HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-21 - Orange Coast PilotI ... J l 1111 11111111 llllY NPll I UIDA Y MAY :•I l'ltl7 OHANGl COUN 1 V . C A l.IFORNIA ~S CENTS 21 die in copter crash • • • r1t1s • ra1 an s a • rom an ' U.S. aids sea an air * * * Hit-run· conflict planned LONDON (AP) -British forces will make a string of landinaa and commando raida in the Falklands campaign, avoiding bia battles with the numerically superior Ar1entinea, "llke a boxer wearin1 down his opponent for the knockout blow," British military sources say. Defeme chiefs have given the marina, paratroopers and special 11• 11111111 forces two weeks to cripple the Argentines, who outnumber them more than 2·1, say the sources. They declined to be identified. "We want to iake them out a little at a time, drain them in a war of attrition," one ao(.arce reported. "We want to demoralize them, leave them wonderin.f where we'll come from next The Britbh commander, Rear Adm. John "Sandy" Woodward. baa only about 4,600 combat troop1 with bia naval tuk force. They face an estimated 9,000 Argentines, about a third young drafteeL Uut they are stiffened by special forces unlta, marin~ and regulars with tanks aad aelf·propelled 1una, includlna 106mm Austrian Kueramierl. In a report today 1n The New York Times, an unidentified British military source waa quoted as saying the British were shifting their strategy from a aeries of smaller actions to a direct assault on the Argentine forces. ~ goal. he uld, WU to avoid diaaipatlng the limited strength on the Brit:ilh forces. The conflicting reporta from Britiah military IOW'Cetl may be aimed at mialeading Argentina. "Hlatory la littered with battles in which amall forces have dislodged lar1er forces," aaid Maj. Gen. Sir John Owen, who commanded Britain'• marine commando forces in 1972-73. "It won't be euy. It would be wrotig to underestimate the Argentines' capability. But given the riaht opportunities, it'• fellllble." Key unita ln the hit·and·run campaign are the army's Special Air Service and the marines' Special Boat Squadron. Informed sources aaid t.eama from them have been on the Falklands for weeks acoutlnl tar1eta for sabotage. Landed by helicopters Saturday. 48 commandol raided the alntrip on Pebble laland. at (See BRITISH, Pase A!) WORLD _,..,_. .. PENSIVE -British Ambassador to the United Nations Sir Anthony Parsons pauses during discussion of Falklands peace talks collapee. Cops raid Moose Lodge; games seized ~ FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL ............... \ The husband blew three paychecks gamblina on video machine card pm. at the Mooae Lod&e in Santa Ana. So the wife blew the whistle. She called the copa. Her complaint and others led this week to a raid at the lodse during which Santa Ana police investigators seized four video machines. Three featured draw poker. A fourth displayed animated bone noes. "We took aome video machines used in conjunction with what we feel was gambling," uld Lt. David Salazar. There is llttl~ queatlon the machines were proving popular at the Moose lodp, where only lodge memben and their guests are permitted entry. During a recent visit, a reporter found the machines 1n use non·•top over a period of .everal bows. Payoff cardl were posted near the bar. Video gamblina ia the latest rage 1n the video machine craze, according to • official of the atat.e Alcohol Beverage Control Board. The agency monitors compliance with state liquor laws by operators of both public and private establlahments. "There'• always aomethin§ new when it comes to gamblJ.na, uld Jim Gourley, a aupervilor ln the ABCa Santa Ana Of.flee.' He aa1d state investigaton are conducting eeveral inveltiptiona into video machine gambllna ln Orange County, primarily at private clubs owned by fraternal organizations. He deacribed the tnddenta • "i8olated." There are 4,520 licemed premise• in the (See MOOSE, Pqe A!) Electronic war/are UIJed •The Bdlilh have mlde excelJmt UR of electronk: warfare uPWlt FaJklarvla crWI, but we won't leem the detaila fol' ,..._ Pap M . COUNT Y Death sentence bailed Britaip in NATO By TIM A.11odated Preti Brltlah forces attacked Argentine poai tiona on the Fa1klanda from the land, .. and ali today. and auttered 21 dead 1n a helicopter crash at a.ea. Ar1entlna aaid the attack was being repelled and that lta jeta were poundlna Britiah ahipe ln the Falkland SOund. An Afaentine radio station said two Brttiah frigates and two Britiah destroyers were cut of1 in the sound, and the official Telam newa agency said one of the fri1atea waa aflame. A.nother Argentine radio station said one Briti.ah warplane WU downed. Britain nad no immediate comment on the Argentine reports. Memwhlle the United States la aaQnina several aertal tanken to NA TO to free Bri tlah e:ik'f.ment for duty in the F and Islands conflict wlth Ar1entlna, an adminlatratlon aowce said ~· Th• aourc' ••ld the U..nUed Sta.tea was a11ottlna several KC·l3~ tanker airplanee to join the North Atlantic Tre.:~ Orp.n.lr.ation forces. Thia. be would allow the Brttiah to releMe 90IDe of Its equipmmt foe aerial refue1.ina duty. The U.S. Air Froce normally maintaim a number of KCl~ at buee in Britain, aa it doee in other parts of the world. Pentagon official• aald the aircraft in Britain are available for uae 1n helping the Britiah • needed. The official said the United States wu alao provtdlna aatelllte intelllgence aaaiatance to the British. But he said no U.S . military penonnel or ahlpa were involved in the Falk.lands developments. The Defense Miniatry in London aald British ground forces attacked fuel and ammunition dwnpa and milltary depots, while warahipa bombarded Stanley and other areas of Eaat Falkland and Harrier jet.fiahten attacked the main bue on West Falkland. It said a British helicopter ferrying 30 men between British ahipa ditched in the South Atlantic before the attacb were launched, and that nine we're n!9C\Mld. One body WU recovered and the other 20 troop• were milalng and pnauned deed. It WU Brftain'a aln&Je bigaeat 1011 aince the conflict started April 2 with Araentine eeisure of the South Atlantic ialanda. Wlnda of 40 knots and waves 25 feet high were reported in the area, but the weether WU expected to clear later 1n the day. (See FALu.AND, Pqe A!) SPORTS _, .. , r ATl'ACK SITES -British raiding parties Harriers attacked Argentine positions at Fox landed on the Falkland lalands today as ships Bay. bombarded the area around Port Stanley and BRITISH TARGET -Thia is a file photo of a fuel atorafe dump at Port Stanley in the Falkland alanda where British Defense AP Mt JI Ill Ministry reported attacks were conducted by raiding parties Thuraday night. Sex for credit to be dropped By JEFF ADLER or .. ...., ....... The Cal State Lona Beach paycholo1y profeuor who offered homework credit to students for havinl bommexuaJ., group or extramarital relatlonahipa aaya about three students per aemnter choee to have a 8exual experience 1n the 15 aemesten the claa bu been offered. Profeaor Barry Singer, who baa been teaching the "Psychology of Sex" for nine years, aaid Thunday students have been offered the option of having a sexual relationahlp for COW"le credit during the last four years. • But Singer confirmed he ia dropping the aexual experience option from the llat of 21 study options from which students enrolled 1n the COW"le are asked to ae1ect. The study options ranee from attendin1 divorce court or a marriqe enrichment group to more "leJllltive" ones auch as a tour of a nudist colony or gay bath Mu., 8lnger said. Both the course and Singer have come under attack by INDEX evangelical Christiana in the Lonar Beach area who cont.end the r.Psychology of Sex" CJOUi. -and the oiler of credit for a sexual relationship -have no place in a tax·aupported atate lnltitution. Singer and School of Social and Behavioral Science Dean Simeon Crowther, on the other hand, argue the course waa targeted by thoee who ''wish to affect the curriculum of the unlverllty ... They ·said that what la at stake la academic freedom. (See SEX, Pqe A!) Magee seeking 11.5 million What la Kevin Magee'• aaktna price? The UC Irvine All-American uy1 lt'a $1.& mllllon for five yeua. and lt could be more lf be I'* blah in tbl NBA draft. Pace Cl. NATION STATE • • 0 Mow we are under attack 'fr om tht rl1 ht for what we 8Rl'FISH STRA:TEGY • • e tHch .'' Crowther remarked . "Durh'• t he 19701. we were wMSer at1adc from the left." Althoup t ht coune wUl t>. offtNd ln the future. Cr<>wther llld • f.culty cctnm1ttee hu been revtewtna &he coune'1 conient. The commltt••'• flndl!!fJ art t.be northem tip of the h1k1andl, ~d blew UJ> 11 plan•• and an t$mW\lt1on dwnp. Alona wltb more auch rald1, Mfl\l1h deatroytn and frtaaiea W1411 b om bard Ar f. • n ti n • tiona1 and the fleet 1 vertlc.al •-off Harrier jetl wlll bomb atraft them. The taraeta will the 20 or 10 1raa1 alratrip1 il~1ed around th• laland.I and the ~~aentlne radar baaea, ~unitlon and fuel dwnpe and ')~~Argentines are apttad all over a large area. SurprlH will ~ on our alde. We ahould be able 16 •keep them on the hop," said WJt Vice Manha! NomWl Hoad. Mtnmander of Britain's Joint wtrborne Tuk Force in 1974-75. 11•1Stanley, the Falklanda' capital, "will be the final objecUve," said I' aowt:e. "That's where moat 1the hardest Argentine units ve been located. The plan i.s to qwly isolate them there and iqueez.e them out." The raiders will try to destroy more Argentine planes on the ground, especially the short -takeoff A-58 counter-insurgency Pucaraa that are armed with 20m.m cannon, machine guns and ro&.eta. Six of these were destroyed in the Pebble Wand attack, the British ""helicopters will alao be priority lJl lt t&rl•tl to Umit cbe defenden' mo6Wty acr'Oll the peat bop and hilll. Battalion.-. Brttlah unlta will try to •tabliah brtdc-helda to •t up land ba111 for the vertical takeoff Hamer ftchten frcm the camen Henne1 and Invtndble to provldt local air cover, the IOWC* report. Theme will be protected aaalNt air attack by batteriea of mobile Rapier ml11llea, brouaht ln by Chinook helicop~n. Woodward'• t>tgest problem la hil shortage of air cover. He only h11 about 30 Harriera on the carrien. The Britiah claim they have destroyed about 30 aircraft alnce May 1. But the Araentinea still have about 160 combat planes, including supersonic Mirage interceptors and Super Etendard fighter-bombers carrying the deadly Exocet miasllea that knocked out the British destroyer Sheffield. To counter this, Woodward will probably keep hia ships out to aea, out of range of mainland-baaed planea, and move in at night to land troope and supplies. The other main ~er ia that one of Argentina a three remaining submarines will slip =h the British sonar net and o a carrier or a troopship. ~ ......... ..,a..,.,. expecMd next WMk. )w . Stnpr uid about 40 ltudenta fer nmHter enroll ln t h e hree-tlm e·a·week lecture cou.ne. Beeide1 iextual mawrtal, ltudenta are 9*ed to chooee four of 21 ~ optlona and write brief pepen on ellch topic. "M y typical u udent la a marr ied wom an wl1hln1 to communicate better with her husband," Sinaer explained. "The contact thing haa been over~amatif.ed.'' But Slnpr uid three or four atudentl MCh terneSter chooee to experience a texual relationahlp to fu1f1ll the OOW"lle requirement. "They defined tbemselvea what behavior they were intereated in exploring," the 38-year-old tenured instructor uid. He added that studen t.a are not premured into this option and muat consult with him In advance. Alao. they must inform their partnen. Usually, the atudents who cho1e to have a sexual relationship were heterosexual wo m en who wanted to experiment with a lesbian relationahip, Singer aaid. DEFENDS COUR SE - Professor Barry Singer defended his course "Psychology of Sex" during press conference Thursday at Cal State Long Beach. :r ALKLAND ISLANDS • • • J UST TESTING -This was just a practice explosion in preparation for the Costa Mesa tire Department's annual Fire Service Day Show Saturday at 1 p.m. at the fire station, 2300 Placentia Ave. Firefighters will demonstrate a high-rise rescue, a real car fire and burning building and safety tips. The public is invited. Admission is free. He also said he could recall only one instance in which a atuden t chose to have an extramarital relation.ship In the years the option has been ottered. Crowt her, who said he had been unaware of the option permitting student.a to engage in aexual activitiea, said, "It is simply not true he (Singer) was requiring them to do things that could be damaging emotionally or physically." Tennis s tar.'s former lover facing suit l ''•" ·u, Cl'he Argentine Joint Chiffa Bbl that three British ships had been sighted "in the bay of the (fort of San C.arloa" at 8:45 a.m. ~)f5 a.m. PDT) and that a fourth ~ had been aeen north of San iOarlos Strait, separating the i •lands of East and West \Fialkland. The British call the iStrait the Falkland Sound. "A landing began at 8:50 a.m. ·(~50 a.m. Pf:Yr), which is being •r4rpelled by Argentine forces," are communique said. No further ide1aila were provided. i.l,rA reporter fo.r the privat~ly ~ed Buenos Aires radio stauon Radio Rivadavia said me8"while J,hat "Argentine air force planes luve taken off to attack the Btiti.ah fleet." -,.•,The reporter, at the Joint Chiefs headquarters, said he had tieen told that "an attempt to 4taembark troops by heUcopter tClll the alanda was successfully t'.epelled." One British Sea jU.rrler fighter-bomber waa shot down and it.a pilot captured. he Mid. . .,. Althouah the Britiah referred ,~o "raiding parties" being put _, ,light "rlet>I• wind• through , Qflldlt exc.pt llOUt'-t to _, '1b lo 111 knot• afternoon .Southwut awell 1 to 3 feel. • e,1111e1 c:teer1ng afternoon. I • ·fJ.S. summary :1. , Thunderatorme deacended cone• more on th• Pleln• etat .. Thurad1y. 1ddlng to flood• In • (>kl1hom1 end Met>ruka th11 I ,li,v• w11hed out ro1d1, ruined hbmee end drowned cente. I' Th• 11orm1 epre1d Into 1h• northeutern portion of the n•oon. from tne Tennee-and '10hlo Ylll•Y• ln10 th• At11nllc _A:Pu t Ital ... EIMWtler•. there .... tunlhlne Tl'iofldly. _ In ttle ptlllnl, WhlCtl 1\1119 beefl • Jl)undeted by more than 1 week of ftdetltom\I, IOIM 119U had to 3 ~ of rMI and "4ndl to llmoel 80 mph. Flood wunlng• were potted more In central Okllt\om1, • hundred• of ~ -• led..,.., In the ..... and r portion• ol Net>r11ka. Slit u lllng down from hllltldu led eome Net>relk1 ro1dt In 3teet deep. Th• thunderetorm• were to conu,_ todiry trom Plelnl. through "" , _ nd Ohio v1lley1, lo Ill• Atlantle ltll•. wlltl eunefllne 1 ... .w11 .... ashore, there wu no immediate indication of the scale of the fighting or whether the assault amounted to hit-and-run attacks or a landing in force to establish a beachhead. ' However, there were unofficial reports that the attack may have ended and the British pulled back to the annada. The British announcement of the attack came after pe11ee talks collapeed on Thunday. After 12 days of separate talks with British and Argentine diplomata at U.N. headquarters in New York and a final telephone appeal directly to the hostile countries' leaden, U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar said Thursday night his efforts to arrange an agreement for a Falklanda cease -fire and further negotiationa were over. With each side blamina the other for the collapse, the aecretary-general aaid he had no "prospect of bringing about an end to the criala, nor, indeed, of preventing the intensification of the conflict." From Page A1 MOOSE LODGE . • • county, he noted. Gourley declined to provide details of the inve9ti8ationa. He said that the ABC has policy of iaauing warnings to establishment ownera before taking any enforcement action when gambling violations are found. First-time offenses normally result in imposition of a fine, he said, while subeequent violations may result in llceme auapension. In the cue of the Santa Ana Moose Lodge, Lt. Salazar aaid, lodge owners were advised to discontinue the alleged video machine gambling aeveral weeka aao. . "The Mooee got a little carTled away. Apr,arently they didn't believe ua.' Salazar said a recent opinion issued by the state attorney • general's office holds that video machine gambling ia illegal. He aa1d no arn!Stl were made and no citation• were issued when officen visited the Mooee lodge Wednesday to seize the machines. He said the caae is now under review by the city attorney's office for disposition. Salaiar noted that a separate warning on video machine gambling ilSued to the Santa Ana Elks Club waa heeded. The machlnee were removed. he said. Double decker double trouble MONMOUTII, Wales (AP) - A bua driver tried to get hia double-decker under an arch but smacked into a rare 13th century · 'the school administrator alao said that sex never was an integral component of the course. "In a course that deals with sexual psychology, people seetn to put the emphuis on the sex and not on the peychology." BOth Crowther and Singer said that they have 'llOt had any oomplainta about the coune and its curriculum until the past aemester when a member of an evangelical Christian group apparently attended a clau without the instructor's knowledge. "They spied on us," said Singer. "We w ere targeted becauae we treat homoeexuality in an impartial manner and in their eyes that's advocacy." LOS ANGELES (AP) Larry King baa filed a $57 .5 million malicious proeecution suit over the court fight initiated by the former lesbian lover of his wife, tennis star Billie Jean King. King contends in his Los Angeles Superior Court suit, filed Thursday against Marilyn Barnett and her attorneys, that Ms. Barnett wrongly accused the Kings of repudiating an agreement to allow Ms. Bameu to live in their Malibu houae and support her for life. King charges In his suit that Ms. Barnett and her lawyers were aware no such ~ts existed. Superior Court Judge Julius M. Title ruled in December that no contract exated and ordered Ma. Barnett to leave the house. He described Ms. Barnett's actions as coming close to "ilttempted extortion." · Fair and mild gaiehouae and aheared off half the upper deck of the bus. He waa fired after a disciplinary hearing. "I usually drive single-deckers and had had a long day,'' 35-year-old Alan Lewis said Thul'9day. "I just forgot I was in the double-decker and did not take an aliemative route for big vehlcles." The professor added that he decided to drop the sexual experience option becau.e "it's not neceaaary to have for the class. It's caused so much of a fuss, I'm just going to take it out." Cliip theft ring cracked ~ 74 114 72 73 91 112 114 80 119 112 113 113 79 115 85 85 75 80 50 9t 111 1111 St 116 115 117 llS 113 95 1111 M 111 llS 113 112 115 111 50 114 79 .. 112 85 113 73 117 112 97 711 81 711 82 90 17 ee 87 611 ae 117 .. ea 72 71 71 91 ., ea 12 .. .. 17 92 ... 34 113 58 57 70_ 59 113 . 41 411 5t 80 80 114 70 83 47 &2 58 311 54 3e 48 29 311 &2 311 73 72 &1 1111 511 97 5t &a llS st 72 44 M M 114 117 118 5t 80 83• 114 611 57 80 41 81 ae .. 40 81 411 .. M 117 114 41 6& ea 6& 71 ... IS ... 41 14 11 41 No._,,. w.-.. -s.<"""' NOAA U.., ~ ol C-c• Fronts COid ...., Warm ._. Big foe« 70 3t BlthOp 15 40 8tyttle 117 112 C.tllllnl &9 6-4 ClllWt City 7& 511 6uraka 58 411 F,_ 92 64 lancelt• lie 50 Long 8aecll 73 58 ~~ 74 80 113 ge Monletle4lo 7S 80 Monterey 58 50 Mt Wlllon 74 55 ,,..... .. ~ ~9eectl 1111 M 114 51 om.no 80 58 P-*'9 711 6& Peeo Aotllel .. 44 RIYwllci. 79 51 Red Bluff llO 54 Redwood City 71 51 Secfwnento 85 112 Sellnu 114 415 a.n Bernwdlno 81 52 a.n GebfW 79 57 Sen Diego .. ., Sen FrMC:leco 11 48 SenJoM 73 152 lentaAM ,. &I Sentae.t>er• 86 51 Senta CNI 72 •• Senta Mel1A 70 ... Senta Morl6ca .. lie Stodrton IO 112 TlllOe V""'1 70 ao Tiwmll .. 80 Torr-73 151 CANADA .. .... ~ f1 S1 ldmOllton .. • Montrell 71 90 OttlW8 72 n ~ 11 a Tcwonto n y...,,,., a .. WIMlp9I .. • Smog UnhHltn1ul air lor Hn1ltl..,. =le 11 lorec .. 1 tod•t lot ttie eftld .. 81n Bern1rd no ., .. wtt11 I Pollutwlt Stllldllrd lncs.x of '"· 111d tor ttie Sen Fernando, Senta Clarlt1. Sen Qabrlel and Pomone Yalleyl wtttl PSI 150. Good air quellty wu fOfec.t tor lh• metropollt1n er•• 1nd B1nnlnY,, both Wltll PSI 92, Hemet·E tll'IOfe With PSI 75 Ind the IO'oll ~• with PSI 118. AH other r9QIOna wt1 IMlw PSI 42., t .. ..... "" t Ht Lo = 112 .,. " ll 8efmuda &oootl 116 4&• Freeport 115 M Ooedalljar1 llS 59 04~ t2 7t l<lnglColl .. 11 Montego Bey .. n Madin 87 72 Mexico City n ea ~ 11, 1t M-. .. 10 a.n Juen."·"' .. 73 T egi IClgllpe .. .. Ver1CNI t2 71 Extended ' weather Sundey-t:=c" '"':1: mid morning low "°"' co .. t. lont• 1ft.,noon oloud1 °'* lftOUMelN. ..... "' 0...-..... .. ~ ffom 70 '° 14 .. be9dm to 1 to .. ,,.,., llllMd ~ "°" .. ~. MountMI '9IOrt ..... '° 11. Lo. .. to ... TUh1 ._,.,~ NMY .... , ..... IATUMAT ,.,. ..,.. l:JI Lift. ~ l: .. a.m. ... IDw "' """ ,,,, ...... = t:18p.ttt. ... '"" ••• 1:11 , • ..,., , •••• ~1~7 Llft. • NC• f ttl p,M,, rt ... , ........ ..,, . Lewis tried to drive his 14-foot, 6-inch bus under a 10-foot, 6-lnch arch at the gatehoule at Monnow Briclae in this pictu resque Sou th Wale• town, causing thousands of ' dollars in damage. No orre waa hurt. I ,300 evacuated MOSES LAKE, Wash. (AP) - A poisonous gas cloud lrom a ruptured industrial pipe floated away without causing any serioua harm after forcing the evacuation of about 1,300 people near Moees Lake. Residents and workers were evacuated for about four hours after the pipe ruptured Thursday at International Titanium Inc. SAN JOSE (AP) -Police mvesugatmg a Silicon Valley e lectronics theft ring have recovered 75,000 computer chips and nabbed four men after trailing them and their $625.000 booty for two days. But the ring's kingpins eluded authorities. Among those still being sought is a man police believe is linked to the $3.2 million Monolitluc chip heist last Thanksgiving. OBI E SPORTS LTI) . Presents The COLLECTION For Men & Ladles HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED!! MANY NEW S'RING COLORS SHOP EARL¥ For Dads I &rads • ' ( E I I t t l • ~ IRANIANS STAGE PROTEST -Iranian students in San Diego act o ut political executions whic h they describe as commonplace in Iran under the Khomeini regime. The anti-ayatollah faction clai.mi that '##Wlt""'9• hundreds and "perhaps thousands" have faced the firing squads since the shah left Iran. Seven students took part in the demonstration in downtown San Diego on Wednesday. Reagan administration 'quiet' regarding use of tax shelters WASHINGTON (A P) - When Presid e nt R ea gan denounced tax evaders in the cash-and-carry underground economy, he threw i n a disparaging-reference to big money operators using tax shelters. He didn 't say they were wrong, but he certainly wasn't complimentary. That was before the disclosure that Attorney General William French Smith had invested in oil NEIS AllllYSIS and gas ventures that offer $176,400 in tax deductions over three years based on a cash investment of $58,800 and liability for potential losses beyond the investment. The administration hasn't said much about tax shelters since. Nor has anything been said in No charges filed in Riverside. case RIVERSIDE (AP) -Police Chief Victor E. Jones said his department recently sent the district attorney's office arl outline of a case that could solve the 16-year-old murder of Riverside City College student Cheri Jo Bates. However, J ones said th e district attorney's office "tore it apart from their point o! Vlew," and now police are pondering whether to send a formal request for a complaint back to the DA Jones would not reveal the name of any suspect in the case or any other detaals . He characterized the outline sent to the DA as "just a review to see where w~ needed to go." But he added that there has been no decision whether any charges would be filed. Normally police gather evidence on suspects in criminal cases and then forward the information to the distric t attorney's office, whlch decides If there is enough evidence to prosecute. Miss Bates, an 18-year-old RCC freshman, was killed on Oct. 30, 1966. She had been stabbed several times and her throat had been slashed when her body was found lyina in an alley behind a building at the college. . .a Her car was found park.e<f next to the college library, where Bates had spent the evening of her death working on a political science research paper. The car's engine had been tampered with -the condenser and coll had been disconnected. Detectives have said they believed the girl knew her killer. They suspected the murderer disabled her car, then offered to give her a ride home. An unsigned letter, which police have said they believed to be genuine, was sent to both the Rive rside p olice and the Press-Enterprise newspaper a month after the slaying. The letter read in part: ''She was young and beautiful. But now she is battered and dead. She ls not the first and she will not be the last." Six months after Miss Bates' death, Riverside poll~ received a note that was signed with the single initial "Z," claiming responsibility for the murder. Thb led to speculation that it was the so-called "Zodiac Killer," who waa terrorizing the San Franciaco Bay Area at the time. Detectives have since discounted the "Zodiac" connection. Many \Imes during the inve.tigation deflCtives have said they knew who waa responsible for the murder, but did not have enough evidence to file charges. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ctaa•wted •dveftlelnv 1141142·5178 Alt OtMr ..,.,,,...nts 142-4321 ThOm .. P. Halev . ~-a....6-M~ Kty Schultz Ylee~ -Director Of -ltlrlO Tom MUfPNne ..... Mike Harvey lllt9CIOt Of M4ri4llln0 ~, Ken GockWd ow.rot~ ~Leen CtwWLooe ........ ..., ...,,........., ........... MAIN Of'flCE •wine--.. 1e .. c .... 1MM, CA. Mell •cNntu· h• ISMI, C•U llMM, CA. ta.a c..,,..,.. ttn ar-. c...e "'*'"""' ~. IN,..__..,..., fllutlt .. lefl.t, edltorUI matW 0t .. .... 11 .. -h Mf9ffl _., .. ••WllUf Wl1Mut IJIKfel """' ..... M UIPY•llM-. Congress, which has faced a controversy of its own over the tax breaks members get for thelr Washington livina expenses. The Internal Revenue Service has been trying to clamp down on tax shelters like the ones in which Smith Invested, but law'/ers for the firms Involved sai they were confident the deductions would stand up if the IRS challenged them in court. Were that to happen, the Justice Department mtaht wind up defending the IRS position in court. Smith's spokesman said the attorney general would disqualify himself from any involvement in such a case. After the Washington Post reported the Smith transactions, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the attorney general "wanu to be sure lt's proper and he's looking into it to reassure himseli." That was 10 days ago, and that's where the matter stands. "I think this is something that the attorney general himself would appropriately answer," said presidential counselor Edwin Meese llL " ... None of the rest of us are speaking about it." But Meese did say that there was nothing to indlcate ''that the attorney general tried to cut any corners" in the tax shelter investments, or in accepting a $50,000 farewell payment from a steel distribution firm of which he was a director unUl Jan. 12, 1981. "T h e preside nt has tremepdous confidence in the attorney general, u I do," Meese said. He said the teVeranoe payment was made before Smith took office. and that no one had suggested there was anythina wrong about the tax shelter. "It happens every day that the IRS disallows particular deductions that people take," Meese said. It happened to the president, who paid more than $20,000 in federal and state taxes for 1978 and 1979 after the ms disallowed deductions for business loans on his California ranch. It hasn't happened in the Smith tr anaacUona. But IRS guidelines do point to the likelihood .of an audit. Nor, aa.ld Meete, was Reaon'1 tax apeecb intended to rellect upon such shelters at ihoae in which Smith invested. H• aaid the J>"lident was talking about peopl• who deal ln cash and evade t&MI, knowt.ni it la Wepl, not about ~pie who u1e tax ahelten to reduce their taxea. ln that Aprtl 24 1peech, Reagan uid •~number of Amerk:aN are asvtna themlelvet a tax cut by not peYina what \hey owe, totafln• an "Mtfma~ $95 billion • Orang• Coaet OAIL.Y PILOT/Friday, M•y-11, 1082 8 Smugglers' war widens Pentagon to employ blimp-lik e radar devic~ . WASHINGTON (AP) -The fentaaon has ~mounced It ~ill deploy a second bllmp-hke radar devic e in the Reaaan admlnlstraUon's war on drug amuglers in South Florida. Deputy Aaaistant Defense Secretary James N. Juliana told a lfouse Government Operations 1ubcommlttee the de})artment ~lana to ani:hor a "Skyhook" at atrick Air Force Base near Cape ennedy to help l ook for smugglers. The Air Force already has one Skyhook, or "Fat Albert," aloft in the Florida Keys. The craft float more than 10,000 feet in the air and, like the sophisticated A WACS plane al.so being used in the battle against smugglers, has "look-down" radar that can detect low-flying planes would go unnoticed by more conventional radar. AWACS-type planes have very nearly shut ofl the massive air supplies o f drugs that have helped turn South Flonda into the nation's crime capital. The radar planes ''in the last two months have had a nearly total effect" In discouraging smugglers, Walker said. Of the relative few who have tried to evade it, many have been caught, he added. The effectiveness of the radar has been "clbse to 100 percent," he told reporters during a bnef recess by the subcommittee. The subcommittee chairman. Rep. Glenn English, 0 -0kla .• said he hoped "these heann~s will strike such terror that we U be ahle to declare a victory" over drug smuggling along the South Florida coast. Attminlltratlon offlclall aa.ld Ii\ apparent decreue in crime in thti Miami and aurroundinc area tj due In part to creation th1' winter of a taak force on South FlorkW crime headed by Vice Presidet\t G eorge Bush . Th~ administration's optimlam ha• been s upported by Florida offlciala who said the ~ ~ appears to be easing. "It la too early at this time cq determine whether there ha.a been a diap~ment of smuaJ.ina operations to other areas" of Sht country, Walker testified. But ~ said it may be too costly and too risky to fly to other states. "It is believed that amualirf~ between Colombia and Sout' Florida 1s less flexible tha originally thought," aaid Walker": ,, The second Skyhook "will m onitor permanently the air corridor a l ong the coast o f Florida," Juliana told the panel today. The new Skyhook "will be completed in several months," he said. Candy sales tax measure defeated .. .~ In testimony Wednesday. administration officials claimed su~ess in the operation to stop drug smuggling in South Florida. Auistant Treasury Secretary J ohn M. Walke"r Jr. said that . SACRAMENTO (AP) Despite parents' pleas, a Senate committee has rejected an attempt to restore the sales tax on candy to fund education AP Wir.photo UNASSISTED RESCUE -John Mihaljevtc, right, pulls an unidentif~ed man from the Chicago River. Mihaljevic, a 52-year-old construction foreman doing work on a nearby bridge, jumped into the river to save the man, a patient from a Chicago mental hospital. Others nearby, including sunbathei's at the water's edge. were just watching the man flounder in the water. SALE Tarkett •o• YOU CAii GAFs1r~· programs for handica pp-4 children. On a 1-2 vote, the Revenue and Taxation Committee killed a ~ by Sen. Alan Sieroty, D-L,qs Angeles, that would have raised an estimated $82 million a year by eliminatmg the 9~-year-old tax exemption for candy. ' Sieroty said if the bill had passed he would have eannarked the state's portion of the r,evenae -$65 million -for educatiOll programs for handicapped children up to age 3. The rest dt the money would have gone to local governments. The bill's supporters, who included m others of two handicapped children, said that programs for young handicapped children save money in the long run by keeping them out of state hospitals. The programs alto reduce the stram on parenta of handicapped youngsters, support.en teatified.~ Jack Hailey. executive director of the Governor's Advisory Committee o n Child Development Programs, said the divorce rate runs aa high as 80 percent among paren ta of h a n d i ca p p e d c h i1 d re n ol pre-school age. "I know of no justification for that exemption and know of no better use for the money from a sa l es tax on candy than 10 provide educational services for~ handicapped infants," Sieroty' said. But lobbyists for candy companies and some commit~ members said they considered; candy a food that should be- exempt from sales taxe~ Handicapped programs, oneo business lobbyist said, should: compete with other state pro~ for funds in the deficit-ridden: state budget. , "There are a lot of placea around for the money to come from," said Sen. Ollie Speraw; R-Long Beach. "We really do not. have a money problem -ju.st a' management problem." ; S e n . D a n B o a t w r i g h t .: D-Concord, said he considered' candy, "when properly used, a. good nutritional supplement,"' and claimed that restorlna the' sales tax on it would hurt the poor the most. I ' ~~CROFT I HIVE THE BEST FOR LEss ••• Vlnyl Flooring llo Wax 25% Off MADDALENA * No·Wb Easy Care / * Tough Naturally Shiny Wear Surface staoda up to busy family wear and tear * Quieter. Warmer, More Comfortable Oulet.COr • Interlayer. * Come In and'" trle wlCS. variety of beauJiful COk>tl end patterns. m11 I· r c flJU, f.2.R.?JITZ DEAR PAT1 I WH haratd down on a crtdlt ap_pUoatloD rectatl)' ao I'd Hiit to cbeck my cre4lt reconl to make aurt tverytbJDI J1 rtporttcJ accwltely. How CID I flnd out wbo b11 tlaJ1 reeord? K.W., Coua Me11 If your application was denied because of Information 1upplled by a credit reporting .,ency, that agency's name and oddreaa must be 1uppUed to you by the company where you applied. Otherwise, you can find the reporting aaency that has your file by calling those listed ln the Business to Business Yellow Pages telephone directory under the heading, "Credit Reporting Agencies." You can check your credit recor~ at no c harf'e if your application was denied because of mfonnation 1upplled by the. credit reporting agency IRS positions open DEAR PAT: I'm a 1tudent and I beard on tbe radio tbat tbe IRS ls currently testing lntere1ted •r.pllcant1 for part-time POtitions. How can I f nd out more about tbl11 F.C., Costa Mesa During the month of May. the IRS is testing applicanta for the position of taxpayer service representative This is a part-time seasonal position and the IRS wiU provide free training. Phone (800) 242-4500 for more .)Ob information. Rules strictly enforced , DEAR PAT: I'm a small baslnen owner, and woald like to know wby I am charged ncb a large penalty wben I make a late employment tax depotlt to tbe IRS. P .O., Costa Mesa f The rule• for makln1 employment ta>< deopo1lt1 are ~ry atrlcdy enforced. accordlna to the lntomal Revenue Servi~. Employert are viewed u "truat.eet" becau.e the withheld money they a..-handlll\a actually belonp to their employees. It you depoait the employeea' Social Security and Income tax wlthholdina ofter the due date, you will be useaed a late payment penalty of 8 percent. Allo. y:>u may be charg ed lntereJt on any deposits that rl!maln unpaid. Cape Primrose plant care , DEAR PAT: I received a Cape Primrose plant for Mother'• Day. My problem la tbat I don't know bow to care for It. Do you? M.G., Corona del Mar The Streptocarpus or Cape Primrose Is related to the common African violet. The farm adviser's off ice of the Cooperative Extension says it blooms best in moderate light indoors and in light to moderate s hade outdoors m thlS climate. The plant's leaves will sunburn or bleach if it receives a lot of direct sunlight. Streptocarpus ls hardier than an African violet, but care should be taken to avoid wetting the leaves when watering, especially with cold water. as this may d1sf1gure the foliage. The plants can be propagated by seed or leaf cuttings • Go/ a problem" Then wrile w Put Horo-• 1 wilt Par will cut red tape, ge111n11 the ill answers Dnd ucllon you need to solv~ in- f!(,JUll1l'S in governmenl and bu.siness. Mai/ your questions w Pal H orow itz. At Your Service. Or1mge Coast Daily Pilol. PO &x 1560. Cast.a meu, CA 92626 A~ many lellers MS possible w//J be ans- wtorc-d, but phonrd mqumes or lecters nor mcluding rhe reader 's fu/J namt>, address and bus1~ houn' phont-' number cannot ~ consJderf"d. flEFORM EYED - A1semblyman Richard Robln1on, P -Santa Ana . has fUthored a bill to revamp the Medi-Cal program and save $356 million . Evllcuation 'hogwash' SALINAS (AP) - M onterey County 's su p erv i sors say a proposed federal civil defense plan for nuclear war is "hogwash" and the county won't go • along with it. The board of supervisors voted not to draw a plan to evacuate 400,000 San Francisco Bay and Montere y County resident.a. Bobbr Baker says he's broke Roberl O. (Bobby) Baker, wldel) conaldtr•d the moat lnfluenllal conaraalonal aide In the l 960I ~fore hla conviction for Income tax f'VUlon, haa filed f or bankruptcy In Montgomery County, Md. Baker, who aerved as top aide to then-Senate Majority Leader Lyndon 8 . JobDtoD, filed a petition without an attorney. atati.ng he was unemployed and wu $384,955 in debt. In the petition. 1eheduled to come before U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Paal MaaDea this fall, Baker said his cash assetl last February consisted of $100 and a yearly federal pension of $9.000. Alfred A. Knopf, who in 1915 founded the publishmg company that bears his name, has been honored for service to the arts by the Atneric:an Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Knopf. 891 was cited in New York for having "brought to American readers many of the most important and innovative w o rk s 1n contemporary foreign literature, and a consistently high quality of American works." Other recipients of the Award for Dlstineul.shed Service to the Arts have included choreographer George Balaocblne and former Sen. Wllllam Flllbrlgbt of Arkansas. Broadc11ter ldwl1 N•wmaa of NBC. known for •ftort1 to Jour proper u of lan1u11•. haa been namf'd winner of the U~82 LtweU Tlaom11 Award for eltctronlc journallam. Th4 lnttrn atlonal Platform A11oc:l1t.ion 11ld Ne wman haa "• considerable rcputatlun 11 1 watchdOI ur Enelllh uuge." The oraanJzallon, foundf'd u the AmC'rlcQn 1-yceum AllJ«iation In 183) by DaDlel Web1ter and Jo1lall Holbook, promot.et public apt"aklna. 41\obert Ml Ebertaardt of Stockton, has been .,elected prealdent of Duc:ka Unlimited, a private, non-profit oqianlutlon d e d ica te d to the preaervation ot w aterfowl for hunting. Eberhardt, 54, president uf th~ Bank of Stockton. was named during the group's annual meeting in Reno. A bull elephant charged an American woman on a photographic safari in Zimbabwe, seized her in ita trunk. swung her through the air and trampled h e r . ca using multiple injunet>, offtl·1als SaJd. The hunter who finally killed the animal had his license suspe nded because ht• didn't have his rifle when the elephant first charged. Carole van Zeeland. in her late 30s. o f Kaukauna. Wis .. was being treated in Parirenyatwa Hospital for t·rushed ribs , a l'oll apsL•d a nd punctun..od lung. a damaged ~lv1s. a broke n fe mur. dislocated neck vertebrae• and a gashed arm. Prince Philippe of Belgium, the nephew of King Baadoolo, es<.·aped unhurt wht•n an air fort.'t' training ,et had a n at·c1dent on landing. the Belgium Dl•fense MmtStry says en~' You'H Like Our Prices SHORTEST LINES IN ORANGE COUNTY "EXTRA EDGE" GARFIELD IANK ~: f ~ You'll Love Our Food U~ Served 5 to 9 P.M. MON: CLAM STRIPS .................................................................. 3.95 Deep fried 1trlpe ol 1weet ctame choice of potato, cote "8w MS: CHICKEN FILL£T STRIPS ................................................. 3.95 White meet chicken llU.t 1trlps deep friend and ~ with choice of dlpa. fried breaded zucchini. cllolce of potato. WED: STIR-FRY BEEF & VEGETABLES ....................................... 3.75 Lean beef 1tlr fried with mushroom•. green peppers, onions & celery, topped with terly•kl eeuce. SeNed with r!Qe. THtMS: CHICKEN WITH BBQ SAUCE.. ........................................ 4.45 Boned chk:tlen bf'eut baked with BBQ aauce Served with co6e llaw, choice of pot•to. FRI: StlU .. MARINARA ............................................................. 3.95 Zeety blend ot bey lhf'lmp, onion, green peppero. celery, muthrooma. Mfved on bed of rice. Vegetable. SAT: HAWAIIAN STYLE CHICKEN ............................................... 3.95 Boned cf'llctten breaat topped with crl1p bacon and plnMppie ring. SerWd with rloe •nd vegetable. SUN: ROAST TURKEY ................................................................. 3. 75 Sllcied rout tur11eoy aerved with draealng. cranberry uuc., wgetable, chok:e of potato WEEKLY: OCEAN PERCH ............................................................ 3. 95 Grilled lightly aprlnkled with choPJ*j pa,.ley, vegetable, choice of potato. Above Includes choice of hot rolls or garlic toast. Available Al These Locations: 11477 Stadt ll.. 142-2112 7490 Ecin1er. 147-4736 10136 Adams. 963-Wl A Prime find at $6.95. Enjoy our delicious Prime Rib dinner at a savings. This coupon offers very special savings on our popular Windsor Gate cut of Prime Rib. Served complete with baked potato or rice plus a basket of fresh bread. And for only $1 .25 additional, you can make unlimited trips to our famous salad bar. But hurry, this Prime offer is only available with this coupon thnlugh June 3rd. Victoria Station The be.t Prime Rib. And DOW • whole lot more. HOUSE OF TAILORl~G i\l ~Hb\TIQNC:, FOR •<l~N II, WOMEN 1b f' :VA .!J ·l· w••f l 1 •• 1 tJ, I_·_ O' ,-,.., •. ,' RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ·~-4S..• I U2 HAJllOI ILVD. COSTA MIU -S41·1 IU DAVE'S CLOCK SHOPPE Speclollzlng In the repair of antique and new clocks. Hou1e coll• on grandfather clock1. Certified Clockmo· ker Sale• & Ser- vice. (714) 495-3233 28752 Marguerite Pkwy., M1sst0n VieJO Oft at Avery Spring Clearance -------------------------------------------, • It's Fruit and Vegetable ;;J:'.,~. 0 Time! llow Available • • • .. Laguna Hilla, 24231 Avenida de la Carlota, 768-1994 Newport Beach. MacArthur and Jamboree, 752-G240; Weatmi.nater, 14041 Beach Blvd., 898-6702 Along w1tn 1?8'l l1nonc1ng 011 our ni?w l.OCJ1flf'I(\ 1111 discounted dunng our Sl'.N''Q Clf'O•Of"'(..e A sp~:< inc u·• ,, SOie on Oii Sev1lles EIClOICIOOs f'\pV1llf>S Bmu<;innm• rmd C1mor1ons I Local COfn Local M'rooms Local Cuc~bers Local Lettuce Local Oran1es Calif .Cherries Peaches Mangoes Pineapples Papayas .,..,. I•~ "lfaNt lt•af'' '"°' II 111/ltll OPEN DAILY 'TIL S • r---·R•llf:J•T11-----, r-----roITT;l•T.r---,r----i(tlllil•Ial----, l l flR8T OF THe YEAR 1 l ALWAYI LEH HERE IAN DIEGO NOW I I d I CANTELOUPE 11 NO. 1 ,RESH CUCUMBERS I 0 : Of' HONEY DEWS 11 MUSHROOMS THE .. lrzE I I 89• ·---:: 89• 'uu 3 39 I I ,....... 11 POUND For • I a I Umh • of Eact\ I I Umlt 4 Lbe. Umh I I 1' ·---------------J , ______________ ..JI.--------------~ n d R~rvarion• -ic-. Non-smoking Merion• •nd sroup facilida available. limit 2 tpeclela per c.1p0n PluM pt'nt/lt ~oupon 10 food Mrwr befor• orderiftt, Offtt "pl"" June 3-d.. Not vald In coQfvn<llon'"'h Aft\/Olh.tt COUPGft or pr-ioNll loodollu. LForVSoffiu-~D·•·-vs _ -~PN•:t-113 Now. You May Rent A Lu_xury Apartment on Newport Bay. Gracious hv1ng 1n a country club sen1ng tl"lal overlooks lh~ bay Thats Park Newoort The finest ,apartment community 1n fash1~nable Newport Beach Here for your pleasure a $H·~·m1lhon Social and Health club 8 hghted tennis.couns racquetball couns 7 sw1mm1ng pools and acres of gardens Leases are available for 1 2 and 3' bedroom urnls Some are el~antty furnished APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES OH THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM t540TO t1,000. ~ty located on ttle Upper Bay Park N8wOort IS lust 5 QUICk mtnutes from lht Orange County Alroon and all majO( buslll8U centers . On Jamboree AoaO at Sen JoaQuin Hilla ~ .. I Jt.• (TM) M+1IOO Huge Selection ChOOse lrom t)vr ~1UQ£· \elf'C •IOI" "' ~ u<•'111·<1~ ot fl<'"' C0Cl1flocs and tOkf' o :lvfl()IOQI? nt 1r-.r· mr, .1 •,,,r.stfJr Ill') savings this veor . lrcmerY.lous d1scourw cin off d1f'1P.ls 11 cs I VHJ 1~1c t•r•w Hl.d100 power system rn<X.l<"IS tr. 0111t1r• ruors vriu wont -and w•lh lhe 0011ons v<'U or-s11e And ('JI• ff'<Jt'lv lr·r 1mme<:11ole Oef•YefY Wl'\eth<•r vr•v w1<} Ir r•lJ\ • r <"l<F• nOIN s the 1tme Bui inc: wPOl\I •s del1n°1.-.1,, 11n 1 .. <1 , 1 , svre 10 hurry'" eo11v IOI vour ~st SP,,..,., 0f Thia 11 your las1 chance ••• ONLY 10 DAYS LEFT The buck starts here. Makini! a start is proDabl} the most important step toward savifl&. There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right track toward B regular. aoheduled savings. Just join the Pa)·roll' Sa~nis Plan at work. A little is taken out of eacn paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. Sa\-incs Bonds. You don•t have to won')' about maki~ a special effort to put something aside each p~-da)'.1t•1 all done for you. Automatically. lfhe buckt start piling up, ~ Interest trows, and )'OU realiu youvc Found one surefire waytouve. ~ ~~:/ . • ! I . . " . ~ ,· Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday. May 21, 1882· Pain drug· studied NEW YORK (A.t') - Ely Lllly and Co. plans ttlree yeara of tHU on l., 6 0 0 r be um at o Id arthrlti1 1ufferera to evaluate whether an anti-pain dru11low1 down the disease. The drug, sold In the United Stat.et under the brand name Oraflex and known chemically as benoxaprofen, reduces symptoms of oeteoarthri- ti s a nd rheuma told arthritis, the pharm- aceutical company said. Dr. Ian Shedden, vice president of Lilly Research Laboratories, said laboratory tests on animals indicated the drug may "actually be retarding the pro- gression" of arthritis. PRECARIOUS PERCH ~ This hummingbird passed up a birdhouse at the Fresno home of A~ Wlfeptto1o Virginia Boyajian in favor of a flimsy-looking arrangement on top of a clothespin. Lilly said the drug pro- duces fewer gastrointest- i n a 1 side effects than aspirin. J~dge 1 censured for slurs S~ FRANCISCO (AP) -The California Supreme Court publicly has censured a Santa Barbara County judge for repeated use of racial and ethnic slurs and racially stereotypical remarks to lawyers and other court workers. The decision Thursday followed the disciplinary recomrhendation made by the Commission on Judicial Performance against Superior Court Judge Charles S . Stevens, who has served on the bench since 1971. The commiJsion found that during Stevens' current term in office and the six years before he made racist remarks, mostly during confer- ences in his chamber rather than in open court. ·it also found that, "according to most witnesses, Judge Stevens hu "all times performed his judicial duties f8.1Cly and equitably and free from actual bias against an.y penon regardless of race, ethnicity or sex and that his remarks were both inappropriate and in poor taste." It concluded, however, that his conduct was "prejudicial to the administration of justice that brings the judicial office into disrepute." The commission can privately admonish a judge. If it decides more severe discipline is required it makes a recommendation to the Supreme Court for either public censure, invoJuntary retirement or removal. Islam impact studied The cultural, political and religious impact of Islam will be explored in a three-day seminar at UC Irvine. The free series of discussions will be held Saturday through Monday, May 29-31, and feature speakera from Iran, Lebanon, lf8Q and the United State9. Toplcl include the Islamic revolution in Iran and Iraq, the rights of w~n accotding to Ma.lem law and the Palestinian illue. The seminar ls sl)OnlOr'ed by the hlamlc Studle1 Center, a UCI student orpniution. Se11ion1 will be conducted ln different ~each day. The Maj 20 ..tons will be held ln Arab6c; May 30, ln DllJlsh and May 31 ln hnl (Pentan). For Information, call 702-2846. dYIJUR..-. oNLY "' · -~ d sedan. Fro his sentra St . ,tllr with t E l....,~n other \P , Ric t the N V"" han anY ..... ,5 p this year, rn~ per p0und t NEED I p neW car ore pa,we Yllu tdn't afford arn for five, rn can afford · unU coU · ·ng ('()O ·ceyoU thOught J "': surpnSI eed at a pn tf you, dri"Je tra:~~ car you" .. 11g1CE cnoose trorn: ns. ~eage. tt~ th THIS Ill' sentras to atiOO w~ rn• N~ ·c;.al Nissan_-Aans and st . Yllu ~ f econornt 4-dOO( scv te 11eet o tc.ht>a'kS' ~,.. ~re\ a whO sp0rtY ha 2:door sedans, '· A T ·~ i ... , ' • , • I I • I ' t , c t I I I ' I ' --, ! I I I I I ' I I i I I I I I I I I I 1 I I. I __ , -., A I I I I I I I I I --· I • I• I I . I ,,. I 1' I. I 'l A.ii'po~t 50f1-mile rule outdatelt and costly The time hu come for Oranae County 1ovemment to take a look at an outmoded rule and change it. The rule in queetJon ii the one that prohibita commercial airllnet aerving John Wayne Airport from flring non-atop to destinations more than 600 rnilee distant. It's called the perimeter rule. Yean ago, in the days when jets were considerably notater, the fU}e may have made some aeme. But today, given the technolOlic.al advances -both in noise reduction and the greater distances medium-size jets can travel -the ru.le is obsolete. That fact has been well demonstrated by figures released this week by Frontier Airlines, the Denver-based carrjer that operates two flights daily from Orange County. To comply with the perimeter rule on flights from Orange County to Denver, some 833 miles away, Frontier has been stopping in Las Vegas. The airline's data shows that aeven out of ten pa11engera couldn't care less about 1topplng in Nevada. Last year, the Lu Ve1u 1top inconvenienc;ed 76,000 persona and cost Frontier about S2. l million in added coau. Landings and takeoff• don't come cheaply. Like' many other carriera serving John Wayne, Frontier ta tn the process of placing new and quieter jets into aervice. Whether those jets are going to Lu Vegas or Denver makes no difference. No more noise is produced, one way or the other. Should the permiuible non-stop distance be increued? Or the· rule abandoned entirely?· That's something county government, in conjunction with the carriers, should be considering. Frontier has given the county some motivation in that regard. It . is asking a federal court judge to overturn the rule. Perhaps the county should 'step in and take charge before the court does. Sacramento lantasy Toward the end of a session of the state Legislature it is not unus ual for assorted bills to disappear In the general confusion. It is less likely for a measure that already has been passed by one house to vanish in mid-session. That's what happened to Sen. Robert Presley's SB 884, which was passed by the Senate Jan. 27 and assigned to the Assembly Ru.Jes Committee on Feb. 2. It has n 't been seen since. Committee Chairman Louis J . Papan apologired to Presley, who had~waited three months for a hearing on his measure, saying, "Wou.ld· you believe, this bill got lost." Given the content of the measure, the disappearance may not be that surprising. SB 884 would prohibit lawyer-legislators from representing private clients before govenunent agencies -a popular form of moonlighting. The potential conflict, should the legislator serve on a committee wielding budget power over the agency, is obvious. The State Bar of California, the Fair Political Practices Commission and Common Cause all have supported the bill. Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, one of many legislators who maintains a private law practice, opposed it. When Presley complained about the hearing delay , the Assembly committee suddenly notified him that, although it was not on the agenda and indeed had not been fouJ!d, a hearing on the bill would be scheduled that very af temoon, giving him just a few hours to assemble witnesses. The "hearing" consisled of a round of condemnation of the measure, principally on grounds that it would be difficult to frame a law proscribing this type of activity. No vote could be taken because the actual bill was still missing. It will be taken up again Monday if someone can find it. One committee said the whole thing made him feel "a bit like the Mad Hatter at the tea party." We do too. YES for prison bonds Recent anti-crime legislation, apparently supported by most voters, has resulted in more and longer jail terms for convicted criminals in California. Prison commitments have doubled in the past 10 years. But the state has not built a new prison in more than 15 years. The existing prison system is at 119 percent of designed capacity, holding about 30,000 inmates, a figure that is expected to increase to 40,000 in the next three years. More than 4,500 prisoners now are paired up in small cells designed for one p erson . Overcrowding of prison facilities inevitably increases the danger of violence for both inmates and prison itaff. Proposition 1 on the June ballot would provide for $495 million ln general obligation bonds for construction, remodeling, renovation and maintenance of prison facilities. Assuming passage of the measure, Gov. Brown's budget proposes spending an initial $162 million for partial funding of 10,000 permanent beds and 1, 750 temporary beds in the prison system. I Opponents of the measure contend that a major inqease in prison facilities would not be needed if more careful ecreen1ng of inmates sent more to less-expensive minimum leCW'ity facilities, used more night or weekend sentences, placed more on work-furlough, or offered alternatives to imprisonment ln the fonn of fines, restitution or community services. These may be valid solutions in some cases, but proponents of Proposition 1 WMn that screening cannot be infallible and the alternatives could result in returning dangerous felons to the community. In some states, courts already have ordered early release of prisoners to relieve overcrowding. · Financing n e w prison facilities under the proposed bond measure wou.ld at least spread the financial burden over another generation. And since the public seems to favor stiffer prison sentences for convicted criminal.a, there appears to be no choice but to provide facilities to hOWle them safely. A YES vote on Propoeitlon 1 would accompliah th.la. L.M. B'oyd/ Singles trick An especially 1t.rik1n1 woman by henelf tn a llnclel bar is not alwaya overwhelmed with overturea by ~men. But lf .xunpanled by another woman, 1111 dilferent. Un- iventty ICholmii f.otlnd that out In a atud:y of the matter. Our Love and Ww man Mys thli t.dr.a up the claim that many fellow• ate acared of beeuliful women. ~ aforemenUon.- ed rwdy clearly 1hoWt they find It eaaier to say hello to two women - one plain, one pretty -than to a pretty woman by benelf. 'nlere la no record that any Chrflli. tian ln Old 1'0me w• ever dvOwn to the Uonl.. J'our out of five of the vorld't crt· minal jUry U1U ocxur b\ the Unit.eel Sta.._ ,,_,_. __ 'Electronic warfare crllcial WASHINGTON -It may be 20 years or more before the full story la told of Britain's aucceuful use of electronic warfare in the Falkland Wanda crlall. It took longer than that to find out about the elect.ronJc warfare (EW) devicea Wied ln World War ll. It's not surpriaing that the British have effectively used thelr high-technology "fuzz busters" and other aophi.tlc.at.ed electronic equipment to jam Argentine communicationa and confuse their ahips and planes. The Britilh are ploneen in the field. ONE OF THE earlieat EW applications, cod~named HEADACHE, WU uaed ln 1940 to rnialead Nazi aircraft navigators trying to "ride" radio ligna1a to target• lo E""ngland . By 1943, the Brltlsh had developed a tranamitter known as the .. Airborne agar" to jam German plane frequenciea, and by D-Day, Britain's electronic wizards were able to "deploy'' whole fleets of phantom ships to confu.e the Nam. Intelligence IOW'CeS told my ueodate Dale Van Atta that ln the Falklands conflict, the ~ritish several times disrupted radio communications between the Argentine mainland and the tnvuion troops' headquarters in Stanley. By jamming·radio frequencies, the British were able to achieve surprise in their bombing raids. The British also succeeded in dlaruptlng the Argentine•' plane-to-plane signals, and, occasionally. taking a leaf from D-Day 38 years ago, created radar phantoms that lured 'Argentine pllota into useless pursuit. fNI weapons are offensive as well: It was a Tlgerfiah torpedo, controlled on much of lta 20-mile path by an electric wire unreeled behind it and hooked to a Q -J.-1:.-•• -.-111-.-. -~,, submarine computer, which sank Argentina's second biggest ship. Lacking proper electronic countermeasures or even detection devices, the Argentine ahip was no match for the Tigerfish. By the aame token, the $50 million HMS Sheffield was sunk by a French-built Argentine Exocet.missile becawie the British destroyer lacked the latest EW equipment. The Exocet has its own self-contained computer and radar to lock in on a target as it skims six to nine feet above the waves, but the Sheffield would probably still be afloat it it had been e<,luipped with up-to-date detection devices and anti-missile. rnlsailes. The Falklands conflict has demonstrated literally vital importance of electronic warfare devices. For want of such equipment , hundreds o f Argentine and British lives were lost. Though Britain has always been a leader in EW development, the 'United States is generally conceded to be the best in the business today. The Pentajon has spent billions -an estimated~4.6 billion this fiscal year -on EW weapons, on ECM , or electronic countenneasures, and even on ECCM, or electronic coun ter-«>un termeasures. IN THE A WACS planes. we have the finest electroruc warfare platform in the world. But the Russians are working hard to close the EW gap. "The Soviet Union presents a capable and technologically advanced threat to U.S communications channels used for the direction and control of nuclear forces," a top-secret Pentagon report warns. The Russians are known to have at least 352 high-frequency jamming transmitters at 30 different sites. The concern over Soviet advances in EW technology, of course. is that, by jamming U.S. spy satellites and other early-warning devices. they could blind our defense forces to incoming missiles or preparations for war. or cripple the U.S. ability to retaliate. The Soviets showed a disturbing skill in electronic warfare 14 years ago, when they managed to keep NATO detection devices from spotting the deployment of their troops in Cz.echoslovak1a until lt was too late to respond Consider what's right, not smart · It irritates me to read that the foreign pol.icy experta are saying our support of the nrttiah in the -Falkland Islands dispute is going to hurt us. They keep saying it will hurt our relations with Argentina and other South American countries for years to come. It irritates me becau.te I infer from these experts that they think we are wrong to.support the British, bemuae of what lt will do to our national 1maae in South America. They aay that it will drive many of these countriea tnto the open anna ~f the Soviet Union. My attitude toward that la. "too bad. That'• their tough luck." I HOPE T8AT doesn't happen, but even if we were absolutely certain It would happen, we sliould have made the dedslon we did. I felt proud when President Reagan announced sanctlom against Argentina and promised material auiatance to the Britiah. I wu proud because we did the right thin1 for a change in foreign policy. We made• dedaion bued on what was right to do not what m!&ht or mi&ht not have been amart for UI to do. _ There ls •imply no doubt we 1hould have gone to Britain's aid and I don't know why the experts keep acting a lf we made a mistake. We didn't make a mistake no matter how many South American countries turn toward the Soviet Union because of it. Diplomats and forelsn policy people always act as lf their job was faking the otrr guy out. Honesty and decency d 't seem to enter into their ,~~' -llD-Y-RDO-Nf-Y -~ negotlationa very often. Everything is aecn!t becawie if anyone find8 out, they won't like it. I suspect that, more often than not, we outsmart ourselves. We're supporting a dozen right-wing dictatorships around the world because they're anti-Communist. That isn't a good enough reason. We should support the faction in any country that is trying to do the right thing in a humane and democratic way. If the government or the leaden we aupport a.180 happen to be left wing, we should ignore lt and qperate with IOl1le faith that they'll get to believe our system is better than the Soviet system. These foreign affairs experts are aaying, specifically, that if Gen. Galtieri's right-wing government in Argentina falls because of a defeat over the Falklands is.sue, it will be replaced by a left-wing government. I personally am no more worried by the prospects of a left-wing government than I am by Galtieri's op pressive. right-wing government. Does anyone prefer fascism to communism? Was Hitler a nicer guy than Stalin? I think all of us ought to refuse to believe, as individuals or as a nation. that doing the wrong thing is ever right. IF THE United States would more consistently act on what's right in the world, as we did on the Falklands issue, instead of acting in consideration of what might be smart for us in the future, our foreign affairs would be in better shape then they are. We ought to be known as the Good Guys. ln r ecent past, too many Americans have been embarrassed to find their government supporting the Bad Guys. All of us want to be proud of America. We want our country to be liked and respected and we want it to be doing the right thing all the time whether it seems to hurt our best interesta or not. U doing the right thing b not alao in our best interest, all of us might as well give up and start stealinc for a living. Aura of char01 inevitably outweighs talent hard at hls job; the other may have been lela talented, but had much charm, and IO didn't 1eem to be worktna at all but 11.mply havina a aood time along with UI. There wu one imtrurnentallst who had charm. eue and dignity, and aeveral othera who may have been better mUlldana but who limply came 8ICl"Oll u •trident, at.ratning, aweaty atrangen to the audience. 'lbe applau. varied, not in proportJon to the taltnt displayed, but in direct ratio to the charm iha'-came flC!'Oll. I am sw;e thl1 inuat have puzzled tome of the peJ'fonnera, whO wondered what wu wron1 with their material or their nacutkln. when it really had nothina to do with either. IY A SAD CIO(nc:ldence. I think of two ••n. recently deceHed, who were lmmenHlY, lifted -but, alto, ~ whcie charm broke ~h ihe ftnt mommt they~ on~· In both c:aHI, at lt happened, 1 waa pr.Hnt and 1ave them the earUHt "rave" N¥litWI l.hiiy NiltYed. ~ =• Paul L=• .:=:.':!:. time. I Htr~J'!7e ID hl1 debut raact at UM WH·M" &bow at ........ UllMalltt ... ~ lilm bll tint ............. ~ ....... .... 1 ............. .., ......... opening night at Secbnd City, and predicted for him the great future he all but won. ; In both cases, and othen like these, the charm of the penonality la what compel• the viewer more than the material. Jack Benny, whme humor w• banal. luted • Iona time because people enjoyed h1I aura; rr.nk F~. one of the' flne9t comJca of our century, faded away becauae what•ver initial charm he poueued wu corroded away by cyniclam and 1nldene1a. In entertalnmenl, at leut, what you are counta for more than what you do or bow you do lt. -( I Want More Business? We'll Help You Get It ... Call Us Today CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Advertising Assistance 494-9753 270 aEACH STllET LAGUNA alACH, CA. 92651 REWARD! I, you can find e finer dl1pley of handmade gift• and collectebl .. than wlll be offered at th• ennual Laguna Craft Guild Springtime Street Fair. Weaving•, Ceramic•, Jewelry, Peln- tlng1, Photograph•, Sculpture, Steined Olau, Butterflle1 end much much more. Laguna Craft Guild Showil1: r.lay 30, 1912, 10:00 a.m. to Dusk Location: On Forest Ave. In Lal'N Beach •UI F• LMD YMI PLW Exploring the Lumber Yard Plaza seems almost an adventure of another era: the pleasant attention given to shoppers who want It, the casual acceptance of browsers who don't, is a small part of It. The best part is found in the surprises here. There is an early-century aura of quiet good taste that can be so soothing to the shopper more accustomed to the harried rush and frustration of most city businesses. The free parking in the rear of the mall (enter on Ocean Ave.J adds to the convenience. There are the Individual pleasures -some quite unexpected -to be found In the shops. The very tiny worry people from Guatemals , in hand-painted boxes, at a TOUCH OF LATIN, according to legend, will take care of all your woes overnight when properly Instructed -this makes them the best bargain on the West Coastl LAGUNA BEACH OMPUTER CAMP \JUNE 28 -SEPT. S • l & 2 Week Senion1 Operoted by THE BINARY TREE Computer leornlng Center REGISTER NOWI #14 497-5714 fxcellmt La~na, ~lc-40" laundry 3M Pry Cleaning ~ ,,. &~· llllT ART SILE! * Art Posters * Signed Prints .; I In By 10 Out By e ) H•nd Flnl1h 497_5552 * Custom Framing 1 Pick Up end Dellvery Top Quallty. Low Price• 350 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach / 7 e.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Frl. 8 e.m.-4 p.m. S•t. l'I lledi Nertfl flf The Ceftete Truffles reasonably priced at S60 a jar -at JEAN 'S GOURMET JUNCTION, are part of a s~ection of Roger Verge's Imported products. Jean also has sweet-tasting low-calorie candy -a few steps away. At PALM SPRINGS PERFUME & COSMETICS, pretty Deborah Liiiy's sparkling complexion Is probably the best advertisement tor her Aloe Vera-based products. She Is a chemist who can answer your questions about cosmetics and skin-care. This Is a real plus In shopping there. MAGE WIND, a most fascinating place to shop, has all the charm of childhood fantasy In the array of Imaginative gift articles, old-fashioned toys, stuffed animals, hand-painted plates, and so much elsel KHYBER PASS where the wall-hangings , jewelry, & hand-wrought Items of Afghanistan are absolutely fascinating. Sadlg's warm and gracious smile encourages one to ask about thses exotic Imports. At the BINARY TREE, children sit completely absorbed in their ~~ computer work. Imagine learning even music from a computer. SbdoGl6YyB VlADIMIR SOkotOV f\rlf ros A Selllctlc7I rfCJ"n C.u• ~ M. • I . 3' l'illP 494-3833 I There Is the elegance of EYE TO EYE, the optical shop, where fabulously glamorous glasses could change your lite. You'll find the • fashions to wear with them at DOLLY ET CIE's, where the design collection Includes exquisite hand-knit sweaters locally made. Fashions for the active' can be found at the newly opened OUR PLACE where Lisa's attratfve array of clot hf ng will appeal to the young and busy crowd. Downstairs, on the street level. women's fashions are available In a complete range of sizes and styles at THE TWO TREES. Thece are suits, blouses, dresses, pants, and outfits galore to choose from. A touch of nostalgia might come from looking through the large stock of Jeri Holmes' designs at UNIQUE BOUTIQUE where you can enjoy w5mderful fabrics from all over the world, that comprise Jeri's designs. It Jessica's busy. you might try to bargain with lno over the price of some porcelain, clock, or jewelry at CHARMANT BOUTIQUE . It 's fun-loving lno's favorite Idea for adding enjoyment to business! You might find ft entertaining to join others at the COFFEE PUB next to PAPPAGALLO on the lower level. There the chatter of small-town talk and the frlendffness of the place may add to the navor of those Incredible ho~baked apple plesl .. RICE BAG SPORTSWEAR SHIRT/PAN'fS for 1"t11 ottd W<'mtn Eaclustw Rke S.9 Sporuwuir carefully handcrafted from H~ lonttlastlng natur cotton to glw you eaay care and aU· -athercomfort. Dhdncttwly unique. they are the p«rfect combination of practlcallty and originality. Vicky'• late.t de1l9n1 are finally ready. Come I.rt today and take a loolc! vncKY DURAND 506 N. Coeat Hl9h-y. La9una Buch You'll jlnd wi Of 1ha comer of llftl"flr 494-328()' It you want a meal that's more than coffee and a snack, excellent dining Is c>n the other side of the plaza, at IV't' HOUSE. Here the service is fine, and the vegetables and entrees done just to perfection. Other :~urprises that await your discovery are Phyllis Cameron feminine apparel, Love Leather, Stray Whale gift and bath shoppe, Leg in Hair Salon, Classic Nalls, Elizabeth Gallery and East-West Gallery tor Hiatlan art. The special art being shown at the galleries in the plaza this month include the current works of Vladimir Sokolov at s-l"UDIO GAl:LERY 6. You surely wouldn't want to miss that. Come soon tc1 visit ALL the shops and galleries here -they'll be happy to welcome youl l@'flQ_ ~ lmporls Af~iston · 494-5021 • HondmOde Woolen~ #18 •Custom Tribal Jewelry •Ernie c1orti1no . JUST OPENED! Ou'l YJface, {!("t,&s ,uuJ ~f,c>ts r I t I IBIBrnrn~~~~rn ' . ·Co,ntairier ga1·dening popular ST. LOUtS (AP) -Palntln1 Mvte a lot ol E*\tl~ ln the vlew of Anthony Lo RUllO, who traded ln hll ..... n thUll'lb for • c.n of sreen ,,.tnt and IOWed hi.I yard in cement. "Lift'• too short to bother with cuttln1 laWN,'' Lo RUllO Mid, ahowtna off the concrete evidence. and putf-d, tbelr liwn mowert dtonlf\I ln tt\9 *~Mround. ' It. alvn me more time to do other thlnp:' he said. "l Uke to tlth, drink bffr and relax . . . I .._, you'd <.'Ill me eor·t of lazy." Coniainer ~nina hu b«'orM lnp"tMI nalY po~ with t\omeownert u well u aparbment dw.llen. beclUll they can enJOy the utWectJi:>n of a ~table ~n within reach of the kitchen. ~ The pota, tUbl and buke'8 Of W89tabl• Olft be decorative u well u productive. ,,.. Buy unall vesetable plan\I and tranaplaot them Into your own contalner1, MlecUJ\8 var(etlet1 that have been bred 1pecUlcally for coMalner 1ardenlna. Each year new varlet.lee are ln~:lt.tc:ed -oheck W4th your extenaion apnt Or tarden center for their recommendatlona. When choosing plan\8, look for areen. hoalthy foUaae and protect them from excea heat &llld aun on \he trip home. Fill your containers with a commercial potting mix rather than garden aoil. Garden toll often provides poor drain.age and may harbor lrulecta, diaeaae and weeds. Water the young plants thoroughly and protect them from dlrect 8W\ for the flnt day or two. Outdoor containers need lo\I of water -check them daily and !ertllli:e with a commercial 5-10-5 fertilizer according to the manufacturer's recommendations. These plants will need Iota of sun, plenty of water ancl good drainage. Numerous vegetables are easily adapted to BEAUTY BONUS -This stunning New Guinea impatien is a double bonus - multi-colored foliage and large lavender, purple, req or orange flowers. They are perfect to brighten shady areas. container sardentna. Plant e&rly vvietie. and thoee developed Hpedally for container• whenever J)Olltble. Secdl can be eown directly lnco t.helr final containers. Some of theae are kale, 1arUc, telf·blanchlna celery, potatoet, beana. peu, cUTO\I, and cucumben. Radlahet. 1prini onlona, lettuce and spi~h al.lo an easy to srow from Med; just eow dlrecUy Into po\I or window boxes. Sow 1everal types and repeat at weekly lntervall for contlnuoua harvett. Thin the eeedlinD when they ~ 1tlll anall. To IOW p.rllc, plant the clovet one~ deep' ln early 1prlng. Kunner beans, peas and cUCl.Ollben will require staking. Hanatna baskets are Ideal containers for dwarf cucumbers, peas and cherf1' tomatoes. Even carrots can be grown in containers, but chOOM deep boxes and a variety that ia atump-rooted. Many herl» are succet1Sful in hanging baskets or containers. and a1ao grow well lndoon. Among the herbs that are worthwhile are chives, basil, bay, marjoram, thyme, mint, parsley and aage. Tomatoes, peppers, oni~. lettuce, cabbage and eggplant are usually availaijle as small plants h-om garden centers. Purchasing small, vigorous planta allows you an extra early start on the seaaon and increased yield. Almost any pepper can be grown in containers and the smaller type of tomato -cherry or patio tomatoes -a1ao works well in containen. And you can expect a bountiful harvest from only a few well-tended plants. GARDlllRS CHICllllT • Many nurseries have already started vegetable plants for you to transplant into your garden. •Prune spring flowering shrube to encourage more new growth which will bear flowers next year. Prune them in bloom and use the cut branches in vases indoors. • Plant garden fresh herbs to add some zest to a summer barbecue. They're very decorative, too: potted up and displayed on the patio around the barbecue. • If mildew is showing on some of your plants, consult your nurseryman right away for the correct spray to use. • Make this summer a little easier on your plants by spreading a thick mulch around them. This is true for the vegetable garden ablo. Besides helping retain moisture. it helps eliminate weed competition. He ripped up hla front lawn 12 yeat1 •ao and paved It over, 8 lnch• d•P· "All lt takes It a can of paint that ooeta about $11," he u.ld. "I only need to p&lnt It every two yean and I 1,et about two palntinp O\.lt of a can." Lo RUllO, 66, wu alapplna on a f reah coat of acrylic the other day whlle hii nelshbora hufted It' time to water regularly With tht• llrrlvul ul hot weather, 1 reaulAr wac.ertna program llhould be conduc&ed Remem~r that deep wac.ermg encouraaea dtiep rootl And makes plants lesa dependent on you. 'to t"t watcrina depth, dig down alter waterlna a~ • how rar the IOU iB moiat.. A mulch wlU twtp '-'On&erve moisture at the bale of plants. LLO\'D•!i -garden shop PATIO FURNITURE SAVE 33 TO 353 ON ALL ALUMONT FURNITURE IN STOCK BEDDING PLANTS ASTERS and ,. MARIGOLDS (White Plutlc Treys) Ideal For Summer Sun Pony Pak Reg. 11.09 IQW 69t. Why Buy Used Railroad Tie~. When you can buy new cedar tfmber1 8x8x8 ft. they can be UHd for re- taining wall•. outllnlng plantlng ., ... Of .. 1tepa. Wiii lut yur1 In the ground. ~ran $10~ AGAPANTHUS BEAUTIFUL HANGING FUCHSIA BASKETS In bloom or bud. Ideal for shady location. ..... s22.•• I low $159~ Basket or Upright Ideal For Shady Location 1 GAL. SIZE Reg. $3.50 NOW s2so SOUTHLAND I twport au.sic <noru1truatoru 'bcellence 1n Mu1'C Educoroon' Piunu Speciial-For Smaller Yards LILY. OP THI NILi Ready To Bloom Full Sun . r .. -·--· ...... Milllc • """" .... c ...... ,a.-. llOl<»"\flolr n-llut &ii uttar ....,.,_. ....... *9ctw 1 Gal. l~andila or Shore Jooiper Re1. $2.95 SALE S} 79 COLllR-rnany varieties 1 gal. Values to $3.50 . Cell for Brcx:hure 917.0JI I SALE S} 79 MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY 8" IOSTOI FERIS Florist Quality Reg. $6.95 SALE s4 95 I El{i{A {;ARJJE!{S 2070 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-0137 Come in and see our large selection of SwiJmwear South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel 751 -7500 You can help your new1paper earner oolle<:t a\ llme1 conv• . n.ent 10 you by having your ~or money order ready to lhe carrier won t have to call back BecauH thl1 young pet90n 11 ln bu1lne11 for hlmHlf « h«Mlf. pie ... t>e ready - *1d wtlleh th1\ blllJ smlle Which ~ 'Tnenk yo11 Perfect Flowers For Our Area· FUCHSIAS "-upright •nd htngrng f b111ket v.rtetlH. • ;1. ~ Big 1electfon of "'.?,rt'I 4'' POT REG. 1.29 Shade Garden Favorites Ideal Container Plant IMPATIENS Low growing, great In m111 pl•ntlng for bloom •nd foliage color. 10Al. f'Hl REG. 3.50 1 GAL. S.ZE Reg.13.11 IOW S2 49 CHECK OUR NEW LINE OF COLOR HANGING BASKETS AND PLANTER POTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• leturn your old wlr• baaket with mou and get $5.00 off the purchaH price of a new baaket. (one basket return for each new baaket) AU ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HANO. OFFER GOOO THRU ~/27 /8:1 OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7-6 -SUN 9-5 FREE LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO .. INC. VISA' :-:X CID 2028 Newport Blvd. (at Bay St) Costa Mesa. CA 92627 I (71•) S.6··7<4<4 l mt1e ,-.. Seiko Watch Sale Save25% on our entire collection • Jmt in time for Graduatjon Day and Father's Day ... 25 %off the entire collection "Seiko watches at Jewels by Joseph.Save on Oranae Coonty's largest selection d ladies' and aentlcmens' Seiko Quaru and elegant Seiko La.ulle watches. AU feature C:H1~ tine rive styling and quaru accuracy. Priced from - around$100. Save25%nowon Seiko ••• atJewels .... by Joseph . 1 • - f Steamboat raoins l'AIDAY, MAY 21, 1982 ot litde charm• antl empty of rule• an'd regulations. See Hush Mullisan, Page B2. CAVALCADE STOCKS 82 85 a place to do it in WE'LL SHOW THEM DEPT.-No matter where aome odd wrisikle develops in the news, you can almost bet euh loot that aome way, our Orange Coast will get linked to it. Springfield, Illinois, is a caae in point this week. 84ck in Springfield, seven women are p_icketing the state capitol in seeking ratificatil>n of the Equal Rights Amendment. And one of thoae women is from our region, Zoe Ann Ananda of Newport Beach. One bizarre element of this particular picketing is that M's. Ananda and her compatriots are on a hunger strike for the ERA. NOW, I DON'T CARE r-' which side of the ERA you 11-1-1-0-R-Pff_l_ft_E ~(: stand on, you have to l ,~ 1 admit that going on a -----------hunger strike for women's rights in Springfield has all the elements of bravery, commitment to cause, the knack for drawing nationwide publicity, and foolhardiness, all wrapped up in the same package. Just examine what these women plan to do. They have vowed not to eat for 44 days in attempting to persuade the Illinois Legislature to ratify ERA. They are very brave. Hunger is painful. Worse yet, they could kill themselves in the effort. The worst part of Another groop vying for •t~ntian on rhe BoardwalJc •t Lagu.M this would be they would have died in Springfield. The only place that could have been worse is if they'd selected Philadelphia. You cannot understand how anybody from Newport Beach would want tp succumb in Springfield CLEARLY, HOWEVER, theee women have shown a commitment to cause if they are willing to pus. on in Sprindield for the ERA. This has shown the knack they h8ve for drawing aorne public ink and television time to their cause. . On the other hand, you have to admit that all of this is a bit foolhardy. It does come off just a btt like the little kid who warns he's going to hold his breath Wltil you give him the ice cream. Sort of an ultimatum based on self-destruction. LACKING THE BRAVERY of these seven women, if I'd been running the capitol picketing at Springfield, I would never have threatened to go without food or drink for 44 days. Instead, I'd have gathered up three friends of mine who shall remain mercifully unidentified and we would have threatened to sing patriotic ballads in front of the rotunda for 44 days. None of us could carry a tune if it was in a bucket. It would have been the 44-day horror show. The Illinois Legislature would have been driven bonken until they passed the amendment. On the other hand, you could have done just the opposite of a hunger strike. You could have threatened to eat hot dogs continuously out in front of the capitol and ecatter the wrappen until the legislature acted. It might not have been quite as effective as a hunger strike, but you would have remained a lot more comfortable. AND SPEAKING OF comfort, there's that question ~ of why picket in Springfield?, If you're going to picket, do it somewhere that is at least comfortable, like under sunny skies with balmy ocean breezes at the Main Beach at Laguna Beach. At least on the Main Beach at Laguna, you'd have have been joined by the anti-nuclear pickets, the Hare Krishna marchen, the pro-greenbelt pamphleteers, and amorted other rebels with causes. If you've got to picket for a cause, it's always nioe to be camfortable, well-fed and have lota of company. Coast district slashes ' instructed officiala at all three 11ehoola to reduce their 1982-83 budgeta by~ percent.. For the spring term that is just concluding; the community colle1e1 alao were forced to reduce their clua offerinl from previous years. The sprtna cuta were nece11ary in part bean.18e awnmer Khool enrollmenta were much h1aher than expected last year. Reducln1 summer achoo) offerlnel wW permit the collepe to channel more ftlOW'Ce9 into the tniditional fall and aprtnc tenm, offtdall ay. Still, colle19 oftidala do not expect summer enrollment. to 'drop by UMI Mlne~tael • ~ CU1I In c1-.. More .......... will be Into f•wer claaH1 or may t•k• *"'*-mur-. wblch .,.. not rHtrlcted by the 1IH of a d MNt, ttwy piNdlct. Th• earlle1t Indication ot eaadn~ ....-ollmin& IAtehllt ..._tram..,....CcD1, wl*la ..... Ill ......... VliJD ................... ~. PELICAN CONVENTION? -It looked that way when several dozen of the long-billed creatures took over Bird Rock in -Laguna Beach. The pelicans, which breed off Mexico and oome north during late spring, usually settle on the Channel ~Not,......, a.r ~ Islands. A spokesman from LA eounty Museum suggested the pelicans in Laguna probably spotted a healthy school of anchovies (their favorite fQOd) and decided to stay for dinner. It's been a 19ng two years Slain cop's family relieved ~t Mink death penalty verdict By DAVID KUTZMANN Of ... O.., ......... For the family and friends of slain police officer Donald Reed, Thursday's decision by an Orange County Superior Court jury to recommend the death ~~~lty for Reed'• convicted WU a long time coming. Reed, 27, wu gunned down outside a Garden Grove saloon nearly two years ago. Four other people -two fellow officen and two b)'ltandera -were terioualy wounded. Murder defendant Gordon Lee Mink, 32, teatlfied that he waa high on drugs and remembered nothing of the shooting. "I'm glad it's finafly over," Reed's widow, Linda, said a short time after the jury's verdict wu announced. The panel had been sequestered for two nighta after its previous foreman received a telephoned threat. Her face reddened from crying, Mrs. Reed said the nearly two-year wait for judgment against Mink WU hardest Of all on the family, friends and others cla.ely involved with the cue. "It Just took too long," she aaid of the drawn -out legal proceedi.no ainoe her husband's death in June 1980. ~ AA for Mink, who ~ before Oran1e County Superior Court Judae Kenneth E. Lae on June 11 ror tentencing, "he definitely got what he de9erved," ahe said. Thou.gh Judge Lae has the authority to modify the sentence to life impriaonment without pcmibWty of parole, lt is highly unlikely he-Would stray from the jury's recommendation. Once Mink is sentenced to die in California's gas chamber at San Quentin, his case will automatically be appealed to the California Supreme Court. "It was a well-deserved verdiCt for Mr. Mink," said prosecutor Bryan Brown. "I can't think of anyone who is more deserving .. For Garden Grove police officer F .D. Mcinerney, who watched the jury .return with its verdict Thuraday morning, there waa a aeme of relief as well. Mcinerney waa with Reed and two other officen inside Garden Grove's Cripple Creek Saloon two years ago . The y wer e look.Ina for Mink to arrest him on several warrants. Instead, ac cord i ng to testimony, Mink eluded police through a side door and then opened fire in the parking lot. Reed died at the scene. Officers Dwight Henninger and Glen Overly suffered various. gunshot wounds. Both ha ve since recovered. "I'm relieved," Mcinerney said of Thursday's verdict. "Sometimes, you get kind of cynical In this line of work. You worry about people getting off on technicalities." Defense attorney Dave Shinn said Mink expected the jury to recommend execution. The panel deliberated only a dAy last week on his guilty verdict. The murder defendant grinned slightly when the' death verdict was read. Jurors filing out of Lae's 10th floor courtroom in Santa Ana declined comment. Judge Lae had told them earlier of the anonymous threat to their previous foreman, who was re moved from the panel on Monday. Lae sequestered the jury so it wouldn't learn of the threat and taint deliberations. Fed airport proposals criticized Changes would permit use of older, noisier .aircraft By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL or .... o..r,......,. The federal 5vernment's latest position on e County government's pro plan to regulate commercial airlines 8CCe9I to John Wayne Airport was sharply criticized Thunday by a county-retained attorney. "I'm calling it regulatory and public policy iruanity " said Michael Gatzke, a San Dlego-baaed attorney employed by the county for airport-related litigation. The U .S . Department of Just.ice, in court documents filed this week , is seeking modifications to the county's propoeed acoesa plan. The plan i.a designed to govern which commercial air carrieni fly to and from the airport. Under the federal government's modifications, Gatzke said, air carriers would be ~tted to use older and noisier ,eta for longer periods of time. The county's plan, on the other hand, is designed to permit a faster transition from older and noisier to new and quie ter aircraft, thus reducing noise exposure to residents living beneath jet takeoff paths. County officials say the federal government's suggestions were provoked by "political pressures" applied by Western Airlines and Phoenix-baaed America West, a carrier desiring to begin service in Oranse County. Neither Western nor America Weat have plans to oomply with the county's purchaae new an the county's requirem~nts for summer schedule (The Irvine campus summer term begins June 14.) .... Saddleback spokesman Bill Schreiber aald that by this date lut year, 8,800 atudenta had re1iatered for summer achool. Despite the 22 percent cu\beck in 'Cl.aaael.. summer reabtratlon had alreedy reeched 8,~ by today, he said. He attributed the 1tron1 summer 1chool lnterelt to realdenta easer to uparade their lldlll becau. of economic condJttona and to four·YHr coDeae etudenta who wan\ to pt bMlc cou.-out of the way ~t lea1 expenalv• communhy coUe,.. SchNlber -.id aome ltudentl a110 may want to \Mat &he po11lble laipoaltlon of new ~ ooUete ,... in tbt fall. percentage becawie the college will offer more c1uees in large lecture halls. Last summer, Orange Coast enrolled 12,000 summer awdenta. Golden West will offer 159 aummer claaes, compered to the u.ual 200. Gene Tardy, diftctor of community relatlona, aald many of the cuta are in vocational ClOW'lel, wtth the exception of' crimlnal jultke and comnetolol)': which have apedal year-round J>C'Oll'UDI. The 400 summer claaH1 offered 1-t year " eo.t11ni will be cut to 200 thta year. s~ Richard Slrnan -.Id the ~ will condnue to offer 17 ttlevlalon cour~which llOCIMlfild for 1,211 .. )Mt -...... .. He .us thl relDIAnanl ....... Will lacb• Wark educadori -................... d 11, With ,.....~c"--S•..-.i ......... Coa1tlln• enrolled I.II& ilbMSllll .......... ICboOI ... y..,, .. MOO lludmta fftlm tbe ~,...... purchase of new and quieter aircraft at the present lime. The federal government's filing of its suggested modifications came only days before Monday's scheduled hearing in U.S. District Court. Los Angeles, on the acceptability of the county's proposals. At the conclusion of that hearing, Judge Terry Hatter Jr. is expected to rule on whether the county's new access propoea.l can be put into effect. The plan is designed to gradually strip the f ive incumbent air carriers serving the airport of the guarantees they now h old o n their individual allocations of jet departures. The county limits the number of jet departures to 41 per day. AirCal now is g_uaranteed an average of 23.5 flights per dAy; Republic 'Airlines, 11 .5, and Frontier Airlines, Pacific Southwest Airlines and Western Airl.lne.s. two flights each. Under the county's proposed plan, the incumbent carriers would_be forced to yield 20 percent of their e>CLSUng flight allocations every three months for re-allocat ion. Those slots would be made available on an equal basis to any carrier agreeing to meet specified noise levels by utilizing so-<:al.led Class A aircraft, generally defined as new and quieter jets. By the end of a two-year period, all flight guarantees now enjoyed by the incumbents would be dissolved and all departures allocated on an equal basis. By that time, the airport would be served by only new and quieter aircraft. The federal government la suggesting that the transition period in which flight guaran~ could be diaaolved be shortened to 17 months, Gatzke said. Furth e r -and more disturbing to county officials - the fede ral go~rnm e nt 'a proposal would require that . airlines be allowed to use older and noisier aircraft on at least two of the slots placed for re-allocation as exiatin1 guarantees are dissolved. Laguna's Sassin gets Golden Apple Award excellence and outatandtn1 contrlbutlona to the medical echool ' l . r 1 l ' I I + l· •. •· f . . . •! • . , . • • . .. n Ii • . . . . . •• . •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN •HOROSCOPE ' • Parents often susceptible to 'unearned' g~ilt DEAR ANN LANDERS: A while back you printed an ln1l1htful e1aay U'Jat appeved ln Practical ParenUna. WW you print another one from that very flpe newsletter? It aeems m08t appropriate at a time when we are all struggling to be better parent. and finding it difficult. -A.D. IN MANKATO, MINN. DEAR MANKATO: With pleanre. Thank you for sendlDJ U on. GUILT ID ber Encyclopedia from A to z. Ann Landers writes about two .. k.1Dd1 of guilt - earned ad. unearned ... Earned guilt," 1be 1ay1, ••comes when you do tometblng dl1bonest, hurtful, tacky, 1elfl1b or rotten. SERENE SCENE -Mount St. Helens rises above two fishermen who spend a quiet afternoon on Silver Lake, Wash. Two years ago the setting was different. On May 18, 1980. Spend two boars a1oal1lng over It, tben tell yourself, 'Enoup of tblt tialr·tblrt' ... and don't think about It ever a1aln. "Tbere'1 another kind of 1a11t -tbe kind we lay on ourselves. Parents are Hpeqlally 1u1ceptlble to tblt variety. Judith Vlortt gives a fine example: "It'• all rlpt to"'"' leave your 1lck cblld with a titter to 10 to a PTA meeting or to a Save-the-Wbalea meetlDg, or to a drugstore to buy a heatln1 pad. It lt not all rJ1bt to leave yoar 1Jck child to go to a movie or to lunch with a friend or to the drugstore to buy an eyeliner." Every pllt on the Utt below bu been admitted to by a Uvlng, breathing parent. Draw your own conclu1lon1. ,_, Wltepttoto the volcano erupted with a violent blast that devastated 150 square miles of timberland and left 60 people dead or missing. Worklna away from home. Not worldDI away from home. Belaa •~rlct. Not tietna ttrlcC enouab. Expecting too much from cblldren. Nol expectln1 enou1b. Having an only cblld. Having too many cbUdren. FeellD1 ashamed of your cblld for one reason or another. Yelling at the ~dt when you are really mad at your 1pouu. Not feeling guilty when you tbJnk you thou Id I DEAR ANN: I would like to address this to "A True Southern Lady" who does not shake hands or stand when a gentleman of distinction enters the room. She seemed to think those who offered their hands were ignoramuses. My mother, a Charlestonian, taught me at an earl{ age the value of a firm handshake. have thought many times over the years how useful those lessons were in terms of building &elf-confidence and making others feel comfortable. Just as the EngU5h language reigns supreme in the business world, the handshake is the universal greeting. It q Allll LANlaS makes a statement about one's feelings about himself and others. If this means I'm a clod, it wouldn't exactly ruin my day. - ANarHER SOUTHERN LADY DEAR LADY: Nor mine. Have a good one! CONFIDENTIAL to Solve Him for Me, Please: I 1,111pect the facade be bat constructed is not to bide something wicked or 1lnl1ter -but just plaln emptlne11. Tbe hardest tbJng to bide ls sometblDi that Isn't there. Ann Landers discusses teen-age drinking -its myths, its realities. Learn the facts by reading "Booze and You -For Teen-agers Only," by Ann Landers. Send 50 cents and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, W . 60611 . Steamin' 'round bend LOUISVILLE, Ky . (AP) -After giving the old eollege try in my graying alumni years to hiking, paddleball, jogging and yachting, tf barfing abaft the beam aboard a 16-foot sloop so qualifies, I at last have found a red-blooded American sport that fits my physical and spiritual conditions: steamboat racing. ~1;,i HUGH MULLIGAN ~ MULLIGAN STEW back under Clark Memorial Bridge, the agreed-on starting line. Virgo: Focus on trip The sport is elegant, s cenic, as fast-paced as a papal consistory and as historic as the mighty rivers that serve as its playground. It requires nothing more of the participant than to sit at the teak taffrail with a tall mint julep in hand and watch the big red paddlewheel churn up misty rainbows of spray, while the crowds along the levee cheer each mournful moan of the whistle. A contest that proceeds at the pace of 8 mph does not strain the concentration. or neck muscles of the spectators. Wtth•a look made of all sweet accord and in tones as innocent as the refrain of "Sweet Genevieve" issuing from the steam calliope, the captain denied any wrongdoing, explained he was marching to a different cannoneer and "besides, the Belle of Louisville pulled the same dirty trick last year when she won the antlers." That's the civilized thing about steamboat racing. The sport isn't c ompli c ated b y a lot of fussy, incomprehensible rules and regulations -or any at all, as far as could be ascertained d\ll'\n4 this. my f~t passage on a racing HT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THE PUBLIC IS AL.WAVS IN THI! MAJORITY. &uT' SOMEHOW NCVEflll Rl!ALL. Y' HAS TME I ' .. P.OWSA. ' . .t GOif N ON BRIDGE • BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deal1. NORTH +QlOS <;i JTU 0 .us •Qt? WEST EAIT •IU •71 <;i Q 10 IS 'V ll 8 0 O&U OQU +Ju2 ••uou SOUTH •AJHO c;i A 0 A1091 •A.4 The blddJnr: 8oe.di ""* l + PUI '0 p ... ,. p ... P ... P ... Nwtll Eaat I NT Pua '. , ... ...... ()ptnlns lead: Ten of ~. Declarer rurted the heart relurn and re-entered dum my with a trump to the queen. He led the jack or diamond• to repeat the fineue. When Eatt turned up with the queen. the oon· tract wu home. Grieve'• mathematics were impeccable. The chance. of finding a.bare klng of trump• were 1li1ht indeed. Giving up a trump trick ln ex· chance for two enlrie1 t(> dummy would •uc~ed when· ever Ea1t held at leut one of the two miuJnr dlamond bonora, and that wu bttt.r than a S.to-1 chance. stem-Wh~er. _ FURTHERMORE, on the integrity issue, Capt. Blum took pains to point out th~ was an official judge on board, a U.S. Coast Guard officer from Cincinnati, who hadn't seen anything scandalous about ti!._e. premature start on account of at the time he '. was busy studying the contours of some bare· shouldered belles in plantation gowns< instead of the bends of the river. In steamboat racing, each boat sl1ppli19 its own judge, which would be akin toh major league baseball ~am going oql.''the road -~ith its own personal set of umpires. Built 56 years ago 'on the J:tiver Clyde in Scotland, the Delta Queen showed her age and her determination by belching enormous plumes of jet black smoke from her twin funnels to keep the upstart Natchez, launched in 1974, from overhauling her illicit advantage on the upriver leg. The boats were bucking 12-mile-an-hour head winds and a 2 1h -mile current and gobbling up fuel oil at the rate of 100 gallons an hour. The Belle of Louisviile continued to lag far behind. Now the Natchez and the Delta Queen wer e almost neck and neck, o r nose-protruding gangplank to gangplank. "Shove the oil to her," rasped a gnarled tourist river rat, leaning into the wind on an aluminum walker. "Damn the pollution. Full speed ahead." Words to warm the heart of a James Watt, whose ancestors back there somewhere may have invented the steam engine. l I I JI .. Haitian planter basket 4.99 .... . .. . ' .. -... Put life ""' ... in your rooms ..... _.. ..... ...., ...., • ~-... .-wH ..... ........ -. ----- We're putting It together for you - a special pur- chase of luxuriant areca palms and a special price on lined planter baskets from Haiti. Buy some for living room , den, dining roo111. and bedrooms. Put some life In your rooms! . ~ .. ·· /# velopment. the praclice of praising the BMW 3201 is a fam'3r Pclstme Part1t1.larlyc;rnonp those who have noth~1R to gain by doll'lg so ~"'* ~ .,.~b~ ... ~--;1' , ~ M~~i~#~Ufu.rw~~ Areca palm .......................... 16.88 In the1t eagerness to be percerved as v1able substitutes for BMW an ncreasng number of auto manufacturers appear to be letting thell' imagtnatrons get the beller of them I tu JI t ho'>e who Cf h<i·•P ,., t><•l PvP hat '>"I.JI P< (~ •rl•ICcl r 1•!> ·~ , I ~ (J, I .ird tl).:11 i 11 'llO t1vtP'"t!)(nl(lf1 1 Lw'>l 1, '""'''J 1. "••11'• 11.., Prices good one week only. lhenew • 1er collections .. 1.r These verbatm quotes from some of their ads allest to that fact It matches BMW 3201 on the track ·· ""II corners better than a BMW ·· ·Just one took and r.ou"ll see its exceptional value versus BMW 3201 · Whtie these uooten1r0nal expressions of admiratl()l'l for BMW are a relatrvely recent de ALHAMBRA _.., ... SMIS 1811 Wesl Main $trwt (213) 570 8444 AZUSA ._ ..... CAMARILLO _..,.. _ 411 Dao1 [)1...e (805) 482·8878 ((13\889 2312 t.ANOGAPARK _ _.._ For example, Car and Drivr>r magazinP '><11<1 "It's one of those <.drs that will p,ohble seqwri t•ne asphdlt a• day w•thoul breatt~11g hard · Road ard Track callt.>d the 3?01 a da11•r l111e spo<ts sedan WI' happen to •ke the111 lJ' cause we ~~e dflv•n8 and the 3?01 1~ very 11111( h a drrvers car" And 111 the word~ ol drl(Jtt1er Jutom11t1w j01$nahst the 3201 '>lands as ek.>Q·~nl rf'Llutta I It you re tr1lf·r1 "'"'d tr\ u.-;n.i1g <1r a' 1~0• 10b1it- lll<1I mJ11dge'> tn "'"it..,,,, 11 pr,M">P. tro111 the pe.1 i.>le ivhO b111ld (.,i'> the ~lf ~ v11ll() u&ti (.1/l' (..di'> dncJ 'I I' pt".t•l)!c _.,i,U :,d'l'IJly en)Oy :1r1vong tar, .,. .. '>u&gt· ,1 yo, (.Of1tact your nt:dft''>I BMW Jt•dif-r tu drr.in15e d lhorougll te~t d11ve , THE uouun DIMIG 1UC11-. I • ! ) >jl,~ l. 11 '[~ I jl f //I rp, ,. f q 'I ~··.-. ~.· t. ,. CJ i:t•IA~- "" : .... ' ' ,,, .. J ,-I I .Ar; !JI l,l<J/<11 . .JI OCIAll 90TOltS .. , ( .. I lllHEll -509 KateBa Ave., 772-2472 COSTA MESI -2110 Harbor Blvd., 540-7337 191 ( c1\l Arro"' Hgt "'i}f (213) 967 5331 BEVERLY HILLS ., .... 7050 Topanga r ...i<1yon Boulevi!rd (113)346 3144. GLENDALE MOM_. LA HABRA ....-LO: ANC(L(S "" ... 80Y'OIS J44J~!4)•1 I •if wr·o1n 81 A< H "'<.UMI. .. l°'-l'J I~>!.•-~ 1 17)4) 1,M) 1)444 t ~Iii llOl L VW()o(J llOIBT ...... 4?/0 [d( ~,.I<,/ I Elo.>ult'.dfl'l 1#,:1" 4 I f J If t' Ld ·y ,. "'"' 'I 14) l:i'I' • '>·" /,j ,, • 1·' ,JIN''"' t ... MWOwnD "i/1U . • '• • Ho,.~ ... ~. - LIDO MARDIA V"'"·RCJE 9022 W4shlre Boulevard (213) 273 3980 818 So.ftll B•ar'd Boooevatd (213) 246 6543 850 North Be.lo ., Booleviltd (213) 6916701 (714) 522 5333 /131 7')<; 327() /IJ) lb! bl L~ R1v1 ~~1or ~ ... J~'1U 1,cJ .1 ,, A1•1 1fl'1 ·w i.i i.1 11· >'~ I I SUPER BOARDWALK .. AND SIDEWALK SAL~ .. UllUSUIL 11ns Specimen Shells, Pictures, JeweeJry, Decorative Accessories ~ for home and boat ·Sea 11-ea•ure• 3416 VIA OPORTO J • 40°!o lo 80°!o Off JANNELLE'S SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP OF QUALITY UNIQUE ITEMS Relaxed .. browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at ~he Lido Marina Village .Super Boar.dwalk and Sidewalk Sale! .. Fragrances From A.II Over The World MANY SELECTED PERFUMES AND COLOGNES ON SALE Perfumes of Lido 3412 VIA OPORTO 673-3540 ' '!2 PRICE SALE on SPRING MERCHANDISE • SHORT TOPS • DRESSES ·1 J NJl.IC NOTICE "CTITIOl)I IUllNIH NAMI ITATIMINT lhe 1011ow1ng per\On> are c101no bullnen as lHE BAN~RVPI CY CLINIC 1717 Ct111 ter A.vu Su1111 600 Huntongton Beach CA 9264 7 John P Rapollo Inc a lo"' Co•pora11on a ca11rornt1 c0tµora11on 1711 C.en1ie1 Avenue Su1111 600 Hunhngloo Bea'n C,. 92114 7 Timothy J Rye n. 148 1301 Street, •8, Seel BMch, CA 90740 Thia bullnea It conoucted t>y • genetl l .,.nnerahlp Timothy J Ryan Thie ltltement Wiii flied Wltll lhe County Clerit of Otenge County °" May 3, 19112 F1'"21 Pubhsned Orange Cont Dell~ P1IOI MJV 14 21 211 JuO<l 4 198:? MLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUI I UllNIH NAMI ITATEMINT Jne 1011ow11'11J !)41•~n11a •rl oou1q t)USlllH\ "" CONHtACtOAS EIOOKKEE l'•NO & AOMINISfRAllVE SER· VICES an WHI 16th Sllffl New· por1 A1·M'" Cahlorno• 92663 ANNF I THORNBURG !>70 NObl~ S1re111 Oreroqe Cotlllorn111 '12669 LHRISTINE l NEBLETT 319 S11uJmwnod lrv111e Cal1lorr11a '1171~ Tll" 11u .. 1ne~~ os"tondutled Oy ,, Qt nftt.JI partnership Anne l l hornt>urg 1 "" .. i.mtmc'nl "'"' hied '"'''h tnto Ct.t<oroty CIPtk ol Otnnge Counly on Aprol l'&-1982 1'118271 Pubto~r111t1 Or .. 119e Co,•~1 Daily Polul At·•~ 10 '-1.lv 7 1• ;>I 198l' 18!12-82 ,ICTITiOUI aUllNIH "!AMI I TATlllll NT Tho lolh>w1r>g peraont ••• 001ng ""•"'"•' .. VISA INSV~ANC! AOeNCY 1600 Dov• Newpott Beach Call- torr1ta 928t0 SIMS ROMANO l!NTERPRISES INC II CahlOtnll COll)OflhOn 1eoo Oov11 Ne.,.po11 Beath C1lllorn1e 926b0 1111-l>11•111tt .. I oi COllOUC1e0 by M CO•CHltnlU•h Sim; Romano En1er !Jrr~' D1v1d V Sims Pres llu) \lillttment "'u hied w.lh the 1.w11I) C111<~ 01 Or1119e County on Apftl 28 1982 F11121' Publ"llttd O•ange co .. 1 D•1ly P1101 Ap1tl 30 May 7 U 2 I 1982 1888 82 MllC NOTICl "CTITIOUt 9UIMll NAllll IT~TIMINT The 1ouovr111g SMtrtons ue doino butlneH at SEXV-41LITY l!MINARS. 192• S11n11100 01 Newpofl Beach CA 921183 81011om 8~ 1924 Sl/'ll~ 0. Newport Beach CA 82663 JoMPfl Grenc1~ 1924 S•nUllQO Dr NBWPOtf'Beech CA 82663 T1111 1>u11neu If' conducted by • SJfllt'I di psllrntrthlj) JOMPh Orenc.i. Th1i 1111emen1 wH loled wtlh the Cwnty Clef~ of Orange County on M14y S 19112 F1117'1t Pubh1lled O·ange Coas1 Oatly P1101 Mey 7 14 21 28 1982 2070-82 Stewart • appoints chief Henry Ho_pe, a flaur In th e So uth e rn California advcrt111ns lnd ustry for many )'ean. hu b een app oi nted ptt'11den t o f B.J. Stewart Advertising and P ublic R e l a t lon 1. I nc ., o! N e wport Peac h . H o pe aucceeda 8arbar a Ste wart, t h e 1:1gen cy'11 c hief execu tive o fficer , l and c h ai rma n of the '-----....11 b oar d . H ope wi l l APPOINTED con tinue as crea11ve H enry Hope. former dittctor . L A disc jock ey and H o pe is a for mer Los TV performer-writer Anae~es diac jock ey and h a s b e e n n a m e d television p e r former -~r esiden t of BJ writer. H e h as been a · . : · television commercial p ro tewart Adveru.smg duc\lon company prin-and Public Relations. c ipa l , a n ewsp a p e r In c columnia t /ed it.or , a -------- Pacific Tel consolidates Pacific Teleph o n e It colllOlldatina lta Oran&• County reefd enct" bu.tint.• o ffkoa PIK'T•l'• five o fftttt In Anahelm, Colt.I Mma, Carden Orov\•, Lu1una Hilla a n d Santa Ana are b eing combint>J Into thn•e o fficM In A n1helm, Carden 0 rovt> und l..lJluna H illa Mo~ thlln 691.000 cullomers are l('rved 6y thl' five offices. Each residence b u 1ln\•.-office will have two s<>parate toll-tree tf lephunt-n umbl•ra -one for ord er lnquirlN and a 114!'(,'0nd for billing matters The <.'Oraolldatlo n w ill have no em'<.'t on public u ffke services In Co.w Mcaa. Fuller\On, Garden Grove a n d San ta Ana, officials said Bu11ine11 i:ustomers w tp n ot be aHt.'<.·ted by lhe chan ge Utility holdings up SACRAMENTO (AP) Propert y held by California's largest privately own ed ulllt ty companies Increased in valU<' by 14.9 perc:ent in the last year to n~arly $38 balhon. the state Board of Equalttau on said. The board tentallvt.'ly ra1M.>d tht.-~ments of th e state'io 14 large$t u11ht1es by S4 91 b 1lhon over last year's $33 b1lhon f1gurl• •yndlcate d rad io s h ow write r , a writer o r televwon s~ials f or the OCIEC to honor OCC chief pt&fC NOTICE ABC televlBlon ne t\lork a n d a n a d ve r tising FICT1T1ou1 a u1tNH8 age n cy copy w riter. The 0 range County Indu s - 21J611l' , ___________ _ flt.ellC NOTICE NAME STATEMENT try-Education Council will honor t>u~::!'e!~1'.~t'ng persons are doing Most flunk :h e retmn g Orange Coast College Dr Moon· v.111 rl'lm.' June· 30 after st>rvang 18 yt'<.trs as OCC's t·hief t'Xe<.'U 11 Vl' NJl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUStNESS NAME STATEMENT Ttle lollowong persons <>re Cl_oong business as PROPERTY MANAGE MENI COMPANY 508 291n S treet Newport Belich CA 92663 Propt'rloes Wesl Inc o Ca11lorn1a corpora11011 508 29111 Slrt!i!I Newpor 1 Bea'll , C-41 92663 Titos t>us111es~ os condut.lt'tl by a \..Otporat1on Ptov+'tlle~ W~')I Int 0<11111 H Smolh Pre!.otlenl Tllos stalPmenl .,,.,. hied w•tll 1111: Counly Ctcr~ 01 Orange Couolly on Md~ ll 1982 F11'21ot Puoh~hl!d Orange Cooi.1 Oeoly P1IOI MJy 14 2' 211 Jun!' 4 19112 J079 82 Pta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Th .. lollowonq per~Oll\ art' doonq buSIOt.lSS as B & K TRUCKING 206 Dtll M.lr Ave Cosld Mesd CA '1?6:.>7 'Rot>en Detmer HllH 206 Ori1 M.tr A•e CoSli.1 Me>a CA 'l2627 Kalhl<'t>n Annt' HS>\ 206 DPI Mar Aw L051d Mt:•a CA 92627 Thos t>us1nes• os corot1uc1eo by dn 1n(.11VtcfUdl Rot>e11 HJ>~ T n1~ Sliil"mtln' wu-, filt>U w11h m~ Counly C.1<'•~ 01 On111qt' Counl~ 011 Ap11I 7 1982 F1M7M Pulllosh"d Orar>q,. C.o .. ~1 0111y P1lu1 M•v 1 14 ? I 78 1'182 IOU 82 Nil.IC NOTICE HSt277t FICTITIOUS IU81NE88 NAME STATEMENT f he lollowing persons are damg bus1ne5s as IA) MR ANGELOS CAPE COD HOUSE tBl MR ANGELOS !TA.LIAN INN 11861 H11rt>or Boulevard Gar llen Grove. Calolornoa 92640 MR ANGELOS. INC a Cell toriu" corpora11on 11861 Harbor Boulevard Garden Grove Cahlor "'·' !11640 l n•s hu~1ness is coroducted by a lOrP0''"111ou Rooet1 A Ventura I hos "a1emen1 .. as Med wnn tne Counl) Cler .. 01 Orange County on FICTITIOUS IUllNEH NAME ST AT EM ENT f hti lo llow•no per •on •• doing ltu~1n.,;.~ a~ PACIFIC POOL CARE. OS2 I 01umbea1 l1un11ng1on B,och CA 9?64b l omolhy W MtClarly 14702 LeFIOS!! No•w•I~ CA Tho• bu•111e~• 1& conducted by an 1ndtv1du .. H Timothy w Mc:Clar1v lhos slalo;menl w"' hl.i<J wolh 111~ Co•mty Cle•• ol Ordrl<l" Counly on M.t) "I 198~ F1lll07 Pul•I"" .. " Or.tlll)t' Coa~I O.irl~ Pol<ll M,1y l 1~ 'l 1 •8 1982 3028 82 HUM FREZE 602 · •· P c H president, Dr. Robert B. Moore, at a Hurllongton Beach CA 92648 SACRAMENTO (AP) break fast T h ursday at the Costa Mesa Jamu R Van Osdel. 14721 h Jac~ton Midway Coty, CA 926SS -Only 41 percen t Of th e SC ool. Dov1<1 R Sancl'lez 421 14th St candidates who took the A c t ivities begin at 7:30 a m. in Huntongton Beach CA 92648 s tate nurse licen s ing OCC's cafeteria. Admission 1s free, Canny Sanchez. 421 14th St Hun11no1on Beach. CA 92648 examinatio n in F ebruary and the p u blic is invited to atten d . A R1ch11rd G Jones 1&1n .8•anton passed, the state reports. no-h ost breakfast will be served Hun111191on Beach CA 926.46 t;:~====;;::;;::;;::=:::'.::========:::.;;;:====:::;1 Tnos business 1& conducted by e II Q<:1ner 111 portnershop James R Van Osdel lr10s ~1111emen1 was loled wllh Ille l.ounl¥ Cit'•~ or Orange County on M"~ 5 1982 ACCOUNT FOR EXPENSES 50 atyt.. -100 f.,. enly $S.SO -Ollv., Aprol 2 1982 ------------- F116561 NJl.IC NOTICE F11171t Put>1t~hf'd Drangt' Coast Da11~ PtlOI Md~ 7 14 21 28 1982 2074-62 ' 0 . loa 7200, Cotto M.ao --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ Published Orange Coast Daily -------------P\8.IC NOTICE P11n1 Aprtl 30 May 1 14 21 1982 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 1--------------1955-82 NAME STATEMENT 1 h" loll '"""II per ~on os doopg FICTITIOUS aUStHESS NAME STATEMENT P\B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IU81MESS NAME STATEMENT The to11ow1nq l)efsons are doing busrnes~ as . TOOL SHACK OF SANTA ANA 2118 Soutn Maon S1re~n Santa Ana CA 92707 ANTHONY P CIROCCO 1228 Eosrit'• Place Anahe<m. CA 92801 l h•~ business 1s conducted by an •nd1v11lu8I Anthony P Ctrocco This ~1111emen1 was hied woth the Cou1111 Clerk 01 Orange County on Aprol 22 1982 ANDERSON. 8ECK & STEWART Wtlll•m A. Arwtenon 223 E. Thoueand Oakl Blvd .. No 421 Tt1o"und Oaka. CA 111380 Ou\1t•~')' 1~ Ao r At.£ UP 01 SOU I HERN C Al If ORNIA Bl NO l If l NAILS C1 WE':>lfRN flFCTROLOG'I' & FA LIAL SUl-'Pllf ~ I 1 WORLIJ IN lfRNAllONAL NA IL IS BEAIJIY TRADE ~HOW r,1 WORLD INTER NAloONAL NAil & OEAUlV A5 SOCIA f ION ~"115 Coll1.<ge Av•· A 11 Ln,l.t Me)a CA 92626 l oJUf~O(..t" H Gr_ll'ftnt;•r 2Jb TH 1,,,,.. Cl'"I.; M"S<I CA 9~G4!7 f tH~ t1u"t•Pt'~·. '" tu11C1uc.ted b\o 10 '''f11y1dud1 lrHHf-'llC.t' t"t Utl~f\jl('f T tltt 1011ow1no person is do•no Ou\tt'\t:")~ a o, * LAl.IFORNIA RFAL T'I' c10 Po 011 .. .-1 Wootl ProduCls. Inc 17777 M.1111 51 Su•tf' 0 2 Ir.one CA <1:>714 ShatlrJm Vosouqhzadeh 6455 l i1 .Jullil Blvd NO 256 La Jolla CA Cj/0.17 l h•• bus111ess os conoueled by an 1nt11¥10Udl S1t<1nr .1m Vosoughzalleh 1111, '1a11;men1 was l1led wllh the L111111lv Cit••~ ol Orang., Counly on M.1. • 1'18;> Tiu~ -,1._th•mt•ut wt1• l1lt•d with tlu Cnuot'Y Cl•••k >t Ot.ittq•• C..ounty on F1um i'uhil,lll'tl OrdnQP Coast Daolv ,,1 .. 713 Po101 '-'av 7 14 21 28 198? M.tv c, 1~•81 "'""'""'.'' Or "''l'' co .. s1 Du.iv ___________ 2_06_7_8.- P""' M •• , • 14 / 1 l8 1982 P\B.IC NOTICE 207'• 8? ------------- OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS Dr Moon• 1s a past president o f OCIOC. and servt>d as prt-s1dent of the Cal d orn1a Industry -Education Council 'fhe farsl annual Rober t B M oore Award will b<' presentt•d durin g Thursday's breakfa!.t The award will be given annually by OClEC to a leadet an industry or education who has <.'Ontnbutc'<.I to Orange County C'duc:ataon The brt•akfast will also c:ummt•muratt• the OCIEC's 25th .tnn1vL•rsarv ror infurmallun phone 556-5628 ~ .. ,,....,. ~~WO N11)tlH\ Oo C0<11 O 'tutf' A•dAul~I ,,.._, t A\I 17 (1'1(1 ""'' ··-1 •. I 1. " \ . . I I UP 1~0 l' • \JD lfd '• tJO tit 'JQ 1•) • Up 1l l Uo 17 l Vo 101 Up 100 VO 9 t F11793b P\B.IC NOTICE Published Orange CoaSI Oaoly ____ Pta. __ l_C_NO_T_IC_E __ _ --------------•Point Aprol JO May 7 1' 21 1982 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT fhp 1011owmo persons are doino ou~•nff~$ as (""°Via Al""lld (Ott\Ofl \. AA......., Au•lon t , .... '!lilt\ k•niQO"-Q ( •""'' \ (hr(llf'Wf • • ,, ". ' " . I'• 1 .. ''" .. IJO 1 • VO I • Uo 11 1956-82 NAME STATEMENT F111775 Publoslled Orange Coast Dally Ptlol Apnl 30 May 7 14 21. t9112 · 1893-12 PUlllC NOTICE 111 .. 10110 ... ong Pt'•SOn 19 dorrHj l>U_,., ' PARl>Ll ELS :l.ll · 2111 St D H<.1nt1ng1on Beach CA 926'18 Peter Udnot!I Bl~Pr 32 I · 2111 SI 0 HunllnQIOn BPaCh CA "71>48 Hu-. t·u~n•·~~ ''> 'ondUCI~ Or an 1n,1+..-10udl Pel•" 0 Ba• et lh" >ldl .. mt'nl """~ !tied wtlh lhe Lo<Jnty CIP•~ 01 Orouge County on M.tv J 1q8;,. • F111142 l-'u1>11sn1•<1 Ort1nQ•' Coal! Oaoly P•llJI M '' 7 14 } I 28 1982 3029 82 Pta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUstNESI NAME STATEMENT 111 .. lnllrow•ro'I Of'rsnn os doinq hu'»•ll''.,"' •t'!> KW A5SO(;IAT ES 9072 Chnstone"D• HunhnQlon Beach CA 92646 Kari E Wyaoc1o1 9072 Cl\r1&11nu Or Hu111tngron Beach CA 92&46 T~15 t>us111ess ·~ cnroduc1e<1 by an +nd1tt1<tua1 ... tfl E Wy1tt.1Ck• r 1,,, ''·•lf'•THO"tol """' loletl wotn Inf' (.(,.1111, C,;ier~ 01 Or 111Qll Counly on M 1, '> 1'187 l\Wll\ KOPY PRINTING 28171 M111gue111e Prkwy Mossoon Vie10 CA 92692 R1ch•rd Wrlloem Haller 24872 C.imoroo V1"a fl T0to CA 92630 Marte Yolande Malter 2•1172 Camono Villa El T0<0 CA 92630 fnoS bv'l,ln~~ IS ConduGle<I by an 1n<11v1<Jua.I Roc:hard w Ha11e< !hos 11a1emen1 was hied with the C<>unty Cieri< ol Orange County on April 9 1982 F1-7 Pullloslled Orange Coast Daily P,1n1 Miy 1 14 2 I 28 1982 3009·82 P\B.tC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHEaa NAME STATEMENT Int> 101low1nq PProon os doing bu!.tfll!S~ .,\S MOBILE ANIMAL SURGICAL HOS Pi"T Al . 27 Seascape Drive Newport Beach CA 92663 Or Robert L Rooke. 27 Sea- scape Drive N11wpor1 Beach CA 92663 I hos ouione~s os conducted by ;in 1nci1v1dua1 Rot>erl l Roo~s DVM Thos statement was loled w1tn tne Cou11•y Cler .. ol Orange County on ,llprn 19 1982 F117551 Puo1ts11eo Orange Coast Daily PolOI M<ty 1 14 2 I 28 1982 3026-82 ~· 9rwlom 8u0bft 9utt.i\ ~·t·~ CPT ' C .. WTS-. Canr-.IH c.,,en c .. s-' '"""" C•r•Cp Ct\arAI• Cllrm!. ' Ch'1Hou ~ Cllml.e• CllflUll CllUbb Clrll~o Cll1SoGa C1l1Ulll c111u1a Cl•r1t.JL CIOWCp ColrTI~ MUTUAL FUND H•tf'WO .,., VJIO ll -Pvrttn fhrtft "''• ... . NASDAQ SUMMARY ,.._ ,. , itw "'"'"~ \lock\ "~"'"" i.... N4~0 u 1 • 14•, Narnfl V04u,,._ S.d A~flO ChQ •'· .... I NEW YORK ... .,. Mo\I ._, ... ~ t1', 17•• (.onvqt 40'>800 U•, 1•'• • ' I••• 16'• MCI( Ul '!()() :i.• ll>"' ll' • lJ.li,i 1 lntf'I M 1'00 31 111, •. "" 1• ... 1 Grttot'IY 180900 111. 1''. i1. 11 '· 1'8'. P•~t 8 11~ 800 X>' 10' • 16'-9 ltt'• Kf'f'N)f!' 1~ OlO ))•it ll' I l3 ]3• > C~nty8k IS2 100 11• • I) .. .O•. I()• 1 Saxon \ U0,800 l_.• • 1 11• SvkeS\ 150100 '11 , U'• 18 It~ Wn019tl 1'.11> 000 I• ' I'-~ ~~: 4dv•ncecl ,,. J ,. Of-< ••f'll"d '"'• I uncn.a"'Of'd ., .. 10l-• Total 1\\UI"\ .. ,.. n1 1.:Dlo USI 31 ll' • ll~ Nf'w "'9"' ,.. ... U'·I NI"• 10'#\ IJ~ ll • f (tfdl ~tt-'­ )'91. 10'. ll 111>1'11f1C. AClllll'o< r1t0Cton A(,M lttO<I .., ~~ Vt.,..V\n !( ........ 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I lnQA OI JU ::.ro~,~ ~ ~ fn\11(.o tb 1 ln\11( pl 1 ?S ln\llnv :~m.~· n) 'SI HcpS. 1 ~ ln!f<(O 1. lnl., pl 1 IS 1mrlt1 ' I JO '"'''-160 1ntA1u IBM lftlFI•• ,,,,HMv ln!Hr pl 111> l'llMln J iO lntMo;ll 1 iO ln!P-?40 ln1Ae<I )7 Int TT 1 .. :~1'rr~. ~ '"''""" , " j :::!~•Ol I~ II lntpGp I .0 t0 tntS..tu-11 lnhtPlo. IM •nPlo. p1 >a •-•E• •n IOWllC. J 1' ·-•P'S ,. •ow••h :~~ llN(p JWT ' Jml'\~ JAv1 \ .,... , .. '*"" j. ". '' 't ,3::. 1 • ,.. . '• 4l~ •• ,,... '• .,. • 11•. ,, . ~ Jtt •• i . .. 1 ''•• '• 11'1. '• )1'9 t I. 11'•• ''• u~ , •••• II JO•. "-. H • n-.. '• 111' ""· I. 1''9 '. ,., . . . o .... ,, .. ' .. ll '·. -''•. . I) • .. ,. 11 • 111 I I f n-.. '• ,. , .. , .... 10 •• ,, .... , •... ' JO. "'••Iii,. • 14~ '• IJI . n-.. ll'• I>'• '• '• '• '• NBD '• N8f n • ~CH NCN8 •t NCR '• Nl Ind '• HlT '• NVF ...... b\C8 .. 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JJ •"' )1\.t • '"-lfo s •• The Fluor Corp of Irvine announced that St J~ Minerals Corp. a 1ub1ld1ary, entered ante> a preliminary agreement to sell Coquma Oil Corp and Coqulna Petroleum Inc to Kt>rr·McCee Corp for a purchase' price of approximately $26~ nulhon. The transaction ls subject to the completion of a d e f I n I t i v e ar re e me n t • n d t h e t I n a 11 % I n g b y Kt'rr-McGee o appropriate financing within 30 days Quick thermome t er sh o wn Temp-Suck Corporation of El Toro introduced 1t.1 3-second thermometer for routine cltmcal tem~rature takin g of patients at the American Asaociauon C1f Critical-Care Nunies' convention In Anaheim. Temp-Stick. which sells products through its wholly owned subsidiary, International Medical Corporauon. has prepared marketmg packages to be offered to hospitals and other medical institutions throughout the United Stat.es AirCa l seek s more flif;{hts 'A1rCal has announl·ed 1t ll> requesting author12at1on from the Fedl•ral Av1at1on Admm1strat1on to add flights between Las Vegas and Reno. This as an response to the public's demand for flights between the c1ues smce Braniff's suspension of flights last week. officials said A1rCal flies three roundtrips daily between Reno and Las Vegas and seeks to add a morning flight departing Reno at 6:50 a.m arriving m Las Vegas at 7:55 a.m .. and a Chght leaving Las Vt•gm. at 9 a .m for arrival m Reno at 10.09 a m. Computer m arke t due Orangeg&te Plaza CompuCentrl' has announced plans for a computer marketplace 1n Westminster The CompuCentre will be a point of conta('t between manufacturers. distributors. c·onsultc,nts. software houses and buyers of business l'Omput1 ng products. The location which will ultimately t'Ontain 200.000 square feel of space, 1s at 54051 Garden Grove Blvd The computer d1v1s1on of Mc Donnel I Douglas (McAuto) has·leased one building Home sales' decline Following a modest increase an resat~ act1v1t'y during February, sales of existing smgle-farruly homes statewide declined during March. the Cahforn1a As· 10Ciation of Realtors said Resale transaction volume for March was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 209.433 units. a decline of 12.7 percent from February. The March acuvity was down 30 7 percent from March 1981 and nearly 69 percent below November 1978. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS IO '"" 10 ',,, IS VII H St~ 1nou.,. ''•" Uh l"- 0\ \I> WHAT STOCKS DID fr\llEW 'fQfttit tA'"' "iv4• 20 """•nc.-0 0.Cll..0 Jl>(I>~ 1014'1 I\~ ""'"·"'~ ...... ~ rnu,. .... •s• ·~ 1111 .. ... NEW vQQ~ At' MA• JO Tnurs' A4v•ntf'd t"' UHlllWG 11 .. un.".._ Xll lo1tt i\.~ t\I .... hlqM • N•w IOW\ 1l METALS "'~· ..... 0 \ .... ... t&l " ,. Prh a., lOI JJI ,,. Ill IU •• NEW YOAK tAPI Sp01 no<tl.,roue metal .,._ Tl'lurtdey -Co--•• 78\\ 78 con11 • po11nc1 U S clo9ltna~ -LMCI 21-27 conll e pounCI -ZIM 3$ conlt a l)OIHlcl cloll-.c! -Tl!\ M .5M2 Met alt w .... ~omoo.i10 lb -AiYml11um 18·11 conlJ •pound.NY -Mor-. $370 00 por lluk -"9tlrlum IJ 18 00 troy ~ , NY SILVER TINrlMley Handy I Mermen $e HS por l!oV ounc:o • ·' I PROVERBIAL OSTRICH -A group of Dutch artists constructed a 25-foot ostrich of wood and plastic over the site of Amsterdam's new dty hall and opera house. The artists contend it AP..,.,..... is~hort-sighted of the city to spend 230 million guilders ($88.5 million) on the project while cutting arts subsidies. Wholesale gas prices • increase NEW YORK (AP) -Major oil companies tacked a few more pennies onto the wholesale price of gasoline, and analysts said that motorists will be paying higher prices at the pump by Memorial Day, if not sooner. Tenneco Inc. reported the steepest increaae Thunday -5 cents a gallon along the F.ast Coast from North Carolina aouthward. Tenneco spokesman Frank Reed said prices were Increased 2 cents a gallon to dealers from Virginia northward. "Prices have been going back up since the so-called glut has been worked off," Reed said. "It's an opportunity for refining and marketing parts of the business, which have been under terrible strain, to bring their prices up and be profitable." Prices of wholesale gasoline have been increasing slowly for the past month as the oil-producing countries -chiefly Saudi Arabia -cut production to deplete swollen worldwide supplies of crude oil and prevent a steep drop in prices. The hikes in U.S. whol8ale gas frices have come on the heels o crude oil price increases on the spot market. Scattered price increases of between 0.5 cent to 2 cents a gallon also were announced Thursday by Gulf OU Corp. and Texaco Inc. Amoco OU Co. upped prices 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon in the Northeaat after similar ·Tire Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU INOMCIUMC• •too.1001 .. ...-u-1 ·••• ALL PICKUPS IN STOCK MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED GAS& DllSIL Oller OoOd Tllnl Mvndly, .... 24, '*· RETAIL PRICI ·;;;;;.;;.,, ... ,_ llau~c-:::\, . COSTA .... \H4 , •• , T,.,, ... : · Jsu~u ~ MESA J .• ,.._ C' ..... .. 29'25 'RARBOR BLVD. / ., .... ~.._,.,, o,.. .. ;(o;.;: :-;. •• " -a....,. ~•h o11ti. ~" 014'•• r ...... wa~ 9 7 9 • 2500 , ................. -.... ....._..., ..... ~,.....__......,_...,....,_ \jl,_.....,... .. ,...._. Cari ~li;:ishfu1 yet :0:roud 78-year-old star has no movie plans • LOS A.NOEL£$ (AP) -Cary Orant 11 atlll th)' at aae 711', *9P1te yean of atardom. And althouah he haa no plane to revive hi• movie career, he recall• the lauahter of th.• ~dlence with pride. Oeorae Bumi, Grant aaid .tn a rare interview, wu his belt( role 1'1\0del -becau.ae of hit"~, auch eaae and pre1ence.,,He s ~waya been unique." Grant, a leadlna man for ~ecadea, made hi• last film, •Walk, Don't Run," in 1966. Desplte frequent offen, he has desire to return to films, he d the Los Angeles Herald aminer In an Interview liahed Thunday. But he added, "It's not likely, ~ut, of coune, who knows?" Grant recalled goina to Radio City Music Hall ln New York City and standing behind a curtain to listen as one of hls films was shown. "Through some lift of my eyebrows they'd forgotten their troubles and problems and laughed at the man on screen. That was the best reward," he increases the day before in various .ectlons of the country and a May 18 price rise of 1 cent to 2 cents a Jallon in the Midwest. On Tuesday and Wednesday, other wholesale price increases of between 1 cent and 3 cents a gallon in various regions were put into effect by Exxon Corp., Mobil OU Co., Standard OU Co. of Caltft>Tnia and Phillips Petroleum Co. RETIRED -Cary Grant has no plans to revive his movie career, but still recalls audience laughter with pride. said. "Of course I was alao well paid for my work, perhaps too well paid. But it was the hearing of their lau~hter that was truly the reward.' Grant has shunned interviews out of shyness, he said, adding: "Whether it's the fear of not being effective or of exposing my lack of intelligence, I d on't know." But, he said: "I've grown to like being Cary Grant. I've grown to eettle for me. What el.9e can I do? 1 like me. Consequently, I like others." He isn't happy with the world. "There are such awful things going on in the world today. There's such stupidity in mankind'• pl'OfP"lle. What'• the nucleer threat that we ha\19 upon ua tt It'• not the NIUlt of, J auppoee, avarice qn both lidelT J can tee why tome don't try to pt ahead; they're aotnc to blow the blelled joint up anyway." Grant uld hl1 moral view• aren't popular the. daya. "Squares are out of fahJon, but r .. ure you, they're •till maklna love furiou1ly and enjoying their live• in areat health." The Interview wu done In New York, where Grant wu named man of the year by the Friara Club. Hit acceptance speech presented a problem, "I don't like to lmpoee wordt upon a captive audlenoe," Grant said. "I don't know what words they'd like to hear. It's 1uch an egocentric activity that would make me believe that they'd be lntere&t.ed in what I have to aay." Grant made many films, Including, ·•Arsenic and Old Lace," "North by Northwest," "The Awful Truth," "The Philadelphia Story," "His Girl Friday" and "My Favorite Wife." Grant said he liked to work with actors who listened during filming, and he cited Katharine Hepburn. "Kate was great. She'd listen without getting muddled up." He said Miss Hepburn packed a real wallop when she smacked him in the face in "Sylvia Scarlett. "She hit me so hard, I was determined to get back at her," Grant said. He did, years later, in "The Philadelphia Story," grabbing Miss Hepburn by the forehead and pushing her across a room, where she landed unceremoniously off camera. •OU TllAJf 40 TRUCKS TO CBOOIE no• &T TBEllEJIDOUI UVIJfOll 1,000 OFF ANY NEW DATSUN 210 IN STOCK E:xample: 1912 Datsun 210 Hatc:hback with automatlc tmnantwtoa. Ser. #269248. Fact«y ~ Ntail price la •.at.OD. You pay oaly 15.124.00. · •Pt.US DEAUJllNSTALUDOPTIONS Ir AllY xou nu 30.TO caoos1 no• AT n·-n.-m-•-mo--n 1&VD1aa1 s 400 . SENTRA s1 000 280 ZX "101U THAN IO TO c 1100\I rRON ' "fOfllf THA~ I• ro' uoo't I "II" '500 .== .. ~~ '1,5oo .in&. m= -ftlUllft--... I llP.JPlllt "~IOAV, MAY 21, 181J . COMICS C7 H • l.J ' University women set to make a run at CIF crown. C2. Mage·e's price tag: $1.5 million June 29 flgur" to be a very harrowins day for UC Irvine11 Kevin Ma,ee. Actually, lt will be a harrowlns tlme for many of college ba1ketball11 finest. For Masee, thoush. It will probably mark the flret time In his career he will enter Into an endeavor wlth a certain amount of uncertainty. How good la Magee? Where will he be drafted among the college'• elite? How much la a player of Masee'• ability worth? 'The NBA will do a good job of answering thoee questions approximately flve week.a from now. 'There's little doubt that Magee will be among the first 20 players choeen. There i.a 90me question, however, as to }uat where the 6-8 All-American fita in among thoee 20. Magee figured to be a cinch top five plck until some of the beat from college's junior cl.aa decided to declare thelr hardship. James Worthy of North Carolina and Dominique Wilkins of Georgia have Lndeed tainted Magee's outcome. Still, what Magee accomplished during his two years at UCI is tough for the NBA to overlook. For two years, he did what no other collegiate player in VC IAVINE JOHN SEVANO the history of the game wu able to do -flnWl amoni the top 10 In rebounding, field goal percentage and ecoring averaae. An achievement like that makes people take notice. "I think a lot of people know about me," said Magee Thunday juet p{!or to hla daily workout. "I think Worthy, (OePaul'1 Terry) Cummings and Wilklns will probably go one-two-three, and then aft.er that it's a t(mUp." If thoee three go, as most experts figure, then that would leave Dall.as, in the No. 4 spot, as the first team with a crack at Magee. The Mavericks have ah()Wn considerable Interest in the power forward, too, as have the New , York Knlck1 (wlth the No. 6 pick), Detroit (9), Portland (10), Atlanta (11) and Cleveland (12). Of course, the higher Magee 1oe1 the more money he expeci. to make. Juat to th.row out aome ballpark fli'"'ft, the top five draft pick.a uaual)y command 10mewhere between '400,000-$600,000; the next five 1omewhere between $250,000-$400,000; and the next five $175,000-$260,000. To illu1trate even further, Dallu' Mark Aguirre, the NBA '1 top pick of a year aao. ii making approximately $500,000 annually. Detroit'• lllafi 'Thomas, who declared hardlhip out of Indiana and wae the No. 2 plck, l1 getting close to $350,000. Other aalartes among 1ut year's top 10 are: 3. Buck WUllam1 (New Jersey), $400,000; 4. Al Wood (Atlanta), $350,000; 5. Danny Vranes (Seattle), $300,000; 6. Orlando Woolridge (Chicago). $300,000; 8. Tom Chambers (~ Diego), $3M,OOO. All thoee figures represent approximations, not actual aocounta. Magee la fully aware, though , that the difference between being a No. 4 pick and being No. 15 mtsht coat him between $200,000-$300,000 a year. "It worries me a little," Maiee ad.mite, "but I can't really afford to worry about it. Whoever drafta me I'll juat go out and do what I do beet." Magee has been told by more than one ICOUt that he'll probably be the flnt player to be drafted on the West Coast. Just how high that equat.ee in the draft is hard to estimate. Wherever Magee ia drafted, though, the eenior is not ignorant of hil worth and knows what he'll be asking come bargaining time. '11 would llke to get a five-year contract for about $1.5 million," he says (which would compute to $300,000 per). ''l don't want to be greedy. I jwt want a little security." At that price, no matt.er who drafts Magee, he figures to be a steal. "People seem to like me becauae I rebound really well and can get up and down the court," says Magee. "Look, all I want to d6 is whatever I can to win. I've been a star m high school and college. I know I See SEV ANO, Page C%) Angels face Tigers after 4-l setback Haas ends California's winning streak MILWAUKEE (AP) - Starting pitcher Moose Haas says a three-run first inning worked wonders for what had been the punchlesa Milwaukee Brewers. Haaa chalked up his first complete game of the season, helping the Brewers end a three-game a.kid by beating the Angels, 4-1, Thursday for only their third victory in 10 games. Milwaukee had 8COred only four runa in 27 l.nninp going into the game. The Angels now move to Detroit for a three-game series. JU8l wanted the complete game." Money , who hit a two-run homer Wednesday night to account for Milwaukee's only 8COring in a 7-2 losa to the ~ls. lined a shot down the left field line to score Paul Molitor, who had singled, and Cecil Cooper, who doubled. Ben Ogllvie blooped a double to the opposite field, scoring Money. It was ()glivie's first run batted in since May 9. HE'S OK -Newport Beach's John Mahler hits the turn one wall at Indianapolis Motor Speedway Thursday during practice for this weekend's qualific.ations for the Indy 500 May 31 race. Mahler was not hurt, but the right side of his car was damaged extensively. "We needed It," Haas said later. "I don't know about the attitude, but the atmosphere around here has been awful flat the last few days, in the clubhouse and in the dugout. The Angels scored their only run in the third on a sacrifice fly by Brian Downing, 11COring Tim Foli, who had singled and advanced to third on a single by Bob Boone. Bobby Grich bounced into a double play to end the inning. l Lakers could flip over outcome of toss "But that 3-0 lead in the first changed lt in a hurry," he added. "Hopefully, it's what we need to tUrn it around." Don Money, the Brewers' hottest hitter, lined a two-run double in the three-run rally as the Brewen ended the Angels' six-game winning streak. The Brewers scored lhe1.r ttna.1 run in the fourth . Mark Brouhard led off with a tingle and moved to third on a single and a double play grounder. He scored when Charlie Moore bunted and catcher Bob Boone threw low to first base for an error. They'll have first crack at either Worthy, Wilkins or Cummings in the draft NEW YORK (AP) -lt'a been a dream year for the Lot Angeles Lakers -almost. With the West.em Conference championship and the first pick in the Nati o nal Basketball Association college draft wrapped up, only one hurdle remains: the NBA championship finals, where the Lakera will meet either the Boston Celtics or the Philadelphia 76ers. "It's been Laker year 110 far," club executive Jerry West said Thunday after Loe Angeles won the coin toa from the San Diego Clippers for the first selection in the June 29 draft. "I told (Coach) Pat Riley It we could win four more games, it would be perfect," West said, referting to the upcoming beat-of-seven series. WEST SAID the Lakers will choose either James Worthy of North Carolina, Dominique Wilkins of Georgia or Terry Cummings of DePaul. All three forwards left college before their senior years to tum pro. "We won't trade our pick," West said. "All three are outstanding kids. We have pretty much determined who we'll take. We have them ranked, but we have to visit the coaches and really zero in on one player." The player most coveted by the Lakera. 7 -4 center Ralph Sampeon, decided lalt Friday to remain at the University of Virginia for his senior year. Before Sampson's an - nouncement, Los Angele• owner Jerry Buss had offered San Diego owner Donald Sterling $6 million to guarantee the Lakers the first pick. The Clippers rejected the offer. THE COIN toa is designed to benefit the team1 with the poorest records In the Eastern and Weetern dlvtalon1. The Lakere landed the Eutern Confer;ence'a No. 1 pick from the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team with the woret record in the Eaat, in a 1980 trade that sent Don Ford and the Lakera' 1980 No. 1 pick to Cleveland for Butch Lee and the Cavs' top selection in 1982. Clippers' General Manager Ted Podleski aa.id San Diego abo la ready to 1elect Cummings, Worthy and Wilkln1, even =·h the team badly needa a "There was no way we could lose," Podleskl said. "M far u I'm concerned, any of the three playen are aatitfactory ... Our greatest need i.a in the backoourt, but that doesn't mean we will draft to fill the need. We are thankful and feel bleued we can get any of thoee forwards." Worthy, a 6-9 aecond team Those high-flyin' Sea Kings CdM baseball team takes to the friendly skies All -American , scored a career-high 28 point• when North Carolina beat Georgetown for the NCAA title. Worthy, likely to be the Laken' choice, waited until Sampeon announced his intentions before d«iding to tum pro. Cwnminge, 6-10, averaged 12 rebounds and more than 20 polnta per game for DePaul. Wllklna, 6-7, led the Bulldo8JI to a 19-12 record and their second straight appearance in the National Invitational Tournament. Money said it "felt great to jump out early" and noted that Angels' starter Geoff Zahn, 5-2, struggled in the early going before settling down. "I felt fine afte r the first inning, but by then it was too late," said Zahn, who also gave up the other Brewer run, in the fourth inning. Haas acattered six hits to post his aecond win against one loss. "I was beginning to wonder what I'd been doing wrong," said Haas of h1a previous four starts, all well-pitched no-decisions. "But we got the bata going and I Jenkins one whiff away from 3,000 LOS ANGELES (AP) - When Ferguson Jenkins next takes the mound, he hopes to strike out 90mebody in a hurry. The Chicago Cubs pitcher, who scattered six hits to beat the Loe Angeles Dodgers 8 -3 Tt,lursday night, needs one mo~ strikeout to become the seventh major leaguer ever to log 3,000 career strikeouts. He went into the game· against Los Angeles needing nine to hit the mark, and fell one abort. "The next time I pitch, I hope I do it (get a strikeout) early and then just get on with pitching," Jenkins said after hia team'• one-sided victory over Loa Angeles. Jenkins, 38, in his 17th major le.,ue le&IOn, at.ruck out 1eVen in the flrat five innin11. but managed juat one more atriktout aa he turned in his flnt complete game of the year and first victory in mt>re than a month. Breeking a three-game losing skid, he ii now 3-4 and bu a lifetime record of 265-202. Talking about the 1trlkeout flateau bel=so close, he aaid: 'Goe.la are to be shattered .lf you have ty. rve rM1ly only~ hurt once In my career; I've been very lucky in the l&'M· .. Jenkin•, a Cy Young Awa.rd winner for th. Cuba 11 yean aao. beat the Dod1er1' Fernando Valensuela, the National Leaau•'• C~una Award wtnner and of the Y..- Jast ....on. Th• Cube taaed Valen&\Mla. 5.4, for tour rune ln the flnt lnnln1 and two more In th• Hcond. He 1ave way to a i:i&nch·hl\W tn tbe bonolD of tbt lltth, havinl allowed l9Wll ~ ftw MrMd. on eli)lt hi& • .. ,.man~ aot behind ..... , Md It WM --.•·1liald ~ ::.T.t"~--~~~ --t""' -: pu Uft '° '1e .. _JW ..... ftm . --~ .. Weord• MM .Jeaktu ., .. _,.claU7 tou1h la the eul7 II n·.-., I I l. 2 • • Orangt Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Prtday. May 21. 18H Young ballplayer ignoring handicap l''rom AP dl1palcbe1 low. HOUSTON -Never a ccu1e Iii Patrick Norris of setting hla llahta too "I want to be Nolan Ryan," he ,. · says. '1 Patrick is an all-star pitcher In his youth '· baseball league divtsion but he's only eight years , .. .. It old. That puts him some distance away from his goal -being the hardest thrower in the major leagues -even without his other obstacles. Patrick wears two artihc1al legs. Born wllh underdt'veloped legs, Patrick has been wearing the pfOiltheuc devices since ht' was 14 months old. But he was walkina at 17 months, climbing trees and riding a bike by age 5 and now plays socrer and ba.st'ball. Patrick pitched for the Hawks or the Pee Wee league and was credited with the team's .,, only victory of the season. In one inning, Patrick retired the side single-handedly. fl ,,~ "I struck out two guys and then I caught a pop fly," he said .. · Like most pitchers, Patrick is not a great hitter. But the second grader runs out all his hits " · and has stolen 14 bases. 11. ,. •• '·' t The team coach, Tom Lee, said Patrick tried out two months ago and was impressive Quote of the day Rod Dedeaux, baseball coach at USC: ."The hm11.auon to 13 9Cholarships has hurt all of college baseball. and 1t has practically anruh1lated the private schools' progr~. Thirteen Ls a totally unrealistic number for ba seball. Baseball is a game of substitution " ··:· ~·. Albeck's contract renewed by Spurs ,. San Antonio Spurs president m .• • Angelo Drossos rehired Stan Albeck as head coach Thursday but he said he ., .. J•: • had no intention of renegotiating or •• extending high-scoring George Gervin 's ' contract. Drossos complained of an "increasing ' · one-sidedness' to player contracts, saymg, "I ... w ourd say at this time we don't plan to renegotiate or extend the contract of George ~·, ~h~~·~ .forw~he'f;!Jelh~~:w D~~r~1~':~ i wm two NBA championships, took over as the J•' K.nicks' executive vice president and director of r11 , operations. His first move was to confirm the •. : .. appointment of Hubie Brown, formerly of the Atlanta Hawks, as the new head coach . Brown, ·•) . 48, replaces Red Holzman at the K.nicks' helm. ,r"9m Page c 1 EV ANO. • • ' "• t that's like. All I want to do now is fit rn with ti,, team that picks me. . "If the coach tells me to rebound and not shoot, htn that's what I'm going to do, If he tells me to hoot and rebound. then I'll do that. Whatever it es to win, I'd rather do what the coach says and 10 years than do what I want to do and play our. ·;,, "You know, thlS is a big accomplishment for me ~t I came this far. There was a time where I didn't bink I'd ever play basketball again. But then I got 11h the right program and I wanted to prove thing to myself. · l "People at home thought I was gomg to be a and w ind up on some street drinking wine or ething. I wanted to prove to them that they fre wrong. I wanted to go out and make mething out of my life." • • Magee already has, and on June 29 he figures ·~ the rewards of his effort. • • • ·: Magee says if he's drafted in the top 1 O he ~res to make more than the five -year, $1.5 · · n he's seeking. As Magee said, he isn 't greedy, ut he's going to get paid what he's worth. too. . "lf the owner& think I'm a Rolls Royce then I'm oing to get paid like a Rolls Royce, not a olkswagen," says Magee. : 1. • • • , ~ One scout has said that San Diego Coach Paul ilas would like to make Magee the No. 2 pick, but ~d probably bow to the pressure of the bigger ~like Worthy, Cummings or Wilkins. lvl• powera Tlgere to romp DHl1n1ttd hhttt Mth hit Ill drove ln four runa with a pair of homer1 and Larry Htndoa hid thiw •lntln and two triplet u the Detroit Tl1era rom~d to "n 11-3 victory over the Oakland A 1 Thur.day nl1ht. The Tlaen extended th~ winnina 11.rHk to etaht 1am• for the leCOnd limo tht. 1euon . . l!:!Mwhere In the American Leaaue, Jim Rice drove in five • runa with a homer and double and Rieb Gedmaa ~lied a three-run 1hot, powerln1 Boston to an 11-2 rout of Seattle behlnd Jolla Tudor'• nine-hit pHchin1. The Red Sox launched their 14-hlt assault againat rookie Mike Moore, 1-5, who 1ave up three home runs In the lint · four Inning• . . . Scott 1v11 M cG re1or hurled a five-t)ttter and rookle Cal Rlpkeo Jr. drove in three runs as Baltimore defeated MinnetlOta, 6-0 . . . Jim Clancy stopped Cleveland on ~ight hits while Ernie Wbltt and DamHo Garcia delivered run-scoring singles In the seventh mrung as Toronto blanked the Indians, 2-0. Clancy, 5·2, walked three and struck out four in pitching his second complete game of the sea.eon. UCl's Snyder, Myers ousted UC Irvine standout Jim Snyder E3 gave a fine accounting of himself Thursday afternoon before being ellminated in the second round of the NCAA individual tennis ch ampionships in Athens. Ga. by Marcel Freeman of UCLA. Snyder, ranked 43rd in the nation entering the tourney, dispoeed of 20th-rated Roberto Saad of Wichita State in the first round in straight aets, 6-2, 6-3. He then startled Freeman by winning the first set, 6-0, before Freeman rebounded to win the final two, 6-1, 6-1 . . . Meanwhile, at the NCAA women's individual tourney in Salt Lake City, Marla Myen of UC Irvine alao won her first-round match before being ousted ln the sea>nd round. Myers defeated LJ1a Levln1 of the University of Florida, 1-6, 6-4, 6-3, then fell to fifth-seeded EUae Burgla of Stanford, 6-2, 6-0. Myers ended her season with a personal record of 26-11. .. Nelson, Fergus share Atlanta lead Lany Nelson and Keith Fergu1 n each fired 6-under-par 66s to share the early lead in the suspended first round of the Atlanta Golf Classic Thunsday. P lay was interrupted twice by electrical storms during the afternoon before the round was discontinued with 54 players still on the course. The non-finishers, including defending champion Tom Wat1on, were scheduled to resume action today with the second round to follow. Bears deny Interest In Vince CHICAGO -The Chicago Bears flatly denied a report Thursday that they would acquire quarterback Vi.nee Ferragamo from the M ontreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League. "No chance, period," Bears owner George Halas said. "We're all set at quarterback with (Vince) Evan.a and our No. 1 (draft) choice (Jim McMahon)." JAAF ;J"T i .. --.,.... ' . , - -..._ • s1gnups Saturday Baseball today On thll date In bueball ln 1982: Duke Snider'• homt run hl1hll~tod a l&-run fltlt lnninl u th Brooklyn f'ra pummeled th• Cincinnati Reda. 19-at Ebbeta Fiold. On lhia date In 1922: Brewery maanate Col. Jacob Rupput bt-came the eole owner of the New York Yankee., buylna out hi• partnu, Col Tllllnahut L'Hommedieu Huaton, for •1 o million. Ruppert'• 17 -ye11r reign H 1olct Yankee owner would produce and aoUdlfy the area teat dynuty In bueball hlltory. Today'• Birthdays: Hall ot Fame outfielder Earl Averill I.a 79 Toronto manager Bobby Cox la 41 . Chicago Cuba outfielder Bob Molinaro is 32 Mlnnetata alu$Uler Kent Hrbek ls 22. Morgan's hit carries San Francisco Joe Mor1an'1 two-run single • with two out• in the eighth inning lifl8pped a 1-1 tie and lifted the San Frandlco Giant.a to a 3-1 victory ovt1r the P ittsburgh Pirates Thursday afternoon at CandlestJck Park Morgan, mired in a 2-for-23 slump, worked the count to 3-2 against reliever Rod Scarry, 1-3, before lining the go-ahead single to right. Gary LaveUe, 2-2, picked up the win in relief . . . Tito Landrum and Lonnie Smltb drove in two runs apiece, and Dave LaPolat wo~ked ~en strong innings in his first start of the seaJiOn to give St. Louis a 6-3 victory over San Diego. LaPoint, 2-0, yielded eight hits, walked one and struck out five in his stint, getting two innings of relief help from Bruce Suiter. NFL owners, players resolve nothing The National Football League • Players Association and the Managemen t Council. whic h repre.enta the 28 franchise owners in contract negotiatiohs, ended two days of meetings Thunday with al.matt no agreement on any of the issues. The two sides parted after seven houn of cU.cusaing a 14-point agenda at a hotel In New York and agreed only to meet again June 7-9 in Washington and to set up a subcommittee to study the pension fund . . . Preakness winner Aioma'1 Ruler will be runrung in the Belmont Stakes on June 5, according to trainer Butch Lenzini . . . Harvey Catcblng1, a center and forward for the Milwaukee Bucks, was released from a hospital Thursday after undergoing su rgery on his right elbow Wednesday . . Edmonton Drillers owner Peter Pockllngton withdrew his threat to fold the North American Soccer League team, whtch the Canadian entrepreneur says lost $10 million in 3 'h years . . . Plperblll, a n Irish-bred making hia first start in the United States, set a track record in winning the Seal Beach Purse by a neck over Falz before a crowd of 16,682 at Hollywood Park . . . NBC will telecast the Arlington Million, the world's richest thoroughbred horse race, Aug. 29 at Arlington Park. Televlslon, radio TV: Basketball -NBA playoff game, Boston at Philadelphia, 11 :30 p.m., Channel 2. Taped. RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Detroit, 4:30 p.m .. KMPC (710); St. Louis at Dodgers. 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). J Distance sweep on Uni's inind Trojan women seek 3-A title NORWALK Unlveralty High School'1 women'!I track and field tN1m figuret1 to battle Hawthorne for the team champion1h1p of th 3-A dlvtalon here at Cerrltoe Colle1e Saturday with the TroJ&na boaating a strong middle dil~ running contingent to 0U1et a sprint advantage o f Hawthorne Action m the multiple mt-et fmala for 4-A. 3-A, 2-A and 1-A get.a under way at noon and run1 to completion for aU four divialons for both men and women. University 1s paced by Polly Plumer. Teresa &rnos, Laura Sauerwein, Suaan Armentrout and Jami Nourse in the 800. 1.600 and 3,200 races. The Trojans could sweep the first three places in the TRACK 1,600 with Barrios, Plumer and Sauerwein competing. · ln addition, Plumer will be favorl'(] to win the 800 and Barrios the 3,200 events Four of the five runners will be runrung on the Tro;an 1,600-meter relay team and w1U be among the favontes in that event as well. University also has Annette Rogers and Cehn"' Regalia in the 200 In the 4-A d1v1sion. Sharon Hatfield of Fountain Valley will be going for {our ind1v1dual titles Hatfield 1s a multi-talented performer who runs both hurdle races and t'ompetes in the long jump and high jump where she has some of the better marks in the Southern Section this season. She will also be among the favorites in the 100-meter hurdles. Rich Forsyth of Edison wiU be among the favontes in the 4-A pole vault rompeuuon and is ' the leading Sunset contender for a victory in the men's competition. Others with an outside chance include Ocean View's Mark Guest in the 440 and Fountain Valley's Bob Erickson in the 2-mile. Echson's Sunset League champion women's team will have Barbara Ramey in the 440 along with teammate Tsenre Jack.son; Leslie Pratt in the 880: Kim DeVctls in the mile and 2-mile; and freshman Kim Walulik in the long JUmp. Rennie Durand of Laguna Beach will be the heavy favorite to capture the women's 800 meter run in the 2-A finals as the top Orange Coast area performer. Teammate Lisa Fegraus is ~ng the favorites in the high jump with a best o( 5-8 this season. King returns to race tonight Lance King ism his rookie season m the Bntish Speedway Leagues but the young (18) star wlll return home tonight to compete in the weekly speedway motorcycle races at the Orange County Fairg~ounds m Costa Pesa. KJng was the No I nder in thJS country m AMA pomts last season, beating out such stars as Mike &st, Alan Chnst1an, Mike Curoso and ~ne Woods for the honor. He moved to the British league lo JOIO teammate Bruce Penhall thlS season . Memorial Day Fountain Valley Junior All-American Football will kick off re~1stration Saturday with a pancake breakfast at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center. MotOlcrafl _,.. ... ~. ,, ~J~u:.i :, ~ 1JJJ~ ;CHAMPION Save gos. get 'f/IW#¢'/(11P.E1 ·PW"' ~ better performance Breakfast hours r(lre 7 a .m . to noon ~ith registration taking place at the same time. The league is open to boys, ages 7-14. Participants are classified by weight and age. Cost of the breakfast, which includes pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee, is $2 for adults and $1 for children under 10. The league will also have a sign up table at ea<:h of Fountain Valley's little league fields every Saturday through June 13 with registration hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Physicals are set for July 17. Call 775-6073 for additional informatlnn Oil Filter "1otorasfl f\;~~ \.:, .. \,. G•C • '1red..,,,•ll si.oo ,.,_ ,,.. •teru.tt .,... , .. c.,,.i.t• c..,.. •ra/latff at IUU. Ulll at.,.. ··~ Auto Thermostat #"006, 33008, 33009, !!1.!!~ .. ~~~~~71~~ ·················· ssc .. . ,,.,,,, JO lealstor type irou,12 .................. 95c .. . lfOflP J5 Lifter Free StOJ• ,,,,., nolH. Pou; Into cra.tuse. 101 .. -..... -. . . .. Releases engine power you didn't know was there! ~v1NE 7'fomguatics, INC. #331J9 2~~ '..t .&~Attention Competitive Swimmen!! a. I! . I • The 1984 Olympic Swim Trials are only months aV(ayl Gallrlel REDllYDERS A computer-tuned replacement shock with a forty percent bigger piston i • .. Orang• COHl OAILV PILOT/Friday, May 21, 1982 There's Desire to qualify in Indy race HAPPrENINGS I N THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET ... 1ND1ANAPOLI$ (AP) -0.alre WU1on haa PMtod • t-ouplt of tou,h tn\I already thla month. Now It'• ju1t a queatlon of 11uln1 a aood mark durln1 the tlnal Wtekend of ume trlill (or tho May 30 lndlanapoU. 600. Wllaon, a 28·ytar·old native of South Africa and resldent ot Enaland, la trylna to bet'omo juat tho HCOnd wom1&n to make the lndy ra~ probably the moet preatlalous raclng event In the world. It ahe doea, Wllton will be following In tho fuotatepe of Janet Guthrie, who ran here In 1978 and 1979 There II a deflnJte difference In the reception a('(:()rded the two women. Guthrie'• pretence waa accepted by aome of the racing reaulars at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, but it was just tolerated by many othera, most of whom apparently felt she wun't a good racer. Wilson, who has expertence racing Formula cars in Europe, seems to hove been accepted lmmediately by the Insiders of the sport. Three-time Indy winners Bobby and~AJ Unser MINUJEWAX Get a Tu rtle Wax finish in less tha n 1 S minutes. #T · 1 S 18 o3z. 79 EACH VA LVO LINE STEREO WITH 5 BAND EQUALIZER BOOSTER ----- I ••••••• TA.a I ··1· •I .--, 1 . .•-' .1 ... , I ''••• d•••~•o4 tl•<I• '"'"'"'' •o oci!•" 9897 ,.,.. bo&on.c:• • s._. .••• bolon<• o~ fo4•' r04"lhoh • loclu"t foe' fo,-o,d ortd •1•<' ••••ch EA CH t IM '""'''°"9 • l0\114'1ett I MO'• l(SS SPEAKERS DISTRIBUTORS KASCO-REBUIL T For moat Fordt · 6 Cyl 1960·67 (h c•pt 223 fog1ne I Cyl 1951·72 1 s•• (With 260-219·302·3S2 Eng•n• fXCH' For mo11 Che¥rolet1 -6 Cyl 1953.74 he. 1'0 ng.I For mo1t Chevroleh -I Cyl. 1957.74 (h cept l41·l96·409-•27 1888 With 2·4 Ill or 3·2 H L a nd CD fXCH' DRIVE· RITE FAN BELTS FO• MOST CARS AND LIGHT UUCKS both h•ve 1 nt a helplftl hand, helpln& Mt Up tbe car and talkln9 to WU.On about how to drlvt the tteacheroua 2\.1·mile lndlanapolla oval. And l'obby, the defendln1 champion here and one of the peo__plo w..ho did not 1et alona with Guthrie, aald, "She (WU.On> I.I a teal racer 1 think aht'U do a tood job here.'' Gardner picks Orange Coast Jett G ardner . a tWO•tlm~ All-CIF S-A basketball )>layer and the Sea View League's Player of the Year tn ~ aa a tenlor, among other endea\lora, hu opted to attend Orange Coast College In the fall. • A point guard ln basketball and ahortatqp in baseball, the F.ltancla standout hu been choeen to compete tn both Or&nBe County All-atar games. At Coast, however, It'll be baseball only. "It's too difficult to play both," says Gardner, whose Jong range goal is to play profeaslona.l bueball. 111 drove wlth Janet at Sebrina (the 12 Hourw of So brine 1port1 car r•ce In March)," Wilson aald. "We talked about comlna here and aha told mu Mbout what I mtaht exp«t. Mayt» 1ho'1 a bit bitter over aome of the thlnp that happened to her here. but I've been aurprt.ed at my r~pllon "Everyone wanta to help here. Where I r•ced before, they're too buay. Httre, l went out and wu drlvln& the turn• too much like ln road rtaclng. Kevln Coaan polnted out I wu aolng for the apex of tbe turn too IOOn. And that'• juat one of a number ol helpful thlnp that have happened." The flrwt teat that WU.On paued was the rookie t4t1t, a series of lape at varloua speed levels -up to 176 mph -which are watched and judged for smoothness and ateadlneu by veteran drivers aiationed around the track. The second teat came Wednesday when her 'tagle-Coaworth got looae going into the second turn. Wilson took a wild ride at more than 180 mph, a.e the car looped around 1 ~ limes, skidded more than 800 feet and came to rest in the infield S(rass. KJR!ABIN nRE INFLATOR Auto Supply WE'RE HELPING YOU DO IT RIGHT PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY MAY 2S, 1982 .-..--tu tie wax· COLOR BACK Mony greol emblem• lo <hoooe hom Ad1u1•oble bondt·•om• c:ap1 w 1fh mHh bo<k•"fl 4 Cylinder Care 6 Cylinder Cara Con<•ntrofed ''09•' u•\ your tonk can tof•ly '" creot• got m1leo9• up to 11• •10001 • 59 FOR MOST AMERICAN CARS 1 EACH 3., SIT I Cylinder Con 5'-1 LUX US MATS ~ HAWIC-Progrommoble i ·1 '1illl,.. El•clron1c Mu.,col Horn ' ~ " Ploys 22 pr•·progrommed ·~ ~.__ lunH Selact any tun• 01 I ploy otl lune• at random _:__..». • / U 2616 999 /-Jt'4j ~. j:. ,~.~:JJ. r KIT • • .- "Th• Ora91ter" for 4. 6 or I cyl1nd•r eng1nH J bocltl1ght•d dial with w1de ·¥1ew 1col• •633 °:,J KASCO ~ ' ftMlllG CHAIN KITI ,, Conal1f1 of ct.oln, gear, 1procket, ~ . go1ket1 and •-It. fOltD· 6 Cyl111der lt60· 1 tl0 !144·170-2001 CHIV•OUT • I Cylinder 195S· 1 tl0 1262·265·267 ·21J.)02.JOS.J27 ·3501 1ln•pt 011111) 'O•O· I Cylinder lt62· ltl0 !221·2SJ..260·21t·J02·U IWI 29~1~ 36~~ 41~1~ • •• LAS VEOAI, Nev.. . Planl U. alnedy WMSer for next year'• 10th annual Ml.NT 400 O..rt Race ind anyomt uf)f'CUn11 to att reU.f from tlw'vldOUI poundU\I had better turn to the mtldlclne cabinet. Allhouah 1t.t .. will be Liken '° ellmlnat.e much of the Mavy aifty .,.... many racert t'Omp1aJned of, the 1'183 r11ee ahould be ti touah u ever, aald MINT 400 Race Director, K.J. How~ "We're alrHdy plannln1 next year'• even t," .. l<'t Howe "We a... lmprovlnt our format and hopefWly ~ wlU be able to race over &«raJn not quJte IO lilty u thW year'• courw " ' i "But the coune muat be rouah. OtherwlH lt wouldn't be a MINT 400 race l think thla year'•~ had a reasonable amount of rouah going, hl1h 1 run1, medium to faat waahea and tilt to aallafy ever off-road racer'• predilection In race cowws." i The course took a 1reater toll on entrlea than l11 previous years While 24 percent finllhed la.It yur'1 race1 only 19.2 percent. 91 out of 4S2 atartera were able t~ t.'Omplete the required four laps over the 100 mile layout. The <.'Ourae was changed conaiderabty from laat yearJ as much as 40 percent of it was new One sect lort ehrrunat.ed from the route run In previoua yean waa at popular aand dunes area where each year numerout coll111ons, or near-miHH, Involving race cars an specwtor vehklH were reported "Eliminating the dunes area proved to beaver smart move because we had fewer problem• wit spectators out on lhe course," said Howe • That, in uself. is quite an accompl11hment 111\c Bureau of Land Management estimates ran as hJgh 80,000 spectators spread around the detert circuit or Las Vegas It would be difficult for anyone anywhere to make course more diff1l·ult. Virtually no entry r4n wlthou problems, including the overall and Cl.ass 2 winners Jim Temple or Las Vegas and Rolf T1bbhn of Sw T1bbhn, who picked up his fifth MINT 400 crown in process. followed the game plan or st.arung the nice In the single-seater of Mark Temple. 10n of the Laa V conlractor. and then takinB over the two-seauir Flat tires led to brake problems that pla,ued Ti~ over the final two laps. The same woes hit Cl.ass 1 winner and serond overall Jack JohnJOn of Las Vegu Tht' l overaJJ MINT winner suffered five flats and he ran a good porUOn or the event WllhOUl brakes. The elapeed limes in the faster clas8l'S were more than an hour longer than m previous races, with the Temple· T1bbhn car turning 9 hours, 32 minutes 29 seconds, compared to the 8 hours, 18 minutes turned in by last year's winners. Ivan Stewart and Manny F.aquerra led a good day for Ford by wmnmg Class 8 for two-wheel dnve truclu and Class 7 for mm1-pickups respecovely In spite of replacing shocks and repairing a cooling problem, Stewart was able lLI win an exciting duel with rive-time MINT champion Walker Evans with a Dodge and Jeff MacPhenon in a Chevrolet. Evans lOOk o.ver the 'I lead when Stewart pitted at the end or the second lap, but then the Riverside, Calif., driver ran into his own problems on the third lap and MacPherson went mto the lead. Rod Hall or Reno drove hlS Dodge to Vlctory tn the long wheel-bye four-wheel drive class by almoat two hours over Mike Giurbmo of Riverside in a Jeep Honcho, while Allen Hightower of Blythe. Calif., took the 1hort wheelbase d1v1S1on with a Jeep CJ-7 m a thrtt hour margin over Marshall Mahr of Sanger, Calif., in a Jeepst.er . For the first lime ever, a team cor\SlSUng enllrely ot women won its clau. Calling themselves the Shady Lady Racing Team, Sandy Turley of La Mesa, Ca.Uf , and Sharon Julson of Lakeside. took Class 2-USOO, the two-seat limited division with 1600<.'c engmes. They won by JUSt three minutes over Rodney G<:xxiselJ and Dave Marini of Holtv1Ue, Calif. Among some of the other narrow dec111ona, were Jack Irvine of Rolling Hills, Ca.hf .. and Kit Trenhollu'a Costa Mesa, Calif , victory by JUSt five minutes owr Jerry Whelchel. Anaheun -Jerry Withers, Orange, Calaf .. ii\ Class 9 for 1200cc smgle-seat.ers. and Malcolm Vinje. San Diego -Mark Han.5en, Escondido. Calif., by one nunµ~ over Kevin Bunderson of Las Vegas in Class 5 for Baja Bugs. MINT 400 FINISHERS CLASS 2, Unhmit.ed 2-Seaters (Winners 1nd!Jde9) -I Jim Temple. Las Vegas-Rolf T1bbhn, Sweden, $7,878, 9:32 29 (first overall). 7 Jim Wright-BtU Wright, Corona, Cahf . $572. 10:34:44. 9 Roger Roderick, Las Vegas-Stan PameU, Westmmst.er, Calif.. $494, 11:50:56; 15. Bill MiU'hell, Cypress, Callf.-R Barbosa, 15:43:97. CLASS I , Unlimited Single-Sealers (Win ne" included) -I Jack Johnson. Las Vegas. $7,202, 9:59:28 (second overall) CLASS 9, 1200cc Smgle-Seat.ers (Winners i.ncluded) I Jack Irvine, Rolling Hills. CahC.-K1t Trenholm, Costa Mesa. Calif., $6,006. !0·28:53, 2. Jerry Whelchel. Anaheim, Calif -Jerry Withers, Orange. Calif , $3,588, 10:33:38. 5. Gary Peterson, Hunungton Beach, <Alif.-Jon Kenny. Cosl.4l Mesa. $780. 12 09·42, 6. Tom Denault. San Clemente, Cahf -Steve Denault, Newport Beach. Calif., $598, 12:13;3S CLASS I 16U, Unlimited 1600cc S1ngle-Seateu (Winners included) -l. Roger Manenson, Thousand Oaks. Cahf.-Ru11 Welch, Monrovia, Calif. $1,612, 11:51.49. · I CLASS 1161, Limited 1600cc S1ngle-Seatera (Winners included) -1 Bobby Neth, Temecul&. Caltf.-Tom Neth, Cosw Mesa. Calif. $4,628. JJ:01:17; 4 I, Jim Pepperell. Laguna Niguel, Calif .• J1m Bayer, Orange, Calif .. $988. 16:03:42. . I CLASS 5, UnJ1mit.ed Baja Bugs (Winner's Included) 1 I Malcolm Vinje. San Otego-Mark Hanae-it, F.lk.-ondido, Calif , $3,458, 1 l.4S.06. CLASS 10. 1200cc 2 Seat.ers (Wll\1\t'rs included) - 1 Ron Stephenson-Jon Block, Las Vegas, $1,274, 12:50:11. CLASS 216U, Unlimited 1600cc 2-Seat.ers (Winnen included) -1. Jim Greenway-Lisa Greenway, S. El Monte, Calif., $1.274, 11 :26:36; 2. John Cabe, Garden Grove, Calif -BtU Re.ms, San Diego. $728. 12:13:18. CLASS 216L. Limited 1600cc 2-Seaten (Winnen included) -1. Sandy Turley, La Mesa. Ca.Jif.,.ShUGI Julson. Lakeside, Calif .. $4.238, 11:39:46; 3. Ste'll.t. Bishop-Dan Fieler. Westminster, Calif., $1,508, 11:43:09; 5. Larry Rosevear-Ron Roaevear, Anah eim, $624, 12.12:30; 8. Marc Widdkombe-Linda Trumbull, Santa Ana, 14:01.56, 10.. Neil PhiUips, LaguJ\11 Hills, Ca.Uf.-T~ Shumaker, El Toro, Calif., 14:21:53. CLASS 8, 2-Wheel Drive Pickup• (Wfnnera Included) -1. Ivan Stewart, Lakeside, Calif., Ford, $2.912, 11:49:46; 2. J eff MacPhenon. Sant.a Ana. Ca.lifJ\' ~hevy, $1,742, 11:58:26. CLASS S16, 1600cc Baja Sup (Wmnera lncluded) - 1. Eric Arraa-Rlck Sicloch, Rlvenlde, Calif., $3,588, 12:33:17; 3. Sid Le Tourneau, Temecula, CalJf • ..Oreg Hughes, Huntincton Beach, CalJf., •t.300, 16:42:31; 8. Lloyd Hanna-Michael Ramlch. Garden Grove. c.aut., 17:5S:l5, CLASS 4, Lona Wheel Ba1e 4-Wheel Drive (Wi.nMR Included) -i. Rod Hall. Reno. Dodp,'$2.sni. 12:68:38. CL.ASS 7, Minl-Picltupe (Winnen lncluded) -1. Manny !'Aquerra, Parker, Arts., Ford Ranaer. '2,loe, 14:18:10; 2. Dick Landfleld, Yorba Linda, Calif., rcrd l\anlw, S!z248, 17:24:48. l::LA:;S J, Short Whtel-BHe 4-WbH l l>rive (Winnen lndUded)-1. Allen Kiah....-,~ Clialtl .. JMP CJ. 7 $3,328, H:31:0e; a. Gioil'lt au.tt, .~ c.atit, Jeep CJ-7, •1.1ee. 11:M.'41 •• CLASS U, Stoc* VW 8ldMw ('"a m lnd~ - 1. Nonn Shaw-Paul o.rt.Dd, Lat V~004.1'_. ... CLASS e. PrClcluctlan AU11111 Sid..., - l. Stan OUWrt; ~ Cdf,. , MM. 11:11.'41 (dkl not tlnilh). ·t rdilOft ~h'I °*Cloney_ and Mlk• DeBenon Illar• Moat Valuable Play•r honotl whh Jountatn Vall•Y Hl1h'1 Steve Jonaewaard on th• A1l·Sun11t 1Auue bueball \Mm, u 1tlect.ed' by tl\e drcult'1 c:oach11. Cloney fuhiontd • e-o record. o:n the mound with an 0.74 ERA. while OeBenon, a pitcher of note b'l hia own rlaht, wu oh01en u "'outfielder wlth a .418 batting averaae. Jonaewurd , who led the Barona to a aecond place finish and 9 atralaht league victories af~ a 1-6 at.art, batted .404. Coach of the Year honors go to Edi.Ion's Ron ~uffa, who had Orang• Oout DAIL v PILOT/,,nd1y. May lU, 1112 hll tam arnona th• tOp lNml ln the CIF 4·A from the outlet and th• Charere wert teeded No. 3 ln the playof fa. The coac hea wtr• liberal ln thelr 1electlon1, choo1lna 17 r.1·1yer1 on tho tint team, ncludina five from Fo1.1ntaln Valle y , fo\u from Edl1o n and Huntlnaton Beac h and a pa lr from Marina and Ocean View. AU.·IUNllT LIAOUI '"'t , ..... ......... ,.,,MMel P -Oreg CIOney, l!dl.on P -Q'ry Buollel1, Htn. S.ech P -Brlan A~•· Ftn. va1i.y C -Oreg Sfllrtey, Htn. a .. ch ti-John Emma. Ec:tltol'I 1B-OM11 Roberti, Ftn. Val'-Y lnl-O•ry O.V1lk, Htn BMoh Merli Cl. 8·0 81. 4.3 Jr. 4·1 Sr. .333 SI. .200 Sr. .•41 Sr. .361 Sr. hMftd TNM P -John tttr'i. lMflne 4·2 Sr. P -Don areoor. fin. v111ey 3.1 ar. 0 -an.ne f!Oree, M41rlNI .324 Jr c -Steve Prall, F,tn. Valley .270 JI. 18-Brlan Palrtck, Htn. IMch 37t Sr Int-Paul AY91'&, 0oean View .29' Sr. lnt-Toc:tc:t Mabe, l!dllon .317 Jr. Int-Jot Kwolell, l<lllon .270 St. Of-Erto Aetnllolti, Ooean vi.w .34() SI. OF-John Heinle, Ooean View .350 Sr. OF-Pit Connor, Ftn. I/allay .333 St. OF-Gerardo Llamu. WMtmlfltter .222 St. Ut-Lanoa Aoki, W•tmlnetet .318 Sr. Coach ot Yffr -Ron LaRuN1, EdllOn to .race I More than 100 of the top inboard hydroplane and flatbottom boat cbivera in the nation plua an outatandlna tleld of dray boata wW converse on rvlne Lake for the Coora 1982 Weatern Championahipa Sunday. Th_9 apeed extrav- agaiha will have a purse in exceu of $20,000 for inboard hydroplanes, runabout drivers plus the fastest' pro p- eller-driven boats In ttie world along with the blown fuel hydro s of ctras racing. - --BA Ck ORANGE COUNTY'S FAVOltlTEI I "The Little Band with the Big Band Sound" I GUY HALFERTY I I I & The Society Combo I I u.Hth a program of great lunts I I from lht Big Band Era I & lols of Dixitland /au. MAY 22 8PM I I Orang e C o ast Colleg e Audit o r ium I $4.00 General Admission · $3.00 with College Sevice~ CtHd, Cold Key . .ind I L childrt'n under 12 J -- --- - Amona the matchups will be nauonalcrackerl-===================ir:=================:=y::::================= Saturday Jack.on: an •••mln•ttori or wtiy no 1eam hu 12 o · 2 • 1 I 1 n • •c h• c:t u I• c:t 1 o. r o u n c:t h 0 x ch amp i 0 n Gr e 8 Ptlltc NOTICE PlB.IC NOTIC[ Nil.JC NOTICE Weekend sports on won conMCUtlve NBA tltlel for the P••t 12 mlc:tc:tlewelght boul, taped II Atllintto City, N.J. "-1 TnlvtttON v--. 111 -WIDI w~ °" IPOtn'I _ Larry Helm• of Irvine going NOTICI OP 111UITU'I IAU 9 a.m. (5) -WOT ftNNSI 1 p.m. (7) -DRAG MCINO -The 111112 Holmee and Gerry C~ penlcl-In a pelf · t ld } kil T.I. No. 17...,_. flCTITIOUI BUSIHHI FICTITIOUS BUSINHI 11 a.m. (51 -Ul&aAU -Angell •I NHRA Gator11atlon111. l•P•<I In March at ol lapec:t boxlnQ exhibition&. agatn~ wor c ass 0 T.0.8Ef1VICECOMPANY11c:tuty NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Detroit. G1lnMvllle, Aa. 5 p.m. (7) _ INOY lot TIMI TRIAi.i _ re CO rd h Older Rick appointed Truetee undar th• The 1011ow1ng person 1s doing 1 ne 1011ow1no person 11 do1ng 11:15 a .m . l•l -•AllaALL -2p.m.(41-OUTOOOftLWI -Hallot Orl....,emallethelrtjnalattempte to ciKllthe Wimer. National 5-Utre tollowlng<IHcrlbedc:tee<loltru1t bus1neasu •iusmes>as Phhdelphla at Atlanta. Fam1 linebacker Olck ButkUI goH martin 33-car llelc:t for Miit WMll't Indy 500. h d h J h WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION LAN 0 I S S E C RETA RI AL C 0 UN TR y CUSTOMS 8 29 2 p.m. (4) _ ~LR _Hockey tithing. RADIO Y ro C am pion 0 n TO THE HIGHEST BIDOER FOR SERVICE. 14561 Linden Avenue. rowne SHIMlt Costa Mesa Celllor- Hell o1 F-Bobby Ott fluflta geeee along 2~ p.m. (4) _ NBC UORTI: IUNGatDI BaMbaH _ Angela 11 O.trolt, l0:30 a.m.. Gibbs of Costa Mesa is CASH IP•Y•bl• at time of 111e In 1rv1ne CA 927 t4 r11a 92627 \M MualiChuMttl -t. -Rocky Lockrlc:tga (24·2) va. JOH Nieto KMPC (710); St loula al Ooc:tger1. t pm., aJso looking forward to a laWfut money of the United StatMI Kathryn J Landrl. 14561 MARION ENOOM MCELROY 2:30 p.m. (71 -IUG.Alt RAY L&ONtM>'I ( t9-21 In a ecn.c:tulec:t tO-rounc:t 1 .. thetwelghl KABC (1901, Ill tight, title anc:t lntarMt coriv.yed Underi Avenue. Irvine, CA i27 t4 829 Towne Stt eet Costa Mesa. Q~DIN OLOVI• -Hlgtlllght• of bout• lloht, t1pac:t 11 Atlantic City, N.J. BHkllball _ Lt1k1r• 11 Phllic:telpllla {If tough race from Rod to anc:t now helc:t by 11under111<1 Th11buS1nea&11 conducted by an Ca111orn11192627 fMturing tMml from Pennaytvanla. T..... 3:30 p.m. (41 -1'°"1'1WOIU.O -Bobby Phllec:te4plll1 defeat• Boeton tonight) 10 a.m.. Zapf 0 f Manhattan O••<I of True! In th• property rndlVldual This 1Jus1ness IS conducted by an Loulal-. TenneMW and St. Louie. Czyi (17·01 va Bobby ··ice Man" Coolidge Kl.AC (S701. Bea h hareln1ner deecrlbed: K1thryn J Lanc:t15 .ndrv1dual 3:30 p.m. (21-CM lfiOtn'8 IATUN>AY C • TRUST 0 R: STEVEN L. Tl\11 slalement was flied Wllh the Marion E McEtroy _ W9C llahlWGtht tit .. b<Krt ~tween Alllxla The most awesome SHANAFELT. an unmarried man County Clerk 01 Orenge County on rhrs s1a1emen1 was hied with the Arguello ('f'-'41 and AtwtyGW\IQM (3'-3). E h display of speed and BENEFICIARY; RONALD a. LEE, May 12. 198<' Counly Clerk ol Orange Counly on 5 p.m. (1) -WIDI irOaO °" ~ • t occ t I d d • etngte men . F1"293 April 28. 1982 -Owlght&lu1on(tM·t)def9ndlllllWBC 1g s ars au e brute power Will be Recorc:tedAuguet24.1979ae Publ11hed Orange Coast Oa11y F1"272 llght hHvyw9ight lltle lor the MCOnc:t time Unleashed during the lnetr. No. 38696 In book 13211•. Piiot May 14 21. 211. June 4. 1982 Publrshed Orange Coast Oally a,oaln1t Lotte Mwele (23·1) In a lci'ledulec:t dra.~ boa~rtion of the P9oe 1992 of Ofllci.I Recorc:te In the 2138-82 Pilot April 30 May 7 14. 21 , 1982 1$-rounc:t bOUt, t..,.O at Atlantic City, N.J . e olflce of the Recorder of Orang1 -----------1889-82 Meo:Cowrageolttielndy&OOtim.triala. Eight members o f Orange· freshman hurler Robb Munson champio ·ps with four County;ealddeedottruet~bM ... in•tc NOTICE MDtO Coast College's South Coast (2 ·1 , 2 .13 ERA , 5 saves), of the fastest and thetollowlngPfopeny: n-. PlB.JCNOTICE .....,.. -AnoMa It Detroit, 11: 15 Lm., c f h . b b ll . k bl ~ kOt 44 of Tract 3057 ... ~r FICTITIOUS BUSINESS KMPC 1710): St. loul• 11 ooc:tger1, 7 p.m.. on erence c am pio n ase a infielders Tom Duggan and Rick qutc est own fu~ Map r-de<l In Book 92, P-oee 41 NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOYS BUSINESS KA8C 11eo1. team have been named to the Hopkins, sophomore outfielder hydro machines ready to Ind •2 ~IMP&. In the The 1011ow1ng persons are domg NAME STATEMEHT c onference's f irst and s e cond Kevin Sliwinski and utility toe the starting line. Ottlce of the County Aecorc:ter of bu&m8$5 as The lonow•no person ••doing San•ay Mid County. WESTERN HALL MARK CAROS 1>ua1ness as teams. player Dave Tinoco. Competition heats will 1908 ~ Ave., N-port & GIFTS. 793 So Tustin Ave O•· R u M 8 0 L 0 RE A LT y 1'IUVlllOM In addition, OCC Coach M ike Hopkinshit .386inconfe rence, start at 10 Sunday ~.CA aoge.CA92666 INVESTMENTS . 213 Marine 10 a.m. (2) -NaA PlAYC>fl?I -Lekert h ' l 0 b tt d 3 5 5 morning with step-ups (tt a.,._~°' oommon Barbara Lusk. 2389 Corona, Avenue, Balboa Island. CA 92662 at Phllac:telpllla/Boeton or Phlladelphl• at Mayne was named coach of the w 1 e uggan a e . . c:tHlgnallon la ahown above, no Norco CA 91760 c HA RL es s TEP HEN Boaton. year aft.er gu1d~· the Pirates to Sliwinski finished the season allowed in classes of warranty l• given u to 111 Mary La~e 2389 corona Nor-RUMBOLD 215 Abalone Av8f\ue. 10:30 a.m. (51 -UIS8AU. -Angell at WI.th a .338 mark whi·le Ti·noco similar hull"'"'"""· The 12 ccimpllttel-"' conectneaa)." co. CA 91160 Balboa Island CA 92662 ~ro11 the conference ti e for the third ·~ r-n. ..--...~ under ..... "'--" Th ~. s d 1 d 1> .,.., · ba ted 363 fastest flatb ottoms and of T-.::--• .... --:-.._..-Thra busmess rs conducted by 11 "~smea is con uc e y an 12:30 p.tn. (2) -Cat~ IUNDAY straij{ht season. t · · •-•· by -"' I bf-.., or gel'le<al partnership lndrvrduat -Segment•: lite 1982 USOF mixed pair• Coast's second-team choices are hydroplanes will run default In itie obllgatlona MCUrec:t Barbara Lusk c s Rumbold gymnutlca champlonehlp, tapad 11 OCC's first-team selections are h sh Seo G te l ts thereby. heretofore euc:utec:t anc:t FlllTlt This statemeot was liled wrth the Jedleonvllle, Aa. Aleo: Ttie 1882 NCAA men·• sop omore Ort.atop tt root sedeptaerrami' nmae tnheev0evneratoll dellverec:t to the unc:te11lgnec:t • Published orange c oast oa11y County Cle<ll 01 Orange County on volleyt>eft cn.mp1ona111p, taped al unlverelty sophomore pi t c her Jack (.348) and freshman outfielder written O.Claratton of Oefauttanc:t Pilot. May 1. 1,. 21. 28. t982 May 12. 1982 PWll,Pa.;apro$eofAnge1aoutftelderReogle Reinho ltz (5-2, 2 5 6 ERA) and Miek Carozza (.29_9). winner of the meet. o.m.nc:tf«Sale,andwttttennotloe 2012-82 Ft112:1t ----------------------------..:.... ______ :__....:_:.::.;__:_..:_;_:....:_ _________________ __,!of bfeech and of a6ectlon to~ -----------Put>llshed Orange Coast 011ly tha under11vn•<I to utl ulc:t P\BJC NOTIC( Pilot May 14, 21. 28. June 4. 1982. OH A THE 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA TERCEL. LookJng for a real "steal" in today's car market? Listen, go to your Tuyota dealet He's got a Turcel 2-Door Sedan with a sticker price of just $5058.• It's so much car for the dough, It's practically a aimer Look at all the good stuff Included In that price. A peppy 1.5 liter engine. ~ed tJansmisslon. Rack-and-pinion steering for precise control. Inside, you sit on hi-back front bocket seats that recline. Very romfortable. There's even power Cl$isted flo..thru ventilation to help keep you cool when things get hot \obu'd like to save a little money on. gas, too? \obu're ~nna love this Tuna small cais. 'rbu may get different miJeale, depend- ing on how fast you drive, weather conditions, and trip length. Actual highway mileage will probably be less than the E~ "Highway Estimate~ . The 1982 Corolla 'Ierce~I. H A steal? Actually, It's . completely legal It's a simple case of lf\1 value ln the FCCT nIK TG ftrstdegree. LLL lf~ TOYOTA It's rated at 4 7 E~ Estimated Highway MPG,(34) E~ Estimated MPG. Rem~ Compare this estimate to the E~ "Estimated MPG" of other ~=== ·~·...anted reCllll prier with CllllonUI emlllloftl ~ OMlet's actu11·reu11 pltce may YllfY· Price doee not lndude cu. ~ llMlllj)OIUitton. or optlonll equlpMnt. Pf°'*1Y to aati.rv Mid obllgetlone, 2140--82 ind therHfter the unc:terelgnec:t caUMc:I Mid notice of br..oh and of elactlon to be Recorded Januery 28, 1982 aa lnatr. Ho. 82-033893 In bootc of Offlc:lel Flecofda. Said ule wlll be mac:te, but without covenant or warranty. •!IP' ... or lmpllec:t, r~c:tlng title, po ... ulon. or ancumbrancea. to pey the -lnlng pflncipel tum of the nota(•I MCUl'ec:t by aa1c:t Deed of Truet, with lntet•t aa In Mid note provlc:tec:t. actvancea, II any, under th• term• of ealc:t Dff<I ot Truet, feM. charge& and expene8I of the Trutt" and of the truat• creeled by Mlc:t Deed of Truat. FICT1TIOU8 8USIHESS NAME STATJMENT The lollow1ng pl raon Is dorng busuiess as SOUTH COAST BOAT YARO. 2270 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach. Cal1tom1a 92663 MICHAEL JOHN OAVIS. 2007. No B. Ocean Boulevard, Newport Beach. ca11torn11 92663 This 1>us1neu 11 conducte<I by an lnd1vldual MICh&el J 08VIS Th1& sta1emen1 was Ille<! will\ lhe County Clerk or Orange County on April 28. 1982 f1'*270 Published Orange Coast Oally 1Pllol. ~ 30. Mey 7 14, 21, 1882 11190·112 PlB.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUSINESS NAflll ITATa•NT The following person rs c:tomg t>us1ness as WO OOSTONE PROOUC· TIONS. 430 E. Bey •vnue. Balboa, CA 92661. JOSEPH P LaJEUNESSE 430 E Bay AV$'\U8. Ball>Oa CA 92661 Thrs t>usmess rs conducted by an indrvrdual Joseph P LaJeunesse This Slatement was Ille<! w11h lhe County Clerk ot Orange County on May 12. t982 F1192110 Pul>hahed Orange Coast Oarly Ptlot. M1y 14, 21. 28. Jone 4, 1982 Said•••• will be t.etc:t on Thurac:tay, June 10. 1982 at 2:00 p.m. at the Chapman Avenu1 1ntrance to the Civic Center Bulldlng, 300 Eut Chapmen Avenue, In IN City of Ofange. -----------3078-112 At the !Ima ot the lnltlal publleallon Of tllll notice, the total amount of tne unpalc:t balenoa of 'flt obligation 11curec:t by th• above deacrlbed c:teec:t of 1ru1t anc:t Htlm1ted co1t1. upenHa. anc:t lldvanc.a .. 172.1104.23. To determine th• opanlng blc:t. you may cell ~14) 13 7 .oeee. Date: May 1982 T.O. · RVlCE COMPANY u Mid Truetee, By Lome Womec:tl. Alalatant Secretary One City SMI., W•t, Ofenge, Ca 92.6611 (714) 83M28e Publlahed Orange CoHt OaJly Piiot, May 1•. 21, 28. 19112 FICTtnOU9 8Ul ... ll NAME STATEMENT The lollowlng peraona a re d OIRQ business u . CAFE CONTI NENTAL ANO ICE CREAM, 4250 Barranca Pa.rk· way, "R. Irvine, CA 9271'. VIRENORA KUMAR. 23700 Little Quall Avenue. Otamond 811. CA 91765 SUOESH KUMAR. 23700 Little Quell Avenue. Olemond Bar. CA 91765 Thia t>usrnets 1s conc:tucte<:t l>y an 1od1vldua1 (husband & wile) Vtrenc:tra Kumar This s1a1emen1 wea flied w11h lhe County Clerk ol O.ange County on April 29. 1982 Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITlOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne tollowrng persona are c:toino busrness as HIGH SOCIETY (A Dance Band). 3089 Fernheath Lo . Costa MMa. CA 92626 C H Barney McClure. 3089 Fernhea1n Ln Costa Mesa CA 92626 John Lindfors t 2 Lago N0<te. lr.rne CA 92715 I his business rs conducle<J l>y a qenerat partnership C H McClure Th•s statement was flied w•lh the County Clerk of Orange County on Mlly 5 t982 2!05-82 F1"400 F11878' PlllfC l9TIC( Pul>llshed Orange Coast Oa11y Publrshed Orange Coast Daily ____________ 1 Pllot Aprrl 30, May 1 14, 21. 1982. Pilot. May 7. 14, 21. 211. 1982 c ... , .. 1957 -82 2081-82 NOTICE OF TRUl'flra SALE T.S. No. 82-0123 rtlll.IC NOTICE Truatora: ROONEY C. STEVENS ---------------------- and BEYERL Y A. STEVENS On May 28th, 1982, at 9: 15 A.M .. MIOLUTIOH NO. 04' A RllOUITION Of TMI CITY COUNC&. Of THE CfT'Y 0# COIT A JOMAR INVESTMENT co .. a Cali-fornia Corporation u c:tuly awotot· MllA, CALIFORNIA, DICLARINO ITS INTINTION TO LIVY AND 1<1 Truat .. under and pu<tuant 10 COUECT AIHllMINTI DUNMG FIKAl. YlM 111t-1ta WITMN OM<I of Trull raeorc:tec:t Februiry CITY OP COITA MllA LANDICA~INO AlllllMINT DISTRICT 1' .• 19110, H lnet. No. 17285, In ~riv COUNCIL OP THI cm Of COITA ••A DOel ..... y l>Ook 13~2. page 11173. ot Ol'llcl•I RUOl.ft Al FOU.OWI: Record• 1n the office of the County F\ecorder ol Orange County Slate THAT, WHEREAS. thla CouRQfl Olcl. on Aptfl 5, 1982, ldopt Reeo!Utlon of Cellfornla Will SELL AT PUBLIC No. 112-23 lnlt11t1ng procMdlng1 for ren-•I of City ol Cotta Me11 AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER Lanc:t1Caplng Aueument Dl1trlet Number 2 and ordering th• City FOR CASH (pey11ble 11 time of .. 141 Eng111 .. r to prepere • report with reepect to 111<1 c:tletrlct SM1t1uant to 1n lawlul money of the Uolted Section 2258~ through Ind lncludlng Secilon 22574 of the Callfoml• Si.tes) at the front etttranoe to the Street• and Hlghw&Y9 Code; and Oki Olanoe County Coul'thOuN, IO-C:~~S, Hid report h•• b"n p1epar~ anc:t tllec:t with the City catl<I ori Sar1t1 Ana Blvd .. t>ei-WHEREAS the City COUncll 1\91 ............... aa1c:1 IOOf1 flied· Sycimore St. & Broadway, Santa Now THEREFOR£. BE IT RESOLVEC)THAT T~£ e1!:cou'NC1l OF Ana. Celll. 1111 right, lltle and lnt-t • ' conveyac:t to ind now held by It THE CITY OF COSTA MESA DOES HEREBY ANO, DETERMINE. AHO under H id Dffd of Trutt In the RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: property 111ueted In Hid County 1. The City Councll hereby dectarn It• lntenllon to levy and col*t and Stat• dlllCl'lbecl ••. ·~'· ~t to Part 2. OM.ion 15 of the Str'Mtl and Hlghwayl Lot 1112 of T rac1 No 'seea In the Code of the State of Callfornla c:tunng flecel )'Ml' 1982-1983 within ctty of City of Coeta Meu' Cou'niy of Coat• MeH lan<l•Caplng .AaH11ment Ol1trlct Number 2, located Orange State 01 Callfarnla, .. per genwally -' of BMr S1reet enc:t north of Aout• 73 and mot'• pertlc:Ulatty Mep reCordec:t In booll 218 pege 18 c:teecrlbed In the report taM!ed bhlblt "A", attacMcl hereto anc:t 17. 18, 111, 20 1nc:t 21 of Mll1ce11•'. lncorPOr•ted hatefn by ..-...nee. naoue Map1, In the office of the 2. A OlfMl'W c:teacl'lptlon of the ~t• reteYllnt to Mid c:ttstrtct le County Recorder of Mid Coul)ty. H loctowa: The maintenance anc:t poHlbl• future replacement of The etreet ac:tdr•H and olher ~and any hlclllttel '#tlldl.,. ~t tiw.to, "'wtlldl.,. cornmori c:tea1gn1tlon. If •11Y of the neoe11ary or convenient for the maintenance or poulble future r11I property <IHcrlbed above 11 r891-t thweof, lndudlng ~ of debfla, Ind mlllnt-and purported to be: 5' I Sturgeon rtf9e1r of-t• Irrigation°' c:ll'alnege fac:llltlea on i.t1lfec:t lota A. 8, C, and Drive. Cotta ,,...., CA. D of Tract 10613. No eubltantlal changea are ~ to be meoe In The undenlgnec:t TruatH c:tla· exlatlng lmpr~t. claim• any tleblllty for a11y lncor· 3. Aeferance la '*-by medl to the r~ of Ille City EnglnW l'Wtlng rwct,_ of the atreet ec:td,_ and to the 11111<1 c:tlllrict. Seid l"lfPOl1 la on file wlttl the City CWli of IN City of otllef common c:IMlgnatlon II 1111y Coate,.... and contltlna • fUI, dlltallllCI ~·of the ~••ti. et1own herein ' ' lM boUO<llrlll, of lM OIQOOlld TT SF«lt dlltrlet, and the ~ Seid 11ie wlll be made but wl· nuu "'"'-upon unieeb• lotund peroell of11ncl wllNn City of Coeta thout c:oven.-it or warr-ty' av-Mele ~IQ A 11111 ••ti DleMct Humber 2. Slll<l l"lfPOl1 le ett.ec:Nd -· '.....,.._ tw.io II Eldllbft ,.'A" llll<l lnoOl'Cltect l'lltteln by ""'9noe or lmpllec:t, regarding title. ~ , T ..... ,.,,.. 0 _ _....1 ~ • 8·30 .... · ~ ......... lion "'encumbrances to pey the • •-..... , ""'"" · P·"':t:" u '°°" ".,.._.,... rem'a1n1ng prlnclpat ium ol the ttiereantr, on Jt.11111, 1912, CM Coate.._. \;flJ Cowd ClwmDlre. 77 note(•) eecured by Hid Offd of '"" Dl'M. co.t. MtM. OllllfOmla. u t1'11t llrnl Ind SIMoe fOr a llMrinsl Truat wjth inter Ht th•r•on ... •befott ~«M'IClll on ttlt llWY and~ of the~• 1 •••ti ~ In Mid notl(a), edvwloae, wlttllrt ""' of OcMlta ,.... ~A r.m D1mtct Number 2. 1t·1,;v:1ino... the terlTl9 of Mid Deed • ~ gllllt nottoe Of 111c1 • Of Tru.t '"' ctlllf9tl and expen.• 5. ,_ CltY a.ti.._.. oerttfY to 1N of It* "-*"ton end INll ... of ttie TMt• end of tllt '""'' OlttM • tNt end OOl'NOt ~Of ... AleolUtlon to be plblllMd at ..... Ct*Mtd by Mid Oetd Of TNtt 10 de)'t pt1or to llld hWtN In tM menner ,..,,_ :t::"°" to11 Of Tl'llt total amount of 1ftt iH.p.ict tlle ~te OOde. ...0 to bt l**I on IM~ In !tit lobby bal#Mftl ~I 1119 obllg9tlon MOU~ of !tit C-. ..... CltY Hell, • b1 flleyo'"''1 •••• IOld •"d PA88f.D ANO A~ tNt 11ttl day Of Mey, '"2. , ......... ~~... ..... ....... ... and ...... tM tllM Of tM ...,. ..... Clf Initial pybllcetlon Of 1"-Notlee Of A1'ftl'h .. C....,..... .... ~ = uncllr Nici Deed .... '·......., Of TMI '*9'#e •Xecuttd •nd =: = .... d•llv•I'•~ to tltt litldtfllOn•d • STAT&=-~ 1 wntMn 01•~· °' o.t~ end COUNn otrOf'WfM .. Oemllnd0f0f 811e. '"d • "'"'•n OfTY Of COITA ._.., Hotlol O• 09f9111t Md ti.orion~ __, = ... ~~=IOn tll I. llLllH '· '"'""""· CltY ~end~ a.ti of -- '. ..... ... -... --~Of tllt ~of 0.-...... ....., -"'Y .,.., .. MoW .... .,. "',.,.'""'"" ~ ~ .... lt-44 ... ~MCI~.._._. ~ ~l!"~· ....... -.:-"'ila.°" ..... ,. ........................ 17'11 ::!'a' 181100 . ...,. =: 'M ... I._.""--.. ~ lllnd _... ..... 119 "'"........ .... .... aw .. a....Miii•~s°':--·' ... ... ~-'° !:~~ ,, r.tr .... -.. ..,.,... ............. . ........... ... ........ -~ ... -.-.air....-.__.. ... ... ~ .... --. •....... n,.....__... _. ... ,.,.a .I ~,,, ' -..\\.\ "~ ~ .. ::~.J:~~:t! ~. \" =~-=··t-£.--11.~ ... • TOfO!llO --eot, 000 ~I 10 I ~ 000 000 000-0 • 0 OllnoY alld WNtt; ~ OlwNI • ., lllCI MA.IOR LaAOUI a TANDtNOI AIMttoeft L...-. ......_ .,.._ Chicago ::!city Oelilend S-llle ,_ Wl.'9t.U 2• It 1417 .,..,,_,. H 1• '50 20 1• SN 20 20 M>O 17 24 '15 10 23 :soi 12 2t 283 o.trOll eo.ton MllW9Ull• HewYorit Bllltlmcw• T0tonlo ~ 1 .. twfl~ 24 12 2& 13 19 17 17 19 16 20 16 21 15 21 ~·--­~-4. A11991e 1 T0tonto 2. CleY9iand O BeltlmO<e 9. MIM9901• 0 Boeton t 1, SMtlle 2 Detroit I I. 0.-lancl 3 OnlygernM~ Tefllillll'• 0.- .. 7 ... 628 472 444 .432 417 4 • 9141 12141 14'11 5 7 • 81A 9 A n t•I• (fOllCll 3·3) et De troit (P Und«Wc>Od 2-1) BelllmOte (flamtgen t_.) •I T0ton10 (Goll 0-0) O....let>d (Leng!Otd 3-$) •t Boeton (T0trez 3-2) Mlnn..ote IH•YMt I· t) t i New VOil< (Mey 0-2) C ...... -"<I (Bollnel o.-0) II c~ (Burn• 4·2) SMttle (Pwry 3·3J et Mllweuk• ("4CCM• ,_,, feau (h nana 1·5) a t Kanua City (l-d4.J) National LMQue ......... DM9liMI Attenta San Diego Oodeett Hout ton w I. l'ct. Cle 25 13 6$8 Sen F renelaco Clnc:ll\netl 111 17 528 111 20 447 18 21 492 17 22 4341 t5 21 432 helenl~ St LOUii 24 15 Hew VOil< 21 17 Phll4IOelphle I 9 19 MonlrMI Ill 18 PlttN>utgh 15 20 CNCaQO I 9 22 'Oluncle(• ._.. CNcago8.~3 SM Frlltlcieco 3, Ptt19t>ufgh 1 St. Lout• e. San Diego 3 OnfygemM~ T...i.M'aO.- 5 6'), 7'), l!'A II'" 2\Ai • 6 7 7\Ai SI Louie (Mt.If• 3-3J •t ~ (Reuea 4-3) MontrMI (l• t·2J •t Clnclnnetl (Put0te 4·3) Phlladelphla (Chrltt9nMI\ 3·3) et Atlanta (Mthlw 3-3) Hew Yen 1sco11 3-21 et HOUllon (&ltton &-1) Pttteburgll !Solomon 1·4) et Sen Diego (t.4ontel\Mco I .. ) Chicago (Bird 3-4) al Sen Frenclaco (Mertln 0-0) AMERICAN LEAGUE ar...-.4,A,,.ta1 CAllOl'MIA 1111. W Au.tU •rllbl Ml r llbl ()owning H 3 O 0 1 Molitor dh 4 I 1 O Car9W fb 4 0 I 0 C Moor• c 3 0 0 0 Gttdl Ofl 4 0 0 0 Cooper lb 4 I I 0 R6.k*WI rt 4 0 0 0 MoNy 3b 3 I 1 2 Lynn c1 4 0 0 0 G.Tllome Cf 4 0 I 0 WNtong2b 2 0 I 0 Ogll-MH 4 0 I I DeCnca 3b 3 0 0 0 Yount M 3 0 0 0 Foll M 3 I 2 0 B<outvd rt 3 I I 0 eoonec 3 o 2 o Gen1rv2b 3 o 1 O Tot.ala 30 1 e I TC>Wt 31 4 1 3 ._. ., IMlll9e C.ittomt• OOf 000 000-1 MllW.uk• 300 100 OOll-4 E-Boone. 0.ClncM. OP-Cellt0tnle 1. ~-2. L08-celllomia •, .,._... e 2B -Cooper Money. Og ll¥ta Sf-Oowntng c ........ Zahn (L.5-2) Witt ........ •H RD•SO 4 74321 4 0001 3 H-(W,2· I) 8 & I I I 8 T 2 II A -17 870 H•tffY. W-Clt llCt t , l •I , V-hrtnMll, W A-1,U.. ...... ,,, .......... S.1* 000 000 IOO-I I 0 so.toll 011 .,. ~-11 1• 0 Ml Moore. Olarll 1•1. a,.111, (1) anel lullln9, "rove C111.!Ud• 11111 o .. "'." W-Tlldor, 4-1. L-MI MOoro9."" a.to;1, Yu luarnt lll (t ). Ritt (I), 0 1e111an (II. A-14,617. ,..... ,, ..... Oal'-1 000 too 010-I 7 I o.tfOll 201 IOO lb-11 t1 0 T u~. OwcNn•o c•i. KIMW (IJ end Newman; Witco• end L. Parrl•ll. W-WllOOll, 3.a. L-T. Unel•r•OOCI, 1.a. Hlll-Oaklencl, Oooctwll'I (t). Daltoll. Ma I (41. L P11ttWI (9~ A-24.11& NATIONAL LIAOUI Cut»e I, Dodeen i Cl4'CAQO 1.01 ANGal.ll .a r 11M •rllM Hnclran.H 3 1 I I S.. 21> 5 O 2 O wooo." 1 0 0 0 Landi• c1 3 1 110 W11192b 4 110 8ak .. lf 3000 Bucttner lb 4 2 2 1 auwrer rt 3 o o 1 Mottland rt 3 I 2 3 Cey 3b 4 O O O Durham 411 3 1 1 2 o lb 4 o o O H.Cruz H 1 0 0 0 s:i=. c 3 2 2 O J O.Ylll O 3021 R ....... M 4 001 Bowe M 4 0 0 0 Valnluei p I o 1 1 Sndb<g.:. I 4 2 ? 0 JoMttn ph I 0 0 0 Jenkin. II 2 0 0 0 F0tttW p 0 0 0 0 Ort• ph I 0 0 0 AP-p 0000 Mondey ph 0 0 0 0 Tor.i. 32 8 11 e Total9 32 3 e 3 lclotebylM!nea ChlctoQo 420" 011 ooo-8 Loa An~ 010 000 011 -3 E-Jankln1. Lendo MWt. OuetTWO, Bowa- OP-Loa Angolaa 1 L08-Chleag0 3. Loe Ang•I•• 7 28-0urha m. Buc kn er. ttellClaHOtl. Su, Lanelf atWL 8-Jallltlrla 2 SF-0.Yla. Mcnlancl Ouwrero C....... •HlllllllM IO Janklrla (W .3-41 9 5 3 1 4 II Loa,......... ValanNlla (L.~I 6 8 7 5 2 2 F0tttet 2 2 I I 0 I A.Pene 2 1 0 0 0 I WP-Jaftk111a. T-2.27. A-SO.llCM Glarlla I. ........ 1 Plttebwgh 100 000 000-I 6 0 San Franc:laCO 000 010 02>c-3 5 2 Rl\Oelen, Scurry (7) and T Pen• Gal•. l •Yalle (8) •nd M•Y W-Le¥elle 2·2 L-ScUffY, 1·3. A-4.095 Cardlftalt ........... I St. loula 004 100 010-6 11 2 s.n Diego 101 000 001-3 10 0 LaPOll'll. &lttw (8) llnd ~. W ...... Show (4). Deleon (I) a nd Swlaher W-LaPOlnl. 2-0 L-Walatl, \.I. HA-Sall Diego, Wiggin• I I>. T Kannady 13). A-25.0541 Tot) 10 ( .......... Mt.) .U.MCAN &.aAQW Q.Ulll H~ BonMll. T0tonlo 3 I 80 17 34 425 H.,.,ah, ~ 35 137 32 64 31M Mc:Btlde~2!. eo • 31 * R .W••hlnQton.29 81 I 32 352 E Murray. Balllm0re33 100 14 34 .360 PaclOfall. ChleagO 34 1211 15 44 341 Coopef, MllWllul<M 36 I 41 21 48 .34() Low.lllaln. Bait. 26 S5 15 22 .336 Sun<lt>ar~. T-30 107 10 341 338 Almon. OllCaOO 34 109 II 3e 3S3 "--""'"' Tl\ornton. Cla¥elano. I I, Hrbek, Mlnn .. ot•. 10; Roanlcka. Beltlmora, 8; Harral\,Ci...iend.ll;Mutphy.Oaltland.8 "'-9aned ... McR••. Kanau City. 37, Thornton. ~. 34; Luzlnelll. ChQoo, 211. OglMe. Mllw•"""· 27: Rice, eoa1on. 2t, a.,1et, ~ • Hftlelt, Mtnn..ota. 2t .,._.... c1 Deel9lollal Hoyl. CNcago, l-0, Quldly. H9W YOfll, I-I. Tudo<, Botton. 4.1. "•llo. A1t9'1• • ._1; 800, Gura, KanaH City. •·I, 8earO OeltlaiNI. 4-1. Clancy. Toronto, 5·2 ZaM. ,.,.,.,.., 1-1; F Bann19ter. s-tti., 6-2 NA'OOMAL l.&AQW Q .UR H~ J ~. Pgh 33 120 29 44 347 lolorwtand. Clllc:8go 31 142 18 60 352 Belor ...... Yon 24 72 10 25 347 Au.Jonee, s Diego 32 128 28 42 328 Raln99, Montreal 33 135 15 u 325 ~Yorit 33 124 18 40 323 Lo. SI LoUa 3' 158 35 50 321 Knlglle. 311 150 23 .. 320 ~3' , .. 23 .. 318 Wlleon, Yott! 37 157 25 60 318 "°"'9 .._ Kingman. ,..... YGnl. 13. Murphy, A!Mltlta. 12. J'lhompaon. Plllaburgh. 11. Horner Atlanta. 10. Hencsrlck. St Louie 8. Querrwe,~t. 0.....-..... WAO JU VOt'JI t=... ........ , ... °"'° It. ••• :i- MAIA flUYOPH (Alw1 ............ , 1""91.......,. .._ Peol!IC t, Lewie Ind CW. II ~..w::.~=NCa . ,.,.,,_ .._ ...,_,.....,.. ...,. Cl. P-Jtdl "-nholU,OCC a.Mete lo ,_,..... P1Nu1te1. o.nttoa 2.nwe ao P-0'90 MaiMM. a.ma 11ne a.a,.,, So "-Aotlb ~. OCC 2. I)«• Fr C-Noh Clf1y, hnla Afa 331 So 1•-eartot 11..,., ''*"on .ssa So. 1111-Alclc Hoc*irll. occ .3M ,r lf'll-Tom Ollggan, 0CC 368 'r w-Tom DobYM. ao MMe ~ ,, Int-Tony z....... 511119 Ana U 4 ,, lnl-Cat1ar Mattln, Ml. SAC 3<12 So Of-KMI ~I. 0CC .$31 SO. OF-st-~ cam1oe .:s111 ao. Of-Tom Thornaol, Cerrlloa llOO So . OF-.>olln ltyanl, Senta,,,.. NI 8o OH-·e.11 81arreua. Carrltoa Sit So V1-Da~ Tlnooo. 0CC .35$ Fr. .._...,_ P-Wray Bat~lohl. CerrllCM 1.ac>era So P-Olann Sptignola, fullerton 4.00.a So P-Fr"* Speat, Santi AM 3 03ate So. P-Mnen 0aL..ow. CerT 3.1... So C-Rax BU.w. SO ,,._. -~ Ft. IB-Mlk• Stwpa, Sall!• Ana .304 Fr lnt-Soolt Groot, OCC 341 So. 1n1-0an 011111, canttoa 234 So. 1n1-o .... Tur11a1. Mt SAC 380 Fr lnl-Rlcll AbbOn, Senta Ana 2141 So lnl-Bll Hayaom, FIA!Wton 375 Fr Of-Mika C .. ozza. OCC 2" Fr OF-Phil Rollln.. SO MeM 373 So OF-Oave OrMn .... Sarita Ane .316 Fr OF-Tony Cenlalmo, Fullat1on .325 So n'i-Sl-~bFIAIWton 327 Fr ut-Mlh Correla. S M..a 2t3 Fr Pl•yer o r th• yH t Rod Mccarver tCwn1oe> Coach of Iha ~-Mika Mayne (Or.,... COUl) tt.li.n o,..n (•I "-a) Tlllnt llleuN ....... JOH HlguerH def. llll•a Oarulatla. 5-7. &-2. 7-5; Andi• Gomez <Nf. Yannlell Noell, 6·7, 6·3, 5·0, Ellol Tall.char Cl•f. llu11ar Mottnwn, M . 6-3; Wolt• Flbalt dll Helvy LaCont• &-2 1-1; T-Smid «Ml. ,..,,0 Rebolledo, 9 ·2. 8-2. Eddie Olbb• def Rleudo Cano. 11-2, 8· I, P•l>lo Array• def Paolo Bafloluccl, 11·0. 7-6: M•t• Wllandat def Thierry T~. 4-8, 11-0, M 09rmen WOl'Mft'I Opeft (ethfilll) Tlllrtl..._. ....... Bonnie Oedu..ll dal CleuClll KOhda. 11-2. 6-1. AndrM LMnd def Lan• San<lln, 7-5. 11-1, S)'Me Henlka def. S-L• Rollnaon. 11-3. 11-2. llattlna 8unga dll Kathy H<lr'otath, 7·8. 7-5, H•n• Mendllkon dar. Y¥onne Vwmu k, M . 3-e. 7.5 MCAA~mWT Mlfl (et An.-, Qa.) , ............ Jim Snyder (UC IMM) Cllll. Aob«to Sue! (Wlchltl St., •·2. 11-3, OMny Saltz (UCLA. ••·Corona del M.•r) Clef Rodn.y Herman (SM\li :i.e. ............. ........... Mar«* Fr..-..n (VCl.AJ dll. &nyoar, 0-8, II-I. &-1. Howatd 8anCla (HatVlrd) oet !Wtz. 6-3 .......... ·-I•• ... l.A•CllJ) '"'..__ Marla Myera (UC llW>e) Clef. UN Ll'lln• (Flonela~ 1-8 ...... 6-3 ............. EllM Burgin (StanlO<d) Clef. Myeta. 1·2 11-0. Bu cs, Gauchos in state finale SAC RAMENTO -Seven athletes from Orange Coast College a nd six more from Saddleback have qualified for the State Community College track a nd field meet set for Saturday at Sacramento City College's Hughes Stadium. OCC's talente d dis tances corps will be repr esen ted by 1,500 meters specialist Steve Uchytil, Mike Serna in the 5,000 and Brian Harold in the 10,000 meter race. Craig Glicken has qualified for the state in the shot put. Uchytil finished fourth in last weekend's Sou thern California c h ampionsh ips at Bakersfield College with a 3:51.82 mark. Serna clocked a 14:42.55 in the 5.000 while Harold was fourth with a 30:34.5 effort. Saddleback's Tracy Mitchell. who won the Southern California long jump with a 24-3 ~ leap, w ill be pined by David Ashford in the 110 high hurdles (14.42) and 5,000 specialist David Howard (14:53.63). ~·s women will be led by Barbie Ludovise who qualified with a victory in the 3,000 meters. Off-road racer s to compete Most of the top drivers in off-road racing will compete m the historic first off-road championship grand prlx at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona Sunday. Included in the entry U..t is rock and roll star Ted Nugent who will compete in the unlimited single-seat class along with Jeff MacPheraon, Mike ancf Scott Gilhnan and Marty Letner. Loma Trash Can $7.8.8 (Slmllar to lllustratlon) 4D CROW• HARDWARE w .. tc1m Plue 1024 Irvine Av.. Nftpof1 BMot\ ~2-1133 CoNMdellW 3107· E..J COMt Hwj. 87~2800 Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT1'rlday, Mly 21 , 1082 ~ .. ":.Tl ( .... ., ...................... , """ UCI. 440 )Wda. Ntat to 11a Nd\ !Hetti a•.oo 10..0 uo "**Y'I ll'llltt (latcll 7 .40 • '° er-.. Jedi aoa co.rc1ou1 uo Aleo raoae· I M I ,.,. Aoa, Tll• Ollall.,, TIMMlll N IWift, lpaClltlecl ~. hde- Wey4oft Awwey, Crale 00 nm.:tl'I~ • UACrf A ($. 11 P11C1 llOUO llOOND U C&. $60 ~oa ._ Trou«lla """ (hnll • oo ~ eo s oo H4IV9 lattla (lM'kl¥) a IO I IO Vtl\lo OI WlaClom (IW°ll 4 IO Aleo ra~: O\letye ou .. an11eto, Night• 1.lrnltt, Mite Hu.,d Covnty, l<lC>tl CamllOt Time 17tl0 n.D M CS. 360 yatCI• Telle You Ott (C..CloU) & 40 3.20 2 80 PIM 0...., TN Cuti (""1) 3 00 2 80 illey Tile lllrd (,..,._) 2 IO AlaO racacl: Comatll. Jal N Roeilal, "-OflttlnQ, Jiffy Lunol\. Prior Totalraoll. MIN MIQhty lWer. ~ Atidy. Time• 17 '4 ,CMMnf AACL UO .,.,ci. ,-Mntc:ll (&.ac*I¥) 25 •O 1UO 10 60 The , .. u,,., (Dominguez) &3.60 22 00 lllaQuaat Charo-(Han) 5 00 Aleo r90td Goin For''· Kid Chioma. Zlnoo Che rge, 8olld Mahogany. ,. .. , ftoozfa, Mttll• Don, P9ttac1 fan nm.: 17.11 • lllACTA (a.7) paid 1810 00 f1f'TM M CI . 440 r.,da Muet!MloW (C..clou • 40 3.40 3 00 P-1• Bunny (Hwt) 2.80 2 80 JullM Lady Lawyw (Adelr) 4 40 Aleo racael: l\an11 Rabal, Dolly• Hope Nullleelo Jr. 8qu9te Coocepl. P11tr Pu Cell 81\ol. SM to See T.,,,.: 21.M 9IXTH M oa. «O ywde ~ (Cerelola) ~ 80 2 20 2 20 LMdlng Siar (Ladll¥) 2.60 3 00 Oattend St.tolltnt (Crtaowl 4 00 Atao raced : Extortion, Not Too EHy, Kothye Hot>a. The Blacll Alflanca, P0t1e Fan. Relaa VOi.ii Duk•. Clau Fa¥O<lle. l"-21 51 a lllACTA (4·2) p.alCI '5 90 llVGfTH M CL 440 Y9JOI. Ju.lanold Love (CardOU) 7.20 3 20 3.00 low N Monty (NICOdarnU9) 2.80 2 40 ~ P11NU9 (Wwd) 5 00 N.o ~· Jotw>tf Vlll0to. The Atmanlan, Jumbo Pacific, Euy OoOad, Summe r Enoountw. Time: 21: r2. 11 lllACTA (1·8) paid 118 40. llGH11t MCL 440 Y910•. My Startlme (Tr--.) S 90 2 40 2 20 Too Tidy 519 (Were!) 2.80 2 20 The Plan IAClaWl 2 40 Aleo taoaO Fly1ng Rodlllt. Ima Eaay Rael, MHtart CH ll, Ragel Pl•H Urt, Hay And Oet•, F .. 1 Wheal Time: 21.81 It UACTA (7.e) p.alCI 18 00 It "'°" ... , .. 5-7-4-1-T) peld "'!~ 40 wtlfl 10 Winning llelteta (Illa llOt-). N Pldt Six conaoletlon paid '411.20 Wllll 212 wtnnlng tleltata(-~). NMTI.IC.. 400 ywC11 ShooNm .. ill1y (Craagw) 5 00 3 00 2 80 A.-Cart (811CI) 3.80 3 20 Touu Moon Duh (W.,d) 2 80 Alao raeact· E.aay &ool<, Chlt4 Copy, Klno Leo Dial, l<lul•IM Pote!•. Carmellno. Tuli Honorltl Too. SportJng Oalala Tlrna. 20'38 It UACTA (5-2J peld l30 20 Anenciw-. 7.443 HoltywOOd Pn THUMbA Y'a MIU&. Ta (21*1 .. ..., ............... MMtlftl) '1MT M ca. '7 lurlongl 8eiglllm 8*" (Ollvwoa) 8 40 4 80 3 20 GarllalCI (0.W-"9) 6 40 3 oo Oudflca11on (Mc:Carronl 2 116 Al•o raced Tarrllorlal, My11ery King, ProvlcMnUet, On El P-. Time AdVocete, "°"*' Gener•. Outen Tr•t Time: 1:23. •COND !UCL 1 1119 mlla. Fency Oer1cY (Plncay) 5 20 •.OO 3.40 w.ii • ~' flllllanZualal 54.40 21 80 PMI Mamo<1M (Ortagal 17 00 Alao raced Lowake, Noble Celebrity, Midnight M•plc, Updalt. Jenny Factor. TIAla'• Oeme. My an->. L.eOy fryslol, Hocle tofaL Tlma~ 1:47. , .. OM. V oou..a (3-2) peld 126.80. .,..-Mca. 1 11 I 6 rnllea. ........ MeglC (~ 4.20 uo :uo ~For ~ (McHa<CI"') 7.80 •to p,_ P......_ (Mcearron) 3 00 Aleo r ac ed. Aullede l, Joa Montena , Drohan'• Colir1, Hol Tracl<a t-. 1:•6 115 • UACTA (!M) peld 185 00 l'OUll'TM M ca. 5 ~ ~om111ng G1r1 (MclCanofll 4.00 3 oo 2 eo Propwtla ~~) 5.80 3 80 NanclM( 400 Al.o raceel. Ollnatrtx, Lucky Lakaeld•. FlaM w..cs. Owen'• Panny T1me'. ·51 "' ~ 1"""""' ,r:"'' '~r;C.. •.oo U& UX ~, ... °'-" ( • uo Alto rHtf Jllfl lur•e, ••lllt!J Oatlll'I Ounnar.1. •111ey Ollla11, Miii Tll• Tiii, 1'11• I.Oiiier, •Cl'• NoWI TllllaJ UJ tit 18 HAOTA ( .. t11polcj1101.00. lll'TM AAol. OM mllt 1nour11o11 IOWT'•I • oo 4 oo ) 40 TMl (a •ao ... o Otooo ( l.10 Alto I , Kryalol In-. lw111 Hlltaf, Tan11111, Aortl Doctrine. AllOthtt lparo, WrfOl Ooao, Mwll'I Poloy. nm.. i:al 11•. .. ~ .... turtoll09 ~-· 400 300 220 loatlel O'Wonder (l.lpl\llll) :UO 2 IO Prono PoalllOtl (PtnoeYJ ~ .ao Aleo raoad. KW>'. l -4 ,.,_. TIIM. 1. II. • &llAOTA 11 ... ) P11C1136.00 t;I lttCK llX (2·:1·1•1·3· 11 p•ld 138 I 411 Wltll 326 WIMl"9 tletla11 (Ilk hOt-) 12 Pk* 81• oon10111ton peld 11•.oo with ~.ue winning Uokatt (five ho•aaa) U Pick 8 1• ec11tch contOlallon paid 14• 20 wtlh 77 ll'IMtrlg lleltti. (tour l'IOreM. --•lefl) llOMnf M el. One rnlle on lutf ~ (CatlaMOa) 12 40 ' 80 3 40 Fall (OelallOUMaya) 3 IO 2.80 Ouanlum L.._, (MCOer•on> 2.90 Atao reced Arco, Toreorn. Orl1lle MotMTy. 9uttalo Hen fllM I 33 31& NltfTII M CI. I 1118 tnlle9 on turt UllllCNlge (Oe4illlOl.llMy) 36 40 8 oo & 40 Olrtama fMoCatron) 3 00 2 80 KunelelwW (\lalenlu91•) 4 00 Alto recael tnrant PrOdlgy Alconono. P Vlk, Rani Boldly, No SMnkt Time U I 31& .. IXACTA (5-8) paid 1258 00 Attenclanoe: 18.682 Deep ... fWltng ... .,Wf'Olll-""ll'T"' (Alt'9 ........ , -35 9'iglar• 3 berracuda. 19 bonito, 15 bat•. 142 .. madt••· 2 rocto flel1 \0."7'• Lednl -45 W>glera: 5 t>arr acuda. J.4 bonito. I 21 Nnd b-. 3-4 «*too t>Ma, 208 rnackwel OAHA WHAN' -137 englet'I 164 t>Ma. 2 hallbul. 1 rocto IWI. 82 l'IMldlwel I.ONO 8lACH (8al,.a11t Pier) -48 anotw• &SO rod! cod, 7 cow ooCI (0-'• Wliarl) -9 I anglara 4 ye llowlall, 2 t>erTecud•. 2 bon410. 200 ca11co t>aM, 17 Nnd baea. 7 halibu1, 20 rodt 11th MAL RACH -2i1 angler• 290 rodl coCI •• ·:·· ---, -. -· I O,_Prhfftl•flfJMI ( ...... ~--1 1 ,._ N~. ,,_, Aaftalllt lllfM, 1:&4 "'· .... 87 IN"""' .. MdrM • o..n.. Meir. Nia ....... 1:24.128 1 . ll1oo ere1 0 P1 1tau, 11 a 1r • .,.~.uutt. 4 K••• llobart. ""l•t1•. Wlllla111a, 1Htte a OW.-oeiy, ~. W1mama. t;lt.IOI I . Alaln Pro•I, 'r•noe, Aan111ll 111rllo, t;JUflt . 7. Hllll L.WO, Allllrill, Mc:Uran, t:U .UI . I MIOll•I• All>ortlO, ltefy, Tyrrell. IHMO 8 ...._ 111qua1, erut1. "•OMrn-SMW t\ltbO, I H .07&. 10 ar11110 o~. 11111y. Alfa "-· I Hot). I I N10tl ManMI, 9rnatn, l.oC\19. 1·at 202. 11 Jolln Wat.on. ••llaln. MoLarel'I, 121 )17 ta 01<11 .. ,.,,Oft!, ,ranc.. F.,,.,, tllfl>O, 1.27.380 14. lllo de Anollla. Italy, LOl\19, 1:27 Ml 16. Menfrad ~. O.rneny, ATS, 1.27 162 18 Eddi• Cheever, U 8 . l lglar Ja11, 121058 17 Jacciu-Lalllla. Franca. Uglar J818. 1:28353. 11. Marc Surer, Swllzerlend, Arrow1, 1'21 380 19. ltian ~. "'1alll. l'fn'•. 1 ·21 17 t 20 JH n-Plarre Jerler. Fr•nc•. OHll•. 1.29057 ThUradaJ at lftCIJ Practice continue d Thur~ lndlWlepolie. wltl\ fMl'f'f of Iha non cart tUll ~ ,_ -.i ~.~to grab -of Iha I I rarnalNng 1P01.t for IN 33-cal r-day ~ S everal of th• 22 altH dy-quellfle d maclllnN macle llPPMflrlOM on Iha lracll IO wortl on thalr r-..CStY ... upa. Tilunda~~81tUCttoM ~l.eapa NEW YORK YANKEE& -Pl.aceG Dav• Wll>~. outllalclar, on Iha 15-dey ~ HSI Mo...o Jerry Mumpllrey, OUlflelOer, from tha 15·d•y CllHblad ll•t to Iha 2 l ·day dlH bltel lla t. Stgnad Bobby 8 ond1. 0Ulfta60er. llnd L)'tVl ~. pllehar. to minor IMQIM contrectt Wllll Iha ColllmtKla Cllpplr• of 11\a tntamatlonal L-ciua OAl<LAHO A'S -Caled up Rlct. 8oNllJ. outllelelef. from T acome of Iha Pldllc c-t League and ••nt Kel¥1n Moore. flrat ~.10 Tacome TEXAS RANGERS -P1acecl I..• Ma.121m • ou1flelclaf, on the 2 I -4ey OIMl>lad llt ......... l.eapa CINCINNATI REOS -Called up Oreg H.,rll pllc,.,.,. trom tnell1t11epolla or Iha Amar1can A..oclallon end _,, Joe Eclal9n. Dlldw. to~ MOpjTREAL EXPOS -PurcllaHd the contract or Bred Gulden, ce1char. rrom Wlchlla ol th• American Au ocletton. Rtrno¥9d M•• Phllllpa. lnlleldlr. from their 2 5 -m a n roa l•r ror Ill• purpoae or ~IS CAAOtttALS -P'-1 Garia Taneoa, catc:tw. on the 21-(lay dlaebled !let. LUUTULL ~--.... A111••11 NEW YORK !<NICKS -N•me CI Dave Oe6uaachwe exaartJ¥a Ylce pr-• llnd dtrac10t ot bu.,.tbell oei«atlon• Stvnec:r HuC>le Btown to mu111-~ contract .. I-a coadl SAN ANTONIO SPURS -Signed Sien AlbtCk, "••d COI Ch, to • thrt•·Y••r contr- fOOTaAU. ......... , ..... l.eapa BOFFALO BILLS -8lgrltCI Perry Tuttle. wide race l¥tt, to • 1arlaa or one -year contr- ST LOUIS CARDINALS -SigneCI OeYld Boi!on. wide ,..._ HOCCIY ,......,.. .... .,L....- MONTREAL CANAOIENS -Signed Jetlfey TMI end Mika McPhae, lift Winge. to ""'"'..,.... con1•-eou.aa BOSTON COllEQE -Named Stan ~ ....._ baeltetbell ooacl'I. BRANDON UNIVERSITY -Signed Jim (;(latopllat lo • ~ -meet .. ,_ 11.-alball coedl. MISSOURI -Nem aCI Oary Fllb•rl ualelant bMllau.tl ooadl NEVADA-LAS VEGAS -Anr>ouncacl 11\a re•lgnetlon ol Tele• Locke , part-llrne NSlatW11 bul<albell coach NORTHEASTERN -N•rnad Karl Fogal -.te l>ul<atbal coac:ll Cl 250 TRADE TABLES Featunno Guns -AnhQue & Modern Ammo -War Relles & Surptue Indian Artifacts -Rugs & Je1Nelry -Coins INDIANAP011S Adml11lon $3.00 Children Under 14 S1 .50 l-Wll1'M"°"""l HOUIS: SAT., SUH.. t .. I OIW•I COUNTY,.,_ HOUNDS MIW ,.ODUCTS 'Aft.IOM. ILM. to '24 MICROCOMPUTERS FOR SMALL BUSINESS LEARN BEFORE YOlJ BUY $24 f 3 hour hand ... on courae (you run the computer • not a demon1tr1tlon) covering cuatomer bllllng -payrOll - Inventory contrOI -bin paying -word proce11lng and other uae1 for the bualneaaman. Capacity. coat and func tion analy1l1 of popular microcomputer 1y1tem1 lndudlng APPLE, TRS • 80, IBM, VECTOR and ofhen. Evening and Satur day momtng .... ions. etua llze Hmlted to elghf ltudent1. TIMI T•IALI IAT. MAY 22 •UN. MAY 23 BROADCAST TIME:~ PM· 4'00 PM ~ - T b" r .. 1 1' l M ilaV uo'oJ \llOl. • i .. ,J I yd • 1:> !J llU , .111iw 1! t\I c nc l't/C ii. • •»8 ''"" t .. 1lo • .J i:u..3 11 'fl~ . ~ . "° t I .. 11i'• I .... ,.. .. A ...... . ; O.IOC. 1Ja(,t .. ,,. " -....,~·A ' ,• ... •1111•• ·~ .. ···~· .>•IA ..s •MJI ,,. " l tJ~ 01 •=i ,. tt'l8 ·1 '''° ·' ~ "HI ' .. t ~·o" ;,ef..t I; ' . . . I ·I I I I ; I i I Ml.IC MOTICl M ... ""*!!• IC ... tM AM OlllOOtA•OI 0, fMI OITY NAMI tTA .. MIMT • flDT1CI Ml.IC fGYU "'I~ OIDINMICI MQ. ti•'I ''°nnout ......... .. ..,....... CV "0Tlf10\ll ttUllNHI COUNC~ °''"'CITY°' OOITA Th• lollowlno lltrton ,, dOlllt .._Ole.it 0 TM lo!IO'!Vlrlt ~· art delnO Notlot It ~.-.n ~I lo ..-Ml•" 0"'"'0AMA OIHANOllltO a ..••• :_ 9ld baMliM •• •"' .. ~ M lhl~ u •lfoM $0TI n"l07I Of the CMI TN 1:t:fn!'~'"~• dolnt '"1ioN'iH OP YHI NO"'H -;;:.:,. .• U"'YtCll. tel' W 1tw fU14lllf ot . OIUHO HIAl.Tl4 Ol.IHtO. MOI MOOOVI IOUIHI HlllfVl<;H CNI tif 1t1t lt.t. °' c.tllfOtl'lll IN "' HM.P Of' LOT'•~°'* 0 Of' lMI Mc'edCMn Aw. tulle to. llll'tl ...... ol lhl ..... ,,11 OlttrlCI "'"'.'"'· Htwporl ....... OA t1tehM11 LIM Ootll MeM Ct bl 1.tnfer:n••· &:.: Towln!. 111 ~ri111 AHO HAll"OLI, llMY TRACT •1 TO CL ""'·CA n704 ~dll'lll'llltt '"" C*IWJ "41 Anon gtlO TO THI "IQHllT 11001" 'o" 0,.21 ~ w:'i .. ~=~ ll10'1IO"t• et LI W, 0 10 Newport TICCfT'l'COOHCILCH'THICllY JAHl XAVllllll . 014 w, AWinile, IMM, CA ... ,.. ~ llHIOtOT J 01\.AHO .... MO CAll4 tptylt>I• ., time of H it In lyl'ill Jffn M~y •1• lllHll ... ..,..,... i. I Ct nttr 0 110 . I 1no. Newport °' COITA MHA OOH lillllllV Mc'edOtn A~. ~I• to. a.ta ltre~eol 11111tll10tll1n lit~l'll· f""'' .. ltl1ce. OHi• MtH. CA ltw!~ ~ 01 1111 United •1=i1.. LlllO COiie ....... Cihl ntH wtlt ttlJ 11 publlO i UCtlOll, ii •• 0 .._.... .. , c:· .~ OfllOAIN Al '01.1.0WI ..... CA 12704 • • • o •• LOftn A UAAA.. J 1 tt lh 1 t4Clr .... 11 o 1.m. on Wlclnttdey -" .. ...,.. ... _ ~Ill' l'Y NO 01.A ., ,.. HIP Ill rlQhl tilt. 1ftd llll1rt1I oonv ~ ...... , '• ,. u I tllt tttl di" OI J"llt , ttll, lllt Myron I Htrpoto, IOt lo llCTION 1 Tl1tr1 11 llerll>y Thll ~ 11oondU0'.-1by811 lllt.AOOIL. Tiiie 111**9 l1"oonclllo* tly 811 It 11nd nqw htld l>y It undtr t,ald l.1.n1 Ootte Mtll. Ci«f 1.-IH 'omol>lii wtl MIMflloll, TtlHOl\t, CA t1 1~ pllOOCI 1.nd lnolUOICI In 1111 CL Zone, 1n4MCIU.i ""°' '4ellt .,. Oii Ill• Ol•ttlcl 11\flY!dilil, Dud Of T11111 Ill 1110 proptrty f'hll tlutlntM It COllOUGltd by I ~IUI 0~1 i11031' Tiii• bullMM It ~d\IC1ecl b'f.,, •11 rtll Pf'Ol*lyloc1tt0113144 I ncl Jent X!Wltr Admln1ttt•U~ Ctntlt, 1941 Mon lelltcllCt J, Qllino It !lettlniltti ducrlbtd 941n.,11 pertnerlhtp NIA !torte"-1 1nc11v1duel. 31&8 ... r ltr11110 wit Thi• 1t1t11Mnt wu llltid with me A¥9:.1. If~\ CA 92? 1• Thi• •ttlotntnt *" filed with tM T A u • T 0 A "11 0 u "0 r. 8 lvM• J Moody ~lid H ll II for '"' purpOH Of Myton I. H11Poll I HO. 1 ti I A. HUO r p., Cf I COIJnty Cllrtl ol °'9"91 County on N~iflCI • HllllfllY 01\llN '"'' C~IY Clerk of Ofl"91 County on OIVIR81,.(0. INC llllt "''""''" .... Iii.cl With Ille ........... lllnottMUndtr....._.IOt Thie llllllMlll '#11 llliO With lhe Numl>.r• 181·&21·41 i nd 47 MIY 11, tH2 lh4t •t>o-n•!Md loflool Olttrlet «14 Mey 1t, 11U llNl,ICIAl'Y· WILl.IAM 0 . Covnty Cl.rlt OI Oftnot Cou<'tty on ., •. ..., -....~ Covnty Cltftl of Ortnge County on AM tllil ettleln t.tnd llt~ttd In Int ,_,. °''""County, Olllfomle, Ktlflt ,,.,... l'llfTWOOO JR llld Mll:OOVlt MiY 5 IH2 to~lnoendllOrtfllottt,,erwllh Aprll f•. 1H2 County OI Oreno• •1111 ot 1'1.tbllthtd Oreng• Cout 0 1lly 11y end 1~rou1111 1.-Oovtrntng 1'1.tbll•h•CI Oren91 Cotti Oelly n .HTWOOO. ll~blM l/IO w1 .. " ''""° ~tt ot •dVerllll"ll Ind ••oen'" ,tln.12 C1ht0tl\l1. ~•l>ld u l'll01. M1y "-'· 21. JuN 4, t 1, ttt2. ao.id. ~fttr ,...,,., to M ltl!Ot, Mty 11. 21 June 4, 11:..1!t.2 COMmuMy proe>tfly l'ubllthOd Or1r1oe C(o .. t Ottly Of ~la:. llllt 211t di'( ot tHv, INZ Mrr911 I Hlf~ Thi Nonll Hiii ot Lot I lloclt C 2t"42 "OllTR.~T", wtM r900i"9 U9 to, tM.11 ,,_.., ROCOfdtO June 21, 1N1 .. tmtr PUot. M1y 7 14 QI 21. 1tt2 ... -Q w Miiier • WWITTllllf ANO HA~Ol.·.. OI '"' 81try Tritt ... tllOWtl on •1------------ not ,,,., thin th• ibOYt·tt•I"' .... W\TfC£ No 401181 In l>ook 14 I 17, P•O• 2*·12 ltut>ll•lltd Oreng• Cout Dall~ .,. ~ c"''" °'· ,, M•P rlCOld.0 In IOOk •• , •• ot P\a,IC NOTICE time, IOlled bid• tor the twlld OI . ,._,c "" 1701 ot Oflielel Recoro1 In IM OlllC• l'llOt, May 21. 1N2 2232 .. _2 ~ ....... CA... M11c1111ntou1 Rtcorot OI lOt ---.......... _ contrKt for IN •bow projec:I. ol the RtCOfa.F QI Orang• County "9JC NOTICt Puoli•h•d Oreng• Cont 01il) Al\Ollff County, CllllOfnle. to0tt'* NOTICI vr ...,..... .__ llO• tlllll.,. rtce!Yld '" thl plla. "CTITK>UI IUllMlll Hid d .. d ot HUii elttcrlbll thl Plto M•y 14 21 " Jun• 4. 1012 With th• unc1..ion11t0 1trlp on ,... NOiiet ,. ll1r1by QIYlll lllet th• ld1n111t1d ,et>ove , 1nd 1h1l1 b• NAMI tTATIMINT 1011owino 111ope1ty NOTIOI IMVmNO 9IOI P'UBLH: NOTICE 2131·82 Nor1herty 1ldt ther1 o l 1nd 1111 city council 011111 cit~ ot L1qun1 ~ end pUbllely ttld eloud 11 Tnt lollowtnO Ptr1on II ooino LOI 0~ Of Trtct NO 1844, In It'll Notice II lleriOy ~ IMI the W11lerly hell of 1119 unn1mt0 1t11et h.ctl Wiii ~ I pobl hlillflt lo lht l bOY9-llllld lllni end~ 1>u1lnMSuN'w""''"T <>[•LT0"8 241112 City ol NtwpOtt ... Ch. Co11n1y OI 80.,d of frv•IHI ol th• Collt l'UeLIC NOTIC• ...... ,c W\T1CE on lh• l!uterly •Id• lhlllOI, .. con1ld., lno1111lng trtn•lt ,.," fherl will bl • UI oo dlj)Otll "'" ... .. " · Ortnot. Stet• o1 Cll410rnta. u per 0 r-. nv 111own on lilO Mao 1ff'IMlllv1 Jut7 I 11112 8110 pul>llO required for ••ch ... ol tlld 1111 Santi CruJ MIH•on lflliO CA INllPriCOrdeellnbooe131•.Plftllf Community Oot1•11• l1trlct of ISIOOlll>•ok Com(lluntty College EXCEPTt.H O FROM BAIO hitting wtl D• htld 11 tollow1. docum«ltl to guarani• 1119 mum U691 IOU lncilullYa. MltGelintout ~. Oreno• County. Cellfornlt, Wiii Olltrlct hereby glvet nollei thll It PICTTTIOUI .u...... WE STEAL 'I' 150 00 F ... llltl Tutldey. June 15, tH2 II 7 00 pm In gooO Condition Within I& dl'fl RontlO L Hur191t1. 24eu 111• 1n Int OttlCI Of '"'county recoroer rtoilYI IHl•d bid• 1.tp to 'l;OO h .. lil4lcl ,., • m•jot Ch~ In Ill ..,. ... IT•r.•NT portion 011crll>IO In 0110 10 It'll lrl tht City Council Chimbirl, 606 allll tho bid optnlng dall Sent• C•ur. M1u 1on 111110 CA ol 111<1 county • m • Tll\lfadi)I, JUM 10• l"2 •t l'tOttll COrnm11n1C111on1 Commit · Tho tollowlng per1on II doing Stall ot Cahfomla. record.cl May 4 Forni Avenue 1..111un1 811ch, EICh bid mutt COntOtm and l>I 921111 EXCEPT THl?RfFROM •II Oii QH Ult l'urctltilno Otptftmeflt ., llid "°" ij)911Utl0n IOI ill FM Trenele-bullllMt.. 1186. In eook 7507, P111• ttl ot C11U01nla r" Pont t v• t o I hi con" ec t Thi• t>u11neH is c:onouct.o by 4111 mtnttt.11 ind other h'(drocttl>Ont. coll•o• dl11rro1 locilod ii t:tl'O tor 10 ttrva N1wpor1 e11c11, C•ll· J & R PREMIUMS. 45111 t1111 Oltlclll Rtc01d1 of °'llftOI counry Publl•h•d Orang• Cou t O•ll't Oocumtnt• indlv1dual bll<1W I dtl)lh 01 WU'"' wllf'I011t Ad1m• Av1nu1, Cotti MtH, tornla to bl tocat.a on lhl root ol Avenue,• 12, Huntington 8Mc:h. CA Cllllornl1 Pffot, M1y 21, 1882 Etch l>ld 111\all bl 11CGompenled • Ron•td L Huno•t• 1n1 nghl ol 1urt1c1 tr1try, H Cilllornta, 11 Wf'llCh tlmt Niel bide Hoeg Hotpltil Reoarolno •PPllC•· 92949 SECTION 2 Pur1u1nt 10 1h1 2262·82 l>v th• ·-urlty r•l.,r--" to In , .. _ Thll 11111men1 WH rn.o w•tfl lf'I• rtMrYO .. 1n 1n1trumen11 ol rtciord wlll l>I publlcly opened and r..O IOI'; tlon Ill• •8 PFT8 fOlf &fA, d•lld M. R . JI! F,, A E y DE AN I I I .... I 3 7n .. _ ' -""' ,.. c o c " PAlNTINO 01' FALi. 1062·83 M•reh 111, 1982. the lollowlnn BENNETT ...... 1 '-'·'I •v-·-. •t2, prov a one 0 .._ton 1 ·"or t... DIDllC NOnrr contrtet dooument1 and by the 1111 Cou11ly lerk or reno.-ouniy or' YOU ARE IN D£FAULT UNOEA A CLASS SCHEOUL.f: OAANGI! chi ngee 111.,1 bffl'I propoHd t Huntlnnton .. ~.h,., ... c:·,.2-.;::, t.Aunlclpll COde o1 thl City of Cotta ____ r_UUl. ___ ,_~---- ol proe><>Md tubeonttector•. May 6 1981 I "'1 ... 00 DEED OF TAUS T DA Tl!D Mey &, COA·T COLLEGE -8ld No. t074 c ... """" ol fr"""---Y from II" 1 t.AHr T ... ~""bu••n..-. ... I• con"o·uc-1.; l>y en M .... Ollltlct Mtp E·8 of 1111 City Of •• "'IC__... •• IUltNIH TM DISTRICT~ IN rlOlll r 1081 UNLESS YOO TAKE ACTION '" ••·...--... -~~ " ·-., '"" Cotti Mlli copy of Wf'llC:h 11on11141 " r '""""' to t1jtel eny or e" b!Oa 0t 10 *'lve Pul>lithod Ornl'lge Coesl Diiiy TO PAOTECl 't'UUH .,HUPEATY IT PAINTING GOLDEN WEST IO 119 6 MHz. 2 Ch1n9e In power lndMdull In 1119 ottlee ~ tll9 Planning OMeion, NAMI tTATIMINT lflY lrrl(IUltrlllta OI' lnlormllttltl In Pllol M•y 7 14 21 211 1982 MAY BE SOlD AT A PUBLIC SALE COLLfiGe FALL 1082 CCA68 OUIPYI lrom amgll ltnwltt 1mpUll« Mr Jeffrey Olin Bennett herlb 0.0 b 119 IOO Ion Thi lollowino perton• .,. ooing tny l>tda or In thl l>IOOlng 2013·82 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATI ON SCHE LE -Bid No. 1071 lo duel ten w1tl 1mpllller1 3 Thll ttll-I wll Iii.Cl with 1111 :~llO ~~L .,.! ~nc:tl~ In ou11nea111 The DISTRICT NU determln.0 OF THE NAT U A E Of THE PR NTING Of FALL 1912 Change In num1>1r ol dlt1cllon1I County Clefk 01 Ortngt County on Sec:tton 1 ntreof KLEEN WINDOWS, 111845 l'tft.IC NOTICE CEE"'NG AGAINST YOU YOU STUDENT CATALOG/Cl.ASS 1nt1nn11 from lour to two Com· ••ay 18 1882 Lurea L&ne Hun11ng1on S..Ch. CA 1119 ~ P<tvalllng 1111 of per PAO ...., ' SC H E D U LE C 0 A S TL I N E mtnll In IUPPOfl ol Of In oppotlllon ,.. ' f1"712 SECTION 3 Thll OfOinence ahall 92646 dl.rn w99 in th4t locehty In ..nlct'I FICTITIOUS IUllHHI 8HOUL0 CONTACT A LAC WYEA.d COMMUNITY C6LLEGE -8ld No to 1111 1PC)llutoon mt~l>I Ill.a wllh Pu .. lllhld Orenne Co&•I Diii" 1113.k0•1•dlfecaytttn0f r oblm ln1 nludH ,rorl 1Cl1r1h11~1,V JOHN BYSOUTH. 191145 1..UIM lhla worl< la IO bl perlormtd lo• NAME STATEMENT 43 Mont.Cito Ollvl oror1I II 107" th F--" •• C 1t10n1 Com " "' ' " Line. Huntl~ton "-·-h. c• "'264'". fl t 1 " .. CA " 1 .,.,.,., ommun · Piiot M1y 21 28 June 4. 11. 19112 th t d 1 th ....,_ "'• v llCh cra or YP• 0 wor .. min The ro11ow1ng persons are <IOlrrQ mlr, All l>lda .,, 10 bi In ecoordence mltllon Publlthed In Or1ng1 Co11t ' ' ' 2261.82 PHHg• ereo •an pr or to • JEFF A BEATS, 111846 Lur11 netded 10 execute th• contract business os (II 1 'trMt •<ldreu or common with th• BIO FOl'm ln1lf\ICl1lon1 and Dilly Ptlol, Oalet ol Publlc1t1on: explrat1on °1 llhMn (IS) 0•v• from Lene. Huntington Beic:h, CA 112648. Tll111 ,.,., '" on Ill• 11 the c & MAS SOCIA TES. •ooo designation 11 shown •bove. no Condition ... s...,.11 .... 1 ........ Wf'llch •• .. 7 12 1• 18 21 1n82 ------------1111 p111-ee ahatt l>I pobllalled once Thia h·-•neaa 11 conauct'""' by 1 DIST"rCT tt•-· 1oc t'""' 1 2"'1 t 1s 1v1n 11 10 111 11"" ..--..... ....... ...ay "' · · ... · · • · ... m11c NOTICE 1n th• O"ANGE COAST DAILY ..__. ... " 0"""' lau 1 .,.. MscArthu1 Newpo rl Belch CA Wltlln y 9 . lllt>OWlnlllelllOm:tblMCUrld 2088-82 l"UU\. " aer19'alp111.1'141tlf'llO Alton Avenue. '"'1n1, CA 92714. 92660 comp111aneu 0t correcin•HJ ...,,_ •• 1 ..... p ~"'" • .....,.1 Pl I.OT 1 n•*•P•P" olJ•neral JOhn By~·ih C I> ··---' . .--T ._.. lie O • d Deed In IN""'""' O• ,.. ur -. .., .. ,.,... NOTICI TO co-•c ·T-• c1r~•111•~ "'Int'""' 1-.. ~• ·~ In ~ opilS mly l>o 0 1--.. on rtq~. Cu•t•' Conine Worley Jr 211 he """'1 rtry un er "111 ol likl ~......,,.. dl1tl'lc1 '"'"" .,... ~v '"" ,... ... "",,.. .,...., Thia llllltnlftl Wll filed W11h the A copy ot th•H rtlfl ah1ll l>• Eastsno•e lrvina,.CA 92 714 c.• Trust by r111aon 01 • br .. ch or EiCh bidd;; rnul1 tubmlt wfth hla NltJC •TtE CAl.UNO '°" atOI lh• City ol Costa M111 or In lht County Cl9'k 01 Or1ng9 County on posteo at the IOI> Ill• Molly Themla Worley 26 EHi Oeleult in Ille obhg1t1on1 secured blO 1 CH hler'e Chtck, cerUfltel School Olllrlct OCEAN VIEW 1ll1rn111v1, th• City Clerk may April 23 1982 Th9 IO<egolnQ tc:heckll9 ot per •'-ort lr•ine CA 92714 tller1by herotolore execuleel lr\CI k l>ldd • I> d d SCHOOL OISTAICT C:llUM to l>e pul>lllll*' I IUIM'laty of I I> 0 .,, d I d 1h d 11nned • chec ' or "' on mi • ...... TICI TO c-OtT-1 Bid n....·011ne 2.30 o·cLOCI< P.. 1n11 "'<11n1~e ,ft .. • _ _.II'--' C""" dllm ""'11'1 1 111 upon • Thi~ bus1Mess is conducted bV an e ivere 10 • un " • 1>11 t ,... oer of thl Coi91 ""' -"" .,.. '"' ""' ·-,..., "'""' ,... ...,., P1tml Pubhth•d Oreno• Cout Dally Pilot. May 21 28. Jun9 4, 11. 11112 2245-82 wOtklng Oly of eight (8) houri. TM indMdu&I wrlllln Oecl11111on ot Oellult 1nd !?,~ 1°1 c' .. OI!!.., Oltttk:t Bolld M Mll.K TlllANl~UI OF THE 7TH DAY OF JUNE. 19112 of lhe lexl of this Ordln1nc;e t/1111 bl r1re for nollOey Incl ovenlml worti Curtis woriay Jr O&mand 10< Sale, and wlllllfl no11c1 ""'"mun Y _... (leoi. t101 -1107 U.C.C.) Piece of BIO ~pt: BUSINESS po1tl0 In the otttce ol lhl City Clerk I ...... h~'t v I h .. I I l I ~ Of T!UlllH In en lmOUl\I not.... N I I h OFFICE, 1'""'•o B ST"EET , .. h d l I shlll be II le&st I ml .... -• . Thi~ siaiemenl w&s lil4!d wllh lhe o breec an., o • ec ion o cou.e fl 1 (5 ---cont) of 1111 01 Cl 1 •rebyJ lven to the v".. n five (.,) d1y1 prior lo I 1 I • o 11 shall l>o mend1tory upon Ille Coumy Clerk 01 Orange cour1ty 0,., the u"1d11s1gne<1 to ae11 111d thin l>velO perc:.n, 11:;-1" tllit tll9 c redit ore ol SA H ADAM HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 9211411. 11dopllon of lhl• Ordln1nce end CONT RAC TOA 10 whom the M.ty 5 1982 oropcrt~ to aa11sry said obllgatt0n1. :::S., 11¥11~ent.,~t;'it11 pr~ Tranll.,or. wl'loM l>ullM11 ldorn1 Project ld1ntlllc1t1on N1meF w•thln r11111n 115) d1y1 111er contrtct la 1waro.a, 11\0 upon 1ny flll71t 11n<1 ther111t11 1h1 undersigned Contrect 11 tht ume 11 •-Cled to IS. 105 South Lincoln, City of A E PLACEMENT 0 F A 0 0 '°°"tlOn, lhe Cl1Y Cieri< ahlll ctuM Plllt.IC NOTICE '1CTITlOUllUIMH NAMI ITA TUIENT 1UbConlr1C10< undef him, to PIY not Publisneo Orange Coast Daily causeO said notice ol b•HCh ind ol him In the_, ot tllluf• to _.1., o;_,., County of Or1ng1, St1t1 ol COVERING ANO INSULATION. to bl pobll1hld, the 1tor_..11oneo Ifft lhln the tilO apeclllld ,., .. to Pilot May 7 14 21 28 1982 elecllon 10 .,. RecO<Old FebrUll)' 2. Into tuCh contrlCI, 1hl p<OCMd• ot CllllOl'nlt 11\it • ~ 1..-.. .. LA I( E II IE w s c H 0 0 l . I 74 5 I IUIM'llry Ind ahall pot I In the ottlele Th• following p111on 11 doing bullnelS u 111 ,..orkmen ...,pioy.o by lhf/t'I In 2075·82 1882, II ln1tr No 12·0311437 of 1119 Clltclt wflt bl torl911tO. OI' In lhl 1t>out to bl medt to YOSHIHOAI ZE IOEA LANE. OCEAN VIEW of 1119 City Clerk a cerlltltd copy ol the u.ecution or 1119 contrllCt UIO Otflcill Aec:O'dt. Clli ot 1 bond, IN Ml tum ti..of FUJII a n d 'I A 8 UK 0 FUJI I SCHOO\. DISTRICT thll Ordln1nce together with th• NAT OLIVIERI & ASSOCIATES, 16112 Mt Muaal• Court Foun111n Vllley, CA 92708 No blOOer m1y withOf•w hta t>IO Ml.IC NOT1CE Said 111e will De m1da bul will 111 lorfett.O 10 1110 college T11n1l1re11 who11 1>u1tn111 P l1c1 Pl1n1 "'on Fii• n1tn11 of the m«nbefl of thl C11y for 1 perk>O ol thtrty (301 dl'fl ahlf wlllloul covenant or wartanty di91r1Cf IOOr"' ts 1109 San Patricio Or1ve. BUSINESS OFFICE, OCEAN VIEW Council •oltng tor and eg11n11 lhe the date Ml tor t119 oe>enlng ot !>IOI ftCTITIOUS BUSINESS e•precs of 1mpt1ea regarding tllll, No blOOtt mey wflhclt"IW hie l>IO City of Sol1n1 811cih, Stell of SCHOOL DISTRICT. Nl!'ll A p1ymen1 l>ond 1nd e NAME STATEMENT possession. o• encumbranc11, to lor 1 perlOd Of fOf1y·hW 1451 days Ci1UOl'nl1. 1 ' NOTICE IS HEMBY GIVEN lhll PASSED ANO ADOPTED lhla NAT M OLIVIEAI, 16112 Ml. Muula Ct Foun111n Valley CA 92708 pe1"f0<manc1 Mind w!ll bl rtqulreO T lie 101tow1110 per son •S <101no pay tho rt1ma1n1ng pr1nc1pel tum ol in., IN dlll M1 fOI' thi opening Thi property to bl trenlferrtd II the at>ove-namecl Scnool Olttrlct 61 17th d1y of May, 1982 prior to executtofl of the contrect. buainess os lhe no1ecs1 se<:ured by sa1<1 Doed or lhereot. dlecrll>tcl In Qlllll'al u : All •lock In Orange County, Cilfomli, ICllng by Arlene Schafer Thia bulln111 Is conducted Dy 1n 111d1vldu1I The payment bond lhall bl In the MS WALLS PRODUCTIONS Trust w11h interest ••in said note TM Boird 01 Truet-r...vw trldt, hxhKM, equipment lllO J:= and through It• Gov.rntng 801rd. May0< ot the form set forth In the cor1tract HOSPl1ALITV CONSULT ING& provlde<1.aavanc11 1rany un<ler tll9prlvli-....Ofrijlctlngl/'lyl/'IOlll will of tll&t Ga Stetlorl l>u her1ln1fter, reterr•d to•• CttyofCot11 Meu documents SERVICES 3262 Oregon Ave 1111 lerms of U•d Oeeel or Trust bid• Of l~¥e llty lrtlQUferlU• 0t known 11 SAM ADAM 'S UNION "OISTAICT', wll r.aelw up to, l>u1 ATTEST N1t M OIMett Governing Bo&<O Cos11 MM8 CA 92626 INJS Charge, and ••PlnMI of the l>kf CK 119 STATION Ind loclttO &t 5eo WMt not later then"" •bow llltld lime, EllHn p PhlnMy By A Stenl9y C«ey Susan L waus 2725 Car<11na1 ftuslee and of lhl truats C•Hltel l>y tnlonnilltlw In ll'l'f CK In 1 t9th StrMt. City of Colt• ..._, 111ltd 1>ld1 tor th• 1ward ot • Clly Clerk of the Thll llllemenl WH n1ec1 wtlh the County Cl«t.. of Orange County on May 5. 1982 Secr1t1ry Or Costa Me.a CA 92626 sa•d Deed of T•ust Sa•d Nie will l>I l>IO<llng NORMAN E. WATSON County of Orenge, Slit• of contrlCI IOI' tfll &l>Ove Pf'Ojlct City ot Cotla Mose Publllhe<I Ot1nge Cout 01tly This bu'1nen IS con<lu<:teO by an !lill<I on Tl'IUfsO•y June 10. 1882.. Secr .. llY 8oard of CilllornlL 8ldl lhtlll l>l rtQtfvld In tht ,,._ STATE OF CALIFORNIA l ,, ..... Publ11n1<1 011ng1 Coast Daily Pnot. M1y 21 211 June 4. 11 19112 2248-112 P1101. Mly 21. 28 11182 mchv1<1ua1 2 30 p.m. at the Chipman Avenue Ttuti-' The l>ulk tr1n1ltr wlll 1>1 Ide ntified l l>OYI , and 1hall l>I COUNTY OF ORANGE I 11 2200-82 Susan L Walls • n Ir an c e I 0 In e c I y I c c. n 11 r eo ... Community conaummllld on Ot '"., IN 9th opet'90 '"° pul>llcly r110 •louO I I CITY OF COST A MESA I ~-------------; Thi1 ll8ttin1en1 was hleO w11h lhe 8u•l<11ng 300 East Chapman ColllQt Oltlrlct dly of June. 11182 11 10·00 A.M. 11 tfll il>OW llll.0 llrne Ind pl-I, EILEEN P PHINNEY. City CMlfk Counly Ck!r~ ot Orange County on Avenue in tlle City of O•ange. CA Pul>lllhld Orenge Coll! Dally WESTERN MUTUAL ESCROW Ei ch l>ld mull conform 1n<11>1 and 111-olllclo Clerk ot the City PUBl.IC NOTICE Going Into Mav s 1982 A1 1he ttme 0 1 the 1n111a1 Piiot M•y 21 28 1082 2208•82 CORP: Attn: ARDITH RUSSELL. t11pon1lv• to th• cont11c:1 councn 011119 c11y ot coe11 MIN, 1------------FtM7IS publlca11on of this notice, the total • · • wtloM ldOr-11 14081 So Yorba, document• herel>y cerllly thll the 1bova ano K-0011t 8 Usl·ness?. Pub11,11od o range cou1 oa11y 1moun1 ot1he unpa1<11>111nc;e or the•------------Sult• 101, TU911n, c1111om11. Ucti bid 1118111>11CCOmpenlld t>y t0tegolng Ofdlnanc;e No 91.12 ..... FICTITIOUI llUllNlll p1101 May 1 14 21 ?8, 1982 obhgal•On secur1<1 by the •l>ove .,._IC NOTll'C That the lllt d•t• for llllng c:lalma the 11curlty relerrtd lo In the 1n11oduce<1 8l1d conllO..IO Mellon NAME ITAnMUfT A• required by law, new businesses using a Fl~tltloua Business Name must register that name -with the County Clerk. Call the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for forms and further Information. 642-4321 Ext. 332 DAILY PILOT 2073-82 <1esct1be<I Oae<I or l•ust en<I ,.~ ·~ lfl 1119 MCtOW t91wfld to htr""1 ii conlftcl documtnll tnO Oy the 1111 0y Mellon 11 a regular meeting of The lollow1ng pefaons are doing ------------e~11meted costs ••01n11s ano June 8. 11182. ol pr~ eut>contrectora. H id City Council held on th• 3rd 1>usoneu 1s Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U91NHS NAME STATEMENT Tne 1otlow1no person 1s <loinG businesv as JOJOBA RESEARCH PAAT NEAS 130 I Oovr Stroot. Su•le 260 N-porl Bea<.h c.i11rorn1a 92660 AOB~AT E COLE 61111 Bar Harl>or 0)1ve Huntington B11ch Cat1f0<tfi3 92648 This 1>us1ness •!> con<luctea by • hm1led pltlnefSfl•P Robeft E Cole This 11111ernen1 was hie<! ..,,th 1119 County Clerk ol Orange Counl'i on Apt1I 28 1982 F11i274 Pub1tsh1d Oranoe Coast Daily Pilot Al)tll 30 M•v 7 14 2' 11182 11191·82 adY•nCH Ill S585 756 24 To ....... c-t So ,., .... ltnown 10th• The DISTRICT r--IN right dl~of Auguat. 19111.ar>Otherllftll LI N EAR PUMP DEVEL· de1ermme me opening l>id you may lta• of C.....-Tr-'-· Ill bUllntii """" 11\0 to r-tct eny incl •N bid• CK to w11ve p&utO 1no 1dopteO u 1 wnoi.11 a 0 PM ENT LT 0 3 3 8 II II 11 can 17 141 937-0966 C-"J tf Sen ,,eMtfco 1ddr-UltCI by tll9 Tr1n1teror 1r1y lrrlQuflfltllt 0t lnlOf"mllltllt In regular meeting Ol NICI Counc;M held L1<10. 41h FIOO< NewPOfl Beach CA 0111· May 7. 19112 MOTICI °' INTPfT10N tor thl past thrM yewa 111 Same. any l>IOI CK In 1119 blOOlng. on the 17th day ol M1y 1882. by lhe 92663 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY TO Ill.I. MAL ~ OlteO. Apr11 29, 1982 No BIOOll mey wl1hclraw hll bid tollOWing roll c&ll vole 0 ALEC 0 PUMP DEVEL · assa1<1Trustee AT.....VATll.ALI YOSHINORlfUJll ror1 1>9rlodolforty·tlve (46)d1y1 AYES COUNCllMEMBERS OPMENT . INC .• Calitornit By Patricia A A1nd1ll Etlatl o1 Atthuf W. Phlllipl, Illas, YASUKO FUJII ofter 1119 dllO Ml IO< 1119 oe>enlng ol Schaf.,, Hall. Her1Z09, McFerl1M, corpora11on 3388 Via Ll<lo 4th ASS•SIOnl Sec:retery OtceutO. Trl/'llflf-l>i<!s. JOMIOtl FIOOt, Newporl Beiteh, CA 92663 One C1ly Blv<I Well NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Publllhed Or1nge Co11t Diiiy A peyment bond 1 nd 1 NOES COUNCILMEMBEAS Thia bUtlMlll II conaucl.O by I Orange CA 92668 tl'llt undtr91gnld wilt Mil Ill prtv1t1 Pllo1. Mey 21. 111112 2202.-2 perlor"*1CI OOnO *'" bl required None hm1te<1 partn0tlhlP 7 141835-8288 u !e sul>iect 10 conflmlitlorl of Mid prl<>f to execution Of thl contrect ABSENT COUNCILMEMBEAS Perklf Dile Put>ltshed Or1nge Cout D111ly SuperlCK Court. on CK '""' ~ 1, nl'r The p1yment l>ond 1h1ll l>e In Ille Nont Pr1t1d9nl "*>t. M9)' 14, 21, 21. 19112 19!1:1' at the offlcos ol A08EAT A l'taJC N01~ form 11t forth In Iha cont11ct IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hive Tin ttllement wu filed*''" lhe _________ ,.2,.10,..z._ • ...._8? BrtLUOMINI Suite 1040, 300 doc:Umtnll htrlby Ml my h&na 1na 11fbt0 lhl County Ottk ot Ortnge County on P\llLIC NOTICf MrJr1tgc>m91y StrMI, 5¥1 frandlco. NOT'tCI OF ntUST'Ea'I IAl..I PEAFOAMANC£ RETENTIONS Se&l ol thl City of Co111 Meta thla May 13 1982 Celrlorn•• 94 t04, Ill 1119 r191lt. tlti. ~NL._. The Contr1ctor 10 whom the 18th day of May. 1982 ICMOOl am snd i{lllfetl of said decea~ In 11\0 T.S. NL 070l1•1 contr1ct 11 awardeO m1y av111 El'-1 P Phinney COUMCL ILICTION to 1tl 1h1 c1111ln rHI property DtlTOlllAT hlm111t ot th• provlalone of City Clerk . The Fulton School Sit• COUnctl ii lltull• lfl the County ol Ofenge, T.O SERVICE COMPANY u cluly Government Cod• S•c:llon 4590 Publlahed 011nge Co11t Dally 11eklng nomtn11lon1 for perent Slit• of Cilllomli. ~l>tcl u 1ppo1n11d Tru1111 under th• wNdl lllowl Clflaln Mc:Utltlw to l>I Piiot, May 21. 19112 memb1r1 of 111 1982·83 council. fot!OW9· lollo,,.1ng d.-crll>IO d..0 of tru1t 1Ul>etltul4MI tor monlea wlthMIO to Et.ctlon wlft't>e 11110 Wldntlelly, An undlYldeO Onl·hllf ('Al Wll..I.. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION .,_.. periCKl!'llnCI 2237-82 F1IMOI Publi1h1<1 Orange Co111 Dally PllOI, Mey 21, 28. Juno 4, 11. 1912. 2248·82 Ml.IC NOTICE "'-2 ti 3•30 p.m In Room 111 of '"'""'In TM Souti-t quart• of TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR BIO SEC~rrv eacn t>IO ah.Ill.,. -------------------------;th• I ChOOI, 8778 El L1go St .. lhe SOlltMe&t QUart• of lhe South CASH (plyll>I• •I tlm• ot ule In 1ccomp1nl•d l>y. certlll•O or DlllH IDTICll l Fowntatn V•ll•Y Sit• Council one·hatt ot Lot 4 In Block 19 ol ll'#fUI mon.y of lhe UnittO Statet) C11hler'1 check P•Y•Dl• to th• maml>er1 help m1k1 d1cl1lon1 TrlCI N . CoM1 8oullVard Fermi, In -Ill r\ghl, tltll lr'ld 11'11«181 ~ Oiltnct. 0t • utlaflCtOI')' blO bonO In Nil.JC NOTICE PICTTTIOUI JUIJ .. H NAMelTAftMINT l(..001al FICTITIOUI 9USIHlll KAMI ITAftMIENT BISSING lfttctlng In.Ir ftllohbo"'OOd IChool the City of Huntington BMct'I. u to 1nd now held I>)' It uno11 1110 f1VOI' of the Olttr1Ct uecutld by 1119 ~ tul>mlt n&mll of~ lhOwl'I on 1 m11> r9COl'Cled In l>Oolt 011d ot Truel In th• property l>lddll 1 1 prtr1clp11 1 nd a et the ec:tlOol office by JIAM 1. 1 O, p • g • • 3 6 • n d 3 II of htrtln•tt., dM«ll>«I: ut11tactory 1urety comp1ny 11 KELLY Pul>ll1h10 Orange Co11t Dally Mi-t"'*>ue Mep1. In It'll ottlol of T A U S T 0 R . D l S T 0 M A T surety. In an llTIOUf'lt no1 .... then Thi loflowlng peraon1 111 dotng l>Uei~U Tl-. tollow1ng ~ton• 11• <loing bUSlnna 11 EXCELSUS LI MITED PAAT ·NEASHIP I, 3388 1111 Uc:lo. 4\t Floot. Newport BOllCh, CA 92663 PllOt, May 21, 11182. the County Aecord•r of 1110 COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. 10% of maximum &mounr Of thl l>IO. M A R 1 L Y N FA Y E WI LL I AM EDWARD 2258-82 County. t009thtr wtth ttlat portion INC., 1 Clllfomla COfl)On11on. The check or 1>10 bono ah1ll 1>1 BISSINC. age 53, of Seal KELLY, age 75 of Newport of 1119 Honn one-11a11 of Lot Pltot BENEFICIARY. PACIFIC CITY g1vtn11eguer1nt•tll9tthel>ldd9' (1) Sii.KS BY SANDY, (21 SB S LEASING. (3) s B.S INDUSTRIES. 17 IS Port Stirling Pleet. Newport Belch. CA 92660 SANORA E OBERMAN, 1715 Port Sllr1lng Piece Newpt:K1 Beech CA 92860 OALECO AESEAACH & DEVELOPMENT, INC , I C1llf0tnll corporation 3388 1/11 Lido. 4th Floor Newpo<1 Beach CA 82683 Beach, Ca. Passed away on Beach, Ca , ~~~ away on P\lllJC NOTIC[ Aven ue tying 1dJ1c.nt to th• BANI( shi ll execute th• contr1ct If It l>e ~ ~l>eO l&nd on the Soulh Aeoctd.cl June 5. 1980 u lnllr •-Cled to him In conlatmlty w11h r1>11 1>u11nees 1s conoucteo by • limHeO partnetsn.p May 18, 1982. Survived by May 18. 1982. Survived by &..ftlll 11 vacetld 1>y th• Boerd ot No 4N2 In l>Oolt r.1828 pege 1201 th• cont11ct docutMnta enO 1h1ll her beloved husband Lloyd, his beloved wife Ehzabeth NOTICE OF DEATH OF ~ Oy ~ tdopWd of Otflcill Record• In thl omce Of p<oY\09 the turlf'f OOnO or bOnd• 11 Thll bullnui II con<lucteO by a llnwle<I p1rtne<lhlp Pen.er 0111 loving children Hilary, and devoted son Robert VINCENT H. TROTTER on July 13, 1943. • canlfltd CCIP)' the Recorder of Oreng1 County. 1pec1111d *lthln s Oeya 11ter AND OF PETIT.ON To ........ ..,. r-ded In l>oolt t107 ...,... H id <111d of tru1t d11crll>H th• notlflc1tlon o1 th• awerd ol the Adam Robert and Justin Kelly o f Stockton. Ca ~2~""0f::="....,., .. _.... ,.._.. RicMrd M Ol>llmtr1 Thll 1111-1 WU ltltO With 1119 County Cl«k of Orange County on Pres;oen1 Th11 slel-1 WU hlld *'lh lhl County Clttk of OraftQO County on May 13. 1982 Ft"40I o;;;. .. .. "'"'" ,,_..,...,.. fottowtng property: contrttel 10 1119 l>IOder Robert, devotea sister of Private family &el'Vlces were ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. EXCEPTING THEREFROM 111 That portion of Loi 8 1 or Trtct Said 1teurlty ahall IMI torftlted to Mey 19, 1982 S hirley Boren a nd Phyllii; held under the direction o f A 113448 urenlum. lhorlum and 111 other No 853. In the City of Cott• M .... the Ol1trlc1 1hou10 th• blddtr ro W · L M 0 1· • • mat.,lill determined puf9Ulnt to u lhown on • map rf()()(OICI In wflom IN Contrect 11 '*"Old 1111 '1•7'1 Pul>ltahe<I Orange Cout Dally Pilot. Mey 21 28. June 4. 11, 111112 2250-82 Publ11he<1 011ng1 Coast Diily Pllol Mey 21 28, June 4, 11. 1982 2247-82 Hoover both of yoming Harbor awn ount 1ve T o all helrs, benefia.ries, aectlon 5(t>)(1)of the Atomic ENraY 8oolt 111. Pege 42 of MtlClllllntOIJI to eucute th• Agreement 1nd and Cord on V. Hoover o f M ortu a r y and Memorial c redttors and contingent Act of t~ (IO 8til 7tl). lo tie Mepe. r9COl'dt ol Ortnoe County, prov101 uld 1>ond• within 5 Carden Grove, Ca. Memorial Park. 540-55:>4. c~itors o f VINCE.NT H. peculltrty 11t1ntl1t to th• Ca11forn11. more perllcularly c:alendll dlya Of IWlld. . 111 b h Id t and ho production of lllelon&l>te mattflil o..crtl>tcl -folloM. WAGE RATES· TM Ol11rlct hll Nil.IC NOTICE s e r v 1ce1 w e e a LOWRY TROTI'ER pel"llOnl w c 0 n t a 1 n • d 1 n w h 1 t • v • r TM Weltlfl'( 50 00 fMt of thl 01>t1ln.O from tlle Olr.ctor ol the 3:00PM o n Saturday• May LEW I S ED WA R D may be otherwile lnt.erettm co~tretlon tn depo11t1 In tlle E.llterty 22s.oo IMt of uld Lot 91, ~mtnt of lnduetnal RelitlOn• Pl&.IC NOTICE 22, 1982 at Harbor Lawn LOWRY JR. a resident o f In the will and/or estate: 1ene1-..i by t111a ~1. •• 11ld 225.00 '"' 1>11ng m111urld th1 gener11 prevalllng r•t• of per MIOLUTIOH H0.12-" Memorial Chapel with ~-<Aeta M~ 6.. Passed away A petiuon hu been filed ~ r...wct tor tN -of"" tlOf'lll trw 5°""*1y line of uld Lot Oltm waoee In 1119 loclllty In whk:ll A "HOl..UTION OF TH• CITY COUNCIL OF THI CITY OF COITA William E . Steel of M esa on May i's 1982. H e 11 by HARRY BATRUM In the ~~11':1 ~"~n11~=. ~~ ::.,~1::'w9::~=~ ~~~:~;~1\'01~1~::~rf''!!:,t~':~ ~~~ticc;.A!~.~::~i::,c~e::::r:c'ltT~:Z~01~?1~v~::i: Verde Uni te d M eth odis t survived by hia wife SuperlorCourt ofORANGE Ill 1uthorl110 iglnll or lir'll8ofliklPtfotfMinQllflgh1 n11d1dtO ilCtcutlthe cont11c1. CITVOFCOITAMllALANDICAPINQAIHHMINTDllTllllCT ' Church officiating. In lieu of Madeline of Colt.a Mesa. ea .. County r equesting that rep1Mtnt1t1vet •I lllY time to""" lllQlel to ow SOuthil'ty 11111 "*'°'· TIMe r11111r1onIlle11 tfll Oletrlc:t NU.,.." 1. (I h f II a<mata upon the lend l/'IO ptOlj)e(;t IOI' thereof. office loc1t1d 1t the Bu1tn111 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA DOES HEREBY owent e am y su,_ •• 3aons,OavldF.dwardLowry HARRY BATR UM I>• minel/'ldr-tNNmt,rnilltnO Excepting therefrom th• omo.,OOMnV1-SchoolOtltrlc:t AESOLVEAS FOLLOWS· donations be made to the of Lake Matthews, Ca .. app ointed as person• I Juat ~utlon '°' ll'IY damage 8out'*1y 10.00 Itel 11 dMCfiOtd In CoplM mey 1>1 obtalneO on~t. THAT, WHEREAS.11111 Counc;M Old, on Ap<ll 5. 1912, ldOpl Resolution Hospice Program c /o Los Steve Bay of Oxnard Ct rep-esentative to adminialer or 1n1ury occHtoned thereby. deed to lhe City Of Cott• MMe, A copy ol 111111 rate• 1h1ll I>• No 82·22 1n1t11t1ng procMdlno• tor ren1w11 ot City 01 Cotti Men Alamitos General Hospital, and John Lowry of 0n'8.no. the f'State of VINCENT H. H-. IUdl llnO mey lie Ulld, rec«dtO Mlrd'I 23, 1877. In ~ poet.a at ,,,. Joi> a•t• It 1h1tl l>9 L1nd1e&plng A111um1n1 Olatrlct Numb., 1 ind ordering tlte City 3751 Kate Ila Ave .• Los Ca .. 1 d aughter Mary Lou T ROTTER. IRVINE, CA. :;' 1~ rri~~o~~ ,:r:: ~!:f ~778' Ottk:lll AtcCKds =:~=ICI"': ~=:w~ ~::::r2~~f~~r,~~:h'~,::::i';,t,,0;~u1:,,•;k~:~·~:~~~!~ro:n~: Alamitos. Ca. Services under s 0 u the r n o f Lake (under the Independent uorclttd. 11 II no ,...,...,Ion ol YOO ARE IN DEFAULT U~0£R A upon 111y eut>contractor under him, Strffl• 1no Hlotrwlya Codi. 1na the direction o f Harbor M athews, Ca., his mother Administration of Estates 1uch m1ter1111 hid l>ffn mtd•: OE£O Of' TRUST DATED M~ 27. to pay not t111 then the utd WHEREAS. 111d r~tt hH 1>11n prep1rt0 ano !Ilea *Ith the City La w _n M 0 u n t o ti v e ""'-'e Lown1 of ,.._,ft M"""'"', Act). The rw>tlt.lon Is set for except th1t when IUCl'I UM rMVll• 111 IMO UNLESS YOU TAKE AC ION 1p1cttl1d r1t11 10 ell workmen CouncM; and &:oUal • J .....,.... .... r-""elllractlon of'"" llUCh m1twlilt TO PROTECT YOUA PROPERTY, rT employed by lhlm In "" 111.ecutlon WHEREAS, the City Councll 11&• ewowo &&IO report .. tiled; Mortuary 540-~5~. Ca. and 7 grandchildren. Mr. hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 from "" ll/'IO In qutn1ttlet Wf'lldl MAY 81E SOU> AT A PUBLIC SALL of the corrtract. NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT AESOlVED THAT TH£ CITY COUNCIL OF Lowr y was active in the Civic Center Drlv~ W eat, ,,.., nol be trentftffed Of delNW9d IF YOO NUO AN EXP\.ANATION Oowmlng Boero THE ClTY Of OOSTA MESA DOES HEREBY F'INO, 0£TERMIHE.. AHO -;;;;:====;;;;;;i===;:-11ocalBoyScoutCouncllfor San ta Ana, C A 92701 on .-ltflolit tllOenM11ndif'INAtoftllo Of THIE HATUA! OF THE SlltbM~. AESOlllEASFOlLOWS· ~ !.rwgy Act 04 , ....... " now ... PAOCUDtHO AGAINST YOO, YOU Clttll 1 The City Counclt hereby dldlfW Ill Intention to levy lllO cOlltct 25 yeara, a past M aster of June 9 , 1982 at 9:30 a.m. or~ htrwft« be wnendtd. eudl 8"0Ul0 CONTACT A LAWVER. Pul>lllhicl Orange eo.tt o.11y Plk>t. .-.rnent.1 ponuant to Pan 2. OMalon 15, ot tll9 StrNll lllO H~ PAeaAC YllW ..-.ORIALPAll Cerretery Mortua~ Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1t1c View 011ve Newp0rt Beach 6"·2700 McCC>bttCll MOITVAallS l eQuna Beach 494-9415 laQuna Httls 76&-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·'776 F .&A. M Mar Vista Lodi; IF YOU OBJECT to the mat.n.t lflil bl tho Pf'009rtY of IN 11oa Vlotorta. eo.ta Mela. CA Mey 21. 21. 1ee2 2256-82 Codi of the Stell of CllllOl'nl• oumg tt9Cel 'I"' 1M2· 1M3 within City «14 ..,568 #820 '--f aranung of the .,.UtJon you UnltiO StilH Atomic tnergy "(Ni ltrMt iddr"' °' oommon Co111 Mill L1nd1c1plng Aaattamenl Dlllrlet Nurnl>er 1, loc1ted ,. • a metnuo=r 0 ,... r-• ~. onct lt'I CommllllOft d19'gn1t1on le ehown •1>ov1, no PU8UC NOTICE generally IOUttl o1 Sunno-A"""" .no t111 ot Smil'-Y Aoid ena mott Sekel Temple. Long Beach should either appear at the m•y require dellvtry of euoll wernnty 11 g iven 11 to 111 pertlCUlarty detc:fll>ld 1n thl report llbllld Exhibit "A", •tttc:heO '*"'° Scottish Rite, past patron of hearing and atate your meter111 10 II by any PolMllOf ~ OI' cornet,_)." llCllOW NO. :IGIDll • and 1ncorpor1tld herein t>y rlf.,ence. Harbor Satar II 568 O .E .S . o bjec tions or file written uw.of 11ter llUOtl tni1trlat II• ti.II TM blnlfleliry unel9' NICI DMd NOTICa TO CMOfTOllla 2. A gen.r11dMclrlptlonof1119 lmprowmenta r....,ant to uJO dl8'f1Gt F d 11 d Pl bj l Ith th t MC>WlltO" llUCh ff'om 1111 oree In of Trutt. by r11ton ot •~Or M IUUl TllANIRft 11 11 tollowe: The m1lnt1n1nC'e 1nd poulbl• futura 11pl,acemtnl ot rten • ca e at erce 0 eel ons w e cour which tt wu oontatn•d. If the ~ In 1111 obllgillone MOurld ( ..... 1101.f,,1 u.c .O.) 1anoecep1ng 1no 1ny lldlltltl Which 111 appun-nt thereto, or whld'I.,. Brothers Bell Broad way before t h e heari ng. Your eornm1u1on rtq\11(• the cMllver; ot ~. htretolore exewted l/'IO NOllCE IS HEAEBV GIVEN tl'lttl necu 11ry or convenlt nl tor th• m1lnt11"11nc1 or po11lbl1 fut1.trt Mortu.ry on Thunday, 'May appearance may be ln per'.90I\ IUOll mewttl to ft. It ll'lilt pay to It'll dellvwed to the under1lgnld • l>4llk 1r--.11 tt>out to bl medt of rtc>f-1 thtreof. Including r«n<>v•I ot o.t>ne. ena rMlnte!W>OI tftCI 20. 1982 from 4:00PM to oc bt your attorney pereon mining or Htraetlno tll• written Oecla•tlOn ol OlliUI onct th• P"•on11 property dt1cir11>1d rtpilr of.,,., trr\gltlOn OI' dr11Mga 1ec111t1et on llttertO Lot• e Ind C of l Y 0 U A RE A IM't, or to aid! otflW pet'IOn • Otmond tor a.. ond wrltlen ,_..tot blklw: Trtct 9901 No tubstantlll chengel 1ra pt(ICIOMd to bl meOl In 4IXllUnf 9 :00PM. Funeral aervlcea IN Co1NT11M11m d9t.,.,,._ to be «14 t1tti1Cf1onct«14~10 ClllM Tiie n1m1(1) end t>u1ln111 1mprowment1. will be he.ld on Friday, May CREDITOR or a t"On\inaeot tntltl•d 1111reto, 111011 aum1, tho 11nd1r11on.•d to .. 11 Hid tddreu ot tll• In tended 3,flet11tr1CtllhtrltlytMOOtott11reponof111tClty ~rllitlnQ 21. 1982 at t :OOPM •t th• credltof' ol the d«Matd, you lnc111dlng prollU , lll tht prell*'tY to tatltfy MIO obllgiltlonl trltliftror(t) ... llllCHAAO O. l.IES. 10 the Mid dlltnc:t. Seid rWpOt't llontlltw4th ttw Clty Cl«tc of the CllY ol Pac ific View Chaiel with must file yoor <Ulm w1th tho Oomm1 .. 1on dOimt 111r end .~ '""""" tll• undertlgn;I 8011 Wllfl«. Huntington 8Moll. CA co.ta MtM onc1 oon\llnl , fUI. d«tlltd =1:'°" ot"" ~~ n-·. -~--"'-x of • J---·rt or --nt It .A .... _ rtuonebl• for tll• dltCOViry, c-...ct Mid no«IOt Of bfNOll encl of 9260. tfle bOUndll10t Of IN propoMCI ~t lltrlC1. ano tnt proCIOfM n.v an.11 ~ ... -..-. ... _... r·--.. ,. mtn1no. deY9to.,ment. pr~lon, ~to bO Atootded Auouet 2•. Tll• nemt(•) and bu11nu1 Hnunent1 upon UMltibtl lolund llefoell of 111\0 wttNn City Of Cone ~J Church, Mar Vlata p eraonal represe ntative t•tt1011011, end otlltr H 1011 111111 ltlltr. No. met li1 bOOk flddfW of ttlt ln1ended 1rentfW .. tMlll..~AIMlllMlllOt1trtcrt Nurnl>tr 1.Saldrlc>Ol'ttuttectlM = #f2. 0 and 0.£.S, #:wl8 appointed by the court l*fOtl'lltd with r11peet t •uch 141tt pege 1117. of Mid OMcl4ll tr« YUNO JOO MOON ANO HWA herOIO 11 bl'llblt ''A" end tncorporllld ~by r...,.,_, ._ { .__ f •'--~ 91'1« 10 eudl dtlMIY. tM Aeoof.. IOON MOON, 12641E .. t 1<11'1001 4. The City Council IWltly flMe t:'° Pm , °' M IOOll It OOli*' of tfn&. In 1*' of &wen wltnln OW' rnont1111 rom U1C "*' ~ llt'llll not lncll'6e lllY ••Id ul• wlll b• meoe, t>ul eoun. Cenftol. CA 90101. thlrlllt•, on JiMW 1. 1M2. 1t !ho COit• Mell c1iy Cound Cllembeti. n t'OfttrfbutlON ~y be l1lf(le date of flrat laauance o f -ton llGGtlunt ot tt1e.,... of wltllout oovenent or w1rr1ntyi The 11'°'*11 to be trw...,rtd i. felr DrM. Coit• Meta. Calllomli. u tnt time ancs pleoe tor • hw'lrw to the M11onlo HomH o f Jetwra • provtdtd ln Section "-" ,,..,._, bllor'e NftOYal from tllPfW Of lrnpllod, ,...,dine tine. dl8ctloed In fW*ll -.: All of ttlt ••foro thte ctounoll on th• 11:,r.::d collection 01 th• propo•" "-•ifomll. Pterce Brothen 700 of me Probeie Code of "'p-.oo ot ..,._..In ,_.,., n 1tlt Pl 1 111~1. 0t encurnOl'enott.. to etocll tn Ired•. mercllandlH, 1umn1111t llfltHn City OI Cotti lMldWplno An• M11t Oii..,. ~ commlHlon do•• not raca111re IM¥ .. rtrl'llllNllQ pnncjptll eum «14 1uppt100. flxt11ri1, tQ1.t lp1111nt, Nunlbot t, onct 111tet1y giv. notlOt of Mid flWtnci &ell Broadway Mortuary C•llfornla. Th• time for dllwel'Y of"'°"~ to If. the ttia llCM{e)MGUNIO 111 Mid o-d of ~ encs 111da ot tllet o.rteln t ; Thi ony c:rtttl.efitl mrt1ty to the edoptlon of"*""'°""'°"• ~. fUtna clalnw will not expltt ,_,...1011 ~ mecte tflell be°' 1Nll. wlttl '"'.,... • "' Mid note ~ tinown ea: lirHY OlD TM 1t1111.,.. •we w OOtNCt oopy of tt11t AMolufton to 1>e ~ ~ AUN& prlOr W> four montht from no .,,._ tomi °' .-.. _..,, ..... n eny, "'*' OONUTt.. i.et '° ~ prtOt to Mid h4tattno 1n IN"'*""'~ by eoe •uoENIA CHRISTIN· ·h· d•l· of th• hHrln1 Ji'Ort t0"'fftonly lfll•fl .. wmo Of ..ica C>tecl of Tl'lltt, e.ld P'Ol*tY .. ~It tc)l1 of tfll ~ .. Oodt, tlld '°be~ on IM bUl!a1ln ~ "'"' ,,. • • " .. ~ tot at O!lff!ll of GN«I .... .,..,_ 1111e1 ·~ «14 ttit Warne;. Hu11llno1on 1110111 OA IOOtlY ot thl Cott•== Hiii. A u N E • re 1 1 d e n , 0 f nollced above au .. t end L.o• 1tato1 Avtn11t, • enb of tt1t ~ ~ llw ...,.., llAMIO AHO tHt Intl clay ot Mey, 1112 Hun•tn'a•on Bt•ch, Ca. YOU MAY IXAf1UNI tflt H11nllrttton etaoll, CallfOfnla. DladofTIU9l.hlclMlt•b9 l1ld Dulk tran1ter I• toD• ...,....~ • • L "--....,\he If ~-.-. ....... ., ..-~ • .Mii 14, 1111 ac coneu"""•tod on or •lier .._..,.,.,. PtHed away on M•Y U . lie ..... .,. .. ~ ooutt. >'°"' Tat"" ot 1111 cetfl In tewru1 -00 '·"' • "'° Ol80IMtl A\le!M Jun•.,~,_ UH. et tho offloo aty of Ootta .._ 1982 ., the.,. of 81 She la .,. lntffd..t In the ~ie. money ot ttl• Unttid •t•til °" nttanc• to trio•Clvlo Otnter ot, w -""' "'•Y bf MM •Oh, AmST: I ~ b 1 Ml-'-l -· nwiy me • -'*' WIU\ ooi1•~ CIC ..... Of pan OMfl -.. ~ AWIMI IUllMHI • "IAL TY 110 .. 0W Olan'·~ aur\I Ywu Y .on mu ~.~ ""' tnd ~ fllldanMCI Dy Mto "'° at °'*'19, CA. l&"'VICI, IOll AtOtldta llvd., atyCWk «14 Oii Aunt Of C.cii\l Meaa., C.. • ~.~ ~-r..lln ve ~ 11oured by Cfttd of''"" on At'"' time of !fl• lnltl•l lllate"'o11nt, CA tOUI, (llS) Ctty«Ooeta,... •t•p·.Of) Do=• Aun• of ._... .... ... Wll\tory IW'llPl't'f ........ Ttn ,,.,.... of of ... --ttlt ,.... .. , .. ,..,. "1•1........ ITATI °"' ~ l ~a. Wt.ollillri ffl•te Htet1 .•nd of the ""°""'wet to tit...,.._,""" oleM""'91fdlJlianoeo•N Ttllt ~.MMttr It ••t to COUNTY~ -. and 1 arandchUd Mi~h•ll• petltion•~ account• and llW. """ ,...,_ tllM to~ atoUted ~ IM *"-•~o. 11 OI •• 1u UMforf'll CITY°"' ~ •M M C report1 dllcr1bed &a s.:.b't tl'lf. n .. lllde.. afftt••d d••o of tr111t and Coll••* c• aa :TrfHIW. 1, '· IJttlNNl(Y, Cft1 C1tf11 .,,., ........ ~ °' IM ~=1c!~~1c"•:;u,:. 12001 of &h• California -~·,:r.r:.-:....:= ~·· ~fii':.~r.86.e;: .,..:O,r,-..r.~1111nt...._1t :=;,::=r.:~.~ .... ~=~= Mlll••1urda7,~L2! &':Nwocr:·N " ::-;:'; ~=-:..::: =~'IM...,_,,_ u9:"f.':';m"1:o"i':1'::'::: ~.~~C4ullleta~.-..---"'._' lmatS:OOPM1tdW •n•9Ml'ta. ·a ti,... Ir ~,.,...tMl....._.111 •:WWMii'i°M•llC)f,l,_.....,.._....,llanf.,.. ... al'OUttrt a.n Broadway ~ ea..o. tf:"·,.. T • tlJMOI COWNff ... n.._ ..,_. ,..,,_ •i 1e11.t•CltJtf0111a .._ .. *"••Ml¥. 1111. ChipilWttJ,Dt PM&l~ __ , __ .., -~·I ••T,_ ... .... ...... ,_.... _.,,,,_.. .,~a.urchot'l'NtbOf ~., ••• , ........ E .... _ !{~ "==-... --:.o:-.. -:--== O u n 1 • o ff I ca a u n I · Glllnclll*o" OA 11I03 ~ °"' v-.. .._. !!.!!!!r: co. n::_ .. lllNIMI ...... °"" • 1 ..,...., at lAil AN .... (J11):""914U R '" Ml ..._ J!!!!~"'f:l.: ... OllW'*"--~,_-= C...Wy. i.-r.w Pi•••d ~ c.ai• 1>a111 r IMMrU!IMM.f' ~ ,.l91.W-: .. ••a)' ~-···: . .. ..... ...... . ...,.. --:a..-c.-.:-.-,c;;,,;, ..... ... ......... "..... .... f "That garage door sounds like thunder." .ll.\R.llADl""E ''We're going to the vet...maybe!" Jl"DGE PAR"ER YEAH' I WANNA OfE THE MAY l WOMAN LAWYER D e Q.A~t<' HELP "!'OU? . JU WT T~E. LA~AGNA IN "TWO PIEC.£5, ANP YOU TAKE FIROT PIC..K .llOO~ .ll l ' LLI NS How CoME ,ALt .. THEIR CLOCl<'S A~f ,ALWAYS TE~TO ;wo, EMMY? I® DOWN 1 Alllrt 2 Hcwell•t W~Ll .. , WHICH IS PLEASANTER To LOOI< AT., J<,AYo? BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) I .. I • ,. • I ! , • I l I ' *y SN~ ~TMER WAS A MOTEL IN f'AAJ5 ... IS 'THAT TRUE 7 . . . Ora~ Co•• t DAIL y PILOT /Frld•v. M•Y 211-1982 Al60LUTELY! ~A6ftEAT LIFE ME LEP.. LON6 LINES ~TAXIS PUlLIN6 Uf' IN FRONT ... . . .. WAAl DO I 6ET?SCMOOl 805£5, AAJNCoATS AAP RU88Elt 900TS! ... ·.· • ... . , ' ', ', ... ' 0 • J TtltlBLEWEED8 ·, '-. ", '• ... . . • • . .. • • •, ' ,o I 0 0 o. I .: --~. ~\~~ r-1.1 "Cosgriff, you hnt 1 ont·track mlnd.11 ti 'j ' ' Q by Ferd & Tom Johnson SHOt: AUNT FRITZI I YOU GAVE ME A MOUNTAIN OF CEREAL t'l'~K ,. WINKER8EAN OH,EAT IT---· IT'S GOOD FOR YOU I'U.. BE1 kASi NIG+tf WA5 KIND OF~! DRJ\BBLE (0 U~ 1'o OU0$1'f 1'tM f'ltlltcl( '"' hW ~~1~5 ~.ft.US£. OIL SltlOCK WELL---IF I'M GOING TO EATA MOUNTAIN-- ACruAU...l.,>, I 5lEPT LIKE A 8A8Q ! I WtJt. HOPIN' 'IOU COOL." RfCKOMMt=N'7 A VrnR~RIAN! by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1fler I WANT SOME SNOW ON THE PEAK by Tom Bat1uk I WA!:> UP AL.L N16+rr ~IN6! by Kevin Fagan ~R'i 111~ A L1T'fl£ ~1Cl(~ I ~E.0 If IN 'f~E. Pf.Atl\Jf 601'1'~ rvouE. eu-r- ON 1.-Y t..ei" HIM WORK ON PAR'T'S e8~-1~...tl-r CAN ~~ HIPC>eN e>Y CL.01'HING/ ' with a two year, 1•1 ... ""· .... I In. IPR, lllTllll 5 speed tranemluton. air cond., tull power, crulM control, alloy wheels and mote. Thia one with a Flrethorn red metallic finish la a rare flndl (1CTW788). PRICED TO SILL! 1111 ISIZI "LS" COIPE 5 speed transrnlulon. AM-FM radio. all the fllCtory equipment, just OYef 11,000 mllft, custom Wheels I tires. (1COA945). 5 5999 1111 TOYOTA Miii' i "Ill" UFTUOI 5 apeed, factory air conditioning, power steering, power disc brakes. stereo ca"ette, 1unroof & under 11.000 mltee (1BSV724). 5 7299 1111 1111 ... "I" ...... Automatic trana., full power, factory air cond., 1tereo casMtte, cruise control, alloy wheel• & low, low mllesl Local, 1 owner car. (938WZC). 5 7999 Automatic trans. stereo cassette step bumper. that's priced 1171 lllUlfl FlSTllCt Economical 4 cylinder e nglne, 4 speed transmlaalon, pwr. s teertng & brakes, AM·FM stereo. w Ire wheel dlecl, radial Urea & more. Muat ... to appreciate. (853VAE). ~3399 1171 TOYITI& OOIOLU "Siii" LI mAOI 5 speed trans .. 1lr co nd., pwr. brakes, AM·FM stereo , ext. trim package. spotless yellow finish with black vinyl Interior. (3811:>82). A tun car with great atytlng for juat 5 5299 1112 llTlll Pt•• mllUIEIEL 5 1peed transml11lc1n, stereo cauette, 1unroof. chrome 1tep bumper and just 0vet 11J,OOO mtlee. (2A63655). Pmc•o 1111 YW UlllT Economical 4 CV1. en,11ne, 4 speed trans.. stereo casse1te ,custom Int• rlor, steel rad la I tlr·es & morel (793SYZ). Save on this one at only SPECIAL IREEI RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carr~ Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mite warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1177 llTlll 1"210 2 II. Automatic trans .. pwr. brakes, AM·FM $ 3 3 9 9 radio, steel radial tires, ex1erl0f' trim pac- kage. Very clean In every respect. (328TZD). White extetlor with beige vinyl Interior fOf' just e 1171 llTSUI 21111 5 speed trans .. air cond., pwr. brakes, $ 4 2 9 9 stereo, tinted gla11 & morel Gleaming metallic sliver with custom Interior. (263VCP). Stylish economy for only • 1110 IAZDI 121 OOllPE Automatic trans .. pwr. brakes, air cond .. AM-FM stereo, alloy wheels, exterior trim package & mOf'e. (18JZ435). Thia gleaming brown metalllc beauty haa Iese than 15,000 miles; don't mlaa Ill e 1llO TIYITI JJllA 5 6999 8 cyt., auto. trans .. t.ctcwy air conditioning, $ 7899 power-lteen~ power dl9c brak•. AM·FM (~~dlo, tllt wheel and aJloy wheela. 1171 •EYllLET •REllE UTllUll Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed trans., factory air cond., tilt wheel, custom Interior, root rack, new paint with lllver velour Interior & under 40,000 mllftl (507XJX). 53999 1111 , .. Yll OUTUI I PAllUID Equipment Includes power steering. radio, power brak•. lntet1or dec:of and completely original lnalde and out! (219WOA). PRICED TO SILL! Automatic trans .. full power, air cond .. tilt wheel. cruise control, alloy wheels & morel Burgundy with matching velour Interior & under 20,000 miles. (1808751). 510,299 1111 ... llClll CllPE Popular 5 speed tran1 .. air cond .. AM-FM stereo, roof rack & morel Spotleaa beige finish with matching interior. Low miles & outstanding In eve<y respect! (914ZTT). 5 6299 1llO TIYITI SIPU I SPEH Full power. factory air cond .. tllt wheel, cruise control, leather seats, stereo cassette. alloys. Ermine V'hile with beige Interior. (1AHM247). 1110 TIYITI mm. 111111F The ulllmate In economy & fun to drive! Equipped with stereo casset- te, alloy wheels with steel radial tires. custom lnterlOf'. (1AOS832). '•4699 1171 OllYY ..... lllWWL .. 111 Automatic tranamluton. air cond., power ateerlng & brakes, tllt wheel, SIX-PAC camper and low mlles! Must aee to appreciate! (1G34888). PRICED . TO SELL! 1111 TIYITI CELIU ldlTIP OPE. EconOf'nlcal 4 speed. power brakes, AM-FM stereo. ext trim package and exceptionally clean onside & outl (594MXU) 5 3399 I 1111 TOYITI CELICI un11c1 Auto trans . factory air conditio- ning, power dlac brakes, AM-FM rad10.,,..sunroof and alloy wheels. (IA0Xlf751 5 7999 197& TOYOTA COROLU "E5" UlllTIP 5 speed 1ran1m1sa1on. stereo cas- sette. power brakes and more! (677RLF) An exceptionally clean rare model for iust 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP 'h Ton Shortbed. 4 speed transmission, front disc brakes and fully factory equipped. (045914). A graduatlO(I speclat now $ at only _ • ClASSlf 110. ,rldey, May 21, 1882 Looking for a career. in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads; classification 7100 . ~.~l:W ....... !'.!!!!.{'.1./!{• ....... ¥.'.!!ft.{'.-:~h. ...... !~!!P..~.!~1t ...... !~tm.~h.'!. ........ t.!!P..{'.'./t{• ....... l'Jml!!.I~.'! ....... !'.'.!!!!.!'.'.!.'.~' ..... .. ~¥. .•••.••.• } •••• P!!.'.~'l. ......... !.'.!I P!!.t~'l. ......... !.~I ¥!1.'.~'.t ........ !.f!. f!A~ ••••••••• J!.!I f!!.'.~'.t ........ !.~I F!!!t.!!m ...... !.~~~ ••;:,•:'•• ... "",,.. . ' lfOUAL l'OUtlHO I O,,OltfU#tfY Palll1l1r'1 ...... A# ,... ...... llCMlrtlMd In ""-n•HPiliPW II au•· =h• Fed.rat Fair Act of 1tea Mllctl .. IU.0-1 to ad~· ti• "llff'I pr.tarenoe, llml-tatlon or dlacrlmlnatlon bllM on race, cob', rell- glon, "" °' nettonal °''" gin, or any Intention to mall• any lt.ICtl pr9Mren- c e. llmltatlon or dllcflrnlnatlon. ·' Thia nawapaper wlll not knQwlngly eccept any ad- vwtlalng tor real Ht•t• ~ .. ln 'llcMtlon of the lew. 1111111 Advert!- ..,., should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion onty. 1WllO .. iiW 71 TWo gr•t muter bdmla with prtvata bathe, Ideal tor co-ownera. Wood- t>urnlng flreplec:M, plus \+beth doWnltelB. An. cti.ct 2 car garage, pri- vet• patio. Exc.li.nt fl- nMClng. S 110,000. Call s.te-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS .... ~···· Prize W•t Bay bayfront. Sllpa for 2 boett. remodeled 3 bdnn. 3 bath •uoo.ooo. . Ocean & Jetty viewa. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 aq.fL f l,lM,000. Oceanfront. L.81111.1 •••• Prime Lido Nord bayf,ront. :I bdrm, !11~ bath. Lae L.R .• 2 boat .Upa •uoo.ooo. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + tarp rec. rrn. bNm cerun,... fumiahed. patioa. '420,000. UIU Ill.I llw.T Laaoon view from 6 bdrm. :I bath, playroom, darlt rm. den. Boat lllp. $1,"°.ooo. IAYmE COVE Spectacu.la.r bayfront view 2 br, 2 be up: 2 bt, 2 be dn. 2 boat sl.lpa suoo.ooo. COROUIO CAYS Coronado 1sl.and cuat. beyfront lot. 8:1' boat dock. Plana avail. $42!1,000 w/terma. IUFFl-Single story end unlt, expanded, uJ>larded 3 br, 2 ba on largest ireenbelt, $250,000. PlllL91 3 bdrma, 2 ~ baths condo near pool. $14MOO. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR )4 f\,'Y'"'' ~· , ••• B ti·~ 6'6' Wl.&.Tlllftll nm..anwr Cell Vlnc9/Agant. MMlll Sell Idle ltema 642-5678 Mora lamlllea era getting tile camping "bug'· this y.ar. tt you have • cam- per that'• not getting UHd, NII It now wltll • Clanlfted Ad. , _____________ __ PRICED BELOW MARKET mu• mw I GREAT LOCATION a.t model, Hpt T1n11ee. Lrg 3 Bdr 2'" Ba town-TEIMS horM wlfront loeatlon & atrlklng view. Lovely 3 Bedroom home with Den off Mstr Bdrm Miit• •loft. Cell for rm & 2 full ceramic Baths. Garden financing detalla. Full .tchen, new appliances & microwave. price t 1s1,000. Lo main •--..L.......... 751-3111 W tenance uuaua:ape, le9I than 1 C:::.'1f I • MAll&N I e to the beech. $149,000. -=.=.=,=, -==-REAL E~If,1!, !!56MCVAY --t-" I »Ji I 't •' t , 1IE IDT 1-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia1 BMuUM• Bdrm Buocc1111 I over S,000 aq.ft. 2 golf cour ... and park n.ar- by. OrHt home tor tM uecutM. Cell 548-2318 THE REAL ESTATERS -. ..... , Lio 4 Bdrm 2 Be fMllly home w/huge bonua room I bath forming aeperata qtra. Owner wll ualst wtttt ftnendnQ. FUii price 1145.000. ~51-3111 c:,·,1 ti. --t-" ; •I 1, )I I J • t 'I ...... 2 atorea, 1 block to ooe.i. ~down. Owner .. """ belaince. 1265. OOOI ...... .., ..... ...... *""'.,..* Dir SllllRTll IN rlWPORT IHI IHllT -Absolutely Ughtful three bedroom. 2 lh bath McLain Big Canyon Townhome, Formal Dining room, security ted. community pools, spa and ................................. $215,000 ... lll lDM McLain Big anyon Townhome with tw bedrooms. 21h baths, den, ·ro inlng room. Motivated an phisticated eeller saya you aubml the tenns and down. A must .ee . . -$225,000 ,..llU ..., -Bes\ buy on point. Channing three bedroo ttage, sieps to beaches, bay parka. This property ia move-- reedy with unbelievable potential .. $3~.ooo ...,_., Piil --Fantastic West.cliff area buy. Three bedroom. two bath family POOL home in most prestigious location. Seller will oomidel' leue/op\ion $249,000 llYPlllT -Magnlflcent four bedroom, three bath totally customized Beyfront home. Over 53' on the water with dock.I to llCCOIDmOdat.e three boata. YOU own the land. Out1tandln1 terms available. You must prevtew this DlOlt exquisite home to experieoce the ultimate of life at the edp of the water and Incomparable ......................... $1,39$,000 ~ 1111 I •••••• f •••••••••• /.~ ••• ~~ ••••••••• }.~ • bedroom home w1t11 -----------------formal dining, AV eccau. 111.1111111• ... ........ ,, .... Very 1pec:ial custom 3 Bdr 3 Bath home. Gourmet entertainment kitchen, Mstr Bedroom w/2 walk·l{l closets, bit-In I wardrobes, 1pa for two etc, etc. Must 8'e· Prk'ed to tell Coleswortliy &Co. 25'S EASTBLUFF OR. cov'd patio, ll(nllY room a.nd more, ANUmeble ft. nanolng. Reduced to $122.000. Call 979-5370. \I >II./ 1lF1I '. f .,,1 ,.,. ..... Giant Huntington Beach ho~wnen motivated. Xlnt price, $174,900. 2 atory Fashion Shores home. 4 BR, 3 Ba, fonnal dining. family room, boat & trailer acce11 possibllity. Cul de sac s1reet Great floor plan. Recently painted in & out. Your opportunity to live close to beach. Various financing programs available including 10% down. -uua 111-1111 R&IM~ of Cost a Mesa \\ I '-I i l \ TAYLOR CO. Ill \11<11\-... ..... t~•lli ----·--4 Br .• 21h Ba. View home overlooking Pavilion, Catalina and nite lites. We have an Independent apprailal for $320,000. Try $20,000 down until you aell your home. Owner will help finance. 2111 ... .,...... .. a..4 •111n1•,._..y Bnl, I.I. MMl11 llUT .. 111•1 Big Canyon McLain con- do. 3 BR. 2~ BA. D.R. El Dorado model. Comm. pool, W!nla, aecur1ty ge.. tad. Prioed at ortty *230. 000. '50.000 doWl'I. Ma- "rllyn Twltcllell'• Hating. 759-1100 ....,,,,...., .. Approx. 191,000 In H· sumable loena on beaut. Woodcreat Home In Anaheim Hiiia. Trade equity tor property In Npt. Bch. Sales prlca S 192,500. For detalla, ca ll: Agt., Mary at 714-819-5900 or 879-1534 GEORGE ELKINS C For C&1111lflad Ad ACTION . ...,., ... 931-12M Sall Idle Items 1142-5078 Cell• Deity Plkrt AO-VI~ 142-5878 .......... Pll,lll Unique expanded 5 BR 4 BA Palermo. Newly painted & carpeted. Assume low interest First + owner will buy down $1~.ooo 2nd to 13~Cfi. Only 13Cfi down! Best price for square footage in town! ,. * A SPIRAL STAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -fOREVER VIEW- Two Muter Suites. aofld oak cupboards, Skylights 10%% FINANCING BUILDER WIU PAY POINTS FROM $125,800 10" DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 761-9906 Cftl SAT. 2·5, U. 2·5 P .ll 2277 PACflC AVE., C.M. End Of Wilson * NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-4020 9.5% 21112 LlmlAYU. •· So. of Atlanta, West of 8rookhutst (enter Ulll 1K LIM &•:-=-3 bdrm, famlly room and "' dan covered patio, tilg •m ft&. llllf • Ylfd 411,soo. VA ... u. Ill IWl Tll Lm . mabla. Agt. 540-8149 BluffJI condo, only l ,_. yrs old, 3 Bdrm, 3 ~.~! ...... !.Oj~ on Effingham). Real Estate By Lucia 714-831-9944 patios. Huge price reduction!! $277 ,000. • MWll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Opn Friday thru Monday 1 -~. 304 1 BR Dana P.olnt S••· Esplanade. ~~ :~· .~12Toom ~ HW urma -u 01UT1 ltWUT PIJCE WI 1U11B. -----•IC... •I llu JIU ......•....••......... " ... 702 Acacia. CdM. S235K. Open dally 1-5. 878-2041 BY OWNER 531~ OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 34406 St. Green Lantern Unobatructed view ol harbor and coa,tllna. Parched high above the Chart Houaa r•taurant. Naw 3200 aq.ft. luxury condo, bulltln alarm Move in and enjoy a lot of house for $169,900. ~ bdrms, 3 2 ~ ba, fam rm, 3 car gar. AlJ upgraded and sharp. Flex. financing. " Graat duplex on prim• 1yetam1, aauna and J•· loc. Best financing. cw:zl. Pvt elevator. MOd· .. 1-2 $329,500. 1-942-8680 •tly pr1cad at $499,900. 1 bdrm llouae. Owner Will AdvtnC*I Realtors Call now to see 842-9371 Claire Real &tate by McV A Y help nnanc.. $215,ooo. ...U 951-12~ Hlghly upgraded 3 Br. 2 uml .... Ba. Heh, HIUIM 1280, •••IJafl .. 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo. 000 at 13%, conaldar Jud IHOI Nice greenbelt. Good trade. Owner/Broker ...................... Im.. 1044 Wi ftrnl /OIS locatton. Low down. 192. 875-2500. 12111 MWI 1~41 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••• ••••••• ooo. oma ... C.11 .... 1n4 rur~n~O:~ri'ti =~~-l1Ul I ... p••1 .. •AR Eatata ..... 3 bdrm, ler· ••••••••••••••••••••.. community J:: & klddy In lrvlne'a Woodbridge 1111 r....,.. ge *°!·.~;. ~1~000. .PID 11n91 yard. Low own or take ~~~,;J yre~ou~~~w. ESTITtl ._ -•• Mlle from the beach. over exlatlng VA loan ng. · sac. 4 II 2~ II. View. Reduced to SH. Beeu11fufty bullt Bucc:ola Full pri ce $108.500. Feooed rear yard Ownef" BETIER THAN 500. 4 Bdrm, 3 ba plua larnlly Agent. M2-1700. very anlll04Js. Only St35, MOOEL llAllY IT.... room, formal dining 1 Br. Adult Condo. Walk ooo. SuHn Trlvlion'• HAS EVERYTHING IU room' ,___t.., on _,. ...... Uatlng. 751-9100 Cul ... Lm lllln ........ ... ....... .... to 1tora1. banka, etc. ""'•sac street .l• aeaJt UC atr.t. BE C~ TIVE $4800 down, usume low Sun & Sell II Club -WITH THE FINANCING. lntereet 18200 111. OWC 20 min. to Aaklng $151,900. Call belence at 12%. Total Newport Center 6'0-1151 Pri ce STOM. P P. S210,000wlthS190,000 ...... Wavff orHhlng on the rocks befow. A magnifi- cent Httlng tor thla ~~HERITAGE REALTORS bMutlful CarMO Shor .. ------------1 Homa. Lovely troplcal getdenl plua Iota of glau to enjoy tha views. 4 bdrma., tamlly rm. and formal dining rm. 12, 900,000. ....... Ull 2 8'. 1,Be. + 1 8'. 1 Ba. 72x105' R2 lot. Do not dlaturb tenanta. 1528 Orange. 1121.000 . 546-5041 wee & wttncta, 931-3520 wtldys. 546-3292. BEST IRVINE at 12% llxad rate I CONDO BUY llAly amortllad 1Wm IBJIATill Sunny 1 br ovarlooklng No polni. or qualltylng . 11~ MW1 lake. Pool, 199, tennis & n()..0341 _. -• I mucll more. 182,500 OWMr/Agant .,,_ ~--Great financing. Ownr. ~~~~~-~~~ .... v_,, 22-23. 12 to 8. 873-1923 = 11450 Gina Lana. -------J • .....,, 1Hti IOll SUPER SHARP Custom 2 bdrm, 2 ba. University •• -.-;c;;; ............. . decotat9d In aerth ton. Park. Association Poot. ICEll YI STEAL Hunt. Viewpoint No. Tennis. Price $121 ,900. ._.. ..-a Townhoma on bluff with S 18. 9 O O c Io 11 n g . ...-5.W , ... y view plue clbhH. pool. 851-8051, 551-8051 Lovely lrg • Bd, prol. 1pa. 4 Br. 2Y, Ba. F .R. 1 • •--L Illil• decorated w/pool, ape, w/lrplc, formal D.R. ._. ... , -f• "'"' city & ocean vus. A REAL 3 Br. 1 Ba. ~on larire •• ,................... BARGAIN AT ONL y BLUE RIBBON , 50x115' 3 unit lot. 4 8 >Ont. financing. New 1oan SPECIAL $359,5001 Won t lut. Hemltton. Do not dlaNr't> 8V9ll. at 12~ with 10% 3 bdrm, 2 1avei1 flOOf plan Call dlrectly to Patrick tenants. 1 129,000. down. Ownerwlll help In woOd & glaN Ooaan Tenore 831-1281 or 546-5041 -l wknda, Submit all Offarl. By view, beamed celllng1, Teo-4702 toda)'I 931-3520 wtldya. Owner. 714/1147-9507. h t t I L A flt\·t1o1on or :::fe • one rp c. oca- llarbor ln\'tslmt'fll l'o LUil IPTm lnl•t IHf 1 high •bcMI Lagoo•'• 4 bdrm M••• del Mar. ...................... Riviera coaelllna. $195, VKMt June 5th. Aaklng Woodbridge 4 Br. Det. 000. $145,000. Make Off8". home, cul-d•·HC, ale MISSION REALTY '°""' 1111111 .. ...,. Owner/Brok• IMM29e. Own/A.gt. wlll finance 494-0731 -awn. needa c:aah, dean Specloua, new 3 Bdrm Mau VerC:e 4 Br 3 Ba Below mrltt it $179,000. NORTl1 END . Cliff Drive. antique type~. 2 Bt 2YI bath townhoma. home on quiet cul-d•· IMS-One SparkUng2Br2t>a -whlte 1 Ba. 50x117' lot. Large Convenient locatlon. aac. Aw.lnw 18t T.D. at 111111• w1ter vlewa . Beat Buy In detached garage. $119, Owner can help with l¥•%w/20%0wn OWner Lagunall $210,000. 000. 548-5041 avH a tarme. Raall1tlcatty prl-wlll carry ~.'at l2%. W11Ari41t lataftl Llcnl Yillll• R.L wtmde, 531-3520 wkdya. ced at 1108,500 Pr lea 1207 ,000. Prln. 2 & ltUdy or 3 Bt, lamlfy 41l-1ll1 ••2-1..-.a ...-... Call 75l-4330 .... ,.. rm, 2'" Ba, dining rm.•--------------• _. &.. -ft• nv~ former mdl home 12% cm I ctZT 1CE191MT j PETE BARRETI . REALTY I/SW.,.... ... financi ng. Ownr/Bkr A remodeled 2 bdrm By owner DrHtlc price 3 Bdr a famlly rm, pool, & 55~5 t27 \, lloma wtth loll 01 charm. reduction tor lg• down· bachelor unit. Monthly WHAri*t 'iift Euy walk to beach & payment 640-7990 $1800, lull price 1151, 2 bdrm andaen, hlghly town from thl• hl1torlcel 1""4 .... ooo. Chriatlne, 557-2783 upgraded. Price Sf98, Httbll•h•d nalgllbOr· ADULT MOBILE HOME ... .... 000, '25.000 dn. Single =~l::t:C:8'~. PARK on the Bay. 1 J.1M 11J.M J#I OWNER TRANSFER sty, tuly lhlltter9d, frplc, 000 ··• bdrm. den, 1 ba SG0.000: ... ••••••••••••••••••• RED, MUBT SELL MOH-atrium. nr pool. tennla · ·-_1 3 Br, 2 ba $88.500 2 -u-TICEUO TOWNHOUSE 552-0880. Open llOUH _.,, _.,,. bdrm furn ·~5 000 2 -•• •~• Sal/Sun 1-5, 1 Aldar-' ·• ... • 2 Hperate Iota on In-3 8dr 1¥• Ba. pool, neiwty grove Wooc:t-..-. Ex~~~!Jong terk m ~-bdrm $25,000. 300 E. Cl1 comparable Balboa upgraded, 151 YOftltown ~---------=...,,...;__, ___ 1 ner '"_,...ng ma .. ""' Hwy Unit 113, Newport lalend, 2 hou1H, boat Lii. off Fairview bet. Fair FIXER one euy to own. A for-Beecll. Bkr. 675-3347 dodc, bnc* patk>. Pano-& Wiiton. Opn s.t 1-5. =.:=o'=d ltwm By Owner.• Bdr, den, a ramie view. On water. .... ....... UPPER speclal wall covering aueat rm, 2 farnlty rma, 5 U ,700,000. Cell Mr. ...... .....,, ... plank lloora ao(\Oallty' Ela, lrplc, formal IMng & ~ ~ Mon-With • llttle 1maoinat1on dining $225 ooo no Frt (714) TIMMiT8. _____ ...... _______ ! t"'-. bdrm. 2'A ba COUid c:arpatlng. IHIO, . . . • ' • tie • draem home. Oood PllOll Tl SIU ooo dWn. 545-8108 c.,1111... ... -UT/m loeatlon Vanoert>llt MOd· S..utllully remodeled 2 OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN '"-A llll 3Br, 1tn8e. •11a,ooo. et In the Park HomH. bdrm & tamlly room 1509 HIGHLAND •••••••••••••••••••••• •8,000 dn. Aaaume '219,900. home on an acre of land Pool flom•. over 2,000 Im 0 1 ho ._ 8.15% owe bel •t 14%. wtth 1ove1y poo1 and patio aq.tt. 4 BR 2\.-\ ba, 1am11y ..... •-.. 811 Ro. St. 546-7044 area. Gourmet kitchen, llvlng Fantastic Back -.-. Buyer maett Mller·wfth .,, ~ deck and views Bay locatlon. Owner wlll Few .. °' '9ll Untt 21 effective clHtllled ad. of canyon and lur1 help nnanc. S29e.900. 114-631-8010 1142•5678 make th11 a Wtty appea-AdVwlced Relllton llng. lnvHtmant. $380, 151-12~ • .,,,, ,. 000 . '"'"'""'•••··~··••• • CAMEO SHORES •man, mn 1 '11111'* .,,..,... 9.K aaumable finandna avai- lable on this tastefully decorated 3BrTownhome. V~t&gWdl ~m don. 2670 San MJCuel Dr., ewport Beach. 759-1501 or 7D2-U53. *1K ... . ._., ...... Hua• executive rancb-1tyle home f eaturlq 4 br•a, family room. formal d.1n.lftl on cul-de- aac 'ff/room for R.V.'o. Only t2H,OOO. 2870 San MJauel Dr. 714/109-1601 or 71417&2-'1378 ....... , ......... ror ax monthl on brand new town home in Costa M eaa. Featurln1 2 maater aultea, enclo1ed t.•r_a1e1 & private ~. -~ t114,800. 28'70 ~ M.lptl Dr., N'ewport BwbJ 79-1501 or 752-ma ~'lr•T Cuatom 4 Bt. 3 Ba. poot ~ ... llC .. &..'JI Jacuzzi. kol pond, 3 ... .. lrplc'1 , 1415,000 . 875-5930. ••110-...,_ • llWI! lmftllm Piii '-....,°' _, Newport 1 BR condo Daene home. 4 br, fam. Furn. elegantly decor•· rm, din. rm. Beat P'fOe In 17141494.117 tedl Pool, •P• & club. arH. Open Sat. 1-3. -· T -~"" s 3'""' 17532 Cottonwood. w .... m-' IHI op -·'Y· 1 ""mo. 552-131 t •• , • ...-••• 1'.-:~~ ....... _ss __ 1_-eeee __________ _ ----------5% Down, no qualltylng. 2 ...., Ylft I m1111 -atory 3 er. Condo. 2100 a 8tOl'Y Orwitr ... Con· aq. It. frplc. For 11115, 11•11 ....... venlant to community 900. 714/416-1530. 3 bdrm. 2 b a, DOO( ~ ehd • --apa,/covared patio • 3 bathe and ft,~~ To place your meaaage BHutllully decorated. THl"l'8 MOREi • H, balore Iha ~.= r.: ~~ IOO C.-t7-..S70 r.ed=blic:, ow.w. 9794923 DaUy Piiot Clelettled' 1142-587 8 ---., ... LIT Po11ouatt vlew " N•wport ••r 111• Pacific °'""· ""-........ o-... oot ol _ ..... ftwdlie. . ""' avalloblt lot Oft "-'1.M0.000. (114)J'lt.U. , ' • • , ... I llWIAYfUlf _ ..... , Never lived lnl Balboa Island 3 BA, tam rm nomt wtltl all tmanlUea w/QUellty -quiet location -lllp for 35' bOat -You'll love tNI ~ -Reduced to 1815,00011 Jana Pa- quin M2.e23& tM41) ~Macnab -Irvine ........ .... OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 e11celltnt ftnanclng. Spectacular View. Century 21/Loc:ktlan 780-8099 IAYllll OIYI PllTHISE lt. 11n -IO' umEW Just professionally decorated. Like new, soph isticated 2 BR + den, 2 'h BA. bar. pool, spa, beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446.000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1-5 .... 1018 yside Cove E. Newport Beach DUii ... Tiii WlllDI. Special Open House Jodelle Model This home offers luxury and comfort for the affluent. Three bedrooms, 2 1h baths, f orm a l d ining rm a nd a panoramic view of all Newport and the blue Pacific. Best cash offer. ........... .., 1-1 #I Till .. Ask for Danny Bibb CUST<ll EXPAlllED Pc.TOfll) ran HARBOit VD tDIES GREAT FlCANCltG BT OMO Great family home on quiet circle. Four Bedrooms, three and one half baths. 2850 sq. ft. Dramatic entry. Professionally decorated, ttallan Tiie, French Windows and Doors. Central air conrf!tlonlng w ith electronlc air filters. Sophisticated security and smoke detectfon system. Oversized street to street lot. Large patio with flreplt overlooking custom pool and oversized spa and waterfall, surrounded by, mature, well manic ured landscaping. Chlldt playhouse. Fifty foot Aviary. $459,000 (ftJt HOOS( Sat·Swi 1-4 175) Por1 ...._,. Qdt Ntwpott e.aca O..I••• 132-lMO · MO·ttH A I H S T A f f T 0 U A P U A A C E T T £ S U P A T A E M A C L H K I A I L U A U Y M U II A R 0 0 S T 8 C Y I N T H £ L S 0 H 1 R C l A H I ll T M C R C S C C If 0 0 A L T C T H U N I [ R U T A N G I S Y E K 0 C H ll l t 0 S L S H A R l K A H S G T A A 0 S C L H A T F E. 8 L E T A T F A I T C f C I A 0 F I H S L S H E T C E F It A A P 0 U A A T £ ll T A L C S C H 0 L 0 A L E T A T I L S A C U C H A U 0 II A L 0 N A Q S A I ' t A T A P T A C k l T E U N S H R J I ll f Y l f S , S T A ti Y M II S C A t L U R fl 0 T A CSlCSITOlfTATSLCHTlll lefhr'a Att.11 Fronting on your own golf course wtth 180 deg. vtew: choice of 2 hornet with deluxe features on attractively landscaped lots. Both have 2 Bdrm, 2ba plus stOfage areas Monthly tee lnclud" tree gott. tennis, TV cable, water. tre1h and gate Hcurlty. Owner term1. Be our gwest tor a tree round of golf Call 1-728 -85t0 or 1-728-6624 MOBILE HOME 24x80 5* MATURE AOUL T PARK, C M. 2 BR 2 BA, lg five-dine area. Family rm. off kit· Chen W/lg. cowred deek Ldry rm w/w11h-dry 24x80 KEY WEST 5x7 6 SK tO S10fage lhedl Car port (2) -Club House • Poot ASKING $40K. By o-548-5292 nmWATU 11•1m Will be youra from every room of lhll multl-level custom beach home. Amenities abound In this 4Br 2~Ba Spanish $665,000. Cof'lde McMll- tln R111ty 1-753-8155. -942-5481 110 to 3000 9CJ " "No Ftllf" PrloN Wlfllem Cote, INlr 11417•1• I 11Mc1ecul•f 0C9M & otty Ooh.ti vt•w tro"' evtry room. t...,-ge & ap.ctout 2 Ir. "'•nv emenltltt. .. Unfurnished 1tudl0s 1 6 2 br. apartmeni.. town- r>ouaea S!.40-S 1000 *Several studios 6 1 bdrm unit• are furnished with One designer furni- ture 6 acceNOflea. Move In today or reHrve for summer months. Smanly turn1shed models open dally 2 br . l '"t ba Nr Hoag hospital S550/mo w/ gar age Ph Bob: ev1 731 -0 595. d1y1 833-1883 Newport Peninsula. 1 Br. 1 Be with beam celllno•. trplc. garage $540/mo yearly 955-0096 eves a wknds 2 Br 1'"' Ba, Townhouse style. Adult• pref , no peta $4 50/mo . 548-2882 Kennebunkport? Isn 't that the horse that won The Triple Crown In '72? ~fK)r ~ II you·re not sure wtlo (Of whet) Kennebunkport wu. don't Itel bad -you'r• not tlone. Ktnnt~nkport le one of 14 dlttin(ltvely different epenmenl ~ et S..wlnd Vltt41of In Huntington BMol\ SNWlnd Viii.gt le • r .. ult of tqt811y perlOf\lllHd profeNIOl'\•I planning. The kind of aOenllof'I ~ d..w. A perlect b'8nd of nature and llvlng -Miiied In a for•t witf\ babb41ng bf'OOll• and quiet l)Of'ldt. COOied by natural OCMn ~. Add 10 lhat tennlt courta. 1wtmm1ng pool.,•~ and• convtnlent tocetlof'I n..r •hot>PlnG and empk)yintnt Mid ~OU'"9 QOI • ~ enyQM would proudly ce6I home. (Even Kennet>un•POrtl) One tnd two bedfoom one •nd two bath apliftlMnll trom aa 15.00 • -· " ~.~!t ............. . DrNtw9Y9. Parking lot aa"r:~~1'~1c ALtSTATE PAVING Seelcoatlng·Strlplng Reoall't Comm.IAMIO. Lie ~397382 8'5-8181 I fftfMf •••••••••••••• ,,.,~.fffilf/ .. .... Lii ...... 1 ""• 11n1iiliid o•r,.ntry, LOCMl"'9 tot:e l*N -. rt"'od•llnl •PJc1th11. dlt' ,-.. ............ Lie. 41H f."llll~fll 1 . .,,.,111. Jr or ,,.d 110-1• WlllOn, ,.,. Yltw ....__C_OM_M-'L"")M_l_IO-.- HOtft!,!1 lno. II Toro. ~d'nt-~ H l·tr.v l/f!IY ,.... LloiJ.1'~ Aodltlo111, remo4lell119, o:'*c!"~i .. t•t CllC*I, t'IN OOM~. lervlnl L1911na l oll, 80tlded l I'*"" 07·3 14, "Hllt tlO LI. ..... I .. Plloll. llo. aoe111. lllem0d11, ~ ...... ,...,,. aoo • "'· oa blneu. ::-:~................ 141-1518 Shampoo & ttHm ci..n. --------Color brlght1n1r1, wht WAY CONSTAUOltON orpta • 10 Min, bl11ot1, A9modtl • Mcllt.IOnl Hall, Mv/dln. rm• 11&; •vv Lic. 420902 t42-1100 room S7.&0; couch 110: *AE"40DlllNO* ohr H . Guar allm. pet ,,.. •t. AMI. ono... odOr Crpt repair. 15 Y"8 Quel. woni. Uc. b7tet. up Do work my111f 131-2340 Reta. 531.0101 Crptt lnatalllrepelr«t FIOOd demegt. Steam clng.55+U10, 073-16" No St..m/No Shampoo St1tn spac1a111t. fut dry. ,,,.. Ill. 830-1582 f!~'~.!~'-!!¥.~f. Ball, manttll , kit, cebl· nell, r1l11d 91nellng, doort. book6u .. , r•· mod. a add-one. Xlnt refa. Lie. 83482'75. 538-2W ,,,.,,,,,._,. -~~ .......... . ::: ••• ~ .. ~........ •tprlnllllr ~ Hell pel"-a textw• "-'oorrvn ~ ,,.. .... na-101 L.Md:f.: ~ 'LA~lf' ftATCHIHO It -I* A11tucoo1. Int/HI. 'O llflftf H!~"I°'.· ~AdVO~!..... ll!t'!1. •mil! "~'·'''"' vr• Ne9t, Peul 545·2177 .,. ••••••••••••••••••• ...... ·--·-•. •o·a PlASTEAINO 1.Alh..f'!Htw-Stuooo Qu!Olt otean. ,.,.. •t, ••• ' ••• • •••••••• • ... ••••••••••••• ALL TYPES INT/llCT TexturM· 1'hln W!"A 111--064f Alymond .-..,Y, Ml I . .. f1111111 FAfE !ST &45-12.5I Stucoo 8rlclc. Lie cl, ~-'"'"':~~~-::--L...::.:.:..:=.:::.:... _____ ,H UllNO IM IOCll mo-~:· •1•·.~~~\~:~=-•Y Alolierd Sinor. Lio • Otty 151-01H ..,,_..., ....._ MT Oltdlnlllf & a..nup Ying ltudllll W1th trll04l. 2'0fA4, 13 yrt of ~ PlASTE.AINO • 1., •••• A ....... rn:~-i.. llf'lloe ....... ra t••· l.tWl• 11M180 "-'~ .. .,.. klCel OUltomefa, INT/EXT AESTUCCO. •• ,., C::C:lllct!,I~. 94~HM AN tor"*"· ---------i ...... r.w;;r.......... ThlM ~. t3t-44tO Bloetl we1i.. 6M-4tt2 •••ALL0ALTfMTIOHS••• ~lint MO-t'e& ·~ AU~11~Q.G"FNO flU anlllU Ollft9 PAllT'lll ,M/ ,.,.,,,. .... In A Cu.tom LMthef WM! d "1°, ... 1 1 ~nl,rMc ~:.."!,· Sod, 1c,,lnkler a tllr\l.b ., • ..,.. ·~· , ..... ,. ...... 1 ••••••••••••'•-;:r.;... 10078 Adema M2.e6M ,....,, ~ .-n va QulOk..,., .,_2•18'1 ln1t1ll1t1on. Our work UonOICI. 1. Refa. Color " comm rH, ~I ·~M· :·,M··.:.:o•!!l!M····N·r·· •• • .......... • .. ,.. ...... """"~ ou·LITY I 12 • •• .. •••••••• AEPAIA·PlUMllNQ • only look• e xpanelve. expert. oe3-0911 Dick yre exp. Aep1lrtremod. !'//!.~··•••••••••• ••• 111 .... ltlll Heating, a.rpentry, elec. ... i I Check our prloet '*«• Raft Fiiter, hHter a **ALL TILE** lawn-I~ 11111111 tlle. ,, ...... No )Ob too •• "}.m.ft!.!I........ you~. Oall Merk at PAINTER NEEDS aweep ..... 573-8184 Qualijy wotk. 10 Yfl IX· T,.. trlm-removll llnall. 9'5·21111 W•nt • "EALLY OlEAN Utf'• ..... .._ WORKI 30 yr• exp, 11111 I fl '*· ~g183t'"'470 .uwn ow•l'lo~~·~ <tenerll ~tenance ~~~~":~r~:,m Lic 204&11 . e..1.-16sl t: P~~o;'~~",\~ .!!..~!. ............ .. 'r• .. t11n11.. 5 Reoalra & Dlcorettna L•b«IMatatlll Roonno K•D l~ Matnt. OUaJlty, * Ray 1140-5 f44 ROBIN'S CL!.ANIHG ~!!e.'..... •••••••••• QtUOAyrLl.TY~~,INTOIN.CG AN tviiee 10 vr-axp.33 AMldtComm CIMlwlp ~ • • thotOUQhly Prtvete Lauooa --.· lie. guar Larry 8'2·82 \ Lt HMlllng &41-24" · EXPERT HANDYMAN c11an houM &40.()857 l'rench-Rulllan·Pinlai\ RMtonable 48-5684 ~ ...•..........• S&O per IOld Grading 6 planttr mix ev1ll Fre• c1e1 1oc:e11y 567. 1 see LAWN ·cARE I Pl~~.tz.~. R~]S13 HOUsecLEANING Cell 11154358. 1so-111e4 Bishop , Son Painting ~~,,g~~~~~r~~=· Comm/rMld. Nwpt/CM I KNOW-LET'S GET BP· Aeuona~able •• ...,. ~:>.r:.Txp., ~ ~e DO IT NOW. Fr• Ml. r. .. ~ .. '!~I. ............ . Xlnt, rlllabll wortc. Tan~ te:J..2401 •••••«••••••••••••••• ' . Davis Painting 847·6t88 MOit 11Ubtect1, K-14 Onr/oPf, Barry 848-7412 ~!~1.!i .. '5~n fix anythlllQI EXP. HOU•ECLEANER BRICKWORK: Small jobs. ~·-·-~ Oay....,t-tumtnlf ltOwtl .._ v• • " ~ c t Miii -REPAIRS S25 lo $186 a.a• 78 Den Hallberg Gr11dlng a Paving Co. RWComl. We Care Crpt C1Mner1 UC 3g7eoc 842· 1720 SIMm elMn & uphola. Truck mount unit THE GRASSHOPPER 1 Relleble, rtfl. l'rM ffl. • ... _.....,, oa a • Int/ext. ayne L · FrM Ill. Call anytime. Mr. Morgan, -·"1 Complete Lewn Malnt. SMALL JOBS. ptumbl,,g. C.it 24 hrl, 9&5-2418. lrvln•. Ref•. 875-3176 (IXOYE) 751-9103 WALT 770-2125 Wi ' Cl ah !'!/.'!!!!.............. Ooml~-485t ~='.·F~!:0e.f.•;r:441; Wiii CIHn your hOUH Of cuatom Bl'lck, St.one, COLLEGE STUDENT Ell· _H_U_ber_R_oo_flno_·_lll_ll_ typee--r ••• -!.!! ••• ~ ••• r ..... ~.~!!!~I.•••••••••• Work gua1. llA&-37t8 wm &ebvalt s dayrwtt, '°' C••••I 1c_,,.,, 2 yr old•. Afternoon•. •••••••'•••••••••••••• Exper. 544. 7248 eve.. Cement-Muonry-Block Wall..CUl1. wont. Lie. "'''' #1ial1uan/ RM/com Rob 547-2883 l«Yf1t Concrete: Remove Old. •••••••••••••••••••••• Atptace New. Smllge MARINE SEAVICES joba. Repeirt. &45-86t2 Mechanic. Paint, varnl1h . ...;_--~---­ TMk-rub-wax. &4&-97e& CAI/I Cue 111• IBID ;;;~·;·d:;·~;~~· .. ·co·M· StMm ct.n engt, bllgM Mom wt ,child Paych. & deck•. Mech & electrl-bkgroonCI. wlll ca<• tor 2 cal handyman work yr oldl & up PIT. S2.50 875-7961 hf'. Marla 640-72t 1 c1u1llled Ads are the Yoo don't need a gun to enawer to a euccuslul .. draw fast" when you garege or yard taJel 11'1 a place an ad In lhe Daily bitter wey to tell more Pilot Want Ads• Call now peoplel I 642-5678. A,.tl•t•I• Ua/.,ai1if'I ...••.....•..•........ DRYWAl.LIACOUSTIC 1'1111 -otfic.. Eleo., painting, It Blodc, Concrn. Stucco. pt'd lnt/1llt painting. Any New-recover-decks "Lel the Sunllllnl In" R1palrt, new' old. 11 T~' emoveo Clean Carpentry. Cablnetl, plumbtng. 54t-9005 R•fl Fr• Mt. 540-9492 Job for le11 I Ale.It Lie Ut1802. 1148-9734 C~nl~. Ltd ~53 yra •llP· Bud 662-9582 ~~~enov. 751-3478_ ~·~~:;"bing, Etc. Joen'I CIMnlng ~. CUSTOM BRICKWOAK 494-1959 or 552-0231 ,.. Mt .,_._ •• •-' _, HOO•ll. Aptl., Rental•, SMALL/LAROE JOBS R•I•. ,,.,.,,,,,.. 20% onthiy Oi~t .,Hu11., MOWING · CLEAN UPS GENERAL HANDYMAN· Offlcel. 540-1217 NptlCM. Reta. 845·1512 -.-ti-------•••••••••••"'••••••••• *RESIDENTIAL* ••••••••••••••t••••••• Haullng -Landecaplng I muonry, cerpintry. T•N •• • BUDGET RATES/Llc'd Avg 1 aty $30, Avg 2 •ty ELECTRICIAN-Priced FfM Ml. 8'2-9907 rooflnn, home Improve-Exp'd ·Dependable i,..... ....... 18* ••'••••"'••••••• .. ••.. Low min, Sml JOb• OK. 145. Chrl1 957-8388 rlgtlt. frH Htlmate on • Hoi*t. lntlllloent •••-•W* F1rthlna lnt1rl0f Oellgn Free ell Ina. 641-7581 ---------larg1 « ama.ll Jol>a. MOWINOl10-.15-S20 menll & rtpalrt . 012 _,. HAN<l1NOS10/ROLL OrangeCOUtWlndoWI Lie. 306021. 873-0359 Heut/Oumplng $15/120 631-7852 The beetll 873•7 12 ave Block well•. brick, •tone, Quality. Lie/Ins. Strip· hrHal "We lleve yoo wtth a LIC'D ELECTRICIAN M a r k lhtt,,,. n... Ouallty Houaecleantng Illa 6 concrete. Quality ping Dito. on paper ..... ................. brighter ootk><*I" Qual. work~ .... rat• 754-9904/956-0095 1 ...................... w/1 .,..c>nll touch. CM, wor1( at r ... ratea. Llc'd. Vlaa-NC SQott 645-9326 Mobile Screen Doctor Fr" •tlmat• 830~ 1t1 Fr• •t. 631-5072 Tom ~Ht-' ... Mtf! HAADWOOO FLOORS Irv, HB. Beth 850-0933 Fr• •t. 975•9027 ASA PAPERHANGINO Rl(>llr/r9'>1ece Cullom "•J a•• BMutlfully cleet'9d •----·'Ila 'trilf. 7 yra local exp. Guar Reaa 531~300 IW mag TOf> QUALITY E•p'd, quality work ell lll1d waxed. 832..a&1 _...,, f. •••••• ••••••••••••••• work Prlce1 start at MOBILE SERVICE ELECTRICAL WORK r•••· rat••· Malnt. & ··········-·· ·a········· ·ABC MOVING-$8/roll. Alec 751-7027 Re1ereena/New Kreen1 R .... rat11. 531·5055 1and1caplng. NBICdM B11Ha• Qutck, Caf9ful s.Mce. NB/CM onty. 642•9552 IC onty. Ron'• Gaidenlng, ••••••~•••••••••••••• &1.TllllTIYI FrM •tlrnatM.552-0410 I / ELECTR IAN 675-038818'2-848& DUMP JOBS ,, .. , t•l•I •_,,.,,,,.i,J "•-'"'ti Smt joba/Repllra. Lie. & Smalt Moving Jobe *11 1 -· ••'••••••••••••••••••• .,_., ., "' "'• 2331oe-c-10. 648-5203 Mow. edge, r•k•. IWMP. Cati MIKE 84&-1391 Uve In llC\lftty pkit ma-.. _ .. _ ••BRYANT'S ** •••••••••••••••••••••• eprlng cln-up. haul. _ ture loving car• IOt pet/ T~ty. ~cw. Wellcov9rlng Removal Xlnt typing, editing. ra- To place your ,,.,,ueoe before lhe reading public, phone Dally Pilot Class1lled. 842-5578 Have something to sell? Chucll 842-2873 an 4 I HAUL.ING & DUMP ~~ H~ Sitters. In r.-~it~>:t:"· Alt Typtt. 8'2·1343 ~:~~r~:.•;.;:t~~.!;. Ctassllied ed1 do It well Daily Pilot Ctas11hed1 JOBS.~J:27Rarldy. (Since 1979) 831-123.4 No -;;;;rim.. 73()..1353 C'8Nlfled Ads 6.42-5678 848-6591, 875-1723 Sell 1c11e 11ems 642-5678 ' DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One hem per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDs642 •5678 OLLARS , ................ 1.,,. .... 11.00) A11 .... ,,.,.,,; ltrHul•/ i.111 ... 1 .••.•..•••.••......... Autunanlf SIOO ........•..•.......... *"'llT'W. <. l ___ CC? ___ , ) 14NTED ( {,..._-!cc:;---) ) Newspaper Carriers for foutes iri Huntingfon BecJch, Fountain VOiiey &<Newport BiacK . I t • c ~ ~-~ --~----- ;;-.l 1. .,....... ,. ~i.· -·--, -~ - -'1.f -r -" ,-•T -~ --, -,-·-·-. ..... -1 ... ~ ... :~., l!!f ¥ ..,,, '.... Pr.!tt.ft!'. •• :;Jlf ........ l(tl ...... ~ .•.. 1.(ff 11*.~ .... f.tl ,..,..~~~· ~ ............ ~ ••'fflnnr • 111 Mey JI, tAM•lfl#it. J H I MOT'fVA IALllHNON '° tll )fl-fledlttH lllMtle" H111-1 tOH '""'""oor 1.~. 01. 1 MIM IHlfl ···"~···••••••• a., M. E...., 1 ' nt1mn --~. ~·•••••r **'"~· ........ Ci~~ .... Of\~·~._ A~O H,I . OhHI 'tt•Ut, IU 4ta .. 14t ~tJ f!lf .._. .... t7M7 1-=,,~,J:··· ttgl1lttt , HO. Vet I*)'~.~. ............ .., .,... I011 .. ,"' l!'clct. 711·1100, Orenr. OOHI ~ll•t•· Ofwn .... lltltntl, ITC. LAAOI l'l.AYHOUll I -~·M:~d ~~: H' toomereno ... llMf•' ... S'J:!L '"'IPIWM .. 6.ollO. '•rrv •• ' Ari ~ton , Outdl Doon chanri tor llgllt mecftt• ~ ... Ilk• MW. IMtWlol Work ln O\U" f~ CllUlil. prOfi~makJnc Gotden _,"""' puoplM, Co.11 M .... AdM Ulon Deet11, ofllot ~· 4:]1Q a100. e.4f.t&10 nloal rn11n1.nenoe. lClnt 70. M24M1 L• .~IS lrH to buyere. letler =~~b~ei~!~ eAl!NHOVll Wll\dOW, ref'• ami3M300 24' CollHl'\t)l.a lllnl oonct. olflc. '' rt \e1tp OA• .. 1 .. promotion .... :t.'MWllnd• AKO, I Witt, 0111mplon ~·*· "'· .. ou. "· llflel. lhoW. ., 1 ...... ~tlonallftfo. Ille cab., I' otllln llrtk ._ 411• 12&0 Of Ht1 Off« 14• tlberolue trl·hull. I n.w 7.8 :I. Otl & Ulla. eltrk for 1he •N•'• flnnt new1pa1>4tr. a eYee t.t II •voudo. >c111t oonc1. '"' 01. looker•, rHt111r1n11 8'2·31•9 •fl fSPM took1re, very 11011 119" t4 11ot Only ~ulrem•nt 11 • 1ood telephone llCUllUy nHdld Wltll t-i8·0H9 l'rff lo oood home. s yr t•blff, toolff ... t111r & M•nual oofttrOllld tl~I· IHStneo. '41·20711tt u1a ottiflor• 47 wt old lprtnter 8p1n111, AUMMAQI iALI vob en\hUlluml LOcal Col.a M.-a " 1 b1011nrounc1 to A1tr19a.1tor, Cotct..,ot, IPI~, lhOte, YtfY If• m1hog1ny ot11lr1, ohan· tel tllct. commode. ay, 3·30 moor•~ ~· Chai• Offic.. hendl• our anct lnvt•I· bronff. Wlloww ..... , •• lout• a oood w/ l~t. t-S. 01n1va Pree· deller a eoonce. oomin WflellOllllr. 11200 total, A[,,.IOIAATOA >Cini "'bu• n .... m1y take •.:::.-::.~ rnen1deell.I= • 'lJ eo. uuJ kldt ..... ....., m·••n ChUfCtl, l4S01 wet-ctrr. veouum. Dr. Hl .. l Wiii NII MP· H3-0t50. eond 10 4 cu n uoo or RE trect••· 1ny olfere. I 119111 th or ~ • ... '" Toro N . Leguna Hllll. lplrul n1 Produote, l'rl/ ' '93 se bk ~ ~,.quired. 11.mont !m.!f Jtt .•.... l!ff lat MVc.Hnct. •·4. HO l•I t·4 146·46 t 2. &U Moving? 75 uMd ee111n1 belt otr. I· ,, r .... .,. r;:; ..... r .. ,... ln~heoll. F'i,AIOIM TOR ,llrpont Dr. c.M. bou~all 1l&H 186. IHI• •l•lt••.,. S1ntan1 125. Honct1 711p I 1000/mo. Clll Teny 1t L"'• new~roet fl"tl. 2 dr, f'llH mixed ,uppl", & I(~ • Cotner of llt 720· 1 / 0 B • .,.n eh•~ X1re1, •&4.00 for flret w.ek: then 1h1re In us.1n1. Stea. I 9080 WMk9 old. Hortnl nlll ct. Newpqf1 INC . lfrrln IOIO rMdy to GO· 8 S·2060 664.0141. • ,urnlture a HOUHhOld MOVING MUST Sl!l.L Wlneh11t1r Modal 2100 •••••••••••.,••••••••• partMf'lhlp~fUa. ....... .,,,~ Of\Yl.A, Oen. m.etnc (220 ii.me. £11eryttlln8Jo" 2197 12 g1uge, 1100 M1tlne !llGtrlclln Cat1Mn1 27 118 fUf1lng Jib, ""''"'tu Npt. Bell, Mutt he IOC> 1m,11· Ilk• new. White. ,r .. to good f'lome. 8 mo Sal/Sun. au:r, Goodltl. Rurll LI\, . S.1111·6 6'2..a43-4 Oulonllntllll/rn:lr dine mooel. hl"91d 11\Mt Ml .... YI ut. 11 eklll•. lnoludln' word It ..... & .. o 06d. d90lawed mlll T11>-CHEAP. 8.w ng m1ch. CORNEA or Mulgold & Bink• 1ug: BM wtgun a Qtty work. 5411-25 O wt Brlet~.,~~~948 prOOIHlng, pre er1bly It 011 II COldepot relr~/ by ~t. Call 181-a712 Ice Oflam m1ker, ehre, 4th A111 .. CdM Se t & hou flt ofltr 011er IHI #ul CPT Syelem. ' yre llw 1r111er, troet-frM 11 . PIKI t>r'ld Pit lull, trnot. deeke. motore, lot• more. Sun, 11-4 China, cryei.I, 1500. 931-47•6 11 J •• fOjO 27' Albin V~ '72 ote. Hp. rtQ'd. Sal1ry 7fS1·HIO Brindle oolor. 1900 Olltla Ln, NB reeord1, book1, olc ~l!f!!!I Del lnbfd, Nwp lllp, io.- llKIUPU ...... 11 •• , ..... S 1.800. Call: Mr Sw1n, Eleetrlc do11t>l1 OVll\, 4 call 6'1-31'8 SUP~A GARAGE SAL! • dell! Mtho of well known Coyote jaclllt, brand l\9W, •••• • "•••••••••••• cl.cl 118 500 548-5558 (71'~4-651' btwn I 30 0 • c I t Ml IUlCUrlOUI, zleo::ont, ta· Seth Thom•• eolld bf.... . run charge. 101 • m1Jor MATURE . lor •ldtrly & 9: AM. burner. 1250. Mix ehlpherdt, 8 W91ke. 2 Sit SAM·fS,M. Cr111 nk!·1111~• n er. ec, diet mid 81 R111111 b1tom1ter, bllutllul Columbl• 23 with moo· r~~oenter lady. Wknd1. 541.saa8 873-9280 lem1IH, adorable. To euppll••· decorator S3000 •*•'~ 6 ,.., · · 11 4 ,.., · ·. t 9 6 . ring, Newport B11eh In . Muel INSURANCE SECRETARY· RECEPTIO· White refrlg, ffOlt .... top good home. 845·66110. IOOU, IMX paru • GARAGE 8ALE·F1mt1y N kl I 846-4005 112.000 Call 973-3830 NIST. 1eour111 typlet. tr1ma, clotM•. 110. 19 tale bltltnd ABC Lumber aar new ng • ze com-have mll\, S yre exp. I'•· FOS h11 opening In re-Cell Lynl\ tor 1ppl. tr111tr . Xlnl 1250 f am111 Atgh1n 10 ,d e.tuna, H.B. 11 1'0 Cibrlllo c M lorllf '39. New DleHI 91111 In crate, NACAA 18, rlCle equlp'd. mlllulty with properly newel cltpt fOf per eon IO 6'2~8C.M. ~9-1190 tlome. ·Alt o me t Buftk b•d• w/matchlng 5-411-1890 20 H.P 2 cyl. engine w/ w/cllm r-.cl~ modll & management. aecoun· quote a tollowup on r•· 810111 hOOd 135, Wllhlr K•Hhound. \Ull blood. '78 Yamaha MO, 1200. '78 a 11 $ 50 E marina gear box. heat trlr $1 ,750. kdyl 8·5, ting, a plue. Send reeume ntw111. Auto rating or IUllTUY $7&, dryer 185. IS gel •97-t795 Su&util RM250A, •300. llnen qu t 1 . lee· Na1t naw F1b1rwara ro· exchano-& 12v •l•r11ng 497-5e13 Brian a ..-,Y r~te to: undetWrlllng up. preftr· Poeltlon 1v1ll1bl1 with p1 .. 11e 1>uo1111 sup. Kitten to good hOme, box OT70 rHIOrtd, but un-Irle concrete mixer $75. t11eer1a with COVfK 12• 12350 17141 52~78 31' ISUllU Ill. 131 FHh on 111. NB. red. Saluy eommen•u· d~amlo Venture Clpltal .. .. mblld, 8175 Ilk•. Truck tool box S50. Bl· 549-1890 92ee0 r1t1 wl•x=. C1ll Ron· 750-7802 trained. 811ek & yRllte. $2&. Wlfda pu1h mower. eye .... =hlng lm•gl· 8' dinghy, FIG 0\19f wood, '78 A/P . VHF, fllho , F rm In Newport Be1eh. nable. Sell un. For""· mid length wtt11e nu p1lnt oara. 1125 nle, &.4M Mature, Hll·motlvatlng Hotpolnt, Ilk• new; al· 83t.ot21 110. Mlec. 10011. 393 Dodger. 5 beg•. 111tty ..... , .... mlnk.1.ood buy. $750 993 2559 · .WWry 810<9, p/llme, tine MCr11ary needed u U· mond. 1pt u. m1nuel FREE 1111111 Vlata 811:, N.8 . (bet BLOCK SALE, C1lll. c1ll 98 ·7841 ,, • factory opt, N7t 1llp, Part-time In expand~ 0 W C w/20 dwn. CM Jewelry atore. FllXI· 1l1t1nt to PrHldent & delro11 fridge, • 150. 22nd a 2 d off Tuelln). HomH, off Walnut, 1r11 Old 1 hlone<I b lht b fShp long1halt E11lnrud1. butlnel, tuNon relat . Vic• PrHld•nt of UCI· 175-8172 873-6484 . Slt./Sun. 9-2. Fri/Sit fotlow llgfta. ~126/0BO u · excall. concrn1on 1375. melt• offau. ~ In AIR, a Payroll. t>lllly I• HHnllal. Clll Tredewtnd1 Yacht• c Of ipp(. 07~73 deya, &-48~ 1'9 ting compeny toe.led In W1ehll'/O:r; $126 eaoh. 18372 Latleltone. H.B. 1111A1E SALE 915.9112 54~9~ 875-0007 dy• F11hlon l1land . Wiii Retr1oer1 or 1225. Dllh· 1walluw 1111 (Ellle/Newlend). Furn .. BOOKKEEPER llUI. IUlnUY handle variety of duti... Furniture, art work, ml· seare reel type g11 lawn· JH11, 11rtfl "'40 evs wutllf 1100. 848-5841. •••••••••••••••••••••• auto pull. 1110. trall\ P/tlme. Knowledge of Min. 3 YHrl famll)' llW mike appoln1ment1, KINO INNERSPRING EX· crow1111. color TV. and mower $95 Good coodl-~··•• ••••••••••···~".~ 12 81llbo1rd, cu11om ~ayroll. tax••· etc. a11peri.nc.. O.C. AlrPofl eontaot other axecut111M. Coldepot refrlg . bottom TRA FIRM mett,_. Mt, bOald, mllC. Set/Sun. much much mOf• SAT/ lion 145_4785 74 Botton Whiter. 13 8 Velzy daal~n lor high run delly op1ratlon1 of Irv. Herwat go4d 1 150, GIANT GARAOE SALE SUN 10-5, tn th• 1ll1y, 50 HP John1on. 2 gu 80-0859 atM. ErnployM l>eMflla. neYll' uted, wor1h $630, wind. S550 70-8274. Seluy eommenaurate office. Shorthlnd requl-Call 080-4940 uc. 1248 d•I. Never ~ • mU1t Mil 1111 217 Jumlna. CdM SE.AAS YARD VAC llnk1. RuN & look1 xlnl CARPENTERS min 5 yre V91i ~ condition Trailer lncld Uc fOf 82 Lido 14 No 3538 with co- exp. Mu.I llalle 111 ~ with experience. C1ll red. Excel'ent 11lery & AHii.. IOU uHd queen n . worth He d emt. etc. 1793 Kldl gar1g1 Hiii BlkH. 8 . 6•5-<4785 XI n t con d S 3 2 5 0 11er and Ira lier S 11100 Meg at 851-1234 benefit•. For Interview S399. CHh on•t u 11 H1wett Cr .. C.M. Sit. 9·4. ll1h 1ank1. g1mH etc 1-277-1930 213-592-5885 ~. wtmd & hand toola. 975-1120 call (71•> 840-8234. ......•..............• u..., °"" del. U1u1lly oma. 3 F1ml~ G~ Sale Slvllle, off Monte Vl111. ANTIQUE BA TH TUB CHhler for Photo Drive-SEOlnUY /UEO. PUBLIC FURNITURE 754.7350 Fri/Sall un 9· . 1000'• CM Sit. 8· t PM Wllh Claw foot 28' Unllllt• Flybrldg• 12' Car lopper. flbrgl1 In. " ttr Co•I• MeH. M1ture. experllncld 1no *AUCTION* Item• 50•·1200: 10011. $125. 8<45-4785 Sportll1her, brand new Hllboal plu• •CCIII 9-0. Fri. &/or 9.5 s11. hone11. Evan1n1:• 1nd Fln1nclll lnllfflment llrm **'BUY** clolhll, h1hld ll1m1. llPllUUI BEAUT Waddlnfi gown, twin F.W.C gu Very S525. 559-7417 alt 8:30 Mu1t be rall1ble W9lkend1 549-1 22 Io r educatore . TrUh to treuur81 5121. IHI. long range. brand Eftf'JF~l1MPI 100'• of hardblCk book• 11 6·8. 11ell & 11 p Coit SOUTHCOAST 22' Sk>op 845-0404. Per1/eomm.d1p1. Mer ... Good uHd Furniture & •417 W. Collt Hwy, N.B 5122. 2211 Tuatln NB new elec:1ronlc1. Loran. Ll11e-ln tor chlld cue & tuy Elecel typing end Nice bdrm, d nlng rm. II· Apptlanclla-OR I wlM NII $4 50 . SIC . s 1 2S A.0.F. U.H.F .. (21 FatllOI . Hlghell quel. llPI 2, CLERICAL llouMkeeplng ....... ., t7 S/H required. Executive 11lng rm lurnllure, high Of SELL fOf You 875-0092 UTllllW 5'8·5550 Auto Piiot, Knol meter. llndem trlr. O/B. $3275 l.-rl•IP-t lea\19 meeMO-· MCrellrt.aJ axpt. 1 mu11. chre, rock1r1, lmporte. llU1IU llOTlll SAT M•Y 22 at 2015 0.-lllWNIT IUOI lr11lne Coa11 C .C Goll Saa 1emp .. Electrtc an-l his 11 • 11 ea I lmmld. opening tor r•· Non-emoktr prel. Call refrlget'atore, lg 1ton1ge borah Lant. NB. Furn & M1ny emall decorator Memberehlp . Worth ehor winch, Swim atep. 1-8 7 1-35-46 ll1ble . con1cl1ntlou1 UUID 1<40.0123 101 & ue1d1 m1ehlnH. ........ 111-Mll mlec tlouMhold. ltem.e Kaw11 piano. S 1500, Hll for 11100 Tranaom dOOf, Bill tank, 17 Venture, alpa 2. nu pareon good w1t1gurH Food 11r11lca, retlll SECRETAAY·General Of· PLUS LOTS MORE. I 111 Fllllllll country china cab. Dining 0<40-7885 Oulrlggere. etc. T.O.P of O/B, trlr, compa ... heed who can UH 1 1 key l1ke-out. Contact mgr ol SAVI UVI SAVI Porl·l·Crlb. RDF. COll(lh, tabla. ' ch1lra. al10 ' 1370/mo. No qualttylng I $2000 1575. 7477 1ddlng m1ch. keep oper1t1on1. 9337 L1urel floe wor11. Mutt be aoc:u-L• 957-8133 D.R. t1bl1, much more ladder back et1alr1_ 0.-Like naw. Mutoh DRAF-wm dlacount my 115.000 aecur1te records: do C1nyon Blvd .. P1colm1. r11a typlat & he11e know· We honor BolA, MC. New tun·alz.e mattr111 Mt, Sit 9-1. '732 Cort11nd eorator Arai rug1, all TING MACHINE w/llble equity tor cUh or take ? HOBIE 12' Mono-Cl!. ye!- Bank rec.. ri:elllou• CAT c •. 91331 ( 2 1 3 ) ledge Of Light bookkM· Ca1hler'1 Cheek• & 180. N~••n 11ze. Dr .. CdM. No early bird•. Worlo book•. pl1nt1 . 1150, 850--0202 In trade. Ab1olutel y low. blue/yellow tall. 083-1996 ~Ing. Call Barbu• at Cuh NO PERSONAL btlllol. 845-9190 per f c ond S500 expr helpfu but not nee:. ar or Lewn Mamr:i,11 CHECKS PLEASE! Food 1100. 7 2 Hul\tln21on Harbour G•· 1984 Viet• Caudal. 8·5 ICE MAKING MACHINE 24 hra week ippl'OJl. We IAllmll SllYn rage 1le S1t/Sun 9-4, Sat. 780-3617 Scottemen. S250. WOC'ka 490-4280 Park & Mortu )'. 1111ll1bl1. 1tem1 eobJeot 5' Orllnlel TMk bat, 13()(). 1987 G8 •2. radar, gene-olter company pd blne-18301 Niantic Clrcl•. graet. ee0-49•9 Illa lncl'g m1jor medlcal. Tempo~, part/time. 640-5554. to pr ...... 119 VII Orvl•to. N.8 Humboldt lallnd. Ptanll, HOUMhold, kl1dlln ttwne, rator, crulelnf gear. tax '79 C1I 2-26, dal. Vhl. danlll plu1 profit •h•· I tor Eut Center.NB. Serva S141tlon Altendlnl. UITUI lllTlll 075-7188 book•. gemee. coffM lbl, 1ppll1nc11, clott111. 2$0 yard• of light grffn advantage, 99K. bltr aplnn11t1r. 1u10 p ilot Marilyn 876--4737. Full time. AWf In peraon 2075'A Newport Blvd CM Wlehll', ckyer. 3239 Ne-carpet In ltlnt cond Mutt 84MOOS. Atkl, 119,500 Wknd1/ ring. Be1ut 8 pc. 11ctlona1 INUnken 1-.d, etc. t>tMkl CM SIVSun. 9.5 mow lrnmedlatel~ S 1 25 COBALT. '7•-19' Deep V 911" 31•5519 CIMCO .... ~., 18502 Beach Blvd . 833-9925 84e-a&ee iota. b•lq,•· a100. 285 Brlgol Ave, C.M. Huntington Be.ch Patio Salt: dMk, llblea, 1>91" yard 644-0 1 d1ycrul-. 302 V8/0MC Erlek1on 48. price 14' wanted. 848-8 76 1nd 851-8229 Of ~1090 collectll>lll. mlac. Items. Knldt Knadle & Furniture. outdrlva. tnm tab•. oonv. HOBIE CAT w/lrlr. Mint Ml 44" 031-0478 SUOl 1&1 ~!!T!!~! ......... ~ Round ratten dining 111 3•052 Doheny Park Rd We dOn't went to pack 10 Balboa Bay Club Slngle mo11e. Sat/Sun 2035 Wom1n'a M1mt>er1hlp • top, tonneau. >Cini cond, cond Mu1t H il $1•50 Clerk· Typlet. Perm1nent •UMW.""' Cuhler/lood pr~•· 10 SPD MEN'S BIKE w1' c1n1b1ck 1wlv11 # t41, Capo 8c:h. Fri/Sit Baltra Pt. C.M. 556-0790 Scuoe. 042 -94 25,1 w/'70 Van1on 11ndem 842-3602 poaltlon. 45 WPM. Small Npl 8ch. Some c:ollegl & tlona, opening & ~ Xtr•Nla ~t. 27", Hitt ehalra. New S1400. Bl· M111l111 Gu1~1/Hou11 .... 0878 trailer. luned this month, Co. ~flt1. Entry 1.vel medical bkgrd pref. Must 1hlft1. mature. Saecll I rlm1. $195. 75-6194 rely Ulld , 1550. S1l1. 111eryth n\ goaal DOVER SHORES . S10001oH«. 080-52<45 0t ... 11,.Sli,. poaltlon. 1<42-0303 ·Ann type 75wpm. 759-1833 Country Club. Call Wed· 851-8228 or 7~1090 Sun. tO·•. 482 . 201h SOMETHING FOR EVE· #1lie•I 080-5212. D#b I010 Sun~. Nl1hlkl Olympic lnt'I 10 10Lx7H Ao .. wood will St .. C.M. CUil. &.48·5532 AYONE. Pillo furniture, 1 .. 1n.m1•ll "'" .•.•.•....••••••.....• Counter Peraon. Apply In llUU epd 'nclng bike. Mint bid. night etand, walnut 9' BOSTON Whaler. oere. ...,.,. . .,.. pereon 1t D.~. Donut•. Tow Truck Drtver luK time unit. plu1 complete hou· *MOVING SALE* .•.........••.•.....•• cover $700. 89•·9817. RN1, LVN1, NA I , 111 cond Many~. d .. k. 1m1ll kitchen •P· UIWll Hiil In Sllpa a11all day. wk or mo 2903 FllMew Rd .. C.M. d•Y•. no night C1ll Coet $450. Siil 1250. uhold lurnl1hlng1. CM8t 135. cof!M & end pllance1. glHMe. cups, e• 1-0101 0t 892-3532 1hlft1, full or put time_ 968-0505 7~94 842-3723 tabies a to. p1ce I 10. di· chlldren1 toys, 111 kind• 1211. lll-ltll 840-0551 Coun1er work, Ory Cl••· Bonu1H. health & 1111 Beautiful Century Bay ner. mall.If• lady, 3 da)'I ln1_ Weekly ~y "II ar11. Trllnee. ShOW Horee Sta-GT -BMX. ctlrQme tr1me & C1nnonball ' poet•r qn nett• table 6 chalre 15. of book•. clothel. plan11. Ibanez PF 200 LH Paul Launch 18'. 111 m1h~ .. Boat Sllpa lor rent, Hunt • .... 848-7921. Morg1n Nurees Aeglttry, ble . L111e In . Non· fork1, 1aalld b11rlng1, 1lze bad by Burlington . Ml.c. Thura 11t ~· Fri plctur ... 18'42 Galaxy Df w/case Xlnt cond. S250 Biibo• Penlnsul1 sl p Harbour. up 10 85' $8 Smoker•-2•4-2218. b .. u1. S800 OBO . 4 Sat 10·8. 313~ 33rd Sal. 5122 lrom 8-5. IQ ft 213/596-5152. CouplM wanted lo ual1t (71'1546-8811. 1lloy r i m•. 1 350. St. N.8 . 876-01et. 080 962 -5 000 e11 . Incl S3750. 8•2·8552 848-•006. dyt or 673--4286 avs In ex~nelon & ':1!:.' for OFFICE REASON. lyplng, n"ST/IEOUT. 8"2--0 785 4'113'1121" high chlldren'1 wkndl BOAT SLIPS AVAIL lnt'I mktg Hrv. /time. 1ax11 & cu1tomer ral1-50-55 wpm W1g1 $5/hr. SCHWINN 5 tpeed Beech CHILD'S SCHOOL _.aw picnic or work table, Olliet ,,,..;,.,, ' WUTU Newporl Bch 20·, 40'. wltf train. ••Mm Ilona, t>enetlta. Hunting-Profa111on1I ap,fi1ar1n-Cruleer. Rare Orum DESK 6 CHAIR 125 s 11. 9-3, 22oe Pon Dut· portable TV eland, nu· 20 10 30 It boat In clean 65', & 66' 8 42-4844 DATA PROCESSING Slf. Ion Bch. 536-656 1. ce. 1 ·5 dally arklng brake. Perfect cond. 842-1388/MS-0026 nHI, Nwpt Bch Baby muou1 e1nn1n~ Jare . ... 'if!~!~! .... ~~ cood. 613-045-0 9-5pm ~rovlded. Lew firm In $226. OBO 850·1088 turn, •~ting equip .. Olhef brlc·8·b8C 1 •2 B . LIDO 15'11 mooring fOf sale vice Tech. Exp. In 04gttal e1hlon l1land . alter 5pm OIUTIFIUWEll hid•·•· . l1mp1. pie· Orange Ave .. C.M. IBM Elec1 typewTitlf. Wide Nifty, Swlfty 28 all gla11 or 11a 675-0912 or & Wlncheeter dl1k1. PUT TUil 8«-7800. 135. 8'42· 1381/8<45--0325 tlllll. applllnQet. IOU carrl1g1, pica type. Good SF Sell/leue option 5•s-t23<4 an1 mach Send reeume with M&ary 6-9pfn. Expanding youth Raleigh Spana 3 epd. gtr1a BUHi working cond $150 Double bed HI: Matt. & S 18K Make otter i••tory to: 2700 Harbor coun1elllng firm h•• Uniform• Unllmlted ~• blk• w'/eouter brake. Lk GARAOE SALE ·Set ..••...•.....•........ Cun. &48-2652 ~ 848~005 Bo1t ellpe av1llable Im· 1 .. Coat• M•••· Ca . opening• for 3.5 sharp full 4 put-llma axger new S 189 720-1730 boll eprtng, 00 cond. ISO. 10~8PM. 2185 Raleigh, WU1DI Ullll medlalaly. Newport bay, 92628 outgoing mature people per90f'le, no nights. all 842-1388, 845-0325 CM. (8twn Vletor11 & w/1tanc1 $150 1MO...an1 UTln Ull The Prloe 11 "RMlly Right" 18~5' 78().-8899 Dell11ery Driver of auto to motivate 1mblllou1 &48-5388. E11cellen1 condition 10 Laweon chair al\d mat· Wiiton). Old molorcyda, Oltlca turn, da1k1. on lhla 24' tnrWler W/IQ 10· 13 yr old1. Call tpeed man'• bike ses. chlng ottoman 1100. 06d bunk bide, girl• bike. 0 yr 06d reg'd. Appy Oeld. chair•. t~lter. etc. much pereonellty 1he'1 ug 10 2•· 11so 233 19th part• Mu1t ha11• 11alld 2·5pm_ 042·•32t, UI. 5-49-1890 Good condition. em chain uw. IQ drer W•tlEng.11000 or belt 75-2'J18 noticed wher111er •h• I Apl C Newporl Calif. Lie. & good drMng 343. Alk !Of Andr•. , ....... M1111 Nlehlkl blc:yde. 27" .... 1387 mirror. ~twin bed•· offer. 831·7155. goe1. SIHP• 4. enelad Be1ch 675-0230 . ree0td. Aidt 548· I 133 .......... praade. L1dlet blou· STUIPlllT hMd, loll of leek. ltaln· 673-7092 frame. Lo1dld w/xtrH •11.a.U '-" IOIS IUJYDY Permanent P I T, retell ,.., ......... $250 842-8534 Quellty dining eet. round ...... c. . ..............•.••..•. MIChloe. Xlnl cond lees sleet & marbffl galley JH11, S,,H I 1moke glall & chrome $300. 548· 1108 & 1011 of ln1trum1n11 & Full/time fOt local ~ HIH Some weekend We' re eeeltlng to ootld • Schwinn 10 1pe1d ten· 1250. 8<46-8t58 2 F1mlly Sale. 2227 & Taak COllH labl• l•O. e11tre1 She'1 ~ loved In fOIO rln. Xlnt driving rec0<d wont req'd. Wa wlll lrtln. l1bor pool of qu1lllled 2232 Port Carllale. N.B Aouwood bar 1300 E11ecutl11e DHk. walnut, re~. Phone for appt , Tr1n1portatlon needed. ~raphle art• pereonnal dem, cu1tom. $550. MOVTNG. colonlal roe.tier. Too••· Toya 6 LOii Of M1tchlng wood dHk, magnlllclenl cond Coit & pampered IQ you know •••••...•......••.•... Newport Bike Shop. you 1houldn'I mla1 20 ft Sunr1y 115 h/p 55 ·9212 Mr. Emrnona. 718-0349 or on-cell work In the 2 118 Npt Bl11d . Miple arrne, $$0. Couch Mlec. Sit. 8-12. cr1denza, Ille. chair S8oo. telt• S25o teeing heft Call Udo An· Mere. 110. wltrlr Many Newport St1tlonera pra-prlN UM. At lellt & rac:llner, xlnt conet. ndl l300. Mital' draW91' flle 846-1.9•5. Pe<IQn Frid•)'. parMlme 873-5051 GlgentlC garage Mle, bat· S50. Great American chor~or mora de11lla xtr1s Gd 1kl boat, 6 one v-r'• experience In recover. U50 & 175. lllTll. lSllSTllT for lnlerlOf dll4gn lhop. lypeuttlng, p11te up. Schwinn Beach Crulur 833-~o g1ln1 galore. '51 Amer· Salll~lp plat• c:o4tec--'''' I011 673-9 pus. $5495. 846-llO<M Full/time. Coata Miia. Exptr pla11e. Mu1t be 0111. Springe< front end, lean Flyer Train Set, $85. lion . . ..•...•.•.....••.••.• 17•;,.· ski boat. t1ndem 841-3272 tlexlbll. 842·2255 camera operation or W1t11bld. kl~ u . com· Slgnllure rattar 112&. 751-0797 LOVE BIROS. Peach lec:e. Grell bay botll, · 18' Thun-Ira lier. rbll 75hp 0 B . platemeklng 11 necH· 1'i't yrs old. 1175/bHI defblrd. walk·thru, seata Pereonnel 1er~ You muet be 11111. ofr. 548-0482 pleta $135, ca I May 21. 2 • 23. aam to 10<>+ yd1 of ueed carpel llngle $15. 8. 40hp Evlnrude, rune S2900t0fr. 960-0551. Dependable adutt to cc»-lab• to work on a sub-9e()..2888 Opm. 20121 Bayview 548-1419 peff $1800. 913-3927 rate pet111ng lot~ h...tiftS.wM Schwinn 10 :I: L• Tour. Aw. S.A. Ht1. 545-3543 remolled trom reeldonce. Put time. Sat 1nd Sun Due to AWlrd of -al 11111111 or cell-In baela. Ilk• MW. I new. Slit M1tlrH1, boll lp(lngt, kg S2 SO/yd. 788-440-4 50 breedef Parakeet• plU• ~!~ ... ~!!~~;!~ •••.••• e1tly A.M. 4 houre ea Majof contrec:t1. -have Sal1ry depend• on ex· 1200/bll offef. 548·2•29 llze $75. Good eond. Bike, Sony trntbl, ' wht babies, plu1 feedere. . 7 8 27 'ltll BA YLINER day. 5'S.2e 11 need for experienced perlance. Con11ct Par-8'8-21 43 p1lnt1d Chrl, 2 OllO• J..,,,'9. I010 n•I box11. xlre = & 'Victoria. · Fly bridge. c .. ,,n, S.11 recrultere with 1klll1 In tonne!, ''""•• King Ill.• walerbed. Solld m1n1, dbl bid. mirror. •••••• ••••••••••••••• mOf'e. $150. 642-88 . VHF radio. bllt !Ink. . .. , . IIZO llSTl9ITtU lnllc• ..... Singer 1ew machine Engagement Set for '350. engineering & DP Rae-•. ,,,;,,, ms o ak with bookca1• M1they Tluot Mens ,;,..,. 0rfHI IOfO depthflnder. outrl9gera. ..•................... wanted for Imported rullmenl. ulltendlng ·~Plitt ......•..•.••....••••• headboard 1750 v1tue. (Pofl), mtec. Sat 8-4. Sun w1fch Oucata etc. •••••••••••• ••••••••• wllr1ller. 122 .000. 8' C/O Six Pee. J1ck1. plaatlc Hying bird. UnlqUe compen11tlon/growth 330 Bay SL lllLIUlnD 1275 obo. Ray 754-6398. M . 2500 Vista Dal Oro. 642-3850, 8<48-1889 Steinway lludlo, tbony. 8<48-2843 bOOI, pl1tform. ~ ' aummer toy Ca II NB opp. Dl114H'llllld 1111gn-C0tt1 Miia Good M6actlon 88-$14 5'8-8875. lmmec cond A.rtlat t>nch $460 848-2051 7141888-8019 men11 6 exciting, dyn•· All E~ual ~~Em= Fr11 dellwty epectal. GARAGE SALE: Saturda~ ~!~!!1 ••••••• !.~!~ lncl'd 12500 548~737 4t'ClllCIUU. 11'. slpl mlc an11lronment. LA & SUPER Queen eofa·b•d only 5·21·82. Tru '78 Vacatl~ Ory C6Mr'llng. Expertel iced 2595 ~Can~ Rd, bf/whlll IWllCI WP 1395 .. ..aESSll Hammond Elect H-100 w/ '71. dsfa, glaa. NEW 7'"' 5, eell cont.. all 1menl-p1r1on for pant• prH· OC locatlone. Call or Vehicle ()perat0t, Dial-A· Legyna . ' 4-4784 l\OW S125. Me 6355 eomftactor 11101llel\I KW Oen. rad1r. A/P, '78 tlet. am/Im 8 trlt 1tfKeo. ling 6 counter WOfk. San 11nd reaume In eonfl-eond lion, 2 gold ehalre 3 HP, 1 phue80 gal vtrl. 1pe1ker. lmm1e eond. dence to: Ride, SaddlebKtl Valley IOW 1101n. Must Mil ~t unUMd ASME code t.ank. Never $2200. 54M737 Ch VHF. letho. AOF , tv an lenn a . 1howar. Clement•. 49$-3338. uea. 18 w/xlnt driving = cond .. mtec Item&. NEW Bimini w/encloaure, o\19f\, etc-Orange/brown Electric.al .A.Nlmblefs for PAC ASSOCIATES INC record. Stu tin a 14 hr. Redwood 2d decking, eof• bid. 5 pc: bdrm Tyter WI'/. C.M. UMCS. see5. Terms. story & Clark Upr1r1 Miter wentt outll Wiii Ill\ Int Mini cond. On '88 circuit bolrd 6 control 27« E. CO&lt Hwy Ste G E.O.E. 030·81 1 btwn 4-20' ~"° redwood Mt Contempor~a & 3 FAMfL Y YAAO SALE 772-5390 practice piano 15 O. 75% of 192,500. Che11 PU w/'81 Tlrgel· Corona del Mar CA lo\19 ..... orig 11 , MC L•ll'I•. drill prHHI, mil· CdM, Hk tor Jin. Dy HHmbl~. Exper. req. 92925 10-t 1AM. lenclng. Jim or Ken "450. Solld pecwl coffM 28H Roy11 P11m (0), Tradewind Yldlll maater 350 eng H.P.S. yet1m1 Inc. 714-840-2950 WWII 1nytlme, 77&-1•91. & eno tblt. matching wall C.M. Sat r:'l 81m·&t>m. llng machln11, hydr IM'-6311 , Ev 759.9052 875-9007 080-1725 $&800/otfer 960-5245 or MS.9552. 213-971~078 MaeOragor. 1831 Pia-Sat ol Wudrobe doort. unite. 850-18&0 751 290 ~,..... '15 30th St . Uprlghl Pl1no xlnt tone, 13' Boaton Whaler. 40 960·5212 wpt Bch. Wed.-Sat. nice cabinet, stool S595. ,..llmOI equal opp~ centle, Cotta Mela. Practlcally new 1 20. Rolltop deak, 80" wide, GARAGE SALE· MUL Tl-hp/John1on. Xlnt eond CheY ¥• T Pick Up wf70 •96-4038 FAMIL y -Sa l M•rc 22. 0·2. M7-70t7 $3700/otr. Ken Kelly Tr111el Queen 1 O'i't' The llMal & IUIHI gro-UOIPT/mtST ....... taak w/m1tbl• writing 9AM·2PM only. 3 ovlly Rellullt 2 hOrM, 1 phlM. K A W A I S l U 0 I 0 U P • 497-3331 $2200 845-3603 wing oootile company .. Gd. •ipl'ifi ekllll, exper. Machine Oper11ora. Pro-c..,,,, ' 1urfece, new cond, Incl mat~ Orllntal deelgrl $150. 3 horH, 3 ph111 RIGHT Walnut, bench. coming to South Co11t nee. ult t me. Mon. thru ductton work. Exfi. nee . ••• '!f!1.r!!~! •.•. !!! 1wlv1I chr. 1450 rug1, (II • new). Hid ... •· 176 .... 2~992. Xlnl 1900. 780-3617 NB 38' PACEMAKER ll1ttd1H llktt 1140 Plaza. Mrt. Flefd1' Coo-Fri C.11: Mon. IMJ Fri. 9 Apply 11· •o9 2 th s1. 7~1730 bed couch, Eleg1nt din 19&4. Fly/B, twn englnM, ...................... lllet hU car .. opportir to 1 only. 714-559-1705 Npt. Bch .. Mon·Frl, 8· 11 "ound wlckfK t1bte, col· #Jltfllatnl '°" ~~.~~~!!!!!.~~ Xlnt. Cond. Sips O. S 18. Like new Bala11a Mo-Ped. nltlu 111allabl• at entry rm chandelier, worklnq 000. 75<4-8835.53-4-1810 '81. 1350. IUU'IWT WlllPMIU ... IMO• lapelbtl frlml. $46 dbl 0111n (brwn), Sabot •••••••••••••••••••••• level for Crew L1ad1r1. 549-1190 (WOOden) IOta of goodlll INTERAAMS MK. X Pfaff ••wing machine 111 8 Gl11par Cllellon & 842-9271 Advancement potenu11 Newport Bell A.E. d~e· Exp'd EXXON'S • OYX Stlrt your darkroom 10-Pro11111onelly Cullom Commercl1I Mdl 193& Port Sh1fll1ld, trailer. 70 hp E11lnrude 1079 Honda Moped, for~ energy pereona. loper nffd• sharp lndl11 •4. Order procea1lng & day! With 1 9eMtlf 23Cll mlf llLL N • w ~o r t B • 1 e II . Bult! Riffe. HMllY Barret 145·H3·8/0. Compl w/ motor, VHF radio, rud· Model PASO. l\IW cond. Foo a1rvlc1 b1ck · to h1ndl1 a 11arl1ty of phonea. IMlle turn. mfr. enlarf Ing len•H. HI•· Sofl and love .... $200; 100-1 8 .22·250 with nedfleld 1tend, motor & 111tr1 out depth finder & COUI 130 a ctual ml. 1450. ground preferred. Send dull•• Incl good typing Call E.H. 540-8894. light flll«•. alec:tronlc Bentwood rocker 185; 3x-ex scorc•· co•• 1 1. IMI. UMd only 10 tlmea Guud equipped Very 968·0382 rHuma to: Mre. Fleldl' 9'clllt. Conllc1 Mary btwn ··~--timer. v1rlou1 HNI• & coif" t1bl1 130; I= 100 Sac. $ 00 Firm. Jeff s1200. 1<4&-llO<M re11onabl•. Ca II Cooltl••. 228A WHI· 3-5, (71') 700-1025 every type of d1rkroom llble l20: book.-e • .... WJ 8'42·, 5 70, 588--04eO SINGER Anllqua S1Wlng 7t4/873-5384 ••l11qt/11/ mln11er Mall, W••t· ..........•........... mlneter, 92H3. Attn UllPT.aT Aad n ~ aeceeeory ~·All 1h1tvlng unit t80; 2 m II m UYlllLI ... mlChlne (treadle) $75. SPORTCRAFT 16 w/40hp k#lm IISO Gaty Winn. Type 5~m, 10 key •••• I.I! ••••••••••••••• In Xlnt Cond. Ill NII aa lamps 85; 13 In 1>111 and L1wn mower1. edger. 30 Hallum 8doorll MM?e5 John eon mtr., all 1l1c. ··~················ 8~n1t ~n• blanket ~•ek1g1 only. S475. wht TV 125 C a ll '78 NOA. 750-F,Super OENEAAL OFFIC£ lddlng .T~ .12 . 51...a.408 9YM. 551-8786 g1rdenlng 10011, maple Oallverld + card. Perf9ot lr.!!~t.~! •. Y.!1 Xlnt cond 11 ,500. Spot1, blk, <4 In 1 KertlfK eu.y office neec1t ,.., a & varloue "'fi· NOi\· 861-8228"' 720-1000 bat •toole. rMple table, ' for= OCCMlon. Gteet 557-9499 or 1136-4653 hdr chroma, 8,000 orig 1ccur1t1 ptf'aon to P«· amoker.' Sil. I 00/mo. C.11 "" Twin bid• comp191e with chain. Small ctoca radio. lor brl " a graduate•., Munari Ski 80011, xlnt '10 GRAND SANKS 32 mllH. Mini eond. Muet CPA firm. Coate M .... 1~15 wicker dlnlngrm tbtl lrame. l30 clock•. Kllehel\ lteme. 173-4419. cond. sin to. Coat 1250 form Vaned office dutlll. c.11 Aannatl 75-4-1040 With Olk top. IMll9I end ..............••.•.... 549-18'1() M~ mllC lteme. FtM to Mii $50, 9e()..9878 w/Npt 1llp. 1•3.000. HI I I 550/bHt olr ~,. tnult. 1~9)'. m1tch. chair• St200. Fr11 to good home, 8 mo 115 . 3124 Tift Way. HACIENDA 01NNEA· M~alt"· 875.()912 or 5'7·1 ... 5 . 71-4780 bet. 9-12. lliii'IWT 8<45-5918 otd, ~ male lib· Mod. dining rm Mt, tabtl. Coata Miia Sat Ind Sun WARE, 45 pc 11ttlng. .... ~ 54 ana. meet\. '82Honde~ by cat. Cell 867·2712 ' cuehlontd '""· l>M1 &:Id gz.:..•ne11c11n Genef'91 for arch1t1ctural tlrm. Antique 1t1nd carved di· l)ffef. &-48-1026 10 to 3. 80. 11 ............ te' Outbo1rd cabin Cflll· Interstate. f\111 dtlal, 220 .... ,. ..... Light typln~' & Fr .. kitten• 5 ..-.. long eer, 1~ln1 a traller. ml SSIOO. 845-7 ..... n1ng tt>I from Germany, 4 PARKING LOT SA.LE ... Tlltphonel, typewriter, bookeeplng. ctn. te50. IM0-7•2il h1lr,e£'Y and white. H1tt1an cotton 7' IOfa & 6' ,., ..... ,., .... ~ ... seoo. 01ve tiet..... 1080 Honda 70 mw:: ~t. L.1111 MW '300, llY 11/H 8 l 9 pm, .... 2331. fill elblnetl. cl** book. RENT Al HOSTESS 848 • wood and ran with eMctrio •tan.tr. 1 "'"' comruter. front ottto.. N11t & d1p1nd1bl1, Quality Anllque1. re1eo-,,,.. KITTIN8 (twlnt)I 494·19" OOrl\lt Of Del Mer I amber cfllmneye and ........ 18' ZODIAC. Mark V. 50 pQ'#dlr blUI, 850 ,,..... n1bl1. Private Party. Newport Blvd. Cott• Ful or part time. aom•iJplng req'd . Actot1bl1 & Healtl\y. 8 Mult lllCf1ftol bt9MS "" meH. IN U·TOTE·M flame bUIU. C=l•I•. .., ..... , .... tip Mere, front 1teer1ng. 1t1n t>renct newt 657-611• 557-47 558-&700 wb. 714-fS48..M2 t . Sect .. t1blH. lamp•. r~ Lot. lat 5/22 8 to SS5C-.ti...... w , .. turlng ~ Of all trlr Incl meny extru. '550 0tner11 Office: IEJr~t ~s.... WESTMINSTER ~ •••••••••••• l!l!ff chalrl. (714)17 .. 9457 Laro• Swlmmlnl Pool1 "111: 8wOfdt. eolnt, WW l3000 Of bet. Ml-0338 759-IOtt =·~=· ...... A81EY DARLING Olrl'I bdrm, (SM dlmea 1 llnte) 1pprox. 4' hlg • 12 ~·· 1nttquea and 11' WW., 11 rt/f; '81 Honda 400, 5 000 ml. yp no. •no. p , Plft time. Conalder1blt ANTIQUE MAU. fUrJM)Omp. Mt: twin bed, UUllUU t10r088. re' eond. MO. thcMMnda of OOlltCUbte xlnt con ct. 811 SO/bttl 1al1ry or,en, FIP exp. In ret111 clo= 117fSt W•tmlfiatw Aw. Pit l uM Pupp611 With .,._ •-:. .... a. '°'*'· H0-191 11ema. Ora~ Co. , .. ,. 8HfSO t7M 15 of*l3Ml8t pen8180. T °"9> bike. boob, f'IOClfd ~ c. . •• gett ~ 11 1 Monrovta. ..... Wiii train In • . GARDeN CJMVli "8-1 1 HOHY KILN • To 2000 27' Beyllner. 11111\brtdoe • '81 KIWIHkl KZ 1000... Cotta ....... 645-te40. 831-71SI alt>um, cflalrt~Uf' ... oft rllngton St. ~et-SM-e103 Qn •IH convert. 1of1, comfortert. • • anct cttg • 115V. lnclUdle PY-1111. lo llre, lmmac. lztH HOO mllM. ta• 5M-t333 o.m.n 8flor1"8lr PotnlW, ctltn Cat\V.a. IOadad w/ ...... "'1fltoMI •• 180 mlto. 10 '1111 ht onty. roinetW, Ideal for oer• rr. ...., new. l~•=no lnclu· 8rlgtlt ~ d!Wrltftect IM.£1 AntlQue OrWli.I! ~ ~lyOom~ I~ mo1 CelMo .... 10'~ Larti._w Cotone mJot, e:,enatntflft9, , •. M.!tt!tt ... ~ utrll, lrl-ute ""· 122. did.IS 'I • -~78' 500. = 714·1Mt-2011. ~ "°!ia!:.i1 !ARN l>CTM ~. red wool "'\• t t • t51 day'I; 163-1 ts.a .... Sofa led. ltMdlnl, Nit. .. ~ .. OS-. ' IOet-wU .._.. .. 211 ·n Hulky MO: 1 .,,._., l'lllOentta. ea.ta tl\I R"91''!l 00no.ptl ~color. ChlnH• 17&/o!Nf. 771 ... H7 or Cock.tall tebl•. 1t11ct11. prooe ... 81 t llkl MW I AUTlflUL U " ACA MWllr-.~'81'11l,,..._ Inc. w~. • llttl• H .... • °"""°" 4 Lebrador Put>a 8 ""' ~•1•11 ttH). Dave c-. lV .-.. a"' wmty. ·es c.ntul 11 AM041W • H1lrctr"'" w1ntect In ll0/11 --~ ...,. t•te• (Chino Dyn11ty) old, 3 blHk, 1 brown, 1~1'6 ...... OChar ll:net\, ...... 7t.tta .,. ,,.. :::J· Xlftl con ., m1hooany Ua to ro I. tSOO • bHCh ar ... nlO. 1009· tild In • ~ of your 7..-, r90 .. rabi.t & dletemp. Sofa, t ', blk Vinyl, Lt• clottllnf, & fl'IUOfl MM. 'ACf<>f'V OiiiiCT lVJotwl'• ..... ,.. hi.tit VIWl#ltd.. Nd/Wllte ...,..., o 'L- 1t1on. 873·6&42 Hit for tllallid ........... Tony. own. o.t ttie wtldl "OfY, McC•~ W•ll• "'W ""*' ..... ., ... ('Mp!!I> m1toh r•o11ner. ""'1 "'y~ ...... ... ,. 001\IOI• •t•r•o· Interior, lnboarct ,otd '71 Honda 08160-f'ow, fS&141IO good oond. MIO OI bit lnteroeptor ti-I hp V HOO orlglflll lftllH. twMTYUl1' ...,... - type I,... •1 ' •t1t II off. 4t7..a711 8ttl8llft ~ .. ---" 1 WllK OHl Y MN r.ctlo oombfft•tlOfl• Oii tnilMlr,l.NtW*t...-JCttH, bMUtlfUt Hnct. ....... .. o ttHO, like new, , .. -oand. 111. -...n _ -b\lfy lllbO• ~ ... PU .. PY. I "9kt. AIC.C ~-......... ,..,.... , ....,,.moo .. ctO• .......... .,... loft. 81'-40 ti '°' ~ tradltlo- 645-1410 ,.. ...... t Dtntfto room Ht, b9· "'"'*'"· '"'' tl•d.: ZH,.A "UQ 11100 or M..,.,. <>..-A111rOo ,,,,,.,, t ot otter. "''"'•'· 11000 .,., ... ClrOOll'I ... I n'°81ft 1111111/ ......... Ml · .. ora.llql, AntkM RCA Vtotot Aedlo la"'oyH ""PPY6':"• fllmltft m.; ' ,. !CIMltl, TY,~· = .,.. of\'. ~ Sonlo Colftb. AedJo/ ...... , . 14CMtt7 .... ,., .... ~ut woe tr•'" •n· a uoord pe&ylf In ........ , .. Cell ...... ,, ,• lt•t10. Wflt/9.-, ''. ti' o.-. Ce-. Crvl!IW, btM,6~ -'7tYZIO,Miet~ :=rlenM Pf .. lrr.d. ~~-Mita~!')~ 1100. =.,.,--......... _ r r NUTMA f\ll ~ -"""'· .... ~ ~ HO CflH, llHPI 4. tlr~,.,,,.,.. I: ... ~lft.c: IOft. Mule Cir-.,,..~. ........ _ IU" .. ~~= ,-IP r ,. ~ .. ""'=~·· ltoo/NtMO _... _ ~ ................ of\'. ..,., -~ IOfl: left •o.n·• '"" °',G'lilMJ:9'1·,.. IU'tllLTI .· ........ ~ l'ttrtwlf ''"""'· 111 Of Coe•t ' rr .. '° ... ~ ............ ,~: ~· .,. ... s:.1~=1::.:: 4:IO ~ ....... ,....,Nnl-..... ••OM:t tHO Y ...... YUO Deft tlltllt~LlllMN1 _tf#Y,le.~ r_i' ..... t//OMIC" ley ....... ...... "I ...... ....... OH••M• .. c••= ,.r•-reB ...... C...,'11~ a.Ike, lll1tt ~Cl. 1111. ......,,), . ·-.:. ............ ti """' "fr l'IOf'La :r=:.r= .-. T ... ~tn.Qdtond. • ... 1101 -• hn i • uJ:illli..tn. tw ,..... . " 4) ~~. -,_, :::l a ~" el4I ..,, ~. v 111111 .......... "\ l.llotlo vaoau:'Jtl.'-r.:i ==·-~ a.1.11·atv Mtl ''"~·-..... .::',..': CleMlflM Adi re lfll ... ..... ::.,·~ =.l!E'w ---~ ,.....,~ " r n .,..._ to• ':"'111 1'lf.N I 11 ... ' =--=-·-· ·""'••!± .,. .. -t ,, .·•t 01n , .... •rrc" ..,, .... M .... ,m,1 , .. , ... ~ .... ,..-i:-.=~ --~--· ·---r-:~ c:·~ •... fY'e. ~, .... •"·"·rst~ ~'--'t.N . ... ..... ,,,.0.1¥, Meaet , Ill·• a • .,. to t.n "'°'' ·u:. "'' ...... ...... .... =--C*tll....... . i ~v1lat"' .. lllC 1-. 1'9M1 _.,,_ 1 .,.... . ...... -~-.... .... s::•J. '° ... , a.,._ I 119111 :.-..••~ =· ....... , ... ~ .... oi. •••M.: Q -ltWll." I 41 -' .• .... ' _...:_.... ~ ~~·7 T ~==-=:; -~c;:-;. ---~-~ . " ---• ·~___,,..,,.--• .. . Orange Oout DAILY PfLOTIFrld1y1 May 21. 1982 •• i\f~ ..... " .. IJlff ~-...... ~ ....... IM5.f111t~ ...... -.fllltM ...... l«l't.IMlf.'Jf ...... M'll.lrtffltd ....... l.•Wt.l'IM, ......... ~.'.'!I.Rm .......... . L:.-. .... L .. =-= ·:w:u ·"°· ~ ~·~i ... : ... :i!! M• .......... 1.m 1111" ......... a 11, ...... u.1 l'!'lr.rn.......... r111mm. ..... 1.m FMl/ltf ......... /lu ~ ......... e --~ •"' V• al#tt~ ~.·:::1 14•• 'IO~~... iWde ~ ...._ t .S. t• Ill • iJ aiilH • • 'Mvw·~ CloM 1119 HVll.1.1 OllHL. rli'fe';tt_vr, I dt, llitO j~~Mi""' .. ,. '11\t Qvof A 1,., 4•• ~r .. "' 1;.C... · ..... ** loaded, , ... 1_11, rtct; •Mini'°"· lntf, ""' 11. "'" ~"IN U.S.A. oond. Ind. owntt. Ill<"""• -.Mt, r.s "*" tran1, P/I. 11dnt oond. t ............. _ Olil'IMf ~!!!~ ... """J 'Tl ... ,_ ...., ....,, MMe&. Auto, ~l:. ~.U' °'n a11·1 I!!! O. ooo-. ti*. "° A IOd, ~ aaoo 111-oAN. uohl, atre tu.I tri, 1 trtl, fl!fmf. UJOO, ne.ar.a . ~ .... lllWJ OYW tilt •unroor.11r, !*¥ ,...,.. O\lltOf'll Int, t«O. tNUXI] '71 HOftd• ACOtrct. A.Ml ...... u I AM"M ltlt'fCI -· Ac: oontrol. rtollntr PH· New bll, ph.11•. •lo i ......,. ._.. ~ !'Fi_., -.~. ~ mlfrort, 1Hft-"" '" .,._ .....,..., U M,.CI , UHO OIO '7t vw ~ 1 df wM• tltotrlo mlrrort, orul ... 12 Col ,.,_ 1 ~ W9" fr • l rtlftt. •HOO. Im• DIUtrY an• .. t1a1ut Nffd ttll1bl1 patlY 10 , ... -. AIC,Jtfl# Delnt. H Mero•~H ._,, 110 0 .., gOtd tlr.t, fOOd oond. Mftoet ... ,, r.., WlndOW more. com• .... .,_'I ~1 '*· ~J .._ "'~ul1te, ttt•r tpm. ~.II.HO. mak• erutl 1unft11r UOOOltlll Mt~ Good oond lunroor ...=:i:1 .;:".:1:::r Mu1t ul Ultt. defooo-r. • wh .. t dllO olun. 11178 010 Mini HOMtt w/on"' H , ,.......,. 9*lla pmta. No old OOtltrtote to 'IO T'*'9 .......... 142 • «ONO~ 1644114 1>t111, lleo df lck-. Orig 14 .. 7303 .,. ff .. 1ume. NO baOk Pl'!lll HoMe Ila W..on, 1 Ot • • OAn owner . It O,I00.1-------- 000 ml."' l\Ofl ..... ' °""'Y tlc*UO," Ion, ... ,,, dut, Alk tor ftOU ".~J. AM1'M '"'''"· ,..,, MtrOtdH ltnl ..... ,. • .. Ven lttH. lurftrt 17f.1... '71 Mttciull +dr.10t< mt. pru • yt• btotUH or .,., ••• UIOO or bHt mn ............... ~ 141·4AOO, .... , 001 '41M1U/1Mt o". M0-14'9 sooo I.OW m•i--, M\llt m.~ •••••••••••••• •.1• ~lal. lpllt front ..... ~ ,,,, Jot1n1on malnttln•ct. dl'lorce, Over 111,000 o•. M0.•10t ,. LI" ..-1 t-1 .._.. I '"1"1 "I PIW tllt di I I .. roto .... •10 ,,elude, "l11t oond _. I 64 11 t TIE 1112I " • ·· • · r• • '· 0 Nn. Mtru Ith new fOt •ts ~ .., ) ••••••••••••u•••••" "tr I 12•0 --.:. t ..... .... ..... ' 11 TGW«• PJlup new brta. A.Ct •uJPM. "Int •ond. ::;.. ~~~.:... o,'°".t! 1111 M•roed11, n••d• '18 Wtt~ Cll'npef '77 VI. •Int. cond. Air, non·•rno.. " or l ...... od "~ !:! ........... tOO alttrMtor. ctutch. t!Ne. • 1"'0"'0 b.. .. • -"• , oo.,., ~ I ~.... • •• 11111 Lo "" MW tit ... 11'1\/fm °'""'· rt/8. "''· A.M/,M rMa ofr. '42•2002 11,.'!·uv.-•• I~. tr1pl. ta,000. &41·M11 ° o . nlY 15 "" • . • 1200 -.... "" '**· N100. 151·2&24 •ter•o CUI . Met blu• '73 M•rqul• w1yon. •Int ,..11 .. 104-HM, &41 ... 71. • ~oe:st, 9\19 l4M1'2 too ,,,111 .. door•. ,. __._..._ ____ _ '71 .. MC e ftul •u .. t • --T ... ~ .. 'M ............ a.---ext .. whl. Int. 1 owner. oond. Mu• 11111 "' .,. ,.. ·'" on 'll ITlnM.. <1lllMI ••'II ~ 11"-d00t•1 & ur...,.evtllUtt ~ _.,..,... ts.400. D•YI 711°12«. 111H/Offet' 173--1003, 71 ~ lelal•• • Ort bed, good oond. Am/fm 0111, 110, n•w uA'ir................ " ................... now Come In & drive Low,._, Ill utru 9¥19 552·2918 20 ft. Cr1,1IH oont Cab AoOo/btt ofr. 11~•125 paint. 11600. U1·11tl w,·"~~..!'Y "!!.!"",, '7 MO,,MMldoect 'IOW mMlt, ,.Old ' Trtoll M•a•· 1715()/0IO. . ... ,,.. ,,,, end ro« air. Sttteo. New WAHTIO; flatbed dump, ..,. 1 ~Cell"'""' • onnMu oov.r. ztnt'• ctloloe.,. ttlt llST 5:M-51'8 89 121. orig. 302 4-apO. •••••••'•••••••••••••• tlr11.0rlowne1.1ta, 11'or141,'18thru·11. Wllll C IUllO u DIUlln ,.,~~t.&ior:!:~;tof·~ !!100.M0-11111 ~ ... ·Md~~~Tl·ao.1 .,1JETTA.Whtll•nlntr. rnc:~~:\~~~i= 1:::o~u:~·;:.~1:~,·~~· 900· 142 115 OOod oond. •t2·HS4. IS1·l040 .. H .... 4t Aoadeter, ttOO, ll•rd & qulok 1ppral11l •t 2t2f -11H .. Snrf, whl•. 19500. ve,y clean $4500/0BO 142..()531; ~ 146·1142 '1•!Jm ft1nl 111' '77 Dodge~ ton PU. 1-.0A•.. eoft topa, radiate. only Harbor llvd. In Co•I• ~r."' ••• ~.............. 141 Dow ltttet 831-1027 '" tpm 14'-eeot ••••• .~••••••••••••• propane & gu fuel 2"'°2 MltOUlftte Ptl\11'1 4t,ooo orig ml. NHd• Mell. Wt WMt)'our.,.. • 11 MOI** Nll"W'IZOAIT NAICH ·n vw Oelher. 30 mpg'a.1-·9-1_c_1_m_1_ro_3_2_7_•_u_t_o_.1 .7~u••U...•nj 11 ve 'd ·73 to tt. Arg0ty OoOd tyttem. 1500 ml per mi. MIMIOft Vi.to body & Int. woni. MovlnQ. guatl Maroon. MW 109. UIOO II lb new tunrf air o .. , • ... • cond. l-4 ,000. up, Kint cond. Mutt ... (Avery Exit of( 14) No ~!o rtbuUd. 11•® 'll u 1n, 876·'445l'77S.5052 • for grad•. s3ooo. Ben :~~~.,·~·~~·· plb. ~~7~3d7~4 • 1 o o ;. P 846-S082. to •gftrec . S3500 OpenSund•Yt orofr ..... 1..()9.48 H~l40&l41-12tl 1t7tM98,xlntoonCl .. lflW. 1111 dy1 878-5738, ev 842·9128 -"-"--"----- Apaoh1 Aim ad a aolld 53t.5 5 ·eo 2IOZX 2+2. 5 ep0, 21K tl.000 ml. Yellow. 15. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~141 ·ee 8-e)1. ~10 trana. AIC, lllll traY91 trtr. Wlkltclh., " 1110 ml, QL Pkg. Mutf .. ,,, 'll ..,, 11111. L.. 000 oeo. 142·5823 Selee-~Leulng o-I -Clmt#t mo 1tl11t cond 2nd ownr 11p1 t . fold• for·~ .. ~................. S10,600. 5'14711 llt,, I trHl, W1tt W/ 11111.11• ...... , ...................... l3000. "3·9385 r~~'•loJ:.-::8~~~~ • ·~.~k~~1::;~.~ '711 HOZ. 1001<1 • run• ............ .,. lt1t '63 MGB Pert 111111 PPilr.tl~ ~a. wfflv~,~·~·C· ·~c ~=ni.2~' cond . uooo. 497.1037 •Int. new paint, 4 1pd, t e 1 ti , I l 1 I I, RESTORED H 1 1·2NI CIMNI Totally reoondltlone tton of NEW & USED ' 552.seoe A•lt ,.,,,., ,,,,, '71 c.._,,,, \11n Longbed. AM/FM CUI. M•g•. 181-ltll 1980'•thfu 1t70'L Min Chevrolettl 'Anawln HOf New'.p~nt . 350 e ng.. 143'8/bat off. 632•21" '3000. mint cones .. Wire 11 CWI .... To Ctloole From. ·eo MUSTANG >ant cond ''tite°BOOYWOAK•lu aound. 949.5999 or .~tlllflM fl•I 1111 .. llN •• fj/1 ffJI whle, nu ptlnl, ollromt 11995· 964•1080 ~ r;r.rn n Rfi) ~~!~d BH7t ~!fir over ~nl/up to 50% 0"~ 873-4777. 1 -~ ... • ....., ••••••••n••n•••••••• •••••••••••• ... •••••••• uJ)hl .. rblt engine & mucti ftnl• 1111 ~ lllJ~ -"""· 494· 2 .... 9...._s.Moe-Leulng 'fl f1et bdlr '7 t Ohla1. Look• & run a m«1. 148-12"t 1 ••"••••••••••••••••••• MOTOIRS 'II --• 111 y lhop eel. 538-832 '71 VW Ven, llke ,_, 33. WI 1p1cl1llze In Euro· Red with 001cf frl~. tin great. 2800 obo, orl~ '78 TOYOTA CELICA Wan s; .,_._,_ F MIUVW ....... •nu, ~:~ .. ~!a ~~i.15500 pell\ Oellvery. Interior. HK ml. )(Int ::S.'.:.~37 ~69-17 o . 11. ........ *Im IEU* l20W rnrr ASS7 213 I V8,d•~~lr; r~:..~;J or _.,up, wh te. --------1 W'llll lllTlllU oond. Aft 8, 148-8804 de'fl t-owner, dk. green, 4'K. Sport model w/5 •Pd. '78 Cl\lm~e Edtt. Sci· con · • 1225. 842..0785 '75 Dodge Van Oood SUMI •a 1ST1 .79 Fl t 8 d 1 '74 Ohl• Cpe. Good cond, Stereo. reek (t8ET52t) Total oar In xlnt ahape. rocco. AM/FM c .... air, '75 Vega Htohbk. A/C. 01'iadJl1 HSI 2 Goodyear Tricker =~d. SS450 or bH101• IH-1111 ~·~·~~~r~~ ;ke;~:•Htte. l3800. Ulll :~~~9~Wi·~:sn;::: ~~~b.~~/ 8~~t.~2 ~s1i1~ ·~l~nt ····,77···i;;;······ tOxt5 O.W.L. on white 540-6332 ~t~A!: #. I. I . .,. 11 -.wllTllU bit perty to make emaM ev. 942.1oe1 d'f• .78 Chevette 4 •peed eJ1tru. eJ1eetlent ll.000 cPho::;~ms's~' !ehco~•. -.7-8-F-o_r_a_V_a_n-(S-.-1-1 -c1-1 CIOMd Sund•" 75 Flat 131 cpe, good •• ~.~••••••••••• .. ~~ 4 Spd .. Mag•. l·tr•ck. monthly prnt• No old •78 Conv. Xlnt cond AMI nigh muea-.'oooo run'. under book $2950 963-1828 Conv) 43.000 ml. Lo•· ______ .;...• __ cond. $2,100 or otter. 41K. Bra & Tonne1u. contract• to a11urM. No FM cau. 1 7700, dy nlng co;d. I 1100. 845·1584 ded. Blue. 494·54t9 CHOICE INVENTORY 548-9830 PP (138YDK) back pmll due. A•k for 875-•740. ev 975.7772 538-8500. --,l-l_l _El._T_A_l_I __ !Jl"!r~.:~~ ·~~:'~':: A •• '.'·"···"'·· .. ··'·"······1.s.H.. VOLUME SALES •7c70~1~r::'i!~\SJ>~ m "UIDM··· . :~,T,o. :r:,~0~00 • ·ee Bug. aunroof, rblt Wig. '85 Mallbu. rebuilt engine. Loaded. velour Int. new _,,_...,9 & $4000. 4ee.2019 I good con d It Ion 11:11\1 cond. $1200 Urll, Kint cond lnelde & WE PAY 1 1 ...... IT 0,. 12400/0BO 848..0841 536-8500 out. 1 owner. 48,000 ml 2 barrel Webef 40, early FAit•....,. Low mlleag1, many ex· $4000. 552·2893 mdl VW carb. $100. TOP DOLW ..,.,.. W MOTOIS tru. Sf,000 Firm Celt. Vtlf'f 1111 '88 Impala convertible. Evea. Ed 842 .. 893 FIAT IPl*l 120 Wimer 8"~7·2132 114-4176-()813 •••••••••••••••••••••• x1n1 •hape, 12200 obo. 11(!1!,.li HIO ~~.~1~~'1:'!.L~~o~: F• ISD Ulll Ill ~··1 • SAVI na 12• HI,,. ~~I 1141 ma IPHIW I ~'.:.:: = ·~~::::~~8~.:--:8r:: .•• ':ti·;;,·1;;.;;;.···· clean. 1350. 557-7978. AUi ....... S.lee-89"11oe-Leulng 1"•1 Fl INXEW11'" 0 t '01 VOUI • • •••••••••••• .. •••••• '!,,,2 Cor~1 ,w0f!·,a1.';, Od ml, auto. air, new tlree, Good 7c9on3d7.3S2700 or PllT'l&ll .... 850N,BMChBlvd. ... • ••. Uri• NllTMAIDA. '78 Opel Sport1w1gon .... pg ...... v.5 . ULll, SUftll below wholeHI• price. belt 9 -1 24.,, ...... ~ BIVd geou1ly lldUCllY• and good oond. a1eoo. 873-0878. S2100 a.s-eo1e IYI 7 "-·-2 A•IM lfl 1'11 ""',,_.,.,. · IH·llH finely 1ppolnted It you ntf IT I 87Mt34 .73 Touota St W gon UI WSlll · · 4 vu.\lf 6 cyt 1 MPG . •••• -.................. COSTA MESA Open Sunday hive been ljncetaly lo<>-,., -.. ... , • OVERSEAS DELIVERY ·eo El Camino V8 IUIO new eng. clutch, starter. IMPORTANT NOTICE MMlll king to buy e pleHure I .. --1 '73 Opel OT atk, $2000. Loo kt/ run1 good . EXPERTS air. new tlrea,'iow'moee'. •11 . cpllng St 850 TO READERS AND 14 .. 1411 IUJllE•llt'I toythatlalmprMllYeto ,_., 80·0197 bef 2:30 $15001 obo. call ge Se500 F ir m. 780-3828 ADVERTISERS K111f look at end 1 thrill to lllt MW 11.USTlllUA MlU)I wkdyl. All day wknda. 545-9250 WU llE 7141873-0380. -,7-2-F-ury-. 380--Ru_n_•_"""" __ The price of Item• ad· WE llY d 1 TAKE you R ·75 Cet .. .,.....,.. , ................ PICK ·eo 82e Air aunrt auto rU •• .. ·-'" " ~· "'~ 494.7309 vertlaed b" .....,,_,_ .. ~. •5 r ve. ·· • I 11·~1 Ice cpe, "IPMd1 v.an "~I .. 1, •• Cleen lntr S800/b1t ofr lera In the vehicle clatll-CLEAi UllS WERE 110 843 . • ........................ '73 Toyoll Meril II 8 oyt 4 1988 Hllbor Blvd ••••••••••••••••••••• --------hed tdVertlalng columna . new Urea. 1mllm cua, PANTERA '74 GTS. dr. AC. PS , S1950. COSTA MESA ·75 CORDOVA Black 360 '••li•t lffS doea not lnolude any a,r • ll•I SALE PIHCEI 15500/otr. 967-1982 Sllver/blk . Loaded. 781·3771 141-HH Ml-Mil ve. loaded, 10 ml, xln1.1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• pllcable taxea, llcenH. Salea-Servk»-Leulng $8495 '8 t 828 Luxury 4 door• 71•1998·2830 Andy WANTED: Late model ('78 12.700. 957-0330 '79 Grand Prl11 LJ Fully tranaler feea. llnanc1 ~CARVER narfect cdnd. Mutt Hiii •·--1.-1••lll up) 4 dr Hdtn. low ml· ·ea t22S. Kint orig. eond. ,. ll 1_, HJO loaded. 37K ml. 15500. cNrgM. 1 ... '°' air po4-f'll...J I m ...-rw-• -2 e mpg I 2 8 5 0 . .,,. au ~ 975-0225. 933.3200 lullon control device J()l.$!(JIC'E·ltv1W r;r.rn n ~ 19300ortak•over ............................ leageeconomy Ci r 873-0320:ew875-e581. ······················I. certification• or dHler ""'°_,,.'"',._ .. ON~• ~ 551·1148. l(ISJER 492-8954 . • *UllfJ SELL 1 77 Trana Am. low ml. .Clocumentery prepare· ~11'°"' ''"1.,.,,_ MOTORS 1974 Mezda RX·•. new .... .._ 'llll 1977 Celle• GT Llllback, 75 votvo 4 dr. aunr1, xlnt lllU.J '4500/0BO. Call bet. 3• llon chergea uni••• -========-·e1 BMW 3201 5 •peed 120W WirnrrSA~S7 2132 Uree & bettery. Uk• new r ... ~ 14000. 831·8131. 9-5; cond. Or~ owner. $4100. Brand New 1181 MK VI. 548.,.8-43: eva 836-S.49 otherwlH apecllled by -llftl IUJlrOOf air cond alloy In tide & out. AM/FM 13'31 Hlfbor Blvd. 497-3649 att 5 & wtindl. ph 538-2 14 Loaded Coupe Oo Up-rim tid H10 the adVertller. Top dollar• for Sport• wheel•'. am/fm 'eMW •Mh 1111 caaMtte at«eo. Manual Garden Orow .78 Corolla dlx 50 000 ml town In STY\.£1 •••••• .'! •••••••••••••• Cera, Bug•. Cempera, 1tereo CUHtle. Extra ...................... 4 I.pd Irena. Nffd1 eng ... s.."flle lalllllc euto AC llke new 12' bin U#4 NEED RELIABLE PAATY '78 T-Blrd llereo alt f1WI Aalipn/ 914'•· Audi'• •harp. IU,395 Fred. WE'RE work. UOO/bat ofr. 71~ 1a1-2aaa 750. 845--&o.4 • • ••••• l •••••••••••••••• TO t,y.KE SMALL MON-apllt aeat. lo ml, '21MPG. Cluiltt . ISIO Alk for u1c MGR 640.5732 962-5355 • 1#•11•1 IHI THLY PAYMENTS. NO 13500 546-3834 •••••••••••••••••••••• -..... ·eo POl9Che 924 TIKt>o & 81 Corolla t.e. lteteo, air. •••••••••••••••••••••• OLD CONTRACTS TO ___ . _____ _ ~ .. ,"•f ·79 3201. 9100 orig. ml, ·7e OLC DELUXE '80 Porache 924. Both 8,500 ml, S5.200 or olr. caun IEPT. ASSUME. NO BACK v... lf14 Stlay repllcu; plckupt & flLUWllll ~option. perf. cond. DEAL IN' 53,000 ml. Sic. $2500 lo1d1d. Taki over lae 548-9830 Need• r•lable pertlea to PAYMENTS DUE CALL ··-'••••••••••••••••••• coupu. 4 10 choou 1871' Beach Blvd. 495-2936 Hl-2218 7t41826-808 make a mall monthly c RED IT DEPT . '74 Htchbk S500/0BO Lo frornl (OOt7H) ~tk . HUNTINGTON BEACH ·so Muda RXY, tunrf. peymenta. 1 71 Toyeta Corolla, 4 apd, paymenta. No old con· 547-8339. SANTA ANA gu rn1 548·5821 evee. "3093). P...___ atart at M2..U. '78 2002. tan. 4 apcl, aunrt, luurNIJE AM/FM Clll. Xlnt oond. '80 Porecne 924 Turbo & new tlru. xlnt cond. tracta to u,ume. no LIM K8~~-ne 193 dy1 Msg for ,.. ...... •---------• •Int oond. 77,000 ml, llllltlllft SYllOO/bat off tao-0563 ·eo Porache 924. Both S 1300. Mu at ••• 1'fil'l't .,,, ., n,twf w·~11 17000/off. 87M187 -· 720-4314 -lo1ded. Take over IH 780-2891 back pay e ~du• on c.n.111 llJ. THEODORE _ ,... '76 530!. 1111• new. sesoo. DELIVERY ON vz• peymenta. 7141825--1808 111• T--'-w the lollowlni. REPO· •••••••••••••••••••••• A•t•• "•" Late model Toyot11. or trade plut cuh. '78 Mazda OLC Sport • •r••• 1191 SESSIONS, L ASE RE· • CllYEnl 11. ~~·1Plckupe & Vant. 84e-m7. MOST AMIFM 011Htt1. alnt ·73 914 Poraohe. Xlnt AM/FM, auto. trana. gd i~~r~·r!~~,D~·!NP~· lll2 IEW! •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... -cond. S3500. 833-2282 cond. Low mlle1ge. cond. Runa xlnt. $1375 547.9339 Santa Ana Glau topa. loaded I '74 BMW 2002: Runa & an 8PM. 15100 or beat ofter. C.it 080 ee1.2220 UM 120211 Pertecttonl NADCRS looka greet. S5300 or MODELS 8314522. 80 Celtc1 GT llttbk. 30. •Y I l....JILJ ., ROBINS FORD ::;~· 542-5737 or ~~ff.~ •• !.~ff '78 t11SC: Aare polar 000 ml. all Xlfll. $7000 ltld HIO aw·-~'l"~ c:Al)ll .. L1\C ·40 Ford Sedan 01x. ·152002,eunroo1.11te•· SAVE ::,.,........ =:.·:;';,'~=:~ ':i!:2~; 8 75 • 1253 ' ·······ui'ii'...... ~o::i'st:"" 2000 HAASOR 8l'IO COSTA MlSA 642 0010 Ground up rfftoratlon. trll. 2 yr. or 24K ml ......... 932.5511. Evee& Wknda lor the largeet and belt (Nr Jambor .. ' Bristol) CLEARANCE Tre>phy winner. S12,500. guennt .. on,_ eng.' .. • ... 553-1233. r.u.w.~ 1110 ulectlon of new and Ul-llH as1-e2:ze: 120-1000 I~======:::! ::i~2~;5!°•if'~· ay .,_... .. , 358. 112. 914, 9tt. 924 ~83'vw~~~·~~~ c=,;~~~ln Orang• W•i llJS SALE.I eng, 1nxlou1. $950. USED CAAS & TRUCKS '78 CSI, 118,000/beat of· pon1 Direct ..... lfld llO doel 842 .. 287 '77 D 0 D GE ASPEN 1951 Wlnt1. 2 Wtll dr, ,_ WI llT ft Co1T1ptre HouH of Im-Portohe 1pecl11ty 1hop ,_engine. S2000/Flrm. ~ •••~••••••••••••••••• 848-4005 Cot«INORCALLFOR fer . P .P . Ork g11y. HONDA moe.Mnllb6epymta.Otll rutted flra, Carrera Tur-. 4 Door PIS P/B AIC Fiii ·-·.... 846-1754 213 or 714; MEACEDES bo update klll' under· 79 ConYel'tlbt. vw. Wht Piw v 1' 1'1 . 1nl T-1111 ~ 11 213 or 7141837·2333 H•I work•. Free eat. on wht. Soec. Edit. All ery ow m ••ge. 18900. Daya 492·4801, Connler-Oellllo ~'I!!, 1111 POl'ldle Stop $41-4217 xtraa. perf oond. AIC, EJC.oellent condition. Ing 498 2478 ~ •• ••••••••••••••••••• Havtn't you walled long am/fm, cut tepe. Atklng ' Call 842-5819 even • 18211 BEACH BLVD. '78 capt1 II. V8. AIC, am/ SANTA enough to own 1 Mer· '87 912. alloy•, runt & 18450. 548-We I. •It. <>r.,t C-.ty 'H PIUll l«rHl/Mll HUNTINGTON BEACH Im cau, LO Ml, xlnt. cedea Benz? Don't let look• greet. Beet off ovw .72 VW C •K 1 2925 Hetbor Blvd Excellent eond St-eo ••• .... • ••• •••1 S2950. 548-8242 ltlla opport\.W\lty pe.u you $8000. 84&-8591 onv .• " m on COSTA MESA ,.. · Vdltln fSJO -• '• --•• by act now! Wt hew 1 rebullt eng Nu llrH . · Mull NII $750. 840.5142 •••••••••••••••••••••• Top Dolar O.t••• 1111 ANA la~i1111c Hlecllon of 85 Poraohe 3llC. gray, whla, brekea . c lun a lll-2&00 ·75 Char--SE. 1 owner. Vacation Speclal 1978 ••••• ••ooo Addll reer ,..,., dependable U ,,_. ••••••••••••••••• model• a color• avalla· ..,, · .--• · 80,000 mlle1. Sunroof, g~~ :u·~bfeo~:;~~:17: Paid ble Incl. 778· 1111 dy•. 139001080. 54M588 ~.'.!!~! ......... !!.!¥ lc~dy •sq2.u09lf!P. ed. g7o63od con1. Lo ml. Xlnt, muat Parta' SetVloe Open AA . M IUMllS 538--0203....,.. '70 VW Bui. gOOd cond.. ~ •n1t ~· " oae..() Mii. 84a.a123 For Your earl D'lo Sl1urdly •1111 74 914 1.1. rebll ·new nu motor . S 2 8 5 o -·~.,. '•" ll~O Jiii•.... 1 w. Werrtet Ave. 1301 Oulll Street ~·· S5400. Du• 548.9083 OAllWOt .................... !. f WINI """' llSO ...................... JEEP CUTS PRICES . UP TO 11000 JEEP CJ'1 $8785 ..... CUil •1.m 2524 Hlfbor Blvd. Colla Mttl 549-9023 845-mo '79 Blazef Cheyennt 400 ve. 30K ml. perl cond, 1 Cle, a /o, 110,800, 846-1147 f1Y ·e2 Toyota 4)(4 long bed pickup, onty 3K ml. mutt .. 11 18500/080. .............., (t blk. weat of Main) NEWPORT BEACH 232: 9Ye 142•1 5 ·90 VW Rabbit. 2 door, We •peclallze In leaaea 'll DITE 262e Harbor Blvd. S40. 7 430 Ill-'* 1111 l-s• 111T ale, dbc Int. •tereo. xtru lor the bu•ln"' exeou-2 dr ale arn/fm pt b Colla Miii 540.5830 • 5 •pd. Alloy•. AM/FM 22K ml. 011 ch1nged live & profeaalonal. pWf 'wnctn. ,_; tlr~ a et Aceo<d tx. FM cue. •z lllll • .,., tape. 11.000 ong eedl 2500 ml. Xlnt cond LM11 l1l111M brakn. $2200. 645-7412 Premium pr1cM loaded, •unroof, aell or Turbo dt...i, Aztec red. mll••· Look a and runa M • t · r u • t · S 5 9 9 5 · If ... 1111 73 Torino Wgn. 1 owner • r,:.:; =~:S.C:, auume llul, ~32 mo. Brown~. 40 gal Uintt. xlnt. Price S&8711. 71417eo.a728 · l••HI lo ml, IUll pwr. aft. s 11951 In good condition. :::.e~k2~~1 d1y1; 37.000t<~=· 97S-136e 'ta llPll IUTU ..... lttttl bit off. He-8488 a.. UI Flrltl '79 T .. -D LAND"U 81 t2A Turbo, red w/bltl Xlnt cond. new Wig. N~~ ·12 F d Pl t Good..._... ..,," "' 77 Accord, Auto. a /c, '72 250 C. Eltclllnt oond. Int. a11um1 IH or buy S2400. 549-2758 or no. """'"' • .., SW.* am/Im. reo ou. S3HO, Low mllea. New tlrH. uo.ooo. 548-9951, CA LL A . good g•• mlleage. Navy btue wl •pllt whit• 541-1242 se.100. e&7·8071 557-el40 Jay 'II UllfT 1111n 1~ ,, 11115. 831..0357 Aay Ylnyt top. 0.•Y look wl •79 .. ___._ 4 ... •-~d ·•o '"'"OSL champegne 'II 112 T~ Loaded, Incl. 1unrool. li'()() H.111,.. u.11 • '84 Ford Falcon. Run1. mat .... I""' Int & tu""•~ ...,...,. .,. ,........ " ... ., • P I P s•99 .. /OBO '"" N~ Ao S300 C "'' • ._ "Z _.. M t I t 1 w/pelomlno lthr orig " " • (,'-1,1 ,._,,<,JO •lt()() __,, wo.... · all did. Yacht not Incl. aroon, au o, X n • ""'""' 7 • · 17800fb9t Off 5-tOO 540-9529 aft 5 aak for Dave. (4Y4WVQ) Need rellab6e owner, HM mt. new ownr • ...,....,12 6"-0741 party to make 1m1ll tlrea, S5e00. 780..()361 ·73 450 SL. Low mll11 .... di nJI '78 RABBIT '10 Eldoredo, lthr. Ill ex-1---------1 monthly pmt•. No old 79 cvcc 6 apd, air, am/ 1000 watt 11ereo, 2 tope. "0••••::=:.:::;••••••• White cuatom 4 dr, auto. tru, Xlnt oond. 112,000. 89 Ford Station Wgn, 9 ~'888 llarbi11 Hhd 1 $3350 S 7 800 142-3880 .,_., air, 37_~.1. ~I!'~: 13800 or &48-711H paaa. $795 or otr. Good ~OUTH COAST Dodge 54M351 l'11>1ta ;\I,·~., ~I 0.1.ll c:onb ckrectt tod~ No Im. JClnt. 080 1 • . . -••-w Qffwr. l>4U--4ue3 oond. PS. PB. must .... -~111 • • pm11 ue . ..._for 13U572 tH5 2aoSE Mtroldtt, 2 -· ...-UllUT 831.ot4e fn1h ,~ •a'-la Roae IU ·HOO , 9 H d .. dr c~•· s4•000 or bnt la lllfll"lll Like new '79 VW Bug 1115 l---------t 1973 ChevTotet Cheyenne redlo. auto, new tlru. r, --u.. new & lg t ,83 -.. ~.,.... or ne · •· •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.=1 ... •••••••••... 558-tOOI Proto LIM. on 1 ... ccord, air• of ....... ,.... 1=-.. OOfW, 5800 mlttt, Reclfo .e1 tr..,... '89 F d F1lr1a St W Super.-. Ton Pickup. AIU,__ 11011918 D1ttUfl 8210. Xlnt 13950 080 .• .,...... off,,.. •12 SI08L. T... S:...:... ... ~_..t. ol late model, low mllM· 000· Run• Qd. S500 1981 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM "ASYaOIOOP" Crtl. (1CRR5112) s15,995 1912 OLDS CUTLASS SUPHMI llOUGHAM (10VH885) s9g95 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD IROUGHAM (1CGX359) s15,995 1971 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGHAM D'ILIGANCI (516UBB) s7995 Like NEW! Hea ONLY ~, .. , .... ;/,;;,......... oond. 33.000 ml. 111\/fm 7t4-54M710 ........., Call 790-to34 andmM ,_'::!;act Al SISlm_!..!!! ge Cldllllca In Southern oeo.-Ott 7 55.000 mllu end 11 74 Alta R . red con· atereo CUI "4....,.73 ... ....., ,..,,.._, .. ~ ..... -Callfornlll S.. ue today! Lo"DED 1 h 1 verllble. mint cond .. 5 Have aomethlng you went 75 280 Mdln Xlnt oond · (114) 567·2792 9 to&. ••9tr9 I.la,./• H4 1979 CHIVIOLIT ~call w7~4~na. tpO·luel Injected. Loe-Cla.eifled Ad•. your one-to IMI? Ctaulfled ad1 do new ttr ... 1tereo. Mutt AllloA .... 1: uA.ltll"*'181 ~Int an°'d '71 VW Super 1e1Ut. Ell· .-utl jg-7;·M~·r•k•v.·;;:i:i1i~ COIVlm cled. "4950.148-0717 lloP lhopplng <*Iler. It well. 842-5878. ull. UttO. Dye WtGon• pfut T good ... cehnt conct. New radial 0111.LAI grey wlgrey leath Int. f·TOP A•,., ... "" A1tn '"' ,, .. 548-435&: fYtt78-14M ••ctlon or Atnault I.• tlrA. u .ooo firm . aeoo Hll'bor IMYd. 2~.1.~P.'!'I, 993.0091 Of (412309) ••••• l ••••••••••••••••••••• l •••••••••••••• r. '11 30080. ''"'., C>IU., c.rat 667·1852 IC04Sl-TA1MIEISA. 7GQ-WOO*r.u' T SELL $10,995 HOO ml, Fae wrty, 1$1, WE'fE DEALING~. ·eo 8CIAOCCO, UK ml, 9 0 0, 8 4 0 ·II t t 2 or ..... ll&IT A/C, AM/FM cut, pWr. 645-7107 •1.0 boo1t1r equallzar. 4 1972 Eldo. oonv. Fir• mlat 1979 Llncoln Town Car. 'H 200, 4 cyl., a& mpg, llllllT ipkra. Citm. whit. Im· green .... totter. Loaded. Ultlmate In 11lnt or~. cond. l2t50. ......24 .. --... -... rnec. Tlke O¥W 111• S2'2. 75t-0108, 844-6742. IUllea·~DOPt72) .... ._...,, 9'nl 27 moa. 118·0&&0 or --------• t7~ , 9\19 l7Mte1. 54t.e023 145-TnO t 7t-'7100 Mr. Dewnport '71 StVllle: Orie gr11n, NEE ELIA8l..6 PARTY W .... t "de ,._,,. ...... ~8 .,..,. r.:;:: H-· lHttltr, loed•d. xlnt TO MAKE SMALL MON· ~ .. ='"== ...... ==-="'=-='i!-=·=-==-=·-=14=2=·6'~7· '78 Sclrocoo prof. rtblt oond .. low"''· 873-0444. THL y PAYMENTS. NO ,, •ng. nv pe\nt, •llOY•. OLD CONTAAOT8 TO euper ltlt.O, r•dar, ,.. 1917 FlfftWOOCI Brouo· ASSUME. NO BACK cJng ... , .. many more hMI, alnt cond., loecMd PAYMENTS DUE. CALL xtru •••• ,offer OYtr Incl. tunroqf. c.1. CAEDIT DIPT. :noo. us.on or aseoootoner. 7tCMt11; 1147·1339. SANT~ ANA 7f.ttll 1122-8043. VM. 'It AlbbltlDll, 4 dr, tlC SELL Idle Item• with• Htve •Of'Jlethlng to Hll ml, 4 9'1d, Mr, IUM, tt• Diiiy Piiot Clllllfled Ad. Ctaa1W*2 Ida do It Mt reo c11•!d•0•· ••rr ·· A1,., ,.,, "" A11e1 Mn JCtrtl. 17800.17'-1321 ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• i·-·············· •ea leJ• lt)g, rtblt eng., ....... oiltoh1 .-.,Y. "~'''· ""''"" °"'· ~· '""· ttNlll :L'n· lltoO 090. '70 IUI. ,.vn1 gd. Ut taOOOtllllellt. t4M2l2 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (72tXHC) $10,995 1979 CADILLAC PLIHWOOD llOUGHAM (etSXET) . $9495 • L 0 0 I( ••• FOf 36 month& on 8PPf'oYed credit. Open end ...... cap coet-$e237. Total 11t month payment-$482.55. Total r.-ldual-$<4149.00. Total amount of peymenta-$8650. (Ser. 1•n4e) (SUt. 0789). REBATES lllD DISCOUNTS UP TO NIW '82 FORD ISCORT 4 DOOR WITH FORD CAR CARI COVIRAGI Incl. tectory rebat•, plue ct..-9dded .cc ...... Front wt'89I dr1ve, cfoth ... t tt1m, tinted glua, bodyglo & 4 lpd. trana. (Ser. 132680) (Stk. 1489). & ,DAY TRll ·EXCHlllE A1k Uled Cer M.neger P:or Detalll FORD CAR CARE COVERAGE oooao All IMltltlWG 24 DTH 24 II>. Fm SOVIC£ . SOVICl IEw-==-=-=====-==ii:ii '83 RAl&ER 3 0 TO CHOOSE FROM . I I I ~ I I I ·- ~ t ' i~heentertainers~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... . . . . ~'Norin.an, Is That You?' ~ ... It's a funny name for a funny play as ~ "t: LL By JIMMY JOHNSON °' ... °"" ........ i "Norman. la That You?'' ia a tunny ~ name fOC' a pla.y, but, Ulen, "Nonna. i Ia 1'.'bat Your• ta a tunn~. 1 The onpw play OI at the Lyceum Thater tn New York on .Feb.· ~ 19, 1970 to upr'OU'iow ~ty1 and ~ after betnc turned into a hit movie ~ and re-produced numerout tknet along the Oran1• Coast, the Harlequin'a ~uctklll of "?ilnnan.Ja That You?' ~ ribald, r1otout Md just a bit ri8que. Director ~lyde Ventura t¥• • touchy aubJec:t, hcJndexo•Ml)', lind makes It eo hmny you • 4 r what all the commotion hM bW about. Norman. the eon of a Mldwst dry cleaning operator, baa moYed to &be Big Apple to drem ~ wtndOWa. He hu allo taken up bcuekeepi:ng with a male friend in an apartment for ga~ however, tab a tum for the worre when Norman'• conservatively stn.igbt father shows up to tell him that h1a mother haa run off with b1s uncle. Normu, of course, has a few revelationt to offer before diaappearlng, leaving hia fJlther and gay houaekeeper to fend for themtelveil. Al appalled u be 18 about hil IOD being gay, he learns; through hil ton'• roommate~tbat homoeexuals are people, wo, and shouldn't be locked lri a cloeet few a llfeUme. Ventura bas put.&optber a fine cast of players and extracta from each a performance to remember. Al Cbfeco, wh,o playa Ben, the mid"'estem dry cleenel', ia excellent u the father with 80 many woes. U you-don't lau&)l at hia perfonnanoe. then you will never la~. Jar N~ PfAIYa ~.=t roommate. Al queen of the be'• great, ~te a c:ontrut co his role• .. television • ••Deftnlj \he Menliee" • number of yean blct. It'• a comeblCk J>erfonnance by North, and lf this lppear•nce is a criterion. he'll ~ makln1 many mor• ~bow. In tbe Southland. Al the poor .Wferina 80ft, Kirk Wall ii more than edeqtaate, Most of. the action ia built around Checco and North, and they do draw most of the · laughter. but Wall bu a fine •"'89 premllCe. • Then there la Shelley Taylor Morgan. who plays Mary the shapely hooker. She la definitely not the type you would take home to momma . . . .· not because of what momma might say, but for fear of what pappa ~ht do. Sbe failed to tum Norman's heed. but there were a few auys in the audience wbo would give a year's pay and laat month'• rent money just to . . . Well, ).wt to drink beer from the same mug with ber. Finally, Margaret Silbat wa'a a lot of tun to watch u the wayward wile, Beatrice .. It wasn't the largert part ln the play, but ahe milked it for what ft wu worth . . ., some applaute and a number of aood guffaws late In the play. ' "Norman. Is 'That Y ouT' bu been done and redo.ne, but never over-done. It'a still worth a lot of good laughs .. Tha little off-beat jewel will run through June 13 at the Har)equ.tn, A Dinner Playhoule at~ s~ llarbor Blvd., Santa Arta. T • Jay Nottb, Shelly Taylor Morgan and Al Cheooo of 'Norman' CAST Ben ............................................. -........... Al Chec:c:o =:·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-~::::::::::::::::. ~ ":: ~··:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::: .. ~J:."'S.C la the vole~ of Pebbles and Bam Bam on "The FUntstonee" -but that didn't last Jooa, eo at 19 Jay North tumed to theat.er, woridnc In .. llutterflies are Free" in ChJcaao and "Norman, la That Your• in Sm~ . .. I did a couple of plays," he aakl, "and then thtDD "9ally aot 1*1, '° l decided to pt away from thi"6uslne.i few awhile. I went into the Navy, but that wun't the areateat experience. I had been promiaed law enforcement tri1Nna when I mliated, but I didn't pt lt. I erMled "I'• a boatswain'• mate aboard two ahip.)n drydock ln NortoJk, Va. 111 w• a -'lor who never went to sea, and that WU no fun to •Y the Jeaat, Wheb my enllatment was up, I returned io California, studied law enforcement at San Fernando Valley Collece. and now rm maJdnc a CXJnaebilck u an actor." North ta pleased with hit role in the Jbrlequln11 proOuction of '!Norman. la That You?" He la al8o happy wtth the.by hia career II aoinc at the p_r-.ent. Stanley Grover • 'Tintypes' is big challenge for such a· small cast By MARY JANE SCARCELLO or ... ....,,.. .... . Performlna in a muaical pl,ay isn't for weeJdinca or the faint-o~heatt . .Tuat uk Stanley Grover, who plays Teddy Rooeevelt In South Coast Repertorya "Tlntypea." 0 s1nc1n1 In the legitimate theeter, where you have to jll'Oject your vdce, takes enel'IY· You have to be n>btJ8t, becaUle llba1na la • re&ction of how you feel." be aaid dwinl-. 6reak in reheanala. Film and teleYWon dftl Ma oa:upied hla time In recent yean, ao 1lqtn1 and danclna teemed ~ at flnt, be adinltt.ed. "Doina thia abow wlll aet me back In &ood ahape," be aakl "IP! J.u;y when rm not In ain11na rolel, beca,__ there a no director or deadline fordnc me to work hard. 'Tintypes' ii a cballence. becau.e it'• a larp amount of material to perfonn. nw of WI are .m,m, and dandJia for almoet 2 ~ houra atralaht, with much mov,ment and coatume ~:ement bu been bia apeclalty durtna 30 ymn In show bwdneee, ~ In Il1lnola. "I If'"' up In a amall town near OiJcaao. and I always liked to am,:• be remembered. After a atint in the Navy and atudiea at the Unlveralty of Mtuourl, be landed hia flrat real job in ahow bullnem M muter of caaalOlliee at a 1aqe OUca.eo niehtdub. "It wu hard work -three ahowa a nl&ht, 8e'Yell ni&b11 a week tar $100 -but I worked with 'Sometiril.. I'm the •tar in Tintypea, and at other time., someone elae i•.' -Stanley Grover I STANLEY GBOVBB utl ANDBBA FIUBBSON. '.:To open In '7lntypes' Andrea Frierson is in a ~urry atron.aly of bein1 • IOOd mother and of family," Mill trienon oftered. "that'• why rm dedk:a~ my performance to my lhDdmother." The New York-tramed .:tre1a admits she baa h8d ... trouble pttinc Into the put. --rhere'a a lol of patriolic mUlic In tbia play," she oont1nued. "and I thcluabt of what it would be lib to be a bl8Ck pencn in i>me u.n-.1 had a hard Ume aettinl Into the part. became, • l think about it, the charactera I play . . . their parenta were II.av-. I wm looklnc at it from a ~w of the 1980.. That'• why I had 101ne t;OUi; to beam with. .. Miis Frienon baa performed in five Broadway ahowl. a budfu1 ol oU-Btoadway pla19J a couple of mavt., IOIDI telilYllkln. and a few DIChtdW., but her main 1hnllt at du. time ti to punue a nicardinc c:aner. but that.'1 not Mr dieam. "My ctr.m." tbe mid wtlh a mnile, "II to do a tllm about a ...... One wblre I cu .ct and lln& rw tbouibi oltin of bow I would like to do Dra 11trcwaJd, "' Marian AndlnaG, lhe would bit Wm better. 'lben'a ).wi 80 malCb .-do and 80 llttle'Ume to do It in." Andi. l'iieraon bM known m.. abe wm 3, wblft abt first NNd ...,,... ..ni:I ._,,, ... , that lbe would oat day be an .UW. e.r father, Andrew Prienon, w• plaJtna Parpt at the time and the wanted to D&u. ae.. WbeD IM w. 9 ahe aot a put in Kurt Wedl't "Street Scme.'j · ., ;Q ho -. .. abt Ni w ..... t my pare1a Jet me ~ CID wttb It. ~ c:Mdd't want me_ to aperilnCll aD the hW11 a J*blW mutt., tmoup..~.~ ~ .. ,.Uy proud. ol courw." But ,AridNi rtt..-s Wlldn't QUit. She ... .._to bean.cr...nd ~ ._ tbal. By u. time ft.W. 14 lhe W WOI~ CID BNldway 8bd at 17 went to AUitftlia to do DOrOdly In '"'nlil Wk" tar .ax months. -I fl,) ... 4 Sta·ge· dre881•ng Since he'd had no~ u a eet d..t,ner, between the art direct.al' and the re11 of the crew. i • • • Rum\llle'Jl u1d the ftr!t' ahow he worked on. "A "I suffered a lot," he explained, "and 1 really -. prom Pa-1 Thouaand Clowm.'' 0 wu just a meu . . . But I haied beina an Mliltant." • •"' really learned to deatp teener)' In that 1ltuadon Whep he 1poke recently at UC ·Irvine, (; art," he declared. "The pace W'U wrona for me. I and I got to be the Ru' Of the .-.>n." RaamUllen ufd be told the ltUdents what he think.a t wu not happy." In1pired and en&huaied, he enrolled at Yale the entertainment buline11 really la like. 2 He beOn putUD& In eilht to 10 houri daily u a Univenlty where he wu awarded • full tuition, u1 thouaht they'd all open up their veins,'' he • volunt.eet' fn community theater -after woridng a three-yeu IC:holanhip to work on a muter of fine aaid, "bec:auee It im't real plealant rlght now." R full day at bll ac1 atf!IW!Y Job. an. cieaNe· of Bia break came ln lfef when the atrl he wu Althou1h hl1 tralnlna at Yale had been in There'• not much work in movies or televiaion u.. dating lhowed h1I portfolio to a man ln Bo.ton who ecenery ~ foc-atqe, Raamlllen had l"OWD up at bll level, he explained. but noied sublcription TV • had \heat.er conneeUom. with the movies'° be needed fol' Hollywood where 11 openln1 up an entire new market and that l "He offered nie a summer stock 1ea1on," he b«finw an llliltant art dlrec:tor on televillon'1 repertory theater la a good place for a designer to ; Ramnu.erl aid. ''$40 a week and room and board." "Lauah In." be. · 1 Two daya i.ter he WM en hia way to Vennont 1'M experience w i ;n't lauahable, tho!Jlh, be · '1t't a aituation ol there being 90 little work," where the stock oompeny did lQ abowl In 10 weeb. recalled, because he'd been Illred •• a buffer ~ Sr.ge Dreaing, Page 8 ~~~------------~----------------------~~~-----r-------~-=-~...;._---_..;; ______ ..::....__..;;:;___~....f.....--~--~ ~ --M -ACAOOMY Wlrtrtr;R~AWARDS BEST PICTURE 6tST ORIGINAL SCORf • VANOf.US 6CST ORIGINAL sc.RttNPL\Y C.OUN wnl.Al'1D BtST COSTUMt Mt.LINA CANONtRO • 'Partneria' suggests . ' comJcally 1lncere, and moving in· toaetber. finally movtna. eennon .. Hold <lft tiaht." he telll 9n the happine11 of them M he clMpl their eyeh1he1. Veber challenaea u1 to aee throuah hie charllcten to what Ti ..,ct iMlde them. band• toaether and To Vebel', there'• moft 1mlle1 throuah hi•. U> ch.aracten thM what makeup and fake w,aeonthelWUce. 5 .,, But the IW"face9 make ~ ua tauah. and director ~ Jamee Burrow• u1e1 l them with a 1lap1tick l flair. Gay fMh.ion took a &e 'P4U1ners.' Page 7 .. ( . 6 N ,-----~~----------~--.-......,.;;..-.. ______ _., CIO O> ,_ R -t:_:;.;r ...:_: i UAClllOU A l\Y!JnDrt ~ ft ••••t .... ... , ........ ...._ •.:J6'. EDWMOl IADIUIACl lDWUDI MHA fl Taro se1 5880 Costa Mesa 646 f>02S ~ Westmtnster 193 OS•& GI llOl~MlaACCtntO'Olltt-.tllOMllWlll 1.__~~~~~~~~~-- ~ ~oming attractions Golden West. College I sets community fest Musical entertainment, ethnic food, game booths and other activities will be featured during Conununlty Fetttval '82, acheduled Saturday, May 22 on the fl"aln quad at Golden West Colle1e in Huntington Beach. The event ii free and open to the public. It will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. More than 95 service or1anizations from throughout Orange County will participate, under the supervision of the Coordinating Councils of Huntington Beach, Founi.Jn Valley, Seal Beach. Westminster and Garden Grove. A country·westem theme. will predominate m booths, activttlea, entertainment and decorations. Visitors are encouraged to attend in cowboy attire, and a be1t·dre11ed westerner contest will be oonducted. T he festivities wlll begin with a pancake breakfast for early arrivals from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Golden West Street parking lot. ~ain booths will . open at 9 a.m., serving home·made food and I• j • t--.L~:I ' p · t , . . . ~r ners - From Page 5 Blackmail and perversion seem to be the reignina motivations in the mudaled plot, but we're left wondering ju!t how this strlna of killlng1 -five people end up dead -comes about. Burrow•. who directed the "Taxi" aerie• on television, seems to have hia guts in the comedy rather than drama and "Partners" suffers for It. Ryan O'Neal is a fine comic talent, and he carrle1 off his role of Benson with such anguished pain that you can't help but feel for him -and lauah at him. He's got the 6est "why me?" look In the business, and through most of "Partners." he's wondering just that. Playing off O'Neal's obvious anxiety is the 7 choklna. lump-in -3! throat fear that Hurt 5' brings to the role of - Kerwin. Kerwin hM the ~ look of a man who coven f 1p his pain with stokilm. ! It's funny to see Hurt n looking 110 11\un. ~ .,, radk:al tum in the 1970s, when homosexual pride b e g a n t 0 re p 1 a c e homosexual shame, and gays left the dapper, "feminine" styles behind for the atraightest, mock-macho stuff they could get: western wear, construction workers' clothes, athletic garb. The joke was on the symbols themselves; in the way gay men flaunted their gayness while dressed like "masculine" American men. That look -from the akin-tight jeans, boots, headbanda and t-shina to the boyishly short baircu ta -looks rldlculoua when y:ou combine it with Ryan O'Neal's suffering face. O'Neal out.gays even the gays in "Partners," and that'• where the fun is. In the future. cities will become d~serts. roads will become battlefields and the hope of mankind vv'ill appear as a stranger. ~ ~ ~ 11111 '< S t r u c..t u r a 11 y , "Partnen" is a mystery, and like a lot of mysteries, it promises more than it pays off. Veber'a c lues are baffling enough, but the strings are pulled together llo hurriedly and c~eleuly you get the impression that Burrows and Veber lost interest In them .. Diniog delights WAREHOUSE RESTAURANT - Wednesday, May 26th, is "John Wayne Day" at the Warehouse Restaurant in i,ldo Manna VOJage, New-Port Beaeh. The WarehOUR is dedicated to and was inaugurated by John Wayne, a lonittme friend of Bun Hix.9orl, owner of the wor-ld-famous Ware- house Rest•urants. A aped.al celebration ii in store t<> honor "The Duke.'' A bia T-bone steak with baked potato and salad will be served ($12.95), and show of a favored drinJc. Saua Gold Tequila, will be a dollar all niaht lOf\I. There will be dfsplay1 of Wayne movie posteT•; photograph.J and memorabilia, and old Wayne JUO"l~ "WUl be shown in the bar during happy hours. The Warehouse ls located overlookina the water at 3450 Via Oparto, just aou\hwe1t. of the inters~ctlon of Coast Highway and Newport Blvd. FIVE CROWNS RESTAU& NT - Marto M'a'scari celebrai.s her second annivenary .. umtan\ manager at the Flve Crowns. · "A final pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase in .._....,.,. 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'." -Playboy Magazine "It deserves to become the flrst hU of the summer season:· -Tlme Magazine N ... - i. N co (1) --N l'f ~q CCMd,4 see "1lat~hear IPG I ~ 2 t-~.;._.;._;;..,..;.:,,-:ililiillllli :; "O ;t i "O J -.2 it 1-ICINi.. ... -.. "PAAMMIP,.. . c.. "'°""° I ..... AL.• BUE'1A l"ARK ;)~'· " . • • • Stag.e dressing From Page 4 Rumu.en said, and there's steady employment "only for a few." 1 "rhe people who've won Academy Award nominations are ln a better po1ltlon to keep wor~. he noted. Of .SCR, he said, "It i1 quite extraordinary. They really understand that one of their purpoeee iJ to support the people who come in here t9 work." The fun in his job comes when the people and the ICl'ipt are right, Rasmussen uid. and working at SCR ii like that. . Two area artists put · their works on exhibition wnen he's no\ employed on a show, Rasmuuen said he "frets a lo\'' and he sometimes designs and makes clothlog, pebodal·wardrobes for people and Two area artists are d isplaying their work costumes for ti8Jiroom dance competitions where he during May at the Coastline Community College recently learned there'• a fertile market for his A.ttists A.,Oclation. designs. Marge Presnell of Newport Beach is exhibiting Al.lo, he said, "I eometimes decorate houses and 21 impressionist oils at the Coast Community · thin&I." • CoUege District headquarters, lMO Adam.a Ave., 1rhe1 .,., not much need for designers in movies Costa Mesa. and TV th&'! days.. BumUllen said, becauae of the Audrey McNeill of Fountain Valley is showing economy and Qec8wl of the na~ of projects. 16 oil painti.no at the offices of Coastline College, For examp,le, he aaid, "They didn't need a 10031 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. designer for Gol~ Pond,' except for a few Viewing times at both locations are 8 a.m. to 5 things.'' 9 . • p.m. Monday th.rough Friday. All paintinglS are on Meanwhile, he said, the repertory theater sale, with 20 ~t of the proceeds earmarked for movement is getting larger and stronger so he's the non~profit Coast Community College District leaning more inctba~on. 1'°'81ldoa. •. Sprlng·tlme ls Superb NEWEST RELEASES•NOSTAlOIA•CONCERTS RELIGIOUS•SPORTS•CHILORENS•ADUl T INCLUDING THESE DOCUMENTARIES THE FINEST HOURS DIVING FOR ROMAN PLUNDER , MAN ON THE MOON THE HOSTAGES FROM CAPTURE TO FREEOOM THE NAZI WAR CRIMES TRIALS VIETNAM CHRONICLE OF A WAR THOUIANOI Of./11111 _,.O Otlca TO CttOOll FltOM lOPEN: M-f, 10·9 -SAT, 10-8 -SUN, 12-&I ONE STOP F.OR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS ASK Aeour OUR BLANK TAPE SAV1~GS NFIGHTINQ BACK" 9 I - -. ., IO N CIO O> ... <; 'The Crucifer of Blood' ~ ~ The sets star as we ll as the actors .. Moulton's ca~ernous dimen1lona - climaxed with a shipboard battle on the Thames River between a police vessel and a huge schooner. both of which are mobile. If "Crucifer" were ~ 'O ;f By TOM nTUS along with the acton, for the curtain no more than a so-so production, it 0t 111e Dellr Not...,, call _ and justifiably so. would be applaudable for its technical ._ At the close of "The Crucifer of Design.en Don and Doug Williamson wizardry alone. ~ Blood" at the Laguna Moulton have created a stunning array of But Douglas Rowe's masterful i Playhouse. the sets are brought on, scenic backdrops to challenge the staging of the latter-day Sherlock :1t jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Holmes thriller measures up to its set i pieoes quite handily. A large and ~ THE LYRIC CARMEN well-chosen cast provides first-rate .§ entertainment in what may be the a: best community theater show you'll RIGOLETTO ,#see all season. ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY CARE by Biz1t Newport tt.bor tllh Friday, May 21, lpm RIGOLETTO by V•tl Newport Haft>or tllh Friday, btt 41 lpm LA BOHEME LA BOtlJE by Puccn Laetm Stach tip Salll'day I Jin 26, lc>rn Reserved seats $12.50. Season tickets for all three only $30. . Group discounts available. For advance tickets and more Info call 494-9446. 494-3944 Thele progrema m.cie poulbte by a MoOll Foundation GIWlt TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY SEASON 1962 · 1982 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Thlew .. Pi~ Prostitutes. ~ CMH:lflll M aoocr A myatery drama by Paul Giovanni. directed by DouglU Ra-. tec:Mlcal ~Jim Ryan Jr .• NI cleeiglt by~ and Don W*8meon~llghtlng by Ron COffnien. coatunwe by Merthela RllncSall and Julie Garvin. 11a11• manager Loree• Toft. preHnted T~ym ttvough S.turdaym at II p.m. untll June 5 at the YQun9 Moulton "'9yt10UM. eoe 1.agune Cenyon Aoect, laguna BMdl. AeeervallOne 4M-0743. • Tt9 CAST Shertodt ~ ................... ·-······· Ge«oa Woodl Or John W1t10n ........................... ~Crown It-SI. a.Ir ....... ........................ Kattwyn Johneotl JonlttW't Small •... -· •. -.. .... . . •••.....•. ...• Mlct'9ll BlelCz lnepector ~ ........................... Alfr9d Luti.-na c:.pc. NeYlle St. Clelr -···········-·············· W..._ Defy Maj. Alla'* Roel ............................. Oeorfla Pelllng Young St. C1M ............ ·-···················· Undeey Karg vouno Roes ·····-····· .. ······-············-· T~ Houghton 8lrdy Johnaon •.........• -.. •·····••···••• ....... Aotler1 tr-own Durga 0... .............................. Norm.n Weingert9n Wei!. Oed ............... .. ... .................... Alctwd Otddetl r onoa .. ....... .......... .... .......................... Ctled Tlllner Mordecai Smith ........................... -•. ········ Jim RY9tl .. Gi!orge Woods, arguably the finest actor in Laguna's ttable, takes on the mantle of the egocentric sleuth with deceptive ease, sidestepping the pitfalls of caricature with a smooth, polished delivery. Kathryn Johnson as his demure client exhibits a beautifully modulated intensity . As Dr . Watson (a young e r , romantically inclined one in this incarnation). Michael Crown projects an underscored humanity. Michael BieliU ~hews the scenery beautifully as the crazed villain; Alfred Lutjeans is made to order as the bumbling Inspector Lestrade, while Walter Daly and ~rge Felling perform laudably as a pair of army officers whose blood-stained past catches up with them. ''The Crucifer of Blood" is to the stage what "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is to the screen, a first-rate adventure yarn with more than enough heroes and villains to go around. It continues Tuesdays through Saturdays until June 5 at the Moulton, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. * TWO LOCAL STAGE comedies take their curtain calls this weekend as "Visit to a Small Planet" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse and "The Front Page" at the Westminster See 'The Crud/er,' Page 15 ~drug dealers. Beware. John o.,..,.1o will YOU 0W£ IT TO YOURSW TO SEE THE do anything to make his nelghbOrhood safe. . .. _,. CNJ (1 l.&iff'NTIS f'lt!Sl1f15 I CiHlN.1 [lt(X ~1«J R),t Sl<DRT 1 IWn l1P(){ MC'HACI ~~~I IOl IU .r.. lllWQ ~l(t-1 MB l7f PCru PCcrN r 1ccu1M> PI011.<'8s ONO PCIMJT ~ TRNS cc 1 •!°4l ei rw,n l.C)I.'( ( ~ n ct1JVe ~ ~ FFEO 00..00 Wtd~ Dy TCM tf.ll.[Y .ro ()\l(l l 00DMN Ploa.ced t>; O.~ C()IT[ ~bf If~ lf l{'d A l·'MMO .. M Pelt.ff ,A. ~:=.~ _ ....... -~--·--:y,~ STARTS TODAY uw ... ~. w• Areltlt 447.a11t Or111g1 63•·2553 ----~ ., .. 521-5339 ~ OrM 530·440t ~c-.cana Oo111,fllllat114141 .,,.... ,..,.,.. '°" , ............ -9" ''FEEL GOOD MOVIE Of1HE YEAR!'' -Gene Shaht. NBC·TV. TODAY SHOW NOW PLAYING ..... $~0! ... i.· "' ano Wf.IY .... Tlll UAIW .. , 0546 w:w Economy Video Services HllW }C>tl' memorable occasions prol~slonally recorded on vftko ~- • Wedclngs • Re-11g1ous c~.moo1eos • Banqoets/Parties •Sporting Events • Shows/Exhibitions • "You Nanw lt"I Call Fred Singer at(714) 556-7091 (•v~ MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUN8 PEOPLE ... -------·-,----------------------------------------------.... --Currently • -screening-- DAS BOOT: Raled R, IS a GenNtn-made talt> or 1tw cttw working in IM"utal rond1uons aboard a Naz.a aubmanne 1n World War Cl The ftlm 11.ani Jurgen Prochnow and Klaua Wl'ru\Emann Th~· R rallng IS for VlQll'nct' A LITTLE SEX: R•ll'd R. 11ars Tam Mathuqn, Kate l'11p11haw and F.dward Herrmann 111 the 1tory or a man who tnes 10 be raath(ul but randi 11 hard The R ratlna ii ror adult sllua- tlun~ ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R, 1tar1.Burt 1..ancut.er u an aging. bouom-l'UJ'i ex-sanpttt who sets one lut chance to make a big buck when he happt't'll upon a large amount of cocaml'. and one lut chance at ~ when he mttts Susan Sarandon. a card dealer Louts M~ dll't.'Ct.ed this bit of whimsy. wlitlen by John Guare h's fresh. funny, and alive TIM! R rating IJ for violence aod adult 11tuat1on1 ~ BODY HEAT: Rated R. atarnng Wilham Hurt as a bungling. ~lt\.ICk at1omey and Kathleen Turner as IM femme fatale nm 11exy, devloul mystery takes place In a hcObous l"londa town ao hot that people m cafea order iced i.eas two al a ume. OiJ"C!C1.ed by Lawrence K.udan aa an homage to film nou. the R rati"i romes from bnef nudity sally language and 11 general air o( 1 teammess CANNERY ROW: Rated PC. stars Nick Nolte and Debra Wanser In a free-~ fllm adaptation of John Steinbeck's atones "Cannery Row' and "Sweet Thuniday." Sho1 on MGM aound ata(4!s, this movie has a aweet, enchanted look and Cine performances by Nolte, Winger and Audra Lindley as the madame. Narrated by John Huston. The PC rating Is for 1exual adult llt:.1adons. C AT PEOPLE: Rate R . 11.an NutB111a Kan1k1 and Malcolm McDow~ In a tale of love and the supernatural. Di- rected by Paul Schrader. mu.ti<' by Georglo Moroder The R raul\i Is fOf' aex and vlolet'IC'e CRARl<Yl'S OF FIRE: Rated PG and 1t.arrinM Ben Crom and Ian Charlellon u nmnen In I.he 1924 OlympWI. who runracrs for diffft'ftlt .._,..but rnanace to Win jurt I.he...-. The PG rating must be for lta lofty themes: there is no nudity, no violent-e and very little otfenlM ~· Silverfem ... A shor1 and pant you'll find you can't live without use 1t to ploy hard 0< 1ust to lounge Available 1n 14 colors. from New Zealand ~~~ DEATBTllAP: Rated PG. IWI Ouistop~r Reeve, Michael Qaine and Dyan Cannon ln a dewr murder m)'llery about a 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ·See Currently, Page 12 CDllUNITT FISTIV&L 'aa Cauntrr latera laudup Saturday, May 22 at Golden West C9llege 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Pancake Breakfast -(7 :00 a.m.) • Food & Game Booths • Arts & Cra fts • Contests • Entertainment on 2 Stages • live Theater • Western -Dress Contest •Bike Rodeo Suppotted by Mrvlc• organization• and Coordlnatlno CouncH1 trom Garden Orov9 • Fountain Valley • Huntington Beech • a..1 8-ch • w .. ~ Free Admission PANCAKE BREAKFAS 1 :31 Lii. -12 loon II ~ 0 ... ~ I ~ <» ::J Q. <» -~ ~ ~ a: QI ~ ~ QI '< N ... • ... fD Q) N I ' I I • -· ;~urrentlyscreening~~~~~~~~~~~ ,... ~ FromPapll . ~ wuhed up wrila' and a Pl"Ol'Dilllnl YoUnl author who pena • .,_t 2 my.wry. The PO rattni II foe W>lenct=- • ENTZ.ll TllE NINJA: Ralat R. start Chriatopber GecJrae. ~ Franco Hero and Suan Geocp ln a tale or martial aria and ~ ~· The R retinc II fCI' vtolenoe. ?"-~UNDO THE SUN: Baled PG, stan Pe\tt Ustinov, I-Jane 8'rldn, srtvt.a Miles, J-MMOn and Diana ~ In Apth.I OvisUe I tale of murder and 1on11ue. The PG rauna b foe edult atuadonl. ~ FORBIDDEN WORLD: Ralat R. •a tdence fiction horror I •U>r"Y let ln 1pece. 'nll R ntinc II foe wilmce. ~· THB PJlENCB LIEUTENANTS WOMAN: Ralat R. 1t1r1 -Meryl St.rwp ln \ht role of &he hHrtbroken and ~ :i "l'MDc:h 1..11\11enant'1 woman and Jettmy lronl 11 the Vlciorian • CL pntleman wllc> ~ h.la love and reputaUon on ~.The moderD dayfllii:l cftWli ~ a movie of "The Pttnch Lieu- tenant'• Wcman" haa Ila own romantic dramu and downlalla which an mNnl to compare and contnllt with the Vict.ori&n ~· The R nitinc II foe edult eexual lltualionl. GOIN' ALL T1l£ WAY: Rated R. ii about a sl.l!erny aunmtr and YCJUnl ~ with "cnly one thine on their minda.'' The R ra 11.nc ii (or adult Ii tua llOnl and nuda ty. IF YOU COULD SEE WR.AT I BEAR: Ralat PG, 11.an Marc Slf\&W and Shari Harper Thll movie le hued on the We of Tom Sullivan. 11ncer-compoaer, writer~ and 1~te who waa blind Rau1141 11 for .duh liluations. MA&JNO LOVE! Raled R. IW"I MlchMl Ont.k.Mn, Kate J"*-'t and Harry Hamlln In a 1iory about a woman, 1 man &Dd hb homc.xual lowf'. The R ratinc Is far edult lituatlcll'll and homoleiruallty. MISSING: Rat.rd P0,1tar1 Jack Lemmon and Siay Spacek• a man and hll dauthter In law who llMtd\ for hb mJaatna IOll. 1be tvenla are baaed on• true story ln which a YOW\I American waa apparently allowed to be killed In a LaUn American country by A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank of America • Bilbo Bagglna •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fasht0ns •Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet• Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Florist• Mesa Verde Travel Mlone's • Music Ma,..et • Pi'ecemakera • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady • S~enaen 's - fon.B f.rimdly with the U.S. Oovemment. The PG raWI& la few adult ldtulldanL ON GOLDEN POND: Ralat PG. 1ian Henry Fonda and K.atharilv H~ • an aclni couple ~ '° lwe oo OoJdm Pond. He'1 filled with arudetis about death; she'• lnwminably ~. They t>6cbr polile!y unUI the amval of their da\.llhler (Jane Fonda), her lalftt boyfriend, Billy (played bri.lllanlly by Dabney Q>lernan) and hi. 13-year-ol.d boy The PG ' l"IW\111 f« ~· ONE FROM TBE HEART: Ralat R. \Altes place in a 90Und •taee re-c:rea\ion or LM V~ and tells the l10r)' of 24 hows in the live. ol two )own The film w11 d1recs.ed by Francis Coppola, wntten by Annyan ~and Coppola, and 11ar1 Fredenc Forrest. Teri Garr, Raul Julia and NMtamia Kinslu. The R ral&J\i II for edult lltUatlON POllY'Se Ralat R, st.an Kim Cattrall, Scot Colombv and FEZ IOROCCAI Authentic Qaslk ec... Open 1 Night• 5 to 10 p.m. BMr a Win• Sened ReMrvatloM Preferred (714) 840-3024 5910 wmo AT SPlllillM£ ,r-olJen 9;!#1~:;~ __,. ~~ S/:;Jragon . --"' r.ENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A Lo Corte Dishes ~Lunch. D1n!'er Oa~ • Food To Take Out · 41lh•..,_ • OtlAM91 · .ion...._.""'" 750.7171 • 75o.50ff COSTA MISA ' ~...... I 642·71'2. 6Jl0 ttll THE STANFORD HOUSE RESTAURANT SUND/\ Y BREN<FAST FEl\ST Served 9 a.m. co 1 p.m. ) Egg1 wttll ~ pomons ol ham. becOll °' 111w.r. SnW'd W1l'h 1-pon-of houx pouton and to&nd Fttneb t-ad ot houtr b.IC'UllJ Abo '~ QUI r-. '""' b.t. • • • • • Fri., S.(. & Sun. Dinner SpKiab: Huntington Olkkm "-'°· BoMlas Chickm Breast saucttd with almonds, broccoli & horlandaiw saucr. Pig In A Pokr SM,, Ragout o( pork brdckd in Y orkshitt pudding nm with glared prtJ & onions. R<>ast Prime Rib of Bttf S7.91. All dinners include soup or salad and choice o( pomo. 963-0179 · 19861 MAGNOLIA FOUNTAIN VAUEY At GMfleed In~~ For Dine Out Advertising And Info Call • .[Jrenda Caponera 642-4321 I ........... ':.•,I I ........ 13 ~~urrently screening~~~~~~~~~~~ From Page 12 Alex KArras In a tale of boys ifOWtna up. The R rat.Ina Is for nudity. PARTNERS: Rated R. atan Ryan O'Neal and John Hurt u oops -one all'aight and one gay -who must u~ topther to crack a murder cae. The R rating ii for adult lituadonl and homOlexuaOty. SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R, 1t.ar1 Albert Finney u Geor&e Dunlap, whOR !JlAITiqe to Fa.Ith (Diane Keaton) II on the rocks. They become Involved with different people, and for the fim ~ In )'ffl'I, eeen to Involve themRlve. IPfn. lt'• an eccurate, -movl.ni llCCOWlt of a tn.k-up, more Intuitive and pc'ed9e tblin ~ moat movies on divorce. AA their da\Alhter, Sherry. Diana Hill ii I brilliant. Keatco IJve. the performance of a lltetlme. The R ratln& ~ II for adult lltuadonl. I SOME UNI> OF BERO: Rated R. 1t.ar1 Richard Pryor a a Q. down and out Marine who can't make h1a lite ao u be wania It ~ to. The R ratlnl la for 1an&uaee and adult lituadona. • r-==~?;;;;;===================::z::====================================================================:::::;;~~====:;-~ 0 . . v;J D1NING ·1: ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE -~~ ~ I» '< I\) _. .... co Real Cantonese Flld · eat here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO OF VEAL M11SALA & SellmtirH Pt+iit.r'1.._ n 1'74 "V" *CABllETSlllNIOI 4 '~'mdrifter ~~.111rana Distinctive w.afroot Dining • Oyst.er Bar • Codttaib 3333 w. P9cific c.o.t ffCbw1iy, Newport Badl Aacr-•m. Aa:epllCd • 642-229S pre.enc. Al Checco & Jay North How to catch I great meal at Red Lobster. f If you ha\'e a love fo11 afood that just can't he 1~nored. treat yourself to a meal at Red Lobster. Start with a scrumpd us appetizer like rich clam chowdt:r. Or a generous shrimp cocktail. Or oysters n the half shell. T'ht'n crack into steaming-hot crab legs. Or how about a sweet. jui Rock Lobster Tail? In all. you ·11 find ove~hirty tempting choices. t'ach prepared right here. every day. just the way you like. So if you've got a tas e for some great ~afood . catch dinner at Red Lobster conight. With your Diner£ lub Card. of course. 7801 Beach Blt•d., Bueno Pork, 994-1241 16811 B;!;ch Bh•d., HuntinR/011 Beach. 848-1956 QI) I\) ... ---r -- ~ I I '~ l I " i--Diversions---------------------------------~-ART------­ ~ 2 ANNUAL STUDENT ART SHOW at Santa Ana ~ Collep, 17th Street at Bristol, Santa Ana. la displayed 'O today throu1h June 3 In the campus art gallery. ;f Admiuion free. Gallery houn 11 a.m.·2 p.m. Monday • throuah Thunday, 10 a.m.·Noon Friday and 7.9 p.m. ~ Tuaday ~ednemday. ! "ARTISTS WHO TEACH: the Saddleback Colleee North Campua Faculty Exhibition," la shown May 27-June 25 at Irvt.ne Fine Atta Center Galleries, 4601 Walnut Ave., Irvine. Houn are 9 a.m.·9 p.m. Monday £ throuch Thunday and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday. a: PAINTINGS AND SERIGRAPHS by Suzanne fllng Caplan go on display Sunday ln the Loni Beach Muaewn of Ar1 Bookshop Gallery, 2300 E. Ocean Blvd .. Long Beach. A eoepUon for Ma. Caplan la eet fl'Clm 2-4 p.m. and open to the public. PHOTOGRAPHS BY EU.GENE OMAR GOLDBECK are exhibited throuch June 4 at the Rivoli Gallery, South c.out P1ua, Cc.ta Mea. ANNUAL STUDENT ABT SHOW by Fullerton. Serviag the rmest wines /OI:JOUT pleasure! I 540-aMi r • 7S8ST. CLAIR IAT MHDOU'll• COST A MESA ONE BLOC& IOUT1I OP 8AU1l ~ 81.& WE8'I' OP lllUITOL CoUeae Art Depertment la exhibited throuch June 3 in the CAmP'IS Art Galltty and William T. Boyce Ubrary Gallery. Free admlmlon. -PLAYS------- "WHEN YOU COMIN' BACK, RED RYDER?'' la presented throuah Sunday at Santa Ana Colle1e'1 Phillips Hall, 17th at Bristol streets. Admiaalon $5. Infonnation 835-5971. "CRUCIPER OF BLOOD," a Sherlock Holmes mystery, continues at the Laguna Moulton Playbou.e, 606 Laguna Canyon Ro.d, Laguna Beach. Performance. are Tue.lays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. until June 5 with a Sunday matinee at 2:30 on May 30. Raervationa 494--0743. "THE FRONT PAGE," a comedy about old-time newapaper reporters, completes itl run at the Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster. Final performances are tonieht and Satwday at 8:30. Reeervatiom·995-4113. .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE," an offbeat comedy by Kurt VonnejUt, opena tonJaht foe the Million Viejo Playhowle at the Forum Thuter on the Festival of mu~~v -,...--• •nun· • IZlllWll • -••••• Of»n D•l/y Lunch A DI,,,,., '7.50 '7.50 1500 ADAMI AVE.. COITA •SA AT HAMOR M.VD. 540-11/R Atta Grounds ln Lacuna Beach. Performance. wlU be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 thJ'OUlh June 12. l\arrvationa 830·9252. "NORMAN, IS THAT YOUT" a comedy about homoaexuality, continues at the Harlequin Dinner Playboule, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. The ahow playa ni&htly exL"ept Mondays al ~ curtai.n times through June 13. Re.rvationa 979-5511. "ON GOLDEN POND," the 1ta1e version of the popular movie, 1tara Pat O'Brien al Sebaalian'a West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. The show run. nightly except Monday• at varyini curtain times throu&h June 20. Reeervadont 492-9950. "TI NTYPES," a musical celebratin1 the early century in ahow busine91, open1 Tue.day at South c.out Repertory, 6S5 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Performances will be p ven Tue9days through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 and weekend matinees at 2:30 through July 3. Raervadont 957-4033. "VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET," Gore Vidal's antiwar comedy, cloeea thi8 weekend at the Huntington See Diversions, Page 16 but once you find us. )'OU're in for a pleasant SU'pbe. Enter Chez Llluftc:, a Quaint French Inn fe6tumg the oromotic continental cuisines d France. The Chez L.autrec caters to the romontk: who see< the enchltntmer.t of a fine French Inn. To tho$e cb· . crimlnllting tastes that desire the peAoCable ~ fourd only in the cullnOfy arts of French Cooking. E.icperience a pleeSURlble combinadon of 5eMce and warmth In a true atmosphere d a Parisian ambl· ence, without the "Haute" prices. Chez L.autrec offers deity a umque variety d see and fresh weter ftsh ~ In the patiendy arches· tiated methods of the great chefs of Europe. as oriy they can. With many populartf tantallrlng entrtts to choose from. we also pride ourselves in our selected 4SSOftment of French Wines and postries which will enhance any meal Why not join us and ~ whet the elite d Udo Isle hiwe a~ found? · "Bon Appetif'. ~ • • • The Crucif er of Blood' ' From Page 10 Conununity Theater call it a run. Wayne Mayberry and Michael Aquila head the cast of "Visit," winding up Fridal and Saturday at 8:30 In the Seadif Vlllqe theater at Main and Yorktown, Ifuntint.ton Beach. Art Winslow is directing the Gore Vidal comedy. Call 847-4465 for reservations. Peter Stone and Tom Wheeler are featured in "The Front Page" under the direction of J .D. Reichelderfer. Curtain time ls 8:30 Friday and Saturday at the theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster, with tif!cheta available at 995-4113. Continuing their respective engagements are "On Golden Pond" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse and "Norman, Is That You?" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Pat O'Brien, his wife Eloise and daughter Brigid play the fictional family of "On Golden Pond" at Sebastian's, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente, running nightly except Mondays through June 20. Tickets are being reserved at 492-9950. Al Checco and Jay North star In "Nomlan" at the Harlequin, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. The comedy plays through June 13 with reservations taken at 979-5511 . ~"HONEST" 'Honest · I cannot tell a he The seMCe is good the food 1s bel101 and the prlees Ofe the best' Try the Gm1der for bleokfost lunch or d•nnef You'll find ' 11 10 be a pleasant surpnse I'm sure• We hove mode a reputation in seMng the finest 1n food everything from Fresh Vegetables to USDA Ctlolce Steaks A'J50 otta.1ng Knotts Beny f.orm Jam Fom'°' .John Sausage and 100't Natural Squaw &eod With 15 convenient locoltons to S01Ve you ~f41et _,,, Hun11nglon Beach Poc•llC Gooil •twv So ol l'NI [i' ID1111c' ENTERTAINMENT oumE /t I Stlttti~ STARRING CHIRLEIE USE Music By JULE-STYNE Lyrics By STEPHEN SONDHEIM Book By ARTHUR LAURENT& Directed end Chore09rephed by JOHN SPINDLER SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH in the Mediterranean Room from 10-3 " 18700 MacArthur Bl., Irvine Airporter Inn Hotel ( 714) 83S. 2770 Fashion Q & A Every Sunday in lJ'i'A:.0.:.~:i~iL. .!J'~~Uf;I~-~!.. PUBLIC MARKET AN INTERNATIONAL CAFE '4.00 Tt '8.l5 Serving Lunch & Dinner From 11:30 a.m. 631-8925 FULL BIR I COCITllLS 428 E. 17th ST. COST A MESA Complete Dinners from S5.25 to $5.95 5 :00 PM -7 :00 PM Oally Your choice of soup or salad and one of these c ntrees Fenuclnl "Neprune" The Weight watcher -brOlled. freshly Ground Beef country Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips omelene du Jour :!! 0 • - .. ... • .... J6 --Diversions---~...-. .................... ______ ~~---..,._-i -a r . lhlm Pap 14 r N Be.ch Playt\ouM-, Main Street at YorktOWn A-Venue ln I' the Seacllff Vlllaae Center. Final performancn are 2 toftlaht and Sa\UJ'day a1 8:30. Re.rvatklrw 84'7~. i 1-ETC. . ~· TV PBRSONALITY RALPH STORY ii 1rand • marahal for the 24th annual Garden Grov<"Stnwberry • Festival Pande formlna at 11 a.in. at West Hawn Park ; Oft West Street between Lampeon and~ avenues. I WILl> 'WUT ftUNT SHOW, cancan dancers and a-.-.~ entertain daily at Knott'•~ J'arqa; Buena Park. . f ALL:coRVBTTB DRAG MEE·~ f1 Sunday at Clninlt Countt Inc.natklnal Raceway, !'Mt i,vua.. a ... opal at 11 a.m. RUNTINGTON IJBRARY, SAN M.UUNO, tuubject ot a toUr offft'ed June 5 throuch Onnae CoMt c.oaJese. ~ II $12. Tlcbtl 5*552'7. BASEBALL CARDI AND SPORTS llBllORABILIA t.o be dilplayed at Anahtbn Show Jame • Md 27 ln Anahe6m Calwntian Cent«. ~MUSIC---------------~ ·-lliiBMEN, UNii AND "°'"'" CllORtW .,.. .... at a tonAcht tn l'lne Ana Concert HaU. UC lrYfne. oe .. ral adml11lon $3. t1CI Mutere 8ecltal Choir pertanm at 8 p.m. Satuniay bJ J'lne Arts canc.t Hall with lldln&lllon ,,.., BIOBANDDATVNBlare~lll ~at t p.m.: S.turday ln Oranp eo.t CoUep AodlWIWL OU7 llalferty and Society C.ombo will pla7. ~ - .. AUDITION -A lftlllCAL lm'YVE," an ortplal Onna• Cout Collqe 1tudenVf&C\&lty proctuc:Uoa. i. ...... May 27 and 30 ln occ ~ c.o.ta Me.. a..ni ~ sa. Tlcbta 558-5127. ~ Selections by Schuman, Debussy, Ravel and Fine. Gerard Schwarz -Director J~ CONCERT featurina three bandl ii at 2 p.dt Sunday ln 0ranee C.O..t CoUep Audlt«twn. Costa Meu. MmiWon tree. SOUTBEAST YOUTH lYMPRONY OR~ESTRA perfomi1 at 4 p.m. Su~ New University Mu1lc Center, Cal State, t.on, , Recital Hall, AdmJMlon $2. SPRING MUSIC ODYSIEY SERIES, featurln1 · Muter Symphony Orehettra, condudn with a 7 p.m. ~with a~irMntory,battered. t1j high inlerest rates, we haYe no alternative bUttoproc:eeOwtl\themost~ laleJnour~I • Pk:aseo •.. NeimM ... Rbehe ... AMII ... Miro. Mai1v, many famous names. But they all nut go. Hence. our dlecot.I* r1W1ge from 2<>°~ to 60% off, wtlh an adcltional 10% off for cash. BeUifut original graphic art Each piece is hand signed~ the artist. and framed concert Sunday ln Donald Wuh Memorial Auditorium. Garden Grove. lnfonnation W·W71. -SINGLES----- "rss SUBJECT IS SINGLES'' talk to be aiven durlne a noon luncheon Tueeday at c.ommunity Church by the S.y, 148 22nd St., Costa Mea Spee.Ur la to be Bill Flana1an, mlnilter to 1ln1le adulu at St. Andrew'• Prnbyterlan Church, Newport Beach. RaervaUon1 IM8-3283. and matted to museum specifications. • Thts ooutd very weH be your last chance to acquire an Investment of such cd:>er, Jn ~cases.~ ourcunentwhQlasaleooat: , Bfought on t7t our inability 10 continue financing thousands of 'M>ft<s of art, this sale aeates ihe unique opportunity tor you to Invest. perhaps, in just a few pieces of great art of your own. Come in and see what we mean. Now, at The Upstaifs Galrery. -,.---------r-------,-----------·--------..,.....--.......... ------.,--.-~----. •May 21 -May 27• Nightntare • • • Victot: Herman story played well by Savage By JERRY BUCK A#T......,...WrtW LOS ANGELF.S -John Savage plays a young American whoee stay in the Soviet Union turns into a ~ue ~tmatt that lasts for 38 yean in the CBS inovle • Coming Out of the Ice." Savage plays V~ctor Herman, who survilved imprisonment and brutality in Siberia only because of his dream that he one day would return to the United States. "Coming Out of the Ice'' will be telecast Sunday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). In 1931, Herman aocompanied his parents and sister to the Soviet Union. where his father was to work in an autoiMbile plant. He was then 16. Young Herman excelled in sports and broke the world's parachute jwnp record in 1934. After setting the parachute record, 1le refused to sign a form ldenti!yfug him as a Soviet citizen. He insisted he was an American. He was arrested in 1938 for alleaed "~ter-revolutiona.ry activities." He ~pent a.year in the Gorky prison and the next 10 years in a bard labor camp in Siberia. After his release he rnanied and had a daughter, but was arrested again in 1952. Herman was exonerated of all charges in 1955. But it was not until 1976 that he was able to leave the Soviet Union. Hia epic struggle to survive is told with brutal realism, and is an inspiring story. Savage is excellent as the y~ man caught in a bewildering dilemma, but ltl'Uggllng to preaerve his humanity, his sanity and his will to live. Country singer Wlllie Nelaon alao stars as Red Loon, another American in the camp. . "Red taught him how to deal with his imprisonment and lack of freedom," Savage said. "He taught him to feel that he was not bound b~ his IOul and that he should not tight it internally.' Wari.1 Hussein directed the two-hour movie on loc.,tion in Flnniah Lapland. Alan Sharp wrote the ,.c.fienplay from the book by Victor Herman. Frank Konigsberg was executive producer and Chris1opher Pearce was producer. The movie also stars Ben Cl"OIS ("Chariots of Fire'.') as a Soviet general, and Francesca Ann1a 111 Herman's wife, Galina. . "We went to Finland lut October," Savage said. "It wu cold but aome areas that were suppoeed to be snowy were oddly not covered with snow fc>r the firlt time in yea.rs. So we bad 'to wait, and the schedules and locations were constantly llµfted. Then the snow came and it lasted for monthS. "We worked under ve7. difficult conditions becaUie of the cold," he said. •And we were 10 c1oee to the North Pole that we only had three houn of daylilllht each day. It made It very difficult to work.Tl . See Nilhtmare, Page 31 \ I l I -I I I I I - 9 N I ~ ~ N ~ :E ~ ~ u. g ..J ~ l '712 tandberg TPT~1 .,,5 ~;:!'~~ ........ •1095 Tandb!':J Tl-2060 .o ..... ,. '499 /li.J4.IM ,..._ wllll $.41..19& ,,..... ~ (N}Heeeeeee V "' Tandber1 TR-2030 ,3 1 I fM a-.-,,,........... • ...... 5 30 woftl per dlGRMil (N) HH ~. fAf'l Dfl:KS Yamaha K-150 ~~~d ...... •370 '271 Yamaha K-350 · '180 !b:':. ~:., ....... '240 . _...,..,......, ...... -'46 liil ................ ., ....... -twit. ...,. ...... ,.. ..................... _.,.., .................... . ,.. ........................ ..... .......... ,.. ..... . _..,, .... ...,"""" .. 1hd 111111-4 --.. .... • ................ ' UST SALE PltlCE PRICE KIP 105.2 (prtud uctt) • ..,.,..... '915 ::..-::-.. ... ·:: .. (0). • 1525 Yamaha Ns-.144 10 llldl ,....,, .. ,._. • ' 18 0 =(D>==~····· '260 Yamaha NS..244 , 13 , 101ftd12_,_... -~ of .. ""'4 ..... (N}eeH ~ 6,\"6 AMCM Monitor• • llldi 2 ..,,., ............. •a a __,......... . •129 ,.fed 2NI ...... "'(N) ••! .,, Yamaha NM •150 ·•104 10 .... 2 """(N) ...... .. A~--iril t 29 .w.o-(N)······ 1 5 . AKAi VPl-7300 Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 Wfft B•y St., Costa MeH, Ca. Mell •ddree•: Box 1seo, Cost• MeH, Ca .. 92929 Telephone: 042·4321 Program informa11on 1s provided b_v the network• .-nd stations and IS sub)t'<'t lo change without notJt't' I ndex Orange CO<Ut TV Antenna • . • . . . Page 3· Sports Highlights Page 5 Daytime Schedule .. Page 6 Evenanq Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . Paqe 8 Inside TV .......................................... Page 31 ~tters ..................................... ...... ..... Page 32 Word Ga11Je ..... ... ... . .. .... .. ..... ...... .... ... . Pap 32 TV Puzzle . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . Page 33 Daytime Drama . . . .. . . . . . • . . .. .. . . . Page 34 Channels 9 KNXT <CB.51 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. 8 KNBC <NBCI 3000 W. Alameda Ave . Burbank, Ca e KTLA Und. > S800 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. O KABC <ABCI 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los Angeles. ca. (8) KFMB <CBS! 7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego. Ca. G Kl{J-TV <Ind.> 5515 Melro&e Ave , Los Angeles. Ca. (101 KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd .. S•n Diego, Ca. e KTTV <Ind. J 5746 W. Sunset Blvd , Los Angeles, Ca e KCOP·TV !Ind.> 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. <241 CBS Cable . @KCET <PBS1 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca 9KOCE <PBS> 15744 Golden Wesl St .. HwnUngt.on Beach <01 On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave .. Glendale. Ca. <Z> Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave~, Sant, Mont.ca .. Ca (HI HBO • Time-Ure Bldg .. RockefeUer Center, N. Y .. N. Y <C l Cinemax Time-We Bld& .. Rockefeller Center, N. Y . N. Y G <WORI N.Y., N.Y. <111 < wre.si Atlanta, Ga <El ESPN !LI Select tS1 Showtlme <SI SpoUIJ!ht <C> <Cable News Network> Oran e Cc>ast TV Antenna Net works save us the jiggle jpkes By PHIL SNElDERMAN mthe OellJ Piiot 11.eff Have you ever heard s uch a bunch of crybabies?· The ink was barely dry on the cancellation notices for "Taxi," "Lou Grant" and "WK.RP'' when the whiners let loose. TV columnista began predicting a gloomy season ahead for "discriminating" tube watchers. Civil liberties groups began protesting that "Lou Grant" was caJUled just because Ed Asner had spoken out on El Salvador. Well, I don't know who these so-called • "cliscriminating" viewers are, but someone has to speak out for the Real People Majority, and I'm here to do It. We're the people who keep "The Dukes of Hanard," "Too Cl~ for c.omtort" and "Three's c.ompany" in the top 10 We like car crashes. We lik~ jiggle jok~ Who are the crybabies trying to kid? The networks weren't looking at Ed Amer's headlines when they cancelled "Lou Gnant." They weren't looking at "Taxi's" best-axnedy Emmys. They were looking at the ratings. The ratinp for the1e shows were down becauae we, the Real People Majority, just don't like them. We don't want "stgnificant social drama." We don't want to see some reporters looking i.nto pesticide haz.ards. We want to see BolS Hogg try to fix a beauty pageant. We don't want thouahlful comedy involving well-rounded characters. We just want to watch empty.headed women who are round in the right places. I mean. let's see Laverne and Shirley get their thumbsatuck in a bowling ball. Now, that'acomedy. Why are all these eggheads whining over a few ahowa that were canceled? These programs deserved to bite the dust. Take "Lou Grant." Now, what kind of a hero ia thit? He's fat. He't bald. He'a lfOUChy. He shows emotion. He thinks about the ethics of printing certain 1tories. Hey, what kind of a role model la this for the kids in the aud.imce? The kids need to watch 90mebody like Lee Majors on "The Fall Guy.'' Now. here'• a guy who never eets emotional. l'iewr aaontzes over ethics. And look at all the ahapelJ women he gets. How many t¥>t dates ~os Lou Grant have? TV HEROES -Who would you rather have your son grow up to be: lat and balding &J Asner or strong and handsome Lee Majors? You'd better believe he'd have no second thoughts about killing Rossi's three-month sewer investifation ln exchange for a quick peek at Lee Majors addn9 book. And speaking of role models, what kind of an example does his woman reporter, Billie Newman, set? Instead of prying into corporate corruption, ahe ought to be home makino babies. Then there'• ''Tad;p Look at the bunch of loaers you have here driving New York cabs: a pitiful excuse for a boxer, a woman who yearns to run her own art gallery, a 60s left.over who burned out his brains on drugs. Then there's the strange immigrant mechanic with a split personality that sometimes turns him into a swinging singles lounge Uz.ard. These people always tum to Judd Hirsh, the one contented cabbie, for nelp with their penonal problems: The boxer is risking his health in another comeback. The 60s bum-out ia visiting the wealthy father he hasn't aeen in yean. The woman is agonizing over a job offer that would force her to leave her New York friends. Now, these are the kind of problems that people face ln real life. But we don't want real life on television. What we want ls a few more jokes about Lydia Cornell's chest size on ''Too Cloee for Comfort." Now, there haven't been many cleavage jokes on "WKRP in Cincinnati," and you can be sure that's one reason it's been canceled. Considering that this show haa the well-endowed Loni Andenon, think of all the misled opportunities ..... No, instead "WKRP" has focused on the pel"llOnalities of a bunch of lovable miafitll 1t a low-rated radio station, a mixed bag o~ people who become almost a family despite their di(ferences. ' But the writers just didn't follow the ri.a.les of situation comedy in creating these characters. The black disc jockey is an intelligent guy who doesn't See Network, Page 31 VIDEO MOVl .ES SPOKEN HERE • MODERN PROBLEMS •NEIGHBORS • ILUI COLLAR • IVIRYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANllD TO KNOW ABOUT SE X • JANI FONDA'S WORKOUT • STRIPIS • TIMI BANDITS • HIAITlllPS . • THI MllRql CRACK'D ~ ------·-·-··------------------~ .... "' ~ ~ >. al 'U -c u. !====s=-=========~~-=~ ._ AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC.-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Wh ittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 (fJ: I ;IJ1 ! ';I g \1#t·1•j j: I ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 --540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 H arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA AMA LIMCOLN-MBrCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anahei m -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. IMC. 445 E. ·coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-233-3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-()900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Cos ta Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855!: VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 ------------------~~----- . Sports Highlights Friday MAY 21, 1982 MORNING 8:00 I THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 8:30 SPORTS FORUM 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jer~. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 11 :30 lE.J THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 8:00 (£) SPORTS CENTER 0:00<1) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jefi. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:30 (I) NBA BASKE"rBALL PLAYOFF& (I) PQAT8 CENTER 12:30(1) DIVING "U.S.A. International Women's Plat· form And Men's Springboard Flnals" (2 hrs.) 2:30 CE) NASL WEEKLY 3:00<1) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley Seml- Ffnals" (Maleh 19) ( 1 hr.) .t:OO CE) SPORTS C~NTER Saturday MAV 22. 1982 MORNING AFTERNOON ~ ..... ~ 5:001 NASL WEEKLV ' 12:00 CE) SPORTS FORUM ' ' 5:06 BASEBALL BUNCH 12:30 CE) POCKET BILLIARDS Cowboy Jimmy Moore 6:30 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES vs. Willie Mosconi ( 1 hr.) 8:00 ALL ..ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE 1:30(!) AUTO RACING "NASCAR International 8:30 F.A. SOCCER "Championship Match" Sedans" form North Wiikesboro, North Carolina. (2 Queens Park Rangers vs. Tottenham Hotspurs (2 hrs. L hrs., 30 min.) 3:00. PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE This program 8:00 (!) WRESTLING focuses on champion marathon runner Bill ROdgers 9:008 WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Dallas Tournament and Olympic medal winner Frank Shorter in prepa-Semifinals" ( 1 hr.) ration for the 1978 Boston Marathon. ( 1 hr.) (!) NASL SOCCER KICKS 3:301 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (() GRAND PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open" from 3:"5 NASL WEEKLY Rome, Italy. 4:15 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES ~30(1) ... GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bill -4:30 SPORTS CENTER Rodgers" Host Ken Howard. 4':35 BASEBALL Philadelphia Phlllles at Atlanta • 'fHIS WEEK IN BASEBALL Braves (3 hrs.) 10:301 NASL SOCCER KICKS &.00(!) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1975 Wimbledon" 11:00 BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillies st Atlanta (1 hr.) Braves (3 hrs.) . 5:30(f) BASEBALL New York Mets at Houston 9 BASEBALL California Angels at Detroit Tigers Astros (2 hrs .. 30 min.) @hrs.) CJD BASEBALL Regional coverage of Oakland A's EVENING at Boston Red Sox: Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta 8:00 (!) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite. Texas. (2 hrs.) 7:00(0) THE W~ WAS "1947 World Serles" Brooklyn Dodgers vs. New York Yankees (Part 2) 7:3000 RACE FOR THE PENNANT "The Rookies" Hosts Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver take an inside look at what it means to be a rookie. (0) BASEBALL St. Louis Cardinals at Los Angeles DodQers I 3 hrs.) Braves (3 hrs.) 11:06 ~ ON-OECK CIRCLE 11:20~ BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 2:0011 OUTDOOR LIFE Featured: hunting geese on the Massachusetts coast. (I) WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN 2:308 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN 5 GLOVEs "Highlights" (Part 3) (1 hr.) .,, «I PROfESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $130.000 - AC-Oel90 ClaS8ic (from Gable House Bowl In Tor-~ ranee, Calif.). ( 1 hr., 30 min.) -t Cl) POCKET BIWARDS Luther l.as811er vs. Cow· < boy Jimmy Moore ( 1 hr.) 2:361 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRA TEO 3:00 RACING FROM BELMONT 3:06 WRESTLING 3:30 (f) SPORTS SA TUROA Y 15-round WBC Lightweight Championship bout between Alexis Arguello and Andy Ganigan (from las Vegas. Nev.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) D PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $130.000 AC-Delco Classic (from Gable House Bowl rn Tor- rance, Calif.). (1 hr .. 30 min.) CE) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1979 U.S. Open" 4':00 i SPORTS CENTER 4':30 SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY 6:00 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-round wee World Light Heavyweight Championship between titleholder Dwight Braxton and Lotte Mwale (from Atlantic City, N.J.): a report on the Indianapolis "500" time trials. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) i OUTDOOR LIFE SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY NA.SL SOCCER Montreal Manic vs San Diego Sockers (2 hrs.) 5:30 (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Houston Astros (2 hrs .. 30 min.) al WIOE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-.round wee See Sports, Page 30 ( J .• ~D.AONftCllTIQ llC m WD'I nn ME ••n -~ ~ llY UY llT IOI, IET I 1:1 "' mu L •E FIU ( •• Yll.IE) ;1 f .. Pee Wee's Hot Don tl: f' c ~ . 1• NeWPORT --~D. I ~· COSTA MEIA ~ -MMQl7 ' •Open Dally 11 a.m.-10 p.m. SUn. 12 p.m.-8 p.m. c=• ~7!= • Have a Automatic Garage Door Systems Umlted memberships ovollobte -.'.__] • Corporate Membership • Fot]llly Membership • Sl!'Qle Membership • ASsbc:lote ~mbersnlp • Junior Executive ( 18 to 29 yeors of age) • Junior Memb9'5htp ( 12 to 18 years of age) • SWlm Membership • Aerobic Membership • And our new Annual Membetshlp FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV ~. ·-.... --·····--· -·-..·----·-~-~·--------------.... --·-·----------------6 -------------::---------------~-------------......:_ __ ...:.:..:.:..:.::.:.==:=.:========::::::: D • ; INTRODUCING BIOLOGY (MON, WED) ~ d[f time AMERICAN STORY (TUE. THU) 0> YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL (FRI) ; COOKIE GOES TO THE HOSPITAL (TUE) .,, SPORTS FORUM (FRI) >-al ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE (MON, TUE) ~ >-5:00 6 SUMMER SEMESTER ~ I GENE AUTRY (FRI) ·c RAT PATROL (WED) LL. WHAT ON EARTH (THU) 0> MOVIE (2 HAS.) (THU) _3 MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 46 MIN ) (THU) > 5:05@ I DREAM OF JEANNIE ~ 5:15@ FLASHBACK: THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE E MOAAOCASTLE (1 HR.) (TUE) ~ CINEMASCOAE (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 23 MIN.) (TUE) 5:20 MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.) (MON) 5:25 (C') MOVIE (MON) (Jj) HITLER'S MASTER RACE.. THE MAO DREAM OF THE SS (FRI) 5:30 6 JUNTOS (MON. WED. FRI) tJ SLIM CUISINE (TUE, THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON. TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AND REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR (TUE-FRI) CINEMAX SHORT FEATURE (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.. 20 MIN.) (MON) SHOAT PICKS (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 45 MIN ) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 39 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 49 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HA . 37 MIN ) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 23 MIN ) (THU) 5:351 MY THREE SONS 5:45 · HISTORY OF MEXICO (FRI) &) • A.M. WEATHER 5:50 ·NEWS 5:55 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES (MON. WED. FRI) @) HOME GARDENER (TUE. THU) 6:006 LA. MOANING HOT FUDGE PEOPLE 7 (FRI) NEEDLECRAFT (MON-THU) MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGAA'T VILLA ALEGRE UNOERST ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) · IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON. WED) • HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS (TUE THU) ' ti) PROJECT UNIVERSE (MON. WED, FRI) fJl MA THEMATICS FOR MODERN LIVING (TUE THU) ' I VILLA ALEGRE (R) (MON, WED, FRI) WRITING FOR A REASON (TUE. THU) COOKIE GOES TO THE HOSPITAL (FRI) WILD BABIES (WEO) THE AMAZING AbVENTURES OF JOE 90 HU) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (MON, THU) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE) GYMNMTICS (WED) BRENDON CHASE (~RI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR. • .0 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 38 MIN.) (TUI:) 6:05 (fl) MOVlE 6; 16 IJ HEAL TH FIELD (%)MOVIE (1HR..37 MIN.) (WED) 6:251 EO Al.LEN 6:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO 80'8 WOMAN (FRI) GAU.ERV (MON-fHU) DAY8REAI< l..A. rT CAN BE oo::fJ:b COMMUMTY · K (MON) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HANO (Wet>) FRANKLY F£'MALE (THU> ORE.AT SPACE COASTEJt ==J.c NEWS (TOE-FRO ~'l THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (THU) ) BRENDON CHASE (FRI) _ MOVIE (2 HRS .. ) (MON) (f:! BOXING ( 1 HR . 30 MIN ) (TUE) tt1 ON VACATION WITH MICKEY MOUSE AND FRIENDS (WED) 0 MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) 6·450 NEWS (Z} MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 26 MIN ) (TUE) 7:00 6 MORNING NEWS I ti) TODAY 700CLUB [@ GOOD MOANING AMERICA 0 THE FROOZLES (!) ROMPER ROOM d) BUGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS ® FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS t1D BUSINESS REPORT '1i) PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE MENT (FRI) '1i) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (MON. WED) '1i) OF EARTH ANO MAN (TUE, THU) C' MOVIE (MON, WED, FRI) ' YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL (TUE} SPORTS CENTER WHAT ON EARTH (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR . 30 Mlt & (THU) A DIFFERENT KIND {. _..,\/INNING (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR , 20 MIN ) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HA . 30 MIN ) (MON) :l' MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 38 MIN ) (THU) 7 15 l" MOVIE ( 1 HA . 50 MIN ) (FRI) 7 300 THERE IS A WAY d) THE FLINTSTONES ti) CARTOONS ; Y00.C~R HEAL TH • MAatl>F Oil PAINTING SIX BEARS AND A CLOWN (TUE) MOVIE (THU) SNEAK PREVIEW (WED) MOVIE (1 HR . 31 MIN.) (THU) SHORT PICKS (MON) A CONFLICT OF INTEREST ( 1 HR . 46 MIN ) i ED) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 37 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (WED) s·oo Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO • JIM BAKKER JOHN DAVIDSON (FRI) TIC TAC DOUGH (MON-THU) TOM AND JERRY · BIG BLUE MARBLE (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (A) (MON-THU) • BODY BUDDIES MOVIE ~2 HAS.) (FRI) MOVIE 1HR.,55 MIN.) (TUE) MOVlE 1 HR., 50 MIN.) (WED) MOVlE ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVlE ( 1 HR .. 20 MIN.} (MON) FRACTURED FLICKERS (lUE) MOVlE (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (WED) 8:05@MOV1E 8: 15 (%) MOVlE ( 1 HR .. .0 MIN ) (TUE) 8:30'1 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER BULLSEYE (MOH-THU) WOODY WOODPECKER VILLA ALEGRE (A) MISTER ROGERS (A) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 35 MIN~ (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 20 MIN. (TUE) A COUNTRY MUS TRIBUTE TO KITTY WELLS ( 1 HA .. 30 MIN.) (THU) ~ MOVlE it HR .. 49 MlN.l (FAI) MOVIE 1 HR., 37 MIN. (THU) MOVlE 1 HA., 23 MIN. (MON) 8:4'0 (%) MOV E ( 1 HR .. 34 MIN.) (THU) 9:008 Cl) ONE OAV AT A TIME (A) OIFF'RENT STROKES (A) OZZIE ANO HARRfET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD ALES ILOVELUCV FtOMPER ROOM ~:UTAEETQ VIU.A Al£GAE (R) MOVIE •• TOP AANt< BOXING (FRI) NA8l SOCCER=) AVTO RACtNO TUE) PKA FU.&. N:Jf KARAT& (WED) PAOFE88IONAL AOOEO CTI~ CAU. THEM MEAt<:a ~!!!~~~~~~~~~~II 1HR.,~ ..... , ) DllJILONNQ LANQUAOE ~MON). I THE RIFLEMAN MID MORNING l A. BEWITCHED ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) AEAOBICISE (MON. WED. FRI) IMOVIE A DIFFERENT KIND OF WINNING (MON) MOVIE (2 HAS, 12 MIN.) (TUE) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HR , 36 MIN ) (WED) 9·35 l ' MOVIE ( 1 HR . 23 MIN ) (WED) 10:00 6 CJ; THE PRICE IS RIGHT · fi)TEXAS BIG VALLEY @) LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC DOUGH (FRI) JOHN DAVIDSON (MON-THU) I DREAM OF JEANNIE (TUE-FRI) HEALTHBEAT (MON) • : EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING '1i> GEnlN' TO KNOW ME (FRI) • '1i) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON THU) 'EJ POCKET BILLIARDS (TUE) LH) MOVIE (2 HRS ) (FRI) Hl MOVIE (2 HRS. 16 MIN.) (MON) HJ MOVIE ( 1 HR., 25 MIN.) (TUE) (HJ PLAZA SUITE (2 HRS.) (WED) 'A MOVIE (1HA .41 MIN.) (THU) 1$: MOVIE (1 HR, 50 MIN.) (FRI) $'MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) ~MOVIE ( 1 HR . 40 MIN.) (TUE. WED) MOVIE (2 HRS ) (THU) LIBERACE IN CONCERT ( 1 HR . 15 MIN ) ~ON) MOVIE ( 1 HR , 41 MIN ) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR. 58 MIN ) (TUE) 10.05@ MOVIE 10. 15 "~MOVIE ( 1 HR . 41 MIN) (THU) 10 30(!) PITFALL (FRI) d) MY THREE SONS (FRI) m TWICE A WOMAN (MON-THU) I INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) BOWLING (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS , 12 MIN ) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 24 MIN,) (THU) 10:45 rt' MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 40 MIN.) (FRI) 1 t .00 6 TATILE'rALES R THE DOCTORS BONA~ZA I @) FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS BULLSEYE (MON. TUE, THU, FRI) 0 Al l GOD'S CHILDREN (WED) (!) BULLSEYE (FRI) PITFALL (MON-THU) WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE ' WHY IN THE WORLD (FRI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-THU) RICHARD SIMMONS MOVIE GRANO PRIX TENNIS (MON, TUE) MOTOACYCLE RACING (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., ~ MIN.) (WED) 11·301) THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS fl) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE MATCH GAME (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) MATCHOAME mNEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WA.CNEIL I LEHRER REPORT • 8IG'9LUE MARBLE (WS>) THIS WEEK IN THE NW. (f:RI) MOVIE (1 HR., 33 MIN.) {TUE} MOVIE b2 HRS .. 20 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (MON) THE G LOEN AGE OF tEL.£VISION (1 HA.) EO) • . \ I .. 1 l ".IC'\< >< >:\ 12:00D• DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWlt.KlHT ZONE 9 All MY CHILDREN t4EWS me MOVIE EfONANZA ota<CAVETT MA TH WISE (MON, FRI) FOOTSTEPS .(TUE) GmtN' TO KNoW ME (WED) FAST FORWARD ~U) SPORTS FORUM FRI) MELISSA MA~ TEA IN CONCERT (1 HR.) ) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (WEO) THAT MAN IH THE WkrtE HOUS~ F.O.R. (2 .) SlTHU MOVE HRS., 3 MIN.) w ,(1 HA.. "6 MIH.) 2.-.. 1ot.t1N.) > .. a-.-•ri-, ~ .... l .. "' ~ MOVtE (1 HR, 49 MIN.l 1TVE) 2:10i MOVIE (1 HR,l7.MIN.) (WED) NEWS MOVtE t1 HR. 40 MIN. THU) 2: 15 AEROBICtSE ( ~. FRI) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER 12:061 FUN IME 2:30 BEWITCHED YOU ASKED FOR IT 12:30 CJ) AS THE WORLD TURNS EMEAGENCV TOM ANO JERRY TWILIGHT ZONE MOVIE (FRI~ SCOOBYOOO OVER EASY DANCE (M • WED) CABARET guE~ FROM JUMPSTREET (FRI) THE POTTING SHED £UE~ ELECTRIC OM ANY J~ UP ANO COMING (MON) TRIBUTE TO COUNT ASI (THU) LITTLE HOUSE ON TH IRIE WHY IN THE WORLD (TUE. THU) MISTER ROGERS ~RG VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) AMERICAN ENTERPRISE (WED) SPORTSWOMAN T E) WHY IN THE WORLD (MON) POCKET BILLIAAOS (FRI) " AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (THU) HOME GARDENER (TUE. THU) GYMNASTICS (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) NUMERO UNO (WED) FLASHBACK: THE LAST VOYAGE Of THE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST ( 1 HR., 46 MIN.) MOVIE (MON, WED) MORRO CASTLE (1 HR.~ (MON) ~ED, FRI) THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JOE 90 ! MOVIE f HR .• 35 Ml ·~ (WED) THE COUNTRY GIRL (2 HRS .• 30 MIN.) THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 26 MIN. (FRI) ~ON) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) 12:35 (!?)THE LINTSTONES MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (THU) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) 2:35 I BEVERL y HILLBILLIES SPORTS FORUM (WED) 1:00 D fl) ANOTHER WORLD 3:00 BARNABY JONES THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (THU) HOUR MAGAZINE DONAHUE MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MJN.) (THU) I ONE LIFE TO LIVE RICHARD SIMMONS FRACTURED FLICKERS (TUE) MOVIE EDGE OF NIGHT MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 49 MIN.) (MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING MERV GRIFFIN MOVIE (1 HR.,28 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ~HR. 41 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 4:05 (!?) WINNERS m> VIDEO J KEBOX (TUE) HAWAII FIVE-0 @CAROL BURN ANO FRIENDS (MON· THU) MOVIE u HR., 55 MIN.) (FRI) PEOPLE'S COURT 4: 15i NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (FRI) 1:051THE UNSTERS THE WAL TONS 4:30 NEWS 1:30 CJ) CAPITOL MIGHTY MOUSE BOB NEWHART NEWS PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE (FRI) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) HOME GARDENER (MON, WED) M•A0 S0 H NAPOLEON & LOVE (MON) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUE. THU) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON. WED-FRI) • BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) HOUR MAGAZINE BASEBALL (TUE) AUTO RACING (FRI) SESAME STREET R LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THIS WEEK IN ntE NBA (WED) COOKJE QOES TO HE HOSPITAL (THU, FRI) BUGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS POCKET BILLIARDS (THU) CINDER-ELLA (MON) SIGNATURE MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.l (MON) YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL (TUE) MISTER ROGERS (R) MOV1E (1 HR., 57 MIN. ~TUE) WILD BABIES (WED) 1 M•CNBL I LEHRER REPORT MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 MIN. MON) GYMNASTICS (TU~ SIX BEARS ANO A CLOWN (FRI) 1:35~ LEAVE ITTO BEAVER V10EO JUKEBOX ~ ) SPORTS CENTER 1:45 MOVIE ( 1 HR. 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR, SO IN.) (MON) HITLER'S MASTER RACE ... THE MAD DREAM (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR. 26 M&N.) (THU) MOVIE (3 HRS .. 5 MIN.) (FRI) OF THE SS (WED) 2:00 I CJ) GUIDING LIGHT 3:06 ~ANDY GRIFFITH i MOVIE ~1 HR., 30 MIN.~sFRI) CHIPS (rJ, 3:15 MOVIE (1HR .. 38 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN. TUE JOHNOAV1 ON 3:30 RICHARD SIMMONS HAMMER HOUSE OF H (TUE) 9 GENERAL HOSPITAL I PEOPLE'S COURT 4:35 (!?) BASEBALL (TUE. WED. FRI) IRONSIDE CHARLIE'S ANGELS (!?) SANFORO ANO ~MON, Tl-fU) OPEN LINE CLOUDS OF GLORY: WILLIAM AND DOROTHY 5:008 DD()) [IN SUPERMAN M~ LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE BOTANIC M~t) IDE JAPAN J._MON) THE SAINT MC<EDBAG OCEANUS {TU ~ NEW YORK REPORT (FRI) QUIZI006 ) THE ENCHANTED S (WED) HOLL YWOOO .mON) STYLE ~U) WILD BABIES bFRI) MOVtE (WED, U) Gl1TEN AG, WIE GEHrS? (FRI) SIX 8EAA8 AN A CLOWN (TUE) THE BRADY BUNCH GUTEN TAG IN OEUTSCHLANO (MON) YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL~% SCOOBYOOO lE8 GAMMAS {TU~ NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERI ( I) MIXEO BA~MON. FRI) TOMORROW'S AMILIES, TOMORROW'S GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ~~ QUtZKIOS E} FRIEMOS (WED) MOVI=, 31 Ml ·~ e STYLE (W ) HA8lAM08 ESPANOL ~U) MOVIE 1 HR •• 30 MIN. BOTANIC MA~HU) INSIDE BASEBALL~ A 01 KIND OF W NNING (MON) SESAMESTR Q HORSEStfOW JUM (WED) JONI MfTCHB.l IN CONCERT (1 HR.) (TUE) UVEATRVE SNEAK PREVIEW (WED) JAOVIE 2 HRS., 12 MIN.) (THU) OVER EASY MOVIE (1HR.55 MIN.) (THU) = 1HR,41MIN.~ ~) ~IGHTS (TUE. FRI) MOVIE 1HR,40MIN. • RULES FOOT8ALL (MON) AEROBICISE (~ 3: =" PYLE Al/TO RACING ~L MOVIE r HR., 39 IN.I ~ (%) (1 , 38 M~ (FRt) SPORTS FORVlMT~ MOVIE 1 HR, SO MIN. U 3:46~NASL Y ( ) BAENOON CH ~ • WED. FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (WED) 3:60 MOVIE ( 1 H . 34 MIN.) .cff!."mt) ~HR., 30 M ., (l\JEJ MOVIE 1 HR, 20 MIN.l !: 4:00 BARNEY Mn. ,.,_. ' MOVIE 1 HR, 20 MIN. MON) MOVIE ~ 38 MIN. FRI ~.<mA MOVIE 1 HR. 41 MIN. ~U) MOVIE t HR.. 23 MIN. PLES 6:06 al) (MON, THU) 2: @THE BUNCH .. Costa ~~ Only Complete Funeral Facilities ··Serving All Faiths" • liarbor Lawn· MoU11t Oliw Men1orial Park· Mo11t1ary ·Mausoleums -Shipment- 7 "O ::; 0 -~ ,- .8 ,, ::l. ~ I» ';< ~ I» '< N ... ... CD CD N ~Friday C\I : ~ \I< >l l:\ 1 :\( ; \I< >\ · 1 LS ,.-:; 5:30 (%) "The Earthling" ( 1980 Adventure) W1lllam co Holden. R1cky-6chroder :g 8:00 CS) "The Shogun Warriors Spaceke,eers" u.. (1981, Fantasy) Animated ci> 6:05@ "I Dream Too Much" ( 1935. Musical) Liiy o Pons, Henry Fonda ...J 6:30 0 "Foul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. ~ Che~Chase _ 7:00(.C) "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Drama) Glenn .2 FOid. Anne Francis ii: 7: 15 (%) "Cesar And Rosalie" ( 1972 Romance) Yves Montand. Romy Schneider 8:00® "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" U979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts Cl) "Captain Scarlet Vs. The Mystenons From Mars" ( 198 1) Animated. 8:05@ "Wagonmaster" (1950. Western) Ben John· son. Joanne Dru 8:30 0 "Hanover Street" ( 1979, Romance) Ham· soo Ford. Lesley-Anne Down 9:00 (C) "The Dain Curse" (Part 2) ( 1978. Mystery) James Coburn, Nancy Addison 9:05 CZ> "Breaking Glass·· ( 1980. Orama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Daniels 9:30CI) "Lawless Fron11e1" ( 1935. Western) John Wa'f!2.e. Sheila Terry. 10:00tttJ "The Ame11can1zation 01 Emily" ( 1964. Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews CS) "The Glass Bottom Boat" ( 1966. Comedy) Dons Day. AOd TaylOr 10:05@ ''Crossct1rrent'' ( t971. Mystery) Robert Hooks. Jeremy Slate 10:300 "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Drama) John Tra· volts. Debra Winger. 10:45 (%) "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jack· son. Trevor Howard. t1:00(C) "Roller Boogie" (1979. Musical) Linda Blalr. Jim Bray .\l· .. llJC\< >< >:\ \I< >\.IL'-' 12:001J "Step Lively" ( 19«. Comedy) Frank Sina- tra. Glona DeHaven. at "Tora! Tora! Tora!" (Part 2) ( 1970. Drama) Martin Bah~am. Joseph Cotten. G) "The Brothers O'Toote" ( 1972. Comedy) John Astin. Pat Carroll Cl) "All That Jau" ( 1979. Musecal) Roy Scheider, 12:~~a Lange ·mated ·~riey Back To Oz" ( 1972. Fantasy) Ani- 1·00(!) "The llM.&a M1nneffl. Paul Lynde. ·Martin. Senta Berger. -.;" ( 1967, Comedy) Dean CC) "Something Of Value" ( •~-Rock Hudson. Dana Wynter. """t'1'18) CID "Steel" ( 1980, Drama) Lee Majors. Jenn""' O'Neill D "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. c~cnase. 2;00(D "Child's Play" (1972, Mystery) James Mason. Robert Preston. (%)"Death Hunt" ( 1981, Adventure) Charles Bron· son. Lee Marvin. 2:300 "Oodes' Ka-Oen'' (1972) 3:00 8 "The Hard Aide" ( 1971. Orama) Robert Fuller, Sherry Bain. g "Ralntree County" (1957, Orama) Ellzabeth Tayl<l'. Mootgomery Cllft. 3:30® "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Oua1d. 3:35(%) "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chris Ma'5,!peace. Adam Baldwin. 4:30 lAJ "Captain Scarlet Vs. The Mysterlons From Mars" (1981) Ar.ilmated. 5:15(%) "Journey Back To.Oz" ( 1972. Fantasy) Ant· mated. Volon ot Liza Mennetll. Paul Lynde. 1 .\. L:\ I :\C; PLAYING ROLES -George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere both star in two distinctly different roles in "Movie, Movie," an affectionate. hilarious parody of two ·Hollywood genres of a bygone era on KNBC (Ch. 4) Friday at 8 p.m. Erik Larsen. Keith Larsen. A young Mormon boy laces many tests as he approaches adulthood. 'PG' (! hr . 30 min ) ti) MOVIE "The Ame11can1za11on Of Emily" ( 1964. Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews Romance grows between a British war widow and a non-hero- lc olficer assigned to provide hes supenors with the luxuries of hOme ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) g MOVIE "Hanover Streel'' ( 1979, Romanoe) Harrison Ford. Lesley-Anne Down. An AmerK:an pilot falls in love with a married English nurse dunng World War fl, then embarks on a danng misslOn to rescue her husband from ene·my forces 'PG' (1 hr .. 49 min) 6:30 (II BARNEY MILLER I ALL IN THE FAMILY NAPOLEON & LOVE "Maria-Luisa" Napo- leon's need for a son to succeed him as Emperor grows as it beeomes apparent lhat neither his wife nor his mistress will give him one. ( 1 hr.) • NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW --~-e:40 (%) CHA'Jallf l.Of!! lllf ,..,.,ueoy TtiEA TRE 7:00 8 CBS NEWS """"" I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A class In whiC:h babies are taught to swim. a look at an Amish community in Pennsylvania 1J KOJAK 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Pan 2 of a senes on movie ratings examlnes "Conan The Barbanan" l end ~·~~~'SY~~·. an Interview with Pele Best JOK~'SWILD 8U81tfESS REPORT T'HE MUPPET'S PORTRAITS IN PASTElS MOVIE ''The Looney, Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 198t. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. Juf\9 Foray. New material Is blended with old in this compilation of classic Fritz Freleng 8:009 G 8 NEWS "Loor\ey Tunes" featuring Bugs. Oafty Due+<, Porky CHA.RllE'S ANGELS Pig, Yosemite Sam. Tweetie Pie and others from the C88 NEWS cartoon &enes 'G' ( 1 hr .. 20 min ) WHITE SHADOW (a,) tHE WAY IT WAS "194 7 World Serles" Brook· ABC NEWS ~ Oodgeta vs New York Yankees (Part 2) THE JEFFERSONS W MOVIE "Stevie'' ( 1978, Blogr.phy) Glenda HAWAII FfVE-0 Jaci<90n, Trevor Howard. Eccentric British poetess OVER EASY ~ueet· Maxeoe Andrews (R) c:;i Stevie Smith Is profiled. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 40 men.) NBC NEWS 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN F«*tured: IM Al.1tn King PORTRAITS IN PASTELS Celebflty Tennis Tournament: the Roman Fantaay MOVIE "Blacl<board Junglt" ( 1956. Orama) Poot Party; a visit to the Lat Vegas Convention. 10< Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dedicated young a preview look at tho tall TV lineup; 111us1onlsts. Sieg· -.acher attempt• 10 rntore order In a big-<llty Hain-lfrledf!anFdA~MolyY l!'l!'I .,.. Ing senooi whefe teen.age la~ and vlolenct L n;\IU have taktn root ( 1 hr •. 40 min.) VERNE & 8HIRLeY & COMPANY PAOFEB8k)HAL RODEO From Mtaqultt, Tex· PEOPlE'B COURT • (2 tvs) • Ttc TAC OOUGH (JI) M0\11& ·=v~ Nt4 ~ .... ~1879 ~)_.......,_ YOU A&l<EOl:OA ITc:;:;;~ I M0 A0 S0 H SIGNATURE Guesl Richard Leakey MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WALL $TREET WEEK ' This May Be Of lnteres1 Guest· George V McKinney. senior vice pres1den1 Irving Trust Company. Cit) RACE FOR THE PENNANT .. The Rookies' Hosts Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver take an inside 1001< at wna111 means to be a rookie CID BASEBALL St Louis Cardinals at Los Angeles Dodi rs (3 hrs 1 7.35 NEWS 8:00 (I) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Ju&t before a big drag race. Boss Hogg hypno11zes Luke 1n10 1unk1~ lhe General Lee (A) ( 1 hr ) O W MOVIE "Movie Movie" ( 1978. Comedy) George C Sco11. Eh Wallach. 1930.S film musicals and ooxing s1011~ are rememb~red through .. Bax1er s Beauties Of 1933" and Dynamite Hands (2 hrs) U MOVIE · The Devil's Bngade' ( 1968 Drama) Wilham Holden. Cliff Robertson In 1942, an Army officer organizes a topnotch commando crew com- posed of a reckless outcast band of Ame11cans and a h1~fy d1sc1pl1ned group of Canadians (2 hrs ) D ®J BENSON Benson's girlfriend turns out to be a lobbyist for a proiect being considered by thfl state leg1s1a1ure (RJ Q U ENCORE NEWS 'ApnL-W 1951" H1ghhghts General MacArthur delivers his "old soldiers never die" "speech. George McCarthy starts his Un Ameri- can Activ1t1es Committee. a leg1s1a1or tries 10 break ~organized crime BENNY HILL P.M. MAGAZINE A class 1n which babies are taught 10 swim a fOOI< at an Amish community In Pennsylvania Cl) MOVIE "Badlands" ( 1976, Drama) Sissy Spa· eek Martin Sheen A bored teen-age girl sets off on a killing spree with a young murderer (2 hrs.) 9 MIXED BAG .. Animation. The State Of The Art" A look al the history of commercial animation and it's resurgence through new technologies. 9 81) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW CC) MOVIE "RoUer Boogie" ( 1979, M~Slcal) Linda Blair. Jim Bray. A nch and talented muS1c student sets out to win a roUer·skattng dance contest before resuming her studies. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) ([) SPORTS CENTER (B) MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" ( 1980, Advenlure) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger After being tor· lured and deported by an African dictator. a merce· nary returns to lead a revolution. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CS) MOVIE "The Howling" (1981. Horror) Dee Wal· lace. Patrick Macnee A woman reporter is mef"laced by a killer who seems 10 be a werewolf 'A' U hr . 31 min) 0 MOVIE "Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1980. Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Jackie Gleason. Sheriff Buford T Justice calls In his two lawman brothers to stop a retired bootlegger. the Bandit, from Iran· sportin[!l baby elephant. 'PG~ (2 hrs.) 8:30 D QJ1 MAGGIE Atter selhng her first poem to a newspaper. Maggie sutters writer's block ; ERIC SEVAAEIO'S CHRONICLE IRONSIDE HEALTHBEAT RACHMANINOff"S PIANO CONCERTO NO. 2 Herbert von Karajan conducts the Berlln Philhar· ~with Alexis Welssenbef9-,.SOIOist. ( 1 hr.) Guest· ~Ge~ WEEK ''Thi$ May Be Of tntefest" Irving Trust Compa~~y."Jnney. U!nior vice president. ID WfTH OSSIE AND RUBY ~·-Doc" Roscoe Lee Brown narrates ~-Song· For of James Alan McPherson's short story a~~tfon mg car wa11er who has spent his Ille working fo~t!'· railroad. o 8:35 «l) AL--r IN THE FAMILY 9:00 8 Cl) DALLAS J.R. secretly attempts to dry up the supply of oil to the Farlow rellnerles. and Bobby t>uys lnformallon about Kristin's baby. (R) ( 1 hr.) D 0 MOVIE "Dream& Don't Ole" (Premiere. Ora- ma) IStael Juarbe. Ike Eisenmann Two teen-agers survive the harsh realities of life 1n an urban combat zone (2 hrs.) I FLIP WILSON MERV GRIFFIN "Salute To 'Paper Dolls' .. Guests· Joan Hackell. Renee Valente. Alexandra Paul. Tamara Jones and her mother Janice. Marge Hannaman. ( 1 hr.) • CAEATM'TY WITH BILL MOYERS "The Young At Ari" The students and teaeherl at New York Cily"s High School of Performing Arta are profiled o (1 hr.) m> VOTEA"S PIPELINE Jim Cooper Interviews the candidate• In tt\t 32nd State Sen•te Race. ( 1 hr ) Cl) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantlc City. New Jersey. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (I) MOVIE "I Sent A Lettef' To My love" ( t96 t. Romance~ Slmont S~rot. Jon RocheTOrt. A rnldOle--tQOd womll'I has spent moet of h9f adult life caring tor her invalid brother Otcl<'tl to write a letto' to a~'* lc>nely helru colUt'nr!, 'PG' 12 hr 2 mm ) Friday (continued) (%) MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) Cherles Bronson, Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun· tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as civili- zation encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' ( 1 hf . 36 mm.) 9:05t!l) MOVIE "To Kill A Mockingbird" (1962. Dra- ma) Gregory Peck, Mary Bedham. A Southern law- ye( s two children are exposed to strong racial prej- udice when their father defends a black man accused of rape (2 hrs , 35 min ) 9:30(]) MOVIE "Men Who Could Cheat Death" ( 1959, Horror) Anton Oiflrlng. Christoph8f Lee. A man becomes a murderer after learning the secret of a gland operation which can keep him eternally ~ng. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 3 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Maria-Luisa" Napo- leon's need for a son to succeed him as Emperor grows as II becomes apparent that neither his wife nor his mistress will give him one. ( 1 hr.) (]) BIZARRE "The Loonies" 10:008 Cl) NURSE A gitted surgeon allows gambling debts and r~less Investments to get out of hand. t1 'tlr_J D fl) MCCLAIN'S LAW McClain is baffled by a series of seemingly random staylngs. until a special- ist pOtnts him toward member& of a secretive prison l n9:._ (Part 1) (R) (1 hr.) UtDtl)NEWS TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "Big Brother Or Lit- tle Brother" The question of whether government programs can do a bettM job than black grassroots ~nizattons IS dlSCUSSed. Ci> ARING LINE "What's Left 01 The Idea Of feder- alism" Guest New York City Mayor Ed Koch. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Dain Curse" (Pan 3) ( 1978, Mys- tery) James CobUm, Nancy Addison. Based on the novel by Dashiell Hammett. A private eye Investigat- ing a diamond robbery encounters a series of mur- de<s and a strange young woman who believes she's the victim of a family curse. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 00 MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980. Dfama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. A beautiful woman Is assisted by a tough construction foreman In running the company she inherits after her father's suspicious, "acclden- tal" death. 'PG' (1hr .. 41 min.) (I) PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REUNION Richard Dawson hosts the 25th anniversary celebration of Hugh Hefner's magazine at the Playboy Mansion Weal In Holmby Hills, California. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) D MOVIE "The Howling" ( 1981, Horror) Dee Wal- lace. Patrick Macnee. A woman reporter is menaced by a klller who seems to be a werewolf. 'R' (1hr.,31 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Richard Leakey. CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980, Orama) Edward Woodward, Jack Thompson. Australians conscnpted to flghl on England's side in the Boer War decide to fight the Boer gueflllas on their own terms. 'PG' (1hr .. 46min.) 10:35(%) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" (1980, Suspense) Don Scarclino. Caitlin O'Heeney. A psy- chotte murderer stalks attractive young brides-to- .. ACUPUllCTURE Clll·IWI O•, I.I. AUTMOll CM' .. ACUPUNCTVM A IC•NCa" Former Chairman, Mmlnar of Chin ... Acupuncutre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2438 Mon -w.o -4'1'1. .............. c.... r7IOI. .......... 94'1te•DI IANTAAU .. ~ ... 'T . __.,. RETURNS THIS F AU -"Falcon Crest." the hit t.elevis.Jon series whlcb 8tars Robert Foxworth and Jane Wyman, will return t.hJs fall as part of CBS's big Friday night lineup with "Dukes of Hazzard" and "Dallas." "Falcon Crest" airs at 10 p.m . on Channel 2. be. silently and lethally slashing their dreams of wedded bliss. 'R' Ohr., 30 min.) 11:009 De (I) 0 !fl NEWS JOE FRANKL.IN M*A*S•H BENNY HILL l ~~~rr MIXED BAO "AnlmatJon: The State Of The Art" A IOOk at the history of commercial animation and It's resurgence through new technologies. e OfCK CAVETT Guest: Jacques and Christopher o· Amboise. (R) CO CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW ([)MOVIE "It's Not The Size That Countsl" ( 1974, Comedy) Leigh Lawson. Elke Sommer. A man who had a rather unusual organ transplant operation returns from a sea cruise to find he Is the only male In the world who is not impotent. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:309 Cl) NBA BASKETBALL Pl.AYOff9 D • TONfGHT Host. Johnny Carson. Guests: Steve Martin. Sylvester Stallone. ( 1 hr.) • I III ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK SONNY AND CHER ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCREASING? Our •nergr IMfUltefMM ., .... can rectua row ultMly colbl Call UI for FREE Information Heating and Air Conditioning SpeclaH1ta alnce 1915 645-5542 979-8771 OAANOI COUNTV ../~ J'U~/.te. at 9. UCIN$EO l'SYOt()(OOIST ("1Uen) tM.nbw ~ ,.,,~ 1l1elraf AMK. Specializing lnr • ASSERTION TRANfG • PREORGASllC WOfO'S GRCUS • Cotl'LES TIDAPY • I SANFORD ANO SON RACHMANINOFF'S PIANO CONCERTO NO. 2 Herbert von Karajan conducts the Bertin Philhar- monic with Atexls Welsaenberg, sok>ist. ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) Ntgel Ter- ry, Nicol W~liamson The e.11plolts of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of lhe Round Table. 'R' (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 1UO(lll MOVIE "The Man Without A Body" (1957, HOfror) George Coulourts, Robert Hutton A sur- geon agrees 10 transplant the head of a 16th-centu- ry mysllc onto the body of a man cursed with a brain tumor ( 1 hr .. SO min.) CC) MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979, Musical) The Who Films of some of the r()CJ( band's perfor- mances. revealing their notorious proclivity for destroying their equipment and the wild an11cs of their drummer. the late Keith Moon, are interspersed with interviews of lhe group members 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 11:45® MOVIE "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid. The clownish member of a t>Arely human prehistoric tribe begins to discover thal brains and not brawn will be the key lo his peo..E..._le's survival. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 12:00U ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Part 2 of a series on movie rat1n9s examines "Conan The Bar- barian" and "Porky's ·. an Interview wilh Pete Best. D (II FRIDAYS Host. Peter Fonda. Guests: King Crimson. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min) ' Cf) MOVIE "Chtld Under A Leaf" (1972, Drama) Joseph Campanella, Dyan Cannon. A woman endures ltfe with her psycholtC husband to protect her meo11tmate baby. (2 hrs.) • LO\'£, AMERICAN STYLE Cl MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980. Drama) John Travolta. Debra Winger, A blue-coltat worker who fancies himself a modem-day cowboy falls in love with a girl he meets In a popular country-and-west- ern bar. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min.) 12:10(%) MOVIE "Breaking Glass" (1980, Drama) Hazel O'Connor, Phil Danlels. A British punk pop star's lifestyle ultimately leads to tragedy. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 34 min.) 12:300 a SCTV NETWORK Guest: Carl Perkins. (1 hr .. 30 min.) I COUPLES MOVIE "The Hard Ride'' (1971,·Drama) Roben Fuller. Sherry Bain. A Vietnam veteran returns home to claim his best friend's motorcycle as well as his Q!!llrlend. ( 2 hrs.) tD MOVIE "The Landlord" (1970, Comedy) Beau Bridges, Lee Grant. A wealthy young man causes a slir wilh1n his family when he decides to purchase a tenement house in lhe ghetto. (2 hrs., 15 min.) eNEWS QI NAPOLEON & LOVE "Marla-Luisa" Napo- leon's need for a son to succeed him as Emperor grows as it becomes apparent that neither his wife nor his mistress wih give him one. ( 1 hr.) (I) OMNG "U.S.A. International Womeo's Platform And Men's Springboard Anals" (2 hrs ) ([) MOVIE "The 'Ftrst Deadly Sin" ( 1980, Mystery) Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. A veteran New Y~ City polree detecttve, whose wife is suffering from a _, j I I I I I I : l I I . I ~ ........................ ______ lilllilliiiiiillimiilll ...... __________________________ ___ ~ Friday (continued) CJ) - r serious Illness, tries to catch a brutal killer terrorizing Manhattan. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) aJ) MOVIE "The Stunt Man" (1980, Drama) Peter O'Toole. Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police, a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an u,.sure haven on a movie set where a World War I epic Is being filmed. 'R' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 1:00 D MOVIE "Lucky Jordan" ( 1942. Drama) Alan Ladd. Helen Walker. A military deserter redeems hlmself by exposing a group of Nazi agents. ( 1 hr . 30min.) .., MOVIE "Murder Mansion" ( 1970, HOHOf) Analla Gade. Evelyn Stewart. A couple and a young heiress spend a fright-filled night In a dreary old house ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:20® MOVIE "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977, Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir Dullea. After recovering from en emotlooal crisis, a woman purchases a house that appears to be haunted. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 mln.l 1:30UNEWS D EVENING AT THE IMPROV a7) MOVIE "Alexandef Hamilton" (1931, Biogra- phy) Gtt9fge Arllss, Doris Kenyon. Alexandef Ham- ilton attempts to get his "Assumption Bill" paSSed to stablliZe the currency. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) CC) MOVIE "The Atth Floor" (1980. Drama) Bo Hopkins, Dianne Hutt. An sane young woman Is lncatcerated 1n a bizarre mental hospital where viQ- lence and drug abuse are the order of the day. 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) 1 :45 (%) MOVIE "Cesar And Rosalie" ( 1972, Romance) Yves Montand. Romy Schneidet. A French female artist must choose between two lov· ers._11 hr .. 50 min.) 1:60(1) MOVIE "Terror Train" ( 1980. Suspense) Beo Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraterni- ty's New Year's mnquerade party turns into a nightmare when a vindictive guest starts kitting off theif'!t_..goers. 'R' (1 hr., 37 min.) 2:00 mNEWS 2:06 MOVIE "Rosemary's Baby" ( 1968, Horror) Mia Farrow. John Casaavetes. A young woman is horrified to discover that her husband has promised their unborn child to a coven of witches. (2 hrs .. 40 min.) (!)NEWS 2:30. MOVIE "The Legend Of Amaluk" ( 1971, .<d\lenture) Narrated by Lome Greene. A young E~mo struggles to free himself from certain death when he Is trapped In an Ice quake. (2 hrs.) I NEWS MOVIE "Horror Rises From The Tomb" (1970. Hooor) Paul Naschy, Emma Cohen. A young French couple Inherit a curse from their ancestors when they return to the castle where a French knight and his mistress died. ( 1 hr ) (E)1'ASL WEEKl y D MOVIE "Excallbof" (1981, Fantasy) Nigel Ter- ry. Nicol Wllllamson. The e)(plolts of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'R' (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 2:35(!) MOVIE "Roeket Attack, U.S.A." (1959, Suspense) Monica Davis. John McKay. Atomic weapons are used to attack the United States. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 2:45m MOVIE "Christmas Eve" (1947. Drama) Geofge Ratt. Ann Harding. On Christmas Eve. the three actopted sons of a wealthy spinster learn that her real nephew ls devefQplng a sinister plot against her._J2 hrs.) 3:0011Z)NEWS CC) MOVIE "Gra<Juatlon Day" (1981. Suspense) CMstopher Ge«ge. E.J. Peaker. A madman Is out to murder all the track stars of a high school and no one seems to know who It Is. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (I) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley Semi· Anats" (Match 19) ( 1 hr.) ® VlOEO JlJKE90X 3:30® MOV1E "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) Nigel T8fTY, Nlcol WIUlamson. The elCplolts of King Arthof br1ng powe< and delfh to the knights ot tha Round Tab4e. 'A' (2 hrs., 20 min.) Cl) BEST Of WHAT'S V~ AMEACAI Featured: the wor1d's only nut museum. two professional female t>o.1ters; daring thre&-year-<>ld stclleft: 88 gun warri- ors; a node pnoto seesk>rl for a centerfold. ( 1 hr., 30 minJ_ 3:35 (%) MOVIE "My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Orama) Ctlrls ~kepNCe, Adam baldwtn. The new kld at a Chicago high ~ mek• friends wttt'I the tehool outcast and Jogtttw 11w/ ttaod up to the cruel Q8nQ Which had perMCUttd 1htm both. 'PG' (1 hr .• S8RM.) J :c::rlOUP ,.., alDE~.::W. (tt7e.~ c.lli*'•' ... Clal& .... Saturday 6:00 (I) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP I NASL WEEKL V BIZARRE "The Loonies .. MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973 . Adventure) Bruce Lee. Robert Baker (1 hr . 47 6:~n~ BASEBALL BUNCH 6:30. VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA I NEWARK ANO REALITY VIEWPOINT ON NUTRfTION NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES MOVIE "The Americanization Of Emily" ( 1964, Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. ( 1 hr .. 50 5:35 THE PART_AIOGE FAMIL V mini 6:00 SUMMER SEMESTER SERENDIPITY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TAU< APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAKERS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MOANING MOVIE ."Billy Jack" ( 1971, Drama) Tom Laughlin, DelQtea Taylof. (I) ALL·ST AA SPORTS CHALLENGE CH) MOVIE "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romance) Denton Ka'ne. Maren Jensen. (1 hr .. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "My Little Chickadee" ( 1'940, Comedy) W.C. Flelds. Mae West ( 1 hr . 23 min.) 6:061 WAA AND PEACE 8:20 NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THArS CAT "· PACESETTERS • VOICE Of AGRICUL~E PORTRArrs IN PASTB.S DA~ AND GOLIATH rrs YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES F.A.. SOCCER "Championship Match" Queens Par1< Rangers vs. Tottenham Hotspurs (2 hrs .. 30 mln-l 7:00 II KIDSWORLD Featured popular rock singing star, Rosanne Cash; a report from Kings Island, Ohio, on a unique rollefcoaster ride called "The Bat." the first and only suspended rollercoasler 1n the world. • THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE 9 SUPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TIJRNABOUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "My Bodyguard" (1919. Orama) Chris Ma~ce. Adam Baldwln ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 7:05 (IZ) MOVIE "High Noon" ( 1952, Western) Gary 7: MA. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS H:• Grace Kelly SMURF8 DR. SNUGGLES 9 RICHIE RICH I 8C006Y 000 INTeRNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANOGOl.IATH DOCTOR WHO NEWS UNOERSTANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Savage Harvest" (1980, Adventure) Tom Ske<r1tt, Michelle Phillips.. (1ht.,25 min.) Cl) WACKY WOALD Of JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: George Kennedy. (%) MOVIE .. Stevie" ( 1978, Biography) Glenda JacksOn, Trevor Howard. ( 1 hf .. 40 min.) 8:00 8 (() POPEYE e MOVIE "Rootln' Tootln' Rhythm" ( 1937. West· •n) Gene Autry. I REAL ESTATE WEEK WRESTUNc.l MOVIE "TM littlest Rebel'' ( 1938, Drama) hltlfY Temple, John Boles. • LEAANED IT IN BACK OA Y8 ANO KEPT IT FIOr· lc;fa baaketweavet l.uc:r .. ty °'8rk It profiled. CC) MOYIE "Q Or e. t<llled'' (1*. Adventure) · Jlmll Rvan, CNO<>ttt Mlehtle. CJ) McME "Hawtc ~~ .. (1981. ActYenture) Jeck~~:T . 1hl;.~) UO.TWAN/L ~ . " Kl>IUPEft POWM MOUA POier I~ OA'VIGANa ~'Tc,~ ....... IN 1-D -Vincent Price and Eva Gapor co-star in 'The Mad Magician," the chiller to be shown in 3-D Saturday at 8 p.m . on KHJ-TV (Ch. 9). Semifinals" (1 hr.) 19 LAVERN~& SHIRLEY MOVIE "The Swiss Femlly Robinson" ( 1975. Adventure) Martin Miiner. Pat Delany / I NASL SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGL.£Y NEWVOtCE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT GRANO PR1X TENN&S "Italian Open" from Rome. Italy . CID THAT MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE: F.O.R Rob- ert Vaughn stars as Franklin Delano Roosevelt In a one-man show detailing the renowned president's ~al and political challenges. (2 hrs.) g MOVIE "Smokey And i'he Bandit If' (1980, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason. (2 hrs.) 9:05«!) MOVIE "Captains Courageous" ( 1977. Adventure) Karl Malden. Jonathan Kahn. 9:15(%) MOVIE "Breaking Gia~" (1980, Drama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Daniels. (1hr .. 34 min.) 9:301(() BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER I SPIDER-MAN HEATHCUFF I MARMADUKE GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bill Rodgefs" Host: Ken Howard. I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL MONEYMAKERS AMERtCAN GOVERNMENT 10:00 De SPACE ST AAS ' I SHANANA (fl. THUNOARA I GOLDfE GOLD MOVIE "City Beneeth The Sea" ( 1953. Adven· ture) Robert Ryan. Anthony Quinn I CAR CARE CENTRAL BOS JONES LA8T CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears fixes a flat tire and looks at the quality-control end of the auto Industry. (A) G VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper Interviews the candidates In the 32nd State Senate Race. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE ''The Dain Cutle" (Part 3) ( 1978. Mys· t~) James Cobum, Nancy Addison. CJ) MOVIE "The Four Seasoos" (1981, Drama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 10:30. A.MERICA'S TOP TEN I W1LO. WILD WORLD Of ANIMALS WE'RE MOVIN' NA8L SOCCER KJCKS PHOTO SHOW 11· D BASEBALL Phlladetphla Phillies at Atlanta Brav. (3 hts.) e BASEBALL Calltomla Angela at Detroit Tigers ~hra.) • 9 WEEKEND SPECIAL "Tht Joke's On Mr. Llttlt" An unusual teecher 1eta out to out-trlct< an tnventlve pall' of pran1<1ttr1. (R) CJ IWl.D. WILD WOALO OF ANIRALS SOUL TRAIN THEftOOK& .. OOQQNB MEJCICAH .... AU:~~ of Oakland A't II 8otton Red~ ~ Phllllt at AtWlta ftJ&.~ N«J8MITIAOOIW!Thltto- "Ill tM WteJ • .. NI Nee..,.. Pl* !P .... --.r SatuJday (continued) War ti tells of the 1,000 women who braved not only physical <Sangen end hardehlpe but also formldable ~Judice to seMt their country. (R) ( 1 hr.) (If) MOV1E "Salem's Lot" ( 1979, HOOOf) David . Soul James Mason. (1 hr., 50 min.) Cl JONI MITCHELL IN CONCERT Popular singer I songwriter Joni Mitchell appearg with the Pat Metheny Group and The Persuasions at the Santa Barbara County Bowl ( 1 hr ) CZ) MOVIE "Loving Couples" ( 1980. Comedy) Shiite Maclaine. James Coburn ( 1 hr . 37 min.) 11 :05 ON·DECK CIRCLE 11;20 BASEBALL Philadelphia Phlllles at Allanta Braves 13 h(s ) 11:30 I (I) BLACKSTAR I AMERICAN BANDSTAND WILD, WILD WEST MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING .\l· JlJ{'\()()\' 12:00 8 (I) TROLLKJNS (!) MOVIE "The W8f'ewolf Of WaShington" ( 1978, Fantasy) Dean Stoci<well. Bill McGuire. m MOVIE "The Pleasure Seekers" ( 1965, Came- l Ann-Margret, Carol Lynley. ADAM-12 QUILTING. NEEOLECAAFT MOVIE "The Man With Booart's Face" ( 1980. Comedy) ~Obert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey CS) MOVIE "The V 1.P s" (1963. Orama) Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton. (2 hrs.) II MOVIE "The V.l.P.s" ( 1963, Orama) Ellzabeth Tayt0<, Richard Burton. (3 hrs., 5 min.) 12:309 (I) TOM AND JERRY .. 8 MOVIE "Ghost In The Invisible Biklnt ( 1966, Comedy) Oebo<ah Walley. Tommy Kirk. 8 MOVIE "Beyond The Law" ( 1973. Western) Lee Van Cleef. Antonio Sabato. I KID6WORLD AOAM-12 GREAT ESCAPES NEEDLECRAFT 12:40(%) MOV1E "My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Orama) Chris Makepeace, Adam 981dwln. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 1:00 8 (I) KWICKY KOALA g MOV1E ''Vlgllante Fofce" ( 1976, AdventU<e) Kris Kristofferson, Jan-Michael Vincent. • MOVIE "Goodbye Charlie" ( 1964, Comedy) Tony Curtis, Debbie Aeynolds. e WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP "Log Cons1ructlon" Roy Undefhln ioot<s at ttiree dlffe<ent styles of log construction. (R) G GAOWlHG YEARS <Ii) MOVIE "The Oaybreakers" ( 1979, Westef'n) Glenn Ford. Sam Elliot. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 1:309 (I) 30 MINUTES • t«:N A "City Spaces, Human Places'' Wmlam H. Whyte takes an lnsJghtful and humOfous look at city parks, plazas and streets, and the people who uae r~(~ 2:008 MOVIE "The Sex Symbol" (1974, Ora.ma) Connie Stevens, Shelley Winters. D OUTDOOR LIFE Featured: hunting geese on the Massachusett• coast. I QILUGAWS ISLANO Ol8ASTERS W£'S f Ef1N OUTDOOASMAN MOVIE "Willard" ( 1971, H0<ror) Btuoe Dlrvl- son, Ernest Borgnlne. (!) OUTEA LIMrTS e MOVIE "lmpesae" ( 1969, Adventure) 8\#t Rey- nolds, Anne Francis. I 81GNAT\JRE Goest: Richard Leekey. MOVIE "Four Feathtn" ( 1en. Adventure) Beau Bridges, Robert Powell. • UNOEASTANOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (C) MOVlE "L0111a" (1982, Comedy) Jamel Mason. Sue Lyon. ())MOVIE "Ralntree County'' (1957, Orama) Ellz.e· beth Taylor. Montgomery C4ttt. (2 tn., 46 min.) 2:20 (Ill NEWS • BECOMING A FAMILY -Jacqueline Scott as Fran Long, Earl Holliman as C.a.1 Fiteh, and Ronnie Howard as Fran's son Chris, attempt ro become a family in "Smoke," t.o be broadcast in two parts on "Walt Disney," Saturday and the following Saturday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). · (Z) MOVtE "Death Hunt" (1981, AdventUfe) Char1es Bronson, Lee Matvln. (1 hr .• 36 min.) 2:308 OPT: VACCINE ROULE'tTE I GIUJGAN'S ISLANO SUGAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES "H=•" (Part 3) ( 1 hr.) i ~tONAL BOWLERS TOUA $130,000 AC-Delco Clasalc (from Gable House 8ow1 In TO<· ranee, CaUf.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) @MIXED BAG "Animation: The State Of The Art" A IOot< at the hlstOfY of commercial animation and it's reSl.lfgence through new technologies. • A SENSE OF DISCOVERY The Inner w°'klngs of the National Museum of American Art In Washing- ton are seen In this award-Winning film. • UNOERST AHOING HUMAN SBiAVIOR Cl) POCKET BtLUAR08 Luther lMslter vs. Cow· ~Jimmy Moore ( 1 hr.) e ~ "Cutter's Way'' (1981, Orama) John Heard, Jeff Bridges. (1 hr., 45 min.) 2:360) MOTORWEEI< tlLUSTRA Ta> 3:00. MOVIE "Hollywood Or Bust" (1956, Come- i ) Dean Martin, Je!ry L~_ ' RACtNQ FROM BB.MONT • MOVIE "Doc Sav~The Mao Of Bronze" 0976. Adventure) Roo , Pauf Gleuon. ta RACHMANINOFF'S CONCERTO NO. 2 Herbert von KaraJan conductl the Bertin Phlfhar- monlC With Alexis Weiasenberg, tOlolst. (1 hr.) I RAJNBOW ROAD HOME GAADENER MOVIE ''The Leoend Of The Lone Raoger" (1980, Western) Klln100 Spilsbuty, CMltophet IJ9yd. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) CD MOVIE "Nobody's Perfekt" (1981, ComeOy) Gabe ~K.errae. ~~-Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY 16-round wee Lightweight Championship bout betWMn AJelds Arguello and Andy Ganigan (from Lu VtgQ. Nev.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • EVERYWHERE L.ocetlQn: live from the Playboy Ceeebrtty T ennla T oumament for C«ebral Palay. Redondo Beach. (1 hr .. 30 min.) • PAOFeSSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $130,000 Ae-Oelco OaS8ic (from Gable House 8ow1 In Tor· raooe, Calif.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) WILD KINGDOM e&tJILC>tNG WfTH THE SUN Dick Ellla otters prac· tlcal adVlce on the use of passive solar energy. G HOME GAROENER Cl) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1979 U.S. Open" 4:00 D GRtZZL Y ADAMS i ERIC SEVAREIO'S CHRONICLE THE ROCKFORD ALES MOVIE "Halle< Skelter" (Par1 2) ( 1975, Dra- ma) Steve Rallsback, George D1Cenzo. QI NAPOLEON & LOVE "Marla-Luisa" Napo- leon's need for a son 10 succeed him as Empe<O< grows as It becomes appareot that neither his wife nor his mistress wlll give him one. ( 1 hr.) I QUE PASA. U.S.A.? (R) MARY TYLER MOOR£ INTROOUCING BK>LOOY SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "My Little Chickadee" (1940, Comedy) W.C. Fields, Mae West. ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) 4:30 (!) AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY I SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY BOB NEWHART INTRODUCING BIOLOGY AN EVENING OF MAGIC ANO COMEDY Orson Bean hosts a zany hour of sle1ght·ol·hand and slap- stick taped at San Francisco's Great American MUSIC Hall ( 1 hr .. 30 min) 5:001J AMERICAN ADVENTURE I FREE4ALL STAR TREK WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-round WBC World Light Heavyweight ChamplonShlp between titleholder Dwight Braxton and Lotte Mwale (from Atlantic City, N.J.): a report on the Indianapolis "500" time trials. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I M•A•s•H . KOJAK OUTDOOR LIFE NEWS SOllOGOLO SWAN LAKE The Royal Ballet perfom1s Tchaikovsky's elastic ballet with Natalia Makarova as Odette I 6>dile and Anthony Dowell as Prince s~~~1n.> • SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY ~ MOVIE "Bilty Jack" (1971, Drama) Tom Laughlin, Delores t ay1or Cl) NASL SOCCER Montreal Manic vs. San Diego Sockers (2 hra.) (JI) MOVIE "Savage Harvest" ( 1980, Adventure) Tom Skerrltt. Michelle Phillips. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) ([) MOVIE "S~ey Bites The Ouat" (1981, Come-c:M Jimmy McNlchot. Janet Julia~ (Q) MOVIE "The Water Babies" ( 1979, Fantasy) Animation and live action. James Mason. ()) WN:A<V WOALO OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Gec?rge Kennedy. 5:06@ NA8HV1U.E AUVEJ Guest: Con Hunley. (1 hr.) 5:26(%) MOVIE "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chris Mak11>99oe, Adam 981dwfn. (1 hr., 38 min.) 5:308 L.A8T Of THE WllO I NEWS WELCOME 8ACf<. KOTTER 8A8E8AU New Y()f1( Meta at Houston Aatroa {2 hrs .. 30 min.) a:J WlOE WOAU> Of 8PORT8 16-round WBC World Light Heavyweight Ch.arnponshlp betwfen tltteholdet ~t btaxton and Lotte Mwale (from Atlantic City, f.U.); a report on the lndlanapolll "500" time trlai.. (1I'll .. 30 min.) e ONCE UP0H A ClA881C "l'he Talisman" Edith turns up In the MOllem camp and offtft herlett to Saladin In exchange for Kennetn'• hedom. (Pert li> (~"The ~.se .. oot" (1981, Drama) Alan Alda, CarOI Burnett. ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) e MOVIE "Oh God! B«* 11" ( 198d. Comedy) George Burns. SUl.anne Pleehettt. (1 hr., 35 min.) y~~~y NATIONALL V KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~d{.~ Creative Jewelers. Inc. -~~£~~/· L :1:. (714) 7fi0.6766 28i0 E. PACIFlC COAST HWY. • CORONA DEL MAR tl/J,,~ta&~kn • REMOUNT SPECIALIST OAtOIHAi: DUIGNNG • CU8TOM MSTYLINO a AE8ITTINO A OUfGHIR OOLLIOTIOH Ofl~PLATINUM JIMLAY • OIAMONOI t Pl.AM.I • GIMSTONU ONN T\JUOAY T*'U IA Y -co O> N - t \ !.-' I I I ----.. --.,------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Saturday (continued) . ..... -EVENING N ~ 6:00 8 (I) CBS NEWS ~ IGNBCNEWS MOVIE "Sp1derman Con Caper And The Curse ~ 0 1 Rava" (2 hrs) ~ I WHITE SHADOW ;t THE MUPPETS MOVIE "Red Sun" ( 1971, Western) Charles g> Bronson. Alain Delon A train robber is double- ...J crossed by his partner. who steals a 1eweled sworQ > from a Japanese ambassador as well as all the gOld ~ from the robbery ( 2 hrs ) .§ el) UP ANO COMING "The Guest.. A v1S1t by 0: Joyce's uncle turns into an angry controntatron when his feeltngs concerning blacks are exposed ~ SPORTS AMERICA "Husker Track And Field lnv1ta110nal" ( 1 hr ) 6:05 tilJ UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 6:30 e u (I) m NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE THEMUPPETS WHY IN THE WORLD MOVIE "Beyond The Reel" ( 1981, Romance) Denton Ka'ne. Maren Jensen A Polynesian-Ameri- can g111 who has been educated "' 1he US. returns to her island home and falls 1n love with a pearl drver 'PG' ( 1 hr, 30 min) 7:001J (I) IN SEARCH OF .. I FAMILY FEUD WHERE WERE YOU? THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER· IES I PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK CHECKING IT OUT Featured. an interview with composer Lalo Sch1lnn. the pltght ol reen-age Cuban refugees O GI) THE MUPPET'S" I!) ANNIE PREMIERE A preview ol the upcoming movie at Edwards Newpor1 Cinema -"Annie". ~ MOVIE ''I'm All Right, Jack" ( 1960. Comedy) Ian Carmichael. Peter Setters. In trying to do a good job for his uncle 1n a factory, a well-meaning bum- bler actually upsets the crooked scheme his uncle has so carefully planned. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) CE) POWERBOAT RACING From Miami, Florida. ( 1 hr) (I) MOVIE "Dnve. He Said" ( 1972. Drama) William Tepper, Karen Black. A troubled young college stu- den1. attempting to reach maturity through an lllicn romance and involvement in campus politics. learns 1hat being nice and uninvolved doesn'1 wont any- more 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CU) MOVIE "CkMf Dancer·· ( 1980, Adventure) David Carradine. Jennifer O' Nelll A top st uni tl!er neglects lhe people who care about him In the sel- fiSh purswt of his dangerous sport. 'PG' (I hr .. 48 min) (I HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR (%)MOVIE "B<eaktng Glass" ( 1980. Drama) Hazel O'Conno<, Phil Daniels. A British punk pop star's lifestyle ull1ma1ely leads lo tragedy. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34 mini 7:06 NEWS 7:30 DANCE FEVER I LOOK AT US OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER FIGHT8ACK EYE ON SAN OteGO A took is taken at Calif()(· nla's proposed Peripheral C1nat. u A PAl\IATE LIFE A New York love story ot two mature Immigrants who try lo come together d~tterences In background. I WEEKEND MAGAZINE 8HEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! review "Conan The Barbarian" and "Wrong Is 8!ght." Cl) THE GIN GAME Hume Cfonyn and Jessica Tan- dy re-create their Broadway roles a an elclef'ly cou· pie who diacover that Ille in an old-age home has tew rewards outside of playing gin. until tension cree_£S into the games. (1 hr., 23 mln.) &.OO• ()) WALT Ol8NEY "Smoke" A young boy hu dlffioolty In 8CC8f)tlng NI stepfather. (Pert 1) u hr.) . D HARPER VAU.EY Stella's look-eHke cousin ~nt to make Bobl)y Taylo( het fifth hulband. (R) • MOVIE ''Bltttt Of lht Ekltge" (1966,..Adveo- turt) Henly Fonda. Robert Ryan. Hlndeftd by bed WMthef. Ameflcan troope stem a meaalve German offensNe by deoleloplnga brllHent strategy. (2 hrs.) • 0 LOVE 80AT<A larnoue ~ 1tar bOards the CNIM to try to tteaP9 from tl'Mt probtems auceeta hubfought. (R):Cl·(1hf .• 30mln.) e filO'llE ·'the~ Magician" (19~. HorrOf') vtnctnt Pric.. En O.bor. A ~glcian'e ltMtant aMUmn tM Identity of tht meglelan aft• nwrdef· ti'Q htm. (2 hft,) i PAUL HOOi'N SONNY AND CHER MOVIE "Hustle'' ( 1975. Drama) Burt Reynolds. Cathertne Deneuve The relatt0nshlp between a tough cop and a glamorous call g11I reaches a et•SIS point during the 1nvestigat1on of a young woman's death (2 hrs ) @ SWAN LAKE The Royal Ballet performs Tchaikovsky's classic ballet with Nataha Makarova as Odette I Od1le and Anthony Dowell as Prince Slegfned (2 hrs .. 30 min ) I~ TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY DECISION '82 "Victim's Bill 01 R.ghts" ( 1 hr) MOVIE "Sanders Of The River" (1936. Adven- ture) Paul Robeson. Leslie Banks. An African C}ver patrol ofhcer tracks down rebels among the native tribes ( 1 hr , 30 min.) (£)SPORTS CENTE~ CID MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcovicci. Bizarre incidents and nightmares begin happening in a cartoonist's hie after he surfers the toss of a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min) U MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981. Drama) Jack Nicholson. Jessica Lange A young woman and hef tover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 8:05al)WORLO AT WAR 8:308 ONE OF THE BOYS Oliver gets tn everyone's way while recuperating from the consequences of a drastiC diet (R) i RAClNG FROM ROOSEVELT GAEA T ESCAPES MOVIE "Loving Couples" ( 1980, Comedy) Shifley MacLalne. James Coburn. A married couple and a patr ol )'~ng slngles switch partnecs in a ~me of hfestyte sampling and romantic revenge PG' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 9:00 8 (I) MOVIE "The Wild And The Free" ( 1980, Adventure) Granville Van Dusen. Linda Gray. A sci- entist attempts to protect his chimpanzees from govemment·sponSOl'ed radiation experiments In cancer research. (R) (2 hrt.) D • BARBARA MANOREU ANO THE MAN- DRELL SISTERS Guests: Tom Jones. R.C. Bannon. i) (1 hr.) lrRES"tUNG ORAL ROBERTS AMERICAN PlA YHOUSE "Oppenheimer" In 1942. Oppenheimer selects Los Alamos, New Mexl· co for the site of the compound where he and othef scientists will carry out their research. (Part 2) c:;> MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" (1980. ) Robert Sacchi. Olivia Hussey. A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear- ance to resemble his &creen Idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 mtn.) (I) GRANO· PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open" from Rome. hety (2 rm .. 30 min.) CD MOVI£ "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) Nigel Ter· ry, Nlcol Williamson. The e)(p4olta of l<tng Arthur brlog ~ and dNth to tho knight• of tl'Mt Round Table. 'R' (2 hrs.. 20 min ) CD> MOVIE "Scannlfl" (1i81, Horror) Jenniter O'NelH, Patrick McGoohan. A lethal conflict arisel between two smeH g<oupa of peopi. WhoH extra<)(· dlnary psychic ~ Inc~ the ability to klll tflepatllfcaNy 1R ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) Cl) M<ME "American Glgolo" (1980. Oran'fa) AIC"ard ~ •• L&Ul'lf\ tiUtton. A ~ Hiits ~ becomn r~ t>ttme IUIPfC1 tn a mutdlf ~!@· lion R' ( 1 hr 57 min ) Pursuit H.G. Wells, played by Mal col m McDowell, pursues Jack the Ripper through time Co modern-day San Francisco, where he falls in love with an attractive young woman (Mary Steenburgen) in "Time After Time," Saturday at 9 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). 9:05@ MOVIE "Nororious" ( 1946. Suspense) Cary Gran1 lng11d Bergman An American undercover agen1 persuadeS the daughter ot a traitor 10 tnf1llrate a gang of Nazis hv1ng In South Amenca (2 hrs. 5 mtnl 9:30 U ®l FANTASY ISLAND Mr Roarke battles for the hves ol a mother and her possessed daughter and a movie star seeks anonymity 1n a small village (A) O (1hr.30m1n) '1!) ~TINEE AT THE BIJOU Featured Crash Corri- gan and the Rangebusters star in "Cowboy Com- mandos" ( 1944), 1wo shorts -"Pretty Women" and "Tree In A Test Tube". and Chapter 4 of "Don W1nslow OITheNavy " (R) (1 hr .. 30m1n.) 10:00 D fZ l'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE Host Steve Allen presents a humorous look at the foibles of modern-day life. ( 1 nr ) GG»NEWS Cl MOVIE "Turn Of The Screw" ( 1974, Mys1ery) Lynn Redgrave. Meg Jenkins. Based on the story by Henry James A gardener has a s1range effect on two children (2 hrs .. 40 min.) (f) MOVIE "Psychomanla" (1971, Honor) George Sanders. Beryl Reid A motorcycle gang leader insptred by the secrets of reincarnation tnes to per- suade his cohorts to die with tum. (2 hrs.) I SOUOOOLO · lNOEPENOENT EYE "Choices" A young man tries to make it as an actor In Hollywood. CID MOVIE "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" (1980, Western) Kllnion Spilsbury, Christophe< Lloyd The Lone Ranger and Tonio pursue their arch-enemy. Butch CavendtSh. who has kidnapped the president of the U.S 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 0 MOVIE "My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Drama) bhns Makepeace, Adam Baldwlo. The new kid at a Chi· cago high school makes friends With the school out· cas1 and together they stand up to the cruel gang which had persecuted them both. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 mini 10: 10 CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 10:30 000 COUPU: U A PRIVATE LIFE A New York love story of two mature Immigrants who try to come together despite their differences In background. • ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE Guests: The Boom· town Rats. ( 1 hr.) (%) MOVIE' "Twice A Woman" ( 1978, Comedy) Bibi Andersson. Anthony Perkins. A divorced wom- an' s husband warns het about the dangers of hef new relaliooshlp with a young girl later meets and falls In love w1th her. U hf .. 29 min.) • 11:00 8 8 8 Cl> ale NEWS • ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Reports on the mysterious de9ths of Bob Crane, Thelma Todd and Geofge Aee¥eS: a look a1 the movie rating system. u hr.) e MOVIE ''Helter Skelter" (Part 2) ( 1975. Ora· ma) Steve Alllsbecic. Geofge OICenzo. Based on the novel by V4noent BugllOll and Curt Gentry. A small band or drug-crazed hlpp6es led by Chartes Manson commlla • &erlel of bizarre thrltt-.klUlngs In the Hollywood hit.It. (2 hfa.) • MOYIE "Goodb~ Bruce Lee: His Last Game Of 09ath'' (1i73. Adventure) &uoo lee. Kareem Abdlll Jabbar. Bruce L•'• life and rtae to s18Td0m In ltle Orient end the U.S. ere examined. (2 hrs.) 8 SW~ LM<E The Royal Ballet Ptlforms Tchalkovtlty'• ciut6C ballet with Natalia Maurove at Odl4te I Odlle and Anthony Oowtll at Prlnot ~l{~.t.i.n. ~!"(l\.} • ' .. ~ . a -----------------------------------------------~----------------------------~., Sunday All-News ID SOUNDST AGE "The Little River Band" The AustraNan group perl0<ms "Lonesome Loser." "Man On The Run." "Lady" and others from the Chicago Park West Theatre (R) Q (1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "Family Enforcer" (Orama) Joseph Cortese. Joseph Pescl. A young man tnes to get ahead In the mafia. but hasn't the brains to pull the scheme ott. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min ) ©) MOVIE "Robin's Nest" ( 1980, Comedy) Samantha Fox. Eric Edwards. After a breakup, a married couple meet again al a swinging party. ( 1 hr .. 10 mm.) (I) BIZARRE "Best Of Bizarre's Second Season" 11: 1001> MOVIE "The Paratrooper" ( 19S., Orama) Alan Ladd. Leo Genn. Having re!Mgned his military rank out of guilt, a Canadian jOlns the paratroopers as a rookie to avoid repercussions from his past. ( 1 ht .. 55 min.) 11:30 'THE F\OCKFORO ALES 1J SA TUROAV NIGHT LIVE Host: Olivia New- ton-John Guest: Michael Davis. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.} eABCNEWS (I) MOVIE "Hatarl!" ( 1962, Adventure) John Wayne. Hardy Kruger. Professional hunters In East Afrtca capture wild animals to be transported to zoos (2 hrs .. 45 min.} 0 MOvtE ''White Lightning" ( 1973, Adventure) Burt Reynolds. Jennifer Billingsley. In exchange for his release from prison, an expert driver strjkes a bargain with federal authorities to help amaSh a moonshiner~., t5 min.) ~~"Cry Uncle" ( 1971, Suspense) Allen Garlleld, Madeline le Roux. An eccentric mlnlonalre • hires a prf.vate Investigator to clear him of rrMJrdeflng hts mistress. 'A' ( 1 ht' .. 27 min.} · Cl) MOYIE "Young Lady Chatterly'' ( 1977. Orame) Hartee McStlde. A young woman lnhefltl t,.r faml-IY' s huge mansion and an ancestor's dletY detalllng numerous sexuaJ escapades. 'R' ~1 hf.,~ mtn.) 11:40® MOVIE "Savage HarYeSt' (1980, A~ lure) Tom Skerritl, Michelle Phllllpe. An African drought drl\les wild animals Into popvleted areas. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 11:458 MOV1E "Shthef" (197~ Actventur~ James Caan. Peter Boy1e. An ex-con finds hlmleff being followed by two strange vans when he sets out to recover a cache of loot concealed by his former partner. (2 hrs.) 12:00• MOVJE "The Klfllng Affairs" ( 1971, Drama) Sort Reynolds, Joan Hackett. A ~ detectlv9Jn a Southern Callforrna community has hit hands full When he lnvfftlgat• a murder. (2 ht's.) CJ) MOVIE "Oeadllne Al Dawn" (1946, My$tery) Susan Hayward, Bill Williams When a S8llof fs aecused of mUtder, a elnger comft to hJs aid to vindlcale him. (1 hr .. 30.mln.) 9 MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, A<Neolure) Ctiarles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old ~tie as civil!· talion encroaches on the Canadian V(l .Jrnet•• 'A' ~hr., 36 min.). MOVIE 'He Knowt You're Atorle1' (1980. pense) Don Sc#dlno, Cfiittlri O'HMney A PIY. etlotlc murderer ttatks allractlve young bf1det.to- • ~. .Uently and lethaqy atatl'Urlg their dreamt of -wedded bltas: 'A' t t hr .. 30 min.} 12:10(C) MOVIE "She's 19 And Rtedy" (Orama) Two young ~ lhfOW themaelvet Into lhetr WOl1t Ind tu.M filmltYJ>UslE Into pleaWt'e. (1hr .. 36 min.) 1t!IO•MOYE · l.OflQ Duet" (19$1,Adventure) VtA~ynn.. 0\ Howsrd. A nom.o1c lndlln M '•Pf ~nwof¥911n.,•111rr,n, ~ hrs .. 20 min.) (I) GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open" from Rome, Italy 1:00 II ROCK CONCERT • MOVIE "The Big Country" (1958. Western) Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston. An Easterner becomes embroiled in a bitte< feud between two Texas ranchers over water rights. (3 hrs.) ~NEWS EVENING AT THE IMPROV MOVIE "Shock Waves" ( 1977, Horror) Peter Cushing. Brooke Adam5. A group of tourists strand- ed oo a email island encooottpr a former SS office< and his collection of experimental mutants. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 1 :06 al> MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:10® MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adveoture) C~rles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s. a Moun- t.le and a lrontief criminal wage an old battle as cMll- zalion encroaches on the Canadian wlldemess. 'R' (1 ht' .. 36 min.) 1:16(1) MOVIE "The Fan" (1981 , Suspense} Lauren Baca~. James Gamer. A popular film star Is victim- ized 9)' a psychotic admirer. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.} 1:30<!) FACE THE MUSIC ·• MOVIE "Tower Of Terror" (1972. Mystery) Suzy Kendall, Frank Finlay. A teacher and a detec- tive attemp t 10 catch a murderer loose at a girts' echool. (2 hrs.) Qj A PRIVATE LIFE A New Yor11 love st°'}' of two Mature lmmigran18 who try to come together l e their dlflerences In baci<ground. 1: CHARLIE CHAPt..IN COMEDY THEATRE 1: ABCNEW8 1: MOVIE "I'm All Right. Jaok" (1960. Come- dy) Ian Carmichael. Petet Sellers. In trying to do a good )ob IOf hie uncle In a fact°'}'. a weft..meanlng &umbfer actually uptitts the etooked scheme hlS uncie haaso carefully planned. ( 1 ht' .. 50 min.) 2:00 e MOVIE ''Guys And Dolls" ( 1955. Mu*al) Frank Sinatra. Jean Simmons. A missionary glrl falls In love with a Broadway gambler. (3 hra.) Im "Deadly Games" (1981, Myst«Y) Sam Groom. Dick Butkus. A wdmen returns to he( hon.- town to Investigate her elstttf"s mystenous death. 'A' i! hr .. 35 min.) (%) MOVIE "Death Hunt" ( 1981, Adventure) ·Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin. In the> 1930a. a Moun- tie and a frontier comlnal wage an old battle as cMll- zatlon encroaeh99 on the Cenad!an Wiiderness. 'R' (t hr .• 36 mlrt) 2;05 CJ) t'EWS Ill) WOALO AT LAME"' h 2:3011 NEWS . .,...,. •• I PUBUC AFFAIRS AGRICULTURE U.8~ SPORTSWOMAN .,, 2: 8NEWS ® MOVIE "The Oaybreake<s" (1979. Western) Glet'ln Ford, Sam EllJpt .th• Sackett brothers find 1dven1Ute when they travel west trom their Tenne. Me hotne. 'PG' ( t hr. SO min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Bluet Btott"-'S" (1980, MUsical) John Belushi. Ootl Aykroyd. Two blUeS singers must • contend W•lh the Chi~ police, the CIA. Neo:- Nazt1 and lhe U.S. Arm to ~t together a 1)8nefil concttt 10 ,._ rn()f'ltV Of their perilt\. 'R' (2 tn:. 13 Min.) 3:001£.TfWGHTTAlK ' . =~·:~.~.~~'~ea:. • \I< >ll\: I\:(; 5:00 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE S~ Cf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (I) GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open Finals" from Rome. Italy (3 hrs ) 5:05 @ JAMES ROBISON Cl) BIZARRE "Best Of Blzarre's Second Season" 5:15(%) MOVIE "Stevie" (1978, Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. ( t hr .. 40 min) 5:30 Cf) OA Y OF DISCOVERY 6:36 (Ill CARTOONS (I) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest· George Kennedy 6:o45 I CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. g MOVIE "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Drama) Catherine Oeneuve, Gerard Oepardieu. 01rected by Francois Truftaut. (2 h<s .. 10 min ) e~os@ LOST IN SPACE Cl) MOVIE "Hawk The Slayer" (1981, Adventure) Jack Palance. John Terry. ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 8:3011 FOR OUR TIMES SERENOIPrTY ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK LA. PORTRAITS IN PASTEL POfNT OF VIEW PUBLIC PULSE NEWS AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Smol<ey And The Bandit 11" ( 1980, Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Jaci<le Gleason (2 hrs.) 7:008 fOOAV'S RELIGION THArSCAT LITTLE RASCALS IT 18 WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND a SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAV OF OtSCOVERV CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "Journey Back To Oz" ( 1972, Fantasy} Animated. Voices of Liza Mlnnelll. Paul Lynde. ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 7:06 (Ill LIGHTER SIOE OF THE NEWS 7:309 FAITHWAVS I WHrTNEY ANO THE ROBOT CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTJU· •. T10N TV-& LOOKS AT LEARNING THArs THE SPIArT 8EAACH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROG~ (R) THE WORLD TOMOMOW 7: Q) MOVIE "The Great Gatsby" (197o4, Romance) Robert Redford. Mia Farrow. 8:00 8 8UNOAV MORNIHO fHIS 18 THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRIEH08 PERBONAL DtMENSlONS LET THEAE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSICWORLO JE1W( FALWELL ElECTRtC COMPANY (A) REX HUMBARD M<W!E "The OUtlaw" (19'3. Western} Jane A\Jssell. Walter Huston. . (() ALL-&TAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall of Fame Cleveland Browne vs. Phlladefphla Whiz Kids (S) THE LAST OF THE CAOOOES After discovering his lndlltn hetllage. a Te1'1S youth becomes obses6ed with learning more about his ancestors and their eulh.lre. _ 8:30 D OOV88EY Gueals; Jose L Capella. First COUnsek>f In East Stake Pfelldtf'lcy of The Church ot Jeeus Chnst ot latter·Oey s.ints; Or. Oanlel Cre- cellos, PfOltl&Qf of history at Celltomla State Unj.. vttslty, L.A.: Or. Jamee A. Sander•. presfdent of the Ancient Biblical Manuscrtpt CtnWt; Manager ~ ree catlos ana customer Raneoftf VeMlllO. ~ Vtn'nOt'lt Certified Fatl1Wt~ ~ I ~V'8 et::ACK WOMMf THE LAHAYl!I =~ATCALVARY ~ ... ;11 ,. .,, ""' 3! 0 - N ..... co CD N a = -u ~ Sunday (continued) 0) -I FREDEA1CK K PRICE -ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) "' KNOW YOUR BIBLE ~ NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES :E BOXING "National CoHeglate Association Flnals" The best collegiate boi<ers In 12 weight classes compete for the naJlonal titles. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) · (S) MOVIE "Captain Scarlet Vs. The Mysterons Ftom Mars" ( 1981 ) Animated. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (%) MOVIE "Loving Couples" ( 1980. Comedy) Shir~ MacLa1ne, James Coburn. ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 9:00 U NEWS CONFERENCE ~ l;~L7 ROBERTS FIDBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) D POCKET BILLIARDS ~wbOy Jimmy Moore vs. Willie Mosconi ( 1 hr.) 9:301(1) FACE THE NATION I MEET THE PRESS NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW MOVIE "Underground Aces" ( 1980. Comedy) Dirk Benedict, Melanie Griffith. ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 10:001) Cl) CBS SPORTS Either an NBA playoff game. teams and site to be determined, Of an edi· tion of "Sports Sunday" will be telecast at this time. lhrs., 30 min.) AT ONE Guest: author Oo<don Parks. ( 1 hf.) GILLIGAN'S ISLAND BASEBALL BUNCH HERALD OF TRUTH MOVIE "Back To Bataan" (1945, Adventure) John Wayne, Anthony Quinn. IREX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS NEWSCENTER WEEKLY MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Sei< And The Single Parent" (Comedy) Mike Farrell. Susan St. James. (I) AUTO RACING "BelQlum Grand Prix" ( 1 hr.) (Ji) MOVIE "From Hell io Victory" (1979, Orama) George Hamfltt>n. George Peppard. (1 hr .. 40 min.) MISTRESS OF THE DABK -Elvira will host the. thri1lizw horror movie, "The Mad MlAgicJan.., SatUrday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m: on KHJ-TV (Ch. 9). The movie will be the station's first time to show a film in 3-D. Cl) MOVE "The Electric Horseman" ( 1979. Ora- ma) Robert Aedf0<d. Jane Fonda. (2 hrs.) 10:15(%) MCM£ "The Frisco Kid" (1979, Comedy) Gene WHder, Harrison FQfd. ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 10:30• BA8EBAl.l Calltomla Angels at Detroit ~ (3hrs.) • 0 KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: Mart< Ham- RI, Richard Simmons. ''Space Invaders" champton Ffank Tetro, 17-year-old TV reporter Robert Joffe. · (R) (1 hr.) - I ROBERT SCHULLER JERRY FALWELL OPEN MINO BOWUNO ''Miller Mixed Doubles Tournament'' U hr.) • MAGtC OF OIL P.AINTING 10:35 al> THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11:008 ON CAMPUS "Nonverbal Communications" at Loyola Marymount University. Guests: Or. Beth Kalish-Weiss. director of the Graduate Department of Movement Therapy; Helen Landgarten. director of the Clinical Art Therapy Master Degree Program m MOVIE "Doc Savage: The Man Of Bronze" U975. Adventure) Ron Ely. Paul Gleason . • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: In Love And War" Uncle Man's family gathers at Alconleigh tor the duration of the war; Fanny's mother arrives with her latest param·our. (Part 8) Q i hr.) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) BOWLING "Budweiser Natural Lite Hall Of Fame Tournameru" (2 hrs.) 11;05 l!l) BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillles at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs., 15 min.) 11:30,AGRICULTURE U.S.A. I T+tlS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY TERRY COLE-WHITT AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME OUTDOOR LIFE WALL STREET WEEK "This May Be Of Interest" Guest: Ge<>fge V. McKinney, senior vice president. Irving Trust Company. (R) 0 MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 197~. Comedy) nm Conway, Don Knotts. (2 hrs.) . \l· .. l lJC\< >< >:\ 12:00. TALK ABOUT PICT\JFtES GSEAACH ·· (!)MOVIE "The Spoilers" (19-42, Adventure) John Wayne, Marlene Dietrich. at MOVIE "Support Your Local Sheflff" ( 1969, Comedy) James Garnet', Joan Hackett. • LOAO MOUNTBA TTet A MAN FOR THE CEM- TURY "A Roval Family" L0<d Mountbatten's forma- tive pre-World War I years are examined In the premiere episode of an eight-part documentary on the late British war hero. (Part 1) (R) D (1 hr.) e RINGStOE 10-round featherweight 600t between \oibo#lane .. Oc:tidas ~ A V1SCO ELASTIC POLYMER 'JI ~ r··-~·-·•••••••••••••••···---··• i $ 5 Gift .. certificate $ 5 ! : Good Towarclt Pure .... of '25" or More I I . .... Ge.W 0. Silt .._. Exp. al80J -------------·---·------------- Wherever )QI' busy 1tineray talles )QI ... fot bu.wless « plea.Ue. before )QI I> -plal a stop to Pat Ma-ley's: for ll yus now -Pat Marley, hmself, nt moaates coolm to presant men's fashals that awe in dress or casual! Now we'w exteOOed to ladles' truOOnalsl We MIS have a IMdeaway sale 141taf s in tte attlc romn. Pius alt •Md the store you'M Md 111xpected ailectlbles .., 11tt ltns kr aiy special gift! ----~::J Sunday (continued) "'5ocky. Lockridge and Jose Nieto (live from Atlantie Citi. N.J.). ( 1 hr.) I!) PERSONAL FINANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT CC) MOVIE "Up River" ( 1980. Adventure) M0<gan stevens. CID MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980. Orama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) Cl) A COUNT~Y MUSIC TRJBUTE TO KITTY WELLS Tammy Wynet1e hosts this tribute to the "Queen Of Country Music" featuring performances by Lynn Anderson. Tom T. Hall, Hank Williams Jr , Merle Kilgore. Cherly Mclain, Roy Acuff and Kitty Wells herself. Taped at Nastw~le's Grand Ole Opry House. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) " 12:15(1) MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980, Orama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 12:308 Cl) CBS SPORTS E'rther an NBA playoff game. teams and site to be determined, or an edl· lion of "Sports Sunday" will be telec,ost at this time. ~hrs. 30 min.) D SUNDAY Localion. hve from Le lycee Franc.sis. Torrance. ( l hr .. 30 min.) I DIRECTIONS MAVERICK NEWSMAKERS PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONE\' MANAGE- MENT 1:00 8 DRAG RACING "Gatomatlonals" ( 1 hr.) di ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK RepO<ls on the mystenous deaths of Bob Crane. Thelma Todd and George Reeves. a look at the movie rating system. ~~~AM-12 • DANGER UXB Bnan Ash Is posted to a bomb disposal company assembled to combat uneitplod- ed bombs which are threatening to paralyze Lon- don (Part 1) (R) o (1 hr.) CID SPORTSWOAL--n 10-round middleweight light between Bobby Czyz and Bob "Ice Man" Coolidge (live from Atlantic City. N.J.): Japanese sumo wretr tling (from Tokyo, Japan): World Mlited Pairs ~building (from Las Vegas, Nev.). (2 hrs ) GD AMERICAN STORY (() TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1975 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) 1:308 F-TROOP I WILD. WILD WEST AOAM-12 AMERICAN STORY MOVIE "'Covert Aotloo" ( 1978. Adven1ure) David Janssen. Arthur Kennedy Cl) HOLL YWOOO Bill Harris presents up-close reports on the people and events which are ma!<lr:ig news In the ptoductlon and glamour capital of the movie industry. 0 MOVIE "The Four Seasons'' (1981. Drama) Alan Alda, Carol Burne1t. ( 1 hr .. 57 min ) 2:00 D OUTOOOA LIFE Featured: marlin 1tsh1ng off Walker's Gay in the Bahamas. I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND di SPOATSBEA T THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES m MOVIE "Impasse" ( 1969. Adventure) Burt Rey· nolds, Anne Francis . • MOVIE "The Geisha Boy" ( 1958, Comedy) Jer-ry_ Lewis. Suzanne Pleshette. 1B SWAN LAKE The Royal Ballet performs Tchaikovsky's classic ballet with Natalia Makarova as Odette I Odlle and Anthony Dowell as Prince S~rled. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ID TRAINtNG DOGS THf WOODHOUSE WAY WRITING FOR A REASON HOASESHOW JUMPING "US. Open Cham- J:>lonshlp" from CharlOtte, North Cafollna. (2 hra.) CB) MOVIE "Smokey And The Bendit II" ( 1980, Comedy) Burt Reynold9. Jackie Gleltson. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "Silk St6cklngs" ( 1957, MuSical) Fred Aataff~. Cyd Charil&e. (2 llrs.) CZ> MOVIE "Journey Back To Oz" (1972, Fantasy) Animated. Voices of Lia Mlnnelll. Paul Lynde. ( 1 hr., 28 min.) 2:20 Q) NEWS • 2:30G RINGSIDE 10-round featherweight bout between Rocky Lockridge and Jose Nieto (trom Attantlc City, N J.). ( 1 hf.) I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 111 AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Denis Potvin and Curt Gowdy fish IOI' sea trout In NOfWay's famous Laerdel Rivet; an eitpedltlon attempts to patachute onto the North Pole: Dan Haggerty tra• to Wash-- lngton'• Olymc>iQ ~Intuit to Y181t a compound contalnlng_the Only captive Lobo wolf. ( 1 hr.} G MOW: "Sherlock Hoirn., And 'the Pearl Of o.th" (194', Mytltfy) BMll Rathbone. NW! ~ ~l~MAIC* 1~..,:'l.adlet. MM\" (f9e1. Comedy) ryL.-.~f'9Ubll M~RTIAL ARTISTS -Officers Skip N1chols (Tom Reilly) and Cindy Davis (Donn.a Kei Benz) belong to a secret police unit dedicated to the preservation of human life through the use of the martial arts in "Force Seven" on "CHiPs" Sunday at 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). Cl) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL (!) NOWHERE TO TUAN Stan Mooneyham and Carol Lawre~ host this documentary on the more than six million people In Africa who have been attected by war and drought and the results of such events. ( l hr.) • HOROWITZ IN LONDON: A ROYAL CONCERT RenO'#Oed pianist Vladimir HOfowitz persents his first European concert In 30 years from the Royal · Festival Hall in London. (2 hrs.) CJD SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Pennsylvania vs. Texas ( t hr ) Ii) OF EARTH ANO MAN <tl MOVIE "The Outlaw" ( 1943, Western) Jane Russell, Walter Huston. {[)MOVIE "Invaders From The Deep" (1981, Sci- ence-Fiction) Puppets. 3:30fJ NEWSMAKERS D SPORTSWORLD 10-round mlddlewe.ght tight t>etween Bobby Czyz and Bob "Ice Man" Coolidge (from Atlantic City, N.J.}. Japanese sumo wrestling (from Tokyo. Japan); World Mixed Pairs Body- building (from las Vegas. Nev.). (2 hrs.) D 0 WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS Larry Holmea and Gerry Cooney In boxing exhibitions (from Las Vegas. Nev.); WOl'ld Lumberjack Championships (from .Hayward, Wis.): reports on the Indianapolis ''500" lime trials. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) I BASEBAU BUNCH Of EARTH ANO MAN MOVIE "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Orama) C8therine Oeneuve, Gerard Oepard1eu. [)i(ected by Francois Truffaut. (2 hrs .. 10 mln.) (1) MOVIE "My little Chickadee" ( 1940, Comedy) W.C. Fields. Mae West. (1 tw .. 23 min.) 3:36(1Z) NtCE PEOPLE 4:008 MO\llE "Portrait Of A Dead Girl" ( 1978. i ttwy) Dennis Weevet, Craig Stevens. STAATREK MOVIE "The Mad Magician" ( 1954, Hon0<) Vincent Prioe, Eva Gabor. (!) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Reports on the mysteflous deaths of Bob Crane. Thelma Todd and G80f'ge Reeves; a look at the movie rating system. {_1 hr.) • MOVIE "Helter Skelter" (P.an 2) ( 1975, Ora· ma) Steve Railsback. George Otcenzo. • MOVIE '"The Van" ( 1979. Comedy) Stu.art Getz. Deborah White. e MOVIE ''The Sak'lt And The BraV9 Gooee" {.1981, AdYenlUrt} Ian Ogilvy, Gayte Hunntcutt. • 80LDfEA GR..8 The change1 In ettltudft end conftlcta In rolea for both malt and female Army ~ bfought l~t by the admission of wom- en Into the ermed teMote 1r1 explored. ( 1 hf .. 30 imln.JPORT8 ~ Hm.EA'8 MA8TiR RACE. •• TtcE MAO DREAM TH! 88 ...., Hobook nif'retel thia docum«ttlfY • dttelllng iffortt to cany out Httttr'• ptenl kw Ct991- lng 6 eupttme ArYf/I\ nae.. Cl) THE LAST Of THE CAOOOES AttM diec<>Yeflng his Indian hefllage. a Texas youth becomes obsessed with learning more abour hls anoestors and their culture 4:05 (1Z) MOVIE "The Red Pony" ( 1949, Drama) Myrna Loy. Robert Mitchum. 4:30@ A PRIVATE LIFE A New York love story of two mature 1mm1grants who try to come together despite their differences in background CH> MOVIE "llolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Roger Moore, James Mason (2 hrs ) Cl) MOVIE "Mulefeathers" ( 1978. Comedy) Rory Calhoun. Don Knotts ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 5:00 8 ST AA TREK G INOIANAPOLIS "600" TIME TRIALS Coverage of the final day ot qualifying time trials tor the May 30 Indianapolis "500" (from lndlanapohs Motor S edway in Indianapolis, Ind). (I hr.) u·A·s·H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS NAPOLEON & LOVE "Maria-Luisa" Napo- teon's need tor a son to succeed him as Emperor grows as 1t bece>me6 apparent that neither his wife nor his mistress will give him one. ( 1 hr.) e ARJNG LINE "looking Back On LBJ" Guests; a1Jthor Ronnie Dugger. president of the Motion Pic- ture Association Jack Valente. ( 1 hr ) ct) MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1978, Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. Cl) GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open Flnats" from Rome, Italy. (3 hrs.) CIJ tm MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang Aides ~aln" ( 1979, Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts. (ZJ MOVIE "The Frisco Kid" ( 1979. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Harrison Ford. ( 1 hr., 58 min.) 5:30 IJ CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HEALTHBEAT GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Affirmed" Host: Ken Howard. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) D MONEYMAKERS 8:00 8 Q D NEWS 8 MOVIE "Spider-Man And The Chinese Web" (1978, Adventure) Nicholas Hammond. Robert F. Simon. Spider-Mao comes to the aid of a Red Chi-nese government official who Is trying to absolve himself of a treason charge. (2 hrs.) (I) CBS NEWS 0 TEXAS ANO TENNESSEE: A MUSICAL AFFAIR Asleep At The Wheel. the Cherokee Cowboys, Jim- my Dean. Johnny Dunca'l. Mickey Gilley, Johnny Gimble. Kris Kristofferson. Roger Miller. Ray Pnce, Jerry Reed. Tanya Tucker and Ernest Tubb ger together to pay tribute lo the pioneers of the Texas sound. (2 hrs.) i IT IS WRITTEN M•A•s•H MOVIE "The Return Of The Pink Panther" ( 1975. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Christopher Plummer. Accident-prone Inspector Clouseau dis- guises himself as a bellhop and a pool repairman In order to trap an elusive diamond thief. (2 hrs.) 9 DANCE "Petrushka" Rudolf Nureyev and Noella Pontols star with the Paris Opera Ballet in their pro- duction ot Michel Foklne's mastMplece ( 1 hr) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS EVENING AT SYMPHONY Selji Ozawa conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Acts II and Ill of Tchalkovsky't Immortal "Swan Lake." (R) ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "The Black Hole" ( 1979. Scieno~F'ic­ tlon) Maxlmlllan Schell, Robert Forster. Yvette Mim- leuit. The crew of a futuristic spaceship discovers another vessel perched on ttl9 edge of a formation which pulls anything nearby Into a giant YOld Where time and space cease to eitlat. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 0 MOVIE "Oh Godl" (1977. Comedy) George Burns, John Oenv9f. God Mttcts an unsuspeotlng young supermarket manager to deliver a message of hope and gooO Wiii to the tkeptlcal people of the me>Oern-<SaJ' world. 'PG' ( 1 tw .. 36 min.) 8~ i! WEB< IN REVIEW 8:30~ F10HT BACK I~ I~ HOLL VV(OOO fHE WOALO TOMOAAOW E JEffERBON8 WHV IN THE WORLD MOVIE "A F'Ol'c:e Of Ont" (1979, Orama) Norrll. Jennlflf O'Neill. A muter oJ the mtr· tlal arta tmberkl on a rtwo09-motlvated Nlrch for the kllltt'S of hit 1<20pted eon. 'PG' ( 1 tw .. 31 min.) CI> MOWIE "Faint" (1980. Orama) lrtne C.1, Bat· ry MMler. s.vefal Qltitd ltUdtntt It a New YOfk high tchool '°' the pjtfofmlng .,.. ~ 'N10dl eetbecka and IUCCHIU of bottl ptrtOnal and pro- ftillional n11twea. 'PG' (2 hit., 1' mtn.) 7:1''~ A Pf9ftY benk robbery eiecompllce den f"9 ffablt Of I deed NM and olftrl to ~ Father Murphy wftti the cNldrln et the 15 ' ' ' 1ISS'W1~ ~ f') t l8 ,,. ("1J¥111!!1'11!-~W. . ••• ••••• •••• .: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .., •• t ............................... ·~· •6 ~ Sunday (con~nued) 0) ... .. i hanage. (R) D ( 1 hr.) 9 COUNT~T'TACK: CRIME IN AMERICA JIMMY SWAGGART COMPUTERS ARE PEOPLE TOO This gpeclal looks at the ways artists use oomputM technology to enhance their creativity. ( t hr.) @ CLOU08 Of GLORY: WILLIAM AND DOROTHY Filmmaker Ken Russell examineg the passionate relationship between the poet Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy _ ( t hr.) I I ASCENT Of MAN NOVA "City Spaces, Human Places" William H. Whyte takes an insightful and humorous l()()t( at city parks, plazas and streets, and the people who use them. (A) D ( t hr.) CC) MOVIE "Sex And The Single Parent" (Comedy) Mike Farrell, Susan St. James. A couple find out the realllies or starting over when they try to marry and their children block the way. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) c.m MOVIE ''Tribute" (1980, Orama) Ja~k Lem- mon Robby Benson. An irresponsible Broadway press agent begins to regret his wasted llfe and his tenuoos relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Steel" ( 1980. Orama) Lee Majors, Jennifer O'Neill. A beautiful woman Is assisted by a tough construction foreman In running the company she inherits after her father's suspicious, "acciden- tal" death. 'ftG' ( 1 hr., 41 min.) 7:05 all NEWS &00 8 Cl) COMING OUT Of THE ICE The memoirs of Victor Herman. a young Ametlcan who spent 45 years 1n exile In Russia. are dramati.Zed: John Sav- age, Wlllle Nelson. Ben Cross and Franceeca Annis Iler. _12 hrs.) e • CHIPS A Cflmlnal threatens to unleash a deadly neJW gas with a hljacf(ed family. ( 1 tv.) e EHTERT AINMENT THIS WEEK Reports on the mystetlous deaths of Bob Crane. Thelma Todd and George Reeves; a look at the movie rating system. i_t hLl U 0 MOVIE "F.l.S. T." ( 1978, Orama) SylvestM Staltone, Peter Boyle. A woodng-cia96 man r1le& to . become a powerful and prestigious lab<>r leader. t:;J I hrs.) fT t8 WRITTEN MORECAMBE & WISE MOVlE "Impasse" ( 1969. Adventure) Burt Rey-• nolds Anne Francis. An American and hlia lour-man team· search for $3 million In gold supposedly hid-· den on Malinta Hill. (2 lvs.) I ALISTAIR COOKE'S AMERICA NAPOLEON & LOVE "Marla-Luisa" Napo- leon's need for a son to succeed him as Emperor grows as ii becomes appArent that neither his wife nor his mistress will give him ooe. ( 1 hr.) e NOVA "Test Tube Babies" The science behind the oooceplion of human babies outside the womb Is lnv991tgated. (R) D ( 1 hr.) ID MASTERPIECE lliEATRE "flickers" A weabhy woman (Frances de ta Tour) desP«ately iO need of a husband provides Arnie Cole (Bob Hosktns) with the capita! necessary to start producing mms. (Pert ~D (1hr) 'SPORTS CENTER PLAZA SUITE Lee Grant and Jerry Orbach each pefform three roles as couples who occupy Suite 719 ol New York's Plaza Hotel in Neil Simon's com- ~ (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "Death Hunt'" ( 1981 Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1~30s. a Moun- tie aod a frontier criminal wa'ge an <>Id battle as c~ll~ zatlon encroaches on the Qlnadlan wilderness. R i! hr., 36 min.) ) Iii MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy Gary Coleman. Michael Lambeck. A social wor1<er tries to find a normal home for a train station shoest)ine boy with a talent for picking the ponies. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 8:05~~ERRYFALWELL 8:301J THE WORLD TOMORROW (!)EVENING AT THE IMPAOV 8:.0(%) CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 9:00 D e MOVIE "The Return Of Maxwell Smart" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Adema Sytvla Krl$le4. Secret agent Maxwell Smart attempts to stop KAOS from unleashing a drtaded t)omb that Will strip nude lhose who come m contact with It (2 hrs.) I WILD KINGDOM OR. CHO _, AGRONSl<V AND COMPANY ' DANCE "Petrvshka" RUOOlf Nureyev and Noella P.ontota star with the Parts Opera Ballet In their pre>- duction of MIChel Foklne'a~iece. (1 hr) • MASTEAPtECE THEATRE "Flickers" A wealthy woma~rances de ta Tour) ~ately In need of a ~ pf'Ollldes Arnie to1t· (Bob HO&klns) V"lh U*capftal neceMary to 1t1rt prodUCng tllma.. (Part q (Uv~ Y l,M--PlA~ ''Oppifi."lilti*" In Opplf......,,,., ..-eta Loi Aiamo.; NH ~I· 00 ~ ....... of ttw con"f)OUnd .... 9'1 nGtw .., ... *' etJtf'/ ~""' •••llti:ft. .,.,, .,, Q - £ hMbvte "Mean Streets" ( 1973, Orama) Harvey Keitel. Robert De Niro. A smalHlme hood and his Irresponsible friend -find ptenty of trouble lo New York's Little Italy. 'R' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) (() AGURE SKA TING "Wor1d Dance Competition Championships" from Copenhagen, Denmark. (2 hrs) (I) MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1938, Orama) John Howard. Wallet Connolly. A prOMCUtor encounters e man whom he had convlcted yeers earlier of man- Slaughter charges. ( 1 hr .. .0 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1~78, Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. Eccentr1c British poetess Stevie Smith Is PfOfiled. 'PG' ( 1 hr., .0 min.) 9:06 ~OPEN UP e:aoe WORLD Of SURVIVAL I ~l~~=ater'' ( 1965. ·AdVenture) Jane Russell, Richard Egan. Two deep-see divers set off In March of a sunken treasure. (2 hrs.) I =E "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis. Susan Oliver. After l'he circus C'°9e9 down, a veteran clown tries his hand at varlou8 jobs. falling mlserabJl al them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 10:0011 C1J TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Gonzo astounds everyone with the news that he Is about to be mar- lr~ .. 1, ~~ MAVERICK CLOUDS Of GLORY: WILLIAM ANO DOROTHY Almmaker Ken RusseU examines the paaslonate relationship between the poet Wordswolth and his =t~~ ~EWOON "No Maps On My Taps" Three black ~ tap dancers -Sanclman Sims. Chucic Green af'O BuMy Bnggs -reminisce ab<>Ut the past and show what they are doing to continue a very ~lal tradition. (R) (1 hr.) Gi) MATTERS~ Ur=E "NO OEATH ® MOVlE "Smokey And The Bandit II" ( 1i80, Comedy) BtKt Reynolds. Jadde Gleason. Sheriff Buford T Just tee cans In hi& two lawman brothers to stop a ret11ed bootlegQer, the Bandit. ftom tran- ~t1ng a baby elephant. 'PG' ( 1 'hr .• 45 min.) fTIY c.&J A COUNTRY MUSIC 'rAl8lJTE TO K WELLS Tammy Wynette hosts 1hls tribute to the •'Queen Of Country MUSlc" featuring p&f1ormances by Lynn Anderson. Tom T. Hall, Hank Williams Jr .. Merle Kilgore. Charly Mclain. ~ Acuff and Kitty Wells herself. Taped at Nastwllle s Grand Ole Opry House ( l hr . 30 m.ln.) fll MOVIE "The Four seaeons.. ( 1981. Orama) Alan Alda, Carol Burnett. Thfae couples, all close. . long-Ume friends, experience profound changes. In their relatlonshlpt When one of !tie marriages disin- tegrates 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min.) 10:05® MOVIE "Miami Expose" (1956. Orama) Lee ·J Cobb. Pettca Medina Police officials step up efforts lo keep tYndiCate-baeked ~mbllng out of Florida. (I hr .. 30 min,) 10:30. JERRY FALWEU MMY SWAGGART . -ORO MOUNT8ATTEN: A MAN F~ THE CEN· "The Ftnal GIOry" Thia tinal eptSOdo ecw~ Mountbatten .. devotion to the ed'lencement of Or•t~ lsh ttchno!Ogy. arid Rot>trt MacN$11 Introduce& an updated Mgmef'll about Ni tragic death in August 1~79 (Plf19) (Rlq (1 hr.) 10:45. $\JHOAY SPOA18 PAGE 111J9Jll<;l,f •NEW1 . ~ FQAOOTTEN FN&Y Holes: Ollie~ ,_,. ~ ~ JM Dli"M!I ~ · Support John Savage (left) $t a rs as Victor Herman , a young American citizen sentenced to hard labor in a Siberian gulag, and Willie N elson , the country music star, makes his television d ebut as Bed Loen, a fell ow American prison er who l ends H erman the emotional support he needs to su.rvi ve in a two-hour dramatic special, "Coming Out of the Ice," Sunday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). Shatner, CarOI Lawrence. ( 1 hr.) tB NAPOLEON & LOVE "Marla-Luisa" Napo- leon's need fOt' a son to succeed him as Emperor g1ows as It becomes apparent that neither his wife nor his mistress will give him one. ( 1 hr.) • SNEAK PAEVIEWS R<>gef Ebert and Gene Sisk- el r~ "Conao The Barbarian" and "Wrong Is f.!ight." CC) MOVIE "Covert Action" ( 1978, Adventure) David Jarmeo. Atthur Kennedy. A professional spy becomes Involved In Intrigue and espionage when he Is handed a dangerous assignment In the Gree+< Island$. ( t hr .. 31 min.) • (()SPORTSWOMAN - (I) MOVIE "Mannequin" (ffl78, Orama) Nadine Perles. A French model's search f0< romantic love is Interrupted lhia series.di explorations into physical ~ssion. 'R' 1 hr .• 21 min.) JUOYG NO MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin: In the 1930s. a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as ci\411- zatlon encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 11:151 C8S NEWS 11:30 SPORTS ANAL 1700CLUB ABC NEWS MOVIE "I Love My Wife" (1970, Comedy) Elliott Goold. Brenda Vaccaro. A young surgeon turns to extramantal affairs when he becomes bored with his job and family. (1 Iv., 55 min.) (!) LIFE OF RILEY 9 MOV1E "Smile'' (1975. Orama) Bruce Dem. Barbara Fefdon. A smaJl.-town beauty pageant mixes $lnoere hopefuls and ambitious piomoters. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "FUMy Face" (1957, MuslcaJ) Fred Astaire. Audrey Hepburn. -A faShlon photographer and a satesglrt fall in love In Paris. (2 hrs.) I TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED MOVIE "The ca~· ( 1977. Horror) J8mes Brolln, Kathleen Lloyd. A artverless car te<rorizes a smell Utah town aa 11 thirsts for victims (R) (2 hrs.) (I) SPORTS C&4TER Cl) MOVIE "Dog t>ay Mernoon" ( 1975, Drema) Al Peolno. John Caz.ale. J\New YOO< City bank robbery escalates Into ~ near-.circus when community eotlv- lats join In to stage an ant1-pollot protest durlng the ca~ (2 l'lrs .. 5 min.) 11:36m MOVIE "All Thrqh The Night" (1942. Ora-ma) Humphrey Bogart, --conrao Veldt. Fearing he , wlll be framed tor murder,"' ex-gangster searehes for lhe real killer by lnlillratlng a Nat.I spy rlog. (2. hrs . 10 mtn.) 11:46 8 THE AOCKFORO FILES IJ MOVIE "The Car" ( 1977, Horror) James BrOlln, Kathleen Lloyd A drtver'less car terrorizes e smaU Utah town as It t~ts lor \llCtlms. (A) (2 hrs.) 8 MOVIE "Scarectow" ( 1973. Orama) Gene Hed(man Al Pacino A gruff ex-con 11nd a loYable ex-wamen deYetOp • frtendstvp in whleh both learn eboUI lite. love and caring (2 hrs.) (H) MOVIE "ffolkes" ( 1980, AdVentl.lfe) AOD9f Moore. James Mason A dapper, woma~tTng frogman ii call~ In to thwart the plans of extOfti~ whO have hlteeked 1 supply ship end .,. threat· ~l~to destroy two North Sea oil rigs. (1 hr .• •S min 12:00 MOVlE .. MoNWk" ( 1956, Ac:NenJOl"e) Scott er1dy. R111 Gorri. A man and his tndlln.Wtte me~ co pac1ry the rtd-hot aempers of lndlant on the..,. ·1•=Whfte..ntlfs. (1tw •• 30mlo.) ~"~~Md~ '"·-~~·~ Q. A. How can I protect myself from soaring energy costs? KENMORE SOLAR POWER WATER HEATERS ') LJ -'~ · Invest NOW while up to 55% combined federal and state solar tauredtt is still in effect! Energy tall Cfedtl ~ IO solar wal9f heale<s ;n· sla.lled in pnncipat re5idel'lee$ Credll applies IO COSI of solar w11er healer 1.nd lls 1ns1atla11on Credtl amounts lo 40".ot lhe llrsl SI0.000 spenl on solar water ~lers hefore Jan 1 1986 (nwumum credit of $4.000) Plus 1 stall Ct9dll of up IO 55"11. up IO $3,000 muimum State credits are reduced by lhe amount of F~rat CredllS allow9d Lei SeatS help oesagn and install a solar water heating system tor you Sears authOrized installers can install lhe entire system normally 1n l'tfWO days Wtlh minimal 1nconve!lllnce Ask abOut a free esttmale on authOnzed installation CaH Your Nura1 s.a,. Store Today· Gr Miii this Coupon ------------------~ i1s I s..n. Roebuck, Co. OCD~ 11 ears Attn. L. OIM6ch6ell I I··· •. .,,... toO So. Fremont I I A.lhembl'9. caftf. t1102 I I Name I I Address I . I C1ry S1a1e ZtJ> I I ~-1 I Phone(AM) (PM) I -------------------,.,_.,... s '"""'-... ears MAJOR LOS ANGELES .rnd ORANGE COUNTY SEARS Storei. --Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday n A KITCHEii ~ 0 -~ r- $ "T1 SO BEAUTIFUL ~ Q. I» ':< ~ I» '< I\) _. Our friends will hate i _. fD CD ..., \ ' . \.. ~ •./' ·1 E Save to 50% an displar cabinets r= .. I I i - I \ j Sunday (continued) Pontols $18r with the Paris Opera Ballet In their pro- duction ot Michel Foklne's mastecplece. (1 hr.) CD) MOVIE "lovers And liars" ( 1979. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Giancarlo Giannini. Whlle traveling In Italy, an American girl meets and falls in love with a married man. 'R' ( t hr., 36 min.) 0 MOVIE "La Cage Aux Foiles II" ( 1980, Come- dy) Ugo Tognazzl, Mlchel Serrault. A middle-aged gay couple are the quarry of a secret otganlzallon trying to get the microfilm that one of them swal· lowed. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 12:30 (I) GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open Finals" lrom Rome. Italy. (3 hrs.) (()MOVIE "ThOse Lips, Those Eyes" (1 980. Com- edy) Frank Langella. Glynnis O'C9flnor. A flamboy- ant summer stock actor. who dreams of Broadway stardom, defends an Incompetent. stage-struck prop boy and promotes his romance with a chorus girl. ·R' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 12:35 (CJ MOVIE "Hollywood Boulevard" ( 1976. Com- edy) Candice Rialson. Dick Miller. Fresh from lndl· ana. a young aspiring starlet becomes involved In a • real robbery that she thinks Is part of her movie debut. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) 12;-40(%) MOVIE "My Little Chlcka<*t' ( 1940, Come- dy) W.C. Fields. Mae West. A woman searches for a .ilcirhusband but gets mixed up with a masked bandit. ( 1 hr .• 23 min.) 12:'6 8 NAME OF THE GAME 1:00 Qt CLOUDS OF GLORY: WILLIAM AND DORO- THY Filmmaker Ke('t RusseU examines the passion- ate relationship between the poet WOf'dsworth and his $Bier. Dorothy. (1 hr.) 1:30 Cl) FACE THE MUSIC I ABCNEWS =~pe From New Y0tk" c1sa1. Sci· ~F'ICllOOJ Kurt Russell, Adrienne Barbeau. In 1997, a hardened criminal Is ott,red a pardon If he can rescue the presldent of the U.S. from the prison city that Manhattan has beoome. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 40 min-1_ 1:36(1) MOVIE "The Electric Horseman" (1979. Orama) Robert Redford, Jane Fonda. A Las Vegas cowboy steals a $12 million thofooghb<ed horse_.o save him frqm his exploitative owners. 'PG' (2 hrs./ 1:'68 AT ONE Guest: actresg Patty Ouke Astin. 1 hr.) ®RAT PATROL 2:00(C) MOVIE "Ashanti" ( 1979. Adventure) Michael Caine. Rex Harrison. A determined doctor sets off across the Sahara In hot pursuit of a group of Arab slave traders who kidnapped hiS wife. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) II MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" (1981. Adwm- ture) Chuck Norris. Christophe< Lee. A San Francis- co cop quits the force to avenge the mordef of hie partner by membefl of a drug ring. 'R' (1 hr .. 46 • min.}_ 2:05C!)NEWS , CZ) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" ( 1980, Suspense) Don Scardino, Caitlin O'Heaney. A psy- chotic murderer' stalks attractive young b<lde&-to- be. silently and lethally stashing their dreams of weddlld bliss. 'R' (1 hr., 30Jnln.) 2:16llNEWS al) WORLD AT LARGE-· 2:309 TODAY'S RELIGION Cl) MORNING ST.RETCH al> rrs YOUR BUSINESS 2:'6,NEWS 3:00 NEWSMAKERS Cl) JOE FRANKLIN aZ>NEWS . ;; 3: 10(11) MOVIE "MeMn And Howard .. ( 1980. Come- dy) Paul leMat. Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant clalms to be the rightful heir to Howard Hughes' billion dollar estate. 'R' !_1hr.,35 min.) 3:30tJ INTERFACE (I) SPORTSWOMAN 3:40(%) MOVIE "Loving Couples" ( 1980. Comedy) Shirley MacLalne, James Coburn. A married couple and a pair ot young singles switch partners In a game ol rrtestyle sampnng and romantic rewnge 'PG' '1hr .• 37 min.) 3:45(1) MOVIE ''Blood Barrier .. (19!Y.), Adventure) Telly Savalas. Eddie Albert. A border patrolman tries to bring landowners who traffic In illegal aliens to justice. ( 1 hr., 26 min.) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (CJ MOVIE "Up River" ( 1980. Adventure) Morgan Stevens. A young pioneer beeomes obsessed with revenge alter his wife Is kllled by a local land baron who resents his success. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER g MOVIE "Out Of Season" ( 1975. Drama) Chtt Robertson. Vanessa Redgrave. Old problems resur- face when former lovers meet again at an off-season seaside resort. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 4:05 ~ FUNTIME 4:30 JIM BAKKER 4:'6 BOXING "National Collegiate Association Finals" The best collegiate bo~ers In 12 weight classes compete for the national titles. (1 hr .. 30 min.) Hoskins sees 'Flickers' as love_ story BY JERRY BUCK #IT......_.,.., LOS ANGELES -Bob Hoskins •>'9 he aees the six:-part mitUleries "Flickers" u a love story aet in the early days of the motion picture lnduatry. Thia "Ma.aterplece Theater" presentation, which begins Sunday even.in& on public TV, ii more than that, of coune. It's alao a knockabout comedy, as con man Amie Cole, played by Hoskina, attempts to work another of h1a ru1e1 on the fiedgli.ng flicbrt 1n pre-World War I F,.naland. HoUdns, lookingJlke a bear in a bowler and plaid suit, ta marvelous u the crude con man. The minlaerles a1ao st.an Fnnces La Tour. : ·~ Hoskins. starrtna tn the rummt pnpter fain 11The Long Good Friday'' and Jn the recently released ''Pennies From Heaven," says, ''I saw Amie aa a kind of water hog. He goes straight for whatever he wants. He charges ahead, unaware of other "'peo&>Je'• feellnga. Yet he has a depth or !~Ung within hbmel{ that isn't apparent. "It's buically a love story told against the backdrop of the film induatey. lt'• beauty and the beast. She •tarU OU ... plaiJ\,..old maid and by the end of It, abe'a gcqeous,' HolJd.na says. "li's l'Olaedy, it'• fWUly, but it'• at.> very tragic and quite pa1ntul Some th1np happen that are "heartbreUing ... Ho1k1Jw. 39 ta an lntenee man, aod in h1a newest movie, •4The Long Good J'riday," he is a IWAgaering, bull-Decked mobster that at least one See 'Flidceht,' Page atJ ,__~~----~~--~--~~~~1 1--------------.... --~~lll!llll~· (213) 947-2828 bittier ~estic Emplciyment Agen Live-in housekeepers, COOlpaniOf\S. nan- nies. Brought to your home anywhere for interviews. State Uc'd & bonded. Full r•nge Of persONUltd profession•! secvlcKfor small businesses & lndlvlduals ) \I< >IC\ I:\( ; \I< )\ · 1 LS - 5:20 CJ) "Death Hunt" ( 1981. Adventure) Charles Bronson, ~ee Marvin. 5:25(C) "Covert Action" (1978. Adventure) David f . Janssen. Arthur Kennedy 5:30(1) "Mulefeathers" (1978, Comedy) Rory Cal- houn. Don Knotts. . D ''La Cage Aux Fones II" (1980, Comedy) Ugo Tognaui. Michel Serrault. -· 8:05«1} ''Ball Of Fire" ( 1942. Comedy) Gary Coo- per. Barbara Stanwyck. 6:30 00 "The Apple Dumpling Gang Aides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway. Don Knotts. 7:00(C) "Tuck Everlasting" ( 1976. Adventure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGulre. . ~_''He Knows You're Alone" ( 1980. Suspense) -uon Scardino. Caitrin O'Heaney. 7:30D "On The R1gh1 Track" (1981. Comedy) Gar,LColeman. Michael Lembeck. 8:00(.1} "The Looney. Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray. 8:06(17) "Checkpoint" ( 1957. Adventure) Anthony Steel. Odlle VerSOis. $:~® "Carbon Copy" (1981. Comedy) Geofge ~al. Susan Saint James. (%) "My Llttle Chickadee" ( 1940. Comedy) W.C. Fields, Mae West. • 9:00 CC) "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979, Musical) The Who. 9:30e "Blue Steel" (1934. Western) John Wayr:ie. Eleanor Hunt. 10:00® "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( 1976, Western) Cllnt Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Cl) "Chandler" ( 1971. Mystery) Warren Oates. Leslie Caron. CJ) "Steel" ( 1980. Ofama) Lee Majors, Jennife1 O'Neill. 10:06(17) "Assault On A Queen" (1966, -4dWHlhHe) Frank Si.,.tra, Vtrna Llsl 11:00(C) "FamHy Man" (Ofama) Ed Asner. Ann. Jackson. 11:30(1) "Excalibur" (1981, Fantaltf) Nlgel Terry. NlcOf Williamson. • Cl "Ruckus" ( 1980. Ofama) Dirk Beftedlct. Linda Btalf ""' .\l·'l'LIC\<><>:\ \J<>\.ILS 12:00 II "Sitting Pretty" ( 1933, Comedy) Jack Oek- le. Ginger Rogers. e "Arrowhead" (1953. W•tem) Chartton .._, ton. Jack Patance. , • "The Daughter Of Rosie O'Gredy+< ( 1950, Musleal) June Haver. Gordon Mec:Rae. CZ) "Cesar And Aoulle" ( 1972. Romane:.) Yves Montand. Romy Schnelder. · .. 1:00(!) "Flylng Leatherneeks" (1951. Adventurei John Wayne. Robert Ryan. CC> "Blackboard Jungt.'' ( 1955, Dfama) Glef'ln ford. Anne Francis. 1:30® "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Statr Denn•Ouak1 ' ! ''Kill And Kill Acfllln" (1981, AdventUl'e) Jamee an Annefine Krlel. 1: (%> "SteVie" (1978, Blogtaphy) Glef1da Jeck· son. Trevor Howard. 2:00CD "Prrvate Benjamin" (19801 Comedy) ()oldie Hawn, Eileen Brennen. 3:0011 "Ofums AJong The Mohawk" (1939. Ad\ltrt: 1 twe) lienry Fonda, Claudette Colbect. ® "The Oaybreaktt't" ( 1979. _ w.t8'n) GWlO Ford Sam Elliot. •...: 3:30[i) "Steel" ( t980. Orama) Lee Map-.. ~-O'Nelll. .. 4:00 CC) "The fiendish Plot Of Or. Fu• Manchu" ' 0980. Comedy) Peter Selltra, Sid Ceesar. • "Hanover StrMt" (1979. fbnanct) Matrllon For~ Lesley-Anne Down. 5:00 \ilJ ''The Looney Looney LA)()Oty ~ Bu Movie" (1981, ~) Ankn.ttd. VdcM by~ Blanc. June Foray. 6:05~ ''Under The Yum Yum T, .... (11ta; c.m..: dV> Jack Lemmon. Cerol &.~. S:t5(1) ''Death ~ .. UA1;1JM!i .. ltil~dfiiiii~~ ;::.81onson, Lee MIMn. UOCID "The AQl:l)e (1079.~J~ ' .. TO THE RESCUE -17ying ace Snoopy, his ears whlrlinll, plays the role of a helicopter, piloted by Wood&t«k, In order to rescue Llnu• from the icy roof top of a barn he discovered on • field trip Jn °A Charlie Brown Celebration" on KNXT (Ch. 2) Monday at 8 p.m. 8 WHITE SHAQOW (!) MOV1E "Sahara" ( 1943. Ad\lenture) Humphrey 89gart. Bruce Bennett. During World War II, an American tank crew successfully hOlds off German l·T~~~·o~----o..en HAWAII RV£-O - OVER EASY Guest: jazz grNt Otzzy Glltesple. ~)~NEWS ! ~Ids Are Alri(lht" ( 1979, M~) The Who. Alms of some of the rock band's pe<f0<· m&flefi. reveallog their notorious prociMty for destroying thff equipment and the wild antics of • their "(jrummctf, me late Keith Moon. &1• Interspersed with Interviews of the group membefa. 'PG' (1 hr., 46mln.) (CBOxtNG • MOVIE "Foul ~y" ( 1978, Comedv) Goldie Hewn. Chevy Chase. A librarian enlist• the aid of an Inept police detective after &ht becOfTle8 Involved In a bizarre Mrlee of murdert and kidnapping au~ta. ( 1 tv .. 55 min.) 8t20(1) MO\llE "My Bodyguard~ (1979, Orama) CMt Makepe•ce. Adam 8alawln. The .,,. kid II a Chlcago high school makes friend$ with the school outcast and togethet they stand up to the cruel i:"g wt)leh had persecuted them both. 'PG' ( t hr .. e:li~f&v~LEA IN THE FAMILY NEW88EAT: CAL~A CONGAESSIONAL eau.IE88MPOAT Cl> Pt<A FULL CONTACT KARATE "Soper Light· "!§~"'" (1 hr .• 30 min.) 7:100•~ . t<OJAK ENTERT A-ENT TONIGHT Ttle flrtt pert of a M(les on CINgt In Holiywood ""91 t ll'loffhlstory of thl Ho!tYwood drug ~ an lnftMew With JohMy lhll.: •A•a•H . -, ---- • . ... IO i .- -.2 0::: Monday (continued) the peace of a small Alabama town 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min) (%) MOVIE "Steel'' ( 1980, Drama) Lee Ma1ors, Jennifer O'Neill. A beautiful woman ts aS&1Sted by a tough conslruchon foreman in running the company she inhe11ts after her lather's suspicious. "acciden- tal" death 'PG' ( 1 hr • 41 min ) 8:50@ MOVIE "Fort Ti" ( 1953. Adventure) George Montgomery Joan Vohs Dunng the French and Indian War an Indian scout 1oins lorces with the French 10 seize control or a British-held fortress. ( 1 hr. 30 min) 9:008 Cl) M•A•s•H Klinger is stricken with a severe lever and no one can seem to !ind either the cause or the cure (R) -D ®l MOVIE "Paper Dolls'' (Premiere, Drama) Joan Hackett. Joan Collins Two teen-age girls are 2!._essured to become top fashion models. (2 hrs. l OJ MERV GRIFFIN "Salute To ·s1ar Trek II' " ( 1 hr) ID BROOKLYN BRIDG~ Music. art, poetry and rare archival material are Incorporated In a documentary tracing the development of one of America's mos1 enduring monurJ1en1s. ( 1 hr.) (() GRANO PRIX TENNIS ·'1tanan Open Finals" from Rome, Italy (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ([)MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980. brame) Dirk Benedict. Linda Blair A shell-shocked Vietnam vet disturbs the peace of a small Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min) 9:30 8 (I) HOUSE CALLS Or. Weatherby's surprise anniversary party turns Into a madcap bash. despite the absence of the guest of honor. Cl) MOVlE "Riffraff' ( 1947. Adventure) Pat O'Brten. Anne Jeffreys Intrigue dormnates Panama as a search for a stolen Oii fiefd ~rvey gets under· way ( 1 hr, 30 min.) 8!) THE ENCHANTED ARTS "Pabllta Velarde" lndi· an artist Pabl1ta Velarde reminisces about her child· hood and her struggling years in a medium trad1t1on- ~ closed to Indian women. U MOVIE "lovers And Liars" (1979; Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Giancarlo Giann1nl While traveling in Italy, an Amenc~.!lJWI meets and falls in love w1lh a marrle" man. 'R"\"Hlr .. 36 min.) 10:00IJ Cl) LOU GRANT BIUie and Ted move Into their own home. and Charlie disregards Lou's warn- 1,!!9 no1 to overpl~y a story. ( 1 hr.) U fl) THE RICHARD PAYOR SHOW Richard Pryor portrays the llrst black U.S. President. the bartender ~t the Star Wars bar. and the 1ormer bOyfrlend of a sult~S'1Pe<. (R) ( 1 hr ) l ame NEWS . CASAAET • THE U.S. ROLE IN LA TIN AMERICA The history of American involvement In Latin American coun· tries Is documented and discussed by a pane' of experts ( 1 hr ) 8!) PAPER CHASE "O<\Ce More With Feeling" A law PfOfessor (Robert Reed) gives a top student a low exam SCOle afiM she refuses his advanc~. ( 1 hr) CC) MOVIE "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955. Ora~) Glenn Ford. Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher attempts to restore order in a big-city train- ing school where teen·age lawlessness and vtOlence have taken root ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 10: 15(l) MOVJE "He Knows You're Alooe" ( 1980. Suspense) Don Scardino. Caitlin O'Heaney A psy- chotic murderer stalks altractlve young bndes-to- be, Siientiy and lethally slasl'llng thetr dreams of wedded bliss 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:20® MOVlE "lndlanapoll9 Speedway" (1939. Orama) Gale Page. Pat O'Brien. A family dispute reaches a crisis point during a world-famous auto race. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 10:soe NeY/8 9 SIGNATURE Guest Robert Evans; CID HALLELUJAH HOLLYWOOD Gene Kelly hosts a dazzllng tribute to the days of Hollywood when the MGM musical relg"9d supreme. ( 1 hr.) - (a> MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Orama) John Travolta. Debra Winger. A blue-collar work&f who fancies himself a modem-day cowboy falls In love with a girl he meelt In a popular country-and·west· ern bar 'PG' (2 hrs. 12 min.) Cl) MOVIE "HOiiywood Boulevard" ( 1976, Come- dy) Candice Rialson. Dick Mlllef Fresh from lndl· ana. a young aspiring starlet beeomes Involved In a real robbery Iha! she thinks Is part or her movie debut 'R' {1'hr .. 3a min.) t 1:100ftMA~~' NEWS YOU ASKED FOA IT JOE FR.ANt<1.1N M•A•s•H . BENNY HILL MIXED 8AO "ln,ide, Outside" ThfHegment OI 1 two part ~amlnehon of making fllml In a· clOled market deaf& with the pre>Ollm$ cl lndependetli Ill~ makers tryln~1 ~eal(~o Che market (P8111) e OICK CA Gvests: :Joan Plowrlght end.Leu· renee Ollvlor, f Patt O CR) DREAM SCOUT -Gary Coleman stars as a yoUl'JllSfel' who is shuffled from one foster home to another as he attempts to ful.lilJ his dream of becoming a Cub Scout in "Scout's Honor" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Monday ac 9 p.m. 8!) NUMERO UNO Runner Irena Szew1nska of Poland. competitor in five Olympiads and winner of seven medals, Is proftled. (R) ([) MOVlE "Camille 2000" ( 1969. Drama) Daniele Gaubert. Nino Castelnuovo. A young woman addivted to drugs leads a series of men into tragic affairs. 'A' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 11:3011 (I) OUINC"( Quincy Is asked to do x-ray veri· lications on a mummy arriving at a Los Angeles museum. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) CJ GD THE BEST--OF CARSON Guests Tony Ben- nett. Te11 Garr, Buddy Rich. Bill Ratferty (R) ( t hr) I QI ABC NEWS NK3HTLINE KOJAK THE JEFFERSON$ SANFORD ANO SON THE POTTING SHEO A man who hnds he can no longer remember Why he was reteeted by his family is unable to e)(J>8rtence human feelings ( 1 hr . 30 mto.) fm NEWSBEAT: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPOATS CENTER MOVIE "The Haunting 01 Julia" ( 1977 Suspense) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea /\her recovering lrom an emotional c:nsis. a woman purchases a house that appears to-be haunted. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 0 MOVIE "Lei It Be" ( 1970, Musical) The Bea· ties John Lennon, Paul McCartney. GeQfge Ham- son and Ringo Starr are followed lhrough rehears· als. recording sessions and an lnpromptu concert. 'G' ~ hr , 28 min ) 11:-46(t) MOVlE "Famllr. Man" (Drama) Ed Asner. Anne Jackson. Only alter havlnQ an attaif. does a man realize his lifelono resposlb11itles to others. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:00 8 £NTERT AINMENT TONIGHT The first part of a series on drugs In Hollywood gives a short history of the Hollywood drug scene: an interview with John~ Mathis. D WlJ MOVIE "C11y In Fear·· ( 1980. Suspense) David Janssen. Robert Vaughn An ambiUous column1s1 capttahzes on the panlC resulling from a psychotic lady killer's reign of terror (R) (2 hrs. t5 min) (!) MOVIE "Tom. Dick And Harry" ( 1941. Come- d'y) Burgess Meredith.. Ginger Roge1s A lovely young woman Is lorced to choose between three ~Ir.ends (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Murder On The Thirteenth Floor" ( 1974. Mtstery) James Stewart. Strother Martin A del8fll!le 1t1ornoy is called 1n to save a young man who could have'been hi. son ( 1 ht., 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Excalibur" (1981. Fantasy) NIQtl T8f· ry. Ntcol Wllllam50f'I. The exploits Of l<lng Atttiur brtno powtf end death to the knights ol the RCIUnd Tobit. 'R'. (2.hra. 20 min) (I) MOVIE' ''.Tw.co A Woman~· i 1978. ~) Bibi Andersson. Anthony Perktns A divorced wom- an's husband warns her about the dangers of her new relallonshlp with a young girl whom he later meets and falls 1n love w11h ( 1 hr. 29 min.) 12:06al) MOVIE "The Crooked Sky" ( 1957. Mystery) Wayne Moms. Karin Booth Law enforcement off• clals from Washingron and Scotland Yard 10tn hands across the Atlantic 1n cracking an 1nternat1ona1 counterle1Ung operation ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 12:300 GD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETIERMAN Guests the Smothers Brothers President Reagan s l sonal barber Millon P11ts ( t hr ) COUPLES MOVIE "Drums Along The Mohawk' ( 1939 Adventure) Henry Fonda. Claudette Colbert Pio· neer !armers along the Mohawk Trail find them- selves caught up in the Revolutionary War (2 hrs.) I NEWS PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1964 U.S Open" 12:4011 Cl) COLUMBO While 1nvest1gat1ng the mur- der of a chemist. Columbo uncovers a number of people with motives tor the killing. (R) ( 1 hr . 40 mlnj_ 12:•6 (Q) MOVIE ··steel' ( t980, Drama) Lee Ma1ors. Jennifer o· Neill. A beautllul woman 1s assisted by a tough construcllon foreman 1n running the company she Inherits afler her father's susp1c1ous. "acciden- tal'' death. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 4 t min ) 1 :00 II GEN~ AUTRY 9 MOVIE 'We're No Angels" ( 1955. Comedy) Humphrey Bogart, Aldo Ray. Three escaped con- victs take over a French shop ( 1 hr . 30 min ) IS CABARET (() PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From Atlantic City. New Jersey ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ([)MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980, Horror) Trish Van Devere, Joseph Cotten A schoolteacher tnes to recover lrom a nervous breakdown at her late aunl's home. which 1s besieged by demons. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 40 min) g MOVIE "Deadly Games" (1981. Mystery) Sam Groom. Otck Butkus A woman returns to her home- town to investigate her S1Ster's mystenous death. 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 1: 10(8) MOVIE "The Outlaw Josey Wales" ( t976. Western) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke A man becomes an outlaw when a ruthless band of Union soldl~ destroys his Southern farm and·kllls his wife and son 'PG' (2 hrs .. 16 min.) 1:300 GD NEWS I GE»E AUTRY SPEAK OUT MOVIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr Fu Manchu" ( 1980, Comed'y) Peter Sellers. Sid Caesar. The FBI and Scolland Yard's Del Nayland Smith pursue the 168-year·old arch v1lla1n as he searches for the 1ogredients. 1nclud1ng the Crown Jewels. used to make his hfe-pr010ng1ng elixir 'PG' ( 1 hr . 38 mtn) (%)MOVIE "Cesar And Rosalie · ( 1972. Romance) Yves Montand. Romy Schneider A French female artist must choose between two lovers ( 1 hr . 50 mtnl l:3S MISSIOlt IMPOSSIBLE 2:06 NEWS 2:15 NEWS 2:20 NEWS 2;30 MORNING STRETCH (tl INSIDE BASEBALL (I) GALLAGHER: AN UNCENSORED EVENING The comedian PEfrforms a senes of one:11ners and "comtc vignettes ( 1 hr ) it::35al)WOALO AT LARGE :r.66 8 MOVIE "Frankens1e1n. The True Story" (Part 1) ( 1973. Horror) Michael Sarraz1n. James Mason. Or. Frankenstein creates his Image of the perfect man and woman (2 hrs.) 3:00 Cl) JOE FRAN KUN al)NEWS (I) POCKET BILLIARDS Minnesota Fats vs. WUlle Mosconi ( 1 hr ) D MOVIE "Feme" ( 1980. Orama) Irene Cara, Bar· ry Miiier Several gllted students at a New York high school for the performing arts expenence various setbacks and euccesses of both personal and pro- le$si0nal natures 'PG' (2 hrs . 14 min.) 3: 10 CC) MOVlE "The Heist" ( 1978. Adventure) Charles Aznavour. Vtrna Lisi A French hoodlum tries to follow 1n the footsteps of his American gang- ste< hero. John Ottlinger. 'A' ( 1 hr , 32 min ) 3:3000 MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981. Adven· tvre) Chuck Norris, Oulstophef Lee A San Francis.. co cop quits the force to avenge the murder of his par1ner by members of a drug nng 'ff ( 1 hr . 46 mlfl.) MOVIE ''HOiiywood Boulevard" ( 1976. Come- dy) Candice Rtal$00. Dick MOier Fresh from lndl· ana. a young aspiring atar1et beeomes lnvoNed 1n a reial robbery that she thinks is part of her movie oebul 'R' ( t h1 , 33 min l CZ) MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jackson. 'trevor Howard. E«entrlC 9f1t1sh poet ~ Stevie Smith 1s profiled 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 ffltn) _.:00 (!) JIMMY SWAGGART 8PORT8 C(NTER llll!!'!l'!!ll!!!ll!l!llllL!!'-lll~~~llllll!'~!!!~~~~~~~~.~~~~~._.----........ --7"--::-~----~-~----· ) . ,.. ................. -... ··~··· .... ······ ... -....... ---.... ............................................................ ~ ........................ ~ ... ~~.,;~ Tuesday \I< >It\ I:\(; \I<)\' l l·~S 5:15(%) "My Little Chlckadee" (1940, Comedy) W.C. Flelds. Mae WeJt. 5:309 "Hanover Street" (1979. Romance) Harri- son Ford. Lesley-Anne Down. 8:00(1) "My Bodyguard" ( 1979. Orama) Chris Mak_!P9ace. Adam Baldwin. 8:05QZ) ''The Real Glory" (1939. Orama) Gary Coo- per, David Niven. 8:-45(%) "Journey Back To Oz" ( 1972. Fantasy) Ani- mated Voices of Liza Minneltl. Paul Lynde. 7:3013 "Oh God! Book II" (1980, Comedy) George Burns. Suzanne Pleshette. 8:00 CID "The Americanization Of Emily" ( 1964. Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. 8:05QZ) "Vigil In The Night" (1940. Orama) •-Oarole Lombard, Anne Shirley. 8: 15 (%) "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jack· son. Trevor Howard. 8:30 (I) "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 1981. Fanta- sy) Rolf Harris 9:CiO(C) "look Back In Anger" (1959. Drama) Claire Bloom. Richard Burton. 9:308) "Frontier Horizon" (1938. Westem) John Wayne. Jennifer Jones. D "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980. Drama) John Travol- ta, Debra Winger. • 10:0000 "Savage Harvest'' (1980. Adventure) Tom Skerrttt. Michetle Philrtps. (I) "Julie" ( 1956. SU&pense) Oof1s Day. Louis Jourdan. (%)''The Frisco Kid" (1979. Comedy) Gene Wildef, Harrison F0<d. 10:06Q) "Fighter Squadron" ( 1948, AdYenture) Rob- s! sraek.1:~ O'Brien. 11:00~ "The Man With Bogart's Face'' (1980, Com- edy}_ Robert Sacchi, OUVla HUS88y. 11:3()(8) "Cardiac Arrest" (1978, Mystery) Garry Goodrow. Mike Chan. . .\l 11.ll'\< ><>'\\I<>\ IL~ 1~00 G "Man Who Could Cheat Deeth" (1'69. Hor- LOOK AT COMMERCIAIJf'-&I McMahon (left) and Tim Conway hold aome ol the • buniliar tJgurs 9eell in TV oammm:iaLt, -put and prment, as they gee reedy to co-host 'Telev1don'• Giaeert Cammen:lals" Tu8day at 10 pm. on KNBc (Ch. 4). r0!1 Anton Olffrlng, Christopher Lee. • "Hurricane Smith" ( 1952, Adventure) Yvon.Jl9 De Carlo, John Ireland. e "Force Of Arms" (1951. Orama) William Hd- den. Nancy Otson. . CJ) Cl "Cuttef''s Way" < 1981. Drama) John Heard, Jeff Bridges. (%) "Hanover Street"• ( 1979, Aom8nee) Hatrison .... • Ford L~·Anne Down. • t:OOW "Tall In The Saddle" (1944, Western) John Wayne, Ella Raines . GIFY. CERT.1'-ICATES AVAILABLE , •SPOT REDUCING •FfRMtNG •TONING •BUST BUILDING 4000 PL:AN •DAILY AEROllCS •INDIVIDUAL •PEASONAltZEO SERVtCE CC) 'Tm All Righi, Jack" (1960, Comedy) Ian Car- michael. Peter Sellers. 1 :30 (Ii) "The Four Seasons" ( 1981. Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. 2:00 CJ:) "The Fan·· (1981, Suspense) .Lauren Bacall. James Garner, CIJ "flolkes" ( 1980, Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason. II "Marco POio, Jr." ( 1973. Adventure) Animat- ed. (%) "My llttle Chickadee" ( 1940, Comedy) W.C. Fields, Mae West 3!008 "Father Goose" ( 1965. Comedy) Cary Grant. Leslie Caron. 3:3000 "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romance) Den· ton Ka'ne. Maren Jensen. (%) "Stevie" (1978, Bk>graphy) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. 4:30(1) ''Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fanta· sy) Rolf Harris. 5:00(C) ''Tnbute To A Bad Man" (1958. Western) James Cagney, Irene Papas. CB> "Young And Free" ( 1979, Adventure) Erik Lar· sen. Keith Larsen. 5:15(%) "Journey Back To Oz" (1972. Fantasy) Ani- mated. Voices of Liza MinnelN, Paul Lynde. 5:300 "Urban Cowboy'' (1980. Drama) John Tra- votta, Debra Winger. e:ooaa•NEWS CHAAUE'S ANGELS C88NEW8 WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEfFERSONS HAWMRVE-0 OVER EASY ''The Wldowe(' Guest actor Tom ~~~ TANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR SKA TING "World Pairs Competition lps" from Copenhagen, Qenmart(. ( 1 hr.. 30 fllln.) Cl) MOVIE "Reeurrectlon" (1980, Orama) Ellen BursfYh, Sam Sheperd. Mer a neet·fatel auto~ dent. •'WOman flnds that she has the ability to heal others but Is persecuted because ot hiJ refusal to claim a divine Influence. 'PG' (1hr.,45 mltL_) ,, 8 - ... <O CD N I ~ p .. f us ------n-----------------------------------------~....;..;...;;~~;...;;;... __ ....;.-~-~-~-- N Tuesday (continued) ~ 8:30 Cl). NEWS -I BARNEY MILLER N AU lN THE FAMILY ~ NEWS BEAT WfTH CLETE ROBERTS ~ BUSINESS REPORT BOXING "National Colleg1Ste Association ~ Finals" The best colleglale boxers in 12 wetght ~ 6~c::::·~=A~~N::~~:~~:~· 30 ~ 7 :IOO ~~~~e: AGAIN ABC NEWS § P.M. MAGAZINE er KOJAK 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The second part of a series on drugs In Hollywood looks at the portrayal of drug abuse In films; summer movies l vlew, an Interview with James Caan. M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT . THE MUPPET'S PORTRAITS IN P ASTl!LS MOVIE "LOOI< Back In Anger .. ( 1959. Orama) Claire Bloom. Richard Burton. Based on the play by John Osbo<ne. At the last moment, a man discovers that he loves and needs his wife. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (() MOVIE "It's My Turn" (1980. Romance) Jlll Clayburgh. Michael Douglas. A brilliant Chicago math professor realizes tfie problems In her llve-ln relationship when she finds a new love while In New Y0<k for her father's remarrtage. ·R' ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) cm MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. Three couples, all clOse, tong-lime fnends. experience profound changes in their relationships when one of the marriages disln- !.!9rates. 'PG. (1 hr .. 57 min.) CZ> MOVIE "The Frisco Kid" ( 1979. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Harrison FOl'd. A Polish rabbi finds himself Involved In wild frontle< misadventures with a daring bank robber when he tra'llels to San Francisco to lake over a new congregation. 'PG' ( 1 hr~ 58 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profll(I of Rick Sprlnglleld, recOl'dlng superstar and TV matinee Idol on "General Hospital .. : a look at what happens to contestants of a pageant which picks top models. I ID FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: a profile of women boxers; a report on people found guilty of notorious crimes who are up fOf parole. Cl) TIC TAC OOUGH NtNE ON NEW JERSEY YOU Al»KED FOR fT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Clive James. MACNEIL / LEHRER ~EPORT NEWS GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ''1980 U.S. Open" 7:36 al) NEWS 8:00 G Cl) BOOK OF LISTS Host Btn Bixby and a repertOfY company de(iver monologues and perfOl'm sketches and lll\.L9icef numbers based on material from the "Book Of Lists." ( 1 hr ) _ D e 808 HOPE BIRTHOA Y SPECIAL ChriS11e Brinkley, Roger Staubach, Larry Holmes and Gerry Cooney are emong the guests Joining Bob Hope to celebrate his 7~h birthday. (! hfsJ e MOVIE "COogan's Bluff'' ( 19&8. Drama) Clint Eastwood. L" J. Cobb. When an Arizona deputy arrives In New York to capture-an escaped morder- er, he relies upon his back-home strategy and meth- ods. J2 hrs.) • GI HAPP.Y DAYS Fonzie contemplates potting his alllng grandmother In a nwslng ~. (R) o G MOVIE "What's The Matter With Helin?" (1971, Mystery} Debbie Reynolds. Shelley Winters. A woman thfeetens to kill tier t>uslneea partner ~ the latter wants to leave and get marr1ed. (2 hra.) CJ) 8ENNY HU . • P.M. MAGAZINE a loOk at the feat growing ven- eteal dltease called hefpet: Sherk-hunting along a stretch of California'• ooest. e MOVIE "Framed" (1974, Drama) Joe Don Baker, Conny Van Dyke. After four years of bnstal prison treatf'!*'t, a gamt>ttr ~revenge on the t~OOkld oops and polltielant who Ml him up. lln oduxa &ten confront• •e=mb the wall of I bwtq bUlldlna end II r by nit aenlor otnc. for NI ttcldeel of the tatk (P1112) (R) Cl (1 tw.) e ttOYA '':f• 'l'ul» e.b6et'' Th9 .-..blthlnd ffie c:oncepdon of hUmln bilblel outelcs. the womb .. ~oi&'l.W> (1 t'ir.) ~ ~ ''lltt AtnlftoanlzatJo °' Emily'' (1 ... ~) ~ Oemlt. Me Mdrtwa. Romence 110'#9 .,....,, ·a Bfftlih W--lf'ld I non-hero- ANOTHER BIRTHDAY -Bob Hope celebrates his 19th birthday with a two-hour special originating from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., Tuesday at 8 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). IC officer assigned lo provide his superiors with the luJ1uries ot home. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) Cl) MOVIE .. Cutter's Way" ( 1981. Drama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best lriend, a soclal dropout. focus their energies on solving a mutder case. 'A' (1 hr., 45 min.) D MOVIE "Oh Godl BOOk 11 .. (1980, Comedy) George Burns. Suanne Pleshette. God returns 10 Earth and chooses the young daughter of an adver- tising eJ1ecu11ve to spread his message to rhe world 'PG' (I hr , 35 min.) 8:300 al LAVERNE ANO SHIRLEY A bank robber handcutts Shirley to him when he escapes from the Ince. (R) Q MAUDE ALL IN THE FAMILY DANCE "La FUle Mal Gardee" LMley Collier and Michael Coleman perfOl'm 1n Sir Frederic Ashton·s 1960 verSIOO of lhls 200-year-old ballet. (2 hrs.) 8:36 «n AU IN THE FAMILY 9:009 Cl) MOVIE ''Stand By Your Man" (1981 Biography) Anoel1e O'Toole. Tim Mcintire Th~ rags-to-riches StOl'y of country music star Tammy WYnelle ls dramatized. (R) (2 hrs.) 8 9 THREE'S COMPANY Jack tries to win a Southern belle over by serenading her under her window, but the wrong girl shows up to thank him for the attention. (R) o Cl) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 81 MERV GRIFAN "Medlcal And Scientific Break- throughs" Guests: Of. Richard Ellenbogen Or Michael Edwarde. Of. Harold Karpmen, Or. Albert Hlbb&. Oiok Teresi. (1 hr.) • AMERICAN PLA ¥HOUSE "Oppenheimer" Oppenheimer la given his 118C\Jrlty clearance and the scientists of the Manhattan Prolfcl and their lamllles begin Ille In the Army barraoka atmosphere of Los Alamos (Part 3) o (1 hr.) e DANGER UXB~rlan confronts a bomb wedged In the wan of a burning building and Is reprimanded by his senlof officer for hit reckless handling or the tatk •. (Part 2J (f!) CJ ( 1 hf.) ~ ..ovlE "La Clgll Aux Folles II.. ( 1980 Come- dy) Ug0 Tognazzl. Michel Serrault. A middl.aged gay couple are the quarry of a sectet Ol'g&nlzatloo trytng to get the micfotlkn that one of them swa~ lowed. 'R' ( 1 tv .• 39 min.) ~ PKA FUU CONTACT KARATE From Atlantic rt,.~Jete.y. (1ht.,30 min.) CIJMOYlt "A 8lmplt Story'' (1878, Ofama) Romy ~. a.ude Bruleur. A lt.ICCeaful but dlteont.,t.cS dl\torCM Hb probleml with her neu- todctc>Wr. f 1hr .• 60 min,) THE C0UNm GR.: FIV-Ou~ay. Did< Vin Ind Ken Howerd etll ln this pjrformlnce of . Odtt'• play about tht compfitx rtlatloolhlps ~ en,2 tl00tdo30 eotor, htt WI,. Ind • thaatrlclf --· ,...,, "*'·> •"- (%) ~OVIE "Hanover Street.. ( 1979, Romance) Harnson Ford. Lesley-Anne Down. An American pilot lalls 1n love wtth a married Engltsh nurse during World War II, then embarks on a daring m1ss1on to rescue her husband trom enemy forces 'PG· ( 1 hr 49mln) ' 9:05@ MOVIE "Ladies Courageous .. ( 1944, Ora· ma) LOl"etla Yoong. Dtana Barrymore. Ounng WortCI War II, a female aviatrix gathers a group or women 1oge1her and forms the WAF (I hr., 55 min) 9:30 G <ml TOO CLOSE FOO COMFORT Henry and Muriel secrelly plan 10 sneak ofl 10 a romantic hide- away lor their 25th anniversary, ur}itware the g111s are plotting a surprise party at home (A) (!)MOVIE "Honeymoon" ( 1947, Comedy) Shirley Temple Franchol Tone While on a 72-hoor leave. a soldier begins 10 feel lonesome for his ~iancee in Mexico ( l hr • 30 min ) D MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981. Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier crlmlnal wage an old battle as CIVIii- zation encroaches on the Canadian wilderness 'A' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) · 10:000 ID TaEVtSION'S GREATEST COMMER- CIALS Highlights from television advertisements of the past thirty yea1s are seen; Ed McMahon and Tim Conwa}'..!lost. _ll hr.) I U W G) fl!) NEWS 9 HART TO HART Jonathan Hart's look·alike and his mag1c1an brother plol to murder Jonathan IBl D (1 hr.) 8D WITH OSSIE ANO RUBY "Getting Myselfs Together" Through poems and monologues she composed. Ruby Dee offers her thoughts on a varie- 'l..Of subjects. o CJ1J MOVIE "~ Fan .. ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner. A popular film star is victim· aed by a psychotic admirer 'A' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) CJ) ROMANCE: LOVE AT THE CROSSROADS (Part 3) 10:30G) NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest· Cltve James. CONVERSATION Guest: Btshop Juan Arzu.be. AM~ICAN PLAYHOUSE ''Oppenheimer'· OJ?penhe1mer is given his security clearance and the sc1en11sts of the Manhattan Project and their families begin hie 1n the Army barracks atmosphere of Los Alamos. (Part 3) o ( 1 hr.) (!)THIS WEEK l~E NBA Cl) PlA YBOY'S PLAYMATE REUNION Richard Dawson hosts lhe 25th anniversary celebration of Hugh Hefner's magazine at the Playboy Mansion West in Holmb.1.. Hiiis, California. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:00 8 D G W 0 CID NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s •H BENNY HILL M0"1E "Knock On Any 000f .. ( 1949, Orama) Humphrey Bogar!. John Derek A young Chicago hood goes on tnal for murdering a pohceman (2 hrs, 5 min) OOUtZKIOS e DtCK CAVETT Guests Joan Plowright and Lau- rence Olivier (Part 2) (R) ~MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( ~980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi, Ohvia Hussey A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear- ~nce lo resemble his screen Idol 'PG· ( 1 hr .. 31 cEil.s1oe BASEBALL CD MOVIE "The Garden Of Venus" f1980 West· ern) Michael Conrad. Chuck Connors. A MOl'mon family become the targets of their greedy neighbors when they move lo an Arizona ranch that happens to be. sitting on top of a huge copper deposit ( t hr .. 25 mm.) (%)MOVIE "Cesar And Rosane .. ( 1972. Romance) Yves Montand, Romy Sc.tineider. A French female artlnlst must choose between two lovers. p hr., so m tl 11i308 Cl) ALICE Vera takee a visit by Geofge Burns to be a vlsltallon from on high. (R) ..... D e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Suzanne Pleshette. Argus Hamllton. ( 1 hr.) I (fl ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE KOJAK THE JEfFER80N8 SANFORD AND SON DANCE "La Fllle Mal Gardee" Lesley Comer and Mlctlaef Coleman penonn In Sir Frederic Ashton's 1960 version of tNI 200-year-old ballet. (2hrs.) I~ WITH ClETE R08ERTS W'P" I"""°"' ABC NEWS ='·~( 1980, Drama) Jeremy Wyatt. ndlda Royalle A mother qages a women to dl&- trac:t her SOf\ from hit pursuit of pur. unadutt•tted ~t. ( 1 l'W •• 16 min.) • MOVIE ''CVtt«'t We'(' (1981, °'8rnl) J~ Heard, Jiff 8fidgtt. A rnefrned Vletntm ~t and NI beet ff lend, I aoClel dropout, foc:ua their .,_gi. on t0MoG I mutdtr CMI~ 'A' ( 1 tv., 45 min.) 11:3500 MOYIE' "Olltn HUnt" (1981, A~UN)' • __ _;_ ________________________________ ~----.,.....--------------------15 Tuesday (con~nued) Charles Bronson, lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun- lie and a frontier Cfimlnat wage an old battle as crvlh· zahon encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36'mln.) 11:45 Cl) MOVIE "Terror Train" ( 1980, Suspense) Ben Johnson. Jamie Lee Curtis. A college ffaternl· ty's New Year's masquerade party turns Into a nightmare when a vindictive guest starts killing off the e!lrty-goe<s 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 12:009 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The second part of a series on drugs in Hollywood looks at the powayal ot drug abuse 1n films; summer movies e!_ev1ew, an interview with James Caan. U QI FANTASY ISLAND Mr Roarke battles with the devil for the hfe of a beautiful woman. and Tat· too grants a man his fantasy of becoming an Instant millionaire. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) (!) MOVIE "Calamity Jane" ( 1953, Musical) Doris Day. Howard Keet A woman sharpshooter sets out to capture the heart of Wiid Bill Hlckot<. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "After The Thin Man" ( 1936. Mystery) WIHiam Powell, Myrna Loy Nick and Nora Charles rry to locate a missing friend 11'1 Chinatown. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE EXPLORING LANGUAGE 12:058 (]) MCCLOUD McCloud suspects a record· ing e)(ecullve of using ruthless and somellmes fatal techniques to get the artists she wants. (A) (2 hrs • Smin.) 12:308 SLATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN GYMt: comedian Jeff Altman ( 1 hf.) I COVPLE.6 MOVIE "Father Goose" ( 1965, Comedy) Cary Grant. Leslie Caron. A WOf'ld War II drifter Is assigned to set up a watch station In the South Seas. where he is Invaded by a perky French schoolteacher and ~r seven tlvety young female students. (2 hrs.) I =tNG "Buc:tNetse< Natural Ute Haff Of Fame Tournament" (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Infra-Man" ( 1975. Science-Action) Bruce u. Wang Hsieh. A bionic supertiefo UMt mar· tlal arts techniques to battle a hofde of monsters 'PG' ( t hf .. 35 min.) 12:66 CC) MOVIE "The Evll" ( 1978, HorrOf') Richard Ctenna, Joanna Pettet. A slntster and terrjfying fOf'ce conceals Itself beneath a trap door in a reput· edly "haunted" tiouse. 'A' ( 1 hr., 3'Hnin.) 1:008 MOVIE "The Kentuckian" ( 1955. Adven· ture) Burt Lancaster. Diana Lynn A man and his son tight their way across the Kentucky TerrilOf'Y into Texas (2 hrs.) ti) MOVIE "Wiid Is The Wind" ( 1957. Drama) Anna Magnani, Anthony Quinn. Trouble erupts when a young man falls in love with the new wife of his gyardian. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" (1980, Suspense) Don Scardino, Caltlln O'Heaney. A psy- chotic murderet stalks attractive young brides-to- be. sllently and lethally slashing their dream& of wedded bliss. 'A' ( 1 ht., 30 min.) 1:06 al MOV1E "Racket Busters" ( 1938. Drama) GeorQG Brent. Humphrey Bogart. rt,. governmef)t appoints a special proseeut0t to put an end to rack- eteering In a trucking association. (1 hr .. 25 min.) 1·108 MOVIE "The Panic In Needle Patk" (1971, '0rama) Al Pacino. Kitty Winn. A hefoin addict becomes involved with a naive young woman. and when she becomes addicted they turn to crime to «i'=he habit. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:15® ON LOCATION "Robe« KJeln At Yale" (1 hr., 30mln.) 1:30DeNEW8 Cl) MOVIE "The Blues 8fothefs" ( 1980, Muslcal) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. Two blues singefl must contend with the Chicago polloe. the C1A. Neo- NazJs and the U.S. Army IP put together a benefl1 concert to rau money fOf their parilh. 'R' (2 hra.. 13 min) .. It MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice ( 1981. Drama) Jack Nicholton. Jeealca Lange. A young woman and her lover plOt to IT\U(def her hue-- band. 'R' (1hf .. 37 min) 2:06iNEW8 2:10 NEW8 2:25 MOVIE "I'm All ~t. Jack" ( 1980, ~ dy) Ian Carmichael. Peter 9.ilefs. In trytng to do a good Job for his uncle In a factory. • welt-mMnlng bumb61r actually uptefs the croaked scheme his uncle has so welUlfY planned. ( 1 hf .. 50 min.) . 2:IO(J) MOfNNG STRETCH • MOYIE "Victory At Sea" (1955, AcMf'\tUfe) e>otumentary. Narrated by Ale~ Scourby. TM WOfld Wa< II NtYal -..p1o1t1 Of I~ AIUel ate ~ (2tvs.) tr)MT.PATftOL ROCKY llOAD '10 SUCCESS -Annette O'Toole play1country1inger Tammy Wynette, and <Aooer Huclc.abee is her lint husband, Euple !Jyrd, in "Siand by Your Man," Tue.day at 9 p.m. an KNXT (Ch. 2). pilot falls 1n love wlth a married Engtlstl nurse during World War II. then embarks on a dating mission to rescue her husband from enemy fOf'ces. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 49mln.) 2:401NEWS 2:"5 MOVIE "Frankenstein, The True Story" (Part 2) (1973. HorrOf) Michael Sarrazln, James Mason. Dr. Frankenstein creates his Image of the perlect man and woman. (2 his.) CH) MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcovlcci. Bizarre incidents and nightmares begin happening in a cartoonist's life after he solfers the loss of a hand 'R' ( 1 hr . 44 min.} 3:0011 MOVIE "Desert Fury" ( 1947, Drama) Burt Lancaster. Lizabeth Scott. A reformed gambler falls 1n love with the daughter of a casino owner. (2 hrs.) . (!) JOE FRANKLIN al NEWS 3'.30 (!) TM8 WEEK IN THE N8A e M("IVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s. a Moun- tie and a trontlef criminal wage an old battle as cfvll. zation encroaches on the Canadian wltdemesl. 'A' (1 hr., 36 min.) 3:"5(1) PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REUNK>N Alcha.rd Dawson hosts the 25th aMlY8flary celebration of Hugh Hefner's magazine at the Playboy Mansion West II') Holmby Hiiis. CellforrQa. ( 1 IV .. 30 "*'·> 4:00(!) JfMMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTS CENTER 4:05 al F'UNtlME 4;15(C) MOV1E "Graduation Dey" (1981, Mystery) Christopher George. Patch MacKenzie. High echool track athletes are being literally "cut from the team" by an unknown killer. •A· (1 ht .. 25 min.) 4:26(%) MOVIE "Stevie" (1978. Biogl'aphy) Gleoda Jackson. Trevor Howard. Eccenlrlc Brltletl poetess St9Vie Smith". pr roorflledM. 'PG' (1 hf., 40 mrn.) 4:30(!) JIM BAKKER · • MISSION: IMPOS818LE Kelly, Garner in first CJ) T8NI HIQHUGHT8 ''1875 Wlmbltdon" (1 . .,~.==~~79, ~~~--l?'~~~t;..,,;~~~~.~ ....... I l ~ r-· ~ STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 7:00 PM .. Newport Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or "Citizens Forum" I alternate Mondays 1 W&DNB8DAY7:00 PM "Newport Now" 7:30 PM Repeat of City C.Ouncil C.Overage & "Citizens Forum." (Alternate Wednesdays) THURSDAY 7:00 PM "A Better Way .. PRIDAY 7:00 PM "Newport Now" nnm IN ro CABLE CHANNEL 24 or It Our local programming lineup includes the interview .eries -''Citllenl Forum," and live coverage of N~ Beech City Council me«in&I· Plus. we continue to cablecast our popular mapUne format abow "Newport Now." Our focua ia on the ...._ that are happening around you. and we feeture JWOPle and p1ace9 that you know. Your neig)\borhood and ita rsldenta aft a,.ar stan. -n 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l'I) .... . I "::1'>. . . ) u M !Wednesday C\I >. ., ~ >. ., :g ~ ~ ~ \I< >lt\l:'\C; \I< )\'li·:s 6:30 (J) "Resurrection" ( 1980, OC'ama) Ellen Burs- ~· Sam Shepard. U "Togethef?" (Romance) Jacqueline Basset. Maximilian Schell. 8:05® "The Westerne<" (1940. Western) Gary CooQer. Walter Brennan. 8:16(%) "Loving Couples" (1980, Comedy) Shirley MacLalne. James Coburn. 7:00(C) "Penelope" (1966. Comedy) Natalle Wood. Ian Bannen. 7:30 0 '"The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" (1979. Co~) Tim Conway. Don Knotts.. 8:00® "Salem s Lot" ( 1979. Horror) David Soul. James Mason. CZ) "He Knows You're Alone" ( 1980, Suspense) Don Scardino. Caitlin O'Heaney. 8:05111) ''The Matchmaker" ( 1958, Comedy) Shirley Booth, Anthony Perkins. 9:00(C) "Sex And The Single Parent" (Comedy) Mike Farrell, Susan St. James. 9:30m "Paradise Canyon" (1935, Western) John Wayne, Marion Burns. 0 "Lovers And Ua~" ( 1979. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Glancarto Giannini. 9:36(%) "My little Chickadee" (1940, Comedy) W.C. Fields. Mae West. 10:00(1) "A Thunde< Of Drums" ( 1961, Western) Richard Boone, George Hamilton. 10:0Sa1)1.''The Great Bank Robbery" (1969. Come- dy) Zero Most el, Kim Novak. 11:00CC) "Roller Boogie" ( 1979, Musical) Linda Blair. Jim Bray. CZ> "Breaking Glass" (1980, OC'ama) Hazel O'Con- nor. Phil Daniels. .\L.llJ~~< >< >~ \I< )\'J LS • 12:000 "The Ox-Bow Incident" (1943, Western) ~Fonda. Dana Andrews. e "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming" ( 1966, Comedy) Carl Reiner. Eva Marie Saint. • "Foreign Correspondent" ( 1940, Suspense) Joel M<:Oea. Laraine Day. CID "Fr~ Heu To Victory" (1979, Orama) George Hamilton, Geor99 Peppard. -Cl} ~·Brubaker' ( 1980, OC'ama) Robert Redford. Vaph_et Kotto: 12:30. "Father Of The Bride" ( 1950. Comedy) Speooer Tracy, Elizabeth Taytor. 12:35(%) "He Knows You're Alone" (1980. ~) Don Scardino. Ceitlin O'Heaney. 1:00(!) "She W0<e A YfJkfw RlbbOn" (1!U9, West~ em) John Wayne, John Agar. CC> "Silty Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin, Delores 1 aytor. 2:00CI) "Manhattan" ( 1979, Comedy) Woody Allen. Diane Keaton. 9 "Smokey And The Bandit II" (1980, Comedy) Burt ~nolds, Jackie Gleason. 2:10(%) "loving Couplee" (1980. COmedy) Shirley Maclalne, James Coburn. . 2:SO® "ffolkes" ( 1980, Actventure) Roger Moore, James Mason. ~-"Madron" / ·911. Western) Richard Boone. Leslie Caron. 3:50(%) "Breaking ..... 1ass" (1980. Orama) Hazel O'Connor, Phjl Daniels. 4:00~ "Penelope" (1966, Comedy) Natalie Wood', Ian Bannert • "I-et It Be" ( 1970, Musical) The 8"tJes. 4:30(1) "Invaders From The Deep" (1981, Scletlce-- Flctloo) Puppets. 6:00 (!) "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" ( 1962, Western) James Stewart, John We~ &.26(%) "My Little C~edee" (1940. Comedy) W.C. Flelda. Mae West. LIMIER UP . . . with Cetulhka. Stevl Brooka, o.n.tlln af14 ~'I ~ Fond1 what YoU loOk Ilk• . . • tMtdee on 200 <:.aon. per dav lftd ,OU'll fNetn1t1 rat forever. Tfgtlt•, leotatde, leg w.nnttl. rfp •top P91\la • • • and ....i let9 on ..._ Alig. 1152.00 Now 131.00 8·M·'-From Newport of Callfomla. f'WIST OF THE BLADE -Lynn Redgrave s tars as an actre111, and Patrick Macnee oo-stars as her leMlin/J man. in 11Reheanal tor Murder," a m ystery d ram a co be broadcast aa a special presen tation on the "Gen eral Foods Golde n Showcase" Wednesday at 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). 5:300 "My Bodyguard" (1979. Orama) Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwin e:ooea •NEWS CHARUE'S ANGELS C88NEWS WHrTE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII AVE-0 QiER EASY Guest· jazz pianist George Shear- 1. (R) 0 NBC NEWS NEEOLECAAFT MOVIE "Roller Boogie" (1979, Musical) Linda Blair, Jim Bray. A nch and talented music student sets out to win a roller-skating dance contest before resuming hef stUdies. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) (J) MOVIE "The Electric Hof1eman" (1979, Ora- ma) Robett Redford, Jane fi>nda. A Las Vegas cowboy steals a $12 milUon thoroughbred horse to save him from hlS exploit•tlYe owners. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 6:SOCI) e NEWS IBARNEY MILLER All IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEAT WITH ClETE AOBERT8 · 8U81NE88 REPORT ON VACATION WITH MICKEY MOUSE ANO ENOS Animated. Jimlny Cricket tries.to produce his own TV show but must first track down vacation- ing stars Mlctc4JY, Minnie, Donald and Pll.Jto. 1:oosges~E.WS I HAPPY DA Y8 AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE KOJAK ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The conclusion of a series on drugs In Hollywood exam{nes the extent of drug abuse In the Industry today; eummer movies preview (Part 3). IVOACE MEDIATION-....i A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY lEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL. 752· 1·084 AOIMrtGIMMr,A~ ...,.,.oa...,,wcc -M"A"S"H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPETS • PORTRAITS IN PASTELS POCKET BILLIARDS "Track Shots" ( 1 hr ) MOVIE "Trabule" { 1980, Orama) Jack Lem· mon. Robby Benson An irresponsible Broadway press dgenl begins 10 regret his was1ed hie and has· tenuous rela11onsh1p with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs l ©) MOVIE 'The Return" ( 1981, Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Jan-Michael Vincent. Cybill Shepherd Two people who had a close encounter with an alien spacecratt as children awan the ahens· immanent return ( 1 l'lr., 30min ) CZ) MOVIE '"Loving Couples" ( 1980. Comedy) Shirley MacLa1ne. James Coburn. A married couple and a pair of young singles switch partners in a game of lifestyle sampling and romantic revenge 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) 7:30 1J 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a look at some of Southern Caliform;fs most luxuraous bridal suites; a visit to Lips International, a 24-hour hotline that lul- llllS people's fantasies over the phone at $100 per hour I GD FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured. a took at the Rams· cheerteadlng squad: a tool< at the Los Angeles POiice Department's police dogs, a report on m1m1- motorcycles; a man who researches poltergeists. ti) TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A 0 S•H SIGNATURE Guest. Chr1stiaan Barnard. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT MEDIA PROSES "Design" Host 8111 Blass lool<s at how vartuatty every object in the manmade envi- ronment as fashioned not only to perform a lunctaon. but to carry a message. D CID WHAT ON EARTH Cfisoo Bean hosts this fast- paced, fact-filled science sefies. 0 A OCFFERENT KIND Of WINNING A young skateboard whiz tries to prove to her cynical father that nice girls don't always finish last. 7:36@NEWS 8:00 8 GAEA T MOVIE STUNTS: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK The techniques behind the special effects of thtS him as well as other movies are seen when Harrison F0td lool<s at stunts and stunt men of the cinema. (R) ( 1 hr.) D GD REAL PEOPlE Featured: a reonlon of an aircraft cattier crew: guards at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. cartoonist Bill Mauldin (R) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Tell Them Wiiiie Boy Is Hete" { 1969, OC'ama) Robert Redford. Katharine Ross. An Ameri- can Indian struggles to find and maintain his own Identity while coping in a white man's wond. (2 hri.)_ 8 Ol THE GAEA TEST AMERICAN HERO A fanati- cal army threatens to cause a worldwide plague and Ralph, the only person who may be able to stop them. seems to be coming down with the disease. iR){1 hr.) TO BE ANNOUNCED MOV1E "Mitchell" ( 1975, Orama) Joe Don Bahr. Martin Balsam. A maverlck cop stalks a major narcotics dealer In his quest to destroy a blg- clty drug syndicate. (2 hrs.) Cl) BENNY HILL m SPORTS ILLUSTRA TEO: A SERIES FOR TELE- VISION A look at the human feelings and emotlom Involved with such sports as baseball. high school basketball. and women's volleyball. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "The Count Of Monte Cristo" ( 1975, Adventure) Riahard Chambertaln, Tony Curtis. Based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas. An Inno- cent man unjustly imprlsoned for 20 years makes a daring escape to wreak revenge Qn the men respon- sible. (2 hrs.) ta SlYLE Featured: European lofluenoe on televi- sion commercials; new forms of sculpture; an Amer· lean-style health ape. ID MEDIA PROBES "Oeslgn" Hoss Biii Blass leaks , .. Wxlnesday (continued) at how virtually every ob1ect 1n the manmade env1· ronment is fashioned not only 10 perfOfm a function but to carry a message O I!> CALIFORNIA ORE)IMS "Solden City" Tom Bosley recounts the history ol San Francisco from the 1848 gold rush through the devastating earth· ~ake of 1906. c.cJ MOVIE "Ashanrl" ( 1979. Adventure) Michael Caine, Re11 Harrison A determined doctor sets off across the Sahara 1n hot pursu11 ol a group ol Arab slave traders wno kidnapped his wife 'R' ( 1 hr . 57 min ) SPORTS CENTER BIZARRE "The Loonies' MOVIE "Underground Aces · ( 1980 Comedy) Dtrk Benedict Melanie G11ll1th Parking attendants wreak havoc at a swank Beverly Hills hotel 'PG' ( 1 hr . 39 min) 8:30 Cl) TO BE ANNOUNCED (!) IRONSIDE @ TRIBUTE TO COUNT BASIE This special fea· lures a profile ol Count Basie and hrs career. 1nclud· 1~ a concert taped live at Carnegie Hall (2 hrs.) W '1'i) U.S.• NATIONAL BALLROOM DANCING CHAMPIONSHIPS Amateur. pro·am and profes· s1ona1 dancers compete for top honors 1n the final evening of this compehlton from New YOfk's Shera ton Center A11a Moreno hosts ( 1 hr 30 min ) ® MOVJE "Excalibur" ( t981 Fantasy) Nigel Ter- ry. Nicol Williamson The exploits ol King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table A' (2 hrs. 20 min) A CONFLICT OF INTEREST Jose Ferrer directs Tony winner Barnard Hughes 1n this drama abOut a constitutional showdown between the President or the U.S and the Supreme Court ( 1 hr , 46 min.) 8:35 ~ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:40 CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 9:00 Cl) REHEARSAL FOR MURDER A successful playw11ght investigates the demise ol his liancee. whose death was ott1c1ally. ruled a suicide, Robert Preston and Lynn Redgrave star (2 hrs.) D fl) THE FACTS Of LIFE To avoid dating. Toolte Invents an 1mag1nary boyfriend with whom she pre· tends to correspond. (R) 8 (J)) MOVIE "In The Custody Of Strangers" (Premiere. Drama) Martin Sheen. Jane Alexander A teen-ager who has been arrested for drunken drlv· Ing becomes entangled in the juvenile justice sys- tem (2 hrs.) a» MERV GRIFFIN "Salute To 'Rocky Ill'" Guests. Sylvester Stallone. Talia Shire. Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers. Mr T ( 1 hr.) CE) F.A. SOCCER "Championship Match" Queens Park Rangers vs. Tottenham Hotspurs (2 hrs . 30 min) cm MOVIE "Scanners" ( 1981. HorrOf) Jennifer O'Neill. Patrick McGoohan A lethal confltet arises between two small groups of people whose extraor· dlnary psychic powers Include the ability lo kill telepathically. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) (%) MOV1E "Ce~ar And Rosalie" ( 1972. Romance) Yves Montand, Romy Schnelder. A French female artist must choose between two lovers. (t hr .. 50 mlnl_ ' 9:05m MOVIE "The Jvggler" ( 1953, Drama) Klr1< 0ougla5. Milly Vitale. A talented Juggler attempts to piece his hie together aftef a souHihatterlng term in a NaZi concentration camp. (2 hrs.) ~308 • TEACHERS ONLY A student being tutOfed by Diana falls madly in love wlth hef (!) Mow: "First Yank Into Tokyo" ( 1945. Adven- ture) Tom Neal, Barbara Hale. In order to extract vital atomic bomb secrets from a POW held by the Japanese. an American undergoes plastic surgery to disguise his Identity. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "from The Life Of The Marionettes" ( 1980, Orama) Robert Atzorn. Christine Buchegger. An apparently mild-mannered bUslness· man murde<s the prostitute WhOm he vtsited regular- ly. 'R' l hr .. 43 min.) 10:001 QUINCY I mNEWS CA08SAOAOS: PRIMARY '82 CA08SROA06: PRIMARY '82 Spencer Michels disetJ$SeS three major Issues In the June Callfofnia Prlmary Election -the Peripheral Canal. the Victims Biii Of Rights. and the new tax-lndeldng plan. ( 1 hr.) Cl:) MOVIE "Family Enforcer" (Drama) Joseph Cortese, Jo6eph Pescl. A young man tries to get ahead In the mafia, but hasn't the brains to pull the scheme ott. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) e MOVIE "Smokey And Tho Bandit II" (1980. COmedy) Burt ReyftOlds, Jackie Gleeson. Sheriff Bu1ord 'T. JusUce callt In his two lawman bfothera to step a retl<ed bootlegger. the Bandit, trom tran· $p()!!!(\g a baby eteph8nt. 'PG' (2 hrl) 10:30.HEWS 8 SIGNATURE Guest: ChnStiun Barnard (l)MOVIE "A~. Sweet Allee" ( t918. Horror) Lin- d& Miller. Paull Shepperd. Membttt of 1n ltanan-- Amerrcan family are. vJctlrmz.d by 4 PJ')'otiotlc mur~ ON THE BALLROOM FLOOR -Gregory Canaway and Charisse Carroll of Newark, N.J., perform the rhumba in "The U.S. National BaJ1.room Grand Championships" Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. on KOCE (Ch. 50) and KCEI' (Ch. 28). tured an~ deported by an African dictator, amerce· nary returns to lead a revolution 'R' ( 1 hr • 45 min ) CD MOVIE "Daughters Of Darkness" ( 1971. Dra- ma) Delphine Seyng. JOhn Karlen A couple on their honeymoon arrive in a frightened town where many young women have recently been mystertously mur- dered 'R' ( 1 hr. 27 min.) 12:00 II TO BE ANNOUNCED .. 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The conclusion of a series on drugs 1n HollywOod examines the extent of drug abuse 1n the industry today, summer movies preview (Part 3) 8 ®) LOVE BOAT Gopher grows concerned when he feels his widowed mother 1s overdoing 11 with a lun·loving bachelor (A) ( 1 hr . 10 min) CJ) MOVIE "Rhythm On The River" ( t940, Musical) Bing lAosby. Mary Martin A pair ol composers w111e music for a no-talent phony (2 hrs ) OJ MOVIE "Shadow Of The Thin Man" ( t941 Mys- tery) Wtll1am Powell. Myrna Loy After a 1ockey is found dead, a racetrack scandal 1s uncovered (2 hrs) I LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "The Earthling" ( 1980. Adventure) Wil- liam Holden. Rielly Schroder A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways of survival 1n the Australian wilderness 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 min) 12:20 MOVIE "American Gigolo" ( 1980. Drama) Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton A Beverly Hills gigolo becomes the p11me suspect 1n a murder 1nves11ga- 11on 'A' (1hr .57 min) 12:30 8 CJl) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests comedienne Carol Leifer. pho1oiourna1ts1 Mikkel Aaland ( I hr ) I COUPLES MOVIE "Madron" ( 197 t. Western) Richard Boone. Leslie Caron f!-. gunfighter and a French- Canad1an nun who survivsd an Indian massacre set out on a desert trek tcf elude Apache wa'mors. (2 hrs) • ~~LE ANO OAGANIZA TIONS {I) f<,lJTO RACING "NASCAA Talladega 200" (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Death Hunt" ( 1981, Adventure) Charles Brooson. lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun· lie and a frontrer crtminat wage an old battle as civ1h· zalion encroaches on the Canadian w1lderne$S. 'R' 'derer in lhetr midst. 'R' (1 hr .. 48 min) ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 1100-98 nn "111 -NEWS 1:008 MOVIE "Wutherlng Heights" ( 1939. :ISATUROA~NlGHT Romance) Laurence Olivier. Merle Oberon. Based YOU ASKED FOR fT on the story by Emily Bronte. A 11ch young woman JOE FRANKLIN forsakes the love ol a servant to marry a social M·A·s·H 1!9Ual (2 hrs.} BENNY Hill llJ MOVIE "Guns At Batas!" (1 964, Drama) Rich- STYLE Featured· European influence on televi· ard Attenborough, Jack Hawkins A protocol-mind· slon commerctals. new forms ol sculpture. an Amer· ed British orncer refuses to cooperate with rebels 1n 1can·style health spa an African nation ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I DtCK CAVETT Guest: John Mills. (R) CD MOVIE "The Final Countdown" ( 1980. Sc1ence- WATER. WATER EVERYWHERE? A loo+< at the Action) Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen. A mysterious various uses of the California water supply and the storm al sea transports the atomic·powered aircraft controversy surrounding the proposed Peripheral carrier U.S.S. Nimitz back In time to December 6, Canal. 1941, poS!honlng the vessel between Pearl Harbor CID SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris JooRs at and the advancing Japanese-fleet. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 the movies. specials and sports events coming up mlnJ_ on Home Box Office. 1:05(1l) MOVIE "The Yellow Tomahawk" (1954. cm MQ.\llE "Fort Apache. The Bronx" ( 1981. Ora· Western) Rory Calhoun, Noah Beery. An Indian ma) Paul Newman. Ed Asner. A tough cop battles guide lrtes to head oH an Impending raid against crime and corruption In New Vert City's South 1:~8te 991~C:vi~1 h~:T· ~eo mDealn.) dly Hunt" ( 1971. Bron11 neighborhood. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 59 min.) (%) MOVIE "Twice A Woman" ( 1978. Comedy) Suspen&e) Tony FranclOS8, Peter Lawford A peir of Blbl Andersson, Anthony Perl<lns. A divotoed worn· hired killers refuse to Jet the fury of a forest fire deter en's husband warns her about the dange<s of het them Crom pursuing the young couple who are their new relationship with a young girl whom he later Intended victims. ( 1 hr 30 min.) meets and falls in love with. ( 1 hr .. 29 IT'lffl.) ' aJ NEWS 11:05al) MOVIE "Footsteps In The Fog" ( 1956, Ora-1:1500 MOVIE "MeMo And Howard" (1980, Come- ma) Jean Simmons. Stewart Granger. Knowing that dy) Paul LeMal. Jason Robards. An otherwise her employer murdered his own wire. a female serv-unknown gas station attendant claims lo be the ant allempts to use the knowledge against him to rightful heir to Howard Hughes' blhlon dollar estate. her own benefit. (2 hrs.) 'A" uhr .• 35mln.) 11:308 LAKERS SHOWTIME '82 1:30 8. NEWS 8 • TOMGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests; ~ E "Per'leloe>e" ( 1966, Comedy) Natalie Johnny Mathis. Sandahl Bergman. ( 1 hr.) Wood. Ian Bannen. A neatected wife decides to dl&-8 9 ABC NEWS NtGHTI.INE guise herself and rob her husban~s bank. ( 1 Ill .• 40 Cl) MOVIE "The Great Alligator" ( t979. Drama) mlnJ_ Barbara Bach, Mel Ferrer. An angry god turns Nm-2;00• MOVIE "Anoie Qakley" (1935, Western) self Into an alligator and terrorizes tourists on 8 trop-Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster. A frontlerswom-lcal island. (2 hrs.) an becOmes 11 ceteb<ity as a circus aharPth<>Ottr. ( 1 I t<OJAK hr .. 4S min.) THEJEFFEASONS eMCME "RalntreeCounty" (1957, Drama) Ellz.a- SANFOOO ANO SON beth TaylOf. Montgomery Clift. During the Civil W81. TRIBUTE TO CO\JNT BASIE Thia special fea· • captlv1tlng Southern belle la determined to hive tures a profile of coont Bas1e and his careef', lnclud-the man of her choice regardlese of the conse- i ~m..~~ (2hra.) 2:q~h?.TI!~onCharm" (1948, Drama) CAPTIONS> A8C NEWS Robert Montgomery, Susan Hayward. A Bra.dway MOV1E "Biiiy Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom prockJ<:« wtlO hN effect• on aft who comt In con- Laughlln, Oelofee Teylot. An ex-Green e.rtt ~If-tecl wrth him nMrly t1JOOeed9 In brllklng up 1 hip. breed champions the cause ol a fttedom acnoot for rf> ~ < 1 hr .. 60 min.) 6s~~on an Arizona lndlan rlMfVatiorl. (1 hr.. 2:1&(1) ~"'Stevie" (1978• Biography) ~ (I) 8 S CENTeR Jeckton. Trwvor Howard. Ecoentrtc Btttttn poet .. (B) MOVIE "The Ooat Of War" (1980, AcMnturt) • SltYttt:'~~o:=~~· (1llt .. 40mln.) Chfittos>her Welk.n,"Tom ~ AftlWl~ tor· ·--12M '-tttlO. BrwMt ·Rd»lrt··· I ,-~ I :2 0 -~ < r c8 'Tl ~ Ci I» ';< ~ Ill '< I\) - lO CJ) I\) j ..................... .._ ... ____ ~---~----------------~~~--;-----• Redford, Yaphet Kotto. A refom,..mlnded warden uncovers widespread corruption when he enters hit newly assigned prison poling a1 an Inmate. 'A' (2 j' hrs .• 10 min.) 2:30{f) MORNING STRETCH : {!)AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL '.g 2:.a D NEWS Ll. 2:45@ WORLD AT LARGE ci 2:5000 MOVIE "The Awakening" ( 1980. Ho<rOf) .3 Charlton Heston. Susannah York. An archaeolo- glst' s daughter becomes possessed by the malevo-~ lent spirit of an ancient Egyptian queen. 'R' ( 1 hr . - 42mln.) .2 3:00. MOVIE "Tenn Of Trial" (1963, Drama) Lau-0:: rence Olivier, Slmooe Signore!. A well-respected schoolmaster Is falsely accused of assault by a iQUOg student. (2 hrs., 30 min.) D JOE FRANKLIN NEWS S:20~ MOVIE "Ashanti" ( 1979. Adventure) Michael Caine. Rex Harrison. A dete<mlned doctor sets oft across the Sahara In hot pursuit of a group of Arab slave traders who kidnapped his wife. 'R' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 3:45 m MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE •:OO Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART ([)SPORTS CENTER (%) MOVIE "Twice A Wc-'T\8n" ( 1978, Comedy) Bibi Andersson. Anthony Perkins. A divorced wom- an's husband warns her about the dangers of her new relationship with a young glrl whom he tater meets and falls In love with. ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) •:06al) FUNTIME •:30 Cf) JIM BAKKER CH) HJTLEA'S MASTER RACE. .• THE MAO DREAM Of THE 88 Hal Holbr<><* narrates this documentary · detaHlng efforts to carry out Hltlef's plans for creat- 1.ng a supreme Aryan race. (.I) BIZARRE "The Loonies" 4:46. MAYBEMY R.F.(). 'Flickers' is seen as love story From Page 18 critic calla a .. cockney F.dward G. Robi.mon." "rucken'' \akee place durinfi the buccaneerinc daya of the film industry. "1 like the idea that you c:ouJd )tit grab a camera and a &n>UP of people and make a film.'' Hoeldna uya. "I love that. It would be bard to do that now, with the high techno)OI)'. ''You'd have to do without that. maybe with ;at a video CUDl!l'L l think there'• room for= to go out and make a movie wi1bout it milllonl and ml1lioDI." be •JS. '4The piooeer thina ·wiJl come beck. Y oo'll have a tiny camera with a computer that will creete its own le\I." . Hm.k1nJ ¥Y. be didn't pe a thou&ht to ecttnc until be WM 25. "I did all 8Dlta of thinp," be mys. "I WM a detk, an llOCOUDtant. a cartoonist, a tolld digger, md I w. ln the NCJl'Welian merchant marine for two weeb. I tot to Amlterdam and jumped ahip." He w• bom in London. but w• mnt to Suffolk when be was only two weeks old to avoid the Nazi bUts.. "I Fl into acting by llOOldent." be aya. ''I WU 'in a theater bar waiq for a friend. Sonw.m9 came down, stuck. a aTtpt in my baJld and aakl, 'You're next.' I reed for it and got th9 leld part. "'The fint n.laht.'' be recaDa. .. an .,ent showed up and suuested1 tum~· I laid, 'Ge& me a job,' 80 ne aot me a job and I WU a profe.lonal 8Ctol'. I wa1 on the at.age and didn't do any fihn Cl' 1elly for the fint three yeus.'' ~ ''The Looi Good Friday,'' ).wt opened in um country. "It'• quite a violent filJn," t6e actor llY9- '"'lbere are even momenta in it when I fllncb!' ·llolld.nl Dlayed the abeet mUllc ..ie.nan 1n the EnCIMb ~ ..W ''Pennlel From Heaven.'' wbk:h IA* Wal rude lnto a film 1n the Unlted Stata. Marr1nc Steve M.wUn. Thursday \I< >I { '\ I ~( I \I< )\ I L S 6:00(1) "The Electric Hor&eman" ( 1979, Drama) Robef1 AedfOfd. Jane Fonda. g "An Eye For An Eye" ( 1981, Adventure) Chuck Norris. Christopher Lee . 6:30(%) "My Little Chickadee" (1940, Comedy) W.C. Flelds, Mae West. 6:00® ''Young And Free" ( 1979. Adventure) Erik Larsen, Keith Larsen . 6:05(1!) "Along Came Jones" (1945, Western) Gary Coq>er, Loretta Young. 7:00 Cl) "Captain Scarlet Vs. The Myste<ons From Mars" (1981) Animated. O "The Looney, Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray. (%) ''My Bodyguard" ( 1~79. Drama) Chris Ma~aoe. Adam Baldwin. 7:30Ck) "Covert Action" ( 1978, Adventure) David Janssen. Arthur Kennedy. CH) "Caveman" (1981 , Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid 8:05(1!) "Out Of The Past" ( 1947, Drama) Kirk DouJl!as. Jane Greer. 8:30U "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary_Coleman, Michael Lembeck. 8:.a(I) "Breaking Glass" ( 1980, Orama) Hazel O'Connor, Phil Daniels. 9:00~ "Family Man" (Orama) Ed Asner. Anne Jackson. 9:30• "Lawless Range" (1935, Westem) John Wa"t!)!J. Shella Mannors. 10:00 lHJ "Steel" ( 1980, Orama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. (I) "The V.l.P.s" ( 1963, Orama) Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton. 10:05 (ll) "Promise Her Anything" ( 1966, Comedy) Warren Beat!Y,, Leslie caron. 10: 16(%) "Steel ' ( 1980. Orama) Lee Majors. Jennifer O'Neill. 10:30G "Lions For Breakfast" ( 1979, Adventure) Jan Rubes. Jim Henshaw. 11:00 ~ "Blackboard Jungle" ( 1955, Drama) Glenn Ford. Anne Franc!$. .\l· .. llJC\<><>\ \l<>\.IFS 12:00e "The Hangman" (1959. Western) Aobef1 Taylor. Fess Parl(er. • "Inspector Clouseau" (1968. Comedy) Alan Art(ln. Frank Flntar,. e "The Col.lch • ( 1962. Orama) Grant Wiiiiams. Shirley Knight. Cl) "Dog Oay Afternoon" ( 1975, Drama) Al Paci- no. John Caz.ale. • "My Bodyguard" (1979, Orama) Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwtn. (%) "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. 1:00(!) "The Wings Of Eagles" ( 1957, Blogtiphy) John Wayne, MalJfeen 01..rara . (CJ ''Tribute To A Bad Man" ( 1956. Western) Jamee Cegney. Irene Papas. 1:'6(%) "Journey Back To Oz" ( 1972, Fantasy) Arn. mated. v~ of Liza Mlnnelll. Paul LyQde. 2:00®-.!'The Ameflcantz.atlon Of Emlty" ( 1964, ~) James Gamer, JI.lie Andtews. (I) "The Return Of The Secaucua Seven" (1980, Drama) Mark Amott, Gordon Clapp. • ''The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bonny Movie" (1981, comedy) Animated. VOIOe8 by Mel Blanc. June Foray. • 2:30(1) "Julie" (1956, SulpenN) Doris Day, Loul9 Jourdan. a:ooe "Hudlon'• Bay" (1940. Adventure) Paul Munl Gene Tierney. a:1a(i) "My Bodyguard" ( 1979, Orama) Chris Ma~. Adam 8aldwln. 3:30• "Urban Cowboy" (1980, Drama) John Tra- volta Debra Winger. •:oo® ~veman" (1981, Comedy) Rtngo Starr. Oennlt Quaid. 4:30 Cl) "Ceptaln Scarlet Vs. The Mysterons From Ma11" ~ 1981) Anlmeted. 5:00(!) 'Pancho VMla" ( 1972. Western) Talty Sew. tu. Clln1 Walker. ~ "SIMI" (1980, Ofama) LM MejOrl. Jennifer 0 Neill. &.O&d!l "Taka The Money And Run" (1969, eom. dY) -Wooay Alen, Janet Margolln. &.3b • ''Ugtteu" CC) ''F~ MM" (Drama) Ed AIM<, Anne Jlct<· fm:'Young And Ff9e'' (1979, AcMfmn) Eric Lat-..,., te.tth l.nln. LOVER BOY? -Willis (Todd Bridges), pretending to be an experienced Jover, attempts to initiate Charlene (Janet Jackson), but r.he truth is soon revealed in "Growing Up" on "Diff'rent Strokes" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Thursday at 9 p.m. L\·L~I~<; 6:00 9 NBA BASKETBAll CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game 1, teams and site to be announced. (2 hrs .. 30'1it~.:ws CHARLIE'S ANGB.8 C88NEW8 WHrTE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII~ OVER EASY Guest: Lllllan Carter. (R) Q N8CNEWS UNOERSTANDNGHUMANBEHAVIOR TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas, Nevada. {g hrs .. 30 min.) (I) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: George Kennedy. II MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981. Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck. A social wOf'k• tries to find a normal home for a train station shoeshine boy with a talent IOI picking the ponies. 'PG' (1 hr .• 37 min.) 8:300 BARNEY MILLER I All IN THE FAMILY NEW88EA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS NEWS 9U8INE88 REPORT A OOUNTAY MUSIC TRIBUTE TO KITTY WELLS Tammy Wynette hosts this tribute to the "Queen Of Country Music" featuring perlormance. by Lynn Andef1on. Tom T. Hall, Henk Williams Jr .• Mette Kiigore, Char1y McLain, Roy Acuff and Kitty Wells hel'Mff. Taped at Nashvllle'a Grand Ole ()pry House. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9:'6 i OINEMASCORE 9:50 NEWS 7:00 N8C NEWS I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZJNE KOJAK MEET THE MAYOOS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An lnttMtw wtth Fernando Lamas. w•A•s•H JOt<EA'8 Wl..O / 8U8INE88 REPOAT THEMUPP!lS PORT'fWT9 IN PASTQ.8 FLA8H8AOK: THE LAST VOYAGE Of THE iia!R'l CASTLE ErlO Severald holta thll documen- tary employing dramatic r.-.nectment and arct'Mll ftlm footaat to reca• the dlMltroue fir• in 1~ that claimed 1"'7 llYll eboerd the !Uxury crulle •· ( ' ~ MCME ·~'Mor'' (1978, Hcwrcw) Mil Fenw. ~ HuMOn. M 8ncllnt tom a ~ ~ • -----~~~~--------~--------------------------------------.... --.......... comes lo Earth to destroy an evil 8-year-old glrl who , Is destined to be the mother of a powerful. malevo- lent race. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) ClD MOVIE "The Fourth Wish" ( 1976, Orama) Rob- ert Bettles. John Meillon. The father of a termlnally Ill boy tries to make his son's last mooths as fulfilling as possible. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 54 min.) (%) MOVIE "Death Hunt" ( 1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s. a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as civili- zatioo encroaches-on the Canadian wilderness 'R' (1 hr., 36 min.) 7:30 II ID FAMILY FEUD I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON L.A. Featured: a look at headache CUf'es with Or. Art Ulene. a v1S1t to a node dude ranch; a look at some of Los Angeles' worst hims ., TIC TAC DOUGH NEW YORK REPORT YOU ASKED FOR rT M*A*S*H • ·/ SIGNATURE Guest· Toni Morrison MACNBL-/ LEHRER REPORT I NEWS . MOVIE "Covert Action'" ( 1978, Adventure) David Janssen. Arthur Kennedy A professional spy becomes involved In Intrigue arid espionage when he Is handed a dangerous assignment In the Greek lslands._J 1 hr .. 37 min.) 8:00 D • FAME Bruno takes an alter-school job to help out at home. (R) ( 1 hr.) II MOVIE "Winchester 73" ( 1967. Western) Tom Tryon. John Saxon. A man's prized rifle Is stolen. and he waits for it to go through many hand• bef0<e it Is returned. (2 hrs.) D MORk ANO MINDY M0<k. bucking 10< a promo- tion from Orson on Ork. comes up with a report on how to atay happily married on Earth. Cl) MOVIE "Terror On The 40th Floor" ( 1976, Suspense) John Forsythe, Anjanette Comer. Seven people are trapped on the top floor of a bomlng ~scraper. (2 hrs.) U MOVIE "The Tamarind Seed" (1914. Romance) Julie Andrews. Omar Sharlf. A female British ottlclal's SU6Ptcious mistrust of a Russian Intelligence agent Is transformed into love for him. BENNY HILL ; hrs.) HIGH POWDER Dick and Timothy Ven Patten star in this story of drug abUse and peer pressure on a high school ski team o ( 1 hr ) m P.M. MAGAZINE A~year-old 1nventol"s new type of airplane: an eye doctor who helps children read more elflc1ently with vision training. e THE GIRL, THE GOLD WATCH ANO EVERY- THING A wistful young man discovers that the gold watch he has inherited from his uncle has magical ~allties (2 hrs.) IS BOT A~~ MAN "Extinction Is Forever" A loo!< at how man's destiny may decree the extinction of another species in the precise and precarious bal- ance of nature. e LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears talks about how to find e reliable mechanic aod what tools are needed to do your own repair wor'k ···-Q u I It ··~p J1011U __ _ ,.....,, T0Alletton'1, .. ~ 141·3112 Ii) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene"Sisk- el highlight six films that the public missed the first time around, includlno "Cattle Annie And Little Britches," "Go Tell the Spanans." "Over The E~" and "Swamp Thing." - CH) MOV1E "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977, Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir !A.lllea. After recovering from an emotional crisis. o woman purchases a house that appears to be haunted. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Howling" ( 1981. H0<ror) Dee Wal- lace, Patrick Macnee. A woman reporter Is menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewolf 'R' t! hr .• 31 min.) g MOVIE "Over The Edge" ( 1979, Orama) Michael Kramer. Pamela Ludwla. Several teen-age residents of an exclusive California community embark on a rampage of harassment and destruc- tion when they tall to get their parents' attention at home. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 1:05 (llJ AU.. IN THE FAMILY 8:309NEWS D BOSOM BUDDIES Kip and Henry produce their own cable TV talent snow. (A) o i RACING FROM ROOSEVEL 1"' AU.. IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Ugetsu" A Japanese film of two men finding thetr fortunes In the spoils of war and discov- ering that happiness does not follow. (2 hrs.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! highlight six films that the public mlSsed the first time around, Including ''Cattle Ann. le And Little Britches," "Go Tell The Spartans," "Over The E<:1ge" and "Swamp Thing." (Ii) LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears demon- strates the "bump and grind" with a dented Mus- ta!'Q and rates automobile stereo systems. CE SPORTS CENTER 8:35 (llJ MOVIE "The Reckless Moment" ( 1 EM9. Ora- ma) Joan Bennett. Geraldine Bro<*s. A woman Is * PUBLIC IOTICE * 150 CASH REBATE or 10°/o off our regular price " you own • llOIM ~ befof'9 2122ns, llMSed Md e.wd by So. c.i. Ou Co .. YoU'r9 .._. fOt 1~ llMndng at iow 1% •· financing, on IN pufCllUe of eoo 14 .. fl Ot mot9 of A-1t lnMtletlon wtllctl Wll bttng .. 9"tire KC_.,.. et1to.,.. up to A-1t St--- Thle money bedl of'ler It good on lnlUlatloft ~ ~ 419112 _, llt/12 """"' ~ Mlended. Of r-*'dld by tllle COl"'*'Y P1W pUlllo noOOe. 40'M. Clilf. li.te _, 14'11 ~ ta c:ndll• ~· HUElllY lllUIE" 141-1818 ''DEUGHTED TO SERVE YOU'r CATERING · • Labor Matt and Jenny are lured onto a farm where they are forced to do hard labor in "Mystery of the Pikes" Thursday on "Nickelodeon," the younf people's channe . blackmailed alter her daughter accidentally k1Us her bOylnend. ( 1 hr. 45 min.) (%) MOV1E "Breaking Glass" ( 1980, Orama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Daniels. A British punk pop star's lifestyle ultimately leads to tragedy. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 34 min.) 9:00 8 NO ENO IN SIGHT An upbeat lo<* at chang- ing attitudes toward and on the part of our senior citizens. with a look at Individuals embarking oo sec- ond careers. taking part In political advocacy. expressing themselves In dance and theater and learnl~ to enJOy fife. D e DIFF'RENT STROKES wnns begins to think that he's the only kid in school not "making ft." (R) iii «I BARNEY MILLER Barney's men go back Into uniform for a day to fill in while most of the f0<ce takes the sergeants' exam. (R) o (!) MOVIE "Johnny Banco" (1~7. Orama) Sytva Koscina, Horst Bochholz. A fogulsh, unterupulous gambler becomes the tarQ&t of hired kilters aft8f robbing a gangster. (2 hrs.) 8) MERV GRIFAN Guests: Richard "Dimples" Fields. Carole Cook. Jay Leno. Gypsy. ( 1 hr.) 9 NUMERO UNO Italy's Klaus Dibiasi, three-time Q!ympic ~~medal dive<, Is profiled. 1W MAS PIECE THEATRE "Flickers" A wealthy woman (Frances de la Tour) desperately In need of a husband provides Arnie Cole (Bob Hoskins) with the capital necessary to start producing films. (Part 110 ( 1 hr) ~-i.tOVlE "Tribute To A Bad Man" (1956. West- ern) James Cagney. Irene Papas. Two concerned people attempt to convince a rancher to stop kUling rustlers. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (JJ MOV1E "Gloda" (1980, Orama) Gena Row- lands. John Adames. A f0<mer gun moll becomes the protector of an orphaned 8-year-old Puerto Rican targeted by the underwood for the Informa- tion he carrieS In a battered briefcase. 'PG' securttv you can count on, energy savings vou can count .. I I t t I I I ~ I I. I 11------------------------~--~-:-~~~~:-===~~~--~--------------~~~=- i Thursday (continued) ... ... N cm MOVIE "Tnbute" ( 1980. Orama) Jack Lem- mon, Robby Benson. An Irresponsible BroedWay press agent begins to regret his wasted Ille and his ten®Us relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 >; 9:30 BARNEY MILLER hrs I ~ D GIMME A BREAK Katie gets Julie nominated 'C for membership In her sorority. (R) "-G 9 TAXI Bobby returns to announce he's landed ~ a TV series role. (R) o ~ • UP ANO COMIN<Y''Monday Night Ball" A can-> did discussion unfolds when a power failure inter- ._. ~ts the Wilsons' Monday night football party. Q (£)AUTO RACING "NASCAR Talladega 200 (2 hrs.) CS) LAFF-A· THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another ere featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 10:00 II ()) MAGNUM. P.1. A near-fatal car crash leaves Magnum an amnesiac and the prime suspect In the murder of a girl he was hired to locate. (R) ( 1 hr.) D GD HIL.l STREET BLUES Captain Furlllo takes the heat in an lnvest~tion of police corruptt0n, and iR~11~~~ ~r~ search fOf his missing gun. a'.'120 120 TO THE MANOR BORN MOVIE "Carbon Cupy" (1981, Comedy) George Segal, Susan Saint James. A successful white businessman discovers that he has a grown son who is black. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CS) ROMANCE: LOVE AT THE CROSSROADS (part 4) 0 MOVIE "Excalibur" ( 1981, Fantasy) Nigel Ter- ry, Nicol Williamson. The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to the knights of the Round Table. 'A' (2 hrs .• 20 min.) 10:15(%) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alooe" (1980, Suspense) Don Scardino. Caitlin O'Heaney. A psy- chotic murderer stalks attractive young brides-to- be, silently and lethally slashing their dreams of wedded bliss. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:20G7) MOVIE "Last Of The Buccaneers" ( 1950. Adventure) Paul Henreld, Jack Oakle. Following the War of 1812. Jean Lafitte decides that being a pirate was more profitable. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30.NEWS l stONATUREGuest· Toni Morrison. UP POMPEII MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975, Orama) Al Paclno, John Cazale. A New Yon< City bank robbery escalates Into a near-circus when community actlv· lsts jOln in to stage an anti-police protest during the ca~.uhrs .. 5 mln.1 11:008 8 Cl) 0 ID NEWS ISA AYNIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rr r ...... JOE FRANKLIN ' M•A•S•H BENNYHIU BOTANIC MAN "Extinction Is Forever" A look at how man's destiny may decree the extinction of GIMME GETS A BREAK -Nell Carter and Dolph Sweet will return next season in the Thursday comedy series, "Gimme a Break," seen at 9:30 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). another spec195 in the precise and precarious baf.- ance of nature. • DICK CAVETT Guest. Rex Harrison. (Part 1) (.B) (ill) THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokie Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. ~ MOVIE "Night Moves'' ( 1975. Mystery) Gene Hackman, Jennifer Warref'I. A private eye hired to • locate the daughter of a former movie actress becomes entangled in a web of Intrigue with a May- an smuggling ring. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 11:16([) MOVIE "FtSts Of Fury" (1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee. Marla YI A martial arts expert finds unexpected danger when he goes to wort< In a Bangk~ Ice factory. 'A' ( 1 hf .. 43 min.) cm MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980. Orama) EdWard Woodward, Jack Thompson. Australians conscripted to fight on Engtand's side in the Boer War decide to fight the Boer guerillas on their own terms. 'PG' (1 hr .. 46 min.) 11:308.0UINCY Quincy falls In love with a young widow whose husband died In a nightclub fire. ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) . D ID TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Peter Strauss. Jazz Band Ball Orchestra from Poland. (1 hr.) """"---------------r.--------cowo..----... ---CMS Newport Gas N' Wash MAY CLURllCE SILE 28% off DriveThru FREE. • lllOH. • LACHll' DAY • 112 "IQ. "'ICE • TUH. ·MEN'& DAY · 111 .. fO. PIUCE • WED. -•15• DfTAll • tll .. EO. PNC! • THURS..· FREE CAR WASH W/10 GAL OAS PU"CHAH • fN. • EVERY4Ut CA" f'UE • IAT.·f"llSPRAYWAXW"'EO.WASH • IUN. ·FREEIPf'AY WAX W"'EO. WAIH OuPuC11etomer (OMrullCAll ""'"''" ·llUll(IDU, .. 4'. flOflJCHl, '°"IH:lil & ~ones Come In To The Mobil Station Al 4625 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. ATIUPcaio. 673--3561 ------•oooo-~·------ Fantastic Video Games Profits: Tax Sheltered · Purchase Program 8 (11 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE Cl) NBA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Game 1, teams and slte to be annou~ (2 hrs .. 30m1n.) I KOJAK THE JEFFERSONS SANFOAO ANO SON MOVIE "Ugetsu" A Japanese lllm of two men finding their fortunes in the spoils or war and discov- ering that happiness does not follow. (2 hrs.) I NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Americanlza11on Of Emily" ( 1964, Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. Romance grows between a Brittsh war widow and a non-hero- ic othcer assigned to provide his supen0<s with the luxuries of home ( 1 hr , 55 min ) 11:50@ MOVIE "Tiger Shark" ( 1932. Adventure) Edward G. Robinson. J Carrol Naish A tuna fisher- man loses one of his hands whHe fighting ott a shark. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An inteMew with Fernando Lamas. D 0 VEGAS Dan. tracking down the attacker ot a g0<geous superstar. is unaware the assailant 1s one of the lady's bodyguards (A) ( 1 hr . tO min.) (f) MOVIE "Man Without A Star" ( 1955. Western) Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain A ranch owner seeks the aid of her foreman as she hghts for land rights 1n a barbed-wire war (2 hrs.) ID MOVIE "Two People" ( 1973. Drama) Peter Fonda, Lindsay Wagner An AWOL soldier has an affair with a fasht0n model dunng her brief stay In Marakesh. (2 hrs., 15 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE EXPLORING LANGUAGE MOVIE "Steel" (1980. Orama) Lee Majors, Jennifer O'Neill. A beautiful woman is ass.iete<J by a tough construction foreman in running the company she inherits etter her lather's suspictOUs, "acciden- tal" death. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 12:308 ID LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests· slnger Grace Jones. Christle Brinkley. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES MOVIE "Hudson's Bay" (19'0. Adventure) 'Paul Muni, Gene Tierney. Fur trappers found the lucrative Hudson Bay Company in 17th-<:entury North Amet'lca. (2 hrs.) eNEWS (I) TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas, Nevada. {? hrs .. 30 min.) D MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973. Adventure) Bl'1JC8 Lee. Robert Baker A martial arts student sets out to avenge the murder of his teacher in which a rival school was Involved. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 4 7 minJ 12:35CS) MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981. Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnett. Three couples. all close. long-time triends. experience profound changes In thefr relationships when one of the marriages dlsin· teg<ates. 'PG' (1 hr .. 57 min.) 12:4011 MCMILLAN & WI~ Mac's mother takes matters into her own hands when her old friend Andy Kenesaw's life Is threatened. (R) (1 hr., 55 min.) Ce) MOVIE "Blackboard JuOQle" ( 1955. Orama) Thursday (continued) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. A dedicated young teacher a11empts to restore order 1n a big-city train- ing school where tee~age lawlessnes~ and violence have taken root (I hr., 40 min.) 1:008 MOVIE "'Raffles" ( t940. Comedy) 01tv1a de Hav1lland. David Niven An amateur thief makes sport ot Scotland Yard and falls 1n love with one of his v1c11ms' nieces (I hr 30 min) (I) MOVIE Nightmare In Wax"' ( 1969. Horror) Cameron Mllchell, Anne Helm An actor badly dis- figured by burning wa)( seeks revenge against his enemies by opening a waxworks exhibit ( 1 hr . 30 min) (() MOVIE 'The Club.. ( 1980. Drama) Jack Thompson Graham Kennedy The coach of a has- been Australlan football team finds the gomg rough both on the playing field and 1n the board room where he laces an antagonistic club president ( 1 hr. 39 min) t:tO U MOVIE "Beyond Attan11s .. ( 1975. Adven- ture) John Ashley. George Nader Archaeologists discover an island believed to be the lost continent of Atlantis ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) @)NEWS 1:20@MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:300 tm NEWS (Ii) MOVIE "The Fan" ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall. James Garner. A popular film star is victim- ized by a psychotic adm11er. 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min) 1:-40 CZ) CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 2:00(%} MOVIE "Death Hunt" ( 198 l, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s. a Moun- lte and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as c1v1i1- zatiN1 encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' ( l hr . 36 min ) 2:05 (]) NEWS 2: 15 m MOVIE "Miracle In The Rain" ( 1954. Romance) Jane Wyman. Van Johnson. A young soldier and a lonely woman fall in love only to be separated by war (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 2:20@ RAT PATROL 2:25~ MOVIE "Hollywood Boulevard"' ( 1976. Com- edy) Candice R1atson. Dick Miller. Fresh from Indi- ana, a young aspiring starlet becomes involved In a real robbery that she thinks Is part of her movie debut. 'A' (I hr . 33 min ) 2:308 MOVIE "Enchantment" ( 1949. Orama) David Niven. Te<e58 Wnghl. An elderly man Is reminded ot his past romance when his grandson confronts him with his love story_ (2 hrs.) (]) MORNING STRETCH e MOVIE "Carnival Of Crime"' ( 1964. Drama) Jean-Pierre Aumonl. Tonia Carrero When a missing woman·s corpse is finally discovered, her husband's business partner, who was also her lover. confesses to the crlme. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Young Lady Chatterly" ( 1977. Orama) Harlee McBride. A young woman Inherits het fami- ly's huge manSIOn and an ancestor's diary detailing numerous sexual escapadeS. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 28 min.) g MOVIE "Urban Gcwboy" ( 1980. 'Orama) John Travolta. Debra Winger A blue-collar -orker who tancies himself a modern-day cowboy falls In love with a girt he meets In a popular country-and-west· ern bar 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min.) TAKATA NURSERY, Landscaping & Maintenance Expert Japanese Gardening Service •Monthly-Weekly *Yard Malnt., Tree Trimming •Bonsal Pruning & General Clean-up 1rCommerclal & Residential * 20 Years Experience Expert Takata Landscapinf ~vice ........ *New or Relandecape •Western & Japanese Style •Specials: Waterfalhi. Kol fish Pond, Rock Arrangemen1s *Landscape Design •Irrigation System & Drain System *Patio -Decking -Masonry 830-9900 ext. 58 . HOLDING FORTH -David Letterman is still holding hls own in late-night television. "Late-Night With David Letterman" is seen weeknights at 12:30 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4), immediately after Johnny Carson. 2:351NEWS 2;40 NEWS 2:50 WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 JOE FRANKLIN (Jl) NEWS (!)THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 3:0500 MOVIE "Network" (1976. Orama) Faye Dunaway. Peter Finch. An aging televlSlon news- man. whose ratings are steadily slipping. IS turned into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a etafty female programming executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 3: 10 I.I MOVIE "'Ruthless" ( 19•8. Orama) Zachary Scott. Diana Lynn. An ambitious businessman for- sakes his famlly and happiness for success. ( 1 hr . 60 min.) 3:30 (()SPORTS FORUM 3:4'5 (%) MOVIE "Stevie"' ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. Eccentric British poetess Stevie Smith is profiled 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 min.) 3:50(t) MOVIE "The Fifth Aoor"' ( 1980. Orama) Bo Hopkms. Dianne Hull. A sane young woman IS incar- cerated in a bizarre mental hospital wtiefe violence and drug abuse are the order of the day. 'A' ( 1 hr . 30min.) 4':00(f) JIMMY SWAGGART CE SPORTS CENTER 4':05 (Jl) FUNTIME 4':30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA i J1MBAKKER MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE MOVIE "The Howling" ( 1981, Horror) Dee Wa.1- lace Patrick Macnee. A woman reporter IS menaced by a killer whO seems to be a werewolf. 'R' LICENSED AESTBETICIA.N r opean • u '-"r facials •MASSAGE (on Balboa Island) FOR INFORMATION 714 CALL RINO IALDWIN ••• 675-0727 BRAD ID ~ IM~--_ LlU DOMESTIC f1n!Je1\'0I'i ~ l\UTON\OTI\!€ COMPLETE AUTO"PM>TtVE SERVICE FRIE PICKUP .. DILIVIRT ~.·:::r:·,n11 (114) 142-1111 Rev. Nutt 'prime minister of humor' 3! 0 - By JOE EDWARDS AHoclal9d Preu Wrllef 'Tl NASHVILLE. Tenn -Some people tell 5: Grady Nutt they never watched the "Hee Haw" 111 television show until he began appearing on it m ~ 1979 ~ "I tell them I didn't either," Nutt chuckles. ~ Nutt, a n ordamed Southern Baptist miruster. is fl.> known as "the prime minister of humor" on the .-' syndicated country music"°medy show. He tells _. one two-minute humo r ous s tory -usually ~ connected with religion -on each 60-minute show. fl.> Nutt received his master of divinity degree from Southern Baptist TheologicaJ Seminary in 1964. He had his own "country church" in central Kentucky from 1962 to 1964 and was assistant to .the seminary president from 1964 to 1969. He has been a professional humorist, speaker and writer since 1969. And, yes, Nutt is htS real name. He .)Okes about being born "at the Nutt house." ... Nutt, who confesses to having watched "Hee Haw" infrequently before he joined the show, says there's a difference between comedy and humor. "Comedy is fun you invent," he said during a breakfast interview before recording an album of gospel music a nd humor with the Kingsmen. . "Humor is fun you notice. "One of the key attributes of a humorist is that he is a good 'noticer.' Then he's a good 'describer.' A good humorist draws on the thing;s around him, and my humor is Crom inside the church." A native of Amarillo. Texas, Nutt says that a few people object to his jokeS' about religion. but in the long run "they love to be teased." "Will Rogers used to ~ the Democrats by saying he belonged to no organiz.ed political party -he was a Democrat," Nutt said. ''In much the same way, I tease about the church. "If I can tell you in a light way why the Bapu.sts and the Church of Christ disagree, I've informed you." He picks his own material for "Hee Haw" and never rehearses. On the show, he's usually in bib overall with Grandpa Jones, Roy Acuff, Archie Campbell, Kenny Price and others gathered around him to hear light stories about church bulletins, pews and tithing. He tapes the show during two 45-minute segmenta in Nashville each year. He's able to do a full !leason of shows in that short span. "Humor is never negative," he says. "U so, it's sarcasm or cynicism." He describes "Hee Haw" aa "the funny pages of television." "It's like reading Dagwood and Blondie all your life. You're watching moving cartoons." N~~ml::ti!~~ ll T OUR DAIL\' ECIAL • Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura • Sushi bar prepared by out famous Japanue <:Mr • Beer • Wline • Sake ~gisa. ~ su~ti-1 ()pee\ ThUB. thru TUM,$ PM tfll MldnlOflt 38-40 E. Coast Hwy • Corona def Mat. Ca (714) 673-3933 ~. . \ ..... N From Page' ~ World Light Heavyweight Championship between :I tllleholder Dwight Braxton and Lotte Mwale (from Ill >; Atlantic City, N.J.): a report on the lndlanapolls ,, "500" time trials. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ ~ EVENING -.2 ii: 8:00 D SPORTS AMERICA "Husker Track And Field lnvnatlonal" ( 1 hr ) 7:00(() POWERBOAT RACING From Miami, Flonda. ( 1 hr ) 8:00 Cf) PAUL HOGAN CE) SPORTS CENTER 8:30 (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 (!) WRESTLING (() GRANO PRtX TENNIS "ltahan Open" from Rome. Italy (2 hrs .. 30 min) 11 :30 CI) SPORTS CENTER 12:30(() GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open" from Rome. Italy .. 2:30 CI) SPORTSWOMAN 3:00 (!) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single ElimlnaUon Championships" Chuck Chmelka vs Wally Miller and Jackie Brummer vs. Barrie Muibeck ( 1 hr ) •:OO ([) SPORTS CENTER SUNDAY'S SPORTS MAY 23, 1982 MORNING 5:00(() GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open Finals" from Rome. Italy. (3 hrs.) 8:00(1) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Han 01 Fame Cleveland Browns vs. Philadelphia Whiz Kids 8:30 Cf) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES 00 BOXING "National Collegiate Association Flnels" The best collegiate boxers In 12 weight classes compete f0< the national titles. 9:00 Cf) POCKET BIWARD6 Cowboy Jimmy Moore vs. Wlltie Mosconi ( 1 hf.) 10:008 (I) C8S SPORTS Elthef an NBA !*YOH game. teams and site to be det«mined, or an edi- tion of "Sport& Sunday" win be telecast at this time. i hra.. 30 min.) BASEBALL BUNCH AUTO RACING "Belgium Grand Prix" ( 1 tir.) 1~30• BASE8AU CalifornMI Angels at ~roll Tlgets (3 tits..) • 80WUNG "Mlllef Mixed Doubles Tournament" ( 1 ht.) 10:36 (11) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11:00(1) 80WUNG "Budweltef Natural Ute Ha.II Of Fame Tournament" (2 hrs.) 11:06 (11) BASE8All Philadelphia PhllOes at Atlanla Bravea (3 tn.. 15 min.) AFTERNOON 12:00• RIHG8IOE 10-round feathefwelght bout betweef'I Rocky Lockridge and Jose Nieto (live from Atlantic City, N.J.). ( 1 hr.) 12t30. (I) C88 SPORTS Either an NBA playott game, teams and site to be determined, °'an edi- tion of ''Sports Sunday'' will be telecast at this time. (2 hrs .• 30mkl';) • 1:00-r== "Gatomationals" ( 1 hf.) e 1<kound rNddlewelgh1 fight between Bobby ClV? and Bob "Ice Man" Coolidge (live from Atlantic City, N.J.); Japaneee sumo wre&- ttlng (from Tof(yo, Japan); World Mixed Palra Bodvbulldlng (from Las Vegas. Nev.). (2 tn) Cl) 1BtNl8 HIGHUGHT8 "1975 Wimbledon" (1 ht.) 2:008 OVTOOOR LIFE Featured: martin fl9hfng off ;;r~~~- (1) HOR8E8HOW JUMPING "U.S. Open Cham-~. " from Char1otte, North Carollna. (2 hts.) 2:30 RING8IOE 10-round feetherwelght bout between Rocky Loekrldge and Jose Nieto (trom Atlanllc:Clty, N.J.). (1 hr.) • 90 AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Oenll PoMn end CUrt <M<ty filh for ... trout In Nor#ey'• famoua LMrdal River: .n e>CPl(ltiOn 1ntmpt1 to perechcne onto the North Pott: Oen Haggerty trlM to Wuh- . lngton'• =~to vfllt a compound 2:~-LOllOWI. (11v.) • Tt9 WEB< .. 8AIE8AU. MY LEONMVI OOLDEN OLCMS ..... YI. TtxM (1 hr.) · • UD" 8'0AJ8WON.O 1~ mldcl1••~ W"·IMCW..., ~ ~ B0e '1Dl M9n'' Qi6: llClgt (tOfl\ An.ntte , N;J.): ........ uno ~:(tom T«*Yo;: >: iWottd....., PM A TOUCH OF MAGIC -Los Angeles Lakers sw Magic John.ton t0&9eS in a field ~wing NBA playoff action to .le.td the to• .weep of both the San Antonio Spun and the PboenJ.x Sum enroute to the NBA fin•ls, which could get under way Sunday_llllaiaat either the Borton CJeltics or. the Phlladelphill 78en. The linllls will be telev»ed on CBS (Ch. 2). • (II WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS Lairy Holmes and Gerry Cooney in boxing exhibitions (from Las Vegas. Nev.) : WC)(ld Lumberjad( Champ6onshlps (from Hayward. Wia.); report• on the Indianapolis "500" time !rills. ( 1 ht., 30 min.) Cl) 8A8EBALL BUNCH 4:00Cl)SPORrS CENTER- 6:oo•·tOANAPOLl8 ·~ .. TIME TRIALS Cover- age of the final day of que&Mnn tltne trials fOf the May 30 lndianapofis .. 500r ... '(trom lndlanapolls MotorSpeedwa~vln""tnc~ Ind.). (1 ht.) · Cl> GRANO Pf TENNti ···Italian 0pen Anels'' from Rome. It . 3 hta..) 5:309 GAEA SPOA'TS LEGEN08 "Affirmed'' Holt: Ken Howard. (1 hr •• 3o min.) EVENING 8:00 Cl) 8POAT8 CENTER 9:00(1) FIGURE SKATING ''WOfld Dance Competl· t'r ht Chlmpionlhlps'' from Copenhagen, Denmark. 1~~15··~AYSPORTSPAGE 11:00 8PORTSWOMAN 11:30 SPORTS F1NAL Cl) 8 CENT'ER 12:~~NO PRIX TEHNt8 "lteHan Open Finals" 3:~1~~) 4:00 8PORT8 CENTER ~4& BOXING "National Colegiat• ~tlon Aniii" The bftt .collgilt• be\--In 12 ~t C-... compete kW the o.1ttonal llttll. ~ (frofnlaeV..C..~.). !fft) ,.,."""'O'~---r &.30(1) ALL·ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE Milwaukee Brewers of the 1970's vs New Y0<k Jets otthe 1970'1 7:00 (()SPORTS CENTER 9:00(!) NASL SOCCER San Diego Sockers at Mon-I treal Manic (2 hrs.) 11:00(() GRAND PRIX TENNIS "llaitan Opeo serru- Flnals" from Rome .. ltaly. (4 hrs .. 30 mm.) (/-....--..... AFTERNOON 3;301 GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1964 US Open" 4:00 INSIDE BASEBALL 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 5:00 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Colling- wood vs Richmond ( 1 hr , 30 min.) EVENING 8:00 ~BOXJNG 6:30 PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "Super Light eight Champ1onsh1p" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 8:00 (!) SPoRTS CENTER 9:00(!) GRANO PRIX TENNIS "Italian Open Finals" from Rome. Italy. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11 :00 ID NUMERO UNO Runner Irena Szewlnska of Poland, competitor In five Olympiads and winner of seven medals, Is protned (R) 11 :30~ SPORTS CENTER 12:30 GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1964 US Open" 1:00 PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From Atlan- tic Ci'' . New Jersey ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) 2:30 INSIDE BASEBALL 3:00 POCKET BILLIARDS Minnesota Fats vs W1l- lle Mosconi ( 1 hr.) -4:00 (() SPORTS CENTER Tuesday MAY26. 1982 MOANING e:oo (!)INSIDE BASEBALL 6:30(1) AU-STAA SPORTS CHALLENGE Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1950's vs. New York Football Giants Of the t950's 00 BOXING "National Collegiate Association Floats" The best colleglate bOxers in 12 weight classes =e for the national lttles. 7:00 Cf) 6 CENTER 9:00(1) AUTO RA~NG "Belgium Grand Prix" ( 1 hr.) 1&.00 Cl) POCKET Bll.UAROS Cowboy Jimmy Moore vs. Wiiiie Mosconi (1 hr.) 11:00(() GRANO PRIX ttNNIS "Italian Open Ft0als" from Rome. Italy. (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 2:00i tNSK>E BA8EBAll 2:30 8PORT8WOMAN 3:00 GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Bimlnatlon Championehlps" Mlchelle lllff vs. Julianne Mac- Namata and Phil Cehoy va. Tim Daggett ( 1 tv.) 4:00 Cl) TtH8 WEEK lN 1H£ NBA 4:30(!) BASE9ALL New York Mets at Atlante Braves (2 his., 30 min.) CE SPORTS CENTER •:35(11) BASEBALL New York Mets at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 6:00(1) 1'ENNt8 HIGHLIGHTS "1976 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) EVENING e:OOCI) AGURE SKAnNO ''WC)(ld Pairs Competition ~30 ps" trom Copenhagen, Denmark. ( 1 .. r.. min.) 9:30® BOXING "National Colleglate Association Finals" The beat collegiate boxers in 1~ weight classes compete for the national tltlet. / 7:30tiGOLF H9-HLIGHTS "1980 U.S. Open" 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 8:00 RACING FAOM R006EVa. T Cl) Ml CONTACT KARATE ~O"""""~tlc City, New Jersey. ( 1 ht., 30 min.) 1&.301 THt8 WE'EK IN THE~ 11:00 INSIDE B . 11:30 SPORTS 12:30 "Budweieer Natural Lite Hall Of ment" (~ ~TENNIS HIGft T6 "1975 Wlmbte.Oon" S:80 THt8 WUJ< IN THE Ne-' (1h~. 4:00 ~CENTER ----------_________ ..._.._ ....... ______ ,_~--------------------~r. Inside TV Ed McMahon still doing commercials By JEFF PARKER 0(1tt. Delt, l'llol ll•H There's something to be said for some televlSaon commercials, and the best (and worst) o{ them have been collected in "Tclev1Mon's Greatest Commercials" to run Tuesday at 7 pm. on NBC. Ed McMahon. longtime "Tonight Show" regular. remembers one particularly difficult t'ommerc1al he did: "I was doing a hve dog food commert'1al one night and for some reason the dog JUSt walked o(f camera. off th<' set. Then.• I was toutmg the product, how the dog was hungry, and no dog All of a sudden, I see Carson crawhng onto the commerc1dl set, with the t'amera on him. and he's t.along the· part of the dog. We finished the l'Ommerc1al. the audience was hysterical and you know another chapter of live television." McMahon·~ commercial wall be part of the broadcast, as will early commercials by such performers as Edward G. Robinson, Charlotte Rae, Edie Ad~. Jacklyn Smith, Diane Keat.on. Susan Ant.on, a1'd Joey Heatherton . · Nancy St.afford has pined th<' cast of NBC's "The Doctors " She w1U play the alluring Adrienne Hunt. who is crippled by a chroruc hip ailment that doesn't deter doctors Mike Powers and Jeff Manning from cutting a bit and developing "more than a professional rivalry" over her . . Actress Mary Stuart, who stars in "Search for Tomorrow," has received some l rrulJion Can letters in her 30-year stint on the show. She has played Joanne Barron, Joanne Tate, Joanne Vincente and Joanne Tourneur; she's raised a daughter; married four husbands, been widowed three times and been temporarily blJnd. Why is she so popular? "I think Jo 1S a reflection of the American woman," she said, ''She's what we all want to be, since she can hnd contentment in whatever she's doing ." Commenting on the role of machismo m the c urrent Falkland Islands dispute, NBC commentator John Chancellor noted: "Machismo 1s the Spanish word for exaggerated masculine pride. and it is one of the many elements of the trouble in the South Atlantic. No matter what their ethnic origins. Argentina•s officers are Spanish an language and culture, and that leads us back in history to the Spanish Annada, defeated by an English fleet almost 400 years ago ... ·masculine pride and ego are deeply imbedded in the culture of Argentine officers . . . " Incidentally. Chancellor has been named Broadcaster of the Year by the International Radio and Television Society . . . No one in their right mind wlll want to miss Granville Van Dusen and Linda Gra~ in "The Wild and the Free," a television movie about champamee research. set to air .Saturday on CBS. The comedy-drama was shot in Florida . . Young actor Robin Thomas, who plays Dr. Matt Butler in ''As the World Tums." will appear Off Broadway in "A Far c.ou.ntry" aoon. In this play. he will play the part of Sigmund Freud, which iB a coincidence because in "As the World Tums." he plays a shrink whose parrot ia named Sigmund. Makes you think . . . Robert Urich, Meredith Baxter-Birney, Jeffrey Tambor and Howard McGillin will star in ''Take \ JOEY HEATHERTON ... She helped sell products durmg the early days of television Your Best Shot." a new movie for television set for futu.l"P"'broadcast on CBS ... "Smoke," a two-part, "sensitive" contemporary drama about a young boy's hardships 111 accepting his stepfather. whom he feels was forced upon him too soon followtng the death of his natural father. will be present.ecf on "Walt Disney" May 22 and May 29 on CBS. Earl Holliman, Ron Howard and Jacqueline Scott star in this drama ... Finding a location to shoot "Coming Out of the ke," a teleVlSion movie about a young American who was imprisoned for 18 years in chilly Siberia. was not easy. CBS spokesmen sald it was hard to duplicate Siberian atmosphere under sunny Southern California sloes, and Canada was froz.cn solid. CBS finally ended up in Finland. where the cold. the wind and even the architecture resembled those of the Soviet Union. This cold portrayal of Life in S iberia stars John Savage and will screen Sunday . Willie Nelson. making his fifth film appearance in "Coming Out of the Ice" set for May 23, wowed the Laplanders with his singing and acting on location for the filming. "I can relate to al.most every part of this drama," he said. "I thought my character was one I. could get into. I'm not going outside myseU with him. I'm just playing myself and if it comes off well, then I'm a good act.or ... CBS has high hopes for ''Cold Reading." a mystery thriller about a playwright stunned by the sudden death of his fi.ancee after her debut in his latest play. He devises a play-within-a-play to catch the bad guy. wlth surprising results. Patrick Macnee. of "Avengers" fame, leada the cast, along with Robert Preston and Lynn Redgrave ... Martin Sheen, Jane Alexander, and Sheen's real life son, Emilio Eatevez, will star in "In the Custody of Strangers," an emotionally wrenchln& drama about a teen-age boy who ts locked up for the night in county jail with hardened or1mf.nals. The movie is set for May 26 on ABC and s&ars Kenneth McMUlan, F.d Lauter and Matt Clark . . . Tinker promises another rose garden LOS ANGELES (AP) -N'BC Chairman Grant Tihk.~r. dec1ariJMI "the worst la behind. ua," made a rare predJction that the third-place netwotk would conskietably Improve lt.t position in the f.all MalOl'I. AddreslJna the annual afflllata mHting foe the first dme. "Tinker allo promiled to AICl'\Ut t.he be9t areetive talent for NBC and to brlna a s&ablllly to 111 Ol'OIT'Unm1na ll:hedule. Ke ciUed oo iXeo.itlves from the network'• 214 af1Wated ttatJona. diMppo(nted by )'Mn °' poor rattnp and Jlded by too many pnctictlGlll ol quick ·~.-CO .... UI know &hat JW In with U1 and ""'we.,. au puWnc tt. -~" ~-~ . swnmer with the mUslon of gettln1 the network out of ita raUng1 mor1111 aald, "You've been prorniAed a rme garden berore. and you've gotten mcwtly weeds. rm uk1na you to have fa.Ith one more thne.:1 Departing ftom hll pncdcie of not maJc1ng predlctlona, Tinker Hked U NBC'a new programming ef for\ would be aUCONaful, then answeted hll own quesdON. • "If )'OU wl.ll .ccept I predlicodon !nlm OOI Who ti not ln the predJcd.na ~It will be.'' be llkl. He e_ld he foreuw not only C"Ommerdal lmpruwmenUI but a nwDbli' Of ~-...._.. -·U. ..,.;.. .-.._-.... Networks save us the jiggle jokes From Page 3 31 speak the "street Jive" of most blacks on TV "Tl And th.at beautiful blond recept1oms1. Hey. .... she's the smartest person at the station Don't these g. people know that blondes arc all dumb? ':< And there's that newsman, Les Nessman. who s: loves hog storws and believes there's an inv1s1ble ~ offwc wall around his dt"Sk Sorry. this kind of I\> humor 1s a bit too cerebral for us. No, we prefer the jokes in "Three's Company " ..... Like when everybody thinks Janet is pregnant and :g they think Jack must have snuck into her room and N done 1t But al the end It turns out 1t was the landlord's pct poodle that's pregnant. and everybody hves happily ever after. Now. that's c:om4;!dy. The network people are actually doing us a lavor by gelling rad of the programs that foret> us w thmk too muC'h Next fall. we won't have t.o worry about whether Barney Miller should lcx:k up som~· raclwal who is protesting nuclear weapons. And wc won't have to watt·h Bret Maverick g~l evc·n with a bid guy by outsmarting him We don't want to see bad guys outsmarted. We want to S(.'t' them shot. Speaking of guns, why isn't anybody whining over the cancellations of .. McClain's Law." "Today's FBI" or "Strike Fort-e"? These shows havl:' people who know what to do with muggers and rapists. Blow th<'m away! Put a bullet between lhelr eyes before SOml· libera~ lawyer gets them off on a technicality. The whiners JUSl don't know when to let a series die. The latest word IS that a pay televis!on service is thmlong about providing cash for new episodeio of "Taxi." There has also been talk about a pay TV service ordering more episodes of that old egghead series "The Paper Chase." Maybe that's where this brainy stuff belongs. If people want to think while they watch. let them pay to do it. Lt·t us Real People Maprity folks keep our .. Dukes of Hau..ard" and our "Battle of the Network St.ars " And let the rest of you put a Lid on the complaints about network cancellations. These network folk.'! are doing their best t.o gtve us what we want, but do they get any respect? To find out, you just had t.o tune in last week's "Saturday Night Live," with Danny De Vito of "Taxi" as guest host. In a film, DeVit.o was shown sitting m a cab, pushing a little radio control butt.on and watching the ABC headquarters building blow up. Now. is that any way to treat the nice network folks who are JUSt looking out for our best Ulteresta? ... NightmarP from Page 1 Savage said that despite the stress, it was an excellent experience. "There were times when I didn't think we'd get through It," he said. "The problems were just overwhelming. But the company always came through." Savage, who starred in the Academy Award-winning "The Deer Hunter," aaid that "<Aming Out of the Ice" was hit fint televiaion role since he starred with Patricia Neal and Claude Aikena about elaht years ago in the Hall of ~ pre9entation, "Eric." . He al.o starred in "Inside Moves," "Th~ OnJon Field," "Hair," "C&ttle Annie and Little Sritche." and "All the Kind Strangers." His lut film before "Comini Out of the Ice" wu "The Amateur," a thriller with Chrlatopher Plummer and Marthe Keller. Suit filed for kid TV WASlDNGTON (AP) -A consumer group la suina iho Federal c.ommwucaUoav Cornmbilioci ln an attempt Lo force &he fllel'C)' to NqUlre ICaticel CO off« p&"ClCfllnt for chOdnn '1l\e CMJ Nit. filed 'l\mda_l' ln U A Diilric!t Court~ ~ for QUldnn!j ~ ~ Wt ~Mutt o. J'owllr ..... &be~ ,a~o1-.... cbillr .... edanbJmt ~ftnal.U.cm:j"~"I NII. I , I I t I I I I I ,, I ' !I ~Letters ~ ~ N 'The Persuaders' is ~ still in syndication ~ \\Ord Game TV teasers • Who was Dan on I 'Hawaii Five-0?' ~ ANGLO FILE -I remember a British ~ries 1 u.. that ran in the U.S. in the '70s. It was called "The By W. WIUON CASEY c..,eey ........... ci Persuaders" and starred Tony Curtis and Roger .9 Moore as a charismatic duo always exchanging clever remarks about Curtis' far from subtle ~ American behavior during their entertaining 0 crime-fighting activities. What were the names of = the characters, and will we ever see it again? a. The series wu canceled by ABC after one teaaon ('71-'72), but has been in syndication off and on throughout the country ever since. MAN OVERBOARD -Please settle an argument. My husband says Anthony Andrews of "Brideshead Revisited" and "Ivanhoe" is going to become a regular caat member of "The Love Boat." Is there any truth to this? Your husband gets to spend the night in steerage. AndrewB will not be walk.iJ\g the decks of "The Love Boet," but American viewers will f.et to see him again next season in a remake of 'The Scarlet Pimpernel" ABBY'S WHEREABOUTS -I need to know if Abby Dalton ("Falcon Crest") ever starred in a TV series a long time ago. 1 know I remember seeing her. Dalton starred in several TV serlet. She's probably best remembered as Nunie Martha Hale, Jackie Cooper's girlfriend on "Hennessy" (1957-1962) and as Joey Bishop's wife on ''The· Joey Bishop Show" (she started during ita second season in 1962). PAT REPLY -Patricia Harty of "Herbie, The Love Bug'' did another series several years ago. What wu it? Abo, is Kevin Corcoran, the producer, the same penon who starred as a child in several Disney movies? Patricia Harty, aka Trisha Hart, has starred in more than one series over the years. She played the title role man unsU<lCe9Sful 1968 TV ~tion of the ~mic character "Blondie." was Bob Crane's wife in the also unsucceaful 1975 sit-com "The Bob Crane Show." and waa Michael Callan's sometime spouse in "Occasional Wife," which true to fonn ran one 8e8l!IOll ('66-'67). As for Kevin Corcoran, the current Disney producer ia the same freckle-faced fellow who starred in ''Old Yeller," "The Shaggy Dog," "Toby Tyler," "Swiss Family Robinllon." and other Disney ef torts of the '50s and '60s. _FIRE INVESTIGATION -I recently saw "The Towering Inferno." Can you tell me if the young boy who was trying to e9C8pe with his sister up the stairs was the actor who played Bobby on ''The Brady Bunch."? Cto.e. Mike Lookinland played Bobby on ''The Brady Bunch." Mike's brother Todd Lookinland starred in "The Towering Inferno." Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Avt'tnue. Room 602, New York. N. Y. 10166. 1. Who starred as Dan on the CBS criQle drama "Hawail Five-0" which also starred Jack Lord as McGarrett? 2. What same organization produced "The Rookies," "S.W.A.T.," "Starsky and Hutch," and "Charlie's Angels?" 3. Name the series. Clues . . . NBC . . . Dack Rambo ... Hector (Bert Rosario) ... Woods (Alexander Courtney) ... Buckner (Colby Chester). 4. Name the crime action series. Clues . . . NBC ... 1973 ... Capt. Chase Reddick (Mitchell Ryan) . . . Jack Webb production . . . Michael Richardson . . . Brian Fol'll( . . . Reid Smith . . . Tough cases. 5. "Most Wanted," an ABC crime action series cast Robert Stack along with Shelly Novack and JoAnne Harris. What was Stack's name and rank on the show? 6. Where and from whom did "Magnum. P.I." (Tom Selleck) get free lodging on the CBS crime action series? ANSWERS: 1. James MacArthur 2. Spelling-Goldberg Productions 3. Sword of Justice 4. Chase 5. Capt. Lincoln ''Link" Evers 6. Hawaii. A ~t-sel.ling writer TV Teasers are available in the book, "TV Trivia Quiz," which includes more than 300 questions and may be ordered for $3 from Case Co., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanburg, SC 20303. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sports Highlights New TV magazine pages all sports fans Ft-om Page 30 Championships" Michelle llitt vs. Julianne Mac· Namara and Phil Cahoy vs. Tim Daggett ( 1 hr.) 7:00(() SPORTS CENTER 9:00(() PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From Atlan- tic 9!>'· New Jersey. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:30 W BOWLING "Budweiser Natural Ute Hall Of Fame Tournament" (2 hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:30(() GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Elimination Championships" (1 hr.) 1:30 (!)THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 2:00(() HORSESHOW JUMPING "U.S. Open Cham- pionship" from Charlotte, Nqrth Carolina. (2 hrs.) 4:00 e NUMERO UNO Runner Irena Sz9Y(lnska of POiand, competitor In five Olympiads and winner of seven medals. Is profiled. (A) (()SPORTS FOAUM 4:30(!) SPOR'fS CENTER 4:36Gl) BASEBALL New Yori< Mets at Atlanta Bra\199 (3 hf&.) · 5:00(1) AUTO RACING "NASCAR Talladega 200" (2 hrs.) EVEHING Thursday MAY27. 1982 MORNING 6:001 SPORTSWOMAH 8:30 THIS WES< IN THE NBA 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 PAOFESSIONAL AOOEO From Mesquite, Texas. (2 hrs.) 11:00(() MOTORCYCLE RACING "Daytona Super· cross" from Daytona. Florida. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) AFTERNOON 1:301 POCKET BILLIAR08 ''Trick Shots" (1 hr.) 2!30 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOO't&ALL -4:00 THIS WEEK IN THE NHL 4:30 SPORTS CENTER 6:00 SPORTS FORUM 5:30 SKIING "1982 International Speed Cham- pionships" EVENING e:ooe NBA 8ASKETBALL CHAMPK>NSHIP GAME GarM 1, teams and -alte to be announced. (2 hrs .• 30mln.) Cl> TOP RANK 80XIHG From LM Veget, Neveda. {2 hrs.. 30 mfn.l e:oo~cro FROM ROOeEVELT CK) CENTER 9:CR> e NUMEAO UNO nety·a K&lut Dlblut. thr_. tlrn. QtymPie gOld medal div«, It profiled. 9!30(1) AllTO "'RAC1NG ''NASCAR TeJledtgl 200•· (2 hra.) t 1:80 (I) ""' 8A8t<ET8AU. CHAMPIONIHIP GAME GerN 1. ,..,,,. end lite 10 be announced. (2 hra .. 30mfne . 1t:i n.~FtomLMV...NNl­a twt;, IO Mllfl) By PETER MEADE This week in addition to turning the pages of the new iaaue of Sports Illustrated magazine, vtewen can tum the television dial and find "Spora IDuatrat.ed: .A Series for Television," which begiN ita syndicated run on Wed.needay, May 26. Of the eeries, which marks the magazine's first time at bat in the television programming game, publisher Philip Howlett says "we will forgo conventional TV sports coverage and concentrate on the who, why and how of aporta." The premiere features stories from three ditterent realms of sportadom. Andre Ervin ii a wanted man. No, his pic:1a.lre cannot be fowtd in the local post office but there are many colleges and unJvemties acrou the nation that would like to have his picture in their basketball yearbook. Resarded as one of the top 100 basketball players in the nation, Ervin hu found prestige caniett a loi of pre11ure u J1e tries to decide which achool to attend next year. Cameras follow the 18-year old Ervin from h1a native Brook.1.yn &o Lu Vepa on a IC'Uitina trip. Next up, h&N'I ''The Pitch" and it.offers viewen a \l&Yqu.e opportunity to ~ what many majOr leape baaeball play&n frequently mm. a Nofan Ryan fMtba1l. ... ll)iaW• ~· usu.ally '8.kea leaa \ban a half • aecona to reech heme platt, but with the \.e o1 a au.per alow motion camerll B1an•1 fa.stball lt photographed at 186 tlmel tlow•r than nonnal ~ Other pUch• that tiav. continually baffled batf.n. auch aa JM.le. Suuer'a 111pllt-Un~r • .... ~·· ~ Mc0ftw111emc:g ten'1'W and Ptiil NJillro • ••wbuatni lmucklebell, wtU ._ be ........ . _...__.._...__ --·--.. ·--·--........... -·-··-·---··-···-·--···..... ·-········-------..---... ----·-----a• .;o;.:; TV Puzzle Cable corner 3! 0 ACROSS 1 5 Shewn, essay•SI on 60 33 One Day - -Time ~1nutes 34 Role for Leslie Caron 11 H11 musical 35 --Cobb 12 J Patrick -37 Exist 14 Rote for 54 Across 38 Studio locate 15 Fall\ or Nero 40 -in the Family 17 -Sumac 41 ·Gunsmoke" co·star 18 Guido no1e on1t) ig N1moy to pals 43 Played Kook1e 20 -Diego or Juan 45 Fin1st1 f11st 21 -Time for Sergeants 47 Miss Merkel 22 52 Plays Magnum 48 City in Oklahoma 24 Avie tor Ito 49 Role for Dawber 27 Miss Kwan s handbag 51 Ptioto tD 52 See 22 Across 28 Sedaka or Diamond 54 Stars on VagaS 30 Role tor Musante 56 Rote lor Randall 32 Ran 1n front 57 Abbe or Lota 5 Tobin or K.y1e 6 Harotngers 7 RowtJOdt neea 8 Mr Lear s ons1gne 9 Rr n 1na Rick 10 .Jd'-~ S1 '"IC • 1 Ste1lci1 ol Harper Vc111ey 13 ti. JI Oxford 16 S1a1e1y tree 22 Cheryl - 23 Starous• e g 25 T <l''t extent 2 NOrds 26 1 our1~1 s stopover 29 Mr Wdllach 31 West or Murray 34 Barbara Bel - 36 Coralee on _ Palmerstown 37 L1ll1e and Arthur 39 -blessed 40 Sanford -Son 42 She s Daisy Duke 44 Surrealist ar11s1 46 Black 4 7 - -Central Parl\ 49 The -1n Her life 50 Mr Brynner 53 Miss Day s s1on·ofl 55 Sun gOd SOLUTION EMERGENCY --------·- DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to ho•pital emergency rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional 8i Personaltzed Care AOUL TS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 38$ DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (71 4) 752·6300 •Ml!RQl!NCY DOCTORS OFFICI! 4030 Birch St.. Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY --- oc. Airpor1 5 15oFF your first .. visit -Broadway star Jerry Orbach works up a powerful 'Suite' ~ ~ By DEBRA MORGENSTERN KATZ One man. long, silky bangs across his forehead, three gold chains around his neck and a shirt Wlbuttoned msdway down his chest, tries to re·romance hts high-school sweetheart. Another man, bedecked ln tails and tux. a carnation in h is lapel, prepares for his daughter's wedding. And a third man celebrates hil 24th year of marriage. trying to rediscover the love he felt on his wedding night. What do \hese three men have in common? They're all characters in HBO's production of "Plaza Suite," Nell Simon's Tony award-winning play, and they're all played by the same actor: Jerry Orbach. "I loved the challenge of playing three different characters," says Orbach, who won a Tony award for his performance in Broadway's "Promises. Promises." "The major difficulty was physical -running for a complete costume and wig change. But playing the three characters was not nearly so difficult as it was a lot of fun." Orbach speaks from experience. At 46, he has 20 years of performirrg behind him, mostly in theater, including such hits as Bob Fosse's "Chicago," and the current Broadway success. ~'42nd Street." "I started out as a serious young actor who sang on the side," he says. But the singing caught attention and 0.: producers kept casting him in musicals ~ on the stage. "People tend to classify ~ you. They say, 'You do musicals so DJ you're a musical-comedy actor' " '< I\) Orbach has been breaking out of _. that mold lately, most notably with .... his performance as a gritty narcotics :g detective in Sidney Lumet's 1981 film N "Prince of the City." He'd like to continue doing more film and less theater. In "Plaza Suite," which was taped before an audience at the Moore Theater in Seattle, he performed for the camera, but had an audience in the theater to consider as well. "You have to walk a fine line," he says. ''There is a danger of starting to yell to reach the back row o f the theater, but you have to be careful to act differently -the camera demands more subtlety, not the bigness and bombast of the stage." In addition. with "Plaza Suite" he faced the challenge of making himself believable as three men. "f tried to make really big differences about them," he says. "It's a trick, but as soon as the audience sees tt, they accept it. Lee Gran~ had the same challenge in the production -she plays the three women involved with each of the men. Julie Garfield and Jeffrey Haddow co-star in the play, which will make its debut on HBO May 23. It wiU also run May 26, 29. 31 and June 4. --- Announcing The Ma•Tiott Tennis Oub • Limited Membership Available • No Initiation Fee • LO Cbampicn$hip Courts • Full Club House Facilities e Rnhvn .Ray --~ c:i Tennis ~Beach •.M•rriotf HOtel&.. TennlSClub 900 Newport Ctntcr Drive Newport Bcecll, CA 92660 • I ;. ... ,. 54 N 0 00 O> --l}dyti1ne N >-as ~ ~ ~ Donna told baby. ~ will be born .dead j:: By LYNDA llJ,J\SCll -0 ALL MY CHILDREN: Leaming that Kent dropped 0: assault charaea agains t h im bec ause of Erica's intervention, Bhndon Is livid and fight.t with Erica. The two spill, but rullz.e how much they need OM another When it comes out that Jenny should have won tl\e con~ Llu swears to Enid she had nothing to do with it and blamN It all on her friend Amand.a. Nina meets Palmer's lawy~ and ia charmed by his pmitJve attitude toward career wcmen. Palmer aet.t up Donna'• mtetl.ng with Dr. Bentley. who te11a her that her baby will be born dead and it could endanger her life, and tells her abortion la the only anawer. ~enny begin• his Gamblers Anonymoua meetin11. A dinner whh Ellep and Pam provee to be embanulin& for Mar~ ANOTHER WORLD: ~lle learns of Blaine'• jail problems and makes sure. word geta to the DA so that 8laine and Sandy'a iestimony will be meaninalet1. Bla1M ltal1I to have nijhtmares and peya a villt to Dr. Wagner, the psychia. triat. c.edlle nervous over Jamie'• auachment to MVe· Jamie dlsplnaed with .Frank's -=reenplay and turns down any talk show interviews to plug the work. AS THE WORLD TU8NS: Jamea invests In the perfume Dee and Craig are marketing. At the hospital. Karen goes further into depraelon and l1aJ1I yelling at Annie. Jeff blames Annie for the arsument, but later the twOIOIDe realit.e that they muat be strooc or Karen will ntln \heir rellldonahip. Steve augesta to Kim that she find a job away from the'restaurant. Feelinl her marriage ii falllnl aput. K1m soee '° Matt for coun1eUna. Mr. Bi1 laughs when be tees the arUat'• rendering of Tom and Marlo'• de9criptloo of hJm. Mar1<> ciont.lnuea to tell Tom she cal9 not.hinc for bim. CAPITOL: Julie tellt Tyler she'll marry him but must wait becau9e Trey needs her now. Trey la stunned when Frank BurpM says he aaw Tyler IO tnto Julie's apa.runent. Pbllip Dane, an im~rtant member of the eecwtty conunilllon and one of Tyler'• chief backen. is aeeing ·Shelley, a proatltute who has bef~iended Lawrence BuTtniton. Frank and Myrna decide to aiet it Up to look as tbouih Philip Dane killed Shelley. Shelley tells Lawrence she'll float him flnanciaUy and be conaiden lt. The only catch la ahe want.t a percentage of his tal$e. C1atilla tells Thoma to 10 slowly wU.h Beth. Myrna deligb~ that Jordy and Beth are dating. Jordy warns Brenda to atop her tramp-like lifatyle. Laming of Julie'• dedsion to have her own apartment, Myrna threatens to wrt..-her out of her will. DAYS OF OUR LIVF.St Reltiee t. stunned by Lee's letter, which reveala that she la Renee's mother, that Stephano la her father and that Tony ii her half-brother. The letter further aaka her not to tell Tony and Stephano the truth. Tony cannot undentand when Renee returns to Salem with Marlena, brMb their ~t adnd turns her b9Ck on him completely. Devastated by Renee'• rejection of him, Tony refuaee to atve Liz a divorce. Marlena, growq cloler to Roman. oonliden not taking her Mexican vacation. Jake, who haa vowed to kUl Marlena. ~ts hold of Gwen'• apartment key and makes a duplicate. Don realize. that be If falling in love. with Gwen. Tom .. Alex flirtina with Dana and recalls how he broke Marie'• heart. DOCTORS: After Katie kld:nape Lee Ann, she hides her with her friend Hermione. ~ loel an the radio and pleada for Lee Ann'• ~. w~ M.lke tries to find the child. Una~ to bear children. Althea turns down Jeff's L OVE·WOBK RELATIONSHI P - Although th~ir romance bas its ups and downs at work and play, Janet Collins (Millee Tagkart) and Ted Adamson (Wayne Tippit) usually wind up back together on the NBC daytime series, "Searc h for Tomorrow," weekdays at 11 :30 a.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). mam~e propolal. but he atW wishes to marry her. When Je.lca a napkin accide)tally cat.chea fl.re at the Medldne Man. Ivie ~ down anti ii taken.co Hope Memorial. Nola tel.la Bllly their marTt.age ts off because she cannot trust him. Billy rewesaea ~lf and promUlee to change hi:' waya. EDGE OP NIGHT: Geraldine believee that Sky and Raven ahouJd get together and taHt about their problems. Raven manaas to acape Mn. Peabody when she reallies that the woman ta an lmpo11CC'. but ls fearful that the wtll be caughL Jodie learm that her portrait baa been atolen from the museum. Jlnx'a condition la deteriorating. Suspended from the force, Damien decides to try and make Poppy an ally. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Programmed by Luke, Laura convinces David that ihe Mal Kuth art exhibit is aoin& to be abruptly .awpended at an eerlier date. David aeddea to atep up ill• plans for the theft and further dectdel to do away with Mel. Heather inaia1s that Dr. Bradshaw claim that be oondnued ebarJes .,.wt Anne becaUllf Dr. ~u was blackmalllng him. Joe la further confu.ecl. when Heathitt turns to Scotty for help. Mn. Gnnt warns Alan that Su.an la on the emotional brink. ~an decldea to send Susan and Allee off on a crulae. Susan balq but cbanaes her mind when Alan promi8ea to meet her on the tet&U'n voyage. Leslie la terrorbed by Demley'a men and IUek vow. to f.labt them. David sets plan ln motion to'blow up Haunted Star. GUlDtNC1 UGBT: Nola. pretend.In& to be on SUu and Helena'• side, maNges to 1*1 the atones needed to find ancient land whose people revere birth and mo'\llerbood above all. When Evie admits to Jackie that ahe found Carrte'1 eaninJ unc¥r. Justin's pillow, Jackie begina to think that Carrie a lies about Juatin coming on 1o her incleMantly are true. During an emotional bout Wjth Carrie No. 2, Carrie collapeet and Rom rushes her to the holp(tal. 'I'hroulb an offhand comment, Trish learns that Vaneaa patd fcir Tony'• Chicago vacation. Kelly upeet when he dlacovera that Josh and Morgan were seen ' dining togelher in New York. Morgan moves in wltb Lli, a friend of Josh's, and Josh convinces Morgan not IO tell Kelly that she was ever mugged. ln Madrid, J~nnifer and Mark becom~ romantic, while bal·k in SprrngC1eld, Amanda become$ aware of her feebngs for Mark. Derek and Hillary split. with Hillary movmg back in wath Katie ONE LIFE TO LIFE: Larry arrives in San Carlos and decides to try and find Karen and the lost caty Xnanta. Asuid warns Karen her only hope 1s to play subllervient to Ivan. Marco is hat over the head by hu thieving guide. When Larry is ta.lsely told that his guide is also a thief. he believes at. Larry later rills into a crocodile-Infested swamp. Dorian and Herb's try ;u reconcillauon ii a flop. Georgine agrees to marry Beau but wants to wait until the aolaramite vacuum l'Xtractor 11 perfected. RYAN'S HOPE: When Kim diacovers Onon has only puro~ one ticket out of New York, she reali:zes that he's w~g her up. She tries to call off the kidnapping echeme but he turns nasty and a truly frightened l(jm calls Rae for help immediately. Rae and Seneca decide to go against the FBl's orders and plan to send the ransom money. When Dorn pays Joe a visit, Siobhan believes that his business are •Ull illegal Roger vt.sita Jane at the holp(tal, Ox is a1ao there and t.ells"Roger that he 11 aelfish and" does not deterve Jane. Dee. in an ef(ort to break up Roger and Jane, decides to disclose some of his less than honorable put as a gambler, an alroholic, a womanizer and a cheat. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Brian wins his fight with Mad Dos. but then collapees and flshta for bis life. Althoueh Martin bet oo Brian and won a fortune. he losea his money to the professional gamblers tha' . Stoneman has eet him up with. Having lost all his money on the fight becau.e he bet against Brian, Ted thinks marrying Janet will make him solvent. Tom still wants Kathy. Although Jo ia appalled when the riverboat shows up, she tells Stu she'll go along with his plans to turn it into a floating restaurant. Aja spruces herself up and Travis is astounded by her beauty. Lee is angry over Sunny's argument wilh Cissy. Jenny Oeaoon comes into the Elbow Room half-starved and aeeks help. TEXAS: Mark tells Ruby she iB being too posaeuive of him and she decides to hokl back. Justin sends Rena 1ong·9temmed roeet to remind her that time on the bet is runnina out and the payoff ls having an affair with him. T.J . lnfonna Juat.ln that Hannibal's busl.nesa empire ta on the verge of co)J.apae, which could mean the end of World Oil. George St. John, a former achoolmate of Brette's, cornea to Texas. Joel la nearly atranaled by Mason, a hired thug of Hannibel'a, but Joel turns off the lishta so that both men can fight under an equal handicap -Joel bllnc:lnell. MatOn darkness. Ruby often the owner of a ahop carryin8 the MayJD statue the fire compass and ask.a .100,000 for It. YOUNG AND THE RESTLES& Lucas manages to retCUe Bc'ooka, tells him he'll always be his dad and that now he merely h.u two fathers, Lance and Lucas. Angry bf!Qu.e Stuart advlled Chris not to go with Snapper to England, Elluibeth moves out of the houae. John Abbott 'tel.la JJ.U he doesn't care that she slept with Jack. Nikki and Kevln move into Casey'• house, but Nikki says aepa..rate bedrooms only. Jack tells Chris he plans to dump the woman he's now eeeing. Lance suggests Robert move h1I daughter to Genoa City and lease Lance'• former home. Paul learns April wants divorce in order to marry .. New York dentist. Have a question about your fa vorite M>ap or soap •tar? Wrlee to L ynda Hirsch, clo Field Newspa~r Syndlca~. P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, QaJJJ. 92714. She will answer a many questiona as 4he can in her column, but the volume of maJ.J makes pel'llOllaJ replies impossible. 642-5678 Put a few words to wOTk for you m the Daily Pilot . . 0 Dayti1ne Still another soap on the horizon BJ LYNDA lllRSCll Tired of ''Love Boat'' reJ'\1m -aren't we all! -ABC hu new plans for lta 11-to-noon (ET) time slot beginning in 1983. Gloria Monty'• production company ii working on a half-hour aoap skein called "The Young Romancea of General Hospital." An obvious apinoff of "General Hoapttaf," tM show will center on young docton and students nuraea. Monty plans to pull some of GH'a performers to work on the apinoff on a regular baia. No names have been releMed, but we beliew Shell Kepler (Amy) and Chris RobinlOI\ (Rick) are sure beta for ~t. Other GH recuJar1 will make guest appeeranoea on the 30-minu1e daytime drama. Rounding out the other half-hour will be a won by "Ail My Children" creator Acnes Nixon and novelist Dan Wakefield. Wakefield. a JoocUme fan of Nilron, wrote a biofp'aphical book on her enUtled "All Her Children." and has wncten a pol~t Vietnam novel. The Nixon-Wakefield collaboration b aa yet to have a name or • nalled-down plot line. No at.>lute start date hM been announced, but mid-1983 Joob like the tarpt. ()ope! ABC wu ao anxious to have Tony Geary (Luke on "General Hospital") continue in it.I fold that last week 1t sent out the word tha~ Tony bad indeed agreed to stay on the lhow thrcJU&h December 1984. We 'thought Ulla wu ntber stranae alnce Tony'• contract doea not come up for negotiation until December of this ye9. The myatery wu cleared up. ABC now aaya that it is negotiating with TOil)' and th1np look pr'Ql.lliatne, but be has not signed on dotted line YA WANNA CHEAT? .. MIGHT AS Will DO IT U' HAL GOOD, HUH? ~ CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP You'll have to scrape the butterfat off the roof of your mouth, -that will make us famous - 1 CAROUSEL -The orlglnal .. Creamery" I°' cream All natural rru1t1. r .. 1 crHl'll l low air content! Fett Falt Fat• Plus rut malted mill! • l 2 Our candles 1r1 made with r .. 1 butter & real chocolate• Cr1amyllc1ou1. honettl Jelly e.lllel. ~ 1001 4 Tile .coo«1e1, brown111 & fudge? You pro&>1bly wont maJce II thl1 f11, but If you Oo, you•tt be CloM en()UQh to crawl 001 the front dOof. DASHING DOCTOR -Stephen Burleigh plays iM hMJdaome young ~ Dr. Mike Powers on NBC'• daytime drama, "The ~" llf!le1J weekdays at 11 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). -not yet an!!fav. Tristan Rogers, who olaya Scorpio on GH aareed to atay on the show through December 1984. RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON, lut seen u Jeff on "General Hoapltal," hu juat 1J1ned for CBS'1 new fall aerlea "Seven Brldea for Seven Brothen." It is hued on the apluhy motion picture of the aame name. Several yura back &bby Sherman and David ~ sWftd on a TV eerts, called "Her. Come the Brides,'' that aurvtved three aeaaons and wu bued on "Seven Bridea." LOVER·BOY, the punk-rock group,. ia the lat.eat rock-and-roll band to appear on ' Guiding •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • llOW OPEii • \_f"'L J""o.. ~J"". ·""-,,...... ,,...... ,...._ 1-.. • • •• . ·:. : :·:.'. · .~tdeo C1s~ttt RtC«den, Carner~, Tps • . : . "· Ata'I, klttlwislan, Accn....s • • • •• . ... • . .>.lo And Much, lillch Morel ... . · ... • l '~ .~ ... . ~.; . "' ....... .. '\• • ••• . '.~· . •'-. ~.~ . ~' . . ... · . •· . ;. : .~. . .. ';: .· . V"ldto Cassette Movies .. :-:.-• r•• • for Rent or S. ·~.: . • New Rtltases, Al Rlti11s. . . . : -!tnic flrns \.. : •.t•tt ,~ • ~1· . . • ~'>)1·· • . ·':~····· .. ·:. .·. , ' ... ... .. '-•I a• • , I : .. • \ .. "" : ~ .. ~ : • • • ' . .... • • ... 35 Llght." Doug Marland, the 1how'1 head writer, "O ~= to continue havine musical atan appear at the :::: . Marland plans to involve theee groups with g. the story llne. For example, during Lover Boy's ~ appearance, the character Carrie became a ''little hlgh" and came-on to several men in the room, ~ letting other characters know that the "Oh, so cp sweet, Carrie" had a deeper and darker mde. ~ :l 0. LARRY BRYGGMAN, the star of "As the ~ World Tuma" for almost a decade u the mercurial John Dixon. la ~ a featured appearance in the f" movie "Hanky Panky ' with Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner. Brysgman hu been in aeveral movies ~ lnclud.ing Al facino'a "And Justice for All." _. "ANOTHER WORLD " keeps adding im~ve acton to lta cast liat. Cleavon Little, of "Blazing Saddles,, Wne, playa the lieutenant, and Paul Hecht, who bu tons of lmpre91ive Broedway credits under hta b elt, Including "That Champlonahlp Seaaon," 11 appearing u Nikolai Plrenko. 0 RY .AN'S ROPE" atlll Wanta to brina back Frank Ryan. The only problem ii there baa been trouble •tune the rl&ht actor for the role. Michael Hawkins WU the tint actor to ... y the role when "Ryan's Hope., went on the air. Then it wa taken over by Andy Robtmon. remembered by many aa the £':tat killer in "Dirty Harry." Daniel Hugh Ke ~ was the lMt actor to play Frank Ryan. Daniel was recently aeen ln the NBC aeriea "Chicago Story,'! but unfortunately thia ahow waa a flop, ratinp-wile and crideally. Q: I waa recady drh1q put a cllardl ud I aoUced oa oae of Ute dlvcll tiWboanll SM name SMpp. h die mbabter of daat dive• uy relatloa to , ••• Wesley Slllpp of "Gu•t.1 Llpt!0 -S.R., Tomi Rl•er, N.J. A:. Yes, they certainly are related. John'• father is the mlniater of that church. Jn tact, he recenUy appeared at a charity benefit and sang aJons with C'la1y Houston, the well-known gospel alnger. John'• lister, Karen. joined him. JOlll llOW . AllD SAVE 50% ·9 LOCKERS • JACUZZI • SAtN ~ "> .. 36 i ... . ... 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Instead the bcxiy and face feel supple, firmer, and vitally alive. 1999 ·contains collagen which holds moisture in the skin and keeps the skin looking )Quthful. 1999 contains aloe vera and jojoba to revitalize and enhance the skin. 1999 contains PABA to protect the skin against harsh elements. 1999 is ideal for ar;body who wants healthy skin and an outdoor look all year around . For a 6 oz., four month supply send $13.50 (plus 6% sales tax for Calikmia residents) to: 1999 BEAlJTY PRODUCTS CO., 3321-A West Warner, Santa Ana. CA 9'Zl04 • (714) 751-5670 .. llAlllCIAIT lllTllml IUl:l/flllllll llWY t'lllOAY, MAY :ll. 1~87 OflANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS entines strike back. • • r1t1s Sirhan denied parole · SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California Board of Pri8on Tenm ruled today that Sirhan B. Sirhan, convicted ......tn of Sen, Robert F. Kennedy, should not be granted parole in 1984 as 8Checluled. ''The Sept. 1, 1984, parole date of Sirhan Sirhan ia hereby ret1Cinded for good cause,'' said board cha1rman Ray Brown. Brown said the board would hold another hearing in aix months to consider aetti.ng a new date for Sirhan'a release. The board had been under strong public ~ to reecind Sirhan Sirhan a 1eheduled parole date, which was set by an earlier board. But board members apedfically denied that public outcry concerning Sirhan'• releue waa the chief influence on their decision, which had been requested by the Loa Angeles County district attorney. Brown said he and the two other members of the panel that ruled on the Sirhan cue believed that the board that decided in 1975 to releaae the usaas1n waa not aware of violent threats made by Sirhan while ln prison. "The panel !Inda the continuing nature of the priaonet'a threats and conduct ia of great aign.i!icance and would have been of great significance to other panels had they known the nature of them," Brown uid. u~ ATTACK SITES -British raiding parties bombarded the area around Port Stanley and landed on the Falkland Islands today as ships Harriers attacked positions at Fox Bay. Cop nabs would-he assailant An off-duty police officer turned the tables on three men who allegedly robbed him outside hi.a Seal Beach home. Seal Beach police said Brad Bunker, a lieutenant with the V emoo Police Department ln Loa Ana'eles County t cl\Ued the trio ancf captured one young man ln a nMl"by park. A aecond man allegedly involved in the holdup was arrested a short distance away, and police are continuing tQ eearch today for the third man. British forces -plan 'hit and run' LONDON (AP) -British forces will make a string of landinp and commando ralda in the Falklanda campaign, avoiding bi8 ba\tle11 with the numerically superior Argentines, "like a boxer wearing down his opponent for the knockout blow," Brltilh military aourcea say. Defeme chiefl have given the marines, paratroopers and special forces two weeks to cripple the Argentines, who outnumber them more than 2-1. say the aourcea. They declined to be Identified. • NIWB lllllYllS campaign are the army's Sped.al Air Service and the marines' Special Boat Squadron. Informed sources aald teams from them have been on the Falklands for weeks 1couting tar1et1 for aabotap. Landed by helicopters Saturday, 48 commandos raided the airstrip on Pebble Ialand, at the nor1hem tip of the Falklands. and blew up 11 planes and an ammunition dump. Along with more auch raids, British destroyers and frigates will bombard Argentme (See BRITISH, Pap AZ) s 21 Englishmen die in crash By Tbe Ataoclated Pre11 Britain launched its long-awaited land, sea and air assault to retake the Falkland Islands today, and suffered 21 dead in a helicopter crash at sea. Argentina said its jets hit five British frigates and downed a British warplane. lt said one of the frigates was hit with 14 rocket.a and sinking. Argentina's official Telam news agency said the frigate.9 were cut off in the Falkland Sound, and that the one that was sin.king was capable of carrying 177 men. An Argentine radio station said two British helicopters also were downed. Britain had no immediate comment on the Argentine claims in the fighting, which came after peace talks collapsed Thursday. The Argentine junta said the British ships were trapped near the bay of the port of San Carlos at the northeast end of the strait separating the two main Falkland Islands. The British call the area Foul Bay. The London Evening Standard newspaper said more than 1,000 British troops -mainly marine conunandos and paratroopers -landed in six groups to launch the heaviest attacks yet against the Argentines dug in on the Falklands. The Defense Ministry in London said British ground forces attacked fuel and ammunition dumps and military depots, while warships bombarded Stanley and other areas of F.ast Falkland and Harrier ~t-fighters attacked the main base on West Falkland. The Briitsh call the base Fox Bay. The Bfitish Defense Ministry said a British helicopter ferrying 30 men between British ships ditched in the South Atlantic before the attacks were launched, and that nine were rescued, one body was recovered and the other 20 troops were missing and presumed dead. . It was Britain's single biggest loss since the conflict started April 2 with Argentine seizure of the South Atlantic islands. Winds of 40 knots and waves 25 feet high were reported in the area, but the weather was expected to clear later in the evening. The Argentine Joint Chiefs said that the British ships were sighted in the bay of the port of San Carlos and north of San Carlos Strait, separating the islands of East and West Falkland. The British c.all the strait the Falkland Sound. "A landing began at 8:50 a.m. (4:50 a.m. PDT), which is being repelled by Argentine forces," the communique said. Although the British referred to "raiding parties" being (See FALKLAND, Page A%) The board apeclflcally cited Sirhan'a written threats to kill an author who wrote a book about him. a priaon guard and a prlaon official who received a complaint from Sirhan that dentists were refusing to treat him for tooth problems. Seal Beach officers said Bunker had just parked hll car at his Birchwood Drive home Wedneeday night when he waa confronted by three men who said they were armed and demanded valuabli!S. The three took hi.a jewelry and car keya. but were unable to start their getaway car, police said. Bunker obtained his handgun and began pursuing the robbers into nearby Shapell Park, "We want to take them out a little at a time, drain them ln a war of attrition," one source reported . "We want to demoralize them, leave them wonderln' where we'll come from next.' The Brlti.ah commander, Rear Adm. John "Sandy" Woodward, has only about 4,500 combat troops with hia naval task force. They face an eatlma~ed 9,000 Argentines, about a third YOWl8 draftees. But they are stiffened by special forces units, marines and regulars with tanks and self-propelled g\10s, including 105rrun Austrian Kuerasaiera. Sex for credit to be dropped · Blaze probed at body shop Huntington Beach fire investigators are seeking the cauae of an auto body shop blaze that sent flames and smoke through a rooftop vent In the dty'a lnduatrial aection Thuraday night. Fire Captain Roger Hosmer said the blaze at Dwight's Body Shop, 15551 Chemical1..ane. was confined to an .iuto spray painting booth and waa brought under control within 15 minutes. The damage waa estimated at $2 ,500. No Injuries were reported. Roemer said the shop WU cloeed at the time. Occupa~ion ends AMHERST, Mau. (AP) - Studenta oppoeed to Hampshire College'• ownenhip of atock in WMponl oompanif.9 today ended a four-day occupation of the college's admtnlstration bulldlna. WORLD officers said. . Bunker tired several shots but apparently rniaaed, police said. He eventually wrestled one man to the ground. A second man was arrested during a search of the area, police said. Jailed cm 1Uapidon of robbery were Eugene Jones, 19, of Long Beach, and Kelvin Jonee, 19, of Bakersfield. Bunker's ring and car keys were recovered, officers said. Brown opposes 'victims' rights' SAN DIEGO (AP) -Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. flnally announced his opposition to Proposition 8. which supporters call the "victims' bill of rights." He termed the June 8 ballot initiative duplicative, ooetly and confusing. The Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate had been promising for weeks that once he reviewe<I it. he would take a stand Electronic war/are used The .Brtdah have made excellent uae of electronic warfare tn the Falklanda crisis, but we won't learn the detaill for yean. Pap A6. COUNTY Death sentence hailed ' The tamlly and friends of a Garden Grove police officer llaln DMrly two yean aco are reUeved that hi.a convicted aaallant bu been recommendtMI for the death penalty. Pip Bl. He dretJ8M stars, stage Tom Bum1.&1Mn, coetume deetaner for South C.oMt ~ •-rtntypa." ~the .tan .. well .. u..-...w ....... 1 In a report today in The New York Times, an unidentified British military source was quoted u saying the British were shifting their strategy from a aeries of smaller actions to a direct assault on the Argentine forces. The goal, he said, waa to avoid di11ipating the limited strength on the British forces. The conflicting reports from Brltiah military sources may be aimed at mialeadi.n& Argentina. ''Hia1or'Y ls littered with battles in whicfi small forces have dislodged larger forces," said Maj. Gen. Slr John Owen, who commanded Britain's marine oommando forces ln 1972-73. "It won't be euy. It would be wrong to underestimate the Argentines' capability. But given the right opportunities, it'• feasible.•· Key units in the hit-and-run SPORTS By JEFF ADLER Of .. IMIJ ......... The Cal State Long Beach psychology professor who offered homework credit to students for having homoeexual, group or extramarital relationships aaya about three students per aemeater chose to have a eexual experience ln the 15 semesters the clus nu been offered. Profeaaor Barry Singer, who has been teaching the "Psychology of Sex" for nine years, said Tburaday 1tudenta have been offered the option of having a aexual relationahip for ooune credit during the 1ut four years. But Singer confirmed he la dropping the aexual experience option from the llat of 21 study options from which students enrolled ln the ooune are asked to aelect. The study options range from attending divorce court or a marriage enrichment group to more "aensltive" ones such aa a tour of a nudist colony or gay bath houle, Singer said. Magee seekins $1.5 million What 11 Kevin Magee'• ukina price? The UC Irvine All-American aay1 it'• $1.~ million for five years, and it could be more lf he goee ~ tn the NBA draft. Page Cl. Sea' Kings fly to Lancaster It could only happen at Corona del Mar m,h. The Sea Klnla. defendlna CIF 2-A bueba.11 champlona, will fly to Lancuter today fot a pi.yott. Pap Cl. NATION Both the course and Singer have come under attack by evangelical Christians in the Long Beach area who contend the "Psychology of Sex" COW"8e -and the offer of credit for a sexual relationship -have no place in a tax-supported state institution. Singer and School of Social and Behavioral Science Dean Simeon Crowther, on the other hand, argue the course waa targeted by thoee who "wiah to affect the curriculum of the univerai ty." ~ ·aaid that what i.a at stake ls emic freedom. "Now we are under attack from the right for what we teach," Crowther remarked. "During the 19701, we were under attack from the left." Although the course will be offered ln the future, Crowther said a faculty committee has been reviewinl the course's content. The committee's flndln11 are expected next week, he aald. Singer said about 40 atudenta per semester enroll In the three-time-a-week lecture (See SEX. Pa1e AZ) INDEX DEFENDS COURSE - Professor Barry Singer defended his course "Psychology of Sex" during press conference Thursday at Cal State Long Beach. Ann Landen B2 Movim Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National Newa A3 Public Notlcee B4,C4,0S Sports Cl-6 Stock Marke11 B6 Televlslon TV Loe Thea ten Weebnder Weather A2 World Newa A.3 STATE I I I I I FALKLAND ISLANDS e • e put uhore, there wu no immediate lnd1cat1on of th~ IC&le of the flahtJ.na or whether the uaault amounted to a landina ln 1dll'~ to eetabltah a beachhead. The only reporten on the ecene ln the South Atlantlc ere ,Brltiah reporten with the Brttiah fleet and Argentine _,,_rw.,.pondenta. .The Defenu Mlnlatry ln dlaembark troope by helicopter ondon aald Bri tl1h 1round on the lalanda wu au~fully J:orcu attacked fuel and repelled.'' One Britlah Sea tmmunltion dumpa and military Karrfer fiahter-bomber wu &hot d t po ta , w h l l e w a r 1 h i p 1 down ancf lta pilot captured, he mbarded Stanley and other ll&ld. eu of Eaat Falkland and After 12 daya of 1eparate ta.lb er jet-fiahten attacked the with Brltl1h and Ar1entine bue on "West Falkland. dlplomatl at U.N. headquarters A reporter for the privately in New York and a final owned Buenos Aires radio 1tation telephone appeel directly to the JIAdio Rivadavia aaid meanwhile hoatlle countrlea' leaders, U.N. 'ttet "Ar.tentine air force planee Secretary-General Javier Peret ~ve taken off to attack the de Cuellar said Thunday night tiah fleet." h i • e ff or ts to a r range a n he reporter , at the Joint agreement for a Falklands eta headquarten, said he had c e aa e • f i r e a n d f u r t h e r n told that "an attempt to negotiations were over. * * * * * *' RITISH STRATEGY ... tiona, and the fleet's vertical e-off Harrier jeta will bomb strafe them. The targeta will the 20 or so grass airstrips around the island.a and the ~rgentine radar bases , 1 unition and fuel dumps and poeta. I , ."The Argentines are spread all Ryer a large area. Surprise will t:>,e on our side. We should be able ~.keep them on the hop," said Ah-Vice Marshal Norman Hoad, commander of Bri tain's Joint Airborne Task Force in 1974-75. , Stanley, the Falkland.s' capital, ~be the final ob.)flCtlve," 8110 ~ source. "That's where most of the hardest Argentine unita have been located. The plan is to slowly isolate them there and lqUett.e them out." SEX CLASSES I OQ,U.l"lle. Besides textual material. st~dents are asked to choose four ot .21 suggested options and write Qrief papers on each topic. "My typical student is a married woman wishing to oommunicate better with her husband," Singer explained. "The contact thing has been over-dramatized.'' 1 But Singer said three or four studenta each semester chooee to e:icP.erience a aexual relationship tfl fulfill the courae reouirement. '· . ''They defined themselves what behavior they were interested in exploring," the 38-year-old tenured instructor The raiders will try to destroy more Argentine plane• on the gr o u·n d , esp e c i a 11 y the short -takeoff A -58 counter·insurgency Pucaras that are armed with 20mm cannon, machine guns and rocketa. Six of these were deatroyed In the Pebble Wand attack, the Brltlah say. Helicopters will allo be priority targets io limit the defenders' mobility across the peat bop and hills. Battalion-me Briuah units will try to establish bridgeheads to aet up land bases for the vertical takeoff Harrier fighters from the carriers Hennes and Invincible to provide local air cover. the sources report. • • • sa.td. He added that atudentl are not preaured into this option and must consult w ith him in advance. Also, they must inform their partners. Usually, the students who choae to have a aexual relationship were heterosexual w o men who wanted to experiment with a lesbian relationship, Singer said. He allo said he could recall only one instance In which a student choae to have an extramarital relationahip in the years the option has been offered. LOSES LEG -Anna Conrad, who was considered a miracle survivor of an avalanche near Truckee. Wlderwent additonal surgery Thursday to amputate her right leg below the knee. Accidents kill 2 i n west county Two West Orange County re1identa were killed Thursday in unrelated traffic acddenta that occurred juat a few milea apart. Huntington Beach traffic \nvestiga tors are probing an accident at 1:37 p.m. involving a motorcycle and a pickup truck that collided near the intel"leCtion of Heil Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street. Police said motorcycllat Craig Stuart Jones, 21, of 4901 Hell Ave., suffered head injuries in the cruh and was pronounced dead at the ecene. The driver of the flckup, Theodore Henry Abe , 42, of 16900 Algonquin St., Hunting1on Beach, was not injured, police said. Jones was the sixth traffic. death ln Huntington Beach for 1982. polwe aaid. Thursday's aecond mishap oocurred at few blocks away in Westminster at the intersection of Bolaa Chica Street and Westminster Avenue. Westmlnlter police said Jametr Foggo , 86, of Seal Beach, ~pparently failed to atop for a red light and collided WJth a vehicle driven by Laura Marie Wold, 22, of Alta Loma. Fair and mild 81""'"°""1 849mvck 8olM Bocton M 83 05 55 '8 .03 74 51 The Forecast For 7a.m. EST Sat1.1day May 22 Rain~ Snow EZfil ShowefamI11IlJ Flurroesl!:!J Coasta l ::".:"9 • I • ~ Burington light v.rlabl• wlfldl through , Cuper 1'0nlghl eit.cept ~I lo WWI CNnltn SC 10 to 11 knoll eflernoon Chettatn WV Southweat aw•ll 1 to 3 •••1 ~MC Plltlel ~ ettemoon ~ ·u.s. summary ' ( ·thundera1orm1 pounding th• or .. t Pleine for atmoet two ..... ~ • frelh "'°"""'Of tomadoee l~t lf'llllltled ~ and flnM In 'fit e tit e I I n d 11 0 0 d e d ~ wftfl relnl r.-ng at tfl• r•t• or 4 lnchM 1n hour In ~ 'A power llfll blown dowfl by lllOh wl nda electrocuted a trucir.drt¥9r -thl vlcMent -·-thlt hM apew!'9CI more thin 100 twl.tera the pelt --..,,, ,,_.. tiffm• out of their bank• the Mldw9! todey. tffn torn1doH aldpped ttle ~on Thurldey. t wn a w e re flooded by burata and 1 rallroed llne • w11hed out. At le11t four w a ln)Ured. In ConneC'UcM. ~ perta Of thl ed out ii-to~. 1outhe11t South D1kot1, • Phury, 1 citizen wtlo llvM Dalmon1. Mid ··~ lndl9I of fell '" two houri Thurld1y m 4:30 p.m . to 8:30 p.m . out roeoa Ind cM1rneg1ng ~Cl'Opl ~ Cincinnati ~ Clmbla SC Colombul Del-Ft Wth Dayton oen- 0. MolfMll o.trolt OIJluttl BP.a Fergo Aagstall OtMIFelll Hertford Helen• Hon<*Au Houetoo I~ .i.cllan MB JedtlrrAe ~City lalVegu Uttle Rodi ~ LUOboCk Memphla Miami .......... ~.P NeatMlle NewOrtMne New Yclftc NortOllr No. Plan• Okie City Omaha ONndo =::-~ Plland.°'9 Pr~ :::v" 81111 Ult• sen Mton10 s.ctlie ::u.~ 84 5e 23 77 87 72 52 .M 73 ... 09 se :ie .18 81 72 112 87 .32 114 84 .ee 80 31 ea 44 112 80 .87 83 58 83 ee 19 &e .oe 86 ea .341 " .341 e& 40 75 50 .34 80 52 50 34 91 57 aa 4t " 33 e& .. 86 lie .29 ea 39 ae 74 83 n 86 58 1.03 88 86 ae &9 81 111 .80 Ill 111 83 70 82 83 90 112 811 70 81 74 .12 83 39 84 ... 79 84 .29 111 ae 112 84 .36 85 87 75 52 .07 83 82 .02 73 84 us 11 ae 82 82 .et 11 aa 79 M .28 11 84 7S 113 82 80 .12 ... 81 .29 10 47 17 42 17 71 .. &1 ..... 17 ... 04 •Low Tempefat1.1es Fronts COid ..-.r Watm WW' !~ ·-A ..... '....... ,. ~1 T~ , .... ________ ~---- Sl;ilion.ir v •• eomonton ea 36 Monv.I 73 90 Ottawa 7 2 156 Regina e 1 4ll Torooto 72 114 VatlClOUWf 83 49 Winnipeg ee 39 ,Alli AmNCAlll ~ 92 79 Beriiedoe .. 7t n ea ea 46 86 llll .13 M 89 92 7t ~-----------------· Smog.. .. UnhHltntul air for Hnllllve people II for-I todly for the Alverald .. Ban Bernardino ., .. with 1 Polullnt Standard Index of 1aa, lfld ror the San feffllfldo. Senti Clarll1. San 01brlel efld Pomona~ "'1tt PSI 1150. Oooel air quality w11 foreca11 lor the metropoflt1n area end Benning. both with PSI 12. Hemet·Ellln«e With ,ll 76 and the low dMertl with Pll M. All othef NQ10rW wm lw¥e PSI 42. :Extended weather SOUTHERN CAl.l,OANIA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN MW/I.a - , .. but nlGf'lt ltWouah mid momtno low -.le lklf'I tN ooeet. 8ome eftefnoon olouct• G'41f~HlgN lll .....i ..... ,..,.. ""' 70 to 14 .. .,..._ '° 11 '° .. CMr ........ ~"-.. '° ... .......... ,._, hWll • '° 1't. i,..,.. ... '° 56. Tidea • A HI ....... ,., 1..e •-oooct a mperature• \ e:...;; ,._.., .... • 11 TODAY ...... ,....., ,... .... 11 leoond IWgfl .. , • ._ u .. LO 11 .. . .. • II ....... -1 ~ 11 . ~· M -~ .QI ra-::-~:: M '* IO I.AWAY = UiluM I -IO Arwt io. l:Sa &JI\, -U ...-IO Arwt hWI ~ &.m. 4.1 14 IO .a • ., .QI . ., .. ... ~--·~ =~:: .. ~-Mii -.---....,. llWI .. ,. :.:: 1l' ~ -M llOd a aun ••l• r:H '·"'·· rlH•I •n . ... . " ' -~~.... t m ~~. OW'I TIDH i """ 1141 l .M. Low a:oa p.111 ..... , MOOfl M1• l ilt p.111 ' 11 ... -.~bl&lft. .. ... Cranston hits oil lease OK 'BJ STEVE MITCHELL OftMOllr ,... .... U.S . Sen. Alan Cranaton ha• joined Orana• Cout offlclala tn lambHtlnM Interior Secretary Jamee Watt 1 dedalon to io ahNd wlth a leHe aale of oll and natural 1u tracts off Southern C&Ufomia. Valley· employee marks 20th year In a pre11 relea1e from Cran1ton'1 Wa1hln1ton office, the 1enator a aid "Ronald a.e.,an'• lame cannon h.u fired at the California ooutllne 1$taln" 'n authorlalng leaae nfe #68,. Whleh lncludel tracta off Laguna and Newport Be.ch. ''Secretary Watt'• flnal notice of ule tanc>res almost all of the 1tate and local governmental recommendation• for tract aelectlon off the Southern California oout,'' Cranaton aaid. The leaae aale, which will take place in Loa An~• June 11, coven 164 tracta juat north of Santa Barbara to Orange County. lt include• 11 tract• off the coaata of Newport Beach and Laguna, some u close u three milea from the ahorellne. Both cities, along with San Clemente, have gone on record oppOSlng the leue aale, and have joined the atate in a lawsuit to prevent the sale. Kanl 81llmlla haa become· Fountaln Valley'• tlut 20-year city employee. Since joining the city May 15, 1962 aa a 1teno-clerk, 1he haa moved up throu1h various planning department jobs to her pret1ent po11uon as building technician. Two o ther employees, •The killer whale• of the Orange County coastal waters will be the subject of a meeting in Huntington Beach of the American Cetacean Society Thursday. · Orange Coast College Profeaaor of Marine Biology. Denni• Kelly will present an analysis of killer whale •Swimming testa for new entrants in the Huntington Beach Junior Lifeguard program will be held this Saturday and next Saturday at the Edison High School pool, 21400 Magnolia St. The tests are slated from 8 engineering auociate R.lpll Ramsey and adminJatraUv~ .ecret.ary Aadrey Barsoa, will mark 20 yeara with the city Later thla yeM. Fountain Valley was lncorpora ted in 195 7 and will celebrate lta 25th blrthday In June. sightings. A film on killer whales sighted off Newport Beach last March, will be shown. For more information call 968-0951 or 64-4-6588. The meeting will be held ln the downstairs canterence room adjacent to City Council chambers. a.m. to l:.l noon. Seven hundred boys and girls from age 9 to 16 will be accepted into the program The entry fee is $80. For further information, call 536-5281. Cranston noted that California authorities "support reuonable offahore development, but not where oil slicks will foul the precious recreational beaches around Santa Monica Bay and. Orange County, and not where conflicts with major port traffic (in Loa Angeles and Long Beach) greatly lncreaae1 the risk of collialon, Injury and oil spl.llage." U.S. panel nixes San On of re start Cranston accu1e1 Watt of "disregarding state recommendations for leaae sale of stipulations that would at least mitigate some of the potential damage.'' He said that "unlike the Northern California announcement, this l.eaae sale is lll its last stagee and the citiz.ena of California will now have to rely on the federal court system to enforce environmental and coa1tal management laws to protect them from the actions of this extremist." By DA V1D .KUTZMANN Of lM O., .... IUff Unconvinced by the arguments of Southern California Edison Co. officials, the U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commiasion.is prohibiting the restart of Ediaon's Unit 1 reactor at San Onofre until key earthquake safety questions have been cleared up. "We're simply not convinced by their technical argumenta at this point," a NRC apokesman said Thunday, after a three-hour meeting ln Betheeda, Md. Participating In that session were fede~ nuclear officials and a contingent of Edison representatives seeking to allay concerns that 14-year-old Unit 1 was a safety hazard. ''We want them to re-evaluate their (seismic safety) data and resolve the inconsistencies," government spokesman James Hanchett said. "They can't restart Unit 1 until these problems are cleared up." The 436-megawatt seaside reactor has been out of operation since last February as part of a scheduled maintenance shutdown. U Ult t y officials said the reactor is ready to return to service next month. Dana Point body found The grisly diM:overy Thunday removed after the fire to a San of an elderly woman's body in a Juan Capiatrano auto storage car believed to have been yard, Hart said. deliberately set on fire 10 days Glass and other debris th.at fell ago in Dana Point has prompted a inside the car during the fire hid homicide investigation by the the body, Hart said. Orange County Sheriff's An autopsy conducted Department. Thursday did not reveal the cauae of death, Hart said. Other The body of Joan S. Andenion, tests are now being conducted. 82, of Houston, Texl\~, was overlooked the night of May 11 · It was three days after the fire when county firefighters -last Friday -that the responded to a ca 11 of an sheriff's department was ""Otified automobile fire ln the 3400 block by authorities In Hous n that of Alcaur Drive, said 1heriff's the woman had been .:ported Lt. Wyatt Hart. mJ..ssinR. S)\eriff's Investigators Investigators su' .equently attempting to trace the woman's learned that tt woman. whereabouta found the burned apparently intent n finding a body on the floor of the 1970 place to live in v1.&1\ge County, Cadill.ac which had been had been s~aying at a Laguna __:.::....::...::..:...:....:.:..:__ ___ ~~~~---~~-~ Hilla motel, but had checked out on May 6. lnvestigators were able to tie the woman's disappearance to the car fire via automobile registration records . That mat c hup ultimately led investigators to the auto sto~e yard wbere the body was found, Hart said. Circumstances SWTOWlding the car fire remain unexplained. Hart said investigators believe the fire was deliberately set. But whether the suspected arsonist knew the woman was in the car is one of many "possibilities," Hart said. He noted that there have been several other arson-related incidents in Dana Point in recent weeks. ------- / O BI E SP()RTS LTI). Presents The OD® COLLECTION For Men & Ladles HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED!! MANY NEW SPRING COLORS SHOP EARLY For Dads I &rads A&alE SPORTS Corona del M•r ARBIE SPORTS lrvlne 4708 Barranca Pancw.y IMM, CA 552-5252 2831 Coat Hwy . Corona del Mar~ CA 875-1700 . - Consumer price rise modest a, 'ht AalOClattd Preaa Con•umer prlo ... rtboundtn1 from th•lr 1harpest drop tn 29 yeva, row ln April but at a modelt annual rate of 3.0 percent, \he pemment ll1d today. Hlsher food and houainl oostt, which of&et frmh reooni decl1nee ln guollne priCft, were l&rply l'elpOIWible, llCDOl'dlna to an announcement from WuhJ.nl'cn, D.C. . Ji:ven w&th the lncroaH in the Labor Department'• monthly Conaumer Price Index, however, lntlatlon eo w th.la year wu 1Ull nmntna at a low level of U percent. cakulated annually. The overall eaaln1 of the index, which averqtd 8.9 percent lut year and 12.4 pereent ln 1980, hu been widely attributed to tho atubbom reoeeaion and tho l1Jli rina worldwide oil 1urplua. Reagan urges unity on economy WASHINGTON -President Reagan, oontlnuina hia campaign to win over mlnoritie9 up.et by lU. economic policies, says all Americans wanting a better life must flrst work together to improve the nation's economy. "lt &a .time now for all of us together to make a biaer pie for all our d\lz.ens and everyone haJins a b~ slice, and that'• what we're de~rmined to do.' he aaid Thunday night at a reception at predominantly bllick Howard Univenity ln the Di.strict of C.Olwnbla. Labor boss opposes panel's probe WASHINGTON -Labor Secretary Raymond J . Donovan has aasured the White House he did not approve of an investigation of the Senate Labor Committee by his former New Jersey construction firm, a presidential spokesman says. Deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said that Donovan, under Investigation by the Sen.ate committee and a special proeecutor for alleged ties to organized crime figures, told him he "counseled against" the probe by private investigators hi.red by Schiavone Construction Co of Secaucus. N .J . Tax plan challenges swept aside WASHINGTON -Propelled by its Republican majority, the Senate is sweeping aside challenges to President Reagan's tax program in a drive to complete work on a $783.6 billion 1983 budget blueprint. The full House, meanwhile, was just beginning today to sort th.rough competing budget plans as Democratic and Republican leaders sought to hold their people in line while attracting defectors from the rival camp. Following two successive late-night sessions of the Senate, 1t was still unclear whether the chamber would complete work today on the budget outline it has been rons1dering since the end of last week. Passengers overpower hijacker CEBU, Philippines -Officials and passengers today overcame a grenade-wielding hij~cker, identified as Juan Cleano, who said he commandeered a Philippine domestic airliner carrying 114 people because he -:vas frustr;'tlted by the loss of his small sugar plant.anon and his World War ll pension. Nobody was hurt in subduing the hijacker eight hours after he took over the plane, a spokesman for the National Defense Department said. "They just ganged up on him," said Romeo Farol. spokesman for Philippine Airlines. U.S. envoy confers with Lebanese BEIRUT. Lebanon -U.S. St.ate Department envoy Morris Draper. under heavily anned escort, today met with Lebanese officials on the shaky cease-fire between Israel and Palestinian guerrillas in southern Lebanon. Fire from rocke t-propelled grenades and • machine -guns broke o ut In the Moslem neighborhood where he held talks with Prime Minister Shaf1k Wa.u.an. The rightist-controlled Voice of Lebanon radio reported the fighting was between Kurdish factions, but that could not be confirmed immed.lftely. R~port on dump dangers withheld? LOS ANGELES -The South Coast Air Quality Management District withheld a repo:t on the carcinogenic gas vinyl chloride for five months after district chairman Tom Helnsheimer oomplained about aections de9Cribing the chemical's health effects, according to a story in today's editions of the Loa Angeles Times. nomination for the 47th congreaional district, and one of his biggest campaign contributon owns the only site in Southern C"allfornla approved for disposal of hazardoua chemicals lil<e vinyl chloride waste. The landfill in West Covina, 20 miles east of Loe Angeles, is operated by BKK Corp. and owned by Ben. K. K.asaria.n Jr. Heinsheimer is seeking the Republican Revival of cable cars sought SAN FRANCISCO -Fearful that the summer tourilt .euon will arrive while one of the city's major tourlat attractions h shut down, San Frandloo englneen aearched for a way to revive the dty'• crippled cable c.an. Municipal Railway workeu dllmantled the huge gear and cable meehanllm ln the central cable car barn Thursday to determine whether the system, halted by a broken drive shaft 14 inches in diameter, can be patched together unW Sept. 22 - the scheduled start of a 20-month, $~9 mlllion overhaul. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomae P. Hale'V Nllllw MCI Clllef 6-M ~ Kay Scholtz .,...........,.,. -OW-.f/f~ Tom Murphlne ,..... M .. Hlf'¥9Y on.rflf.....U.. ~) Ken Goddafd Olr9Mf Ill 0.--::t-,......., CMrtel l.008 ...... 14110r ClaHm.d edv9'tl9'ng 7141142-5871 All oth•r cMpllrtmenta 142 ... 321 MAIN OFFICE -Wfft kY St. Colla Mew, CA. Mall ........ ao. U.0, C•u llMM, CA fMM c...-,,...,. '19 Or .... Coest Puelltl\lft9 ~. No MWt ~ lllvltr4!1 .... S, edltwt<ll m-.. -.,.,, ... .._., "9Alft may .,. ,..,_...,. wl"*A _._, ~Mofl9f cert•IOM-- Military tax measure fails SACRAMENTO -The California 1tate Senate doean't want to tax military penonnel to aid .chool districtl that have been hurt by federal budlet c:uta. The 40-member nouM 1ave only a 7-13 vote Thunday to a bll1 to collect 1noome tax. on the first $1.000 .-med by acti~ty milltary petlO'ftnel •tatloned ln California. That $1 ,000 11 currently exempt. The blll, SB1323 by Sen. Paul Carpenter. D-Cypre11, would al•o have forced~ aervb\a tn the mW~ outllde the state to P9J Calitom1a Income taxea. We're Listening ••• What do you Ilk• about the DaUy Pilot? What don't you like'! Call the number below and your me11a1• -will be recorded, 1 transcribed and ~tlve.:ed to the appropriatt editor. ~-,,~:..::; The same 24·hour 1n1werin1 atrvlce may bt Ultd \0 record ltt· ten to the editor on 1ny loptc. Mallboit contrlbutora must lnelu&. their name and telephone number for verlllcatlon. No drculltlon calla. pleue. Ttll ws what's on your mtftd. Oran9e Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday. May 21, 1982 H/F Lodge's gambling halted By FREDERICK. SCBOEMEHL ,,, .. ...., ......... The huaband blew three paycheck• 1amblln1 on video machine c:ard aamee at the Moo.ae Lodp ln Santa Ana. So the wife blew the whlltle. She called the cope. Her complaint and othen led thil week to a raid at the lodge durlni which Santa Ana police lnve1tlgatora aeb.ed four video machines. Three featured draw poker. A fourth dilplayed animated hone r.cee. "We took 1<>me video machines uffd ln conjunction with what we feel wu gambl.lna," said Lt. David Salaz.a.r. There l1 ll ttle question the machine1 were proving popular at the Mooee lodge, where only lodge memben and thelr guesta are permitted entry. During a recent vl11l, a reporter found the machines ln use non-stop over a period of several houn. Payoff card.a were poeted near the bar. Video gambling ls the latest rage in the video machine craz.e, according to an official of the state Alcohol Beverage Control Board. The agency monitors compliance with st.ate liquor laws by operaton of both public and private establishment.a. "There's always something new when it comes to gambling," Said Jim Gourley, a superviaor ln the ABC's Santa Ana office. He said st.ate Investigators are conducting several Investigations into video machine gambling In Orange County, primarily at private clube owned by fraternal organizations. He dncribed the inddenta as "ilolated." There are 4,520 licensed premises in the county, he noted. Gourley declined to provide details of the investigations. He said that the ABC has policy of issuing warnings to establishment owners before taking any enforcement action when gambling violations are found. First-time offenae1 normally result in imposition of a fine, he said, while subtequent violations may result in liceme suspension. In the caae of the Sant.a Ana Mooee Lodge, Lt. Salazar said, lodge owners were advised to discontinue the alleged vldeo machine pmbllng wvera1 weelu QRO. "The Moole got a IJttle carried away. Apr.arently they didn't believe us.' Salazar aald a recent opinion isaued by the state attorney general's office holds that video machine gambling is illegal . He said no arrest.a were made and no citations were issued when officers visited the M()()8e lodge Wednesday to seize the machines. He aaid the cue is now under review by the city attorney's office for disposition. Salaz.ar noted that a separate warning on video machine gambl.ini imued to the Santa Ana Elks Cfub was heeded. The machines were removed, he said. Chile protests SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) Chile aaid its 1<>ldaers have found the burned remains of a Bntish Sea King military helicopter in extreme southern Chile, about 450 miles west of the disputed Falkland laland.9, and protested to the British ambassador Mareus deelare§ Salesmen, not sales sluggish .: By JODI CADENHEAD OftMO.-,HotlWf Stanley Marcua, art <."Olle<'tor, retaller, and put chalrm.an of th~ store that made Texas tainous for the blggHt and the beet. told a Newport Beach audience Thund.ay that "retall aelling haa gone to hell." Min cing no words, the energetic salver -h aired 77-vear-old connoeiaaeur of fine living told the Fa11h1on Island Merchants Association that slow sales are the fault of &luggah salet people. To prove his point, the now retired c hairman o f Neiman-M arcus (his father founded the store) said he spertt the last two years refusing to buy anything he wasn't sold. He figures he saved $43,728 He didn't spend a cent. He wanted to buy a new CM. but the salesman didn't seem too interested . He walked into a Neiman-Marcus store (he won't sa+1hich one) to buy some lightweight luggage, but the salesman left twice to answer the telephone. He had a similar expenence when he wanted to purchase a new watch. "Most ol the customers who walk an don't need what w e have," sajd Marcus "They have· enough c lothes to go 1 n to business for themselves." Stores that want to make 1t an the future are going to have to o ffer their customers quality goods that are unique." said Marcus. "I won't buy the name of some designer sewn on the front of a polo shirt or a pair of trunks," said Marcus. ''I'm fully expecung to see a photo with a designer at his son's bar mitzvah next " Not content to merely sit back and watch profits nse from stores beanng his name. Marcus has s pent the last fi ve years lecturing, writing and c.'Onsultmg Dlillr .......... .....w STRAIGHT TALK -Stanley Marcus, former chairman of Neiman-Marcus department stores, declared Thursday in Newport Beach that sluggish sales are due to sluggish ~ people. He uses a Bae llghter (it's more dependable than the gold one) and w ears a Concord Sw1sa watch (1t keeps time) lnterviewers who ask Marcus how he manages to w ork 12 hours a day. receive a one word answer genes. He recently completed a book about N-M's outlandish His and Hers Christmas gifts that started m 1959 after Ed Murrow and Walter Cronk1 te told stot'e executives that they were. businesses. ln · t.erview followmg the loolung for a different sort of speec~ r-X'arcus lit up a worn pipe ; Chnstmas st?ry. (he also smokes cigar s) and They got at. The store offered discussed his second book, "Quest His .and He r Aarp.lanes. Other for the Best." exouc Chrut.mas gJfts followed: "I started out doing a book twin mummy caske~, ~amels, bo t th best but then I found r obots and subm an1ature a u e · ubmannes ~t~t there is very little of the s It's all part .::'f w~t lhe retail Nevertheless, some things ~te calls N-M s philo9ophy have managed to meet Marcus' to bring the best ready-ma~e discriminating standards and produt:~ ~~ailable anywhere m qualify for a "best list " the word Oxxford swts are on the hst (he was wearing one) So are Texas grapefruit, Sydney Miss Westernette oysters, sennce at Hong Kong's Peninsula Hotel. Montecrasto to be crowned cigars, the New York e r Magazme, Sara Lee poundcake and the Water Pik. Los Angeles International Airport has become the most recent entry on the "Less than the Best List." It joins plebian products, such as fi.sh and chips, imitation furs. instant coffee, pin-lever watches. home cooking (it's overrated) and frilJed tuxedo shirts. Miss Westernette wall be. crowned Saturday . night during Costa Mesa's Third Annual Westemette Dnll Team show at 7 pm. The Leis ure Services' award -. wmrung drill team will perform an the Neighborhood Community · Center, 1845 Park Ave. Tickets are $2.50 at the door "The best can be something that's expensiv e or n ot Watt criticized expensive." said Marcus. "It's something that does what it's supposed to do regularly and has a pleasing aesthetic fonn." Marcus pulled a plastic J:t'laJ.J' pen from his Neiman-Marcus pin-stripped Oxxford jacket to sho w what th e man-who-can-afford-anything writes with LOS ANGELES (AP) -Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr ., R-Woodland Hills. seeking the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. has rapped Interior Secretary James Watt for a "cavalier attitude towards our very delacate s horeline." His remarks were made Thunday. .. . . . • . . . IOW YOU Cll HIVE THE BEST FOR LESS ••• Vlnyl Flooring llo Wax 25% Off MADDALENA . ... .. . . . .. '• . · .. .. * No-Wax Easy Care * Tough Naturally Shiny Wear Surface stands up to busy family wear and tear µ1 ' -'I ([Ill · .. . ... • * Qvleter. Warmer. More Comfortable Oulet·Cor~ Interlayer * Come In and ... the wldt variety or beautiful colort end patterns • 9~ RAPAU.O .Tarkett GUSl~-R· nEN 'S Na-~ v1NvL FLOORING u 7500 SERIES ·· : iiiSiiiiiitiOR; ·cHstom drt! p11ies; ~-.... ) ; .,.. l46-4131 --.2355 41 Orang• Coaet OAIL v Pll.OT/Prlday, May 11, 1882 BY PAT 1101\0WITZ or11 •• ottr, ..... , "•" DEAR PAT: I wu turntd down on a cre~h appll<'atlon recently 10 I'd llkt to c bec:k my credit record 10 make surt tverytblo& ls reported accurately. How can I rtnd out who blll lbl1 rtcord'f · K.W .. Costa Mt1111 1t your upphcut1on Wll.S dt•n1Pd bc.'\:aUsc· ul lntormatlon supplied by a l'rt·d1t rl'purting agency, that agency'11 naml' and uddrC':>s must be 11upphed to you by tht· romp.10y wht>ll' yuu applied OtherwtM-, you cun find tht• rt.'purllng agcmcy that haH your flit• by l'ttllang thu!>l' listed in the• Business to Bu .. 1nl'Y>!'. Yellow Pages telcphom· d1re<'tory undt•r tht· hl•dding. "Credit Rt.>porting Agenc1c·s " You t•e1n c.:hl-<k your credit record at no lh..trge if your applicauon w~ dentt'<i lx'<.'auM• of information supplied by the credit reporting agtmcy IRS positions open DEAR PAT: I'm a student and I beard on tbe radio tbat tbe IRS Js currently testing interested applicants for part·time positions. How can I find out more about this? F .C., Costa Mesa During the month of May, the lRS 1s lesting applJcant.s for thl' ~1t1on of taxpayf·r service repn•sentallVl' This 1s a part·t1mt> seasonal position and the I RS will provide free trammg. Phonl' (800) ?42-4500 for mort• .)Ob information Rules st1·ictly enf OI"ced DEAR PAT: I'm a small business owner, and would like to know wby I am charged s uch a la rge penalty when l make a late employment tax deposit to the IRS. P.O., ,Costa Mesa -.he rulea for making ernpluyment tax dt-po11i. are very atrlctly enforwd, accord1na to tht> lntt>rnal Revenue St•rv1ce. Employen 111 t• vlt'wecl u "truatees" because the wtthheld 111unt.>y they are handling actually bt>longs to thl'1r t•mploy~•. H you deposit the tomployees' Sudttl Sec·urity and income tax wllhholdlng after the due date , you wall be assessed a late µ&yment penalty of ~ percent. Al.so. y'.>u may bl' l·h11rged interest on any deposits that rtmuon unpaid Ca p e Prin1rose plant care DEAR PAT: J received a Cape Primrose plllnt for Motber't Day. My problem ta tbat I don't know bow to care for It. Do you? M.G., Corona del Mar The Streptocarpus or Cape Primrose is rc'lated to the common African violet. The farm adviser's o ffi ce o f the Cooperative Extension says 1t blooms best in moderate light indoors and in light to moderate s hade outdoor!> in this chmate The plant's leaves will sunburn or bleach if 1t rec-eaves a lot of direct sunlight Streptocarpus 1s hardier than an African violet, but care should be taken to avo1d welling the leaves when watering. especiall y with cold water. as this may d1sf1gure the foliage The plants can be propagated by seed or leaf cuttings. • Got " pmblt•m? Tht•n write to Par Horo- )t 1 w111 l'at will c·ut rt·d tape, getting the ill an::.wc·rs and action you nec>d w solve in· t'QUlluo:-111 govc·rnmC'nt and business Mail your ~ursuun~ IU Pllt Horowitz, At Your Service, Or;mgt• Coasr Dail) P1/01. I' 0 &x 1560, C~IJ.I mesa. CA 9:.!ti:.!o rh many lellers as possible will be ans· Wt"fl'<i. bur phuncod mqwrws or lt>tters not including lht· rt>iidt•r '.' fu/J name. address and business hours' phwll' 11u111bl..r cannot be.• co~1dt>rPd J)e~' You'll Like Our Prices ll· f ~ You'll Love Our Food "~ Served 5 to 9 P.M. MON: CLAM STRIPS .................................................................. 3.95 r- 1 Deep fried strips of sweet clams Cno1ce of potato. cole slaw REFORM"EYED - Ass embly man Richard Robin son . D-Santa An a, has authored a bill t o revamp the Mech-Cal program and save $356 million. Evacuation 'hogwash' SALINAS (AP) M onter ey County's superv i sors say a proposed federal civil defense plan for nuclear war is "hogwash" and the county won 't go along with it. The board o( supervisors voted not to draw a plan to evacuate 400.000 Sao Francisco Bay and M on t erey County residents. ·ays h e's brokt· Robert G. I Bobby> Bake r, w1th·h con sidered the moat influ1•nt11.il rongrel.!laonal u1de in thl• l9ti011 bt'fon• h ls <.'Onv1ct1on for income tax t>VHs1on. h u f i I l' d r o r b a n k r u p ll· y 1 n Montgonwry County, Md. Baker, who served as lop aide w then-Senatl' Ma.JOrity Leader Lyndon 8 . Johnson, filed a pt•lit1011 without an a ttorney, stating he was unt>mployC'd and was $384,955 in debt. ln tht.> petition, scheduled to mnw before U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judg£> Paul MannH this Call, Baker said his cash assets last February consisted of $100 and a yearly fC'deral rwns1on vr $9.000 Alfred A. Knopf, who 1n 1915 rounded tht• pubhshmg company that bears his name. has been honored for St!rYll'<' to the arts by the American Acad~my and lnslltute or Arts and Letters. Knopf. 89. was <.'tted m New York for having "brought to Amt•ril.·an rcudl'rs many of the most 1mpurtant and 1nn ovat1ve work!> 1n l'ontcmporary foreign hteratUrl'. and a ('Ons1st1.mtly high quality of Amenl'an works." Other rt..>t::1pil'nts of the Award for Distinguished Service lo the Arts have included choreographer George Balanchine and former Sen Wllltam Fulbr ight of Arkansas. Broadcaattr Edwin Newmaa of NBC. known for t•ffort• to 11our pro.,.r UH of hmaiu•&•· haa b4ten named wlnnt'r or tht• 1982 Lc*ell Tbom11 Aw1.1rd for t•l.-t·tronlc Jtiumallsm Tht.> In lt•rnu t lon;i I PI tt t form Auoc.•l1llun 1oa1d Nt•wman h1i1s "a c·onaldl'rublt· r"putauun OA u wutchdog uf t;ngl111h U!iaif' " Tht· orguniiaUon, foundt.-d llli the Anwm·•an Ly<.'"•um ~talion m 1831 by Danl~I Webster and Jotlab llolbook, prvmut<"S publu: spt>akmg. ftobtrt M. E berhardt of Stcx·kton, has lx•t•n t•lt'l.·u,•d pr~1d<•nt of DuckB Unlin111t•d . 11 privc1lt'. non profit 11 q.i a n 1 z" 1 1 u n d l' d i '"ll t.< d t o t h e p rt. N l' I v .1 l 1 ti n ll f w u t (' r r (j w I r () r hunlln"' Ebt·rhilnh. J -4, prl'111dt•nl of the Bunk of Stt"'kton. was n;mwd during tht• group's dnnual mt>etmg in Reno /\ bull t•lt·phanl <.·harged an Anwn<.·an wom.m on a phot.ographtl· safari m Z1mbabwt'. st.'IW<l ht'r m 1t.s trunk . ..,wung ht•r lhrouJ(h lht• air and trdmplN,I ht•r , l .1u s1ng muluple lnJUnl's off ll"l..tb ... mJ Tht• hunll'r whu flndlly k11lt.-d the animal h;rd h is hu·n-.1· sus pended lx•t:au~w ht• chdn't h.ivl' his nflt• wht•n th<· l'll.•phanl first l'haJ"Kt-<l Carole van Zeeland 111 h1·1 latt· 30s. of Kaukaunil , Was. Wa!-. bt'lng tn·alt'd 1n Paru t•nyul W..t llosp1WI for l'rush{•d r1h!-., a l·u ll.q>s t>d Jnd pum·tun•d lu11g .• 1 d.1m.;gt·d pt.'lv1:-.. a brokl•n fl·mur . d1s lul'illl'U nt!ck vt•rtt•br:.it· ;111d ,, K.tsh1•d ;irm Prince Philippe 111 Bdgrurn. thl' rwphl'w of King Baudouin, t·st:aix-d unhurt wht·n '"' a11 forn· 1r:.11nrng Jl'l h.td an ,1t·t 1d1•nl un landing tht• Bt·l~1um Dt•f1•nM· Ministry s<iY '> SHORTEST LINES IN ORANGE COUNTY "EXTRA EDGE" GARFIELD BANK .... ~; RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY •~t..-oMtS...• I '22 HA}tlOa IL VD. COSTA MESA -541·1156 TUES: CHICKEN FILLET STRIPS ................................................. 3.95 White meat chicken llllet strips deep 1r1end and served with choice ot dips. lroed breaded zucchini, choice ol potato WED: STIR-FRY BEEF & VEGETABLES ....................................... 3.75 Lean beet stir fried with mushrooms, green peppers onions & celery. topped with tertyakl sauce Served with rice THURS: CHICKEN WITH BBQ SAUCL ........................................ 4.45 I I I I I I I I I I I I I A Prime find at $6.95. DAVE'S CLOCK SHOPPE Speciall1.ing In the repair of antique and new clock•. House calls on grandfather clocks. Certified Clockmo· ker Sales & Ser· vice. Boned chicken breast baked with BBQ sauce Served with cole slaw. cho1ce ot potato FRI: SHRIMP MARINARA ............................................................. 3.95 Zesty blend of bay shrimp, onion. green peppers, celery. mushrooms. served on bed ot rice Vegetaole SAT: HAWAIIAN STYLE CHICKEN ............................................... 3.95 Boned chicken brea!t toppeo with crisp bacon and pineapple ring Served with rice and vegetable SUN: ROAST TURKEY.~ ............................................................... 3.75 Sliced roast turkey served with dressing cranberry sauce. vegetable. choice of p01ato WEEKLY: OCEAN PERCH ............................................................ 3. 95 Gnlled lightly sprinkled with chopped parsley vege1able choice of potato Above includes choice of hot rolls or garlic toast. A11a11ao1e A• These Locations 18477 Buch Bl .. 842-2112 7490 Ediicer. 847 -4736 10136 Adams. 963-8881 --------~----~-----------------------------, It's Fruit and Vegetable ~~"-. Time! Now Available • • • · : Local Corn Calif .Cherries Local M'rooms Peaches Local Cucumbers Mangoes Local Lettuce Pineapples OPEN DAILY "TIL 8 Local Oranges Papayas 1-----f(1llf :JtT1l-- - --, r-----RiITT:Z•T11-----,r-----C<•llI;Ntl----, : FIRST OF THE YEAR : : ALWAYS LESS HERE :: SAN DIEGO NOW I I CANTELOUPE 11 NO. 1 FRESH 11 CUCUMBERS l : or HONEY DEWS l: MUSHROOMS i: THE 3t' SIZE l t age II age FULL II 3 3ge I I E•ch II POUND II F I I 11 II or I I Limit 4 of Each t I Limit 4 Lbs. 11 Llmll 11 I •---------------''---------------'L---------------' ,----·1(1\tl:Mtl-----1 r-----ITTTJ;N1l-----,r----'{(1llI;N1J-----, : NEW CALIF. OR T£XA8 : : ALWAYS LESS HERE :: ALWAYS LESS HERE : I DRY 11 lllVINE 11 ICEBERG I l ONIONS I l SWEET COAN :I LETTUCE I I 3 3ge II 8 100 II 2 49c I : Lb9. : : FOf :: fOf l I Limit II Lb9. t I Limit 11 II Limit SI• I •---------------' '----------------'L---. -----------' ,-----<Nll.iil!llJ-----. ,-----R•llf:1iTit"---.., .------R•1fJ;Nar---~ I IN OUR AWA"O t 1 II I t W1NNINQ 11 ALWAYS LEH HERE II DARK OR IHOU!H I : FLOWE" IHOP : l EXTRA FANCY l: RAISINS I I LONG ITIM 11 CARROTS 11 t 1 1 GLADIOLUS I I 2 910 39• I I 99' ~nd I REG. 218 11 1Ao1 11 Limit 1 Lb9 I I US kh. 11 Limit llJI 11 ' '----.-.---·------'l---------------•l ___________ ..,..._ ... COUPONS EXPIRE THURS., MAY 71,. P.M. I OHOID 'llUIT '"''"" '01140 .......... Enjoy our delicious Prime Rib dinner at a savings. This coupon offers very special savings on our popular Windsor Gate c ut of Prime Rib. Served complete with baked potato or rice plus a bas ket of fres h bread. And for only $1.25 additional, you can make unlimited trips to our famous salad bar. But hurry, this Prime offer is o nly available with this coupon through June 3rd. Victoria Station l"he beat Prime Rib. And now a whole lot more . Laguna Hilla, 2423 J Avenida de la Ca rio t a, 768-1994 Newport Beach, MacArthur and Jamboree, 752-0240: Westminater, 14041 Beach Blvd .. 898-6702 Reserva1ion1> welcome. Non-11mokin9 !lecrions and group fcscllitiea available. I '""t 2 6Pf'dab ~·coupon.~-pr~nl e«i>up0n to food wr"u before onl•ring Offer uptrn JuM 3rd Nor v8'id in conjunctiotl v.1th •nyother coupon or promo1ional food off•r L For \IS office .... Of'ly Oat• \IS CPN•J-813 Now You May Rent A Lux~ry Apartment on Newport Bay. Gracious hvtng 1n a country club setting that overlooks lhe bay That s Park Newoort The ltnest .apartmen1 community 1n fashionable Newpo rt Beach Here lor your pleasure a $ 1 ~~-m1lhon Social and Health club 8 hghted ·tennis courts racquetball courts 7 swimm ing pools and acres of gardens LeasPS are available tor 1 2 and :; bedroom uniis Some are eleganlly furnished APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY tN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $540TO $1.000. Conventently localed on the Upoer Bay Park Newport 1$ fUSI s Quick mmutes from the O'ange County Alroort and all maior busmess centers On Jamboree Road at Son JooQu1n Hills Road _..,..,.,.. (7'M) 8"-1'00 (714) 495-3233 28752 Ma rguen1e Pkwy M1ss1on Vreio Ott at Avery Sprin~ C lea r a n ce /\1or.t1 w1tr-, l 1 P~ fu1ru.r .r•1 J ,, .,, / ''""' 1; • H l'• rj1~r.ur f1 ..f1 f h1Hf'lq UI "lt Hr "l lfu)l()f r I /. ,r 1•1 I J 11 P ~Off• on 01 •,·v•lie~ I lrJr.r >'11"~ r. J ,. ~I ",, in • 1r : Huge Sel ection Cnoos-· trurT• u• 1 "'1•· v.> "( c or t • ,, 11"'°1 " ,., .,. (:OCJ·lQCr On(.! •n•1 J SV Hf J JI r ' 't• r•(' t rt~t 'I J'; l '"()\/·no tt ,s v• ., 11 This Is vour last chance ••• ONLY 10 DAYS LEA ~1\BERS 1 · f • ~·t 'I!. > " f, ' ...... ) C 1\DILL1\C ·111 .,~ ,, • ,· 1 •• ' I 'J 4 I' The buck starts here. M akinai! a start i prooabl} the mo-;t important step toward saving. There is a way to take the initiw ~tep and know you're on the right track to" ard a regular, scheduled savings. Ju t join the Parmll Sa\'ings Plan at work. A little is taken out of each pa}·check toward the purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds. YQu don't have to won)-about making a special effort to put &0mething a ide each P,!yday. It's all done for you. Automaticalt}. The bucks start piling up, the interest grows, and you reaJi7,c you~·e found one surefire war 10 ••••• r~ ~. -A .... _ .... ~,.... ! Sr.I .... _....,. ONllll. .. . : .. .. ·: .. .... - NY E COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS ' "t't"°"" lltf'-\101 ,.,. ... o• 't: ·is.· VO••· ....... n. Pt.Cl~<.,. •• •ono-. OIT•Olf ••O CUllCllftt•fl lfOO • M 1t•ttt. .. tltN•T1•tv~lll "' t.llla11111.'9Ullf - ... " Hol "'" H•I ,. t .... (lo• (flt ,. • -(I... (flt ~Ji·ft . : °".' !'.!: : l~ , .~ ~ ~: = vf=li • = ~" t=r. i' 1~1}~ lvl ~'r . :, f ~I: l~ '1' tj' ·i 5 ef.1 • llJO ~II\ T-111.! ~ • ~ I T•:r: 1 4 !Ml ... • W. di> Ill. f.. '! , 'ft iih+ .... l(i . •1 • . . •• .. , , 4'14 " ilM .12 t h ~---" •IT "2 I r. ... P\. 1't I 1! if:"• lie TtllOT I" • •1 •11>-\lo l'ljn1 1 to 10 , l tJllllll D I ' IM-.... P'\ifllll,. -• "' , .. 1... i JO 11, ...... '"' il'wtlt • IOI I 10 ~ "' THlnl OS ll Ill U Ill li'y" I '1 S'4 "" TaNMll 7411 I 11 I~ .... Ei:, 1,: ) 'ft rn:· .... ~t :: :: '°'i ~· .... 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I t0 t 5" lS~ " Storer . n It 111 lll'tt • Ill Wlebldl 16 • Siio StrldAlt t M 7 I '1\lt-'-WllllMI 1.10 ' ttl I..,.._ .... SuevSh JO 4 15 IV.-111 WI'"' E "' 10t t t» 1.-,. • 14 S..PrO 1 tOll • • ~ + " Wll WO 4S1 11 11 14 111 SUI ... , Ji 14 .,._._ "°' W1110tt L 1' t II » • "' $ul\IMI " I 1 11 11 . WIMlll )I M3 t \4 + _, ~ .. • t i 11\lo .... Wl"'-'l 121 11 "" ..... '2 16 ....,_ ... Wl•lP 1.. 6 ,.,. >lh • ... 2 » • '* ,._ "' ;•l pl • 90 llOO """. \It r I ID • 0\4-~ IC"l 1.16 t 2 ?l\lu 1.- .. ~' I ..... • W ICPS 1... 1 SI ~ I.I. '"'· Witco 1 ID s 26 ~ . = t • ttA II" --l • I II 1"6 • ... ' '° ,, ,.. .-.... \It -u 14 23 ~ ... 0 tO t t "'"· W..PI e It Jt ,.._ • l4t IO t WOIWlll 1a t 2IO ~ • ..., I lf 1 Oltl. . •• -W" UO I ~+ '6 , .. tO ;r '"'• ... Wr._., 41 "-• "" •• uo " ~ . Wlll'til1 • ~ ' ~o ' _•,'!, '-......... . ~i:u IOI iA J: ~ ~ TECO ta 1 a "'-• '-~,:~ Al S Ml I~+ lft ~r"~ ~ li ]• =: ~ i 1s"s'i-!.'1 ·-. ""' ,. • . L :: . . .-i .;; ;,;;:: .... s . .. ... m.-~ " 1 u ,_. '-t ,,. II S )I~ ... ,_. .-.. .. '" uo • " ... "" 1 ....... W estem, union agree · H/F Bl merger OK'd WTC Inc. of Newport Buch and The Rand Frel&ht Group haw reeched ~ment for mer,er. Harry M. Beker, WTC'a chaJ.n'Nn, announced at the company'• annual meet.tna of ahareholden. A holdlna corporation wW be creeted which will own 100 percent of the &hares of both Rand and wrc. The Rand ahareholdera. who own an 11 percent intetest in wrc. will ac:quitt a ~9. 7 percent interest ln the new corpora tlon and the preeen t WTC 1hareholdert (other than Rand) wlll acquire • 40.3 percent lntere.t. Lawsuits dismissed Beverly Hilla Savinga & Loan Aaaoclation of Mwion Viejo announced it resolved ill dtfferencee with Severyn Aahkenazy. Arnold Aah.kenazy. Alexia Eliopulos, Gary W . Nlelaen and Marshall Goldblatt and entered lnto separate agreementa with four of them regarding purchue of stock. In connection with these agreements, the aaaociatlon ii diJml.aalng with prejudf~ ita law1uit1 againat the five individuals but wiO cMltinue to pre91 1ts claims against Sheldon Appel, Carol Dunham, Bruce Kates, Evelyn Kates and Stephen Massman. Business center under way Construction is under way on the Warner New hope Business Center in Fountain Valley, according to the J. A. Stewart Construction Company. builders of the project. Located at Warner Avenue and Newhope Street. the center will have seven buildings, offering a combination of professional office space and light commercial/industrial space. The $7 million complex was designed by Architects Orange. Equity account popular Merrill Lynch officials said that due to the acceptance of the newly introduced Equity Access Credit account, it is expanding its test market to Los Angeles and the surrounding nine-county Southern California area. The F.Quity Access acrount is a personal revolving line of credit secured by a homeowner's equity m his house. According to Merrill Lynch, some 1,500 requests for credit lines totaling more than $~32 mill.Jo~ ha~e been received sinc-.e its February introduction 1n Orange, San Diego, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. Valley firm named defendant Newport Corp. of Fountain Valley confirmed it has been named an additional defendant m a lawsuit brought in Florida by Harris Corp of Melbourne. Fla .. against Newport Electro Opucs Systems Inc and its three principal officers, who were formerly employees of Harria. NEOS Is a Florida corporation. which was recently formed to develo p and manufacture electro-optics d evices. Newport has made an lnvesunent in NroS through purchase of a $600,000 convertible debenture. The suit alleges unfair competition and various related torts and seeks injunctive relief as well as compensatory and puniuve damages in unspecified amounti;. STOCKS IN THE SPtTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORKt ... PI f lNI °"'* -•"9> '"' ~ .. W..y 10 STOCICS JO triG 10 Tr" •S VII u s.-tnctu\. Tr•n Vt•I• u !>t~ ~ .. ~.~~ ~ D4 Of JJ) IJ llDCH m J2 1 e II) 04 II) lS Ill lS llJ 04 011 »1 ,.. m ,. nc '° Dl 91 t .., WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK l&PI ,.,..., 10 Tllvtt A.dvencod •!ii Of<llnod ~ Vn<llM'QOO o.; fol•I I-1111 AMERICAN LEADERS 'MW NQM I• New 1-. ;a NEW YORK (API MJt• 10 lhutt Adv•nced 11' OKll....., 171 unc......, 101 Tole! '""'°" 15" ..... 11191" • """"' -lJ 4 IG JDC '1•0 l,OIJ 100 ..... lllO """" ""Js .. I •ll ,., II ,. -Goy a m 1:)1 ,,7 IO I. UPS AND DOWNS METALS NEW YORK IAPI TlW foliOWlftg Ult "'°"" lllt -Yor1t Slodl EllCfWOI •toot fllld w.,r_ ---.., tl'lt ,,_. --"" rnoc1 -°" !:!'~~ ~ Of ~- No _ .... 11 ... lr-'lne -u .,,. Intl -,_.. .,,.. oe<c-..it <,,.,_.,.. .. dltttrtnt• -.,. ..,..,,_ <"""'8 Ottoe end ~:re-· ........ l..Ast Oltl 1"1:1 t llt9A1lntt ,_. • \<. UP 11.t c.,..-78~78 canlt • pound, u.s dMtlN!tlona. I.Mii 28-27 oenta • pound. ZIN M cent1 1 pound, dtli\l9t9d Tiit M .&956 .._... WMll oompoa11e lb ............. 78-n c.nt1 a powtd, H 't ......., '370.00 per f!Mk. ...__ '318.00 troy OL, N.Y. I O.Uipnt ....... '"" Up .. SILVER > C:N-T t~ • Iii. UC> It • Gclrlctl pl8 71\ • .. Up I• ! ~~~pl ~ : ~ ~ ~~ Hand)' I H.,man. II 895 o•t troy I C:-.Ct Ind 11 + ... UP t I ounce. I S.>lcAe\NY •"-• \lo Up t J t PotEI O:lpl U t 7 VP '-I !! ~~ ! :: ~ U' GOLD QUOTATIONS " t:....c>E pl( • .._ .. UC> u ., TIM ibnatned ,..._ u ~ .-.. "' ..,. u . Select9d wottd 9* pnoea todey. l)lta ~ "'VP t..A It $olMI 1111> I Up t_t ••~• 2"' t7 Ol\E4 1 4t 211o VP •I ~1 morning ftlllng: .-... "•up II Cl-Co 14 • " Up f.1 A0.16. ,. ..,IO« Dfl JS • 1111 up .,, ~ aft«n00n ftlllng. '338.50, oft -... ~· Ola "'\. ... 00. • 1 1,.,.1 ._.. '"' _ 1~ °" "1 _..,, .. att•rnoot1 thllng: "48.11, uo 2 ~ VW ""' -1"> Ofl 11S l5.2f. : CMrdw.~ .:: = .... ; ~1 ,~ .,.. .... "" '°·"' t Nfl -1'11 _ "" t Z.W. LA'8 tbdng: 1337.00, oft t4.00 t tfltlfll I ~ -'" l.J btc!i _'34C).00 lllked. ~ :~.V = = ~ CW! r, '"'"''' 6 MarMllll only dally quot• t A~ t lt\lo -I ()Ir I. ~llO, off ... 00. .. M llW N -11. Ofl 1.1 •"lllftt!W only deity ~ ISSl.60, 11 Mt 4.tllllf M\ -2 7.f '4.00, ·1 ~· ~-1 M ...... ~CIYIMw.tc:•• ' ~ •"" ~ = 1r: t: A. °" .... . ~ E :m = :.. M 1-sY_M_eo-Ls ___ _ ..~~ ~=: ~: JOX.. ~ ~ ~ ~· GOLD COINS NIW 'tOflll< (A,) -fttlQH late ,,_.,,..., of tOld ..,... .... ll*'ld Wllfl W.trlf•"tprllle. I llf& ....... t troy .......... ,tuo. I .......... 1 "°' OL, IMUO. up ·''·'°· ~-~ 1.l '"'Joa., Mtt.00. ...,.=. -......_, ... ..., ... ..... l!h ... ............. PROVERBIAL OSTRICH -A group of Dutch artists constructed a 25-foot ostrich of wood and plastic over the site of Ams~rdam'• new city hall and opera house. The tlrtist.s contend it AP Wltephoto is short-sighted of the city to spend 230 million guilders ($88.5 million) on the project while cutting arts subsidies. Wholesale ·gas prices NEW YORK (AP) -Major oU · : 1deale'~ fro~ Virginia northward. companies tacked a few more "Prices' t\ave been going back pennies onto the wholesale price up since ' the so-called glut has of gasoline, and analysts said that been worked off," Reed said. motorists will be paying higher "It's an opportunity for refining • prices at the pump by Memorial and marketing parts of the Day. 1f not sooner. business, which have been under Tenneco Inc. reported the terrible strain, to bring their steepest increase Thursday -5 prices up and be profitable." cents a gallon along the F.ast Prices of wholesale gasoline Coast from North Carolina have been increasing slowly for southward. Tenneco spokesman the p ~st month as the Frank Reed said prices were oil-producing countries -chiefly increased 2 cents a gallon ld Saudi Arabia -cul production to • increase deplete swollen worldwide supplies of crude oil and prevent a steep drop in prices. The hikes in U.S. wholesale gas prices have come on the heels of crude oil price increases on the spot market. Scattered price increases of between 0.5 cent to 2 cents a gallon also were announced Thursday by Gulf Oil Corp. and Texaco Inc. Amoco Oil Co. upped prices 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon in the Northeast after similar · Tbe Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU ....auMC• ... I00..1001 ... \ .... 'Wl\--<I • 41 ALL PICKUPS IN STOCK . .,....__,,.....,.,..,,.....,.. ______ --,----·-------- Cary bashfu1 ye't proud 7 8-year-old star has no movie plans LOS ANOELES (AP) -Cary Grant 11 etlll 1hy at •&• 78, dt-tplte yean of 1tardom. And althouah he hH no plan1 to revive his movie career, he recall• the lauahter of the audience with pride. Georae Bum.e, Grant aald In a l"Jll'e Interview, WM ht. belt role model -becaUJe of his "tlmlnf· such ease and preaence. He 1 "1way1 been unique." Grant, a leading man for ~ecades. made his last film, ''Walk , Don't Run," In 1966. Despite frequent offers, he has no d"ire to return to films, he told the Los Angeles Herald Examiner In an interview published Thursday. But he added, "It's not likely, but, of course, who knows?" Grant recalled going to Radio City Music Hall in New York City and standing behind a curtain to listen as one of his films was sho.wn. "Through some lift of my eyebrows they'd forgotten their troubles and problems and laughed at the man on screen. That was the best reward," he • again increases the day before in various sections of the country and a May 18 price rise of l cent to 2 cents a gallon in the Midwest. On Tuesday and Wednesday, other wholesale price increases of between 1 cent and 3 cents a gallon in various regions were put into effect by Exxon Corp., Mobil Oil Co., Standard Oil Co. of California and Phillipa Petroleum Co. RETIRED -Cary Grant has no plans to revive his movie career. but still r ecalls audience laughter with pride. said "Of course I was also well paid for my work, perhaps too well paid. But it was the heanng of their lau~hter that was truly the reward.' Grant has shunned interviews out of shyness, he said, addil'l8: "Wheth er it's the fear of not being effective or of exposing my lack of intelligence, I don't know." But, he said: "I've grown to like being Cary Grant. I've grown to settle for me. What else can I do? I like me. Consequently, I like others." He isn't happy with the world "There are such awful things going on in the world today. There's su c h stupidity in mankind's progreea. What'• the nuclear threat that we have upon ua If It'• not the result of, l 1uppoee, avarice on both aides? I can aee why aome don't try to aet ahead: they're going to blow the bletaed joint up anyway." Grant 1ald hi• moral view• aren't popular theee day1. "$qua~ out of fuhlon, but ! assure you, they're 1tJU making love furloualy and enjoying their llve1 In great health." The Interview WH done In New York, where Grant WU named man or the year by the Friars Club. Hi1 acceptance speech presented a problem. "I don't like to impoee word.a upon a captive audience," Grant said. "I don't know what worda they'd like to hear. It's such an egocentric activity that would make me believe that. they'd be interested in what l have to say." I Grant made many films, including, "Arsenic and Old Lace," "North by Northwest," "The Awful Truth," ''The Philadelphia Story," "His Girl Friday" and "My Favonte Wife." Grant said he !Jked to work with actors who listened during filming. and he cited Katharine Hepburn. "Kate was great. She'd listen without getting muddled up." He said Miss Hepburn packed a real wallop when she smacked him in the face in "Sylvia Scarlett. "She hit me ao hard, l was detennined to get back at her," Grant &aid. He did, years later, an "The Philadelphia Story," grabbing Miss Hepburn by the forehead and pushing her across a room, where she landed unceremoniously off camera. MOU TllAJf 40 TRUCKS TO CHOOSE no• AT TBEJIElfDOUI IAVlllGll OFF ANY NEW DATSUN 210 IN STOCK Example: 1982 Datsun 210 Hatchback wUh automatic tranam.laloo. Ser. #289246. Fact~ suggested retail prlc. la 18.124.00. You pay oo.ly SS.624.00. •PlUS DEALU INSTALLEDOP'TIONS If ANY MOU T&D 30 TO CBOOIB no• &T TBEJIEJfDOUI IAVDIGll s 400 .. . ... SE~TRA s1 000 280 ZX MOii[ TllllN 10 TO c noou rllOM ' MOIH TUAN "' TO. HOO'>[ r11011 ' ~ " ... ''"""" "OI .,. ... ...... ,, •. ,. "9, ...... ,: ow· )'lo~ •tfO...,._U 't'M-)1111'41.I ,..,~14 IOCIC' ·~J#lf~··._,.,.,.c.nw Ot-.....16 • ..._-ttYUllMMll'M~'l3 ., ''NI'.,, 141.1 fQ .... l &0-4N'•ot .... .-.~ ....... t ""O''lfl> L 0 0 ll ... ·. ,. \ . . I FO< 3~ mdbtha~ credit. Open end leue. Cap ~-~. 11t month paymen1-"'82.55. Total ~al' $41*. ~ 1"otal -.mount Of payments-SM50. (s.t. 14174;8) ~tk. 11789). REBATES AllD DISCOUNTS UP TO NEW:l 8 ····:,fORD ESCORT 4 DOOR FORD CAR CARE COVERAGE 24~24~~ WITH FORD CAR CARE COVERAGE Incl. tectory reb•te, plu. dealer •dded eoceMOl1e8. Front wtMMI drive, ctoth eee1 trim, tinted glaaa. bodyglo 6 4 ipd. tr81\a. ($«. 132$80) (Stk. 1489). 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHll&E .._. U8ed Car Meneger For o.talla IEW U;;;;;;iiiiiiiii:;;;:;;;;;;;;=:;;;l '83 RINGER 3 0 1978 EiC. ZEPHYR Auto. tr•na.: •Ir cond .. $2995 poMr lteeing 6 Ylnyl top. (512440) TO CHOOSE FROM .1977 PCM. IRlm PRIX Fully lo•dedl Tiit, crulae, $211& pwr. ae•ta 6 windows. (135820) Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, M1y 21, 1882 ·~· Ill/ !< .......... IMP M~.~ ...... #Jlt'ttAIMftt ....... ~A~.~ ...... ~.~~.~ ...... A'l~1.l~ ...... 1 ... '!.~l!mttt ....... ~.'.'!!1.'l.'!I. .......... ~ ... w .. ~~!4 .......... . ~~..t;;;, · ..... ~~:r~~=. •100 A ~-" .. ~ ......... m. ' !\-. .......... 1.Uf «tffl.: ......... 1.m «cmm.ftM .. U.ff P.tJ11."1!!. ..... !!. r.-e1.'fnt! ••••• 1.1Jt F1.~111ft ••••••••• 1.~u «,~,a ......... !.~ff ... '911111 ,'tt 't'= •M.eoat tf9Au-l1 lllllfOO' df, 'IO CMTIU .. tlOtJC Honda '71 PNMM, t e,d, IHI 11111 IJ or•t(D 1 ... tJ$"l 'ttVWOonwnlbM Oood 1t7t llVILL[ OllHI.. '71 Ztphyt, I dr. IUIO 't'J\OO. MM N?• 'a u ' V I"''· all'\\ •ond 4000. .., •• • * loaded, rag ~·· '"· t.4lnl OOf'O,' lntf nu n u. n n . . o on o 2 n '-Own er ~I( mlltt. Wflltt, reo hhr 111n1, P/11, •Int oond 1 ,,,._,.., ln 0 OTAll .. 414 SM1M ahUOftM '-"' ...., )(In• oond. ttto OOOano.•lrM ttci.•toct: ~ •3200 7194415 uohl,xtreluel1ank.ltrk, ownr 12300.63M74S --------1 Oll'\Ptf ~~ :!![:06 •fl W fta PWf "'::'.,"::'t :'.:: ~1S>O ot OI -40M. H Ml'Q. tluo 010 ·11 VW Rabbit 2 dr. Whitt, tltottlo mlrrore, orulH '72 Col Peril e p .... wgn .,., ..... ~ ~ Mnlf ovw IQ.e 8unr001, air. new ttdl•ll outtom Int, t\Q, (MWLI . .,., Honda Aoo.orel, AM7 941·5413 AM/l'M •llfto cue, AC. oonirol. reollntr po-New bit, p1ug•. tic & lff ,i-f?tOO. i-. batttrw a net ulla"tt NHd rtltlblt partv to 'M 1)1 ... A/O, n.-rl si-tnt.tt --.. -Ai.-_,..--.._--.,-2-0-0·.1 ......, _ ~1 , ,.,..VI' 1.,. aood ""'· good oond. eenger ... ,, tMr window mote Come 110 • "OfY :\ im "'' '· ,. It II fhl ... ,.,.,., .... , '"•5 ,.,..,. ..,,.. _,. .... ~ ' MU II It 11 S 3 I 9 5 dtloggtr, 4 wllttl Oll C c 1 t In t 13 7 5 0 B 0 ~· 1 ~~ti tht "',." 110, • ter tpm IYtltft'I. 11,110 m• • •m• mon V _.,.,y ... • ..... ..,...,., Good oond aunroof. "'""" •'" • ... .. .... ff4.3914 bn•. £lee dr klk•, 0rio e.c8•1303 Mini Hom•• witllty ·u , 1-NMIOt MMtU pmt1. No: c:n~aotl to '10 Monot It• Wtgon 6 Tredo Ot ... I. &644142 • 'l°"O WHDAH 0 w n., I 1 0 ' 8 0 0 ' 1-------- 000 ml In 11or1 .. I•• '1' ~r.rc:f• ~ton, :•u·~~~ • ._o ,:, rlo"'a': 1p~1 AM"M I" lfk, u1i Merotdtl eena ~I" lfl 'H Ven 11895 Surfers 618·1888 '12 Mll'qula 4 or, 70I< ml, "" / l"O Mluo/b1t olr fo'0.94H .. 000 L •• 1 • •peoltl. lpllt tronl Mat. Jolln1on melnttlnad proic I yrl btOIUH Of I O, Pl, " or bHt 841·U00, 619-10 I ' ~ OW mllMQO .... u1 •••••••••h•••••••• 831·3121 C...1tt 1111 P/W, 1111, rtdl1l1. olttn dlvorot. Ovtt 111.000 Ofter, M0 .. 109 Ptoto UM. ·10 Proludo. Mint oonlS, ...,11549.5111 TllE 1112 • 11 .. ', •• Ilk. n .... ,,.. II'" I .. I I ·11 WMt""·'I• c---. ':'77••v•:••:1•n•1••0•0•n••0••:•1,·. non amokar S 12 O or • .... vo "' 1t T-·• •1tup, n~ b ... 1., •c. "'M/'M )(Int cono fully ~u ppov. OO,l"f 1H2 Merced••· need• .,.... _,,,...... " ~ " ..., ••2 2002 eoo ... t•ll• tor 147.100 att.;n.i;, ell.Itch .. , lk~ • I i'o 0 0 b 0 R. y btlge, uklng 9'100. PP. ~. 11200 CMfl tak•. IRE lllREI l.O ml. new llrM, am/Im OIUIM, PIS, P/B, AM/FM , ... vol ..... .,IOd1 .. 81•'t.'",. .. ~. I tripe ta.000. 641·9471 184·PU. 841·H'16. 85f·&ett IU.0&31, eve 14&-9142 "00 111111 .. door1, • CUI. '8100. 867·2&24 1tereo , ... Mat blue '73 MerQUll weoon. Jdlll ..,.,.,. • .,. " " .. '11 laMllt OH"'1 ext , wht Int 1 owner co nd Must ••Ill •t ..._. ........ ·~i:,~.~~:O~· ~~c:; 1Y1t1 ttaTltl ,.. {!l.~f! •••••••••• !~ff !~······•••••••!~ff ~::r ~:~:~•;a~~'~ Low'"""· •II extra• ~~5~-?:;/•2-124.c. s 11H101ttr 873_1_00_3_. _ f --·· '3000/btt ofr 973-9126 Am m CHI, • C, new Wt wilt b\IY tllV 1971 """ '7 MO MIOQOf, low mllo9. Aoed & Tt ack M•g•-17960/080 ••• ,,.. 1111 '10 It. CrulH oont Celt palM 11600 131-81181 1tt1 Jt01H111c.ICllW1t A /FM, tonneeu crov.r, zlne'uhOIOoolthe1£8T 638-6&8a '19 Z28, orig 302 .c.1pd, •••••••"•••••••••••••• ttlld toof tlf. Stereo. MN WAHTIO. ""bed dump, IAllMUYlll eva e 1 u ., Motor• 1 t u 1oo. eeo.81:>1 •Port• Mdan of the 'IOtl lrontlbeck apollera. cowl 19&5 Mu1tang CJ1t1lc, tlroa. Orig owntr 111, 11' or 14', '76 thru '79, WllM C lelllC 87 Oetaun 97t.2600orltopbyton ~ IUOI .._..Tl '81 JETTA Wht/lan lntr Induction hood, 111 orig, $2800 or bllt oller tOO. 142·1096 fOOd eond. 492·8984 831•2040 496•4Mt Rctdlltr, 1800, herd & qulok 1ppraltal al 2926 1111 1144 ....-vn Sn' f , whl • · U 500 very cl11n 1•6001080 6'42·0531, ava 845-9142 rr111 ... ,,,,., 11n '11 Dodge~ Ion PU, IAlllD•... •ott top•. rtdl•I•, only ~arbor 91Yd. In Coat• ....... ~.............. 841 DoY9 '""' 831-1027 alt 8pm 144-81()6 llHT IACllflCE •••••ii~••••••••••••l propene & o•• fuel 29A02 Marguerltt Pkwy 48,000 orig ml. Nttd• MteT Wt want your Ja· M:o!,7!:~:,•::zaoo NEWPORT IUCH '77 VW Oun.t. 30 mpg'a, '88 Camero 327 auto, .74 Mulling II, ve. gd 'JS to It. Argoty Qood 1ystem 1600 ml per 1111· Mllllon Viejo bOdY &Int work. Mo'llng guar 875_3446117,.&oa2 112-0100 Ilk• new, 1unrt, sir. grtet em/fm 111110, pi s, p/b, con d s 1800 p I p oond ..... 000. up, Kint cond Mu•t '" (A'*Y Exit otf l-5) No llmo 10 rebuild. 11400 'll Ll11L for grade, $3000, Ben q"lad tape S1800. 557•375.c 145.:soe2. to epprec . 13600. OpenSun<t•YI ororr.831·0Me ge3•4840 ,14,_,291 1978MGB.>llntcond , l•Nn 1111 :J..' 878 -5738, 111 8'42-9128 ---- Aptohe ,.a mad• eolld 531-6055 -----:::11 ... ~---1.10 280.zx 2+2, 5 IC)d, 21K 18.000 ml. Yellow S5. •••••••••••••••••••••• -0141 ,... i••o ·ee 8-cY1 1u10 1r1n1. AIC attta tta'ltl ttlr w/kllcl\., ,.., IS10 ml, GL Pk11 Must Hll 'll UI 11111. Lta 000 080. e.c2-ae23 &llN·SeMol-LMllng DOEUllT !'!.~~~{~' .•..••..•. ~~. j!;'~09~g.a~~: ownr alp• e. lold• tor •••Y •••••••••••••••••••••• $10,&oo. 531-6711 lat., • "'"·Witt•, I '63 MGB Perf ''=I P&ll&T111 llm SEE UI ••m '79 Mu1tang, xlnl cond ~~l~~':e~:~J;ml-'"J1~~k~l:'rln~-~~ '75 HOZ, look1 & rune fH, frll ffttr. I If 1•1•2,._.,. ••• •Mt PRISTINE VW BUGS. Wt hlVt I good Hlec· AC, redlo J.4250 12 91 0 Kini. new ptlnt, 4 1pd, I "a~, 111 t t, RESTORED • -• -Totally recondltlont tlon of NEW & USED 552-3e08 A•ll l#r/lf, 11111 •71 :~: ~~n 3 Longbe<I :..~:/~tc:,~•53~:1\~ 711.elll 'll 4WI WllOI f:'°~ ~~~·, Man Chevrotelll 180 MUSTANG >Uni cona I AnnHtl11 HOO New paint, 350 ang . • ,,..1 1134 •i~o. mln'i~~n:,;· wlr: $1995. ~.C-1080 Ufil[;i lUJ~OO Loaded But olfer over •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ,.,, IT.'••'•11•1•• ••I w '·nu pa ' rom j • $'4500 494-7288 LIT .. BODY WORK & aound. 848-5898 or t. a.. "· ._ 1. ~~ •••••••• uphl rblt anr,-& m·-.. • ,.1111 ~ wlllf ..... , •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• " ,.,.. "'""11 1tr1I• ~ ~ ~nt/"" to 5041. otf YOYI 87s.4777, <>-•~ 0~·1 l _, 'll ,.,J ~ '71 Ghia. Looks' runt more. 846-1 11 ....................... ~TO~S ... conEITilll .... ....._.. ...... Ct-ea .. ng HR greet 12800 obo, orig '7'" TOYOT. CELIC"' ylhc)peet.53&-9832 '18VWVan,llkenew.33, Wespeclallze lnEuro-Aadwlthgol rim.ten ownr 759 -1 719: u " " 120 w an .. r • .\SSlll3~ , V8 1u10 air p/l,xlnt -• •in 1 000 ml. Auto $5500 peen Dell~. interior 28K ml )(Int 645_..437 wkd•"" ll 1111 ctlYDT11U *IUIT SEU* cona $4900 1-533-42'42 r••-• ~ 891-8839 morn• WIDE Gll1'111EI cond. An 8, 848-6804 ,. 1-owner, dk. grMn, 411(. Sport model w/5 spd '78 Ch1mpagne E<lll Sc1-1 I For VW pickup, white. '74 Ohle Cna Gopd cond St~-. re~k (1BET5"") Total car In 1tlnt shape. rocco. AM/FM caaa. air, '75 Vega Htchbk, AIC. 01'1•obil1 99SS -., .. u "'"' ...., _ AM/FMlepe,lowmllt•· oml,verycee n 35Kml.nut1ra1.m1n1 •••••••••••••••••••••• .... 25. ··2-01•5 '76 Dodo• Ven. Good a-IOE 01111111T1 '78 Flat sr.yder convert, ster~. c ...... ~·ttt, $3800·. ....~ ... .... I I 2 Goodyur Tracker cof'ld. S3.C50 or bHt of-IH-1171 must HI , new top '45. 720-1730 13111 ge l319AFY) Need rella-$5500/bat ofr 673·5'492 cood $1750. 848·8153 'll 3 S11t W11 10x15 0 .W.L. on Whitt ,_ 208 W 111 000mi,15200. 640·8599 ll MU CllYUTllU bit party to make smell ev, 642-7061 dya e,.1raa excellent $1000 54().8332 .. ' 1131 '76 Chavette. 4 speed un"er booi.. 1 2950 spoke rims, Ill 5 hole Senta Ana 75 Flat 13 t cpe, good ,.,, I .c Spd., Maga, 8-lreck, monthly pmt1 No Old '78 Conv. Xlnl cond AMI I high mllt1ge, good run-6•5u. 1584 Chevy . $35 each. '78 Ford Van (Selecl Ctoaed Sunday cond. $2,100 or offer •••••••••••••••••••••• 411<. Bra & Tonneau. contract• to a11ume No FM caes $7700. dy n l ng cond s 1 I OO .. 963-1828 Conv) '43,000 ml Loa· CHOICE INVENTORY 546-9830 PP (838YOK) beck pmta due Ask ror 676-47.CO, ev 875-7772 536-8500 'll DELTA II --------ci.d. Blue. '49.C-5419 14 .. 11 Ro 1t 8 4 2 -.c 4 O O, --Selllng pens for ·72 Pinto. VOLUME SALES ·77 Whitt Flat 12.C Spyder ,. 558-1008 Proto LIM '88 Bug sunroof. rblt eng. 65 Malibu, rebuilt engine Loaded 1111ou1 001. new All In good •h•P• A•l•1 w .. 1" ISIO & convenlblt Lo ml 11Yllrl.JfY/ J.mn Rrtl good cond i t ion 1tln1 cona $1200 llres xln1 con<11ns1de & 84a.433t. •••••••••••••••••••••• S.COOO 499-2019 L!llJ.!>~ ~ '11 C.1101 IT 0,. I $2400/0BO 6'46·08.CI 536-8500 oul 1 owner '46.000 m1 WE ,ly Low mlleage. many ••· , --s.cooo 552-2893 2 barrel Weber .co, early FllTISTIC MOTOIS tru $7 000 Firm Cell· v.1... 111Z 66 Impel• convert Ible mdl VW carb, 1 100. TOP DOLW FIAT ~cw.! l20 WWamerSl\~~7 2132 · Jl.C-675_0813 · •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnl sh1pe, s2200 obo 11(.•••li 9960 Evt1, Ed 842-4893 I O I I 0 LI I E I ...-5 II 1 Yem hlltr l Rey 754·5398. 5'48·8675 • • •• • •• • ••• •• •••••• •• Must Miii Datsun L 18 En-FOi no CIRS ... SAYE Ml 12111 HI "'' ~ th./ 1141 1111 IPICl&U la ,, .... Ceutyl '77 Monza, 39,000 orig Go~ldl C~d·-r::~o o r glne, complete, 1tock, AUil llAUll NEW 'O• 'l'OU• • :'~·••••••••••••••••• '72 Corolla Wgn, air. Od I ----ml, auto, air, new tores. clean. $350. 557-7978. PllTIAO/lllUI Selea-Stnlk:e·l= 1981 Flat X 119'1. Outra-lollXT MAIDA. • 76 Opel Spor11w1gon, m P j,. A · 1 · S 189S l&lll IEIYIOE I below wholHale price, besl 979•3173 ___ _ 2480 Harbor Bl\'d 850 N. Beech B · g1ou1ly aaduc1l11e end gOOd cond. $1800. 873 878 UI Wslll $2100 645-6018 evs ·1.c OuSler 6 cyl 21 MPG A•ltl /ti Wt COSTA MESA 122-llH flnely appointed. II you Inf IT I 873--813" '73 Toyota St Wegon OVERSEAS DELIVERY '80 El Camino. V6 . auto I new eng clutch. starter •••••••••••••••••••••• Open Sunday hlve~alnceretytoo-Vmt•.. ... '730 IGT $2000 Looks/ run1 good EXPERTS alr,MWllres,lowmllea-all cp11ng $1850 IMPORTANT NOTICE MMHI king to buy 1 pleuure f&aUrfl P• Ilk, . · s 1 6 o o / ob o. c 111 1 ¥ e $ 6 5 0 0 F., m I 760-3628 TO READERS ANO ••t-1 •17 OUllE •ITT'I toy that 11 lmpretllve to 6 4 5 • 0 197 b 9 f 2 · 3 0 5,c5 9250 ADVERTISERS -• 0UUT look at and 1 thrlll to 14lUWU1.CtSllllfU Mll"4 wkdya All <Jay wknd1. • Ulll IU 1.C/673-0360 '72 Fury 360 Runs good The price of llema ad-WE llJ drive .. TAK'E YOUR 1,.1,,. 1141 ·15 c.itca cpe, 5 speed1 YOLYI Ci iltr 992S ~~~~~~~' $800/bsl olr vertlMd by vehicle dtlt-,.. r•• c••s ~ PICK '80 826 Air. aunrt, auto., •••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Toyota Mark II, 6 cyt, 4 1968 Hel'bof Blvd ••• 'If. ••••••••••••••••• I ---- lets In the vehlcie clusl· •~ 11n ~ WERE $10,543 new t1r11, em/Im CHI, PANTER A · 7 4 GT S d r , Ac . p s . s 195 o I COSTA MESA '75 CORDOVA Bleck 360 PHlitt 9965 tlec:I advert.laing column• Ill TIUCIS SILE PllCEI S5500/otr. 957-1982 Sllver/blk . Loaded 75t-377l l41-IHl l4t-l41l ve. loaded. 10 m1 . .11lnt '•••••••••••••••••••••• doee nol lnclud41 any •P-Selff·Servlc9-Leatlng 71.C/998-2830 Andy $2.700 957-0330 1·79 Grand Pro.Ii lJ Fully pllcablt t1xt1, llcenso, $8495 '81 826 Luxury .c door, WANTED· Late model ('78 '68 122S >tln1 orig cond • loaoe<J 37K m1 $5500 1ran1ttr tau, llnence D'""V CARVER perfect cond. Mu1t Miii lt11d1 1150 up) .C dr sedan. low ml-2 e m'p g s 2 6 5 o Ct•l1H•l1/ 9930 975-6225. 833·3200 charges. f ... for lllr poi.. ~I fillrrlfl7 r.r.llfl}l R:1 $9300 or like over leue. ...................... ~~~~;~conomy c11 673-0320, ave 675-6581 .................... .. ~~~wf~c~1~:~:0~rd:.v~~~ ~;tE---~~;,~ I~~ 551"1148 MEISTER ·75 Volvo 4 dr, aunrt. x1nd *MUST SELL r ~~~~O~OA~i1\0~,m~. documentary prepare-,._.,.,,. .. " '""'""""' MOTORS 1974 Mazda AX-4, new PORSCHE/AUDI 1977 Celle• GT Llltbeck. cond Orig owner. $4100, Brend New 1981 MK VI I 548-4843, evs 836-6449 llon charges unle11 ---------1•9 BM 3201 5 l20WWiimtrSi.\SS7 2132 tlrM & battery. Liken-S4000. 831-8131· 9•5• nh 536-281.C L d .. C G U -1110 1 W apetd. lnaldt & out. AM/FM 13631 Harbor Blvd. '497-3649 •ft 5 & wilnd1 .,.. oa au oupe 0 P·• fiH,triit' 9910 otherwise specified by sunroof. air con<J, elloy a ' 1,,.1 cauetle stereo Manual Garden Grove ,78 Corolla dlx, "'n.ooo ml, town In STYLEI •••••••••••••••••••••• the adWftlltf Top dollars for Sports wheels. am/Im BMW a•• a 1• s-•~ e....--1..... 1 • ..,.;_ ..., A•lll 01H NEED RELIABLE PARTY '78 T-Btr0.,61ereo. all p>Nr Call, Bugs, Campers, 1lereo c111ette Extra •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 •l>O Irena. NHd• eng ~ ..... auto. AC. like new, 12. •••••l•••••••••••••••• TO ~KE SMALL MON-splll seat. lo mi. 21MPG Aatipn/ 914'•, Audi'• sharp. SU,395 Fred ~6~~~35~eOO/bll otr. 114 131-2333 750 645-804.C a. .. ,,, 9901 THLY PAYMENTS NO $35~ 546-383• Cuuln ISJO Alk for u1c MOR 640-5732 WE'RE ...................... OLD coNTAAcrs To •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ........ '78 OLC DELUXE '80 Porsche 92.C Turbo & 8 I coro111 I 8, stereo, alr CREDIT 1rWT ASSUME N 0 BAC K .,~, gg7~ • _._ '7" 3201 "'100 I I '80 Porsche a2• Both 8,500 ml. $5,200 or otr ~•· "' ., lllf1 .. &••aJ -•sw&•-"' · • or g. m 53.000 ml. Sac $2500 • ,. ., • ., na30 ._.___., , .... 11blt .,...11~ to PAYMENTS DUE CALL •• ••••••••••••••••••• Shay repllcal: plckupe & •--every option, pert con<J DEAL IN' 988-2218 loaded. Take over IH .,..,......, ..........., ., ,.... .... c A ED 1 T o E p T ·1.c Htchbk $500tOBO Lo coupes. 4 to clloo1t 187f1 8eectl Blvd '495·2935 payments. 714/825-1808 71 Toyota Corolla,' apcl, make small monthly 547-8339 SANTA ANAi gas m1 548-5821 eves HUNTINGT0"4BEACH '80MazdeAX7,1unrf, I I I payman11.Noold con· LIM 851·8193<Jyr. Msg lor troml (006788) (S1k. 142-2111 '76 2002. tan, hpd, aunrt. IMUl'DllT£ AM/FM catl, Xlnt cond. ·eo Porsche 92• TurbO & newt"'·• n con<J tracll to u1ume, no Kevin A3093). Prlcel atertlng et Jtlnt cond. 77 ,000 ml, lllt. I\ $7800/b t ofr 860-0563 '80 Po11che 92.C. Bolh S 130 0 M u• t a•• back payments due on Ct-fllf H32 ----- ., 11,ffll w•ll'l"r•'· $7000/otr. 875-4167 DELIVERY ON -· 72~314 dyt loedt<I. Take over IH 780-2691 the followlng, AEPO-•• :: •••••••••••••••••• ...... '75 53()1, ftkt ,_, $8500 payments. 71.C/825-1808 111• T-'a ·-.. SESSIONS, LEASE RE-1 • CllYrTTt A•IOI U1H '78 Mazda OLC Sport. • •1•• -TURNS. TRADE-INS u ia;t •••••••••••••••••••••• or trade plu1 cash. 0 AM/FM cauette, 1tlnt '73 914 Porsche. Xlnt AM/FM, auto, trena, gd C all Credit Oapl 1112 IEW. 1 •••••••• 646-2637. M SJ cond. $3500. 833-2282 ~.?nood. Low mtfll••g!,I cond. Auna itlnl $1375 j 5'47 -8339 Santa Ana Glen tops. loaded• 'lllii...f \81 .... RS TUEODOU ROBINS FORD '74 BMW 2002: Auna & at1 6PM ..-1 or bell o tr c., 080 861-2220 LIM (2021) Pertecuon• 1 ~/ ~ .. looks greet. $6300 or MODELS Iii ttH, .. 1140 631-8522· '80 Calles OT llltbk, 30. • OILY 111,775 C \()II ( \(' 1060 HARBOR BLVO COSTA Mf~A 641 0010 ·.co Ford Sedan Dix. Ground up raa1011t1on. Trophy winner. $12,600. 851..e226, 720-1090 ............... c ....... M "u•uu .. u .. to1 .!!::?:::~:~f7.:~ .. ! .. ~~~--... ·;···· ~~:·~T~R~~~~E i!~z~tex¥;s.1'~~: I ~.~!!..sii·a··!.~!~ ·~~~;~'·• c·'LEARAJ N ... CE. Ires. 2 yr or 24K ml SAVE -...,.. 832-5511, Evw & Wknd1 for the largest and beat 1Nr JembOree & Br111o11 guatantee on,_ eng & ft a ... 553-1233. Vtlhrr•f.•• 1110 aalecllon of new and IU-tlH 1951 Wllfla, 2 will dr, new eng, anxious, 1950 646-4005 $J 500 Call: Joi\ •••••••• ••••••••••••• used Buick• In Orenge I SALEf trans. • · n. AT 111JfM11 .... , 356, 912, 91.C, 911 . 92.C ·63 vw. cloan. good con<J, Cou ty lod VI DH•• gg35 WI llY 64~2281 or •97-4383 Compare HouH ot Im-Porache 1pecl11ty shop new engine $2000/Flrm. ~n 1 Jc •••"•••••••••••••••••I • 1HI T-llU $6900, Deya 492·4801, evening 498-2478 USED C~RS a TRUCKS '78 CSI, $19,000/be9t or-Port• Direct lease and 60 dotl 842-'4267 . 7 7 D 0 D GE Asp EN COME INOR CALLFOR fer P.P .Orkgray HONDA mo1aenaJblepymt1.0lal ruatt<Jfl11.C1rrtf1Tur-79 ConvertlbleVW.Wht .C-DoorP/S,P/8 .AIC 1981CADILLAC --,_1 .. 11 646-8754 213 or 71.C; MERCEDES bo update kite & under-on whl. Soec Edit. All P/W Very low mileage 1 FLEETWOOD '""11.5 -~-la 213 or 71.C/837-2333 1111 works Free ut. E.Jtcellenl condition Connler-Oel.IHo C • 11/S Porsche Stop 549-4217 1tlraa, pert cond. AIC, Cell 642-5819 BROUGHAM ---• rT ,.,, Haven't you welted long am/Im, c111 tape. A1klng "ASTIOIOOP" CPE. l«rNl/tu/ 112 1';"8£.:'C'~eLVD. -:;{"c;~j~·vr;.;e,·;;,j SANTA enough to own• Mer-'87 912. alloy•. runs & $8450 s.ce-3668 •I 111 a..-. c-..y 'II NUii .. HUNTINGTO~BEACH Im c111. LO Ml. it Int. cedH Benz? Don't ltl looka grMt Belt otr over ·72 \IW Conv . 81( ml on 29J~~:~~E~~d Excellent con<I Stereo '1CRR592) Nl .... l, Mt-JU1 $2950,543~242 ~~':r°"no:'t~ $6000 846-8598 rebuilt ano Nu tlrts. 179 2500 Muataell $750 6.C0-51421 s15 995 V1lltln 1510 .................•.... Vecetlon Specie! 1976 GMC Ven converalon. Obie Bubble top Stlf· con1. Lo mi. Xlnt, must NII 848-8123 D.IH• 11ZO ANA lentutlc Hltctlon of 85 Porsche 35C, grey, whla. brakH • cleen & I • ·75 Charger SE 1 owner ' Top Dolar •••••••••••••••••••••• mo<Jela & colora 1va111-S8.000. A<ldtt reer parts d 1 P•nd•b1 • 80.000 miles Sunroof, ble Incl 776-7111 <Jya , $3900/0BO 54M5Ge Ci'1/11t HIS fully equipped. good 1982 OLDS Paid P1rt1 & 8etvlot Open All .1111 ILUllll 538-0203 -·10 vw Bui good cond •••••••••••••••••••••• cond S2,095 966-0763 CUTLASS Day Saturday lllPllTI 74 91.C 1 8, rablt • new nu m 0 I 0, . '2 8 5 0 CllTUIPUTill ol For YOYr C1rl 301 W Werner Ave 1301 Quan Street p111n1 $5.COO D•Y• 5'48-8063 I O&DIWC? [!!! ...••.•..... !.~t SUPREME 4 WIHI Drinl ISSO ...... I HI (I blk. WMt ot Mein) NEWPORT BEACH 586-0232. eve 642-1965 .80 vw Rabbit, 2 door. I we 1pac1111ze In leases 171 EUTE BROUGHAM •••••••••••••••••••••• u ....... tnl., 540-7430 •• ,..... 1171 Ters• 111T 8/C, <Jlx Int, stereo, xtres for the bualneu uecu-2 dr, 1/c, em/Im, ps. pb I (10VH8851 JE£P CUTS PRICES 2826 Harbor Blvd. 5 ip<I Alloys AM/FM 22K ml 011 c111ng1<1 live & PfOfeulonal. pwr wndwl, new tires & s9395 J~ 'IB·!~85 Cotta Mesa M0-5630 ·e1 Accord LX, FM c111, llZ .. lllSt atereo tape 77.000 orig eech 2500 ml Xlnt con<J Lars• S.a..tita brakes $2200 645-7•12 Premium prlcat uw.-a.10&&.....,..,..,..,..,..... loaded, sunroof. Hll or Turbo dldei, Aztec red. mllH. look• end run1 M7 •,t7 ... ..!" ue1'2'6 S 5 9 9 5 I If In 1112 ·73 Torino Wgn, 1 owner, • tUlllE Cl&IT paid for any UMd car uaume teue. $232 mo. Brown Ylnyt. 40 gel tank. Jtlnt. Pric. 18875, 1.C UV-c.~.... lo ml, lull pwr. air s 1195/ &Ml .IHI (f~~o~~c) Rod 832-'181 daya, 37,000K6f;_~·=· 978-1358 'll UPU IUTU In la ltM•I bat otr 968-8'486 2524 Herbof Blvd. Set Us Flratl 953-9133 ewe. 81 024 Turt>o. red w/btk Xlnt cond, new eng NABER~ ·12 Ford Pinto Good cond 549_80~ta ~5-7770 11!ll!llll!lflll9!11.!!llll'-ll!i. '79 T-BIAO LANDAU 77 Accord, Auto, a/c, ·72 260 C. Ex<*lent cond. Int. 111ume IH or buy $2.COO 5'49-2758 good g 11 m ll ea g e ._. *lllT IW.* am/Im, reg gH, 13850, Low mllea. New !Ires. $20,000. 548-9951 , ("'ADii L \ $1195. 631-0357 Ray '79 Blazer Cheyenne •OO ,·~~·•Wifllllll Navy blue w/1pllt white 5'46-8242 $6,700. 857-5078 557-6840 Jay 'II Wiil llElll .. .J I J ---------1 ve. 30K ml. rerl cond, I Ylnyt top. Cluay look w/ '80 •5osL h 'II 112 T Lotded, Incl sunroof /t.()J H.011 .. 1\1\1• • '6.C Ford Falcon Runs '79 Honda .C dr Accord ... • c empagne 8:J•• p / p S 5 9 9 5 I O B O Nffd• work $300 Cell Cle, a/c, I0.5oo. metchlnglnt&futtyloa-Maroon,auto,xlnt.1 w/ptlomlnolthr,orlg. 17500/batotr .. _1 •10 "'•0-"'5"" c • ..., .• , .. ...,,.,,m•••<ll• I 5 kf D 643-1847 ri dtd. Yecht not Incl owner. 39M ml, new ownr 559-5127 " .. ,... " ... :.~01:1' or e ve, '82 T t 4X4 I bed !•HWVG) Need rellablt ti *"'800 7""' "3 .. 8 I /I l1$S '78 RABBIT '80 Eldoredo, llhr, ett t>t-1---------1 oyo 1 ong p11ty to meka emall res, -.,.,..., " '73 450 SL. Low mllt1. •••• 69 F s I w 9 ,......up only 3K ml must 1----------•••••••••••••••••••••• ~hlte custom 4 dr. auto. 1111, xlnt cond. s12,ooo. oro tat on ~n . ....-• ' monthly pm ta No old 78 CVCC 5 aapO, air, am/ 1000 watt atereo, 2 lope. 1 ·-·-s oo $7"5 1 ood 1111 S85 00 /0BO. .118811Jrb"1 111\d con1racta to ..iume. No Im. xlnt. $33SO 080 $17,500. 842-3850 _.._., ~~~O..~~ 38 or 6'46•7511e =· pS, P;, ~~11 Mii 543-0351 (1 ... 1.1 \h·-.1 ·H4IOl11\ back pmt1 due. Ask tor 833-8572 1965 22osE Merc«j•, 2 IWILT Tm WIEST _6_3_1--094 __ e _____ -1 'tnth lllO _.. I •-~~ Rose 8'42 -'4400. dr cpe, $4,000 or best la Calftrlla Like new ·79 vw Bug ............................... 'I..... .............. 556-1008 Proto U M. 9 Honda Accord, ,,, ' lnctudlnn the .. new conv. 5500 mu ... Aectro IEUCTIOI '69 Ford F1lr11ne St We-1973 Chevrolet Cheyenne radio, auto, new tlrH, olr 494-3483 1-•~T n-• & orig .... 11. '83 reglat of late model, low mlltt· gon Auna gel. $500 S ,., T Pl k A/11 ltaH 1105 1978 Datsun 8210. Xlnt S 3 9 5 O OB O .. '""'"off new '82 380 SL. ~-.J _. Sanberg, Blaupunkt 1t• ~ C-"'ll'·--In Sout ..... n 960--0117 uper 7 • on c up. ~··••••••••••••••••••• cones. 33,000 ml. am/Im 71•·5.c&-4710 _.,.,... ano .... ,_ '"" Like NEWI Hu ONL y 74 Atta Romeo. red con-stereo caaa Qe.4~73 ,._________ Call 760-9034 -._.. reo. contact Al Simmons alllornlel Ste ua todayl Li•ttla IH 55,000 miles end ,, wertlblt, mint cond., 5 H .. '75 2•n _ _.. Int__.. ... __ ·--1714) 557-2792 9 to 6 UIUS O"'OEO 1 .. 1 • eve somtluing you w1n1 .,.., ....,an, x ....,.,.., A ... -... ,..Mt ....... ,Ion_. •••••••••••••••••••••• L " w '" opt ona. epd-futl Injected. Loe-Clanllled Adi, your one-10 sell? Classlfled e<11 <Jo new tlrH, stereo. Must R ....... , .,.9 -"' '71 VW Super Bettle. Ex-1979 Merk V. me tall le PIMM call 780-05'44. ded. 14950. 848--0717 stop shopping center. 11 well 642-5678 11 s 8 9 9 o o enau 1 1 1 lltdene and ctllent cond. N-r1dl1I CUWO grey w/grey lee th Int · !! .. '"0"65 97:. ... !.' wagona plua 1 good... ti S2 000 fl m 2800~ar..,.. B..... 24,000 ml, 093-0091 or A.I.' 11,,, ••-A•ln 11_ i•-...... -...., ; w1 .,...,..,. lectlon of Renault L• res. ' ' · ""' '"' ..... l.':~ ........ !. .. '!'! ..... l."::!! .......... '!'f 81 300Sb. Sliver blue. •Caral ,_65_7_-_te_5_2 _____ 1 CO TA MESA J60-0388. 8500 ml, Fee wrty, '31, WE'RE DEALING... '80 SCIAOCCO, 25K ml, 140-1110 ,_*_MtJS __ T_S_E_ll--i GL Station Wagon Here's • roomy llttt• wegon with S"rformance toot With auto. $ plnstriJ"I, 3-year pelnt warranty 7 1 7 7 ~ and grHtgu mllHQt. Ser. #438498 . •111 Down Delht•n OAC Any Vehlolfi at 0.rden Grov• •ubllru OAC t 9 O O, 6 4 0-5 192 or --MIST A/C, AM/FM cast, pwr. 646-7107 .. /.Ila booater equalizer, 4 1972 Eklo. conv. Fire mlat ee 200 4 1 26 •-••y 1pk11. Calm whla. Im-green. 8"1 offer. 'wlnt ori~ ccyon.,d .• 2~pg5 '. ---mac. Ttbowrlae. $212, 759-0706, 844-5742. ~ • .. so 252• Harb« Blvd. 27 mos 986-0550 or - 8_7_3-_03_2_. ____ e_1M&& __ 1_.1 549-8023 845-7770 979-7300 Mr. D•.,.,,Port '78 Sevlllt Ork green, ltllhtr, IOldtd, >tint Went Ad• Cell 642-.5e78 Sell Idle llem1 942·5678 '78 Sclrocco, prof. reblt cond .. low ml. 673-0444. eng, nu paint, alloys, 1uptr stereo. radar. ,.. clng 111t1, meny more 11tra1. But offer over $5300. 813-4383 or e76-tte2 1977 Fleetwood Broug- ham. xlnt cond .• loaded Incl. aunroof & C.B. $5900 or off«. 760-Hll: 522..eo43. 1979 Llncofn Town Car Loaded. Ultlmete In luJCUty (10GP872) NEED RELIABLE PARTY TO MAKE SM'ALL MON- THLY PAYMENTS. NO OLD CONTRACTS TO ASSUME. NO BAC K PAYMENTS DUE. CALL CREDIT DEPT . 547·8339. SANTA ANA UM. '81 Rabbll/011, 4 dr. 9K SELL ldla Items with a Have something 10 stll? mi, 4 IC)d, air, aunrf, ate-Delly P1IOI Classilltd Ad ClaaalflOd ltd• do II well reo cau, tact. werr., Aim II"' 1100 A•lll 11111 1100 xtru. 17500. 873--1322 •••••"•••••••••••••••• •••••~•••••••••••••••• '88 lkj• Bug, ttblt eng .. MW tlNt. w.dl, bettefy. Aeoelpt1. ""'""' CIU. 1tweo, t.ct. 11111 • ..,_, ::LT'· 12800 0'90. '10 BUS. Auna gd 111 UOOOtaMtlt. 846-8252 '78 VAN. lll<E NEW. 33, 000 ml. Automatic. ll&oo. tt 1-1131 moma. '71 Supor YW , orot oond., WI00/080. ~198 a mapn pontiac subru 1981 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM (1CGX359) s15,995 1971 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD BROUGHAM D'ILEGANCI (516UB8) s7995 1979 CHIVROUT CORVITII T·TOP (412309) sio,995 1979 CADILLAC SEVILLE (729XHC) $10,995 1979 CADILLAC fLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (895XETl . s9495 1979 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILU (3&8e$4) s3995 1''71 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILU "D'ILIOANCI" (380VDn $6495 Otter Good Tf'ln.I MondfY 5-24--82 NABERS CADIUA -HAMOft kVD. coetA•IA UUll llml/lml Ml OHANCf COUNTY . CAL lf·OH N I A 25 CEN TS entines strike back ritis s 21 Englishme:p die in crash FALKL.ANDISL.ANDS ATLANTIC NO PAROLE -Sirhan B. Sirhan, assassin of Sen. Robett Kennedy. lost his bid for parole in 1984 today. By Tbe A11oclated P re11 Britain launched its long-awaited land, sea and air assault to retake the Falkland Islands today, and suffered 21 dead in a helicopter crash at sea. Argentina said its jets hit five ijritish frigates and downed a British warplane. It said one of the frigates was hit with 14 rockets and sinking. Argentina's official Telam news agency said the frigates were cut off.in the Falkland Sound, and that the one that was sinking was capable of carrying 177 men. An Argentine radio station said two British helicopters also were downed. Britain had no immediate comment on the Argentine claims in the fighting, which came after peace talks collapsed Thursday. The Argentine junta said the British ships were trapped near the bay of the port of San Carlos at the northeast end of the strait separating the two main Falkland Islands. The British call the area Foul Bay. The London Evening Standard newspaper said more than 1,000 British troops -mainly marine commandos and paratroopers -landed in six groups to launch the heaviest attacks yet against the Argentines dug in on the Falk.lands. JASON ISlNC:>~&\ OCEAN CNI M1Rf011H q~ BARREN ISLAr-.D of H•r,,ours Sirhan denied parole The Defense Ministry in ~ndon said British ground forces attacked fuel and ammu ition dumps and military depots, while warships bo~~ Stanley and other ~as of East Falkland and Harrier ,et-fighters attacked the mam base on West Falkland. The British call the base Fox Bay .. BATTLE LOCATIONS -Multiple arrows and series of dots shows Falkland Sound where Argentines claim to have cut off British frigates, with one sinking. British meanwhile claim new air strikes against Fox Bay (large arrow) while British warships bombarded Stanley (circled). Houston woman SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California Board of Prison Terms ruled today that Sirhan B. Sirhan, convicted assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, should not be granted parole in 1984 as scheduled. The British Defense Ministry said a British helicopter ferrying 30 men between British ships ditched in the South . Atlantic before the attacks were launched, and that nine were rescued, one body was recovered and the other 20 troops were missing and presumed dead. . . It was Britain's single biggest loss since the conflict started April 2 with Argentine seizure of the South Atlantic islands. Winds of 40 knots and waves 25 feet l1igh were reported in the area, but the weather wu expected to clear Cops find torched Cranston raps Watt on leases ''The Sept. l, 1984, parole date of Sirhan Sirhan is hereby reteinded for good cause," said board cha.innan Ray Brown. Brown said the board would hold another hearing in six months to consider 11etting a new date for Sirhan's release. later in the evening. _ body in Dana Point The board had been under strong public f>ressw'e to re9Cind Sirhan Sirhan s scheduled parole date, which WM set by an earlier board. The Argentine Joint Chiefs said that the British ships were sighted in the bay of the port of San Carlos and north of San Carlos Strait, separating the islands of East and West Falkland. The British call lt\e strait the Falkland Sound. The grisly diacovery Thuraday of an elderly woman's body in a car believed to have been deliberately set on flre 10 daya ago in Dan.a Point haa prompted a homicide investigation by the Orange County Sheriff's Department. "A landing began llt 8:50 a.m. (4 :50 a .m. PDT), which is being repelled by Argentine forces," the ~uniq.ue,.sai~. Although the British referred to "raiding partles being (See FALKLAND, Page A%) But board members specifically denied that public outcry concerning Sirhan 'a release was the chief influence on their dee-lsion . which had been requested by the Los Angeles County district attorney. Sex for credit to be dropp.ed Brown said he and the two other members of the panel that ruled on the Sirhan case ~lieved that the board that decided in 1975 to release the ~ was not aware of violent threats made by Sirhan while in priaon. "The panel finds the continuing nature of the priaoner's threata and conduct is of great significance and would • have been of great significance to other panels had they known the nature of them." Brown said. The board specifically cited Sirhan's written threats to kill an author who wrote a book about him, a prillon guard and a prison official who received a complaint from Sirhan that dentists were refualng to treat hlm for tooth problems. l ,300 eva cuated MOSES LAKE. Wash. (AP)- A poiaonoua gas clou d from a ruptured induatrial pi~ floated away with out causing any serious harm after forcing the evacuation of about 1.300 people near Moees Lake. WORLD By JEFF ADLEK OftMDaltr .......... The Cal State Long Beach psychology professor w h.o offered homework c r edit to students for having homosexual, group or extramarital relatioruhips says about thr~ students per semester chose to have a .exual experience in the 15 semesters the class has been offered. Professor Barry Singer, who has been teaching the "Psychology of Sex" for nine years, said Thursday students have been offered the option of having a aexual relationship for ooune credit during the last four years. But Singer confirmed he is dropping the sexual experience option from the list of 21 study options from which students enrolled in the course are asked to .elect. The study options range from attending divorce cou rt or a marriage enrichment sroup to more "aenaitive'' ones such as a tour of a nudist colony or gay bath house, Singer said. Electronic warfare used The Britlab have made exoellent uae of electronic warfare in the Falklands criail, but we won't learn the details for yean. Page A8. COU NTY Deat.h sentence hailed 'nie family ~ frlende of a Garden Grove police oUlcel' a1ain nNrly two YMl'll -ao are relleYed that hJI convlcted 11Allant bu been reeommended for the ct.th. penalty. P.,. Bl. Both the course and Singer have come under attack by evangelical Christians in the Long Beach area who contend the "Psychology of Sex" ooune -and the offer of cn!dit for a sexual relationship -have no place in a tax-supported state • institution. Singer and School of Social and Behavioral Science Dean Simeon Crowther, on the other hand, argue the course was targeted by thoee who ''wish to affect the curriculum of the university." They 'said that what ls at stake is academic freedom. "Now we are under attack from the right for what we teach," Crowther remarked. "DurinR the 19701, we were under attack from the left.'' Although the course will be oUered ln the future, Crowther said a faculty committee has been reviewing the course's content. The committee's findings are expected next week, he said. Singer said about 40 students per semester enr~ll in the three-time-a -week lecture (See SEX, Paie A%) SPORTS D EFENDS COU R SE - Professor Barry Singer defended his course "Psychology of Sex" during press conference Thursday at Cal State Long Beach. Magee seeking $1.5 million What la Kevin Magee'a asking price? The UC Irvine All-American says lt'a $1.5 million for five yea,ra, and it could be more if he goee hig}i in the NBA draft. Page Cl. Sea Kinss ny to Lancaster It could only happen at Corona del Mar HJab. The Sea Kings, defendtn1 CIF 2-A bmeball champlona, wW fly to Lancuter today f« a ~~. P ... Ct. NATION The body of Joan S. Ande~n. 82, of Hou ston, TexA11, was overlooked the night of May 11 when county fireflgh ters responded to a call of an automobile fire in the 3400 block of Alcaur Drive, said sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart. S}\eriff's investigators attempting to trace the woman's whereabouts found the burned body on the floor of the 1970 Cadillac which had been removed after the fire to a San Juan Capistrano auto storage yard. Hart said. Glass and other debris that fell inside the car during the fire hid the body, Hart said. An autopsy conducted Thursday did not reveal the cause of death, Hart S8ld. Other tests are now being conducted. · It was three days after the fire -last Friday -that the sheriff's department was notified by authorities in Houston that the woman had been reported miaaing. Investigators subsequently learned that the woman. llpparently intent on finding a place to live in Orange County, had been staying at a Laguna Hilla motel. but had checked out on May 6. Investigators were able to tie the woman's disappearance to the car Ure via automobile registration records. That matchup ultimately led investlaatora to the auto storaate yard wnere the body was found. Hart said. Circunwtancea surrounding the car fl.re remain unexplained. liart said lnvestigaton believe the fire was deliberately set. INDEX 'By STEVE MITCHELL of the .,..., Net ..... U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston haa joined Orange Coast officlab in lambasting Interior Secretary James Watt's decision to go ahead with a lease sale of oil and natural gas tracts off Southern California. In a press release from Cranston's Washington office, the senator said "Ronald Reagan's loose cannon has fired at the California coastline~ .. in authorizin_J lease sale #68, which includes tracts off Laguna and Newport Beach. "Secretary Watt's final notice of sale Ignores almost all of the state and local governmental recommendations for tract selection off the Southern California coast," Cranston sa.ad. The lease sale. which will take place in Los Angeles June 11, covers 164 tracts from just north of Santa Barbara to Orange County. It inclucfes 11 tracts off the coasts of Newport Beach and Laguna. some as close as three miles from the shoreline. Both cities, along with San Clemente, have gone on record opposing the lease sale, and have joined the slate in a lawsuit to prevent the sale. Cra.naton noted that California authorities "support reasonable offshore development, but not where oil slicks will foul the precious recreational beachea around Santa Mon ica Bay and Oranae County, and not w here con.fllcta with major port traffic (in Los Angeles and Lona Beech) greatly increases the riak of collision, injury and oil apillaae." At Y out Service A4 Ann Landen B2 California Ml Cavabde B2 Clultfled Dl~ C.omk:a C7 Cl-omword C7 DMth Notkel C6 Edltocial M J:nterta1nment Week.ender Home/Ovckin A8 ·~ ~ In~ Wftkender STATE Movies Weekmder Mutual J'unda 84 National Newa A3 Public Notica 84,Ct.(::6 SporU Cl -5 Stock Marketa 85 Televtlioft TV ~ ThMten Weekender Weather A2 WCll"ld Nm A3 FALKLAND ISLANDS . • !' put uhoro, there wu no Immediate lndJcaUon of the ICale of e fightin1 or whether the assault amounted to a landing ln to eatabllah a beachh~a~ The only reporteni on tne scene in the South Atlantic ere Brtti1h reporters with the British fleet and Argentine rreapondenta. _ reporter for the privately eed BuenOll Alret rldlo 1tation .to Rlvadavta said meanwhUe "Argentine air force planes l e taken off to attack the t.ish fleet." he repo rter, at the J oint efs head uartera, said he had n told t~at "an attempt to mbark troopa by helicopter the islands was successfully elled." One British Sea er fighter-bomber was shot and us ptlot captured, he ter 12 days of separate t.a1Ju h British and Argentine fomats at U.N. headquarters New York and a final phone appeaJ directly to the tile countries' leaders, U.N. etary-General Javier Perez Cuellar said Thursday. night e ff orta to a:-range an eement for a Falklands se-flre and further gotiations were over. .. 1With each side blaming the °"-her for the collapse, the ~etary-generaJ said he had no 1 I' S:EX CLASSES e:. course. Besides textuaJ matenaJ. students are asked to choose four of 21 suggested options and write binef papers on each topic , ;·My typical student 1s a naarried woman w1sh1ng t o communicate better with her twrsband,'' Singer explained. •;.'the contact thing has been ot1er-drama ttzed." But Sinl(er said three or four s\Udents each semester choose to et1perience a sexual re~tionship tO>-fulfill the rourse reQu1rement •,•'They defined themselves w,bal behavior they w e r e interested in exploring," the · 38-year-old tenured instructor said. He added that students ar~ not pr~ured into thts option and mu st co n s u l t w 1 t h h 1 m 1 n advance. Also, they must inform their partners. Usually, the students who chose to have a sexual relationship were heterosexual wcimen who wanted to e»periment with a lesbian relationshlp, Smger said. H e also said he could recall only one instance in which a student chose to have an extramarital relat1onsh1p m the "prospect of brln&tna about an end to the criail, nor, indeed, of prevent!NJ the intenaificatJon of the confilct." / Argentine Foreign Minister Nlcanor Costa Mendez said he was studying a peace proposal offered by President Fernando Belaun.de Terry of Peru. He uid the proposal alao wu submitted to the Sritish government, but there was no comment from London. Costa Mendez declared that if there ts a war, "Argentina will repel It with all our courage and energy." Argentina's offlclol Telam news agency said, ''all measures necessary to confront any enemy action have been taken." British military sources said Rear Adm. John Woodward had been given two weeks to recapture the Falklands with hia task force of 40 ships, 30 planes and 4,500 marines, paratroops and commandos from the estimated 9,000 Argentine soldiers dug In on the_ islands. • • • years the option has been offered. Crowther, who said he had been unaware of the option permitting students to engage In sexual activities, said, "lt is sunply not true he (Singer) was requiring them to do things that could be damaging emotionally or physically." The school administrator also said that sex never was an integraJ component of the coune. "ln a course that deals with sexual psychology, people seem to put the emphasis on the sex and not on the psycholpgy." · Both Crowther and Singer said that they have not had any complaints about the course and its c urriculum until the past semester when a member of an evangelical Christian group apparently attended a class without the i nstructor 's knowledge. "They spied on us," said Singer. "We were targeted because we treat homosexuaJlty in an impartial manner and In the1r eyes that's advocacy." conflict planned LONDON (AP) -British forcea wlll make a 1trin1 of landlnp and commando raida in the Falklanda caJl)pai&n, avolcilni bla battles with the l.umertcally superior Ar1entlnea, "like a boxer we1r1n1 down his opponent for the knockout blow," Brltl1h military aourcea aay. Defense chiefs have given the marines, paratroopers and special forces two weeks to cripple the Araentlnes, who o utnumber them more than 2-1, uy the 1ource1. They declined to be Identified. "We want to take them out a Little at a time, drain them in a war of attrition," one aource reported . "We want to demoralize them, leave them wondertn¥ where we'll come from next.' The British commander, Rear Adm. John "Sandy" Woodward, has only about 4,500 combat troops with his navaJ task force. They face an estimated 9,000 Argentines, about a third young draftees. But they are stiffened by special forces units, marines and regulars with tanks and self-propelled guns, including 105mm Austrian Kuerassiers. In a report today ln The New York Times, an unidentified British military source was quoted u sayio.g the British were shifting their strategy from a series of smaller actions to a direct assault on the Argentine forces. The goal, he said, was to avoid dissipating the limited strength on the British forces. The conflicting reports from Brlt11h military sourcea may be aimed at misleading Argentina. "History ls littered with battles in whic h small forces have dislodged larger forces," said Mai. ~n. Sir John Owen, who commanded Britain's marine commando forces In 1972-73. "It won't be easy. It would be wrong to underestimate the Argentines' capability. But given the right opportunities, it's feasible." K ey units in the hit-and-run campaJgn are ~e army's Special. Air Service and the marines· SpeciaJ Boat Squadron. Informed sources said teams from them have been on the Falklands for weeks scouting targets for sabotage. Landed by helicopters Saturday. 48 commandos raided the alntrip on Pebble Wand, at the northern tip of the Falklands, and blew up 11 planes and an ammurut1on dump. Fair and mild Coa~l<li .;. , Light variable wind• lhrnugh lbnlgflt except aouth-t to w911 10 10 18 knoll 111ternoon Soutttweat sw111t 1 to 3 teet P11rt1a1 cleating attatnoon µ . .S. :Ullllfll (l ry . Thunderatorm1 pounding th• GrN1 Plain• f04' almotn two week• fNrled • fr"h volley of torn~ 1~1 ~ hOmee and farm• In •I• •••t•• a nd llOOd•d communlll" with relnl felling •t ftie r•t• of • lnchH en hour In ~ • A pow•r lln• blown down by 11loh wlnd1 electrocuted a truckdrl'll9t .. the vtolent _t,,., tlMlt hU lp4lwned mo<e IPl«n 100 tw'latef1 tfle put week 1«1t r!Wf• 1trHm1 out of their b•nk1 oaa the M"'-t tOday lneteen tornedoea •kipped h Iha MldwMt on Thur~y. n1 we re flooded by udburlt• and 1 rellroed lln• WHhed out. At IH1t lour -•Injured nd In Connecticut, l'tloh wtn<11 I lathed per11 of tM N"or11lffll ked out power to lhouNlldl 1outheHt South 01kote, • Phury, 1 citizen who llvH Delmont, 18kl 8'h lnchM of fell In two ttourt Thurtdey m 4 30 p m to 8 30 p m . ng out roedl Ind dlmeofnQ -plented Cl'oPt rntnu COHltl cloud1 wCll • the 1Un 11ntll ettwnoon. tempereturw d ~ In 70., mountain hlQfW ln the m eo1 h1v1 melted 1now for -"° wlftdl to 30 n'9fl could cs..t dUll t tll• fOtlonel We1ther Ice u ld It won't rein In c.llfomle tNa W'lellend. tit S1tufday1 are f0fece1t 72 to 74 In 1.ot .An9elH, 70.nd7Set~ M to 78 In VII mount81ne, Nn 14 and t4 In the lll9h .., l\'om 14 to 102 In tow B1rmlnghm 81111'\lrtk BOIN Bo9ton Brownsvlle 8utl•lo Burlington Cupe< Charl1tn SC Chart11n WV Charllle NC Chey9nne Chicago Cincinnati Ci.val and Clmble SC Columt>ua Dal-Ft Wth Oay1on o.n ... 0..Mol'* OetroU Duluth El 11uo Fatgo Flegatetl GrNt F1ll1 Htfll04'd Helena Hooolulu Hooe ton lndMplil Jaorc.n MS JtdcllW!fe Kina City LuVegu little Roell Loullt'IHle Lubbock Memphll Mleml Mllwaul(N Mplt-SIP Nullv111e Hew Of!Hne New YOl'k Nortolk No Piette Ollie CllY Omaha OfWldo ~ ~~ Pti.nd, Ore Providence Ralelgtl Reno ""Uk• Sen Antonio S..ttlt ~~ 85 63 05 55 48 .03 u 51 84 58 23 77 87 72 52 .28 73 ..... 09 50 36 .18 81 72 112 57 32 84 6-4 .ee 60 38 81l « 82 dO 87 83 58 83 86 71l 58 .Oii 85 86 .ae 115 .ae 85 40 75 80 so Ill 68 81l 85 85 68 ee 113 85 ee ee 111 88 83 82 90 85 81 63 84 79 119 82 85 75 113 73 117 112 t7 79 81 711 12 84 IO 87 f7 • ee 87 so 34 52 34 57 41 33 44 58 .29 39 74 72 58 1.03 85 511 87 .60 81 70 83 82 70 74 .12 39 48 6-4 .29 86 6-4 .35 • 87 52 .07 82 .02 64 us ee n.ee et 641 .24 . &4 53 80 .12 81 .2e 47 42 71 51 84 44 .04 """ ,,., ,, .. w. , • ......,. s. ... vc.. .. 'V( AA U '-, °"1>f •·' COMm,..r .. FrOf\tS C OICI ..-. Watm .. CANADA t7 88 97 58 411 92 59 88 85 74 81 811 58 Sit 84 53 8ll 49 90 fie 71 so 85 50 84 411 ee M 81 85 54 70 90 98 119 ll2 81 70 31 =~ nae SS M 74 H et M 80 M 7ll M 11 52 n 52 74 5e 72 41 70 30 87 31 ·m..liiii· ....... -~u _____ B_f R ___ IP_DR_T . ,,.,... , ... ., 12 t1 11 11 t1 IO ICI IO II Sf"toon;wy •• Edmonton 88 38 Montreal n ao Ott.-72 66 Regine 8 1 411 TOfonto 72 58 Vancouvtir 83 4e Winnipeg 68 39 'ANAlmNCAN Acapulco 92 19 Batbedoe U 7t Bermuc:t• 11 ea Bogota 85 45 Freepon es ea 13 G'*'tl•)at• H 58 GuedelolJoe ll2 79 ... Snwg Unhe11tr .. ul elr for Hneltlve people 11 fortcHt tO<ley tor the Rlvereld•·S•n 8ernerdlno 11•• with 1 Pollutant St1n<lard Index of 188, 1nd for the San Fernando, Senti Cl111t1. S.n Gtbrlel and Pomone v.nev-w1tt1 PSI 150, Good air quality wu fOf-t for th• metfopofltan ., .. and Banning. b0111 With PSI 12. Hemet·ElllnOft w4tfl PSI 75 and the low d-t• with PSI 58. All other reglont Wiii lltW PSI 42. Extended weather SOUTH!f'N CAl.IFO .. NIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AMAS -Fllr tM night ttlrouah mid momlne low dolllil lklng tr. coHt. some afternoon olCM1d• """' mountalM. HleN Ill COMtal .,.... .. ninoa ""' 70 '° , ••• beaCtlel to 71 10 .. OWi ~ ~· a.-N kl t3. Moun6lll r..ot1 hlGN .. to 11. I.OM 4t to H . Tidea LOSES LEG -Anna Conrad, who was considered a miracle survivor of an avalanche near Truckee, underwent additonaJ surgery Thursday to amputate her right leg below the knee. OC gambler won't get release By DAVID KUTZMANN Of IM Dllttr Not Staff Alyo Brannon, former Saddleback College trustee convicted three aeparate times Ul the past 10 yean for bookmaking activities, waa unsuccessful Thursday in winning release from a state priaon term. Attorneys for Brannon argued before Orange County Superior Court Judge Leonard McBride that the former trustee should be allowed to withdraw a previously recorded plea of guilty because he thought he would receive a lesser sentence than he did. McBride rejected the motion. Brannon was sentenced to a state prison term of two years last August after it was alleged he was running the largest bookmaking operation in Orange County. At Thuraday's hearing, attorney Dennis La Barbera argued that Brannon had never actually Deen allowed to enter a plea and that the Santi Ana resldent was misled by hie previous attorney on the type of sentence he would receive. La Barbera said that Brannon believed a deaJ had. been made In which he would not go to prison for more than six months. His attorney at the time, William Stewart, denied he told Brannon such a thing. La Barbera also contended that no one ever asked Brannon to officially enter a plea. "Nobody ' noticed he really hadn't entered a guilty plea. Everyone assumed that he };lad," he said. The judge, however, ruled that there had been an Intent to enter a guilty plea and that was sufficient. Nuke reactor restart nixed By DA VlD KVtzMANN Of"h Deir ..... ..... ~ Unconvinced by the ar~ntl of Southern California Edison Co. oftlclal1, the U.S. Nuclear Re1ulatory Commlulon la prohibit.lJ\I the restart of Edlton'• Unit 1 reactor at San Onofre until key earthquake safety questlona have been cleared up . "We're simply not convinced by their technical argumenta at thla point," a NRC spokesman said Thunday, after a three-hour meeting ln Bethe.da, Md. Participating In that seaalon were federal nuclear officials and a contingent of Edison representatives seeking to allay concerns that 14-year-old Unlt 1 was a safety hazard. "We want them to re-evaluate their (seiamic safety) data and resolve the inconslstenciea," government spokesman James Hanchett aaid. "They can't restart Unlt 1 until theee problems att cleared up." The 436-megawatt seaside reactor has been out of operation since last February as part of a scheduled maintenance shutdown. Utility officials said the reactor la ready to retwn to .ervice ne•t month. But federal otftct.lt revtewlna an Edlaon/repared selamlc analyaia sal they have aerloua concern• about whether the reactor unit could meet earthquake aafety standarda now in effect. In fact, according to an NKL'. memo, there are question• the unit met safety standards in effect 20 yean ago, when design of the unJt began. William T Ru.ell, head of the federal agency's Office of Systematic Evaluation, said earlier thia week he wu told by utility officials that aa many as 800 modifications to Unit 1 may be necessary. Ed11on spokesmen, however, in.susted Thursday that the NRC was "misinterpreting" the se1smtc analya11. They claimed the plant, while perhaps needing major and minor modifications, was still safe enough to operate. The seisrruc study prepared by Edison was part of an ongoing analysis by the NRC of the nation's older reactors and how they measure up to today's stringent requirement&. N orinan Cousins to speak Sunday Norman Cousins, Pulitzer Prize winner, author and editor. wiU speak on the "Two Levels of Citizen's Responsibility" Sunday at Temple Judea in Lagun a Hills. Tickets for the talk, at $6 • Dr. Leon A . Dale of South Laguna has been named to the 1982-83 ed1uon of "Who's Who in America " Dale, who has worked and lectured int.ernauonally in the Dr. Roger Dittmann, a nuclear physicist at Cal State University, Fullerton. will address the issue of the dangers of nuclear weapons Sunday at the Shepherd of the Hills United Church of Christ. In addition to Or • Dozens of Laguna Beach merchants have extended discounts for senior citizens effective immediately. A list of the merchants - offering discounts ranging apiece. arc available at the Jewish Community Center of South Orange County, 298 Broadway, tn Laguna Beach. Cousins speech will beg111 at 7:30 p.m at the temple. For mformauon, call 497-3522 field of economics. 1s currently a professor in the Department of Management Science and Production at Cal Poly Pomona 01ttmann s lecture, the ftlm "The Last Ep1dem1c," will be shown ·The program runs from 7 .30 to 9 .30 p .m at the Laguna Niguel church, located at 30121 Nisuel Road. For 1nformat1on. call 495-1310 from 10 to 20 percent -and the off1c1al Senior Discount Card are available at the S e nior Citizen Club, 384 Legion St , Laguna Beach. For more mformat1on call 497 -2441 OBIE SPORTS LTI). Presents The OD® COLLECTION For Men & Ladles HUGE SHIPMENT I JUST ARRIVEDll MANY NEW SPRING COLORS SHOP1EAALY , .. For pad~ I Grads iJiOB•E. sroRTS · · A£..m SPORTS : 1 , I IUUA 'y . MA Y ~· 1 1'111:/ entines strike back • • r1t1s ~ NO PA ROLE -Sirhan B . Sirhan, assassin of Sen. Robert Kennedy, lost his bid for parole in 1984 today. Sirhan denied parole SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California Board of Priaon Terms ruled today that Sirhan B. Sirhan. convicted aasaasin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, should not be granted parole in 1984 as acheduled. "The Sept. l, 1984, parole date of Sirhan Sirhan la hereby raclnded for good cau.e," aaid board chairman Ray Brown. Brown aaid the board would hold another hearing in six months to consider .etting a new date for Sirban's releue. The board had been under l1ron8 public ~ to rm:ind Sirhan Sirhan a echeduled parole date, which was aet by an earlier board. But board members specifically denied that public outcry oonoem1ng Sirhan's releue was the chie! influence on their decision , which had been requested by the Loa Angeles County district attorney. Brown said he and the two other members of the panel that ruled on the Sirhan cue believed that the board that decided in 1975 to release the &SllUlin was not aware of violent threata made by Sirhan while in prt.on. "The panel finda the continuing nature of the ~r'• threats and conduct is of great 1ignificance and would have been of great tignificanoe to other panel.a had they known the nature of them,'' Brown aa.id. The board specifically cited Sirban'a written threata to kill an author who wrote a book about him, a pruon guard and a prlaon official who received a complaint from Sirhan that dentiata were refu.ing to treat him for tooth problems. The panel announced tta dedmon amid a glare of television llihta in crowded headquarters in the state Capitol. Sirhan waa informed of the declalon by telephone momenta before the board met the Pft9S· Ilia reaction was not 1mmed.1ately known. WORLD 16 Argentine planes wrecked BULLETIN LONDON (AP) -Brltala aald It• forcea laadecl o'll tlle 'P•lklapd hWuk &oday ud destroyed 11 Ar1ead.De aircraft, ucl tbt Arsndlla damqed five Brltitll alalp1, two of tllem aeverely, ud clow.ed two Brtdila a.e!Jcopten. By Tbe Associated Pre11 Britain launched ita long-awaited land, sea and air assault to retake the Falkland Islands t.oday, and suffered 21 dead in a helicopter cruh at sea. Argentina said its jets hit five British frigates and downed a British warplane. It said one of the frigates was hit with 14 rockets and sinking. Argentina's official Telam news agency said the frigates were cut off in the Falkland Sound, and that the one that was sinking was capable of carrying 177 men. An Argentine radio stationlsaid two British helicopters also were downed. . Britain had no immediate comment on the Argentine claims in the fighting, which came after peace talks collapsed Thursday. The Argentine junta said the British ships were trapped near the bay of the port of San Carlos at the northeas\..end of the strait separating the two main Falkland Islands. The British call the area Foul Bay. The London Evening Standard newspaper said more than 1,000 British troops -mainly marine commandos and paratroopers -landed in six groups to launch the heaviest attacks yet against the Argentines dug in on the Falklands. The Defense Ministry in London said British ground forces attacked fuel and ammunition dumps and military depots, while warships bombarded Stanley and other areu of F.aat Falkland and Harrier jet-fighters attacked the main base on West Falkland. The British call the base Fox Bay. The British Defense Ministry said a Britiah helicopter ferrying 30 men between British ships ditched in the South Atlantic before the attack.a were launched. and that nine were rmcued, one body was recovered and the other 20 troops were missing and presumed dead. It was Britain's single biggest loss since the conflict started April 2 with Argentine seizure of the South Atlantic islands. Winds of 40 knots and waves 25 feet high were reported in the area, but the weather was expected to clear later in the evening. The Argentine Joint Chiefs said that the British &hips were sighted in the bay of the port of San Carlos and north of (See FALltLA.ND, Pace A%) * * * * * * British forces plan 'hit and run' LONDON (AP) -British forces will make a string of landino and commando raids in the Faiklands campaign, avoiding big battles with the numerically superior Argentines, "like a boxer wearing down his opponent for the knockout blow," British military sources say. Defeme chief.a have given the marines, paratroopen and apedal forCM two weeb to cripple the Argentines, who outnumber them more than 2-1. aay the aourcea. They declined to be iden ti.tied. "We want io take them out a little at a time, drain them in a war of attrition," one source reported . "We want to demoralize them, leave them wonderin.r where we'll come from next. ;r The British commander, Rear Adm. John "Sandy" Woodward, baa only about 4,500 combat troops with hia naval task foroe. NIWS AUlYSIB They face an estimated 9,000 Argentines, about a third young draftees. But they are stiffened by apedal forces unita, marines and regulars with tanka and aelf-propelled guns, including 105mm Austrian Kueraaiers. In a report today in The New York Time1, an unidentified BriUah military aource· was quoted as taying the Briu.ah were ablftlng their atrategy from a ieriea of smaller actions to a direct uaault on the Argentine forces. The goal, he taid. waa to avoid ditaipatlng the limited strength on the Briu.ah foroee. The confllctlng reporta from British military touniet may be aimed at mJalead1ng Argentina. "Hiatory ia Uttered with battles in which tmall force• have (See BRITISH, Pase A%) SPORTS 1m1111m11 OHAN Ct COUN 1 V. C ALIFOllNIA 25 CENTS s FALKLAND ISLANDS ATLANTIC OCEAN CNf Ml•IOl1H ~ BARREN ISLA~ • of Hatf)()Urs BA'ITLE LOCATIONS -Multiple arrows and series of dots shows Falkland Sound where Argentines claim to have cut off British frigates, with one sinking. British meanwhile claim new air strikes against Fox Bay (large arrow) whae British warships bombarded Stanley (circled). OC gambler College credit sex won't get to he discontinued release By DAVID KUTZMANN or .. .,..,,... .... Alyn Brannon, former Saddleback Colle1e trustee convicted three 1eparate timel in the put 10 years for bookmaking activities, waa un1ucce11ful Thursday In winning release from a state prison term. Attorneys for Brannon argued before Orange County Superior Court Judge Leonard McBride that the former trustee ahould be allowed to withdraw a previously recorded plea of guilty because he thought he would receive a lesaer sentence than he did. McBride rejected the motion. Brannon was sentenced to a state priton term of two 1ear~ last August after it WU alleged he was running the largest bookmaking operation in Orange County. At Thuraday'a hearing, attorney Dennis La Barbera argued that Brannon had never actually been allowed to enter a plea and that the Santa Ana resident waa misled by hls previout attorney on the type of aentenoe he would receive. La Barbera said that Brannon believed a deal had been made in which he would not go to prlaon for more than aix months. Hia attorney at the time, William Stewart, denied he told Brannon such a thing. La Barbera also contended that no one ever asked Brannon to offidally enter a plea. "Nobody noticed he really hadn't entered a guilty plea. Everyone uaumed that he had." he said. (See GAMBLER, Pqe Al) By JEFF ADLER or .. .,.., ........ The Cal State Long Beach psychology profeuor who offered homework credit to stUdenta for having homo9exual, group or extramarital relatioMhlpa says about three students per semester choae to have a aexual experience in the l~ semesters the class has been offered. Profeta0r Barry Singer, who baa been teac hing the "Psychology of Sex" for nine years, said Thursday atudenta have been offered the option of having a .exual relatio~p for course credit during the last four yean. But Singer confirmed he Is dropping the sexual experience option from the list of 21 atudy options from which students enrolled in the coune are uked to .elect. The study options range from attending divorce court or a marriage enrichment g.roup to more "aensitive" ones such aa a \our of a nudist colony or gay beth boule, Singer said. Both the course and Singer have come under attack by evangelical Christiana in the Lon§ Beach area who contend the 'Psychology of Sex" OOUl"9e -and the offer of credit for a aexual relationship -have no 1 ln a tax-supported atate tion. ger and School of Social Behavioral Science Dean n Crowther, on the other , argue the courae was targeted by tru:.e who ''wiah to affect the curriculum of the univerai_ty." INDEX DEFENDS COURSE - Professor Barry Singer defended his course "Psychology of Sex .. during press conference Thursday at Cal State Long Beach. They said that what I.I at stake is academic fre«lom. "Now we are under attack from the right for what we teach," Crowther remarked. "Durip" the 19701, we were under attack from the left." Although the course will be offered in the future, Crowther said a faculty' committee hu been reviewing the coune'a content. The committee'• flndJnaa are expected next week, be Mid. (See SEX, Pa1e Al) ., Electronic warlare used Ann Landen B2 Moviea WeebMer Magee seeking $1.5 million The Britiah have made e.lCCellent UM! of electronic warfare in the Falklanda cr1lia, but' we won't learn the detaiJa for years. P-. A6. COUNTY Death sentence hailed The f.amlly and frienda of a Garden Grove police officer tlain nearly two yeua.., are relieved tbat hJa convicted ... u.ant bu been ncom.mended for the de.th~~· p_,. Bl. What i1 Kevin Magee'• uk.ing price? The UC lrvlne All-American says lt'1 $1.5 million for five yean, and It could be more if he goe1 hlah ln the NBA draft. Paae Cl. . Sea Kings Dy to Lancaster It could only happen at Corona del Mar Hilh· The Sea K.tna-. defencilq CD' 2·A bueball chamolona, WW ay to Lanc.ter today f« a pla.yoff. Paa-Cl. NATION Mutual J\mdl JM National News A.a Public Notkm 84,C.,ce Sports Cl-5 St.eek Marhta lie Te.leYtlloG TV Lee Tbeata'I W.,.ar.MS Weather A2 World Newt AJ STATE y J. c~anston hits oil lease OK league forming 'BY STEVE MITCHELL «" .. ~,.... .... U.S . S•n. Alan Cranaton hu Joined Or~ c.out omciat. in lambaatln~ lntulor Sec:rei.ry Jamea Watt • dedlion to ao ahffd with a l eaae Hle of oll and natural au tracta off South•m California. Team appllcallON for an Adult Coed Volleyball League are beina accepted through Juno 4 by Irvine's Commurilly Services Department which abo has 11et a volleyball cllnlc June ~ at Irv ine High School Gymnasium. League action Ls acheduled June 15 through Aug. 18. A $125-per-team fee ia charged. •A few tickets remain for the Irvine Exchange Club's 9th Annual Sports Awards Banquet June 3 at the Airport.er Inn. The tickets, $15 each, can be obtained by calling Ralph RodheUn at 720-2225. Top athletes in Irvine high •The Irvine Singers, a 19-member vocal group at Irvine High School, will • ., present its final performance _, of the school year tonight at The clinic, costinC $10 per p~raon, 11 de1l1ned H an ln1tructlonal and low.key ~pet1t.1ve 1porta experience for begtnnlnl and intermediate player1 . Regtatratlon dead.llne 11 June 4. Details on both the clinic and the league are available from Do1n a F inley at 754-3639. schools and at UC Irvine will be honored during the banquet, which begins at 7 p.m For the fint time thLt year, the club will name its coach of the year. Nolan Cromwell, defensive back for the Los Angeles Rams, will be featured speaker. the school amphitheater. The 8 p.m. concert is free and open to the public and chairs will be available. Rich Mes3enger ii director. In a pr•u relea1e from Cran1ton'1 Waahlnaton office, the 1en ator 11 Id 11 Ronald Reuan'• tome cannon hu fired •t tl\e C.alifornla cout.line aaaln" in authorllll\j lea1e aale #68, whlc.h lncludel tncta off i...,un. and Newport Beech. "Secretary Watt'• fJn.al notl.ce of aale ignoree almOlt all of the state and local governmental recommendations tor tract •election off the Southern C.alifomla oout," Cranston uid. The leue aale, which will take place in Los Angele• June 11, covers 164 tracta from just north of Santa Barbara to Orange County. It includes 11 tracts off the coasts of Newport Beach and Laguna, 1ome as close as three miles from the shoreline. Both cities, along with San Clemente, have gone on record oppaaing the leue sale, and have jofoed the state in a law1ult to preveilf the aale. · Irvine candidates win endorsements Craniton noted that California authorltlea "support reuonable offshore development, but not where oil slicks will foul the precious recreational beaches around Santa Monica Bay and Orange County, and not where conflicts with major port traffic (in Loe Angeles and Long Beach) greatly increases the risk of collision, injury and oil spillage." Jy SANDIE JOY °' tM o.My l'tlot ltaff The National Women 's Political Caucus (NWPC) of Orange County has announced its ~dorsement of Larry Agran and Edward Dornan in the Irvine Qty Council race. Meanwhile . candidates ara Wiener and John ka have been endorsed by 00-member Irvine Board of Realtors. Voters go to the polls June 8 to elect two council members to four-year terms. Agran is the lone incumbent lJl the contest which al.so includes senior citizen activist Marjorie Keiser and moving company executive William Pozzi. Nakaoka is an Irvine Unified School District trustee, Ms. Wiener is a community activist afrd Dornan is an English professor. All the candidates are expected to participate in a "Meet the lCoas tal Light V1rl11>l1 wlnct1 through toolghl except eouth-t to _, 10 to 18 knoh ellernoon Southwut 1w111 1 to 3 1111 Pertl•l c1eer1ng 11t1tnoon U.S. sunimary Thunct1r1torm1 pounding the ar..1 Pl&lne tor .wno.1 rwo wellkl .l)urtlel • trllfl ~ Of lomedoll tn.t emuhlCI llomte Ind t.rm. In •I• 111111 end flooded ex>mmunltlM with rain• lllllng 11 lh• ret• ot 4 lnch11 1n hour In ·pi-. A power llne t>lown down t>y )llgh wind• 111c trocut1d 1 ll\ldldr1Ylt 11 IM vldent -t:her !NI hM ~ mor. then 100 fwll1«a 1tie PM( --_,, r1Ylt'I end 1tre1m1 out of their 1>1nk1 lic:foea the M~ toc:tey. • Nlnetnn 1orn1do11 •kipped ougl1 the Mldwtl1 on Thurlday, 1 were flooded t>y bure11 end 1 rallroed llne Hhed out At 11111 lour -•Injured. 1: Md In c:onn.ctlM, ~ NI lellled s-ta Of IN t!Jw.d.1c1 OU1 po.-to ~. %:!;r.·in-iouth1111 South 0111011, • Pllury, 1 citizen who llvee Delmont, Mid 8\.\ lncti. of rlltn tell In two lloura Thurldey rtom 4.30 p m to 8 ·30 p.m .. .,..ning OU1 roeck Ind ~ )61t~ld CfoCll California !Morning 0011111 cloud• wlll ~· IM tun untll en.noon. ~~---.-...111 ~ mid TOI, mountt*\ htghl ln Ole nfd 801 hava melted 1now for llCllrlCI Md w1nc11 to ao mph ooulcl ""' dlMrt duet. llut the N1tlon1I WH ther S~rvlce H id It won•t rein In ~ CallfomM tNe --.nd. )41olla 8aturda)'9 .,. toreceet 1•1'lolo••-· 70 llld 71 ., MeOMe. 86 to 75 In IM mourltmlnl. 14 ltld 94 In the high and from 1M to 102 In loW . "°"'~~ IO MlildoM border Olll ..-C I , varletlte wlnde durlne the t end morning, b.oomlnl t tct IOUtll-.t( I t 10 t O 1 1 l 1turd1y alt.,noon wttfl ..... NMlnG2 ..... Press" night from :; to 7 p.m . Monday sponsored by Irvine Chamber of Commerce in the Registry Hotel's Orange County Ballroom. NWPC Chapter President Sharon English, who armounced her group's endorsement of Agran and Dornan, said, "Both men are strong supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment." NWPC's endorsements are based on responses to questionnaires sent to all six candidates, she said, noting Ms. Wiener waa the only candidate who didn't respond to the group's queationnaire. In a candidates' forum last week sponsored by American Association of University Women, Ms. Wiener indicated she didn't return the questionnaire because, "There wasn't one question about lrvtne in it." Ms. Wiener a110 said, "I feel the council race la not the p~ to deal with national issues.' Cranston accuses Watt of "disregarding 1tate recommendations for leaae aale of 1tipul,ation.a that would at least mitigate some of the potential damage.'' He said that "unlike the Northern California announcement, this lease sale ia in its last stages and the citiz.ena of California will now have to rely on the federal court system to enforce environmental and coastal management laws to protect them from the act.ions of this extrerniat." Occupation ends AMHERST, Mau. (AP) - Stu denu oppoeed to Hampehire College's ownership of 1tock in weapons companies today ended a four -day occupation of the college's adminiatration building. Fair and mild 85 83 05 55 48 03 74 51 84 158 23 17 87 72 52 .28 73 44 .09 158 38 18 81 72 82 57 .32 84 84 .88 80 38 98 44 82 80 .87 83 68 83 ee 19 &a .oe 85 88 .38 ~ .38 85 40 1• 80 50 91 ea 89 86 85 ea 88 83 t6 88 ae 81 88 83 82 90 85 81 83 84 79 .. 82 86 75 83 73 87 12 .., 1t 11 7S 12 84 IO t7 17 • .. 17 50 .34 52 34 57 41 33 44 158 .29 39 74 72 se 1.00 85 ff 57 .80 81 70 83 82 70 74 .12 39 4t 84 .2' .. 84 .35 • 87 62 .07 82 .02 • 154 1.28 ee 62 ... • .. ..25 14 &a 80 .12 11 .2t 47 42 71 61 .. 44 .CM Fronts Cold ~ Warm ..., SURF RIPIRT 1~ T. w . '*!°' 2 ... M . , M M • • Stahon;wy•• Edmonton 88 36 Montreal 73 eo Ottawa 72 86 Regine 81 41 Toronto 72 sa y.,_,.,., 83 .. Winnipeg 88 38 PAN AMIR!CAM AcapulQo t2 79 Bel'bedos 88 79 Betmudll n 88 eovota 86 46 Freeport t6 ea 13 04~ .. 5t G4~ t2 79 • I Smog UnhHltnn.11 air for Hntlllve peopa. 11 IOflCU1 IOdl)' for "" Alve111de-8an lernerdlno "" wttll • l"olutant SW!dard Inda Of 1118. ind for 1111 len Fernando, Senta Clerl1e. Sin Qebrlel and Ponione ~ Wtlh NI 180. Good air qullitY wu forecut for the metropofltan •r•a end lannlng, bo tll wltll "'' 12. Hemef.£lelnofl wttfl , .. 10 end Ille low ffNtt9 ~ Pll 61. All otller r9glone .. lleW Pll 42. .E x tended weather IOUTHl"H CALIPO"NIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN ANAi -,,,, bUt ftlallt *°'*' med "'°"""' loW dNfa *"' tr. 001t1. lori\e aft•noon oloucte '1"1 ~ Hlgfw Jn ...... ._ w9 ,..,... ..... TO to 14 It bead-. .. 11 .... O'IW lllilllftd ~LOM •to A~ ,.,,, ....... to ft. ....... to ... .. LOSES LEG -Anna Conrad, who was considered a miracle survivor of an avalanche near Truckee, underwent additonal surgery ThursdJly to amputate her right leg below the knee. Body found in Dana Point; probe due The grialy diacovery Thursday of an elderly woman's body in a car believed to have been deliberately set on fire 10 days ago in Dana Point has pr:ompt.ed a homicide investigation by the Orange County Sheriff's Department. The body of Joan S. Anden.on, 82, of Houston, Texa111, was overlooked the ni.ltht of May 11 when county firefighters responded to a call of an automobile fire in the 3400 block of Alcazar Drive, said sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart. S}\eriff's investigators attempting to trace the woman's whereabouts found the burned body on the floor of the 1970 Cadillac which had been removed after the fire to a San Juan Capl1trano auto storage yard, Hart said. Bagpipe band set for NB Sounds of Scotland will be heard Saturday at Bob Burns Fuhlon Ialand Restaurant when the United Scottish Society of Southern California presents the "Piping in of the Cabera," at 2 p.m. The British Caledonian Airways Pipe Band will perfonn in the center court area near the Newport Beach restaurant. The free concert will usher in the golden anniversary celebration of the Scottish Games to be held June 5 and 6 at the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Meu. Cabera, ranaing from 16 to 20 feet will be to11ed du ring the ancient athleuc event. FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • San Carloa Strait, 1eparatln1 the talandl of Eut and Weat Falkland. The Britlah call the atrait the Falkland Sound. "A 1andina beaan at 8:~ a.m. (4:50 a.m. PDT), which la beina repelledl>y Argentine forc8," the communique laid. Although the British referred to "raiding partiee" being put uhon, there wu no immediate indication of the acale of the fightfns or whether the asaault amounted to a landing l.n force to eatablllh a beachhead. The only reporten on the scene in the South Atlantic were Britlah repo~n wtth the British fleet and Argentine correspondentl. A repor\er for the privately owned Buenol A1ree radio 1tation Radio Rivadavta Mid meanwhile that ''Araenttne air force planes have tallen off to attac'k the Brldah fleet." The reporter, at the J oln t Chiefs headquarten, said he had been told that ''an attempt to disembark troopa by helicopter on the Wand.a wu 1ucceasfully repelled." One Briti1h Sea H.mrler fighl4!r-bomber was s})ot down and Its pilot captured, he said. After 12 daya of aeparate talks with Britl1b and Argentine * * * diplomata at U.N. headquarters In New York and a final telephone appeal directly to the ho1tile countriea' leaden, U.N. Secretary-General Javter Perez de Cuellar said Thunday night his efforts to arrange an agreement for a Falklands cease-fire and further negotiatlon.1 were over. With each aide blaming the other for the collap1e, the secretary-general said he had no "prospect of bringing about an end to the crtaia, nor, indeed, of preventing the intenaiflc.tion of the conflict." * * * BRITISH STRATEGY. • • dislodged larger forces," said Maj. Geo. Slr John Owen, who commanded Britain's marine commando forces in 1977'-73. "It won't be euy. It would be· wrong to underestimate the Argentines' capability. But given the right opportunities, it'r; feasible." Key unita in the hit-and-run campaign are the anny's Special. Air Service and the marines' Speci.al Boat Squadron. Informed sources said teams from them have been on the Falklands for week a scouting targets for sabotage. Landed by helicopters Saturday, 48 commandos raided the airstrip on Pebble laland, 'at the northern tip of the Falklanda, and blew up 11 planes and an .. ammunition dump. Along with more such raids, British destroyers and frigates will bombard Ar~entine positions, and the fleets vertical take-off Harrier jeta will bomb and strafe them. The targets will be the 20 or so grass airstrips dotted around the i.slanda and the Argentine radar bases , ammunition and fuel dumps and outposts. "The Argentines are spread all over a large area. Surprise will be on our side. We should be able to keep them on the hop," said Air Vice Marshal Norman Hoad, commander of Britain's Joint Airborne Task Force in 1974-75. SEX CLASSES . • • Singer said about 40 students per semester enroll In the three-time-a-week lecture coune. Besides textual material, atudenta are asked to chooee four of 21 1uggested options and write brief papers on each topic. "My typical student is a married woman wishing to communicate better with her husband," Singer explained. "The contact thing has been over-d.ramatiz.ed." But Singer said three or four students each semester choose to experience a Rxual relationship to fulfill the coune reQuirement. ''They defined themselves what behavior they were interested in exploring," the 38-year-old tenured instructor said. He added that students are not pressured into this option and must consult with him in advance. Also, they must inform th~~r partners. Usually. the students who c hose to have a sexual relationship were heterosexual women who wanted to experiment with a lesbian relationship, Singer said. He also said he could recall only one instance in which a student c hose to have an extramantal relationship in the years the option has beer. offered. GAMBLER LOSES APPEAL The judge, however, ruled that there had been an intent to enter a guilty plea and that was sufficient. Deputy Di.strict Attorney Rick Toohey, who prosecuted Brannon last year, &aid that the convicted bookmaker "wanted to undo everything, but It didn't work out that way." Brannon still haa a year and a half to serve on his two-year sentence. The former trustee had served about four months of that term until last December. He was allowed out of praon to go to his stepfather's funeral in Indiana. He remained free until March, when Orange County Superior Court Judge Walter Murray ruled that he had to finish out his term. OBI E S PO RTS L T I). Presents The OD® COLLECTION For Men & Ladles HUGE SHIPMENT JUST AARIVEDll MANY NEW SPRJNG COLORS SHOP EARLY • For ·Dads I &rads ARBIE SPORTS f llllllCUIT c111111u 11ma1 I lllOAV MA't' JI l'ltl:? OH ANGf <.:O UN 1 V . C ALIF OHNIA 25 CENTS entines s trike back. • • r1t1s ~ NO PA ROLE -Sirhan B . Sirhan, assassin of Sen . Robert Kennedy, lost his bid for parole in 1984 today 16 Argentine planes wrecked LONDON (AP) -Britain aaid lts forces landed on the Falkland Islands today and destroyed 16 Argentine aircraft, and that Argentina damaged five British ships, two of them severely, and downed two British helicopters. Defense Minister John Nott said British forces landed in aubetantial numben with artillery. air defense weapona and other heavy equipment and were "unoppoeed" in the establishment of a land hue that he said was "being col'lllOlldated." The British landing by hundreds of commandos was aimed at retaking the Falklands from Argentine forces who seized it from Britain on April 2. Nott said in a prepared statement some 10 hoW'11 aft.er the first announcement of the assault that the attack was continuing, and that the British ships came under "heavy attack." He said the Argentine and British forces sustained casualties, but gave no numbers for men killed or wounded. He said the Argentine aircraft destroyed were aeven Mirage jet fighters, five Skyhawks and two Pucara anti-Insurgency planes, plus two helicopters -one a Chinook, the other a Pwna. Argentina's official Telam news agency said the frigates were cut off in the Falkland Sound, and that the one that was sinking was capable of carrying 177 men. An Argentine radio station said two British helicopters also were downed. s FALKLAND ISLANDS ATLANTIC OCEAN qb BARREN ISL A~ • of Hart>ourJ Sirhan denied parole The Argentine junta said the British ships were trapped near the bay of the port of San Carlos at the northeast end of the strait separating the two main Falkland Islands. The British call the area Foul Bay. The London Evening Standard newspaper said more than 1,000 British troops -mainly marine commandos and paratroopers -landed in six groups to launch the heaviest attacks yet against the Argentines dug in on the Falklands. BATTLE LOCATIONS -Multiple arrows and series of dots shows Falkland Sound where Argentines claim to have cut off British frigates, with one sinking. British meanwhile claim new air strikes against Fox Bay (large arrow) while British warships bombarded Stanley (circled). SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California Board of Priaon TenTlS ruled today that Sirhan B. Sirhan, convicted amassin. of Sen. Robert F . Kennedy, should not be granted parole in 1984 as ICheduled. "The Sept. l, 1984, parole date of Sirhan Sirhan is hereby reaclnded tor good cau.ae," said board chairman Ray Brown. Brown said the board would bold another hearing In six months to consider setting a new date for Sirhan's releue. The board had been under 1t:rong public Pfe9IUl'e to reldnd Sirhan Sirhan's 1eheduled parole date, which was set by an earlier board. But board memben specifically denied that. public outcry concerning Sirhan'• release was the chiel influence on their decision, which had been requested by the Loa Angeles County district attorney. Brown said he and the two other members of the panel that ruled on the Sirhan c.ase believed that the board that decided in 1975 to release the uaassin was not aware of violent threats made by Sirhan while in priaon. "The panel finds the continuing nature of the priloner'• threats and conduct is of great significance and would have been of great significance to other panels had they known the nature of them," Brown said. The board specifically cited Sirhan'• written threats to kill an author who wrote a book about him. a prison guard and a priaon offidal who received a complaint from Sirhan that dentists were re fusing to treat him for tooth problems. The panel announced its dedlion amid a glare of television lights in crowded headquarten in the state Capitol. Sirhan waa informed of the decision by telephone moments before the board met the pn!M. Ilia reaction was not immediately known. WORLD The Defense Ministry in London said British ground forces attacked fuel and ammunition dumps and military depots, while warships bombarded Stanley and other areas of East Falkland and Harrier jet-fighters attacked the main base on West Falkland. The British call the base Fox Bay. The British Defense Ministry said a British helicopter ferrying 30 men between British ships ditched in the South Atlantic before the attacks were laWlChed, and that nine were rescued, one body was recovered and the other 20 troops were missing and presumed dead. It was Britain's single biggest loss since the conflict started April 2 with Argentine seizure of the South Atlantic islands. Winds of 40 knots and waves 25 feet hi~h were (Stt FALKLAND, Page A%) 'An a et ol lot1e' Third day of fast for Newport woman By STEVE MARBLE Of the 0.-, ,... ·-Light-headed, hungry and stuck in Illinois, Newport Beach resident Zoe Ann Ananda is four days into a vowed 44-day hunger strike she hopes will focus attention on the Equal Rights Amendment. "This is an act of love," she said from the Methodist church where she's stayinK in Springfield. "We've tried marches and we've tried rallies and they haven't done much good. "We feel th.is is the one thing that will show how deeply we feel about the amendment." Ms. Ananda , who runs a bookltore in Newport's Cannery Village, is one of seven women staked out in the Illinois capital. They have vowed to fast until June 30, the deadline for ratification of ERA. The amendment la still three states short of ratification. Illinois is one of four states ERA supporters have targeted in a final push. Ms. Ananda, who said she has quit smoking as well as eating, promised to fut "until I drop.'' "We've had some interesting reactions," she said. "One state legislator told me it looked like I could lo8e a few pounds anyway. "The first day five anti-ERA women came up to me, stood right in front of me and started eating chocolate Ice cream ban. ··1 aon't know if they expected me to drop my picket sign, aay 'ec:rew the ERA' and run for an ice cream bar or what?" The seven hunger strikers have been camping out daily in front of the Illinois Capitol rotunda. • The Newport woman acknowledged commenta by one nutrition 1pecialilt that she and other strikers risk permanent injury by fasting. SPORTS Coast Inan • to waiv e extradition ? Pima County, Arizona, sherift'a officers remained in Santa Ana today in hope James Crummel of Newport Beach would waive extradition and return to Arizona to face a first-degree murder charge in a 15-year-old alaytng. Crummel, 38, -was arrested Wednesday and was being held In Heu of $200,000 in Orange County Jail. He was charged in the 1967 slaying of 9-year-old Frank Howard Clawson of Tucson, whose body was found near a mesquite tree in the desert near his home a few hours after his disappearance. Authorities said the boy had been strangled by hand and his own belt then had been cinched around hia neck. Crummel wu questioned in 1968 while in a mental hospital in Mequon, Wis., under sentence after pleading guilty to sexual a.aault of a teen-ager whom he admitted having attempted to kill, Sheriff's Lt. Beumler aaid. Beumler credited Sheriff's Detective Robert Lough. the officer a11igned to the case in 1981 , with d oing "an extraordinary job" in the inveati§•tlon which led to Crumme1 • arrest. 1,300 evacuated MOSES LAKE, Wash. (AP) - A poiaonoua gas cloud from a ruptured induatrial pipe floated away without causing any 1erioua harm after forcing the evacuation of about 1,300 people near Moeea Lake. QUITO, Ecuador (AP) -OPEC oil ministers decided today to retain th eir production ceiling without change "until further notice" and to leave prices unchanged, the cartel's aecretary general said. Magee seeking $1.5 million Wha t is Kevin Magee'a a1king price? The UC Irvine All-American says lt '1 $1.5 million for five years, and it could be more if he goes high in the NBA draft.. Page Cl. COUNTY Death sentence hailed 'lbe family ind Mends ot a Garden Grove police officer lla1n nearly two yeen aao are relieved tlllt hla convicted aaaUant hM been recommended for the death pmatiy. Page Bl. Sea Kinss n y to Lancaster It could only happen at Corona del Mar Jllah. The Sea Kinp, defendlna CIF 2-A bueball champion.a. wW fly to Lancuter today for a pla)'Off. J>-ae Cl. NATION Latest erltle Cranston la01hasts Watts on leases By STEVE MITCHELL OftlleDelJ ........ U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston has joined Orange Coast officials in lambasting Interior Secretary James Watt's decision to go ahead with a lease sale o f oil and natural gas tracts off Southern California. In a press release fr om Cranston's Washington office, the senator said "Ronald Reagan's loose cannon has fired at the California coastline a~ain" in authorlzin.B lease sale #68, whlch includes tracts off Laguna and Newport Beach. "Secretary Watt's final notice o( sale ignores almost all of the state and local governmental recommendations for tract selection off the Southern California coast.." Cranston said. The lease sale, which will take place in Los Angeles June 11 , covers 164 tracts from just north of Santa Barbara to Orange County. It includes 11 tracts off the coasts of Newport Beach and Laguna, some as close as three miles from the shoreline. Both cities, along with San Clemente, have gone on record opposing the lease sale, and have joined the state in a lawsuit to prevent the sale. Cranston noted that California authorities "1upport reasonable off1hore development, but not where oil slicks wlll foul the precious recreational beaches around Santa Monka Bay and Orange County, and not ~here conflJcts with major port traffic (in Loe Angeles and Long Beach) INDEX greatly increases the risk of colll5ion, injury and oil spillage." Cranston accuses Watt of "disregarding state reconunendations for lease sale of stipulations that would at least mitigate some of the potential damage." He said that "unlike the Northern California announcement, this lease sale is in its last stages and the citizens of California will now have to rely on the federal court system to enforce environmental and coastal management laws to protect them from the actions of this extremist" Tots sought for Fish Fry baby contest Registration is open for the annual baby contest to be held during the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fi.sh Fry and Carnival June 6. Parents can register their babies at Cal's Camera, 1770 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa. Registration clo9es June 3 and will be limited to 125 babies. Residency in Costa Mesa is not required. The infants will be judged in two categories: ages 6 months to 12 months and ages 13 to 24 months. The contest will begin at 2:45 i n the Neighborhood Community Center, 184' Park Ave., Costa Mesa. Ann Landen B2 STATE ,. ' ( Movi• Wee~er Mutual Funda B4 National News A3 Public Notlcel Bf,04,C:e Sporta Cl--6 Stock t.f.arketa 83 Tel8Ytllon TV Loa Tbeaten Weekender Weather -A2 World News A3 ,,.. O/N Or1not Oout DAILY ,a1~0TIPrktay. MIV 4111 ,Ht ~\ ~.-.-.i~re--,-,,,-.-,------------------------------------ \\\'t. Continued storl•• Nuke reactor FALKLAND ISLANDS . • • restart nixed reported ln the area, but the weather waa expectcO to clear . later tn the evening. ;. A reporter for the privately Ced Butnoe Airea radio 1taUon o Rlvadavta said meanwhile 'Jbat "Argentine alt force planes llave taken off to attack the Brttiah Sleet.'' The reporter, at the Joint Chief• headquarten, said he had been told that "an attempt to clt•embark troops by helicopter ~ the Islands was successfully · lied." One British Sea er fighter-bomber waa shot wn and its pilot ¢aptured, he Raid. . After 12 days of separate~ ~1th British and Argen\lne plomats at U N. headquarters fl New York and a final selephone appeal directly to the bps tile countries' leaders, U. N. ~retary-General Javier Perez le Cuellar said Thursday night lis efforts to a:range an ~greement for a Falklands ~ease -f i r e and further faegotiations were over. ~With each side blam,ng the cPher for the collapse , the tcr"etary-general sa.id he had no "prospect of brlnglna a~ut an end to the crtail, nor, indeed, of prevent.in, the lntenaification of the oon!llct." Argentine Forel1n MlnletM Nlcanor Coata Mendes 1ald he waa 1tudying a peace propoaal offered by Prealden\ Fernando Belaunde Terry of Peru. He u!d the proposal a.00 wu 1ubmitted to the Brltl1h government, but there was no comment from London. C.OSta Mendez declared that lf there 1s 11 war, "Argentina will repel it with all our courafe and energy." Argentina's o 'lei al Telam n ews agency said, "all measures necessary to confront any enemy action have been taken." British military sources said Rear Adm. John Woodward had been given two weeks t o recapture the Falklands with his task force of 40 ahips, 30 planes and 4,500 marines, paratroops and commandos from the estimated 9,000 Argentine soldiers dug in on the illlands. College credit sex to he discontinued By JEft'F ADLEH Of 1M Oalty Pffot St•" The Cal S ta te Long Beach psyc ho logy professor who offered homework c redit to students for having homosexual, gr o up or extramarital relationships says about three students per semester chose to have a sexual experience in the 15 semesters the class has been offered. Professor Barry Singer, who ha s been teach ing the "Psychology o f Sex" for nine years, said Thursday students have been offered the option of having a sexual relationship for course credit during the last four years. But Singer confirmed he Is dropping the sexual experience option from the list of 21 study options from which students enrolled in the course are asked to select. The study options range from attending divorce court or a marriage enrichment group to more ''sensitive" ones such as a tour of a nudist colony or gay bath house, Singer said. Both the course and Singer have come under attack by evangelical Christians In the Long Beach area who contend the "Psychology of Sex" oourae -and the offer of credit for a sexual relationship -have no place in a tax-supported state institution. Singer and School of Social and Behavioral Science Dean S imeon Crowther, on the other hand, argue the course w~s targeted by those who "wish to affect the curric ulum of the university." They said that what is at stake as academic freedom. "Now we are under attack from the right for what we teach," Crowther remarked. "Durin~ the 1970s, we were under attack from the left." Although the course wlll be offered in the future, Crowther said a faculty committee has been reviewing the course's content. The committee's findings are expected next week, he said. By DAVID llJTZMANN O{ ... NJ ......... Una>nvlnced by the ar,wnenta ot Southern California Ediaon Co. official•, the U.S. Nuclear Reaulatory Comml11lon 11 prohlbltina the rwtart of Edilon'1 Unit 1 reactor at San Onofre until key earthquake aafety quetttona have been cleared up. "We're 1lmply not convinced by their technical argumenta at thl1 point," a NRC apokeaman said Thursday, after a three-hour meetina in Betheed.a, Md. Partfcipating In that seaalon were federal nuclear offlciala and a contingent of Edison representatives aeek.ing to allay concerns that 14-year-old Unit l waa a safety hazard. ''We want them to re-evaluate their (seismic safety) data and resolve the incon1istencles," government spokesman James Hanchett said. "They can't restart Unit 1 until these problems are cleared up.'' The 436-megawatt seaside reactor has been out of operation since last February as part of a scheduled maintenance shutdown. Utility officials said the reactor is ready to return to aervice next month. But federal officials reviewing an Edison/re pared seismic analysis ul they have serious concerns about whether the reactor unit co uld meet earthquake safety standards now in effect. In fact, according to an N.KC memo, there are questions the unit met safety standards in Emma Crane service held Graveside services were held today for longtime Costa Mesa resident Emma Crane who died May 15. She was 91. Mrs. Crane came to Costa Mesa in 1930 with her late husband. Martin Luther, and seven children. S he was a member of the Harbor Trinity Baptist Church and late r of Calvary Chapel. Survivo r s include tw o daughters, Margaret Wilson of Costa Mesa and Virginia F.a.ston of San Diego and two sons, Alfred Crane and Lloyd Crane of Costa Mesa. Other survivors include five gra nd c h ildren, 12 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Fair and mild Coastal Light verleble winds through tonight .xcept aouth-t 10 -t 10 to 18 knots •flernoon SouthWHt 1well I to 3 l••t P•Ml•I Cletltlng •ltetnoon e1rminohm Blam.,c:tc BOIN 8o11on Bfownr.11e Butt.to 8u<11ngton Cupet Charlstn SC Cl'lerl9tn WV C?ltafltte NC Cheyenne CNcaQo ClnclnN tl ·u.s. sununary g:::_~ COIUmbu• Thund•r•torme pounding the O~t Wth GrMt Plelrw for almolt two W'Mil• hurled • ''"h volley of tornlldOM g:1,:; thet llTIUhed 11om .. and farm• In Dee MOI,_ • I x • t • t e I • n d fl 0 0 d • 0 Detroit communlUea with r.in1 t1lllno et Duluth th• rete ol 4 lnchea •n hour In El Pao placee A power lln• blown down by ~rroo 11 high wind • 1leclrocu110 • eoet• trvckdrlVer ... the vlolent -ther GrM t Fen. Hlll11ord tr..t hat epewned more 1r..n too Helen• !Wlft«I the put wM4I Mnt river• Honoiufu 1nd 11rum1 out of tllelr b•nk• Houlton ectOM t"9 Mklwwt t°"Y I MPfla Nineteen torn1doee •kipped J':ken MS ltorougll the Mldwwt on Thursday. JICkenvtle \owne wer • lloooed by I( Cl 01oudburat1 eno • r1llro1d llne L!.Nv.;!. .,.,., wuhed out Al leut tour Little Rock ~I~~~. "1ioh wlnde LoWvllle lhet IUhed 1>41rt1 of the MOrtn...t \ Lubbock Memphl• l!n<>Cked out ~ to thOUNnde Mlwnl In aoutheut South 0 1kote, Mllw9ukM Mlk• Phury, • Citizen who llVH Mpl-.St p '*r Delmont, Mid S.,., 1nci-of Nuhllllle .._In lell In \ll'IO houra Thur1d1y New on.ant from 4·30 p m to 8·30 p m., New Yor1! wuNng out roede •nd darMiglno N°'1olll JU1t"1>1anted crape. No. Pa.ne -.----------()1(11 City tali/ ornia =:, Mornlnu cout•I cloud• wlll obecure the eun unlll 1tt•noon. belCl1 lemperltUt• ""' ""'* In the mid 70.. rnouni.tn hlgN lrl the mid toe hive melled •now lor ellllng Md .irlde to '° mcil'I OCl'M ~...,,dult. But the Hetlonel We1tller St t¥1ce Hid It won't rein In 80ufhem ~""' ... Md. ~ =:' Pt1encl. Ore PnMdenoe =:!"' Belt !Ml• sen An1onlo 8eettle ~~ 85 83 05 55 48 03 74 51 84 !l8 23 77 87 72 52 .28 73 ..... 09 58 3e t8 8t 72 82 57 .32 M &4 ee 80 38 811 .... S2 80 87 83 58 83 ee 111 se .oe es ee .30 C'i 3e 85 40 75 80 50 Il l ea 611 85 85 ea se 83 15 81 86 S1 83 83 82 llO 85 81 83 M 79 811 12 85 75 83 73 17 12 97 711 11 7S 12 .. 90 87 t1 et .. 87 50 34 52 34 57 41 33 .... !l8 .29 39 74 72 58 I 03 66 511 57 .80 81 70 83 82 70 74 12 311 48 84 2t 81 ... 35. 87 52 07 82 .02 54 us .. aa .ae .. ae n 54 53 80 .12 81 .28 47 42 71 61 .. ... 04 Fronts COid '..-r Warm YW Hloll• Seturd1y1 ar• torecu t from 72 to 74 In LO• AngelH. bttwwn 70 Ind 1' II l>MCMe. ,,.... ea to 11 1n the ~.., :-" 14 end •• In tlle lllgll Md trom 14 to 102 In 1ow ...,, .. ._.. from Point Colioeptlon to .,. MelclOlfl bcWOW oen .,_, llOllt. verlebMI Wind• Outing the nfttlt and morning, becoming ... , to eoutllW••f et to to te kMt• .. turdey 1ttet11oon wltll .,....,..._.,....~l ~ ..... ·i: ~-SU~R_f R_IP.;,..._IR_T '°' ... Temperaturel t :a:-... t-4 .. 1 M M • S1;itt0no"~·· Edmonlon ea 35 Montreel 73 80 OttllWI 72 65 Reglnl 81 48 Toronto 72 58 v el\COIN« 83 <le Winnipeg ea 3t ,AMA•NCAN Ac.pule:O 112 71 811bldOI ea 111 &«mud• n ea Bogola 85 45 Freepot'l S5 88 .13 a~· ea 51 ' GuldelouC>e 112 71 -. Snwg Unhe11tn • .,1 •Ir 1or H n11tlve ~ I• forec.tt tod•y for tM RlvertlO•·S•n eernerdlno 1rH with 1 POIUtant Slllldlrd Index of 181, •nd lor the Sin Fetn•ndo, 81nl1 Cl•rlt•, San Oebrlel and POt'llON vllltrl with PSI 150. Good elr quelltY WH for.cut ror th• metropoflt1n ., .. 1no Binning. boll! ;rlth PSI 12, Hetnet-Elelnor9 Witt\ PSI 76 and the low d...na with PSI 51. All Other reglonl Wll NW PSI 42 .Extended weather SOUTHIAH CAL1'0fUUA COAITAL AND MOUNTAIN /tlllE.AI -'"' llUI '*"' ttw'Oullfl mid momtng low abide Mono tM COltt. lolM '""noon OIOUCll ~ lftOlllltlllnl. ... In ..... .,.. _. f9'ltl frOm TO to 74 at .,..,._ IO 11 to M OWi lrtlMd ~ l.Al'lle .... ta ....... ,_,., ....,_ M lo 11. LOW1 48 to ea. ..Tidea fOMY leoond hlgtl UI p . .,.; U IA~\' '"' low a. &m. • 1.0 effect 20 yean.aao, when deslgn ot the w\lt beaan. Wllllam T. Ru.aeell, hetd of the federal a1ency'1 Office of Sy1tematlc Evaluation, said earlier thia week he wu told by ~tlllty offlclalt that a1 many aa 800 modification.a to Unit 1 may be J\ecetur)'. Edlaon 1pokeamen, however , inailted Thunday that the NRC wa1 "mlalnterpretlng" the 1el1mic analysis. They claimed the plant. while perhaps needing major and minor modlflcations, wu •till safe enouah to 01;>erate. The sel.smic 1tucfy prepared by Edison waa part of an ongoing analysis by the N RC of the nation's older reactors and how they measure up to today'• stnngent requirementa. Former Mesa attorney gets • superior post N o rth Orange Coun t y Municipal Court Judge Linda Hodge McLaughlin, a former Costa Mesa attorney, was appointed to the superior court bench Thursd ay by Gov . Edmund G. Brown Jr. She replaces John K. Trotter Jr., who is to be sworn in today as the newest justice for th.e 4th Di.strict Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. Judg e M c Laughlin was appointed to the Fullerton municipal court bench two years ago by Gov . Brown. She is a member of the California Judges Association and the National Association of Woman Judges. B efo re her judi cial appoinunent, she practiced law in Costa Mesa. Judge McLaughlin JS a graduate of UC Berkeley's prestigious Boalt Hall law school She lives m Santa An.a. Bagpipe band set for NB Sounds of Scotland will be heard Saturday at Bob Burns Fashion Ialand Restaurant when the United Scottish Society of Southern California presents the "Piping in of the Cabera," at 2 p.m. The British Caledonian Airways Pipe Band will perform in the center court area near the Newport Beach restaurant. The free concert will usher in the golden anniversar y celebration of the Scottish Games to be held June 5 and 6 at the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Cabera, ranging from 16 to 20 feet will be tossed during the ancient athletic event. Occupation ends AMHERST. Mass. (AP) Students opposed to Hampshire College's ownership of stock in weapons companies today ended a four-day occupation of the college's administration building. o.ltJ "°' ...... "'&..-~ JUST TESTING -This was just a practice explosion in preparation for the Costa Mesa Fire Department's annual Fire Service Day Show Saturday at 1 p.m at the fire station. 2300 Placentia Ave. Firefighters will demonstrate a high-rise reacue, a real car fire and burning buildmg and safety tips. The public is invited. Admission ~ree. Summer classes planned R e gi stration begins Monday for the City of Costa Mesa's summer recreation program. Signups will be accepted from 6 to 7:30 p .m . 1n the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave for •Free visual ai d consultations will be offered Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday at the Corona del Ma r Community Cen ter by the Braille Institute. Those interested an a free con sultation must have a •An exhib it of photographs b y Balboa's Davtd Terrell, titled "Balboa Portraits," will be displayed Monday through June 5 at the Balboa branch of the Newpo rt Beach .publi c librarv. • Ill Mesa dasst'S beginmng June l. Mail-In regi.Stration will be accepted beginning Tuesday More than 50 classes will be off e r ed including bridge. s peedwr1t1ng a nd self - hypnos1s written referral from an opthalmologist. optometrist or general practice phySJcian. The community center is located 800 Marguerite Ave. Referral f o rm s and appointments can be obtained by calling 320-5771 . The Balboa branch library 1s located at 100 E Balboa Blvd Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p .m Mo nda y t hroug h Thursday a nd 10 a .m . to 5 p.m Friday a nd Saturday. There is no admission charge. OBIE SPC)RTS L Tl). Presents The OD® COLLECTION For Men & Ladles HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED!! MANY NEW SPRING COLORS SHOP EARLY For Dads I Grads (_ 11111111 llAl:ll I fllll lllCD Hlll>AY MA Y"ll. l'lll.' OR A NGl COUN TY . C AI.I f ORN IA 2!> CEN TS ;Arg~ntines strike back ._ ._ ·I r1t1s s 16 Argentine planes wrecked FALKLAND ISLANDS ATLANTIC ~ NO PA ROLE -Sirhan B . Sirhan, assassin of Sen. Robert Kennedy, lost his bid for paroJe in 1984 today. LONDON (AP) -Britain said ita forces landed on the Falkland Islands today and de1troyed 16 Argentine aircraft, and th'at Argentina damaged five British ships, two of them severely, and downed two Britiah helicopten. Defense Mini1ter John Nott aaid British forces landed in substantial numben with artillery, air defeNe weapons and other heavy equipment and were "WloOppoled" in the establishment of a land bue that be said waa "being conaolidated." The British 1and1na by hundred.a of command<>1 wu aimed at retaking the Falklands from Argentine forcee who eel.zed it from Britain on April 2. Nott aa1d in a prepared statement some 10 hours after the fint announcement of the asaault that the attack was continuing, and that the British ahlps came under "heavy attack." He said the Argentine and British forces sustained casualties, but gave no numbers for men killed or wounded. He aaid the Argentine aircraft destroyed were seven Mirage jet fighters, five Skyhawb and two Pucara antJ-iruurgency planes, plus two helicoptera -one a Chinook, the other a Puma. Argentina's official Telam news agency said the frigates were cut off in the Falkland Sound, and that the one that was sinking was capable of carrying 177 men. An Argentine radio station said two British helicopters elso were downed. OCEAN . ~ B~REN tSLA~ • ol H•r1'0Urs Sirhan denied parole The Argentine junta said the British ships were trapped near the bay of the port of San Carlos at the northeast end of the strait separating the two main Falkland Islands. The British call the area Foul Bay. BA'M'LE LOCATIONS -Multiple arrows and series of dots shows Falkland Sound where Argentines claim to tiave cut off British frigates, with one sinking. British meanwhile claim new air strikes against Fox Bay (large arrow) while British warships bombarded Stanley (circled). SACRAMENTO (AP) _... The California Board of Prison Tenns ruled today that Sirhan B. Sirhan, convicted assaaain of Sen. Robert F . Kennedy, should not be granted parole in 1984 as echeduled. "The Sept. 1, 1984, parole date of Sirhan Sirhan la hereby reacinded for eood cauae," said board chairman l\ay Brown. Brown said the board would hold another hearing in six months to consider .etting a new date for Sirhan'• releue. The board had been under strong public eremure to radnd Sirhan Sirhan a echeduled parole date, which was .et by an earlier board But board members specifically denied that public outcry concerning Sirhan 'a releue wu the chief influence on their decision , which had been requested by the Loa Angeles C.Ounty district attorney. Brown said he and the two other 'memben of the panel that ruled on the Sirhan cue believed that the board that decided in 1975 to release the UlalBl.n waa not aware of violent threats made by Sirhan while in pNon. "The panel finds the continuing nature of the priloner's threats and conduct la of great significance and would have been of great lignificance to other panels had they known the nature of them." Brown said. The board apttiflcally cited Sirhan'• written threats to kill an author who wrote a book about tum. a prison guard and a prbon offid.al who received a complaint from Sirhan that dentists were refusing to ireat him for tooth problems. The panel announced its dedlion amid a glare of television lights in crowded headquarters in the state Capitol. Sirhan waa informed of the deci1ion by telephone moments befatt the board met the pre11. H1I reaction was not tmmediately known. WORLD The London Evening Standard newspaper said more than 1,000 British troops -mainly·marine commandos and paratroopers -landed lrf six groups to launch the heaviest attacks yet against the Argentines dug in on the Falklands. The Defense Ministry in London said British ground forces attacked fuel and ammunition dumps and military depots, while warships bombarded Stanley and other areas of East Falkland and Harrier jet-tighten attacked the main base on West Falkland. The British call the bue Fox Bay. The British Defense Ministry &aid a British helicopter ferrying 30 men between British ships ditched in the South Atlantic before the attacks were launched, and that nine were rescued, one body was recovered and the other 20 troops were missing and presumed dead. It was Britain's single biggest loss since the conflict started April 2 with Argentine seizure of the South Atlantic islands. Winds of 40 knots and waves 25 feet hiJth were (See FALKLAND, Page At) 'An act al love' Third day of fast for Newport woman By STEVE MARBLE or ... o..,,.....,. Light-headed, hungry and stuck in Illinois, Newport Beach resident Zoe Ann Ananda is four days into a vowed 44-day hunger strike she hopes will focus attention on. the Equal Right• Amendment. "This is an act of love," she said from the Me~ church where she's staying In Springfield. "We've tried marches and we've tried rallies and they haven't done much good. "We feel this is the one thing that will ahow how deeply we feel about the amendment." Ma. Ananda, who runs a bookstore in Newport'• Caml.ery Village, is one of seven women staked out in the Illinola capital. They have vowed to fut until June 30, the deadline for ratification of ERA. The amendment ls still three stat.es short of ratification. Illinois is one of four states ERA supporters have targeted in a final push. Ma. Anand.a. who said ahe baa quit amokina u well u eating, promiled to last "until I drop." "We've had some interestlns r~actlona," ahe aaid. "One state legialator told me it looked like I could loee a few pounds anyway. "The first day five anti-ERA women came up to me, 1tood right in front of me and atarted eating chocolate lee cream bars. "I don't know lf they expected me to drop my picket sign, say '.:rew the ERA' and run for an lee cream bar or what?" The 1even hunger strikers have been camping out daily in front of the Illinois Capitol rotunda. The Newport woman acknowledced oommentl by ooe nutrition apecl.U.t that she and other atri1'ers risk permanent injury by futtnc. SPORTS Coast 111an • to waive extradition? Pl ma County. Arizona, sheriff'• officers remained in Santa Ana today in hope James Crummel of Newport Beach would waive extradition and return to Arizona to face a first-degree murder charge in a 15-year-old slaying. Crummel, 38, -waa arre1ted Wedne9day and WU being held in lieu of $200,000 in Orange C.OUOty Jail. He waa charged In the 1967 slaying of 9-year-old Frank Howard Clawson of Tucson, whose body waa found near a mesquite tree in the de.ert near hla home a few hours after his disappearance. Authorities said the boy had been •tranaled by hand and hia own belt tiien had been cinched around his neck. Crummel was questioned in 1968 while in a mental hospital in Mequon, Wis., under sentence after pleading guilty to sexual uaault of a teen-ager whom he admitted having attempted to kill. Sberifl'a Lt. Bewnltt said. Beumler credited Sheriff's Detective Robert Lough, the officer auigned to the case in 1981 , with doing "an extraordinary job" in the investigation which led to Crummel'a arrest. 1,300 evacuated MOSES LAKE, Wash. (AP) - A poi1onou1 gas cloud from a ruptured lndU1trial pipe floated away without causing any 1erloua harm after forcing the evacuation of about 1,300 people near Mmes Lake. QUITO. Ecuador (AP) -OPEC oil mlni1ten decided today to retain their production ceiUnf without change "until further notice" and to leave prices unchanged, the cartel'• eecretary general aid. Magee seeking $1.5 million What i1 Kevin Ma1ee'1 aaklna price? The UC Irvine All-American aaya Wa $1.5 million for five ye&r9, and it could be more lf be Fee ·hlch in the NBA draft. P.,e Cl. C OUNTY . Death sentence bailed The family and trl.mdl of a Garden Grove police offtcer 11a1n nearly two ymn .,o ~ relieved that hla convicted ueallant hU been recommended for the dl&tb ~~. hae Bl. Sea Kinp ny to Lancaster It could only ha~ at c.arcna del Mar ffi&h. The Bea KJnaa. defendtna CD' 2·A bueball champions, will Oy to LancMter today for a pl&Y9ff. P.,. Cl. NATION Latest critic Cranston lamhasts Watts on leases By STEVE MITCBBLL o<-.o.., ......... U .S. Sen. Alan Cranston has r.. ined Orange Coast officials in mba1ting Interior Secretary James Watt's decision to go ahead with a lease sale of oil and natural gas tracts off Southern Califomi.a. In a press release from Cranston's Washington office, the senator said "Ronald Reagan's loose cannon has fired at the California coastline aaain" in authorizin_B lease sale #68, which includes tracts off Laguna and Newport Beach. "Secretary Watt's final notice of sale ignores almost all of the state and local governmental recommendations for tract selection off the Southern California coast," Cranston said. The leaae sale, which will take place in Los Ane June 11. coven 164 tracts just north of Santa Barbara to Orange C.OUOty. It includes 11 tracts off the coasts of Newport Beach and Laguna, some as close as three miles from the shoreline. Both cities, along with San Clemente, have gone on record oppocing the leue sale, and have jofned the state in a lawsuit to prevent the sale. Cranston noted that California authorities "1upport reasonable offshore development, but not where oll slicks will foul the precious recreational beaches around Santa Monica Bay and Orange C.Ounty, and not where conflicta with major port traffic (in Loa Angeles and Long Beach) INDEX STATE greatly increases the risk of collision, injury and oil spillage." Cranston accuses Watt of ''disregarding st.ate recomrnendatiom for lease sale of stipulations that would at least mitigate some of the potential damage." He said that "unlike the Northern California announcement, this lease sale is in ita last at.ages and the ci~ns of California will now have to rely on the federal court system to enforce environmental and coastal management laws to protect them from the actions of this extremist." Tots sought for Fish Fry baby contest Registration lS open for the annual baby cont.est to be held during the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry and Carnival June 6. Parents can regis te r their babies at Cal'• Camera, 1770 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa. Registration cloees June 3 and will be limited to 125 babies. Residency in Costa Mesa is not uired. ~e Infants will be judged in two categories: ages 6 months to 12 months and ages 13 to 24 months. The contest will begin at 2:45 in the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. F ALKL~ND ISLANDS w • • • restart nixed reported ln the area, but th~ weather wu expectecf to cle&r jater ln the evening. (."A report.r tor tbe privately ed Buenoa Al.res radio lt.ation Rlvedavta said meanwhile • Ar1en tine alr fO?Ce planes taken off lo attack the Uah Sleet." The reporter, at the Joint Chiefs headquarters, aatd he had been told that "an attempt to mbark. troops by heflcopter he Islands was succea..fuJJy lied." One British Sea er fighter-bomber wu shot wn and ita pilot captured, he Mid. , After 12 days of separate talks ~th Brillsh and Argentine plomats at U.N. headquarters New York and a final ~phone appeal directly to the tile countries' leaders. U .N. retary-General Javier Peret Cuellar said Thursday night Jiis efforts to a~range an greement for a Falklands ase-fire and further ~gotiations were over. ~With each side blaming the ciher for the collapse, the !J.cretary-general said he had no i" ,. "protpect of brtn,tn1 1bout an end to the criala, nor, indeed. of preventlna the lntenllflcaUon of the contUct." Arcentln• Forelan Mfntlttr Nlcanor Coate Mendes aald he wa1 atudylna a peace _proponl offered by Yrnldent J'emando Belaunde Terry of hru, He eaid the prol>Ol&l a1lo wu submitted to the 8rlt11h 1overnment, but there waa no comment from London. Coat.a Mendes declared that lf there Is a war, "Ar1entlna will repel it with all our oourqe and energy." Argentina'• of(lcial Telam news agency aald, "all meuures neceuary to confront any enemy action have been taken." British military aourcea said Rear Adm. John Woodward had been given 'wo week• to recapture the ft1lclanda with his task force of 40 ahi119, 30 planes and 4,500 marines, paratroops and commando• from the estimated 9,000 Ar1entine soldiers dug in on the E'lands. By DAVJD IVTZMANN OftMD11r"9t ..... Unconvinced by the argumenta of Southern Calltornla Edlaon Co. otflclala, the U.S. Nuclear Re1ulator)' Commlulon la prohJbtttna the l"eltart of Edi.ton'• Unit 1 reactor at San Onofre until key earthquake afety quettlona have been cleered up. "We're almply not convinced by their technical arawnenta at this po,lnt," a NRC spokesman said Thunday, after a three-hour meeting in Beth8d.a, Md. PartTclpat1n1 in that seaalon were federal nuclear officla.la and a contin1ent of Edison representativea aeeklng to allay concerns that 14-year-old Unit 1 waa a safety hazard. "We want them to re-evaluate their (seismic safety) data and resolve the incona1stencies," government spokesman James Hanchett said. '"They can't l'eltart Unit 1 until these problems are cleared up." The 436-megawatt seaside reactor has been out of operation since last February as part of a scheduled maintenance shutdown. College credit sex Utility offidala said the reactor la ready to return to aervice next month. . But federal offidala reviewing an Edlso111repared seismic analy1ls sai they have serious concerns about whether the reactor unit could meet earthquake safety standards now in effect. io he discontinued By JEFF ADLEK Of IM 0.-, ..... t lteff 'The Cal State Long Be ach psychology professor who offered homework credit to students for having homosexual, g.r o u p or e x t r am a r 1 ta I relationships says about three students per semester chose to hiave a sexual experience in the 1 ~ semesters the class has been offered. Professor Barry Singer, who has been teaching the "Psychology of Sex" for nine years. said Thursday students have been offered the option of }\aving a sexual relationship for course credit dunng the last four yean. But Singer confirmed he ls dropping the sexual experience option from the list of 21 study options from which students enrolled In the course are asked to select. The study options range from attending divorce court or a marriage enrichment group to more "sensitive" ones such as a tour of a nudist colony or gay 8lrrnlOgnm Blemwdt 8olM . so.ton Comtal BrOWM'lllt Bultelo 8urltng1on llghl varlabl• wind• lhrough CUper tonight Uc.pl IOUthwMI lo -1 CNt1etn SC bath hou.e, Singer said. Both the coune and Singer have come under attack by evangelical Christians in the Long Beach area who contend the "Psychology of Sex" coune -and the offer of credit for a sexual relationship -have no place in a tax-supported state institution. Singer and School of Social and Behavioral Science Dean Simeon Crowther, on the other hand , argue the course W!U targeted by thoee who "wish to affect the curriculum of the university." They said that what is at stake lll academic freedom. "Now we are under attack from the right for what we teach," Crow ther remarked. "DurinR the 19701, we were under attACk from the left." Although the courae will be offered in the future, Crowther said a faculty committee has been reviewing the course's content. The committee'• findings are expected next week, he aa.Id. . Fair and 85 63 .06 55 44 03 74 51 M se .23 17 S7 72 52 29 73 ..... . 09 M 341 .11 In fact, according to an N .KC memo, there are questions the unit met safety standards in Emma Crane service held Graveside services were held today for longtime Costa Mesa resident Emma Crane who died May 15. She was 91. Mrs. Crane came to Costa Mesa in 1930 with her late husband, Martin Luther, and seven children. She was a member of the Harbor Trinity &ptist Church and later of Calvary Chapel. Survivors include two daughters, Margaret Wilson of Costa Mesa and Virgulia F.aston of San Diego and two sons, Alfred Crane and Lloyd Crane of Cosbi Mesa. Other survivors include five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. mild 10 to t8 kno~1 11ternoon. Chat11tn 11(11 11 1-2 12 7 .32 Southwot •••II 1 lo 3 1111. CNrlt1e HC M M .ae P1r11at cie.rtno enernoon Cheyenne eo 31 Chicago " ..... Cincinnati 82 eo .S7 U.S. sum niary ~ a3 !II Clmble SC a3 M Thunder•torm• pounding tM COlumbul 79 58 .OI o.1-$'1 Wth 95 .. . le 9r•t ~tor 1imo.t two -.kt Oeyton e11 .38 l\ul1ed • lreeh VOiiey Of tomedo99 OenY9r 95 40 ... ...,,,. w ... -S.0.-<e lhel tmuMd homM end lerme In 0..Molnet 75 50 .34 NOAA U <, °"Pt o1 C-~• 1111 1 1111• e nd lloodeCS ow on IO 52 Fronts Cola.,... Wa1m ...,. Stitfl()IM• v • • communttlM with rein• fllllng 11 Outulh 50 34 . lh• rett or 4 Inch•• 1n hour In El Puo 91 57 P-. Fwgo le ,, CAUPOMIA Edmonton ea 35 A power lln1 blown oown by Fleget1ft " 33 BM.__, f7 ea Monlr ... 73 eo high wind• eleclrocuted 1 Oreetl'lllll 95 « l!llyttle 97 OttlWI 72 55 lructtdrtwr .. the vlolent -th« Hertford 15 541 .21 EIRM 51 44 Aeoln• 81 41 lhet ha epeWMd more tllM tOO .....,. ea 39 "~ t2 6t Toronto 72 58 twletert the pu1 ..... Mnt riven Honolulu le 74 ~ .. 95 Vll'COWll' ea 44 end llrHmt out of lh1tr b1nk1 ~on 13 72 ~ 14 61 Winnipeg ea 39 Iara. IN MtdwMt today. lndMc>ll S5 68 103 .. ,AMA..-cAN Nln•tfffl torn1doe1 1lclpped J'"*"' MS 88 95 Monw.y M hough the MtdwMt on Thutldey. =:: t2 7t JedtllMtt ae 5t ....... :113 ea 79 lown1 were flooded by KMt City 11 57 .to ~ Bermuda n .. loudburet1 1ncs 1 rauroed llne t.Veg.e .. S1 ,..,"°'*' • 49 -.. .. wHhtd out. At ltHt lour Bogota ea 4e DeOPle -· lnjuftd Uttle Rook 13 70 Aid~ to H Freeport 16 .. .13 ~Comectlcut ~ LoulrAlll S2 ea :::.:a** City 71 50 ~· .. 58 tile pertl of ttie LIA>CIOCk 90 92 ea 50 OuedeblM t2 78 Mtmptllt 15 70 ...,_ .. 41 -I ~ed out pow 10 t~ ~ 111 74 12 lelletego .. 64 Smog In IOUth•HI Soutll Otllot•. ........,. .. 93 3t lelll'r#ICllllDO ., Mike Phury, 1 cltlten who llVH Mpll-St.P 94 44 a.n. .... SCI 5A ,,.., Delmotit, Mid l'A lnC:NI of NMllvtlle 7t M .28 SantaMIN 70 Unlle1ltn•"' •Ir for Hnlltlve rain fell In two hO\lrt Thurld1y New Orteel'.e " .. == IO ~!>le II 1orece1t tOd•t tor the I om 4:30 p.m. 10 6.30 p.m .. New Yor11 S2 ... . 31 • .. I ttlld•San lefn11d no arH out roede and dameCllnll Noftollc 16 67 UklM " with • Po!Mtnt ltMdard lncMll of ~.Ocrope. Ho. Plttt• 76 82 .07 ltnlclw 12 It 111, •nd fOf tM San Fernando, O.le City la 12 .oa ...... 10 31 Santa Clarltt , Sen Oebrlel 111d California OmllN 73 .. 1.21 =-.. 40 POfl\Ofle ~ wl\tl Pll 150. ONndo t7 .. .. .. Good elr qwdl~ wee toreceet ==-12 12 ... l,,flll ..... n 51 for th• metrof: ltlfl •r•• •nd Morn1n11 ooHt•I cloud• wtll 17 • ~ IS .. Bennin~ bo II wltll P81 !,!i ~· the tun untN •rtemoofl, =:..-:t. rt .. .a 1• .. Hef'Mt·! !ION ~th PSI 11 = Mmpwlturte .. ~"' ., .. ~ ..... .. .. the tow ~ with "" ... All mid 70., mountllln lllOf'I tM Ptlencl, Of• 71 13 °"'*'° to M ottllf r9gloM Wll lleW NI 42. "11ct 90. llan m.lted enow for Pf<McMllOI 12 to .11 ~ tt M ~ and ..... to ao "'Ptl ocMct ::IJfl ... , •• ., II .Extended .. "-'°'*· IO n 811'1'°'1/' 11 II lut th• N1t1on11 w111111r WI.ale• 11 4a ..,_AM , . .. ~Hid It WOfl't r•ln In "" An10nlo 17 1' ... OM n ... weather Cellfomll •.-and. ...... • If T.,_V.-, 70 to •Hlohl llturdayt er• fOfMMt ·~ .. .. CMMM frofll 71 to 74 In Loe ~ '7 ... • 04 IOUTHl9'N OAL"O"NIA ~ 70 •fld 71•t llolll • 11 11 ~to 78 In tM INIUlltliN, COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN 14 Ind M lfl tM hltfl ANAi -'*~~ :;;;;~ from IN to 10I In lllW mtd lftOm!nl.... ..... OOMt. IOflle ·~ otoucll OWi~ ....... eo... frOlll ~ Ootioeplon .,.... .. ~""" 10 to 74 M IO .. ~ tlOfdlf _,--' ...... to • .,. .... =· ¥1rlal!M wlfldl dWlnO tM ....... ~ .............. t •net "'°'"'nr, -..con11nl ,_, • to 71. a.... ... :C: I•""'" ... 1t 10 tot ... • .. turctey afternoon wtttt ..-Ulla ........ NMlno I ....... effect 20 yean aao. when destsn qt the W\.lt belan. Wllliarn T. Ru.ell, he.act6f the federal a1ency't Office of Systematic Evaluation, aald earlier thla week he wu told by utUlty offlclala that u many as 800 rnodiflcat.iona to Unit l may be necemary. Edison 1poke1men, however, lnaiated Thunday that the NRC was "mlalnterpreting" the aelamlc analysis. They claimed t,he plant, while perha119 needing major and minor modifications, wu atill Ille enoush to operate. The aelamic study prepared by Edison wu part of an ongoing analysh by the NRC of the nation's older reactors and how the_y measure up to today's stringent requirements. Former Mesa attorney gets • superior post North Orange Cou nt y Municipal Court Judge Linda Hodge McLaughlin, a former Costa Mesa attorney , was appointed to the superior court benc h Thursday by Gov . F.dmund G. Brown Jr. She replaces John K. Trotter Jr .. who is to be sworn in today as the newest justice for the 4th District Court of Appeal In San Bernardino. Judge McLaughlin was appointed to the Fullerton municipal court bench two years ago by Gov. Brown. She is a member of the California Judges Association and the National Association of Woman Judges. Before her judicial appointment, she practiced law m Costa Mesa. Judge McLaughlin IS a graduate of UC Berkeley's prestigious Boalt Hall law school. She lives in Santa Ana Bagpipe band set for NB Sounds of Scotland will be heard Saturday at Bob Burns Fashion Wand Restaurant when the United Scottish Society of Southern California presenta the "Piping in of the Caben," at 2 p.m. The British Ca ledonian Airways Pipe &nd will perform in the center court area near the Newport Beach restaurant. . The free concert will usher in the golden anniversary celebration of the Scottish Games to be held June 5 and 6 at the Orange County fairgrounds In Cost.a Mesa. Cabera, ranging from 16 to 20 feet will be tossed during the ancient athletic event . Occupation ends AMHERST. Maas. (AP) - Students opposed to Hampshire College's ownenhlp of atock ln weapons companies today ended a four-day occupation of the college's administration building. Dlillr Not ,..... IW t..-...,_ JUST TESTING -This was just a practice explosion in preparation for the Costa Mesa Fire Department's annual Fire Service Day Show Saturday at 1 p.m. at the fire station, 2300 Placentia Ave. Firefighters will demonstrate a high-rise reacue, a real car fire and burning building and safety tips. The public is invited. A~ion is free. Su01mer classes planned in Mesa Reg istratio n begins Monday for the City of Costa Mesa's summer recreation program. Signups will be accepted from 6 to 7:30 p .m. in the Neighborhood Community Center. 1845 Park Ave for •Free visual aid consultations will be offered Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday at the Corona del Mar Community Center by. the Braille Institute. Those interested m a free consultation must have a •An exhibit or photographs by Balboa's David Terrell, titled "Balboa Portraiu," will be displayed Monday through June 5 at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beac h .public Ubrarv. c:lasses bt:gmrnng June J Mail-in regi.stratlon w1U be accepted beginning Tuesday More than 50 classes will be offered 1nclud1ng bridge, speedwr1t1ng and self. hypnosis "-'r1tten refe rral from an opthalmologist. optometnst or general practice physiC1an. The community center 1s located 800 Marguerite Ave. Referral f o rm s a nd appointment.'! can be obtained by calling 320-5771. The Balboa branch library- 1s located at 100 E. Balboa Blvd. Hours are 10 a.m. to 9 pm . M o nda y thro ugh Thursday and JO a .m . to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. There is no admission charge. OBIE SPC)RTS LTI). Presents The OD® COLLECTION For Men & Ladles HUGE SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVEDll ..... WTC Inc. of Newport Beach and The Rand Frelght Group have rwhed agreement f« merger, Harry M. Baker, WI'C'1 cbalnnan, announced at the company'• annual meeting of aharebolden. A holding corporation will be created which will own 100 percent of the shares of both Rand and wrc. The Rand lhareholdera. who own an 11 percent interest in wrc. will acquire a 59.7 percent interest in the new corporation and the present WTC ahareboldera (other than Rand) will .cquire a 40 3 percent interest. Lawsuits dismissed Beverly Hilla Savings & Loan Aaaociation of Mlsalon Viejo announced it resolved Its differences wtth Sever'}'Jl Aahkenuy, Arnold Aahkenazy, AlextS Eliopuloa, Gary W. Nlelaen And Manha.11 Goldblatt and entered Into eeparate agreements with four of them rega.rd1na purehale of 9'0Ck. In connection wllh thete agreements, the ueociation is dltrnisaing with prejudice ita lawsuits against the five individuals but will ~tinue to press ita claims against Sheldon Appel, Carol Dunham, Bruce Kates, Evelyn Kates and Stepheu Massman. Equity account p opular Merrill Lynch officials said that due to the acceptance of the newly introduced F.quity Access Cn!dit account, 1t is expanding its test market to Los Angeles and the !Urrounding nine-county Southern California area. The EQwiy ~account is a personal revolving line of credit secw-ed by a homeowners equity in his hous.:?. According to Merrill Lynch, some 1,500 requests for credit lines totaling more than •132 million have been received since Its Febr uar y l$ttoduction in Orange, San Diego, Ventura and Santa Barbara OOWlt.ies. Valley firm named de fendant Newport Corp. of Fountain Vane, ca11fi.nned 1l has been named an additional detendant in a lawsuit brought in F1orida by Harris Corp. of Melbourne. F1a., against Newport Electro Optics S~ lne!. and Its three principal offfoen, who were lonnerJy employees of Hanis. NEOS is a Florida corporation, which was recently formed to develop and manufacture electro·optica device1. Newport has made an investment in NEPS through purchaae of a $600,000 convertible debenture. The suit alleges unfair compeUdon and various related torts and seeks injunctive relief as well as compensatory and punitive damage. In una~1f1ed amounts. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS METALS NEW YOAK 1-'PI -Spot nonlwroue mete! pt!Oee today: c...,_, 7&,._79 cent•• pound.US delttMttone. &...-M-27 o.nll • pound. Z1M 36 cerftl I pound, delMnd. Tiit M .5t65 ....... WM11 COft'IC)Oefte lb ~ 78-71 e.rta a l*l'd. NY ......., ~70.00 per .... ....... *318.00~ OI., H. Y. SILVER ttancly • H11'ft11n, H .815 1>9r troy °"'*' PROVERBIAL OSTRICH -A group of Dutch llrtists constructed a 25-foot ostrich of wood and plastic over the site of Amsterdam's new city hall and opera house. The artists contend it AP Wirepfloto is short-sighted of the city to spend 230 million guilders ($88.5 million) on the project while cutting arts subsidies. I ~~~~~~-r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Wholesale gas prices "'• increase NEW YORK (AP) -Major oil companies tacked a few more pennies onto the wholesale price of gasoline, and analysts said that ·motorists will be paying higher pr1t:' . . at the pump by Memorial Da , 1f not sooner. enneco Inc. repoped the steepest · increase Thursday -5 cents a gallon along the East Coast from North Carolina southward. Tenneco spokesman Frank Reed said prices were increased 2 cents a gallon to dealers from Virginia northward. "Prices have been going back · up since the so-called glut has been worked off," Reed said. "It's an opportunity for refining and marketing parts of the business, which have been under terrible strain, to bring their prices up and be profitable." Prices of 'wholesale gasoline have been increasing slowly for the past month as the oil-producing countries -chiefly Saudi Arabia -cut production to deplete swollen worldwide supplies of crude oil and prevent a steep drop in prices. The hikes in U.S. wholesale gas prices have come on the heels of crude oil price increases on the spot market. Scattered price increases of between 0.5 cent to 2 cents a gallon also were announcfd Thursday by Gulf Oil Corp. aM Texaco Inc. Amoco Oil Co. upped prices 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon in the Northeast after similar ·The Newest Economy Car Fr~m Japan ISUZU ALL PICKUPS IN STOCK MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED GAS& DIESIL on.-Good Tllru Mondey. M9y 2•, 1112. RETAIL PRICE ·:,~;;;::::."·· _ llouert':::\ COST A .... ,_,,,,.,.,.7,.ad ... 1 lsu~u ~ MESA • )•' ........ :.-=-IU•ttltf1 29'l5 HARBOR BLVD. / Up.-11 7 0•~~ A • .,., ... :-3 8fof'luo !4oull1of1ho-!"a11 Dlf111o Frf'f'W•Y 9 7 9 • 2 5000 '" .~,... .......................... ..., '"'· y, ........... ,...,. ....... ..., ........................... "J f9" .................... . LOS ANGELES (AP) -Cant Ciran\ 11 still shy at •1e 781 ~pl~ yean of atardom. Ana althouah he hat no plane to revive hit movie career, he recalls the lau1hter of the audience with pride. George Buma, Orant aald In a · "riare tn~rvlew, wu hla bett rqle • model -because of hJa "tlmlnf., • such ease and presence. He a .YwaYl' been unique." Grant. a leading man for decades, made hl1 last film. '1Walk, Don't Run," ln 1966. Despite frequent offers, he haa no deeire to return to films, he tbld the Los Angeles Herald, ixaminer in an interview publithed Thursday. But he added, "It's not likely, but, of coune, who knows?" Grant recalled going to Radio City Music Hall in New York City and standing behind a curtain to listen as one of his films was shown. "Through some lift of my eyebrows they'd forgotten their troubles and problems and laughed at the man on screen. That was the best reward," he increases the day before in various sections of the country and a May 18 price rise of 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon in the Midwest. On Tuesday and Wednesday, other wholesale price increases of between 1 cent and 3 cents a gallon in various regions were put into effect by Exxon Corp., Mobil Oil Co .. Standard Oil Co. of California and Phillips Petroleum Co. RETIRED -Cary Grant has no plans to revive his movie career, but still recalls audience laughter with pride. said. "Of course I was also well paid for my work, perhaps too well paid. But it was the hearing of their lau~hter that was truly the .reward.' Grant has shunned interviews out of shyness, he said, adding: "Whether it's the fear of not being effective or of exposing my lack of intelligence, I don't know." But, he said: "I've grown to like being Cary Grant. I've grown to settle for me. What else can I do? I like me. Consequently, I like others." He isn't happy with the world. ''There are such awful things going . on in the world today. There's such stupidity in mankind'• Pf011'91· W'Mt'• the nuclear threet that w• haw upon u. If It'• not the reeult of, I J\'PJ>OM· avarice on both lldeff l can aee why 10me don•t try to pi ahead: they're aoln1 to blow the bleued joint up anyway." Grant 11Jcf-. hi• moral vtew1 aren't popular the.e d.yt. "Squares are out of fuhlon, but r assure you. they're 1Ull making love furioualy and enjoying their live• in areal health." The interview wat done in New York, where Grant wu named man of the year by the Friars Club . His acceptance speech presented a problem. "l don't like to impoee words upon a captive audience," Grant said. "I don't know what worda ffiey'd Ukf to hear. It's auch an egocentric activity that would make me believe that they'd be interested in what I have to say." Grant made many films, including, "Arsenic and Old Lace," "North by Northwest," "The Awful Truth,"-''The Philadelphia Story," "His Girl Friday" and "My Favorite Wife." Grant said he liked to work with actors who listened during filming, and he cited Katharine Hepburn. "Kate was great. She'd listen without getting muddled up." He sa1d Miss Hepburn packed a real wallop when she smacked him in the face in ''Sylvia Scarlett. ''She hit me so hard, I was detennined to get back at her," Grant said. He did, years later, in "The Philadelphia Story," grabbing M~ Hepburn by the forehead and pushing her across a room, where s h e land ed unceremoniously off camera. •ou Tll.AJf 40 TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FBOM AT TREJIEXDOUS SAVDfOSI 1,000 OFF ANY NEW DATSUN 210 IN STOCK Example: 1982 Datsun 210 Hatcbbac:Jc wltb automatic tranamialon. Ser. #289248. Factory suggested retail price 11 S8.824.00. You pay only SS.82'.00. •PLUS DEAL~ INSTAU.E.OOPTIONS If ANV •OBI TllU 30 TO CBOOll no• AT TBEllEJfDOUS IAVDIGll s500 o .. .,,.NY STANZA 1 500 o~A.HY 280D NEW NISSAH IN STOClt NIW DATSUN TURBO _.,... 19 t'OC90elanlll ' Of S'IOCIC _ ..... llTOCll009noll PROVERBIAL OSTRICH -A group of Dutch artists constructed a 25-foot ostrich of wood and plastic over the site of Amsterdam's new city hall and opera house. The artists contend it "" Wlrtlt)Mto is short-sighted of the city to spend 230 million guilders ($88.5 million) on the project while cutting arts subsidies. Wholes ale gas pric e s -. i n crea se NEW YORK (AP) -Major oil companies taeked a few more pennies onto the wholesale price of gasoline, and analysts said that ·motorists will be paying higher prit: at the pump by Memorial Da , if not sooner. e nneco Inc. reported the steepest · increase Thursday -5 cents a gallon along the East Coast from N orth Carolina aouthward. Tenneco spokesman Frank Reed said prices were increased 2 cents a gallon to dealers from Virginia northward. "Prices have been going back · up since the so-called glut has been worked off.'' Reed said. "It's an opportunity for refining and marketing parts of the business, which have been under terr ible strain, to bring their prices up and be profitable." Prices of 'wholesale gasoline have been increasing slowly for th e past month as the oil-producing countries -chiefly Saudi Arabia -cut production to d eplete swollen worldwide supplies of crude oil and prevent a steep drop in prices. The hikes in U.S. wholesale gas prices have come on the heels of crude oil price increases o n the spot market. Scattered price increases of between 0.5 cent to 2 cents a gallon also were announc~d Thursday by Gulf Oil Corp. aM Texaco Inc. Amoco Oil Co. upped prices 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon in the Northeast after similar ·The Newest Economy Car Fr~m Japan ISUZU 1"-MC• l .. IOO.tOOI ~"'"""".-.Ct • • ALL PICKUPS IN STOCK MANUFACTURER 'S SUGGESTE D GAS & DIESIL Oller Good Tlwv Moncley, M.-,. 24, 1112. RETAI L PRI CE ·;.;;;;~::: .. , .. _ Baue'L::\ COSTA .. ,.,_.,,o,,,.T,. .. ,,,..: fSU~U , MESA . ) . . ....... :,·;:;:. . ....,,. ....... "" 29'25 HARBOR BLVD. / Op.on -; 0•)·~ -' ._. rrk -3 810t·i... South''' ti"' ~a1n OirllO fr.,rwar 9 7 9 • 2 5000 '"' ........ ,..., ... 1-au11.__.,...,, .. ,.,...,....,,_._.,..~..,. ... .._,.,..,,,. .. llJ•_......,,.,.... .. .,, ' I LOS ANGELES (AP) -Cary Gran\ 11 1\111 1hy at •I• 7f1 ~plte yean of 1tardom. Ana althouah he h11 no plant to revive hit movie career. he recall• the lau1~\er of the audience with pride. "' Georse Bums, Grant said in a · 1rare Interview, wu hil best role model -because of hit "timlnf, • such eaae and presence. He a ~wa)'lt been unique." Grant, a leading man for decades, made hi• last film, ''Walk, Don't Run," In 1966. Oesplte frequent offers, he haa 110 desire to return to films, he tbld the L oa Angeles Herald. Examiner In an interview pubUahed Thursday. But he added, ''lt'a not likely, tiut, of course, who knows?" Grant recalled going to Radio City Music Hall in New York City and standing behind a curtain to listen as one of his films was shown. "Thro ugh some lift of my eyebrows they'd forgotten their troubles and problems a nd laughed at the man on screen. That was the best reward," he increases the day before in various sections of the country and a May 18 price rise of 1 cent to 2 cents a gallon In the Midwest. On Tuesday and Wednesday, other wholesale price increases of between 1 cent and 3 cents a gallon in various regions were put into effect by Exxon Corp., Mobil OU Co., Standard OU Co. of California and Phillipa Petroleum Co. RETIRED -Cary Grant has no plans to revive his movie career , but still r ecalls audience laughter with pride. said. "Of course I was also well paid for my work, perhaps too well paid. But it was the hearing of their lauffhter that was truly the reward.' Grant has shunned interviews out of shyness, he said, adding: "Whether it's the fear of not being effective or of exposing my lack of intelligence. I don't know.'' But, he said: "I've grown to like being Cary Grant. I've grown to settle for me. What else can I do? I like me. Consequently, I like others." He isn't happy with the world. ''There are such awfuJ things going . on in the world today. There's such stupidity in mankJnd'1 protJ'99. What'• the nucl at threat that we have upon ua if lt'• not the rwull of, I J\APJ)Ole. avarice on both lldcll1 I can eee why IOme don't try to pt ahead: they're aolns to blow tlMt bletaed joint up anyway." Grant aalct-hl1 moral view• aren't popular the.e days. "Squares are out of faahlon, but f aaaure you, they're 1tll1 making love furlou1ly and enjoying their llvea In areat health." The interview waa done In New York, where Grant wu named man of the year by the Friars Club. His acceptance speech presented a problem. "I don't like to lmpoee word.I upon a captive audience," Grant said. "l don't know what worda tlley'd Uk' to hear. It'• auch an egocentric activity that would make .me believe that they'd be interested in what 1 have to say." Grant made many films, including, "Arsenic and Old Lace," "North by Northwest.'' "Th e Awful Truth,"-"The Philadelphia Story," "Hil Girl Friday" and "My Favorite Wife.'' Grant said he liked to work with actors who listened during filming, and he cited Katharine Hepburn. "Kate was great. She'd listen without getting muddled up." He said Miss Hepburn packed a real wallop when she smacked him in the face in "Sylvia Scarlett. "She hit me so hard, I was detenruned to get back at her," Grant said. He did, years later. in "The Philadelphia Story," grabbing Miss Hepburn by the forehead and pushing her across a room, where s h e landed unceremoniously off camera. •OBE 'l'BA• 40 TRUCKS TO CBOOIE no• AT TBEllEllDOUS SAVDICll OFF ANY NEW DATSUN 210 IN STOCK Example: 1982 Dat.UD 210 Hatchba.c:k wltb automat.lc tranamluion. S.r. #269246. Factory suggested retail pric. la Sl.624.00. You pay only SS.624.00. •PLUS DEAlEPINSTALLEDOPTJON~ 1r ANV •OBI TBAJf 30 TO CBOOll no• AT TREllElfDOUI l&VIAGll s 400 .. .. ~ENTRA s1 000 280 ZX l'IORC TOAN 10 TO Clll)("I r no.. ' l'IORI THAN I" TO CHOO\[ r110M $500 NI~~ fL¥U 1 500 ~~frs~ .. ... ftWI IS ft CllOOll.... ' Dt STOCt _ .... "t'O--rllOll