtOf'I 8•.ch ,_ ount•tn 'VetNy lr•tlW' l ..,..... IM..:11 S....111 C ... \I A \lt1~ ,.,Qt<lf\IM tdOll"" ........... ,, ... ~w•d•y• .,,., wnd•'r\ '~ pron< lp•I ~°'"'"4 pl11nl I\ •I J>O Wnt a •• Scr .. 1. P 0 80• I~ C•I• """"'· ( 1111forn1• ,,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 134 TOK YO Okinawa, ~lrall'g1l' s 1 t t· o f Amer 1 can mt I 1 la r y 1n11tallat1uns. marks thl' 10th a n n1vt·rsary of 1ls rt•turn to Japanc•st• l'Onlrol today with paradt~ and prott•sl'l Thirty thousand pt•uph• ar<' t'XPl't'U•d to attend a r.1lly 1n Nah:1. t·ap1tal of tht• 70 Ryukyu Islands that make· up O kinawa prdf't'tun· (stattc') lo dc•mand rPdu<'l1on in U S bas es a n d en tk1w the Tok yo govc•rnment for no t lPndmg to their N.'Onomll' ne<.-<ls We1re Listening ••• Wh<1t do .mu hkl-about the Daily Pilot? What don't you llke? Cull the numbrr helow and your message will be recorded. lrunscrlbed and dellvrred to the appropriate editor. The same· 24 hour a nswering &trvlce may be used to record let· tN' lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include tht>tr name and telephont> number for verlflC'atlon No circulation rail,. plt>asc Tc•ll us v.hah on your mind 642•6086 Ornngo Coo11 DAIL V Pl~O TIS tutdoy. Moy 16. 1982 UNSUSPECTI NG "MONSTER" BU1·11a Park poltt·t· arl'n'1 :-Utt· hut thc·y lh1nk tl11s ft•llow ... trolltrl~ down a loeal 'tn ·<·t " tlw "mon!)lt•r " unnt>rv t·tl n •s1<it'nts 11·portt·d s1·1·111g AP Wlrepllolo M 11111l.1v 111gh1 111 .1 cir .1111.1g1 dtt1 II .Jucl ,.11w f111111 1111, plt11t11, It d111 ... 11·1 .. ,,,, .... , lit' 1 .... ,, \ ··11 "' 1•1ght fvl'l 1:111 wh11 Ii"'"' lht .... t.i1u11 · \\ 11111·'"'' ;1s.·r 1l1t•cl t11 1111' "r111111,1i ·1 .. Model A will get a 3,500-rnile road test to aid good cause B\ C!.ENN SCOTT ')1· 111e 01.;y 1•·1u1 Sl•ll Ir v1111· r11·1~~hb111 ., l>..11 ll11ov"1 .111d l>r ·1111" .lohn'4•11 '"'J>l)('<I 111111 a gt. .. 1111111~: bl.11 k I !1:w f ord McHlt·I A 'l ov .. 11 S t·d.111 I-r 1day al ll'rr1<11111 mid 1 r111,1·d nf f on tht• f 11 '-I I 1• 1-( l! f ,I 1 ;1 d ;1 V l 1 Ip I >.J>llll lllg lh1• \•\/1 •-.t l'o,..,I Tiii' two 11wn "'ho "'ill 1,.. Jlllllt'fl h\ Lh1•1r "'1\1"'> l.111 ·1 0 11 tlw Mt \Ito 111 < '.111ada .111d li.11 k L11p. ,,, ,. r1d111g Ill ••. 1'..! '\I ... 11ld 1·111 J11hn-.cm bought for $1 ~11111 l1v1· v1·ar' ago 111 A1171111.1 It h:1 .. 11111\· :1.1.000 r11d1·' 1111 1lt1· 1><l11m1·l1·1 I l111w '1 Thi· -..•11.111 h,,., 1i.. 11 11g111.il uph11l ... lt•1 ~ .ind IL' ... -c 1111rl ,. I ol 1111 .., lt1liv111u-.lv not r.1d1.1J,1 A11d 111 tit• b.11 I.. ""'' .,1h ,, ,11111\ lug p111 t.ddo· f .1 d 10 ;111d 1.1:-,,.t lt pl .1~0 ·1 Y11t1 , .111 11111\ 1.1k1· tlt1' t'l:w, ,tut r -..1 r~u Hv 1h1· tinw tli1 .;.....1111 lo.11 k 1111 11 111w11 on l'vL1v '..!H. h11\.\1•\'1·1. tlw .1dv1·11tu11" 1•>.pt't't th•\ ·11 h.1\'I .1dd1'IJ .11 ll'J't .in11lh1·r .I 1tJll 1111h' lo th1 ·1r \ll1t..ig1· v1•h1l l1 .111d IL' tll'll(lllal r.11·l•1ry t-ng1111· .l11h11"111 :-..11d 111 ·, 1·1111f11l1·n1 1h1· c .11 1·a11 :-.l.111d Up t11 1 hi· I>"' 1· 11f 1 r u1 ... 111g at 1;» r11ph lt1r .,1>. 111 1·1gh1 hours .o d.1\ "It'.,,, 11-;11 c.11 ," h1• p n11111-..·d "II ' not ,, h11r"·l1·s..' 1·.1rr 1.1g1 " Tiu 11 1111\ • r-; .111<1 .l11h11 ,11t1' lt.o\ 1• .111oth• r r•··"'"' 111 '1d1•, lt•-,1111g lilt• I .tr for 111,1klll).( I h1• trip Tht·V .111 · lr v111g 111 111.oko· tltt•ll' l.11\li"\' II IJI lllln '°11111 •th111~ ""ti f11r .1 1111'.d 111111 p111f1t i.:roup f111 l1ll'f (II 1111'\'l'lll I htld ,1ltu.,1• Th.11 gr 1111p "'< 'hllcl "' l'.11 • 111.ol 1-:111,.1 g1·111' S1·1\ 11 '"· l 'Ol 'E .. ~ 1111 'h"r 1 .o .! "'"'' old "' g.11111.1111111 11p1 ·r.11111g .1 .! I hour 111''' 11·1111 I 111 Tu,t111 f•11 -.111.oll 1 htld1 1 11 \\ "" ;1n· flO'-'thl• l.orgt•ls 101 .1l n,.,, "' nt·glttt l 1 llt' Jollll"'"' .111d 111111\'1" 111 th1• p•1pul.1r f1111d 1.11 111~· '"Ir art-sol1<·111 11g p l1 d~:·· .... 1•11 ,.,,. h milt• th1•y :ravt I fr•11•1 111•,.,1· who wish lo do11a1t PI 1• d g •·' c .1 11 t. •· I' h 11 111 · d du •'I th 111 l '(>I 'FS .or II.I.! lo.Ill I 111 r11.1il1·d to 11., 1111111·' .11 I 1Hll.! 11\1111 Hhd S11111 :!.l.1 I 11,1111 11.!lil!O Evangelist Graham guest on interview B~ The ,\.;o;oC'iated Pre.''" I lc·11· .111• I 111• -.c·l11 dulo·cl j.(11•''1' •Ill 1111' 111.IJOI I• It "''1"11 II•'"''' k 111'\.\' 11111 ·1\11" 'lo"w' Su11d.1'\ A Bl' Th" W• • k \\1th ll.1\1d H1111k l1 ,· 1h1 1<1' H1 1h (;r.1h.1111 1111111 I .111td1011 N l\l' 1\.11., l 1111 I '11 ''". 1111 I 'Ill ... 1 .1111 t•Hll11 'I ·d <'HS t.111· 1111· N.1111111 b :i 111111111,1 Lt·-.11·r Thur 1 r\.., < HS "hll J\l111ut1·, 'J 111 N.111 I '1111111 " 111111 f\lik• \\..oll.111 1111 '""' I'S J..:11\ I 1111111 Ill .oj.(t Ill I•· hr lpt•d \l,111 \.\ .OI 1 I 1111111.ol ... '4'1111• Ill I Ill' 1·11u 11tr v .tnd ,,,·411d p111'" 11111111 ·sun og.111 M 111 lw1 · J\1111 lo·'\ S.1fl·r 1111<111-. 1111 ""1111 11 \.\ lt11 .1g11 C' In c 111111 I\'• d 1ild11 ·11 1h111ll~h .1111111 1.il ""''llllll.ollllll '"' 110111111" "''I",,,, 11lh11\\1.1 1111.ol.t1 111 lt.0\1 o hild11 II 011)'111.olh 111 00.o dr ,1 I ()1 1 ll: 1!11:1 lloMl\l'I \\ ht1 II\\ II > I 1\11 \\.l••l I Ht·" lo 11 I Id ''""'" I• I.ii 11•11" 111111 .11.t ht .. 11d lo1lt11.1111 lt ... t f,. I II 11l 1to!llllj' lh1 tr Ip flll .t 'I ,11 .111rl "'. "''" lit•\ d l1k1 '" 111.ok• ii I~ 110 111 0 I h.i 111 \ I~ • 'f II .11 ... '•Ill 1111 11'1111 1 tlll O 111 1.f .ololl._1 Allr1 .1 I•" 0 .o11, ''" \ r1, ..... ,. ,.r1 ( '( 11 'I·:-. I 11 • "" ( ('I ' E :-.. \ I• r 1· 1 I 'I .1. 11 I f\111 "·"I 1111 I "" ·"" 1111 11\t t.·d • t 1 '' 1 •• ,.,. 1 ,, .dn1·1-..t .i!\\ .a\, ·II, d 111.f 1li1 g111111• 1., ... 0111111111.. llJtod , lr•I ,1 l.oll.(I I 111111 I .tr lfll '\ \\t11\ I lt.o\• I•• • or111111111 1•11111111..: ,1\1 .. 1\ .of1'•111 lfl I ti::1fr1 11 .t 1111111 111 !\11 .oil\\ h1l1 1111 11.o\t l 111g lt\1111 i i 'I"•"'' "II••'""" 1111 1-'1111.1'\ "' •Ii •\tr ol 111f1r 1 l\J,.1, I 1\ ' .f , ' ... ,,., I P•". t ,11' I lt'llt I t11 1.1 .... 1 ..... 111 •111 1° ... 1111 '" lt1I'"'""~' 1111•1"""' I .011.t 1111 \\, ... r II'\ I I 1~· ... 11 olo 1\11.J I•• ,,u .• thr I• 111..;11 1 .. 1 11 .. t11p 1111 otl" "''"' pli d1•• 1111111• foll lilt 11 I lt,11 II'. tho\ 11.1\.f 1.o\..o 11 JI I 0 ' .1 II I 111 II I II k I I I' 11.. I .11 .t1111•, ,, "'" t .. llll' '"' h111 t :-. .• d II··· 'I II II•. d 1. ... ... J.,1\• 1U11lt1• J J,t:1.f t+\ t r1i11t11 ,,,,, ""'" \\I I ,111 1•0 I l!o 0 11111 I\ :\)•·~an Judd lo gnulual•· '""'' 111.fol ( ... 1 •• 1\(1 '·' ..... ill 1 • 1 , tf 11 ,, r • ..., 11 11 d , \ I 1 " 111 \\'flll \\ HI Ill C 11111 ~'.' Ill s,.,\.;.1111 \\'.,.,t11r ,gl•111 .111.td ~'.I .11111.1•• d Ir 11111 htfh,.11 11 11111 :-.,, 11,.111 11 1 11 1 111 1111 ~!1"11 t ~ ... h Ill 1•17. ,. 111" ti• ,.1 ... d "'' '"' \.01•1 1\ l·•·lh.dt ,, .0111 r ;1 t1 &42-Sb78 Put a f('w w ord'> 10 work for you We Save f ou Mo1e Laguna Rattan and Patio wlll match or better any advertised price In Orange County of the same patio furniture available for Immediate delivery. Subject to stock on hand 5 /'7/82 ' , r~ . ~~)11)¥ ~ Mallin tr~~pitooe Brown Jordan TAMIAMI SAl! ••'·' l'or;(( 42 Tat>lt w /4 Chatrs S77</ 1469 48 ·Tai* w /4 Chairs 88S 495 (hal\t 31</ ,.., NOMAD 41" Tablt w/4 Chair\ S84J SS49 48" fablt w /4 Chcllr\ 87</ 575 Chai~ 1</</ 209 MAUNA KEA 48 Tabk/4 Chairs S875 S54S C11a1~ w/arms l8</ 2SS TAMPICO \Alf It\! P•ol I 4J · Tablt w /4 (ha"s SSOJ 1279 il'.C11us1at>lt (haost 100 119 Hlgtl-la<lc Gl~r Chait llO 85 YACHT HARBOR 41" Tal>lt w /4 Chairs ~</() JS9 48' fablt w/4 Charrs 630 )89 Hlgh·Back Glldtr Chair t 3J es AdJus1..iblt Cha1seo 106 129 74 · CJe< as1ona1 r abl' 80 49 WESTWOOD 41' Tat>lt w /4 (ha11s 850 529 49· f~ w/4 C11a11s 8</0 569 TROPl-KAI 41 I i!llll' w / 4 ( n.lol\ 48 l~l'llt w /4 ( ltAll\ Pool C h,m,. SK OROS 47 Ti!Olt w /4 CllcW\ 48" fi!l>lt w /4 Chatrs ~·· labl!' w/4 Chairs (hillSI' lounql' CANTIN A il'.dJ Chais. 255 169 Glldtr Chltr 101 129 Glau Top End Tai* 107 69 42" T..,._ w /4 C"411n 48 T.ablt w/4 Cn.tot\ \un (h.JllC' ~Id!' I ctblt RArrAN 8 PArIO . . ... LAGUNA HILLS 23301 AVE . DE LA CARLOTA f7'4f IH·UZl•OPEN 1 OAYS .... . -. . ............ . COSTA MESA 2861 HARBOR SLVO. f714f S49·2JJI •OPEN 7 DAYS "" S/18 Rl 4 J ~O 1006 110] 1110 JbQ 1042 1068 .)78 tl6 \All , . .,\.. S499 5)9 169 6ff 749 89' 24' 6~ 72• 24' "' , . Or1ng CoHI DAILY PILOT/S1turd1~. Mly 18, 1982 Muf(r·uclt·r nunu.•d c•hu n ·h pn~lor J l'h Stuul MllKruder , 11 f111 1111•1 Wll1tc-I l11ui..• u1d1• whu llll l1e<d 111 ( ;11cl Wlilll• M•tVlllK 111111· (111 h111 11111· in th1· Wu11·1~11 t1• •w1111dal . 111 tw11 stt•ps 11w.1y (111111 1111· p11lp1t 11I ·• ( ullf11111111 d1u1d1 M11g1 ud1·r. ·17, who hold~ ii d IV I II I I y d I'!< I I' I' f I ii Ill 11 111111•\1111 Th1•11 lug11 ill S1·111111.11 y, ha'! lit·1·n "lt•hot·11·d .1s au ol!'>.O,tlt lillt· p11MOI 111 th1• 1<'11 st l'11·~hy 1t·111111 Chui d1 11f Bui llllKolllH• "flt•'., ,1 /.(OCld nlolll, .illd ht·'i. j.(lllllg to '\t'I VI' "" w1 ·ll " .... 1d tlw lkv Tom c;l111·,1.1lt·, p,10,t11r 111 1tu I IOO 1111·mlw.•1 1 hurt It I l11w1·vt•t . t,.·11111 M.1g1 ude·r 1.t11 ,,,,u1111 1111 fJtl'>l, tu 111usl bt .1pp111vt·d by 1t11 1l11111h 1111·111111 1-,hq1 .111d tl11 · S.111 Fra1111'ol 11 l'11 · ... l1\ 11·1 v l\111ml\ ""''"t< Hy1w111 "" u1l11at t h 1• <.' 11 h I <• n e• l w o r k u I l 11J>)'rlttht lt1frtnaict1mtint 11nd 1111folr t•ompuUUun Alu Sc>andallua, publl•t"'' 11( the· l'url a1bllJ tuuvd 11111w111111.-, flh"<I Ow 1ull •n l1~h·rul 1·ou1 t In Sm1 l>1t·w11 Sc:t1111luhu11 111 !!t'4•klt1tf $I ~ 111III1u11 111 l'll 111pt'1111u1111 V llHtllllj.(l'lt Ulltl $-! ~ 11111111111 Ill pun111v1· dnmuj.(e'I' (1 ""' t lw Atl1111t<1 h11•11•d 1·ullll' TV , v, I t • n1 11 w 111· d by Ted 'l'urnt'r , w hu 111 ut...o lh1· 11w111•1 111 1111' Allui1lt1 Hrnve'll 4tit It cl .. I' ha I I l l' u Ill ti II cJ II I l'llllWlll'tl yud1lMllllll Author J .O. Salinger, run•- ly Nl't'll out1udl' the se<'lu1mm C; f h I H V1•1 111•111 1 h111111·, m u d t' a .. u r µ r 1s1• 11 µr~·aram't· I u VIS It a I' tr t· s s f': I o I n e Joy<'e .at a d I II n I ' r t h 1• j t t· r IALINOI" prudw tum o f "6 Hm.o; K1v Vu" 111 Ja1 k:.onv1ll1·, f'lu 1mtl IX*' fc>r phntoar•ph~rw T h ft U3 )'Hr 1.1ld litU th or' w h o1 n uvc-11 l n l·l u do "t'atdrnr 111 t hl' Rro" 1and "~'runny 1md lM04')'.' rtrfuMod to I)(*' hh1u..•lf Gro r&l' 1.111d O live thm ond , p1n1·11t• uf l hu fo11111u1t 111111ltnl( fomtly, urt• plunrnn" nn 18 111un1h miuton 1n I luwu11 r111 tht· MumlOn l IHH'\'h Nc·Kt m11nth, tht· <>iimond• will M'l"Vt' I.VI Ulrt't IHrl! or the d1111Th'i; lluw1111 '1'1·mpk V1s1t11nc ('n1te•r 111 Luu·. uhoul :w male •s r1111n ll111111lulu on tlll' 11111•tlt 111wel of Octhu f'11 rm1·r Altibamo Gov, <:eoq(e C. Wallace 11Dy11 ht1 hai. f111·j.(1vt·n Arlbur Bremer, I ht• ITlllll l'llllVli'lt•d of lht• m1sa11.o;tnallon utll·mpt 10 yt>an1 ugo tha t ldt Wull at·e u puraple•lo(k Bre•ntt•r. of Milwuukct•, 11ow i.<•rvlng u 5ii yl'ar prison i.Pnll'n1·e· at tht· Maryland C111 n~·uunal Institution. was 21 wlw11 Wdlhw1· w.is shot 10 v1·.1r ... 111(11 lod.1y whllt• l'~1111pu11(n1ng for pn'll1dt•nt al ;1 'hoppinJ< 1 t·nll·r 1n Laurl'I. Md Teach er mo~ng b an eyed SA<: HA M Jo'. N'I' 0 ( A I') Sr11uk111u 11111111 l>t• IJ.i11111·d 1n lh1d11•1 r.' l11un1<c·., ul puhllt IH h lJ CJ 111 if .1 111.1, fl r 11 y U ( th I' 1·mpluyt'i.''1 V11lt'(f cir 11. undt.•1 u 11111 11111~ ....... 1 by ttll' •1t.1te· St·naU• A Vole• of :t I IJ M•fll SH 15UJ by S1·11 Dtu11t· Wut1rn11. D -Lo11 AnMt'h"'. 10 1111· AHM.'flllilv 'l'h1· bill w11uld 11ot1111r1· !o(.'huol board!> \11 wl11pt pnl11·1t·N t•ovt•ring "i11111k1n~ by 1·mpl11y1•1·~. lm:ludtn~ 11111• dt::.1gnal1ng luunge•s ai. nun smokinK an·..ib 1f J maJOrtly 0 r l h (' l (' •• ( h 1· r I'> J n d 0 l her "rr\ploye .. ·-. wa11t1'1l II thot way It WJ' h.wkt-d hy L:..i1t1ornums f111 Nm1 ..,m11k1•rs' Right!., which <'1H·d r1•pun-. sh(l\A. inf( harm to pt•'> p I 1· w h 1 • b rt· a l h <· o l h e r r>1.'i>ph•'!, ... m11ke· Th t• I'll Ii I 1.., ht I II f ,J ll\Llj.(:tt.1111 t .ill1·cl "W111111·1-..' ha,o, l1hd ,, $Ii 11111111111 'llll J ).( • t I II ... l l It t,' T \I I 11 , . I S.il111g1·1 1:am1• lu lht• Alh.1mh1 a Dinrll'r Tlw.1lc•1 to ., <· t· M 1:;:. Ju v <.' <.· u Ct 1• r J 11t11·1· month 1•x1hJng1· o l l1111g d1s tam·1· µl11in1· 1·alls <and l1·lll'rs H1· itl•HJd on th1· -.1d1·h111·:. aflt·r tlw :.huw and w.atd11od h.-r sign auto..:raphs "I h.1v1· forg1vt·11 him <Jnd l h.1ve• 1111 ill f1-t•llng toward Arthur lk1·1111·1 ... W,11lJ11• ..u1t.I Ill J lt•lt•phont• inlt•f'Vll'W (r(lll) 111, 11fC1e·e· 111 M1>ntgonwry. Al.i "[ huvt• 1illnt• toward hts fonuly :111d I w1~1i th1•rn the• bt·st" WILD WEST'! F'our Leis V('gas showgirls from tlw !>how "Branded" do their stuff uftt•r stopping un Amtrak tr:Jin as p<1rt of a promotion for I lclldorado, tht· city's annu<ll wt•stt·rn fhn..i May 2t$-J um· 6 ( )pponl•nb 'ldld th•· hill would JjJJ>Jn•ntly n~um· J i.mall school with 1111 11 .. 11 h1•rs' louni:l' t.u build ,on1" u11lt..,_"i 11 got a .. wk waiver. und ..:mJ 11 w;.c. u11dt•ar whether Nt'ltool:. wh1<h d1·i.ignat£'d mm ... mok"r 111u11*·i. hJd ''' havt• l11u11~t·:. f111 s11111k1·r' 11,., "' THI 11 IARL'S " OLUMllNO..HIA llNO , ••• , w ••• ,. "••""• I' ''t•,1 ,., f ,,,, 111 11' 1 I t' ! h fh th 1 1 At I COUA MIU 641•1289 t tl• ...... ,. ···~ MIUION VlllO 495-04()1 11n, C.-ln• Ce.p'•ff'•--. (lett 0'••• hwy •t Aw•ty ''-•Y ) Sprin~ Clearance l N•'' ~ ... 1 ! ' I' 1 1 ;f r1t 'W ' , I > ) • "' '• t1 tJ•'" J ,, t '' J •>()l()fi\ (•A 'I . f I I•• ' I '•''V • ' : 1 1 ' • 1•V•'I,.• Pr ,,,,,. • • • ,,, I 1 , '' I I t '' ftf ! t I 1 i,f !ff I! 1 1· t I'" J' '•1. , t I t "• f I' ~ 1 1 1 t I '••f' I ' •At '.,I , • 1 : . , " I tt I 0 I f ~ •• t ,,.,. , .... ,, ft ' ... I' • ,, . ' J I >. '' "' f l 0 1 I 1 J •• II • * I' •,I .. II • I t , t I I I , I '• II t I , I I I I r t • t f If I I 0 1 0 1 I 0 1 I I 1 r I 0 I • I 1 hio;, "'"' IH' 'our'""' d1.trH t'! :". \Bl-:HSI C ,\l>I LL,\C It .. .. Boating . . Special Supplement Coming Wednesday, May 19 Timely and topical hints from Inland boating spots to sailboat rentals. plus nautical fashions. windsurfing and more Daily Pilat •( BROWN JORDAN Tamiami 42" Tobie S 465 & Chairs t Reg 779 f 48'' Ped s555 Table ~ 4 Chairs Rr.q 855 Ad1ustab1e s199 ·1 Chaise , Reg . '319 I I -i I. /', Kailua BROWN JORDAN TAOPITONE Ensign II Tropi-Kai 42" Tab1e s375 42" Ped s455 & Chairs Table Reg 695 4 Chairs Reg 778 48" Table s399 48" Ped $ 495 4 Chairs Table Reg 731 4 Chairs Reg 814 Ad1ustable $209 Ad1ustoble s159 Chaise Chaise Reg. 329 Reg 250 BROWN JORDAN Mauna Kea J Tc , r araj_araj_ U. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Get ready for a great Memorial Day of ! I U I •!I I \ t \ ~ '\ ... _ . s549 s559 42" Ped Trlble/4 Chairs 42" Tablc/4 Chairc, entertaining & relaxing. ·I • Reg 919 Req 839 --~ 1, "",.. ,'I;. ~I/\ ""r -a 1j I I ,., II Ii _, At/. 48" Ped Table/4 Ch;ms Reg 955 Acl1ustable Ch<J1c;e Reg 399 Marakesh 42" Ped Table/4 Chairs Reg . ?94 48" Ped Table/4 Chairs Req '830 Chaise Reg 302 Danga~ Oangan Arm Chairs Reg . 140 ~«: Oangari Tables ~·Reg '380 Z:. ~ 13 s559 s559 48" T <1ble/4 Chn1rs Reg 875 s299 Ad1ustable Chaise Reg '389 $289 TROPITON E Cantina s529 42" Sq Rd Tble/4 Chairs s549 Reg . 1042 s549 48" Sq Rd Tble/4 Chairs s559 Reg 1068 $209 Adjustable Chaise Reg . '378 ALLI BERT Hacienda Hacienda Chairs Reg '130 Hacienda Tables Reg . l375 s255 ::a;2 . -" J ... L. • \---!~:a.em@.'~~ ., ... l . \\ l I II --f I I ,tr---.._ ( ,.,~ J ...... -c._ -----:1 T ,.... ·. ·• ,I , , -....:__ -1 ENSIGN II Easy to get to and always wonh ttJe frtP' I 1 rt•1· I ., 11, , tA 1 1• f I I , .. , 11, j t Io (;..J<J. SHOO /\10S'/' Uh'A l "/'/Fl '/, G/\R[)Hi\' CHN TJ·:U OpenQ to 6 doily • Son Jooou1n H1t1a Rood 01 Moe~ttl'lur Blvd • Acrou from fashion Island 1n N wport Beoc~ NURSERY • INDOOR PLANfS • r LORIS T • U\NDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. -.. . ... . .. . . J .. • 1 J \ \~\ ......_, -. ' -• • Orengo Coa t DAIL v PILOT /SoturdD~·. M y 15, 1982 Christ· said • ID London, plans tO .. make self know~ I.US ANta•;l.l'~S (1\I') 1\ l\1111,h 11u1h111 lN'lu11•1 w lt11 I' I' I'\' I 1 l II -c l \I '"II Id I•: 11 I I h W It Ii Jjl•l'ltlult•tl 11 11111 1111' 1111M1t\ luld 11 l\l'W' 1111111•1 l'lh'I' ~·11d11y lh1tl l'h1 ht 1 .. l1v111~ 111 l.11 11d1111 ', I 'uklh\Ulll 111111111111111 \ 1llld 111.1k1•, 'I~''' ht·' ,., 1•1 v S.1tunl11\ H1·nJ11111111 l '11•1111· 111 1.1111d1111 -..11<1 tlltlt tlw 1ww .. 1·111111•11·111·1· ,1n1111um 111g tl11· wh1•tl•11li11ut-. 111 1lw M1•,.,1.1h, wno111 ht· c·ttlll·d 1.11111 M1111rc•yu, wui. rll!l't•i. .. 11ry hl'i'IHIM' 1111' 111tt·rnutt01U1I IWWi. ai.;1•111·11 ·i. h.ul 11111 d1st·ov1•r1·d lt1111 Ul\ h11p1 •d c.'1 1•1111•'i. T.11'a l'1•11t1·r . \\t\h 111111·1•' 111 N1·w York, Li.111don. A 111" t ,. rd 11 m o 11 d N 11 rt h Jl11l I\ WI 1od , pllu 'l'(J r U) l-f>al(t• lithe 111 l\p1tl 111 17 lllHJUr nl•WllJMIJC'l'll ,11111111d t tw w111 ld prnt·lu1111l11t( 'Thi· ('ht"' 1, Now ll1•rt·" ( ·1 .. 1111 · 'u1cl tht· l 'hri't hus .11111,1lly l>t'C 'll Ill th1· world r111 .! 110() .)1 ''" lt Vtlllo( 111 \h1• I l11 11.1l.1y.J, "ll1• 1•1111•11-tl our mvc.lnn world 1111 th1• HJtli ol July, HJ77 111 · took .m u1rph11w 11111;1 Kurod11 to I .11ndw1." ( n·11w -.;11d . Ttw u1rpl11n1· ndt• f ulrtll1•d pt 11pht•i-H'' 1 h111 tlll' Mt•i.s1uh would <tN•l't•11d from tht• duud!i, Cn•m1• i.alll <. 'n •1111• dattm'<I lo lit• ww of ' 'lt'Vl'rUI dlM.''11lt•i; or 1)(1 '\}JtrllUlll Ma~lt·" ur lh1 · W1Mlotn lit• "'-ltd Lrnci Mu11n·y,1 ti'> lht· hl•ud or \ht• Mms\1•rs 11nd lhu l lht• b1hlt1·ul J1•.,u:. I' 1111lv otll' 11r th\' otlwr 111u..,h·ri.. "'ho "look th1· loJ ttt o l th1• l'hr"l 1111 .1wl11lt•" "J1·14 u ' I' nut tltl• Ch11.'4l." <.'rt·tm· 11t•d1111•d. K 1• 11 1· 1· :.. 1· n t .c t 1 v ,_. s o f t·on vt• n t 111n11 I d 1• 1101111 nu t1on1 aq~ut•d with him dul'lng lht> nt•wi. t·onll·n·twt'. 1nduding Kurt V<in (:onion. who hl•ad11 un -r ... Hrtll t•ultl'i t j.(rllll,1, t'rtH'ttt·u l Ap11lo1'1·111•i. 11 111 t'hri11tion 1<:vun~1·li'lti. "111• wl111 "'V" .h·su11 111 not th1· t 'hr1'4t 1s 11 lt.11 , .. V '"' ( im don si11d , 4uul1t•H I .l11h11 :! l2 U111 C11•111t' ..utd tht· Che 1-.1 " nut onlv 1111 • M1·i.stuh 11w1111t'C.I by Chni.t1ft11~ .Hld Jc·wi. hut uli.tl 1' th\• ll111du i.' Krri<hna. tht· Mo~ll·111~· Jmom Mahdi and th1· 1 lhh Buddh11 of tht.> BucJdh1:-1 rt11igwn I It''~ known a11 u tt·ud11 ·1· u11d t•11unsl'lor and "wondt•rf\11 m a n w h o m u k es w i• t• k I y 'fK'•~·lw" 1r1 L11mlrn1. lt1· ,.,ml "11 1'4 Jll'l'lll'llll' Iii th1• WOI Id lo(ll·""'"lt'"" 1lwr1 · will h1· 1111 1t111tl world w111 ," (.'11 ·1111· -<.11d 111· ,,,ys Lor d M.11111•v.1 will uslwr tn u m·w Ai.it" <· r Ac1u.u1us otl ld '4 '1 lip ,1 lll'W \A Ill 11 111 tit I I ••"t~I 1111 ,fl,11111~ ('11·1111· wltu I h1 •11 1111 d 111 pt l'\'1011' Wrttlll~S olltd lt•1 IUI l'' 1lt.11 l-:111 tit wai. 11 11.,.:111.tll y pop1tl.11t •d bv l1t•111g' 1111111 tlll' llt1H111 . .'4llld w tthm 1111• 111·>il two 111 11111·1• w1•1•ki. th" • 'hni-t will 111.1kt• htr11s1 •11' k11ow11 t11 c·v1·r y11111· II) th1· W(lf'l d \1·lt'p:ttlt11.1ll'v Ill 1111'11 II .... It l,11tj.(tl,1i.:1 .tllll olflflt 'dl s111111lt.1111•1111,I~ 1111 .di 1t·l1·v1,11111 •.t.1111111., .111d '"· 111 ·''" "" o1ll 1.1d111 ''·'""Ii' '1'111·11· """' 111 litt11d11·tl , 111 lt.1111,,11111, 111 111111l,1 t11 1111' l11 ·,il111~:' ·" \\I II 111 ~11d ('11 1111 .11111.111 .. 1 !'ht· H1 ·.1p1ic ·.1r.11111 111 1111 <'ht''' .111d t ht t\1.""''' 111 W1'4l11111, ... 11d tu· }rc•ld hi' Ill '\\' 1 01111 •1• 1111' Ill 1 "" t\ ttg1•)1 I\ bt I •ll"I' "f .tltl ltod kttll\\ It Ill l.1111d1111 .111d I I 1111ld 11111 g1'1 ol Jiil '" l'llttft•rt Ill t i1k1 '"'' 1111•11• .. WE WILL PAY THE SALES TAI NO SALES SCHOOL LUNCH -First !adv Nancy Rt>ag;rn lines up in th'l· cafett•riu of tht· L ati n Sthciol 11f U W1t99hoto Ch 1cago as s hl• I u n c h cs with stud<•nLo.; and faculty of tht· private school. Gary Coleman OK Yo ung s t ar r ece iving dia lysis treatme nt LOS A NC; ELl':S I AP) (;.irv Col1·111o111 st"r of NBc·, "D11f'11·1lt S trok1·,." '' l<'('l•tving ,, 111•w d1alysi.. t rP:1111tt·nl ,ii tl'r hrs body b1·gan rt')I'( 1111g his trnnsplanl1·d k1dm·y. but thl• 11 v1·11r old " tn gooJ ht·alth. his rn.JllJg1·r ""d Frrday. Tht· N.1ltonal K1d m·v Fo undation n ·rxirtt't.1 Frrday in Nc.:w York that Co!f'mon w;L"' having troubh· with th<' k1d111·\ tr.111 .. pl,tnt{'CI ntn1· Vl'<lr'i ·•Kn Vu P1·nllo Colt•m:.m 's man:.1gt•r, "'"" tho · tnf111 mat1on was J1sc:lrn.1·d bv th1· f l1ll1Hl;il tllrl ht•l'JUS\' of prt·VtOU:-OI y prr1111•d 11 •porti. that wt·n· n11slt·;1J1ng "W1 want{•J to t·orn·t l all that <·rr11n1·ou' informatio n ," h<' said "Th1·v would haVl' VIJU lx·lll'Vl' thl· kid 1s dvrng Ht·'s nul l11•'s running around h.1v1ng <• guod 11m1· 11!··, 1n good ht .ilth " Colt·m.cn 1s w1·anng a sm.tll b.1g .1tk1t·h1-.l HJ Ill' stom.it·h l•1 hold th<· -..1lu1111n th:H ~ lt·anst'S "".1s1t .., from 1h1· bod v Tlw lmg 1s 1·h:1i1g1 .. 1 1·v1·1y ">o. IHJUI' A 'Ul't~"·•">flll k1dn1·v 1r;1n ... pl;1111 woul;I 1·11111111.111• 1 h c· " , . c • t1 r n , dwlv:-.t"> lit, 1notht·1. Sui• Colc•m<in -..ml 1h1· nc·w tr1-;1lrn1·n1 dc)(·S not .it 11'( t hts WI> r k ">I h I' cl U It. COLEMAN Aarr" S tagg. ti ... pokt•i.m:in for Tand1·m Produl'tton .... s.11d produl tton was ">hUl clown for ,1 Wl•t•k prlllr lll attm·hnwnt of tht· nt·w m;ll'htn1• ~1 tl'\at l'11l1·m:111 l·11uld undl'rgo a n·gul.11 w11h11ut tnti·rrupung his c·an·t·r with 111111 · 1·11n .. urn1ng trtpit tc> thl· hos1 ~ :.:11d I I.tit Wit·km·r of lht· UCLA M<'<lt<';d Ct•ntcr. Sht• said the catheter :ilJ.1"' for thl' attachmt•nt o f a I port<1blc· k1dneoy d1Jly"s tll'Vll't· that l'olc•man wears strappt't.I to his body. "It ctll<>ws him to 1<.'ad a normal ltCt>." sht• S<11d l l1s d()(·tor. Or R1chord Fine of th<' CCLA C{·nwr for lll•alth Sfrvt<'<'S. "<ltd tht· nl'W tn•.itml·nt m1~ht t•ven l'th 1bl1 Colc·m,111 tu K• ow p<ist his t'urr1•nt :~-f•1ot 10 ht'IJ.{ht. Drugs he had 14kl·n 111 k<·t·p his body from l't'j('('\tng lh1· ktdm·y. but whreh had stunt<'fJ h" growth. w ill no lungC'r be nt't'<.lt'<i "Somt• h.1v1· l'Xpt·rwnn·d growth .111d ~mw. n11t .1t all," ""cl Dr Fine Wt· will Jll">I hav1· tu ""'',Jtl and '4'1.' \A. tlh Garv l;1g1 Alt1l'rt .1 spok1 ... woman rur th1· K1dn1•\ F11u111l.1t111n . said dn1·tor' w11uld "ah h l 'ol1·rt1Jn's progn"So.'> on 1h1· da.il \">1' a11d ... 1-.· tf tw g1uw' Shi· .... 11d lh1 \' ""uld 1·v1·ntu.tlly g1v1· him •• 111·" 11.1nspl.111l hut .... 1111 tlwn· W<Ji-, "1111 111 ... h" !Jll llH' fll •W ktdnt•V Th 1 • 111 · w 11 1 ·:.it nw n l 1 s t• a I lt'<I 1·1111l1111111u' .1mbulatory p<•rttonl·al d1.dv'"· s.ml M ' Alt1t·rt It mt•ans tht· you n g acto r t:a n r t·ce t Vl' dround-tht,·Clock k1dnc•y tn•atment. Without ll h<' would haVl' to g11 to a hospital three t1m<•s a we1•k 111 be· hookt'd up to a marh1m• lnfla ti<>n hits 'hosp1t.;1l 1 h1'(·kup ;md trt•<Jtm1 •111 With I I tht• 1><irt.:1blt-nwC'htnl' tl IS 1•)(pt'('\('(j JJC1r1(i11g tiC1ie l that h1· will not m1s.o; work S t <1gg i.a1d "Dtff'rcnt Strokl.,.. ST LOUIS (AP ) Carl Sht·rmJn 1·11mph·lt'd pr11duct111n for 1h1· 1·urrt·nt krwu ht· "dS t.iktng a 1 ham·•· whl'n "4'<1~11 M,1" Ii ~'roclut·tron "tll not lw µlirkt·d hi ... uir rn an olk~ whtlC' hl· r<•sunw until m1dsumml'r "D1H'n •nl "l'nt 1JU\ to lum h but ht· n<'VC'I Slrokto:-' m.iclt· lL'> cit-but on NAC o n t'XJX'('ted the SI0.000 ttC'kC'l waiting on Nov :1. IU?k tht· windshield Pc·nllo .,.11c1 a nPw tl'lev1stnn movtt· ·1 know th« c·rty ts 1n a mon<'y was bt·tng rpadwd for Colc•man to rrunt h. but th,.,,., nd1tulous." his pi•rform Ill lwfon• rl'turn1ng !11 wurk Wlfl· )Okt•d "W1.'11• lhtnktng of s..•lltng on hti. ..,.., 11·s 1h1· hoLL"<' to pay for 11" l'oh ·rnan ts lhl' N<1tional K tclni·v Patrolman Charlt•.., Wc•a kley said Fmrncl.111111.·.., "Grit of Ltfl'" t ha1rm.1n th:1t wouldn't ht• nt'l'l'!..'-<Jrv. howevl'r <• n d d o•·., I' u Ii I 1 1· "" r v 1 < '' Thn·P !'Xtra zt•rm·' aµpl-:;rl'd on the annoum·1·m1•11li. lrn th1· nrg.in11 .. at1on Siil !>Ummons b1'1.:.1u~· or t'arbon pap<'I A t•t1h4•t11 "'"" 11nplar1tt'<l in ht usl'd in wnttn~ µrl'VIOU!. ltl'kets, l'nlc·m.cn·, liodv 111 Manh tu 1•n.1hlc· Wl·aklev ~td tum to n'< 1·1v1· tl11· dwlvs1s ln·atnwnt_ __· __ _ . ' Pills, boozel a danger NEW YORK (AP) As many as onl··lhtrd of pt'<>pl<' IJVl'r 1)5 may be unwillingly s uffrring from a s h•l'p disordPr that l'Ould make sll'C'ptng pil ls and alc-oholtl' nightcaps Cat.al. doclors say. The disorde r , C'allcd s leep apnea, l'auses people to stop breathing !or brtef periods as often as hundreds of times per nigh t. according to a s tory 1n Parade magazine. "These episodes are termi n ated only b y wakJng u p." Dr Wilham De m e nt, director o f 8 ta nford Un1 vc rsity·a Sleep Dlaordcn Center 4'Ald . HAIR FASHION IS NEEDED! A leading ;:,tyle Director for Regis Corporat10n wm be conducting a tr~inrng session for Regis Hairstylists. If you are Interested tn a free hairstyle designed by one of the country'a leadlng experts 1n hair fashion, call for an appointment. Dates May ~ & 17, Sun .&~~'!:_ __ Manager Ann Crawford ReGIS HAl~STYLISTS South Coast Plaza 540-8888 That'1 Rlghtll No Sale• Tax On Any Purcha1e Of New Merchandl1e. 3 DAYS ONLY II --You Automatlcally Save g~!!~~~ c~~o~~JRIC ~~-!D~ SOIY BETlMU WITH BETASCAN • 241111 mu •FUST LUI • WClllltC TIMI • SCU, HISE UlllTt ONLY $69995 Plu• No ..... TH RCA SELECTIYISIOI ' '' ,.~ •I lffr~M4 rtay • 24 herTimer • Ferwar4 Stare,, Step l ctiH ll•••t• No Sel .. Tu SUPER LOW PRICE RCA SELECTAVISION PORTABLE VCR VIDEO TAPE ,LA YB/RECORDER • Exclusive Touch· Toe Drawer Opener • Compacts A week'a Worth ot WITH REMOTE CONTROL • COLOI IOlllTDR • PflOSUllllAIU • ouun tv11111& • 111-LlllE PICTURE TUIE ONLY s45995 GE DISHWASHER G.E. WASHER I DRYER " MUYY-Dm IUTOIATIC DRYER GET l Biii $40 REBATE Pl.US .•. PAY NO SALES TAX Traah For A -.L-----:--, Family of 4 ~ol . . . .. . . .. . ,. . . .. . . .. ..... .. .. . .• . -----· ------. ------·"'""--= ...... - Plu1 No S1le1 Tu GE BIG SCRIEEM ..... :.-~: i COLOR w.-.. TV • &ia11t 45" Diaco.al ScrHn • YIR II Controlle4 • Dual llodt Reinot• • Caltlt Ready GET RHATf A $1 5000 l'LUHA Y llG . P<> UUS TAX . . . . MGA PROJECTION SCREE I ... 't'. £» • lj ,, 4 I "• Orange COHI DAIL v PILOT /Saturday, May 1&, 1882 TWO OF ORANGE COUNTY'S MAJOR IMPORT DEALERSHIPS HAVE TEJlMED UP FOR A SPECTACULAR 48 HOUR SALE THIS WEIEKEND OILY! EVERY NEW CAFI IN STOCK WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR THl 1S SPECIAL INTEREST RATE ••• ONLY AUDI 5000 TURBO DIESEL MAZDA 626 COUPE THAT'S RIGHT ••• ONLY 12.75% APR ON THREE MAJOR IMPORT LINES! '>ole lndt ~nrluy Muy 16 ut 6 fJ m 36 mo11th• 10% down on opp•o••d rred1t II .,011 \IJ1w1w .. 1t·r Bh d , lhw11.1 11.1rk , <..1 l)llC1.! I l .. , 11 ~.!I Hr1.! I 1 .! I ~ 1 •1 'I -• 1 1 l lw lk .11 h llh d l·1d111ll thl' -..1111.1\11.1I11·1·"" . • I i "~~-':""'"--"":"-----------------...... -----------..... -----------------------------------..._.------------·-.. Dilly Piiat SATURDAY, MAV 16. 1982 TELEVISION COMICS 810 812 I .~ 11 '11 1111111i11 Yullt•y ',., I I 11 I f'it•/t/ 'I""/ i fit•.'t ;,, r,,,,,. t•w•111 .... "' (.'//•' />rt•l i111 ..... 11.'J. Lakers on Verge of another sweep s AN AN TUN I() I A jl ) Th I' w l 'h (lo r rt r1w1·1 olJ(ollll 111 II' \l)Jllj.thl Cmif1•1'1•fll'l' d1U111p101111h1p 1•lud1•d L1111 A111(l'11·i. 111-.1 '1'111' I .. 1k1•1-. \11ok 1~111111iu11d to( till' li(lllllt" lmH lull• i ii l1·r1 wlll'fl N11w11 1·1•r11µh ·1t·d ,, 1h11·1· poi111 pl.•v to put ttw Lak1•ri; ulwuu f111 li(«•od I :1. Ilic· S \1111 -. -.hot 1)1ilv I:! Jll'l('l'lll 111•111 1tw f11 •ld 1.1" /\flUf' , . ., 1111 :!11111 :111r .. 1· tl1111w' 111 1lw pl1 y:.11 .ol , 111111·1>1 whll1• S.111 A1111111111 11111111, t1 ·cl 1111 111 u f :!:! Yl'Ur unc.J tlw Luk<'rli !lily tlwy u1t•fl0t l(Oll11o( tu lt•t tlu1t 111 1111' 111 -.1 1.11·r 111d afld m•v1•1 ullt1w1·ct S1111 A11tonto huppt•n u~ain ~o l(i•t 1 i.1.,1., 1hu11 1H'Vf•n p111fllli uftl1r hulfllmc , 111 llll' ~-t·o11d llUUrh·I', J11111:1,1I W1lk1-i. ,111d Al11lul JuhhJI' 1111 for t'IJ.(hl µ.1111v. .1p11"1'1· .i11d 1t11 · l.ak1•1s ictt-uc.J1ly 1111 11·11111-tl 1lu·1r l1 ·,1d to fil Ill •• 1 "Wt·'ri• pl.1y1111( rl':al h .11 cl." ,.1111 N11w 11. whu <1l1>11 h,1d Jo :•"•11\b "'fl11 'I',.., 11." t11·1·11 th.II tlll'll' hoL'> 11111 lH I II llfll' 1111111111· 11f 11111 11,,..I "'Vf•ll Ill l'lt:ht K·•nwx th.11 11u1 ~u v-. h.J'l/1• r1• J ><1·ll I to.at ' w 1.11 ti.q1p1·111•d to l'h•H'fllX tlwv r ,.J,1)(1·d 1111 .1 l1•w 11 11111111 .11111 ""' lilt \\ tlu 111 11111 "Wli.11 ht1p1x·r11·d l.1-.l y1·.11 w,1-. a fl11k1 .," ~· holcllnl( u 17 po111t bulKl' wht-11 San Antonio Coudl Ku11·1·r11 Alodul J .ol1hur . who '4•111-<J :w prnlll.'> .1 HI su.11 All""l'k 1•111ptwd h11\ ht•11d1 111 fruslrutum with gr.ihl>t·<l 111 rd1ound-. Jo'nd,1y rul(ht ai. tlw Luk1•111 1 :i:I lt'ft rat·cd p:.ist tht• SJ11 A111or110 Spurs I IH-108 oncl "Oui w1 ·.1kr11· .... ._.., h;Jv1· lx·1·11 l'><JJIOlll°lJ v1·ry h.1lfll1111' . movt"\J w1thlfl uric• l(Jlllt' u f tht· 1·o nfl'ft·mc· 1 rnw11 wt•ll " tlw dc ·JC'( 11-tl Alht'I k i..ird "T lw L<Jkt•rs have· Alidul J111Jhu1 . r \'l'i.1ll1nl( h1Jw lht· !low.tun 111·1 11 pl.1 v1111< lo(ll'.11 h.t. .. kt'llmll " Ho( k1·b l'li111111.1ll'il 1111• L.Jke•r.. 111 _.. I 11-.t round Nunn N1x1111 .11ld fll1h Mt·Adoo ,JtJdt:d ii points 1111111 -.c•111·-. 1 . .-.t v1·.11 -..ud lh111 tmw. "w1•'Vt· ht·1·n Jfllt't't' f111 tht· ~kt·r,, who put \I>< nwn m doublt- Thi· Spurs outn·hou111l1'il 1111' Lak1•" :111 :!to 111 tlll' first half. hut 1111 1111ly :111 pt•111•11t 111 tli1•11 .. hot-. .ind 1·omm1llt'<1 1\1111' IUI llOVl'I .• tli.11 h·d lti 1•11-(ht 1 .. , .. AnJ.(t•lt..., po111ll\ Ttw S pu111 1·oultJ ~t'l nu 1 lcN·r th.111 ""'V1·11 th11111.lo(h tlw thll d quart1•1 /\l1d11I .),1hh1·1 "1111'11 llllll' 111111'1' f>tlllll'! lll lt'.1d th1· I .ak1·1 .. to .111 mi 7!1 lt·.111 1·1111·11111< till' f111JI IJ''r11J<I 'l'lw l .. 1k1•1' 1 11111111.111 d lh1 !°"llll l'> 111 l11u1 .11.111•ht 1•1111 •' 111 1111 W1 -.t1111 ('11111•1•1111 "' 1111l1f1.ol 111111111~ 111 .1 1·111i-..-.11•111 11•.11l1 1·ff11r1 . lhJl°'> lh•· k1 ·y ·· f1gun-s The• Vil t111 y ""·"' 1111' L .1k1·r ,· -..·v1·nlh '1'111• """' 111·g,1h ·d ,, :HI 11111111 uutput bv S;m J-:1rv111 'M.1g11 .l•1h11..,,111 "'h11 h,1d I:! po111L-. 10 It l1111111ol'> ,1111) JU·"''''' .11ol \.\1 to .1 11 .1111 1111 ,111d 1111 1)11 111111 t .11111 II ·,lo11-.A.-. V. ho 11 IA.• 111.1!-1· .1 llll'•t.1k1 "'' ,., ... 1 , •.• 1 I ... 1 ........ , .1111 1 •. 1\ '"'I!• I II N11lw .. l\ lw 1·1 1 l.1k1111• II ,, I 11111 ... h ;1 \A.I 11 · jll'>I 11 \111~'. 111 J1l.1 y 1!••141 t,,"i_' 111.111 1'1111\l'l'UltVI' NJt11111.d u . .-.k1 tlo.111 A,-.o, t;1l11111 playol 1 1\111011111'-. { i1'tH j.(1' (;1·rw111 hul 111ok11· C:1•11(' Banki. I ..1ie. A11t(t•lt•11 1 •i.Wlil1~ht"ll IL'> w1de ·-.1 111.11 ~·111 11 7 IOO, With l Ill lt•rt t11u111µli w.J, tl11· S pur-.' 'l'I 111111 l111<h -.c1111•1 with Ill Allhuul(h Sun A11t1111111 w1111 1111• 11•t111u111ll11g 1111 ttw r1r .. 1 tllllt' Ill thl· 11''1 ll°l', Ii:! ·!:!, JIJl'I d ,,..,. ( ;,.r \'Ill' Lo-. A11i.:1 ·l1·., 1 .111 w111 lh1· 1111d1·1t•1111• l >u11n~ till· r11 ,t pi·111xl till' ... ·1111· WU.'> lll°lJ five· 1·h11111µ11111-.h1p Wllh .• VII 1111 y wlll'll tl11· lW•I ll•a11i.. llllll'' .1111l th1 · lt ·ad I hallj(t'il lWlt'l', lht• l:c.t lllrW With SAVES ANGELS Ang1·I n •l11·v1·r Doug C11rbt'lt n •t1r4'd th1· I 111al ~t·v1 •n l'll'Vl'l«iJnd hall t·r s l«J JJl l'k up a ..,;1v1· i"r~<lay Fernando muffles Me t s, 4 -1 }II E W Y C> It K t A 11 ) F1=rm111clo V.111·111111·1'1 "' th• 1,.,.. Angt•lt" I >11dg1 ·1' 11111l111U1'<J hi.. ma:>tt·rv 11vc·1 1111· N1•Y> York Mt·l.b Fr-id:1v· rnght, IM ·a t111~ thl•rl1 for t~ tl~1rd t11111· 111 ai. rn.111y 1 .Jr«-t•f -.tar t.-.. 4 I 1111 .1 "·v1·11 hllt1·1 l n p1t1 li1fll-( "''thi rd 1·1..Tir11·11· g.11111· ... ".'"' v •1V•·r 1h1· Mets. V:ol1·f11u .. 1., -.11 wk 11111 »1x . md walk1·cl jll'l 11111· A !i 1r hl· 1 1dn'1 hav 1• 1•1111uKll ~oifiK (111 111111 w1tli ht' i...A 11 ·wh;.ll, l ht· MI' x II .111 11111 II JI 11 1· t11• 1 •1dm11t1'<l h • ti .. , .111 :1tld1·d w~pon " • 1t.1111~1·1q 1 off 1li1· S(;n.•wball "I'm u-.in~ 11 ,, lot 11111n· th1i. •w~son ," h•· ,,,1d t ht 11ugh a11 1nt<'r p n tt·r 1n ;, p11-.1 g.1 1111• 111tc.•rv11•w "A11d I 1h11·w 11 .1lx1ul five t1m1·' M y eunt1 11I has 111)pruV1'<J IJVl'I lo.\\ ..... : ...... 111 ''"' "Earll<'r 111 tlw "'a"'" I w,j, walking ,, lot rn11n• h:1llC'1 '> Aud ti..t got rn1· into trouhll' ( '01111 ol 1"1 f'lOW n1v m;1in .1'"'' " In 1h1· -.1xth inni111o(, N1•w York 'l('()rt.'<1 IL\ only I lHI .111d 1 ltN'l~I lo w1th111 2 I. hut V.1lc•111u1·l.1 -.1r ·k out Davr· K1nf.(111an 111 1·nd t · mnmi.: ''l m·vc•r gave up 1in Km.:m:m 11nd finally gut htm 1111 .1 fai.tb:.ill." Vali•nzul'l<i ~1c.J "I bon· down on h im hc'<·<iu"· lw "a J><JWl'r h11u·r J got m y p1U·hf·'! 1•)(111 tly wh1·ri· I wanlt·d th1·n1." Val1·111ur·l.1 dr11v1· 111 th1 · r11<1t run on a ..:ocri f w1 · fl v 111 l tw M'('u11d 1n11111g :md l>ll\l y H:okc ·1 had the· g.1n11· w1111wr with a l"adorr horrwr in th•· -.ixth. 11111 IW\ll•nth 11( th1 · <;1 •W.,/ll\ Tht• Vll'l•1ry. V:olnlllll'la'' third 11\ a row. h1.111'lc'<I h1' rt'tord lo ~.3 lwndy Jun•·'· '1 i. was Liii' l<*·r :r h 4! d l'f t· a 1 i. n J I> p" d th t• 1J()dgc·!"4· four gamt· lo..mg streak wh1l(· thr· Mt·L4' hnd :i four gamt· winning 11trt•ak sn:.ippt"l.l bd 1irc· 50,360 at Sht·a S tadium, largt~t t·rowd s1rn.-e July 5, rnAo Steve Garvc•y smgltod to right to open the Oodgt•,.. JK'\·ond, and Steve Yeager hit a ground-rul~ double down the• left fwld lln •. One out later. Valenzuela ll('Ort'<i G arvey w ith a 1acr lfic1· rly B.m<er lined Jont11' flnl pit.<.•h of the 1ixlh Into the le ft rielct bullpen for hiJI aewnth h1>mt•r of lht llt'aAOn. J,1ookle Wllllon drew ii unt•-out w•Jk in the bottom o f the 1bcth, a4vonced lo "r~nnd on John S~arna' Infield out nnd IC'Ort-'<i t b t M c t a ' I o n c• r u n o n Ybungblood'1 1lnglt- IJ"he Dodaen addt"d two runt In. the el&hth Inning Bill RUllA('ll .t..,i.ct with ooe out. wok leCOnd on Pedro Guerrf'ro'• •lnale and ace>red o n Ron Cty'• •lnale Gtrvey wu walkt.<d lnlt'ntlonally w k>tid the ~. and Y ,.,e,.r ·~ to ICOn O uc-m>ro I• Corbett repays a favor • IJy CllRT SEEDEN Of the Dally Piiot Stell D11u~ t'11rht·ll w . .-. 1 r1•d 111•d wllh h1-. flr-.l -.JVt· 111 a11 A11~l·I u111f111 m Fnduy 1111(hl, hut lh1· 11ght h.1nd1"1.l n·lu·r spc'(·1ah .. 1 w.t.' Jll'l 11 ·pav111J.( h" rww dulJ l11r -..1Vlllj.{ him (rom tl11• 1 lutd11 ... 11f .11111th1 ·1 ..c·<i~HI 111 M11in1·~1W "I w .... 11 ·;illv I XI 1t1•d to lo{O 11111 th•,, .. 11111 p11t"h Ill .• ~illlll' lh;1t \A.I fl' Wllllllllj.{ 1,1\lll'I th,111 t11 ht• 111 ""'' th.it wt• w1 1u ld 11wv1t..1hl y 111-.1 whit It 1-. wh.11 w,,.. ti.q1p1·11111g 111 tli.1t 11tlwr 11\y," ('111 111'11 ,,,111 :oftc·r lw 1111·..,·rvt•d tl11 A11g1•I-.' !J :.! VIC lrn V 11v1•1 lh•• { 'l1 ·v1·l.1111I l11d1,111' .11 /\11al11•1111 S1ad1u111 l '111 IJ<•lt 1q1l;111·d :-.101r1t·r Hruc·c· K1 '.•J11 with two 11ul 111 thc· ''"'''lltli inning ;111d ru111wri. 1111 lll'>t :Jflll M'l·1111d lit• nt"i.-dt'Cf a l{rt'Jl dt·fl'llKIVl' l'ff11rl by Bo:>IJy < ;nch 011 J ball hll by Toby Harrah whwh was hN.1dc-d for l't'OlN fll'ld Ht• llwn n :lirt"\J ttw fin:.il "x l11d1a11.-. to nut.th ht'! ( llUrlh S<IVl• of J!JHl CorhC'lt's l'fforl Friday ni)(hl ~d'I ;i f:.ir 1·r y from hi., l,1.<;l OUllll~ ')l \A.,.._ (our daV' ago Ill MllwJuk• ,. l'11rlM·ll .,.;11cl .1ft1·r lht· gauu• "A 11·al gc·m 011•· 111111 nlo( l1vt• t·<Jr111-<I runi. 111 .111 1 vl•ntu.il 12 i 11~' Arod I ~av1· up 111-.. fin.ti f1 v1· .. SUCH W AS N 0 T t he· 1 ,.., <' Ft 1d1Jv nrJ{ht With K1!!411l K•1111g 11 , -.1r1111g 111n111i.:-.. a11cl l>11lh Bt I.ill 1>11WlllllK .Hid '1'1111 ~· .. 11 g111f1j.{ J r,,, I. tlw A11gc·h Wl•ll llwtr V'l'lllHI ,tr;11gli1 11v1·1 th1· l11d1.1n ' 11, 111 ov• t•i w1th1 11 111·111·11 l:1K•· po111 l-. 111 f1 r,..1 pl;111 · ( 'lou ;,gr, 111 tlo•• A11w111 an [ ,1·;1j.(lll' w ..... , "Yuu k11ow, 111iw tli<il N1·w Y111 k h,,, b1'1k1·n up 1h1· 1H11 hi (: 11, ... ,1 g 1· I H " n ) D a v 1 ' I lllflh111.1l11m. Wt' lrldY haVl' 1111' 1)1'-.t I '..! nlo(ht-hand1'<l p1t1 h111J( p11n1 h 111 tlit· l1 ·;1gu1., .. 1111t c·d <:111 h .1fll"1 w;ird "l\nd wc•'vl' .Jl~1 ~111 :1 h·ft h;md1·r Ilka· (/\111ly) lla~-.1 .. 1 " ll.1 .... '>l1·r and Aa..c· 1 amt· 1nto th1• g .irTu· w11h •• 1·11mb1n1·d I 711 1· :or 11 • d run ,, v c· r a J( '" I 11 u r v11 1111 ...... and lhrc'I· \.1v1-:-Arni L'orl)l•tl M'<'ffi.'> lo fit right 111to Manag<'r (;1·n1· M:1ul'h 'ic sty It· of play ·J'rn JUi.t grnng out lh1·n· lO du th1 · .J11b l'rn '-'<tp<ibl(' of drnng ttw kind o f JUb G1•111• Mau(·h thought I could do. I like that kind of conf1denCl'," Corhl'lt add ed L1k1· th1• p1tL·hNs, th1· Angd11 h1lt1·1' -.c·t·mc•tl to J(<1111 s•Hl1t' 1·1111f1cl1·nt'I' againlil llw lnd 1u ns Ttwy ti:1ng1·d c1ut ll h1L-. ·•lot·•ll\\t ,t,Jrt1·r Larr y Sori•n :-1·11 a11cl rc·l11·v1·1 Ed Wh1t."111 Arul tlwy rnan;ig1·d lo put a run on the · •w:on ·llfMrd in <'vc·ry innlflK but ltlf' third, (ourth :.ind 'l(•V(•llth I >11wmnl(, w ho SC'CJf<'d J p..itr 11f run'i for lht• Ang1•18. IN.I off the· hottom or the• ftntl with ,J 111ngll' (l(f Snrt·nscn c :~-2). mcov1·d tr) M'<orul on Hod Can·w·-. ... wnftt'l' bunt and sc:ort•d on H1·ggw Jud<Mil'l's HBI smgh• CLEVELAND HAD t:1kf'n a 1-0 lcljd in thl• top of the first on n Mer1ht'C fly by Bokf' McBr1dt• nfu•r o couple 11( wallu and M1kf' I largrovc·'11 'flngl~ had loadt'd the· baH(.>ft Tht• Angt•l.s Wl•nt ahend In tht' IW('Ond when T im Foll 11trokod a two-out 11lnglc" and Bob Boon<· double'<! in~fde third. Foll wt•nt on to collt.oet two more hlta and on RBI, but he pla yed down hla offenalvt' L'Ontributlon. "My job lt to pl•Y 1hortatop. Aft.er th11t, l'U concentrate on hitting," FoU uld. ''Thia team can win without me hltllfll, but a can 't win w ithout me playing def•nte." "Corbett appreciate• good defc·nR a nd the play Grich made (In th • ~v<>nth) pvc him • bt1 (Ste ANGELS, Pase 81) T ll E HI G H ROAD St. Paul 's And y St;mk1t·ww1 lt·<Jps high to avoid tht· slid1· of Ed1~on·~ l't·tt· U rqUt7.iJ during th1 · ft r~t rnund Delly Pllol Pholo "' l M P., ... of thr· C l r 4 A pl:1 yoff~ 1"rtd:1v .tftc·r 11111111 Chaq.(1 ·r ~ (di. Ill fi Edison suffers early exit Fo u nta in Valley, Corona d t·I Mar , lrvint· 1•0~1 v i ctor i t·~ Tht· Ch.1r~t·r-. •1f J-;.d 1so1Jn lhgh. si-t'<11't.l No •2 in 1h1• 1 A d1 v1"'>n o f the· C l F plfJyoffs, lJJok 1l on lhl' t h111 ,.., llwy w1·n· UJN'l hy S t. Paul. 10-5, to highlight pr<·p baS4·hall acllon Fnday 111 ulh1·r C IF r1rst -rc.und t'Ont.l-sL-., Fount..'l1n V.1ll1•y 1·d~t"I Nol11· Dam<'. Corornt dt·I MJr bomlx-<J l .. 1gu11o1 11111-.. lrv1nC' ou tla~l<'d Mission V11·11. wh1h• 1<:i..1..11w1.1. I lur1tinl(lon B1·:1l'11 ;inci Nl-wpor t ( 'hr .... u:in -.ufkro·d 1 hN· dd1·;1t..s H1•r1·'-. ,, look St. Peul 10, Edlaon 5 T he• ('lrnrg•·r' gJmhlt·d 111 th1· p1tc·h1n1< dt•µul'lllll'll l, 1•l1't·lrnJ.t to w> With n·IH'r urt1st tirc•I( Clo111•y lit't·auic<· 1>f J v1rtu<il 11111·-man s l<irting st.arr (M1k1· IA·l~·t11111) :111d 11 l11t<'kfin·d 111 tlw 4 A nint1-st al F.ch~in 'l'ht• S wortJRm<'n. No :i 111 lht-Angt'IUl4 l.A•aj(U{•, J111npc•d 1111 l'lom·y ror <t lt•adoff horrwr by Andy S 1..a11kll'w11.·1. 11•{\ ttw baNC'' lo:.idt'<l in the· f11"1'i t 1md lh1•11 p1h'<.I u p four runs in the 114'<'011\J innmR hl'fori· lx·Bc:non could restore order St P:.iul h ad !II)( pluyers rlmsh with a p<Jlr or h1t.'4 111 th1· 14 hit au.wk and nt•ver trailed. ~:Cllson n•t.altatf"d m the bottom of th<' first with b111 k Ur l>:1('k doublt'll by Charh<> Guest and PN<' U rq111w, hut St P aul was In command a fl.4.•r lhr1-.· tnn111gs, 7 2 E.thi.on p1l'kt'(l UIJ a paLr of runs 111 th1: s1><th on St\•Vc.· Ovnl•t•m'i1 pinch-h it two.run 111ngh' unfl add<-d u marker m tht> fourth on a solo hom<•r hy Mtk(• P owc.•11 With thl• starting s ta ff red uced t o only Ut•fSl'non bt'CBUIK! of Jef( Stephens· elbow problems (t<•ndlnltlM) the C hargers gambled with the s1dc•-wmdlng alanta o f C loney. who had <'Ompiled an 11 -2 rC<·ord during the L'OUnK' of the M.'WIOO But D1'Benon, t..oo. wrum't WI 1harp Is he ha11 showrt in the pa.st bc.oeaufl4• of th<> extru burdc•n ht> had l'8 rri<<rl ' Tlw l<>M rornpltttefl Ed1.son '11 frustratlom In Cl F flnsl round 1."0mpetltion tor 1981 -tJi. with the Sul'\ll(•l t.A'agu11 d1amplona exltlna In lhl' first round to St"rvlt.c• in football and baaketball, now to St. Paul In tm8f•bltll Fountain Valley e, Notre Dame I The Barona ClOm(' up with a run-eoortnc •lnale from Dean ~rta In the-bottom of i.h• teVeonth Inning to rawd \~Ir 10th atralaht trtu.mph. Notre l)Qmo had Ord the pine In the top of the "venth with • two-run triple by Ed Tapia, followed by a run·ICOrtna 1lnale by Paul Cottrl'll Pni ·1' IJASERA t t Bui th1• Baron~. wlw h.1d 1u111111 •cl 111 :1 .I II '""" 1n th1· th11 d 1nn1ni.: .ind wh•1 fl•.,., r tr .1il1·d rt...,ptindc-tl with .1 l<·.1d11H d1111hl1· by ,Johll Ell111ll .111rl om· out latl'r Hol11•r 1.-. '.11rn thr ouKh with hh :!11th HBI ur lht• M '.L"lll Ell1 011 had ,J p.111 of d1111hlt-s 111 lour .1t h.11-. .11111 Sll'v1· .l1111j.(1•w.i.J1d .11'41 had a pa11 11f h1ti, 111 (11111 app1 •ara11n-.. 111 th1 · lfl 1111 F11u11t.a111 V.ill1·y .1\l•11 k H1l'k L11M.1rt lw w1·11t ~1 1 , 11111111g:., -.1r1k111"' 0111 "'Vl'll lx•ful" g1v111j.( wav lo l.>1111 (.;11 ·go1 . who gol tlw v1t·t11ry 111 rc ·l11·r Thi· Wiii' Jllll ... ~·1111111.1111 V.1ll1 ·y Ill 1h1· M'tlllHI round of thl• 4 A 1·l1minn11on' Tu1·,d:1v :1Ka11.-.1 Rowland t I I· I I 21 Coron• d el Mer 10, Legun11 Hiiia 4 Ttw 8 1"1 K111g:. advarn·1·d t11 the· M't-01111d 1ot111ol thank11 to a pair of rour run innings aml lht· 'tout rclwf p1t.<.·hmg uf ('hn' While Whtl(· e·rl11•t1'i l tho • 1•111\le·-.t in 1111' top 11f 1111' third rnn1111( w ith ( 'tlM l1·ad111~ 1 :~. hut I .. 1i.:u1111 llllls hao tlw h.1ic1•-. l11.1ch·d and 111w uul I I•· pr11('("i.-dtod to 11•l111• till' s11 lo with only tlw lVllll( 1 un c·omml( ..tcrc~'· umJ s hut llw dunr 1111 the• v1s1ton; lht· n ·momdn of tlw gurn1· "ft W3S k11HI o( ,J 1<loppV l(:Ulll', Whitt With four 1•rr1>rs by 1'ad1 t1•11n1." -.mcl < 'm 1111.1 clt•I M.1r Cci.1<·h Tom T rng..r In the• hc rttom of lhc• third 11111mg, Gn·g Wynn singled 1n th« go uhl'nd nm thut put tht• Seo King.-. in lronl ror kc-.•Pf' Gor<to n M11R.'! hud thrl'l.' h1l3 nncl drovt• in th1 t't' run11 11ncl Tommy Norton hud 11r1 oppoti1tf' flt•ld p1nt•h -h1t douhlc• to dnw m C'clM's rinnl wlly In the tx>ttom of tht• iu><th inning Lc"C.• Plt .. mm<>I ond Alun Roman had 11 p111r of ht\.11 fur th1• Hawks Cnron11 de! Mar 111 now 19·3 overall. T h'· SN1 Kings will piny Arroyo ( 17-8) In tht: M't'(rnd round. lrvlM 10, Ml11lon Viejo I The Vaqueroe (1 ~8) combined ~ timely hitting with nine walk.a by four Olablo plt.chrrt to po11t their 12th victory In their laat 13 oullnga. Pat Slmnw lmpnwed hi.I l"C'C.'Ol'd to 8-3 overall u he went the dilta.oc.'e. Th Oiablol, who tta.Ued 10-1 solna tnco th bottom of lhe JAx~\ raWtd to M'Ol'C! 1even Ufnel to cloet? the deficit at lll* ..,ci. Irvine wu lt!d ln lta attack by left flelder Joel (Sff PREP, Pas• I t) . . . . Cerritos forc es 1itle tilt ( ·, 111 1 ..... ( '11111 1:• d11\A. II ~ I Ill Ill' I \• lllh 111111111' 11 I ol 1111 1111 1h11•1 11111111 I IJll' •ill (J1 .111g1 · < '11.1-.1 ,111 .J.,, k H•·lllli111l1 Ft 1.i.,, ,i( 11•111111111 I'll r11Ul•• 111 dll k :I \ 11 l fl I ... I fl I t 11 S 11 U t h ('II;.-. t ('11 nf• 11 ·1111 '-;h.iul(hn1·''' ti ...... 1, •• 11 ,,,,, v11 r f' ·" ()('(' 'I loo I"""''" \" 1111 \ ~ t lh• ''··~·· '"' ••• 1,,, .... '111111 .t J•llllllj' 1111 .. 11111 I\\" 11 .1111• Ill ,1 ll•lflll 'ti"'"'"''''.,,, 1lo1 l'11.o11. Ir• Id 1111 \.1.111111 I \\di .111\' 1111 I 111 tho .. 1.111 11111111.1111•·111 .. I '"' M.1\ :!'• Ill .ti Hl.111 .. II Id Ill L1111J.: IS4 .... lo .111d (·,I 111•1 . ( 11111·..:· . 'I I 11 " ... I I Ii I 1,. 'I I "" " I 11111111111111 'o I 1111 1 J.:t 11 .1lll' 111 < ·.o111111 111o1 .111d pr11l1.ohl v 1t11· 1,..,, lWIJ Ill th1· ll111l1-tl S 1;111 ... ," 11111t·d CX 't c'11o11 li M1k1· M.1v111· .1l1t ·1 th• i.:.1111•· Y111J '.111 '''P .1 pl.1 y111g 1.11d I,. llA.1·1·11 l tll'~ lv.11 t1 ·.1111' Tlwv 11 · lh.ot 1 l•ie.c•' M .1v111:, llut" h.ul 111l11 ·cl 11v1·1 Mt S.111 A11t 1111111. I 7 H Th1u "I.'' ,111d I 11'4'd1 d 1111 )\ ,f \II< 1111 \ II\ I I I lo• ~.ii•""' I-t 1d.1 \ 111 .uh .1111 • I• th• ,, 111 111111111·\ N11Y> th• v II ..... ('1111lu ·•J!·•lll ltJ<l.1\ "''" 1 .11 lo 11 .1111 l.1k 1111• IWll 111 th• Jiii \11111. !11111 H·•""' 111 ... \I·" II I \ I(" Ill Ill JI I/ \A. t I I d .• t"'" 11111 """" r L1111 ~11 ·d111.1 f11l111Y.1d \\llh .1 ~1l11 -.h1111ti.o11111I •1111\ 111 .11 '"I tlo1 ldtlwld f1 ·111 1 11111 l.111d1 cl "" Atl.111" "'' 11111· l >.111 < l.11k •lw11 l11l1111A1d \"Iii .111111111 I l\\11 11111 111."h .111d .11dd•11 I' ,, .!.I ti<'(' h·.111 It.id l1,11i-.l111Jll• d 111 111 ,1 I,! ('4 11111 " ,111\ .1111.11•1 '1'h1 11111 • 11,111 L1k1 11 .1 ..! II It .id 111 !ho 1111111 1111 111 llw ltlllo 11111111)' I lllllJollflll'fl f'-llf .I f 1111 •< "' lfll' .... "''" '" 11 \ 1<11" lli111k111 .. 111rl .111 HHI .111).(I• ''' 1>,,,., '1'111111.1 , :--011111 11.1111111:' 11111111 111111111• h111111 ·1 ~!·•Vi ' lh1 · 1\111 -. ltu 11 111111 I 11111 '1'1"1.... 1111 1111.111·-. Y>rll ... 11ol H1111 H1111k1 t 111 I I 111 EH 1\ 1 •• g.1111-.t 1111 lo.1h1111' ('l11p 111 11 no .l.!.1 l•:Hi\1 Mears gets earl y tim (~ to <1u a lif y INIJIAN1\l'OLIS t/\l'I H11k f\11·,11', tlo1 l."tf ",I dr l\'l 'I 111 lht• t11-.t11r v .. r t 1,.. lr11li.111.11x1ll'., Mot•11 S 11t•1•d1.1..o v. will lit ,11111111~ th1 I 11 -.1 111 .1111·111pt " q11alil w.1 t111r1 11111 '""·'' f111 th1· M.1 v :10 111d 11111.1pcol i.. ~11111 H111l1 11f 1111· l '1 ·11..,k1· l'l' 10 1.11 •· I ,If ' ....... 1i.:111·d '" MI ·"' \\I'll' p11 k• d .11111111i~ th• l1"t l11u1 Jl<1'lll11lllo Ill 1111 11111111 dt.t\.I. 1111 1h1· q11.i11r v111i.t 111 d1·1 l•1ll11w111..: ~·rul:ov·, pr;11 111·., '<I'"'"" Thi· l1r ... 1 11 pp111tu11 1tv 111 q11:olil v will ~" 111 lllll Al .. up M1 ·.11 -.· li.11kup1.11 cit 1·w th1· No :.! 111,...1111111 rookll' li<1l1hy H.1twl 1(11t th1· 1h11 tl 'J.11Jt , 1111d M1"11 '' pn111ar )' 11lad11n<' th1· mu· 111 wl111 h Ill' r1.,,,nle"(I ,II\ un11ff1nal trrwk ll'1:ortl ;!011 7 niph lap late• Fr11lay dn•w tlw r11ur1 h spot l)\·1x·mllnu on the• wl'atlwr, th1· \'111 ly druw ('l)Ul<t l>1•111 ·flt M1 •ar11, who won lh•• nwc· from tlll' µult• pos1t111n in IH7!1 "~;v1·rytl11nl( d1•pN1tb1 1111 ttw w1•uth\•r ... iu11d tht' 30 yl:'or old Mt•t1n1 "If tht• wt•otlwr Iii good 11nd <'Ol>I. I'd JUllt i.11 lt()()n gt•t 1t (~uolifylng) over with t•arly If tt 1 Rood but ho\, I'd JUllt 1u1 MOOn w ai t f<ir t•v<•ryu nt• 1.'IAC' to qualify." Meara' oldl•r brother, Rover, a rooklc drlvl•r hef'(", drt"w the No. a qualifying lpc>l, followf'd ln order by 1973 wlnawr Cordon Juhncock, l\ah•I'• backup car, rookll'tl Lc.'Roy un O>nnett and 0.-.lrc Wh1on and v t.eran P~ He lamer. . Wu.on la trylna to ~ thf' ~ women to quallfy for thl' lndlAMpollJ ~ . . . . . I 1 I I ...... ' I .. ~ .... -.. ..... •• \.lrange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Saturday. May 1&, 1982 Samp on d ecides sch ool • ID (() t'rom Al' dh1p1tlc bu t'llAHLO'l'Tio:sv11.u :. Vu l'wo 111111• All A111e•11tull H u lµh ~ S,1n1J1l>1111 , 'PU• 111111.~ a d1.11wt· a l I..\ ~ 11111111 111 1111<111 d11ll.11 11111IPMllO IH1I 1111111.u t ,111d cl1'< l.11111H "11·., 11•.1lly whul I wunl t11 d11 · ..... .i 1'11d.1 ~ ht· will pl.1y hmike·tbull for th1· l l111v1·1"l\ .. r V11g1111,1 .1~.1111 nc•xl "4'11:.on. h1:. ..c·11111r v1·.11 1•11,1 w11rd 111 tilt' dl-t'l.,IOll by tlw 7 4 t't•rH1·r. 111lll·g1 h .... kl'\h.tll' pl11y1•r 111 tlw y1•ar 111 Hiii i .md l!IH'.!. 1.11111· 111 .1 1.1pt'(l 111tl•rv11•w with M," Mt OonHld o f tht• V1rj.(1n1a Network. who h111.11ka 'l' tilt' llr11v1·rs1ty of Virginia'!> ~amt·!> "I dad ,1 1111 111 "'ul-wan h1ng, hut I hpvt• do l ldt'd ICJ ... t.1y 1111 111v fourth yt•ar." S;.11n1>!-itJ11 ,,11d "ll ).(Ill cl11w11 to what I n ·ally WIHllt•d lll tJo Wuuld I 111· h.cppV Ill w11ng'1 I wunu.·d lo 1111111· li,11 k olll1ttl11 I \I .II " S.1111p.,.111 ·.,.11cl tu wa!> 11111 wort ll'<I ..ibout lht 111 .. 111·\ ·"I~, t~ •11 tu111111g µr o lt·s.,wnal h1'<·au~1· lw 11 ·1! lw w11uld ~\'I what he• wanlt·d rll'Xl Yl'"' ------------ Quo te of the day "It'!> ..i typical NBA contract paying nw ahout ro1ir 11nws what I'm worth " Joe Axelson, who It'll his posatwn as tht· NRA 'i. d 1n·1·tor o f operatio n s lo sign a f1v1· yt·ar l'Ontrat·t as pres1d1'flt <tncl gent·ral manag1·r 11f t h<' Kan~s C11y Kin~s Linkage draws favorite's role HA L'l'IMOHt-: L111~<1 Kl' .111d Alom..i ·~ H11l 1·1 1v.11 1oli... "'"" rn~,1·d the· ~ K '. II l ll 1 k v I fr I It '; r 0 r tfi "e· r •. 11 l r1 ·:''''"'.' v.111 .1;1111 f1 v 1· o the·r .I v1·;1r uld' 111 11111.ax·, l'n ·akne-s.' at 1'111111111 M1,,111g fr11r11 1111• 1117th Pn·..iknt....., in <.iuto 1)1 ·1 Sol. ttw w 111111•r 11f tlll' IOttth Unby It 111 tht• 111..,t 111111· llw I );·r liv w111111•r ha' <1k1ppt'<l th1· l'r c .oknc·-.., 'lfll t' TolllV Lt'<' Ill I !l59 Al"1 1111.,...rng f111m th1 rau• wall ht• C up<.'("Oy'., ,J11y , th1· ftllv wh" f1n1~h1•d 10th 111 tht• D<>fPY Sl11 "',,., "r all h1·d Fr11J..i y aflt•r l'O~ow n4(r H11l.11" to l'tr"' l11 '<·am1· unhappy ov<:r thl.' numbdr "I '4 .al.' ht· 111uld gl'l for fJmtly and frat>ncb .l•1111111g l .111k;1g1 · and Aluma'!. Hul(·r an th<' f I• •Id w1 II llf L <N·r Light. ll•·rnVt'l>tt-<l and Wau-r H.111k .. 111111cl. th11 d ..rnd fourth , n -spc:'(·t1vdy. in llr• l.>t tl1v Bold Stvil'. ltith in tht' Derby. and < 'u1 ""'·•Y who w11n :m allowam'l' rat~· at < 'llunfoll Down.., on Dnby (}Jy. Tigers prevall behind Gibson's blast Kirk Glb1'on .. 1unmwd u twu out, tv.11IUll1\111111•1 Ill thl' I Ith llU\lll1l 11f ll t1uh1 flllt·d Hllnw 10 1x1w1•r 'ht· J>.•tr111t '1'1~1 111 111 ,, I :.: \0 11·1 .. ry 11v1·r th1• M111111·~1t.1 'l'w111., Fr 11h1v r111{hl F11u1 pl11v1 ·ne w1·r1· l 'J'~lt t l .tf1t•1 u11 llth 11111111~ l11uwl, tlw -.t'<'t1111l ftl(hl 111 tilt' l'Vt•11111'l_ El11t•wl11•11• 111 1h1· An1t•r1,·11 n Lt•11u u 1•, Oien ford ht•lt1•d a th1t'1' llHI lrClllll'I urnl Jim Paalmt'r JJIU ht·d rour OIHON 1m11n_w. ol h1tle•Kl4 rc•hd 111 lt•itd Uu lt1111on• tu 1111 11 ·I romp of S 1• 11 1 t I t· G o r m a n Tboma1 'Kflllll•ht.J two honw r Ull"I to JlCIWt·r Malwoukt-«• U'l u :l 1 111umph ovt•r tlw Ch1c·ugo w h I I e• s II " • II n a JI p I n ~ (I four K.1n11• 111!11111( 11trc·11k r111 1h1· Bn·w1·1" Doul( J<'lynn'11 i;u1·r1f11.-t• fly 111 tlw bottom 11( th<• 1 lth 1nru ng h t•l111 ·d Tt.•xus 11hadt· Toronlo, I :1 Oavt' Winfield hat rl·hd p1U:h1•r Uan Beard's 111 .. 1 p11d1 for a 1hr1•1•-run ho m t>r. dm1:1x111~ a f1v1· ru11 iot•V<'lllh 111ntnt( that t•arrac'll the• N1•w York Y;mkt'('li tCJ a 7 4 v1c·tury OVl'I' 011kl11111l Tiii' Vl('t11ry wut1 tht· Yanks' fourth .. 11.11~h1 .11111 ''xth m llw lu~t ~·v1•n gumcs. Tlw A ., w1·1t• rn.ii.t111g l><·hmd '>lurtl'r Matt Keough, 11-.ulrng 4 I w11h 1wo 0111~ in lht• sc·vt•nth mn1nu wh•·n Nt•W York swr1t·d 1L'I rally Ram feirt·1·d tht• po!.tpont•mt•nl o f the· game b<>twtwn tlw Bo"ll1111 H1-<I Sox .111<1 Karwt.' City T hf' Hoyal' '·"" 1111· lo(.11111 · w11uld I~· maclt• u p ai. part of a twl 111gh1 d 1111hl1 · l11·ud1·r Oil July!') Despite blunder. Lacy the hero Lt't! Lu1•y lu't J gr.and·i.lum humt· 1 u11 whl·n 111' .11 ..,·ult·11tally paSM'<.l a t1·.1111111;d1· o n th•· l/J"'"· but has .. 1ghth 1111111lg hl<.1~1 .. ull kntJ<'kt-d 1n Ii 1l111•e• r urn. and g<JV(· llw P 1tl1iburgh P1 ratt-s a11 IS 7 vwtrn y 11ve•r thl" Cml'innat1 Ht•t.Js F'rad;.iy night La1·y 1 lasµt-tl his handi. to his hNJd 111 d1..,,ipJJ4m1 t11w111 w lll'n h<• was t•allt.'<.l oul by plan· UIHIJlfl' Ed Montague aftt.'r bt.•lling lhl· dr1v1• ov1•1 tht• l'<'nll·r fwld w:.ill , but L<tt'Y was i.11 11 ac-d1ll•d with J i.mgk· and thn'<' RBI Ebe·whl·rc· in thl· Na t1on<.1I Le·agu1" Andre Dawson '• t w 11 r u n '1 n g I c· <:a pp l' d a thn-<· run rally in th1• C'1gh1h inning <And guvt• Montrl'al a11 Ii 7 val'tory ovt·r San Dwgo Doublt•s b y Bump Wlll1, Bill Buc kner antJ Larry LACY Bowa fuelc-d a f1v1· run M>i.t h 11111111~ that l'arrll'd Chwago to a 6-3 lnu1nph 11v1•r I l11uston Dickie Noles, 5.:t. wa!. th•· v 1t·t•11 , 1h11ugh h.., ... h .111ul l>td w<e:. 1·11d1·t.I 111 th1 · h11tt11111 11( tlw -.axth wh1·n Tony Scott do uhh'(I Jnd Rav Knight '\111gle'<J to ho;icl off th•· tnning LA•ft lwnclc·r Steve Carlton p1u:h1·<1 7 ' 1111nings of no IHI hall lx•forc· M·llhng for a two h1ltN and Pl11l.:1dc·lphaa hlankt'<I San Frant·L<;('O. 'l 0 It w.1~ th1• Philhl..,· fahh .. 1ra1ght Vil tory and I Ith in th1•1r last I 'L g-.m1-s Blff PoC'oroba 's solo honwr with two uuL-1 in the· bottom o f tht· ninth inning Kav1· Atlanta a 'L· I v1(·tor y ovt·r St Lou1i. It wa!<. l'ot.'UrutJ<t·s h rMI homer of the· S<'a.'iO n, a 11d w c•rH ovl'r th1· right flt'lrl ft•nH· on th1· first p1u·h from n ·ht·v1 ·r Doug Bair, ~i-1 Clements leads tlghtly·bunohed fletd Lennie Cltmrnt1 lmtth-<l •wtrhn.c n w1nc.J11 lot .1 I uiull•1 p111 1111 Fr 11 l11y llllll II 0 I\ t • 11la 11 t I 1•11 d 11V11 I' J U (' k NkklltU!I 1111d Tom Kiit' ul 1111' :111 hull• murk ul llw ( '11111111111 N,1111111111 l11v1t..it11111 (iulr '1'11u1 r111111l·11t 111 )'11r 1 W111 tla 'I\·~·" l'l1·1m·11ti. :.!:'I, II '1'11111 111111 Wllllll'I who Wo ll\ 1111 All A111•·r ll olll •• t Su11 IJ11·u11 Stull'. 1x11>l1•d 11 :1 urnh·1 par I :1:1 1111,11. l1ut N1t·kluU'4 urnl Kii•· w1·11· l>11't1lhl111o( do"' 11 h1i. m'\ k Lui klll~ t'-"11 .. 1t11ti. IJ,1l k .11 .I 1111d1·1 f1<1I W(•t ... formn U S Oµt•n t·hu111p11111i-Jury Patt' and Andy North Julie Stirnger P yn1· 1111d Kt lly Fulh. ftwnth. fru1n hllo(h 1o1.•h11ul clay" 111 J>hu1•111x, 1•ad1 f11e·d 4 und<·1 11o11 hlh tu i.h.11 ~· 11,,· C11 11 t 1 uund l1•,1cl o f lh1• l.11d v M11 h1 •l11l1 loUI 11.11111•11t 111 Al l.1111 ,1 Baseball today On thl11 date in b8.8l•ball 111 l lltt I Cleveland flreballl'r Lt·n &rkt-r hurlt·d tht> ftAt Amerk·an LA!ague pt•rfwt gum1• II\ 13 yeurs. not1·h1ng 11 strikl'OUl'I in bt·attng the Tor on to Blue J uy11, :i-0 ut MuntC'1pul Swdlum. On this daw 1n 197J: Angels strikeout ace Nolan Hyan notdu'll the first of his re<·ord f1vt• no hll ganw'\. blunking tht' K ansa:i City Hoyah •• :1 ll On this date 1n 19tl0 Two days afkr ht.• wus tradr-<l frolll 1111' Ph1ladelph1a l'htlhl'M, Don Curdwt•ll uf tlll' Chicago Cubs bt.."C:anw till' f1rs1 ma.1or J..-ugu1• pitcher to hurl a no·hlltt'I' in his fin,t st..Jrt afll'r ~ing trm.lt-d, c.1s hl• lx•at the• S t Lou1.., Cardinals, 4 ()at Wngll·y F11•ld Cub l1·f1 f1t•lde'r W alt "M oosl'" Moryrl i.;Jvt.•d tlw n o ·hlltt.'r with a d1 v 1ng .. tuh u l .l o t• Cunningham·., i.111k1111< lt1wr fur th1• gam1•, Canal out On this tfatt• 1n l }141 Nt•W Y ork Y;.inkt•t• u utf11·ld1·r J111• 01MJggw startt'd h1 .., lt•"'t·ndary ~lfi·gulll• h1111ng strc·ak with a i.ingll' ofC Ch1t Jg11·, F.ddw S mith in tt 1:i I Y:111k1"' loss 111 1111· Whitt• Sox T (Jdav's birthday!> 8Jlt1mort-1J1tdwr IJl·nrrn. Mc.1rtm1·1 '' :i~ Clt·V<'land pau h1·r H1t·k Wall'> 1i. :so K;111"" CJt y third h.ii.1•m<in c;1•11f'{l' Brl'll IS ~!I NBA lures top underclassmen Ralph Sampson rnttv IJt· lw.uhng h:ol k tu "h1111I for h " "·n1111 Vt Jr liut ;1 nu111h1·1 11( otlwr < ollt·gt· .1un1ur. lta\. ~·rvt·cl 1111111 ·1· tlwv want 111 111.' • 1'11g1 lil1· tor thf' NBA d raft on .Jum· ~!I llt·adang that IJ!>l or 1,l.1vt·n, '' T1·xai. l't•t1ll't La Salle Thomp11on, 1..i.'t wason·, D1v1s11111 I 11·hou11d1nl( lt·ade·r, USF '!. Quintin Oailey, B1,.,1•111 t'•1ll1·~w ~ui:ud John BaKlty, fi 7 Oh111 f111W.Jrd (.'lark Kellogg, W1l'h1t.1 SI.alt· (111 w ;ud Cliff Lt'vings ton, Ii !J l>1·1'.1u l 1111 w.1rd Tt'rr~ Cummings, ll11u,11111 gu.Jrd Rob Williams , .• nd c.;1 ·111g1.i (111 v..1rd Dominique Wilkins Red lloliman 11·1111•tl ,,i, l'll.wh of th1· Nc •w Yur k Krnt k..,, thl· NBA duh Jfll\uut1tc'tl F111lay T e rry O'R eilly. tlll' Hcr..toll B1 u111.., 1111"' .1rd und1·1 f1rt• fu1 .11lt•He'(lly 'tr1k1ni.: a r1•f1•1t'l'. w;1~ 1ndl'fm1t1·lv 'uspt·ndt'<l by Nataonal Htx•kt•y u •ali(Ut' pn'Stt..le·nt Jobn Zie gler. From Page 81 t>R EP BA ~ 'EB ALL. • • H.1lt111,11ull11 wh11 drov1· h111111 1lt11·1 UBI wllh•>UI lite 111 111 (11 111 .1 1111 'I 1".1ll1111.1lt .l1m ( ;,1"1h11 Wt•lll ' 1111 I \\.ll h 1w11 l<HI wl11h ... 11111 ht11p .lut111 S.·1111 "'·"" 1111 'I w11 1t lv.11 Hiii. 1111 l11d1111o:" d1111hl1· ,11111 h 111 pli. ~111 1111• l>a.111111' 11'1 hi 11a111111 ... 11p 111 lhe S4111lh l '"·"I I ,1 .1~:111 lh1·\ Y.111 kd 11\ tho l1.,1i,:ut ' Mcillol \',tl11.1l•l1 · l'l.1\1·1 11gltt 111 ld1·1 .Jc II 11 .. 111,,.,, \.d 111 Y.1·111 .I 1111 I 1111 l1ad111g .t d111al 1l1 .1111 1 ,, 111111<· \.\tlh 1lu• 1· HBI Tiii' \'.111111 ,.,... 111 .uh ,1111111g t•• llto• "' 1111d 101111d "'ill 1111.,1 Nott •• ti• 1111 '1'111 "'"·" Hert 8, Ealancla S ·11 .. 1-•• gl1·, 1111 1'h11d pl.111 111111 "'"'·'"" 1111111 1111 :-\1 ,1 \'11•\\ I ,1 .cj.(11• 1:111.11,!1.11111 ... l.1tn fl 1tlll II llli I l1dd1 •a .11111 M1 ( '.tl11ll 111 tho· 1l11rd 11111111g 111 1.1k1 ,1 .1 :.! 11•,11 1 11111 11111fol11 I l111ld 1111 111 1111 .1d\'.11ll.1>{1 • 111 1111 II 111 'I r111111d ' 1\ 1111111 ·.,I \\ 11lt Iii• N11 ~ -..·1 de •I l11d1.111 ... C.!:! I) Tl11 1-:1gl1 ". ll"·d 11 \1' h1h t11 "'"I' 11\'I 11111 .. Ill lht· l•lf' 111 1111 th11tl 111 11\'t'H Hlill ,1 '.!I) d1'111 II l\l1<".1h1ll ,, "'111111 h11 111 "'""' "'" 1111 <1·11 11·1 l1•·ld v. .ti I 'l'ln· ~.1gl1 ' """I 1tt1 • • p111 lo"h .1g.111 .... 1 1111 l11d 1a11' \\1th .f. II < ; .. 1d1,. 1 g1·1111w 1.11:J.!•·d l1H th< 111,~ '1111 lr11l1.111' ""tt·tl 1111 V.11111111•! 11111 Ill tho 1"11111111 of Ilic·'''' 11111 111111111: v.11• 11 M1k• 11.ill H\ 11 h 'lllj.!ll•d 10 lt•fl olltd 11111\'l•d Ill 'I'< Hild V. lll 'll F:,1,1111 lol ... 111 ... t 1, ...... 111.111 111"1'1·"' d .1 ...... 11111 • 111111! .t11t ·111pt 11\ K1 \Ill Hilt v 11·.o\ 111g 11111111 I' ... 111 ... 1 .11111 ... , """ l>.ol• ~ 1.11 k 1h1·11 1 .. 11 .. v. .. 1 v.111i , ... 11wlt cfo\\11 1ti1 11gh1 I rc·ld lr111· 111 11ull 11l1I 111 .. v11 tut \. C:.11dtlt'I Wl'lll ., !111 I .. 1 1111' pl.111 111 i. .. 111 Iii· 11.111111i.11t .. 11111 II"''" Tl11 1-:1j.'l1 .... I 1111 •It• II ........... .. v. 111t ,, 11 Ill I 11, •11d Brentwood 10, Newport Christian 8 T lw ( 'onqut•rol'!., prm1,111h J l••.1111 < ""llJ'r.t'<I •11 ""•Pht11111111 ' • 11dc·d thl'll ""'"'" v.1tlt ,, 11 h r"""I .11 lt·I 1c ... 111g Ill lite '"'·"' ... h•H•I~ ol1v ... 11111 ,,, llH pl.1 v1111 , l'h11'> ll11v.'<1HI .Hid Harnh :-.1u.111 t111tli 111 1111·11 "~ 1111d \1•,,r of h11o:h ~d11111l tfr .,ve 111 •hr•• 1 w1 ,.,,. 1, ''' I• ,1d N1 w1~11 l < ·1in,11.i11 , ,,11,11 k UC I s toppe d , 11-3 ~l\N'IA B/\l<B1\I<,\ Tit• ''·""11 v.1 11d -. d11\\ 11 1•1 lb 1111.ol d .1\ tucl.1\ 1111 llH I t' If\ 1111 l1.1M·l .. oll 11 •.1111 wlw11 ti ""''' .1 d1111lbl• It• ,,cf, 1 .1g.1111..,l l'<' ~· .. 111.1 B.111 1.11 .1 T l11 i\11t• ,tl •·r ... I.! 1 1 111 1111 ...,.,u1h1 111 < • • .i.i..1111 .• n ..... 1i • .i1 ,,, .... 1.1t••·•1 .11111 .!11 :. , 1 "' •·1 .• 11 Y.111 h1· l1~ht111~: 11111.11 Ii 111111111 111 S<'l'.1\ .t11d ,1,,, olll'l\'I' 1111• llf l'.IK <\'I 'll Ill.II h lj\I 10111 l1td0<\ 111 l'r1of.t\' oll llttll 11\1 lt•r-1 (;,olllh<r ... 11111111d 1111 ol'I. llHI' Ill tlii 11411111111 111 lh• f1lllt 11111111~1 .111d v.c·111 1111 f11r ,,,. 11 .I d1'< "11111 11\01 1 lhe· An11 .1t1 I' (;1111g1· l'aJ.!t · .111d 1;1q.( B1.1 11n\.\.tld1·1 P""'' 1"d two 11111 11111111 '' 111 1111 11.11111 111 i•1v1 l'(''-;f\ .1 111111f111 1.1hl1· 111.11 g111 '-------------------------------------------------------=~~~~~~~~~~~==~~ l>av1• C ;11, k .111d ~lt•\f 11.iv.or lh • .11 It h,od ,, 1 ~111 ,,, '"'Hll·.; 1111 lJ( 'I Sl.111 ·d 1 .... 1.11 I 1t11 d•1til1l1 ... ·'"' r lud:ax rm lrv11w ..... 1>.1\'1• w .... .i111 •.1d .11111 I .. 11 1 \ I f11·ks From Page 81 ANGEL S TOP TRIBE. • • lit I ( ·.,, lw11 v.. lt11 1 .11111· to \IH· J\111'• I' .tlca11~• with 111l11 ·lcl1·r Hoh W 1H1111g. 111 .1 Ir.ad• frn 11\ln!lf l1 .. 1gui·r-. T11n1 1111111.111,k v ;111d M1k1· \.\-'.t11 .. r -. "1 v1·d up f1v1· j.!1111111cl l1.tl1' .11111 ... 1r111 k ma t two dur 111g 111, c • Ire I 't111t · Y1·.d1 It• , .1 ...i 11k1·1 It.oi l 11111 lwr .111d .1 ~111111 11111·," "'"" .... 1111 111· d11I ·' j.{rt'.1l y1b trn11gh1 · K '"'II v.. ho h.111 de I• ,11t·cl Wood~ c·apt urcs ft•a lurt• rnal e h rac·e B..~1t1mort" H-4. in h1 ., I.1st outtnK. again p1te·hc'(I wt·ll. h11ld1ng tlw lt1d1.1n' .it b.1v unul tlac-AnK<+• gav1· him ;1 :i 'l l1·:Jd in tlu• 'll<tlt 1nn1ng wtwn Fn'(J Lv1111 'tft1).(lt •d tH "on· Don l\Jvl111 Lvnn «.1nd ~ 1111. who h.1v1• hM•ll ... t r u g g I I n j.( w I t It l h (• h a t 11111il11nNI 1111•0•'' •• g.1111 Ill tht• 1•1ghth tor the· An~1·1,· f111JI 1 u11 W 1tli 11111 11ul, L y1111 ..inglt-cl I )(111~ l><-< .. '1mi.., 11 ... 11 1111 ;, 11111 1ll 1v1• 111 .11·1 r y l >yl11111,k1 , .and th•· ,hort,\11p t11uld11't h .111dl1· tl11· 1 •• 111 Th.1l .tllow1-<I L v1111 t•1 11111v1· \II ll11 rd F111t th1•11 p111 d11wn .1 pt•t f•'<'I liu111 ..... ·unng l1v1111 S ix qualify fo r Laguna l .. 1guna llt•Jt'h ll1gh µl,1t·,-d six l'lllrH.., £tl th1· Cl Jo' :.! A trat·k <tlld f11 ·ld pn·l1m'i f"ridJy .it Cnhr ll1gh S1:h1xJI S.·n1or G:.ary GuyN w:L .. 1h1· o nlv nwmlx·r of 1h1· 1111•n ., ...c.1uad 111 11ualrr) f1ir tht· fin.ii'> nt•><t v.1 ·1·k w ht•n hi· f1n 1 .. h•'<l !>4.''ond an 1111· llf)(t nwt1·r' .11 I 57 llll H 1·11n11 · I) u r" n d w 11 h lw r fir ,1 111.11 1· .. tiowrng in lht· HHll .11 .! l!I II li·d the· w um1·n·, -.quad 1>11r.1111I al~1 1.111 11n1· 111 th<· l•'l(S ol 1111' v11 lor111u' mile· rc·l.iy t1'.1m "'htc h won an J lllnt' u r . 4 o:i ~ Tiu• thrt'<' utht•r runrwr. CormtnK tlw qu.11 tM Wt•Je• Enn Aranson, A11n1•tt1· J u p tn1·r :.a11d L 1!.a fc·gr.1lh THURSDAY MAY 13 -SUNDAY MAY 23. MON .. FRI., lO am 9 pm SAT. 10 am 6 pm SUN 12 drn 'j 1.1rn NIC OOMl Sale $189 88 Sale S84 88 r,., .. , Ml/UNO Ml 1000 -/. 1 / ,, '."""' "''.' ~~ 4 $35 95 \\:.:.!~/ Sale S89 88 . ' NORlH FACl CAT S MEOW PMS BlAlER I ' ' I ' ... 'H I •,. f • 1• • I. I 1, " I ••• , ,• •" t ., I ,.,.. I I ' lt 1lllli;1·., (;..,II' Woe"!.. cl1•f<•alt'<I H11-.c •v1 lie ·., .I 11h 11 ( '1111k 11\ t lw f<'.1lur<• lll:tldl I al'f • al lhc• ( )l'Hnl(I' C'11l1111 y 1''.11 rg1ou111h 111 ('11,t::1 M1 •,.1 F rid.ay na~hl lwf11r1· .1 t r 11wd of li.1$75 Today's sports on TV, radio ... Sale $79.88 1! , I 1· '· C-;.__._~~~l1e $56.88 ~ · ··-_, NIKE WIM8ll00N .. 111 1111 • :•kr;rtl'h Main 1•v1•11 t. ll u11 1111 ~:t 1111 81·Jlh 0 '> Alan I 'lt11 .. 11.111 l.11 ,11 out H1.alt11''> .John S.111d 11 11.1 .111rl O c c·<tll->lcl t•'s S1i·1 l111g < '11~.11 H '' 11 k 11 (, u y I-. r 111oI1 · n k 11 1 .1plu1 «d I h e· h;1r1tl11 .q 1 m..11n . d1·f1.,1t1 n~ Mooi.t· K e·11111·y or H1 v1·r,1d1· r111d ('1.111k , whal1· Mike· Ma11~11·;inc· t•111k lht· sc·1·11nd cl1v"111n ni.111l .111<1 Bob Utt lh1· thud d1v1-.111n rr 11w1 1•vt•n ts 11 • m 1~1 'J'•' ~•' tJC.l A TlUVr81°" COLLEOf 8AH8ALL 1 t u '" C'>i WCT Tl!NHll I I t', ""' 141 8All!eAll .ft I' o1H\tH ( •t,. I I 'I() H m Ill fto,trm "' Ph1ht<,,.f,jf1til t fl 111 111 WIOI' WOfllO 0, IPO"TS rt.., ,.,m,t1nol\ 'lf th.,. Wu,•d br1 •1ny ( t1um1;1r1n~'"' tu~ ;U Mymc.h AIWJ l P1~ ',,,."'ftO" o• trif' tl)(.l'I •0t ttl• oo• .. li•)'\.lt•<Jo •• lhf' lntl••nllpot•' ',()() """" tit&!\ 11nll 11 P<'m-''' rn.-t07th runn•no of th., r1r"i•H•etU• 7 P n' t?I 00U' I ht1(f tuut1tl 1Jh1y 111 ,,,,. C IJ'(muu N1tt10ot1I lnv•tf\t•OOul hom I'''' """•Ill r,.. 141 OUTDOOll Llfl l11tn .. <Ju1r Ptt.t •~•'"" hunt'\ ph"'•'•' t 1h 'wulhern l<Jahu 111 HOfllf llACINO '"" 1071h rur1nin1J nt tn• p,,.SI._,,,,,,,, "It'• not whether you w in or lose, It's how you get to the game." • ... ... . -. .. '-. r Sale S26 88 I l<l 1• m r4t l "Of!TI A'~LD I ""' c 11 WIDf WOllLO 0' S"Of!Tt C.r1,-1hnwno crJ111o&g"' flf lhtt World Bo•lr'Q t h•rf'lp1onth•P~ dnd u ll¥f' ''-'P<.)(f from thflt 1nc11en~1 ~ •-lflei• an<I • ,_ Ol 1"" p, .... ,_ 'MANY OTHER SPECIALS THROUGHOUT THE STORES ALL ITEMS LIMITEO TO STOCK ON HANO NEWPORT BEACH 4 IO pm 1 I It 8All!8All 0fHli) .. '' oO t"4.,w fUflr M••h '• 10 p n• 111) NeA P\.AY0"8 ''"' \ ei.,., .. ,,, r,._,, Ar1turnc; flAOIO "'"'""lit l)<itlQ•"\ II tfow "'"lo 4 10 ""' >e,ABC 1190! C.•~• .. lund ,,1 Ar•u·~' I "m M'Ml'C, 17 IOI R.11\~ ,.thHlf I .1~ •••' '91 ~Mn Ant()f1h) '• llJ 11"' "I At 1'1101 I • .,,,,_. M,.1 ''-() "'"'"""'' R"'CJl)ll~ 11 •n 'I 40 11 40 ~ "' ll 40 1 •Ori m a<N.a I • 111101 f • J,. ,, h~.n It' A ft·'' 111111 I I' 11, .1 ,, I • 6)) 1880 PUBLIC NOTICE! MAJOR FURNITURE MANUFACTURER no\ lo liqu1dote Giant Invento ry and nos choHn O range Countys HOOKS HOMI FURNISHING INC. 10 be the11 outlet LARGE SELECTION OF FABRICS & PATTERNS AVAILABLE Velvets •Herculans •Nylons •Pr 1nts •Solid Colo" •UA~LI· ONl y 2 PC. SOFA.& LOVESEAT •39900 Rulo ti llHwhere S 12.Cl 00 ()NI WUK 0 Nl 'I'' DIN I 111 S MAI l kl'>Sl '> BUNK Bl:DS CHlS 1 BfDS •••.oo ... 1 .. , ',O H ... SH .00 CERRITOS 1 • '''' ,, 1 ~nh•r ·, t • ..... Zll/924 1625 I • har n"' '" 8 70·4111 O AK I INISH 111.11111 1wAtt111m Slff.00 RECLI NERS $149-199 .. '"' ... ~·'''" ttHtl At t I ,,,.. ,,., f1fH Htj 11, q., 2 PC . SOF novESEA T Country English Trod111onol And Conloml'orory '39900 lo '89900 •IXAMPLI• Nalh•nQ Hoghe1 2 PC. CAMEL BACK SOF A & LOVE SEAT Retolla $1 .. 87 .00 ONl'f '49900 Oecoret0t1 Welcome Leyewey1 Metter Ch.tr ... vt .. DeUwery Anlleltle HOUH1 M-.. w-4.1 .. t fhun .. •rl. tt I tet. "'' l vtt. n .t BROOKS HOME , •••••• 110. Ul•t lroolthunt Wettmlnttet' ~fH) Hl·MH COf"-' "ooll1vot & M(f....,. ' • , ii • . . -.. . -..... ... -: . I. I . . . . ... . ; . . ~ . lllll!lllJlll ............................ ._.llllllll•lll!!lll! ......... !lll ... !!11111!!19 .. ~Pltll'!l.., •• llll!l .... 1!111!1!1!11!"1'~~~-..,. ... ~:-:::::;":'!"""-....... ~--.,.~· --~, • . .. -;: t \ • -Orange Coaat OAIL V PILOT /Saturday, May 18, 19S2 Bl Hatfield shows her versatility at CIF prelims D)'. llOWAftll L. HANDY OttMOtlty..U.1 llaft Shttnm ll•tfll•ld CJUllllflt-d In •II fuur UVf'l\tal ah<' t•11tt•1-.'tt 11nd Khn O-·Vt•th1 d11ublfd 111 th" dl1t.un1.,,. r11t,.•1 a11 \ho womlln'a mulllplti quallrlllrw In 1'~r1day'11 day-n!t1h\ 4 A ltiack and field prulimlruarlt'll 1at El Modt•na lllt1h School PREP TRACK m Chrl1 Spt'rlr 1tnd JWd Emery Andn·w1 u11d Emery uU..V ql1ahfl1't! "' tht'lr 1nd1v1c.luul "P'~·llllllL"li, Amfrt'WM in lht· :1:w luw hurdktt tmd Enwry In lht• 440 tl.1ll1t•lcl, lht• mu1t1 -tuh•ntt•d 11t11r ot tht• fountain Vullt•y womt•n'K tt•om. ~uuhfit-tl In both hurdll• rul"'"· tht' h11«h JUmp und lcmu Jumµ und wuld ht• umon.c tht' toµ flnuctw"' m·xl wt-t•k ln lht' finub Ill oU fuur t•Vt•11U1 l>\•Vt•t[a or Edl8l1n, puHh'tt II ~ Ill :1:1 Ill lht• malt• and un 11.W 0 for tht• two milt· l'jf1t'ry put forth un rxtu•11w l'f!ort 11nd alm<Jltt ovt•rtook lua heat winner, Tummy Anderson of Muir, ut thl• wpt· F.mt<ry rt'(:ordlod tt 4ll 83 for hill 1•Hurt 'n t ht· Oll•n '11 t '\>rnptot1 llun, Jo'uu11u11n Valll'y plu<'t'(I IS<'Vt·n pt•rformt>rs 111 tlw fmul11 mdudang Uw miltt rt-hty team o! Tom Te1111wr , Todd Andrew11. 0t .. ·u11 Vll'w'ic Mark Gul'1>1 Willi M'<.'ond in hi!i twat ru<'t' in lht• '140 in 49 78. In lht• nuh• run, Nt'd M1>+1twr of J<'ounwln Vullt•y and S l t'Vt' Jaeger o f Camarillo nu:~d Artists stave off challenge by Vikes LdgunJ &otwh High 1s th£> only Orangt• Count y reprl·S<·ntut1vc.· H•mLJining in th<• CIF vollt•yball playoff:; uftt•r quartt•rf1nul l'ompt'l1t111n took plat·t· Friday ntghl Ttw Artists, lht• defc•nd111K < hamµums. d1dn'1 havt· an t.•a:sy 1111w of th1n~i1. though . ..ii> VOLIJEYBALL Marina, t·hampuin uf tht.• Sun.~.'l Lt•aKW.', l'Xtt•ndt.od It!> "ppom·nt lo f1v1• M'l" lwfure losing, 12 I 5. 15-4, 15 11. 10-15. 15-10 In olhl'r ul·tion, Santa Barbdrn upse t No. 2 seeded Estancia 1n f1v1· -.t•L,, wh1lt· Sanw Monin1 tuuk unly four g<1mcs bc·fon· d1:-po:-1ni.t ,,f S<Jn Ckml•ntt- "I 1h11ugh1 wt• trw<l to gc.·t .1 hllh· ll.10 soph1st1catc..J tonight," admitted Laguna Beac h Coach Bill A l\hl·r . who walC"ht•d his \l'am n'(:urd its 59th-slra1ght dual mt'i'l v1t·111ry ''On offense our pluy1·r., w<1ntt'<.I IO do a lillll• b11 mun· th;in tht•y'rt· l':.ipubl1• of doing "In the end at l'Umt· down lo a powPr game Ill U lot of !ipOL'> tind wt· wt•n• ablt' to ovt·rpowcr thl'ir hl11t'k~ mort.> than th1•y W(•rc· able lo uvt•qJOWt·r ours " A. .. lwr s ingled out tht• play of 'INlt•r Hudy Dvorak, who nc..'«-'<ied t11 l hungt> has S(•tung tec:hniquc· tn th<' f1 n.l game wht·n lht• rdcrN· fl'll ht• was using a 11legal hold. ;ind middle blcx:kt.·r Nt--11 R1ddt"ll. for lhl•1r c.•fforL'i Marina Cooch Tim Ht't'tl had pr;i1s 1• for his playt•rs, too, e:.pel'1ally an the fourth game wlwn tlwy rd.>oundC'd from <1 I 0 I dl'f ll'll "Wt• sc.·em t.o pl<Jy well when wv'n· bc:h1nd," said Ht.'<'d. whUSl· V1k1ngs fm1shcd with a 17-J n'('l>fd ''It's been a long t1ml' ., 1 n c.· t · a n y o n t' s c o r e d 1 4 un,u1!>wt•red p o ints aga1n:-t Ldguna If they're the best, tht•n I don 't think w1"re tou (<Jr lx•h1nd" M1ddlt· blol'kt-r Andy Klu!-.sman, 8111 Ll·nncrtz and st'llN Chm; Fisher k'<.I th<• way for the· Vikings La1otuna will play Santa Monica 1n o ne of Tuesday's wm1fm<1l matA:hups BALLACK HAftlUION Top seeds to tangle for title Leigh Anm· 1-:ldrt-dgc. the No l ~.._'Cl an thl• lll·and·under agl· d 1 v 1 !> 1 o n o f l h c• S l' v t-n t t-c· n Magazint• lc•nn1l\ tourn.iment, will f<Jt'l' N.1 :.! :,,c·t·d Beverly Bowes Loday 111 tht· sm~ll-s final Ac:u on bc·gms ut 10 at M1ss1on Viejo's M arguerite Recreation ( ·1·nwr. with thl· 14-and-undl'r t 1tll' bt-'i n g dl't·1ch•d Mel1ss<1 Brown wall bt• 11u1 llJ upsl'l No. I ~'('Cl Sll'phanll' Ht•ht• of I lighland an tht· first mut.c:h Pirates gain finals Brown dc•l'1:.111nl'd Shawn Foltz. 6 4, fi-1 Fnd:.iy. giving the stondoul from Sal·rsdull-. N Y a sh ot at R~hl'. a 6 3. 6-1 winner t>Vt·r M1am1':,, N1ruka Sodupe BAKERSFIELD Orangt' Cvol>t College's al·cla1mt•d d1:.l<.tnl'l' ru11nc•rs will try lO S<:ort• Mime· P'Jlnts ltwrally when Bakl·ro;;f1t•ld College hosts the Southc•rn CJliforrna Community Coll1•gt· lr<Jl'k and field finals t1x:Jay The• P1r<1 tes' Jam Dyer and Stc•vC' U('hytil qualified for lh<' finals las t week in the 1.500 meter rat't.' They'll be joined by t<'ammall~ Tom F1tzgc·rald (3,000 $tc•1·pl1·t·hasl') and M1kt.· Serna ~.<HJ() nwtl•r.;) wh<>n ac:t1on g(·L" ~ndl•rway ;it noon with women's Jicld l'Vt·nL' : In add1uon, the Sues' Brwn lf.arold has <ilready qualified for ~he· s t;itc· t·ommunity colleg1• 9-hampaonshap:-. set for next w ei.-k Jtl Sacraml'nt.o. with a 30:34 5 ~loc:k1ng in the 10,000 metrrs bl'\' Coa.,t's women are also wc•ll fl'pn·:,,c·ntt.·d 1n today's finals. i 1th Barb1l• Ludov1se quahfymg both the 1,500 and 3,000, and athlt-cn Dube· also qualifying in fh c• 3,000 Other qual1f1 l•r:. Jncludr Angie Stevens (2:215 90) and .Janam· Dubt·) Like OCC. GoldC'n W<.-st's bt.-st lwt in the finals c.'Omes from the distan ce runners with Steve Mc Roberts qualifying In the 3.000 with a 9:39.5 clocking. He'll be joined by discus specialist Make Genovese who qualified last week with a 139-1 heave OCC's Pat Lusug IS the lone area pole vault quahllrr. going 14-6 last week. ::iaddleback's main thrt•ats are Oav1d Ashford, a qualifier an both the I JO high hurdlt'S ( 14 41) <Jnd 400 rntermc•diate hurdles (~>:I :.!~). !11 thl' I 6 and undc·r action Friday. M1 t·ht•llt• Torres of Northfield , Ill ., ddeated .Bakcrsf1cld's Mariannl' Werdel. 6-:J. 3-6. 6-4 Shl''ll face T,.rry Phelps of Larc.:hmont, N.Y. in today's final Phelps ousted Kay Tittle of Irving. Tex . 7 -5. 6-2. MeanwhJll-. t;ldn'C!gc defeated Ht.>alher E11us of G reat Nock. N Y . f!.:J. 6-1 and will try to ward off the challenge of Bow~. a 6-:L ti 7, 7 -6 winner over Oklahoma City's Mary Norwood Adm1ss1on l.O today's finals is f rc'C' Gearhardt posts upset for UCI L 0 GA N , Utah -John Make Tylman finished serond G ea r hard t o f UC I r v 1 n e m the 3.000·meter steeplechase, outk 1cked San Jose State's posting a 11me of 9.15 .86 Sim on Ktl1li to wan the 10,000 Meanwhile sopho more Rick meters , h 1ghl1ght1 n g the H olliday of UC! was runner-up Anteaters' performance an the tn the triple jump with a leap of opening day of the PCAA track 50-11 . while teammate M i k e and field championships at Utah Powell, a freshman , h e lped State Irvine gam a point an that event The two runners were neck by finishing fifth n1,•k tmd rw .. ·k to tht· t.up•• ht•hintl Jt••u" C1utlt•rn•x In om.• uf tl\t' dUM'lfl rllWI< ur lhl• nlt(ht (iUtlt•rrt•/ hit \I'll' Wpt~ 111 <&.ii :l with tht• otht•r two U1m'(I ut 4.22 ts. 1'ht• (ll!ill•Ht n1llt• ro1.·u of tlw ru.cht WWI u 4. lli.~ by Jdf Wlllwnui of l"uu1h11l Buh t:Jll'k*lll 1lwn run i11to (;lllll•ftt•l 111 llw 1wu 11\lll'. f1ni11hl11~ lk'<'<md with u IJ .W H t•ffurt to \1.1\1 71 for 1h1• w1nm·r U111 tlll' l>1·11t t1nw of lht• rughl t·1unt: In the o th1•r rm·t' wh ... u· t-:r11.· lh ·y11uld11 or Cum1.111ll11 JAlllk•d a y 01 74 (~U!> ~Ullllllll'!C 111 llunll11a(ton BC'ut·h wu:. tht· f.1,,h'11I f1(1h plan• runnt•r with o II 28 .~>4 :.ind muth· rlt'xt w1.-t•k '11 (111ul:. ~ndok.111°1 llffi<• WIU' tht.• third f,ltll.t'tlit (If tlW IWu rut"t.'tl Andn·w11 µla<."t.'<l third 111 lltl• :1:W 11.1w hurdlt11 but hit tht• tlnul hurdlt· In till' 120 h1gh11 l1nd ft·ll from t11~·vnd to fifth 11nd falll-d tt• qu11lifv ' Rld1 Forsyth of FJJblon. who fallt'd t.u quollfy u w1't•k uio. &ulnt.od 11 phi4'\' In lht> mt'C.'l wht·n Morlnt1'11 S1uurt Lui IJC'rnt.c:ht-d, wl\ll \ht• lop polt· voultn with IA I :i tl <•Hort 'l'h..r"· Wt'rt• othor1 at ttw Ktlm~ h1•1t(ht but with m11n· ml~"'·" ul lowt•r h·vl•b L111 t•ll70 l>t•ffi('Y<'rll Wiii Olll' or nrnl' ltlt(li JUmpc•111 to dt·{ir Ii 7 11nd tiuuhty for tht· fmah1 Olht'r ;1rt·u quullt1t•n. mducl1-.l H1•x Bruwu uf Oc.•t•t111 V lt'W 111 tlw I 00 und iio a l1111t( with f'l)Ullt.m 1 V 111l1 ·y'w Hu·k Nit hols an thl' 1211 h1uh lturdh'll 1l.11fu·ld ~11v1• 111'1 f;.111:1 a lll''11 l' Ill tht· 100 luw hurdh-g wht·11 llht· tut urw with hn right knt't' bdnn· lh1· lunu jull\p But ahc l'£lnw through with un Ill ~''' t•flun, ..:11111.I fur third pl.;t't', dt'1Jp1tt· lht· 111·111 111JUI y ~A.laso11 fr<'i-hrnan Kim Wulultk •111"10 quallf1t'll for tlw f1nuli. with u 17 101., dfnrt Harrison, Smith capture titles ailors finis h second to CIF s wim «ha1np Mission • By ROGER CARLSON Of IM 08111 PllOI ll•f1 EAST LOS A NGELES Nl·wport llurbor H1gh's Torn Harnson and Ed111on's S11·w<Jrt Smith l'aptuwd CIF t1tlt'S Friday night ;,t th1· CW ~w11n fi nals at F.ast Los An~eh'll Collc.·gt• Harrison. tht• Sunst•t Ll·agul· d1arnp1on an thl' IOU-yard l>utl.l'rfly. swept to a ~I 01 111 µ,1\·1ng <i 1-2 Sailors' f1n1~h Pushing him lo tlw c.·rown wa." Lt-<1mmatt.• Jon Ballal'k, who t'<.lg1'tl M1:,,.,11m V11•.10':,, Vint•t: Va.-;sallo for M"<."Ond µl<it•t• bv 111H· thou~ndth ofl.1 :.t'l'emd The 1iJrr1son Ballat·k t·11111b1n.i111111 lt·d Nt•wport Harbor to a S(."<.'ond plan· f11ush 111 th£' men's division bt·hind e1ght-llmt• 1 hump1on M1sswn Vwjo ! JurrtSOll £ 11\IShtod M"t.'Ond Ill lilt• :WO 111d1v1clual 11\t'lllt•y (I ·5:J 10) <1nd Ball<Kk addc'tl ,, third plan• (1111:,,h 111 tht• JOO lJ:1t·k with a "l:l-tl f'lflltl llurn~m w:1:-fuurth .11 th1 · halfway p111111 Ill the· fly (24 40) in ttw lwld of ..,I>-. 11111 ht• tu1111.J 111111 ;it lhul po111l l11 toml· fro m lll'h111d f.,r tht· c h.1rnp1011sh1p "I JU!>t i>trl'I.( he-cl 11 out,' '><1ld tht• SJllor:-' !>t'lllor. hound fol Clan·memt-Ml-K•·nnc1 < 'ollt·l-(1• "I w;111tt•<I to gu in lhl' low ~Os," lw .Jd<h·d 111.., ~11 Ill d1<ln't qu1tl· mak1· tht· lo(oal , hu1 ll:ir11))1111 w ."n't l'Oo11pl···:~;,,K Nt•wporl llc1rbur ll1~h Coad1 Torn Mil1d1 tTt"tl11tod JIJrrt:-ori'-; ability t•J hit the• wall w11hout going short or long as a big remwn for h1:-.. uc<.·«ss St<>wart. lht· E<liwn High .. 1.11 who ... urlat'l-d with tht· <ib:..t:nn· of Nc>wpurl llarbur·, two unw dd t·ndtnl( t·h:.imp1on John Mo ff t•I Ill t ht· prl'lm'l!> SEACOAST CURITY SYSTEMS 642-3490 •21, ... ~ny Owned llftd 0P9feted ·24 Hr. A.A.U.L. Central ltatlon - /)REP SWIMMING l>t'i';IUst• 111 .111 lllJUI V IJ<.tcf a :.!7 Oli 'pill Ill lhl' l()l) li1·c·;L,1 , 05 .tlw.1<l 11f S • .1nw fi.trh.cr.i'i. J11h11 ('lat k, lht•11 :-lowly t'dg1·d .1W,JV lo win 1n ~Ii li-t , 11111· lau11d11"d1h 11f ,, ... '<or11I 11ff his 1111'111111· tx·:-1 "I JUSt w.111lt-<I lo sw1111 111y '""l," -...11d Stt·wa1 t '1'111· to11-.c1lJt11111 ... tc1<1, fou11cl :-.ll'rhn~ 1·Ho1 L' M;inna' I l1gh'' '1'1111 PJNH1' wt•lll :.!I 1;:1 111 w111n111g tlll' Ml fn·1· 1<111 ... >li.1111111 a del(·k1ng wlatl'h would li.cvt• wo11 111 lh(' 1 hamp1or1l\h1p r,1t't• J1a1 :"!11th, lw.1d1·cl for Bu1·krwll. 1111:-:.1·d tlw d1a111p111nsll1p r<11111d by Oil st<t·•11Hl 1n tli1· µn·l1111:- N1•wport :-l'(ll11t Tl111111psor1 .. w1·µ1 to .1 47 :n 111 w111111ng lh1• t·1inM1lat11111 100 frt'i.'. wh1d1 wouhJ havt• ~1v1•11 hi' th1rcl 1n 11t1• d1a111p111n:,,h1p 1,111• El Tcno\ C:1.11g Popp ,111le· M1~'1u11'>thunclt·r1r1 ltll' d1'.'>Wrlt'\' (111·.., 11 :l!l 70 .111d 4 :.!!I 4~11 H1t'k l'r.1d11 w1111 1h1 111cl1v11lu.il rm'tJh·v Jfld M1..,,,11 111 Vw10 wu11 '"•th 11·1.cy' tht D1.cl1ltr, eml) fir, I pla! t "> Sippy We,.>1lt11·;1d'' 11al11111.1I 11'1.111d 111 tlw :.!00 fr1•1• 11 45 !1111 p;u· .. d M1:-s11H1 's '>•·ve·rith .. tra1ghl l'l llWll 111 lht· w111rn•n 's d1Vl!'>l•111 M11 ht·l1 • Hu d 11f l'11r11n.1 clt·I M.1r IA.;, • ., ..,,'< ond m 1 Ill' l\f.Jr1nls (:H ~.~, ;ind ~>:!~>:!I . Am v Clark of l-'011nla111 Vall1•v was 1t11rd in 1111· 11111 h1t·<1:-t (I Oli li2> a11d H1.md1 Suttl1· 11( lrv1111• w ..... 1l11rd 111 tlw 50 f rt•1• (24 fi5) 1n .1 d1v1,11111 oth1·rw1:-t• d11m1nJtt·d b y M1 ,s10 11 V11·JU .• nd ru11nc•r up l':.iµ1:-1nmo V Jlll·v 2411 Newport Blvd. Costa MIU Ca 92627 PANELING SALE! B,,.clal May 12·May 11. 1982 Bolla muranth1: 6.99 I am lilt mosl beautiful ol my 1enus w1lh an or '"lt ctd boo1 tmblu ontd ••lh thctt blac ~ bMll!s m, lens att bl.Pl 1ed I am pu ctlul and atlivt s" m' 41 Aqu.ltic ltoouts wlltrt I am on Hit undtr lht "'mt Clown lOKh to1 on1, 6 9' VIS4' I SIO \II Ba~tr•Costa Mtu SO· 1391 •Cocntf ltltbot ' Bah• BUY 3 PANELS GET 1 PANEL FREE 41811A" "WAFERWOOD" Smooth One Side Exterior Glue 41811h" "COX" PLYWOOD Reg. 8.69 Stock Ponel1 Only SALE SALE and Kelly Ranger (2.17.56), m tht• 800. an d the OCC women's mall· relay tc•am (Rhonda Colbert. Susan Zahradmk. Kelly R1111icr and neck for most of the race, but Wnh the conclusion of the Gearhardt beal K.ihJ1 to the tape meet today, UCl finds itself third I by one-tenth of a second. an team scoring with 19 points. 5-PL Y Construction Grade Exterior Glue Reg. 9.69 $699 ARE YOU BUYllG I CIR? WE COULD SAVE YOU AS MUCH AS $3000 ON HIGHER PRICED AUTOMOBILES ANO CERTAINLY HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON MODERATELY PRICED CARS WE WILL DO YOUR SHOPPING CALL VIRGINIA AT (l 14) 141-4800 or. 84&-1122 ... ______ ;;..;;;;;;;-.--------- BUY II LOCALLY! LEASE Ott IU'fl In Newport .. ech Roy Carver BMW I S40 JAMBOREE RD .• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 7 1•-640-6444 THINK ABOUT THIS by Po~/01 ~OJ 01tlu11I ' M.111 1' like• .J JH 1'<oru•r 111 .J dt•ulh 1·•·11 <1md1•m11t'<I lo d11-." llll' plial11,11ph1•r K11·rk1•1(Jard nrH't' •mid "Yuu'tl think tw 'ci Ill' l'lll'1 l't•rn1·d , t.u1 nuw he• s1~:nd!> hu; I.ti.I m11m1·nL'! playing lUrd~'" A 11loomy Vlt'W or man? Well. ..tt:tuully. 1h1i. pu tun· or him ha:. an inmll twist He's bet•n pardont<I and he doesn'l know 11' AnJ when somrone lnt'S to ll'il &----------------------~ hh1m he refuses to belil•ve TEACHER & COACHES What Are Your Chances of Earning $~28,600 A Year? We are an Eutern baMd Fcmuii. 500 CorporatlOn ... king quallfled tHctlar1/coect1 .. wlttl H IH aptitude or prtvlou1 HIH experience. We are lnter•ted In lkllttull. eoclely mot>h 1*>Pa who are unMtltfled With tMlr preeent llltu.tlOn. You mu1t tlava • 1UOCMa po1anti.i. 1 llnoera daalfe to ..,.... ~. 1b1Nty to ~ wtltl MiOCeMfUI men end women, and be preptted I« lntana!W training. We are wllllng t o lnve1t eubetanUally In th• right P90t* who are !oc*lna fOf • oereer. Menegamant Ind ..ming opportunltlae are unllmlted cMpendlng on 'f04Jll tatent end lklll. M llltnstld, • to ltttnd a c•• .-.S ~' .-. It .. Sellth Cont rtua Hit .. "' May 11 et 7:31. f• ..,.. rnen1tlln& ul Rift JKlMn. 714) 644-4242 (714) 833-2750 -, .... ,,, .. .. . 11 and 110 g0t-s unnec<'S· 113rily 10 h11 own l-c:mdcm- nallQn nnd d<'ath I wrltl' this l'ulumn lo wll yuu thut ohhough "lht' wages of sin 11 death, the g1h of Cod 11 c•ternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord " There 111 no nl'('(i for you to fact' God one day with lhl' awful rondemnll· uon of your own sins upon you C hrllll d1rd 1n your pli.Ct: "The-juet for tht' unju111 . t hat He mljlht hrlna you to Cod " My friend, bellevt' Hlm itnd 8('(.'(!pt Hla forglVl'neta! .i-bo'" Rood ell a.'°" •-Newpo" ~h. ~ ~6010 f I • 4181~" "COX" PLYWOOD Reg. Great For Many U1e1. Exterior Glue -Construction Grode SALE 1121/216' # 1 CEDAR GRAPESTAKES Beautiful stock Reg. 1.09 ea. 79.! DAU'S ''STYLETONE'' PAINTS Premium Grode -Mixed Colors Available BUY 3 GALLONS GET l GALLON FREE • • ~ -• t « ~ ~ : I l : : I t • ; : : ~ : : : : ; .. ... Orange Co••' DAILY PILOTl81turd-v. M•V 15, 1812 ,_ __________________ .;..... __ ..,.. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAJOR lEAOUE STAHDIHQI Amerlcen Leegue Weote111 OMolon ( ,., • .t{ttl ... ng1lt W L 10 '' Pc;t h4~ ,,,,, 01 K1Hll\11 C 11,. I/ ltt ,, II ,, 7 (Julll1tt11I '···-lllt~ ,.,.,,,,, M111••11•1 j1.1 Ut•~ltm (h •hwt M1hNHU .. Ht N-Yt.><k I t1•v••l•o1tl h .1hmu1,,1 "'''lllft+ '" 1'1 ,1 1 'I 11 l'I fa1te•n Oh,talon .... I ' IJb/ 4 I .. 11 ' Ill 17 lolJ '1 11 1<4 1J'4~ .. 1 ' H.1 4t,44 •• 14 17 ... ,7 I I I I~ ~ 1!1 H 'I Ill •Ob ii Fr•d•y'1 ticore1 Aogelt '; t 1t•y1•I o ut •' IJ1•t1• 111 1 >.A1nlll• ~t1l.1 ,1 i I I 1111111\fJ\I It•• I' 4 1,,,,,,.,,, I l I 1 +ntl•IHl\J ~11lw.1+1 .. 1•1• l t 1111 •Ill'' I tin .11111 .11 P. .1n 1.o.t , L iiv 11pcl 1,1111 1"4f'W '(111l\ t' f )1tlll11•UI 4 u .• 11 .. 111,11• 1 1 ····1111 •• " Tod•(• Cl•m•• 1 u ,1~1+11+!1 ftl.,•m••I 11 'h 11 Anqet1 l/Hfih '1 11 M -•1111•"-••1.1 ,, t·lt••I! IJ " I 1t~11H 0 Ot 111 l>••t•lltl tW 1h Ip •' ,11 H1 ... 1t111 1 11111••1 , I; Jt "''"''''~ 1 1ty HJlun ,',I '4•'Yto f,,,_. tM lt H lt '' ft1 .. l1111d IMt,f,1ttlV , 1, l 111t11•10 tC.11111r f I .•t .11 1 •• .,,,, 1 f .tn.u11• I It M1!w 111 .. ••t• fll11 1 1 f,1 H f t111 ,1(J11 fUuli•\ 11 ' f\ fH 1f1111 tt i ~1 '-"'fl,, II II 11 ~,,•,Jiii,. ~~ • .,,., I 11 I n N•llOn•I Leegue W••l•rn 01v1eron W l Pel GB Afl.1j "' 'I f167 111 l111•q II 1•, 'Jl l,. '• Oo<lg••• 1, 1 ~orJ San Fren,•M.o 1~ 19 4• I 7'' C1nc•nna11 I• 18 438 7'> Hou&1on 14 20 • 1;> II" ,, I IUI N i•N (111• tJUJrd11•,1I f'1ll•,1m111• C 1'1(8QO f••fetn Olvlelon , I I l h lti I r I '• '"1 I 1 ~ ,, u, • 1• ' ,. .~ 1100 d ' ~ ' 4 i j ti 14 1!1 •?• 11'> Fr1<10 .. Seo••• Oodo•n " /41•"'1 .-,,,., 1 , .'110111• 1•11) H ' .. ~, I ltt••1•' l 1•1111.u1t•l(,r1111 I • .. 111f'•""1".c. U I tt•.t11ll•jh b f ''" 11u 1 th ( All 11.t+1 ,J 11.1u•, t '111 t!jli I U1111,luh I Toda,.• OamH Oodt1•" !fl11w1•1 0 n1 jl NAtt11o fwe. tPuloQ ... lt+•·'I' 1v1o 1•1• •• 111 ,,1 M no11t•.if flea I I 1 ,, ....... ,, d ·, 1 .,, 4 ,•1 1t ~111\tJo'O" ••• I I f\-. I •I I .\ M 11f l1ll u U1 I I 1•,111 11••1t•hHJ 1< n1 '''"'"''" J H " 111 , 1 J M "1 n t 4 1 11 A11i•ntA ,_,,, "' l1·•ft •• ' 1. " I 111 Uj! I Jfli+~ I :' !I ii ftll\,\1t.Jll (C),ulf()(\ AMERICAN LEAGUE Angel• 5, lndl•n• 2 CUVH ... NO C"llFOANI" •b • h bt 1b , h bl i l'IWlllH., II 4 'J ') 0 ( htc111t• tt 4 I ? II ti •If 1J1 HJ } t ) 0 [h•r1u.}t1I ff , f) 0 Q .. ,.,,,,,It ,,.,,dll 11fl Mif1,,,,,. 1f l) " ft I) l l) I t.,,,,._,. \I I 0 0 Cl I•'"'' /ft t 0 I 1 ,.,. h lo ,,. '' 4fl () 1 I '"·1(1' 1 1 1S II I) f I• r l111~ 11 U 0 U fJ Ah " 11 •''• fl 0 n 11,1yh11 •JI• " tJ tl.1V,I' ~ I IJ j) 0 I t1tr11 I t C>tht • fJ UH ll••( 111 , H ll tJ 0 U I till "' tt1o1,n 1• 1 f 1.1 •• t\ Score b, Inning• 11 I J I • 11 'I I l 'I .... I '' I h•,1•l1H~tl 101 000 C)of)(J , ,1!1••·111111 '11) f)11 0 1• ~ ,, •• ,, ,,,,, 1111·1•1 f1J ( ........... ,,,,1 J ,,.1 •. 11 , I 1 '' l 11J•1,u 1d t, (..,1hfr1ttu,1 h "'''•II•' i'••N" t•q H110lll' ~ t ,.,,.""" •,J '.4' fV11J1 Cl•••l•n<t IP ti R EA B8 SO l•r •! I \ I/I ,f·,1" Calltotnla .. , \ t I II () (I I""''' IW . •11 f, I I fl r, () ll ( llff1Plt i'1 •'t r • ,111 A .'b f'if>.' Angel 1veraQ•• BATTING AB A H HA ABI Pct , 1'11·' ,, tf. t t 1 17 ):;>0 H •. , ... , .. ,., 11 U f) 4 \11 ( ffi·W I f ft, /~ (J 7 181t U• 411" 11 I ' H, I ' 'l' l \~ 18 ! f 1•101.1\•,, Ht II 0 276 h 11,iltJt 1 Ht 1f1 \8 f') 7• '17'J t ,,,., 11 <i 14 n o 6 ?17 ~(11 int ~,.,,,, If. I 7 (1 -1 169 H11M1t 111 !; 1<1 " 1 , 'ti ' Jw J 1• .-1f)f) I', J;, 4 14 l illl} f ul1 14'1 ;l/ f) I? i'37 tJf•<.1111 I ./'I 1 i ,1} • u ?'} 1 , '"'' • • 0 1 tf,/ h~11h•·1 ,fl 1·. C) l 156 Kt+ll•·tH•f (J 0 0 000 J '~''"'"' \ (J 0 0 000 W1ltHllJ Ii ,, 0 0 0 000 l 1.11· ' l lllJ '"' '17 J1 t '\'J ,60 tlit•.f"JfH /.1110 Ii··~· r .... ,_..,, "'1•.nh ., lt'M,,ll'/ ''-''"<'• W1rl fl M totHlil h·•'"'"'''' fflttl PtlCHINO P H 88 80 W l EAA 17 IJ b I 1 0 I 00 .,, 44 11 , ... Q 'i t t ,. I~ ,••, !I II ·1 7 7 1 I l'I' '!II I I~ l I 7 12 j I •1•1 17 U 1 I() '2 6 1 1<1 I'• I Ill ~I) ) 20 ,., •, ) I', us ;• t J J• 111 If) !If 14 ? 0 ') 90 \l 1' t Ht 11' 'i •t 4fl 6? " I I " II 1 4 66 !f l /It/ I/A 1111 }'/ 1 1 ~8) A•n9••• '· Blue J•y• ) 1 •l•UHI• 1)10 001 001 O() J 1!J 0 l•·•a-. 000 O•O 0 11 0 1 • 9 2 I f'11tl I Mr I i\U(Jhlill '"' H l Jae•~,.,, (9J 1md Mml111tJ1 W h11f MuOR<~ Comet (9) M111U1,-.11.1 t 10) '*"'J '3undfi4't'0 W MtrAbfttlA ' () I It I 1110 .• .,,. 7 1 HR Tornnll) V~l"t I I I A IU 'If/I t lQera 4, Twine 2 M"'""""1" O?!l f/00 000 00 2 0 0 Onlt1•" 00 1 100 000 02 4 1' 1 ll•1<1t""' C••hlln 14) Uow!O l!IJ Fetlon ( 111 """ 1 outtl•ll• p,.,. y Roz.,ma l!ll 111d P•rntll WilC• ""l11•a W 111}1""'~ ~ 0 I ()ewla, I I 111< [Jf<ltllll (l•l,,U!I IAI ... '' 4~0 9t••••• 2, Whtta loa 1 MllWHOll..... 0 10 11)0 000 2 l;hl(,.j>QO 000 00 I 000 1 1 0 SlllOll B.,nittd USI EHl1trly 17), Ftngetl ti) nn<J Y1>el Ootaon facauao• 171 HIOey te1 8at111~• tOI and F•.. w s1a1on 3--0 p Onlllon, 2 • s f 1"09'• 17) ... 35,033 O<i.19• 11, ........... Baltlmmw 3:13 010 l 10 11 10 S.111141 300 010 000 -' 9 3 8141'"3•1 Palme< fOl •nd o.m-. Helton. And11<•<1n ('I. $1Alllon t7l end FttoVa, BuMt"9 1111 w S1ew1r1 3·2 l -N•l1011, •~e S Pelm•r t IJ llR Blltlmore , Ford (4) A 6 4811 I NAflONAl llAOUI Dodptt 4, U.tt 1 lOI AMOllH MIW VOlllC ••I hltl lhtH11Mt 7h !) 0 t 0 ID I h bl W11tot1 ll t o o ·~11•\UU .. , t I 0 '1l•t1l11~~ OtU ll•~"' II I I 1 VUll(jhhl 11 0 I Cot•tt•1 ,, 4 I O f\1Hyllt11 1t1 0 1 0 \ "" 01 • 0 ' (Ml"•'t Ill I I f) '""'"'" ' 0 0 0 llrno~• ;111 .J O 0 0 .,., .. ,uu1 l u 1 1,.11111.,• l l • 0 H 0 V14~Uflll" l• I 0 0 1 llotlUI •'I) ) 0 1 1) ( .. ont11 •• J 0 0 1) fht hJflHt ,. I 0 1 u V1lehl11 !JI• 1 0 U 0 .... ~11 IJ 0 0 I) 0 ru111I• \1> 4fl t1 l utal• tO I I t Ice•• br 11111111111 I ... ""U"lo• 0 HJ 00' o~o Now Vrn-000 00 I 000 l (l!J I II\ ... n(jt1lt1a 2 NMW YOll. 1 l lJU l u' """~'"' I N ew 'fu r" .s I U "*lo1u 11a Ynnuu1 UailVt 'f'QUUUOl<JOO TtHtlH•"' ... ~ u .. ~ .. , 11) .,, V•l~n1uttl• Loe ""U•le• 11' H II Ill 88 10 v ut.•111\.mJt.i tW '\ jl 0 f I ' I (' New York f1• Jone• (L,4·21 4'wc.11 8 I '1 ' 4 1 I !I 0 0 I I '" ... Plraleo a, Medo 7 (.,u1u1111;Jh •,oo oo t o tO I u •t 1"11 •11111 (II! Ill> I 00 1 lJ • ~ l 2 0 "1wt1vu, U !'1l11tl•1J l/J K111 11 1/1 ltu1tui (10 .1o d f1l•YI0•1 Q ltOl11llfjt1l1 1j\Jf1lUt11ttt> C 11 Jtwuo ~II '"""'"" t'41 imcl l'Hfl11 W ••umn 1 1 l """' O j ", I •ltlr1ulvn f4 ~ I th t.•v( 111nut1 h11tu1 ... 1 Il l 0 110•'--'' 131 A 15 271 Phllll•• 2. Glanlt O ~.on I t1HH 1,n, 000 000 000 0 'J 0 Pr,111uJ•1IJ''"'' 10 I 000 <HJ , l 1U tl C11th• M u111u1 (IH 1m tJ U1t•tlly C1olt<•11 u mt lh+I/ w f ttrllo ll ~ ~ I c .. 11. 1 ' A \ t '1d 1 8r•veo 2. Ca1dln1lo t .,, i11u1' 1>0() t)()() OtJ1 t I U All11111.1 11011 OCIU 111 1 7 I 0 AnlfUl4.lf u.111 '"' 1Hlll flt;d t'f "IHll.l\Ut r' tl1t•lo;10 (.,,,,,,., 1<11 11t1tt Poi (J tn().1 W '•1Hh flf I\ 1 I 111111 l 1 10, Allnr1tH lt.111tl1t•/ ti'1 •• ,., lllllfl•l c 11 " 16 t'Jb E •Po• I, P.clt•• I "'"' ll'lttlll ll04 100 1)()0 I I J 7 M •l11l11•ol t~'O 00#1 U!h tt 1;t 0 l ullrH ~hnw In \ Ult4~ 181 t.n1tl&f Hh unn ~•·rn•• t.Jy ltu111... ).,rn,." c \t f1 ~nuth I">• t ,.,,,n,H1 • /) llt•111t!CHI ~1il tHl d: C 1.1Httr '/II t~u' '°''" 1 0 l S t1t1¥i1 t I •, f~".oono tf•I A JI /1)f1 Cub••. "•"oe 3 ( lilt •h J•1 000 ()Q!; 00 I l> I 1 \ li•1u•.hm 000 <JO 1 100 l f, f No h•. l ldHJW 16 1 Ht,,rtd fltJt;/ t I• arid U ,,.i,•, ~"''Pf••'t Huhl .. lbl M1Jfl1U (71 0 '•"Hiii P •1 ,pdJ A,.hUy< W N o li•lll •, i l "l\t•l1I''*' 1 4 ";; t•ttt11Ufld4'ft I ti 1111 Huw.11111 th•t~$J t l) A t't t~H Coll9g• UC S•nla l••b•t• 11, UC lrwlr1e 3 Ill "•""' 00• 00 1 001 J 11 llf ·, H1Hh,.IJI 'lU UtA 'l011 1 \ ,, ti1 ,1n., Wm1yo1 f'>I 11rn1 f'rtrnarfJ W11l'h dnd f or1 ,,1;; W WtJl'fh I Bt.ftfl:. '/ft Kttl(..h11t1r IUCl1 8dr t\.t1d 11.)(..11 <.u •1om"'" t1J{J'">B1 f-t1 rr1u o tucse , )H Flf'<KIV IUC..!.lll HF\ 11001' .. l<l (UC.SB• t•mJ•' u1<..!-lfi1 BtaunwuldtH •UC<;61 SCBA etendlnga w 12 Ill ,. ~"'(,tutu r vu•·•ton Vfl'M~IOlnf'I \J( '4!aUlit h11tthU1t U ol ';+1r1(~n !IC .,,.,.., .. , t ,,.,0111 M ;u ymouni '''''O B•1dc..M ,...,,ctl•• C~. t O\ Anyttle>'\ Frldltr'• Score• I? 11 " I I l GB •1 'I 11 8 I ~ •O "' 11 1~ , ' ,q l'.1 .~, 1 • ... UC. S,1n t4 EiuftM l<I 1 t 1>C 11 w1111t ) Peppe1d1r1tJ 14 u o f Si:tu O.eoo 8 Cal Stal" fullerlot1 7 lmu;i Beach S.•!11 • C el l Sta l,., I Oi A nge•~\ 1 lOy046·Marymoun1 6 Today'• a-tt (noon double·he-•I UC Santa 8a1ba• • 111 UC. lrvm~ u ot San O.ego •• Pet;1><1•d•ne Cal State Ful .... IOtl .. , Lono Beat !> Sl•I .. LoyOl•·M•r~mounl al c.1 Slel~ l O• ""oelM CommunltJ college Cetrtloe I , 01 anv• c .,..1 3 C "'"IC!• 000 001 ~JO 8 IJ l ( l1<1hQt C..<>~'1 000 020 00' ) 6 0 ''mt.~rlrd and Homan f.ip,n"''"' "·wt!f'l.on 1tS1 "'d Pu-.,i.o;111Ch W Pmc.•J•d 110 01 l lit~nru1111 1tJ 'JJ ]U '40~'"" tC I ttR MNJm.1 (CI 2 Roman 1C..1 CIQ;i ,, .• o.11h11•J j{)( (I High achool SI Paul ,0, EdleOtl S .1 ''·'"' l47 00" 1 10 14 I ldtlOn IW IUL U ) I I M'"•'''"'' A.vu"'" t61 i.i.t•d C1tn1tl.,~ L louw1 r>t-fhdlltfl ·~I ,., .. , l1nqa'd w Mt>t fJI•~ I ( ,trn1.-, ;~tt (..ttttV""\c tSPt Hd yt 1',C>J Mc' tflHI .. ,,,, Vu .. \t f[ I 1Jtr1u1za IEJ r mm;.t if • h 1•h1•1111r1 1( I lft (11,1~6 1Sf-'I Mil(.IU\ l'1l•1 llH '"1trtftlioU-•N~-I 1<;t•1 Pt;iwt-'il lf • founlaln Volley a, Nol•• 01me S Notre Dame 000 200 0-~ a i c_J\,Wf llP V tllf'!y ()(Jj 110 1 6 IQ £ .,.1r • .111 ... ,nrl C.0111 .. u l a Mart,,f' r,teQC'' 1,, dnd ~rdlt W r,,...,qor 16 11 l f ·,tt • ..c1a 1 i '11 /h -J11Hhit\ fNOI l a p 1a "'rn f 111111t .r J1" •, .. ""1ud 1 t~01 tB r11µ•i- 1Nru ltvlne 10, MIHIOtl VlejO I hv•n~· ll 1' l •O 0 10 'I M'"""' V"'t" <JO 1 007 0 6 10 1 ',in1m-. a ntJ Y1tt'I Mad1gnn Met<-~ ••• l ev"~l1fl>'\ l4flt Phfoo~•f' l~J .,.1-\d S1tuUtr w -Stmml L-M•dlQall 28-H04meelMV). Rtl!ht..lio 1MV1 '-..t\1lftf IM V) r.H1•.1no 'II) K1n•I (II Sbhn•• 111 'otoll 111 18 Sec.II 111 Holm.,. 1M\/1 Co<otUt del M1t 10, l911una Hiiia 4 l ·•O""" H•11> on ooo o • 7 Lott.1111, oel Mnr 04 1 0 4 l , tO 1 4 P!emmel. Redlca (&I Ind Roman. RQllde, w 1>1!• t31 and Mallon W -Whll• r.i1e,nmP.I B No,ton •C.dM) R1no (lHJ Hort e. E ot•ncl• S ( •t w t.1a 00!;, 000 0 ~ 8 t "~'' 110 O?l 1 6 IJ 0 '"'"<.twllt< t 1nton t•• G 1'rd mH fAl rttVJ H •QQtl Plbfllt,o aud letlC VY P IAn h • l Gaff'lner #'B z.-,1,. fH) Nfl>tQhhtH• l t11 HA M< (.,1MI lft &tanlwood 10. Newport Chrlollan I B1en1wooo ) •O 060 0 10 It ? lffwJ>C)f1 Chttttlall 20 I ?00 3 8 6 6 Masl•n 8'!ckmlfn 14) KuM• 1•1 Moho (~I dnd Wes' How•,O ~1ua1t c5• K1tp11t11c• t6• a1HJ Mt:Cown W 1o<un1n l t_.OIN"'" 10 14'>,..a•IJ INCi CIF plerotta FlllO ... Y'S •coRU ..... Arc.nd1a 1 No1H1 l rHrl\nr.- M1111 .. a n '> 81shnp ArTHl1 • Fountam Vl llf'y 6 N1')t'" r>om~ l~OJ "• nowtand 4 E 1ser\httwro1r 'I S1m1 Valltty 6 CrttK.6f11A V11tlny (J C• .. •P• ' Do• P11ftl>IM :J M11a C..os1• 7 Huntonglon l!foo<:I> l B POiy 7 AolltnQ Htllt ' St Paul 10 E<11ton 5 Bu.,na 6 Channel l•l•nO• '• Redondo ~ San Gal>t•e• 3 Walnul 1' f ontana 0 COiton e loa Allos 3 lO)'OIA 4 E.1 S@9undo l Stltw•I• 2 PalOt VmO•• ' t nh11Woo!l u 1 hovs•nd Oak• ,. ... M111111011A 1 BotH Or an<11 0 '>•n•e Ane Vall.., 4 la Hahrn Sen l u1s Obiapo 7 Hoover ~ Cett1toa 7, Nori• Viii• 1 Cov•,,. 3. PartmOUnf 2 GlendOf• 4, Lompoc 2 Garden Orovt1 11 Ramon• 1 S1n11 At1• 1. Pac•llC• 2 North 11 Sonny t1tll• 4 Upfan<I 4, OlendaMI 3 8tea-01tnd1 S NogllM 4 lo••• e. l • Ou1nt1 8 Cheney 2. El Dot ldO I El Modalla t. Downey 0 Sanl• M1111a 5. Monrov1e 4 l'ullftt1on 3 Wetlern 1 2·A C«on.a da4 M8r 10, laQVll• HIHt 4 ""tY'JO 10 0811Hha 1 SI Get'wv-• 5, La MltlKla 0 M!~ va11.., II. AubldOua 4 Whlttllt• 5. H1w1hO<ne • ( t 1 lnn•llQ• I c aion s. a.,.., 2 1ndl0 3, Pelm 81>1'1119• 2 Norwell< 5 Cac>l•l••no Valley VUOlllpe 1, CMllldoo 0 ' 81ftla Fe II. MOU11tel11 View 3 Mavlatr 6, Ovettr HIN , e.-iy HHll ), f t tletnard '(8 lnlllllQ&I lrvlM tO. Mttalc>ll VlelO 8 N«OO 4, Br IWley 0 Ch•no 7, l • Satne 5 tlart &. UI-'• 6 l·A 1 •1111<.ltlll>I 14 M•mmuth u I A U#fJt"t 10 Uelt Jell 1 11\lnllH• Iii 1'iwrn V•tley 0 11.ull• 1.1 ••• \ ,, .... 11111 ...... '1a11 Mar111v 10 0111 Uu1 ~ V_,l>wn t>•1 f t~h•"Una.(f• I 1 t•ll•u• • I ~ ... , I V•ll•y I 11,.m'""' l'••k I 1 Wllllll•• t 111 ll H10 M••• ft t:ll Um1•vtmtww O AIUUltv1u l& M11y Hlar I v .. u • ., t-.htitlum ft A1v•• I Ul1t1h·lurnt ~ ._,, A11lhuny t A1.1u1114\ •• l4lt11 .i• lhtt Wn,ltl I h"'"'l •' ltiaflt11' I Nuh• l••m• ~IU I 1 f1ouuutt1ut t ' • ~,_.u. f f ffH!t.Jlv l. lty 1 " 1tu1uhh1 l uthm•o 11 (tu ~1' hw11 1, .... 11 t'J tale •I J•o•plw 1,1\r IVI I 0 ¥111tu" V•lltty i•t <Jutten •>' Anu•l• / M•lud ylarnJ H uoo,a f••v~•l;ll( t 'u11J11IO l·h• •J lle•wfl 8u11 ' U1tmtwcm(t 10 NtttNt>Off 4 tu1e111.,, ft h•o fhJ11tlo ~''"'°' 11 C..u••• U111ou V C ,... t11 "''' ' V~lt•U• (,,flt ,, l ulh•f"'" t()I 10 ~ lli"f IV ( fl# 't no1t•1f4~J '"'"'l"H' •, M .. •••HMlhu 1 t I Pn•ll Ch i H11l1l•f'f f Me•utu U Put._ 1t1n1\, ti ftHt1patftrm 'I U1t1 r'uw 1() Nuwl>nOu• 1 1ht•foi111u t.111 If\ U1nu1r1111u1un t tit u L ua>o Vufltty (,h1 2 • t harHy < .. hr O Mut1h.ltt11 P•«~• h Pr11v1Uuru .-t lo• Al•mlloe FIUOA V'I llHUL Tl ( tltth ol 9l·nl9ht qu11<t11ho<M mMllntl FIAi T A"Cfi '.l'>O Y••O• Gallopino Domino tCraaQa(l 1 20 3.llO 2 llO My !i•l111 Do><> IWH1<ll 4 AO ) 00 '>l~I• ll~ynu 1 1,.,~ .. ,.~, l tiO At•o r.cad Ball Bondtman, Popa Baute Bklenlennlal Bar, Jey 8" Burdick, Teutonic. Cal1 Me Bak11< l·m~ 18 o~ 12 (XACl" tli 11)1 P••<I SJ~ 40 SECOND A"CtE. 4()(J Y<t1tl• W1ut1 ,, l'ultc v tf.wdutttl I (J{J ',hut,, Wu•Oy C1ul 111,1) •11 ... ,,.,. • ., •'ufu \I (IJtHtHl10UHll Al\l1 1111-ttd A•o1t1 A,01•111011• '.il-.•11 ',1(.1•\ M 1.,.1, Wat 11h11frlt1 4 00 /60 h W A IMI • ~o lhJ1t1i(t Min fUOti ;.tO '// lHIRO A"C£ J'>O v•t1•I~ Mt., G.1y "wuy IMyltt>I I J 00 IU IXI ~ b-0 A•h~> D~tl 1Wuro1 •, 20 3 W M•••u urn''' cnum1ou~"'" 4fl AO Al~o r ""•tLJ At.hJnd l'•uy (Jt11l 1> lnu1 Su11 1Jyo1Jfhl1CJ fhtt1ntHf'yrn1t•oQm"' Rnc t>."t •.,0•1u µtumlti'' lr1t.ttur1 t.1101 .. tJ111tt •rnny I urn• Jtt 11 FOURTH A"CE l'>U Y•"<I> ltt~ 1 ... .,., fi111n tt111d11t") t t no 1; hO ., 4'10 B1v 11~11 11t.1t11 11 40 b 4CJ 1<11 Mit,lt;0;1 0 r ytfo'r'• '• 10 Al\11 'IJ(.fict lJdlthH Ulll.'11011 l 1• ~~JtMtdy S1.-(,.111\'1 Va 1•Hqu11 •,10 1µ111 M 1111 ~,. f 11m •1li. ...... WhOJJJJ•9(" C;JI l11tJ1,m 11<1~!\lr f1m•• •l?!i S1 E X ... Cl A 11> 11 I""" S 71, ()CJ FIFTH R"Cf . J'.)(J Y""" l•tt111lt10 l:tu-,, CUY''''' 4 f!IO Ht .. •I frtl\~ 01tll\ j(,fHA(JHft f Olly._ ffotW l~1m I I • ?0 ;< bO 10 JU J AO '~ ,..1\11 ¥+tt tHI 1'11f;ll'ltlWfltH1ltH1ttlf1t1rn ()1llt ~tll (.1IJh'I 1 .. f Hllrl '"''4 11$ ,, llll lH A ... Cf . 41)(1 Y•ttcl\ ull''' ( 0\111 ((..1HJ11/.JI I i'O 4' LO i' hO tt1110t~n 1W1u<J1 h 00 l &/J f<luh1~·, l ttrnty •M ylu!\I 4 00 Al-.u t"' ••<J J U'1'f <.om..-t t ""'''' Bc1h U\u ·•" A;.,~ <,u,~ lh Mt~ l'ltml; '>' NUlh•hV UtH><I'" f t1Vt1f Mr ( •.M..11 fh~y 1,m., 10 1;> S2 £X ... Cl" ti Hll 1m11I S4.' lllJ S£V(NTH A"C( 'l'o{I v•t11\ '"''"! B•m •Bdrdl • IJ\I 180 ? 80 'jr11ht•<I 01tf! OlodJ t 00 J bO fif'llWI\ '1d1hl I Ad1t1f I l 60 Alv. t.Kt1d r ll')f11, Jul Mt ~hJwtm fh1Q A tc,1l\1,,tl R r1rn•'11 l ••'" (iy Ht•Ch 11nn "''N ··~ '''"" ,.,, l1t11t• l /'J1 S1EX ... ClA 11 '>1IJ•"'I S1 J11() EIGHTH RACE & /0 '""'' Mr Statey Bob (Armatronol On On r)I~ (Ha•ll 10 40 5 avanna.n One l 1miU IT reatv'tl ~00 3 40 7 &O 1 •O 2 60 -''~'J 111<.,..d War Wtr-OnruJy Ol1c." • hqM ..A111a Ho1 Sh<J1 L-ad1llut. Jr,r111 ftOI~ I'""' ·~88 S2 EX ... ClA 11 Iii fJuld Sll1 r)(J "PICK SIX ti '>!, I l /t 1)•1'0 $1 All !ill N•llt "'ti • wtOrntlQ h< ~,., .. I••• hof~J S'/ PK." "••• , lfO\Ul&ltOH St111d '1 1fl 00 ""'"' 1 ~8 .;rrfHl••1ft0 ll(.ltCt'-(ftwt• tUu!U''~) NINTH R"CE l'>ll V•ll<I• h,.,,,,r;la11ty u rntt1 4fl bO I w10 tt f:tut•Hy 1(..11ct11/H• f,1[jl~ (..h1.•mu1nn CWA1tll '"0 ?60 ,, ?() J 20 1 80 Ahn 'at.rd f '"' U1t1I D,•ht ttlr• AOQ••I f_)t11.~•••<J'' My 111v• .. ~lm1•111 <;,,,._..,,, Cifitld 01"" l1m... t7 78 loin of lh,. M oon S1 EXACT ... 1I lt t,.,.Q \4'140 l(NlH A"CE J1i0 y111•I• M11 c loc. 1Co•6Q'"' r 11 (J() A1o111t.,,. .. on t 01• IT°''" \I JH0()11i•SI 1t h•1 JfJt fWMtd l I I~) l 60 • ICI l 2EI 7 fj(J Al'o race<I R'•Of'lil\ V,111@q11t' C111ti.~1t11rnf'f t m)H 'iiJllfl'\ Otrl t llllf• l11f ,,,,,., 18 17 t2 EX ... CT" 11 1 I l"l••J $1.t 80 All•"f'ldlif\tfl 10 11&!", Men'• tovrn•menf (at TiilU, Ottle.) Flnt AOllMI ttnvte• flov.•~· I Ar"'"' de! B•ll Scanlon 6 3 7 6 1,n1nm t• L l1c,..,stem def D•t.k S1ock.ton 6-l ~ • Jul\!\ '•~"" 01.'I S1an Simo> 6 3 1-~ J"'"''' l(t>c• a~r Boo l ull f>.3 6 7 Oerm•n o.,.n (•I Hambvt9, WHI O..manrl 0111f1arltnel llttQla• Aflrltt .. , Comet d••f Jimmy C.onnot.. ., 0 1C.•1rn1t11~ w11t1fhftWJ (1en,. MayflW d~f l 9'rH•• Sm•<l • " ti I 6·3 JoM> H•(IVft••• df'I M•h W•l•nO~• 6 2 6·? lntern1tlonel tourn•ment (at Flo<ence, ltelJ) Ouarterftnal lt119la• M Ht<"O 01101• <II JOM!! lu•• Cl"rc, 7 5 1·6 t1 A ~t~fl'tn S•mr1ns&on oet Paacal Porte, 7 h r,~ 1 V 1tas U tHula ll1\ <Jet Jua n Avttnt1,.no 6 2 6 J (,1anluca n 1ni1ldin1 def ~1mu1u Cn1a1 6 1 f1 4 Ouni.e World tournement (at Kobe, J1p..,I *"'' o ...... ,,ln•t ll1111te• S•n(ly MavA• d~I Jnhn Au•ltn 7 I> I ~ I ~ Women'• Ouorletflnal 11119111 Pim Sh1l•e< 0.1 Kumtko Oh mOIO, 8-0, e.2 Wom•n'• tournement (11 l"98'10, lwtlHrland) Ouarllfflnat 1t1111te• (,1111~ Evert ltOyd <l•I Helen• Suhova, fl·• 6-I 'f'-.rtnf\fli v.,ma•k def Sylvta Hanik& 6 A 6 ~ Vttqtn•A Au11C• <lel Mnrc•ll• M<i•~ei 6·3 6· 1 Andrea lema1111t1 d<!t P•l•1c1• Me<lrooo. •·6, 6·2 6•0 SewentMn M9911lne tovm1ment (•I M.,, .... u. llac. Catlt ... MV) hlftlflnet 1"'91ff 1 .. end·undat Ol<rtelon M11111u Brown 1Scartdll•, N '( I 0111 Sn•wn Folu llnd11n3polttl 1 6·4, II· I Sleoh•"" Reh~ t~11grt1endl <let NlluhA lodupe (Mllll'lll), &-a. 8-1. 11·Md•IH\def OIYl11o41 Mtehell• T 0"H (NOtlhlteld, Ill J dal M.,11nne Werdal tB•k••tJleldl, 11·3. 3·0 6 '· f errv Phelo• flarchmont, N. v l def. K•Y 111141 (lrwing, Tu l. 1·~. 0·? tl·llftd·111\det OM1forl l111gh Anne fldreOg• (Ailaden•I 1111 H~all'let Ellu• (OtHI Neck N V l. 8·3 6· I 0.-ly 8-(Lubt>oek. f•• I det Mary NOIWOOd IOkllll\otnl Clly). 0-3. II 7. 7 -8 Communltr colt.a. ITATI CH"-.oN ... 1 (al 8-y Hiiie 1180lllMll CM>) '" ............... ... lobbl ll <C•nao•I d•I KifM (OCCI. 2 II, 11·2 1·6, 'u111a (Caned•) d•I ~•dd••ly 1oc c1. e.o 3.1. re tired Scrlbnt• (Sa<ldlel>IKlll <let 8town (Wat! Veltevl 3·11, 6· I. 7.9 e1ecu1011• (Seddl•l>•ckl 11•1 Olwer1 (W"t Vattey). 8 ·3. 8· I. 01H n (fOOthNO Clef Slrobt (8ecldleb9Ck), 11-3, 6-1 '"4tn4 "-'d ........ , l c;tlblla r (81ddle1>1Gk ) d al O•rr•t 1Ma11111, e 4, 3.e. e 3, bt.c>en 1C11t1•<1•1 c»1 819Cttt1-(8edlllel>tc\~ 1-(), t..o . 0........ MurP"Y·k "-k• (Af'Ml'IGel> Alverl Cle Flldd«ly·8onf1 fOCCI. •·6. &--4. 1·11·8 .. ·~· -· ' I Colonl•I lnwltellon•I (11 fllH I Woflhl 1 •rnn• l,ftJln•nl' 111111 ... , ... lit1 h N11 ""lauti At•\ty N11tll1 ,,.,., ~ JJa1• O•v• t 1t h•lt1•1 V"' .... ,. ~h9f w lh1l1•o t Ut~;rn .... , .. , c )•J·'~' hui• lJtttHl'f' ~ tfw.•1 ~ti h•ho MNhMfttty 11uh Mor'-'"V \hJtJllJ" A1c htll h14ut U1.,,u11 V•m•~ H'""'""' 'j•nft llMh C.hn1lo• ( PPtJv M1~\1 llOhtiht Wt1eutlt Ulfu kb10 11 t llllY /u1,11a1 AuH1lcJ l'ohllfO h111 lfHllllll t,ltll ... ( u1111t'' J1H ~ ltent1fU lt111c • f l•u1htH UohtJy WtuJh111• HuQ•' Mttllhm """ l tOth.H , ,.,,, l-'v1 lltt1 \touUlUd them"'""" ltuhhy C111"1J>8U ' ... 1ny Wtt(h1111• (11"ff1•• t1ll~t c.wh\ ~'""'Ut" hill tJt1lHJrl •.1;o..,0 Mttln';lii Jim lhw f>•t J(lllH ( llU ... Htu\" "'''*'"" l ony Nul•Yll Jt•rl'( fltHOft kMlfl '1tlU(lf'tJr 1 IJ11ll )IHIHU' y (>,,..,,., f11.ih.tn 1 fU!H ( fltll'\IHJ'lll M'''-'' 0 ... 1,m ''''" l 'flhl l't\tt1f Jltl Ul /•j4HI l·•t ..... -, h·lt M1hhnll u,.,,., J.11•1 ..... l11•11H,•• ih1tft\ U10 ;1,J 11·..,_• 11 I 1,int11, Voh•Hh1u• Al C 11•1hf'tqt11 lh•t1 I 1•,fwu11tl 1.11•v f11Jw••'' M1l-1 H tll(I ~•11111 tN4u"'I (,11 M ,11t1(m M1>1 '1ull1viu1 J1111 IJt;111111, f H111 1• I 1111/h .. liOW11td , .. ,.,., It,,..,,. t f ''"""~1111~ Ot* hU I .Ht 1)11 us I lfi !II 10 I Ill tll llU 11/ Oii It~ IJ/ 11" Ill 1111 1111 10 I t•I / J 1!11 1 IV nu 10 1 iv II M l•O IO /0 1•0 bU II 140 tlfl ll 1'0 M /l 1'1 II'> /IJ 14 1 llll // I• I /II II 14 I , , 10 ,. , Oft II IA I bll II 14 I IJll I J u 1 1,n I I 141 , , 10 14' , , / t 14 / " /0 14} 1U 17 141 I J 6V 14/ Ill " 141 1111 ,. 141 hit'" ... Ill /I IA I I J /U I•\ I() 11 14 I ( i '' 14' Ill I 1 1' I 14 loll I~ I /'! /I 1•4 1 1 /I 144 /1 /I "14 ti~ /t, lll·l ,, 11 144 I~ Ill IH /ft '"' 1!&4 II Tl 1'1 Ii I / liU /I / l 1114 I ' I . 1411 •••• !11 f 4fl'1 11 /4 141.) I.' I ' i 4''J '·~ ,., '"·· /I I.' )11'; '·(· ,,, 1t·. /I / ,' 14'. I J fl 14'1 /4 /I I 4•, i'0 111 14'1 I S I •1 '4'> I'• IU 14 .. 1 '" '' , ... , I.' I \ ll\'1 t,lt , ,. 14•, I I / l 14'1 •• ~. /I 14•, I~ ( ~ 1<4'1 LPGA tournament (1t Allant•) fll t•lly J lfl~' I 11f~flijtll 11'(111' K,t01y WH1lw1.iltl .,,1n1H 1 µu-.1 Myt.1 Vo111 •H.>11•,1• J111u11 (.Mt•' h•nl,n t1ttt/ li11ttrn1•1 M.,., ... .., H11lly t l,1f!lt11;' \ 1.,, l'fu•h f1IO A • , Alf'~" ... ,If , t•oi.Uttw 11t l ~,.,., I v11·~1u10 U,11• •• u.1 U1u n1tt11o 'V•v1.u H111w11l11 .. •,111•U•·, 11 .. 1ntlu1 M,lf'I ()111;y •H 1,h Hlltl lilflll•ll 1, ....... ,,, '4:111•' •,.,. 1•11 l t'IHJtt• Muto••'"• I fllt C •• 11h1U I ( ,lfl\ Jltllll\,''" P'1tlh-. (11ur\(j ia..1mv M.utir• ~h ... OH ",l1t\Oft) 1)•11111,1 t ~&111111 I )111 t •t•r fflH~f' Jt •"ltlflllt• Ku11 r1 11 r1l1Jillflv Alu t• "'--"11i4•t Jt,AHll•• ( 11u1•1 I' t11'f H,;y•"" J11jjll ll1yft f ta1"•' t tmtt.J 1, ... 1 ••111tl•• r1•110Mr1rJ<h H«"•'V U1utklll ",yt,lru·~ Lunn101fJt\11m ~ ·•"•..., Cnarhonni.4'1 Men'• voll9yb•ll HIGH ICHOOl M \4 1,H t 1 f', 1,~ I \ t', t.•• ., ,., ft•i l'1 \4 t.•1 14 II, /II ,,, l4' •• ,, trt u, lo 11. ,,. f f) \ •'· I} t'1 ,, If> ,,. ,,, ,,, I'• 1•, /11 1•1 , •• ,, IA , , / 1 \~ \! 11 1'1 ,,, / 1 o, ,. ,, 1#1 /I H, t'1 /l ,. ,, 1 i 1t, ,.. I l •• 18 , , 17 '" I} !'1 ti •I II '" I, tl \'• I: 40 II // t•, ,, '· '" ,,, '· ,., 11 /~· "'t•t ,, ti \I• I t t• 111 11 \h l/ I' '*" '' '' \I ti, / '1 •'• ·ui I i JI u, I t J7 ~' , , rrld1y'e CIF 011arterflnaf Sc0t .. l ••011"•' h.-tr II d uf M1111n.1 1.' 1'..i I'> • 11, 11 1U tft I', tH 1,0 n 1,, M11n1• i• <t .. 1 •,,,,1 (.l•111r111t1• 1' 11 I)° ''• 111 ~-tf1 1~ 1,11111 M Ht.I" d••t to· A11r,~ l'J 't "• t l '• 11• '~ 4 •.,1nr,, 0.lrhdt it d f"f 1l1lllt "' I'• 4 I'• 11 3 15 13·15. 15·12 Hlah eehoo4 ctr,_,. Fine!• (11 l a1t LOI A1199i.o Coll991I ;I()() rrM!ldl•y f(l'IJV 1 M11\'\11.i1t Vo •jlt c ~,,,,Jo Hickm an C0Hu1 M< C..hP>I'., t 1 I 'I"'" 7 r.1t'1ltt 9 ;uhof0 1 l8 IJI '\ AYtHltt 1 )~ t? " f l11t,on 1 <40 p , 1, NrwC1*•" tlJtl h OI 1 4() •,•• h Et f 4HO 1 4 1 nf O lf•t•f• 11 f •n111tuu1 v~•lt11c y 1 •• u )()0 ,,,,., I p,1'''' 1n r fKOI I , •• 70 '} Murt1 fPttlO' V,..rct• .. •I 1 )(j & l t l OVdt'fl (M•\".t1fJ11 \111•11>1 1 en QI; 4 W•••SI (M1a~1on Vi~ttJI t 4'' 1tJ 4_, t-i0t1t1QIHI IMi~l\ICm Vt .. l'll 1 4.1 40 11 V.1>tQ1tan IMuh Cu,l.l) 1 H ~'I Othm') 4 W t111ltt1llio fNfOw(JfJ'1 >l tH f!Oq ' • ., (jl) 700 IM 1 f11 tttl•J tM 1,,1t111 V1"1•>• 1 1,0 6ft l ff1J111-.1111 '''•'wlJt1tl t14;t)r11) I C, t I(~ t Jo1y1H1lfh U hlJtf11U1 I '.J-4 1\11 .t ~ult., .. 111 h 1M1'\,lf)U V11•10• t ~4'1 86 11 H1e•m•11 1M1, ... ,,,, "·"t01 t !>~ ,, b Mothud tC.1JtCH1.1 C1~1 MMI f •;/ 'lJ O lhe" l() Stnn• .. ., fNnw~tHI thutH)IJ ''"tt 78 S() ,,,.., t L@\.fl;\ll tt ,~•,l•'\IHHIO VotU1•1,iJ 2 ' 71 2 McClovd II B Wtl•t.><•I 11 16 J M .. -...,,m•lh rAMlland•I '1 'IO 4 B1tld1no (l>ltn<1a1 2 191 ~ l'•c• •11 !C.'.><1" M~~•l U 11 6 w.1~on 1E1 l nro1 ~' I~ 0 11"'" 7 Piu "ir" tMMHHll 2 t f>'1 " l ho mp\hfl (N l\WIHH I ttu1h<11t ;11 f)1 10 MfJff(lw f(.,11tt110 0..-1 Mltf• 41'2 )I\ tl Mit1U'lt~W' tf 01-.on) "J J ftl 0 111111\U t Armou• '' rn,111iJu1 \lullf1yl •JS 1~ 'J ttAtuYlm '1n 1C1u·n~1•1llUI J97 '1~ -, l l\on IP•'"' V~•dOI JB' g~ • 81011~1 IAO(lflll 1-'9 'l0 '> C'lold'\f.-1n Cf U110u1 ) IA 6~ {I l t1'111•0 I( I Ml><l~MI too tty t ..,.,.,,,,on 1t-'4~po,t tt1tt>mJ )1 01 ' B•ll•t> INewpotl Ha11lnr) ~' 81' 3 Va1sa110 IM1tt1on V•4'1n1 11' ll ''' 4 P&1'\on1 t M1trir\3~ .,_1 96, ~ L1 n dg1utn (I on1ana1 ~~ 611. 6 Aon<! f!hOuaamJ 0 Rk•J 5J 4& 01ne.. 10 Woo1101• tNewpott Ha1bo11 ~3 67 100 ftM 1 Motlt 11 .. ln• Vm<IHI 46 01 i Meueram1111 tR.,olott<lll •6 51i 1 Rounbaum tM•\"O" V•orot Al ()1, • MtCloud llB Wlloonl, 47 16 ~ Mc(,1u1•11y (M1 .. onn v1e10J •8 01. 6 leHlh (Capi.11a110 Vftll@rl 48 08, 0 11>er 1 I ThompOlrn tNnwporl Uatl)0 1I 47 3 1 1' Morrow ICornna <lfll Mar) •9 ~~ 500 l•M> I Popp tEI T OtOI. • 29 46 ? l ov(lon IMtattOt> ll1a1ol. • 1 I 04, :1 Hl<:kman (MIUIUtl Vt•10), 4 32 43. 4 W•1t1 (MIH IOfl V1•101 4 33 51 ~ Dellola (Cap11l••no llAll•yj· • •I ~5. 6 w 1aoman (Adollo C,am3t1 In) 4 42 !I~ OIM<I II R1c1> (lrwlll<lf 4 H 85, 10 Su1llkotl (C0t1a M11,al, 4 •6 33 I I Certt0n (Un1vr1tt1tyl. • 411 17 100 back I Prado tMllSIOO VII)()), 5 l 48 ' CralQ !Buena) 52 22 3 91llKI. fNawpott Ho•bot) 63 • 1, 4 11,.m111o n tM•ulon lll•IOJ 53 &II ~ M•c:l1cnl1H (f t><llholl} 54 36 6 VHHllO fMtMIOn VtelOI. &• 76 0 1'lart II Stenley tNewPOtl H1ti.o<}. 55 90 1()(1 tlr•••I 1 S Sm1lh 1£ d•M>lll. 68 84 2 Clark IS1n1a Bartiarel. 57 9 I, 3 Ku111vt1cll (MtMton VteJOI. 58 18, 4 Wl11 (Foun101n V•lfayl. ~II 89, 5 T Smnh (Edition I 611 8, II Mc:Ctualley (MIHIOll v1e101. ' 0 ' 00 01,,.n II Moll••CI (Co<ona dal Mftl. I 0 1 08, 12 Nomur• If ount•ln V•li.y), I 03 03 400 .,.., r114•y 1 Mlt Mon Vi.IO llouclan. Colon Wtett Ku111~1l~hJ, Jot 30. ' ~I tt .. l>Of. 3 I I 1~ 3 ~Olla 6'I Mir 3 u 33. 4 rr r0to 3 f• 01, 5 Aedlllld•. > tS 16, ti Edl1011, 3 17 02. 0 th••• II htMCl•. 3. Ill" ,,,.., l()()tll\Q l MlltlOll VHlto 192 2 Hewoo<I Hllrbot ?16, 3 El TOfo 81, • EdlM>ll, 17, 5 Foot11I", & 7 ..... " "!' ..... WOMIN IOU m9'11wy o•I•; t t.11t1t1hllllll \loll•; '"'"#" Ot<ull w1111 1J11111JI 1 41 &6 (11•111111•1 191 1t11ll ~ MtH tlttl ll••tO I 41110 J I OOlhtll I ~ I 4 b 4 ( 1U hllu 11•1 M 01 1 ~4 116 '. Ali !Hllti I r,4 Mft 11 MUM f 11•1• I 'll\ ti «HllHtt IU t 'll,.,1t Ht t ')/ 10 JOU h•1• I W11vtlhtu 11J 1M1u11m Vl•,101 t 4flj• ~tn l1tAIU1t1t'I f#f OftfJ o1 'nll•ll l"A•t•ll•ll \/1111uJ ' 4fltt HK ,l ••• ,.,.II,. tAlhurnht •) • 4h '•' .. WttH lt1•i1••tf1tfl11 v •• , •••• I,,.~, tJA '• 1111 ~•111' ill ~lflftl I •,~• hh h hq1111h~w1t1 ,~, ... ~'!"' V1111111 ' 1h' 1J~ 11111m• f l mitt fh t'l,..111.111 11111 111111 I'•' Ii ' .•tH) IM I V lhH .. tH 1M1.v.101t Vi.•101 fJ'1 •,/ .' 0 1.111 II ll •• ., ... ,,dUIJ V11llttfl • t)h t I I ''" 11tt i< ,1f11\t1.uu1 \l.1lh•v• ; Ob u I 4 Y•o1J111111l1 1• 1111•11lu1w•u I 1 11•1 lit; '1 Palh• iM1,_.,.,1;11 Vt,.jPI .' I I H ti lt,.•wH 1v'1ll11 l 'mtq .' 11 ''• Cllh•H' 10 M 1t1N111111 Ill .,111t11 ,J Ii '•I '1U t11 ·11 I t ,, i, iA•1 1J~l1u1 ,'1 1 I l l lf41 1C 1111u1 .. ct••I M.111 .·~ '•"• I ';ullh tit 111111q .'A h't .. W•··~ltt• 1'1l•IH11.11 .... t)t~ ., ·,,1 •. 1 1•·111 d tt I •''•Oft 11 ( "'"'" 1fh 1llu1\f +t1lh t .''• ,, I l1~1tHJ I W 11i1,un._ IM'11tlll•0t1 V11 101 411 ti'• .' W1l.11td 1¥1tt•.111t11 V•••u11 4111 411 t (;, 11•)1.I H ·•I''""'"'" Vulh, 1 t•,,· t,(1 ·t Mt•t1t•l 111t• t f \119111 4 ICt HJ fl1H11hu ,1 IAtf 1111111 ,.,., '" I I., ........ , 1411 •Hl•·ll 14 I .'11 CJll!l•I " I '1· 1111 jh 4UUll 1,·tt •f1• 11 Bi•'H (f 111•,11•11 , , \ .•11 tltll llf I 1\1111•1, II 11111•,lt•I"'' V·tlh•tt '•I I,' , t,..111.,.••I 1M1"''"'' V1"1111 '11 'l(J ' '••t• t1111•1 1M1·,t,11111 'J11·1111 '•I '1H it 111111 I• II ••l•''''·ltll V IJl''f'f './ tj/ 1 r11H11°'tJUl ii I '111111 ji'f 4,1 f, C 1,.\.111.1/1 II ull\.'1111111 I IHI II' tho li.11• I 'f'\'1,;11Ht1•1td 1M110'1+1111 \/11 11 I •.11 .·t .' lw•l It 111111111 11••1 M10 1 '•/ •,1 ' 1,,,,, U\11,1111.,, 'd\l t " M ;l/W!ll tl •111lt11lll •, \ ',H •, 11,111•• 1fA1'1""" Vn•l'•I •, 4. HI t, •Y'" I 11•.11 '"'-' 't1• IM ',IHI 111•1 I ( .Oht•tl 1fv41 '\t•HI '/U'Jllj t •I '111 ,' l1t·lt•I •'''' tAltl11111l1t.tl 4 ',ti,,, ' 1111~ 11 lf.,11 •'+IHI• VUoJ!fl it •,' ,., ' W•ll\ ti 1p• 11.11111 ./.•U••rt 4 ',I 11t1 ', H11 ~•·If•, 1h ~llU•j f\ ',It: it 1 41 U,01 hHt" IM• ,tr-.11111 Vn•Jlil ·I '•'f \I flllw1 I I 11110 1f-4rWl1C1tt l 1t11l111t I t "" ,,1, too I•·•<.. I ftlllt''' ti •ll!I .!t.11!11 V.1llf•y1 •,o "'" H II t111 .. 1111 .' /f•fl• 1~Al'.\11111 VH•1111 '1)11 Hit I lt111wl• 11/11!.1 t' 11~ I I IJll H'f I\ t .. 11•fllu•1 1M1 1ll1f• Vu•1ul I iltl 1 t 11 h1,1-,t•h ,.,,,, M·"•'•'U 10 1 '' t, ,,,,,,, te ... ,w.11 111• l/tlh·,1 t ut I t •1u 1.•1 '' Av••11llfl 1.11111.11 l tt1• lot' 11J 'u1llh fh ¥11tt•I 1 ll.' •11 ICJ11 lu 1·,1 ,t I 1 ••• u l • 1f 1111 II IH / 1ll•·,,1 \ tM 11 , l '1111lt ti t•' 1 •·t111 I 1lh·vi 1111 I 'C 111,i 1•,.1111l111h 'J tl"t' 1111 1,, • V lto•lrlr1 lM1...,,1••h VH•''•• 111/ h H •, h1·~t 1•1 1A11 .1111.t1 I fJH. I.' f, '•• t111111• M11 ( ,111 I rJ" 1 • • 11111·1 '1 t11.,111• t~.A tl •l1,1 111'1 1 , .,., •;A111 ~ n ul Ii• ,11+11 1 !J'I • ••• ,,. ,,, I ••••• , 1 M 1 IJ•i I 1lt1 11111•"11111' t "Ii"., I t ll•' l I j I ! I'• t,•1 • lt t•f•• It' l.11! I 111 I 1ll l ( 1 4 •IJI' ,lf ,tH•• V 1ih•1 \ •i ,411 '• • •. 11111 H 1i 1t.11.1 I .... // ,, II ,."·• l 1' 1111 .... t' I ·l.11111.1 t )lJ'! 1111 11 .111111q 1 M + ,_.11 111 V••·i• ,11\ ( •H H 1h 1llu ;/.1lh•t ,•fl() I !'qt H I 11,1111 r 1 '1 ll,CJllllll 111 Coll9i1e l'CA" "HAU (al Lo09n, Utel>l u 1 1 Gr-. !Long e.acn St 1 224 O I M1le1>1m If •eano St i 224·0, 1 Ao1>ov11 tlBS1 205·4 4 Vllu,c1 IFSUI ITS 1'>. ~ ft1!1ma<11< tFSUI lU·• l ,000 tleepltl(.ha.. I ll>omaa tFSUI 9 06 24 2 Ty1m1n (UC 11111ne1, 9 15 86. 3 t<en~e (Ullh S1 I. 9 ,g 05. • H••ba<>Qh tUCl1. !I 2!> Ml ~ HueM'( tS•n JOM SI I 9 38 86 PV -I Bohol tSJ S) 18·0 '> \meet reeo•dl, 2 CorlMJy tLBS}, 17.4\, 3 JoMoon !USt 16· 10"" 4 B•blU (SJSJ lll·S, ~ S1tum1M ILBSI 15-11 I J -t EU•t<I (FSUI 62·6'" 2 HOllklay (UCIJ 5(). l 1, 3 SG0111SJS1, H-6, 4 Robel-fl ISJS), •e-10•;,, 5 Po-1 (UCll 40-3'. 10,000 mat11t -I Ge1rr11rd1 IUCll 3 1 29 8 I 2 K1ltl1tSJS1. 3 1 29 9 I. 3 Dolan 1UC Son11 81tb1ra1 32 12 46. 4 Tnom .. !FSI 32 18 27 5 \All'<'.IAIU (l6Sl 32 le II? Ol -1 Bender (f SUI 113· I 2 Coo~ •• tt,ft ii ; M11 lti•-'i .. t 1t1 !11',1 t'•*i A 4 1,,., HH 11 11 •• l t"•ll1tl11d• t'I(' fi, I I • feam tcor•ng 1 fr11Sno Stlle 71 i bar• JO H Stale. 22 J UC lrv1t1e 19 4 Long llHch Siiia I!> 5 Vl&ll Slole 9 6 UC S.nl• B••blr•. 4 1 Cal S1a1e Fulletlon 0 High achool Clf , .... PAELIMIN ... R1£S (ti El Moden1 High! Men HXJ 1t1til"'" Uh•i•I q 1 '•h·•~n l ':.~ ,'ttH•·y 1(; ();t ,• I • ,, •Hiio 1CJq , I •11,•l1l11 .. I l('J ' ~ ,111•,11 .. •,I M11Ho1' 1M ,;11 1 '' '111 ; Ant• '"*"'' 1lt111Nl11IU)J 11J I•\ ( ft'1111lt•o If 1•.,t•11l•tl11tt•1 HtH/ t1t1•,,1 \I 1 l·U ,1t•l11•tO 1W ( ll\'U'\111 1t tH I 11111 •M\1111 10 Of' ttl••11t .. , 1 ... H'y tiruwr +MY"' 'I 'ff:I / ht~.1 h1u w 1()1 tMt• o,/11•w1 lfl l)f, l(h·,1,,111 1• "t'I y.111)•, I tn"fl , ,11 '"'"'' 11 I AH1t1•. tW 1l111<l1 1 ;,x ,· •' ,, ;, •I.Au"! , 1 '1•, t t 11111 '"" f ,..A11!,., ,,,, t • , ,. .. ••. ,, I Mt tA11tl If ti t1H\~.l••lfl • t l~1.1rdr •II 1h1 1!1 • , ,_ ''"' 11 '' ' M d t.1, 1•.Au•• t 11 1 °' A111•'th 11•114 1H11'fll'l t1H)I '/ /, ilt•• 11 t1 I ltill 1M1;1fi ' I 2 Brown (Ocean vi.w1 n I' tf"H IJ•,·111 t; 1 Mt ,.,A,,,, 1; H-'""C1'"''' ,., "' 7 Cuett (Oce•n VI••). •a 71 1P1<.11 ?I 1 P••kl iMu"l 48 3 1 ' W"''"Y If 1111'1111"1!1 11{1 9''1 lltt•11 h 1 l'f'IW•l•I) II f4 ,.,,,. V t i.' , M tt111h 1W.1h111l1 •,n "" 1111.,11 -t 1 1 "'"''" """ tM 11tt 1 4'• 1, I ' Em•'Y (Foynllln ll•ftaf), 50,4•, 'I Dur~•n 1( 1111 1nll•11 '111 f,(1 •• .," ••1•1'11 ,, I M·f 1jl!1•11•I 11 •1 i•111 f , 1 ; 1 r • ·"~•H w.1lt•11'1 ,_. ,,. 11t•• 1•, 1 1 li111q• ti> P•J1'"' I I 'if ~ ~•1llt1! i .. , .. I toil'I .. "" I l '1' , ~ ii ..... ~ \I ' f '''"'"'''' 1r I M11tl1•n1u I ',f ~·• •,ttiph1•11· fq 1ill!·d I •.+. 1tt. IH I"'' 1\ t l'rull111. fl .,1 Aq ~' 'I f1 fl j • ',,,.!1·11 1Vdl ' , •. ., .. I 1 •1; f1(t ' luf "''' 11• 1 •. 11l•'t1.u I •,.' IJA Milt 1th•.1\ It I t 111lu•111•/ tf1,1\,1(h 1h.1I , u 2 Mooher (Founl•ln V•ll•,l t ''IO, '\ 1,1....,)••t 1C .1tm.111llr11 4 .'I f> 111~1•1 ill ' f ,t1l~l'"t fl ... llWIJll'IJJ 4 l fJ l jl fulHJ H 111•,t 1111111 y,, ,,.,. it Jli '\ \ 0 1,111C •'tllltl't l ~ ,I<• 4 Uh •,11 \) 1 YV1t1111m·, (I 1;1•1'11111 .. 1~ '• I tt11t 1' )t 1'\IHll111Wt"I .. /li1 ~ fluy tlt\11t1111,.) .. I} .• 7 Mtle f tl ~•I 11 I R.,ynold a 1(.,uo1111U1u\I fl1 ,'A ,' W1tl•1h 1l 1,1•1\hf1¥111••,I •1 ,0 1 tu, t A1tt•1l.11t.utu1 11 ;1 1;,• 1 1t.,1.,11;>1t) tc.P •" 11111.1 Vit1!1ny1 '','I 41l ' Qulnon .. tHunlln111on Buehl. 9·21 5• tth"•' l• I '.1111••""' if1.1 .. uJ ... na1 q l"J 7 I 2 ErlG .. on (Fountain V•ll•J). 9•20 U , • l111,tt11 ,,1~ • .,,11 V 1ll•·yi 'I /•~ t..' ,. fur1.,1•1m.111 !l fl'\. A1,un1h1•,, 1t ,"f 4.' l .. 10llll llh•;1I '> 1 1111\.,_11! f~rt Ufoll ti\',•; ,' Mw.·~;·y it U ''nly• I~ 0 t CHt1,1I ?J t -N•tttv''' er ,,Q ... '""'11111 1•, 0(1 ' •,1 .. 111,., 1v111,, l1.1r~ I t'i I t lllf•at \! t Wuuvnr ti 11t1uwno•U 1-t 14 I th•ttot 11t ti 1111lyl U 'fl tH~t•I ~I I .,., .... ,, ''~'>'"' f111t.111t1•) ,, • ., J All•...,,. 1no1 .. 11 t4 "~ J Nichol• (foun11tn V111erJ. 15 1$ i i<H H 1H1•,•I II ' f tHr,.tlJI ff4tit0 ,, J7 .'<t ,1 111~1f1tlf l'4tnflUWNI JH t.1• ftlt•nl ll l Ar1f1•tt ,fl,, f ~Ulf J t l 46 'I H.11 •1111 ttJ~1uudt lH 1'-1 3 Andrew• (Fount•tn Valt•y), le 24 111"·" It I McCull0<11 l1 It U POl'fJ :H '" ;• I w,hn l'••tn f111fQOn10) "' 1Q tllt'!iil Al 1 A0111 .. tW1U11111) \l ·4(, ;' ( 1tul.,<Hl 1"'41lhlt.1,11I lA JI 440 ,,.111f 1it••1tl n 1 1 u •'uly "1 "1 1 lt, •• hno tHll't 4 t 'J'J .... ~.-· ..>1 1 Mf111 .. 1 CIT ,· fhJ11rnht1•t"I <t \ '1H lfh•nl 'It 1 W11l1u11 "' l'· ' M1ll1t>..1H A I , •• 011•111 "' 1 n~11mt, itt' 'tJ 'J C.•m•Olnr1 4 t U J t yriw10t'l-fl .t I ': Milt• 1r l1tY 1+t1~.1f 11 I M101 \ •10 1,J #• f.;()1 tt1 f 111t 1HH t• & li (,ti ,.,,. •t , I I C untp ton ' Pl • I ,/ 140'\00P11u 1 ,', '• ' l Foulltlll\ .... 11.,. J 24 11 111 .... 1 II I 11 J.·4f;dt•1,,1 I 1it h4 I Roy1tl I lb \' fttti.11 Af ' I II Pol., I l 1 18 1 f1•1•flnuw1n ' ,,, '•' II I O•m•y•r• (ldf•on)i tt u rk,. fWtt1tlM1ftt All .. n IL ynwcwtH (),1t1t1ttlb•'· If flntn1IH (n \)11\t\ 1c •• 1ht,, IOt,flt 41tA Vnll~YJ C.no\hHy {N,,whwy ""'") ~fllllt*\ fM1Ulti.nol N411\lll!Q tC•ll•••llltll /\II r1.ia1"(I t. 7 'J 1 ~·H h;\i(ll\00 t''A!\Hlfftt\Ut ,., \I 7 HoiwlanCI' fHH W1l"on 1 'J I 'J' > J H•ll I J-'alm Spnng1J 22·8 ' • 4 ' 11111Hloy tNflwDufy ''•••1 n e • •, •;1"'"' 1!;" 11u11.,v1 n 11 6 W1llt•m• ISA \/11llnv1 ~I ~· '· I l.aoey !LB Poly) ?2·~ • 8 1:ou1"''' tM111i,l1t) 12·4'• \) TAi'l9' ISAnl• t1a1 h., Al 72 4 I J I t.ov•My mf'wbu1y Perk, A" .) ' wun111\llO" tM1111,11111 •8 t 't, 3 Pulh11t (Muir I 47 9' • 4 (,Om• IOO• P~blOll. 47 0 •, ttl'lo•• <l flk.,wooifl •e·ll'•. 6 "1111111 (WAl1tul 48 0' '• 1 Ple<lle 111-), 46 0 • 8 111111 tPalln Sprn•o•1 40 0, !I RMihnrd10<1 li>Httlet>tl. ·~·fl" l'Oli! v11uH 1. '°"JIM (ldleon), 1M; 2 ll•rnOy (Wl1t1tn 1 l l 6 3 ArllOld IW•tlltk~I 13·6, • Ori.1 (Wall11111 IJ fl. ~ H()ll ffUt••n<:fll 13 6 6 l'htl)Ve tW••llAka), 13·6 1 Pooi. tReOlftlldll. 13 () I. O.le-• ('•llftla fn V•tf•y), U ·01 9 f obol1k1 rK11h111•1 tl·O SP I Bu~! (SA V•lleyl ~4 l t" ' Zinn tAICtCll•I. ~3·4'• 3 laul (0•11atd). ~.01•. • H•umond fHu amem.1 53·0. 6 R..,,,tt•l 1nedl1nd1). 62·9 ' •. II Peulerud 1Co11onJ. S2-3't. , flo•n (KM!ntdYJ S1·4'' 81111 tB.....,•l. $1·1, t Allk• !VIiia Perk!. St-I Ouetlfl•n Muft 12, W•lttut ft, LB POiy a r ountein Vt 11'Y 1 MH~han 6, Comoton 11. PH-• 11 SA Valley &. ti_,.,_ 5. Cem11~to 4, OcNn 11-3 -bu'Y Patil ). 0Jr>ltfd 3, NOllll l OU enc• 3 Villa Patll 3. Oot PIHllllM 2, f.I Moeltn• 2, AfOldle Ii, f/SONOOd 2. Edl.oo ?, W"tlllle ~. Palm 81)fll\91 ?. O•ffClt>11t1 Valllry a. ,OOllllll 2 ICll .. la , Qltllr ' l 'l'f1wood ,, 22 KhOc>tl W11hOMN<.h WOMIN lt)O ttt .. .-1 It 1 Mtt.1uuo11 ouutat111 11 II I '"''"II (M111t1 11 I'• 1 0 1111'"" t'J" VMJJ•y• t t 4 t fU•·" jlJ I W11111w1 ( Jw01111) I I O.f 'I i, .. .,.,.,,, 1W•h1vO t 1 •,•, fH• "' .U t f1uhut.u11 1W•"' 1r1111uu tt1 It 11 l tt1;116.• il I r1i11fl•lu1 1 1 4. Ut,.111 -41 I h fl•ld) (I h •-•1t,,f t t tt; I h1111..,, ii I I 111111fl11J t I ~~ llP tiintU 11 I Wlfltll111, I u .. t1 .. n1 ,. U/ J llHll1" 1i•.,1tiu1Jen1t1 /•, 1• Olot.1t /1 I 1• .. 111111 1M u" 1 1'4 1• 'J I 1t1 k 1t .. 11111111111 .'·1 A O••t11I ti 1 (1,.0 11'111 i'•111 l, .i11'1fl11 q 111 I/ .• l1wt111 .,.,,, 1w .... 1 11111 ., .. ••1 •. 11 1 1•h•ttl f l t Mt f lidl 11+ 11 ''""'" ,, , I .1 h 111e.• 1( I lh11 1••111 •"• (j t ',h11ll1111 it 1111•t11U ,•t, ~ i.1• Ill•"" !1 1 llollte, (IOlo<>o) &I If lt•,tl.111 ti .1111.ilill111 ,U I ' I lt.tll Hf4 l't•11t '11 Hi 1lh1 11 ' I 111111111'!! 1'~•1tft f1h lfl,11 , lt1ll 1(d I l1nd 1111 ' tll tttu 11 t1 1 Httlh•'• W 1!11ql1 "' ,, 2 J•t kton (11dl•on> M Ot lh·1tl 1 t I /Jil..,1 I '.-411d I ', !If I 11Jo. "'''llJ1h t111 '/'II IHtll ,,,, •' lj I 'I' hl 1A11 1d1o" ' II\ 'I I • t .ii '' I', 11 I t fl,11J ,ft1H I Ir, flt• t! I \ 1t I I 11• I tJ1 ~It 1f I j• If .. I • It\ 1 I f 'IT'" 11 fl l•I Ol!oll '\} fl tlh ;fl I;' I 11t II u 111111! I f, ,1 11.1•/114,,111 '·II Ill•. t ' I I "j' I I ... ,,.,., •• I ,., '• 'ftt•• I I ., 1 lit.,,,, 1, t PreU (tdl100) 110 l\V ,. +lq II I t 01, ........ 11111 11 ' I 111 II I• '' ,,,,,,, '' I' 111 J.A ,,1, 1 I ,,-f,11,• 111 I' "I ''' ti 1•1!IH.wl I 111 , ... ,, ::t·~f)~:~/'~ '~'f )~jl ft Ill 1 1t I J ,•h" /4 t;1 ull•m 0 fJ HIP1d11 • II II' llh .11 ' I ,. , ... I I 111 • fll • / I lflll• 11 I I h• 1•1 11• J I I 1~ t 1 Ill I, 1 J Otllell• ll<lloOl\I ~ 1$ J} fft11I 11 I .f!tf• 1 111 lt1 I Ill \ ,1 j lli,11 (\II 1nit I I ti I I ,Jllltl' f ,,,, •••• I , p 'I ' t.A ljllt l)t I 11 11ti 1 1 •11 j V/101 ''" tf,j11• 'I 1 I '" ,1 I Ii tll 1141•,.,lu111 i ••I>' ! I I f,,1 11 I 1 ltl 1 I J I lll J OeV•laa (l ttltuh) l l 10 0 I • ·•1•111 ,.., 11 .1 ., ,,.,,,,, .. •' 11 l•t•I ! I 1' ,, 111 •' .1 I .. ~ 1(1 1Y1 1 I ,, I I 1 H t1 It•· t I • d I I I! lh ,t ' 11•111•1<1 ti ounl•ln Vell•YI 14 6.1 l I 1111 lfh I 111·hh • t I' • 1 ~" ,1 • II• '·'''' '" •• ll f! I I •I I 11 11 ,., d ! I I q 11 I I • 1lll• lh 1• ,i.,11. I I 11 I p .~ II > I' I 1 I • 1 1,, o/ol ,, , ,• I ,I J I H•O•e•d (f v vM11111 v .. 11.,, • 4'1 HI ; ~ .,. I ,11 ,, • ;; • tll<. I 1 1•l• II· j I .. t ' .. I l • ~ • ,.,, ti I ' I " ,. ' ti• ti I• ' "' ' 'I ·' r, II! 'I ,, " •C•I ill I ,,,,,. ll I, I \ f ' • ' 1 ' 1 ~ ~ , I I II ., ,,, ,,, I t I 1t •••tfl•fd (f ount•h• V11ll•y) ~ .t lw I I I I j d l f I 1·•·111 I H I ,~ I I I ,. ' t. t~ 111 I ,, nunt Aln VAtl•Y I 18 I• ld I W•lvlu, (Ed•aon• t/ IU I I t , • ,., 1 ! I II I 1 •111 '· i •• t I ' ,, t,t hi. I ,• 11! 1'1 11 i •1t1f1 I , ,I lu ''• 1 I I I ' I~. f ti 11. ,,, •A ,, •· , 11o , 8•Kl>l )¥ , •• ' I ./'/11 '" ,, I' I'' I l ' I I" *·'•'• ,,,, .. I ,,,.,,,., ,,. ,, I \11 .. J 11 11 I ,/lo I 1lh·1 II• ! 1 ,, p I I I' "''''' "'''''''. I '" ~ f .• ',, Al·I 1 • '+1 I j •'l·i ' (, I I ,I .... , ~. I ll~A 1 11 I 1 1111 • -\ i I ... , .. , '' I , • ., "'l•I ' • 1 1lf 111 111 11 1 J. I• /, f 11 l I •u1u 1· .. , ... ,. I h I I! .;I ' ,.,. ur 7 " PRfllMS t•I C•h• H19n Schoo1t Men I Wom•n '' .. " ' '.' 1, 1·11, '• t I ,, .. ,. '11,.,1 I! 1t -(._ > . NBA playoff• CONFERENCE FINAi S (8••1 ol s .. en) Wf S TCllN CONHRENCE l A .... f. '•I-< II' /ll I l •Jll•'' 'f ' 11 fl.1 I l •lil•t. , ! ,, ' I ' foni9hl • C.•mtt I •ill•t• ,1 ,, /.,I • f u.-.d•Y ' f.,,•m• '" /\•I ,,,. 11 l•••'• ' . f rlda_t • G""'" t .. k•r• ,, ,,. ,, .. ' t • Sun<l•r Moy 7l , '" A1•I '' 111 11 Laket• 1 , , l "ST(AN CONFERENCE j\1.t 111 1/1 llt i111t1•!L•'111 f•t, I ,•h•lj1flt,1 '.,' h• I I' Tod•y 1 O•n•• ht I ,,, ,,l J l11l11lt•fj f1• 1 Sunde~ • Oeme I \• I 11 11 l'ful 11)1 !' 111 1 W•dn••d•y 1 G•m• I t I ~di '''''' I ti f11 I n r"d•1 • O•m• t • tf I l11!1li•fl'• I f t11•l1 S11n<l•r, May 73 1'1111 ttJ••lli'"·I 11 Ht I,, 1 I 101 +I• 'i•t', Lek era 118, Spur1 108 lOS ... NGEUS I '"' I. I J.J.... " Atutul Mhh 11 ,•I, t1111•f I i 1111111 11f! 1, ,. .. , A1t11•1 ·'•' ''"'''"' 1. ,.,. ""'.I h•I 'j!I t ll1f111,uf •' 11>111 I •'1 1 H+ SAN ANTONIO M +I I .t M J1jt1•-ld1'1, 1 1 ft to11.,, 11 I IJI. J• ,, le I ,.1/tfu 1 1 II 111i. H IH 1! I l•.1111 ti ,,,, 11i. ,,, • I l'llHI ''' (1 I ti ·11 I'~. lt)t+ Score by Oua1 I••• j 1,· ,l\•'Ut•lt1, '• ,it' )li 1 H " I nuh••I out '~'''" I• 11 ,1 t 111~ I,,~, At• t••lt• /11 '•1ifl .4,111ru1111 }4 I 1 .. IHm .ti I '" Aiu1• tHll\ 1ll1•q.tl tH•h•f•""•' A t '1 HOO ~ t I • • Women'• aoftb•ll COllEOf NC"A "ll•nllc Re9lon•I I•• Fvlle•IOtl) t ,,1 I ti•• , \1llt••l1it1 A ll11.,..,l111(t l1tt••·1 1 1( nl 1h11t~ f u llt•ftfHI lttoH,h l••·~d rtl lh1111• "''''''' t 0 1 Frld•y'a tr1n1ectlon• IA SHALL Amatlcan l •ag.,. ()"Kl "NII AlttlEllC~ l•Ad"<l Roll P1cc.10Jo ~tint tttop to 1nw M1lw 1tu .. fl• "'""""'' t0< JMm>y E••,,* 11141 t:1Ut<m11n and M1k• WiuttHt Sl!IChN TE XA8 A ... NGE RB Pl•~t111 Mickey Rivt,. out11e1d"t. on Iha d•Hbl•O h•I ••lr()ACll .. IO Mey 0 Netlonat LNG.,. PHii A0£lPHIA PHILlt£!.1' AlloOU~ "'" •IQntno o1 Aowl•n<t ()tfw •. oultle40tt lo • co1111ac1 with 0 -l•hO•nA C11y (If lhf' AmatlCAll Auo~1•11011 Re1111ul•<I l •n M•luat4Jlt lNrd b.-n. l'rom II>• 2 I d•y <Jl!Ulbllld Mtl •nd 09llOlll!!ll Nm In Ol.lth<!tn• Ct1y 8AllHLL Netloftel ...... .,. .. "•-lltio.. K"NSA8 ClfY KINGS Ann0t1n('tld th•1 Leon K•fOMfl wlM tltc.Ome Cl1aM!llll\ ot ... bO••d end ~~ P•1ll AOMnbel'O ..... l>IK- ~·d •tee I>'•~· Nr w VOAK l(NlCK8 AlllW!Uric.e<I lh• 1~111eme111 or R.O Hollman ,...,,. t.OIOCll Ind 11•.....0 him I COOtUflltfll ....... ------..... :: Or ngu Coaat ()AIL V PILO r /Saturday, Moy 15, 1982 IRS gets earful on deduction Taxpayers bitter about Cong r e WASH IN 0 TON (AP) while c•lllnai on tht' nation to "Paruh,.," "\hJov•." '1hlthway aacrlfke tor tho btmttflt of tht' robbon" and ''hop" thON are economy IOme of tht i.nna taxpeyol"I are IR S, whic h h"'ld 1a publll' u1ln1 to crltlclae Conar .. a for hearing on thti ~t1du4·t lo n vot1n1 ltaelf a tailor· made tu TueedJly, hu authurl\y to 4·ut th'" deduct ion In the mldat uf a amount below thei buk S7& ~r rtl<.'elllon. day. Morti than 200 me:mbfora of "Why lhou.ld the worklna clUI Co n a r ., 1 • . ma n y o t t hem of America carry all tho burden embura11ed by aul'h a bl1 tax for the national debt while our break durlna an election year, con1re11men live hl1h on the have 1lantid bllla to repeal or ho1?" Mr. and Mra. CharlH reduce the deduction, but none Boehmer of Hlahland Hel1ht1, ha.I paued. Ky ., utd In a le tter to the lronkally, Congreta voU'd the Internal Revenue Service. one-of-a -kind tax deduct ion An anonymou1 writer added. becau.ae memberi hoped to avoid "l never wrote a letter Uke thl.a the advene publicity that might bttfore in my Ufe but I think the accompany any vote to ra!M their time haa come for polltlclana In pay . But the 11I1 e o t th c thla country to 1tart cleanJ111 up deduc tion, nearly $20,0 0 0 their act. Don't they ever get compared with the old $3,000, enouahIR 'h'•' 1 r-c-lved mor .. t"'an and the way It was enacted -IRS .. "' "' ,, tucked awar in a b ill raising 6,000 lett.en -an unprecedenU'd taxes on coa -probably h ave number -aince December when generated as much controversy aa Congreu liberalized memben' any straight pay rauie would. official tax deduction fo r Inwlping outthe $3,000 celling Washington living expe nses in December. Con"resa ordered ~~~~~~~~- D 0 COME CELEBRATE WITH US! Extraordinary Values on Color TVs, Stereos, VCRs , and More!!! !~--==~ ','· iJ _... ;~f r \' 1:,,\ I ' I I • f ' • I ,, . .... ~ .. ·. _L. MOO£l R85040 • CONT£WORARY •25" diagonal color TV •Computer Color 330 •Random access Touch-Tuning •In frared Remote Control • 105 Channel Capability •Two 4 " Speakers VALUE PRICED s73900 ODYSSEY GAME PLAYERS '{our Special CONQUEST OF THE WORLD Thie WHk Only s39ts GET THE ENJOYMENT OF FOUR GAMES IN ONE ---4 lRS t.o lk<l a liatun • lh11t nlt'rnlx·n. could dt•d ut·t w1tl11111 t provm~ Wlythlnai The ms tllt'll 111l11Wt'(I ml•mb t•r• t h e UfJt lo1111 u( dodut•tlng 17~ a duy tu mvt'1 1.111 Wwshlngton expeNt1, m uiklug u SOO ·p l'r "CJ 11 y deduct1vn p lu1 lnte reat t•o1 t 11 o n tht•t r WW1hln1ton horrwt . or drou<·tmg any iarn o unt th c:y <·ould aubatantiat.e. Ma&ny taxpayera who wrote JRS 1i111umed wrcmuly tht•t tlw n1·w deduction would t'XfffiJH m oKt membt.'1'11 of Congreitt t 1 c1m t.axt:'tl In fa<.·t. for 11 typ ical l1.1 wmakc1 with lltth.• ln<.'Omt.• oth l•r than tlw $tW,662 ~() <'ongre1111onal s1.1lury. tht! deduction 1s w orth a tax 114iVing of ubout $7.000 a yt-ar Hert· arr 110me uf thl' lett.e~ I.I• IRS A n n e K M l A I 1 11 t 1· r . ( 'rn11(r1...,.. U&k•'ll tht• n1k1•1" J " h II JI M u l t , •• 1111 II I S •1·11urwnt11 wrutt• "if thu•c• SO& l un't fl11d wuyi. to fl'(luu• t•>qJl'11d 1 turu11 fur 110 11l l' u ( the• vuh· buying IK'hcnll'• thut huvt- hN•n lea lalutl'd In t ht• poat !'JO yt•IHli Ch•·n lt·t th<'m 11h 11 rt• th t· t•x pt•rlJM• r ll(ht 11l11nl( with lilt' 11"11 11( WI " "f 1u mu11· d111ho11or 1Alill· thun un y thi111( H1t•hurd Nixon t•ver l huugh l "'," su1d J n ry Sandt•ns of J>ittJtburl(h "W l• wer,. 11 lot bl'tuir off Yl'IU II & l(U w h t>n t hey Wt• r1· <.'llU~ht 11teullng th1•y look them t.n lht• nc:arest trt.~ 1.111d hung them," wrot.e "JR " and "L It " j , u w1r._..... Pmsburgh "Get this rcpt"aJl:'d or, SO help ml', f Will rt-f WW W µ<i y my lnl'Om e tux thUI y1•ar " Es thl'r G lanzsptt(l•I o f Brookl y n "Talk abo ut free· lunchL-s und welfurt• i.irogrunlll "They ••rt· no 11'!>..'I guilty of ..i <.rime thJn ;.ir1 <&rm1·d bandi t 0 .111111 tlwm D.1mn tht•m U u 11111 t ht-111 1l thf> JH S d o t':HI t lt•t•I eomp1•ll1•d to l11·l p I will ft•l•I JUi.td11•d 111 'llt'ut1ng' tht• IRS 1n l'Vt•r y pmi111lil1• wo.y " Tli,jt •1111' Wdi. o;1~m J "J pour hut pr11tty I 1111\t ..... t.1)o,JJd Y' I " AHEAD OF THE PA<l At age 16, pr<:·m l'<i s tudent Marte l Aragon has gra duatd fro m the Un1 v<.'r1>1 ty o f Southern {'4.1Jiforniu Shl~ cnrJc-d at the pn-stt~1ous 1nhl1tut1on at age I I, a nd 1s 1t.s yuun~l grad uatt-1·v•·1 ... • un It's eac,y w c;cc why Phd1pp111e huri .i<.< t•nt•. d r<' fJ popular The y re h.rnd woven. l1~h1 we1 ~h1 l'cJ c,y .o clean l hoc;t· th<:rn off on< t· or lw1< <.: c1 H·.ir 1. dnt '><1 durable th1.:y <.<.1 11 ">l.iy our 111 rtw \.\c ·.ir hc.·r Yrn <.<111 change rhe color with <.1 '>JH tt ; t .an ol '-ld 111 . v1rn1 '>h or paint Fo r grc .Jr •,.i vi n~'> t1n "''"'Y ol o ur k ..,t IJ1Jri lurn 1shrngs. c;ho p P1«r I l<JlJ.i y' Burt lfJunger. 1>i I '., \\ , 1.' I t f(··~· •111 •1•1 88 '>ale p rKt-'> ~cot.I 11nl' ""'"' ~ 11r1h ...,111·-.. rna~ v.J ry -..l1~hll'f Just Uncrated -1 New Designs at Direct Import Prices! Pllr1- 1.11c1 c,f1·r1·0 -..ht·lf 99.99 Our he ller quality kin~. 01)" H Cushio n PXlrc.1 Re~ 59 99 3988 collections 1\1111 -...111< (•r C h,.111 HI 'H .11 111' W Reg l'J 99 2488 ANA.IJEIM 509 E . Kate ll a Avenue, 772 -2472 COSTA MESA 2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 --------------~ 111 .. ll .... 11111111111111111111 .. lll!!lllJllll~l!l"lllll!"l!lllllll ................................................. 1!91111!" .... ~'!''!'~-~~!''!"'-~w"""''""~'="'~!"'t!lll'll~.""--IP...,::!"':.,~.-·r~ • .-">:'~~.:""':,,...-;-,--7"'~...-~~-- ---f • ----c_ ----• .. la -il3 -\-T ---• l ~ C ~ - , Oranoe Coeat DAILY PILOT/8aturd1y, May 16, 1812 I II I Mlle MOflCI NCrnel 0. NOM-M8'°"1-.m ClfV M ...vNI CALW~NIA ,.cm1oue .u ... 11 NAMI ITATIMINl • ..onc10. ... 10 lj ALCO .. OUO I A .. I .. , ... fu Wt\Qftt fl Mitt C 11 ILLA I OHfltl t ttN 11 •pptytno to th• D•P ,."1 ul ftO'fri'iOUi IU .... H ..... lfATI...., the lnilowlnt 11en1nn• 11• u111no llulllntll• U Tflt COUMt Y CARPl1 CO 106 1111110-Wey, Co••• M•M, C• UtH NOTICE OP OCATH or JOlltPHINC R. NIMS ANO or P~Tl'tlON TO ADMINISTER f.!TATI£ NO. HOllC.e It lttteby 91ven lhlt lh• unOetl'OMO wl!I llol be rMPOOell)ill tur ,,.., ct•blt Ot llabllll .. 1 oont• aci 1911 by Olellll H ltUfm JI Or •t1y0tie A· l l UH. other lhln my"'I Of\ 0< altet lhl• 'IOTITIOUI .UIMH '!!!!l'"',,1,.IUTI-~ NAMll'l"ATl•NT -.. .., r11e tOll-tfl@ p .. aon• e11 uomg Tne foltow11111 p 111011 •• oolnt l>Ullf\1111 •• bUll-M , COLWll l • CfAAMICI. net O"INT OUITOM COATtNOI. A0 1m1 Hunt111glUfl n .. c;h CA 223 Mont• VIII•, COiia ~.Cell• NOllOI INVITING INOI NOTICC ,, HlR!:UY OIVtN mat .. .i.d tlidl #IH ll4I l~vlt(I by tll<I Cny C•••• ot tile Cltv 01 hvll\IO, IU! 1u1111.i111-v all 111an1 l•bll• Htv1Ce1. "'•'•"•'• toolt equipment tuP llH••· ttllltl)(lflallon. u111111e1 •nd all oth11 11em1 •nd ltoMlllM ,_..,,v tf\elelfJf u ptovlded on lhl l.Ul•fletl ooc.u10et1lt '"' 11111 1.utllflUC.111.>f• ol P•1an1atllc. 0•••11• together wo!h •ui>vrt•n••~• ll••••to 111 •I• ICI K \.U•O...c.e wtth the 1!)4M;tllut1on1 on Ille •I lhe otttCe ol IN OttKIOI ul PuOliG Wo1k1 fh• 1011ow11111 0•1•011 11 t1111nu buti•-· .. l>IVH I OOHYIJ 1734 Marth l •11fl S11nt• Attl C• 97706 LIM•• 811ct1y Wlmb•••y , , J4 1118•11 1otn11 eatn 1 A.ICOf'°"'> .._1(141 CQf'tlf 4 I ON 8Alt 111111 l WIMf (Al JlltMI l Hlnf\ COff)Of•llOn I• t.1t11orn11 ~01110fllll>11). t• I I! P1 1119'• Ro A1oedla, Ce II IOC>e S tu•tl A Brodi• 1121 Ch1nt1 i.i.111 Ar\IJWllM C• 12902 To 111 holni, bunefLt!AtrlM. d•lll l'rrdltnn 11nd ,·urHln"l'lll Datld "'" '" ll•y ot Me~ 1911:.1 " u JHo o 011How•r BANCJHA l b It VI NU. JQllO t M•ICOlm I Oall'f, :tll3 Monte 0 .. 111•11 Cuti• llttrtf111QIOf1 u .... .,. vi.11. CO.II MetN. CllllOfflll 12t27 c:A 9n140 r111e ~ 1e OOl\duoted bY 111 WAYNl H !tlE'ltMS 20901 tndMOull ..,.'"'"• ''"'" '11111• A111, C• 8NO t tilt l1ua111eH II COft(Ju<;ted by er lltdlvtduMI 111.1 IO ... alC<lflutl< bll I el JOO w PM lfkl Cl>Clll tho on l'rodHore uf Jon•phloc n . ~•:>@All• v1at• Or l "'""" lle•,l•y Wtnobe<ly Ttu• •lalwrn.,nl "'" fried .. 11h '"° C.ou111y l.ltof' ot 0111o(l4t Cou111y "' Aprll 8 111117 Ill• "er. H11t1llllftOn I " Nim. and pt•rwm• who may lff•t>Otl llff<;h CA be u lhcrw\IM· mwre .. lUt1 In t•111Jt1111ad 0 11nQ• Cout Oetly lt••ll•" c1r1.t• Hu11t1no1on 811cn MllOOlm I O.vy \ 11tlu111I• ' Publltlled O"flll• Coul y l1"vt, M1y 10 IH:t Thi• 1>11111 .... " «ln<lu<;llO by t 11 ....... 1•••1•••••1111) J•0t•• I Mann Cu•11 Uy J l Ma1111 the will and/or l'llUl\.t• P1to1 May II 9 H1. 11102 30~3-91 A sx-Ullon hu bt't!r'I tllt.J1------~~~--- CA 11~!!•9 Thll 11•1-l -llled with the Th•• butltt .. • 11 1.u11t.1u1.l•1I liy Count}' Cleflo of OrAllOll County 00 ,,...., l•ubll\11110 (Jr e11go (,ueal Oerl~ 1-'tlCll A(11 '4 Mny t n 16 1981 184~ II --.,. """TIC[ ' P1Mlellllll by lMblollu N Healy 111 t.hc "8.IC NOTICE 11101v1<1ual• lhu•b•nd •nd wtl1I ApcM 30, IH2 ,.-- S endt• l ll1ev11111 ·-11111 tta11n1e11t w1a 11141() •ttn th• Publlehld 01 tlf199 Coa•t Delly Pl· OAll CH OPENING BIDS 0101 wlll ,,.. 19(.fllvec.l 111 Ille ulht • 11t llte r.11y t.14!fi. "' 11>e (;11y 01 '""n" •oc. 1•11 •I 'I :.rou JambO•H llO•d ,, v1n11 (.1t1ICJ1n•• 82713 u1rnl 2 00 II m Oft W.OnelOly Mly 211 111117 111 •hK.h ume a11d plau bl01 Will ~ pul>llGly 111H1na11 •fltl rrt•tt alOutl 011•• """" h• 1uttrn1111.cl 1n •••••o "nvttl()prn m11r~•U 011 11111 O'llltd9 ____ ~;..;;.;.;;.;.;...""_..;.-----·\ flua •••temerrl ••• IUIKI with ll'ttt Surwrlor Court u r Oran.it' ,ICTITtOUI .UIMH Coun t y rl"qu .. atlna th111 NA• 1urt1•NT COii"'" Clll•" or 01•r.o• county 0t1 IOI Mey 1. a. 16. 22. tN2 , • t914-l2 ....... ITAftMUf't' 11e:i The tOllOwlng penon I• dotno 0 •c ,,_, O•ltu NTmOUe .,..... ~Clll<k 111 O•••'ll" t.11Unty on laiabcll.-N f-t t1 ,.\y b ~ Tiie to11ow1n9 P••IOll It doing d I l>ulllt ...... May 9 1Qll? ,, ... rt 1------------ Publl1t1e<l Oreno• (.;oet l O•lly PtJBllC NOTICE MUC MOTIC( NOllCI M PUklC AUCTIOM M PlfltONAL PflOPUITY UMAI· NINO OM VACATl.0 PMMIMS 0# FOflMl ft TENANT (CC1•) • bueineM N " ' p hid ,.nge OH r •ppotntti Ull pcraun11 CR SOrlWAAll. 1070 u .. cn rt•prt"lltlllUIUvc to udmjnla~r 6>v<1 HuntlnQlon Ueaeh, CA 92647 tho Mia~ of Joet·phlnC' R CUATIS VAUGHN RYNTIEB. N I OI a ( u 11 cl t· r t h ,. ltl792 RbOnll La11e, Hu11111101on Piiot Mly 8 I!> n 211 111~, 121---,.,..IC.,..T.,..l"l~l~OO~•:-•=u~.:::, ... ::~s;-:•;--­ NAMIE STATIEMllNl DIAM.O NO H--OA.HIN I v II 1~ 22 29 19112 I 8\'ITIMI, UM t8 .. , ,.,.,.t Cltcle. 3031 112 Beach, CA 92647 hufoprndtml Admtn111ra11on Thi• tiu11r-w.u 11 tona111.1.o lly .,, I ,_, ..... Vftlw;, Ceatfofnlll t270I GeteAd 1.eon 811\llh. 16418 Mt. ""'-..,. NOTICE •mi.,. Mt\flC[ Th11 follow111g pe11on• 11111 domo ..-~ nu buatfleH H ___ _:_;..;,.:....; _______ I AMEAIC AN tENANT IMPHO U1Ut tor 1'111amod1C Gs11t9e NOttt• 11 h•teby ljtvan 111•1 nn Sa1ut011y M11y 'n •ell:> •• tO -" •I 134 Vt< lo<•• tn (,U.ll MllH CJ1 """" r.u1111ly the und11111ori11d will ••" 111 uuhht eucuc.n me p., .,_,,,.1 ptopefly tell by Qeofge A HOC".um and ()el()(ff Matgat•I Hoc.um o f Eltat.t>e JI.rt) Thl" pcllllo n 111dMOull la *'t for hcurlng m Ot•pl Cu•• llyntlff ArBfel Cltde, fOllttteln Vfllwty. Call· ....IUUU\. lornll t270I ,ICTITIOUI aUllMllS VFMFNTS 7110 Mn1.1t11111b11t1 W11y l OCA !ION 0 1 T14l WOHK t na ~to be .,.normed l111111\111du1 IA lt>t.•IOd 111 1t1a Cny ol lrvrn• C..c>urtly ol 0111111111 lOI WU()dlHlll~ ru .. ',111 1111n. '° • tnl Y••o l oou Thll ~ .. oonducted by an 'IC ou• IUllNIH lndMcklcll. NA tTATIMINl . " ,._ , lhll 1111emen1 •II 111.0 with tl'ttt No J ltl 700 C.:1vk ,...-nu. r Count}' Ctetll ot 0•81'Q41 Coun1y on NAMI ITAll ... NT An•h"'"' llllla C1111tvrn111 0?607 t no rollo••no peraon• ••• d1>1no Jo J <-•111111 11 :.ru Mo1."1ng Oetlld L SINlll lh• loll II pe11c.11 II OOtrtO Thll 1llt-t waa !tied wttll U'tlt bullNH H Dt IVC, W t .. I, In th(' <.'tty of M•r 6 19112 Sunlu Anu. ('ullfor111a o n June· 9. 1982 1tl II.JO 1.1 nt ,, ... ,. l>u.,,,..1 •• blld Way A1111hot•m 11•11• C1.hlo1n10 8 EACHMONT A810CIA TFS 92807 Ol!H.:.1111' I ION 0 1.WO llK fh• wo•~ 10 b• peff()(med 111011 include llul 1101 110 hflltlod 10 flltllfJYAI .. ttd 1nl)ltac ""'""' ol ""'alirttJ AC crnvtt mttrtl t on#ft ut t1()n uf l tt w10w d•t~"w•v ttn(t t.(lft~1tuct1ou ut ti~ • 1•1 0111110• w11n '"O etetlrnnlly rJll VOii tlOOI. E no11•~"' ' c•IHT•••• llttt IOll<>wlllll (>•••1111111 U•Clt>f!•lv tttMllt1ttJO County c~ of Oo•ngll County 00 INT FRS ( RFCAUI fl NO Aptll 30, 1M2 S ERVICfS. 1 'J B•t1'"'" Wey '18M.17 hvlne CA 827 I Publlehed OfAllOll Coell Deity Pt-RICHARD UNNl:iON n ff YOU OB.Jl!X.:•r to lhe g r1111u11g of tht· pt•tltmn, y ou s hould c1th1•r upJll'lil' ~l the he•.iring l•nd 9 11Ht• your Put>h•h•d 0 111111• CoHt O•lly Piiot M1y II 16, 22, 29. 1982 301e-112 18!>~1 Bw111.l11not11, 5 1111111 A1111 CA Jdt.lt A lltrnOy J t 2817 0 11270~ Suulh F1111v1nw 511111• A111• f 1thlur JOHN W HENGE~ll 111!>~ 1 llra Ul104 Beochmonl, S1nta 1'rtl . CA 9UO:I lhr\ l>•1t•llt1,.~ ·~ 1.11nUv1.11t1I hy <I A1>1J'""mfhoty l'1 1011e QI 11011 tR"'"' PrHnfl<.el plltltc; 1n1ectton Mr1111.,, t 110 ... • Holttno 1 '°"' "'"ie '>OU pw11<l1 ot t hrpf)l<I pl~all<. lO iiouno• 01 WfOP9•f~ •ttlflQ !> w• tio u1ng tAllltl• I hi" C.11111111!11 30 Ul(l bOOkt iOO (.Ir loll• vi nf)VOllY 1lern1 s #UOCh H• !Jtf)rttgti htn• 7 wnoO•U 11eo .. 1 olO rel11Q••••o• I roll11• 1a111,, I A ltOmtl l\Q<\f 1 0. Vtlb1U bf)llJ'f br,0111 15 llo ... 1\ ol tel>~" IOI. Mey '· •• 16, 22, 1982 Rocky Knoll, ltvll A 92 71!1 lt2&·92 !hit bulltHlll II du<;l.0 by all MllC NOTICE f tCTITIOUI aua tNIH NAMI ITATEMINT I he lollow1no P•• ~on 11 0011111 11u11neu "' N • OR THO OEN I Al l AB HI I i\111111 I Pl•l.11 No A Coat• Mn• t.lth!Ornla 9i6?7 Nrlll<I Wehl 1111 Alh111I l'18Ce t1i1 A. <.utto Mt1 •11 l.••ilo•ntn ,,..,.,.., 11111 11ua1nes• " cnoOu< le<I Dy tin tUdlYtdUiill Nl~~I Waltl I 111~ &lllt'mon• wtl• hltt<I with ""' t.ou111y Clt>r~ ot Or Ml{Jll l.1J1J1•• 1 on Ap11t 21 1118~ '117"8 f'uohon.,o Orano1> <.ou111y 0111ty 1•1101 A1111t 24 Mily I II IS 1982 1824•11# DIATH NOTICIS 11\0lvldult Rlch110 1>"'"'°'' I f I ll fhl• ttetement .... Cl with the o )jt•cltun s t•r I \' w r 1 <'n Coo111y <.;1111k 01 011111 oui•ty on o bjec liona w1lh thc 1·11ur t May II 19112 befurr tht.• hcunng . Y o u r PfllNOIYILLE • PAI '\'r1t app«"nrunt't' may be· '" pnl"llOn 19"2 MKArthur • ()r by your 1111.orm ·y OolltlM ~ •1 I f' V 0 U I\ RE A lrYIM. CA t271S C HEl>ITOl< or u l'011t.1111wnt Publltlled 0 11nos Coas 111tv l.~,,1i1.or o f tht.• dl'(.'t•Ull('<I, you P•IOI May 8, I~. 22. 29 1982 "" JO 'l mu_,t hh• your d'11m with the -------------.._ l'OUrt or prt.-M·nt 11 10 tht.• P\8.IC NOTICE ' ?t-ri.rnnul reprc·1u •11t11tlvt.• flCTITIOUI IWSIHESS appotnH•d by tht• 1·ourl NAME ITAT£Ml!NT ',.i11hm four month!! from the· Tn• 1011ow1110 pe11on 11 001n11 ~t• o f ft ri.l 1ssuann• o f Dullnesa M tt-r.1 a.s p rov1dt-d m &-c11011 co:iPEA~~ ~~81 ~.R.~ ~.~:.? ~f the Probate Code u f ,<\pertment f 40:l Co111 Meaa. C1 C forn l9 The time for 82626 ftl dDhll.'I will not 1•xp1re AutaflQzab Kablt 1<h111 211111 p ru to four monthic from COSll• Mesa, Cl 9:ttl/O lht• Ull· o f tht· hf'l1rtng f1111 ouatnese 11 coo ducted Oy .,, 11011 above BHr SltH I, Ap.,1m1nl • 49403, ~ SAWCHUK inarlll<lu•• Y M AY EXAMINE KATHERINE SA W · tnt1 .. ~~~=e~.~h1~1:d w•lli the l hC' ftl~·pl by the• 1·ourt. If C HU K , res Iden t of County Clerk of Or•nge County on you a mtt-r1·111cd 1n the C:usta Mi-sa, C.'<i for zo y1·ars M•y 10 1882 esiat.-. n't<Jy !tit' a rt.-qucst P IJ J a W a t h I r '1"°411 With th l'OUrl to r t.'Cf'IVl' s !I l" t Y a · Pubt1&hed 01ano11 CoHt Dally , . , I~ r<-stdl'nl't.' on May I :l, I 9H:l p11u1 Mtty 1 ~-22 29 June !I t982 s P t ( 1 •1 o I 1 1• 1• o f l h t.' R o r n 1 n S a I t.' m , 215e-8'l invenlo r f l't1tatc c111:sct11 Massuchusell11 on July 111. and of the ~uuons, ac..·munl.'I 1905. Her husband Samul'I ---Pl&.--IC-NO_Tl_C_E ___ 1and repor\ dl•llcribt•d in prel'ed<·d h t·r m d1·ath m -----------~---1S ,. c I 1 o n ;.! O O of 1 Ii e " 8 S ·' b h SlATl!11ffNT OF C'· I f I' ,.. I 1,,7 -Urv1v1•u y er AaANOOHMENTOFUIE OP a1orn1a rtwk~..OC •' ,. h ' Id r (' n H a y m ()" d G FICTITIOUS 8USINEH NAME Egli and Egli S&wchuk of CcJ!it.a Mf'!MI, Ca The t o llow •no pe11on hu 411 E. l7tb S t. and Ph1hp S Sawc huk o f aben<looecl IN use ot '"" ""'''°"' Costa M~sa. CA \?1%7 Sellvue, Was hinato n , 8 t>u11n u t name SUN N SANOS l4!·4fi7t ,. MOT£l al • t02 Ocean Ave " hrolher Wilham Gromko o f Hun••no•on Beach c e 02a.e Puhla~h(•d Ura~<· C.:<1ai.t Massachusetl.S, a sister Mary Ttte 11c1111ou~ 1>u11neu n eme O-.t1ly Pilo t, M ay 1 i, 16, 22. ' n r 0 ugh I 0 n 0 f N c w •llletrtll to lbOve .... tiled '" 191i2 I lamn.ihire. 5 grandt•hlldnm County 1n Apnl 1973 end A1>11I 1978 r" RtC.hatd T lhOllOn I 102 'Hll 82 .ind I great grandchild Oce•n Ave Hunttno•on Be.ch Ce St•rVH<'' will bt• held on 92648 NOTICE M unday, M ay 17 1982 a l Th••bu"neuwasconeluc:ledt>Y• ____ Ml __ IC ____ ""-_ ' IO OOAM al lhf l'ac:tf11· Vh1ew, tole P•Oc>~l·~Olt,~:::.Qtl ITATfMfNT OF A8ANOON~NT • • < 'h,1pel with f a lht.'r M ic: :w Tn1\ atatemenl "a' l1lllCI with the OF USE OF Harris o ff1t•1at1ng W1th Cou111y Cle•~ ot Otilt~t! Cou111y Oil FICTITIOUS 8USINl!SS NA~ ~, r1111mbml'nt 10 follow at May 13 1982 Th11 111110 .. ing per•nn ''' ~ l'.w1f H V11·w I n l1C'u of F102M2 eoandonf'<I me u'lt! ol the 1ic1111" 1'1 llow1•ni th1· family hrt:s axkt..'<i PuDllsneo 01anoe Cou1 0 111y Dut1nBeEuH'!."vm1eORA L PRO,.-R . • Pilot May 15. '.12 29 June S 1982 ., u ., " l11r donalmru, LO the H 1•art 30el 82 <.;ONSUl IANTS 7300 f'a11v••• f.'und Baltz. fk·rgewn S mith -------------! Ro•o y 203 Cost• M••• rtllllC NOTICE CHARLENE: 0 ~~ENOE SH Qt!"~'''' 1>tt•ln11r1h1p 111!>6 1 B11•chmon1 S1nt• An• CA Joi.lo. 11 1t11ndy J1 '"8 soo 0270!1 I 111\ 11&;1ume111 w11a hle<J wllh lh• l"ICTTTIOUI au ... 11 T1t11 hu1111eu 11 c11111h1<.le<I by " C:11u111y c1 .. 11t ol 0 1•111111 (,ou111y 011 MAlllS 8TATl•NT 11"'""111 1J1ttl11e11hlp AtHll ?? lil8:1 f 117111 Th• lollowlng P"•on 11 oo1no lh•I •••t=•~•~1=-=llh llltl Put•h1hed 0••110• C..0011 Oe oly l>u~:Ooo CO , 19391 HtcflOIY County Clerk ot Ol•lll)l!l (;ounly on P1to1 Ap1tl ?~ M>1y I 8 l!J 1118:> AWARD o r (.ON IAAt T th• v wthu 1 •*•'v•a en .. "U"' ~•""' np"nrno 111111. In "'I""' 1111t 111 1111 b1Ui; 10 w111v1; 1iny 11110111111111y •n " Diil 1c. n11t..e 1we•ll~ 1n 11-. 1nte•e\I of trill Owfl('I n11tl tu • •J<IC. I all ullMll l>rll• L-Huntlnglon 8Moh Celll0tnla May 4 tll82 1801 8:> ~ • F ltl1>2 Dll DtlC Mt\TIC[ ""'"' ' '°'"no ttl<>P """. an<1 200 Wll• hotdetl 1111<1 35 C.AI ICW\A ot <;et HuD•fl J w 1.>uy11no• 1939 t JACl<ION. l(IOOER • SUCKLING r...-. nu Hickory Li n•, Huntington BHClh. MO Newpool Cenl•• Or. • 1414 tytnQ Cl-~ttu1 uur 111>0 wUI bO m1uJ,.. lh.H'°U aut ,,, ttt" lJffJYlllOO\ ,, •• ,.f "''" •IJlll! ,,, tt-.e "'"'' C.ooe PROPOS AL (;UAflAN f LC. ANU MOTICI Of' "'9lJC BONO<; Eo;cn b•d 'lh~ll b" ttl c.om CelM0<nla 92e4e He•poot .. ech. CA t2MO lllll bull.-I• eonduc:ted by 111 Pubhth•ll Orano• Coa11 Ourly lnOM<Nll P••u1 May 8 l"i n ?9 1982 H Duytit'lge 1036 8~ H&AMtQ ..,.OM 1-1anied lly • ct11111tea or c111ll•1H, '"'l'\.Afll•IQ Lhctlo. 01 11y e to•vo r••• ~u•e•v COMMlll'°" Of' ltOrH1 011 me 10tn1 lurn111tull by thu O~lt'<I M.ay 1 19112 l 11!11111 l NrGllOlton f' Cl Ho• 18!>4 Thi• 1l•temant wu llled with 111e 1 _____________ _ County Cterk of <>raooe County oo DlllDllC ""'TIC[ ~ CITY Of Uwm" al ou.,ral\1-.i lh•I "'" t111lcl111 fOUNTAJN VAU.a'Y will 11 w11 .1w1110 " n•Yllll lu him '" N1tWI""' ~>11.h (.;A Qlt.111 t•1;t~lnhflf' 01.1ng,. l.,tJd't ()u11y Match31, 1982 ,,-___ r_UU<. __ nv ____ _ -FICTITIOUS 8 UllN£8S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 111.corthlllt." w1ll1 th«! '"""~ ot 1111 on W•dnHOly, M•y 28. 1982. It O•ll promptly 6t tU•tl Wr1r~ men \ 1 30 p m In the City Councll (,ompN1~•1tor1 11tMJ••nte •nil ttubtl ChamD.,1. 10200 Slat., Avenu•. tty 111•urnnc.e ••OCult! 11 (.<)(llret.1 "' FOtJ!'l•ln V•lley, th• Plann ing 111t1 111qu111tC1 """' 1111C1 lurfHtll '"' l'1lnl Mi;y ll 1~ 198? IOl I I',/ Pul>IWled Or•nge Cout Dally Pl· NAME STllTfMEMl lot Mey 1. II, 16, 22. 1982 I hP tullo'*'"O puf\<Jll ra <1011111 Commlu lon wllt hold • public r•h•r.tory bond$ tu• lht! l81tnlul 1>e1 CITY Of lfl'llNf ' 2032·82 hu~mttu o~ Pl&.IC NOTICE t:L£CTRO·M!CH SALES CO P\8.IC NOTICE 77!> N•wton W•Y en~'" M .. _., -------------Cal 1torn1e 92b27 r-rlno oo theolollowlno Item• torm""'-" ut 11v1 c.on11ac1onO10< the CALlf'OflNIA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO pnymt"nl ot c'"""' ot ma1et1eimen NOTICE INVITING 8I06 5ee tC<>nllnued lto<'n May 12, 1982) and l11Do1e1t ttlt!lllut•de• Sood NOTICE IS MERfBY C.IVf N 1t1111 O•"ll'" srn1t11 8 I~ w"" Boy FICTlltOUS 8USINflS Av.,nu11 Ballloit Calllri1111u 11266 I P•llllon aubfnjned by Dllll Pulwt Ute<.> (II ll11ldt!I ' bOltO '""" .,., ,,, ~"""' btdt ..... ~ ll!C4'JVto<l by ..... to ope1elll the M1 BM• Unllnlllled "" Mrnwm ol 1101 Mn• tna11 '°'' 1101 City (,le<t. 01 itte C•ly ot I••"•• (,a1 Fu•nttur• ttore al 1110 115 Euclla 111111.e111 111 ""' .. 111uu111 ol me lltd ifOtn•• IOI '"""'"'llO all plant '""'" StrM I "'"I .11lhlul l'l!rlorm111t<.e Bono ,.,.,<.at rna1e11utt tool• 11qu111 MAME STATE.Mt:Nl t>a11u 111 M <;m11h 6 l"i Wiili tht' •ollc.wr!'Q p1111ona eH• IJOrhQ ll.oy Av1''"J«l 011lbOJ C..1111111111111 l>u'l'neH H ll?f,(, I IN STVlE PHOTOGRAPHY llot t>u,11111•~ t• r<1111h11 lr"tl llV 1111 THESE MATTERS e re being ~hell hrt 11111 111•• lh3n ur1" llunOr.,O mettl 'Wlll>I..,~ •••11•1><>•l1SIMJ11 ult prOC41Med C>OJ•auenl lo the PtannlnQ 1 1001 1>1••1.en1 ut lhl' 1<,131 .,mount ot hhcn '''° 11u olht!• """'' and '"'-'" 635 811k111 Stteel •V 103 CoslR OfltH1rnl ''"''"'""'"'' M11n C.A 826'16 (>.11111n :.im11tt l'111rn '" L••• ot th• Stele ot C1t1101nl•, I"" b10 P'"-'' nem•-<I 1n ""' l!)l•l«>cl t>I!\ ,,.,._,.\wry "''·'"!lur u '""'"ll"ll l ESIER YESNICI< 635 Beker M 1.1111111 Oovernme!'t Code, 95,000 Ill t..:i . H1u 1.1001 ~t1d M111e1t1I\ Bona ~llt>ll in lh" rQnttlJ<.I llOGumenla. lor "'" and thl Founllln Valley Munlctpal ,,., "''' 1.,"' 1111111 Ofltl hu11d1"<! '1001 u;n~t•v<.tto<> ,,, Har•••d Avf'n1><· 1n COOll Tiiie 21 i-'-'"' uf I~ IOl•I """'""' ut lrl<'I ~,,..,, w1lh ilCJllVtlenencM thf-n·ll S11eel. •VI03 Cosltl MeJo CA 1111• 11111ome111was 111.,,1..,1111 "'" 92626 Cou111y r 11111t ''' 01.u1Q1· C:ou11ly on JAY 0 Sf ALLMAN 448 Sert• Aprtl n l'l8~ THOSE OESIRINO TO teallly In l>1cl 111 ic.., n"nietl '"the 1.on1tt1CI 1n •flr<.I .. u .ordllt1<.a wrm tne '"'"·' F117"7 fevor Of In opp o llllOll 10 lh• PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES 11ea11on1 "" l1le al 11\u oll><.11 OI ""' 011vll Co1ona Ofll Mat CA 9:?92!! t "" bua1neu 11 conoucte<I DY I.I ue•-•l p1rtn1111/11p l nlet Ynnic;k I h11 1l•lemenl """' hie<! wtth lne (;ounly Clerk of Otano• County May 6 19112 Fl .... 1 Pub•tttnl!O Or•noe Co"t 0•1lv Ptl<>I Mdy 8 15 22 :19 198'} '1098 112 PtJBllC NOTIC£ FICllTIOUS 8USINlH NAME llTAlllftNl Tne lo1low1no 1>41110111 a1e 001no Duttnea• •• f'AC.1r1C. (.OAS T BOX OFFICE Surlt1 • tOO 3990 Wot1u1ly Pl•CI! Newputl Bench GA 92660 GOOD fVENtNO l A u C.•11 1r,1n1• co11.101111run $1111" • IUO \1190 We~1e1 ly l'lec" Ne.,.purt Be1oc.11 CA 11?600 1 h•• bull•1ttM •• con11uc.1 .. a t>y a COIPOI alron Pullh~h"d 011rng11 t.r.11~1 01111y p 1opo1ale will be g iven 1n In t•u.111danGI" with lhe p1ov111ont Qt Outtellll ot 1-'ubl>c. WOfk• Pilot Avrtl 24 M"y I II '" 1961 oppo1tunlfy to do 10 •I the publlC '>KllOtl I 7 I) ot lhe Celtlotnllt L•l>Of DA t E OF OPENING BIO~ b '" 16J6 82 he111ng ti lurth., lnlo1mallon 11 <.oa., ltle 0~"11a1 p11'va111ng '"'"• ,.111 00 ·-•l!<I 411 the oll•t .. ot tr1r --------------ld•llteO, you m•y con1ac1 th• nt "8• llrllfn w~ dllO notiday and City C..lu<k of the Ctly ol ,,.,,..lei<.• P\llllC NOTICE Plannlno Department at ot3-8321 t1v•111tme w111k "' tne loc.ality '" ieo 81 17200 Jamboree At>110 Ir ___ _:...:.:;;,;:.;.~..;..:.------l 1nd 1ef• to "'-ebow lt«Tll whic:h tne WOtk ••lo D4' 1>41t10tmt!<I "'"" <,.,1r1ornt<1 11J714 unlrl ? 00 CLIM'TON SHRMOO, --~ h"s "-n oble•ned h om lhl' 0 11ec D m 1,.-, Junn ~ t98:? at Wilt< h """' l"ICTTTIOUI euelHS•• ~ c_,...... IOI ot ·th<! ~Ill·~· ol ln(Jutltt•I dn•l PlllG" '""' <Niii ~ poJt)hrl'( QI)" NA• ITA.,..,..NT Publl1h•O Orenoe CoHI O•llY llWl9t1on1. • COVf Of~ la Oil Ille ned ""a '""c:t 31ova B•<h 'lh•H I>,. The tollowlno P•non 11 doing PU01. May 16. 1982 '"the ottice "'•he City <-1"'" ''' '"'° •uumttl<l!d •n 5,.a,,.o ~r..eloi:.e• Du*"-M 216G-112 C ity ol lrvrne and wrll DOI! mull!! m.ttltf'd on 111<> ou1~10,. Hrd~ '"' LllllE LOVES. 908 Helena -------------11v .. 111111e Ill o111y 1nle•l!l~lud l>"''Y CnnstruGllOI• .,, Hatv1t1tl Av1;nu Cltcle, Coal• Me ... C•lltornll PtJBUC NOTICE Ul)Ull , .. quell The C.Olllfllt.IOI .1110 LOCATION or IH( WOA~ !"" 02e2e tny i111bGonlr•Clur unoe• h•rrt ihell w0t> ,., t>e pe<IQ<'""° ""'"''"°"' , Merg1t1t 8HI JKlllOn, 901 SUPUllOA COUAl OF THIE pey nnl lf>$S lhl'n tM •()("<:•11..0 r>•e-kx 81..o ,11 th" Cll f t,1 11,11nt1 (..ovnt f ~ Cffde Coeta ~. callfof· STAlf OF CALIFORNIA va•l•nQ 1<1tll5 1)1 WllQM 10 oll .,.,,,~. ot QrenQtl ~I H•••Ud Avenue P•· nll 91929 FOii THE men employl!!<l 1n the e1toeut1on ol '""'"" Micn .. 1ion 011.,, 16110 M•11 Thi• bull,_ hi CQnducied t>y en COUNTY Of OAANOf me con11ac1 SllPi'I lndMOuel lr.tPlUt.IANA CHRISTINAZUllAN LABO R R[C.UL AllUNS ltte OfSC.FUP ltON o r W0 f1 • ''" """°"'"' B ... J llCll-' £J0£1rtA 1HJl3ERIS 11nd conl••clO• 'lhllll t.omt>•Y w1lll ell tilt! W()fk 10 ..,., '"'''orme<l ~11ll 1n<;tml1• Thll 1\11-1 WU nled with the I UCll\NO M1'N0 f l CAllOOSC) 1,.quuemt!nls QI 1;f'Clr<i'1 1777 ">IQ hul rH>l I.HI 1tmrl"'1 lOGonJl•ullll>f r,t County Cieri! of Of!MlQA Counly 00 llOAf ruo; Qell\f'f wtlh "" nlh<I!• opphCiiblf' •e -,11 .... 1 b•~I' ••••I """ 11all1c '"l" ,, ApfM 30 1982 ,,~-M•nof\ quuemm111 ol Inf" C.ahlfH'"" I •0<>1 1mpto•umenl~ .sno uhltty ~"" oi. -ioylEl~O..-\, AOBft\1511110 Goel" trny.-.1!1(.rhlt@\ Put>tl"'9<1 Otange Coul Delly~ NANlY 11 AOlffAIS ORAWINVi ANU S l'ft.IFll.A (()MPL£Tt0N or W0f1K .All lot Mey 1 II 16, 22, 1982 "'"" p~''"''' ltJt Gh.i"Qe nl ""'"" ttON~ A lull ,..., t.>1 ll•••"IQ, .1nd .,,,,~ ,, to b• cnmlJl"tell 11 <" "' 1926-82 NO A112755 \PK•hC..,lit)(•' Ml•llOO Pl\rin-.O<l•C Ounce wolh .,,.1 '"'l"""m"'"~ lr,,, OAOfll lO SHOW CAUSE Co1agu WoOlllJfldQ'" f"" ">ldtron towed"' S.ric.1100 I Ota.lr of Wui> Wttl ft£ AS lt'IQY C, Aot,.,rl'\ .!ln<l (;IP ~60 ~IJ 11 av111i.11>le IO• 111 ul 1t11• Tucttn1c.al Condrt>on' 111 ,.cl P\8.IC NOTICE I~ /(,, Tuthill Wt.'!ltd1H C hapel PtllJC NOTICl Ca1110<111a 92629 M f C• M ----------~~--• lllf1 F1r.1111ou1 Bus1n.,11 Nemc orluury o osl.<l ('Sa m IMPOfl'TANT NOTICE ieterrtU 10 •Dov• .... lileO 1r C.noO f •ort1no l A • C.allt0tn111 c.o•p tlD be IOtme<ll <..ery A Sl3Cl'f Pie• FICTITIOUS SUSIMISI Nllttt.y O Ru lle•O Ot-llltOnf'•t ~• •~lt(ln w1thQ111 che•Q" el lhf' ol 0 ,1111., lo c.ompletrun 01 th .. e n111 .. 111n.,1 "''d mo"'"' 01 apottceno lte" ot lh•· (lttl't!CI• 01 ~vhltt Nn'"'' work wtlhm the '"""' f>4!ftod •Pf'l;•h 1 u<.111nu C..11""''"' lulutn BU<!!•• Ro ol the C..tly c.1 l1v"lf' Pd'""''"" "'" ConllKIO• Yid"''° ""'""""Lu< urno Muo04ll CardlHll c:omp1111e .,.,, ol u1a a111w1110• c.<,moletll Ge<t•m 1no•vtclual D'>I'"·"· l-4oll"''' llH•• '''"" " l)AlrlrU<I wrth •Pec•l"'"o"' ana brll doc;umt1nta ol ti'• •O•I< '"''"'" lrm~ """ ·I· "'" <:"''' "' '"'' t.•~>•• 11)1 "n Olde• m•t ,, .. purt.tu11eo trom th" D" '!><'<'•ftl!(l in ,a•<I '4-'<.hon I harg£• of arrangt·m e nu If YOUR PRO P ERT y IS ·~ O••noe Covnly on . 8·111 lr<i6 -9371 FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOl O•vtd Thom asson 2 300 FINKELSTE IN ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS Ferrv._ Road y.203 Coal• M,.H IT MAV EE SOLO WITHOUT AN' Celtl0tnr• 92926 MORRIS FINKELSTEIN , COURT ACTION and you mey navt Thie 0.,..,_9 waw conel\ittlll o, .1g1· 90, o f Palm Springs, Ca the ""''' 11g111 to b<lno you• eccoun •n tnd•vtdu&t 1hrt •l~lemenl waa htllll wrlll me NAME STAlfMfNT ~111 Cler"-of Otat>Qe (,ounly on 1 ri,. 10 11ow1no per snn 11 1101110 y 9112 l>U~fl~~~ 11\ 11 I '1.-.0 HUMAur 11c<, 8618 Oo•lf'I Ill I ., 0 ne Co••I Dally C..l•CI" ruunllon v,,11.,y C.otl1tn1n1a rib "hl!u r 11"• !1?708 c1111nq•nu 111 .. MIJPhtani. ,,.,milt p11rtmttnl u• Pubhc. Wo·~~ Clly ,,, AWARU o r (,QNIRA(,J ., .. i.om 1 u1.11111.i c.;11r .. 1111.i /ul111ri U-Oc• Ir••"• 11200 JamtHHl'tt Ro•o Ir-0 .,,,,., ,,.,,.,v,. "'" ''ll"' 411~ Passed :..way on May Ii!, '" Qood 11•n<11no by P•Y•no 811 0 O•vld Th<>m•HOn 1"82 D-1 .1 h b d ( yOUI pall dul p1ym•ntt plu~ Thll 1181-1 WAI tried wtll'l 11\t' l------------- PtlO Mny II I!> n 29 l9~•0 82 Louise Lung 116211 0 1"1!' C•t tlf' fount.1 10 VAllt+1 t .. tthltHn•e 9'1708 '1 oe OVl'u Ull an o pe1m1 1ted co111 and e"pente1 C Mt\T"'c Mr, Jt:an Fmke lstt•tn fo r Within lhree month• f1om IN aa1, Cou111y Cterk ot O•ltnoe County on P\8.1 nu ~ , • Jtuh .. rt\ '" C:.hr1t.h"•• luC1AnA '""" C,.a h turrua 9J7 \3 /4 nun op•tilf'<J h•tl\ ''' ,,.1,.,, oitn r ,,, • "4nht•,t•. +inrJ ln,m l Vf'lltr\U M3n()ft r~fUtH11ttJI~ I~ .. OI 170 00 ""''" be 0!(1\ ltr WAIVf" f'O'( 1t1l()fm.,;Mf)' 1t t c..,.,.,.,.,'l f1oPu•" 10 B11on Gr bot c.na•ooo tor 11Kh se1 ot documen" lt1d •n '""'" ""'·""\ '" 11 ... 1n1 .. ,, ... Roll"'" ••-Cl"'-hvelv Oraw1not 'll•C•lrca11or" untl bid 01 ,hi' o ... ,,.., """I< ,01ec1 ell ,., • • ., May 11 1987 I---~---""'.""".'.":'~':".":-=-::--" ove r !'JO year s and lhey 1n11 notice ol oetauu was •flCOtded '1S971t litc:TITIOUI 8USINESll S1111d•a s ..,.0,,11,r, ?b'• 1 'J r • pttltOt l)r1ve M1llK>t• V1••tu ( .. 1tht0f .... 9269' 1f ,-, OIHIFRHl 111•1 "" 1>''""11' (Jrr(umflnla will be m11i..o upOn ••· lt10l 10·1·1•ntly l'l'll"brated thl'tr Tllr• amount 11 $!>8700 H ol Aprl Publttn>·o O••nQ" Cont Daily •Alllf SlATEMUfT c; 11 1 d c• n w e d d 1 n g 25 1982 ana """ 1ncreese unttt you• Pilot May 15 n ?9 June ~ 198'} The fllll>"'•no p11non• •1• ooino Th" hot•"'I'' ·~ lnt1<11JCl••tl lly • o•""'ll' OAl•lne•th•ll "''""' ·l"d on lfu• ·•bO•" 11nlillntl ""''' nt 11oqu.,,1_ nn lllwr I hH n IC PrtOPOSAI C.UA RAN I£ ( p.r,IJ ........... n!llJ('rl• ll"'fl"' tn•• (,QUI! ... : <alenelt'• d•ys prtOI ,., '"" d~IO tel BONO~ r ,I(" b•ll \hall b ..... " accoun1 t>ec:omttt cu11en1 You ml' 'J t•S 8' bu~"''"\RI AnntVt·~ry Loving father not 1111ve 10 pay the 11n111e unpe11 ou S CNB!RG LIMIT(O •I ,,( Jurw H oward o f Suffern. p o111on o l you• account •••' --------------1 n e.t:> L..,,barl 511ee1 Suite •06 Et lOU•Mt lU•><I 10 J() A. .... ''" Junf' I 1982 '" lr,r Ollf!n•no l>ldt IOI an iilOll•l•t.>n• oen111d lty a t r'llth4'd "' CH ' 'I ~ l)t ., .. ,1 ..... 111 101 """ Cou11 IO<.»t.0 c.na1ve cit SSOO cn,.c~ o1 11y • corpo••lf' •••• 11 ,,, 100 1,,.11; r. .. nl"r Ort•" Wfl~t S((.URIT Y fOI~ <.OMPL £ 110~ oona on 111" IOtm turntttlea br "'' !;.in•·· An& (.JlrlQ1n1~ 9:>70 I 1111(1 O F WC)RI( It ... l-OlllliJCI IJOCUml'n!I Own& 11• QlliJt~lll .... '""' "'" ll••ltl .. 1 11t(Tr¥ t .. u,.... 11 •II• t wtty ltlu Pf'1'1'"n toll 101 monthly P'o0'•~• peyme1111 wtll ,, en 11,.,.,,d •• me<Hi 10 h•,. !)an<lr • MUt """ l~1·w York. &•Ima G .. mer uf 'llOUll" '"" P•vmen• was d11manded rtllllC NOTICE Toto C.A\12630 I Ni·w Yo rk C ity, New YtJrk Qui yov mutt P•y lhil 11moun1 tl••e< fH£ IR OllOllP a <.a111ort)1• 1"1• tlalnmt;f1t WO hlt!<J Wlih ,,,.. C11vn1y Glftl~ or O•••llf.I" Couri•y on at:;ove GOIPOtal~ 27e,.1 laml'8tl ~lr•I 1• :1nd Jal•k f'1nk1·li.tf'ln of All4!f 1n1ee month' l1o<'n lhe 0111 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Suite •06EI T.,.., C.A lll6JO Apt~'/:? 198? F1UIM '"' i.11111111<' ''' """""' snou1a not l>'I b•~ uPoO '"" en01nee• • ~"""'"e ecco•O&M.o .. ,1n "'" tl'•m• .,, i II'""'~" 01 '""' l>f"tC.ttnlllQe of..,,,, .. c.umple btd P•Oflll>llY IUlU'" Wor•I•" I (, " rd 1• n C r o v 1· Ca ol 1etoroa11011 ol th11 docum1n T1111 Du""<tt• " conll•KleO , twri!'lhf-'(I g1andfalh1•r o f 7 1•h1cti da" ol •9C<>ld&l•on appeet• F R A N C E S M A R I E corp0t11ror IJ)I • Pub'"""" Ornno" <-"'"' O"''Y 1f 1•, ntnlllfH ORDffifO """ 11 ""' 11.., C.rty will '"'II'"' 10 l.M!•C.c;<•I C.om""n"'-'hnn '"""'""ce ;111<1 1.,,1 ,11 rri(iy tJf tt'•'> f'tf'''"' to ,,h,,w tttV'" h•• ut ,. .. , h uu-.01e-.1 OlJ)'metl' •i yiiru itv inwutnc..f'I f!•~ut~ a '<>'''"" t ~uhh\ll"ll '" tru IH4ANC.C C.fJA'j t "'Y Int comOlehOtl ol lhf> bllOllC.4' OI lhe l('l)Ull..0 fllfrr. and turn1\I• .rt DAILY PILUI "new'P"P"' o l ""' worlt Al lhO ll!Quett 1no 9• ••leclOty 11ono1 lt11 me ta111\tul '" u,•, .irul gr~:..t-grandfothn o f K hereon) unlMs '"" obt19a1ion bet"1 LANGFORD. alle Fraacea fn1 JR r.mup l0tec:1oseo .,p0n 1>4ttm11s a IOOQe M . L • D & f o rd A N 0 0 F Jery l FM llr•volt·d br1>lht•1 011 Mrs period you nave onty me \eoll 119n Prit1rll""' 1•11111 Ap11t 24 May I I\ 1•, llJR:> Ill()~ 62 --------------1 9ener11t corc:ulll!lon p11nled in fl"n""' ol the avcceulul bidder lt>e IOfmonce or 111.-cOOl•KI a11u 111• ""' N•'llll' tin-.·n o f N1·w Jt"nw:y 10 ttop 1no to1fl<:IOSUte by P•y•n<,; PETITION TO ADMINISTER Thia 11a1e11.,n1 wit\"""' with'"" Mr f'1nko:l,tf•1n was a the Pntue amount aemande<l b) ESTATENO.A·llHU. coun1y C1eth o1 0te11Q1 Coun1y on PUBlJC NOTIC£ O•ano11 <,ounly (;ohlo•n4A Otll:Al ~ (,rty writ pay tne emounl ao 1eta1ne<l IJllV""""' ot '""m' ol ma .. rratr1 • weok tnr tout su,c.••••.,e w9••• uoon c oml)hAnce wrw1th '~ teQutrf' ••nd t•t>Orer • the1eund"' <, .1 t ~ rr·sident of Palm S prings, 1001 c;1e<11rnt To 1111 heira, benefld anc'!I, May 4, 1982 (• f ,._ To 11110 out 1n. 1moon1 you mus c r e ditors and l'Ontlngent JACKIOH. KJ>OUI' SUCKUNO ,.;TmOUI au ... 11 MAMC •TATWlllNT Th• lollowlng peraon 11 doing pttOI 10 11141 llalfl ~• '°' IWl1tr•no on ~,1,, ot Go•etnmonl Code Sectoon chf>Cll Of b•lldt" 5 l>Ond shell t>o• r• ,,,., 1>41111111<1 u~02 ond the prov111on1 ot the •n omount 01 not ieu than'"' 11IJ1 a o r th1• past ,, years, Plly, °' 10 8118noe 101 payment t< eeo ""'"°" te11eer Orw•. formerly of Ne w York A $lop the 1o1 11c1oaure 01 11 you ('red1torJ' of Fran<'e lMarlc SuHo 1414 ~-OAlfO Ap111 :n 1987 1.twt••ct ooc;umentt per111n1no 10 pe•cent 01 thl' amount ol ltlt , ... r rtC)NAI 0 H PRE NNf R Sull\lltuflC>n OI Sec:utllteS 1 n" F Aolhtul Pedormant., flt•" I lift· membt<r m th1· Ksnghts P<oe>e•ty '' 1n t()(eck*l•e '°' 11111 L.angfonJ and penlOns who Newpor1 ....,_,CA r.tMO ,,f Pythias. f'uneral !W.'rv1ces other ieaaon con11c1 ""'"eon may be o therwt.lle in~rest4od '111'n1 IA) OOH-EL COMPUTEA PRO- OUC'r9: (I I PACIFIC COAST GRA· PHICS; (Cl CALIFORNIA COMPU· TEA C<>t4SUL T ANTS, 3291 Mlchl· Ollfl A_,.., Coeta MeM. Cllllfornla 021211. JudQ• ,,, the P~OJ(C T AOMINIS t RATION Al All&ll Ile 1101 i<llll Ulan Of\t! ""'"'"''' Sul)('l•O• Court r1ue~1tun' rrtellve lo lhll u101ec 4 1001 P<I'"""' ol Ille toll• amc>v"I "' Ht 11 a Pt en n e o Commun 11 II nd Put>ll•hed 011ng1 Coaat Daily • will be htdd :ti 11.00AM o n Auoc•111on. PCM Realty 1n1 '" the· wl a /or etilatc P1101. M1y 8 ll :n ~ 10112 JOHATHAN ll. QOLOfN, fSO PllOI IQ npfln•no l>•d• ahell b• di '"" Dtd p•IC• nomed "' the CQf\lt ,. I 1175 Cenlu•J p.,1r. feel rrttllll 10 Jrm Ron P101ec1 M•n• Thi' lei><>< and M•ll!ltrlll Bond~·''' ,Sunday, May 16, 1982 at Managem•n• AQen1 ?372E A pel1llon haa been filed 303!>82 I !arbor Lawn M•1un1 Olive B111cn1< Orlvt> El t010 CA 92630 by Doro thy L Rradley Ill lloMll Fk>Ot "tint 111•1 7'>• 39•6 1.e not 111u than OMt hu1>or .. o 111Jl'l1 Lo. Angele•. Cell!Ofnte to0f7 r1'1' OAOCA ol 1ne Crly C0<mc11 of percent of tne tOt•I emounl 01 th" ''M<'morlal C hapelw1lhH.ahh1 11141768-762! t h<' Supl'rtor Court o f ' S h I ( II you have any ques1ton1 y0r. • ,.<.;l'orge c· l'll lil~<'r o ehouta contacl 11 lawyer 0, tne Orange County requ<.'sllng ,.,. e m p 11· a e I h Em I-' I governmental agency whlth m•) that Dorothy L Bradley be 11ff1c1aung. In heu o f fl<JW"rlil nove 1nsu1e<1 you• 1011n a pp o 1 n t e d a s pc r RO n 11 I I h f I t Rem,.mbri• YOU MAY LOSE _ _, . , I (' am' y .s u g g e 8 II lECAL RJGHTS ·~ \'OU 00 NOi rt'prl'SC.'OltllVl' to ..umJn18tA;r ~ d o nollons to Temple Beth TA.KE PROMPT ACTtON the• <:s&;it.e o f Franc<'ll Mane r:mcl In mt•mory of Mr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Iha Langfo rd (under l h (' ,; r'1nkelstt•1n lnt<:rmt'nl oursusnl IO Art1C111 IX, Sec:llOO 1 0 lndt:"tv•nde nt AdmtnlJllrallon I M t 01 t C l r y lh11 Oecta1111on o t Cov•n•nts .r-. a oun ve i·me e Cond11ton• •nd Re11r1c 1ton• •>f t:ilt.al.t'tl Actl The peuuo n S<:rvtl't'9 under the· dirertton reG<>rded Apt11 28. 1977. '" bOok 1..~ set for hearing ln Dept. ·•if H a rbor Lawn-M o unt 121110, P&Qe• '109·327 01 0 111e11 No 3 31 700 Civic Cenu-r i Olive Mortuary o f Costa Rec01as O•enge County. Cehl()(n11 Dr W I th c ly o f 5-40 ~~54 • 01each ot the obllg•••on 01 tve, est, n e t Mjiiiesaiiiimiiiim;;;;·;;;;·------~ peyment o r u11umen11 hat S anta Ana, California on ~ Na""l llOTHHJ ,..., OOCUlfe<l Nol~ ol Uld b•HCh Ill( June 11, 1982 al 9 :30 .a.m . l 1 t ' .,.__.,:; •. --nu••T lie n wu 111e a 101 1e co1d or LF YOU OBJECT lO the _, .... _, -Oecitmbl!lf 211. 19111 In BOOk 14337 627 Main 5 1 PIQe 1 i.2 01 "''" orr1e1e1 Rt'ICOrd1 granting o f the petition you Huntington Beach No peyment of put aue amoun11 should either appear al th(• ~539 hu occutr•d Th••••o•e t h• h earing and state your Anaheim H•"' Pl•nnea Co<'nmunlt) bj"ccttona or file Wrtllt•n rACIHC YllW MIMO•IAL PAJI• Cerretery Morluary C hapel-Cremato ry 3500 Pac1f1c View 011ve New~rt Beac h 644 2700 .,_C<MMla MOITUAllH Laguoa Beac h 494 ·9415 Laguna H•llt' 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495, 776 HAllOe I.A WK-MT. OUYI Mo11uary •Cemetery C rematory 16?5 011ter Ave Co~I• Me1111 540-55~ rtMCI MOTNIH llU llO ADWAY MOltTUAIT 110 Broedway Cos11 MftN 642·9150 Anocletton doee llefllbY olecl 1c O " u lt 01 c1uH to be 1010 tht o bjet·tio na with th<' court •ot•ow•no d"te111>e<11N1 P•OPll'1y tc before the h earing Y o ur ·~11i.ty 1n• ol>llQ•Hon Loi 34 of up""'arunc:e mny bC' '-" pen.on 1 tGGI 92 13 at pet ITUIJ,l te<:Otded Ill r-Boot.. 390 P~ 33 to J7 l>Otn or by your a tlOmey 111(.lutlve ot Mt~loneout Mape, In I F Y 0 U A R E A the 0111()41 01 the County RecQlc>et ot CREDITOR or a contingent 0·~;;:~~~·~.,.1.o ownet• ot the credlwr of the dettued, you P109«1Y m0t• commonly •mown .. must file-your claim with the e.t4S Shady Veltey Lene, Ana.helm, court or preeenl It to the C•11t01n1a. 111 Joe E G•AIAte. J1 · perso nal reprearntat lve onO C1Wye1 Gl•t()le hu•b•nO 9"d h w1tell )Olnltan•n•• uppo 1nled byte eourt DATED May~-19112 Wtlhtn four month» from the STATli OF CALIFOANIA) dote o f flnl iHu•nc e of COUNTY OF ORANGE,.. I lettena u pmvidrd In Sec\Jon An•hllm HIH• PIA111141d 700 o f the Probate Code uf Communlf'I' AMOCl•tion C.:nllfo rnla Tht-time f o r By Lind• S w"ttatt. flll na claima will not expire AU11tant Sec;retery ,. h f On April 211. 1oe2, bell°'• me. ,,,. prior to four mont • rom unO<!lr'llQned, • Notwy Pu1>11C •n end the du.-of l h e h earing t°' llld St•lll. C*IOll8'ty 11>9Ht41d noticed a~. ~r.~~·:111.,"~11:y"":,'~~ YOU MAV EXAMINE COIPQfetton lhlt exeootld ,..,. within lthe file kept by the-court. If "''''-1. llnown 10 me 10 be the you are lnt•reated In tht.' p•non who HKuleO the Within Nlat(' you may fUe a req~t tn111umen1 on l>ehell o l the • corpore11011 111ere1n n•mtld, 111d with the ~url to receive .1c1tnowledgeo to me thll eucll •paclel notlc• o f the co1po1111on 1Hcu1ed '"• wtthln lnvent.ory ot •ta~ a.eta of lntrlrurnenl purtuanl 10 111 9y•Lawe t .... _ IJ""'---nd or a 1Ho l1J1lon ol It• 9011d o f ""' Pt' _,.,., accou.ntS • • 0ttec1or1 ~porta cte.cribed In 8cdon WITNESS mv hand "'° Oftldel 1200 o f tho Callfornl• .... .111na t . WllklnlOn Probllll' Code. ~ 1021-092130)44 ,... .. , w. a .......... Jr. " N.&.111 »m run , .. e. 11• IC. 1111 IA.&.T.l ... °" ._ ~ """'htle m C.«a 11 .. 1 CA 11'1'7 ....-..ATVTMU ,......,......._CA-J4 ... '7'7M _,,.. r(JMJNl-1'7• Wl'llC~ CKAI& All•""!' ,., Aua-e1111 Hiii• Publlah.ed Ora.nae Coeat Cott• MeN '"blllMCI Ofenge Cout 0.11)' Ul82 .. 77 ll '71tl St l,...._ 0• qr•:fl• .......... , !Dally PUot, May 1&1 16, 22. $46-1(97' , .... ,..., ...., 1•· 22. 21• June :-,=2 2182·8l 11 ~"-------------------" ,, j . -. "" . NU NOT1C£ l"IC1'Yll0\8 autMll NAm tr AT&•NT The 1011oW1no pereon• ar• dolnO bull.-.. 7-11 MOHi ANO RV PARK, 2780 w .. 1 Uncdn Boufe\IBfd, An .. 11eim. Callfomle t2901 JAY 6 BARBARA COWAN. 3030 BrHk•rl Orlll•, Corona det Met, Celllomle eae215 Thia~"~ by Ill lfldMcklll Jey Coirren Thie 1tatll!Mtll ... lll4ld with tile County o.11 of Or-.ge County Oii ~211,IN2 ,,... P\lbllllhed Orang11 COut Daly Pt- IOI ~y 1, Ir 16, 22, 19'2 . 2014-12 NIUC llTCE ELEANOR MARGUERITE REIO TROUTl, 3281 Mlchtoen Avenue, Coal• ~. Cll"omle 92t2e Thie ~ 11 oonclueled by an lndlvldUel NI.IC NO TICE C21') H)-3122 '"" C rly ol l1vm., b•d ptrc:e named in the c.onlr.c.I Pu!tlr\hf'O l)rM•'l" C:.C1<1\t Ourly (I.ti• Mey 1 1911? VREVAILING RATES Of WA(,!<.. P1lul Aµrtl 24 M.1y I II , '• t911:> Cll y or IAVINE In lt(..CO•dan<:ll won lhe l)fO•ttlOnl •·I tll!iO &) NBn<.y C ltow11nd S•'Cl•on 1773 ot tne C..alr101nu1 Lel1"' Ctt y Clflr~ C..1JO• tttl" general p1 .. Athn11 '"'"' 1•uo1"n"'o O• li"O" I on\! ""''Y .,1 ~ 11..,,,, w9Q11• 11n<l 1tot1<111y ''"" P1101 May 8 15 tll82 . 00, 8., ov11111me wQtk '" lhl' lntatlty "' --------------1 l ' " whl("h the w0t~ '' 10 b<I! 1H1•l0tm•<l HAA80fl --------------i1 nat oeen obtatllt'll trom 1na Dtrfl<. MUNICIPAL. COURT rtllllC NOTICl IOI of ll'H! Oec>Nlmenl 01 tnlluAl•u•I ..01 J1mbor" 8hrd. J Re1a1ron1, " copy ol •h•ch ,. on ltl!' P.O. 80• 2510 MOTICI INVYTIMG 8'0S '" the olltc.e nl th~ C•ly Cteti. ot th(l Newport ae10h. C•. t~·U47 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal City 01 lt•tne end #tll be ma<lf' Ml.IC NOTICE PLAINTIFf: OLEN PllOPEA· on M1y 27 1992.11 the hOuf OI 2 ()(I available to any 1n1er111ed partv nft COflP., • C8'1to.-nl1 CorpOf•• p M In ,,.,. Cit; Cletk. onoce IOCI upon 1eQuHI Th• con11ec10t '""' STATEMINT ~ tton led It 17200 Jaml>OfM BoulevetO, lltly aubc.n1ttr1•c.tn1 under him •hall ~THm.AWAL FllOM 0 f, f H 0 AH T : "I w p 0 " T ltvlne C1'lf0tnll , .... Ctty Of ltvlnt P•Y not '"'' lhflll Ille wec•tte<I ()II' PAATNtfflSHfP OHAATINO 81AC H MOTOfttNO ACClStO W111 ooen ~· tQt the pot>tlutlon 0 ""'""O ..... o• WIQH to •II WO•I<, UNO«ft flCTITIOllS lllES, I Calllor11ta Partnllf•lllp, the l90al nol~ ol the Cny of lrvln4 men employed in the uoc;utl0<1 11! 8UllNCSI NAME CATHl!AINE MITZ, PITl!ll l(Afl· dutlf1Q lhe llacal year 1982-19113 ,.,. c.onlfKI T ne tollow1no 0•11son hn ••th HIS, H pereon1I gu.,•ntor of All l)lda 1hall b11 conl•tneO '" l ABOR REC.UL A TION!. I h" 0,8,..0 111 e "°""''' p11ln<!• flo<'n '""' te•M. DOES 1 thr0U9ll S, lncltJtlH •••••O envetopet ma•ll•O on lhll<j tnnl•toelOf •hllll c.omuly wtlh •" ''-" pn11ne11hll> o pe1a1t110 under lhl' SUMMONI oultld• In Ill• lowet fell·h•nd tor1 ieqv1reme1th ot S~t•on 1717 S 10- 11c11 o us but 1 n fl~~ "om II o I CASE NUM9EA 61140 n.. I Qtllhe• with 1111 othet epp11c;11t>lfl ••· El £CIAO MECH <;Al r!I CO 1107 NOTICfl Y-h.we been ti.led "8IOS f()fl POeLICAllOM Of' quiremenll ot tl'lfl C•1tl0rn1• ~"- fnl Elm Unrl C f """''"" {.11h The eovtl meJ O.Olde llO•lfl•t rou Ll!OAl MOllCIS ClOllNO OATl"' Code ~nnoue llUtMtla.. fQtlllB Q;tfiJI wlthoul JOUr belnt llHrd unlH• DRAWINGS AN() $P£C•F1l;I, HAMii ITATIMaNT TM ht llt•nos bus1ru1u nomo ,,. JOU rHpot'd within'° da1a. lloed lhe bid• shell cont•ln thl lollo-llONS A lull Ml ot a1eW1nQ1 ""° The !OffOwlng penon1 .,. dotno 1r1n1en1 10< 11141 p111n•''"'" was ltlowl the tntormatton Mlow Wl"G 1nt01met1on spec1t1ca11on• 11 avellaDI• lo< '" ~ M orl r,.uruAry 18 11180 111 IM County AVISOI Uetad he .ido den'llll· I Minimum 1111 P4K tegal A<1 104ICllOn wllhOUI Cl'latge ftl t11• hi BENCH BACI( OE810M8, 137 .,, O•~•!Qil dedn. II ltlbunel puede decldlr 1 Rate P4K cotumn 11\(h beyond h<.e ot llwt Oitt<:IO• ot Public Wo11t' lndu1W•I W1y, Coate MM•, c.41· '1rll Nem• ertll A<ld•H~ ot the eontr1 VO. 1ln e41dtenola a menoe mtn1mum 0, llwt City ot l1vtne Complete ,.,,, f()(l'lia 92927. Pttttol\ W1tlld111-..1no q11• Ud rn po11d• d enlro d• )0 3 R110 Pet COiumn lnGh I°' Mib 01 Hid d•-•no• 199C1llcel10M ••tO Merk G. Moore , 216 IC nu 9e4e 91roM41 ~ t..e1 lal11f0fmaclonq'" .itue a.quent 1un1 bid d<Kumenl• mey be putelln.<1 Pl•c•. Co1111 MUI, C •lltorr1t1 1UIO VI•..,_ • OHdllnH ,.qul,.O IOI ,., ... lrom th• Oep111me111 o• P\101•< 92t27. Yorb• Lind •, Ca. t2tle II you w1~11 10 ''"'"•he •d~M!• o1 copy 11nd canceM•llona w oru Clly of 11v1n1, 17200 "•-'" Chrtet~ Noel MKOonald, ">I0....0 Bet• Bires.II 111 a1101ney 111 lhtt m111.,. you $ A•••• Of c1rcu••t1on l•ll•ch bo••• Ro ed. 11v1ne. C•tt•or,... 2300 Fe!Mew A--. Apt. 0-103. '1IOM2 llN>uld <Jo 'lO P<o<'nPllY r.o that Y°'" map 111\0Wing ""' OI cffcul1tlon) '2113. A non-retund•bl• IMtOt Co9U MMe, Cefllornle t:ze2t. Pubhthad Otanoe COUI Ol llJ Wfillllll rnponM II Any, mAy be II 9 Number of plld llUblGrlptlon• 11~ 00 wltl be GhlrQed f()( elCh• ... I TN1 ~ le 00!\duct.O by • Pl"t A1111t ?4 108' M11y 1 8, 15, led on time •llhln l<VIM City t+mM• of oocumentt Otawlnga 1pedfloa ~II~-.. ~ 19., S1 Uat•d II•••• e o1tc1t•1 11 1 Fr~ of QubllcellOnl Ilona and bid documen11 w1U b" · IMttt Q, ....,..,,. 1837 -112 OOl'IM IO 0. un 11t10Q10o an Ht• H 8 Num~ of OOpiel Ot111tt>utlld malleo. uoon rec:e!pt ot requoM ro TNe ldet«Mn1 -ftleO with IN !-------------unto. deb•"• hec.,to 1nm•dta11 or matlecl within ltvln• City llmll1 •I leflf th.,, 10 celendar d1y1 P"IOf Jo Countt Ci.ti of OraflO' Coul\l'f Oii rtlllJC NOTIC[ mente. dt nt• maneta. Av •••· no c:ott lhe din• M l IOI opening bide ••an Apr1I So, 1tl2. r>U"ll eecrlll II hay AJOun•. pue<le t 0.1• of .01Ud1Ce11on M ,_... IOdttlonll ct\argll. of 15 00 ,__ .., tegltttll<la a 1i.mpo papet of geMfal cluiul•tlon wltllln SECURITY 'OR COMPLUION PUbllNcl °'""' COMt Delly pt.. ITA~ °' MAMDDl.-nf I TO THE DEFENDANT A CIVIi th• County Of Otange and • Ital• 0' WOAI( ,.,,. gont1K1 ~· lot, Mey 1, I. 11. 22, 1M2 °' utl CW compl•1n1 hH b een lllad by •II• men1 111•1 Mid .O)vdtcetlOn II OUf• C-" IOI monthly== paY"'tfll• 1t1M2 ~ __,_,,....,. pletnt111 llQlln•I you II you wltl\ to. renlly In lull to1ce and efleot •nd b•Wd U90fl the •1 .. ._ .. -------------wing per•one '""' dlllend 11111 1-1, you mvfl. ""thin hU not'-' 119Cl8l41d Of Ml MIOe. o1 the pere«1tAQ' ol "'°'" ~ rtalC NOTICl tM we of tM t1Ct1t10Ue IO d1y1 all41t 1111, 1ummon1 It Hr At Iha 11m1 ttud 101 1•~".:f. tlld T.,. City win ••teln 10 ~·· ___ ....:....:..:.;:;.;....:.......:...-----~ nerrir. v•d on you. 1111 with thl• court • bldl, lfle'I' ..,.., be C>ul>llCly . of MCt1 progr-peymenl • - Al.l8TATE lllEAl. lOllll, t7H ""''"'n retPOOM to the comc>llllll e11fl'lllled •M ffeltlflld Tfle bldt rtty lor ClOm!JlllllOn of 1M ~of '1CTITtOUS eu.-.. A4tnlt A""""9. Hllfllitlo'Oll ....... uri .... rou do to, yovr d«eull"""' .. be ~led, end""~ of th• WOlll Al th• ,.quell ..... NAMI ITAT&•NT Cellfomlll tff4t, b• '"'"•d on appllc•tl~f1 of th• th• rffllllt of the blddlflt ind tM ~of the llUOOMeflll bfdcW. tlwl The fottow111g perton• are <lo•no the ,lalltloUI ~ NlllM , .. p111n1ll11 111<1 Ihle court m•y .,,,., • C111CYl1 tlON of the bid• will be .... City..,. pey 1,,. emount '° ~ bll9IMM.. !erred to llboW -Med In OraflO' ludornet" eglllnet you fOf "",..... POfled to IM Clly Counell •1 It• \IC)Otl Compllelloe wllll the ,..,.,. IOU TH WEST El EC ' AIC . Countt Oii ~ a1. 1111. delT\911\0ed In '"' comc>falnl. wfllCtl ,..,.., "*"'"O of June 22. 1M2. rnent• of Oownw'Mnl Codi MlillOfl 2 .. 12 r;t Cento. Legun• Niguel, CA 10CHAll1> J l~OCCOLO , could rHull In 91rnl•llment of lht Olly Counall , .. er11H the 1uo2 i nd the provttlon•'°'I Ille 914177 21111 ~Cow Clfoll. HuMJno-WIQM. tlktnQ Of tnOf'9y °' Pf"opel'l'f right to retect ~ end II ti'* If It contrtct dOCUOMnll P«•~MG to MICHAEL Wll..l.IAM IOTT8. ton a.cft ~ t2t44, ot otller tellel reQUHl•O In I/It ()CINlder9 It .. "JUJU y t0 414 to ''IVbltltutlon Cl(~ 28112 El Cet'tlO, leguti• Hlguel. CA jQHij'c. AOllf'TI. 701! ford oomoletflt tor'"' p11bllo o ood. Th• City P~CT AOMINISTMTIClll ~" 92971 Drf\re HuMinG10n ltMl't. ClllfOrflle 't>AT"IO: M.,c:h It, IGU 00\lnCll et10 r..-YM lfle right to queetlont ,.1et111e to 11111 rCD1ec1 8A8AINA. LYNN BOTTI, 2911~ t2Mf. J PliTtnao... Ctenl .... the'*' Oft tM.,.... ~ ~ prior 10 open•no l>ld• 11111 lte 01 !.I C.,.,to. t..guf\1 MIGi*. CA 92t77 TNt ~-CIOMUCtld bye By IUIAN MOSEA, De llderetton Cit'*,..,.. wNltlef Of not l'9Ctecl to fom ~ Thie "'*'-le COllOllC'ecl by I ..... ~--: P'!'!'f Mlfl lllOdet ,.._ be IN IOW"4 llld-IV <>f'Mlll af the ~~ Of ~II petl~ NcfWd J, ...,_. i1M1mM I', MAMO, .-, dflf of 1"9 IOWMI fMC>Ontlbfe bid• the City of trYIM. . MIGhMI W 8<1111 Tttltt •taMilfl w MM wM1 .. 11t ....... 0.... Or. w ............. Aotll'"" tMa lhte 1111_,t WU llled IWl1fl l1't c.tY 0.-of~ OOUlltY Oft ... ,.. OMld: "'8r I , ttta ,__. CfTV o; llWINt County CWll Of Or*'Ot County °" Mrt to. 1111. Mew JI er_ t_ __ • • e e", C A NANCY C • ..ow\AHO .-.:y cC. ~ May I , tte~ ,..... p91m _,,.,...... Ctty a... Of .. Cl1y o.rti '1m71 ' Pl! U Nd OnlMt COlllt ~ flt-Pu....,_ OiM99 COM! Deit'f '*Y Of aw. P111>tt1fled Otenoe Coe111 Publlt h•O Or•ng• COHI O•llr ...... , .. , .. ,12. ,.. fllol Af" t 4 M9'(, •• 16, 1M2 P1111u~ Or•noe Co•~·~IY Pilot ....., 1& H 1M2 Plot, M.., I , 16, n , H . 1~ ' \ ttt...a ' ' 1152-t' Piiot, Mey 11, IO, 1"2 tt ' ' ' JD\-12 .... .,,.. ... ---__ ...;......--... .. '.--~ ...... ~-.. -.. ";..,;-;.o,."-~ ... -~ ....... ~-.... ---'·--··-..... 0 ................ _______ .... --- -.. -------------- ~''''" ,~,'\~ Building up a mole hill ISY GLl!:NNA JOHNSON FOSTER of11M O•Hy ..... , Ila" I krww 11 would happt•11 \"Venluitll)' Sonwwlwrt•, :l()llWUtnt', m>mt'l.lnti, wuuld try and d1Ht·redit rt'C:yding 1 thuu~ht 1t would bC' the molht-r who had be<>n the chairman or tht· PTO paper dflVl' for I~ t'1>1\~1·l·u11ve semestNs I never icu~pl'<.'tl-<l Ann Landers Now I suppose we will bl· deluged with o tber shocking n.•vt'latuma about our American folk heroes and herolnl'S Tht!!K' -----, things always get out of hand and run ram- pant throughout society destroying the hopes and dreams of millions of our young people Somewhere out there. upon reading that ''Annie" was caught recycling old letters in her column, a budding young "advit-e to the lovelorn" columnist trainee probably has pul- h:d the plug on her Srruth-Corona, never to <.'Orrectomatic again And It's only the begmrung ;oeru ln hundreds of libraries across the nallon, muckrakers ar e viewing m1crofalms of past m·wspapt•r l'Olumru. hoping to find that Helotse! has repeatt'<l a hou~·hold hint How many Umt•s has shE' extolll'<i th(' v1rtut's of thl' ~lyrofoam egg e&rton? DREAMS FULFI LLED -Al> a boy Fred W ilpon loved two things . baseball and s kyscrapers. He became a deve l oper o f hig h -rise buildings and is part owner of the New York Mets. . chool torched MARTINEZ (AP) Thrt>f' boys who adm1ttl'Ci si·lling fire to St Patrr1·k 's St·huol 1n Hodt·o h.1v1· bt•t•n n·ll·ased in thc•1r par 1·111.> • .' l"U!>toJy Orang• Coaat OAIL V PILOT /Saturday, May 15, 1982 87 Personal marketing n eed e d Jo b sear ch require targetetl posi tions, stronf;( rf•s11n11• Hy JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dea r Joyn: My •un I• graduatlnai fr om ll lrudlng Eu~rn univertlty but hasn't had one job Inter view Jet and hla pro1pec t1 .are Im H e's intelligent but needs dirt>Cllon W e won't pay for graduate echool. Advice? -E. J .. Ft. Lauderdale, flu. Thank s to Dane Henriksen, president of Robert S . Blake A&9oc1ates m Cupertino. Calif, for thla reply. f'rom He nriksen, a career consultant: Your son has a product to ~ marketed -himself and needs a written man-marketing plan. Here are po1n ters. I Establish a JOb target by title. Be speclflc. 2 . Creat e positive , success-oriented promotio nal materials, s uc h as a strong resume and broadcast lellers (letters sent to an 1nd1v1dual at a given company asking for a JOb interview) thut relate to the• job title sought :J . Research the JOb mark!'\ USt-local and national mdustriul d1r('('tones at hbranes to 1dent1fy CARllRS at leaat 2~0 t.urgl·t upportunitw .. 4 Co m m u n 1 t· 11 t 1· w 1 t h u broadca1t letter to the ult1mutt· d<:c111ion-maker for· t•ut·h lar~•·I opportunity who hiu th1· authority to hire your l!<>rl 5 La u n c h u n I n t 1· n ic 1 v 1· rrui.rkl'ting campaign Ht"lporul to help wonted ads Cu11tart employment agcncws R(•Jt111 tu m•twork by making t'OnUll't with 1nfluc·nt1al people who t•lllll'r h a v t• o r k n o w 1> f J o b opportuniues. 6 Sharpen mtl:'rvlt·wing' skill-. Pra<·tu.'(• with u frwnd on a vul111 comt·ra and play-bar k mC1d11n1" or ust" u wpe rl'<-'OI dt·r 7 Your son icltould know th1· produc•t (hinlSt'lf) !It• should h.'>l all his skills, ab1htw'>. tah·nts a11d ca p ;_i b ii 1 ll t· s t ha t h <· , y 11 u a n d friends can think of Ht• sh•1uld r ch t• a r St· l ht' pr 1 ·" l' n t Cl t 111 n 11 f tht•m in n·l<1t1011 to tht· y>h lltli· h1· ~-t·k. ... K lfo should dl·fint· his ~I.in rll~'Cl1<. t1·11ll'mh1·r 1f you duu't 1t11k. you d1111't w·l \I f1Jllow t•11.d1 1r1wrvww with a thrink Y<JU ll•tter Ht• 11·,.tatt·s hri. ahllitv tu do tht• JOh Rt- ~pt~·1f ll 10 Aftl'f a<ct•pt1ng 11n offl·r . your aon 11hould 1rnmt,d1ut(•ly l1t·~111 to th111k in bwum'!l.'i lt•rms a11d d1·t·1dr what hl· wants to 1..1n·umJJl1sh 111 the first cnt1c·ul month:. A11d . lw·lll'vt· 1t or not as won :l..'> tht,: 111k dries, ht> !ihould 1J1·nt1fy has 1wxt )Ob t1tlt' t.argct and C:OlllJ.l(r..t• IJllulhl·r murkellnJ( µIan tu c<ipturl' ll HEAIWH N(Yff; Your r<•:o.ume nwy conipl'lt' with th u!>e of hundrt·ds of upplJC'lJflls fur an .idv1•rtJ"'" 1011 op1•11ing Do all I IJU ('/In ((I 111,1kt• !>Ufl• II J(t'lS a 11·.11.1111;: 1"111.! tiµ_, 111 J11yn· Lain l\1·11111·d1 ·, l11111k/1·t. '11<·:-.ume!> Thi· N11t1 c;11t1y" It':. iJVd1/ablt• fw $:! .'ilJ 11/11\ .1 iii n:llL\ !>l..m1pc-d, ·"'" .11/i/11·.'·"'d, long wh11<• l'll\'C'lllJ>t' M.1k1· (}ti'( k p<J,Y<.1l1/1• ((/ Sun 1''1 .1tw1•\ /1w , d/JU mtJd to 1<1 ""'"' [J,.,., .'Iii/JC Curddf ( '.Jliforlll.i !l:.!11117 WOULD-HE HE RNSTE INS ond Woodwards will point oul th11t Cl famou:. TV t'Olumn1st has reix•ated the: same dcscnpllv1· phraRt!S when referring to Gilligan's bland and lhc BPverlv H1Ub1llic•s After all, how many ways are lhere to say. "Yul'k., .. · 'Cookie bonds' approve d HAIR FASHION MODELS NEEDED! Haven'l the networks grown rit:h on reruru.? No one hai. complained about watching "I Lovt• Lucy" 1 .239 limes I bet someone tould prove that "Gone With The Wind" hru. beC"n n ·- IS.'iUt'Ci a touple of tlffil'S Girl cout sa les would pay o ff building no tes Anyo ne who has read more than one Harlcquan romu11<.'1' ffilght S<'<' iJ s1m1lar pall.em Boy mt'<'ts girl, girl hat.es hoy. l>oy saves girl''i run-down mansion, girl. boy get married and muvl' lo the suburb' I know that sonw of my readt·r~ will bt:hevl• that I am dt• fending "our Annie" bt'<.·auSt' Wl .are both newspapi•r culummsl.s That uot•sn't meon wi: arc Ix-st frlf'ncb SHE HAS NEVER CALLED to ask mt· to share a Big Mat for lum h I have never run into Ann in the Scotch Buy section or Safeway She probobly Ust'!> thf' full-scrvt• pump:. at W1ll1ams Ctwvrcm whlit' l'm pumping my own But JW.t how many new people probk·ms are tht·re? Martha probably l'Omplained about Georgt· giving more attention to the Hevolut1on than he did to the plumbing at Mt Vl'rnon Evt·ryom· knows that Mary Todd Linmln had to nag Abe to gu to I ht· th1·ale r And hav1·n·1 ~ L~'M.1 and Liz hcHI th1• -.amt• problt•m finding 'Mr H1~h1"·• l 1ould 1·v1·11 g11 bock lo Jnt'll'llt t1rn1•s Sorn1~Jay an rt11thrr1poloj.!1'>l 11111{hl find '' puvvru., ~ r111l adtlr<~\t'<.l to Ann 'lx•.1r Aun, I think Mon· Antony 1s two timing mt· Should I gl't d nol>f• .)Oh"? S1gnl-<l, Cll-oputr;_i "PS An:.wer soon, it's l'llhl•r yCJu or the Asp" l JU~t don t undl rstand whc1t tht-bri;{ deal 1s about Ann Landl·rs rK Yl ling old letlC'rs I. for one. am not going lQ belwve ll until I rcod 1t in th~ National Enquirer PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -Girl &:out lcadt'rs literally d1ppt>d into the cookie J8.f to help convince the county that 1t should approve a $400,000 bond sale to r mance a headquarters. The sale won preliminar y approval from thl.• Maneopa County Industrial Oe vC'lopment Authority It would f1nanl'l' a renovated headquarters building for the Cactus-Pine counc:il. which (·overs about two-thirds of tlw stale and wants to expand programs that already serve 27 ,000 girls. Much of the money to repay the bonds will come from the door-to-door sales of $I boxes of rook.Jes for which the Girl Scouts are known nat1onw1de. At the meetmg, Cactus-Pine off1('1als told th e• developme nt authonty they netted more than $900.000 la.'it year from cookie salt>S Then. council president Dawn Corlc•y Honey <!ff ered fTHACA, N Y. (Af>) Cornell Un1vt•rs1 ty rc•s,•art.·hcrs are off1• ring 11 pound of hom•y to onyom• who 1:<1n bring 1n a live· yl·llow Jal'kl't wasp Tht· cn·aturc•'s ve nom ts being used in experiments to develop a sting antidote. A-OK SERVICE CENTER IS NOW TOTAL DISCOUNT 5 DAY SALE @HITACHI ~-... ,, Po,toblo lunor T1mor 1 l modo flo molo Control Hand U n11 1 W oo k Proorr1mobol11y V1•vol !.ftor<h 11 po1ndl 1nrlvd1ng botto r y VTtimit.. VTTU6~A '929°° Romolo Control Vowol !.•arch 5 prog ram• 7 doy• Speod Control & f r&<>,. Action VT8.500A @HITACHI -~ /, -'-3 " ~ '.!!!!!~ V••vol S•orch & St.II rrom• V e,.ottl e 1 program 10/doy ltm•r 1 npl• Mode recordong VT9100 '599°° HtQh Perf0<rnonu 4 "-d woreleu l,,fror.d lternoto 8 progrom•/l we•k !1m•r VT'7700. '91,-, @HITACHI 25" COLOR TELEVISION Remote Control T oble Color TV /25" diogonol KrHn Rondom Acceu Electronic T un1ng with lnfrored Remote Control CTn10 Cl CTl302 13' color .. , com•• wilt! •orphone• Color lok •y1tom 10/2/I '169"' @HITACHI CT1912 19" Color 10/1 /1 Wortortty -Oo no1 mm "'" ot 'lJ9" BEST PRICES IN TOWN LOWER PRICES OVERALL ZENITH ZENITH ZENITH ZENITH 19". h rnote 25,, C I 19" Color ~' Control. 122 0 Or ~ Advonce ...........,. °'°""*''·Time C o n t e m p O r o r y ~ Spoco Phone ~ ,.... J & CI-0 n" e I Styling, Oak fini&h, ·~ l.rJ Comp v 1 e ,' ~ r.ad-out Swivel boH, System Programming. # :>~l<n.5 • llSNl963 499°" Ill, Direct Romot• •8 19'' Color ..., --Solid State Mochonicol control SN2535AR B '599"" • 4ft00 . ty-'' .- AH Co"1olo1 Tu ning . Auto Color. Marked Down for Tttl1 Soto. SN1908 '329°° SHARP MICROWAVE OVENS-limited to Stock on Hand No loln Check• Sharp' t CorouMI Micro with 'robe. Lor~ 1.53 cu.·ft. Int-'«. R7110 A great big coro uHI Microwave Oven In o mini 1lie. R5520 o n d v 1 t' l' pres 1 d t• n l J an M a r !'. h ,, l 1 produt't'd samplt-s or their cook1t-s arid ll't the board members tasw them Ar1wna Bank ha.1> agreed lo buy tht: bonds under a plan that l'olls for repayment m quarterly 1nst.cJllnwnL.., over eight years. Still pending 1s approval hy the county board of superv1SOrs. a:. w1·1l as approval by the developm(•llt authority The low-1nten•st, tax -frt'e bonds normolly are used to finance industrial prO.)('<.'ts that would c:rc·ate pbs Local troops get to keep 25 c<·n ~ pc:r box or rookies sold, and the rl'st gr>«·'> to tht• regional councils, wh1t.·h havl· to cover costs of administering tht• ..... ile!:> program Richard Knox, c1Jrporate rt•latwns d1 re1.:tor at Girl Scout head4uartn:. in New York. said I 16.500.000 boxt·<i of coukll's were !>Old na uon widt-in I 9H I A leading Style Director tor Regis Corporation wrll be conducting a training session for Samson 8 Deltlah Hairstylists 1t you are interested in a lree hairstyle designed by one of the country's leading experts In hair fashion. call tor an appointment Dates Tues . May 18. Wed May 19 Manager Glofla Paprock Sa111~~C'11 ~ T CD~lila/1 . South Coast Plaza 546-7 l86 The value you neeclnow! There 's no time like the present to save on fine White Patio Fumtture Outaoor stark1nQ r11.11rs s v; va1 4 f0r$69 H19ht>ack chairs S47 val Outaoor C11ntnQ tablr ~') Ola SfJ5 vat t34cro ~49°° FULL FACTORY SERVICE DEPT. ON PREMISES RCA FINAL CLEARANCE DAYS - This wall unit. coatea tn tough easv·to·clean PVC features 4 aaJustable ~helves You can aae1 opc1ona1 aoors to hlae the clutter or Just tor a srvush look S99val 01recton cna1rs are oerfect for entertaining inaoors and out Natural wooa frames with a v;irletv of 1Jr1c;int Cilnva<; C'OIO"' s1q val .. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SAVINGS 19" 'ortaW. Solld ••• ,. a.dnNtlc Tuning. •33~ 15' X31 X12 PLU BR'S INTERNATIONAL co,.T•MPOllAllY PUllNITUR• N.IADINA e 180 s Like Avenue • 121314tt9·67C1 WllT LOI ...... • 12241 Wllshltt BIVG. e 12rn 820•3918 IP VAUIY. 12240 snerman wav. NO HOltVWOOd e 12131 765·0401 ~ tMTA ~ • 15«> E. warner e 171c1 ssH>e11 toUnf UY• 25855 Hawtnome llVd...:i_!~ • 121JI J711•9473 ....._ V11JO • Mlrouente ..... u • f71•• ctS·m2 .-10 to I -...,..,., NOON to I ~" fuml~ craf'tea of the finest veneers many Items are unJS~mbled 1n cartons tor easy.pick uo Prtces and merchandise subl«f to \toc'k on hanrt ----- ---------.-...-=-"'"'L- • •+••• - 4 u .. IBOOU1l [UJ~~U Sta~es only hope for equal rights By TllOMAl!i D. ELIAS With tht• ~~ual H1ght.-1 A11ll'ml1111•rll ull but rnorlhund und thE' Rt•uuur1 Ad1111r11K trOt1on Ill tht• nUI~ o f ll•S!i ~llVt'I II ffil'llt l't'J(Ulutlon 1·h1pp111g J WJY Ul ttw1r ~1.11mc or lht· liu'il 10 yt.•ars. wonwn'1t right.'! udvornlt'H have bt>t•n fort-t-d to look to 1otol4' M1>v1•1 rurwnts ru; th1·1r only hopo.· for m·w gu1ns And in Cuhfornia, tht· krnin1sh "''' CAllfDRNIA fDCUS om· t.•dul'alwn rt'l&tt-d propos;d 11:. th1· bt-st way to han~ onto wh:it tlll'y'v<· wtin trouhll• f(t'lllrlJl out ci( the· luw~·I' h outk.• And w11li tlw !\lJILt• St•nult• st1U !lmartang from erllidsrn It dn·w by prov1dln~ legul 111d to St·n J ohn Schmatz. undt!r fire rur l11!l varull·nt uttut'k 011 ft·m1nists and Jl•ws. It ul:.o f1f(u11•s to 1·xpt.•d11t• th1· 1.-<lul·at11111 1>roposul Tltut will lx-um• cu.'ly W.!y to dl'mun..'>tratc· tlaut nui:.t senatol'll Jrt'11't 111111 f1·n1all· Tht• rwt t•flt"<'I. th1·11. should bt· a gt•n l'rJI ll~hl1•n111j( of Jnll d1M'rtm1nJll011 t·nf11n·1·111l•11t 1n <'ultf111111;.i sdiuoh; and l 1dh·gt•, 1·1·rta1nly 11 -.1ra ng1· t wuil 1·ons1dt•r111~ that it's u ll'Ul'lllln 111 tht· H1·agu11 Ad1111111strat11111·.., dfort.o; \11 looi.; en thl' rules. Thom<1s Elias. a fret•·llwn· columnist based in Santa M onu·a. a11alyzes state IS.SUl'S. $ $ 0 WELL, fT WA) A NICE PLAc= ;o Wo~k , 8(.)T TOO 1oU<1M A COMMUT~ AS 1HS E)CROW FLIES. 4 ¢ 0 U ¥ W i" p.;; + + SJ 19•n+";""';""'" "';"" ~ -- Tht.•1r plan most l1kl•ly will hl·n111w law latt•r· th1!. yl'or l)('<.'aUS4.• it's 1·arr11'(I hy Dt•n1uc:ntl1t· A.'-"4.'mhlymjfl M1k1• Ho111> of Lo!i An~t·lt>s, lht· Ai.st•mbly'-. maJonty le&dl•r o nd tlll' -.t·<·ond m111>t µuw1•rf ul rrwmbt·r 111 ht!. µarty's ruling d 14u1· It <11!>0 d•1t·sn't hurl that th1·1r m .. u..,urt• ... hould nie.l th1• !'.\;Jlt• nothinH. 1f p.i'>.wd Housing expectations unrealistic TUE FEMINIST PROPOSAL w1Juld simply dt>ny suit<· mon(•y tu any !K'hool or l'Oll1•gt• that dlS('rlffilOUlt-S UI\ lht• baSIS of SE'>< in t•mploynwnt, a1.·Jdt-m1c.~. r~arl·h. UC\'UJ>;Jlmnal Ln11mng or (>Xlra t•urncular JCllVlllt~ CJl1furnw alrt•ady has :rn odd liJws f1>1 h1ddang sul'h h1as. but many ttrt• so ubMun· that no ont· pays <1tll'nl1on to th1•m Thi· Hoos bill would add nothing to thos1· laws t·xn·pt a thrcal of los1> of fund1>. 11 simply 11slS all tht• aa·as they now t·ov1•r and makeb st.all' monl'Y ('O n- tingt•nt on t·ompl11:.1nn· Any sc·hool ofr1 - l't«Jl who !><iys 1 l wall add rww burq,h'i or papt•rwork would bt-adm1tt111g tH'at ht•')> 1gnon'<l 1•x1!'.tang laws Aul what'' Ltw poant of a rww law thilt d0t-s ltttl1· mon· than rl·hai.h old ont-s? Thl· 10('.J 1s lo -.uhst1tut.to i.wLl• <:ontrob for th()S(· tlll' ft-dt•ral govcrnmt'nt tb bent on rt·lll'ving Und(•r T1 tl1 · IX of tht• US Edut·at1on At·t. ~·huols whu.:h d1sc:r1m1- nat1· <against girls •11 w om1•n an i.lny or th1·1r pnJgram-. 1·;1n lust• Jll (1'(ll'f<il (u11 dang Now T11l1· IX lb undt•r .i.twek. A bill sponsored by U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R- Utah , would lam1t its coverage to stu- dents. ending federal pro h1b1t1 ons o n employment baas in the schools And President Reagan's task force on regula- tory reform seeks to limit federal en- forcement to those programs that get federal money A college or school dis· tract could thus discriminate freely in most of its programs and not lose any federal funds FEDERAL DOLLARS make· up about Ill 1Jt.•n·1•nt lo I ~> pc:n ·1·nt of mo:ll i.chool da:.tm·t hudgt'L' tn Cali forn1<1 rt·&r thilt thc·y might IOSf• that monl'y ha' usually produl't•d mmpliam·t· with Till<· IX Aut th1· ..,l<•tt· prov1dl·s about 80 1x·r <·t>nl 11( mn't 1·dul·atwn hudgt·b Su J ,udd1·n thn·at to withdraw !>Lall· funding fr11rn dt!>l'rlnlln.ltln~ sdtools WIJUltJ ht.• 1·vN1 mon· of a duh than Title IX an tht• h<1nlh 11f lh1· w11m1·n's <tl'LIVl)>l.' So for , th1· f1 ·mm1st proµc>S.1( h<t.'. < 11·.1 n'<l urll' A'i....,.·mhly l'l>011niltP1 · with , . .,.,.. With Hoos b:u·kang, 11 will have• no Tht:· fullowmg 1s a t•ond<•nsatwn of the• n•mark.~ uf Dr Fn'<I E Cast', ProfC'SStJr, Graduatt• School of Manugt•ment. Un ivers1ty uf Caldurnw, Los Ange/f's. lx•- fore Town H<1J/ nlt't•l11111 A moJOr t•haral·ll•fl)>llt' 11f housmg (lhe prcx'l'S.-; of t•oru.tru<·Uon. sales. and finan- cing) 1s that at 11> t•ytllt.·}J) 1n t·harat.·tt•r It sufft'rs through pN1od11 of fl•ast and fa. man£' Sann· Hl~ll. Los Ang<>les County has had a J.hltlt•rn of modest movc>ment inter s 1w rs t•d with peaks and troughs running an Iii to 20-year cycle Tht> most r<'l·t.•nt JX•ak was an 1977 ((history rc·peats 1tsl'lr, tht• mr.irkt•l wdl hat a trough in I 98:J .ind rt·ach nt>w peaks m 1989-1990 Gavl'n this peniJX'C'tlvc" per- haps the moc.t gru.'vl)us :.hort.age in hou- sing is a lack of memory as to how tht• markets behave Cc•rtamly. Wl' hl•ar that. young farna - lws <·annot afford w buy new hoU8lng t~ldl'rl y <·1 u w ns somt•ll mc·s face 1:ho1ces lx•twN'n food Jnd rc•nt And buyl'rs will go to unpn'<.'l'llent.t-d lt•nKths W l'Ontr1v<· (r1·at1v(• forms of huus1nK fi11ant'l' oft.en pledging 40 pt•rc't•nt of tht•1r annu<il family anl'omc· lo pun·h.i.!Ct• obviously overpnt.'('(f hum<''> B UT D OES T HI S constit u te a shortage? Af hrst gl~ 11 would appear to. since fewer than 10 percent of Los Angeles County famd1es are financially able to buy new homes at current prtcefs with today's finam·ang terms On the other hand, when we compare the Hl80 census housing figures w1 th those of 1970. we find that if today's housing had the same number of people Jiving tn each house as m 1970. we find that 1f today's housing had the same number of people hvmg in ea<'h house as m 1970 at least JO pert.-ent more fam1hcs in the i.wte would now be laving 1n their o wn homes Clearly. then. part of the problem ts that fewer people live 1n each unit Futhermore. 1( Los Angeles County planning authoraues allowed builders the res1dent1al dens1l1f's (ound an Sa n Francisco, Ch1{'agu, Nt•w York and other ma.)Or urbfwl <·tmll'rs Wt• would have at lc-ast 25 pNN·nt trl 50 pt•rcent mo re humt-s an tht' area. More eff1c1cnl land use• mt•ans lower home prkt'li The rf'str1c11ons o n res1dent1al d(•r1s1llt'S l«nd c:r<-clencf' to the adt•a that gcivt•rnml'nt puhcy may somewher(• bl' 1nvulvl·d an the notions of a housing shortage· Tht• poss1b1l1ty ex1!lts that 1( tht·n· lb a shurta~c· 11 arose bc·l·aust• of E f for l .tii t o JJroYide ho using /'or t•Yer y o n e h a s ,. n u s e d 111 o r e h arm than g ood . people's unrealistic expectations encour- aged by government actions Federal housing programs were in1uated follow- ing the Great Depression to o ffset t'Nlatn C'<:on<Jml<' hard.sh1J.)S and to help Amc·rtl'an fdm1lws rNJl'h lht• Aml•racan On•am T hoiw l't'onom1c <'Ond1twns no longer prc•vml, y1·t many or the• programs pt•r- ...i:ool At that ltml'. hou'i1ng programs an trodut.'l-d by the 1-'t'<.lt>ral !lousing Au- thonty ffHA) and i.1m1l..ir agt.•ncat-s wc•rt- more employment ont·nk-d than housing oriented The intl'nt was to use the housing industry lo "prime thf' pump" or the• n atwn al t•ninomy into a state of pr<JSpc•nty following thl' Dc•prcss1on and World War 11 By I f}49 thl' govt•mment.al poht·y of promising t'Vny Amer11:an fa- mily a home within 11..s capat.·1ty to pay was adopted Thf" nob((> I.Jut destructive efCorts by th1• American government sinc:c World War II to pruvtdt• housing for everyone ha.' t·aus.l'd more harm than good The' legac·y o f fedNal housing SM1staOCC' has swampt'<i today·~ soc·1ety with unreahstic expc.'<.·tot1ons about aL-q uinng housing. Thc•-.e unr<·altst1t· (•xpec tat1ons are known to virtually t•vt•ryone Certain guadc•ltn('s hN·am<· .H·<·<•µtl'<i by Amt•r- l('an.' Kt'nenilly 1t 11> bt•h l'V<'d th11t hou- sing should he pncl'd so that 1t doc.-s not l'O!ll mor1· t h;in t wn t11 l w o-and a half t1m1.oi; the annual fam1ly tnt·oml'. Or, that total monthly housing cO!lls (murtgug<·. tax1•s. upkt~·p. l'l.t' ) should not amount to more tha11 25 pt•r<·t•nt w :10 pert't•nt of lht• family's monthly takt• homt· pay Fur th<:r. mon~agt> ratt'S should he raxt.-d <JI lht· lowt..11t pub.'>llilt• markt•t rates and t.w· long-term <ign·enwnt" to lll' amurt11NI ovt·r a 25 t11 :w y<·•H ix·nud Finally, Amt•nl'ans ~t·nt•nilly <·xrw<:l that ho1111• loans from J ny sourn·. prtvlltt' or pubh(', should bt• at lt•.1st HO pt•n·t·nt 11> 95 µc-r t~·nt of th<· lot:-11 hon1i• v<iluc· Putt1ng ull of tht·:x· i:XJX"(.'lat1om loj(<' ther creat.t'S an 1mpn'SS1on that tlw h ou sing indus try may not be an mtlu.~tr y at all but rathl•r somt• form of publtt obl1- gauon Wht•n thl•se expcl'l<it aom, NO!>!. with tht• various pnvatt• finant.'lal m(lr kets and tndw.trt{':;, the rft>ult is far from ptlSIUVC for c·1thl'r tht• l'IJf\SUnll'I Ill th1· Cmaoc1er and bus1nt."S.'lman A NUMBE R OF dramatic dt'vclop ments h1.tVl' <x<t·urn-d in tht· housing 111 dustry i11m·e IH75 A Vll ra<'ly of f1Jr<'t•s from K'Onomae rPalataC'S to soc ldl c·xp<-<· tati<m~ haVl' t·onvc-rg1:d . l'ausing 1wrmu ne nt l'hangl'S in thP housing indu,try and lht• wa y at 1s f1nanl'rd Th''"' c·hangl-s in lht• mdustry m<'i1n that II 1~ nt'<-es.sary tu l'hangt• scx•1al ('Xpl'<.'l.allons In add111on. tht' Rt·agan Adnunastratmn has giv<'n t·very and1C'at1on that tht' n1·w foderal pnor1t1c~ lw in dC'fonse spending. budget bal<Jm·mg. and rc•industnal11.atmn -not housing This new n<1t1onul dtrc'<·twn 1s a ma.1ur fon·e lt.'ad1n1< lo tht• rc·strunurrng 11( housing markets No longc·r wall foderal funds bt• Wl<'<.l to st11nulat.c housrng as a means to 1mprovt• sluggish economa<· conditions Thl· housing industry will just have to wait Its tum In the long lant · of econom1<' !K.'<.'l.Ors awa1tmg rt'<.'Overy Today's extravagant and unrealtsta<' housing expect<lllons did not always exist in thlS nauon Unul about 1940, farrul1es perceived housing mu c h m orr r eal1st11:ally Families commo nl y 1•><JM<t't1-cl IJ> pay f1v1· to nine t1mt.'!l tlwar annual 1nn1m1• as tht· purchase.· pran· CJf <i hon11• Tht·y •'XJX'<'t''Cl paymrnLo; on honw Clean • air laws save health, property By Rus..~JJ W Peterson. President Natwnal Audubon Society Thl· ('Qntr<>vcrsy over job8-vcrsus-thc - cnv1runmc·nt has been with us for a long tarn(' It f11-st surfaced about 75 y<'ars ago. wh<•n con.'iC'rvat1on1sts rallied to hall the commercial slaughter of the beautiful t•grcts, hl'Tons. ibises. fla m ingos. and other plumebards whose feathers were used t.o decorate women's hats "Ir you stop the feathe r trade," the m1llin<'ry industry cried, "you wall put the hat-makers out of work " False alarm. The plume-hunters w1·re put out o f business. a II right. and the birds wer e sav(>d from extinction. But women of that era c•ontinued to buy hats. even th ough they were plumeleu, and the hat business continued to proeper YET THIS SAME bogus eronorn1c argument h.JR been ratM'<i over and over again. 1n almost ever y con serv.at1on battle smc:-e lhl•n H1~ht now 11 1s being u.'K'd by tht.• µollutmg industries and the Reagan Administra tion an an effort to weaken the most su<.'t.'c•ssful of our envi- ronmental laws, thl' Clc•an Air Act Air-pollut111n t:untrols c:ause plant clo· smgs and <:OSI J<>bs. tht•y claim. We can't afford such rigorous environmental pro· teclJon an th1·se diffll·ult limes. they in- sist Their argument 1s no t supported by the facts Sm<.'<' the· Clean Air Act w as passed an 1970. 1t has ~n savmg some 14,000 hves a year and more than $20 billion annually in reduced damage to health. property. and crops. The Council on Environmental Quahty has shown that dollar benefits from a1r-pollullon controls outweigh costs by about $5 billion each year The nallonwldt> deanup has created hundred!! or tho usands o f n(•W Jobs and excellt:'nt investment opportunities. The ~ lome Dar Dear, All Thia Wiii .. Your HUllAND'I ... manufa<·ture of stack -gas scrubbers for factories and catalytic t'Onverters for cars has led to a new a1r-cleanang industry wht<'h, like the air-cooling industry o r a h·w years ago. is becoming an important part o f our t'<:Onomy. Now before Congress as a mt·asure thl' Dingell "Dirty Air Bill" that would reverS{! a dt't:ade of prngress to - ward dean a ir The bill. champaont'Ct by Congressman John Dingell of Michigan. would relax clean-a ir standards that hav<· already bcc·n met by HUH cars It would allow a doubl1n~ of ca rbon monoxide and nitrogen ox1d1• t•m1ss1ons th(' first b~.'ing a prim(• 1ngrc>d1t.•nt of unh1•althy air an ('lllt'ff, th(' S(>c:ond a <.·auSt· o( smog and a<•id rain. NITROGEN OXIDE from automuh1lt>s alsc> t•rmtnbutes to 01..om· In add111on to 1ts ht:'nlth 1•He<:ts, owm· 1s JU8l now l~ang shown to 1:au11e large e<.'Onom1t· los."K?S - up to $IO b1lllon annually to agncul- tur(' and forestry. Auto companies and t..'Onsumers w ould gain llttlC' fro m this clean -air retreat. Omitting catalytic t.·onvert.ers would re· dure the price of a Chevrolet or a Ford by on ly $50. T h e stimulus lo car sales would be negligible, the damage to pu - blk health, and to our air, land, water and wildlife. would be enormous The Dingell bill penmlli the d1•grada tlon of cl(>an-atr atf'as, including nation.al park. .. and wilderness. h ignorH many airborne pollutants that cause cancer 1n human beings. In effect, It would sent- C'ncv millions oC urban dwellcni tO con- tinue breathing unhealthy air Anuth1·r propo~1l bdor<· Congrc•ss thl• Waxm;in "Clt'an Air Ball" would stn ·ngtht•n tht• t•urrc•nt law whilf' ma king 11 more· f'ff1t•wnt Spunson·d by Congn·ssman llt·nry Waxman of Calr forn1a. th<.· bill w<>uld C'Ul paperwork . t!Xpc-d1t.c pt•rm1ts for nt•w factories. allow t•Xtensrons o f dt•anup deadlines on a l'a.'it.• by-<:asc haMs. and rt-duce regulat.ury requ1rt'm(•nts for small businesses It mandatE>s a speed -up of the Env1ron- menwl Prowct1on Agency's program to t•ontro l toxic· air pollutants. It retains present air-quality standards for trucks. ll rrqulrC's a n•dut:llo n an the industrial l'mtssions o f sulfur dioxide, anothc-r prec ursor to th<' acid rain that is dl'- stroying Cash lafE> m our lakes and nvC'rs. and corroding r.utomobales and buildings. To reve rt to the environmental dark ages of just a f~w years ago. when our atmosphere s~ved as a conven1E-nt dumping gro und for airborne WSRte~. would be costly In every respect The fact is, we can have it both ways -clean air and a growing economy. Why settle for less? Before becoming president of National Audubon In 1979, Ru&'Wll Prterson ser- ved as director of Chet O ffict> of Techno- logy Asscs,,ment of the U.S. Congress. chairman of rhe Pl"f!Sident's Ccuncil on Enviro~ntal Quality under Nixon and Ford. and Go~mor of ~~wtu'f>. For 26 yearr prior to th•t, Dr Petet'M>n wa..t • research chemist, u/cs and marketing extt0Uve, and director of reeearch and development, for the DuPont Company in De/JJWIU'C'. Teachers fail own word tes t SALIDA. Colo. (AP) -It WH a "feable" attempt at complllna a w ord llat for a spelling bee, and It turned out not to be 10 "humerous" to the 1uppolll!dly "brtlllent" teachers. Jerry Pan10ns, the principal of A-ttry Elementary School herf', llY'I tome of hll teacher1 we~ told to come u p with a Hat of wordl for a~ and the wordl feeble. humorous and brilliant came out wron1. Th l' tA!acherw al.lo apelled "formerly" as "formorly" and "bookkeep ing'' a1 bookeeploa.'' he 11ld. "Thert'a no rea l excuae for t h e ml11J>4tllln11," Panona aald. "I don't know what io say.'' The mms-Ufd word8 on the lilt were apotted by 1tude n t1 ind paren ts a nd weren't u..ed ln the bee held at ecboola ln lhe Wl'ltem Colorado dlttrict. loani. to n111 tx•tw1•1•n •JO JM•11·1·11t an<i ~o pt•l'('l'fll IJf lhl' fil11llly 1111'111111' 'l'oday these st-em to be swl'p prttl'i.. but they w1·n· rl'asunulJlt· 111 Jll un'lulJs1tJ11t•d world Eventually, lhl' '60:. dnd '70i. d1-sct•ndt.O UJXlll tht· housing indu..,try A' tt-rm.i. for huy111g J h111111· 1•a...,.·d h11u..,.-:-in Anwn<·<i IH'(~1nw IJVt'h A t yp11.1I 11111111· 111 ttw l;L'>l d1« .1d1· < 11nt.1in1·cl I .HOO to :!,:wo -«1uan· 11-.·t In m11ny l1J<:t1l1 lwi.. -.ud1 luxur y was and 1s l'llfor<'t-<l hy U•l\llllo( IJws l'hang<~ 1n th1to. 1·xtr:1vug.i11t laft-styh• Wl•rt• 1111•v1tal,Jt· Anwrll'a ha!. t l1•arly htl ,1 tum· wht•n 1 c•sou1 n·-. art· rar too 'IC:art•t• .• nrl tht· nJIHWV 'YSlA•lllS ltill 1nad1-quau-t.o t•tmlanw• t.o ... uµport ttw, lllJllnt r of hou- '41ng Pt·rsonal g o JI'> mu))t .iuci11111111da l1• ndllonal i;(oals The larli(1• IOL'> •in which homes were bu11l in thl' '70s wall have• to g1v1· way to plut.:. o( tiOO to HOO S(jU(fff' r , ... 1 llun11· purd1;...,,., r •• r l11d,1y· ... voung f,lflldll'S Wall h.tvt• lu 111· l>l•'>lpunt•cl f11r rn11 ... 1 until .J d11w11 pavr111·11t 11( 40 Pl'llt'r1t ti) :'\() IJl 'rt'<'r\l IS avaalahlt• r:qUllH''i Ill •·x1-.ting horrn-s -.hould rt·a1·h :.!!i J>f ·nt·n t 111 '11) 1Jl'r<'t•11l l.1t•for,. 1111· htiu..,.ng 111du -.trv .• g:un plung1•., full 'IJ1'\'(f <ih1-.11I w1th n1·w 11in-.11ut·lw11 Tt11 ... "'"' proli.olil y nlf«•ll th.1t todJ;. 's )OUTll( famtla•·' "'111 h..ivt· lo n ·nt f1Jr I() lo 15 v,.,,,.... hf·(c1n · lrl\'l''ittnjo( Ill lll'W h11tnl"I Many pt·uµlt· <1rgut· lhJI tilt guv••r 11 rrwnl should m.1k1· IH1U\lll~ .i t'1•11t ral pr111rity ht'(·au!>I· 11 1nrlu1·nc·t..., th\• 11.1111m·, uvt•rall pro<luct1v1tv Wht•n indui.lnt~ an 111ialil1· to finu housing for 1•111(.llnyl't·s. th1· 111dustrws ,uffl'f' Ir thf!. probk·m 1s -.urr1c1l•ntly w1d<·spn•ad. tht• h11u1>ing sh11r1.<1ge wall ... 11fk andU!>trt:tl l'xp;1ns1on TH ESE WO RRIES m:iv havt• some· validity Thc-rr· prob;Jbly art· ..,.imt• h1~hly 'JX'<.'lahwd Pmploy<'<'l> who Jrt• 111 popu- lar d1·mand ;.ind c·an ptt k .rnd t·hoo•u- lhC'1r JUbs on tht' ba''' ()( -.ud, franJief' twn1·f1ts as Juxunou~ h•1u-.1ng But th1• unpac·t t h1·-.1• f1·w 1·mploy (·1·., .H tu.Illy havt· ov1·r mdu'>lrtol t·xp;,in..,.•in '>hould n111 Ill' 11v,.n•rnphas1n·d F1-.1r ll d11 nut 4u11t· rrlt'a!'.Urt• up to rc·alat1l-s l l1:.t1Jrtl·al ly. l'Vt•n dunnx th1· llmt-s of r.1p1rl indu str1Jl t.•xparumm, :1pprox1malt·lv nnt• h:tlf t)( all Amt•nl'an fomilll's found r('ntang t11 ht.-J 1.·ons1sll'ntly l>Ul'n•-.:.ful ~olut1on to their housing nf'C"ds Tha... lrad1tum t.•an <.<t·rt.ainly Ix· t•arrtl'<.I on without hurtin~ t.ndustnaJ expansion 1n the '80s Otht'r 1·mployt•rs ant.I !'.11t.'1olog1st.-. h.tvt· t•xprt'l'.'i<'d t'Ont'C'rn:-th.11 h uwung dart'(·tly affc~·t.<; an employt•(•''> l('V(•( of prodUt'll vaty IC thl' c·ms1l ny<·t· is not fully sat1s £1t'<l with lhl· h11uMn~ t·11nd1t1ons. hl' or sht• will be· ll~'i produet1v1• T ht• n ·vc·rs.• 11> also often prcsumc•d ll'U(•. by lt\l'rt•a - sang tht> size. 4ualaty. or t•ont.1111ons of housing. empl11y<·1· mol1 VJl1Un will ht• s\1mulawd Again,· theory foals Lt> m<'~Url' up to reality No research has ever established that there is a d1rt'ct relat1onsh1p between worker product1v1ty and thf' manner in which they are hou.ed. More· importantly, at·tual obs<•rvat1cm.'> support th<· nmtrary In Japan. for <'X ample, th1· IJC.'Oplt• are urnong the most poorly hous .. d under t ht• most dcnsl' r(>stdl'nllal n111d1twns of any industrial sot·tl'ly Yt'l , J a pant'St• w orkers art• w1•ll -known for their rt•lentless mQt1 v;i uon und high produc:t1vlty ThC' housing s1 tua11o n for Europt·;.an families leads to u s1m1lar conclusio n . Although better ore than the Japanese. European families haw been consiswnt- ly houBCd , on t he avNage, far lea f'X- travagantly than Amer ican fnmilleR. Ncvortht•ll'S.11. European Industrial pr o- ductlv1ly has steadily rivaled American and la now overtaking our productivity rates. Thcs«> observations seem to indi- cute that, while housing may have IOm<' importance to the happiness a n d mota- vaUon of workers. the hOUAing altU.Uon 1s not a very strong angn.>dlent In a pro- d uctl vt-societ y --and ownerahtp is probiably of least Importance ORANO!COAST D1llJ Pilat Thr c•omm1•nt pa1worth<' l>all) Piiot :Cl'<'kll to inform unit 11t1mulalt> rt•11t'li'rs b) pr<',l'nl Ina a varlc'ly ot romm,nlar) on t oplr11 of 1n111rt11t 11nd •lanlrtunr• from lnformt'd oh ••rv1·~•nd1pokc11mtn ThOrna3 P Holey. Pubh:rlwr Satarday, May U, ltll P!'!""I ................................................................................................................................................................................. _....._._..._.._._.. ..... ~...--..-. ..... ..,...._....,.... ..... ~- The escargot know how to go · Ll!n hu been moving th11 week. In fut•t, you ~'y lt'1 been ul " 1nu11'1 p&L'\? SP-· ng of 1nalJ jokes, Unde L t.on wa.1 antere.ted to aee how m1tny of hl1 readeu knew that sruuill ~ edible. (Did JOO klda along the Orange Coast JllJ>t say. "F.euuu"?) It's true The French people caU t~un "escargot" (pronounced S-car-ao> and serve tMm up with lot$ 1f melted butter and garlic Uno e Len has tasted eecargot andactually enpyed it, although h e'll convinced that almost an1thin& would Wt.e good wllh lot of melted butter and garlic Viaybe eating escargot 1s a sort o f revenge, too, becaw.e the snail.Ji td Unde Len's garden sneak out a1 nigh t and eat all the ll'8Vl1'1 off die plants. The next morning, Unch.• Len b left with a few bare sterru; and .ome very well-fed snails But snaiill are interesting, f'Vcn 11 they do lake green salads, and Uncle Len ca n tell that has friends did some C'losc research in what they look hke Snails move so slowly that it's easy to do a whole drawing before one has moved an inch FIRST PLACE: M anokham Luangs1songkham of Huntington Beach First place and a fallt $5 go t.o Manokham Luang111songkham. 14. oS--ftunttngton Bl'ach for catching two snails z.ermng an on Un<:le Len's gardl'n Sl'COnd place and si go to E dward W oods, 14. of H untington Bf>ach for an l"SCargot \\tllh a great gran Both winners wc:rl' from Bushard Middle School an H unungt<m Beach. from which Unc·l e Leo also r1.•ce1vC'd o ut s tanding entries from Shanowa &'Ott, 11 , Enc Bolton, 13. Junt· Bat:hmann, l l 'h, Quyt·n Dao, 12. Vamg Keo, 14, Nguyen Dao, 7 .. and M anothong Luangsisongkham, 13 Other honorable mentions go to Todd Simms, 8, and Russell Shane, 11 , of Costa Me1la, Jarred Cairns, 14, Jason Cairns, 13, J eff Cairns, I I , and Jeremy Cauns. 8, of Huntington Beach and H eidi Edmunds. 9. of Corona del Mar SECOND PLACE: Edward Woods of Huntington Besch Uncle Len's chums at Wilson School 1n Costa Mesa came through again with nat't-' pictures Thanks to these ml'mbers o f Room 13 Hector. Ruben . Richard . J oel, Jay. Danie la, Teresa. Laur a . Tonya. John, Rac hel. Heather. Sean, Am1l'e, K enny, Julte, L aurita, Doan. Bobby. Pattie Jo. Mun1ca, Cra1J( and Jason For next wet.>k's eon~t. Unclt' Len was 1nsp1red by thl' ducky photo an the uppt-r right corn<'r of the page He'd like all hu. fru·nd1' t.o draw p1cturt'S of ducks, l(C't"><' or swans If you don't have a park wllh a pond rworhy, v1111 c·.1n J(et idea!> fr<Jm IJt111k..' .. t "hool or frrm1 the lthr;Jrv Rc·rn nnt1..r tu draw With ulat·k ink 11n wh1t1· pap1·r c·ut 4 inches -.c1u.,n· ;ind -.t·ml l'ntn•~ to Undt' (,.·n l>;ulv Pilot I' 0 Jlox 1560. Co .. t.1 M•·'·' l'A Yll1ih "ci tht'y .1rnv1 h y W1"<lm·,d.1v SC"I' vou 1wxt Wf"l.'k Boy's balloon really takes off ELMIKA , NY (Al'I S ix-year-old Jcrc·my Cook st-t loose a helium-fill ed halluon March 24. hoping 1t would go as far as Canada and win a $~00 prize for his S<:hool H e learned that th«> balloon traveled 8,000 m1ll'S bt.>fore bc•1ng daacoven>d on an Afnl'an bf•ach in Kenya by Joshua Owino K1lon, who saw Jc·remy's attached addn·ss and wrol.l· him Thf· k1ndl•rgartni:r s:i1d ht· had forgottt•n about thl' balloon hl· n·lt•aSf'd in a mnl.l-!>l organiu-d by the: W('('kly Reader c-htldn·n·s magazine Tht· school that dol·uments the longest -fl ying balloon wins the prize Lcx·al school off1c-1als said tht· cont.est wanner will bt• annoum't>d lat.er this monlh Dog of tlte W eelr D..,NeftuffllNte LOVES MUSIC -Thia ... r -old 1panJel mix ll avallable for adoption. He love• chltclren and t1 a good walchdog. Hohner wu named after the tt.nnonica becawie he "1lnp1' when lt la played. He bl at the Orange County Humane Sodety, 21632 Newland Ave., Huntington Beach. Phone 536-8480. 111· l1·;111wd of tlw find wh1·n ~·jsi.l'll S.-hool l'rinl q,.il l)firwld K1 ·dd1·ll 11111·1wd tht· lt•ttt·r from Kllrn 1, whwh w.i~ .1ddn· ... i.1·d 111 J1·1 t·mv al th1• ... 1:hr111I Tht· Jc.ttt·r b1111· ,; Kt•n yan pc1,lrudrk dated Apnl '1.7 "You 1n11-(ht haV•' wondl'recl wlw11• vuur h.1ll11<in d1s<1pPf•an>cl to," Kd•11 1 w111t1 ··This i.w<'Pl y 1• I I 11 w 11JII1111 n tr av<· 1 ... d tho u ... ind-. •if 1111lt·' 10 Africa Pl1•a-.c· 1.1k1 11ut your world map :ind find wlwn· 1i 1" I found 1t on a ht•ac h 111 Mornha~• It 1,; m East A f r 1 t J . .1 1 o u n tr v k now n as Kl'nya, and 1 .. tJnt: o f thl· very famou' .... ·:1p11rts o f Africa I found tl JI lh•· L1·o pard SN.1t h , (Jiil' 11f tht m11"t famous ht'111.:h h11tt-l'l 1n K1·nya Pl1•as1• v1s1t Kl•rly<1 1m1· d;iy and s tay at th•· hotf•I Josh ·· J(•rc·my 1.a1d he· will writt-tu thank Kil1m. who iuud nothing of h1ms<'lf. Aut II<' rloes not intt>nd to l{O to K1•n ya "Uh uh T<XJ FAH AWAY I w1Juld l{U to M whlWll) t wa11t to fi sh." h1• ~Id ThoUJ(h .J<·r l•my '1.11d h10, n1•w slalU1' M u l<x·al c-clPbrlty has no1 than~cd his trerJtmt>nt "too mul·h , but a ltttlt·," it's a big thrill for thl' family "Wf"V<' JUSt twen right up in the air thts for," said has mother. Cathy J<'rcmy's father. Donald Cook, h ('lpt'd hi, son find Afnca on a glo be And 4 -yea r -old hroth{'r Jaso n . who g oes to pr('ktndergartf"n a t Fuse tt School. "thlnlu h111 balloon went with J eremy's," accordi n g to Mra. Cook Willi am Nelson , a meteorolog11t at neonrby Cornell University, said the balloon must have Hile d high enough to get caught In the fruit, high-altitude jet stream wind. "It was probably chance and luck," NelJOn sald. Keddell aald another Wf'8lher ex p ert speculated that the balloon may have soared to 18 ,000 feet, crout na Newfoundland, eutern Europe and the Me diterranean Sea befort landLna In Africa. "I think the t.eachen are more exclUK! than the kids," Keddell laid . . ... . ' . . . . . . . . Orenge CoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15, 1082 Ht JUST DUCKY Ttw mall..ird (l<·ft) ~·t,rrts to bt· following right b«•h111cl ;.1 wh1ll' duck an Milt· S4u~n· Pork, l"uunt:Jtn Vall<•J But, w)u·11 0.11, Pllol PllUIO bf P•hl'k 0 Donnell dut·ks pl.i v f11llow th1· lt·Jd1r thl V 1H·•·cl11 ·1 11aard1 IJ) I Jw "'1i1\' bt .. at w 111 ""'P Students fight school • cr1nie Va r. ity Patrol kt•t•11s '1Hll.i.;, grou11t/.i.; c lt·ur of lro11l>lt·111uk,·r ... MIAMI (AP) Ourinl( f1w 1bull i-t·u1111n, f'n"tl1•r1l·k Wulkl•r I!> a ruug1·d hit)( keor wh<>M' )Ob ll'I elt'anng &wuy tac·klni. for M1111n1 Nurland ll11<h S<:hool runnmg 1.utkb 0 ff th l' f u· Id , W a I k 1· r has a d d f (' r 1· 11 t &1-1-lgnmt·nl kN·p1ng th1· sd wul's halls and ~munds d 1·ar of trouult-m:.ikns Walkl•r 1s on th1· 10 mt•ml)(:r Var'!1ty Patrol. o1 1x·:.ict• k<'{'p1ng fon·1· in lhl• M1<1m1 !>o<.'hool uf 2.000 studt•nts It '" th1· brauwhild of dS.-.isw11t pnm·1p<il Jdf M1llN. u formt·r ba..,.·tldll < w1t·h 'l'ht· V a1 '>1ly Pa1r11I walk-. N11rl<111(J'" h.i11 ... h1·f11rt• ... d11w,I ;1u1111..: lunt h .. nd ;.ft1·r ... ch1111I WPanng grJy jml r<·d T ... h1ri... 1·r11hl;11111wd wllli "V,11 .... ty Patml, thvy wut.d1 f11r d11'turho.11111· .... drug pu1-h1·r.... and "11uU.11l1•r," who <11111'1 1,.·lf111g on ... d1tt(1I grc1unch Patr11I nwmht·r... Jrt' umh·r c,tnc t onl1·r... 11111 lei u-.t· v111h·m't· lo bn:ak up (11(hL-. ur to rl.Jb roblic·"· t·haan -.nal.<. ht•f"i jnd drulo( u-.t•ri. If 1·f furl' 'hu1 t ,,1 v1oh·n<·l· fall. tht•y alt•rt adnurw.1rator .. V.1r!'>1ty l'alr11l · 'fh..., Mhr111I ''oil I ' it.• 11,,1 I '" M"l'll Ill Ill \11'.Jll> A11rl 11 ... l.w •. 111 .... "' 11i ....... '"'"'~: flC'llflll' .. . N11w r1f tlw .i;r11u p ' 111• 11il11·1.., ,,,, lil.11 k "'"' 1, Latin .1nd 1w11 111h1·r:-.. wh11 twl11ng1 ·tl 111 th1 p.11 111 ! IJut ljlllt . ..irt· whit .. Tht· IWI> wh1t1 · ..... ti •• d rilt.1 I r (Jllllltltllll'llh. hllt lh1·~· '111f l11·fp fllll ''Jflll •lll111·, M1ll1·r .,;11d 1'1·1t·r Ho"'· ''" 111 v ..... 11•••llf11 v. .Iii I Ii• "t.111.f '>V'l' 11\', "·t 111 1l y 111111 ,,11d Ii• lli111k 1h• 1d1·,1 hi·h111d lt11· V.1i...11 v l'.rtrol t.1k1111' tli• t11µ,~···•I 111 th•· rr11 ·;i111· ... 1kid'>1111 • .11111111' v.r111' .... h1 • .. 11 ... , th•1"' ... tud1 ·111:. 1rm1111o111d '"'I"' t F11r W.1lk1·r 1111·111lwr<,hq1 111 llir \.'.1r...11-,. l '.o11•il w ;,, '"'I of LI fJl'l'ofJllJI 11•\'IJll .. , .... , ..... I 111111 I I 1 kw k1•1 le.id tic I'll t1111k1·11 111tr1 111' 'h .1tlr·1 "'''" .l1tf! 11 II t• 111 I p1 d " l I u It 'I I I I • I I 1 '" .. •• •• f.. I I :.!11:1 pound d1 •fr ll'olVI L.11 klr 'I hu r h.1111'("" 1li.1t 11u1•11111• 1.11• h.1-. rl1 ••1'l" d d1.ir11.1t1.dh W.1 lk1•r ..,,,y, /\t f11..,t tlir \ . ..,, 1•• In th<· pa1-t ~t·vt•n m1111ths 1h1· p.-1lr11b h.1v1 made J ci1ff1•rt•nt·t· 1n wh<11 onl·t· WoJ..' on1· of tlw lllr1'l troulJIPd st·hooli. 1n O<tdt• County. Mlllt•r i.a1d During thl· 11180 81 M:hocil y1•ar. th1·r•· w1•n· tw•1 down snat.<:hings of !(old l·h:un..,, ht· i.Jtd, wh1k ..,., fJr this ye:Jr tht:'rC;' ha'in' t IJt'i·n unc· <•1ll1ng u ... ri.uw · ... Hut . .r111 11!1 ' "r"' """' "'"\\I 1• 11pc•rJllllj.( Tlw<r t11·j.(.1t1 111 fr I.ai r• 111 11 N"'' "'"'' .o1 • .... k1111( h111A '" ''"' l'nnu 11t.J H11l,.·1t r 11...,Jr·1-.nd11ir \'.11 ,11\ I' 111111 oft1·11 k1·1·1h ... tudl·llL' f111111 gi·l1tr1j.( 111111 t 11~• ll••1tld1 l,y lllf1fll0j.( ftghh 1•;11 I .. Jl1· II I o1l11'!I ol II< I Id 111111ft•nl wh1·11 W.ilk1 1 •iV• rll1 «11d lv.r. 1,.,,. 111 , lwall"tl qu:J111 I, th1•n r .111 ·d 111 t/11 ·~ • 11• 0l 0rJ111• tr, tlw Jlllllllfl·'I'' rilf w• 'v,r,dkt I t11lrl thr J•·'" Al 111 1 th1·y f•·'l'>lf•d ' I '111 11 111 1'.'otllj.( ,111 \ v.111 Ir• "'II "l"l>JJ<•d Tr11lrl r'.:111\ 11 (1 •·I. .!:.!II fi<HUtrl ... 1•1• ....... d 1h1 ca-;.· .. Y11u l11•1l1·r J<11 \11 llir 11ff11 •· nl \f111 'll j.(r 1 111 ,, t1.1 of tr11ubl<· · Th1 ·v .1.14ri·1·d ;11111 I' 11v. Ir 1 J(••V• I t.1 boyi. ;1 ll'C'lUfl•. 11111 LI ,U,pt·l"IClll r r1v. t1·1 ,,11d h• askt-d 11nt· of tht• hoys l111v. hr· fl'h ,,1,.rut tit• \',,,...11 ., Patr•1l "Aftt r h• h.ul l'11•1ll'd d11'h11 hr v.,1!\ ~rJ.11111!1 ' -;t11pp1·d turn friirn f1ght111j.( 1h• pr 1111 1po1 I .11d M11l1·r l(r<11<-fL1lly n ·nw111l,.·1' •Ii• 11111• 1tr• \.'.11 ... 11' P;1tri1I h;11h·d 111111 t1lll 111 tr 11l1bl1 111 v. ·" ~tH 1111111dr·d bv ,1~1oup11f 0 h1,...td1 1111h1d1·r ... · Bui"'"' 11 \\'.ilk• r and 111h1·r V.1r..1tv l'.atrfll 1111 1111"·" ••II I\• d .ti tit• o..c:t•rn ·. th•· .. h.,d J(U V._ .. lr·ll M1ll1·1 '-•Id Thl· drug prnhl1·01 h.1 1' .1lso twen n·du1 •·ti . M1llt•r ...aid, but no f1~ur<·s will I)(· rnmpllt·d until aftn tht• <'nd of tht· :J1·h1.111I yf•ar A d <· l. a d <' a go . w h t· n I>:. d c· · ' 't h o 11 I dt·s.·grf'gatton program pum-<l 1.m-do1r11nanlly wh1t1· and prt-dominuntJy bJ<t< k 'l<'hflltb \JI cK'hlf•VI' r<.1nal halann·. Norland w1•nt from nParly .;111 wh1tl' to having a thrl't--fourth'> black s tud1•nt popula11on K.acial ll'n.s1on.'l. <ind i;tudt-nt v1et1m l·nmes follow1'<I at thl' i.chool wh1t·h as Joc·au.od 1n :-J pr(>domin11u•ly wh1tt.', m1ddlP-dass neighborhood Milin tx•lievc,., that part of ttw prnhh·m was th~•t black -.tudc•nl' d1ctn ·1 1d1•nt1fy with 1t11·1r 111•w •;C'h<Jt>I and its white· rooL-. .. Thc-M" young peopll· havt· had a trt•m1•11d11u-. impact on school pndt'," Mtll<•r ..aid n'<.~·ntly of tht• world scope (10 point• lot each quut1on •nn••ted cotr.CllyJ Tht• U '> modif1ed 11\ µ11\1 1111n un tht• f .ilk I.and hidnd~ 1 11\1\ Jnd off1•11•d 11\ \Upp11rc 10 Krn.lrn I RUI Q I( f Al '>I 1 lw I "> '"'l"·nch•d mil11;ir~ t'lprirl\ lo Ar111•nt1n.1 2 l'rt•\lfh•nc R1•<11(Jn ,,,~ ,.r1 < 11111111·" 111 (( li00'>1 ()N( 11pp<l\I'. \Upprirl) J (cm\1111111011.il .. m1•nd1r1l'nl th.ii wCJuld rf'qwrt·" tulAnt 1•d h·df'rdl l111d1w11•v1•1y yNr ) I hi' K"""rnm1•n1\ 1nd1·~ ol lt·~d11114 1•1 onom11 111cl11 .Jll>r\ "'"d If• JHNlt< I •'< onum11 11end\ dN hnt>d 0 ~' 1n M.111 h Tl<t I OR r Al '>l 11 w<1\ 1IH• ''''' dN l1nf' m 1ht> 1nd1·• rn mr11(• lh.in .. yl'dl 4 I hi' t 1111t•d '"llfJll\ .. dopltotl .. 11•\olulron 1n l•v•ir ol l'.il1•\lln1.in \l•h·h•J<.Kl "' d \Olu111111 lo tht• l'.ift•\11111 .. n p111blt•m 1n 1h1• Mtddh· 1 .. ,1 T h1• ll 'I IC HOCJ'>I ON! 11ppo\f•d, ,upµmff•d 1 1h1• 1r\11lu11ori Ttw l'lhJ ""''"Id\ I Jll 11p1•1wd 111 l\11•1•v1ll•·. lrnnt•\\l'I' Th•• tlwm1• 11l 1h1\ yr,,, \ f.i 111\ I .i \pa1 <' 1r <1\lt•I b-rnl'r14y C <1J'lll(UilUlt' newsname (10 polnlt II you cen ld•nllly 1111t P•rton tn lht ntw•I A\ lt'MIN nl 1tw Krttl\h oppc1rn1 011 lcthllf P.ir1y. I h.1"" hern h111h rru1< •I ol P11mr M1n1\l('r rh.1rhrr\ h•mllHll( ol 1hf' r •lkl•nll hl;ind\ l rt\I\, <1ncl I 11111orou\ly opp<»t'd 1hr IJ\f" of m1f11.11y for rC' m thP '""'101y Who •m II matchwords (• point• lo• .. ch corr.ct meteh) \0 tn11l'n11on • news picture PO po1n11 11 you en1wtr lh•• qunllon corr<1tllyl Hllldtn l<1un1 ht•d II\ 11>111.al .llCdl I ''" llu· 1 •• 111 .... 1 ... ,., rh ..... I ·•" ~'' r.mlon 1lw1'1.11 '11J11lo•\ .111111111 11 ... , 111111111 1 .. ••'' •• '" ""'' • ro ,. Ur 111\h \Ubn1.111n1· ""\~ ttu· ~t l(•·nfl' ,. • •II ,,., ',, ' ' , ,1 Ur lti11 1 1 d\ H111 .. 1n .1111•1t1pl1•d lo dr·l1•11rl 1111• >\,11 /•tll•' II I .1d l'\l.1bh\ht•d .11ournJ 1111• I o1l~l,,111h <1 lOO·m1le Ii lOO 1111lr• 1 'lCJO 1111lr peoplewatch/sportlight f2 poln11 lor tlCll quHllon antwer•d co1rec1ly) A rn11r11h 01ld ( 011\llltlrr1I """rnl1I\ r·I•·• lr·d !Jo -'.I.•'"' Mdl(Jlld 111 11•pl.11 r• !11w N.1p11l1•1111 f)11~rlr• ·" pllnl\1111 ,11 pn•\ld1•111 111 1( llllO'il ()NI "-111 '"·'I<"·'· 11 C,,1f,,1r11111 2 lridl lwj(.111 111 lr•rlr·r.il r r11111 111 rf1·11rlr• ..... h1·1t,.., f11li11 H1111 I fr•\ w.o \dr11• """''" 111• ,1&111 I J M 1•rl1• lldl(l(dld ~"rl ll.111.,11.1 \1.r11rl11·lt wr11· 11.1n11·d 111•\I r11,1lf' ""d frruo1lt• wx .,1"1' .111h1• 171h .1111111.il ~wMd r r•11•111111111•\ twlcJ hy tlw f' o1tl1•my 111 1( HOO'il ()"-If Kuc~ .ir1t1 Koll < 11111111y MU\llJ 4 L<1lo df'l 'wl ,,.,. w11h o1lll'ld111 Ill 111lw1 hul\f'\ low1111hr• tlltt1h runnin11 ol thl" 1irnlu1 I.~ l>•••h~ Ill• ""'" 11111 tun 111 lht• (CHOO'>r ONl P1Nl.t11"\\ 11•·111101111 '>1Jl••' ''"' "'' 1111tl r.ar 1• In lhf' lJ 'i f flJlft• ( 1'1Wn s Kl"nnf'lh \ml\ d1•l1•11\I~·· IJd.J1• .... it. 1111• I fllVl'l\llY ol ,, .... , W.l\ thf' fll\f I ullr1w 1110111 .. 11 plJ~f'I I hll\1'11 Ill lht 19t!J "''I dr•h 'i1m\ Wd\ p11 l.r•d h~ lh•• I( 1100\1 ()NI N1•w I n11f,1r1J P•irle>h, O•ld.ind 1< .. 1d1·J\t roundtable 4·••""•11on d-mllh•rv '"'"" famlly dltc;unlot1 (no tco1et r rclM<il nlflc lal\ 11'1 l'ntfy ll!f'\lt•d IMICI' 11uml1l'J\ of l'mrlnyPd S-1nvO< 11.on t·pt1111on 101 htlp llleg•I allf'n' l)o you 1hmk 1h11 will '"""' •r1Y 1•1frfl on unemploymf!nl 1n your .m•al In thr n•llnn •1 larict'I YOUlll ICOAf tt 10 100 polntt -TOP ICOAl• ti to tO po1n1t -holltnl 11 lo 80 po1ntt Oood 61 lo 70 po1nl1 htr •VIC. IM .1510·12 ••• -MOAr•tO- t:OO• MOVll • • • ' M~tlllfY 01 (OWln O•oUll ( 1135) Cl1ud• !'111111. val•fl• Hob1on Ad1pled 1ton1 Ch11l1t 01Gken1 1111flnl"""1 nov•I A mob 011hen with jutll(e •• a go1I Wh9" lhtM dlf f1ttt0f ~ meet ~IOletlf dHfhl b«IWM Ol 0'\41 Qlfl 0MOVIE 1 • T~thlf? JKQu41 line B11Ht M1••n111t•n Scnttll A ;ouno woman ''"" IU pu11u11 a career <leap•I• lh" ~l••uvon1s1 alll IUdH ol her h•• oil IOvltf R 8 00 I) SUNRISE SEMESTER Q SERENDIPITY 0 TEEN TALK CD BURE.AU REPORT Cl) SATUROAY MORNING i (J PUBLIC AFFAIRS C MOVlf. 5111... Gr .. noe J<Kks0<• Mona W11>hl>Ourne A Poel •t IOrcl!<I lo con"J 10 QfllJI w11n hta 'l1m1t' 8 20~NEWS S MOVIE • • lht' ShQilun Warri o•• Sp11coiketeers 11981) An•mutocl A ~pace pfln· tu:., t1mb11rka on o moasoon to stop the bor b11rian1 wno ~re rotpon¥•ble 101 kolhno ""' pdrenll •rid tne 01ne1 mhdbll .. nh Of ht!f horntt ua,ent' 8 30 tJ OUSTY'S TREEHOUSE Q THAT'SCAT 0 PACESETIERS fJ AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY CD SPEAK OUT EJl) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS f}l VOICE OF AORICUL TURE 1IQJ IT'S YOUR BUSINESS ~OR SNUGGLES ti MOVIE * * Car l>vn Ct>py I 1!18 t I C..e0<ge St_>qal Susan S~·nt Jam••") '°' \u<.ces;rut wtut~ lJu•m ..... ~man f1t\(Ovtus lhal hi! nal • grown son wno ••bl"'-• A @MOVIE • • MHttu l•u•t> Jr A Y''''no lJl'I~' ~no.mt ur Mtu fl> PfJtfl ~··., n.JI f0 flll(t th .. IHl'\"1HIH h1tlf .,, fl lOQOf\dl'tfY mf;KJ.tlhO'' 8 46 Z MOVIE • • ...,,,,, <.••n t Cneat A• HUii•·~· Mon I t931i) W (.. r H•ltl\ £ tlQAf Befgen A f'JU(l(J woman II •es 10 n ••"Y ·• """attny man l»"( t.tu\.e )f\e th111k 5 tl9f' h•lh•'' ti pocw 1 00 f) l(IOSW~LD CiJ ~THE FUNTSTOH£.8 0 BIO BLUE MAR&U U lfO) SUP£AF'RlENOS 0 DAVEY AND GOLIATH CD TURNABOUT EJil YOGA FOR HEAL TH l l J INTERNATIONAL HOUR 1 30 f) MA MOON'S MAGIC Ct AC US O ~SMUAFS 0 OR SNUGGLES 0 ~ RICHIE RICtl I SC008YOOO 0 DAVEY ANO GOLIATH Cl) NEWS fl) UNO£RST ANDINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR 11 INTERNATIONAL HOUR 11 00 tJ rtJ POPEYE U MOVIE • • 5ou1n 0 1 1 ne 001 dflr I t9'H 1 Gene Aulry Smiley Burnelle A 1:nwttoy lrtes 10 hall • '""°'"''°" 1n Me.,<.o 0 REAL ESTATE WEEI( CD MOVIE • • lo•' tn A •t1trNn 119•41 Huo AIJl:W>tl r ou C.o•IPllO fl) TRAVELING HOP£FULLY A~ Baldwm Ille 91 yHr r1l'1 founder ol lhe Amn11can CMI Libcrlttt• IJn1on r• pr ohll'(J C MOVIE • • , the ~ie1't' 119781 (.nar IOI Atnavou1 ""''a I ''' A ~ rt'f'Ch hoodlum '""' 10 tollow m the hlOlll!IPI of h11 Ame•telln o•no••llf "4!fo Jonn 0.11- ·~· A H RACE FOR THE PENNANT lh41 Rookies Ho~t-, B"' ry lomp~ms ond Tim McCarvo• lalo.fl a,. 1n1•de loolr ~t whdl 11 mean• 10 b4l a rookie $.MOVIE • • • Johe 1 19~61 Oo111 Oay I "U" Jourd~n A woma" 1e""'" he< MGono huSD1nd wheo •h., <11sc.ov ,.,. ht' i..11U>d ~r '"•' ho• hand 1n oroe< 10 maHy he< QMOVIE • • • The F1rtht1no I t980) William Holden A1<.ky Ser.rode< A w0<1d lre•et•• leech-9 a yOUl'IQ orphan the ways or ''""""' Ir\ Ille Au1trallan wlldet neu PO' (Z JMOVIE • • • · The Row ( 19781 e.ue M•dl•• Aran B11at A 01tv11n rock ""911 • kte W\ lhl IHI 111111 leadt ,_ ur• _.,Illy to dla.Htef A l :aG 8 (() T ARZAH I LOHE RA.HOf.A DISASTER -Henry Fonda stars as the (ire chie f of a city threatened by an uncontrollable inferno m "City on Fire" lOntght at 9 on KNXT (2) Q \,)t l(ID SUPER POWEAHOUA 0 ClOJ FONZ I HAPP't DAYS GANO EJl) PEOPLE ANU OROANIZA TION& H MOVIE • • • Cuv11111.111 1198 IJ l~111g11 <;11111 Ot1rn1•s OuA1tl r, .. , t.hl_,,.n tN frit'mh~• of .- h u .. ty fu•'l-f)1\ l1t~'11M(H1r lrthtt tm<.t'"" to d•:;ro..,._.r thftt ora1n" and nol nrawn w oll !JU fhl •ey 10 h1S P..., "1~ ~ ~urv1val PU 9 00 0 COLLEGE BASEBALL UCLA 11 USC 0 Q.QJ LA VERNI: & SHIRLEY 0 MOVll: • • thn ChnitQ••"~ I 19681 KM!• t 111'"" lnQrtd Pill In '.lw M·•'~yitn 1unglt1 J I ttff"lbf ulh(J JI fllt plots , .,"htlQU UQ Ut1'1 tu\ w llft .tod htt• It vur «!) ERNEST ANGLEY ED NEW VOICE m 4MERICAN GOVERNMENT II 30 f) 8 BUGS BUNNY t ROADRUNNER Q .)<II SPIDER-MAN 0 16 HEA THCLIFF I MARMADUKE fl) MONEYMAKERS m AMERICAN GOVERNMENT C MOVIE o o y/,,. I •l,jf•t lJp M1 \ tt('I ~ Hll 1, U1t11 {.(.JflH Jc.M• At t uUwfltt'" .,,,._, hl t.Op.t ft•I• Olt1 t'ttt..-meo "' n+u hh wtu~ e~tttOt.5tl•no '*' ,,w,, 1ae11t11v PG 10 00 CiJ ~';PACE STARS 0 IQ! THUNDAAA I OOLOIC GOLO ID CAA CARE CENTAAL Cl) BOB JONES fD LAST CHANCE GARAGE li, uJ ... .,_., •. utt~", ,, •t•·•U fHhht. r.omt>u'P' '''' ;1 ( amttHt l~l"I" U() .1od th,m •>11\lt&lM now 10 '"•' • t.all'1ty 1R1 m VOTER S PIPELINE ''"' <.r>o()••r ntPrv"JW\ 1hf" r.+nd•<l•ltt'I in ltlfl .ol/hd C.Ql\0•4t$S>O<\al Aace h 1r1 ..-OCtlO" •• 1mportanl lu OOlh lhf' Stal" lt'(,1tl¥l11r,. .,ld Otar~ County (f) MOMENTS IN TIME rHI MOVIE ••• I 1'180) '(NCl'od B' l UV•• D'lt>Oroh R111ton fJ1.Jtwt l ,.rw A nurt1•nu ,,._,,,w-;. tuos 10 br1't(3 • fl,)fl<J•(.H•l~""1 QH I out t>I 11 cJ•~~p d ""P'f-•\1nn hf Ml4 (KJI HJlllQ f,t•f 10 1~0"" \(t , I NI 1 twt 1tJrJ1t ( lv•!'l P1hl(>f f'(, $ MOVIE • • ' ""'~ "' '111801 lhHJH' Mu'·'• 1mfos, M,11\01 A r1 111p•o w1>m1ln h41l1f1tJ ftf+qm.1t1 ,, C.11~) nt 11 1'1w.t1 t lh•• pht.nM of t'A tf.1! h(Jt11•,t » \lllilhO h3'Vft t lj,H 111••tJ '•,u(IJJl'j l}hlp &ncf .et,, Hutt •l~101Q '" ~e-suoy l•tJ Notttt C.H.t 011 '~' PQ @MOVIE • • • ~.11ntrf'ft C:t>.1nty 11<1•,11 I 1~bf'lt> '"fl<>< Montg<>m•"Y Cl1h Do11no u ... < 1"' Wot a cap11v .. 11ng ",fl'lJlh11rn belie 1t 04'19'· rn.n"d IC. have thf! men of f'lll< U•u<" •eoaroiess of lhe cnnMQuences 10 t6 (f) PAOAES PRE-GAME Z MOVIE 6 0 I f hl"f ( llffl) j Jam!'' C. ""n 1 ue8d1ty W"l<I A prult'n•OnAI crook Q'""' uo ,.,, 1ndl.'pef\dtJ>nt..e to• " b~ .._..,e that n11 n~t-,., w1U """ure t\1~ ram1 ly • lulurl' A 10 30 0 WILD, WILD W~LD OF ANIMALS Cl) WE'RE MOVIN' «!) NA.SL SOCCER l(~S fl) PHOTOSHOW «:) PORTfWTS IN PASTELS CJ BASEBALL San D•ego Podrea ot Mon 11(181 (1po• 11 00 CiJ BASEBALL Ro.,0t1 Rud So• 41 1'.,.nu1t C..•ly Rt1/~la 0 WCT TENNIS i 100 000 D~llu l ourn11 tn"nl Ou"' tt11 l1nals 0 ({O) WEEKEND SPECIAL fhe C111 Wr1h ESP A YOVl'IQ g1tl dt9(;0Vfltl Wle hH ptycnic powet't .. nd <111r.1«M• 10 go rnto If\(! t0t ~une-1 .. 11ono bu••nesa 1A1 ii WILO, WILD WORLO Of ANIMALS Cl) SOOL TRAIN • THE AOC>t<IE.8 &l COOf<IHO MEXICAN QI!) Hll.LAAY' 8 C*4ALLENGf.. RACE TO THE SKY S1t Edmuno lllH•"f'• 1977 <>~"U"> I •ll1Hl•h<1t1 l1or11 lftn 0MnQto• A1ve1 tJell• 10 ••• aouttfl r11gh in 11141 • tm1ul;1yM:1 •• lJ(J(;ufJ\ctnlod I)~ BASEBALL 14l•o•nnol t O•Ut>IUU of Bo• ,.,,, r~ .. u '>11• "' t<anH• t.•IJ' Uoyt.1111~ Lmchu1wt1 '''"'• "' P111&burgh "'""'"~ C MOVIE •• 1.1<11<1 f.tu~sull W•lhu tiui " ft U1Uy thflt KuJ hlf• 1n h1\tt -..+tn u t)t,t1ut1lul w()m ,.., whu r.u.h•• him trom ,,,.., '""' 11: 16 0 IAHIAl.l 901ton &I KenN• City 11 30 I) NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS B oa t on Cell''' 11 Phllade4c>hll 78en 0 LIQ; AMERICAN BANDSTAND 0 WILD. WILD WEST fl) MAGIC OF OIL PAIN TINO -AFTERNOON- 12 00 0 LOST IN SPACE Cl) MOVIE l 1•'\t fJf fht• Ht1lS Hot l Ov 111• (111!:.>i Alan Ario.on, ',,Oly Kr~llurm11n A m# '11~11 r•11ddltt UQt'd mon ••"""'''" ~I) sprue" up t\tl Ill• .,.,.,, t nurObttt Of Jlt .. tr\ Cl) ADAM·t2 A IJr~ I I tit• ,II the p)lo<;e hy t 1v1trl • tMn Ji04' fJ•JllQWUf fl) OUtLTINO I ·,q C .it>m «:) NEEDLECRAFT H RACE FOR THE PENNANT l hH f4tH1~u1~' ttu~t~ 0i:tr '• Tim M• I 11f11•1 t 111>1• .,,, 1r1•11J,, Ito,.., Jf <Nf1.1' +t ffH•Mt' 10 Ou ... ,,./ .... S MOVIE • • • M 1 B1t<l 1ou1ird I 1 f 7'11 ( ••t 't ~.a~ OPl-•Ctt A,,.,,, h.tldwu Trw-ofh11r11 )>Ht 11 it l.hK.,'QU h1rJt1 "\I t.i I 1"••)> ~\ ft1-Mnd't Mth .,,,. ;('hN• '""'1l(.811Jt lijn(j 1t.-u••lhtt1 ,,.,.., \,,,,.tj up 'Cl """ v ,H, •JtthQ .._.tut.h nao ,,.., • uh tt Uuun bt1Ut ... ,. 12 30 0 DISASTERS 0 MOVIE • • !own Tamer 11'16S1 CJ11r1n Ar111r-• Tet r f Mont" Cl) .-.OAM-12 ED COLU.OE FOR CANINES m NEEOLECl\AFT )0 l(tOSWORLD H MOVIE ••• ''''" '" f ,,.. A.rr·nt "~An1za r" •ly I 19641 '"'""' <•i•'" .. ' hJll" Ar.t1t••<N, l111m1"1f"' urnw .. '"''"'o,.tlm • flt111\ti ltUI Wld uw ,01tJ •l r1011 t1&0•C. o tt, 'm ,,,.,~nf'd tu fJt Ov•dc ht~ \l;C}'f~ta)'\ Wtlh ltu IUAUflf~S ..,. "'J"'" % MOVIE • • Tht> 1.,,, t 19811 t •urt•r1 [j1u •. .1fl J<Jme' • C.•tn~t A '1t,.,,u1ar Mm~,.,, " YK ,,,, ... , .. a l>y .. psy<..hOhC allmire< n 1 00 0 THE MUNSTERS 0 OQI WIDE WOOLD OF SPOR1S Wo1hl Ar1••flQ (,hitmo•on '"'P' llrr>'n M11n<l1 W"111 c "'"""nv1. ""' ria111,. tor '"" l•OI!' l)<>••llon '" 11111 tnd1.tfl1lP"'4" •t()() ti~ tfl .. l'i lhVPt ,f ()ff' fHCtt '"I>"'' Ott tf1•1 Prfl&~ntt•• <;111~r0f\ «!)MOVIE • • • C"o1,11n-. C"oura gPou' I 19771 K11rl Mal """ Jon11nan Kehn ft) WOQOWRIOHl'S SHOP WM• o .. ~ Sph11 · Roy Undfthtll ephl\ wnd weavM t 11a1r boflome IAI QI!) OAOWINO YE.AAS C h1ldhrinll T 0 I'd Ole•· I -~''C" (IJ NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Ju•ntKJ In PrnigrP"'' C MOVIE ',t .. v•~ c • .,..,o" Jackton Mons Wnhl>Ourne A POet '' I01ceo to """"' 10 g11p1 Wllh hie t hmlll @MOVIE • * * Oh Goo• I 19771 Ge0<Q41 Burn• Jl'>hh a.ti .,.r God lt!lt!CI• 11n 11n1uspecllf10 ~ouno wper morkei m1111~o•r :o deltver " mel'IJQO ol llOpe and gooo will lo Ille 1kll('llc•I l>MPl"' ol the mOdetn·d•y wnrl<1 f'C. 1301) F.TROQP A 11nwed tl<ldl• fooled r..•••lrymon 1,.lurn• ti) haunt F-TrooP CHANNEL LISTINGS ft) NOVA Why A1n41rw:• Burnt' A •Al>O'I on lhe lilt pr~ llnn Hlnbllthment and 11t•l-OI*' tor lmpro'lllng ltr• ''"'Y II l>'IMnlld IRl 8 KNXT <CBS! 8 KNBC INBC> • t<TLA I Ind I •ttABC IABCI e KllM8 (CBSI G KHJ•TV (Ind.I e KCST (A8CJ e KTTV (Ind.I 'e KCOll'· TV llllO ) e KCET (P9SI e KOCI (PIS) 0 On TV f Z TV fl HBO C (CIMmU) I WOIU NY NY @ (WT8SJ 1 11!!$PNI "I I "-t11n1 I e Spot110111 • tCAt>lt ,.....,, Networ~ I i GROWING YrAAS Adol11cen1 Plfft ont llly Oe•ei<>Pfl>efl I" 1:00 G 00\.0HIAI. NATIONAL IM/tlATlON GOU' T Nrd ·r OUf\d c.c>¥« age ol Ihle '3~.000 P<)A TOUf QOlf foumll!Nnl (11¥9 lrom the Colontal COuntry Clut> In "°'' WOtlll. Tea I D OVfDOOfl lff • 011.l lGAH'I telAHO • 1\1 THI 'MAKHUI ITAKU lr.,. ~IQ9 Ol IM T07tn rumuno 01 Ill• ..cones ~ Ol lf\OIUUOllbold tllO lllQ I T llC)le Cto.owi lftOfll 1t1n11tco flK• COU111 111 lelt1m0te, Md I G MOVll • • ' The Ambu11"•re" ( 11161) l>ean ~aflln, Gtt111a O•rgtt1 Mall H1lm 11 tent tu Me11to 10 hod .,, ••P*t llll*'>lal llVlf\11 H UC<lf 111\0 retrieve ti"""' 11 .. .,..,..Y • ~VII • • • '• Hillef lllletler' (Pat I II I 1976) 81e.-. FIAlll1 bac;i. OIOIO• OIC4ln10 G UHOIMt ANDINO HUMAHNHAV~ P1ycholh1Hapy' (P.,t 11 (JtMOVll! • • • "A11nt M_,y• (19801 Jean 81,.Pl•IOn. Merlin 1)11 .. m lh• lru• 1Cory ol a e11pp'-<J U11t1mo1e woman who organ11•d 111d Go"cruw en 1nrtef c11v Lil 11e 1 wao~ 11111n " dlPICt -0 <I JMOlllE • o I The Orn1 Bollom 8011 l 1'M I 0ot11 Oey. Roa r •ylor A plly11C111 l>Kum"' 1n•cM•e<J wllll 1 girl who PO-a1 • tnllf• m110 P••t-l1me 2 15 {i CHARLES CHAMPUH ON THE FILM SCENE 2.30 0 SPORTS AFIELD D QllllOAN'8 ISLAND OolllQMI Afld th• Slup~ hl!Mr • radlO brOedCall leihng c.f the COlllCM 01 Ille Howell flnanctll vmpore. fl:) LEARNED IT IH BACK DAYS ANO KEPT IT F ronoa Detlletweaver lucre11ly Clark 11 PtClt'-0 '1:) UNOERSTANOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR P1ych0thet1py (P•rt 21 H. MOVIE • • • 'tfulkH ( 1980) f\ogu1 Moore J1me1 M"ftOn A dapper woman· hating rro0m•n 11 called In IC. thwart lhe plans of ~·1or t•On1•t1 who have t111•t.lo.60 • 5UflPIY lh1p •no "'" 1111e•1.,,,1no to det11oy 1wn Nor111 Sea°'''~' l MOVIE • • r nu R<>ad , o WJt r 19381 Oocumen1a1y J 00 f) 2 WITH YOU 0 AOAIClJL TURE U S A 0 MOVIE 1 • ', D•t0<d&•ly 01<1e1 ly r 198•1 J@rry Lew11. GIMIJ41 F 6,,ell 0 dOJ WIDE W~LD OF Sfl'ORTS Cont1nut'd co•tlf&ge ot ltwl WOtlO Bo<tno Cheml)tOn· ~'""' rno•an•POttt ')()() rom.. 1 .. a1, leatu<tng the 111•11141 10< lht! pok POSthOn th•• ltom ln01an•POhl !nd I • posl·'llGe re()Of1 on '"" Preak""' Stekn «!)MOVIE • • , T hA lncrec:llble M1 l•m1Ji.I 11984) Don l".nr;1i. Carole COOi< f1j) RAINBOW AOAD ~ HOME GARDENER rt THIS WEEI( IN BASEBALL C MOVIE • • l<>'"1i< B&e~ In Anget 1 1<1'>91 Cro1re Bloom R"n "'d f-tu1too @ j()Cj(EY W1!11~'" Cf'r"h8'J ,..,,,,,oe 8 r,.-f"nd lhe K.ftf•C, look as th~ Qf.t.uc at.oft ot no1 w '1•(.1n(J 3.30 f) MOVIE •• IM 0.-.11 ' Daugh• IHt I 1'll:l'I Shelloy W•nl••s Behnda Mnnt QOM411'1 0 EVERYWHERE l nc.;11ton •1ve lt0<n Bunker •~•II• lnlern111onat All Show weird 1reae c.n. 191 Bunlo.llf Hiiis fJI) BUILDING WITH THE SUN 0.c;~ FH11 offete ptKlic::.I <>dv.C. on lf'141 UM OI pat- IH'i& IKJhH f'O~rgy «:) HOME GARDENER If' MOVIE • • In 1.111<1am 11914) (,tou(h~ Akuu, f tan~ Lwwer~ An 1ndttoeru.Jent 1w1.kor 'omt's to the "'d ol "" orangA tJll!wer .. ho fffn1tt1uu,11 ct.no~ 10 "'' 1,,nd ''' ao1t~ of oresautftt 1<1 1e•••M 11 to land <lfl•fllUl>9<• IO< i.n amu"' m.-.r1tp4.1r" 3 45 Z MOVIE I * • lhe Earlhhoo r •9801 w1111am Holden f\1<.ky Sc.hrOdet A wo•l<l lrnvf't!'r te&ehl!6 II young 1><11ha11 ""' w•y• ol wrvival 111 the Au sit ahan w11d11r noH PC'\ 4 000 MOVIE ••• In• tiu111e1 I l'f6 q P•ul Newman J.trk.. Gleu on 0 0RlZ2l Y AOAMS fhf' Outl91 &) OOOOER OUOOUT fl) OUE P.ASA. US A ? (A) m IN'TROOUCINO BIOLOGY ~ THE ROCKFOAO FILES Rock tor d ' 101 M4't flanG.C4 "•k• rum for help wnen ahA bec::omot the t111oet 01 • pn10 aua1.in ~MARY TYLER MOOM $ WACKY WOALO OF JONA THAN WINTERS Guet• JOhn D••tdaon U JUOY COLLINS IH CONCERT Judy c o111n1 11 ~ 1>y llwl Hamilton SyfTIC)hOny Orch4l1tr• eno ~oy Rao•· lln In lhtl IOlll·OUI 1>11 • lo1manco 11pe0 llv• ....., T0tonto 4.158) OOOOlAPAl-414~ 4 30 CD 8A8E8"LL I oa Ange!M Ood~1 al ~Yoo.Met• • 80CCER MACE IN QEAMAHV 81) IHT~IHO 81<>1.00Y Qi) 808 NEWMART IHlMOVlf • • • .., Cerd••c Atr .. t I t078) 0 11ry Goodrow. Mike Chtn A blecll m1111<11 O'"""flon lhel ..... dll9'n· bodied n.•te fOf 11en•· p11n11 11 dl11C!OV91'.0 by an oflll<l•t horntcldl~. 'F'O' (9) LO\.A 'ALANA: THI '1A8T LAOY 0# LAS VEGAS lOla F.i•na perlt>fm• "I Wiii lunrl.,., "lOV. Tl'll an. Yo1.1·re Wllh" 11'41 Who Wiii Buy?" WI • _. Q9rl ()lffOttn-''°'" ,,... Aladdin HOlll In LH VfOH TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (60) 7:00 "Lijngubgt•" Victor Borgt• humorously cxamlnt•ll tht• impuct of lungu~c on t•ulture. KA HC (7) 7 ·30 -"Omni: ThP Nl'w Fronlln " A look al a new soun·t· of power that could solve energy problt·m~. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"City on Fire " &rry Nl•wmnn, Susan Clark, Henry 1''onda su.r in dl~~r film about citywidt> lire SC<.' photo, left. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters." Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash guest. 0-00 II AMERICAN AOVfNTUM 0 'REE ~All 8 ITAATIW( rot1ow1no a long flllH IOn II•• Enlt!IPl!M ,,.~ .. ahOfe I•••• on • '"•m•ngry r •• m ..... plan11 fJ KOJAK II) MOVIE • • Bunare Of Joy· I 19!>61 Ot1b1J1t1 Heynotdt. Edd•" F11n•r ~ SOCCER MAOC IN GERMANY IJ M 'A'S'H Hllw .. lyl 1>1eom•1 '' ••lltlon all•• h11 uract1c11 10•0 0<• Cher 1e1 oa.1 awry I~ NEWS lH LAWRENCE WELK <,01d F\41<.0<d Sonos C MOVIC _. • ', 1 n• Kida Artt Alflljlll 11979) The Who Film• or some or lhe roci. b~nd ' P•rlor mane•• ruvuahno thfur nolor•OUI Pt OC.IMIY lo• Ot1lroy•"11 111•11 oqu1pmet>t and th• wold 11r111t~ or thett drummet lhti 111e Keith Moon '"" mlet1P@rMd w11n ,n,t1v1ewh ol lhft 11ruv1J m"mb"11 PG 0 MOVIE 0 * ' Vovd l O! V4!QH 1 l!lfi4J fl••• Pre11rey Ann M~·o·~· A Lu Voqa\ 1w1mm1ng 1n,tructo1 Of!Com<·~ tho ?Diec• of 111i...11un for o spona c:er nut and tua. llallan friend @MOVIE • • , The Looney Loo ""Y l ooney Bvos Bunny Mo"'• 119811 Animated VOl(;ll• D¥ Met Bl.enc Ju"e ro1ay N-malertet •• D .. f1~0 "''th 010 on lh•• comP•'•""" ot crau;c F1111 Fret..ng Looney Tunes lealuring Bugs D ally Ov<;k P0<ky PIQ YOMmllt Sam T "'"'If! P .. and olh ers t1om tne cartoon M!119A 0 6:20 0 NH "-A 'fOffl Ll"-9<1 el San Anlon10 6.30 I) LAST OF THE WILO 0 NEWS fJI) 0M<;E UPO+i A Cl.ASSIC lrwi Ta1111man A.ct>ard l<••rna lhAI K1111111n now• Motlem Slave 11,,..., 10 '"* ~011111> throne and now .. 0t1ny of Ed•th IP••• 11) IR} fii WELCOME BACK, KOTTER A tt1110111 A atuoent tl«.1<klt 11101 "" wanla lo l>fl<-U•f10 11 SwoJlhO'J 1u•I "~" Wun1ng1on t10J MOVIE " • * Sup11or 1 Your ( u<.MI Gi.nhQMll!r I 19711 Jitm"" Gainer Su1<Jnn11 Ple'h~1tt: In ortl~ to ,..,1;1r, n~ .ot vn•U towr ..1 ' un Oh1n roma~ ,. mine uw"ttf ~ Oeuglilt-r 11n('j mvenl• tie hir8tl "'''~' S MOVIE ••• llolke• r tfl801 Rog11r MOO•ll Jamft' MaMin A dupl)<!< ""oma" narono trOijm&n ,, tall..O 1n lo lhwarl the plan~ c.t flt• •or11oni111 who have h111<~ed a aupply ship ancl "'" 1h1ea1en•no 10 dest1oy two NOflh Sea 0<1 rios PG l MOVIE • • • fhe Roy, 1191g1 B811f' M1dl<tt Aten Bales A Or 1..-.n / ock •1noer • Ith! '" Ille '"•t hone lf'ldl f\ef '"" •f!fllbly lO d11a&1l"r A -EVENttG- 8-00 II (I) C88 NEWS O ~NBC NEWS 0 LAVERNE I. ~HIALEY &COMPAWY the g1111 dl'C•de •o go on & lu•urv cru•~ (Piur 11 0 WHITE SHADOW m UP ANO COMING lnatde Tr -cll M arcu1 tond1 11 surefire way to malot! tut money 1n Ola.t 1o'bvy ,. motorcycle o QI!) SPORTS AMERICA H MOVIE • • • Touched By Lov• f 19801 Deborah Retl1n D1•tw1 l aM A nur""(I 1•8•11M lrlea 10 onno • t1and1topped g11t out of • dfl•P Oepreu1on by IOnCOU•8Qtf1Q hit 10 CUf•8· •rono w11 h her tdOl E1v11 Pr111111v PG 8·30 IJ 0 (I) (B NEWS B MARV TYLER MOOAt LAVEAHE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY fD WHY IN TME WOALO 8MOVIE • • • l ei It 91" (111701 f he Beatlel JOfln Leflnon Paul McCertney. Geotoe H11r11<>n Ind Ringo Starr 111 followed thlough rftl'ltlfHtllll, rttc:OldlllQ -· 11ort1 and Ill\ lnptomplu Conceit '0' 7!00 8 IN Sl!AACH OF ... "Allee Conq.-r· 0 P"AMll Y FEUD 9 LAV£AHE I 8HtRl.EV &COMPANY I WH£N! WERE YOU'? THl HAAOY 90Y8 I HAHCYOMW MYSTlNU I SOUOC>OlD CHlCt<IHO l'T OUT t<lly Alvarez rllJ'rt• rrom Nl'llr YO<ll on 19«\·IQI'• IMng on lhllt own. C) GMIOIA~ "lMOUIQt'' ViclOI 8orOI Ofllrl "11 own epeci .. ~ "' Ill •Jl.OIOr•llon of the '"'PICI Of I~ on OUllU<e 0 I IN llMCH °"··· "'IO'U'I OOUftT THI....,..,. Ou.I l ynn AtdQttVI I Cl MOVIE • • '"" Oull•"' 11110) JIOI•• RutMll Wall•• 11u1 lun Billy th• K•\I lall1 In lov• w1111 • Ol..,ltlul wom an who h1<1•• hlnl f1om the la ... 10 1MOVIE • • T h4I Apple Ovmpung a .. 110 Rion Ag11n· ( tll79) ''"' Conway Don l(noll• A P•" or we11e1n outlaw• try to walk Ille t1ra11 and n1t1ow G 1 30 I) DANCE FEVER C"lobllly tudOH W1ll1am1 OIOrtt MICll•el Warren L aty J Dallon Q LOOI( AT US Attaon lortno Gun I 8 LAVERHE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY U OMNI THE NEW FRONTIER F• 1u1ed a new :10Urce of power lhlt could aolve lhl world 1 energy prQblemt , a lrlp 10 d••••n• o•ta•l9S with 11nac As11no• and Ray Bradbury CD LAWR£NCE WELK Gold R«.O<d Sono• .. f£I Pl\UEHTt lne 1nv<M•-I ot La1tnot 1n proteuional baMD•ll •• tr~ lrom lhe Il l• 1800• on QI!) SNEAI( PREVIEWS AOQll Eoert Ind GllfltO S••'" 100• 11 Ill• c;nono1ng Hollywoo<.I port••yal ot nomow•u""'Y w1r1> s.cenea 1tom M1k1ng love Pe1.on111 &.i11 ~od "Vic. t0' V•t.t\JrlA If) FIGHT BACK ~ EYE ON SAN DIEGO A IOOk •• t•hlf, •• San °'900 'Wtld At'l1mal P91k Ofl WEEK ENO MAGAZINE $ A COUNTRY M~ TRIBUTE TO KITIY WELLS lemmy Wynell• nottl tn1• ll1Dule 10 ,,,., o.-n 01 Count• y Mu"c 1e11u11ng Otirfurmaritaa by Lynn ""d"'"°" I om T Hall. "'"'" W11t1ama J1 Merle K1IQO•c (..h,\rly MCL8ln Roy Acull and 1<1111 WPtl• lttoll'"" • Qp(l(I Bl ~Uh ••116' r.rancJ r;,., ()pry HOVlM> 1 4& Z ClNEMASCORE 8-00 I) ff WALT °'8NEY St 000 000 Due~ A delll ridd11n 1c1ent1a1 • res.iurtn duclo. lleQ•nl lo l•y gOlde<• 900a rPart 2) Q ~HARPER VALLEY When 1gn01t'd '"0 ~•lety '1anderds tllroat@n lh" lown Stella t>e<.omes ac:t tftQ vOluf'llef!I fire r.h1et lq) 0 MOVIE SQuorm ttfl76) Don Sr.arO•"'' P •• 1r1t.1 P~orcy '/Vt.et, , •• ,,.,. tt•t.dl w11t'i tau on ,,.., oround on 8 rainy muhl l11rQll 1andw01m• tnm" up oul Ol lhe ground 0 )~ lOVE BOAT fh~ 11ntttrl.11net h11ed by Jul+tt h.J•n\ out tc-be an t1 tr)h<. dttnC:.et Af\d lu,&C 1 ... vn~ lt1,Jt d fOfmftf" pas ''''•u••' m1~underatooa ,nm.-~dv1t..1" ilMd d•vOf"ced '"' Wiit' I IH C) 0 MOVIE • • •, Thfl Bro111erhood 0 1 ',1rnn f 19711 Stroti- M utl 1n l 0 Jones Cl) BATILESTAR OALACTICA Al>OllO aod S11111>V(;k mler r f'Ot 4 prim1hvt'I •hip 1n(S O•K0""'' ·ts 1nhabttal"t5 tn w\l)f'ntled 11n1maflon ore a thr>!CI hn• 10 £a11h tPart 11 fl) T'AAININO 0008 THE WOOOtiOUSE WAY 1ne oo ... n 11 a dO\I ooes down on commar.d and "av• lhi'•" "" •• com· p101e1y ""O••• 111• ownttt a COf1lrOl m MOVIE • • Dano•• Ltghls 119301 JtlM Arthur Robert A1malrong H MOVIE • • Carbon eopy· (19811 Ott0tge Seo•I SuNn Seint Jo~• A llUCC ... lul whit• bu11neum1n d•acovere in111 he ha• 11 grown aon who ti bloci. A @MOVIE • * • r 'Urba" Cowboy" 11880) John Tr••olla. 0..brA W1nge1 A b!U.-col "" w0<k11r wtio l•nc1" htmlfll .. modlrn dly cowboy 11111 in 10,.. with • 0"' h• rntletl '" • populef countrr and _,em bat. PO !%)MOVIE * I 'Middle-Age Ctazy" 11980) AM·MllfQt91, 8ruoe 0..n A r. .. 1~·1 toeOfflful job Md l>eeull- lul w1t1 "'•naoe 10 c:1riv. him Into • mld~llle u 1e111 R' UO D CffJ ONE OF THE 90Y8 Adem ano Jon•tll1n betleY• th•• Oramoe l\ae ~ tnVcM\lfd In I 1111\ Of robl>llf ... • SOHM' AHO CH£R 0~11 A111 C<>otidOI. t<tl• Kr1tloH•110n I OMA t £8CAPCI I '>Cl (I) MOVI« • • Coy O!'I Flrl" ( 1971) Beny Newm111, 811aan Cl•tk. DQl9AMAAA MANOIWl.I. A..o n4 MAHOMl.L urraM 0UHll JohMy 0 .. h. JUM Can« CHtl. (A) •Ill UMllOAT Theu..~teNC I ~llful -.. 11)Wlo to kM het ri-.i._.. ,_. beftd, 91\d • oi-oue divOrcee lllff 10 094 NllC· QUeinled wttll '* eon o J'Y"'!f""":t•• -..... -.• '.- • IAnlUTAl'I OAl.AOTICA 11••"'11 1111a1c.ep1ea • •Ptw MlllO <.OOl•llllll() ... hJll•I l>Ue<J •tlhlUIQt Allam• le•tn• 11111 th• a1m0tpt1••• or th• Oa1ac11 t.I m1y Ile r11a1 10 '"""' 111•1111 ID AMl!RICAN Pl,.AYHOUSI! 01111<tul,.1111ie1 In tne !liar ,,.,, "'.-• .. on"'*"'• ol llte I 0111tr1v111ao•I Atn91I l atl t< •enlltl l/hy~··· J MObf • 1 Op11e1111e1mer ""'""'*' "'•ut•.O 111 '°'"'' 114J11toea .. n11t1 wUf~1no at 11,. vrnv*' lily or ~.iitouua &.r~eley 1Parl Ill;> C MOVlf * 11,. I 11lh I toot 11910) llO llOl)~•nt Ot1<nM Hull A" ••ne ;ouno woman " '"'•ICa• •l•ll 1n I bti11r1 men1111 no1p1to1I whele ••<> ltn<.e a11d d1uQ iDuM •1• .... urdwt "' ""' d•y n 0 1MOV1E • Wllhoul W•trung I 1(18()1 J14r ~ 1>11t1n'e M1r 1111 lanuo1u A ou 11111on ollefld•"' end • v .. 1n•m "•'•'•t P•I tn1tr-.••I¥•• •1,11utt'1 • lf'rr1ty111g 1110 &;owetfut huo1 .. r1u.O wnM.n olli1ti.a 111 l>r•t wtltl dead I) 11v1no <11 ';j~ntfmt A $MOVIE • • • ' • My tlodyguard 1197111 Cn111 Ma~opeece Aaatn BllOw1n lno •1- lud al " Crucagc. ll•Qll Sf.;hOOI Olliktt• tr l•uas --•th 1ne t<.hool oulcu11 ""° 1ogelher 111ey Jtond up to lh• crutl u•no w1to<.n n•d P•,•KulOO U•eft• l>OIF\ PG t 30 Cl) All IN THE l'AMIL Y A ptOYOClllMI k·U s11arks ii feud Wlw"'1n ~rtn•I! 3NI h•I l•l><i• ~· OIUOhll'< C.!ot•• «:) MATINEE Af THE BIJOU F1tahJf8d Ktmu1 U.,lm•r aroo Jun~ l l'r k hdrl on It 1 A JOkc 'i0'1 11'l•71 • 1933 \11111 I I l!CrtllO<.t& ty tlllU <.t1o11JltH 3 UI flnn W1t1\lf1¥11 tn I h .. Nuvr 1HJ H MOVIE • • • C.11vf'm .. n 11981) A1nou Sl•tr Otmn1\ Oua•d th~ tlt')wtu\h mem~t ol a t•J'"•, t1vm.1r1 "'.,.t' ~torte' l11l>t" llt11•'•' It, d1K.(Jver 1P1.&l lJfttu1•, .;114.J ••ul tJrawn w1tt t> ... thtt ~t"v to hit. (.H!O t;h• \ ~ut "'"ti P(. 93S Z MOVIE * •' fr,. ... I I Ill~ 1J Jtimt'~ < .. 11dr1 l u~sday WulO A (JrhlH,~1f1nul ut.JOk <11vt•\ up tu"" mrt~pendenc.tt ''u ,, t>•o '(.t')r.-wat he no'1@ai will ...-~ur o h1\ t ftn1 It tt luh..rH R 10 00 CiJ l)f! NBC MAGAZINE om NEWS 0 r'rj rANTAS'f ISLANO A ywru~ "",,,,.,_.,, wno ...,3n1s 10 t>c thtt &.+-r,t&t ot •Uen tmn lt!B•tt~ tit-'' dbOut to bee.om~ a humdn 4JiU .. 11h'!tt dnd an eno~o~ spends a rnont •n ,J htt,,•n1 ~RJ() 0 MOVIE • • • Tr.,, lloghl 01 The f1t•n•HUI\ f t9f17) P&ter 0 I C.U'" Oma1 Sh.mt A Na11 maro• su11>«1S th•M or 1111 gf'n9f alt ol mur dtw ·~,. War~aw p1oit1lulo W SOUOOOU> flJ INO£PENOEHT EYE Doino ,,,... took" al r.re '" 1ne New Me .. co Slate Pttn1lenl•r) 10·30 Cl) PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND Roy Ott>11•on C MOVIE • • · • !he He1M t •9781 Chari"' Nn8•our Vlfna l•" A I renell nuo<Jlum tfl4tt1 to foflo"" 1n the t1x.it1teP'> ol '"' Ame,,cen gano11e1 heto JO'\fl 0.11 '~' R 0MOVIE * * * [ .C:<ihlJur f 19811 N.get ,..,,~ N1<.•" W11t1am $0<\ rt ... '"'"'"''' or '<•no A• 1nu1 011ng uower and Of'alh to 111t ""'ll"'• o~ lhf! r~°"''" r dt.1.. ,. 10.35 0 HOANOS 11000001• 10 ~ NEWS I) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Report• on celeDt111es nom~ male ~oap Oi>f!f 1 \IA•• and H(tlt.,,..,O'XI se. go<ldt!IM!• Cl) MOVIE • • • Heller 51o.tlllet IP111 fl f 19751 Steve Rall .. DllC:lo. C.~0" D.C,,.,10 II) MOVIE • • T"" Mattei Oun- t 1gh t er I 19751 T->m Laughlin AO<\ o·~r fl) AMERICAN CHINAfOWN Merle Woo nefl•IH '"" a10<y ol the Sec1amento d~ll• commu~ty of Loci!• ,,,. IUl mhabol.0 1ural Cll<natown rn lhe country m 80UH08tAOE Thi M•nllall.,. TlllMl91 The 1<>9h11l1Cllfd lour- meml>e• o•ou1> l)llfionns Tu•edo Junc11on. · Tw1lrght Zone" •rl<I ot"8<• lrom Ch1Cfl00 I Perl! WMI Theel91 (AIQ iltJMOVIE * * 'f An E~ 1'01 An Eye 1111& ll Chuc~ N0<n1. Chrt1IOPhflf Lff A Sen Francisco COi> Quite ttwl IO<CA lo 11191'Ql! 11\41 murdet ol n11 p811net by member• ol a oruo 1rno R' •0)~\11( • "Lo.,. Play· I t9801 Alaltl Seury Emm11nuell• ~tflle A hv1b1.nd an4 ..,,. and 111111 mltlr- 9ftj0y 1n unuwal llOuM ~Mj)lnO .,,.~, CS)81ZAAAE "Yao• FOi Health" 1 U O 8 THE AOC:t<FOAO FIW D Qt IATUAOAY NIGHT lM! Hoel Oanny Oe Vl10 0UM11 "*"' • A8CNl'W8 <J) ~VII * 8 I '" "l he AlltnO" ( IHOI Jotln W 1.,n1, Alefi- .,d WldfftMtt 0 MOvll • • ... "Tll• MIHourl 8r11k1" I 1178) Mlrloll IS•ando. Jo Nlctlolton (1)MOVll • "llood 8aftler" ('"°I Telly lllulu. Eddie Al_, A O<>fder pelrotmen 11• 10 btlftO lalldownel• wllO lreltlc In llltOll ...,_ lo juetlef '1~ .... MOVll * • i,. "1111• Knlgllt" 111n1 Wfllmn .. oldwl. L.. .. Rllfnlck A Loe A,.._ IM>tKeinan 1nu11 '"''-" •l•rlflO • tti. lo1U Of ltlllllYlf'I, Ille wQITllll t>• l<lw• Z•MOVll • •·· l • a •• r:· I 1~131 ~I 0..IO Mlde N1111 A l>OOllllOf• QOll• ..I), find• 1"""''S' wlletl fl• tlOCkl h tlell 11•11menl ""'"' IA• 1 111 en()"""'" •tilt ·A -Ml>HIOHT ..._ . 12008 MOVll • • Oloooy ""'• I tOIOl I,,_..,. W•e Pet ""'Qle M. 8atllllf tld ""' dtalu•beG eon• i... ""' l)Jol lo t I(> ..... tneleofn "'al• 111d •u!Q•• ~ u '-''"""·" t106 C MOVIE • • l uot.. eao. In \•IO- I tllb91 Cla11• BloOftl Rt¢n· Mid BurlO(I BaM<J .. t 1111 IJl•y bv J1>1111 o.~ At '"• latl m°'"""l I man ll1~ov.,, '""' h• I~• •nr1 n~• n1• witt 12 JO I) MOVIE • * ROOAtlt Wfbv1tl I 197St JUIW\ WiAyfl• «ath~· "''* Hept>u10\ W"4fl f 1e<I· ... .., """'"~' ... ,, Qll 10 rr.u ~ down • cano ot dtl~PeteOuot • Clflllet w1fn I gruOQO aQdr\l l llif' tJ•HO 1na111a ''" 1omnt hun 1tt lf•tthurtl 1:1 45 Ii MOVIE • • • ""' H@vnun<) Of . Jul•d 119171 Moa r •rlJw Kti•r DYllt'4il Aflor '"''''~' U\Q ftO"' ." omOlltifhll Ct• M• .. NOO\An put (..htt'..•· t A tH;u, .. fhltt •ILJLM'af .. If ~ t•n1.nf~ M I 00 0 ROCK CONCERT r~,..,~,~ >\~A Tne G;1·1 '>tav" Roll S111w•rl C. 111 Yudmdn Cl) MOVIE • ""•" 1)1 I"" Robr1" I l'J{,IJJ ( OOol' C..unat.,IHll e frltnt.n11tt Br•OH Pft'JPICt 111 ~'P""' .w11n lyl>t' 0 1110011 comu O'ldttr tht• c.an1ra1 of dn tnTtHHAHO(MI •1•1d1(' a•~ Cl) NEWS Gfl EVENING AT THE IMPROV S MOVIE • • • AU floal Ja.u 11<1791 Aor ..,,,,,..d., Jttt -..t.J l '4HQ,. Jr.+ tumvltu· ,. ti•• hf • C>tOh~'itOr1al c ''"'tt'>O' ''"''~' '' fb410w6(J IH1fT t.OC.Ctr\\ Ott tht' \itdg~ IV Pt' un1..•I < t1M!rt R @MOVIE • • • r .. me 1198011rtine (..,.,., llatty Moll1.>r Seve<aJ v•ft,..tJ 'l1uctent\ ul 8 Now fnr~ 11.g11 "'"OOI IC.1 rn.. CJ1Nt(Jtm1nu r1tt• e•P'6tl-eo<e v.lf1f'lt.;~ IA"!U')Jr .,., Biid ~ t. •·~'A'"'' r1f OOlh pPr~I • ., • .., "' ..... '"'''' l'ldl naturet PC. Z MOVIE • * ""' .... , t9c!t) L •vrt!n ij,.c,.;1H J.tm"!I (_,,d,nllftf A ttoc;Nta1 11.m slar 1•, v1(.hm•1~0 t>1 ,. tJ~/C.'1t;>hC dtJmitt•, n I 30CI) MOVIE • • hT1r,.•1 • 1 t~••'I• Bt1· ttfl l>tJOirtff fll,1 R.;mto!\ A iN•1lf t unt.••1ye<J t1•111 tly • wl.Jmttn ,.1111 ••et rJdf "'"'h'..;ur tr,,1 d•l(lll'>i" or twt hullh•'~ ••ff at Jtt 1dllnta1 dtmlfl fht ! ..... ~t-· lf(),.H(.d;Uy Int Int! '1£'*'"''"9 patt t 4S0 MOVIE • • Nf'vt•r Say 0•4' I '" l'Jt B 11J HOP'! ,ti11(Jy l>e"'"'• A n1pc<nouc111ac. c.at,!.I*' p•t)bl,.m~ fat tf\fl> §ldff 0, lf1tt ~ctn1fOhV"1 tn Wh•Ch nP 111. St.t!JlnQ fl9 ABC NEWS C MOVIE • • Yuu l •<I"' IJt> M1 I •th (t .. 7110•01 c;,,,,,, Jf'W! 51tw••r An .. \(J1r1nf) '°"0""'''..-u.~, 10 c..~ Yt•th lht" lf••M ,,1.,.n .,.. flo@'r hh• Nhtltt '"'''-H)l1,n1nq f\flli '""" dt·•, 1.,. r~rj 2 0009 NEWS 2 25 H MOVIE • • • Ti. .. o~-o• tt "'•' 1t'•ts(J1 r"' · .. 1u&J"t'' W'dl .. ,.,, t .,,, 6Ptf''10 ... , A"Pf h;•1nq 111'1urt•cJ dM dflpOrl ,.,, flf nn Ah1c.A1\ d•tlc;lor a mfi'rr,.oary ,,_.,V"'"" u> 1113d u ,ev~ut1on n 2.30Q NEWS 2 40 f) NEWS 2 45 1 MOVIE • • • Tr>I' Ao~ 119791 Bf-llf' Mtdlt'• Alan B••~ A d"ven 1QL11t '*~' a ftf4' m '""las! rane ~ad• her .,,e vet .. t>ly lo d•~•~'"' R :I 50Q) MOVIE • • • T hr Pf! Goat111h4'r ~ I 19491 JOl\n Wayne Waro Bo<>d A 1r10 ol bandrts p0I ff\el1 l••e• on th<t llne when 1huy 111emp1 to d4!!1ver an orpnan !hey lounO 1n IM Ot>tert IO lhe nurtial town 3: 10 I) MOVIE I • Crun• Sky t 194!>1 Ertln D1"w ~andolph 5<:011 An A~ic11n doct0< UH<SIS the eflO<tS of 8 band ol ChtnHe QUe<rlllas In lheo• lllVQO... ao11n11 Jap-1rw>ar•a1t111 3 15 8 MOVll • • • "Roman &<:ano.is· 119331 Edd .. Can10<, Ruth Emno A men l•kes • run- hlllld d•yd1eam 10\i'l\l'f Dae• 10 11'141 lime of Cana1 end lhe Aomen Empo1e ! Sl LOLA FALANA: THE ARST LADY OF LAS VEOA8 LOI• r.,.,.,. perform• Woll Sur...tve. Love Tl>e One You 1e Wtlh and WhO Will Buy7 tn a con- e.rt l)llf10<rnan<» lrOfll the Aladdin Hotel 1n Lii Vegat a:20 CC) MOVIE •I '~ "The HelSf" (19781 C11a1• .. nevour, Vlma Liii A Fritneh hoOdlum 1r1e1 10 tollow In 1111 100111411>1 QI hill A~ gangtt., 111ro. Jot1n Oii I~ A 3:30UMOVIE I* 'I "An Eye "°' An Eye" 119411 Chuc* Norrta • CIWtttOOI* L• A San Frencleco GOP ~ll Ille !Otoe to •Yllfl09 11'11 mut1,., o/ lllt per1ner by mernber1 of e dlVO ftf\O 'R' 4: 10 (ff) MOVll I I "Terr0< Traltl" (1N0) Bin Jotlnton, J.,.. Lee C:V.111, A OOllfoe fra"'"4- ty'1 ..... y..,·. f'MICI\*• ..,. petty """' 11110 • nlgflllNlfl ""*" • lllndlo- 11 ... °'*' •tw1• kf9n0 off 'ttle l*f'MICM"• .... 4: 11 (I) W/11:1111.Y WOM.O OI J()fCiATHAN WINTIM ~ JoM OIMdllol\ 4M(J)mAMI "'l'Ogl , °' t+Mlltl .. Orange Coa11 OAILV PILOT/Saturday, May 1&. 1882 Bil etty Museum could dominate art market MA LIBU (AP) ln c:um1n1 .. k1, l rU1leH of tho J Paul •tty M uuum wlll beatn to Id huw to wio more than $1 Uon l't'C.'tlly)lld from the eel.aw of la toundef'"Whaat theiy do will >~ve aa profound lnflucu\4.~ on thti nation'• art a-enc.- Getty, the tl&hl·fl•tc:d ullman who dlod In 1976 without ~viu llee!lna& lh.., mWMtum, turned h Into the rlt·heat In th~ nation ani.J probably tht-world, wtlh a ht'que.l of four m.llllon 1hartt1 uf Gtitty 011 Co •tuck 1tnd olht'r 1ecurltlu. w o rth wtill over U billion Tht• windfall ht&I at.irTt-'d t'Oncem In tht> art world becaUll' It immedlatt:ly put the Getty head and 11ho ulders above 1&ny other muaeurn 1n t.crma of money 1t must not juat can -apend Federal tax IJ.wi; requl,re that the Getty distribute 4.5 pt!rcent o f lta princ ipal In three out of every four yean With the tot.al amount of the endowment well over $1 billio n , that m eans at leaal $50 mlll1on and probably more will be spent alm08t every year. By contrast, New York'11 muc h largcr Mdropolatan Museum of Art operates on about $27 mU11o n annually "They have a treme ndous ability to dominall' the market," said untury City gallery owner Mic h ael Schwartz. "With the kind of funds they have, thert> really tsn't much compellllon If they dec ade t o go af t e r a particular piece, there's really nothing to s t o p them from getting 1t and 1f they W€:re to concentrate on any particular area, they c'Ould drasucaUy afrt.•ct the markl'tplac.-e " - - O•tty WU prlrn&rtly lnlt-rl'et«I 111 l'IH1i<'a l a11tlqultlu1, l''rt<nrh de<'(lfatlve aria a.ind &rO(fUt' a.nil l\t!n&lllMHce palntlnp. And whU1• hJa lntt•rt>9ta wlll m ntlnu1• lO be r e r I er n e d . Ci t' t t y M u 111 t• u rn l'r•'lldf'nt llurnltl Wlllt1:111111 iwy1 fund• will tx• dln-t·t.t--d Into otht·r W't'U "We will be· t•Xpundlnjil the c ol l et•li o n uod prohubly oxpandlnt( th t> 1copt• o f tht• co llt•t·tlon beyond whut It 11 tudia y Second, wt• aar" n ow t·xplortng variou11 wu y11 apurt from building th•• museum thut we can m1tkt· tt 1·mnr1liut1un to the field ''' th•· 1.11 UI locaJly all(.J nat1onully," 111.1ld W1IJ11.1m:;, chuirm1m uf tht.• St·t.·uritlt•11 uud l':xchangl' Comrn1uion b~forc J1Jln1ng the• mwteum "Third, u vuy subst.anuaJ part o f the e nduwmt>nt will bt· r1·1nvC11t.t-d to ma1ntain the vullw uf thl' t•ndowmt•nt *' that we will bt-abh· ovt'r llml' to <.'Ontinul' to fund tht· t'Ollt-<:llun and nut find that o v t• r t 1 m e Inf I u t 111 n h Ill! t•roded tht' bu ying pow<'r and left u s u n 11 IJ I e to f u 11 cJ t h 1· commitments Wt· make" There are some· mdicauvr11; thot the· Gc,tty may shun· the· wealth The mUS(.·um pur<·hl.IJK."d Pow.sin's "Holy Furmly" JOlrltly With th•· N o r t o n S 1 m o n M u 111• u m 1 11 Pwiad1:nu la.-it year and the two 1ni.t1tullons will t a k (· tur1111 d1 i:iplaying 1t Schwartz. a11d others 1wy mort' collaborut1vc l'fforts un: In tht' works, although W1l11am\ dt'<:bnt'd to confirm this Perhap:; m ind ful of possible JOIOt vt•nturt.>s, off1 C"1al11 of other maJ<>r must,ums dl•l'lant·d to d1~t·u~s what e CfN·t tht· Gt>tty John A. Krajian D.D.S. windfall mlaiht hflvt' on the art world In it<nc-raal . "I don't know what Wt' m uld l'<inlrihut.• to th• dt.cu..lon," Nld t'1m1ly11 Eng«!I of Washington '• N1.11lu1111l Gullc·ry of Art lolftt'r rt•p1·att•dly proml1lnj( tu o bla.tln l'ommon t ( rom a jlMI lt•ry 1.ilrt"l'tt1r "W1:'vt• all bf't•n uwlll'\.' of the Gt•tly'a 1ltu1&tlon for llOmc yean," 111lffud John R o11 o f thtt Ml•tror'll um In New York "And I d on 1 kno w whot Wl' <.'c>uld a.tdd " Some· art11l.8 un· h opt•ful that thl· (i1:tty will btl6(ln t.o u.ike un lnu·r~t In thcir particular field. "My lmmedlatt• thought 11 that they don't have a ron~mpora.ry urt department und they need one badly. With that kind o f money, they 1.-·ould rt>ally give a huoi;t to yourig u rtls t s In Southern California," said Pc-wr Tkuchdf, a :13-yl•ar-old Los Angeli>s arust "Tht>ir ('olk<Uon 111 fabuloUK as 1t 18, but 1f thel l'Xpand into modern art, I don t think lht•rc"11 o rnU8f'Um thul <'Ould toU<·h them " Jf th1· Gett y does IJ(•g1n to l.H:qu1n· works 1n any volumt-, 1t will probably need IHH>ther raC'1l1ty for s torage and dis play hc:ca~· spal<t' at 1l3 Malibu 81~ l8 lunitt..od Built at u t•ost of ubout $1 7 rmllwn nc&r Gc,ttv's ranl·h h o u st-, the museum 18 a rl'·Cl"~ation of thl' classtcal Villa del Papiri, u Roman Vllla found at l lcrculunc um About 2 ~ m11llon people have tourC'd thl• must·um iiinc-e 1\8 1974 o pc.·nmg Parking 1s l1m1ted but a <I m 1 u 1 o n 1 8 f r e e , a n d l h e prt•l'lf!(• Gt·tty ontl.' figured its opt•rating l'XJJerul(.'8 were l'OStang * Lab O n Premises * X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for S25 Medi-Cal and Insurance Accepted Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA 2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa THE PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS ADAY . a nd for ln-Mpt h coverage of local ~s tune In "A Clo~r Look" this Sunday at 8:00 AM. I KDCM tDB.t FM SILl1EO 556 -8013 Kai Warner Anna ~rr Les Reed Neil Diamond Bob Thiele Peter Paul & Mary Cyril Stapleton Janis Ian Ron Goodwin Pele Jolly Jimmie Haskell Eddie Rabbitt Bottteelh Mamas and the Papas Nelson Riddle Nana Mouskouri Tim Weisberg Mason Williams Martin Bottcher Dan Fogelberg Werner Muller The Eagles Andre Kostelanelz Crystal Gayle Tony Hatch Roger Williams Brian May Frank Slnatra Roberto Delgado America Sven Libeek Barbara Mandrell Ben Mc Peek Hagood Hardy Henn Rene Kenny Roger1 ~ARN AND LEARN! D eliver t he Dilly Piiat Boys and girls 10 or old er - Ca ll 642-4321 a nd app ly today:., Daily Pilat MONEY TO BURN -The J . Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, patterned after a Roman villa, was left an endowme nt of more than $1 blllton by the estate of its founder. Federal tax law wiU require the museum to s pend probably $50 million or more each year on ac:quis1t1ons, putting the 1nstitut1on in a dominating pos1l10n In the art markl't. him about $3 , afte r ·tax , per programs and fac1ht1es v1111t.or The Getty may also expand Some of the new funds may go Into new areas technolog1cally for t>xpanded fello w11 h ips. T he The muse um has ac quired a Getty already has lnterna from Masaachuaetta archival c.'Ompany Sl'vNal ('O lleges and has sent called RILA whic h puts out qut'st1onna1res to about 80 abetracta of art and archat.e(:tural South ern C alifornia colleges publications. inqu in n~ a bout their fine a rta Williama said earlier this year ----- tha t RI LA may u It 1 ma l c• I y bt-(·ume "an art data b<t.,•· o f hteratun.• and pictures that will probably be uruque 1n the world and ultimately acce11s1ble from an y locatwn in the w orld," a hint that the Gt·tty m..y have 1t. .. eyt> on t•ablc and :wtcll1t.c· dl'hvt•ry of art OOLLAR DAY OOUGHSAVE RS CLASS I F l E D S 3 LINES • 3 DAYS • 3 OOLLARS Is your household . Cash Flow Low? Sell those items you no longer need with a 3 lines, 3 days (for private party advertisers) If JOU don't sell in the first 3 daJI we'll give JOU 3 llnes, 3 more days • That's right! Advertise your item for 3 consecutive days and if you don't sell just call classlfled 642-5678 and we'll run the ad another 3 consecutive days FREE. • If you discover you have priced the Item too high to sell It on the first 3-day run. we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run . • The rules are simple -one Item per ad -Item must be priced -sorry. no real estate or commerclal eds. You ere not llmlted to 3 llnes. just add $1 .00 for each additional tine such as 4 tines 3 times -$4.00, 5 llnes 3 times -$5.00, 6 lines 3 times • $6.00. No m~tter how many llne• you run, we'll stlll give you 3 day• FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. Daily Pilat 642-5878 2 2 2 2 322 ZS a SC a 5 0 (SEESE; cos sou a ••• Or•noe COll l OAILV PILOT/811Utday, Mav 16, 1112 'fHt: •. \'Ill.,. ('lftt'l'M 1 'Th1~ 1~ Armt"d Forces Day Don't we get d1ocolote ~oldiers ?" '9 \H'I \Ul K•: by Brad Anderson tJ u :.i IHlt·r Nt; 1,,.111 l go1 (C1IJ I e<J Mo1r ''••HJu~ (; 11, ll1r· bump1·r' Blfi Gt:ORGt: by Virgtl Part ch (VIP) "I'm thinking of atomplng aomt grepea." . C-' / ~ ./ t I: ·~~~ ' ~'\-1 ~~w 11 YEM . MD JH.U~ ONLY ~ "TJ,E 11/IODLE I by Harold Le Ooux I ! ·~ r,,.• .' 11..\ :i. !' t<A.., l'>f-~ I~ l't'IAI!.\ EL0\1-0 r'k r J1' I ' ~ L •1 •1 Of IH(. TWO Of" l ''7 ~LP 1...All DtON T 10U (,LOR1A> THE PHOTO ill C,RAPHER AM1 '" AS~ rvf7 A AC.RO~S T M8<.8tt)fOI dough 6 Commutl'1 plane 10 O.apatc.r. 14 PMUdonym 15 -OVlll Sludy 16 PrepoaitlO< ' ',t IA to' '.ii, ·""'' '• J•tfjMfHtAlt 11, "" r ,,, " t,, • 11111" tt111') \ lrtNld t,4 ''''''"'0 t;', T 'JI> <Jtllt_lll UJ MNtl •.ul t.7 N1t1>.,nM 17 0ec>artu1t 611 t'*tnm~ 1e Ancl'l<>r aoe h4l1r1 20 Mai. bird fj!j ActrllU 21 Suet.in 23 MtnlQft 2 WQtdt 24 lllllln COin ffUOAY'S POZZlf IOL YEO , 25 Heredrty I I )ll11n<J lllCIO< "I Ac.1111ulGO hill I. M Cyciltt I r h1ll1111d 2S WllOtll unit 4 I Symbol 30 Po1111on• • H1<11tllC•tt :>6 rcx"* l4lh0 43 GfMllnQ 34 ~· ~ f 1t1<l "11 lllm MMIOI 45 Ctn US 11111 35 Ownmy ''*""' u <ihoMWIC 47 r1et11et1 ' 37 Body 1'>4nt IJ Oro•dCHI 28 Smith 11\d 49 l<lnd Of bftld 31 Tr1U0ta 7 C.awuul Hepburn 6 I MufiC gp 3t Sooty dlf I II A ~ mattey 19 Zoll Of 63 ~ I 41 VnlQUt 9 Silt HertoO S4 MIMVvtt 42 Fifed 10 0()11 Wb 31 "--S6 lnnoc«tt •3 MIU betltf 11 lr>d.¢.lu••• IWly from 56 Scourge « ..... '' P'l"mcturt 61 °"'On .. Otrm1n atall I') SmtM ll!IO 32 11111111 C'llly 64 Ptclfy .. Cer... II M111a » WllMI typ1 5t lntecla ; IO .._ 2' <..111d gtm1 at CtM1nO jll IT Fleh eoQt 162.....,., 24 1111.. ~ Oeclalm 13 fltfWOOCI I .. -.. 1 2 (C.)\_lf"" [ °' c.:.,c,1fc; ) ' . by Jim Davis 1H£ ~IAl~~/\I I '::> IN 1141 IHkO/\T ARf l\l ">O ~TANOARO I OIJIPMf N f -~ I _,/ ....._.., -.;;~-.../ / .._/ (/ . ~(J4 ~ ... .. , . ... I by Ferd & Tom Johnson I IT $HOU!.DN1T -- 11Ul?T TO PEEIC 1· . . a 0 5 a a 4 0 0. > ' ..... ·-·- by Charles M. Schu l z --~~~~~~ ......... suo•: wow --$5-· SLUGGO. I'LL GIVE ) I'LL 00 YOU 'f!.5 TO DELIVER 1 IT / SOMETHING / I ~OR ME _) SPORTING G O ODS GORDO NO WONDER HE PAID SO M UCH--- J•J\Mf HJ!·, C< JM I 1< J~;Ew; <'t,apt<·r Tt:.:11 <'lr111c h: 8r.irlr w Th~ rival composers of Claude Barlow's dqy t11rned to history and mythology as inspir- ation for their works ... DR ABBI.•: 00 '40U UAP9E.t4 1'0 Sf.Lt OA~ · Oll7 6R£A0 i:oR r--.... Yi·PRI(( 1 DR. S'90CK WHY .AReN'-r YOU weARtN ' YOUR CAP. ""fWINKlt= ~ ~ES. S\J1' WE. "ftE SOt-17 ouf All WE. "A-IE l.fJf I~ n~E.~1-\ ~f.AO /I /Id 'CAUSe Wl""fH - OU""f 1-r, -rH e PA""fteN""fS 'IHINKl:'MA ~ MANICURIS'I ! t'OR BETTER OR .~ •• •ORMt; ... ---.--~-----------Co ~~1E! BRBE~-1r'S ME ~~ ·---·- . . by Tom K Ryan OOPS! I MOS'fA MISSE~ ~ PRICE. I.OU ! by Jeff MacNelly ,, . ~ (} by Gus Ar riol a by Tom Bat1uk Leaving Barlow a one t,o ex re the L eld nf B.g Li le ?11ok~ ~ • - by Kevin Fagan M~ Al't()l.)t 1f" '/()J .t;f.\..l M£ A r~ts~ 1..0.r· (OR 0'1 ~ICE, ANO l f'fl0MIS£ KO'f "fo E.Af ll U1H1L "fOMOR~ow 1 ~(·I~ ~I by George Lemont SOFA~. --rweL-ve DOL-1--ARS IN ""ftPS! y- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May I&, 1982 813 rna[~IB~rn~ 'The Power' portrayed (:hur<·ht·s t•xhibit ut World's Fair By tbe Auoclated Pr~ill Amul lht• rwwl y opt•ncd W o rld r tor's ~litl1•rlng tablt•f1U of pavilion:., 1.1t•r1 ;.tl tramways and futur1slll' t.·xh1h1ti. ul;uut Pnngy, c•hurche:i arc porlrny1r1g tht.•1r t'Onc't•pt of thl' h1>art uf It all "Ttw Power " Tha t bihlt' ru rcc rt•giirdcd c.I S prud uc:1 ng u nd t.•n I 1 v1•11 Ing t ht· un1vcrst' thc· Creator 1md also hus contmuang work an tht• world -an· deplC'll'd In a dramatll' St.>qUl'nC<' or l'onnt'<'tl'<.1 c·hambt!rs "Tht· e11rlh I!> lh<' Lord's," say), P salms i 4 . a central p oint of tht· mult1med1a prC'st·ntatlon , which also sho w s humc1n1ty 's failures anti respons1b1hty an a prcx:ess t ons1den'tl infust"<l by God's grace tht· t'l&rth put forth vegl'l•Hlon." V1111tuf'lj find them.elves appanmtly on "satnr1 " through a luMh, hfe-CiUed (or1•1H when i1omethlnR goes wrong. M~ming to turn parad1M' into t•haos as the v1s1 t on t•ntl'r lht• n<•>e t room , a ti'nt·i.haped t·hamber A whirling panorama or sights and sounds portray the Call or humankind i n to si n a nd the s wt•<·p through t:enlurit.•!> uf maladies <:011fhct, abuse, war, waste and povl'rty with pt.• o p 1 e s tr 1 v 1 n g co n ll n u a 11 y r o r -wluuons. The ani-.wc·r 1!> proposed 1n hfe·s1zed images or C hrist , has restoring ways 1nd1caled through various spedal t' tr l"l't s • Musical programs. set 1·wo chur,·h wonu•n ho11or ~d for ser~ices JEl\t;MIAH PEOPLE Will pr c·iwnl u mu111rol rnmt•dy, entitled "H o mc• Aguln P ortrait u f 11 Fum1l)'," ut 7·:rn p m Wt-dnl•11dny ut l h r Ev a n "l' I 1 n d Free C h u r d1 . Huntington Bc.·tit·h MU SI C AND DANCES 11 f the E u r o p 1• l.l n R l' n a i Sii a n l' e w 111 be pl'durmt'd by the Southem California FAirly Music Coruort at 8 pm. Sunday at Fvundt'rll lla ll. C hrist College lrvlnc• OFFICE R S of the Women's f't·ll ows h l p . Neighborho o d C:o ngr<'g a t1onal Church. L a guna B<•ach . wall be Installed a t a noon luncheon at the church Tht' slate includes Lucille Davia, pn·s1dent; Louiae Resh and Lillian Drew. Vil'<' presidents: Helen Curran, bt'l·retary, and Delores Haggard, trPasurer CHURCH NOTIS "GUATEMALA EXPERIENCE" will l.w the topk of travclera Franz Nf'l!ion and Ma rgi.rllo Cifuentes at I 0:30 a m Sunduy. at the Laguna Beach Un1tar1an -Unlve r aa l 1st J<'ello wshlp meeting 1H 429 Cypn•H Drive A SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO w oman has bl'en named Cath o lic Woman of the Year for 1982 of tht• Diocese of Orangl'. Mildred H. Ronca was cited for her w~k as a lector. Eucharistic min1sterpnd catech11m teacher at the San Juan Mission and waa recognized for !\er service to the Society or St. V1nct>nt de Paul i.nd other voluntttr work. ll 1s !>ltUall'<J IO the Hall or L1restylt· and T<'C'hnology at the lnlernat1onal Energy Expos1t1on which opened th1!l month in Knoxville. Te nn , on thl• themt•, "Em·rgy Turns the World " Series examines theology MRS. DALE M. WADDELL, who h as ser ved on the s taff o f SL Andrew's Presby t e rian C hurch, Newport Beach. ls the winner of the W1lsh1re Preaching Award for 1982. The award. which includes a $250 grant, is given to a student whose performance mosl e xe mpl1f1es the excelle nce required for effective church leadersh ip &-stdl''l tht· <'<·umenacal exh1b1t by !ti Protestant. Roman Catholic and Eastl'rn Orthodox bodies, Southern Rapt1sl~ have their own pavilw n on the lhl·m<'. "The Word ... 1s Energy," featuring a musical-drama group. "Power Source." V1 s 1t o r s t o the e c um en ic al presentation. iili descnbed by sponsors, first find themselws 1n a dark. glass room s1mulat1ng a spaceship. Star 1magc-:. flash in the blackness aro und lht· glassed room , and the n o,uddl'nly there 1s semblance of a ... urging !>t•a As th•• book of Genesis descnbes 1t.1 "And God s&1d. 'Let the waters unde r the ht«1vens be gathered together ;ind ll'l lh<' dry land a ar Let A humorous down -t o earth approac h to theo lo gy will be pn•senlt'd an a series of Or"-llge Coal.t le<:tures by the a uthor of a 196:'> hl>sl belier, "The Gospel Al'l'ordang to Peanuts." Robert Short. who holds a master's degree o f divinity, uses c·anoons to ex p lain the c o mpl<'X issues o f theolog y . said the Rev Donald W Kutz, minister of the Community Churc h Congregational. Corona del Ma r Short's lecture schedule· begins at 3 pm. Sunday at S t. Mark P resbyterian Church, 2100 Mar V as t a Drive, Newport Beach. and at 7 that mght at the Community Church Con · gregat1onal, 61 1 Hellolrc1pe Ave. He_w~I appe~ at lU am Monday~1 Sun ta Ana College and al"l p.m at the Interfaith Center. UC lrvane. His final program wiU be al noon Tuesday at Orange Coast College. ~ South Coast Community Church Services 8 :30 A .M . & 10: 15 A.M Corond d e l Mar H 1Qh Sc hool. ?IOI Ea'>lbluff Dr Cor on~ tl•·I M ar .. Slrt>SS: Being a .. forf' Ooinl(" Tim Timmona "tpeakin,,; . -.. .. 11t1· 1,11111ly ul the Cornmurnly Ct1urch by 1111' ll.1y t•x MICh 1t) l1.l1111 o f l11end!itl1p ,111C1 )p111t11dl lt'ili>w .,111111 0 t1ll whu ,111• 1,1:1Jkt11 '\ of llH' l 111lh W1• .111• ,1 tuv1110 c;,11 11H1 hodv ot pos111v1• lh111kc1 s utl1•1111l1 huth ,111 up1•11 111111<1 ,111d an u11(Jo1 c.,t.tnd111q h1'.11 t r1111u1Jlt Wl' .111• lt1•1• horn <lu(Jl113 ;ind 1111111,1111111 of 111•1•11 w1· ,111• .1 Ch11<;t1a11 rclt111011 l)ac;ed 111w11 1111' 11•,11 h11HJ'> ot J1•<,u•, e11pound111q 1111• p11nr 1plc., 111 .11 one ml'nl w111t Got! .~r111 HI'> lov1110 prl'o,1·111 •· 1\11 ,1111100,plH!l l' ol love JOY anrl lrl'cdorn p11·vo1il•. 111 whith 1•.H.h pl'r'iOll t <111 lccl .... th• to ht• 111111• Pll .111!1 tu1frv1·lotr 1110, own c11v111c l)Olt>nl1til II v1111 11 t' .,, ... k11111,1 1.h111tlt t,11n1ly ltke w1· 11.1111' d1•.,<.11h1•11 w1• Wtfllllly O,tllj(jl''>I You may already be hom e! Sunday Celebratlon of life Dynamic Speakers • Musical Programs Seminars for positive living Workshopa/Claues • Book Shop /tapes Professional Counseling service Social and Special Events Sunday School• Youth Group Hollstlc Health Center Wedding Arrangements Service Monthly Newsletter • Nursery car.e JOIN US SUNOA YS AT 10 45 AM 714/645-7650 Dr Doyle Edson Rev Fred D~v1s 148 EAST 22NO STREET /COSTA MESA/CA 92627 Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY Freedom of Worship An American Chou.:e 'You've tried the rest. NOW try the BEST" Re•. Dr. a.-or-C. Jec:ktoft Mew nl"9tit Chm"-... ...,...., ..... .,,_,... ChrltH. Cllw<ll 5-4-, ~In & ......_ C~ll I Sttl & in.• . .......,_. '-<II I O:lO A.M. ''MAKE UP YQUR MIND" Cllwcll OHier. ltJ9 T...._ C_. ... , .. ....... 60·10U 06.il A '46-6464 1st CtUCH of RELIGIOUS SCINCE Of NEWPORT BEACH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES fH1•Nif ••I 1 I it tHt .... ftlt4f P ( .. t;hr f-' ft>11f I U'•' I tt,,11\ It '"••U f t1f Nf1,f+NAl'l'lff'»t """~ /Af •~111et t•. "MORTALS and IMMORTALS" Sunday, May 18, 1982 Co••• w... -Ant c-...ci. of c ....... Sc:'"'"'• JHOMtMY .... Dr .. C ... eMtM C'-'dl & s-.y Sc ..... -I 0:00 A."'1. ., ..... 1-. JllO Mttt Y .... Dr ' A.M.-4:)0 r.M. ""'-·"'" Sef. Wtcl 7-7:IO r .M. -t -•:lO r .M. lrvltte -A"t a.ch of C..,..t, Sc:i..tftt ·--s.. ~ .... ..,.. .... Schoel 4161 Mlct..f_ I ..... Y•I C'-ctl & s-d9y Sc.._. -I 0:00 A.M. u..._ (1 A.Af Vi.ft./lf>f D •t ';UNO• t \I ,...,rt..1 H• ...... wo leoc9' -A"t Ce..rdt of Cllritt, Scl...tht tHt I <>ht,.........,._ teec:ll Cll.rcll I S...., ScllMI -I 0:00 A.M. ., ..... ·--JJI Mei. St. L.,_. leoch -Ant C~ of Christ, Sc:l...tht US ..... Dri•t Cll.rctt & s-d9y School -I 0:00 A.M, ........ ·--Jl4 ,_,., ..... Mew,.t .._-. -Ant Ce..rdt of Chri1t, Sci...thf ))0) Y'9 Udo, ,.._~ ltec:ll Clwdl & s-.Ny ScllMI -f:OO & I t:lO AM .. ....,._ lll5 Yle Ll4a "'°"·Mn s.t. -f A.M. ·I ,,M. Twn. -7 • f rM. A COllAL WCLCOM( rnM Tlf( Ulll£D CHUICH Of CHRIST COM•UITl CSM COMCftCATillAl 61 I Htle ... .,. A••~ c .. -.. .... 644-7400 D...WW ...... ......._ IO A.M.-~W .... c~,.~,.,,,..no-.~CM-• JOHH M. HYMOU>I MAIGAln AHH llYNOlDS Mi.tlttwt 10 A.M. -S--, WenW, C~11Sc ..... &~ HARIOI c ... mAH CHURCH IDl.ci,t...t~I 2401 1"'-.. S.. IMIMf .... 1111 y Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK NESBmRIAN CHUICH !ottttMwff Dr. & J..,._.,, Hewport IHch It•. WMl-McO-U •••· T.-yw..., ,,..., . __ .. _ • __ .. ··~ p....,_ .._..._._.-...... ~ .. Chut<h S.hool & Adult Clcn-.• 9 00 o ..,, wo .. h•p M•vte• 10 00 om ~ c-at l.tfi Stnlcta ,_ lltfo: Cel 644· 1 l4 I This Sunday Worship In ST. AMOHWS ,.HIYTHIAH CHURCH f\00 ~I Afu1r1•w•. R(')aO • NPwpr1r1 Bea1 h • f.'11 ?AM) Dr. J .... A . ........._ Jr_ Pfttor Wonh1p S..~t<•• -7 30-1 4S Ol'\d 10 1 S AM "The Anatomy of• Spiritual Decline" Or. John A. Huttman, Jr. Preaching noG«AMs 1 30 o m lnfonl• Th,.1 IC1n .... 90•1tn Child Cor• I 4S o m lnfonh Thfu Advh Clot••• 10 IS om lnfonu Thru 61h G.ode & Aduh Clou•• A.IC HelJH e 645-JJJJ Conuuwwwlty ,resbyterian C~h 415 fWftl A••~ L...-.. ecll 4'4·7U5 Rev Ar1hur J Tankersley Rev C•a•Q W1ll1.1rn• Chns11an Education Hour 9 00.10 00 AM Worship -10 15 AM NUlllMll• CAllt •llOYllKO At ALL tlllYICU PUSIYTERJAN CHURCH OF THE COVEH•HT HSO ,_....._•cl. c.tto Mtto -557-ll40 tn.c.t A. lrrit. ,. .. .,~ I ••II y Mt<..cnnP 011PUOr r,f ~ •111lh M1111~1• 1•" llOWill<l K1ll1nn Dllf-C.IOr nl Ath llt M1111• ....... Dnn Marldo• Oor,.c1or r11 "••n4I··~ Min•"'''" ..., w...-. -l :lO & 10:00 A.M. a.dl~-CW...."'"' AIMh 10:00 A.M .-_., ,_.. ......._ -1:)0 I I 0:00 A.M ....... -7:00 , .M. Mtmbtt Chucth !Hied Ouch ol ReliflCM ScltllCt CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Hew.;;.~;:";:~~~~;;,;~~;;, Plt1nwutl1 l, lllhlll'l1tltit'lltll L' 11t11 l It CHUICH OF CHIHST Sc:i...thf l Jl7 W. Wit-. C..taMtte U~llfl )100 ,_Hk Yltw Dr .. c_....... J262 laOAD ST .. HeWPottT llACH 642-2740 WP fP A Go1nQ Glo wing Grow1nQ (h111rh Chlld C•re ''PARTICIPATION IS POWER" Clwdl & S..., Sc.._. -I 0:00 A.M. SUMO A Y SHYlCts ....... •--1100 .. ,. 1. c .... Hwy •• c-.. S...day S.,..ice -I O:lO A.M. 111u llUDY' A.M. wottSHIP 10 ~ .., & "P.,. Rew. Judy Oele WID. IYIHtMG nSTIMOMY MllTIHGS -:J Femlly Emphatla Dey 1011 CemelbllCk, Newport Beach I P.M. AU CHUICHIS "The Kingdom of God No Evening AH•mbly (off J1mboree Road) ::•,::: .':'!::;,i.~;;:: '0 .rt~'~,_,,,._,.,,,,~-""~'"'-°",,_.,..,.. ,_. n-._ ...,...,. -o-. C-.. ,_. ........ ..,. Vocelltl ·Merla English 951-82M CllM c-~·!4.4 AT AU savtcH ,ASTO• fONT CuaTO ~'.==============:=====================1-=========================== r.~~~~~~------------~-------------.' Church or-st. Matthew by the Sea WESTMINSTH WTHHlAN OUCH A Cordial Wekome fro• 1rraa1tl0f!Jtt Ep111copa1J 11141 ....._ •·•· THE UNITID METHODIST CHUIC H , ...... to, .. oi..-'""· & w ............... . HOLY COMMUNION · Each Sunday · 9·00 AM _ WOllS. SIRYICIS _ I Book o/ Comnon Prayer · I 928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona def Msr TI.. Re• . .IGIMS HoMekt -532-220 I ST.JOHN'S THIE t,.scorAL CHUICH IM COSTA .... u. l ay Strtti .. 0.....,. A•- 1:00 Holy Co,,.....IOfl I 0:00 Holy Euchorlst I 0:00 5-day School "N v raery <.:are tM •••· C_-4 .....,....tt, View 541-22l7 • Nl\WOIT H.MIOI. WMIMOUCH 7'91 0..w Or. Nl'WPOn llACN ...... ,, .... '"'"",... ............. ,..... WORSt-i!P S~RVICE • • • • • • . . • I 00 A M CHRISTIAN £0UCATION, .'. . 9 15 AM WORSHIP S!RVICE . £~1.:~~· 1P 30 AM _,,.._~ . WILCOI• l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. C .. IU UITHHAH cH&tcH 1 Missouri Synod) 160 Victoria St .. c ... , ..._ ~ Y. T_..., ra1fw -01°1611 WOUHlr SIEIYICl -l :IS I 11:00 A.M. S-., Sclled & A ... llWt Cla11 -t :)O AM. Clrt•.._, .._...ry Sc'-' -14f.61'6 Sermon Topic May Ith 9:00 & 10130 A.M . "Prosperity is Good For You" C HUICH OF l&IGIOUS SCllMCI Mtmbef ot 1~ Unned Cnurc:h 01 Ret1glou1 Sc:1onct •u.a."r Vilt.MU IU!l'f •• tm l,IAllf ITl'lfl f HIJ .. ftNOIOH HACH CA ,,.... .... •NL......,. o a en b 3 0 rt t , ............... ~·-.. - Cost• Mesb MSTUHl'Te MITMOIMST CHUaCH 19th SI & Harbol Blvd , Cllw•ll le .... t:JO • .,....., 10:41 Charles 0 Cl11rh M1n1s1er Costa Mesa North ~¥1UI Hunlington Beach •11STUMn'9 MITMOOIST CHUICH 272 I 17th St 536-3537 w ....... ..,.,lcr. ......... N~C•t•~ll~ Cll.rc91k...._~-• UMmD MITMOOtST CHUICH w.,..., & a.u k ..... Hun1mo1on Beach North COMMUMITT"""9 MITHOOISTC....CH 6662 Heil A.ve 842.,..4&1 Wertlllp~lca l lJO A IO:tO I: JO • I 0:00 A.M. Dr. wm-IL Mlet 'cW'ftWA IYTMISIA N'ewPOrt Beech '"00 W Balbot Blvd &73·3805 ~~rt SMe>ard. Jr ac....s..... f 1JtA.M. ............. ~c.. , ........... , .. l :JO S-., S.-.. ll:Ot Fountain Valley MlST ..... MITHOOIST OUCH I 82 2 !> 8tnherd St fU.Jffl Or C1rroll E Word. M1n11ter w.,....,aa......_. f:JtAM. ........ ._ MIW'°IT CllMTWl UMl9 MITHODIST ................. c.... ....... ,.....,., Wenhl, & Church Sch ... -t :30 A.M. l.v. KM McMJ/lon •. "• . , &? HAllOI I~ TIMft.I s....._s-.c" llri4-y ....... I: 11 , M. a a t ,..., Wekf '"' ,......., a4 .......... 7:)0 '"'· Rabbi Bernard., K1no Jdmborce & Ea ~11,1ur1 01 Music Arie Sh1klf'r Newoo11 Beach Calif Educator Nancy Levin '-...., f4• c .. 644-120> AM V~QltWM:(Wllll9 TEMPLE SHARON ~ rCnn .. PIVtlllV") l\JA Pre-School Hebrew & Sunday School · Bort M11zvati T1a1n1119 Youth Group S1slerhood Services Friday 8 15 p m Sal . 9 15 8 m Sun . 9 30 am RABI HERSHEL BROOl(S 817 Weat Herrnlton, Co1te MeN 131-3292 -UllllAllS.~ IOI I C1•1•e•t .. .,....a.ectt1atfJ....._I ...... ,,,., e ..... ..., ..................... .... Attend ~ke Ckurck €J/ Your C~oice ' I , , .. .._,,,,,. ;' \ . . • /. . DICK AND RICH WILSON CONGRATULATE >; ?' BOB & ROBERTA WILSON ON THE ARRIVAL OF THEIR NEW DAUGHTER CARLY ANN WILSON ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• laaallan Biil llerllllaale 3 DAYS/2 NIGHTS FOR TWO . ' . RI NO, NI VADA • • • • SUNDOWNER .. ·: . . -"· ... . .. .... ~ . . . . . .... . : ..... ·: ... · ... . .. . ...... • --- NOW AT WILSON FORD FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! 6 7 ACRES e CARS e TRUCKS e WAGONS • e R.V.'s e LUXURY CARS e ECONOMY CARS OF SHOPPING FEATURING: e TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS e IMPORTS ~~~~~~~";:JJ REMEMBER AT WILSON FORD, WITH THE CAR, THE VALUE, THE LOW PRICE, THE T-TOPS TO TRUCKS ... SERVICE, THE DISCOUNTS, THE REBATES ••• ••t'OL,'"HE TllE Wl.\'.\'ER!!•• M INIS TO MOTOR HOMES! YOU CAN BUY NOW AND PAY US LATER! WE WILL WAIT FOR YOUR INCOME TAX REFUND FOR DOWN PAYMENT ON PURCHASE OF ANY NEW OR USED CAR. '77 BUICK '79 CHEVY '80 MERCURY '79 FORD RIVIERA MONZA CAPRI RS PINTO A v to •" r IJ"O P•• 1 Ot •wl() ''•"• •" Sun1001 •'' c:ond P•' .,.., ~ ll"lnd AMt,U ti.., IY'IHl 4 ,,. 4 t00 .f C:yl tl d lO , •• \I(. ~t C/Wf ... , , .......... l <.11'10 4 (yl p w r t h IHWAO VI 11< 1W l1°"'1 ,..,.. lo< 11eYlf'I t • 111',A• '79 CHRYSLER '79 DATSUN '81 FORD LE BARON CPE FASTBACK MUST ANG 1 •• • er• P•• b• . S34i2 $3582 f&112 '79 FORD '81 FORD RANCH ERO ESCORT Awto '''"' l lr COl"ld S e 111on weoo11 Cl AMl't.I YI p•r ttH r UU•ll• t tpO I) ~ll l~ tW73M1 -•117100 . . '80 FORD FAIRMONT Oh•e VI tOt tte•eo IJ'n•lf'fl ~to 111"1 O"Jf .,_"'9 loc. H OllO '78 DATSUN PICKUP '78TOVOTA PICKUP 4 <.. 4 IC)O AM ra4t0 ,.., eono l'MUO~I '79 HONDA cvcc 4 ql ... ,., - iila2 ( INTIRTAINMINT/ClASSlf 110 Nine's the limit An t-Xlra haH polnt m1Hlt' thl' dlfftoren4'\' WI Ed ~khmerler mov4.-d lnto 1i1 tie (Qr the l~ml In Trivia Sowl XXVI, ono of thr~ trlvladdll'\11 with the top •'Ore of ninti ln a tough w~k Credi\ Wlnalow Leach with tht< only corrc·ct anawer to thf' "Falcon Crl'lt" quullon Most anawercd Napa Valley or 110mt' •uch Trlvlul tidbit: The current l111ue of T rl vli1 Unllmlted 11 devolAld to a subject dear to the httartli or Klaatu Barada Nikw Society members • l'OVer TRIVlA BOWL XX VI STA NDINGS 1 Nancy PrlOf 14) O lii(.lo. Warn_. (3) 0 John RulMll (3) 10 The OIOnytlane (21 11 The &el'tr f'ec;" (II • no enlry rece1veo ta11 ACOfe awarded 33 21 Ill 1•·~ 14 '••II ol featu re on the movie "The Day the £arth Stood S t i 11. " 0 n w a rd a n d u p w a rd to t ht' n t' x t I 0 tan talliers. l. Frances Octavia Smith saddll•d uµ for u movie career under what name? 2. ln the l'OOUC strip Happy Hooligan, what llOrl of hat did the lltle character wear? 3. "The world may be round, but l'Vcrythmg on It LS flat" is a lyrical observation from what musical? 4. Who was known as the Lion of Judah? 5 The radio quiz show "The $64 Question" ongmated under what other title? 6. The Lone Ranger had a ((rand-nephew who also was a conuc book hero. Name him. 7. What sports figure was ~own as the Big Six? 8. Timothy Hogarth shows up in what stage comedy? 9. In the movie "The Last Picture Show," name !PGl CID--· ··-~·ll'"'t """'' .. IN ,,.,,..., "" u \ " Keep an eye out for the fu.nnieet movle about growing up ever mad.el You'll be glad you came! (~ /•""-":~. ~J. ,_ -·· .... 9th Hllarloua WHk ••••r".= LUX_!:!!_! fH{AT~ES * • In toughie TRIVIA BY T.T. the sons • playing In the background wh .. n (a) Cyb1U Shl•pht>rd diarobed on thl' dlvlnl( ~~rd and (b) Timothy Bott.onw returnt.-d to Clurht Leachman al tht• .. nd of the picture 10 Nam.•y'• queat for hl·r roo ts bcl·ame a prul>lern her f1&tht'r rouJdn't fix In what movu:? Lael Week'• Ana wera I Al Jolson (name changf') 2. Bob (Drabble's duck) . 3. TU!ICan y ("Falcon Cret1t" <.'Ounty) 4. Llttlo Old Lady In Tennis Shoes (In~rlandJ uward) 5 "Faust" ("Fair Lady" or,era) fS "Cry or t.he Wild Coose ' (90ng lyric) 7 John CapaUetti (Namath's last paas) 8. "Strange Bedfellows " (Ambrose Tibbett) 9 (a) Clenborn, Ariz .. (b) 125 yearR ("Stir Crazy") 10 "A Face in the Crowd" (movie riddle) (Send your answers ro TRIVIA, clo rhe Da.J/y Pilot, Bo" 1~60, C06ra Mesa 92626. All enrr1cs musr bE• rece1ved by Wednesday, orherw1se half the p/1Jyer's Jasr sc.Y>re wJJJ be awarded) WINN ER4ACADEMY AWARDS ------- BEST PICTURE LSI:..'> r ORJGINAI. ">COKt:. • VAN(Jf".1.1"> l~I -, I OKJC,INAI. 'lC Ktt:Nf'IAY ( UI IN Wt.l l.ANI> 1~1.~ 1 c O"> ru Mr Ml.I INA C.ANON l.KO ~ C=='!!!HARl~~O~ Of FIRE ~ t • t>OO COtMANV -· W/UINlll llllOS ••t•V rp;=;i . ··-·· ·--. ~---:~ 0 ~ c----.... --....... - THIEF WARRIOR GLADIATOR KING Olll IX lAURm11s ~ .... ts1a1ra f .. ••• • ,. th • • •a. "u . f IJWARO R PRtSSMAM .• AllQO SCllWARllMfOOfR JAM!S [Alll .JOWfS ·coo. IH[ BARSARIAI sMOAHt 8(1QW BU o.wrm (;(RflY l(ff.l lWO WILLIAM SMIJH 1W VII SYOOW~ :ot•· Mil IUS !l IVlR Slll£ Wit Pllf OOIMIS 'j1~ ~H . HlWARO R PRlSSMAI -IWfAfLLA ll L~~111S .nt•·111uus . Every Sunda y Orange CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, May 1 &. 1982 Cl Suaday, May at ARIES (March 2 l·AprU 19): What had bcJtm hidden will be r4'vealed. You'll sec more clurly l''•mily altuatlon no lonaer l• • problt•m TA URUS (April 20-May 20): Sunw f-ract1l·al luues w lll be to ned uldt• Y o u w n wllh 11w1111hbuckllng attitude, with romance und poetry GEMI NI (Ma y 2 1-J un• 20): F oc u11 on uuthorlty, n·•ponalblllty, pn•atlgl' and c&reer promollon Rdut1onah1p hca'-nothlnij cx:cura 1n halfway mannl'r. CANCER (Junt> 21 -July 22): Opportunity t'XIBl.8 to reach beyond r urrnnt expectation11. Accent on education, spiritual values, abstract prsnciplu of law L EO (July 23 -Aug 22). Hlghllflht sndependem:e. orlglnal1ty, w11Jingness tu ucct•IJt t•hullenge. Exciting confrontatio n 11t1mulat~s crPut1ve pr<>C."t"M Relationship Intensifies..:. NOW PLAYING l llU eou a •n a ""''" OA&llOl H•t• 1'1.1,. I Ow MO\ (.-..in• ten1r1 I Ow•d> WUOOO<~ \1..0•"'' IJ1.,. In '.?O '))(t ~19 CUI ~)I 06,~ 1>3~ ft/Ill COI T& Ml lA I dw•I II.. fj11~1ut ~·o 14 .. fl TOllO •OflAIMll WUTMIHTlll I ~ ... rd• ',«lcJl('IJ4l > ~ UA r "'° c..n.m.u ~81 ,.,o 61•?~\3 898 1?4J ........ cn.._ ........... J HO ...... 6':"'1:10 •O-, ............... , 1 ""·t:OO IAT/IUN. 1:Al,l:20,t:OO "PARTNERS" ,lltt. 7: 11. ~.to tAT/IUN. J:il, 7:11, 1CUO 'nuOito~ c.19 'ttldiMU&. l!I ffU. 1;48, t:15 SAT/SUN. 1~ ~15 1:4S, t:15 .. GOIN' AU THE WAY" fllll. l:OO IAT/IUN. 2:10, S:M, t:OO MA UTTl..E SEX"' Ill) ,,..7:11, ... a AT /aUN.. l:AI, 7: 11, 10'.AO , .. I. 1:1S aAT/IUN. J;q, 9:11 CL\sH fl llTA>ilS ~ "'"· l:OO, 10::aO IA T /IUN. 1:*1, lcOO 1C>:JO "ENTER TH~.ftl~" I AT /IUH. 1:JI, 6:05, l'.JI "f0R81DDEN WORLD" '"·· 7:00. 10:J0 (Ill) IAT/aUN. >.», 7ll0, 10:aO OtARJOTS Of r--1RF. 0 ~ f"I. 1:00, l :lO, 10-AS IAT/IUN. 1:00, 3:30 1:00, a :JO, 10-All (") _.Oi ~m ,.,._ U l/ __ _ /~~·~Im! VIRGO (Auti 2~i -Sl'pt 22): You lu•rn by t~achlnj •h»rt knowledlll'. cxchan1i1e ldeaa, tollow throuah un hunch Ernphu!A allo on public relutlona, pcirtnl'nhlps LIBRA (S~p\ 23-0<.·t 22>-l'f'raonal horli.ont t"Xput11I, llno1 of commun1i.-at1on opl·n . 1ocla l l11 vltat1un1 urr part o f •t<1•nurlo "" pupul11rlty 111c·n ·u1e1 SCORPIO (Ol·t 23-Nov :l I) Some rt'tltrklluru ur"' n~ry and for your own ~ndlt Know It. respond uccord1ngly SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22·Dt!t' 21): ~trlv ·to dh1t·t<r11 rnutlVl'li, t(J dc:-kc t subtle nui1ncc1 1tnd to unulyu-trcmd!t CAPRICO RN (Dec' 22-Jan 19). Rt-h1t1ve11, domt11tlc: ll'lfUi'll, humt: lmprovement, ac-quiahlon of luxury 1~111 thl'llt:' highlight 111.-enano AQlJ ARIUS (Jan 20 ft'Pb IH)' Oetlnf' tf'rma, uv111d self·dt.'l'l'pt1on, draw ltrw llE'tw~n reality and 11luiuon F1nanl·1al propoiUtt<m requires further 11tudy P ISCES Wt·b 19-Ma rc:h 20) Lunar cycl~ al peak, 1mpnnt 11tyle. take 1nit1at1vc, have faith in y<1ur own judgml'nt and 1ntultlon. DEATHTRAP A wickedly funny who'll-do-it. 0 -- f RI. 7:00. •45 8ATISUH 115, 4 00 7 00 9 4S (RI "CROCODILE" l'lU. a:IO aAT/IUN. 2:00, 1:21, t:IO "f0R8'DDEN WORLD" '"'-7:11. 10'AO , .. , aAT/IUN. l:IO, 7:1 .. 10:AO , I. 1;'5 I AT/I UH. 1:20, 11:00. 9:48 "PARTNERS" ""I. 7:00, 10:)0 I ATllUN. 3:15, 7:00, 10::aO cdw.irds CINEMA HARBOR IH VO A T ADAMS COSU MESA 546-J 102 . ~ F .. I. 7:00, •.30 IAT/IUN. 2:00, •·JO 1:00. .... edw,1rds LIDO CINEMA MI WPOR I 0 1110 Al VIA l l00 673 ·8350 M J WPOA I 1\1 A< H DEATHTRAP flltl. t:tO .. "_ ,,.., ...... "GOIN' All THI WAY"1111 ,..,,._ \ ,~ IAT/IUN. J:10 a:IO. 10:JO '"' "PARTNERS" ,_IM aATllUN. 1:11 ........ .. AN CONN9JIY "WR ONO 18 AIOHT" , "'· ....... H T/I'*· a:IO ..... 7lll0, lt1' (Ill) "THI lllT QAMQITU MOVWIMCS 'TMI eoDl'ATMM' • .... ,,__,,,~ .. _ .. _ .. "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" l'N. ?:ti, ..... HT/ .... be1 4:11, ?:1'•.'9 .... INN8. ...... IAT/IUlll. ........ • .,.AlnmAa .. ,.'A_ IAT/IWL 71 .. - FaiiliiSia ,.., ...... ~ IATllUM.:::. .. •11. (0) 0 THI LONG GOOD PRIDAY" ,.~ ~-- ··~·· ce.= ...;.;;., b ..... --,.Hr "'''=' ... • r t'ORfl~Elll IAT/:::..:.. .... I DEATHTRAPi ,.9i:l,... HT/IUM. _.. ''°' ~~-=:=:: IAT/9UN. ... _.. "VICTOR/VICTORIA0 DBA.THTRAP a ,-. ...... ,. IAT/IUN. 1:41. 4'111 .... ... tM.•11 ('°) IAf/IUM. ....... .. ,... ..... "CftOCOOLI" ·-=rn~--Mlat. ,.., .. <:£. 01ARIOTS s:-.r Bl IAT/IUM. --0Ff1~1111 '"C>MIC>NN --=..•w. .,. WON.O" rl;'-1r11 "''' .... ,. ,..,=..,... •11.•u.•,. IAT ... IA llUM.9- ""',... ... .. I Cl Orange Ooeet DAIL V PILOT /8aturd•y, May 18, 1912 Siar returns to no-pay role 81 JACKIE HYMAN 'ti I 'Ha•.,._ W'*' LOS ANGELES -An · drew 8teven1' 1r1ndparent1 in Memphil, TeM., havo • hard ttme unden&andlna why lhe 1t.v of the ABC-TV Hrle1 "Code R ed" and the film "Th e1 Soductlon" 11 performln1 In a ~-teat theater -for free. "My IJ'andparenta In Memphll .. y. 'Boy, you're puttlna In 1111 the1e houra for nothing?• " he .. Id with an affectionate 1mlle. He wu on a reheanal break 1n the tiny l o bby o f the CAST-at-the-Circle Theater - hut around the corner from Paramount Pictures Corp. an Hollywood. Stevena U. featured along wi th Maxwell Caulfield (1tar o r "Greue II") ln a revival of the R.C. Sheriff drama, "Journey'• End," a 1tory of aoldlera during World War I. It run1 through June 6 with a J>(*lble two-week extenaJon Well, why ia he performJna for no pay In a theater the size of a living room? "8ecau1e I 'm an actor ," Stevena aaid. "That's what I started o ut doing and unfortunately making a living sometimes get1 an the waL o( Country finalists announced NASHVILLE (AP) - Barbara Mandrell and Marty R obbi ns are finalists f o r seven awards each in the fan-voted Music City New1 country music awards. Miu Mandre ll la a flnall1t tor top female vocall1t, top duet (with George Jones), mualdan oft.be year, single record of/'{h e year tor "I Waa Countr7 When Country Was n t Cool ," best t.elevu11on show, comedy act of the year and top band. beinjl what you •t out to be." Alto, he uld, "in the pa1t In Le» Anaol•, unUJ recent years, th~re'1 &.en very Uttlt theater. AJ.o, my aae wu a fact.or. I mean now there are certainly more rolet available to me than there Wf'~ when I WU 18 and 19," Stevena, who'1 now 26, came to Loi A.fllelee from Memphil In h1a late teena and quickly achieved IUC(,'ftl, ltarrlfll ln the muJtJ.part wlevlaion dramu "The Baatard" and "The Rebels." Hi• credlt1 GRATIS -Andrew StevenJ a l10 include th e film "The la perforrnln~, for free, In the Seduct!J>n ," the TV movie. revival of •Journey's End'' "Miracle on Ice" and "The after gain i ng stardom Jn Oregon Trail," epl1odea of movies and TV "Police Story" and ''The Queet" and hi.a own aeries, ''Code Red.'' the Lo8 Angelet Music Center. Now he'• turning to a Loa Harrilon, who hal earned rave Angelea phenomenon known aa review1, LI a partner In Catalina equity waiver theater, a system Productiona, whu:h la producmg in whfch theaten with fewer "Journey's End " than 100 8eata are allowed to UM! "A wonderful mentor -model union actors at little or no pay, tor me right now la Gregory," generally as a 1howcaae. S t e v e n 1 1 a 1 d . ' • H e h as a Equity waiver production• 1uoeetafuJ TV sertes but he came have 11COred aome major•~ back and ha1 explored a whole recently, moat notably that of other aide of himaelf u Ill\ act.or." "The Haaty Heart," 1tarrlng Stevena aaid several hundred Gregor y Harrison of CBS-TV'a performers audJUoned for the 12 ''Trapper John, M.D." It moved roles. He aald he and Caulfield I a s t m o n l h f r o m t h e colncidenwlly found themselves C AST-at-the -Cir c le to the reading t o g e the r and "I t 2,100-1eat Ahma.NOn Theater of ha ned to have clicked." .--.-.iliiiiilll!lliiiilll-- HIUUfA/lt CO~N ·atOCOOflr 1'141 l"UVANAI • TAliY Tl,,, Ar-Ga.A WELLS • KllUC WAllRf fll DICK /Uf!ID4U. ltOltRT CHAN SOMPOT£ SAfllOS Medal given e for TV movie Jlm Oreeni the r,roducor of tht 1antl-chtld pornography llm, 'The Fallen Ana•l" WH awarded the Yrciedom Foundation'• pre1t11iou1 Oeorgo Wuhlniton Hon or Medal In Newport Brtieh. . Greem, 39, of S tudlo City, accepted the award on behalf ut 0reen-Eb4tteln Production• durtn1 tile annual Boy• Club auction at the Marriott Howl.I "The Fallen An1el" aired lut Ftsbruary and wllJ be 1hown a1aln Tueeday 9 e.m. on CBS. "It'• crea~ till awarenete, ' Green 1ald. "I've received hundrea. of lettel"l." "Fallen Angel" waa aelect.ed to rect-lve the award be<:auae of Ill outatandtna contribution Jn brlnmna about a better undentandlna of America and lta principles of human dignity, according~ to Jackle Heebner, a 1pokeswoman for the foundation. The foundation wu •tarted In 1949 and honon lndlvlduau for their patriotic work In li terature, wlevunon and movies. Green choee to receive the award because hla father, Harold, lives In Cotta Meu and ls active In the Boy1 Club Including flt !11 At l'lll·'I" -lutlunnr I kphum 111--.1 A< l<>k -lknr') liind;i 642-5678 Put a few worda to work for you I ) in the Daily Pilat Robbina ia a finahst for t o p mal e vocalist, musician of the year, top comedy act, album of the year for "The Legend," and lingle of the year for "Teardrops in My H eart." The Marty Robblnl Trio ia a flnallat for vocal gro up of the year and the Robblns band la a finalist for top band The wannera wall be announced June 7 at the Grand Ole Opry House. The two-hour show wlll be televl1ed live over a speclal netwo rk w ith some stations alrlng the pre sentations on a delayed basis. SNEAK PREVIEW TONIGHT Winners are choeen by aubecriben of the Muaic City Newa, a monthly co untry mus ic pub- Ucation In Nashville. Flnallata in the top categories: Female vocallat of the year -Janie Fricke, F.mmylou H.arril, Loretta Lynn, Barbara Mandrell, Anne Murray. Male vocalist of the year -George Jones, Marty Robbin•, T .G . Sheppard, Conwa y Twitty, Don Williama. Moat promiling female voc al11t -Ro1anne Caah, Terri Gibbe, Juice Newton, Sylvia, Shelly Weat. Moat promialng male vocalilt -Johnny Lff, Ronnie McDowell, John Schnelder, T .G . Sheppard, rud<y Sk.agp. AlbWn of the year - "Fancy Free," the Oak Ridge Boy1; ''Feela So Right," Alabama; "Still the Same 01' Me ," George J o nea; "The Legend ," Martv Robbin•. "Yeara Ago,'• the Statler Brothen. Single of the year - "Elvira," the Oak IUdge Boy1; "I Waa Countrl When Country WHn t Cool," Barbara Mandrell; "Still Doin' Time.'' Oeorae Jone1; "Teardrop• In My ~art," Marty Robbins: 1'Tt1ht flUln' Jeant," c.onway Twitty. , ' -.. ......... ~ ................. __ ,,_.....,...,..,__ I ' NOWPLAYINQ ua CITY CllKMA UA Cl•UH fAMllY , ••• Owicie bJA J9 I I Wt,llrllll'ol•I llllJ 0'•411 I t>U111,111 V'llty 111? I l O UA ClllflMA Ctllilll\ 9?A I l?ll .. o , ..... ·~· ""0 Hltl '"'' fftQMlflOlJtl A 1'<11' ~,._,.~I 111' ft ... ...,. ... - NOW PLAYING ltwa!IH IOlllM C:OUI ri&11 lOW• CflllR Cl .. IUI IMC OAlllClf Mill ,,. ,,_, • ., (J 14fJ MIH "'" "'"' "•• ''' ,,Ulf • 'II If...,,. /•;t ., •• UIClllCMI fllOOIUllHI II 10•111oa aaoo11 u ca I I,,,,"'' .... ,, llff•·.lftWt , ..... J (It 41 I OW &IUll • Wl'Oll I ._, • .,__..,~.' fl,H f' t ., •"•"! 111 ti•t1 allOll MllUU IMllU •• CDWUOI IOl*lll• H U lf M .... \1J JOI• t --• # , • ••• "' .................... , .......... --·~ * 8ARQAIN MATIN•••• Mondty thru S1turd1y All Pertorm1nc11 before 5:00 PM (hce,I •• , En11 .. men11 '"' Holld•Y•I 1/l -.,.•WAI·# M,.11 MlrOCIO 0 1 l o aec10"1 LA MIRADA WAllC IN 994·2•00 "DRAGONILAY!R" "YICTO" VICTO"IA" 1•01 (PG) ,, .. , ..... , ,, .... ........ -.... - "" "'C'""' • ..., ec111••••· "WRONG II RIGHT" "CHAl"OTI CW ,.,.. .. 1•01 (R) u. , •••••••• "PO"KY'I " •1 ., .. , ........ J .. .. LAKEWOOD CENTER WAI I< IN "WRONG II RIGHT" (R) •>.M.a:au•ue- ... YOU COUU> HI WMAT I HIAW' (N ) 1:11, ... lkto, 1<10, 16:10 lAkfWOOO CfNTfll SOUlH WAllC IH .. , ACfOll .... A(;,_H ·c. ooui... "<*D'" ,.., ·~ ... -... - "If YOU COUlD HI WHAT I HI.A"" IPQ\ IAfl-, ........... , ... Ji. ................. 'oc111.., OI Conct•••OOCI 211/lll·tllO "l'OAK Y'I " 1•1 ,, .. , ..... , ....... "PARTNERS" (A) ,, ......... "DEATHTRAP" (PG) >:JI ....... . MOti HW , .... . IAl/tulil ) lt 4M •• t M ... , -.CfUlll ..... l<CM.l.Jlft.•f • CHAAIOTI CW ,.,_ .. CN t1't• Ml ••._ .... THI YI.A.A "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" p .... ·-·---·- ,AClllC IMOUIS OlllYf·lll SWA1 MHlS \fUlto tt ... tlltH VOt , ..... , II "A/11011 llVO 01111/t Ill 6 OllAllGf OlllVf 111 •••fl a,. u•u..,, • , ..... , .... , ... l. '"* .. '' .......... ''"'". IM,OIHUf NOTICI ' CHFlOIU• U•OIR 11 flllll ' ....... "" ·-... ~ '" , •. i.i -tWtU,. ... C..• 11 ~ • ,0,,1 A• C.AA l\AOCl J\ •l)tJ Vt,MHi .• "° Atll tu IWJtl) Wfl• """''°" .U.l IW'• lll!l/TOI --Ull •TMLI t•AU (JNP 1 OIWI flt~ Ill! 00. UI MOIO A ... AHl 1~ ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN J1ee"'Of ti OI ~"'Oft II 17t·tHO "lfWYOlJ"C1JUllf"lll AT I .. A"" -"TH! 9UODY HOL.L Y ITORY" (PQ) Ciltl "'°""° 8•JI N" PAI/I BUENA PARK DRIVl IN "CROCODILE" (R) ~ "FORCE: FIVE" (R) (IN( I I loOultO I "CltlQOOUVD .... (PQf -"THE IUPHANT MAN" (PQ) 1 c, ... ,, M)UiHJ "WRONG 18 RIGHT" "'- 1.JllCOlfl .... •et1 ot '"0 " "TUNNEL VISION" (R) 121-4070 hi I'' A I •WI "GOIN' ALL THI WAY"(") LINCOLN OSllVE IN '•f"tC.Oln ...... Welt 04 i M tt 121-4070 "FORBIDDEN WORLD" (R) '' >UN f,\tN 11111mllu"' THI .~~~:.:N" (R) ao~ Ot•e• '"" •• ..... ~"'" ct.o l ....,,. NORMMAN" (PO) ••2·2411 , .... ,, SOpllfO -· .. ;;.~f;.;f' ) "CROCOOll.9" (") ,..... "'O"Cl1 "YI" (") Clltt "IOUllO --.-•• VOU COUt.O Ill WMATIHUlt"IP91 Clfll II IOUttD -'-__ _.;._.:,._ -- -"'"' auoov MOU v ITOAV"tNt Cl#t I< tOulOO /1 11 • t'lo A LA HABRA [)lllVI IN 00~MY'S"1N1 "'Ye "uti' '" MllOCI" ,., , ..... _ '"WRONG II RIGHT" ...... -· -i~ii:2' ,..., -"TUNNIL VtaK>N" (R) lo'-'• I ORANGE OlllVI IN lOfllllO AIWI f,., ...... c-.. 111·7022 ... .. . . ... MISS ION CllllVI IN . . .... --~UlU~l . .,.fWH .... (ft) PM -.oMIDOD WON.D'" (Ill) •'C)RAQONl&.A ftW' .... "THI IL.aPHANT MAN" (PG) · • • • · • • A :trOCINI MA~ '"" Htllt' 1'.l vl1 , ,, " 14 JU WA'1Nl" l•ll•-.11 IN ._ .......... -••fMIL.A- 61UO DI OfM>" .... "DU&.Cll NAY AJAI" -----------------------------~-----Orange Cout DAILY PILOT l81tutday, M1y 15, 1982 Cl rn [ill~~ 0 ~ 0 a rn·~ -"11..,e.~ .... !.{ft ~~11..rt1 ... ~ •••• !.{'.f !~'1..rt1.-.!~ .... l.~ff ~1..,11.~ •••• !.{ff l rl!f!f':o·;;;;J·~ f!~!t.~ ........ !!.ff fH~!~ ........ ~ •RID ., T1•ine9 lflO'# HOf .. •••· 0~ AadnO 1,.11 n.w Aecllner Lary eoy atnt Aound rell•n dl11lng 111 "'"::::-OdM ., .... ,., IDT NIT·fm -• .,_, ti I• I. I.,. 111 • N ° n . Hll4IHOll ... 1'111111 oond Oond. W/Nllet • Ylbf• w/li 0 •11 •b.olt. ••Ivel -----· ---.... .... .... ...... lmoll.,., 24"""" HfCIOfll uMd, COi\ "460 IOI Drown/gold lwNd Chllrt Mew I 11i00 ••• ~ w.nled to ...,., .., --MC1rllloe 12&0 01 le&IO-1100 ntm 6'0-9060 '• 1 Y u 1 • d • I 6 6 O In up&Mlofl & momt IOI HrM• n•ble ~ 764-Mt4. •-... 111·d ....... _ .. __ .. .... 111 .. 220 Of 71()-1ot0 1n1·1 mktO "'"·'/lime, Work ln our fun, CAaual, proflt-mak!na ,, .. , I rellebl•. iood ICHWINN 10 SPO ":n; N';.""'ia'OO,' ~';;,~ 10L•7H AOHwood well a... II f'•ff Ml -wlll ttllln '4t •teo office H a telephone Hle1 promotion "'"Y to •1•11 1°' XLNT CO"'O ••• ,. ........ 1•• ...... unit, plu1 complel• nou a...1.~.I•-1,, ttr•H • 11/• .,,,.,H 1/vv i •lmotplltr• 'or Inlet· " ...., •""" 4 .,..,...., h Id I ...,....,,...,, •••........-•••••••••••• ••• r.................. ---• cfefk for the area'• flne1 new1paru.r vi ew 0 8 11 A llt on 646-Hll I -•• O lurn •hlngi IN-· -·-·-r v ----.Belwlllul f>I" llof8' tol8 I 0'42·3723 ••• '.~~............ lankll'IQ w•nl•d lor Imported Only reluirement la It aood tt'lephonu 64t·U71. IA ... ·llPM ''""'' IOVllHl, only few mo• --- ' --'·-· li.."'a & v·1eki's IE c A I! 1 A" v I plnllo ttyln(I blfd Unique v ·-b... -1th I I r ~nl ,.._,_ M-· n·-1--·-olO '400 840-84H Whll• wrought Iron 2&A36 ..,_ llU l.XICUllVl 1umm1r 1oy C ell 0 -.... "'' uaum. ~ ~-..,.. ra1 -•· #1lt"ll1 #II --·--1W oo<1are11 g1u1 to p tt.-.f•.Jt. "'' ,...,. -.a l11pe111noed l•ecuuve 714/ ... .tolt Office. 60·6& wpm Wege 16/hr •••••••••••••••••••••• Sol• & iov..eet, ~ & 111111, & uphol11111d ••• ";fl7;' •••• ;......... a11m1•a-• •• ' 10 1 l l 0 .._... .......... , .... _ Pro1111lon1J •PPl•fln-UAM&I nu of1wnlt•OUIW!vel "60. chf• 116000 07&.00t2 .. ----ore ery ' · Qentrel lllct. Laguna _,I_ ,,_..,.ta•• ,...,, ce •·II delly Parking Oood Mlectlon te-ti4 i1ln1 conct 96:1·&202 -----"'._ -·-OUlCALL 24 Hf\S ChatlenGlng poeltton re• Hllt1 loo Non 1mo1Cer 1-...... -,... provided Law llrm In fl Ma.II t.i Pec:en Cr.a.nu , 8 .... u. IUll IU llM21l Qulrff alrong com~u"I· Typing & ~llon ..... ..,. W 1.., hll JA• , 11h 10 n 111, n 0 26;6 L ":t apec Res W1oughl 1100 ctln•ll• N I. •OOUI 5· Aiklng It 2& L1111 i v1ll1bl• June ·~~~~~~~~~I cation, organliaUon•I Mille required Cal Greg 8 00 I f k L I 044 7800 AQUn• anyon . l\Mvy black oot9QOll t~. 903-4000 llllh, Call Olcll coie eblllll11 ooocs typ~ •• 781·1011, 2-6PM. $ 4. or lrat weo , then 111are n I · l Lagun• ~ 404-4784 o h t. o 1c 11 o h• I 11 . ------ 114-6411-1112 Prol1111on11 Min so tlho<Vl~•muel. Mon-Fri. partnenhlpu·· rofltAI. Unllorme UnUmlledMeda IOW •• 1n I ~60/080 831-1310 Couc h. LOVHHt, nr k lbt commen1u1a1t wllh ••· _....__ ... • 1"11 & p•rl·tlme ••8" • t • new. llln1 cond Aalllng Yoou•T •HOP t th "' • tHpon• e •1 ....... /I a-..1...1 ....._ I v .. ........ """ " 0 • n • irectlW '10U"9 women 10 p11l11101 Call Lee et au.e..-MJ-llll td, •1.• ~~~~~!a no night•, ell nedwooo 2.0 decking, llk.11 n-, ell wood e piece 1360 ....,-4.,_ butleel 1111110 beech •hue wilettronl "''''· 764-1801 t .O.I!. tor orowlng publlo rtl•· • u .. u ,,...,,., •·20' lono. •leo redwOO<I country dining room"'·,.__ -1 I . IOle ., .. 175,000 7&0·87oe pool. bo11, •lo. In •• OAANGI 00A8T a & L "°"' fllfl\ No SH, typing I leoclng C•M JIM Of Ken Wll 11600, ulllng l800 _,.,'/., • , # -1700 AO•rn•. Cott• eo wpm, lelephorle 1111119. I •nY11m•. 776-1491 8~ 0126 ••••••••••••••••••••• Jenltorlal/houMCIMnln~ ch•n~• lor t ome llght M.-Contee• Monica 811111 ,....... ---1 - -""'Q Chine, 01~ chelf•. ;"9 ~~~'.!J,6000.~.J: " hOUM Hj)lng, OCCH lo 71 41967_2550 Mon thru Perl time Chllel Clll m" SelM leUtf ,... Pelr enlrenoe OO Ofl ..... .,.. •• ,... Old plClur .. & lrlmH ull ,......... ... ,,... • nel 01by11111ng Setuy IU ... r t"' •-. , 1 -...J.a..., a-.. T ..... ,_....... Precllc•lly new 130 Sof• •nO love "" rop II 1 m 8 •ti Sun 2 2 t 1 v1n1, •qulpment • 111 potllb4e Cd 640-1170 Night •hllt 76•·H80 °' rl """"to..,..... horM. 3-4 d1ye •week ~-...-I .., -... ••-·-496·4038 quellly Ov•t1tullect pit lu111n NB I COll lerma 1v1l l &23·7880 11Alf\8TYLl8T deelred lor C .. 1141-4122 ll1rt ...... , We're '"king IO bullet '1 Set OI Werdrobe dOOtl low Mull MMI I --- •112·7394, 492.U64 O!fa~~O~~ bu1y Belboe ltlend H · PerHlme utembler. rnln Tne Pennyuver 11 •C· lcibor pool ol Qu•llll•Cll Pr1c11c1lly new S211 893·3770 M"ll'~.~ .s~~1m1 Haneon ANlty " ...,.... 8Mu1y Belon Ion 873-4013 30 hr wk Wiii treln In· cepllng epplloatlona for grephlc 1.rt1 pertoontl '°' 496 40:18 ---" Commtrc Div 74&-3449 Rent tp.ce '411 • ..-. relephOn• Sollcttor1, P/ on-cell work In the p11 ' P1110 Fur111tur1, old but MOVINOtl tt~• Include f1n1I 1410 busy H 8 a..uty Salon, UllWUI l&Lll quire 845•49t8 btwn lime Hr1 Tu.e thru fr1. 1 p1111 '''' At l•HI one u1eo lumber . 1u1 u . eturcty lrom 1per1m1n1 motorcycle (160 Honoe g~~~1;,1::\:0~~~";~~ p~~·A~"2'1~;·j'1ic"k;t •ttt nHCll 1om1 fotlowlng Full time. hp. pref'd. 9·llAM. 9AM·12 Noon Apply In yHr'a ••P4Hleooe In lype·1 oood cona. over 13001 complex 15 l<>vnget $10 C~J rv Oriti P'Mf Diego COUttfy. xlnl repu 5131 worth up to 12700• 842:4&48 •II« 6 Crown HerClware, 3107 per1on 1880 Ple~nll•. 1tlllng, pull up. Cllll4lf• w or I h , I 1 O O c 11 h u ch 16 cn11r1 Ir> 11ch, TV o•m•. 11111ctH blcy· tetlon. equlpm lncld Cen $300/080 e7~u4o E Coal t+#y, CdM PUT TIMI c M operetl01'1 Ot ~111ern1klrlO 499·62.U buy 1 01 •II 645-3381 cte H Wlng macn1111. b • •b•tntee o wner IUm ....... / .... •~....__ 8-lpm Expanding youth i,'.,',..c..111b .. lery10 wouotmkuo''nb41•1 ,.,.,,,,I 01n1ng Set TV teDIH & •nt1quu 1111uwar• st 10,000. T11m1 fU FH flllll --..&..•~ ..... __ -:ounMlllng nrm hea op9• I "' Olhet mllC llem• oun• tOOI• ind olhe•. We have Ptn Am 2 IOf 1 ..,.,.,,._ -E11p1r11noe p11lerr1C1. ilngt for 3-6 1herp oul· Selet auballlull or c111.1n b•ll• L•/-1al 1030 ) 1171•8012 l\ouaeh<>l<I llem1. etc. ., • .., It S,.,a SOZI P, 1•e1. g 0 0 ct . 111 Loolllng 10 •<Id to our Full/time. Apply In per. ~olng metu11 people lo S•lery <1epen<11 on ••Pl· I ••• ";1.;<lO.••••••• ••••• _ ___ _ S•I• SAT/SUN MAY 1:>1h •••••'•••••••••••••••• 5131182 Sl60 831•0130 11111 l11hlon oriented eon Ben Brown'• AH· Mllvell ambttloU• 10·13 ,.,_.. .... ..... t11nce Contect Pe11on 36MM KOWA CM.AER" 2 M11c:hln11 Lem1>• the & 161h 11 2!>86 Senle 2nd TD'1-compet. relH , PfOf~1l1 11u11n1, 31 108 Cool fr 01<11 Cell 2-Spm nel, Wllh Flethl65 p elr 135 B1 1n<1 n•w "n•"ve CM __ _ U0.000-1100.000 fully gal 1 •Several A1ll1tan1e Hwy, So. Lagune 542-432 t. ••I 343 "•k C 111 u • • b o,u t 1 h e I "; O.att I ~393 848-4293___ __ Oeteg• ule, b.,glln• emortl. Olhef 2nd'• 10 $I ••• r.!f'!I!!!........... •I 8hamp00 Qlrt -tor Andrea. out•llnctlng Cl ,., op· 1-• a&f t ~ fO 2 End T1ble1160 lor both I rurn11ure. women• ''' mllllon Prln only Brenl. J1j1 W••'" 101e • t Mattlcurl1I -·-por1unltl•• .. •n 11\IU• 330.. en • .,•s. :'."A~................. Brend new 840-42113 hlOll&ble r.lolhOI, nl!IC 963·281 '· agl IOf . ••••••••••••••••••••~: •I M..-iM B•niu•I Meneger ne•· re~ A~I Trelnlng wrn , S"r1nger Spaniel. AKC M ___ 5411 onl Me 151h lrom llWIO UYIMS Young marrltd men would •I Mekeup Afllll d•<I or luxury l1gun1 not 1n1111111 wlln your I E C~~ M~ ply uvr & wnt Sholl & wor· Room a1111d1r wllh gteu 10 111 4 Y 916~ Werlllld ~:n~:ii~~: .·::r~t~ ·~i:n~~ll~uelett• Seton ~::iro~:~~14f7~~~~~'. Pll PUT T1lll l)f~I employmenl "" qu• eez m -' I me<J S200 4118-711511 :~:~~2·9~5 Brend new I H B ( M. 0nOl11 " !!!!!T.!!~!'!!!. .. !.~~~ o r he nctym en j o b• Newpor1 Cenler Or, N 8 E O.E fllptrlencect p11ferred 983-45t8 Vehlcl• Operelor. Dl•l·A· Pet Owne11 We pl1c• I --vor_•1_o_w_n.;..1 ___ _ W"NTED 5200,000 Ill 972-9525 1ve1, Hk tor limited On·th•·IOC> tr•I· Ride. Saoctlebecll V•ll~ your pet while you VICI· hble wrought 1r<>r1. 111u1 G111ge Ult! moving TD on cuuom Bel 1111 8111 le..tY .... ..., HouMbo)' to work lnalcte nlng 24 hour1 weekly S1l11-Herctw1re, lull Um• 810 18 wl•lnl driving Uon no C'llff 964·11228 top. 47x3 I .~ c111l1t Ml 11.,,60 TV amaM gltl'I 2 home. Value $600,000 ~ Wlnlld for 6u1~ ulon :~ ~:.~0 4::~.~~;•v• Fle•lble h04Jrt SorM S.t· ~~~~'!0nn'o·1:~~:~d~·~~ 11coro Starting $4 hr Fem Pooelle 11111.,, AKC 'IOO 644• t604 wltl blkl P•llO ... llC. 676-117117 •• ,,. w .. 1" TIOG 493-055 ur<l•Y• Cell 042·432 t 111en1;1g1 SH srevt E 0 E 830-81111 btwn I I 100 5 11'1 0. Bu. A ol 11n0 h. f Cll b In et. 9 JO em IQ '30 prn Set FINOEAS/INVESTORS -....~~;:;.-.·;,:·1"uii~'h-:ri·:. Block mHon .... p l or Fl~i?~~:.cw,~~~~wn A091tT\aty lorepp1. H w Wrig ht Co 128 10-11AM 845-2420,rH Q62-017~ 36.c18x30,greenlacquer, !:1115 40 Cedl! TretL11 $10,000-StOO.OOO +for p1rl llmt, ••Pl' prefer· compeny In El Toro.,.. t11n1 Exp'd 540--0857 ....... ~~ RochMt.,, C M WAITIW/W&ITll M <C Oolcten Relrtevtr SIOO CCIM 644 1604 Irvine Univ Pl< - locel r1alden1111 TD'• red. tt1tlrect person. Mr Mu•• b • • • P w I 330~te:.' St. 8,, .. lntefnetlonal Menu· OOOCI wege1, ,.0 tip• C•ll l puppy, mill. Sl25 Etogere 01111 anetvu CS10111e5a. 1ur~ 0003<11~18 MP e<w. L lo V R•1urn Munro 714/87S.J.483 :.,<>~~ct95111~~1r,et•lnlng 11111111111 COii• ~ lecturer 01 computer· 973.7730 '°' eppt. 546-7684 open 4 1ld11. 35~19x77 11/ un 4 ' 3.4 •bove prime C1ll Family IOOldng tor lull blM<I lnCIOOf 11, quallly 1 1 S $100 CCIM 644 1804 j Country Club Or C M 0. n n I• 0 n & A .. 0 c .... WT I • 8 ookk .. per. FIT. pre I llmt !Ive In Of out hlkkpr An Equ:I oegtr emp:yr I I I ' .... PllllSSlll I 'h yHr old •m• • • w.;;;;-~I 7 lf'elf T 0 0 I. h Q u ,-;;a, .. 873-7311 Mu11 hive 5 yr1' exper Interior <IHlgn or archl· Some youth chllel cue m~nb:l~I~ :::/ ::1.:7n Exp Cl EXXON'S · OYX mSl~~•!'._.3w1t1h2p•per1 ... 1 7 b i. m 1c s 1 roe •• ,,,.,,,, ,,.,, e• no w c I w • llCIUlll b•Ckgrounct. ' Plll11ll Cellf S•IH Englna111 ~ CCIM 8-44-1804 9 4 I t4' v1e1or1a Pl•Cfl Cl 'I /c .. o· hll Mu11 bt lnt1r1111d •n • • ... •• Or<11;J,roce11lng & ""' ~ •22 < ,. iox 1 while S20 ! 00 ' 1 • u 'f working for unuauelly Call tor eppt. e73-e522 gourmet health lood Cimere/pleletoom ... neecti<I 10 otablleh & phon" I ne turn mlr Oolct•n Relrlever Al<C -c; M ~I SOJS ctemanolng IUPf'V, MBA cook ing •nd heve own elitenl Mon (JPM 10 Htvlce dHlellhlp net· C1ll EH 540-8894 puppy Ch1mplon line K1ng -11ze beet, complele -- ••••• ••••••••••••••••• &/or know ln11e1tm•nl .... IE£PEl/s.fry trenlP()(11tlon No '-llY epprox 8PM), T~ (2PM work , d•gtll helpful. .. ,_&._•,IH 8hol1 Home r•IHd Ill wlheadboerd & be<)ding, Spnug Cla1n1ng1 Furn WIDOW H'°'S $.$$lot TD'1 1 meth & Eng A'I , l)fovert Skl -r menuf. nd1tak1 cleenlng, non 1moker. I 8PM) F E I ga hi tor ho Id • .. -let 1175 CdM 644-1604 mulleal oqulp 70 Doo RE Loan•. IOK Up No 1b111 t y t o ma k • cherge peraon 10 run rel• roq. 873·91~ NB 0 approi1 · rl ern n 1 Y 1 u •••••••••••••••••••••• 83t·8g84 o• gOO<J•e& g•IOre Sal Crao11 Check. NO Pen-commlllmenl/ move up imell olllce Peyroll, ---'-------(9·5PM ). 811 (ll-5PMJ be In the S30-150.000 bll .. 11 1#1 I Trundle-type high 111er' 9 ~ 8 Maedow1wee1. tr I lly Denniaon Anoe INSURANCE Wiii work verllc11 com-11nge C ell for eppt •••• 11.•••••••••••••••• FrM kittMI pop-up bed1, complete. vitoe (Univ p1q 673•7311 repldly: be e•oep brlghl. eome cornputet, eocntg FOS hH opening In,.. merclel cemefl Know-4113-3638 96C>-ll302 •ft 6 PM p11r $60 COM 644-1604 ----quick learn.,, well rMCI, CeH 642-11861 Simone newel d41pl for pereon 10 ledge o r PMT prooeu S ES WESTMINSTER ---Furniture ref11g c.lothe• Wiii buy smell, &hort. high well roundeo. energellc, quol• & followup on r•· nelplul E•c•ll lot col-AL ABBEY I 5 Ori.n111 T.ak b11 S300 Pk.11 lots mo1e Sal/Sun ylelct TD'• p,.11 p erty pol 1hlnklng profeulo· ... IUPEll newll• Aulo r1tlng 01 leg• tluctanta with rel•· S 111 E I "NTIOUE M"LL WIH HI THRIU I t 19 Vt• O rvlelo, N B I 9 .4 94 17 Line1 Clrclfl 41111-4820 nel, non •molltr Ellcep PIT, 2 hn In AM. 3-4 dye underwriting lllP prelet· 1,0 cluua Apply In 1 17 5 I O •rden We11 • ""9U 675-71118 He cornp ptoi bin Reply In pr WM6' MUSI have •llP red Si tu " commeniu· pereon 1880 Pl1cent11 IUC"S minatcw Ave SIFA 1r• •••• l&TTlf• conllctanee ln cuhbllenc41tt..ll.& 11t1w/uP.r.C1llRon· ,...,.,C M " OARDENOROVE 1 "1(C11 •0~·~~"!! ... •xl1"', UJ lge 111e SAT / SUN Mtf1&llt 0.. IH. COLLINS ASSOC bHIC bookk .. plng Ap· nle, 5411_8900 START HERE 55't-8l03 t>ree<J ng, " .... , ....., n Full &1ze Like new S200 C3mp1ng equ1pm1 0111 SpecteJ!zlno In 111 & 2nd 587 S.n Nlcolu Dr. ply In perion. Mon-Fri. ---------~~~~~~~~~ w11chctog1 but 1ll1c110· I ~ 494·21 t3 tbl molorcyc.le. blk .. TD'• ilnce 1949 Newp0r1 Beectl, 92ee<> 2-4PM Reuben'• N•w· .a&llTllW. aorT/nPllT Chai I n•te ' .. 38)(7?" t>eveleO I Enduro-cen In tt lley Robt Slllllf NH/CM porl 251 Peclllc COHt Dependlbl• hu1b1nd & wlll UH IBM S•l•ctrlc Ae-c:I~~ 121-1212 ;op COllH l•DI• I~;~ _2113 Huntlnglon ~I HA Th• LOI Angelo TlmH clrculetlon d41pl current· I')' hH pollllonl open In A.E Broker 8CI Aeell0f1 llllll/llllnUY Hwy, NB Wiit team & tlngle route end Savin word proc••· 8-45· 1446 36 · 1n11qu1 rouno 0 1k 2111 IUH( 11111 '°'' 1 flelct 11p11-842-2171 545-0811 E•celtent opportunity for CASHl-=R & "o aewerH peraon lor grow ing 101. Mull heve 3-6 yr1 I' tn .. ___ .. 12M Golden Retriever/ Wh1t•1 drop IHI llble lt95 I Colfter 2 let Co11a 1en1111111, you'll eern hlOh powereo lndlvlctuel "' •• u rnelntenance oornpeny •ll?' FuK Umt M thtu F -• ' Shepherd pup wt th Duncan Phyfe llble & 6 Mue Furn11ur e.m1ac. h••••tt•l•ll/ with top 1111111 Typing H iii. I/time Apply In Top p 1y Exp11l1nc1 Cell M·F 10em 10 2pm &45·1446 lholl S15 648-3732 <:hn w/3 luvu $950 llem 1 13 18 m111u 1 Soe 80wpm S/H aowprn MUii p111on C rown He•d· prel 631..0723 1tt tOem only 714/559-1705 I-"--&---.. I Whit• Shephtrd/golden Conn Trombone S90. Dlmet·A·Llne for more h04Jrty wege & oeneroo• eomm1 11lon1 H re 4-0PM For lnlorm111on 11111•111/ be •og'reilve. Mii ,·,, .. ~ were, 3 107 E Co••I -·...-..--•....-• upright 111cuum S35 1 s s cell 714·957-2381. 0 1 Wll I l1e•I end •bl• lo uaume ;~;. Hwy, CdM .MlfTH llPTlnPISl Prl1111i perty Sat & Sun Aer11ever puppy with 1 642-4610 . ~n o~un __ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• pont lblllty Congenial CHILD CARE -Twtni 2 Yfl Pert lime <l•Y•. Dine Age no b•trler for p/ only 11·8 . t7711 Olenney-1h01I S15 646-3732 --I Set/Sun 10 4 s.15 & S-16 ~-SJ-Point Ate&. Call time 10 key 111111 end r e , L '1un1 Be 1 ch AKC Coc:lllf Spenlel pu"-l'ormel dlrllng rm It Pe-111 Lr llle River Circle 1Uaeut1•1•l1 vv Newpart B11ch comrntr· olo , my home Cell •It 11117-0780 """"'-m.,,,_,..,.. ......... 49•·199 pl•• bull m 1lt1 S17~ can llble w/3 1.,.ve• 6 1Spyol•n1 Corona del 1204 I •••• •••••••••••••••••• ctaJ brokerage off~. SPM Donna Me-•M2 t""'""".... -. ...,,..,,,.., . • o1 c. n, a but re t s 7 o o Mer Need McDoneld Slampa. llvt ·ln l ot child c.111 & In pereon, 1537 MonrO'lle v1ctor11n bone hanoled 847·3959 Weterbed qn u 6 mo. _ WD VPl'Mlnomlnll ~~~ 873~~77~~.5ex~~j!>O C<>nlecl Peggy ...... 18'1f'rlt.tr h04JMkeeplng 844·4817 Ave. l<IB No pl\ooe callt fruit .. t C11c1 t888 w/' 4 lebr•dor Pup•. 6 wlu I old, like.nu w/llnens Bu•IC11n11 Supplies gu ..... ., 833-2900 Glrl1' Club of Legune. teeve meeaaQI caN 1550. S45-11682 old 3 bllck 1 brown 5350 ~51-080 t g1111 claw foot tut.I m11w. I O ppl 'y , both M IF, I letrllOfY·bMOn Clll .. llC *s" • ._&l evell June 17 s.tf ,,.,. ----~----a' --------S•I 9.3 637 W Wolaon 1111• let E.l(perlencect with ... (l /f) llll1nlltlT v1c.1or11n Peerl h1no11a reg llblH dlilemp Be1u1 6 pc; aec 11on11 c M " IUllll* Anewellng 11rvlc • lllt· Chll<lren 25'hhrtlweell. Experi.nc.c:i Of wfu lrlln Newport Center Lew lltn .. , Circe 1908 W/ 1no11 646-t4311 (4·8pml sol• bllg•. se oo I ---- 714-41111-2351 1815 So El Cemlno R .. I. ~~f;e ,:g·~~~~';, ·~:rd Mon ·Thu re ti ·4, Fri Good pey 842-3030 Firm Light typing Ope· cue $400. 545-11662 Do1>1tm1n Puppi.a, pur ... I 661-6228 or 720· 1090 '°'P11 n':!e ra1~_9•11& Ii. o&vecne San Clemente 492-7298 p M tOJ0.-;1 494-7830 nlng June t Cell for Tuelot & Stuart OlaHWer• bruo 7 wk1 old Blkl ----, • 111 ..... •...,. n SCTIY /llCUT. Typing 65 s· good w/ nurnt>et1. . '°'PC>lk:a· Full lie 1pply 8AM-4s Ms ocn-UllMI appl 965-2411 I 0 3 pc I s 2 7 5 0 . 0 h Rutt or Red/Rull $75 I/ In II g e Tr •• 0 ' LI' e bin el otht r mlK goo Fri 382 3rd I . te , Cltrk-Typl al Smell Co Food eervlce, 111111 545-9662 493.2752 Ollenlel rUQ 8•18 S125 dies 342 62nd St N 8 tlone eccepl Wed 51111 101m to 4prn 1834 c W.I I leu' SJIO _L_•_,o;...u_n_•_Beach_____ """h gooct b1Mflt1. Petm tekl-out. Contt!C1 mgr of f\ECEPTIONIST-Generel 538-7588 12·2 Set only 10·_4 __ _ e>nrn1 Wey, CM . ... ,.................. l&IYllTTD =t ~ 45 ~ E/l:Z OPlf'ltlon• 11337 Leurel ofo, Newport Beh tlrm. Engllth Porcel1ln dlnn11-frH I• Fee "'45 Old Tiger O•k ut o l 4 Prt1 moving iate Good ...,..uon con Cenyon Blvd . Pecolm•. c 0 n 1•c 1 L 0 u D • 1 • 'f wi19 _... .. t2, Ayn.a.y ••• ••••••••••••••••••• a,• we r I 11 e • S 9 5 O atulf 511 9.3 1626 Mer M)'E/••~ci:/~.~96~ef1 Clef'tr&ln.~IOfAnn C e 91331 (2lJ) 8-42.0SOO go1aon whl t 42pc1 21111 11n1 ne1<1good 538-7588 22 SEAMSTRESSES wented . McKlbbln 81llmall1r1. FOUND ADS ARE FREE C M 979-1483 ...,. ""' 642-11383 983-198e RECEPTIONIST S2500, 545-9682 hom11. 7wk1 bOIC tral-. betwn t ·--guer111 IB•yv1ew '°'Pl& needed lor lniurenct neO 544·3158 eft 4pm Old 1w1ve1 oeak chair C.~~ Me_r __ _ Cal: Bebyllltler ~ In Ml .. •Ion Viejo tr•• lor 1' A•phelt pevlng H llM•· month old girt. 4 10 5 lor Eeteb Oreng• Co. nlgtlta Pit..-~1 be Pevlng co 11eklng U · rell•bl• end heve rel•· jie1lenced lndl11 tor 11- ..... &L""' Npl Bcfl. Some ootlege & mldlc&I bk gr Cl pref. Mull type 76wprll. 7611-1833 FURNITURE SALE Clu n 135 Cell betwn1 MUl Tl FAMIL Y S'°'lE b roktreg• llrm In Npt Oak OtMNr• 1360 2 grown c111 net lovtng 12•2 538•7588 Anliquet & tollecllble• Bch Outlu Include Oek Sloeboar<I• $475 home Aird m•IH Tral t~ an.-1ng tnCI C•rvtd benctl S2~ ned 759-198t, 846-0072 Beeut1ful T'Olf oel< Ofnete lg Hlecllon 2406 Holly tight typing. For eppt. c:.11 Olk Aotltop ,...__k 1900 <11n1ng tibia 1700 C1ll Litne Npt Hit S'°'t 9.f> .()! ..,_ FREE Tiki tiul, UH lot SUN 9 4 714/044· 522 Oak H&ll Ti .. $400 B•lh Houll or Slot1gt betwn 12·2. 538-7586 • _ suanuY ''"-Ault11n1 lo merketlng director ~ e..cn lrnmeo. opening for Ille rig ht rr.•raon C t tl IOI app1 112.oes1 M2-Hll r•nc11 No •mokl"O or 11m11lno 1n<1 ul•• of Nenny/Hakpr, 1 ctlltdren. dri nking on Joi> Wiii pevlng contract• Sel.,-f Mutt Clr1¥e a e..nm Non· conll<* ~ °' NII time anct/or COll'lmlMlont p4\M 1 mo k • r . d r I n k • f ...... I S.., I ll.,._ln l>4HWlllll 3 yr1 min. •llPf 875-9408 T""90'ary potlllon open A c c •••or y H ou• e . Sh4MI 71•·964·89H Free-sllndlng, tebl•·tlze Ttaller Molorcyc1e We' 18tll5·A Jecoblen MlrrOf St!> Clll su1a c101ne1 Suri E McDurmotl Or lrvlne Beeutltul 2 yr Old IP•~ j betwn 12•2 538•7581'.1 board Ett 24;> t Elden llOUT&CY Someone who ooun·1 968-1822 S•llSun t0·4 rem ell l •n<llorct won t S111Sun 9 'J -----allow Cell 548-8250 Suede/chrome couch.I ---6 plenk p ine b lanke t <11et.lorg Hetculon plllOW• Mite lurnllure & clolhn cnn1. $260 Free mete blk lab lo good 175 538•75u !:.>·<' All 111m1 mull oo S111 mind WOtklng fOf • IMng. FUI-wlthOUI Ulllng, If you're worth II 3 glr1 Of· Lott mix breed Clog n•· 1 Cell 859-8087· leeve req CtH 548-2251 blwn lmmt dl&lllY In RHlllJ· meo ''POOH" HH llgt _~ __ eoe.;;,_.;..pie. __ .. ___ 7em & 2pm lor eppl ....., ,....... renl o..IQn Firm for IP- Rewerd 962 8523 ,.... to Clo et ode Ing tlllp with P'O• 0 to 8 _..,,Hoon! 85 t -8228 Of 720-1090 home, 8 mo Old ver Y, ---Sun 9.5 838 t lomon(I good w/chlldren. dOM 1 GE Coffee !Ible with "Ml 1 Dr H B 536 8500 11115 wlcktr dlnl"orm Ible few t11ci.1 No p11pere FM 1rn1bl & 1pk11 S20 ----with oek top 1e1ve1 end I 675·5567 !.38-7586 bel l2·2 C.1r1ge Sale Sat/Sun flee E•r., or trelnee 8-42-923 Seont~ PIT · 1 Clll/lt Wklf. we11t1no Full time w.-8 AM to 5 PM Pieue caM Found· yellow F Lit>, 181h e•cK STREET '°' bolrd and cer• 3 or <11y1. lnltrVlew by •pp't Ctllf'y1 .. Ofange County & S1n11 "n•. C ~ n 4 ct•Y• wk. 24 hr d•y o nly Tua• thru Fri Ruteur•nl Serv•cu 631-1164, 642-303e netel• Niii perlOl\I, Cl · '60. 548-0705 8-4t>-7441 2801 Delmler St S1nl1 milch Ch81ft s I 200 -------I 7•'H App11ech1an F v 845·59 18 M1l1 blk c11 •II ahou '.:eoer-llned nope cne.t In 1c.nr Euclid ti Sl•lerl 8 45· I PM hone• end heavy typing 50 WPM 16 Found M•le Shellie VIC thlarl wttn menegernenl LLOYD'• NURSERY An• 71 ~1 -6732 Vlctor11 nr P1clllc. CM I ambition i nd cep•blll· COOKS & Hoel-Exp SPO SIB E O I 11<1ull1 preferred Cell m1hog1ny S50 Cell bet ---Ant1cwe henct carved 01 -979.0919 I 12.2 536•7566 Huge 3 f'am11y Gerage & per hr plu• meolcel 752-0686 "" prel'ct bul nol nee Full IRSUY SAW RE N L w M"N 642"8886 Newport Beech end L• °' pttlme Salary <ltpen· Looking for n111. entr· ~00~ ,'::: ~~~~~~' Found Fem lhephard mix H1brt 11orH Stu llng ding on exper. 642-888l getlc pereon 10 grow with Live In, 5 <l•Y• week blk/tan Reel coller Bel· rete $5.!>0 hr & up plua COSTUME PARTS tor 1 wetl Mlb Co Minimum 548-0795 boe l•l•nd 875-5005 1ncanllvH to e11pr'CI go· young outgoing people I yr ret8'1 nurt«y e.rtper iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Secretery • wlll 111111 m11k1t1n g V P In n1no lbl rrom Garm1ny, 4 yero ule F r11Se1/Sun ch11 1650 640.7420 Blond Cock1poo Clog 4 Very lergt fOfmlca welnut 20•02 Bayview Ave SA Y" old, neutereo. good otttGe cti.91 S50 Call bet Hg 1 • 1e1 ck 0ey1 A/JJ/••tfl 10101 w/chlld1en 842-0581 12·2 538-7586 5•0 3t04 St•dtng m1rro1 • •HAABOR.AREA•••• 1 Fr .. to you p•rt leb blk Ame<ICen Martln1vllle dln1 000,., new merble llnkt. c041ecllng/ •nllyllt Wiii hm. 673-4017 gett111 FuH end pltlme. unoer ~'3" Flex hra. Cell req'd Full Time S11nlng Lott I rem blk w111n Col· 8u1lneu minded . we 751·3247 "' 1900 to 1 1100 per Afllaurenl Ile m111, t mele blk poodle welcome you • '° come ---------mo Pct H~YI & V~ m i x 4/28 H•rbor Vu ~~ u~•Y tend rH umH More lnmlloea ,.,. g~lllng H0tpltl l In• 1vall Inlet· Hmes. R-arc184•·•484 or ipply In pereon 10 the comping bug this ~'::'ub~~~,4~7 !~ oerrorm verloua Ind•· penctenl project• u et· '°'PPLIANCE SERVICE puppy Femele se1.8 ch1lr1113000 BO c1tpen1era auppllo . Wiii& *DUIGUT* ''&:'Cl Gooo 1yp1n g Iii req'ct Plue eblllly to work w/Ute aupervl1lon. We NII reoOf\O ~t 548-11597 MUST SELL 855-8827 <1001t II 1creent. m1n1 1pp11 noee ~Q-3077 c101ne1 1ge women• • To good hOmt 3 yr old M Double b•<I. n111at1nd c101 he1 a m ell lu.,; Retrig. 1225. W11h11, York•• N1e<11 people dresser m1rro1, boottc•M1 books. dlahes. 1oy1 Dryer, DllhWHhU 1125 An 8, 551-1287 $250 M UST S ELL w --,-II --, on .. 848-5848 855-8827 •c•er urn ure r S•'"lo n1got11bl• 17 1-47 IOf appl Loll Cocketltl, yellow Beck Slr111 utcutlve year 11 Y~ have 1 cam· LLOYD'S NURSERY Vic 81ypo<t/HOll01y Rd Olllcu . 8~5 "B" St. pei lh•I. nol glltlng New 24 hr coif.-ahoc> I NB Rewuct 548-0487 Tuelln 92680 T411ephont used 5111 11 now with 1 H111e aomelhlng 10 tell? bar opening June I Founct: 518 Derll grey pl-call• .,, • "no "°" ~led A_ct _____ , Cl11tlfled 1<11 Clo II well ¥= :'8~~ 1111 1eg #etlf•Jfl, 1,.11 ""'' .,, . .,.,,.,.,, ,,.,, . .,.,,,,,., ,,.,, "-" HJI l>H41 I0'1 Fo und M oney c llp Ao· ger'• Gardena parking lot Identify 553-1273 Founo Clog M Hullly type, Olffleld & Bultlet<I, H B , Thur1. 5113. 982·1721 LOST ParellM1 lett Tuet 1 llh. REW'°'RD 962-51134 --------~· LOii PARAKEET Blue/ wht, E'11de CM nr Sanll An• Ave 548-5747 Found: Blllcil ~ Female Tua• M1y ttth 548-96117 Found B•••nJI Club w l 1he1 to pl1 c 1 YO berklet• Clog th•I yoctel1 898-3828 ,,,,..,,, fJH • ·auAl.iiY. MASSAGE •• ProfMelonll Swecllth llyte, VIP lrMlmenl I0-8PM 648-2817 What it means fur ?PUT ad W be~Wd" ~ ".AL'\.. I~~ large audience 0 ................ ___ .. _ ----11 ............ ...,.... ......... .. ..., ... eteaaffte.d .... 142·1111 •..••.....••.....••••• ...•..•...........••••...•.................. CONSIDERING? * HOME IMPROVEMENTS *CONSOLIDATE DEBTS *VACATION * INVESTMENTS * PURCHASING A CAR YOU CAN BORROW FROM $5,000 TQ $125,000 ON THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME AND TAKE 5 OR 15 YEARS TO PAY US BACK EXCELLENT TERMS I RATES COMPARE BY CALLING LOAN DEPARTMENT 835-3333 I L.IKm,.. Tll IUT.-. . ..... •htt11111/lleatl ........ ........ e ........ ....... .,. e ....... ,. •Oeettlill W8"'t11tt llm?Ul Ful P•C•d PA Dept/ lrvlne Ad Agency IMk• enthUllUUc perlOI\ with ex.cellent typing. g11m- mer & proofing 1klll1 9711-7000. t 1n UPU&IOU L" 957-8133 Whlrlpool Olahwuher 100 )(Int Conct 842·11348 Free klll•n• 3 11r1pe I br11s double beO Clo· b 1 k . b o 11 Ir• I n e d Nl1ger• Aolleuo• chelr thee end m11e 390 Sente 1184-3809 10 mo'1 Old 11111 ntw, IMbtl, Colle Meae l•nlte11 I0$0 ~~~~-~':1:.7~ ---siT t-1 -• ••••• • ••••• •••• • • •••• aee O•mea • .11na 3007 KINO INNERSPRING EX.· SelltngrelrlgS100, 7pteoel Clubhoui • Cir Me11 TAA Flf\M mallr ... ltl, ltv rm H I $600. quetn veroe Slllfrlll/UIC. II OUTIU WUID ~UNO. worth n30. llU m•ll 185. 7 piece ------- Flnanc:Jel tn1191tmenl firm 1100 CCIM 844-1804 H C U•8 d•I Nev11 PlllO M1 I~. BBO S35 COIOI TV «*• <11-•. 1 0 1 u11dqu1en11,wor1h Oth1 rm11cll e m 1 1helve1.1011 olore11 o t 1 u c 1 or 1 Adrnlrel SIS Refrlg 10 elf 131111, CHh only. $2 18 831· 11511 1tuttl Salt2 8 Sun 10·!> ::P~:~n::~:i" •Int cond 1 245 : d •I. U1u1lly home, wt-i. -._ ... _ •-21 117 Rurtl Ln Co1t1 typing 11'\d $/H required. 840.7908 7M·7350 WIVatr --........ MIN Execullv• 11011t1rl1I flee. Clbl oven/r•nge. 11· **I BtJY* * S1M. 142~121 _A_N_T-IO_U_E_S_T_b_l_a.-cnr1 ea p r 1 mull Non -mo net white, 1 200 King 11ie wevelH• wiler auk Schw1n 10 •Pd. •mo k • 1 pre I C 1 II 851-t228 or 720-1090 Good u1td Furniture & bid with hHt•r I 135 B•hne 1Urfooard, boot11. COMPETITIVE WAGES 84().-0123 Ill Cubic ft "'Pf'lght froel· '°'ppttencee-OA 1 wit! Mil 8-42-4121 r1corC11, loy1, looll. & ALL SHIFTS OPEN Securtty Ir .. lre.zet '200. MUST or SElL IOI Vou mor• 1827 PIM SI . S•t AP91YaWfAii .. 4prn, 1331 E Kelelle An.netm (A ... IOI Don Melton) Equal Oppty Employer SELL. 8&&-4827 1111---. ·-Beautiful Ilk• n.-8' cOUCfl only 11-4 H 8 980-4807 PATROL -·-• ... ,.... n1vy blut floral ctee1gn1. • llYD Sii MMIH HJ.Mii 10011 cu1hlon1 $325 GAR,..QE SAl E S1t1Sun 220V CdM ...._.1804 497-5085 2587 Columble. C M ..... lleta .... I "' ~ Gl .... NT OAAAOE SALE Motorcyge & more Nlghlt onty, 7PM lo llAM. ~·'°' freeur. Gold L• 9117-4133 Furnllure, •nllq~ & loll 810 SALE -Set/Sun 9~4 MVtt be 211 or OV« with $75. CeH 873-4228 Mrly I o k d It h 1 1 Od driving record Pr1-mornlng/..,.,,lng. N-fult·llU meur ... Ml. ol m11c All cheap & •II • " c r • •v• ore, 180 New queen 1111, mu11 go S•• DlmH·•· tm 1ppU1noe1, 1oye, ck>-mlum P•Y l or llc•nHCI Relrlg/F rzr for 1111 Al-s 100 760-5t32 llnt ed Set & Sun 2034 llln, •le 840·8020 2200 ~t M!lny benefit• monct color I.II• mctl Mlramer D1lve . B•lbo• Pon Durneu, N 8 A•IMll'ant ............. 1160 541--0467 I uphl ~ rQCker c:tlelt Penn Point M 0 ¥4NO SALE •olu, Hoel ..... & &liboYI tllfJ......, Rtf~1tor, 1/1, 24 ov fl. ~1U:O: o ld . I l &O l1S-3070 b e~. teble, odd1 'n Now ~ting applice· 10347 l.OI AlemltOI Bl. I VOO•CIO. )Cini cond 3 Piece Mt. 71t eo••. me•· Inda. knlcil knaclla Seti tlone. •PPIY fn pereon l.oe AllrnllOI 646"°289 11 ' Ven H1rnert Couch. chlng cnelr 1 1110-ouo-Sun 8·5 ~5~1 Glen11one, blw" 3·6, The Corntr 714·827·2020 belgt f10f'•I, l•lrlylood man, wine clrc• 1940. H 8 Stone C• 3000 lk1etol .. ~ __ .. .__ Woller. coin opereted cond. 178. 417-4M good condition 1 100 .1--------- 8 ,._ .:,,___ ,._ .......,ng .. _. ..... C>P9'•1or, Clel.n work• gooa .,. Ski• 81kH BBQ Video l. ...-ta -(C..-n« 111p .. quellly minded • 546 .... ~ · "' 81tcll ~ CNnot•• rown IHther rocking Oen;_,,~. Ali mu•t of IMtr I 9'1etof). Benefla. Piece ret• C1bln1t &210. Brown & chalt 120 ('42 .... 863). gol 210&2 Berb-6oa Cll· lllTllUl'f '42-M82 ...... , weftt ltt4 'Jordon 8emt>oo Annol'9 Antique 2 lleted metl lable Cle. H 8 Atlenle/ NIW- Cootl needed, fMI, dMn TIU,.... 1100. Me_,..IO 17&0. Brown & Jordon wilt\ J ollWed taot Xlnt land Sat1Sun ' ~ ,_ -"Two World•" 4 dining '380 pair 842·5449 ...,...._. '" penon lu'Tvner )ob Cred *" Dryer. 011. CIM"· wOfkl ohalra (no putowe) aech Furniture. Mtlq~. Tore. only, The Corner1ton• tH ol\9re, Wooelbrld~ C)ood, SI&. 11u . Old Oe6I Ofop 1.9a1 New Atntr Stet Cad9l tOI· Blkll, Loi• of Cloth11 Cefe, 3000 lrtetot It.. rllldente preferred. lo 114t-44H ~ t7&. ~ na~ ~. 0\191 ... ,, ,..,, t>ge. Colltcl•blH 811 1-4 oorn.t lrletol l lalllf, wort! ,,T et "••IUncled w 1 rel IMlrt WOOd rnlrrcw 1n 1121. Ma-&m aw t 121 Sorne1111 L•n•, C.M. ~ ......,.._., ,._ eehe1r ;..,C tan , work• NB ...,......_.. ,......., ..... -• _ .., Like brand new Arm Bdrm furniture. 1 IVll ttz.e -·-·-------care center. l end re· .,....... • .. :. ....... Ohatt'I 06k a tan ~ eume:YWCAl.atdlK~. -u No'l'lllOtnleed\ 2, oed , gooo con d 8UNl-t2noon.213t 3 W I D !!r..·-~ I • .II t7s.6S32 Vitt• OfTild•. Thi 8luft• 1A . YI• Loop r., -• 2t oell 00011 .ooel !Mite Tool• b•DY clotnu 1Mne. ••• ••••••••••••••••• ti~ Novello 1 166. King Cornpl. tludlo group Incl bookt 0111 ,1 Mucri .... _.,.._1111 10 Sp 1 d 8o 1 hwlnn 111~: • Hd Walarb9d 1ram1, ao1 ... botettr, tabtt, morel • 1u r•••• lohw nn tlngrey 2... balOe fl*9 Niie. etw.o deek, dr...., & tNtoNng --------- .... .,. M I n I 8 ch w I 11 n U O. a • treok & 2 tamp• In draparlM (I ll matching Big Oereoe a. Sal onty With atlfllty to t•ll• 1 .... '42·1107 hHdboatd 9216. Octt· y e t/grn) 1360/tl•I •·•PM 3 ''"'"Y 1111. phone ordtra. Gooo .. _ ~a.... CNMt l°"at M" entry fl.11h,1re 173-1218 aorn• furn. large dHk, luy-. 1 ,or '""'"'••cell uu,,.. 91eo. to. c1·· round glau be by furn. & ototh ... A 1 ao 11 I 41 -217 1, a.7-NN table lop 116. l(lfby W · lmOtld GIMI 41" round 4· 16" W11tern cyclone IAM-IPM cwm + rug lflalftS)OOtf lbl. w/h<Mlr 91"• rettan whle. tl•llY ewl~ • loye' IMre Iii" 10 '9d 1110. varroue window p1do t11. 4 lentwood men·• & mene't ,... .... .iftl C9!1d, only rlddlft Z tr .. tmente. AUlhtntlO matching Chatre W/04M blaycia Plfll, ... t>oOb, '"II um.. Me>t1 a Tu". wile, f lt or t>MI offer. Chin ... Plat .. & 01M1 H•t•.i lCl11t cond., 011g. mud\, mUClll men. 22~ nlt llll , Tflurt & '''· 7'4-tlOO, t76-114't d.corallve ttema. Cell cot l ttoO. NII 1'80. r11 Avtlon. C.M. t..6"M. Qood ~ lohwl11n CrulH t • .11lnt 111-MM. lrWle 662....,7' J 'AMllY QAAAQ1 IM.I OOfd, "*'· aoe 10. cond, T111g1t flof1ce. t110 KtHO-llZI MATTMN Ptcan Ollllt Of Ore"''· 111/81111 l ·I 4411 W Ptnny11var 1810 •· or t>t1t olftr Gery •eox8"11Hd,111, !'..i-"'.'!l!l_drawwe.1 160. CoutHwy, ... 1. 1000 DM111 A¥9. CM 762_...11 UMC14moa.111-111t llN-eQ9U lltllN 17MIOl'I I ' ' lf'.'!'JJH.~t....... lflJ!!.1.'f~et ... ~ f.'!1 ............. ~ '''-Wt, ~,,, 't"'' 1H ..,,,, 1.11 IHI l'OJC 00\lAfll l'ACfOfllY OlllllOT NIW IAMIOO (lAOI 11111, It.-.... •• • • •• ••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• Waoo and , ... wllh Good toNltUOn .. 0 •a .. ~ "ll'r..I ~Ill •••••••• 111u1 ••• r.-;-:: '11·2•' A•ln111 Cru1 .. ,, MOflVATED OWNfA 1m1>er 1111mne" d ....... -.. , 1 •••r• oon•ol 1 "'· du11 oon1ro11,101 Cal 3• bH •·w1y con<1 1ta1T11 Ctutbi com~;'. Ml--... t WllK L V .. H radio qombln:ll~n~r:1:1 ded. mint cond I M 11 Halletat 670 111 t DRIVllN SILE 130 o..n ......... .., t DoutHt •• ~ "40 041 HtO , ... z .. ,...... OOtld '71. teo-M7t ll:J: tH. 01 An11 lay l'Hl I• lun ii'Mao0r L:il~~~:.~~:I:~:; Vaowm 11.-ra;;;\Chell, Mell 041_.141 Zllfll.A fllUQ I I 100 111 17IOTpalr 640·78aa ... I""'·-'--~·:)~~\;·2~.~ ttl Ce l em •ran 1 22.m' IOH It n IP Ull&lll t 1200.:youpey 1 too lled•preed,lrof\ 16 --'*9lolt LOllEBIROI 11 ,..,,., -----0 80 mu11 ••Ill C a ll 1 ochl Newman H Oii All wood reoan HOllV KILN • To 2000 Call &Al.At71 .,llCll\I-llO p.lr LaJ-f•I p.,ln•t IUnl•c:t 24 fl !'148 !>:101 Lth tf "'"'• tuelt1rt, '" HdftlHtn, l .. Jt1 fl"tl, fttl af ..... 102 10 I I dye eve1 1h1hllny unit 001 ••OO d9g • llOV ~PY• 041 1410 ••• ":1.~;e ••••••••••• 1 I ARAY llUNOANCl;A ,, .. I 101.at60 mall• off• ro4 f4tA romt111, 10 .. 1 lor cer•· 01•111/ HIO N8 ellp IOOOO C•n II •11<.e 6 uJl1><1e1, ..lint --mto1, m11et 1n1mellng, llliNll••H•I Coohtoo, Umbtetla 1790 •••••. •••••. •••••• •••• n1nce D1y1 oee.oooo ~o~oj .. !4160 or bHt 011 10 JICl 1111111111 111•1 UOl u F'fNN SCNA'fOR gllM t>..ldlng' lotl·WU Ml ..... ~ IOI n.a Lord Amu.on '300 OIN(lHY htll•l•ble, car. d•rt i:.v .. 061 9321 .. 4 ~e w•l•tl•n coollw111 lllU Wholeult • I~ prooe11 tl711 lllo.• new ..,41a,_ I 641·6440 rlM 4 P•M. llkM 2 hip --Aat111ua1 M••ll 7~ N llal 1260 48f 71169 i O • llH 30 • 1 188. ~1 111 11 l2116t D ev••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 11\(llne u..cs 1011'1 •t50. l'ANTASV 37· !Citing 1111 moorl(t~ 116.000 -,0 12 .. 11 10• 13,,., IUTIIT OU. Blur & OOLD MACAW 0&2-4o61 ·1 11oop) and AOYAL 2 Culor TV'• t llO & 11211 • >I • I ... 79•1203 Choe 11140 Lit..• n•w Compl•l•IY lam• and ----CAU181!!R 40' (l'IU fwn 12•31 O:ll 2 02. 808 w llleolo." Whll• IH>rllbl• &.44 TOOT MAGIC ISLAN D Gold Cleotrlomo.,.,11.,,, 1140 tllfllnu to 11111 H OO Spon Yak II Dingy Ind• D1t 811') Thn• 2 high llllh SI 2171 SAllTI 1111 IV. Oo1t11111 130 V1cuum t20 All l.,g1 Sw1mr'1lngPoo1, C era Memberelllp, 76•.t030di or64604llJ c;1ge&p1tc;h1ne1 Cell llrutllbl• P111110 HO. qu1l fbgly1<;1\t1IROM .f1Jl;tltM>n23,Clllu••lllr •lnl &.48 1(126 1µproi.. 4 lllgh • 12· $1000 11•00 .... then IV .. es.2112 646·4006 flWfOCN Offltf.O for lo & •II ON' wlDtrtl l't..rtg, • .,,, y .,ag•.,•1• ......... .-rnll ---·· 90().Q678 768 ·1211 X28 4 Ot RA"PH'S8TAMP6 .... o,, ••• OIO 0 0 Xlntcond ,... r1rm1(l21,;t/,11n1w11n 1 /14 fl45-22fl7 ~· II a Cl IAnllQ'"' ... \Ol b'""' LIY11···-I CIUN.gooeloond 160 currentmlfllbeftnlp fM) -,, ' I l '0'6up411lll•0••11g,arfo1 C llb UY•ll•l•r>•~ lry 1 8 400 6kr ~urn11u1•. 1ppllente1. Mlec 2flll Flo-. Coit• 30 lillllum &11toon1 fl40·0238 111 6 NMd no 703. r9Ward •••••••••••• ••••••••• • • wl••• credit 11 ""Cl u mlM. ll•m• "71'.el 8111 M•H ui !>449 Oeli~l<I • carc:t Ptrlec:t Po11111 Wt111I. Sptnnlrtg 830-77711 I.Ill 17 l'lano, •m•ll uprlglll, ,11lnl 548 M46 d1mo1 C .Al L ERIC I n ft., .... ,. ~" l 111•· SJC R•• fl 1111lv 116 Tll 140, corner 1011v~ooc .. 1on 01111 ~1oa1 •11•1•6'go ~:o or Ji~~ew~l~~J:~~I~ WANTED 30,1 0, longer ~~~d& 1~!1~~:.:uh~o I IHll #t/alt•Utt 714-073 11876 NORD with 1111111. "~•new (llQ\.11) 0.01 1 12 ... fO()(I IOI bl .. a O••du1111 ... 0., 'f I . '''00 4112-11748 dO\.lbl• llClc:tOI . R111on1· 64111877 . ..:..., .. , 10'"0 YACHTS •or d•l•ll• $1060/otter. 070-0903 Ulull1 Mov11111 Sele 0 L prcx.11101 ttew $26 Mite 1Jl3•4• tll Sea11 rtlrlg air condltlO· ble "63·26116 11' • r.'" 11 21 ft f We1t1111 /Ury•r K1w11 11u1111rt11 60• lo $6. Orie-rur Sal• Trffi "'" O•k• 111r 11000 BTU. Ilk• ntw. ----Kawai Studio Uptight W11h e~0~;;;·.;~~·i';t~;17·5;j 2&0 Cru••a:!rt~= .. ,. l ~~~ob" 1 :,a3~:15~;~~~~ 'lturtlo P1111u Wt1lltl I Iliac; 26• 10 u 7112 "'''"· Liquid Amber• ~ St60 5•6 1262 •fl e SCR·M·LETS #11/HI bench. WllllUI Xlnt ltry UH<I? 0011 ·1 .,., i.noll ., 8 ClPll "•Ch ...... Uooi.1 S1w1n11 M1~htr11 Jo1nn, Cotll Meta "Allon S6 ••ah ••3 .. ,0 " l IOIJ • 11 II 0 e •• ' 0 ". r I t•~ I I II .. I .. !iOm• AnllQU• l ••rll)I. 640 63 t' :.er .,, c M 6~6 "20r0 Tra1111 I 175 Con1ract01 ·NSWERS ••• ~.'.'!°'!!!!!.'!........ 760 3867 2 t31271·39311 r'•n "'· VI C• '.,., ... llHF. " <Jeplh I OIJnder1. looi.1nu lu1 now lkipper l•bl•.cne1r1 womer111m ,., S " .. • c1m11m1xert7$Tlbte( " 1964 LESPAUL red Sine• 1067 :t 4Rov11ra11•nC1:tllP '.lANTANA!>~~ Clnn Ptugot 10 apo bike All ""''"''II" •le craft & Hetrlg•r•tor. good C"Ad. 4 Bentwood oh11 S200 TV moelol lllC gullet, Y1 ... 1 • .., .... 4 0•11·4005 mlr M•nv mor11 •lr111 .1 H11Hlad 1 tll (> Hund•' gooa cond 11111411111• 11111uppllo.e1m t111 , 1lr1101tnew couch "" SklpolH&2 1111 01 lhrott ·Pllony 1760 648900& O IJS11111,llw1lnu1.• u x1n11hruou1 S14 '>00 j n•ady lo go C all C1udel N B 96 S•t l pu~trrtabl• furnlturtr. boot• St OO Et c Ct"tc .Pta1u• "y11old.mln1 cond IHll,,.'11•• 768·11062 11411113:?050 1eo 3661 luoo•ue. ll1hlcJ 11om1 1m __ 6411-0816 893·00:11 HARCO I. Gunar, Ellphone. acouetkl, 18600 lllJ7·0848 day•. L•l-••I 1030 23 •PPI 6 Aapen Tree ln, -My benk Ii tO rltiy, Int · 1180 or bMI ottOI' 1183 21183 -6 wlmd• •••~•;tl"•••••••••••• · &tacr1ll ~·*""" I'' Boomeran11 111 llber You n11me 11 we probibly Irv Sil 6 6 Sun 1 4 l;njoy NM<Jlec;1111? 1 c ennlng 1111 1ll 1li11 coll IHd of 1 cem111 lhal 492.ot37 ----_ NATURAL OAS CYLIN· l•ll. '77 twin l/e M1rt glou trke 1111,. socrif~ 111v1111s11112 1749 F1ndou1how10 .. 111trM otan&zlnctope Re· t1kHplclu1,.1ol•vt<Yo , --Story 6 Cl111t..Uprlght OFASS1111n1enSteel tor OIB • 1un11uwer Clu11 l•t'.11Jti:>:?fle7 Purl ~remley c11 NB Old H11H1 1010 notdtec:1111 pru1ec:11 C•ll m1ng1on elec a Dolton ne thlv h1v1 •guy wno UIWll HIM lrT I pr1cllce pl1no S6l)O. b o • t 1 $ t O O e ~ 1.01111011 w hyor ''"' art••••. thll<l't rbl & •••••••••••••••••••••• t.•lny 64$·62091v1 manu1I c 11c;u1111ng doee 1t..11crwt1 In CllAA 1211 Ill llTI CdM . eek lor Je n, Dy 6U 1001 111111. Vllf Cleplh •Ou11 114 C.fllumbr• ~1nr i;una chra "i1tr1u.ro1.klnn WHTEHllllll ---I "'•<.II HorHh1lr11ng1e COAL • • 6A4-6311,Ev769·ll05:t dor 11101111 b111111n~ nnw T ~np0/8 &11tu11 ch1lr ;i1n1 itentJ hou" w11111nd S 150 8•0·6117 Mini 1rampolln1 ror heallll m111r911 645 0820 OOl'llelnhtrCll mdl M2 flute ------018 9 9 John10n recent t1ulr•g111rs 140 Olli tu111 Sf'l!l'> 6<46 1105 ~11 Mede log In Hiiiy A F S ~ 0 Uprlghl Plano ... 1n1 1or1e. overhaul SSSO fltrn I? 131 '"P 11.,iv '''' mant •• HhOld. 1.lolhlng 1oy1. 9 yr Oii.i 'Ill d Appy Oeld relaxing & bon•llCl•I Un11Hdy on your feot? NUT IA UR JACKET t7.. OOCI conCI With nice Clblnet llool S59!> 831·2202 8511 w llllh .... Sn 1100 L ell Alli ~l11rtcJor Jf aloop N6 ~Ip 1urlboarna wh.elchell Weal/Fng SIOOO Ot belt $199 646·605l Invalid walket Ilk• new N-'975 or bit olr tHI 6A4-0•88 8•7 70t 7 St wer ACI .,,.8 114, 14300 100•1, "" S511 500 p,,. beakel1book1&11t 011 81111 ~~ --s2ss4656"42 548·4871 Is 0 ---------2.h,, '"1op11111 499·•820 ltt ,,., fiACIENDA DINNER I I panl•h Ullll, Ilk• nvw • owco 20 1mp B111ery .. Fabulou1 1lley nle Sall l •••r wllh lraii;;-sgoo WARE 45 pc ltllltng Seth Tho;;;;;-;:;11chlnQ Old Ship• Whlel w/Oru1 holding •trap Orig co11 1 ~r.!!!!f.~! .. !.~!~ Ch••O•' tor boet cam 61 15 811111111 WIHtlltl i lrborgl1111 MonrglJlnery Sun9·2 Barllools.dHt.. Xlnt cono M-F alh11 5 gold by F111nc11cl•n bra11 barometer 'r nub SIH SlSO Mii S75 675·001>2 Ram mod 670 20 g1 par? S 175/0BO 65 hu Surukl t\ J, ttp 1•111111•~0 t enter t1<1Md thllll, Stett ~np tn14ld· prn wknds all day I S2SO 548-04 17 p11ce S99 646 4005 SS9·0308 Olli F I • pump like new New 640-4005 lllll littt~ tc.vttr hk'"'"w I\ aourile null goon der glrd11n 10011 ""' 541 69'.)0 • -1 ---fl •t• l•lf • ~ 1 , 11 CI k I I S I 1 5 $b!lOO '>Bil OM!J t •1ttcJ $$50 967 6066 ~::.~te~:o:~~~· n:;:,~ REG • ' ARAB MARF ~~~r..~1!!!'.~0.~! .•. "~~~ !!!~'.'.'!~~!!.!!. .. !.~!~ !!!•.'.'.'!~~ ..... ~! ••• !.~!~ j ••• ~!!t!'!!!! .... !.~~~ 645·6097 ~o~~ed 1~1~!1~1~e 11~J~~· '7 ,.,n1ng1 t~I llOhJJ -iO!ilf 1& TfJQUlltt 5u11 146 471h SI NH 1n 11ll11y T1eln11d W11a1ern plo1 7' Cont1111111ee Tablo. opi. Mun1111 Ski B oot• xlnr 67!>-4608 111., uphc.I t\ µ111111 lrlr 111 11 w/lrlr "'"' cond l'llll 46-471h ~Ulll very gonlle, SIOOO llrll•h, Vt/fl rull Uµhol cund Sile tO Co•I $750 Ian .... c; .. , S?600 n .. ,,, PttllfH.f SllJI)() UT:.I 4114 1 l1Vln 4 Fimlly Otiraue S1tle ur l'lrtSI oller '•48·6466 1.1111111, 1 vr old ttlklng I &ttll S!>O 980-11676 912 11106 <Jy' fi• I O;>J 1 "11111 "~" ttull 14 11n111ui.u1a Misc tishlo 11em1. 111111 Ho8ldo1' '--'' 1065 CAR TO CRIB SllOO 152 63!>a Sur lbua~.;;, u .. 1.1.I ~o~~Li:~~2!,:~"6' 8811 tMt& s110 ques, ru111 206b Ctierltt •••••••••••••••••••••• Se1ure111y only Book•. II 1 · cu1tom 1111nd111 49•·2l t3 11yino 1Jriuu11 enLlriiur" bl~ IJ~~ SI, CM Sol 10·5 ORll'NlAl AUG trurtule bed, copper Xlr11 C.Orlll S95 549·3786 oll 11 l'8' S~llJJllC.k "''" lolll, Slipl Beige, 113• 103. S 150 ltema 939 t Greenwich UllAllE SAU ( u \l!>O '~7 7(>8 Gb11,',~g= ~~~flt 0;~'.~s~',; 644 1604 Furnishings for Home and Office Or H B TV, ,,,;., 2 Helm chalrll, 1 llUhllng .(Ill I 4 DKkl 9010 10 5 :1o90 M1tyt11 Pl J""''l 1010 Model home and decorator Items M~~~~llche Aeed1r11-t so 1 •• .'!!!~.!!~!~ ... !.~!~ ~;~:2't11:.c11/~~~~11~8'" '~~ ~~~·~~~:~11~«;: jJu6"ti ····1;;;,-;;(ii~ri~~···· C M •••••• ••••••••••••••• BfAUTIFUL 26" RCA -----l'ln~a l~un1&1ooks~l111 '•"1.1~uvalldDY wlo.orr110 SAPPtOAES A RUBIES 892 •316 Color Tll ute 2 yr Wlllly S11th rnomaa 8 dav 10110 lrttllttr meld I tl ll)r ll2 64(, O'i'il llOYIMC SALE {curt N~ i.uh 80t;. on s 148 Freo dellvory bran alrlktng Bell ', ic 111 t c, ,, no s J / ~ o Everything lilttiS GSl wr11111nappralul Couches. dressers. chairs, lamps, outdoor DESI LAMP lVJolll\'1646-1786 µnee Sl98 6411400!. IUI 19JO 3t'llHri•1• 846·5659 644 7007 furniture, by gym equipment , desk, file SIS 559·4640 19' lenllhcolor TV, Hobie 16 8111111 , never 16 Untlltll\ r1yu11dg11 Bev t><11tl Oii 011ltw• l1l1 Eno1111emont Sel lorS350 cab1'nets. k '•150 USfl(J Clrk blu "i••Olllr,h111 r111n11 ,, .... /\~~•ng Sll800 Bkr Me111ey T1sso1 Mana SfH91r1,htr o .. ab. wor •gru ' • S400t0BO ,.. (. 71 4·8•'>·"261 ----------S 760 16711 l wirt I w gn l/111y LIDO PE•llllSIU wat ch Du c e rs ot c 25 569 •5•0 966-J:.!?4 ,..,,1 long '""O" tirBrtCI PIER NalghborhOOd Gar1oe 642•3850 646 l869 (a&cu11v11 high bee~ 1w1vo< D2'l" C:olOt Cot1•01o IV I I a O """' u1.,~11c.r11ts L<1r1111 SALE <;hau $50 ark wooa alnr pteture Hll Offfl ;,04 A O f u Hr 121 r a1ho1 Cn11rs. 11pplllnce1 hou !!~!~!~!!1 ....... !.~?~ Antinue 1935 Ford I 559 4540 \'J)OIOBO 631 1319 ..... l.BEsi·au·v····... Aull.I P1lr11 KnCll m•Jler sellOlO 1111m~ rn11<1s & wo 1111 COIPIUIOll "''I --CONSOLE STEREO ON WEST C.OAST Sect IMmp Cl11<.1n1. 11n mon• 1Jo1hrng Old t1uok1 (AecultVfl CJe•k •lnr I.Oii D11111 wooo c.eb1nel S 100 46 Halleiu 114 y Itel! Lh111 w1n1.h Swim ~11111 111• 1 o ltl" s 1i.o rno M•oc.ua <..n111tr101 671·814'> • I 3HP 1phaM60g1lvorl t 0111on $80 6311319 lrenwma•-•11 "~11111r1k o record e bums 4 1111(.1<. ASME cooo t1nk Nev~• , 55!:1 14~40 S I & 0 . 0 0 0 l o 111" II .,. ou loam •lab oouble h"ea U'-OCI S695 Terms Warehouse N Everything 5eer' 2• Color TV por brt•tol 8V7 I l1 ~ c•tm OulrlQ\lfll\ fJIC T 0 p tjl board Vthllewlcker 701 7775390 C IBMEloc11vpewr1or Wide table $IOO ae1. Cell D ttk 111 41 S1701n1u Noqu11llly1no I '••wpl)• I 60 Slrp Aini lrx 1tllott fMICutt!y pt•vnlc l•d•ly &73· 1873 ltdo Park Drive NIJwpOrl lea ranee Goes ~11rr111ge ""' 1y~ GOU<l 833·3561 645 432& Wiii dll(Ounr my s 15 000 Beach A1.rou 11ree1 from /tli i etllltJIOlll 8010 wl)r .. tng con a $ 150 963-4090 11Qur1y 1or cur• ot 111111: 1 lull, S,.H I Sli 1080 Delaney's Ae11111uron1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Caan 646-2652 ev Maonavo,. ConllOlo Altro-Partner wan1ea ?5 Skrp lrt lr1lUu Abtolu1111, Sal/Sun 1011m-3pm INTEA•A••s M" X &unit Comb Raaiol 111ck E •p•e•s C e bin brillol 6•!>·9190 ..•................... l<ttchen dtrt1ng room '" LHI end 4 Chl lrS 4 I'' I tnc:hes IQ No·Mtt1 6ul I VIII! BIOCk 957 t566 " "" " 1 Modern d11ka & chra. Sr1trto Whll golCI Fr Cruts11r S?200 down ~ Prorns1onally Cus1um 18801 Fitch Ave., lrvlne, Ce. 92714 like new lllgh qua111y Prov Hettnaon cabinet $113 mo rntlUs H H slip IHll, ''•I Bu111 Rlllo Heavy Batte! (Brick Bldg.) Co~t $600. ltlll S12!> 111 s200l bll ~0•4294 Uay1 669-0500 fvu ,. ... ,,1 .. 1 90SO 2? 2!10 wtth Aedtleld 4ij3.:2AH '>'j7 9327 ,... • 3x 9x Scope Cotl St Sunday -May 18, 1982 Executive Desk ~lt•ve ~om•lln1nri yo11 ...... 11 ~A"1i.'8()A'r 'A;DF·~·~J·;t 100 Sac S700 Firm Jett 9.AM _ 3PM & Chair to'""" Cl.,~)iliccJ •111., d•i C11hrorn1an 28 SF TS f B verul l ile r,t1urLti r Urt 64;> 1570 5~·0460 S l~O ti w••ll I C ell ~HIW A11.ioua try S14 000 O•e rttl' 18 , neduc I .. 642·4 121 b~~ '>678 6411 4005 67!>· 7695 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A -line " I ttuna"' tin d ~I.If mul• I wn (JMC. fully t1Qu1p l.l"d 1911 ,(Int c.ono S Ill •,(10 Olr 6·n 1)b I ,,,, 1 I ,~ lJ•rnt 111noer•1 '""'"' rbll j~hp 0 B S.790011')1r 960·05'j t ' 811n9 Ulultt (H mo1t tlt.,m .-.1th (.OHt!CI L.•\t'\ t11 U;uly l'\t1Jt IJO W 8 .. y !>t Co•la M•u CA 9:1bJt, f 1u.h •h•m mu't L .. pr1c •o w1tn no item '""' \'>O l<k. PPI l1nl! it 00 '"'"'mum No ltvf'I'"'<" ruoour .. QI ()h1ntt N o f ummv1n&I .td\ 11Hu wttd our famous DIMES-A-LINE OIMES·A-LINE AD S MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS. 642·5978. ext 3 19 compressor $35 F11111 ana lire tOOI Mii S4·'8 and S35 NI hi tads• S S 10 SPEED m11n s b•kfl SMALL COllH table St5 SEARS upnnh1 v1<.uum l'll!ll ltlin """" ''-nwtrin r iit t •11M mdttr~·· •n•I NEW 6 volt lle11vy outy 81r NE'W ClllSIC llyle •ndlron TWO Chell drB'wtltl S70 WICKER J prece Ml )JU 14 WOOD pllntea lhelvea ellC.lrtC ahoe butler po Bellowa S8 New box•d Q I n " L11mp1 2 10 He1d lcablnellJ 41111811 S l5 QOO<l conOl lton P h b I ,.. A " -v1• "'-• v ~n " Iron $5 lrontng ooerCI S3 l>Oltrdl S3·S 15 f1ble1 lltlth 548-72S9 67!>·5l9' unc:; ow HI " Re • 1 condtt•un, In "'"' .. '"~" S2:> "'7111' I ottt ,.,., b-0~ 'P""O $i!> l wintluM lr1h machine or u68 on lyrftlrne m•plo llrepl1c• Typ11wrr1er S2S Elec111c S!i Lewn 9<l~ S6 Occ --cord play11, realo com rantv $50 556~58 10 speea wheel S 10 L ar ti11d lram• S 15 G M ln- 1t1w1lry SIO 19?5 Alwe motch boicee S 1 N1111 broom S!> Electric can '""ST Log cheln s • KENM ORE upright VI· SOf • 011• •50 L•mpa bln111on SIO Sm1J1 oven lop luong c se 1 • let K•ni ~ ~·" 1 C " ,, " u • S vw ana Porsche p8•1~ ug ege "'""' ""' certe11t •'$ Str~ h uSis'':."'""' s.,.,..,.k 111 gr 1' IUllC Engltatt opener S3 Garden looll Ae<ltOI S3·S8 Zenith cuum willl euto -edjull $10 Serving cert S20 b•Ollet l5 Hanging Porsche log fllmpll SI A78 13 P11110 wheel end tu11vertrt:>le ttroli.t $15 .. urn uO<Xl wor tng nraas 11rewooe1 b11k111 $ 1 SS Cabinet uwrng ,. MIF M "'"to onono and b111er·b11 Seare Otc11,.on11 chelr S3S plaque Armor "11elCI ana etch Poreche alloy 11m1 tire S 10 546 3838 C. ha Id "ln' t •bit S $ th111l s 2 ipeed e1ec111c .... 1111 ,,,,,,' f• ,,. t.~·t ~ 12 machine S20 Kllch•n "'''" .1•.•• • .,, p,, bffl, new c091 Sl 48 Mii Ctor1n11 s~o Gott c1r1 iworde $20 H1ng1ng l11n 18 ••en ollsh•o , I I " • •'" $6~ ~ I S"O 150 e1ch New Poracil Otl f.LFC.T"'C C.Otd o<g•n lot WtMf!n 'wive! IOp lll>ll ... Y P v ,,.rrcu11 mera lube loo ulftnStlt Sc s 1 L•dlll• lu•-· S" •8 Toye d'-'I• tor ,, Hoover uptight S20 Bicycle s 4s 21 t amp c Women'• "' S p brass d11corator piece• ·~•·• "" •• ol u• c • u• II h Id toOltlf SIO Porache 91? 1ny age $40 Ounc1n 'J 011 f cn1 11 $) • ""'v''" • ., .,..any d iron 1.lothe• 5119 t6 50~·S• 1nr11111 Chtl•••n• adult tn e•c.e ent cond111on I Vtara Huerra {E~ttbluffl mon1 c 1 rens tenn11 833 .... 1 9 SI SI"' S•t of 3ornat•7 r.rote• II 1 d " s3c. •11 c " ... OI• end clot hes 10d•S25each STD Phyled1n1ng1a•·1~•30 1 "' l>1ll"' am c v v ' .. a r1111 i ce an '' 011orn11n S5 Wrouun1 clolhtn'• dl!lhes. kllc~n " " wooa ap1111n • 759 t643 ~" I ., v • 1nc.h brass 1.lolhe1 hOO~a "n enn 1001 Mii S5·S35 rron cniinaalter 8110 hen Wiii! Whll·nOl·thelvea chltr wtlh fltteo pillow ---soc S20 New and u110 beerlngs S20 New VW Twu 11n11111 bu" 1prlng1 II' >WI 1 " 1w•, r .1 .• 1. s 10 Many polllhlld Thrrt~ untnue and 1n11 •35 Cllrom d I NEW cnr1ar11<1\ lnO eaulla tool' soc •"o 0 111re fuel pump SS Nttw vw S'JO Cll8(11tel bee~ tna11 S'O w oh SLO D ' " u•ng lemp S IO·S 15 picture lr11m11s books .. 8 1111 0 1111 •' ~ clutch disk SIO N-VW o1 .... er " ryer bran btrOa ano a111m111 Que w t>QO en ch airs f.4aoto $• Lamps St SS ewel• 2 ..... 310., lamp teble with chrome sox 15c·S2 T11nn11 rec. """1' SIO Wood hflll<l· S2~1n11e<11upn01ster111g) S'>O Dtehweah('r S50 S2 ·S6 12 inc'• oreu S4 S!>O 0Ak rocller• Hill compact s70 S•da bort1I A~e "acpt•A Coat; 11na lellher m1gezlne l QUiii SI Baby 11mp SJ t1u111n ~ 9 6 548.7011 exhaust SS N-iw11 vwt ~even drewer 1001 I><>• v.1cuum tl!l&rttH $25 cennon$7 ')61nchgo0d t0-S50Ue1u11fulen11que j preedS'>.Seluraeyg.5 Mnsa 4blockawesior l •11ck S20645-1985 B1throom1e.1leSI Col ?092 Wallace .Co•I• 40HProe19 S20Dualporr S30 8rcy<.le $75 Vt> '""'""'w$'>0 n1f'lo #Ork1ng 3 w1y wrouglll w111nu1 rocker with lhlct.. 1 1 3007 C ---lectu• plel111 SI each M.,IMI m1nllole11 S:.>O 1et cuum s weeper s:.io wt.,•,,,...,, ( 0,,11 Mesa 11011 tel'll11 l11mp S5 Petrie ro ... n1011 ~'"'and beck ~as t 02 Y lub Spirei Roiteurant Her l 4 INCH Coallg1.111rd prol Docor1111ve b•skell Htilley Weber carb end E•ectrtc •ew SIO Lllrgt! C,aturn11y ttltt.,n•.o<in '> 1118 tO inch br1111 and ~50 Antique wooden Cl~uatt ircla Mese lltllr l>O'._Alvd Co111 Meae ''• ht'"dcralted moael Oer· 2'.>c·SI L1wnmo-r StO Of')KS S20 -SSO Olltce menllolo S20 VW aluml arett carpel (lndl1n pr1n11, crv.,81 chanaelter S20 grorivv <.;arl Sl'l Largttl _ NEW s S Stlverwllrti ..,11 , ltmdei woh twin eng111e1 C.hll<lren 1 toys 25c $2 ch1111s S5-S50 EleClll'I num valvfl covers S10 S50 Small tiree carpoll I W O fill 111 1111 walnut 01e1 M11x1cen tinware iielec.tron 01 vlntege end ROLL S Royce 01 w11erb· l<H 6 SIO $25 101 '> s ana a11play 1tend $50 I Two wood and wrought lypow111111 S50 Fiie C1 and S'lO a:.e1 D<>ohouae SI!> ri\hlng polo S3 bookt A<oea $40 u11th 21 1.ana1e lantern $1l Filly anlrque wooaen Olltce I eu 1tr.c.easorlea wav11 mi.rtirig tiowl 1MJI• S 10 1411 Boxes or boa! gear llghls 1 ir 011 cha nae lier 9 s 1 o 1>1r1111 S25 Maid cert S25 011cooteraS10 H Ch D<>o c tJO k 0 0 c. I 0 c i. $ 3 o 1 1nc.n l tll•>r IV "'alnu1 "1 liQhla and lam111 lrom Llllllr~ Oilk walnut ano M11~1er 810 Meaaege v1-1 Ch11111 c:olltH! mug• $20 dnd rupe 25c·S10 OOOd Men Hundred• of gtee fir"" '''"' 10010 SI() houlfl sheet metal S2S 8 Childs 18ble 11nn che11s l>inet S~O l/1111i1y S:J~ 4 everv e1n for 11001 lnbl., m&hOQtttly 1111 ,wlvel nna tir1111ng unrl $50 Inner aozen ') qunrl c; s r.ol aelecnon of boat oa11 11ng ceicts. 2 101 75C """''""IJlll Hthl,,, s1 •1 Tratk lape aeck S:?O S20 Typewrcler $2!1 lo•J1 hlntk ,,11n11111r ~lul ano c11111ng $3 SSO Bias~ \lrlA r:halra sn.s45 Well «•>11 supreme wale•bed landflra $6 eicii CiH $2 $11 One gallon Men 0 CandlllS 7!>c·S1 50 Can onch Ch1fn tint.. 'oncol 5HP Seagull ourboard C.uslom maae ar8p1151 roo 1111rme1 111<., new S8 piano lamps 13 Guoo fl niOd'> Wes lorn sedate m1111re11a king 111e S50 3 m.,r 9 lo• !Ind col le• War Merine Spar var I tlle holder a s 1 $2 r,11 $SO Bobby Mac cer SHI beaker case S50 2 Pan S25 J1iwttliy 25c s 15 I L arg11 stul!eCI d og S!. way lloor lamp 19 Many " ,,,,111, 'i. J', ,,.,1 .,, I King alze •.u•urlous toem "°''·wine buc~ete, M<Vfl "''''· new S 12 Ola col mrtU pit 1ur01 50c S2 I wllh ti roller S35 Ste1eo Honie. llMeo emltm S201 K 11c hen war., 50t. s 3 0 I h fl r Io v s $ I S l old and anllqu11 oil tabl!I , hon dining ana 0110 padded s1aeboerC1s S5-0 ~pooni 50c·SIO Clothe• 16111ch Wllco• Crllondon I each Bullelln boerCI SI I SIO Wrouohr Iron tenc41 each Hem cer 11n1enn11& Ni~o clothing !>Oc-$5 rur 968·968'.l l&mpa and term lnnuwns lablfll S20 S50 Solla W111erbetl he1111r S25 , m;in·a medium, wom11<11 bo1twlloel w00dh11ndlea l Ve~es 10c-50c TV sport $SO Sl1lnless p11rro1 S5 11na SjO each TA ~I I.II"$~() ,•111 1;•1111 f1ErrHGEAAfOA SSO Po. SS-$35 1932 deled 111 01111 01n1ng lllble SSO 642·6339 Sunday only sill!> Q !>Oc·IS Prolet · S,IO (ally KOtlllk lnltl1"9 gem1t $3 Wurnerta clo c age S30 M elchlnllj ~witch OV $5 Osc1110 Strool Colle Me11 lier lllble S25 l . flavor a1a1nleu ~•eel 6 Natchlng Cr&aema SSO BUMPER 67 CtlitVell S20 a1on11I cl11n1ng •uppll111 ~20 c•r;ie~e work• S 15 lhH ell slze1 25c-SJ ;~~n~ellet &I acs2oo"cs11 S25 I ~~~SP," ~a5m0 rHa!1mo pk1enye51 SOFA 8 toot brow11 nau I wor S40 W1111111';e".'7~, llavor Penny Gum m11 Five chairs S25 eecn Pitrttn oul 73 Dllrt 21 IOc S3 Aquarium gHr ever1 1 ounnd high lnlanta clolhn 25c·\I O mu lh.•t· • " " $20 s 1 Chlllf!well orteblemounl I 11rg& miplo drop lelll noor gDoora hOO<ll S5·S20 Double bed HI QUllllly llllnleu lleel Hous1werel 10C·$2 dAy & Sund ay 9 4 I end Cllblner JS 10 11mp g11hyde S30 M11th1110 ltrt mm ng pool S2S Collecllon hana 1ahle$50 oooo11exagon bumpers drl~e shell wtth freme "35 Three ho&ecl1mp1 1lzH'h1061 Beby welker SS Jeri 545 4517 534 P111rponl V11111c SIO Small geat t ch111r ano Olloman S35 1 hOSll~SIO 6•2·l353 _ p1inred b1iq.ie end por loldlng woodf!n pokf!r w he 1111 S 2 0 S 3 5 b!'<I trrim,., one mol inch 25<: MCll. S tor S 1 or 1.arr11< S4 Cer Miii s 1o 1 Dr Coe11 Meae mo1or a SS e1ch 8 1 3 Rull hide·• bed S50 OOUBL f bed meuron collln flgurlnee 50c·S6 1ar11e $1;> Soveral desks I 6<42 0100 lrese S 10 111 ch Squire S 10lo S1S P8' 100 Many Be by swing $5 MOUll C HILD S uphol11111 eal tubes S5 each 866 lubes Child a tchool 011,i. S 15 spr1nq5 •M bras. rreme Teylor b1rome111r S8 2 '10 S50 Very antique __ _ _ __ alnnlrtg llblo, walnut p1c1ure trllT!e9, mueh oak I plctur11 $20 Detk chili plellorm rocker s 45 S:.> eech Oulcil reels S 10 646 7363 S50 Norltnke Ch1n1 tot llC.keh to DA SCA c all Hon wooa stove $30 SOlb t&u:nailaSt5 SI $7 NHI lllly1 11eel SS B11rb1 tOWtlhouM SS Pliypen (woodl s25 11t1oh Mlchell reels 1 10 SOFA 9 ;-a Lov111 8,;-j"l 8 delrcare blue and yllf. Sunday evo S 12 !JO l>OOy wtlh dollellle tcroll KING me<11um blue BelM Birch ash 1ea.,,,oocr and child• fire engine Sl5 Pursu 50c S t Belu ~1101011 etroller ,25 11t1Ch Mtchell reels StO 6rown ltllheielle with low llo1el p111ern S50 each Three wooa 11,, wor• make n .. I ptantttf bed1pread StlO Stereo c 11 d 1 , p 1 n 11 11 n g Cheln drive tr11ct0t $25 IOc-SOc White wrought Hlghch•lr t n Child'• Pinn 1plnn S10 S11ar1 Her t u Ion boll om cu Gut111r imp 2 ch1nne1 deco clock• S4·S8 843 s 15 N-Oefmttne red· casselle pt ever S 15 $ 7 !>O·S 1 s t37 aquare Small Chlldllrlcycle S 12 Iron b1k ers rack S20 wood mi le youth chair spr lly gun S 15 Aatr o s111on• bOlh orecei for S!>O 69· 7:l Oalsur> 11uc1o W t51h Street Cosle wl)()d pl1nl1111 S1·$5 18 Sunbe am Hot Sno t teelJ EleClllC knife S7 Cuftlom 1ll11ee4w.ide<J2 Women11hoe150c SI $22 Tebleandchelrll• comp1sa S20 011111 S'•O (rt<J ldblu SIO 1flfll window wtth rubl>lf Me18 (between Monrovia 1n1.h red wood plenter Beverage m1k11 t 10 81f!f1dfltl {21 S5 11nd s to pua11ng11 •Ide by •l<le Place m111 and Mt ol 6 AnllQu• floor lamp s20 pump1 $5 each I 9841 614 0· 77 73 Corona cfel S 10 C1111 Sundey at I er end Plecen111 S11eeu1 lube $3 New rodwood 0 0 2 shell bookcue Power tool• S5 -S20 20 Inch bllloon Ure trike melchrng nepklns {new Mer ble top •nd llbfe Cont1nen111 S tre .. t . Mar noon or ov11ntn g S48-0135 Saturday Cj 8 ,hlnglod dog hOUMS s 12 Sl8 Pool tlblel1mpS10 Rock Ill tints 15 Cll S50 M1ny 1nllque WOO· S5 Sltverpllled 11110 lll•lyJ 125 El1ctrlt heir Co11e Men S11urd11y -------751 -8:.>57 Sund1y 10 6 111111 s 18 33 Inch maple Anllque m tf ble atatue dooi s IO Sweg lamp S!> Clllll trunks ChHtl i nd servers $5 White tlelel 141111, tl2 Fatb.,were only VIVIT AA 2flmm l11n1 $30 IAONSlONE di~-;.~ MANSP11nol111001n1r1 SS sprnn1ng wheelplenler S•O Clllld '1 record M ttn1111 S15(4>1 20116 box111 S2·S35 OICl woo-twln bed•pr111dS3 Pll 12 cupdrlp t 12 Clock LAOlEStioaemec:tlumand ~~t!'s":~r'~~:gD~•L 6 S:>O Swtvetdesk ch111 Man, western teeth•• SS Lovely 010 b11vel11d g!,"Y~ $l~ EllStr,~ •:,.;g,• Orange Colle t.41111. ~;; ~1~~!:.,~~u~~ low •h•m S2 Saturdl) t11<110 S6 TV t1bl11 S2, laro• 25c p11r size 4e•I 150 Minott• pocket Cl · $30 Smo1<.ea 0,111 temp bell ,11.,.11, buckle $S 1>•111e g1111 111t In glau h~n •doc "1 bl11 • corner of :1111 Sllurdl) powdttf ~-• ., ~" HMO"" 91m 20651 Horizon SA Aller 1 tem Satura1y nylon 1llp, bleck $ 1 mf!•I S35• New Cannon ana toMole leblee $35 hancJlftd wood Clblnel c ng '191 ng 111 II, 1nd Sundl " -~ ., Huntington BHch 011 23'0C-'.......,.D1lv1 (We11 D 111 d 'OC S h C $20 w 1n1111c1t•1 lndlen 'o d t i s•o , gag11a11111tocklng1001 " ""-vv u ngpowe1., I: D•11 Back •so 10 eec .. ornerde•k • door Sl2 Unlqu• 11111d m" 8 " 1 00 .. BLACK end Decker '·'tin Brookllursl belwten In ol Fordheml '~"-88i2 1 ~ • arum S3 811h11c.ue •' v M hi 1 d s20 cheat s 10 Wicke 11 .. """ .. 'h thoe1 50c pair MIXflt 121n•6•1n a11u11911 un Etec111c d"'er $35 Hutch Stereo St5 Flreplace ;:, wuoCI 2 person porch Vl~~~g~gb~~=d·~~-St5 drill S 15 Meche nice creel S4 Hund11~1 ~; dlen1poll11 and At111n111 AMIFM";idlo ~'" bowl 50c New zlppere 241n;801n tovverld ~ lop $25 S~lng mechlne $5 Springbok puule SI 'wing S 16 F lne cue a Aolluerlel broller elec-t0011 26c·S tO. Baby bed antique and vlnlige ftrm 55 GALLON drumlpumi: pump w Ith pr eu u re 1 Oc Iron on f1brlc 6e S 19 I CIOI ~t.md SIO Girt• lr>CI c1b1ne1 120 L1mp1 Garnes Sl ·S4> S11urdey.1 Conn c.larinet s5o Un 111c SlS Beker'• rack S30 Lerge doll hou11 end kitchen tool• ind S15 Redwood 1111111 S3 g1uge (ntw) S15 HHvy lleglllbl• and htrb t81n Cru11er blk• 14 $5 eec;h Gl111 01110 Sunday 1-5 304 Flower IQue old rattle barrel on \2S King electric blenket S 15 Baby 1oy1 25c·SO con111ne1a 26c·S 10 1918 Menzanlla log $20 See· duly tleclrlc drill motor• •Hdl lOc. 1984 Con II· Love 1e111 , matching tDblll, two ch1lra S20 '>lrMt Co1111 Mesa I stana s 25 6"3 w ISth Slli F11b110 50c 8 new Smell Hulfy l)lcycte S6 g1llon oll 1111can101td •cape S16. Apron t60 $20 11ch Cup•ntere nentel, Cotti Mete. chllr oak lr11m1 S35 Occuloni t ch1lr 120 DOG;;c.rrler si~ Cir· S1t11t1I, Coa le M ell Wood ulad bowl1 S8 t00'1 pepet back b~t copper $16 Twtnly Chrl11mu lllm1 25c plane S1 6 Frtncn tele. GIRL'S 3 1peed blk• 136 645·4687 &•5·6156 cular clothesline S~S Liii fbelwHn Monrovia t1nd Kllch1n magician 93 10r.·2Sc P1pt1 b eck 11nt1q~ ind cl111lc eu10 1960 Nellonal Otogra phone work• good S35 Sklll aew S 15 s 111,. TOYS 50c·S:I °M.0-1~ Liiiie hOuee book•$~ ~~g~~~~1s11 Stdreet9•5I Auorted covered ct11M book rack StO Oullar 1110 end 1cc1111or1111 phlc 75c Shoes 50c Ct1ch11ra ba111b111 glove labl• 1op vie• t 1s PECANcolleet1bte70K6fl ment, children• clol~• Electrlc lrypan SS Elec-1 !llUr •Y • · roteaS3 Cofleemugt 1111d c111egoodcondlllon $t ·t50 Three1uto BeededbegS3 Mualc S5 Eoypllan1rtpl1tQUet WorkmaleS30 1011 n S35 Seers 10 speed 6c S2 Artindcrefteup- lflc grlddlB S5 Eleclrlt Sunday _.!O.!_ 50c 6 Parlall glH-15 S25 Two portable radio· trunk• l2S·S~ Antique bo11 S2 Wood mold In' S5 11ch T 1bl8 1111u11 terp S8 GOif club1 t 60 bike $.45 Harl slll• p018e p11e1 5c s 1 Disk s t 5 mixer $5 Muelc llena,KENMOAE compac~-8 Green wtn1 glea ... $8 •like new $20 H Ch 22 Pr11110111e tank complete ahort 20c l oot N1111 Egyple Queen Nephr1111 Coleman alove $7.50 and booll S25 M etal Ch eirs s 10 Fabric• S5 Man 1 wool jac.~11115 trlc ary., S46 Perl11c1 12 Highball gl11ae1 $10 1 B'and C B r adio S30 with orlglnel bran gage crockpot SS 2211 luatlr S3t> Wetchm1k., 1nd Col11m111 11nt haatet student des~ l81136x2fl t O~·S2 Nattonel Geo l aa1111 hllllV'f jacker s5 I condluon 552·0073 • Corn1ngw1111 bowl• S4 T • P 11 Cle c; k • n d I w o d•led 11111 $32 Anllq~ Ave · N-po11 S.ICltl 11w1111r1 toola t I ·125 S 12 50 Power mower I I 0 r u en I :1 ge ug e gr 11p111ca 1oc Oourmtl Mui1c buJ1 figurine s2 1 FOO_T_l_l b PlltH Sl·l 5 Two new speek111 $20 Recore11 and v1n11g1 door HI• REALS L1rg1 111011m1111 of $35 Power 1dg., S36 p1p11 relo1der S20 m11gu1nea 25c H1rC1 Seturday Sundey 1•5 1 P c.n c •e 11 PO· sets green 1ow1t1 with and t11p11 SI Cam•r• end plumbing llltllKH of 1 TIC •tereo imp 16 w11chm1k•11 p1111 1ne1 Hedge trimmer se. Movi. Commerclal v1cuum end book• tOc-2$c Bede 30• Flower Street. Coat• lyurethi ni llnlih s•s W monogram S 10 111pod 18 Oecor1tor porcelain. bren and wallalcll land "'1"11•· finding• S2·S50 Sa· 1croen 12 Vlv•t•r 111111 Pollllhlr M O Heh Fllghl preea S6. 70411 Monro xeaa 1 r wo btnch•• S:10 Twin 1h1111 SI Lln1n1 lamp• S IO·S20 991 I glH1 Sl·S7 Very1n11que cord changtt wllll lwo tllroom medicine cabinet $20 Fiim dryers 10 k•nntl tor luge dog via, Cott• M•u 9.4 -----71 4•5•0-1736 50c·S2 2110 T&O Sprue. Sliver Strand, Hunting· br111 0111\ tub fixture apulcare 150 Sound1 with lull mirror S20 Ff. IOmm Edita< and Aewtnd 181130113& S23 H1btlrell S.lurd1y YELLOW OE Cllll'lwuher KETTLE 88Q S2S 8 oyt w11n1co1wood t lO ton 8Hch 883·2212 S28 6•3 W 15111 StrMI, 0'111 New AHlllllC 11\lng Polee. rMll. tacllle S4 Electric clocll. 11 comp1111 t7 Oulll•CI -:---::--------- work• S50 Porcet11n 10 •Pff<I bllte SAii Fol-Maho ganl 11111 "" S11urd1y and Sunday Co11a Meu (betw11n AMIFM portable radio 00110Sl·S16 Marine Chait umbrella tt Pw:z· IWtn IP'•d. Mith tenet OLD emall gtrtge •elr~ b 1lhroom •Ink S25 ding r•dwood picnic compt1111 10 LOI• 01 Monrovia and Plac1n111 AC: or DC S:>O Martell gear 1ntlqu• i nd new t • 10 50 F S 10 5• 6 t 317 or re1or 140 Sft c ouch, 6A2-0804 table , b11nth11 S20 Iyo• 50c·I S Plac1m111 SOFA Hrlhlone febrlc StrM••J 648·0135 Sat· lul>eAMIFM stereoradlo l4·I SO P111 boat 11r 50c SlcV 1:1 s 3';be• SAfl.7308 • Velv•tHn. grHn, gold. ----cft _,,_ I ...._ ,.., .,5 A I very nice SSO Melchll\Q d II 6 .,,,,... IO.. wtlh 7 1peeker1 S30 Two h 120 H I · 1 ._. 1 \orhlt• SSO Magnavox KITCHEN l•b14t S20 Elec· ,,..u1r1_, ... a.,.....,.n ' c nt qu1 collector 11m chelr S:.>5 Two ur •Y •. ...,....,ay ..., 12 Inch •P••ktt• with ornt 1111y duly one •h•ll• 75c. ""' SKATEBOARD 112 Ska c•~. itereo and lum· trlc iy~11., S26 Fovr S8 SklM ~u11rt1n1 t 10 tare and line 11·'5 Luo· boOltcetea tlS \lee ~et•t.40 3 _11_ rolltngl'MfCl\lndlMl9t>+f clipper• 50c. Donut lllboetdhl'm•UI SUit kllctlln c;tltlll end llble. Ski boola 1tr18I10 gage S3-S5 Vlnlege ,,,._ SA& 11 .. 5•1., .. ,. ., u2um60 KING headbootrd 125 ... OI --, .. .,. S36 12V 11811et end boll melter $1 Foo.ball geme knM peds s4 Adldll table, OOOd Condlllon coffee t•bl• s 10 H Ch [l«;trlC dome fry Pl"$& tel bid lr•m• 120 e... "'"" ' Lampe '5·116 Air pop. -· ... v .... SI. Pac. lntarlor llglll ll•IUtM S• S3. Electrontc ea"'• 12 150 eee.0232 Coat• c1u Nency 631·•308 Wat •ull l •prlno11ma11 keta SI Buelltf bHk•I Ootden, Nowport, by corn popper 1 10 N1w kerd 8 •11 AM b•ll•ry .. ch Lato• H1ort~t BOC>kt t()c..5()c. Crvlct\M t>IMbell ctMI• 18 8oye ....._ 120 Movie teteen H lull of kld1blOCkt118 M .... trvlne. 411eolrlc drink mhter 110 ~'1~~:!2P•'=~p:,~ palnt,QlllOMlndQUIM'll, I I 8edpan50c S.Wl 2 OP ll\ofl• IA &4W27e 9UAF80ARD 7'A toot ANTIQUE bookl •s O•k B11n beg 12 111$0 Cl · Bull11tn ooard1 and AREA NQ 9JCl2 120 100 Chalt115·•3&. To1111r a.fll0f'led colore lt·'3 411 Squ1r1 50c Ricord SEAA8tan5dt1Wfltehlat ttll Ellhauat twin •Id• chair 122 PrHMd gl... m«a Ind ll&ltl SA Older chalk board• 13. Typ• tNe rollOI' S20 100 pleoa t3 Camper ll1blltHt1 2130 Ooc:lori Cltcle, Apt fluOrHOanllampe new SI pt1y11 110 ft uh oan 145 P•nney·e glrt1 anc:t pl1>91 125. Old n..w.pe. compote S 11 B1111e1 AM radio with clOcil 12. Ht tray 15. HumlOllfar ull cloelng c 1btn11 U Fold Ing bed • 10. D, COila ...... 642·7589 11ch 10ft "" prunner carUt. ~metal cluel1 boy1 201n blku U& p111 1820· 194 t tH3 26c Shell coltec11on 13 C111\ only 181 Yortctown SS BlrdeagM SS Light· hlnQ4t 110 N4tw "'"' OIHIWlfl Oc·t3 TH· METAL olflc• dHk 146 110 Optn llOUll RHI plftl tOc.SOo Luoo•oe H Cll Children·· blCk· about m•Jor world Cll•ll• bo ...... Punch LIM, COii• MH• Felr· bright 10116 Folding Milt 1 15 13111<311 IOd Iron en.ti Aid• 10c42. Coo-Doubt• bed t35. Wood e.11111 iNgol with ..... 7$¢41 4 1 pleoea Ctlkl• pec;lll" NOii lOUvlfed 9"MI, W.W.11, Kennedy HI t7 bO li1vlland vi.-and ~ block IOU1h table St Card t1bt• ralllng ltO Oln1t3fl rod kle. e•ndy maker II. l<ltcli.n table (no Cllelrt) 14 HCh Open Hou11 dlnnetwtte S14. Clolt\M door 111110. Olrt1 cto· 111111ln111on U ·•t7. ptt1Ml15 PruUl1WQ11 o f Fair. M onl1e11to SIO.Enc:tlabl9111.61111 lron get1St0.6At·3118 Dr1p1111·U.3·WIY t20.Chlld1d11k l t6 Real EtUll bright Oc·'6.Ulund~""76o. lhll 25C·l 2 8472 Model-.Ctr1Ctr91n Sl2. S to Mln11ur1 C.011r Ch· Townh<>mel. 6A0·2158 cerrlOI' t& Vacuum t 10 lletr1111er 19. Conlolettt Ladye CS..11 111. Coucn orano• ll1g1 with polH Ironing end 111.-ve bOltd Sh• w n •a Rd . w M L11ge cut gta11 punch 111t S?.60 Cll'Vld lram.e N-kttcn.n fauoat wllll BAHNE •urfbOlld SO . hilt d1')'91' ttO. Ooffotu«>1 Ind IO\le _,,dark b1ua 13, Af111110041 and-. *2.50, Stool I I . 3021 894-0338 boW1122. Old "N1ltonal t3 2211 Tu1t1n Av• .. COFFEE •nd and llble• 1pray•r U A11ort1d Scllwton tO •P••d 160. 1211·1 60. li:1Cl1n1lon 1 10 Rad vtnyl couoh ply• 11·160. Ledl 11 Babb Street . Co•t• •-------Oeograpllloe" 75c. Old N-port &Men 116 Old Rea:: typewrllOI' cur111n tOdl soc. Re· En~llll oak ol\alre t 4o OOrdl Sl .00-I~. 81tur· 1 16. Twin bad •20. •llOH 1lu 0. •o Pih M... llAWNMOWFAb (Sc;Olll toy l rUOltl U·•t&. Old 12 VOLT 30 amp power 16· emnn fH maker cord1 50c. Clot l\11 MC · £dgtf *20· MIClrld day and Sunday 904. Couch HO. wood twin 11•18 oome new Men'• --S40 Two Penn Jr 126· M11v1t and Superman eupply OOOd for bOel or IA Stamp oollecllon tt5 tOo·ll. Ptoture flltMI Oepe gllM l tl. WelQllle 5331 8on1,,u, Hunting• bed 131. Dteltlf t35. 111011 l lH 10, U ( 10 TWIN bed l lltfl lonO firm, HCll. Small epl mo"'•' com IOI 50'1 9nd 60'1 t llerlSO. a.an Ona llu,,dred y11r Old IOC·SI TVtr1yat6 Two Ml '30. Wale< elell 120. Ion hacll Orallem and Drauer H6. Crib met· pair~. i..d'" ctotMlel.re lnoludu l11m1 '35. ttO ·~ mow1r 110 12 •u. One 11~1 IC ~~-· · blCJ 17 Vl•w M11ter wllll pie· bookCllH 118 ••oh. F11t11119 roc:t 15. OUtm>lllt warrter ' lreH St". l aby 0~1'r.1 , .. 11•110 Men'• 1Nf1• Fr.,,cll prcwtnotat cool(. 5A8-7605 , .... ..,.... 17. .... 150 .,..._ dral11ng llOll 120 II.If" U . Man'e ,.., Ill· m~,,. S25. 1827 Pine, · ' 3 tall l1bf1. 11 •---------• -· """' ,... 3048 Klllybrook, Co111 Ill., 2 11111. lultcaM 16. Fan SI. H .. 1 m1111ger Hun ling Ion 8e1cll. &LICTRIC broom 15. TV 35C·50o. Lampe t • t . IC portly, I WHttre, $40. ManY ~II~~~~:~~ 81KE8 mane bOy1 10 ETHAN Allen dark line ~. O•O.t7?0 Plo11K• 110 HIOl maote t5 0:30•m·4pm Setur· H0·4eOT 12 ,,5 Clottllng "'°" T•t>tea *5, '7, S10, a.. coat 1, p1n11 •Ire 12 Ml 1 ep1101, nam1 brand a, OIRLS 20 Inell ltlngray ci\llr rlGOYWed II. 3 t)1A day and Su11d•r, 2034 lla~b•O•· kttctlenwara: etove S45 543·2H7 or 11 .. 20. 4417 w .. t OoMt Pt1 • atllroom vanity IOOll, ride new, well MO coif" table '38. I cu· blk• ,,2 6'1_2259 33rd Stteat, Newport Miramar Drive, n 111~. Trac:la your old ilulf for book•, tool• Uc-SA. M7·110I H,"''I· Newporl 8HOll. ~~5'!!'1~4 bo.,1 120 8tue Clllp •tamp bookl ;:: ~~.'!:'?;;'Z~: Cott•.._, 8wll. 876-0161 811~ P9nlnt1.1te Po4nt. new good t u with • 2081 011nge, 00111 Heve eomellltr>g 10 11tl1 6 s:.oot2 12 IMl-IOee 173-.i74t _ ~· 675·3070 1 Cto.ifltld ad eA2·5e71 Meae. Cluallltld adl do II ~ 8etl Idle lt1m1 642-6e71 Ctaaaln.d Ad• f42·ff18 1s..1 l<l!t nem1 6-!:""7! Wini Ad• Call ._.2.W, a ~.............. ~iiH(,f:;p•• ~'"'········ lftM!r ••.••••..••••• DAVWAll f~HO .. ~Hi(IM HAUUHO-OMDIHO H#IO'TtOHlaT HOUl&o ._ ..... tinole, flone t ~ .... ~!.~~t······ fe'I!!.~~·· 'IHI ~ Wt Cwt CtpC I fir.!!,~ ............• lt!tf~ ............•.. 'trthlnO ln._IOf Ottlatl MOOILi I "VICI IWM>YIMINll llMm oMll I ~ AddlUonl a "8mGd•llf19 TNCti mount wnll AJA ••uree. IOOWllO ~ lewn Melnt dtmollllon. CIH n•UP Ol.V.HIHO A\09' ... PIM OC>Mt .... Oue!tly WOik· ,I ... 1(.-M 171-IOM Oomlnlo ........ , Ooncf .... 11 .. remc1¥tl uo. I do Wll'lcfO•• ~ QIM(.,, ..... UC HAHGIHG 110/~ f\Ma_,.,,,..._ t0tetnt OuM!ty I.IC/Int lltlp-NI/CM Oflly M2 t662 OAYWAlLIACOUITlC lllU OUIGtl Mt'V .. Ma ~ I t>on09cf t76-t021 &...f/t:Mfmf __ . _ "•pelrt. new I olo. 11 TOSJt)td/r~. Olten HAULIN0-1tudt nt llH a.,'d • ~ :n:'T."·'·~.~· Y'• ..... IUd ....... 2 UC>. '""renew. 111·'41' ~· truck. I.ow"' ,.... ...... ·;;~~ !rntr •.•.......•.•.• _!Of11 ~· 14e.n11 ~ :k°'ec on pepet ----~' •• 'AP kotl :·tU& tr.!~!!!.••••••••••• -• !' ,.""9' .. Ua. ,,...., nCMM4 c::·=-· Uo. ll!l..Hl.MI MOWtHQ • Cl.IAH Uf'I r~~'!J!71. The '*'" 17$-7 12 tW ouk:.~c.r~l':Mo. -""'--oom __ "ob __ .. _,_.2t1.1 __ ~~rt;ffc!iAH·.:;:i:;ci H.u11na • ~ • • HOUKOUAHIHO ,r ..... 1m.1i..H2.o.10 .._.. lflHA INO • lofl~t ....,_., * 7 yre tootl exp. Gutt "'9.feomm CommefoltW work Prlct1 11en II l.endac-.>•• leNIOel 18/rOll Aleo 761·7017 t61-U3tt ..... Lit ..... c onoret•: "•move Old. right. trtt t1t11utt on 'r• ttf 6't~7 ,AOf', ""va ....._.. · Ml • Aett 9't plaot Ntw. lmllgt lergt 0t llNI ION-Cll.4NVttl. HAUUHO Heullna • yerd oltetlUP 14.eoey ~lt2 •&-1 --· r.'l!!!~~J!!!~ ••••••• '!.• . .'!~!! .•...••••••••.• DO IT HOWi ......... Y OVI Deft !'tot """°' OlttotOty Lootllna for a hotne buio 0«1 Pr.. cell AenOlll l Prttlt y, J1 or '1•d Wiit o n . Park View Homtt. Inc 11 Toto . 611·t7IO )OM,~· '46-1811 LIO. Hilllt. 17s.oMI ~. Olntrll 0.-. (l~rtt .... If~ need t houtlkMt* Top qut#fy ~ oet• llC'D lltOfNCIAH -M.itlltneneti( 145.7217 ---------M f\*Y tt ~ llt, In =live~.:.""' Neel petollel' textur.. ALL Al TfnATION8 ftM .... H J.14H I Cu.tom La11t1-Wt1r CAUi C'1t •••••••••••••••••••••• 14ome Oty ptre ·OOM. C)uel. ~ rtttt MOWIHO l to-t10-l 20 DVMP JOeS eel ua.ato. )(Int 1"" No ovtrlim. 730-1363 • em .. Moma Joo. 10011 AOatn .. 981-8631 PLASTER PATCHING RHtUCCOI lntlt xt 30 ""' ._,,,...,..,.'" Mom wt clllld '•yoh. t>agrOUl\d. Wiii oer• fOf 2 'rtt ttt. N1·0072 TOM HllYl/Oumplng l tS/120 Clll MIKI ~1Ht .,..,,Jiff•• 8T.AAVINQ COLUOI ToP OUAUTY M 1 r II •••••••••""'•••••••••• 8TUDENT8 MOVING Yf'I HMt PW 6-i6·2977 ••••••••••••• ••••••••• Ml..wrl,nt.HI i\ddltlon1, rtmodalln9. ~!!!~!!!!!!~~~!I cMCli•.,,.. cone1rue11on. vr old• a up '"· u .eo h1 M.,le 840-7211 !l.!Cf"ICAl WORK 7M•ff04/Ha.oote HAULING I OUM, HOUM cert wlllle you're CO UC. r124_.H. AM• 11ttt. ~t-60t5 n, Mt pt ... ...., JOIS.~~7Aan0y. ~~~r:-~·~·2~;;~~tnt 30 ln1u1.o. f.41-4427 r!~~!~1...... ..... .. , H~rs~2oe2 ~810/00MM'l/IHO . lllp'd, QUlllly work t i WATCH US GROWi i!-1111,.,, ....,,, 20 yr•. Do f'ttY own woB. ,. ... ,., .. Mt lnl. ' HAULING and IOCll mo· ..... ;;; le1vlnl L1g11na loh jj ...... 11 0 7 ., 14 At1ll1tlc D IU 141-1121 flLf IN8 ULl.ED -I llf All Kind• <Jt.. erant..o •• ~............... pnoee Df~ya. Ptt1clng Lot ---·------.... .,,. Sealcoetkld Cl.Mui lldla• :m ....... c.......... UG 27I041 Al ...... 121 l•nOIC1plng N8/CdM Vltl(I llUci.tlt Wllll llUC:k •• --·-MMOOILJAOO.()NI onty Aon't GtrdenlnQ, Lewie t7Mtl0 _,_ .. ._ r.•!!.'!~~ ............ . ._, • H9f1 JUhrl 840 ·9217 848 Atphlt 631~ttfllo ••••••••••••••A•••••• ALLSTATE PAVING c::r:,:. ~er~~ 8ee6C:oellng•8ttlplng F1tt t1tlmtt• e;r.'2003 ~r1comm.1~ UC 13g7302 '40 ... 181 Cvm•lll Dan H ... betg Oracth"O • .-.,.-•• ••••• ••• • • • • •• • I p 111 C<> Ret/COMI CUSTOM SPA OfCl(8 I "O ~ Piiiot, ~ LIC'd UC 39780-C M2· '720 Jotvl or Aldl 979·3218 ~!!'!~I. ...••.•••. Lie: motllt1 wlll ctr• for ~ P' .. tchl1 l.g yro I gO meell 646-6313 ..... Tll IAUUTll Rm 1dO'n1, r•mod Pa· llot. fenc.t. 1Hcil1. Ctbl· "'"· kit 639-9873 Wint t>ebytlttlng, 11·30 to C1l'MI 6-mn 4 30 01 111 8 Cotti ••• -,...···••••••••••••••• Mtu M8·4a89 Crpll lti.tlll/1tptlrt0 Flood oemaoe &team ..,,,, "4l•l•MllH/ cJl\(j 664·1610, 973-65&6 6-mH Sham~ & ••Mm ci..n •• •••••••••••••••••••• Color brightener•. •ht MARINE SERVICES crptl . tO min blH Ch Mechanic Paint, v11nllh ...... " , ... In lt6 T •• &.-fUb-w•w a•& ,,.1...., n..,, MV v rmt , l\lg ---..-• -room 17.60, coucll 110; lul•n• hmm 0111 '6 Gu tr. ellm ptt •• • •••• • • •. • • ••• • ••... 00<>< Ctpl rfC)tlr 1 & Yfl un~ 8ummtf P109u11t1. up Do wo rk my1tlf ttaclltr liking 1ummt1 Rtf1. 631.0101 otf, dty c:A"'9 acilllltttt In -No--S-1aern--/N_o_611_~-- 1ne morning, academic Stain SpeQallet , .. , ectMltH In tllt lfttr· dry FIN Ml 83t·1612 noon, r .. 01ng ttrH..0 School aged cnllOrt n ·1nd whlll yuu wlint 111 _7_M_·_1_3_62_E_~----Dlllly PllOI Clai.sif .. da and Cttpentty. UC'd ftnllH IWl1 676·f*lf.42·MM 26 ~·· 1nWt 641-2719 •••••••h::;.......... ...,.,.., •• Fin• llnltllt O Clfptnlry, ,OAMICA COUHT!M ~ w:~t":i:teAtt"·fcLiAH 0 II I II ' T.-/Cebtneta tefeoed ••••• l'!ff! ••••••••••• remo e no epto • • · ......-HOUSE? Call Oln,ll1m Lio. 4 19617 fhn01tl ''"Mt 642-63&7 C=~"':P~ Olrl. ,, .. •t. 146· t2' T20-l2eo ,,..1,J.1/ Ofywtll • llUOOO • 1'llt ROSIN'S Cl..f.AHINQ WAV COHSTRUCTIOH '"'-' Gl.11 Remodel J.8 . 14&""90 ~·I lt!orouahlY Remodel A001tloo1 •••••••••••••••••••••• HOME IMPAOVfMlHT cteerl ~ 640-09157 Lie 42ot02 642·1200 -111 ., REPAIR.PLUMllHG IA ....... ---------CIVlttlne I Ed 148°7126 tieetlng, carpentry, tltc. CLEANING SERVICE COMM'L/Rf&O lf~J l Ult f1 .. •t No Job too Rtatonablt reltl. lrtt Remoo·Add'~Reoalr• ..,..,. 'f ttnlll 146-28' t """' I... Uc 300260 • • • • • • • •• •• •• •••••••• •tlmtt ... Jack H Oenntlt, Jr Tll lllU... ~el Mllnttnenc:. 720-0741 Gt11 Contr 662·9142 lawn-tr ... ehrub Intl.Ill Q=r: I a~~~oM HOUMOIHnlng, hOl'letl I Bon<leO' lnM1u1d Trtt trlm·retnOllei ' ·-1 dependable. Lawn cart·Rolotllll"{I EXPf!RT HANDYMAN M2·28to U. •H •I... ,r .. t10tnettt 5'8..eo&& catpentry . Roonno Lio 308888 RamoOtl, KID Lendec:ec>t Melnt Plumbing. etc 642-8013 • d 0 . n •. c . I> In. I. Retkj/Comm 0..tM"' I KNOW-LET'S GET ED· 646·8&ee Lt H*""""'· ...... "48" ~.,, .,_. ' • DIEi He c.111 11A tnY'tif\01 484 8969 ,. . ft REMOOELINO * Fttt •t ..... prlctt. Outl. wotll. Uc. U7 ttt. 631·2340 ~~·!~.!!!t~~f. 8111, m1n1t11, 1111 cabl· nttl, r1t1td penellng, 00011, boOllCHt l , rt• moo & •OO·one Xlnt Gatestnlng Wanted Mowing, ed91ng, raking, IWt•pln' Frtt ttll· m1tt1. 4 6 ·4372 Of 145-57'7. I.AWN CAR( Cotnm/rtlld. H'#t)llCM XJnt. ltllablt WOfk ON/Of", 81fry 646·7412 1tf1 LIC. 8348278 C11111l..O A01, your ona· 63e·23ee atop lhopplng cenl., .,,,,,. 11 ... .•......•••....•...•.• HARDWOOD FLOORS Btaut11ut1y ciMned 11\0 wexed 832-4581 l>eop1t wno need Pf094t T llat' 1 whet the DAILY PILOf SERVICE DIRECTORY II Ill aboott HOU3ECL.LANINO Aeuone~ablt Ttnye 983-2401 EXP HOU8ECLEAHER Rtlltble, rtfl. f'rM Ml Call 24 "''· 966-24 "· Wiii clt1n your houM or office. Elec., ptlntlng, 11 plumbing 641-toOe .io.n ., CIMnlng MMce Hou .... Aoll., Renlal• Offloel. 640-1287 March lo you1 phone to plac• 1 1u1-act1ng clu tllMld fld 647-6Cl78 ,.., ..... Live In MCUflty ptue me bV RlcllarO Sinor Lie lure lo\llng ctra 101 pet/ 280&44 t3 yrt of ~> pltnll. Ioctl Wtlometl Ctrtlfltd Hou1t Siller•. Tl\lnk you, 631 .. 4'tO t&lnce 18781 aa1.1234 --,U,, PAllTill- /!!!!!'!..~~!! •.•.... Rtvmond J~. 389 E R .. 1011nou11comm'1 Low 11111. Fret all 676·7189 t'lh, I l6, C M (tcrOH --PA-IN_l_E_R_N_E_EO_S from Rtlph'•I 63 t-6 t06 WORKI 30 yr• up. Intl "-' •-' EJtttf AcouttlC c.llt~ . .... ~~!f.......... Dayle Painting 847 6t fW UTlllATU Top Ouellly, 10 p11ce. Sod, 1prlnkltr I eh1ub .,rornpt Ext & Int 8pe<:· ln111llt1lon Our work 111111 R" I Comm'I Fr• Ot'l ly IOOkl upen elve HI 714·739--0708 Cllacik our Pf~ before OUALITV PAINTING. you buy Call Merli el I 10 yra Ml'llt\O o c U.,4'• ........ Aeuon•blt. !U-~ Uc 204618 • &46-1661 Bllhop I Son Painting 16..-n 30 vr• e11p . ~ ., .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Fr .. "' M2·1718 BRICKWORK. SmaH Jobi Newport, Coele MtM, lrvlnt Rtfl. 675·3116 Cuttom Bric*, Stone. Block. Cc>nctelt, 8tuooo ClutflltcJ AO• .,. 11141 Rtf• l"r• .... 649-9492 a ntwtr to D SUC(•Ulul CUSTOM BRICt<WOAK garege or y11d aale• It • a SMALLILAAOE J08S btlltr way 10 tall mo111 Npt/CM Ref9. ~12 -~-_1 __ 1NJ 6-mH i.a.al11 * •Al L Tll ( * * ••••••••••••'•••r.;••• 0 I k 10 OUALIT V comm/rH, 12 u• lly woi ,11 /,;; ., Y" exp Rtpelr/remod per G410tga 8. • 9 Rel• Fiiter, ht111r I 'ft•llll ·~ ..-. 013 .. a ta• •• ,. •••••••••••••••••• ~.---ieo per 1010 G 11d1ng 6 ••••••'••••••••••••••• plant•r M•J '' att Fr•• l.eb0t/M1tt1l1t Roofing dtl l()(elly S67 IM& All tyPfl 10 vra •llP. • llC:, gu11 Leuy 642-8233 r.w_I.'/!~/.. • • •• .. • ••• • •• ROOF FIREPROOFING MOii MJblfCll K 14 Mtg guar ot chemlcel Oey ev• wmmcr l 10wk DO IT NOW FrM Ml ! Mr MOIQln. 646·6176 01¥11 Pllnllng 847·b1811 w i ' Cl I REP~IRS 126 iOS166 :°:!~.~~ ••• ~~~.~!f ....• FrM HI Cati enY'll»e. let tt>e Sutltt,h .. In" WALT 770·272b I t.ell Sun•tt•ne Wln<Sow c,1.-nino Ltd ~ ... e 686J llu~~~~~r.' 20% Monthly 01u:oun1 Lie #41 t802 549.97 34 • RESIDE NTIAi. * ---AVlj I aty $30 Avg 2 tty ... ,)J1lll•• $.4!.I Chrll 957 83-46 ··auooerR:T;:·;tl~·o·· wi.-.. ...... 4 Low min bml Job• OK I 1rv1ne' bfttt Baat.; 1 lty f IM HI 1111 64 I 768 t j $:10, 7 sly 130 -I !169 1302 ktH., •••••••••••••••••••••• * f 1Nl:ST IN 0 (,,, * MOblte Sc:IMn Out.tor HCJn a Window W•~"lol Aepalf /replace Cut t Oh) I ·~..o n.... 83-0 17 t I R ... 63 l -630() IV• mtg C.Lf .I.Riii[ w WINO(.)w f'tncJ whel you wu111 111 WASHING Reaa 1111 .. D1llly P1101 Clnatlt..O• • flt 111 •1t• ~4;.t b449 ..,~, ,,,,, • '°" !'!f!!!!~ .. ~~'.!!!.lH~ !:~!!!.~m .. !.~!f A I w -1" -,.-H A•l11 1 ... ,,,, 1111/•Nt tiT 1111 ,_,.J Aa111 1 ... ,,,, Aal.1 l•Ntld t A1to1 l•Nttd ··~·ii1~·wiii.'! .. A~····"; .. ····;7;; ,;1~~~··";······11;, ;,~;·l ... r.:.~·n;; ·········"; ........... #al · .. ·";······17;4 ;;-;,·;~··'·•·····;7·;; •••~•!•••••••••••••••• 16'.; ARISTOCRAT llllt 72~~ ~· 76 CtNtllner t4'.li' '°hp n-. not NII c:on111neo • · Marc 0 18 Xlnt cond l t660 oft« 6&4·9118 CM• 967·1668 11000. 1197·3427 8:1 Toyote 4x4 long becJ Awl• l1mt1, 11111 pickup, on1y 3$000 ml 'f" • 11 • 1 I • II•• 1 kttiHlln 1400 Mu " .. 11 u o o •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• f>.418-0S&1 AJ111'fl fl 10 LITE HOD't' WORK & - • •• •• •• • • • •• • • • • •• •• • • pllnl/up 10 50% off your 'ftath II~ '66 ~~.. body lhop .. 1 636-1>632 ····;·m.;;·:ir•···· 673-6510 L1Y f/2 .... t ----sun um (4347> L1·1 ~ c,.,,n, l•I• l l ZO I WITI 1111 PUTI • Y 111111 Jnt lmc>«l~~POCelRT~tta ···-•=•t .••...•.......•...••.• "" ... ~•' 6 Pac k 6' Camper Hll· AUTO SUPPLY Dow/Quell 811 c:onlelned "450 tOt N M~tt1 NEWPOAT BEACH ___ 64_2·_4770 Anal\tlm 77e..9llOO HMHI 8' C/O 61;. Pee . ja ckt, bOOI, ptallorm, llee9I 4 $.460 646-205 1 Encl box ca mper IOI 8' 11uca bad. q.-a bed, P'~ •love tee boll 6 1011 01 1to~9• 1300 646-6642 --·111 IC260 '°''ton 4 f. • 44 Nu t.lf llllAO w/Dolby 4 000 ml LOll ot • .,.. Alt ~~::~c ~~o ::0 K~~~Y 5 495-86341 f.46"6836 1111 .._ ~ T 4 VW wtMM1t Oft 81 .Hiila CUS T DELUXE Pk UP 176 or belt ot1 648·5377 8t1g• color w1111 met · en 6 pm ch1ng llbergl111 •h•ll fQu1p'd wllll comp tow '77 OtMtner, l l 'h 11, IUlly 808'5 M081LE AUTO packegt Incl overloed .... contained GcJ c;ond. REPAIR ' BODY WORK tp<lng•. btak• and llght 12860/obo, 962-8722 Free "tlmat .. 673-7421 contrOI etc Auto. c11l11t, , fO P/8 . P/8 , AC Ater Ml· ~!!~1!.~.~!~~ ••• t. Aaln /., s.11 ding window AM"M PlllllT ...., .. iMi><>RiA;;r;.;otiCe.. 11erao11ep• c 11e10"' l300 ••2-4693 -TO ,,..,,.~ .. s auo Whll end llttVY duty ._ ~ "" tlrH 44,000 ml 17360 .1.DVERTt~S 080 673-2806 ll1l1111dn/ Th• pile:• ot 11tm1 •d· ---------lfttftn 1110 ver11Md by vtNdt dte· ·72 Refrlge111tO Truell, ~ieH&HoA.·160:;:&;; = :,:,:,:::::: ~,:,~t.:~ ::;'w=', Sport, blll, 4 In I Ktl'ker doet not lnotude any ti>· tr1n1m1111on. tlrta, lldt chrome, 8,000 011g pllcabl• ltxH, llcenH. btakH. ate SH Ed I mll•t Mini cono Mutt 1ren1tar ltu. llntnce truck at Mo* a .. Sii· ••• 1 t 660/t>ell 01 1 chti•OM f-lor air pol-tton, l'ltrbor I Ol1ltr, 647-1646 lullo n conllol dtvlca C ail Cell EO tit 6PM cert11M:1t1on1 01 OH lt1 S46-3&68 MS5001080 '11 Vlllll lll oocumtnttry preptra /9 Da11un King C•b. 4 •600 mlltl with 36 mo lion chug•• un1 111 apeecJ, 40 000 mllt• warr l ike new 11460 otherwl" tp•ctlltd by Very cleatl Air, "*' w/ O lltr MUST SELL IM lldVlf'll-lint6hed lnlerlo1 14750 648-44129 I 1163-tJU. 72 Honot 600/4 run1 wall bllt•ll/ --------13,000 ml e .111111 Aft Cl11•l11 llZO '64 Criev 3·Qlr ton Itek• • •• ••••••••• •••••... •• b•CJ Xlnt mech co"d 69nl Anytime wNlltndl -• ul"al $t860/0BO 648·3431 '800 645-448e ~ t974 SUZUKI TM t26 Ful, run1 good MUST SELL 1260080 14e..3744 1970 KAWASAKI 260 Ntw tlhOcila, runt 11rong MU ST S e ll 1 260' 641-3744 Shey rf911Ua, plGIUJPt I 'lJ f~ 0..W coup•• 4 to choo1• Se cond owner Aune. l1 o ml (006 7681 (Stk IOOkl 0"" 11496 A3093) Prl<AI ttMtlnO t t 646-7678 MY .. ,IHI TUEOOORI ROBINS FORD 10t>O HAUC;I l l 10 COUA MIU 60 OOfO 1981 Toyota 4 X 4 11600 and lake O/Pymt 638-6837 I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,~,, .... 1140 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• .. 111111111 78 Audi tOOL8 2d1, Im• 7, 160 8pydt1 Convfl1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ll ... lllllTU ~11ln• ~rvl(Al·Letllr.g Anrthlna conllOtled mac. cond Sac 12000 ,. l.OOk• 11\erp, rune gr•I ••, ,,... • 1 ..... 11:••0& 'tt7Y-tlvu 1990 ~ .... 846-8292 ~ 1200011>11 otr 645..()963 WM4 .......... 4 SPO MAG& IJ ,,.,.. ~- Bra 4 tonnH U "'"" lllUI • I .. Or_,. c-..., '926 HI/bot 81vd COSTA MESA 111-2111 WE PIY TOP DOLLAR F• 1111 OUI &LUI .... NINI/AUii 2460 HI/bot 81\td COSTA MESA MMlll 141-1411 CONHfll CHEYI OUT .'>".'> 11 t r '• , •~ : .. "I I"'' ' 1)4 .. 1200 -Mfll Top doll•rt lor Sporll Ctr• 8ug1, Cempera, 914'• .a.udr 1 Ml< IOI U/C MOR ..... YILUW&IU t 87 1 I e.act1 8'vd HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-HM WUTEll ........ I ..... .............. Salae-~ ~=~•In Euro· ..... , .. SUN1..a1m 111-1111 20t w 111 Sant• Ana C4oMd Sunday .... lnllTllY & Ill lollllll .. Salet·~LMlll\o 860 N 8.-cll &Nd. lt2-llH IUIM IUUU'I IUUT & -1111 J11 te I... 838YOK Mini concmlon Red, w: .. ,.... •t Sl211 U 1·21'1 411-4141 "4.996 642-7226 C.ompatt HOUH of Im· 110 Ol Wt\jOO am/Im rr portl Dlrtel ..... end 60 { w111daw delog/Wlpet (>It '11 flit lnw moe Mnllbtepym11. 0t11 'IH~'' ,Y,li'I I '~ •j whlti ••I••• 011 ,,crno Atd with 0010(11m, ten 213 or 714, MERCEDES i.W.!JJ JJJJ_._._.J 1 '6000 l,i1!\ 4~ l~~~!o!o"'MllOM~~~I Interior 26K ml Xlnl 11 2t3 or 7141837·2333 MOTOIS cond Alt 6. 648·6804 , II d -1 -l:tll" w;,111,.1 <; ,.111 ,1 ,,. Tor1l1 111$ L..;. __ ...,;iiiiiiiiiiii.-..;;;:~I Haven 1 you we • ong ··'••••••••••••••••••• H" 11U enough to own 1 Mer· -· I I 11jyo11 Coron• 111<11 1980 DAT8UH 210 HA f C H9ACK (RWG NVI.) Thie on• llH I • lpted 1raneml11lon and •n AM/FM c •n•tt•. OHL Y 13"31 Otftt 0000 thru 6-17·82 Newpo11 Olltun. 618 Dow 8trMI, NewpOll BtlCh C all 833-1300 ·79 280Z. M C. 6-tpd, AM/FM. reg .... 1 ownr M760 83 t·2270 tt76 OA Tl ~ good ttV\I 6·17·82 Newpolt Oil· eun, 881 Dove 6trttl, Newport l ttOh c 111 833-1300 1980 DATSUN 280ZX 2 PLUS 2 (HOZ8L). Tl'llt ont II loedec:I wttll tlltlUI ONLV 1 11 ,2991 Ollar good thru b· 17 -62 N- po1 I D111un. 1188 Dove St1Mt, N-port S.ach C9'I 833-l 300 '117 DATSUN runt IJ'•I. 4 I P fooltt goocJ 26mpg 16 76 btll Ofltl 554.11118 1978 OATSU N 8210 11c ooe221 Thie ona hat low rnlltl •no 11 exeep t1on111y ote1nl ONLY 131861 Offtt good tlllU &· 17 ·12 N .. porl Dal· •U". 118 Dov• Strttl, Htwpo1t laacll C ell 833-1300 Tall• over lt•H P•Y· mtntt ·9 t D1t1un Ml· xlme. 1281.98 875·7763 aft IPM '76 llOZ. Xlnt lhape, etc, 1unrool, l ltltO, new pelnl, etc 16200 caah OI HOO down 6 I t86/mo 114neo-eos1 .al llU llWt '80 I 10QX, Im CH I , 4 MW llr•. Jdnt cond 144()()/080. 87J.4()et ~··••••••••••••••••••• cad•• Benz? Do•'• ltt 1••1111 1141 new A11 1/wind defug 4 78 FIHll, Im Cllltllt, lhil Of)pO(tunlly pea. you 1····················:· ,,.,.,, ,..,... b1111<414 6 tllttl Mlctlellnl, low mlltet•. by ec;t now1 W• llav• • p ANTE A A 1 4 c.. I ., $J',UO (,1111 Ouuo 1Ur1n IClnt 12860 &62-t643 l•ntut1C 1tltc t1onol Sllvlir fbl ~ Lo•d•d 1 ..,0 ,~1 f,/;J 14 3 • ••"'4 1111 model• 6 colora •v•ll•· 1 7 141998·~830 Anoy 1)41 4fi 10 aft tJPM •••••••••••••••••••••• bit 11a•HI 1141116 CCJroll11 011, 50.000 ll'il M• IUlllll •••4t'l•••••••••••••••••1 ou10 AC II"• now 12 WE 'RE lllPllT1 '73 Peugeut 504. dar ~ 1.,o b•!> &o.c4 l30t Quell St t gre•11. 5 apd n eeoa NEWPORT ~CH wor1r. $1500 551 9!>f0 '11 C.Hoa 11 c,. DEALIN' 111-1111 PM low m11uge meny u --------'""'' 1150 lrH ~1.~1~~1~1111 DEL1MD1,YERvA~ ·7~:2f:~~·~· .~ ······Miisi£R······ un · 1e 300 sD °" t ownt1. po11••11E1A• llkt ntw. mull ttll thl• ..,.. 81 Supli !I tpO '"'' I qulcJ tltteo Otl'4tr ••• u 18995 648·7890 MOST ...-. 121 ,600 ll1m. Ctll t3e3l Hart>or Ylvd IUI IPICIW T u(ker 648·22 t3 btwn Otrden Uiuve 1'J Corolla Wgn, all Od 10 em & 7 pm l ...... lerftM-l.e .... mpg lt.!_96 673~8 MODELS I ~9n~~?o3~.~~~.:"or'14: 714 ••1-2u 3 r!!~!'!e ......... !.~~? Oya 7711 ·2248. tvH ~o"~:~h:2:2!ur~f~1 'll TU I 1,4 SAVE 640-8936 lo•cJ•O l tkt ov , 11, ,..11 1un11111I 1<1w mtl•• 11 Loo~ .• 1n11 rune o••ll 1973 450 SE. Sharp Alum peymen~l4/825 lllOll PIP $3';00 5•~1 0510 AT alloy wh••I•. 8ll'l/lm , · 19 1 ARG A, xlnl, MUST I 526·6961 tnrl Whitt I t0.000/offet 6'5·5262 :.~~4~~~ 0 r I g o wn' V.J.1111 -;. 111' 73 MB 460 SEL ••••••••,••••••••••••• HONDA Xlntce>n4 Mon-Fri alt 5 73914 Portell• Xlnl t9 7 t VOL K S WA G EN c oncJ Low mll••o• CAMPER (335MVW j f.45 2_._34 __ -$6400 OI beet <>lltl Cell Th•• one II "'"' tletn• 13 M8Z 220 83 I ·8622 ONLY $3311!\1 Offtt gooo SANTA Xlnt ce>n4 MS600 ll11u 5 17 82 Ntwpo11 Call 631·~15 64 C compl re.to•tttJ ttu l>nt1u11 8811 uove 'ii•-• e ngine $9tiOOH>hQ lhi._.r,.fJ• 1 e 1111 u 1 (.a ll '80 460Sl. ch1mp1gna 213 447-5256 833 1300 ANA w/p 1 lomlno llhr, 011g ownr 669-6127 '86 200 AM /FM, 11ew 11••1 radlala. 25 mpg, Patti & 8trvic. Open All •Int $2900 673--0320 Oty 811ur01y . .. au 112 TIHA0 Mint cono Many 11••••• I Mull seel $ t 1 000 673-2287 213 451 -8811 1 1111 HI I 30\ w Wtr,_ Av• 'e6 230SL f'lne cone r• ll tStk -t ot Mein) built tn~1uto. lttlto, Greet cono111<1n muat 1"2'"" 0 "74 a•8" eee $7 000 For •Pill ca.n 540 7430 "' "" • . .,.. • 53tJ 2547 8-5 Mon Fri • '112 • 390 St. MBZ Coupe 646 424 I s s '79 Honda 4 Or .1.c;ooro, 5 400 m~all T60-9034 ·18~11sc . Au• p(ii';r l lpO, AC, AM/FM CHI. --blue. lmmac cond LUI· txtrtmlfv cleen 18160 ·79 MBZ 300TD St W•· ded 119,600 Ftrm Daya' ~9 9VM/wt1ncJ1 gon Sunroof 648·1'648 1 832-5511. £..,..I Wlr.ndt• ·77 Accord, Auto , t i(, em/Im, 1ag oe•. 13960 641·8242 '11 Hondt 4 OOOf AGcOtd 11176 mllH, 1111• newl Auto, am/fm ""· air. l8000 846-764 I '76 Honda Civic, 4 1po, llatdl«*, AM rtdlo, good ~. 12000. 6"-f'42 OI ~11341 563-t233 *'ll •1 IMI* Re«wllt tng & tre111 Clean ce1 19000 494·3381 (Frankl '12 •Z IM18. Bliek with bleck, all or>· tlon1, u .&. legel, lmmtO oettvety 161,000 676-1679/876--0073 78 911SCT11ga Alt. t lt c wndw1 duel '"" rore. Ken_.ood tttreo 0001 Wflll. P 7'1 blk W/ COl'k Int , xlnt eond 112 900 675-8203 67 Rtr• Europ"n 91 2 ....,,, paint clutch, 6 1pcJ, em/Im 1ttr c•••. 17000/mtllt o l r 832·94116 a a . 16 CAI iFOANIA eua . *lllHT H U* 6tlver 4 apcJ AMIF M cuaelt• 1n1e1ior & E..-te 110< in aupet -du~r c.on dltlon I I 8VY0351 Need ••ll •bl• perty tCt "'•"• smell monthly pmta NG •.ll<J c<>n1tac11 to auumt NO t>tlcil pm11 oue ""' fo r R o a• 8 4 :;> 44 00 . bMI· 1008 Proto LIM 69 VW BUG RUNS GOOD I t200 876·6198 l'I '>-Ouare Bk l o ml OllQ l)Wlltlf $1300 751 440 1 71VW8U5 Che.mpegne Edlllon Sunrool am/Im 4 tc>cJ $4!>001080 642-6082 '66 SQulltblO new molOI w/re,etpra N•• b rtk•• Good c:ond $1660 646 49l6 ' I Oout DAILY PIL.OTl8•turday, May 15, 1182 ....... ~.'lM.'11Jl.......... .'. .... t ........... .11~ ••• t .•••••••••• *'5. • ....•...• MP.'... ••••••••••• •• 11~. • •••••••••••• "!.~'!.. ~ •••••.••••.• :.'.'!!t. ········111 ··~!~• ... ~ ............ . MJl.•ffM ..... /.. N#S ........ ,. ... IMf f.~~ ........ ISf f!m!!f ......... /Mf ~......... ... ~,}lf ...... ~f L~~~1~:~·.~:~:1 ::~":: fl!!'r. .. ~ ....... !!.ff .! ... !1!! .......... !. ... r_'f'.lit' IHI ., 1 lk•• 'H """"'e' 01u110, "" ID • ftll11 • ._.., 111 ;;;r~Y ,.,_ 1.,... 11 Old• C11•t Cr"'"'· o 1p1oer 1110 , .. o 111 "" • ., looMY!lle. WNt., rww t7 Venb.W•, v1.1•, auto ·n or~~·;;0,j;·i:r;~j1"y U'M WI MNf, pelllt, "'"t.~phol e , We heve •good..-. OoltMtor'• ldlllon. a. w9n. 001T1plel ely over· ... ,, '!'~~ attu Xlnt A D•lfy P1101 OIH•lfltd Ur ... low mlt-.ge. ttOO Irena. "un• food. Int•· loaded 17K mt, t HOO, ..... Aft 4 brM,~.,,. """l'M40f tlon ol NI W a UllO topt, IHdtdl (llHI hauled ent 6 new t11t• •tw NftV, t41-t.... Nellon 1bou1 Ml11 Mur OfJO Chrlt IG7·f6N rlor 990d, nHO• body e7MIU, t3S.l200 -WOik l?a.1411 Otiewolet.t ctof-I tery, tront end ~ 'll --~ I let• Yull .. end t>Oughl 11 c· .. 1H.,.e to o-C-""• WOfti "400 IM-Ol:sf 1171 VW Mien • dOOt -, ....--a wN ~1. wN bel -_ .. ,.... tor tt I& You c an Hll -..... ..,,.. ... •L•d u..j -· ~I eocl AO, •t•eo, AMC Qr"1'\lln, 11• l ·ovt. .W 111,111 I new 1rr .. Trani oll lrouoh•"'· mini oond, your lullll 1no 1011 ol Whelever the 'ao '73 PonU.0 Gtend Am, 2 '•-::r,flRJW -1 t4,000 "'I ttltOO. 1714) U&),l,;6° ~;:foort ....... ,.... oh1ng1 110 Trlr hitch 1m/lm, 110, euto. 1111. 11lh1r 111 1ng1 1hrouo'1 Aolt ·em ott t~ Metllet dr, AM"M •t•eo, 1;:'2 ~1°ei:.i,d .. :i;;~···~ Ul·,010, 1UO·OHt • Oow/Ouell 8t• lOnlcond l14IO/t>ttolr lendtU, Cull Wiii•. pt, Dilly Piiot C11ulll•d Wllh1 CtNelflldAd cond f 1100 N••I 64 epllt ... 1'.1om1.'2tMPQ 0 ...,... flh• flll NIWPOAT B!ACH 648-7303 pb. 411< ml Mutt -1 Adi Celt "441 5071 Cell Nowl "42·5011 D11ty Ptto1 Cl .... hld• '3600 Mf·a&S4 '10 vw "•bblt, I door, •••••••••••••••••••••• llMlll Salli A # 1100 A # HM A I flM a.lo. Olll 11'11 ,,.,.., •• ,.. • ... ,e.t ~ * la~T SELL Pvt ~y 141-1&16 • .'.1!.'1 •• !.'! •••••••••••• ~!'.'1 •• !!'! ••••••••• u .... in1 •• !!'! ••••••••• u ~.~!'!1.,!!'! •••••• !.~~ UK ml 011 olltnged loeded w/1a1r11, greel a...-HJ lftU-J 'II-•• MOii 2600 n"tl )(Int cond mp Q t 4 I 0 0 I 0 • 0 I ...., '11 ........ ~;•••••••••••••••• 'II MAAOUl ,ull Po-_,_, .... Met r\UI Utt& 144·0140 1·11 .... lal1•• ... t '71 DODOI! ASPCN 1nd Alt Lv•ury end Cutl ... ~,lllnl,pt,pb, 714/7to-t71t very i porty loaded 4·Door P/8, PI B. AIC. economy 1n one p ee· 1/0. 1340 GrHt gra· . Cu/llM Hll a~ PIW V•rv low mllHg•. 11111• NE!D Al!LIABLI! dulllon Qlltl 8'4·4821 71 W19tpl\1t11 01mp11 ........ )!!!!._........ demo. ( ,.., ~I conotllon p ART y T 0 MA I( f '71 A h 4 d Superb. a•.ooo mllH •TmnATlll ., lllll O.M IMa.&1111 8MALl MONTHLY PAY· IOld:s·~:v.n~. •r~4211~· Hite oeo. J4t·IHO UM.Ul1 • ...,, '11 Mt:NTS NO OLD CON· PIP. 114e-7&oll •. . '70 DIHI" AAHIT We 1peol1llH In le11•t ..... e..ttt ff1' flf TRACTS TO ASSUME. -, --------1 E•lt1•CIHf11, Oerm1n II lor th• bu1lnH1 HIOU• ·1·e···r·D···b······,······· NO BACK PAYM£N'l8 87 Flr•blrd 400 All new •Pd. 2000 "'I. on reblt llYI' ptOfeHlonll LO•dld b11u1llul demo! • L ' Hi OI ., OVll DUf CRfDIT Of PT uphol 'r,•lnl CIHn. eng , new Mlohelln• a Llrs• lllHll~ (Gfl-5). Y lllll ti.ff& 1164•72113 547·8331181nl1An1LIM !!:.3~s·2 •king 01,.. Bll•tlen•1..'"'""'· 110 II " Atklng aa"''°· "44·118.45 If ... 1 I ltWUI .......... ·74 Torino. 4 dr, new b•I· * MUST SE .,. .. ...... 00¥9/0ueN Ste, '''<Jo' brtk•• St e ll •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll I IUTU ... II 11tekt NEWPORT BEACH 11 · &4&·3020 111 5 '&O BOOCAT Autom1t10 '7 1 Pinto, n-pelnt. meny Xlnl oorwS, n.w eng. n•w parte, good tr•n•p 12116. &40-2711s HMIH '72 Meverlck. 1acell1n1 PoW•rel-lng end Air. A cer 1400 448•7821 Nrum~~ cond 44.000 mllH At· re•I b11uty 1nd 1 gu · · •• ,. .. lllTU '71 CAMARO king 11500 64S-OS2& ml11r NEED RELIABLE MercedH dHlre Pinto Low l'l'll*~.mlntcond (' \ l • •llllTllU* .70 ,ALCON•DR PARTY TO MAKE Pure•? tt87·U 230 l240111offlf' 551-~IO ./ J .. 1 • S•Hy yet CllHYI Auto. euto.J 151< ml, run• 0,... SMALL MONTHLY PAY· Mere.cl .. 4 door Md1n ''''"' "'", 111,o1 wl 8 cyl. to give you gtMI l&ll M&·Jll78 MENT8 NO OLD CON· I owner-good looklng. YW .. , "'" '"'' •,.111 '"-" m1111g1. Buckel •••t•. TRACTS TO ASSUME Oood coMltlon •UfT&IM AMIFMICUM1t1&mor1I 'll llnl NO BACK PAYMENT6 1ff fWt ... --(838WUD) Juel nMd rt--ctr a/o 1mllm pe pb DUE CREDIT DEPT owner 54S-06t8 prlMd ----·7s SEVILLE. Blk/blll 1M-lltbl• party to mike pwr 'wnc!W1, "'" tlree a ~7-8339 Senl1 Ane LIM right TinlU.t ther, moonrl 6 ell 111r11 1m1ll monthly pml1. No btllk .. '2200 &45·74 t2 •7• Pinto )(lnl con ... •••/ llM.ntlU 111.000 404-8904 oid contrecta 10 ...ume # •••z 0 " ,...., No beck pmll due At« 'll MAUii Uta ••IUf. n J FM c" • Mu• t 111 ..,. uu. TIE WIEST for Ron 84 2·4400, Auto. 1/c n-p•ln1 ···~&acoNi,.EATieLE°··1 $2000lbat olr 538-7371 UOB.LlllT ~ SEUGTllll 5SS.IOOS Pro10 LIM 11460 6All·S044 V8 1uto, •Ir, PS, alnl ,,.lilt lflS I Lllfl If Fii cond '4900 1·533-4242 •••••••••••• ••••••••• • ol let• model, tow mllH· '85 M•llbu, ret>ulll engtri., Ll•tfla llfS mf Tl ge C1dlll1C1 In Southern Kini con<1 11200 •••••••••••••••••••••• '87 Mu1I XIII ct .. n. 77M * UllST SELL OMllll.... C1Mlornlll SM ue 1001yt 538·S500 '78 Town Car, 4 door, orig ml, 8 cyl, pl b, p/1, lftU 1111111 loedecl, 11lnl cond Rldu· euto tren1 good llr11 0 .... 1 •c '12 l•W c.d 10 '6000 949.19s9 12495 e101r 548-7518 .....,. E.<Clllent cond Low ml· Whet• Wonoeriulw orld 1111 lnfHC 2500 Htrbor Blvd leege. 11300. ol Shopping, right DI COST A MESA 962·5717 boor llngetllPll evl!rydayr New tlr1e. thockl, pelnt, 40 lnlerlor 20 mpg, runt & -1110 '75 Monie Cerio, nice, ally Pilot Clou111uo grlll 12995 ees.9244 U PIS, P/8, ••crlllc• Ade f o ptoco youi od .. ·11 Super Beetle lo ml, ·77 Seville. Kini cond. 1 $1795. &4S·OS12 c111 842·6678 and lel 11 '67 Mull 6 cyl, red, gd thowrrn cond thruout owner $7 soo , CleH•lled Ad v1101 help cond. I 1500/b11 olr. Call MUii ..... 407·1697 . 120.1113 70 Nova, vs. euto, 17 you. 673-1256 $2350. mpg, 0111n, 91K p•. nu --Ca•"• 111 l 11re1, mttr cyl 11300 'l• fW Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 8 0 . MU 11 t 11 11 CLEAN, NEW PAINT '77 Xlnt cond. elr, crulM, 848-3343 Call~. 4 13800/otter S47-SOl5 pit , pl b. amlfm 111110 ·es convertlble Malibu by •11 ••••" ltUll cue M111lllc •. white orig. owner Reedy for -• Int I owner 13400. reelore11on Elec top a Lo•d•d. Incl, 1unrool 552·2915 window• Needt TLC PI P 15 9 0 6108 0 1750. pp ~S-8&4S 540·0529 ·1s RA881t f!~~{~1 •••••••• ~~~ II OIEY. OWJll Z21 Whllt1 w11om 4 dr, euto. 1 *M Pim* Auto P S P 8 •Ir, 37M, Kini l 3SOO or Nd• •ulo, epprox 1150• P Window• Air. Stereo otter ~0.,.083 """'" runn« 840•2778 C111 • Tiii Whl • CrulM-""""' control. P Or lookl, Meg• '11 llllU ·75 Vege Hlc05 • Mint Cond 1CMU IS I Sunroof. 11lnl, Ilk• new · 7 2 C h• v Imp• I• SIHI $3800 nrm ~21 Cullom, ne«ll WO<k, bll nJ lJ '\ JJJ I I ~ 'j I , 2 olr C•ll 833-25S5 j , V• n 11 . ~J ..... ..J_JJ ••••••• •••••••. ••••... 79 Slater Cheyenne •oo 11 1 Ytln h* VS 30K ml, pert cond, MOTORS Cle •e l c 110 500 '''"''·''"''''" .. "-It o..tJI 648-;847 ~ . . C•n•ll• 111Z SAW, lllY10l UIWllll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS ·1a Mont• C•rlo. good •••••••••••••••••••••• cond . lull po-' AMIFM • _,mt 6 • I r k ' A I c ' 122 5 0 1112 IEWI 845-3634 01111 1op1, toededl '82 811 Air, run1 grHI, (2021). PerfecUonl OOod lnlltxt 1800 .. , 111,lll WUlll Ytt.YI 845-1S48 ltWUI....,,.... lllee Herbor Blvd COSTA MESA · 76 Chevette, 4 •P•ed, Dove/Quall St•. high mll11ge, good run· (Nr. J1mboree & Brletol) n 1 n g c on d I 1 I O 0 Hl-tlll Mt.-1111 l.._Mll 538-8500 ...--------. · · n°"'" .,. tor COfflC*I_, ~ EPA'' .,,,.,, rMutlt,,..,, •ety -to 27 HWY ESl ort.,"O 99MO. _,,..®ft EST MPO 01t1ont """tnp ,...,.,. ~, .... '---------' "i9ftw.., m11eeoo .n1 lie '"" JllPCJs .. Joep CorPoratlon hH alaahed the baH 1tlcker prtce on 4 wheel drive tctemblera tnd CJa. Thar1 •reduction of S760 on CJ·5. 1823 on 1cr1mblert and a whopping S 1000 on CJ· 7 And. we're giving great deal• above the price cut Stop and He ua today You'll Ilk• what we're doing 10 pricea .:: .. ~-=i-:---- ADDED BONUS Thi• Weekend Only ... *500 EXTRA DISCOUNT On Any New Jeep CJ. Direct From OR~NQI COAST AMC JIEPt g:oc~:t:~ . "MC .... I •O ------m..-.etn .. '"' ( NABl~RS ( :,,1)11 J .. 1\(: CLEARANCE SALE! 1981 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD BROUGHAM Astroroor· Coe (ICF\R5~21 sis,995 1981 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD BROUGHAM ( 1COX359) S}5,995 1912 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI "DllSIL" ( 141123) $16,995 1977 CADILLAC SlVILLI (39 ITASI sg995 1978 CADILLAC SIVILLI "ASTIOIOOf" (711WCOI sio,995 1979 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI (410WOW) '8995 1979 CADILLAC PLHTWOOD BROUGHAM (89SXET) s9g95 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI "ASTROIOOP" (009XNY) s11;995 1971 CADILLAC HDAN DIVILLI "O'ILIOANCI" (380VDT) •&995 Off., QOOd Tl\ru M<1nday &· 17•12 N1\BERS C AOllJ,,AC. 2IOO HAMOfll kVD, C08TAMHA 540-1860 1111 Fiii FIESTA lvl•' O•• I n•' •1111 13111 C.,,,. twAfOOf 6 AUl 'M .... UC,.,. IACU•1 '80 FIREBIRD FuM Power 1nd Air T-Top A rHI 1por1y one NEED RE · LIABLE PARTY TO MAl<E SMALL MON· THLY PAYMENTS NO OLD CONTRACTS TO ASSUME NO BACK PAYMENTS DUE . CAE· OIT DEPT. 647-8339 Sent• Ant LIM Standard Hatchback Come In today and teat drive this $ 5 3 7 7 3-year paint warranty. Ser. 11 112640 ' gas-saver with 4-spd .. pinstripes and ~ •see Down Dellvera OAC Any Vehicle et O.rden Orove Subaru OAC I llY TR -Y!~L 1111 UlllUI IOI Y 1--·-·-• .:t=:: ...... lit '" 1411 '12 MUSTlllli ----IT FACTOR REIATE $66500 FOID CAI CAii COVHAOI 24 lllOIUH ~ 30 TD CllDDIE ROI I OEADUNES FOf Tuesday through Saturday pyt>1tca11on1. 5 30 PM the previous day For Sunday and Monday pub1tcat1ona 12 00 noon Saturday ERRORS Advertisers should chec;k thetr ads daily and report l!fror, lmmed11toty The DAIL y PILOT assumes 1tab1t1ty for the first incorrect insertion only Q !UES Diiiy Piat REAL ESTATE , 642-5678 • PUel.tSHER S NOTICE All real estate 8dve<t1Nd In lhll newspaper 11 subtect to the Federal F atr Hou1tng AO of 1968 wti1ctt makat It llteoal to ldVerttM any preference. 1tm•t•t1on. or dltcnmtnatlon baNd on race. color re1tg1on. sex. or national origin, or an 1n1entJon to IT9kl flllY such preference, llm1tat1on. or dlscrim1nauon Thll newspaper will not knowingly accept any adv1n111ng for reel -.i. which 11 In violatlon ol the tew , • Q.ASSIFIED INDEX HtttUS fOI SALE 1mmm (,dllf .. llJW ...,, ..... '"' '9t .. .... .. _hl•M I ... A~r1m.""' fftf '•l• l'U) a.tbM '·"~ "''""' • IOlrl ::::-!~:r,~rtt ~ f llOUtM ..,,,., 101• C.MM• 11•1 Mtt '""" ,,.,...,.,..,,,"'' ,, ....... l'i•.I f .... \ii .. -. ..... : ':;.";'.':.:·,.~ .. '~!'' IV• v.•4'• ......... .. ... , .. , J'1w• IOU ·~"'"''''"'U'-' .... ,...,..~fl\ .u .... It" '"""'-'•'• ... , ...• '"" ·~·"-'~._., ... .... hwnm. tr•.P.•O "' .. , .,,.. ..... fM.,,.,,.,.,,,..,.,, 01•_11 . .... -...... ·-I.Oh Mr,.,., '" 1 .. 1.-U1H• ..... ...., .... ,. ... ',,, .. ,. , .. , , ... ._._.~l,~I ..... "'~",,., .. ,. .. "" ..... )t(JI M;n..-\1•t(I , .• , ,,,.,., .. ,. "';,,' '"'" ~n:!:::" ''"" f)Wf 1 I ll'WM~ rop ....... '"'" '""' '-~ '"•" .. ,.," •"'· .. ,,. fk--:~M~"":·p!.,~-:'(,re" t /700 ,,_,... Alll• ·-"••I MIM• • ufilaflltr ,. .. , ,.,., .... ~. ·-............... ~ .. -__ ....... ,. ... "' ........... 14111 ............. , ... I ... 'Ads 1n thll category mu1t be pr•peid Open 8-5 30, Saturday 8·noon (CIOMd on SundaY) 330 W S.y St • Coata M111. Ca 921127~ IUITALS ··~"·--·--Mott '""""" t fllfwf'"\~ .. ~.'""'"~"' '~'"*""''."'" ( Uftdinfnttuw"'' t nl .,. .... ~ .... , .. ,._ lo-"-"°"~'' f\f '"""""'~ .... ,. ttv+t.,.•• I "'' 1'tih ._, .. "fA'' "''"'"' 1'ph •• ,,..,, t ~· .. .. _,,... ..t.ifn ........ ,., ....... h \ ...... h ,,.,.,. """""' \vn1nwt """'•I \ .,..,.,,,,.. "•1'1-l•h ........ ,. '-'• "'···· , .. , .. " '""' ... ,.. ftlft<"• .... ,.. •• ,._,_.., Mf'4'M •I '"""""··· ...... , ~:.·.,: ... ... ... , ......... , UlSJ '"JI) . .., ... ) Kl> ,..., J'IO UIO -..... ••• ... , ""' .,A HllJ tl~J .. ., .,,,, ,,., tl ... .... "'" .- '"" """" - I ( ' l ' ; ( t s OLlll Tl TIE IUOI and only $119,900. Three bedrooms or use as 2 and convertible den plus dining. Redecorated/paint and e xte nsive use of wallpaper throughout. Built-in range and oven, dishw asher, etc. Offer down payment and the owner will finance the balance. 2-ITllY 1141,IOI 3 Bdnn 2 Ba. Bltns incl. dishwasher. 5 huge skylites, "moodlights," frplc, Spanish tile flr & cut glass window Loads of used brick. ... ., llllllTl-a11,lll Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bcinns (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, brick firepl~ce . Large yard w /sprinklers front and rear, cov . patio, room for boat and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, and tenTlS available. Nnw11M111111r Two stories, 3 Bdrms + loft and family room. Lovely wood exterior, slate entry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sundeck. Walk to beach. Owner will carry, so submit your down. Asking $165,000. IW.llllPHPLD. just a few doors to the beach. Two plus 2 bedrooms including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio separates the double garage and both units. Super location. Near shops and market. Asking $275,000 with owner financing the balance . lllMl...U with a BA YV1EW from the large front balcony deck, plus a huge aun deck in back over the garage. 2 Bedrooms in each unit, just a few doors to the Bay. Tremendous assumable loan. Askin& $299,000., submit your down payment and take over. JACOBS REAL TY .75-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92e83 11 1 I r ~ I . ' t i ~ i t •• l i ' I ; GRAND OPENING! Buy the BMW today and you've got a BMW Buy a condominium home at Heather Ridge today and you may be able to have your cake and eat 1t too. Heather Ridge is designed to make home ownership. with all its accompany- ing financial benefits. accessible to those who are ready to buy a home for the very f 1rst time And when you start turning your rent checks into growing equity, all kinds of good things start happening. Financial and otherwise. The dynamic, modern design o f Heather Ridge lends itself to the active lifestyle of amb1t1ous people on the way up. There are even tennis courts and a swimming pool with a spa to help keep you in shape: The cozy one-bedroom "'--------- • ,1 I I I . ' ~ 5 . • plan 1s ideal for the single lifestyle. T~ dual master suite for sharing singles. T~ two-bedroom for married couples. . The purchase of a Heather R1dg~ home is lust the sort of wise financial maneuver that can bnng that BMW and all the other things you want closer quicker. The place to begin is Heather Ridge Get off to a flying start. S75,QQQ to S1Q8,QQQ I /,J 1I HJfl 'tll I HEATHER RIDGE 17 1111 r,43 2100 I IV 1lll4/• flt fl( II .. A I FtN"NCING A 1111utty ot tonq term hnnnc:ing plans wttn 1nt1111 p1yment1 calculoted 11 ti the 1ntt1es1 flte wore 1 ?''. Ac1uo1 1net111t 1111 m11y be higher Como t>ul 1oday It> 11111 we can thow you how th11 lln1nc1ng con move you into you1 ne .. hom1 •Atk 1b0ul 1111oc1ation memt)e11h1p lees 101 th1~ n~ nt1Qtlb01t1ood P11cH tllocttve d11111 ot publlc111on Sub1ec.1 !ti • PrlOI .,.,., .,.,,.. .......... -·-· ·-·-"' ,._.. . ........ ----···----·-( \ ' 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturdsy, Msy 15, 1982 LIDO ISLE l&YFROIT 11,500,000 Pier and sltp location 4 Bdrm, 3 baths. Owner will carry 1st Trust Deed with a substantial down paymenl Will accommodate a large yachl Ltdo club house+ lerms + preferrec1 status of Lido ltfe style LIDO $1,200,000 Own your own dock l or your 85' yacht Pro- fessionally dec;o1 ated 4 Bdrm. 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors Patio overlooking prime bayfront location FEE LAND Security gate. and many more extras. LIDO UH,000 Deltghtlully appointed 2 Bdrm. 2' 1 baths b~y­ front condo 24 hour security Sauna. pool, sub parking. close to shopping The most prest1- g1ous high-rise condo building 1n Newport Owner may exchange llYFROIT COIDO $525,000 Spac1ows 2 Bdrm, 2 baths. with tel-down bay view Large prtvale atrium ~any custom fea - tures. Security and boat docking. Owner will con&1der trade tor home In PaJm Springs, Las Palmas or Canyon aree LIDO ISLE Hll,000 New French Normandy 4 Bdrm + den. French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass I wood + 2 fireplaces. This 1s a true lido charmer at this fabulous price LllO ISLE Hll,000 New elegant custom 3 Bdrm light, bright and airy Featuring sunroof piped and wired for ja- cuzzi, telephone. t.v . mood ltghts 360 degree view Most unusual home on Lido Fabulous f1- nanc1ng Owner will consider all offers HYFllDIT HI-RISE IJH,000 With view of ocean. 1 bdrm. mirrored wall. beautifully decorated , ready to move in Sub-parking. security building Walk to Udo Village. LllO ISLE SI 11,000 Dramatic Spanish Casa. 4 Bdrms. den, formal dining room with Mexican tile floors galore! Pnvate patio with wall -must see. YILU HLIOl 1311,000 Ocean view and Bay view. largest unit In Villa Balboa. 2 Bdrm, 2 baths plus den and famlly- room. High ceilings and skylights. Very plush carpeting throughout Nice large assumable loan. Act fast!!! IWll PElllSUU 1111,000 This brand new 3 Bdrm. custom home features oak cabinets throughout. economical hot water. forced air heating. open beam and wood planked ceilings. 7 skylights. This is truly a must to see"' HWPOllT OREST 1211,000 Plan 4 -3 ~ retreat end unit. New carpet one of a kind. Customized throughout Pool, tennis. walk J o beach 2 car garage No outside malnt~ance HWPORT CREST 1111,000 Vacation living year round. Tennis-2 courts. spa pool, within walking distance to ocean. 2 Bdrms + office + retreat. Move lncondltion. Great sundeck. WEST llEWPOllT 1341,000 Absolutely steps to sand Duplex lo~ated in most secluded part o f beach area. 3 Bdrm each untt View from upper Excellent llnancing. YEllSllLLES 1111,000 Fully furnished condo. below market price. Sec. gate, plush carpets. pool. spa. great assume loan Underground parking and much more. Walk to beach All you need 1s your clothes and toothbrush IEWPOllT CREST 1211,000 Beautiful 3 Bdrm + retreat. Custom wood floors & mtrrored walls, built-In bookcases. The finest of taste and elegance Furnishings can be pur- chased. GREAT TERMS. COST& IHI 1111,100 Attention Investors -Just listed this trlple.x that Is definitely for you. These units are always In demand and are always rented. Close to park. shopping end schools. Call today!!I CISTI IEH-EISTSllE 1141,100 Come and see this charming home. Great lo- cation, with beams. brick flreplace and 3 Bdrm. 2 baths. Move 1n condition Bring children and pets to play 1n huge yard with alley access. llYllE 11'1,000 Beautifully decorated 1 bdrm + den condo. wet bar. 1'17 bath. pool & jacuzzi. Walk to golf course & tennis & shopping. Close to frwys. Charming Spanish tiled patio. Owner will carry 2nd. Liii ISLE 1111,112 Ideal corner location this sparkling clean 3 Bdrm. 3 bath home on an extra wide lot. Only 5 houses from clubhouse activities, beach, tennis and swimming. Large assumable loan. Owner financing available. "Ill IEHGEI LllO ISLE llH, 710 Lots of warmth and character In this charming 4 Bdrm home on a huge lot at the quiet end of Island. Oen or 5th Bdrm for your added comfort and enjoyment Beautiful large landscaped sunny patio .. ILUFFS OOMDD $216,000 Situated on a beautiful greenbelt 2 private patios. new c arpets. excellent cond1t1on 3 Bdrm. 2 baths single stnry "Bonita" Near pool, schools & shopping Good Income property Make olfer EASTILUFF $232,000 Bank Repo , bring your paint brush and save $$$. 5 Bdrms .. corner lot Get a new loan with a low down at a low Interest rate. Greal family home COSTA IESl S 115,000 Attention builders Come and see this triplex and great potenttal Costa Mesa golf course view Call !or more information ILUFFS LOWEST PRICE 1131,150 Two story 3 Bdrm Plaza condo with fireplace, Dining area, Large patio. Obi garage. Wall< to shops and schools. Near Pool See and com- par~ llLIOl PEllMSUU 1125,000 Oceanfront duplex looking for a new owner. Great for investors who love ocean views. 4 Bdrm up, 3 down. Good rental area. Owner will consider all offers. 111 CllYOI 12,210,000 Splendid custom family home on extra large lot. 5 Bdrm. plus maids quarters. Large living and dining rooms. Familyroom and gourmet kit - chen Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf course and mountains Ill CUYOI 1211,000 Open Sunday 1-5. 25 Canyon Island Or. -of! Ford Rd. Split level with great golf course view. Pool. Spa. Tennis. Good assum. loan & owner will help finance. Owner leaving state. See & compare Ill CllYll 1111,000 5 Bdrm. 7 bath home with all the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with sliding glass root. Sauna. steam room. 3 jacuuls. Play & game room. Screening room Gourmet kitchen. 6500 sq. It. OOllTRY FIEICll 01 LllO 1111,000 Beautiful 4 Bdrm home on large lot. Has all the amenities. French doors. stained and leaded glass windows. Alf oak throughOut. Incredible financing. LllO llLE 1410,000 4 Bdrm, 3 baths, 3 car garage. 40' lot on cor- ner. South patio. Submit all offers. Owner wil- ling to trade for house In Westwood, Beverly Hiiis area. Small office In same location • Be1 gar C.01 pa11 Bae I B 7 8 22~ 18 161 1111 S4 1 dPtl car' TSL Ruor apt pit'• 111e, QUI S!.T 61S· ssoo ~r bll tm TS • 3b C'ar Pt1 641 ssoo 1 s pell ce111 TS por pet St We~t ". sto No oe de 710 So DI Kid WI 9S7 2 e PV1 SS2 1 D Nie utlll 2 b<l( lire SSS 3 Br X'' 51 •21 Po C11 6-4 I ,,, poo cari one f6l 2 BR ' CJ now or P 1 Br dll 646 2 br Adu Ok Cl . .,.,_ I I 11101! Ill OLI CIM Attention Investors -try 15% down, owner assisted financing. Unique duplex and cozy In-law unit w tth good CdM location $329,000 UllQIE II OLI COllOll DEL MAii A cottage on a canyon lot This quiet uncongested part of Old CdM incorporates a view of the canyon & mtns owe terms $275,000. UllOUE Ill OLI 011 Tastefully remodeled 3 bdrm + den, with income unit on large lot. M aster bdrm suite. Frenc h doors , wood floors $539,000. UlllQUE II OLD CDI Overlooking Big Corona Beach & the Jetty, this home has view. view. view 3 Bdrm one level Quaint & cozy so hurry $620.000 UllQUE II U&UU This secluded 2 Br 1 Ba Condo. on the ocean side of Coast Hwy. is perfect for the second half or your ltfe One story with a peaceful view ol the hllls. A listing of Marilyn Aousselot $145,000 UlllQUE IEAR SOUTH COAST PUZA This 2 Bdrm 2 Bath Woodside Village Condo has new carpet. good f1nancmg and a terrific price A listing o f Barbara Atggf\.. '$79.900 UNIQUE Ill HUITINGTOI lilRBOR LOC.dl1on ct1Jrm 8. w<irmth characterize this '3 Brrn h<1rne P J• •! spa, dec.k P. lo"" m-JintenctnCI' r(JmplPlt the perlPtl p1ctur1 A h'>l•nq r I (,;11 ot tn t,ta50n $389 ':.OCJ UMIQUE 01 BALBOA ISLAllD u u.,1111 4 Bdrm homP with 11ayv1ew 0n th•· 11<>nr:1::1l•1I hltlC' 1~t.111d neat !:>!JOI tu ltv~ (vii Ar 111· Jt>tm· on l<Jr -ipp1 o;:n s 000 UMIQUE IN NEWPORT BUCH C..<irf'lree livinq <JI th'? beautiful Versatile Wo nderful loc<1t1on . some with ocean view">. good financing guarded gate, SE:Cur 11 y systems & we have four to choose fr om L•'>1H1CJ'• o f Der.n1s Scholtz From $241 <;oo UNIQUE IN COSTA MESA Ur11que opportunity to own a 4-plex tn Costa Mesa with a srnall down. excellent financing & taY benel1ts A hsting of Dottie Valentine $225.000 UlllQUE UI HARBOR VIEW HOMES This 4 BA Porlo f1no Model is one ol the lowest pncPd ;ind you own the 1and1 Frplc bonus room OWC A hsting of Larh1ne Shaw $3 t9.900 ---_.__ G ,.,, . .. I .• .. ... •• tt ,,. ........ ,.,-:. ~ ·..ac-!·1 r·:.. ~· _,"" ... "U ~ •• u '· OPEii HOUSE 1·5 2 BR. 4 Melody Ln lrvule. $141\.000 Sun 4 BA+ 978 Sandcastle, CdM , $325.000 Sat/Sun 4 BR 2706 l1ghlhuu~e. CdM $465.000 F Sa11$un 1 BA, 2307 Port L<Jrhr,11• NB $249 000 ~Ull I BR quP!.t 1..!UG OceiJn CdM $620 000 ',a1 Sun 4 9 A+ 6 Winq .. <1 F 101, NB $6 4 5 000 ', 11 Sun !'f1 1Mli7;1 I/tot r r 11r1 Irv 'SJ~l~I 000 ~IHI ? S ,\ BR 2104 V1•,to1 I .irt·dO NU $?49 ~00 '>.ii I 1 1:>1 G1.1IHI L1111,JI H<ll hi $bSO 000 <, 11" :J B H 4 .! o CJ,. ~ "1 .i r •· rr •• c... cu M ~ i;><J 000 5<J1/<;t Hl 1 an HM <Jo1tl•·11r11c1 Cc1M ~.•,'.j<iooo !.JLHl UNIQUE IN OLD COM Great ..,l1t><~I 1v•t11 ltif' hP..1c:h. on a 45 too t lot A-2 Zoning and the owner will help l lnancP. A l1s11nq o f Dennis Scholt z $390.000 UNIQUE IN LHE ELSINORE English Tudor 1n a country setting on , aCff' with 4 Bdrms & 2 Baths fh1s home is ne;:ir lhP 1.ike & shops A hsling of Katie RobNIS al $229 000 U~l()U~ ti()M~~ REAL TORS 6 7 5-6000 In Coron• d•I Mer. Newport Beach end Irvine A SPIRITED BUNCH! 1 I • t 1 /" , 1 1 t • I • I " • '' t ... ~ t UllQUE II IUYIEW Hampton Model with 3 BR on quiet Cul-de-sac. guarded gate. spa, pool & tennis. A ltstlng of Barbara Hutchings. $395.000 UllQIE II JASllllE OREO Accents on details make this Condo an outstanding beauty. Plan 3, 3 BA, 2 BA, & a ram1ly room on 1 level All with a lavish landscaped patio A listing of Barbie Hutchings. $375,000. UlllQUE IN JASllllE CREEi Seabreeze and seclusion 1n this guarded gate community. 3 Br, spa. beautiful patios. sharp & clean Assumable financing A listing ot Donna Schroeder $387.500 UNIQUE Ill SEAWllD Drama11c Portof1no Model with enclosed entry See this charmer with Mexican Pavers, skylight & French doors -1t will knock your socks off' Well decorated & owner will help finance. A llsttng of Natalie Fogarty $339.000 UllQUE IN WEST llEWPORT On., of a kind View of the ocean & ~unset Profess decorated. a real beauty - has P.xlras galore. End unit with 3 BA or 2 BR · Den Everything you could ask ror - ewn price A listing of Artie Johnson $144 900 UNIQUE UI HARBOR VIEW HILLS Rel ru w1 1h a i,wnoram1c view o f the oce<m c .tnvon fl. rolling hills This home 15 p1 1cNl tc11 .m P.)(1r£~rrwly last sale 40drm 2 B,1fh« A 11• t111g o f Dottie Valenl tnl::l $32G 000 UNIQUE IN WEST ltWPORT 1111, l_,1J11d o h.1•, rll'w C.cHJll't paint & t»rrtf1c 1"""" E ... n ·lh•nl investment fry 10 dov.ri A ""''"'4 o t Rita Bolands S 123.900 UIHQUE HI IAYCREST r 111, tw1Ll1onal l Bdrm lam1lv home lend~ 11sell l o enterta1n1ng. the yard with pool & • IJ•• cwn has AV parking A 1ts11ny ot lhf' Von Gelderns $395,000 UlllQUE IN II& CANYON Sp<1c1ous 3 Bdrm 2'11 Bath, fireplace wet bar patios. master suite walk-in closet. '>l'tur11y gulf's. comm pool & tennis A lie.ting of Susan Harder $267.900 UlllQUE Ill HARIOR VIEW HOMES v.111w & location 1n this 3 Bdrm ' Fam Rm Mexican Paver entry. plush carpet. much more, lee, good assumable loans A 1tst1ng ot Carolyn Mason $279.000 UlllQUE II llEWPOllT Pool sauna. 4 Bdrms. French doors parquet flooring. updated kitchen . security system. owner will assist on terms A listing of Bonnie Barrfngton at $295,000 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15. 1982 'Between tlie !]iiirways and tlie Sea • • • 1\rl1 ;-.IH":dl_,. 1·1d1l'cl 111111 ,1 g1·11 1lt· l11ll ;-.11ll' .1111.111·111 111 1lw l.11n,·:1.\·;-.1ll ll\·11H·<:11.1;-.I c:11111111 _,·<:hil1.:-.1·o1bl.111111;-. 111"it0 llll'cl 111 p.11111r;1111ic \'it'\\':--11 1 I Ill' gnll c11111 ·;-.1·. l 'p p1·1· :'\1•"'Jll>rl B;1.\'. llll' l'ac ill1· < k<·.11111r 1l1t· 111 ... 11111p11lit.111 :-1!1111111•! !t' 1 d i\1°\\'p11rl ( :1•1111°1' .ind l".i :-1111111 blo111d. 1 :~plrn t• 1li1;-. :-t•111i-1r11pic.d t'll\ ir11111 111·111 nl t0 \11tic lrt't';-. ,11111 l111r:1. <01m·1-.tlcl b.~111111:-: ;1111l 111.ig111fin·111 l.111cb1 .1p111g. Yo11'll .:1gr e1• 1ha1 Se;1 l~l<11 HI i:-. ind l'l'cl. llH' cldinilin• :-:11111•1111•111 11f li1H' li\'ing. :r \\'11rlcl 111'1·1l'gamT. g11;trcl1•cf. g;1f(• ;-.1•1·uril.\'. nTn·:i1i1111,111d :-r 1plii:-1it-;1ti1111 tli.11 rdl1·1·1:- l lH· Lt•)4;1l'.\' nf'St .vl1· for wli1d1 :"\1°\\ pnrl lk:1d1 i:-1111iq1wl~· l'l'I )(I\\' lll'C I. Sd<·t'I \'1H1r rn·w n·:-1d1•1H·1· fn1111ii\'i1r11·f\'111 . . :11 d1111·c111r:ilh'-l111lcl 1w11 ;u1cl 1l11 ·1·1·-IH'cln111111 1111111· p l.in;-.. r:ing111g 11p In ].Cl<l:\ :-c p1:in· ft•t·t .111d ;1pp1111111·d :11 ·c111'<l111g Ir• St•a bl,111d";-.1h1·1111· 111 tlll' q1111111·;-.~1·111·1• 111 Jll'l\'ll1·g1·d l1l1•;-.l\'lt •:--. 1111111 $390,000 '" s79s,ooo llf1H1t .. t\\lh lf" .\ •tJt HllUU•llJ'l"'lf11ll1\ 11't1 •11t.11I "'''"'' tlfl•. """''"tt ' ... 1t1111 \ .. ~ ..... .1. I. I''' • Ill 111 \, ln1 dw ll1111wu" ltt'I • l ,11 I ,1111 I • 'ftl 1111111 .. 111 d1 I •ii --------- --- T '-"'-it Newport Beach ~Legacy of Style . c=J '~---'~·-' '~·-·,~·-'-"'-----' II :.. I I IO\. I ·"'' .'\<'\\ 1w•r I 111'.11 h. I,\ 'l.!hC.11 (714) 673-0474 a 1HE IRW£ CDIFNl( \11 I !111 fin• f1•1111w01I11 *" \~· I'll'! 1 lli•1l1H I ••• I'"'"'' .• , ... 1d 111 ttt I t• ttf'. •• II •tt t • , I \ · \ • • . ...,., •• · • .,,~. · • 'IN. ~ -:,y~ ii.'fNh • 'IHJlflf1J0.9Hl.~·;·i;~;1Ht/1r.< ., l/f:t. Orange CO'(jnty RearEstafe1An 'A'dVoflllJ1K~ .. SU?S~tfM\5'1Tl'cntfb'UA1tY'PrtOT1'SaMOIY. Msy 15. 1982 -7 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES lfWPOllT lflON 1214,100 Beaullfully customized & upgraded 4 BA in immaculate condition Enjoy outdoor living in your pool & spa Complete security system, new appliances & carpet & solar are plussesl HYSIDE COYE 1711,000 Upper & lower Bayside decks allow for grac1oui. living & entertaining from this highly upgraded property 2 BR's. formal dining room. wet bar. beam ceilings. Owner will assist 1n f1nanc1ng NllllOll VIEW MOllH 1310,000 Unique expanded 5 bedroom. 4 bath Palermo model Beautiful amenities include new neutral carpets & fresh paint, 3 fireplac es. lovely private yard Owner will carry AITO or 2nd T 0 with 20°1. down llUIOll VIEW NlllH 1211,100 Only 10•10 down can get you into this lovely fee Monaco Great location Great pr1ce. Great Terms Don't hesitate! ILlffS 1311,111 FU Great backbay view from living room, dining & 2 Bdrms. Large open kitchen surrounded by patio 3 BR & lovely pr1vate entry. Excellent financing on this view property with you owning the land. A must see! IAYOIEIT 1321,000 Beautif ul custom home . Remode l ed , redecorated & ready to move Into . French doors enhance the brick & lattlced patio. Famlly room. 3 BR Owner highly motivated ILIFFS 1111,100 Just hsted a very special .,eaut1fully decorated 3 bedroom condo with many many amenities!! The super locatio n and view make this a Newport Beach best buy11 YEIHILLES 1121,000 Executive Penthouse located 1n security guarded adult community . Enjoy nearby clubhouse. gym, pool, & sauna. Take over existing financing with 301/o down. TUllTLEllOCI ILEI Slll,000 Spacious 4 Bedroom Glen home. Choice location backing to lush greenbelt Room for pool. Seller very flexible Sale or trade. Perfect large family home tn pres1tg1ous area. llHITACE PAii 1141,000 How's this for value? 3 BR decorator perfect townhome built by Broadmoor This home fr onts on a quiet greenbelt & l eatures a l ow-mai ntenance brick patio Assumable financing available NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROA D JASllllE Ollf El 1341,100 A great plan 6, plush carpet, wood shutters. lush landscaping-community pool. tennis courts. totally sC!cure area A ldbulous value 1n sought after Jasmine Creek. COllOU IEL IWl 11,200,000 View. View Wood & glass custom home with !lowering gardens Terraced deck overlooks finest bay, beach. harbor & city ltght view. Spa, sauna, 3 BR . den & 4 baths Outstanding llAlllOll VIEW HILLS 1311,000 a 4 BR "Monterey" 1s at last available' This highly desirable floor plan Olfers a formal d1n1no rm & separate family rm with wet bar & c ozy fireplace This one 1s a "must see'" HAlllOll VIEW MILLS 1311,000 This IS the view you 've been waiting tori 180-of sparkling ocean and stunning sunsets The private courtyard pool will deltght you & the 4 BR home makes 11 a dream come true Termsl OAllEO lllllH 1741,000 If you are looking for an immaculate ocean view home. beautiful pool & spa, 3 BR's (each with own bath) spacious llvlng area, and land included In price. look no further! This Is It! OORllA IEL 11111 1211,000 Spacious 2 BR Front house has a separate 1 BR guest or rental uni t Both recently refurbished -olfclrlng today's buyer care-free duplex hvlng south of the highway SPY I USS 1411,000 Popular Portsmouth Model home with sparkling pool 3 BR with family room on corner lot. Quiet area near schools & shops 0011111 DEL lllll 1371,000 Sparkling clean on wide greenbelt 3 BR with large master suite Plan 6 Earthtone decor End unit. Priced to sellll OTHER AREAS lllVEllSln PHI S 112,000 Bnng your large family! Spacious 4 BR with 2 master suites, one on main floor 3 full baths. Formal mirrored dining ro o m M ature tandscaptng Tf'nn1s & pool close by Large home. low pnce OOITA MEil 1111,000 1 wo ho mes on one lot Newly carpeted & painted w1tr1 a large yard Excellent tocat1on & good f1nunc1ng Investors opportunity or good buy for owner occupied buyers (;lNNY ANOllSON C••Ot AUISON l(AfHllfN ••CIU O COIA IAlOIKOSKI IAHAIA IALLMAN llU llNU MAIO A Mfl!U OH i IMN lllANOI IOWll JOHN CAM'NU OllVIA CHAMI IVAN CO IKllT LYLllN IWINO SUlll IXLIT MAOOll GUTH MAIY HAIYIY JO CAIOL HUNfll NANCY HUOT CIAIO KINDIG 0011011 IEL UR 11,700,000 Spectacular oceanfront Newly constructed' Oak floors Water purtl1er Alarm. Intercom systems Two BR Oen Hobby room Stairs to best swimming beach In So Calllornla. PEllllUU POllT 1341,100 Walk to beach or bay from this charming 2 bedroom. den customized home. Long-term financing by seller Prime Peninsula location. Don't miss seeing this home before you buy• Call for appointment IA YSllOllH 11,410,000 Spectacular 3 bedroom home' Gorgeous bay v1ewl Newly remodeled & decorated. All new kitchen Feeling o f openneu & space with custom details Owner assisted financing IAYlllOllES 1331,IOO Shows like a model. Enjoy the spacious b1lhard room & relax In your own spa and bricked patio Perfect home for buyer who needs 3 BA and loves private beaches and security PHllSUU 11,.00,000 Architecturally elegant, completely custom 5 BA 5'11 bath home in prime bayfront location. Fireplace & wet bar In Master suite. Facilities for large lot FEE PHllllU 1321,000 Special W. Bay Ave duplex with 3 BR In the main unit Separat e master bedroom & charming garden patio This Is an excellent Buy on Fee. PHllSIU 1171,000 4 BR Balboan oceanfront w ith wood shakes and a "real front " porch. On site parking & fantastic ocean view makes this an excellent buy on Fee. PElllllU 1111,000 Custom home on the secluded plaza with great 12% financing Den. fireplace & sundeck In the master BR. Gourmet kitchen. brick entry, 3 car garage makes this the best price on the point. TUllTLEllOOI ILEI 1210,000 Decorator's own hom e. Ftrst time offered. Definitely sophisticated & hlghly upgraded 3 BA condom1nluml Gorgeous wall coverings, trench doors plus a beautiful pri vate patio. Appointment only. UllYflllln PAii 1213,000 Deane Hom es freshly painted & decorated. Ready to move tn Beaunfully designed patio brings the lush landscaplng right into this super 4 bedroom famlly home MfUNOA MAUTON VAlH ll MAUHAU CA•OU MCMAHAN JANI MlfCHLH lOtl OLSON l(AY 'AIKH flO "flHOH tltNOA ,ffHSON •IT A OUIOO\I ICA Tll UUlStON MAICIA llOICK LUCY •OSl CYNTHIA •UMS"no ,.ANIC HNNH NANCY SIMMON\ HlllAllY THAMEW USA WHITI WYNN WILSON MAllCA WOUINO IOI YOIKI AMERICA'S LARGEST FULL SERVICE REAL EST ATE. COMPANY l 8 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. May 15, 1982 . . MACNAB IRVINE REALTY IACllFIQUE IAYFllOIT CllATUU IEWPDRT IUCll Unique hOme approx w/8,000 sq. It. Lg slip, bayside lawn, pool, 3 fplcs. plus His & Hers bathrooms. den office/art room. library, gymnasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx. 74 ft on the bay Only 5 yrs old $4,950,000 John Macnab 642·8235 Seller will help with financing (M 11) COUllS ISLE IUISIOI W/117' DI TllE IHI Spacious and elegant bayfront w/Mansard root & 180' view of islands and peninsula Five bedroom suites. Dockage for 3 yachts Offered at $4,300.000 including land. Cathy Schweickert for appt 642-8235 1M 12) IEWEll IA YFllOIT -OWIER Flll&ICED You own the land when vou buv this spacious Mediterranean style home w/docking for up to an 80' yacht. 4 BR. 5 BA & convertlble library/den. Liv rm. din rm. kitchen & breakfast rm. All overlooklng the bay. Good assumable loan & owner w/ftnance balanc.e w/reasonable down payment. $1 ,700,000 Larry Dyer 642·8235 (M1 3) SPYCUSS HILL New . spectacular -custom -view 5 BR PLUS!' Full security, gates. pool, 3 spas, 2 master suites & elevator Skylights and leaded glass enhance the lite and airy feeling. $2.295,000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 . 3 Muir Beach Circle. Spyglass. , SHOWPLACE OF COllOH DEL ll&R ... Every possible luxury has been included in this magnificent custom home on a corner lot near COM Beach The minute you enter the courtyard you realize this 1s indeed a very special home 3 BR & ocean view $695.000 Maxine Propp 644-6200(M15) IEWPORT ISUllD l&YFROllT Beautiful condition · Formal dining room -lg master suite w/lptc & view - 2 secondary BAs w/party deck -Owner will finance • $625.000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (M 16) P&IOUlllC VIEW Lg 5 BR single level home Beautlfully customized Separate lam rm & extra BR could be in-law qtrs Wood plank lloors. new drapes. hot tub Close to schools, beach & shopping. Good assumable loans Anxious owner -submit $450,000 incl land Rosemary Sietz 644-6200(M17) SE&YIEW -IEW IEDFOllD VIEW Spacious 4 BR. formal d1nlrig rm. fam rm. 3 BA home situated in the prestigious guarded gate area of Seavfew. Great ocean & city light view. Community tennis courts and swimming pool $480,000 FEE land Donna Godshall 644-6200(M18) & HOIE WITH PlllDE Custom built -for present owners by Ivan Wells Beautiful corner lot Htgh ceilings, lg formal entry, formal din rm, lq country kitchen 'N/fplc & seating area Sparkling pool. $424,500. Incl land Owner will finance Barbara Aune 642-8235 (M 19) LIDO ISUllD DELUXE MOllE Lovely bright 5 BR formal dining rm. lam rm. wet bar. sunny patio' Tastefully decorated. Assumable 1st. T D. Priced right at $465,000 Berlt Mltchell 642-8235 (M20) 642-8235 EXOELUIT IEWPORT IEACH HOllE Spacious " BR. formal din. llbrary 3 fplcs. lmmacula\e cond1t1ons. Pool size yard. country kitchen $435,000 Bent Mitchell 642-8235 (M21) TUDU Marvelous Eastblulf home Lusk built 3 BR, 1 lam rm on parklike grounds Immaculate w/many skylites & upgrades Desires trade to $500.000 with R/2 zoning beach location Priced at $239.500 LeasehOld or $34 7 ,200 In Feel Jane Paquin 642-8235 (M22) IEWPOIT IE&CH -llPLEI "STEPS TO IE&CH" Excellent rental area. 2 & 3 BR. Both units has fireplace. new drapes & paint. Owner will help with financing. $320,000 Bent Mitchell 642-8235 (M23) C&IYOll -DCE&I VIEWS 1215,000 Just reduced, owner very anxious. Spotless CdM doll house on oversize canyon tot :J t:JH. :J BA, incl separate entrance guest su11e Close to shopping & Little Coror.a Beach Asking $295.000 George Grupe 644-6200 (M24) E&ITILUFF SPECIAL This 4 BR. 2' 1 BA Lusk Plan D remodeled homt· has the utmost in SQac1ousness & charm French doors open Int<• a large enclosed courtyard Excellent financing. This exceptional family oriented home is close to parks. schools & shopping. ~289 ,500 Maxine Propp 644·6200 (M25) llYllE TERRACE For the family who wants a huge yard and a lg pool You have found your home' 3 BR. 2 baths. tots of room to add on Seller must move and will finance $285.000 LH Holly Markas 644-6200 (M26) WESTCLIFF -DELICHT Lovely 3 BR • lam rm w/sparkllng pool • inv111ng warm decor w/cust om shutters · 1 newly landscaped Real Pride of Ownership shows 1n this home. Close to park. schools, beach ALLI $269,000 Fee. Jane Paquin 642-8235 (M27) WM&T COULD IE IETIEI 2 frplcs · 3 BR & a Catalt1•a view Lovely lg lot -beautiful location · close to schools & Fashion Island. $245,000 Leasehold Barbara Aune 642-8235 (M28) llcllll Ill CllYOI Superb offering 1n most prestigious Newport location 2 story, 2 BR, 2' i bath, den. security gated, community pools. spa & tennis. Carefree townhome Living wlth a flair. Only $225.000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (M29) WOODllllDIE COIDO Charming "Redwood" model -3 BR. 2•;, baths, dining area, professionally deco rated in spring colors Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennis courts & lake. $155,000 Fee Donna Godshall 644-6200 (M30) PlllCE llEllCTIOI F&IT&STIC Fll&IOllll For this 2 BR. 2'11 BA. formal dining area & patio Only 1' 1 years old located near Harbor High School & within walklng distance of shopping $149,000 Fee land. Donna Godshall 644-6200 (M31) 2 IR COIDD -lllYlllE Highly upgraded condo with closed in patio Great location. Both loans assumable. $107 ,000 Berit Mitchell 642-8235 (M32) 644-6200 co1t nrnLTT © 1nvrs1nrn1 conrnnr IAYSIDE OUSTOI -llll OHAllEL Truly the "Creme de la creme" of waterfront living. Over 8500 sq ft of the finest quality construction available . Located on the maln channt•I with ll.'! own wh1t(' sandy beach , amenities indude a pool, spa, S('V('n b.'<.Jrooms <1nd a view from a ll rooms. $5 75 Million . HARIOR ISUllD CUSTOl-IAlll OH&IOIEL The ftnC'St wa~rfront home with the bt:-st 10<.'ation in Newport &:ac·h Over 5.000 square feet and a pier fpr a 100 foot yacht Unusually largt> bayfront lawn The price is $5 m1lhon and the owner will finant·P a n otable amount LlllD& ISLE CUSTOl-IAlll CHllUIEl Rn"tllhL.JkinJ.{ vwwi. of th•· main t·ha111wl fsnm t•vc•ry 1mporl.drll ruon1 rn lht· ho1m (h-t•r 7ti fL>t·t on ttw ~<11t·r. h.~00 '>(1Ua1t f1•t•t of ,ht-.·r 1·1l- ~a1Wt Tiit' Jlllll' ll> s:i ti m1lhon HlRIOR IUDliE CUSTO~llCOIPlRHLE VIEW Thi' Countrv Frr·n< h 1•sl41lt• fJf f1•1:. ont• of tht• fmt-:.t lxtV .ind '" t•.111 v1t•ws 1·v..r Ovt·r ~».:mo -.quan: lt·t'l of 1lw f111C'i.l naf~m.111::.111µ Thi pm·c> 1s $l :i million O[X'n Sund:iy I 5, :i SJn Sd1t1st1an Ill CllYDll CUSTOll--011 THE liOLF COURSE H Country English and pnV<.1l'y arl' your chm<.'£>, th1i; ti.200 squart• f1•t•t <.>SUit<.• with nl'W pool and spa 1s ttw <inswt•r Right nn the 10th fu1rw<1y The· pm'<' 1s $:! :1 m11l1on with over $1 rrnll1un of asi.u rr'l;.i blt• f1nar1l'lng LIDO ISLE-WATERFROIT CUSTOI Simply th~ f11w:.t "'.1tt·1 frnnl on Lado un lht· markc·t today l'wr and '"P plu::. 11vt•r.11L-<I ot and $1 4 million 1n <i.s.,um,1bk• hnant'lnJ( Tht• pm(· I!> $2 :!5 m1ll1on O~:n Sal/Sun I 5 <1t 2 1!-I Vi:l Lido Soll!I LllDl ISLE-lllll CHAllEL f'IVl' ~·droums. a ll 1·nsu1le, and right on the w<iter with your own p1t-r <ind ::.lip f1>r mult1pll· hoats Owner will flnann · ovt•r $1 million C.111 for dpprnnlrrwnl T lw µr K'l• IS $1 85 m1lllon Ill CllYOll CISTlll-GI TllE IOLF COURSE T r ulv th1• lx'St fanuly home with 6 large bedrooms ancludang a scparJt1• 2 tx·droom sull<· with 1u. own living room. On tht• 9th ra1rway with pr1v:itc pool Tlw pm·e 1s $1 .8 rrullion. llli ClllYDll CUSTOll-GI TIE IOLF COURIE Thu; a ward-winning home. on the 7th fairway ts country duh living at its f11w~t Ovt•r 1.000 squan> fcl't with d ramatic arc h1te<•turr nnd LARGE room., The price is $1 75 million with owner financing Ill OlllYOll OUSTDl-IRElTMTlllll YIEW Ad.ioining 1L., own pnvatt• 2 25 acre J)Cjrk. this 6 bedroom mansion 1s vacant and n•ndy to move in. Over 5.500 square feet with a VERY private' pool Ttll' pr wc I~ $1 595 million. DOYER SHORES AREA CUSTOlll-OYER 1.1 ACRES Out ,,f thf· rhght path. this t·ustom homt· 11ff1·~ magn1fll'<'nt 11pp1.,rtu n1l1l'' St•p.1rau• ~u••<;t homt• and µr 1vatc• pool <ind 'Pa Owrw r will (1 n.in<'f' 1•11t1n • lo.Ill T h(• pnu· 1:. $Yli~.OllO Ill OllYOI TOWllllE-IELllE PHL An ··t>nd urnt" Deanc townhome , this fine opportunity offers an ex- l•ept1onal yard wnh custom pool. spa and sauna. Thr~ bedrooms and <1vcr 3.400 squ<1re fC'et. Tht· pm'<· 1s $895,000. HllllOR RlllE IEW ESTATE Sup<'r v11·w of thc ocean, bay and city lights, large jacuu.i, formal living rm with huzh ti:tlmW> -t bt'Clrooms. 3 Cull bath s, family room. secunty :.ystL•m, $30.000 Ill lanJS(:dp1ng $R50,0()0 Open Sunday 1-5 at :: I St TfUJJC'l COllOlll IEL IUA-~lOllE Ov(•r 1 <llrt' on fee la nd Beautiful ot·c-c:in and <'l lY lights view Sw1mm1ng pool Beamed ceilings. Frc m h doors and windows plus h.1rJ~uod floors Largt-l{Uurrnt.'t k1tl'ht>n v.11h Mast.er Craft cabinets 4 lx't.lroom.,, i': baths On l'urm•r lut $750.000 with t<'rms. Open Sunday I 5 11 :I:! Ebbt1d1! 118 OlllYOll TOWllHOIE-ClTlLllll VIEW f:,qui'1lt' 111 1•vt•r1r d1·t.11I. 1h1' :\ tx-droom. :i,000 <>quarc Ct•d home offer-; multi pit· u::.c· 11( ,kyl1~ht.' .111d 1•ntmnnu-; pnvac v Highly upgraded ThP prtl l 1::. $1i7'"l ()()IJ IHi OlllYOll TOWllHOIE-011 THE IOLF COURSE Thi-; .. n1·w to the murkl•t" homt• 1s vu<·ant and n •ady to move in. $430,000 of low mt.en-st ;.is..-;umabh• f1nanl'tng Thrt.'<· bt-drooms. three huth:<, th11•t• c-ar garagt• Prict'd to st'll at $filY.500 LIDO TOWllNOIE-W/IOlT SLIP 01 THE WATER Luxuriant New York Style on the bay in the heart of Newport Beach. R1«hly a ppointed 2 lx'Cirooms, d<'n , 3 baths with walnut plank floors. bi'Vl'lrd mirrors. shuttL-n.J windows, boat shp. $549.500. 633 Lido Park Dr ri. Opt>n Sunday 1-4 WEST IEWPORT DUPLEl-WlTEllFllOllT Spac1ou~ watl'dront home> with 7 b..-drooms or 4 a nd :J P1<'r and float Exu .. ll1·n1 owrwr fmannng for quallf1c-d buyer The prnx• 1s $545,000 llli CllYOI TOWIHllE-CUYll'S IEST llY Thb rwv. to the markl't home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on its own n11111•1 Exc<.'lll•nt assumnbl<.' financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty The prtrt· is $500.000 Open Sunday 1-5 at II I Fountainble u. YILU llLIDl TOWINOIE--lllllLY IPIUIEI This luVf'ly 2 bedroom. 2 bath h ome offers th<.' u ltimate in luxury wrth huge a.'iSumable financing an d owner will carry. The price is $239,000 IRVllE TURTUROCI lTilCHED HOME WALK TO U.C.I. Crom mzy charm of very private three bedroom. 2 bath mtt.age with warm. friendly brick fireplace. lofty ceilings in living dining areas. windo w<.'d to colorful garden patios. Large assumablc loan. 2nd ava1 table $167.500 IEWNllT OllEST-1ST TllE llYER The• lowt-sl pm't'd home• in Nc•wporl CrMt Two bedrooms. two baths, for ronl clinang room. wN har. ~t«>p down hv1 nK room All this for only $I n~.000 LOClTIOlll PRICE! FllllllCllll! N1•w port &•at h two b«lroom 2 bath c-ondo Jncrt'<hblc value for $117.000 A,,,umc 12 37% $88.0UO f1r<1t TD OWC 2nd 760-1900 220 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beac h, California 1 I 1 10 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturda • I I I I I I I I : FOREST E. OLSON, REAL TORS , I I I E. HU#TlllliTOll BEACH W. HUllTl/lliTOll BEACH COSTA MESAl llEWPORT llllT1llT• 1EA01 11 IZMI Steal It! Great starter with low, low cash down! Take· over $95,800 In loans + owner will carry plenty! Spacious 2 story with 3 big bedrooms plus wee Cowboy's retreat. Family room -+ much morel Hurry, call 962-5585 FHITlll YlLLH 1111,100 Sell your spouse! On this spacious 3 bedroom family home In prime location. Fresh decor. Take over 10.G•/o loan w/low monthly payments Can't last at only $1 38,9001 Act now. 962-5585 HllTlllTDI IUCll I 1 •l,000 Huge two story offers 5 big bedrooms. Formal dine views tropical paradise. Billiard size family room w/wetbar. Serious seller will carry with less than Interest only payments! Submit now & save Big! Call 962-5585 FMITlll VIU.£Y 111•,lll Tall & proud sits this spacious 4 bedroom In dream boat condition. Manicured landscaping. Formal dine. Now vacant for your fast posses- sonl Act now & name your terms. Call 962-5585 lllmllTH IUCll I 111,000 Brick courtyard entry enhanced by lush land· seeping. Spacious living rm. Sunny kitchen. family rm w/cozy fireplace. In-door laundry. Solar heated pool. large cov. patio, fire-pit N9w reduced to $155.000 & vacant for fast possession. Call 962-5585 llllTlllTll 1111110111 1111,100 Old world charmer located In Huntington Har- bour area on rplme R-2 lot. Able to handle up to 4 units. Great potential! With $30,000 down seller will carry balance with no payments for 5 years at 12%, take over 1st T/D & you're In! Call 962-5585 HllTlllTOI IHOH/L1GIEITA I 111,000 $10,000 under recent appraisal manicured yard accents. This tall & proud family home. Huge family rm. Formal dine. New carpet. paint & appliances. Owner will carry balance with $35, 000 down, at yesteryear's rate! Hurry, call 962-5585 HUITlllTll IUCll /IOWITIWI 1111,000 Just blocks from the breakers! Spacious 4 bedroom 3 bath. Formal dine. Huge master suite w/Paciflc view. Fireplace, wet bar, green- house. Great opportunity to beach 1tl Act now and save bigger than everl Call 962-5585 WEITllllnll I 1 ll,000 Neatled on quiet cul de sac sits spacious showplace 7 years new. 37'x 18' bonus room w/bath & barl Gourmet's kitchen w/tlled work Island. New low price 1 exciting terms make this a steal! Hurry! Call 962-5585 E. HUNTINGTON BEACH AT IROOKHUA8T I OARFl£LD 714-962-5585 213-592-1525 ..,..Tll 1U01 1141,111 This tasteful 5 Bdrm home has parquet entry way and dining room; huge pool with Inlaid tlle; large fully equipped kitchen with custom ce- ramic tlle. Huge bonus room with antique repo pool table. aquarium and sunken wetbar. Great home for entertaining. Call today 894-7521 11um11101 MARIOUll 1•41,111 Fabulous waterfront home with expansive water view, custom stained glass. ceramic tile, 3 baths, formal dining, patio, boat slip, master suite with balcony and sunken tub, 3 other bdrma. Call for financing options -894-7521 llllT111TOI Ullllll S• 11,000 Spacious trl level with tile entry Tiki hut, vol- leyball court, sundeck. rock fireplace, spa, fire pit, waterfall, and Kol pond, 4 Bdrms, 2¥• bath. Owner will carry at below market rates with 20•1. down Call now! 894-7521 s111n IUCll S220,000 Investment triplex near Peters Landing and 1 block off ocean. 1. 2 Bdrm end 2 studios. Ow- ner will carry et below market rate for 15 years with 20% down. This very clean property otters a variety of options for the Investor. Call now, 894-752 1 WEITllllTEll YILUIE 1211,000 In-law quarters -elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath. has 1 Bdrm and bath downstairs. large living/dining room. den with wetbar and fireplace t 3 car garage. Near Westminster Mall and freeway Great terms with owners willing to quality for additional financing. Call 894-7521 lllllTlllTOI IEACH 1221,000 Ocean vlew -1 block off the blue Pacific. 3 year old 3 Bdrm. 2'/t bath houe has the quality fea- tures you are looking for. Wine closet, wood- burning fireplace. skylights. clerestory win- dows. ceramic tile entry. A large assumable loan makes this the home for you to have your spring beach party. Don't miss It. Call now. 894-7521 IUL 10011/00LLEIE Pllll 1211,000 Spacious, elegant and location, ottered In this 4 Bdrm 2'h bath pool home. Close to freeway end shopping and golf course. Features lnc.lude huge tamlly/llvlng rooms, den and master bdrm with fireplace. plus large bonus. 894-7521 WEITllllTEll I 111,100 Gorgeous showcase home. Rose garden. ga- zebo accented spa plus 4 Bdrms, 3 baths. separate maids/guest quarters. Assumable loans. Call 894-7521 W. HUNTINGTON BEACH AT IDWMDa I EotNOER 714-894-7521 213-598-3328 UITlllE 1101,000 Would you like the convenience of r.ondo, but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your home? You can have It all! Unique de- signed owned bungalow. Charming Eastslde Costa Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645-0303 OllTI IEll 114,100 Fixer Is Ideal for investor or first time buyers. Bring paint plus Imagination and save $$. 3 Bdrm. garage plus workshop. take over existing low Interest financing. Call today. 645-0303 •1& IHTI I 133,000 Enjoy privacy and secluslon beside sparkling pond In your own back yard. Fruit trees. Sto- rage area. 4 Bdrm home features brick fire- place. Seller will finance. $50,000 down. 96 monthly payments of $1 ,050. Includes principal and Interest. Call now, 645-0303 IEWNllT llEllMTI 1240,000 New custom Newport Beach home is fresh and exciting. This 3 Bdrm 2 bath home has many many extras. 2 fireplaces. family room with wetbar. ki tchen with greenhouse window Whirlpool bath. deck and security gate and more. To see call, 645-0303 IESA YElllE I 11•,111 Spectacular Is the word that describes this home. Cathedral celllngs, living room with stone fireplace. parquet floor and 2nd fireplace. Dining room. updated kitchen, family room plus 3 large Bdrms. Fantastic financing. Call now. 645-0303 GOITA IESA 1211,000 NEAR NEW TRIPLEX! Large 3 Bdrm owners unit with fireplace plus 2, 2 Bdrm units. Laundry facilities. Private patios and balconies, garages. Excellent financing. Act nowl 645-0303 WlllLEIOI YILUIE 1221,000 Dramatic near new home! Soaring ceilings. 2 fireplaces. wetbar, gourmet kitchen with sunny nook. Spectacular master suite with skylight. large private yard features gazebo. Community pool, sauna and tennis court complete this winner! Low Interest loan To see. call 645-0303 UPPER 1101 llY 1171,llD Enjoy summer by your own sparkling pool. Custom 4 Bdrm home on quiet cul de sac. Family room plus formal dining room. Take advantage of owner help with financing. To see call 645-0303. IEWPOllT TEllllACE 1121,000 Exquisite townhome features tile entry, fire- place. 3 king size bdrms. Charming covered patio. Near acres of parks and trails. Approx!~ mately 1 '12 miles to beach. Low downl Take over low Interest loans. 645-0303 COSTA MESA AT HARIOR a WILION 714-645-0303 • 'I " I WATERFRONT CUSTOM Luxurious one of a kind custom 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom guest quarters or rental unit Located on waterfront with your o wn pier and slip This home has many many extras. $789,000 includes the land. NEWPORT BEACH WHAT A COMBINATIONll Love ly mountain and city lights views, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining room. dramatic wet bar, separate fanuJy room All this and a low, low price in prest1g1ous Spyglass. Add good financing and a motivated seller -a terrific buy at $495,000! HARBOR RIDGE Dramatic home with spectacular view. 4 bedrooms. family room and formal dining room Professionally decorated and landscaped. Private courtyard. Motivated seller has 1t priced below market value at only $729,500. ATTENTION BUILDERS Prime location, half way between ferry and famed shopping areas Fee land, owner will subordinate. Call for details $325.000. JASMINE CREEK Thia beautiful 3 bedroom single story end unit situated on a prime greenbelt locatJon has been highly upgraded w ith mirrors, paneUng, skylights and also has a $200,000 aasumable loan at only 13% Interest. Call now for further details. $427.500. EXCEPTIONAL Macco built 2 story unique family home. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths and large custom designed family room. Magnificent view Large low Interest assumable loan available. Asking only $299,950. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS Owner Uves out of the area. Mu.t aeU th15 2 bedroom beach hideaway. Large master suite cooled by ocean breezes. Enjoy pool. spa. Owner wlll carry. Only $122,000. PALM SPRINGS 1345 S. PALM CANYON DRIVE (714) 323-M19 ·.. . ... '• .. , ··~ . .., ...... PRESENTS STEPS TO SAND Prime Newport Beach property Guarded rommuruty with recreation room, pool and spa High assumable first, try low down, owner will assist in financing. ONLY $106,000 COSTA MESA ENJOY The dramatic pool and spa wtuch is part of this pnde of ownership 3 bedroom, 2 'h bath and family room home located in a prime Costa Mesa area. Professionally landacaped inside and out. Owner will assist 1n financing. $229.000. IRVINE TENNIS YOUR GAME? Walk to your private racquet club. Walls of glass, view of Saddleback. steps from pool Highly motivated seller will help In the financing or will consider lease option for year with minimum down. Only $149,000. EVERY CONVENIENCE ls yours along with 2 bedroom.a. 2 baths, and living room that has an outstanding view of the mountains. Owner ls very motivated to sell and will assist in financing. $1~9.500. SANTA ANA START HERE In this very affordable and spacious 3 bedroom condo near South Coast Plaza. $98,500 of a.uumable financing. Asking lea than appraisal. Only $119,500. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ..wrolT llACH l COIPOIATI PL.AU DllYI 640-ffOO EXECUTIVE HOME On prestigious Spyglas.s Hill. 4 bedroom 3 bath Tradewinds Model. Motivated seller w1ll l'Ons1der ex.change for income property or TD's. Try le ase option. Ready for unmediate occupancy. Asking $495,000. VILLA PARK ATTENTION BUILDERS CUSTOM LOT Try 10% down. Owner says sell or trade thts outstanding custom view lot now! You can own th1s lot for very little down & excellent tenns including subordination for qualified buyer. CaU now for more information. INCOME PROPERTY 32 DELUXE UNITS These one year new units are located JUSl one mile from the beach 1n Huntington Bea ch . They are built to Condo specifications for potential conversion Great Cinancing at 11% owner will also carry. Call for set-up and 1nformat1on today! NO DOWN PAYMENT Two brand new 6-plexes ln upgraded area of Sant.a Ana. lOxgroea, no vacancies! Buy one or both of t.heee unita for closing and commission costs only! Seller Is very motivated and flexible. Seller aaya submit on straight note t.enns. Don't mill out on thia great buy! S UNIT STRIP CENTER LOW DOWNI Thia 5 tenant cent.er la priced to sell with excellent fi.nandn.I tenna. Seller will carry and structure break even terma. Excellent investment. Room for expansion al.IO. We're ready to deal ao call today. $289,000. OLD CORONA DUPLEX Premium quality two bedroom units, beams. fireplaces, s h ade trees. six years new. Pride of ownership! Seller will exchange. Create your terms. Offered at $347,500. IANCHO MIUGI 41-412 IOI HOPI DllYI 1714• J40-467f J •---------------------------------------::-::-----:--::-:;:--7:':":-~-----:~-:~~~~~:----~::;~.:.~~·,-;,,~,~1~,;---~,' I' .... , . . . •'. ' . ~ . •' . . . . . . .. 12 -Orange Cou,UY Rea! E~tat!'/ An Adv.erllsJnij ~ypplern~,nt to .ihEj PAIL y PJLO J I S&lUIOSy, May 15, 1982 . ------------------ Pllll lPPIRlllll. • . . . • . . . TO AJFLHIT. • • • •• EJOl.lllYI ll .-Tl H ..... t I Hrtt hi Ottt1 .... ltutiH, •ntn tt haoll .•• ,., • YIOIHJ ....... 1.t1 t1w1h•H wltll ,..t; .. ,tty J ~. Nth wtt11 ,atiea I 18'1CH· Lars• ......... i. ............... '"· ULIOl II. lllASTIG llEllOTIOll ,_ ....................... ttlat't"" ......... . leH.W. tt Ul21Ht. ltw IM ........ tWt J "4. wfftl llrkk ,atie 11 IUT HY ti Tll tSUlll ITJ-tttt •WP•T llUI. ICHIFllDIT 1114 114 l.,f tr• at JHr 4Hrett, 11 tllla llta•tlf•I OHt•• J ••• .,,. 4 114r•. J'h ......... Prl4t tf .... ,....., 11 4tt1H I ••efifJ. S,..lal ...... , ... ,11t14" fi11fflac. UJl,Ht. '"· U1-1'M lllT NICE N °HllT'' .,,.,, .. u, ...... J .... , ... , 2 htll ..... .. llOIM• ,.., ........... ., .... ,art ....... llay .. . lleaoll . ..._14 tt 1211,Mt. U i-14M comlPIUIY IOI UY 1,11 witll l1a41 tf wed, 11111 114 •tr•tll. Yt111 2-dtfJ ....... .n ........... .., ............... .., .,.,. ................. ,... 2 .... ~ ..... ,..., , ........... ,..., la ....... ,,.-: .. Iii" lffatiel. OaH fer 4ttalt " t.M .,........ ,Mt. U 1-14" CllTM IUI IUCI 111111, .,.,..,. wltll 2 ""'''"' u4 1krt111111. ,,,. • ., ........ .,, ..... 2 ........ ,... •-My , .... twur will urrr • 111114 Tl. Call fer f111aoi11. UH,IM.ITJ-tlM UICI, wum, VIEW! b otll11t ltoatlH ~ 11•,ltttlJ re•t4tlt4 J •14. ltfftt .............. tit .... , ......... ...., , ... ••• ..,., •••ttr 1ttlt1. lrt.t fer 11tttftai1l11 H4 4altr 11,111. SHt,HI. fH. U I· 1'H. lllMfT llCHHI Off HS. llYSMOllH-FllHll I FllEICll a ,.rt.of traMl•••f ot••try frelOll J llt4. J ........ . wltll Iara• ... ltry kitollt1. lriok , ..... I •II •••ititt fer tlft4etr W.Mlc. IWC fint T.I . P11111 ... ••4 Hll•tt. U21,IH. 111-1411 IEWPOllT II. IAYFllllT Al affer4dlt priee " tllt wtflf wfftl ,Mr/ 111, fat JI' hat. lajer .. , •• ., llt l11 witll lus• ••ti• I 4eok. ""''"' , .. 1,..., ... 11t ..,.,. er ...... two lws• 214 T.I . S4H,tM. '"· U1-f4H CWllC conlll-WlTtR .ft11f 11 tt .. ta 11Jty ftr •••.., H •u4 0.111, 1111111 f1f1l4. •••• .. le4 ... ret4r te HOl6ff tt.la 2 llt4. 2 111. II•••· Priult ,atl• w/ftHt1l1, ,1 .. ••tit 11 water. War•tfl I ollar•, &t1irM1t kltellH, 1t1l114 1lu1 I ••1 .. ok. Cai 11t 144.4 11t1. HH,tff fte. hck fer 2 lleat1. IJMtH Ill CUYOI TOWlllOIE-YU lt1riffkllf lab •4 &lff OHrtt, ttlla 2 •14. oedt it ......... , '9oeratt4. •• CHt14er ,.... ••ti••· PfUCl flHUCH tt U 11,tH. OPEi HT. 1-1 P.M . 1111 lhlt11, lal. la .................................. SIH,OIO 2ff 1ttll It., P11 ................................ fft11 SJ 11,tOt 11J llariH ,,,,, let. 11 .............................. 1212,llf IU W. lay, 11 water, P11 ....................... 11,411,IH 212 I . larfrHt, 111. It ............................ U ,2H,Mt 4 11~1111, Mtthr ll .. 1 ........................ U ,211,tH 2111 l lac• 14., OtHt l1t11 ......................... Utt,IM 424 ...... l.Me, , .................................... 1411,ttt JM U4t Part"·• lltMtt, u .. P11 ................. IH,tff JM u .. P~ It., Mt~ltt, u .. P11 ................. 141,tff lH u .. Part It., llaMll, U4t P11 ................. HJ,Mt 221 •114 C•alt.~•I. la. .. .......................... HH,ttt J14 lllriaef4, c ........................................ 1111,Mt HI l11af .. 0.H W11t, I .I ........................ Ull,tff 2 .. 2 W. ht11frtet, PH. .. ......................... HH,MI 211 1.,,ttlrt, lal. It. .................................. 1411,Ht 11 ..... ,., lntu ......................................... 1141,Ht lll.IOA ISUll WlTEllFRDIT IPH IHIH 1-1 P.11111. 211 H. HYFHIT, Hllta llUll 1TWO llOIE' IAYfllOIT-Pllll ' 4t•i11tl•1 , .. , ...... , ,,.,.,.., ...... ,ritllt Mell fer 2 lltat1. St11, ..... , YllW H lffftl larfrHt wttll lwl ltrSI al .. ~ .. , .. Hitt. boll H it la llfllr tt.a1 ............ , .... 4 llt ..... , Jl,4 btllt, 41•f-a N4 fa•llJ tff•t, ,. .. J ftre,.Mtl 114 2 llaloHIH. IHtt wlll lltl' f111111 ta •11111fla4 hrer. U ,2H,ttl FU. IU-tttt 1101 IAY-IUUTIFUL-YU YllW ti Hhllt +oifJ Ncllft .t alcftt tr .. ftlla Ollttt• 4 1114. II••• wttt. ,.,1, ''' I reoreatlte ,., ,.,.._, 4'1 I f••· r•. wltti w114t4 tderltr ad 11t11raf ,, .... ,,. owe "" 1t 11.114.C. an ,., 11 , .. ,.. •••• 11 .... 111 ii, ••• ,. ••• ,. ... Sllt,ttt .... 131-1411 OCHIFllOIT DUPUl-IEWPOllT Prlot4 ft 1111 wlttt 11otftnt ff1•ol11. ,_,.,., H ff111 lhh Hht11411' '"'"tJ with twe 2 1114. ulh. UH,111. lrlH i., 2412 W. to111fr11I ••• otll ftr .. talla. 121-1411 POOL/IPl-H ' LOT, LIDO Lars• 1u11•r ''''• wftll 11 f••t 111111 ,., 11t1r11l11l11. a l, .. , ''"'"' ....... witll a h4rttMI .... 2 h tht . Hl,000. IHUTIFUL 01 WATER t•,eocallft ~ .. titJ 114 1114 t11t1 la Hit• wan11 1114 •••11 fa•llr fl••• 11 Ille wattr. 0111110 l1tarier witfl 2 •'4r11111 ,1.,. 4t1 u4 11111 ladtot,.4 ,at11 wlftl 1,1, ft•1t1l1 H4 flre rt11. Yt11r 1w1 llHt 111, rl1llt ellt ,..,, 4ffr ftt 41' lleat. 0..tr will lltl, ftHltCI fer •11tllflt4 ... ,., ........... fu 111•. ,,, 11111/1,11111., .......... IPT Ill •.• POOL/YUi a..,., fto1tt11 ti 1r11t 1trttt. Lar11 lat witll trttt, .....,. M4 lltMtfM ,.. •• ,.,. .... ...., .......... J 11t• ... •· Ltw 11111 .... 114 ""' wttl oany. Oatl fer flH1olq 4ttatt1 U1t,tff. IW 11111 tr lt11111,tlff. FILTllY FIXER! Ttit ... ., Hft .. 011 oatl It lly H••! Ml1I ,. 2 llt4. 2 Ila. Fltlutiac flt1JM.! 1•11.ilt aH te,.a! lrtt1 '1 •ti 11 Mtr...,, l.a&•H leaoll, 114 oall ftr .. t1if1. l1U,Ht. U1·14" ..UI lCllOll TO WATER A srttf '"9tt1 IMttlM tttr U4t tllt,. ta4 ltHoll. Twt ...... , ..,.. ....... r"tty .... tnott ... '""' ta etrfft 111 ...... lrit1 '1 11 Hrii 114 oall. Ult,tto. ILIFFl-IUITIFUL PLU ... ,, law .,,1111ot1, ur,1t1 I 4totr witll •Hf •lrrtn. Twt-1t1ry, 2 1114. wltll H11llll1 111111111. llTI. 11111 .,ti•• er? 1111,IH. 131-1411 PEii. POllT-IY IHOll ltli&fltftll-HIJ 1tf ft, frHI llt11ti. 2 llt4rtt•a, ,atlt 114 4eok. lu•••llft fl1111l11. Prlo .. fer 1•••41•1• aalt. U14,tll. IEW CAPE COD-041 A llrad uw tw1-1t1rr Ill•• ... ., 0111trHtl11, 11 ....,. •• "•• ......... ,..,, otltrt ltw. lritt .., J •• Marl1114 ... ,.,., .... ,, lllt0h •• o.,. .... , • ., •1101111. l it 11u11ity la fttl• J h4r11M, fa•ilr rHM 1114 fer••I 411111 r11111. LHH YflW IHHOI. Oall ftr fl1111ol11 4etalla. SHt,Ht f11 . OPH Ill /IH 1-1 P.M. IEW LUIUllY COIDOI-THiii .f111t tt1,1 t• ... ,.1'1 larfrtat 114 watk ta lltaoll! lr11t ltc1tlu u4 u••ul •ulltr 111 tfllt 2·h4rtu1 ftWllllHU Otl4t. fwHr tfflrt flta lllle ltr•t If 111,HI 01111 41w1, UHi ,., •11tll ltut 114 a tH·y11r •,ff•• ta ,..,...... ftr U 11,ltt. , .. , tetal 01141 Hitt aullalllt witll flt1llll1 flH11l11 ,, .. ,, lrHllMrtl H4 ..... It IHiltlllt II tift 8f 211·211 lfttt ltrHt eff 1111111 le•lenr4. IJ1-14H llYFllOIT-VU-IElll I.II. Y .C. lrHt ltoaffH """ , •• ., .. 11 H tf 11tatt11 ..... ,., 114 1i1llt flaltt• ff•• larst , ..... 1,10IH1 2-atery 111111 wlffl • .. ,, ...... 11, ,., 11j1yl•1 lit l11 ...... ,, • ., 111t1r1al1l•C· Pier I ali, ftr 2 lle1t1. USIMllll LOH Of ltU,OIO , S 1,411,001 FU. IHMIT UH UCllAHH. Liiii llU-WlTH I lllEHEllY lr•111ry alltH4t 11 till• otner "waterfrfft'' ht•• wlffl ,1er I . 111, ftr J lltttt. Lars• ••ti• I ,r1utt a.try tttr 41, , ••••• , •. ltalltlt•lly 011r4111t14 ... ., .. ,. ....... , ttlla 11,eciall, 1,aol111t I II ... flllHI IH l114l11 ,rtwate lftHfer 111tt1 • Mtl4'• '"'· ltlauritua 111111 111t1ri1l11l111 llvi111, 4111111 1114 f11111tr r111111 wit II at••·4••• ~.,. 11,JH,000. ' W A 'TERFRONT HOMES, INC. Rl .A L l<>R ~· 1 4 :H1 U. < ''""' I t u. v N 1•1.1.·p 1ir1 U1•1tc 11 ,,;JI -I 100 ... ·11 .... "-1.trllll' "''' H.1!1111.1 t .. l111 1tl h 7:S-<>'>OO 111111 "ltft \ ..... "' ""'''' I I I :-==---~--- ... • ,, • , '. ~ ' .. ',,. ·: .. : . ' '·! .. •. ,'.'' f. '· .. )'. ' .. ~ . · •. . ......... , ........ ·············· .... . ,,, ., ' .. -• • - -· ·-.._...., .. -••• ·~ p ""Ip •ft-• Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15, 1982 -13 -· .. -..,._. s57,995•13 3/s%• 5%Dn. s749*PerMo. Old~ 'HIG From lhe San Diego Freeway. take the Et Toro Road offramp Drive north on El Toro Road past Trabuco Road 10 l\llon1cllff Drive Turn lelt 10 R1mhurst Turn right on R1mhurs1 to R1mgate Left on R1mgate to models Now you can afford to buy-at Old Trabuco Highlands. Look and Compare. A brand new condominium community with one and two bedroom plans. It's specifically designed for first time buyers who are searching for that elusive, affordable home. Rigid guidelines have been established to assure that fami- lies who need the housing will have the opportunity to buy. Come by the sales office-see the models and discuss the terms. You'll be glad you did. 25652 Rimgate Ori~. El Toro, California (714) 859-0307 This includes principal interest (30year fixed rate> taxes insurance and Homeowners Assocaat10n Dues IJlf."-(A PR ) Price effective date of pubhcat10n Sa.let offttt open II a.m. to 5 p.m. ......... Pacesetter 11omes---------·--.... -----------------___ "'P.: ______________ _ I ""' .. •t't' I 't I I" ... • • ,,... • t ... ..... · . 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15, 1982 This Weekend! .. Keep this h andy d1recto_ry w.ith you this weekend as you go house-hunting All the loc<1t1ons hsted below are described 1n greater detail .e~sewhere 1n today's DAILY PILOT classified ads Patrons ~dvert1s1ng ~pen houses for sale or rent In The Daily Pilot may hst such information 1n these columns each Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2034 Vista Cajon. Newport Bch 759-1221 $315.000 Sun 1-5 611 B8(Jonla (Old CdM) CdM 759-9100 $257,000 Sun 1-5 1205 McCormack. Costa Mesa 631-1266 $119.500 Sat 1-4 22 1 Via Ithaca, Udo Isle, N B 673-7300 $349.500 Sun 1-5 * •3300 Marcus, Newport Beach 646-5945 $382.500 Sun 1-5 • * 225 Grand Canal. Balboa Isl, NB 673-6900 $595.000 Sat/Sun I 5 t 17 Marine Ave . Balbda Isl N B 631-1400 $272 500 S<it I·! 2 BR plua LOFT 2221 Me~a Dr . Back Bay. NB 644 9060 $335 000-FeP Sun 1 ! 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN I Al<lt>rgrove Woodbridge Irv 552-0660 $198.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 : J Ruf> Fontainebleau tB1g CynJ NB 759 9100 S4 15.000 Sun 1-5 * 19 Curl Or J<tsm1ne Creek CdM 640-151511-728 5151 Sa1/Sun 11.4 •30 Rue Fontainebleau. Big Cyn, NB &44-9060 $495 000 Sat 1-5 452 1 Tremont Cameo Shqtes CdM 644 9060 $495.000-Fee Sat 2-5/Sun 1-5 * * 633 Lido Park Or tF2) NB 760· 1900 $2.25 mllhon Sat/Sun 1 5 3 BEDROOM 1751 Plaza def Sur Penin Pt. NB 675-4009 $399.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 203 12 Ramona ln . Huntington Bch 675-1642 $215,000 Sat1Sun 10-2 1126 E Balboa Blvd (Penin) Balboa 759-9100 $1.295.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **it;> Balboa Coves (Coves) NB 2626 R1vers1de (E/S1de) CM 642-6368 $132.500 Sal/Sun 1-5 25 Rustling Wind. Trllrk, Irv. 759-1501 $280.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * * 1418 W Bay, Penln. Pl, NB 675-6161 $1,200.000 Sat 1.5 :: 1 Aue Fontambleau, Big Cnyn, NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR ptua GUEST * * 1504 S Bayfron1, Little Bal Isl 675-8676 $ i. 100,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 306 Ave Nida Carlos. Newport Bch 759-8963 $473,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 !>35 Hazel Dr . Corona del Mar 673-8494 $350,000 Sun 1-5 2040 Monrovia, Costa Mesa 5110-8 t49 $98,500 Sat/Sun 1 5 * 1472 Galaxy Dr , Dover Shores NB 642 2510 $739 000-lef' Sat/Sun 1 5 * 2S6 Oc.ean V1Pw NPwport Beach 675-5930 Sat Sun I-~ 1903 Yachl Colina 644-10 1 7 $550.000 Sat/Sun ·12-5 * 2009 Yach I Defender (SeavuJ NB 759-9100 $450 000 Sat/Sun 1·5 '>42 H<Jrbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay1 NB 759-9 100 $1 400.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * •301 North Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642 5200 $525,000-l/H Sat/Sun 1-5 1312 Dover Dr (Westcl1 ff) NB 642-5200 $259,000 Sun 1-5 3023 Country Club (Mesa Verde) CM 645-9161 $365 000 Sat 1-4 5 Jasmine Creek Corona del Mar 552-2000 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2030 Holiday Rd., Newport Bch 75?-1920 $339,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 20 11 Paloma EIS1de Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199.500 Daily 1-5 1436 Serenade TPrr CdM 675-55 I 1 $349,500 Sat1Su11 1-5 118 Via Ou1to Lido Isle NB 673-7300 Sal/Sun 1-6 21 49 Miramdr (Bal Pen) Balboa 631-1266 $615,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 416 OeSola, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 1907 Tradew1nds, Baycrest. NB 644-9060 $325,000-Fee Sun 1-5 2100 E Ocean Bl. Bal Penin, t>IB 644-9060 $759,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, HV Hills, CdM 644-4910 $379.500-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •204 Via Ebol1, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 1515 Cumberland (Westclf) NB Sun 1·5 540-1151 $240,000 Sal/Sun 12-4 2109 Yacht Grayling. Seav1ew, NB 675-2311 S399,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 17912 Butler, Irvine 552-7688 $175.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 640-5560 $335.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Ad . Cllffhaven, NB 749-1501 Sal/Sun 12-5 3 BR plu1 FAM RM Of DEN plua GUEST 2211 Waterfront, CdM 642-8235 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 30 4 BEDROOM 222 Coral Ba.boa Island 675-6921 $549.000 Sat/Sun t 5 19302 Maun ... Huntington Beach 963-6805 $109.950 Sal/Sun 10-6 * •818 W Oceanfront Newport Bch $595.000 Open Daily tCJ48 Port Chelsea Pl . Nwpt Bch I 73 8'>50 S160 000-lee Sd 1-4/Sun 1 5 7f,O Via Lido Soud Lido Isle NB 673-9060 S~75 000 Sal/Sun 1.5 424 Belvue Lane. Pen111 Pt. NB 63 t 1400 $4 19.000 Sall Sun 1-5 4 BR plua fAM RM or DEN 1844 Port Charles Pl Hrbr Vu. NB 631-6194 $319,000 Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian. Hrbr Ridge. NB 760-8099 $1 9 mllhon SattSun 1-5 18971 Antioch, Turtlerock Irv 541-5032 $185 000 Sun 12 3 233 Po1nse111.J Corona del Mai 673-427 t $624 500 Sal/Sun 1-5 * •25 Warmspr1ngs (Wdbrg) Irv • 751 3191 $359.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * 250 1 Island View (HVHms) CdM 642-5200 Sun 1-5 642 5200 $550.000-fee Sun t ~ 460 E 19th St E/S1de CM 548-3350 $135.000 Sal 1 5 60 1 Gary Place Newport Beach 752-5111 $215 000 Sat Sun I •, Home 32 Starfish Cl Newport Beach 642·0303 $ t29 ooo Sat 2-4 15911 Standish Hunlmgton Bch 897 -9870 $115,950 Sal/Sun 10·6 I 1911 Court, Bal. Penm. NB 673-7300 $399,000 1909 Merlday, Santa Ana 963-6767 $105,000 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-4 W11h all the HHeres1 1n real euate as an investment, don't forget that your home 1s also where you'll he living. Sure, resale value 1$ important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult .1 rrwmber of th<' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS•") 116 Via Quito (Udo Isle) NS 846-7 171 $319.500 Sun 1-5 Each one " requ11ed to be a real estate profes11onal. actively engaged in real estate, and ,.. . . . .. . . .. . ·, " .. • •• ... • • • t ' -"'-'" • -.. Orange County Real Estate/ An AdvQrtlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 15, 1982 -15 2222 Via Koron ILtdO Isla) NB 642-5200 * 1211 Cllfl Dr (Cllhvn) NB Sun 1-5 642-5200 Sun 1·5 26 Rue Grdn<l Ducal (Big Cyn) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 2412 Cllfl Or Heights. NB 645-7189 $598.000 1085 Skyllnu Or Laguna Bch 752-1920 $625.000 • Daily 1-5 Sun 1-5 •2758 Drake. !Mesa del Mar) CM 631-7370 $155 000 Sal 1-4 33 Sunhghl (Trtlrk ) Irvine 551-3000 $J45 000 Sal/Sun 1-5 281 1 Lorenzo (Mesa del Mar) CM 631 -7370 $152,900 Sun 1-4 1924 Por1 Weybrtdge. HVH. NB 644-7936 $279.000-lee Sun t 5 14 Mon1erey Cir 1Spygls) NB 640-9900 $495 000 Sat t-4 :;7 Arbor Glen Woodbridge, Irv 645-0776 S 179,000 Sal/Sun 12-5 131 Via Und1ne, Lido Isle. N B 673-7300 $539,500 Sun t-5 427 16th Pl Eastslde. C M 644-4910 $229,000-fee Sat/Sun t-5 1251 Surfline Way HIJ Hills, CdM 644-4910 5299.000 Sal/Sun t-5 133 Via Undine Lido Isle N B 644-9060 $745 000 1425 Watson (Halecresl) CM Sat 1.5 751-3191 $128,000 Sal/Sun 12·5 * 17 Muir Beach Ctr Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 Sal/Sun 1 5 1863 Park.glen Cr Costa Mesa 540-115 1 t 1')9 900 * 1840 Tr.1dt-w1rid'> Bayc:.resl. NB Ill 10 1 644 <J060 $ lfj', 000 5un 1.1;, 3408 W11Hlil11d011 WiJy Co'ita Mesa 64'> O'JO I '$'1'15.000 Sat 1 4 •2~16 Ar,,li.1 C.1J5lb1ufl N 8 644-9060 $~'!4 500 Sun 1 5 1205 Sand Key C.oronr. del Mar 644-9060 $4'30 000 '>un 1 5 105 Via C,.1r1 n1•mo L 1do I'll'" NB 671-7100 Vh5 000 5un 2 •, 144.l Gald.<y Dr Uover Shores. NB 511'8-564 7 $420.000 Sall Sun 1 5 '1 4 Narbonnf' ltdrbor Ridge NB 63 t-1400 $7 200 000 Sa1/Su11 t-S * 1 Rue Vr•ll1rmna Big Canyon NB 67VJ060 t/9$ 000 Sun 1 5 1511 Miramdr Penin Pt. NB 671 <}060 $595,000 Sun 1 ~1 *4b<'b no ... t>ury Rd • Cameo Short.ls, CdM e75.5q30 $475.000 Sal /Sun 1 5 3 San Seba!.11an Hrbr Ridge NB 760-1900 $2 3 m1ll1on Sun 1 f> 11 1 St T ropfJl Hfirbor Ridge NB 760-1900 $850 000 Sun t•'' Investment * t 132 Ebbl1d& 11<lrbr Vu His. NB 760 1900 $750,000 Sun 1 5 5 BEDROOM * * 706 V1c1 l 1do Nord Lido Isl. NB 675 6 161 $1 500 000 Sun 1-5 • •824 W Bdy Avti Balboa Penin, NB 6'11 1400 $I 1195 000 Sal/Sun 1 5 5 BR pfut FAM RM or OEN o 18 Harbor Isl Dr !Prom Bay) NB 759 9100 $1 fJ50.000 Sun ? !J • * 'J2 Ltndd ISltl Newporl Beac.h 1,44 9060 $990 000 L Ii Sun 1-5 <iu11 1-5 44 ? Begorna Cor(Jnd del Mar 1,1111 6200 $~95 000 w/land S&IS 1 5 * ·1 Mwr li~&ch C11c1e. Spygls. CdM 1>44·6200 $2.295,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM tO Segura Irvine 673-6900 s 145,000 2 BEDROOM Sat 1·5 2454 I Coppercl1ff, L Forest, El Toro 752-5331 S 114,900 Sat 1-5 * 25 Canyon Island Or. Big Cyn, NB b73-7300 $265 000 Sun 1-5 4 1 t , Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-55t 1 $275,000 Sal/Sun t 5 1206 Los Arenas. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $159.900 Sal 12·5 985 Bayside Cove West, NB 631 -1400 $77'> 000 Sat/Sun 1 5 2 BR plut FAM RM or DEN 1018 Bay51de Love E Nwpt Sch 642 8215 $446.000 Sat 2 5 I ii $Pgura. RSJ Villas. Irvine 1144 9060 $169.750 ,J(J't 1'Jtt1 '>I B•1lli<M PPmn NB Sun') !i (, i I 1400 i·1 t'l 000 S.1t1<;1m 1 ~ 3 BEDROOM * J 14 AvPnldd CumhrP IBlulfs) NB 7'19-!J 100 $:> 10 000 Su11 1 '' * 'J~ 1 Vista Grnndo IBlutl!.) NB 7'>'1 'J 100 $??2 500 Sat 1 5 ;144r, Vt'Sl.l NublPZa. Blulfs. NB 67'>·2373 $275 000-Fee Sun I 'i 411 Oar1ha Corona del Mar 675·5'> 11 $12'1 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 'I Artes Ct r~•·wpt>rt Beach ',4b-231~1 irn9 soo •;,11 1" 3 BR plut FAM AM or DEN l Rue V1llars 1B1g Cyn) NB 759-9100 $725.000 Sot/Sun 1.5 L I Hi Fellp1• lilull'. N B 644·4910 i::irn ooo Su1tS1m 1 S publicly rnmrn11t1'tJ t o a wrttten Codn of Eth1<;~ REAL TOA$!1tJ are e1<perlenc11d In hPlptnq you lind thl' r1gh1 horn" for today""'' tomorrow It could dhn takP a heap o' lool>.in' 8Pfore [B you i t art, call a A EA l TQArwJ ftrU .... ,., pubht ,...... ... ,,, 11 ... ...,,.. .. NEW CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 AND 3 BA • *903 Buena vista. San Clemente 498-1040 from $297.500 StSun 1-6 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 1 BA plut LOFT 10 Na11arro Ir 11ine 640-9900 S 149,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM 8 Woodgrove Woodbndge Irvine 857-4848 $157.500 Sat/Sun 12-5 :: 3 Lago Sud, Irvine 640-9900 $159,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 Fairview & Avocado Rd Costa Mesa 548-2239 $137.950 Oa1ly 11-5 3 BEDROOM 10131 Disney. Huntington Bch 963-6767 $93.900 Sat 1-4 Fairview & Avocado Rd. Costa Mesa 548-2239 S 154,950 Daily 11-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 BA plut FAM AM or OEH JOO E Coast Hwy . No 1 t3, NB 675-3347 S60,000 Sal/Sun 1-4 2 BEDROOM 300 E Coast Hwy, No 270, NB 675-3347 $45,000 Sal/Sun 1 4 700 Lido Park Or 11 12 l1cJo Pi:>nm NB 631 1400 53qooo sa1 1-5 700 l 1do Par!< Or ·1 t4 Lido Pen111 NB 611 1400 $43,000 Sill 1-5 700 I 1dn Park Or 1122 lido P~nin NR 6;}1-1400 $52.000 Sat t-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -2 BEDROOM '• 1r, 'i 1'>''' Or<.lttd /Old CdM) GrtM l'>Cf 'I 100 $356 000 Sun 1 5 200 I K1ngr, Rd . Newporl He1qh1!> NB 611 1400 $399,500 SRI/Sun 1-5 2402 w Oceanlron1. Balboa Pon1n NB 1)31 1400 $5'>0.000 Sat 1·5 3 BA plus 1 BR 1?7 1?7111 Abulone. Balboa l&land 675-4822 $695.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 215 & 2 1'>1·1 Sapphire, Balboa Isl. NB 673-6(}00 $495,000 Sa11Sw1 1 4 3 BA plut 2 BR 2600 Bayalde Or . Corona del Mar 644 9060 $595,000 Sun 2-5 314 M11rlgold Corona del Mar, NB 631-1400 $669.000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 3 BA plut 3 BA 4 1 1 ·4 11 ' 1 Opal, Bal Island 673-4062 $585,000 ts 10 A balone. Balboa Isl • NB Sun 1·5 673·6900 $535.000 Sol/Sun t-5 2 BR plu1 4 BA 102 S Bayfront. Balboa Island. NB 673-6~ $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR LEASE S IR plue , AM AM Of D!H 607 Clubhouae, Bal Penln. NB 675-5567 $1200/mo Sat 10·6/Sun 3.5 * Pool • * Waterfront * * * Waterfront & Pool I • • I t f I " I '~ I t \• . . .. .. . . ... 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Adverlfslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 15, 1982 . ' II IEW DIST• FIEICI •11&11Y You must see to believe all this l ine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba. form dr. 3 Ip. oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 2nd . This won't last. Ill er HYIE IMP, 759-1221. 30 UlllTS AT I.I I lrossl A rare bird indeed In today's market Thirty bread ·n· butter apartments 1n an excellent location. Income on these have Increased 65% In past 4 'h years! For more Information call: Ill LIC&TA, lflllH- IWHfl, 759-1221 DOYER SHORES Outstanding location w/vu of all back bay & Fashion Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form d .r . pool. spa. sec. system. Steal at $725,000. Fee. Grt tin avail . HI tr IOYIE HOP 759-1221 LllO PHTllOISI 2 bd 2 ba The finest vu avail. 1n Newport Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/not1ce $525,000 .... "llYll lllP 759-1221 MARIOI llllE 5 br, 4 ba game rm form. dr, highly up- graded. Italian marble In I r • d .r .. kit t.r .. study & I r has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. IOI or IOYll IOIP 759-1221 HWPORT CREST 01110 3 br 3 ba. l.r .. d.r., huge master ste/si1ting rm, vu, largest model. $210,000. Subm11 any otter on terms. Ill w "'ll 1• IEWPllT llElllTI Cllll 3 br. 3 ba. new custom bit. quality bit. upgraded crpt . & tile, prl. patio. Belleve this. $155,000 NI., MY• HIP 759-1221 CAIEO SllOIES Feb. Ocean & coastline vu. 3 br. 3 ba form. d.r .. l.r .. study, lge. pool & cour- tyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. Ill tr 11- N I• 759-1221 Costa Mesa 234 E. 17th St., 631·1266 LlllDA ISLE TRADE Breathtaking bay vu 2 boat docks, rm for 4 boats up to 74 It. 5 brs. 6 ba., game rm . form. d r , se5>. auest wino. pool. Seller carry lst TD or trade Ind. or ort. bldg. $2.100.000 IOI er IOYIE IOIP 759-1221 OCHllFROllT -OOHIFROllT Convert ex . lge duplex to your pn. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast S 170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650.000. IM w llYll INP llEWPORT CREST 001110 2 br 2 'h ba loft hiQhly upgraded. oak fir s . beaut papers. ocean vu $98,000 1st 12% Priced at $170,000 IOI er llYIE IOOP LIDO WlTERFROllT LEASE 2 br. 3 ba, f.r , sec. bldg Underground park Approx. 2600 sq It Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. $1800 mo. UI er IOVIE IOOP 759-1221 HAlllOR RIISE LWE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r .. study, beautifully dee. lge decks., tab. vu. Prl grd. gate. pool & tennis. $2900 mo. Submit all offers. IOI 11 IOYll IOOP 759-1221 SHYIEW LEASE 4 br 3 ba fr . d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd gate. pool & tennis. $ 1700 per mo IOI er HYIE lllP 759-1221 IEWPORT llEllHTS OOllDO 3 br. 3 ba new custom qlty bit .. pn. patio w/lrg. backyd, quiet area. Only $165,000 IOI 11 llYIE iHP 759-1221 llVll ... U Name your terma on this lrg 4 BR. 4 BA. Pool Home, W/ocean vtew + Sep. lnlaw qtrs. $315,000 L.H. w1th excel. terms ... ., ...... 759-1221 FmOl.lllll+llUL Fairway home Mesa Verde $100,000 un- der market 3 Br., 3 Ba., top cond. $30.000 ON + Takeover $275,000. HI tr HYll ••• 759-1221 RIYMrt< INOEHNDENT MEMIER llOKEIS FORECLOlllE 11&111)1 llllE IEW onTOI 4 Br 5 Ba f.r. Fantastic sun rm .. beau master ste. w/marble t.p.locean & city Vu Huge master ba Wllmported Illes. One of the lrgst lots w/rm lor pool and lrg. play area. Very, very motivated seller. Bring any ofler. Lowest price custom at $.1,196.e~o .. SJ.fii.eee .. SJ 1 09.eea .. $1 ,200,000. will trade 1 GRT 1st avail Call IH er HYll I..,, 759-1221 REDIOEI TO SELL, IOWll Luxurious Newport Beach Townhouse. 2100 Sq Ft. Uttle cash needed Owner will consider trade of large eqty for yours. Call llOWAH HSHIEH 7 59-122 1 OUSTOllZEI °CREST" 00110 Nearly 1600 Sq. Ft. ot llvlng space make this 3 Bdrm 3 bath Newport Crest's most outstanding. Owner will consider less than 10% dn & carry for quallt1ed buyer. Call llOWAH llOSHIEH 759-1221 FREE COUllSELlll Exchanges. problem solving, objective marketing achieves results, residential or investment RE Call HWHI HSHIHI 759-1221 Member National Council of Exchangers IEW 12.1% FIHllCll& Oehghtful new Easts1de 4 Bedroom home with skylights. bright gourmet kitchen, French doors, luxunous master suite, 3 car garage. large pnvate yard plus new great terms. HI SllTH 759-1221 lllLIER'S LOSS -YOUR 11111 Quality new 3 Bedroom In Newport Beach. All amenities plus professionally landscaped yard. Compare to anything in Newpor t • $179,000 with excellent financing HI UlTEa 759-1221 llYIH TO IREATEI SEATTLE AREA Call f or FREE RELO C AT IO N COUNSELING APPOINTMENT. 5 years experience & knowledge o f Greater Seattle area, Licensed in Washington & Calif ornia. Call IUY FIUUlLU LEWIS 759-t221 or 631-5963. I llCllE llllTI A sweet little money maker In Lake Elsinore. Call llAllY UWll 759-1221 or 631-5963. No misprint only $65.000 PUIVIEW TIWI 110• 3 BR 2'h BA. DBL Gar. large patio, near major shopping, Fwy access, very very clean. $106,900 Call Ill nutOl 759-1221 OllTlll-Yltw 2 Br. 2 Ba, Lota of land custom butlt retreat. $180,000 call 111 IHllOI, 759-1221 IEIPIUTIUI a.1.1. ,,,, .. Low Down, Only $255,000. Agt. AlUI MlllOI 759-1221 I IHI Ylll LllTtllll Just tOld my last property. PLEASE HELP ME TO HELP YOU! IUU WITHIU, 759-1221 Irvine 15 CORPORAn PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH 759-1221 4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559 -9400 • .. I •1\ . ... ..... · ' ···"'' .. . .. .... -..... -. ,...._ ,,... Orange County Real Esta.te/An Advert131ng.Supp(ement le;> 1he,,OAILY PILOT/S81Utde.y, May 15.. 1982 -17 •FREE RENT• Cho1ec· :ihr 2ba homt· 1n Pnmc Un1vl•rs1tv Park lm·alwn ' $1 ,000 mu n·nt all ttpplwi. towards purchase ui l vcar 2670 San Mrgut·I 714175!J-1501 or 71 4175:! 7:!73 · •CREAM PUFF• ilov(• right in lO this spaccous 4 81 'l Ba bl·.iulv Almost nl'w t::iqx·L,, loonng & drap(•S + t·ozy hnl'k f111 ·pl.1u· $1 :!.1100 clown huv' 11 '>O aurr v' A.'k1ng $119 .0011 !JO:i'l Ad;:im.,, llunt1ngton &•ach 551). 70'.~5 •ZERO INTEREST• 'k-iJut•fully dc't·orJlt·d one• story pat111 homt· with douhlt• g<Jrag1· 1n n11nt ond1t1on &~l uf all, wcth $45.tlll() t.lown ou1 owm·r will <:arry tht· ·alance ;,it ZERO INT t-:REST f'OH FIVE YF:AHS In 5 Vl':tr,, vou >WN TllE PROPEHTY FRF:E & CLEAR !Hi'.i 5ti7 1 !Jo:1:! Ad;;ms. lunllngtun &•och 5;Jh 70:\5 •$20,000 DN• ·pac:1ous family h1Jmt· with soaring t·ath1·dr.il t t·1hng:. Jilt.I IJnght and iry t:ountry k11.<:hc·n W1th 4 large br-.. :! bci'-; ,md ,, formly room. 11·._ .1 argam at SI ~4.900 ~0:12 Adami., lluntington i:x .. it·h 5~fi-70:J5 •ROMANCEll• 'rum lhl· n ·modell'Cl k1t.c:h(•n with gn'<'nhouSt· windows to thl· warm mods was hNJ in light from tht· c·ustom skylight. this home• 1s a ho- w ymoo1wrs' cfolaght' Larg«: pool <1 i.pet·1dl bonu' 1hkcr1g $I:! 1,000 f1:i-~tl7 l HO:~i Adam'>. Huntington Bt•Jch ;i!"11i-10;~:1 •BICYCLE TO THE BEACH• '•J7Y <'Ustnm lcorrn· 111·a1tht·1x·1·.in v.rth '"·""'I-: 1,ath1·cl1 .il ttcl111g-.. '1•r,1m1t til1 · f11.1onng 111 k1tl'h1•n .ind lc;athrornn' plus .1 ... k.-..l1ghts .11111 ,, im.mlu h;1.v vw1.1. w111dow S1·dud1·<.l patio 1·11u11~.11 d & 101.1. 111.11n1 .. :11H1• v.11d A..,k111g $171 .~00 !W:l:.! J\da1m. ll u 11t111g t11t1 H1•,1d1 •$16,000 DN• uvs th1., ~1 t•<it S & S built homt•' Nut .1 co11d11" ('11v1·ra·d 1i.i1111 1.1.1th :1nlo(1ng planL'> add 111 lht• th:.irm of this s1ngl1 · 'tory r;imh -.1y l1 · In JJ)f •rb mnd11111n fc1r •inly $15!!.!lOO !Hl:s:.! Arl.1ms, l lun1mg11111 1-\4·a<"h iii 70:11 •5 3 DOWN• 1 t1nd rH ·1.1. t11 w11hrnrn·' nt·ar lluntington ilJJ h11r Two .111d th11-t• lx-d .1om modPI' with two baths Butldt•r v.111 fin.m1·1• .11 12.9% and pay Jyers n11nr1" 11rr111g l·losing costs Prtl'('S sl<irt Jt $10~.9YO C.111 for 1mplC'tc• dN;11J., 9fi:I 5f17 J 9031 Adams. H untinglon lkuch 55fi 7035. •MESA VERDE• ffordahl1 living "'1th '\Upl•rb fin•1m mg av.11l.1lllt· Spac 111u' hum!' 1l'l1t-ulou-.lv m<1lnt.alnt'<J Only $1 :1.~1!1{) down i\.,k111g $1:1:1,llll!I !lO:ii dams. llu11t1nglon IX•<l<'h 556-7035 •WOMEN'S APPAREL SHOP• c n ·d1hll' hu,11u-~., •>pportunity" .St'ller hqu1d;iting f11r pt•rsunJI n •asuns 1d must sdl thi.. good cncom<• produc·ing ston• w11h good kast• lC·nns, ~dtt'fl cn " hu ... y 'hopping c.·Pnt(•r $10.000 full prw<' Inventory m·go- JIJlt !JU:~:! Adam..,, Huntington Bt•<tt·h 556-70:i5 •BIXBY KNOLLS ELEGANCE• st Ilk<'. r .1tlwr Knows &•s11" You'll f('c•I as smug .as l(11hNI Young Ill is larg<· 1•li•K:1111 o ldn homP 1n prim1• Bcxliv Knoll-.' J'S $:1!1,.11111 miles. 1.all lod.a\ .1hrn11 I:.!· ", f111.1r11111g' !HJ'I:! 1\cl.11n.., llun1ingt1111 ·<I( h 551a 70.11 NEWPORT BEACH OFFIC E' 2670 Son Mlguel Drive Newport Beach , CA 92660 (714) 759-1501 * 103 DOWN IAYCREST AREA FIXER• llug" l'>.C't'Ullv1• ran<:h-'ltylc· homl' foalunng 4 br's, family room. formal dining on lUI dt·-:.ac w /room for H V 's Only $2:J5,000 lfi70 San M1guc•l Dr 7 H /759-1501 or 7 141752-7:!73 • •$12,500 DOWN• No qucillfytng for this SUJX'r family homt•1 In tht• BEST -.chool d1strll't Owr 2.01111 -.q ft of living spaC'C· with J lar~t· pool for those• hot summ••r day!'> As king $ lliO,UOU 963-5671 90:~2 Ad<tms. llunungton Bca<·h 55ti-70:i5 MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT* $109,000 * !I ti% ;,is,umal,lt· ftn.mc 1ng availabll· lJll th1i. ~1'\lt'fullv dc"<·or,1l£'<i :\ AH t11w11hnmc· VJl'Hnl & quick ros!>t•ss1on :.!670 San M1gut'I, Nt'wport HVil( h 7!"11) I')() I 111 752 7:J73 •$83,000· Fabulou s ww11homC' 111 muc·h des1rl!d Sl'HINGS an·a Pupulur "B" plan CJll fur dt•tatls"' 2670 San M1gU1 •I Dr . Nt•wport &•ach 759 I 50 I , ir 1:1:.! 5:ss:1 • 10.853 FINANCING AVAILABLE• UNIVERSITY PARK Z.C.ro points of f('<.'S tok('(lv<'r low intcrcst loans on this :i Br HANOVER rnodt·l Ft•atunng atrium & prime 10<.·a t10n facing Gn't'nb<.•lt overloo· klllg Tuc tlt·rnt·k Hilb Only $1 5·1.900 21)70 San M1gu<•l Dr . Nrwporl &•;,wh 7~1!l I '>111 ''r 7~1:! 5:~~:1 •NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS• For six 111011th' 1111 brand new townhonw in Cost.a Mt'Nl F«<.1tun11g l mttstC'r '\u1t1·'· c·m loiwd gJr:.cg1·s & pnv;1t1• rnurlyilrd Only $114,!l50 :!ti70 S.111 M1~•t11•I llr . Nt•wporl Bc•aeh 1:1Y 1501 or 75l-737:! *TURTLEROCK* $1 ,279 PER MONTH 1s Jll you p.1 y wh1·11 \11U ta.krover existing Isl TI) Spacious 4 br c•i.. C'<'Ullvc· d"l.Jl·h1·d ho11w Fc•aturing frml din. fmly rm & frpk Only $:.!I :1.5110 r1<:1<~ :.!f'i71J San M 1gut•I Dr . N1·wport 81•aeh 759-150 I Ill 7~>:.! 7:17:1 ·BACK BAY AREA• ·$135,000· :1 A1 houM· on f1't• l.111d f1-;ctunng h;1rdwood flours & shingll' roof wctl- 1 l'JI, <1.-..'iumablt· Isl'(' I> 1'1wt•c1 for 1mmt>dialt• salt·"' :lfi70 San M1gut·I 75H 1501 11r 7!>2 7:17:1 * $95,900 . ('11 ... 1.1 M .. , ... Sp;l('111u., .!hr dt•tach<'d hom1· wnh l:irgt· yard Fr«~hly p.111111 cl .!hill S.111 M1gu1·l Dr . Nl'Wpt>rt 8t.·:.i1 h. 759 1501 or 752 5:15:~ 9 3 FINANCING •••••. wht·n you wkt• over 1·x1sting low inter(~! loan. Largest floor plan in HERITAGE PARK'" Former mrx:M ft.aturmg ;\ hl'droomo; & privut<• location fur o nly $15 1 rioo 2670 San M1~uc.·I Dr , Nt•wpo rt Bl'a(·h . 759-I 50 I or 752-737:1 •WESTCLIFF HIGHLANDS• S1·n ... 1111an.illy rt•mod1•l1'fl Xt <i1'('0rat1-d 4 Br home• (1'.1t11rcng <;w1mmmg p<J<ll. tx111us room. -;kyl1l<'. lush priv.1tt• murty<1rd. fpl<' & ..1.«.'ium;ihl1• I 111.111t·111!( 011lv $Wll,OOCI 1111 FEE land :!li70 San M 1gtJtol D1 Nt>wport H4 o;wh 75~ 1r101 111 i'l:! 7.17:1 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adam s Ave. Hunflngfon Beach. CA 92646 (714) 556-703!5 . " .. • • a • I i t ... - --· ···I. '. . ' . 'I~ t1't ··: '! . I 11• • ••• ·:,I .. . . ... ...... . .. .. . .. ' .. ,, . .. . .. 18 -Orange County Real E;state/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15, 1982 I lf.~~!!!.('.'.!!.1! •••••.• ~!.!!!!.~'.'.!!}! •..•••• '!.'.~!!!.('.'.!!}! ....... '!.'.!!!!.('.'.!.'!! •.••..• !{'.!!!!.{'.'.~~'······· B111n lit l•I• H1•111 111 l•l• B1•111 /11 s.11 c,.,,,, JOOZ c,.,,,, JOOZ c..,,.1 IOOZ •• ,,., IOOZ "•"'' IOIZ "G;;;;:r ········i·ooi -c;;;;;i ·········i·oiia c;;;;;r········i·H ........•....••.....•. . .•......•.........•.••••..•••••.••.........•.••.••...•...•••.••••..•...•.........•••••••......•......•..•.......•..•...........•••..............••••...• * A SPIRAL * STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -f OREVER VIEW- Two Master Suites, solld oak cupboards. skylights 103143 FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS ONLY $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OP£N SAT. 10-12, Stlt. 2-5 P.M. 2277 PACIFIC AVE.. C.M. End Of Wilson For Sale. lease-Opuon or Rent BY OWNER Completely Remodeled CORONA DEL MAR HOME 3 BR, 2 BA, FR 3 1 7 Poinsettia Orlglnal asking price SSS0,000 Reduced to S495,000 NOW BELOW COST AT S445,000 I 00% Financing Available If you can't make a full payment ... LET'S TALKI Rent with option to purchase LET'S TALKlll It you have the desire777 ... LET'S T ALKll 11'9 •• -•• Comer lot -COM -Submit for details TUii ,. HWll Fabulous 4 bd -Vacant. Steps from sand. IWl l mas IRVINE $72,500 Just right for the young executive gel tmg started. Most inexpensive condo it Orangetree. Assume 10.6% loan with lo-. down. 631-7370 Price reduced $76K -15% dn. Steps from sand · Tnplex. 12-x. F11A11C111 H.B. CONDO 3 yr. new Cape Cod home. 1 block from Large 3 Bdrm 2 Ba w/community pool ~ water. Unbelievable price! spa. Features include fireplace, 2 ca 211 HWI 1 garage & A/C. Assume exilltlng loan ~ Duplex + bach = Income f'ast escrow _ owner will help finance. Asking Sl2t very motivated. 900 631-7370 CALL TIM RIOn 131-1211 R&"M* of Costa Mesa Contact Casey at owner's office I (714) 641-0161 Weekdays 9 to 5 , ------------ Ill 'I IUTCll TRllE-EICIWllE Wan\ to swap your pro- perty up or down? Do you l'lalll T D ·, you want to UM? I heve a program lhet win '*P you do 1u11 thal Cell Diana Cappel. eat 831-12IMI - FIUR WITII I YU Thll llOUM nMdl loll of elbow greaae bUt What a viewt Fantutlc hOrne fOf poolalde enterlalnlng 3 Bdrm1. 1 v. Ba, potent- 111ty lovely gild«! houM Owner nexlt>+e on finan- cing. Full price I 149,500 75f-3191 C::. ;f.1 l ( T ..,... PHUPl HT il ~ SACRIFICE SALE tPfl SlT/S .. 1·1 HI CIETEHft C.M. Nicely decorated 3 BR, formal dining room and family room Owner has been trans ferred . n eeds fast sale Super locauon. Call Cora Skeith START RIUT The perfect home for young or small lamlllel 3 Bdrm. beautifully remo- deled kitchen leaturlng all new appltances, new roor fresh paint. lant- as11c financing Mesa HY YIEW Lt<IO Isle 4 Br on lrg co I ner lot Sep 2 Br ull 1 over guage Large lo 1 1n1ereat loan OPE. SAT/SUN t-5 760 VI ' UDO SOUO $575.000 I Ill-Hit Verde erea Full price H a.IHl 141-UU I $124,000 751·3191 TllE RUL ESTITIRS I DAVID SO RElLTt C:. ~fl HT ..,... PH(JPfH1 I(<., CUSTOM CONDOMINIUM with 3 CAR GARAGE, Quality carpet, hardwood floors in kitchen & dining, 3 bdr .. 2 'n bath, den /wet bar and many more custo m features. Only $197,500 with flexible terms. For private showing call HARRY FREDERICK 631 -1266. NEWPORT BLUFFS IS PETE JOHNSON Fee land. new remodel w/oak floors. Pnce reduced to $315,000. Two other 3 Br plans. $205,000 & $229,000 Call Pete J o hnson for lease & sales infonnation. 631-1266. HARBOR RIDGE GOLF COURSE FRONTAGE Like being away from it all?!!! This contemporary 4 bdr. home Is secluded among tall trees. The private pool area, paddle tennis & entertaining areas lend to ita "away from it all" atmosphere. A.eking $695,000 for this unique property. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631 -1 266. EAST SIDE COST A MESA Newer 3 bedroom home -Built 1973. Has all arneniues mcludlng fam. rm. and pool size lot. Call for infonnation on EXCELLENT FINANCING with LOW DOWN. RAE RODGERS 631 -1266. NEWPORT BEACH SUPERB V1EW HOME -Newport Hgts. 4 brs. fam. rm., pool + financing! .. $590,000 Sharp lrg. 2 bd condo w /view. Reduced to $399,900! Will SELL OR LEASE OPT. W/10% ON. Call DIRECT to PATRICK or FRED TENORE 631-1266 or 760-8702 DOVER SHORES 4,800 sq. ft. of TOTAL CLASS! Like new Spanish 5 bd estate w /pool, spa, view + much more. FABULOUS TERMS, priced to sell at $949,000 FEE! Call PATRICK or FRED TENORE 631-1266 or 760-8702 REDUCED $25,000 JUST REDUCED -Mesa Verde 4 bdr., hidden 2 story. Large fam. rm., din. rm., 2 fireplaces. It's a bargain -H-U-R-R-Y JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266. POOL a SPA Assume existing lO'li loan on this pride-of-ownership 4 bdr. Mesa Verde h o m e . Just I n time for summer entertaining . $285 ,000 JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266. Newport Beach 15 Corporate Plaza 759-1221 ELF.GANT pool home -CLIFFHA VEN 3brs. & Lanai. All custom features!$349,000 Newer BACK BAY EST A TFS -'A acre 4 br Fam. rm., with POOL ............. $450,000 VIEW condo -Villa Balboa Adult Security Complex ................ $127,900 Call now for Appointment RAE RODGERS 631 -1266 IUPOIOT .._. .aecEJS 234 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA 631 -1266 CONDO STEALS! Now is the time to get these At BELOW MARKET PRICES w/10% DN! 3 Bd. 2 Bath $1,320 mo. -$110.000 2 Bd. 2 &th $119,900 Irvine 2 Bd. 2 &th $135,000 Newport 2 Bd. 21n Bath $155,000 TurtJerock 4Bd 2~8ath $214.900 2,000' Newport Hatbor Ridge Condo for only $399,900-Newport. (f you want a deal on a rondo . we will fit you into one of these TODAY! Call DI- RECT for Details PATRICK OR FRED TENORE 631-1266 or 760-8702 NOW. Irvine 4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559-9400 Pete Barrett Real present~ II Tll WITH l'r1v1.1tt• p1t•r 111111 fltHtl f•lr your bt1JL111u plt·.i'lun· J)i·J1gh tful i.111~lt· h•v1•I honll'. "J. b~ ltlUh J>lllllllC with c.•olorful l>l1Ji111lai t•V1•r ywtwrr• ~·llt•r n >el'JJllVc lA1 yout flmJIX'ln" n•-t-d!i' Pnhod low ;,t $~"1.!'>,000 L/JI M1 Id lt11, II let/I• t-t llOHITT, llOlHIH I VtlW Spuc·1ou:. Big ('Jnyon 4 Hd1111 hOflll.c' K1 1L·hcn "'",.'"" UJ u pr lvulA· murtyurd ¥0 lnvl\ln6' for uutJloor 1·11t1n1e Off••n.-<l f11r $7:.l5,(l0/J ,. .......... , .. .,.. .... 1·1 ......... Tht• tim•· ha# t·imw (111 11th..r11 w enjoy lht• unlquc•rwwi 11t 111"1Cl"n in t h l& 4 Bdr111 hom•· Th•· j(Ut•1H apurtrrwnt t·ny,yi. un t,l('t•1in vlt'w P1Jol i.nd llfld rmd tlw ,,111v1•11wrw 1· of Cliff H &VNl tJ.111 $4i~.ooo 1211 Oltff "··.. .,. ..... 1·1 HW UM llU Ji'ubult>u• n1·w ht>m•· 11n lurgt• Hlr 1't•l l.o lilfl~l lt1l Jo:h•gu11l 11110llt •f llUtlf• with fir t·,>h111• 111111 l111km1y . plu' :1 m <>rc· br rm11 N11 1·x1H·n••· wo1t apered to W1.'>ur1· quuhty und grund mannt'r 111 111111 u 11u11u JI uncl be·11ullful pr111)1·1 ly 222 Wla • ., .. , II .,.. IH. 1 ·I •u111 t.mLf • wmu• Grcut wt11um&bl1· 1111111 111 IJ !'>% 11nd own1·r will lll'lp with 1uJd1t11m11I frnannnu ('harm gal<Ht• with :J Bdrm11 nnd d1·n . 1·11u111r y k1tt-ht•11 with u&k fl1"1rt $2~9.000 1112 ... ., "·· •• .,. ..... 1·1 UI ... VllW-WITI YllWI From lhlw Hrmulmour 4 Udr m , family room hCJmto 1ea.-th~ t><.'eAin i.nd ntght 111.(hlll f 'w mal d111111u r fl o rn a 11 d 11 w n • I> 11 , 11 I u 11 ne1ghlJ11rt11;11d 11•1111 Mot1v1.1 1t•d l<'llt.or W I II h1•I Cl t I lllHl •··· 2111 ..... 4 YIH .,. ...... 1·1 II Tll W&TH f'•·•· l1111d, i.l1 p f1 11 y11ur l11Nt. 1111cf il,10d (tnltlM 1111.( In 4u&flfli'(J buyl'r1 Whal m1ir1·'1 :i Rdrm humt• with fireplace, nt<:t! view could add '" n ·mo.l1•I fur 111•1rt• r1"11n und m11n· vlt'w V oc unt •tllll 11•ad y $!\!\0,1100 42 ......... "... .,. ..... 1·1 ,.. f&M.f , ... On quu•t •lrt·H 111 Mt,... V1•rd1., th11 V31',H11, 1 h•un 4 Bcl1n1 ltwrn• 111 rt•udy fJI lllllVI' I 1.,i,lt1 111 llllt(t' f;rmtly r11t111l (1 •1111·tl y11rtl udtf rnu1 ti IJ1 fh1111I y homt· $I n .ooo Out OH OI TH PtllT S11 mm:h old drn1 m l11•r1· "upt.•r l1,11·11t11111 L1ntJ 1jVfJll11IJl1• ftrlltrlt'lllj( ~"'"' IJ1 tlllf.(lnlJI unit WlllJ h II gll)W1 $:J"J.~1,l>OO TIP .. "lllHU N ,. w I I " l I II K II , I {. It II II II I • I Jmmui·uh1lA· t.11p r,11•r(1 -. 1111111 N1·wly rc•furb11h•·d 1h1 U•1ut hrnnd m·w k I l t' h ('II , ,, tic• 111.( h I l h •. m "11 l pertlf'ular t:o11k r)4·w lmth11 S111gl1· 1tnry. a Hcl1111 with ..,w 111 .. ,.-.1 flJllo, doublt-g11rug1• Surwr 1111 ut111111 t3~9.000 with &ood tlnJlncm" 1M tlfT AT "Tll Ulll'' JmmNJluL•· <IC{Upani•y i''ant111uc tlnanc.·m6' ('._.II t.o K • $100,000 642 5200 ,,I/ ' ' • • 1•:r •• . ,,, ' .. Orange County Real E1tate/ An Advert111ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT~!!_urd!>'.L May 16, 1982 -19 HH 111 /01 11/1 H11111 /11 1111 H,.,,, /11 11/1 .................................................................. c,.,,,/ I OOZ 0111111 I 0 Z ..............•.•.•••• •••••••.•........... .. UDO ISLE WI.SI.I Y ~ TAYLOR CO. ~BAYFRIGNEO BY Phil Ellerbrooke , HE/\ 1.T<JHS '.Ill( I ' I ~Hf; ~· AIA. 3 bdrm plus I 111un "'" -rwe 111H f a m i I y r m , 4 Hum1l:1 h11rrw 4 13r & lurK'' fllm1l y rocm bathS. lar•e bay· with br1<·k frrt-plU{'t•, t•11untry k1u:h(•n • lfUlt'l I l'!lltlt•fllllil I.tit•:. l'tt1ld1 t'll l:itll Wulllfront terrace plus to n1·111 by 111·ho11Ji. Owr11·r will twl1. l' 0 k r1111Hll t• $i:tl#,(}()() (1-.• mner pa 10. oc u1.11• Pt., 0.11. uT1111 •·•for large boats . •L•"• 11lL11111 '" rw• El c e II en t Ion' :i Hr 111ng lt· i.l11ry h11m1· wllh n1·w • • l 'HI jJ"l"· drop1·11, Jlbllll, und lilJIJltUlll'C.•tt.term owner f11an• I f11111t•11Wllt.'l II ~ll'U1lh111 llWlriLltl/UI po11l11 , s I & Jur11l11rnp111f( 1111 you C'IUI lrnwl ltl1·ul c in I av a 1 I. l , (111 rt·lln•cf ,.11.uplt· or )••hlf'tlt·r11 M11Vt• BOO OOO B l""l 11111111,.Jiau·ly ~.,. unytlnw 1 • Y "t't' • I 2111 nun u11111 1.1 IOUI YllW UH,000 4 Br . i ', Bu V11·w horn•· 11verl1111k1ng l'Jvtl1<111, C'Jwllnu J11d n1t1· hv11 w,. h11vt' ii/I 111tlt.•f)l'Jllfottl upprullml for s:•~w.ooo Try i:w.ooo d11w11 until you tw·ll your 1101111· Owm•r will h1•lp f11u.n.c.·t· Tht- l ctw \on Rt>dlly I '·'·' ( omp.iri) 1211 IHfLlll WAY IAT/111 1-1 llllft ., If UIUlll.. liiiiiil~ll~l;-~;lal~= Sdl r1n1t'' or Buy fl nit'! Thwt Ill illwuy• 2 •IOf ... I bloQI to oc;Mtl the qut:11lH111 Why 11111 both In on•· 26.,~ down Owner wlll trallll&:Uon Wt· <'8n uffn y1Ju Mil unwiual wt:.llC4 12t6.000t opp«>rtunlly II> t·iu:hunl(o your prt'lit'nt ,:,:. ,.,.,, I horrw-. pmd for or not. WI lht• down J>&yrn••nt 1m an 11ul.tit.u111ll116( AIH Cunyon I *111-lMI* hum.· orl th1• gulf 1·our111• Why not <'1tll U# -• n11w ti'l4 41#10 ~ ~ HWIH "YIHAILUI" Utl,111 111 ~:l1·g11n1 4 bdrm & tumily rm Thi· "="la.dll( YI I"'' f1•!'l plun for l11rf(1· or 11mall f1ur11ly, I ~. yrn1111< 11r r111t 110 young Lg1· llll6Jltt•r MUllA· '111 1<r111Jnd f1011r Jl4·11ut p1111I und v1·ry pr 1val« Jlllllll!i Bl"lll buy in Big ('1Jnyo11 ~ v.lt .ml S.<i• ;Jl)yt1111t• H44 41J"' * UllM YllW -•HI UH ,. S«lr OOMt (Juu-1, f1Jrk llkl· 1iNllng Hm for J>Hddll• 3 <AltlMI f11~ wr1111ll urnJ i.11101 Cin·at for m d1u1 d C'ul I 2 Setri. ''" ~.,. "' :s t>ilrmis, furn rm $:i71J,!'>OO fw I ln(f~lb141 Horn. 12 ti HY WUT, 0.1.1. UT/Ill t·I l 2'& 000 I WHUY I. TAfltl ot., lut.llll 2111 ................ lee4 HWPlll MITU, I.I. '"·4111' HW 11 IUlln H HI FllTUllllLUI D•·li"htful, all •JO 11n1· floor fJ.•Ull•• t11wnh11m1· with It" 11wn pool 1111cl 11p.1 Lc1tK of pr I vat y 'I. lwdrt>'JHIW p I u:. f .Jin II y r 1111 m u n d v ,. r y lf>IJI llllJll ., ...... ,,., 1 ..... LHf Ull IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 41-1.1.0llTI IW mt Down I I 236PllMO I ;i 26% ( tfec:tlVe tnl $1 23 000 ,. ••.•. NITA llU I Pool I ec>e 4:ilt 01)Wn I I 2116PllM-O 14 1G-1. FH"'IMI Int I 1141,600 H .-llYlll 3t>I< Down • 13411Pl/Mo 11% Efltc,IVt lnl 2'11 Vffre New 1166,000 21.-Gtlf& llW 2•1< Down 11 n&Pl/Mo OPfN HOU!iE SA f I 4 1201>~me<.1< I t 19.600 Don t <Seley, cett Olen. IOdtyl ..w.rllTUNL Yllll ....... Mo1• 1emm ... ,. ga111no th• c;emplnQ ·•nug" thlt yH1 II you he.,. • c.am· p•• th al'• ntJl 91111no uHO Hll It now w1111 • C:.IHlllllKI /!.d M 111 tlMI Outstanding Specloue Cu1tom Bullt Home. Forever View Looking Out On Sand & White Water Waves. Truly Beautifully Constructed Home With High Beamed Celllng1 & Large Glae1 Windows For Moro View. One Of Laguna Nfguel's Finest Homes. Owner Wiii Help With Financing Priced At $1 ,450,000. A Hiii-Trlvlton Ll1tlng. IHllU LOIL -ILl"I lovely 3 BR With Enclosed Yard & Private Patio On lush Greenbelt. Frothly Painted & Newly Carpeted . Only $222,500 Sally Shlpley's l11tlng OPEN SAT 1-5. llUT flUIOlll Big Canyon Mclain Condo. 3 BR, 2•;, BA. D.R. El Dorado Model Comm Pool, Tennis Security Gated. Priced At Only $230,000. $50,000 Down Marilyn Tlwtchell'a listing. Hiil Nlmf Dramatic Remodeled Home. Approx. 'la Acre. 4 BR, Pool. Spa Park 8 Care + AV. Greet Location Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More, On Yoor Own Property Great Financing $289,000 A Dabolt-Shlpley listing tll IUJll -YtlW Walk Thru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble Entry. Winding Staircase & Spacious l A lrg D.R. Oen W/FP Huge MBR & BA. Plus 3 Add'I BRa. Big Lot W/Paddle Tenn11 Court Mountain, Ocean View• Reduced To $825,000. Bob Thomas' Listing llllJIUI fMIPUJ Amil• tlYllTIUI Attractive Spanl1h 2 BR Furnished 4-Plex. No Vacancies. Good Location. South Of Rlverelde. Excellent Term1. Reduced To S 129,600. Sally Shipley'• Ll1ttng. ........... ..a 1111&1 IWW 2 BR Duplex Haa PertonaJlty Plusl Owner Wiii Finance, Qualified Buyer• Surrounded By Luth L andscaping UnlU Are Short S troll To Beach/Shopping Attractive Investment $262.000 An Ann Br1zotls Liiting. lllO&LIUY ..... ExcltlnQ Ocean View Home • Superb Contemporary Styling • 3 BAI • 3 BA + Den. High Beamed Celllnge In Oen & O.R & LA. Sun Decks. Spa Off Spacious MBA BBQ. One Of The Best Priced Homes In Emerald Bay $695,000 Joyce Dabolt'a listing. WHOI "NIH Nill Magnificent Vlow Home In Newport Be8ch'1 Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Wiii Be Under Conatructlon Soon One Of The Finest In The Area The Style Is English Tudor The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect $2,200.000 Suaan Trlvlaon's listing W OUMUTI Catalina Sunsets In SAn Clemente -Ocaan Views Everywhere Great Location ~iardwood Floors, Imported Tiles. 3 Bdrma 1 Office. &282,000 f)(lstJng 1st T 0 . Offered At $395,000. Ann Brlzolla' listing ll"fl -UIUll Excellent Financing Avallable Large Asaumoble Loan q. 1 111t•1. & Owner Wiii Con1lder 2nd. Beaullfully Upgraded Carmelita W/3 BR 1 Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Near Pool Vacant $229,500 Sally Shipley'• Listing "" NllPUTll CustOVl·Bullt 6300 Sq Fl. Home Marlnera Point, S•n Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City lights. Enlertalnera· Oellght Numeroue AmenltlH, Too Many To Mention Mu1t 8•• To Appreciate. $950,000. Ower1 Wiii A~pt An R-1 View Lot For Trade Or Down Payment. Marla Bercovltz'I L11Ung. . 759·9100 I - ' - .. -_.,,,.. 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. May 15, 1982 ~'.~~!.('.'./~.'! ....... !'.¥.'..!.('!.~'! ••••••. IJ.'.~!!!.('.1.!tl! ...•... !'.'.~!!!.('.t.!.•.'! ••..•.• H111t1 /11 11/1 HH111 /or S1/1 D1a111I 1001 Ct I 1001 tit I 1001 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... .. ~~~~ .................. ~'.~~ ............... ¥!.''.'.~~{ ......... J.~q! G111111/ JOOZ G111111/ JOOZ llUOT llWfllT • IY IWIUIU 4 11NIL1111 •••••••••••·•••••••••· ···········~.!!_·!!. Surround yourtelf with •• !" ...!!" ...!!.__ Luxury 4 8d 2200 •q It with 01th1drat ctlllng• PllllllU 11111 mllllon I hOmft. N-ly •-•--pool, •P• llom1 In IH· andar~kltcllen. rem<>del«S 3 Bdrm lamlly ...... .... hlon1bl1 Miu Verde 4 11 .6°4 1uumabl1 loan room. marble lloore, tfie 1111ff1 blka to golf oourN. owe 1nd 1n 1nxlou1 owner. •tone frpto. Fantutlo ( 1111....L.. ~ .. ) large paper of 16 y11re Only 1 110.000. c111 t11m1. Elegant Harbor ..,.., •--• with tow. low Int. Open 11711-6370 INnd Rd. locetJon. Tlllt Sun 1·6. 3186 19ermvdl. Sallct Property 11 priced Ln•lr a .,, 1 •• .,, Co1t1 Mau. 11114,600. ;~~~\11~t 1860,000. "t'1''' 1·'1'' •• ,. .. ~ ~3~~:2~t0:-:!~-~1'~"· .\(>IL/ 111~·11 lq A1 I 1 .\•Nil '•"•O ._., .. , ""'9,llll FIL 1•11 W. UY 1111 UT 1-1 Pnz.e West Bay bilyfronl. Shp!I for 2 bo1na: remodt>led 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200.000 . Oc~an & jetty vlew9. Marine room, 4 b<Jnn, 3 bltt.h. 3700 eq ft 11.38:>.000 ODeantront LllO llLE 111111 c::. <,( I ( ( f ~Pllf11'I Hl1( •, , •• , ,, .. ~. IH. UlllW I Ill-Uta H•v• you reli<f oaay's Claulfled Ads? If not. you're mlHlng tne beat b11galn• In townl A"11•••1• A,.il•••I• JA,.rla,.11 A,.11a1•I• lOI YIA llltMU IH• HI 1·1 1 t'rime Lido Nord bayfrom ~ bdrm. 5 1~, buth Lge L.R .. 2 boat slip.> $1 .500.000 ,,, ,.,, uoo ,,, ,,,, 1300 ,,, ,,,, 1300 ,,, ,,,, 1300 •·•··•·······•••••••·· ···•••••······••··•··· ...•..••............••......••..•..........• ~1,028 BlNERS~ CAN'T BE WRONG ••• Now. over 1.028 buyers have selected Huntington Landmark 10 begin lheir new leisure way of luxury hv1ng. care free-secure-relaxed . and all agree that Huntington Landmark is one of lhe most exc1t1ng, most talked about recreatt0nally-<>nented commun11tes for active adults ever presented on Southern Cahlorn1a's fabulous South Coast • CAREFREE LIVING FOR ADULTS OVER 40 • NOW OPEN• PHASE 11 If you or your apc>ulM! are at least 40 y11a.r, Ql :.ge welcome 10 HunhllQIOO Uln<lm81'1< a iruly unoQue all aduh condominK11n comtNJMy and a covn!ry<lub hleatyle appt0x1m111ely one mil• lrom Ir.& ocean 1n bflaut1tul ~lun11ngton Beach A pttvalP g~ted community. w1t1'1 en1ry guard• on duty 24 hour' a day at the mam entr1nce Hun11ngton L&ndmarl< oilers the condommlUm conc.ovt ol te;aure 1tv1ng With exte<IOI maintenanGe. l~rig and care ol lht perk~1ke ground• end reveational t&ct111..,s petlo<!Ntd lot you by a ptol"610naf t11m. retained by a "°"*>Wnert uaoc1111100 IOI 11 monthly· tee Each untl mclu<le• 11t very own u111t1y arcrn 1nclu<!•no 1ns1B11«1 wll•ll"' llNI (h ye• Carpe11ng 1s 1rw..lu<led "' lhtr hv!OQ room m•1~111r bedroom MK ll<\da•Y bedfoom1 nnd nultw11ys EnfOY garclef11>111 101 01 <1ram•1te. a111uma aml/01 onlrv coortvard, Community ~11ies onctu<'e an ""''u!Jf\111 mtfft()O d/Jllar rocreattOt'I ceoter w11n Clubhou~ 1J3r•lftt """ tioblly room& large sw1mm1ng pool hot w•tcr swtrlpool 3 1enn11 cou!ll 1,1ymn11s1um ohullie boarr:' and p.t<Jdkt t&r1n11 cow I $94,450 to $131,950 'o..-... ieQN~iq t ~-"' -no ,.-<9 "4"NI ..,_, A•Wll •tl(i-1 ~ ., ........ ,~ ., ., .. ,_. ... _I fl'! ·-· ,., I I"• I "'* ''"'4• ...... ,, ... ••tlf>o NOW ·-10TH lllC.Clstlut YIM • l ~:'::. i • •1wJ M• .. Jf'l"'CI filf "4f~ Wot~,.•• t 1 fl 1tl'(I •fJ f)l•tt yi.., l • ! lOt•lfO't; l • ' • k1·modeled 3 txlrm, 2 bath + large r1..-c rm tll·am ce11ing.a, furn1Jht"d, pat1011 $420.000 Lllll llLE IAYFllOllT ...al(Ol/O Vl\'W from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, phtyruom. dark rm. tl•·n. Bollt 11hp $ 1 .:i~o.000 llYSIDE COVE Spt.<'tat·ular b11yfrunt vh•w 'l. br, '/. l..a up.:! br. 2 bll dn '}. boot JJlJ~ $ l.IW0.000 (;c1ronado lsl~~dR~!~.0!~~!~ lot 8~' bo;at I ~cx·k l'l1oru1 avail $42~,600 w /w1 Olli I ILUFFS 00110 :S11tj(fl '1411 'J 1•rnl Ullll. t')(pltr'lilt'fl ., '" • :1 Im on l;irl(t·'<l 1(1t-t•11tx•lt. $.l~0.0011 P&ll LIDO :1 tKJrm.,, 'l.' f>Jtliw m 11du rll'<ir po.101 $ H ~ 000 1 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,odo• 011vP N B 67~ 6t61 Colcs worthv .. (.{Co. 7S4S EASTBLUf-1-DR N EWPORT BEACH, CA 64().()020 BLUFFS TWO BEDROOM lncred1bl 1: vie w from bac•kbay to Catalina New c·arpctJi & paint. Large· assumable loan. $265,000. Opn Sun 1 -~. 1979 Vista Caudal. 5% DOWN! UAIU P&ll YI.I.All 2 & 3 BR TownhomM Coei.~ lnckldff every amenity lmaglnablel FROM 1 137,1160 Furn. Model Open PUllllU "· Ntw deluxe 4 81, formal dining, 3 oar g11ag1. dbl merble lpk: In m•tr 1<.1lte, huge Walk In cto1111 Mu1t Mitt Now S6t6.000. 1611 MIRAMAR. OPEN N D4VJDSON REALTt 11 to 6 OaHy. Avocado 11 Fairview Ad. 1-=====-'----l•a.•2at FOR SALE OR RENT ~~~.,~-~~~~I 38r. by Miit Sq Perk ~urn to today'• cle111hed 187,600, IOI 752·8731 f or the belt buv• SELL 1<11e Item• w1tl\ 11 6.42-5678 Dally P1101 C1us1lled Ad JASMINE CREEK OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 Comf' _.. till.a hi.Iii' two 1t-0ry, 3-bedroom lwmc tn prtetlJiwa JumJn .. <.:rttk T<'nnl.I • pool guardl!'d ptt WIU roneldt'r llJCChtnllf lor smaller home I •WPllT-emt Oil H SIG 111•1 11•1 TLO, ht th 'rfH 11 rla•t. o..flrttMI a w. 2 ... • ..,._. 1a 1111try klt•h• • 11 •• , •• Leh •• tr111. t 111,111. fff. 111·1111. lrlwt •1 JlH fair\MI Ir. I ... ftt ...... MVllE-_, OMll VI 1.t• 11111t 1 w.+ ... , 2 ............. .. • ... ,. • ., .,.,. ... 11 ... , ...... . t ... IMNNI. 1141,MI .... 11 llpn t1 lat.trt.1,.1 ....... . TlllUFIO llVISlWIT-1 ll•11I l111tlf1llJ •1l1t1l1 .. trl•IH 11 ,n•t I ........ o.tta ... '"""'· 1111112 ft. let I ......, WH ""' ~ ,.,., II Hitt i.n1 llrlllt. t2U,Mt. H1-1qe, HPLU IOI IUll Lats• •ltt wff' 2 "*91•, I .... ....., allttt. WM4 , ...... 01••_,., ,..a •I 1 ... 11 • ...., •...,, Ull,Ht. '" 1111. u1-1•11 1&1.111 IS. LOT I PWI U.tl let, ,,. ............ Jll s.,,Mn .. "'''"' ,.... ftr 2 ... t.,, ,.,. w. 011 fer 4et11h, let I ...... UH,Ht tr tW WlflrllN,111. IEDllCEll PllCE, LOCITIOI, VII "'" •..,.,t '""'" •• 1ws111t ""' twt 2 M•H• Hitt. Llfl la tit aH ,.It ftM ttfMr ., .. ," ............. , .... "'"'· '9111 oe11i4tr IHH/ ••tiH lflf, l•••H, UH,IOI. U1·1411. lriwt., 2IOJ llqe U . I oalt 111· 1411. lllYllE HllRACE a,.. 114 1lrr I ...... 91tM wfttl l•rs• kltoi.t1 fa•llJ rH• wff' fl,.,aaoa 114 .,.. •u••· llot •lti• ad lllolr rarl, 1241,HI. 181-1411 TVIREIDCI YllTI 00110 (Htllfft .. ....,, 2 ,..,. ••• .... I "4, 114 HH 14, ft. fill ltlattH ..... aQllOta, ,..., ,tt1 .... ,.......,. . ...., .aaJe. . .... It Ill 1ffln. 1211,111. COAST llWY SIOPPlll CEITtll hotlllat ...... 1 ,,.,.rty .... 1ttlMi•i.t• • ....... IW i..1, ff111t1, a .. 1tt, ,....11.1 ••• ., .... 11,171,111 .... UIUU-OCUJIFllOIT SEClllITT ltHtlh1I 2 h•. 2 h . ''' flnr H·••· lr1111ry, '''''°'' '"'· IW t111!41r all tfflrt. Utl,MI. OW TRUE Oii LUSE DPTIOll l1MtfMIJ Hotnte4 2 Ml. 2"1 ••, ..... wltll 1krll1t.t1 I •HJ 11tra1. Wt•8' lib ,.._ httrt. t1H,lll. H1-1at. UYlllE COVE llYFlllT ,..... .......... ,. ............. 2 •• , •• , 2 hti.1 ,, ...... ,,. ... 111trtl ..... Pwf M11i.1 • ., Yiew, '"' 114 .,L l111rttr 11ttt. l11t •II• Hall. Ftt tad. 1171,111. Liiii llLE-IEE LAii h 1111,t1111I retl4t1t1 wltll ., .. , ... ,. ....... 1 .. 111 1t1lrt1U t• 4 ... ,.... ,,.. ..,.,... ••"'• ...... .,1. ., ....... 11., ...... "'''' , ... , ... 11, , ... , ttr•ll 411111 ,. •• , ... •t••·•tn •ar 114 lar11 lilt111t1. Pier ••• 111, fir I ...... 12.110,000 .... ., ........... ,." .... 1., WITEIFIOIT PEITllOllE-LlllllY '"'' ,,,,, , ..... ,, .... t1t11 ••&•lfl•"' ,,.,.,,,, l1ttrltr h '''"' ...... lfthlteot1r1I ll1Ht 114 1fftr1 lra•aflt ,11t1t7 IM11 ti.re11111t1t. 1, .. 11111 2 .... ,. ••• , ...... •ltll ............. ., 11H1 wlti. ftre,IHt. lratt, l1t11• 11111 ,.... ... ..t1,.. ........ .... '"' uall1•11. Tiiis It 1117 ftr th ., •• , •• 1 .. tt11 ......... . WATERFRONT ttOMF.S. 1r-it 111.\1 I 4111" 2 lil(J \\. (,(,.,, llw1 ~'"Jl'll'1 u.. •• h 131·1400 II~ M•I""' A1t ~r.J..rd '7Mttl c O ran ge County Real Es ta te/ A n Advert1s1ng Supplement to t he D AILY PILOT /Sa t urday, M ey 15, 1982 - 21 Hoam lot Silt Houm lot Slit HouJts /or Silt HouJtJ for Silt Houll• /11 $1/1 '!.~~~!!.~°.~!.1/!... .•• '!.°.~!!!.~O..r.!.•.I! ••••••• '!.~~!!!.~O.~!.•.'! •.•.••• ,~;;;;i · · · · · · · · .. iooi: ,.t~;;;i .. · · · · · · · ·1:~~! c~·;;;;i · · · · · · · · · ·1ooi 1;i~; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · f.;.;;.~~·l!!·.~;;:J.~¥#1 f!.'!f. !!!!t ..... 1.~~1 1 !!!!~! ............ '.~1 ~~! •.........•. '.~!~ . • . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • 1 I I I 001 -----------------• l OVEL y MES.A VEA OF •••• !~.~!~.f .......... I HIH YU Milli ., •• ASHIUILl I JACKIE GILLIS, REAL TOR ElSTSIDE PROPERTIES Countt y Club condo 1 br 2 b• Cape Cod on Oolu1e 4 Br home some 3B• 2ba. 15•20 •oo on BUYERS ITIEllJl011f o IOOl.1ng beau! groundt Pen1n Pt newly rttm la Kl view Of ocean Wood1y lrplc lg fncd yrd w/lgol ft Re ttoltan Iller. shutters utc 11nan S 399 .500 view hom backya•a <.ova pet10 Av 11ccou. e 11% IOWI Ownt't W/l4}fll1ln1.e or 675-4009 S'.198,000 will carry Pll· 1 <.one•der TO's etc St28 12" o-R F111•11c1-· ll111qu1• :! .. tv honw tn fS;"·k ft1y, :1 BH :! H.1 d:11k 1n1 . $1411 .1100 :!ti·l "i W1·,lnlllll>t1•1 Op1•11 Su11 I 5 Ch.1r m111g :1 BH :! B..i vll huge· H :! lot, :1 t'.11 g.i1 .i.i1· xl111 f11\,1m·1ng $14!1.5011 :1:!.'i H111.·h1· .. 11•1 OpMI Sun 1-5 A ll'J I huv <ll s1 :1:t,OO() :! flH • dt•n h11m1· Xlnt f111.1111. mg lliO ~~ l!lth Str•·t·t Opl"ll S<it I 5 (;ur>(1'(>U' '.!,000 -.ti ft '>l-J.J h1irrw :1 BH 2 U.1 hug1· fmmlv n111111 A!>.,llllW lfl.Jl1. 11wn1·r will hr·l p 'rinan1·t· $Hl7,:ltl0 -lf1:! Bn>Jdw;1\. Orx·n Sun I r, 131·101' Ul·3HO ...arry 1st In Name ¥Our 1 purs Cell 780·9~ 15 nr 500 bV ownr 545· 7091 • ,. """' """ llllW ~0~~so~~~e£u8~ '~~~1 C11l•truo 640•595o. 811 123 Cu•tom Bii 3Br 2be II• 3 • 10 CLOSllQ COIT** own11ag1 549 1~6 l1•d 1011 IHOllA IUPW ca• gar s22s.ooo. 20•1• 4 b r. spa. Glenneyre M d l In Tu rtlerock ···(;;j~~iv~C;~~;~··· 121 3 • ><1n1 cona S339 on owe 548•3374 G len. $~1 5,000. F o r a sh owing c all Bob lllffHWI soo o w e 67J 3145 Agt ,,tr. -usir SAT/•"• CHota llao•tt•t Cltt~ - -~ "111 ~ -a t ) BR 1 l. be air cona fak11 over loans Seu.,, will 'elp finance Pr1n only FOi Hie Of rent Untl 21 ,Coll• "'"' JOZ4 3Br 2B• s 115 000 se. 1_"·531-80 tO ••• .. ••., ............. 1 000 dwn 1985 mo 86 t RUH SI 5•8·7044 ~. ~ Co11H ''' 1111 1022 P&H HTTill T1I£ REAL ESTln IRDIUAIE 712-1121 lf'1....r:.J ; )'"'WC;! ...................... Mole lrom the be ach CORDIA Dill MU B1111ullfully built Buocota 4 Welk to beacll. 3 Ba 'a, Bdrm 3 b e plu1 family -'!"'~~~~~~· 1 2000 sq II Auume lrg room. lorm11 d1n1ng room 'lbJ·44f 11 I lit & 5eller w •ll l>elp located on cul ae sac muk o peymentl Low street B E CREA TI VE dwn Oary OeRobb10, IOI WITH THE FI NANCING I I 831·126& or 533·1544 A 1k1ng 1 151 900 Call 540·, 1st I IU,lff HWI , • AITO. 'II Bob Fero reprtMnl• the boyer) l Br 2'• B e Geraen Home Approa mo P&t El r.,. JOJZ $ t 5!>0 f-UlfV emott loa.n 1 · ••• .. ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • s 156 000 Call for de· ENO UNIT on ~rMribelt nr 111111 LAKE 28 r 1 'lrbe St 14, ., .. ,.,. , .. , .. tal• 900. 752·533' - 111-1111 r~.-.~!~~~.r~!!'l..!.~~! RUE RY AOOESS Oorgeoua 4 Br. F A & bonua rm on lrg cul·O• IBC IOI On "" llned ti In NorthwOOO All emon1· tlel 1nc1. 3 e11 011 o w e Only 1225.900 Cell P1u· le, IOI 559-9400 BEST · IN BLUFFS HIOD DDWI IUYS WOODIRIDQE 00110 Beautiful upgraded 3 Br condo end unit wl •tte lg ES1J1J,f.;flj 1 ~!~.~~;~~~~r!2~d~ t.!l~o~ ~~~. ---------2000 •q 11 home wllh $78.000 loen Lrg 4 Bdr IY IWIU 1orm11 dining and larnlly <.ondo Owner will ""Y W1· h.1111· " lx·:.iuulul '4·li• t111n 11f homr·' ;11 thi-. tinu-All loui pl.orb Co•id v11w ... ~ood fln,1m 1nj(. 1ot11od buy' ~1011· l1·as1• opt111 n.. SurYH' 1m lurlin~ land P IPa'>(· lc·t our 1•x1x·1 t., '>how tlwm 111 vou p&tlO A OollhouH Call Peg Demerol' agl ~59·5-400 702 Acec11 CdM $235K 3 Br 1 Ba houae 00 latge rm1 Muat Mil 1n 30 aey8 &Jbmtl Open daily 1·5 673-204 t 50 175 3 unit lot 436 CtH now 970-5370. 1130 900 4 Br 2 Ba lam rm. a1n rm ---4 • vu of u C I 18971 Anti Cl' COIH LIT Hem1tton Do not dlaturb Ooen Hu Sun 1I·5 11 1185 000 Oon 111 With 3 Or H· Biii, lrplc ~~~.i~~~ lt\l!~~9~~d~.,,DV'l'fb 18233 Mutr ~000• en I ~~n°1 ·3 5'1·5032 8y Owne< 646·8586 631 3520 Wkaya. !'!!!llJ!!!!!_ [~il"""dl11 ldy' II" I 0 WI 0 R OPEii 1·1 FULL OCEAN VIEW I rl I " *JASMINE CREEK* 1 c.a llj SUIMn SACIUFIC£ SALE OWN/AOT FINANCED 11,_ HWI I 9 5% ·,:.i :llHHI 3 Bd C1llforn11 home IOI An Ca•••• 1 ltwel, view 2011 Vista ••I Ore. 1 ltnl, view IH Pla7a, wlttl lid Ull,000 1210,000 SZll,HI 1111,000 Pnce reduced · lovely 2 6•0-t515/1-728·515t OWIU CUlllEI 3 bdrm 'family room I 1~·•11 • .,., ... 1·~, .. l1111u w l be'1utllul courtyera ear 2 Ba Wooab11ago lmmeculate North Coate II II c d I B . entry A .. ume 111 & 2nd College hOme Ftplc 2 HtOllA llPlEX Meta 3 Bdrm, 2 lull balhl ame 0 ice overt •• ,,.,,.. & owe 3rdl Hurryl Only cer garage corner IOI Two 3'1, $339, 873·3415 S 127 000 with 139/• llnan· 1 e•llO Olg yard so9.500 I •u• /0401 $ 134 900 Ca" Paull agl J02 Ylst1 S.1rt1, I Ir, a,,t. as&oc pool tenn11 & Own/Agt cing on 111 TO Jull 1111.0. A •••~me ble Agl •••••••••••••••••••••• 550.g4oo HELEN B. DOWD lake Low Oown 0•881 Owner/HVH Beaut 3br lneeda IHI eacrow Call 5•0·8l4 SPUSH SPLASHI terms 2ba Lg 101 vu $265 ooo. 540· 11 51 JUST REMODELED Spectacular ranch style WARNER agt 559 9400 760 1390 6,5•6332 Jbr 2ba, co11'd patio w/ wtlh pOOI end 199 S 135 llULTOllS, llC. 144·0134 -!f2 'UHtJ~ -tber Owner6'8·9'98I 900 Low aow n No ~·!~.'!!~~!. ... !.~ o~=~~xu~g~~;e~~ .~c~, ~!f?~!fe!&l•M ESA VERDE POOL ~4~~17~ ying B lq I Woodblldge 4 Bt Del HYFlllT IOVH SHIES 60 leet on Ille bey with p11vale pier ena float Lar;ie pro1eu1onelly ae. c orerea home 4 barm <Nlth 1am11y rm , lo•met a•· n1n11 rm . w orkshop ana bteakl aal rm Terrific home ror entarta1n1ng Spac1oua beyt1de terrece A11 rec 1111ely pr1cea •• S98:->,000 L H 17141 6 73-4400 I C t ." • PCH S260 ooo .. t ume---., I S 10 000 aown, 4 BR. 2 home, cul-ae-u c. •lc ••.. ••• ble con1°lder trade 1 IWIE• IUll l ptc"s A11um e low UlCITIVl ESTATE OwntAgt will finance I COlE OF NEWPORT REALTORS :u I i W. Cooel H-r Coro11e dol litof Charming 4 bdrm 3"1 $4l7 000 675-2500 n pymt1 957-1877 ' Ill HI HWI Selow mrkt 81 S179.000 bl 2 aty Don Petereon Ow ' B I "Ill I ' 645·0776 home b•eakf1&1 room, ner/ rOker " SHARP REPO. POOL Beeutlful 5 bdrm 3 b1 • .;mmmm;;;m;; 11replace m•nv e:waa IY IWIU 2 Br 1 Ba • 1 Br 1 8 1 4 or 3 be, St 2,000 dn ttome wlpOOI & ape Prl· s539 000 222 Corel '7214105' A2 101 Do not I S138,000 Agt 646-7739 ced t or tut tale et WOODBRIDGE Open 's et/Sun 1.5 Appl Duplu, bett llnenctng I disturb ten •nt1 1528 $234,900 Call now tor Owner/Agenl 875-69;lt Reouceoto S329,500 O range S 129 000 I IUFF FIHT det1111 964-6888 t>kr 1-942-8580 I 548-504 1 evet & wknaa I 2 bdrm 2 bath condo 1 LAKEfRQNT Cou.,..Y (llUSI 631 -3520 wkava year old penoramic view Deane Garaen Home. 3 br lttJ Or LeaH 0,tita 0,.1 lat/I .. 1·1 '" 4 B 2' B C-d--B oicnyllghla& the ocean I plu• •P• $215,000 Sub Qnl $13 000 111 l:ll l~ I A Duplex 4 oorm plut '1 r '> a on o Y Prtce lncludlll new••· m i l on term• Aot, 1 l1a1tlfwl, o•••l•ttly a Ill H barm 1 yeer new $370 Owner M •ny •tr e e oent•ve furniiure l2''• 675-16•2 1 • • • rt••••t•• ltt••· J Beautllul contemporary ooo 709 Orcn1a S 105 000 1n 1uum•ble S 75 000 F Open Sal/Sun 10.2 I TtiA S RIGHT lnvettor home on Little Belooa 85t-9135 llnenttng A1i..1ng Sl32 inierell 1 • •e 2031~ Remon1 Ln H B Wtll Mii '" 1nter"t 1n lu•u 14r• S 11 I fa•llJ ltlano 3 harms 2'' bath• 500 846-0790 673•3717 I rlou1 lakeltonl home tor rt 1 •, A 1 ha I a I 2 1treptacn ptua 1 barm OLI CllllA JEWEL WH IPTill II HWl!ll 113.ooo 10 1nveet0f or so UCl,HI. 1,.1 IH-1000ept 3 car g11rage S695 Beem• brick. 3 l rplcs IEWPllT IUllTS 4 bdrm Meta del M ar I v1-of the 0c ... n. walkl meone wno woula love 10 1'll gourme1 kitchen, elegant TIWllllHS vacenl June Sth Alking to the sena S 1&50 mo 111111 on the weterflon1 at It lat/111 1•1, l), newer home. labuloua Five new 3 bdrm 3 bath s 145.000 Make oflere , 2 1 3. 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 6 . one-hall the price Spa ltrHIM Ttrflot tenaecaplng, 2-sty 4 Bdr I con dot . Pluth carpel •. Owner/Broker 6'45-8286 1 213·902-1208 c1ou1 2 Bdr m , 2''lr b • & l "u M•OLD iclnt linen. I orpe, statnea gleu. pvt ------I den with rormel dining lrH4 lew Cei4t• •••LTV II you can 1w1n g 2001< y1raa, 2 0 ., genige •6.500 price reduction on S21M llWI 1~'%. breakf811 nook, Indoor 't'" 1111va•T.M •N.T• aown & e tell eac•ow ., Open 12-5, Set/Sun 210 th11 cute 3 BA 1'1t be With 1 2 Br Townhoute, dellgh· laundry end huge lektt T114tr tlJlt oa1411, '--you c an 1t1a1 111 Prtn 18th Piece 80% loan at e tl4gh euumable 30 year ful end unit with p1tlo. view deck Adt1cen1 to Se. ef 11f1 11 0.rMI onlv 873·4271 1 1 12·,,•~ . ownet will carry loan Corner lot AV I C· community pOOI & kldd)' p111 t>each. -ii• and club I ••I lir. Oitlte•ral 2nd or 1ry aqutty aharlng ces1 gooa l'brna S98 yara Low down or take noun Full pnce $250 ll "-'1 program with l'O money 000 642-6368 De vin over exlll tng VA loen 900 Buy '" Of ell 1nc1eo1 'otlll•1• I l•lad kit· OHi IHH PRICE . LOCATION oown John Ello•. Agt Reel E1111e Full price s 108.500 bl• 1orm1• CAii l YNN \ l •q fOJf .I It ti ho1 111 •' I tt11 fll I •J COllHAH HORES Luxury oceanfront con- d o Con1l a e r t reae S 1621< equity for comb rental property note + c e1 h O w ner /bkr &75-2500 HW YIEW TIWlllMU 2 MH I., Sult.. vi.w ol Ocean & NIB hl Lights Outet A•H e1111. open 1p1c .. 1126.000 Only 104/, on Xlnt Fin H1I or Pel Bauer Agt &73-7300 ... O&IYll Vere al ll e1 4 B r w t out111no1ng 1111w1 Ex· 1 pend.0 <Wll etudy POOi I Aatum low lnt., .. t loen I 1796,000 1 AUE VAL· BONNE OPEN SUN 1-~ HI D4VfDSON BE4LTT oltn. Ftut 11lt S FINANCINGtl 631-4 321 weekdays q00m 10 roim on the ' Agent 662-1700 N OA~• O w n /1g1 ••21.... .. IHIAY 1 " 873 3988 o &31 4509 552 1800 or 573.5551 ... • • ar 114-114'1 OPAL Only 1350.000, 535 Hazel • .. aa r • Eutllde A large enclO· *R[ILIZE* 1,.a Saf/l•ftJ 11lt 2l•r•1211, Beaulllulcustomduplex. Or .10"1.owner linanc1ng , w en I MOyaracomet wUh lhll ft 111 _L--'-IOI. ta•er ••rket step1 to so Bey 3 50' attM t to street lot An UITlllE 1pollea1 3 B A l>ome ..,..ontW• 8arm1 2 ea each pauo nte•H tlng norne prlCeo e1 SSOOO aOWT'I 3 8t 2 Ba Feetur1ng 111rowooo ''''· YOUR DREAM ••rt&IC• , ... ,. .. ,.,. 1undeck l rpltt $585 IOI valve Din pool e 11411 fplc & 2 car deteche a await•"•· a.. ... , llHH ooo OPll ltl 1-1 + • • ac or gerege Ooo<I at1um1ble 111,HI .... ..,,.. 1 I Unit Monthly peymtnt f 0 8 n 1 132 .5 0 0 12,_ fil .. 11, ... 1., lat /I•• • ''@)lora "anc• 'P .LI o i 1eoo Fu11pr1ee 1169. 642-s3se0ev1n ReetE•·1 411-41 H~ lalllla ' II ' ''1M 111UJ <u'l ' nm ooo 657-2783 lete I NQ BALLOON I realtor -..&~~!fufu'lUi~ .... ,., OtNt MANAGER'S CHOICE l•••ntf "A" I W!!ll' 1 3 bdrm. 3 be, ram rm, Super 3 Br wl pool A•· 1 p•YMTS llawttt.f 2 Ir 2'h la 611 101.1 li J.J-8".'Jft gar, large patio. Tennie tum• tow Int pymta Ju1t I ft UI 1 .-. ,.,,.. pool,tpt 1126.000 10"1. $117900 Bkr 848 0700 lt'areallypou lble Lo· Oaflt .. ral Ot II lff-1141 IE. Coaet "-•·• ..--on l2'n% 6'5-6397 ' • 11ely 38 r. 2Ba w/lg lam ... Fl I Ot 2 Hr OIE fW -w Meu Verae 4 Br 3 Be rm 2 frptc1 $ 132.000 ••·, 'j a ' I c 3 B 3 B ':.~ H 11om1 on quiet cul·d•· Cell Betu•. agt 1157-8507 ......... 1,a~a1•., ,, • M~:y m:nu .:.c,:, .': antmH lllLHHI H ., ...... Ote4ts MC Aatume 111 T 0 I I or 9&2·9002 I Hfl Jlr• n•• M~ ' · I I 111 T 0 TI L 91,y, Owner wttl c erry • turH include gourmet Ready tor rernod.tlng In 2• p B I I tl11. l•Hr frtasfer-kitchen. Mitt Br w/1pe Corona HIQhlanda Ow-I bal•nce at 1 1't tlCt ••I •I •• rt4, •ut 1111. J11t lor 2 Prtc;eo 10 U lt ner will c1rry with 20% IOWI s207.ooo Prtn onl only .. , ... , JH~ aff $54 5 000 20f Coral aown lor 10yeara ANO, S1,039 1>41rmonth I Call7fit.4330 Agt •••••••••••••••••••••• rt41oe• ft 11'8.. Opn 1·6 Frt-Sal·Sun Call will con11aer 1ubordln•· 2 HUGE matter 1utte1 2'-t D••• 1•l•t , JOZl l II HWMlll now . Chuck Splllar ling to a construction bathe, frp1C1. 'fltda. 2 car •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 borm. 2'h be 631-12&& loan Call Don or 1-Aary gareget, HIV qualllylng OPEN HOUSE SAT /SUN 2 13. 3 3 3. 3 I 4 & , (1glll 11 875·&000 Orut 1111 ta11lng1 Beat 3'406 SI Green Lentern 213·902-17118 ..;...:_;_. ______ ,b u y In Coate M••• unob1tructtd v11w 01 BEST LOCATION In JI · Weekdeye call 850-9778. harbor and coulllne. Im.. 104 amine Crlltk Unobttr~· WMkttndt 12·6 831-3405, Parched high above the •••••••••••••• .. •••••• led ocu n lltew 3 BR 2 h IVM 8•&-6003 Chert HouM rtttaurtnt fllTlll• Yalll WHAri48e ... 2 barm and oen. fllghly upgreded Price I f98 00 , 125,000 dn Single 11y lully 1hu1terec. frplc 11tlum nr pool, 11nnia 562-06&0 Open houtt Sat /Sun 1·5. I AIOet grove WoodbrldOt llutOU Tl HU Be•ut Wooab•ldge townhouH 2 Br 2be 1 block lrom North Lakt Beach & Tennis Club Completely uogreaeo 1mmec eno unit Bltln •Qvartum, work bench . patio cov.,, llrtplt Prot dtc end l1nd•c •r •d Aaaum11 low Int, It TO A1klng 1167,600, by OW· Mr OPEN SAT I SUNDAY B1 lam rm . form11 di· Ntw 3200 aq II luxury llUT YIEW ~l~g O PEN SA T/SUN 16000 oown, total price ' condo. butltln al arm 3 bdrm. 2'A b e . l ge IUMI• · s JASMINE CREEK l l 05.000 3 br. 2 bt . lg tyttema. taunt eno l•· 1nteftlln~n1 center. 2 Wet~ • ...........__ Cell Joyce Oli on 101 yd w·grnhM 842·0772 cuul Pv1 -.Velor Mod· trplo9, Comrnunl~ pool 6 _.... _.._ • .. 11y prle«j at "400,000 128 00 b 1 2 & 11~ or 3 Br. temll) 714/167-46'1 759·0l73 fou don 1 nM<I " uun ro Aovenced Rultor1 t•nnli • 9 ow rm, 2 'A 8 a, dlnlno rm. T1111 lutett drAw 1n the ornw rut wh1tn you 951-1244 mi kt O w ner /egt form er mdl home. 12'4 We11 a Doily P1101 place on 11d •n IM OlllV 7to-3e'I financin g Ownr/l k• CllHlfled Ad Cell TO<lt1y 1>1101 Want Ads' Can nowF1na whei you want lnj W.ve 1o""'m~•"'""'""n""g,.-r.:o-,1""11~ 660·&l:z7 642 5876 I 642 5878 01111y P1101 CllU llled• Cla1111led •d• do II well ----------------------------- -. 1 • I ' I ' 1 - ... .. E' • I I a as ' . . . . 22 -r Or•ngai C~Jnty AQal E6totftl A~ Ad•'11et11t9 ~ef't<to lhe.OAILY·.-P.U • .QJ J.SawHU~y. May J 5. 1 aB.2 I ' I Hoosts lot S•l1 Roa111 for S•le Hou 111 /01 S•l1 Hou111 /01 S•lt Hou1e1 /or S•I• Houus /01 S•le Hou1t1 /01 S•le Hou•tr lot S•lt ............. , ........ ····•··············•·· ······•·······•······· ······•··············· ··············••······ ········•·•·······••·· ·······•·············· ·····•·•••·······••·•• !~~~~·n·~~ · ·:;~;!~! f!l.!~!.!!!.~t .. !.~!~ f!I.!!!. !'.'!!t ... .'R~~ ~!.'!r.!!.~!!! •• !.~~! !'.t.'!t!!!. ~~~.cf'. .. .'.~~~ ~.'!!r.!!. ~!~!A .. !.~~! ~~'!r.!!. ~~~!~ ••. !.~~~ '!.r.v.:t!! ! . ~!~f ! ... .'R~~ gre111 1oc 10111. ettum• Wll1tWATEll YU llellit 8tlt IHoe. --------------YICTDllH CMAHElfllOlfT OPEi llOUSE bl4t 111 ro. low down. By owner hom11 on 1 f I 1 M &&.. p _. irL("'•IOl IHUI• ~030 HOllOAV AD S99.soo (71 •1803-3l"I Pool, IOI IOI 38r "l bo ll<.te fqu111tr11n 1110 du ranO t "' WYa1A reten1t " •• SAi ';\JN I'• ,. " 251 0 Vj Nnw 4~ tq It i'IUlhf!<lliC f(lr lhu p'1C~ Of lhf) llntl , CUllllH 1 IHI :'!n~:,1 ~g"~n!'10~~1;,~ ¥~~. v~e;;, <>~.,,;0~0~1111~1, OHn llW, 11.,orl l110h I 11Qlith 11omt1 FKoloatic. nlwr.,, y<Ju can aw11 Hiit r ~;,;.~·~~.1"~J18~~~~~o;{ I Ntwporl Hn•hur vif'wa < l11srmlng 'Ill• watertf()lll "v, , New crpt paint. c.nl. 111 11an111lfy reduc.eo 10 only w 111 Is 11 w / o.., 1 '•Jn & apaoit"t • a..-.L.••• 2 1..8 htfM 1 645-8797 t , c; .. 11.,,,,. 01 • • wwwr • lrom I lloort C.ompt 1°01111 ""'th~ l>d~ yatd • low c:Jn ()( lae/Opl s1111 S310 000 831 ·106fi ()f 8:JI J074 ...w.. a. I . '"mmetJ Ill rr<.h maho ""bOlll ()()(.k LIVI"' 'l Or ~48·b707 11>2-tO..O 000 Ownef 561 ·8888 C.11 144-l! l I I •1111 ••J eoaaa fleft, 0 ( QU .. , L --L•nH Nit.••/ /DSZ v11ny. 1i11nu11111 unllQuet r11n1 11 out µen 'lun ' A 5'~ Down 110 IN•lll~1ru• J d I b h h b mell.e thll hom41 • oQhght og1 648 59•5 _ PL .. CE 12.1% FIUICIH ~ ••'••••••• ··•···••·•· After 35 active years In the real estate m11n1411~ & s1a111"d gloo •·5 ;jJOO ~111c.•Js "'c111 4 BR 3ba. 23so 111 , . ' ·v an income ax usiness in t e er or " A .,.__ 1 lo t alory 3 Br C0.1<10 2t00 I d t II f lor lhe an11que bull' OCUIFIOlfT f'R...._..Tl"S · ....... ue 1m+oen. g t aq 11 11pl• ror s 165, area, a vise you o ca me or y our Drive tiy 1102 l<lng1 ""°' " Tiit U.4 tMoe 900 7141495-t5JO listings o r sales or 1ust to say ''H ello .. Aoao 64!>·8532 Hy Owne< S!lllS.ooo I ---·------..... •111 P --760 07,r8 ---(,1na11ve '"''nncing 818 •,. C''•-••I• J01J ._... rice te1m• low down r-L, plllll JOSS -o,. 12" It I 1111101 w o 1 o .,, 1 _.., C .lom28d " 1•1 ., .. '' 74 I, 1 <.e1n ro 1 pen •••••••••••••••••••"• WllU YH HUEY( b~ach S299 ~· 0~~11~ "•••••••••••••••••••• IOYD REALTORS 17&-5130 11 AU1tMalllt ltMt, daily _ _ _ 3e&ch Retreat In San hty Ull •,....... P1s'9'.1h2.21ag1 Re1M1x PAlll PUCE 3131 E. C1aat ltWJ, CerHa ~et Illar on th11 beeutrf ul 481 HSTILIFfS c~i::•nje .. ~:w~C?, •t>~o hi T-11 ..-&. Portotino moo"1 111 Har " ........ ESTATES bOI V111w S1ciar111e OPH Sii 1·4 liJtjlO game rm W•lk to hutaular u I mu WITI 4 IR. 21h IA. STEAL HH lHtrllallle rnoth•r in 11w 11uer11,,• HI"'''' st. ~4;,!~\u~o:~s%:~;T~ ,, ••• ffl1Hi81• 21r, FUil.HS BETTER THAN Wost<.1111 4 Br J Btt ADULT MOBILE HOM[ Almoal new urpellng 4 br poo1 t1111re\h C.1tvrol a S339.000 .... 11N ~ft. o .. WlrTEW•HIYI MODEL cu11om11ome AnAb10-1 PAA!< on the Bay 1 Cloaetopool S319,000 men111 rerms lingoPeulYO<ler 1.a.._ 111.-a.. .. :r .a.. 11 HAS EVERYTHING lull! •lHI S6SI< under bdrm, den, I be S60.000 ,,.. betla, 1·1 f illlen ArltikOViCh Ally 714•4118•4050 4-tlila. NJ.Ml clou 10 oowntown nec1u Cut-de HC itreet oflefl or 1rade Low on Ddrm. furn S•5 000 2 • • 1 . -----~- ....... S3 0 000 Sun & 5811 II Club Delle •"I 631-12•• b<lrm S25.000 300 e Cal IUCI UYlll WllTtw•T(I YIEW ---• ...., 3 Or, bonue rm pool comp• Will cons1de1 eu~3 Br 2 DI S68,500 2 1144 p rt 0 .. rte no 0332 ---· I c ...... to 1 · I 20 min to ,. "" I 0 llf • &tw " .... ..,. -I .,. I ..... 1 I Hwy Unit 113, Newport t . a ....... , Fii HAtflTS '.)renga co811 , beat SU,ttl l l: O.N~_:-,2 ,~~r•;;~~~OOO S..ch Bkr 675-3347 &41-1111 Ul-1114 \44 900pluetowmontllly Ja11ch 11on1 vatu11i 5tepa on thl• W iiiow Woo d ••...--· · wit OCE-AN_V_U ENO UNIT tee buys 5ocur11y, 11 pvt ·o tha sand Oelu•" con "o .. el In lhe Deane 1 ...... 1211 111 12''• llxeo ralli & IEWPOllT llTS .., u ..-lully l'Tlor11ze<I Prim loc 2br 1111111 IJl!ac.h 1ec rm pvt u•r Jomin1umi only 4 11111 Hornet 4 bdrme. 3 ba ,'Olla No polnll °' quelifylng --------' Npl Crest S235 ooo Bk• 2 Bo 1 ·~ B1 & mother d 11nl lor 1n1 green '1om !297 SOO Open :::i!1 ~~':~."1~~~' Uk 770 0347 "'fO( IEltoTltl! I Tom~ 646-9200 1 ~0~1 ~~~~ ~;~~~~~6 :.r;,umb11r Lido Perk hll n ~g:~~"o"o.9.?~6~~;~ V11ta neer 1choo11. pool anal t , Owner/A Canel front• Br Fee OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN Call Agt 11 615 7696 • lennl• Call tor Inform• land Terms S2119 000 1!>09 HIGHLAND uon on e•cellenl terma ~~~~~~~~~l lltfl•tl lfui JOff Mi Cieri< 6•S 3J/O 1111 Pool hOme over 2 000 ILUFFI IHI• AH 1010 t1emo Otfeted I Ill c·-,._ ····'"················· 6PM Ml ,, 4 BA 7•,.., ba, family 3 Bdrm, 2 bl. Llnoa plan ....... ~ •• -............... . ..,..., ..., living F11ntu1tc Back t story S22.000 down 10 • Thel'e lhe lllefM for lhl• IEWPtlT llJllTI Bay loc;aflon Owner will long term llnencing looking for a qu1at Legun1 no~. from !ht HYll SIHU Owntt n-'9 c11n ci.an 11na11Ge $2911900 IN.Al S204.000 n eighborhood only 3 entry porch to lhe wood 4 Br Den. Formal D1n1ng antique type hOIJN 2 er Aov1nceo ReeHora OAIAL FltlT Open Sun 1-!> years olC? Try lhla lovely 1aeh window• which look Room. 2 Flreptecea. 3 car I Ba !>Ox111· tot Large I 951-1244 Frve bedrooms 3 bath• sos Vista Grande 4 Br 2'\ 81 home 1n 10 the••• Unl quo 3 ger1ge +large Hobby det1ch1d garaoe $119 CAMEO SH"°ES li•-•ace h~-R .... _0_1_o wner_tAgt 553.1ooe_ 0 G achool 0111 II IH· Borm 2 Bath lk>or pl1n Room Pool eized 101 000 548-504 1 evea & ... ~ .,.... """" ......,.. turea 11 la1~ l1m1ly room IHIUrH Olne/Fem rm l>elut 11nd1eape<1 Owner wknd1 831-3620 wt.dye j Cuttom 4 Br 3 Be pool. raieo Alto included FllllCUllll & RV 1ccua Creative d ouble lrplc . cuatom wlll ualtl al llnanc1n g • -jacuzzi k ol p ond 3 wooden pa110 ind am111 NO OOWN·Owflef "de· fln1nctng Onty Sl39900 cab1nelry & e111nav 11111 Only $420 ooo 1 r,P I c · s S 4 1 5 0 0 0 t>Oat dock 2 cer garage aper 118 make up pey-Brl<:ll.1111 Real E1111e 't513 C•M,.,,Dl·IRVi.tE I ol C.011 6 Old flthlon«f Open 811/Sun 1-5 OCEAlfllDIT 6 !>-S930 4 blka 10 Ocean S2611, men11 a' move 1n l\llwry 1nvn1men11. 960-6402 11y11 Illes Otter-.o et Roblnaon Reallor By owner Or1111c price Pitt.+ 411 +FR I :!,~;11'.~/114•836•8542· l hotM. walk 10 water C111 TWTI.UICI only U lll.000 fULl Ml-IMl reduction tor lga down· BLUS 1 BA tn-lew apt __ rASTI You gain th1y PRl~f~SION REALTY --------•p•yment 640-7990 w/kll & LR w/fplc .All SEAVIEW . eleg1n1 & =l.oae-iiiiAigil i 6i4i!>i·Oi8iSOiiiiiiiii llELP! Bradtoro Pl, t4K uno11r mkl -onty 20''1. own 4 Bc:J 1 'i'I Ba 011 p1t10 pool/ park S89,900 Aaaurr.e S 9 K I I 1 I \. 'I• A g I 857-2040 Pc>pular Plan 2. 4 8' 2b• w/dly a night llglll view. $209,000 .... .....,12-1 11411 ... ,., Dennis Alchtle & .<aeoc 111-M24 **10% INT. A1111m1ble 101n, choice Woodbtldge Ealete nome. M101ton mdl 3 B<lr, 2'h Be. over 2000 IQ ,, ~I.~!~.~~~ ... !.~! A 11oa11 Sperkflng 3 bd, 2 b1 condo, lrplc, b11m cell p1110 el ger•o•. poo1, Cli.jbhouH Owner c11ry toan s1s11 .ooo P90 Ali.ti Rltr 411•·7578 985 So c t H""' L c=-.o-m_p_a-111_be_f_o_re-yCJ_u_D_u_y-1Put your orlverh,rng mes I 2700 •I cu1lom bit on 1 ch • rm Ing H • m Pt on • · 1 -,. 1guna Claaacfie<J makea 11 easy sage wnere the rf'ad11rs tge lot Biii PoOI & pello model tibuloui viewi BIG CANYON (l 14)4M-lll 1 642.!1678 819 642_5678 .,.. Sep oog run~to decor. apa pvt comm lllT•IO&L. -Jjil -.-.-•••• jjjiiill-l-.l-J be garden spot circle W/pool 6 tennla tecllluee 1 TIWl ... I drive w/ott 11 pll.g Only $!>50,000 Open Houae L1ndmerk Thia 2 bdrm S335.000 Agt 545.4795 Sal/Sun 11-S 1003 Yecht I Ir, ... , Patie LIQUna chermef 11 nett· COiina 644-1017 9" led •m<>09 ol<I tr-In 1 a a A ArNAB Ill OAHtl DOVER SHORES ~ ....,,.!ITJHI, ay 1 I serene HI ling Owner IV.,.._ 3 br o ec home. 24 hr 11118 aprewting 4 Br home I ..,...... " • w111carty111ract111e II· I~ gu11deo communlly on neeily ., acre ol ltno I IJ U OMJH 1""4 nenc1ng S235.000 St!OOI< O w n er 11g1 1 corner lot Emergency Mclain • Aug111t Pl1n'" IHT ltU HWI RE.ALTY 644-0448 ule S375 000 ll•i -1424 Truly 0Yt111ndlng In every Wlroamlch1hl1he1 3wnb!1•m 100 b11y ·•··-• , , _ _ PENINSULA DliPLEx -Bkr reapec1 TF1edlllonel 1111• ur em y Sele by owner Cell l•nce in rench moll home on • quiet CUl·dl· IAYllll cen Pllllffll 873-6454 for detall• DW•ll SALE 1Cu&1om decor. m 111lve aac Owner will help II· l~ HWI Eucullve llmlly home prlv11e (ground level) Pl· nence low oown S234, UITlllff oetM preallgloui Eutblull 1110 wllh aeparale atreet 000 10' UYVIEW End untt 48r 2·~ bl, 2 locetton. end unll wt \tde entry. 1ec11r11y llPlll... Just Frofc11111on&lly dt'<:orated, car ger t 180,000, hi 1 panoramic vu on green-l1y11em. •nd Ohl, tomYCh, 1peclacular vlew1 are L k t .• 1 2 BR TD S 135.000 try 1•1. on bell, be1ullful neu1111 'TlUCh more Over S200, yours to enjoy foreve1 1 •· ni•w. !IOp H:o.f ll"i.IU."U • + Pr 1 n c on 1 y e ~ r I 11a11an lilt In entry, living. ~00 in 111um1ble fln1n from this contemporuy den, i 1/1 BA . h.:1r. µoul, gym, 7 14 /9 6 4 · 4 8 4 6 or dining kitchen 3 •P•· 1~1no wood ~ glau condo An bc<tt'h & 1"oe:ur1ty Prlw· lk"Clueccl 1160· I 12S ev" ' c1ou1 Bdr'a, 3 ea. Hsy excellent floOI pl111 wtth 2 $96.000 lo $446,000 Only $30,()()0 •-..a..--tn.-walk 10 tchoola 6 atiop. ifo!llln~HI .'\: ~11. i.!\ralti1rn c eted CIOll lo pool & down l)l•bbtC' F'n1lt 642 8235 ............ •• LOWEST PRICED I deck•. 11r1911c1 1no 10. --·-I p<ng, efev1tor S236,000 IPll UT 2•1 3 bdrm. 2 b a DELORES IN BLUFFS A1nq 640 · 5~'10 Anyllmo Eil\lhlufl Prof Bldg •Pl /covered pe110 S224 ~oo No brok111 1011 IAYSllt OIYI WT eeeutlfully decorated I '"'· low Int 11te on 110 I llWPlllT IUCI Altumabll loen wlth S% 111umabte 111 mortgage --------...;: on S239.500 Fee By Owner Wiii help 1tn1nce llUT FAMILY Hit I Owner 117e.3923 1mua1 1etcx;1te1 C111 101 Mull Mii P0t1011no 4 BR. -..__ ... ...,.-11ppt Aak for Mike Finn I 3'.t, be, lamlly rm, pv1 p••--------------· n-a .. , work 673 2900 homt 1 yard Only S3111,900 tee .,.,,,.... 759 1831 land Owne1 fl1111nc1ng, b\11 VIEW mak .. 11 wonh •••••II YI lfllll tow 111e Agl La11lne $473.000 to the dltcer· --Sha w , 7!>0 ·9088 . 17141494-1177 Fan111t1C bvyl Norlll end 'l 00. 2 b1, tge llv. l1pl, brio.Ill 11ee plu1 guut quertera Walk to beech Aawrne toen Ownr help finance 1269,000 Peg Ol X 3 Bdrm 2bl com. Allen Attr 404-7578 pl41tely remoo 11om11 CUSTOM EXPANDED PORTOFINO MODEL HARBOR VIEW HOMES GREAT FINANCING IY OWNER nlng bu~er Orig 81ullt ' 8V OWNER 675 6000 e· 3 6"drm 2 •,. be · Somerset ti'• bdrms. 4 throomi. 2 level, open be 11m11y 1oom. Remo-I ,_ ___ ....._ Frne11 view Ultimate cu11om home In Emer11ld Bay SOOO aq 11 o r overlooktng whitewater v111w S250,000 own11 631 1579 CUllOM IUIU!U ~ IPH Htl( bdrnn S' 200 000 10155 Sl<VLINE OR o p 11 n S 1 I / S 11 n I <;UNO.A y 1 5 •,51 ~234 •Jn1Jel1t!v1ble 190 Oto r )(Cl IJ ... IVF Pr1ct11 "'I Whll11wallH <.on1t11nt1 nwn1111h1p 11n111 I wo ) v111w '}400 •tl It Ownnr fldrm 'l b e • Or"1t" nn>i(ru• 4 Bd Oen la- vutwa Nt>flh end m •I~ 1 m S 6 2 5 . 0 0 0 lac•H Ylfl .. a I .( 1 4117 36311, 1·5 Sunday or 4tl-1111 1140·7814 7521920 Thr ee lovely OCEAN I' QUAIL FRONT UNITS In Norlh PL•CE L1guna DYi of town ow A ner will carry peper w/ NortlTllS. '11b111n1111 down Try .. __ _ $706.000 Hu09 101 Agt More fnm111es ""' gelli11Q 831-1$711 !hi! c. n1µ1ng bug thra 9uV4!f meett Miier wllh en ••lfec11v1 c.lnsll1ed ad M:i'-5678 /fl8r ti y(}<J llllYe I Clllfl ptr lhot 'a n()t nelllng used tl'll 11 now w11t1 n CIBHlflftO AO Great lamlly home on quiet circle Four Bedroo ms. three and one half baths 2850 Sq Ft Drnmallc onrry Professionally dee orated Italian Tiie. Frenc h W1ndo w c; nnd Door~ Central air r onrt1t1on1ny w ith f•lr·c· Ironic air lltturs Soph1st1c.ated security and i;n1oke detec tion system Oversized c;treot to ~trcet lot Large patio with firep1t over· looking custom nool and ovars1zed spa and waterfall surrounded by maturo. well manic ured lanr!sc ap Ing Childs playhouse Fifty foot Aviary $459.000 Ow1tt/1'8ht 831· I HO · UO·HH beeme 011e1100111ng Bay d11l1~undor cona1 edge of Bluff• q111e1 cul· I 5450· 844 4337 I d•Hc S1r"1 Tiled P•· __ I 110. Italian m11rble entry ITUL A OOHO! i expen11ve will coveting v111,_11ie9 walk 10 wiler top g11d11 c.arpol• N11w 1 l>I 1 b• o. I<>''• dOwri •POllu 1cu fh1g1n1iy or lrnde Cell for dellrla don• 8nd kept up Auu I 096-922:? Owner/bk• ' m11>le 111 TO S 116 000 •• 9 .•1, Alltl •• up IQ LUii on1011 buy111 Grab 11 while ow t• LUil I n11r 11 f114111ng ··empty"8&1 " Syndromn nnd g111 11 IHI HI 1·1 1pe<:1acu11r home C1ll Spec:I0\11 llPOf•dld 3 Br Tb9 11963 I 2 01 & F l'I . 0 A lrplc MHUa lllME ::R~~~~o~ T~ OHT• 1 120 120 2901 t1t11oe OP'!n Sal/Sun t 'I .,. ..... •El )Ont 11n1nc111g "'".,.... s~11col11 view Londo glled commu C.enlury 21/Lo<;khlll I "11y rrom 182.000 Un· 11&2·8&47 ueci 01011.,. 1s11~~ I SELi 1n1• '"""" w•lh ~ '>hl'ltl el home II• ••.~ti Ot11ly flllol Lt111111f16cl AO .,..1111 <;IH&lh~J 64:1 5~ IOFllUI UECmYE SUITE 110 10 1000 1q1111re 10111 No Frill Prtees Willl11mC0111, Brok or l14/llt·1HI 1 tr • • 1 .. '1 <11t.1w n 11\I Nt 11 I 011 11y 1•11111 I l.a\1lo<'fl Atl (,1111 1l•wer Iha I 1ct llOll ""' Oii lhtt m .. 1k111 With" Cten111 .. <1 Act Cell Now• 042-MPil SO. COAST PLAZA 3 BR, 2 81 con<10 Poot. MIC , &Hume $61.000 at 11 12'~ 8111 1544. 1094 s .. 1 ""' 1014 ...•..•..•......•..... ... ..._n,....t 24 llr guerded commu- nlly 890 Surfaldt Ave Seel Beech 3 BR 2'~ b1 25' 10 t>Hch 2 trplca. 111n111t1c view from rool top spe S48 5 ,000 P P/OWC 21315112·21159 ,.,,,. '"' ...••.•......•••.•.... LIW HWI PAYMDT LIW imam uw PIJOt 8Hulllul 4 bdrm 3 O• home on lge lot. 3 c111 ger • lge AV ecce11 Priced 111 Sl 74 900 w Sl5 000 down II 12' ,.,, C.all now, 964°6688 b~r 01611 ,,., r,,,,, .••••.......•.•.••••.. ltldl/1 ..... 11111/1 IJH ••...•••....•••.••.... Newport Beech De Anz• 118ylronl Park Mrnt cones '78 dhl w1do 111-. I pt1c11 brick p11110. Stl t 000 Alao 2 t>r 2 b• . double w1011 1.01ner 101 S39 000 Bill Grundy I 67~ 6 161 ~•111111ng1on B1111ch dOulll• w1e1-. 1dull1 large lot 'mill pet Oil ""'" shop ping, low 1on1 $:>6 1100 t Terms 847 2054 711 mobile hOM;-ln c~i; Mou by owntr 12·~40 p1llo, c•r port edull 1 M utt move. aa cnliC e WU 122 500. nil lor S 111, 500 875°6S971S41·720• Mn11-1 t.1n11i.t" ,,,, 11 '"'"' tho 1"1'l•n11111g liwj lh Yll~I it Vt111 h hi I t Jll r1111 ll••t lJ llrtl O"ll'" l Ulili• 1J ".•~II I 1 •,tY. "'°'''' c.;1.1h1l11•11 111.1 il\'1'''"' .. ,. .• s'-' I. f. I ,. , Orange County Real Estate/ An Adverll•lng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, May 15. 1982 -23 01l11 l•1I 111111 Olti1 IHI 11111• .............•••.••••........•.....•.•••.... ···"· ... ,, 1111111 II ..........•...•......• *EXCITING* ......... ,wt A 241180 Keyw91I Horne • Light lntettort • Lg llvlng dining 8r ... · ~ lo.II 10 fem rm • 2 lg bedroom• & Oeth• Owner1 wlll c•rrv b•I •I reuon•ble lnle· rHI lM••lillt A 8Hut1Tu1 2411110 or .. n- ori., Home • Open kll 10 f•m rm wl w•t b•r 2 lg b•droom1 & b•th• 1>01h w/fhQwera. All •PP'l•ncea Included $39.600 01.AllfO ltlfUltlllUUI 2708 Harbor. Ste 208-A Nl·HU 1 '117 Arlalocral 24' tretler on the lot Xfn1 Cond Many E111ru $7000 080 I ACCESS TO OCEAN NO pt\OM-come -Ut & IOOI< It o~ NO pet• no Cltlf Rogert 7204 P•c .. ,d. I C11 Hwy •II '8Hch ' Bay frllilef Pot!' N 8 I ~!!!I.~.~-!.!!!!.!.~~ •• , ....... u.4 Why 110 OUI of Stale? Lever•oed Cellforn1a ln- VHlment with excellent Upelde pOlentfal "" .... lnlll•I 1n._,..llTl4lnl1 from 13500 Monthly 1ntt•llmen1t lrom $1 50 111 ecret and up Bob C•u1tln 682-1 1112 80fry Prlncipel1 only 12YI & ..... South ol Coron•. oelc I••••· f•nlullc vlew1, tiream1. t oH re()O(l Low down LOW tni.tHt Agt 676-5717, ell 5, 1178-112211 A,.,,.,.,, ,,, ,,,, 1,00 E~~;;;d·;w·u·;,;;·ieoo. 000 With ll•alble term1 Age nt M ·F 11 ·6 Hl-11522 ~'·'-~ l!~r.!!l .. !.~!~ El MORRO BEACH for rent/ for Nie I 500 eq ti moblle home. No L•· gvna ac.an vlew/b .. ch 3 BR upgr1e1ee1 w/750 IQ ll dedl 780-21190 C•-•1d1l .• ~~~!~ •••••• !.~ Ami YAUIY , ......... NHr new 4-plt•. 2 bdrm. 2 b•th ••c h unit wllh ftreplac;e, encloM<I P•llo. oer•o•. II"·-11t. Poa CHh now Now $1 59,!>00 8 111 Grundy , R llr, 1175-11161 Sl\Opptng 11rlp, Hunt Bch. 5042 Wtrner 1325,000 or wbmll 498·29119 OHIUY YIU.All 3 lolt wllh 8000 1q II older bldp• In a prime locellon $1130,000 Fee 873·3777. Ao-nl IUTAIUIT IUI Saletl-btck Down· town Co1 •a M•1t IOCt· llon Charming decor • xln1 potenll•I. ••lo.Ing $275,000 8kt 645~288 11 % FINANCING 15 yr loen plu• cun flow New cen1tr all l••••d Xlnl O C loca llon Trades M:Cepled or TO'• F ulf i><lee 13 3 mllf1on 10% RETURI 8% lfn•nclng Xlnt La· gun• Niguel locellon. 111, 000 It lndutlrflf 1nelv<1lng olllOH Trtd" ecc.pted Full prk:e '995.000 Ac•lt ...... ,. D11IHn/ u.1t. ,,, '''' 1100 ....•••..••.•.•.•••... HU 111 TUM 611 Unit• w/pool & clbhM, Torr•nce Well m•fnl11- n ed . clo•• to Job•· OWMfl h•v• up-leg, 011 grOM mvltlpller Alto 20 un111 ~t e.ac:n ..... or l,.<M With lncredlbl• term• Cell for det•ll• 645-0850 Have something to aell? Clatallted adl do 11 well H•Vll aome1n1ng you want 10 NII? CIHalfled •d• dOI A,,,,.,.,, II well 642·!>1178 /IT II/I IJOO ··········•······•·••· H lll k I )'illl r ( 'Mm I I 1111 ll' Ill n 11 m L)\. -.er! Bahia del Sol Custom tlomeSites I ,u>~·· hntth'"-'lt''"" •"••flPolo..ttt._~ l1.1lt1\ I >..·~1rt 1n J'rtn1t• ltll tltk10 1hlJ,Hfltfl~ lrtHH\1•Jt,.t (_ ttUOtf\I ~ lo1h \\'.111".I "lllr\ 1111111111•11•"'" ''r'"'''· 111th111•, II• pl.1u· \111111n11m ii IU I "'I ft lo1h. 1'\ll'll1•111 t h 1 •t1 l1"" I I Uh PIHt'Hf fl0'1f't Ml 1tffl,H)(''Ull'Ut~ r1tOM ~'l,000. IO"o l>OWN 70''., '" T I I>, 11'11 .... • INTI RL <;l , 2 YRS. 20~. lNU l 0 , Ll 111~0 INrfRl-ST, 'YRS fi1.'41·1 l'.uh.11"'t~•f1 ln\lh'\t • " ~ , ;\' ')I l •• ......................................................................................................................... _,,,.. ... """~~~~----------....::; . ...........- I I t t • - 4'4 -urange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15, 1982 01•11 ,,,, ,,,,,, ...........••......•.. !~!~~!. !!!r.!!t. !.'!!f 8 UNITS COSTA MESA, 11eed1 work. great po- tential, $3 tOK Johll 646·76&0 AGT HITS WllTH Trad e t or mv N B oceanfr ont hOme Owner 673·8578 Uttl• La4r Looking to buy seasoneo TD s Agt Steve 7~2-102,0 14 U11t C.I All two t>edrma • plus pool w caah flow 25•1. on or trade? W eesv llnan· c1ng PPL S Only Agt Steve 752· 1020 -----PRIME N EWPORT BEAC~ 10•1. down 4·111·pl .. •• & I OupleA Corona <Jal Mar & Bal Pen Aaiwme large 12''1% 30 yoar loan Buv I. 2 or all 644-7424 Bkr TRI PLEA 2Br hae 2·2Br unots. S210.000 1()"1• On o w e bal 5 yrs 11 13•. ~48 11204 873 1458 H l•lh PlllE Ana™ttm S2 400,000 111gh on Agt 548-5832 ,,, .. ,,;., ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 2400 ...................•.. MtJ11tcrev Country Club ) t" 2 b" ')00 Plan 1111 ••C><Jll•Oh<l :.o mountR•n ••OW l~r PCIOI Ai'iUm I 1 '• IQ811 $30 000 I.Ill o w e 13% 1 346-2034 HOW Hllllfl l,.tn a~ 1 10 front ooc..r :J IMrn1 I !Ji EK.UPI! Con<l• ' i.rilt-· tr nd•• f u r u.r. om~ "'''IJ"rly '" OllJllJe (tJ \HI'. 000 C.dll JPll A"'"' lt•ll ""''~'" 1111( 642 !1200 Out o/ CoHly ... ~~~!!!. ...... ~~~~ bar foHmlll 1 \ 11 • ,. . \ N II > .. '' oN I< , ...... 1t1t<1• ,,, , ... ••• , , ~, •• tJ ft1# ,,, ... , •.• , /\t . .H ru< 1111 11111u11 t I ,, f I 4 f. •H •I 1 I f~ ,., 1 f•'J~<I (1,1 , l1<J 'jf,f.i 01171 ••vii~ l'l'I 'H,b 111111 $600 On-Mish D111rt ti1 N ( hr IHJml' on R.: (J•f, • , tol r.ofupl ,.., • ~ fl !•It. , •'P'~" \4'1 ,(llJ ()WC,:, 2nd YU(.(,A '/A I I r '( t '• fr !fl I rt ni , ... 1,,. '>pt11111• q:,1 !>811 Oat of S1111 . -.~~~!!!. ...... !.~~~ ' B1 ol<lor m•nl dc111~ We~• Salt'm 01egcin omghtx>rhOOO view on 2 lul ~ \80 000 E ve'i & Wknds I !>()3.636·3985 ~!.-.!~'!. · · · · · · · · · -· · · ~~!!!!. ¥!!!!~.'!~.'! •.. ¥.~!!!!. ¥! !!!~.'!!'.'... ~~!!!!. ¥!!!.'.11.'!.~~t. I~~!!!!.¥!!!!!.'!.~'.'... ~~!!!!. ¥!!!!!.'!!'.'... ~/.~~'~!~.'!. {!!!.~1.t ~~~!!!.~~!~!!~!!. ..•. f!!! ... ~ .~!! -~~-. !.~~~ f !.'!~. !!!!~ ...... !.~~~ !!!~~! ........... l~~~ ~!.'!r.!!. ~!!!! .. !.~!? ~.'.'!r.!!. ~!~!! .. !.~!~ ~~I.~~~.~ ..... ~~ •.. !.~~ ,,,.., /,/,., 310f CdM 1 veer old, 2 Br n. 3 BR 2be, trplc Obi u111 13 Br 3 Be Exe<. Home 1n WIE Onlllt Furn Lauuna Beech tu ••• ••••••••••••••••••• Ba $ 7 S 0 Imo W O~k tncd '(rd. lge Ot1vvw11y NorthwOodl, 2 llory With I l(U-DnJll Atiry \IU010 ~pa, Settllll 4 bdrm Ouplex. Ne111 975·0383 RH 760-2568 0 n M 1 p1 e n 1 1111 h •tra lrg tam room No OR LUil IV 111una maid HfVIC wlnt•1. on South b l '/ -------$700/mo 111 & 1111 1 I dog• pleue Gerdener & 4 Br Cen11 t1on1 Fet 011 LUSE 1.1111,1101 S 115/wuk 1ron1 675·8820 2 Br den, 1 be. 2 trp1c1. 2 1 548•5598 631•2372 wellir paid SllOO/mo I i. 110 M 1 c; 1111 k Cell to SH lh11 th111m1ng 49fl 2227 , c er gar. tge yard new 545·2000 A09"t. no tee 545.3370 All 6 Eo1s 1blutl home coun11y I c,,,., '•Illar 3122 cpt p11n1 & wellpepper 2 Br yaro no peh cholo ---l\1tchen wllplc & 1:>001<-Studio walk 10 beach ••• •••••••• • •••••. •••• S IO 5 O per m 0 5 1 7 ok WH19•<ll S550tmo HOME FOR RENT BACK BAY Con<Jo t<llt til$4ll lg 1111 rm wtgl1u to skytrgrits pvt entry QUALi TY 3 BDRM Oen Pomte111a 644-1093 641 0763 4 Bdrm $725 F1nceo oriented 3 t>r or '1 & den beautrlul g11rden Own•11 6 mo leue June 20 I g11dener Irv Terrace tor -yaro & garage ~101 & 2 ba bltns 1110• W/D gone mall.a ul en otter Dec 20 $350 mo lae 673 3 100 COlll Miii 3224 J EIA I ba vatan1 r 1P pell welcome 546-2000 lrpl ell new 01tc.01. poo11 s 2 8 o 5 o o w / 11 n 0 955· 1819 C 3 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1.11.11 g11• S1SO mo •Ill Agent no lee & p1tto S950 mo 1st $1250tmo 11aae Barbera N --1-1--.. --3-1-1- 1111 11111 I 4 Collage·· 11'/IO 21>1 548 1168 JMllTUl-I I last & MC 842 I 155 Aune 842·8235 , •• '.'!• .• ' ... !.'!~•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• I wtgat pat1d. NOW SJ~O 18r QU16t ~a • .. .... 2 b<Jrm. gar Avail June oc RCNTALS 750 331 4 ' rel ~ "'II Brano uew c:onoo 2 lge Ill CAIYDI LSI 1 BA. VerM lllH condo 19 1h1u Sept 6 U111 & Ip rH> <Jogs Isl t dop msir ~uitet, 2,.., be. pool. 2 BR McLain C0<1do SPEii AllUIT pool i ecunl, g)lm. bll gardener tncl'd $550 IE OH OF \445 mo 646·9586 I a c. & I en n It S 9 5 0 j $1075 ~' mo Cell Otrry Ill IEWPORT 111101 uuna 24 hr NC mo Tiii LUCIY FEW VIEW FROM EVERY r~M 997 4818, alt 4 873·7781 or 780-1397 Only S2750 to leue tr1111 Ga•Oen view 1 505 648·2295 n~nl in Coate •···· 1 ? BA 2, ba micro g111 charming bMul1lutty fur-154 4114 642-9057 f!l.~!~.!!.'.~t .. l{~~ Q ""g·~ Bt11tutrlul 2 b<l•m 2 b ath Bin Can'/on Condo• 2 & 3 "'ate NE w Es T 0 11 e <l lo 0l)fln 533 4JOO "' n15he<l home 1n trvrne " 1 L •,..EI rwuse rn Woo<Jbril.lge Br full goll COUIM 111ew l err ace Brtllhtelionn ownhom11 Vil "u Clean 2 1.1eoroom unlu•n C.arage tge l•ont & t1Clt1 turni•heo or unlurn poOl view 01 Newport Harbol' Attrac11ve 1 Br cottage Avetl to Jul'( 15th S 17'> Wlo., ulll pd 3 blkS blach/town 494·0011 COMMUNITY 2 & J B• C:.1uage no pe1' S!>OO yatOS Cloae lo IJCIOI & tennis HCUlllY '' 200 c. II B 8' b a,. A un. 2 / O.i 1600· 1800 Sll 11 mo ;,>J90 El<ltln rec. lac K1datpe1, ok 111ase 6H -1424 Bkr 64.,.8235 ul pu11• llJ.>:ury Garoges \750 mo 552-9794 •II 6 ttyc1r 11 1uos 1n mil•ler C.umm6r Aenlal 48r MH8 New oceanl1on1 3 Br 18· \uolu cloning rooms Vi.roe ores 751 3798 01 ,Clean 2BA gooo ne•gh m11y rm 2 lrplc yearly ~.'.'!r.!!.~!~!! .. !.{!! wmJl.I ourr11n11 t1111pl11tes 121'.!J 927·8001 t:>orh<l & &Ch ia S6 S $2500/mci 845 0716 "'"·'" wllv•l oveos pri· Po•urble 4 'j B<lt 1 11,1 a1111ll 5122 857 ·65fll BIO CANYON EXECUTIVE HO M E V1t1w prtvacy securoty Ou•hly lurn1. sh1ngs S :>~ooimo 640·4Sl8 •,,I n µa I • c.. s 4 2;ina nt Np! Bl \t.15 inc; llEllTALS l'•"J~ 'JU<denor 1JrOv1 grdnr 751-5525 \800 """ r 1e11an1 h111ng onlt 2 bl 2 Ila I' m•11u1os lrom Fnh•on l v wnhom" ;> ma~11·• 2 br 'l •be \795 '850 1-.1,.110 7 monutes 10 SC IJOrms Each w· pr"' be • I or 2 t:>a $950 PIH•• or O (, A11µort , !Ja deck patio Pool J or 7 b8 \1400 lurn Well oec 28r Npt Crest c.onoo Closo 10 a1n11111 '''" pur11a1 view J Sl200tmo 631·0460 Ju" ttU~I Of Ne wpnrl, ldt. I c.ar gar $71~ m<i '.l br 2 t t>a \800 $900 01vtJ & so Of S11n Diogo I r• o ' e 5 5 7 2 I "/ 1 4 01 2 bll \ 1200 t rwy •,1art1ng at S'JOO ". '>56 022i 4 '" ::> • oc1 $800 $82~ ~J 1 • J" "'4 /'JI J br ;> ni; \725 LaQ H1llb r11or\lll " J 4 "' ' 2 Br Condo wllh cr11ol <11 •11111" Av<' f •1\1•11 S600t mo µltttt\tt ,.11 l rg 4 l:l<Jtm lamrty 1m c.uilcim pc.ul ricime 111 " ;.l)unl•y ,ett rng \1000 m u l111t,fl In r lud.,, wlllf'f 'Jul•htn>H fl. p •J (J I \ !! r ~I ( a 8 ~ r &31 / llO M"°'O '1112 Cfl'>7 t.<11 '> ~~.'.'A-~'-'~!.~ ... !.~~~ ""'' Wtlfl l)mf' 48r "''""II tJ••( ,., bch .. ,jfj• r HI ,,, l<1n'1Uf 4'16 40 !8 tlo,,.ts Uo/.,oi1/Jt4 Ctot11/ 3202 ...•.................. Jfjr t(,, •u•h t rnuf ''/H nt" A 'Jftr ( ur1 1•1 ,t, '1 ""' AtJt /'11 K/ j I llPT ICM UMFURM. JM 1111 111'> 1 I •• I,, I • ~ •>II ,., n• .. Br 11;>r.l' .,,, t ht d,, " \ tt'• 1.11 11• IU• '" \ 140f 11,T ICM t FURll. llCI llY I fir lia I Cl""tohrJu~• r,v 11111 f11ttUJ I "''J._ ftftlt "N ,,.,uf cU1I \l·H ,,,,,,.,. , ".1 llo r1••I' $1101) rn• l01t )\ I ( t;4#J t1tt.,•·i MESA VERDE 4 H <I r 111 I 1J 11 I .1 Ut >I I fl1 '"IP IJu1•'' .t'H•• A.,,111 ''''"'"''' ,t,..fy P.4 1fly tlf1ft '"f I 4'•t;t ft.,-Jt f'' 'h • 1 uo• / .,., •• tJ1 C l'•f t f .. r flt ru I t ti ' .,, ,, • '~ • t l ldrm I Den 1r1NIHHtlJ'.( l I I •• II• "' .,,u h11 All hi,11• , , , 1• 11• 11 '' ••lt 1 t I , .. , . , " ' ' I • M,,, I ti I , t-' 1, I t. ''l ... '' I• • , .. '' \ II 1 ~· • l I , .. I If f '1 ~' f ..... (JI-' Mlll•lll• , Hr ~l•lf/ 1 Fll • fJI ~; "'' t11•1t·t1 '· lllJI I ll~ Jflr (J•l(JI S lt!'.llJ pr / 11• •111•1•· /•II I l'" 11 ',1,,, "'''' ftH111th ;tl/'Ull.thl•~ Wttt•rr • I 1J ,,,, .,,. t411 fl•ofll 1"41)() 1<1 1-1 {)01) N~ Jll I• ( "I• I> !~ IJJ fllll .,/,Jlt•ff,,JJl1 t4(Jmt•'1 ltif ' ' s J •, IJ • I IJ 1-1400 I ·It, I~. J 11.fl 01! I' RHT TO IUY PLH ... , • 'd1tt •1Nt t•f•.f,,I I II• dufil".1' I ,, . •··••I•' t, M $4'10lrr111 .' hr l u wr1huu., ... with µ.,,,1 II U S!l /~.rnr' ' t t ... i.Jf•t /'JV' lfl-Jt1•,,iftu111t riut••tt 11,,, II! ''"' T TOO J h A''' '''1 tr f J'' '' fJA .. llfl lq '"' h '" t.<• I 1 I I' t JI 1UUJf S.14rt (JOt1 t •• '.,,f!!.fl J1h1I , IH llJ11 i•>r'1 rnr1 Of"'ll/ \I •, ch•r1 1rr1 f•J f? 1 ti t, I '11/IJ I 3226 nu Jr I'' £1 Toro 323' ..•....••.••....•.•••• EL TORO CAllYDll t • i' tin utm'''' r1u.-. ''' J 1 C '"'""urntv p;o1I •J t f\ h1tlhl~ C..<,,Ur II t t ,If !l""''lf' W•il LCl hl•fH• 11••1~ SI,/'> <nunfl + \1,;.• ••• Ullly 04tpl)t1I Ht-1710, Ht-141& ' I. I r1<1t It I r U I r I ' " • 01 ,, .. , ...... ,,,,, .,.,, I ,. I . """ ,., ,. 1111J111R/I 3201 b42 !J U I • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • lt1tll 3Z4t C.•1ntrn111u1"",µ•r ~l 1rt~ ~ I tJr ('"' '"'t '''"'"''" ,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• llC.r'( 4 IJdrm ? tie/ IA I P"'" 1l111co·~ 'r IV oc HF NT Al s mlly rm 011 Pflnor• Pornl W •I' o 11 N •• p • ' I '1l11 s 1200 tu \~000 I Olk 11< m 8t>•l~I• 11nd $',~' In(• Id t 41!R'• l'1r1 lJ14 Oj)f!ll 1 dtt~t U11y Yt•nrly lt•a"" s I f,QO jJtJH (•I'' W/lh>\ lr11 l '.'l IJr 2 Bo lrplc., dbl O• m<> fil"J O°l/'1 t.• 1,111,,,., 1 ,11 ,, 1"4J' ra~ tenceo yard K1'11 A CoroH ''' Mir 3222 01 Hf~" A1 " 1•,o 1 J" ~;~ :;1}~2!1 mo Alt •••••••••• •••••••••••• Ml >A VI HIJl jAr hflM ---- f!I.~!!.!.'.·.~~ ... !.~!~ c.r1111mtng 114111~1 Ir<" r1ume ·~11c.u1ta1 " • " brn k • uur 11 J!Cl en11 f 4 Rr l', B" l11•utt '"''"II'" & CJ "'"9 rm lil!ll(.l\ HJ(Jlf1 "'' .. f, ,.,, 11'J'~ , 1( lt•t& ... '111 , (,,.11 ~1•""'J'JY l-'8tt1avn 1,,, 1111 I "14 'I'' 1•1 I ~j. t ~ ~I f 11 QM ,, , , ,.,.,. ' I 14 14 ,, ' I I ,,, • ' fJrt .• I i ' ,. J '"' t•1t 1111Jt f), ,, , t It 11~11H t.H 1tll I .,• ,,.., 1 ,A.11r t Mp1lt1t ) I ti ;.. ,,,. \ t!1tH.) ""' Ntll •.t•ft $ 10 001) O:•JNll A11• olff4 4(.14 ,, I 1>11 • I ,,,,, wOllO 'I fit / l!ft f &I t.\"flC ,.,,.,_,.,, 't'' f'< ~l\l~ n-C; llfl " I HI /1111 IJf • 14,414.1 , 0 11 40111;>:, 1 !&JI f!l.~!f. ~.ii.~~{ .. l~~~ ? Br 2 Ba '} -ly I onlhlll P1110 hom11 Cnmot p Cl 0 I f • p It J fJ I y 49•, )100 HortJl)r V111w Home ::i Br 2 Ba lamol) rm \ 11!>01mo Pure.hast' option 1v11I l,44 6977 lmmec.uti.111 HVH Mon11co ? O<Jrm 2 tia don gdnr All new llUCI• ~(Jl/t'llnu• $985 (j 4 ~ 11?4 8 fir '>51 !>784 MIHOR YllW P.il•nmo 4111 'J •"• ..,,,..... '" pool und tenno• 1~11 ""'' S 14 !~ mo Jo A nn Olt1111 B~• lu11lif11I MttH 11111•" li<lrm 111/4 PtJfl h1111rn111lh Nlfwµurl hr 11 ! 10';0 ""' A V Prt1t11•<1 1 1 ·1 •111 r101 111 .. lh Jll• I 1111 pil I!' I • ., •• N 'I i';l) ffUI "' ( t (1 I It r ltt 11 •••I tit ,,, •"<.1 ' Udr tJ.·wp11' t f , .,,, 1 1 r 1 '' ••ft , 'l II I• ' t I) I) t, 1 l I •llJf\ '" 111 , 111 • 1.rcr I l 11', , I i 11ct ;1 I 'P' 'h ',~ ,, (J ,,. ''t•t• '. •• , ., .... ''"' ( ' IHW IV ti~ t f I I s,, f ( lt•b \f' •• l . ' 1, -~ J I' I lit 1111111 !.11 0 .. ti, f.) 11 11111 n •· ·.nqn t' 1~11d t ' H1 1111.q "" '1 ii "1 u I d, t ;'I llllJ" l<lft / I Jll'• • • •• '"' • 11' ,, f' t1Jt •l11,t11 ... lo..,• 1, i fltl' 1Jff1 l1lt C 1 ul V 11 tn ' 1tlUU ""er\, P)llllfl l r 0 Ct4~ I ' t1'11>fn hUff1,. t t~r ;• IJU flf'Vt•f fJ.-.fOn~ rtUthHJ ht 2Br <'bl wl O «!frog $690· mo John Marshall AQI 96:) J488 ttOME ~OR fltNI ;• f1oltrr $41' f olllflQf' I ~ h I d U I<: 11 u µ t' I S ~4', /!}()<I A11u11t 110 ff!fl '•' ~J T f1WHhOV\H WH!tt J morl',1111 VrlhlUH '1 llH, I , ti .. 111111 rm1d1111 l'nol .\ ll•rill \ I~" 1111d 111h S 'C 114 b'rl ~1'43 Coado•iaia•1 Valaroisbtd 3425 ···•·••·••••··••······ r<, ,, 1 ... , ~·S' I" ' ,,, t nr ( I I/ I I JI''" I I~· Utt j' 11• , ... ~ .. ,..I *• ! t • , 1 I I• •, • t4 fJ 'f \t,, I r !•rp , l ft' J •ll tf I II,, I ·•' t4, l ' I I ~l.~~'.11!~!1.'!. f !'.'!1.~·.~~~l ~.O!/~. ~!!~ • • •• • .!.~~~ CASA DE ORO Al I 111 tll' PAID f 1 n J • '• I t t >'' ,, I , ..... { ; ' H'! )•• t Jl'I h I 'w • a • ttU J •#0" rd fl·tf , ••• p 1~1 I rt f .~ ~ ,, • • ,,,uJucl 'N It r-• 11 ,, 'J N1 I Ii• f •" '"'"' ~o4'.10 i' t-1 fl1rr ,,,.,,, \'1110 1h11 I/./ N 1l1 "'' '4~ 1'#/ 1 '' • • : tu lll I· r;u1rt ,,,, t>, , &1 I • " t lyrS .uJull ''"''' t• ;,,, l t·I\ S ~1(' ~·fl 10~ I IUCI IUTALS Avallablo now $30 w eP k uv Agen 6758170 O<.eantro111 wkl'/ 2 & 3 hr tOmp lur11 Cl Oar Avl llUW f.40 4 784 SPIC•OU• I .1 \ r •• • ••1,. • !• m.u ., •• I FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED ' ... ,. ! ' ·All Ul1h1te1 P11d • lmmec:l1tte Occupancy • ~I Million on RectNl•Ot •. I 'I I t ti ... Oakwood Carden Apartments Newoort Beac.h No 1714 &4S 1104 Nowp0r1 BeaclltSo 11• I 11111 11 (J t .-l 1f H rt 14, &-42 s 113 EXECUTIVE SUITl u,,11 ,, ,, ,... . ,,." flt1f J 1 f f •Jtl' It ft(JI ,, " ()' ,,, . , I., ' .. , .. I" (J l'I' J.R. PROPERTY lllAllHUHln 115-1113 Spygl.i H 4 Ar l1tm11y , ,.. , ",. 1-11 s P11rpo1n1 Cond'l 28• ,,,, E1t•I• rr)(Jm 2 Ir pit oc;erin/ 4g4 • no •'•• t>'>"'d l!ibl I 'rba Pool, 111nn11 1 llarbor vrewiJ $19!>0/mo I $660tmo Call 84 I 2~89 N-2Br condr• nr v1w1 try club Poot 1111. $74~/rno l\•c~ ~5~ 7700 <ly or 759 12&8 ""'" wknda I 'J//I ,.,dWIHJti t••l ..-""' hOH 1llft1llf' WfHJf11•1J fl & r.tut r---.tA1r1Hct tJl1t't9' Ow••' .111•.1 I !JI' <11•1 ll'""ll" I I II~~ !(J V d l •0•1 \hOp 1>1n11 l hlht ~II le) l'>Oftr II ~ 1;-<t0 mr • 07 f.1111111011 so Av•• W B111wn 847 4 786 •P t hg ti7S '>!>!>! tivt-a St!>U ""' (lh ft•Ol)llt-'"' Molur• .uh.tit• ,.,, t fll C)o1•ul t t·l UI•' I qg 1 N"wp<11I Ulvtl ll4b ljj71 A111t•111t1 U11/11111isb1d ...........•..•....•.. Exd•••I 2100 1145 0116 s1 c:.1 unr o 1111 .,.11< poot ---• •• • •••• • '-• • • • • •• • • • • l1t,,.,.,, cllit U•ll NOW 1 berm oceen vl•w lat. 'M/11J1a Vi1lo 3261 tte.h 34K 11qull)l 1n Kona ILG I BFI A1111ll 611 ger I s:i:>O I 11u1 and MC Agl S425 •••••••••••~•••••••••• HllWlll fOndo tor leaae, W ID llOIDQC' S895 O<. rtrNIAt s 7'o0 3:114 1 960.3900 HOME FOR RENT on') t>r home So 7 19, M11 11gold 3 8drm $660 F1nt11<l or 11ng1 co ore 11 640 4'1!15 • Uurr I It• <111111.,. l)ft 2 b drm . 1 •., be Condo y9rd & gareg11 Kids & 1;o 13)438 5832 tlrnet pri.o 0111111 S4SO Fo<eptace, WHhef drye< peta welco~ '\45 '1000 S1>«111cu1.1r ocean & c.•ty u 1, 1, 1,., 1 11 0 p •I• $525 661-3530 Agent no 1~ Tr•O• 101 Big Beu cabin l11<g11 Canal tront New- oort B11c1c.h Mr Clark 64'> JJ10 111 5 llghl 1 VlllW f">m 8Vflr)' 6:1 t f < 10 room l 11rg11 & 'Pllt•ou1 12 b<lrm 1"r be coniJo Ip<. 1 B01m 2 Bath Conoo 2 Bt m1tny 11mon111111 HUHH'r l~m1ly "'• 301 Ir 100• pool 1nu 1At AI C w/w carpet• mo· $1200/mo Call Anth<iny l l.lltl 11111 IJf'll ok $411'• (,luhhOu•t' $'.t'> 111 1l1Hrr 11pplronc.11s 2 t111 d11ys 642 57'.,1 OVl!I & ()(, llfN1 Jll s 7';0 J'J t4 IMI dep QollOQe. IJllllO CIOH ltl wknd1 631 6630 1 , hr / hH ,.11 omon•tie, 761! lfl:l3 poof and recrtrntron 111111 r in neaulllul M1u1on Vie LEASE/LEASE OPTION NI<;( l'ln 111 $11•'• 1' H w/g&roo• ~IOYO & Lge newly remoo 3Br 64'> fl 111 I fAn11 ,,, I 11 1l 11hwa• Chilo A ,111ell io Sl!2~ FIL plus $100 J b11 l11mrm1n11v1ne Do<tll pet o ~ $!>50l mf) cl~62~Eves COllOIA MUDS t wo .ior111~ rJn u111yon with i:>tn nn v111w tn1e11 h"l.lrOtlfn1 !we. llftlht Pr111111" IJLlll 011y ull hv1ng r•Jom wuh vlf•w $ 11 '1 Pll' month ~rlf lt11u~fl Broke• 160 IJ 18'1 ILUFFI f Our bedroom a I hr••A b&lh~ Conoo £ ntJ unit Near 'hopping 11111J ~cho0l1 S 1195 per mon. th. yrly llne Bro~ 11 760-01119 TRADE C.•nlral Co1111 clear cutlom 3 t:>r 11l11w1 homfl on 2 ec horeel ppty Ataac:aoero S225M Velue for hOme o• "ntta Oro C 1y b•aeh eree OWnr 805-4M-4043 631 7118 645 0445 Remooieo 2tir on enat • .'."!r.! •••• ~!••••••••• llfO••ST T e " S t 5 O O / m o I 536 1979 JI, I h • 3Zlf - ----••Oe bbq kid& S430 lllT Tl .. , PUI QC-RENTALS "" TIOfel, llYS:'foH 2 1°.':r;\:!':es~~3 bll hM OC RENTALS 750.3314 0 111 you""''° 111 ieei 1•5b,, 1200 10 12000 fhru btdroom1 Twt' rade1ppro11 I Kin 840•7000 M 5•7521 4Br. :1B11 +lg add on e•1eteownerthlp 7~·3314 ~n7·dayt ~!~~:.,:.~oc~~~:t~o~n eqully '°' Hlrl>Ot View or 1v111 8 I Mt .. Del Mar 2 B1 TownhOUH with INwpt Blullt 3 91 on-ch();: Woodbridge home L,lv HARBOR RIDGE. MCUrtly Ref & IH req. $800 mo poof, H 8 $575/mo. c• Breenbelt. tharp :Meeptlonal llndecaplng rm In SunHI M1ga:rlne glled380rmeonoowllh 750·0t47 or846-4211911t 1 Or oupltx EHltldt . 111 c 644 c3111 llOO pet month, yrly 1389,000 LH F•• con· archltectural flelr and e 30PM M·F c M s4&0tmo " " __ leue R"ltor. 631·7300 veralon I 180K l tUI mountain 111ew $1000 N H 3 b 2 b L•f'• nat vour lnveatment 1111 IHIHI dr nw 1n 111e jBlulf1 Condo 3 Br 2 Ba . I ' ..... , 0 I wp• O" r. e . .-r•n•wa •• wner , mo allrted Well e 01r1l Pilot iwnoeck $8~/mo A,...,..t ..... '"218 8 R /rple yard, gareo• No I ·-·· ="'"="""=======~=='=":-:'="="=Y=· :-64_2-=·=&2=00=1 Ptl 1695 642•5722 Agent ee2.1100 c1a111~~ All <\4 ·56~8 1 a._&-_02_o __ s ____ _ --1- 8 1/)04 H1111tia1to11 PtoiOlal• 3101 ,,,,. 3140 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••·••••••••••••••••••• 1~R :>AA yf'1•1ty rrplc H.l.'1 FINEST S11,,n1•h f "•1111 l 1v1r1g Ill! rn' p11rk1119 CltJ"O l(l t 11 , ~ e> c 1• 11 '' H r ~ r h/'., 4!11, l1n.1111olul I•''" I•~" \ur AllJ•I n.,w ytltUlf 111 \11111\ fUUf~(ttn(, '''''"' ua 1mJU ,>lit 1 BM $'100 ,.u11I ',1u\~ t•n •Jtt'lt t1tlq ul1I" IJlJ t-11•, 44t;~ s p •• t .. , , ,, u t (I""' tu I '1 .. 'ip111 10''' ,,,,,,,1\ ')opn C010111 ,,/ M11 3122 rAht d1rnny ttr•ift Wal" +n '•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 lo\AIA tlt>mfl l>li.o k111 h ~ B<l O<!n 11111 \IOI)~ 10 11n & , nb.,,111 W11I~ 10 bf'Blh S 10101mo D•r Ho1111r1gton Ccnler •1111 Own1 A111 A" Mu I B1Jrm turn S!>O!i 759· 122 1 2 B<1rm unlurn trom S1uo10 Ve11 pvt ""lull S'I&~ kttchun 1 llc:lull no Piii• No pjtll Ulil1t1111f1HI LA OIJINTA HERMOSA 182 11 Parktldl Ln, 1 Olk w or Ouch 3 blll• S or tdlnllllf 14l·H41 $365 De~• 551·0875 C11I• 111" 3114 •..•.•..•............. 1H.2 ....... Ntwly decor Ou pd. encl ga1. awahr pool bbg Adul tt no peta 641·6073 Ap11l•Hl1 Valor•l1•1d Co1t1 #111 3124 •·••········•········· ! l 1 ''"'J~ tuu ht t rs.. l fJA'l•tli) ,,. ..u t ult -• t1.-1t • 11y ... 1,,,,,,, tn c.c v t1r ·~o .,,,, ... , ,, ",,. .:..(./ 1'f • t I,, ,1.C.' 11J t' tJ • ' .. . . ., Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, May 15, 1982 25 A111t•1al1 Vale1ald1d A111t•1n11 Unlu1nlll11d •••....•.••.•......••• I A,,,,.,.,, u.1•1•i""' •···•········•········ Ap11t•••l1 Ual1111Jll11d ...................... f.o!.'~. !!!!~ ...... !,~~~ f~.'.'~. !!!!! ...... J.~~1 Huntln1to11 3140 ~.'.'!r.!!l!~!~ ... !.,~~! ·I , I '-'1 J fJh 1 • LtJ t,AJ~Ul-t1 A.Pl ••• ~!~!~•••••••••••••• "I l:Ui , HJ QOf 1,,1-., f1 t t ''''' 1 'I'''' I t I 11 1 lJ•Jrtr1 't1• ''"' """•'~' f1'1 I I~ l(J fJeHr ~I •t,/'I ,·A1• ,,·,··1 '"·'"'~:~, ,,•"• i~u A'' I tA '' 11 'h•J•' u .• l u N• '"'''tt•• r;u .,,. ''"' • 'Jt.b 14'.>tl ltdHI ' I\ •I I OH lol lo '''""''' '''~ JfJ t / ll0')Huat1t (H ''''~ • 1·1 17~, fj l(J1 A11111111nt1 l •••11 l1•l1/1 4200 l 1•l1/1 11 1•111 4300 V I •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ~.~!!'!!~.'.~ ....... N"""port lfe11th 'bl!K~ to W11111ocJ a111uuto1 mnln ,,. •11111 •JllhJ•ff J Br 2 61 fl•ff•' 10 Ito •hr •UP"' s,. c1,.,.,, 3111 ~ .... o, w .... ~ 1 u•ou"'' h1." •.() .. .,,, 1-400 • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • .11 J tUS1 110~ n1" t~I A l111t "' , uul '>l•Jd•to "IJI <11.11.,1 •llllW .... 1111 "" 111 \.17't mo 11;> fhtt l•h• ' h• alt1•P• 6 r.,,111>11;" ~' '!' 11/J 10,~J I 111 .nn 1n San <.t1>01•r1111 S1'·01 N• .. ~ M11f I\ Juf11• d Y • 1 I 'l HI 0 I Ml" 11\a MQI AH (,j bl' ('') 10 1°'1 N~lllJ\ ,,,, 111c1u l'.l Mr11n1 Howor '/ 111 w U"'"'J" »4I lf>llJ """" µ11on1 ~~Cir ••• S44'1lfr•O 1')4'.) '>'..7? I .,,,,,. I ht '/ !;a lrph l1tn• "" fJ••r 1' lJtJI QO , ''U" up•I•" $ 7'10 tu11 Iba tb!HI '"""<"'''I oncJu / l•• 'J~uu11 '"'"' ( ••l•t. .. •d OIU\ dNrt rJttC.CH-41"'1 I •'•tUI 4{;r lftfl CIU••I f .. fll I 0 inf ' fJ a I I rJ U ~ ll••w11vn ')nor11a r1ornfl w ""th CJ N ll ''" Av.,11 10\tnlHl 113' /99? u111,uu1 1ut ""''u pool 111du•••O 111111 Junu , .. , VU • """¥ litltl 'l {ltl July Aug (I t•t 4 111 41JJh , 11:111 1111• 2ilno"' NIJt IJI IUOll YURLY u11r S71'> '"" &6 t t'.l 1'1 t> Seti i.111 vw mutnen11. 211 ..,.~, 0.11. RHTlU S; ~ 0 1101. I U u' d '""" /triH 3144 o 11 3 6, 1 Ii 11 0 111 • ""It ,10,.1,, 11,,va ,.1,,11 l .,,,, Riiy hum huu•y 4 r:..1 uat h1Ju1•l•PI to 1111 wl ,,, 1·!>'J?$ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ s•oo l "'"'"" "'.. n 84".I 4.444 l bOr I • IJ• $6:Jb L111ge 11ew I Or w no11101 , <> /rTIU '" t IJ11llJQ1t ul•t 11a $;>4!.lmu ,,~., !I Ha nvm11 l>l11J t•nmt "'""'" p;t•M>n ,. 7 flnt I A11 l 'IOO ') Br encl Qbl IQ f,lllltO .. , ..... 1111¥1 u (..I ffil(.1(1 BI v 0 6 l '\ 'I 1111; "'V"'" '" 41J8 1:14~... bHUI•• 8r<Jk111r <.uo~ '""' ,., J!i 1(1 thr 2 ,,, ' Uuuul•lt•tly 1•111J•<.•11111' l:loth h•v• o•r•9•1 'I tl••n 2226 Au1oer1 w11v• f1plt wa1h111 1I ef&.9197 • 111 11>1> M on1 11ly I bu <.<;r•do '''"'• l'ot.t \jttroun 11Pt• f'uol A 'ip1 I 11111101 Cau Jlm831 7370 $47'> ~7'5 6')71 cJ''>'"' eru \8')01mo Nic.e 'J Ur ) Ut> (,umlfi S1•f1 A•• 3110 fl/'1110/4 111~ S~ll~/rT1u u'l(,I ulll• Guv.,, • .,J,,1J, .. iru M«Htt Jo , "q-.., 1 e·t·l I ••••••••••••••••••••••' I'' o~O• 1 o 11••tJ No C>flt~ f 1111ph•C.fl 11no1 pvl pet•O S pat1011• I Atlrn• ~ i ,1,t~,';0 v•HJI 111r·u111 flltdt:l\!Jd 2 fl• 'I lh low11rwu1e I Hr lu.<ury au1ta, klt<.t1•n '•1 • t 1im ''' Onc.rt11lo1 $40!! 6 ll~hw•h111 )( lg I&? 81 1 Bel rm un II I Bo' m " II•'" II" S l ? !>I m'' uv~• Ill 11<; II"'' SbOO 1 IJloc,lo, t111u~h •hup· wknd I H• ,.~u S•tlO QIH•l"'' "'"' on f /tfd• hit~nty P'"'""d '11!W '-"' ,, •• , l11r• 3141 ll4b·\1189 Hl I w N ~"""Y , ~o Jlllt(I •t'IO r .. Mou $:16~ M to lhl 2 t>r 1 t>n cJuµle~ /Br I ofhc $!1 10 l1um$41l0 '>'ll'/641 pttt~ 0"'''11" prtvah,1 •• 1. .................. ~lupalulJc•U• 'J Hr 'I Op1111 h •I tO 14.> wu.,lo.ly 4114 -!i410ur w1y1t•d olfa1tee1p1k.g n '>OV<1nyu .. ,,,.,4o(l(J:lft 1,.,11" 7 fl• 1 fh s410 aunood .1 Av1111 1rnm1>0 N L"11u1111 1 hr npl 1(11 011 frplr. •n~ao polin 'l 1'J/'J77 ~~1\f 4fl4·i'797 c M $74~ &O + ut1l1 1111 w W1l•on 84? 8843 1 IH l Jet1Mur L•11" 1• M pe!*on nc. peta \4/!i Av1111 now S800rn111 !;unny 1 5, $3?~ OCfANFRONr 3 & 2en 1\4~ :i:u:i l1Ju1i Iv• meg) 1 fir i 460 IJ• 1;9., .,IJ 13 UITllD( mo • "1111 M•ry IJOft•O V"arly .Agl 613 2~07 1401 N !•••ur•••on 5600to•1000 W•t~ I HrT1 ,,,,.,nm•tu I<>• ydv H1 t ~ 18111 1)4? 08'ill nuin "'•ltl)r 494 ?414 "' w ' v , L h .. ~I ... "'-u•-WH•• '"''Oen 'b8 s11;01mu !l'JtlOI~ 6/311900 1 ••1nl ttl nn 6ffl lat UHHD. OOOUPHOYI $4l ~lmo 2 0r. 1 8• 11pta n-carpet r1•too1 <.1•p0tlt C111 OK f !>L Mgnot 1142 1603 Ill I ..... ,, ••• eo.,. -8'' ')<;•11nl1on1 lg.t :IA• :Jna 1n 4~34 litl1tllft W•y IN• W•ltrhont Hom.•. "II" \');IO/m<1 6/'J 11:,.01 ')ltJIJ•o with, 11port a l eruo t r ~It country old M•d VIiia J rrplCt Hoag liOllJI 1144 1944 ,,, ') fJ• ~ ba ~Olld<; Su Ctll 11111111 1"'0111 4 Sp11 No & 111 11 1n 11 .., o 11 et• l••clttd w•1tO<J wa ttle<. 0 V1llua Many 11m•n1t1111 1 V1t1lio• l1•l1J1 4ZSO '>111 tiso fJn Ball.Jo• 11lt1 l>@t~ s ·i11•, 'i49 144 7 1495/mo 180 'J ''' ')1 , get• II 011, Many lrf!U I !$JI 41/ A1;a11 tin 648 4184 ttV•• •••••••••••••••••••••• turrt ''" No11 amk• prvt '1 t>drm t t11 tent ed yO 1)4~ 9543 1 YI IJH<.h cov• 'I / 1 1 11 ' yorly I H•I 4000 Av111I nuw W1111kly 1111u 117:111/38 D•r• 646· I t64 l •111 p 13 00 u r s• 1:,1 OC.LANFFIONI 2 & 4 Ur I c.on••t t Vat $320 m11 .n(.I ~.,.~M ••001-,,, m o yt round (,111 t11rp111, 011111•• II"•" v "" 11.J " . .., ~ •••••••• •• •••••• •••••• •umme1 lf:J./873 rtr,omy 3 Br Townnuu.. !;48 8 04 17') 14~8 VILLA MEOfnA 1140 '>fl'l9 ~11m• Opon HouM 'i•t Furn prov room atlCl bath l tVr A I Hif BEACH Ftt a111 in Qu••t &dull tom 111m11y coml)l41;1;, ? Br '1 -3 6PM 1116 W BatboD AelrJU $21J'J lnd1dn Wtllta 1111111 turn ·; m•I" lu •har111 Bat '"" P'~" Newlydetoreted \62!. 1Br ?b• <.nilar"'n tu d~hw" tnary ~~'!r.!!.~!~!~ .. !.~!~ 4113188~?~4? 64!>·0108 BR JBe h<iuu l28!'l onc.l u1 1I hrel)llCA SenGIMJ patio 4 ~~1 l~o r."1' ~8: e: • tfl g1ouna floor gerege NQ F EC ' Al)I & Cun•I O N111r Hoag HOlfl V•ry H El lge Olttul O<Jrm w/ C11l1 7 14 6-40 '.,548 111!> 9142 i~'1'sO~o o~~y6-~~f~~, 648 959e l>f '148 6116~ tll>tlt.O pah() 0 .. & weter ••nt•I• V1ll1 Rontal• nttl! 2 •IOfV '} llr 2 a. t>atn"' light"" p,,y 1n WI TUii I to all• tu1n c M t.0<100 675-59411 C>••O ISl~/mo ptua Cleo 67~ 491'1 llro••r 1'111f. cUt1wr flunelry 1(14 \\()(fie nr n..Gh S300 Norlh Shofe 3 oorm with w1r OCC 11uo•nt Pool YILU POIOll '1324 Elden 548'4141 hMk·uP 0•"•0• 1615 Alt Jprn 9418 295 I t11nn11 i 'JllO 64' 806S S5001m o 2 Br 1 Ba up· l 1 ') B 3 B b 11 PARK NEWPORT Adultt no pett tai.e view Laro• ltr• pm apt enc110 o•r•o• lPTS. ov" Y / ' t •A u• I APART .. ENl S 548 02JO Mil• pr•I Pool I" ••n· µlice comp turn O•ily l:.hr 'I br '} be ept n1 S<. int " c poo •P• rv1 n11 Lt c;ool.,ng Slept lo •"0 w .... ly ,.,.. Pt111t All &m11n111111 ~~lt:v~?s~~IO l111ndry t~•~d:c.:;eolJ~~.~:·~~~y S/7'.,/mo ~31 3531 1 COUNTRY C.LUll llVtN(.; ')u1t1t ? fill• I B• w•••O'l beaGI\ NB 548-42eo M9-00t' $?'10 one.I utol• NOW l'>L Mgmt 642 1603 lHt t81h St unlurn 7 8r patio pool No r>•t• I 1 j 979 !>1191 ~40 3l"J3 •II µlo ant 11"'•11"' c.11r QU•el •dull •P•• IJllYtt• IN N[WPOAT BEA(,11 $~00 180 111 t"ltn SI Npt Ot1nl non-emk.1 lltt ...... llW--1ir•c• l81l * 'JtJr nr s c Pl&J• ._,A P•tt tlrapH r1001 P• A oalu«• community on HQI• 64? 1')•0 cne11 prMleQe• Flehwen ,._, Ml ( ••i>u•I l)OOl •P• SfJ lS t11Jt l•undry l•t Y-'11 & pa1to ttnCl.0 QI 11"1 9.c~ B1y C..lub hou Cff 548 1588 C M T urnk •Y !urn S111vt1w ~Ill' M prot eo• 211 ,, Pet Ok 752 !1822 0 , f>ORAV NO PffS rao• n•wly d•corated ae & !IP• ] l)()Ol1 8 ten l/•1u1l1H 2 or ? bA hpl1. -imod•I home Now lhru 1111,.1ng nouH or apt tn 641 1460 I '400/mo A up S'JOO Ml( S42~1mo Cell !146-3776 n11 'l>O'll c;ll)M 10 hut1 I mlfrored watarob•• Rm in Iii 3BFI nouM C M Sept Oen & Catalln• \1\1 3 CdM to lhr w11h M o1 F ---1 dtl)<)11t or 645 28 t 1 I nMI 11 1hopp1ng '81~ :,•nely 6•2·6149 I nHr OCC 4 b•a.ch Kile -+ fem trn '2800 mo VIII nonim~, t•••n & ae '~·'526/mo 2Br 1Ba I 1780 P omon tt Ave IBr newly redecoreted. 1 INeelf.llll l200eq 11 ?Br Pf~~60mo 646-~l8 1r'l <.I O w nt11 Ag1 1>41ndablfl 673~70 1 •lory. anag. d"pu 642 4'01'> pool •deal for worktng Unlurn11ne-O t1uo10•. I 6 2 811 1, I>" pool NPT BCH Non 1mkr over (714fl40 2977, 340 3204 ---- patio. frpl<., d/w 1>111meo 15 2 0 c.ouµle no pell $4 16 'J 1>1 apartm•ntt town S&l!>l mo fl•ll·568I ' 26.poOt,1280.111&1 .. 1 1 _ l "'o"rn11•1dblefln60•~Cln•oltnytrm•o• c.oilfnna garage uper uorm t b• w F n p T TSL Mgmt 842 1603 p•tlo BBO pool $500 mo Ut1I pa u•nltur•j ouaea I ft40 -7814 ti40 8622 Fief! 548·3_!82 Walerlront home old kiny tllOy 10 ,..,, H 8 apt lll&dep 645·0362 I ~·'' 648·~~-1640·1 1000 lBABlufla condo 110M>j Np1BchLQeQUtetpYll11rn ~M ~~-~,·~ltrthl~· w /um• Prkg,pool * 2 81 ' be Mne Verde "l Br 21>• pa110. et110011. E111111de 2 Br 1 Ba K1d•I • Sev•ral ltudloa II 1 ! mo Dot lie Jonnlon, •I u a i o P rt vii eg e • 67051 2763e • It Po o $22~ mo & .,, utll• 111..0 N•w c 1pu1drpe II'" lrplc c.htldren ok no ! Pel•Olt $45<' I bdrm un1111retvrnt11\edl 1110 tH6 or 871:> 600o l l4501mo.640-&290 'ownt>drmlurn 962·1295 :.:3~i/7';1° No pe1t peh '2525 Orang11 "v PROPERTY HOUSE with line d111gntr furn1· egl Chff1ful 1m w/kll prtv·pvt 111/1/111 l ilfl fJOO *lllSUIATll* Apt C $660.64'l·1481> 64i .J8SO 642 t0lO 1ure&•cuuo11etMrtvt 111, t 'i be NrMoag l ent11nc•6•undeck.10.•••••••••••••••••••••• •IMllATIS* 11111111 UTI Adult Ill/Ing t Br Cll· port ~ & leundrv No pelt 1395 93 I W 19th St '548·0492 WHtlld• 2 Br I Bl Gen tral hllllng 011•0• etove. c:e<pet• d••P•• No pet•. children watltf· beell $450 ~ H Curt1y O•pOtll 54 6 644 2 or 770-!>629 So Coatl Plue '2 BA I be lg• patio l ull H e K1d1 OK $U5 tnct g .. & w•te1 NO l•e Agt 95 7-0222 2 8FI t 'It 8• lplt 0 /W pv1 pauo & II" No pett 1626 mo 043·8478 UITllH 1 t>drm atov• refrtg NIU 1400 mo 1ncl11d1ng utlllttff 846·0108 2 bOrm. 2 ba. Meta Verde 1tr1p11c1, d11hwUll81 $650 3 Br 2 8e y•rd. frplc.. ger•~ 188-0lmo BrOI<., 861·8800 • 2 b1 nr 8 C Pit S A Pool •P" 1645-$800 C erport 7641 ·58':1 o r 1141. "eo Ou1•1 2 Br ou111 .1n1 O• D••• 111•1 31ZI in tod•y or ruerve for I no•pttel 1~50/ino w/ I vely home ntc• Dan• 0 llR r11g1 aautt• no p111a •••••••••••• .. •••••••• wmrner m'7nlh• Smartly garoge Ph RQn "111 POlnt ., •• Unttl'ICUmbe· RO I P1oh1u1ona11y 0•t1 p.u s400tmo 114'; 08111 OCEAN 111fw 2 or 1 ba lu1n1111ea moa1111 opan I 13 1• 0 ., 9 !I d 11 V1 <41<l 1aay pr-4 Non-timltr 1 pie togeth., to 1her• duptu lrpl' WID. II•' dally 833 188J 1 $ I II 6 mo 11••1 b I e fllDERS h':'::~ .... "'"""" 1,,7 1 I I 81 tPI 13Ml ut1I• 1n no 1J4111' Avait 611 $6415 493·3 I 16 QI 6 I v·~ _ • .......,. " ~td I 160 MC oep 6 1 !) I 6 4 1 0, I 2 I 3) On JtmbC)ttte Aa •• ,Nl'W I Rr 1 A• Villa Bel cl•tl arge•t •O•"~Y "P1noo11 Ser~ fla11et IOf 1en1 I 6r $:1:1& 3t8·3145 San Joeq\Jln Hiii• Ro j boa AOult Cond o with Lge O<Jtm bY" perton or All c11•nt1 •c:r .. ned with l)lu• utrla SIM> MC dep -:---4 644 1900 v-ol C•tahne eunM11 atud1nt lo.II prov Atft C>flOIOl 11 referenc:" ·The Compeny NO chtlOren °'Clog• 133 2Br I Be 147!1 mo Alto • 645-e459 rlQ 1148·62N Cr.0111 CotmOPOlll•n that car .... E 161h81 Space •2 3Br 2'"tBa,ocnvtew Newtyoec: 28r lbt Hlln Pt'1>PMlwt1o n.,.,OPeo;,; RoomwlkilcMnPflV Sml O~=~A~=· 1 IJ2 .. 1J4 c M 1142·9l93 $896 mo 837-0706 or lo.Itch Encl p1 t10 gu 1 oli 12$0 11 6el-5824.6el·lllt3 S536nope118•22134 Thllll WhllltMI CfllO IMO • ulll ··)olf•to•l1newctl«lll M /F h 28 /2b h Sh•rp 2 BA 2 Ba lg• OAllYPllOI Pd SIOOO•P AveU8/I wnon..a1p11u IOI r r • m· rCXlf'll• •II 1>11n1 incl OI W £1 Tift 311~ HIVe 1ometh1ng to .. 11., Sl'AVICE OIAf(,1f QllV 646·3872 llWPllT 141· 1111 ~~,;:11~11;"t7."o'; Oii M•u Vero1 S526 ;:.;·c·;:s·A·::T••c••r••····11•:.•1 CIM~llQ lkll "'' 11 well '' "11 alJoul I Room for Working man I•~~~~~~~~~ Jet S260mo 76<4·6997 mo Call H0· 1158 aak " .., ~ N t Pvt I oolt"""I IO< L•rry Ot Pam Toro N11w dlJO 1 br, 1 B11l/11t11 1·Hll111,. I 1;~ ~9i.4459'V Non tmkr. 3br c:onao ...,. b• condo Parkllk• Ml· INti "" INfi Jiff --•ovn• -$:l001mo • '"'urn $t50 Prof M to lhr 2br hM in PlfYATI PATii 11no. water ortenteO. ten •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Btl•I• #tllll 41 ~-3864 ~ CCIM walk lo !>Cl\, $286 1 b01m. beam cetllng I n11 pool. •P• Wlr ~d , ••••••'•·••••••••••••• 9AYFFIONT Female for • •;, ullll 840-8868 0111 ana w1t1r po New $500 86~·1525 t0·6 M Ke n nebunkpor t? IUUll lltTIL 891bot litlend 3 8r 2 B• PK NEWPORT TWNHSE tp t and dre>• Ou11t1n· I B I Wkly ren1111 now 1v111 S3661mo • 'h u11t1 dlngloc No~•· Prking I .. , .,,,. Isn 't that the horse that won 1106 8 up Co101 TV Bryan 873-1388 Ot ~0.~1-:.·.:~r::.::::e. ,,40 Q66-I} 6 ••• ~~!~ .•....... l~~~I The Trlple Crown In '72? PhonH jn room '274 8&<>.1324 llltlH 640-7499 2 Mr. 1 h .,t nic WHIFFLETREE 1·2·3 f"' N-por-~::.~ .. f~M MI F ehr' br hooM Nwpt Room 10 , ,,-n-,-4-8-d-, I 1180 w I 7tn St C•rPMl t Bdrm Aptt Oym 6pe. I ...,, "'""I 1\...1 f" ~ _ Snor11. nr t>tecll, pool. h 0 u 1 • , w / o. • 1 c: $400 569·4718 t Saun1. p<>ol t1nnl1, tic IEU & PlJOlt l•nn11 Oeregt, W/0, $l96/mO 6411·1136eelt6 Oupi.x 28,, 18,, lg pvt yd.1 846·0619 11 you"' not sure Who (Or whlll Ae .. Weellly A•••• trplc. J>l•.no '3&olmo a 1 Oeoroe w/lg p1t10 I OH 880, O.luxe pool1lo1. JCllt 11r·'1 l(enn8bunkpor1 w11. don't reel l1•t1 you •!I Kllchenett". Phone• utile &48-4340 g11a~1 E 81de 1660 Q• 'b1, ?C>e bltn•. no111ono Kennot>u11kpor111one of 14 'Z"chennetMoVI" M 1'·35to"ihtqulttpooll s::~;o'1!; .. 2J~~.1;v1~~ mo 48·8496 I d1Wtlr, t 'h mllH bHCh d11ttnc:tt111tly dtH1tr11t11 1p111men1 floorplan1 nl Sendplper. 1H7 New• Jae home SC Plaza, non I I ••""-So11wtnd vmeoe 1n Hurttln~ton Be1ch ""rt • 0 1 2 •o un1u1n 669·6858PM S I 3 8 ., 8 AOu 11. no pelt •uvvn•O 5 d 1 "" 1m111. • 2 0 Io " ipec out ' ' • &38·8382 I eewl" v111ge 11 11 ret4l I of tot11lly 81 Co1t1 M .. •84!1·11137 641•3523, 4114•2742 N1'Wpo1t Beach MIF ove1 Condo nHr 8 C PIH• pertonallHd proff111ton11 pl11nn1no The kind 30 Pvt rm. Kii prlv Pool 11c.uu 1 4 rec: rm '•mite beach, 2 br, 2 air I ol attention you deHtve A ~rlttet blend or 11••11 ••t1J1 4Z M /f prof 28·36. non· $300/mo 846-6365 ,.vall June 1 1675/rno o•r. c;ov'd patio, all e>004 n111urfl 11ncl llVlng neatltd In n torntt with •••••••••••••••••••••• 1mkr IOI Npl Bch home 714/711().0863 right• 4 rec: 11ee t bttlbhng l>ruOk• Ind qulOI poncli C<>Oltd l>y l&YfllllT MOYe In now '360 DI• 1 BLOCK TO BEACH 8 C 1675/mo 2131926-47941 netural oceen brtHIZfl!I ""'"' to lhet fAnntt .. bdrm 4 betn. u noy ne. 83 I nee F 10 •hr duplex w ••me )(Int IOC Welk to I ""' " 1>e1ch p11r ' 111)111 - ---In Newp<>rl 676-43<40 Ptua NEW 2 81 2 811 , 1 28r 1'1tB• 1376 + 1376 c.oorl1 1w1mmlng POOi e lpl lllld a SllOOO lo A 11 Bill Shr Jbr Ouplu 81lbo• &Ylll. HWI Br & t Ba or 811>010 1n. dep 011 pd nr Buch convflnl..nl lor e11011 n1t111 lhoup1ng nnd ' uyu Penn nr H St 1el/IHI Oen• P0tn1 Vtew Home 1416/mo 2 9, t Ba cludu lrplc elegent Blvd & Me cf eaoen 11mp10ymtnt ind you ve gol n pin<:• onyorut Orunay. All~ 8 6 8181 _ .,50 -+utll 873 1701 •ft M • "• r br I own b • pool li undry rm new f rt1nCh w1ndowt. pool, qv .. 1 no pl1t 893·4894 would proudly coll home (Even Ii bd1111 lurn condo. CM 6 I 3 0 0 + carpet, upp.< unit Thia 1tnn1e wnttlpool tl)e. 2 Br 2 Be lfght 6 atry. Kennebunkporl'I One end two oedroom one Av•tl 6119 \hru 8/'J t Sht tllarp hH ' v M 49e·29e9l83l·l267 one wont 1 .. t• uuna comf)let• IXMOIM private petto, enclld g•· and two beth 11pertmeo11 from SS t!> 00 1660 mo 64 I 6<419 26 3& '286 1nc:1 uttl• Ft1111 to lllld I Iller• pl- TSl Mgmt 11•2 160J rm 1" home leundty tee. reo-1525/mo s nd 28A 2b•. turn. old CdM, M I n 1 o I w y N I c k nr bffCh Prof t.av ptel 6mUCl\.nore OM ""8 • .,.1 f • ooo 11 llG4 778' o.oro1a831_.t40 2 8A pv1 p1uo new pe•rtt wny rtnt wnen ycxi can ..., ......... ~QWJ rom .1 mont ly. &cpta 111c:antar1o eve11 nowownloronly $1000 18r Nope1t orwe111-I Mll V l6 8 •P t O ~emahrocnvucondo Aoomm11t1oell120r. now S4 7S mo Call Larry oown a tow montllly '*'' '346 Jlla'' •geuntm trt< "'''I" ~ l243 Npt c'"' wlmotll« end 1305 md CdM, Jul)' 1 0< Pam. ~40 t t68 paymtntt Cell ror o•· 080·8 t23 •II 8PM 4 yffl Old euetom dtvio.d oaugllttr AmtnlllH L • u r a 8 4 4 • 2 2 3 I · 1 Br ,.,1.,. ttovt ,,,,..11 11111 649 34' 1 384t 10 -11 -.-... -2-8--,....... hOrnl 1•1t bike 10 b4Mletl $300 Incl u111. 84' 4891 752·8000 ,, .,~ o .. r St c M Oetw .. n n l • be .... , , .,.,.,.. ·~· 11)5 H I v I N I u I 2 ---------1 0 rape• S 3 7 0 I m O Mec.Aitnvi & <>unllowllr uuna 1p1 5800/mo 1 ttnt ngton I lage I llfl,. 11unlln9ton rn ewpor pt 8111 AveU 1mm1<1 furn 1m In Wntt 11 Wonderful WOflO 848 034 I 111 I 30PM " 714194& 18114 EvH Oenc:h . CA (7141893 5 198 6• 2 8• •IHP• 6 or 1 twnllH tuil llH p11v of &nopptng right et fHtttO• C0<1ao 2 8r I'] ll•tll • II 2 II f1orn0tho Snn OlllQO Frtewny drive north on rnom ~~11 1~1 4 or i r oolllnOry, pt V nr 40& yov1 llf\01tl1p1 r.1«yd1y1 2br t 'rb• 8 t0JoennSt AOultt prtt Smell ooo Ok $4 76 848·5<4:18 ea rr plc gar•g• .,. • , , enc.1110 Mcrsodvn,1htnwe11 on Hrp• o w 1•cuu wy 1260mo +"\urn OellyPt1otCl1ull1eo '8501rTW C:all 648·3~1 I mt bCh, lrplc. ene1ld McFOddlltt 10 Stt11wtnd Vlll&Qtt .!14l e!i6•l743 -I Prat Ml!Ult melt. altet Adi lo ptacl yovr /Id ger bit ·Int. emo~• f urn11n111gt uv111lablo • O~n dally 10 AM 111 M~e yOU• iltoopmg 11 7PM M3·1114 cell 60·~8711 11nd tat• WANl ACTtO,..? Sell 1111no, '•" w1111 0111t 1111m, patio, water pd du11c tt•r by u11no the 01111y ---CIHtOltld Ad VtlOf hetp (,l11n1h•d Ada 114~ •,1;711 P111>1 W•nt Adt _ 167~ 803.0486 [ 1 P1l1Jt Ct11atllt4KI Adt l Cl111lllud Adi 642 5618 .J!!.U -- I , ' 'II I - I i I Ollitt 11•1•1 4400 Ollit1 11•1•1 4400 C1-11d1I 1e~1·;;;.·.~;;;,~;;e··w~~t •·•••••••••••••·•••••• ,,.,,,, 441s 11nanc1a1 ln11 70001 f IUU lfFIGI ••••••••••••••••• • • ••• I 1 t II o o r A o en t Fiii Wll 5'1-5032 tor rent, t8X20. $125 300 IQ II Foot 111t11c 191 lhCar•, IHr Ontwn Lao 494-5588 520 IQ It S1 00 per IQ II Jll7S Birch N 8 Agent 541_·5_0_32 __ _ Hll CllTEI IEWPtlT Eteg1nt Exec su1te1 1n preat1g1ou1 loc Incl H · cret1111I recepttontll. 1etephone ana & more Otca from $436 mo On· call otc5 $165 mo THE HEAOOUARTERS COM· PANIES A proleulonal en111ronment (71 4) 851-0681 WESTCLIFF BLl>G NEWPORT BEACH ( l)f"'• #rwoth I fi, I tf f"4 •t•ne Atl .; ... ,_ .1,...,.... ,.._ ... ./-. ./, .... ..-, ,~ .............. ./ .., .. w .c:t , .............. C111 Mr Howard 6•5· 6101 * llLHE tfFICll * From 1 room to 3 rooms From $1 16. IQ It NO leaM r9QU11e<I Adj Atr· porter Inn 2172 Dupont Call AM 833·3223 450 IQ fl furn olloce space $400/mo 641-0783 BAYFRONT Prtme office 873-1003 Ml-1121 HWNIT llYFIHT Fantaatic ,,,_, 500 IQ It turn11hed 2 room sulle S950 675-9400 SCllHL PalPUn fllWll F1Hllll Y&Llfl 2 ot11ce1stor age bldga t 12 500 & 2780 Si ft Ell cet1en1 corner loc par Newer bldg, downtown t..ino Lease ell or part HB 3 oltl<:H now 111111 Annual leue w/opl 10 It 70¢ SQ II 491 424 & renew Foutltain Valley 235 SQ It 893-t351 School OISlllCI p 0 Bo• •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 8 5 I 0 f' o u n 1a1 n V 1 tie y PllME LOC&Tlll 92 708 Naomi Wieland 14 35 SQ It o f office. 842·665_1 ____ _ across t he weet from l•'•llriil li•lll4SOO Newport Beach City Hall •••• •••• •••••. ••• ••••• A11ellable tmmed $ 1260 NB 3975 Birch 5600 Ml mo I t or teas MIA zone Agent 541-5032 PRlllE OFFICE 11. ;,,',~. Warehouse space with carpets. drpl , & wet bars 700 to 3200 sQ It Mesa lnduslroal park. 71 t w t 7tn St Pac1f1c Blull lndUSlrill P1rk 1835 Prime le. Uc Wh1tt1er Ave 642-4463 a OFFICE SPACE IOI lea· 642-76CM H 500·2000 SQ It par.1--------- tung TUAN-KEY ASSO· St111f.1 4SS0 CIA TES 499·2283 ••••• cOSTA·M·es,;····· execuplan Garage. $70/mo 9-. 12 room $30/mo 968-1452 A NEW CONCEPT l1•t•l1 WutH 4'00 Full servteei custom: ,. • • • •••• •••••• ••• •• ••• 011tce 7 desk space w1ren1 or ahare condo 01 Nr O C A11por1 houM lor summer On OI 759-8978 near t>eectt. NB To SJSO I -mo Male 714·327·0909 1 lttl St., C.M. I no ens Ive message 400 11,q It othce space 'Former o c resident/ A!C. great parking. grOlll I teacher would like to building houses•t/rent durtno CdM di• 1u1te, A/C, ample I Realonomica 675-6700 1ummer months. e•· pkg, uUI pd 2855 E Cst OCEANFRONT OFFICE change babys11t1ng, •Int Hwy 675-6900 incl recept $350/mo refs 675-1247 Costa MeN 250 at 1u11e Hunt Bch 842·5l00 Family looking tor a 4 Be· S 175mo Ulll lncld 771l 00 &l•NIT ' droom hOuse to house 111 W 19th St 851·11928 375 IQ fl, ,236 pr mo or rent by June 10 We Prime olt1ce apace. Co· 966-0122 will trade part rent for rona oel Mar $850/mo I ser111ce aucn H painting. 575.9510 IHl•ll• •••Iii HSO gardening and fl~•no up Qll1ce space 111a1l1bte 85« to SI 00 ~r loot 1n Cannery Vtll!ge Burr WMe Rltr 675-4630 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ne place atso w ord 2 Room office & garage processing ii needed Neer Balboa Bey Club. 997-8679 NB $285 Protected'I --- COSTA MW I & 2 room offices trom $205 Uul 1ncludecl Reatonomte1 675-6700 646-7641 UHi& CHYll Shop Spece 494-4 764 600 SQ It office or bus I Stone s throw from Bay IEWNIT IUCll Balboa Pen s~~o mo • Turn Key Otftce' S390 675 S774 • Stanch Oft.Cf! $75 600 1300 SQ ft 50.2 •Sem1na1 1Mtg Rooms warner Hunt Bch Ow· hourly n er B 1 II •Sec;reta11al S.rvices 496-29 ... 91831· 1257 Cati IOI 11110 752 6408 I -------- Rentlle1ae/op11on nr OC Coa•11ti•J AorpO<t. 4800 IQ It bldg I 1 .. 11/1 441S Whai it mmns far yaur ad to be "clas5ified n 4 200 ,q rt AC o t c i•••••••••••••••••••••• 200AMP 3 phau ou•· OFFICE OI HOP · ranteed ten1nt 1,000 5Q on newer bldg on Coast .... -- It F1nanc1no Below mk1 l Hwy South Laguna Ap· 1 · ?"' / rn1> t1i.lt>$1di.:1w 1n \hf'! provate parking ben1nd By owner 548-4502 p(O~ SOO sq It Excellent ~ Wesl ,, Daily Pdo11 bldg $525 mo Turner Claullled Ad 642·5678 A5llOC 494· I 177 I RHOTTA I I' I I' I I HYPNO l sceaMotn, • .,._. •• c ... llHlc:atton ao .... .... active 0 readers W ht'n peopll' re•d your 1d in clu1ified, Lhl.'y 'rp reedy l-0 buy and 1cl111ely 11earch1ng for l~ l'Xacl it.em t.o fill l ~i r need- ma y~ it's tn your ad laily Pilat ctanllled ad• U2·5671 f o• Cl11u11ted Au ACl lON Call 11 O<ttly Pilot AD·VtSOA 642-5678 Reach over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults .. Adverti~e in the Orange Coast's most success£ ul real estate magazine Call 642-5678 to see how little 'it takes to reach so many. Daily Pilat Newport Beach e Costa Mesa Irvine • Huntington Beach Fountain Valley • Laguna Beach --------1---------'---~-----'- • ~ ,.... N (II «> O> -v; >-Cl ~ >. ., 'tl ~ ~ -Cl "' ..... ~ -0 -' G: > ...J ~ ~ £ i i Q. g. "' Q c: ~ ~ 'tl < c < ..... ~ in Ii • er >-c; :::> 0 0 • Q c: a 0 • ~ ' ; .; YI( lO•r&::: '~.--p;--;p COSTA MESA ~ NEWPORT BEAC1~ '-· &Al~~~ ORANGE COAST REAL ESTATE MARKET Somewhere in this Daily Pilot circulation area is the home you want. No matter where you are or where you want to be. use this section and this map to make you at home. A public service of the lailyl'illl Classifieds 642-5678 ; PACIFIC OCEAN ,.~. -i. ~ ·~ ~· _<:> ... ~--~~~ ~~~! ... ,. ' 0 I: Sit VUAOO CANYON I • -~-­~--- ~ •. ~ ~i( ~ A•uco OAl(S 0 Tl..., ,t . •• ... ' • 0 $ ... .. ~ ~ .... ~ ... ,..,'!!'>... r-cOUf'll" ~~ • ~.._ ._o ~-,:f-f :'!'~... "' (OU ... ft~ f'(-~/Q i /j ~· .,, .. ..... • -~~~~----------------------------------------............................. .. 28 -Orange Co~nty_ Real Estate/An Adver1l1ln~ Supplement to the DAILY. PILOT/Saturd!Y· May 15, 1982 ftxa snow. -large 4 Bdrm, rambling 1 story, country kitchen, formal llvlng. Wall of glass leadlng to patio and private grounds. Needs love and care, only $130,000. Call now, 963-7881 m IHU + NIL. 1211,000 -Rare opportunity on huge Newport Beach lot. Seller will carry the first at low Interest. Both homes have 3 Bdrms. live In one. rent onel Hurry, call 673-8550. I II + PML +SH -Great location, formal 11- vlng, crackling flreplace, country kitchen + famlly room. Stairs leadlng to private master suite. Secluded spa. Only $128,000 for this garden home. Call 963-7881 4 II + 2 ITIH + PHL, IH,111 -Beautiful garden home, cozy fireplace! Impressive staircase to master suite! Sunshine patio. Assume loan Interest or try $9400 downl Hurry, call 963-6767. '1111 -Priced thousands under for the area at only $104,900. 3 Bdrm + w. ba. Just llated and won't last at this prlcel 847-6010 ..uTILY lmllllll, 1112.--Beautiful 2 Bdrm and a den In this completely remodeled home and at a very affordable price. New plumbing, new walls repainted, new kitchen floors, stainless steel sinks, sundeck and a utility cabin In a very lovely and private back yard. A steal at $122,000. Call now, won't last, 546-2313 UICTAOIUl YIEWI -Of ocean and city lights from this super 3 Pdrm 2 be spllt level beauty with excellent terms! Assumable loan, seller wlll carry large 2nd and well priced at only $239,000 -call now! 646-7171. YIO&IT tlllTJ .. "AUFTIH -4 Bdrm + pooll Spacious 2 story executive home. . .cathedral ceilings ... prestigious neighborhood! i..ow maintenance yard. saume $58,000 loan @ 9•1.; $567 mo. and owner wlll help finance. $175,500. Call 963-6767. ua ... YllW -Newport beach owner must sellJ Hlghly upgraded throughout! The ultimate gourmet kitchen, hardwood floors, wetbar, roman spa In master bath. Asking $360,000. Call 673-8550 IPAltSI OIUll -•Y S12,HG -2 story, vaul- ted celllngs gracious living. Fiesta kitchen. As- sume $56,690 loan rg> 11 .3'/o. $606 per mo. No qualifying. Call 963-7881 11111 1 111,211 Lill $885 per mo. for this upgraded garden home. Co:Y fireplace, stairs leading to 2 spacious master suites. Country kitchen overlooking P.atlo and spa. Ask ing $139,000. Call for more detalls, 963-7881 HLY 110,IOI HWI -Walk to South Coast Plazal Deluxe 2 Bdrm garden home. Enjoy sparkling pool and spa! Assume low Interest financing. Only $74.9001 Call 673-8550 ll-llT--ftDUU -3 Bdrm home, absolutely Immaculate. Custom master suite. . .crackling flreplacel Large yard with fruit trees! Quiet tree-llned stree t ! Thousands below neighborhood prices! Only $105,000. Call 963-6767 IEWI WILL CUH -Vacant 4 Bdrm pool home. Financing can bft structured to meet your needa. Excellent area! A steal at only $129,500 and must be sold this week. 847-6010 TllAH lllT Hf -lovely Buccola ranch home. Beautifully decorated with a space age kitchen and new wood cabinets, crackling fireplace. Huge master suite with walk-In closets. The back yard Is an entertainers delight with sparkling pool, patio and gas BBQ. Great for summer entertaining. All this for $128,500. Call for appt. to see. 546-2313. llLY 11110 HWI -Unbelievable terms for this deluxe 2 Bdrm townhome. Upgraded tlle counters wood floors, mirrored wall. Cozy fireplace. Two pools plus exercise room and clubhouse. Only $79,5001 Call 673-8550 II TIE LAI ... -Fabulous Seaside VIiiage with spectacular vlewll Impressive 1 year new two story complete with two mast er suites on separate level. Entertainers home with red tile patio overlooking lagoon! Owner will assist In financing. Assume low Interest loan with flexible down payment. S 179,900. Call 673-6767 ~ ILHI Tl IUOI -This fixer needs every1hlngl Excellent assumable financing and priced at only $129,900. Hurry, 847-6010 lllUIH, Ml I -Adjacent lots sultable for units. Close In and convenient to shopping, schools & transportation. 2 homes now to generate rental Income tit you build. Hurry, 847-6010 f&lllLY fll -In this larQe beautiful 4 Bdrm pool home with spa In Mesa Del Marl Best buy In the area, not another like It. Assume 1st, owner will carry balance at low rate -call today! Onty $135,000. 646-7171 WM'T WT -Lowest priced home In Mesa del Mar. Family 3 Bdrm 2 ba home with high assumable loan, owner wlll consider 2ndl Very well priced at $1 29,000. Call now for viewing! 646-7171 UIE H Tll llAlln -Two on a lot In Costa Mesal Upgraded home plus newer unit in rear with fi rep lace. Assumable first! Owner motivated and wlll finance at below market Interest rate. A must to see, call now, only $185,000. 646-7171 HITI HAIT PUZAI WHHIH YILUH FAllU •111 -2 Bdrm; 1 Story. $7,600 Down. $]5,900. 2 Bdrm; 1 Story, $8,400 Down, $83,900. 3 Bdrm; 1 Story, $9,400 Down, $93,900. 3 Bdrm; 2 Story, $12,000 Down, $119,000. All have pools, spa & sauna. Call for more details on these and others. 546-2313 IWIT 2 ITHY /WIU TUii -lovely hidden two story In mint condition. Beautiful pool and spa with waterfall overlooking proposed regional park. A real rural rarity. Owner will trade for smaller Costa Mesa property. Call now for details. 546-2313 Ptann ng on a '"ohd Real Estat career? Chee ou! our FREE career development rrogram . Be "proficient and profess ional". Call Ms. Coe -7 51-6191