HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-24 - Orange Coast Pilotl • ,.,. ., 1111111 • • on (tposition~ By Tlle·Attoelatetl Preti Brltlth newapapen reported today that commandoa ltii.ed a heavlly defended Ar1entlne aintrip on the Falk.land Ia1andt hit by ~~ted bomblnp, and Prime Mlnlater Mar1aret Thatcher reiected Pope John Paul Il'1 call for a truce. British seaman alao were batlling to save a frigate .et afire by Argentine rockets. The frlJatet which wu not ldentlfled, wu hit In another day of flel'\."e air battles over the l1land1 Sunday u BrUhh forc,H 1tru11led to expand their beechhead at Port San Carlae. In Buenos Aires, Araentlne Defenae Mlnllter Amadeo Fruaoll warn~ today that the fl1nHn1 could quickly. intematlonalbe and urged the United States to "adopt a ·more balanced pOltUon." Wuh.lnlton au_p~ lkltaln ln the crilll. and f"NIOU'• remark WH Hen aa a reference to poallbly llCCIPtlna repaned off en of military help lm the Soviet Union. FruaoU would not comment on a report In the conterva! newspaper La Nedon whlcb one of Araentina'• mlUt ry commanden told aubordlnates French embassy car bombed that Atpntlna lbou.ld keep open lt1 mllltary otfera from th• Sovie ta. The United Statea, Fruaoll Mid, II the most important naUon ln the West and "cannot evade lta repon1i blllty. The North American 1overnment mu1t think terioualy about the gravity of the altuat.lon and adopt a more balanced pc:wlllon that wW allow It to contribute In • more effective •nd re-1 manner to aetttnc the buia ror a peaceful aolutlon." 1n London, Mn. Thatcher told the Pope Britain will not •top flahtlna for the Falldanda until Araentina withdrawa from the Britlah colony it aeif.ed April 2. •-our caUle I.a juat." .be told the pontlf f in a menage delivered by Britain '• amba...OOr to the Vatican. John Paul Mked s-itera of Arpntina and Bricaln OYW the weekend to call a oeue--fire. He I.a .cheduled to vlslt Britain on Friday, the fintauch tri.P eYer' by a pope. Vatican officlalt laid the' six-day trip may be cut short but not canceled des pl te the Fa.1k..landt war. John Paul decided Saturday to jlO ahead with hil pJam to vtlit (See FALKLAND, Pase A!) • I ast . s • Ill -eirut ,, ........ FIGHTING WORDS -Foreign Minister Jorge IDeuca of Panama delivers a speech in the United Nation.a. IDeuca drew the wrath of U.S. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick for hia remarks that attributed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's tough stance to the "glandular system of women." British broadcasts monitored locally Man dies in surf off HB By JERRY HERTENSTEIN or..,.,..,,... ..... A Bell Gardens man drowned after jumping off HunUnftOD Beach Pier and a Lone 8-cb acuba diver had to be naabed to the hospital from ere.cent Bay ln Laguna Beach in a weekend Oil Oranae Cout beaches that aaw 198,200 visit the sandt from BoJa Chica State Beech to Doheny State Beach. The drowning came early Satprday before any crowds beaan a.rrtvm, on what wa1 to be an overcast day. Alben Mendola, 23, )unped from the beyhol.m .. ot the pier at the a of Matn Street in Huntlnston Beach In what apperent.l)' started • a group of 12 to 14 youths .. ~ according to Lt. at city Uleguard headquarten. Mendoza climbed the railing once, threatening to jwnp but was held beck by hia friends, Richardaon reported. But the man then apparently ran, atripped off hia clothes and leaped in the water. The current was 3 to 5 mph at the time -5 a.m. The swell waa movill${ in a northerly direction with awella of up to 2 to 4 feet. Robert Tovar, 21, of Oty of Commerce and Lorenz.o Robles, 23, Bell Gafdens, jumped in after Mendcna but were unable to aave him, reports show. Tovar and Robles were reecued by Jon Goldstein, a beacb- WHERE U DIED -Lebanase police investigate the wreckage of the bomb-laden car that exploded and killed 14 people at the French embassy in Beirut today. High court to eye abortion rulings British Br oad casti ng Corporation's worldwide service via shortwave placed heavy empba1i1 on British forces having consolidated their bridgehead at Port San Carlos in newscasts monitored on the Orange c.oast on Sunday at 10 p.m. main tenance worker, and aome captured Argentine troops Greg Crow, a lifeguard. indicated they hadn't eaten in three days. Mendoza's body had not been WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . Supreme Court agreed today to judge the validity of sweeplng abortion regulationt Akron. Ohio, tried to impoee four yean ago. The ju1tices said they wlll review a ruling that struck aa unconstitutional much of a 1978 city ordinance. -That doctors wait at least 24 houn after a woman siCJll a ooment form before performing the abortion. -That aborted fetuses be dispoeed of in a "humane" way. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in June struck those proviaions of Akron's ordinance, ruling that ther. would interfere with a woman 1 constitutionally protected decision to have an abortion. A BBC correspondent reported, "The Royal Marines are dug in at the San Carloe Bay bridgehead and have eent out patrols to assault Argentine poeitions. "Gunfire and explosions were heard throughout the day. Another BBC report indicated NATION "The prisoners are bewildered that they're being so well-treated," one BBC reporter indicated. The BBC world service at the 10 p .m . broadcast monitored locally aaid six Argentine planes bad been shot down and three others hit in the latest air fighting. Additionally, the British claimed hitting three heliooptera with one shot down and "a aecood seen to land in flames.'' 4 7 lose agency jobs The· Federal Labar Relations Authority spent $266,350 to nmovate office.I while at the aame time cl.lmnilslng 47 employees to pare cost.. Page AS. COUNTY Ari lestival eyes summer Laauna'• VUJaae 0~1 a ~t ~ f.Uval atop the bluff over~ me oc:een. It ~ for a "dynamite ••mwr." Pap Bl. • • recovered. Richardson savs an investigation shows the youths had been drinking but there was no evidence anyone was drunk. Ray Carter, a acuba diver, waa rescued off Crescent Bay by Laguna Beach lifeguards after reportedly aufferlpg a . heart attack.at 1 p.m. Sunday. He was rushed to Mlaaion Community Hospital in Mia:ion Viejo where he was reported in good condition. STATE At mue in Akron's appeal I.a whether a city or 1tate govenunent may require: -'nlat any girl under 15 have the ooment of one of her parents or a judge before obtaining an abortion. -'nlat doctors inform patients 8eeking abortions about the riaka associated with preanancy, abortion technique. to be U9ed 'and the condition of the fetus. Cupid wins in court A state court aaya a woman who left her Job to be with her flance in another state la ellglble for unemployment ~ta. Pap A4 . ' Reunion sparked career ~-year-old Don Brownina, pnlldden\ of In & Out Photo, uaed a blah achoo! reunion aa bi• lprincboard. Pap AO. The appea)a court. however, allowed Akron to require that all abortions performed on women more than three mon tha pregnant bf\ performed in hospitals. 'That portion of the rul.i.ng waa challenged by several abortion clinics. INDEX A4 B2 AD B2 CM B4 B4 C4 · Ae Be 82 SPORTS Fifteen others injured BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -A bomb placed under the seat of a French F.rnbasly aecretary's car waa blown up by remote control seconds after ahe drove into the embusy compound toda , killing 14 people in the latest ol a string of terrorist attacks on the embusy and ita staff, police aaid. were injured. bomb waa detonated by a e control device in the hands of "one or more people watching the car" from no mor-e than 55 yards away, said a police spokesman. The bomb exploded at 8:10 a.m., when dozens of people are usually lining up at the emi:-y gate to apply fDr vt.u. Beecue workers o.n the scene and local .ecurity guards aaid at least two of those killed were embuay guards and many of the others were via applicants. The driver of the car, Identified aa Anna Coamidt. by an embassy spokesman, was among thoee killed. The police spokesman said the bomb had been placed under the rear seat of the car, apparently while it was parked in front of Mrs. Cosmidia' apartment a half-mile from the embassy. Embassy spokesman Andre Janier sa.i.d those killed included a French paratrooper standing near the gate of the compound, which is surrounded by high atone walls. Three Lebanese employees of t.be embassy a1ao were killed, he added. At leut 10 victims were blown to pieces by the explosion, the police spokesman aaid. Severed limbs were lying near the wreckage of the car. Within five minutes of the blast, several blood-covered aurvlvora had been canied inw private cara and taken to hospitals. (See BOMB, Pase A%) Arms talks due WASHINGTON (AP) Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev has replied to President Reagan'• call for resumption of strateaic arm.a reductions talk.a, and a date for the negotiations could be tet aoon, accordina to Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. ~EALKLANDISLANDS ... Bri~ uni. .ctvtled ~" 1ft &\inday'I flthtl 1 Britain 1 b)' hia Brltllh b6lhopl. ..,. aaaa n anot c:sown 1tx "Jl.;n,ttne ' 8rltaln'1 DefenH Mlnt1try Mlr• Jtta. one A-4 Skyhewk refu1ed to oonflrm the aDd one Puma heUoopw, and newapaper report Sta forcH PNbUaly dow9d anoth r Mtrap, recapt\&Nd OOOM O....n umr«p. two other helkopters and two 20 mllH 1outh of Britain 1 other Skyhawka. 1nvulon alte of San Carloa on Ara•ntlna acknod~ed Z.1\ Falkland. An eatlmated lOllna one plane and It 1,000 Arpntine \roOJ» were du, daJn'8ed three Brttiah lhlpa. The ln around OOC* Green. aowrnment newa .,ency, Telarn, The Guardian, Dally Mail and ald a 0 blg offenalve" wu undel' • Sun all reported the 8ritl1h way to puah the Brltlah J.ancUna capture of the al.mrlp a\ Gooee fe>rce8 beck lnto the,.., but the Ol'ffn, 0 mllet aouthwe1t of Britiah reported=o e .,ernentl S\anley, the cap!tal. 1lae alntrip wtth Araentine trooJ». haa been a target of Britl1h '11\e Srtu.h feme Mtnlatry uturatlon bomblngs. 'Ja.id one member of the bu.ming , frigate'• crew wu killed and five The Guardian • report came were wounded ln th& Araentlne from Ua correaPondent wtth the air attaclt It a1d "attempta are 1 Falkland• taak force, Gareth being made" to control the fires Perry, and ~e Defenae MtnlatrY and aetalla of the c1amaae would Mid lt wu 1.nvestigatt.na how he be' announced ''when we have Sot ~ dispatch out without the full infonnatJon." oemor s approval. Britain has already lost two OKLAHOMA CITY (Al? -There WH a church 1oclal atmoaphere, complete with cookies and lemonade and hymns, u 100 volunteen helped out with a harveu -of marijuana. Pollce offJcera aho helped. · "We had a pn.ttty aood old Ume out there," aa1d Ja.mm Branum, city mana1er of the McClain County town of Newcaatle, population 3,000, about 20 mlles aouthwest of Oklahclma City. "We were afraid it'd be kind of hard co recruit volunteers, but the only advert.ilift8 done wu throuah the pulplta ln the aree'a churches," he said Sunday. F.ach volunteer had to sllJl a statement verifying that he wu at least 21 and would not ~p any of the marijuana, Branum said. Britiah press reports &aid today ahips, the deatroyer Sheffield that Mn. Thatcher's inner "War and the frigate ·Ardent, in the Cabinet" ordettd troop,s to retake Falklands campaign, leeving the , Stanley "within days' to restore task force wlth th~ee Ugh t • British sovereignty. Other cruben, three deluoyen and at aouroes predicted Britain 'fould leut seven frlptes. Four ships ./gain control over East Falkland have been reported damaged but ,RIENDLY HANDOUT-Michael llurley, 5, of Huntington Beach, gives a penn_y to a friendly monkey during Community, Festival '82, held Saturday at Golden West College. Dellr ,... Pboeo br c ...... •ten About 15,000 people attended the free event, ln ... which more than 100 service clubs and organizations operated ·information exhibits and fund-raising booths. Aiding in the harvest out&ide Newcastle were officers from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies. The crop, 2 ~ pickup t.Nck loads, was harvested from a 10-acre fie ld filled with knee-hll(h marijuana plants. within a week. still operational. BOMB KILLS 14 . . . ' Janler said Mrs. Co6midit wu 'well known to the 8lW'ds at the l"pte. I "The guards gave h er permission to enter the compound because her car is recogniz.ed and everyone knows it," he said. Both Janier and Lebanese ·police said they did not know who waa reponsible for the bombing. But ~ France Prem. the French news agency, aald it mreeelved a telephone call 50 rpinut.es after the blut in which A·~ anonymous caller said "all ~!'explosionl" in West Beirut in !~t days were the work of •'"'The Holy War Organization." The group has not been heard Jtt>f before. The caller said there nJNould be more bombing• "in ,.revenge for our people in Tripoli ~rand the southern district in Beirut." Both areas have been ~of fightlng between local •'Lebanese militias in recent weeka. .,. Front tor the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreignera." A caller purporting t'o repreaent this 1roup claimed responaibllity for Friday'• bombing of a Lebaneee leftist magazine eapouain~he -Arab ph.lloeophy of ra f::1e President Gamal del Na.er. The French = and ita staff have been out in a chain of terror aetacka . AmbMudor Loula Delamare waa ahot and killed in Septembef', and a communication.a officer, Guy Cavallo, and hia prep.ant wife were shot and killed ln ~ apartment April 16. French Ambaaaador Paul Marc-Henry waa ln Lebanon but not ln Beirut at the time of the explOllon today, the embauy said A atatement by the Ministry ol External Relations in Pam called the bombln1 "a particularly odlow c:riminal act.. Cyclist badly ' hurt in crash near NB Pier A vacationing 22-year-old Canadian man Is in critical condition with h ead injuries today after being thrown from hla speeding motorcycle Sunday in a miahap near the ,Newport Belich pler, police report. The motorcyclist, a reaidenl-of Vancouver, B.C., reportedly was golna about 60 mph when he attempted to tum from Balboa Boulevard onto McFadden Place at· about 12:20 a.m. imd struck a center divider. Police said the motorcyde WM catapulted over the center divider and \he driver thrown beadflrat Into the curb. He wasn't wearm, a helmet, officers aaJd. Traffic inveatlptora haven't released the man'• name. lnveatlgat.on Mid the man didn't have iden1ification with him and that friends knew him only on a tint name bu1a.. Boiler explodes , , Naval victory? Nuke I oes belly up in Newport Bv STEVE TRIPOLI OtlM~ ...... ..,, An. Orange Coast couple have decided that the best way to stop the buildup of nuclear weapons is with a full navel assault. NOT A NAVAL assault using ships and Marines, bui a navEl 8188ult utilizing the central anatomical feature of a belly dancer .• The assault was launched in Newport Beach Sunday by a number of belly dancers and one magjcian. The benefit ahow they staged at the Zonta Club ralaed about $700 for the drive for a bilateral nuclear arms freeze. Professional belly dancer Amira Barnes and her magidan husband, Kevin, owners of Newport Beach's orlglnal Singing TeJ.earams, had co.Dlidered calling their show ••Navels Against Nuclear Nonaeme,'' but decided they wanted to underaoore the seriousness of their cauae instead. ' .. WE'RE ALL concerned about the threat of nuclear destruction. I decided this waa the way I could do aomething," said Mrs. Barnes. Mrs. Barnes, who dances at the c.a.cades Middle Eastern Restaurant in Anaheim, drafted her husband and a _ nwnber of friends who belly dance profeaionally for the benefit. To.iether they staged a 90-minute show that was a mixture of culture, comedy and magjc. Branum, who estimated the street value of the marijuana at $20,000, said the harvest would be stored in a Newcastle city garage and burned ln a parking lot next week. After about an hour of picking, a thunderstorm moved lnto the area. forcing the harvest crew to stop, he said. But rain didn't dampen everybody's enthusiurn. "I kept pulling for about 10 minutes in a driving rainat.rom,'' Branum said. "I WU •hamed to Quit while the others kept at it. School fire nets 2 teens Two Irvine teen-agers were arTe9ted on suspcion of anon in connection with a fire Sunday at Sierra Vilta Intermediate School, polloe said today. The two-alarm blue caused about $15,000 in structural ctam..ge to a claasroom. '11\e suspects, male youths· who are studenta at Sierra Vista, were spotted by witne11e1 and wbeequ~ilyanestedfollowing • police in~don. 'They were booked lnto Orange County Juvenile Hall. r .• Later ln the morning, a man speaking Arabic and c:laimlng to repreeent the hitherto unheard of "Free Nasaerite Revolutlonariea," telephoned another new9~ and said bis group bombed the French Embassy as a strike apinst a Many .other emt..iea -both · w eltlm and Arab -have been taraeu of bombinaa , ........ nation.a and anonymous telephone threeta. Only about • dozen countries. tnclud.lnf the United States, France and BrHaln, ldll have amb mt-on in Beirut. In atx yean. at leut 30 foreign diplomata have been k:OJed ln Lebanon. MILWAUKEE (AP) -A church waa blowb off It• foundation.bytheexploDoG~a ·~~~~--.,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ boiler in the buement ahortly ·aft.er 150 people left the building, ifhird ~ group called ''The authorities say. Partial clearing and morning houri. bacomfng malnfy welt to IOUt'-1 at 10 to 18 1tnoc1 TUMday anwnoon With . a 1-to 3-toot .-tar'ly ..... CoaJJtal T Partlal claarlng In late emperatureS afternoon today. Hlgl'i near 70 al NATION tM ~ to upper 70. l!Mnd. ti Lo ,._ NIO'll and momWIO 1ow douda on .e~ Tua1day, claarlng to tia&y = : :, · 1 1ttamoon 1~n•. Ovtrnloht 78 50 17 I ~8~to ... HlgMT~·,~ 79 S1 :47 El1awhara, from Point Au.nta 19 13 1'7 Col'tcaptlon to Iha Mulcan = °'Y :: :: ::.::.=' .C::.:01~1:':C: Belllmor9 58 54 :~ 11111 afternoon and av•nlng. ~ :: :; ~ ..... of 2 to 3 ._. Blrmiillr.m Moatty cloUdy thr0"9h tonight 8llnWc* 72 47 1.111 •Ith only partlal .•ltarnoon :'on ~ :: .58 ca.mo. ~ 13 7S .53 a.in• S7 57 ll.S. summary 8urlnQton 58 47 .01 c.., 10 41 .25 TiiUnclars1orm. IPf'llld ~ Chettltn SC 92 et th• 1outh•rn Pl1ln1 end the Chlrtltn WV 83 82 1ovtharn 11111 of tha E111•rn ~NC ~ :g ,:: 8-boerd on Sund.,-. .....,....,,_ft - Ha1vy rein conllnutd ov., ~.... ~78 ~ Tax11 11 tllund•rttor m1 ~= 74 ; drWICflad tlll 11 ... '• -..them tip, ~ ... Morw "'811 4 lndlW ot rllln tell et Clmbla SC ee ee .01 •A.ol'.-o. T -'--Co4umbul 78 54 .01 ;:;;;;.· .... ca.ino ....... OIM"t W'ltl • t3 .. t. 12 In 1ddltlon to tha rein, 1 o.,.ton 74 M tom.00 touched down on the ~~ 78~ ~ .35 ~and of o.i-ton llMnd. .,_ --• A ftMtl ftood 1WtllCtl -llellld Detroit et 58 ttor ,_,. of ...-am r ..... north Duluttl ee 30 central Tu11 end WHtarn El PMO 19 55 Flf90 78 M Thundarltorma ~ AagWlff 11 34. 71 58 122 51 49 .01 78 63 57 45 .07 ae ee .. 12 43 75 60 71 82 .64 ee 49 ae ea .oe 87 52 04 71 6t 8t 70 1.34 74 42 71 47 56 47 ... 72 51 94 82 aa 11 10 83 51 .19 ea .01 ~... to ,J!!!" ., __ .. CkMI Fiii 80 38 .03 ·Ga., ;;"o~S trdt..,Otu;•;;; Hllrtford 53 45 .11 C~ ~.AL, got 0.56 lndl. ~.... ~ 4745 ~~ 92 ._ j Light rlln ..,,..i --the ...,.......... 0 • Bek•....... 100 71 ortllaHt, •Ith 1mount1 ~ SO 72 .4' ""*-t7 et ._ __ .., l.wMr 1 ~end ~ .70 N ~ tt 60 ....... 11'1 the .,. ... Jadll!I Ml llS .. Big ... 72 31 11'1 IM 509. I Jecibnvll 92 te .IMI =Qty 102 92 LIGMof~•':°,:O~ ~v=-: ~ ~• ~~: "'P•r•t.ur11 around the' Uttla Rodi St 85 F,_ 97 '92 .. S p.m. IDT ranoed fl'oin ~ 70 SO lMICMW t3 ae .. "'*" """'°" Cellf. -Loi,.,.... 18 t2 Redwood City t3 55 s.cr-to 97 82 8.ilnae 7S 441 8wi Bamatdlno 13 58 s111 O•bfW 11 eo San Diego 71 13 81111 Frlncllco 79 53 Sin JoM 92 M Senta Anl 78 so Santa Barber• ee 54 Slnta Mlrl• 71 53 8ant1 Monica 71 58 Stockton 103 81 TlhM Vlllay 75 3t Tllarmal 99 85 r-13 n 'ANAMPICAN Acepulco 19 7 7 1.36 8ennuda 79 73 9ogota 94 45 Cur9CaO 12 79 °'*!...,.,. to 57 ~ to 73 Kingston ea 79 Montage> Bey II 75 .......... .. 71 Mariela .. 7T Mexico city n &1 Mont.,.,. 12 71 .... ...... .. .. 8an Juan to 75 .u T~ to 73 .21 TMldact to 73 V•ICNZ M 7T .25 ~ et WOtutt•. Mw., =-L&MoC* ~! 6311 .11 Lone laeclll 74 13 Of Mond•y. tl'lunderetorme 79 1a .21 Mary9'MI 99 - .,. •or•o••t •cro•• .... ....... f7 "' .01 MorwOIP!e • 7 .. s !1 E"tended llllHlppl V•ll•y Ind th• = ~ :: Mo11tab .. 1J .... ~ uU1trn ,..,,.,,, Soattarad ,._ OrtMnl 18 97 ~t. ~..!!.. 79 41 ~were for-I .._Yort& 66 IO AO..-.--~ ~ = Weath~ .. .. GI.-c.. -endl --7t .. 11 laeclll C'• ==-ie. ...tth "*' °"" No.,..._ 74 14 1:oa == , ::"'U 80UTHUIN CAL.,OANIA .... , tamp•recurH .... ,. l <*II Qty 7t S1 1.51 one.to 12 et COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN acltot::..=:"..:1&'~;"· =:, :; :: .01 ~ ft: ~~~,'°:: h IOI Ill tllt '°'**" llllf °:1 ,.,_.. et 11 . 17 P..o Aot11M M 50 Oloudt tllollQ the OOMt. . In ......_ .., wr toO 111 tfle "'°"* '°1 72 ~ lluft 11 ea :1:'ac '::' ~T: ::".,: ... _ ... _J'lll_••.•-·----..... ~~-------~-------lnlen4.,... LOWI II to:. MCMlt.i!'I rMOrt h"'M In 7 l.cM9 In IO 10 16. "" ' Traditional Summer favorites for the Brooksgate man Now, while o ur selection is a l its best. is the time for young cxel.ullvcs to choo~e from these moderately pril:ed washable suits. All arc tailo red un· our exclu s ive. trim 2-huttop 1110Jel. Tan poplin of poly-· ester-and-cotton. $145 . Blue-white striped • cotton seersucker. $170. Coat anll trouser . Did Agent OVange harm baby? • Couple think child's birth defects can be tied to defoliant NEW YORK (AP) Five yeart after her dauyhler Kerry w11 born with mu Uple birth detocta, Mau~n Ryan wu In a ha1pitaJ waltlnQ room when •he not.feed a two-paraaraph •tory ln a health maa•tino. "Sclenthu questioning Herbicide U11e ln Vietnam," aald the headline. "It did eomethini to me," Mrs. Ryan, 34, recalla. "A llaht wens on" Thus began the Ryan family's cl'U5ade against Agent Orange, a defoliant the Army u•ed when Michael Ryan wu in Vietnam in 1967. It contains dioxin, a highly toxic contMn.lnant. Maureen Ryan began reading all she could about the chemical. One'day, she stumbled across the word "teratrogen," and the horror of what she and her husband believe happened to their family became dear. "I looked i t up 1n the dictionary. It's a Greek word meaning monster maker. I remember looking at Kerry and thinking 'monster makers the bastards'," she says Until then, the Long Island couple had accepted the handicaps of Kerry, their only child. as an act of God. Fate. "We weren't mad at all before Agent Orange," Ryan, :tti, said. "When we found out .. it was like all the scabs of the wound had been ripped off." They were angry that the government hadn't warned about th• pot•ntlal haurch of expoaurti that thty dared not rilk havin.I another achlld; that Ryan ml1ht face an ll')creaaed rilk of cancer. And tht)' Wert ~N(I apln when the Veteran 1 Admln· iatratlon refuaed to concede Asenl Oranee might be caualng cancer and other lllneaaea ln veterans and birth def ecta ln their children. The VA hu declined to pay for related treatmenta. It waa not "You felt like y 0 u 'd raped." been until 1979 that Congress mandated a study of 18,000 veterans to learn the possible ill effects of A.gent Orange. The Ryans have told their story in ''Kerry, Agent Orange and an American Family," by Chicago journalist-author Cllfford Llndecker. The heartache began Jan. 23, 1971, when Kerry was born with no rectum, an arm bent back against her side like a tiny chicken wing, a miaslng thumb and contracted fingers. Thoee were ju.st the first of 22 birth defects doctors would discover, including duplicate reproductive organs and a serious heart defect. But the Ryan1 welcomed their cb,Ud. 11She tnrlchea our llvea every day," Mra. Ryan aaya, Jn the tint aeven yeara of Kerry'1 Uf91 durlns which rhe had at least aeven ma or opera\iona, they paid an eatimated t70,000 for treatment -in addltlon to lnaurance paymenta. R yan'• pay u a Suffolk County policeman couldn't cover the bill.a and they were alwaya broke, until Mrs. Ryan tour years aeo took a job In a state paychiatrlc hospital near their home ln Stony Brook. Yearly medical experues run about $4,000 to $5,000, including $3,000 ln dlaposable diapers not reimbursable by insurance. Many times Kerry was near death. At 18 months, ju.st WI she was beginning to walk, a blood clot that formed during surgery permanenUy damaged her brain -one of her healthy organs - maki.ng het temporarily blind. While she regained sight, Kerry remains intellectually damaged. Her speech ls impaired and she is co nfined to a wheelchair. The hardest part, says Mrs. Ryan, ls knowing "for the rest.of her life she'U be in diapers and a wheelchair . . . that never once will she go on a date, go to a prom, walk down the aisle on her father's arm." Today, the energy once spent keeping Kerry alive ls directed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---"~- NUCLEAR HEADACHE -Frank C.Oleman. a partner in New York City brokerage house of Goldman-Sachs, covers eyes during public testimony in Seattle on sale of $680 million in WashingtQJl Public Power Supply System nuclear power plant construction bonds. An AP~ effigy of Paul Nolan, director for the utility, is at C.Oleman's feet. The effigy was made by ptoteste. r who said electric customers "are being raped by phantom pharaohs of Wall Street." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Glass sculptures recovered TWIN PEAKS (AP) -Glass sculptures valued at $118,000 have been recovered by San Bernardino County sheriff's deputies, who aay the owner of the works hadn't even realized they'd been stolen. Deputies said Thursday they also are puzzled because a man they believe took the 11 Steuben glass ICUlptums from a Pasadena warehouse 2 'ti years ago apparently didn't realize their worth and gave one away and sold the others for a tiny fraction of their value. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat K.iy Sdluttz Vloe~ -Olrctor of _,loilnO Tom Murphlne ldltor Mike Harvey Olr9cto< of MetiletinQ ·~· Ken Goddard ~"'°'*-. ~M.cLMn ~ Char1ee LOOI M.,,..ino fdllor "'°"""' '""" ,, you clo ""' -\'OI" -~ & 30 p ,.. Clll beiore 1 OM end l'O•lt WoY M H.,. .,..._ CIH1Hled advertl1lng 7141142·5171 All other department• &42-4321 MAIN OFFICE JJD W•tl 8.ty SI , c .. 1. MeM, CA. MAii e-.1. 8o• U.0, Cc.le,,,_..., CA . ...,. Cooyrloltl ,.., Or-coe11 Publltlll119 ~v Ho ,,...., tlOtln. 111u"retlon1, ..tltorlel ,.,.._.or - ••tllv......,11 lwreln "'•Y lie r~ ..,....... ICM< lel perml1tion of COO'fTIQflt -· VOL 75. NO. 144 ''He claims he didn't know (their value)," said Detective Wes Daw. "To be honest with you, I don't really know why he took them. We didn't make any arreats," he added. "Since everything occurred in Loa Angeles County, we will be submitting the cue to the Loa Angeles County district attorney's office." Daw described the aculptu.re9 as figurines rneaaurina 6 inches to 12 Inches high and fncluding a ICetle from "Swan Lake" and a sculpture of polar bean. We're Listening ••• What 4o you like about the Dally Pilot' What don·t you like'? Call the num~r below and your message wlU be recorded. transcribed and delivered tothe appropriate editor The same 2.4·hour answerin1 aervlce may be used lo record let · ters to the editor on any topic Mallbo• contr1butor1 m1.11t Include their name and telephone num~r for verttlcallon. No c1rculatlon rails. please T~ll us whar11 on your mind. toward Aacnt Oranp, the enemy aince that day In 1976 In the waltin1 room of John Hopkin• Medlcal Center ln Baltimor.. For three yean, Mn. Ryan did reeearch. She WH introduced to Paul Reutenhan. a veteran convinced that the cancer which eventually killed hlm wu cauaed by dioxin In c}\emlcal.a he •prayed from hia helicopter in Vietnam. He conducted a death-bed crusade to warn otheJJ. She read cue studies of thoee accidentally expoeed and reports from a Vietnamese doctor who charged that dioxin was caiJ.alng miacarriagea among Vietnameae women and numeroua birth deformities there. "The clincher" came when she realized her husband's medical problems -headaches, weight losa, hearing 1011, nervouaneas and an ugly rash called chloracne -matched those found in people exposed to the chemical. Ryan's cousin, a career Army serviceman wbo had flown spray missions in Vietnam, confirmed Ryan had been in areas where the chenucals were sprayed. U'ft ... "When we fmal.ly came to the irrefutable evidence that this is what happened, you felt like you'd been raped," says Mrs. Ryan. That anger has not abated. lt will not until they get answers and relief from the chemical companies they have sued and the government. PARKING FINES PROTESTED -David Landry. complete with anti-parking T -shirt, confronts foe near Union Street store in ~ Francisco. Landry is part of organization called San Franciscans for Legalized Parking who are angry about $40 parking fines and say they are waging war against City Hall. Suit won by jingle company SAN DIEGO (AP) -A former school teacher who started a non-union firm that produces music for TV and radio commercials has emerged the victor in a bitter four-year legal fight with the powerful American Federation of Television and Radio Artists union. Thomas DiNoto, a former third grade teacher and owner of San Diego-based jingle company Tuesday Productions Inc., was elated by the federal court ruling last week that ,'\.FTRA was guilty of violating federal antitrust laws. A jury composed of five women and one man ordered AFTRA to pay almost $10 million in damages to the non-union production company. "It's going to open up competition for everyone -union and non-union -in the musical production business," DiNoto said. "It allows everyone to compete on an equal basis." The hefty award -one of the largest in San Diego County hlStory -came aft.er an eight-week trial before U.S. District Judge Judith Keep. The jury had to sift through more than 7 ,000 pages of transcripts and 1,000 exhibits during the course of its deliberations. In the suit, DiNoto aa:used AFTRA of restraint of trade and alleged the union organized a boycott against Tuesday Productions by trying to coerte aavertising agencies and other finns from doing business with the non-union shop. John D . Collins, attorney for Tuesday Productions, called the court ruling "a pre- cedent-setting decision because unions have traditionally been held to be exempt from anti trust laws." Americans supporting Israel NEW YORK (AP) -Despite strains between the United States and Israel in recent months, Americans remain finnJy committed to the Jewish state and believe that it is the United Stat.es' best friend in the Middle East, according to a survey. The poll of 1,007 people selected randomly May 8-10 across the nation was conducted for the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith by Garth-Furst Internatio nal-Penn & Schoen increased strain between Washington and Jerusalem, there appears to be no erosion of support for Israel. } "On the contrary since August 1981 th~ American public has increased its support for IsradJ and continues to view Israel as America's best frienb in the Middle East." Asaociat.es. The poll, released late last week, has a CJ • h • ht d margin of error of three percentage points either ott1ng e1g e ne way. "Despite the AWACS vote and Reagan BOSTON (AP) -Mixing alcohol and aspiriJl administration differences with Israel, the makes the blood clot more slowly and may explafn American public remains steadfast 1n its why people who drink have less heart disease. a commitment to the Jewish st.ate." said a summary of study concludes But researchers cautJon that t~ the survey. AWACS is a sophisticated airborne combination may cause spontaneous bleeding i-. radar system sold to Saudi Arabia. some people. , The survey also found that the American Aspirin alone wiU slow the clotting time, b\l\ public emphatically favors giving stronger support researchers have found that aspirin's efrects a~ to Israel than to the Arabs, overwhelmingly opposes substantially heightened 1f people drink. the sale of U.S . arms to Jordan and believes Doctors from the Boston Veterans AdrrunlStra- American media coverage of the Middle East has uon Hospital said the stren~th of this effect varit'p been fair. for person to person, but they said in some peop\e "What is most interesting," said David Garth, it might cause spont.aneous bleeding. The study, head of Garth-Furst, "is that during a period of directed !?)' Dr Daniel Deykin, was. published in h~a v y nega t1 ve press reports from Isr_a_e_l_a_n_d __ t_h_e_N_e_w_J!.:n8 __ 1an __ d_J_o_urnaJ __ o_f_M_ed_icm_·_e_. ___ _ li~twe.ight and comf'ortab1cz, roodras ... always a favorit<Z. for warm ~t"h<z-r we.ar. co1orf ul hand 'W'Qve,n msdres SJX?r"t coa~s; ~o gr([.Ot w'ith pcplln t1rou5'Z-ra. •• availablcz. in bluet, brown and r<ld. tofl2.e. 4.f fib.Shion Island• Newport Bectdl• 714'1M4·5070 JOOJ ~•twood Slud.·~sb.&lood Village•2J3/479·7727 ·" Tips on selli~g mobile homes BJ PAT BOftOWITI Of ... ~~--DBAll PATi I uve a meWle Mme w~ I on. It 11 la a Nrk wMn "9 111ee 11 ,,__ ... , MWHff. I plu to HU _.. mobUe .. me aH wet.NlJU te ii .. VIHd oa IUCUJ wbt I bve to do to ttll It my..U ud AH Ute naltor11 fM. R.J., Hu\tQtoa a .. c~ State law pennlta a mobile home owner to ielI hJa or her ooech ln place ln a park, and al8o adverti8e with a "For Sale" ll8n ln the w£ndow. Under CalifcmJa Civil Code Section 789.10, park ~t cannot force you to So throuah them if you want to 1ell fOU! mobile home unit. ~r ere you required to enpae a broke!'. The code doee require that a mobile home muat be at leut 10 feet wide and no more than l& yan old, or 2& years old if manufactured after September 1971. The~ al8o muat be ln aood condition, and the park manaaement hu the riaht to approve of the new purchuer on the buil of abWty to pay 1pece rent and acceptable pa1t record a1 a mobile home tenant in another perk. For more 1peciflc information, contact the Hou1ing and Comm.unity Development Department by phoning the Santa Ana office (number• listed under "California" in the White Paaes). Tax deposit dates vary DEAR PAT: I uully make moatllly employmeat tu defOISta, btlt da.11 moada, becHH of addUtoaaJ employees, I bve to ftpotU a Jar1er amout. WW da.11 affect dae dae elate of my depeslt? F.J., Newport Beacb Internal Revenue ServiL'e says due dates for deposits vary, accordina to the amount of ~ou have withheld. For example, an undeposlted amount that between $500 and $3,000 ls due monthly, but if the taxes you withheld are more than $3,000, the deposit will be due eooner. For more intonnatlon on tax deposit requirements, you can order Circular E. Publication 15, free of charge by phoning (800) 242-4585. Mercer song book located DEAR PAT: I'm a mHlc major la colle1e ud I've i*ed all over for a book of Jolumy Metter IODll tllat I need for my 1tMJes. Cu YOll Mlp me oat? B.T.O., CorODa del Mar John Moody at Coast Music Service, 1839 Newport Blvd., Costa Meea, uys the book you want ii currently ln stock a\ Coast. Cout Mu1ic Service or National Music Service in Anaheim usually can fill any unusual sheet music or aong book request. "'Go< a problem? 'Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat wiD cut red tape, getting rhe anlWel'S and action you need to llOlve inequitlf¥ in ~t and buainea. Mail )Q.a' questicnf to Pat Horowitz. At Your Service, Orange Coat.Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1680, Costa Mea, CA 928ZIJ. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Sayln1 that love l1 a .. aood ca\189," a atate Court of Appeal haa ruled that a woman who left her job to follow M fiance to anotner 1tat1 i1 •llalble for unemployment beneflta. The 2· 1 rulln1 found that. Macy Tereaa Norman left her job wlth aood oau111 or a l•••llY 1utfident reuon tot action. The court Hid lt Interpreted 1ood cau1e to mean that a worier'a peraonal clrcum1tance1 for Ieavtq a job do "not nee e Hrily rile out ot or be attributable to the Job ii.elf." Under California law, Ml11 Norman will be entitled to between $30 and $130 a week for ei1ht weekl, dependlna on her l8lary level at the time she left her job. Mi11 Norman began work in January 1979 for Mohawk Data Sciences Corp. ln Santa Clara aa a computer 1oftware control coordinator. At the time, 1he lived with her fiance for two yean and they planned to man')' ln Jwie 1980. But in June 1979, her fiance moved to the 1tate of Wuhington and decided to remain there. He aaked Mila Nomwn to join him. She testified this "put her on the spot," and that 1he finally rel1gned and left her job Sept. 7. 1970 80lely to joln her fiance. She then flied a claim for unemployment benefit&. The California Employment Development Department notified her she was not ellgible for benefits. An adminiatrative law judge upheld the ruling and said -if She had been married or wa1 to be married upon her arrival in Washington there would have been good cauae. The California Unesnployment Insurance Appeal Board agreed and .uggested ~y {>Ollcy change wu up to the Legialature. She claimed her relationship with her boy friend "diffen from a marriage relatlon1hip only inaofar as there ls no liceNe and there was no marriage ~ny." Superior Court Judge Bruce Allen ruled that Mlu Norman voluntarily quit her job with good cauae and abeence of mart'*1 relationship should not preclude joble91 pay. APWlll .... IO .. CALCULATING -Kirn Cohan, 18, shows off his latest idea for public libraries, a coin-operated personal computer. Cohan ia president of M icro T im e1haring, his third company. A tee n -ager who was Anwar Sadat'• gue1t and attended the slain Egyptian pre1ident'1 funeral sold an autographed photograph of Sadat for $1,000. Sam Brown aays he needs the money to work as a Senate page, but there's a hitch; he O)Ay not get the job. There are many appllcants to spend a month aa a pace for Sen . Strom T~armoad, R -S .C ., and Sam isn 't guaranteed a po1ition, said Thurmond 1pokesman Mark Goodin. He said the sale and the vi1it1 wouldn't affec t Sam'• cha.noes. A Saudi mllitary leader ii buying 3~ acres for "the prettiest lann ln Georaia" for his family and friends, a lpok.esman says. Sam Slager, who repre.enta PrtDce Fabal M. Saad Al lt.ablr ln the land deal, aid the prince bought 12 tracts of farm land ln northwest Georgia and has an option on two more. $1.nger .would not d i1c los e the purchase price. Ttie farm i1 three mile• we1t of King1to n in both Floyd and Bartow counties. It ltraddles the Etowah River. CcANCELS -Chairman James Miller of the Federal Trade Commission is canceling his subecription to Playboy -along with 46 other magazines -in a move to cut the agency's budget. Robnsons ENCHANTED SPECIES: OUR GALLERY BIRDS BY GORHAM Presenting a collection of ceramic birds so realistically portrayed you'll half expect them to start and fly away. All handpainted on finest porcelain as per Gorham's unyielding standards. And bound for truly inspired collecting and giving. We show only four from Robinson's Collectibles. l 83. To order. call toll·free 1·800·346·8501. ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEdDINO OIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment w ith our consultant at your nearest Robinson's. We'll record your gift preferences m every store via the only computerized service In Southern California. QuMnl ~ PNlldint DHal• MaaH 1ma1hed • bot1Je Of beer llC!l"09 the JM* of an old World War U trainln1 plane -1oakln1 hhmelf ln the procftl -co dtdJcate J new formaUon of 12 111kytyptnc'' planel. The ceremony wu at th• Marine Alr Terminal at LaOuardla Airport, but llx of the~ will be hued at Fl Airport. The other aix wt operate from Lone Beach Airport ln Oilltomla . The two alx-plane aquadron1 wlll be u1ed for promotional appearancet by the Miller Brewtn1 Co. of Milwaukee. The plane. are North American SNJ-21, built in 1940 and u1ed exten1ively throughout World War II by Marine Corps pllott who went on to fly the Luter Muat.anp and Ccnain. Navy Lt. Peter Cllmellr, claimlng he WU turned into a raving maniac after two airlines allowed h1a Juaage to be toaked with the d.rUa PCP, has been awarded $31,400 by a San Dieao jury. The jury f:int awarded him $52,000 but cut that by 40 percent, uying Chrnellr failed to report his lusgage wa1 damaged during ntghtt from San Otego to Florida on Delta and F.astem airlines ln 1978. Delta Airlines was diamis&ed as a defendant when all the evidence was in. Cuban-born pianill Boraelo Gatlerrea received the 1982 Avery FlDer Prize, which include1 $10,000, in New York. Fisher, who founded Fiaber Radio in 1937 to make high-fidelity lnatrumenta, announced the award at Lincoln Center'• Avery Fi1ber Hall. He set up the prize ln 1974. Gutierrez, 33, emigrated to the United States at 12 and t. a U.S . dtizen. He grew up ln California and attended the Juilliard School. He ha1 performed with major orchestras, given many solo recitall and ha1 recorded three a.lbwns. He appeared on television ln "Previa and the Pittsburgh .•• O Fantail dOve. 135. Reunion a boon to business Ma~azine abbr eviated • L08 A.NGILll (AP) -HCM dld Don Browntna wlnd up •• \he preeklent of In ll Out PMtof By 1oln1 to hl1 10-year hlch IChoQl cwn1on. ' . Ph f i • Ji f I · wW cont1nu.e to opAnd," he Mid. oto DIS or c assmates "Th• i nduttry .. 1oin1 to SAN DIEGO (A.,) -Th• • fra•m•nt, but lt will take name of San Ofe10 People 8rownin1 r •ca 11 e d In an poaiblt before. Brow~nt. a_nd bulfne11 away from tht 1mall ~ II ~~ to tM interview. h1I trtendl thoulht falt.f1Nablnl pharmaci•• and camera 1hop1 a b r • v I a t • d DP 1 n • n "We allo f91t we hid an 1n on would appeal to American which are doln1 part of the out-of ·court HUltment of • Brownln1, a IO·yHr·ol the techNcll llkle becl• ot our conawner. and th• track r.cord devtloPlnl·" trldema.r" •Wt brouaht by Time, entrepreneur with tnteNlta ln experience In prtntlna . Thi• 11 of In &r Out, which I• openJna Inc., pub 111 h • r of P • o P 1 e prlntln1, mall ord er and real tJmple and compUcatid at the about four outleta a month, eeema Like meet new ventures. In & maplijw. Htate, waa remlnl1cln1 wlth eune time. But It w111n't u If we to haw proved them rtaht. Out experienced 1ome touah St• p h • n R . La r Imo r •, three memben of Hamilt on deckSed to open up• hambwwer "We haw people come 1n wtth tlm11 In the be1lnnin1. But publt1her of the San Dle10 Rt1h'1 Clua of 19'70 when th• 1tand and had iO COm,P!tt wlth a friend and atve them a little Brownln1 and hi• partnen , penonallty mapzine, told. MWI 1ubjeot of h11h-1pHd photo 8,500 other 1tand1,1 he Hid. nudp and •Y· 'Goaheed, uk for Bruce Bunnan, Charl• Wesley oon.(erenct he w11 able to avoid flniah1na came up. "Anyway, we wound upordertna U In an hour.' We have people and Michael Warner, decided to the'need for a money aettlement. "My brother-in-law and J had our tint machine abOut three who cune ln and ah and wait for turn the t r oublea Into an In 1980, SDPM ap~ with heard about the new ._ .. _,_, daya after the pt·tocether." their fllm -that'• why we have advantaae by franchialng In & a cover a1milar to that of People _. .. .._..., Out centen. QUICKIE c:om1na onto the market, and we The machine wu a hich~peed coffee in all OW' outleta," 1ald nlaiuine and now hll a reported -Don Browning were Tookin1 for1omethlna in pboto flni1her developed ln Brownin1. who think• "We decided we lmew how to paid circulation of 13,000. •tarted In & Out Photo after retail -aomethina outaide the JapAn which ooWd ~ 1arp faat-t1nl1hin1 wlll arab an do it the rilht way becauee we Larimore uld the loc al getUna the idea at hJ.a high prlntln1 bu1lne111 and we quant1t1n of prlnta ln lea than lncreaaSna ahare of the market. had already done It the wron1 publication will come out with _~_hoo_._~~reunion~~~·~~~~~~-th_o_u~gh_t_lhil~_l_oo_k_ed--:promlaina..._~__.:~•"~a-n~h-o_u_r~,_•_o_m_e_t_h_in_1=-n~e_v~e~r~ _ __:''Thil..:.=...;._liaa~found~~•~p~lace..;.;.;..~and.;,.;.;;_~lt~~w~a~y~,'-'B;..;_;_;ro~w~n~i~n1~••=i~d~.~~~~the~ne~w-name~~t.hh~-w-ee_k_.~~ Robinsons I> KITCHEN ARTS SALE 589.99 REVERE ® STAINLESS 9·PIECE COOKSET A. If purchased separately $ 153 The easy-care pots and pans you grew up with work 1ust as beautifully today Choose even-heating copper or stainless bottoms Set includes 9 and 7-inch open 94<1llets. 6-quart stockpot. 2-quart double boiler insert. 3 and 11/2 -quart covered saucepans S39,99 •·PllCI COPHI C.AN1m1 ·1n El. Reg. $55. When It comes to storing flour, sugar, coffee and tea, nothing compares with the French country charm of copper. Especially when accented with brass-tone fittings. YOU'LL SAVE 20%~40% 514.99 ENAMEL-ON-STEEL 2·QUART TEAKmus C. Reg . $23. Ideal for color coordinating in sunny yellow. red. or Chinese blue, with natural finish wood handles. 519.99 2·QUART COPPER TEAKETILES O Reg. $28. Choose from fou r Old Dutch designs with authentic wood handles and no-tarnish finish SS9.99 FAllERWARI• ELECTRIC WOK E. Reg . $80. The truly easy way to-stir fry, deep fry, stew, steam and more. With aluminum-clad stainless steel for a traditional wOk "heat center." Includes cover. tempur• rack, chopsticks. and complete Orienta! cooking guide. And for a limited time only, you'll also receive a sJalnleu spatula and ladle utensil set as your gift with purchase: ~ F 511.99 each GLASS SERVEWARE SETS Reg $15. For se rving summer guests with style. F. Corn c radles. set of six G Dessert set with four bowls and saucers. H. lndlVldual 1cer/hners. set of four J. Salad set with large bowl and two plastic servers. K lnd1v1dual salad bowls. set of four SS9.99 KIUH 10·CUP llEWMAml L. Reg. $75. The best of European design, Inside and out. With fast electric drip brewing system, heat· efficient glass carafes, and warming platform to keep coffee at serving temperature~ Sale ends June 15 in Robinson's Housewares. 281621121 . To order, call toll·free 1·IOO·MS·l501. •For free copies of manufacturer's warranties. write to: Controller, Dept. 211, Robinson's, 600 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles. CA 90017. ROllNION1 coWUIIRIRP MpplN9 91fT MtllIRJ MAKI AN APPOINIWNT WITH OUI qGNIULTANT. YOUI NUIUT IOllNION'I. WIU RICORD YOUR GIFT PIEFlllljCIS IN M1Y ITOll VfAntl ONLY COMIVTlllZID lllVICI IN IOUTHllN CAUPOINIA. .. t Fiteworks proposal needs consistency At lta meetln1 Tueaday, the COW'lty Board of Supervllor1 wW conalder an ordinance that would outlaw the uae of 1o·called safe and 1ane fireworks in the unincorporate d oommunity of Sunset Beach. Supervisor Harrlett Wieder, whose dl1trlct tncludea Sunset Beach, is boosting the ordinance. She points out, accurately, that fire might be more of a problem in Sunset Beach because of its housing densi ty, number of untreated wooden roofs, narrow streets and reliance on a volunteer station for firefighting. There's nothing wrong with Mrs. Wieder's suggestion. In fact, such a ban on the use of fireworks is probably a good one given the n otorious reputation fireworks have for causing fires. What's troubling, however, is the matter of conalatency. For example, what makes Sunaet Beach any mor~ special than South Laauna? Thot community, located in Supervisor Thomas Riley's distric t , has a h igh hou1ing density, lots of wooden roofs, narrow streets and lJ served by a volunteer station, too. In fact, taking its t opograph y and vegetation into account , an argument could be made that South Laguna is in even more danger than Sunset Beach. Of course. the is.9ue shouldn't be one of South Laguna versus Sunset Beach. The issue is the destructive potential of fireworks. And that issue should be addressed on a countywide, not community by community, basis. Protests can backfire So organizers are hoping for a turnout of 10,000 Tuesday night in Los Angeles when President Reagan arrives to speak. The turnout, if it reaches 10,000, would match that of a 1967 protest against then President Lyndon B . J ohnson and his policies. On hand Tuesday night are to be representatives from black, Hispanic, women's, labor, elderly, anti-war, anti-nuclear and other groups. But much of the venom will be directed at Reaganomics. This is s uppose dly the Ame rican way and certainly we would not oppose their right to have their voices heard. But, realistically, h ow much effect will their protests have? You say slim or none. It's le$ than that. The truth of the matter is that such demonstrations will probably stiffen the presi d ent's determination. One can be sure he's not going to yield to street tactics from these constituencies. Another factor: These protests have th e built-in potential for backlash. You can disagree with the president, but the man is honest. hard -working and courageous. Given the choice of bac king the nation 's chief executive or a street m ob, tnany will back Reagan. How can the protests be effective? Some would not only support, but also might even go back to join in if the anti-this and anti -that groups would go to Cambridge, Mass. and hold protest rallies against the policies of 8th District Congressman Thomas P . O'Neill Jr., Speaker of the House. After a ll, ":I'ip" O'Neill and his cohorts' yectrs of credit-card economics h a v e been more respon sible for t be fix we're in than a year-plus of Reaganom.ics. Prop. 2 misses the mark T h e off ice of lieutenant governor of the state of California has come in for more than usual attention in recent times since the state found)tself in the unusual position of having a governor and a lieutenant governor of different poll tical parties. There are those who would like to change the law to eliminate that possibility. And some contend the office w o uld best be eliminated altogether, as h as been done in some states. In fact , the lieutenant governor's only real job is to preside over the ship of state if the governor is absent or incapacitated. Proposition 2 on the June ballot seeks to remove one of the less-used tasks of the o ffice - presiding over the Senate and casting a deciding vote in the event of a tie. The meas ure as proposed would provide for selection .of a Senate president from the membership and tie votes would defeat measures. In practice, lieutenant governors have rarely presided • over the Senate. That is done by the Senate President Pro Tern, who is selected by his colleagues. And only once in the past 10 years has a lieutenant governor been called upoQ. to ccst a tie-breaking vote. Proponents of Proposition 2 cite the possibility of a conflict between the legislative and exec utiv e branches of th e government if a lieutenant governor, h avi ng cast a tie-breaki ng vote as Senate president, should later be in a position to decide the fate of a bill while temporarily acting as gove;nor. In practice, this situation has never arisen in California's 133-year history. There is much to be said for giving the lieutenant governor, so long as we have one, a more responsible and productive job. Proposition 2 does not addr~ any of the real problems of the office. The proposed minor changes serve no real purpose and d o not warrant a co n s t itutional amendment. Proposition 2 merits a NO vote. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on ltllS page are those ot their auttiors and art 1sts Re•der comment is 1nv1t ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P 0 Box 1S60, Costa Mesa. CA q262b Phone 1714) 64'.1·4321 L.M. Boyd I Shy Americans Pollsten can get people to tell them any\hing, evidently. They now report the typical American closes the bathroom door even when alone in the house. Said citizen abo feels exceedingly awkward if required to answer .the tele}>hone when naked. Jurors ln rape cues tend to acquit handaome rapl1ta with unattractive vlctlm1. They tend to convict ugly raplm with attractive v1ctlma. Or 10 conclude researchers who atudted court n!ICO!'da. By now you may have heard of the lead balloon that really can fly. Sdenu.t. at Arthur D. Little, Inc., in ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cambridfe, Mass .. built it. Lead foil, helium illed, the six-foot floater drifted off toward France, and nobody haa seen it since. Best retirement states Insofar as all the various advantages go -i.xea, weather, part·time work, ao on -are said to be Utah, Loulaiana. South Carolina, Nevada and Texaa. "There'• 1omethlne about being moderately overw~ght that'• good for you."' So 1ald Dr. Reuben Andree, cllntcal d irector of Baltimore'• National lnltltute on Aging, after 40 worldwide 1tudie1 involving six million people. Slz.able aarnpling, that. Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murpttlne Editor Barbara Krtlttlch Edltorl•I P.aoe Editor IFIQIJY~ WERE ALIVE ~W, HEWOUl.DVM'I' NE TO BE FREE. OOD,001 JD.VE GlJ'IB. 0 0 0 Labor pendulum swings The organized labor movement is undergoing some major changes. coincident with a s harp drop in membership. It 1s a case of the pendulum, having swung too far, now swinging back. In its formation in the United States, organized labor had an uphill fight all the way. That is until management became so calloused in its treatment of workers that the government stepped in to mandate the rights of the workers and the unions. THAT CAME ABOUT in the early '30s when most of the w orker1 w ere unemployed and management became so abusive of the workers that their organi~ation into unions became an absolute necessity In California, for example, great hordes of workers would stand all day at cannery gates hoping to be hired. Those that were employed would put in 18- hour days, seven days a week, to earn 8 hours pay Organized labor put an end to such practices. It achieved many admirable benefits such as JOb security through senionty, health insurance and pension rights, and severance pay. But having gained benefits which were reasonable, the leaders of organized labor continued to demand new benefits, some of which were not so reasonable. Their demands for wage Increases also became unreasonable, related to the employers' ability to pay. In the construcuon industry labor's demands forced ma1or changes No longer could the builders afford to build lath and plaster homes. They substituted sheet rock. Bricklayers. by instituting the quota system whereby no bncklayer IARL WITIRS could lay more bricks in a day than the slowest of the union members, quickly priced themselves out of business. So, too did the tile setters. No longer were homes built of brick and only a minimal amount of tile was used. As Labor's power grew many small businesses were forced to quit. Labor said these were inefhcient businesses and refused to take any blame "If they can't afford to pay union wages they shouldn't be m business," they said. But it wasn't always just the inability to pay union wages. The "big" bands which numbered in the hundreds were all composed of union musicians who were paid much more than union scale. But as they traveled about the country filling dates at various popular hot.els and dance pavilions. they were confronted by the local unions equal to the number of mus1nans m the band. The standbys did nothing, were not even required t.o be present but nevertheless drew wages for the duration of the big band booking. That unreasonable requirement spelled the end of the big band era NOW WITH SOME of the natton·~ biggest industrialists facing disaster, s uch as the automobile makers, International Harvest.er and even steel1 the pendulum is swinging back. The auto workers, now realizing their well being depends upon the success of the companies they work for, have taken a much more modest stance, agreeing to lesser pay and fewer benefits A new approach to compensation has surfac'e'd. that of profit sharing ThllS would seem to be the sensible means of detE.'rrmnmg the worth of the workers. The reahzatton that the fortunes of both management and labor are tied up m the same package. Actually there is nothing new about this concept. A well ·known s hoe manufacturer in the mid-West was practicing profit sharing with its workers long before union Labor rights were mandated by lhe government. It JUSl took a long lime for the rest of the pack to recognize good labor pracuces All intelligence can't he measured If you are not the smartest person in the world, you usually find some way to be satisfied most of the time with the brains you've got. I was thinking about all this in bed last night because I made a dumb mistake yesterday a nd I was looking for some way to excuse myself for it so I could go to sleep. The thing that saves most of us from feeling terrible about our limited intellect is some small side to our personality or character that makes us different. Being uniquely ourselves makes us feel better about no\ being too smart. It's those little differe nces we have that keep us from committing suicide when we realize. early in our lives, that a lot of people have more brains than we do. THERE ARE TWO kinds of mtelligence, too. One can be measured in numbers from teats, but the other and better kind of intelligence is aomelhing no one has ever been able to measure. The second k i nd Is a sort of understanding of life that some of the people with the most intelligence of the first type don't have any of. They may have llCOred 140 in the IQ test.a they took in school but they're idiots out in the real ' world. This 1s also a great consolation to those of us who did not score 140 m our IQ tests. It almost seems as though the second type o f 1ntell1gence comes from somewhere other than the brain. A poet would say it comes from the heart. I'm ,~,, -AN-DY-RD-DN-IY-........ 4 not a poet and I wouldn't say that, but it does appear as though some of the best decisions we make spring spontaneously into our mmds from somewhere else in our bodies. How do you otherwise account for love, tears or the quickeoed heartbeat that comes with fear? All these things seem to strike us independent of any real thought process. We don't think things through and decide to fall in love or decide to cry or have our heart beat faster. We can be pretty sure there's more than one kmd of intelligence, 90 we can relax, believing that we have a lot of the Life's many contradictions Perplexities and Paradoxes: -We need a better legal definition of "lnaanity"; the youth who lhot President Rea,an la surely mad to have done it for the reaaon he did, but h e la ''sane" enough to have understood the act and ~ IYINIY IAllll ~ lta probable con.queue.; IO how does one l'elOlve thJI kind of contradkdon? -On the surface lt .eema plausible, and even prudent, for two pel"llOOI to ltve together before marriage, ieau.n,r their compaUbillty; yet atudiee lndlcato that more couples Who lived tosether before marrlap pt divorced than oouplee who dld not; to what conclullona may we draw? -U eecb of two superpowera lNlltl upon 'la\.&periority" ln amw, what II there to :.tral.n. llCaladon until \hey are both bmkrupt « at war? . -How ean ~ti tn.dll dlldpllM ln theJr chlldnn by force, and yM Im..- UP9.lft tM Children mal fcrcl fa the wrorta ~ to Niolw dilpu'IZ. -If all our congressmen, In both Houses, are busy forwarding and protecting the "interests" of thelr elates, who ls left to look after the lntereata of the country as a whole, and to prevent the trading-off of favors between one constituency and another? -If education ts the surest route to a higher lnoome and job security, how does it nappen that we have thou1and1 of Ph.DI who are unemployed even ln the bat of times, and tena of thousands more underemployed ln poeltiona that sadly fail to utilhie their knowledge? -How can t~e TV network• argue that they are aimply "living the public what it wants" in pl'Ojl'arnming, when it la obvtou1 that TV doesn't know wh.at the public wanta or it wouldn't have to cMnae it.a pt'Olraml IO furiously every 13 weeb to aet:k a larger share of audienoe? -While the majority rule la ti. 11.feti form of aovemmenc. h -h1ltor1cally that mirioridee are more oN:n riaht ill \he klnl run, • lor'la 11 they rema1n out of pow..-; pllic9d ln power, they sian to conunlt the -.me tol.l* .. the ~Uea t.My crltkbld. -Why do IO IDUly ~ IUppolllt It Lt eultr io chana• th• world thaif to ~ their rnlndl? less obvious l<ind. I prefer to ignore the possibility that someone with a higher IQ than nune might also have more of the second kind of intelligence. too One per so n sho uld not get to have intelligence of both the brain and the heart. I wish there was some way to decide who the five smartest people are m the world, because I've always wanted to ask them the five hardest quest ions. l haven't decided who the five smartest people are and I haven't settled on all fi ve questions. It would make a good television s how 1f I ever get it all tOgether. (I think I'd put Ann Landers on my list -not as one of the five smartest people but as one of the five hardest questions) One question I've considered for my list is this: "Are people smarter now than they' were 1,000 years ago?" , It's a tough one. Athletes are running faster, jumping farther and lifting heavier weights. Does this suggest our brains are a lso performing better? It. does. ON THE OTHER hand, are our eyes• and ears any better than the eyes and ears of the Romans who watched t he lions eat the Christians ln the year 200? Probably not. My guess would be that our eyes and our ears haven't changed for better or for worse except as we abuse them through misuse. U our eyes and ean haven't changed in size or improved in performance, the ch~ are our brains haven't either. I forget when they invented the wheel,. but did it take any leu tntelUgence to Invent the wheel centuries ago than it took this century to invent the wlncbhleld wiper, the ball-point pen or the touter oven? It mUlt have been 2:30 before I finally fell asleep. lllllllll Read all today's news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. ® Keep an eye on (.!:;, local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council , , planning commis- sion, school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, erY o~ get ~smart __ ·To keep ·u11 with. ·all that's happeDIDg in your eommunity , you' need the Daiiy Pilot , . ••• every day RE·ASOrlS Wl1Y. • • , I flL Follow your team '8f/ Th~ sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community co1- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! C3 Save money a"d lJ shopping -time 1 , Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort and money. ®-Enjoy your _ Sunday Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and fea-,, tures about you highlight the inter-, esting reading packaged in your Sunday Daily Pila~. .t::;f't' Enough to read - and enjoy. (ij} Tune in to the U latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- sion gu i'de is published each weekday in the Daily Pilot . On Fridays , Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. Fu .. niture buy hit Money •~nt de1plte layoff ol 47 I WAIHJNOrON (AP) -lt.tal1tfon rtqutrtnf ftdtral C'..onlNll&onal lnvtetlpton 111 that 1mployH1 who vtolatt purchU!nt delplte ·a'.Whitit HOUie ban on f.,.ay ~ww to pay f<W IUCb twcm out furnt1htn1~• Ftdtral Labor of their~ IWaUoN Au ty 1pent ••,aao to Tht furnlH&rt tncluded two outfit 1tl atfk!tl wh!le tt wu ftrlnl 47 11Barcelona ch1lr1" for authortty emDloY911 to cut eoeta. ohalnnan Ronald Hauahton, at tl,712 Robert M. Ollroy of th• Oentral each; two t2 04'7 tlm-burl CNdtNU Accountln1 Office, Con•reu' wl\h a matchlna ta,78& conference lnvt1U&atlnl arm, llld the lmproptt u bl t for Hau I h ton; a U , 79 2 apendlnc lncluded UU,000 in mahoaany office table for member fW'nlahtnP for t.he ..-ncy•1 top three Henry Fruier; and •7 .4~3 in "lffvet membtrt1J28,000 tor the 1eneral of 8J'UI" wallpaper for the office of counael an about •74,000 for o~her member Leon Applewhaite. offfcel. ~ ~"You cannot remember who pay• BREAKFAST STEAK & EGGS '3.99 Includes your choice of free beverage, pancakes or hash. browns. About •10,000 worth of furnitlll'e '\....41\e billa around here and then ao out 1-tncludtn1 a Ui!!! patio aet that and 1pend ,7,400 on wallpaper," could not be UMd UM t.he apncy Danforth ea1d. \ • lat.er found out it wu not allowed to uae the patio -waa in 1tora1e, DELI BAR 'ANDWICH S3.29 Includes soup or cottage fries or French fries, and large beverage, coffee, tea or Sanka. · l lit 5 ·1 ICCOrdina to Gilroy. The lurnlture, carpet• and wallpaper were purchued ln 1981 by the relatively new three-member board eatabllthed to retolve labor dlaputft involvtna federal worken. Sen. John Danforth, chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs ubcommittee on federal expenditure•, called the purchaaea ''tn.l.ly outr-aeoua.'' Gilroy testified that thouaanda of dollara worth of "aerviceable" furniture wu either in •toraae or let 10 H 1urplu1 at the time of the purcbaaea. A White Houae ban on extravaaance had been in effect for months, he wd. Haughton told the 1ubcommittee that the authority requirel purchuet of more than $1,000 to be cleared by him. He tald he wu unaware of t.he 1981 order until the furniture wu NEW YORK STEAK DINNER s5,49 Includes choice of potato, vegetable, soup or salad. choice of free dessert. 10" Ott Coupon• A~•/gbM • 16205 BROOKHlllST FOUNTAIN VALLEY IN WOOLCO CENTER 839-3321 He told an oversight hearing at the agency's offlcea he would puah for delivered. He wd he WU told by hil ,. ________________________ ! at.aft that it could not be Ntumed. c1a1mumoe A Musical Rrout MUSIC COMEDY DA~ llow '5 ,,, . ~""' pol$IOIHYI concoc1.c1 occ muelc and danoe ll!Udenta and tacu In 89<1no 1112'• fll'lal llll1fl THURSDAY & FRIDAY MAY 27 & 28 8 P.M. SUNDAY MAY 30 2 P.M. a.n.tal Admlulon: S<l.-00 13.00 • OCC Studanta, Feculty, St91f, 8'*:lal ,..,_. and Cllllcll'WI undlr 12 1-., .... _..,.,.0CC TIIMIOllloe .._..,_~ ___ ..,., __ ~_c-__ _ Graduating? ... Chanalngl Jobs? ... Startrno a New · Car• or Lifestyle? Assure yourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to niatch the chal- lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come in today for a free per - sonal analysis and program discussion. ~n Robert Powers PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & MODELING SCHOOLS ORANGE COUNlY 3 Town£, Country, Orange (7 14) 547·8228 ., ..... . . ·' •, .... mr DOI'! wm n. !Dr woa JU n. Richard A. Ogelsbee DICK OGELSBEE CHEVRON 3000 Fairview Costa Mesa 546-7000 Do~a Hart HA 8 CHEVRON 17980 MagnOlla Fountain Valley 968·3828 Donald E. DILUccla DILUCCIA BROS. CHIVRON 10020 Warn• fountain Vall~ ~Jt5 (Ask for detalle.) .. n MONDAY, MAY IC, 1912 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 EW 85 Looking for a Green summer. . NO ••OFF" .SWITCH HANDY -Four guys were really ln very animated conversation at one of my favorite Costa Mesa eaterlel Where you can get the quJck.le lunch and the longie acid indigestion. They were waving thelr anns. They were talking about the war. One ol the fellows excitedly reported that he'd heard where the Argentines had really b!asted a British frigate and it was sinking In (;';) Falkland Sound with 170 · men aboard. .,.. Another chimed in "'-" and suggested that he'd TUM MIRPHlllf ~r also hear.d the British II '~I Harrier jets had strafed - and bombed the airfield and dump locations at Stanley and the whole place was destroyed. All four gentlemen seemed a bit confused about the details and finally one of them said, 111 wonder if they11 have it all on television tonight?" "SO FAR .THEY HAV~'T really had very much," one of his companions replied. "Just training films the British put out." Another of the f oursorne offered, "I wonder il they're going to put it on cable TV? rm on the cable, you know. We get some of the longer reports sometimes, instead of thoee news snatches on regular TV." Some wars were looght without benefit of ~levision cawragp So it was for the lunching founome. It's come to th.is: U vou don't get your war direCtly piped into living room via ·the tube, you just really· can't have a meaningful war. I mean, you really need to see it all in full color, while it's moving. MAYBE THIS IS what we've really come to in the TV tube qonditioning of the 1980s. If it isn't on the tube, it just can't be worthwhile. It is odd th.8t some people write in to the newspapers and complain loudly about the "crime and violence" that get reported some days. And what are our favorite television shows in priine; time? Why, they're epics of the little screen like "Hawaii Five-0" or "Kojak" or ''Crime in America." Or you can watch movies on the tube like "Death Hunt" or "Winchester 73" or "Terror on the 40th Floor." Most of this, of course1 is just make-believe while we are steeping ourselves in violence. Fake bullets. Phony fistfights and bogus stabbings, Ketchup, not blood. I SO IF THE FIGHTING continues in the Falkland Islands, you can suspect that eventually the war scenes will find their way on your living room television screen. Of course, it won't be a ~e-belleve Pac Man gobbling up the enemy. The bullets and bombs will be real. So will the bleeding. That isn't going to be .fun, when people realiz.e what they're watching ia real war, real fighting and real dying. So all this does have an eUect on thoee people who can still separate fantasy of the video from cold reality. For thevi, it really does take all the fun out of it. Spending decrease planned . for Mesa Propoeed capital improvement eXJ)ellditwea would Incl~ $1.2 mflllon for up1radln1 Meaa Verde, Canycn and Vllti para. About $~60,000 ii eropoeed for ~ a 17th St. ext.enlion to Newport Boulev•rd and "°°'000 for street maintenance. Other IOW"C!el of revenue for the dty lnclude: -$5.2 million from$ taxes, S2.6 percient owr . -$826,000 from franc lae tax". ~rte uttUty bllli are exPl'C't*I to tncr1 ... 1 'I peroent ana bM bWll dun•t a ....... -f7t0.000 ma mow~ fln .. , an overall lncl'ffM of l Laguna artists con~regate at blufftop booths By STEVE MITCHELL °' ... _.., ........ "Thi• place 11 1oln1 to be dynamite thll' aummer," say1 Colleen Prieu, a Laauna Beach 1tained aJua arU.lt who recently rented a booth at the hew Laauna Vlll~ge Green atop the bluJf overlooking the ocean. The Village Green, comprtatng three lot• on the oceanalde o1 SQ,uth Codt Highway, opened th~ tint of the year ~ to date, more than 3~ artllt1 and craftamen ah•re 27 permanent open-air booths at the .. wduat covered site. "You couJdn•t uk for a better environment," Ma. Prietz aaid, polntina to the dull grey ocean and whlte unds juat below the new art center. The enterpriJe, co-owned by Bob Buettner and Ed and Dorothy Ollon, includes guebol under which work• of art are diaplayed, ~kin1 on a dirt lot for 30 vehtcles, a nursery and artist demonatraUon areas. And while the dozen or so arti1t1 who were on hand at midweek l&id sales are moderate at best, they're all counting on the warm aummer months to draw in the tourl.a1a and visitors. Scott Thom, an airbrush artist whose credits include eeveral rock album covera, drives up from Rancho Calltomia to man hie half of a booth. "I u.aually atay with friends or relatlvea when I'm here, and other people watch my booth when I'm not here," he aaid. And though his alee have not been overwhelming aince he rented a booth in January, Thom saya he has no inten1tion of movlna out. "Th1a la better than the craft ehowa rve been to, becauae you don't have to pack up all your work and leave. "And it'• better than putting your art in a gallery, because galleriea charge auch a large oonuni..ton .•• A year-round booth allo gives bim credibility, Thom aya. "People know where to find you," he aaid. "And there'• more penonal contact at a place like this. "Summer'• goi ng to be incredible.'' Bob Rogers, who'a moving to Laguna from Rivenide County aoon, ~akea rope aandale at hia "Fl'eeky Feet" booth. "I'm looking forward to the aummer when we get be tter (visitor) traffic in here," he said. Meanwhile, he'• been giving diacou.nt to local residenta for hie sandals, "just to get them out and around so people know I'm here.'' Buettner, half-owner of the Village Green enterprise, says the place la "eolld people on the weelte:nda," and he expects artists will do quite well aa aummer approaches. The plac e is t o uted aa a "year-round art fesUval." and the artieUc participanll are hopeful the euccea of the Vlllage Green '& . i ' G~WORK DISPLAY -Stained glass artist Colleen Prtetz, (left) shows visitor Vicki Gumm of San Clemente some of her glamrwork ---~-J at her booth overlooking the ocean ln LaguM Beach. Colleen is looking forward to the busie~ summer season at Laguna Village Green. • will continue after the aummer months. With bootha renting for between $70 and $160 a month, it'a '1moet worth it just for the - view. ' Court backs fireman suit The Calllomia Supreme Court ha1 cleared the way for an Orange County fireman to aue a company ov er injuries he suffered at a Tuatin chemical plant. The d ecision in favor of firefighter John Berger held that firemen can recover damages for persona l i njuries s uffere d because a party negligently or intentionally misrepresents the nature of a hazard. Berger , a fire captain. was serving temporarily with the Orange County Fire Department when he was inf'ured in January 1979 while try ng to contain a boilover at a chemical company. He filed suit against Thiokol Corp ., doing business as Thiokol-Dyna Chemical, and two employees. Be rger 's suit claims he was injured after being told toxic substances or materials were not involved and there would be no danger in trying to contain the boil over'. SKILLED FEET -Sandal maker Bob Rogers makes rope &a.r_ldals at the Laguna Village Green, turning out dozens of. pal1"S of the custom-made footwear for visitors to his open air display booth. He gives a discount to Laguna residents as a form of visual ad\'ertiyrtn~. I Bringing government home tO the kids Huntington Beach High S c hool history and aovernment student• participated thia week in a ' new1 program thit waa shown over nationwide cable television network from Washington D.C. NEWS JN MAK.ING -Huntington Beech High School student 1ohn Dunavan ab que.tlcn from achOO! studio. The reply • EAMA BOMBECK • HOROSCOPE • ID relishing the moment True joy of life \ DEAR ANN LANDDS: My handlome, 1\MX!lldul, work.ahollc buaband, ap &2, juat learned he hat cancer. Hl1 chance• for mJkJna It are about 60-GO. I am ~ to be btave for him, and he ii putt.Ina on the ume .at for me. A while b.ck you ran an e.ay c.alled ''The Station." It was about how we all have a tendency to put thinO off, not enjo)'inC tile journey throuah life DeaaUle we focus on the dettlnatlon diat.Jl alway• aomewhere ~. I clipped that ..._v and nve it to mv hulbind. He uid lt wu '1aood',..but lt didn't c~ anythina. He ~t OU our trip to the Orterit a few weeb lat.er, and again ln July he postponed OW' tint vacation together ln five yean. Pleaae rerun that easay and your cqmment1, Ann. It's too late for us, but maybe eomeone elae will learn from lt. -~TSICK IN BLOOMFIELD HILLS, ?.UCH. DEAR FRIEND: My prayers aad dloqlab are wttb yoa boda. SCRUBBING AWAY SENTEN<:a -Young men who have committed minor offemee .:rub away graffiti on a New York subway car in a J>l'OlfBlll which officials hope will give minor offenders a way to pay their debt to IOClety in a positive fashion. ''Th.is program has a double Here 11 &M H .. Y you a1ke4 for. THE STATION ly Robert J. Haatt1111 Tlcktcl aw~y la oar 11bcoa1clou1 la u ldyWc vllloa. We ... oanelvH oa a loq trip ta.at 1paa1 tlae coatlaent. We are traveUa1 by .train. O•t Uae wl1dow1 we drball la tile pa11iq 1ce141 of car1 on nearby lalpway1. of cllllcliea wavln1 at a cro11ta1, of cattle 1ra1l11 oa a dl1taat lllll1lde. of 1moke po•riDI from a power plutj_ of row upon row of ·con Ud wbeat, of 11atlud1 aad valley1, •f mo•aCaln1 aad rolUa1 kll11ldn. of city uyllaff ud village IWll. Bat apperm"t la oar minds 11 tile flDal dntlaatlon. On a certala day at a certaln boar we will pall lnto tile station. Buds will be play1D1 ud nap wav1D1. Once we get there 10 muy w0Dd41rfal dream• will come true and tlae plecea of oar Uvea will flt to1etlaer like a completed Jl11aw pa11le. Bow reatle11ly we pace tile al1ln. damning tbe mlaates for lolte-rlag -walt1a1, walttllg, walttllg for tbe station. "Wilen we reacb tile station, that· will l#Wll ••••• benefit -f.arebeat.ers and graffiti wrtten will receive meaningful punishment and the public will get cleaner subway can," said Brooklyn District Attorney Elimbeth Holtzman. whoee office initiated the program. Leo: Mystery solved THtdaJ, May u ARIES1 £March 21-April 19): Focus on domestic environment, family relationahlp and property values. Tranaaction can be completed if effort is made to improve communications. Financial situation OOmmands attention and ta more favorable than originally anticipated. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasia on versatility, ability to be flexible and special meaage from relative ,in transit. Plana aubject to change. Meeting ia postponed and, although annoying, will actually prove beneficial. Pisces figures prominently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You recoup loH, emphasis will be on promotion, production,and location of needed material. Individual in position of authority wilJ aapport your "1ews. Income prospects are bnghter than in recent past. CANCER (June 21-JUly 22): You'll be at right place at critical moment. Trust your own ptgment. Assignment is completed, I_OU receive credit long overdue. Cttumltanoea favor your efforts and Aries naUve become9 valuable ally. ~ 23-Aug. 22): Light la abed on areu y shrouded in mystery. Fean, c1oub1a and ~ will be eratled. You'll npin tel1le of direction. YOU make new HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA be lt!'' we Cl'J • .. "'-I'm 11." "Wlaea I b1y a aew •H SL Mtretdtt Beu! .. ,.ftn I pat tilt lut kid tlaroap coll~•·" "ftea I ave paid oll tbt mort1a1_el ' uw1aea I 1et a promotloa!' 11Wllea l J'eaca. Uae •I• of retirement, I daU Uve happily ever after!" Sooaer or later we IDlll rUUze tlltre l1 uo station ao oat place to arrive at once ud for ;ii, ne tne Joy of IUe 11 &Jae trip. TU atadOD 11 oDly a dream. It COlltt&Dtly outcU1tuen ••· "Rella tile moment" 11 a 1oocl motto, nDfflally wMa coapled wltll Plalm 111:%4: •'ftll •• tlte day wlllcll .... Lorcl utla made; we will re,olce ud be &lad la It." It ln't tile bardeu o today tlaat irlve mea mad. It l1 die re .... b over yeaterday and tile fear of tomorrow. Rqret ud fear are twln Weve1 wbo rob a1 of today. So, 1top pac1D1 tile ai1ln ud coaatt111 tile mllff. lutead. climb more moaa&ala1, eat more Ice cream. 10 barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watcb more aanaet1, Jaap more, cry le11. Life mut be lived •• we 10 aloag. Tbe station will come soon eao••· DEAR READERS: 11 ever I r.rlnte4 1ometlala1 tlaat laa1 U1e po11lb Uty of cbalinl a few Uvn -daat ff .. )' II It. I llope llol>ert J. Huda11' little ma1terplece wm move yoa to .. vor dte memeat -stop patt1D1 tllta11 off tllat yo1 eu eajoy RI• day, tld1 week or da.11 year. "Oae of tltete days" may be aoae of tllete days. Ctn drugs be a friend in time of stl't!8? II you keep your head together can they be of help? Ann Landers' all-new booklet, 'The Lowdown on Dope," separates the fact from the fiction. Get Jt today. For MCh boolclei ordered, send $2 . 00, plus a long. seH~addressed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P .O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. Buried in paper work I have just figured out if insurance companies keep circulating forma at their present rate, by 1990, they will need the Grand Canyon for a filing cabinet. llMA IOMllCI ATWIT'S ENO The average family carrieB 1murance on every conceivable risk known to man including their car, health, major disasters of nature, appliances, TV, defamation, malpractice, and the kindest one of all, life. PEOPLE ARE PROTECTED from everything except death by fonns. (When that comes it will include one original. six illegible carbons, sign at the X and mail one copy to yoW' doctor, one to your accountant, four to the insurance company, and retain the last copy which no one can read for your files with the number of your canceled check in the lower right hand comer and please put I.D. number on the outside of the envelope before mailing.) I bleed for the average American who had the misfortune to smash the bone in hil little finger when it became wedged in the reatroom towel machine where the towel was to come down automatically and didn't. I have a solution to th ese fender-benders that would save a lot of paperwork. It's called "No Sweat" insurance. The victim geta out of his car and trades on the spot with the guy who rear-ended his car. (Thoee cars never have any more damage than a white smudge on the bumper.) He leaves the guilty one with a car that won't run, a towi ng bill and instructions to "get three estimates and return my car to me when it looks and runs like it did before or my attorney will find you and hurt you!" It would take three months to write all that down in triplicate. There i1 a form from the employer, bank, hoapltal, doctor, radiologist, worker'• compensation and insurance company. To get everyone'• money lnto motion ie like getting music out of a basketful of snakes. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MAKI! By the time it's resolved, you could grow a new finger. YOURSELF USSF'UL TO VOUllt _ OPPRESSORS, And what about the poor fish who is driving to work one day, stops for a J;raffic light, and the guy behind him drives into his trunk? UNTIL VOU1RE STRONG ENOUGM AS A VICTIM BE CAN look forward to eight months of corTespondence, legalese, no pe1'90nal checka, for busin.ea office only and please fill out and return. TO OVERTMROW TMEM. ~·' ~­~·-~-.......... _ -·-~---- ·~ I . ~· ~-GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Aa South, vulnerable, you hold: •SW 1:;iQt71 O AQJIO! •e The biddinr hu proceeded: WMt N~ Eut 8-tla l+ l'V' I• 1 What do you bid now? A. -The auction hae marked partner with apade ehort· neaa, and he muat have a reuonably good hand to overcall at the two-level, vulnerable. Yovr band haa tremendou1 trick-taking ability. and ~~· 1bould have eueUent play. Bid four hearta. A timid raiM to three hearta would be competiUve and could eaaDy be paued. Q.1-Both nlnerable. •• South 1ou bold: •&QI <:>A.IQMI O&J •AJ The biclcl1Ag bu proceeffd: s..&11 Wee& N~ Eut I <::> P.. I 'V' p.. . 1 Wbat do JOU bid now? A.-You baYe an 1beoh1te minimum for your demand bid. eo tvto ~h partntr made a po.iUve NtpoOlt, 7ov prime dut7 lt to ad.we him of JOU' Umfted ltre._,th. Bld lout '*'1a. A-., a&am V7 mat come frooal putMt. have a duty to 1teer the con- tract to the right denomlna· Uon. With your Ove-ard trump support and two doubletons, thit hand will almoet aurely play better at a 1uit contract than no trump. You can convey thll to part· ner by returning to hla auit at the cheapeat level. Bid three hearta. Q.A-Aa South, vulnerable, you hold: +&Qta 'V'A O&.I •Ja'7ta The bidding baa proceeded: N~Eu& ~W..t l o P ... l • Pua t• p .. 1 What do JOU bid now? A. -Your aide f9iiht be ml.u- lng two acee, ao you cannot afford to UM Blaekwood. But there ii a more important reuon whJ JOU cannot force the luue -you mJgbt ...U, bavt two trump loeen at a club contnct. For the mo- DMnt Umlt your eest to a Jussap '° four duba. U parl.ntr mak-.. a mo••· JOU wtll, of couree, cooptratt fully. Ho .. •er. lf he elmplJ alps off Ja n .. dubs, reepeet hl• dtd.tJon, to eet the trump auit. U part· ner simply raiees to four hearta. you intend conveying your alam upirationa by cu. bidding the ace of spades. Q.t -Neitber vulnerable, u South you hold: + AQ 1:;i Jt O &1082 •Qll54 The blddln1 haa p~: N~ Eut 8-tlt Wtllt t• P .. 1 0 P .. 1 1:;i P ... ? What do you bld now? A. -Taking into account the promoted value of your honors in partner'• auita, your hand la worth a full opening bid. You bave a chob bet• .. n a jump raiM to three dube or a jump to two no trump. We pret.r tbe latter, and not oalJ besuee nJne trick.I ml(ht be_., to make than eleven. If partDer deelara, your 1pe.de tenace will be vulJMrabl. to a lead tbroup. At DO tntap, ""' you declariJls, It will be ,.. tec:ted from an ..n, attaek. .. •. . . ' b c 1 ' J Irvine residents voice concerns • Bv IOICL C. DON ..,....., .... ~ h may not bl more than jult a hup frame Of wOocl th ... d1y1, but a home and 1arcten center 1oln1 up In lrvlnt at Culver and Irvin• Center clrlvee all'Mdy hal IOmt retJdenta anxloua abo~t whal wW 10 ln It. Tht rrvlne Company h11 11ked the Clty CowMIU w explnd \M \)'pee of 1tort1 allowtd ln it1 183,000'4Q.uu.foot center. Th• l11ue w11 1cheduled for dl1cu11lon TuHdlYr but City Council •ctlon h11 been po1tpontd until July 27, at th e rqueat of the Deerfield Community Allocladon. Al.reedy alated for the complex, 1et to OPf.!n in October, are an Anpll home improvement center, Arm1t.ron1 Garden Center and J.H . Blgaar Furniture. An equipment rental firm, a lumber yard, a,.,_ dJatributor and a drapery company alto have ahown lnterelt ln the lite, according to Irvine Company 1~kesman Dan Cart.on. H~ aald a JiOnlng ordinance amendment has been propoeed to ensure that the company will have tenant. to fW the entire complex. Re1ideni. of nearby Deerfield community, however. have exp1'81ed concern that the addition Job goes begging -and no wonder SACRAMENTO (AP~ -The state of Callfamia haa a vacant position that requires only part-time work but perhaps a strong stomach: gas chamber l.napector. The government has been seeking a qualified inspector of the gas chamber at San Quentin Prison for more than a month. So far, there ha1 been no response to advertisements in the "California State Contracts Register," the aemi-monthly publication of service ana con1truction contracts available from state aovemment. One reaaon for the lack of response could be the ad's erroneous listing under "office equipment." San Quentin spokesman Bob Means said future editions of the register will place the ad under "construction trades." Means said the gas chamber inspector is strictly a ~time job, checking the apple-green chamber about once every three months for lea.ks and other pcmible malfunctions. "Even though we have not had an execution in a number of years, the gas chamber has to be kept in proper functioning order," he said. '1t would be very embarrassing to have a malfunction during an execution." , Arinchair 'tours' I tickets available I Discount tickets are on sale until July 1 for Orange Coast College's 1982-83 Armchair Adventure Series. Six Pl'08J'&RlS will be offered. featwtnc IUCb locales aa Vienna, Scotland, AIMka. Swibler'land, Sweden, and Europe's ''lnini-<OUn&del.1' · The presentations are llated Thursday and Frhlay evenings in the OCC Auditorium. Series tickets are available for $9. OCC Gold Key Card holders (senior citiz.ens) will be allowed to purchase them for $7. Beginning July 2, series tickets sell for $15. of bualn .... other than home lmpJ'Ovement •tone mllht enc:our.,. notM or additional t.raftlo at the lite. Specifically. ~ di.d probleml that rNY art. lt the clty ,J)ermha plua parlon, liquor 1tore1 or Video ~ at the complex. The plann1nf ccm.mJildon th1I month addNIMd thoee t'OIK'lma, r.que1tJ.na 1pecial perm111 for liquor 1tor11, ~venlenoe marketa and d•Ucate11en1. Cari.on noted that more than half the complex already wW hoUll home improvement~. He 111'1 the Atrnltronc nunery will OOCUJ?' 8&,000 !_qUare ffftt An1ell wlll take up 36,000 and J .H. B!Ult will nave 20,000. • "With the economy it'1 very cUfflcult when rou jult restrict yoUJ'lelf to a 1peclf6c type of tenant,' he Mid of the propaaed r.onlnf amendment. "We want to 10 out and .find other typea o, tenants other than home improvement." CONTROVERSY? -A complex of home improvement storea in Irvine has some 1922 A Tr•dltlon for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. RINnatlone """" ...... led 845-7077 OVER tJ2 HOT a COLD ENTREES 182 IMPORTED .t DOMESTIC WINES Flneat of VHI, Selected Beef, Freeh S..food & Poultry GET CASH FOR YOUR ALUMINUM CANS! Orange Coast College's Recycling Center will pay cash for your aluminum cans. TheJi.urrent market rate 11 18~er pound. Open for buy-backs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Easy accesa parklng--east- bound off Adams Ave .• between Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Ad. Every Tuesday (except holidays) ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be given at New1>ort Beach Hearing Aid Center T••·' May 25, Wed., May 28, Tll•n., May 27 9 t\.M. to $ P .M. Hearing tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist, who is licensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is welcome to a test employing the latest electronic equipment which will determine his or her particular loss. You wiU see a modern hearing aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER Formerly MontgOl'lll'ry Ward HHrlng Aid Ct-ntcr. C01ot.a Me&11 1600 West Cout Highway Newport Beach 646-8266 If you c-an·1 make It 1n these days l-all f6r appt 111 lltlOthef' tlmt> e~.s: You'll Like Our Prices 1.11 You'll Love Our Food ® Served 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. MON: BLT & AVOCADO SANDWICH .......................................... 2.75 Served open lace on toasted French bread topped with avocado crncenla. Includes French Ines TUES: GARDEN PATCH TURKEY SANDWICH .............................. 2.95 Thin sllced breast of turkey, avocado, American cheese. alfalfa ei>routa Mrved open face on Whole wheat bread WED. & FRI: POCKET CHANGE Pita bread sandwich stuffed with lettuce. tomato alfalfa sprouts served with mixed lru1t. Tooa salad, chicken salad ............................................. 2.95 Slr'irtl> salad ............................................................. ,.. .. 3.25 THURS: VEGETABLE MIDLEY OMELETTE .................................... 3.45 3-.gg ornetette, 111r fried green beana, broccoli, mushrooms. onion, tomato, swiss cheese. Choice ot hash browns, mixed fruit. and toast. MON. THRU FRI: CHICKEN FILLET STRIP SANDWICH ................ 3.25 Deep fried white meat chicken fillet strips on a hoagle style roll with lettuce & tomato. S«ved with French fries and cole slaw 7 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SAT. & Sllf: EGGS BENEDICT DENNY'S STYLE .........•...•..•.......• 3.25 Thick sliced ham and poaciled eggs on toasted Engllsh muffin. Crowned with delicious cheese sauce Served with hash browns. Avanable At These Locations· o~ --1 ~~· '19<rf• I S"ih. lO"'"i· 3fflt'. ~· Armchair Adventure programs are set for Sept. 24, Oct. 29, Nov. 18, Jan. 7, Feb. 18 and March 17. Tickets are on sale in the OCC ticket office, located in the oolle e's Administration Building. RECYCLmGMAKES'~ENTS"AT OCC~RE:C=Y=C=L=m=·G~C=E=N=T=E=R=!~~~~lU~n=&=·=~~a=.=u=~=21=1=2 ~=1=01=~==A~=~~.9=~=-=~~l~~=N=~=[=~~~=·=U=J~=7=~~~~ !¥'!:! NI CONDmat• Ill fGAI WAl'll MIA TINO IATMIOOM l9'0GalHO St le 117•J7 ......_ T'llN Stam Ill Y0411 Door lCel ltor9 ....._ Y-ArMI ClOSTA MISA 641-1289 . uu....,... ....... MUON VllJO 495-04() 1 2"'22 c..... c • I ••••• ~ ... ,_,, .. ~ ......,., Call 642-5878. Put • few word• to work for ou. CLOSING DOWN PUBLIC AUCTION LIQUIDATION OF HANDMADE PERSIAN & ORIENT Al CARPETS & RUGS and W"tern & French Bronz" By Order of the Board of Directors of Globe International We have been Instructed by GLOBE INTERNATIONAL, a large art distributor, to llquldate at auction Its entire stock of bronzes and Oriental rugs. Featuring: 127 lots of handmade Orientll rugs, Including Siik Oums, laphahana, Kermans. TabrlH, ChlneH, TIHklsh, Pakt1tanl1, lodlan, Egyptian. Ru11lan1, Romanian. Persians, and Afghantstans. Also 42 bronz .. cont11t1ng of the entire collection of Remington & Rusaetl plus works by many leading swlptors. Tund•J, MaJ 25, at I p.m., View 1 Hour Prior Marriott Hotel IOO Newport Center Dr., N.8 . A, A, & A LIQUIDATORS We're Having a GOLD RlJSH·I ' Introducing our new GOLD RUSH account wtth a bonanza of benefits. For as little as SI0.00 a month )<XJ can get extra bank benefits plos a membership in the "Nevi/ Outlooks Club:' Just sign up for a Cappy Country GOLD RUSH ACCOUNT. ~·11 enjoy Interest on checking. 24-hour Instant Teller SeM~. Bank by Mail, and per· sonallzed bank ch«J<S, as i.wll as t~rs , ~ks. c.ashiers checks and money orders without cha~. 'bur "~Outlooks Clut>'' ~rshtp gNe$ you d1sc0ums on ~I, lodgjng. car rent- als, magazine, and trcWef lnsllrance Plus you get an accidental death polrcy and emergency cash plan. \XA» have other checi<rng programs avail- able tool They lnclud~ our regular checking account. tht inter~st bearing CAPPY ACCOUNT. tt.1erage balance account. and senior cltJzens account. It'$ your choi~. Come by [Oday and find out about all our Ch«king programs. Ask your ~accounts reprrsentatM about the GOlD RUSH account. It's a real t>onanzal WEIGHT I e With The University Diet, you're prescribed a complete med.icaJ program for safe, rapid, effective, and maintainable weight loss. Clinically Proven. the commitment to follow our program 1be Universit.y Diet is a protein·sparing, and succeed , modified fast that's tested and proven in Exclusive Refeeding and Maint.e1'an<:e . major hospitals such as Harvard and UCLA· You are re-introduced t.o food in a gradual Prescription supplements supply your 4·st.cp process and taught how to keep body's nutritional needs while unwanted fat wci~ht oU. is burned off. lndi 'd aJ Co .......1:-.. Unlike others, this oomp1eb? program V1 ':' ~~-"&· .. includes 8 pre· admission physical. prelimi· ~haVJor modification and nutritional nary ketogenic diet. fasting procedure, sup-gUtdance are offered to aU patients by experts. p&ements, regular lab t.esta. EKG's. refeecllng. If you need t.o Jose 20 pounds or pl()re, behavioral counseling and maintenance. call our phone counselors for an appoint,. Medically Safe. mentor inlonnation. They'n! fonner patients. You·re under constant. supervision of They understand. physicians and weight·loss specialists to You'll find wt! coat Jess due t.o our size protect your health. and experience. Your insurance may cowr it. And •fWf'. YoU complete The University Rapid Jle9ult8. ' Diet. fret counuling is available for the Ya..a can 109e an~ of 20 pounds per rest of yow: life! month--every month-until you ,_ch your pl. Simple Md EffeetM. ' You rnau no decisions •bout food-Ollly n~.l. hftu:: "Tl\<, I n.,._., "ll\t); l.&(1l' Chlo )';Al ... sf{~! 2'i-t· ''¥.; um~: ~ai,I: ~J. bj}~. ·~,.., 1i11i 1, T\IN., H>:k niit U~J1 \ \ "The hose lost its nostril." by Brad Anderson "Mrs. Wlnslowt Our little Mltsy has a visitor. Would you care to know the rest?" Jt:DGt: PARKER ACROSS 1 Pellte 8Chore 10 Algllt• 1'EYW~ 15 Notion: Fr ' 18 Wild CtY 17 Bflght 18 Ptt1tcle IAlVll>AY"t PUZZl.l IOLVID r l i I I 0 1 ' . ' "I h1t1 Mond1y1." DENNIS THE MENACt; ~ by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~1!.t' MUOf fl'IC~~WAY -rosrART iME P,AY. AUNT FRITZI YOU KNOW THAT SPLIT RAIL FENCE YOU HAD PUT UP? ~__., Ft:NK\' •tNKt:RBt:AN lM ~<.> GOIN6 1Z> M165 1k15 5CHOOL.! TM EVEN (:£)1N6 10 Ml!6 fWJ FIFTH PERIOD CAFE.ll:KIA 5fUO',> HAU.! WE LL, I DON'T T~INK THAT--- by Tom Bat1uk SHE.'5 G£TllN6 H'J5T~ICAL.. •I • ' -M••-•11.&.r-:9AMM • WMr91HADOW I n.ea;a IDNI MAWAI """'° • OW..IAIY CMiet: -~ O«ay GI-.... , .. l fio.. I ~ MONl¥WI NICNlwa ~ * * 16 "Tiie ICtd• Are ~· (1t1t) ,.._ Who. 'llml Of IOIM tJA lf\e rOCllr b•nO'• pa1tormat1cH, ~ tllelt notOfloUI ptOCll/lty for .. lroylng their ~,, llnd the ..,ltd •nllct of their dNnwner, IN lat• Kelttl Moon. -lnlertc*Wd WOii Int~ of lhe PUSH MODEL -Joan Hackett (left) ~ a stage mother and Joan Collins, an agent. who push teen-ager into b@immJna a top faahion model ln ''Pap.;i.--IioU."" tonight at 9 on KABC (7). 59"~'""'· 'PG' vertlet ~Of tter. In polo lllc:a; a lool! at the Moulll· f\-1 Of the famed MIOIC11y ~ Club and wtlar• llte)lwenow. l ll)FAMLYF'EUO LAVlflNI&~ &CO/¥PAH't * * * "FOUi Piaf' (18711 Goldle Hawn, Cll•vy CheM. A lllrwlan en11eta Iha llld Of en Inept po11ce detecllva •lier th• beootnte Involved In • blurN _.... OC nvdet9 ehd k~ enempte. t:aO (I) MOYtl Laverne llnd stJrt.y .. laid ol'I al Ille brftrt and lta f0<otd to get )obi M dlme-+d-glrlt. 8 EYEOHLA. FMt..red; a repcw1 on the MMNINtlon ol Bobby Kennedy; a IOOll at the lit. •tytea of alderly memtlWI of the gay community: a report on 1wtm-. ***IA "My ioclyguwd" ( 1879) Cllrtl .._..,_, ~ 8eldwln. Tiie -kid .. • a.:ago high ldlool mail• lrleoda With the ldlool outcaet MCI I0991t* they tlMld up to tlle Cf\Hll ~ whldl !lad l)WMCUled IMm bolll. 'PO' l:ao. AU. .. THI FAMtt. Y -~T: ~ COHO-atOW. MPORT • ;:::' fE'ORT II MANEY MLLE1' 7!00. C88 NeWS I NICNEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ·~,_. ii u•A•a•H 8.J. writ.-,_ to hit..._ reporting l<Jlnger'1 eecape •ll•mpt1 and one of IFr~~ ••uaAS10RT "°"1'fWTB IN PA8TELI "Young Men With 9-d" (l)P.M.~ 9 ENTBn'AN.letr TOMGHT ., Tiie llr'lll pert of• ...... on drugt In Holi)'wood ~ • .._, hlt1ory Of the Holy- ~ drug-ie: an Inter· view~ Jollnny MlllNL ll.ITMEWPPETS Oueet: Un Mlnnalll cmuowe **'A "The Looney, 1..oo- 119)', Looney Bugt 8unny MOiiie" (1881) Anionsted. Voicee by Mel Blanc, .k1M For11y. ..... tnat«tel " blended wttll old In tblt compilation of dMllC Fritz Freleng "Looney T-" fHturlng Bug1. Daffy Duck, Portcy Pig, y_,,,.. SM!. T-le Pia llnd oth- .,, t rom Ille cartoon ..-.·a· (%)MOVE * * * "My Uttle Ctlloil• dM" (1e<IO) w.c. Aelde. Mae Weit. A woman -en. tor • rlc:ti hut- Mnd bu1 getl mhred up llfftfl. INl*ed Nndlt. 1:ao. 2 ON THI TOWN Feetut9d; how IN net. -and whet llappene wn.n • -'** CJ99l'8 1n e.v.ty HUit; Iha oontro- • u•A•a•H Htw1<¥ and Hot Lipe go IO Ille aoe3rd to ~ ll••t• hit arterlal ·-plant operation. (Part 1) I Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEll l~ AEPOfrr • GAeAT P£.AFOAMANCES "Dance In Arnertc:a· Bour- nonllf.lle o.nc.·· The Dan- i th Ballet perform1 ucerp11 trom Augu11 Bournonvllle'1 ballet• Including "KonMrvato- rlet," "Tiie K'"'-At Brugat" and "Napoli " 0 MPU8UC:AH DE9ATE s.-.. leading c:endldatee fOf Aec>ubllcan nomination to the U.S. Senate are queetloned about federel llnd potltlcal --® 80ME CAU Tl4EM FREAl(S Akherd l(ll9y .,,...,,.. • -*•Ive eocoun1 of ~ ••lrlM>tdlnary human ~ Ilea fMturing 25 Inell Tom Thumb and othara. l.'00 8 Cl) A CHAN.JE W>W'H ca MPAllON Animated. s.-.. lhoft Y1Qr>91t• abo&rt lite In and arounct ac:hool In "-'ut- land are .,,_,,ed, 88f'OYIE ··~ .. ~ .. .._.. (18101 Oaty Co...,,an, Katherine Helmond. Alt orphan b9lng lfluffled from C>n9 f~• hOma to ~ •~Ofonlyone lhlnQ In Illa Ille -to become a Cob Scout. (A) 8 MOVIE *·~"W.W. And Tiie Ob· le Dence1t1no1" ( 18751 Bwt Reyno6da, At1 Carney. A dlannlng rogue """' • yen fOf • c:ountry rnualc: atw tr...,. through the Soulll robbing gaa alatlona. 8 THAT'S INCAfDl8C..E F•tlKect: a c;., thet - drlY9n non-ltop 7,500 mlle1; triplet brothert reunited •ft• 18 ~. two-headed Chlneee man: a bar·tandlng Chimp, (RI G MOYIE *** "Fail Site" (111&4) Helvy Fonda. Den O'Het· lhy. A SAC .,._ ftlea ttwough a .. ,........ .. - pul1lng New YOf\ >n dan- ~of being bombed. • P.M. MAGAZINE Lind• Lavin of "Allee" CHANNEL LISTINGS e t<NXT !CBSI 8 KN8C (NBCI e t<TLA llnd.) .KABC (ABC> e KFMB CCBSI f) KHJ·TV (Ind.I e KCST IABCl e kTTV (Ind.I 'e l(Q)P·TV I Ind.I • KCET (PBS> e KOCE 'P8SJ l01 On-TV C?l Z TV CftJ HBO 't> CClnemex> C1J IWOR) NV., NV @ IWTBSI ClJ IESPN) fl l IShowtlmel • $polllghl • IC.ble News Network I waltt on tal>IM In • ci.n.; • man wtlO hat "adopted" 200 Thlfd World c:t1Md1'9n. • THE GIAL., THe GOW WATCH AHO EVPYTHINO A wlttl\ll rounG man • COYerl that Ille gold watOh he hat lnhwtted from hit Uncle hat magical qCJall. tie.. • GREAT PEAFOAW.NCQ '"Dance In Anwtc:.. Bour· non~tte Dencet" The Dan- lah Bellet perform• excerpt1 from Au9u1t Bournonvllle'1 ballett Including "KonMrvato- riet," "The K.,_ Al Bruget" and "Nac>oll .. CC)MOYE ••• "Night MovH" ( 1875) Gene Heckl'lltrl, Jennifer WarTen. A prtvala eye lllf'ed to locate the daughter of • former mov· le ac:tr-~ entan- gled In • web of lntngue with 1 Mayan ernugg11ng ring. (I) THE COIMTRY OIRL Faye Dunft9)', Olca Van Oytl• and Ken Howwd 1tar In thll performance of Cllf. ford Odet'1 pi.y about the complu relallon1lllp1 between a n alc:ohollc ac:10f' hla w4ie and a ,,.,..._ rlc:al ditac:10f. • L.l8EAACE '" CONCERT Mr. ShOwmanlhlp It joltled by ~ Maroo Valenti and maglc:lan MaMn Roy In tlllt 1110W taped et IN ~Ing Club In Mon• c.no. &.-30. AU IN ntE FAllottl.Y A amall crime _..,. In the Bunk• "°'*hold .. only half u unaettllng to Arc:Ne and Edith • Iha r-. why. • BAOOKl.YN _,. Mualc:, art, poetry and rw. arcNval material .. ~­ porated In a documentary tracing the ~ti Of one of Aniertce'• moat enduring~ ®MOYIE •••• .. ...._,. .. (19741) Faye Dunaway, Peter Flncn. An aging 1~ ~ ""-ratlnge ar• lleedlly tllpplng. " lurr\ed Into • ranting prophet of the --by • crafty *"-program- ming executive. 'R' (D)MOYIE * * "Auc:kut" (1880) Olr1I Benedict, Linda 8lelr. A ~ed vi.tnem ¥91 dlllur'be the ~ Of • an'8ll A1ebema town 'PO' (%)MOVIE '"' "SIMI" (1880) lAe M1jor1, Jennifer O'NeHL A beeutlful women 11 Malat· ed by • tough conatl\ICltJon t0<eman In running the company .,.,. lnhertta .,._ lier fatller'• tuap4c:loua, '"ac:cldenlal" dMth 'PO' t:ooeCll u ·A·a·H Klinger 11 tlrlclten with 'a -. f-and no one c:ari _.,, to find eltller the caute Of the cure. (A) 89 MOYIE "Papw Doll" (Premise) Joan Hackett, JOM Cd- llna. Two t....-.ge gll'll -pr_,,ad to bec:oma t0p laahlon modelt. • MEAVGNmH "Stlute To 'Star T,.... 11'" • 8AOOKLYN 8MIOE Mutlc. art. poetry and ,.,.. arcNY'tl m«terial ere Incor- porated In • documentary tracing the ~ment ot C>n9 of Anlerlca'• ,,_. enduring '"°"""*11•. t-.ao 8 Cl) HOUIE CAU.a Or W•lllerby'1 _..,,... MnNtfN!'Y '*11 IUl'N lnlt a Mafe•• llHh, ..... IN ..... oflll r. ..... . .. -INCltWft'ID ..... Veler•" lfldlM • "'._. "9111• Yelet .. f9"t- ..,.. '""' hit OfllN. llOOd and hit ~ ~ 11'1 • rMtCIMft lr9clo tlOnally 06eaed to lndlM WOl'Mfl .MOYll • * "L0'41'1 AM Uln" (1tl't) ~ Hewn, Olano o.no Oilnllllll. WMtt "-.... In !1.lly, "" AIMitoM ..,. .... ..,. .... lnlcM wfttl • llWlild """'· '"' 1'lOO. (I) I.OU GMNT ..... ""9 Ted mow 1n1o fhalf Ol*ft !Mime, Md ONt. ... difteOlrd• ~·· ..,,.. kif not to_.• 11ory, •• '"'NCJMAN) """°" IHOW NcNrd ""'°' ponra,y. .,. llr'll ~ U.I . "'9eldent, the battendW at IN llM Wart,_, ancl 'ttlt fOl'f'Mt boyfriend or • ..,itry elnct- 1• · <• • • HIWI ntlu.a.~ .. LATIN AMINCA The ~ ef Anwican lnvotwment In Latin AfMI· lean countrtet le docu- mented and dttouaaed by ~enelOf...,... •• • PAPIR CHAle "Once ~· With Feellnf'' A lew prOf-("°9el1 Reed) glvee. lop ttudant a low 9llam -aft• IN refuMI hit advanoea. CC>MOVll • * • "Blecllboard Jun. gle" ( 1865) <Merv! F0<d, Ame Franc:lt. A ~ted young teadlar at1ernp11 to reetore order In • blg-dty training 1c:hool where IMn-agt lawlManeee and 111o1enot !lave telren root. 10: 16 (%) MCME • "He l<nowe You're Alone" (1N0) Don Scwdl- no, Celtln o·~. A peydlotlc: murderer ..... anracuv. Y'OUf'll brldee-to- ~. lllently and leChally tl4l8fllng thelf dt*nt of ...oded bllaa. 'R' 10:801.=.,. ,.,. HOUYWOOO Gene l(ely hoett • du- lling tribute to the dtlye of HollyWOOd when the MGM mullcal reigned ...,.,.. __ (D)MOYIE * • ~ ''Uftlan Cowboy'' ( t810) John Travotta. Debra Winger. A ~ .., ....,,.., wllo lanctea hlmfflt a mOCl•rn·day cowboy .... In '°"" 1lllth • Gitt he mMta In a popular OOUftl~ bet. 'PO' Cllt.IOYIE •• ~ "•tol'rwooel eoue. vard" ( 1878) Cetldlca ,..._ IOl'I, Dlc:ll ..... Freeh from lndlena, a young aapltlncl llwlee beconl9I lnvofved In • ,.., ~ tt>at IN lhlr*a Ill '*1 Of '* movte debut. 'fir 11:00eeeClloe ..we • 8AT\JN)o\Y M0trr Ho.ta: ~-Coot! • Dud-" ley Moore. Oueet Nail ~ • YOU AIQD la. IT '-tured: ''Yt:Nf ~ ~ In A &ot1M'' and ··.i..,.,_ amn.. Fem Of Strength.'' • M"A0 8°H H .... and T,...,._ bail- tie the tw.. all IM *8Y to IN lop In thelt eflot1e to Get an ~Of for IN unit. • IENNYHIU. Benny II the aubfeet of a "Thltl It Your Life" ~ "*''· 8 DCKCAVETT Oueets: Joen F'towl1gflt and Laurence O!Mer. (Part l)(R) • NUtiEAO UNO RuMer ,,_ 8-lnalca of Poland. oornpeitltOt In five Olymplade and wlnnet of --medM, " PFONed. 11:80 ~Cl) QWCY iill.ITHE80T~ CAMON Oueet1: Tony Bennett, Teri Garr. Buddy FUdl, 111111 Ref- lerty_JRJ •o MCNEWS MGHT\JNE • KO.w< l<oje11'1 ...... C9e pr~ • to ,.tore the credlblltty of • men PMMd over '°' • promotion . • THI JIMU I ONI The glftl ...,. • big nlOfl1 out. • aANFOflD NfO ION • NEWIWAT: CAUfONM CONCMW9IOW. ~ ·~MC ..we Or~ Oout DAILY PILOT/Mondey, Mey 2~. 1 .. 2 TUBE TOPPERS· KOCI (DO) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 -11 Danoe ln Amertea: Bournonvllle Dane••·" l:xcerpu from Au1uu Boumonville'1 ba1letl are performed by the Dan1ah Ballet. KNBC (4) 8:00 -118oout'1 HOGOr." Oa.ry C.Oleman atan u an orphan. who draml o1 beoaminc .• Cub ScoUt . KOCE (50) 8:30, KCET (28) 9:00 - ''Brooklyn Bridp." Documentary trace. tho development of one of America'• moat endurt.nc monument.a. KABC (7) 9:00 -"Paper Dolli." Two teen-ace g1.r.11 are preaure<1 into~ top fuhion modell. See photol. le~. ®MOYll * * ~ "Tiie Haunting Of Julia" ( 1877) M&a Farrow, Keir Dullee. Aflw reoowoer • Ing IYom an emotloNll Ott. ..... wom.npur~• 11011M tllat ....,. lo M ll*'flt~. 'A' .MOYie *** ...... It .... (1t70) Thi ... , .... John Lennon. Paul McCartney, George Harrleon and Atngo Si.rt ara followed tllrough rellMrMll. rec:«dlng .... liofll llnd an inS>fornptl ooncer1 ·o· 11:"'6 CC) MOYIE "Family Man" E.d ~. Anne ~--Only ell• having an anw. doea a man reelln hll lifelong reapoalblllU• to other1. -~- 12!00 e INTIRTMNM&fT TONIGK'r The tint .,.,.. Of • ..,.. on dtuga In HoHywood C1Mt e llftot1 hlltory of the Holly- ~ dNG -; 811 Inter- view wtth Johnny MalNa. 89 MOYIE *. i. "City In ,_.. ( 1880) David JaotaWt, Robeft Vaughn. An ambltlout c:olunv*t ciac>italna on the panic ~ from • J>9)'ChotJo lady kjllier"1 reign of terror. (A) I ewow •• 'A "Murder On Tiie T~th Root'' (1874) Jamee St_,, S1rother Manin. A defel1M attCJfM)' le called In to -a young man who COUid !lave beer\ 1111 aon. •LOYE.~ 9TYla ·~THE leCOHD CENTUftY (l)MOW • *. "&c:allbur" ( 111411) N1G8i Tarry, Nicol W!Mlam-aon The exploltt of King ArUU bring ~ and cleetfl to .. llnlgtltl Of the AoundTable. 'A' (%)MOYE ** "Twice AW--." ( 19781 8lbl Ana.ruon, Anthony Perkin•. A dllloroad -·· ,_. band -...., ~ the derigert of her -..... tlonlNp with • young gll1 whOm 119 ..... mM«a and falle In '°""with. 12:t0 8 II) LATE NIGHT wmt DAYID l..ETTIMtAN Gue.le: the Bmotllera Brotllara., Pre1ldent Aeeoen'• peraonal barber .. Miiton Pitta. • COUPl.E8 G MOVIE • • • ''Drvmt Ablg The Mona ... " I 18381 Henry Fonda, ~ Cotber1 . Pior-fennan Mong the Mohewll Trell find them- ..,_ caught up In the AeYolutlonary Wat. • HIWI • PEOP\.EAND ~TIONI 12:40 •Cl> oowueo 12:46 (D) MOW 'A "Steel" (1980) Lee Ma)Of9. Jennifer O'Neill. A "-'llful woman It_..._ ad by a tough oonltNCtlon t0<aman In running the OOftlPlf!Y Ille Inn.,~ •ft• her fltl)9t'I IOepiclout, "accldenlal" deelll 'PG' 1:001 =AUTRY * * * "We're No Angel•" (1855) Humphrey Bogart, Atoo Ally. Three --.aped convlc:I• Ille• over a FretlCh llllop .MOW • .... "Deadly G111)91" ( 1get) Sam Groom, Dick Butkut. A woman ret1Kna lo lier llOmetown to 1nvee- tlgala her 11tter'1 myeterl-aw death 'A' 1:10 (8)~ * * * "Tile Outlaw JOM'f w ...... (18741) Clint Eut· wood, Sondt• Loek•. A men becomel an outlew wflarl a rulf\leet band of Union toldler'I deatroye hit Southern farm MCI k .. hit wlle Md ton. 'PG' 1:301'9HIWI cae.AA.mft INNCOUf ..,. ..... ''The~ Plot Of Or. Fu Mendlu" ( 1NOI ........... 8'dC- Tha NI and Scotland Yercr1 o.t. ~ 8mlttl put9Ue Iha 18&-year-old arc:tt ....,. •he -Chee for Iha lngredlentt. lnclucS- lng Ille Crown J9wel1, UMd to mall• Ille ~o­ longlng etlxJt . PG• (%)'MOVIE **'A ··c..ar And Floul- le" ( 1g72) V-Montand. Romy SOOneider. A French felnaM artllt """' c:i-~two io...r. 2:168 HIWI 2:20• NEWS 2:tO CIJ CWi.MM IER: AH UNCEN80AEI> EVa..o Thi CC>m«llan perform1 1 ' --of ~ and oomlc YigMll• 2:t4. MOVIE * * "Franllerwteln, Tiie True &lcwy'' (Part 1) (1873) MldlMI Sarrazln, Jamee ...._,_ Dr. Fr"*-1aln er.at• hit lmegc. of Ille perfect man and women a:00•MOY1E *** "F-"(1HO)ir.. Cera. Barry Millar. S-al gifted lt\ldenta at • .._ Y ottt high IC:tlOol tor IN performing .,,, • ..,.,..,_ vartout Mlbacllt and IUC> -Of both I*'-* and profeealonal natur•. 'PO' 1:10~MOW! * ·~ "The Heist" (1878) Cllarlet Azzwvour. Vlma Liii. A Frwldl hoodlUm trlel to lollow In the footllepm of Nt Amaric:an gengster hero, John [)Ill.. Inger 'A" a:ao CB) MOYIE **'A "An Eye F0< An Eye" (111411) Chuck Norril, Ctlri9topher Lee. A San Franclac:o cop cautt• the force 10 avenge Ille murder of nil p.r1ner by memt>ert Of 1 drug r1ng. 'R' (l)MOY-. •*'A "Uclly'*ood Boute- verd" ( 18781 Cendlce Riel· ton, Olc;lt Miiier JOHN DARLING "I KNOW THIS NE.W CONSUL'TING FIRM 16 TR'(INU 1'0 C:11VE ~ NlitW~ST5 A MORE 9ReEZY IMAGE ... 9 LJT ~ DON'T THINK IT'S ANYTHINC:, WE CAN'T LIVE: WITH.' r .... ,,.,, •• ••••• IM' ,, ...... _,... ... _ - MO (I)***.,. •·t.1y ~· 1 0111rc1" ( 1t7t) Chrl1 M•k•P••oe. Adam laidwtn The MW kjd et a Chicago hlgll tOllOOI rnal<t1 In.nest wM •the tChOol outcaet end togetll· er tlley •land up to the cru- et gang wNch had "'. MCUI«! them both, '11(1' I:• CZ> •• ~ .. Joutney lecl< To 01" ( tt72) Animated. VOioM of LIU Mlnnell, P1ul Lynde Ooroth~ return• 10 the Land of Oa ind ancounttt1 the eltter Of Ille Wicked Wltef\ of IN w ... 1:ao •• * • "Oh Oodl 9ooll II" ( IHO) 0-09 lur'na, Suunne Pleelletta Ood re1urn1 lo E1r1h tnd 01\ooeet lhe young dauGh· 1er ol an advertlalng t11ec- utlve to 1prNd hll -!1199 to the world. 'PO' 1:00 CH) • * * "Tiie Amerlcan- llatloft Of Emily'' ( 1 "4) J amee Garner, Julie Andr9W9 Aomarw;e gtOWI bet-• BtltlWI war wid- ow and a non-llerolc ottl-'* atllgned 10 provide Ille tuperi0r1 with the luxurlee 011\0tne 1:11(%) * •• "St ....... '(1878) Olend• Jacll aon, T tev0< Howard Eccer11rlc 8rltlth P<>91MI Stevie Smltll la prollled 'PG' 8:30 Cl)* *'It "'Toby And The Koale Bear" (1881) Rolf Hatfll u-~lon and anj. mallon combine lo Lal me tale of • young boy and hit pet koelt 11'1 Auetralla't frontier daye. t:OO CC) * * "Look Bac:I< In An gar" ( 1858) Clalre Bloom, Alc:hard &non 8aMd on the pley by .JOhn Oaborne Al the 1a1t ~t. a man dllc:overa lhlt he lovM and needt 1111 wll• 9:30 Gt * •n. "Frontier HOfllon" (1838) JOhn W1yne. Jen- nifer JOON A promotat ld>WnM lo IWlndM ranch- .,, OUI of In.It land In order 10 build • d811\ for • r-votr 0 • •'It "Urban Cow· boy" ( 1980) John Tr•YOl1t, 0.bre Winger. A blue-col· 1111 W0<1ter ..no larldee ntmHll • modern-d1y cowboy , ... in '°"" wllh • girl tM ,,_.. In • popular country-~•n bet ·po· 10:00 ® • • "Savage Harv .. I" ( 1880) Tom Skerrllt, Mlc:helte Phtlllpt. An Atn- can drought dt!Wa wlld arnmal1 Into popult~ areaa 'PG' cm * • • .. Jut6e" c 1ese, Doris Oay. Louie JOUf'dan A woman leev• her MC- ond huaband when alle di~• he kllled her tint hulband In 0<der to marry lier (%)**'A "The Frllc:o Kid" (1978) Gene Wiider, Harri- ton FOfd. A Pofltltl rabbi find• hlmMlf lnYolYed In wlld frontier mludven- tur• with 1 dating ~ root>er ""'*' tie tr.,... to S.... Franc:iac:o lo 18'1• ovs a ,_ congrege11on 'PO. tf:OO CC) * * "Tiie Man Wllti Bogart'• Ftc•" (IQSO) Robat1 Sac:chl, OIMa Hua- wy A man decidea to c:h#IQ9 hill lifeetyte and l>hytlc:al 9'>PM'.,_ to ·-ble hit ~ Idol 'PG' 11:30 CID • *'A "Cerdiec Arr•t'' (1978) Garry Goo- drow, Mika Chan. A blade mllr'ket operttlon that ..... dletmbodleO '-"• '°' lrant91an11 11 dltc:OVered by an ofll>Mt homicide oop 'PO' 12:00 D • • • "Man Who Could Cheet Death" (tg5Q) At1lon Dllfrlng, Chrlltopher Lee A man beoomee a murderer •tier learning the eeaet ol 1 g1and <>Pet•tlOt'I which c:ari keep him et•- nally young ID * * "Hume-Sm11tl" 11952) Yvonne Oe Cerio. ·. JONI lfeltlld ~ f°"1t! ... ~, .... .., °" • llllMIOn '°' .... •••• ~,.,..Of ,.,,,. .. (1HO W.. Het- clfl\, Haiq< ()I.on All Almy ~ and • WAO lall In 10¥e In WCll'1cl War H llllly. Cl>•••• "CWtW• W~" (1N1) Jofln•Heatd, Jett lridoet A llllllrned 'lletnem wt Ind hit '*" friend, a IOdal dtoOOUt, fociua .,.., --glee Oii ICIMllO • MU(ffr .... ,.. (J) •• " .. Hal\Ovtr llr ... " ,,.,., ,...,~ 'ord. Lalley-Arvw e>o...n. Ari Amettcan pilot fall In low Wittl • mtrn.cl lngllah nut .. during W0tld Wtt II, ''*' embartl• Oii • clttlnO mltelon to reecue hit hvt- band from ~ IOfoet •PG· 1:00 CJ:) • • • • "I'm All AIOht, Jacll' I 1HOI Ian Cttllll- cll4lel. Peter ~ In trying to do• GOOCI Job tor Ill• uncle In • lectcry. a well·m••nlng bumblar IC:tually UPHll Iha orOOlled adlerne Ille unde hM IO C¥ef\llly planNd 1:30 (8) • * * '1' '"The Four SH1on1" ( IH t) Alan Aidt, c.tol Burnett. Thr .. couplM, all CIOle, long- llme frlendl, •111>«lenc:e ptofound Chat>gM In their relatlonahlpt wttart C>n9 of the m•rrl•ge1 dltln· ~II• PG' 2:00 Cl).*~ "ltofK•" ( 18801 Roger Moore, Jama• M1ton A dapper. woman- hlllng frO(llMn It ~led Ill to thwart the plant of e.111ottlonltlll who have hljadted a MIC)Ply 9tlllp and ate I~ IQ de91roy two North S.. oH rlgl. 'PG· 8 * • '"' "Marco POio. Jr" (1873) Anlm1ted. A ~I of the famoua •Jll)lor• foumeya to x.na- du 1n -Ch of the other ""'1 of the GOiden Medal- "°"of Frlendtnip ·o· (%) * * * "My Ullle Chlekadee" I 1940) W C Fletda, Mae Weal A worn. 90 Marchel for a rid! hi.I .. band bul Get• mlMd up wtlh • muked bendit 3:00 U * * * '1> "Fllller GOON . I IMS) Cary Gr11nt, le911e Caron A W0<1d War n drifter 11 UllGnect lo Mt up a Wlldl tlltlon In the South Seu, ""*• he It Invaded by 1 peticy Franctt tchoOllNCfler and,.,., --en lively young female llU• dent• a:ao CID • • "Beyond n.. RHI'" (1981) Denton ~·ne. Maren JenS«\ A P~en·Amwlc:M 04" wllo hat been educated In the U S returns to ner 191and hon-. end fallt In IOve with • PNfl dtYet 'PO' (%) * * • "Stev1e" I 19781 Glenda Jecklon. Trevor Howard Eccenltlc Brttllh poet"' St...... Smith It profited 'PG" 4:30 Cl)* *'J\ "Toby And The Koalt Bear" ( 1881) AoH H.rril. Live ac:11on and anj. matlon combine to t• the .... of • young boy and hit pet koale In Autlralla'• tronll• days. llcOO CC) ***"Tribute To A Bad ......... ( f95ej -- Cagney. Ir-Papee. T- ~ people •!tempt to ~ • renc:Nr to llop kllllng rwtleta. {8) **"Young And"-" ( 1878) &Ill l.ar9en, l(alth l..ar9en A young Mormon boy,_ many l..U -hi appro1c11.. 1dullhood 'PG' 5: 15 (%) * • ·~ ··Journey Beck To Oz" (1972) Animated VOIOM of Liu Minnelll. P1ut Lynd• Dorothy <lli1Kn1 to the Land of Oz end encounters the als1er of Ille Wicked Wltcll of the w .. 1 1:30 0 • * 1A "Ufban Cow- boy" ( 18801 Jol'ln Travolta. Debra Winger A ~ lar worker who ttnc:lee hlmHll a modern-day cowboy lllla in IOve with a OWi lie meell In • popular country·end--tem bet 'PG' by Armstrong & Batiuk ~--------------~ OKAY. N()Vo.I LET'S PUT 111E L.IVE ORCHE&TR~ .JU&I P/16T THI! WE»- MAP TMEru:'./ Ii MAY .JU6T TAKE A UTTLE Glii'TTIN6' USED it:>, ™ATS AU.! W Ecenomy S..til" $2.50 til 3:00 PM Unlm Othlrwi• Noted W S llitel§eX•tull6)6J .. 2sss1~-;:,) S * FOR fOOl EXOTEmam V111tOur... * I i I I I .. . 4 i I I throu1h July 3 at tbe fourth Sttp ThHttr, H& Town Center Drive, C.. M ... !Wervatlonl 9&7-4013. 1'.hnt Pertonnancea of ''Auditlont -a M\.lllcal Revue" wW be stwn at ~ CoMt Coll• wtth c:Ua1a1n at 8 p.m. "1day and Siwrday and I p.m. Sunday. OCC11 Howe.rd Jukdlna 11 produeln1 the atadent·faculty collaboratloft. The landmark mUlk:el ''Oklahoma'' opena Friday for 1 thrw-weektnd run In Golden Wt1t Colle1e'1 ma.fn theater. Headln1 the c11t art J(en Pound, Laurel Bo:vd, Linda Cathey, Kathy Curran, Mfcbael Orenle, BW Pomeroy, Creque Wolverton, David Scallone and Kevin Curry. "Oklahoma" will play Fridays and Saturda)'I at 8 p.m. ~ June 12. with a 2:30 matinee on June 13. Reaervatlona may be obtained by calling 894-6070. The Oran1e County premiere of Ralph Pape'• "Say Goodnliht, Gracie" opens Friday at the Irvine Community Theater ln the Turtle Rock Community Park auditorium, _ ..... ~~·.{-~~ ..... ,.., ....... o p;-"' NOW PLAYlf.tG CllWAllllS OlllYl•.. QW&lllll WUTIW lllWUDI WUURllGI Arc.ioi. u 7e119 Goiden Gt.,.. ~30 uo1 ~-ss1 oess llAlm IMA ,llli Qfllll09l ....._ ..,,._. lllN S7• Sl39 Or .. 634 7SS3 -11t MSG lllW&lltl CIWIU CHTU OIWAMI IUIUIAta -Af • Mlft·• ~"Mesa 979 4141 El !OIO 581 SH O w-891 un llWA191•1TOlCOW llew~ 7444 ..... -.--•-- T'HtEF WARRIOR GLADIATOR KING MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ""..._. ... OI '-,. ..... • IO ----.. -·o.r• ..... _. .... _,..,,_~ Tiil AU AOIS AOMITTEO l!::!l a.-.. --riit=!l Al.I. AOH AOMtmo l£!!J ,.,_a.,,_ ... .,....., I ~ • f .t..i ~ "A final pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark: .. rt"yboy Mc11g"zme ® NO ONf UHOlll 17 AOMlmo CA09 1,,,,...,., • ..., .,_._ ..... IN 78 MM 8 TRACK D01'BY·STEREO I M.L a m ANO 11 ~11.1.1s 11ecervt ™I 8lA4. OIF TWE ..0 llOH li'IC T""'\ COOE OIF lfl.f' llf:O~TIOH t t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : edw•rds NEWPORT CINEMA • l.Jtlle Theli.r. Tttft LoflUI Iii~ th• abow, whkh 1oe1 up at ''ND· uch even11\1. a.trvatJona 833'-Ml 7. * BACKITAOIC -The Oranf• County ThHter A11oclatlon w 11 formul1i. pliftl for It.I third annual OM•Mt play flilival Wedndday l\llht at ltl re,war ~ at the Newport Theawr Arte Cenwr, 2~01 Cliff Drive, Newpo" Beach , . ( . Playwrigl\ts show works !!xcerptl of work• In prosreu written by atudentl ln pllywriUna at UC~. will be pretented In the Playwriaht.11 Workahop Sunday at 8 p.m. ln ihe Fine Ana Studio Theater. The ltudentl whoee workl wW be performed are Jamee Harrison, graduate tt~t ln creative writing, and drama majon Doua Webb, Dan.lei Teeter, Richard Habib, and Jay O'Connell. Adminlon to the performance la free. For Information call the Fine Arts box office at 833·6617. *BARGAIN MATINRES * Monday ttlru Saturday All PtrforrnancH before 5:00 PM (bcttM l,.a.t fDfl..,.U •Ad tfolldlys) ••• YOU COULD •1 WHAT I HIAJI".., _ ... _ ... ___ ., ........... ,..ui. ''PORKY'&" "'> LAKEWOOD C ENTER WAll( IN ... YOU COULD Ml WMATl ....... (PO) t:11, ...... t:1t, 10:IO LAKEWOOD C ENTU1 SOUTH WAI•,,,. UflGHTINO UCK" ~------~ l A(,\ IP'4 A "THa ROAD WANUC>ll" 1111 --.--- ..,IOKT1NQ BACK" 1111 --. ...... -.... Poc111iv or Cone11•wood 211/lll·tUO "PORKY'I" 1111 ---""- "FANTAllA" 1•1 _..._ __ _ "WRONG II RIGHT" 1111 11111,----. "CHARIOTS OF AM" ... , ____ _ SO . COAST WALi< IN tout!\ Coott HIWoY ot llloodwoy 494-1514 A~A.t•l!M ANAHEIM OQIVE IN ,......, "ot l•-.. 17f.9llO "VICTOR VICTORIA"'"' __ ,..._ .. , _____ ,__ "FIGHTING UC«", .. -"THm WARRIOAa" '"' C1lll ,, IOUllO ----------.------------ ... AAAlfT'R" 1111 "IOMa K~ OF .. RO" Oii "DIAD a'1°ulumr 1111 "P~" "'' Cllll H 10U110 COM h MIUllO ~ •! N • PAii• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN "TM! ROAD WAMIOR" 1111 -"IHARKY'I MAC .... " 1"' Cl*. . ,. IOUllO --- '9IQH'T'INQ UCK" 1111 -"'TMI WANllORI" 111> Ctllf " '°""° ' .. SPEBD ON WATBft -The action waa faat and furious Sunday at the 1982 Western Cah.mplonahlP, power boat races at Irvine Lake. 1'Dark Side of the Moon ' (above, left), driven by Huntington Beach's Bob Long, wages a neck-and-neck battle, with 11Epidemic," driven by Robert DllJ .......... .,...,~ Goettel of Phoenix in the fil"lt heat of KRR class boata. Below, driver Hector Mecca of West Covina ii helpec:J by l'e9CUe crew after his SK clall boat "Nutmegger' Oipoed. Mecca sustained facial lacerations and the boat was towecl to shore. el ch control of situation • Ill .LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bob Welch of Loe Angeles J:lodaers can throw hard to strike · t about anybody out. e's learn~hat there's more to pitching than trying to blow the ball by ~e. And his manager, Tom Luorda, believes e.~ knowledge could help the young ~ becorne one of bueball'a top "He's been pit.ching very well," said L.x'da alter WeJCh blanked St. LoWa on five hita in a ~-0 victory, by the Dodgers on Sunday. "He's got outstanding ability. He can be one of the premier pitchers in the big leagues. U he puts it all together, he's go· to be aomething." ~ant. Welch talked like a man who haa learned a lot about the art of pitching. "Location is much more important than velocity," he said. "Today, I had pretty good rhythm. I could feel it. I threw maybe w percent brea.kina balls and put them in good ap:>ta. I'm really learning to pitch with the breaking ball for the first time this year." Welch, 5-2, walked two and struck out aeven. He didn't allow a runner past eecond el ense has taken Norwalk this far b88e in pitching his aecond shutout and third complete game of the aeuon. He retired the aide in order in just two innings, the fifth and the ninth, but was in control all the way, facing more than four batters in only one inning, the fourth, when the Cardinals had two 6ue-runnen in an lnning for the only time all day. Welch, 25, seemed to be breezing, but he said that wasn't ao. "It wasn't easy, I worked hard," he said. "I went in and out on them and stayed ~ve. I bad a good finish, I waa pretty tired at the end. Angels have . the last laugh Morris a key I actor in victory DETROIT (AP) -Detroit pitcher Jack Morris does not •rpear anywhere in the boxacore o the Angels' 7-2 victory over the Tigers "Sunday, but he was a key factor all the same. At least hia mouth was. Morris, who had beaten the Angell a day earlier, waa quoted in Sunday's newspapers aa making remarks about the advancing age of many of the Angell pfayers. Many of the older Angels, notably 33-year-old second baseman Bobby Grich and 37-year-old pitcher Steve Renko, U8eCi Morris' words as a battle cry Sunday. . GRICH RAPPED OUT three hits and drove in two runs and Renko hurled a complete-game four-hitter . The Tigen did the rest to themselves, committing four errors. "We were all out here this morning, calling ourselves old goats, the Over the Hill Gang," Grich said. "It just woke us up, that's all. I think two out of three wins (in the weeke nd series) speaka for itself." Renko, who came into the game with a aparltllng 1.86 ERA, baa won his last three starts. The 6-6 , 240-pound right-h ander struck out two and gave up only a pair of walks. "I just hope he (Morris) can stick around and play as long as these old qien have played," Renko said. "When you play 162 games, you have to have aomething to get you going and, often as not, something like Morris' comments will be enough to do it." THE ANGELS scored two unearned runs in the first inning, when Brian Downing and Rod Carew singled and moved up oo a wild pitch by Dan Petry, 4-3. An error by Tiger third baaeman Tom Brookens on Grich'a topper allowed Downing to acore and Carew came ·h o m e on Don Baylor's groundout. One of the Angela' two second-inning runs also was unearned. Tim Foll led off with a walk, WU aacrificed to second by Bob Boone, and scored when Downl ng's grounder was mishandled by Detroit first bueman ijlchie Hebner. After bobbling tie ball for one error, Hebner picked up the ball and threw wide to Petry, oovering the bag, for a aecond error on the play that allowed Foti to 8COre. Suocesaive singles by Carew and Grich then scored Downing to give the Angels a 4-0 lead. Fred Lynt\ doubled in the Angel fifth and scor ed on Doug DeCinces' triple. Foli hit a sacrifice fly and Grich doubled home the Angels' final run in the sixth. "I DON'T CARE how old you are," said the 36-year-old Carew, who went three-for-five, soored two rum and stole a base. "It'• not a matter of age. It's what a player does on the field. Detroit got a run in the aecond on Lou Whitaker's RBI triple. The Tigers' second run came on Rick Leach'• sacrifice fly in the seventh. Sixers prove • a point i r From AP dl1petellH PAwruCKE'l\ R.I. --Mark ''TM Blrd" Ftdrych atill talJu to the ball, ltUl •ta Ill down on hla handa ahd kneel to tidy up the mound, and aWl pllCb the atanda. The fonner Detroit Tlalic' rookie phchfna aenaatlon wore the uniform ol a minor= Saturday night, but the nearly t.000 tam Into Mc.<:oy Stadium. hane of tht Plwtucket Red Sox, wu the largest ever for • rqu1ar ~ " game here. "I have never seen one player draw to many people to a minor leaiue park." said Ben Mondor, owner of the P~wSox . .,On a normal Saturday night, we would have about 2,000 in the stands." Despite -a steady rain, the crowd wu sitting in the aiales NJtWCM and packed alo!'C th~ l'.8ilinas. including 11 memben of the Fldrych -family from Massachusetts. Many of them remembered the kid from Northboro, Mass., who, in 1976, won the American League Rookie of the Year award after completing a 19-9 season and poeting a 2.34 earned run average. That was the "Year of the Bird." Lately, the only "Bird" moat of thete fans have known ls Larry Bird, who wears the basketball uniform of the Boston C-eltica. Pawtucket won 7-5 on a one-out, three-run homer in the bottom of the ninth. but Fidrych was not credited with the victory. Quote of the day Reole Racker, Cleveland Browns wide receiver, after watching the Hertz commercial in which O.J . Simpeoct'la shown soaring through the air: "If thia guy can fly, why <foes he need to rent a car?'' I Jon .. blank• Aatroe on four hit• . .._., ~ .... •topped HOUl10n on Ill tour hl'8 .. the former <;"! YOW'& Award wlnnet conUnued hi• comebd Sunday nilh'1 p~ the New York Meta to a 1-0 vtctary over the = Jon.. who WM 1·8 1-t IMIQn, raJted hit to 0-2, ~out a1x aod ~= NnMr '1tD ·r.cft third bue . . . Jact '• RBI upe &n UM lOU\ lnn1nl 1ed San . • to a 4-3 viciory over Ch1caab In "th• fiut 1ame of a double-header at c.andlestlck Park. Tbe Giants ~pletecl a twttep with • 6-3 VSctory ln the aecond pme .. Jobale. Ldl.Hter belted a two-run triple and ICOftd twice . ' . Lee Lacy doubled and tripled to drive ln two Nnl. and Jou CudelarJa earned his fint i10Ma1 vtct.ory In more than a year u Ptttaburah downed San Dleao. 4-2 . . . Tlm RalDet a.rove In three runs with two doubles, and Sa.ve Rolen and Jeff Reardcnr Um1ted Cincinnati to fO hits to llve Montreal a 4-2 victory and a three-game. aweep of their aeries with the Reds . . . Philadelphia right-hander Dick Radava held Atlanta hltlem for aeven inntno. bUt ~ed nlnth·lnnlna relief help from Ed Jl'armer before potting a 1-1 victory , \ Leach becomes NCAA' tennis champ Unueded Mite Leacb of ra Michiaan upset 12th-seeded Brad Gllbett o1 Pepperdlne, 7-5, 6-3 to win the 1982 NCAA singles tennis championship Sunday In Athens, Ga. In the women'• alnglea final, Alycia MOlltOD of Stanford battled beck from a ONHet defJcit to outlaat San J:?ieco State'• Micki Scllllla. 4-t, t-1, 6-4 at Salt Lake ·crty . . . Andrea Gomes of Ecuador cruabec1 r.;uot ·a·ethcller of the United States, 6-2, 6-3, 8-2 to win the Italian 0 n . 'Crapshoot' race set Skippers' strategy gets the ultimate test Many offshore sailboat racen will concede that most rac es are a "crapshoot,'' depending on the wind and sea conditions. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club has taken official notice of this deecrlption and is billing iU Santa Barbara Passage race on Memorial Dar, weekend as the "ultimate crapshoot,' requiring each skipper to choose between alternate couraes baaed on his or her evaluation of prevailing conditions. Historically, the Santa Barbara Paaaage race -which goes nowhere near Santa Barbara -ha been one of the most challenging and competitive races in Southern California watera, but due to the changing environmental conditions of the Wnete lox ollp~ tn 1«h lnnti,a • Cleveland'• Rtl lantJ twmlien.d an am double for ... ~nm1nttw14th~ =t.8&'~-:..~~ WhJ~ ,~~~w;;;· ~UMWt th ~ •• Ellfw~ bi' tM ~~ LNI hJl "fbt omeot the..-it o leacl To.OJ\ to to a 7-J ~~~ .,.._pt.,,._ *-II at• lnNall wtth thlie Nm la u. fo\artn 1nn(n1 • . • Jella ... ,..,,, blalted tMM hit., includli\i a two-run 1ln1le tMt 1MpPed • 1-1 u. ln the .wnth ~. u New York MAMIY defMtad Mtnnelota, 4·2' for tM Yanbea1 fifth atrataht= ... .Jim IUce and Dave ,..,..._ 11 thlrct-tnnlna tolo home Nnl and '"Balton thne Nnl In the fifth lnnlnl to lhu& out OalrJand. e..o ln a 1ame haltad after 5 ~ lnnlnp by rain . . • Pincb·hltter M .. 1 CUUU. llncJed home Dave BaderMe from eecand with two outl ln UJe 11th ~ Uftlnc Seat1le to a 8-S ~ aver Milwaukee . . . PtOch·htUer Ceear ~ • bit a two-nan double 11 Kalwll Qty rallied for three nant ln the ~th lnnlna for • 5-3 vict«y• aver ~ Tex.ii. 1iM9 Rangen dropped thelr 21st p.me 1n their lut 26 outlnp. Patrese captures Monaco Grand Prix Italian RJceardo Patrese, tn a • Brabham-Ford (foaworth, won Sunday'• dramatic Monaco Grand Prix after he and two other leadera apun, cruhed or broke down In the lut three laps. France'• A1aJa p..,_,, In a Renault turbo, appeared to be an easy winner until he cra.thed three laps from the end of the 76-lap event around the streeta of Monaco . . . Daley Tbomptosi of Great Britain broke the world decathlon record with 8, 707 points at an international track meet. hil eecond world record in two yeara . . . Brt.u Waites of Brttatn aank an eight-foot birdie putt on the final poeen to win the Car Care International GoU Toumammt ln Leeda, F.na1and . . . Act's Seem, ridden by Lafflt PblcaJ Jr. won the Gamely Handicap for four5ear-olds and up at Hollywood Park. Mt11 Bu with Pat Valanela up, w second, with Ocalllt and Mareo Cutueilla third. Televlslon, radio TV: No events ICheduled. . RADIO: Bueball -Angell at Bolton, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Pittsburgh at Dodgers, 7:30 Jl.m., KABC (790). lNOlANAPOLI8 (AP) -The lattHt Indta.napoU. 000 lineup ln hiltory Wit~ Sunday u Gary BettenhaUMn and ~ other driYWI piMfd dQwn ~.,. wtth ~ J'W\lj7WI' 10.m..ti. BtttenhauM\ Wll the lMi of tM four, ind lht ,.,._, to maM J& onto the pid for &be tM ~ ao race, 00ft\D1*Una a four·lap qu•Uflcidoft nm at an avw.p •Peed or 116,071 mph and ~ Poolde Chl.P Mead from the lineup. Betcenhau.en completed the fourth WoUwr combinaUon In the race, JohU"I hil You.n&er tlrotMr Tony. Other atb~the race lnclude the Mean brothera, Rick .and er; the Sneva brothen, Tom and Jerry, and the ltlnaton brothers. Don. Bill and Dale, who form the flnt family trio to qualify for the -.me Indy race. Bill Whlttln1ton ran Into aome problem. Sunday, however, when he loat control ancl slammed Into the Speedway'• unforpvtnc cuncse&e wall dwin& a practice period. Wbl~, 12, who broke hil riaht lea In an acdddlt dw1.ftf Che 1980 Indy race, tuUered brulle. on h.t. chelt.. He w11 ex.unlned at the Speedway's Infield mec:Ucal center, 1ent to a nearby hotpital for X-raya and reJ s rd. The Whittington team now bu the °""°'1 of repairing the badly damaged March.CO.Worth or substituting another machine and ltartlng from the "Tear of the 33-car .field. Tom Sneva did just Cb.at in 1980, starting 33rd and flniahing aecond. Mesa's Gibbs speeds to win Coeta Mesa'• John Gibbs, who 1et a national record Saturday during the Coon 1982 Western U.S. Champtonahlps at Irvine Lake, came right back S~y and waa the winner in the hydroplane main event during a full day of power boat racing. Gibbs topped a field of 12 in Sunday's eYent by posting a time of 90.63 miles per hour. Gibbs aet his mark Saturday in the five-litre hydroplane competition with a speed of 82.569 mph. In the primary drag claaaes, £ddie Hill of Wichita Falls, Texas, caplW'ed the blown fuel hydro by racing an avera,e speed of 190.~ mph. Billy Todd of Fresno won the blown alcohol hydro at 170.55, while Orange's Mark Lauwn was the blown gu hydro winner in 156.52 mph. Fergus glad he played . He captures Atlanta Open after rain delay ATLANTA (AP) L.. Keith Fergus didn't want to play following a rain delay of more than two hours· Sunday, but he was a happy man when it resulted In his first victory of the 1982 golf le8IOl'l. Fergus, who narrowly missed ~ when his 15-foot birdie putt lip out on the 18th green, rolled in a 0-footer for a birdie on the first extra bo)je and edged Ray F1oyd to capture the Atlanta Golf Classic. rounds, was coasting a long with steady par golf until he birdied the 11th. Then the monstrous 15th took Nebon out of the contention with a triple bogey and he finished alone in fourth place 81-74-725. Wayne L e vi, winner of the Hawaiian Open earlier this year, had the biggest charge of the day by scoring nine birdies, but his hopes of a title fell s hort when he took a quadruple bogey eight on the 15th. Sailboaders set to compete Los Angeles Harbor's "hurricane gulch" will be the scene of the Hana fen California World Cup for professional aailboarders July 8-11. course, even the beat evaluation TO THE FINALS -Philadelphia Coach Billy re~ins ,a "crapshoot," with each Cunningham (left) and player Julius Erving skipper a strat~gy changln~ to will meet the Lakers in the NBA final series. capitalize on navigational abihtiea, acca'rding to Dave Price, race "I really didn't want to go back out to play," said Fergus. who had a 20-mlnute wait at the 15th tee added to the lengthy rain delay. "We ahou1d have bad more time to loolen up, or play t.omom>w," he said after closina with a 69.273 to match Floyd, who had finished moments earlier with a final round 68. All of the contenders stumbled on the 15th, a par 4,448-yard hole considered the toughest on the course. Memory helps Morse NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. (AP) - Cathy Morse said she won thia one for Jim. Former world champions Mike Waltze of Hawaii (formerly of Newport Beach) and Ken Winner of Maryland head the list of entries, and topping the women pros la national champion Rhonda Smith of San Pedro. The event will offer prtz.e money of $15,000, the largest purse ever offered for a sailboard contest in the continental United States. Th:':~~ Barbara Passage F_r_o_m_P_a_.s .. e_C_1_ ~:O~~=h·~P~~ SIXERS ADVANCE .. alternate oounes he will aail after the . . st.art off Newport Pier Erving, who combined with guard Andrew Toney Fleets which may Paructpate are for 63 of Philadelphia's points. International Offshore 'Rule, "We've won so many games and we're Performance Handicap Racing Fleet, profestionat.. Embarrassment ia not an iaue." Ocean Racing Catamaran, Southern The 76ers will meet the Lakera in the NBA Ocean Racing Oiviaion, and Midget championship series starting Thursday In °TI:~ ~·to all memben in Philadelphia. . O'Brian team wins good standing of recognlJ.ed yacht The final round will be a rematch of the 1980 Mary <YBrian and Jim Buckinaham clubs All yachts must conform to championship series when the Lakera beat teamed up to win the Nash S~ their. fleet or c1asa minimum safety Philadelphia in six games for the title. h standards · Sunday's victory capped a bizarre conference Championship for Le man-1 11\e big COW"9e starts at 10 a.m. final 9er1ea that saw Boston win the first~ by dinghies Saturday and Sunday. Saturdatbe, May 29, and ia open to all 40 points and Philadelphia bounce back to wm the Twenty boats turned out for the event ..,__... _..._.. •· ._ ·-start next thtte, including Game 4 by. 25 poUfta. sailed inside Newport Harbor. l.JICll:w. '-VWA-' -"""' w.,. ~--G $ by ~ at home and Chuck Beek of NH y C w a 1 'leavlna Emmy oil island to .PO.rt, Then ~wn won ame a runne~-u and Pat Seaver, NHYC, Catalina laland to poet or ltarboud tied the bett-of-.eYen 9efiea at 3-3 by bold1.na the and finish. 76en to 75 points in the sixth pme at Phlladefpbla. wast . ----~~==:..:::::::::=-~--~-,-----:---~~~-----~~-------1 Swan Rega,tta ('M ~ • Your . Professional set Wednesday 1!11--Florist ~· 2915 Red Hill Avenue Thirty luxury yachts A· 108 Costa Mesa r e p r e • e n t l n g a n Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 aggregate investment of ~lliiii...._-....,...._iiiiiliii..., ... iiiiilii .. .,..111mm ................. . $15 mUl1on will be on display when the North American Swan Class A11oclation holds ita inaugural Swan Pacific Regatta at the Oueemway Hilton Hotel in Long Beach Wednesday through Saturday. Swan aailtna yachts, OOl'llidered 90lne of the finest In the world, are expected from aa far away •• Acapulco, Anchoraae and Booolulu. The rmce oourw will be 1n full Y'"-' troft\ Uw deck• of the Queen Mary. Floyd al90 just ~ a potential tournament-Winning birdie on the final hole of the 7,007-yard, par-72 Atlanta Country Club course. His 18-footer rolled to the edge of the cup and stopped. · "I gave it a very .rood effort and I have .to commend Keith on his victory," Floyd aaid. "It was difficult on all of us with the delays." It waa only the second victory of Fefl\JS' career, and he returns next week to defend his only previous title in the Memorial at Muirlield, Ohio. Larry Net.on: who bad led the tournament through the first three Morse shot a 2-over-par 74 in heavy rain and cold winds Sunday to capture he r first title ever, the Chrysler-Plymouth LPGA Classic Golf tournament. She said thinkin~ about her fiance, Jim Meyer, •5, of Philadelphia, who died Jan. 4 during open heart surgery, helped her gain the victory. "l tried to win it for Jim," uic:l Mone, 25, of Albany. N.Y., who was maktng only her eighth appearance on tour this year. BOAT CLEAlllll& SPECIAL 30% OFF Regular Spring Cleaning Rate (price good thru 6-1·12) ' ,, ( SCOREBOARD ~ f I . . ., " M~ UAGutl ITANOtNQI Ametto.nL~ ........ DMellft W L '9t. -2t 13 ... 7 21 15 M1 22 17 M4 20' 23 465 " 25 432 11 25 309 MlnnMOte I 2 :S2 273 ... ""' Dtwtitlell lloelon 21 1:s 1113 4 • t \41 13141 11141 Detroll 25 14 t41 2 Mllweuk• 20 " .513 7 New YOl'll 20 II 51:S 7 Beltlm0te 18 21 .4e2 I Toron10 17 2S 425 10141 C~ 18 23 410 II lu!MleY'• ._... Aft99111 7. Detroh 2 Toronto 7, 8el1lm«• 1 Kew Yori< 4, Mlnneeole 2 Boeton 8, O.k!Md O (5141 lnnlnQe. rel"I CleYelend 8, CNcago 4 (14 IMlnQel S.ttle 8, Mlw9ull• 5 ( 1~ inM'lge) Kan-city 5 T-:s 1M9'(eca.- Aft .. I• IKlton 3·0) at Bolton (Hurtt 1-0). n Beltlmore (Mc:Oreocw 4-3) •I T0ton10 (Clfoncy 4-21 KanMe City 18'>4ln()(fl 2·3> at CNcego (HOyl 8-0), n CleWIM<I CB.,ker 4-2) •1 Mlnneeol• (Fli.on0.1).n Qflly get'* tQlledulecl Net>onal Leeaue ........ DktteliNo Atlante Sen Oteoo ~ Houeton W Lll'cl.Qll 28 15 93-4 San Fr ll1deoO Clndnnall 21 II 531 21 21 500 HI 23 452 19 24 «2 18 24 400 .......,.~ SI Louil 2'5 17 .595 New York 23 18 .&el ~ 21 ".525 MonlrMI 111 11 .500 ~ 18 2• 429 Plttaburgh 18 22 .421 . .....,. . ._... Ooda«W 5. St lOUlll 0 PNleOalpNe 2, AllM1a I Montreal 4, Ckldnnatl 2 4 51,\ 7141 I 1141 l'Ai 3 4 7 7 San Fra ncltco 4. Chicago 3 ( 10 Wlnlngl, 1'1 geme) Sen Francltco I , Chicago 3 (2no 11-1 Ptttal>Urgh 4, kn Otego 2 New Y orit 2, Houlton O T ....... r.o-. Plttatll.Wgll (Aobinaon. 4-01 el ~ (81-11·21 PhlleOelpNa (Carlton 4-8) al Clncinnlll (S--1·5) New York !Zachry 3·1) at At1a n11 l~H) MoritrMI (Gullcaaon 2-3) at Houeton (~2-41 Chicago (NolH 5·3) at San Diego (LOIW 4..01 SI Louie (Andujar 3-3) at Sa n Franci.co (0..1-3) A•NCAM L.aAOU. Anaele 7, T"'8n 2 c~ .,.,..,. •rll.. •rhlll Ownng,11 5 2 I 0 i.-.rt 4 0 0 0 cw-.2b5 2 3 o E.Mllr.CI • o o o Grletl.2b 5 0 3 2 Hmdn,11 4 0 0 0 "-Jken,114 0 0 0 Ma.Oii 3 0 0 0 BC1111,r11000 Hbtlr.lb 4 120 Bylot.dll 4 0 0 1 LPref'l,c 4 1 I 0 lyM,CI 4 I 2 0 Whtkr,2b2 0 I 1 OCnca.31>4 1 2 1 B'1tna.3b 2 o o o I( .... ,31> 0 0 0 0 leecfl.pll 0 0 0 1 FOl.M 2 1 0 I C.bll,3b 0 0 0 0 Boone,C 3 0 0 0 o.JM.M 2 0 0 0 Trner.pll 1 0 0 0 Tmwnl..110 0 0 0 T01elt37 711 S TOlalt 30 2 4 2 S-.bflnfllnea Cellfornla 220 021 000-7 Oetroll 010 000 100-2 E -O.C-. &oolt-. -2. Wllltak« L09 -Cllllornla 8, DetrOlt 4. 2B -Lynn 2, Grlell. 3B -Whltak• S8 -Cerew S -Boone SF -Foll. LMCll c...._... • • "llaAMeo 4 2 1 2 2 Renllo(W ,5· 1 t Delretl Pe!.-,(L.4-3) 5 I 9 3 I 5 LQP9Z 2 2 I 1 0 0 Sou 1 00000 Seucler 1 00002 WP -Petry 2 T -2.27 A -27.3« Bettlmor~~76oo~1 5 1 T0ton10 000 312 0111-7 14 1 St__,, Gl1maley (4). T. Mer1tnG (I). SIOddard (I) 1nd OefnpN)'; LMI and WNll W -l.MI, 3-2. l -Si-t. 4-3 HA -'1'0tonto. 80tvMll (3). A -14.221 ................. T-010 001 010-3 I 1 Kenau City 010 000 13.a-5 12 1 Hclne)ocutt. C-(I ) llfld 81.ndtierg: Fro11. G Jackton 1•1. ANna1rong (I), Qultanbarry (II end Wathen. W - A1ma1rono. 1..0. L -~ •. 0.5 s -Oul9"IOerTY ( 11). A -2? .330 ......... ._... 8-1* 010 103 000 01-1 13 1 M.._,.• 011 210 000 00-5 12 0 F ~. lllnlOll (7). VancN8erg (7). C.UdlH (I) and 8utltng, SWMI (I ): ClldWell. a..n.wd (I), F1"Qln (10) llld Simmon•. 0. Moor• (t). W -CaUdlH, 5.2 L -Flngett. 2·S. HA -Seellle, Cowan• (8) MllweukM , Th~u 171. COO!* (3) A -17.387. .......... ,. •• 1 Oal<IMd ooo 000-0 a 2 eo.ton 012 0311-41 7 1 (5 ... ""*'DI· rain) Norrie and M. HMlh; Ecker.iey end Gedman w -Eckar11ey, 5.3, l -NoHlt. 2·4. HA -8ot ton, Alce (I). Sllpleton (4~ A -24,421 Ytlflll-.. T.-1 M'"'-la 000 001 010-1 I 0 New Yoftl 000 100 111-4 1 1 a C.111o, A. Oe'M (7) Md LMlllMr; Ouldty, Q-.ge (IJ 111\d Wyneoar. W - <kllctiy. 7·1 L -e Cee111o, l •I. 8 - Gouege ( 111 HA -., .. "nH OI•, 8NMnally (4~ .... Yoftl, MIC._ (1). A -31.02t. ................ c...... 010 200 010 000 02-1 14 I CNcaoo t02 000 000 000 00-• 10 I Sutclllle , Whlleon (10). Goynn ( 11). ~ (13) encl HMMy; laMp, Hldlty (I). BMOjM(I ). M.-(12). ~r909 (14) end ... ,~ (10). f\11! (12~ w -~.2 .... L -K-.1·1 A - 111,577. NATIONAL LUOU. Dodoere I, C•dfMle 0 IT. LOO. UM AHOIUI .. ,.... ..h .. LSmltl.CI 4 0 0 0 • Su.2b 5 0 I I OSmh.• 3 0 1 0 lndnl,CI 4 I 2 0 KHrdz, lb4 0 2 0 Ot1a,r1 3 I 3 0 Hndt~.r14 0 I 0 RMel.• 0 0 0 0 lorg,N 3 0 0 0 Grrer,)b 4 I 1 2 Mrill,p 0 g 0 0 Mndy," 2 I 1 1 Br9Ull,pfl 1 g 0 0 Cey.3b 1 0 0 0 Obrk11,k3 0 1 0 Grfey, 1b 4 I 2 0 Rmlly.21> I 0 0 0 S-.c 4 O 0 0 Brmmr.c 3 O O 0 TlvN.• 3 o 1 O Ft'9Ch,p 2 0 0 0 Wloll,p 4 0 1 0 McGee.cf I 0 0 0 TOlallle 31 0 8 0 T04• 34 5 12 4 St. louta .._ _, ~ 000-0 Loe Moa1ea 300 002 OOll-5 E -l~.1<w9-OP -91. LOUle I, Loe Mgllee 2 Loe -SI. loul9 I, LOI Angelea I . 28 -L.andrMWI. Gatw/. 0 Smith 3B -Guerrero SB -K . Hemandei SF -MondaY I L lAult IP H II UI -80 Fonch(L,$-1) 5 10 5 6 0 I Mani" 3 20020 Lee ...... Welefl (W,$-2) 8 5 0 0 2 7 Forech pf1Cfled to 2 bell«• In Ille Ith T -2 ~8. A -41.974 ...... l,.,_1 PhileOelpN• 011 000 000-2 11 1 All¥t\I 000 000 010-1 4 2 Ruthven, Farmer (I) 1no B Dlu: P Mle kro, Camp (7). Garber (II and 8emecllcl, P-ot>a (ti W -~ • l-3 L -P Nleltro, 2·1. 8 -F.,..,_ (5), A -27,5111 .......... 1 Montreal 000 030 001-4 I 2 Cinc:lnnaU 100 000 100-2 10 I Roger•, Reardon (I ) a nd Carl e r; Berenyl, Price (7). "'-~':'ylT<.mo W -AQoera. 6-3 L -• 4-3 S -~m " -11.511 '1fl8'T QAMI OIMlll .. CwM • Cl1lc;egO 000 100 020 0-3 7 0 Sen Fran 000 101 010 1-4 13 I Maru, ~II). W. Hemand"2 (8), L• Smllll (8), Tldr-II) end J Oavla; ~. MIMon (8). Barr (I).~ (10) and Mey W -~. ~2 l -Tldrow, 1-1 HA -J Kennedy (1) Sa n f'rancieco, A. Smttll (3). •COMDGAMI OIMlla e. C-. I C'*9go 010 200 000-3 • 0 San Fran. 031 011 OOx-41 12 0 i..w-. L 8"'111\ t4~ Campbel (I) and Co11. J 0..... (I); Chr1I, Scihetnder (5). Barr (71 8"0 8'enly. W -Sctlalledet, 1-4. L -l.Mton, ()..4, S -Barr (2). A - 17,845 .... a. ...... 1 New York 002 000 000-2 I 1 Houeton 000 000 000-0 4 O R JonH and HoOgH, J Nlek•o. laCort• ,., ll1d Piiie*-w -A. .ior.. 6-2. l -J. Ntaro. ~ A -29,12• ................. ! Plttlb\.vgll 310 000 OOC>-4 10 0 Sen Diego 000 002 000-2 • 2 Cenoelerle . Scurry (8) •"4 Nlcoela, Curtlt , Bhow (81. Delaon (8) ano Swtaller, GWOldZ (I~ W -Candallrla. 1·2 L -Cum». 2-3 S -Scurry (3~ A -17,005 Top 10 (.._._.,. ..... , AmJllCAN LaAOU9 Q .. " " ...... 8onnall.T0t 34 91 19 37 407 Herra11.ci.v 38 10 34 90 403 Mdlt10e °"" 21 12 8 31 ,,. E.Muttty,8all 33 100 14 36 .350 Ged<nan,Boe1oo 2t 13 13 32 .'44 Coopet,Mlfw. 38 153 24 S2 340 A.Wallngtn,Mlnn 32 103 I 36 )40 Sundl>erg.T-33 118 10 40 331 Upehaw,T0t 38 133 17 45 .338 L~t"'1,Balt. 21 71 II 2t .338 AUMI: R. Hendaraon. Oakland, 37: Ha,,1h, Cteole nd, 34, Thornton. Cleveland, 32, l eFlore, Chicago, 21. E_..., lloalOft, 28; Well\atl, ~City, 28 ,_,Thornton. a.....lancl. 37; Mcl'IM. 1(-City. 37; ll.lllnlltl. CNcaoo. 30: "'"· Boelon. 29, ..,..,, ,........ .. HITt: Henah, a.wland. IO: Cooper, Mttwl ukM, 52, Herndon. Oetroll, 41; G«da. Toronto. 49, Leflofe. cnlcago, 49. OOU8Ll8: 0111. Kana11 Clly, 15; Whtie, !(.-City, 14; ev-. lloelon, 12. McAH, Kan.u City, 11, Cowenl, S.111e. 11. TAIPLll: Har,,don. OelrOll. 5: G. Wright, Texu. 4, Evan•, 801ton. 3; Mc 8 1lde . Cle ve land. 3. Yount, MllwaukH....L~~-~P•~••. Toronto. 3; Momaon • ........,.,, 3, eow... a.tu.. • HOllll tlUMt: Thornton, Clewland, 11; H41Mll, M1nnMota. 10; ~ • ...,,. ean1more. t : Aoenlch. ea111mot1, t ; Harrell.~ ••. ITOL•N 8 A818: A Hanoa,.on. Oakland. 42; Laflore. Chicago, 14; MollOf, """""'*•· 11; Wathall. Karllll City, 11: lopet, Oallland. 11. llllTCHUtQ (I Oaclt lon1): Hoyl, t:lllcaOO. 8..0, 1.N . ~. fMw YCH11, 'r-1. 2.77; flet1lll•, ,. .. , •••• 1·11.. t.71; Clancy, Totonto, 5· . 4.21; .11:111 ... ............. luma, Qlaao. 5-2, 2 1', F llannltl•. S..llle, 5·2, ~.42: Ceudl. hatlle, 5-2, 1.119 n-.1~ "· 8Mnlt ler. S..tlle, et: Edi.enley. 8oalofl. 52, ()Udry, New YCH'll. 52, Parry, SHUit. 49, 0...ny, a...i.nci. 45. NATIOIW. &&AG14'1 .... """" J ftlompeon,Pln .. ,,, 17 .. N 1 ""JoMe. 90 M 1'7 SI 47 .~ aellof, NY 25 71 11 ff tu • .._..,NY U ta 11 44 Ml ~.CN 411M to 52 ut ---.LA 41 1n 15 60 327 """*· M1i M 141 11 48 .SU wtleotl, NY 40 111 ff '4 .:Sii CIWnbllM, All. 4\ 144 17 48 3 13 <>oer11 .... 81.L 21 t7 11 30 Mii AUMl1 l . 8mllh, It. loult . U : Murphy, Atlante, H : A. JonH , 81n Diego, 12; Hornet, Allenta. :st; 0.-, Molltr9!, Jt. Mt: Mlll'phy, All•"'·· H : Klnom•n. New Yorll. 31; Mor91Md, CNcego, 1:1. J . Thompeo11, Plllat>urgll, '1, o-,.,e. o.:rr:;~11 1on. New Yor-. 54, Moreland, Chicago. 52; L 8mllll, at. loult , 52. Knlghl, Houtton, 50, 0-......~ .. OOUM.18: Garner. Houlton, l:S, 0 . Smith, St. Louie, U ; T. KenMdy, Ian Oteoo. 12, Ol!Yer. Mon"-'. 11, l. Smlttl. SI. lOUla. 11, Knlghl, Houeton, 11 n.u• I Tl..i Wllll 3 ltOMI M*91 Klngmen, New Yen. 13; Murphy, Atlanta, 13; J Thompton, P1tt1burgh. 11; Ho•ner. AU•nCa, 10: He ndrlcll. St loul1, t , Owerrete, °=: Ull81 Moreno. ~ln.burgll, 24, Demler, ~. 21, L Smlttl, St Louie, 11; Wlleon. New York, 11. RMl9,~.13. "TCHINO (I Oaol1lon1): Sutton, Houelon, 7.1. 2 24: Forecn. 81. LOI.Ill, 5-1, 4..24, A.~ N9W YCll'll, l-2. 2 74, Welch, Dedeet1, l ·I, l .t4; Aogare. MontrNI, W , 1.7; Puleo, N9w YCll'll, 4-2, 3 72; Krukow, Phlladelohl•. 4-2. 2 71: <WW, Atlanta. 4-2. Ul7 8Tfllt(IOUT8: Soto, Cincinnati , 77, Cu lton. Plllladalphla, 71, Aogere, Montreal, 53; Ry111. Houlton, 51; LOiiar. Sen Diego. 43. Cofleae 1COtM NCAA ,.~A-.n' DMeloft II Wotld httM (el....,.,..) UC Rlvert40e 4. N.w Ha-. 3 (N.w Ha.-. tlfmlnated) Delle St 7, SW Mluoorl 5 (SW Mluourl allmlnated) Florid• Southern 11 Longwooo O (longWOOO allmtnaled) ...,. ___ _ Cal Stall Fullerton 7, W1chlta SI I Artulna St I , Miami, Fl9_ 1 •• ~·· ... . ~ -· -.- a.-, et Indy n.. lineup IOt the lndlaNlpolll 500 ... corn9194ed .. 08IY Betl~. Tom Bigelow, Pet. ~ WIO JOMle Garu qutllilled In the -· Bigelow llUmPed the .._ quellflcallon NII OI 8"I Aleup. Be11en1u1u.., bumped rOOkle Chip Meed from the llrl9Up The ._.. ec..o of Ille quali1ler9 Gaty Bet~ 195 113 Tom Bigelow 114.790 P9te Hallmet 114.586 ~ Gana '11" 500 Conett• Dreg ..... (M OCll) T.,..._. Bradlel 1 -I Gwy Cooke CL.ona 8Hch), 10 20 elapMd time. 121 31 mliea .,., "'°"' Brlldtel 2 -I H!twn S Ancltaoa CEaconclldok 12 ._. e1. 110 70 mph, I e,.cket 3 -1 8111 Strowbridge (BrM); 13 88 el. 100 22 mph Bracllet 4 -I Jim Shinn (Downey'); 14 02 ... 103 Ill mph Bradlet 5 -I Doug Manon (l.Oa A'l11a1e9~ S 97 el. U..14 mph 8ractlel 8 -I Bob Vlbanclc (W .. I Coma), 18 25 el. 85 47 mph Top eijrnW18t0t -Cool< 10 0$ et 118 73 mph Powder pull -1. Patty Feldon (CamarNlo), 1'-03 et. 11 18 mph Deep ... ftlhtng MIW,OAT (A"'La"dll1e) -74 engler'I 35 bet'racuda, 152 beM, 570 m•ckarel, 15 rock 11111. (DH•J't Locflet) -112 ~ 112 barr-.Oa, 78 bonHO. 11 ~ ti.a, l&e callc:o t>Me. 5 hallbut, 1.oeo mecaet91 DAMA W... -2N anglare. 319 t>aN. -«9 btlnacud•. 1 hellb\11, 1 bonl10. I ..._ llalnlort. 290 mack.,.., 200 roelc Ila/I MOAAO ear (Vltg'e La"dlng) - 85 anglare. 7 Hng ood, 59 roelc ood. M red roelc ood. 'f&e olll9 beM. 52 red 1napper (ete••• La•dl"I) -28 engler'I 102 red roelc ood, 21 -"' l>aM Aft.A 8AY ('9tt 8aft UM) -t4 engler'I 73 ling ood, 1 CCM ood, 173 red rod< cod, 183 yellow beM. 390 roell ood LOMG llllACH (......._. ,._, -30 angler• 390 roe• cod. 2 cow cod (0-'1 ..,_., -1M lrlQ!erW• I yallOWtell. 70 barrlQUda, M bortllo, 3tl ce11co b-. 21 ~ b .... 23 111111t1u1. 90 roell cod 1SAL auct4 -74 anglere' 2tO rock ood, 230 rnecll ..... 10 t#ICI bMa. 4 ctlllco l>Ua . OC•AUID• -111 anglere: 111 c81DO 11eM. 148 tend ._., S4 rod! WI. 110,....., 8AM Dl•OO (lf&M La11dlt1,, Plallet"'e"'a, ,el"t "e"'a) -I engler'I 5 yallcMI ... 409 betracuda, 131 ~ 7 ling cod, 75 tnae:*eral, 329 roc:I< ""'· 1 hlll&ul. 1 bonito ~- ooc1 ttn IUNDAY'I MMILTt (anief....,MMtlflel -'IAlf IUCL One ,,,.. A FMi P-(Pi.-y)12 00 7 80 5 40 l(lng GONO (Oliver•) 8.40 4 00 French Aegalla (Valanzual•I 4 80 Alao raced Mental Piao•. Aeling FoolWI, Donald. T.-.n Knight, 8ualow '" Trlj>llClla, ,._. Stone Time I 87 115 MCC*O MCI. I 1111 rnllea """"'°'~ tGuarr•l 24 90 10.90 5 40 "11• Wllh 11e91~1 e.20 4.40 Coun Compli-(DallllouaMye) 3.00 AleO ,aced: Jam Man, Delly Aepotl, C1ula'1 Ten, StrHm Sidi . Shooting e.nnla. Gala Cl<cla Time 1 '4~. a DAILY oouac (5-21paid$17840. n.m uca. 1 1111 m11ea 9'oldllllt (Mc<Ar1 on) 1.80 4 80 3.20 FlmOUI Perl-(Pierce) 12.IO 9 00 TruatUa (~I 500 Al90 raced EJtlled, Grey S-. Ml• Wiid Cal. Time 1'44 • UACTA I I_.) paid 1244 00 FOUfl'TH llACc. 7 ""1oflOa Mr. MlbaiMildot 11.eo e.90 a.eo Setty Cr.-(H1wley) 3 40 2 80 HallooW't E.,.. (ValerUuelll) 3 90 Aleo •aced; Gr..-y Knoll. oi-ner, Colonlallem, · Patlc>'• Plrlle, Hugebay, ludclwlll, Klmlnaldla, GMllc: Twine T""8 122'3/5 f1"lt flAca. One mlle on Mf. CUlllll (Sibilla) 8.00 3.80 2 20 Nonhltty Glow l~l. 5 40 2 IO OH· T ""DO OWIC* (Plnc:ey) 2 10 DK-MIOClle'• 1n1en1 (Upham) 2.80 Dudl*t lor .now Alao r~ Why Zanlhe. Oelanlra Yitai F0tce a..utlful One 8IXTH iuca. e 1uttonoe s...cy 811 MoC41rfon) too 4 40 2 90 A«Mmt>er HOiiy fl.lpMml 9 20 :> 80 Mll'I Girl (V-...a) 4 40 Aleo raoed: ,,_Pink Forti'• TrNI. 8ufWI AnO Aun • Time I 10 • DACTA (2·51 paid S9t 50 MVUfTM M CI. 8 lurlonga Shady Fo• (c.tndel 10 40 s 90 3 90 llMdl Welk (SI ..... ) 4 90 3 40 Amen BrollMw (Guen•I 3 40 Alao raced Laughing Boy, Flyl"g CNcll, Optlrnale. Ouety Hull Time-I Ol-215 a OACTA (4-5) paid S1118 00 U PICK 8IX (2·1·1·7·2·4) paid $129,123 40 with two WW*'G lid< ... (lht ~). 12 Pie* 811 -.oletion paid • 1.397 .oo with 12 wlrw*'9 tldl.u (!hoe ~). 12 Pldl 811 acratd'I -~ paid s 1. 121.JO ....,, two WWno 1ldlab (tow '*-· -~). llGHTtt iuca. 1141 mllea on turf Adil'• s-'111 (Plnc:ey) 7 .00 4 40 4 20 Mlaa ~tlngton (V._....)1.00 4 20 Voc.1191 (c.tanede) 1.80 Aleo raoed: Tradl Rol>O«y, Cal Girl, French Ch81mer, Contrefalre, Me.,. MW11\a, He9f1ll II Time. 1·~ '9fTlt IUCL I 1111 mllel on turf Atntflf>OU' (McC«ronl 4.00 3.00 2 90 Clllfoe Aocounl (Caalaneclal 4.80 3.IO Get> a Two (Ateoonl 5 80 Alto raced: A look of Eaglet, CllaOongl. Mldnl1• Coc>P«. 8lly Jf . Orum °"""· Time. 1'41 215. • UACTA (M ) paid "43 50. A11endll1C9: l3 ,170 co:.=~~ ( ...... ._, ....... carr1•-....,.. 121. ..,, Antof1IO 117 ...... 110, Sin Antonio 101 LM .. 111, Sen Antonio IOI ....... 121 • ..,, AlltonlO 12:1 (\All .. w1n ..-4-0) he61ntCotollClatoe Bolton 121. PNladalphll 11 ~ 121. Bolton 11:1 ~ll.ao.tont7 ~ 111. eo.ton M Bolton 114, ~ 15 8oelon ... Phlladalphle 71 ........... Pllll1delphla 120. Bolton 101 (PNlecMlpllla Wini --4-3) MM.a ~ L.ak-.i~P-llAo-lnlll• ...,.. ..... ....... ,.......,... ~=-, PNtadalpllle 81 ~ ....... ~et&.-... ....,,-.1 ........ PNledalphla (II !WY) ,...., Mlel P""9delphla 81 ~ (II 1-.: JI J &ry) n..-, ..... LAIMn•l~(lfn 1;) Camel. Where am~ belongs. ·1 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "tar", 0.8 mg. nicotine "· per c1g111tte ~ FTC fntthod. Dena ...... ..,_ (et Delle.._. Y9Ctlt C•) T,.,.,,....,. DAM BEu.£8 No 1 -I Bang Bang M...,..., Kathy Adamaon (OPYC); 2 ZOI, Joyce loewy (UCI Salling Aaen.); 3 Aunewey II, Cheryl W1eC>ti (Voyageta YC~ OANA 8EUES NO. 2 -I Aoo1c N Roll, Sue Aogerw (OPYC); 2 Bang Ieng Muwell. Kathy Adamaon (OPYCI; 3 GolllQ Lift, ac,. "ranta (OPYC). Dena ftofnt ..,... ( .. 0-.... Y-"t C•) ,... ........ Cl.ASS A -I Gandall. 0oua ano ~ ._ (OPYC); 2 Rocio N ROI, Aogere/Altter (OPYC); 3 Audacloue, Mlh Kennedd'o,(,!'!YC); 4 C1lllornla Gold. Ff'9d O' (Dena W..i YC) CLASS 8 -1 Mackinac, WH Thompeon (Caplllra"o Bay YC). 2 Wrecklau, A.G Kading (8YC). 3 Aedlne. Fred Pwei (CIC)O BYC~ Cl.ASS C -1 Going I.Ml, St- f'rlftll (DPYC); 2 Moody Blue. Mika Hln1on (CIC)O BYC~ 3. AllOC&. Tim Fuller (DP YC): 4 F r aeh Squaueo • Allen/Crowley (OPYC) Cl.A88 0 -1 Blncll1, A Blnl<erd IOPYC): 2. s1a roura1, Kelly Rog•" OPYC) CATALINA-27 -1 SunMt. Steve Out1on (DPYC). 2 ~. Bob Gal• (CICIO IY~). 3. Viv-. Y Clort (OPYC). NAIL atandlnp ......... DM&Mlt WLOPOAW "" c--9 2 " 15 2S 11 T0tonto 1 4 11 15 II 5e MontrM 4 4 11 8 10 34 CNcaoo 2 1 12 20 ........ ~ 12 24 "" LllUderdela 7 4 24 20 22 12 TulM • 5 11 17 18 40 Tarnpa Bay 4 7 15 2S 14 ,. Jcllarwlle 3 I 14 It 14 32 ....... DMllefl Sen Diego 5 4 ,. 12 12 40 s.n.i-5 4 I& 13 11 3t Edlnon1otl 5 3 12 11 • 39 VMOOllWf 4 5 12 11 10 32 P«111nd 4 3 13 I • 29 8Mt1le 2 • 11 15 II It .......,. ..... Co9mOI 3. Fon LllUClerdM 2 ,.....,....0-- No ~ adl9duled AUenta Cleeetc m •·Keith Ferp,154,000 ... 72-ee.el Alymona Floyd,132.400 72 ......... 1'74 Wayne i-t,820.400 m Larry !Mleon.1 14,400 m Peter~. SI0,170 Gibby Gllt!«1.1 10, 170 81-Melnyll, I 10.170 llc.ot1 Hoch,l 10, 170 O.\'le Edwwda.'10, 170 ,,,, Joe IMllll,M.100 m Huberl Gr-.S7,500 m Tom Walaon.M.071 Geor119 Cadle,M.071 CaMn Peete.11,011 Tommy ValenUne.M,0711 -Miii• N+coielle,14.900 OM Kallclot_, "4.800 Payne Sl-1.~.eoo ., D Elclleft>ltger.13.131 ROii« MelUlla,$3,131 "'" .,,.,,,., 13.831 411111 Pt.ll,'3.830 L• Eldet .13.831 -Vence HMt,..,,$2,IMO Allen M .... 12.IMO -Lanny Wadklna,$2.130 Challea ~.12.130 Thomae Gray,12, 130 Danny Edwwda.12.130 Doug Tewall.12, 130 p Oonamual,$1,73e Richard ZollM.$1,731 Lynn LotU1,731 Jack Newlon,11.73e •-Won Olayoll 8M7 .... ·74 97.72.11.er Ill· 70-ff· 72 72.-12.er ... ff.7().71.et 11..-....71 10.11.ee.10 70-72-81M9 10.11.12.e1 74-M-7().71 70-e7-et-7S 11.12..-.... 7().71-71.et 70-fe-et. 7 4 7). 7o-ee-73 11·70-ft-72 72-6-4-74-73 71~73-71 7l-72.ee.ell 72.72.72.e7 72-70.74-87 17-71-73-?S 73.et-72·70 71-71-71-71 70.71-70.73 LPGAl~~t tat .... ~N.Y.) 1• Catny MorM.S11,250 211 Silly Uttle.112.250 121 86ncltt SpuOcn,ta,750 m JoAnna Cemer.15.125 Pat Br..,,15,825 m Pat ~.13.700 Joell ~.13. 700 NlllCY Lopc.$3. 700 Amt AlcolU3.700 Donna c.poni.13,100 2M 8everly K ..... '2.344 Sue Ertl.12,lo« Sandra Palmer,12,,_.. Katlly Hlle.$2.344 Kathy YounQ,12.3'4 Vk*I Tabor.12.344 m St-.y Hemlln,$1,IOO .. O.Oble Maaeey,$1,813 Kathy Poettewafl.S 1.813 rzr LOt1 Qarbecz..$1,380 Katlly WMwMtl,l I ,341() Atnella Aorer.11.380 ~Vall .._.,1,380 70.72-74 74.72.75 75-79-72 74-73-79 75·72·78 lt-77-77 70.75-78 r..77.73 79-74-74 75-7l-71 71-78-77 74.73.77 71-74-79 7~73 77-74-75 7!>-77-75 73-77-77 72-76-71 72-7U2 WMkend tranuctton• .. ... ALL ,._._~ KANSAS CITY ROYALS -Optioned BuO Bladt, pitcher 10 am.ti. of the Am.,lcan Aeto(lelton, pUrcheMd lhe contrac:l ol Don HOOO pitcher trom Omalle. placeO Oennla Leonatd, p<ICl'le< on lhe 2 Hley dl .. bteO 1111. called Keltll Cr• pllc:l>ef. from Omaha Mettoftll!L.Neue CINCINNA Tl REOS -Senl Clint HU<Ole, outlleldef. 10 lndlenapotta of IM """'lean Aaaodallon, called up Ouetle Wiik• outllelOer MONTREAL EXPOS -Recalled Oa\llC Palmet, pl1cll9' ;ooTlfALL ....._.., ..... L.aeew ST LOUl6 CARDINALS Signed Oa,... Stief, delen-b9ek. Terry Stlrte, gu111d, RuWI Brown. delentA,... leci<le. Joe Young ~erback. Pflnce McC0td W10 Liltry AalO, "'"'*'D backa, K911h Chancey. -re<*.,.,, Scott Anion, llnabacller. and Miki Mtra1>111, defeNNe back. ~'---LMlue TORONTO ARGONAUTS -lraded ll'le MgOlllllng rlgtue to John Fourc:aoe querl•bacll. to lhe Brllleh Columbia uone f0t MU<• cona!Oeretk>n• WA&HIN01'0N (A.P) -J ... , ....... , •••• et, ehte! 1poke1men f•r th• Internal Rev.nu. Service dwinl moet of 0\9 190o., di.t Saturday. PORT·AU·PIUCE..1. HalU lAP) -Cellt uvlch I ID·O t • t , 8 7 , t h t 1randmothar of Pre1tdent-for·Llft Jean-Oaude Duvalier, died W~y. WASHINGTON (AP) - Merle A•ttaJ Ttvt, 80. a gh)"lidlt wtio. work helped In the develo'pment of 1everal lmportant weapona In World War lt. died Thunda;y. 'OUNTAIN VAU.Y ICHOOl DllTftlCT NOTICI CW AOOf'TION Oft RllCM.UTION M INTWNT TO LIAM ~UI DllTNCT MAL MONRTY M> NO. U ·to NOTICE IS Hl!REBY GIVEN THAT THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT hH declared th•t the following real p1operty wlll not be needed tor clHaroom purpoHe· Th1ee (31 clauroom1 al Wardlow School, loceted e1 9191 PlonHr Oflw, Hunllngton Beach. c.Jlfom11 The Board ot Tru1tee1 ot the Fountain Valley SchoOI Olsrrlct re· IONes to leaM the facllitlea so 1n- dtc.ted above under the lerms aod conditions ll•led In the Rnotutlon of the Boerd. Rnoiutlon No. 112·49 The minimum monthly leue P•Y· ment for tile term of the lease shall not be fH• th•n S 12 1/monlh per cl•uroom The minimum monthly IMM P8YfT*'ll for subsequent 1*1- ods m•y be adjuated.,,y lh• Con· 1umer PrQ lndell •nnual average refleclec:I •t the end ot the IHH period A HCurlfy depoSJt may be required prior to~upancy No commission lh•ll be paid any licensed re•I •et•te broker In Ihle regard, and there lh•ll be no d•· ductton lrom eny propoul In d•· t•rm1n1f\g Ille highest rHponslbl• bidder Sealed propoHll to leese Hid property mull be 1ece1ved by the delegated officer •t the Fountain V•lley Schoof District Educ•tlon Cenler. 17210 Oak S1reet. Fountain V•lley. C•llfornl• 92708, no later than 2 00 p m , May 31 1982 Before •ccep11ng •ny written propou11. the delegeted officer shall caH for or•I bidding. Any per-'°" WhO haa tlefetolore submitted a written bid may submit an or•I bid ellceedlng by at leHI five (5%) per· cent the hlghHI wrlllen bid lh• hlgf'leSI responsible bi<kler shllll be required to e1teC:ute the form of lease. auch lorm•t hH her•totor•1 been approved by the Bo•rd of Trull-. The Board ot Trull-shall make the determination 111 to wflethef 10 lease said l•cllillH with ten ( 10) d•ys •lter receipt of bid• lnlorm•tlon conc;.,nlng tile pro- pos•I should be addr•n•d to FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL Dis. TRICT. 17210 Oak Street, Founlaln Vefley. Calllornl• 927011. (7141 842-8851, Attention· Neomi WI•· laod. OA TEO. May 8, 1982 FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES JarMS 0 Wo4$1 Cle<k of Iha Board Publlshed Orang• Coall O•lly Piiot. Mey 10. 11. 24. 1982 3052·82 DllTl llDTICll FALlt LIDIA V . FALK, a resident of Cost.a Mesa. CA. for 23 years. PUied away on March 23. 1982. She wu a member of the Ladies Auxillary Post #1249, World War I Veterans. She I• survived by her husband of 59 year•. Teddy L. Falk, daughters Eleanor Anderton and LaVeme Aiello both of Costa Mesa . Ca., 4 erandchlldren ; 8 pat-grandchildren and 1 grea t-areat-grandchOd. S«rvices will be held on Wedne9day, May 26, 1982 at McCOti41CX MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 4!M·!M15 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano •95-1ns HAllotl LAW~MT. OLl\11 Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 50-5554 Nlct•OTMH l&L•OADWAY MOITUA&Y I 10 8roadw&)' Coata Mesa &42-9150 IA&.TZ-.. OM SMrfHATUT'Hlll WISTCUflP CMAPll. 427 e 17th St Cotta Mesa 9-4&-0371 ~.!..,., ...... ~"U: .. ,., ........... .... t"4 .... ~, .... et 1100 &."' II .._ llN thty ... llM r=.,::. ~·i: 11111 A~ 'M\111\ V...,, ~TIOMITO PAOIPtO COAIT MllHWAY POKIMA*•T ' tn'ft" "*' llUW If AnoM. C°"1'MOTNO. ... lkS• .,. ,.no lot 1111 enu,. MUC llJTa MLC llJ1ll "'!l!DM..,. ...,. •• w Tiie ;;;:;,:,• ~,..., I• dOfl'll T ~t;r .....,.. ~-.D. . •-.-IUOCIHM AUTO llWHCI ~a4 1r:.:;• •He' '~II• :::.i.r~'tr:.~· Ji• 111111.,. Wi'Lr"mtTr' *~ JamH H. 11oc•w':~u10 TO ~HI HIGHllT llOOUl ,o .. Overbrook Dtlve, "one, NtYeCll OAIH (f>a~~ •I t~~ IHI I lewfljf MOfM¥ of CM Tlllt bllaineM II aoncluated 11Y an all tltM. "9 IN ~ , ... MYl<futll le aAd llOW Ml4 tty ll .... J-H 11--.. Deell 01 Tttm In Ille preperty TNI 1.at-t WM tlltO wlttl tM ,_...,.,.., d I 1 .... : County Cletll of Otange ~an T1'UITOft.,.,,,,,,., I. NAVIA. M~1~ 1M2 alll'lltl'Mn ' ,1_, lflfl,ICIAf": CtTY 'ID."A!. l'11bll11led Orange CaHt Dally IAVINOI 6 1.0AN Al~ATIOH. ,llOt. ~ay H . 24, at. JuM 7, ttH a OOl'Poflu.i. 111. N ~· WOfll cle.IOtlbed lltttln. TM WO.II le to be done 1iCOOtC11nt to lht lllella and ~ on Ille 11'1 the olftoe of the ._..llY of the Dltlrlot 111d H id pl1111 end 1peo111oallon1 111 by ret.,.nce IMdt • pert of llllt netloe. 2102-a2 "9oorded A&loYll ... 1 ' .. ·-. ' ·---.---.,.------Ho, 1117 In thl ~ lllecloJdl In ~ ""'-the offtoa of .... .....,,_"'°"""' "'"'· .,,.a1ttoa1lon1 and olhet propoHI doaumen11 m1y be tllltl\lned •• the office ol lhl County a1111tat1on D111no1 No. a et 10'44 11111 A111n111. ,0111111111 Valle_y1 Calltot1k C091M of !tie 1111n1 -ll*fflcetlone !MY be OCltelned ~ me uow.-t1onec1 omoe ., ,.._ IOllowlnQ «*t• wtllch teld ~.,. not rerundebl• regatdleu ol whelller "" phn• and epeclllcatlona are returned: THI INTIRTAINIRS --"'°---nn=IOUl~~ .... u~1 .. 1•~11'!"""-·1 ~ ~wwt---- NAm ITA~ L~ M of Tract No ....... ~._ ~~ per~• .,. doing c11y of Irvine. County ef Oranee. PALMIS. MC>ell.I HOMf p~ ltate of Callfornlal II per map • reoorded In loOk 411, ,. .... N to 140 C•brlllO. Cot1• MtH, CA HlncllulNe,OfMleo•••nlOl•~· t2ta7 reootda Of teld Oranot County, Jt¥ Ind lll'bar• Cowen1 I030 YOU AN 1H DUMJLT ~A 8rHltere Drive, Cofone d91 M.,, OHO O, TflUl1' OATlO J1i1t 21. California CA 12921. INI UHi.EiS YOU TAKI ACTlC)N Thie ~ le OOndUCted by an ro "'°TtCT YOUA ""'°""'"'· IT 11\dMdual. MAY H SOLD AT A f'U9UC ~. Jay Cowen If YOU NE!D AN llCPl.ANA'TIOH Thtl ltatemenl WM ftled with die O F T H ! 'N A T U fl l 0, T H I! County Clerk of Orange County on l'AOCEfOIHO AGAINST YOU YOU AJ>r• 21, 1982. 8HOULO CONTACT A LAWY~., '1-1 I Cerv1r IMne CA PublleheO OfWIQI COelt DellY Pl-·~tt a 1ttWt llddr ... Ot OOf'MIOft IOI, May 3. 10. t7. 24. 1tl2 dHl9natlon 11 1hown aboYe, 110 GINEAAI. PAOV1810N9 ANO 8TANOAAO IP'lClflCATIONS FOA COUNTY SANITATION ot8TAICT8 OF OAANOE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA, 1971 Edition (Cunenl edition appltceble to • bitlrl01 JObtl 110.00. Ot\alled plane and apeelllc;atlone for above work 2027.-Z .•• ,, an IY 11 g Iva n •• to 111 i------------comp6tt.,,... or correctnell)." PUIUC •m ™ beneft()tary llndel' Mid Deed 1 'P~ end apeeillcat1on1 wtM be ~ to proap.ctlw bidden, 11 requHted, for • fH of U .00 (non-r91undablel to CO'IW the cott of postlQe eritl handtlno. All bide mull be made In -dalloe. end 1111 bidden mu•I comply, with State. Fed•r•I and IOCal lawa appllcable thereto. and u dlfec:ted In the propc>MI form, plaM and l09Clflcatlon1 ~ we llere«iy notified lhel ~I 10 provttlont Of Ille Labor Code of the State of Cllltomle, the Board of Olrectora of County S•nll•tlon Dlatrlct No. 5 hll adopted the pr911elllng r•t• of per diem wagee u det«mlned by the State Director of lndu1trl•I Retatlona. applicable to the wor1l to ~ doM tor the locallty In whldt the work 11 to be perlorm•d In oompltenca with Section 1773 of the ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' L•bor Code of the St•t• of-------------.,_. __ ...._ ________ -r-------..... -----1-------"""'." ..... --- Cllllornle. end It 11 hied 1n the omce P'tll.IC NOTICE of the Secretary of the County COAIT ~ IC~ FOUNTAIN VA1.LIY T11llDI SenltallOn Otalrlct No 5 ot 0rllf'IQI COUIOll DllTillCT NOTICI Of' nweTH'I IAJ..• ICHOOl DtlntlCT NOnc. CW TIWITl&'I IALI ~·bid lhall be rnaoe on the 1110 ~A....-On June 2, Wedo.day, 1982, 11 T.S. No. 11011 J propoeal form furnlahed by th• MO~ ~TO 10 00 • m Rffldentlal Equity Fl· NOTICE Of' ~'°" On June 14, 1982 at 11 00 o'Cloc* ~= ~c~!'~ ~~ IX~ u...-m ~·.:; ~.~"::'o~~::; wn.":r irc,·~~ ~us :;';b;t ~';-:.~~tr= ~n~':= ~the title of the wor1l end the NOTICE IS HEREBY c that on Tn.oll recorded January 8, 1981. u DllTIUCT MAL "'°"RTY Company, 825 N. Broedw•y. In the name llnd eddr-of the bidder thl 24th of Mardi 1912 8o9r'cl Of 1n1t. No. 81173. In book 13ll08, Paoe a10 N0.12~ City of S•nla Ane, County ot with no other dlltlngulthing mark(I). Trld1-of the COeet Community 53&. of Ottlclal Aecofda In the ottio. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ou1nge, State of Cellfoml•. It la the lole reeponalblllcy of theCollegeOlttrlet.CltyofCoela~ oltlleCouncyReeofd«•ofOrange THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE bldd« to -lll•t ._bid• reoe!Yed County of Orange. adopted • nty. Stale of Callfomla. -.. DISTRICT hH declared that th• COMPANY, a corporation, 11 In the Ol91rict Otftc:e •t the addr-~lion of ll'tentlon to excMngl red by BRUCe A BEAMAN. an un-lollowlng rH I property wlll not be Trldlee llnder the Deed of Trust h ... efl'•bove HI forth In proper ea I em• n ta WI th St• WU I married man end AISSA WAYNE, • nMded lor daattoom purpoMI. nac:uted by M. H FEKRI, r-ded time. Arly bid ~ •It« the o.V9lopment Co., VI for pecMtrian aingle wom•n. WILL SELL AT SI• 161 clauroome and one ( t) May 8, 19111 • ~1 no. 10040 ecnecklled e1oe1ng time for r«:ieipt and YlhlCulat P111M09 Of~ and PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST mu111-purpoee room •t W•rdlow In bOOk 14060. ~ M3 of Oflldal of bid •hall b• returned to 1he adjacent lltceen (151 loot OIOOER FOR CASH (P•Y•bla et Scnool located •I 8191 P1onH1 Record• In th• ofllc• ol th• bldd« UllOC**1 rl9ht·of-way• The two (2) ttrne of Ille In lawful money of the Drive. Huntington Beech, C•lllomla. Recorder of Orang• County, Each blddet rnuat be llcenNd In rtont"°'•WllYI together form• llnale Unlled Sl•tH) •t lhe norlh front Th• Board of Tru1tH1 of the Calllomle. by reeeon of default In the St•t• of Cellfornla and quallfled thirty (30) loot euement for entrance to the County Co\irthOUM. Fount•ln Valley School Dlllrlct r• th• payment or perform•nce of 10 perform the work deacribed ln common uea ~ the Cout 700 Civic Cent« Drive W•t. Santa Iv•• to leUe the l11etlltlel ao In-obligation• Hcured thereby th• plans. apeclllo•tlone •nd Community Cofleg• Ol•trlcl An•. C•llfornl• ell right, tltle •nd lcated •bov9 under the terms and Including th• brHCh or d•l•ult. contrec:t ~I.I. p !op• rt y • n d th• S t • w I rt ln1«Mt con~ to and now held tloM stated In Iha AeeolullOn notloe of wtlld1 wu recorded Feb A bid bond not ._ than ten 0.-.ll~•t Co., VI propwty. The by It uodet Mid OMO of TN11 In the I u.. Ooll'd. Aeaolu11on No. 82-48 18, 1882 u document f\O p•rcent ( 10%1 of the total bid dlalrict property end "'-St"11t1 property sllu•ted In H id County Tile mlnlmUm monthly leaM pay-82-0511144 of uld Offlclal Record9, amount _. be requw.o with Md! property -located It ~ and St•te deeerlbed u t lor the wm of the leeM lhall wt1 Ml •t public auction to the bid llnd no bid"*' be coneldered and Warn•r Street•. Fountain Plfc.11. Unit No. 7 u snown and 01 be leu then $121/month per ~ bidder for caatt In lewful un'-llUCf'lbldMCUrlt)'leencloMd V•lley, County of Or•nge, deecrlbedlntheCondomlnlumPtan lueroom and $331/month per moneyofth9Unlted8tatN.wl1hout th«eln. Seid bid bond nwy be In the Cellfomlll. recorded on Augull 29, t978, In ulll-purpoae room The minimum •nv covenant or w•rr•nl)'. form of • caalllef'• or cer1lfled A public hearing upon the Book t2820, Page• 318 to 3112 In· onthly luM p•yment for tubH-oP<...0 or lmj)lltd M to title, cll9di ~to._ DIMttc1 ~of "*ting MJCll decllca11on clu•IYe of Ofllclel Record• of aald vent l*lod• may be ad)ulted by po11w1llll', or encumbrenOll. for Pu;euanl to Callfo.rnle will be held et lh• COAST County he Consumer Price lndea •nnu•I the~ of peylng otllgatlona Gowmment Code Section 4590 COMMUNrTY COl.l.EGE O.STRICT P•rcel 2 An undivided of\e verege reflected at lhe end ot lt>e NCUred by Mid 0..0 of Truat. the the oontl-*" 11111 be entltled tO BOARD ROOM, 1370 Ad•tnl thlrty•llrtt(1131st)lnt«"1Melln-period AMQlllty~tmay lnt.-..tconwyedtouldTrust•by pc191 approwed ....._ wtll ttle Avenue. Cceta Mela. CA. on the ant in common In the,.. lnt-1 In be required prior to occ:upancy .. Id Deed of Trull In property Dletrtet 0# .,. ~ ftnendal 2ttn Of May IMa at the haur of end 10 rhe common llN of Loll 4. 5 No commitllon lhlll be paid 11/lY altuated In the County of Orange. ln1tlt1itlon In otcs.t to have the tlgtrt o'doell. and 8 ot Tract 9~87. u per map fl· lceneed real "tile bro«9' In ttlle St•t• of Calltornla and deecrlbed Dlstrtc:t ,..._ fUnda tetalned by BOARD OF TRUSTEES led In Book 400. P•oee 20 to 24 eg•rd. end the•• •h•ll be no d• u : Iha Dletttct to._,,.~ Of COAST COMMUNrTY 1nclu1lve. ot Ml1C•ll•neou1 Maps, uct1on from •ny propou1 In d•· Lot 10 of Tiw:t No. 3519, In the the oontrw:l COll.EGE OISTAICT record• of H id County, II 1uch efmlnlng the hlgheal re1pon1lble City of~ Beech, M per mac> The BoerO o1 Olrectara of the By. Horman E. W~ term la defined In lhe Ar11cl• an-,_ded In book 128, pegea 111 10 County 8enli.tlon C*tric1 No 5 S.C.-etary of 8lld 8oerd titted "Deflnltk>nl" of the Oeclar• SHl•d proc>oHI• 10 le•H .. Id 21 lndualve, Mlaclllel-Mapa, In ,_....the 11g111 to retect ""Y or e1 M90U1T'ION uon of c-i1. Conclltlone. and operty muat ~ ,_.ved by the IN offtoe cl Ille County Aecordet of bid a and to waive any or all RESOLVED, th•t tllle 8oatd, Aeetrlc:tlon• ~tied In "Subjec1 eleg•ted officer al the Fountal" Mid County. 1 IWttlee. .ipon finding thllt 11 le In the b91C to .. below (the "Oec:lar•llon"I: •ll•y School Olllrlct Educ•tlon Excepting • •trip of land 1 fOOI "99U BY OR~ OF THE 1nt•r11t1 of the Dlatrlcl and In P•rcel 3. E•Hmentl u 1uch ter. 17210 0111 Street. Fountain wide rNfl' tt1e Sou1'-191'1y 1 100! BOAN> OF DIRECTORS accordll'ICI wl111 Education Code NMtnef'lll are p8r1lcularly Mt f0r1h alley. C•llfornl• 92708, no l•ter of uld land M i;onwyecl to ttle City of Truet, by reMOn of • br..ai or NI-mu default In the obtlOatloM -·"ect NOTICE O' TRUITH'I IALI thef'eby, hefetOfOf• •11#1.tied and TS No SHL 6002•8 delivered to the 11ndel'tlgned a On June 7 t982 •t 10 00 Im written Oeclef•tion ol o.fwlt end C•I COHI Mortga9• Inc .. dul Demand tor Sele. and Wftnen notice eppo1n1ed Trull" under and pur of brMdl and of electtOfl to c:..e au•nl to Deed of Trull recorded th• undef1l9n•d to ••II ••Id O•cem1>er 31. 1980. 111 lnll No property to Nlltf)' Mid ObflOltlont. '" l>OOI< 13897. page 8941. of •nd thereafter the underalgned Olllclal Record• on tt>e ofllce of the c*'9ld Mid nollee of brMdl atld of County R•corders of Or•ng electlon 1obe"-dec1Jelluery 1e. County Slate of CaMornla eaecut 1982 u ln1tr. No. 82·018894 In by John H Kuyper and Evelyn J uld Offlclal Aecorde Kuyper husb•nd and wtl• WILL S•ld ute will be m•de, but SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION T without coven en I or werranty HIGHEST Bl ODER FOR C ASH •XP' ... Of lrnptled, r~lno tltte. (payable 81 time ot HI• on 111wlu po1 .. 1~lon, or encumbrencet. to money ol the United S1a1e11 on I pey the remaining prlnc:lpel eum of lobby of the ofllcH of Hunt •"c. the "°'811) NCUf«1 by Mid Oeec:I of Fenatermaker. A Profffeional Cor Tn.wt, with lnt«eat .. In Mid noi. pora11on loc•t•d at 820 N•wport proYlded, edvancee, II any, llncMf C•nter OroYe. Suite 211 Newport th• 1 ... m1 of Hid 0..0 Of Trull. Beach Ca 92660 7 14-855-2411 al ..... dlll'gee and ~ of t11e flghl !Ille and 1nterffl conveyed I Trwt• end of the trutte .,..i.d by and"°"' held by •I under said Mid Deed of Trust. of Trull on the property aituated Seid Nie wtff be held on Tu.day, "'d County and S111e da.crlbed u June' II, 1982 at 2:00 o.m., et the Loi 1 t 01 Tract No 4969 H aoow Chapmall Awnue entrance. to the on a map recorded 1n bOOll 174 3 J Civic Center Bulldtng. 300 EHt •nd 32 of M11ce111n•ou1 Maps In Ch•pmen Avenue, tn th• City of the ofltce of lhe County Recordef 01 Orange U•d County A t t h e t I me o f t ha I n I ti • I The s1ree1 eddreu •nd 01her publication of thla notloa. the total common deslgnetton. ti any ol the amount of the unpeld bellnce of the real property deacrobed above •• obllgetlon aecured by tll• above purported 10 be 2<M9 Tustin Ave . ducrlb•d deed of truat •nd Cott• Mesa. C• 92627 eatlmal•d co1t1, 111penH1, and The under11gned Truatee dll· ad\lencea le $152,874.03. c1•1m1 •ny 11eblllly tor •ny 1ncor To det ... m lne the opening bid, rectness of th• street llddreu •nd )"OU mey call (714) 937.otee. other common dealgnauon. •I any Date May 10. 1N2 lhown nerein 1.0. SERVICE. COMPANY Said sale will be made, OUI with· u Mid TNlt•, OUI covenaf\t or w•rr•n•y. e•prflll By P•trlc&I A. Randall, 01 implled. regerdlf\g tltle. POSH•· Aulstant Secretary 11on or encumbr•ncH. lncludlng one City SOUMYwd, Weat, teea ctl•rges 81\d ••l*l-of the Orat1g1. CA 82M8 TrustM nnd of the 1ru111 crNled by (71 4) 83M288 H•d Deed of lrull. to pay the r• Publl1hed Otano• Coeat Oalty ma1n1ng pr1nc1pel sum• of the Piiot. Mey 17, 24, 3t, 1882 note(•I aecu1ed by Hid O•ed ol 2129-82 Trust to wit S 114.878 20 with tn· tereat thereon from •t 21 per· --.,. NOT1Cl cent per an,.um 11 provided In said ____ ._ ________ _ no1e111 plus coa11 aocS any ac:tvencff ~nnoue ..._ .. ot •n amount to be determined •I NAm eTAnlmJfT the lime ot sale With 1nlerfft Th• following peraon la doing The t>enelocoary under ..,d Deed ~ .. : ol Trull her•tolore eaecuted and R.0 K. MAINTENANCE. 2151 delovereo 10 Ille under11gned a Pacific Avenue. Coat• Me11, CA wntten Dect1rat1on of d•l•ult •nd 92827 Oemend for Sale. •nd • wrlllen Richard Kurtz. 2151 Pacific No11ce ot Oel•ull and Elecllon to A~. eo.u ..._CA 8292!. Seo The undersigned caused Mid TNa ~ te ~ by an Notoce ol Oelaull and Etec11on to lndMOual. Sell to be recorded In the county Rk:tlard D Kt.ni ......,. the rNI propet1y I• locll1ed Thia •tatamant -!lad with the Dale April 27 1982 ty Oer11 of Orange County on By Art W Fen11ermllker Apr1I 30 912. By Cel Coall Mortgage ' ,,.._ Authol'tZICI SigMture Putltilflad Orange Cout Delly Pl- Publl shed Or•ng• Cout O•lly lot, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 1982 P1iol. May 10 17, 24. 18112 20t0·82 1912-82 COUNTY SANITATION Sectlone 8147().81474, ln1tnde to In the Ar1~ enlltled "EIMments" hen 2.00 p.m , M•y 31, t982. of N9wPOf1 Beectl by dMd recorded OISTAK:'TNO 5 of elldl9ngethepropertydeecr1bedln ottheOedar•llonundertheSecilOn Before•cceptlnganywrltten .-1, 1HO In bOOll 5t74. peoe~------------------------ OrMge County CA the e-t ~ •ttac:Nd hndlngt In IUCf'I Anlde entttled u propo .. 11. the delegated officer 596. Ofllclal Aecotda, anO In l>O<* J Wr,ne S~er hereto, traneleHlng to Stewart follows "Rlahll and OutlM: Utllitl• 111\111 call tor Ofal bidding Any per· 5174, ~ 699, Offlclel Aecorda. Secr8'tafy • Development Co VI • 15 fuot and Cable Televle(on". "Support. llOn whO llU lleretolore eubmltted • E11cept all oll, oil rtghta. Publlah~ Orang• CoHI Dally right-of-way for ped .. trlan and Settlement •nd Encroachment". wrlnen bid may eut>mll en oral bid mln«ala, mln«al rlght1. natur.i QM Pilot May 24 June 1 19112 vehicular PHHg• end related "lngr"'· Egreu and RecrHtlon ••ceedlng by at leell five (5%1 per· rtgllta, and other hydroc:arbON by · ' ' 220l-82 purpoau along the aouthern Rights". and "Exctullw f\Mtrlcted ce"t the hlgheat written bid. The wflat-,_ known that may boundary of !he C*trlclC'8 property Common AtH E._,_.11". highest r~ble bidder shall be be within or under the parcel of land •cqulred for the Coeltllne P•rcel 4. E11ementa 11 1uch required to •••cute the form of he<eln•bOV• Oe.c:rlbed, 1•thef r,,c;onwnw""' College Center Protec1. _..,.,,,are pwtlculally set 10r1h ,.a ... such lorm•t hH heretofore with the perpetuel rlgllt ol drflllng, n nchange tor • grant to the on the Ar1iele entltled "e-ntlnt1" l>Hn •Pproved by the Board 01 mining, Hplorlng end oper•tlng from St-1 O..eiopl•••t of th• Decluetlon of Cov•n•nll rull-therefor and atorlng In and . VI of an eQl.al Md adl**il 15 Condlllons •nd RHtrlctlon1 In The Soard of Trust-lflall make rern<Mng the -trom uld land 00! rlgllt"°'·WllY '°' pedeetrian and "Subject to:" below (the Malter he determlnalon u lo whether to or any other lllnd. lnc:ludtng the rdlt ehlculer peHage •nd releled O•claratlon") under th• Section eHe Hid l•cilltle1 within ten ( 101 to wtllpetOok or dlrectlonally OrtN urpoaH •long the northern t>eedings In IUCh Ar11cte 9"1tl11ed u •)'11 aller recelJ>' of bid• and mine from land• other than bOUndr; of the property of Stewlir1 lollOwt: "RIOltl• tnd Outlel; Ulllltlel Information concerning the pro-thOM htnlnabove deecf'tbed, otl or 2:00PM at the Harbor Lawn evelopment Co. VI, the two 1111d Cable Televlalon'', "Support. OHi ahould be •ddrened to 911 well1, tunnel• •nd ehalla Chapel with Chaplain John t~ together lo form -Seulement •nd Encro•chment", FOUNlAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DIS· b o ttom 111ch whlc>1tocked or A . Lindvall officiating. 1oo1 -1t kw Prcommon ~ "Community Fecllllle• ~ .. men1" TRICT. 17210 Oalt Slteet, Fountain dlreCtlOMlly df1lled ...., tunnele Ince rm en t •e r v l c e • s•-.:,he.._Oletrlct Property • .., •F~!'. ... ~~1nag1 over Communlt~ alley. Calllornl• 92708, (7141 •nd ahalta under b•n••th or --· ,.,operty; and _,,,....., 842-61151 Allentlon Naomi Wle· beyond !he ut4Wlor llmltl thlreOf. Immediately following. RESOLVEO FOATHEA, th•t Th• str'Ht •dd•H• end other land and to redrlll, retunnel, equip, Services under the direction 11H111n C. Hu.wlnkel of Newport common dMIQn•tlOn, It any, ol the DATED· Mey 11. 1982 melnt•ln, repair, dHp•n and of Harbor Lawn-Mount ,C8111ornlelhallbeappolnled rHI properly described above I• FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL oper•1• any IUCfl ....,. or mlnlt. Oil M t f C t o • boll'd of llPP'....,. of lhr• purporred 10 be 43 Montpelll•r, DISTRICT without. ,_, the right to df'll, ve or uary 0 OS a (one other to be llPP<*tttd Newport Beech, Callfornle. BOARD OF TRUSTEES mine, ttOl9. ellPIOf9 and opera19 Mesa. :W0-5554. Stewart 0.-.etopment Co. VI and The undersigned Tru1tH di•· J-D WolSt through thl ~ or the ups>« LANGDALE • I h Ir d b Y th• Co u n 1 y cl•tm1 •ny ll•blllty IOI eny lncor-Clerk of Ille Ooll'd 500 IMI of the tub1""'-Of the R 0 B E R T E A R L uperl ntendent of School•) lo rec:tMSS of the atreet eddr-and Publl1t1ed Orenge CoHI O•llY l•nd herelnabove described, H LANGDALE. .de f 11 aoon M poeelt* to the othef common de91Qn•llOn, If any, Pltot. May 10. t7. 24. 19112. reeerwd by The IMne c:ornp.ty, • a reu nt o i. to the ncfllnge and the shown herein. 3051-!2 w111 Virginie COfPOlallOn. recorded Santa Ana, C.a. PUied away nty Superintendent of Sdloole Said Nie win be made. but with· Auguat fl, 1977, In boolt 12331, on May 22 1982. Survived 111 determination of the caeh out co...-nt or warranty, ·~-•-.,. ...,.._ Peo9 1814, Oflldal Aecioftlt, . ' alule of the propertlea pn>pOMd or lmpllecl. regerdlng title,~-•-"'""" Attention JI dlrec:1ed to the tact by his wife Irleen, son• o be eltCNinQed; and •Ion, 0, encumbr•ncee, Including \M\ iM oil. Mc., It~ h'om vary and Ronald, sisters RESOLv£0 FURTHER. 11\81 ff ,_ chargee and •ll99f'IW of the rcm1oue wu u .. -ISl'IMll• 111 tt11a ~ Ve1m.a Scheve. Vi vlan he County Superintendent of Truttee and olthe truall creeteo by MAim ITAT-.r and any pollcy l8'uld In the-Of D 1 d n-Sh 1 llPl)JO'llll the repor1 of the "Id Oeecl of Trull. to pay the re· T .. -foll~n .... ,eon 11 doing • ~ at • .... llnder aald a es an uctt)' e eny. ppralHr• •nd th• term• •nd ma1ninQ P"nclc>el eum of the notl(•I ,,. ......... g .. -o..o of Truet wlll aleo contain aald brothen Maurice and Jlm, ondltlon• of th• Eaument Hcured by Hid o..hf Tru1t to ~:ER ENOINEEAINO. 833 oa excieptlon. grandchildren John Eric, AgrHment ut forth In Chit wlr. $329,394.00 with lnterHt W91t Kaleb. Unit J. Orange, CA The unpeld bllanoe and wdmete Cor~ Kerry Erica and Relolutlon. there atlaH be pub411Md thereon from J•nuery II. 19111 o t2M7. of ooet.t. _,,.,...and edVancet aa J than• G ' .d _ .. _ •1 IMlt once• weell for twowwb 14 ~per •nnum H provided In Wiiiard P. Greber, 1t281 of ~ 17, 1912 I• 1133.357.00: ona · ravesa e leiv~ In a newapaper of general Mid notl(1) ~ coeta and eny ed· c M6d emount wl1I ~ unttl oat• will be held Wednesday, c11culat1011 In thl• count)' Ch• Y•nc.s of '80,808.41wtth1nt-t =ry Orl1ie, Weatmlnater, A of tale. May 26 t 982 at Harbor fofegolng Reeolu11on Of Int.ant to The beneficiary under aald Deed Thie bu1111191 le concM:tld by an Th• 1tr"t eddreu end oth.., Lawn M~ at ll:OOAM Hch•nge the propertlee and • of Tru11 lwlretofore Ill.Wied and lndMduel. OOfMIOh deelgnetlon, It any, Of Ille . · nollce stating the time and fll-of delivered to the undersigned t Wltlal'd P. Greber ,... property deeof1bod ebow le w 1 th P ••tor D l r k the publlc ,,_.Ing of thla Boerd to written Decl.,•tlon ot deteult and Thie lleMmenl -flled .tth IM ~to be: 4821 Cort1and Or., V an-Proyen, the C.0.t Bible be held to oonelder the repon of the Oem•nd tor S•I•, tnd • written County Clerk Of Orange County on Newport 8-lh. Church officiating Setvioes appr.._. and the el!CtlMge of the Notice 01 Oeleult •nd Election to May 13. 1"2. Th• under1lgned Tru1tee d . · ~~lu duorlbed In the Sell The ul'deralgned cauMd Mid ,_ ctl1otalm1 any lfablllly for any under the 1rection of RetofUtlon; and Notice of Otlautt •nd Election to Publlehed Orange co .. t os11,, lnc>011ec10•• of the WWI addr9et Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive OLVED FUA'n1EA, ltlet the Sell to be recorded In the county Piiot. May 17, 2~. 31, June 7. 1"2 and °"* oammon deelgnetlon. It Mortuary of Costa Mesa Ch•ncellor or Eucutlve Vice whet• the reel property II located 21~2 any, lhowrl tw.ln. ~0 5554 Chenc*lor. B'*'-A,,.,,_, be and Oete: May t , 1"2 . OATEO May 17, 1982. · ANDREWS hlre«ly le aulhortiied and directed 10 RESIDENTIAL EOUITY FINAN· Benellolary· Town & Country do or cauae to be done any and all CIAL P'tllJC NOTICE 811\11, A"n: J-M. Preeton. RUTH A. ANDREWS, a MJCll tvrtller acta and thing•. ancs to 11 "kl Trust•. Add,_: 1253& Seel 8Nc11 Blvd .. resident of c.o.ta Mela. Ca. ~~·m ":': t ~. ::, :nc: n': ~~~~~. Bs!:t-: NOTICELa.r.!E~tVEN ttlet ~-== .. ~131 514-9783 for the put 26 fNl'S, attar lnetrumenll, •either of them may Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally the ~lleme Of found or IAF!CO TfTLI! INIVl\ANCE brin& a Jone time resident of d-,_. ... ry Of dealr•ble In PllOI, May 10, 17. R 1982. tllftld "9111 bMrl helid by COMPANY, 1 Cof'poretl9n TNllel Glendale, puled away 00 order 10 c:arry Into effect th• I0«-82 1M ~It of the Olly Of Addr ... : S700 Wllahlre Blvd M.)' 22 , l "B~. Sba. la!'..'!!!!!,.•!.!!!~1onln.tent ol th• __ .,.__ coeta.._.f0faper1odln90IM •1o1,LoaAngllllll.CA. • • ,. ..... ...,,..... .. ,_, ....._,,, ""'~ Of ninety llOI d1y9: Oltl't 1 Sod. TtllOllOn« (211) e1S-t711. urvlved by her son on mollOll of Tru•IM Oeor~ ---.,..'!"""" ..... ""! ..... -.-.~~--Whlte/ltutpl• 1 1oyo(1 , 1)1Jllln9utf Marlon of Green Rlver. "o<Jda • .Jr .. d11ly •= enci ':~~~· lo)''I White fl•l•l~10 ·~· , ,~ Ofllolf Wyomtnc Private aervkee C*fted, the above -The following pereon 11 doing == ~ '::: ~ i;,( 'ubtltf!M Orange OOaat O•lh will be held wlth UHi ~:1:.=.~u1'=r•. ~-._·<iiri'•' ... """""•"1p9 fllot.,_N,11.Julie7, 1::0.,. lnumment at the family plot ~ e. ~. lllotletd L Ollofl CHAl8'8 CAEATIOHI. 11 t7 --. a..•. w ~ Ullleft tci ---------- Glendale, Ca. The bmUy ~~"M. Jr. ~m.~·-· ~on leed\, CA lpd. ~~=Al.::~ gJC .,TIC( u11••t• donatlon1 tn AUINT: Carol J. Oendf CHRISTINE 8 JINKINS: tt7 :::: ::::::: i;;e' u. -Hul'IY mo.ry of Mn. Andrewa I, "°"""' I. W8tl0n. ~ 14th Street, tiUlltlngton leletl. CA ,,.. 8plrtt 10 ""'· _,... ... ~=:r .. a)' b • m • d • to th• " tftl loerd of TMteee of tM •~r .. ~· ... ~ ......... I g~~;:, 8t1n1rtY e1oro11, •o>''• Tiie touowino """'rlOft '' dOlno blld 0 h di coeec ~ COINge CMMrtot ,,,,......,_ 1cxinduc1edb)'an lturdle 10 spa, ... --..._. .,. rena rt Op• e or orano• co11111y, C•llfornla lndMdllll. and llldt ltOfdl ~ wtll "'° ---tal, LOI ~ Ca. ,,.,.oy Olrtlt)I tfWl IN tOollll Md ~ Jenlllne tne and rll'M. I' A I HA M I\ 9' K I! T A N D ltl9rvt.rwa under \be d1reetkln :.i:;e "-*ltlofl ... cMy and Thie 1tai.ment ... tlltO wttn tt1e NOTlC818 FUMHtA ONtN l.IOU09', 709 l'talflo Cout G...1 n...... 0-tth It_ .... 'i.':. loer'Cf It County aert Of ()range County Ol'I If I'() OWMI' .... and PfO* HllfM91, Huntll\al~ e.ot\, -ts DW&* .. I ~ cs s ,....,. ,,...,.... lhl '*" an Ap111 *>. 1H2. CW!lllfttlfl> of tM ~ wftt*' ~ M. I'. v . loll 7M. LI thllL Mortuury of Cc.ta IN f4fl day of llfarah tM2 ,_.. Hw•n (l) da a fol(owh11 th• ,..,.. CA IOeTI: tHO "'*""-. IMl.S.e. Me--9371. Dallld ~ 14,, ctiW of M.rdl, "'b111111d 01•11ae coa11 oeur OUblloatlOn ot ~ NcMtoe. • w. &.a~a. c.uoen .... NOO'.l'BAAB 1112. .. Coelll ...... ~ ,llol, Ml) 10. 17, u. 31, 1N.. ~ etlll ,,... "' ttle "'*'· If • ·-~ .. ~VJ In D O Jl O T ff y T NotlNft a. Wlboft tMf'I be one, « In ttie Qty-of COMa INIMclUel. N.ml All OO'l'·BAAJl, ln Ueu of ,llbll~ .. Coul o..ty Classy Autos ~.=:=.a~ ™' ............. tlltO ...,_ ... Howen, contt1butlou In l'lot.. ..., 20. 14. 111a 121s.12 """and _..to be lllflOUl'Old. ~'=.If 0-. ~ °" emor1 of Dor~ T . Advertised OA~~1ta ,_ ~·ti. '° C...OIPOUCe Mlllftlid Ot~ Coat= be !"'~';~~11:t';~ Tb• r111e1t araw lft t~ lb Jh~ ~~ '.;t' CO..~.'l ,..., -"·" ',u. ltra. .. ......_ 'WH~ •• a o~ 111101 ~ .. :· e::~= :..=Ad· T.., llJL.'H'(ll• J'ulwt I.Awn dinCton. DAILY PILOT .. 1 .. TAR GA'ZEK• .. i-;;-=.:...:...;.;...,.. ___ ,"• ct' y a. POU.Al'l----.----t .~ :~.~~~!~ ~ To d•w•loe> ~uoo-f0t M~o.-. ._._ch '°'._,.s'"V 10 ,,_,...n of .,..,.., Zodt0e bu111 "9" . .,. ,,_ ·--. ._ , .... ·-.... _ ... ·-··-,,, .... ...... .,.._ ... ... _. .. ,_ ,,, .. ··-...... . , ... ··-... ,,_. .. .,.., ....... , ·-,,..,._ •O.O , .. ·- ,, .. ...... ..... ... _ .... ··-,,_ .... ·'°"·~· .... .... ...... .... .. .,., ....... ... ··-.. '""'" ·-.... .. ... .... _ "°'_ .. ,_ ·-... . .,,. .... ... ··- ., . ....,. ........... -.,.,. .. _ ·-·-"°"' •o.--•• 10 ,.,....,.htiiil ''"""-... t>"9Mt1C.• ,,_ t• o. ....... .... ... _ ..,,_ ,._ ,.._ ··-...... .,_ •11-.._ .... ·-...... ··-·-·--- ':.':' s~~4llA-4i-~s· ------_.. .. QA'r .. ~ ·=·=·~~:: .................... D U L C 0 Y t 1'1'111 ,__.,..H_E.,..t__.0-.Pr--tl ! .... l&at I I r I . i p R H A G I ! Tiii• guy hM • ,.., eye fOf 1-.. , .. , -,, ..... ,..-.. ,-4 ~ the ladlea. Hie wile truata him _ .. __ .. _ .-.......... -• OQfnpletely, but he doea get ----------. uncomfort•blt wHrlng • C A J L A K I bNP« on hi• -. ::.,..1 ... -_1:: ... 1,... _-.1:::_r=-_'"'I! 5! ::.1:1 E: T...-:"" • ,...... .1!!.lflt. •••••• lttlft.f!!W ..... ~. «~m.~~ ...... «~,m.~~ ...... !~!tft ... ~ .. ~1....... .~fff ....... ! ......... ~ff! •• ~ ... ! .......• ,..,.,., ...,,,,,, l~m .. t ....... .. ~" ...., fall a--J , ......... , J.""' 11...,,,, ,,.. &.LI .... J.Mf P.t!f lffl 11_, .... IOll ••• ~ ............. c.,,, ,,,,, ..... M\\\1-Y mrn(!)-n .......... r•m mw.T .......... r•~1T r. ................. ~t. :~-:; .. ~;~·;·~~:;~~ :·:.:i'ut1:. • • .. fiili'"'' ... r.·.;;;=iUii"' '~:C::~~~n~~; ..... c;o:M;N:.iArmi ~~"'' HOMll. I ..... ,., IUI· Ht, 1 ...... a11a.ooo. '"'"'id~= own 3 Mm\.: J'A"' LA,°" llkl 120,000 OOW1\ M • ,.~,·· '200 to llOOO • Nlgtlt LJvhta. Quiet Alee. 1.7~ owe HI It 14"-.... ~ w ~ ........... 24430 '330 mo, (114)M1<4331 H RE It ltl '"' untt INDEX PIWIU llm 111. View of OoHn & U 000 dn. Au11ru C:.lft ~T\ln• '"· IOOO •4 fl. 01t1d •u1T11 low Int loin 1 t 760 33t• OP9" 7~ Pn• W•t Bay bayfront. SUpe for 2 boat&, 11t1tk1 open IPIOH. Mt "°" 11. Mt·70.U OOlDIN • .L.&1 ~ 1111 wlpetlo +pad. 1271 ft ..... ,.., M. Cll l\'fl'IOCt.led s bdrm, 3 be\h •U00,000. . •111~. On~ 1" on. 712·1 sm-..im ............... , ,,,,,. OC.AOO Al.I 760-n14 •u2·5871 1ouAL MOUllNO Ckffn & .ttu vltwt~ room. 4 bdfm. a I = 11i-'= et...., _, .. I i.. a.-& 1 ... I: ll... • •• ~X.~~! ••••• l!!!f , er 2•" , .. OU1et .,... " Oll'll'O•Tuiun tit\h 8100 eq,k tl SH 000 Ooelftfront. j 4 bed~~· with n'J!ff.:::i;i;: ... r .. • 1 Mr 1 n:-~~"' IJICtl 3« equity In Kon1. Av111 lmmld. Kid• ot. •u11 Wl ' ' ' · 11111 ~-.::•1!"_.. .. --. aur NMOH 'rr':oo Chr••t1~':· H1w111 condo rot 1 .... a1$01mo f7f·ttea , .. ,.M•l•i•a.errr't ...... •• _... d 09...,, IWYlll'f room ll'ECIM. •'I 1 · · on 3 b r 11 o m•. Io -1!! All,.., .. ,.,. 14Vet11NCI Liil llLI ... • IMiil and mort. ~... a bclml, I..,.. ftctOt,.., 117•!1713 Orang• Co . ., .. 1213) EARTSIOE 2bf,""""' _..., ~l 11:• In thll n1w1peper 11 ... .., "Oft Offltl ter1n1 nano~. "•d11oed to In wood & glMI. OoMI\ ._, ...,. 1014 4311·61123 patio, blt-4n1, '430 1 " I! IUb)eGt 1o the,...,.,,.,, l'rtm• Udo Nord blytront. & bdnn, &1,1\ beth. on one of ttll beet tMl'fl •112..__...1 __ ... 70 view, l>MM'4 oelllng•, :m .................. 3 br 2 b• condo In Olen· oc AENTAL8 7ec>-S$14 • M• H-...i.... ..... Of tMI ........,_ L .. LR 2 boat ·•1 ... $1 o.N\ f\Af\ In t111 upp•r 81ok lay ,,,_ ·--• 111109 ttont frplo. Looa• ....... -....... • • ,,_.,k.,, ""1 t' 111 0 it'~ . " ai,... .~.vvv. er••· IHutlf\61 o111tom ted ~ abow L~'• •-<1111 for ••ct11ng1 w 0,., 1•1•1 lllf -... v't' ,_. m 1 • 1 1 1 bUllt 4 ldtm I tied! poo1 ,.rvt«""a'ooutlln• 1,.1 14 hr .\uardtd oommu· o on do or II o u 1 • 1 n •••• •••••••••••••••••• r•IMN'Mt .. ~ ll!! pl ~r.~!~~!.'1tmlll;I~~ no~ Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 be\h + WfO rte. rm. home with fabuiCM ._ 000 ' ' n...,lty •••• 8_.!lurf1ld1 Ave. Or~ Co. Cell E. Othl· 2 b•. 2 bl, ftplo, IQI te-.... m... 10:. _.. beam c.elllna., furnl1hed, NltJoa. '420.000. Of ....._._..... •• ·--... MlllK>N MAL TY _,, s ... 2'A bl, b I, 9 • 8 4 ' • 5 5 2 2 . reg. (No Pit•) MJO, -j~lt •!! dl1ctlmln1t1on b ..... on ·...-r-e.::;;d'°~ .;;:::'...., 4.....0731 II' to b11oh. 2 frplc1. t213)244·821S evw. •83.o4e1 -If.... ';; r.ce. oolor. rlllolon .... Of u1•• llU ..... 111' , "'"t1"1f''-1 f1ntutlo vllW from roof R I -----...... ~~ ::. n1tlon1I orlgTn , or 1ny ... -trn miy ct~ nlf\C "J or If,_ AllUMAILI AND Ill• top 1 1 105 000 JNJ 111111 Hli•fll• t:i ~~"'""" ,.,. Intention to m1k1 1ny ....agoon view from 8 bdnn. & beth, playroom, ~r2•1d0•~oo~'6tif1fo~ d:! IQ& --I.I" fllNANCINO AVAi· l'.P/O~C. 0 2131582:2188 Wi•IH 1100 Jt11i n# --.... := 1UOt1pr.-..1e1,llmltatlon dark rm, dt•n. Bolt ellp $1.S&0,000. 1 •• 1.-:.::.·7171 4 bdrlTI, 2 bl, 17116 LA8'.l ••••••••v•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• -:ir..:• , .. °' dllorimlNtlon." ,,,., "°" Cllnntt Dr. Coeta MIM. W1•llo ICihooll from tHI ... ,_. W~ IOll N11d 2 11om11 on "''"*· 2Br Condo SO Ill mo. 1111. ==·-.i. :: Thi• new1p1p1t wlll not IAYSIDE OIYE Prln. only. 11u.ooo. two 1t0ty DMf'9 o-rdtn ...... n··•11••',,;•;•••• not 1n 1g1nt CM/HS 1u1 & s200 ~.No pM9. ... knowingly IOOept 1ny g,_.•~~•lar bayfront view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 714-5&1·1* home With ~llY • -are I 8 7 5 • 7 t 9 7, 768 7633 IW. ($TAT£ actwr1111ng '°',.., wtat• ,..._ ...... ,. 1t'fll"91..i bedroom•. 2 ALMOST OCEAN · 967·11M OC_-R_E_H_T_AL_S __ ~ ... ,., s.i. '••* wNotl It In Vl<*tlon Of ttll 2 bl dn. 2 boat Ills» $1,900,000. -• m ... bethl. ~8.000. FRONT. OrHt flHt on , Sb' 1 1200 to a2000 "'9rt_,,.,...,llelt * iew -UHOO A.I. large lo1. Mt5,000. Jtalt./I 5 33 1-cs.ys =~:~... !: · COllOl&DO CAYS =~';,'~;,:,c~ .,....1020 Lacw Yllllt I.I ...................... 7 :0~: FoC::NT ~~=~=fu.n• 1• .. ...,. Coronado I.land CUil. baytront lot. s~· boat home. Fe1turln9 femlty ...__ "'-ial I 411·1lf1 ...... ,.,., •• _ 2 81Hm $825. f'1nc1d o..i.-1.oK>s.14 :.: In 1Xclu11v1 SHvl1w dock. Plans avail. $42~.000 w/tenna room. oantrll llt OOnd. & tt'A"tt7e:":r.m ••••••• A.L-•··' 111111 ~··••••••1··~·:•••1•1•;;. yuo ~ gtt•g•. Kid• a MooMo1e•• .. H •• 1 ,11• 0 111 guirdid. --11 IOCltlon. Qoel to lllUllY llYTAll ~~.~ ........... "'r••• It ,.., 66 JMt" welcome 5•5-2000 . ..... ~ .. ...,.., .. ~ .... 000 """70 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ......,.. .. ""'--', 11• 8oeGtaoulll.,... wtUI Of Ill. Onty 1..... . H with grllt VIII.-; Vltwl. ~..... OUALITY 3 BDRM d•n ~gf"nl no '" :r..:.::r"s.:: Trlr ''" = W/Q furniture. 3 Br & ILIFFI .... San Mlgu9! Or, Newport onr wlll Oltry. try Qfl• ~ •••• 1100 gerdener Irv Terr.:C. 1oi B ,. ,----- -.. o...t 11·-1 -.. R .............. J ......... OtW Sing'e ~tory end unit. ex-n.ded 3 br, 3 .... Bllch. 758• 16°1 or duatld peymentl. ai85, ., -IM 673-3100 .... , ,. o.~c. ,_ -,., . .._.,., ............. h11f. • • ..-· ... 752 1373 ooo •••••••••••••••••••••• . B1 h r 1141 5.:'...~E;,.,., 5 ~:~o~~=,'clc,· on largest greenbelt. $250.000. ,...,... ~ ._ LL N~r:~:t~c:r~ ~7~~ !'.~~!!!.¥~.'!!'!. .. (;c·;;~;;~;·;&;;·~;;,· ::::~::::.~~· : Piil Lm A moetl!!~ trenon 41l·1ll1 oond. '16 dbl wide, llr•· c,.,,,/ 11n den ftplc , wit bit: tl .. T'lS country cu1tom hom1 ptece, bride. 1>9Uo. •••• •••••• ••••• ••••• •• •Pe c ••cut• r v I• w • "" 3 bdrma. 2~ baths condo near pool. $145,000. . ""',,,., '"' •H.500. AllO 2 br .. 2 LANDLORDS·dO you $ 1000/mo. 3532 Bt1· -hr..i~ i1• g~:~~:YN~od~t!118,~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• bl .. double Wide, corner need help In ttntlngJour v e 111 Jon 1t111 n =~-:::•t:t ; ,. ,. rid. A truly quellty 3 8R PAii .. •-lot a38,000. Biii Grunoy property? f wltl lln I•· (213,.51-•3e7, 24 tin. c-""""''"''" -corner lot hom1 PLUS l'Wl95 e7Mt9 l. n anu •how & clo1t c ........ oi .... 1..r -Tll F...... ....... 01111. ~9.441 1. lma1 '1H ~==~;· ~ In, ....... ,...,-. ... ~.!!..d" AN OCEAN VIEW. l.lall ITllTll ... , ,159 Newport Beech Oe Anza •••••••••••••••••••••• ~""'"' -u--.,.... .,_, .. ...,"' ........ Sml 2 Br 2 81 older 4. I~ IA. bayfront P1tk . Mint 3 9, 3 ea E.lttc Hom.In ~,:::.,v•• : Bdrm pool nom1 wllh tlomi w/greit locitlon -~R ........... cond. '71 dbl wide, !16r•-Ull Northwood•. 2 11ory with A,.,.l.'•'"'" -1p1, In M111 d1I Merl neer Tuetln Ave. H•• ..,.., '"' '"""' pl1c1. brick p1t10. • 1. Immaculate and chat· ~•rn lrg 11m. room. Ho .,.,._, ""'" °' ""' -Bell buy In the .,..., not T • •D 1oad1 off 011nt111. A•-MOOE1. 000. Aleo 2 br · • 2 bi.. m 1 n g 3 e d rm 11 om• pell pleeM. GarcMn« & :::::a • ._d ::: 1noth1t Ilk• It. A1uum1 ·-I IUml II ,OOO In loin• HAS !VEAYTHINO double wide, corner lot Sunny brtck/',,•tlo Fite~ water paid . HOO/mo. 11a1m........ ••• 111, own« wtll CMf'/ tit------------------ISM2tl wiau.ooo dwn. Full CUl-49 w ltreet U8,000. Biii Grundy pl10t. s 1eso mo 546 2000 Agent, nor.a. i':"'-":'::~.i. mo lanoe 11 low rel1. 1138, l;iii~E!iE~iiji, ptlci 1115,000. Sun & 811111 Club 1_8_7M __ 18_1_. ____ _ ~:=".."::!:!". :5 OOOCllllM&-7111 13t-7370 20 """~.. Huntington BMch, doubl• 1n NI/nu. 2 b, 2 ~~&U MOO c;.,_ ,_ .... .. '~~ : ~·~1 I ortb •1101n••r 121~ a1eo.ooo wldl. 1dult1. 1ug1 lot Mobile 2 Br $700 2 br 2'"1 be '796-lllOO ~~·::.:u1 ~ . . ~ Co esw y u~ ,, 12% fixed r11t• a em111 pet o1c. ""' shop· Npt Htt 39, poo1 s 1650 3 2 • """ ... _ 1-.. ....... 1 = __ , , 1~--. •TW fUlty emortlZitd. ping, low ttnt. $28,900 Lou of good 1ummer 4 ~;· 2 ~= •1s 1'20(j ::_~: •••• ~ -.... -•••-No point.°' qulllfylng. Tlrml. e.47·295'. ren1111 1vatl1bl1 fr om 4 b• 2., bl seoo-se25 •* ".,,.• -4 ., 2 IA & Co. -· rr.wi -71~7 lleeutlful 1 bd 12X40 mo-S..OO to l l200 '*mo 3 bt, l bl $725 LIQ Hiii ~TSS.n~~ .. SEY. l1H,lll ~~.':~~-:':. 0wner1em b•d"'u1t11opm1r'k· lsnmc•~ ~!;' w11ettront Homee, RI'' Le Ra1'°' A11y 933-teOO lllUI • """ ""'"S EASTBLU"'-F OR. t1lner'1 p1tadl11. Lg.i-MANA--G-., .. -.-S-C-... -~--· • 1•11•-Turtle•ock Glen gerden ==-= ~::i:r. ~=~~1r~f~:.~~ ~ r lllp, blysl(M llWn. pool, """ ~ .,....., Jwj Jiii OOO. 5o4W813. 41 • _. homt> 3 BA 2 81, flm '"""' 111 CMM 1111 ........., NEWPORT BEACH, CA 3 lplca, plul Hll & Hin BeltbdrmbUVw/pooln Cl·.M.:..0Slwpquell! ... :....-: ..... ••••••••• Mobll1 Horne. 18r. lgt tm bonua rm, clo11 to •-:::... w.-.... ./ -o1na. Owner '""'., moti-640-0020 "' ..... ¥1 .,,... k ,.__ ' I ... 3·••• 11_,ioi--valid, cell lodiy, b1tlltoom1, din offloel ~~~ng. ll 17,800. Bier .,,.._ .,..,.. p1llo & lhld. Adh par , ....,, ... • ,.., _,,.1 perk pool & 1enn11. ,,.....,. .. _ ... .,. --541-2313 err toom, llbrery, gym· 709 IPll .,..., So. Lag. 110,000, dy •••••••••••••••••••••• 1mmf'd 11200 Pl' mo. --.Tna ua• 1 ... LIU IYM MU n .. lum. Unu.ually deep1---------.... 49<1·2782, 111/wtmd• eY/ Spygllll 4 er flmtly Ownr/tHct 551..0100 AllllttCOICMTS, •,. lot wl approx. 74 ft on thl EXECUTIVE TAM.Eva. Lovely lrt 4 Bd, prof. wkndl •ee..&791 room 2 lrplc oc .. n/ -IWlm ... I UUJ • .., b1y Only 5 ~ old •• with m1gnlflc1nt "ltd. decoreted W/--1 ~ harbOr YleWI S 1860/mo 3 br 2 • b• ftmlly rm, din. ru•OMAlS & ..... .. ,. · Y• • · -· ' ~ & -.. ..,::."A' ' •~-.. L... •-•1 J•"" ~S.0778. tm Close to tpe, t.W. '"ST & F0 JM IWI Tll 1 •-950,000. John Macnab. Every upgrade.. 4 bdmw. -· ·-,.,... -_,, ._ & 1 S • 0 O w UNI .-. 842..a235.(.....,.). Mu1tMll.A1k1noa2so. RGAINATONLY••••• ............... 8 1 ul 4 11 poo " mo. --·· ~11ae• IM ....,. • Bdrm 3 ooo. Bllr !MM708 a358,8001 won't IHt. Lewragld C1llforn11 In· PIO ac ar oc.an c Y 975-1723 (G Putnem) c.,,.... • ..._, Bluffs condo, only 1 ~ yn old, 3 , Y99b ..,ta with noelllnl 1tgt111 v11w lrom 1vtry --1..ou1,..._ 000 C1H dlreotly to Petrick ' room Llrge & epaclous WOODBRIDGE 2 Sr. ~ i.-.r....., : Swlm1nytlm1lnlo'llly patios. Huge price reduction!! $277, . 12.ll., .. I -W. T1not1811·1288or upMdepatentlll. 281.m1ny1m1n111u to p11r 1<, pool ind ....._. ~ •oler hllt•d pool. 3 Opn Friday thru Monday 1·5. 304 llll -· -19' MWI $1200/ "'·'I • t"-nu 1chool1 Fncd y11d *'"°""' -Bdrm 1~ ea. rernode61d f11111l11 1-•1=--mo "'"' ,.n '"' ' . n..... ,.. kitchen In one of Colt• Elplanade. •.. -· d1y1 842·5767, evu & '625/mo 551·2554 SEJYICES M .... , b91t ., .... Ow-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ Juel In time for IUITllYW, Initial lnv11tm1nt1 from wlr.nda 831-ee30. 3 br, 3 ba, 2 ity twnllm. !lor• .... °''"""', -nu Vlf" f11xlbl1. f'ull thl• lovely plool thorn• a3500. Montlly ln1t1ll· LE•SE/L E•SE OPTION guato...,. gate. ----'. t.n-n.t•oyucwT & 1 ' a 1 "5 o o o feiturei tert tic lnin-m1nt1 from 1280 per " " "" """' U11n "' " Pr c I "' • · clng. 4 lll'ge bdtmt,,,.., th 19 d Lge newly remod. 3Br, nla. JllC, xlnt loc. G1tCS.. Pft'AIATION 751-3111 .. p1lnt, n11r plfkl 1nd ••l•l -.S mon · ICf• an up. Jba . f1m rm In lrvlne nor Incl $895. 857--659<1 1'<'-. 1••""'1--5" Mlllllf $10 000 ()n AllVS 1chool1. Offered at Owner nelda CMh, dean ="~Ir\ ee2•1182 Te" I 1 6 O o Imo. eva ::1,W.:::::,; • ., :: IO WftR, LD1'mJ 2 ~C09t&M.:/ •u8,800. CALL U8 ~typ9houle.28'. Sony pr1nc:1pei.onty 031-7118,8'5-<>+45 3Br, 28a deteched l\ome, MEICHAMllSE Ullfl PMI 8p1clou1 3 Bdrm 2~ A80UT OUR OPEN l k 110x1tr lot.~ • · AC,dblgarage,llke,_, ,.....,._ ·-• ... beth 8MbMf IC)llt...,.. ll18::~c~M HOUSES. 64().t151 detachld rc::r:· 11 8, c.-daJ llYllE TUUll s eoo mo Avail now. --IOIO 111111 ... --·-condo wltfl prtvltl IC)I, an,750 to •111.150 000. 841-04 IYll & ,, ... JIOO Fabulou• lront rrM Yltw Goloen Proptrllll "-:: lty ..... -to .;.,_ 2 I I IR TOWllflomel 1omw1 dllllng. 1011t heat ll~ 1ll1 wllndll, IS t-3520 ~ ..... i!t!n:t........... home In exau.IYI IMne 752 1589 ::ft: llo&m•l> -tn to • .,... ~ ...... ~ ..._ ementty ind mot1I A11um1bl• .... Terrace. 3 bdrm1. plus __ H_O_M_E_F_OR----RE,...NT-....--~·u • ~-"' = S br, 2 lie. 1710 9' fl~ ~ loM end own.-wit cerry lll'Wiil'I' TU 1111.TD convertlbl• d1n, f1mlly 4 Bdrm $725. Fenc.d = .. v.. : 1ot1. View. Tiie roof. ~NO ~= =.:~ci.:t"n:i By ownlf. Dtaatlo ptlOI .. llVDTll!U rm & pool Owr3500 eq y••<J & gu•g•. Kld1 & -.... -~ PoOt. ...._ f'um. Modlll ""'-•• ,.,,,,, tlducUon f0t~down-a c Id 1 "· '26oo P" mo peia weioome 5'5-2000. o----hot .. 101(. 8105~. ..._, Onlyl175,000.64&-1171 ....... IHI --.... ,. an ""'-nt1pr 1 0 171 .. 167) ..... oo AnAnl no l .. --°'*' e.t & Sun._. 11 to•=. -,.., .. _. _ _,.. ownetlHp. Modltn ~ " ..,... ·-· ~a-. : vfi Nort~MNd~ Avocedo .t fi Rd. lmill ....... lllil ··=· ... ·•••··=~·· ey Owner 4 8dr den 1 n1111 1ty11 four unit 121J1 u .. zu1 3 IDlll ... La-• 1m ... nit --..,.,. · ' '5 1pertm1nt houH with H •RBOR • .._, !;1:m.,.iii).i 1iiiiiii .... iiiiiiii~·--•ilillllilil .. __ I 28f. T~.~ f:9'~·~"""a ocewi,h111600lfcour11 ~ Detact11d No. ltvln1 = ~~ iiii 1• ., liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~d~lt w1t~ ~ dining. t225,oo:.":lo. *-1 'ctoee,,, to ewrr':.13· ~~~o~~~g ;~~'~ :: ~ ........ ~., = n•n Illa.IT llMI ... ;;;;:r;;:: Of ,... 000 dWn. 84$-810I ~~ II~~· N"E·~~ s~..; Three Olh•rl to CllOOll "-•'!c. -Soi' llwt home~ om 1 m OVlt IXl1tln' VA loin. CAMEO 8HOAE8 .............. Rn•~• & H VI lrom We II the~ to -.. 11 -klnag Cherry L1k1 Prl Unb .. l1Vabl1 t1rnu tor YILIEJ ..,,. ,...., --11 1 le -Mdud«I · • thl• deluxe 2 Bdrm f'ull price 108,500. Cultorn48r.Skpoot. ~ thou11nd1 of \1'1'"""'"' c. °' .._ fC!'ll.'::'~ ~. = ;·: .......... ~\':'• --do lo lhlo """ 0 •• ,.. --.... 1700. JHUUI, kOI pood, 3 m ..... -of 11.u ~ .. ''°'"'"'" "' ('., ~~irl\•..ihrld~ ~~"•".ll--gourmet kitchen w/ counter•. wOOd noot1, Colta MIM femlty 1t1t· 1 Br. Adult Condo. Wilk lrplc'i, 1 4 75,000. 1325,000 I• w1y below !~~~~~~~~~ IOATS & MAllllE Mexican 1111. Own.-wlll mlrrOfld wall. Cozy n,. tw home. Home ... tur• lam '911 to itotH. b1.11k1, etc. 675-6930. current replacement ,. .. ,, ..... 3·••~ ·"· u. ltlJ ., _..........., •-~ I Twopool1 IUI d11lr1bl1111um1bl1 --•a"" ... -low ~-co1tl PRINCIPALS -. •-••Y EllPMDIT carry·~--... ,_,_ p ICI. P •w• ••-• ........., ....,....,,, MMJme --•-ONL YI Cell owner 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• "11 .llNWI to1t bte 111. Tnly I beeUttM ~::!,~ ~~.=~ =' .=,r =m~O: BUCCOll home. 4 Br & :::.~~~~· ~~:. ll•ll ..... .. 17141842.0lJa. ALMOST 4br w/p<IV1te 1••1111..,,11,. !'~""''"•" ' -~..,.,,..A ~t 873-t550 ltrml. Thll 0n1 won't large f1mlly room with 3 bdrm• 2 b I ' llUdy, pello, ~I $600 -31fl = ~~:"8'f~o~!·~tl~;: laltlonolVllulprioed1t ~~~l·r=~-=:tZ ._~_r_1_c_._2_~_1_o_M_._P_.P_. 1p1,/cov1t1dp1t10. AlftlT !~ OC·RENTALS 750-3314 f!l.~~~.!!~~t ...... . -75f.8100 $108,d . Cell 64&-7171 lttf. Ctllldren can Wilk·· BHutlfully 01cot1t1d. a -IE llE If EL MORRO BEACH tor -1 ~.... ....... ......... ,..._ DESPERATE OWNER A.umabll loan with 5~ Near new 4-pllx. 2 bdrm. TIE 111,._ -rent/for sale. 1500 eq ft. THE REAL ESTATERS : 111.i.iJ.~:l:!!i·!!I 0 ·-11~ .....--. """"'-mu1t 1111 now. 5 Bdrm dn. a228.600 Fee By 2 bath 11cll unit with __ , rn' mobile home. No. L•· ($9=j£~iJlt'f1:i " Wiii 1lp lln1nc1. 8Hch OIANT. 180,000 Owner. t7f.3923 flreplaot, encloMd petlo, Rent In Co111 M1u s guna Ocean Yl-/l>Mch. GEORGE ELKINS CO •110 -=-·-··-·--$229.~~111 under muk1t. Submit 8EAVIEW -1l1g1nt & ger1ge, 9+'•-111. Poa. NE w EST g a I e d 2 o 3 Bfl. upgrtdtd w/750 ::: llAITY.. i;;;;iiliiii;;;iiiii::::!ll ...... ~ --~7~ermi . Bkr chermlng Hempton caahflow.Nowl169,600. 6ot.~'L°N7'~.v~~L ~~~ sq 11 deck 78().2690 ::: WmR IDT ....... --.;;:::::.1;iijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiiji~1;~=~---.. ~ model. fabulou1 vl1w1 8111 Or u n d Y · A 11 r · 2v1 ea. 1000.1800 eq. n. f<>t e matrled couple. 2 t>r ••• 111115 -UITllt lnUt IH4 decor, ep1, pvt comm. l7M181· of pure luxury. OaragM. atngle lamlly dWllllng.1'1. ti,. Belutlful 5 Bdrm 8Uccotl -· • •• ••••••• ••• • • •••• ... w/pod .. t.nnll fecllltlel. -i.,... ,,_,,. zooo II yd r 0. I u b. In m I I'., b a I g I r I g I . ::: over 3,000 1q.tt. 2 golf UY I.... Woodbridge 4 Br. D1t. 16&0,000. Open Hou11 ••••••••~::r.;;,...... iultt, dining roome. seooi mo.925 Temple courMI Ind park ,,..,. llPLll ..... Tl wam STEPS from tNI 2 bdrm home. cul·dl·llC, 1/0. Set/Sun 12-6 1803 Yacht 911 WURi wood burning flrtplaGH, Terrere 494.0154. by. Gr11t home'°' the tloua1 & 1 Bdrm houH Own/Agt. Wiii fln1nc1. COlna 844-1017 Tred1 tor my N e . micro-wive oven1. prl· Cha~1ng beech ltont :!: ~CelMe-ntS l.,..t ................. lllfl.Nt ..... on30X1100'R-21o1.0nly Belowtnl1(tet$179.000. MUSTSEW oc.anfrontlloml.Own« v ate P •110 1 & home: 1pec;tacularl!Ww, :: ... M.-. fWI ., ...... I ••*-•• ll1h $265,000t 646-0n8 ZERO DOWNI 173-&576 yard1,gud1ner p rovl· bW~ court yard entry. ' : If ....., .............. ltrMt .. ttrMt .... .., ..... ~ IUI Herbor Ridge cu1tom, p R 1 ME NE w p 0 RT dad Ellg•nt living only Br 3•., Ba 111ge IMng rm .,.. ......... lrht ._ 112 Mtll...... ...... ........ owr6,0001q.tt.,1oweet BEACH. t0% down, 15 mlnut•ftomF11hlon &dlntngrm belctlroom : •1 *111-1•* An-tell 4 Bdrm "'91 priced on hlll. "°' Info, 4-trH>llxn & 1 dupl111. lllllld, 7 mlnut11 to SC 10t1 o1 s1or.;ge. For ...M _,,,,•HD Nl..... "!~~~~~~~~! 1tory on 1n ld11I low c4lll fM0.1tts; ?84M>MI Coron1 d1I Mir & 811 Plan or O.C :lrport only Call Peggy Plttllon --· -... •11 •II i ----- Wf/A malnl.llnld 3 Bdrm We .... = ...., fllM ,,., ....... • • • I-t ffl t t 1 od-' 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil "'-. •-~1~-12•Lu. Juet 1111 01 ewpon lor app1 71"955-2473 -.. --· 1-,. c I, ... nm ... II ....... ,.._,,. -..... ,.,. Blvd & IO of S•n Ollgo Wkdyw 9.5 ~on wge lo1. E.19)' tr.. 1ftlt I tt ........ .,.., ... home condition. PrOfll-IUT f&Lm • SO,_, loan. Buy 1, 2 or Frwy Starttng •t ltoo 1 IC09la. Prime°°"*~ ..... -tl•.,.. ••••••0 ••••••• .. ••••• 11ona1 land.cape, tllndy .. -•-... 144-7424. Bkr. month 031·5•38. 2473 -,-.r..-.-,-,-,.'r..-f-/----.,-. cation with future com· ...... -~-.,._ · 2 f 1 ~·--.._. entlll Owner 22tl rtWll, I W 111..... ... man 1 garege. rp ci. Lerg1 1unny oondo, 2 COSTA MESA DUPLEX Orenge Ave · Coiu •• ••••••• •••••0 ••-~f:' w/flnanclns. ..... -~ a......--IN DOVER SHORES· community~·· Ind BR, 2 bl, community 1115,000. Top qltyconll. Miii LUJCUry home Oclln w , " I au• 50 ... ...., ---T lll nactlel Count t1nnl1. On1y 5 yr1 old. ::.::· CIOll to ::it Copper plmbng, hvy IW yir•-1und1ck, 11100 1/f, 38' 7~~~~e1c• • · ....,.,. tluf, I W 11 1c~c11.':. Oak c1bln1.'l. ~n~ =~ . a1euoo. P at1a111. bullt 1tk1 2 con-.,. Bd rm 2 ~mlly ~~;00f1~.r:&.~:a1c•. I ..... lntltlll .. -" , ti..... 1kyllgh11. brlok flt1· nnt off1tlng comf)4ttltf-..... option. dol. 3 ~· ~· Gr11t home Quiet A all . c:::::. l ·' • ( • --t'-' '1~11 •·'• +J t •• DIDHml Mimi' BHutlful upgreded 4 Bdrm, 2700 eq.tt. Of iu.. 11.11r'f °""· pool and ipl. Good 111um1bl• loin. Owner Wiii c1rry. Cell now , won't 111t. 541-2313 THE REAL ESTATER5 ..... ... .. ..... I W .. NII.Ill pld1rcm'1'.· p•o•onl1'1vtll1own1' 1". .,.,£.ii ll IS15,000. t'1'n"c:nl8 110208"' ••A•ugmt lmmtdl11a1y. M~ .~ lli11JN VI""• 1111 .,.,. .... ,.... '559,000. -142· · 3 Bdrm 2 Sith Condo . = ... rr= •-... B •••·1111 ' ' ,.., ' nltJ11. 875-<1912 BKR •••••••••···'~••••••••• ...... fl W "'" • "" ·-... ,.. 22 Unite, 4 yre old, In 2 er. enclld g1t1ge, ur· A/C, w/w c1tp1t1, mo· .., ....... I W.++YI _ ..... Oreno-Co Pride of OW· p111. drlpH. 713 W dern app1t1nc;11. 2 ou •:.-&..&.. .... .......... 1111,111 n1r1hlp. o'ro11 Income W 111 on. No P • t •. g1r1ge, p1t10, cloee to _,_ _,.. .. ... tttt eoo Alll.lm•bll 11. $526/mo, 831-418P. pool and r1C11atton.,.. ................. ......, -.. ,_. 1---------l~~~~~~~~~~I n1noll\O ·w/28% down. 2 Br. 1ncled garaot, ur· In beautllul Miiiion V• ..,.... ..,.,... + .... _ .. .,,,... 19' --Bkr, tU-51811; IVI pell, drlpH. 773 w. Jo 1026 F/L plu1 •100 UMa hit a W.+ .... -"'"""' 11,. ..... 841-3814 w 111 0 n . N 0 p 1 u , cleen 982·0713 E~ .... .... ..,.,... ·-., ... ,.. 3 BAN lie, 1UP9f ":ta. EA8T810E T"IPLEX 2 S526l mo. 83l·4888· ft.,..rf Inti JM ..... ._ ........... ......._ II--tlon.Badtlayvtewtront bdrm8plnllhhoutlf)MI *CIHn 2 br duplex, ofl •••"'""•••••••••••••••• _,.. ...,,.... -row. M•Y 19•M cptlon: 2 1·bdrm 1pt1. a1e.ooo 1trMt prkg. Quiet. M50. BACK BAY Condo. adlt. ·wATERFRONTHOMES,IHC. UH 000. 815·U1': ~groee. Seo. met• u1111 incl. no p1t1 orlented,3 bror2&o.n. Rr•LTORS "''~I-•Fa4\.L&s 7~1 t1d. atH,000 OWC. 831·7220 2 bl. blln1, lrlgl, W/D, ,..,. II.I,... ..,.,,....., "-'"-L 1~1.2117 QwTllt frp4, 111 n-deoor .. po«* s.. R.ni.i. P-~~-,._ ue..eooo Bl.Irr. 4Bt. 281 +lg 1dd-on. & piuo 1950 mo. 111, 31s M.wllW'"" I!!!!!~!'!!!~~~! urr~ 111 Tl 1v1tt e-1 Mell°" Mer. 1u1 a MC. 842-1186 8.illot lel.wl ~.la •--------• PAULA MOOIL, lllc9'-fl•IL•• ~1: ~8":i Viti# Home S Ir. 2 61Mfll ~fr... · 8E8T lfMHI . ltnt ooncl. '-*"'"·BY OCIAN Vll!W CONOO. 8:30f>M Bl t1mlly rm. a111Qtmo. ..... '"' COHO<> BUY OWMr. oan 1nw 8 .. ~ !It Mkt.,... •1411,000. . PurchHe option 1vall. ••~••••••••••••.. ~ny !_.bf, :.-SOW:::.lna f0f7' IOPt. _ ,....,._1~ Min bkl 187.000. I Bf. Ylfd, no peta. c:tllkl 844~977 •1h111'1.... -P...,. t I IO-OIM--tv .,_ IW5'3-t3e1 ott, W•tllde. '550/mo.1--------~... muoh mere. U.1..IG_O. ... ••• 141.071S. .. ....,.. .._ " , ..... 2 Or111 flnancl"9. awnr. -·-• 1 1 M d 1 M Tnr11 bdrm, 1U4 lltott °' °' ....... 1 11a.1m IHI ooo. 1~ do•"s .. 1auu u "' • er •·rmou .... ~ eca 11'"631-I010 :J 1 1 a home 3 BA 2 81, ... '" 10...,. ntw .. t. r. •t·1211 Ind'= cs~ 1~ wtt 11050 mo. A. . Ptllnw - -- ... oo.t *'-Condo In • gronr '""'" 213-421-7'301 ""=!J. Ore1t. flool, pd.• ti. 14CMS70 •ft 8' 1=:-=:-:~:-=--:==:::-:::-• a_.. to tt1e l..al. ._..,, ,,,, Ill d9'f ~ CLUSIVE IAVINE TeA- btld\. ()per) ,__ *"" :r.i'e';';"•h•••••••••••• IBR, 28a, wlk lo 111ope, AAOI 4 bdrm, I" be. ,,.., 17 lml Loe Court. • •••Ill 1.a. •now/ "ttreot. gerd1n/p1t10. TIL ,,........ 1ronr. IOH Lottfl Ln. lie t1800 mo. No P9tl 141·1IOI ,,..._.. .... ......,. :s er. a ... --. dbl""· PORT CM.IT a 1r. • 1100/mo. tit & .... 940fY, _, ......... MllllJte A1.Jl7L 110--~.-. ·~-~---1 ooot.-.: ........... OMnotOfa ........... bHcl\. aUIO l•aH. With o,)t!On, .. f Ir. • 144-7414 .•. ::~~:ri• m:':·o~: I If\ 2~ ~ TON I -. P1olOll.. ff~, dllt•w ...... ""' ·:'~~..,. :!5.'= ••• ••• 9"ct~ OWi - 4 ldr t .............. w. 4 "'· .......... ~""' I_, ~ ""· ......._.Mt•-. iM'i(. 111 ...... ~ •• Lit. QllHelW.a.I. .... '"~=·"·'· ........ , tea 1••t, 1 ttOIJIU •t J. DO IT NOWI ..... .., ..... Your Dally Piiot lervloa OlrlOtOl'Y ~tattw Ml ... llt tit. Ht ~~!~ ............. . Oftwweye. Pertctno Lot Aepan, Slllooltlng. 8&8AIC)hlt1131·'1ttLIC Oen Hellt>e<g Oradlng • Paving Co. AN/Coml. Lie 3971()4 842· 1720 w·~.......... , o ·.m~i· --.-::::;.·:::::.:. fk!!:ii;:~ie;· ... S·flwlr~···i «m~~c1·~r;~~6r· -~ rr • ..l<tl•tH C~ Nl·HH eft 4 Oulolc { "'" •t. lrtfl'I "-""'•) Nt .. 101 CO. Uo. nt .... a . ~ lii . .1 • .,c;., lllM!a.,... •. , •P''"' tlnn•\,IP .• heuf, Heullne~· olelnUp tfth, .,~lqroee IT~NTI MOVIHQ ~,r::·~~~~~~:'./i':w ltu= ""'°'c°"'l'I\ olMn·upt, • ~a.1 -' ~·u':~~ 1.;;~~~~~!._~--------Ho'"!.!i. Int. II Toro. I lf!.u 1T1alnt ' trtt "1"'· 'rH HAULINQ tnd looal mo. rr.aafttnff.......... •1M111. t lilt_, • ..,__ M1·trw ---------1 ·~·· •••• •~•••••• •t. l4t.IOM(Memo) ~Ing 1ludent with truol!. ... ll1WITD Ill•"~• :~~!·1 ~.!L·,·~!!1•u•r•.•• ~t;;rnnr•••••••••••• ~llt'!ltt ••.•...• lhtl'f\900 & ., .. m otMn Color l:lrl9M1n•r1, Wiil OIPI• • 10 min. bt .. oh. Hen, IN/din.'"" 110: ~ 1oom 11,00; oouoh t 1cr: ohr 16. Ouar, tllm. ptt OdOf. Orpt ,.air. 11 YT• up Oo work myHll. Ref•. &$ t-0101 Lil ... • • ... • ...... , IHIYO'I QAAOININ(I L.wl• 816-t1IO IOd, 1prlni.1tr' •hrub ..... T."n............. ._.,_ ~-•• ~....... ..!':::'. ~~ ... Lio. ~OHH. lltmodtl, C~tlM & Id 141·7111 "To1el Yard Care" HAULINO OMDfNQ ln1t1ll1tlon. Our work ... Plllnm .... _, .. -._let. ......... ._ .... 1dct'1u. 01blnel1. •--!ff! ffl?!!! Mol'Mttty 811-t2U ew dtmollllo~ OIHn up only look• Hpt1111v1. by Alohtrd llnor. po PLAITlA ,ATC .. IHQ l.~~ ......... _,.. • • OMoll ow Ptto. ~. 2toe44. 13 yr• Of ~ AHIUCOOI lnl/tat. so 961.eSN ••••ft••• • •••••. •~""'-• Coner.ti I lfM rtmOYal ~ Cell Mane al 1oc.i ouelomttl WAY CONITfllUOTION Al,AIA & IHITAU. •• ..-:fttr."a••••••••••• Q\Mcll ~ 142·7ISI I ..... ~ Think >'OU 131_.410 yr1 Hell. Ptul 141-H17 II• ... ~ • AddtCION OlllOI dre. HtNtwert. HOMl IM,AOVEMINT . ' ED'I PLAITERINQ •••IU•••••••••••••••• Lio, 4IOIOJ f4t•1IOO Dealgn/Palnl te0-11M F'l,AIA~l.UMl1NQ ••• ._,,.,,.. l.lo 204511 • ..... 118 111111 ,...,. ALL TVPH INT/!XT Latl'l.PIUtet·llllOOO ' .. HMtlno ~try, ..., ............... ~....... ..___, ,...__._........ 2• 'lo 40'""· ··M2... Taal~ Thin Wiii •A.MODILINQ ..... ,_ ttt.., ' I No JOt> t ' Wtnl a AIALLY OLIAN ._ ..... 11 .. ,....__,_no .. yr9 exp ... ' .. -1 'REE E8T. -.... 81UOCO Irle*. Llo'd ,rt1 "1. Aw. l)flOM. :tt:'.~uouuuu lmlll ~i11 00 HOUllt 0a11:~1h•m lprtnlt~ eoMld. Ina. Ret1. CoW PLA8TE.AINQ Gery 557-01M O\MI. '#Ot1!, l.lo. a.37111 111 MID.... ' Gift,,,.... . 1H De\19142~ expert. M3..()911 Dick INT/EXT ~STUCCO. 8Sl.n40 lffn•t.......W lnlt.. Olntral M.inteMnOe A081N'I CUANING IYd 14 .. 5"6 PAINTEA NEID8 81ocll Walle 6M-4t92 flit Crpte lnetlltlrlllft«I c.,,_ .,__.,., Tr• trlm~ll ~I: •,_o.o::..~ a...vtce . 1 ttiorOUDNY ,,.,,., , WOAl<I SO yr1 tllp. Intl It--' I , ... ••••,;·,;~l_i."ril'£••••• olf100dn" ... ~1~1 ;.7~Mm ... 88 .......... ii:*;.• • L•wn a..Flo~~~ • 8Y 44 o1e1n l'IOUM ~7 ...................... Eater. Acooetlc ce111ng1. 1 rHI mffc 1r.,,,. 0 111 11 10 •• u .... 1510, Ir "' " l•re. mt ntlll, kit. oabl· ,,.. •tlmltee II lXPlFIT HAND..,MAN ' PfNate LWoN Dtvl• Painting M7·51H ............ ... ..... ue Y wor Y'* 0 • I d II = EXP. HOUKOLEANEA ,'9ndl-~P....,, I QUALITY comm/r11, 12 '* Geofge 83t-647t No 8t .. m/No Shampoo ne tt, ra •• P•ne no. K&D LandtlClpe Malnl .... _ t'!0• ~2 1• Atlleble, rete, ,r .. •t. Cell 1176-tSM 76 .. 1~ 1u1fw ,..._ yre axp Aepelr/remod ·~J Stain ~et. ir .. t doore, booke1111, r•· Rllld/comtn. ci..n.up ,.._..,, , ... "2-tO ., c.. 24 IW'I 966-2,11. • lntiut:~weyM l..lner Ret• "lt•r, l'IHt•r ' ,, dry Frtt •t. S3t.1112 mod .• edd-on• )(Int Lt HIUllng 641 2419 I KNOW &.£T'S OET ED-' (IXOYE). 751 llt03 •WMP 1&11 1173·1111M ••••••••••••••••••••• WI Care Ctpt CIMnlf• rete. l.lo. 1341278. · • -Wiii elltn your houH or •--• I HO per load Grading & Staem ~ u......i•. 5:Se-23ee LAWN CARE ~~~\:en fix anytl'llngt office. Eleo. ptlntlng, It ;;;r.;;1•••••••••••••• COLLEGE STUDENT Ex· IHIJ•• plantar mix 1v111. FrH .,...,. Comm/rMld. Nwpt/CM plumblng. ~l-900ll IAICl<WOflll<: llnllll joba. rr'd Int/ext pelnllng. Any •••••.,••••••••••••••• dll locally 557· tlae T'ruok t unit Crown moulding, entry Xlnt, ttll•ble work. SMALl. JOI&: plumblno • NeWport, co.ta MIN. ob Io r I e • '' A I• x l.1bor/Mater111 Rooting WOfk OU*· IMll-37tll doore, mantlll, book· Onrlopl'. earry 845-7412 paint, elee . carpentry: JHoe.n • C~ .• ~ ~t 1 ll'llf!I. 'We. 117&-3175 494-11189 or 552·0231 All tYPI' 10 vr• •~. f•INI•• Ll..ltfJ.a• eHll. Cider fined elo· Alu F t 548-&4!1 OUHI, A.pl.., nlfl I e, Refl lie guar Larry IM2·11233 •••••••"'••••••••••••• :;-:".'.~ ••• r••••••••••• C .. t•l/.~1111 Mii Wood 1olut1on1 to THE GRASSHOPPER · r .. 11 · Offlce9. 540-12117 Cuetom 8r1ok, Stone, · ' Moll eub)ecU, K·t4 L1c.motl'lerwlllc1retor ·~ M••••••9•~k· wood probltme l CompleteL1wn~nt Carpentry, Ceblnet1, l<vA'd n-.-A bll Blodt,Concrete ,8.tucoo. EXTERIOR PAINTING I ROOFFIREPROOFIP~Q Oay-ew-eurnn'llf'l 10wlc your Pl'•ICl'llr. Lg yrd a I• UON'Y-831-1521 Dominic 1142·'411t Electrlcal, Plumblng, Etc .._ • ~1 ~-• R«•. Frt1 •t. 549-9492 Cu11om worll. Fr11111. Mtg guar. ol cl'lemleal. Mr. Morgan. 1145-51711 od meal• IM5-6313 Wal ... Cul1. worll. Lio. Don He-0149 Hontet • nt t Riii. + fin• Int. & 1111· DO IT NOW Fr ...... ' A .. /com Rob 647·2ee3 n.-d} 1101 Thi bMtll 1173-7 12 I'll CUSTOM BRICKWORK nlng. Steve 547_.28t Otvll Painting t47-6tMI -~ 111 J Wiii 81bytlt 3 dlYI wk, tor ':':I.":~•••••••••••••••• --· ....... C GENERAL HA.MOY MAN· SMALL/LAROE J088 .,., ••• ., "',.. N Concrete· Remove Old """'YW· LJ•COUSTIC T~lr ... ~. lean ., Ou.llty HOllMdMn~ AEP .. 'RS •25 to •155 ...................... . "'-. "'"•7248 -· Replace New. Smllge Repalre, new a old. t t • rooflnn "'om• Im o e ..-~-"""'' ··-2 yr old1. Allernoone. · · "" .. L " up llwn rWWYW. 751•34711 mu onry, cerpentry, w/e ~-• t--. . NpVCM. Refl. 1146-8812 I•'/!!!;•~ Fr•"'Mt c•111 •·7i·,-. "Let the SUnlhlne In" .......-~ Job• R--•ra 11454512 •· " pr v • Irv, HB Beth 850-0933 •...a.a I ..... •• •••• ••••••••••••• Cell Sunel'llne Window ....;._ __ ....,....;.__. ____ , yr1exp.Bud552-11582 MOWINO -Cl.EANUPS m1nt1 & rep11r1 ...--••• FarthlnglnterlorDlllQn WALT770-2 25 Clearolng.Ltd. Ma-11153 ... ,,, •l•IUUtl/ Cll1' Cut Haullng • Landecaplng 831-7852 *IAYI MW* HANGING $10/ROLL I Huber Roollng·all type1. 20% Monthly Otac:ount ltmn •••••••••••••••••••••• flHlrltll Fr .... 1. IM2·9907 0 _..,, ____ ~ ....... , IHlflltfl•• Block Welle, brlctc, 11one. Quality. Llcllne. Slrlp-New-recoVll·d•ckl •••••••••••••••••••••• Mom/RN In my home, e·•L•E•c••T•R•1•c•1•:•N·~P··ri·c·e•d• _,.._ ,,_., •••••••••••'•••••••••• Ill• & concrete. Quell![ pl~Olec on Ptl'* Lie •411802 545 9734 •RESIDENTIAL* .... RINE SERVICES t ti •2 50 .. " MOWING Sl0-lt5-120 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ulllll v·--~--11 ••6."'32"' . • Avg t sty $30, •.vg 2 •ty ..... per . m•. • . per .. r. right frll Htlmat• on H I/Ou pl 115/$20 HARDWOOD FLOORS WOtk It , ... "* UC' -""" .... • " 45 .. 338 ~~::~i..vr.~:~ CdM 1140-7211 lerge'or emell Job• M :~ k m no BMU11tully c:tMned lLTIU&Tm FrM .. 1. 875-9027 ASR PAPERHANGING ,~~~~!!';'A......... "•FCINhlEIS•T951N7.05.c .• UDll IEL.Plll •••••••••••'•••••••••• LIC'O ELECTRICIAN W._ ..._ L--M Live In MCUrlty plue ma-lltri•f. work. Prlcu etut at Low min. Sml )ob• OK. Ron'• Wlndo'# Wul'llng Ctellltlut Cf•u•J Lie. 39111121. 1173-03511 754-9904/956--0095 and waxed. 832·'881 7 yre local up Guer l BUDGET RATES/Llc'd StMtn cleln eno• bllgM AEMODEL/ADO·ONS Qual. worll·Reu. ratM •r Ht &et"""....,, BHlla ture lovlng care tor pet/ ••••:;.B•c •MOVING:•••• 18/roll. Alec 751-7027 FrM 941. In• 1141.1581 R"ld. Reu 830-7711 & deckl. Mech & 'e11ctrl & Carpentry. Llc:'d. 26 Free Mt. 113t-6072 Tom Exp'd. quality work 11 ••••••!(•••••••••••••• ptanta. Orange CO..t Wlndowe Cll h1ndym1n work )'M.rl Irwin 548-27111 ""· ralu Main I. ' DUMP JOBS Certified HOUM Slttlfl. Quldc, Car9flll ~2 Ao<. ,,_, ,_n•I ktH•I "We IMVI you with. ll75-7951 TOP QUALITY l1nd1c1plng. NB /CdM & Smell Moving Jobe (Slnoe 1979) 1131·t234 Free Mllmat•l5u ..,..10 ••'••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .. Fin• llnlal'led carpentry, ELECTRICAL WORK only Ron'• Oerdenlng, Call MIKE IM8-1311t **8RYANT'S** I Mobtle Screen Doctor brighter outlook! remodellng epeclallet. R .... ret11. 531•5066 975-938a/1142·114M HAULING-et•·denl h•• HOUSESITTING *A-1 ..,_* Wallooverlng Removal Repair/replace Cuatom Free e1tlma111 830-8111 Hive you read t odays Lie. 4111587. Rendell .. Reep .. prof, lMChlr, F 40 Top qualny. Soeclll caTe All Typee. 1142·t3'3 Reae. 831·6300 Ive mag Clasatlled Ads? If not , 720·t211-0 ELECTRICIAN A I way 1 a s •I a 1 n lg• truck. LowHt rete. yre, will ell your home, In handling. 2& yra exp. Read the c1ass11ted ads tor you're m1ss1ng the best Sml Jobl/R~lre. Lie. clasallled·read the ads Prompt. Call 759-t9711. gerden,r.t•. Non1mkr. Competlttw RatM Shop at home 11·1 euy SELL Idle 11ems with a the best deals on apart· bargains in town1 Sell Idle items 642·5678 233t08-C-10. 548·15203 every day 642·5678 Think you, John. 525-813 eft. II Ho owrtlm.. 73o-t353 with 01 ... 111ee1 842-5678 Dally Piiot c1ass1f1ed Ad menl rentals 642-56711 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash. If It d~t sell, we'll run It another 3 LINES OLLARS days FR!!. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (~&ir .... 11..llO) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 , ... ,, .. ,.,, aoo OlllH •• ,,, Olllu ,,.,,} 44 •• ,,,, WHlwl 4IOO •....•...•••••..•........•..••.................••.......................•......•..•..... U"*f 11117 WMtclllf. N.B. Wanl 1 •• nu Employed Mom. t3 'If ok:I 4 bdrm 4 beth Hndy lln•nclel ln1t 70001 f .__ 0.... & .,....trlined cat .,_, 2 beach .pler&'llo•t tit. lloor Agent Fl 1-...-1 • 111 1 bdrm lnSWHuntlngton I 0 I• . 541-5032 re C Ila • U Mrv Cl 8Mch Dwyer Scnool di 800 or Augu1t. Biii EXEC otfloee. Include• let 'x1n ., Wiii • Grundy, Rltr, 1175-8181. 111 1menllle1 From •tr 1 ·S4sJ r~9132PIJ --------"""':'------------------,.---------~ .. -..... -.4---------------12 bdrm furn condo, CM. llU 111111 $225/mo. 6'4·7189. ~p30~ (Sandri) 1 · 6HHI Ulll•1•i1iwl Aa11l•l•l1 Furliliwl A,.n.et1 A,.,,.ult ..,,...•1•11 A1'1'•1•l1 Av•ll 11111 thru 8/21 111WPMIT EXECUTIVE SUITE •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.-.~.................. 11.JruwllW 11•/ruaJljwl Umnidwl Ulll•r•l•i-' as ,_...,, ... lj JZff Bu''....._ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~··•.t•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 50 mo 541-6410 Elegant E•ec auttea In Dover Or Newport l•1hn1/lantl/ .. -.-..-.-;............... ...-.•-t.fa... Jaf C.u.... 3n4 •ulufl,. M.-rl ...,j Ull Bal 1111 2 Br. 1IHp• e. prutlgloue toe. Incl ee-Beech. Avall now Fi New oceentronl 3 Br fl· ...,, nfl .....••...........••.. ...................... ...,, 1140 •• -;;c;;;.............. 1?60/wHll June. Sum· cr1t1rl1t, receptlonl1t. 714163t-385t. WkO)ll. • •••• .I!~~!! •••••••••••• mlly rm. 2 trplc .. yeerly. *i.400."·1·&.~·~~·.;;, l60046261mo. 2 Br. 1 ea. H 25. 3Br 2b•. o~!'~r•n •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 1·~ Ba. TownhouM "* lncrlUld. 875-2910 ~'::~• :;:e ~~~: IWPT ICl/AJINIT l•li•n• 12500/mo. 645-07711. )ecual. 18992 f'lorlda. 1 atory. ehag, drapH, ok. no~· 188 C E. HE WHIFFLETREE 1•2-3 etyle. Adulte pref., no ..... tf a..t call otce 1155 mo. THE Office epaca •VlUl•ble In 4-t1..Jl9 SOOS IM2-2834, 1142-3172. petlo, JYp6c. dhl, b-.nec1 2 t I t I. Now 1 VI I I. Bdrm. Apt I. Gym, Spa, p e 11 . I 4 5 0 I mo OCk tr HEAOOUARTERS COM· 8 attorney eulte. Sin git ••• ..er. ••••• ;(.••••••• 2 8t din. 2 bl Slept to oamngia. ~ ~te or 54Mll8ll Sauna, pool, tennll. ltc ~2$82. 2 bdrm. bloc from PANIES: A profelllonal etory bulldlng In Koll YOGURT SHOP . In the beech. pool . 1p1. wnaa.... nfl T8l u-M2-1I03 CIMlt 2 BR ..--•nt· 8'&-0e19 BEDROOM FRO•• ••nn ocean and bey. Only environment (7 t •1 Center near Harbor bu1le1t treltlc beach $800/mo. ••'•"•••••••••••••••• _... ~ • ·~-·1 ..-1 , -....,., 111115. 073-ee34 • •75 000 7""8708 PROPERTY HOUSE Furn. Laouna 8Mch lu-W111.._ 2 Br. 1 k oen-ad, gar, nr So. Coul Deluxe pooleldl, 11tr11.,. No pate. Shown by eppt 85t-0&81 CourthOUM Includes ... ., .. • . .,.,.. IM2·3860 542·1010 lluty ltudlo, 1P1. a..... tral 1'111tln9, garage, "'8za. 1495· Vogel Paci· E_" 2br, 21>1. bltna, dri5 only Mon/Tuee/Wed 9 to OCEANFRONT (3&2 BR) -.-----R----R-•• -i cretarlal module, llbrery. M1nul1cturlng Opportu- TV --. ma6d ..W., etow ~ti, drapee tic: &40-e1111 • V. mite l>Mdl, 2 br. 2 cer 4pm 1cro11 from Npt JULY & Al.JOUST. --.,.r.,._ ~::~o'::v'~,f:~1~ nlty N-concrete fen. 3 br, 2 b•. trplc. O/W, ptt'onH . 1 115/week. No-. c:Hldr9n . ..._: B11utlful 2 er. 1 Be. In oar. cov'd patto, an pool Bc tt' golf couree . MOO to a1000 weak From t room to 3 room• . c. OrangeCOloc evalt avail. 814. $750 mo Ag1 4K-2227 b9d1. 1450 + NCurlly duplu. c.tpeta df11911 rlgl'lu & re c areu 54s..ca55 Ageflt 873-fiOO From 11.18 e eq. tt. No Tradltlonel decor Wiii with equipment and trai.. 1173-9080. . d•= 541 5442 or bUltt-ln w ldtchen 1 c.i 1875/mo 2t3/92~7M. Summer wklv rental. le11e required Adj. Air· con1lder other prol11-nlng program Included Studio '385. '), ~oc:k to · • .-· , 2 Br 2ba, condo, pool, • porter Inn. 2172 Oupon1 1lon111. Smallwood & To .. tabllah you In YOI>' W•ldlH 3 Br 2 Bl. pool & bHCl'I nHr el'lopplng n . attacl'lad garage, large 2Br. 1 ~Ba, 1375 + 1375 frplc. WHtcllfl. 11150. 6/29-e/5 6 11119-11/211. 5 Cell AM. 833-3223 Flore 955-05fSO 1p1, 'ard1n1r a pool utlle p aid. 494-5410: So. co .. t PllH 2 BR 1 prtvata ~d;.2080 s.tlll dep, g11Jid· nr B11oh M.nt Of Jldl 111~1771 Bd, 2 Ba . 17011 W. ---------288 t~ 500 1q ~t Merl· ~:I~=: Hrv. 1200/mo. Avall. 4M-2197. ba lg• patio lull He An•.~~ ,a . ae25/mo. Blvd & 1c Fedd•n. CLIFF H·l/EN 2 ..... Oc••nfront. e•YfRONT ner '1 Mlle 2700 w Mr PhUll-. 83t·S&83 711. 641-555e KJde ()t<. '565,lncl Oii i 1st. -MC. required. quiet, no pet.I. 893-48114 ,.. uurm, l 2 13/2 8 5 • 2 2 II 1 , ft ..- SEAl/IEW-BHUUIUI 4Br •• __, ~ lfff wate r. No lee. Ant Avall. II· 18. By Appl On lhl beldl 2 Br. """'· bl. petlo, dlthw .. l'ler. 714/675-91132. $850/wtt. Prime office 873-1003 CBeo11c1ht '!w,Oy0~$N5e0w0/pmoorl.1ii0eiiiiilliii .. iiiYWMiiiiii ..... iiiiiiiii 2IL.D•C~-..__-•• -.-;r.;; •••••••••••••• ""'-7..()""" • 957•070t, 5 48•6132 *800/,,,..-gar,1585 ~7938 • ...v. ..,.... ,...,.,,., ewe. •R•-•-H • .., ~ wtm<11 & -•eune. epe. • mo. CdM dt11 eulte A.IC am~ I 645-5555 ping view. pvt gated -_.,_ · 7141946-t854 Evw. 2 Br wlloft, la• kitchen, Faull• i..1t114JSO · · --------• AU Ull llW community, tennle , Av1ll1ble now. 1300 3 Br. 2 Be. yard, frplc, tBr Dupllll, bltn1, g&rlQI. pvt patio, 21h ba, gar. •••••••••••••••··.••••• pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. it 'Neer O.C. Airport, 420 IQ. ewlmmlng jacuzzi ger-wee II up. Agent gar11g1. MaOlmo. Brolcer no pet.I $400 mo 223t 28r apt w/pool, laundry 1550 mo. 940-6324. OCEANFRONT 2 a 4 Br. Hwv-675.e900 11. or tell. Plulh N.B PAC·MAN s1.eoo ' ' 500 676-8170. . 651""800 Or '4.,.,. ,..76 rm. no petl. Nr l.C. Hoep 1---------1 Avell. now. Weetlty thru ,.._18 u--250 ....... ,. I 0 c et r 0 n C a II GPHOOREFNIX !tt .. 800700 diner. yearly IN l l ange .,....,., $400 673·2252 eno 2 bdrm, bolt lfp 1va11. Lk 873-7873 ..,.,. ..._ .. ""' • mo.1144-2057 EDCITIVE SllTE •2 br nr S .C. Plz. S.A SpKloul 2 Br. 1 81 $425. ~2 nu. no pet.I. 1475 eumrner. · lt75mo. Utll lncld. 779 C714)851-2078 STAR CASTLE $1,500 BIG CANYO N Comlorte-Beylront tower MCIKlty Pool. 1p1. 1545·11100. 3 Br. 1 '~ Ba. 147 5 673-9t27, 873-$209 ~ ~ W 19tn St 85t-11128 ClllCE LICA1111 SPACE INVADER 1700 bl•, 1~clou1 Oeene 2 bld8. One Bdrm condo. Carport. 752•5822 or L1 undry fee pool 2 81· $450/mo. NIWfy ~ 00 N-ty decoratld. newly Prime office e~ce, Co-Slnnle otc $t80 to $190. 631·2733 LV. MSG. B 2 I d 641-1411-0. ., •• 95,.,. ., . corate f . Garege. BAYFRONTLI I t d t 4 ...._.M 50/ .. ., r. . am. rm, guer I 1 00/mo on yearly "'"'. .,., 1134-<4675 a 635-9042 3BR 2BA 11800/mo. yrty urn. ge • comm y. rone""'"' .,. mo. Economy ltOO to St20. 3 ga ted . I 1175 mo . bHle HAIL llW1 1385 mo tBr, rlfnQ. car. (2t3)282•7733 875-4318 bdrm. Tennie, Pf'IV bch, 1175-95t0 rm eulta $425. S.C'y serv Atnblllc>Ya? I help people 640-6582 .I.I. Wllitf 1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 Be port. pttlo, edlfe. no ID.Ill I II 2 IA dub etc. 3 mo. Of longer. -· -•• avell LIDO BLOG 3355 atert • busi,_. No r1•. QC-RENTALS 1111,._ pool. laundry rm, new pete. 724·C Jamee St t ml bctl, llcytt.a, 1rp1c ,,. Cl•Ulf Jl11 Bkre welcome. 4~ -• •~ I/la UOo no lnvatment 848-3331 1-5br'• S200 to 12000 -• ear91t, upper unit. Thi• 673-7787 Lg. room1. bltns. O/W ...................... 1 & 2 room omc-l'rom 873""158 for eppt. 750-3314 open 7-0IYI llM1ll one wont lutl Patio, W/0 , encl gar Studio ipt, OCHn view. ••Uh,..,, 4M ~~:.e700 95C SO.FT. BEAUTY SALONS Your TSL Mgmt. 642-te-03 1325 mo. 28' tBr trlr In Wtr Pd 1876 893-04e5 'utll lncl'd. 5375 mo. 332 1•••••••111•1i•til••111•1i•11•111••ili•li•til••111•1i•lil••111•111-i imnaiirrii;;&iiii-·I 3.000 IQ.It. (tO ottlcea) choioe of 2. $5000 down 2 STORY Summer 3 mo• .. very at· cleln quiet edit perk, 140 · · Enctno In S.n Clemente 1• 4 br, 3'h be citm. rHI· tractive condo, 2 8t 2 Be. Newer 2 br. w/garege, Cebrlllo #2 673-n87 2BR 2bl condo. Retrlg, 1-the Mgr Apt C) ROOMMAJI llWPllT IUOI 111111 Hlgl'lly upgraded g • t • Y 0 u 1 n Bk r · f """ pool I N ... p -•"Tum K-Ofllol" '390. with rich penellnn & le-a.8--0709 dence In pvt 9ated r,,~. comm. . 1w1y new pe nt. o pet1. Su •R 2 ... ...__ ..,115/mo. ool, i.e. ten-_, • •---------community w/pool, )tc & from crc>wcH but c:IOM In $445/mo. &45-5577 nny 2 ° ... twn._ nil. a.48-1828 flntabulfl ,,,, flllEIS •"Btanch" Office 175. bric covered w1ll1. tennll crla. Dwell Ing 10 ...-ythlng. 11200/mo. Ar-'.,,.. """' ....,. n.atlo triplex. petlo, yerd, W/O •••••••••••••••••••••• •Seminar/Mtg Roome Loctllon It welklng dll· #Nrt. I• i.,,, $ft5 contain• 2 Woodburn.Ing 875-105t, 548-8889 &~. x'1g ... 1.&..-2 Br. hkup. Sngl gu. 1525. Avell. June t5. 2 Br. 1 Ba. BHutlful Blel'lop Place Oldeat & targeet egency. houfty. unoe to a i rport 2~d·To·.;~~~;;rc··;:;;t;;, I 1 11 d 11 ...,,....,_ 754-0809 2 adult•. 1 chltd olc. No Condo 2 Br. 1V. Be. w/ All cttenll torttnecf with •Secratarlel Servloel. 714-833-9178 •20.000-StO ,OOO lull" rp Cl, viu e ce ge. A _._ 1 garden apt.•. on E/1lde pet•. cA1. o•r-oe, water 1wlm/t1nnl1. 1575 plue .....,.. & . ...__ c-11 .,.. Info 7"2 ••oa • ' lrml. din rm. Located on ,.,,. •• I from $411-0. 551•2841 t BR upetelre. Pool, gH paid. S'7 5. 546•2000. 1111. c 111 A 1 b •rte .,.~.oe r ..... encea. ... '"' " ..,.. · Wit.tr ... tHiN amonl. Other 2nd'• to 11 quiet cul·d•·uc. Avl Ulllflnliiwl · · pd, no pet•. refs req. 147 Agent no,.., &46-1371. Credlta: CoamopolltMI t 500 eq It. Jembor•• minion Prln. Oflfy Btent. 8/18.lt,850permo. •••••••••••••••••••••• Flower . S335/mo, · OoodMomlng~ SlllU..,,.I an<IB-.....Av.lllmme. 963-26'1.agtfOf 875-23t1 daya. J,IM 1~'.3$t~t~cteo~llw In· 1145-81111 Ima. J144 A,,,,.,.11 hnJIM4 *T'!: oTf~a~w lof rent, 11X20, 1125 Fully iriiP,oved Tlk• llWllY UYlm al' IUT SUP 1tmnl• 3111 Trailer fOf rent t &. $225 t98t Maple, Relrlge, no L;;~~·,-e;.·~·.; • u.1mn "'° c:ltntl Who need. iMca. .., ....... .,., over ••l•tlng ...... p~ .. ., .,J so·- Large 3 br 2'A be 2 etory ...................... ptue utb. 1160 eec. dep. pell. IHH, ne.r u.c .1. micro-...................... ll"'9IT M1·11H ~~~14~1-~l~l~2~1~~~ Pty. IM0-4925 :'.!!!T..'!~1!!'. ••••• ~'! condo. FrPlc. bltn kltcl'I. 4:i~4n!~~:!;.1~1f;) No children°' doge. I" 2 Br. t Bl. dwn•tre '440 wave, lrplc, wul'ler/ :: 2 OFCS 100 aq It ... p1u1 FINDERS/INVESTORS yearly. 875·8776 or bl" 6 ocean Brkr E. 111t1'1St.Space42, 1 Br.upetrel350 dryerarH H50/mo. SEA-ll"'YF .. ONT" If N bid d t llOOeqftWhM Toploc $10,000-$100.000+for 87~7080, IA fOf Pat 67.,• ... 12 C.M. 1142·91113 SI er" Mgmt C 0 Joe n n 1 115 6 • 18 3 3. w I -" " : .-eme • or ewer g, own own $385 .._ 675-8251 locel re1ldent111 T0'1. , __ ..... _• _______ ,Sharp 2 BR 2 Be. lg• 1141-1324. 536-1720. •• _ _ e.lbol ltlend 3 Br. 2 Ba. HB. 3 offlc.e now avell. Max 60% L to\/. Return .... ,. ,., 3UO View 0 u pin v .. rly roomt, all bltnt lnc:f D/W, Trlpl••·2 BR,~tlo. •vi Orannatr .. Condo •600. New 1&2 bdrm. tuaury &B3115/m8o7.3+ ""38u8t111. e231570t fteq.8tt.; .. 4~3t;.1424 a ••li•n• •••Ill ff SO 3.4 1bove prime. Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• (Upper) 2 Br lrg LR S ••35 •-• •"ti In 14 ..&·-t Bdrm ryan • 1 or eq. · .,.,,.. " •••••••••••••••••••••• o I • .. Cozy, eparkllng CIHn, lrplc: dt>i oat ioo 7th St gar. MIH Verde. 525 June t.... . t 1 br plue loll. Tennie. irom 1515.2bdtm from M8a&o-tu1r32t4e.mpl. women execuplan ""'~p SpeceU ~~7•• 117~~7~t~on o ... uoc. treeNy ~lnted, ,_oar· 113t..eeaa · mo. Call 540·ll58, Hll loc. 1148-1220 pool1, 1trHm, no pet1. $570, Townl'louH from <>nu ·--,... pet, 2 Br. l'louH near t tor LMrf °'Pam 2Br, 1Be, cerport, 1180 553-1141. AVlUI. 811182. 11140 + poo11, t1nn11. •-~ -I Mein & Edlnner large 1 Br vrty 'A blk 10 bay/ c ••• _...._ ,._ ... _ W 7 ... S *•"" I wllhH to ll'lr IOI 2 br .... NEW CONCEPT" "·t·•t 11-1 et ..,.50 "'von -rflfn, '"'' • ' • I ' ~-.,.,.,...., 2 Br. 11.i\ aet 1 ... t . ...vv mo " mn "" W•t•rf1 l1, pond•I OH furn._ dupl•• w/uma " .,. .. -"' "' ,... "'' :=r::· ~;-;9y9rege. ~~•nu.tEe:~~:;~· ~/ r p '&.~le~. 5511-47111 .. ~ ..... !......... tor cooking & l'IHtlng MIF. '300/mo. +"' utAs. FUii trllce/cuatom s1., t&40114•t;;r,:-8 car .................... .. . • ' $52S 87 · • · mo. 28r, 181. nr Cotta Meaa QUAIL Crllll, 1 br condO. fald. From San Diego 10 min. bell. Ea1t C.M. offtce 1 <leak apace. gatege. · WIDOW HAS US fOI' T0'1 Wdmhllfr 3111 · · Xlnt toe. Walk to s . o. ~k, gvt patio a carport. Nft, cptg, pool, balcof\y, B~:lh ~~1 ~0~.';.rJ!'n ~~ 548-1200 Nr. O.C. Airport Wilk up 2nd fir lnlldl of· RE Loan1. tOK Up. No •••••••••••••••••••••• C•tlU ltl 1141 JIU Plaza. NEW 2 Bt. 2 Ba .. 1 145 mo. A.viii June 1. $625. 117U388 S 11w1 n d V 1111 g • Rttp rMll 38 Miki tliM or 789-1978 flee w/wet blf, lnc:l refrlg, Credit Check, No Pen- HOME FOR RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• Br' 1 Ba. Of Studio. In-540-0708 • ·--.-L ··-{714---•t"•. apt to •hr. Nwpt Bch. 1l ... It ... rtorege. 220 lq ft ' MIY elty. Oennleon AHOC. 2 Bdrm. 1475. Garage_ 1 2 Bd. den, trpl, •t•P• to cludu lrplc elegant .._, -_, ,...,.,.... ... • "'~ acx:oeea. S135 mo .. no IN 1113-731t ol'llld OK, no pele. beach. 11070/mo. Dar· F 11 1 d • 1 1270. 1 br dplll & quiet •• 9-;r.;;.............. Have fu rn. June 1 · 400 eq. fl onlce ec>ace. req. 752·t830 •---------"'"" 2000 "'-t no .._ rell p-.... ~l"'"'t ,._, rencl w ~I 10WI, poo · Sell court fOf non etno-NO FEEi Apt. & Condo ...... fM 1142-8451 A.JC, -t ~ ......... ,., .. t U , UTnD _.,.. . ..._.,' ._. -·· ,,,.,.,.,, ...... ,,_, tenn '· Wn r pool epa, k•r w/prev. rentel ret. rentela. VIiia Rentlll. •••••••••••••••••••••• .--_ .... .,. ,,. 1-•• •••-,, ~ / 1 Max 75e.1221 uuna. cornpteteuerol• ...... W 11 .......... ...,. 875-4912 Brolcer Fum pnv room and beth. M nnmte to ahr MW lg. 3 building. .,, .... .,._ ....... le ..... ....... •-UI r In home laundry I •~ • m --..vu • Rlfrlg 1285 BR 21A BA hie. asec>lmo RMlonomlCI 875-8700 Excellent loc on Pac ~no In 11t a 2nd 11.JU;Wwl 3fZI 21~~!;T0:::1:~ ;1:~nf0 t"1uch men. ac. MESA VERDE 2 br, 1 1>1, PARK NEWPORT · 1173-7544 lncld. utl. • Woodbtldgl c .M. olllc• 1.pace. 30·. Cout Hwr, Newport TD'• lklCll 11M9 •••••••••••••••••••••• belch 1111 5 /mo Why rent wflln you can gar. Included. Wkdy1. APARTMENTS Beck Bev. NB. Pvt rm. emenltlH. John eve/ bath, 1tor1ge •viii. Bell. Idea •P•C• for Robt Sattler NH/CM Reeort-llk• adult tract nr 7eo.eoee · now own toe only 11000 pit. cell. 15M 229 , Wknde 552...0SO 1250/mo. 60•3345, bu1lne11 wanting high RE. Bfc*er 8d Rianon SC PIH. Pool, grdnr. down 1 low monthly 1116/mo Incl utll. Yng P,.. ............. _ •-Hll 494-3803. publlC vlllblty t,000 to 1142.2111 5'5-08t1 Ok.oc 1Br. No pet.a. $475 I .... I 11111 paymente. Cell for de· Lge 3 br, 2~ bl unit In COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 19m, non-emkr. 1146-6559 r ..... ,, ...., •-· .._ · 3 , 0 0 0 I q ft . & &45 utll. 775-2580. FIREPCACE and deck, tall•. 5.a.3421. 31141 4-plex. 1118 Ml11lon Or. IN NEWPORT BEACH Gentlemen non-emoller 035/mo plue ·~ utll. M ~ 714-11415-7t00 555-11128 walk to bHcl'I. $100. Bet'r St. C.M. BttWHn l&5 o i mo . No pell At.._d~~ ~~ym.mu'!!ty on llgl'lt ll1tc"9n JH'. IV. Ref'1: Em~I , n o tmk 3715 eq ft, '2311 Pf mo. .t..a...,..,.tJ/ 073-71193 MtrcArtl'lur & SunfloWet. 557•2333 9YI a wkndl ... .._... -...y. OfUv hou-648 75111 842 ... 162 131• 1118pm Hl-0122 11,.....U/ ft It II Pim THE SEl/ILl.E: 2 Br. 1 'A M & epe; 1 ~ 8 ten-• ' Roomrnt'9 to ft 2Bt apt. IMlalf f.411 t ~ A •--~ 3 bdrm, I ~ ba Sun ,,_,_ • .., •-4 tBr. __ ....,Y r--"~orat-... Be. N-Crp-. dr;r.:•· nll courtt; oloM to bUe'-Nloe~tlo rm. nWe. wtlly. ......,., ~ .... Ml, c M nr Exeo 1u1te1, lull ••rv .. •••••••••••••••••••••• _, • •-P " II I A ...... ... "9W• WU9'.o WU ,. & ~ D .... _.. _....... u.. ....,,.._.... ..... • • . fum/unfurn., nrMtty ,.. ...... • .... • ••••••••••••••••••••• ore • t n enge, •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, ldH I for working patio, ti Al.e Aw. 1115 n111 • _..,,,...ng. " ' .. ...,., ...._ tv. ""' OCC. 54-otll d·---. No 1ee.•75"4-421<4 In .... ,, .... r-... bldg o_.n Coaet Au ... -.,. II• Ovtn, del'lwel'lr. Upper 1 IL I II. IR I t t415 belfl. 11 HUNTINGTON eeACH _, ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• Floor. W11er a gH pd. Newly decor. OH pd, ~o:.pu~i1~od~;u'in1tur1 E/Slda lg. beol'I., tun kit .. Untumllhed stuctloe, 1 & •-"-.. _ .... ,_ fllf 41111...... Hwy, South LllQUf\e. Ap-* ........ 8800, .. ,..., ~~ pt1~·.~· anol gar, dwel'lr. pool. avall. ""e.1111111 pa+~."° pim, '380/mo. ~~pertment1, town· ~'!c.':':":!':!........ M to tkW oondo, 2 bf, 2 P"IX. 500 eq. ft. E><oelent ~.,.. 7 ....., 1 '" -· 5d..()90I ·-ba. Pool, Jae, 1u1n1, Orollftd noot, complete privet• parking behind MA ••* bbg. Adu''· no P•t•. APT MANAOEA &&4041000 .. I PUll1 ttnn-.. lftdry. Meurlly. with dacoretor furnl· bldg. 815215 mo. Turner 1115 ao. El CMllno Aatt, s Ir. 2 la. epllt ""'91, NB 1142-5073. Serri1-1.t.9d qit (60+) to ..... hlal llll Reea. w.-ty Ra1rll Wall• to bdl. UtO + i,. ltllnp, on main lobby, A.Moc. 4M-11n s... a..n.oi.. •92~nte Condo. 2 car l".I'' mtAllT 11f m•neo-1 111 unit com· •••••••••••••••••••••• •&1ver111tudlo1 & 1 ~ • Phol'll utll. ~1131 lltl...,._ 80.l'd l'oom, Audio v1-FUii k pool•. Avall ·1· 2. '51115/mo. 2 Ir. 1 ~ 81. ptax. Ult meltl~ 9LQ bdrm. unlllllf'91Umlehtd "Z" cl'lenMt McMel ~ IOOl'll uae, pt1IM NI .. 1.1111 -------- tlMlmo. Bier ..... 7332· Townhouae, .. bullt-lne, l bkkpg Mll)ful. Partial 2 bdrm, a be, garage. With fin• d .. lgner fl.lrnl-~. 1 .. 7 Nwllt ..._~ too.don. 75.1-Utt. soo tq ft, ,oot traffic, SCR•Ul£TS lo. COHt Pl111 Ar11. bllcony, laundry rm. oo-rent. '4t.o438 1mall yard. ano mo" tur.& ~Move ll. COetaMwf46.9117 F.fll'!! ....... -.. ll'f IWY/IAnllT Dntwn LIO~--nr Hw MA, 21A, Corn:fo. v1r9CI parking. Nice lo-S I 2 I T ltHI. 811-2817. •It II In today Of rHttVe tor UM• 1118. C.W,,. dts & HU tncldnt lal~W..I ,,_.,., la.KM ,ool, tannla, rec . rm. a.Von Large r. •· own· PM, ta 1 • 1t2 9, eummar montl'le. lrnel'tly Sino~~,., ... for 1to-.-... ._ _ ••• ~::J.-:::r.:..... NWnu\~ A/C, nor::; &760/mo. TM. Mgmt 842·1903 nou.. ~ ~ 218-N3-0071 fUJnl•hld mod ... open Wk!Y. ,..,t ... now •YIM. ,...... "8/lftO. 11'-1"4 _______ 6_ ..... ___ ,N,8. 3179 INfdl. MOO... aoudy . ~ Aull. mmed., dye iT~r. hoO.~r.gs-:t COlYITVDIOAPloHNy delly. l~~~.~ rt;c:!~~al~4 It. or 1 .. 1. MIA aone. ~· 7I0-110t. evet 112..et42 875-5141 ~tld, lft!OrOWew, On Jtmt>orte Rd •t ~ 8Wd. CM. Agen .. t 641..f03ILUll. Thl81'41'/ ,_..I,.., ere 2 Bt a ta. odO, C(ll'pOrt. .. ~~ 1~~:: ~ !':W: s.n .1oequ1n Hiii ·Ad. 1 ....,7'41 tor the 11c11eL ..._ -.. !-:"."'.""'."'"-----no.,.._ ~mo. ,.._...., 131-t:I03 844· 1900 I.-,,_ .. ,. .... C.M. MW i iH'tlt tltdua., tn11te hllft ~ety. iiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ..._..,,, QOAOl!OUI 28A, hMOt ~ deO. 29r, 1be. eat In •••••••••-:::;,-r.;•••••• ~=-toOO IQ ft -21~ ft • but ,_ dOee flit ....... Hr 80. CO.•l Plau, lrg, lfttlr aultl bltna, ntw kltotl. Incl patloi oar. UdOBeyttontlUXUrY41r. </,~. =n--•• ~·1'::ti'd';O~ =~· ..... CM\ eunny a llf 2 M. i.ut. opt, MUG wro hook-41P . l&30 no pett 9'1·z1M I a.. hofM: atp. ""'*· v -011 ell deoOr, P41ti01 NC. tit .. IVlll now, .. 15 1910. i I belOhel. ltohr OOOP4i-~,_ _.._. d kl ,_, £ ~., 11111 pool, otubfttt, 1tH/ aid• OK •H·Htl °"':i: ldf 11 '=' ~ r•tlon . Monthly. i'._.,. ~'aa'.M.~ ~,:1r lnol. 1111. 131·"°3 · ' s:JO: ;:,~~ 1..: Jt•..:t ITMOT4. , .... : _... fMle ..._ 11 ._ .... ...., Ml·1'140 on .,.......,, • "'· s tie a...._.-.. Oii a · UIT --.U -·u;r, •• , ...... l'tt'::' ~ plent'llf9• 1 turn. "°"" on l• .. o• .....,, -.1111. IOI lo 111, ... .. .. N .. OOfldO. AIO. CIH•lllld *'• .. ,r:,~. ltlll!d. , ..... ~ ?fl..,. 11to n ........ ,OJMO-v ... ..... -, ......... ,,.., a Mt w. o~ OK. yOU In lhe rlgflt direction ~ u..i. ~ HO~ .... tt.00.., ... ..., . CMIDa. ,.., .. '"•'· ,..~ !II• , .. . ~~~~~~~~U~!~~~~~Ll~~-~-~~~~~~~~,,~~~~~~=~~~~A~~~~~'~·;~• ~flndttte~omeyou U~2-~~.~ tt.;ftH 1l~~ •• N;•. ~~~··~~ DQo~n.~ .: ~ ,.......,. need.MMt7t 19't.!!?Oftttlly1 ... 1l41 AIW!I .. ,... ... ......... 4 ............ :.; .. , --M... ~ COLOWeLL BANl\eR ~J SUMMER OR CAREER $14,400 COMM EU C:HfVIOLFT · .. ')I',.• r . ,. SU-I 20C -- fOTOTA·YOUO .............. , ......... " .... uu., u .. , .. , ~ t; . • ·: • . '• '• • . ,• • .. .. • . . . ., .. !t •• • . •• •• • '• . . • . . . G ••a.MoM......,. IOr'CARVER IOlS·IOICE ·ltv1W ,.......,._, 1C1 .. #llllOlf~• .. Wll! ... 1#:" 1"''""- 111111 . •.• , G " Ill ltLllll -·-~ aao N. IMol\ . m..w '71 IMW 2002, xlnt lfllpe, lo 1'111. Lota xtrM. 131-1162 alt 10AM Jim fll/ •..•.••..... !!!f 1114 crr,r1 2800 ve. 4 ~· A ,, .. CUI tune t. o .... t "'"· 11&00 firm, 1314068. ·11 Ceprt. tt.ooo 1111. im- maculalel 81tYet/blk. 83500. c.-144-2481 .... l1Jf ...................... '11 WAGON 210.0rlg own. • ..-.. rcna 6 -.». ale, •t•, recll. UK m~ "4000. """6-na an WE'RE DEAL IN' MEDIATE DELIVERY ON MOST MODELS SA·VE 1 AT HONDA SANTA ANA 1174 Mild• AX-4, n•w I.,_ & ban.ty. Like MW lntld1 l out. AM/FM cuaetta lterao. Manual 4 lpd trana. tMed• eno wortt. HOO/bet ofr. "2-&355 COHHHL CHfVIHJll T -.,. . r , ' !14#>-1100 Jm UlllU '18 CORDOIA, 5<1 n1. l!--fj IHI _.. ...... cond, elr, crul••· 1un, .:i:::: •• ._.••••••••••• ~·-loeded. U .400 010. '11 ftr ...... of !Ate rnod9lti tow mllee-·840-9111 Good cond, U700 or -------~c:.. = ~ ,,,, belt. 171-3113 .... ...................... n...,llld 1111 lllM ' M • •Vii Ii •••••••••••••••••••••• _.. • -1Ml 11Wt '1t T-INRO LANDAU 2tOO twbor BMt. Gl1H top•. loededl *mf llU.* COSTA MESA (2021). Pertectlonl ~ blue w/1plll wtllle 141-1111 •Y 111,111 match~~~.!'. .... ........ did. Vachl not lnol. Lltile M ... Muffll Mt on • 00¥e/Oull Sta. (414WVG) Need ........,.. Tulfet, along came • (Hf. Jflmbot9e l Br1ttol) party to make em all •Plder ind rHd In th• pa.;ma monthly pmta. No old Dally Piiot CIHtlfled contmc1a to ........ No ~Ion •bout Min Muf-C...., lfJJ b.ctc pmll due. Mt! fol' r.t I TVffll and bought It •••illee••••••••.c!:••• AO I a 8 4 2 • 4 4 0 0 , for 19.95. Vou can H ll 'll .... g1 561-1008 Proto u.,. your tuffet and Iota of HI pert. ang./ Irena. ooet, lo ml, magi, bl8 tlr11. The f11t111 draw In the Mutt Mii. 1225 080. WHt ...• Delly Piiot 142-6212 ci..tlfled Ad. 842-5e'?I. ~~~~~~~-;-~~,;__~~~~ MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP · WITH THE NUMIERS IM THE BOXES • ATLAS CHRYSL&ft.TMOUTH ~ HM>or Blvd., Co1ta Mela. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocka IOUth of hn DleOO Fr'W#sy off Hmrbor Blvd. ComP'e19 ~ IMo ....... Setvlce. Pwta. s.vtce Deot. open ~ tt.ru FrldtY 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and & A.M. t.ti 5P.M.Oft~. llACHIMPOUS M 00.. Str .. t. Newport Beech. Tel. 752--0900. C.11 ue, w 're the 1peclatltta for Alfa Romeo. P9\l0eot;8ub & MaaeraU. • NIW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dove Str .. t, Newpot1 Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the trt.ngte of Jambofae, MacArthur & Bt1atol IMtllnd Vletor1a Station. Salee, Service, Leulng a Pane.. we rMke or•t deelal • NAIHS CADILLAC 2l800 Harbor BIYd .• Cot ta Meaa.. Tel. ~100. Or~ County'• Largest Cadillac dealer. Salee. Service. Le ... Ing. • DA vtD J. PNLLIPS IUfCl(.flOMY'IAc..MilDA Sal•• • S.rvlce • L..alng 2"888 AllciaP~ Uiguna Hiiia 837-2400 • CHICK IVllSON POISC .... AUDl-VW 415 E. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach. 873-0900. The only dealership In Orange County with theM thtM greet "*"9 under Ol)e toofl • ALAN MAC.NON '°9ilnAC.SUIAIU 2AeO Harbor Bl'id., Cotta MIM. Tel. 549-4300. 8a*. eeMoe. LeUlng, "Mr. GoodwNllCh.· •• • IOI LOM•Pll POMnAC 13600 Beech Blvd., w .. tmlMtet. TW. 1182~1. Orange County'• oldest and largftt Pontiac dealarehlp. Salee. Service. Petta. • SM. CHfflOLIT 900 SOuth C:O.t Highway LaQunaBMch ~ .......... ,.., .. SALES HouRs: Mon . .f=rl. ~7. Sat. S.-5, Sun. HM 484-1131 5*tM7 COSTA MISA DATSUM 2845 Harbor BM:I .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-e410. Serving Orange County for 16 ye.,.. 1 Mlle So . 405. • SUNSIT FOID, IMC. (Home of Wlllle the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grow Blvd., Weltmlnater. Tel. 836-4010. • • • SANT A AMA DATSUH 2001 E. 17th Street, Sai\ta Ana. Tel. 558-7811. Vour Orlglnal Dedicated Dataun Dealer. • MIUCUMAJDA We've mov9dl Our new loc.adon II 1425 8ak11 StrMt, C4*I MMe. Tel. 546-3334. Stop~ a vltlt our brand new ahowrOom end ... why we're the •1 Mazda dealtr In louthern Cellfomi.. Salff, Sarvic9, Parta Md. Leulng. DGM LIASIM(i. IMC. 730 W. 19th St .. Coela MMe e42-1944 You're In for a eurpriH at DGM l..Mllng. ' • . Ylll 11111111 llllY PAPll I . , ( I fl I\ N I ; I ( l \ II N I I ( I\ • I I ( ) H N I J\ .' • l c [ N ' < 1 Seal Beac'h. 't~Fget' o .f terrorists·? 1 By ROBERT BAJ\UR Oftllehlr ......... Fears of a terroriat attack on the U.S. Naval Weepons Station at Seal 8Mch have been railed in a letter to U.S . Sen. Alan Cranlion, D-Callfom.la. Rober\ Brophy, one of alx SM.I Beach residents flahtin& a lep1 battle a1alnat poaible nuclear weapons at the atatlon, aald today Utionta are W1dna Cranston to hofd congrellional hearing• in tM SHl BMch area on the aalety of the bue. A prof ... or of En1ll1h and rell1lou1 1tudlee at Cal State Lona Beach, Brophy h reqUetun, the ~~ •ot docton, munldona and Hfety 1en1lneera aa well aa experu on terrorism. Brophy aald today that the bue appean to be vulnerable to terrorista. He aid that loading docka ln Anaheim Bay where ammunltlon Argentines attack ships ii h.andi.ct for wanhlp1 of the Pacific fleet appHra to be IUIC'tpt.lble. .. An~ could park a car and fire a rocket OC' mortar round into the exploltvee," he aid. He aald that loadlna and unloadln1 ac the dock1 11 no lleCl"et beca1.11e the Navy Wea red flap at thoee timee. Brophy uid another po.tble danger point lies along the route that boaters take from Huntlnaton Harbour throu9h Anahetm Bay. He 11ld he fean terrorlatl ualnc froQrnan equipment could lay mt.ne. ln the area. Brophy aid, however, that the dan1er of a thermonuclear exp)Oeion appean to be minimal "beca~1e the weapon• presumably are deactivated." 0 But any kind of exptc.ion could demoy the c:ainp of the nuclear weapon1, cau1in1 radiation leak1. Once inaide tilluee, there'• no way to pt it out," he aald. John Frye, public affaira officer at the bue, aid, however, that the 1tation'1 1~ Mart.nee and 30 civilian police of ficen are trained to combat terroriam. "We feel we are on top of the tdtuation," he aaid. Anti-nuclear weapon Utipnta -lncludl.na Brophy and hi.I wife Marylou, George and Janice Laine and Jim and Fran Goodwin -loet a lepl battle ln Lo. Angeles federaf court laat Monday. Judae A. Andrew Hawk ruled that the Supreme Court in a aimilar cue had put the question of nuclear weapon• "beyond judicial scrutiny and that the preeence or abeence of nuclear weapons waa a military leCl"et." The litlganta are conaidering their next ateps, including a , pomf ble appeal. Brophy said. • British down seven· warplanes Man dies in surf off HB By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of"'tlle .,.., ......... A Bell Gardens man drowned after jumping off Huntington Beach Pier and a Long Beach ICUba diver had to be rushed to the hospital from Crescent Bay in Laguna Beach in a weekend on Orange Coaat beaches that aaw 198,200 visit the sands from Bola Chica State Beach to Doheny State Beech. The drowning came early Saturday before any crowds bepn arriving on what waa to be an overcast day. Albert Mendoza, 23, jumped from the beyhou8e area of the pier at the end of Main Street ln buntlngton Beach tn what apparenuy started as a group of 12 to 14 youtha "Joking arowMl." accordina to Lt. Dill llichard90ll at city Uleguard headquarten. Mendo7.a climbed the railing once, threatening to jump but WU held back hy hia frtenda, Richanbon reported. But the man then apparently ran, stripped off hia cl.othea and leaped in the water. The current was 3 to 5 mph at the time -5 a.m. 'l'he swell was movina in a northerly direction with awella of up to 2 to 4 feet. Robert Tovar, 21, of City of c.ommeree and Lorenzo Robles, 23, Bell Gardens, jumped in after Mendoza but were unable to save him, reports lhow. Tovar and Robles were reacued by J on Goldstein, a beach- main tenance worker, and Greg Crow, a lifeguard. Mendoza'• body had not been recovered. (See BEACH, Page A!) Man hit by car, hurt in Dana Point 'Thomas B. Kincaid, 66, ii ln aerioua condition today after , being struc k by a car while at.anding at Green Lantern and C.O.St Highway ln Dana Point early today. The car'a driver, Roy Gene Ambroee, 41, of Long Beach, WU arre1ted on drunken driving charge• and hl1 paaaenger. Sammy Lee Stallwort, 29, was arre1ted on charges of being drunk in public. NATION COMING' -Frank Sinatra will play a benefit concert at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater in Septenber. 01' blue eyes county bound September 25 By GLENN SCOTT Of'" .. o.llr ..... ...., Frank Sinatra la scheduled to perform in Orange County this year, appearing at Irvine Meadows Amphitheater on Sept. 25. His appearance will be a special benefit engagement to ra.i9e funda for the new South Coast Foundation baaed In Newport Beach. Ticket salel or prices haven't been aet. although amphitheater Director Mark KDgan noted that admiuion will be at "benefit prklea," wh.ich meana expensive. Announcementa about ticket ..ies will be made later, he aaid. Newa of Sinatra's appearance was releaaed Sunday by KDgan during a reception rat the amphitheater. Barbara deBoom, executive director of the new foundation, aaid Sinatra was lined up for the benefit by one of hia lawyers, Milton Rudin of Beverly HU.la, who la a member of the foundaticr'• board of d.lrecton. Formed in January, the foundation offen dlapnaUc and treatment eervtces for young adulta with problema 8890Ciated with neural-developmental (See SINATRA. Pase A%) 47 lose agency jobs The Federal Labor Relatiom Authority spent $266,350 to renovate oftioea while at the same time dtem'-'na 47 employee. to .,.re COlta. Pap AB. COUNTY Art f eslival eyes summer t.:acuna'• v~ Green. • permanent an t.uval atop the bluff over~ tb9 ocan. la ~ fer a "d~te lllllWIW." P• Bl. ~~ I County to study jail sites By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL Of"'lhe o.llr ..... .,... Orange County auj>ervlaora will be asked 'IUeeday to launch environmental atudies on five potential sites for a aecond medium/maximum security county jail. including two aitee in the East Irvine area. The Eaat Irvine-area 1lte1, both owned by the Irvine Company, include the existina location of the Orange County International Raceway and an agricultural parcel near the lntenection of Sand Canyon Avenue and Trabuco Ra.d. The Eut Irvine ·-and • ..... Jted location in Santa Ana Canyon in Anaheim, are new to the list of potential locatlonl for a jail that would houae l,30ll lrunatee by 2000. Dillt ............... Falkland coiiflict heated LONDON (AP) -British gunners shot down aeven Argentine warplanes today when the Argentines launched air attacks on British warships in Falkland Sound. the British Defense Ministry announced. Defense Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald said several waves of Argentine Mirage and Skyhawk aircraft roared over the aound and were engaged by Brltlah Harrier jets, shipboard missiles and shore-based guns and missiles. Mc.Donald said eome 'task fon:e ships may have been damaged but no details were immediately available (Related story Page A3). Site• previoualy under conaideratlon included the exiatlng main jail location in the Santa Ana Qvic Center and the James A. Musick Honor Fann in El Toro. The Musick site today lel'Ves aa a jail fOI' minimum aecurlty inmates. CELEBRITY SQUEEZE -Real People television ~ty Fred Willard ad.ministers a hug to Lagunan e Meggs during Sunday's Hug Club PiaUc at the Festival of AIU grounds. British correspondent Michael Nicholson of Independent Television News, reporting from the taak force, said "At 3:20 London time (7:20 a.m. PDT) this aft.ernoon, the air raid siren sounded and we were again under air attack, our third day in four days now. ''Out in the Falkland Sound, we could hear the eounds of guns and missiles going off. and there were the aounds of the aircraft themselves strafing as they flew towards us -Mirage jets in the first wave from the West, the second from behind us from the South." The three additional suggested sites were placed on the list by the county's Correctional Needa and Facilities Advisory Committee. The 19 -member committee includes several ranking law enforcement and county adm.iniatratlve officiala, two judges and eight ''public" repre.entatives. A. squeeze play British ships entered the Sound Friday at the start of a British land, sea and air attack on Argentine positions in the islands, which Argentina seiz.ed from Britain on April 2. Huggers hug in Laguna The committee a1ao exami.ned sites ln east Santa Ana and San Juan Capiatrano. but rejected them. How beat to expand the county'• correctional f.adllties baa been under study for more than a year. Offida1a say the county's growth requires that new jail facilities be constructed. Marine aircraft to boost noise Jet. pracUcing aircraft carrier land.inp at the Martne8' El Toro Air Station will be louder than usual from 1 to 3 p .m . Wednesday and Thuraday, according to baae officiall. Aircraft also will be flying wider and lower pettema from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday, they aald. STATE I By STEVE !MITCHELL "' ... o.llr Ni ...... Sunday just wasn't Officer Todd Elvin'• day. The Laguna Beach reserve officer waa Mligned to patrol the Hug Club pim1c at the FMival of .Arta out Laguna Canyon Roed. and it waa quite evident he wasn't having a good time. "rve had about 20 people come up and uk me to hug them," the unl(onned officer grot.19ed. And that included a sua:emful hug by Real People television penonality Fred Willard, who ~ the officer' and asked him "How dki that feel?" "Don't do it again ... Elvina said, u the film crew maneuvered around the pair. Several hundred Hua Club memben, their famille1 and friends, gathered on the festival around• lawn for a day of aqueeze.related activities. Cupid wins in court A st.ate court aaya a woman who left her Job to be with her flance in another 1tate 11 eligible for unemployment benefit& Page A4. Reunion sparked career Thirty·year-old Don Browmna. pnmdent of In & Out Photo, uaed a high achool reunion a1 hl1 aprtnaboud. Pap A6. ' They played musical hug,. hug tag, performed hug-aerobics, held a hug-olympics, competed in pass the orange (chin hugs) and listened to a bluegrass group called "Harmony and Grita." John Trash, garbed ln a jacket covered with tiny stUffed anns and hands ("It's my coat of arms") is co-founder of the Laguna Beach Hug Club. He said the organization was formed more than a year ago when several beach strollers began hugging each other during their morning outings. The Hug Club, which now bouU thouianda of members, la a looee-knit group with only one real rule: "Never force a hug." Tiiat doesn't mean you can't cop a mental hug from an uncooperative huggee, Thrash says. (See BUGGERS, Page A!) INDEX Britain •acknowledged £See FALKLAND, Page A%) School fire nets 2 teens Two Irvine teen-agers were arrested on suspicion of araon in connection with a fire Sunday at Sieml Vista Intermediate School, police said today. The two-alarm blaze cauaed about $15,000 in structural damage to a clasaroom. The suspecia, male youths who are students at Sierra Vista. were spotted by witneuea and subaequently arrested following a police investigation. 'nley were booked into Orange County Juvenile Hall. At Your Serv.:lce A4 lntennimion B6 Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landen B2 CalifonUa A.5 Movie. B6 Cavalcade B2 Natiooal News A3 "ewlfled C5-8 Puhllc Noticm C4 Qimk:a B4 Spona Cl-3 CrOllword B4 Stock Marketa A7 DMth Nodoel C4 Television B& Bditort.al A8 'lbN*9 B6 J:nteftllnrmnt 88 Weather A2 lforOICOpe 82 Wodd N.-. A3 SPORTS .. ' • • I off MtDoll1 Su.et sunday ~-.t~rtl\mdiO A Dina Polnt man hu beet\ ,.... ~ llafGnMUGn. · atttii.d on auapldon of •Wna 'l'Mft . ..,.,:~ Ylllton at IDd pt111111tna tully autiomadc 8cilli 8'att · tot the two aub,rnachlne 1una. th• Oranp dava , wtth 30 ~ MCI\ c:IU. County Sherlff'• O.pe.rtment Tht 1tat• beach from Beacn dsloeid today. ' Boulevard to th• 8tnta Ana t..rry 1'4wln Johnlon, 44, VIII River Jttty had 22 150 Ylllton taken lnto C\&ltody a week aao- wUh a total of h rHcuH 'Shertfra 1pokelman Lt. Wyatt reported. Hart Mid infonnatlon about the Hun\lftlton dty ~ had arrut wa1 withheld for 80,000 au.n .... ken fol' the two ln\l'lltlaaUve reMONI. days with as NICUel. Mark Weir, 18, of ,\re.adle Johnaon, Hart Hid, WH auffertd a .even nedc ,.._,.. booked into Onnae County Jall 5 .. ....a .. u hUe bod IW'fl r-· ~ three counta l.nCludtn, --of ... ~ w l'1 """1n& neer machine 1un1, po1H11lon of the fool of Hun~ Strwt. lUchardaon aaJd. Weir w• taken mechine ~and Jlltl••Jllon of• functional.llilencer. Johnaon later to Pacifica Hoapltal In wu releaaed on hh own Huntlnp>n Beach where he WM u_ .... treated and releued. ~. ~~ aald. Newport Beach had 50,000 on T h e 1 p o k e 1 m a n • a I d the sand SWtday, 40 ,000 lnvest.lgaton aelzed two MAClO Saturday with 11 reecues for the 9mm fully automatic aublMchine two days. guns, one MAClO .46 caliber fully automatic w:n and a :JIUGGERS IN LAGUNA • • • functional MAClO encer. ~ .. "U ... _.--11 a ~· l •-t look i l h i l f h Hart aald lnveatlgatlon 11 ~ uaucu r-gett1n. I nto t e ap r. t o t e tin"'"" in the "W ' z~ in the eye give them a th1n8 con -.. cue. ere mind hug, then I aav 'Aha, I attempting to find out where huaed you anywar.' .r "I've been a hugger all my lite. they (the weapons) were moving Karen Jackaon 0 Pomona was Now I'm just organiz.ed." · ~~a~~· where they were squeezing Dan Castle of Myrna Moore was diapenaing Riverside aa the couple swayed to aqueezes to nearly everyone in Hart aaid the weapons were a country-western number the crowd. manufactured u lellli-automatlc, blaring over the loudspeaker. S he • s pr es l dent of the then machined to make them "Karen got me to join· the 1,200-member Manhattan Belch fully automatic. club," Dan amiled. Hup Unlimited, and she a,r-eed He aid Sunday's hug picn.lc to an interview -as long u she was the first he had attended, could hug and stro ke the but he said he had little trouble reporter. Laguna cop ,~INATRA COMING ... • recovering i: dlsabllltles, such aa memory 0 deficiencies or hyperactivity. to Pr tor to h ~• d In 8 the benefit in lrvlne. Kopn, who toured with the Sinatra entourap for 8eVenl yeen • a production manager, aald the appearance will add to Orange County'• ima1e aa a major concert .market: after crash· t~undation, Mrs. deBooln was hlroa1 Hospital's director of "'9~pport groups. She noted that ''benefit tickets will be tax A fieductible. Corporate ticket '<i>ackages will be offered and a The chairman of the fund-rai.tng Foundatkln Support Group la ~im Strader, vice president and general oounae1 for the Koll Company, which la part owner of the amphitheater. Laguna Beach motor officer F.d Oram> remained in guarded. but atable condition today at South c.out Medical Center after ;:!.Wng hla motorcycle in the t Canyon puking lot. bu.Uef dinner with Sinatra will be staged after the 8 p.m. concert exclusively for benefit patrons - those who make the largest donations. Since January, the foundation has been operating on a $100,000 grant from the Del Webb Fow\dation, Mrs. deBooln noted. A .. police apokeaman said Orm.co Wal ma1cina a tum behind the Safeway MarTcet at about 6 p .m. Sunday when the rear wheel.on h.ta police cycle began all~. The foundation had the support of Irvine Meadows management in setting up the The btke alld 20 feet on ita right aide before ltrtkinc a drain gutter, which Oipped the bike FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • and the offictt over. 1 ~tine warplanes sank one 1 yal Navy frigate and damaged .: our othen in their counterattack 1 rlday . On Sunday, the Argentines set another frigate stormed ashore on the filklanda face a formidable task, but that the "days are numbered" for Argentina•• estimated 9,000 soldien on the ialandl. "There is no question of a truce," said Nott, speaking in the House of Commons. Orama hit hla bead Oil the pavement, cnddna b.ia helmet and livil1' l:he officer a allght conculBion. \ He was taken to the hospital where he remain• in the intensive care unit. J flf Js:reme Secretary John Nott la1d today British . troops who :Coastal Parti al clearing In tat• ldlemoorl toct.y. Hlgha -70 .. tn. ~ to upper 708 Inland. t Nltll1t end morning tow cloudl an Tue1day, clearlng to huy artemoon eunlhlM. ~nloht i10wal8tol4 .... T~U to 71. £11ewhere, l rom Point 1 Conception to th• Mexican bon• and out 90 rnllea: Welt to ~ w1nc11 10 to 1e Motl thla afternoon and evening. , w..rty ..... of 2 to 3 '-l. Moally cloudy through tonight with only partlal afternoon dMring. U.S. summary a-. ~ brOUOftt llr'OI NI tod9y to pel1a of T- wtlie ·~ -· llghted In IN ....,,.... PlnMndle. No damege ... reponed fl"Om the tclrMdo99. 8tiowere end ·~ Mr• a110 1catt•r•d over th• 90UtMrn and mld-AtlMtlc C09lt Ind tM IOwer M'r ' 'Fpl V'*'!. Light rain f•ll from lower Mlchlgan to th• north Atlantic COMC. Clear to pertly doudy .... -• r9t10fted over the Pacific Coetf and mud! of tM W•. HMNy thundltftonN pounded ... tern Oldahoma on Sunday. dul'/lplnO up to 2 inm. of r1lln In -then ., holK In eou"-1 Mellon• of th• •l•t•. R•lnfall emounll reported Sunday lndUdad 2.23 inc:n. ., eern.a-. , .. --llt Oldatlome City llnd U~at0Urd9e. TM fOl9CMt called fOf lllgl\t arovnd 100 for the 8ovttiweet ~ n * lfMnd" -on ...... ~ T.,...,..._ wound the !*loft ..,., today rented from H In MerQVette, Mletl.. end t4outton ....... to 83 In PtloenlX. Altz. Partial clearing Atlanta 79 e3 .07 The ,.., .... Atlante ety 5e ..e · Tu Au9tln a& ea .eo ~l!.;=8=11"----..!== it~ s ~ .14 8llmetcll 72 47 1.81 BolM 7!5 ... Boaton !57 45 .55 Brownevtla 13 78 .!53 8ufllllo 87 !57 Bur'lnglan 5e 47 .01 c.,., 70 41 .25 Chartetn sc e2 ee CNnltn WV e3 82 a-ttte NC 112 85 .23 ~ 74 40 1.44 ~-· 57 ~ ........... u 78 !58 Clewlend 7 4 5e Clmbla SC M 88 .07 COlumbul 78 54 .01 0.-l"t Witt 13 ea 1. 12 Deyton 7 4 !51 Denver 7 4 41 .35 o. Mo1nea e1 57 o.trol1 ee 5e Duluth ae 38 19 Paao 89 55 Feroo 78 58 F\aeltaff 7 t 34 Or9et ,..... eo se .03 Hwttord !53 45 . 18 Hatena .. 45 HonoUu 17 74 Houlton 80 72 .49 lnclnlplll 70 56 Jadlan MS 15 18 Jecllerwtla 12 M .N t<.-City 73 N Lal Vegee 116 70 Utile Aodt e 1 e& LOIMVlle 70 80 lubbodl 78 53 . 18 Mempt111 M ea Mlarnl 79 73 .21 M#waukee 57 41 .01 ~t.P 71 61 NeltMla ., ... .... Ol'tlerW • 17 MilW Yoril Ill 50 AO' Nottoll 71 • • 11 No.,.... 74 54 Ul3 Olla. Qty 1't 11 U1 C>mllha 17 61 OtWIClo 80 .. .07 ~ N 51 ,17 r>-•A 101 71 c~ ............ ~ lurt*a ""-"° ~ 101 77 102 ., 50 17 17 93 ... ~~ : e1 =ctty Monterey 78 Mont«tey .._... 102 ....., OMl8rld 99 Sen Juen PW> ~ M 5e Tegudgelpe Red Bluff 98 71 Trtnldad " 77 79 57 12 71 .... ee ea 90 7& .21 90 73 .21 90 73 ~ctty 93 ea v a.a.n.nto 97 ea ._eracrur _______ _ 8alrl8t 71 60 ee n ..26 Sen Diego 71 ... s g 8M francllloo 79 eo nw ::::: ::::-r, 55 The 8outt1 CoMI All Quilty Stodlton 103 -Man1g•m•nt Oletrlct predict• __ _. 99 -unllealthlul air quality tor • ·-"--MftlltlW paopte Monday "" llllend :;-'a:. ;~ ~ vall•Y• at the Rlv•reld•·8an Long 8Mc:11 74 83 ~~.,.8tlndard ~ ot Monro-M 84 It 111 11 predloted for the Mt. Wleofl 79 58 Rl~lll e.merdlno .,.. N9wp0t1 a.di ea e 1 and the 8111 lflmlfldo Ind Senta Ontario 12 5t CWtta ~ P8I 11& .. '°'**" PIMI 8prtnoe 118 t7 tor IN San Ge1wte1 and Pornone P...-.. 79 60 velleye end Pll 115 for th• Sen ..... IO 13 58 1ann1ftg .... 8111 G*W 11 80 Good'. ~ .• fllj 100. 1M .-e 92 18 11 forectllt f« .._ ,,.....,,.... ..... AN 71 90 I'll 12 for lftlttoootltan l• TlllM ~ 7S 99 AngelH; Pit t1 tor the low ,.,. AlmNCM deHrte end Pll 4t for 111911 cs..te. IN OOlltll ... lnlend ~ • 11 ue Orang• c~nw end Ilg leaf ..,.... n ra LMce. , -· i4 46 ~ an 0.IUlll.. to &7 ca........ to 13 ~ 1171 :ze.. : ~~ .. """!"----------------------------- Extended weather IUlf llPllT 10 UT HI" N CALlfOlltNll COAITM. ANO MOUNTAI" AMAa -..._ ............ .... ftlgllt ... ~ ,,..,.. ... .............. ~., OOMt.el ...... ,.,,..1rom 17 • n .. • ............ °"" tnt• welfe'9. L ... II , ... ..._..~,_..11\?0l.LM "' ...... ...L ...., ........ ,.... SWORD DAN(.."K -Jamila, one of eever&l middle eutem d&ncera who performed Sunday at anti-nuclear lhow ln Newport Beech, ba1ancee cuUery on her head • part of 1Word dance. Jamila la her prof..tonal name. Snow mixed magic, comedy and middle eutem 'culture. Navel victory? Nuke loes belly up on Coast BY STEVE TRIPOU Of'\M Deir .... ...., An Orange Cout couple have decided that the best way to et.op the buildup of nuclear weapons ls with a full' navel aaaault. NOT A NAVAL uaault uain1 lhlp1 and Marlnee, but a navEl amault utilizing the central anat.omlcal feature of a belly dancer. The uaault was launched ln Newport Beach Sunday by a number of belly danoen and one magician. The benefit show they staged at the Zonta Club railed about $700 for the drive for a bilateral nuclear anna freeze. Professional belly dancer Amira Barnes and her magician husband, Kevin, owners of Newport Beach's original Singing Telegi'ama. had comidered calling thelr show "Navell Against Nuclear Nomeme," but decided they wanted to underscore the seriousne11 of thelr cause instead. "WE'RE ALL concerned about the threat of nuclear destruction. I decided this was the way I could do aomethlng," said Mn. Ba.mes. Mn. Barnes, who dances at the c.a.cades Middle F.astem Restaurant in Anaheim, drafted her husband and a number of friends who belly dance professionally for the benefit. · Together they staged a 90-minute show that was a mixture of culture, comedy and magic. The crowd of about 80 paying customers, plus about 30 more who were helping with the show, appeared to enjoy every minute. MAYBE A GOOD belly laugh is just the thing to put a aimp in the nuclear anns race. The 'f ..shirts and bumper sticken 10ld at the benefit also carried the spirit by gently reminding thoee in attendance that "One Nuclear Bomb Can Ruin Your Whole Day." f· \\. Beirut blast li:ills 14 BEIRUT, Lebenon (AP) -A bomb p1acecl under tNt .. , of • J'Nncn ~ .......Y• car WM blown up ti)' remote concrol ~ alter ahe dnMt Into Uw embealy c:ornpaund coday, ldWna 14 people In ihe lai.t of."""' of terrortat attack• on the em~ and tta ~. poJlce aatd. Another 21 were "'JU.Nd. The bomb Wll det.onawd by a remote control device ln the handa of .. one or more ~ wet.china the car" from no more than 5~ yardl away, llkl a pollee apokemnan. The bomb exploded at 8:10 a..m., when dozena of people are UIUally llnlng up at the embMly pte to apply for vt.u. Re.cue workers on the scene and local leCW'ity guards aakl at 1eut two of those kllled were embuay guards and many of the at.hen were visa applicants. The d r iver of the car, Identified u Anna Coanidil by an embaaay 1poke1man, was among tho9e killed. The police spokesman aid the bomb had been placed under the rear eeat of the car, apparently while It was parked in front of Mrs. Cosmidia' apartment a half-mile from the ernba.y. Cyclisi badly hurt in crash near NB Pier A vacationing 22-year-old Canadian man la In critlcal condition with head Injuries today after being thrown from his speeding motorcycle Sunday in a mishap near the ,Newport Beach pier, police report. The motorcycllat, a resident of Vancouver, B.C., reportedly was going about 60 mph when be attempted lO tum from Balboa Boulevard onto McFadden Place at about 12:20 a.m . and struck a center divider. Police said the motorcycle was catapulted over the center divider and the driver thrown headfirst into the curb. He wasn't wearing a helmet, officers said. Traffic investigaton haven't released the man's name. Investigators said the man didn't have identification with him and that friends knew him only on a first name bast.a. Traditional Summer favorites fo~ the Brooksgate man ow. while our selection is at its best. as t he time for young e x~c utivc s to c hoose from thes e m o dera tely pri <.:c d washable s uits . All are tailored on o ur exclusive, trim 2-button model. Tan poplin o f poly- .. estcr-and-cou on , $145 . Blue-white striped cotto n seers ucker, $170. Coat and trousers. HTAMttttlO "" ( 1 .woornaoo Iran cl8iming victory Iraqi troops routed at Khuzistan BmIRUT, Lebanon -Iran claiJ'Md today ttl forcet "liberated" tho port clty of Khorrarrilhar after 578 days ot lraql occupaUon and drove lraql troope out of Iran'• oil·rich Khul.llW\ provtnce. "The olty wu liberated &11er a heroic and vtaoroUJ tiaM by the Iranian armed fOl'Ce9, la1amlc Revolutionary Guard Corpa. Irregular and popular fon..'e9," the official Iranian news aaency IRNA aald. There WU no lmmed1ate NIPon19 from Iraa, whlch earlier ln th• day romlnded lta Arab netahbort they are bound by UUty to aid Iraq. U lran'1clatm ll true,~ fall of Khorramahahr would mean a vU1ull defeat of Iraq In the border war it launched 20 montlui aao to aatn control ot the Shatt·al·Arab waterway to the Persian Gulf. 8 extend Argentina sanctions BRUSSELS, Bel1tlum -El&ht Common Market countries today renewed economic sanctions against AtienUna for an indefinite period. Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesman Marc Geleyn said the ded.aJon wu made at a meeting of Common Market foreign ministers at the request of British Foreign Secretary Francia Pym. • italy and IrelAnd, the other two membena of the Conunon Market, declined to join ln the ban on import& from Argentina which wu set to expire at midnight (3 p.m . PDT) tonJght, Geleyn added. Italy and Ireland alao refuaed to go along with a one-week extension of the sanctions that the other eight voted last Monday State bar opposes Prop. 8 SAN FRANCISCO -The governing board of the State Bar of California, charging that Proposition 8 would disrupt California's justice system. has voted to oppoee the meaaure on the June 8 primary ballot. St.ate Bar governors, in an 18-3 vote, said the measure's constitutionality is doubtful and it would bring a significant l.ncrea8e in the st.ate and local OCl8ta of operating the justice system. More than 500,000 voters signed petitions to qualify the baJlot initiative, said at.ate Deputy Attorney General Richard Tullis, who argued in favor of the constitutional amendment. Arrests net 450 Hollywood hookers LOS ANGELES -Police say they have recorded 450 &1TeSts in a crackdown on prostitution in the Hollywood area. The number of prostitutes working a three-mile section of Sunset Boulevard has been cut by 95 percent since the two-week sweep began on May 9, according to police Sgt. J.P. Williams of the Hollywood Division's vice unit. Williama said about 160 prostitutes were operating ln the area before the ciadcdown, but only five were spotted Sunday night. 'Nobel' sperID bank baby born FSCONDIOO -The first baby has been born as a result of a sperm bank aet up primarily for Nobel scientists, a spokesman aaid today, identifying the donor as "an eminent mathematician.'' A spokesman for the Repository fot Germinal· Choice said the baby was "a healthy, nine-pound • daughter born in April ln a rather small town in a apanely populated st.ate." "The parents don't want to be identified publicly," said the spokesman, who declined alao to give·h.ia own name but said he is the repository's medical geneticist and only full-time employee. Rocks throw-n ID airline strike MINNEAPOLIS -Cars were pelted with rocks today as some workers tried to get to their jobs at Northwest Airlines, where mechanics and baggage handlers have been striking for three days. There were "isolated inciaents" of rock throwing, and some car windows were amashed, said airport police at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. Lt. Tom Foley said no lnjuries were reported and no arrests had been made. He did not say who had thrown the rocks. Chicago hotel's fatal fire probed CHICAGO -A fire that killed four people and injured up to 20 at the Conrad Hilton Hotel might have claimed fewer lives lf there had been sprinklers and if guests had stayed in their rooms. a fire official says. Authorities blamed a smoldering cigarette for the blaz.e that began Sunday morning on the 22nd floor of the 25-story hotel, which was built in 1927 and is one of the world's largest. Energy Depart01ent on way out? WASHINGTON -After months of behind-the-acenea maneuverinJC, the Reagan adminiatration today aent. Congress its plan for dismantling the Energy Department. The president said his propoeal. which would shift the department'• duties to the departments of Commerce, l.nterlor, Justice and Agriculture, "will not dimnantle the structure of government we need to meet our energy goals. Our goal was and remains energy independence for America. Continued regulation shackled our drive for increased production." ORN.a£ COAST Daily Pilat TilomM P. H-.V ~ INI 0.... ~Ollar !<av 8chuttz ...... ,,........ .... .,.... ............ Tom~ ,..., ::::.~ fCll.-.. Ken Goddard ~-OpinlllM =::cl.-n a.tee Looe .............. ~ ........ .,., ............. Cla111fted advertl8'ng 7141142·5171 All other depa11Jnenta 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE m wnt a.,sc~ c-. MMe, CA. ~l...,._: .... lttO,C-MeM,CA.tlA» C.,.,rltlM "" Or ... c.tt ""*'llllfte ~. ... _.....,, ...... , ................. INllH' ... .. wrtl.-ts ..,..... ,,..., ... ,._..._ .. ........ ~ ... ,.. mllllell -''....m.M'-. Van dais damage Kansas church TOPEKA, Kan. -Vandals carved the words "rock and roll will never die" on a church door and cauaed an estimated $9,000 in damage at the Evangel Temple Church after church members destroyed rock records in a J>8rklni lot. Youth Put.or RUlty Mayfield a&id vanda1a t09ed rocka throuah an uninaured, 'century-old atalned l1Ma wtndow. Three t1ftll on a church bua were a1ubed and pewa were damapd. poJJce aald. . We're t.lstenlng ••• What do you like abOut the Dally PUot? What don't you like? Ca ll the number below 8fld your measa1e will bt recorded, tranurtbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The ••me M-hour anawerinf service may be u1ed to ncord lei· tere to~ editor on any ~ Mailbox contributors mUtt llt~lude their name and \ele~e numbft' ror ~ertrlcat~. No clrewldon calla. pleue. TtlJ us what'• on YoUr mind. FRIENDLY HANDOUT -Michael Hurley, 5, of Huntington Beach, gives a penny to a friendly monkey during Community Festival '82, held Saturday at Golden West College. Deir ..... ll'hoto laor e..... tljfy About 15,000 people attended the free event, ill which more than 100 service clubs and organizations operated information exhibiU and fund-raising booths. ! More parking spaces set at UC Irvine UC Irvine may get some relief from its trqubleaome parking problems with a planned addition of l, l 00 spaces. The tJC Board o( Regents approved a transportation improvement package last week allowing UCI to secure a $2 million commercial loan for parking lot spaces, signs and a campus bicycle path system. Nearly 15,000 students, faculty and staff use UCI's estimated 8,000 parking spaces. The additional spaces, set to be completed by fall, are expected by university officials to relieve some pressure from the campus's overtaxes parking lots. The loan will be repaid with monies collected from parkin, fees, according to UC spokeswoman Helen Johnson. Crash fatal to man, 82 An 82-year-old Westminster man died today of injuries suffered in an April 2 traffic accident, police reported. Dead is Nathaniel Brown of 9200 Westminster Ave. Police said he was a passenger in a car driven by his wife, Ann, when it ran into a house in W estrninster. Mrs. Brown apparently put her foot on the accelerator instead of the brake prior to striking the house, police said. Volcker dismisses idea of quitting DURHAM. N .H . (AP) Federal Reserve Board Ch.airman Paul Vokker has diamiased a congressman's suggestion that he resign as a simple disagreement over how to save the economy. Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N. Y ., repeated his call for Vokker's resignation. ~ -- British broadcasts monitored locally British Broad cas ting Corporation's worldwide service via shortwave placed heavy emphasis on British forces having consolidated their bridgehead at Port San Carlos in newacasts monitored on the Orange Coast on Sunday at 10 p.m. A BBC correspondent reported, "The Royal Marioea are dug in at the San Carlos Bay bridgehead and have sent out patrols to assault Argentine positions. "Gunfire and explosions were heard throughout the day. Another BBC report indicated llOllle captured Argentine troops indicated they hadn't eaten ln three days. "The priaoners are bewildered that they're being ao well-treated." one BBC reporter lndlcated. The BBC world aervice at the 10 p.m. broadcast monitored locally said six Argentine planes had been shot down and three others hit in the latest air fighting. Additionally, the British claimed hitting three helicopters with one shot down and "a qpcond seen to land in flames." The BBC quoted Argentine sources as saying 30 warplanes took part in the raid against British ships and positions "but the Argentines admitted losing only one." Assertedly reporting from shore, one BBC correspondent enthused, "The Royal Marines now have Rapier missile systems on shore so the Argentines face missile systems from both land and sea. "We are in hill positions - marvelous really -windswept positions that on a good day - such as yesterday -you must have been able to see 5 miles. "Th.la la going to make it very, very difficult for Argentine ~~"BBC shortwave also broadcast from another correspondent, apparentl~liv and aboard ship. He re "Our machines guns have · started firing . . it may be /J. Mirage jet . . . now we aee a Skyhawk has just been shot · down ... " The BBC radio reports di,d admit that two British frigates had been hit and with 01'e aeriously damaged and afire. A British transport ship was allo hit, the BBC said. ' Court eyes Akron laws on abortion WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . Supreme Court agr~e today to judge the validity sweeping abortion regulatio Akron, Ohio, tried lO impose f yea.rs ago. The justices said they will review a ruling that struck aa. unconstitutional much of a 1978 city ordinance. At issue in Akron's appeal is-J whether a city ?r state government may reqwre: -That any girl under 15 have the consent of one of her parents or a judge before obtaining an abortion. -That doctors inform patien~ seeking abortions about the risks associated with pregnancy, abortion techniques to be used and the condition of the fetus. -That doctors wait at least 24 hours after a woman signs a consent form before performing the abortion. -That aborted fetuses be disposed of in a "humane" way. 'the 6th U.S . Circuit Court of Appeals In June struck those provisions of Akron's ordinance, ruling that they would interfere with a woman's constitutionally protected decision to have an abortion. 1ightwrz.ight and comfbrtab1cz. mBdrae ... always ·a i8vor:i'te. for warm ~t'hcz.r wcz.8r. c.olorful hend '>IOVUl rnedree SJ>C?r"t C08'Ls; go dree~ wrth poplin tiroiletz:ra. aveilebJe in blUtL, ~ endred.torv.e . \ .1 •1 •• , 80~2J"TI . . °' .. UPAT: I MV• a IDeMh M•• wMc.' 1 tn. ll ll bl• llUt'nen tM .-ta ........ aitw1ver. I Plu "ieU tM -.Mlle .... .. ....... to" .. vi ..... llaC!tlJ ......... to .. • ..U It •Jlllf aM 1avt tM reaUor'• fM. • IU.,H•dUIMBta~ State law perm.lta a mobile home owner to 111f hla OI' her co.ch 1n D1act tn a ~ and a11o ldverdle with a ••ror Sale" ""1 ln the window. Under California Civil Code Section 789.10, pu-k manaeement cannot force you to '° throuah them u you want to •ll )IOU! mobile home unit, nor are you requlred to eftllle a '9robr. ~code doel requlre that a mObile home muat be at Jeut lO'feet wide and no moc'e than 15 years old, or 25 yean old if manufllCtW'ed after Sepcember 1971. The coach a1lo muat be ln 1ood condition, and the park management hH the rl1ht to approve of the new purchuer on the bu1I of ability to pay apaice rent and acceptable past record Ha mobile home te.nant in another park. For more 1pec:lftc Information, contact the Housing and Canmunlty Development Department by phonfn8 the Santa Ana office (numben li1ted under "California" In the White J>aaee). Tax d eposit dates vary DE.AR PAT: I •1...Uy make montllly e~loymeat tu defHlta, bet till• mon_., becaue of addldou.l em oyeet, I bave to •epostt a lar1er amout. Will tllJ1 affect tile ae date of my depoaJI? F .J., Newport Beacll Internal Revenue Service says due dates for deposits vary, according to the amount of tax you have withheld. For example, ah undepolfted amount that falla between $500 and $3,000 is due monthly, but If the taxe. you withheld are more than $3,000, the depolit will be due IOOner. For more information on tax deposit requirements, you can Older Ci.rcu1ar E, Publication 15, free of charge by phoning (800) 242-4585. Mercer song book located DEAR PAT: I'm a maalc major la college aad I've looked all over for a book of Joblly Mercer aoq1 &Ut I need for my 1tllclln. Cu YH ltelp me oat? B.T.O., Corona del Mar John Moody at Coast Muaic Service, 1839 Newport Blvd., c.o.ta Meta. aya the book you want ia currently In stock at Cout. Coaat Music Service or National Music Service in Anaheim uaually can fill any unusual sheet muaic or IOllg book request. "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red ta~. gettbvt the amwers and action you need fO ao1w Jnequicles ln government and busfnea Mail your quesdans to Pat lbowirz, At Your Senib.>, Orange Cour DaJJy Pl.lot, P.O. Box 1660, Costa Meu. CA g26M. BAN l'RANCISOO (AP) - Saytn1 that love 11 a 111ood ca-.-:• a 1\at. O:>w1. of A~ hll ruled that a woman who left her job '° follow Mr tJara to anotner 1tate 11 eU1lbl1 for UMmploymlnt beneflta. The 2· 1 ruUn1 found that ~ T'INM NCJnDU\ left her job with 1ood c~uH1 or a leaally tuf fident reMOn IOI' ICdon. The court aald It lnt•rrr•t•d 1ood cauH to mean tha a worker'• peraonal clrcumatanoea for Jeavtna a job do ''not mcwartly me out ol or be attributable '° the Job ti.lf ... Under California law, MiH Norman will be entitled to between $30 and •130 a week fOI' etaht weeka, dependtna on her Mlary level at the time the left her job. Ml .. Norman beaan work ln January 1979 tor Mohawk Data Sciencea Corp. in Santa Clara u a computer software control coordinator. At the time, 1he lived with her flance for two years and they planned to marry in June 1980. But in June 1979, her fiance moved to the state of Waahington and decided to remain there. He uked Mim Norman to join him. She telUfied th1a 0 put her on the 1pot," and that she finally reaWied and left her job Sept. 7, 1970' eolelr to join her fianoe. She then f led a claim for unemployment benefita. The California Employment Development Department notified her she wu not ellgtble for benefit.I. An adminiatrative law Judae upheld the ruling and 'said -if &he had been married or wu to be married upon her arrival In Washington there would have been iood cau.e. The California Unemployment lnlurance Appeal Board aireed and suggested any policy change wu up to the Leglalature. She claimed her relatiomhip with her boy friend "diffen from a marriage relationship only lnaofar aa there la no lJceme and there was no marriage ceremony.,, Superior Court Judge Bruce Allen ruled that Miu Norman voluntarily quit her job with good cauae and abeence of marital relat1ooahip should ~t preclude joblem pay. ............. CALCULATING -Kim Cohan, 18, shows off his latest idea for public libraries, a coin-operated personal computer. Cohan Is president of Micro Timesharing, his third company. A teen -ager who was ADwar Sadat'• guest and attended the slain Egyptian president'• funeral sold an autographed photograph of Sadat for $1,000. Sam Brown aaya he needs the money to work aa a Senate page, but there's a hitch; he may not aet the job. There are many applicants to spend a month u a pap for Sen. Strom Tll•rm oad , R-S.C., and Sam hn't guaranteed a position, said Thurmond spokesman Mark Goodin. He said the sale and the visits wouldn't affect Sam's chances. A Saudi military leader la buying 3,500 acres for "the prettiest farm in Georp" for hil family and friends, a spokesman ~ya. Sa m Singer, who repreeenta PdDee Fallal M. Sa9d Al Kablr in the land deal. said the prince bought 12 tract.I of farm land In northwest Georgia and baa an option on two more. Singer .would not disclose the purchue~. . Ttie farm is three miles weat of King1ton ln both F1oyd and Bartow counties. It straddles the Etowah River. CANCELS Chairman James Miller of the Federal Trade Commission is canceling his subscription to Playboy -along with 46 other magazines -in a move to cut the agency's budget. Robnsons ENCHANTED SPECIES: OUR GALLERY BIRDS BY GORHAM Presenting a collection of ceramic birds so realistically portrayed you'll half expect them to start and fly away. All handpainted on finest porcelain as per Gorham's unyielding standards. And bound for truly inspired collecting and giving. We show only four from Robinson's Collectibles. 183. To order, call toll-free 1·800·345·8501. ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEODINO OIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our consultant at your nearest Robinson's. We'll record your gift preferences in every store via the only computerized service in Southern Callfornla. Vin tage pJann malce comeback Quleftl &cnuah Prtlldlnt DHal41 MaaH 1ma1hed a bottle of beer acr09 UMt nme of an old World War U tralnln1 plane -1oaldn1 hlmaeU ln the proceu -to dedlcat.e a new formaUon of 12 "akytyp&nt' planel. Th• ceremony wu at the Marine Alr Terminal at LaGuardJa A1rport, but ax of the ~ will be a-cl at Flua Airport. The other six w operate from Lona Beach Airport ln California . The two 1lx-plane squadrons will be uaed for promotional appearance. by the Miller Brewina Co. of Milwaukee. The planes are North American SNJ-21, built in 1940 and u1ed extenalvely throushout World War ll by Marine Corpef.Uotl who went on to fly the uter Muat.aJ'181 and Conain. Navy Lt. Peter CllmeHr, claiming he WU turned into a raving maniac after two airlines allowed hia luagage to be aoaked with the drUI PCP I has been awarded $31,400 by a San Diego jury. The jury first-awarded him $52,000 but cut that by 40 percent, saying Chmellr failed to report his luggage was damaaed during flights from San nlego to Florida on Delta and F.astern airlines In 1978. Delta Airlines was dismissed as a defendant when all the evidence was in. Cuban-born p ia n is t Horacio 01Uerre1 received the 1982 Avery Flaller Prue, which includes $10,000, in New York. Fisher, who founded Fisher Radio In 1937 to make high-fidelity instruments, announced the award at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall. He set up the prize in 1974. Gutierru, 33, emigrated to the United States at 12 and la a U.S. dtiz.en. He grew up In California and atteaded the Juilliard School. He has performed with major orchestru, given many solo reci ta la and has recorded three albums. He appeared on television in "Prevln and the Pittsburgh.,, 0 Fantatl dove. 135. I ' • I i I I , I • 1· \oi.t 101 \ti" f'OI ~ I !If• (IO•• C'lle ~I !Id• CION C':! ~~ ~ ' ,t ._." 1~· ~ ~ 1 ·~ ·~: "" l;l'W ;ii t tJf I Ill N ;' ol I • \lo = '~ ,. ,f t::. ; =~A...... " i ... "" •00. i 1{ 'I ... ~ • 1S I • 'ff "' n\JIJI 'i t .,. ' • ~ ••\NII 1 0 ,n1 ·.•. ti ~ Tulr ~' , " t1tr JI I 40 J ~ n " if '"' . -. = J. : ,, 1·~: ~ ~l' ~ :t ~ l! ~· : !le9AI• •• • ... Tllem " .. i n m:"" "" 11-0FnS I 3 t j • .. Tfl!I' p IM• 111 ~V 1 t I , • ,. T!l!'lllf tO Ji 1119-14 r 1.1 .. 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WNILE S.7S dOO U • I So#O 41 6 11 ,,.,._ 4' -Pll S ZS Ullo-"'° ~ i~ 4 1~ ~ ~ WllPll "' • . dO J1VI. II\ SWIC flf US •• J mt+ -=r~-1~ icD = · ~ 1• 1 <It ~. " _.t( I.JD I n IS*-Iii = D "1 == :t WNIC lllC l • I a. .. $l4lf'VI ' ... 111 u 17\'t..... = uo ,: , ~ " ~I .JO Tl Int JOVt+ .... Wllll-1.111 I ... dl7~ ... ~o AO • JJ n"..... Wllml n. IOI • q ,..,.. ~ 5'4ttcli ·. 24 M• ""' WllJNO .'5t 12 I' A>-111 hon 1 12 'S IJ\lo •.• ,. WlllOll 2.T6 t 27 »!Ao+ ~ 1.Cll ' lllS 1""-'-Wlf'lfllll f1 IOI ..,.__ 111 s1.» IO «Ill Ml'tt 14 Wl .... J 111 J *-·· t .• 14 IO~+~ W11IP i.t1 .• Jd2t 31-.·+i-. -T-T -Whl: pl .. 0 1100 6' " TECO 1 • 1 » 19\Co• ""' wtKPL 2'.T6 .... Jlh: ,._ TllE I 11 1 I"' . • . WltcPS I.. I 3S ...__ VI TRW 2.to • m ,.,,..__ \lo Witco I.Ill ' ,, u.....-~ TllW pl 4«1 I Ut •• -VW I e 1 ti !,._+ II. l:CW...: 411 1 ,: ~· ..... -.... .SJ .... 28-"' TtftM 91 I S 11,.__ " W.0.1'1 A II .. ,_.., \lo Telle¥ 14 4".. =~ l:: ~ DJ m:: ~ ~...,., t • , n.. . WrldN ,. ,.. .... T= I 1~ ,; ~: : :,,1J, ,_... 'i 11 llJ: 'w 1::::-: ~11 "~ : ~·~ tOl : . t ..... • . 1..-UO UflO ~ • ='.:. AO , 1: J""'; ~ I:' pr 1AI .. ICll ....... It -JC!-Y-Z-T..:!f' A, • 11~ ~ >Cer9l! J ,,.., h• -- Ttw lllf t.16 ., .. Utr; Iii ~ 1'~ IO ' !Ml "' • r .. ~ ti, : irJ =:: i: :;; i ,i: ~·~ t .. ttt • S IS == "°' ::.. AJ.: :. f~·~ TlllT Jlf • • It .. ~I , ..56 n 6 llllt-._ hET.Jll t.tf •. I n-....... ;;;,fl I.JD • DI Jl.,.t ' Tract houses off the market SAN DIEGO (AP) -Oev~lo~n 1n San Dlego County ue convertlna to rental• or baltln1 conatructlon on about ~.000 tract-boua1n1 unlta becau.e the aalt!I market ii IO alow, a new1p1pcr reported today. The houalns frame or araded lot •t.anda alone. abandoned for now, 1n about half the cuet. In more than 2,000 othen. the San Dle10 Un.ion uid. projectt were ~pleted but converted to rental unlta becaua of tn.billty to 1ell them u condominiuma. "There are slaba all over the county," u.ld Alan Nevin. eenior vice prealdent of the Goodkin Group, a reaearch flrm not involved in the awvey. Printronix to marke t line Printronlx Inc. of Irvine has announced an agreement to market a newly developed matrix line printer from Y.E. Data Inc., a subaidiary of Yaakawa Electric Manufacturin3 Co. Ltd., Tokyo. The agreement rovers worldwide marketa, except tor Far East countries Sal ari revenues drop Lion Country Safari, Inc. of Irvine reported lower revenues and a larger 1088 for first quart.er than ln the comparable 1981 period. Revenues fell from $366,970 to $334,UW. and the loa per share grew from 13 centa to 17. The net losa went from $257,122 to $326,812. CM bank plans dividend Citueru Bank of Costa Mesa has declared a 10 percent stock dividend, payable June 29 to stockholders of record May 28. The announcement waa made at the annual shareholders meeung, where officers and directors were re-elected. Computer system s due Alpha Microsystems or Irvine announced it is expanding its line of integrated computer systems with the planned introduction in June of a desktop m1crocomput.er. the AM-1000 model. The system ia based on the MC68000 microprocessor, the same processor used in a large-scalt Alpha Micro system, which will also be introduced in June. The company plans to introduce the AM-1000 at t he National Computer Conference in Houston, beginning June 6. Ne w system s adde d EECO Computer, Inc., Santa Ana, added three point of sale/restaurant management system interfaces for its hotel management computer system. The interfaces allow properties with ECl systems to interface with either the CRS Docwnentor point of sale system from Computeri7.ed Restaurant Systems. Santa Ana; the DART (Dynamic Automated Restau- rant Term.ina.1) point of sale management system from Standard Logic, Inc., Huntington Beach, or the RMS 1600 from Remanco Systems lnc., Toronto, Ontario. Frontier mileage up Frontier Airlines flew 301 ,027,000 revenue passenger miles (one passenger carried one mile) in April, an 8.6 percent increase from the same month ln 1981. Frontier's load !actor (the percentage of seats filled) was 66.5 percent in April, up from 62.l percent in April 1981. Training program set Pizza Hut, Inc. expanded its management trai.rung program with the opening of a regional training cent.er in Santa Ana at Orangewood Business Cent.er, 1701 F.ast F.ciinger. Gold,me tals quotations Gold By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Selected world gold prices today: Loacloa: morning fixing: $331.85, off $6.65. LoadOD: afternoon fixing: $329.00, oU $9.50. Parla: afternoon fixing: $338.64, off $7.55 .. Frankfurt: $334.01, ofl $10.98. Zari~ Late fixing: $328.00, off $9.00 bid; $331.00 asked. Bandy Ir Barman: only daily quote $329.00, off $9.50. Engelbrcl: only daily quote $329.00, oU $9.50. EngeUaanl: only daily quote fabricated $345.75, off $9.68. Metah NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonfer rous meta~ prloel~ Coner 78"-78 cenca a ~. U.S. destin.ationa. Lead 28-27 oenca a pound. Zble 35 cenca a pound, delivered. • TID $6.8100 Metall Week composite lb. Alw•.._ 1~ ~ta a pound, N.Y. Me~ '370.00 per .f1Mk.. • Plattilal ~1e.qo troy OL, N.Y. S,ilver oa., I Orenoe Coaet DAILY PILOT/Monday, May·~· , ••• WA8HINQTON (AP) -~onal inveettsatort aay \hat ~te .a White HOUie ban on tangy turntahtn11. the Federal Labor RtlatloN Au\hort\y apen\ '388,380 to oudtt tta offklll wl\Ue lt wu firt.nl 47 emDloYtee to C\lt ca1ta. J\oD.rt M. OUroy of the General Ac:oountln1 Offloe, Con1re11' lnW1\iaatina ann, Mid the improper 1pendln1 lncl\ld•d UH,000 ln fumlah1nP for the apncy'1 top three memben, f23,000 for th• 1eneral COW\Ml and about $74,000 for other offka. About $10,<100 worth of furniture -tncludln1 a •2.:; patio aet that could not be Uled u.e the .,ency later found out It wu not alloWed to uae the patio -was in 1tora1e, llCCOrdina to GUroy. The furniture, carpet• and wallpeR9r were purchued 1n 1981 by the relatively new three-member board eatabllahed to resolve labor diaputes lnvolvlna federal worken. Sen. John Danforth, chairman of 1\he Senate Governmental Affairs subcommi ttee on federal expenditures, called the purchases "truly outrqeoua." le1l11atlon nqulrlnl federal employffa who violate purch11ln1 proe.dw. to pay for ·~ itema out Of thttr DOCbta. The furniture Included two "Barcelona chaira" for authority chairman Ronald Hauahtcn, at fl,712 each: two f2 047 •lm~u.rl cNdenlu wltb a matchln, $8,78& conference ta bl• for Hauahton· a U , 792 maho1any offlce table lor member Henry J'ruter; and •7 ,4&3 1n "leavee of ar-" wallpe~ for the office of member Leon Applewhaite. "You cannot remember who paya the bllla around here and \hen 80 out and spend t7,400 on wallpaper," Danforth aid. Gilroy testified that thouaand1 of dollara wort h of "aerviceable" furniture wu either 1n lt.orlp or let go a1 1urplu1 at the time of the purchaaea. A White Houae ban on extravqance had been tn effect for months, he Mid. Hau1hton told the 1ubcommittee that the authority requlrel pun:huel of more than $1,000 to be cleared by him. He II.id he wu unawate of the 1981 order until the furniture was MAY OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS Strvtd 24 Hus Olly BREAKFAST STEAK & EGGS S3.99 Includes your choice of free beverage, pancakes or hash browns. DELI BAR SANDWICH 53.29 Includes soup or cottage fries or French fries, and large beverage, coffee, tea or Sanke. · I NEW YORK STEAK DlfiNER SS.49 Includes choice of potatb, vegetab~. soup or salad, choice of free dessert. 10" Oft Coupon• A v•ll•bl• 16205 BROOKHURST FOUNTAIN VALLEY IN WOOLCO CENTER 839-3321 He told an oversight hearing at the a1ency's offices he would puah for delivered. He aaid he wu told by hia i-------------------------.. staff that it could ~ be returned. ' ). \ ~&I 8101 A M usical Rtvut MUSIC COMEDY DANCE flow ~Iller In a deltghltul polpouM concocted OCC rnualc and~ ~ and lac ly In 5"'lng 1117• llNll """' THURSDAY & FRIDAY MAY 27 & 28 e P.M. SU NOA Y MAY 30 2 P.M. 0..-al Adml..i-'"'°° '3-00 -occ StucNft19, feculty' Slaff' Spedal Pereon1 and ChlldNn und9r 12 '"'*-... --.,. .. occ.,_OllW .._.,. .. ~ ._.,, ........... , ..... .,...~ ... c-........ Graduating? ... Chanalno• Jobs? ... Startfng a New career or Lifestyle? Assure yourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal- lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come in today for a free per- sonal analysis and program discussion. ~n Robert Powers PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & MODELING SCHOOLS ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town[, Country, Orange (7 14) 547-8228 RB DIDB'!·WIRI!. RB WOBKIDl'Olll!. D WOID JO& tOU. !Ill DOI'! WDI ft. !Ill 1IOD JOI I!. Richard A. Ogelsbee DICK OGELIBEE CHEVRON 3000 Fairview 0oata Mesa 546-7000 D. E~ Whitson Dll WHITSON CHeVRON 8ERVICE 2160 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa· 648-0925 (Ask for details.) IT " HI F ClASSIFIED C5 ...., ............. ~..., ......... 'SPEED ON' WATER -The action wu fut and furious Sunday at the 1982 Western Cahmpionahif power boat races at Irvine Lake. "Dark Slde of the Moon (above, left), d riven by Huntington Beach's Bob Long, wages a neck-and-neck battle with "Epidemic," driven by Robert Goettel of Phoenix in the first heat of KRR clus boats. Below, driver Hector Mecca of West Covina is helped by reecue crew after h1a SK clua boat "Nutmegger" flipped. Mecca 8Ultained facial lacerationa and the boat was towed to shore. ~ elch in control of situation • LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bob Welch of ; Loe Angeles Dodgen can throw hard , .tnowth to strike just about anybody out. ,•&ut ne'• learned that there'• more to can be one of the premier pitchers in the big leagues. U he puts it all together, he's go· to be IOmething ... ~terward, Welch talked like a man who has learned a lot about the art of pitching. pitching tlijln trying to blow the ball by I peot>le. · And his manager, Tom Luorda, believes ''LocatiOh la much more import.ant than velocity," he said. "Today, ( had pretty good rhythm, I could feel it. I threw maybe 20 ~nt breakina balls and put them in good spots. I'm really learning to pitch with the breaking ball fOI' the first time this year." · :<bt such knowledge oou.ld help the youna -~hander become one of bueball'a top ':Ptcben. .. ~·s been pitching very well," said ~ after WelCh bianked St. Lou!a on · fiW' hita in a :>-0 victory by the Dodgers on Sunday. ''He's got outatandlng ability. He . Welch, 5-2, walked two and struck out seven. He didn't allow a runner past aecond -Defense has taken t3 Norwalk this I ar .342 batter) really has an arm," aaya Zamora. ·"He had the best arm we saw all year. We bad Burt Call on fint and our better WU dee~ in the box, and swung at the tch, but Call was just F" out despite a good jump.' Loard threw both Capo rwmen out bl at.ea1 attempts and the Lancers' offense waa wrapped up in that one frame. Otben ,bl the Norwalk oflenee are tophmnore lleCOlld bMeman (excellent defenae). infielders Butch Shaw (.~) and 0eorae KWn (.256) and outfielder Tom Denton (.263). .. They don't overpower vou with hlttln&'' •)'111.amora, .rbut they are a tood, .,lid team with IOllld defeme." Corona del Mar eo.cb Tom =r· says he'll start Dave Tuelday with outfielder Chrb White ln rnerve after baae in pitching his second shutout and third complete game of the aeuon. He retired the aide in order in just two innings, tl)e fifth and the ninth, but was in control all the way, facing more than four batters in only one inning, the fourth, when the Cardinals had two bale-runners in an inning for the only time all day. Welch, 25, seemed to be breezing, but he said that wasn't so. "It wasn't easy, I worked hard," he said. "l went in and out on them and stayed aggressive. I had a good finiah, I wu pretty tired at the end. · Angels have the last laugh Morris a key factor in victory DETROIT (AP) -Detroit pitcher Jack Morris does not aypear anywhere in the boXICOre o the Angels' 7-2 victory over the Tigers "Sunday. but he was a key factor all the same. At least his mouth was. Morris, who had beaten the Angela a day earlier, was quoted in Sunday's newspapers aa making r~marka about the advancing age of many of the Angela players. Many of the older Angela, notably 33-year-old second b ueman Bobby Grich and 37-year-oJd pitcher Steve Renko, u.ed Monia' words as a battle cry Sunday. GRICH RAPPED OUT three hlta and drove in two runs and Renko hurled a complete-game four-hitter. The Tigers did the rest to themselves, co~tting four errors. "We were all out here this morning, calling ourselves old goata, the Over the Hill Gang," Grich said. "It just woke ua up, that's all. I think two out of three wins (in the weekend series) speaks for itself." Renko, who came into the game with a sparkling 1.86 ERA, has won his last three starts. The 6-6, 240-pound right-hander struck out two and gave up only a pair of walks. "I just hope he (Morris) can stick around and play as long as these old men have played," Renko said. "When you play 162 games, you have to have something to get you going and, often aa not, something like Morris' conunents will be enough to do it." . THE ANGELS scored two unearned runs in the first inning, when Brian Downing and Rod Carew singled and moved up on a wild pitch by Dan Petry, 4-3. An error by Tiger third baaeman Tom Brookens on Grich's topper allowed Downing to acore and Carew came -home on Don Baylor's groundouL One of the Angels' two second-inning run• also was unearned. Tim Foll led off with a walk, was aacrlfioed to aecond by Bob Boone, and scored when Downing'a grounder was mishandled by Detroit first bueman Richie Hebner. After bobbling the ball for one error, Hebner picked up the ball and threw wide to Petry, covering · the bag, for a 9eCOl'ld error on the play that allowed Foll to score. Successive singles by Carew and Grich then scored Downing to give the Angela a 4-0 lead. Fn:d Lynn doubled in the Angel fifth and scored on Doug DeCinces' triple. Foli hit a sacrifice fly and Grich doubled home the Angels' final run in the sixth. "I DON'T CARE how old you are," said the 36-year-old Carew, who went three-for-five, acored two rwu and atole a base. "It'• not a matter of age. It's what a player does on the field. Detroit got a run in the second on Lou Whitaker's RBI triple. The Tigers' second run came on Rick Leach's sacrifice fiy in the seventh. Sixers p r o ve • a point .(A p) I I I - l I : l I / oston may get another 'Bird' From AP dl•patoltet PAWTUCKET, R.I. -Mark ''Tht Blrd" Ftdrych 1till talkl to the ball, et.ill 8'11 • down on hll hands and kneet to tldy up the mound, and still pac;kl the stands. The former Detroit Tipr rook.le Pltchina aenaation wore the uniform of a minor 1~ Saturday night, but the nearly 9,000 fans ~ into Mt'C.oy Stadium, home of the Pawtucket Red Sox, was the largest ever for a regular teUOn .. • game hent. ' "I have never seen one player draw IO many people to a minor league park," said Ben Mondor, owner of the PawSox. "On a normal Saturday night, we would have about 2,000 in the stands." Despite a steady rain, the crowd wu sitting in the aiale11 ,,_.,c" and packed along the ral.linga, including 11 members of the Fldrych family from Massachusetts. Many of them remembered the kid from Northboro, ·Mass., who, in 1976, won the American League Rookie of the Year award after completing a 19-9 season and posting a 2.34 earned run average. That was the "Year of the Bird." Lately, the only "Bird" moet of these fans have known la Larr~ Bird, who wears the basketball uniform of the Bost.on Celtics. Pawtucket won 7-5 on a one-out, three-run homer in the bottom of the ninth, but Fidrych was not credited with the victory. Quote of the d.ay Reggie Racker, Cleveland Browns wide receiver, after watching the Hertz oommercial in which O.J. Slmpeon la shown soaring through the air: "U thia guy can fly, why does he need to rent a car?" Jon•• blank• A1tro1 on four hit• RaMy J .... •topped HCM.&ltan on • four hltl u the former Cy YPuna Award winner contlnuecf' hh comebrick Sunct.y niaht, phchlnc the New York Meta to a 2-0 victory over the Altrce. J~ who wu 1-8 lut eeuon, railed hie record to ~2. *°11.na out l1x and allowU:tc oal~ one runner io ruclt third bue . . . Jacl Clark'• RBI ~ 1n the lOth lnn1nl led San Franctaco· to a 4-3 vjctory over Chteqo ln the flut 1ame of a •9't .~ ... '1~ '1' ~·· ~ double-b~ at Candlmick Park. The Olanta completed a 1Weep widl'"'a 6-3 Victory ln the eecond game u Job.ale LeMucer belted a two-run triple and ecored ~ . . . Lee Lacy doubled and tripled to drive in two~. and Job Cudelarta earned ha first "°"" victory ln more than a year u Ptttaburah downed San Diego, 4-2 . . . Tim Ra.I.Ht a.rove 1n three rum with two doubles, and Sieve Rosen and Jeff Reardon limited Cincinnati to 10 hila to give Montreal a 4-2 victory and a three-game sweep of their series with the Reda . . . Philadelphia right-hander Dlcll Rutbven held Atlanta hitlea for eeven innings bUt neeOed nlnth-lnnina relief help from· Ed Y-armer before posting a 1-1 victory Leach becomes NCAA tennis champ Unseeded Mike Leaca. of m Michigan upset 12th-seeded Brad Gilbert of Pepperdjne, 7-5, 6-3 to win the 1982 NCAA singles tennis championship Sunday ln Athena, Ga. In the women's singles final, Alycia Moalton of Stanford battled back from a one-set deficit to outlast San I?lego State'• Micki Sc~1. 4-t, 1-1, 6-4 at Salt Lake -clty . . . Andrea Gome1 of Ecuador cruslled &Wot 'l'elt19er of the United States, 6-2, 6-3, 6-2 to win the Italian Open. 'Crapshoot' race .set Skippers' strategy gets the ultimate test Many offshore sailboat racers will concede that most races are a "crapshoot," depending on the wind and sea conditions. Bahia C.Orinthian Yacht Club has taken official notice of this description and is billing its Santa Barbara Passage race on Memorial Dar, weekend as the "ultimate crapshoot,' requiring each skipper to choose between alternate COW'8eS baaed on his or her evaluation of prevailing oondi tions. Historically, the Santa Barbara Passage race -which goes nowhere near Santa Barbara -has been one of the most challenatng and competitive races in Southeril California waters, but due to the cha nging environmental conditions of the White Sox oflpped Jn 14th Inning Cleveland'• ••• Bautf hlnuMNd "' am clout.a. for tht ~ Nn ln the 14th tnnlna, thin lcoNd an lnlunnce Nn • Uw lnd&W took • e .. ~ owr the ChJclto Wh1'!~ S~y atwnoan::yTbe Jo. drol>p.d the n111C. back lnto • vtnual tll for fliit plact ln the NJSnc:an LeUua We.t With the ~la ... whert 1n tM' AL, Lall Lei tchid hil tint com~ of\he~ 10 lead oronto to,, 1 :-l ::J. ~.,ti~. ecc:..J'p&tchin& .V.U at M tnn1M1 wtth ·&hrie Nl'll ln use f ourtn lnntn1 • • J•~• ~nem blMi.d three hita, lnolucUni a two-run 1ln1l1 that tnap~ • 1-1 Ue ln the wventh lnnln11 u New York HAlllY defeeted Minnelota, 4-2· for tht Yank.eel' fifth ltniaht~ . . . Jim IUee and Dave 8aa,Jetea al th.l.rd~inninl IOlo home rune and Bolton three l'W\I t.n the fifth lnn1nc to lhut out Oakland, &-0 ln • pme halted after 5 ~ lnnlncll by, raln . . . Pinch-hitter Mauy Cutlllo 1inaJec:1 home Dave Heaclenoa from eecond with two outa ln the 11th lnn1na. liftlna Seattle to a 8-6 ~ OVtJt Milwaukee . . . Plncb-hittM Cetar Oeroalmo hit a two-run double u Ka.nlat Qty raW~ for three l"4DI ln the etahth ~ for a ~-3 ~ ov~r •truiallna Tex.. 'nle Rangerw dropped their 211t l&mf: 1n their 1ut 26 out.iQ81. Patrese capture• Monaco Grand Prix Italian Rleeanle Patrete, ln a • Brabham-Ford Cosworth, won Sunday'• dramatic Monaco Grand Prix after he and two other leaden spun, crashed or brob down tn the 1ut three Jape. France'• Alam Prost, in a Renault turbo, appeared to be an euy winner until he crashed three lape from the end of the 76-lap event around the streets of Monaco . . . Daley Tllomp.on of Great Britain broke the world decathlon record with 8, 707 points at an international track meet, hi.a eecond world record in two years ... Brlu Waltee of Britain unit an etaht-foot birdle putt on the final green to win the Car C.a.re International Golt Tournament 1n Leeds, EnsJ.and . . . Ack'• Seen~~ by Lafflt PIDCay Jr. won the Gamely p for four-year-olds and up at Hollywood Park. Mil• Burhlttoe. with Pat Valennela up, wu eeoond, with V-ocall1t and Marco Cutueda third. Television, radio TV: No eventa echeduled. RADIO: Bueball -Angela at Boston, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Pittsburgh at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -The fattHt lndlana~ 500 lineup ln hlltory w• compJ.tc.d Sunday • Gary BettenhaUlln and tiu. odwl' driven ptMtd dOwn •tartlne ·~ with qua11fYinl runa .over lH mph. Betc.nha'*t\ WU \hi 1ut Of \hi four, Md the faa1elt, to make It onto tM arid for the b May 10 rece, complttbw • four-lap qualltlcadon nm at an av~ 1peed Of 19&,078 mph and~~ Chip Mead from the llneu.s>. BettenMuten completed the fourth brother combination ln the race, jolnlng hia you.nfet' broCher Tony. Other libUn~n the race include tn. Mems brothers, Rick and er; the Sneva brothen, Tom and Jerry, and tlae tUngton brothers, Don. Bill and Dale, wbo fonn the flrlt family trio to qualify for the same Indy nice. Bill WbitUn1ton ran Into aome problenu Sunday, however, when he lost control and a1ammed lnto the Speedway'• W\forpVU., concrete wall during a practice period. Whhdnp>n. 32, who broke ha rflht leg ln an accident durJna the 1980 Indy race, suffered brul.aea on h1a cheet. He was examined at the Speedway's infield med1cal center, , · aent to a nearby hospital for X-raya and reie.e<t. The Whittington team now has the option of repairing the badly damaged March.CO.Worth or substituting another machine and •tarting from the rear of the 33-car field. Tom Sneva -did just that tn 1980. starting 33rd and finishing second. Mesa's Gibbs speeds to win c.o.ta Mesa's John Gibbs, who let a national recol'd Saturday during the Coors 1982 Western U.S. Championships at Irvine Lake, came right back Sunday and was the winner in the hydroplane main event during a full day of power boat racing. Gibbs topped a field of 12 in Sunday'1 event by posting a time of 90.63 miles per hour. Gibbl aet his mark Saturday in the five-litre hydroplaJte competition with a speed of 82.569 mph. In the primary drag classes, Eddie Hill of Wichita Falla, Texas, captured the blown fuel hydro by racing an average speed of 190.58 mph. Billy Todd of Fresno won the blown alcohol hydro at 170.55, while Orange's Mark Lauzon was the blown gas hydro winner in 156.52 mph. Fergus glad he played He capt~es Atlanta Open after rain delay ATLANTA (AP) -Keith Fergus didn't want to play following a rain delay of more than two hours Sunday, but he was a happy man when it resulted in hi.a first victory of the 1982 golf aeuon. rounds, was coasting a long with steady par golf until he birdied the 11th. Then the monstrous 15th took Nelaon out of the contention with a triple bogey and he finished alone in fourth place at 74-725. Fergus, who narrowly missed victo~ when his 15-foot birdie putt lip out on the 18th green, rolled in a 0-footer for a birdie on the first extra hole and edged Ray Floyd to capture the Atlanta Golf Claaaic. Wayne Levi, winner of the· Hawaiian Open earlier this year, had the biggest charge of the day by scoring nine birdies, but his hopes of a title fell short when he took a quadruple bogey eight on the 15th. Sailhoaders set to compete Los Angeles Harbor's "hurricane gulch" will be the scene of the HaJli "ten California World Cup for professional sailboarders July 8-11. course, even the beat evaluation TO THE FINAU -Philadelphia Coach Billy remains a "crapshoot," wit~ each Cunningham (left) and player Julius Erving skipper's strategy .chang1!1~. to will meet the Lake.rs in the NBA final series. capitalize on navigational abilities, acccfrding to Dave Price, race "I really didn't want to go back out to play," said Fergus, who had a 20-minute w~t at the 15th tee added to the lengthy rain delay. "We should have had more time to looeen up, or play tomorrow," he said after closing with a 69-273 to match Floyd, who had finiahed moments earlier with a final round 68. All of the contenders stumbled on the 15th, a par 4,448-yard hole considered the toughest on the course. Memory helps Morse NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (AP) - Cathy Morse said she won this one for Jim. Former world champions Mike Waltze of Hawaii (formerly of Newport Beach) and Ken Winner of Maryland head the list of entrie11, and topping the women pros is national champion Rhonda Smith of San Pedro. Th«: event will offer prize money of $15,000, the largest purse ever offered for a sailboard contest in the continental United States. ~t'::=·Barbara Passage From Page C1 race formula will require each skipper SIXERS ADVANCE to make a decision as to which of two • • alternate counes he will sail after the . . start off Newport Pier. Erving, who. combm~ wt~ guard Andrew Toney Fleets which may participate are foe 63 of Philadelphia s points. International Offshore Rule, "We've won so many games and we're Performance Hanaicap Racing Fleet, professionals. Embarrassment is not an issue." Ocean Racing Catamaran, Southern The 76era will meet the Lakers in the NBA Ocean Racing Division, and Midget c~ij:&ionship series starting Thursday in Ocean Racing Class. p lphia. 0 8 . The race ii open to all members in ' rian team WlnS good standing of recognized yacht The final round will be a rematch of the 1980 gham Cl .. '-. All yachts must conform to championship series when the Lakers beat Mary O'Brian and Jim Bue.kin """"" Philadel hia · six f th titl ·---.....a up to win the Nash Sp~· their fleet or class minimum safety . P m games or e e. LCCSl•ROU tandarda Sunday's victory capped a bizarre conference Championship for Lehman-I s · final · tha Bos win th .,__. by The lon~ooune starla at 10 a.m. · senes t saw ton e 1u1t• game dinghies Saturday and Sunday. 40 · d Philadel h. bo back to win the Saturda~ y 29, and is open to all points an 'P Ul unce Twenty boats turned out for the event flee is f the •tart next three, including Game 4 by 26 points. sailed inside Newport. Harbor. ta. ooune rom Then Boston won Game 6 by 29 at home al)d Ch u ck Beek of NH Y C was Caleatalinavi!lg Emmy ~tlpol~a~d ~ tied the belt-of-wven series at 3-3 by holding the runner·up and Pat Seaver, NHYC, Ialand 76e 75 S>Oln in the sixth t Philadelphia. was third. ~~~~~~IUld:=.~flnish==::::..·~~~~~~~~~;-~n~to~_:._~ts~~~~~g-ame~-•~~~~~-i Swan Regatta {W ~ • Your Professional set Wednesday Florist • R.ORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue Thirty luxury yachts A-108 Costa Mesa r e p r e a e n t i n g a 'l Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 aggregate Investment of ~u.;;;.;,;,;~,;,m;.-...,o;;,;_,.-.,;.-,;-... .. ._ ....... lllliliiiiilllilil8 $15 million will be on diaplay when the North American Swan Clasa Association holds its inaugural Swan Pacific Regatta at the Oueensway Hilton Hotel in Long Beach Wednesday through Saturday. Swan Ailing yachla, considered eome of the flneet tn the world, are expected from as far away af Acapulco: Anchorage ana Honolulu. 'The rllCl9 cou.ne will be tn full view from the decks o( the Queen Mary. lDlstruction ·~ available at lteritage Bank uJh1 lon11 Ind Tu li1m1'"'" Floyd abo just misaed a potential tournament-winning birdie on the final hole of the 7,007-yard, par-72 Atlanta Country Club course. His 18-footer rolled to the edge of the cup 8.l)d stopped. "I gave it a very good effort. and I have .to commend Keith on his victory," Floyd aald. "It was difficult on all of UI with the delays." It was only. the second victocy of Fergus' career, and be retuma next week to defend h1s only previous title in the Memorial at Muirfield, Ohio. Larry Nelson, who had led the tournament through th~ first thr~ Morse shot a 2-over-par 74 in heavy rain and cold winds Sunday to capture her first title ever, the Chrysler-Plymouth LPGA Classic Golf tournament. She said thinkinR about her fiance, Jim Meyer, 45, of Philadelphia, who died Jan. 4 during open heart surgery, helped her gain the victory. "( tried to win it for Jim," said MorBe, 25, of Albany, N.Y., who was making only her eighth appearance on tour this year. BOAT CLEANING SPECIAL . 30% OFF Regular Spring Cleaning Rate (prtc. good thrv 6-1 -12) ' MPNl>I\\' M l\\ .'I 1·••. IY ROBEl\T BAftUR °'._.,...,......,. r..... of a terr'ortat attack on the U.S. Naval W•pona Station at Seel 8Mch have *tl railled in a letter to U.S. S•n. Alan Cranston, D-Calitomla. Robert Brophy, one of lix Seal ee.ch relidenta fiahUna a lesal battle aaalnat pouible nuclear weapona at the 11atlon, laid today lldpota are urainQ Cranston to hold con1reuional hearlng1 ln . . the Seal Beech ..... Qr\ the •f•ty of tbt bue. A profeMor of J:nall•h and reU1lou1 1tudle1 at Cal St.te Lona Beach, Brophy h requatlnl \he ~Uon of docton, munltiona •~ttl and. aafety enalneera aa well 11 experts on terrorilm. Brophy t\id today that the ~ appears to be vulnerable to tem>riata. He aald that loading docka in Anaheim Bay where ammunition Argentines attack ships ii handled fol' w~ '1t th.e PacUlc flHt appean to be tUIClptlbM. ''An.Y!JM could park a car and fl.re • rocket OI' mortar round tnto the explmiYlll." he u.ld. He aatd that loadln1 and unloadtna at the dockt it no aecret becawie the Navy Ola red flap at the. ttm... Brophy aald another pom.tble danger point lies along the route that boatera take from Ol 1ANr,f 1 1'11tJ1 Y , /\I ti l>HNIA ;>•, Cf-NlS Hu.nti~n Harbour throuah ~Bay. He aatd he feart terrori1t1 Ulin8 frclmar\ equipment COUld lay m1nle In the area. Brophy laid, however, that the d~ of a ther,monuclear e appMn to be mlnbna1 " •cau•• the weapont prefWMbly are delctlvated." "But any kind of exp~ rould destroy the cuinp of the nu.Clear w•apon1, causin1 radiation leaks. Once inside u.ue., there'• no way to aet lt Goodwtn -last a lepl t:.ttle in out," he laid. Loe Ancelet federaf court lat John Frye, public affain Mondav. offlcier at the bl.-, laid, however, Juciae A. Andrew Hawk ruled that the station'• ltM> Mari.nee that the Supreme C«.trt In a and 30 dvtllan pollc9 of.&en a.re aimilar cae Md put the quesUon trained to combat terTortsm. of nuclear weapon• "beyond "We feel we are on top of the Judiclal scrutiny and that the idtuadon,'' he aaJd. , preeence or at.nee of nuclear · weapona wu • military .aet." An.tt-nuclev weapon Utipnta -lncludina Brophy and h1a wife The .Utiganta are oonaidertng Marylou, George and Janice their next 1teps, lncludln8 a Laine and Jlm and Fran pc:mlble appeal. Brophy aaJd . British down ~ev.en warplanes Man dies in surf off HB By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Oflheo.IJ .......... A Bell Gardens man drowned after jumping off Huntington Beach Pier and a Long Seacb acuba diver had to be rushed to the hospital from Creecent Bay in Laguna Beach in a weekend on Orange Coast beaches that saw 198,200 visit the sands m.n Bolsa Chica State Beach to lloheny State Beach. The drowning came early Saturday before any crowds began aniving on what was to be an overcast day. Albert Mendoza, 23, jumped from the baybouae area of the pier at the end .of ~ Street in Huntin1ton Beach in what apparently started u a group of 12 to 14 youtha "jok:lng around,,. accordina to Lt. Bw Aichard9on at city lileguard headquarten. Menden.a climbed the railing once, threatening to jump but was held back by his friends, Richardson reported. But the man then apparently ran. stripped off his clothes and leaped in the water. The CWTent was 3 to 5 mph at the time -5 a.m. The swell waa moving in a northerly direction with swells of up to 2 to 4 feet. Robert Tovar, 21, of City of Commerce and Lorenm Robles, 23, Bell Gardens, jumped in after Mendoza but were unable to save him. reports show. · Tovar and Robles were reecued by Jon Goldstein, a beach- main tenance worker, and Greg Crow, a lifeguard. Mendoza's body had not been recovered. (See BEACH, Page A!) Man hit by car, hurt in Dana Point Thomas B. Kincaid, 66, is in serious condition today after being struck by a car while standing at Green Lantern and Coast Highway in Dana Point early today. The car's driver, Roy Gene Alnbro9e, 41, Of Long Beach, Wal arrested on drunken drivln1 charge• and his paaaenger, Sammy Lee Stallwort, 29, was arrested on charges of being drunk in public. NATION COMING -Frank Si.natra Will play a benefit concert at the Irv ine Meadows Ainphitheater in September. 01' blue eyes county bound September 25 By GLENN SCOTI' ot ... o.11, .......... Frank Sinatra ls scheduled to perform in Orange County this year, appearing at Irvine Meadows Amphitheater on Sept. 2~. His appearance wlll be a special benefit engagement to raise funds for the new South Coast Foundation baaed in Newport Beach. Ticket wea or prices haven't been set, althouah amphitheater Director Mark Kogan noted that admission will be at "benefit prices," which means expensive. Announcement.I about ticket sales will be made later, he said. News of Sinatra's appearance was released Sunday by Kogan during a reception at the amphitheater. Barbara deBoom, executive director of the new foundation, said Sinatra wu llned up for the benefit by one of his lawyen, Milton Rudin of Beverly Hilla, who is a member of the foundaticn'a boerd of dlrecton. Formed in January, the foundation often diagnostic and tdatment services for young adults with problems a.ociated with neural-developmental {See SINATRA. Page A!) 4 7 lose asency jbbs The Federal Labor Relationt Authority spent $266.~ t.o renovate officel while at the ume time d1lm1llinl 47 employee. to pare com. P.ge A8. COUNTY Art lestival eyes summer County to study jail sites By FREDERJCJt SCBOEMERL OftMo.11, ........ Orange County supervisors will be aaked Tuesday to launch environmental studiH on five potential sitea fo"r a aecond medium/maximum security CQWlty jail. including two lita in . the F.ast Irvine are.. The East Irvine-area 1ltea, both owned by the Irvine C-ornpany, include the emting location of the Orange County International Raceway and an agricultural parcel near the interaection of Sand Canyon Avenue and Trabuco Road. Irvibe ·-Md • location in Santa Ana ycn Anaheim, are new 1D the list of potenUal locatkJm for a jail that would house 1,305 mmates by 2000. Si tea previou1ly under consideration included the existing main jail location in the Santa Ana Civic Center and the James A. Musick Honor Fann in El Toro. The Musick site today aervea aa a jail for minimum aecuri ty inmats. The three additional suggested sites were placed on the list by the county's Correctional Needs and Facilitfiea Advisory Committee. he 19-member committee includes several ranking law enforcement and county administrative officials, two judges and eight "public" repreeentatives. The committee a1ao examined sites in east Santa Ana and San Juan Capistrano, but rejected them. How beat to expand the county'• correctional f.acilities baa been under study for more than a year. Officials say the county's growth requires that new jail facilities be constructed. Marine aircraft to boost noise Jeta practicing aireraft carrier landtncs at the Marines' El Toro Air Station will be louder than u1ual from 1 to 3 p .m . Wednesday and Thunday, according to bue offidala. Aircraft also will be flying wider and lower patterna from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday, they taid. STATE ................... CF;LEBRITY SQUEEZE -Real People television .benonallty Fred Willard administers "'a hug to Lagunan Maggie Meggs during Sunday's Hug Club Picnic at the Festival of Arts grounds. ~ squeeze play Huggers bug in Laguna By STEVE MITCBELL or ... o.IJ .......... Sunday ju.at wasn't Officer Todd Elvin's day. The Laguna Beach reserve officer w• Nliped to petrol the Hug Club JJ'alic at the Festival of Arts out Lacuna Canyon &.cl, and it wu quite evident he wasn't having a good time. "rve bad about 20 people come up and ask me to hug them," the uniformed officer grouled. And that included a IUCCe9aful hug by Real People television penonality Fred Willard. who aqueaed the officer and asked him "How did that feelr' "Don't do it again." Elvina said, u the film crew maneuvered around the pair. Several hundred Hua Club members, their famlllea and frienda. pthered on the festival 1rounds lawn for a day of 1queeze-related activities. They played musical hugs. hug tag, performed hug-aerobics, held a hug-olympics, competed in pass the orange (chin hugs) and listened to a bluegrass group called ''Harmony and Grita. '' John Trash. garbed in a jacket ODVeJ'ed with Unr stuffed anns and hands ("It s my coat of arms") la co-founder of the Laguna Beech Hug Club. He aa1d the organization was fonned more than a year ago when several beach strollers began h\.tll1na each other dwing their monung outmgs.. The Hug Club, which now bouta th0Wlalld8 of memben. is a looee-knit group with only one real rule: "Never fon:e a hug." That doesn't mean you can't cop a mental hug from an uncooperative hugee, Thrash aaya. (See BUGGERS, Page A!) INDEX Cupid wins in court A dlate court •YI a woman who Jefi her job to be with her fiance ln another 1tate le eligible for unemployment benefita. Pap A4. Reunion sparked career Falkland conflict heated LONDON (AP) -Briti1h gunners shot down 1even Argentine warplanes today when the Argentines launched air attacks on British wanhipa in Falkland Sound, the British Defenae Minlatry announced. Defense Miniatry spokesman Ian McDonald aald several waves of Argentine Mirage and Skyhawk aircraft roared over the IOUnd and were engaged by Britiah Harrier jets, shipboard misailes and shore-based guns and missiles. McDonald said aome task force shipa may have been damaged but no details were immediately available (Related story Page Al). British aoc aespondent Michael Nlcholton of Independent Televmon News, reporting from the task force, 1ald .. A~t 3:20 London time (7:20 a.m. PDT) this afternoon, the air raid siren sounded and we were again under air attack, our third day in four days now. "Out in the Falkland Sound, we could hear the aOu.nds of gum and rn.isWes going off, and there were the sounds of the aircraft themselves strafing as they flew towards us -Mirage jeta in the first wave from the West, the second from behind us from the South." Brit.I.th ships entered the Sound Friday at the start of a British land, sea and air attack on Argentine positions in the Wands. whk:h Argentina aeiz.ed from Bri talil on April 2. Britain acknowledged (See FALKLAND, Page A!) School fire nets 2 teens Two Irvine teen-agers were anested on suspicion of anon in conneciion with a fire Sunday at Siema Vista Intermediate School, police said today. The two-alarm blaze cau.ed about $15,000 in structural damage to a eta.room. The auapecta, male youths who are students at Sierra Vitia, were spotted b y witneues and aubeequently arrested following a police inve,Uaation. They were booked into Orange County Juvenile Hall Be 82 B6 A3 C.4 Cl-3 A7 B5 B8 "It A2 A3 t Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, MIY 14. 11U EACH CROWDS ••• suspect Jailed 8 oif Munolia Street Sundty afiarnoon. lk.t offldU refu.d to NlNM an.y lntormaUon. n.. were .ooo vtmtcn at 8olll State 8MCh for ~ two dava with SO ~ eech day. The atate b .. ch froft\ Beacb Boulevard to the Santa Ana R\ver jetty had 22,1&0 viii .... wUh a total of U rucuH rel)Ol'ted. llunu.n,ton dty belchea had 60,000 sun-eeeken for the two days with 36 ~ Mark Weir, 16, of Arcadia aulfered a teWtt neck apnln Su.nday while body aurfina MU' the foot of Huntmiton Street. Richardlon Mid. Weir wu tAen to Pacifica Hoapital In Huntington Beach whe~ he wu treated and releued. Newport Beach had 50,000 on the aand Sunday, 40,000 Saturday with 11 rescues for the two days. A Dana Poln\ man h.u ~ aneNd an 1uapkion ot •Ui.na and P1l • 1 •'na fully autom'atic •ubm~hlne 1up.1, the Oraa1• County Sherlff'1 Departrn•nt d& .. 1ceed today. Larry Edwin Johnaon, 44, ,..u taken lnio c:uatody a w k IJO· Sherltf11 apokeunan Lt. V(~tt Hart tatd lnfonnaUon about ·u.e arrest wu withheld for tnvesttaaUve reuona. Johnson, Hart aald, ..,., booked lnto Ora.nae C-ounty Jail on three counta includJ.nc aaMI of machine 1un1, poHeHion of machine aunt and pomeealon of a functional lilencer. JohnlOI'\ lacer waa released on hi• own ~. Hart aa.ld. 'JIUGGE~S IN LAGUNA ... The apokeaman said lnvestigaton aeiud two MAC-JO 9mm fully automaUc submachine guns. one MAC-10 .45 caliber fully automatic weapon and a functional MAC-10 silencer. Hart aald lnveatlgatlon la continuing ln the cue. "We're attempting to find out where they (the weapons) were moving from and where they were moving to." b "U denied a hug, I juat look geuing into the spirit of the ~ ln the eye and give them a thing. ,mind hug, then I ~r 'Aha, 1 "I've been a hugger all my life. hugged you anyway. N r · t __ ,_....a " Karen Jackson of Pomona was ow m JUS org1a1iucu. sq ueezl ng Dan Castle of Myrna Moore was diapenall)g Riverside as the couple swayed to squeeus to nearly everyone in a country-western number the crowd. blaring over the loudspeaker. She's president of the "Karen got me to join the 1,200-member Manhattan Beach l:lart said the weapons were manufactured u semi-automatic, then machined to make them fully automatic. club," r>.an smiled. Hugs Unlimited. and she agreed He saJd Sunday's hug picnic to an interview -aa Jong aa ahe was the first he had attended, could hug and stroke the Laguna cop .but he said he had little trouble reporter. $INATRA COMING • recovermg • • • '"'disabilities, such as memory •:.cieficiencies or hyperactivity. benetit ln Irvine. Kogan. who toured with the "Sinatra entourage for eevera1 )W.n •a production manager, aald the appearance will add to Oranae County's image as a major concert market. after crash ,., Prior to heading the foundation, Mrs. deBoom was lfioag Hospital's director of ~wupport groups. She noted that benefit tickets will be tax Laguna Beach motor officer Ed Oroz.co remained in guarded. but stable condition today at South Coast Medical Center after spilling his motorcycle in the Boat Canyon parking lot. ltteductible. Corporate ticket ·~ will be offered and a bu!fef dinner with Sinatra will be at.aged after the 8 p.m . concert exclusively f~r benefit patrons - those who make the largest donations. The chairman of the fund-ra.bdng Fou.ndation Support Group ta ~lm Strader, vlce president and general oounael for the Koll Company, which .la part owner of the amphitheater. SI.nee January, the foundation h.aa been operatins on a $100,000 grant from the Del Webb Foundation, Mra. deBoom noted. A police spokesman aald Oroz.co WU makina a tum behind the Safeway Market at about 6 p.m. Sunday when the rear wheel on bit polloe cycle began ~. The foundation had the support of Irvine Meadows management in setting up the The bike a1Jd 20 feet on ita right aide before ltrik:ina a drain gutter, which flipped the bike and the officer over. FALKLANDISLANDS ... .Argentine warplanes sank one al Navy frigate and damaged others in their counterattack day. Oh Sunday, the genUnes set another frigate stormed ashore on the Fatklanda face a !ormidable taak, but that the "days are numbered.. for Argentina's eatlmated U,000 901diera on the lalanda. "There ia no queatton of a truce," said Nott. speaking ln the House of Conunons. Orozco hit hJ.a head OD the pavement. crw:kina h1a helmet and giving the otlicer a alight CODCUl9ion. ''~fenae Secretary John Nott ~d today British troops who " . ,, He was taken to the hospital where he remains In the intensive care unit. -Coastal : . Partial clearing In Ill• •iftemoon toci.y. Hlgt. ,_ 70 at IN ~ 'o upper 70. Inland. Night and morrq low clouda on 'Tueaday, clearing to lluy ..aft.,noon euntlllna. Ov.,nlolll Jowl 51 to M . Hlgrll T'*6ay ea ·'to 78. Elaewllere. from Point ._,conception to tll• M•xlcen bCWdat and out eo mlel: Wiit 10 eout"-1 winds 10 co 1t knotl h1111 afternoon end evenlnf. 1w..c.iy ..,... of 2 to 3 feet. Moetly cloudy tllrougll tonlgllt 'wllll only perllal afternoon r.deerlog. ll.S. 1ummary ~ rllundar9tonna ~ought large 11111 tod9y to parts of T- wt*9 tornado9a -· algtlt.cl In tlla Habr ... PMtllndla- No dllMQe -r9POfWd from IN tomadoea. 81\oweta and tllundat"-9 w•r• a110 tc•tt•red over tlla _,.,.,,, and INO-AttMtie Ca.t end ttla lows Uleat11lppl V..,. Light rein fell from low•r Mtclllgan to Ill• north Atlantlc COM!. 0.. co pertly doudY .. -• reported over Ille Pacific COMI and mucfl of Illa Wttt. HMvy ttlundentorma pounded -atlt'n Oklahoma on Sunday, dum9lng up 10 2 lnctltl of rain In ,,_ tlltn '" llOut In eouu-1 M0tlon1 ol tll• 1111•. Relnlell amounu report•d Sundey lrdUdtd 2.23 lncfl9 .. Cwnagll. u lnc:tltt .. Oll1Moma at, and 1.3 lnc:tltt .. OllM'dlt. TM forec .. t cali.d fOf lllOllAI atound 100 for Ill• Soutll ... t ....,,. and.,.~·-or. """" C8lltomta. Temperaturta •ound 'lie ll4ltiOll .. ,iy today r111otct from H In Mlf'qu9ttt, Mich., and Houlton ....,,., 10 13 In ~ Mz.. Partial clearing AtlW'lta 711 113 07 Ati.ntc Cty 5e 48 Austin 85 ea .IO Beltlm«• 68 S4 14 ~ :: :; Bltmatclt 72 4 7 1.s 1 8olM 75 48 Boeton 57 45 .56 er~ 113 78 .53 Buffelo 87 57 eurtngton 58 47 .01 Ca.per 70 4 1 .26 et.tMn SC 82 IMI a-.tn WV 83 82 Chetttt• NC 82 85 .23 ~ 74 40 1.44 ~.... 57 52 ------· 78 5e ~ 74 68 Clnlble SC N M .07 Columbua 78 r.4 .01 Del-Fl Wth 83 ea 1.12 Deylon 74 5e o.w.r 1' '8 .35 ~~ Angtlll !! 8 t Dea Mol,_ 81 57 ... ~ ...... o.trolt ae 58 Moow.y 78 Ou1u111 ee 39 ~ 102 El Puo 89 55 0.lend 89 FWOo 78 5e Puo Aoblel 98 5e ~ 71 34 Red 8lufT 98 79 tHtld• " 77 Ma-xlco City 7t 57 Mon''"~ 82 71 ... HMllU ae 88 San Juen 90 75 .28 T90t~ 90 73 .21 Trinidad 90 73 ea n .26 Greet F• eo 38 03 Redwood City 93 86 H8rtfofd 53 45 .18 8ect'Mlento 97 ee ---------......,,. ee 45 ~ 1e 60 VarKNZ Honolulu 87 7' San Diego 71 8' Howton 10 72 .48 Sen Frandlc:O 79 80 ~ 10 65 s.nta a.n-1 ee 55 .lec*9l1 MS 15 ea Santa Mana 11 JedlllWllt s2 ee .58 Stodcton 103 K-. City 73 58 Tllermel " LM V-iaM 95 70 Betalow 87 88 Uttlt Rodi 81 85 Big 8etr 72 37 Lou1tw111t 70 80 Long 8-itl 74 83 Lubtlocll 78 53 . 18 Monfo'll• 64 81 ~ 64 ea Mt. Wlllon 7t 58 M1em1 79 13 .21 N9wpor1 8Mdl ea 81 Mllweull• 57 '8 .0 t Ontario 82 59 Mp!MJt p 71 51 Palm~ 99 87 ....,.. es t4 ~ n 60 .... ~ • 11 .., lemMlrto 13 6e ,... Yen Y 80 .40 sen GebrW 81 eo Hortoll 7t et . t 1 8lrl JoM 92 M No. P1i1t111 7 4 54 1 .OI Senti Alie 71 IO 01ct1 Oty 7t 11 1.51 Ttfloe V.., 75 3t OrnW 87 86 ONndo IO 88 .07 ,_,. MmlCM --........ M IS1 .17 ~ 18 n 1.3& .-.--8lm!ude 7t 73 PMenlll 101 72 @OgOta .. 46 CAUIOINA Ouiaceo la 79 Smog The louttt CoM' Ntt Quieflty Manegam•nl Dlatrtct pradlcta unlla11tlllul air quallty lor Mntlllve peopl4I Mondly In Inland vell•Y• at tlle Rlveraldt·San &.mtrdtno ., ... A Po!Mant Standard Inda Of 1 llS I• prtdlotad for tll• Rlvttli*San Bernardino .,... and CM San Famendo and 8'"ca C1attta ~-PSI 175 11 fot9CMI lot CM San GeDnel and Pomona vell•Y• and PSI 125 lor tll• ~ :--~. wllll NI 100, It lorecut fot tWMt~ PSI t2 for m•"opolltan Lot AngtlH; Pill t7 tor tilt low d1 .. rt1 and Pll 42 for 111011 °"""· IN OOMtal .,.., Inland Orano• Coun1y and 110 Bear Ullee. ~ ·~g: 11 t= : ~~ Extended California =::: ~ ~ :;i.., :: ~ larfy mornlno low oloud• ........ '3 .. ..... • 71 weatber ....... ,,,. ~ '° llGy ......... lft~-----------------~.~~TUHday In •• SURF 11· Piil e~~~~:~'l':.oc:,~~~~::: Tiie Nalonal W..... 1erW19 • , , , AMAi -~ fair 1M IOl'llf ,.,..,... daytl!M *"'*'""'• . . .... night Ind ..,, "*'*'ct loll ...,.., .. low '°' '" LOt ~ , dOUdl *"'I .. OOMt ...... Ir •and M • ....,__ 86to101ri ooeltll ... wll tMge from 11 tc lie ~ n co 103 111 tt1a ' • ,... = n e1 .,. ....,.,_ lo IOit w. :... ...., and 100 co 107 lfl tow . ---lnlMd lttli.yt, Lowt H to N w.iit AMTi..,:r ~,...,.;NIN In TOI. l.owi ..... -lnlOtoll. ~ !! ----------;; Tidel . ..., a "°"' • "°" • .... IO ftOOI IO pear IO c,,.. ., ~ 11 • • .., .... ....,, ..... SWORD DANCE -Jamila, one of 1everal middle eastern dancers who perfonned Sunday at anti-nuclear show ln Newport Beach, balancea cutlery on her head u part of sword dance. Jamila is her professional name. Snow mixed magic, comedy and middle eastern culture. Navel victory? Nuke foes belly up on Coast BY STEVE TRIPOLI OflM Deir Not ..... · An Orange Coast couple have decided that the best way to stop the buildup of nuclear weapons is with a full ' navel assault. NOT A NAVAL assault using ships and Marines, but a navEl assault utilizing the central anawm.ical feature of a belly dancer. The assault was launched in Newport Beach Sunday by a number of belly dancers and one magician. The benefit ahow they staged at the Zonta Club raised about $700 for the drive for a bilateral nuclear arms freeze. Professional belly dancer Amira Barnes and her magician husband, Kevin, ownen of Newport Beach's original Singing Telegrams. had. considered calling their show "Navels Against Nuclear Nonaenae," but decided they wanted to undersoore the serioUSnell of their cauae instead. "WE'RE ALL concerned about the threat of nuclear destruction. I decided this was the way I could do 10tnething,'' said Mrs. Barnes. Mrs. Barnes, who dances at the Cascades Middle F.ast.em Restaurant in Anaheim, drafted her husband and a number of friends who belly dance professionally for the benefit. Together they staged a 90-minute show that was a mixture of culture, comedy and magic. The crowd of about 80 paying customers, plus about 30 more who were helping with the show. appeared to enJOy every minute. MAYBE A GOOD belly laugh is just the thing to put a crimp in the nuclear anns race. The T-shirts and bumper stickers aold at the benefit also carried the spirit by gently reminding thoee in attendance that "One Nuclear Bomb Can Ruin Your Whole Day." Beir=ut blast kills 14 BJCIRtrr, Lebucn (AP) -A bamb ~ under Uw ... , °' • "-'ch r.nbelly MC!'ltlry't car WM blown Up by remote COftU'Ol MCOnda alter IM drove lnto the embuly compound today, ld.JJJ.ns 14 people ln the i.wi of a ttrinC of terrorist attack• on the embuly and lta atatf, police Nici. Another 21 we~ lnjw'ed. The bomb WU detonated by a remote control device tn the hands of "one or more people watchln8 the car" from no more than 55 yard.I away, aid a pol.Ice lpokesrnan. The bomb exploded at 8:10 a.m., when dozetu of people are usually lining up at the embamy gate to apply for vtau. Reecue work.en on the aoene and local security guarda aa.ld at teat two of those killed were embuay guarda and many of the other'a were visa applicants. The driver of the car, Identified as Anna Coanidia by an embaaay apokeaman. was among thoee killed. The police spokesman said the bomb had been placed under the rear seat of the car, apparently while it was parked in front of Mrs. Cosmidis' apartment a half-mile from the embassy. Cyclist badly hurt in crash near NB Pier A vacationing 22-year-old Canadian man ja in critical condition with head Injuries today aft.er being thrown from his speeding motorcycle Sunday in a mishap near the ,Newport Beach pier, police report. The motorcyclist, a resident of Vancouver, B.C., reportedly waa going about 60 mph wneo he attempted to tum from Balboa Boulevard onto McFadden Place at about 12:20 a.m. and struck a center divider. Police said the motorcycle was catapulted over the center divider and the driver thrown headfirst into the curb. He wasn't wearing a helmet, officers said. Traffic investigators haven't released the man's name. Investigators laid the man didn't have identification with him and that friends knew him only on a first name be.aill. Traditional Summer favorites for the Brooksgate man 4 • ~ow. while our selection is at its bes t. 1s the time for young exc<.:ut ives to <.:hoose from these moderately pri<.:ed wash a~Je suits. All are tailored on our exclusive, . trim 2-hutton model. Tan poplin 6f poly- ester-and-cotton. $145 . Blue-white striped cotton seersucker. $170. Coat and trousers . ISTAIUSMID 1111 ~~ ccS ~~ Jurnlsbln\\5 for Mm . Wo•m ,. 8oy1 MO WBST 7TH STREET. LOS ANOBLBS. CALJR FASHION ISi.ANO, NBWPOAT BEACH. CALIR - • \ wmmarn Iran claiming victory i Iraqi troops routed at Khuzistan BEIRUT. IA~ -Iran cla1med tod.y ita foroee "liberated" the port clty of Khorramahar after ~78 daya ol lraql occupation and drove Iraqi troope out of lran'1 oil-rich Khuzi.IW\ ~· "The city wu liberated alter a heroic and vigorous fiaht ~y the Iranian armed forcee, I.alatnJc Revolutionary Guard Corpe, Irregular and popular forcee." the official Iranian new• agency IRNA Mid. ~WU no 1.mrnec:Uate tea~ whlch earlier ln the day remlnded Ila nelahbon they are bound by treaty to aJd lr Il Iran'• claim la true. the fall of K.horraft1lhalv would mean a vtrtual deffft of Iraq ln the war lt launched 20 months aao to aatn control Shatt..al-Arab waterway to the Persian Gulf I Andropov named to Soviet p~st ... MOSCOW -KHB chief Yurl V. Andropov, considered a strong contender in the Kremlin jockeying to succeed an ailing President Leonid I. ~rezhnev. was named today to the powerful Communist Party Secretariat. polky-aetting Central C. ommittee, ~r hnev complained anew that Soviet farmers e not meeting consumer demands for meat, , fruit and vegetables. and announced a major 1 ndlng program aimed at overeorrung the shortages; During the session of the Communist Party's State bar opposes Prop. 8 I SAN FRANCISCO -The governing board of the State Bar of California, char ging that Proposition 8 would disrupt California's justice system, has voted to oppose the measure on the June 8 primary ballot. State Bar governors, m an 18-3 vote, said the measure's constitutionality is doubtful and it would bring a significant increase in the state jd local costs of operating the justice system. qualify the ballot initiative, said state puty More than 500,000 voters signed pe*na to Attorney General Richard Tu.1.llil, who ed in favor of the constitutional amendment. Arrests net 450 Hollywood hook~rs LOS ANGELES -Police say they have recorded 450 arrests in a crackdown on prostitution in the Hollywood area. The number of prostitutes working a three-mile section of Sunset Boulevard has been cut by 95 percent smce the two-week sweep began on May 9, according to police Sgt. J .P. Willi~ of the Hollywood Division's vice unit. 1 Williams said about 160 prostitut•s were operating in the area before the ciacltdqwn, ·but only five were spotted Sunday night. 1 'Nobel' sperHJ bank baby born ESCONDIDO -The first baby has been born as a result of a spenn bank set up primarily for Nobel scientists, a spokesman said today, iden ti f ying the donor as "an eminent mathematician.'' A spokesman for the Repository for Germinal Choice said the baby was "a healthy, nine-pound • daughter born in April in a rather small tfW11 in a sparsely populated state." I "T he paren ts don't want to be i publicly," said the spokesman. who d · give his own name but aa.id he ia the re medical geneticist and only full-time emp Rocks thrown ID airline strike MINNEAPOLIS -Cars were pelted with rocks today as some workers tried to get to their jobs at Northwest Airlines, where mechanics and baggage handlers have been striking for three days. There we re "isolated incidents" of rock throwing, and some car windows were smashed. said airport police at the Minneapolis-ft. Paul International Airport. Lt. Tom Foley said no injuries were ~ported and no arrests had been made. He did not ey who had thrown the rocks. Chicago hotel's fatal fire probed CHICAGO -A fire that killed four people and injured up to 20 at the Conrad Hilton Hotel might have claimed fewer lives if there had been sprinklers and if guests had stayed in their rooms, a fire official says. Authorities blamed a smoldering cig~tte for the blaze that began Sunday morning on e 22nd floor of the 25-story hotel, which was bull in 1927 and is one of the world's largest. Energy Department on way out? WASHINGTON -After months of behind-the-scenes maneuverinl{. the Reagan administration today sent Congress ita plan for dismantling the ~ergy Department. The president said hi.a propoeal, which would shift the department's duties to the departmenta of Commerce. Interior, Justice and Agricultdoe. "will not dismantle the structure of govemmentlwe need to meet our energy goals. Our goal was an;remaina ener y independence for America. C tlnued regufition shackled our drive for i reased production." OflAHGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma P. Halev ~ -0.... 6-Ol'llos ~~ end ~Of~ Tom Murptllne Edllor Mike HaN9Y ~ol M~ ic--1 Ken Goclderd Olr-.flfO.-- ~ecl.Mn cnar. L..ooe .......... fdlor .,.., ........ wy .......... ~hCH\I ti yov 00 ""' "-,.,.,, _ W & 30 t"' (all....,,.7 ,,,, ____ . .,. __ ~ .... ~ 11.JCN ... -'°"' ~ lly T •"' Cllll ....,. 101"" --coe,.••W --- CIHtlfi.d edvertialng 7141142-5171 All other «Mpertment1 142-4321 MAIN <>FACE DO WHt Bev St., cosi. Mew, CA Mall edOr9M lloo U.O, COil.i llMM. CA ~ C~rltM 1112 0r-. C-st .._lllllftt ~. No...,., ttonn. mvttr_., ""., .. '"'-or_. vertlN..-b ,., .. ,. may loe '""°"uc.., w"'*'I •-1•1 parmiu loll ~ ,.....,,...,. _,..,_ VOL 71, NO. 144 R ea gan asks f~r budget passa~ WASHINGTON -ftesident Reagan aaked the De ocratlc House today to pua th budget he wants and let him U the Western wor ld at the ming economic swnmit that United State• 11 com mitted 't o get apendinc under control and for all." He bid for public aup in a nationally televised 1 teme nt from the White aaylrJa that high intel'ftt ra in· tJ\e United State9 will be major concern of U.S . allle . We're Listening ••• Whal do you like about lhe Dally PiJot., What don't you I Call the number below and your mesaa1e wltt be recor transcribed and deli vered to the appropriate edllor. The aame 2A·hour anawertna aervlce may be used lo recot-let· ten to the editor on• any topic Mallbo• contributon mu1t ln ud• thelr name and tele phone number for ver1flcatlon. No clrcuJ calls. pleue. Tell us what '1 on your mlhd. OrMge Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 24, 1982 FRIENDLY HANDOUT -Michael Hurley, 5, of Huntington Beach , gives a penny to a friendly monkey during Community Festival '82, held Saturday at Golden West College. Delly Not Ptloto bJ Ctwt. 1'-f About 15,000 people attended the free event, iA which more than 100 service clubs and organizations operated information exhibltii and fund-raising booths. 1 More parking spaces set at UC Irvine UC Irvine may get some relief from its troublesome parking problems with a planned addition of 1,100 spaces. The UC Board of Regents approved a transportation improvement package last week allowing UCI to secure a $2 million commercial loan for parking lot spaces, signs and a campus bicycle path system. Nearly l:>,000 studenta, faculty and staff use UCl's estimated 8 ,000 parking spaces. The addition al spaces, set to be completed by fall, are expected by university officials to relieve some pressure from the campus's overtaxes parking lots. The loan will be repaid with monies collected from parkin g fees•, accord i n g to UC I spokeswoman Helen Joh.naon. Crash fatal to man, 82 An 82-year-old Westminster man died today of injuries suffered m an April 2 traffic accident, police reported. Dead is Nathaniel Brown of 9200 Westminster Ave. Police said he was a passenger in a car driven by his wife, Ann. when it ran into a house in Westminster. Mrs. Brown apparently put her foot on the accelerator • instead of the brake prior to striking the house, police said. Volck er dismisses. idea of quitting DURHAM, N .H . (AP) Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker has dismi.saed a congressman's suggestion that he resign as a simple disagreement over how to save the economy. Rep . Jack Kemp, R-N .Y ., repeated his call for Volck.er's resignation. .. British broadcasts monitored locally ·1 " British Broadcas t i ng Corporation's worldwide service via shortwave placed heavy emph asis on British for ces having consolidated their bridgehead at Port San Carlos in newscasts monitbred on the Orange <:oast on Sunday at 10 p.m. A BBC correspondent reported, "The Royal Marines are dug in at the San Carlos Bay bridgehead and have sent out patrols to assault Argentine positions. "Gunfire and explosions were heard throughout the day. Another BBC report indicated some captured Argentine troops indicated they hadn't eaten in three days. ''The prisoners are bewildered that they 're being so well-treated," one BBC reporter indicated. The BBC world service at the 10 p .m . broadcast monitored locally said ai.x Argentine planes had been shot down and three others hit in t h e latest air fighting. Additionally , the British claimed hitting three helicopters with one shot down and "a ~nd seen to land in flames." The BBC quoted Argentine sources as saying 30 warplanes took par t in the raid against British ships and positions "but the Argentines admitted losing only one." Assertedly reporting from shore, one BBC corr espondent enthused, "The Royal Marines now have Rapier missile systems on shore so the Argentines face missile systems from both land and sea. "We are in hill positions - marvelous really -windswept positions that on a good day - such as yesterday -you must have been able to see 5 miles. ''This is going to make it very. ver y difficult for Argentine troops." The BBC shortwave also broadcast fr o m another correspondent, apparently livj\ and aboard ship. He reportedf "Our machines guns have jusi started firing . . . it may be $ Mirage jet . . . now we see 'f Skyhawk has just been shot down ... " i The BBC radio reports dki admit that two British friga~ had b een hit and with o~ seriously damaged and afire. ~ British transport. ship was a~ hit, the BBC said. Court eyes Akron laws on abortion WASHING TON (AP) -The. U.S . Supreme Court agree<( today to judge the validity of; sweeping abortion regulation~ Akron, Ohio, tried to unpose fow;.\ years ago. , . The justices said they will° review a ruling that struck 8.f unconstitutional much of a 1978 city ordinance. At issue in Akron's appeal iSl wheth er a city ~>r state; government may reqw.re: I -That any girl under 15 havlN the consent of one of her paren~ or a judge before obtaining an abortion. -That doctors mfonn pauen~ seeking abortions about the nslq associated with pregnancy": abortion techniques to be used and the condition of the fetus. -Tha t doctors wait at least 2• hours after a woman signs a consent form before performine the abortion. -That aborted fetuses be disposed of in a "humane" way. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in June struck those provisions of Akron's ordinance, ruling that they would interfere I with a woman's constitutionall protected decision to have a~ abortion. ,, lightw~ight and comf orta b1cz m9d:ra e ... • I a1ways a favorit<Z- for warm ~t,fl<z,r wq.er. colorful hand VJOVen rnadres S)X?rt coa"Ls; go gr<t.at Wl'th poplin 1Jrotl6(l,T'6. available in blUtL , brown and. rtt.d tonze . ' \ Tips on selling ·mobile homes •1 P~oaowm Of ........... D PAT: I uve a mobU• 1Htm1 wMd I owa. It 11 la a ..n wMrt tM •" II nat .. , llowever. I plu to 111J Ule mobile .... ... we.id 1Jl1 to IM advl1 .. oa •netlJ wut I Uvt to do te MU It m1MU .., av• tu realtor'• '"· R.J., Hutlqtoa B .. d State law pennitl a rnobUe home owner to llelI hil or her COllCh ln place ln a per"1 Md allo adverUle wtth a "For Sale" "'" ln the wfndow. Under Califomla Qvil Code SectJon 789.10, perk mamaement cannot force you to ao throuch them If you want to •ll your moblle home unit. nor are you required to ~ate a broker. 11'9 code doel require that a mobile home must be at leut 10 feet wide Md no more than l& years old, or 26 yean old If manufactured after September 1971. The coach allo muat be ln 1ood condition, and the park mana1ement haa the ri1ht to approve of the new purchuer on the buia of ability to pay apace rent and acceptable pa1t record aa a mobile home tenant In another park. For.l!\ore 1pecific info_rm~on, contact the Howilng and Community Development De1Sirtment by phonlng the Santa Ana office (numben lilted under "California" in the White Paaee>· Tax deposit dates vary DEAR PAT: I a1aally make montbly employment tu depotlb, b•t &Ml moatll, beca•ae of additional employee1, I bave to clepo1Jt a lar1er amout. Will tb11 affect the dae date of my depo11t? F.J., Newport Beaelt Internal Revenue Service sa)'I due dates for deposits vary, according to the amount of ~11~ou have withheld. For example, an undeposited amount that between $500 and $3,000 1s due monthly, but lf the taxes you withheld are more than $3,000, the deposit will be due aoooer. For more information on tax deposit requirements, you can order C1rcu1ar E, Publication 15, free of charge by phoning (800) 242-4~5. Mercer song book located DEAR PAT: I'm a m111e major in colle1e and I've looked all over for a book of Jolumy Mercer to•I• &Ht I aeed for my 1a.dJes. Cu yH kelp me oat? B.T.O., Corona del Mar John Moody at Coast Music Servbl, 1839 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa, says the book you want la currently in stock at Cout. Cout Muaic Service or National Music Service in Anaheim usually can fill any unusual aheet music or aong book request. • , ''Got a problem? Then write t.o Pat Hcrowit:z.. Pat will cut red tape, gettlnl/ the aruwers and action you need to aolve lnequJik. ln government and buainea. Mail .)QU qteUcnt t.o Pat Htrowitz, At Your Service, Ormge Cout Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, Co.ta Mesa, CA g21J1d. , . . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Sayln1 that love 11 a 111ood cau.." a 1tate Court of ApPMl hu ruled that a woman whO Wt her Job to follow her ftance to anot'her 1tat• t1 elt1tble for unemployment t..neflta . Th• 2-1 rultn1 found that Mary Tereu Norman l•ft her Job with 1ood HUH, or a lt1ally 1uffldent ree11>n few action. 'I1ie court 11ld lt Interpreted 1ood cauH to me•n that a worker'• Ceuonal clrcumltaneea for eavtn, a Job do "not nec*9Uily rile out ol or ti. attributable to . the job it8elf." Under California law, Mill Norman w ill be entitled to between •so and $130 a week for eiJht weelu, dependtna on her salary level at the time ahe left her job. Mias Norman be1an work in January 1979 for Mohawk Data Sciences Corp. ln Santa Clara aa a computer 1oftware cootrol coordinator. At the time, 1he lived with her flance tor two yean and they planned to marry in June 1980. But ln June 1979, her fiance moved to the 1tate of Washington and decided to remain there. He asked Mias Norman to joln him. She te9tifled thia "put her on the spot," and that 1he finally resigned and left her job Sept. 7, 1970 aolely to Joln her fiance. She then filed a c l aim for unemployment benefits. The CalifornJa Employment Development Department notified her she was not eligible for benefita. An adminiltrative law judge upheld the rulina and said if she had been married or was to be married upon her arrival in Washington there would have been aood cau.e. The California Onemployment Insurance Appeal Board agreed and suggested ~Y. eoUcy change was up to the Legialature. She claimed her relationship with her boy friend "dlffen from a marriage relation1hlp only inaofar u there la no lioenae and there was no marriage ceremony." Superior Court Judge Bruce Allen ruled that Miu Norman voluntarily quit her job with good cauae and absence of marital relationship should not preclude job1em pay. .,~ ULATING -Kim Cohan, 18, shows off his latest for public libraries, a coin-operated personal computer. an is president of Micro Timesharing, his third pany. tee n -ager who waa ar Sadat'• gue1t and at ded the 1lain Egyptian pr ldent'1 funeral aold an aut graphed photograph of Sa t for $1,000. S Brown aa)'I he needs th money t o work a1 a Se te page, but there'• a hi ; he may not get the job. re are many applicants nd a month aa a pap for Se . Strom Tlt•rme•d, R -.C .. and Sam ian't gua anteed a position, aaid Th ond spokesman Mark . He 18.id the sale and the isit1 wouldn't affect chances. CANCELS -Chairman James Miller of the Federal Trade Commission is canceling his sub6cription to Playboy -along with 46 other magazines -in a move to cut the agency's budget. Robinsons ENCH NTED SPECIES: OUR ALLERY BIRDS B GORHAM Presenting a cdlection of ceramic birds so reahst1cally portrayed you 'll half expect them to start and fly away All handpatntep on finest porcelain as per Gorham's unyielding st~dards. And bound for truly inspired collecting d giving. We show only four from Robins 's Collectibles. 183. To order, cal toll-free 1·800·345·8501. RO INSON'S COMPUTERIZED W DOINO GIFT REGISTRY. M e an appointment with our consul nt at your nearest Robinson's We'll cord your gift preferences tn every ~ore via the only computerized serliice In Southern California. \ ' Vinrase pl•an malce comeliack QuMftl ~ Plwldent Doaal• MaaH 1ma1h•d a bottle Of bMr ~ tM Nm of an old World War 11 tralnln, plane -aoaldn1 him.Mlf n the procaa -to dedicate a new fonnatton ot 12 "lk~' planle. The c:.r•mony WH at th• Marine Air Terminal at t.Guard!a Airport, but a1x ot the ~ wlD be bued at FlU4 Airport. 1be other atx w operate from Lone Beach Airport In California . The two 1ilc -plan1 1quadron1 will be uaed for promotional appear~ by the Mlller Brewin1 Co. ot Milwaukee. The plane• are North American SNJ-21, built in 1940 and u1ed exten1lvely throughout World War Il by Marine Corp1 pilota who went on to fly the faster Muatanga and Conaln. Navy Lt. Peter Cbmellr, claimh\g be wu turned lnto a raving maniac after two airlines allowed hil luggage to be aoaked with the drug PCP, has been awarded $31 ,400 by a San Diego jury. The jury first awarded him $52,000 but cut that by 40 peroent, saying Chmellr failed to report his luggage was damaged during flighta from San Diego to Florida on Delta and Eastern airlines in 1978. Delta Airlines was di.amisaed as a defendant when all the evidence was in. Cuban -born p ianist Horaeto G•tlerrea received the 1982 Avery Filber Prue, which include• $10,000, in New York. Fisher, who founded Fisher Radio i n 1937 t o make high-fidelity instruments, announced, the award at Lincoln Center's Avery Fishv Hall. He set up the prize in 1974. Gutierrez, 33, emigrated to the United States at 12 and is a U.S. citiz.en. He grew up in California and attended the Juilliard School. He has performed with major orchestras, given many solo recitals and has recorded three albums. He appeared on television in ''PreviD and the Pittsburgh." D Fan1a11 oove 135. OrMOI OMlt OAtLY PILOT /M°"d1~. MtlV H . 1N 2 N Dow Jones Final Up0.48 Closing 836.38 off the Inarket SAN DIEGO (AP) -Oevelopctn in San Diego County are converting to r e nlala or halting conatructlon on about 5,000 tract-housing unlta because the sales market Is so tdow, a newspaper reported today. TtJe houalng frame or graded lot stands alone, abandoned for now, in about half the ca.see. In more than 2,000 others, the San Diego Union said, projects were completed but converted to rental units because of inability to sell them as condominiums. "There a.re slabs all over the county," said Alan Nevin, senior vice president of the Goodkin Group, a reeearch firm not involved m the survey. Printronix to market line Prin tronix Inc. of Irvine has announced an agreement to market a newly developed matrix line printer from Y.E. Data Inc., a subsidiary of Yask.awa Electric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Tokyo. The agreement covers worldwide markets, except for Far East countries. Sal ari revenues drop Lion Country Safari, Inc. of Irvine reported lower revenues and a larger loss for first quarter than in the comparable 1981 period. Revenues fell from $366,970 to $334,184, and the loa ~r share grew from 13 cents to 17. The net I~ went from $257,122·to $326,812. CM bank plans dividend Citizens Bank of Costa Mesa has declared a 10 percen t atock dividend, payable June 29 to atockholders of record May 28. The announcement wu made at the annual shareholders meeting, where officers and directors were re-elected. Computer system s due Alpha Microsystems of Irvine announced it is expanding its line of integrated computer system,, with the p lanned introduction in June of a desktop m.laocomputer, the AM-1000 model. The syatem is based on t h e MC68000 micr o processor , the same proceSBor used in a large-scale Alpha Micro system, which will also be introduced in June. The company plans to introduce the AM-1000 al the National Computer Conference in Houston, beginning June 6. Frontier mileage up Frontier Airlines flew 301,027,000 revenue passenger miles (one passenger carried one mile) in April, an 8.6 percent increase from the same month m 1981. Frontier's load factor (the percentage of seats filled) was 66.5 percent in April, up from 62.1 percent in April 1981. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS _, .. , LIL Co .-uno -.... u. ._..,""'' Enon' CIGNA Cf> n c.tftlSo WHI T~ ClllttSY<t IBM NLT Coril Pee G&E ~~ ,,.,.., "'1,100 4tS,100 1'l,100 J1UOO l6S,100 JSS,400 M0,100 :Ml.500 M0,000 Jll.IOO '90.JOO lJ'j()I) 2e,.eao 2•7,100 UPS AND DOWNS -"' .. + -... -v. ~ .. ,.. ... \IJ "' . "" . '• ._ ... N(W Y~ IN'I -So°" .._, P"CIO -.... dW'OO Oil Che loon ,,_, OC11ft ........ _, llilocO ~ -,,..,"'9 ""'..,,,.,.., ., ....,,. "'"" ~,,.,,, Jn'CIO ••• (,,.me> HO 111 «lO ,._ 0.1-Ill 100 .... '• W•llQ B IS.I 100 11 , I._ tntrtc~OI• n I0.500 10~ ''- KtyPl\Mm \ 1' «lO ll' o • ... C.\rNJ •.100 ,.... '• Intl Bn111lOI Jt,500 s•,, • .. Oorc~IG.> 11,tOO t S '-'Ho<nHM ?t,800 in. METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferroua metal pl10ee today COPf* 7~78 oenta a pound, u S OMtlnatlona.. Lead 26-27 oenta a pound Zinc 35 oenta a pound, dellYefed Tin le 6100 Mata ... Weelt compoaUe ~ 7&-77 cent.a a pound, N Y Mercwy $370 00 per "•· 'tetlftutft $316 00 troy oz., NY GOLD QUOT A TIONS ., Tiie AaMClaled ,,... Salacied world gOld prtoet lodey ~ morning ,fl1dng: 1331.U , off 18.85 LANldoft: •hamoon fixing· 1329.00, on 1950 lll'art.: a"9moon flxlnQ: '338 64, off 17 55 ~ 1334 01. olf 110.N . hrWll Lat• fixing: 1328.00, otf ta oo ~"'~1.00 aakld. a ........_: on1y dally ~ 13~50. only dally quot• 1329.00, on .&0. I niture buy hit oney •~nl despite layoff of 47~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Q)r~llllCNl tnveeU1aton MY tha\ w • Whlw HOUM ban on fancy harnl1htn11. the Federal Labor Rtlatianl Authort~ apent $289,!00 to outttt tta otttwe wlille lt wu flrtna 47 tmDlo)'WI to C\l\ coRL Robert M. Ollroy of th• General Accountin1 Office, Conaren' tnw.ttaatinl ann, Mid the improper apencfH,a lncluded • 1u,ooo ln fUmlahlnP for the apncy'a top three membera, .23,000 for the 1eneral wuel and about $74,000 for other About •10,000 worth of furniture lncludlna a $2,492 patio set that d not be uaed becau.ee the .,ency r found out lt wu not allowed to e the patio -wu In atoraae. Avill"llitr'a to Gilroy. The urnlt u re, carpets and paper were purchued ln 1981 by • relatively new three-member rd eatabliahed to resolve labor sputes involvina federal workers. Sen. John Danforth, chairman of e Senate Governmental Affairs bcommittee on federal pendltures, called the purchases y outrageous." l•alalatton requtrln1 hderel employHa who vtolatt purchaatn1 proCtdUNI to pay tor auc:h ltema out ot their DOOketa. • The furniture Included two 11Barcelona..chalra" tor authority ehalnnan Ronald Hauahttm, at •1.112 e.ch: two •2,047 elm·l>url credenau with 1 matchlnc •3,785 conference table for Hauahton: a U,792 mahocany ottlce table tor member Henry Frailer: and •7 ,4&8 in "leave. of arua" wallpaper for the office of member. Leon Applewhaite. "You cannot remember who paya the bW. around here and then ao out and spend '7,400 on wallpaper," Danforth aald. Gilroy teatlfied that thouaanda of dollars worth of "serviceable" furniture was either in storaae or let go aa surplus at the time of the purchases. A White House ban on extravagance had been in effect for months, he aald. Ha\,lghton told the subcommittee that the wthority requlree purchales of more than $1,000 to be cleared by him. He said he was unaware of the 1981 order until the furniture was MAY OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS Strvtd 24 Hows Dab BREAKFAST STEAK & EGGS S3.99 Includes your choice of free beverage, pancakes or nash browns. DELI BAR SANDWICH S3.29 Includes soup or cottage fries or French fries, and large beverage, coffee, tea or Sanke. · NEW YORK STEAK 'DINNER. S5.49 Includes choice of potato, vegetable, soup or salad, choice of free dessert. 10" Ott Coupon• A V•ll•bl• 16105 BROOKHURST FOUNTAIN VALLEY IN WOOLCO CENTER 839-3321 He told an oversight hearing at the ency'• offices he would puab for delivered. He aaid he waa told by hil ,._ _______________________ .. staff that it could not returned. 1- ~t~1u~m~mo1 A Musical Revue MUSIC COMEDY DANCE ttow t~tt... In • clellg/lllul poepoum c:oncoeled OCC muelc and d-9ludenta •nd fecu Ill Spri"ll 1911'• flftel fllrigt THURSDAY & FRIDAY MAY 27 & 28 8 P.M. SUNDAY MAY 30 2 P.M. ~ Admlalon ••-oo '3 00 • OCC SIUMnla, Faculty, 911111, 5'1adel .._.and CMcl,.., Under 12 Tlcli• .... --.,. ... oec,....... OMoe "--.,. ... ~ -.... ......... , ....... -~ ... C--111- Graduating? ... Changlngs Jobs? ... Starting a New Career or lifestyle? Assure Y.ourselt of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal- lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come in today tor a free per- sonal analysis and program discussion. ~!!l~O~ ORANGE COCJNTY 3 Town & Country, Orange (714) 547·8228 Ol•vron "' ~ ,, .1-~ --\. \I\ H/\LLMARI< AWARD t'I ' \, STATION ~~,, --,,,,,,,~-­~ ... ~.,,,~ ., Bl DID!l'TWl!ll!. BIWOBKIDFOBIT. desire to pfeaM ewry time rcMJ TM Chevron Hallmark Award Isn't ra.--n come In. And at Halfmartl Award a prize that'a won. lt'a an honor ""~~· u stations that on.r car malnte-that Is eaf'Md with a lot nance MrvkM. rcMJ'll pt of hard~-The Hal.. ' ' ~I wOrk :::C.,~laalven ~~ .. ": ~ .. ~ti.. c:.~=n'f: Chevron Dealen F4' ~ ..... ~ The Chevron =~~ ,•1, HALLMARK AWARD \,,• ~::.-.:= service, a clean tor tt. and for you, 1t.tt1onanctaru1 ~\~ STATION ,_I, evet"YMnilecta)t ~~''''""'''~' .. ~~.r~~~ .. !Bil' DOn WIS J!. !llf 1IOD fOl l!. Richard A. Ogelsbee · Douglas Hart HART'S CHEVRON ,. .... DICK OGELSBEE CHEVRON 3000 Fairview · · 17980 Magnolia . Fountain Valley 988-3828 Costa Mesa 546-7000 o. E. Whitson · DD WHITION CHEVRON 8ERVIC! 2180 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meaa 848-0925 Donald E. Olluccla DILUC~A BROS. CHIVRON 10020 arner Fountal Val~ 9~3895 '-.} <Ask for details.) n \