HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-17 - Orange Coast Pilot' ........... RE 1'£NT-Debi Hand of Sweet Home, Ore., Jumping Jubilee at~ Camp. Let's Go did. urges her f.rog "Let'• Go, .. on during finals and won with a leap of 19 feet, three-eighths Sunday at Annual Calaveras County Frog of an lnch. Let's Go does Teen girl's frog makes victory leap Woman badly . injured in Mesa crash By FREDERICK. SCBOEMEBL °'•Dlllf ....... ANGELS CAMP -Bow do you motivate a frortr Well. you can tile it. You can 8q\d.rt water on ft. You can yell at it. Or. you·cen kill it. Solt .... Sunday• 73 ~ ,,_. for flnt DlaCe In Ille &fttl annual J"ros Jumpizll Ju~Uee bere at the Calaver .. County "*· The 18-year~ Debi Land of Sweet.Home. Ore., it wu nothiJll more than experience that Jed to victory. Debi 1ay11be'1 been involved with froa Jumping since the tender ap of10 m0ntli.. Her fro1 ln tbll year'• c?aj~tion, Let'• Go, which q her fina1a wi.Ut a Jump of 16 feet, =and one quar1er inches came with a jump of 19 feet, five tha of m inch. ''Great. Just great,'' a beer·dtenched Debi said after receiving the flrlt~lace t.ro by on the atace of the · In thl• historic gold rua mtrung camp. The beer _was tbouahtfully A c.o.ta Mesa woman remains supplied by members of the hospitalized today following a ~~~Tbefroa ~ tMm. two-ar cnllillm Sunday that left UJllC -.. .e SOzioe lecond four people Injured. police said. place on me m be r Br l a n Cummtnp' jump of 18 feet nine Treece Hamon. 42, nma1nl in and seven eighths inches. The falr condition at Costa Mesa ~· mme was new By You. Memorial Holpital following the 'l'be world record of 20 feet, 1 a.m . accident at Newport thr inch •-..1 b ee es, lllNV\.I, owever, Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. despite Indications lt would be abatt.eftd. The record WM .el ln Police said the accident 1,79 )>v Denny Matuci. with a occurred when a car driven by froa Da'lned CroUette Brent Christopher Hunter, 18, of On Friday 72-year~ l2be.na Newbury Parlt, ~~tly faQed tuestberry, a'J.o -"---of .... _ to stop for a red light,, H\D\ter and ) "~eet ~ • ~· "°" two other pa11en1en were ~= jockiel= ~ ~ tnaMd and reJeeaed from c.o.ta feet, three and one quarter inches M .. Holpttal. jump in the· senior ci.tlaen1 1 The driver of the other car, qualifying round. S•-'--,..__. __ ..,.__ ·'"' --..a "''-Angela Camp WU a prior to the -....-. --••.n.M11U, TU, """' ..... flnalJ about the poalbWty of a dawdlter, Candy Ann Wicker, l2, new r..nrd belnl establl•hed. ~ S-.Ota Ana were no&~ ~~ .. WORLD But Fl'OI Hom WM able to only reach a mediocre US feet. el1ht and eevm e68bths tncbe9 in the flnall. By rulet atabU.bed by fros jumpln1 offlclal1, quatttylna jumps do not. count ln ~·record. r.:rt was 14ra. Westberry•• 1nnddau1bter, Debi, who w9J,ked awa)' wttb the $500 in prize money. The fro1 JumPtnc srandmother 1tood beaming .. Debi posed with her frog for news pbotoci'aphen. The contest la baaed on the distance covered by a frog in three 1ucceulve jumpe. Expert jockeys pounded the floor of the jumping stage, shouted, tickled -or raorted to other meuuree -to coerce their frop to jump. Some tried. belly flope. Several like jocke~ce Hamilton, of Loe AltcJs, their frop prior to jump4nl(. (See FROG, Pa1e A~) Jail inmate's death probed Further teeta are being done to determine the cau.e of death o( an Oran1e County Jail inmate who co~ and died Friday In hia odl. An autopsy failed to di.lcloee the cause of death of Allredo Ramirez, 18, of Garden Grove. Ramirel, aervlnl an etatii.mooth eentence for bw1Jary, s-1 out In hs. eilht-man cell followinl breakfaat. He died at the some. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart Mid the autopsy ruled out death belna cau.d at the hands of mother. Hart aald further lab and toxtcologlcal studies would be done to pinpoint the cause of d•th. By 'fte AIMda ... Pren Prim• M1n11ter Mart::r•t Thatcher la expected to de w.ithtn 0 hours whether to abmdall U.N. eff.orta t.q IOlve the Falkland Iallndl crilll and order an lnvulon, 8rltaln'1 domHtlc new1 aaency Preaa Allodttion said todiay. Later at the United NaUom, Secretary.Geneal Javier Perez de Cuellar Mid b1a initiative to brina pace between Arpntlna and lJritian entered lta "final 'Te-'~t an appointment with Britain'• U .N. Amba11ador Anthony Panona, just returned from a weekend trip home for con1111tatlon.1 wtth· Mu. niatieber'1 war cabinet. Peres de, CUellar pla.nned a follow.up meettn1 with Argenthie Deputy Forel1n Mlnlater Enrique Ros In hla ninth day of effort• to mediate a ce.e-fire hi the U•WeS en.. ''Unlem there II an UDeQect.ed breakthrough at the lfnited Natiom . . . the lnvuion now appears certain," the Pre11 · A.adatlon aaid. On Sunday, Britain'• defeme minilter aald Ar1entlna had a ~to reech. ~t •t the Uftlted Nations or face an lnvuton ot tbe South Atlantic island• by troop1 aboard the Royal Nny fleet of 82--plUI ~ t»r ... Auoc:latlon uld Mn. Thatdler ... Mr ---... .,.. convtnced ·lblt ~ will MYW ·~ tO lrt forcm ~ tbi r.Ddanda until Brtt8l acr-'° •rendet' ~ty o•et tbe =•· lla'ltalia'Jiu =~-;~-.,,- ... ····· TOT DUB -Dr. Richard Marra of USC MedJcal Center and specialist in teat tube fertilization, announced Southern California la expeetinJ its fir1t teat tube baby, a 11ri on June.a. ...... ATTEND RITES -Ja~uellne Kennedy Onauia lee~es ~eremonies .on Boaton University campus Sunday with! daughter Caroline Kennedy after seeing her nephew ~ Anthony RadziwW graduated in university's 109tb_ceremony.: Batbeaattaek · . • • .. .. • . Hea.vy.-set rapist ·soUghi in Newport: A rapl1t deacrl bed b}' the 23·yur-old vicUm • bavtna a beer bell1 and. a blJh·pltched ~ii~ -.,ht by Newport Beacb_pillce_tr11-w.in1 a weebli:t au.ck. ~ cub and, waving a knife; demanded Woodell give-him a rids out al the country. ' PoUce eaid tbey later found -1ou_tht·aft.er att.acl{er h!dlll!&.. _ behind an office door. lUcbe ii i.· be~ <m rape and.robbetj" clw'ps'Wednaday. , Offlceta 1ald the heav\;;~ attacker, armed with a 13· kitchen knife, broke into the woman'• Balboa apartment V • ~ Saturday afternoon, waited for .c ire eater ~ her to return home and raped ~.; her . i'! The woman told pouce the · badly burned~ man wu In his late 20a, wore ·~ western-style cloth I~ and ARVIN (AP)_ An Arvin~ wefOed about 200 poundl. h ·n · The .incident marked th trying to give t. e 1 us1on eecoad . ttack e eating fire Waia .erioualy eex • _ in the pat few when gaao~e ignited in dar ~=Id F\orlda man , mouth, Kem c.ounty _firefi&h remaina in custody' in Heu of re~ties said Rene ~ $100.000 ball aft.er an alleged 24, had been drlnkina befon IM rape and robbery spree Friday put gasoline in his moutb ewnlnc In an oWce bujld~ near S ' the lntenection of J.; ree a!~d~ n~~e t!1~ted ta!; Roed and Ma:Arthur Boulevard. guoline on it for the 1Iluaion. Police are crediting four meia However, gasoline fume ' who work ln the area with ignited, cau.in.r thlrd·degree chaainl dqwn the 1u1pected buml to Guillen,..• lips and 009e, ~m:f~~~ pomble l~ da~ tint. Tb.e arrested man. John :;: ~~ to ... t Georae Riche, II thouaht to have attacbd one lS.year.Qtd woman In an eleYakr and later raped a K•d • · f 27·year~d woman 1n a nearby I nap VlCllDl . r~ • buildlna. Police said the man 'l'OlUN, Italy (AP) -A Twta l' ' 1haved off hll beard in a lndUltlialJat held by~ · r.aoom between attacb. for 1lx montm utd tu. = M=t~~=t:y~. pakt about $3 ~to 9lhl · f •L.---.J..-releMe. PoUce eaid Suncky -• our men. ~ a,___..-alleaedlY P,010 Alealo, 58, head of a. \ ·· entered 1tlll an~he~ olfice aplcultun complex at ~ bull~ina, robbed U-year·old Qear Turin, wa• 1et fr41 Manhall J . Woodell of $~8 ln Saturday nlaht . • ~ Hen d'ouevrea to a jump Of .._, feet 11 lnchel. , The fro1 jump orllf.naMd to. belp ~the pavina o1..,. in AnaeJI ~ Joeat.a about 50 milet east of Stockton ln tbe Sierra footbUll. · ~ idea f0r tbe contest came' from Mark Twain'• book 0 The Celebrated Jum,.pln1 Fros of CalaverM County. Surf: victjm's body found \ Warm, 1unny 11ue1 and a the belch at~ early l"riday. peudty of ll.ll'f ~ the c;rowda Ul> and the reacue1 down at A Jo1&.e! ~ound the bod_r_ o_t Oranae Cout beach• over the Timothy Medina, a Newark Hilb weekend, • School band member. who MarrJ.na the weekend beach disappeared off Sunset Beach report wu the discovery of a earller thh month while 17-year-old boy'4 body, mlaalng 1WimmJnc widi h.la acbool mata ~ ~y 6, which wuMd up on from ~u Hfah Sthoal. c1.te. respiratory LOS ANGELES (AP) -· community education J>«GCl:am Caution: Marijuana ll'OOldnc al9o wcrkabop. may be buardous to your health. The wo~bop for a dozen Tbat'a the ~ in a peper young Hollywood ceJebriUM ta to be deUVtted today before the intended to prepare them for 78th joint annual mee~ of the national media and peraonal American Lung A9odation and appearances on behalf of the ill medical .ectfoo, the American lung *>elation. Thcndc Society. The actors include "White About 4,000 phi!:•rm, nurle9 Shadow" · atara Kevin }Jooka, and other pro euional and 8'i'On Stewart, F.ric Kil~ volunteer health worken are Stony Jackson. Derrick attendlna the thl'ee-da)l meeting Swafford. Wolle Perry, Timothy ending 1l'ueaday at three Lo. Van Patten and Nathan Cool. An&ela hotela. "lt'1 reeaon.ble to think that marijua'1a 1moke is more lrritatfna to reepiratory U.. than tobliccO, which is a kno~ ca~ of lung cancer,'' Dr. Donald P . Tash.kin WU to report to a Other youn1 actors being briefed on the effec ts of marijua,na and tobea:o amoklng are P'..nie.t Harden Jr. of "The Jeffenon1," along with Jim JorcSan, Greg Henry and Dorian Harewood. Q: Be pt u A la wrtdlll'? A;Ya ~ eamster str.ike losses told Tuhkin, a Loe Angela-hued phyatcian and acientiat, aays marijuana amoke contalna the aame respiratory iriitanta found in tobecco. Marijuana smoke al8o contain• 50 eercent more cancer~uctna hydrocarbom Carpenter aaid that wu the cue. But ~trist .dcled '9_., JEFF ADLER or .. .,..,,... ... ., 1'l'eamater-ha\lled rock, aa.nd *1d ready mix concrete 1hould '"8ln mo~ today throughout Ateuthem · omia followina a f8'rike eeulement reeched Friday twJth mote than 2,DOO union ctpwn. ~·1 •ut it will not be until Wectrw.day that plant opentiom «Ntum to normal in Orange and · Lcim-Angela OOWltiel in the wake 116 the criPPliua lix-weell strike. aald Jay Watldna, a spokesman ~~r the 30 companiH that compNe the Southern Califamla Rock Products and Ready Mix <:.oncrete Aa:datlom. Tog~tber , the companlH deliver about 90 percent of the iuk. sand and ccncrete &-.! Jn a five-county ..... Watldm laid be waa happy the atrike finally wu over ~UM "nobody'• happy during a strike.'' He said the strike bad call the construction industry and the concrete companies million.a of dollars in 1'mel.. Unim rnemben ratified a new two-year pact Friday, 1tvlnc them a $1.25-an-bour rai.le tbJa year and a 75-cent ralae netet ·year. Under the old contract, drivers had been earning an averaee $ll~ anJaiaur. When the strike be9m: May 5, Teamatera had l'ejected a propoeed three-ytC ~inc:t that would have railed thel.t hourly waa• fl an hour the ttm year ancJ 75 centl ln etlCb of U. next two years. Union neaotiaton were demanding a. $-t.10 increue the 'flnt year and $2 an hour in each of the aubeeqlient yeen. Fog forec:;lst · . !ll.S. •ummary ..,_.,..._,...,..to .. ......,_,.._on~ ... ~end"" In OkWlorna end ... ...,,_ -""'°" of .. .,.., . T.....SO watcn. _. .__ fer fftUCll of Olllehome end .....,,T-. n. ~ etorme ... In a.l•PltOml. .... ~ IClttered lroM .. '°'*""" Aoclllee Into ...... I' I' IS~ V'*'i end ...,. •••n <lr9at ~ A tornldo touched down 11 1:410 e.m.. -PUtnlrn, Ollae., In ~~-•lneofi..vy tflu)lderetorm• oro•••d Hf "••lwn Otllallotae. TM ---~'wot' .... tfl•t a 11ecan1 llouee ••• .......................... ..... ... ....., -...... ......... ..., ......... ~ ....... ,..•u:aur .............. "' ... ~'"'""'the Riii City, ......................... = ............. .. .. trtlMer• .... 1• &r.····---......... llOtR• city'• California The Natlonll W..U. ~ ~ NW1Y tldee but coot. tempereturea Tuesday, with ~ douda llong 1he 00.-lllld weat winds~ to 30 mph. In nor1hern o-tl. Highs Tu.de}' .. knceM at 72 In Loe ,.,.... between 72 end H at tleedlea. hm IO to 10 1n u. mount111ne, .,._ ea 11nc1 M In high "-ta end from 86 to 105 1nlow~ 8oeter'9 from PWlt Co1101p4lon to IN ~border cen eacpect lgtlt. _...,.. ..,. .toNgtlt f6w! In Ill• morning. be~omlng weat .. ior1t1weat It 10 to 11 Moel dultna the lllWnoon wleh 1-IO Moot wind..,... PW1fy ~ elll.. are predJc:ted OVet the OOMltT~. Tempera~ IUTIOM " ....... n a 71 .. • 46 .21 .. 54 • 16 18 11 84 70 84 54 ., 44 • 82 M 6a .04 73 51 ea 51 M 78 .01 IO 56 ..... 51 • .01 IO 70 .17 •• -• uo .... •• •• •• . .. .. . IJ to .ia .. 17 M 4a AM 11 ... 11 • • • .II • 51 70 17 •• t F0t 7p.m. EST 1'tln. SMw(!!J 1~ ....,.. ,,...... .., ... .. 65 • eo t1 11 16 .. 11 78 I 71 44 IO 58 .M ., .., tt .. 81 11 M -91 : :1 IO 17 2.08 74 16 .05 IO ee u ee .. 70 • 13 112 41 n ... .20 72 13 " a .oe 71 40 71 ... .... • 47 .ot I: .oa •• 17 17 .M M II 74 11 7a 42 17 51 ti M IO a 13 tO 12 . .. • fO • 12 .... t4 .. 70 M 70 51 .. 51 102 .. 17 ... 91 43 ., 54 74 49 .. 48 '~ = n eo 116 ... 11 ... .., Ill 7171 ft •• :I : •• 100 • 11 .. 11 ... 06 ~ : ... Extended .. ., , .. : : 1.a1 wealbe.r IOUTHl"N CAL"O"NIA COAITAI. AND MOUNTAIN AMM-flllllllftd ...... ._ ···-· lllilllftd '° .. , ..., ~=---==; , ....... ,,... ..... .. ........ "' ... .. ........ fij ... .. ...... .......... .. ..... . ,.,,. ._,.. __ _ than • lrDOke, be •ya. ''The combLNiion of deeply inhaled marijuana amoke and tobecco llDOU hM been found "I think we are giwng the rneaaee to )'QUDg J*>Ple that · there are health tiuarda in marijuana." be says. Our "346" tropical suits ::: =:: crv:s-~ and evnta and bebavlril in an lra c r zhCly enatic way. Carpenter told Jurors at Hlndtle1'• trial ~t the defendant WM by an inn•r world of fu~Y.· . . are ready for yout selection "346° is our designation fo/distinctle clothing made exclusively for Brooks Brothers to our exactina specification's . . . The value is excellent considcrin1 our standards for taste and quality. For Summer I' ., ~ J t ' 1 COSMETIC ACUPRESSURE -Edna Crum, 44, of Lynwood. Wash., receives a non-surgical facelift at the hands of coemetologist Janean Wjvold. Ms. Wjvold uses face manage and vitamin supplementa in her facelifta, in -~--­addition to "acupressure" -a couain of the ehlnese acupuncture method. Ms. Wjvold says her methods aoften unwanted lines and give the skin a "patural glow." First assailant of pon-tif I still being querted daily ROME (AP) -Mehmet All Agca, serving a ille sentence for shooting Pope John Paul II ln St. Peter's Square laat May,,is undergoing questioning daily in a rene wed effort by Italian proeecuton to find his presumed accornplkes. The 24-year-old Turk was transferred to Rome's Rebibbla Prtaon early this month from the maximum-security prison at A.coll Piceno, northeast of Rome. 1pedtically for the purpoee of interrogation, prison sources said. ''The state is proceeding on the hypo thesis that be had aa:omplicea," Dario Martella, the state's attorney investtpUni the caae, 'Said in a recent lnt.erview. "But so far there ia no evidence sufficient to implicate others." Turkish mart i al law authorities have convicted · six e xtreme rightists for helping Ap eacape from jail in 1979 and hiding him from police. But Turkish police don't believe the righ\ista had anything to do with the attempted uuaaination of the pope on May 12. 1981. Turkish police aources ay tile}' believe extreme riaht-wlng TinY. Idaho town • • to arm c1t1zens BLISS, Idaho (AP) -The mayor of this tiny town predictl puaage next month of a law requiring that residents have guns and know how to uae them. even though the local sheriff says the community is almos t crime-free. Mayor Roland Zollinger said an ordinanc e requiring ownership and maintenance of guns -with exemptions for the "kn o wn c razy " and "conscientious objectors" -la sure to be passed when the City Council meets June 2. But Gooding County Sheriff Robert Aja, whoee department provides protection for the town of 180, located in aouth-<.-entr-1 Idaho about 100 miles east of Solle, thinks the ordinance is unnecessary. "I've been here for six years and there hasn't been a shot fired cN« theft.," Mid Aja. "I for one am not aotng to knock on doon down there and tell them to have a IUD " Zollinger imi9ta the toWn b.M plenty of crime. "Linker•• store has been broken lnto three timee in one month and the Road Runner Cafe has been robbed three tlmee ln four months," he Mid. ·~of the boy. bad a gun and a knife pulled on him over there." " Zollinger has even called his mayoral counterpart in Kennesaw, Ga., Darvin R. Purdy, to get advice. A law requiring residents of the northern Georgia community to own and ·maintain a gun was passed March 15, btlt its effective date has been put off twice to June 1 becau.e fireanna la.fety cia.ea were delayed. "I've talked with the mayor down there and he aaid it'• working and he's tend1na a copy o f the ordinance along," Zollinger said. "'The council here is all gung-ho ... If the· law pa11es, a firing range will be set up to train citizens, said Zolllner, who estimates that 80 percent of Idaho's residents are already armed. ••so what'• tbe blS ~eal?" he aald. ''We won't pulh nothinc down nobody's throeL '' A Kemesaw dty councilman said the Georgia community'• gun ordinance WM int.ended M "a kind of proteat-ty"pe leglalatioft'• to gun control laws. such aa a handgun ban that took effect Feb. 1 ln the Chlcaao .Uburb of Morton Grove, D1. TIUPOW, 1AbMon (AP) - w.rmintl .,. ~ that tht do1tn• of rival private armle1, holdoven from lAbMaa'• 1976-78 dvU war, ... t out of um andent port dty. n.. ~nffllMft hope their ~ movement wW .p..,d am:111 tl'1I 1trUt·torn na~lon, once the MJddle l'.IR'• commerdal center. "We~ we are an example," said Rlchid Kar~? .who WM Cebanon'• primt m.uuswr durtna the dvil war and ii now the main poUtkal 1-der of Tripoli. The movement II the tint ot ltl kind ln lAbanon Ii.Dee the dvil war between rlah t-wlnc Maronlte Chrilt1ant and mo1tly Mollem leftiltl. Whether the pqce movement b1ollolnl or ii killed of1 here, it marks a tumlJ\I polnt ln attemptl by the Christiana and MoaJeml to Jl>'n hands ln what they claim to be eeeklng -a united Lebanon. Karam1 aaid ln an lnterview he lft9 Tripoli as Lebanon'• lut chance tor a national reconciliation among the ICOl"fll of warring mllitiaa 1plint.ered by relilion, pollticl, economb and pel'IOna.1 vendettu. Thia city 50 rnlles north of the capital, Beirut, haa been the laat to suffer Lebanon'• conflict. Of Lebanon'• major citle1 Tripoli wu the least affected by dvil war regjmes. The majority of the city'• half-million residents are Sunni Moslems who tradiUonally have 1onen aloog well with the minority Christiana "' the miirChant ranlla. Shtlte Mo1hm1, Uit PNd9minant 1'larnk llCt of Iran i)ut ~)' ur.delpri~ ln Lebanon, afe rue tn TrlpoU. TtMft II oftly a aprink.Ui'la of Pa~ 'nie eConomJc piston It Tripoli'• buttllna 1taport. Tht second bta1eat caah-earner 11 the provl1lon of Hrvlcea to the trUcldna trade that rolls north to Syria arkt Turkey. For many Tripoli realdeni., IUOC'e91 it measured each eveNna before au.ndown prayers when the cub boxee· ttt empt!ed and the day'• proflta ue talUed on dol-ared ledaen. Furniture-store owner Hajj al-Arab aave one reuon why Tripoli never became a major battleground ln the civil war. "When there is fighUng we can't make bullne9." Joumalilt Mohammed Salem uld: "Tripoli people are merch1mta hving day to day. They are traditional enemies of inlecurlty." • SI.nee the civil war eroded the authority of the police and army throughout Lebanon, ICOl"el of political 1*1!es created private armies which exact payofla from shopkeepers in exchance tor protection. In some partl of the country, such as Chrtatian F.ast Beirut, militias have suoceeded in lmposing order. In Tripoli, no one party grew strong enough to keep the peace. The city's police commandant, I#-·"'"" WHITE BOUSE WORK -First Lady Nancy Reagan planta a commemorative magnolia tree on the north grounds of the White House, a gift from the American Association of Nunerymen. The 29-[ear~ld tree, now 16 feet tall, will reach a maximum height o 30 feet. Lt. 6i. MaNS1 HMlan, ~ repartet hill ~ .... p ap1JWl 32 pnvate limlM -II IW\ batdel bffak out~ OY .. IUnpi,mt ··~t. One>'recent lhootout w•~ by retldentl to have lt.u1ed ~ an unpaid omblbw debt. t~ The mllfda •Ytt«n ~y waa not workln1 in TrlP.ICl. Karami uld the moat tem.a indictment came ln April d... 1 one of the nl1htly tlreftlhC. recen~ when a rocket-propilltd IJ'e slammed lnto a be•H•1 &nd •t lt afire. A man, hi11•e ' and their nine children ,...,e burned to death. I "h thll any way fOt1• population to llve? We:•e humans. We cannot h•Y• tyranny," Karami said. • The merchants went on ---~ foe three daya after the firer, .. the city'• power bloc, ~~I)', usually set what they want. !11119 time they demanded' the millllN remove their IWl8 from tMJcity aftd cloee down their of&el& '' 8 Karam! and police commandant Hallan claim ':l\e merchan.11' demand• ile gradually being met. But wtlen the merchants staged a rnartll to d emonstrate their •olid9 unknown gunmen sprayed with bulletl. The usual militia checkDM*ttt. are g~. althou&h tome iiiMla offices an still ooen. ""* "It is a start:• said ~. '"ntls 01ight be an example Jpr a national compact." •l¥ J 1'd Cable TV•~ channel 'filthy' JI l.>t.I~ <t LI tnO •'J'i/ ·~ ~.,l . ,. , TtJRLCX;K (AP) -'l'uff6hc officials are asking a cg television firm "to be a neighbor" by not offe cuatomera In the city a pay- stalion that features R-r~ shows. 11 .. About .20 people compla.inBcl at a council meetlns about tk Escapade pay-TV chad;Ml available to Turlock aua.:rilMh of Sammons Communic~ cable system. They expreililM:I ooncem that their children JJ'dilbt be able to see the chan~l's R-nted material. ioW "It is filthy; It is dirty:,,._ explicit eex and I'm ~· said the Rev. Phil Smith of' cllie First Baptist Church. "'" St.eve Rosenthal, the ca~ company's general manager, the F.acapade channel has running scrambled except those who pay to aee IL However , some speakera the channel's a udio was altered and some people can f' tune their receivera auffi to pick up the picture. :) Rose nthal responded !ii customers can obtain a ..... "; d evice to en\irely tu~ channel out of their set. -u~' • The Rev. Richard For' · Roman Catholic chaplain aN State-Stanislaus said-;Ji considers the device enOllJ control. ~#- But one citir.en, Joyce Ru contended that children mig to&>ther homes and alt.er as cable decoder to bring in• cfumnel. 11'1'1· .. It's really important tha~w keep 80me control at the level." the said. ~~~ _,,...,.._.,._._______ _ ... ··-· -·----·---.---.. ·--·---·- 'l 5 DZAR PAT: l ju.It aot a~ card, but must ldmlt that Jtm ..-pewhat trtaht.eried ot •lectronk bankJna. l did write my penona1 ldentTfk:auM number dOWn and hicflt, but what woWd Ila)' UabWty be lf 1 lost the card and 80IMOM ~ to \&le lt? -T'". ---.. Calta M ... v .. mtpt '"• Yfff card or Mm .... CMlll Ital It, Ht JM'n .at• a1 a ... u YMI' aambu lla't toad or 1to&ea .... v .. r can .. ma ... Ueally ...... mut ........ au~ aeeea'" 1y1tem ..._.. ....... lalenlM of betll ,.., can Ui aamber •a. tile a1temaW teller llUdlH (ATM). Seme TM _...... are pnarallllllM a. retaba cans di.at uve Me. re,orW 1&oleL AM IOIDe will CMflleate a card lf tile Uet' falla &e .-e' la tM cornet ~ W.dflcaU. •-* af&er ..... attemptl. ftll tllwarb tM Wei ..... can from "fld.la(' hr u Welldflcadoa •amber. -. ' LOS ANO&LSS (AP) - DHpit• much-ballyhooed lnclriUv. Dakl 10 lure excuttw. to work where Uw COit ot Uvinl 11 hi1h. CalUornla bu1lnH1 i.dol'e .,. "°' outpldn& tht,. of th• naUon •. • 1tuCly b:y a n.ttonal manaaement cainlultlnl ttnn.,... usome 1maller companlH bll9d In UM Loi AncelM and San Franclaco area appear to b .. e comperwa&ed top necuUve1 more aeneroualy than their national counterpart•. reflecttn1 tbe 1lanlflcant number oJ fntr~~urlal and h11h· f1mw competina for proven manaaertal talent, n uld Lewla Roeenthal, head of Loe Anaelea office of Sit.on & • p....,......... .......... ------ ' top 1eatedf .Then are 10..r.020 Natl tn Buffalo'• R.lch 1ttadtwn, and TH1 llllH plana to 1lt in fNfWY one. . · If be 1uoceed11 tho 11-yoar-old dllo ~key for WPKD-FM aay1 he wilt ~. NCOrd f« -a..-tUP& -and ralM mon•_y lot the American Cancer Socloty u well lte'N AlllJ of KIMN Radio ln Denver aet the Hcotd ln 1980, rat11n' tao.ooo fos: lltdn&..~ all &,000 1eat1 of Mlle Hiib Stadium, a WPHD ~llkt. 1Mta1 yow buk card Hel praeat tile ume Mr1 of laalanl u 1oa1q a ere.ft cant wMll It eomes to UabWty. YMr UUUlty f• autai.rbed wl&Mrawal1 fnm yHr aeaeat II llm.lted to Ht, Jut u It II wttll • credit card, U Y• .. w, tM flauelal laatltatl• wlW. two Hllaell day1 after leanial Of ~ lost 01' tlleft of you card. ' Co. Inc. Ma100'1 a1aault on Rieb Stadiumiali:,m• of th• NFL Buffalo wU1 be11n May 28. WPHD ~Ill call tor pledsea to the charity for every 1,000 1eata he aita in, added 8udt Gilbert. •wt o' '" MAKING A PASS? -Fonner~uarterbr.c:k Joe Namath Chat. After yu .. tlfy "' NU. YH cu'& loae uy more mouy lf aaatlaoriled wl&Wrawal1 -.re mue. If yH doa't DOdfy tile bull wttllla two be11H11 day11 yo cu leae u md u $1M. fte belt way to pnteet yoanelf II to teleJIM!le tile bad to report yoU' loa1 ucl follow •P wltll a letter. U yH Had a certified letter,, yH will uve tile receipt a1 proof tat tile letter 9lu beea mall ... Keep a copy of tile letter too. Back taxes confiscated DEAR PAT: I received a federal tax refund check for le.a \ban I expected and then I got a notice 11ating thai a portion of my refund had been applied to a previous year's tax ijability. What does this mean? · P .J., Huntington Beach laterul ReveHe Se"lce explalaed dlat before a retu• cHet II lined. die IRS mu& verlfJ ~lllletller :r:r teas are owed. 'hele amoall will tllea be M4ectell . tile eMd II lawed. A aodce always It 1e11t wltea tllere It uy daule .. JHI' reftlM died. Publishing company 'alive' DEAR READERS: Althouah a circulation department spokesman for Zlff-Davia publ.Laher'• ~in New York Oty told AYS in late March that 7.iff-Davia was "aotnl out of buainea," Fred Shear, a Zift-Davil fulfWment auiatant now aays that infonnadOfl wu incon'ect. The ~bliahlng ocma-ny la alive and well, but ita "Adventure Travel' magazine la no longer being published. R.M., Corona del Mar, had contacted AYS re"ardlng non-delivery of a canvas tote bee offered to new .w.:rlben of "Adventure Travel." Ahhoup the Ziff-Davia circulation spokesman had told A YS that the bee W.. lmpoalble to obtain at this ~t, Shew has arranaed to haw the bite maOecl to R.M. AYS appreciates th.II follow-up .:t:lon on the part bf ZW-Davis. You can without get Herpes 'activity' WASHINGTON (AP) -The ,_..... simplex virus, the IOW'Ce or wideepread venerea1 d'8eue 1n the United States, can remain tnfectloua for boun on common objecta such aa toilet aeata, a ..-rcher aays. The finding raiaea the pcmibillty that 1enital herpes, estimated by some health o1ticiaJa to afflict as many u 20 million Amer i cana, is communic able througb nbn-aexual mean• .. well at teXUal contact. One researcher, Dr. Trudy L•raon, said that be~1f::kj• pte'V1oualy thought to die q y wbmi expoeed on dry surfecee. UVed from 1 ~ to 4 ~on a toOet .eat and 72 hours on cotton pUlle. "Our major QORC!em isn't to much with toilet .eata but with the 1au1e," 1he said in an iniervtew. ''The IUl'face9 of puze are abnllar to towels, and people with genital herpes lhou1d be extra carefUl that no one ei.e uses their towels when they have an outbreak." Ma. Lanoo said berpe9 vlctUm and thme in contacl with them should take added hyatenlc precautions and that medical personnel shoUld enaure that examination imtnanenta u.ed on victim• are either cleaned thoroughly or thrown away. Genital herpes la an incurable dileue that cau.s eores that can blister and form uloen. Vldima have attacks a\ irre1ular interval• and are infectious during the9e perioda. The federal Centers for Dtleue Control eetimates that 300,0QO new cues of herpel -an "epidemic" level -oocur each ~· .. However.'' he added, "pay levell ln the majority of Callfomla Urma are ba1ically oompanble with the re9l of the country.'' The study showed manapment ulariee rooe a hair hater In California than elsewhere durtn11981 -12.6 percent in the et.ate compared to 12.3 percent 'nationally. But when bonu1es baeed on company performance were added to compute total compensation, California executiVf9 !aged behind the re9l of the nation, rlain'a only 12.7 percent compared to 13 percent eJ.ewhere. The etudy noted that a major reuon for the aluagiah incre8le in bonuaea Is the prolon1ed recemon, which hu cut deeply into companiel' proflta. In actual dollars paid to the exeeuttvee, th•re la no dear-cut trend, with chief executive ofticen eunma allehtly more in California (J160,000 before bonu.. compU'ed with $140,000 elsewhere), wbtle top le1al executivee eem lell in the et.ate 050,000 before bonuses compared to ~.ooo ellewhere). In other cate1oriea, chief operattn1 offlcera and top dlvlaion and flnancia1 eucutiVf9 earn more In California, but controllers and personnel dl.rectcn In the state are ie. well off than counterparts elawbere. The atudy waa baaed on a survey of 514 companies nationwide, including 64 in Callfomla. The sample ranaecl from $10 mDllon recsonai ftnm to $60 bllllon co~lomeratel in a bro9d ranee of finm. 'Lobster tax' proposed by Oklahoman OKLAHOMA ciTY (AP) - An Oklahoma congremman baa ~~d a national tax on Rep. David McCurdy, D-Olda., aays the revenues from the tax on the lhe1lfisb would be U8ed for .. further development of alternative IOW'Cl!ll al. lobster." "A handful ' of LoalH ReevH, wldow of profenional boxer Jimmy Reev .. , la uk1nc m1111om of dollan in damagea from the makers of the film .. Raatns Bull" becau•e her fate huaband'a name WU IJled in th~fi alle1edly without her on. . Reewl la eeekinc $4.2 million in compensatory and punitive damages and 3 percent of the movie'• profit.a. Former middleweigb t champion Jake La Moua foufht Reeves, the 1940 nat onal amateur lisht heavyweight champk>n. twice in 1941, and Reevee won both bouta. , .... Qw.laC1 Adami, direct descendant of two U .S . presidenta, canceled hla fint bid for public office. Adams, 82, who workl at a pharmacy in Carion City, Nev., 1ou1ht a seat in the state Auembly. He said he waa offered the pharmacy mana1er'•job atartln. in July, an it waa ' an advancement I couldn't tum down.'' · He filed in February u a Repu. bllcan advocaUnc stats' righta -a far cry from the fe<lerallat lliewa held by hla ancaton, Jou Adami, the nation'•~ ~t, and , .... QtDeJ Mama, ihe Uth president. lobster-producing at.ates have aou1ht to 1ain the greatest poulble economic advantage 1---------- f r om their pos ition• aa net-loba\er harvesters at the expense of the rest of the nation," he said. C.tl 142-5171. lll'ut a few word• to work for ou. with act.rel. l Welch d a banquet in Loi Angelell held in honor ~tte Davia Burt Reynalda, winnen of the Rudolph Valentino awards for their lifetime conUibutionl to movies. Clall VOD Balow. eentenoed to 30 years ln prison after being convicted of twice trying to murder hia helreu wlfe, faces a hearing thla .t.Veek to detennlne If he baa met a bail requ irement allowtns him to remain free pending appeal. A lawyer for the Newport, R.I., aocialite aubmltted a liat of von Bulow'• ueeta valued at $1 mlllion and post ed a $50,000 bond in accordance with imtructiom from Judge ftomu 8 .1 NeeAam. Be fore ba ii becomes official, however, the court must verify the a11eta, court officl.ala aaid. Von Bulow wu found guilty March 16 of trying to kill Mardaa "Sany" voa lhlow with insulin injections. Swaying light fixtures In hia courtroom prompted U.S. District Judge Rlclaard EasleD to m ove all court proceedings out of Kala- ma zoo' a federal o ffi ce building ln Michigan. F.mlen said be would allow no hearings in the building until workers f:iniah repairing the roof. Since the repair w 9 rk beaan, a board and a brick have fallen lt'rough the building ceilln1, hallways have been blocked and eome entrances have been cl()led, the judge aaid. A 4lem-aet aold snuffbox made for Pruuian ltlac Frederick II more than 200 years ag~ brought a record price of $810,000 at a Geneva auction, Clariatle's auction houae announced. The sale price wu triple the' appraisal estimate. The pr e v io us record for a snuffbox waa $252,000 paid at a 1980 aucdon for a box from t h e collec t ion of Prlace E1terlaa1y, according to the auctioneers. The "F.aterhazy box" had been given to a member of the Hungarian F.aterhuy family by Ruaa i an Empr eaa Catberlae tile Great in the 18th cen~, a spokeswoman for Chriatie •said. Planiat Vladimir Horowitz la preparing for hla first European concert 1n 31 yean with a constant American companion -a personal Stelaway. "I can't play European pianos," the 77-year-old virtumo explained. '"lbey're too pl.cid. r Uk~ many cokJn." SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION By Order of The Board of Directors and Other Secured Parties COMPLETE UQUJDATION TO REPAY PAST DUE LOANS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT TO BANK •Ml flAL/11111118 I llllBM. IAllfTI I IHI ALL RUGS HAND MADE TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER ON TUESDAY, MAY 'Ith AT I P.M. HOUIAY Ill 21211 U 'U llU, UlllA I/US Preview wtH commence 1 hour prior to auction A.ISO lnciUdeel In the auction win be • LARGE aa.ECTIOM OF MONZEI r-...ecs by • weU-«nown W•t Cou1 Foundry Actually, ~y la kidding. He patterened hi• tongue-in.cheek pretentation Oil ,__ _ _,;. ___ _.:~__.--..,.,.,.-- an announcement by the Northeast -Midwest ~ Coalition that it la seeking a national 8eYeJ'UllCe tax on oil. The Coalition'• proposals . would mean trouble for oil productna states like Oklahoma, McCrudy aatd. ' I .Sequel Ok'd to 'Porky's' ' MIAMI (AP) -Despite concerns about the morality depicted in the movie, the Dlde C-ounty IChool board baa acreed to let a film company u. a 8Cbool fol' a 1equel to "Porky'a," a lo•-budpt, box-office sleeper about 19501 teens ln South FJortda, I Tbe ortclna) UJ>orttya:• filled with sex-related comedy, bu l'IJl Ill cl $74 mOlkm. While .... .... .. ~ the ICbool board Wtecl to aDOw the~ 1D be tomed here. There'• John.'• Grlll, where Spade dined on chop1, baked potato and allced ~toll (you can 1et the same today, uttni amid Hammett memorabllla). Next door ii the nood Bulldtnl -itl eleaant lobby lined with ~ marble columna, an ediftce. where Hammett worked for the Pinkerton ~· The ume bulldlng, Herron auaeata, wu likely the home offiCe of the Ccntinwltal Op, the hero without a name. Alona the city'• ""/i:ta are the homea in which tt · Hammett wae burled in •ArUnaton National Cemetery OYel' tonmr rm aiw J. Kd&lll' Hoover'• o~tlona. He had terYed in W War I. Herron. who~ 1977 hll Md hil tours about the dty, laid the euence of the author remains elu.llve. He uy1 that when Miu Hellman, who lived with Hammett until hia death, wu asked what he waa like, ahe replied, "I don't know." ........... PRIVATE GUIDE -Don Herron stands in front of John'• Grill, whett the fictional Sam Spade dined wblle punlUing the Maltese Falcon. Each Sunday Herron. guides touriata throuah the world of Spade'• creator, Duhiell Hammett. wrote bil book.a. and the cheap alley rooma where he lod1•d when tuberculoaia choked bla luna• and forced him into mlltUde. The movie memories of Humphrey Socart'• Sam Spade or WWJam PoWell'a Niclt Ow-lee lure people to the tour, Herron Mid• Others are fa..na of Lillian Hellman, Hammett'• protap ~ ~penlon. Conflict~ but not too much Superintendent won't lose job after marriage to secretary But. he aay1, few remember the Continental Op -the fat, u1ly, touah hero of moat Hammett ltoria Hammett'• books were filled with action and evll, with bard-drinking heroee of dubb.w morality. And hia depiction of San Francitco•waa coldly reelistlc. Herron aaid. "In hit ..... pertlcu)arly in 'The Malteae l'alcon,' ha deltrlbed it matter-of-factly, without the foa drlftlnf ln tb.rou&h the Golden Gate, he ..... SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Santa Cruz County school auperintendent, who married a tecreUry workinc for the county achoo1I. baa a potential conflict of int.eresa Oil employee pay ...... but can take part 1n pay• neautiationl anyway, an attorney general'• opnJon l8kl. The formal opinion by Attorney General Georye Deukmejian '• office aa d Superintendent Richard Van Deren need not r-.n desptte the conflict beca"'" he la the only one wbo can lecally nesotiate with hill empo, r• 1 A~ General'• oPlnlon.a have no force of law 6ur are ELECTRONIC BEARING TESTS will ~ pea •t Newport Beach Hearing-Aid Center usually followed by government agendea until a court rules on the illue. Van Deren, who took office in 1979 and Is up for~ th.la year, married a secretary to a mana1ement employee for the CIOUDty .:hooll lalt Auawt. The Opinion, requested by' County Coun.ael Clalr Carlaon, asked whether Van Deren ahouJd be barred from negotiating changes in employee Wille ~-that would affect hil wife'• salary. Deputy Attorney General Clayton Roche wrote that Van Deren bed a fiiwvial interest in bJa wife'• .ea.mtncs. becaUle of community property laws allowing either apou.e'a .eparate property to be used fdr the other'• "necieeeries of life." But despite a pcmibJe ccnfllct of lntereats in any wage a1reement, Roche wrote, Van Deren should be allowed to act under a 1eaal doctrine called the "rule of nece91ity.'" nm '<permits a publJc officer to carry out the emend.al duties of hi1 office despite a conflict of intensta where he it the only one who ~Y leplly act," the oplnloo aaJd. Otherwite, it added, there could be no coDective tmpin1nc for COW\ty ICbool employ9ea. If Van Deren la re-elected, Roche wrote, be could take part in future wage negotiaUma. Tilee., M•y 18, .... , May .J 9, n ..... , llay M \ -.............. . Hearin& ten will be conducted by a Haring Aid Spec:l.aUst, who la licenled by the California State Board of Medical Quality Amurance OVERCOMING YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL RESISTANCE TO SEAT BELTS MAY BE THE KEY. C.11 142-5171. Put• few words to work tor you. • u a Hearing Aid Dispemer. . Anyone who has trouble hearing or WlderttandinC la weloome to a test employing the latest electronk equipment whkh will determine hil or her particular io.. You will aee a modem hearing aid ao tiny it fits totally wit.bin the ear. NEWPORT BEACH REARING AID CENTF.R ' Formerly MontcanerY Ward Heartnc Aid C-enter. a.ta .._ 1600 Well COMt llfPw•y Newpon Beaela , 646-8266 U you C.'l INIU It m lhllt daya ·call~ appt.. at anot1-~ the vast majority of cases, seat belts protect passengers from severe injuries, allowing , them to escape more quickly. Another popular rationaJi.za. tion: yoo11 be saved by being thrown clear of the car. Here again, accident data have proved that to be untrue you are almost always safer inside the car. Some people use seat belts for highway driving, but rationalize it's not worth the trouble to buckle up for short trips. The numbers tell a different story: 80% of all automobile accidents~ serblJ injury <r death inVdve cars traveling under 40 miles per hour. And three quarters of all collisions happen less than 2.5 miles mm the driver's home. Ml .,,,, w . .. non A'' oq~ 1 \W tq'1erl JCW~ , 9('(1 1"lt\l ~de ...,, dT fileOq lJH .c;n I It IP I j. '·· t t •• I Oi'~• Countf. Supervlaor Ro1•r Stanton hu been buay ln reoent daya ln a IUCCWful effort to ln..,._ th4t federal ~mment in county 1overnment•1 effective welfare fraud det.eet10n procram. Stanton recently took hl1 propoaal1 to Wa1htn1ton, D.C.1 . where he received 1ome encoura1ln1 reaponae from two ranklnt of flcial1 of the Reagan admlniatration, - The county's program ta unique fn that lta aim la to detect welfare fraud before any benefits are paid. A team of 12 investigators reviews questionable welfare af pllcationa, and determines l the person seeking aid may be attempting to cheat the ayatern. Stanton and the county Admlnl1trative Office say the model for UH throuahout th• nation. a.it \here WU more k> hit trip to the natlon11 ~pita!. Since the federal 1overnment paya • ~t abate of welfare COlta, Stanton ar,uft, it 1hould pay a 1reater 1hare of the coat of prevenUna welfare fraud . Stanton'• analyala 1how1 that to detect • fraudulent welfare dollar in Oranae County, the federal government ta 1pendina about 13 ~ta, while the <lounty Ii lpend.lna about 38 cents. Stanton say• the oost should be equalized. The supervl10r reports that the federal officials seemed receptive to hla suggestion. ' We agree with Stanton's position. What's needed now ta for the federal government to back up its words with action. . ~ program, with an annual cost of Equalizing the contribution to $747,000, has saved the county the ear1y detection program would about $7 million over a two-year insure continued vigorous period. ' enforcement. The re1ultant Stanton believes that the savings no doubt would cover the county'• program could become a cost many times over. Survival selection The Reagan administration~s 'propoeal to spend 10rDe $4 billion over the next seven years on "crisis relocation" plans that assume "the aurvival of a substantial portion of the population" in the event of a nuclear attack, is beglnn1na to take on some Alice-in:-wonclerland qualities. For starters, local officials have been asked to comment on a 1977 federal study of Crisis Relocation Planning and, more than that, ordered to draw up plans for their own localities. This is where the fantasy begins. Up in Sacramento, a 35-year-old evacuation plan. kll18 diacarded as impractical, haa been dredaed up by Office of !'.meqency Seivlces Director Alex Cunningham, who believes that the 600,000 residents of the area could be evacuated tn one or two days "at the most." He's even selected stx or Veterans Affairs. Obviously a practical military man. Kinpbury doesn't fig\Q'e on saving everyone. He would establish priorities for the evacuees according to their value to IOCiety. Top priority "would include the young and physically ·fit, skilled specialists of all sciences, trades and occupation• and a well-balanced labor force." Low priority would go to "the elderly, the infirm, the unak:llled, the unessential and those whose presence in the relocation areas would lel'Ve only to place a burden on the survivors." He concedes h.11 "Noah's Arlt'' theory may appear cruel, but says it would be the only way to go. Of coune, lf such a plan had been in effect in Noah'• day, h1a advanced age would have counted against him. but perhaps his 1klll u an organizer would have oft.et that disadvantage. seven receiving areas in the mountains to which, presumably, the evacuees would bead in orderly faahlon. Arid where, presumably, ~~ey would find ·~ housing, food, drinking water and '·--a welcome from any local Cynics contend there'• just no way to plan the evacuation of a major metropolitan area involving moving manes of confused ana frightened people over a limited highway network and providing them with shelter and supplies when they reach a "safe" .z.one. In any case, f-t billion of our money has been allocated to finding solutions to the problem. which we hope will never arise. And maybe if they could 8'acxeed in rescu:ft enough aoclally and economi y UJeful 1urvivon, it would be money well 1pent. retddenta. A much more aelective plan is envisioned for the 18 million residents of the Los Angeles area by Robert L. Klnpbwj, dlrector of Loa Angeles County'• Department of Mill tary and Curbing ca:mpalgn lies w ASHINGTON -InteWaence ana- 1)"111 beliew the thre.dbaN military re- gime of Poland's ~n. Wojctech Jaru- r.eJald may be cxmlnC apart at the aeema. Secret intelllaence •• r r Ht.en ta auae-t that the Poliih Army itMll ii abowtna lilDI al leliow strain. Here la 9CIDe of the evidence en whkh the anal)"IU base their canclulicm: -In the violent supprrlion of recent demonatratlona, aecurtty police have done the dirty work, while the army stayed on the aidellnea. >J ln other communllt coun~ .:wity ton. are l1kely to be more ruthlem and dedicated to the repne, whether from Rlt-lnterert or tdeolofy. But the '8.Jlti-aovernment ripUdes in Poland make It doubtful If eecurity police can control th~y><>pu.la­ Uon; IOCllDeJ' or later, the oommunlata will have to call en the army. -THE ARMY, however, :07. be unreliable. In fact, a number of tary men were apotted in the ran.ks of the Solidarity union demomtraton, protee-Una the martial Jaw they are suJ>sx-d to be enfarctna. -The Poltah Army appears to be aufferina a ~ of offlcen. Wlnn1nc a military oommfeian med to be hlably cunpeUtlve, and entrance eqmfm&al were tough. But in recent weeks, the armed eemoe. have vtrtually dropped their entrance ~ taldnl ).wt about anybody fhey can lure ofi the _, JACI 11111111 mi8lloned officen, the lltuation may be even more omlnou. for the Poliab re-pne. The customary two-year term for conacriptl wu ex1.ended last fall, acoor-dmc to lntellJgenoe IOW'Cel. When mar- tial law WM actually decreed in Decem- ber, the length of lel"Vice WU extended once .,.m. The new recruiw may be a different atory, thouah-They are young men who w~onable teen-agers during the ty ferment of the lut cou~ of years. Drafted from factories, ahip- yarda and univeralties, many of them were members of Solidarity; ordertni them to cruab their friend• and co- worken could be a rilky proposition. -Once held In blab esteem by their fellow countrymen, members of the armed forcee are increaaincJy vtewed with IUlpAdoa 1bla baa created a.erioua morale problem= both offfc•• and men, and a corrtn,g wtment of . a re,une that transformed them from heroes into oppre11or11 lntelligenqe llOUlU9 told my U90ciate Lucet1e ~.: nado. ~ It ii a tragic irony of the Pou.h litwt- Uon that the cracb In Poland'• militarf mach1ne may leeci to diluter, not ~ fol'· Januelald and h1a fellow generala, ~ for the entire nation. • • THE SAD REALITY remains buiclDL •What It waa when the democratit "exceaea" of the Solidarity movemeii led to declaration of martial law five months ago. Indeed. the reality is ~ same as it has been for the last. 38 yean: The Ruuians are ready, ~ and able to de.cend on Polancj in oveJ1- whelmlng force if the military loae-f control of the Iii tuation. , The Kremlin may have mellowed a ~ since Joseph Stalin'• bloody era, bu,~ po1\war Soviet. leaders have never shown any compunctions about atrtJdna 1ruthlealy when their commun~t em~ plre'a vital interests are threatened. It'i no eecret that they consider Poland a ket part of that empire. . Throughout hiltory, the Poles bav; ahown a hunger for freedom that oftet'i bordered on the IU.iddal. Polilb J11D1;ww charpd Nazi tanb and machine with incredible courace -anc1 little Whether their deloendanw will decide aettle for the grim but 1urvivable op pr r rrfon of martial law it not at all Farmers say procesSing spoils milk You never know who'• 91atcl\ing when you write a column. Several weeka .aao I wrote that one reason people aren't drinking a1 much milk u they Uled to it because milk lan't u good aa lt once WU. I aot a lot of mail. Some of lt WU from dairy uaoc:iationa and aome of lt )Va• from reeden who ~ with me, but most of it WM from farmers. Almost all of them were mad at me for 1aytnc milk doe8n't tMte •good, but most of them went on quickly to say that it wasn't their faulL The milk. they said, WU OK when it left the cow and their farm. They defended their Holsteina. but they admitted there was a problem. The trouble deYelopa, they say, when the tq dairies get ho1d of their milk. lt'a the milk ~ng planta that are subtnc-ttnc good atuff from their milk·and putting in the bed stuff. IT OCCURS to me to come beck to thlt subject becau.e Jut week at the Knox- ville World's Fair there ww an exhlbtt ~methlng called Dalrymeh, Inc. ctnc ~en~ !°'*tueb~~-~ perature ~ be ltcftd "To: ;,, perlodl anywhere, without refrigeration. If the world of the future it IQlnl to aerve me milk that can be kept for a long time out of the Icebox, I won't have a g1aaa. thank you. Ia this really what the world ls waiting for? I pel"IOl'lally like ice cream that melts and milk that turns eour after a reasonable period of time. . lllY 11110 The word• .. natural'' and "orpnic" have been overuaed in advertising. '!hat'• because advertiaen ~ that atmo.t anyth.lna that cornea to us• direct from nature i• better than something we've concocted wU.h the help of man- made chemica1a. They know we know it, too, so they pretend their product ia "natural.0 We were all ~ to believe from Infancy that lnilk WM the perfect food and one ~ for tw perfection WU. it WU natunl. Well. thoee day. are ..--forever. The awnee quart of mU.K today ii about M natural u Gatorade or a thick shake at McDonald's. ~all the ao:od, natural foods that .. ' GIBfTBIT,..._rr TOMQHT . P8rt 1 of "Hell)~• Un101111d Murdere·· proOel the dlsth ol Thet- mt Tocld. .,,.....,.,.. ~ Kenny Aogera. (C)MOWE • "Rak Boogie'' (1979) I.Inda 86olr. 'Jlnt •ay. A rldl end llltniOd muelc .. udtnt .... out lO wtn • roller-ekatlng danot con.-""' "°'°'' rMUmlnO .. IWdlel. 'PO' CD> TMI COUNTRY OR "• r:>uriftoy, Olc:tc v ... O)'ll• Ind Ken Howwd .., In IHI pertoi,,.... ICO of Cit· ford Odet'• play '*'°"' .. compl•• relallori1hlp1 betwffn ari alcohotlc actOI. hit wife Ind a "'-I· l'lc:ll dlrllCtOf. AT. PALACE -Marco Polo (Ken Nanhall. left) and his caravan arrive at Xanadu, the summer palace of Kublai Khan (Yinf Ruochenf) in P•!~ 2 of "Marco Polo' tonight at on KNBC (4). CZ)MCMI •• .,. "You CM'I Ct..- Nt Honmt ....... (19") W.C. ,,_., EdOtt Bergen. A young woman t,... IO merry 1 -lllly 111an llect6llll "" tl!lnk• '* f9thli' .. poor. NO. I qtltCTOWN FeelureO: • "'°"' preYtew of EM1 PrWl)I'• ~ .,,. .,..,..p1111 llome, Ot'aoellnd; M ~ • Ille Qrend Old ()pr)' In ....,,.....: 111111 ()prytend, the mutllctl ..,.,,.. pert!: lour N Counlry M\.lllc Hll of Ferne; cNM wtltl,t E~Amold, l~Yf'IUD •••·'TM~--· (1911) Jolin Wtynt, Oevtd .,.,_, A cynlcal, lntl- V191nam lllWlmlll .,...... Oft IMloi•nt11I lo lhe front .. 'With • bold ·-ol AINlrlc:an oommllldot. • evllONLA FeetuNd: • prolll of con. tr_..., T'homel ~ chi; -ot>lclze, tlle ,_. exerdle craze: • prolllit o4 wlMlng jodley Lafln• ~ cay, • lrlp 10 Ille Laa FlorlllH htlddrtH ptgMnt. • M•A•a•H Col. P011• le owi """"""° by th• 111enllon ht ....... -hie tlllfl tt1et to l"8duct .. blood ,....,. before hll llMUOll pflyllcel. I Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH MACND. I lSMa ""'°"" • THaetWC81PfAAE Pt.Ava "Trollut And Crwtldl" Anton~--~ 8urden .. lft tfla .....,.. lion prodllctlon of -"' .. l!lotd'• ... II.- end ,,_. ~ .,..,. "'""*"Ille c:tw ..... - lltOft COflcem.d wltlt eppoar...-"*' "'*" ,........ 8 YOU MICID PCNt IT "-"ndJ "YOUI ~ ttou. In A BotUt'' ..S ............. ....,.,. ,,_ Of 8'rlllignfl.'' ... ()) ~"""'* ~...,.. ....,., Ai1•:111,,...,.. ..... ~ .... ~·­tie ~gain Ille confldtnoe to ,_ 1t1e wend on ,. e Cll MARCO POU> Aller IUflll'lng Uwough llUt>onle plllgue, lhlrlt. end en avel8ndle, ltle Poloa """' at x-du, the -mer .,.._,. of the Kublai '°"". (Pwt 21 80 MOVIE •• ·-n.. Conoorde: All· pon '7t" C1•7tl Alain o..on. &...,, 81111111)'. An "'"""*"" tycoon ptots IO deltroy. eupenonlc IHfl.. • to sw-rt a PHl910" from r.....ilng thol he lotd WllllPOftl 10 loretgrl ,.,..._ ..... • MOVll "OOldtn DrllOOll SllWr Sfttlk•" (1979) °"ID°" Lee. JolWMa.en. • ,.M. MMaAzN People wllo ttt l'llllllne money wltll rnall-«cMr bUtlntllle: • jlfllMWrt bib)' wllo -ralltw..S In "' ar1llc6ll ~ • MOYil • * .. ~ Br\ICe i..: Hie LMt Qllme Of o.h~ (117S) "°'* LM, 1<11'...n AbdUI Jlbblt, 8'uoe LM'I lffe and rite 10 ttardom In the Orient and the Uil ... uarnined,. • 1"9IHAIC8NAM tltAY8 "Trollut And Ctellldl" Anton L.-Ind.__ Burdin ... In the ....... Ilion prOCIUCtlon ol one ot the Bttd'• leMt k- ind molt ln\flgulng pleyl In whldl the cherlCtln -more concerned with •l>Pffl•nc:ll lhan wllh rtllltJea. (8)MOYIE • • ''Beyond '"" Reef'' ( t911) Denton Ka"ne. M•tn ...,__ A poeyn. ~ glrtwtlo ,_ bean tducat.d In the U.S. returne to hit llland home Ind ftll In love with • PMr1 dMr. 'PG' (J)MOYIE . *.. . ··0og Dey Atts-noon" (111751 Al Pldno, .,1oM CU.. A New YOfti Clly bank robbery elCllalta Into 1 ,_. clroU. wtien eommunlty Ktlvtllt join In to ....... "'~ jlfoi.l dutlng lhle9')1r. .MOYll **"' "'The a.-COll-nactkln'" ( 1973) 8nlce LM, Aotler1 Biii«. A "*11111 1r1t studal'lt Mt11 OUI to ...... murder of .... litldltf lft ....... • ltwll tcftoot .... trwclhoad ..... l:tt CZ) CllBIMCDM e:aoe ....owrTO MUM# Murplly'e •••ttll•1tt llf'tlka .. n.-to NM .... 11 .. .-.... pt-..ng OM of I* .._....,_._. • ALL .. 1MRFM&.Y Edlltl'a -o--IO per- ,~ ---,.._ ...... ~conc.1--­wllhOUI a voJce end SleiptlMle ..._ In the CE:·o&o .OINW.. Ci)MOY. •• "t'ldlll • Cray" <( tNO),.,,,. .... 91.C, Btvoe Dem. A T-d9\ •cl*'• ~)obend~ ful wife mMllQI to dtlYe him Into • mid-life ctlelt. 'R' e:ooe(J) M0 A·a·H A USO troupe "'*-en UMXl)ICted deeow 10 IN 40ntti wtien one of 1tt mem-. 1W II. (A) • MERV GRffWt au.ta: Cert Aeirier, ,... Mc:Connld<, Join Emt>try, "NI ~ ,., Aft• ~, .. ,,~ ...... C1W•1JI• L. A e... ,,....... .... .. ...... ~ .. ...... of hit,.,.. by~ i Clf•dNI i"• 10lllCI)~ ·~ .. ,......_ ............. ,,..,, ....... i..u.. Cei1 Mlt'Ottl. A r~ l'CIUP ot ~..,.....and lllOfl '°"°°' kldt • '°' ... plnbell ~ " • IOCll ercade, .,.. CZ)MOVll ' **'.t "Le ... Stlop" (1173) ~ ler1o. ~ lltrrl. -bookttor4t propn. t40r ftrldl lnltln4 ll.IOOlll """' .. llock• .. ---.._. ...... -"*"*' 81tf llllfitel ... '!If -1=.04AM "l<lllO...., I o.ughler" An emblttM4td ~ovng womenftflci.·~ "' lullllltlflO lew .... ,..,,_ ...,,, who It 11C11'8Ct• ..SIOlltr . ,, •••• Cll98 HIWI • IA~YNIGHT Hoit: 811111 ... 1rll11. au..: The '°'*"' • YOU AllCID '°" IT • Featured: ''The ~ Mechlne Aoltl' ~· end ''EnglWtd'• Pee P9r-dllatriet." • M•A•e•H A emel K-~ with mlnOr lnjultel ~ "" 11ettt• of 11"' 111t 4Cln1t1. • MNNYHIL.l Benny rMdt 1 "Mrloul" ~ofpaetry. !=.CAWTT "Famlly Enforcer'" (Drema) JOl9Pfl Cor1... JOetptl PllCil A )'O'll'IJ men tr1ea to get ~ In 1111 ,,....., but haen'I tlle bf9inl to pull tlle IC'-off. 'A' 11:80 • Cll QUtNCV Quincy goee 10 Mexico to del•rnlne whettW ~ f~ In 1 caw •• tlloee ol • 171h-cenlury priest. e Cll TMI IUl °" CAMON au..: Mee: Devll, Joe HwMth. Judllh Blegen, ~ Upklnt. CAI eu MCNr#S fllOtmJNR l=::a•OM1 -~NIOeoH • NB•ilAT: CAUlONM 0011 ..... ONA&. f90M' .CW'nOleMC ;-~ *** "The Doge Of"Wtt" (1NO)~ w-.. en. Tlfll ...... Mir bMtl lortured end dlpor1.. eel by M All1clft cldMof, I "*-WY rwNrftl to teed a rtwllutlon. 'R' CD> EVaYTHMa Goa Kip Adclol1a hoet9 thll adult comedy o-ne "'°'* ,.._, oon.....,,.. mull .... off tMlr ~If tfll¥ lncOnedly -• quee. llOn thll"'1iee ~ ~ """'· '1:AI ())MOVIE **~ ''The Fltll'" (1tl1) l.1uren B1ctll, Jttn" Oamer. A popular th 11111' It llk:flrna.cl by • ~le ldmlr•. 'A' (%)CMM•BOOM -Ml»DfT--1~. ENTERTAMlmff TONIGIHT CHAtlll LISTINGS Zella Letw. (C)MOWE *** ......... Stteet1•• (1973) ~ ~. Roll- ., Da Nto. A ....... lime Pert I ol "Hoilrwoocf1 Untolved Murelert" proMI tlle dMtfl of Tlltl- ~ Tocld. •O MOVIE • ... "Flntt ChlCJttr - Wllldng Ttlr ( '911) Bo s-. ~ TUc:Mr. T .,.,_. '-"""' 8ukwd '"'-... ti-* .... lh• hood• end e ICNXT <CBS) e l<NBC CNBC) e KTLA Clnd.) .)(ABC (ABC> e 1<FM8 CC85) e KHJ·TV (Ind.) e KCST (ABC) • KTTV (Ind.) •• l(COP· TV (Ind.I .e l<CET CP8S) e l<OCE (P8$) I (al On-TV Ill Z·TV ®HBO (I:) (01\efNX) (J) (WOR> NY.,N.Y. @ (W)'8SI '11> CES,...) Cl> CShowflme) • 5-ligl'lt e CC.lite News Netwwti) 1, hOod end '* .. 1eepoilliblil friend ~ plenC)' o4 llout* In New V Ofti '1 Uttle Hiii)'. 'A' l:ao <JI) MCME ' * * "From Hell To Vlclo-rt• (197t) o.-oe Hlmll- ton, o.-oe~. Four tri.nct1 from dlfl.,.,.t ~ '"'* ._. Plr1t In .. 10 .. tor !Mir lndMdual countrltt In Woftd W• fl. 'llO' (D)MCMI rnoonlNI• • w11o rnur· dsed hit wife. (A) .MCMI •• ~ "MurOer In The si-rree1e•· 11•1•1 ""'-st-.n, DW:k 0.UU.. A ..,. Mron .. MUrdtted and t11e Ct1rM II plMed on a fonner football ptO ---~ .. 1111119 Bard's anti-war play. bitter of on-«reen referenc.w." Thiele Incle bavtnc the Greek warrior Ajax keep a ·ptn-u on the Wall of bia t.ent -it'• a palntln1 of e in the nude. The 1prawlll\I, rundown, Greek encampment, lta tenta «Yf"I out for a ~. ii modeled on the bedraaled "M-A-S.H" eet. _ paid ' tor bY the vtotlm'I widow. • l.OYI. MiMNCAN em.a •~n. ..:>ONO c:mmJRY (G)MCMI ..... ~ .. (1111) Pllriolt ~. Jollptl 0..•. A Pl'fll~ ""'" .... In love wllh '* patllftl'• llMdlornt ~ •-=-'R' ••• "foul ,... .. (19711 Ooldl• Hewn, Choy CllMe. A llbfar1en ........ the lid of "' lnepl poll» d•t•ollv• 1f1er •h• ~ lnllOMd In • bli.lrr• ..._ ol murdtr9 and ~lfttnW. CZ) n.OOUNT'RY ... Faye Duntw9)'. OWi V• O)'ll• _,I<-......,. ... lnW.~ote»­'°'d Odllt'e 1119' ...... compltll rela110fltllll>t t>etwMn 1n alcohollo ector, hll wh Ind. I~ r1olf dlrlOIOr. ta-.11 CC> MOVll • * "Otldu1tloft Dey" ( 19111 Ctirlllophet 0-ge, E.J.. ...... A ~ It out to murds a1 t11e 1rac1t sun o1 1 high IOltool end ftO --to know wN> It II. 1l:IO. 8 LATI NIGHT wmt DA.YID Lm9'MAN ~ llU\h«..,throc>Ol- ogilt Donlld Johtr'90ft. N8C lhoelHlll men JOe Ttmpofe Ind Floyd _. ton. I~ •• "Tcwt\.lre Oardefl" (1917) '** ,....._, ~ ""' ~lh. S.V.al ~ tflllt • unique llcMthow which I~ thtm '° t•• • looll .... ..... wllNn them. ·~AND OMiotMIZATIONI 12:40. ()) cot UM90 A~ trtea lo i*t IN ,_. ol • petlent'• l'IUlbMd on the UMtatlta petlenl. (A) • 1:001 =AUTM **.,."~Aflllr" ( 1t50) Joan fOflttlne. Jollptl COiten. Two ~ pie ~ lllled In '" alrpiene cralfl COftllder ltwtlng .. -~ 1:11~ •••• "Hetworll .. (11178) F1ye Dun1w1y, Ptler Flndl All tQll'll ........,,. ~. --,.tinge -.. tldlly tllpplno. II turMCI Into a r1n11ng prophet °' the ---by 1 curtly ternllt progr11m- mlng IMCUIMI. 'A' 1:20 Cl)_,. OF WHAT"I UP AMMICAI F .. tured: Ille WOl1d'1 Olfrty ""' ,,__,,,,; two Pfot.. "°"" ..... ~; dtt-lne tht~-dd ..... 88 gun wwr1orl; i nude plloto tellllon for t «*'W· fdd. 1:I0.'9Nr#S GINI MIT'fltt llOO ! .:=: OU1' • * * "8°"*'*19 Of V• ue" (1N7) Rodi Hvdaofl, Dint Wynttr. TN~ encountered IJy 1 rte' ,,..., Uni lllrn..fnlo • ..-.or~!O'· • LICILY Sf~ TN WOftl ot ~· ticM; ... , ~ WflWI, dirt!> ton Ind etare •• 99111- •ed I~ In IMr1 '*"· video and enlmeteel NO- "*'"· t:•!= * * "Ttle Deolk'9 Of w.t• •11 ~-.. ,, .. ,, *" w_,,... llY Nftdl euct1 • Moe aeo lleftd. 8llclk """ ClrcM Jefk• end~• •wreo. .... NRWtl l:IO MCMR ' ••i. "Africa, T••aa SlyW' t1911) ... 0'1lft. .... Johft ..... ~ ~ .. Mredto pr~MM-.wld• -,.. ...... , .... Cl) ... •••• ''Olt ~After­noon•• (1'1t) AJ Palo, Johll C... A ,._ Ycwtl cu,. .... 11 , ••• .,y _...... ... •,JWMl- drCUI """" OOll .... Jly ~jolnllleo ..... .,.. ~P"*llUtno ""--· 1:00.MOVll • ..... "<M Of 8-on" (1t7') CM AoMnlon, v ............. o.. "°'*"----"""" .._.._... ....... •.,. ofll nun...-.. lelOrt.. a:tO ®wmt A TOUCH CW -~ Sid c-end ln'°flM Coce l*1oml lllOOY)erlli comedy 1111d 11-.>ltldl rou.._ tlong llOltll pertor. n11nce1 by bur111que ~ln•ltlOW\"*9• ltle Stir ,,_.,. In Flint, ~ t:M(C)MCMI ••• "~ 8\tottt" ( lt13) Herwy Kettel, Rob- ert De Niro. A ..,,.......,. hOOd #Id NI llreepoillltMt Mend llftd ~of lroubte In ,._ YOfir'• Utle Hety. 'A' ut(Z)MCMI •• .,. "Yov CM't Cll9M "" ~ Mori" ,,.., w.c. Flolde. Edger ..... A young -lltte lo marry • -tthy man beclUM lhe 1ll!M1 -lttlltl' le poof. •:20 (8) MOVIE *. "Melwtn Altd .._,,.. ( IMO~ PU l.eftUI, Jeeo11 Roblrde. An Olhenlflte unknown g•• •llllon '"~ dllmt 10 lie the i10htM hW to Howwd Hughe•' bllllon dollar tttata. 'A' 4:t0.MCMI • ..... ''The ~ eor.. ndon'' (1973) ~Lee. Aot>ett Baks. A 11WtW .,,. llvdenl .... out to .,.,.. .. mur'der ol .. ltodler In wtlldl • ,..... tdlOOl -lrwofved. 'R' • .-OHN DARLING • ~-.... ~=~..-........ Uonl,. ......... "'"' Jlft ~-.--...,. ~.,......, .... --..... ,.... ___ ....., .. .., .. ........... ---... ,.,....., .......... .................... 'G' NI (IZ> .... Milt 'n. ..... '--1'' .... ,.,, .. ,, ..... It .... ~------.. .-.. ..... Mr,~..,. vt '° IMl'r)' -..., ~ ........ ._. CZ) • • ''.Tiie .._.To Wtt"(1QI) ~. Tiie "" °' IN f'.atl IN• .... A ...._IN end Of Worid Wtt I to "31 -II ctwonlded. uoCID••'.t '..._."(1NO) "og•r Moore, Jtrn .. MllOft. A ~' women. "-tlnO f100fl'*' .. Mlled In 10 lhwWt ... .,..,.. of 9'11otUotHb wtlO haw llljMlked • lllCIPIY INp end .,. ttw ... •-. 10 deltt"or two Nor'tll .... ol '1gl. Cl>•• ...... .,,. tltyer" (1tl1) Jeck ......... Jonn T.-ry. All ed\lenturOUI ~ man enlllt• the lid Of • Mid of wwrtort to llGht hl9 M ""*' '911, -1ord who ~ hit failNr Ind II hOldlng ... ~tor ""'" IOl'll. ••• ''Lovett And Uttt" ( 1'1t) Ooldle Hewn. ~ GlanMll. Wiiie tnMilne In~ ... Ameri-can fll1" rneele end , ... 1n !OW Miil • l'iWrled -· "A' 1:11(1) **14 .. VouCtn'I en.A NI...,_...,. .. ('°31) w.c. ........ EdVtt 8ergln. A~ -trlet lO l'lllf'IY • weefthy """ '*** "" think• • ......... poor. tlOO (I:>• *1' "The Kldt Are Alrtgllt" ( 1119) '"" Wllo. ,.... of 90IM of ... rod! Mftd'I perfo~111e.nce1, ,........ "'* notoriodt PfdlMy for detlroytng lhllr ~ end ltle wlld tnllc• of lhtlr drunltns, .. ... Ketth Moor!, -intwlperllCI Wllh Int~ Of the l[_oup mtrnt>ere. 'PO' t:aO ••• "W)lotnlno Oul· . lllw'' ( 1m1 Jolln W9)'1'11. ...,, Hutton. Tiie Three MttqullMfl IX90M 1 orooaec1 po111c11n wtio * bean llllng JcJtle to """°"" erlthtd renctlwl. CZ) • * "!Ong Of The Moun!M\" (1811) Herry "'*"""· JoMpfl Bottome. Ttw• )'O'll'IJ I.A ~ IOn deolot• lhllr .. gill to tM epott of dreg,.... 'tlO' 10:00<11) ••• ··c-" (1911) ..... Starr, O.WW. au.. The dowftlltl -bet ol • t.ety tulWI prtfllltoric lrll>e btgllw to dltcowir thll .,,.... Md not tw-wll be tM key to .. ,,..... ..... 'PO" ~•**• .......... CountJ" (1M1) ~ T.,W, MOftloon-y CM. Dunng h CMI Wtt, 1 ceplMtlng 8outller'ft ..... le dolllei1111illd IO ~ W-, man of lltt **11 l!lllJd- ._.of ltlt~. 1-1:00 Cr:> ••• ••911c*tiosd Jungle" ( 1955) Glenr1 Ford. Anne Frendl. A dedlcaled young ...0-ltlempQ IO restore Olds In 1 tJil>-dty • 1r1lnlng 1chool where t-..ge _._ end \llolerlCI ~ ..... root. CZ) .... "OblomoV" (1tl11 Oleg TtbtllOl'I, Bina $o1o.. vel. A ~ man wtlo epv1t much °' ..... hld-tno In ,. bedroom , ... In ~ wtlll • youno -who .... i.n ,....,..., end cope .tttl tM dltng9I o41NWOl1d. 1a.. * * "'W-Of TN PreHMottc ...... ( '981) ..... a_.r. ic.. "-" .... n.. ....... .,. ,. .,. .... ...... .... !J/1111 ....... . ......... ,... ... .... _ ....... .............. ('art ,, (ttlO) ,... ..... ,..., M w.te ...,., ................. lrOM .... .........__ .. ..... °" o,,,w to ..... .... ....... .... ... ........... . . ........... ,_ ~· ••• ,.MM er.. '-'d. "'*"' y ..... A ...... ..... ,....... .. "" flM ••• to ,...... an~--WI in.-. ....... .. ol .... "'*' "" ,... l!llHdll•lthH•t tre ...... CID••~·~·· LAlf' (1t7t> OMtd IN. ....... .,.__,._,,....,..... to ... ~ "°"" .. • put an and to .,..... IMMOt'lle IM ... .,_. t .,..., ~ lflroude hit town. 'PO' tlOO(CJ ··~ "UyJedl" (197') Tom Lqltllft, 0.CW• T ... A/I .. ar... .... ~ .... ~-the cw of • '1.-otn IChool ror NM> WllY9 on .,. AtlloN lldVI r---. • ~ ....... .,,.,.., .. ( 1MO) Aob9rt "41dbd, VIC)Nt Kotto. A ,.._ minded --UftOO\llf9 wldHpr'41Cf corrupllof'I _.... ......... ~ ~prteon~- • -lnfnale. 'A' 1:IOCZ) ••Yo ''The Fan" (1911) l.1uren a.c.tt, J-o.irn.. A~ ""' ltar .. llle11m11M by • ~ecln*•.'A' a:oo a • • "Audl111" c tNOI Ditti hnedlct, I.Inda .... A~VllMMI ..... dlllutbl ... ~of. ..._.. ~ lown. 'llO' a:ao (8) ..... ··c.rdlec Airest" ( 1971) Garry 0-«ow, Mike CMn. A b6d met1l.el oper91lon "* .... dlNmbodled '-1• few trenepiente te. ~­by 111'1 ol1bNt ,_... ~.'PO' 1;00 ........ ...,.. eon.. Mr JordM" (1941) FbMt ~ontgomery, Cltude A1ln1. A you"9 man retl#'IW In enother men'1 body _,,., dying before ,. time. 4:00 (8) •• "C.bon Copy'' (1981) George Segel, Su--. Saint """--A ~ -'IA ...w1e bcmw ~ !Ml he hM •• or-_, wtlo II II**. 'PO' •**** "FIO.Of The Bndt" (1950) ~ TrlC)', EllzaDeth T~. A fllhtt ~ .. ol .,,. )oY9 Ind helidacllel lnvoMld wlltl the pniper• UOnl lot .. ~· ~-sdlng. 4:IO im *•·~From TileDMp"(1911)~ Tit• World Aquan1u1 eecutty P*Ot _, oombel crlfl Stlngrey tMittMe en IWmt °' equatlc .... wtlo •• <Mt.,,,._ to i.e -thtP'el*. 6:00 CC) •• y, ''l'lle l<ldl,.,. Alngflt" ( 197., Tiie Who. Flmt of .... of .. rodl b1nd'1 perf0fn11nc", ~--~· proc:!Mty tor ~ ""* .. 'fn••l end the wlld entice of lhelr ~. .. le1e l(.itll t.Aoon, .,.. &nWeperttd with inteMewt of "" ~~·PG' t:iO. * * * ··1.1on1 FOi Brtalll89t.. (19791 Jen Autlet, Jim HenlNw T- young llrOI,_.., an old drifter Ind • dog ~ • df--. -• 11ct1er .,. ror a1 Oft "' old '""' -but expe-ttancl men)' helr-rlllllng td\19nturw *"O IN w.y. ·o· CZ'.l • • "tang or n. Mounlaln" (1911) Herry Hldn. Joelplt ~ Ttne young LA. .... IOn cMo4e .,.., ...... to the tlPOft Of dreg '**"· 'f'G' by Armstrong a Batluk ·. •, -..... ~--~--·pa~-_,..-..................... -~ ........ ------. Whatever the job, I. · Baker Pl ywo64. · V · · hqs the right • ·sure, lutt.i.ber is our business, but we're n1.uch ri.1.ore than just a luni.ber store. ~• Paint • Varnishes ' • Stains ~. Wood Preservatives • Anything to cover wood. paint. ~ j ! l 1 • 1 . MONDAY, MAV 17, 1MI CAVALCADE ~ ....... ,COMICS STOCKS ANNIE GOES QRANGE: Never mind that our 0ranae County .. now one of the most populoua reO>m In the u.nlvene, when it eorne1 to te&evillon, we ltl11 have an alrwawd um~ ·~ ua to Loi Arip~. That'• where all the t.eleviatoft ltationa an,. Well, almost anyway. We have one TV outlet and we all ought to be proud of it. That ii Koc::E. Channel 50 on your dlal, public televialon out of Huntington Beech. Channel 60 brings a lot of good J>l'Oll'ammina Into our home& but alu, aovernmental support of pubUc t.eleviaton ia on the abort Jide theee days. KOCE'1 Orange County newa report, known as Newecheck, ia going off the . b.) air for lack of f inanclal 4 ._ aupport. It will be milled. · r. . ONE OF THE MAIN TOM MHRPHINI .~ .... ; item1 for the citizenry, ~ however, is to aaure that all of KOCE Mii e~ cash support to stay on the air. That's a worthwhile cause when you Q>nsider the inane blather that the commercial boob tube ia bMmlng into your homes these days. Some nights it eeems like little more than pillow fights with laugh tracks, intersperaed with bathroom jokes. Occasionally there'• some relief with a beer co~. THUS IN THE UNE of worthwhile causes, the citizenry ia getting a chance to see some top-flight entertainment and support KOCE, Channel 50, Orange County, at the same time. This will be the gala premiere showing of a movie about this funny little fifth grade girl ailled 1' Annie," who BY JERRY BERTICNSTEIN or ............ Helen. Annabel and Cecil a.m.ae ~ deeply oommltted to Chflltianlty whin thn had· the towfrlnJ RamaJ• Houae: built in 1928 at Victofia Beech in Laauna Beach In memory of theh' father. Thorpu ftamaae. The house, aa otl1lnally con1tructed, took on Orleotal flavor and walls were m.crtbed with Blbllcal venet. J'ew of those verse• remain today but one, "A merry heart doeth 1ood like a medicine," from Proverb• 17:2a ia um reedable on a atone wall near 1tep1 that lead to a wooden tower by a at.airway to the beach. , That vene could be rephrased to read, ·''a decorative hbuse with aweeptng ocean' view does the heart aoOO·" What a houae. Now popularly known 8' the Dianeyland Hou ~e -a m.llCOnception accorc:Uni to one .ource -the atructure ts one of six to be featured in the aeventh annual Vfilaae Laguna Charm Howie Tour Sunday. The structure h&ii Iota of open apace with aome ceilings aoa.ring 27 feet. There are many windows of leaded glus, aome stained, and in the 10lariwn, the first room off the entryway, windows 10 feet hiah open to allow a cross ventilation of .ea bree7e. . Pet.er Toni, current occupant, uaee the BOlarium with ita natural lighting and its steep, spiral wrought iron stairway, as a spot for reading the paper at breakfast. The stairway leads to a guest hOUBe that doubles as office for Toni, a developer-builder. The guest house, with i ts sand-blasted cedar paneled interior walls, has three rooms and a bath and would be luxurious living for many. But it pales compared to the main house whett a visitor is awed by the abundance of natural mahogany woodwork. The lMng room is fum.lahed with modern white aofa and c.ha1n but they don't 9eel1l at all out of place with the Victorian ~ Antique bnm lamps and ~ f.aucet fixtures provide an in~ oon'"9t between old mdnew. The dinina room features huge china cabtneta and a porcelain chandelier, a period piece Delly ............ .., Lee...,,.. VICTORIAN VIEW -Peter Toni will open his home Sunday for the Village Laguna Charm House Tour. rerruni.scent of Lhe 18th cc-ntury The spacious k1l<.•ht•n features corbel beam suppona that Toru admires for thei r craftsmanship. The house was redesigned and most of the woodwork 1nst.aJled in 1971 by Fred Hartman. now a production designer for the movie industry. Hartman was a designer for Main St reet. U .S .A . at Dis n ey land, which has a Victorian theme only with color, be pqlnta out. • Hi .. ad, however, that the · I>Wle)'land label for the ~ii Inaccurate. .tlar\lnan, curnody worldf\I on a televUdon roov-. "A Private Inv.U,.Uon," ..W the hou•e would mo.I"• appropriately be called u It -Victortan. muter bedrOom Ml tJi het\lavatortea but old, h.._ lla.DWlxturea keep with the theme of the houM. The lhower and toilet are cleverly hidden by' a full-length i;n1rrored doon. 1 One can step from the bedroom: onto a porch overlookina the- Paci flc Ocean but the mon. spectacular view la f.rom a pordl completely aurroundiA2 a cupola. .Longtime s;eside.nta of the -.e.; claim the llamaae siaters lpeh~ many hours in the cupola playtna" a pwnp organ. The porch, with its widow'• walk railing, ia 70 feet ~ the beach. On a day in ,whkh it. sunlight ~ the water beJDw cryatal clear, someone on tM cupola potch can .ee the fllb swimming. The ·landmark houae, Uke many of ita kind, Is not wttr'wx.t a ghoet story. Kay Hamilton, a current~ claims ahe h.u teen visiona of. a- ghc,t, believed to be that of an old eea captain who once-lived 1 next door. She says ahe believes the j "ghost" lives in the cupola and ' only makes .an appearance wberi • some recent event in the tiou.. · like a noisy pei-iy, "upeei. him."= She aaid the ghost'• pr.._ . has been ''real enouah'' to ndie I the hair on b~ cat, Yoti. I Be that as it may, the ~ a worth a visit. The othen on the tour are liated as artist'• c:iouaae; early Laguna weekender, Hiab Drive~. ·~ eJeo,nce and hilltop rnagn1tjcence. · 'nle tour ia from l to 5 p.m. with buses departing from the • parking lot aero. the street from , the Festival of Arts grounds, 650 I Laguna Canyon Road. The I.eat complete tour will depart at 4 · 1 p.m. -rtcketa are $10 each and available at the Laguna Chamber. of Commerce, Colt age. Restaurant, Adventure Travel Service, G .L . Stimaon and Amodats. or the day of the tour. More information is available t by telephoning 494-1003, ext' 730. KOCE backer F7oss Schumacher and -guess who? . Elderly, families find relief first made her appearance on the American scene Aug. 5, 1924, via Harold Gray's comic titled, "Little Orphan Anni " e. The premiere showing, all to the benefit of KOCE, will be May 20 at Edwards Newport C.enter Cinema, beginning with a oock1ail buffet dinner at 6:30 p.11}.f adjacent to the theater. · NUMEROUS ORANGE COAST and .Orange County civic leaders have worked on the premiere event. Mrs. J. Robert nuor II and Mrs. And.re'¥ Car18on are aervtng as co-chairmen. • Tickets are $100 each for KOCE't support and more info on that may be obtained by ca11ing 895-5623, extenlfon 240. . So, as Annie might say, Leapin' Lizarda! Th.11 loob like a fun night for a goOd cauae. If you've been out of the univel"8e ln recent times,-let the record show that Annie ia being played by a 10-year-oJd song, dance and tap prodigy named Alleen Quinn. who obeerven of the Hollywood ICeDe sug&e9t la going to dance her way into American heartt ~Shirley Temple did in yesteryear. Everybody aeems to be pulling together to give th1a event a lot of support. . AND, BECAUSE ANNIE is after all a younpter", the children haven't been forgotten. The Newport Center Allocladon, under direction of Bertlie Schnelder, hM gathered $8,500 for a •J>l'Cla:l party ao Orange County klda can tee the abow the day after premiere niaht. Plana are for lota of UlOle kida to be tilth gr.den. JUlt like Annie. HOMEY SURROUNDINGS -Grant Bell listens as Dr. Dan Sands describes Harbor DJ:Al\ ANN LANDlm8: CaD J'O'l .-nci anolhel' letW about the woman who didn't now wbether or ~ot to leave her 1old 1 ... aow111 to relattWI when ah• dl-. for fev lbe irdaht Med them when ahe retu:ml to • --the~? I • If the two 1tron1Ht natiOlll In the • ,)~the United Stai. and RUlllA. don't ...,.. to put a freae on nuclev wMpom lhe won't have to worry about her tfflth or .t•anythlna elle becai. they wil>J>e va~ •. ~~a .... of minutes ._ ~with rnlWOni -.aot~. Talk about a limited nuclear war and . ~lana..for clvlltan defense are inaane. It Would be tmpamlble to evacuate the ciUee. M'bere would people got What would the.1 eat? What would they drink? Who would · take care of them? The physician• an~ ho9pltala would be blown to amithereena. You are more than an advlce-to-the-1ovelorn columnl1t, Ann Landen. Y:ou mold public ofinion. People believe in you. For the love o mankind and •HOAOSCOPI! DEAR TERRIFIED: Tbank yoa for wrUba1 aMat a subject tllat 11 pta•am1 u illl. 1 Dr. James E. Maller of tlae Harvard Mtidkal Wo"ol wd, ••n. ltoriOr of a11elur wu '8 ao arett tltat mu)' people cboole to deay It elfatt. "All all-o•t an.ck OD tile United Statea ceal• kill a1 many•• 110 mllllon Amerlcaaa. Tlaelr lmmane 1y1tem1. weakeaed by radlatloa, woald 11ccamb to fatal dleea1e1. At leaat 80 percent of tlae docton woald be 6nclnerated." Al tile Rev. Tlleodore BHbvp aid at a UCLA pace rally, "Tbe Uvlng would envy tile dead." Tbe New Repabllc pointed oat la a recent eclUorlal that tbe 1Jobal arm• bad1et for all coaatrles la now '650 bUUon a year. Aboat $100 blWOD la earmarked for aaclear weapona. WbeD one con1lden tbat $510 bllllea ~ ..... --..... " die '""' ......... Ear*'• .... ...... ,..,1., ......... to ...... ••>••., tat •1P•4live. Meurille, we an ee• procram1 tlaat ••••fU ••• 1l•er11, trae ••¥le••••• ~·• t•e '"'· M•r• =JI MWI: 09 leer.., .... TNu_uJ ..._. •JI. ~ ee111•1 II ,_. lia *- waler." Tia• ••••••r• ref •'••e• It ••• IUnQlma bomb. It._....,~ ... et~ ,.. .. tile ...a..ieat of 11,111 teu ., TNT. (1'11 . 11 11.1· k1Woa1.) fte ...... am. .._. •h a~t meaa•r•• la kllttoa1, lt•t 11· meptou. n. yleld ..... be "8i•aleat to approximately U mlllloa oae·toa traellll HUecl wltll TNT. Tlae Poteldoa Hbmarlae carnn .. ml11Ues, eacll wUll It warlaead1. Saell wanead lw &Uee dmet dae e~•• fllft of tlaat 11.qJe bomb droppM • lllnlMma. We can alread1 klll eVll'J R•11laa ••n dmn. Now we an tl'Ylal to klld ov arm• · aapply so we cu kill eaci Rualaa 14 umea. Tiie United Statn ud otMr maJer po_:wen an ••••dla~tllemtelvet IWHe • a wu we ..,. ......... Joaatlaaa lcllaell wrote Ja -Tiie New Yolbr, ~ mlel!INl'J of ... tnletiea II Jll Jlace. ...... -• lllilr-~. ,,....... fer i.. .... -: .............. , .... ··~·" er "•••1•• •••••, er for Hmt a•ltJ eemp11ter $If to MiMI ..i die lutnetleM .. Dre." I lmflere every penoe to lip ... or • \'tier ume aereu dlll c.lama ud mall It i. ~··•a.aw Ram, t1te ntto a .... , a1lala1t1a, D.C. Aa overwllelml•I re:f 'aa ~t ~at a •lldear .. loea..C tlaa wMld meu die elMI' of au life • tWI plaaei. Do It TODAY. Notlll11 oa yoar, ealeMar eu be more Important. Waking up .. alar~ing John. But Fisher seems to nave no problem. He says he knows all the families and their nicknames, and that's how he e etermines deliveries. You can tell 4 lot about a penon ;a.t by how he or she gets, up in the morning. You show me a woman who bean the alarm, reache9 over, ahuta it oft. and geta out of bed and I'll &bow you a Mlnderful wc:man wlPl a pl'llCtlcal head on her aboulden who ii able to face reality. On the other hand, you show me a maa who bean the alarm, pounda it aemelesa with hil fist, rt!9etl lt and abouts, "Ha! Ha! , Scum! I lied to you lalt night. I got another five minutes!" and ru show you a lunatic. THERE ARE SOME people in thit world who retu.e to give in to routine. 'Ibey should never ~ and above .U thould never have chUdren. Have you any idea what it'a llke to beer an a1ann go off four or five times in a single mo.mtng? It's like sleeping 1n a but station. People wh6 can't get up in the momingl have an entire metaboll1m that is out of sync. The only Ume my husband ever felt at home wu at the Cincinnati zoo when we walked into a hou8e for nocturnal antmal• His eyes adjusted to the pitch dark within aeronds and u be lookecf at the hamlten, bats and owll, he aaid sadly, ''Why can't it be this way for me!" flMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S END at.tnda between them and five more minutes of~ llumber. The other night as I slept, I opened one. eye to the room flooded )Vit~ fitbt. My h~ aat playtnc. with the alarm dock. Finally, he laUched and turned off the llaht. •Wbat'1 ., funny?'' I uked. .. I've really put one over on. it this time.'' be aid. ••1 aet the alarm for 3:30. And here'• the kicker! I didn't tum the alarm on!" The IUll ii certifiable. POJSIOIS .BY ASHLEIGH. BRILUANl • aurus: Data helpful Night people go throu1~ their Uvea bumping into the shower, grappllnl fer the soap, shaving wl1h the wrong aerolOl can. stabbing at their egp and ldlling anything that 1tands still goodbye. . NO AMOUNT OF BRIBERY COOLD • heMay' May 11 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Pull out all . ltopa. Thia.ii your power-play day. Invest in your own abillties, expreu confidence, accept responsibility and challenge. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Confidential data enablea yo¥ to remove . ·barrier and to be rid of l!Me""llary burden. .You 1ain behlnd·acenu gllmpae; fears, ~oubta. w1ll be eradicated. GBMJNI (!.!!>-'. 21..June 20): New ,eonu.cta eld 1n fUlliWn& wishes. ambition&. '.~u~~:1r~~n~tly . CANCER <June 21aJu1 22>: Two tndlviduala; both lincere, different ~ starie9, canfUctina advice. ultimately is . to heed your own ~umel. LEO (July 23-Auc.o 2·2): Avoid overextendtn1 cred1t, loam. Keep within ,.U.UC boundariea. Focua on publiahing, . ~o~ipunlcatlon, education, long-range i flOJe'tta and .travel. UBIU (Se&!;, 23-0ct. 22): Be wary, •\dd ...... and accent moderation. 'ocu• on par:~nerahl1_> propo1al1, pu.blic HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA . response to efforts and willingness to hear views of others. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on home, family relationship1, special purchuea and token of affection from one who ~tly seemed indifferent . .Individual who depends upon you will express appreciation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Romance, creativity, children, slfeCUlat.ion and imagination highlight fascinating acenario. Cancer, Pi8oel, Virgo natives figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on limitations, restrictions, nece11ary diacipline and successful outcome of long-standing project. Read between lines~ AQUARIUS (Jan. 19-Feb. 18): High- light versatility, willingnesa to let go of put and take cold plunge into future. Lunar empha1i1 on short tripa, relatives, close netghbon and 1urprile visits. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ne~ approach re1ults in doubling of aa1et.a. · Emphull on payments, collections, locaUna loet articles and increulng income. rou1 HIAL r11 OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN ~ · WHEN THE SUN GOES down they come le? life. They're animated, bright-eyed, make phone calla, cook, play gamea, play· with the dog and consider Canon "prime time." Their lives would be a visit to Shangri-la were it QOt for that small clock by the bedside with an alarm that shatten their sleep like a knife twlating in their eyeballs. It ii their only natural enemy and . EVER MAKE ME HONEST. GOliiN 011 lllDGI · BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Neither vulnerable, u South JOU bold! •AKQ115 <:>A.la 01 •A&tl The bWdins lw proeieed.d: &.-. w.-N~ F.- 1 • ... 1 0 ... a• f .. a o r .. ' What adlon do you ta.kt? A.-ProcMd •itb eautioa. Partner ml1bt have a 1111>- mi ni mu rp tWO•OV9r•ODt re1pon1e with Ions • dlamondt, 10 JOU have a potential mlaftt. StW, your hand la too ltroDJ to atop abort of pme, ud a1aln la itilf a diaUDct potsibillt7-U • partner bu DO mon than aeven diamoa• to the K.(W, 7011 have ,......w. p&a7. , Tht but W11 to ... ia to complet. ta. delcrlpUoll ol your band .rttll a bid oft~ heart.I. . w.-Ntldl F.-8etl&ll 1• .,... •• ' What adioe do 7oa take? A. -Bid three Marta. It miJht .... n.ala to advocate a ,,_ bid wtth oa11 two IUP· card point.a, aDd at t he tbree- lt vel to bobt., but eouider tbt auct.ioa. P4rtJter la mark· eel with heart auppon and at 1D09i a .m,letoD .,.., IO tlM U.8da ahould It well. Failure to com,.i. now eoulcl mun the loa of a pan.eon, or evea a pme ..W .part· .., ..... Utie npt ...... ' 1 .. '. ? d&a'9C1lld ~~NM. ScM MarU-and Carl Retntr art reunl&H la "l>ead N•n Don't W rtaicl'!,:'(UnlvtrMl). and . ~ ...,., Under 1'ol\ IH'• cllrectlon ln .. Nl1ht I Bettt Mldltr rtturn1 In tht much-troubled "ThrH of a kind,'' and Clint r.twood pays hit '""11 1umm•r viii\ iri ..... 8YAU.Gm , I\ 11JUoef~. Much-aw&lWd 11 1-rht . -"111-· Wotld ~ tQ Oarp'' with MGM-United ArU1t1 it./ Bobln WllliNnt. D1nn1Nr ltt flnancial com.t>Kk ~ Roundtna out th• aummer iwo fllma: .. Rocky Ill," whlq)I • product: ''Ttie Stent ~f Nlmh," Sylveeter Stallone IWMrl will be animated feature by Dlaney th• J a• t of i he 1 a I a · and defect.on; "Author, Author" with "Poheraelat," a Spleibera Al Pldno; 1Temp11t," with John production about a menaclna C..vetel and Gena Rowlanda; ghott. The prolific film maker 0 My Favorite Year," wilt\ Peter aho directed Unlveraal '• O'Toole; Oilney'1 "Tex" with "E.T.-The ~a·TerretUial," ~tt Dlllon, and more. 1tarrtn1 1'·YHr-old Jamee And U. wtnper? 1t mtaht well Mamauanton of kvtne. be "Star Wan," which Fox la Sdenoe f1ction and outer IJ>llC8 brln1ln1 back for yet another will be plentiful this 1ummer. tclW'ld. w~ baa "Blade Runner," a fu~ tale with Harrilal\ Ford. 1>t1ney ~ u.e depthl o1 • n .. • C tt d demonJc com))Jlter ln "Tron,.. r I. 1n e a en s with Jeff Brldaea and David Warner. Paramount la offertna •ock CO,.,.Ce f "Star Trek II -The Wrath of • ' 1.1. 'F Khan," Fox haa Hal NeedMam'a "Megaforcte" with Barry Bo1twiclt, and Universal ii bringing out John Ca~!\ter'• · new version of "The . ' There will be eome la thil summer, too. Woody A len 11 back with the provocatively titled "A Midsummer Nlaht'a Sex Comedy" (Warnera). C'Olumbla has Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner in "Hanky Panky," BIRMINGHAM, £naland (AP) -Prince Charles, dreued ln a "ray ault and white 1hirt, minlled with 11,000 denim-dad youth. when he attended his first rock concert. "I wl1h I'd worn my Jeans," Charles reportedly told li'rancis Roal, lead.1in1er of the group Statue Quo after the Friday night concert at Birmlhgham's Exhibition Center. * IARQAIN MATIN•••• MIMlfUlnll....,_ay AH PttfCHtMM" Hf.rt 1:00 'M , ........................ ......,., ............ l A MUl AOA WAI .. IN "DRA~tAYI~ ................... •!pGUY'l" 1R1 II "' I ai. \'it: I 11, t ... lt\M '¥YOUCOUUIU WHAT I HUit" (f'O) 111 ........ ,.,,.. I Atct WOOC> CHUI II \OllfH WAt• oH Al DelAlno 111 tM-tHI • "8' YOU COULO Ill WttAT I HIU" IHI ,., ................... ~M . .., " --.-UDIATHTRA,.. (PG) -.--... ,,==.:=.-.. ,~-~· "CHAAIOTI Of' ,_. 1N 1111t(-.--.- SHOITIH LINH IN OIANGI COUNTY . "IXTIA IDGI" OAIFllLD aANk --= • 4 wrong. Sure, woc;pen lose 17 to 25 pounds 1n just 6 weeks at the Diet Center, but men lose weight at an even faster rate. while enjoying a greater variety of foods! GET RID OF THAT EXCESS FAT! You'll have a healthier. happier, longer life. Call today ... 494-7720. LUXURY THEATRES .t..~41.Hf lt.,t ANAHEI M DRIVf·IN UCAOCODtLE" (R) ...... "FORCE: FIVE" (R) l•-•O' fl al Le_.. SI 17f•fll0 Cllll 11 ~ -., ... ..,. ........ ,ou ....... --c-ou ........ Lb-11..,r-_,....,1 " ... DD ......... Gb~f T I HeAR" -''THIE 1 . "THI ii:Utwn- IUODY HOLLY ITORY" MAN'~ fPQ) (PQ) Cllll 11 SOU110 . Clllt fl ~ eut NA VAl/r BUENA PARK DRIVE IN "WRONG 18 RIGHT" fllw Uncol~t~407o "'0" 11TUNNELYl810N" (R) •• , •• "GOtN' ~THI WAY" (R) ltftCOlft ,. •• W ... ot ·-·~1-4()70 "l'ORalDDIN WORLD" (R lcoae.-y ~ SUlel l :OI PM UMss OtMrwi• ••ta.t S lliriH4•»•fl6l6~ 255J/~~,) S * FOR Fl.Kil EXCrTEmEml VisrtOur... * . l(lrW=(iGO (JlfltT1tl ~ l'I 12:00 2 :40 1 :20 1:00 • tO:JO I A HAh~A "WRONG 18 RIGHT'' LA HABRA ORIV( IN '11.e ....,,., -iTI.ii.2' ,,...., ..,. "TUNNEL VISION" (R) ---- . '""N'.f ORANGE Ol?IVf IN ... ''· ... !a; .... MISSION DRIVE IN • 0 .... ,,..,,.. "" • ! "• ~ • .. WARNER Dl?IVl IN WOtfter Are Wetl OI .. OCll lt•O M7·Htl ,... "fORllOOIEN WON.O" (R) "DAAGONSLA ,.. "THI ELEPHANT MAN" (PQ) e~s. You'H Like Our Prices ~l· You'D Love Our Food ~.served 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. MON: Bl T Ii AVOCADO SAfl>WICH ........ , ........................ ~ ... : .... 2.75 Serwd ~ f.ce on tout.cS Fr9nCtl bread t~ wtth llllOCado creecenia. lnctudee F19Mh trtee. TIIS: GARDEN PATCH MKEY SArt>WICH .............................. 2.95 Thin llced breMt of tuncey, aYOCedO, Amenc.n C'hMM, ............ a.Wd °"" tloe °".,.,..wheat lw-.d. WED. Ii f.RI: POCKET CHANGE ,, PM8 breed ~ atuftld wfth 19nUC:., t°"*O• .n'"8 aprouta .wet with mbllld fnlft. "I httt Mond1y1." _, by Brad Anderson Dt:~~IS THt: MEN"Ci;: ·- '/' ~'7Mi~ "I'm worried! He's taking the punishment before I discover the crime!" G:\Rt'lt:l.D -----'? THE MAN I-IA& NEVER OEEN IN Tf(()Uet.E ee~e ' 1-{E I-IA& A 51CK WIFE AND 'THREE KID!> e.ACK IN 11 .. LINOI&' HE A'fleMP'T'E TI¥.1 Fl~ HOlDlJP eECAUSE HE WAS OE&PEAATE' ! COUlD 5EE IT IN HI& EYE&. &AM' ... F~ EX.AMPLE, MOW MANY D/4YS BEFORE" ~ISOUT? I ~ l l SLUGGO CLAIMS HE's GOING TO WIN THE BUBBLE GUM CONTEST I lnl'i tt4DE.R5TAND ... by Ernie Bushmiller ,,, byGusAmola •10LOVE, CNP~ LIVl!- TO LIVE,. U41EMUST EAT 11ERE 'ARE ·" Read all today's news, every day Local, county, state, national and · I International events, cbme to your doorstep In the bri~ht, ligh and .li- vely Daily Pilot. (i5) Keep an eye on ~local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commis- sion, school and t. , . college districts anq, county government. · -. • . 'AEASOns Wl1Y. • • } J1i_ Follow your team '-r/ The sports . actio~ at 15 Orange Coast high schools,. three community co1- leges; UC Irvine ·and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep· up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! ' B Save money and· .. · ~ shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day ·ln the Daily Pilot._ Because the ads are from .. firms in this area, you save time, effort and "'.'Oney. Enjoy your gSunday \EJ Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style'~ section and fea-: tures about you highlight the inter- esting reading packaged ·1n your \ FAAttt..y Sunday Dally P11ot. weckL Enough to read - and enjoy. 1J-TUne in to the 1 latest TV logs The latest, most accurate . televi- s i o.n guide is published each weekday i~ the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-.to-.flnd format. : I I .I i : J • . : . ~ I . : : : I• HUSTLE PLAY -Don Baylor slides into home creating a cloud of dust and carrying the Angels' first run Sunday. Baylor scored all the way from second on an infield single by Doug DeCinces in the fourth Inning, beating the throw DllJ .... ,__ llf ....... OO'D,,_a _. from Cleveland first baseman Mike Hargrove to catcher Ron Hassey. Angela completed four-game sweep of Tribe with 3-0 vk:tory behind the four-hit pitching of Ken Forsch. Mets not laughing at Dodger.s NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Mets had every right to ~h at the world champion Los Angeles aers after the leOOnd biggest inning in the team's 21~year history. They knew hetter, though. Joel Y oungb).ood and Hubie· Brook.a led off the ai.xth with singles before Bailor drove in Youngblood with a aingle to center. Dodger errora in the sixlh, homered for Los Angeles, Bob Bailor knocked in three runs during a nine-run, sixth inning Sunday as the Mets pounded the Dodgers 13-4 in a game spiced with Do<'!ger mistakes and miacues. Bailor delivered a bases-loaded single in his second at bat, 1COring George Foster and Dave Kingman. Youngblood aJao 9COOted home on the play when riRht-flelder Rick Monday's throw got away from catcher Mike Scloecia. New York starter Mike Scott, who railed his record to 3-2 and also drove in a pair of runs, was the winner, pitching seven inningB and giving up four runs. juat tWo earned. Ed Lynch and Jesse Orosco mopped up with one inning o( work each. Mets batting coach Jim Frey said he wished the team could space out its bttaka. The big inning, in which 13 Mets went to the p14tte against Jerry Reuss, 4-3, and Alejandro Pena was anything but a power display. The Mets collected six singles, but combined the hits with three walks, a bases-loaded balk by Pena and three Dodgers errors. Bailor. who has been used at eeveral different positions by New York over the last two years. said everything went right for the Mets, adding "I was just lucky." The Meta' biggest inning came on June 12, 1979 when they acored 10 runs against the Cincinnati Reds. Ironically, that outburst also came in the sixth inninl(. "In 8o many games this season, we've been hopl.Jlg for any little break. Then today we get five or six in a row, infield hits, bloop smgles, their errors. When it gets like that, it continues and everything went our way." "It's not anything you can laugh at because it's not physical," said Mookie Wilson of the big innin~. "That's just something that happens. Its like cooking a meal, and one day everything comes out right, and the next day everyth.iJ:lc bu.ms. You don't laugh because it could happen to you.'' The Mets' four-game series with the Dodgers drew a total of 131,070 fans, the lirat time in al.most two years the team surpassed the 100,000 mark. The Mets took a 2-0 lead in the first inning on George Foster's RBI double and a sacrifice Oy by Kingman. They extended the margin to 4-0 in the fourth on RBI singles by Tom V~r and Scott. Cey'a homer and Derrell TboQlas' run-scoring grounder in the fifth cut the lead to 4-2 before New York's big inning. Ron Cey, who committed one of the , Rookie decides 194 mph is not enough Fillip could have qualified at Indy," but gambles that he'll go faster Saturday INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Rookie Chet Fillip, a gambling Texan, has one more tfu'ow of the dice and will step tb the table for the final roll next weekend in his bid to land a spot i11 the Indianapolis 500-mHe race. Fillip, 25, could have earned a aafe berth in the 33-car lineup on Saturday, but he called off his first attempt to qualify after two Jape at more than 196 mph. He gambled he .could go faster. He took another tty Sunday but averaged barely over 194 for three laps. So he wheeled his Coaworth-powered Wildcat off the lndi.anapois Motor Speedway ~k, ataJU.na his fortune on one more chance at the line. "We set our llinit on 194 and a half, and, all we ran wu 194," aaid FilliJt. one of only five drivers to make official atteropts to qualify on Sunday. Two of them succeeded, Geoff Brabham and Dennis Firestone, raising the number of qualifiers to 22 going into next Saturday'• third round of time trials. "We decided we had to stick to our limit," said Fillip, explaining why he called oU the attempt that would have given him a \entaUve start from the middle of the etahth .row' tn th'e May 30 race. "We thought we could come out later in the day, when it waa cooler, and run a little faster." It was nearly five hours after Fillip's attempt before the next try, by Brabham, was made. Then. by the time it got cooler, a ra.inlhower was on the way, and officials closed the track five minutes before the 7 p.m., EIYr. scheduled finish. - "'nle car is n.uvUng good •• l8id. Fillip. a native of Oz.ona, Texas, and a veteran of supennodifled and late model NCing on both dirt and aaphalt surfaces since 1976. "I ran a 196.9 in practice, and (in deciding the 194.5 limit for qualifying) we went by what we figured everybody else would run. A lot of other cars could go 194 or faster." Fillip put in about 100 laps of practice during a rookie orientation program at the Speedway last month. "I couldn't believe how big it was," he 18.id of the mammoth Speedway complex and its treacherous 2~-mile track.. "All I had ever run on was abort tracks. But I'm comfortable driving on It now. I guess that rookie aesaion really helped." Brabham, 30, earned a tentative stFt on the outside of the seventh row with hia successful attempt at 198.906 mph,....h was his aecond try. ' Lewis 'has records in mind UC Irvine product S~e Scott captured the featured n\ile run in 3:52.68, rallying with an excellent 52.2-eecond final Jap. Don Paige waa • eecond with a penonal-best ti.me of 3:SU9. Scott said he anticipated a slower pace in the mile but waa pleMed wlth tbe resulta. "Nobody rMlly wanted to rt.in tut ... " he uld. • I wanted-to experiment and eee hoW my kick 1J at thJa time of tht ,..r. 1 ftelly felt ~ that I c:ould kick tbe lut ~ a1 falt or futet than Plla'e. runs over Brabham, eon of former world driving champion Jack Brabham, finished fifth in his rookie race at Indy a year ago. Firestone, 37, grabbed the lnaide of the eighth row, the 22nd qualifying pmition. ~.IOBNSEY~O ~ ~= •· the Angel playet1 decided to formulate a pool on the ne¥t tlme Fred L)'nJl would. hit a home run. After all. lt bad been more than a year - May 1, 1981 to be ex.cf -a1nce the outllelder had laat flexed hJa mU.Cles. Almoet every player cm 1the Angela' roster participated, betting -~ per number (1-31. which represented the number of clays in a month). Even Lynn himlelf joined ln the testivtUes, anteing $10 for a couple of chancel. Lynn didn't win tfle pool (Don Baylor did), but the left-hander didn't aeem to mind as he ended h1a drought in the eighth inning Sunday by smashing a John Denny curveball over the 370'4lp in left center. '1 wu watching it the whole way to make sure it went out," kidded Lynn of h1a blast which provided the Angela with their final run in a 3-0 victory over the Cleveland Indiana before a crowd of 27,05'4 at Anaheim Stadium. IT'S BEEN pretty frustrating," he added in a more llerioua tone. "rm not the kind of guy who is known for hitting home runa, but I had a courle of pretty good years when was with Boston ... Lynn came into this &ealOn - his second with the Angels and ninth overall -with an average of 16 homers a year. His most productive seuon was 1979 when he hit 39. Hia worst was during the strike-torn 1981 campaign when he hit but five. ''I thought about it a lot more th.an I wanted to, and that didn't help matters either," Lynn continued. "I'd think about it at the ball park; I'd th1nk about it al home; rd even think about It if I was feeding the fish. "Eventually, I started trying to hit home runs and that was the wonrt thing I could have done. I ...wasn't even th1.nJd.ng about It today when I hit Denny. He just gave me a breaking ball and I wanted to go with the pitch. "l was in shock and utter disbelief when it went over. You would think I'd forget what circling the bases was like. But I would do it during batting pracdce just to make sure I remembered." LYNN'S HOMER came 'One out after Reggie Jacbon hlt his fifth home nm of the year over the fence in center field. JackAOn'• eolo ahot pve him hi.a l,300th ~r RBI and al9o allowed hlm'to k~p a promlle he made to Angela owner Oene Autry earlier in the day. "I told Mr. Autry I'd ~ to hit one for hhr\ today," said Jaclalon, who pointed toward A&4try'1 box I was in shock and utler disbelief when it went over. -,Nd LJNI after crossing the plate as if to say, ''That one's for yoo." "Plus I knew it waa my 1,300 RBI." The home runs by Jackson and Lynn gave Ken Forsch some breathing room, something he hasn't been used to recently. Forsch, who evened his ra'Ord at 3-3 with the victory, had been supported by hi.a teammates with only 11 runs in che sue sames he either lost or had no decision. "Forsch pitched real well," complimented Jackson. "In fact, he's pitched real well for us all year, we just have n 't been 800ring many runs for him." Forsch got his first run of the game in the fourth inning when Baylor singled, went to aecond on a walk to Lynn and scored on an infield hit by Doug DeCinces. Baylor, with a full count and two out, was rUnning all the way when DeClnces hit a hig"- chopper oft the pta\e lbat Denny . fielded and threw to first too ta'te. The throw from Cleveland first baseman Mike Hargrove to catcher Ron Hassey was too late, too, in trying to get the hustlin' Baylor. PLUMER BREAKS NATIONAL MARK LOS ANGELES -University High 's P olly Plume r set a national h1gh school record in the women's mile run Sunday at the UCLA-Pepsi Invitational at UCLA, clocking 4:35.24. Plumer, who finished seventh in the raoe, wiped out the old record hy over five !8:0nds. The winner of the race was Cmdy Bremser with a time of 4:29.21, the best in the world this year. Another area runner, Rennie Durand of Laguna Beach High, placed seventh in the 800-meter run in 2:07.46. • - •• ·: , I• . I' I fj Quote of. the day • 0 You couldn't buy thil rtna from me for ,r• *2 millicn," •ya Lee Duodler of hla 19M WOl'ld Series ri.q when he manapd the New York <:;fant1 to the world clwnp6cmahip, "When I w~ a kid, my goall were tint to play ~ then f10 to the majDn, ~y on a winninl temn and finally mauee ~ World Series champion. ThfJ ring fu}fWi my !alt ambition." TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: No events echeduled. JORT WORTH, TUM <AP>-J .. II b.clL Jeck Nlcklaul. the mGI& ......... .,_ in · the pilt two decadll, ,~· ~ GliY ,... 1i. .. ·ftnt tou.rMment llnce 1880 ~. bul hi did tt ID ttyle on "Hoon'• ~·" w~ he Wll o;.i..-. Nk:lclaua a dutch btrdlit on the ltth hole, wh!.i. Andy North crumbl.s Pt biblDd blin 1n a drama de 2-ttroke lwinl· Nkklaul ec r 1IMI home with a 3-under-pu 87 to wtn h.11 ftnt OJootet NaUonal Invitation by 3shots,h.11tintW:tory1n 10 montha Nicklaus walked lnto the pr!!' room and quipped, "Well, it's been about a MJ(·hour 9'nce I 1ut won. • ... rm df!llahted. The feellna to haw ~ ap1n la ~ . . 7. I can't •Y I ~·t: enjoy lt. 'Ibey (the wine) can get., far apart you..foraet bow much f\ln Jt la." Whitworth: sets mark ATLANTA (AP) -"Winnlnl a m.anb« of tournament. h.u never been a majol'$« me," Kathy Whitworth said Sunday, alter the Lad.lel Profeaaional Golf A.adatkln foe victories. Whitworth had a closin1 2-under-par 70 Sunday to capture the $150,000 Lady Michelob aolf tournament with a 9-under-par 207 total. It was the 83rd triumph of htt career, one betier than the record held by Mickey Wn,ht, one of women'• golf's all-time top atan. "I gue. lt just means I've been able to play a ---~--------------------------------------------------.1.''long time," Whitworth said. •1 MORC sailors await regatta UC-I . grabs op~ner Midget Ocean Racint Cius aailon from throughout the West are tunina their 30 feet and under yachta for the first MORC International Regatta at Marina del Rey in August. More than 100 MORC skippers and crew. turned out Friday night at Newport Harbor Yacht Club to hear two top deslgnen tell about their lates.l MORC creations. Al10 on hand was Glenn· Reed of Newport Beach. I chief me~r, to explain the MORC meuuiement rule. The meettna WU aJTanged by MORC Station 77 of Dana Point , and Newport Beach wltb Commodore Ed Cumming• of Dana Point~ The designers on hand were Bob Evelyn of Connecticut and Bruce Marek, San Diego. Also present was Chris Lee of Califomia Yacht Cub, Marina del Rey, to deail plans f()( the International Regatta being held for the first time on the West Coaft. Ui&llid about 300 entriel were expected in the championahlp regatta, many of them ·wtth the latest designs under the MORC measwement rule. MORC ba1 become increaaingly popular on the West Coast during the past three years with several yacht clubs dedi~ting trophies for 1pecial • events and others including MORC in regular regattas. MONROE. La. -The UC Irvine tennis team opened play in the National lnd~endent Tournament here on a high note, dumping North Tex.u State in a quarterfinal r ound match Sunday, 6-3. I EntoUr~ge piloted to victory NHYC this year rededicated lta Corkett Trophy for a five-nice series sailed in the ocean oft Newport Beach. Loa An1ele1 Yacht Club has rededicated its Little Whitney Trophy e>(C}usively to MORC. The Anteater• displayed strong form in the ainglel. losing only one of six matchups. PCAA player of the year Jim Snyder continued hia outstanding play by beating North Texas State's Davie Samuel.a in straight aeta, while Eric Quade lost only two games in beating hJs foe, Luciano Cuneo. Entour-ae, erred by Matt WU.On, Seal Yacht Club, was the Perfonnance Handicap Racin8 Fleet Class .A winner :in Huntington Harbour Yacht Club's inausural Bolaa Chica SerieJI race Sunday. The race drew 38 entries in five cWiees. The 15-mile CIOW'8e took the fleet around the L.A entrance buoy and baok to Huntingtan ff.arbour. • x I Hamlin, crew win LOS ANGELES -Howard Hamlin from Newport Yacht Club, wlth Jon Andron, St. Francis Yacht Club as crew won Los Angeles Yacht Club's Macho Regatta 1or the 5-0-5 Class Swlday. The win qualifiecf-tbesn . for the WOl'ld Qbampionship fee the claas later in the year. Other qualifiers were Tom Poore, Palo Alto Yacht Club, and Jack Gilmour, Richmond Yacht Club. Winner in Clan B wai Seranata. Dave Rustigian, Seal Beech Yacht Cub. In the ~ clUles the winner in the Catalina-30 Clall was Chocolate 0 , Herb Halling, Seal Beach Yacht Club; Don Granger's Serendipity, Alamitoe Bey \>acht Club WU the winner in the Catalina-27 Clua, and Flair, skippered by Charles Brunner. ABYC wu tbe Cal-20 winner. Trophy wtnnen in all ch n · P'HAF...\ -1. £neounee, Mitt Wlloll ..... ~ v.-Qub; 2 • .,,..,.., Al ~Iberg. Allmlloe llry Yedlt Qub; 3. Coen, M ~. S1 BYC. f'tW-8 -1. a...... ~ "'9etalln. 81 IYC; 2. SeMdlef, Rot> Olllbr. ~IYC; 3. ~.Al'*-. W. CO. Y8ICllll ~ CATALINA40 - 1. OtlOCIClllllt Q, ttert1 ~ 81 IYC; a. ~-... Ud&lll •ich.~ V~ Yedlt QuD; 3. ~,..._ M1111 Auillft. Huntington Hwbour YecH CM>. CATl-LIHA-27 -1. Serendlplt~ Onnolr. A8YC; 2. Aylng Soot, tc:ietty , S1 lh'C; 3. Top e.n.na. Oeofol ~ HHYC. CAL.-20 -1. Allr, aw.. Br\lnNr, AllYC; 2. Hbl. Hid! Condor. 81 IYC; 3. "-Piion. Dew Elll9, 81 BYC. - In addition to the local .i,atioo., other stations are located at San Diego, Los Angeles, Marina del 1'eY and San Francboo. Cook takes third in Miami race Alao winning for UCI In 1ingle1 were Ed McPhencn. Rob Nel800 and Rubel\ Perczek. Betty C.ook of Newport Beach Nelaori and lllark bmoe la home from Florida atlll teamed up to win foe the clinging to first place In the Ant.eaten in doubles offshore power boat racing In other matcbupa, ~ delpfte a third place second -seeded Long in tbe Bacardi Trophy race Be a ch S ta t e w aa a out of Mia.mi. · winner over Austin Cook~ to tbe finish line Peay; Tulaa knocbd oft after an outdrive in her Murray State; Minne9ota MlcheJob t. nie finilh·~ defeated Nevada-Laa aood fOI' 225 poin'8. Coupled With Ve g a 1 • 400 points for her win in the flnt UCI. top-aeded in the race in New Orleana, thi.I atves tourney, W• tcheduled her a total of 625 potnta to 400 for to faoe '1'ulsa today in the Jerry Jacobl of New Y oriL aemUinals. Long Beach Jacobi won the Bacardi nee in and Minne90ta clash in Ci arette Hawk. the other semi. IRE YOU IUYlll I CIR? WE COllD SAVE YOU AS ·llJCH AS 13111 ON tlGtER PRICm AUTOMOBILES AND CERT AJNL Y HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ~ MOOERATE.Y PRICED CMS. WE WILL 00 YOUR SHOPPING. You can -°"" ,_ office spate. CALL VIRGINIA AT (714) 14Mlll tr 141-1122 _ Y11 C!" stop yu rent fram coq ~. , ........ lnt-notlNst. ~-i;ll rlllt .... aption ti •. .AIRPORT WEST 8U81NE88 PARK 241 FlecMr ftNr Red .... C.M. • Cell Mr. Dnla m-7400 llrokerca...-. Boating Speelal Supplement Coining Wednesday, ' ·May 19 j ... " I t ' t f. J I 1. .(: \• • ... r "f. -t i .1 1 .•l. ·' ,;I ,. ~·~I " • .; . \ ~ . . . . ., . MAJOR LUCIUI ITANoeNol ~DIL=ie . " ..... 5 24 13 .141 21 12 .ae 1 . City " 14 .17t 3 o.Mnd 10 17 .141 4 lleet• 11 22 .421 .... T-10 20 w 1°'4 ..._. 11 27 .. 13'A ........... Bonin 2' 12 .117 o.trOlt 21 1t AM ..._... II II 544 .._ Yortt II 11 4U ......... ,. " .424 ~ 14 , •. 424 T«Ollto 14 20 .412 ~·--­M9ell3.~0 Oefroll 7, ~I CNctioo• ......... 1 KINM Cl1y 15, 8ollon 0 T-2, T«onlo 1, 10 IMlngl OelllMd 7, .._ York 8 I • 1 I • l'A ......_. 15, 8eettll 4 (10 lnl*IQll ,_....... ..... nu. <Mdell 2~1 11 Q11o1go c~ 7-G) • Mew Yotk CErlcklOl'I 4·3) at Kanu• Clty ~~1) Only __ ...... ~t:.:r:-• l ....... Houe1on Sen Fren. H 12 .867 18 15 .145 17 19 .472 15 11 441 II 21 .417 111 21 .4'7 ........ Dt.-... S1. Louie 22 14 .I 11 ~ 19 II .669 ..... York 19 11 .143 ~ II 17 .4e9 Ptnlflurgtl 14 ,. .431 CNctioo 115 20 .421 ............. .... Yortt 11. DMflr'l 4 s.til)legol. ........ 2 =:,.:.i;,~~1 Alllnla I, St toull t CNcego 2. Hol.lltoll I 4 I ... 1 .... l'A 1 .... 2 ~ I I l'it , ......... ca-. AllWlle (W.ik 4-2) et MontNll C"°Ol'I 4-3) Cincinnati ~ 4-1) It .._ Yorti (F=~~lellro1$-3) et '*4llp:'lll CReecl 1-0) Only ~ ICNdl.tlld ,ANQIL NOT•• -Tll• Ana••• fln1llled tlle llome111nd willl • 1-.. recon:l end._ --"of 20 ..... ~In IM2. Thi Atlgllll ..... .. ~wlltl• llt ........ ln .. Anwtcwl L.Mgi.-Well ............ . one gmne 11111 -the <JllclOO W.... Sox •.. FOllowlng.,, °"911 ... todl¥. "" Ang9I .. ,,.., 9lgtlt ---°" .. roed ~ "" II-' In ... Al. e... Thi Ang91 .. '*'1 WM QMlll ........ tl'llrO-~· M~ 8r-.; llWM ~the --OWoll T1glr8; end two ~ .. llnl-iltaol 9ollon Red Sox. '!'he -tlW99...,. ..... Anellelm 81edlum on Ill• ne•t llOmeltMd ~ ............ Mey 27 ... Only two 91111H on Ill• trip .. be ~ -...... -Su11dey from D•lfolt . . Ana•• atl9ndellCI .. up-100.000 '""" ... = ... -.... ·"--............. ""'"' ... ltll • ""1lnO ~ '-"". &-Doelger .......... ,._ ....... llu been moved Into Ille 111rtlno ~ ._ 112·1 ... 14JIO EM. A,..c•• .... MTT1NO .. " " 8enlquea .. • 111 Otten 102 11 3 I ~ 143 23 41 ..,...,. 102 II 2t ~ 147 " 40 8oone 114 I 30 Al.Jilin 106 UI 27 Clatl< 28 s 1 Ao. -=--29 2 7 Fol 121 I 2t Fergueon 21 2 I OeC1r1C1e 121 II 30 IM1eeon 41 4 1 Wllong " 1 ta ~ 4 2 0 T04.lll 1.271 156 Ml ~ ........ o 15 .aoe 2 17 .304 1 11 .287 0 I .284 I 2a .212 0 12 .M3 II II .2157 1 a .2110 o a .241 0 14 .240 0 0 .238 4 15 ,2:S4 0 2 .1M 0 15 .ISS 0 0 ..000 2t 144 ..tit • " • eo •~ 9'A ....... 11'4 13 • 1 t-0 1.04 z..m " .. 12 20 1-1 L07 ,._ 31'h 21 17 St 3-2 t.11 A1nko ~ 30 II 14 S.1 ~12 1<19o11 31 21 17 II 2-0 2.11 Foredl 11 11 11 21 w ura a.nct.aoi. 21 t H 2-o 3.41 Witt 32'h *2 20 11 l·'O l .U CoftMltt IN 21 11 1' M ..... ~ f1 41 It 14 2 .. 4.12 TOClll361'111 :110 130 19t 24-11 2.71 AmNCAM LUCIUI ............... cuvaAae cauelMM . ,..... .., ..... DIM.II 4 0 0 0 DwN1e.M 4 O I 0 Hnwll,11>4010 ~000 Hrl'V.111 a o 1 o c:ar.iiw, 1114 o 1 o Tlntn.dMOOO ~121 ~ aooo tt<lll.r 'oooo ~.c S 0 I 0 lylr,dh 4 1 1 0 Mnnng.cf2 0 I 0 LWM.cl 3 M 1 Pn:int.2b2000 ~4000 DybOd.-2 o o o . Decfte.l!N 0• 1 J CnllcMlh I 0 0 0 Poll.a I u u FecHn,aO 0 0 0 Frg111~ 3 O 0 0 T oc.192t 0 4 0 T ot11132 I I S ~ ..... "'~ 000-0 ~ 000 toO __, • l.-ttefeonte. Ott -C•lllornl• 1. LOI -~ 4, CelllorM f, Hf' -"9.JMMOll(t). l,.wt (I). .. -WllotlO-S -...,_.., C'"*'A ~ M • • • IO DemylU,.1 N : I a I I ..,.. .. 0 0 0 0 ~ f ondl(VitWI I 4 O o a 3 Wtt-'Ottelh. T-2:11. A-27 ...... ""'"'· ,..... Mlnnlaote IOO 001 ooo-t I 1 o.trolt 041 100 10ll-7 1 0 Hawne. a. CMCllO J41. F.-i 1n ti. Davia (II Md LAWMr. '""'**· lops C11. TCIWI tel encl Parrlltl. W -Toblk. 1-0. L -l'ellon, CM. Hfl -Mlle-ta. ~ 1.;°"~i..,~~ ~ (2). '--C2). MerMon C4). A -tt,111. .............. 1 ....... 100 000 000-1 11 I CtllCeigo 000 002 40lt-t I I Lerdl. Bernard Cl). EMlel1y (7). Siiton (7), Auau1t1ne Cl ) end Yo11; Trout, • .,OJH 171 end Hiii, Foley Cl ). W - Trout. $-3, l -l.-c:ft, W. S -llMotM (I). A -21,331. Toronto""="' c:io m;t"' ~ 1 I 0 T-000 000 010 1-2 • 0 Gott, Mol•llG!llln (7) IU. JllGklOl'I (10) end.Witt; li=~b1rwtn It) end 8undberg. W -=2_4-1. L -Ill. '**-'· 2-4. ~ -21.-. ............... ao.to11 ooo ooo 000-0 a 1 ~ aty 120 100 011-e 111 0 OtedlL a. StaNly 12). llurarMlw 17). · Tudor (71 end oeomen; \.eonud; QulHnb•rry Cl l end W1lll'41. w - leot1atd, 4•1. l -OJ.0•, 1~. A -M,at5. A'IJ,Y-*.-t .._ ¥orti 010 010 220-e 10 I o..IMd 210 310 OOll-7 11 a Righetti, Ftuler (4~~., _, ~~=a. =~).W-~3-1.L~ ~. 2-S. S -a-d (3). HR -.._ Yortl, Ao«lw1lon (1). A -41, 137. Oftlllll. ...... 4 ~ 000 110 200 1-1 I 1 a...ite 000 003 010 a-. I 0 ~ 0. Oa\lla (I), T, ...,.._ (7). Stoddard (10) Md Mollln. ~ ~ Perry, Sta11ton C10) .and hlllft9. I -~C1).W-1 ....... 14.L- Perry, 84. ... -...,..,,_, ~ 121. 0..-~A -U04, ~T10NAL LU.GU. ..... 11. Daig1ra 4 Loe AMe&ll ... YO. • ,..... •rll ll Tlllnl,2b S 0 0 I W11n.cf 15 1 2 I Olw¥.11>4 0 0 0 SllN.C 4 2 1 c a.kr,W 4 0 1 0 FIW ,1 4 2 1 I Qwrr,cf 4 0 0 0 Knmn 11> 1 2 0 I MnOy.11 a o o o .,,~1.,1 0 0 < Jo.~1 0 0 0 YflObld,rfl 2 1 I ~.3b 3 2 I 1 llrblb II 1 3 0 S-.c 3 2 2 O 1a1r'.lti 4 2 2 3 ....... 1 0 I 0 VryrtM 3 I 1 I ~ : ~ ~ ~ ... Sctt.p a o 1 2 ._ ~""1000 ~ 0 0 0 0 Lynd\,p O O O O ~::~ ~.p 0000 p~,: : : : T .... M 13 12 10 ..... "' ...... "°'...,...... 000 &Cl 200-• New York 200 208 OOll-13 E -,__.,., MondltY 2, Oey, ltOOQ. Yovne111ooe1. L08 -Lo• Antell• 4, New Ycwtl I. 2tl -Fo91«, 8eker. HR -c91 141. s -"•u11. sF -"u'""· IClngrNin.JohMI-... __.. • """'•ao ""-(l..i-3) II I 7 I 2 2 APww 1 a • :s • 0 1 F«lillr I I 0 0 0 0 POWll' 1 000c01 ._YMI ~~.s-2) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 10 002 ""-p1ta1..o to a....,.. 1n .. 9lfl. ••lk -A Pene. T -2:20. A -S2,M2. ............... 1 San FrM. 010 000 000-1 3 0 11t111a. ioo 021 20x-t 10 o ~. 8lll'r (7). ..... (I) end Mey: ICM-8llCI e. Olu. W -K'IUll-. 3·2. l -Hamm•ker, 2·1. H" -San Frencl1co. Clarll (4). ttllll•d•lplll•, Oamllr fZ), Mani-(4). A -M.1215. ............. , andnn. 020 010 000-S I 0 Ptt1lll9fl 000 010 000-1 7 1 Soto and Trevino; Solo111on, 8-lllnto (9). TelllM Ct) 8llCI Nlclo9I. W -Soto, ll-3. l -~. 1-4. A- 21,M1. .............. San Diego 001 000 007-t \0 2 Monfrallj 100 100 000-2 • 0 l!lcllell>eraar, Deleon (t) •11d T. Kennedy; S•ndereon. Fry=~~ ~~~ltJ.rc'-Fryw, 2·1. Hiii -Sari , Temple!Clll (2). A -'7.1111. .._ .. C..-...1 et. LcM1 ooo 200 ooo-a 1 o MINa IOO 000 OOll-15 t 0 1111111,., l•ltolnt (II. lllncon (II •nd lanchez: Malller llld P-Olle. W -,,,.., k L -...... $-3. Hfl -Sl LOUii. H111C1rtc* (I). A -20,471. C-.1. ..... , Q*'-90 000 200 000-2 I 0 t-...on 000 000 100-1 4 0 llllltlllrd~ eer=I! ~~--= 811C1 Ml*I;. W ~ ~ M . l - s.4.S-........ (4).A-2' ,., 10 , ...... ~:~ •IS CM QM RM,_ n 1111uMO 22 .. I• A11 "2 121 It 4f .fft » .. ,. ..... a2 100 14. ·* 27 • 1 .. .344 11 ....... • 77 1M.aat ., 111 • ., .lat ,, 1M 11 • .n1 SCOREBOARD . ' . ~ MA~~ eMllM,.._ J.Thmoan,"'8.. 30 111 " 41 .. llallor,'NY H M 10 tl5 .Ml ~.Cllt. al 131 11 .. ~1 ,..,_,Monftal • 1n 11 41 .NO Lo.&m1111,sn. II 141 IS 47 .Jlt ~ao tt 111 2t • .m =~ ''· . = ~= g :; ~: ........ ~, •• 830 10I 21 ·14 .ftl5 "-"" 11 111 17 f7 .114 .......... Kln9111an, New York, 11_; Murplly, Atlante, 11; J. TlloeloMll. ~. 10; Hendr1ok, 91. LOl.111, t ; Hoft\M, Allante. •• ......... ~ MlltllftY. Atlan\a, 14: Naw Yotk, ·3 f: Morellltd, Ct\ICaeo. : J . TllOftlp1on. ttll~~ 2t; •· Dlu, Piiied•~ 21: at. Louie. 21. ........ ( ......... ) Sutton, Hou1ton, t ·1: aarenyl, Clnctnnatl, 4-1; "9. .i-. New Yortl, 4-2; ""911, MN Yorti, 4-2; W.ik, AIMii. 4-2; Gerber, Allante, 4·2: Welall, .,.....,.. .. ==·-.... ---FREE.STYLI! -Mike Dunl'91re (Vent'ln). WOMEN'S FREESTYLE -Ore1• .oc.. CLone ...,., MEN'S LOHO DISTANCE -HarWy ~ (DtlN Point) WOMEN'S LOHO DISTAHCe .-~ Smyth CHunUngton 8-11). TRIANGLE MASTERS -Ml'• 1 Mc:Htirwy cs.n ~> WIHOSUAFER -Brad 8clglr (lOno &Mdl) TRIANGLE DIVISIOH IA -Man'• .....,......., .... 00.. {l°"f 9-::llk L.lghtWght Ooug ......., (1.0ftg 8-ilt) Women: Su1le Smylll {Hunt1na1on 8-:tll. TRIANGLE DIVISION 8 -Men'• ,_..,Mllahl: Cai1 Eber1y (long ...,.); M1n'1 Oa111we1a111 : Jim J)utour C"'**•t. w-: UncM JIN> (SM ). TRIANGLE DIVISION 2A -Man'a "-twelgllt· .. Aog9r'I (Long a..dl); Men • llglltwelalll1 Eric Krltlt (San Diego); W-: LOlt Lambert (L0no '*!"). OMdulgn~ <---=.::~ C..) ETCHELLS-22 ( 11) -1. ttr-. Aldl I~ na CV~ Ylclll aulll; 2. S!Ty, Don a.-(!Mwpo11 Harbor Yac111 Olubl: 3 81rene, Art ~Teer Munroe {NMVC). SAHTAHA·20 (t) -I. DI )aw.,,.,. Sci-" (NHYC); 2. ~. J9ft Gould ("i~LE (7) -1. Sailli-~ tot> Van'T Al9I C8YC): 2. ~ • TN*, 8rum 0-(a.tlel6ctl a., YMtlt Clilll>). sou.a (7) -1 ....... ~ Ortti IBYC); 2. S;in, ~ (MHYC). NAae ......... ............. r L9'UW"" 2 10 11 1t It • 11 12 11 .47 a 4 t I I 2t I t t 17 t 11 ._.. ........ A. La fl ... 1 a 11 11 T.,...., 4 • 13 " TlAla I t 14 17 ..... t tta17 ...... ........ 1t • 12 • 14 It 11 ... a. °"'° • • "" 10 12 .. v.--4 I 12 11 10 II ~ 4 , 10 10 • ., San"-4 4 10 11 • ., .,....,... • a 11 15 1 1,1 .... 2 • 11 115 • ; ... .., ....... '°'1lllnd 2, T.,.... 9-1 Csot TOf'CIMO 2, MomNilt 1 4'°' nAlil I, larl DllOO 1 ,_,._.' "911LllllJoeaO ' .............. OOt111C1 a, ClllDleO 1 ~l.V-2(80) , ................ ~_,.,,........., ..,,. Mell. OM..Jnk Thet 00. " Cl'lnoey) -.eo 4.tO S.tO wt1ata .... s:;:'PI uo 15.40 ~ "-' -111)11) 15.00 ... Alto l1I09d: ..._ n.. .....-i a.-i. Vlato, Strawberry Stick, Dr. Leura, Aaalnlla.c-. nrN: 1:M 215. • ii"U.CTA (1•2) l*d 1121.00. ...:::.::~ uo uo ~ ~:::.·-.. l.20 4.10 r~, ~ uo Allo,..~---~eo.t . -- ~ca ~--~111 L.-.. ,,., -"'*"'° 101 ~ , .... AMDMa.10I ~ ,., 1111Aneof91n o.-.. •-u:.L.ca1 1c. ..... 111, ..... ., bltls" Ptllf 1$hls 111\ 9GMClll 111 PM r ·wtt .,....11 , ........... Pllllld•I=· 11', •oeton U l"fllld&\::. ,-;:-~ '" I ........... J ,.....,.._ .._. .. ·Wk\aor_,, Ptllf r}r ,;s .. , 1 • • r » , .. ...:=:.-~-:-.,, .......... ,,_ ...,_.. dlf: ,_, •McN-•Wlm•'*nr.,, M. 1-1. •1.0~.9'-:-..... T-tlmld-P ......... def. Md«• Jar'Yd Hw --~ f.f, W IOC .................... , .. Tllllla, oedla.) ...... ...... Sl*lrfto ..... dlll. Jcftn Sedl1 • 7-1. , .. ~wine 1211.~ 8adr1 ...... ,.~ ..... llan S111ltll·Boll Lub def R-T-·Dldl Stoelllon, 7-1, •1. 6-3 (Smllll, Lut1 1pllt 11,000 Tanner, 81cckton 11P11 M.000). ...... toumMwftt {Ma-......N.C.) ............ J11m1 F111o1 def. 8llarwood si..wan. 1_.~ (Nol w1n1 se.ooo. Si.wart w1n1 '3.uw). a..... ..... ~·Frew Mc:Mlllrl dll. Aloi-Gett Coombe•, 2·1, 7·1. 1-4 (Slewar1, MdMllafl ... 14.000). Gunn Wortd 111a..1Wn1w•1111111e1 .. 111n•t <••-..--> ................ VllllY Amltlr'll dlf. 8Mdy ...,., • 3-1 ( ........ ~.,.., ~,. llfl Mk ... Atrvtltej WIM '30,000 Ml,.., wlnl 1 115,000). ..................... llr1an T ..OW-Mar11 Edllloi ldlorl def AmrllreJ-M•,.., by default (TllCMr, Edmondeon : 110,000. Amrllref, ........~ .. i.;.i.. ..... Tracy Aulllln def. ic.thy Jorden, 8-3, 8-1 ,,_.In ..... l30,000. Jorden ...,,. •11.000). ._ .. a...... ..... ~-8'w'-dlt.~ Men, 7-S. M . ~. 8lww. 9'* 110.000). ...... ............. , .. ...._,...,, Vllu Ge~111'r!111':":11. Slelen lllra 111 .~ • .......,._ -o...... ..... AdrtlllO PlllMtM>llolcl Bartoluccl def 1'-y Oialftfftllv .. fony Olamrnatve . 7-1 ... 1 awtee Women'a ~11 {M '"1:;..h.::11wid) Chrl1 Ewert Lloyd def Andre• r--n. e-o. 6-3. ~ , ......... La., o.w ... ... UClrllflllel. .... T-kl ....... ~ (UCI) dll &em.w. M . 8-2, Quede CUCI) def Cuneo, 1-Q, 1·2. ....,.,,.._, (UCll oat. ROia. M . 4-1. M ; Neleon (UCf) dll. Bedler, •2. 3-1, 7.t, JlmNI (HTS) def • ...,._, S-2, S-2. ~ (UCI) 09#. Dllgl&do, 1-3. 1-3 0.-... S emmel-Cun•• CNTS) 011. ""'°"'..Quede,M,M;N9ecw~ (UCf) dll. ~ .... w . 1-2; llecke,.D•lgedo CNT 81 del. ~ ..... ~,W.4-1.W • OtNr --TIAM 7, Mun9r Stall 2, Mlnneectl 7, ~ Vegaa2; Lona '9-:fl S~OI:.::-" '"-Y I; USF $", Nor9lealt . 4. >•• JUI -'* --- WU -----------.,, -----_, ------... - , ......... ...,. AM r.., ...... ~lted In tflle n~ II tub· =tl\9 ~., •• ,.,, Act of 1 "8 wtllCfl mek" t =to adver· tlM "MY , 111'111- tatlon or dltcrlm nation be* on rece, cotor. rel!· tloft, ... Of natlonel orl· gtn, or any Intention to mtk• eny tuch preteren-c e. !Imitation or ~.·· . ,.,. TmFl&Yl In thll lltge, ~ 4 Bdrm pool home with epe, In Corona def Marl Belt buy In the ...... not anotl'I« Ilk• It • .Muume 1 It. OM* wtll carry t)a.. lence at low rate. Cell .tQd•y1 64&-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS IDlftmCll INll./111 OutltMdlng value In ttw. lrl4wil home on ~ uc. Overalzed lot, F.R. w/frptc. owner wlll 111111 with financing. A greet buy •t 1 239.000. 751~111 THE REAL ESTATERS ---- = ,_ ..... = UMINE : No quellfylng. Full price -119. t t t , low lnter11t loin, at 11044 pet mo. tu• Pride of ownerahlp 3 :: Bdrm 2 beth. lerge ::: counttY kltch9n, OOYW9d =~ =.'°0:::1 = = ti• ffnenclng. Aatllng 1150. -000. Cal 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS ac.ui & jetty vte~ room.. Wtm. a bath, 3700 eq.fl $1 .38~.ooo. Oceanfront. u.111.1 ... ·Fri.roe Udo Nord bayfront. ~ bdrm, 5 ~ bath. Lee L.R., 2 boet tlipe $1,lli00,000. feemodel4d s bdrm, 2 bath + tarse rec. nn. bMln ~llnp. tunUl.hed, petiOI. $420,000. &.ml Ill.I '°""' Laaoon view irom e bdlTl1+ ~ bel.h, playroom, dar'K nn, den, Boat ellp. •t.360,000. IATSllE COVI SpecUICUlar bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boet ells-.1.900,000. . COIDJlllD CITS Coronado laland cu.at bayfront lot. 85' boet dock. Plana avail. $42~.000 w/wma. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR l l B.-y.,.d .. Or •• '• ~ bl~ b:t:.1 \ I'll\'''"" of flJrbrlf' lnH ... lmt'nt fo TR,\OI TI<)\, \l RL\1 1) l { ,I ..... • ,.. .... - -l!llL ~·~·l ,.,,,.,,., ..... -~ .. ,.. ~i' ::V-iiii, ......,.. ·.,.'t; . II ,~ :.11!· ~ "'"=·SE., ~,-:~. 4040 w. OhlHI... ,,.~.=.-.......... ... .... ~ ..... Oii 0-..J TM9fll":~..!! .... lfflfft ~iftlatllt to Oot4 ti MM TO ~UI I 111 t I A 11 •.t. 0 A t I? 0 4 ._..-.: .... ~ ~ .. 11Mc1 ,_ •Uln,_ rWMI -,,... TNlll ~I, 1111, • .. , MTtllOT ~ MloflaOI I, "OOC11, IHI Oell• -,,.0 lltOD 00-ANY , ... l!Wtll "'--....... ,.,....... """1· It 0tM ef TNOt ,.._._. 111M * M 11'1 MC* lllCll, 11111 ..OTICI 11 HIMIV ONIN THAT -NO. ... fOrnll ... Colll ...... CA tltH loutll "llotleY ltttot, '.O. loa ~HMrlnll tot llOlll ,_, 1111.a ~Mt '\:f• 11 IMI ......... Qiii6i4~1111htofftlt T~POUNTA'" YALLIY ICHOOI. NOTIClll HINIYQIYINTHAT Thie IMilleM lloondUO!ed tty II\ .. ,.., ... Ml.OA'fm· .. 100rtt.fon~ .... 11. •.=:-111.-'Z. -:·.: .. a:r:.fB\ ~ :.=~:.. ..... ~Ahi:.·:: b\IT~?e'ri~ d~~~;~~ ~~ ~Mlohaol WOOdl w-=·-=c1 ..::"" ::.:.~"'~~=' lyRtter41n olqtanu.. A II ~ ~loro•r-=~IJll'lll0Mt' lollowl11troeltfOl*IYllWlllflOIM TNl ........... llled..... ......L ...... _._.... ltlllfl• CMo Colll.,, •.:1~ CA "Y·,.... ttCllhrftla ....._ ....., IMft tflCI AlllA w YNI.' '"" 'I ol•llNOl'll• 11 W1tdl1w ~ lllM' llillOl'Oom IMlfPoNO' County an ot 0r.,. ~ on Ortwo. arw.. OA ..... ~ to""'* i.. ttil TtltMDWWt l'MNKLIN• llY .loflll.!}r ~ ~ 1¥0frfl J, tllllto wo1HA. WILL llLL' AT ... ,_. 11 ttt1 ,......, II• (t> 01111room1111d on•(1) ~I, 111a. ~D • ......._ 111• ,,_. ht1rfno It lor tho 11111rpoto ol lllAl!I "A tVl-PMIMLlllt 1111 k~r·., -••IAf,1,..~le WILL 'U UC AUCTION TO MIG .. HT Ort\11, ~ ...._ CeM1om1a. MUltl·~rPo .. rOOf'll at Wardlow ,_,. di UM, 0.-...... CA........ 1llowlnt 1r11l110 olll1tn1 &lie • 1 -......-" " ... _. .-Ill ,...... IMlllW ol IN '°""'alft Vtl/ltly loMol 011tftOt ,... Orw.. HllflllftOlon IMdl, Olllforllll. Hot Mey to, 17. 2', St, ttQ ..,_., ~. M1naotr wllh wrlttt11 or oral •·tr!~ ~fo~tlT'~,\t'~o.: o~o~~.'2 llDDlfl ,0111 CAlt41111·~-.. " Tiit lo~dO; YrullMI Of tllt lolloOl IOOlttcl al ••• , "Cl""' ,11bll1lltd Or1111• c .... Oelly Tiiie ~ ... IU1111.,. 09PO(lllllllY .. trCWIN Ille 011, ~· ~tm (1~9'1-f.1""9 Of~~' IWNI Ufltl .. 1111 .. ) 11 thO nortt' frOfll -..101otH tilt,......_ to In• Tho lo1rcl ti tr11elotl Of lht 20M42 "°'*'I.. llf't1I 0011\flltflll lllcl 111e9t1t10111 ... ..,. If -U..S -In ""' ...._ ao fll Oountv Oourthw, !llGOIOO aOollt under IN *"" ~ 'CMtnlaln Vllley 80hool Oltlrl01 ,.. TNI .w11 nent .. ..., ...,. .. f,"111111110 to po111blt "'"' 01 ~ o"lee• ot =ulll &::' 70Cl.Olllle eor.. Orfw W..'lorQ ...... ., ...ci Ill tM "UOIUUOll 101¥t1lo..,.UltlflOl4ltltl10 In-PWlJC *>TICE CountY ~Cit or...,.~ Clll 0111nue lharlnt l11tlllt111011I oto 111i 1t.9e1 "'"" ':.1~ poretlOn . .....:. ~f'~ ~ ~111'""1a 1'~'=· =,:: or.:;: lttnl. ~lion =:;.u .... :::'~....=1::: == "°"noue ..,..... A,wl • 1• ._.. "f: cu~ ~ 1r111no ..-11o1p11" 1111 .................. C...tot °''"°··'"''• .,~ ~ by It llfldlr~Oood Of TNIOtl tM ,,... .:::r'orm Of= ..... = Of fll lolrd, flleoolullon No IJ-4f, MMll IT~ft~ "'*"'*'Or.,. Cotlt Delly flt. hnlno HOl,102 Of fleu1111• lllOd .. 11111 ~ toeon, OI U.O 7't4-tM-P11 ti Pfot*IY l ltullld In .. Id CouMy llOt lie, .. th111 t11tl"""411 Pot' TM~ monlllly ..... Pit· Tho follo.wl1111lltrtoll 11 Clolno lot, Mey I , 10, 17, M , 1111 IMflftO e11ttt'°"*'l 'llMI..,....._ • o.11~1 1111 ftoht, lltll anct ..._ ~ lo and St ... clRGrltlOd M t aliMllCH>lll Tiit ll'llllll'IW!ll motli:!h ment lot OIO •m Of tht INN 111111 bullMM u . _..... ~ 1llcel )'Mt ttt2-N •• . llO. 11\dnowholdllyhlll'IOet Ootd Paroelt:UnllN0.1•111oWnlllcl IMMPlytNnlfOf~ notbele11tllalll121/monlhP•' CH"IS'SCllll!ATION8,5l7 Writttnoommenlewtllr,..rdto -9"'; of Truat II) tN ~.8"\ltltcl In ._1bect 111 lllit CondOrl*llum Pltn Oclt mi " ldjult.d by 1119 ol1teroom lnCI ~I/month per 14th Stfeot, Hwitlngton IMoll. CA P\aJC *>TICf IN........,_ StwtllO ~~ u.. --~--utd ClollntY lftd luiet ..._.... • r.aOfdtcl on AliOUll H , 1111, In 9U4'l\W ~rioo lnde11 en!Ull .....,. ~'"IMlfPoM room. TM minimum 92141 ~ lflOIACI be ~did eo tllO L .. tt Of frlOt No ...... 11 llllOwf't IOOlt 12120. hOol 311to3H In-rtlllCttCI •t Illa tlld Of th• ..... monlllty .... P•Y"*!I tor tllbH-CH"llTINE 8. JINKINS, 117 hCTmOUtl 9UUIUI Ofllol of tho~ Ofllcer, '7200 --.......... Oout Dally Oii I IMP,..,.. In~,., .. ,, olull¥t.Of Offlc;l1l "4M:Ofdl of Hid porlOd A MOUrlty dtpoolt,,,..," ql*ll perioda may.,. adlull.ci by 1•111 llr•. ~ttngton IMeh. CA MAllll ITA~Nf JwntlOt .. "°'41 •• ""4nl. ~ Piiot. M1w 1', 14.1 , Jww 7, 1Mf tflcl SI Of Mlloe416Ho\lt M.,. In 0ountY ~ PflOt to=· tho Col\111"'°' Ptloe llldoJI 1nnull t2W Tho fOllowlllO l>tflaft• 1te doing '2713. prior to the pUbla "-"II ltn-11 ~og:,of lho County~-of Puotl 2: An unCllvlcltCI 011t N~ ~ lie paid_, ••IOt l9fltOltcl '* 1111 end of ttll w.Ji:U':t"""' le ~Od by 111 l>\ltlnoM M. dllt '°' llH'1hef tnfomlllllon wldl -----------Tiit •lrZtl lcldroH llld Olhtr "*'Y•llt'M {111111) lllltt9M II I ten.In 1ic.nNC1 roal'Ntl o brobr 111 thll ~ ~..!:·.i._ IOOUritto ,J~ may CMIUM Jonlclnl MANAGSM!HT i OUITlll, 332 r"'*' to the tleltlnO • .,._. Oii dlelQllOtlOn K 6f ht 111t WI COl'llll\OI\ In tht ... 11'1..,_t rtQtrd Ind there 9"afl '"110 Cit--r...--...,,... --..--"I• Thie tllltmant lllld wfth lht F0tlll AvonlM. ~te 22, fl 0 Boll the ~ Otflclf of the (:lty of MTW W• ~l*IY deeofibef '7bo~ 11 :::: : crr=:1~:::, ~·: ~:=rn!'~: ~~~~I~: ~':1f::r=:rt: i8: County~ of ~:o. CO\IMy Ofl OO. 'H'::= =· ~*:~ =~ ~T:o ~~ t .. 2 MAm 11'A~ ~ to i-. *' 1111t111 Ave . lld In •~ .too, '•t•• ao to U blddor , .. .,d, llld thtr• ~ .,. no ci. .\9tll ~. 1 .... 2 nevr• s1raec, AP4 e. Laguna 8-h, c1TY OF ttWM T111 tollo111n9 P•,.on 11 doing C:0.11....., Ca ffU1 lnclul!W, ot Mlte*llMOl.lt Mapa, l••l•CI l)fOfOllll 10 1,1" uld c1uc11o11 from 111y IW'OPOlll In de· ,,.._ C1lltornl• t2e~t BY Ntney c. Aowlend ~ea: Tho U'1d•rtlOntCI TrllllH di•· r~ordl 01 H id COl.lllty H tucll 1 .,. elwd b 1119 lltfl'fllnl"O 1111 hlgtlett ,..ponalbl• Publlahed Orange Co11t D•ll"I E Jam•• Murlr, 36 Monaco, City Cleric IHL A890CIATE8/K-COMP .. cl1lm1 anv Habll")' IOf 1ny lnoor· l•rr11 I• Clellnld In lht Ar'ttclM In• r.r~l~d"':ioer ~ftht ,oJ11l11 bidder. Pllol, May 10, 17, 24, 31, lte2. Newport Belch, Cllllornla 92MO Publlahed Orenga Coall Dally 13 l!lpl111ad1, lrvlne, C1lllornl• roctMM of 1111 tlr .. t lldd(ltl llld llllOd "Dtllnltlol\e" ot thl Doclet .. vair:v School Olllflct (ducilloll Staled propoHI• to ltH• Hid 3048-82 &l•I• of John R. Hatllor. Po PllOt. May 11. 111412. 'I, 12715. • 01 .. COfllMOn dellvn•tlon, II 1ny, tlOrl of Covtnanlt. ~ and C.Ot•, 17210 Otte llrtee. Jountlln PfOl)efty mu11 t>e received by IM 1-----------4111191 Box 1163, Sun Vf/IWy, ldaflo 83353 lta-la 31 ltftlfl Nelaon Loud, Jr., 13 Mowtl htrtln ,....rtctlonl clOlcribed 1n "aub)oct Valley CeUlotlll• 92701 no later C111t91ttd olllcer al tlla Foun111n PU8UC *>TIC£ Hugh 8lu1. 4 North Por1011 ~. lmno, Callfornll 92716. lold .... • 1M "*"-bl.It wt\11· 1o·" blllow (~ "Declet•tlon"~ lhln 2 •00 p"' May 31 1N2 V1llt~ lcl\001 Oletrlcl Educ1t1on South l.8QUl\I Clllfornla 92$71 rtllJC llJTIC( .-Ttlll ~It conCIUcted by 1111 out cownent Ot WWTOn!y, .... Parcel a: h11rnt11t1 .. IVOh 81lor• eoceplln11 911y .;utan Collltr. 17210 OOk lltOlt. Fountain ~~:~~.. Denni• E Clfruth. 7323 Sft¥er, -----------~ INM¥ldutll. 8 .M. Loud, Jr. -:o~i.:~~bf°l.~~j~ ~~t:~~:~ :::::1r0rtl\'.id:.':~1~ff=~ rht.'°J:J~~~·~".'.:.:~~?~e;:. liter The followtng c>ltton It doing ~~~90rlve,'Evergrffn, Colorado <~ Tllll lllltl'Mflt ••• lllod with ti. 1 .... ch8'0ll end ..,,.,_ of lho of tho Oeclll'lltlon under tM lectlon or 'bml~ le lore acceptli1'11 any written bu_.,...,••: John E Otborn, 9403 E Jll'lll-County CIW1l of Orengo County on Trual• IOCI of Ille lnats crMted by '*«llnge In IUClf1 Artlcto ontlUod u '°::::OJ:',,,:-::::~ on:,ed.,.: propollll, ine Clllettlld Olllcer CH MES BY THE SEA. 274 '°" Cwcle North,~. Cole> Aptll 22. 1912. uld Oeed of Truet, to p1y Ille r•· lollow9: .. ~1 end Outlll' Ulllltlll • ....-.. ..... b llMt five 15~1 • "'-" Cll tor or*I bl<lcllllt Air/ per· Pllm•r Cotta Mell. C1llforn11 rlldo 801 t2 • ,.,., m1lnlno prlnclp1I 1um1 of lh• -•-·• " "S ••-... Y •I POI eon wtlO hU h9retofore IUl>mlttod 1 2627 J K1 1 Bick P O 8011 "'14 Publl111ff Orenge COHI Dally nole(I) Hcured by Hid 0.od ol f::u~~I ;d'e~oKh::m.· ~;:.::i-~:,::b!:ei.1:: wrllllll bid may tubmll 1111 OHi bid Cynthia Clemont, 274 P11rne<. Sun va1W:. ld8fl()t1335i1 -r .. Plot, Apfll ff, Mey 3, 10, 17. I~ , Trull 10 wll' It 14 •• 71.20 wllh In-"lngroH, f!gr ... •net Aeoroatlon , quire~ lo t llKl.llO\lhl fOfm ol OJlooodll)Q by et IMll ftvO (~%\per· Ill MIN, Calllornl1 92ei1 Oouglaa 8. Cllmena, P.O Boa ~ 181e:tl21 tlfMllllOf*)n ftOll\ at 11 ~· Alollla" Ind "Ellclualve ANtrlcted 1 • en f I h he ot I c.1ntt111 ntollnt written bid Th• Thi• butlneta 11 conducted by an 1281, Sun V10ey. Idaho 83353 ''-l PmlJC -Olnl Plf IMUm u providtd !fl Mid 0~ Ar .. EaMmenll''. :::· :U ro:.:'~ ::. B~l~d°',,~ "'OIMlt r~bll biddot tnall be •odlvldual John H Kerwin, 3 Burnt Miii ----.....,,_...""..,..'-~---:•IC1)pluecoe11~~1d¥~ Parcel .t: E1Hm1n1111 a1.1oh Truet..:.p y r1qwlrod lo o•ocute lhe form ol ltll ttal~~!;.~:_.th I.he Road. Pluckemln, New J ereo~ 1 ..._. 1111 lmOUlll to -_.wrn .. -. al I•.,. penlculerty let for1h Tho 8-'d of Tru.t ... lhlll !Mlle '""· tueh formll llH here1olor1 • Coun 071178 ·•' Mnnoul ..,._.. lhe time of• with lnter•t. 1n the Ntldl ontltled "EMlmontl" lhe det'"'*-1~ 11 to WlletlMr to bHn 1ppro110CI by tho Board ot County Clerk of OBnge 1Y on Thie bull-It c:ondclctad by l ..... ITA~ The beMAclary under Aid Dood I lhe Deel ••I I C4 t TNll-. AprN 22, 1982· gene<ll P8'1nerthlp. Tho -ol Trw11 11er11oforo ••ecut9'1 •net gondltlon•·~~Clor;_;,trioir~:: 1'ri '°1" u ld ta.c:I Ille• wlUI '°" < 10> The Boerd ot Trust ... antll mall• fU1171 MANAGEMENT EQUITIES B bUllnW ~Miii .,.,_. dc*lg d•llvered lo lh• undortlonod I "81.1r>J1cl to:" below (tho Miiter da1~!':.,i:"~~· the ro-the delormlnelon u to whether to Publl•h•CI Orengl Cout Delly • Calllornla '•' OCeAH IAEED OHtl.OfWN'I wtlt11n Oecl.,ttlon of del1ull end Dtcl1r111on") under the S1ollon 'poul ahould be adct':!11olto: 11aM llld lacllllle• within 11n (10) Piiot, APffl 28. M~ 3. 10, 1fai~2 general 1)1<1ner"11p CENTlfll, 1M IHI 15111 llr .. t, 01m1nd lor Sole, end I wrlllen helidlngl In ouctrArllde entllted • FOUNTAIN VALLEY aotOOL OIS-deya after recelpl of bide E. J-Munv • J Cootll Miil. Clllofnla l2t2t. Notice 01 ~flUll and Election lo follows: "RIOhlt and Dutlle. Utltltllo 1RICT, 17210 OM Str•, Fountain Information concernlno the IJ(O-fta.IC *>TICE This Wi.tnlnl w• rlled with Ille -~, Carteeon v. KoHlr, MOt...Wd--Sell The wndll1lg11ed cauMd Mid llld Coble )'llevf•lon", "Suppor1, V1ll1y CalllOtllll 92708 (714) pOlll lhOuld b• add,.•Hd lo: 0-ly Clerk ot Orenge Counly on low A..,.ue, Qardtn QrO¥I, Calfof. ~~ce of Del1ull 1nd Electlon to Seltl1monl 1nd Encro1chmenl", t•2·M5t Atllntlon. Neoriii Wle· FOUHTAIN VAUEY SCHOOL DIS. ftCTITIOUl IU ... 11 Apr~ 22. 11182 ,. ""121MS. .,..., to be recorded In lhe county "Community Fiellltl .. EaMmenl" llflCI • TRICT, 17210 Olk Slroot. fountlln NA• STATllllNf Publl1hed Oreno• Coal! Dall) • G1ofto JMf1 KoHor, 6601 wo-~·~he ~r~ 11 loceled. end "Dralnege over Community DATED: Mey I . ita2. Valley, C1llfornt1 t2701. (714) The lollowlno p111on 11 doing Pilo1. Aprff 21, May 3. 10. 11. 11112 rtCTITIOUI •-M .amaTA~ The loflowlng petlOfl It dotno ~-SUCCESSFUL AUTO 88.UHO FOR THE 1H0'1, IH lantlaeo ,.. Coela ~.CA t2t2I. J1m .. H. Stoeliwell, t24t0 Ovorbroolt Drive. Reno, Ne¥1da et511. Thie ~ II c:onduCt.o by an ~ ~low Awnut, Oardan OIOYti. Celtor· It. ApfN . , FllCllltlel", FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL 142-H5t. Allon~n: N1oml "fl•· bu"'*8 H : 1849-12 t;'flll 92948. ByBy ~~ ~.:._enstermak• Th• llrHI •ddr ... end olhor DISTRICT lend. ORANGE DRIVE-IN·OAIRY, ------------· f'tCTTnOUS ...... TNI ...,_II bOnlfUCted tty In-.... ....._~~ oommon dlllgnltlon, II Ill)'. (If the BOAAC> OF T1'U8TEE8 DATED· I.lay e. 1N2. 2721 Orange.Off ... Aood. Orange, PtllJC *>11Cl um ITATW dMdUllll~ llld....,.. Aulllortllld--· , •• , propet'ly detcrlbed abcl¥'e l1 .,_ D Wolll FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL CA t2tl7 ------------1 The followlng perlOll I• dotng • c.teton V. Ko111er Publllhld Orange Coall D1"y purported to be: 43 Monlpefller, Cllf1I of j111 Board DISTRICT SANG WOOK LE.E. 2 HlnOI, Ir· ACTTTIOUI ..,.._.. bullr'9le • ~· CMoftaJeM ICohllf Pllol, Mey 10. 17. 24, 1N220t<M2 Newport 8Mctl. Calliomll. l'ubll•h•d Orang• Colll Dally BOAN> OF TRUSTEES vtne. CA 92714. NAME STAn-MT GRABLER EHOINEERJHO. e33 \i, ll* ••1iont W lltcl wtlll lhe __ .,. llnftH' Jf\o und1rtlgn1d TfUllH Clll· Piiot, May 10. 17. 24, 11112. Jllll'lll D. WOlll Thlt butw-II eonducted by an ... ~~Ing peraons lfl do\flg W•t Katella, UnU J. Orange. CA County a.ti of Orenot County on l"-..V ""'""" cJ1lm1 any ll•blllly for 1nv lneor· 3052-12 Clerk of lht Bolfd lndlvld\lal. ..._._ -llate7 b· Apft -1M2. iC.-~-of lhl 11raec lddrell and Publl•"•d Orano• COHI Deity Sang w. L.. PACIFIC DETAIL, 2811 Oii Mar, Wiiiard , ' Greber' 1821 t ,_,. ACTinOUe IUIM.. other COll'llTIOll deeignltlon. "llflY, P\aJC MIJllC( No1, May 10. t7. 24, 1"2 Tllll •111--.1 wu filed wltll the Colt• Mose. CA 112627 Merwry Ort.... w .. tmln1ter. CA PublndOnnfl~DmlYftt. N&maTATDmn "-'*°"' ,....... , -3051-12 eouniy Clertt °' OrenQeCounty on 1tofP:~ysA~~~RB~1~'.TJ4..: t2M3. ' lot. Mey 3, 10, 17, 24, 1112 The......_..,_ .......... are dofnn Seid .... will be made, but with-...,._ -----••• • __ .,. W\TM'C: ~I, 11182 92MI Thie~ le conducted by an 2026-a ~--.,, -~· ..... out CO¥lflMt or _,.,,iy, Ill.Pf... ,...,..,.. --·-·--~ ""'""" f~4 · lndl¥tduel . . l -----------bullnell • H OlOGY A COM or lmpllod, regarding"'"· potHI-On May 27, tl82 •t 11:00 1.m. Publl•h•d Oreno• CoHI Dally J EFFERY (JEFF) JOHN DO· WllWd P. Or1lber rtB.IC *>TICE MOS TEC N • • alon, or eneumbranca, tncludlng Flrat Arn1rlc111 Tiii• lntur1nco lot. May 10, l7, 24, 3t, 11182. NATI, 299 Del Mar. Colle M-. CA Thie atalomenl -Ned wltll the ''------------iMOOORE COMPANY, 2945 Airway 1-. cllalOM and IJl$>OllMI bl the COmc11nY • Ttott ... Of Si.IOCOUOf ACTmOUI .,._.. ~2 92127 County c;.,. of Orenge County on .....-Avenue. COit• ...... Cl. t292t TN91 .. Ind of IM INOtl ~Mtod by Trutt ... 0( 8ubttllutoCI Trvltto, °' --STATW T~ b<J9i-11 conducied by • t;• f'ICTITIOUI IUIMH Commodort 8u1ln111 Ml· llld o..ct of Trull, 10 PIY tho r .. that 01rt1111 Dood of TNM ~ The loflowfng petton II doing PtaJC *>llC( gener• part1*'llhlp Mey 13· lH2 ·-b ..,.,_ STATDm#T c" In ea, Inc . (I Hew Y o r II melnlng pflncjpal eum of the note(I) by ,,.,,,., S. a.ten and eo.not L ~ • 1------------Dennll Smtih Of C4 Olli Tho. lolfowlrlo peraont.,. dolrlo corporallon), 30 Park A ..... Hew NCUIOd by .. ,d 0..d of Tru11 lo Elslen. ano recorded No¥ombor 17, CHALOU LIMITED. 11700 NOnce °" TRUl'ftrl IA&.a Tllll llllemOlll WU riled with the Publl&h41d 241"/' Jun:·~ 1W: ~but!,_ .. : Yorll, N.Y. 10011 wit: 13211,3t4.oo with lnterHt 1081111n1trvmant Ho. 17121, In lt1ch loule111rC1. Suite 100. ..._ .... ..,.... County Cleril of Orange County 911 Piiot. Mey 17• • 1• 2;0$-82 . LARRY'S MARKET, 301 EHi Thia bulinela II eonductlld by a !hereon from January 5, 1H1 A> Book 142.2, Page 810 and re-~ ee.it\, CA 92141. T.&. .... ,,_... ..... Maye. 1962 -Grove A...._, -Orange, Clllfornle corporation. l4 00% per annum u pro¥1Clod In reeorded O.Cember 15, 1181 a1 0. ~ Or&mdlo, •. 11700 T.D. llERVIOE CO.WAHY II~ f1*7a 9261S CommocS«e llullr>MI Mid note(•) plUI COlta end eny Id-lnetrvment no. tl507 In booll 14322 BHell Boulonrd, Suite 100, a~ Trull•• 1111Cler th• Publlshed Orange CoHI Delly Te.I v1n Nguyen. t4M2 8utn· ~.wine~ ¥encet o1Ao908 4 t with 11'1..,..t ~ tM2 of Offlclal ~d• of ~ eeem. CA 11214t. t delcf1bed dOOd onN1t PllOI. Mey 10. 11 24. 31. 11182 r 11am Ctrc.le. lfvlnl. Calltom6192714. Blfnhetd ""'°'• The .,.,...ftci.,y 'unoor Mid o..d Orange County, C11tf0fnla, ind ,,_...,.,..,_II condlldld !'>'I WIU AT PU8UC AUCTION 2098-&2 flCTmoul Wla U&m STATDmJfT Canh Le Ngwyen, 141142 Bum-~ Prelldent. ~ ot Trual htfllofore executed and pureu111110 U\11 Glflejn Notice of 11rn11tc1 porti•IHp TO THE HIGHEST BIDDEA FOR ----------- ' .nam Clrell; ""-· Cllltonv• 92714. Thill tta'-11 -Ned wttll lhe dellvered lo tll• undertlgned 1 Def1ull thereunder recorded l •· G. Loullt Orlildedlo, 111 CASH (peyable at time of .... In ptllJC flOTIC( Tiie lollowlng PlflOll 11 doing ~ .. : Thi• bu1ln1n I• eonduetl•d by County Cllrtl of Orange County on .,r111en Declerallon of defeull and nu•l)I 21, tH2 11 tn11rument No. Tllll 9111-' -t1oC1 wtlll ltlO lewtlll moMY of trle Ufllted Stltlllr--------~~~...,.- 1ndilllduat1 (husband end wife). Mey 3. 1982. Demend tor Sale, 1nCI a wrllten 12.023790 ol Ofllclel Record• of County C11rt1 of °'WIOI County on II f'IOM. tml Md tmer• ~ ~ATI -COf//ltf'c•• ~'?9 THE BARE MINIMUM. 904 17th Str .. 1. Huntington lo1eh. CA t2l48 -1 Tel Van Nguyen ,,...t Notice of o.taull and Election to Hid County. wlll wnCler and pur· Mey 13, t'N2. to •114 flOW hold by It u11der .. Id •• ....--This atetlfTlll'll --fifed with I.he Publlahed Otano• Cou1'D1lly 8el. Tho UllOorligned C**d Mid 11111m to Mid OMd of Truet ... at ~ OeeCI ot Trull In Ill• property '°",... t County Ctorll of Otange County on Ptlol Mey 10. t7. 24, 31. 11112 Holle• of Oelaull end Electlon to pwbllc auction tor cuh, 11wlwl ~ Ofange Coul [)alty twl6lllftlf dMCrlbod; COUWTT °" ~ ~prll 22. 1N2 3041-12 Soll lo be recorded In tlla county money of tho United Slit .. of "'°"Mey 17. 24. 31, JI.-7, ltd TAUSTOR: JEf'fflEY B. BEAVER. CUM18 •HSUAAHCE SOCIETY, Lerl)I J-Coonrod. 804 11'11 Street, Huntington Beach. CA. 112&41. f117111 WMrl the rM1propetty11 toe.led Alnettea. a ceelller'I c:tlldl poyebto 2172-32 a llrlCllO flWI INC., Pallrrt#I, Publlthld oringe co11t Oelly ~ llJTIC( Doto: Mir)' I t982. · ' to Mid TrvttM drawn one 11tMO °' __ .,. llllftnM: BENE,.CIARY: CITY FEDERAL w. Thi• ~ le eondueted by an lndMdull "''Pllol, Apfil 25, Mey 3, 10, t7 11182 REs10£HTIAL EQUITY FINAN-nat1011al b•nll, •••••• Of federal ... _ ""'1\141; SAVINOS a LOAN ASSOCIATIOH, ERNEST c . CA088; WESTERN CIAL Cfedll union, Of 1 1t110 or lec*'ll I oorpcnl6on. MORTGAGE COAPOAATION; lftd Larry Coonrod •• SPINNEY '· EDGAR W. SPINN£Y. l•• 90, s-d away en May n4, Ule.2. Survived by bis 1 wife Helyne B. Spinney, eon iE<tgar W. Spinney, Jr. of Newport Beach, Ca .. daughter Jean KnUch of Los Angel ea,' Ca . 1nd 5 arandchlldren. Memorial servicea will be held 'Tuesday. May 18, 1982 at St. 1Andrew1 Pre1bylerian Chapel, Newpon Beech, Ca. •t 3 :30PM. Paclflc View ,iMortuary direct.on. Ul:H'I' MARVIN A . LICHT, paued aw1y on May 13, , 1982. He la IUIYived by his rda\Chten Jamie E. Kovarik of OhJo. Darcy J:. WbitRt :and Dana /L, of Seal Beech, Ml.JC *>TICE f1C11TIOUI .,._ .. MAMa ITATl.mNT The lollowlng porton 11 doing butlnell •: SCANDIA DOWN SHOP.S" 3333 8rlalol Strffl, Cotti ~H Calolomia 92124 CoM1al Cotnfon Corporetlon, • Calllomll corporlllon. 3333 8tlltol S1ree1. Co111 Me11. Celllornla 92121 Thie ~ le conducted by 1 corpor1llon. . Ca. mother Mn. Re. Licht brother Jerry of Loa Alamos. New Mexi co and 2 uon coatlal Comfort Corpor• grandchildren. Service•· =Snow. · were held on Monday May Thll etewnent wu ftlod wt1h the ;17, 1982 at the Harbor Lawn County Cieri! of Orange County Ofl •Mount Olive Chapel with April 22. 1982. Interment 1ervlce1 :tmmediately following. Servk9 under the cJlrection of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. ~5554. NCmCS "'"""° .. Project~~ tor Bid• for Prop1c1119aCI School LAMldl, 8'd 92.9 Addr-quotation lo: Ml. Joan C. Murphy, Purcf111lno A90111, fountain Vf/lttY 9c;llOOI Dlltrlct, P.O. Bo• H10, 11210 Oak 81reoll Fountllll Valley, OA 127()1, (714 142-1651. llCI .... cs... .... ~ 25, ••• 2:00 j).11\. for u. aov.ntno eo.ro P_.Rlca Olroctor, 8utllllll lor¥lca Publlllled Or111g1 Co11t Dally • Mey to, 11, 1812. • 3047-ta P'ICllllOUI ....... ..... ITA,._, TM loflowl110 Plf'IOll .. dol110 ~-GARWIN & CHAN, ti ltarblnt eowt. ""'*' letell, c.ilfOfllll t2tA. Slrli Sun Chllft, 1t 8tlfbuf11 Court, rtewPOtt loeefl. ColtfOfnl• t2tll Thie buliMll II conCIUctod lby lft~dllf ""' ""' °'*' •Mid Tna1.. 1rt4not end loan IMll*llo• doml-f'ICTlTIOUe M H•ll Aacorded ~ 5, t•1111MV. DOES t ttltougll 20, tnclllollW. De- By Mwy 8 e.n.o,, died "\n 11111 ltllO, II Ille moln -um STA......, No. 3177 Ill Ifie OMcMI Aeoorcll Ill tondllM. AM1111n1 Secretary 1rW1C1 to Rrst Amlr1oen nut tnau-The loflowlne pereon 11 doing tho ollcl Of tho Aeoon111r of 0nnee MO.• 41 • Publlahed Orenge COlll Delly rence Compeny, locaWd at 1 t4 E. ~ -County; l9'd Oood of trwt ..,,.._ OMllR f!' IHOW CAUll Piiot. M~ 10, 17, 24. 1N2. F1f1ll St .. Iii tlle City of Senta Ano. PA 8 HA MARKET AND lhe'tblowtng P'°'*'Y: • -.A..C:. Of' w.f 3044-12 C1Ulornla, ell thatrlght, tlllt end LIQUOR 708 Pacific Coall LotalofTractNo ...... lnh CM'UllCUTMNI~ -----------lnt•tot conwyect to lllcl -held ~ Hunanaton Bledl. City of lrvtne, County of Oranfo, ~ -. ...C llllf by" under ..-S Dood of TNlt In the Nuin1 Al. P. O 8o1' 7M Le State of Celltornl1 ... per m1p TO DEFENDANT, ERNE IT C . property a11ulled In Mid Coun~ Mlrlda., CA toe'73· taeG ~ rooorotd In 8odl 411, f'1l8ll SS'° CA08S: .... D "'AC .. OF YOU end Slett dltcllbod •Lot 40 of . _. 3t~of......_._..._.. YOU,"" ,. n , are llOT1CI °' ~ IAU Trect No. 3125. 11.,_on1 m1p Le HalWa. CA -1• -a al -'d <>ronoo County. hereby ordered to lpeieat Ill tlltle "-Mo . .....-. recorded 1n Booll 130, Pltla 7, 1. t , Tllll bullrlW 11 oonducted by on YOU ARE IH 0£FAlJl..T UHOEft A court In Department "24" et the T.I ..... ~1 Ind tO of MllColllllOOUI Mape. re-lndMdual. Haml Ni DEED OF TRUST DATED JIJ/ly 21, County Courtho1111, 700 CIVIC cordl of °'lflOI COunty. Callfomla. Tllll ..... _. ... nted llitn the 1011. UHlE88 YOU TAKE ACTIOf'I center ~!!!"·!!'ta~ c.1-Tho MNet lddr-. or other c;om.. ,._~ ,.. _ _.._. TO PAOTECT YOUR Pft0rt£ATY. fT "°""' on ...., ~. 1 ........ ··-a..m.. mon dlaioNtJOn of NOid Pfopetly' ........... , Cllttl of OrlflOI """"'"' °" MAY llE SOU> AT A PU8UC SALE. lo 01110 eny legal reuot1 why the 320I ~--Pllol, Coeta ....._ ~ t3• tot2. ,,._ If YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION court 1hould not IHue • Writ Of Callfomll. Heme and addr'OIO of Ille Publlltlod Orange Coall Delly 0 F THE NAT U A E 0 F THE EMCUtlon • ~ tty -""' l>Oneflclll)I 11 whOff roqueet the Piiot, Mey t7 24 31 Juno 7 lte.2 PAOCEEDIHO AGAINST YOU, YOU In Ille 8"11o111on. • 009>' of wtlktl II Nie 11 beltlQ ~od: Plltrlele W. ' ' · 2;72_.2 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. •"ec!Mid to thll Ol'der. A.loo •lte· Aaoadl. 306t Otr'd Aiied, f911t)roofl, t C-, 1rv1ne. CA cMd lwelO II the notloo ,..._ Calllomla nou. onctlonl to 1t1t rtllJC NOTICl "(", l1ttoC eddt.-or~ by 8oe1lol'I eecu1 o1 o. c.llorl'lll abo¥e IJ(operty 1'118)' be obtained by d .. lon1uon I• 1ho11n ebo11e. 110 Code al CM1 ProoodUN. roqiu9tlllg Mme In wr'9n0 trom ltle ..... w a r r In t y 11 g I ¥en a I to I I I DA TEO: Apl ~112. ~ ~O dey'I trom Ille *"IC8 TO ClmWJ'OM ~-or oorroetnoll)." PNlp A. r-•• Inc publlcallon of 11111 notice. °" """' TRlJ 11 • The benelldlly under l9ld Deed Judg9 of IN 81ICI 111e wtM be made without ...._ ..., lnl I* Of Trull by IWIOfl ol • tJnlod'I or 8llPor10f Court CO'/Oftlnt or warranty, npro11 or ..Jo.e-.119M• U.C.C.) defll.llt In the oblfgatlC>ftl ~ '-O:. ~:~:'!;.: oftN.:.,~,:t-'~~°'!==9d~:':::::n•:=.~ ~* , :=-r bllence clue on tho note « not.. blA.,....., II "'*'1 be lnldl on written o.c:Mnllon of Defautt lftd -,........ .._. f19 .._ IOOllr'td by llld Deed of Truet. to pereo111I property htroln11tor o.m.nct fOf ..... Md wrttton notice a.........., CA_. llll: 13,tt0.40, pl111 Ille followff\o Ollalltd. of breed! and of -.ctlon to cei.-(ttl) ~ IOllmetod OOIU1 •llPMMI *'° .. ,.,. !WM and bullrlW llddr.-Ill• undor11911•d to Hit U ICI ~ ~7 ,.~"'°"!!.Delly Pt- Tllll .a.iemem ... tied w1e1 v. Cown1y ~ of Orange~ on May 13. 1912. ,,_ Publlllled Orange COlll D.ily Plot. MllY 17, 24, 3t, June 7, 1982 2116-12. .......,, STATDENT Of' MAMDOllMENT OI' UM Of' ACTITIOUa au.....N&m Tht lollowlng p1r1on1 have aOondonod Ille -of l"9 fteliUOUI bu1lneu name BREA CAHYOt!' MOBILE ESTATES M 1521 E. 17th Sttwt. Santa Ana.CA 92701 The ne11tlou1 bulllneu name , .. ..,,_, to above -filed In County on June 21, 1975. 1 MoC>16e F inanclll, 1nC • 11121 E 17111 Slfoot. Santi Ana. CA 112701 Tlva ~ -QOnduc1ed by. Limited Partner.nip. RIC:l\lrd SlmOnlan Ya Pr..idant This 1ta1emen1 waa Ned Mth the CouMy Cllrto ol Orengo County on Aprll It, 1"12 er.-.n Publlllled Orenge eou. Delly Piiot, April 21. Mey 3. 10, 17, 111412 t~ -II the time of tM 1111111.i pu.. d IM lntlnded tr..-ot Ill: Ill T• orooar1Y to Mtllfy Mid oblQdOI-. lot, Mey., 1,,. t , ...... 1-. 1»11cauo11of11111 Noll~• of 1111: Kiii\, SIN: H0·27·H04, 3080 end tlleroottor tho undtt1l911ed 202e-a --==----------.....,_. on .v+•w •to; ,_ Jotww 1n11t, COiia Mita. COii. c:a-.ct Mid noca of bl'Willl end of rtllJC *>TIC( ~C<*li:l72t.JO. ... ...-..tobe ..... dod.l-*Y11. MOTIC9 TO WWW MU OWNlll The:::~ bWtllOll edcltW 1112 11 lllttr. Ho. 12·01tlf4 In .._ YC1U 1tM • DIPAULT ...... A ol tho ·vo-.M 11: 8'.1111 e11ic1 OflCW "8oorda. ftCTITIOU9 ..,._ .. DllD CW TMllT, DATID tlP.. Do LAe. llH: ~701', 15011 lalCI 1110 wlll1>o rn1dt, t111t ITATllSNf °'WITHDRAWAL MAME ITAftMINf TlllalR I, tell. U•Lllt YOU CIMlol'll Chle, INtno. c.Mf. 12714 without oo¥oflant or w1rr111ty MOii '~ Thi 1o11ow1no poraon1 ere dOiflg f AICI ACTIO• TO ,llOTIC.,. 1'111 tllO proparty Plf1Nnl twwto ....-°' ~. retlldlnO Wo, r=: ..,.._ .. Mam 111: YOUR PlllOl'IRTY, IT llAY 11 .............. MC~ pooM19'on, ~~Motl, to AC AOOER S ROOFING COM· IOLD AT Aw aA&.&. YOU ....... ond., 1, ••;(. Sr .. iemo, P9Y IN,....,_ Pf1nOlpel .... of TII• tollowltio ~'°" hH wOll· PAHY. 210 7 WHI Stonybroolt ..., M ~TIC* Of' 119 poo~wllf, ltllt, lttlOhOlcl IN note(f)MOlnd by Mid Dotd of Orawnfi•rln;:~lpO-:..~r.:1*0 un':::':::: Drive, Anaholm, Calltomla 112804. MATURI OI THI llttOCllDNHI ~·Md OOolOMnt not to Truet • .tit!"'--11 In~ nott .. -E F Roger1. 2I07 WNt S10-AGAINITYOU, YOU IHOULD oom-o Ind II located 1t: 1111 ........,..._., actver-, If • ...,, Uflder lctlllou• butlna•• nemo of ALLS· n~btooll Oflve, Anlhoirn, C.omle ....... ,.__ C Ill ,..v........ ......,. -'..!.!. TATE REALTORS, MILLER-MOORE CONTACT A 1.AW'llPL hUt tr•t, ...,.te .... a. I · Ille terlftl °'NICI OMd "'Tflllt, ~SSOCIATE8 II 1916 Alllnllc t 804 De10d APtll 23, 1912. IM2t . --. ::::S'Ct''ld ..,._..of tt1e Avenue. Hwntlfllllon BMctl, Calltof. Kenneth o Holloway. eu =--~ ~=== :=t"::Li '= ==-~~.,,...~by 11111 ~flc1itioue ~ """' ... = = '--· Anot*m. c-. !tr. Jotopt:I E. AoglR. Miii ••••• ~ -'-. ...., ..... '"111111 on n.tdl:Y. 1__. tor--/.ert~ w• fled This bu..,_ II conducted by• A..-.. Stcnt.ry T"'9 Miii bU1r .,.,..._ • ~ JUtto I , 1t1a 11 2:00 p.111 .. et 1M -·-" .... oenere1 per1nertn1p. 4tf lw~ln.t to lie OOl_..,. .. d et flloMtl Cf Ct111Pft!en A¥tll!Ue .WlllOO, 16 tM on~ · tllll In ho County E.F Aogtf9 8an , C.4 t2t0t H"VICE HOfllOW COM,ANY, CMc Ctlltot lvttdlnf, toO ~HI of ~1fT.:,,0 end ACldr .. a ot the 'Thia ltalernent -tied wltll tM (714) 1m l4tl Wiil .._ ........ LOI ~ Clltpm111 A¥0tlue, In th• City Of ~ Wllhdf:= County Clltl1 of Orenge County on Publllllod Orano• Coot Dally Ctlfomll IOOOI on Of.,.., JuM 2.. -ES MOOR 11•2 ... It Aoir" 22. 1982. fltlol. • 3, to, t7, t182. 1112. .... ttho time ot tll• lnltlal JAM · • " ,..n a ,,.,.. 1164-ea nwt .. llal Clllll tor 9lt pullllmllon oi 1111 llOloei, .. '*' ~. Huntington ee.11. CtllfOfnla .,"'9"4 a Dill! ----------Ill IN ...,_ """'"° to ~ II 1MOU11t oi tt1t ~ beleltOI Cf.. ta&47. AttwMrl • "-"8.JC *>TIC( Nie ,, 1'a. obllf•llon eocurocl t>y tht abClft Jamoo Moor• ftrnl1 • w. tnh It. .... • • lo fu 11 11 k11own to Hid clt1orfboct dHd of tr111t 111cl Hot 8aftta AM. Ce..,.. au-.,..,.... ~ .... T ........ ••Um•t•d ~Oltl •xc>t""'· tllcl ~ M~~o~ = ' Publllh•d Or•f1941 001•1 Dilly ACTITIOUI .. UIOd UIO tollowh•v IClclltlOfll ...... II •••l74... 1~ PicK. ~ 29. Mey'· .. t7, 1812 ..... STAT'DmWr ~II .... Ill"'" anel lddr..... To dolentllM 1h0 "9ftlfl0 bid, 114842 Tiii loll-Ing PlrlOn II dolq wllllfn Ille thf .. YMtl lall ptlt: )Q.I "191 Oii rc,, •lf.olll. Ir-'"!"" ________ ..., ___________ ,. ~:SEA OHIHUE IUll· "=u. Mtw I. tta. 0.: tt ~ OOWNfY HE~ AS80CIATIOH, 11 SltttM'tt •-Do L9e ~ 1 .. -... Ct .. Nowport IHoh, Cautor,.11 -... • -·- '"'Lu Sun Chin, 19 8t1rt>urtt .. ~..'!..'*': Doffy ~~ Ct., Newport Bt1cll, ca111or111a ,..,.. ,... U, 1111 11..a St:'=-W.. "= ""'"*'" oonduotod by In i----------.11141 l.llllnoorpOfllod ... ~•etlon olher hbltetled OrtllltO COllt Dolly .....,... ..._ _ _........, ...... ~~-~-tfllllC. *' n .... n ,.. P"' .,...., PUBCIC HEARINGS IJ ftlOM.U D. SUAI A IU'Oftl NftM of optlmlam IUftoUnda mOll ~Jor O.mocratlc pollilcl1n1 ln CaUfornla thl1 •prf~. 1For afttr U ytan1 0.mocrata Unally feel they've turned tM tab* on Republlcana. . And If they an 11 well t.hll ~ 11 the GOP dJd the lut time lt WU U W\ifttd U Democrata IMm thla YMJ', Democnta. may atqe a c1een eweep ln .the fall. Not 1lnct Ronald Rea1an'1 uno run for re- election u ,JOV•rn« hu either major party had u few major prlma.ry election contetta aa the Demo- crat1 do th1I yNr. With.one exception, the fall De- mocratic tJcket nu virtually been determined al- ready, becau1e prominent flaure1 all scrambled hard to avoid faclnt Heh other. lt atarted at the top, where Loi An,elee Mayor. Tom Bradley waited to declare hll lntention1 unUl Gov. Brown made lt clear he wouldn't aeek a thJrd term ln Sacramento. Bradley probably would rather be a U.S . se- nator than 1ovemor -but not at the exp.nae of a Ullflllll FDClll . biuer primary fight against Brown, one whose 9utcorne would be quite uncertain. So Bradley and Brown will be running mates, even if they're still not cloee friends. They'll be jolned on the ticket by San Francisco Aasembl. l..eo McCarthy, who has no major primary opposition in his run for j lieutenant governor. lncwnbenta Ken Cory, March Fong Eu and Jesse Unruh ailo lack substantial opposition aa they aeek terms as controller, secretary of state and state treasurer. Only District Atty. John Van de Kamp of Loa Angeles and state Sen. Omer Rains, both running for attorney general, ~--......,,.,.~-~ figure to stage a typically brui· MC CARTHY sing Democratic primary cont.est. Things are so placid on the Democratic side that political reporters must give major attention to minor figures like Fresno Mayor Daniel Whitehurst, state Sens. Paul Carpenter of Cypress and John Garamendi and author Gore Vidal, who are provi- ding what opposition there is to the favorites at the top of the Democratic ticket. Political writers may enjoy reporting on those men, but if they were a real threat, the favorites would be spending money against them, rather than hoarding it for use in the fall. That's much like the Republican situation in 1970, when the only primary battles were in the U.S . Senate race and the nm for ~tary of state -and those, significantly, were the only offices Democrats captured that. year. But the GOP is much more fractured this year, facing toUS}l fights far virtually every nomination. Seven major figures are worldnR for the U.S. Senate nomination, while Lt. Gov. Mil<e Curb and Atty. Gen. George Deukmejian spend copiously against each other in the run for~· . One level 'clown. Assemblywoman Carol Hallett and state Sen. Man Garcia will stage a c1oee contest for the .patty's lieutenant governor nod. Former Republican state chairman Truman Campbell takes on 1978 nominee James Ware and state Sen. Ollie Speraw in the controller's race.:. Meanwhile, Asaemblyman David Stirling and aenlor amistant Atty. Gen. George Nicholson battle to succeed Deukmejian. U money is ultimately the decisive factor in politics, as many believe, these matchups could produce a Democratic sweep. For the major Republlam primary contests are already free.spending affairs. with ~es from· Curb, Deukmejian and San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson filling the radio and television airwaves months before the primary. Will there by enough campaign dollars for the GOP's eventual nominees to mat.ch the Democratic favorites, who are husbanding their funds for use when really needed? The answer is that the Republican candidates will probably have as much money as the Demo- crata. But winning Republicans usually must out· spend their Democratic opponents by a considerable margin because of the Democrats' voter registration edge. Add that factor to the GOP's party disunity and the growing dissatisfaction over ~Gublican national economic policies, shown in vtrt y-every poll, and the rea80Jl8 for this spring'• Democratic optimism become quite clear. (Elias Ls a columniat based in Santa Monica.) • • swunmins. sessions rouf two-week '"1lon1 1r• on tap for '1w· eoa., eou., •. , 1 8'.&mm•r 1wlm pl'Oll'aJ'I\. The Unt 1111ton 11 llai.d June 14-H. The ond will mHt June 28-July 9, the third July 12-23, and the fourth July 28·AJ!fi· e. c1 ..... wt1f tMet y, Mondaya throulh J'ridaya. . Ke1t1tratlon tor all ona wtll be held on JWte 12 from 9 a.m. to noon at \M OCC Gym tn Humberto Medelro1 Mesa. Reptratlon of Bo1ton hae asked 1tee la •15 per ltUdent per his parl1hlonera to lellion. pray about moral ciu.e. will be offered questions of nuclear for toddler• (3 years of war. He aays "Peace ia age), non-awlmmera, an achievement that be1inntn1 awtmmera, needs God's help." advanced begtMera. and ---------ln'termedlatea. A Robot quickie cuber "Mommy and Me" program, for children from 1 to 3, will also be ottered. For information, phone 556-5880. Owners URBANA, Ill. (AP) -group Ir you were amazed when children solved the I £ • ' popular Rubik's Cub.e OrfilIDg puzzle tn l~ than a rru· A s e c o n o o r -{ nut.e, brace yourself. . . al ting ot gamut1on mee Engineering students the Orange County at the University of llli· chapter of the Building nois have built a robot Owners and Managers whose brain can figure Association will be held out how to line up the May 25 at 11:30 a.m. at colors properly in two-the Newport Sheraton tenths of a second. Hot.el. Its electronic eye looks at the six colors on the cube's 54 moveable squares, and its computer brain decides what to do. 11\en. with a aeries of snaps and bangs, air cy. linders move the mecha· nJcal hands. They grasp the cube, twist it and turn it, and re.arrange the individual squares until the cube has six solid colored sides. A slate of officers will be elected. Nellie Betker , property manager and assiBtant vice president of Dupont Management Corp., is temporary chairwoman. Sixty·three people attended the first meeting at the Airporter Inn Hotel, Irvine. For information, call 833.8962. Bu t t h e bra i n i a DEATHS r~:;: ,?,,:!..!::.,$: ELSEWH.ERE to make the aver.age 110 -------moves necessary for the solution. LOS ANGELES (AP) - St\ldents Daniel Lel1~ Saowdea. 5 1, ~ho Talken of QuinS'. Dou· ended her fledgling acung ' career to marry a struggling glas Rhode of •pring· musician, Dick Contino, Ciel~ and Robert Sum of died Sunday. Arlington Heights -__ ~m~ra-of.theTau Beta LOS ANGELES (AP~ - Pi engmeenng honor so-B•1~ Be••mont 72 a ciety -were the leaders clergyman·turned-actor in desi~ and building who played a item fathtt the robot. in the popular television "Robbie Rubik" cost less than $300 and took first place at a college engineering competition. Talken built the me- chanical parts of the ro- bot in his father's workshop at Christmas, Sum programmed its computer brain and Rhode developed the circuits that link the ro- bot 'a eye, brain and arms. series "Leave h to Beaver," died Thul'9day. HONOLULU (AP) - Geor1e Bledsoe, 62, a baas player for the sineing group the Ink Spota, died Wednetlday. BledlOe joined the Ink Spota 30 yeant ago. MONACO, Monte-Carlo {AP) -llea&c> Ro11elllal, 74, an Italian oompoeer who wrote operas, symphonies and 8COt'eS ror rUma, died Friday. Toddler theatrical PROVIDENCE (AP) - Jon J. C.mm.lap Jr., 58, a former chairman of the Fleet FinandaJ Group, died Friday. ·Book tells how kids can become actors By JOYCE L. KENNEDY OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - -------------,, A.V. "AJ'• SoreHea, 77, a l'IDllll forme!' Omaha mayor, died Dear Joyce: My dH&llter. barelJ two yean old, 1llow1 all die tral&I of 1 performer. Bow cu I •'-11 lier la actJag? -L.G., Saa Dle10. Stage mother Lea Bayen ~p teU. the whole story in her new , "Put Your KJd in Show Buslnea." Coverini every age erotlP from ~ fant to teens, abe diacuUH how to determine If your child has what producers and photo11aphera want. She tella how to find an a,aent and auditions •nd how to mana1e the fnat.ratlona of resume and cofltract wrttlna. )eucma, rejection and lona hows of waitlftl. U ~ mn't find lt locally, the book la available ln~rback for $8.20 ........ frabi PubUahlna c.o. Inc~. 2 Park Ave., e-.y York. lf.Y. 1001e. Ullll Wedneaday. He waa al10 the founder of the Boys' petition for Jobe is wing to wing. Cluti-of Omaha. If you'd like an overview of eeveral other aJrline occupations -keeping SAN FRANCISCO in mind that all airline Jobe are 9C81"Ce (AP) -C.ol. Jau Cesar -read a reviled flyer, "The People Ferretti, 73, a leader of of the AJrlinea." To obtain a copy, the Sa n d 1 n la ta Rnd a stamped, aelf-addresled, long Revolution of the 1920. whhe envelope to me at Box 1560, and 19 3 01 , d led Coeta Meta, 92626. Alk for "AJrllne Thunday. He had lived Jobe.•• here 30 yeara. · • • Dear Joyce: How cu I Jet ttaned CHARLO'M'ESVILLE, t. ptuo ta1111? -E.N., Gr ...... ro, Va. (AP) -Bar4J CrtH N.C. . ~ 79, fcmm cleul ot .... --th Onlwnlty of Var.tn!A You can eam by ear after aetttna law • c ho o 1. <ft e d tralnina on the job for a cou-ple ol W • d n • • d •'I · H • w a• years or by IOlna to one of the few appointed• Jud1• to the technical 1cnoolt ofterln1 courae In\ern•tlonal Cour\ of work. Molt beslnnen WOt'k for ptano Justice at The H•1u• Jn deUen to buQa up client lint before leet. ltl1ldfta OUl alOM. ' LON D 0 N (A J>) -A thne-JMaP .~$. ·~Piano-.... ,.,., .. arle, et, a Tuner TeduUdan, ~ educa-8rltl1b compo11r, dled · PHILADELPHIA (AP)1- Howard Lanln, a ptonHr of America'• tq.b&ftd •ta d2 y..... •lo, 11y1 lt'1 time 11people fOt t.ck dandnl Cheek fO cMft, I "Nowaday1 kJcb don't really have any rhythm, and what ther, do on the danCe floor ii pathetic, ' 11y1 the 84-yefr-old Lanln. "They do rock •n roll, dlaco and other cruy thlno. If they can't 1wln• one anotller, they walk . off." ' Lanln clalmt to have dllcove- red Tommy and Jlmmy Doney. Artie Shaw, Glenn Millet', Benny Goodmin, all of whom became blt-ban. d leaders In the 19301, '40. and '509. Ble bands faded after World War U beau.a. of the high cott of movtni around, and the lack of suitable ballrooms to accommo- date them. Lanln has played at thouaandl of partie9 and balla all ov~ the world and still lead.I orch~tras on apecial occasiona. The moat recent wu the lnau1ural party for Virginia Gov. Charles Robb. In April, Lanin will wield the baton at the Queen Elizabeth Bell tn Philadelphia, part of the city's 300th birthday celebration. Lanin'a brother, Lester, whom he put into the bualn.em, led the orchestra at President Reagan's gala Washington ball Jan. 20 ce- lebra tlng his .first year at the White Houae. "This ia going to be my last year," he says as he rummages through pictures and news clip- pings in his Center City office, and remtniaces about his 69 years in the music business. "I think it ia enough." · But Lanln, the son of a Russian Immigrant who had played for the curs before coming to the United States lh 1883, has talked of retirement many times before. It's tough to give up a life's love, which is why Lanin never atopa pluoing the buainesa, re· memberfng the daya "when Walter Winchell, the world's most famous gossip columni.st, wed to do my publicity." "My father had the first coo- perative orchestra in Eu.rope and he played for royalty," Lanig says. "He came to this country with money in his pocket, one of the few immigranta like that." Lanin boasts he waa born around the comer from Phila· delphla's Independence Hall, in sight of the Liberty Bell. Ac- tually, hia first home was 8e'Ven blocks away. t]nlon reoorda show Lanin joi- ned. the musician's union Jan. 10. RETIRING? -Howard La· ntn, 84, who launched Ame~ rica'a big band era and has been 69 yean in the business, says kids today have no rhythm and their dancing ia "pathetic." 1913, just a free.lance .:hoolboy drummer playing with clas· srnatea at small weekend dances. ''That'• when I put on my first tuxedo," he says. "I s~ out playing the trumpet, gave it up for drums, and then decided it was better to be the director." Lantn waa one of 10 children. and "I made aix of my eight brothen band leaders" -James, 86, and Lester, 78, played drums; William, 78, piano (all still alive); Samuel, clarinet; Joseph, piano, and Bernard, violin. . One brot~r. F.dward, died at age 6 , and Morris was born partly paralyzed and never lear· ned to play a musical instrument. "I opened Roseland, where f.l. was 10 cents a dance, on NeW' Year's Eve 1919 wi\h my bro- ther, Sam," Lanin says. "I ope· ned the Waldocf-Astoria in New York in 1931. •111 started the President's Birthday Ball for Franklin De· lano Rooeevelt with proceeds to fight polio, and this later became the March of Dimes.'' Lanin says he organized the first big band -five saxophones, six brass trumpets, trombone bass, drum and guitar -in 1920, three years before Paul Whi· teman came east to play at At· lantic Oty's old Ambuaador. _ "fn the old days the bands went into a hotel and stayed there for montha, even years," Lanin says. "Hotela don't bring in bands anymore. and they don't He traded milliOiis for carefree life KEY WEST. Fla. (AP) -He sips lOO·year-old sherry in paint stained cut-offs. greaae and dirt stroking his face. Ralph Pome- r oy, a former millionaire, couldn't be happier. Four years ago, he left his &y Head, N .J ., home, wife and dauaht.ers and stepped down as heaCl of five corporati~ to find a simpler life. H~ did., on the Donna m. a 43-foot boaJ. in Key West -a long way from pin· stripes and limousines, from cre- dit cards and caviar; a long way from his millions. "I have a bigger life now," says Pomeroy, a big gentleman with thick forearms from doing black.smith work. "I love it here and the people are fabulous. This ia my world and 111 never leave it." The 56-year-old Pomeroy lives with hia wife of three weeks. Donna, and their doe, TaoJone. on money he earns from OOd joba -ecraplng boat bottoms, car- pentry, painting -and income ftun investments. The Donna m 1s home -ita salon on the main deck cluttered with toola, old n~w1papen. dog dlahes and magazlnes. The deck below baa a family area and large olley1 complete with waJher and aryer and refrigerator. The m111ter bedroom and full bath are aft. There are two more bed- rooms and a head forward. The boat la air conditioned. There•1 also a telepho.t1e and rad.ar and heat. ll needed. Donna Pomeroy ••Y• 1he'1 comfortable livlnl cm the floadni home, "aa long u he'• happy. He'• had ~ujb problema and dluppolntmenta for one llftd.me." A native of Hew York, Pome-- roy wu a blacklmtt.b by tr.cle and evennaally Mt up a manu- ~ ~PIAY· He murted urty and hid ~two dau1ht•n. BUt• tie a.•• more wec-fu1 in.,.,.. aiid ....... -...atb. he ··--~~-.. M,.,. .............. meuun peo~ ltY die IDCIM1 th•J bad. and l(:J 1•.v• .. on• •• '" • tM0,000-i.omt l'i ...--e;·--~­.. =~ ... 12 ...... 'liw'lll~ .. ~ .... -· ~--.... Jh,.. ~"--~ .. .... Pomeroy WOJJld rather eat globs of peanut butter on Russian rye bread and follow it with pa· stries. He first visited Key West in 1968 and fell in love with its clean waters and friendly ueople. He learned to scuba dive and vi· sited at least once a year. "I wed to have my chauffeur drive me to Key West ln the li· mouaine, pulling a 13-foot Boston whaler behind." he laughs. Pomeroy auffered a heart at- tack In 1976. That, plus seeing what wealth had done to his wife and children, helped him make his decision. "I gave theta a year," he said. "I told them I was going to aell everything and move to Key West. They had a choice: learn the buainesa and take It ove.r, or come with me. They learned the bullnelia ... When he left, Pomeroy took only the 52-fooi yacht he had docked behind the house. He let1urely took the intracoutal waters 1C>Uthward. Three months lat.er, be tied up at a Key West marina. He lradedthat boat for a 40-foot trawler, and last year "This is my world, I'll never leave it." • • BANDSMAN -Benny Goodman, clarinetist and bta band leader in the 19301. 19-40. and 1950s, WU among top musicians Lan1n claims to have diBcovered. have any place to dance. All they got are lounges with loud groups and combos. "Today there ta hardly a col- lege that has a prom anymore. I don't think anyone in America played more proms, or moC"e de- but.ante parties. than l did.'' And what's left of the bis bands? "Only three or four," Lanin says. "C.ounl Basie, Woody Her· man. the Glen Miller Orchestra. and Lea Brown." Lanin's career spans them~­ cal world of waltz, fox trot, jau ~swing, He was the darling of the debutantes and often called "King of Society Danoe Music." He traveled to the exclusive Florida winter resorts. to the summer estates in Rhode Wand, and to the rich hotels and man- sions in Manhattan, Philadelphia and Washington at the beck and call, and high fees, of the Altars, Biddies, Dodges, du Ponta, Dor· ranees, Rockefellera, Morgans, Hearsts and other millionaires. Also kings, queens, prinoeaes. and presidenta. "The parties I played for were all lavish, grand-scale," he says. But now that era is gone. Only memories. Lanin says one musi· clan, more than any other, ac-· counted for the demise. "It was Benny Goodman." he says, the "King of Swing." "Benny Goodman started the craze to dance without really e mbracing your partner. He stopped the typical ballroom dancing. He brought in a heavy four beata to the bar. There's not enough pause, or space, in bet· ween the be.ata to move the feet and do the steps. Ever try dafl. clng to 'Stomp!n' at the Savoy?' The old style was two beat, which was easy to dance to. · ''From Goodman It went to tne twist and rock 'n ' roll, led by Chubby Checker. and all the l'e$t of what we got today. > "Disco is four beat, and the heaviest you can make it. Yo\lp swing in an almost frenzy. I think' it is atrocious. I wish young peo. ple would dance better." 1 Lanin keeps looking bacl(, keeps hoping for a return tb what he calls dancing sanity, keeps remembering bow it atJ started for him, and made him what he was and is. : In 1913, when he broke int~ the bualness professionally, Lari· in says a new style of dancing c.alled the turkey trot came int.9 vogue and Irene Castle ahifted it into the fox trot to create the new American danoe crue. "Up to that time it was thf Viennese waltz, the 9Chottiache, the Quadrille, all European sty~ dancing," Lanin uya. "Tod1 you hardly hear a waltz •ny more. Wha\ever happened t three-quarter time! ~ soon you lry to play a waltz toda people run off the floor." Lanin gives credit to the bea that became the Lanln trade mark to a fellow named Rudol Valentino. .J "Few people realise that Va lentlno, the movie idol. wu tn comparable • a danmr. that even taught reaular dancln clallel," Lanln recallL .,Pia fat-h1a ~ taught me tlw im portance of the Jl»t.!rtaibt f« e9ch dance l\Yle. :Jt -.-- difference for ValeaUao. H knew how to daaa. He lme how to embr-. • WY." 1 l DOIT NOWt .......... YWl-Not ---~ ...,._, ...... 11111t1'!r.!1. •.1 .. t• .. .11 -..111.ll!fll.-".~" !ltllt•• ...... !!' I «trttr ............... tJMHM. ............ J'Jllfrr ....... ,_ •• ... .... • .., wi"'. imL'v gl.mAN ~.., m1c1 IO'I .AIC) MOVING-•ILL ... , .. ~~·m·A&.TMA la 'II, eu.tltw work 1t HOU•lt Call Glftth•m loolllN to ~t '"' °'** CttlfUI ..,.. ,-I llf• I cu..t ~ w.f', reu. "'"· MalnJ. a Gift ,,.. •· Mf.f1U 1ummif. We'll 01r1 ro ,,.. •••-•n-o.tio -• 10011....,,,. ... ...,. l1ndto1pln1 •. Nl/CdM ~'I CllAHeHQ pt111t1, he>uM"' 110. Cal l,.J ._.._ 11-..1.. 1'llf O#t. ,_..,aw....._, ..__,._. 1 ~ K•n Heyen, 110-1011 I.UH-••••t::::mu:ar.u. ""-t7 .. tllllt41....., _._ ·., ,... 911111. .. ... -z;g ............. QUA ITV oomm/rot, 11 • ................. . °*"' t\oUle, --...,.. yr• 111p. f'ep1lr/remod. •T• II• ~ .. ::.!'!"~.·-!..~'.!• HOUllClLIAN ~ .._,,. t>y Alohtrd llnor. Liq. "'''· ""°'· he1ttr a irMI HT. M0-1092 ~ r-. nvvaMaNT ~ li'H'1'ttuuue HOM4. 18 Yf'I Of ~ ~Nie. '7W114 TILi '"ITAi.i.iD -•.uaa11ou•1...,.. ......,. .Jfl#fl!Jr)', Ht I , ..._.., -.---. ... ,. .,......_ -~........-..., ••••••• •• ••••••••• ~..," .... ""-nv -·1 • 1 "" 111 CM \ ......, ,,_,..,,,__ -,_-. _.,._ ,~ COUNTIM HOU • ....... .... ' • • •otou Think you, a1~410 •-"-,.... JoM t40-t21J ~,.,._. t ....... tll'l,!!:.~Noi..1 .-,toO IX... Ac ..... ,_,, "°"'"""'' •. U 4198 ~ .. ••••~•i---·..----.....,.~-,,.. ... 1414H7 .... :..::.:~ jOt:I "-' .. !>ti, roft. ,.. .. Mt. l'AINT.,. NllOI Labor/Mltettal •*AU Till** Ctl24hrl,MW41t. ,,.,,.,,If. ......... .:.()N(l~~ Altypee.10~~ ~~. tO_:;•· fflij~ =~ w111ci..nyourhou .. or ,. .... TD 00:·Pe1nttno 141.a "°·OU"· IMYY~ por.0eotooA1 1t I""-' .!ff! OUlllty, * "-.ffj ottio.. l!leo~tlftO, II lod, tprlnlll., I 1hru1> "OOfJ l'l..ufllOCWIHO Fi--JI ••••1••••1·.-;;1• -··1•••• .,,,_,.1 ..... NYDl40-IY ..... N44 '*""blnt· 8000 1n1t11t1Uon. owr work Top Out'e"'ra· 11otp1r100, Mtg. guer. ofClflemloM ••• ~••••••••••••••• ...... ,., .... Ill 6'._,,, ~~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :::,......~············ .. ... ........ ,. ••-•••-M.11.•.I-.... .-sn .,,. --. Jotin' Clllnlng terYlol only lookt exp1n1lv1. prom1 '!..:... 1• C n ,1 P90-DO IT NOW. ,,.. oot. MO per load. Griding I OtwtotlM' Ed 141·7125 oat--1 .... ~ H • A t .. , .. · Ctlec* our --befont laltt • ..,_ omm FrM DIVll PllnUng 147.51 .. pl1n11r ml• 1v111. ,,... ,....., ., OU .... Al)ll .. nllll I, ,,....... Mt 714-73i-070I ..... Plumbing, elo. 142 1$ Otfloet. 640-1217 ~. ~. Ctl ~at . AEPAlRI 128 lo 1186 ""· IOClllt)' 587-1 ...... ~•••••••••••• I KHOW-LET'I GIT ID-~'d • Deoondeblo ~I .... .... QUALITY PAINTING Fr• -Cell .,..yttmo. '9•-'-Tll --DtEI He C4ll\ fix tnytNngl Honest. fnttlloont UC l04818 • M-1iil 10 yrt leM,..O.C. WALT 1J0.21U ••• ":Z'::"Ae•••••••••••• Rm add'nt, r9n\Od. ,. •• Uot ...... deoka, Cliblo1------~-.f~ l.awn-~ Inti.-4Molt68 Thi bellll 173-70'12 eY1 • Rouonlblo. l ·MS4 Huber Roofing-ell typot.. Mott •)oota, IC· 14 .... kit. ..... 7' ::"m"............... T,_ ~ lllJflfiJ rt-HOUSECL.EANtNO ... ~ ... ,......... BtltlOP I Son PllnUno Hew<f~~ ~ l1CN* Dfhe :qt,~ll'IC Lot LAwn w.Aoto1llllno ••••••••h;;.ttf•••••• Rollablo . fllof9 . AMI MICICWOAK; ""811 Jobi, 30 yrt .xp., 90ICh ll'M. Lie. 1411802. 544-e734 Mr. Motg1111, "'5-4171 ~ 6"-' l#ftft ,,.. •tlmltM ~ HAAOWOOO ROOAI 8,....,_, ....... 1•2 NtoNpon, Coota MeM. Fr .. 11t. 812·17'8 --~-~ ••• ·-••1 ... :::r.:................ ......... ....... olelnld -...._,, "' ,_ .. __ ~ •1• •11• ·--~1..1.-!':'A .. ._ -_ ... ________ ..... __ -_. __ 9 ... _ ....... ' ti--aolAA.-, "'"'D I ................. Malnt. .... "7':'::'.:::...-.1 ..... •••1 '"' ... .._ •. v -~ ., ~,~ ---••••••••••••••••••••• ·-•...--·· -· 1----------n. ...,~ •"' .........,. __,..~ ••••••••••• ••••••••• ''Let tht luneh6nl In" ~TATI PAVING Color bt~htlnore, whl WAY CONITAUCTION Rellcl/Comm. C1Mn.up. Cutlom 8rtok, Stone. lnVOKt. eyno L BUDGET RATES/UC•d Cell 8ur*""9 Window .. ;~~a.~ttiolna/ cHr .. pt• ... :,d1lnn11n •• b1l~IOh .• Attnodel. Addltf.ion. Lt Hauling . ..._,.... !!!PM ••.••••••••••• ~!!!~'!~I.......... ~· .. ~··~.8..''!!!"'12' (IXOYE) 751·8103 Flow min. 8ml J~ 10!·, OIMnlng, Ltd. 1148 ... n 1 ./"'9(0. ·'" • nnt .. : IYO Lio. 420802 M ·1200 I.AWN OARI! DUMP JOBS 1-.. 1 ._ .. ,.. -·· ~--P1•d•• "' .. 1. 1"'· -1• ""' 20% MofllNY DllooUnt Lio ..,312 Mf.1111 tOOf'll 17.60; couch 810: '*RfM<>DeUNO• Comm/retld. Nwpt/CM ' Smlll MOYlno Job• -CUSTOM BRICKWORK •• r. ... A ............. .. Dell Hellberg <ndlno ~l~tu~1~5 ~ ,,... llt. Aw.~ Xlnt, ,....,.. "°"'· c .. MIKE ...e:.1se1 &L111Utm 8MALL/l.ARGE J08S '~N11~i'io1~ .. !ttP!............... A ·~:r~ IJty tx, ~Co.~ HP.' Do work ~yHlf, °""· WOf11. UC. 71et. Oflr/Of>t, e.ny e.45"'7412 HAULING-11ud1nt hH Npt/CM. Ref•. t-45-8612 Quallty. Lie/Int. Str1p. ~r= ~. MN. Chtle Mi Rota. 531..0101 831·~ THE OAAS8HOPHR lo• truck. lOWOll ret•. Uw In eecurlty pt\19 ma-Blodc walle. brtck. stone I ping. Olio on pepef ·--..,,,, .. lfiUllft/ ...;..._;, _ __.. ______ I-:::----::::--:--::-:--Complo .. LAwn Malnt. Ff"rompt. Cell 76t-1t78. IUft IOYlnO "'' lor poV conct1te. Quallty wortl· VIM·Nc ScOtt t-46-9325 Reu. 83 ~!Ye mlll ............. ... = lnlt~all/~ &.~.!~. Oornlnlo M2~1 Think you, John. ~~fl.ct Houle Sltt91'1. m&nthlp guoren!Md. Lie ASR PAPERHANGING MOBILE 8EAVICE IMlll'e bol4. 8'* 1 ecy ~ ........... '"'"1 • 97• ........ Bert. m1ntol1, kit. c1bl· 'TmriW RAOONG I DUMP (SI"""" 1878) ... 1•12... a bonded 875-9027 7 1 1 0 Rotcreen11New ecreen• 120. 2 sty sao. •••••••••••••••••••••• -"' .. __.. -n•t•. rtlttd p1ntllng, ,,._. JOBS Alk fof n....... ·--.... Y" OCI exp. Ult. NB/CM only. e.42-8662 55t-1302 MANNE SERVICES Ho S...,.,../Ho Shampoo doort, boOkCllH. r•· TOS)ped/remowd. Cleen . ·--7• •m•1. work. Price• 1t11t •t -----------:-'.:~=~:-=--=-':""""- Meclhanjc. Pmnt, YWflllh. Stain S~alltl. F .. 1 mod. a tdd·oni. )(Int up, lawn renov. 761~78 t-41-8427 '1l•ll'""'" ...... ............... U lroll. A1tC 751·7027 l#nluNJ 6.mm '*FINEST IN O.C.* TIM.,u1>-wu. M&-11781 .. ~ F-•t ... 8 1 .... 2 ._ 8,.~.27• PROI'. 8ERVltr •• .i •,.-I ...................... Ron't Window Wa.Nno ... ,. ....... · -• "" rete. L ........... "'· MOWING · OLEAN UPS Heullng . yerd clMnup Rollrod Corporal• Ell· *A-1 llYI•* r1ll~f'W1r::·l IClnt typing, editing, ra· Reeld. Rau uo.nf1 ~!!!!!!!!..... W• Cart Crpt Cleanlr9 538-.2381 FHaullngt • ~2 7 Quick' doan. Fr• llt. acu,tiv. end 9PO'* Nik Top quality. Sotclal car• ·N:;i:..td. "&i;;ii:r~· •umH, rt11. ,., ... SC c· e .... VIEW WINDOW U~ $UrrWnlr Progttm, StlMI dMn & upholt. !'!r.!llJ rea 11 . e.42!tt0 87:M>648 Inv tetlone to protect In handMng. 26 yrt exp. frtt..... lll-l.St Slc:retarlal Sorv. Sutan. W~NO. Reu. ret• teacher taking 1uml'l\9f W_!NC« rnoun!.~71,. .. ................... CLEANUPS· HAULING RAULINO end iocif mo· ~~~{"fiB~~~r:!~~ ~:~: No~l2.lv07~~ .. 1 .. .,31 P' .. STER• P"'TCHI""' l64M&t1: 876-1723 4 yre In 11-. M2•644t °"· ...... cempectMtltl In "'" guar. ............ "' DRYWALL TAPING SpriMlort. General vlng ltud«lt with true\. II lb H ""'""' ··---..,. " ....... ~ _, M tecturet a acoustic Mtlntanenca. 1145-7287 L-...1-•71< ·1-Ill •. on-•moker•. ST"'RVI..,.. C""LEGE RHtuccoe. Int/Ht. 30 tho morning, acedomlc C....tlc..mt. Fr• •t. l(Ollln 876-toea -......,..-...--.....,....---1 _.... .. ....., ...., Own lmmec "Hou•• " ~ ..,.... yr• Nott Paul 646-2877 • •••••••••••••••••••• Ara you planning I tnOYt7 ectMtlH In the ettor-•••••••' .. •••••••••••• MOWING 110416420 HAULING-ORAOINO Beeulltul" au.itty Homo. STUDENTS MOVING · · *S9fln!Utr Repelr* CltHllled ad• wlll point nOOfl, rMcllng ~r....O. Cemtnt·Muonfy-&loall DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC .._ul/°"""*"" 111/'20 demollllon, olHn-up. Pa Im O o tort , R 1 I . CO. Lie. T124-43e. EO'S Pl.ASTERING Rol./comm. CommefQal you In the tight direction School aged c hildren. Walle-Cuat. work. Uc. Repair•, now & old. 11 M 1 r k Concrete & tree removal. 714-348-N7t (Pllm o. ln1Urld. e.41·8427 All TYPES INT/EXT Lend.cape ServlCll •o find tllt home yoti 754-1352 EYtt. R•tcom Rob 647-2883 yrt .xp. Bud 562-91112 754·tt04185S·0015 Quk:k MN. e.42·'7838 tortl WATCH US GROWi FREE EST. e.41J..8258 957-8388 ntad. 942·5878 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-tonger-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. ,.._,.,_ ...... lltnlMll1M• 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIED8642~5678 OLLARS lat.Ji ,, au. Ollln ... ,., Hll ·••·····•··········••• ..•••..•.•.•...•.•••.. Shr 2 t>r. 2 be apl nr SC Rent!IMM/optlon nr OC Pleza. All amonltlH. Airport. 4800 1q ft bldg. $250 Incl. utile. Now. 4200 eq It AC olc. 878-6897; 540-3233 ext. 200AMP 3 ph1H, gUI· 288. r.ntMd tanent t,000 1q ft. Flnandng.. Ba6oW "*1 ~--I .t ~---• I 1 RHp. M prof. ego 28 I• By owner ~602 ...... f.JvwhW ...... If~ -.an IJ""1a&W _,_ ..... ti ,.,mnl6 ._,...._.fl n,,I. .,. 1 ••t11J #tlth 4100 Mtlllng hcx.IM °'apt ln 1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• U.i.r.Ju.4 Ual8l'AldM fu.r.11.W U•f1gJ1'H ••••••'••••••••••••••• CdM to lhr wtth M or F. I• c.u ,,... 1114 '"'•• nu #...,, ,..., 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• IULAll lllTD. nonemkr. Cl••n I d•· 11111.l ... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• -.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• ~ C.11 #IM UJ4 C..11 #na 31Z4 ·~ IHd 311 Wkly rent•I• now 1v111. pendllbtl. 87~70 for rent. 18X20. 1126 t8r, qUlot. yd, ref. + mg, CIHn 2BR, good neigh· ....... .... •--'-n" ••az ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• u•u••,;,~~:.:.;••00 u•• .. ••••••••••••••• S 105 & up. Color TV. .., l1l•r:t lllf f no ~1.t + .._ ---n ,.~ -2 bd 2"'• ........ Ver..... .,..,_ HO FEEi Apt. & Condo PhonH In room. 2274 M/f to•hr 2Br/2bt hm. •••ll fp.. ' .._.. borhd & echle. S8 5, ThrM bdrm, 182~ Port •••••••••••••••••••••• rm, .,., ,.,_ ....,, r-t· .... VI"• R-•·..... C"'M 2 blk t b h -$445 mo. t588. a·-" 5/22. ""'7 '""'g1 .. 4BR. 28~. tarly. Frplc, 11r;g1ae1. dlehwathor. ~ .... -· - --·--Newport Blvd. CM " · • 0 c ·.i~~~~~~~~~ ~-""" ._. Barmouth Newport Bet\ ,.,~ _,., &7Mt12 Broker. e.48-7445 $300/mo, 875-1401 ~. VIEW FR,,, ... EVERY RM s•ft£A ' .. V p..__; btt-ln•. Ing . .,..... to S5 . Large 1 Br. !Oft, country ---------1---------._ .,_ BllLS •v-..., mo."· · -·-bey & ocoen. Brkr 731-8348 ••ttlng. No pell. T RWFtll l&wr-• 2 BA. 2~ be, micro. get 2 br. 2 be $800 213-428-7301 875--4912 S4t5/rno. 180 21et. St. PARK NEWPOR llD l PUll1 Prof. M t6 ehr 2br hM In Fantutlc ~ 500 eq.tt. ......... Open2 ~-. 2 br. 2'.+ be 1785-$850 EXCLUSIVE IRVINE TEA· Avell now 'f'M'fY upetalB Wl'l9I Daye. 848-1184, EvH APARTMENTS Rea. Weekly Ralll CdM, we1k to bdl, 1285 furnttt*I, 2 room tulta .,_, .....,,....,,,, ....... ., S br, 2 ba S860 RACE 4 bdrm, 2'~ ba. ' I 2 B B a 5oo t bdrm etovt, rolrlg . 845-9543. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ~~~-.::=-+ ·~ uth. 840-&M $950. 875-tMOO Qarega, no pate 1500 3 br, 2 ba a1400 fl.wn Attrect. gerdan/pttlo. em•I e;&-!...~· Nioa. '400 mo lndudlng IN NEWPORT BEACH Sandpiper, 1987 New· PK NEWPORT TWNHSE Mower bldg, downtown mo. 2390 Elden 3 br, 2~ be l8004800 LN 11500 mo. Ho pot• utllt pd. · uttlltlea. e.4S...01oe Vilt.A MEDERA A d .. u•• oommunl~ pon to lhar• wtprof pereon,. HB. 3 offlctt now avall. SUrntnor Rental 4&, Mota 4 br. 2 bl •1200 ploue. &46-2389 C.... '1J lfv JIU ~~~· 1~:'iy~ the Back Bay. Club 81 Cotta Meu e.46-8137 Tennie,~· many am. at 70c eq.ft. 4111, 424 & Verdi eroa. 751-37911 °' 4 b.r, 2~ ba "°°""25 lmmld. occupency, 3 Bdr •••••••••••·•.-•••••••• *2 br nr S.C. Plz. $.A. ground floor. g111g1. : I epa; 1J:9i 8t!:: ---------nltlel. 84 74tt 235 eq.ft. 893-1351 (21•) 127 .""1 3br,2be1726 Lag... Newport Creet condo, 2 Bd. den, lrp . etep• to Pool, •P•· 1545-1800. _...., .. ~tlo, ,...1 _1_ • courtt: o =:---2=-:B:--::-2"':8:---:-1"."'7:1 :-:-1 . ....:.:..:.....:...::.. ____ _ "' .....,., b 1ch St070/mo Oar c t 752 5822 .,......, -... -n111 I~ ,...,., ••~• 4IOO Sher• r, •· rv n• Priml S.. Lis E'elde • 1herp 2Br~•n. ~:~ W/O , S 9 00. re~I. o:.Wnr/Agt, Rt/M_; a:;_r;~ . or ~ .. ~~4~· UnfumWled 1tudloe, 1 & •••••••••••••••••••••• condo, ..... Juno 1· Br. OFFICE SPACE. for IM- 2'.t be twnhM. Obi g11. 759--1221 2 bf. aplltmenta. town-l&T'PmT unfurn. 659-6868PM. M , 600·2000 eq ft, per. micro, frplc, pool, Jae. 3 br, Bluff• W•ule). on Sludlo. Very pvt. wtfull IYll .. llWt Lovely 3 Br. 3 Ba. built-houMI 4 bdrm, 4 beth, Hndy Newport Beectl. MIF '1'tOt king. TURN-ICEY·~ HUna,. 18115 mo. no quiet cul·d•·•tc , kllchon. ledutt no~ 1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 Be. lne. a le, pool & •P•· t.54()41000 beach, pier & llott. 30. Pvt rm, Kit prlv. C1Al£S411t-2283 potl. Wayne, 1gt 11100/mo. Altr 1'31........,.5 $385. Dove 551~75 pool, laundry rm, new $775/mo 831--3537 •Several etudlo1 & 1 18000 for Auguet Biii $300/mo. 848-5355. •------.....,....-.- 84&-ta18 8IUtfa COndo 3 Br. 2 BL. If-II·-· •-.~ ~~~=unit. Thie Eut 18th. St. unfl.wn. 2 Br bdrm. unlta are fumllhld Gf'l.llldy. Rltr. 875-8181· Fem to tlnc:t I ehllo P4ect execuplon PoHlbl• 4.5 Bdr, 1 bo, tundedt 1850/mo. Aoeflt ...,. .---• .. TSl u-1. .,.2•14503 quiet ldult apt.•. private with llne dotlgner turnl· 2 bdrm turn condo, CM. nr bteeh. Prof 1....w pref. .... HEW ,.,_.,..,,P .. ' 22nd nr Npt 81. 1875 Inc 846-0295. •••••••••••••••••••••• """" u.rd & -11o. oncltd ge-ture & IC()MOO(la Move II 811 t h 8 /21 ... , F"u11 eorv1oa1""-=om' 1 ... 2 ... • II. ~·i..t ,_ .. -In todey or r-erve for Av• 1 ru · Georgll 831-6140 -· grdnr. 761-6525 • 2 BR, pvt pello, new..-· rage, n-ly dec:oretld. -1550 mo 54t 541g . 3 BR 8lulf9 condo, $1,050 Newly decor. G11 pd, & cpte, v1e9nt and avail. 1425/mo. Cell 548-3778 tummer monthl. Smartly · • Fiii 111f oftlcil 7 dttk epeca. Townhomo. 2 meeter •.£.fl ,. ....... 1'...t...wr. mo. Qotlle Joh neon. encl gu, dwehr. pool, now. 1475 mo. Cell Larry « e.45-2811. lurnl•htd model• open 28R 2ba, furn, old CdM; To • CNUtlan employtd Nr. O.C. Airport bdmw. EaC1tt w/prtv be• r,,&;,"""'~ft.:l"• .. ir; 780-1988 or 875-8000 bbg. Adult•. no pete. Of Pem. 540-1168 dally. from $1000 monrhly, fomila bttwMn 23 and 75Mt78 ~ be, dodl. petlo. Pool. agt t-42-5073 1Br. newfy rldec:or1tld, On JtmborM Rd. et M • y t 5-S • p 15. 30 yre In uchanga 111---1-1.-~--.-... --)lc:, 2 c:er ger. 1725 rnol •---------• OC-RENTALS ---------1 Br. relrlg. stow,c:arpota. pool, ldHI for working San Joaqytn Hiia Rd. 759-1243 c-'-to ... ,. 22 ..,. I••••· 557 -2721 , **4 BDRM · llSTllTll1 drepae. $375 /mo . coupla.nopet•.1415 .:u .. 1900 .... .,_ ...... , "" 1 ·-400eq.tt o 1p1ca 55t-0227 l-5bt'• l200 to $2000 $5154586/mo. 2 Br. 1~ M&-0341 aft 1:30PM. mo Ulll pd. Furniture ~ Sal l•I• 2 Br. •1HP• 8 o6d Mu8t heva own c:er. AJC, gr•t ptttilng, gr•t 2 Br. Condo with pool. 1800/mo. Pl11H cell 882·8757 tit 5. 2Bt, 18a, '625 mo .. onty 1175 dlO .. em yd, (213) m..aoo1 oc-RENTALS 1-&bf"I l200 to 12000 750-3314 oparl 7-daya PLUSH 3br exec home dtll Oii', ffp6c NOW MOO oc...AEHTAL8 160-3314 OUIET 1bf, lrO troplcel l)Mlo • ..,P. NOW 1275 OC-REHTA1.8 7504314 Lrrv«y 8roedmoor home 75C)...3314 oparl 7-da)'I Ba. TownhoulM, Ill built· 2br, 1'nba.810JoonnSt. _•_v_ .. _._S46-__ 1_eee ____ Nowtydlc 28r, 1ba.•tln !27~~10 M1y & June _75_2_·7_04_7_. -------1 building. In l•l>Uk>Ue Woodbttdge Bluff• 4 Br, 3 Bl condo. Int, balc:ooy, laundry rm. Adult• pret. Smell dog NEW BREED APTS. kltch Encl petlo, g11 "' ....... ROOMMATE WANTED Ree6olt0mlct 815--8700 An11lol.9 at $1025 mo on port eep. qtr•, 2 car •uto covered perking Hice Ok. 1476. &46-5438. BACH from $350. Frptc, 1536 no pote 642-2 13'4 Udo 81y front luxury 4 Br. Fem .. non-1mokar tor OCEANFRONT OFFICE 1 yr IMM. Six othlrt to gtr. much t lorege. location oom pool J 1 L 3 Br 2 8e lrplc 5 Ba. home: Slip, ttnnla, CM 2 br. 1'.+ ba IWnhN, Incl recept 13501mo chooM from. We're the S1350 IM. 780-9313 r.tll TSl Mgmt 942-1803 Newer 2 br. w/garego, rec: r · • acuu • erg• · · · t>techee. Brolllf coo~ min. to beactl. 1230 plUI · · · oneetocall. wknc:t.. new pelnt. No pole. ~~ &3.,.':1Ht!!...P11•ldc. HMo t1m. rm...~~kS.7d50bl/moo•· retlon . Monthly. ~ utll. St*'9y 752·f8291-H_un_t._Bch_._94_2·_5_100 __ ---------$446/mo. e.45"'6577 ..... -...... ,"on, · · rage, upe._.. · 875-8014. dlye, M2-8Ula owe. M ~ w..,, BIG CANYON EXECUTIVE 945-4411. ..7~'8G-::::..:1~Me::::.:.· _____ 1 _______ _ ·~'ClbrldCJ( HOME. View. prlvecy. .... lllTILS Eute6dt 2 Bl. 1 Ba. Kids/ HA--· .. ' Ollin lnW 375 lq ~~s mo. D-:1111, HCUtlty. Wiii coneldlf 2 8dr 1'A Bo '625 -·~ V1uliM ,,.,.,, all ..................... . IK• ... option. 12500/mo. 0 I 11 3 Br 2 b •• g 1 r .•••••••••••••••••••••• 1617 WM1dltf H.B. Wanl ,..,.,,, ... ,., "" 551.:ltlllO 840-4518. .,.2•1010 $800/mo. 421 E. Bllboo OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. lln1ncl1l ln~t. 7000e.f. •••••••••••••••••••••• . '"""""".," l'\a\,l ni ... --------·I Blvd . 873 -2 788 , Avell. now. W-.kly thru let. floor . Agent CO RO NA DEL MAR: 875-8787. eummor. 87$-7873. 541-6032 Ottlce/Madlc11/Rot1ll. Nlct 3 Br. 3 81. Condo, lndlen Wolle VIiia, tum, 3 520 eq. tt. S1.00 per 1q. Hlgf'I vtllblllty et Mee.Ar· BR, 3 Be. ft., 3975 Birch., N.8 . thur I PCH. 1000 to C.N 71~5548 Agent 541.5032 4000 •l "· evall. Ell. --------·1Weterfront homo, old Ag9r1t, Im SlMt. Buel· CdM. View of enlk'a her· ,,. .. Pr~rtl" BrOko- b or. Heated pool llllm1'D r900Co. 141752-8011 876-2783 .... , um& ... Elegent EXK eultH In Shop Spece 414-4784 preetlglou• loc. Incl ... , ________ _ cret11l1I, rec:eptlonlet, 800 1q It office or but. teltphone int & more. Stone·• throw from B•l Otce from 1438 mo. On· 8alboe Pen. $550 mo c111 ofct I 185 mo. THE 975-5774 HEADOUARTERS COM-lf----i-1 PANIES: A prof•tlonal _., environment. (7 14) .... ub H11 161..oe81 •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... WESTCLIFF BLl>G In ne...-bldG on eo... Hwy, 8outti Laguna. • prox. liCIO tq. tt. EllCllln'I privet• p11tt1no behind bldg. '526 mo. Turner Mooe. 414-1177 "4! .... P 'J1• fll A<_,.. . ~· . ~'*0---. ./~ ........ o1=.. ./,.,. __ o1 --o1 ,.,,. ...... 1 .~ ' Mr HQ'41f ,; 1 64'> (,•Q• ..Wll 300 aq tt. Foot traffic, Ontwn Lag 484 .. 2 Room omc. a guage. Neer Balboa 8ay Ctvl> NB UH. Protected! ...... ., ... 1 J !I I ' 0•1tl11g •Peolm•n• for l lll 150 m•dloal lab. 111 Hunt. ,i left. .,_, Wonc IVt. .... =troaTAAT OOOKl &~n 11 EJip. :~ve own car. =·;:. rr:r:= ~Jt..:'.':J:-......... JM!t~ .... l'OM S7t,000 )lrfl, ful P'toe '40.000 Incl. I van•. equlp,,.ent & all aoot1. T•rlft1 nall • pot!lttOM"' ding on 9111*· 1 full/time. l!q>erlence . a .... l•••••IHIT... re~vv phone•, tor ______ _.,..,...._ ......... =:: ~. ::;;;:.'n'.'!'::n ··--& Career jOt> wl1tl 9fowtno l...;.(oonn.) _____________ I --.. &... "" ....... ..........-y and~·'°' _ ... -;;:;:i................ l 4 ,.. .. ·II -·....-· ---. .. ,., . 412•1*. 4124154 2nd TP'a-oompet. rat"· ~!!!!'~ ...-~~~~ 1u111tant1 al • vane•· Npt 8ch eome oo11ege 6 120.000-•100.ooo tu111 :i:::: ment. Cai• 845-7717 '°' ,,,.... 'bllgrd DNf. ~ arnont. Other 2nd11 to t1 ......, needed In Mle-In..,._. type 701Wpm. ,..._1933 --------~-~ •• llrent. ••on Viejo ., .. for 14 COSTUME PARTS tor .. •n•n ea-M11. llgt for month old glrl. 4 to 5 young outgoing peoptt ·-· uww nlaflta I* .... Mutt be uncMr 6'8". Flex l'n. Cal rellable and have ref.. 7514247 ~!1111!!!....... .,__ W•lli a. renc.e. No 1moklng or -1 ._ =-1 .... 19 ..... ~ drinking on Job. Wiii WID 1111 ~~N::~~,1~:·:: a!~~ ~part or tu11 time Pl/time. CdM. 875-21" $1 100 home VllUe 1100 000 + ll\llMft. ' ~ Wllllted to ...... 87Mn7 ' Call Ht-•011' IHV. In~' mamt '°' • ·'. ~ ~.,..... lnt'I mktg MrV. Plllme, -•• --.~~~~~or ..... wll train, 149 9195 le. a., ,..... local rHldentlal TD'•. BACK STREET lllTIL UlllTllT .... .._ Mu 80% I. to v. Retwn flAl/tlme. c-. Mee&. ....., ..... .., 8-4 above prime. Cell nMdit ..._ penone, ~ 8414272 lililW ~;,1,~on a Anoe. :i:a:-=;:::~ a.Ill/ ..... llerJ .,_11•1" u.. Enthu1laetlc, efficient ..,..,,,, 1rul Newport BHch and la end orgenlad w/bkkpg l 14/MWlll .... 1111 Habra •tote•. Starting eicpt, 4 ~-~ v.c. & --------•••••••••••••••••••••• rate U .50 hr & uE' plu1 _holdayL ___ ... _ ~-__ 300o___ ...., , ..... RESPONSIBLE WOM~N to oootl and Mndte lmall board and care home. Live In. 5 day• week. 54t-07H lllf lllll'f WfOO'# HAS 1$1 fOr TD'• lt)Centlwe to expr d go. Electrlc:lll MMnl~ tof to do etoCklng Mlp with RE loan1, 101< Up. No _.,.. FUI and p/Ume. circuit board a control wet.-tng. FUI Ume _. wtlfte wrought Iron 25lt35 Credit Ctleck, No Pen-Wllk:omeB111lne11youmlnd'°•doome· we at1embli. Exper. req. daye. Interview by ~·t --------PATROL \Woodard) ~IHI lop alty. D1nnl1on A1100. 1 T th 1 able 6 up 011•ared 873-7311 toln"' • H.P.S. y1tem1 Inc. ~~._.f.. r u r ........ fw ctn. i1ao.oo. 97~ You .My tend r~ _'46-_9542 _ _,.·.,...,..---LlOYD'• NURSE.AV 1aft ......, ........ a.. ' U. IAmB or apply In peraon 10 General Office, Laguna ..... 4 •••-Th• Pennytaver 11 ac-NtgfaonlY. 7PM\o6AM. P=t~==· .. ~ .... 1111. Back StrHt executive Hiiie loo. Non amoker. 1 --c:eptlno llPPllCatk>M"for Mutt be 26or'rNWwith 1~~1~1~4~/~M~4~14~~l~l~1 ~ ~In 111 l 2nd ofllcae. 855 ·;e·· St, Typ6ng & OOITWN#llc:atlo Looltlng for neat, enet· Tliephone 8ollcltc>r9. Pl gd. df'Mng record. Pr• ________ , TD'• 1949 TIM1ln t2980. T~ Ilk• requred. Clll Oreg get1c pereon to grt/# wttf\ ,..,,._ Hn. Tuaa thnl Frt. mlum pay tor llceneed ( Couch & Loveeeat, nr Robt.~ NH/CM c.119 are a .. no no'. at 788-8011, 2-5PM. a Mll•tb. Co. Minimum tAM·12 Noon. A(Jflfy In eppkanl Many beMflte. #«tu.lllf MW, xlnt cond. Atklng R.E. 8nl6!• 8d Aelltora Mon-Frt 1 yr ret.it ""lerY eocper ...,. ua llellw1l11ll ................. ,.... $350. 1N13-4090 842-2171 545-0811 Benktno ---·-----'d. Ful Time. Stertlng pereon: 1"""' Pleceft ' ... ,,_ ,,,. SECRETARY / ... 111/IUI......... :'f SIOO to l1tOO nar _c_._M_. _____ __..1 '8IJ IU&te, ;T.';11.tt. ............. Co1nfortable 7' 1ofa In EXECOTlVE for IV~ putltic ...... U....0-.-.. -103'7 lOe ~ Bl a-. lour9 good oonctaon. ••11•f1Rf&lr/ ~ EJlec:uuve ttoninrm. JtO SH.=· mo. Pd .._,.. & VIA ,.... LOe Alamltoe A9-dOM S1'6. 975-7642 a t.tf S•cretary for 8 & L. IO-. ---....... Holplt.ail Ina •v.11. Inter· BEVERL y HlllS Heelth 714-327-2020 a.u:1"""" r91FJFI ..... ..-1 wiuon -..... ....,... .... -vt9w bY app't Ofttf Tu. & Nutrttlon CorJ>, ..._ --------....... ..,_ Cannonball 4 "potter qnr---------1 •~ • •--~ ~-.. no.,.,..... ,.. Contact Monica Stel at thru J<r l 949. 7 44 1 wp operation• In O.C. Sewing mecNne operator, ----..___..---.---I •IH bed by Burlington, Flylng Brldp.:• encloeure -··.... qulrMltrOf19 communl-7141857·25515 Mon thn.t ••ovo·e .... -&ray Need key people for exp .• quallty minded. I' ----beaut. ltOO OBO. off a 2•· s ~p ·-k. -•nt •••••••••••••••••••••• cation, orga nizational Fr1l:30 11111 to 41pm. ~ """°""" 8 ~ & t '"'*' ...__ ..s-1...e ":....... " -"' •• .... •••fl 11• abllmea Good typing 'Ir========; Part·tlme atMfl'lbMr, min u on r-"Cfl· leneMa. .--,...._ 648 4v=. , conCI. '150. ~7U. r_••••::::..~·:.!•8••=•••••. ~•mutt. Salary 80 hr wk. WHI train. tn-fu 1 or parMllne. W 11 842-1162 Antlquetblhtraomnd ~-d.'; 11... •-•--1 21· Unlfllte Flybrldge Neeo _.,.,.._. c-'"'"ate With ex-quire 8~5-~"88 bt-n tr.in. Xlnt c:weer or "'P----nlnC1 _,,_,, .. ..,,., .. --;,, 1 ..... . 702, 708.l. 715. 50 50 .,,,.,,_._.. '" .. ,. -Dtement Call t-5pm, Mt. •--Chr'I seso 840-7420 ••••"-•••••••••••••••• Sportf ...... brand ll9W apllt. 835-rn5, .. , 17. perlence. Call l•• at GIVE US 9-tAM. Hughei at 875-1iea: 8'111111 · · Kitchen, dining room Ml twin F.W.C. gu. Very, _______ _ 71M-1I01· E.O.E. '•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml tAM-&PM ~-''•-III• LMf and 4 chair•. 411.ot fHt, long range, brand '# ........ ORANGE COASTS 6 l I' · With ablllty to tak. t ... !In:-::::;~........... lncMI eq. No4.4ar But· ,,._ elec:tronlcl. Lorlln, an••* 1100 Ad:· co11• TWO YEARS -NIT rm w. ~r F:,~r= e.~ .. .!t~~~va ct. Bloc:k. esMsee A.o .F.u.H.F .. <2>htho9~ b,.,,,/ 1815 So. EJ CemWI Realiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 8-tpm. Expanding youth CtlAT & EATI A8AMI 1-aPMO n .5 4 9. 2 2 7 1 . ..... ... ~ ....... • "" Auto Piiot, Knot meter. "'---'-... AND counMlllng flnn hM oP9-Wt Ml recond., guar. ..., s .. temp. Electric an-.,_ BM Clemente. 412·7 llANtONG nlngt for 8-5 llhatp out-~ 54~77 •••••••••••••••••••••• h WI h s Im etep •••••••••••••••••••• .. Ful lie. going meture people to Find out hOW to beCome T • .... · WUfla UIM.I T Of n~ B..t ..,.· -. .,l"e! · WE'LL GIVE mottvat• arnbftfoua 10-13 .... I .,... 111, Ill I Ill Uft...a w/Nnd 1150 840-em ~":., W:. T.O.P. oi sn.y ,~ ...... & SCRAM-LETS Ill/IE• yrold1.Calt2-Spm. """' 1-. Expf ...... peoptenM-Lei te7-81a3 AEG.'h ARABMAAE 137o1mo.No~I coupH.4 tocttoo .. IEP You A 942 ... '21, .. 1. M3. Aek .... .... =an~-~~~ mM Ufll 1111 Trained WeetMn plH· Wll dllcount my 115,000 fro"' I (0087~~11 . ••wes . kif~ lnhlblte d!Qeetlon of... """'' 9¥99. SaJaty plut .... vwy genttia. 11000 equity'°' ce9tl or!*-? A3093~ Prtoee .. IU1'l orl• rich ttarchu comm. 7141957-2602 -~ or belt offer.~ In trade. Ab•olutely •Y ...-~ pjQ ....... ..... ... CARHR. (potetoea. plUa. breed 6 Trainee. Show Norw Ste-Ina 1111 brllto4. e.s-•190· \ FINDS IT f11 N1f '19 ~oor ule1 op-b 1 e . l Ive In . Non. lee 0812 /.'!!!'!1. ......... !!Jf 1N7 G8 42. radar, GIM-THEODOll' A city that WH going Ln Ille• ... fe .. ral Experienced preferred. portunlty. For Into call 5mo11.._ 244-2211. ·~ ll 11 EliglOl!Mnl Set tof $350. rator, crvlllng QMf, tu benknlpt fOUnd nine ml-l1tl•t:i!:' ef t•• To lam today dw limited on-the-Job tr•I· tlS3-5636 or 4te-4744 85t-0882 Matn.y Tluot M•n• advantage, HllK, bkr. ROBIN S llon dollare, 10 th• ll'M'I .. Ncills miploym will nlng. 24 hourt WHkly. 9elel ,,... """ watch. Duceu etc. M& 4005. 1chool1 could remain ctd ........_ _, ckmand tomorrow, Aelclble l\oura. Some Sat-F .... .__ Full time. Mon & Tuee. Aefr1giwator, "''· 24 cu. ft. 842-3150, 846-1889 .. .,,,..-t-l_.,,,,_-,-·----1 ro110 • ,. •·.6.U~OP Jo OfJ9I'. Where do you hide "' ..,111-.... urdaye. Call 942.4321 , _. --. nlgllt1, T'1ur1 6 Fri, avocado. Xlnt cond. _... 1 nine mllllon dollar•? I LI .. &ttHlltlHt, It :f:'.d two years in RoMmaty f appt t-SPM. Good driving ,. 544299 ~ -H CMrln CO~IA Ml\/ ,.,-l, -. l'lldl two dollarl and my .. ,, .... , ....... I I Almy. ---°.! .... c a II u •• b 0 u t th. cord, min. ege 20. AlJfJ/lf ted ........ ~ ••• , ... ;;;;;; ... SAIL.BOAT°Rioe·s·\rt ... , ... m9fe FINDS IT For niample. a --.• out1tandlfl9 career op-Pe11nyeaver 1880 Pia· WHher. coin opera ·--· n • 2 topa, bl•c_it. Xlnt. 1•t -----·---111111111 llP, fer 2-ycar batch u JUR ..., Plllt portun111 .. u an lnau-oentla Ave. CM C*n. ~ra"· 176. 8HP. 1 pbWWgllvert. ,,..,.., Life Chwch Fun-$9000talk-. 946-t~ IMlll--' .............. 330 W..t&.y Sl renctAgent.Tralnlngwtl --------5 ASMECOdetanlt.HeYer-dr•IHr Tax deduct-----------~-•••••••••••••••••••~ • enough umc 10 learn eo.ta Meu not Interfere with your 1YftlT ..... Wlltt .... UMd. see5. Tenm. 875-7895 1111 T ..... fOtll) ADS ARE FREE Cat la.all Lo.t cat. yetloW & Whhe. male unaltered. I.H t ... n May 7 on Qolden· rod near Foot Bridge. Cell 973-&117. • found t>town Dobemwt fftlx mate pupptM. 415 Larkapur. CdM, MCM>1N. N. ........... ...... how to become an An Equ!! Opp!Y E"'fW preeent employment Fut 6 reifable, good l lOO. ' ~5 n2·53to .. ,, laJJ ' IOlf SHOO. 482_.801 deyt, till .... ~ air traffic controller, - - -11lary to 1tart. Mice lllMtU...... ,., •••••'••••••••••••••... ~ 4IMl-2478 , 116r11 ~ _! "••"1e ... ..i broadcasc specialist. PaiM 883-4518 !~':~.'~Ti Fr,:~':'~ o~ g11, elean, work• ...................... ,.~.OJ!V~~ OWN£Rcond •88 Auetln Amerlc• MK • • ••-• • tclteommumc11ioru Cemeralofatefoom U · Sl*-Hatdwtre, tull time _..... 185. IHTEAA.RMS MK. X ...... .,., _..wey . orig ml pelf1t tlr9a & tlq,_"'1111'9111 tf cmw operator, con. •l•tant. Mon. (3PM to poeltlon retail hardware ~2271• ~. ~ Profe11lon1lly Cuetom Hatter•. 875-371 1 mieC. ,;~. 957:19n ~ ... .ta titer· Rrucuon surveyor. approx. IPM), Tuee(2PM •tore. no Sunday• or nNT/a.T. W11her, clHn. work• Bullt Rifle. HMvy Barrel 14' Foroe 5 eallbolt. xlnt ---------.~ ....a-1 .. ...._..._ denrel rechnici.an, or to approx. 8PM), Fri. evening•. SH Steve. 5().-66 wpm. Wege 15/hr. good. 195. .22·250 with Rc•dfl~ld cond. 1850 or b••I ofr. 1951 w.11, 12 ~. dr1;.':"'0 ---. ........ one of many SnHiaJ. (t-5PM), Sat. (t -5PM). H.W. Wright Co. 128 Profeulonal ~ran-548 4485 3X·9X Scope. oat .1. 548-3988. ~x o .. • ., .. · .a.. ,.... WIH ~k v-... •--' co--Roc:n.t•. C.M. ce 1 5 dally erkln" 100 Sec. 1700 Finn. Jeff 1-------..,,...-·~=::::=.. ___ ~-,,_. ues in clecnonics or wlat"' "",.,._I( "'" · • · • a1!f!.,1~ --•~2-1570 "'"'" "a" Sallboat Merit 25 N Bal -.,, mere camera now •••re 'rottlded. Law firm In .. , ---,... • ......--.a -. .... 1 ......___ communlCUIOC\S. · • ~ ••• •••••••••••••••••• lele mooring. 1 18,000. 11 ...... -ledge of PMT proce11 S I I I E I a• h Ion I 1 I and. Blue a.di erui-Loe Cablllerol Tennie ta-(2131 831•2202, 858 w •••-••••••-••••• .. •• For ambiuous helpful. Excell. for cof· 944-7800. Liie• new 1150. mlly memberehlpl. coat tllh St. JEEP CUTS PReCeS pwple. ciVllian $UCCns lege ttudentl wltn rete--· fYp\ST I N C 567-8313 11200, you pay .SOO. UP TO S1000 can begin wirhin the ted OIHIH. Apply In lainlll.; ':.11:~t Ell:·;~ Call Todd New'man 1l ft.,.... JEEP CJ'I 187M Army. FOf m0tt infor. pereon: 189° Placenta• nllT mE t ••rlt•C. flexlbl• hr•. Glfll2~··AMF ~d ·b31 -.· 762-8011 dY•. eve• with trallef, Ilk• new. .... _., . II Ave .• C.M. I b k d f .. • pow er ue 857-89M •1eso1oner 970-0803 .,.. • mauon. a ~ ega •c grn pre . wtllte. '50. te2-5202..,. ...:..l,:.:. • • • f8l.)864. .n/11NT ~c:::~-c:!:: IU-9t 18 Mon-Fri lcifWj 8PD EnjOyNeedlecleft? 9• flberglw Montgomery 2524Hlrt»or •• wlll UH IBM Selectrlc ._.... • i.sPM. XLHf·NN 10 And OUI hoW 10 eern tr. laipetfake otnW boerd Colla MIM AlllY. and Savin worh d ~ocee-5 Za:: ~di:,: tJnlforml Un11m1McS Midi LNT64~'='t sao. ~ proflcte. Cell conda do~~!! ~211, good 548-8023 ~O BE All YOU •or. Mutt •v• ... yre Hntatlve, you'll earn full & part-Um• u~ .... u 07, 84&-a20t ...... • ........ .,.. -8088 '82 Toyota 4x4 =Mel C•tll .. ~-~~ to'!mMt!":p~ hourty -oe a 9'IWOUI ~no n19hts. •™"&1 2 ~ 8edl, UMd. S40 HOBIE 19. Tequll1 Sun. pickup, only 31 ~. Nt Ofttf 714/66.1705 commlulon1. Hn Me-6811. ·n 111f eadl. · rlH, w/trlr. xlnt cond. Mu•I tell •1100. Sllb .. ~m"9 MM1a c.tallm , ... ••ta m.et11 ~~ ........ tu.ct .... .. IALll Full tlm•. Exp. ptef'd. Crown H•rctwre. 8107 E. COMt H!Jc CdM ..,. 8an,uet llllleftao« """ ded 01 luxury Laguna 1 .. ch Hotel. Contaot Jeft Flood It ... 7-4477. IE.O.E. · 4-IPM. FM lntormetlon The tutnt draw tn the .......... ........... 54M147 11800. 8~141....., ~1 • WANT ACTION? call 714-t57-28t1, ext. WHt ... a Dally Piiot 1111 HOBBY KILN . To 2000 Sall flltl hull, 14' flbergllle ,,..., ..:;; CIMlll9d Adi 842·5e78 1204. Claaelflld M . 842·5e78. OOOd "'90tlOft .... 14 dell . 116V. lnclUdel PY· seo. .. ............... r.:rf FrM ~1«1lal. rometer, ldMI tot c:ere-875-1356 '78 F250 V. ton 4 X 4 44, 2596 Laauna Ad, mice, metal enameltng. 1812 0 t f h ~ 1 1 000 ml. Loe. of--. M LefllN lklfl. 78' g1e11 bending & toel·wu • ore .. w 5 4~ . ~OOMa. 11?9 114'9 MW mooting poalbAe. ?e'· ..•• m. e t all U H). Dav• ,., b111IMN, may l•k• ,,. ,. ...... -• RedWood 2x9 decking 7•1253 RE tradH, eny offere, 1 ton, flat bed, t 4 4-20' ~ lllo redWOOd MA QI C I SlAN D 0 old bkr. 646-4006. ~M..:o f'lll. • t9ndng. Cal Jim Of !«<I 0 ••'d M • M be ta h Ip , ~ """ tr • ~ 1'B-t411. 11000 C"400 '"' than ~ #II r- U••d Lumber, •••t 11. ourr.t "*'*-•., M). •••••••••••••• .. ••••• •••••••-•• goodcond1 overtsOO 751·,21' X2f4 or ............ '11 D"9e'Y wort", t100 o••h. ~lilt.I. ..._ ..... ...._ __ cond.:pqo., ........ 7 841-06&1 ~·--·-· tw.MO 1111 ~' PD n,...v. =:--. ..... UP TO 29 ft. ,,.0 mo. --~~~., ....... a.. . 8n-1149 ewport to• lllp, 1l11t locelOn. .cutty, ~ '*" ITS-7'11, . .e \( it 1 t • , 1 i .\" r Dodge 111111 ....... , Q Ill leLllll ......__ __ ---'_ -'74 2002, t3K ml, burg/ aa...SeMo9-l~ tan, ••cell. oond, air, .. ,. 1nrf. '6400. 131-7801, ...., N. BMc:tl ' 173-1700. GtfY llMUI -~"'.'""".""~=--------1 ·11 S201, 1100 orig. ml. ·-=:::if•• ~· l*f. oond, • & '78 2002. tllll, 4 lpd, IUM, xl11t cond. 77,000 ml, ~ ·~· 875-4117 1'7t 11110, eunrf. fUll mw, llr, mlrrote, Ot'\llM, window•, mlH tno •no/ ttan1 + whl1 & tlre1. -------- • 11.100. 811-4121 or Mt-1030 MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE • ATUS CHIYSl.IU'LYMOU1M 211129 Harbor Blvd .. Cotta Mela. T ... 5*-1934. 3 bloeks IOUth of San Diego FrHWrf otf Harbor Blvd. Complete body thop. Sain. Service. P9rta. Service Dept. op9n ...,._ tnru Fr1day 7:30 AM. to ~:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. td "5 P.M. on ,Baturde,. \ MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIWPoaT oJTSUN Ill Dove StrMt. Newport BNch. Tel. 133-1300. At the trtangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Brlstol behind Victoria Station. Salee, Service, Leulng l Par11. We make gr .. t dealt I • HAlllS~C 29oo Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mela. Tel. 540-91()0. Orange County'• Largest Cadillac dNler. Sel•. Servlce.'LeM-lng. Laguna Hilla 837·2400 • • IOI LOMGPll PONTIAC 13600 B .. ch Blvd., w .. tminttef'. Tel. 892~1. Orange County'• oldest and largest Pontiac dealership. Sarf.S. Service, Parts. • SAIL CHEVIOLIT 900 South Coelt Highway Laguna e.ach ... "ClleYJ'• ............ ,.., .. SALES HOUAS: Mon . ..f=rl. S.-7, Sat. l>-5, Sun. 1<H 4'4-1131 54&-9M7 I SANTA AHA DATSUM 2001 E. 11th Str .. t, S."ta An&. Tel. 558-7811 . Your Original Dedicated Datsun Deel« ... . COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Hari>or Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County tor 16 years. 1 Mlle So. 406. SUMSIT FOID, IHC. (Home of Wiiii. the Whal•~ 5440 Garden Grove 8 1¥d., w.tmlnstw. Tel. e3&-te10. • DGM LIASIMG, IMC. 730 W. 19th St., Coabl M .. 842-1944 You're In for a aurpnseatOOM L.Mling. ~-,£.~ ~. cue pf the BUena Park Btaf oot 11 eloHd -for on• bt1foot bunter at leut -who i ~t -1DGftltel' aue,.dly ~---~~ ceh wu really a f rtahtenect hobo. John 0aa.nrra of J\allenba. I w1*e avocation II thtt study of parananm1 pheDl)!mena. laid that hl1 hopea of flndln1 tbe fo\ll Complex cable TV 'debated By ROBERT BAUER or ... ...,,... .... Welt o,an1e County cable televialon authorltle1 uaeri,d today that apartment residenta are bein1 deprived of cable teleYilkln lerVice by owners and m.llna~en wbo will not permit · cable hOokups. The condition, which &110 extencb lnto mobile homes, 11 moat evident ln Huntington Beach, according to Douglaa Rook, aeneral manager of DeinloO Pldtsc CablelyStema. "In many c.uea the owners and manacen have tht!lr bands out for kkilbedn and lree lel'Yicee," Rook eald. But Peter Carberrv. executive director of the Apartment Auoclatlon of Ot-ance County, aald apartment ownen have l'ftented the lack of cate aome cable compani• (not Dickinson Pacific) have taken In the pan Be aald the companies have come Into complexet without nodct and ••ltl'U.nl w1re1 an ovu. the place and dia lhoddy work.'' 'Cirbeny ello aafd apartment owners beline they thould be compen1ated for allowing hooltups and becau. they supply . the property where the 9ervlce ia to be performed. "Ith a property right. Coln-operated laundries pay for the prlvtleae." Cable Company officiah estimate that the City of Huntbll[ton Beach ia bing more than $100,000 a year In francb.We feea and that thou1and1 of reaidents are being denied 8'Xle9I to the aervice. They say reaidentl allo are being dented u1e of an emergencychannel that would give lnatructlona in case of earthquakes, flood• and other diaalten. Rook, the general manaaer of the aystem. aid there are about 23,000 apartments or condominiums ln Huntington Beach. (See CABLE, Pqe Al) Candle lures Laguna cops What WM reported to Laguna :ee.ch police u a bonfire on the bellch turned out to be aomething lea Officers arrived at Shaw'a Cove about 11 p.m. 8a1Urday to tlnd a couple celebrattnc their annlvermy. The banfire turned out to be an anniverary candle, •tUnc In the land. Police advt.ed the couple of the city'• fire reaulatlona and the candle WM~ WORLD b .. 1t were atowly but 1urel1 ........ be.,..... hll IMl'Ch I.Mt week. The JDONter, deatbed by two wta-M OYW .-wn t• tall. withJona bl.ldl Mr and a ·-.ii worae thaQ rotten hone IMDUte.'• W .. ~y .. tied outald• th• 2xecutlve Park c;•nll ln Buena Puk i..t "The~ whO ,.~ 1eeln1 the b'eHt •er• both GOING, GOING, GONE -One of the favorite booths over the weekend at Our Lady Queen of Angela Cliurch fiesta ln Newport Beach was a dunkina booth wh~re players got to dunk a ...., ........... ., ....... priest. Father Steve Sallot got hi.a 1n th1a photo sequence. Booth was appropriately named ''Cool the Cleric." Primary election : tlate Million Orange Countians elisiJjle to vote June 8 · BY PREDEIU~ SCBOEMBllL or .. ...., ....... The June a primary elecUon campe.tcn trail la just weeks away and more than a million Orange County residents will be eJJaible to vote this time aroLmd The primary, of course, will decide who receivea party nominations in partJaan races. The wlnnen will then fate of1 ln the November 2 general electkln. Other non-partisan races allo will be decided June 8. Theae involve officel lucb • IUperior court judge, ahertff-cotoner and public administrator. Ana, lp the 38th, and Wllllam Dannemeyes-, ~FuJ.lert.cn, in the S9th. fa no primary opposition. However. in the 42nd Conaretaional Di1trlct, a long coastal district that 1tretcbea from Huntln1ton Beach to Rollin1 Billi ln Loa Angelea County, the Incumbent, Dan Mesa warned of bogus • Here .. a rundown on .me ol repairman the more 'Datable racs. : Perhapa 'the mo1t extraordll\811' Ja . in the newly reappordobed Ui'd ~ w.frict that .c:nm.1he d.lvidlDI line between Oranae and San Dieto countiel and IDcludee San Clemen~ San Juan Ca~ CaiUtrano ~ M....cn Viejo mcl El Toro. There are 21 candidates. Eighteen are aeektn1 the Police in Co1ta Men are wamlng businem ownen to be on the lookout for a man in h1I early 40'1 who claim• to be able to repair office machinea on the prwnile9. The man, who calla hlmMlf Cheater Wallace, recently charaed a Costa Mesa lnterior decorator '86.60 to repair and oil aeveral typewrjten, police Mid. Repubuca;,f.:Y nomination. 'I1uee are the Democ:tatlc The man told the woman to Partynod. wait two hours until the Becau1e the 43rd dlatrlct 11 macblnea dried before u1tn1 heavily Republican in voter them. When ahe tried to operate re1l1nation -51 percent them they were ln wane lhape compared to 34 percent for the ... than befol'e. Democratl -the race for the Police said the buaineu card GOP mmtnaUon II, In effect. the c'-left by the man tncludea the elec$kln. C.1:::.number of a lealtlmate Most ol. the other~ In Up)aDd. ,-aces ln the county are The owner there aafd he has ·unremarbble. received about 60 to 100 phone l~cumbeflU like Robert cal.la from irate.,. ... ,,,_ ownen Badham,_ll-Newport Beach ln wbo have been vk:tima of llmilar the 4-0tb; Jent Patter.Jn, o.santa !IChema . . Lun1ren, R-Lon1 Boch, 11 faclftl a chat= Thomaa lfe:lnltielmer'. a Hilla city councilman, chairman of tl~e South Cout Air Management Diltrlct and • noted balloonist, ta 1eeklng the Republican ~Uon. TlJe only state A1•embly di•trlct in which there are fireworks thh year ii the ~apportioned 69th di1trict, where A11emblyman Nolan Frinelle, R-Co1ta Meaa, and Irvin• Mayor David Slll1 are enga~ln a p!~ed battle for tile blican nomination. The lpne emocraUc candidate la Robert Hanton, a Co1ta Mesa Sanitary Diltrict di.rector. The district favora a Republican. The GOP baa 46 percent of the reptered voters, compared to 41 percent for the Democrats. '!be old 73rd d.lstrk:t, 1tblch lnduded much of the ame territory, but not Irvine, waa allghtly on the Democra llde, 44 peramt to 43 Becau.. of reappor o ent there la only one state enate race In the county tJlil year. It ii In the new 32nd district. created ln part, to improve electoral _opportunltlea foe llispani-. Tbe diatrict lncludee Santa Ana and other central county commumti•, and ana1l portiom of Huntl°'ton Beach and Fountain Valley. Tbere'• no lhortaee al inta-.t in the race, in etther:s=Flve Democrata and four are •kine party tlom. The hotteat campatanlna hu (Ifie PIUMARY, Pap Al) I '-rhtmanw•~ ... one witMll had aeecrtbed hlm. And be WM quite tq. I told him about the ~ repcrta, he Mid 11 dOn't kno'W anytbinJ about lqfoot.' anCI' ran away. I think &bit'• our momter. rm not aotna to look any tui'ther," be ..sa. - The Buena Putt a,toot teerdi beaan latt Monday ntaht after tbe reported 1t1httn1 at the Executive Park. Two expert• Buena Park Police, ~ ~Ith calla lut week, are no C"Onvinced that th• monater/hobo/apparltfon b ~on. Britain .vows 'on·e more go' F alkla:iids \ on .. By TM Aaaodatecl Preti Prime Mini1ter Mar1aret Thatcher said today Brita.in would have "one mora 10" at flndlna a diplomatic 80lut:loo to the Falkl.md lllanda oanfJJct but the choice between peace and war lay with Argentina. "We have 1one ae far aa we caa," 1he aaid in an lnterv~w with Independent Radio New1. '"They are the Invader. They are the a1gre11or. We are the agrieved. It ia u to them." -.Asked how fong ahe was prepared to~ with talkl at i.he United ;uona: ahe said: "My g\M!9 ia that we shall know th.is week whether we are going to &et a .,,..ceful aettlement or not." Earlier, Britain's domestic newt aaency Preaa Aaoclation 1ald the prime mlnt,.ter waa expected to decide within 48 hot.an whet.her to order Britain'• naval tuk force to retake the lllndt tebed bf Ar1enttna on AJirtJ-t. ln· New Yo'rk, U .N . Secretary-General Javier Pera de Cuellar aafd hil attempts to mediate the dtapute bad re.cbed their ''final 1ta89." He met with Brlt11b Ambu1ador Anthony Par1on1, ju1t returned from weekend conaultatiom with Mrs. Thatcher and her war cabtneL Perea de Cuellar planned a follow -up-meeting wt th Araentlne Deputy Foreign Min.lat.er Enrique Bos In his ninth day of effort• to mediate • ceaae-fire in the six-week criU. "Unte. there la an unexpeded breakthrough at the tf"nited Natlon1 ... the invuion now appears certain," the Pre11 Aaaodation aid. On Sunday, Britain'• defeme minister said Argentina had a week to reach a·aettlement at the United Nation• or face an invasion of the South Atlantic island• by troopa aboard the Royal Navy fleet of 82-plua lhlps. Prell Aaaociation 1atd Mn. Thatcher and her advtaen "are convinced that Argentina wW never agree to withdraw" forces from the Fal.klanda until Brttaio agrees to surrender aoverei&nt)' over the illanda. Britain bu refuled to d.ilcua ~ty. a precondltlon for withdrawal The news agency did not identify IQW'CeS fer the report by politic al and def enae correapondentl. But U..e1 are reaularly briefed by 0.fenae.. Mf niatty. Forei1n OU ice ancl other government c-ffldal1 on a noo..atuibutable bMla. The Argentines "are actlna like someone playfna a game ~ tennis 'Wt g1ving a pnoandjtioD before the game lh,t It ii beini played on the understandlnc that they win," Partom told ftporterl at London's Heathrow airport today • Marijuana worse than cigarettes? LOS ANGELES (AP) - CauUon: Marijuana smoking also may be hazardous to your health. That'• the meeuge in a paper to be delivered today before the 78th joint annual meeting of \he American Luns Amociadon and its med1cal tection, the American Thorade Society. About 4,000 pbI:!•ma. nunes and other pro euional and volunteer health worken are att.mdlna the ~ meeting endina 1l'ueaday at tbree Loa Anlelee hotels.• "]t'I reaeonable to think that marijuana 1trtoke ii more irritadna to reap£ratory tissues than w.reo, which la a known cauae of tuna cancer,'' Dr. Donald P. Tuhldn wu to report to a c:Ommunlty education program worbbop. The wor= for a dozen / young Holl oelebrtties la Intended to prepare them for national media and personal appearancet on behalf of the lung UIOCiation. The actors include .. White Shadow" 1tara Kevin Hooks, Byron Stewart, &ic Kilpatrick,, Stony Jack1on, Derrick Swafford. Wolfe Perry, 'nmothy Van Patten and Nathan C.cd. Other youna acton beJn1 briefed on the effects of marijuana and tobacco m>okb'I are Ernest Harden Jr. of "The Jefferaon1," along with Jim Jordan, Gres Henry and DDdari Harewood. Taah.kin, a Loe ~ phy1ician and acienti.t, A)'t marijuana smoke containt the l8tOe resplratory lnitanta found ln tob9cco. Marijuana amoke ... contains 60 percent mote ::e=~~ only lncwnbent .upertor . ~ beinC cha1lenftd ii 11..._.rd Goldateln. He fa the tflaly Judp tn the 1tate to have \.,.•n appolllted to the aame po1hlon twice by the aame-p•nar, Edmund G. Brown Jr. Goldlteln, a Newpott Beach reetdent .. ll factn1 oppoaltlon from Anaheim Clt1 Att01ney wuu..n ..... . Go1dateln '!• ftnt ~l~i.:<I •. ~ABLE TELEVISION. • . ~an about 40,000 unltl lD '-'•~··four dU., tndudinl HFewit&tn Valley, Westminster 1 ftd Stanton, and only al;>out . hr iw.ve booku .. inlta1led. be J19'1Jln addition there are 3,473 . l.\Webtle ho.me• ln Huntington f\lai.ch, 8CICOldinc to Rook. b ·' 1Woman badly utb ~jured. in Mesa crash 9tt A a.ta Me.a woman rema1nl boepltalJzect today following a CQJUmn Sunday that left : pie injured, pollCe llici. • Hanlon, 42, ftlmainl in rfatr cQDdltlon at Coeta Meaa Memorial Hmp&tal ~ ti. 1 a.m. accident at Newpdrt Boulevard and Del Mar Avenue. Police aald the accident occurred> when a car driven by Brent~ Rumer, 18, of Newbury P ~ flilW to 1top fm''l 1Jcbt. R.m• and two other paHen1era were ~ -rel!MI ~ from 0.. Maa~t.i. Rook Mid the $11U& hookup charge ii being refunded tf the iwident doeln't want the aervioe after a tncmth. Aleo the hookup char1e 11 being offered aa a credlf on proaram cbargea after aeven mootbl of mervk:e. 1be owdmum monthly bill la $31.95 lf customen aubecrtbe to all three levels of ler'Vice -bM6c ~~Box Oftiee ~ Dtcklnaon Pacific now bH 22, 70'1 .ubtcrtt>en lD the four d~ Crash injures ' ·trio in Viejo Thtee women were hurt Friday aftmnoon when a 17-Jell' old pt repcnedly turned -QU' tn to an oncoaln-11 vebtcle on Crown Valley Parkwa7 ln, v...., Vie».~ the~.!:. ml:.:=.:: = drtwir. ot I 4l"ft! 8-h; .. :,~~thee: at tb9 ..mes ReJm B u :11. M. of Luuna 8-:b.. Accoratnc to the Ht1hway Patrol. none of the three wu .. . Jail inmate's • • • deatJl· probed. Jl'w1MJ' testa are belna done to determine the ca'-'9e of death of an Ora,nae County Jail inmate who conapeed and died Friday ln bla cell. An autop1y failed to diacloee the cauae of death qf Alfredo -Ramirez, 18, of Garden Grove: Ramtrs. aervlJC an ~month aentence t« burldar'Y, 'P-d out In bll filht-man ceu followtna brwkfMt.. Re d*9 at the acene. . ~. Sherltf'1 Lt. Wyatt Bart laid the autopsy ruled out death beina ca&md at the bmds of another. Bart aald further lab and toxicological atqdJes would be done to pinpoint the cauae of death. The driver of the other car, ~ Coltantino, 40, and hie ...... Candy Ann Wicker, 12, ~&nta Ana were not injured. q . ~--------~--------..... ----------------------, .I bospltalbed. Fog· forecast .. " 16 N .OZ • .. 13 .., .., .« • 62 1• 62 19 N .o& n II M 17 N M 11 U3 .... 15 17 U1 •n 102 • S1 M 11 52 TT '9 11 N • S2 The woman told pollce the man wu ln hJI late 20t, wore weatern-1tyle clothln1 and wetgbed about 200 pounds: .. The Incident marked the aecond teX attack in the put t.ew da)'I in Newport. A 33-ye•r-old Florida man remain• In cuatody In lieu of · $100.000 ball after an alle1ed rape and robbery 1pree Friday eYenfnc in an office buOdln« near the lntenectlon oJ Jam6oree &Id and MacArthur Boulevard. Police are creditlna four men who work tn th,e area wtth cb.ln1 doWll the euapected rapllt liid ~· buJJdlng be w• In until police antwd. ., Irvine pglice seize driver · after smashup • A Loa Angelea raan wa1 arrested on auaplclon of felony dnmbn drtvitia by IMne police. early Sunday momJnc fo1JOwtnc a two-car collialon on Laguna Canyon Roed. Fout J>eOP.le were Injured. one cri~y. polloe kpotted. ~and booked at Oranae County Jail WH 47-year-oTd Gerald Paul Glace. Polloe Mid Glace'1 ~hlcle wa northbound on~ Canyon Road when It co with a car driven by Robby Alexander P'ldUla. 18, of Upland. Mo.t terloualy fnjured wu a pamencer tn Glace'a car, Robert Adeau, 39, of Loa Angelea. Irvine police Lt. Bob Lennert aid Adeau WU lilted In ~ but 1table condition today at s.ddlebeclt c.ommuntty Hospital . ·oart lViOOer sharp · Grand prize $601 in Laguna event Mick Sml\b, a dar1a 0 ihooter from Torrance. walked a'tJay with the tDOlt ....., In the 13tl1 aruwa1 FanNlt Shootout over the weekend In Llguna Beach. He took ftnt place and '601 in the open 1lDalet Sunday at the Lacuna ~ Boy, Clyb, which 1pon1ored the event. Smith teamed with &nbtr Paliwoda, alao of Torrante. to lhare flnt prize of $400 in the mixed doub)a • . He wa1 one of a quartet capturina tint plllCe and abaring $500 In the four-man team event Satutday. Other team meinben were And}' (;_reen, Ken Muon and Tony CUdler, allot T~. George Vanetta and Mike Morton of San Mateo won the open doubles, IPllttmc '5()0. Sandy Reitan of Hermoaa Beach wu flnt tn the women's singles, fattening her wallet with $50. Tliere were nearly 500 competitors for whai is billed as the oldest dart tournament ln the country. Competlton came from many western 1tatea. The ahoot WU aanctior+ed by the American Dvttna Orpnlzation. Our "346" tropical suit8 are ready for your selection - , MACHGHARA, Lebarion -Wlth laraell force1 ma11ed on the border with eoutltern Lebanon, Syria ha• beaun 1tren1thentna itl pomtlonl ln Lebanon'• Seba v .u.y ln a bid to block a ))C*lble i.a.eu end-nm throuah Lebanon lnto Syria. . ·· "ff the larael11 attack ua we will defend our.lvwl and ever ,one lhou1d CCJnllder that It wW not be a pknk for llrMl. 'Ibey will~ heavily," ..sd a Syrian offktal ln Dunucua. The offidal would atve no detalll of the Syrian buildup at the mouth of the Bekaa Valley, about 20 miles north of the llraell-Lebanelle border" · Police hunt acco1nplice in slayings RIVER$IDE -Another penon wa1 being aought for belpina a paralyzed ex~vk:t elude police for two dayi before bis arrest in COllDfJCtion with the murders of two policemen, a police spokesman said. Jackson Chambers Daniela Jr., 44, wa1 boobd for inveatiaation of two counts of (lrat-degree mutd~, Riverside Lt. Richard Dana. said SUN:iay. Daniela was taken into custody late Saturday niaht. HI.a girllriend, Betty Robin Garrett, U. being held for allegedly aiding Daniela. 'Ole arrest of a aeoond penon U. expected "within the next couple of weeka." Dana said. He would not eay how many people are thought to have uq,d the pualyzed Daniels. Mr. and Ms. Nude California crowned DEVORE -More than 2,000 people were on band as a 43-year-old engineering technidan and a 21-year-old woman were crowned Mr. and Ma. Nude California, a cont.eat spokesman said. · The audience -much of it nude -saw Jim Flowers and Beckie Cerda named 1982 Mr. and Ma. Nude California Sunday at the Treebouae Fun • Ranch in Devore in San 'Bernardino County. Flowers. a Native Californian who lives in Devott, U. a married father who works at a local air base, said p.geant spokesman Bill Fie.her. Ma. Cerda, a native of Loe Ange.le.. la a student and model who lives in Downey, Flesher aaid. Two Fullerton 1nen killed in plunge JOHNSONDALE -Two Fullerton mm were killed when they fell about 100 feet over a waterfall near Jobmmdale, Tulare County lberitt'a office reported. Edward K. Ro.drlgues, 29, and Raymond Alvares Avila. 35, were c:limbtna above South Creek Falla when they fell Saturday, ~ laid. U.S. factory use lowest since 1975 · WASHINGTON -Factory use by U.S . manufacturen fell to 71.1 percent of caplldty in April, matchinC the loweet rate since the severe 1974-75 recession, the Federal Reserve Board reported today. The new flgurea, coupled with other reports showing h1duatrlal production droppi~I and unemployment riling In April, 1nd1cated ati'ongly that the recemon WU atilJ Wor.ning al the aprini quartet got \mdeJ-way. The lalt time the rate was 1oWer WM May 1975, when it Wiii at 70.3 percent. Billy Graha1n 'expected con.troversy' NEW YORK -The Rev. Billy Graham laicJ today he expected hi• Moscow visit to create controveny and rebuffed criticiam that. he wu naive to di8cula peace aJid nllclear war at a d)urcb conference. Critldlm fbllowed the American evanaelilt'• earlier remarks that he found more re~giou1 freedom than he expected and he WU aurpr1.ed at the warmth of bla welcome. "I wu able to preecb the Goepel and lf there Md been any restricUon on what I wanted to aay I would not have gone," the Southern Baptlat cleqymell told a news conference. Nazi war cri1ninal recruitlllent told· WASHINGTON -Rep. Barney Frank, D-..._, Ml called for a~ tnw.dption into ~ that State Departmmt offidU 81C1'et11 am.ag1ec.t b~ of Nm war criminala Into the United Statee ln evhaqe for SoYiet lnt8llfcenc9 infan:natklll. l'rank, a mapber of the lb.-auboomaotn. on lnveat1gat1on1, called the reported Nazi BE WENT -Debi Hand of Sweet Home. Ore., urges her fro1 "Let'• Go.'' on durlna flnall Sunday at Annual CalaveraJ Co.unty Frog Teamsters ~auling as strike ends By JEJl'P ADLER °'•Dlllr ........ Teamster-hauled rock, aand and ready mix concrete ahould t::n~=~~ ltrlke aettlement reached Friday with more than 2,000 union dr\ven. But lt will not be until Wec:tne.day that plant operationa return to Donnaf in Orange and Los Anaeies countief in the wake of the c::rtpplinai atx-week strike, said Jay Watklna, a epokesman for the 30 companies that COl8prUe the Southem Cal.lfomia Rock Produc:ta and Ready Mix c.oncr.te Amociationa. Tosether, the companies deliver about 90 percent of the rock, And and concrete used in a fiVe-<X>Unty area. Watkins said he wu baPPY the strike finally wu over because "nobody'• happy during a strike." He eakl the atrike Md 008t the construction industry and the. concrete companies mllllona of dollan in to.ea. Union memben ratified a new two-year pact Friday, givln1 them a $1.25-an-hour ra1le thil year and a 75..cent ralH next ·year. Under the old contract, driven had been earning an averap $11.~ an hour. Let's Go dOes Teen girl's frog makes victory leap . By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL Debi posed wlth her frog lr or .. Dlltr,......., oew1 pbotogapben. ANGELS CAMP -How do The con teat I• baaed on •e you motivate a fro«? distance covered by a frotill Well. you <$Jl ticKle it. You can three aucceujve jumpe. hlllltt squirt water oo it. You can yell at jockeys pounded the floor of• it. Or, you can kt. It. jumping at.age, shouted, tic9'Jld So it wu Sunday as 73 finalma -or reeorted to other l'.DMIUm vied for flrat place in the 54th -to coerce their frogs to ~· annual Frog Jumping Jubilee Soqle tried belly flops. Sev. here at the Calaveras County like jocket=ce Hamilton, of Fair. Loe Altoe, their frop Jldit' The 16-year-old Debt Land of to jumping. "f Sweet Home, Ore., it was nothing Orange County entranta did more than experience that led to not perform in remarkabl victory. Debi says she's been fashion this year. The D• involved with frog jumping since Pilot's frot;r, Amertcan Dream , the tender age of 19 months. was only able to generate a le\IAi H er frog i n th la ye a r ' a feet, one quarter inch jump. Re c?!if~tion, Let's Go, which was better at d.reaminl than he q her f1nala with a jump waa jumping. ..,: of 16 feet, =t and one quarter Well-known Harbor Aq~ inches came with a jump attorney Brad Decker fared u"" of 19 feet, five tha of an lnch. better, jockeying a frog named "Great. Ju at great," a Hora d'ouevres to a jump of niDe beer-drenched Debi said after feet 11 inches. 1fl\ receiving the first p~~hy _ · 1 on the etage of the fair:t';"t";tl in ,f.!} thia hJatoric gold rua mining 'Drug fou' :~ T&~ beer ..... thoughtfully e g~ij =~yzL.~:= cop slayer ~~ the Boloa. The took ~' ~t,;.?~~n:lla"i!:~ found guiltyJ.~ and seven elahtha inche1. The ~·name WM Flew By You. 'fhe world record of 20 feet, three inches, stood, however, deapite indications it would be shattered. The record was set in 1979 by Denny Matuct, with a frog named E. Davey ~. On Friday, 72-year-oJd .l!:lbena Westberry, a1-> a member of the Sweet Home-baaed Oregon Frog Team. jodded Frog Hom to a 20 feet. three and one quarter incbea jump in the 1enior citizens qualifying round. AnaeJa Camp WU a prior to the tinala about the poaibility of a new record beins established. But Frog Hom was able to only reach a mediocre 16 feet, eight and aeven .. , ... "the inches in the final.a. ....... . By rulea eetabllahed by frog jumping officials, qualifying jumps do not count in detenninina a record. It waa Mr,. Westberry'• granddaughter, Debi, who walked away with the $500 in p~ money. The frOI jumping grandmother stood beamina u A man who cla1ma be cou,... remember aboodn« and 1dDl,.a Garden Grove police of:6cer a4d wounding four other people becau.e ol hie heavy dru..1 u• baa been bonvicted of firlt..degree murder by an Orange Count' Superior Court jury. The six-man. llx-woman abo convicted murder def'endlnQ Gordon Lee Mink, 32. of HJll'l;:ua.11 circumstance allegations t could lead to his executim in ~~amber at San Quenti A penalty trial w. Id.eel to be8in today in Superior Judce Kenneth E . Laf!' courtroom. Proeecutor Dry Brown eaid he would argue the death penalty. Mink al8o .,.. found .wlty' two felony charge• oC .... at with intent to commit murc(e and two ~ counta of -IUl1 with a deadly weapon OD a . officer. ' The Jury ai.o convictl!d of two misdemeanor aaaaul counta. -... • l DEAR PAT: l ~t IO' a bank card, but mUI\ lldmlt that l'm eornewba\ frlabtenild of eleatronk benJdNr, 1 did writie my l*'9Dftll klenutk:ation number down and hkf lt. but what would my U.bWt.y be if J lolt 1ltoe card and tomeane manuect to Ult tt? JI, Colt& M .. Y• mapt 1oM you can or ....... CMld 11Ml it, Mt J"'n uf• -:..-=:.aov ... .er -~ ,.... er tMlell SM. YMreaNll ~_.. ................ ......_ aeeea" 1y1tem ,_.,.. _......_ ., .._.. 19'! _,.. aM _,.., ........ 1i1te tlle'ali.._W te111r ma~caJ:'rt.U. a. .. ATM •-'tMi are ~ te ntala ta.at un Mea ,....... 1a.a-.· ~MID• wW ee.ftleate a card U dte aer talll • • ,._. la .. eerrect ,enoul W.dfkadta _.., after ...,... attempts."" awartt tM *'leJ "9dl a card freip .. f ........ .. fer aa WeadfltedM Mmber. IMial ,.., baM card does prese11t dte aame aort of Uurd u ...... a cre41t card wMll It COIQ.et to UabWty. You UabWQ for aa•tMrbM wltWtawah from yov ~t II llmlt.M to tH. Jnt u It II wldt a cre41t card. U Y• aottly "9 flaudal tastlwdea wldlla two ba1lDes1 day1 alter leenia1 of th Iott or ifflt of you card. After )'H motUy dte buk, yoa cu't lose uy more moaey lf aa1tlterbed ~ldldnwals are made. U JH cloD't DOtlfy tH ballk wldlla twe Hllaets .. , .. )'H cu ION u mlldl •• ""· Tiie belt way to pntect yovself l1 i. telepltolle die ball to report yoar Iott ud foUow 1p wldt a letter. If YH tad a cenlfiH letter, )'Oii wtu laave 1.lae receipt u proof tbt die Jetter b1 beeD malled. Keep a copy of die letter too. Back taxes confiscated DEAR PAT: I received a federal tax refund check for le11 than I expected and then I got a notice stating that • portion of my refund had been applied to a previous year's ta,x liability. What does this mean? P .J ., Huntington Beach latenal Revea1e Servlee uplalaetl tbt before a refud ~-11 lsslled, tM IRS mus verify 1'Mdter uy •titer tun are ewed. Tltne am ... ta wW din be ~llC1e4 before tile ~ II lined. A Mtke always II.seat wlleil iMre ii uy dwa1e to Y"' rehlM daeek. Publishing company 'alive' DEAR READERS: Although a circulation department spokesman for Ziff-Davia publlther's ~In New York City told AYS in late March that Ziff-Davia was "going out of buaineu," Fred Shear. a Ziff-Davia fulfillment uaiatant now says that informaUon was i.ncorrect. The publishing company is alive and well, but ita "Adventure Travel" magazine is no longer being publlahed. R.M., Corona del Mar, had contacted AYS rescardinsc non-delivery of a canvas tote bag offered to new aubecrlben of "Adventure Travel." Although the Ziff.:Davis circulation spokesman had told A YS that the bag waa hnp:wible to obtain at this ~t. Shear hu UTanpd to have the bag mailed to R.M. A YS appreciates this follow-up actioll oo the part of Ziff-Davia. You can get Herpes ·withOut 'activity' WASHINGTON (AP) -The herpes simplex viJUs, the IOW'Oe of wide9prad ~real di8eale ln the United States. can remain infectious for bourt on common objecta such u toilet aeata, a raearcher says. The finding railea the poaibllity that genital herpet1, estimated by some health offidalt to afflict aa many aa 20 mllllon Americana . i1 communicable through non-sexual means u well a1 sexual contact. One researcher, Dr. Trudy Larson, aaid that herpes, previously thought to die quickly when expoeed on dry surfaces, UVed from 1 Ya to 4 houn on a '6llet aieat and 72 houn on cotton puze. "Our major concern isn't so much with toilet seats but with the gauze." she said in an interview. "The surfaces of gauze are similar to towels, and people with genital herpes should be extra careful that no one el9e uaea their towels when they have an outbreak." Ms. Lmw>n said herpes victims and the. in contact with them should take added hy1lenic precautions and that ~ medical penonnel should ensure that examination Instruments uled on victims are either cleaned thoroughly or thrown away. Genital herpes is an incurable di8eue that causes IOf'8 that can blister and fonn ulcers. Victima have attacks at irregular intervals and are infectious during these periods. The federal Centers for Disease Control estimates that 300,000 new cues of herpes -an "epidemic'' level -occur each year. LOI AMOJ:LJ:B (AP) - DHpU• much-.ballybooed l-'IWI ..W tiO l&ri .UCUUWI to Wodl .,..._ the ClC*t ot Uvtnc l• htjb, CaUfornla bu1lnH1 llideil are ftDt GUlpMin& the nit of th• nation, a 1tuCSy bf a nadonial ll'M'lllllilftl coNulUn& ftrm .,.. ••some •maller companle• blied in the Lil Anplel and San l'rancllco eru appear to have oom,._e.d top ~UWI man 1•neroUely than their national counterparts, HflecUn1 the at1ntficant number of entr~\&rlal and hlch-ftnm ccmpe~ for,roven manasertal talent, tat Lewl1 Roeenthal, head of Lo. Anaelea office of Siblon & Co.Inc. ' .. However," he added, "pay Levell ln the majority of California firms are baalcally comparable with the rest of the C.'OWltry." The study 1howed ~nt ulartea n.e a hair hater In California than ellewhere durln1 1981 -12.6 pen:ent ln the ttate compared to 12.3 percent naUonally. But when bonuses baaed on company performance were added to compute total compen1ation, California execuUva t.ged behind the rest of the nation, ri1in1only12.7 percent compared to 13 percent mewheft. 'Ibe study noted that a major reason for the alug1sh lncreue in bonuses i1 the prolon1ed rece.lon, whk:h hu cut deeply into oompaniea' J)l'Of:lta, In actual dollars paid to the exec:uUves, there la no clear-cut trend, with chief executive officen earning tllahtly more in California ($160,000 before bonu.. compared with t140,000 elaewhere), while top legal executives earn lel9 in the 11ate ($50,000 before· bonuses compared to $66,000 ellewhere). In other categories, chief operating officers and top division and financial executives earn more in California, but controllert and personnel directon in the ttate are lelB well off than COWlterpartl ebewhere. . The ~udy was baaed on a 1urvey of 514 companies nationwide, Including 64 In California. The sample ranged from tlO million ~ finna to $60 bllllon conglometatu In a broed range of flnna. 'Lobster tax' . proposed by Oklahoman OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) _: An Oklahoma congressman hat proposed a national tax on lobsters. , Rep. David McCurdy, D-Okla .. says the tevenues from the tax on the ahellfiah would be used for "further development of alternative .ources of lobster." "A . handful of top .eatedP- Th•r• are 80.1.0IO HIU In Buffalo•• RScb ttladlum, and THJ M•IH plans to 1lt 1n -ewry-..... -If h• 1ucceed1, th• 31 ·year·old dlsc jockey for WPHD·l'M aays he will break • record fOC' .. w.tttnc -and raJH money for the American Cancer Society u well. SteTe &ell)' of KIMN Radio In Denver Ml the record ln 1980, ral1inf $30,000 for 1ittin1,_~ all 5,000 Mata ol Mile Hllh Stadhun, a WPHD lpC)Jcswoman aid. Magoo's a11ault on Rich Stadium, home of the NFL Buffalo BWa. will belln May 26 . WPHD -.vlll call tor pled1e1 to the charity for every 1,000 aeata he 1ita ln. added Sud1 Gilbert. · Lo•lH Reev11. widow of ~rofe11ional boxer Jimmy Reeves, it ukina mlll1onl of dollara in damages from the makers of the film "Ragin1 Bull" because her late husband'• name wu uaed In the film, allegedly without her pennitlion. Mn. Reeves it eeekin& $4.2 million in compenaatory and punitive dama1ea and 3 percent of the movie'• profits. Former middlewelgh t champion Jake La Motta foufht Beevea, the 1940 nat onal amateur light heavywf!t&ht champkln. twice in 1941, and Reevee won both bouts. Joflm Q9.lacy Adams, direct deacendant of two U .S . president&, canceled hla fint bid for public office. Adam.a, 32, who works at a pharmacy in Canon City, N~v., sought a seat In the state ~mbly. He said he was offered the pharmacy manager'•Job llartlnf ln July, an -,!twas• an advancement ' couldn't tum down." He filed In February u a Republican advocatinc ttates' rights -a far cry from the federallat vtewa held by hla ancestors, Joll• Adams, the natioo's -..ond _pre8dent, and Job~ MfUal, the sixth president. lobeter-produclng states have sought to gain the greatest fo11lble economic advantage 1---------- rom their po1ili ona as net-lobater harvesten at the expense of th.e r est of the nation." he aid. Actually, ~ .. lddd.tna. H e patte rened h f 1 C.11 IU-5171. Put • few word• to work for AP'M11et rtr MAKING A PAM? -Former quarterback Joe Namath chats with actrea Raquel Welch during a banquet in Los Angeles held in honor 'ol Bette Davia and Burt Reynolds, winners of the Rudolph Valentino awards for their lifetime contributions to movies. Cla11 voa Balow, sentenced to 30 years ln prison after beina convicted of twice trying to murder hit helreaa wlfe, faces a hearing thit week to determine if he has met a ball r e quirement allowing him to remain free pending appeal. . A lawyer for the Newport. R.I., socialite submitted a list of von Bulow'a ueeta valued at $1 mlllion and posted a $50,000 bond In accordance with lnttructiona from Judge nomu B. Need\am. Before bail become• official, however, the court must verify the ueeta, court officiala said. Von Bulow wu found guilty March 16 of trying to kill Mart.Ila "Sully .. •oa "Balow with insulin injections. Swaying light fixtures in his courtroom prompted U.S. Diatrict Judge Rlcbard E111len to move all court proceedings out of Kala- ma zoo's federal office buildW In Michigan. ~ said he would allow no hearing• in the building until workers finish repairing the roof. Since the repair work began, a board and a brick have fallen through the building eeiling, hallway• have been blocked and aome entrances have been closed, the judge lllld. A gem-set gold snuffbox ma~e for Prussian ltl•I Fredertcll II more than 200 years ago brought a record price of '810,000 at a Geneva auction, Cllrlttle't auction house announced. The sale price was triple the' appraisal estimate. The previous record f o r a snuffbox wu $~2.000 paid a1 a 1980 auction for a box from the collection of Prince Esterlaaiy. accordlna to the auctioneers. The "Eaterhazy box" had been given to a member of the Hungarian FAterhuy family by Russian Empreu Catllerlne tile Great in the 18th cent~, a spokeswoman for Christies said. · Pianist Vladimir Horowitz ls pre paring for his first European concert in 31 years with a constant American companion -a personal Steinway . "I cao't play European pianos/' the 77-year-old vtrtuoeo explained. ''They're too placid. I like many colon." SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION By Order of The Board of Directors and Other Secured Parties C0"1PLETE LIQUIDATION TO REPA• PAST DUE LOANS AHO LETIERS OF CREDIT TO BANK _, ffM./JT lfll/M I MlllTAL llUl'fTI I IHI ALL RUGS HAND MADE TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER ON TUESD~Y, MAY 11th AT I P.M. IOUIAr Ill 21201 ~ 'AZ lljl, Ulllj llUS Prevtew wtll commence 1 ~our prior to auction Alto Included In the euCtlon wff1 be a LAAGE IELECTION M •ONZEI re6eued by a well-knoWn West Cout Foundry congue..in~ pre1entation on L----------"---..-:-:--:--~­a n announcement by the Northeast -M i dwest Congreltional Coalition Jhat it is aeeklng a national severance tax on oil. The Coalition'• proposals . would mean trouble for oil producing states like Oklahoma, Mcerudy said. I : ~ . .. I { .I Newport com sbop O~IU .. Balboa Coln Gallert•, Ltd., a Newport Bwb lhoP 'l*"•ll&f'l tn nurnltmatlc .,ad and l8Wr ~ Kr\lam'andl, aple Leave• and the Gold Cc•(~ Mexico. 11 wen • ao)d ~. wm hold._ tta ..na opemna Tuetday tfu'ouab Saturday ai,..ac>o Btfch{ s~ Sulce ua. Manaaer ii Marian Peanon. Balboa Coln Gallerim, next to West COMt Metall Intema~. will be open 10 a.m. to~ p.n>. ~ Uvoulh Saturdays. 'Firm expands in Newpol'~ C.Ontlnental llllk Services, a 1ubl1d.lary of \b• Continental C.orp., New York-baed lmurance ho1d1na UJmpany, bu ~ to 1araer beedquarten ln an office buUdiJ1I at ~1 Dove St., Newport Beech. Continental Rilk Services la • rilk ~t cobaultinc firm. Dunn firm relocates The Charles Dunn Company'• Orange County office announced expansion and relocation of the firm'• rec1onal off:ica , 1be enWpd off:lcM are on the ground floor ol the Continental Plaza at 4141 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Be.ch. · The company la the reprellel\tative in Loe Angeles and Orange counties oJ The Office Network Inc .• a roster of commen::lal bri>kerage finm. Bay Plaza ceremony set A ground-breaking ceremony will be held Thursday for Bay Corporate Plaza, a corporate community of CadUiec Fairview/Califomia. Inc. and Bay DeYelopment C.orp. It will be located at Uni~ty · Drive and !rvtne Avenue. Grace's sales set record S)\areholden of W.R. Grace & Co. were told at • the annual meetinl ln New York that aalea and . leerD1no reeched recOrd 1eftla In 1981. ~ S.-~ $6.8 bO.&o, while net iDccme IP'f!'W' 6 percent to $361 million 1ut year. !'.anU.n8I were 7.68 per share few &be year. Flnt quarter eamiQp were ~y com.perabie to 1981. .. . W. R. Grace & Co., an intemational firm with. interests In cbemicala, natural remu.rces and oomumer eervica, openta i1a New American Restaurant Corp. beedquart.en In C4ata Mea and hMdquarten for 12 Torito -La Fiesta Restaurants, Ine. and Far West· Services in Irvine. Grace also operates several restaurants in the Newport Beach.CO.ta Meu area such u !:I Tortto, Hoollhan'a. Coco's and Reuben'a. Mesa firm gets pact t Luther Medical Products of Costa Meu baa · ·announced it entered a 10-year agreement with Deleret MecUcal Inc., a diviaion of Wamer-lAmbert l Inc., to supply lta break-away catheter lntroductfoo systea). Luther Medical'• iniUal annual sale. volume is . exi-cted to be in extiel9 of $100,000 . .,.. Go. 1.d,metals quotations Blood research lunded. ' SOtrrll SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Ja_paneee company baa -ar-eed to fund the development of ~ blood prqteln that Genentech hie. ia aynUw:lriD1 for ea:ldent vk:tlml, the genetic engineering company said today. Mttaubl&b:l Cblmical lndulb:ie9 Ltd. of Japan will ,et e)celullft rtahta to market the protein In J1p1m in return for the fundln1. The amount of money MitaubllbJ la ln\l'eltlna ... not dlrlmed. by Genentech. GM, Toyota ·18JliS Gold BJ Tile Auoclatecl Pra1 Selected world gold prkm today: RUSTLE PLAY -Don Baylor,alldes into home creating a cloud of dust and carrying the Angels' first run Sunday. Baylor scored all the way from aecond on an infield single by Doug DeCinces in the fourth lnning, beating the throw Dllf,... ,,._... 'r.,....... O'Du11e• from Cleveland first bueman Mike Hargrove to catcher Ron Hassey. Angels completed four-garne sweep of Tribe with 3-0 victory behind the four-hit,pitch'ing of Ken Fonch. Mets· not laughing at_· Dodgers NEW YORK (AP) -The' New York Meta had every right to laugh at the world champion Los Angeles Dodgers after the tecond biggest inning in the team's 21-year h.latory. They knew better, though. Bob Bailor knocked in three rum during a nine-run, sixth inning Sunday u the Meta pounded the Dodgers 13-4 in a game spiced with Dodger mistakes and rniacues. The bfg inning, in which 13 Mets went to the plate against Jerry Reuss, 4-3, and Alejandro Pena was anythins ·but a power display. The Mets collected six singl~ but combined the hits with three walks, a bases-loaded balk by Pena and three Dodgers errors. "It's not anything you can laugh at because it's not physical," said ~ookie WU.on of the bis lnninf. "'.l'hat'• just something that. happens. It s like ooOklng a meal, and one day everythins comes out right, and the next day everything bl.ims. You don't laugh because it could happen to you." Joel Youngblood and Hubie Brooks led off the sixth with singles before Bailor drove in Youngblood with a sinsle to center. Bailor delivered a bases-loaded single ln his second at bat. scoring George Foster and Dave Kingman. Youngblood alao acooted home on the play when right-fielder Rick Monday's throw got away from catcher Mlke ~Olcia. Bailor, who has been used at several different positions by New York over the last two years, said everything went right • for the Meta, adding "l was just lucky." The Meta' biggest innln8 came on June 12, 1979 when they acored 10 runs against the Cincinnati Red1. Ironically. that outburst alao came in the s1Jctht lnninA. The Meta' four-game aeries with the Dodgers dre.:f a total of 131,070 fans, lhe fidt time in almost two years the team surpassed the 100,000 mark. Ron Cey, who committed one of the Dodger errors in the sixth, homered for Loa Angeles. New York starter Mike Scott, who rai.ed his record to 3-2 and also drove ln a pair of runs. waa the winner, pitching 1even inningl and giving up four runs, just two ea.med. Ed Lynch and Jesse Oroeco mopped up with one inning of work each. Mets batting coach Jim Frey said he wiaQed the team could space out its breaks. "1'.n so many games this season, we've been hopinS for any little break. Then -today we get five or six in a row, infield bit&, bloop singles, their errors. When it gets like that, it continues and everything went our way." The Mets took a 2.0 lead in the first inning on George Foster'• RBI double and a aac:rifice fly by Klngman. They extended the margin to 4-0 in the fourth on RBI singles by Tom V eryrer and Scott. Cey's homer and Derrell Thomas' run-scoring grounder in the fifth cut the lead to 4-2 before New York's big inning. R~okie .decides 194 mph is not enough Fillip could have qualified at Indy, but gambles that he'll go faster Saturday Brabham, son of former world driving champion Jack Brabham, finished fifth in hil rookie race at Indy a year ago. Lynn's ~oWer pays oil ~ JOHN SEVANO ... Jackson'• aolo ahot gave him ~~=ago, ~e Angel hia l,SOOt!t career RBI and al8o pla)'en ~ to formulate-a allowed him to keep a promlle he pool on the next time Fred Lynn ma<Je to An,els owner Gene ··'d hi ' h ..... _ all Autry earlier in the day. WOi.u t a ome run. ru w:r ' "I told Mr A1,1try I'd try to hit it had been more1than a year -· .. ~y 1, U~81 to be e>UW!t _ aince one for him today, said Jac;Juon. the outfielder had laat nexed h1$ who pointed toward Autry • box m: every player on the I was in shock and Ansel•' roster participated. utter disbelief when ii bettlns $5 per number (1-31, which represented the number of went over. days ln a month). Even Lynn -,,_ LJM hlrolelf Joined ln the festivities, anteing $10 f,or a couple of chances. Lynn didn't wtn the pool (Don ~lor did), but the left-bander 't eeetn to mind u he ended hit drouaht in the eisl:\t.b Inning Supday by s01ashin1 a John D•nny curveball over the 370:91cn ln left center. "I wu watch.ing it the whole ~to make sU.re lt we9t out," ed Lynn of his blatt which provided the Angela with their tinal run in a 3.0 victory over the Cleveland Indians before a crowd of 27,054 at Anaheim Stadium. IT 'S BEEN pretty truatrating,'' he added in a more . serioua tone. "I'm not the kind of guy who~ known for hitting home runa, but I had a courle of pretty good yeara when was with Boston. •• L)'llll came into this aeaaon - his second with the Angels and ninth overall -with an average ot 16 homers a year. His most productive season was 1979 when he hit 39. His worst was dW'ing the 1trike-toro 1981 campaign when he hit but five. "I thought about It a lot more than I wanted to. and that didn't help matters either,." L;rnn continued. "rd think about at at the ball park; I'd think about it at home; I'd even think about it if I was feeding the fish. "Eventually, I started tryins to rut home runs and that. W"8 the worst thing I could have done. I wasn't even thinking about it today when I hit De~y. He just gave me .a breaking ball and I wanted to go with the pitch. "I wu In shock and utter disbelief when It went over. You would think I'd forget ""bat circling the bases was like. But 1 would do it during batting practice just to make sure I remembered.'' aft.er crossing the plate as if to say, "That one'a for you." "Plus I knew it was my 1,300 RBI." The home runs by JacJuon and Lynn gave Ken Forsch some breathing room, something he hasn't been used t.6 recently. Fonch, who eveped his record at 3-3 with the victory, t\ad been supported by his teammates with only 11 runs in the six games he either lost or had no decision. "li'orich pitched real well," complimented Jack.Ion. ''In fact. he's pitched real well for us all year, we just haven 't been scoring many runs for him." Forsch got his first run of the game in the fourth inning when Baylor singled, went to aeoond on a walk to Lynn and acored'on an lnfield hit by Doug DeCinces. Baylor, with a full count and two out. was runnins all the way whe n DeCinces hit a high chopper otl the plate that Denny fielded and threw to first too late. The throw from Cleveland first baseman Mike Hargrove to catcher Ron Hassey was too late, too, in trying to get the huatlin' Baylor. · PLUMER BREAKS NATIONAL MARK LOS ANGELES =--University High's Polly Plumer set a national high sc'hool record In the women's mile run Sunday at the UCLA-Pep~i Invitational at UCLA. clocking 4:35.24. Plumer, who finilhed seventh in the race. wiped out the old record by over (ive seconds. The winner of the race was Cindy Bremser with a time of 4:29.21, the best in the world this year. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Rookie Chet FUlip, a gambling Texan, has one more throw of the dice and will step to the·table for the final roll next weekend in hi.I bid to land a spot in the Indianapolis 500-mlle race. them succeeded, Geoff Brabham and Dennis Firestone. raising the number of qualifiers to 22 going into next Saturday's third round of time trials. "We decid..ed we had to stick to our limit," said Fillip, explaining why he called off. the attempt that would have given him a tentative start from the middle of the eighth row iJi the May 30 race. "We thought we could come otat later in the day, when it was cooler, and run a little faster." and late model racing on both dirt and asphalt surfaces since 1976. "I ran a 196.9 in practice, and (in deciding the 194.5 limit for qualifying) we went by what we fiRured everybody ei.e would run. A lot of other can could go 194 or faster.'' Firestone, 37,'i grabbed the LYNN'S BOMER came one Inside of the eighth row, the out after Reale Jacbon hit his 22nd qualifying po81tion. ,,.,, fifth home nm ·of the year over the fence in center field. Another area runner, Rennie Durand of Laguna Beach High, placed seventh in the 800-meter run ln 2:07.46. FlWp, 25, could have earned a aafe berth in the 33-ar lineup on Saturday, but he called off bis first attempt to. qualify after two laps at more than 196 mph. He sambled he could go faster. He took another try Sunday but averaged barely over 194 for three laps. So he wheeled his C.O.worth-powered Wildcat -0ff the Indianapoia Motor Speedway track., staking his fortune on one more chance at the line. "We set our limit on 194 and a half, and all we ran was 194,'' said Fillip, one of only five driven to make official att.empta to qualify on Sunday. Two of It was nearly five hours after Fillip's attempt before the next try, by Brabham, waa made. Then, by the time It got cooler, a ralnshower was on the way, and officials closed the track five minutes before the 7 p.m .. EDT, acbeduled finish. . ''The car ii~ good," said FUlip. a native of Ozona, Texas, and a veteran of supermodif.ied Fillip put ln about 100 tape of practice during a rookie orientation prosram at the Speedway last month. ' "I couldn't believe how big it was,'' he said of th~ man;unoth Speedway complex and its treacherous 2 ~-mile tradt. "All I had ever run on was short tracks. But rm comfort.able driving on It now. 1 guess that rookie leSSion really helped." Brabham, 30, earned a tentative start on the outaide of the seventh row with hia auccesaful attempt at 198.906 mph. It was his second try. Lewis· ·has recOrds in mind \ UC Irvine product Steve Scott captured the featured mile run ln 3:52.68, rallYtna with an excellent 52.2-eecond final lap. DOn l>atse was aiecond with a penonal-best ti.me of 3:64.19. Scott said he antidpated a llower J*e in the mile but was plealed with the retulta. "~obody ieally wanted to nan fall .. .'' he Aid. "1 wanted to ~i and 9" how mJ, Jclck ii' at UU. time of the ,..r. I really felt good \b8t I could kick the 1ut quarter 11 fast or fllter than Pal#Ce . . Complex · cable T·v By ROBERT BARKER O( .. D119r ........ Weat Oran1e County pable 'television authorities auert~d todat that apartmeni realden'8 are elng deprived of cable televislon llel'Vice by owners and manaien who will not permit cable hookup1. The condition, which also extend• into mobile homes, La most evident in Huntington Beach, according to Douglaa Rook, general manaaer of DickiNOn Pacillc Cab1elysternl. ''In many cuet the owners and manaaen tiave their handa out for kicJtt.cka and free terrices." Rook aaid. But Peter Carbef'rv, eucutive director of the Apartment Association of Orange County, aaid apartment ownera have retentef the lack of care aome cable companies (not Dlckinaon Pacific) have taken in the pal\. He aaid the companies have come into compleda without notice and "ltl'Un4r wires all over the place and did lhoddy work.'' Carbtrrr alao aaJd apartment ownera believe they 1bould be compensated for allowing hookup1 and becauae they supply . the property where the aervioe is to be performed. "It la a property right . Coin-operated laundries pay for the privilege." Cable Company off iciala estimate that the City of Huntington Beach is 109ing more than $100,000 a year in fre.nchbe fees and that thouaands of residents are being den.ll!d access to tAfuervk'e. They say residents alao are be i n g d e n 1 e d u a e oi a n emergencychannel that would glve instructions In case of earthquakes, floods and other disasters. Rook, the general manager of the ayatem, said there are about 23,000 apartments or condominiums in Huntington Beach. (See CABLE, Page At) Candle lures Laguna cops What WU reported to t...guna Beach police u a bonfire on tl\e be.ach turned out to be .,methlng I.em. Officer. arrived •t Shaw'• Cove about 11 p.m. Saturday to find a couple celebtaUna their annlvenary. • nw bonfire turned oUt to be an annJvenary candle, lltting ln &he Und. • Polloe adviled the couple of ~ city's fire reaulatlona and the ca.ndle WU exttnauf,IMd. ~ ·~ . beut wer• alowly bu& 1uNly yo~ ... aid DeHenwra. .. And wlked to aome~~DMr the •-n. '"-" wu ~. u dubed M be beaan hit iMroh 1aat al tbou1h they H•m•d to be Fullerton line, me that one wltnea had iieecrlbed hlm. week. playlnl it 1tral1ht with m•. thty ... hobot ln ditch o«en. And he'w• quite tq. l to&d him The monater, ct.:ribed by two thtr•'• a 10oct l>O!IA!blllty that l beaan to wonder lf that wH about ~ tqtoot reports, he aaJd ""tr*lll Mover eeven feet tall. their lma1lnatlona may have What we were loo~lna for," he 'I don't know anythlna about with~ black he.tr and• "'"*l ·been, well1 ovtnettw. ..set. • bl1foot/ and ran •Yfay. I think woue than rotten hone ''What th•J, re~ted '""'• And lo, Ddlerrerra WH ~t'1 our "'°""9f. I'm'not aotna manw. ... wu reponedly llah1ed wu • a.wre With a foW adc!r1 walkln1 alon1 the dralna1e to look any further," he Mia. - out1lde tb• Executive Park wry tall. wltti dark lol\l'Mtrana culvert Wedne1day when he Apartment. in Bueh.a Park lut ~re 1boukleiii. l went into Ule 1~Ued a ,,markable alaht: a The 'Buena Park Btlfoot leU'Ch Monday nilht. ditch and followed lt toward hobo, tix feetfourfn hetahi. with becan latt Monday .nfaht after "The wltneues who reported 1\&Uel1ion, but l didn't find any Iona hair, a filthy beard and a the i:eported 1l1htin1 at the -'~!-•-'n-~~, _i_h_e_b_e_~_,_,_w_•~r_e~b_o_th~~f~~'~~-ntl~ln~t_h_e_m~~-d_. W~h_tl_e_I~-"~~~~~~-·-·-~~-·-~~t-~~-·~~ Etecutive Park. Two~xper~ from northern California; the Ch,nnel 1 Newt Team: one tq l&me hunter Who believed it WM a bear; the Buena Park PoUce1 and hundred• of concern•• · cltlieru Joined the aearch lut week to llnd the smelly mQnlt.er, Buena Park Police, beaieaed with calla laat week, are now convinced that the menater/hobo/apparitlon h.a1 moved on. Britain vows 'one 'more go' on .Falklands GOING. GOING, GONE -One of the favorite boQths over the weekend at· Our . Lady Queen of N\gels Church fiesta ln Newpon Beach waa .a du'nklng booth where players got to dunk a o.ar .... "'--_, ~...., priest. Father Steve Sallot got his ln th1s photo sequence. Booth was appropriately named . ''Cool the Cleric." R;rifP,ar-y ele~t-on elate ne~rs Million lhange Countians eligible to vote June 8 By PftEDERlc& SCllOEMEBL OftMDllr ......... The June 8 primary election carqpaign trail ls juli weeks away and more than a million Oranae County residen'8 will be eligible to vote th.is time around. The primary, of course, will decide who receivea party nominations in partisan races. The winnerl will then face off in the November 2 &eneral e1ectioo. Other non-partiaan rtces ai.o will be decided June 8. These Involve offket such u superior court judge, aheriff<0roner and public administrator. Jlere ii a rundown on eome of the more ,notable races: Perhaps the moat extraordinary la i~ the newl)'. reapportioned 43rd CongremiClnal diatrict that cromee the dlvid.lnc line between Orange a)\d San I>i.eao countiel and lncludea San Clemen~ San Juan Capiltrano, C.IUnno Betdi, M.illlOn Viejo ana El ·Toro. I There are 21 candld•tea, Eighteen are aeektn1 the Republican party nomlnatlon. Thra are •kinl the Democratic Pany nod. ' • Becauae the 43~d dl1trict It heavily BepubUcaJl in voter re1latra.lon -n . percent comp.red to 34 percent for tbe Desaocrtt. ._ tmt r~• for ihe GOP DOIP1natkln ta, "tn eff• the elieedon. Meet of the other oonaremonal r'ces In the county are unren.kllble. Incu•b•nh like Robert Bedbarn, R-N'ewport Beach ln' the 40th; J,rq Patt.enon, D-Sanu Ana, in the 38th, and William Dtannemeyer, R-Fullerton, in the 3tth, t.c:ie no primar)'90pp"1tion. However, in the 42nd Congreasional Diatrict, a long coaatal diatrlct that atretchea from Huntington Beach to Rolling Hilla in Loa Angele• County, the incumbent, Dan Mesa · warned · of bogus • repairman Police "in Coata Mesa are warning t>uame. ownen to be on the lookout foe a man in his early 40'• who claims to be able to repair office machlnea on the prernltea. The man, who calla himaelf Cheater Wallace, recently charged a Costa Meaa Interior decorator $85.~ to repair and oil teYeral typewrite.rs, police Nid. The man told the woman to wait two houra until the machine• dried before uaing them. When she tried to operate them they were 1n wone shape thm before. Police aald the buaineu card left b·y the man lncludea the phone number ef a legitimate businem ln Upland. The owner there aald he haa received about '° to 100 phone calll from irate bAastnem ownen who have been vidiml of llmilar IChelnel. Lunaren, R -Long Beach, 11 facin1 • chall•'!le. Thomaa Heinlheimer, a RoWne Hm. dty councilman, chalrman of the South Coast Air Ma.naaement District and a noted ballooniat. t. seeking the Republican nomination. The only state Auembly district in which t)lere are firework• thia year 11 the reapportioned 69th diatrict, where Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle, R-Coata Meaa, and Irvine Mayor David Sllla are enga1ed ln a pitched battle for the Republican nomination. The lone Democradc candidate la Robert Hanson, a Costa Mesa Sanitary Dt.trict director. The district favors a Republican. The GOP haa 45 percent of the reg1atered voters. compared to 41 percent for the Democrata. The old 73rd dlttrtct. which included much of the aarne territory, but not Irvine, wu tllghtly on the Democratic side, 44 percent to 43 percen~. Becauae of reapportionment there b only one 1tate Senate race in the county thla year. It t. ln the new 32nd dlatrict, created In paI:t, to Improve electoral opportunltlea for Hlapanica. The district includes Santa Ana and other central county communlllea. and •mall portion• of Huntlnaton Beafb and Foun'8in Valley. There'• no ahorw,e of interest 1n the nee, in either _party._ Five Democ:rata and four Republlcanl are seeking party nomlnadons. The floueat campalanlna haa (lee PRIMARY, .... A!) I By Tiie Asaoclacecl Presa Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said today Britain would have "one more 10" at finding a diplomatic solution to the Falkland lalanda conflict but the choice between peace and war lay wlth Argentina. "We }\ave gone as far aa we can," she 1aid ln an interview with Independent Radio News. "They are the invader. They are the aggreuor . We are th e aggrieved. It la up to them." Asked how long she was pf'91>8ftd to rJ!roceed with talks at the United ~lions, she said: "My guess ii that we shall know this week whether we are goinlf to get a peaceful settlement or not." Earlier, Britain's domestic news agency Presa Aasoclatlon aaid the prime minister was expected to decide within 48 hows whether to order Britain's naval t.uk force to retake the lslandl aetzed b)' Argentina on April 2. In New York, U .N ., Secretary-General J'avler Perez de CuelfAr aafd hh attempta to mediate the dispute had reached thetr "final step." He met with Brltlah Ambaaaador Anthony Panona, juat returned from weekend conaultations with Mrs. Thatcher and her war cabinet. Perez de Cuellar planned a follow-up meeting with Argentine Deputy Foreign I Mutlster Enrique K09 in his ninth day of efforts to mediate a ceaae-ti.re in the six-week crisia. "Unlesa there la an unexpected breakthrough at the tlnlted Nations ... the invasion now appears certain ," the Presa Aaociation said. On Sunday, Britain's defeme minister said Argentina had a week to reach a settlement at the United Nations or face an invasion of the South Atlantic islands by troops aboard the Royal Navy fleet of 82-plus ahip1. Press Association said Mra. Thatcher and her advisers "are convinced that Argentina will never agree to withdraw" forces from the Falldanda until Britain a'rees to surrender aoveceignty over the ialanda. Britain haa refused to ru.ci. aove~ty as a preoondltion for withdrawal. The news agency did not identify 1QW'C1ea foe the report by political and defenae correapondents .. But they are regularly briefed by Defenae Ministry. Foreign Office and other government offidals on a non-attributable bacia. The Araentlnea "are act.ins like aomeone playing a game ol tenniJ and living a i>rfc:imdition before the game that it is being played on the undentanding that they win," Parsons told reporters at London's Heathrow airport today Marijuant worse than cigarettes? LOS ANGELES (AP) - Caution: Mhrijuana smoking aim may be hazardous to your health. That's the measage in a paper to be delivered today before the 78th jolnt annual meeting of the American Lung Aa8oclation and ita. medical aection, the American Thoracic Society. About 4,000 physidams. nurses an'd other professional and volunteer health workers are attending the three-day meeting ending Tuesday at three Los Angeles hotels. "lt'a reuonable to think that marijuana smoke is more irrltatini to respiratory tissues than 'tobacco, which Lt a known cau.e of lung cancer.'' Dr. Donald P. Tashkin was to report to a community educatloh program workahop. The work.shop for a dozen young Hollywood celebrltiet ls intended to prepare them lor national media and personal appearances"Oo behalf of the lulll( association. The actors include "Whit~ Shadow'·' stars Kevin Hooks, Byron Stewart, Eric Kilpa~ Stony Jackson, Derrick Swafford, Wolfe Perry, Timothy Van Patten and Nathan Cool Other young actors being briefed on the effects of marijuana and tobacco smoldna are !mest Harden Jr. of '"lltie JeUersona.'' along with Jim Jordan, Orea Henry and Dorian Harewood. Taahkin, a Loe ~les·baed phyalcian and scientist, aaye marijuana amok• containa the aame resplratory lrritanta found in tobacxx>. Marijuana smoke aJ.o aontaina 50 f>ercent more cancer-producl.na hydrocarbo .. than tobacco amc>ke, he .. ,.. CABLE TELEVISION •.. ~le .aid the $19.95 hookup charp la beln& refunded if ~· resident doem't want the eerYice after a month. Alao the hookup charae la bein1 offered aa a c.redlt on pro1ram charaea after aeven montba of llel'Yke. The maximum mon1h)y blllJa $31.95 if cUltomen aublcrlbe to all three leveJa of eervtce -bMic ~~ome Box Office and Dickinaon, Pacific now baa 22, ?07 1ubscrlben ID the foW' dtiea. Crash· injures ·trio in Viejo Jail inmate's death probed J'w1her tests are beini done to determine the cau.e of deeth of. an Oranae County Jail inmate who collap.ed and died Friday in bJI cell. • An autopey failed to dbcloee the cauae of death of Alfredo Ramiles, 18, of Garden Grove. Ram1ra, .mn, an erp~montb ..itmce for bull!SarY. P-cl out ln bis elaht-IMD ce11 foll~ ~ He died at the tcene. 8herlff • Lt. Wyatt Han ialci the·autopey naJed out cleedi bllna cau.d at the banda ol enother. Hart aald further lab and toxicolofical atudiea would be done to pinpoint the cauae of death. Fog fOr-ecast TM Fcnt11t FOf 7p.m. EIT 'RIM. .,._mJ .r i.v.May18 -.. .. 16 71 61 .o2 .. 13 17 ., .1 .. .. 52 , .. 52 1t M .OI 12 .. Al 17 • ... •1 1.13 .. . .. 1111.31 A raplat deacrlbed by the 23-year-old vtctlm u havina • ~rbe~idab~h-pltctied valoe .. IDUlht _by NeYl'pCll't Beach po tee followtna a weekend attack. Off icera said the heavyset attacker, armed with a 13-incb kitchen knife, broke into the woman'• Balboa apartment Saturday afternoon, waited for her io return home and raped ber. The woman tbld pollce the man wu lJl h1a late 201, wore weatern-atyle clothlna and weilbed about 200 pounda. The incident marked the lleCOnd ..X Attack in the J)Mt few days in Newport. A 33-year-old Florida man remain• In cuatody in Heu of $100,000 bail aft~r an alleaed rap6 and ro&bery apree Frtclay evenma in a~ bdldl:fowr the lnteraectton of Jar~ ree Roed and .MacArthur BoWevud.' · ,· PollCI are aedi~ four men who work In the area wt th cbaaina d'own the 1u1peeted rap.taDd ~a building be-w.. m undl police arrived. ., Irvine 1>9.lice / seize driver ___:_ · ~f tel' smashup. A Loa Angelea man waa arrnted on 1U1plclon of felony 1 drunken drivlna by Irvine police. early Sunday mominl fo1.IOwlnc a two-car colll1lon on Laauna Canyoo Road. · Four people were lnja.q'ed. ooe critically, poi.Ice ~ ~ An"eSted and booked at County Jail WH 47-ye~ Gerald Paul Glace. Police Mid Glace'1 vehk:le WM northbound on~ Canyon ao.d when it with a car driven by Rob y Alexander Pad!Ua. 18, ot Upland. Most eerloualy injured wu a ~ in Glace'a car, Robert Adeau, •39, of Loa Aoselea. Irvine police Lt. Bob Lennert aald Adeau w• lilted In critical but stable condition today at Saddleback Community Hospital. Da~l ~,:winp.er sharp Grand pri•e l~l in Laguna event ~ ' ' Mick Smith. .. daru lhooter were Andy Green, Ken Muon from Torrance, walked away and TOQY CUdler, all of Torrance. wttb the IDOi& money In tbe 13th George Vanetta and Mike annual Farwett Shootout over Mortoa of San Mateo won the the weekend ln Lfcuna Beech. open doubles, aplittina ~. • He took ftl'I& ~ and '801 in the openis::e-Sunday at the t..,uDa Boya Clu6, which_ apon~or•d lhe event. Smit'b teamed with Amber Pallwoda, aho of Torrance, to ah.are first prlz~ of $40.0 in the mixed doub8. He waa one of a quartet ~tint .place and aharlnc in tour-mm tpim eYe11t turday. Other t.eam members Sandy Reitan of Hermou Beach wu first in the wpmen'• ~ fattening her wamt wUh Tl)ere were nearly 500 competiton lot what ii billed aa the oldest dart tou.mameni in the country. Cornpetlton came from many western states. nw shoot WU aanctloned by the American Darting Orpni7.ation. Our "346° tropi<;.al $uits are ready for your 5dection ~ I ly Tiit AuMlaW !NII SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -Antl·Navy extremi1t1 claimed re1pol\llt»Uty today ·for the murder of one American-'loi' and the~ of three othere 1n lhe bloocilelt att.llC:k on U.S. wNlltary men hire lft more than two Y'lu.'8· • t Au\hoitU. Mid the four ~ enlilted lnef\ were~ dvWan clothtl eerly &&nday when an automobile p.lUed to the curb And thoee Inside opened fin on lhe eaUan walkina blCk to UM per whef9 tM USS PerillcioLa WU tied up. P.tty Officer 3rd ~ Darryl T. th1Wpe, 22 ot Dubllll, Ga., wu killed while ~etter Offiaer 8td Clue Larry S. Sk.owronakJ, 21, of Erle1 Pa.1 ~tty Offkwr.Srd Clua Randell L. Keyt.e, 23, of .NUW\1 Mith., anii Seaman Anlhony L. Phaneuf, 20, of Aahville, Maine, were wounded, the Navy repOrted. S¥rip 'set' for Israeli attac){: MACHGHARA, Lebanon -With Israeli fore.,, massed on the border with aouthern Lebanon, S~ria has be1un 1tren1thening its position& in Lebanon'~ Belcaa Valley in a bid to block ;rr.ble Israeli end·run thJ'ou&h Lebanon into s . " f 'the Israelis attack us we will defend wr-lves and everyone •hould conatder that it wm not. be a pknlc for ltrael. They wW pay heavily," said a Syrian official in Darnucwt. · The official would give no deta.l.la of the Syrian buildup at lhe moulh of the Bekaa Valley, about 20 miles north of lhe ~eli·Lebenele border. Charges dropped i1;1 helping suspect RIVERSIDE -Police have decided not to press charges against a woman they said helped a paralyzed ex-convict e9Cape ~r lhe murder of two policemen last week and said today no further arrests are expected. Betly Robin .Garrett, 37, was beinti held for allegedly helpina Jacluon Chambers Daniels Jr., 44, who has been booked for invesUgation of murder. Police said Sunday that at least one other penon had Kelped Daniel. move from place to place from Thunday -when the oftioen were gunned down -to Saturday night, when Daniela was :g:ured. But Police Chief Victor E. Jones said y that a number of those who helped Daniela also had helped police find him. "I don't expect any more arrests at this time," Jones said. Mr. and Ms. Nude .California crowned DEVORE -More than 2,000 people were on hand as a 43-year-old engineering technician and a 21-year-old woman were crowned Mr. and Ms. Nude California, a contest spokesman said. The audience ~ much of it nude -saw Jim Flowers and Beckie Cerda named 1982 Mr. and Ms. Nude California Sunday at the Treeh<>U8e Fun Ranch in Devore in San Bernardino County. Flowers, a Native Californian who lives in Devore, is a married father who works at a local air base, said pageant spokesman Bill Flesher. Ma. Cerda, a native of Loa Angeles. is a student and model who lives in Downey, Flesher said. ' Two Fullerton 1nen killed in plunge JO}{NSONDALE -Two Fullerton men were killed when they fell about !50 feet over a waterfall near Johmondale, Tulare County lheriff'a office reported. Edward K . Rodrigue•, 29, and Raymond Alvarez Avila. ~. were cllmblna above South Creek Falla when they fell Saturday, offidala said. U.S. factory use lowest since 1975 • WASHINGTON -Fac tory use by U .S . manufacturers fell to 71.1 percent of capacity in A_P.rll, matching the lowest rate since the severe • 11'74-75 recession, the Federal Reserve Board reported today. Th~ new figures, coupled with other reports showing industrial production dropping and unemployment rising in April, indicated strongly that the l"eCle9lon was still wonening as the spring quarter got under way. The last time the rate was lower was May 1975, when ·it wu at 70.3 percent. Billy Graha1n 'expected · controversy' NEW YORK -The Rev. Billy Graham said today he expected his Moacow vi1it to create controversy and rebuffed criticlam that be was naive to diacuss peace and nuclear war at a ~un:b conference. . Criticlaltl followed the American evangelist'• earlier remarks that he found more reli&ious freedom than he expected and he was aurpri.aed at the wannlh of hls weloome. "I waa able to preach lhe Gospel and lf there had been any rest.rlCtion on what I wanted to say I would not have 1one," the Southern Baptist cleraymen told a news conference. ~ Nazi collahOrator rec~uitinent told WASHINGTON -Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mall., Ml called for a~ lnwstlpUon into reports that State Department offidU9eCl'ed1 srnuaJed hundreds o( 1llalia and Nazi mOabcratcn into the United States In exchan1e for Soviet intelliRence information. Frank, a member of lhe HOUie 1Ul)cornmittee on inveatll(ationa. called the 'reported1Naii recruitment "operation "the most appalling rnlxture of moral lmel'llltlvity'and incompetence I have ~." ~ llld Sunday thai. hew• lnformed of the l:parted ~ prcJll'alD w John Loftus, a ormer prmecu~ with 16e Juatlce J)epartment's Office of Spec;lal Investigation, the unit responsible fOC' terreuna oui war crtm1nak World's Fair has ,,,...,.. ... HE WENT -Debi Hand of Sweet Home, Ore .. urges her frog "Let's Go," on during finals Sunday at Annual Calaveras County Frog Jumping Jubilee at ~11 Camp. Let'• Go did, and won with a leap of 19 feet, three-eightilp of an inch. t Teamsters hauling as strike ends By JEFF ADLER or .. ~,... .... Teanuter·hauled rock, sand and ready mix concrete a~uld beain movlna today throughout Se>Uthem California followlr\8 a strike aettlement reached Friday with more than 2,000 union driVerJ. But it will not be until Wednetlday that plant operationa return to normal in Orange and Loe Angeles counties in the wake of the crippling aix·week .strike, said Jay Watkins, a spokesman for the 30 companies that comprise lhe Southern California Rock Products and Ready Mix Concrete A.odationa. Together; the companies deliver about 90 percent of the rock. sand and concrete u9ed in a five-county area. Watkins said he was happy lhe strike finally wu over becau.ae "nobody'• happy during a strike." He said the strike had cost the construction industry and the concrete companies millions of dollan in to.es. Union members ratified a new two.year pact Friday, giving them a $1 .25·an·hour raise this year and a 75·cent raise next year. Under the old contract, drivers had been earning an average $11.50 an hour. Let's Go does Teen girl's frog makes victory leap ) By FREDERICK 'SCHOEMERL of'etie .,... ,... ..... ANGELS CAMP -How do you motivate a frota Well, you can tickle il You can aquirt water _on it. You can yeU at it. Or, you can kisa it. So it was Sunday as 73 finalists vied for first place in the 54th annual Frog Jumping Jubilee here at the Calaveras County Fair. The 16-year-old Debi Land of Sweet Home, Ore., it was nothing more than experience that led to victory.-Debi says she's been involved with frog jumping since lhe tender age of 19 months. Her frog in this year 's competition, Let's Go, which qualified her finals w1lh a jump of 16 feet, eiiht and one quarter inches came throUgh with a jump of 19 feet. five eighths of an inch. "Great. Just great,'"'a beer-drenched Debi aald after receiving the finst ~lace tro hy on the s~e of the f ln this historic gold rua mining camp. The beer was thoughth&lly aupplied by members of the Ap~ h'oQ jumJ>i.Ni team, the . The SOD tOok leOOnd e_lace on member Brian CU1ntnlJl811'" jump of 18 feet nine and seven eighths inche1. The frog's name was Flew By You. The world record of 20 feet, three inches, stood, however, despite indications it would be 1hatte:ttd. The ~rd WU let in 1979 by Denny Mataacl, with a frog named E. D6ivey Cloekette. On Friday, 72.year-old J!Jberta Westberry, a1ao a member of the Sweet Home-based Oregon~ Team, jockied Frog Hom to a 2?> feet, three and one quarter inches jump in the senior citizens qualifying round. · · Angels Camp was a prior to the finals about the poalbility of a new record being established. But Frog Horn was able to only reach a mediocre 16 feet, eight and seven eighths inches ln the finala. By rules established by frog jumping officials, qualifying jumps do not count In determ.lning a record. It was Mrs. Weatberry 'a grand'daughter, Debi, who walked away with the $500 in prize money. The frog jumping grandmother stood beaming u Th, contest 11 baaed on e Debi posed with her frog for news photographers. i distance covered by a fro~ n three 1ucceuive Jumps. Ex t Jocker pounded tbe floor of jumping stage, ahouted, tlc -or te90rt.ed to other 3 -to coerce their frop to · • Some tried belly floJ». Seve 1 like jock. ey Bruce Hamllto~ Loe Alt()8, kissed their frop to jumping. Orange County entrants did not perform in remarkaJl:e fashion this yeu. The ::1 Pilot's frog, Amerlcan Dream was only able to generate a feet, one quarter inch jump. was better at dreaming Olan he was jumping. , JO Well-known Harbo.r A~ attorney Brad Decker fared u6 better, jockeying a frog nam~ Hon d'ouevres to a jump of ~ feet 11 inches. i 'Xi . ' 'Drµg fogt ~ :.\-\ cop slayer . ~ found guilty ,M A man who claima he~­remember ahootihg and k.illlnC Garden Grove police oUJcer wounding four other peo because of his heavy drug has been convicted of firat.-oeaea murder by an Orange Cou Superior Court jury. Th~~-man. si.x·woman a1ao convicted murder defendan Gordon Lee Mink, 32, of speci circumstance alle1atlons th could lead to b.is execution in gas chamber at San Quent.I Priaon. . A penalty trial was ached to begin tQday in Superior Judge Kenneth E . Lae' courtroom. Prosecutor Dry Brown aaid he would argue the dealh penalty. Mink alao WU found 2Ui}ty 0 two felony charge~ oC uaaul with intent to commit mur4e and two felony counw of --.al with a deadly weapon on a officer. 1 The jury alao convicted of two misdemeanor assaOl counts. Y" mapt 1 ... ,..,. can er ...... , CMN •tell ltt !Mt 1•'n tafe u llN ~-~ M8lMr ._._ f_.. er •la SM. v .... card .. mapeueaJJJ'C.-. ..... , ..... la ... ..... ICCftl" ay1tem .........,.. . ....,... ...... ,.... ean ... ~ a•mber .... &M aw .... W .... mriwe (ATM). SelDe ATiit qiacMHI are pnpamiDed te Ntala CU1ll IMt lta•• ..... reportd ....... Mi Mme wt1l ciaftleate • eaN If ..... ,.... to pad la t'8 correet pel'IOlla1 .... Wlca*'-aamMr after tM-ee attempts. Na tllwart1 IM tMef wldl a eard from,.,...._,, ftr u ••ettlflcaU.. umber. lMtq you beak eanl don pretellt tM Miiie Hl1 of Mun u ..... , a credit ea.rd wlaea It comea .. HabWty. You UUWty f ... aa•tllorbH wUWnawals from you aceoet It UmJIM to •H. jut u It II wtdl a cre4Jt canl, If '" •dfy die ftaudal l.UtlhU• wtdlla two bublest clay• after Jean1111 of die let• or ihh of yov card. AJter JM udfy Ille buk, Y" cu't loM uy more m..ey If ua1dlorl1ed wt&MrawaJ1 are ma•e. U 1• doa't •dfJ th beak wl&Ma two bullleu dayt, yoe cu IOM,U md U tAI. Tlae best way to protect yoenelf 11 to telepliolle die beak to report you '"' ud follow tap wUlt a leUer. U yoe HM a certlfled letter, yoe will bve die receipt u proof altat die letter laaa beeD malled. Keep a copy of die letter tQo. Back taxes confiscated DEAR PAT: I received a federal tax refund check for lees than I expected and then I got a notice statinl that a poction of my refund had been applied to a previous year's tax liablllty. What does this mean? P .J ., Huntington Beech latenal Revea.e Senlce ezplallled tbt before a refud cited 11 l111ed1 tile IRS m11t verify wlaedler uy otller tuet are owed. Tlten amoata wW daa be dedacted before die deck la l11aed. A aotV!e always ii sat •laea dlere IJ .. , c1wt1e to you refud ~eek. ' Publishing company 'alive' DEAR READERS: Although a circulation department spokesman for Ziff-Davi.I publlaher'a headq_uar1en in New York City told AYS in late March that Ziff-Davia was ~going out of buaineu," Fred Shear, a Ziff-Davia fulfillment aaalJtant now aays ttiat infonnation waa incorrect. The ~bliahin8 company la alive and well, but its "Adventure Travel' magazine ia no longer be publ.lahed. ~.M., Corona del Mar, had contacted AYS~ng non-delivery of a canvas tote bag offered to new su of "Adventure Travel." Althouah the Ziff-Davi.8 circulation spokesman had told A YS that the baa w• impoMible to obtain at \his poillt. Shear bu arranaed to have the baa malled to R.M. A YS appreciates this follow-up ectioll on the put of Ziff-Davis. You can get Herpes without 'activity' WASHINGTON (AP) -'Mle herpea abnplex Virus. the 80W'Ce of widespread venereal diaeaae in the United State.. can remain infectioua for houri on common objecta such u toilet aeata, a raearcher says. · The finding rajaea the poeaibility that genital herpes, estimated by aome health offidala to afflict as many u 20 million Americana , 1a communica ble through non-ae>eual means as well aa amrual contact. One researcher, Dr. Trudy Larson, said that herpes, previously thought to die quickly when expoaed on dry surfaces. lived from 1 ~ to 4 houri on a toOet aeet and 72 houri on cotton pme. "Our ma)>r concern isn't 10 rpuch with toilet 1eata but with the gauze," sh e said in an interview. '"n\e'JIW'facea of puz.e are simllar to towels, and people with genital herpet should be extra careful that no one ebe uaea their towei. when they have an outbreak.'' Ma. Lanon said herpes victbm and thoee in contact with them should take added hygienic precautioru and that medical personnel should ensure that examination inatrumenta I.lied on victims are either cleaned thoroughly or thrown away. Genital herpet ta an lncurab1e ~ that cames IOn!S that can blister and form ulcera. Victims have attacks at Irregular intervals and are intectioua durlng thele periods. The federal Centers for Dtleue Control estimates that 300,000 new caaea of herpes -an "epidemic'' level -OOCW' each year. 'Lobster tax' proposed by Oklahoman · OKLAHOMA"'>ClTY (AP) - An Oklahoma con.gremnan bu proposed a national tax on lobsters. ~p. David McCurdy, D-Okla., saySJthe ievenuet from the tax on the abellfiah woWd be Uled 1'ullalo DJ ·.top .eared t There are eo .... 020 ... -. tn B\iff.el0'1 J\k!h DtedJwn, and THJ M•IH plane io 11~ In .,,,_.,one. · if'h• 1ucceed1. the 8l~ear-old dlte jockey for WPHD-rM H)'I he will ~a NCOl"d foe> •Wleun. -and raiM money for th• American Cancer Society aa well. SW¥e leUJ ot KIMN Radio tn Denver Mt the record tn 1980, ralainf '30,000 fo( · llttiq_i~ all &,000 eeab of Mile Ki&h Stadtugl. a WPHD ~Mid. Maaoo'• a11ault on Rich Stadlum.:;:,me of the NFX. Buffalo will becin May t 26. WPHD V(ill call tor pledgea to the charity for every 1,000 aeata he aita in, added SaMt GUbert. ., .......... Louee Reevea, widow of ~rofe11lonal boxer Jimmy Reevet, la uking mWiona of dollars in damaaea from the maken of the film "Raatn1 Bull" becauae her fate h\llband'I name WU wied in the tilm, alle1edly without bet permillion. Mn. Reeves ta 1eeking $4.2 million in compematory and punitive dama1e1 and 3 pen:ient of the movie'• prolita. Former middlewei1ht champion Jake La Moua foufht Reevea, the 19•0 nat on al amateur lilh t heavyweight champion, twice in 1941, and Reeves won both boutl. , .... Q.mq Adami, direct descendant of two U .S . preaidenta, canceled hU flnt bid f« public office. Adami, 32. who works at a pharmacy ln Carson City, Nev., 1ou1ht a seat in the state Altembly. He said he waa offered the pharmacy manager'•Job starting in July , an it was "an advancement I couldn't tum down.'' He filed in February u a Republican advocating stat.ea' rigb1a -• far c:ry from the fedet'alitt views held by bia anceeton, Jou Adami, the natkln'1 aecXmd _president, and Jolm QIDcJ A4iuu. the sixth pratdent. MAltlNG A PA.SS? -Former quarterback Joe Namath chat.a with actress Raquel Welch during a banquet in Los Angeles held in honor o( Bette Davis and Burt Reynolda, winnera of the Rudolph Valentino awardJ for their lifetime conuibutionl to movies. Claa1 voe Balow, eente~ to 30 years in prison after being convicted of twice tryina to murder hia heiresa wlfe~ faces a hearing thia week to determine if be has met a bail requirement allowfnc him to remain free pendJ.na appeal A lawyer for the Newport, R.I .. aodalite submitted a U.t of von Bulow's ueeta valued at $1 million and posted a •~o.ooo bond in accordance with inatructiona from Judge noma• B. Needham. Before ball becomes official, however, the court muat verify the a.eta, court offidala laid. Von Bulow WU found guilty~ March 16 of trying to kill Mar6a "Su.ay" voa lhlow with insulin injectlona. Swaying light fixtures in his courtroom prompted U .S. District Judge Rlclaard E•tlea to move all court proceedings out of Kala- ma ioo' s federal office building in Michigan. Enslen aaid he would allow no bearings in. the building until workers Hntsh repairing the roof. Since the repair work began, a boara and a brick have fallen through the building ceiling, hallways have been blocked and aome entrancee have been closed, the judge saJd. A gem-set gold anuffbox made for Pruaaian &l•I Fre4erlck II rnore than 200 years ago brought a record p~ of $810,000 at a Geneva auction, Clarlttle'1 auction house announced. The sale price waa triple the' appraisal estimate. The previous record for a snuffbox wu $252,000 paid at a 1980 auction for a box from the collection of Prl•ce E1terlla1y, accordinl to the auctioneen. The "FAterhazy box" had been given to a member of the , Hungarian F.sterha.zy family by Russian Empre11 Catlaerlae tbe Great in the 18th cen~. a spokeaworiian for Christies said. Pianist Vladimir Horowlb is preparing for hi• first European concert in 31 yean , with a constant American companion -a personal Stelaway. "I can't play European p ianos," the 77-year-old virtuo90 explained. "They're too placid. I like many co~" SHORT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION By Order of The Board of Directors and Ot~ Secured Patties COMPLETE LIQUIDATION TO REPAY PAST DUE LOANS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT TO BANK •• flM.m ,,,,,. ' • ., • ..,,,, ' '"' ALL RUGS HAND MADE TO BE SOLD TO THJ: HIGHEST BIDDER ON TUESDAY, MAY 11th AT 8 P.M. -IOUljf Ill ZIZll U IU llAI, UllllA llLLS Preview will commenoe 1 hour prior to auction Allo Included In t"8 8UCUon wlll be a LAJIQI! 8£1.ECTION OF MONZE r.ieaed by a well-known Weet Coat Foundry l ,; aP.proves ., ·hank in M~a The Comptroller of the Currency hat approved establishment of the &uihern Callfomta National Bank (ln orpnir.ation) ln Costa Meu. . The bank '9 to be located ln the vi9nf ty of llriltol Street and Sunflower Avenue, alt.houah a lite hat not been telected. Edward Carpe nter & A11ociatea, Inc .. Loa Anselea, prepared the charter application. The bank, with aeven oraanizers, will be capitalized at $4.5 million and be buatnetS-Oriented. The names of the orga.niura and bank officers are to ~ announced. Newport coin shop opens Balboa Coin Galleries, Ltd., a Newport Beach lhop tped.alizing in numismatic gold and silver coins, Knig,rrand1, Maple Leavea and the Gold Coina of f.{e , 8' well as gold jewelry, will hold ill uand openlna 1'ueaday through SatuTday at 4000 Birch Street, Suite 11~. . Man.ager ii Marian Pe.anon. Balboa Coln Galleries, next to West Coast Met.all International, will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. Firm expands in Newport Continel)tal Risk Services, a subsidiary of the Continental Corp., New York-baaed insurance holding company, baa expanded to larger headquarters in an office building at 1201 Dove St., Newport Beach.- Dunn firm relocates The Charles Dunn Company's Orange County office announced expansion and relocation of the firm's regional offices. The enlarged offices are on the ground floor of the Continental Plaza at 4141 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Bay Plaza ceremony set A ground-breaking ceremony will be held Thursday for _Bay Cor-porate Plaza, a corporate community of Cadilbw: Fairview/California, Inc. and Bar Development Corp. It will be loca~ at University Drive and Irvine Avenue. Grace's sales set record\ Shareholden of W.R. Grace & Co. were told at the annu~J meeting ln New York that sales and ea.mino reached record levels in 1981. Sales reached $6.5 billion, while net income grew 26 oercent to S361 million lut year. Earnings were $7.~ share for the year. to 1981. quarter earnings were roughly comparable STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ... 'r°"9( ~-a.i.. -...... -.... ~-... __ ,_,.._y .......... ~-...... ".-.., .. __ Aln Airlift 1,m.-17 . -::r"'"."'1' t,Jt1,D '"" .... 90.tOO 10 . "" MldSooAA 1-.1'0 ,,... .. Oel1M\1'1 ' :: m-..... '[:= ,, .. +I m.• ,,._ ... T...Oy ~SUllD 11\11 + 141 Kmen ~-...... '"\,; DllM f&. .... ""' ~NA " ii CZlli +1141 ~ 2t -v; --AmAll1ft ... ,..,. ~ + -Ptlll• El« .... IS -"' UPS AND DOWNS METALS NEW YOAI( (AP} -S~ nonf«r-INtM prlcee todey: ~ 78"41 cent. a pound. U.8. deetinattone. &Miii :i.21 cents a pound. ZIM 35 centa a pOW'ld, de1Mr'9d. 1'111 IUMt~W-~lb. A.llMlll-76-77 centa a pound. N.Y • ...,_, 1370.00 ~ • ......... '301.00 ttoy oz.. N.Y. SILVER Handy a H•rm•n, H .730 per troy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS ~ mom1no ltxfne: 13$7,ff. ..., 14.00. L.-... llfWnOon fbclnO: 133UO, 11P 15.25 , ,... SMl.a.-.. '5.31. ~ IS3t,01, up suo. z.ne;., Late fixing: S.H7.00 bid. 11p .... 00: 134().00 ...... . ....., ........ : onty Qtty .... SUl.tO. I.IP .... . 921• u• Gll'ifY flM!i ..._ SS..IO, up ••. Dff!WC CllllW MW.,_...,_ I f ...... It. r BUSTLE PLAY -Don Baylor slidea into home creatin& a cloud of dust and carrying the Angels' first run Sunday. Baylor scored all the w-ay from second on an infield single by Doug DeCinces in the fourth inning, beating the throw 0..,,.. ~ br '8trtl* 0-0.wlll from Cleveland first bueman Mike Hargrove to catcher Ron Hassey. Angels completed four-game sweep of Tribe with 3-0 victory behin,d the four-hit pitching of Ken Fonch. ~ets n~t laughing at Dodgers NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Mets had every right to laugh at the world champion Los Angeles Dodgen a.her the aecond biggest inning in the team'• 21-year history. They knew better, though. Bob Bailor knocked in three runa during a nine-run, sixth in.nlng Sunday • the Mets pounded the Dodgers 13-4 in a game spiced with Dodger mistakes and mhlcues. The blg inning, in which 13 Mets went to the plate against Jerry Reuss. 4-3, and Alejandro Pena was anything but a power diaplay. The Mets collected aix singles. but combined the hits with three walka, ~ baaea-loaded balk by Pena and three Dodgers errors. . "It's not anything you can lauah at ..because it's not physical," said ~ookie Wilson of the. big inning. ''Thal'a just anethi.ng that happens. It'a like cooking a meal, ma one day everything CIOl'nell out riaht, and the next day everythtna burns. Y-ou don't laugh because it could happen to you." Joel Youngblood and Hubie Brooks led off the sixth with singles before Bailor drove Jn Youngblood with a single to center. Bailor delivered a bues-loaded single in his eecond ft bat. 1a:>rln& George Foster and Dave Kingman. Youngblood alao aoooted home on the play when riRbt-fielder Rick Mol'}day'a throw got away from catcher Mike Scioecia. Bailor, who has been used at several different pOl'litiona by New York over the last two years, said everything went right for the Meta, adding "I was just lucky." The Meta' bigest ln1tlng came on June 12, 1979 when they ecored 10 runs against the Cincinnati Reda. Ironically, that outburst also came in the aixth ~. The Met•' four-game aeries with the Dodgen drew a total of 131,070 fans, the first time in almost two years the team aUJ'J)Uled the 100,000 mark. !ton Cey, who committed one of the Dodger ~rrora in the sixth, homered for Loa Angeles. New York starter Mike Scott. Who nu.ed hia record to 3-2 and alao drove in a pair of runs, was the winner, pitching seven Innings and giving up four runs, just two earned. Ed Lynch and Jesse Oroeco mopped up with one inning of work each. Meta batting coach Jim Frey said he wished the team could apace out its breaks. "In ao many games this IN80n, we've been hoplng for any little break. Then today we get five or six in a row, infield hits. bloop singles, their errors. When it gets like that, it continues and everything went our way." The Meta took a 2--0 lead in the tint inning on George Foster's RBI double and a sacrifice fly by Kingman. They extended the margin to 4--0 in the fourth on RBI singles by Tom V eryzer and Scott. Cey'1 homer and Derrell Thomas' run-scoring grounder in the fifth cut the lead to 4-2 before New York's blg inning. Rookie· decides 194 mph is not enough Fillip could have qualified at Indy, but gambles tha t he'll go faster Saturday Brabham, son of former world driving champion Jack Brabham, finished fifth in his rookie race at Indy a year ago. . ~ JOHN SEVANO ~ ~= ago, the Angel players decided to formulate a P<>ol on the next time Fred Lynn would hit a home run. Alter all, ll had been more than a year - May 1, 1981 tO be exact -al.nee the outfielder had laat flexed his mUlcles. Almoilt fCVery player on the A naels' ro1ter participated, betting $~ per number (1-31, which repraented the number of daya in a mon th). Even· Lynn himself jotned in the festtvities, anteing $10 for a couple of chances.. Lynn didn't win the pool (Don B;.ylor did), but the left-hander didn't eeem to mind aa he ended his drought in the eighth inning S unday by smash ing a John Denny curveball over the 370..mp in left center. "I waa watching it the whole way to make sure it went oul," kidded Lynn of his blast which rovided the Angela with their ~ run in a 3-0 victory over the Cleveland Indians before a crowd of 27,054 at Anaheim Stadium. IT 'S B EEN pretty f.rustrating," he added in a more lerioua tone. 'Tm not the kind oa guy who la known for hittin g home runs, but I had a courle of pretty good years when was with Beeton." Lynn came into this season - hll second with the Anaela and ninth overall -with an average of 16 homers a year. His most productive season was 1979 when he hit 39. Hia wont wu during the stri~e-t.om 1981 campaign when he hit l>ut five. "I thought about lt a lot more than I wanted to, and that didn't help matters either," Lynn continued. "I'd think about it at the ban' park; I'd think about it at home; I'd even think about it if I waa feeding the ti.ah. "Eventwilly. I a tarted trying to hit home runs ilnd that was the wont thing I could have done. I wasn't even thinking about it today when I hit Denny. He just gave me a breakinR ball and I wanted to go with tfie pitch. "I waa ln shock and utter disbelief when lt went over. You would think I'd forget whal circling the bases was like. But I would do it during batting practice juat to make sure l remembered.'' INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Rookie Chet Fillip, •a gambling Texan, has one more throw of the-dice and will step to the table for the final roll next weekend in his bid to land a spot in the Indianapolis ~-mile race. them succeeded, Geoff Brabham and Denn.la Firestone. raising the number of qualifiers to 22 going into next Saturday's third round of time trials. "We decided we had to stick to our limit." said Fillip,. explaining why he called oU the attempt that would have given him a tentative start from the middle of the elahth row in the May 30 race. 'We thought we could come out later in the day, when it waa cooler, and run a little f.aater." and late model racing on both dirt and asphalt surfaces since 1976. "I ran a 196.9 in pract.1ce, and (in deciding the 194.5 limit for qualifying) we went by what we ft.l[W'ed everybody else would run. A lot of other cars ~d go llH or faster." Firestone, 37, grabbed the LYNN'S BOMER came one inside of the eighth row. the out after Reggie Jaclcaon hit his 22nd qualifylng pmition. fifth home run of the year over Fillip, 2~. could have earned a safe berth in the 3~ lineup on Saturday, but he called off his ·tint attempt to quallf y after two laps at more than 196 mph. He gambled he could go faster. He took another try Sunday but averaced barely over UM for· three laps. So be wheeled h.i. Coaworth-powered Wildcat off the lndianapoia Motor Speedway track, staking his fortune on one more chance at the line. "We set our limit on 194 and a half, and all we ran waa 194," aaid Flllip. one of only five driven to make offldal attempts tp qualify on Sunday. Two of It was nearly five hours after Fillip'• attempt before the next try, by Brabham, was made. Then, by the time it got cooler, a rainshower was on the way, and officials closed the t~ack five minutes before the 7 p.m ., EDT, echeduled finl.ah . "The car ii running good," utci Fillip, a native of OzOna, Texas, artd a veteran of aupermod.ified Fillip put in about 100 laps of practice d u rin g a r t>okie orien tation program at the. Speedway lut month. "I couldn't believe how big it was," he aald of the mammoth Speedway co.mplex and lta treacherous 2 '/\-mile track. "All J. had ever run on waa short tracka. But I'm ool'nfortable driving on it now. I sue-that rookie session really helped." Brabham, 30, earned a tentative start on the °"t:atde of the seventh row with hil aucceuful attempt at 198.906 mph. It WH hia second try. Lewis has records in mind the fence in center field. Jacbon'1 10lo ahot pve hlm his l ,300th career RBI and allo allowed him to keep a promile he made to Anfela owner Gene Autry earlier ifl the day. "I told Mr. Autry I'd try to hit one for him today," said Jacbon, who pointed toward Autry'• box · I was in shock and utter disbelief when it went over. _,f'MLJM after crossing the plate as i.f to say, "That one's for you." "PlUI I knew it was my 1,300 RBL" The home runs by Jack.son and Lynn gave Ken For1eh aome breathing room, something he • h asn't been used to recently. Fonch, who evened his record at 3-3 with the victory. had been supported by his t.eanunatee with only 11 runs in the six games he ei~r lost or had no decision. • "torscti pitched real well," complintf'nted Jackson. "In fact, he's pitched real well for us all year, we juat haven't been scoring many runs for him." Fonich got his tint run of the game in the fourth inning when Baylor singled, went to second on a walk to Lynn and 8COred on an infield hit by Doug· DeCinces. Baylor, with a full count and two out. was running all the way when DeCinces hit a high chopper off the plate that Denny fielded and threw to first too late. The throw from Cleveland tint baseman Mike Hargrove to catcher Ron Has..ey was too late, too, in trying to get the hustlin' Baylor. PLUMER BREA KS NA TIQNA L MARK LOS ANGELES -University High'• Polly. Plumer aet a national high school record in the women'• mile run Sunday at the UCLA-Pep~i Invitationar at UCLA, clocking 4:35.24. Plumer, who finished seventh in the race, wiped out the old record by over live seconds. The winner of the race was Cindy Bremser with a time of 4:~.21, the best in the world thtS year. Another area runner, Rennie Durand of Laguna Beach High, placed seventh in the 800-meter run in 2:07.46.