HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-25 - Orange Coast Pilot\ Ylll 11111111 llllY NPll ( ) " A N ( I I l ( ) I , N I y c . I\ I II () H N I J\ ;.i '1 c f-N l s Last moments of HMS Antelo e • • ·1ng. escr1 e FURY OF WAR -The British frigate HMS Antelope explodes in flames in San Carlos Bay off F.ast Falkland before sin.king Monday. A bomb disposal man was killed as he No damage .............. attempted to defuse an unexploded Argentine bomb lodged in the ship's engine room during an air attack. Pair seized on county bookie raps 4'.1 earthquake Mesa wins round with feisty artist , Two remaining out-of-<:ounty residents indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury for alleged operation of a $12 million-per-year bookmaking ring have been taken into custody. rattles coast area By DAVID ltUTZMANN Ofttleo.lrNoelleft Three people surrendered on similar charges last week. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart identified the two lat.est suspects as Sandy Lou Lightfoot, 43, of Paramount, and Barbara J . Shepard. 42, of Harbor City. Hart said Miss Lightfoot. who also goes by three aliases, surrendered to Orange County authorities Monday afternoon. She was booked into Orange County Jail. Miss Shepard already was m custody at Los Angeles County Jail on another charge and will • be brought to Orange County as 800n as she finishes that term. Hart said he didn't know how long she has remaining on her eentence in Los Angeles. The five alleged bookmakers were all indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury last week. An indictment is a formal charge made against a person. It does not establish guilt or innocence. It is alleged that the bookmaking ring accepted bets on horse races at tracks throughout the United Stat.es and also accepted bets on various sporting events involving college and profemonal teams. WORLD By ROBERT BARKER ortt1e o.11y "°' ,..., An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter Scale rattled throush portions of Orange and Los Angeles counties and the northern part of San Diego County at 6:45 a.m. today. The earthquake, centered about 13 miles southwest of Huntington Beach, apparently caused no damage and very little alarm on the part of Orange Coast residents. Local police departments reported only a few calls from people wondering what was going on. There were no reports of damage. However, Huntington Beach Fire Capt. Roger Hosmer said the tremor struck with sufficient intensity to awaken him at his home near the Huntington Beach Civic Center at Main Street and Yorktown Avenue. "It was a quick, sharp jolt," Hosmer said . "It felt like something large like a truck had hit the house. It wasn't of the rolling variety." "I felt something shaking, like the floor was swaying just for a second," said Randalf Norton, night manager at a 7-Eleven store in Huntington Beach. "There was no noise or anything ao 1 wasn't sure it was a Fire kills 67,000 animals TOKYO (AP) -About 67 ,000 animals and birds, including 60,000 turtles, perished Monday when flames swept through a pet breeding center in Fujioka. a small town 50 miles north of Tokyo, police reported today. Jet splits on landing BRASn.IA. Brazil (AP) -A Brazillan jetliner with 112 people aboard broke in half on landJna at the Brutlla airport Monday night in heavy rain, k111ina two people and 1njurina 15. airport offld•l• Mid today. , l 0 clJildren die in blaze AIR.slJ'R..L•ADOUR, France (AP) -A~ that offld•'• •Y may haw been eet deliberately twept Uuouah a IChoo1 for marded youthl in IOUthwe.t rr.-today. lrilllna at leMt 15 and Jeavina 8IWll othen_mjlllnl. police MkL q~e -sometimes 1 just feel things.'' However, some residents in other parts of the city said they didn't feel the tremor. Hosmer said the fire department took its customary precaution of removing abput 15 fire trucks from the stations in case a severe earthquake should follow. Edison officials at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station said ground motion instruments at the plant three miles south of San Clemente didn't detect the quake and that there was no damage. The number one unit is presently out of service until the company can prove it is earthquake-safe. Unit two is not expected to come on line until mid-summer and unit three is still under construction. The earthquake was felt .in inland Orange County in Garden Grove but apparently escaped notice in much of Santa Ana. Contacted about an hour after the tremor, Orange County Fire Information Olficer Chuck Murphy said, "I didn't hear a thing about this." A spokesman at the aelsmic laboratory at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena said the reading wam 't strong enough to cal.UM! damage. STATE Costa Mesa's long-simmering feud with colorful lrtnian "sculptor" Ali Roushan is probably headed back to the California Supreme Court, Rouahan's attorney said Monday. In a ruling mued Friday. the state's 4th Dlatrict Court of Appeal upheld the city's development review codes as constitutional, both as written and as applied in the Roushan case. The ruling was a clear -cut victory for the city and a setback for Roushan, whose attorney, Meir J . Westreich, said he would take his case next to the state high court. Roushan has been locked in a testy legal battle with Costa Mesa officiala for nearly two years over his right to erect towering, red-metal ICUlptu.res on his industrial property at 1550" Superior Ave. The acrappy little welder came under fire when he erected three of four structures without seeking City Hall's stamp of approval firat. He argued that he is entitled to free artistic expression without government interference while city officials claimed that the towers -a1 structures - required the normal building (See MF.SA. Pa1e A%) Riding rails (or work Rail-riding hobos are moving over u families with children and men out of work hop aboard trains in eearch of work and a brighter future. Page A 7. Dams doing tbe job Columnist F.arl Wat.en aaya the atate'a systems of dams baa proved invaluable ln th1a, one of the cen1U.ry'a wett.t years. Page A6. COUNTY . . Flames, co:Pter rescue detailed A gnphic deecription of the last moments of the British frigate HMS Antelope before she aank at San Carlos Bay in the Falk.landa was broadcast by BBC World Service Monday night. "Only a few planes got through the strike force against HMS-Antelope," a British correspondent reported In the half-hour news broadcast monitored on the Orange Coast. "But the frigate then made her way slowly up the bay, trailing smoke, with the main mast off at an angle. ''There were holes in her aide • ahe made anchor about half a mile from us. "Helicopters with searchlights were overhead and landing craft came alongside to lift off the crew. We could see figures crosaing the deck, silhouetted against the flames. "There were explosions and flames. Sparks flew into the aJ.r long into the night. "Other ships and helicopters crowded around to pick up survivors. "It was a courageous and orderly l"e8CUe." Earlier in the day, the same BBC radio correspondent had been aboard a helicopter that was nearly trapped by an Argentine air attack that reportedly included waves of more than 30 warplana. "I waa caught on the helicopter during the latest raid." he re~rted via shortwave. "The helicopter' banked sharply and dived when the pilot realized he was caught between the (British) Rapier missiles and the targets. "One missile missed us by about 100 yards. We moved down and blended into the hillside and watched two more waves of warplanes come through. ''Three (Argentine) Skyhawks were dropping bombs as they went and machinegun fire and explosions could be heard from the hillaides. , "We thought they were going to strafe ua but they turned away over the hilltops, with trails of missiles following them." The BBC world service (See BBC. Pa1e AZ) * * * Thatcher: Argentina must leave By Tbe Associated Preti The Falkland Wands war will not end until Argentina • withdraws from the South Atlantic British colony, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ·said today. In some of her toughest language in the seven-week conflict, Mrs. Thatcher also told Parliament that Britain will veto any cease-fire .Proposal by the U.N. Secunty Council meeting in New York. "There can be no cease-fire without full withdrawal of all Argentine troops," she said. "Our objective is to retake the . Falklands. They are British aovereign territory and we wi.9h to restore British Admin- iatration." Her remarks hardened the stance her government took during tal.ka on at lealt seven peace plans following the Argentine invasion April 2. Thoee efforts collapeed last week and Britain invaded the islanda. Asked how Britain would react if the Security Council passed a resolution calling for a halt in the fighting, she said: "If necessary, we shall have to uae the veto." In fighting Monday, Britain cl.aimed it shot down eight more (See FALKLAND, Page A%) Citibank decreases prime to 16 percent NEW YORK (AP)-Citibank, the nation's second-largest commercial bank, cut Its prime lending rate today by one-half percentage point to 16 percent. "It's in line with our view of the money market," said John Maloney. a Citibank spokesman. The reduction, the tint by a major bank since early March, followed recent declines in other short-term interest rat.es that defermine banks' cost of acquiring funds. Some rates fell by almost a percentage point last week. Also, the average return on new Treasury billa auctioned Monday sank to their lowest levels since December. As a result, the maximum rate banks INDEX and savings institutions can pay on six-month savings certificates fell nearly one -quarter percentage point, to 12.47 percent. The declines m short-term rates partly reflect an easing by the Federal Reserve System of credit conditions since early May. The prime lending rate is that charged to banks ' most c reditworthy corpo rate · customers and, although it does not directly affect consumer loans. it indicates the direction of interest rates in general. The prime has stood between 16 percent and 17 percent si,nce the start of the year. It hit a record 21.5 percent in December 1980. At Your Service Erma Bernbeck Busine9I California C..valcade Clulified Comks era.word Death Notice9 F.d.i tortal lhtertainment A4 B2 86-7 A[) 82 C6-10 C5 C5 C4 A6 Horoecope Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets TeleWlion Tileaten Weather World News w B2 84-5 Be A3 Ol-5 c1:.3 B7 AB B4-5 84-5 SPORTS A2 A3 .. ~""" ~ bU\ ... I• lalt • U1 lhlrd mejor warehlp, 'h• ~te An•lo;e blown, up b)' an NllnUna ban\b. .. D .. plle the lltHt baUlH, :Vadoaft otftalaJa IUd today POl)e John Paul U waa deflnltel)' ~to Br1\lin at wMk'1 end for·hl• nlatorlc alx-day vlalt. Vatican aource1 aald he may , make a "balanctni vt1lt" to ~tlna. where 96 percent of the D90Dle.,. Roman Catholic. ~ Pope hu WWl'CCWfully plelded for• ceue-fire between the w-rrlnk n•tlon1. Jt wa1 -.rUer f.....Ohe would ICl'ap the trip to Brttaln to avokl ~ the Araenttnea. In Wuhlnaton, Sectetary of State A.Jeunder M. Hata Jr. told a White HOUie meettna t.cxtay that Britain 11 approachln1 a pol(Uon to brin« the war ''to an early conclu1lon.'' Hou1e Republican leader Robert H . Michel reported. He offered no det•ll•, but British mtlHary officials predjcted they wW retake the heavily defended Falklands ••••• Jun'• warned th• war could PDUW1 and hinted it may .. k help from LeUn alll• and th• Sovie' Union . Dehnu Mlnltter Amedeo J'ru101J told the United StatH to 1top 1upportln1 Brhaln tn \he eeYen•tfeek conruct. Brhl1h war corrHpondentl reported wavH o~ Araentlne Mlra1• end Skyhavik li:.!: 1ttackld Brltaln'a lnvuion Monday in Falkland Sound oU the Brt\llh beechheed. It WM the third 1uch attack I.ft four days. The Brttllh Defeme Mlniat.ry aald lt1 Harrier jeta and anti-aircraft fire from the ahiPI and 1hore batterie1 brousht down efaht of the attacken. Thl1 raised to 64 the total num~r of Arsentlne aircraft •bot down or destroyed on the g:round. Nott told the Hou.e of Commons more than a third of the ArgenUne air force baa been destroyed, and more ships were arriving to strengthen the British task force. c:apl1al within days. The Argentine government At the United Nationa, Ireland admitted it loat two fi&htera 1ubmitted a re.olution to the Monday and claimed the raiden Security Council calling for a inflicted "aerioua damage" to a 72-hour ceaae-ftre while troop ahlp and damage to a Secretary-General Javier Pere% frigate. The Argentine Embuay de Cuellar made another attempt in Wuhington said the troopthip to negotiate a peaceful 10lution. was the 44,000-tcn cruJ.er -Il.ner British Defeme Miniat.er John Canberra, which the Briti1h Nott said eerller a truce was government requisitioned to lmpoaible until Britain'• troops carry the invaalon force to the retake the ialanda. South Atlantic, but t.hla waa not In Buenos Aires, the military confirmed in London. * * * * * * BBC COVERAGE ... broadcast monitored here .eemed more subdued than the war report monitored Sunday night. perhaps in the light of the to. of HMS Antelope. The BBC claimed eeven enemy planes shot down aft.er being ~ by Sea Harrier aircraft, ..,mliidles-~ and naval gum. .Another enemy plane waa eeen leaving the San Carlos Bay bridgehead area, t.rail1na smoke, the BBC report aid. BBC repoq .. ~ra quoted ~~ IOW'CeS as _aa~ the British Sea Harrier had struck Port Stanley with no damage. "Argentine sources nave admitted no lOllel," the BBC reported, "althoUgh for the, tint time they have admitted 2,000 British troops are ashore in a lar~ force." The BBC added, "Brlti1h f on:ea on the ia1and atill face problems in difficult terrain and a hostile climate. '.'Br~Ush r einforcements, however, will more than oompensate for ahip lcme&." UCI student takes own life I A UC Irvine junior w.. found I ahot to death Monday in what police are calllng an ~l I suidde. . p-~ were summoned-~ theln _-a.west apartment corn.,_ .. Irvine after a roommate dbcovered the body of Charles Donald Stotts Jr. Police aald Comtal Continued overceat mllh Mlty~ Clrtz:zle llllf/11. COHlel, lnlend Iowa 101 eo.t8t hlgf1 et, lnillnd 74. Weter· 63. ~ llall1 _..._ night and morning wl'hd• t>ecomfng .,. to ~ 5 to 15 knota. Wind -1 to 2 feet. Weeterty .... 1 to 3 leel. Moetly cloudy end l'MIZy wttti morning fog and ..... U.S. summary FIHh 11000 wetch•• were ...... Mondtry tor cent.rel and 1outhern Tex11 •• lre1h thund1ratorrn1 drenched th• .... .._._. . ......, acroee midi of the Soult-' lftd«*W..,_Of .. ~ Alnlolt ~ lndl9 al '*" tel on Hodlwlln, T ... , Ind 314 Ind-. • ,.. fWOlll w• brlnGlnG ttie Ff1o Rivet to ,_ bal*full et lllvet Valley, TexH. By early lftemoon, llbout 4 .._ of rein ,.,, In en are1 from Nuraery, T'eUI, to eouthweet of Edne, TexH. Brownnlll• got 2.37 ... Mint ......... pertod _... • 2 p.lft. EDT. ltloww• and thundwetor1R1 ... ...,... acroee l*1a ef L041111Me. Teau, 01cre1101t1a1 ~ ........ ~­frOlft Neltra1111 Into Iowa. ...... Md .... "°',. • ., ........... eblg ........ Qui eo.t. fl'* ~ Aoftda Md troln .....,, Georgie ecro.a ~VlrVlnl&-A tornado toucJled down et Qaeton, 1.0 .• 1bout 10 mll .. llllUlh of CclUnl*. l .C .. but .,_. ... no ,....,,,. of mel« cMIMge «.,..... . l•n Angelo, THH, hid I ,..... low ..,,...... fot the ..... 51 ...... Tlle~ ..-d ..... -In 1911. ' Tff!t,eratuf .. •rollfld ,,. •• -.i • 3 p.m. EDT rMglld •-41..,._ •~~··'° ........ c.lf. ,_T...._,ao~W .............. ... ..,..... ... .....,,. .... r ... .... Stotts apparently died instantly at about 11 a.m. from a single gunshot wound to the head. The 21 -year-old computer 9Ciences major from Inglewood apparently had been despondent over per1onal matters, police said. :..M.,.:1~....-ec!:':: ""' 'lottd• to """"'•· wttll _......,..."°"' ... .... ........ -....... .... .. CAL.llCMMA = Vflltett ....... .. &t 107 1t • 11 IO If 71 • ............. ~. .... ._mo11t ...... Actress · 'drove' Hinckley WASHINGTON (AP) -John W. Hinckley Jr. came away from a brief camp.ae encounw with actre11 Jodie Foetar convinced that If ht ahot PrelAdent a..,an. "1he would detlre him, 1he would feel he wu a hero, the would love and Nlpect him." a peychlat.rllt testified today. Dr. Thoma• C. Goldman, a defeme wlt.netl who lntarviewed Hinckley three tUnea in hLI )ill cell aince hla trial bepn 1n U.S. Diltrict Court on A~ 27, II.kl Hinckley believed ' they Md a relatlomhlp" after he stopped Mtu Fo1ter on the Yale Unlveralty c•mpu1 briefly In 1980 to uk d.lrec:Uona, BUNDLES FOR BRITAIN -A r gentine Armorers work over a cluster of bombs somewhere in the aouth of Argentina in this ., ........... photo, released Monday ln Buenos Aires by the Argentine government. Thia fantuy, Goldman told the trial jury, prompted Hinckley to compo1e a urles of poems dedicated to the tlCtr'e9I and to telephone her lat.er. Mill Foster poUtely told Hinckley to atop bothering her. The psychiatrist said Hinckley told him he tried to contact Mill Foat.er directly while he wu in prbon at Butner, N.C., awlliting trial on charge• of trying to a.saasain.ate Reagan and shooting three men out.aide a Waahlngton hot.el March 30, 1981. From Page A1 MESA·. • • permita and safety checks. Deputy Qty Attorney Stephen Wiley said the city obtained aeveral court orders to prohibit erectlol) of the bright red structures, but Rou1hao went ahead and built them '1\yway. That led to two contempt of court convictions against Roushan in Orange County Superior Court last year. Re was sentenced on one of the citations to five days in Orange County Jail and fined $500. However, imposition of the sentence was delayed while Westreich appealed to the 4th District Court of Appeals, which turned him down oru:e, and then to the state Supreme Court, which reassigned the cue back to the ap~als court . Friday a decision thua became hls second a ppea l s court rejection, Westreich noted, but he said he would ask for a rehearing and then take the case back to the st.ate Supreme Court. U that proves unsuccessful, he said, he would take the matter into the federal coW18. "The decision by the (4th District Court of Appeal) totally miases the point," Weetreich laid. The Santa Ana attorney has argued that there should be discretion allowed within the regulation s to d eal with situations like Roushan's aculptures. 116 104 ea se '"' tlU 1A 41 101 .., 94 11 71 81 ee 91 101 ao 51 11 eo 73, 52 ao 83 103 11 ea 81 at 14 71 58 102 11 57 " 55 n 51 101 74 M 83 N 42 100 11 72 50 80 H 78 59 ea 14 71 511 " ., T3 81 12 52 to 55 11 &3 103 12 14 ... 100 ao 11 151 102 71 au.deloupe Hevena l<Jngtton Montego 8tiy Maullen Mende Mexico City Monterrey r=-ru.n., P.A. Smog u 75 ea 1a u 75 se 75 Ml 71 101 75 81 511 75 72 It Ii Alt quality wlh be ~hful l'Of llntltlYe P90C)le I i-o.y In th• aut>urban San Fe1n1ndo, Santi Clarita, Sen Cfal'lrlel andl Pon,one-Welnut vellly9 M WI u In Alwrelde and San letnardlno with polllltlon •tlndera 1noe11 ,.~of 18' Ind~ ...tth. PSI of 125, the Air Ouallty M1nagernent Ot.trlct reported Monday Air qu111t~ wlll b1 good .......,_. with PSI r1tlnge of 42 llong the cout. al 8IQ a..r and In the high deeer1. so k'I lnlend Ou1n91 County. f7 In the IOW deMrt. t2 k'I the metropollten LOI Angelee -and 100 In Hemet and Lale• EJalnore. Extended weather Tides· TODAY leocwld low 8: UI p.m. leocwld high ''. tt p,111 ....... ., flllrlt ICIW 1.00 a.m. •U Anit llldl 1:83 p.m. 3.7 leooftcf"low 1:11 p.m. u lun "t' 1:51 P·"'·• rl••• 'Nm Udll)'l~a.lft. ~ ... 'tO-.IO p.tft., ,... wed!.., t:11 Lin. Board to wrestle with airport ruling Hinckley. he said, waa ''furious with his a ttorneys when he learned they had lntervlewed Miss Foster and had not carried a message from her to him." By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL oftM Dellr Piiot ltaff Orange County supervisors will meet in c losed session Wednesday to devise strategy in the wake of a federal judge's refusal to approve a propoeed p l a n to reg u l a.t e w h i c h commercial airlines may serve John Wayne Airport. U S . District Court Judge Terry Hauer, following a lenRthy hearing ruled Monday night that the county's latest plan waa unconstitutional and unfairly beneficial to the two dominant carriers serving Orange County AirCal and Republic AJrlines. Hatter's ruling delivered a stunning blow to the county's efforts to oev1se a system to allocate the 41 jet departures permitted daily among carriers who desire flights. The ruling marked the second time in eigh t months that Judge Hatter has blocked the county from implementing an airline aocesa plan at the airport. Hatter scheduled a June 28 hearing for oounty officialJI to return to his court with what he termed a "non-discriminatory" access plan for the airport. And the judge added a caveat. Should the county fail lo adopt suc h a pla n, it must permit Continental Aarhnes to begin 4th elephant born at park S~ PASQUAL (AP) -The San Diego Wild Animal Park says another African bush e lephant has gi ven birth, br1ngsng the number of pachydenns born at the park this year to four. Park spokeswoman Martha Baker said Monday the female baby is h ealthy and already walking around. Th e mothe r , a 13-year-old elephant named Wanki, is taking good care of the little one. The baby began nursing Monday, Miss Baker said. service with two flights daily using Boeing 727s, an aircraft curre ntly banned from the airport for noise and weight reasons. A Contin e n tal attorney con tended durin~ the hearing that the airline has been trying for 14 years to gai.Jl entry to Joh.ii Wayne Airport. He did not specify which rout.es Continental would like to fly. In ruling from the bench, Hatter said he doesn't oppose the county maintaining the 41 flight per day cap on jet departures or s pecifying noise levels with which air carriers muat comply. But Hatter bluntly said any special treatment for the dominant carriers must be deleted from any new access proposal. "All this grandfathering (permitting AirCal and Republic to maintain flight allocations) ls going to have to go, that's all," Hatter said. Under the county'• proposed plan, AirCal, which operates an average of 23.5 flights daily, and Republic. which operates, 11-5, would have been stripped of their existing flight guarantees at a rate of 10 percent every three months. Flights yielded by the incumbents would be placed in a pool for re-allocation among carriers desiring to begjn service at John Wayne with new and quieter jets. B oard of Supervisors C hairman Bruce Nestande, reacting to Hatter's ruling, said, "Of course, it's fair to say we're all disappointed." Nestande said supervisors will meet We dnesday with the county 's privately r e tained airport issues counsel, Michael Gatzke, to determine a course of action. Nestande said he would favor the county joining with AirCa1 in an appeal of Hatter's decision last September bloc king implementation of the county's original access proposal. That action ls sch ed uled for consideration June 8 by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal . Goldman said Hinckley went to Yale, where Mim Foster was a student, on the pretext of enrol.ling in a writers' coune. He did make Inquiries about the course but his real reMOW\ for going to the New Haven. Conn., campus was to meet Mias Foster, Goldman said. Hinckley never enrolled at Yale. "At one point he identified Jodie Foet.er on campus. stopped her and asked directions," the psychiatrist laid. Hinckley felt "great excitement and exultation." he said, and "from that point on, he thought they had a relationahlp." ln the months that followed that brief meeting, Hinckley came to believe that "if he shot the president, she would desire him, she would feel he was a hero, she would love and respect him," Goldman said. Hinckley wanted to reecue her from Yale, which he believed was a prison, said Goldman. "His goal was to be a saint and to win the Academy Award for bravery." Goldm an testified that H inc kle y "had a strong conviction he had impreaBed Miss Foster with what he had done" -referring to the assassination attempt. Reagan to visit ... shuttle factory WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan is beginning his six-day California trip by visiting the assembly plant of the apace shuttle's chief contractor whe re company officials say employment has been steady . The preside nt is making a quick s top at the Rockwe ll International plant in Downey, Calif .. later today. He will address a Republican i'arty fund-raising dinner, expected by White Houae aides to gnm about $1 million, in Los Angeles ln the evening. ANNIVERSARY .. o ~o~ '~~ ~ &ALE · -~ EVERYTHING IN OUR SHOP -- 25% OFF •COPPER •CUTLERY •CUISINARTS •COFFEE BEANS •COOKBOOKS •COFFEE MAKERS •PORCELAIN •BUTCHER BAKEWARE TABLES •GAOOETS & •COOKWARE •BASKETS MUCH MORE (Sorry COOKING CLASSES not tnotuded) • WAIHINOTON (A,P) -lt 1urfae.ct q\ll•tly, In wt1tern M1111chuHU1, on .th• day ,ftonald lh•1•n won the ~. VcMrl -many of t._em RH1an 1upport•re -IDUcht that day to n~ the IOWl'M*\t toward • ptQlram the prelldent oppoH1: an lmmeCtlate nuclMr vnw 1 ....... In three ltate Senate d.llti1ctl. by • ~ of S.•2, voc.n endonld a ltandldll ln wh.lch both the Unic.d Stew and the , Soviet Union would nop buJldina and deoloytna nuclear ..,,., ana make do with what they've tot. To the = edmlniltraUon that la • llm and danaeroua kiea that wOuld weld ln • Soviet nuclear ~tap and t.hteeten the American nUdear deterrent. But advocatell of the tree., ln Concn-and at the 1fa9 roots, arsue the only way to stop the um1 nice la for the auperpowen to atop annJ.na. Period. The vote ln weatern Muuchuaetta baa been matched now ln other dtiee and ltaU!S Kl'09 the country. The freeze campailn hu tumed up at town meetln11 in Vermont arid at rallJee ln mountain cornmunltiee of C.01orado. Freeze propositions wtll be on many ballot• in November. Garret Park, Md., a tiny Wuhington suburb, baa declared itself a nuclear-free zone. ,. Since that New England vote 19 months a10, the freeze campaign has become a looeely organized maaa movement, claiming 17 ,000 volunteen at work ln 149 offices ln 30 stats. More than 180 members of Congress have endorsed the free%.e idea. And while Reagan still opposes the standatUl at current arms levels, he is pre11in1 negotiations with MOICOW on sharp cutbacka ln nuclear weaponry. G . Randall Kehler, 37. who ~ worh:ect-tor .-peace center ln Deerfield, Mass.. one of the communities involved ln the 1980 freeze vote, now runs the Natiooa.l Freeze Clearingbou.e ln St. Lou.la. Kehler spent two year. ln federal priaona for refusing to cooperate with the draft. The clearin1hou1e baa a budget of $180,000 for 1982 and a paid ltatt of four. Kehler said the money cornea frun individuala, foundations and fund-raising eventa such aa a benefit concert by the Boston Symphony Orchema Accordlng to Kehler, that ~ rat.ed $90,000 for the movement, with $15,000 going to the cleerlngbouae. The oraantzation holda ab annual national ccnlerence and haa a 12-member exeeutive committee that meeta monthly tg aupervi8e day-to-day operatiicN. William Ramley of the American Friendl Service Canmittee ln St. Louia ia chairman. '"The clearinghou8e doee not d.lrect the approech. tactlca, style or content of any local or atatewide freeze. campaip," Kehler said. "We almply try to monitor the activitiea, share reeources. arow together and try to provide acme coordination." treeze advocate• have pthered more than 1 mi.Won 1i1nature1 on petitlona mppol1ina their c.-..e and pined the 11.1~ of nearly half of the naUoa I Roman C.tboUc blltq& More than two dozen city eounc:Oa In a dmai atai. have endoned the freeze. So have the le1ialaturea of Co?nectlcut, campaign tgathering steam . ~ ' be tro.n at exilUna levell while the cM'Ytlopment of lltemaUve removed tram the liberal tln&9~ neaodaton .. k recluctSone. · IYltAtml· 'lbe proa and cona of the MaHachuHU• 1•t1 from die The orpnlaadon coardlnatiOI SALT n Tnety AN too technical ~puJou• Bolton area and ltAv the ,,.._ campalp ~ lta tpecw ~. pedenot of the ·~ ~J.~~-ln .. ,. of the 6'>·~ root• to the debate over the , &i.r ...,_, o• *"' SALT 11amwoontrol111'9111,.nt, ''In contrut, an effort to 1top town1. In th• 33 town• that,\ 1crapped In 1080 and now the development and production Reacan can1ed, the freez.e won Inv dilm{ued by the Rea1an of all U.S. and 8ovMtt nuclear 30. " admlnl1tration 11 a deal that w • a p o n • l a • l m p 1 e Backen of the frene ate moro A would affirm current Soviet 1tr .. 1htforward, effective and ambldoua now. fJ weapon• advant•IH while mutual; and for all thele ~ They predlct1.hat ln November permltt1n1 the arm• race to it l• Ukely to havfl sreater voten of C.Ufom!a will 1pprove14 oont:tnue. popular aupport. Thia/ti eeaential the freeze in a referendum,u Relpn'a uwwer la START, for c:reatinc the acale of popular providing the momentum to ., the acronym f« neaotiadom he support that la needed to make make their propma1 an iaaue In-a wantl launched by the end of nuclear arms control effort. the 1984 presidential elect.Ion. o June f~r atratesic arm1 auccellful." The freeze ldea waa first reductlona. He propoaea they Ma. Fonbera'a call had not explored u a rallytnc cry for a ~ ~th the lntercontinental G ~.r.-::.=i~ the "We have such enormous amounts of ~ the cvnp1~ • ~ nuclear overkill that the issue of who is ·R movement la on what ahe M calla .. the percolate-up theory" 'ahead' or 'behind' in the arms race learned from the fate of the a Strateaic Arma Llmltatlon has become meanm· 1rJe.Qo. " Kt Treat)' that Prealdent Carter e ·. oa• 1rl: atlMd ln Vienna only to eee it ~ shelved ln the Senate after the been written when western national disannammt campaign Sovieta moved lnto Afghanistan. Malaachuaetta resident.a voted on at a New York City meeting in Ja . '"There wu a sreat deal of the same proposition it offers. September 1980 of peace, 9Cience,a lobbying for it (SALT II) in Instead, the vote was inspired by and international oriented groups r Wuhinaton. but vtrtuall_>' no an ame ndment advocating a and unions. Following that,a. active gruB-roota support,' Ma. freeze that Sen. Mark 0 . session , Ma. Forsberg draftedlt,; Forsberg uys. "I think that' a the Hatfield, R-Ore., had drafted for "The Call." o1 reuQn it wu shelved.". the SALT II debate that never 18'. Ma. Forsberg la direct.or of the got started ln the Senate. At a meeting at George~wn .~ Institute for Defense and , Kebler was then a worker ln University ln March 1981, hern! M a l n e , M a a 1 a c b u a e t t 1 , Dtaarmament Studies, a reeearch the Traprock Peace Center ln document was adopted and the :11 Minr>M>ta, Oreaon and Vermont. orp.nlJation ln Brookline, M.w.. Dfierfield, Maas. freeze campaign launched. A AND MORE: They won approval of their pmltion ln 267 New England town ineetlna•. claim to have campaiam ,a.na ln 270 congreaional dlltriCta and have the support of auch fiaura aa evan1efllt Bllly Gra6am, former Defeme Secntary Clark Clifford, former CIA Director William C.Olby and former Vice President Walter Mondale. The freeze advocate1 a.re tryinl to make a nei&hborhoocl laaue of a highly technical national defeme matter that had, for the 37 yean alnce H1roahlma. been left to the ;utament of the ~ heir crltlca caat freese campateera u trreaponaible peemnl But the freese campalp'a focua la cm a Joint freeze in which both the Unlt.ed Stat.a and the Soviet Union would aciee to a verifiable plan to atop maklnc. testinl and deploytn1 nuclear weapom. Nuclear anenall would She la ai.o the author of the H e r e c a 11 s t h a t t h e national freer.e committee was set freeze movement's four-page anti-armame nt worke rs at up and the executive committee manifesto, "Call to Halt the Traprock seized on Hatfield's es tablished t o g iv e loose Nuclear Arma Race," which amendment as an idea that could oversight to the effort. advocates a mutual and verifiable be put on a ballot -a way to The clearinghouae opened in id halt in nuclear weapons give 'tie average citizen a clwlce January. St. Louis was choeen as-n ~ and spella out how it to do aomethi.ng for anns control the site, says director Kehler,~ woula wcia.. "What we we offering la a "becau.e St. Louis preeented us~ "The C..U." u it la referred to handle -a apecWc, concrete, with the image we wanted, one Hi within freeze circles, says a total pithy handle with which to catch of a movement anchored in freeze might achieve what this terri.fylng imue,'' he says. middle America" q ~afa-'tion to the anna In January 1980, voters "We have such enormous 191 race baa to achieve. It says: petitioned to get the propaeal on amounts of nuclear ovedilll that rn ''Campatcm to stop individual the ballot in three Senate the mue of who is 'ahead. or weepom systema are aometi.mes diatricu in Mauachuaetts, an 'behind' in the arms race has >l t r e a t e d a a u n i 1 a t 'e r a 1 area of 62 dties and towns. Many become meaningle.,'' says Ms. cJ dlaannament or drcwnvented by of the9e are workaday places. fat Forsberg. 'ti Supreme Court ruling nixes disclosure of· Nixon's files WASHINGTON (AP) -Here, at a slance. are highlights of U.S. Supreme Court actkioa Monday: PUBUC DISCLOSURE The high court ruled that FBI files documenting the activities of then-President Nixon's political opponents are not subject to public dlaclclsure. By a 5-4 vote, the justices said that even though the document.a were aent to tile White HOUie ln 1969 for political purposes they atlll cannot be releaaed. The ruling la the aecond S\lpreme Court setback in a week for the supporters of the Freedom of Information Act, the federal law aimed at curbing ~t aecrecy. The caae la FBI w . Abramaon. 80-17~. ABORTION The justicea lllftd to judge the validity of aweepinB abortion regulations that Akron, Ohio, tried to lmpoee four yean ago. At iaaue in the a~ la whether a dty or state government may require that any girl under 15 7'!819 of ace have the cement of a parent or a judae before OAANOE COAST obtaining an abortion; that the doctors Inform patien1a aeekina abortion• about the rlaka aaaociated with prepancy, abortion technlquea to 1>e u.d and the oood.ttion of the fetus; that doctors wait at leut 24 houn after a woman signs a cmwent form before performin1 the abortion ; and that aborted fe tuses be disposed of in a "humane" way. The ca8el are Akron~va. Akron Center for Reproductive Health, 81-746; Se8u1n w . Akron Center, 81-854; ana Akron Center va. Akron, 81-1172. In a eeparate c.e. the high court agreed to review a MmoUrl law that require. all abor1iom after the tint 12 week• of ~ to be performed ln • holpital and ai.o lllftd to dedde whether Miuow1 can requltt court approval or nC>tlce to a oarent before a non-mature, f•unemandpat.ed" woman under 18 can get an abortion. The 8th Circuit court aald aucb a requirement la ~ble. The CMS are Aabcroft Ya. Planned Parenthood, 81-1623, and Daily Pilat MAIN~ Thomee P. Htllev ~ .... Qllilf . .._,.,. Olllmr ~~ 8'1C10hclllrol~ Tom~ ..,.., =:..":.:L.. ~ ~Goddwd D119111r• ~ =..-~ .... ..,-..c..u-..,CA. INN...,_: ... u ... c:....-._CA._. C4""9M ""°'= c.... ......... c-r . ............. ,~ ............ ......,., .. _.._ ......... ~_., .. , .... c ....... ~ ... ,.,.,........ .. ~.....,. ,., .. ..,....., -from a T-shirt. The shirt cleared a Dallas bank and was cashed bl the governme nt . .,. Security National Bank of Rmwell, N.M., teller • Jan Anglin is shown with Rayl verifying the~ cancellation stamp. • 18 No booze Throw old tax r.ecords out OM.ND ftAPIDI. Mich. (AP) -A loud rock bend WW play unttl dawn at thl• year'• 11'9duation party tor I IUburban hJah IChoo1 -but the ~ won't be 1Dtked MCI Urea wop't eqU4Mll ln t&e DUidNr Joe. D&AR R&\DDS: U your ~ are hl•~wlth old iax ncorda O\at' ~·re afn.kt to away, the tR8 bu.-. welcome adviol. MOit documtnta need to be kept fA'\ly three yMl'I fJ'Om the date yow We ~ WU ftled. Gr two YMrl from the dat.9 the tax WU maw. whJchewr II lat.er. Jn other wordl. if you ..... your le81 return by April 10, 1981. you lbo&&kl U.p the related recorda untU April 10, 1816. \ Some recorda do need to be kept Jon&er. R.l eltate recordl, for lnltance. lhoWd be kept H lon1 H they can be useful ln ~the ownenhip baall of a piece of eroperiy. 1'hAa tntonnation 11 needed to claim depr9dation or to report the aatn or lom on the ~ when it la eold. 'Copiea of put tax retuma ahould be kept if you think you may U1e income averagina to compute your tax on a fUture reWni. 'l'o \.&le ·the income averagina method, you need information from four prior years' re\Uml. Good financial records are the key to effective tax planning and will help you fill out your tax returns with eaae, according to IRS. Organized records a1ao can uve you time and money if your return. is audit.t. For more lnfonnation on recordkeeping, ms offers a free booklet entitled, "Publicatio.n 552, Recordkeeping Requirements and a Liat of Tax Publications. Request the booklet by phoning (800) 242-458!). DMV closes loophole~ DEAR READERS: The California Department of Motor Vehicles has announced that it bu cloeed an administrative loophole in regulatiODI which had pennitted eome illegal reptratlon of .. new" vehicles purchued out of state and brought in to California. ~ of April 19, 1982, CallfomJa residents and busine9les are not able to repter a .. new" motor vehicle with leas than 7,500 miles on it if the vehlcle baa not been certified by the state Air Resources Board regarding the design and ~rformance of the vehicle's exhaustion control system. The OMV a1ao has notified out-of-state SHOlnST LINH IN OIANGI COUNn "IXTIA IDGI" GAIPllLD IANK -= ll01 EAST COAST HJCHWAY CORONA DB. MAR. CA (714) 160-0JJ1 SHUTTER lllST ALLA 11011 dMlen that they may be 1ubj1Ct to civil 519nalt1el tor auch Wqal aal• to California ....tdenta or bualne9el ln the future. DMV Dtrector Dona V. Alexia said that the Heelth and Safety Code deflnel a new vehicle u OM wtth lell than 71~ m.Ue1 on the odometer. She pointed out that lt 11 w.p1 for a Ca11fomla resident or bua1nem to import for reslltratlon, u. or Ille any such vehicle which hu not been certified by the AJ.r ~ Board ln Callfomia. A vehicle'• certification atatua ,may be ldenWJed by ename compartment la~ at the point of purcl\Ue. Theee vehicles ai.o will be verified by Cal ifornia'• amos lnapectlon stations, which are supervised by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Mra. Alexia said owners ot auch non-certified vehicles may not lawfully register, uae or re-sell the vehicle in California, and are subject to fines of up to $~.ooo for attemptJ.na to do ao, accordlna to Health and Safety Code Sections 4Sl51, 4SlM and 4Sll)6. Gary Nllblte, the DMV'a Reliatrar of Vehicles, pointed out that any dealer in any state who sells a non-<iertified vehicle to a California resident or buaineea a1ao may be subject to a civil contract resialion action by b~!{; who cannot register the vehlclee in omia. Anyone asalaUna in such activities al80 may be subject io Civil penalties. · The OMV director noted that there are a few very limited d.rcumatanoes under which a new, non-<:ertified vehicle may be imported by a California resident. The reside1't may import such a vehicle if it ia acq~: to replace a vehicle which was damaaed oeyond reasonable repair or stolen whlle oµtaide California; as a result of an inheritance; pr u a result of a divorce, dissolution or legal eeparation. • Got • problem? Then wri"' to P•'-Horo-· 9 j wiu. P•t w/U cut red tape, gettin1 the • answers 111Jd action you ~ to llOlve in- equities in 6fJvemmmt and businea M.all your quntion6 to Pat Horowjtz, At Your Service, OranJlf! Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'80, Co.ta mesa, CA. 92626. A.a mahy Jet~rs u poaible will ~ ana- w~ but phoned b..quiri~ or le~r11 not including the reader'• full n•me, addrea and busineu hours' phOl>e number cannot be considered. 8erUort It tONlt 'Billa Central ., Hlah School dectded to Ii" up booze and can. ., leMt lw tha nlaht, to make MIN then &a no drWdnc and drivtftl. In mum. puentl u. plddna up the $4.000 tab f« the June .. peny. '"nMyU ~ kill their wbeela aoc>dbye at about 11 p.m. and won't .... them._,.m until about 7 a.m. the next day," said Daniel Robertaon. chairman of a parenta' FOUP that railed the cub. Senion will le.ve their can at the ecbool and rlde bu.es tb tbe party -which will be held at a teeret location. BecaUM beer, wine and hard liquor frequently show up at student satheringe, par&nta decided thia year, "there mUlt be a better way," aald Lealle Louisell, director of prevention llervices tor Project Rehab, an alcohol and drus a buse prevention and treatment prosrazn. Robert8on said parents decided ' about aix months ago to host the party. They Mt up a tax-free lund and began collecting donations. The achoo1 provided buaes, and IChool bua driven will donate eervicee aa chauffeura. "Most lmportantly, we have the support of the kids," said Robertson, who.e aon will be among the graduate.. "There are 250 kids. We're positive we 'll have over 200 attending this thini·" A survey by Project Rehab and Grand Valley State Colleaes of 1,223 students in 10th, lltn and 12th grades found that 74 percent said they bad Ulled liquor and 22 percent aald they drink at least once or twice a week. ,., ........ MOBILE HOME -A 91-year-old, 300-ton brick hoUle ia moved by truck along Bl0880m Street in Boston to its new lite, 366 yards away. The resident physician's house belongina to M8818Chusetts General Hospital is being moved to make way for the construction of a new medical research building. Reds not stronger WASHINGTON (AP) - Although the CIA has increa8ed ita estimate of Soviet military strength by a million men, the Red Army really lsn't any stronger than before, Rep. Les ~pin says. Aspln said that the higher figure is the result of lmprOVed estimates by the CIA and doim't reflect Soviet buildup. Hd aid most of the 1 million are in n on -combat areas auclt aa construction, civil defense and internal security. THE LYRIC ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY CARMEN RIGOLETTO LA BOHEME Diainonds Save S0°A> CMID b1 lint Newport Harbor tlch Friday, May 28, lpm RIGOlETTO b1 V#'tl Newport Harbor ""' Friday. bM 4. lpm Reserved seats $12.50. Season tickets for all three only $30. Group discounts available. For advance tickets and more Info call 494.9446 or 494-3944 Theee progr.m. m.s. poeelble by a MOblf Foundation Gnint TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY SEA SON 196~) -198/ 1122 A Tredltlon for 80 Yeera 1982 " ............... • =.. 145-1077 OVER fl HOT a COLD ENTREB• 112 IWll'ORTl!o a D011Eanc .... Flneet of VMI, letected ..... F ...... INfaad. ,.,.., CLOllllG Selected diamond jewelry. 45 styles. Choose cocktail ring, pendants, earrings, bridal sets and more. All finely crafted with the highest standards of quality. Ldel Coc:kUI Ring .13 roUI -lght ortg. s.499 .00 Sale S249.50 Dl.nond & SapptW9 QawE.,,... . 25 total-~ 0tlg. SI 216.00 Sale S608.00 Mens 14k Ring . 40 total weiGht at1g. $2572.00 Wt 11286.00 an sales subject to stock on hand no spedal orders 14KW=Sel 14 total we orig. S 1175 • I Safe $587 .50 I •, .. I I ~ I I I ~ lt Wll )an" ~phkal enw, not a J)U1iMn alW'. M 1-lilt that i UM way a NG-faced l{ep. Jlm 811\dnt J):.N..,., explalned lt tn apo1oplna to Rep. N._ O ....... ,, a.c..ut., at a conare-tonal ~I ln a forqaal wrl~ statement about lealalaUon he wu co-apomortna with Shumway, ""Santini d9Crib.tt b.fa cone.cue .. ''my aoof friend." Be dkfn1t refule the money, but a hardware atore owner who won t123,000 ln •Lu Veaaa ~~~it wun't the cuh that cotmted. ''11'1 b title l wanted," u1d RalDll Morton, a 4S~y......clcl bualnetllman who won the Hold 'Em amateur divi8ton of the World Serie. of Poker. M~'I priJie wu half the $246,000 awarded tn the dlWlkln, which wu the 13th of 14 eventa in the montb-lana J>Oller 9eriea at Binion'• Horaeshore Hotel and c...mo. For .U the Ume Bob Dope has spent en~ troope overaea, he ltill lan't a veteran. ~Rei>~lobbt Fidler, R-Callf .. said 1he is Oefen.e Secretary Caspar WelDber,er made between te79,000 and aU1htly more than 1 milllon la1t year, according to hta official lnanclal di.::l01ure report. The 1lngle biggest source of Income wa1 aU1htly more than $200,000 ln capital 1aina from Welnberpr'• ale of stock ln the &chtel Group lnc., for which he ~rved u vice president and ,enetal counael before, oomlna becom1ng defeme eecretary. Weinberger received a federal aa.1ary of $69,680. Palestine Liberation Organization leader Ya11er Arafat received an honorary degree from Osman.la, University in the 10uthem Indian city of Hyderabad. A 20-year-old senior from the University of Nevada-Reno has been named 1982 Helldorado Queen . Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Tueeday, May 21, 1112 ltare. Smltb wu eelected from a poup of 14 encnnta l.n actMUee kkkinc off lM Veau' annual wettem celebnation. Mt. Smith i. 1tudyin1 elementary education and wW be a 1ubsUtut.e teacher ln Lu Veau thil 1wnmer. The preaident of Oakland'• Merritt College pleaded Innocent to chargee of attempting to receive stolen property. Oakland anomey G. William Huter entered a plea In Piedmont-Oakland Municipal Court on behalf of Job.D B. GreeDe, who faces four counta. Undercover police arrHted the 41-ye.,--old college adm.lniatrator May 13 i.p the college parkfnl lot, where authoritlea aaid he wa1 about to purch.ue an expenaive microwave oven. Jazz great Monk Montgomery wa1 eulogized at Laa 'Vegas u a "rare combination" of man and muaic who will be impossible to re place. Montgomery, brother of the late jazz star Wet Mont1omery, died following a long bout with cancer. Comedian Pete Barbattl wept as he eulogized Montgomery in services interspersed with jazz selecUona by a small combo. APW\ st•• DOWN THE RA TCH -Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger fits himself into the twTet of a U.S. Army M-1 tank during a tour of the Warren, Mich., tank uaembly plant. Weinberger was in Michigan to address the Economic Club of Detroit. . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vo~· ·B.uiow .. . 'defended' by Capote NEW YORK (AP) - Author Tnutwl Capote aay1 Martha "Slinny" Von Bulow used amphetarnln~ and taught''hlm to use a hypodermic needle and be believes 1be touched off the lrrevert1lble corfta that her husband wa1 convictfd o1 caustng. Capote, author of "In Cold BlOQd,' I laYI be 11 wlllln1 to provide a deposition to help Claua von Bulow in bia appeal of his conviction for twice trying to kill his wife at their Newport, R,1., mansion. In..-~ Interview pub~ lD the May 31 illue of ~ple ~ne. Capote ducrlbed Mn. von Bu.low • • woman vrho knew aboUt ~ frequently Injected hera~lt with amplletiunines and •u "certainly capable of suicide ... Mn. 'vOD Bulow fell into a ooma in l)eoember 1980,. abd remain• unconscio~.'la • New York Q\Y bosoltal. lfer huabmd. who la free on •1 ~,.~~in& an appeal. f8Q!ll ~ In prlaoh on hi1 conviction. Capoie aayw be did not come forward during von Bulow'• ~rial -thll year becauae "I She was "cer- tainq capable of suicide." • Salem ' SMOOTH LON TAR 100a Indigent legal costs an ·increasing burden Oranae County a~vernment ~ted more than '8.9 milli6n d\&linc the current fllcal year -not enouah, u it has tu.med out - to cover the coat of providing legal repreuntatlon for pel'90llll aocuaed of ertm. who have no meana of paytna for an attorney. -The public def ender's office, which hal a budget of $5.1 million, will get through the year without major problems. But the public defender's office doesn't handle each and every case for wh ich representation is provided at pUblic expense. In many instances, legal conflicts arise that force the office to tum cases over to private lawyers. Those lawyers, in tum, bill the county for their services. County government budgeted about $1.8 million this year for the so-cal.led conflict appointments. By April, it was apparent additional funds would be needed. Thus, supervisors recently were forced to take $350,000 from contingency funch to cover the increased costs. Supervisors had no choice but to take the action . Legal representation cannot be denied, for any reason. It is hardly surprising defense costs have been on the rise. The economy la bad. The number of major crlnu1 requlrlna JcOmJ>rehenalve and' competent lepi work 11 1welling. And the cou nty '• population \11 ever-increasing. But ls , there 10me way to control Jhe coata despite these fact.on? County officials believe 10me progresa was made last year when contracts were erttered with various law firms to provide representation for cases the public defender's office couldn't handle. The contract lawyers take on all but the most difficult cases. Others, like major m4fder cues, are still given to P,.ominent criminal spedaliats. A new idea is evolving. According to officials, there has been some diacussion of forming what would amount to a aecona public defender's office that would take on all cases the existing public defender's office would be forced to give up. The alternative off ice would be a separate entity. , Containing legal costs admittedly is tricky business. But the concept of a second public defender's office to handle conflict appointments seems like one approach worthy of more study. A federal problem The federal government, once more, is trying to unload part of its refugee problem on the states. The Transition Program for Refugee Children, funded under the federal Refugee Act of 1980, prov1des states with funds for tests, bilingual education and · remedial programs to assist refugee children, mostly Southeast Asians, in public and nonprofit private elementary and secondary schools. But the administration has requested no funds for the refugee children's education program in its fiscal 1983 budget. This means a cutoff of an anticipated $22 million in federal funds that now assist 166,000 children, almost a third of them in California. This possibility clearly dismayed many of the 100 school officials from 44 states who gathered in Washington last week for a three-day refugee educational assistance seminar. The California delegate told federal officials in attendance that his state now receives $7 million to help educate 53,000 refugee children. The head of the Texas ' refugee program said that lf his state cannot raise substitute funda, 10,00~ refugee atudenta would have to'be "written off." School officials again pointed out that since the federal government admitted the' refugees, it should be up to the federal government to back up its policy instead of absolving itself of any responaibillty for refugee education. This, of course, has been argued repeatedly in all .phues of the refugee programs, including medical care and interim help with food and housing. which the federal government keeps trying to hand over to the states. - The education aspect ia especially critical becaWJe if theee children cannot be taught Eng1iah and given adequate ICbooling. the nation is simply developing the potential of a wh6le new welfare Class. I The California ~ delegation, especially, should strongly oppose the sugge1ted federal fund cutback. Lesson -for Aniericans The television, film ''Coming Out of the Ice" which was shown And the picture is not pretty. It ta Sunday night, was excellent frightening. viewing for all Americans. While some events took place in the 1930s and 1940s, there ii no The CBS TV movie portr8:yed reason to suspect that the situation the true story of an American• has improved. Actually, with more hounded, imprisoned and ~rtured 80phisticated devl""' the torturer ln R~ over a period of 38 Y~~· can do even more' paychoJogk:al Critic Jerry Buck wrote. his and physical damege today. epic struggle to survive is told Indeed, it wu 1976 before the with brutal realism" protagonist finally wu allowed to W h il e t b e t e 1 e v i s i 0 n leave the Soviet Union. treatment was harsh, one can We ml g h t do w el 1 to imagine what it really was like. remember the means the RWlllan The network had to tone down government m\J.st Ule to enslave tu conditions for rea80M of taste and people when complaints are made family viewing. about the Ammcan way. "Coming Out ·of the Ice'' Our nation haa imperfedlona, depicts as few movies on TV do but it does not require forced labor what Ru.ia wa and really ia like. in Siberia to remedy them. • Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Delly Pilot. Other views IX· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvll· ed. Address The Oally Pilot, P.O. Box tS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone <7141 642·4321. L.M. Boyd I Guard duty Whilky dJ.luu.n lD 8cotland ~ 24, what are No. 1 and No. 2? lffM for auanI duty aJ'OWld th.9ir A Homk:ide and icadenta. ~ lliralr'dml .. ~ ~ •Y· 'n'9 .... baak at IMrudln. set up an aw.-me racket. The7 alao ~Mid llitnlcW't and bite .... Mirror-image presidents PARIS -The president la keeping h1a campaign promisea. He la attempting to change the role ol government. People, in general, are disappointed, even angry, about the effects of h1a programs and reforms. The economic programs, in particular, don't aeem to be working. But people still aeem to like the man. The man's name, of COW'le, ls not Ronald Reagan. He la Francois Mitterrand, the Socialist who baa been president of France for just one year. THE IRONY CONTINUES: The presidencies of the French leftist and the American rightist seem mirror lmagell of each other. And it is conceivable that neither of them will prove endwinaly algnificant. For an American report.er in Paris on May 10, the annlvenary of Mitterrand's inauguration, the big newa seemed to be that there waa no news. Many Frenchmen and foreign obeervers expected a revolutipn -or, at least, a iraumatlc tranafer of power - when the SodaHsr.a and their Communist coalitionJats took over after 23 years of rule in the perton or image of Charles de Gaulle. In the 19308, when a aimllar leftist coalition, the Popular Froot. won electoral control, millions of workers immediately aeized their workplaces in jubilant sit-down strikes that para.lyiied the country. ; Not this time. RadictHan 1eemed to peak on May 10, 1981, when thoounds of cheering left-wingen poured into the Place de la aastille and a great thunderclap eeemed to presage great confrontation.a. Then, the next day, the sun shone and everybody went back t.o work. Mitterrand seemed as good u his campaign word. The new govenunent - including four Communists in charge of minor ministries -raised minimum ____ €J1 RICHARD 11011 1 ;.. )a wages and~ taxes on the wealthy, decentralized aome government functions, marginally expanded civil rights and liberties, and nationalized enough banks and industries to raise public-sector involvement in business from 16 to 30 percent. All of that aounds more drastic than it was. The l}ationalized industries, for example, were alrea4y so heavily regulated that they were practically govenunent operation.a t.o begin with. The reaction of the wealthy -. taking their money out of the coun~ -was al.a just more of what they have been doing for generations. 'lbe French, at leaa1. rich ones. have never been noted for either generosity or civic-mindedneee. The resuha of the refonns? So f.ar, not too good. The French economy ia • • stagnant. Unemployme"t -the Socialists' principal target -has increased a bit to about 8 percent. Inflation has increased a bit to about 14 -percent -while most of Europe's was declining by a couple of pointa. INTERNATIONALLY FRANCE has acted more Gaullist than de Gaulle: more independent than American presidents would like. opportunistic in ita sales of arms or anything else, but basically, and inevitably, pro-Western. Mitterrand, who has always been a very sophisticated enemy of oommunism. has met four times this year with Reagan and not once with Soviet President Brezhnev. National polls indicate that a majority of the French are dissatisfied with Mitterrand's administration -but wolUd vote for him if he ran today against last year's opponent, Valery Gi.acard d'Estaing. Familiar? The lesson may be that the two old radica.lB, Mitterrand and Reagan, were elected because of the inevitable excesses of tired incumbent parties and the personal unpopularity of Giscard d'Estaing and Jimmy Carter. Very probably the basic opinions and directiona of neither of the democratic welfare states. France or America, has been changed by the circumstances that brought Mitterrand and Reagan to power last year -and will probably take them out of power in the middle of the 1980s. Dams prove worth ID rainy years Although the devastating floods of 1955 and 1967 are now ju.at a memory, state water officials are quick to point out that flooding this year would have been even worse had it not been for the new dama which have become operational since t.Mee years. FOR THIS YEAR has proved to be one of the wetlest in the atate's history, far exceeding the 1955 and 1967 yea.rs. And while the dama have prot.ect.ed the state'• Central valley from floods during the torrential rainfalls which extended the winter aeaaon, the runoff from the heavy mow packs ln the Sierras b yet to be met. & Don Neudeck, head of the state's flood control center, points out, it wu the late snowmelt In 1967 which kept California rivers at flood stage from Aprll to the middle of July. With the snow pack this year ranging from 125 to 200 percent above nonnal. there is atill great danger of flooding If the weather should turn unseasonally hot between now and July. The 13 major flood control dams, which stem the flow of the Pit , McCloud, Sacramento, Feather and American riven in the upper part of the ,,--. IAll IATlll valley and the Klno. Mokelwnne and Kern rivers in the "San Joaquin basin, provide the major protections. Added to this are the myriad dams of utility, water and reclamation district& Orchestrating the roles of these dama in flood con1rol la the at.at.e's Oood control center. Information gathered from rain ga~. anowpack i.mtruments, and river and dam monitoring ls c:omputeriud to provide Instant warninp to threatened areas. Releases from dams holding back Rejection not the end Th1nga I Learned Reading "Rejection" by John Whi~: . -That James Joyce's collection of abort atortea, "Dublinera," wu turned down by 22 publiahera before It waa finally ICIOepted by an offbeat bowie. -1bat Rodin -..ulpted a brome bult ~ m1n11111 ~ of Bame, anly to ~ve Ba1ac 1'9jeet tt outriaht. -"ni.at .. Madame Butterfly,'' "Rlt.e of Sprlna." and "rtdelio" all llopped on open1nQ niabt. --~t °** Cari.on pecidW hil Idea for xeroaraphy_ to ••v•n COl'POfttbll before he found one~ to inWllt l.n x.ox. -That Van Go1b. aold only on• ~ 1n hll whole l1f.um. (to 11111 ~ -That the Wtanlu palntln• poJ>Uta;!Z,,ic:allld •1Whl.ttler'1 MOthir."' when titd to lb9 16.ril AM .. •WJ, WU ptOIJ>PtlY NlMated io die cleDM-. wbift lt riwQiabwt',lli )IW'I; ebe .,. DaWI' .... ~ bti'wartt • tht ~t tbe world•• mOlt po= boud ~ !'ManO;otJ." WM N bytllil·~~-..nl:)~~-tt oonw.t clOlilil of~~ ttiat would prevent tt from bffomln1 a 11'Dll9 -1'hat ~ M1mdll, the .,.,..... of genetics, waa rejected by hla own university. (He then went to the Univeraity of Vienna, but left without graduattna.) -That when the infant Bell Telephone Co. waa struggling to get started, ita owners offered all of their rfahta to the mabliahed Western U~ CO. for $100,000, which waa rejected by the WU president, who aaJd, "What uae could this compeny make of an electrical toy?" -That ThomH Edl1on himself reject.ed taUdnl .pktUrea on the pounde that they were~" al)d belldea would "-troy the film'• illusion. (Thia wu In 1929, only a few year1 befoN UtalJdealt became a rallty .) -That Pretldent :Fillmore mod.ill rejected an honorary d•lfH from ())(ford Unlvenlty, written in Latm. with th• diaclatmer, 111 had not tbe edrintaet ot. a dssdad educe.don.. and no man 1bowd accept a dell'" that be cannot ...t." . -Tb.It Conp-tel n~ Pnlldeiit Wuhm,.ton'a requett for an·~ account of tH,000 a 'year ta Ueu of ~KJDIM-~cwtr-­u ... for Poetl.Aunate ii arltata tnH••lliaeolbm .... wz=111 ~ Vidana. (-rhlt "" 2111 Ill tbl .... -tbi,::11•11 cillll ... ...... ,, ........... .. ....,,. ..... wl.,.,,,,,, ....... .. -That DID ........ ~ ....,_. ....................... ........... e-~w.~..-. ~o1 .............. .,«d." . ~ runoffs in the upper portions of the Central Valley have been controlled so as to protect from the rains and appear to have avoided the threats from snowmelt. The lower valley runoffs are expected to be al warning stages until July. The Sacramento Valley.regions, wh.ich experienced inundations back in 1955 and 1967 are now benefiting from the protection of the Oroville and Folsom dams. But the lower C.entral Valley eouth of the Mokelumne River has a watershed that officials estimate will pour some 11 million acre feet into a basin which has a reservoir capacity of only 9 million acre feet. Ironically it is the additional protection provided by the New Melones Dam which may save large areas in the San Joaquin Valley from flooding. Already storing 1.2 million acre feet, its 2.4 million capacity should contain the anticipated run-off barring e><cessive hot wea,ther between now and July. So while the New Melones Darn baa probably averted millions of dollars of flood damage already. and poaaibly millions more from the anowmelt, its b~ are begrudged by the "white water' enthusiasts since the reservoir hu all but eaten up the nine mile white water atretch 80 cherished by the rafters. THE WET YEAR has tended to dim the memory of the 1975-76 drought years. And the water stored thia lear will terVe to offaet any drought o the next year or two. Still millions of acre ~t of water from this year'• anow-peck will run out to sea that could have been stored il dams on the drawina boerd, or · ~y under way such as die Auburn Dam, bad been completed. Such dams not only provide flood co11trol and water storage but cheap hydroelectric power a.a well. Yet the New Melonea Dam, al woll aa the Auburn Dam and ot.hera. are oppmed by Gov. Jerry Brown and other actlvlata. ulck to dream up reaaona for oppoaU.lon, the P.rlnclpal objectlon ~on the pcmibllltlel of eu1hquab dllDMI ~u the fact not one maJm' dam']n the state h .. euffered any •biWldaJ ~ from quaba. AP~ JOB EXPRESS -This unidentified couple h~~ a freight between Fresno and Klamath F , Ore., and are typical of people riding the rails in search of jobs. Job hunters · riding rails SACRAMEN'IU (AP) -Lower-middle class job seekers, some with children, are riding the rails like hobos, says the Sacramento Bee. Reporter Dale Maharidge and photo~apher Michael Williamson said they interviewed jotrsee~rs and others for six days along the nearly 1,000 miles between Fresno and Klamath Fallil, Ore. They. said the traditional hobos complain that the marginally employed poor began hopping freight trains, and were joined in the last year by blue-collar workers seeking jobs. The hobos say too many people are competing for the available food and shelter. At the Oroville Rescue Mission Inc., 65 miles north of Sacramento, C.W. McComas reported a 22 . 7 percent increase in those seeking aid. But that's not the whole picture because first-timers are often too embarrassed to ask, he said. "Instead of becoming welfare cases, they travel to pick up jobs. It's completely economic," McComas said. At Klamath Falls, railroad policeman L .W. Harroun said the newcomers are m.11nerous. "You can spot the first-timers easy .... They usually tell the truth. They're neater and have nicer packs and walking shoes. And they usually have a little bit of money. A lot of them inquire about jobs." Harroun said three weeks ago parents with three children came through. The husband waa looking for work, but their car broke down. A week later he saw a couple with two children. . "We just try to keep them moving .... Most of the time, nobody wants trouble," Harroun said. In Sacramento, Tim Caldwell, in hi.s 20s, still had clean clothes as he waited to hop a freight for the first time. He was laid off from a timber job in Oregon in early May. Caldwell said, "I sold everything I had. I still have a clunker car at my folks' house, but I can't afford to put gas in it .... This is the worst off I've ever been. I think I'll go to Utah. Maybe there's something there. Something will come up, some time." In Fresno, Fred Johnson, middle-aged, had been a forklift operator at a Chicago convention hall until 5even months ago. He and house painter Herbert Thiessen, just in from s V contemplated selling blood for $10 each. Johnson said farm labor is the only work he's heard of, but he won't do it. He said it pays only $3.50 an hour, the farm labor contractors put you in isolated camps so you have to buy groceries at their canteens, and charge you to be driven to the fields and back. . "You wind up with almost nothing,'' he said. Thiessen said, "I hit state employment, every union hall, and any place I could. There ain't much out there. I don't know which way to go." Elsewhere, Tony Hilliard, a yound oilfield "roughneck" from Texas, hopped a freight for the first time, headed for Oklahoma. "I haven't worked in three months. I got food at.amps for the first time in my life today. I figure I've paid enou~h in taxes over the years." He said hes been hitchhiking for three months, but "it's harder and harder to get rides . . . . rm ecared as hell. I wish I could do something to get out of this." Tom -not his real name -is 44 years old. He was laid off four months ago from a sheetmetal job he'd held since age 18. "I'm tired of thi.s. This stuff ain't no good. You stay nasty and dirty all the time. And the police are always messing with you. Don't use my name. I don't want QO one to know I'm riding these trains." Reaaona for hopping freights vary, however. Wayne, 24, who is legally blind, geta $320 a . month from Social Security. He rides witJ;l Lisa, age 19, and two dogs. Lila said she and Wayne eat out of. garbage bins behind fut-food places at least n days •· month. She expla1ned while poking.at a campfire at a hobo "jUnp": At aae 14, ahe dropped out of 1ehool uid turned to drup and pl'Oltitution in Seattle, wtndlna up u a proltttute in Sacramento. She and Wa~. who met two rnontha ago, plan a "hobo weddlnl-" Wayne bought a tent. U.. teid. "Being out here on the tracka la better than the lite fled. MY young glrl ta better off out here than on the streeta: Thia ta me. rve got iomethbur now. Out here, people don't treat me like a wbO.-e!" . Card counters upheld TRENTON, N.J . (AP) -The New Jeney Su- preme Court aays nate officlala, but noi caalnoe, have the r~t to ban card counters from the b~ ta of Atlan&lic City. counten are ak1Ued players who lncreue thetr oddl of wi=~ ~ the cards ~' haw been pla . c1alm ccd counten could oos* Uiem ot dollari. • Fifties return for. trip . HUDSONVtLLE, Mlch . (AP) -Roller~skatll\& waltera and wahreaaea served hot do1s, bur1ers and bubble 1um to the stralna of rock 'n' roll as they transformed a church park.Ina lot into a 1960s drlve -l n f'fttaurant. The 35 young people, members of Hillcrest Chrlatlan J\eformed Church, donned bobby socks and argyle aweaten to raise money for a trip to a convention in Canada. ''Brylcreem ls the key ," said Steve Schn:Eders, who wore tight ans, a T -shirt and a lea er jacket with his glistening pompadour. The outdoor diner at the church near Grand Rapids waa named H & K's, after Hillcrest's two pastors, Kenneth Schepel and Howard Vanderwal. "This is the second year we've done this," Schepel said. "It's to raise money, but it's also for fun." Orano• Oout DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, May 25, 1992 Whenever a visitor to Newport Beach. stays In a motel. hotel or In some other kind of temporary IOdglng, he pays a tax. Six percent on his bill. Ten years ago when this tax rate was set, 6% was enough. Today. It Isn't. Not with the grow· 1ng cost generated by more and more tourists. Currently, 20.000 to I 00.000 peo- ple each~ visit our city, drive on our streets. sunbathe on our beaches and picnic In our parks. Six percent on their lodging is no longer their fair share for sharing Newport Beach with us. Measure B on the June ballot calls for a 2% increase In the tourist or Transient Occu- pancy Tax. taking It from 6% to 8%. The impact on the individual is negligible. On a sso a night room, the increased cost to the occupant is only St . However, this Increase would make avail- able to our city an addltipnal S3,000.000 over the next five years for community improvements. including improvements in our streets, traffic signals and bicycle trails. It's an increase in our city revenues that's long overdue. And It will ease pressures to raise local taxes and fees charged·to Newport Beach residents and businesses. You have everything to gain by vot- ing" Yes" on Measure B ... and not one red cent to lose. Get out and vote. VOTE ~11 YES" ON MEASURE B Sponsored by ~ Newporc Beach Committee for"Yes" on 8 ] ' .. ~); •II •' ,. (• .q ., ., • • \' . •! '• ·' " 11 "· ,. "' ii Lynn Vandekopple skated from car to car taking food orders while tunes such as "Chantilly Lace" and "Cryin' in the Chapel" filled the air. .~--='--~~~~~~..J-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '1 one ~ AH we cut is the price! You stm aet Uotted's famous Royal HawaJlan Service. Yuu can savor authentic Polynesian delicacies. Sip exotic diinks. Watch a great first- run movie and relax with stereo-all in exclusive Royal Hawaiian style. You sdll 1et UnJted's Advance Chtck·ln. WhenJou fly United. you can reserve both your favoiite seat and your roun -trtp boarding passes- in advance-with just one call. You sdll 1et the most wldebodles to choose from. Every day, United offers 7convenient 747$ to Honolulu, plus the only flight to Hilo. Choose from these departure times: 8:00 a.m .~ 9:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:00 noon~ 1:00 p.m .. 4:30 p.m., 6:35 p.m.~t (Honolulu) and 12:00 noon (Hilo). You still wodt find an easier way to make reservations. Call your favorite Travel Agent. Or call United anytime. anywhere. And if your plans change. ~ .. ~w: just pick up the phone to get your new reservations -its that easy. And bat of all, you11 tee Hawaii throuah the eyes of the people who know lier best. The people of United. Nobody brtn~ the magic and the mystery of Hawaii right on board the way the friendly skies can. Your hosts- many of them native Hawaiians-share it all with you on your way to 'our little comer of the world'.' Act IMt for Unltecl'a Hawalf Summer Sale. This fare has no restrictions; it's good on all Coach seats, on any day, on any flight, and applies to travel between June 14 and July 15. If you can't get away then, United has another great low fare starting July 16,just $145. Surcharie will be applied during Christmas Holiday period. SO ,call your Travel Agent ol\.United today. , Flythe frlendlvsldes of United. c;n-y;;itravel A1ent. . t r---+ --r 1': l.• ... t' ,, !• i' • •! •• , , ?, ,j ( 1~ ,, b I} !ti ;1 ;f·.,. ; ~ i "' '·' ·l:! ;} ~ ... '?} ul •d l J(I fr " ,/ ciJ '>0 I.I F rw 11 n1 n q ':, h1 9b 'H 1C' 1(J b9 .. d J 8 '1q '&l' llJ d:> • Al ~~t~':.:! TUBE TOPPERS Will 111 IM ,.., • Moun-··•ulNOMI .... The IMf 00-IMNnd the 1ron.cut1111\ lo.....,..• ~1411 thel .. *'**' ~ ••••lt "T"-~ Alt °°"'*"' T ............. Alw eom.it" It_, c.1 ~. .,,. ....,. lllnt.. 11 I '-It\' -EVEN1tO-l;001•• Nawl CHAlllUJ'a ANOILI I WHITI IHAOOW THI AnU110Ha • HAWNlfflN • CNV4'1Aey "The Widow«" GuM I tctor Tom Boeley. (AIQ • IJHDEMTANOIHQ HUMAN HHAVI09' .. Pw1Uatiot\ .. (I) CU HEWS <!) AllCNEWS !=:EWS * * • * "Ae~rrecllon" (11180) Ellen lklratyn. S.m Stiac>wd. Allw 1 new-fatll 11110 accident. e women llndl lhll 11'9 .... the 11>111- ly IO hMI Oll'>efl but ii I*· eecuted t>ec:euM or '* relueal to dllm e divine Influence. 'PG' 8:30. ALL IH THE FAMILY • NEW88EATWITH Cl.ET£ A08£RT8 G 8USINE88 REPORT (l)QINEWS 0 BARNEY MILLEA c11feox1i:to .. Nellonel Collegllle Auo- cletlon Ftn1ls.. The belt colleglele box W'S In I 2 weight cl..-compete r0< lhe OlllOnlll Utlea 8:40 (Z)CHAAUE CHAPUH COMEDY THEA TM .. The FWeman .. 7:00 8 C88 HEWS l ~~Y8AGAIH A.8CNEWS C1J KOJAK m M'A'8'H The •077th ,~.... IWO bolllM or l()()tch r0< eecrat surO*f}I Ind a tanlt 10 tcare olf 1nlper1. • JOt<EA'S WILD • 84181NESS AEPOA'T G PORrAAJT8 IH PA8TEL8 ··~1anf' Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE @ ENTVITAIHMENT TONIGHT The eecond part of e IMIM on drugt In H~ looks at the portrayal of drug abuee In lllma, eum- mw ~ P<eYlew: an Interview with James Cun Qt THE MUPP£T8 Guest· llt>s- (C) MOYIE * * 'LOOll Bed< In Anger .. ( 1g5g) et.Ir• Bloom. Rich- ard Burton BaMd on the play by John Osborne. Al ll>e 1u1 moment. a man di~• ,,,., he loWI and needt his wife. (lJ)MOW * * * ·~ "The Four S..-eone·· ( 19811 Alen Alda. Carol lklrnell Tlv• oou- plet, all CIOM. long-time f rienda. experience pro- lound cnano-In their rellltlonlhlpe """*" one ol the marriages dltln- !!PretM ·PG· <Z.JMOVIE * • ·~ ·The frlte0 Kid .. ( 1g79) G«>e Wlklef, Harrl- aon Ford A Polish r.Obl flnd1 hl""911 lnvollled In wild lrontlef ml-.dven· lutM With a danng bet>lt robbef when he travela to San Francisco to talte OY« • ,,...., congtegatlon. ·pa· 7:30 trJ 2 ON THE TOWN Featu•ed a l)f"orile of ructt Sptlnglleld. recording eupers1ar and TV matt,_ Idol on '0..-81 ~ ,., .• e looll at what hap. pent to contestant• of a pegeant which pldc1 top model• D Qt FAMILY FEUO 8 LAVEAHE & SHIRLEY &COMPNtV laYerne and Shlt1ey poee u weight-Ion cou....ior. at a fat farm 8 EYEOHLA. Futured· a profile of wom· CHANNEL LISTINGS fl KNXT ICBSI 0 GJ KNBC INBCl l 8 l(TLA llnd l lo e )CABC IABCl c 0 KFMB ICBSI ' 0 KHJ TV !Ind.I " 8 KCST !ABCI e • KTTV !Ind.I ,, 'e KCOP TV (Ind.I a .• KCET IPBSl • • KOCE I PBSI BIRTHDAY.SPECIAL -Bob Hope celebratet his 79th birthday in a two-hour special tonight at 8 on KNBC (4). an ooxer•, a r990<1 on people round guilty of nolorlou1 c,,,,.,.. who are up ror parole m M'A'S'H Hawlleye and Hot Lip• oome uno.r neavy wtlli.ty fire In lnemy territory, with Hewtleye rec.lvtng a leg wound (Pwt 2) • (I) TIC TAC DOUGH 9 MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I!) NEWS di YOU ASKED FOA IT Fe1tured 'Mummte• Come To Liia .. and .. Cana. dlan M ountie Sabra Chat .• 1:00. CE 900t< OF U8T8 HOii Biii Bltlby and • repertory company dellYer monologues and perlonn sketch•• and muelcal numt>era baeed on mat9rl- ., lrom the ··9oo11 Of U.t• .. DQtaoeHOf>E BIRntOAY SPECIAL Chrittle Brinkley. Roger Staubach, LMry HolmM and Gerry Cooney .,. among the ~· joining Bob H099 to c:.iebfete hie 791 h blrtnc:tay 8 MOVIE •a a .. Coogan·e Blult'' < t9e81 cunt ENIWOOd. L• J C<>bb wnen an Arizona deputy wr'-In New Yorll to capture an eec:aped mu•dw•. he rellee upon hit badl-homa etrat9gy and method• 8@ HAPPY DAYS Fonzie contempllt• put. ting hie llllng gr80dmothet In a nu.-llng home. (R)Q DMCME •• "Whet'• The ._...., With ......,,?"' ( '971) Deb- bi• Raynold1, Shelley Winter•. A woman '"'-'-to ltll her tK*- -pw1ner -'*' the lM· tet WMt.I to ...... and glll marrtad. • P .M. MAGAZINE a look at the !Mt lll'OWlnG .._.., di-called nerpe1; Shlfk·huntlng along • 11.-.tch of CalltOt· nll'1 COM1 • MOVIE ••·~ .. Framed" (1g74) Joe Don Bak•. Conny Van Oyt<e All• lour ~ of bnttal prl90ll treatment. • gatnblef ·-· '~ on the thugs, crOOlled cops and !><*I~ who Ml hlfn uP • OAHGEAUXB Btlan c;onlronll • bomb w9doe<1 In the ""all of e burning bulldlng and It rflc>(lmanded by hie a.\lor oltteef IOf hla rec:kleaa han- dling of the task (Pwt 2) (RIO G JfOllA "TMt Tube Babies .. The 1e1erw:. behind the con- ception ol human t>ablee outaloa the womb la in.... ®~Q a* a .. The Ametlc:8nlza. lion Of Emily" (1"4) Jame1 Garner. Julla And1ew. Romance grows bet_, a Bt111"1 war wld- On-TV z rv HBO 1C1nemax1 IWORI NY .NV IWTBSI !ESPNJ I Sl'lowl lme l S9QUl9hl fCilt>le News Nelwo•kl ow and • non-heroic oft!· oar Nalgnec:I to provide hla aupwtora with the luxut1ee ofhOme. Cl)MOVIE • • * .. Cullar'• Way .. ( 1g81) Jonn Hurd. Jeff Btldgee A maimed Viet· nam vet and t.i. beet trtend, a IOQal dropout, toeue their -~ on IOlvlng a mvtO.. cue. ·R' CIMOVIE * * * ··Oh Godt Book ti .. ( 1980) G•orge Burn1, Suzanne Pleehette. God return• to Earth 81\d chooeee the young daugll- ,., of an .overtlalng exec;. utlve to IPfMod hi• rnea- MIO* to the world. ·po· 1:30 8 9 LAVERNE AHO 8HIAL£Y A banlo. robber hand<:UHI Shlney to him -'*' he ncapee lrom the pollc9 (RIO • Ail IN THE FAMILY Archie and Edith Introduce a rlch widow to Barney Halnet alt« hl1 wile rune away again l:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE * *'A .. Stand By Your Man.. ( 1g81) Annette o·Too1e, nm Mclnllr• The raga...to-rlch•• 1tory of country muaic lier Tammy Wynatte le dr-.tlz4ld (R) 8 9 THAEE'8 COMl'AHY Jedi trlel to win • South- ern belle o-by -enec:1- 1no '* una. '*window. but lhe wrong glr1 "10wl up to lhaok him fOf the attention (R) O • MERV GRi'FIN ··Medical Md Sden'* 8rMkthrough1" Gu.ti· Or RlctoMd Ellenbogen. Or. MlcflMI Edwetd1, 0. H1told Karpman. Or Altlert Hlb«l9. Ole* Tw•I. • AMENCAN Pl.AYHC>t.9E "C>wenhelm«" Opper>-'*"* .. given Illa -'ty c:INlanc:e and the Iden- ,.... of the Manhllttan Projeci and theft famlllee begin.,. In the Army bat· •adl• atmoec>'*• of L04I A1-(P11113)0 • DAHOE1' uxs Brien conlronta a bomb -'gad In the wall of e burning bulldlng and II r99f1manded by hlS IWlkw officer tor hi• redtteu han- dling of the ,.... (P1111 21 ~~ * * a "Le Cege Aux FollM II .. ( 19801 Ugo Tognazzl. Mletlel S«raul1. A mkldle- aged gay couple .,.. the Quany of a MCl'et organi- zation trying to glll Illa ml«oflfm the! one of them -allowed 'R· (aJ THa COUNTRY OIAl Faye Oun-ay. Olcl< Van Oytte and K8f1 How1td ltat In lhla per10tmlltl09 of Cllf· lord OOef •I play about the complu raletlon1htp1 betwaan en atcohollc ac10f, hl9 wife and e thMI· r~I dlrectOf (%)MOVIE. • * ·~ "HanoYtlf su .. r · (197g) HatrllOfl F0<d, IAl- ley-Anne Down An Aman- C*'I plfol falt In io... with • married Englleh nur-.. duf • Ing WQf'ld W11 II, than emt>vkl on a daring mt.- lion to rateue hef hutbllld from enemy IOf'cae. ·PG' •.ao 8@ TOO CLOSE FOR COtiWORT Henry and Murlel ~etly plan to .,,_. oH to a romantic: hideaway for their 25th annlv..-eary, unaware the glrle,ara ptott· lr>g a IUfpria. party at home.(A) lltMOVIE "' WI • HnUlr tmllMI .... .,, old blttl8 .. d4 ullon enoroacNI °" 11'11 CtnNIM ~ '" 10:00 G 8 TUIVlltOH'I 'OMATUT OOMMINML.t Hlgl'lllOhl• from tele\llllOtl 1<1van1.-nentt ot the PMt lhltly yMt• .,. -· ld McMahon and Tim Con wayhott ••••• NIWI 9 HARTTO~ Jon1than Hatt'• tooil·flik• 111\d hit ll'lllQlcllt\ bfotlw PIO! to murdet JonatNln ;~HOMllANO ...,.y ··aeuino Myteltt Tooe111- .... Throogll ~· and monologue1 the com• poaed, Ru~ Dee on.. hef lhOughll on a Vatlaty of tubjac1• Q (B)MOVll a a ,_. "The l"an·· ( IH ti Lauren Pao111, J1met oarner. A populat tllm ltet le vlotlMlled by • peyc;t\Ot IO admirer ·R· (I)~ L0\1£AT THI CAOIMOAOS (P111 31 10:30. NEWI CONVERSATION Guaat· Blehop Ju1n Arzu be ID AMERICAN PlAYHOUaE .. Oppenhalm•r· Oppen- heimer 11 gl...an hll MCUrlty clearance and the aclan- t1at1 of the Manhattan Project and !Mir lamlllae begin Ille In the Army l>M • rack• et~• of Loe Alamoe (Pwt 3)Q {I) Pl.AY80Y'I Pl.AYMAT£ AEUNt0N Richard Oawaon noeta the 25th annlveraary celebra- llon of Hugh Hafnw·1 mag· llZl.ne et the Playbc>y M-. llon WMt In Holmby HM .. , California 11:00888(1)08 NEWS • 8ATUAOAY HIGtfT Hott· Onl Arnaz. Guaet o..IArnuJr Ci) YOU ASKED F~ IT FNtured .. Clrcua OoM 111 Trlclt1" and .. Swimming Pool FOf HOf-•• m M'A'S'H The olflc«•' weakly p<Hter game 81 Iha 4077th 11 lntetrupled by lhr• MC>•· rale-genclel. 8) BEHNYHIU Benny aa11ru" a n1m com- pany called .. Cneapo Flim.:· • DICK CAVETT Gueeta: Joan Plowtlghl and Laurance OIMer (Pert 2)(RI (C)MOVIE * * ·Tna Man With Bogart'• Face.. ( 19801 Robert Sacc:nt, OIMa Hu1- My. A man~ to cnanoe hi• ltteetyte and phYtiCal appNtanca to r-ble hl9 aa..., Idol 'PG' (%)MOVIE * *'A .. Ceaat And Rosal· le .. 11g121 Yvee Montand, Romy Schnelder A French female wtllt muat ~ bet-two IC>Yerl. 1 1:30 9 (I) ALICE Vera tall• • ~t by GaOtge &mt to be a ...W. tellon from on high. (R) DQITOHIOKT Holt Johnny Caraon Gue1t1 Suzanne Plalhette, Argus Hamilton 8 9 A8CNEWI NIOHTUNE D KOJAK • THE J£FF£A80N8 • IAHfOflO ANO SON • NEW88EAT WfTH CLETE AOeERTS ID CAll'TIONED AllC NEWS (lJ)MOVIE .... Sunny" ( 1980) ... rt)y Wyett. Candldt Royelle A mothef eno.-• wom· an to dl1trac:t hef eon lrO<n hi• purault Of pure unadol- •••ted ~ DMOVIE • • * "Cutler'• W•y" (1981) John .... d. Jeff Brldgal. A maimed \Ile\· Nm Yet and hit beet friend, a IOClal dropout, locut their ~ on aolving a mutdw ceM ·R· 1 1 ::t&(B) MOYI€ •• "Death Hunt .. (11Hl1) Chatlatl Btonaon, L• MM· Yin. In lhe 1g30s, a Moun· He end a lrontl« criminal wage an old battle ae dYllf. zatlon anaoeenee on the Canadian~ 'R' 11:46 (S) MOVIE • • .. Ten-or Train" (19801 Ben Johneon. Jamie L• Curtl1. A coflega lretaml- ty· 1 N-Year'• muqu..-- ade pe;ty turM Into a nlghtmere wl*I a Yindlc- 1,,.. guee1 tterta 11•1ng off the party~ ·R· -Ml>NIGHT---- 12.-00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT The MCOnd part of a ...- on drugs In Hollywood Now, 30 years from sponsors LOS ANGELES (AP) - Here's an unusual new special on NBC. But tint, a word from our 1pon110r. nm ie brought to you by thoae wonderful fo1u who brougbt you more than 30 yean of television commerclah - commerdala that annoy.t you, « amuaed you, but tbrouah repeUtlon wonned their wa.y in.to the bMk of your mind. "Televieloo'• Greatest Commerclal.!J" wbtcb NBC ~ 4 WW broecblt at 10 tor1f&ht, ta the tint M'bM look the medium t. ever taken at ..Svertltlna. J:d McMahon ind nm Oinway .... tbe botll. "W• tm ... ai the ~ and the art ot the commerdal.; ••1• Scott Garen, who ex>-~....S tbe tpldal W'lth hill wi •Joie Albtec!hl. • .. it'• alto about bow ~ rt&dl om lodely," .. ,, )(tu Albrecht. '.!In · the l950a, women's commercial• were all aimed at the hou.9ewtfe. To the liberated people of today, that might teem to be looking down OD women. but it'a juat a reflection of the times." "Televilton'a Greatest Commerdall" ahowl bow TV Ilda rdleC?i chana1ni attitudes toward men and women, childrm and psi.. and 1ooka at •Wna wtth eex, claealc commerclah, unforJettable trademark c:hanlctirs, '*"""-~ humor andjnC)es. "~throw away their matertaJ. eo we h.cl to pt a lot of material out of ardUYti.. It w.. a wry t.ouCh llhow to put t.oQ9ther beciawe .,..., oc:immerdal Md to be ci.r.d wttb tba IP:\'lllCIF. "'lbe ..,.,.... were afnid It -... to be a •Urtcal .... But lt'• runy an aff.euonate tribute, even thOUJb we're hrAQa fun wtth It. he ..,.. '-n.11 la Pill to IUr up • Jal of memories. When ~look at one oJd movie like blanc.a,' a wave of noata1gia 1weeps over you. "Here the noatalai• la compounded," Garen aaya. "You haven't 1een a commerdal in ~ yean, but it'• been tnarafned by a hundred repetltiom. We find an immediate reapome. People start to remember the tune to, •you'll wonder wbtte the yellow went.'" Miaa Albrecht aaya, "Pertonne:n have done a lot o1 takeoffa on commerctale. We abow the oaialnal commerdaJa. 'Mothlf, rd rather dolt my.ell.' from Amdn. 'I can't belieYe l e111 the wbol• tblna,' tram Alu Setu.r. 'Let Berti ~t '°" in the driver'• _.,. from Beru." The 1how •110 lncludH a =:.~.~~ -.mmt tU:tnc ~ b'om tM crid)e to old .... K.NXT (2) 8:00 -.. Book of Llltl." HOit Bill Blxby and a repertory company perform numben hued on material from the "Book of Llata." KNBC (4) 8:00 -.. Bob Hope Birthday Special." Chri1tle Brinkley, Ro1er Staubach are amon1 1ue1t1 Jolntn1 the comedian to c.-elebrate h1I 79th birthday. See photo, left. KCET (28) 9:00, KOCE (60) 10 :30 - "Oppenheimer." Part 3 of a aeven·part eeriet about the controvertJal American phyelciet, known aa the father of the atomJ.c bomb. KNBC (-U 10:00 -"Televtaton'a Greatest Commercials.'' Highliahta from television advertilementa of the put 30 years. See story below. IOOlll 11 the portr eyal ol drug abuM In 111me, autn- mer moYIM preview; an lnt1t11l1w with JemH Cun 8 9 FAHTA8Y l8lANO Mr Roarke batllee with the cNYll for the Illa of I beau- 111\11 woman, and Tattoo gra011 a man Na lantuy Of t>ecomtng an lnttant mll· llonalre, (Al • MOVll! • • • "Aher The Thin Man" (1935) Wllllarn Pow- ell, Myrna Loy Nldt and Nora Charlee try to locale a mleelng friend In Chin•· town •• LOVE. AMEAICAH STYLI! .. Love And The Mlttt-" H11ry lnYh• Bruno and Na milt•-to dinner "Low Ar>d Aocld8fltal Paa.Ion" Jiii nu an autornot>lle aoc;t. dent. • EXPLOAINO l.AHGUAOE 12:06 trJ Cl) MCCLOUO McCloud 1u1pect1 • recording executive ol Ullng rulhl9aa and ~ umee fetal t.cl\ntqu. to gel the 11111a11 11'9 wanta (R) 12:30 D Qt LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETT£AMAN a.-· comec:uan Jeff All· man • COUPl.E8 C1J MOVIE * * * 1h "Father aoo..·· ( 1965) Cary Gr.,.t. Laelle Ceron A Wortd Wet II drlller la aaalgned to -up • watdl 1tatlon In the South S-, ..... he .. Invaded by a perky Franc::tt IChooltaectoar and '* ....,. an lively your>g female tt1>- denta 12:56!= a* * "The e..;i· ( 1g781 Rldl11d Ctenna. Jo.nna Pettet A tlnlatw and larrl- fylng force ~ lteell ~lh a trap door In a reputedly "haunted .. hOuae 'A' 1:00D MOVIE * * '"1 "The l(.,,1ue111en .. ( 1955) Burt Lancaal•. Dl.-- na Lynn A man and hll eon fight their wey ICrOM the Kantucily Tetrltory Into Te11u • MOVIE * * a "WMd ii The Wind" ( 1g571 Anna Maonal\l. Anthony Quinn Tr~ avpea -'*' a young man fall1 In io... with the MW wife of hll guardian. (%)MOVIE • ""-Knowt You're Alone" ( 1980) Don Seardl· no. Caltlln O'Haetiey A P9)'Chotlc mutdw• ..... att• ac,,ve young brldel-to- 119. lllantly and lethally lluhlng the4r draema of wadded bit .. 'R' 1:10 8 MOVIE • * * 'The Panic In ~ die P111t"· ( 1971) Al Paclno. Kitty Winn A heroin eddlct becomM lnYOlved with • nafve your>g woman. and when 11'9 bac:om. eddlcl· ad they turn to crime lo IUj)pOrt the habit !II NEWS 1: 15 <Bl ON LOCA TlON "Robert Klein Al Yale" 1:aoDQtNEWS ())MOVIE * a * "The 8"-8'0411- ere" ( 19801 John 8elu"1l. Oan Aytlroyd Two l>"- alngar1 mu11 contend with Iha Cltle4igo pollce, the CIA, lffo-Nazlt and the U S Army 10 pul together • t>enelll concert to ralae mOfWY lot !half partlh 'R· .MOVIE * *'h "Th• Poatman Alway• Ring• Twice .. ( 1981 I Jack Nlcholaon, JeNlca Lange A young woman and her lover ptot to murdw '* hutband ·R' 2:10. NEWS 2:25 CC) MOVIE * * a * ·Tm All RIQhl, Jack" ( 1990) Ian Carmi· chMI. P1ter Saller•. In trying 10 do a good jot> for hll uncle In a lactory. • well-meaning bumbler actually upHI• the cr<>Olled ~ hit uncle nu ao cat91ully planned. 2'~· MOVIE * * * * "Victory At BM .. ( 1g55) Documentary Nllf. rated by Ale.and« Sco<H· by The Wotld War II naval axplott1 Of the Alllae ate raYlewed 2:36 (%) MOVIE • • 'h "Hano11er Slr•f· ( 1g1g) HaHlaon Fotd. L ... lay-Anne Down An Am..-f. can pilOt 1114• In love With • matTl.cl English OU<M dur • Ing Wortd Wat II, then embarlll on a dating mt.- alon to raacue her nutband rrom ...,,,Y torcee. ·PG· 2:401 NEWS 2:46 MOVIE a• • Frankanataln, The True Story" (Pert 21 (1g131 Mldlael S11rai1n. J- Muon 0. Franklllatein CfeelM hll Image of the perlect man and woman (B)MOVIE •• "The Hand .. (1981) MIChael Caine. AndrN Marcovlccl Baarre Ind· dent• and nlghlmara1 begin happening In • Cat· toon111·1 Illa after he eull.,.. the IOU or a hand ·R· ame MOW. • * ·~ .. De1ert Fury" (1947) Burt L~tw, Lizabeth Sc.oil A refonned garnl>ler ,.... In love with the da!Jghtw ol • c:ulno fYW(tef :t!30DMOVIE * • "Death Hunt .. ( 1981) CNit1ae 8'onaon. ~ Mii· vtn In the 1g30t .• Moun- tie and a lrontlet crlmln411 WAQ9 an old battle aa cMll· zetlon anc::t oachM on the Canadian wl!Oer,_. ·R· 3:46 Cl) Pl.A Y90Y'8 Pl.AYMA T£ AIEUNION Rlctlatd Dawaon hotta the 25th anntveraary <*ebta- tlon of Hugh Heiner· a mag- Ulne at tne Playt>oy Man- aion W•I In Holmby Hlll1. CelU0<nta 4:111 (C)MOVIE • · Gradulllon Dey ( 1981) Cnrltlopher George. Petch MacKenzie High achoof tr "°*t •lhlet• are beinQ lltwally .. cut lrom the t~" by an unknown kHI« 'R' 4:215 (%)MOYIE • • • .. Stevie" ( 1g78) Glenda J"°*taon. T reYOr Howwd. Eooentrlc Brltllh poet... SteYle Smith I• prolllad. 'PG' Cll)MCMI •• • 14 "The ,_ .... 90nt•• ('Ml) Alan Atde. CwOI 8ufMU Thi• OOll- .... 1111 OIOM, '°"f·U!Tle IY!enda. .. ~ PfO- IOUlld ~ In thelt r•tlOMfllClil when one of the 1narrlagH dl1ln- tagrat• 'PG' Wf!dn.-•da11'• Da11tlm.-Mortl.-• ---MORNl«i - f:IO (.I) •• * • '"-urreo- llon .. ( 111801 Ellen Gur1tyn, Sain 81\epard All« • na1r-feta1 auto acc;ld«lt, • WOMat> llndt that 1he ha• Iha •l>llfty 10 heal Olherl bul la per-.1ed t>eeauee of '* relutal 10 Cl9lm a dhllne lnnuenc:. ·PG· D .... Together?" Jacqueline B1 ... 1. Maldml- ll•n Scnell A young wom- 111 trlet to l>U'-a CAl"- deapill the chauvlnltt altl· 1udee of ner riv.in IOY9f ·R· I: 111 (%) * * .. Lovtng Couplee' (·1980) Shlrley MacLa1ne. Jamat Coburn A married couple end • pair ol young alnglae 1wlteh partners In a gem. ol t11Mtyle aampltng and romantic revenge PG 7:00 (CJ •*• .. Panelope .. ( 19661 Natalie Wood, Ian Bannan A neglected wife dac:ldu 10 dlegulee haraelf and rob her nu1ban<1·1 bank 7:30 llt * * 'The Apple Dump· ting Gang Rldee Again" ( 1g1g1 Tim Conway. Don Knott• A pelr of -•etn oullawt try to walk the llrlMt and narrow ·o· 1:00 CID *••;, Salem'• Lot'' ( 1979) Oaond Soul, James Maaon A novet111 relurna IO htl boyhood hOme to l>UI an and to t1oul>led mamorlaa but llnda that a 11n111er myatery lhrood1 h11 town PG· CZJ * .. He Knowl You re Aione· ( 1g80) Don Scardl· no. Caltlln o·Heaney A psychotic murdeter atalk1 attractive young brldal-to- be, 1Uently and lethally aleshlng their dreams of wedded blla1 'R. .. '00 (C) "Se• And The S•ngle Puent • Mika Ferrell Suaan SI J-A couple find out the reallliu of 1tart1r>g over wf18fl they try to merry and their Chlldren bloelt the way t-.30 g) • • ·Parld1ee Can. yon .. ( 1g351 JOhn Weyne, Manot1 lklrna A ladetal agent traci<I down I gar>g of counter1allart operating along the M .. tc:an border D * • .. Lovet• And Liars .. ( 1g101 Goldie Hawn. Glancal"lo OJannlnt While traveling In Italy. an Ameri- can glt1 meet• and falltl In '°"9 with a mwried man ·R• .. .36 (%) * • • "My Little Chlcllldee" 11g40) W C Flelds. Mae Weal A wom- an aearcnee for • rlcil hY1- band but geta mi.ad up with a mulled bandtl 10:00 (S) a * '"1 A Thuodef Of Orum1" ( 196 I) Rtehard Boone, George Hamilton /" seasoned captain of the U.S. Cavalry rldet hard qn e gr..,,, young lieutenant ""' out or Wee1 P01nt 11:00 CC) * .. Roller Boogte (1979) Linde Bl11r. Jim Bray A rlCh and talet'lted mualc 1tudanl aeta out to win a •ollet·sk•llng dance contest belOfe r-.mlnQ her studies PO (%) a a 'Brealtlng GIUS (lg80) Han! O'Connor. Phil Daniell A Brltlah punk pop 1111'1 llt•lyle ullf. metety leads 10 tragedy ·PG· 12:00 C1J • • • 1"1 .. Tha O•·Bow lncldanr ( 19'3) Hanry Fonda. Dana And...s. /" lynch mob lrac:Q down and exaculN thr• inno- cent men while In Hatch ot a klller C ep • Cod te1ldt11t1 beooml lnvolwwd "' "' lnt.,tlallonel ll'lddent -., 11 mladlrectad tOllltl eul>- marlne ac>P*l't 11'1 In.It wel..-1, • * • • .. ,or.., e.,.. apondent (IMO) J oel MOCr ... l11allle o.,.. An American repon• btWI!• ~ 1 epy rtno In fnglal\d. (ff)•• "from Htll To Vlo- lotf. ( 19791090rge Hll'l\lf. I on George Pappl(d '°"' l11end1 from dllf•rtnl countrtM Muel .....,. Pertl in 1 g39 to liOh1 lot their 1ndMdua1 counlrle• In World Wat II 'PO· (() • *'"' ••81ubakW'' ( 1980) "°bert Aedlotd. Yapllet Kono A rtform minded Wiiden U/ICO¥atW w•dHPtttd corruption wnan ne enter• hit new4y a .. ion.o pr'-! potlnQ .. en ll\mate. 'A. 12·30 llt • * • • "Fa1nw Of The Bride" ( 19601 Spencer Tracy, Ellubetn Taylor A '""*' ••perleneee .. Of 1ne IOY• and heed.a. lnvOlved Wllh the P<*PAr•· llOnl for hi• daug'"-'·· ~om1r1g wedding. 12:35 <Z.J • "Ha KOOW9 You're Alone ( 19801 Don Scatdl- no, C..t11n O Haetiey. A payetiotlc mur '*• 91.alkt 111ract1ve young l><tdea-to- l>e Sllenlly and lethally 1lash1ng thatr dream1 of wedded bllaa 'A. 1:00 IC)••'• .. Biiiy Jaclt" t 197 1) Tom Laughlin. OelOtet Taylor An .,.. Green S.el nell-l><aad ChltnPIOtll lhe C8UM of I lreedom 1enool IOf runa- weys on 1n Ar IZOl\I Indian r-vation 2:00 0 * a ,.., .. Smokey And The Bandtl 11" f 1980) Burt Reyno1<11. Jackie Gtaaaon Sn.111 BulOfd T Justa calts '" 1111 two lawman brother• to ttoP a retired boo11egg111 lhe Bandit, from transporting a t>aby elephant 'PG 2 10 IZJ • * 'LOYtng Coupiaa" ( 1g80I $1\lt'lay Mac:L-. Jamee Coburn A married couple and a pelf of ~ a1ngtes sw11cn partner• In •, oame 01 u1 .. 1y1e MA'lpilng and romen11c revenge PG' 2•30(tiJ • * '~ flolkM .. ( lg80) Roger Moora J•m•• Mason A dapp« woman- na11ng trcoman •• c:alted 1n to thwart the P1an1 of ••tort1on1111 who nave hljaclted a 1Upply "11P end 118 llWNlanlng IO deetroy ""O Nor1h See Oil rlga 3:00 C1J • • '" "Madron ( 1971) RIChatd Boone. LMlte CatOI\ A gunhgni. and a Frenc:h..Canad1an 0U11 wtio survtved an lndl· an massacre M1 001 on • de1ert trek lo elude Apache •arrtora 3 50 Z • • B<M1<1ng Glass" (lg80) Ha .. O'~not •• Phtl Daniels A Btltlah punk pop s1ar·1 hleslyle um- m111ety lead• 10 tragedy PG 4:00 ~ * ••. Penelope .. ( 11166) Netalte Wood. Ian Bannan A nag6ac:'8d ..... CleQd9I to d19gUIM ,_..,, and rob hef huaband'• bank 0 ••a .. Let II Be" ( 19701 The Beatles JOO/I Lennon. Paul MCC"'1ney George Harrlaon and Ron- go Statr are IOllOwed through rehearsals • rec01dtng MISlonl and an 1npromptu c<>nc:«t 'G' 4•30 1 SJ • • ·1nvad111s From The Deep f 1981) Puppets The World Aquenaut MCU<tly patrol and c:omblt cralt S•IOQ••Y ballles an army ol aquatic aleens wt>O are determined to lalce over me planet 5·25 (Zl • • • "My Lillie Cntc;1o.adee 119•0) WC Foetd,. Mae Weal A wom- an seara-tor• rich nu. band but gets mixed up wtlh I maaked bandit 11:30 0 * • a '"' My Body- guard' ( 1979) Chris Makepeace, Adam e.ldwtn The ,_ k•d at e Chicago high 1c;hool makes tnend1 with the scnoo1 outcut and togetn- ., I hey stand up to the cru- el o•no which had par- MCuled them both ·pa· JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk ~~~~~~~~ ....... CAL.M OO'f-IN,C~LE ... 1T16 NOT -rHA"T 81& A DEAL ! --------, . BEGINNERS WFLCOME! ,.. REGISTER .NOW for internationally f~us Ice Capades Skllting School.Whether you've Ice sk.eted before or never Ice skated In your llf e, one of these classes ls for ~u. rr -5-_o_ rle_Off_ ---~Mesa Vtrdt Cinttr 1 ~ I 2701 Hlrbor BIVil. ~ ,.,w1c .... ton et HIM I AdlmS t Ice C-p•da a.let t Colla lliA I ,.__&peNe~';,1;r'ne. I 9791110 I.!: ..... --.-. .-. ~ ... .--:!J PUBUC SKATING EVERYDAY. ONLY A BUS RID£ AWA.VI . TUllOAV, MAY H , 1tH CAVALCADE STOCKS Laguna Jlug Club: t • Keep on squeezing ONLY IN LAGUNA, DEPT. -Since Laguna ~ ia the Art Colony of our coastline, and constaered "" the nativ,a as an environmentally sensitive place, it i1 undentandable that certain of the citizenry consider the town to be filled with tree-buggers. People-buggers are a bit more of a surprise. But 90 it was as reported in ibis sterlinR journal only yesterday, that members of the Hug Clu6 gathered at Laguna's Irvine Bowl for a Hug-In. It was alleged that the Laguna Hug Club got started because regulars who ·walked the Main Beach Boardwalk became acquainted and ~ would hug each other. • Well, the Boardwalk's as • ._ B2 87 Erma BOml:Htcl( praise the colorlul, lashionable Jossins attire in vogue today. Page B2. good a place as any to get r.\ 'I =~hing like that TOM MURPHIJH ,~t, I I r ACCORDING TO THE report, everybody had a good time out at the park in putting the &quee7.e on fellow citizens, except the cop assigned to keep the peace who, when given a friendly clasp, warned the perpetrator, "Don't do that again." There has to be at least one aorehead in every crowd. You have to wonder in the first place why they would need a cop to keep the peace at a hugging oonvention. Muggers, yes. But squeezers? Bunch oi Laguna Beach H~ really doing theU thing .... Clearly, it's difficult to find high crimes and misdemeanors in plain hugging. Oh, you may have been irritated at times when you see those bumper stickers that admonish, "Have You Hugged Your Kid Today?" That kind of placard could cause a real gut-wrench to the party in the following automobile whQ just suffered some tragedy involving their child. THAT UNPLEASANT thought aside, a hugging club aeems hannle9I enough. You oould have a lot more damaging avocat:ionl. Like the guy who swaggers into the local saloon and after the first gulp announces, "I can lick any puny man in this house." rm always pleue when that slob gets bounced over the head by the female bartender. Others have a hobby of being practical jokers. They always greet you with an electric buzzer for the handshake, or make certain they slip a whoopee cushion into your chair or let you have it with a squirt of water from their illuminated bow tie that lights up to say, "Hi. Cutie!" These guys should join the Hugging Club and get hugged by Godzilla the Gorilla. IT'S FAIR TO suggest that there are all kinda of distasteful organiz.ations you can join, like the people who spray graffiti on walls or belong to hubcap theft rings. Seldom, however, do you find these kinds of ualY organizations visiting the confines of Laguna Beach. Lagunana would rather be saving a greenbelt or preserving the whales. About the most violent the organizations get ia the Polar Bear Club of Treasure Island where members leap into the chilled Pacific every New Year's Day. And that violence is usually oonfinecko the one frigid entry. AS FOR BUGGERS of the world, we welcome them. .U there wae a little more hugging going on right now, we lllight have a lot te. fiahting. Lord knowl we need that. Education unit seeks parents, volunteers con1ortlum; Fountain Valley, Hunt1n1ton Beach City. , HuntinatOn S.ach Union Hilb Ocean Vlew, Seal Beach and W..antnltet. c.om.ntu. 1NIDbtn .... the ftnt w~ of .ell month. Parenti of handicapped and non-handtcer.ped ltUdentl ma~ a.nly. Dud Dil lor reeeipt Of time bml .. l'ttdaJ. rorm1 can be obtained by ~the 1cbool '111trlct, PARKING LOT -A portion of the private planes tied down at Orange County Airport ii shown in this aerial photo. The . ----l coJnty's airport commission will take up proposed changes in . I o~tion of this area tonight. . I ~~~~~~~~~~~~-I Only contested raee Airport's I Four seek judge post tied own rules eyed By DAVID KUTZMANN °' .. .,.., ......... They are moetly in their early to mid ~Oa. Collectively, they have more than 70 years of legal experience. One man ia already a judge on the municipal court benCh. Another is a Los Angeles proaecutor. Two are general · practice attorneys. Together, they are con~ for a highly coveted Orange <Aunty Superior'Court judgeship ln the June 8 primary. It ii the only superior court race where there ia no lncumbent. The aeat is being vacated through the retirement of Judge William S. Lee, who aerved for 20 years on the Santa Ana bench. In 16 other superior court ofticea, the incumbent.a faced no opposition. Their names won't even appear on the ballot. The candidatea running for the one, 6-year term are William Farria, a Tustin attorney and a director of the Orange County Traruit District; Weat Orange County Municipal Court Judge Robert A. Knox; Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Joseph Barilla, and Anaheim lawyer Sherman S . Weber. Farria and Knox appear to have the best chance of facing one another in a run-off election next November. Both men have maintained high visibility in thdr communities -Farria as a three-time congreaaional candidate for the Democratic Party and Knox as a judge and school trustee in Huntington Beach. Barill.a, who haa spent 19 years on the District Attorney's staff in Los Angeles, la running a aecond time for an Orange County Superior Court judgeship. He placed third two years ago in a race won by North Orange County Mwlldpal Court Judge Jamea Cook. Weber, who spent many years as a certified public accountant before joining the legal profetalon, aaid he would only terVe one term aa a superior court jud1e because of bis strong feelings that the judiciary needs "freah blood... Thia la tiia first a~pt ~t oftlce. Fo11oW1nC en brief IWIUnaries of the t:andldatea and their beclqp'ounda: -FARRIS: A practicing at1ome)' for the pMt 22 years, the 62-year-old Farria aay1 half-joklnlJy, ''l wouldn't mind havtna another career." That would be •• Plae, • job he tald moa active trial lawyen Hpire to. Hi1 back1round lncludel six yean on the dty of Oran1e Plannin1 Commlaaion and eeven ~ on the tnnlit district boara, six of tboee u vice chalrJnan. Throu1h hi1 law prac1lce, Futll aaJd, he hH aalned a l1l'Onl know~ of the ''full ~"oflllPl--· In hll cmdktit.'• ltatanel\.t to wt.n, he llkl he a.un. that "toush•r law1, 1tron1er law enforcmwnt and~ )ldae" would mHn fewer vlctlm1. hrrtt mt he .., bitBtftil 1n ~~~.:J.h"•r 1ent•actn1 of .. The former congreaalonal candidate estimated he would spend about $10,000 on what has shaped up u a low-key race thus far. He has the eervices of an unpaid political adviler. Farris sa1<1 more campaign issues would likely emerge in a run-off between the two top vote getters in November. He expects those two candidates to be himself and Knox. Farris is married, has 3 daughters In their 20s and a four-year-old granddaughter. -KNOX: "Thia Ls a very natural thing for a municipal court judge to want to do," Knox says of his candidacy for the su~rlor court. The 54-year -old Huntington Beach resident, a municipal court judge in Westminster for the past five years, said he was running on the basis of his qualifications and experience A former deputy distric t attorney, Knox practiced law for 18 years, handling mostly civil litigation. N a 20-yeer Orange County resident, he abo became active in local school board affairs. He served as put president of the Ocean View Elementary and the Huntington Beach Union High School bi.strict boarda. Knox said h e considered a superior court judgeship a "new challenge" because he would handle a broader type o f caseload. The municipal court, he 18id, la more of a volume-type tribunal. Accordlna to Knox'• candidate ltatement, ne •tron.alY supporta prosrams to compensate victims of crime. He said he plans to spend between $15,000 and $20,000 for bl1 campal1n, much of that money for atana. Knox, a vice ptelldent of the California Judaa Amoctation. la married and .hat four grown children. -BARILLA: "I think I'd be a hell of a ;..cs,.:• the Loi A.naelea atte ~tor •YI Oatly. "I feel I m th• moat qualJfied and eoertenced oandldate runnJ.na.'' A 12-year realdent of Huntbwtort ee.ch, Barill.a Mid he actfvely campa1(1'~ for • auperioc' court JudellllliP ln the 1980 UctkJn. but Dlaold third. Tbl• tlme, he H1d,:'be was runnlns a more low-key :•ra and relylnc on the iO--hilim , •. He iillcf\he· .. not ~ '*1?Z =-=-tqht ..... courses at W estern State University, Mt. San Antonio College and Citrus College, srud he is determined to be a supenor court judge. "U you're looking for the most experienced ana mo8t qualified man, that's me," he said. The Los Angeles prosecutor, who works out of the District Attorney's Compton office. said he is so committed to becoming a judge that he plans to continue running for office until he is successful. ''I'm never gome to give up," he said. "I'~ going to be a judge.V The 55-year-ol.d attorney said that, if elected, he would try to ex p e dite cases without jeopardizing anyone's constitutional rights. He said his nearly 20 years Ln the Loa Angeles District Attorney's office, as well as his experience as a personal injury lawyer with the Automobile C lu b, give him a broad background. Barilla said he also has knowledge of labor law. The father of five sons said he is emphasizing his experience, which he believes makes him the best candidate in the four-man field. One of Barilla's sons Is a deputy with the Orange County Sheriff's Department. -WEB'ER: Of the four candidates, this Anaheim attorney is the most outspoken about the tenure of juctRes. Weber, a former CPA who wrote a novel about the judiciary, said he believes in limJted judicial tetma to help rejuvenate the ayatem with "new blood.'' "I want to be a judge for ju.st one tenn," he said. Weber, who want.a to spend lesa than $500 on his campai8n, u.ld he would be "aocaaible'' u a judge and would attempt to reform the system fJUD within. Weber also said that, H a judp, he would attempt:to be lmParttal and open-minded. '1Thia la a profemional nioe1 not a polltlcal race," he aald. 04QuaUflcation1 are the main th1na to ltrel9... • 'Weber worked for 26 yan u an tlCICOUl\tant tn the J..oe An91lea area. A UCLA ,r.duate, he later attended Soutbweaurn Unlvenlty lAw School. He bU been • lawyer fot 14 ~· He iild ·an ~ lhaUICI • =lly tnineCl bifcn .... GD • 1-nth a. tlld he Uo WCWd ~·~to. thrcKUlh. on•·1•.ar latern1hlp before ---~· pnctkijt. W•ber Uv" with hl1 wlf•, NOl'IMt In ciiltnl AMhmn. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL oflhe Delly Plot llaff Revised tiedown policies for private aircraft situated at John Wayne Airport will be subject of a public hearing tonight before the five member Orange County Airport Commission. The meeting will be held at 7 o'clock at the hearing room in the county Hall of Adminiltration Broadway at Santa Ana Boulevard, Santa Ana. Num e rous c hanges i n o p era ti on o f the 500 county-<:<>nt.rolled tiedown spaces at the airport have been propoeed by an ad hoc committee. One change proposed by the committee would rescind an existing policy requiring aircraft ownership as a prerequisite to gaining a place on the lengthy waiting list for tiedown space at the airport. The committee ha proposed that an "open eligibility" policy prevail by which individuals and. commercial aviators would qualify equally for gaininc tiedown space. Under th~ proposals, there would be no limit placed on the number of tiedown apace1 a single individual or commercial enllty could hold. But the committee is calliJ\I for a policy that would outlaw an • ex15ting rule that has perm.ltted the transfer of tiedown or hangar • space wh e n the aircraft occupying the space ls aold. However, under a J?ropoaed "grandfather privilege, praent tenanta would be permitted to transfer tledowna with their aircraft for a period of one-year. Under the recommended guidelines, commercial aviaUon enterprises, such as firms that rent planes, would be permitted to continue to operate from tiedowns located at the norih end of the airport and hangars en the ~ aouth end. l . It ii auggested. however, that action be taken to relocate 1 commercial operator• to a county-owned property on the '1 alrpoft'a west side, a IDOft that 11 would free up tiedown SpMll9 b lndivlduala at exisUnC 11:11& *'• toe:. dona. . -... ---· ~. Ofa_noe Coll• DAILY PILOT !Tueldey, Mey 18, 1NI •!RMA BOMBl!CK •HOROSCOPE oung lovesick woman harrasses former suitor ANN LANDERS: I am limply morttfled ••u-way a }'OW'I woman ii maldna life tor a aood friend of mine. He Uled to date her occuionally, but were never intimate. When he ltopped llll:lna her out, about two months -ao, ahe letten threatenina auJdde. Now ahe outside h1I office in her car and 1Kmlmll'9 him after work to reetaun.nta and ea of acqualntancea. He hu turned -Rll'llD la...a movie and aeen her lining ind him. Lut Sunday she 1uddenly ared in the pew acrou from hlm, ..... ,""'uui she is not a member of that church. I • She never attempts to speak to him, just ows him everywhere. Ia this against the Obviously the woman la off her rocker. •WINGING AFTERNOON -Crystal ~ral. 2, of Huntington Beach, with her r ther Laura 1ake an afternoon swing in Lake But II ahe ctanaeroua1 Muat he wait W'\til ahe doea IOmeth1nl blzarre -Uk• maybe ~ta him -bef<n he can oom~lain! P1eue advt.. -CONCERNED IN HUNTSVILLE. ALA. DEAR CONCERNED: ne mu .~, ... report .... womu '° th pellce. ne curse -1aar .. 1mut. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am getting alck and tired of read1na Jett.era in your oolumn from wives who oomplatn that their huabanda aren't attentive enough ln the bedroom. They always threaten to look elsewhere unle11 their eexual needs are met. It seems to me that the whole world has 0., PIM ....... lllr ...._. ec...... Park. Huntington Beach. It was a rel.axing_ way to spend a quiet afternoon. :~irgo: Wish fulfilled I 1 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Pollars--and-cents issues dominate; you learn what works as contrasted to mere illusion. Emphasis on property, home, family relationships and the finalizing of longstanding negotiations. Pisces, Virgo persons figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You gain needed information -relatives, calls and trios figure in scenario. You may feel teatricted due to added responsibility. l\eward factors multiply. You will be .,..orking towards goal. Money and love are ~of cycle. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You're rid of losing proposition. Path is cleared for increased income. You'll have wider working area and can gain additional reoognition. You seme public trends and can be right place with product. Wat.ch Aries. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Questions, requests are answered in affirmative. You get what you want, new contacts and projects lead to success. Scenario highlights independence, creativity, ability to get to heart of matters -and strong relationahips. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Insight gained relating to situation which has been obscured by false claims, deception and mystery. Some of your own fears and doubts .,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA will be erased. Intuition is on target, family member decides to cooperate and health report is favorable. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burden is removed, member of opposite sex confides feelings and wish is fulfilled. Social activity increases, communications improve and travel plans are solidi.tied. Added source of income is reason for optimism. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You gain solid foothold in connection with career, prestige and emotional involvement. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo persons figure prominently. Superior seeks your cooperation in connection with rebuilding program. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on travel plans, long-distance communications, education and spiritual values. You gain insight into abstract principles of law. You'll hear the word ''karma" on more than one occasion. Bead between lines. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lively family discussion ls connected with money, budget, purchaaes, sales and relative apparently consumed by emotional involvement. You' 11 get to bottom of mystery with aid of one who initially opposed you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Go alow, maintain low profile, become familiar with legal aspects which include apedal rights and permi11ion1. Focu1 a110 on partnerships, negotlatlona and marital 1tatu1. You'll be dealing with unique individual who apparently la psycllic. AQlJ~JUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Older indlvidua,J. aida in aetttna Job oompleted. Focua on dependents, buic chqrea. pm and a reladonlhlp which bM weedmed the atonn. Be aware of apedal al>POlntmenta, employment pr08pecta and oblJ1ation to lndlvldual wbo ha1 inveated time and money. PISCE8 (Feb. H•March 20): Flnilh rather than initiate project. Look bejond the lminedlate -your appeal could be unlvenal. Focue on creaUvlty ~and the ~Ola relatknlhlp. You'll be~ ~tA.M individual wbO tad~,~ ~~. IOM aex-cruy. Ia lt becaUM of the tllnw, mapzlnel, TV, adve~ta for jeans or what? If wive. would expend more time and eneJ'I)' dolnl houaework and spend more time · ln the kitchen preparing wholeeome meals Instead of buying frozen and dehydrated foodl and oarrying ln junk from the deli, they would be too tired at bedtime tobelOde~. No wonder women live lOJller than men. They have nothJna on their minda but eex. P1eue dQn't print my name in your column . Juat sign me -X IN BAKERSFIELD DEAR BAKE: Don't worry aboat ,my prlaUag yoar aame la t•e colamll. I wo.icba't wut to be respoaalble for wbt m11•t bappea to yo• If yoar ldeaUty beeame bow.. Yov atUtMe la ao oatclated I bad to wipe die mold off die letter .. to print It. May you eonvlctloa1 reat ID peace, Dodo Bird. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Here's one for "Both Wife and Other Woman" who adviaes the wife who ls being uaed to tell her half-a-husband to move out. After 27 yean my flnt husband and I were divorced. Shortly thereafter I married a man whoee flnt wife was an alcohoUc. He had the reputation of bein1 a terrific womanizer but I wa1 convinced that a devoted, intelligent woman and aaper 1ex partner would keep him at bm:ne. ' We &ot along perfectly -WlUl one day lut aummer after two yean of what l thouaht wu an ideal marrtaae1 I walked in on hiin and h1a female architect with whom he always claimed he bad a prof..wnal relationship . He abeolutely refl&8e8 to dt.cuaa It. They continue to aee each other for lunch to "talk buai.ne91." I'm stuck -no money, minimal income and the house ls his. So, bow do I kick him out? He tell• me I have no alternatives. I'm still in shock and going crazy. I want out but I don't want to starve. Can you off er any suggestions? - MISERABLE IN TIIE SOtITHWEST DEAR S.W.; Don't let la1m bamboolle yoa. Yoa DO llave-alteraatlvea. See a lawyer and find oat what dley are. How younJl is too YC>Unll for a child to learn about sex? That's just one thing you'll find in Ann Landers' new booklet, "How, What, and When to Tell Your Child About Sex." For your copy send 50 centa along with a long, stamped, self-addreased envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, Ill. 60611. Dressing for the part I think women have done all we can do for jogging. We've taken a limple apon of throwing Ol).a pair of boxer ahorta and white T ·shirt to run around the neighborhood. and elevated It to couture status. EIMA IOMIECI AT WIT'S END We've coonlinated shoes to match the ahons, stripes in the ahirt to mat.ch the headband, warm-up trouaen and jackets with designs that belong on a Paris runway. And that's only what we wear in the supermarkets to shop in. Who knows what the ones who run wear. think fashion and sports don't mix. The other morning I came down to breakfast in a lavender leotard, pink tights, yellow headband and a fiesta-striped warm-up socks crushed just below my knees. FRANKLY, I WAS GLAD when tennis fizzled out. It must have taken us six or seven yean to turn that sport around. Remember those plain mid-thigh white dreaes and boring gym shoes? My husband had just come in from jogging and was wearing white boxer shorts just above the knee like he had just run off the set of "Chariots of Fire." I had one outfit that never failed to stir attention wherever I went. It was pale pink and the shoes picked up that same shade in the sboestringa. The cap was like a little bonnet with a viaor. Even the panties had little ruffles on them and a cute saying. All I needed was a sweatband to mat.ch the bootie sox with the little balls over the heel. I finally found both in a sporting goods store on the west side of town. The salespenon said, "How's your racket? In the market for a new one?'' "I give up," he said. "What are you supposed to be and where is your treat bag?" "Don't 'be rote," I said, sip,ping my coffee, "this is-my aerobics outfit. ' "Aerobics?" he said. "I didn't know you exercised." "Don't be naive," I said. "rm dresaed to drop off the sweeper to be fixed!" POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I said, "Are you crazy? I don't even play tennis. Thia outfit is for picking up my child at achool in the afternoon." EVERY TIME l TRY TO TAKE OUT A NEW LEASE ON LIF9E1 As for goU, remember when people went to the matches to watch the game? Then women came along and jazzed it up with short skirts, bright T-shirts and great-looking sun hats. But like everything else, I got bored wearing that ailly short skirt and cut-out glove to the beauty shop every week. THE LANDLORD RAISES THE R£NT. MEN DON'T UNDERSTAND it. They • I ~ .. .,,,,.;;,.,.~ ........ ...._..... -·-~--... GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deala. NORTH •ao c;;iAKJ5 OJU •su WF.ST EAST •l10871 •Qte c::11011 c;:1 QT41 O t4 0 10811 •&JI •At 80tJTR •AK "' .. OA&Q7 •QtOH4 Tbe bldd1n11 ..... W.t N_..IA.& 1 • ... I~ PMI .INT ... INT P .. ...... Openiq lead: Jack of •. · If the avtrap dtllen .... 1pot.a before hla •1•· bt would be ••ll adYIMd to con· 1uJt hll optometrllt. ror tht ntra1• brld11 pla71r, laow .. tr, kHplllf 1pota befcn h1a .,.. .. •"1 .ouda4.tet. soat• Md two .. tlaoda of ·~ Ju. sood ...... OiM WU to ,...,.. WU. two d•a--..., &M ~ '° ,.., to, .. 90 ......... " .... the lat.t.er beeauae a nine- trick contract rated t.o be ea.Jer to make than an eleven-trick one. Weat led t.he top of bis spade aequenee and declarer could count eight trtcka. He rejected an7 tbou1ht of look· Ing for hia ninth trick In clubs -even if a nu... for the jtck WU IUCCftaful. the defeodera would have their 1pad• 1ult tunninl before a cf\lb trick could be eatabliab· tel. Hearta 6l'9d a moN reuonabl• proep.M 91 eet.1 tinr up a ninth trick. eo af\.tt wl.uliDI tbe t1n1 of 1191de1 declattt ...,eel a bean to tbe jack. Eut WOil ud forctcl out declarer'• rem1lllln1 •Pld• 1topper, and declaNr could m.U• ... a.ON than the tifht trtcb be bad started out wtUa. &lPdi IDcl lllatl mJpt not be ....... ~ YlhM la the PGtat oount, but ""' pl&.J an lilaportnt role Ill th ·~ ti uteb. ReN, .......... ~ .......... '" bf ···ut'.Wialiq bit. 1111 ·M .ot Muit .._... a Mooid .... a. mu• a abitl triekJ bil&iiied Ot ,.i. am.:~·· .... ..,. ...... .. ..... t.e .. ....,.. ..... .. to hold the queen of heart.a, declarer could have played Weit for either the queen or the t.enl At trick two, declarer 1hould have led the nine of heart.I and, lf W11t played low, nan It. A1 tbe cardl lie, that would have fetebed tbe queen from East and the jack of heart& would have been the ninth trick. But even lf &be nine of bearta 1o.t to the ten, declarer could atJll have fallen back Oft I MCODd heul ftnelM for Ilia contract. And obvlou1l1, lf Weat. coven the nine of beu1.a wttll tbe tea. the etslat la tbt fU.UllHaa trlek, a.ad dec1arw CU UD• m1le h1a tU.. heart tricU beea\111 tht Jack of diamoada la an entry to cl\UUl1. Oranoe Oout DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, MIY 11. 1H2 Why call a dozen different airlines shopping for the lowest fare when one call to Associated Cardillo Travel Service GUARANTEES you the lowest avail- able airfare. Our computer pricing program network gives up-to-the-minute fares and schedule informa- tion for airlines world-wide. Your ticket is issued in minutes and ~est of all there is no service charge. Money Back Guarantee , When you purchase your ticket from us, we guarantee that It wlll show the lownt available airfare. If you bring us a ticket purchased for the same journey and date at a lower fare, we will give you $25. (Subject to avallablllty and airfare changes). ASSOCIATED CARDILLO The friendly skies of United Airlines. Associated Cardillo offers many discount fares featuring United Airlines. United is. your best way East with the biggest freet of widebody nonstops going. Ocean to Ocean service is available from Los Angeles to New York , Boston, Philade::111p~h~ia~·=========~ Baltimore and Washington, D.C. • '· I '• J. .. .. .. -' ,, .. ,, .J. ,. , .·. soar tomorrow for 'A:nnle • -~D-8he1 1 *' • OQlnAo atrtp darllna for ~ ota WM a nldJo raYortte • · Broldway lowd h•r. But 1•Ann&e,11 the curly carrot-top&>ed ~. ll ~a coot reoeption f"1m criUm ln Mr MW vent"" -the mcJlt expel\llw mullcll f'WI' filmed. Crl1ic1 cool to bis budset movie 'llme fMIUlne Mys II I Ann.le' hM • dark, dou.r, l!MJU\-tplrtted .tOne -'Oliver Twill' u retold by J'la1ln" while New1week COIJ\pl,Um that ". . . tor all the dtlfaent work, 1omethin1 -.ntlal h.u been at -the 1tory11 almple, all-American warmth." Loi AnaelH Tlmea crltic Sheila Ben8on becan her revlew thia way: '6Qolly, Annie, how cc>uld they have put you lh the moviee and left out your heart't" And New York Times critic Vincent Canby, tl'Yina to be nice, said "lt'a not a movle that'• u aaUaf~ aa It could have been." premltNI In New York, Loi An1•lff, Dellu, Toronto and Newport Beaoh. It opened In thole atU. Friday, but lta fate won't be known until after June 18 oPtn1n&I tn l,000 American and Canadian ~ten. expected to railt more ~ ts million for public televlaion channel&. Studio oftiolala have been dlaappolnted in the early reviewa. Even \he trade papen found "Annie" lac~. The Hollywood Reporter Mid the movie wu devoid of "any real mqtc." Dally Variety atted lta btg budpt -reportedly $39.5 million for production and $9 m1111on more foe marketing - and concluded lt'a "a lot of money for 10 little picture, probably impomible to pt back. "The critic• aeem to be reviewtna the budpt, not the picture," d1rectori John Huston said during an "Annie" party at the Beverly Hilla Hotel. m1Wona of people, rather than on mlllil• which can deltroy them. ''The araument for •Pendlna on mlllil-. auper·bombtn .na th• llkt l1 that It creatH employment. Well, •Anni•' cneted employment, lotl of lt, an4 wW hopefuUy create mote 1n theata"I when lt playa." Llk• HUPon. memben of the caat, lncludtn1 Carol Burnett, Albert Finney, Bernadette Peien, Oeotf rey Holder, llttle Aileen Quinn and Sandy the doc. were on the premiere trail 1ut wHk 1ellin1 the movie. Only Sandy .:aped queationl about the film'• blr.d review. and hi&h OOlt. Maryk•Y Powell, Raatar marketlna vice preaident, aay1 "The actual coat waa $39.6 million, Which Wll $4.5 rnl1l1on over the orlainal bu.dpt." Why dla "Annie" coat 10 much? But It a still to early to tell whether "Annle" will capture Hollywood. & her song says, "The aun wlll come out tomorrow," and it will be 1everal tomom>wa before the American P'lblic pta ita chance to judge. Columbla-Rastar's "Annie" made ita debut last week with "They seem to be uklJl8 why ln these periloua times would anyone spend 10 much on a movie? It's a perfectly logical question, but I would much rather spend money on 90mething that might entertain Columbia paid •9.~ mllllon fot the rights to the muak:al, and Huston aaya "I believe the studio . thinking la that a . areat deal of money should be apent to ju81'.fy the investment." In addition, an early production start due to a threatened dlrecton atrike added to the cost. The Airporter Inn Hotel Presents 0HisBand Opening WedneWay May 26th Airpater Inn Hotel (714) 813-2770 THE PERFECT BLEND OF MUSIC Z4HOURS ADAY ••. Md for ln-d9pth cover .. or loQI news u. In "A Oo11r Look'' this SW1daly 11t 1:00 AM. • Kai Warner Anita Kerr Les Reed Nell Diamond Bob Thiele Peter Paul & Mary Cyril Stapteton Janis Ian Ron Goodwin Peta Jaffy Jimmie Haskett Eddie Rabbitt Bottk:elff Mamas and the Papas Nataon Riddle Nana Mouakouri Tim WtMsbet'g Muon Wiltiama Martin Bottcher Dan Fogel>erg Werner Muller The Eaglet Andre Kostelanetz Ctyatat Gayle Tony Hatch Roger WllllM1I Bfiln M8Y Ftri Slneera Robel1o pelgldo Amlftol .... ...... .....,. Mlndr9I "And there were a lot of DIOl>l• involved, not jult extru. but danc•ra and member• of many un.lonl," the dJ.rector 11ys. 11Workln1 with crowda 11 tlmt·con1umln1. Yet 'Anni•' flnJlhed on echedule.'' ~ premjerel LMt week dJd llHJ. to IOOthe the M'1'YOUaM9 tn the Columbia PictW'll bulldlna at Burbank Studio•, where encuttv• are ..,... to make a 1ood 1howln1 durln1 the important au,mmer eeuon. They t.... acrutlny from new ownen Coca-Cola, whkh paid S7~0 mlWon to break tnto the movie buainela. Without aellln1 a ticket, "AMie" hu eamed money: '10 m1Won from Home Box Office for pay-TV; •10 mUUon from NBC for free-TV; $20 mil11on in advance paymenta by theaten. M'laa Powell reported an encouRlina advance aale in New York at-$300,000. ••••••• SMILING NOW -Aileen Quinn and her dog Sandy may have little to smile about if the early reviews of "Annie," the moat expensive musical ever made, torpedo box office business. "Annie" a1lo facet formidable competition in the summer marketplllce. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTllY •••• t ...... ,... ltZZ HAlllOI IUD. COSTA MHA -141-111 .. IN 70 MM 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : edwards NEWPORT CINEMA ! ~ASHIONISLAND,NEWPORTCENTE .. .. it Near c ... t Bl,.way. lletweea MaeArdlar A la•lteree .. .. • i 644-0760 \ .........................•••.•...•............... l'lrSTftlCTl D _,, __ _ ...,..,.,._.°'*_ NOW· DAILY M.L am NfD Ill'"-.., AEa rvt n.E IE.toL OI THt MOTIOH l'ICTURE CODE Ol IELF llEGUlATION we call It the Wholesale Party Plan. NxJ It wtn save a partv of tEn a whooolng S745 on roundb1p airfare to the San A'andsco eav 1vea. we can it wholesale beCaUSe tt wens like Ymole-sale: the more you buv. the lower the unit pe1Ce, For example, If tt-.ere are t\\O In vour party to San ~the savings are s28.~ ttee are ttne. the SCPJlnos are S69.00. N'td so on up to ta\ and that huge $745 savings. . 11 :a• A.M •• 2:H • $:M • a:H • 1 e:a• p .M. EDWARDS PRICES FOR "ANNIE'' $Q50 . $~00 0.114 Ua4er 12 l'ill Geaeral A._. d f\AlfftR[ f1JESf1U And ttiat same percentage of savings hotds true wher-ever AlrCal flies. b Qual~ buv roundb1p tickets at least sewn daVS in advance. Seats are limited. Entire patty must travel together and length of~ reStridions ~'So If yOU and at least one associate are flVlno ~through September' • call vo.xliYet ~or.AJrCal. 1!11 ResieMltSons \()U haYe a ft1end In the business ¥Alo told vou he can oet It fOr YOU 'lklolesate: Afteal. ., ( Orange Oout DAILY fllLOT/Tu..aay, M1y 25, 1912 Slieh Wooley keeps looking ahead •1me.w• If AIHVILLI -8heb Wooley b11 appeeffd lft DO movlH.1. l'ffOrded th• ' pop hit "~ P90~ Uter'' and WU QI\ the aid t.lev\alori ahow 11Rawhict., II 8\&\ at •I• 81, th• actor· ~n er-comedlan-1on1wrlter·rKord ucw-televlaion producer, 1Ull a1ml rMP·talenta at achJev.ment rather than rtlUna them on hla 1i..ck of laurela. "1 don't like to bani on to th1np ln the paat ," the wavy-hatred Wooley uld durln& an ln tervlew ln hla Mualc Row offlce. "1\11 too rmtrk:t.ina· I to on to the future - day by day." Wooley la probably best remembered, al leaat to people in their 301, aa the WOOtUY singer o( the 19~9 hit "Purple People Eater," which aold three million copies in three weeka. .. The space age was upon us," he said about the era when the song was recorded. "Everyone was thinking about rockets and wondering if may"be we would find people up there. I still wonder if we will. People heard the song and ~ IQC'M kind of belnlt.'' The llJM y.u, M beP.n appeartna M Pttt Nolan on the teltvlafon ah-ow "Rawhide." Ht eta~ on that we1iem for flvt INION. OM of hie fellow act.on wu • aritty, ruued youna fellow named Clint INtWood. "Wt call.cl him 'Mwnbl•.' " Wooley recalled. "He didn't 1pMk h.la worda Yer'f loud. Tho IOUnd man wu alwa)'I aayt.na, 'Kid, 1peak u~I' But he mU.mbled h.la way to a fortune. ' He remembera Eastwood for hi• contrasUn1 temperament. "l aaw him ,et anaey an=tant director, get of h.la hone and t him," Wooley 18.id. "But another someone \brew a rock at a lizard and he uked him,. What dld he ever do to you?' There was a gentle aide, too." ln the movies, Wooley ia probably best known for hi• role a1 the whiskey-drinking killer in "High Noon" with Gary Cooper. He also was In "Giant," with James Pean and Elizabeth Taylor; "Man Without a Star," with Kirk Douglas; "The War Wagon," with John Wayne; "Distant Drums," with Gary Cooper. "Bugles in the Afternoon," with Ray Milland; "Rocky Mountain," with Errol Flynn; "The Lusty Men," with Robert Mitchum: "Sergeant Hook," ENOUGH IS ENOUGHI Thlewee. Plmpe. ProetltutM. And*"" .... ,......,.., John D'Angelo wlll do MWthln9 to mab hle~ufe. wtth Joel Mt<:rea; and "Kellpte.'' with Sterlina Hayden. Of the ~ he nwde, he can only name about a dozctn off the top ot hi.I head. "I tried real hard once and only rememberd 40," he laid. And there'• no Uat ln hla ottke to refreth h.ta memory. Fourteen yeara a10. he wrote the theme eona for the tefevition ahow "Hee Haw," and wu a member of itl on,tnal cut. And he'• been a country mu.ic: atnaer for many ve-n wtth .,.,,. auch • 11Tliat'1 My Pa," "Are You Satlafied" "Don't Go Near the &k.lmol," 0 He°"tio Wallt No. 2," "Still No. 2," "Detroit Oty No. 2," "I Walk ihe Llne No. 2" and "Talk Beck Blubberlna Lipe." He now makee penional appearances at fain and parka u a ainler..comt!dlan. And, he atill wrltea 1on11 and 11 producing televilion epeciala. "I want to be 1ucce91ful ln produdna television epedala and the th1np we're involved in now'" be aald. .. And rve been encouraged to write a book and I might do that smne*1e." Ria proudest achievement? "rve been able to maintain my aanl~ when everything around me was chao9, ' he aald. "f got tfuough the whole me.. It's jult another buainesa and a way to make a living; it's n~thing to get your ego blown up." PA'NIC -It'• an anxioul moment in the Irvine Community Theater comedy "Sar, Goodnlaht. Gracie ' for (from left) Lenore Stjerne, Steve Fox, Peter Stone, Catherine Denney and \Voody Jones. The play opens Friday for four weekends at Turtle Rock Conununity Park ln Irvine. *BARGAIN MATIN88S * Monday thru S1turd1y All PtrformancH before 5:00 PM (Except Spedll En911111111nta 1114 Hllidayal 1 A Mt~.AIJA ...-Ail LA MIRADA WAl l<·tN "•YOUCOULDIU WHAT I •AA" (NI ------ Mirocto 01 to1ec10111 •••·2•00 "WJ'OMG II RIGHT" c-i ----·· -·~·· .... ~ --..-...... ~~~'!~ Nlf f'te~ ,._ Klllla-uY '°CHUIOT8 Of' '1Ra" tl'OI IUl.H9 ue.1• ... "THe ROAD WAJUUOW' c., ----- &.------------.1 • Economy Seat1n1 $2.50 tll 3:00 PM Unltu Ot!Mtwi• Nowd , s 11•t.t#a·x • .t161~ '25ss1~~. J * FOR FUOI EXCfTEmEnTI V1s1tOur ... ARCADE of GAMES• ::."r-:,."!:.· Plt:::iJl m 121152:154!111:151:1510!15 1W1nner• .,__iuttl .. ~ J""""\c,..~r. ~CTOR 1/id#U4 Pl'f_IJIRI OF THE lt-Mll'!:!Z:~!~ !Eli 1!45 4:30 7:20 9:45 c:om4.113,12J6,~ 92s21~:::s-) l"ITIJ u,,rafl!~T = I y~ ~,!~ ~ I.as. ""pul 1:15 Atl:IO..,._ 10:15 II AllM (R) 1:00 CJ .. 10:00 THIE ISLAND (R) m going all the wav PRIVATE LESSONS (Rl C LASHOI" m THI'. TITANS (POI ~ D~~!'TH~&.UES ~' BROTHl'.RS (R) STRIPES~ i't?~ ... \ ~'i!!c~,, • ORIVE·INS OPEN NIGHTL VAT 7:30 Chold••n Undt• 12 FREE Uni~'' Noien "A final pursuit sequence as breathtaking as the big chase in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark: .. · Playboy Magazine NOW PLAYING UIWAAOI -ft·ll lnUN WllTMOOll lOWAllll WOODUllM NUCW .. , .,,, GorOI" Gto-rt S30 u o1 ...... SS• 06SS • .,_ llllU l'LU.I ClllOOllf ....... ,. IMll'fl.fll Btu S19 S339 OtlllOI tH 7SS3 -119 N~ lDWAllDI C.... CllTlll lllWAUI IAllkO.ICll Ml·WllT JI •tft• CosUI Mesa 97' "" El l0to U T SHO Wo!.1->lt< 891 3693 QW.lllOIMllTOl eo.uloleu s•o 7H4 ""'-''""'"" ___ , You'll be glad you camel ~ 10th :~~IOUS -~~ Jl~ 'n-HEF WARRIOR GLADIATOR KING ·~· .... "'' .... , .. , ~ 1.• • ' ~ ,_ ... W..11UIL "PORKY 'I" {Ill 12:al::ll.4cal,lclt,UI,- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN "DI.AD MIN DON'T~ PLAID" CN I -----,- ... YOUCOULDIU WHAT I HUlr (PO) 1:tl, a:ao. l:M, ..... LAKEWOOD CENJEll SOUTH WAl M ... "'1GHTING 8ACK" Ill) ------.... - focvtty ot Corwttewooo 21J/H1·9110 "POAKY'I" !WI ---,...,- "f ANT Al&A" 1•1 _ ............. "WRONG II NGHT" 1111 ............. - "F1QffTING UCK,.1111 '"CHANOTI OP ,_.. --.-.-.-... I ..,-.-.-.-.- -- ANAl<fl ... ANAHEIM DlltV E-IN ,,..woy ti Of l•"'°" It 179·tll0 ev!"'" ~"~' BUENA PARK DRIVE IH A ""'It.. A LA HABRA D111.1 ,,. "1'1GHTIMG •ACK" IWI -'°THI WAllHUORI" 1111 "IOMll KIND CW .. RO" (II) -.. PAllAOIU" 1111 Cllltl'I- ..,.,. ROAD WANUOR°' 1111 -"aHAMY'I MAC....-1111 "OUDMUI DON'T ftAR PLAID" .. .. -·-· ........ ·-... "THI .... ..OTMIM" ... 17HN2 ------ ~ ...... ORANGE O lllVI IN .. . MISSION l'IJIV I 114 . .. ..,,.. ........... •s-c-.. 1.H·7022 I :41 10 , '• C' I rl " .1 '1,o " ., ; • l •( ,,, :The worst ' weve ever done is50% • a year. Each January, Hanna Tulving sdecu a list of underrated silver dollan. In 1981. while bullion , stocks and real estate went soft, our list still managed 50% appre- ciation. We've done beuer. 1978's list appre- ciated l 13ll'o. 1979's, a remarkable 231~, 231% m one -year ~ven more remark- ably, 1978's Ust 1s, to date. up 1094~ Compare that to any other 4Yz-ycar investment The mck 1s fmdmg the right coins And Hannes Tulving is one of only 18 recognized experts on Morgan and Peace silver dollars And we're the only U.S. rare coin firm that deals exclu.sit•ely with investors. Every rare gold or silver coin we sell comes with the indus· try's strongest grade and buy-back guar- antees. our 60-day money-back policy and rhe best liquidation programs available For more on our managed personal rare coin investment portfolios and' rare coin-backed pension or profit sharing plans, call 800 854-6016 In California, (714) 851-8202. Or return the coupon for a free information packet And do it soon. After all at 1094% over 4~ years, imagine what you're losing each day you delay, HANNIS 'ruMNG ~· 4400 MtcAtthur Blvd Sui~ J20 Ntwpon Buch CA 92660 t7HI 8S"'8202 Ouoidt c.li'-'r"i. 80().IS+6016 0 ~ concan me I unclmond you rcquln: 1 $S,000 M1t1lmum ll\Ytt!1"ttnl 0 PkAM •nd more lnl'onnatlon on your ™' co4n ponfnlio. • project • bought Coppertree Buaineu Parle, • 111-acre, 2U,000-1quace -foot mixed UM ~ park ln c.o.ta M ... , hal been purchaaed by a jolnt venture ,ro1,ap for tale price ln exe.11 of •t5 inilllon. The partnere are Coppertree A11oclated and One Brook hollow, both baled ln 'Santa Ana, and Bankere Life In1urance Co . o f Nebraska. The project waa purchased from the Moreland Development Co. of Los Angelea and Tarnutur/Hamllton Development Co. of ------------------...:=.::...:.....___J Cotta Mesa. Ted Snell and Jeff Wood o f Coldwell Banker Commercial Real F.atate Services, Newport Beach office. handled the transaction. · FREE BOOKLET -Downey Savings and Loan, based in Costa Mesa, is offering its n.ew job-hunting advice book free at any Downey Savings branch. The 130-page guide details creative approaches in securing employment. It will be available June 7. Grand Opening To celebrate our Grand Opening. Balboa Coin Galleries wlll present a free gold· plated coin medal hon to our first 25 customers beginning May I 8th. plus a free personal VIP Discount Card to everyone who bring!> In this dd Tht> Discount Card entitle!> the bearer to ma1umum discount allowances At Balboa Coin Gallenes you'll find the finesL guaranteed • l 4K and I SK gold chains, necklaces. rings. bracelets. charms and coin jewelry At discount prices. • A wide selection or <J.S. and rorelgn gold and sll~r numismatic coins. • Krugerrands. Maple Leaves and the Gold Coins of Mexico. We also buy dnd !.ell gold and Sliver bullion bars com<. and scrap and offer complete privacy for your lran~ctlon!> ~~,,, ~ ,v (\ ~ --·-' ~~ ~~ Ne>rt door to West Coa$l Metal~ lnlerndt1011al Open 10 00 ~ m to 5·00 pm !M'i:! All CONDfllC •• IOlAI WATll MIA7- U TMIOOM --..0 S. le 111ti7 leMce Time Ill_,. 91 YOlll Door (Cal Slo<e -Yo.. ArMJ COSTA MISA 641-1289 UH~ ...... Mt~ VllJO 495.()401 HHtC--.c ;I www <'-.... ...., ... ...,...,., • • • • • • Turn your unusables into usable cash. can Daily Pilot classified 642-5678. MEADOW eAKS RANCH 5 to 7 Acre Estate Properties Pktv,. the Collfomlo d r-11e~r-lhe propenles T~ minimum .5-oae dme d the "Dons ... the tOnchos ond the ptopertt.i. wlll occommodote your own eOlfy mluloru. Hon.s 9rozlng under the evstom home ond gu•st houM (sukt shade d on old ook t,.. (5<>me d OUt orchll•ctuol conttol) tennis court, ooks hove t>.en he,. sl~ chat time). horMs. vineyorch. o;,ocodo ond dwi. Soft. gentle br9eus. cooled by the groves. 1 :> mri.s from the ~n. 7 oceon. core~ the wnny doys ond star-mlt.s weu ot I· 1 .5, In hlstollcol w•i.t fllt.d evenings. A. s.le<:t few (only 40 Jlde "oncho Collfomlo Oust north ot porceb oYOlloble) wlll know ond enjoy thb follbrook)-the "Gold•n Corrldo(' from woy ot lh ot MU.DO.., OAIU Mt4CH Los An9el•s 10 ~n ~go. Minutes ... o beoudful, prtvote, got•d communltY from Jodi Hlctllous' new O.Or C,..k ot 2&1 gencly tolllng. ook·dustered. Oet9s. Golf Oub. Commuting dlstonce to divided Into ':> tiv. ~tote·stt.d mojor business ond lndusulol c.nten. PREVIEW PRICES FROM $85,000. TERMS. SHOWN DY CONFIRMED APPOINTMENT OHL Y • Set Up a Budget, or Keep an Inventory e Educational-UM aa • Math or Typing Aid e Ptay Action Gamff e LeamBA&IC Progrwnmlng • u ... I Wide Ylrlety Of RitlMiY-to-Run lnetant· Loedfng Program P•ka e AtteohM to Your TV rtad1& /haek ----··-····----··-................ ·-----·-... ·--· _ .. _________ _ Now you can't afford not to buy onet It's l ~r the whole family Wltl enjoyt 28-300t Or. Geors• S. McCu of Newport BHch hu been appolnt.eid a dlrector of Eattrprt11 NattoaaJ Baak (ln or1an.l11Uon). Pllllllp_ R. 011&av10D ha1 Joined TH11t1a Carbide Mf 1., Tu1Un, a dlv1'lon of Smith International, lnc., u vie. Drtlldent of fiMnce. He wu employed by Price WaterhoUM of Newport BNch. MJcuel A. Ttmma hat beeD named vice pr11ldent of Hle1 and marketln1. Dr. Peter Scllwarlkopf hal been •Ppolnted vice pl'Sdent ttichn.lcal and enatneertna. Donald 8 . Scbu11 of MIMion Viejo haa joined Slpal Luclmark Properdea, lac. u vice prwident ln charse of ruidenUal marketins. The Irvine-baaed firm i1 aelllng homH at nine developmenta ln Southern CalifomlAa. Joe D. Harrie hu been appolnted reaional aalea manager of Pearl Cralae1 of Scaadluvla. Harri.a will be reeponalble for a aales relfon cove.ring San Diego and Or&Jlle cou.ntlea and the state of New Mexico. He will be baaed ln Tuatin. Rockwell lntematlon.al hu preeented a "Pride Award" plaque to Cllarleea Morsu, president and owner of Morgan En&erprllea, Anaheim for superior performance from 1977 to 1982. Brace O.elaad of Huntington Beach has been named vice president of marke~ by Centa.ry U Real E1tate Corporation. Tbomu Klemen• of Irvine has been promoted to chief fina.nclal officer. Gary W. Cooper ii the new chief operating officer. Compater AutomaUon. lac. has named Haak Llpowltt aa corporate manager of information systems and haa begun the reloc~\lqn of its corporate data proceaal.ng facilities to Boulder from Irvine. The company moved corporate headquarters to Boulder ln September, but the in.fonnation systems organization has remained in California until th.la time. Soatb Coast Reper1ory has ciimml81ioned Tiie Cox Ir Buell AdvertbbaS Company of Newport Beech to help kick off ita $9 million fund-raising campaign. Rlcbard C. Cordon hu been appointed to the board of directors.of Eldorado Bucorp, a one-bank OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS f ~~ OUITAVllON It holding company for Eldorado Bank. He la an.f executive vice president of Eldorado Bank. it ., Wilfred G. Parker haa been appointed ~" appralaer collateral analyst ln the Irvine office of ·~ Barclay1Americaa/Bualne11 Credit, lac. He was an ~ independent fee appra.iaer In Los Angeles. ~ Uoyd Ro111 president of lrvine-bued Saffell & • McAdam. Inc., Builders, of Irvine, since 1976, haa :: been elected to membership in the Young :; Presidents Organization. C ~ The American Consulting Engineers Council re. armounced that the Newport Beach baaed firm of !t Born, Barrett & A11oclatea has been named a b national w inner in the ACEC eng ineering ·~ excellence aw.arda competition. The firm received .l• ~ the award at ceremonies ln Washington, D.C., for ·1: ~ ~he design of •.potable water system for a remote ·~~· ;. 1Bland commuruty ln the South Pacific. '7 · ~ ... ~ Jobn B . Saaer has been appointed vice president and general manager of Rep•bllc Development Company, Covina. He previously headed h1a own firm, Brentwood Homes, Inc., and was fonnerly with Broadmoor Homes, Inc., aa chief financial officer, vice president-finance and a director. -AN>f•• Miiier" Pell• WI SNIFll F•l•Nl>l• xr.wue AllMMQ Purtell 511~ BloRJO WI --ASlr -~ p-· Andf1i ' Utll,..,, '°"""" P.,M>llOI H«wy ' lloaR'ICI un FmtSY9 so.-1•0 NIFound Ct<W1I ""-""" TIW1mP, _,,,. Pnol'S ..., 1n11ns1 KMS lflCI ~re.=,. Meln>T~ Veta "'~ ICNM un Almo!>A. ~ .. ~ C.IQuldr lnY'HCO FIA.Fin S6 T Ind _, QltlPrlnt UPS L.to•:, ' ;";'l UP Pct..,• 1 • '• Vo ... , 2 • •• Vo Ul l '-Vp 14 l ,... ,,,. uo 1)) 1•.. •. Uo t1 ~ ... '• Up 10• 14.. • ·~ Up toO "'° • ..., Up H J.. .... Up ., •• • • "'» SC,:., &.1 .>• ...... Up u Po • "' u. l.S ·~ • ._ lJp ,. IS .1 l.Jp It IS • l lJp I t l'• • .... uo .... IS· 1 • I Vp L• I"' • I VP •I I , Up • 7 1 '-Up ~/ 1 • .... Up ._, • • '• Up ., ... • " UP •0 •• • ' VP s• 1·. .,.. uo s• OOWNI l.ASt °" Pc1. -~ °" lDO , .. , "' °" .. , , .. ... °" .. o t01·J . .. °" "J 11 • °" IB , ... "' °" IU J·~, "' °" IB , .. " °" 12.0 , ... ~ Otf 11-0 • .,, °" 111 , ... Ott It.I , '• Olf " ' 1 '• Otl "' 101 )' 1•. Otl I0.4 •.. ,, Oii IO.S 11 ''· °" IO 2 '"' '• °" tj " . ,. : .. ., ., .,. I• :· .. • l ;• ,..,,._ 0.Cllnecl Unc-.o 0.1~ GIA LtS<i.<> :c ... ,., j , .... j loo °" " .... °" '' ""' ' I<. °" " "' °" " .. ~ .... ~ Tot.i 1_. .. -"'°"' . --· .. Tot.i - '"" " Otl Thart.< j .... Oii Tr,..,., j ,, °" C0j_. ..... , .. Otl MUTUAL FUND t. • t " ... NL NL NL NL NL NL s ... ;: ?'.: ~ .. ~ ... ·~ '·"' .. '" " ~ ~ ~ •,Ii ~ ~~. ~ ,i~. 'i; . I -~~ ! . ·"' •.•I . ~' ~· l I ' ~ ~ t : , NY E COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS lllfU'IOlill IMC'-llOI ,. ....... , ....................... •ac1111c. 'IW, IOUO!t, .. ,..,, .... CllllCUOllATI IYOC• II liAlltft• Altt U l"OIHO 1¥ llfl OH A•b llillflMIT Tract houses off the market SAN DllllGO (AP) -~ In San DieF County are convertln1 to rentall or haltln1 conatructlon on about 6,000 uact-houtln1 unltt becau.e the Ml• market la llO aJow, a newwpaper reported today. The houalna· frame or lfllded lot tta.ndl alcnt, abAndoncd for now, In about halt the CMell. In mont than 2,000 othen. the San Dleao Union Mid, projlcta were completed but oonwr1ed to rental unitl becaute of lnabWty to tell them M c:ondomlnlwna. ''There are alabt all '1Ver the county," Mid Alan Nevtn, eeniot vice prelident of the Goodkin Group, a reeearch firm not Involved ln the aurvey. Printronix to market line Prlnt.ronix Inc. of Irvine has announced an acreement to market a newly developed matrix line printer from Y.E. Data Inc., a aubtidiary of Yukawa !:lectric Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Tokyo. The agreement covers worldwide mark.eta, except for Far Eut ooun\riea. Salari revenues drop Lion Country Safari, Inc. of Irvine reported lower revenu. and a larger io. for flnt quart.er than in the comparable 1981 period. Revenues fell from $366,970 to $334,184, and the la. per ahate grew from 13 oentl to 17. The net io. went from $267,122 to $326,812. CM bank plans dividend Citizena Bank of Coeta Mesa haa declared a 10 percent atock dividend, payable June 29 to Stockholders of record May 28. The announcement was made at the annual shareholders meeting, where officers and directors were re-elected. Computer syst~ms due Al;pha Microtyatema of Irvine announced it I.a expandinC itl line of integrated computer l)"lt.eml with the planned Introduction in June of a desktop rnlcrooomputer, the AM .. 1000 model. The ayetem ia baaed on the MC68000 mlcroproceuor, the same proceuor used in a large-acale Alpha Micro ayatem. which will alao be introduced in June. The company plans to introduce the AM-1000 at the National Computer Conference in Houston, beginning June 6. Frontier mileage up Frontier Airlines flew 301,027,000 revenue puaenger miles (one pauenger carried one mile) in April, an 8.6 percent increaae from the aame month in 1981. Frontier'• load factor (the percentage of seals filled) WU 66.~ percent in April. up from 62.1 percent ln April 1981. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS • It. -~ "' + \l't _, -\II " _..., HIEW \'O RK I Al"I F l fte l Dow Jenet ••tt tor _,,,..,.. MllY ,. ITOO(S JOI"" 'l:,,:r.,.~c. ~ JD Tm m4l DS4' m.i. m--. 2• UU11 11141 IH.Ji 111 CIO 111.11 ~Sflt J11.10 JJO.°' llU2 J27 40-0.1' lndUl J.JllJl)O Tren t,OH.IOO Vtllt 1,066.-~"· S,S.IJl)O WHAT STOCKS DID --O«llreo UncherQld Tolell-IWW~ '"""'-~' <WfXOIO HEWVOAK IAPI MllYlA -..ad O«lll't!d UnCNngld Totell-IWW~ -·- T-y • DI J,Q Hill 7 17 -ci;;. m ,. 111 • D Sil VER Haftdy a Ha, man, H .Hll ~troy ounoa. GOLO_QUOJ A TIO NS .,,... ,..,..,._ ......... _.. .......... MoNlllr: &..-.. momtr19 llldnQ; IMUI, 'IP to.11. &.--.. .,..,_ ~ -..ao. Gllf .... 00 . ...,._, •ftefllOOfl flxlftg: 134t. 19, UC) au•. ,, ...... .,.. ••• Mp ..... :Dlrtllll Late t1111ng: W1 .00. aft 14.00 -. 9)40.00 --H•HJ I ...,_ .. : only deity q~• l1M.IO. °" ... oo. •:t.••u * '1Mt e1111y CIU'* uae.eo. ""' .oo. Inc n •~4111y..,._.:•t 8'11&.4S. alt .. .IO. SYMBOLS J .. 1 s , ... Former higher tar smokers affim1 MERIT choice for r taste, ease of switch, and long-tem1 satisfaction. The research results are overwhelming. Latest National Smoker Study provides solid evidence that 'Enriched Ravor;M MERIT offers a satisfying alternative to higher tar cigarettes. MERITTuste Sparks Switch. Nationwide survey reveals over 903 of MERIT smokers who switched from higher tar are glad they did. In fact, 943 don't even miss their f on;ner brands. Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 farmer higher tar smokers report MERIT an easy switch, that.they didn't . give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best- tasti.ng low tar they 've ever · tried. ·Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Clear Clioice In Latest 'Jests. In addition, extensive unmarked-pack tests con- firm that MERIT delivers a winning combination of taste and low tar when com- pared against higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The over- whelming majority reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the ME~IT combina- tion of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste , alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. 0 l"tllll' Moult Inc 1911 Kings: 7 mg ''tar:· 0.6 mg nicotine-100's Reg: 10 mg "te(' 0.7 mg nicotine-100's Men: 9 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotine av per cig111n1. FTC Repon D1c :e1 \ • . . , DlllJ Piiat TUl80AY, MAY aa. 1ee2 . lASSlf Goltz, Mauch OCC, GWC poised for tourney. ,reunited Pirates, Rustlers open play Wednesday in state ~lirninations From AP cl1.1patc~ea I R ight-handed pitcher Dave 1 Goltz, cut from the Loi Angelet 1 Dodgers while they still owed I him $1. 7 milllon. signed with the J Angela M onday for the major-leaiue minimum annual salary of PJ,M>O. , Whatever Golu, 32, earns with 1 the Angela will be subtracted : from the amount owed him by the Dodgers, a apokesman for the Dodgers said. 1 Mike Port, vice president of I the Angels, announced the I signing of the veteran pitcher, who will report to the Angels on Thunday. By CURT SEEDEN . Of IMO.-,,.._. lleft LONG BEACH -It was just one year ago that Orange Coast C.Ollege had a run in with Laney C.Ollege in the st.ate community college baseball tournament here at Blair Field. And the F.agles from Oak.land promptly handed Coac h Mike Mayne's No. l seeded Pirate9 a season-ending 8-5 defeat. in the tournament semifinals. Well. the same two teams are back again for the 1982 version of the state tournament, but this time they'll square off in the first. round -Wednesday afternoon at 3, again at Blair Field. Joining them in the eight-team field are Coac h Fred Hoover's Golden Wett C.OUege Ruatlera. GWC, the Southern Cal C.Onference champion, la seeded fifth in the tourney and will square off Wedneaday evening at Blair Field against No . 4 leeded LA Valley, a perennial visitor to the a1ate toumamern which came the cloeest to a state ch ampionship two years ago when OCC beat the Monarchs in the championship game. Wednesday's action begins at 11 a.m. at Cerritos C.Ollege when No. 3 seed Canyona (27-8) faces No. 6 seed Merced (28-11). At 3 p.m. at Cerritos, it will be No. 7 seed Citrus (25-14) -which nipped Saddleback C.Ollege in the ....... .,. Miasion C.Onference Shaughneuy playoffs to advance -against No. 2 seed e d Sacramento City C.Ollege (30-6). Despite its No . 8 seeding, Laney, second place fl.nisher in the Golden Gate C.Onference, has the ability to knock off anybody Mavne warns. "1J~hey're not a power-hitting team, but they hit the ball well and they have excellent team speed. We'll have to play a eolid game to ~t them. We can't afford to give anything," Mayne says. The Pirate9 (32-7) advanced to the state tournament by winrung the South Coast Confe rence championahip and then knocking off Cerritos in their third Shaughnessy Playoff game. Laney advanced the hard way -finishing second in its confe rence and then winning four s traight Shaughnessy games, including two o ver conference champion San Joee City C.Ollege. Outfielder R eggie Mosley, labeled a one-man wrecking crew , leadJI Laney with a .434 batting average, 11 double., 43 RBI and 26 stolen bue9. OCC is expected to go with either Ken Santoro (3-0, 2.76 ERA) or Rich Sorenaon (l-1, 5.34 ERA), in the first game. Mayne says he'll save ace Jack Reinholtz for the second game in .the double-elimination tourney. The Pirates boast 1l .312 team batting average and a lineup which includes .300 hitters at every position except first base where Scott Darling is hit.ting .293. 1 THE ANGEU alao anno~ M onday that right-handed reliever Don Aase was suffering 'from a slight strain in hia right elbow and he should be ready to r pitch when the club returns from a road trip ThUl"9day. A 20-game winner with ~Minnesota in 1977, Goltz never LA can't find deliverance had a losing season in the American League, where he had a 96-79 record. Relievers rocked again Following the 1978 sea.on he jbecame a free agent and signed a multi-million dollar contract with Los Angeles, estimated at $3.1 million for six years. He was only 9-19 in the National League, including 0-1 with a 4.91 earned-run ave rage this year before being released. "PETER O'MALLEY (Dodgers' owner) recommended we sign Goltz," said Buzzle Bavasi, Angels' executive vice president. "Al Campanis (Dodgers' vice president) told me the same thing. He felt Goltz would fare better in the I.American League where there are fewer artificial surfaces." Port added. "It doesn't seem ( equitable to sign a player of Goltz' stature to a minimum figure, but really that's the 3tandard induatry policy that we're just following in this particular instance. "We feel a player ahould be paid what he's worth. However, ln the past we've been burned twice. We're still paying Jim Barr under the terms of our contract, while San Franciaco is paying him the minimum salary. Two years ago we released Ken Brett and the Dodgers signed him for the minimum." Goltz will be reunited with hia fonner Manager. Gene Mauch, 1w ho was the ma nag er a t 1 Minne9ota. . The pitcher· said: "My main reason for signing with the Angels was Mauch. I feel he ws me and vice versa. He's going to know whether I can still pitch. There i5 no question in either of our minds. "It should be an easy step for me to take, coming back into the American League. It's not like jumping into a new league. I know a lot of the hitters." Johnstone cut NET RESULT-UC Irvine's Maria Myers and Jim Snyder recently participated in the NCAA Division I singles championships. Myers and Snyder are only the seventh and eighth players in the UC Irvine's 17-year history t.o qualify for the event. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Chuck Tanner, the manager of the Pittaburgh Pirates, sounded a little like t h e man in the aftershave commercial who slaps his face and says, "Thanks, I needed that." After th e P i rates' Don Robinson had hurled the club's f irst complete game of the season, a 9-3 victory over Los Ange les o n M onday night, Tanner remarked, "We really needed that one. Yeah, that was something we really needed, and Robbie threw hard all night." Robinson, who e ffect ively acattered 10 Los Angeles hits to recrd hia fifth win without a loss, said, '"n\at's the best I've thrown all yeM." Dodger Manager Tom Lasord.a might have said the same thing about hia 81arter, Dave Stewart. but not about his bullpen. With the score tied, 2-2, after six innings, the Pirates erupted againat the Dodgers' relievers, parading 11 batters to the plate. Eight r eache d base and six acored. Tom Niedenfuer, 1-2. who got the loss, entered the ame with a 0.82 earned run average but by the time he left, seven batters later, it was 4.63. . Lee Lacy, the former Dodger, broke the tie with a two-out. two-run double. "I've gotten the opportunity to play the last two weeks with so many guys disabled." he said. "Luckily. I've come up with some big hits. But we do miss Dave Parker." Jason Thompson slugged his 12th homer, in the ninth inning off of Ted Power. the fifth Los Angeles pitcher. Prior to the game Los Angeles announced that. veteran pitcher Burt Hooton was being placed on the 21 -day disabled list. retroactive to last Tuesday. and the I>ocfRers had purchased the c ontrac t of 39-yea r -old nght-hander Vicente Romo from Coat~coalcos of the Mexicall League, where he was 7-0 with five shutouts .• Pltchmg the second game of the series tonight will be former Dodger Rick Rhoden, 2-4, for Pittsburgh and Fernando Valenzuela, 5-4. for Los Angeles. Winfield to sue NY owner NEW YORK (AP) -New York Yankees outfielder Dave Winfield is suing club owner George Steinbrenner, charging that he failed to donate nearly half the amount of prescribed money to Wmfield's charitable foundation. Winfield's lawyer, Lawrence S . Blumberg, said he planned to file suit. today ch arging that Steinbrenner contributed only $1 55,000 t o the David M . W in f ie ld Foundation . H e contends that Steinbrenner was supposed to donate $300,000 a yea r under t e rms of a n agr eem e nt r e ach e d when Winfie ld signed a $21-million contract with the Yankees. "He hasn't fulfilled some of hia basic obligations to us," Winfield Satd Monday night. "This has nothing to do with Winfield playing on the field, but it's setting us back, especially with kids in the health<are area." Steinbrenne r could not. be reached for comment., but &:twin T. Brodenck, general counsel for the Yankees, confirmed that he has been discussing the issue with Winfield 's lawyers. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers have asked waivers on outfielder Jay Johnstone for the purpose of giving him his unconditional releaae and recalled outfielder Ron Roenicke from Albuquerque of Uie Pacific Coast League. the NaUonal League club announced Monday night. Stepping up to the big time Top honors .to Dvorak, NCAA championships: an experience for UCI's Myers, Snyder Laguna Beach By JOHN SEV ANO Both UCI participants survived first Snyder, who is self described as a "grit ln>nically, the move, effective Tue9day, was announced after the 35Jear-old Johnstone ollecte his firr.t hit of the tealOll, a run-IC'Oring double, in Loa Angeles' 9 -3 lou to Piu.burgh Monday night. ' Johnstone wu l-for-13 thia year after batting .289 as a pinch-bitter laat year and delivering a key home nan tn the fourth pme of the 1981 World 8eriea. M'ttw o.-, "°'Slaff round contest s before hit.ting their and gnn· d player " can do almost anything Prior to this season. only six players in ' d the 17_year history of UC Irvine had ever respective walls in the second. on the court. In fashioning a 33-12 recor "I'm going in there to play the ball and this year, he won the PCAA singles title qualified for the NCAA Division 1 singles not the person on the other side of the net," and was named the conference's Most championships. ted M "F l time l Val bl Pia In 1982 alone, the Anteaters matched oommen yers. or a ong w was ua e yer. one-third of. that total. more into playing the person than the ball. THE 5-4, 110-POUND Myers, who ended Jim Snyder and Maria Myers may no\ "It's totally a mental game. The big her campaign at 26-11, was able to play have achieved what they .et out to do last IOme of the top players, unlike Snyder, week -which was win their respective What I have to do is learn eerly ln the 8e8IO'h but lacked t.he intestinal singles title._ but what they learned from fortitude neoemary to beet her foes. their ----rience may be of fu greater to play one match at a time. I "What I have to do la learn to play one -~-match at • time," aid Myen. "I have to importance in the future. have to take it as little steps take it• little steps toward a big goat toward a bia uoal. "I want to be No. 1 ln the nation. That's WHAT THE TWO of them hopefully e e -M.na M)w9 the ultimate pl for me. But what rm ..t JU walked away with was a better 80lnl to b.ve to do to ,et that la a lot of ai~GELS, SOX underltandina of t.hemllelves, their game work. If I can team just to get out of the ' ~.lthe. quality of competition at the top rwne9, the people who were ooc:ky, U8ed to wayerand .• , let It MPJM111 it will be 80 much 1J' ASHED AW ... Y 1e~'5'. affect me. But not anymore." eaah Both playen, just before leaving lut Part of t.he duo'a difficulty tn ptepari.na Myers ficuns abe!s on • par with the P,.. AP ...... tdlet week, expre1ud almilar v1ewa -ancf fean for such an event, Snyder pointed out, wu other players physically, lt'• the mental B08'n>N -'nVJ An&U" pme -u to what it would take to play agatn.at the PCAA'a inability to provide quality edge th.t aem them •put . . . and abe teela ;!!"~ ~i;-s ~UM w:f ~IT;Ven't been able to play thw guya oppm.ition. she'• clme to attainlne that level, too. nlD and the pme will not be and when t°" don't play the beat lt's hard SNYDER, RANKED No. 40 In the ''I REALIZE NOTHING eeparata me 1•teecltiAW until a lat« Wilt by to improve, aafd, Snyder, tdd1na that tbe collept.e ranks, Mid It'• dlfticult to ~ now fl'Oft) the other' p1ayen except fot the thl ~ P.c-10 la ~y rePrded • bOMUna the to a hiaher Nndard of plal .when you've mental to&•....,..," Mid the 19·yMr4d lniDi KilGD. 3-0 for &he -.i belt talenL ·~. lf you Pla)' weiabr parddpeted at a ~er Net for much of the junlot. 11Jl'al' me, IUOl:lm II a journey, not II .._,.,*' to to up .,.u.& ~your pm. 11 IO&na to dl'Op off!' lleUOO. the deldnldon." wi.;bander Bnace HW'lt (1-0) lt WM a l>lc-10 player -"Ab6~t mid-~ I WM up around 30,"' Snydet'1 pl W11 to wtn $he nadcnaJI, ......_ UCLA'• ! l'teeman. the tow'nament'a he Mid, ublct that'• when we ~ pi.)'lnl but he Wiii allo ~ ~ to lhrua ·: .. fte ~ 28-16 ~out No. 2 ..t -that bumped Snyder frun ncn-confennce rnatlobee and the oppoll~ off anY1hllw ._ 1han thllt. ol .. AIDlrbn I up Welt • 1:anpeddon wtth a M, 8-·1, &-1 victory. WM ltlffer. •-n,e naaonu 11 a .,.S tow'namlnt, but llld bJ~a:belf ~ by virtue o1 · ''When the oordel•a ltarted l had no you c..n reNly Ill ~ there," ttie ..__ • "1+LW' (27·11) MYm. TOO, w beNW hlf lltbldl when to IP bUt dOWn, ~~the explUMd U. juNGr. ~ w. bow mAn1 ...... S....Qtr, a.1, ~. bj •~to oppc_imnt • 8cantord'• 12-. comnMltian 11: Foci. In order co rQOYe up people rem•1Dber who mad• th• JJw11n woo 1-2, M . ,,. ~iW:-aot to p.y q,.10p p&aym. '' quar1erflnill 1Mt ,_.,... ' • - Rudy Dvorak leads a quartet of Laguna Beach High volleyball stars earning All-CIF honors with Pl.ayer of the YeM laurels· after leading the Artists to their se c o nd straight CIF championship. Dvorak, • letter I is pined Oft the firal team by middle blocker and hitter Neil Riddell. while second and third team honon go to junior Leif Haneon and senior Chris Larson, respectively. Allo eam1n8 tint team honon fnm Uie Orange Cout area arc Marina Hiah'a Andy Klumnann and c.o.ta Meu'• Mark Amold. Paul Coenen of Costa. Mat WU 8J'Ulted a lleCOlld team berth, ~008 wit.h ~ Hiib"• DcRit Pinckney' • JUnlor. 'lb1rd tMrn bonare weft\ '° Fountain Van.ta John Kmty. Dvorak becom• the teeond ~t Llpna Be.:h --.., Mm -p)ayw of the Year bcmra: Cd.M game moved BJ:LLJU>WER -Q;iooM CW Mar :lfh'I CD' l-~Nk· 'llll~~wtth .. bllli IWtid.ed '° Olln.itMn Pin. ~-It.. d1 'dldb BOUfteld In ...... a ·1 I • Is Tony Conigliaro making a miracle? From AP dlapatclaea BOSTON -former baaeball Ill etuarer Tony Coniallaro, ln a coma for more than four montha, hu talked to family memben, and docton were ''caudoualy optim.latk" about tiia recovery, h.la brother 11ld Monday night. "It's amulng. 1t really ii. We've been giving him vitamins," said Richie Conlallaro, the brother. "I uid to one of hia docton today, 'Well, I think it mutt be the vitamina.' He said, 'lt'a not the vitamins. It's a miracle · becawie I can't exnlain how he'• dolnf thia' .'' Dr . Maximilian Kaulbach , ConigJiaro's phyaician, waa not immediately available for comment. Conigliaro, 37, was 001111uoMO admitted to Massachusetts General after suffering a heart attack Jan. 9. His heart had stopped for "perhaps three to five minutes" before he got to the hoepital, where the heartbeat was restored, DeSanctis said. · A lack of oxygen to the brain can cause braind~e. Quote of the day Art Modell, owner of the Cleveland Browns, on his team's acheduled game with the Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders next season: "Maybe we'll send the defense to Los Angeles and the offenae to Oakland." Favorites roll at French Open PARIS -The French Open ~­ Tenn.is Tournament got under way Monday with few surprises and no upsets. Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia and Argentina's Guillermo Vilas and Joee Luis Clerk, the second, Uurd and fourth seeds, respectively, posted straight-set victories to move into the second round of the two-week clay court tournament at Paris' Roland GaJTOI Stadium. The 22-year-old Lendl, who ia attempting to win the first Grand Slam event of his career, raced to a 6-0, 6-4, 6-1 first-round victory over Fernando Maynetto of Peru. Ho~ record• ninth atralght win Laaaarr H•J'· \he maJor 1....-·1 Ill WinnJ.nlMt plu:Mr. no Md h1I ninth t.rataht lttum • t.h4t Wh1t.e ;ox d•f11:r!'Kinat ~onday nl1kt. 3· l. to take 1011 po1H11ton of the American lMIU• Wett ie.ct. Hoyt extended h1I two-IC'UC>n •trina to 14 vic\ori• without defeat and now hu • ca.nier mark of 10·0 at ComJaltey Park. Hoyt, a 27-year-old "&ht-hander with 1 27-6 caner record, 1Ca\1.ered -a~ eljht hita. walked one and atiuck out etaht. Ht hu a lMIU•·lMd.lna 1.45 ERA . . . Altan Tltonloa'1 thrw-run homer 1n the flnt lnn1na and Le11y Barker'• four-hit pltchlna 1parked Cleveland to o 9-2 vlctory over Minneeota . . . Gary ROeDJokt had thrw hlta, lncluding a home run, and drove In two runs, ht-lping Baltimore top Toronto, 7-~ ... Mlnneeota outfielder Jim Etaenrelcb worked out with the team Monday, the fint lince entertns the hoepital for a nervous dilorder May 9 . . . Outfielder Larry Henadon of Detroit railed h.la batting average 39 pofnta to .329 lut week and wu named the league'• Player of the Week. Herndon had 13 hita 1n 26 at-bata, including a double, two triples and three home runa. Hooton sldellned for 21 days Burt Hooton was placed on the II Dodgers' 21-day disabled list Monday and veteran right-hander Vicente Romo was obtained from the Mexican League u a replacement for Hooton, who I.a undergoing treatment for a bone spur in his right knee. Hooton is 1-2 with a 4.94 ERA ... Ebewhere in the National League Monday, Bo Dlai homered MOOTON and drove in three runs to help Steve Carlton beat Cincinnati for the first time in $re than two years, 9-1 . . . Blll Gallickton and Woody Fryman combined on an eight-hitter aa Montreal stopped Houston, 2-0 . . . Ellis V alenttne drove in his first runs of the seuon with a two-run homer as the New York Mets recorded a 5-3 victory over Atlanta . . . Rappert Jones went 3 -for-3 with 3 RBI and San Diego took advantage of three Chicago Cubs errors to record an 8-2 win . . . JoaqalD Aadajar pitched his second shutout of the aeaaon with a six-hitter, and Wlllle McGee led the St. Louis attack with a single and triple as San Franciaco went down. 6-0 . . . Pitcher Randy Jones of the New York Mets, in boosting his won-W.t,record to 6-2 ~week, was named the leagues Player of the Week: Jones had a 2-0 record, including his 19th career shutout, a four-hitter against the Astroe ... BW Buckner of the Chicago Cubs and Manager Lff EUa got into a fight Monday night after the sixth inning of a game won by the San Otego Padres, 8-2. "I had some words with Mr. Buckner and I didn't like the way he responded," Elia said of the shoving·match. Baseball today On U'\JI das. 1n blileblll in 1981: ff.lahly touted New YOC'k Olanta' rook.le WWle Mayt w nt 0.fOI'·& in hi.I major 1 .. 1u1 debut H the Olante beat the Philadelphia PhlW• &-6 at ShJbe Park. On thll dlw in 1937: Detroit catcher-mana1er Mickey Cochrane waa beaned by New York Yankeee' pitcher Bu.mp Hadley, an injury that would end hla Hall of Fame playLna ~r. On th1I date ln 193~: Babe Ruth ol U. Boston Braves belted three homers, lncludina the 174th -and lut -homer of h.1.9 career. a towertna drive off Guy Buah that landed on thca <liatant naht field roof at Forbes Field. Ruth'• three homers weren't enou.ah to keep the Brave• from 101lng to the Pittsburgh Pirate., 11-7. Todaf• birthdays: San Diego pitcher John Montefueco is 32 Howston pitcher Bob Knepper it 28. Knight to coach U.S. Olympians? Bobby ltnt111t of Indiana • Univenity has been recommended to coach the 1984 U.S. buketball team in the Los Angelea Olympics. The recommendation was made by the men's games committee of the Amateur B asketball Aaeoclation-USA, and ia expected to be approved, according to oommitte chalnnan Brice Durbin ... Undefeated Gerry Cooney sparred six rounds during two workout aessions Monday for his June 11 World Boxing Council heavyweight title bout with champion Larry Holmea in Laa Vegas . . . An athletic board subcommittee endorsed an investigative report clearing the Florida State basketball program of most charges leveled by a former KllllCllfT player but called for further investigation of a cheerleader's visit to a potential recrult . . . Doctors say they will not operate on Baltimore Colta linebacker Mike Woods, who was fe lled last wee k by a bullet that left him E>aralyzed from the neck down ... Metro Conference athletic d,irecton rejected a coaches' proposal for a 30-aecond shot clock and a 19-foot three-point play ... The Denver Nuggeta have withdrawn their contract offer to veteran center Dao l11el which reportedly was in the $500,000 range, thus ending their efforts to sign him before the National Basketball As!gciation's free-agent market begins. "It wu a gOod offer, but it's been rejected and withdrawn.'' lssel said. "There's the chance I might wind up with less." Television. radio TV: No eventa dleduled. RADIO: Baaeball -Anaela at Boston, 4:30 p.m .. KMPC (710); Pittaburgn at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (79b). Lakers bored, want to play again From AP dJ1patcbes The Los Angeles La.ken, who have spent more time waiting than playing during the National Basketball Aseociation playoffs, are glad they will face the Philadelphia 76ers in the ~pionship series. The Lakers don't necessarily believe the 76ers are an easier opponent than the Boston c.eltics would have been. It's just that Loe Angeles has been prepariJll longer for Philadelphia. "I really didn't care who we played.'' said Lak.ers C.oach Pat Riley. "But we had been gearing up to play Philadelphia ever since they took a 3-1 series lead. We knew it was a real possibility that we•d be playing the Sixen Sunday in th~ first Jame. ao all our prepe.raUona were ln that d.irection. I'm just relieved that their aeries is over." If the 76ers could have beaten Boston in the fifth or sixth game of their Eastern Conference final series last week, the championship aeries would have started last Sunday. But on that day, Philadelphia, which collapeed against Boston a year ago aft.er taking a ;j-1 lead, had to play a eeventh game, which it won, 120-106 at Boston for ita fourth and clinching victory. Now, the opener of the final aeries will be Thursday, 12 days since the Lakers finished a Indy requires one more test New coupling valve may prevent fire in the pits INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Four-lap time trials were not the final qualification' runs for the 33 cars that will start Sunday's Indianapolis 500. The crew membent of each entry still must~ one more test before the can are allowed to race. The objective is not speed, but prevention of fire in the pits, the dreaded result of an errant drop of racing fuel ignited by the intense heat from the cars' engines. It's a new test mandated this year by the U.S . Auto Club, to make sure each crew is familiar with the operation of a new coupling valve between the fuel tanks and the cars. It's a,15-minute procedure that could save lives. "WE WANTED a positive locking connection that could be broken away from the car, with a 8eClOl\darv safety valve behind it to limit fuel spillage and fire that could re.ult," aays Dave Ayres. president of the California-hued Induction Systems, Inc., and the designer of the new valve. ''The way race can are today. any fuel spillage results in fire, period.'' Except for a brief practice lelSion Thunday, the lndianapoU. Motor Speedway track will be cl~ until race day. USAC, however, will be tarting the crews on the new fueling operation throughout the week. 'the development of the valve, which aea1a automatically if there's any trouble in the smooth delivery of fuel to the race car or in the coupling and uncoupling of the fuel hoee, was prompted by a eeriou8 plt fire lut year dw1.nc a refueling atop by Rick Mean. NCAA pairings set MISSION. Kan. (AP) .-The National ColleJlate Athletic A"ociation on Monday com~ a 36-t.eam field for the 1982 Dlviaion I bM ~ champklolhlpa by R1ect1nc nine at..larJ9 '-ma foe ~t repmala. A totaf of 24 conference champlona bad received au&omatlc berth. in the poet-aeatOQ t.ou:rmment,' bu1 an eddltlonal at-Jarae team wM 9llecMld atw ti. Southland Ccinference dedand t..miM' ~ble foe Ulill& Ul inellalble playet'. At·laf1• teama 11lected Monday included nartda Stat.. ~ Ohio State, Ok1a.boma. Old D ••• ~ S., bee:> State, Stanford mdlMllCllL ' MMnwhU., Arisona s~ ... Fresno State, Oh' 'W* Scew, Tew and WICll1111 8ta1e wen ....... tor~ OColllPl'ftkiri ~,:?'-tD•t.-&.c; \tW'lttZ~~ lm~llmOwiit.._JW;.; Mears. the 1979 winner and the pole-position starter in Sunday's race, suffered serious facial bums when fuel splashed onto his car's engine. He • and two of his crew members who also were sprayed by the burning fuel were hospitalized after the incident. ·There were several other incidents involving fire during the Indy race and at other Indy-car events last year, although none resulted ln an injury as serious as the one to Mears, who has had to undergo two rounds of plastic surgery and says he eventually will have more work done on his disfigured noee. "Obviously, the thinking about a new fuel I valve started right after the 1981 Indy race," Ayres said Monday . "Why were we having fire? Determining various cauaes takes considerable time. "I TOOK THE ST ATE of the art that we have achieved and looked at the areas we had problems in,'' ne eontinued. "I tried to run a situation where we anal}'7A!d the complete system. from the tuel tank to the car and back again." o. ............. -.... -.... ....-.. -..,.,._. ...... '-~ .......... __ ___ .. ._._ °"- ·---tl•M• four-game sweep m San Antonio in the Western Conference finala. "I can't afford to. worry about a layoff," Riley said. "We just have to keep working. We have veteran ballplayers and a layoff won't affect them as much as it would affect a younger team. 1'The players are bored and just want to play. h 's been ao lo~ since we played I just hope we remember how.' The La.leers, who beat Philadelphia in six games in the 1980 championship series, have ahowed in thla year'~of& why they had the best regular-ae&IOn (~24) in the Western C.Onference. The NBA record for consecutive playoff with four-game sweeps each time, to become the first time in NBA history to capture two straight best-of-seven series without a loss. The NBA record fr consecutive playoff victories is nine, 11et by the Minneapolis Lak~rs. who won the last game of the 1949 playffs and the first ei~ht of the1950 poet-season. Painful ring? PITI'SBURGH (AP) -Will all those Super Bowl victories be too taxing for the Pittsburgh Steelers? Steelen officials and players say the Internal Revenue Service recently notified players that thoee members of the 1979 and 1980 championship teams must pay federal taxes on the value of their Super Bowl rings. . The rings, made of gold and diamonds, are worth several thouaand dollars each. IRS officials refused comment on the matter, but a spokeswoman in Pittsburgh said, "We consider the value of all goods and services received, not just wages oc salaries, to be income." "I certainly didn't know I had to declare it as income.'' one former player, who asked not to be identified, told The Pittsburgh Poat-Gazette Monday. Zorn has sights .set Olympics her goal By CURT SEEDEN Ofrhth'tr,... ..... For penion with l'yeaight dlqnoeed at 20/~, 17-year old Tri.cha Zom oC Mission Viejo hu her al"h" &et on some clearly focUled goal.a. A swimmer for the MINlon Viejo Nadadores ai.N:e the age of rune. Trlacha ha.a a busy year ahMd of her, with the Long C.oUJ11e Senior Nationala 1n lndianapoU. and the World Games trials 1n Mimloft Viejo THERE'S ALSO her freshman year at Washington Sw.tc University, romplimenta of a swim scholarship And by the time ahe'• 19, there'• a shol at the 1984 Olympics. That's not a bad itinerary for the future of a girl who is considered legally blli)d. "I don'l l'Onsider this a handkap. My mom hasn't trea~ me as a handicapped pel"90n," ahe was saying Friday, momenta before partic1paung m the South Coast League swim finals at Saddleback College Besides swunmmg for the Nadadores, Trischa swims for Mission Viejo High -as many Nadadores do Her specialty IS the backstroke She looks like an ordinary sw1mml'r but hardly swims m an ordinary fashion TRISCHA WAS BORN without irisis in her eyes, a condition known as amridia. Her eyes are always dila~. and the sensation IS one of intense brightness. Her swimming L'i unaffected. Last year as a junior. she finished third tn the l~ backstroke at the CIF Championships. She was sucth in the 100 butte rfly at the same competition. This past campaign she went 1 :00 04 an the 100 back, flrushmg second in the champ1onsh1p finals to help h er Mission VieJO teammates to the team championship. lt's obvious Tnscha has fit right in with winners, whether lhcy be on her high school swim team or on Mark Schubert's acclaimed Nadadores. HER SWIM career began when she was six . Her older sister Lisa brought home a newspaper clippin.g noting that the Tu.sun-bw1ed Southern Cal Swim Club was interested in new members. It was while she was competing for SoCaJ that Trischa saw and mel the younger age group Nadadores swimme rs She soon joined the Nadadores. She had her share of problems when she first started swinuning, especially the backstroke. "When I was httle, I'd rruscount the strokes and run into the wall," she recalls. "lt's kind of a SCtence. It took me several l.Jmes to get 1t nght, but I finally got ~t •· TRISCHA WILL be 19 when she attempts to qualify for the 1984 Olympics. There was a time, when that age signaled the over-the-hill era for many Olympic hopefuls. "A couple of years ago. they said that once you become 19 or 20, you're gomg to be burned out.'~ she says. "But now, it seems the college level girls do better than the younger girls. Trischa is swimming at 5 a.m. every morning. and by the time the day is over, she's put in 5 Yi hours of swimming Her goal is to major tn physical education at Washington S tate. She'd ltke to specialize in physical education for the blmd. SHE'S PARTICIPATED tn the swim nationals for the past three years and doesn't figure on nus.Wlg this year's nationals at Austin. Tex Trischa lives a normal ufe She attends Mission Viejo High, r~ads books with enlarged printing and uses a special magnifying glass t.o see things on the blackboard. When she goes to Washington State as a (reshman, she'll live in a dorm and share her room with anothe r swimmer. Connie Michelson of Seattle. "It's an athletic dorm and l'U be with a lot of mcoming swfmmers. And, all my classes will be pretty close together It's not a huge campus at Pullman. so it w1U be a lot easier to get around," she adds. Skeet shoot slated· Hoag Memonal Hospital's 552 Club will host the hrst annual lnVItational St.a~ Shoot Wednesdav. June 9, with proceeds benefiting Hoag Hospital. The skeet s hoot tournament will be held at the Coto de Caza Hunt Lodge in Trabuoo Canyon. Using the standard trap and skeet 1hooting range, the shoot ww oner vanous games which have been crea~ t.o provide target practice for wing shootmg. Offered at the shoot will be: duck tower, crazy quail, mini-scrap, and continental. A raffle will be held and more than $4,000 in prizes and awards will be given to event winners and door-pnze winners. Boards8i1ing soars amid controversy { Wind1urfing battle• patent right• B ALM~~EY can compei. with any brand of ....., ..Uboard the own, u op~ la probably th• t h • o n • • i • • t 1 n t y p • o't f..-t arowtna water sport jn competltlon, where only th• the world, but lt l1 atlll frau,ht 11W1ufacturert board can be uMd wtth controversy. . in a reptta. , Boardlalllna ,ot lta atart in Southern California wjth the a dve nt of the WJ ndaurfer, a surfboard wlth mast and Nll, but it hQ grown futer in Europe where there are more than th.ree million participants. I But It ta on the rt& in this countr aa mo r e than 30 sailboard brands have entered 1 the U.S. market in le. than a 1 year. • The controversy involves court battl es in which Hoyle Schweitzer and hi.a Windsurfing International claim patent rights, 1 and has even slipped ovM into 1 the Olympics where there la a • flap going on over the aallboard 1 selected by the International 1 Yacht Racing Union. It has met lwith opposition by both board.sailors and the Windsurfer who say that their patent rights 1 prevent the German built Windglider from being imported 1 to this country. 1 Comes now a new organization \known aa Boardaaillng USA whose aim la to promote , open-class sailing in which sailors I ... ~ . . " .. MAJOR LUQ&Je 8T ANCMNQ8 Amerk:an l.Na• WHTIJIN DMlfON W L ...._ Q9 laat year the board1allln1 butlne11 wu loaded wltl\ controverty. Patent battl.81 were ' belna w-ae<t by eome ..Uboard companlet while othen became patent llcenaeee, accordtn1 to Boardaallln1 USA executive dJJ'ector 0 . Michael Fair who believee the patent diaputel hu forestalled the Loa An1ele1 Olympic OroNsina C.ornmittee'a final approval of the 1port'1 lqclualon ln the Olympic Yachting pmes. Boardaailing USA wu created this year by five major eailboard oompanie9--«lme with a patent license and 90me without-that recognized the need for an impartial, no~-profit to help put boardaaillng in ita proper penpective, according to Fair. Founding sponsor memben of BUSA are Bic Leisure Product.a, Inc.; Freesail by O 'Brien International (a Coleman company) and Magnum Downwind, manufacturer of Sailrlder. • HR••eo • 1033311 • 32133 .. 4 5 5 1 I 0 111 10 1i. 1 0 0 0 I ~ 21 13 .871 -........-28 11 .881 .,. -KMI-City 22 II .580 I OM.Wld 20 23 . ...a "' s.tt1e 18 H 4U 10 T-11 H .*II 14 ~ 12 S3 197 1-nt lloeton OettoK M ........ H9w YortL 8111tim0<• ~ Toronto u.,..,..~ H IS M 14 20 II 20 11 19 21 17 23 17 24 .. .641 2 .Ill 1 513 1 471 h 425 IO'A 415 ,, ......,. ...... ....,.. Ill Bo91on. ppd .. ,_ Chicago 3, Kar.-City 1 a...ieno1.~2 Beltlm«• 7. TCltOftto 5 Tod9r'•O-.. ...... (Kle«t 3-4) II eo.ton (Hurwl 1~1. n ToronloCGotl 0-1191 N9w YOtl& (JoM M). n 8111\lmOt• (1'91rnw 1·21 81 Tuu (Medklll 2-.1). n K • ., ... City (CrHI 0·0) •I Clllc•oo 10o1aon 2-3). n O ... land (Keougtl 3-5) at Mllw-• (H ... 2·1). n Cleveland (Sof-3-3) •I M"'-'8 (H--.e 1·21. n 0.tloO {Wilcox 3·2) II S..ttle (BNtlle 0-41. n Nettonal LMaue ftSTUUC~ W L ...._ -l!:t 18 .811 22 18 .ll80 3 21 22 ·* ,.,. 11 24 .442 ,.,. 11 21 .432 8 18 21 380 .... aMftMI OMetOll 29 17 .806 24 18 .171 1\t 22 II .&37 I 20 11 Ill 4 17 22 .. 1 11 21 41t 8 .......,. ...... Plttlllurgll I . ~ 3 pt ............ ~, "-Y Ot1& 6. A-.m. I MonlrW i. HolMon 0 SM 01e90 8. Cl*'-90 2 St.U..8.e.i~o ,..,.. ..... Plttab11r911 (flllod•n 2-41 •I D••t•rt (V~M).n Pllll•d= (Cllrlatenao11 3-3) •I ~II 0-(l).n New Yorti (koll ,_,, II Atlanta ,....,. 1-3). II MontrMI (8Ufrll 0-7) ., Houe1on (flllflle 2·2). n ChlolloO (Janlllnl M l at Serl Ole90 (WtlC:fl 1·1). II St. Louie (L.ePolllt 2.()) Ill 8811 ,,endellO (Mtlntn 0-1)." AMeRICAN t.aAGUe ~ .. , ..... , ci.wland 3~ 010 000-1 11 0 Mtnneaoll OC)1 000 100-2 4 I '9ttl• and H..-,;: Aedt9m. Fel\on (2). FU•:C,e]., and Bulat . W-8ark.,, 5·2. l -, 2-e HR~. Menl'llnll (.21. ThomtOn (12) A-015 .• 0......1.-.... . lllUm«• 141 010 000-7 12 0 TOtonlo 020 010 110-5 I I MQGr=ltoddlnl ltl end ~ caency, (2). ca.WI (t). o. ,.,,..,_ (7), J. llnn (t) end 8 . Mll11na. W-M~~ .. or. .... 1.-CleMy, t •I . I ll~jl).HA .... ,_.~ (1~ T«onto. A.~ (11. A-12.0ll. .,...._,...,..., . ~ e11y 000 ODO 001-1 1 o ~ 000 OOI oo.-a I I end,., .~res:=.~ A-12.030 ........ c:-.1 Q*-80 000 000 200-2 1 ' a.i Olligo 0111 200 00._. • 2 Ncme, ncir-(3). ~ (5) ..,., J. Dlrfll. L-.r. 9oorw (I) end T. l(ennedy, Gwoedl (I). W-Lollar, 5.0 . l -NolH , 5-5 . A-a.as&. ~ ....... 81 LOIA 010 500 ~ 10 0 s.. FnndKo 000 000 OQ0-4 • 0 ~ end 8andlm: Ge1a. ...... C4). l •fflle (7) encl Mey. W-Aftdlljar, 4·S. L-Oele. 1-4. A.-13,290. Top 10 C---4111111~ AJmllC-: U " M I """ HWTell, ~ 38 1!13 34 81 .3et ~ Toronto 35 15 II 17 .Ill · Mc:8ride, a.wYnd ie e:t 8 31 .311 E. Mllr'l'ey. ~33 100 14 15 .350 Geclfnan. eo.ton 28 93 13 32 344 t.JplMw, Toronto 3$-131 18 47 .341 Cooper, Mlw8uk9a 38 153 24 52 .<MO Sundberg. T-~ 111 10 40 .a3lt ~.Bllmr. 29 10 18 17 .lat YMtllnllt1, BOlllon 3 I 109 18 31 .330 ......... Thornton, Cl•veland, 12; Aoenlek•. 8•111more, 10; Hrbell, MlnnH ote, 10; ~. 8eltlrnore, t; H.-Y1ll\. a...i.ncs. I ............. Thornton. a...lllncl, 40; Mc:Aee. "- City, 37; '-"Dnlkl. CNcego. 31; Rloe. ao.on. 21 . ..,...~ .. ....... ( . .,.......) 89IMr and ~ ~. l'eftOl'l (2). =.-. ~ .. 1; a.w. a-lend, 11-2: ~ t-2; Bunla. ~. 11-2: F. .......... 9-tlle. ~2: c.ucm ........ ~ -~UAeW ... "" ... ~ Ol9go '8 140 II IO Mt J.==. "'"*9'I 17 114 21 47 .111 :._..!a:. ~ n ~J I :II ...,,._..,v°"' • m n • .-...._........ 171112 1749..122 Mortlllnd,CNc:eoo 43 1a ao u ..a, Wlaon, N11W Yoftt '1 171 17 II ..alO ......... ~ 4111129 IO .a11 Lo.lmltfl. 8U.cUa 41 174 • 14 .a10 .......... IClnfl!WI, .... YA 11; Mul'Dttr. Aei.nta. 11·1 ". ""°""*"'· l"lttebur1lfl •. 111,:· ...,_. At ente, 1cJ: I . DIHe!,~!::• 111111, t: Hlndr1Ck. 9l Loull. I: ........ ........... Munll!Y. ~ M; ~ .._ Yoft. 37; Morelend, ClllHt!Oo II; I . Olea, .........,... .... II: " ""°""*"'· ""'*""'· S2. ......... , ........... , Mtoft. ~on. 1-1; ~ .. UUI, 6°1; "a. JOMt. New Y0'11, f-t: ...... , :.!•v:-_ ":a;":'-~=.,~ .... MIMl.+I. I Oranoe OoMt DAILY ,ILOT/Tuliiday, Mey II, 1tea HIGH FLYIN' -~ BeaCh Htgh'a Lila Fergaua diaplaya be~ form in the blgh jump event at Jhe CIF championships W'll'Tt~ ~ FrHno 81 144· I 1) v~. Pepperd ln• (44-lt-1) Hewell (&e-15) ve. 8lanlord ~1t-1) .. ..., . .._~. ,:\~, Atlzonl 81 (llt-14) 119, 9er'I Ole90 81. (111·8-3) Cel 8~ (41-211 "' Houaton, (41-12-21 ~ ... ,.,.. ..... , ........ ~ ....... 3 f:·"'·-<>tenoe COMt (U-1) .._ L8MY (26-2) ~ Cf11199) 1 o.m.-C w.t (IO-t),,,., LA V*lo ··~c:.e..el 11 a .m.-Cenyo111 Clf7·1) va. Mtroid (H-11) 3 p.m.-Cltrue (211-14) w. a.er-to lacM) II ··ea... <• Cedta) 1 P.11\. _ ,.,,....1-o ___ _ ... -( .... ,...,, 7 p.m.-U. flt lit .............. ol 1 f.l'll.Ctn*8..-(NOTI!· II undal••••O IHlft IO H• ~ ..... llnel 08"'8 .. be~ 81.e!dey M noon • Cerrtloal. •• •:··· ~# •• -· I ... , .. .,.......,__YC u.1n-1 '"IY. ! CLA88 A -1. "do en. ll•rll• ~ AIMllloa Bey YC; a. ~MIM Blenbtrll. W9llMe: 3. lJcillay ..... Kurt Tobler, "1Mlltoa 8lly YO • CLA89 • -1. SllH•lll Ill, Cllwoll a.boocll, ~ 8lly YC; 2. lulteroup. .I«* W. A11m110e ~C; I. lMry 9tlllt (bOat --""'*"'°" ~~ -1. Hlall Anldetr.• M8tlfleff, Alemlloa lay YC; 2. Oepteln F~, ,_ ~. ~ Bey YC; a. Udo Ledy, Herry Wood, A1M11tOe 8lly YC: u.t. .... vc .wNatMUTTA LIDO· 14A -1. Jim Ktrflgen. 8ellle Connttllefl YC. l.IDC>148 -1. Doll......,., Udo .. YC; 2. Pine lmltll, lelboe YO. ~-1.w.o.~ . ....,,. IWtlerYC. 8AIOT A -1. C~e llMtl:IAlf. ...,.._.HerborYC. M80T I -1. Mertt Ft-, Udo ... VO: a. .Wt Mew-. .... CortrMNlll YO; IAIOf 0 -'· ...,, ..,.., Udo .... YO: I. !Ito a.y, Udo lltt YC; I. Cert Orodmdl, Udo .... YC: 4. Jfw ,....._UM lltt YO; .. .--........ Ullo .. YO. .,.., ........... ~ CMrtle ~ Saturday. Fegraus finlahed aecond in the women's 2-A division with a jump of 5-4. -(_ > . r--.,,.-.1 ,... •• .,. .. LeMn ,....., ....... ,.., •• MlptJe .. LllMn .......... LllMn ..... 2 IJHe.llwy T_.,,..,., ,,, ...... Ull9n. If _., ,....., .... . ......... ,.. .......... "_., Sea Kings take third in CIF golf CAMARILLO SPRINGS Solid depth provided big dividends for Corona del Mar High'• golf team Monday aa the Sea Kingl finished third at the CIF team c hampionahlfa at Camarillo Springs Ool and Country Club, qualifying the Sea K1naa to compete in the state finaia June 7. Redlands High captured the C IF Southern Section championship with a total of 378 strokes, one better than Loyola. Corona del Mar was third at 384 and Arcadia waa fourth. The top four qualify for the state finala.. C«ona del Mar, which waa eea>nd to Univenity High in Sea View League play, went after the par 71 ooune in methodical fashion. Ted Norby led the way with a 74, followed by Roecoe Schmene (75), Jeff Wright (76), Jim Li&}lt (77) and Cary Spadoni (82). "We played very well.'' said CdM c.o.ch Jack Errion. '"Thoee are very good 1COreS on a 69.2 rated courte. •• Wright, Norby and Spadoni, qualified to compete in the individual CIF finals at El Prado in Chino. The top 22 from that oompetltlon qualify for the state finals at gi t.:abailero m Tanana, which al8o incl~es team play, which Corona del Mar quafified for on Monday. Region 144 sign-ups set American Youth Soccer Orpniz.atioo (AYSO) Regjor1 144 will hold sign-ups foe the 1982-83 IJeUOll June 5 and June 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Univeraity Park Community Park (behind the llbn.ry). Thia region includes all Irvine younpt.en (bo)'I and girls) 5-15 years of age, who live IOUth of Barranca. Every effort la made to place kids on nei1hborhood teams. but it la not l\W'Ulteed. Pee Wee tNml (thoee klda born in 1976 or '77) are c:o-«1. The $30 re1l1tration fee lncludee 1hirt, ahorta, socks, photos and trophies. A birth certificate la requlred for thoee new to the refdon. A YSO'a pfillOBOphy la that evel'yme play.. ID ln Cider to do that pare11tl mmt volunteer to be coachee, a11l1tant coacbee, referees and 1uppor\lve penonneL Tnlnlna 111 r' cm ere liven yearly to li•1tlf:velop cmchlna and ret... !'Gt' fUrtber lnformadan, pbol» 752--2870. Berryhill honored I I .. ,., ... ..,._... LINER -New York Yankee third baseman Graig Nettles can only watch helplessly as bunt by Minnesota's Ron Washington stays on the line for a base hit Sunday. Yankees won game anyway, 4-2. DIATH NOTICIS NEWLAND by his wife lrleen, sons Gary WILLIAM T NEWLAND and Ronald, sisters Velma ll1 , a res1den l of Huntington Scheve, Vivian Dales and Beach. Ca Passed away on Be tty S he leny, broth ers M ay 23. 1982 at Hoag M aurice a nd J i m , Memorial Hospllal Mr grandchildren John Eric, N e w la n d was a lhi rd Corey, Kerry, Erica a nd g e n e r a t Ion o f one o f Jonathan. G raveside services H U)l t 1 n g ton B e a ch' s will be held on Wednellday, founding familtt'S He was May 26. 1982 at Harbor employed for 26 yean by Lawn Memorial at l l:OOAM Southern Cali!onua F.duron w I t h P a s t o r D i r k Company. Mr. Newland was Van-Proyen, the Coast Bible born m Huntington Beach, Church officiating Services Ca. on August 15, 1917 u n der th e dir ect ion o f Beloved husband of Vtrguua Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Tharp Newland. beloved Mortuar y of Costa Mesa. fat h er o f W ti I i a m T 540-5554. Newland IV of Park City, Utah, also survlvtng ls cfne s is ter Dottie Joll1rte of H u n tington Beal·h, Ca Graveside serv1c."et will be conduted on Wednesday; May 26. 1982 at 2:00PM at Fairhaven Memorial Park Pierce Brothers S miths' M ortuary direc t o rs 536-6539 ANDREWS RUTH A. ANDREWS, a n!Sldent of Coeta Mesa. c.a. for the past 25 years, aft.er bemg a long time resident of Glendale, puled away on May 22, 1982 . S h e la survived by he r children Marion Andre ws, Teague Andrews, Judy Wolfe and Charolette McEwen. Private FALK servtces will be held wilh LY D IA V FAL K , a final 1n urnment a t the resident of Cost.ill Mesa. Ca family plot in Glendale, c.a. for 23yean Passf'dawayon The family s uggests May 23, 1982 She was a don.auons m memory of Mrs. m embt>r o f the Lad1u Andrews rruay be made to Auxiliary Post # 1249, World the Childrens Orthopedic War I Veterans She ts Hospital. Los Angeles. Ca. 5Urvtved by her husband of S e r v I c e s u n d e r t h e 59 years, TPddy L Falk, direction or Baltz Bergeron daughwrs Eleanor Anderson Smith & Tuthill Mortuary of and L.aVeme Aiello both of Cost.a Mesa. 646-937). Costa M esa . Ca , <I g rand c hildr e n . B great-grandchildren and I g rea l ·g r ea l · g r andch 1 Id Services will be held on Wednmay, May 26. 1982 at 2:00PM at the Harbor Lawn Chapel w1th Chaplain John A L indvall off1c1ating In ter m ent se rvices immediately fo l lowing Services under the d1~uon o f Harbor Lawn-M ount Olive Mortu ary of Costa Mesa 540-5554 TAYLOR MAY BROWN TAYLOR. a r<'S1dent of San Jose, c.a. Passed away on May 22, 1982 at the age of 85. She la survived by a n ephe w Calver t Leatherwood or Bullhead City, Arlio na, 3 rua'e!I, J uanita Cordeiro of Costa Mesa, Ca., Virginia Kennedy of Goleta. Ca. and Haul Tankersley of S an Joee, Ca. and 18 grandnieces and nephe w s . Fune ral services will be held on LANGDALE Wednesday, May 26, 1982 at RO B E R T EA R L l .OOP M a t the P i erce LANGDALE. a resident of Brothers Bell Broadway Santa Ana. Ca Pa.seed away Chapel Wtth putor Aaron on May 22. 1982 Survived Buhler of Harbor T rinity 8a,Pt11t Church offict•'""'· ----------~Interment at Harbor X..wn McCOltMIQ MOHUillllS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hill!\ 768·0933 San Juan Cap1scrano 495·1776 ~ LAW..._MT OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 '11tlCI UOTHUS l&l UOAOW.AY MORTUAIY 110 Broadw•y Costa Mesa 642•9150 IAlnlMHIOH SMITH I TVfHILL WllT~CHANL 4~1 E 17th St Costa Mesa &4&-93?1 Mem orial Par k . Pierce Brothers Bell Broadway Mortuary directors. HEATH RALPH E . HEATH , ret1ident of Coeta Mesa, Ca. P aesed a way on May 22. 1982. Born Mareh 26, 1910 In Kansas. S urvived b y hla wife Virginia Elliott Heath, daughten Mrs. Rube rt• Wood of El Toro. Ca., Mrs. Patricia Klleu of Freemont. c.a. and Mn. Sue Bright of S ant a An a, C a ., 10 •r•nd c h l ldr e n , 3 grea t -gra ndc h lldren' Grave&ide .ervices will be held on Wedne9day, May 28, 1982 •t l:OOPM at Padtk View Memorial Park, Newport Beach. Memort.i aervlcH will be held on Wednaday. Mal 28! 1982 at 7:30.PM at the Pl'e9by1et1an Cbu~ of the Covenant, Cotta MeM, Ca. with Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie oftldatina. P•clflc View Mortuary dlneton. DEATHS EtSEWHERE filC11110UI ....... NAiil ITAft•NT Th• rouowlf\O Perton I• doing buelneM u: SPORT OAM'8, 973 t Cltl'l«l)I Clrcll. H\ln!Cngton leaoh, c.llfotnla 82141 Oh1tlH 01oro1 Cllatabl1n, 8'31 CaChey CltOf1. Huntington 8-dl. CellfOMll hW nw ~ 1a conducted by 111 lndMd\lll, Ctlaftla G. ~ .,,. ft..,.._I WM NICI wlltt the County Clerk ot Orange Couney on Mey I , 1882 't.-m PublC•h•d Orange Oo11t Ulll)' Plloc. May 25, J\H1e 1, 1, 19, 1MI 2192-U rta.te NOTICE ~TmOU• ....... Mm ITATDmNT Tiii fOllOwlng l*ton• .,.. doing butllnMe la: C'E.ST LA VIE CAFE, 373 Sou1h Co111 Hwy .. Laguna BHch, Ca. 02851 C .L.V. Inc. (t C1llfornl1 00tporat1Qn), 373 &. Coaat Hwy .. 1..11Qun1 Mecti, Ca. 82651 fhll bullneee II cond119ted by a COfporatlon. C.l V Inc. By lta Secty/TrMIUtlt Thlt 1tatem.n1 wu flled with the County Clet1t or Orllf'OI Count)' on May 21, 1882 ,,_ Publltflld Ora nge Co111 Dally Piiot May 25. June 1, a, 15, 1882 2'02-82 Ml.IC NOTICE '9C"1'T10UI llU ..... ...._ITATUaNT The follow1no peraon 11 doing ~-RIO STAR, 183 Promo ntory Drive Wfft, Newpoft lkadl, Cell· IOtnll 82eeo Jacob Rablnovlcfl. 17871 Teak- wood '--· lrAne, ~ 92115 Thie ~ II oonducted b)' 111 lnclMdual. Jacob AaDlnoW:tl Thie atatement -flled wlttl IN County 0er1c of Otanoa County on May 5, 1982. ,,_ Pubtllhed Orenga Cout Detty PI- iot. May 11, 18, 211, JIMI 1, 19412 3072-82 PICmlOUIW .. MAm ITAftMIJO' Thi fOllowtno panon• .,. doing tlUllnlM M: ,,.HDOM .,o .. ra. ~00 Wept Oo•;~tiwey, Newport 9lliatl, QA C*1111 "9linMd Wamodt, t4t "OOflHter It., Coeta MeH. CA ftt27. Warw!ok JM1111ty91\, 2t782 CadanM, MiMlofl V11110. CA 12ttt, TNll buelMll le oonductecl .,,. a 91"1'el~. C. A. W9l'fli(ll$ Thie ttatement -lllld \lflttl Iha Col.WI~ Cleftt of Orange COunty Ol'I MayS, 1882. , .... Publllflld Ofange COUl Dally Piiot, May 4, 11, ti. ff, 1112 1-...2 'IOTmOUI W..q IUNNOlll COURT OP TMI NANI ITATWlllWr ITATW OI OA&A'OMMA '°" NU llTll Tiit lollowlng per1on 11 doing '"'COUNTY OI ~ butlntM 11: NO. A1'-NOTH:I OI fMltTll'I IA._. KIM'S IMPORT, 3001 HtrbOI' OMU TO IMOW OMNI Loan No. 714-ftl/UJCAI llvd., Ooat• ...... CA 92127. '°" CHAMM °' MAm T 8 No 641)2.3 KIL a oo KIM, IUO Au•h In the M .... Of IM AQollcltlon of N!WPOAT HOM! LOAN, INC .• lu.tlllCMt COURT OI T1tl S1r .. 1, A~. CA 91770. DAHteJ.. ICOTT lllllM, a Minot, au1y IPPolnled Tru11 .. und•r th lfATI °' o~ Thie butlntM I• ciondue1ed by Ill by DE•O .. AH •• MALLAMO, HI• rottowtno d•acrlbed dHCI of lru1 '°"'"' llldMdu81 P.,.m. ,Ot Ct*'ll9 of iwn.. Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOI COUNTY°' GRAMM KM Soo Kim Tll• 19plfoaflon of DANIEL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOi 1111 ........ If.. Thie ataterMm wN fllld wlt.h the ICOTT IElll'.RT, a Mff'IOf, b)' 0£. CASH (payable 11 tlnM or aale I• ,..IUllR fll County Cl«tl of Ofange County on IORAH I . MAU.AMO. Hie ,ennt, tawM mooey of the United Statn llfA lllAMAMf..,... May 1,, 1882. ,,_tt tore Cllhan9I ot llllM, ~bean aN right. tlllt and lntereet conveye. ,.,~..:~ ,ut>lllhld o r.noe c o11t Dally ~~=·.ri::~~n ~~1n:r~~d1::;=rt!:~ CM1D1111TO1ttOW OA.Ulm Pllo4. Ml)' 19• 25• June 1• 9• 1812 SCOTT~ hie Cled an..,._ 1n11t., deactlbed '°" CHANQI 01 MAM1 2132-42 eatlon PfoPOllna that hie 1WM 111 TAUSTOR GEORGE C LUCASj TN tooleltlOn Of "'TA MAAQA. ---.. ---.,.-..,,.-TV'C----of\anoed. to DA~llL aeon MAL· • IMllQN man MT WllMMA few o111ng1 of nt!IM, ____ .-_,,. ___ ""-'-114---l.AMO. BENEFICIARY NEWPORT HOMf tievtng been nted In Court, •net II ~nnou• IUllNIU ........... " le -~ Ot-o.-LOAN TRUST No 194 IOOllMG from Mid IODllclnt hi lltAMm ITAT'lmNT rid IM ctlrteted, ttlat ell pertona Recorded Jenuery 28. 1te1 • RlfA MIO,.OARET Wll .. SMA tiu The followtng petaon 11 dOlng In.._., In Mid rMttw do~ lf\tlr No 32610 1n 1>001C t3928 peg. flied en ~tlon prOpOllna that IM.I"'-.. blllore Ihle court In Depetttnent a on 12oe or OlljcjaJ Aecotdt 1n 1111 offlc;o ""L''""l\ll'l'IY • bl ctlenged lo An"A DI SMITH & SON PLUMllNO, 328 the 11th da)' ot "'-· 1N2 llf 10:30 of Iha Aecotd .. ot O<ange Count) "" Unlv9ttlty Orlve 111 Coat ......... o'clock 1.m., of .. Id dt)' to enow H id dHd ot 1rut1 d11crtb11 th• NoW, tfweboe, It la tierltly Ofdil-CA 82&27 ' ' 1 -. OIUH whr e11cll eppllOlllOn for roltoWlnQ property red and dtreotecl, thet ell Plfton• GARRY SMITH 328 lJnl\'lnHy ohano• o n1m1 etiould not b• Lor 5 Bloctt 2? or Newpor =:=In~ Of~ ~a 1aM~2::7en "'r:":c'~ ordered thlt I OOf1'I Of :::~ Tc:~11; ~~~~'. ~ IN lltl dly Of Jww. fM2, at tC>.30 lndMdual Ihle Order To 8hOW Ceuet bl pu-Calll0<n1a H per map recorded 11 ------------1 o'oloolt 1.111 .. of H id day to 1tiow Thlt e1it-t wu llled with the bllahed In the Of•llOI Coaat Diiiy book 3. paga 29 o l Mlacellanaou rtaJC NOTICE OtUH why 1uoh applloatlo n for County Clefk of Orange County on Piiot, • lllWIP191' ol ""*'el c:*W-Mapa. in the ot11ce of th• count ------------1 change of name ehould not be M•y 14 1892 l•llon, printed In Hfd GOunt)', at recorder 01 N IO county grant.cs. ' ,,.1t IMlt once MCtt w..it tor fow tue· 2208 OcNn Front Avenue. New '9CTITIOUe w.. II It fUrthlf Ofo..d thlt • oopy of Publl•h•d Orenga Co111 Dally olMlv• WMke prior to the day of port Blach, CA 92962 MAMI ITA.,......, Ihle Order To Show Cauaa be pu. Piiot, May 19, U • .June 1, 8. 1982. Mid i-tna. "Cll a atreet aodre11 or comtnO< Tiie follo'#lng Plf9001 are doing blleh•d In the DAILY PILOT In 2135-82 0.tad Ihle 7111 dey of May 1812 d111gnat1on la ahown above. nt bull,_ u : Cotti M-Call1omla e ~ FRANK OOMENICHINI warranty 11 glvan 10 •la complete THE LAGUNA BEACH COM· per of gener9' olroullUon, printed In P\8JC ..,.TICE ~of Mid neu or correctneul .. PANY, 1120 8. COU1 Hlohw9Y, la· Hid oounly, et 11111 onoe eaoh "" ~Court The 1>«>111e11ry under llld Dee< guna 9Moh.L Cellfotnll ,_t -w• for fovr conMCutlve wMkl 'JCTTT10UI llUIMU ~ I VWMNA ol Tru11 Dy rea10n ot a bt•ech o ~ l:n~, Inc., • CllC-prior to the day ot Mid '-1f10. NAm ITAT'lmHT m ................. 4• d•l•ull '" .,,. obhgat1on1 H <:ur•( fomla oorporatlon, 900 ~-. Oa1-d Ihle 30th day of Aptl, 1882. The tollowlng peraon 11 doing L.a ......... C ... ,_ -.t1 lll«•t>y, lletetOf«a eucuted w ~ lledl, Cllfomla tMet Blwe W. Sumner bull,_ u PutilillMld Orenge CoMt o.lly ~ de t1v1 red Io I h • under a lg ned , Thl9 ~II condUct.cl by• JUOO-of Mid EDWIN KRAUS ASSOCIATES, lot, Mey 11, 19, 26, "'-1, 1t62 w11t1en Oeclarallon ol Default an< COl'POf•llOn. 8uoeflOr ~ 2977 J ac111and• Av•nue, Co111 307M2 Demand'°' Sate, an(l written nottc. 8Mdl En~ Inc Publlelled Otaoge CO.I Ody Pl· M .... CA 9202t -----------ol breach and or etec-11on 10 caus. JMlla '· Aobana. lot, May 4, 11, 19, 25. 1M2 E o w t N KR A US . 2 8 7 7 rtaJC NOT1C( 11141 unoeraigned to Mll said prop Prelidln1 2084-82 JllCllandA A..,._, Coeta MIN, CA etry IO sat11ly Hid Obilglltona. 11>< Thie 11-'-1 -fled '#Ith IN ------------i92t2t ACTfT10US 9'.f ... 11 lllerealte• the underatgned cauM< County CMrtl of Orange Count)' on Pt8JC fl)TIC[ Thia bu'"-11 oonduc1ed by 111 N.u. ITATE•NT u 1d nouce ol Dreach and or elec May'· 1882. --------------i lndlllldual. Thi ro1towtng l*'900• 111 dOlng hon 10 be Recoroed June 15. 198 OlllOM. DUMM A CllUTCMIR ~TTT'IOUI IUSMIS Edwin Kt-t>u11nM8 u. u lnatr No. 22757 In book 1'1C ~ NAm ITATDmNT Thie a1at-1 -fled with the PRINTING UNLIMITED, 10537 PaoA 797 ot llld Otftclal Aecctda. • ....,_. C.W ~ The tollowlng ~reon 11 doing County Clertl of Orange Coun1y on EMii A--. Fountain VI/lie)'. Call· Sl'd sale Wiii be m.o. but wit" ,.0. ... ... l>Utl,_ M May 14, 1M2 fomll 92708. OUI <:O\ltH\1111 Of w1tranty. •JtPtes! ....,_. ....... OA -FAST ANO FAIR. 423 Fw OfM '~ Frid J Smith. 21072 Amber· or 1mplled, regard1nQ utte. posses ,_,. •204, ca.ta MIN, CA 92829 Publl•h•d Orange Coa11 Delly WIClt ~. Huntington BMcn, CAN· 1ton °' enc:umt>l'ancee. to pey tl'M lot~ OfMOe Co.er Delly Pf-Abld Latif, '23 Fw om.a •204. Piiot, May 19, 25, June 1. a. 1882. fomla 82e..te remaining principal aum of tht · ~~ 11, 11, 26, "'--1, 1N2 Colt• MIN, CA 92t2t 2134-82 Prl1ellla K Smith, 21072 Am· nole(SI HCured by said Deed o 3071-82 Thie ~ le COl\ducted b)' an -----------betwlck Lane. Huntington Beech. Trust Wllh intar•t as 1n uoo not• lndlvlduat P\8JC NOTlCE c.tltornle 8204e provided advencea. 11 any unde 111-.,. Mft-Abld Ulllf Thia 1>ue1neH 11 conducted by th• terms ol Hid Dee d ot Trust ----:=::'"~:=::~=-""~'=-.=~-Thll 11tatement waa fllad with t"41 ~• .,_.. lndtvlduale (Hlilband & WIMJ r-. Chergec and e11pen-ot th• ACllllOUI ....... County Clertl of Or1nci-County on NW ITAT'lmlfr Fred J Smith TrullM an(l ot Iha trusts created b• t NAm ITAT'lm#T May "· 1882 The following pereon I• doing Thia 1111-1 wu flied with the ...0 OMO 01 Truat TN lolowlng pereone .,.. dOlng ,,_ ~ u: County Cl«lt ol Orange County on Sa 1 d •a I• w 111 be he 111 or ~ -Publlahed Orange Co11t Ollly DAN IE L S . EV ANS & Mey 3, 1982 Wednesday. June 2, 1982 et 2 O< AUDIO A LA CARtt, 3404 VII Pltol. May 18. 26, June 1, 8, 1882 ASSOCIATES. 1182 S.E. Brletot, '1 Pm , at the Chapman Avenue en Oporto, Sult• 8, N9wport ISMch, 217,-82 811111 Ana, CA 82705. Publlahed Or1ng1 Co11t Dell lrlnoe to Ille C1VIC Centtw Building CL 82883 -----------DANIEL S. EVANS, 2242 Piiot. May 4, 11, 18, 25, 1992 300 E111 Chapm1n Avenue 1n 111< Joltn A. Caldwell, 1ot 27th Pla.IC NOTIC( Channel Roed, Balt>oe. CA 82ee1. 2090.9 City or Or•noe 111_.,. 1111\ftt'r street,~ Beec:tl, C&. 12ee3 ---:==~~~...,..-----Thll b\iW-le oonducted by an -----------~ At the time or th• 1n111a1 pubhca1 ----'"----""..;..;'.;.;;.;""-;_ ___ 1 eruce k. MCJLOUd, •73 Linda ACTrTIOUS llUIMIS lndMdual Pt8JC NOTICE lion or th11 noHce. the 101a1 amounr f'ICT1'110US IUIMSU Mm ITATUmNT 1•, Nlwpor1 a.di, ca. t2983 HAm ITATDmNT Dlllill S. Ev11n1 ---:==~~------! ol the unp11d balance or the obit Thie bYllnlle le oonduc1ed b)' • The lotlowlng P•teon le doing Thlt ll•t-t wa flied wllfl the ACTinOUI 9U ... U gallon secured Dy the above de / Tiii followlng ,.,_ .,. doing ~ ~. ~ ... Count)' Clertl of Orenge County on NA8-ITArn.wT acnt>ed deed of truat and es11ma1ec John~ PETRO KING, 9,5 Paulatlno May 14, 1882 The tollowlng peraon 11 doing cosll. upensea. and 1dvences it Thie*""*"' wee Ned wltti 1tte #8110, eo.te MIN, CA 82e2t. f191M ~ u : l201,730.5a. County aatk of Orange County on Jotln (Jedi) Calvtn King, 645 Publlehed Orange Cout Dally OE LUX CAR CARE, 31991 To det•tmlne the opening bid, ~-APPRAISED PAOPEATIE8 1112·1, 2ooe Court Av.nut,"'-• POfl BMdl, CA t2983. May 3, 1N2. ~trio #B 110, Cotta ~. CA PllOt. Mey 18, 25, June 1, 9, 1N2. ~ Way, Souttl Laguna. CA you,,.,.,. cal (714) 8S20Me. ,_t . ...,"' 21~ 92477. Dall April 27 1882 AST flnenelal. Inc .. a Callfofnla oorporatlon, tl101A SUMet &Nd., Publlllad Of""09 Coaal Delly pt. ..... ~~"'-le conducted b)' 111 -----------PA T RI C K RA Y M 0 N 0 NEWPORT HOME LOAN lol M ' 11 ta ... 1...... ............. ·-"' llllft'IV't WOLLENBERG, 31981 Virginia INC PacCflc Plllludet, CA 80272 ' Thll~la~by• lf'f ' ' '-. -2091-c JICll C. KlnO '"~ ""'"' WI)'. South Laguna. CA t2t17. as ... d Trust• TIU lt•letMnt -fhd with.the "''moue. ..... Thia~ .. oonducted by an By T 0 SERVICE COMPA llmlt9d '*11• ""'· AST Anandal, lnG. ---.. ---.,.lllftTll't--.. ---Cour\ty Cler1I of OrWlge County on .... --·-lndMdull. NY, .--"'11"4 May t4, 1882 ,._ .,,.,_, Pl1rldl Ill Wollenberg IOl"I A. Scott T flT'V PrlliOenl _______ ....,;;,,,___ ,,_ ~:wing per1on I• doing Thll lt.M-t -flied """' tfll 81 Cindy Stioonov. Publlehed Ora~ Cout Dall)' CAA CARE CLUB, ssn Sum-County Clltlt of Orange County on ,.._,.,,, S«:retr, n. ltatemant -flled wlttl .,. County Otat1I ot Ofanot County on May a. 1992 N:iillOUI ..... ...._ITA.,......, Piiot. May 18. 25. Jutll 1, 8, 1882 ---""· ,..~ ....___ ,.. .. --May 14, 1882. One Ctty Boulevwd West. 217$-82 ., __ , ""'"....,... -""'"--.... ,,_ O<enge CA 926458 St-=. san ~ Publl1hed Q,ange Cout Oell)' Tet 1 14-83!>-8298 ____ rtaJC ___ NO_na _____ cirn:--._.,_ 11 ~ .,,.., Plot. May 11. 25. Jfne t, e,211~ ~b~·,~.~~~'21~ 1 'i:;si oa11y ,_ The ro11ow1ng pereona .,. dolno ~-1•1 H & D AUTO SALES bl H. t<. Publlhad ()renoe eo.t Dally Plot, May 4, 11, 11. ~.1182 MO'rOAS. 8891 Garden Grove Bl\ld., No. 200, Gll"den Oto¥a. Call- lornle -.~-TW~~..,--~-rT-------lrldMduel. ~. TA CW wmc»flAWA&. SleW A)'WI -----------3002-42 ~ ,AlmlQ..., n. eta1emant -11ec1 ..,,_ "" Ptll.JC NOTICE Ptll.JC fl>TICt .... Han KOOi! Motore. Inc.. a c.11. fornl• oorporatlon, 482' OUMn 'llotor1ia, Wood19nd ..... Ce1tom11 91364 ~=°-"':':" ...._ OOunty Clltlt of Orange County on ---------- Th• follow Ing pare on haa May 3· 1•2· ,_.. ~nnous ~.. ----------- withdrawn u a QlfWll pal1Mr trom Pvblllhld Ofange CoeM Delly Not, ,... ITAff....-T tUNNOfl COURT CW Han Kook Mot0ta. Inc. J-P.Aeld, A ttom.y In Feet T & A PAINTING, 1131 Badl Tlllt atwternent WM fled with the ~d .. "119. ~ BMch, Ca. County C1eftc of Orange County on 9 Thomae Allen H«!ln, 23646 San May 7• 1"2· ,..,_ Jacinto Ad., Oulll VrJW(, CL 82380. Publlttled °'7. Cout '>;: Pl Aober1 John Heflin, 23546 San • Jacinto Rd .. Quall Valley, CL 82380 lot, May 11• 1', ' JI-. 1, I 2 Thl8 ~ ta conducted by 1 307M2 g«llt81 par1nerefllp. .._ ... llllftnl'C Thomae Allen Heflln ,.._ ""t ~ the perlnttwhlp 099'1tlng un<Mr 1"41 May'· 11, 19, 26, 1882 .... ~ followlng.... peraon1 -doing CA.LJF()RNIA llctltloua butl,_. name of MCO ~ .,....._ COUNTY CW~ PROPERTIES. at 4 100 MacArthur REAL PROPERTY INVESTORS, IN PROPRIA PERSONA. KAREN Boulev1td, Newport Beach, CA ---.. -... -.,..-Mftftl'r-----1101 E Otangewood. Suite 150, LEE Ml YNARCZYK, No 3 Swill 92M3 ~ nv1-. Anaheim, Celttofnll 92906 Court, Newpor1 BMctl. Caltlomla The tlclltloua bu1ln111 neme --'1C--Tm....,.I0--4.l~ll~IM...-UM,,,,_.,=u...--Richard L. McO.rmo tt, 1942 tn the Maner of the ~tton of Ital-I lor the partn«ehlp wu NA• ITATUmlfT Omega. Senta Ana , California IV\REN LEE MLYNAAClYK, No. 3 filed on Febtv'""' 29, 1""'2 In ,.... Th 1 II 1 I d 1 82705 S will Co urt Newport Beach County o t o7an o• Fi'LE No": ~ .:.w no pereon 1 0 ng Wllllam Ottermlller, Jr., 933 Catllornta 92ee3, For Chang• oi Fl'402I. AMENCAN MACHINE PROO-Udo Par11 WI)', Unit 1· New'por1 Name, Fu" Nam. 111<1 Addr-of lhe UCTS, 16841 Product Lane, Unit ~· ~fotnl•!~ ........ ..., Pereon Withdrawing. A7 Hun"--·•on a-11 Ce.12t49 .. _ .,_,,_ .. .....,.....,..,_, w• • CHARLES o. DALY. '100 • vnw• ' 0--81 part.....tllp Thie ltM-1 -Iliad with the County Cllr'lt of Ofanot County on May 21, 1882 Mac Arthur Bo ulevard, Newport Oevld Sllnley Glov•'e!!:,1 Rlohlld l McDermott 'tlCtiiiOUI .,_.. a.en. CA 82M3 ~=~riv., HunUngton ' Thie atatemen1 -flied wtttl the Mm ITA~ Publl1hed Orange Co11t Dally Thie~ i. c:ondUeted by 111 Count)' Cletti of Orange County on ,_ Publlthed Oreng• COHI D•lly Piiot Mey 25. June 1, a, 15, 1M2 2131.a2 The following per1on la doing Ptlol. Ml'f 18, 26, J\HW 1, 8, 1882 lndMdual Mii)' 1S, 1982. ~ U: 2181-82 6.wi s. 01cJwW .IACKIOM, KIDDP A IUC«UNQ TAAOEWCNDS EHTEAPAISES, Thie statement -Cled wttt1 ttll :::-::. ~, ............ 181 E. 11111 Sl, No. 30, ea.ta.._, , ___ NlJC ___ NO_ncE____ COunty a.rtt "' Oflftgl County Ol'I -.......1C:... ~ ---CA~. May9. tM2. -_ ___.. CtA:litleW POlJC NOTIC( ..,..... Allen Treylor, Jr., 181 E. --~-mlOUI---_,-._--.. --r-~-· _,, 18th St., No. 30. Cott. M9N, CA ...._ ITATDm>IT Publlltiecl OfW1G9 COllll Delly,._ IJ1.._ "'""'°" COURT 82927. lol May 11, 18, 2( Jl.w'9 1, 1982 Publl•hld Orange COH I Dally Of' CAUPON&l Thie bu1ln1A le conducted by The following l*'IOnl .,. doing 20l7.a2 Piiot. Mey 11. 25, June 1. 9, 1912. OttANQI eouwn an lndt~ ~ • -----------1 219'-82 1'0 CMI c...-°"" ... Drftd A. Traytor "' E & M EQUIPMENT LEASING, rtaJC NOTICE ..... AM. CA _,,., Thll .._...,_,, -fled 'with the 444 Lenwood DrM. Colla Miii. PlAINTlff: County a.ti of Of-.noe County on CA 82927. OE .. ALO L. HO,MAISTEA; M4IY s 1tl2 Rlc:tlerd N. Eaton, '44 lMtwood ,.. ... ,.. M ........, .. .., a-.. ' . ,_. DfM, Cotta ....... CA 92527. WENDANT;'°"'"'"1 '"'" Publeflld Orange eo..t Dally Plot J~ Mannina. a DNntwa 81LL JOHH OAATTAN lndlvl· May'· 11, 19, 25, tM2 ,...., .. ...: ~ 1~ !2~ed ..., 1 di* lftd clolna ~ .. GRAT· ·-"9£ WT TAN OEVll(J°,MENTi O. D. DE· ---.. ---.,.N()-iftl'r ____ g.-8I ~~·Elton SIGN AND CONIT,.UCTION; .--·1~ (Oenetll Partner) BRYAN l . llCK: FAHMONT IN Tiiie etatemenl -ftled wltl'I"" ~~·i~ A~~~~~ '10nnout IUH•U Count)' Clerk ot Ofange County on AND OTHEfl BUSINESS ENTlflH Mm ITATIMINT Ml)' 1,, tH2. VI THAOUGH )( Tiie followlng pwaona 11e doing Oer9ld A. GarNtt C.. ....._ ~ ~ M : A Uw COfllOtetloll 14"1MOM (11,0URT14 OIMINSION _...._.~._Drtw9 NOTICll YH IMl•e M..-e.M, SY8TlM8 t21,<>Vf'TH DIMENSION ~ 'e"• -· TIM -.t _, ...._ ........ ,_ COMPUTEM !SI 4-D 8Y8TEM8 141 ,,_ .. -· • wltMvt , .. ....,. ~ Vl'lllM 'D MANUl'AOllJAING (I) '0 Diil· PubAehed o:.Tu 04ut,~ ,_ ................ -,.. _., TRllUTION, 8100 W.W.,.,., lultl -·• IM., .... ,.... ....... 7, Santa Ana. Ca11ttorn1a '2704 Pilot, Mey 18, 26, une 1, 9, 1812 tt you WWI to 11e1t tM ICNtoe of 40 MICAOTECHHOLOOY INC., 21~ ----------- en attorney In thle "''""·you • CaHfomla corporation, 3100 W.1------------~ do eo ~ eo tnat )'Ollr W1tlllf, Suite 7. Santa Ana, Catt· Pl&.IC N0T1C( --------------= :-· In)', may bl"-~ ·=-ta oonduet9d by a IUNW C°'*T °''"' ~TmOUI WM AYllOt UaeM 111 .._ MMM• OOfSl«etlon. • ITATI 01 CA160NU ,_., 11 tr~ ... -..wtr '° Mb'O*lflilOlouY Inc. "Oft TMI ..... IM.ell1u.._.,_ ~~ COUNTYOIOMW =. 't:.i :::.:.·· ~:: == Tilll ••••rt ... fled wltll IM ~,-= .,• .. 11 u.d o.. ealdlartl OOftMtO County ca.ti of ~~on LOM1-WY1W1 "n.oP di un ~., .... ..umo, o.. MIY tO, tea. -. A.1_, o:-oe:..n =' I, ... ,, '· .. . .. .. •'· ... ~­... ...,_ __ .,,._, ... Tiii r~••t~ ClaCIJI "YOAJ guys hafto cut out the noile. Grandma laid there's always a quiet befor9 a storm." by Brad Anderson "In case you didn't know, hammocks were not meant to be jumped onl" MOON MIJLLIN8 53MlllM 57~Sunda ... 51 Orderlll 5t~ 11 Odln'•ton -- ')·~ ~ "A mot01Cycl1, 1 motorcycle. A klfttdom for my motorcycle." by Ferd & Tom Johnson AUNT FRITZI I \.t/OULD YOU LIKE POT ROAST Q 0 0 OH, I 'D 0 LOVE IT, DEAR ANO ALL THE TRIMMINGS FOR DINNER? ooo Fl.JNK~ ttlNKER8EAN DR A BB LE ~.snNO ~ llUE._ \ ~tl'f fO 'fA~ 'W, f'\C1UU t.lt 1'~ fl\'f tlEW IMS'fAM'f' CA~A ! i 8EHIND BJER'J CJ.0001M~E'5 A SILV~ LINING . BRING YOUR PURSE--- THE CAFE DOWN THE STREET HAS IT FOR TODAY'S SPECIAL by Kevin 'f agan ' I ! II I I I I I 1 ~.~· Tiie folloW1110 penon I• dotno ....... AOTION IALH, 1121 , N. Cltanct Avenue, lanla Ana, Cellbnla lt70I T ... Anne Keuftwlwo. mt I . J0An1 No. C, lanla Ana., ~tnoe Thia Ill.in-la oonduc*I by an lnclMdult. T..-A..~g "'* ... .,,.,. ... llled wlUI the c-itv Claftl of Oranoe Couniy on Apt"· 1..a. ,,_, PudaMd Oranae Cout Dally Not. Mey 21, "'-1, I, 15, 1912 noo-t2 PIClHIOUe IUH•ll Mm ITATllmfT The toltowtno 1>«eon I• doing ~-SPECIFIC SPORTS SALES, 117 E. 21tt #5. Coet• MMe, ce. 82t27 Kendell A. WlllNI, 117 E 21at aa., eo.ta Meaa. ca. t2.a1 Thia ~ le conduc:1eo by an lndMdUat. Kendall A. WanMll Thia 11atement -llled with the County Claftl of Otanoe County on Mey 21, UNt2. '1-.J Publlehed Drano• CoHI Delly Piiot May 25, June 1, 8, 15, 1882 229142 NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARIAN A. CALHOUN AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. A11H5t. To all heirs, benefidaries, creditors and cont1n1ent credltore of Marian A . c.aLhoun and pttlOfW who may be otherwbe int.ere9ted in the will and/or el1ate. A petition hM been Wed by Jeanette Taylor in the Superior Court of Orange County requelting that Jeanette Taylor be appointed as personal repreeentative to adminiater the estate of Marian A . Calhou n (under the Independent Administration of Enata Act). The petition ia 1et for hearlna in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Ovic Cent.er Drive, West, in the City of Santa Ana, California on June 16, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJIX:T to the eranuna of the petition, you ahouJd either appear at the heartn1 and state your objections or file written objectloru with the court before the hearin1. Your appeeranice may be in penon or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR of a oontinBft\t creditor of the dfnenud, you mun file your claim with the court or preeent It to the puaonal repreeentatlve appointed by the court within four months from the date of flrat l11uance of lettera .. provided in Section 700 of the Probete Code of California. The time for filina will not explre prior to four monU. from the date of the hee.rlna noticed above. YOU t.!A Y EXAMINE the We kept by the court. u you are ln~rnted in the estate, you may file a request with the court to receive 1peclal notice of lhe inventory of MWW UMll and ot the peUtionl, ~ta and reporta deacrlf>ed ln Secelon 1200 of the C.itfarnla Prabete Code. Mtll l*l:m•ttj A.....,. •• Law, IN&. l1tll...,..... ..... Ill C.C. ...... CA nm; ,,1,. Mt-nM. Publ.a.Md Onmp Cout o.Qy ~ May 21, 28, June l, lfa 2306-82 Pale llJTIC( .. • 5 6· 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8: -"''"'·-=~::-=~ Cw•du .. uaa "'"' C-wunul;of ro.-....,.,. r ... ......._1;.1 o.,ia .. "'"' o..-1 .. uo1 A,UPI"" Alt> t:ofwo A,U "'"".,. l.,., ---·-d Hauf.t.M•.t• c--· --·•...ub v .. .._11_a1o .....,. .. a.,-.. • c.,_, ___ Otllrt _..., --.i ,_" ... _ .. :::::.t---.......... llS*ESS, llMST· 1100, flMAtfC( ==-::=~, . .., ....... ._ .. _. -...n.Tnt ANNOUMCOUNTS, POSONAlS & lOST & rOUNO A~me.t. Cw l'ool l..qaJ,..1<n i-... _ P~· Soro.I Club.• Tu vet• I SEIYIC(S s.r ..... °''""-'> I EMPlOYllENT & NEPAIATION s.--.1_,__ J4*Wtaled• ........ -.. , MEICMAKllSE ~ """'-=·--· c.-... ·~--c-a 0... mo .. , .. rw-. c ..... ---c-. ~ t..vftltOrk . .._, -. ......_ .... _ • ._.,,...,_¥• OOIH ........ (4 .. p ...... :..-::~~c= ~c---. .. -..... , ~.T!ct...H1Y•.Sl•rto BOATS & MAllME EQUIPMENT C-al ............ Si-rv•«"• -. ......... £ ...... -. ......... ---·-CllanH .... .SOii ~Ooru -=·"· -... llANSPOIUTION Awrnft ~~·-=~s-.n· "-"·--·-~Troffl =..~"'1> 0.-.. ~OllOlllE --Cl&NIH ._.,..,. v.aocw. :=:.--~ ..... °"'" Trwu v- "-l.uo"'' -·-Alli$, IMPOITED o-.i Alf•S-• A• " ..... ...,. .... c • ..., ~ o.-. .. '"r•r• ..... -· J..r-....r J-· KullY nn f.ih1• IA t ..... M•&d• >hrt"f'l·t-Q ""'"' :WO MOii Opoj ,.,...,. Pfll•.-ot ......... lla.wll "411.t RO)M "°'" = -... ,., .. ,,......,.. v .......... ve1 .. l ... ID ,.,, 1•11 1• lliao ~{!.'f!f •....•....• IOUA~ ~ 0''01UUNITY ::P1H1111r'1...._ lt.M ~" rMI .... te adYertltfd :: In thl1 ~ 11 aub-, .. l!_!!..!~_ thl '•deraJ '•Ir 1• ~Act Of 1111 wt'6Ctl :~ m•kN t m.o.ito adYer· ·-u .. "Any ~ioe. Ifni. :::: tatlon or dl1orlmtn1tton 1• baead on raot, ootor, rel· :: gton, Mll Of national orl· 1• gin. or 1ny Intention to 11• make 111y 1uch preferen-ca, llm l tet lon or :: dlacrWnlnatlOn ... una.p IWIDl•WT UllTI WllW • IA , fem rm , "Ctlarmer". l1t1111ted on lg tteYeted OOl'llW lot In ••otllent nelghborhOOCI neat lhot>Plno a achoola. Sell., w/au111 w/ ft~. 8225.000 . .,... te ChaM LM 84'e.too. (A45). ti: Macnab -Irvine ·-l ;i~AY LOH co. I ' ::: Thie new1p1per wlll not 1• knowtngly 11C09Pt any ad· ~= vertlelno for real Htate llUI YllW 1a which la In vloMltlon of the tnt• J: lew. 4 Br, 2'A 81. V1eW home :;: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil over Io ok Ing P avl 11 on, lDI lllllll Advertl-C1tellna and nne lltH. IG W• n,.tve an l~t : sera should check •ppra1111 tor 1320.000. := their ads dally and Try s20.ooo down untll : report errors Im-r:' :J1,:;:r..=. Ow· 11• -UDD ------J1lt ----... o• .. .-.. .. --.. Ult ---,.,. 111$ ---- $100 auo ~ .. int w. ---'19f) ,,. -... ••$ -9$ -------- medlately. The .......,11 DAILY PILOT at·I~~~~~~~ sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect lnaertlon only. llPEI llY 112,IM Sf)ICIOul 1 atory OOOdo, 2 Bdrm, lu.h greenbelt, --------1 pool, uuna end spa. •n ........ 20% down. Peyment• Well fft1bll1hed neloh· 1&42 mo. eel 546-2313 borhood of more expen. 11119 llomM. Exdnt owner flnendng. 3 Bdfml. For· mat D.R. Lis backyard. Only $23&, 00. Binnie D1Xon'1 11tJna. 751M100 GEORGE ELKINS C Fii Fii TIE F&m.ft In tNe large, bMUtlfUI 4 Bdrm pool home with 1pa, In M•H d•I Marl Beet buy In the lll'M. not •noth., llke It. Asuume 111. owner wtll carry ba. l•nce et low rate. $135, ... .,.. ..... ,171 ril!l3t1!1 THE REAL ESTATERS ., lllllMWI Unbell•vabl• t«m• for Ihle deluxe 2 Bdrm townhome. Upgreded Ille counter•. wood floore, mlrrOf'ed wall. Cozy ftf9-place. Two pool• ptu1 clubhOUN and ex.,a .. room. Only 2711,500. Cal 873-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS 5% DOWN! ...... lllmPlll 11•.-ft.Lm A oorgeoue V ...... on 2 & 3 BR Townhomel the golf COUfH with en eo.ta Meea Hpeelally lovely patio lnauda9 ---"" and lewn. Thia home .. In ~·--., exc*lent condition, hU FROM •137,050 an a11umabl• First TD Furn. Model Open and the owner Wit U111t 11 lO 5 OellV. with eddltlonel flnanclng. AYOC*So It FllNIN Rd. j~~~·~·~·~-~~~~ 141-JZH l ~ The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642·5678 !'.~!!!!. {'.'. !!.'!....... !~~!!!. ~~ h.'!....... !~!!!! .{'.~ !!'!....... ~ ... !~. '!!. !!'! ...•... ,...,,!!! .!'!. ~! ••••••• ,, ... ~~~t ........ !.l_ql f!.-.f!.~t ........ !.~I l!!!!.'.t ........ !.'.f. fl1!1.!m ...... !!Af ~m!!btt! .. l.'M •••••1t1 Setler now off.,, t.,me on one of the belt ~ In the upper 11ok l•Y arH. IHutllul custom built 4 8drrn 2 bath poof hOme With fabulOUI YIN of Newport'• upper ... ..... end olty llghtt. Wet m1y cerry fln1nolng or trad•I Well prloed at 1210.000. Cell ford•· ..... 146-1171 THE REAL ESTATERS ---- us... 11.21~ nnancJna av1111- ble when you take over u1111ng loln on the ..... gant. 8r ueou1M hOme thet hM beef\ U1~ prepered for entertal· nlng. One of tew homM In the .,.. on FEE LANO. 2870 San Mlguel Or., Newport B••ol't. 768-21801 Of 752-7373. ~ Walker & Lee ,.. .. un Coeta MeH uporeded home plua newer re•r unlll A11ume 11l loan and motlYlted ...... nnanca st low rate. Only $185,000. Call now, 046-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS PllllllU 11111 .. -.. ,,. ... "l1UL Hr, 1'1411, 1111,000. lfll .,..... te.ooo dn. Auume , ... , Prli.t Wnt 8:l bllyfront. SU~ for 2 boat.I, 1.1"4 OWO bel at 14"-Lovely Ira • Id, pro•. mod I_,. 3 3 ... _ h $1 oo ooo ee1 "'*It. !J41.10« deooratH' w/poof, ..,., re e ""' rm. ...t , . . . oltY 6 ~ "'*' A MAL --...,... IA,.QAIN'4TONLY Ocffn & Jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 4 bedroom home with HH,6001 Won't l11t. bllth, 3100 aq.ft. tl,31&,000. OcMntront form.I dlnlne • ..v eooeee, Cell dlr90tl1 to '•trick coV'd petlo, fwnlly room Tenor• H1·UH or Liii llU •••n end more. ~ft. n•nolng. Aeduoedto . ·-''· ·.· ,, t'rinw Lido Nord bllyfront. S bdl]ll. S Yi bath 1122,000. Lae L.R .. 2 boat allpa Sl.500,oo<r. R&IM~ Remodeled 3 bdnn. 2 bath + la.rje rte. rm. beam ~ihnp, fumlahed, pauos. $420.000. Lllll llLI IAYFlllT ...agoon view from 6 bdrm, S bath, playroom. dark rm. dt-n, Boat slip. $1.35-0,000. llYSIDl COYE Spectacular bayfront vtew 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat allpa $1,900,000. COROlllDO CAYS C-Oronado bland CUit. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plana avail. $425.000 w/terma ILIFFI Ollll Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest grttnbelt. $250,000. Piii Liii 3 bdrma, 21h bllthl condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR '41 ~. t'"J• D• •. ', " bl~ 6ib l NEW VIEW TOWN- HOMES. 2 Muter W--113£ifi tH. View of Ooean &1 Dramatic re modeled Night Ughta. ~ Ar9. home. app'OJl. ...... 4 Park•, open apacee. Bft, pool. •pa. Park e 1125,800. Onty 1~ dn. c.,. I R.V. Or•t IOC9· >On1'1n. Hal or Pat'*-' tlon. KHp 3 hOrtH, Agt. fn-7300 maybe more. on your -·· . \ f >I l / 11 /:'II ... ·' .. .., ... ... ,.. .. llill! .... 1111'• .... ... T•k• edvant•g• of the .... lllllf <>wr. ,...... oeef\, d9'I enttque 1YPe --. 2 er. 1 e.. 1C11i111r kit • ...,_ det90hed 09ft09 .• ,,,, 000. 541-1041 eve• & .,,., t31..a620 -- greet flnenclno ot1 thl• = 8panl1h bHuty. 3 be-11 .. l*IWJ droorn, lltge fernl)' room By owner. Orutle price llrepl1ce, huge mast., reduotlon for lge down· suite with 1unk•n tub. peynwnt. f40..1tt0 Loft, POOL deck •nd iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii much mor•. 1113.tOO. Cal today! t7t-23IO ......., TARBELL, REALTORS By owner. DrHtlc price If IWm reduction for tge down- llU ¥1111 peynwnl. 640-7"0 4 bdrm, 2 ba, 2755 ... ~E.04 .... ~Ba. pool Gannet Or. Coeta Mela. .,.,..om -· ~ . Prln. only. 1114,500. J1ou1~I. kol pond, 3 714-657-1398 fr g! C: S , $4 7 5 , 000. MANAGER'S CHOICE -8-1-6930--·-----e.t buy In C.M. Sharp 3 .... .... bdrm w/pool. No quall-ll•H ...... M ~~~ns . 8111,tOO. Bkr 3 b ~ b 700 drm, a , epa./covered atlo. • • 9'9Ra1 1 Beaullfully decoreted. • ....... ~ loen wtth 5% on golf courN ln~reat dn. •22t,&OO Fee By oondlUon. Only •1 ,ooo <>wr.. o~ w/t.rme. Try lo ctwn. Cal --------today Patrick or Fred 1K .... Tenen, agt 131-2711 0t 1K ....... ..., A 211 3 BA 2141 ba. aiper loca- own propetty. Or•t fl. • .,_..._ um to tod.y'1 CIMatfled nanclng. 1211,000. A ... ....,_ don. 8-* Bey .. front row. May leaN option. UH,000. 875-2478; 72().()621 f 0 r th. b. st buy I D•bolt-Shlp .. y ll•tlng. ,..,. 1141 Want Adi Cal .. 2·&118 642·5'71 1-..100 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 er. Adutt Condo. Walk Bltff S PAULA MODEL, exC91· lent eond. Fee ... By Owner. c.,1 aner & PM RCTaylorCo 640-9900 Wl&TA•••rmn Lovely mountain and dty Ughta views, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath.a. formal dining room, dramatic wet bar, eeparate family room. All this and a low, low price in pre1tlgioua Spyglus. Add good~ and a motfv.ted le1ler -•terrific buy at $495,000! RCTaylorCo 640 -9900 GE ORGE HKINS ;:o to •torH, bank•, etc. S4800 dOwn, lllMUfM tow .,,_... te200 111. owe balance et 12%. Total ... Price 170M. P .P . IN OLD CdM • Elegant _546-3 __ 212_. -----• home plua lncom• • lnllll IHf eouth of Hwy. French •••••••••••••••••••••• doors, vaulted ceillnoa, Woodbridge 4 Br. Det. courtyard. Excellent fl. home. cul·d•·HC, •le. nandng. '476,000. Own/ Agt. wlll finance. 1 Uf!llllOOf 11() ... fl Belo'# mnct 11 1110,000. Raeriora, a1MOOO 1·· _M5-0 __ n_9 _____ 1 -1181111-...... " Baokbay loc1t1on, ~~or .. 2-7045 RNll._ 3 bdrm, 3'~ ba. LA. OR, FR. 3000 aq ft. Oat•d PttY. StrMt ... 2-4430 ......... 1226,000. 10% down, 10~% lnterNt. 3 Br. 3 Be. OCMn Ytw Condo In Newport CrHt. Pool, epa, tennla & Wiit to the beedl. Open~~ 1-4. 27 Ima Loe Ccut. TSl Pl operUlll 842-1903 HX~O' lot wltll two 3 Bdrm ,.__, oereoaa a comll. Orelt t9"N.. ~ 2 Story Greentree. Con· venlent to community pool, pet1I .., lhos>I:*"' 3 bath• end dbl g•r. THERE'S MOREi Stet, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r Ice 82 611, 000 . 1-73 too Cal t1NS10 \ f >I l I tl F tf ' \ •,I ••••,· ...... 8Nutlfully upgrad~ • Bdr 3 Ba home. Low -.,,, --•1 m.. =:n '==' s~~~-4~ffes· mill TIW DUI Corona del Mer owner ..,. ""GAT a. P011.M-----1 11••••a Y9'd. OO'lf9-red p1tto. Cul·d•·aac, walk to school•. park, oool I tennle. F111taatlo long term financing et low lnter"t rHte. Full price $239,000. 761-3191 ....,._ 8l1uated on a t>eautlNI greenbelt. 2 prtvate p&· tloe, new carpet•. xlnt cond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, elnol• 1tory "Bonlt•" . Near pool, echools & Mopping. Good Income ptOperty. 1215,000. Ii "''~ --aT ------ .... --------tlN tl:IO ... 11• ,,. , .. ll'lt ... -... -IUt ---.,.. -- ml .,. '"91 rM "" flll mt rm tnt 111» t7• "771 '11111 """ t'lll! -n• "1411 "141 "''" 111 .. "1•1 ,,. YIM "" tr!M "" .,.. = ,,. ""' -""1 -· --•ia •If -= -----.... = --= = = TWo or-i mut• bdnn9 must Mii nowt '**'tty 8 ....,_ .._. -' .._ With print• bathe, Ideal ~uced S&0,000. Pano-lout """"4IM _.. .,. for co-ownere. wood· ramie ocean and night ""' "' '°"" +o.ir ..,... -• burning llreplacea. l)lue llohl• view. 4 Bdrme. f• I I 'h bath downstalr9. Att. mlly room. Now aekln11 I 0 OI MI E Tl' S I* ched 2 cer garege, prl· $350,000. Call 87U550 vat• patio. Excellent fl· THE REAL ESTATERS ~~3 1110,000. C•ll r ...... K_O _P_R_E__.l l• . 11 1~ I I . 1 THE REAL ESTATE~S ----- Wl1 TIO 1¥11 nm .... nn Cal Vlnoel Aq«tt. MMlH EllDTl•lll llLmT Seautlful upgr•ded 4 Bdrm, 2700 eq.n. of lu· xury SIM. pool and 199- Good Htumabl• lo•n. Owner wlll carry. Call now, won 't 1111. 646-2313 THE REAL ESTATE~S *Uffmf * MAlU ...... WOWI LOWtat priced b•yfront home ON BAL· 86A COVES. Large • bdrm, 3 beth. double llreplece, covered peUo plua much more1 Wiii AITD Of trade for EHi· bluff· Baylhor• 0t ???II .... .., ..... ......... *111-l•* ~ WavH cruhlng on the roc:ka balow. A 1N1gnlfl· cent Httlng for thl• l>Mutlfut Cameo Sl'lot'M Home. Lovely troplcal gardenl ptua '*of glut to enjoy th• vlewe. 4 bdrme .. famlly rm. and lorm•I dining rm. $2, ll00,000. l714t 67l~OO 121>1 ua.21u HARBOR A 1>1\ '''on or llJrboi lm~lmt'lll ro •.. ..,. ...... .. .... n .. , ........ .., ,... itarter ............... .,,., ... , ... . .................. ., ..... .... ..................... ....,,. .... 1 .............. .. .. ,..., ... ., .... 111·1-..., I F L 0 A C 11 I'm wonled about our educ. I Ii I I tlon•I ey11em. I 11ked the new . . . . ! l)'plll If Ille !lad apetllng In IOhOOI. 9119 .. Id )'ff, bu1 INI ,..I _U_P_l _A_N_D_ ..... , d•)' 11141 Wll --. ·I I I r I .•~~:-.... ~~ .._....._....._.....___..__. ........ -;:...;;:..-,,,;;, .... ND ' belo- FllEM M C A M E E J U T N N N A A I M A R W R 0 J U I H U T E 0 E C 0 M 0 T T 0 C H I E H R E M H S A C R C S [ H 0 P H A U A N I M A L U T L A E M L K M L A II JU H HT NU H 0 P~P M HEM C I K L L A E A 0 0 T C H I M E H P N A R C A II H H S E G A T E 8 L E E S V I M R A M 0 E R R M T Y H E S A C I A V A N 0 T T 0 C E 0 A A I R L 0 V H I C C A W 0 B 0 L T C H C L A I 0 C V A I H R I R H A L E M A C 0 C M 0 S S 0 T 0 H L A M A L A M P 0 U F T I H H M U M 0 I A P R H 0 M L H L T L M E T U J E R E L H S A C C A A E K ! H A I R U L L A M U C 1 V H X I S R 0 0 II 0 M R ....... ._., ........,, ,;:z ...... •It ·1 ::... '=: ~~ c.e... u.. vi... CatM ..... ""' U-AM H...., ~ ""'"'9: MiNlt et """ ..,an mn 1111 C:.'11 11 l 1 -1"" J •q ( 11't ''' I '1 ........ 3 br, 2..+ ba twnhH In C ....... E Hwpt Hgt1 .,... Aa9un1e Anxious corpor1t1on 1--------ofteMQ VA terme on thl9 V908nt 2 8dr home onr!: oorl* lot. lnc:ntdlbly ced at only IU,5 O. ...,,.._ 4 8d, lo ctwn, QOOd toerie and owe. '••land. U16!..000. Pattlok or Ft9d TenOl'e, M1-<2711 . ' R&"M~ _,. tow lnl loen. Pnoe 1180, co•t ooo. AGt 815-11551. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Meth•r --====-==::iii Model. Perfect for th• AINll msT 1mall famlly or 1tnglel. 2 Bdm\, 2 bath. den, ~ Almo1t new home up-nlno room, large doUtJle gredee throughout. garage. Elect. opener. Prime locatk>n '*" UCI Quiet end unit. Walk to end~-•1es.ooo. the beech. 11t5,ooo. .., ........ 141-Tilt I , F!i~.~. ''"· m1nte11, kit. Olbl· nett, fllHd p1n1llftG, doore, booko .. ••· rt· mod. l 1dd0 ona. >Clnt ,..., uo. 1341278. "6-2318 ~I ~1J&.-M Crown mouldlng, entry ~............... • ...... i:•~i:-;..... dOOf't m1nt111 bOOlt· ~ ,.,.~ot ~wZ.i~ 01Nt.' ceder llned olo· -=.tt'=1iL ·~~ __ oorn __ AOb_· _a.._1_~~;.....;.;,.. Mtt. Wood tOlutlont to ,. wood probl•m•I A.U.&TAff ll'AV1HO Concrete: "•move Old, 131-1521 911'aoct111g-Stt1P1na ,...,110• New. lmllg1 1---------....,.CoriwnJ"-'d. Job9.~ ... Ma12 .._H uo , .. ,_ 4Mt-1111 :-;, .................... . AJM C.,, Df1rfWN..l/ ACOUSTIC Dwt.....,.,, Onldlng •••••••••••••••••••••• Aeptlrt, new & old. 11 I,__ Co. "9t/Coinl. Mom/AN lft my home, Yf9 eicp. Bud W.e6U UO •'le4 ~17t0 petMlme, 12.50 ~ hr . .,__._, __ , CdM. 840-7211 _If' ..... ........... ,,,..._ __ , ······················ ~ _, Chlld Cere, my home. £1.ECTAIOIAN-Prlced .... Mon-,rl., C.M. erea,. right, lfff tttlmtl• on ••• MANNiiiRViCU... f)lp. IN>thlt. 879-7315 large Of trnel )Obt. ...,... 'llnt. ¥9mlefl. C..ti ... ,J UC. 391821. 873-0358 T•..f'\lb.Wlx. ...a-t7M .... ~ .. • .. ••••• LIC'D ELECTRICIAN R£MOOEL/ADO-ON8 Quel, WOf1l.Aeu. rttet .... ..... & Cerpentty. Uo'd. 28 Fr .. tet. 131-5072 Tom f':...-:C:T' .= ywa. lrwln 14W718 TOP QUALITY eel hudyman work. Fine llnlthed carpentry, ELECTRICAL WORK 971-7M1 remodeling tpeolalltt. AMt. ratat. 531-5065 Lie. 418617. Randell ELECTAICIAN .u.n 720-12t0 5m1 JobtlRepaira. Uo. •••••••••••••••••••••• COMM'L/RESID. 2331oa.c.10. 641-5203 ........ "-...... A4wnocl-Add'ns-Repeln Look~ a home bulo V«Y r.... Lie. 300250 fltllla/..ftlt der'?E p I cell Rendall Jack H. a.Melt, Jr. ··F·OR··:~:·cou····~::a·· . re1 •Y· Jr or Fred Gen. Contr. 852-8142 '"'""'" "'~ w II. 0 n . par II v It w Bonded I In ed Topt/Ca.blneta refaced Homet, lno. El Toro. 1------*---Free Mt. 142-5357 581-1790 Went Ad• call 842-SG78 Sell Idle Item. 842~78 !!lrftr ••••••••••••••• ~········· ~ ............. . ~~ ~~-.... 1 ·~:=• EI. WW:= ~:::1'1.~:: ~~.·l ... t 141 tOll(Memcl) ,.~.itty, .,.. IJUMloeClll.Cel Aw.A~"-• . • I?~ In ~ -... ... -4111 Chet WYM :.:::! ------1 ltilYO'I ~NIHQ l.a ..... M 1'ltll MOlll.l _,.W>I .... ""flnfft "T0\11 YWCI C.." HA' VI.ING and local mo-:t.mu«a.......... No l'»1MI IH.a .... m-..1. ~ ..... .... AiR.l91HtTM.I. •• ~ly. 111..ent 91\'9 vlng atucMn~ Wltll truok. .. ..,..,. ITAAVIHG cou.IQI :::r;r-':e~........ NII/CM Offt, ...,...... oar..-drl. HlrdWWe. L ... 118-1 IO lod, tptlnllter l t~tub ITUOIHTI MOVIHQ NMI pa'°"91 I ....,,.. DMIOril'IMt .... , .. ~........... HAUUNO.OAADINGI lntlttll1tlon. Our •10rlt co. uo. Tt~. ..... ... ltl-1Clt '~············ HOMI IM,._OVIMINT dtmolltlon, olHn•up. any lookt expen1 ve. I,.,,..,, ... t .... t? PLAITfA ,ATCHINQ .lpf1nk .. ,._ • ... ...,.. llW'N .. """UMllNCI CoNret•. tteef9MOWll. ~our· .. ~~ WATCH UI QN)Wt AHIUOOOI. Int/ext. so Ael,/OCNM\. OOtlWMrol9' :;;"~............ Heeti-, oer-try. e1eo. Ouk* .-v. ...2.1aa ,_ .... _,. •• ...,....,. ..,.... 'Ill --""' ,......°>Job I .... .. ftlall-Vf9. NMt. ll'IUI 148-2177 ~tf1 ... Lawn-tt9HM1b IMtll :."'::~i1~ too "-•'-tMr. Uo 204111·14f.1Ml •h••-::P.••••••••••••• lD'I Pl.AITIRINQ T · ~ ' :7.'iltiili ..... eu••• -Nllfm All TYfll!I INTllXT 1/.-i..: ~tottlllna C41rpentry. Muonry Want I AIAll.Y 01.IAN ~I0-"°'°'*'10 by .. loh1rd llnor. I.lo. ,,.H EST. 84MHI ... .--. ............... . ""-lllWMt• MttOll ,.00ttng • ltlumblna HOUH? 0111 Qlngh1m 8prtnk~ 2IOM4. 11 ~ ot ~ L.attlo,,.....,..ltuooo Of'yweil • Stuooo • Tiie Qlrt. Fr .. Mt .... Mt2t Dew........... *-I cutomera. ,1.ASTEAINQ leittur ... Thin W .. K&D ~ ~t. Aemodej. J.I ...... '"° R081N'8 01.EANINQ M ... M2tf Think )'OU, es1...-10 INT/EXT. AESTUCCO. atuooo lrtc*. UO'd. ~/Comm. Oteln-up. ,..____, .__ ....... I t~0410ht'I 81oek w•. 8118-4812 ' G--18?-47M u Haullnl a..1-241t ---Mlln!eMnoe -·-• '""iwo.;oea ~ MM,.,_ -· ~WN °CARI o=1a.:C.::a'? .. ~H~OU .. ~Cl.IA .... 7 u••p;•.:=; .... ~~~.:....~ r!!J.f!ffl~c!:!r.!!f. f.'I.'.'}!. ........... ... Comm/relid Nwpt/CM ' ,._... -. ""'" ,,.,-.,.._,~llM --· "-,_..,, ..,_ QUALITY oommktt, t2 180 p« lolMf. Greeting l >Ont.,.....;.. WOf1l, lXPE.AT HANDYMAN Relltble, reft. ,, .... ,. Cll 17WSM, 78t-11MM ..,.,,. tes-Ot11 '** yr• up. Aep1lr/remod planter mhl IVlll. Fr .. OM/Oflf, lkrry 846-7412 carpentry· "ooflna Call 24 IWe. Ml-2411· PA.INTER NUDS Aeft. "lter ._ hHter l del. ~ N?·t&ee l! G ....... JA.--.. ~ .•. 842...013 Wiii CIHn your hoUM or ··--WON<I 30 Yf9 exp. lnV ....., ..... lrWlM ..... __,_ !~~~.... I ...... OW-L.ET'I GET ""' offlol. Elee., painting, It ~w·' ..::":.~·.:~·= ..... _ Aoouttlc ~ I·---· ..,....,,._, .. .,....,, _,. "'" ...,.. Mt-IOOe ~ vnn. ...-,.,.,... ~·, ..... ....., ,. .. 1 ,. · POOl PA08L~87 •••••••"••••••••••••• DomlNo ... 2-4151 DIEi He aan fix anyttllngl plUmbiftO, ~. eo.ta MMI. ..,.. .... -•u•"' ... -For quellty melnt l re-Moel eubjletll, K-t4 414-t168 JQan'• C1eM1n9 ..W... lrYlne.,.., 11W17S ....., ....... pair, call tor lrH ttt. Dey~ w11•• f 10wtl 1IDI 8MAlL JOH: plt.lfnblng, HOUIM,~t., Rentllt, Cullom 8'1dc, ltont, tni'ludveyneltltler Kem 411-1263 Mt. Morgen. .-W11t Topped/removed. Cleln =t· eleo, 015f:'l~[i· Of'ftOll. t217 IMoc*, eonorew. 1tuooo. (IXOY'E) 751-ltM •-"-WJU"' /!&aa•l- up, lawn f9fl0¥. 75t.s.41t Free Ill. ? EJcp'd -~ ~. Free eet. 64t-Mt2 COLLEG.f STUOEHT Ex· ~,~:_~•••••••• ••.~t;:tt;;~·:i~:· MOWING -CLEAH UPI Cerpentry, Ctblnett, Hon9t -~t CUSTOM BNCKWON< pt'd Int/at pelnUno. Airy M .._ .,10 Aoofl"9 c .. ~ W1ndOW Hauling • ~ EJlctr'lo9I. 'Plumbing, Etc. The beetll e7s-7 12 ew SMAl..LILARGl J088 J 0 b f 0 r I•. t I A I•. lie ,..:z-;-·.~ ~2~ CtMnlno. Ltd. 11411 8153 F,.. ttt. ...2~"°1 Don llM-0148 Qulllty ~ Npt/CM. A9t9.1146-M12 484-ttH or 552-0231 '...-· _,, 20% MontNy ~ MOWING ft()..f1&420 GENERAL HANDYMAN w/a per90MI touctl. , ............ I If ..... A9f9. ROOf FIREPROOflNG •R£SIO£NTIAL. '* Haul/Oumplng 115/12() mttonry, carpentry, Irv, HB. Beth 8~ .......-.1&-... EXTERIOR PAINTING Mtg. I'*· of oNmlcal. Avg 1 ety 930·, Avg 2-. MI,~ roollng, home Improve-•---~•1.z-H Cuttom WOf11. Fr.. .... 00 IT NOW. Fr .. 1. MS Chr1e 88? ..a3l8 _, 78'-88041965-0096 mtntt l repelrt. ~.~I. ••••••••• Blookwtlll.bttak.ttone, R .... +llnelnt,&ttel-o.MPtlnltng84 1H · · .._Mt pt .... __.. IS1-7882 • ._. Ill• l concrete. Outllty nlng, st..,. 547-4281 REPAIRS 125to1188 •F1NE8l IN o.c.• ~·I _, -WOf'k t i r ... rt*-Uo'd, F t "'•'I anytl Ron't WlndoW Wtthlna Exp'd, qu1llty work •t """'-' n..n ILTDUTIYI Free tet 878-9027 1. •-'• '~:T_r n0-212sme. Reeld. A-. eso-nf1 re•t. rat••· Mafnt. & •••••••••••••••••••••• • .~h..~l••••••••••••• 1---------•·--------landtctplng. NB/CdM HARDWOOD FLOORS Llw In NCUr1ty ...,_ma-Flreplactt -Pl1ntert • Fanhlna lntertor Det1gr1 HUber Roofing-Ill typea Orenge Coailt Wlndowt only. Ron't Gardening, Beautifully cleaned ....-BBO't • Pttloe l Veneer. HANGING 110/ROLl New-recovet-dech "We IMv. you wttl't a 675-9388/842-MH and waxed. 832-4881 lure lovtng care tor pell Ref'•. Fr• eet. 848 0464 Oualtty. Uc/Ina. Strip-ue. #411802. 548-9734 rbdgllt• outlodtl" •-U ~ ... ~ ... "''ttert. ··~-~Diec .. on paper. Fr .. ettlme1• '30.a111 Mow, edge, reke, tweep, -• a• ..,_",_, ,....,._.., nuf. VI ., __ •~ •--~&.• f''- tprlng oleert-up, lltul. ••••••ill•••••••••••••• (Since t878) 831-1234 •••••• ••••••••••••••• """'" .... 5-932& ~~.~,(••••••••• Chucll 842-2873 att 4 DUMP JOBS HOUSESITTINO Ou~~C:~'~. ASA PAPERHANGING BUDGET RATES/Llc'd ~~..':1~1 Reep., prof. teactler. F 40 Fr• .. timet ... S82~10 7 yrt Ioctl exp. Guer. Low min. Sml Job• Ot<. People wno need People yre, wlll 111 your home, work. PrlcH tttrt et Free .. t. Int. 141-7581 lhat'1 What the HAULING-ttuelerit hat gtrelen,r.t•. Nontmkr. Htvt you reed today'• II/roll. Alec 781-7027 DAILY PILOT lge truck. Lowett rate. 62M13 aft. 8 CltHllleCI Adt? If not. Reed the clueilled ads for SERVICE DIRECTORY Prompt. Call 759-1878. you're mlulng th• belt SELL Idle llem• with. lhe bell deal• In aptrt·r 11 tll tboUtl Thenk you, John. Went Ade CtJI 842-5878 bargtln1 In townl Dally Piiot Clutilled Ad ment renltlt 642-5878 . To place )'OUf metUOt before the reeding pubOc, phone Dally Piiot Clastllled. 642-5878 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 OLLA RS INES days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Moa ,.. 11" . htrt "'-11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 COUNTRY ClU8 LMNO IN NEWPORl BEAai A C1elu111 community on the Bad! Bey. Club ~ .. & "* 7 Poe*; • i.n- nl• oourtt; doee to ~ ,_ ' llhOpptno. UnlUmlahed 1tudloa, 1 & 2 br. apartment., town- ho!AMt S54o.t1000 •several 1tudlo1 & 1 bdrm. unite .,.. flrnllhed wllll fin• dMlgner tuml• lunt&~Mow In today or reMrve for IUl'nmtf monthl. Smet1ty furnltn.d mOd .. t open dally. Forfarther information I reprcun, advertl1ln1 plliement in the Sehoole a ln1tructlon1 Dlreetory -eall Louiee Griffith 642-5678 ext 330 lt1nt to It A TRAVEL AGENT Momin,, afternoon & evemng classes. P ac;b :Jravi j . :Scfwo/ 610 E. 17th St. s.ta AtlO (714) 543.9495 h .. llllled 19U Financial Aid Programs Accrectited by the Accrediting Commission or the Na·, tlonal Association or Trade & Technical &hools. American Airlines Sabre Computer fiainin&. CR&\ TIVE COLOR Poclflc• ... ...,,.. ... • Color c•H•lt•tloa ....... Le.. .. • .. aim-.. ~ ' wer4r•~• for ••• .......... Am, kit. pnv., C.M. etvt. tlan home, nonamkr, uao mo. 1 100 dep. e46-3872 Call 645-1308 or 851-9352 for Info. Lt1rn How to u11 Wang, IBM 058 & Oltplaywrlttr Xeroxeeo Cll 014)5sa C11l11fTnlllll,,.._...._ DfJ' • In•· • Id .,. IAIN MOU MOMIY Become a Word Processing Specialist Excellent CarMr Opportunities WOAD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION 2232 S.E. 8r11tol-S~~f W\,,ta Ml. Ca tt70/ 'A ..... tl(.._ ... ...,_~ ...... ., r•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' 1 · lntern•tlon•I Youth 8occer 1 1 ~ •nnounCH It'• I 1 ~ Reeptlng appllo.tlon• for tta 1 I SUMMER SOCCER CAMPS I 1 for Qlrl1 and Boy• •I• 1-17 yra. 1 I July 18·23 Leguna Nlguel; Ooeanvtew I I High lohl, Huntington BNoh I I July 28-30 Leguna Niguel, Huntington BMctt I I , Aug. 2·1 Laguna Nlguel, Unlve111tr High I I Sehl, lrvlne I I Aug. ""13 Laguna Nlguel, lrvtne I I Aug. 11-20 Laguna Nlguet I I Aug. 23-21 Laguna Niguel I I We ott.r en outatandlnt ooechlnt •t•ff of profffslonal coachn end plaJ.,. from I I •ntl•nd, •urope, United 8tatH. ''•-r .. letratlon .. • muet. Call tor ,,.. broohure I a1-111t. I I we ofter • ••rtetJ ot w tremlnt propama .. .....,.. "°"' beltftwa to eclYenoect. I • per chlld per ........_ Teem retee alao ........... Por .._ broclMn and MtMr I lfttormetton on Pf9-Nlletnltlon conl8ct lruoe Hand. Dhctot 111·1711. I L-••••··~··•••••••••••• •••••••••• JOLEE MILLER VOCAL l"R.~ININ\, f)IL'TION Has openings for students of all ages and levels. Graduate Westminster Choir College, Princeton. N .J . 141-1111 SUMMER SCHOOL -4 DAY CAMP HICJh SchOaettle ....... T1 .. flrHI 31'• s...ci. ............ , (714D7892 INTIRNATIONAL TRAV!L INSTITUTE Tr•ln '°' . An ixottlng Ca,.., In Trev .. .,, ... , ~,.,, ...... ,. .. ,,. ...... .... llld Cal Cllltft offerM. ·~ ......... " •... . , ... , ..... . lnroHlng NOW for dar •nd evening ol .. MI Cll w write lodlJ ftr 00 e1t .. (714) 851-7797 IRVINE CAMPUS ma MldltllOll Dr. htne, ca 1ma r •BALLET• TN' • JA11. • TRIM TO AHY'MA •AEROBICS • CHILOAEN • TEENS• ADULTS ................. CleMt ''•r-™.., I '"'.!'~::.::..-.., ... .:.r.::c.. ..... -961-5440- INDMOUAUZED PROGRAMS SUMMER SCHOOL hading Moltl ~o ComprehenelOfl Qrommo1 Study Sldllt Summtr Schoot . . Summ" Camp •• m~r Jfatrmant &c~oal ORA.'Uif: CO( \'TY S Ol.DE:ST & 1"/.\'l":S'T f'Rll'AH: .llC/IOCJL Remedlel or Accelerated CIHses Tral\_..llWlevelt-. IM7 W. Mobil•. Anuh1:1m Phonr 774 \1152 GET AN EDUCATION MONEY CAN'T BUY. PLUS $15,200 FOR COLLEGE. ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. l.lflN ... 7q..szs1 Tllltit 731-04&1 ,.< -~cos----) > Newspaper Car[iers for footes in ~ntington Beac:h, fOUntaln Valley & N9"1>ort Beach I Orengo Oout DAILY PIL.OT/T\letday. May 25, 1982 lltl.IMIC .... 1.tft 1Mt.91lt\'C ... !.tff lti.~ .... !.(ff •• 'P!!. ....... l!.ff l!'!!!llf!'!•t ••• l!ff ~.'!1.~t ..... IMI Tn.~~~ ....... ~,.l.~fl M'!!l.~1!!!~ ...... ~1.'!!.lt'.illtft ....... ~1.tr..lfl.mtfl ....... . V.,.._Oolt,tot ~~·**'BUY** fl•r l el•l'lltl'ftbertll1P'" 7T'Albl(IV ... 'U 'H~Oflt\l,UN4'W"'f• a.,... It••• 1144 •.J'--M .,. ._ WMeek Vlll'IV "°""¥1~ fennleoiub Dal 1n1>rd. NWpl t110.1oe-.,,,~cut.="~ rnTm ............. n nr:' .................. :.-;;-.-."twm ••••• r;.i:,1 ~ ._ Ml erea. "wlal"' ffl\llnt Ooect u..-''11nll11re A CCll'llact 1~uet If decl ltUOO Ml..:tNI f.t u";~rt 'o '63 UNI , .. .. WWII""' ••• ~.. ffftf11, lttttlnt 14 llf, A..,_. Of' 1 • ... Inter• I N~CAA" feet tQUI 'd ~ ... ·.;;.;;..------! _.., all I 0 •• HO·"" atwl\ oi llU ... YOU ·~u· JH,. • Cert • f w/oatm ,ec.n. modi' • 171 DelMI fltlup IJIOl*I, RESTORED Work ln OW' Nn ~ profll· IO.HAM. IU'9t 1111'111 Ioele. Menv 1•11 flor 111r 1ueo WkdYt t-1. ..,,d, iunroof, ftllf oUIC't u a 'tltphontnl .. pr oUon '"!II .. 11~11111 ltl 1111 IQ.llH ~•r 110.00 ''' fnfo 4t7-6e13 "1an :.",':: ti~~.~7~t-~~;~ HIOO. mint cond . wlr• Vtlrf ~ cltrk for 'h• a1N'I flnt1l n 1pe~r. :~P ~xo~vx I llY M26iW 1312193 t.1M1 IXT UM f3' Rowlnf motor' 1111. an ePM =: ~~'T,0:: ••·:;r;;,;;·~.:,·0 Oftty requlremant " • \elephont ~ ~ "'"'· :.:. L.M .. ., .. ,.. Otd ratl'lloMd btl~tub. '4I0/~78~t2 ,,., llfif mor• a....1 11 .. ....._ ........ Yole9 and tnlh~ 1 Coeta Meta Oall 1.H. '404tt4. f\11.otiM INlltr .. ""· ltH/080. ••••••••••••••••••••• , ,,, ........ _,, Ofttc.. •~ 110, New queen elu , 17 .. 1170 II, 1111' '16 ·OodQ• Vtn• Oood .f!f!Y.•••••••••••··' ._._e..._ ,....a.a..Uff •100. 7S0.9132 A&-&... _,, COnd "280 or bel l Of• ........., . ,......,., •••••~•••••••••••• Seate , ... type gee lawn• -•• -"'· ~TER .. .... ,..,_ Mii Am«. ltO mdl. ,... mower 195· Good oondl· ~i9$iip;·.;·:.;;.-·.;i. ~o-t:m --.IO-O_A_T_S_U_N_200 __ S)(--I a.::•· ...... ,.. .... ·~~~""'~t.i~;:w O•d•t OVll Mat. fa.It" tlon. t4&~115 Harbour. up lo ...... A•lll w,.114 "" *""aw.• ,. /1111 •&4.00 for ftrll Wtek: \htl\ thare In rad wool ru\.' 11 •11' bge, a11e. M2·6202 tvt SEARS YARD VAC sq. n. 21"5116-5182. •••••••••••••••••••••• Super IPOf1 model. Auto, t36$1 Harbor Blvd. pennerthlpU'°_::-... C1; ~~0C:::~i. 1c:: ~~i..p~•3;~~8 v97.I~~'°" :::i1:~~. -.::::it·~:~ WE PlY :;,~'r~:.t•t!~~~~i ....!;:t.~'~•lll .... _.••ta...... 11 p1a7t_~~~fhlng OynHty) "42·13N/t45..o326 ANTIOUI BATHTUB 1t.,.6'. feo-teM TOP DOLW NHd rellabl• patty to 11• 111-1111 ...... -14 .,,...,. OIUT tp IUWDI Wltll Olaw toot It make amall monthly 1--------1 ... 1111. Ma-47'5 llD a IU ... 1111 GUI pmtl. No old oonlrllClll IO ·so Portche t24 Turbo ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Antique Oak Buffet with US. -2·,Mllf.48-0320 We have 1paoe avl. al lW ....... u1ume No back pmtt '110 Poreone 824. Both : beveled mirror, 2 dt•· oubl• bed .. ,. Matt. a ea· u~ Orapeat•k• fen· our s.i.a doekt In Lido -du t . A 1 k 10 , R 01 • loaded Tak• over I•• K=~t~~~,;= •.:: ~u.Alatma.. ,IT,, .~ttr~. ::;~ 160 ;~·1~~Jv':·. boUprlng.QCSoond,136. ~~·.~1 u:ri '."oo:u:!~g VIII. tor therp. detlrable NITIAl/borlllUt 142·4400. Ull-1001 payrnentt. 714/H&·tlOt ::-:r· ... hrl MM, 2t ~~~·~If.,;.~ .... f.42-"37 ""· 1142-1Slt. e4S.03J5 87&·2e0P • ::,. Of NII boat•. 40' ' 242&~~ ME:~d. Proto 1./M. ·eo Poractle 814 TurbO ' __ ...;.....;...---+-- " • • t /14, mutt 10¥9 ~_,1 • O u1llty dining HI, round B!AUT.,Ul.I. v tlnl•h•d TAADe WINO YACHTS MMHI 'll ITATill WU '80 Porecne 124. Both 'tt 01. w/tUNoot. Imme· anlma11. Atll ror Oewn, a... ~TGO~•••••••••!. emok~lu1 & ollrom• plcnlo lbt, ' matching 8711-0007. M0-17211 tvt ut-Hll Arn/fm oaH a/c new lo•dtd Tak• over IH wt•t• Mutt Hlllll 111, N:::: Harbor Anim.I Al llltlt .. ,. HARBOR AREA 1260. 6-81111 bef\ehea MS. 540-1736 BOAT Sl.IP8 AVAILABLE -, paint. 11760: 1131:e11ee payrnenta. 7t4/12&-1eot 700 080. Of.4.7078 , ~.M. 1S1~1'c: .,. ... Dr, ="~::.! .. ~": e::~~~~~ Ull NII ~t unUMd IE I WI I I 2 1 I Newport 8Hoh 20· a WI llf 9119 ·~s ~ache 3SC, grey, A•lfl Uu4 1 -.... -a-mtn need•ct for retell .. .....;i .. ..,._ ~'4017 eof• bed. 5 pc bdrm 40'.1142-41144, 9-SPM M 1ra11 aa•s '78 WAQON 210. Orig 111· 7~:c:t~ r.., Plrt• •••••l•••••••••••••••• --·-• ..... • Haletant mgr. ......--Mt COflternciorr,i:•' ... ~ .,... owner. malnt rctdl S Ip, s"~2~ .;.,.111 dy1 , laltk Hll Min. a y.9tl fem~~ pc& Mwt ~w Od· retal I "'APft.111111 ~wt. orig I t • MO 8 to 20' long, set per ti. fr11Uwl1LIM .. TllOll t /O, •t•r. rack. 53K ml. .. ................... . ~· O.C. ~. &afatY ptua L• Ml.a133 A !'!,~=-~-= 775-1491 any\lme. ••••~••••••••••••••• '4000. ph 6<65-7383 alt 5 '74 914 1 8 rebll ·new ' Ill ft ..._ ~ beMlt9. oOfl'lm. a com pan~ b•· unit ... ,.. 1eeo Ill II lO ·1• e210 Hlcllbk, ••cell ~!~ ~ t ~ 54 0 0 0 1 a Y • IOI' the i..-1 and 11e1t 9elary commenturate neflte. Only qual tied Kitchen Aid Port. 0 1•11· a. ....,.. Remain• ot Movlnv Sale ••••••••••••••••••••• • ....... oov-v232 ..... 1142· M5 .--wltll ••~enenoe. Call h G d 11 lncludlng furniture. art. " .. Share In '7" T" 10 In oond .• t ...... Snrf. lllck ' ••l•ctlon ol new and pereona nted •PPI". wai •r · 00 • •P•· --... • ,. "' • 499 27"''" 1·97 " Meg at 1·1234. Apropot , 2t Fathlon Ma, 841·2909 an 8:30 -•• .._ mllC houllMld 11111'11 6 O C A 1 rpor I Exec. • "" .. t 1 1000 mllH on u1ed 8 ulok1 In Ota"f41 ...... ... l1lend, NB. or call: 18 cu ft Cold1pot refrlg/ Bent\1ood rocker SH. or Set May 29th 8 am to Corp Complete IFA ,. -10,. ahow car 113.000 Sofa and low IMt 1200: 1g potted tr ... ~2 Hangar. Subchapter·S f.''·t It•• total rMtoratlon, collec· C~today1 Ma1Ul9. ...,...._IOed and '44·2652 freez«. tro1t-tr .. 1100 coif" table S30; lamp 2pm equtf. $4000 p1u1 ,.., mo ~;;•F•1;i"12r•·d~~;~·;;, 49s.1oe2 att 7PM honHt. lvenlng1 and SALESPERSON to Mil...._ 75l·2280 table •20: boc*CIM 180; I ... ti 'd 1111 llYU 0 _..-. !Mt- 1422 r--thelvlng unit u o: 2 Ladt.a 3 apd blk• pym • n •• r ra no req 1 1 orlglnal m11... p11·1. p7·, 6 NCT'1 =l~n°:'s:~~o~; Stove hood S36, waaher lampt SS; 13 In blk and St&. 1173-e582 Top dollart lor Sport1 ShOUld Ml for S1200 Of PLUS I PERFORMANCE ~Pmll Ptu.a.714-t28-1&4e $75,dryerH5,5gal whl TV S 25 . Cell 759·0970 •ltti1'41lkn 1140 Cars.B~1,Camper1, offer 840-78t4 & 7ta..834-8997 Oenertl maintenance _.;,.... ____ .....;. __ , plaltlc buettet $2.50. 55t-8711S Operating Table. Stain· ••••••••••••••••••••• 9l•'t , A l'I C .. 873• 1585 '78 P<>tlChe 9t tSC, petrol •I I~ Or-,, C_.., llnowl•dy•· Expat. In ••• ·--750.7802 uch Sport, m~ l"P• Aatl tor U/ MOn I ' 11·•7 blue & "'k, IOa~ ..... P-7'1, • 2925 HarbOr BNd __.. Haitian cotton 7' I01a & 6' lau, Hydraulic, with 1.V. ' 'IM M•RIH ,. 1 11 .,. ....., electtlca &plumblng fOfhlghqualltylradltlo-1---------lov ... et Llkenew$300 Stand Sll0.8'40-78t4& wl\e9l1,run1&1 axlnt • -•••••••••••••••••••••• 1unrl,etc $19.900 PP. COSTAMESA ~r,t:·,~~~·~~~.t•[Zci ~~!,~~~·~~to:.l~~~i1~~: w~~ l2t::, ;~: 494·t9611 . 1173-t685 $31500. 1:::,81111.1-• 18~~~~~!~. WE'RE ~5l.ol3N511111• 11• II· 911-2111 Bot\, 411-4477. E.O.E. telllg9rlt, ln1«•ted per. waat\11 $t00. 64f.&a48. Sola Bed, 11and1rd, rull. lfJ1nJuaHt11 nov ..--HUNTINGTON BEACH " " •i••m ton. Mutt dre1t n .. tly. $76/oller. 775-8327 or W.••I-" IOll Like ~7.;,1~81. $.400. 1•2•21H Red, 5 1pd, xlnt 1hape, 7 t Skylark, brown, r•· -·-·-'Ult °'3S/1tme evall. A.... WASHER 788--01t6 .,. " • ...,,,.. .. DEA LIN' 80K 16995 846-9805 cond. tran1. radio, ale. Food H rvlce. retell ... -Clea ~... 1 1---------•••••••••••••••••••••• · S950/otte<. &4f.84M PIY: 9: to 5:30 way.. n, -#Ol'kl gpod, 75. MUST SELL. couch, good BALBOA BAY CLUB 81 HONDA Pa11port. lo Wll"leDI '811 Porsoh• 912. good --------·-~ contaot mgr of 21 Monarcll llay Plan, 541-4415 c;ondltlon 175, 0 ._,.,11uf· MEMBERSHIP WANTED ml, xlnt oond. $496. 15 fUurNITE boely & Int, bad 5th gear. '79 Regal, pa, pb, am/frn operatlone. HSJ L•ur• &.ao. NIOI* fed chair •15. 0..k aul-Retuon•bll. 720.1808 848-2402, 8'47.et26 lllftlUlll\ 13750 0t vw catnl* 0t C&ll, ale. landau lop, lo C.,,yon IMI .. Paoolma, SllUs;erton for cNldl'en't DRYER (GAS) table tor chll<lren 115 Or bUO + cuh H0-5543 m I. 111 n t con d · ~1~ 3 3 1. ( 2 13 I ttcn. ~ retail Clean, S:::~· 195 beet otfe<. 1142•5293. •f· #11lt1l tlottr~lfl/ DELIVERY ON · S5700/0BO 9t3•H40 MECHANIC-with Jaguar or BrttWI cat ...,_. Muat ,,..... own tooll. Benetlte. 951·toel2 only, par\ time. Petit• ter llpm. luln91•1• IOl3 kHl•11 llSO l.1/1 •-1111 _...,_, ------•••••• ~/:.·...... ••••• c,,,JJI.•· Hll Marone. C.M.1142-4714. ST=VE. QUEEN Siu waler bed. F;;·;;i.~·,;;;;·~;d ·;;-i(;~~~·.·k·t.a·;ooo·J~ MOST • SALESPERSON. auto a w<>nl• • 175. frame, heater. pedMlal, Allek PA 1y11am. •11 or $2995. 5800 mllH. llke I •1 DCALCR IN U.S.A ····-····1~~~· .. truck I~. commie· _..86 175 OB0.1142-4230 part. 2 1pkr bottom1, 2 new. Everything lnclu-, ... ...._ •• , rY"'1V CARVER --·- tlorl + 11. Call Mr. 2 poalllon brown naug horn• plu1 Pevey 300 d9d 855-4894 c .. tellkw MODELS l\UI OUIUAC't Olcken1 for app t. uher. New Wlllrlpool racllner w/hHler & vi· Ampt Other equipment . 3 "•o tJU• l ... fOJ TY'I ( C.~ We 1peclallte In IHMI 1142-1944 S225, Stlll on warranty brator, IOOM beck eofa & a v a II C a II Rob at 75 Huaky eo. 8 •~d. l'IL..)l.LJ l'k..11\....C.: for the bu1lnff1 execu· secreta ry •d•d with WhVgaa. 957-1se& , loveeeat. 548-5532 114e.7174 ~ ~11o .. 'r~ltan;5~~-WI llY SAVE ....... :·: .. ::-~ t1Vt11& .. r:._oftllllonelltl1zM1M. ~.Eci1 backP.'~ui"d •: F ' Id ' o ' •rm au .. n Size bed OIJJn l•nilu1 I 1142-3495 USED CARS a TAuet<S c.toi10 ~UNo•o .......... 1n'"'2 en •our an """ • r g •re ryer, wh te. complete S 150 EvH L.l-••I IOI$ 1980 Harley Oavloion. COME INOA CALL FOR •· •II ~~deltl.Strongtyplng t'odcond.115.Call 842 -1tt5 ·day1 ••• ";1~-""•••••••••••• Gol<MnAnnlvefMtYllml-RUAnl&IS&L AT Mid 11-OIMMI & "" 1 th or •peed wrl· 7•15e8 1142·1M77 · 5 Orawedeaal1lielocklng ted edition. factory C«ml«-Oellllo •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~ ting '9qUINd. Waterfront b 1 THE 1112 offtcelnPMwpoltBeach.Refrlg .latemd lWe11-911SLOANPlllow101a fll e c abna t 1100. cu11om.S850palntJob. OlmtuT HONDA I NA ~ 11000/mo. Call Terry at lnghouae. troit-frH w/ w/Hrth tone tapHtry 775-8303 Many. many extru. Iota 18211 BEACH BLVD IRE HERE! e1s-1221. lcemaker 1225 upn1t$300 780·1995 ltll IOIT ofctirome&go1c:tp11t1ng HUNTINGTOfllBEACH (:i\()ILLi\ ~ ... / ....... ~ 1142·2623 Dine elegantly on I •••••••••••••••••••••• $7,000 or baal offer 141-tlll, Ut.1111 800 aerle1 3 doors. 4 P"AAOT M8-19b'4 SANTA dOOl'I & Turt>01 available I ••lH ,, Ill\ 1 -.... ··unique" din rm 111 " -...-Npt,. Bctl. Mult heW op Alrlean grey. very ~oung Better than 1 Moped, T Doi nowl Com• In & drive 1 ..,, , , .. "'' '>-l<• '"' Conv ·long term oue 1klll1, Including word ............... ., table exl. to 128", w/ & tame. $180 Honda CL 70. &125 op ar Roao & Track Maga· Jl!!!!!l!!!l!!!l!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!L exp. req'd. Excell. WOf· proc ... lng, preferably $25. 759--0970 cuetorn ped•, 4 llde & 2 947 .53113 1145-71134 ev.a lloe'• ~of the BEST ktnn cond1. & t>enetlta. C,T Svetem. 2 lra. law arm chairs (uphol.), Paid .......... Mdtn of the 'llOll 1972 ede>. conv. Fir• mlat ..• ' buffet/1erver, ~· ht•d B 0 ANA ...,..... "_,,. n-t otf-F/tlme, 7-3:30, 3-11:30. or tax 1cc;tg. 0 c. exp. REFRIGERATOR ABY M LUCCAN No r .. aonable offer refu. IUOI --TS .r-...... "' 714-&42-8044oraoolY1n req'd. Salary s l ,800. llk• l'IW. 2 dr, lroat frM, china & b .... S8 llrm Hand fed. very attectlo· Md, '76 360 CBT e-~. For Your Carl _..Vft 769--0708. t«-5742. person: oe Flagthlp Call: Mr. Swen. (714) $185. 893-9060 546-2009 n1te. 3 ~7: .. ~3 · elec. etarl. good cond JllHH 1 ltl N~P~~ :~~H Tm 1 a•IUT Rd. NB 944°8614 blwn 8:30 & Mu1t tell whl dulgner .,.... _.., Lo ml. $500. e.42·21123 u ........... .., Parts & s.rvice Open All .,_. ~~~~~~~~~1~9:~.30~AM~.~=~=~1FULL 1lze Refrigerator. couch & match. chrl, Jtlnl COCKATIEl 82 Honda Goldwlng, 211211 H1rt>or Btvd. Day Saturday 152-0900 IEUCTIOI OFFICE Pweon, typing, & SECRETARY· AECEPTIO-good condition S100. conc:t. 1 yrold. O..perate 8ulpher cruted. e mo1 lnt«atate. 220ml.'5400. Coate M... &40-6e30 30t w. Werner Ave. 1---------of late model. low mf .... cuatomer relatlon•. Be-NIST, acO\lrate typlat. 751-3231 S400 Kg 11 bed 175. old. hand tamed. '449 6'45-744'4 (1 blk. weet of Main) S•Nn 1111 oe Cadlllaca In SOuthem neflta. Hundngton e.cn. Call L~nn for appt I'' .1 •-aRecllnef 1100. Gold WlY 1147-6863 '711 Harley OtvldlOn 250 ....... fJ':l~YP~~ ~·r 540 7430 •••••••••••••••••••••• CllHornlal S.. ua today! 53&-4&91 "42-oMe c.M.. · .:!T!:!! ••••••••• ~'r: C)CC)M. ctY m .1n1.id w ... --· ..... -. Salff-~Le&11ng •a•ir•s ---:r.-=-=:::::----1 . .::::::::::::::..=::=:. ____ INl1hlkl Olymplo lnt'I 10 coft" tble, ndl varnlttl NEW Wrcwght Iron cag•· oc $500. (foreign tlr domettk:) IAllLDIGI w •t·• ~~-~ ';;'.;:' ~':.:11, ,., :!,'=:' ~· l\~t.'.;~:'; ~·,~;:: :'.'.; £ii:J;''"" '· ,11 ,::;.:·;.... '"C'u~:.i"'" 7:,~~.c ~~,:; ~1 -Diii' Ao" able penon, 18 or ld'lelart aecntatytor Cott $450 Sell $225 2-tler dreaef 1175 . ...._ ,,,.., I,._,., lllfO Dirt bike, xlnt oond . 833-6572 H1·lMI 4tMMI ~~~· older. Pulllng part• or-rep l'f growing com· oeo. wer oak 3-drawer dr••· •••••••••:::1......... • .. 7 ....... 11ot &40-1111 der'l In amal ~ patrt. Good"'*'°-oMce 7 54-MIM Hr S75. 2 1ml 1tereo1 Steinway 5,7 .. Mdl M. .., ,,. ......,.. · II Honda Accord, air. fntll 1111 C.M. 549.5574 (1-4pm) •Itta. commufllc:atfon 1 $50 .. Mlac. ~ Watnut 1923 Xlnt cond • t •--~ •·•-I radio. auto, new tlr••· ··-'••••••••••••••••••• ---------E.O.E. orgentz.atlonal 1klll1 r• laJw..J 1tem1 & auorted kit sea50, 652-7316 ,., fl_,_, I 3 9 50 0 8 0 · '78 TOYOTA CELICA '78 Sevllle· Ork gr.en, quired. s.wy CClft'lfl*.. gooc11. 842-2823 lnJlll••• 1111 114-540-4110 *Mm SEU* IHther. loaOed, 1tlnt • -1urale w/e11p1r. Call .,,,n.i. 1111 .Lei-•e~IOIZ •••••~·~•••••••••••••• ond ,79 p ~ 5 ..... Sport model w/6 1pd cones . low ml 873-0444 Alf •-t7t-1470 •••••••••••••••••••••• Glrtl wtlll• vanity tetite :O:O:i:JI••••••••••••••• For rent: 20' motor home. a r • ...,..., Total car In xlnt 1hape 6-tc>m. ~youth IM"tl 1111 .-in StO 759'-0970 SIN<llR Antique Sewing Very clean . Compl. loaded, reg. gu. red AM /FM ta-. iow mllla· "·--·• HIT II fl h SECAETl#t'f _,,.___, e ... Xlnt cond. 1 5890 ,.... -count• no rm •• :='.: 8dl ad Good Mlectton se-114 Soanl•h Couch & love-mad!IM (treadle) 175 --· .7'"61.... 543-t330 or 551-4059. ge (3 tllRFY) Neild r....,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• opening• for 3·6 thatp ~-~ FrM del¥Wy apeclal. ...1. 110001ofter 845-4796 • .u • , ll~I ble party to make ame1 'H Cemaro 327. auto. outgoing meture ~ -·-w 2515 Laguna canyon Rd. n• ...,.,.,, 11-.uns. 1T~n1 '' ---------79 Accord Htcl'lbk, AIC, monthly pmlt No old amlfm atereo. P 11 · p/b, to motivate ambltlou1 ~ ellp. Laguna fk:6. 4°'4-4784 ~ 1V la'1t •••••••"'••••••·~·•••• belga lnl/ut .. excell. contract• to_,,,,. No ~tape SlllOO 10· 13 yr o ld•. c •II M1~ •• a·· trw Obi• bed w/hdbrd, $50, Bili ,;,,.. ,,., ":i:t~h:a':.:'::i~d:,:,~~~ ~!t~,.~~~ ...... eond Mull NII $.41100 back pmll due A8k for ___ 114_2_·9_t_26 __ _ 2·5pm. 942-4321. ext. 1---------f 01r1o Jtlnl conc:t Muat NII •••••• ~................ ••P• 8 fold• f9r •a•y Adi 11' 840-e931, ne-4021 Ao•• 8 4 2. 4 4 00. Cilt'l'fl•I ,,,, •8'43~~· ~AM~tor~¢"'~~,...~~~i .-JllT/08. Redwood 2xe decking, t..e32..a&e2/855-11827 8EAUTIFUl 25" RCA pulllng' GrHI for l•ml· •••••••••••••••••••••• 79 reel Accord 4dr, auto. 1-5511-__ 1ooe __ P_r_ot_o_Ll_M __ •••••••••••••••••••••• -Flnanct.l irw.tment""" 4-20. ~ redWood Amer1can Martlnl'Vllte Color TV ..... 2 yr wmty ..... s2spo. S.f.44117 ·77 Audi, iunroof 4 dr. Orig 39t< ml, mint cond. '78 Corolla dlll. S0,000 ml. SE£ IS ,.m Pll1'I WWWID for 1ducator1 flencing. Jim or Ken Din Ml. 8 chalr1, retell 1148 Free dell\'efY • auto. xlnl cond S4ooo . '5.250 780-0358 auto. AC. llke new, $2, we have a good HIK· fxJ* In 1 hr colOf pr1n. Ptn/comm.dept. aaer.: anytime, n5-1491. 121100. mu1t Mii 11300 TV John'• ~e-17ee A•l• l1m111 11111 113~1ee •It 5 30PM 750 845-8044 tlon of NEW & USED ting req. APPLY IN PeR· tary. Excel typing and C.·-i·•ai a 1-&32-85112. 85S-8827 Penaeonlc rac:eN«. turn-I Attflltrifl HOO '12 a-~t ._.__ J•••V f130 1 t• CheW01et1t SON. W91kdeya. IN A.NO 8/H required. !xecutlw - • • End l Coft .. Tablea table & 27" 1pk11 Like •••••••••••••••••••••• ,._. ._ ••'••••••••••••••••••• I • ftfetl Wteta OUT PHOTO MOfetarfat expt. a muat. L.l ... •I UJO Some IOlld mara:, 115 to New $300. 494-t969 LITE SOOY WORK & S350/bat 643-4319 'll Ll12l AM/FM. auto, Irani. gd CONMRL CHEYIOlET ~11..rt .. r II .·I 10052 Adema Ave, Non-1moker pref. Call ••• ";l~~tt•••••••••• paint/up to 60-/e off your 963-4840 & 641·129t cond Auna xlnt. St 150 Huntington 840-0123 $25· 1142•1388 845-0325 body atiop Mt. 536-0832 lllW 1111 'll y ...... _ OBO 861·2220 e.ch. 993-5900 IUD• Bedroom Ht complete "''' A ll•tl•• ---'---'------•• •••••••••••••••••••• ---lll'Y l llWPT • Start your darkroom to-St75 B1bylln• whit• r...1 .. 1at .. / 1 •-J I' ~·J,,t)U:f.~ 59.000 ml EQulpmenl la Tri•••• 1111 Proeluotlon L.eac:t With une Small law offloe epeclall· dayl With a 8eeller 23Cll complete canopy $150 ••• ";1 • .,.--. •••••••••••• !'."..'!.:~.~.!........ ,.; -" auto. PS, PW, Pwr dr ••••••'••••••••••••••• experience . Full time. t ing In tax mattere. enlerilng 1en1H, 1811. Ilk• MW. 1142·3888 ..,,,, ll•l•l••••tt IMPORTANT NOTICE lock1. Lea Int . 8 track. '&8 TR Spitfire, 2 top• • ...;:;=======;:... Enolllfl tpeaklng prefer· Hlgh·accuraC" typl1t. llAhl fllt _._... I TO READERS •NO Wht Wiien. Orig owner clean S\ 9 00 OBO. Call "'""' _.., red.Cry11alCraatlon1, ' "'' ••.-·ron c 4 Upho111ered Peaoh l1tritf IOU " $7500 Answer Ad •575. "':":~.-;,# ,,. 711 W. 17th. St. Suite Word proce11lng d•••· timer. varlou1 •U•I• & wood arm chalra S26 •••••••••••••••••••••• ADVERTISERS X731tn8t9c75o nd 6'42·4300 24 l'lrt. ·1·s· c·o•·•oo••••••••••·:~ 87 C red, but not required. every type of darkroom each 17141 4117•11329 M11tn• Electrlolan Tile price of ltem1 ad· • · R VA Black ..,.,., ' 1 IST A \1 ~ ~. \ 546-1200 i iii.iii.Mi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Mutt llave car. Salary ~ lm&Olnable. All Oea1qnlln1ta1llrepelr vertlMd by vehicle dH· ... .6 IT"I Vtlkntin• 1110 V8, loadad. lo ml, xlnt. 11~1200 cMlpelldlng In >Ont Cond. Wiii Mii u HIDE·A·BED Couch. dou-Olty w0r1c 549-2520 eva 1er1 In lhe vehlCle ciual· S&Ul..$0YIOl ,...,., '* •••••••••••••••••••••• 12.700. 957-0030 Real Estate on quellfloatton.. Call Ma package only. &4 75 ble, Ilk•,_ '40 lled ed~lllng column• •••••••••••••••••••••• '118 B•l• Bug, reblt eng . ___ , .. _.... Coope r or M• Mullen, 751-8408 -· (714) 638-7950 ,,,,,, JllariH dOM not Include eny ep-Wllll new tires. clutch. battery C.mll• nn '""time withe J.M. Pet· 844-1151' bet. 4&11 pm ...... , I H30 pllcabl• IUH, lloenM, 83t·2040 495-4940 ms Rece1p11. Am/Im CHI ..................... . en Co. Real E1tat• 110 M-F. Cambo sc 4x5 CerMra 6 '411/.' hit Ull ... ";1:'.P.!!~.......... tnn11er IHI, finance SUllEIAOI ID 1tereo, lact 111rf, •treat & • •tElll req'd. Contact: Sandy 1-aiiiiiiil~--1 mite. 11350. •••• •••••••••••••••• 8' dinghy, FIG aver wood, cnargee, ,_ tor air pol· 28402 Marguerita Pkwy aMOO legal. S2800 080 1 .. 2 llW! Connott. 720-1018 btwn .... a 497-2621 IEW nu paint. oars, St25. lutlon control device Miiiion vi.Jo 845-&373 01111 top•. lo•d•dl to & ePM WiW luml FOR YOUI 993-2559 certlflcauona or dealer (Avery Exlt on l..S) (2021). Perlectlonl ~~~~~~~~I needed In adt-"'9 mf9. C.IJ •Jf Wl1111 documentary prepare· Open Sundays '78 WMtptlalla Camper •Y 111,Jll .... ............ ... pi.nt. 1537 Monrovia , •••••-••••••••••••••• tlon charge• uni••• Lo ml, new Ur•. am/Im -Npt. Id\. • Free klttw s ..-1, long Lii's late I Uled Ted Kayak otherwlH apeclfl•d by cua se100. 857-2.524 .. Ill LSI ... W• ha¥I an ...--a-. felt hair, nrey end whit• larMt •-1.. ~97 an 5 PM IM..,.._,_ HI us f1 "---'""' ...... ..... two W911 dr.;:;di~e11t-SHru.T Houra & Grea1 ~ >allv l>I -..,....,. ' JOl YOUI • '78 ~ Edit. Sol-~-.. ... gent H IHperaon110 Pey. 8P9"4S your daYI Otl l---------1 sTh.•,.0c 1 1Y111111c0a'tGI arag1•11 "'''· 1tn1 tOfO Aall-n/ MUT101D• rooco AM/f:M caa. air. (Hf.~ .. ' 8tlatoll work In th• Newport th• beaoh & your eve-Hlmllleyan epev9d female, • on w •••••••••••••••••••••• •-Io m I. v• ry c I•• n . -----------Harbor ., .. In commet· nlngl With me. Call Jeff In '"'yr. old. Loat CdM 6-21. haw • new look ·· 11ar· WUTD Cl,.,J,. llZO nw IT I '5500/bet otr. 973-6492 clal .. 1 .. a ndtor r... La 0 u "• •ft 1 p M . Reward. t73-8593. ~~r T;.~~·~·:i~·ry!:d 20 to 30 n t>oet 1n c1ea.n •••••iiiii:i·~i;;t••• CREVIER • n ... _...,...,.-· _114_2_· 1_oe_1_avs~--~ !'!'A! •••••.••••• !!~! ldenllel aalea In t1'le more 4t7""111 a.-ltHO .._..,, Mt•t• NIM, ate.) cond 117:J...04&0 SNly replloaa. plctcupe & fACIUTTI ·79 Sclrocco. Red, xlnt '80 omni 4 dr, lo ml, pal ==~~ 0:: Tltl•llll-:-;'A.................. wlll be cl&Ml1led by City. GrNI t>ey boat. te' Thun· coupH. 4 to'c hooH FIMd lel•.tt. ltn 1'&11 p ctlll llUI 1411lli In/out, am/frn cw, ttr, 4 pb. auto. ale, rw defog. greauupport1fyouar1a u.1119 llal•..., maklng11...-r0tOally derblrd,walk·Uvu,IMt. frornl(00117118)(Slk .............. IC)d.mu.tMll.$5900,or 1un~Tc/~,1m/fmater. Mii •tarter and• hard Part llm•·3 ehlfta-wlll PUPPY. 8 week1. AKC Piiot cl1111flad ad1 to 8, 40hp Evlnrude, run• "3093). Pnc.1tattlng at 8aJee..~leetlno t974 Maida RX·4• new ::~.:~~ 1140-8850 or ~ ~·~~~.g~ worker. PleaM cell me treln, 1160 par WHll. reg. &38-29&8 work for you. per1. $t800. "3·3927 HLY 11,•t ~:~~.•In Euro· tlrM & battery. Llk• new •~--------1 487.f01Q felt a pertonal, oonflden.. lmmed opening. Mu1t "PETS "R" PEOPLE ...-· ln1lde l out AM/FM '78 Conv. )(Int cond. AM/ ---------tlat ln1ervlft In our pr• type. Ofb located near Exotic v1cat1on1, hair PUS '78 27'.ltfl BAYLINER ,::: !!!!!"81m CUMtt• atereo. Manual FM ce ... S7500/offef, dV MUST Sell, '88 Dart Sia. "10IOl'9 ~ center OC Airport. Call MIH 11y1 .. & 1pec bath• for "Victoria." Fly bridge, __. 4 af>C1 1ran1. NHdt eng 875-4740, ., 916-7772 W'tO L..ool(t ' ruN Xlnt. Offtce. 81atl for appt. akin prot1lem1 at Sher· If you pay for your O•· VHF radio. ball tank. tal-1111 work. lfOO/b1t ofr. ·ao Aabt>lt. 4 door. tun· _l_ 7 __ . e_ 7_s-_3 _ 7 _ 29 ___ _ LEO ti.ANHA 71~&53 ry'a. Poodle .,..,.,., T«ip, rege Sale ad In aovanc.. d~thllnc:ter, outrlgg:•· 209 W. 111 082-5355 roof, low mllea. Priced 1td Hfl :•L";~ ,,......... Ul,;~ln 4 ule. ::!l~~~~.3 day•1~~:.e-~t~~~;l~l~e~r·~·~2~2~·~0~0~·~J;;~~llll C~aS~~:ay • '78GLC DELUXE ~~:~k H ie. 8uck ••••111;·;w;·• .. ••••• --10 ,Glow up, no o06d Ollla. p I s I , ______ ..;___ 63,000 ml. Sac. $2500 • d I ,,_,.... PIT. co.ta ...... otc. '°' •d Ort• lb•r an HU•· ... • CHOICE INVENTORY 988-2218 .. •P • r•b I •no. 'd --.-.-IPJ--/-'1-fPll-n---1 Info c.JI t3t-7200. Mk klea. Ch b4oodllnll. AKC ,...1 13 ' 8 011on Whaler. 40 ·49 Ply. cpe, Kint cond, nu VOLUME SALES ---------'ll "9AlllAll cond. Average 25 M Q for Mr. cw.on. reglttered. 1350. Vet. hp/John1on. Xlnt cond. mo Io r . mu 1 t 1e11 • & lhnMn Jni 1140 Gr•t oond. Stll50. 11300. 495-1948 Qd. typing lllllte, ~. exam lncld. 752·8300, 2 FREE 111t 11" Garage S3700tofr Ken Kelly lt500/080. 1142·2923 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1173·5809 nee. Fill time, Mo!\, ttw Y~NO·P•rt·tlme,. Lido t65-0250. Bale Sign•. 1_4_9_7._3_33_1 _____ _. :.'!'l = 1 l----------i '117 Ford L TO, auto .. 72, Frt. cell: Mon. ttvu "'·. v-. ., ... Yf#Y eocu· n ft .. ~ ............ IMJ'HIJ ... J • 1111 ....... 000 ,,.._ l850. Pert9Ct to 1 Offtt. 714-At-1706 rat•. Call eu-uu 4 Labrador Pupa. e wk• lfyouWhlobOfflecitor ... ·-VHld "" I I I •• Lll E ... Xlnt oond. 11600 oond. 838-4 1 ee . • I 1111111, ~ old,3bleok.1brown. your ad , JUll call OAVCR1UISEAWf1.!'port •••••••-~••••••••••• ... ftl... 5MOI05 '1tLTOll:4df,elc.p/b. -· 1111n t---------1 ree .. reb.lee & dlttemp. &42-5e7t & on• of our •poll •· •IMP••· 228 l/aoatlon Special 1t71 ..,. ... .., 1-.---------1 >ant. $2100. ~ IOf arolllteotural firm. Unlmltiad needa IN*. f.46.14'1 (4-tpfn) friendly Ad·Vl1ora Wiii Mete Cttr 110 with l&n• QMC Vtn eonveralon. ~eMlnO Compare HOUH of ltn· 19 BUI Brwn/Tan. 2 ~~~!.!,!!!nt, Ulln' & fytl & p&tMlme ••per hefp you, dem trtr and t,.1194 top. Obie Bubble top. Self· HOH. leedl elvO. portt Olrwot ..... and eo 1nrf1, 01tm Int., mint .__ ,,,, - __ _...;.....;..•_MO-OOI ____ , .,.,.,,,., no ftlGl!lt. Call '-N r.. lffl Lo hr•. •Int cond. 111, cont. Lo ml. Xlnt. mui t 112 .. W moe. ~ ....... ~..,,.£· oond. 15.99$. 4116-2981 :::-.•-::, ..... , •••••••• ....uee i:::.c·UTE••••t<•=::a····f •••y - -500 oeo. ~ee !V Mii. 84-812a <>pen Sundey ---... ..,.. ·n eot. Pett• pea.., lllT-.r •• '"'" -~· 1-"Miiiii~"'iiMiiin:.H"-I 213 or 714: '14 vw Good, olun New bat, pluge. eto 6 The cometltOM c... FM! TO 0000 HOMt CLASSIFIED AD8 27 ' ••vtlner, aunbrldgt, '75 Jeep waoonneer LOW I ..... lllxt••• la 213 OI 7141937-2333 apnd. '3()00. mOff. COtM .... "'Y '*tftOklr•rtlM,_.... 1111111 Cel~Mt-ot202. 330W.Bey,C.M. 2979.lollre~ao. mlleege.Whlte.PS/Pe ILIUT Htven'tyouwtli.dlonOi---Cd--4_914_1_1_8_-' cleen.tU71080 rant: eHl•tal\t mafia· llllf "81 Fr. 8elly 8unnlea. wWte. "" :~u car,~ ttlr S: Spd control, good ooncS'. enougll to own a Mer-·ee vw. rnuet ML 9*7303 ..,...::::,!.,,...,__ T• llllil 1• pe11 Sll)CQ. • ...................... 121,500. 71 .. 9411.ion. U.,'1~~ but ofr. ~ cedH Benlt Don't let Moo/080. -.7-2-Marqult---.-4-df-.-10K--ml-, -t1oeC1 W.',.~toldd • MM211 warm Ulal .,.ea2.f212 •---------~ 11111_:r:~J*ll~ MO-t141, 1t4412t Jollneon malntelnecl. :!:!~~:::1:,:-::.r:~ ~=.~:., == c-M IOttenl. ,.,.. to you. w/ltand a1eo 14CM717 "llee1tl0 , .. ttw". "450. 4 RHI,,,,.. NII r1ntHt::'.1e:1l:' 0~ ~to~AAAIT~""""''"'c;..:oNV--..:. -17;;.;480--1 ,rw, lift,~ 'OIMn. only, IPm to lpm, for on-clfl work In tti. 5'1-1017 J~-#11 8eit & lnQUlfW 2080 ..._. ujll;CUTt•P;;ce•a0 It• S.Moe-Leulng mocte11 & coton avalle· or 1~50 \.ta~e ov,er :=·::.~IO°' T•.·T!Wft. ~ 1000 ,,...,,... ., ... At twt Ttne L.ovtno Kmant .:.-.tt"I'•••............ port 91vo. I 1t Cott• UP TO atooo ~ ~R b1e. ~0:1 • • 0 r · _._...,. ...... -.........;..;.... __ lttatof It., eo.t...... OM~·~ In free to OOOd horW. Quatlty 30 point fWMI. ~ Altet 1. JE!P OJ'I .. 7.. ~ t "-RJ!tt (tvM' • ..... ~~~~---1 ,. J. .. ~or of laker & typoeotttnt. pa1te up, 178-7421 anytime VOi.if cftOIOI odi/. 960 •.I 17• BOSTON WHALER W .aJ ~ ' •llTI 71 AA881T L mctl. Xlnt. ul::1'••••u• .. •-~ ceMert operatlo" or t40... e& llp 1v1nrud• trail« ,.,.. --.,:.·~~~~· 1so1 Q\Mll Street cona.. ~. muat .... '11 "1 ..... .._.... =~:~•:-::: e DtAMOHDI, ~fl\1o 'tell, •P••do01ftoter: 2524 HarbOtaMS NIWPORTIEACH ~-~-----'!.;.1 _____ 1 Qood oon•. U10t or -. _, teblo'to "°"' 08 a 161 _,: For Ad Action Vt' ar•t. lnvtmt. guell~. oornp .. t , aoo· Meoa ~ .,._ • 1111• . 111-11• 10 vw aue, good ooncl. _...., __ •_7W_1n_......, ....... . ::;.'::9,w~,~= •tttvte~:!t~· Cal I :#T1r9·•11-101 . :~:~~·L'::: s.wois .... mo Sflll•Y ...... oo .......... ,_ T::1':..':'-.'::'1Ta#. t!ff'JJ.Mtt ... .m ........ -. in a.wy ....,,.._ -J ~ .,_ AtecfYtilltoltlOOO '74 CllfNY CuttOfl\ ._ Q .... '"' · .... , ... • "'"' -..ue. '71T.-..01ANDM1 ,Collil •:•:_ .. • .. 111•1. OOftt-. l'tt• __,,__ Mii · lll-M70 , • 'A ton with 10119ttod, ~ •I~ conct, HtaO. ~~---~----1 ... 1::-..... ~-~Plot ~-7" lflf'. ---·--17 .... .,._, ,. ____ ~:-=~ _,_ ~ ;: ·, AD-VIO ~-:r.;._"f:.~= ·~A-~-.: ~::'!'r,~lr. Iii l1Lllll 1=e::=,•,:: :::J;~:t,. awr111111• -·· ....... .. ... .H·HOwlthR•dUetd eat.M ...... ooncr .• .,..., -... llMNt11 dd. n!r:,'..=":t ?:..°'~.:::. -IB·5§71 ~:O':.!"g='!:I -17M..t . .,,.,..., .. _...., •-•-••= ""''°"-euua.-• .. 'G: 141---= --.: ...... 10. ... _ -..£.~ 1':."':"n:01o::. ... ~ :..":"".:r ~.=-aa·.::.:: ,.,. •••• ....,...., aMI r ... ~OU• otd ttun IOf HLL Idle lte..,e wltll 1 ~~l'941 ...... , 'Tl 1001. tfttf, A/C.. AMI =~= 1 Miia; -=-~·1'1111 .... ,.....::: ,,...,,.,., lflMlraMe, new goodlu •Ith 1 Delly""°' Oeulfted Ad. ~Ade, yew OM-flM w: . ...,.._ _.. ., -... •=, th 9ff, :fO.TllM. ea "" l'tH IU·UH • ......_ --Ol•1rt'«I IJd Ml_,.11 t42·M78. .-op~ oenw. Inn. no.Giit lft ~ W ~~1-n4"11?7 _,_~UM. .. USTANG G HO ENGINE WILSON -FORD LIST PRICE S1Ull YOUR PRICE $10,535 '82 BRONCO 1982 FUTURA 2 DOOR COUPE Can't find what you're looking for? We've got it!! 6 l lcres of • Selection '79 LTD STA. WAGON VI, auto., pwr. •t.. pwr. br., air cond. (279XVG) BUYER ON DUTYI NEED MORE FOR YOUR TRADE CALL HAllY TUINIULL 842-6611 '79FORD.RANCHa Auto. tlW\I., w cond., AM/FM, V8, pwr. steer. (Uc. 1W735e2). 5 4182 I I 2 DOOR DEMONSTRATOR LOADED EXECUTIVE VEHICLE 2 YEAR, 24,000 MILE COMPLETE MAINTENANCE FREE WARRANTY (#1235) (#104250) (#1270) (#11393) P .S. FINA LL VII GRANADA WAGONS ARE HEREI YOUR CHOICE '79 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 4 dr .. r spd., radio, air cond. Lie. 546YHF. '79 FORD PINTO • cyt Stk. tic. eeewRo. 4 dr., auto .• pwr. etr .. 2-tone pM'lt, AM/FM radio, 3,583 ml .... (1CMF820) s '78 FORD THUNDIRBIRD VI, atuo., pwr. 1tr .• pwr. br., air, light blue beauty (578UOV). '72 OPIL GT Very well cared for. Wiii be a Cluslcl (10M0057). '79 DATIUN CPI. FASTBACK AM/FM, 5 epd. (900YOL). '80 OLDIMOBILI OMIGA 4 cyl., auto., 1lr cond .• am/fm radio. (Ser. f 128645). '81 FORD llCORI '79 HONDA cvcc 4 cyt., 4 spd., 2 dr., •tereo. (891WYK). '81 MIRCURY CAPRllRS Auto., pwr. at., air. pwr. w .. stereo. (Lie. #BUY104). SERVICE AFTER THI S.ALE IS OUR #1 PRIORITY G.Y91 .1•••••• ............... ltAaYllnAm ·---.-... IUlll allT YIUI HDllTllWI llllY PIPll 1111 · llA\' MA\'·" 1'111.' O H A N C I \:OUN' 'I' C ALlrOnNIA 25 CENTS HMS Antelope dies in Dames Ship's last .moments described Quake rattles coast By ROBERT BARKER or .. ~ ..... ..,. An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter Scale ratUed through portions of Orange and Los Angeles counties and the northern part of San Diego County at 6:45 a.m. today. The earthquake, centered about 13 miles southwest of Huntington Beach, apparently caused no damage and very litUe alarm on the part of Orange Coast residents. Local police departments reported only a few calls from people wondering what was going on. There were no reports of damage. However, Huntington Beach Fi.re Capt. Roger Hosmer said the tremor struck with sufficient intensity to awaken him at his home near the Huntington Beach Civic Center at Main Street anp Yorktown Avenue. _, . Details heard on Coast A graphk deecription of the last moments of the British frigate HMS Antelope before she sank at San Carlos Bay in the Fa.lklanda was broadcast by BBC World Service Monday night. "Only a few planes got through the strike force against HMS Antelope," a British correspondent reported in the half-hour news broadcast monitored on the Orange Coast. "But the frigate then made her way slowly up the bay, trailing smoke, with the main mast off at an angle. "There were holes in her side as she made anchor about half a mile from ua. "Helicopters with searchlights were overhead and landing craft came alongside to lift off the crew. We could see figures crossing the deck, silhouetted against the flames. "There were explosions and flames. Sparks flew into the air long into the night. "Other ships and helicopters crowded around to pick up survivors. "It was a quick, sharp jolt," Hosmer said. "It felt l i ke 90methi.ng large like a truck had hit the house. It wasn't of the rolling variety." "I felt something shaking, like the floor was swaying just for a second," said .Kandill Norton, night manager at a 7-Eleven stoce ln Huntington Beach. , FURY OF WAR -The British frigate HMS Antelope explodes in flames in San Carlos Bay off East Falkland before sinking Monday. A bomb disposal man was killed a1 he attempted to defuse an unexploded Argentine bomb lodged in the ship's engine room during an air attack. "lt was a courageous and orderly rescue." :Earlier ln the day, the same BBC radio correspondent had been aboard a helicopter that was nearly trapped by an Argentine air attack that reportedly included waves of more than 30 warplanes . "Th e r e was n o noise or anything ao I wasn't sure it was a quake -sometimes I just feel t.hinM8 •• However, some residents in other parts of the city said they didn't feel the tremor. Hosmer said the fire department took its customary precaution of removing about 15 fire trucks from the stationa in cue a aevere earthquake should follow. Edison o fficials at the San O nofre Nuclear Generating Station said ground motion instruments at the plant three miles south of San Clemente didn't detect the quake and that 1 there was no damage. Fee increases proposed for UC, colleges· SACRAMENTO (AP) -Bi.g booat1 in student fees at the University of California and the California State University have · been proposed by a legislative comnuttee. Fees at the nine campuses of UC would be increased from a bout $1,000 a year to from $1,200 to $1,500, and fees in the 19-campua state university would be booated from about $270 to from $300 to $600. The proposal was submitted by a eubcommittee of the Senate Finance Committee headed by Sen . Walter Stiern, D -B akersfield, to the full committee Monday. WORLD Mesa wins round with feisty artist By DAVID KUI'ZM.ANN o< .. o.tr,......., Cost.a Mesa's long-aimmering feud with colorful Iranian "sculptor" Ali Roushan is probably headed baci( to the California Supreme Court, Roushan's attorney said Monday. In a ruling issued Fnday, the state's 4th District Court of Appeal upheld the city's development review codes as constitutional, both as written and as applied in the Roushan case. The ruling was a clear-cut victory for the city and a setback for Roushan, whose attorney, Meir J. Westreich, said he would take his case next to the state high court. Roushan has been locked in a testy legal battle with Costa Mesa officials for nearly two years over his right to erect towering, red-metal sculptures on his industrial property at 1550 Superior Ave. The scrappy little welder came under fire when he erected three of four structu res w ithout • seeking City Hall's stamp of approval first. He argued that he ii entiUed to free artistic expremion without government interference while city officials claimed that the iowers -aa 1tructure1 - required the n ormal building permits and safety checb. Deputy City AttomeY. Stephen WUey said the city obtained several court orders to prohibit (See M~A, Page A.%) Fir~ kills 67,000 animals 'IOKYO (AP) -About 67 ,000 anbnal• and birds, lncluding 60,000 turtles, periahed Monday when flames awept through a pet breeding center in Fujioka, a small t.own 50 miles north of Tokyo, police reported. today. . Jet splits on landing BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) -A Brazilian Jetliner with 112 people aboard broke ln half on 1andinc at the BrasWa airport Monday night In heavy raJn. ldWna two peopJe and injuring 15, a1rport oftidall Mid today. .. Thatcher: Invaders must leave islan.ds By Tiie Asaodated Presa for hie historic ahc-day vtait. The Falkland Ia1ands war will Vatican sources said he may not end until Argentina make a "balancing visit" to withdraws from the South Argentina, where 95 percent of Atlantic British colony, Prime the people are Roman Catholic. Minister Margaret 11\atcher said The pope has unaucceasfully today. pleaded for a oeue-fire between In some of he r toughest the warring nations. It was language in the seven-week earlier feared he would BCrap the conflict, Mrs. Thatcher a1ao told trip to Britain to avoid angering Parliament that Britain will ve1o the Argentines. any cease-fire _proposal by the -" In Waahi.ngton. Secretary of U.N. Security Council meeting in State Alexander M. Haig Jr. told New York. , a White Houae meeting today "There can be no cease-fire that Britain is approaching a without full withdrawal of all position to bring the war "to an Argentine troops," she said. "Our early conclusion,'' House objective is to retak e the Republican leader Robert H . Falklands. They are British Michel reported. sovereign territory and we wish to restore British Admin- istration." Her remarks hardened the stance her government took during talks on at least seven peace plans following the Argentine invasion April 2. Thoae efforts collapeed last week and Britain invaded the islands. Asked how Britain would react if the Security Councl.l puaed a resolution calling for a halt in the fighting, she safd: "U PV"CeMary, we shall have to w.e the veto." In fighting Monday, Britain claimed it abot down eight more Argentine planes, but aaid it lost ill third major warship, the frigate Antelope blown up by an Argentine bomb. Despite the lateat battles, Vatican officiala aaid today Pope John Paul II was definitely traveling to Britain at week's end STATE He offered no details, but Brl ti sh mill tary officials predicted they will retake the heavily defended Falklands capital within daya. At the United Nations, Ireland submitted a resolution to the Security Council calling for a 72-h our cease-fire while Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar made another attempt to negotiate a peaceful aolution. British Defense Minister John Nott aaid earlier a truce was impomlble until Britain'• troops retake the lslands. In Buenos Airea, the military junta warned the war could expand and hinted it may seek help from Latin allies and the Soviet Union . Defense Minister Amadeo Frugoli told the United Statu t o atop s uppo rting Britain in the seven-week oonflkt. Riding rails for work Rail-riding hoboe are movina over as famillee with children and men out of work hop aboard trains ln aearch of work and a bright.er future. Page A7. l 00 protest at Livermore LIVERMORE (AP) -About 100 ~tr.ton staged a brief, peeceful proi.t outmde Lawnmce Uvennore Babontory today• military md indmtrtal leaden met lDllde t.o dllcum the lat.en bl conventional Wellponl technolOI)'. Citibank cuts • p_r1me rate to 16 percent NEW YORK (AP) -Otibank, the nation's second-largeat commercial bank, cut Its prime lending rate today by one-half percentage point to 16 percent. "It's ln line with our view of the money market," said John Maloney, a Otibank spokesman. The reduction, the first by a major bank since early March, followed recent declines in other short-term interest rates that dete rmine banks ' cost of acquiring funds. Some rates fell by al.most a percentage point last week. Also, the average return on new Treasury bills auctioned Monday sank to their lowest levels since December. As a result, the maximum rate banks and savings institutions can pay on six-month savings certificates fell nearl y one -quarter percentage point , to 12.47 percent. The declines in s hort-term rates partly reflect an easing by the Federal Reserve System of credit conditions since early May. The prime lending rate is that charged to banks' most creditworthy corporate customers and.. although it does not directly affect consumer loans, it indicates the direction of interest rates in general. The prime hat stood between 16 percent and 17 percent since the start of the year. It hit a record 21.5 percent in December 1980. INDEX "I was caught on the helicopter during the latest raid," he reported via shortwave. "The helicopter banked sharply and dived when the pilot realized he waa caught between the (British) Rapter missiles and the targets. "One missile missed us by about 100 yards. We moved down and blended into the hillside and watched two more waves of warplanes come through. '"l'htte (Argentine) Skyhawks {See BBC, Pace A.%) White stuff spills from drain in NB U.S. Coast Guard and Orange County officials were trying to determine just what it was that spilled into Newport Bay Monday afternoon from a storm drain. A milky white substance of unknown origin reportedly spilled into the bay near the Newport Arches Marina, 3333 W. Coast Highway, said Senior Chief Carl Lux, of the Coast Guard's Marine Safety office. "We'r e not sur e of the quantity, we're not sure whether it's toxic or just what it Is," said Lux. Lux said that both a Coast Guard i nvestigator and a representative -ot the Orange County Health Depertment were in the area today trying to determine the nature of the aubatance and how it got lnto the bay. At Your Service A4 &ro.x>pe ~ Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landen B2 Busine98 86-7 Califomla .u Cavalcade 82 Cl811ifted ce-10 'Camfa c.& era.word C6 0.thNodcM 04 l'.di tiarial AO ·~' JM-& SPORTS Movtee Mutual Funds National Newa Public NoUcee Sports Stock Maritn TeleYWon 'n.ten WeaU.. World""" . . 84-5 B6 A3 C4--5 Cl..S B7 A8 Bf~ A2 Aa I .. BBC C0VERAGE • • • report monitored SuNsay niaht, perhas-ln th9 U,ht of the !om of HMS Anwlope. . The BBC cla1mld ~ •Den\Y plane• ahot down aft.er belnt imaaa-d by ae. Harner aircraft, mlilil• and naval cw»· Another enemy plane WM .. n leavln1 th• San Carlo& Bay bridiehMd ANA, trail1na lftk>kt, the BBc report laid. MESA SCULPTURE· •.• etectlon of the b'rlaht red attucturea, but Rou.Jhan went ahead and built.then\ anyway. '?bat led to two oon~pt o1 court convlctlona a1aln1t Rouahan In Orange County Superior Court last year. He was letltenced on one of the dtationa to five days in Orange County Jall and fined ~00. However, im~itlon of the sentence was delayed while We1treich appealed to the 4th Diltrict Court of Appeals. which turned him down once, and then to th• 1t•te Supreme Court, · wb.lieh ~ the Cllll bec:k to the appeU court. Frlday'1 dedlioo UNI became hla aecond appeah court reJecUon. WeetreJch noted but he said he.would Mk for a re~ and then take the c.-blCk to . the state Supreme Court. If that provee ~ he uid, be would take the matter into the federal COW1a. "The decl1lon by the (4th District Court of Appeel) totally mi.ea the point.'' Weatrelch said. Sophia Loren facing mental collapse ROME (AP) -Six days of jail have put actress Sophia Loren on the verge ot mental collapee and doctors have prescribed drugs to help her cope with anxiety, Rome's leading daily reported today. "She is very, very depressed," MIH Loren's sister, Maria Scicolone, was quoted as saying by D Mesaagero. The report could n.ot be confirmed. Mias Loren, serving a 30-day aentenee on tax evasion charges at a small women's jail In Cuerta, 20 miles north of Naples, "doesn't sleep. doesn't eat and la very upeet," D Messagero aaid, quoting family and jail IOW'CeS. The paper ql'ott:<f the jail'• Council to· ~eigh Laguna's budget The first public bearing OD Laguna Beech'• propclliied f7. 79 million budget for next year wW be held tonight beginning at 7 o'clock. The City Council will oooduct the hearin« in council chamben. Final adoption of the spending packase la expected in mid-June. director, Liliana .lJe CNtolaro. • saying she waa "1erlou1ly concerned about her paychic state." The report said Mm Loren was visited Monday by Dr. Roa Caduto, who later d1-gnoeed ''a 11erious depressive atate." "She I.a very shaky . . . to calm her a bit I bave preecribed her 90IDe tranquili:era," the doctor said according to the newspaper. Giovanna Cau, the actreft' lawyer, sakl her cl.lent wW aak for ".emi·llberty" status, which will allow her to leave the prillOn durin8 the day and return at ~e 47-year·old actrea hu uk.ed President Sandro Pertini for a s-rdon. but that does not appeu Ukely. Under Italian law. the will not be elJa:tble for "aeml·llberty" until abe completea half her ........ 11 Metta~ quoted an unidentified • •ylng the a1nm '11 paytna the price lot her,.... .. "It'• a gr'OCelqUe llltuatkJn. Any other per1on wouldn't have ended up in jail for a 20-year-old tax evuion ca8e," \he friend WU quoted u saying. • sirens tested Southern Qal.Uomia EdJlon c.o. offSctala Mid the tmeraencY alren 1y1tem 1urroundln1 the San Onofre Nuclear OeneraUna Statton worked H they had hol*S durln1 a teat Monday afternoon. For aboot Uve mlnutH bqtnn1na at 2: 16 p.m., the atmw wailed out their warnlnc ln commu.n.lU. with.in 10 m11eil of tbe nuclear plant, aald Dav• Ba.rron,:. Southem Califomla Eds.in • . tWJ>*D. .. On a DNUmlnarY bllll, we conatder Ct a 1ucicea.," Barron aaid. . Tht warf\tna 1y1tem w11 ,.telted Monday after more than S1 m1llJoo ln modlflcaUona were added followtna an earlier test that WU rounaly critict.r.ed by oblervera. The total COit of the alren war~';H. 1y1tem la now around $3 on, Barron Mid. Improvement• included enhancing alren volume and adjuating the area.a in which they could be heard. he said. While the findings of aound lnatruments placed ln San Clemente, Capistrano Beach, portlona of San Juan Caplatrano, Dana Point and C.amp Pendleton were not yet available, Barron said all sirens ln the system did operate during the test. Grandmother sentenced on drug charges A 75-year·old Costa Meaa grandmother deacribed by an a11lstant U.S . attorney as a "toufh old lady with a hard edge' wa aentenced Monday to three years in prison for AT!u gllng cocaine into Loa International Airport. elJodora Saenz., a Colombian dtiz.en, who had been living with her daughter in Costa Mesa. WU convicted la1t month of smuggling 2 ~ pound.a of cocaine inside a fiilae bottom suJtcue that she claimed to have received from an unknown woman ln~ta. U.S . District Judge Terry Hatter said he hoped that the tt1ff aentence would &how drug trafftckera that no one, ~ of their age, will be lnunune from proeecutlon. Amiatant U.S. Attorney Jamea Walth Jr. said he is convinced that the grandmother of 12 knowingly smuggled oocalne into the country tastl'eb. 26. Searching for sun Coastal Continued overceat mllh e.ty-momtng dnUle llllety. CoHtel, Inland Iowa 80•. eo.tal high 88. Inland 74. w ... ,. 13. uElll••••'lirw•n•, light verieble nlallt and morning wind.a ~omrno _. to~ ~to 15 ltnota. Wht - 1 to 2 IMC. W..wty ..,.. 1 to 3 IMt. Moetty cloudy end hay -41h morning log Ind drtlzle. V.S. summary The~ lhundanltor?N In ttie .,.._ "" r-.-. lod8Y wltll lloodlng. tomedoee end MM. wtil .. riven apre1d frOfl'I 1Mlr .... In '°OIW ....,,....._ TlllO -... klled In ~ ..tien a "' end a pie*~ ""'* -" out of control In --on U.S. 111 nHr S an and ~ In a dl1dl 9lll'ollefl br Mven Inch .. of rain Monday nlgM. About 20 m•mber1 of a KMltuc*y NltloMI Ouerd """ In -"'* CM1'> at ~ SN!by. ............... ~wMn ~ lltrUdl ,.., ..... .,., ... loedlnO a 1rvdl. Three ... ~. A Cout Ou1rd llallcopter ,__, 10 flood vldtnll ~ 1n '°""' r-. wller9 about 100 ..... lted n.lng -'*-"°"' up io iO lnCMI of rlln, wfllle mcwe downpour• In 01tl1hom1 threatened to br••ll an =~r-old record lor May 1nr-.• ~...,.. ••• potted today for 011111. Tamnt Md Dentor1 oounOll Md --lloOClna .. ,..,.,... In MllN Md~ Qty. r....... ... #Md ,.., sen Analt01 .......,., Ind Ila lama."°""°' DlllH, bllt n~ cfamit• w•a ~...,.,. ..,_, nee 8116 ,._."-It,....,_, T- Iit M•brHU, flHll·flood .efnlnta ..,. poated '::.:l ..... Ultl9 ... -. ,.. .... ~. ,,.,......, MlllN. ....... ...-.a.r. '--Md~ ocu-. In .. ilOudllnt ~Of ...... Thi ..... .. -.... .,,. tloocl ..... et O.W-, ~t, 1IO --....... Of OmlN. Md •• ...,. .... lqld to mcNe •• ....... .. ....,_ f"IUNI· " ~ ,,... M •Ill 11 • T7 • .IO 1• • .. .. .. .. .ft .. " .. •• ,. .. .. . . .. n eo 48 64 51 .19 85 74 71 S4 .01 52 50 .04 8 1 40 81 ea 81 83 19 ee .s2 s1 ae .04 8 1 52 19 eo ee a. IO "4 .oe 74 64 83 52 2.112 72 57 54 42 .12 70 58 .01 ee 64 ee 43 93 81 70 58 .01 70 3a 73 40 51 51 .12 75 44 ae 1• 81 74 72 67 88 '° 410 88 10 .10 71 65 .18 86 t7 112 .. 78 5' IO 57 .17 83 M 1.43 11 74 .OI 58 45 53 71 .20 ... 12 IO 70 .05 51 55 .23 73 .,. 1.02 16 42 .18 15 eo 1.14 IS8 ea .n IO et .31 NM M 1oa 11 7t • 11 • .sa . .. IM 82 .M 12 .. .31 a.,. .,. 47 ti •. 04 1• IM .. . '2 M .OI 11 a • 70 .1' 11 .. he Forecas1 For 7• .m. EST Wedne9day. M9y 26 Low T a3 M .. .e.3 .. 70 .55 81 .01 58 .02 I t PtllNdlne 78 57 AMr8ldt n 57 San lemlrdlno 80 M Sen Oebt1al 78 5t Sen JoM M 81 lent.I Ana 73 81 Senta CNr eo 51 T lfloe V""'1/ 74 48 Smog Nt qullty ... be ~ for~~T~ln th• euburben San ,.,nendo, Senta Clartta, IM Qabtllt end P~Wahlt~MMI• In ~and a.t .. i8cllii0 with polkltlOfl "•ndard Ind•• tallnOI of 111 Ind 8er"*'ll ""' • PSI of 125, Ute Air Ouellty M1t1etemant ot.trlct NPC!f1ed ~· Air quall1y •Ill be tOOd ....... """ ,., .... Of 41 alotlt "" ...... Ill ... ... In IN h4Dh ....,_ IO Ill .... °""*' County, 17 lft ..... ....,. t2 "' .. --::---.... MalMI .. and 1 In ........ and LAM Elllncn. .. - Vidal speaks 'at OCC IN BUDDLE -Zoe Ann Anand.a of Newport Beach (right), Ustena to comedian-political activist Dick Ore1ory as they confer 1n the rotunda of Illinoll State Capitol Monday during ERA hunger 1trike. Ma. Ananda was reported as being very weak. Coast ERA striker weakened by fast Newport Beach resident Zoe Ann Ananda, in the eighth day of a hunger atrlke in Illlno" for the F.qual Righta Ame~. waa described today aa behl& exuemely weak and confined '"'! a wheelchair. The Newport woman la pne of aeven women futln8 in support of the ERA. which la three atatee short of being ratified. The constitutional amendment must be ratified by June 30. The women, ataying in a Springfield church and camping out daily in front of the state capitol building, have been joined by 90dal activiat and comedian Dick Gregory. A spokeswoman fot' the group aald 9evera1 of the women are beginning to display medical p~lema. ~he said Ma. Ananda, who OWN a bookatore in Newport'a Cannery Village, is the weakest of the seven and has . trouble walking without 881latance. · Another of the atrikera, excommunicated Monnon Sonia Johnson. a1eo la confined to a wheelchair. Another hunger striker, the spokeawoman aaid, has a gum infection and still another reportedly woke up Monday with a noeebleed that lasted 45 minutes. Several specialists have warned the women they risk serious injury if the fast keepa up. The women aald they will go without food until June 30. In earlier comments, the Newport WOUWl aald the strike WM called to focus attention on the ERA. She said people had stopped paying attention to rallies and marches. She said Illinois was selected becaU8e it ii the only Northern industrial state that haanft ratified the ERA. State officials probe college TV courses By PHIL SNEIDEBM.AN oftM o"'1j ........ Coastline College'• television oounea, currently under attack by some local instructora, have n ow come under scrutiny by state four.year college offidala. Representatives o f the CalitomUI State University and University of California systema have asked the Coast Community College Dist ric t f or documentation showing its television counes are equivalent to the same oouraes taught in regular claasrooms. l>iatrlct officiab say a 70. to 80-page review of its telecoune program will be mailed to state college officiala and others within 10 days. Diatrict officials say the document will prove that Coa1tllne'a telecourses are equivalent to clauroom lnstruction. Along with Coaatllne, the Cout District operates Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa and Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Concerns about the quality of television oounea were ·railed in a March 8 letter written by four OraJl8e Coast College professors. In respome to that letter, the A c ademic Senate of the California State University system has asked ita chancellor's offic~ to investigate the telecoune iasue. Charles Davis. a spokesman for Cal State Chancellor Glenn Dumke. aaid Cal State officials already have written to Coastline President Bernard Luskin, requesting information on the television COW'IM!S. Coaat District spokeaman Richard Simon said a similar inquiry has been received from the University of California system and from other education oUidals and pattnts . Cal State and UC officials are concerned becauae these achools grant transfer cred11 to students who have taken courses at community colle ges such as Coaatllne, Orange Coast and Golden West . By STEVE MARBLE Of•Dllr ........ Slt\lna in a car followina a routine delivery of polltfcal one·llnerl to atudenta at 0nnae Cout Collea• Monday, Senate hopeful Gore Vidal did 90me thinking Aloud. The poll tlcal 1y1tem ii corrupt," he offered while waiting for hla driver to ahow. "It'• ~pletely corrupt." "The polltlclan1," the Democrat went on, "are all the same. Democrat, bpubUcan-it doesn't matter. They don't want to change and they don't lib people who do. Uke me." Low in the polla and frustrated at the cost of runnlna a campaign, Vidal admitted he baa had trouble findln,I a broad bue or support. He suggeated students like him. "l enjoy speaking at college campuses becaU9e you always get a good turnout," the author- turned-politiclan aald, "but students don't vote. "Do you know where my best support comes from?" asked the liberal, anti-nuclear, pro-ERA candidate. "Blue collar worken and blacks. It'1 a strange world. The knee-;erk liberals don't like me." Vidal came to the college campus at the invitation of the Alliance for Survival, an anu-nuclear group. Nearly 300 showed up to listen. He started by decrying nuclear energy and the defense buildup. "I'm not a war lover," he said. "I don't like the cheap poUticianl who keep saying the Russians are coming. They (the politicians) are the enemy and they have taken over the White House. They may govern DOW but they won't govern forever." He suggested the United States will "either go broke in the arms race or blow itself up by accident." He said the Soviet Union is too weak and too bosged down with its own problems to worry about the United States. Then came the pokes, jokes and one-liners. -Naclear Wute: "By and large we aeem to like to put the stuff on faults. That way lf we have an earthquake it can spread easier and we can all g)oW' in the dark." -IDtertor Secretary James Watt: "An absolute loon. He believes the Lord II coming any aeoond now and if we don't cover every blade of grass with concrete we'll all go '°hell." -Gov. Eclmad Browa. Jr. (his Democrat opponent): "A little weasel." -Moral Majority: "Every generation or ao a group like this swings down from the trees. One came down in 1919 and brought us prohibition." Future of three schools weighed Trustees of the Newport-Mesa Unified Schoo l District will consider recommendations tonight for the future Wies of three district schools that have been cloeed. A citizens committee ia scheduled to make publlc a report recommending win for Corona del Mar, Lindbergh and Woodland elementary schools du.ring a 7:30 p.m. meeting at Harper Community Center, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. EVERYTHING IN OUR SHOP -- 25% OFF · •COPPER •CUTLERY , •COFFEE BEANS •COFFEE MAKERS •BUTCHER • TABLES •BASKETS •COOKWARE •CUIStNARTS •COOKBOOKS •PORCELAIN BAt<EWAN; .. GADGETS & MUCH MORE (Sorry COOKING CLA8SES not tnctuded) • • ·wooffi[OO 'Israelis down 2 S}'!Fia~ jets . Iran · gains Persian Gulf victory m:nu.rr, Lebencn-Iran laid 118 forcee routed the !Mt pocket8 of Iraq1 ~ In the J)Ort dty of Khorrunahahr today, and Iniq OClladed the fall of lta laat atron1hold in Iran'• oil province of KhUllltan. The INqi edmWloft oonfirmed lran'I ~ victory tn the 20·montb-old 'war on the nonbem flank of the Pentan OWi. A mllitary communique from the hl1b command ln s.,hded laid Iraq1 ton. early today comp&Jted t.belr withdrawal tram Kbornn:IMahr. Andropov to replace Brezhnev? MOSCOW -The appointment of Yurt V. Andropov, the 87-year~ Chlef of the Soviet eecret police, to the 10-man -=retariat of the Canmunist !>arty Central Committee appeen to improve bil chances of aucceedlng Preaident Leonid I. Brezhnev. Andropov'• new J>09ition waa announced Monday after a lpedal meettnc of the Central Canmittee. He fW. the place left open by the death Jail January of M.tkhaU A. Sualov, the No. 2 man In the Soviet leldenh.lp. Soviet rocket docks ·at station MOSCOW -An unmanned cargo rocket docked today with the ~ting Salyu~ 7 lpece 1tation. bringing fuel and other supplies to two Soviet cmmonauta In the 13th day of their rew.rch milBion. T .. aaid. "Mutual aearch, appro.ch, docking and linking ~UffiU~ of the ~ were carried out on commanda from mlmion control center and with the help of on-board automatic ~·· the offictal Soviet news apncy uJd. ProtPw 13 delivered fuel few the ltatioll. Bakersfield mercur,Y at I 07 degrees A 107-degree reading Monday gave Valley too. Stocktoii recorded a 1~ hUEh. Bakersfield ita hottest day f!Vef thia early in the Lemoore Naval Air Statinon 102 and~ 10[ · year, the National Weather Service reported. . Temperatures ahould cool into the 901 It waa hot everywhere el9e ln the San Joaquin Wed.ne9day, the weatherman aaya. FedMart to sell phar:macy units SAN DIEGO -FedMart Corp., which announced in April it WM adnl out ot ._.._, lw qr-eed to .u the phannwuUca1 lm.atar ... In 2'1 ol ita stores to Genco, a Gemco ..,.,+•1wa lw IUd. rnffiTI~ rn [~J Budget uriit eyes spending plan WASHING TON -Bruahlng aaide budget blueprinta propoeed by Democratic llben1s, the Howie is shifting ita attention to a oomervative California Republican'•·~ plan that attempta to eliminate deficits immediately. The HOU8e headed for a vote today on a pl"OpOMl by Rep. John H. &u..elot to balance the budget next year with J.arae cui. in domestic tpene.ttnc. The plan a1IO anticipated tax rwenuea oonslderably higher than thme in forwts by congremlonal eoooomlsta. Tr~asury security "yield falls WASHINGTON -Yielda on short-term Treuury aec:wities have fallen for the seventh time in eight weeks. hitting their lowest 1evela since last December, offida1I ttpoC"ted. About $4.9 billioo in six-month T .bilJa were aucticned at an averace d18count rate of turn percent Monday, down from the 12.187 percent of 1-t week. The aovemmmt a1IO sold about $4.9 billion in three-month bilb at an averqie rate of 11.48 percellt. down from 12.189 percent. Hinckley once talked to actres~ WASHINGTON -John W. H1nddey Jr.~ away from a brief campus encounter wftb actraa Jodie Foster in 1980 convinced that if he lbot Prelident Reagan. "she would de9tre him. abe would feel be waa a hero, she would .love am respect him." a paychiatrt.t tsUf1ed today. Dr. Thomu C. Goldman, a defenae wttnela who h:u inter'Viewed Hinckley three times in bil jail cell aUw:e bla trial bepn in U.S. D11trict Court oo Aprll 27, uJd that a few months later, Hinckley returned to Yale Univenlty and stalked Miii Foster- wbile CUTytnc a Jmded IUD in hla pocket. Goldman aaid that after Hlnc=e '• initial encounter with Mila Foster at Yale In ber 1980, when be stopped her to ask ' he believed "1hey had a relatkJmhlp ... ORANOE COAST D1ilyPilat CtHalfted~ .... 71~ AJt otMI dep•rtmenb 142-4121 81.275 trillion , ThomlaP.H-.v ~ -Cllirl '-Oii-. t;:/r,~ -~-~ TomMurphlne ... =.r~ tQn t I =-~ ~ MAIN OfflCE .... .., ... c-c. --.CA. ..... ~ ....... c-c.--.CA. .... ~ ~Or911!1CWI MMl4~. __ ......,,........., ....... IMlllW ... _............,........., ..... 9 ;• ...... ............ 11111 -~-- debt ceiling? WASHINGTON -The ~ edmin18'1'adon ~ Mked eoaa-today to r.-tbit naUoml &tbt Cll1lri.I to tl.2'75 ttilUon and ..aid the leden1 debt will wwcb that IJmlt by the end ol bal 1eea. The NQUmt to rm. the llmlt 11 the third made by the edsntnllbatlan ... taldn8 ottke 18 moetbl ..,_ The debt ltood at about ttaO bllllon when the adndniatratlon made It.a flnt requHti:.::n week after Ptllilklllrt w l'WCl'D in. w.'re l.Mtenklj ••• Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Tue.day, May 29, 1Na /# ........ BEADLIND -Thia ia how four British papen played the latest reportll of fighting between British and Argentine troop. in the Falkland Ialanda. f 12 million setup Tw-o women seized on bookie charges Two ~ out..of-<lOWlty remdenta indk:tecf by the Orange County Grand Jury for alleged operation of a $12 million-per-year bookmaking rin1 have been taken into custody. Three people surrendered on aimilar cbaraa !Mt week. Sh.erlff'a Lt. Wyatt Hart identified the two latest ampecta aa Sandy Lou u.htfoot. ~. of Paramount, ancJ Barbara J . Sheperd. 42, of Harbor' Oty. Hart eaki Mila Llahtfoot. who alao 1oea by three allaaea, 1W tendered to On.nee County authortU. Monday afternoon, She wu booked lnto Orange County Jail. Mias Sheperd already waa in CUltody at Loe Angela County Jail on another' charge and will be brought to Orange County .. .:>Oil .. abe f1niahM that term. Hart aakl he didn't. know how long ahe baa remaining on her aentence in Loe Angeles. The five alleaed bookmaken were all 1ndJctecl by the Oranae County Grand Jury last weelt. An indictment la a fonnal charge made aoinst a peraon. It does not estabUah guilt or lnnooence. It ia alleged that the Mblgn.ekh\8 ring accepted beta on h orse racea at tracks throughout the United States and aim aaoepted beta on various lpar1lna ewnta involvtoa collegie and profemional teams. Woman convicted in child sex case A Loe Alamitol woman waa found guilty in Orange County Superior Court Monday of four felony charges which stem from a Huntington Beach child .ex c=-involving alJeaed acta with a 9-year-old girl and" a 13-year..old girl. Superior Court Judge Myron S . Brown convicted Patricia Lombardo, 21, of the char1es after the Cllle ..... aubmitted to him oo the buia of prellminary beutrur ni.:ripta. 1 Mia Lombardo had waived her richt to a jury trial. Judae Brown took aewn other .xual milOODduct oounta .ptn.t the defendant under autwnjwlcn Miii Lombardo w• one of 11.x people who had f8Ced trial oo a total of 132 counta involving alleged aex acts with the two )'OWIC P'IL , The activities were alleged to have Uken place in the Huntington Harbour home of John Steen. 56, and h1a wife Chriati, 30. Both have pie.ded no contest to aexual ml9conduct oounta and face proceeding• on whether they qualify for mentally d1.mrdered .ex· offender atatua. Steen had been de9cribed by authorities aa a retired buainenman who enjoyed videotapng the alleced 8eXua1 encounters involving hit wife, other women and the children. The aix defendants were arreated a year ago after a relative of one of the )'OW'8 girla intercepted a letter in which the girl dMcribed the alleged .exual activity. Sentencing proceedings for Mi8a Lombardo were acheduled by Judge Brown for June 17. .AirpOrt J strategy .. mulled ~ ' By J'ftEDBJUm 8CllOBMERIJ or .. ....,,......,. Oran1• County 1upervl10l'9 wlll meet ln cloHd HHlon> Wectne.day to deYile ttratee,y Ins the wake of a federal JUdet•• refUlal '9 approve a pc'ODC*Ct plan to re1ulate whlc~ commercial airlin• may aerve John w~ Ahl>o!1-u .s. Dlatrlct Court Jud1tff Terry Hatter, followtn1 fl-1 lenathy heartna ruled Monday n11nt that the cou.nty'a latno.,) plan wu unconatitut.lonal and1• unfairly benetidaJ to the twoia dominant carriers aervtna Oranae County AlrCal and Jrepublic):> Alrllnea. 11 Hatter'• ru1ing delivered a12 1tunnln1 blow to the county't'l" , efforts to aevaae a ayatem tool allocate the 41 jet departureas permitted 1ifat among canien who dealre ta. 9 The ruling marked the aecond time in eight months that Judge" Hatter baa blocked the county 1d from implementing an airline acce. plan at the airport. ~ Hatter scheduled • June 28• bear1ni for county offidala to _ return to h1a court with what he termed a "non-dbcrtminatory" aooeea plan for the airport. And the judge added a caveat. Should the county fail to adopt· auch a plan, ~t muat permit Continental Alrlinea to begin rl 8erVice with two flighta ct.eny ~' using Boeing 727a, an aira'aft Jb currently banned from the f airport for nolae and weight'fi rea90t'\S. ',J A Continental attorney contended during the heartna M that the airline baa been 1rytng,a for 14 years to gain entry to Jobii d Wayne Airport. He did notl apedfy which routes Continental would like to Oy. In ruling from the bench, Hatter a.Id he doesn't oppme the :: county maintaining the 41 flight ) per day cap on jet departures or ~ .. •Pt:Cifylng noise levels with ,1 which air carriers must comply. 1 But. Hatter bluntly aaid any 1.lf.. special treatment for the dominant carriera must be j deleted from any new accea ~this grandfathering_! (permitting AirCal and BepubUc to malntabl fllcht allocatiana) .. -1 aolna to have to go, tbat'a all." .T! Rauer said. .cf Under the county' a P"'OP*d · n. plan. AiJCa1. which operates an ~of 23.5 flight8 daily, and :11 Republic, which operatea, 11..5, f'l would have been atripped of ~ their exilting flight guarantees at a rate of 10 percent~ three _ mootha. I Fligh ta yielded by the J incumbents would be placed in a pool for re-allocation among carriers desiring to begin aervice ' at John Wa~ with new and qu.leter jets. Board of Superviaora Chairman Bruce Neatande, • reacting to Hatter's ruling, aakl. "Of coune, It's fair to say we're ._ all disappointed... - Neatande uid supervilon wW ~, , meet Wedneaday with the " county's privately retained • airport i8aes coumel. Michael : Gatzke, to determine a coune of ~ I action. • .. Nestande said he would favor '.: the county joining with AirCal in 1 an appeal ol Hatter'a decision last J September blocking implementation of the county's ~ original acceu proposal. That . action ia scheduled for a oomideration June 8 by the 9th " Orcuit Court of Appeal. -. .-~~~~~~-"--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;_~~~~~~~~~~~--~ @ ~&EM ~WllE •• n ~· 1l 1 -\I .. No booze • Tlirow old tax records out or cars for prom OR.AND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -A loud rock a.nd wW play until dawn at thh year'• IP'aduation put:y for a aubu.rban JUah achoo! -but the punch won't be 11)f..Qd and U... won't 1queal ln tfie })U'kina lot. &1..!tl, '2."£.Wl'r2 DMR R&ADl.RS: U your cloeeta are bul8ln.I with old tax recorda that you're afraid to ihrOw away, the IRS hu IOlfte ~lcome advice. Most docwnenta need to be kept only thNe yeen from the date your tax n tum wu lUed, or two yean from the date the tax "'• Dald, whkhever la later. In other WOC'da. il you lUed your 1981 return by April l&, 19a2, you ahould keep the related recorda until April 15, 188&. Same recordt do need to be keDt Jonaer. Real ..iate record.a, for lnatance, ihould be kept aa lon1 aa they can be UHful in detenn1n1na the ownenhlp buia of a piece of pl'Operty. 'l"hia Information la needed to cla1m deprmation or to report the gain or lom on the pn>perty when It la 90ld. Copies of put tax retuma ahould be kept 1f you think you may Liie income averqina to compute your tax on a future return. To u.e · the income averaging method, you need Information from four prior years' retuma. Good flnandal reoordt are th~, key to effect.tVe tax planning and will help you fill out your tax retuma with eaae, according to IRS. Organiz.ed rt!!OOrd.a alao can aave you time and money lf your return I.a audited. For more infonnation on record.keeping, IRS offers a free booklet entitled, "Publication 652, Record.keeping Requirements and a List of Tax Publications. Request the booklet by phoning (800) 242-458~. DMV closes loopholes DEAR READERS: The California Depertment of Motor Vehkles haa announced that it haa cloeed an administrative loophole in f'el\llationa which had pennitted IOIJW! Wepl registration of "new" vehicls purchued out of state and brought ln to California. Ail of April 19, 1982, California residents and bu.tneaaes are not able to register a "new" mocor vehicle with le. than 7 ,500 miJes on it if the vehicle baa not been certWed by the state Air Resource.a Board re1ard.1ng the detign and performance of the vehicle'• exhaustion control system. The OMV al90 h.u notified out-<>f-state SHOITIST LINH IN OIAfiaGI COUNTY .. IXTIA IDGI" GAIPflLD IANK -= Theres only one FMCrowDs. JI01 EAST COAST HlCHWAY CORONA DEL MM. CA (714) ~.-Olll SHUTT I• lllST ALLA TIOll dealtn that they may be subject t.o ttvil penaltiet for auch Weaal lal• fo California reeidentl or bualnemM In the future. OMV Dlrector Dorta V. Alexia Mid that the Health and Safety Code defln• a new vehlcle u one with 1-Uw1 7 ,600 mil• on the odometer. She pointed out that lt la lllepl for a California ,.ident or buainell to import for regtatration, UM or ule any 1uch vehJcle which hu not been cert.ltled by the Air Re90u.rcel Board ln Cal.llomia. ' A vehicle'• certification atat\.11 may be ktentified by efl4Pne compartment labell at the point of purch.ue. These vehicles allO will be -verified by Callfornta'1 1mog in1pectlon 1tationa, which are aupervt.ed by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Mra. Alexia said ownen of 1uch non-certified vehlclea may not lawfully regilter, u1e or re-1ell the vehicle tn California, and are subject to fines of up to ~.ooo for attempting to do .,, acoordina to Health and Safety Code Section• 43151, 43164 and 43166. Gary Ni.ahite, the DMV'1 Reldatrar of Vehicles, pointed out that any dealer ln any state who aeU. a non~rtified vehicle to a <Alifornia resident or bualnese alao may be subject to a civil contract resilaion action by b'&lir who cannot register the vehicles in omia. Anyone ulia\lna ln such activities allo may be subject to civil penalties. The OMV dlreci.or noted that there are a few very limited circurnltances under which a new, non-certified vehicle may be imported by a California resident. The resident may import such a vehicle if it la acquired: to replace a vehk:le which wu damaged beyond reasonable repair or 1tolen whfle out.aide California; as a result of an inheritance; or a.a a result of a divorce, dissolution or legal aeparation. • Got • problem~ Then writ4! to P•t Horo-· -_, wiu. P•t will cut rNJ tap#!. 6etting the ill An1Wets and action you nt!ed to aolve ln- equitla in fO'l«'TllD#!nt and buainea M.n your quiiitloll6 to P•t Horowitz, At Your Service, Qrazwe COMt Dally Pilot.. P.O. Box 1~. O.c.t meu, CA. "f>26Z& Aa many let~,.. u poaible will be ana- wen!d, but phOMd b.quiries or Jett.en not including the ~r'• tulJ name, •ddn!u •nd bu.iness hours' ~ number cannot be ron.s/def'Nl. Senlon at Fore1t Rilll Central Hiah School decided to live up boor.e and can, at leut lor the ntaht, to make tuN &here la no drlnklna and drlvil\I. In return, parenta are pkkina up the $4,500 tab for the Jµne 8 party. "They'll jult kill their wheell aoodbye at about 11 p.m. and won't tee them .,atn until about 7 a.m. the next day," laid Dullel Robertaon, chairman of a parenta' IJ"OUP that railed the cuh. Senion will leave their can at the achool and ride bUle9 to the party -which will be held at a aec:ret location. Decal.lie beer, wine and hard liqu or frequently 1how up at 1tudent aatherln1•. parent• decided thia year, "there mu.t be a better way," aaid Leslie Loul.lell, director of prevention 1ervice9 for Project Rehab, an alc o h ol and drug abu1e prevention and treatment program. Robert8on said parentl decided about six month.a .go to h09t the party. They eet up a tax-free fund and began c ollectlna donations. The IChool provided bu.ees, and echool bua drivers will donate aervlces as chauffeun. "Most importantly, we have the support of the kids," aald Robertaon, whose 10n will be among the graduates. "There are 250 kids. We're positive we'll have over 200 attendlna this lhini·" A survey by Project Rehab and Grand Valley State eon-. of 1,223 studenta in lOth, lltll and 12th grad ea found that 74 percent u1d they had Uled tJauor and 22 percent Mid they drl.nlc at leut once or twice a week. APn ....... MOBILE HOME -A 91-year-old, 300-ton brick howse is moved by truck along Blossom Street in Boston to its new lite, 366 yards away. The resident physician's house belonging to Massachusetts General Hospital is being moved to make way for the construction of a new medical research building. Reds not stronger WASHINGTON (AP) - Although the CIA baa increued tu estimate of Soviet military strength by a millio(l men, the Red Army really isn't any stronger than before, Rep. Les Ailpln says. Asp1n said tha t the h igher figure 11 the result of improved estimates by the CIA and doesn't reflect Soviet buildup. He said most o f the 1 million are in n on -comba t areas suc h as conatruction , civil defense and internal security. , THE LYRIC ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY CARMEN RIGOLETTO LA BOHEME Diamonds Save 50°/o CARID RIGOLETIO by Blz1t Newport Harbor tlch Friday, May 21, lpm by V•tl ... Newport Harbor tl&h Friday, bit 4, lpm Reserved eeata $12.50. Season tickets for all three onty $30. Group discount• avallable. For advance tickets and more Info call 494-~ 494.3944 TheM p!'ogram1 mede poealble by • Mobll Found•tlon Grant TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY SEASON J 96i J 98l 1922 A Tr•dHlon for 60 Yeara 1982 x 145-1077 . OVl!R a HOT a COLD ENTREl!S 112 lltlPORnD a DOltlESnc WINE• Flwt of Yul, lelected IMf, ''"" IMtood a Pou1trJ CLOSING DOWll PUBLIC AUCTION • LIQUIDATION OF HANDMADE PERSIAN & ORIENT AL CARPETS & RUGS a net w ...... n & FrenCh ...... ~ Order of the loaril .. Dlred•• of Globe lnternotlenol I Selected diamond jewelry. 45 styles . Choose cocktail ring, pendants, earrings, bridal sets and more. All finely crafted with t he highest standards of quality. Ladles Codd.8H'Rlng . 13 tot~ weight orig. M99.00 Sale $249.50 De.mond & Sapphire CIUIW E..,.,. . 25 toal ...Wiant ottg. s 121 6.00 s.e. S608.00 Mens t4K R"'e .40toc.I~ orig. SH72.00 s... Sl216.00 an sales subject to stock on hand no speclal-Drders 14K' Wedd~s.t 14 toUI wel t orig. SI 175 . Sale $587 .50 • TVllDAV, MAV 25, 1812 · 11am1111111 c•m CAVALCADE STOCKS 82 87 Laguna Hug Club: • ·Keep on squeezing ONLY IN LAGUNA, DEPT. -Si,nce Laguna ~hill the Art Colony of our coutline, and oonaiClered by' the natives as an environmentally 1en1itive place, it i1 understandable that certain of the dtif.enry oonaider the town to be filled with tree-huggen. People-buggers are a bit more of a surpriae. But ao it was as reported in this sterlhur journal only yesterday, that members of the Hug Clu6 gathered at Laguna's Irvine Bowl for a Hug-In. It was alleged that the Laauna Hug Club got ltarted becaUl8 regulars who walked tne Main Beach Boardwalk became acquainted and ~ would hug each other. · Well, the Boardwalk's aa • ._ good a place as any to get ~\ =~hing like that TOM MURPHINt~lt ACCORDING TO THE report. everybody had a good time out at the park in putting the 1Quee7.e on fellow dtizens, except the oop assigned to keep the peace who, when given a friendly clasp, warned the perpetrator. "Don't do that again." There haa to be at least one llOl'ehead in every crowd. You have to wonder in the first place why they would need a oop to keep the peace at a hugging ~vention. Muggers. yes. But equeezers? PARKING LOT - A portion of the private planes tied down at Orange County Airport ta shown in this aerial photo. The Only contested race Erma BOmlHHJJt J1!WIH1 the oolor.lul, la1bionable (/,.,. Jossing attire in ¥ogue today. Page B2. o.lrNIC ........ county's airport oomm.ission will take up proposed changes in operation of this area tonight. . • Four seek judge post Airport's tied own rules eyed Clearly. it's difficult to find high crimes and mi8demeanon in plain hugging. Ob. you may have been irritated at times when you aee thoee bumper sticken that admoniah, "Have You Hugged Your Kid Today?'' 'That kind of placard could call8e a real gut-wrench to the party in the following automobile who just suffered some tragedy involving their child. THAT UNPLEASANT thought aside, a hugging club 1eem1 harmlesa enough. You could have a -lot -more damaging avocatima. Like the guy who swaggers into the local aaloon and after the first gulp announces, "I can lick any puny man in this houae." rm always pleale when that slob gets bounced over the bead by the female bartender. 0th.en have a hobby of being practical jokers. They always greet you with an electric buzzer for the handshake, or make certain they slip a whoopee cushion into your chair or let you have it with a equirt of water from their illuminated bow tie that lights up to say, "Hi, Cutiel'' Theee ~zd~d join the Hugging Club and get hugged by · the Gorilla. IT'S FAIR TO suggest that there are all kinda of distasteful organ17.atiom you can join. like the people who spray srafflti on walla or belong to hubcap theft rings. Seldom, however, do you find these kinda of ugly organizations visiting the confinea. of Laguna Beach. Lagunana would rather be saving a greenbelt or preaerving the whalee. About the most violent the organizatiom get is the Polar Bear Club of Treasure la1and where members leap into the chilled Paci.fie~ New Year's Day. And that violence la usually confined to the one frigid entry. AB FOR BUGGERS of the world, we welcome them. If there wu a little more hugging going on right now, we miaht have a lot te. fiahtinc. LOrd knows we need that. . .Education unit seeks parents, volunteers cooaortlum: J'ountaln Valley, HunUn1ton Beach ~!_t1 1 Uuntinaton Bach u.uoa HJ1b Ocean View, Seal Beach and w-·..,..... c.aaDIUM .......... IDMI d'9 tint w......_ Ot'wb-...... Parenti of handicapped and naa-IMN'~ lt\ldmt:I ma1 1_pply. i. ~ of -blillilfttdu. Por., ean\be olttalatd by c= th• tetiool dl1trlct, ~. -. I By DAVID KUTZMANN or .. o.tr,......,. 'nley are mostly in their early to mid 50.. Collectively, they have more than 70 yean of legal eXJ)erienoe. One mania aire.dy a Juage on the municipal court benCh. Another ia a Lott Angeles prosecutor. Two are 1eneral ):nCtice attorneys. Toeether. they are contending for a hl1hly coveted Orange County Superi« c.ow-t Juda-hiP in the June 8 primary. It ia the only superior court race where there ta no incumbent. The 8eat ta being vacated through the retirement of JOO,e William 8. Lee, who aerved for 20 yean on the Santa ~bench. l!J. 16 other superior court offfoea. the l.ncumbenta faced no opposition. Their names won't even appear on the ballot. The candidat.ee running for the one, 6-year term are William Farria. a Tustin attorney apd a d1rector of the Orange County TranBit District; West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Robert A. Knox; Lott Angeles County Deputy Dlatrict Attorney Joseph Baritla, and Anaheim lawyer Sherman S. Weber. Farria and Knox appear to have the best clwlce of facing oae another in a run-off election next November. Both men have maintained high viaiblUty in thm communities -Farria as a three-time congreaalonal candidate for the Democratic Party and Knox as a judge and school trustee in Huntfngton BMch. Barilla. who baa spent 19 years on the District Attorney's staff ln Lott Angeles. ia runn1nc a 8eCX)lld time for an Orange County Superior Court judgeship. He placed third two years aao in a race won by North Orange County Municipal c.ourt Judge James Cook. Weber, who spent many years u a certified public accountant before joining the legal profemion. aa.ld he wpWd only terVe one term u a superior court judge because of hla 1trong feelings that the Judiciary needs "fresh blood." Thia ii his finrt a~pt ~t office. Followini are brief summarlea of the candlda\ea and thelr t.cqrounda: -FARRIS: A practicing attorney for the ~ 22 years. the 52-year-old 1'a,rl1 eay1 balf-Joldnaly, "1 wouldn't mind bavbic anOther career." Tbal woWd be .. a Judie. a Job be taJd most llCUW trial lawyera ~lre to. Hl• back1round udea lix ~ on the dty ot Oranc• Plannh'I Commtaton and MW!\ yean on the 1nnlli1 dtltrlct baud, llx of thole .. vb chalnnan. Tbroup hi• law practice, 1arria 1&Jd, he hH 1alned a ...... ~ O(,U.. ••full lplCtnlm" ol JiP1 ..... Ill bis~· ttataawna. to ~he liiad be Wtw9 tNit ,.tou1tier Jaw1, 1tronpr law ....... Wit ind~ ...... would mHD fewer vlot1m1; J'llfttl iiid hi .. ..... •• tn ~::c .. •r 1enlenotn1 of The former congre11ional candidate estimated he would spend about $10,000 on what baa shaped up u a low-key race thus tar. He has the BerVices of an unpaid political adviaer. Farria aau1 more campaign ialues would likely emerge in a run-oft between the two top vote getten in November. He expects those two candidates to be him8el1 and Knox. Farris Is married, has 3 daughters in their 20s and a four-year-old granddaughter. -KNOX: ''Thia is a very natural thing for a municipal court judge to want to do,'' Knox says of lua candidacy for the superior court. The 54-year-old Huntington Beach resident, a municipal court judge in Westminster for the pa.st five yean, aa.ld he waa running on the basis of his qualifications and experience. A former deputy district attorney, Knox practiced law for 18 years, handling mostly civil litigation. Al. a 20-year Orange County resident, he alto became active in local school board affairs. He eerved aa put president of the Ocean View Elementary and the Huntington Beach Union High School District boarda, Knox said he considered a superior court judgeship a "new challenge" because he would handle a broader type of cueload. The municipal court, he uid, la more of a volume-type triWnal. Aocord!na to Knox's candidate statement, ne •tronalY · aupporta PfOll'&IDI to oompemate vidima of crime. He 1ald he plan• to 1pend between fl~.ooo and 120,000 for hi• campalan, much of that money few qn,. Knox, a vice ~t of the c.nfornJa Judael Amodatlon. LI married and na• four arown chUdren. courses at Western State University, Mt. San Antonio College and Ot.rua College, said he la detennined to be a superior court judge. "li you're looking for the most experienced ma most qualified man, that's me," he aaid. The Lott Angeles proeecuto~. who works out of the District Attorney's Compton office, 881d he is so committed to becoming a judge that he plans to continue running for office until he is successful. "rm never going to give up," he said. "I'm going to 6e a judge." The 55-year-old attorney said that, if elected. he would try to expedite c ases with o ut jeopardizing anyon e's constitutional rights. He said his nearly 20 years in the Loa Angeles Distric t Attorney's office, as well as his experience as a peraona1 Injury lawyer with the Automobile Club, give him a broad background. Barilla said he alao has knowledge of labor law. The father of five sons said he is emphasizing his experience, which he believes makes him the best candidate in the four-man field. One of Barilla's sons is a deputy with the Orange County Sheriff'• Department. -WEBER: Of the four candidates, this Anaheim attorney la the most outapoken about the tenure of judges. Weber, a former Cl>A who wrote a novel about the judiciary, said he bellevea in limited judicial terms to help rejuvenate the 9)'lltem with "new blood." "I want to be a judge for just one term," he said. Weber, who wanta to spend 1-than $500 on h1a campaign, aaid he would be "acoellible0 u a Juda• and would atternpt to ref9"ll the l)'ltem from within. Weber allo aald that, aa a =· be would ·=· be ~ .. ~~-not a pollt1c11 race," he tald. 11Qu11Ulcatlona are tbe mafn th1na to au...'' W-et.r W«ked few 20 ,.an • an aecountan' ln the Loa~­ arM. A UCLA arectua•, be later 1tt•nded Southweltern Unlwnlty WW School. He hl9 bMrl ... ...,.. fOi 14 ,..,.. Hellkt~tlMIUld-~ .... -::9.:*-"..4C ........ ...,. ......... , .. oD•·t~r latern1hlp befOre ---~....-.. Wetiit' U... wtU.. ba. wife. ....... In OIDtl'tl AMbllm, By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL or the Dllltr Plot ,..., Revised tiedown policies for private aircraft situated at John Wayne Airport will be subject of a public hearing tonight before the five member Orange County. Airport Commission. The meeting will be held at 7 o'clock at the hearing room in the county Hall of Administration Broadway at Santa Ana Boulevard, Santa Ana. Numerouf c hanges in operation of the 500 oounty-oontrolled tiedown spaces at the airport have been propo9ed by an ad hoc committee. One change proposed by the committee would r escind an existing policy requiring aircraft ownership as a prerequisite to gaining a place on the lengthy I waiting list for tiedown space all the airport. The committee ha proposed! that an "open eligibility" policy prevail by which individuala and commerc ial aviato rs w ould qualify e qually for gaining tiedown space. Under th~ proposals, there would be no limit pl.aced on the number of tiedown space1 a single individual or commercial entity could hold. But the committee is c.alling for a policy that would outlaw an - existing rule that has pennitted the transfer of tiedown or hangar space when the aircraft - occupying the space la aold. However, under a p,roposed "grandfather privilege,' pn!91!Dt tenanta would be permitted to transfer tiedowns with their aircraft for a period of one-year. Under the recommended guidelines, commercial aviation enterprises, such as flrml that rent planes, '!Nould be permitted to continue to operate from tiedowns located at the north end of the airport and hanpra on the \ aoutb end. It is suggested. however, tha' action be taken to relocate commercial operators to K county-owned ~ on the -·-·· west slde; • move that 11 ............ .._ .,.1 would free op tfedown •s--... .. l.ndlvlduall at exilttnC e-Wlde locatiom. w >'( ~I 'tlO Tledow11 poUdet a' the alrPan have been under revlew fo-r aeveral malltha by bOth COUlrt7 t.' ~ otttdall Md ti» county d;J ~Jury. ·::> 0 •ERMA BOMBl!CK •HOROSCOPE ' I oung lovesick woman harrasses. former suitor I ANN t:ANDERS: I am tlrnply mOrtltied · But ii ah daNreroua? Mwat he wait unUl ahe t the way a ~una woman ii mak1nc Ute doee 10methb\a btzarre -Uke maybe ahoota ell fOI' a 8ood friend ot mine. h1m -before he can ~lain? Pleue He Wied to date her OClCUlonally, but adviM. -CONCERNED IN HUNTSVU.LE. were never intimate. When he •topped ALA. ...,"'lll her out, about two months qo, ahe te Jett.en threatening •uicide. Now she ta out.aide hia office ln her car and ~11man1 him after work to re.tauranta and qmee of acqualntancea. He haa turned in a movie and aeen her sitting Ind him. Last Sunday ahe suddenly ~peered in the pew acrosa from him, . l'l~h ahe ta not a member of that ch\ll'Ch. • She never attempts to speak to him, just opowa him everywhere. Ia th1a aaainst the yv? Obviou&ly the woman la off her rocker. SWINGING AFTERNOON -Crystal Korporal, 2, of Huntington Beach, with her mother Laura take an afternoon swing in Lake DEAR CONCERNED: Tbe mu 1boald report the woman to tbe police. Tbe cbarae -llara11ment. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a~tting Wck and tired of reading letters ln your oolumn tram wives who complain that their huabanda aren't attentive enough ln the bedroom. They alwaya threat.en to look elaewhere unless their sexual needa are met. It seems to me that the whole world has Deir ..... ""°'°"' .....,.. I(..., Park, Huntington Beach. It was a relaxing way to spend a quiet afternoon. Virgo: Wish fulfilled ARIES (March 21 -April 19 ): Dollars-and-cents ~ues dominate; you learn what works as contrasted to mere illusion. Emphasis on property, home,. family relationships and the finalizing of longstanding negotiations. Pisces, Virgo persons figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You gain needed information -relatives, calls and trios figure in scenario. You may feel restricted due to added responsibility. Reward factors multiply. You will be working towards goal. Money and love are part of cycle. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You're rid of losing proposition. Path is cleared for increased income. You'll have wider working area and can gain additional recognition. You sense public trends and can be right place with product. Watch Aries. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Questions, requests are answered in affirmative. You get what you want, new contacts and projects lead to success. Scenario highlights independence, creativity, ability to get to heart of matters -and strong relationships. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): lnstght gained relating to situation which has been obscured by false claims, deception and mystery. Some of your own fears and doubts .,,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach _... • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARR will be erased. Intuition is on target, family member decides to cooperate and health report is favorable. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burden is removed, member of opposite sex confides feelings and wish is fulfilled. Social activity increases, communications improve and travel pl.ans are solidified. Added source of income is reason for optimism. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You gain solid foothold in connection with career, prestige and emotional involvement. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo persons figure prominently . Superior seeks your cooperation in connection with rebuilding program. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on travel plans , long -distance communications, education and spiritual values. Yo.u gain insight into abstract principles of law. You'll hear the word "karma" on more than one occasion. Read between lines. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lively family discussion is connected with money, budget, purchases, sales and relative apparently con sumed by emotional involvement. You' 11 get to bottom of mystery with aid of one who !nitially oppoeed you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Go slow, maintain low profile, become familiar with legal aspects which include special rights and permissions. Focu s also on partnerships, negotiations and marital statu1. You'll be dealing with unique individual who apparently ii peychic. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Older indiVidual aids in getting job completed. Focus on dependenta, basic choree, pell and a relationship which bu weathered the storm. Be aware of apedal appolntmenta, employment proapectt and obl11atlon to individual who baa lnve•ted tlme and money. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Flnlab rather than initiate project; Look beyond the lmmedlaM -your ap,peal could tie unlveraal. Focua on creativity and the ~ of a relatbwhip. You'll be lrwpU:ed by Arlel lndlvldual whO ii d~. ~ and~ scm• •x-cruy. la lt becawae of the fllma, mapz.lnel, TV, advertilementl for jeans or what? If wives would expend more time and energy doing hou.tework and spend more time in the kitchen preparing wholesome meall 1.nuead of buying frozen and dehydrated fooda and carrying in junk from the dell, they would be too tired at bedtime to be '° demA!\(ling. No wonder women live longer than men. They have nothing on their rnindl but eex. Please don't print my name ln your column . Just sign me -X IN BAKERSFIELD DEAR BAKE: Don't worry about my printing your name la the c olumn. I woaldn't want to be re1pon1ible for what ml1bt bappea to you U your Identity became kDowa. Your attitude la 10 outdated I bad to wipe tbe mold off tbe letter to print U. May your conviction• reat ID peace, Dodo Bird. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Here's one for "Both Wife and Other Woman" who advises the wife who is being used to tell her half-a-husband to move out. Alt.er 27 years my first husband and I were divorced. Shortly thereafter I married a man whose first wife waa an alcoholic. He had the reputation of being a terrific womanizer but I was convinced that a devoted, intelligent woman and super aex partner would keep him at home. ANN LANDllS We got along perfectly -until one day last summer aft.er two yeara of what I thought was an ideal marriage, I walked ln on him and hia female architect with whom he always claimed he had a profeaaional relation.ship. He absolutely refuses to diacuss it. They continue to see each other for lWlCh to "talk business." I'm stuck -no money, minimal income and the house is his. So, how do I kick him out? He tells me I have no alternatives. I'm still in shock and going crazy. I want out but I don't want to starve. Can you offer any suggestions? - MISERABLE IN THE SOUTHWF.sT DEAR S.W.: Don't let blm bamboozle you. You DO have alternalivea. See a lawyer and find out what they are. How yoUnJt is too younJ( I or a child to learn about sex? That's just one thing you 'll find in Ann Landers' new booklet, "How, What, and When to Tell Your Child About Sex." For your copy send 50 cents along with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, Dl. 60611. Dressing fQr the part I think women have done all we can do for jogging. We've taken a simple sport of throwing on a pair of boxer shorts and white T-shirt to run around the neighborhood, and elevated It to couture status. ERMA IOMIECI ATWIT'S END We've coordinated shoes to match the shorts, stripes in the· shirt to match the headband, warm-up trousers and jackets with designs that belong on a Paris runway. And that's only what we wear in the supermarkets to shop in. Who knows what the ones who run wear. think fashion and sports don't mix. The other morning I came down to breakfast in a lavender leotard, pink tights, yellow headband and a fiesta-striped warm-up socks crushed just below my knees. FRANKLY, I WAS GLAD when tennis fizzled out. It must have taken us six or seven years to turn that sport around. Remember those.plain mid-thigh white dresses and boring gym shoes? My husband had just come in from jogging and was wearing white boxer shorts just above the knee like he had just run off the set of "Chariots of Fire." I had one outfit that never failed to stir attention wherever I went. It was pale pink and the shoes picked up that same shade in the shoestrings. The cap was like a little bonnet with a visor. Even the panties had little ruffles on them and a cute saying. All I needed was a sweatband to match the bootie sox with the little balls over the heel. I finally found both in a sporting goods store on the west side of town. The salesperson said, "How's your racket? In the market for a new one?" "I give up," he said. "What are you supposed to be and where is your treat bag?" "Don't be cute," I said, siP,ping my coffee, "this is my aerobics outfit. • "Aerobics?" he said. ''1 didn't know you exercised." "Don't be naive," I said. "I'm dressed to drop off the sweeper to be fixed!" POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I said, "Are you crazy? I don't even play tennis. This outfit is for picking up my child at school in the afternoon." EVE~Y TIME I TRY TO TAKE OUT A NEW LEASE ON LlF'E I THE LANDLORD RAISES As for golf, remember when people went to the matches to watch the game? Then women came along and jazzed it up with short skirts, bright T-shirts and great-looking sun hats. But like everything else, I got bored wearing that silly short skirt and cut-out glove to the beauty shop every week. THE RENT. MEN DON'T UNDERSTAND it. They GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deala. NORTH • 541 <:?AKJ5 O JU •US WEBT EAST +Jl0872 +QH <:?toes <:?Q7U 0 ., 0 1080 •KU •Al SOUTH +AK <:?H O A&Q7 +QlOtU The biddlnr. ~ w .. t N_.. Eut t • .... 1 <::> .... INT Pue INT Pue ........ Openln1 lead: Jack of •. If the ave,.,. dtls.u .... 1pote befo" hit e7N, ·he would be well advlted to con· 1ult hit optometrtet. For the • • averara brld1e pla7er, however, lleepln1 1pot1 before hit e,.. It almpl1 eouodadvtet. SoUU. bad two metllocla Ol •~ bit ,ood Uod. OM wu to rewert1 • WtUI' &wo clla•••·· Uli OUler to Jump to two DO trump. SOu&ll elloee the latter because a nine· trick contract rated to be eaaier to make than an eleven·trick one. Weit led the top of hie spade sequence and declarer could count eight tricks. He rejected any thought of look ing for hi• ninth trick in clubs -even if a fineue for the j•ck wa1 1ucce11ful, the defenden wouJd have their 1pade 1uit running before a club trick could be eatabl11h· ed. Heart.a 6"d a mo,.. reaaonable pr:oe~ of 11et~ t.log up a ninth trick, .o al\at winning the king ol 1ptdes declarer uaayecf a heart to the jack. Eut won and fore.cl out declarer'• remaining 1pade •topper, ~ ded&rer could make nq more than the elcbt triw he bad 1tarted out with. Elatata and Dinn ml1hl not be aulped •ll1 nlue in the ootm count. but tt..1 play an Important role In Uat developln1 of triw. Her., deelaNr'• '*'1 boldlq ... Uat b7 to &M ~UM. 1111 N 'ol ....,... otr.r.d a liCiood dPeil to 1llUt • ·~ triekl 1M&Md of P'I'· Uai.°aJl Ml .... ta OM bNbt. &.. .. ~ -""' to hold the queen of hearts, declarer could have played Weat for either the queen or the lenl At trick two, declarer should have led the nine of hearts and, if West played low. run it. As the c&rd1 lie, that would have fetched the queen from Eut and the jack of hearts would have been the ninth trick. But even II the nine of hearts loet to the' ten, declarer could 1tlll have fallen back on a eecond heart fineaae for Ma contract. And obvloutly, If Weal covere the nine of hearts with the t.n, tbe elsbt 19 the fulfl.lJ.ln6 triek, and dedarer can un· tanste bit three heart triw becau.ee the jaek of diamond.I la an entry to dum1n1. '1 I ·· r : ., l ' I ..... ..., \411" ... , kM• ..... "''" "''' "9tn .... ~}.1l ...... P.(~ c ... 1,;_··1 nc~~ <: ·-r 1:..•:·,r; Che "''."".· ~~'t c ... l~lL.., :~~.l ~·r:~1 .. .. ~.-~ t:I t~I: ~ i. ;M{._ :~ ".J~ ~ ~ t~ :1~ ~~ i :f-·: i'. .. ~ ~.: • ·"' , ~ ~-~ iR!i· .5 ,1,~ :-:~ a~· }; t. ~· v. = = .rt.I ·; , ~~.~ I . ill~ ff ·9':1 ·,;, j :s·.·~ t Ill ftnlt~ ti 11 ..... 1, ..... ~ 11r t 1 ....... 91.im.. °" .. I.Ir I • 14 '"-I ! t JI'-1't l I 1,4 ' I + " J".,. --· "'- ..... !Ml It i l •:. rn:: = "O Ill 1~ b"• .,._ == ~] 11 I -" =lei 1~ I I ft""• t: '.lb\ .. ' t:::"-; "° "'"°'· ~ ~~<~ ("' ~.·, t •:!· t~ ii, .. :: J J::: ~ . ~ :lt:t: ~ll~. j ~rs:~~ r .u::• +::c:,"ttu m ~: ~ At.It ... ~ "°'•ft OII! 41 . '-\It I M 1ft ''°' ~ll • ~· lo1t M'J:W,0: ft . . .... ..... • + '-T.,_,... u M th•+'° i • l" I M ,',.,_, •1 I h IUI 1~·.·;..: ~ I ) 6'-.. ~ Hll,,_ t 1 4'"° 13 • \; II ~ ~ T_.. • 741tl tt'Wo+I""' ... • '!"7,. • 11 ,. n;; .. •~:; • .. 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W.c:l'IOV 1.M • 16 ~. "' S.lclor .JI II .. IO . CloON l Cl I XI 21\19-I,\ O.Pw ptU2 J 11 ,,_ LOI" Ill 4.7S • I 41\tc.... PHH l 64 11 14' *'i.. Sofly('.p .·~ 1,1 J11Ut1, ~·. ~ == ~ IO J :~ + Y> S.IOWU UO • ..SO 61~ • \It CrckN pl1 II . II !--. 11> GePw pn'1S IJ :II) Ubt~ 12 II II IJV. Pfl8MI I 2Ae 1 2t ... . SooUn .-• .,._ "' BellCo 1..11) ... ~." CrmlC. IOI. 1 1l Vi c;.Pw "'1n tJO Sl\lt+I LlbNlln Ito 1 121 u • "'PPG 23' ... ~ ..... Soorc:C uo , 22 .... WI~ • " .......... "' BellyMI 10 • ftl • • ,.. """"°' 6 1J l•• V. Geowc a ' lft 46....,_ "° L-I • IS ,. 1't -'-' 'SA to 4 11 ~ U. Sr<~ ptt.4111 S ""° . . WIMtt pl J JI S.llGE 1-6 1 ll6 ~ '-en.let UO IO 1 .. ~ ,,_ GerbN l.114 7 o »oo.+ ·~ LLl1111Ell 2.0. 11 •,n -.. PlKAS I.ADii . 14 -· '-~EGFtl I.-1 .~ ,!.~ .. · ... · ~:fib •11Jz .', ~ ~:'~ tlell p1e'-IO .. tlCI lS Crlet p(4"1 IS ~"' GerbSc 12 IO » 7-._ ncN! J 1 11 -··· , PKGE J 1 '40112S + 4' -... .. -,.. ..,. •~ ... 8et>Cel 1.20 II ., ,~. "' CtvmF , ... s , .. v.,,. v. Gelly uo • en 5.JVJ+ "" Lllton I.to s 275 -..... P.cLlo v• ' IOI 24 ..... -5o.Jerl" 2.iO ' 1' -..... Wel<:Sot ... IO .. ._ ... 8encM9 "' IO l ~. Cu4bro •• • 11 ,.,.. • Vi Gelly pf I XI I 1J Litton pl 2 I ,.. . P«Lum ., 11 n , __ "" s...ct.. ' • • • --14 W•IUm I Jl1 11V>. • a.ntiP ..ID 1 '°' ""'• •;. euinn n 37 12 ~ _ .. Gl-P :11 ~. "' l.o<klllf t» ~ \4 P.c:Pw 214 • m ll • "" Soet&* 1 6 M ,. -"' W•,... t.:io 1 •• ~. " BallP pl 2 al JSl<o-~ CumEft 2 4 aclOS ,._ GlbrFn J1 J L.oclld llfll.ZS I ~ P.c:P pt J 1S 1 ~I $ottPS l.JJI 1 14 --\It -lfl I.JI I S5'4 t \It Bl<NY J.JO • %2 JMI.+ ..... Cunlll< 1 IO xJ> Tto+ ..... Gl<K.w ' ., s •II ,....._ ... l.o<tile ~ .. n -~ P«Scl ' ,, • .., ....... .... SColEO J..,M • "' JI,._ ... ~ ' IJ ,.,, ~· "' lllofVe I It • 9 16"-• '-' Cuo1W 1 t 14 ~ "-GllfHIU ft IS 1 14" ~ 1.20 S 6 ~. \Iii P«TI" 1 14 U 12'-• Ii. SoulhCO U2 1 IS .. l1l't+ "-W.....n. I.Cl 12 M3 ~ '-' 9"11Am 1.11 • "'' 11"• v. Cyc'-I ~ J 1 di'""-"' Giiiette i IO • m 34 : • l.OmFn I.. • 7 ,......_ "' P•lftllW to n '° ,.,.,_..... SolnGIE 2.All 1 • 11 ....... Wftl\Ge J.7' 1 m 11\oa. -Bl<ARty t.lO I "'6 2l t Vt -0-0 -GletiW 10 14 4 .._ t.omMI 2..a. 1 14 8*+ '-Pelm&c I :IO S 100 16 • '-' SHIETet L.16 t It '5 • 14 W\1\-I.All 1 1SI 1"41>-loo BellllTr 1.Cl5 12 176 :io.... 14 OMV 6 ,_ " GlobM ' "24 • en ,,.. .. . LllSIW I 'IO ' ,.. ~ llo P911A8 n ,. • ,. • 141'e • • SollPK 2AO ... , II + .. W.SN ptt.10 tO ~ ,.. Bit Tr pf 1.to Sl4 JOY,• .. 0...-:10 11 ""+ "-OldNutl I S11 . ?Jt. + " LI LCo I... • l1S I~ • PenAm .. ,_ . $ o u It y 4 t 4 ._.,.WI t.CI S " "°" • '-' BllT• " U2 . • J »V. 09nlllv I 11 j IS IWt GldWF' OI 195 ,._... ~ UL plE •.JS dDO J!We + "" P-Ec 2-Jll s 11J liO'lll• ... 1 • .., .. 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Delpnl 6 ... ,,_., ... ~Ke UO 4 .. • + _, Lor.. .n IJ 11 t1 -la ,._.... S2 ll 130 12 + '°' Som11 pt 1 t t\lt WittlbO II 46 7\oa .. Bult ' •• " 02 is... v. 0.)Q » • 22 ...... ... G<•llllll' 1 ,. IO m ~ l.oGM .. -• 2 ,..._ ... p-' 1 • ,.. .. -"' SWAlr ' .J2 ii .. • :. . \It w.JIMll I .. 10 ,., .. I> 2 S.,Fln 1' 14 7-Vt O.yHO '1 10 20 !006 )0-i,. G<enlfv ZS W. .. L..tLend I .. IO dtl 1't -Yt Petpttl 1t .. .,..__ 'Al SWBlfl t I JD S a ~ 'W9tltF I,., ~ 14 J:J " • 8e'(StG :Liii • IO IPI>-'" O.ytP\. I tO 6 102 1.-,, ... , GtA1Pc . • 6". .. . Lo,K ,lllb '1 ID 11"--~ P9YIN t 44 t U U -'-$WFIBll _., I IJ 1• it; Wtll'M UO t IO !Mt• " 8eyull It J II I • OPL "' , •.. dO !O'h + 1 Otlllln ., • • 21"'-. \lo LAlll..0. U2 1 JIO lt\lo. "' Pay<:afl n ,JO .. a:Jt 21 .. .. Swl"-1$1 l5 • -... =v: .. ': 4e :re· •. "' llN•lno I • • ..._ ..... DPL Pl I JO ao S2 1 GNlm uie s u -· "' ~ l.:IO s 11 ........ PNlldy ... ., • ..... ....Ga 1.1' I 45 .... ~ ~, "'"'° di» ft BNIFtd 1,SI • 2'71 ,.,._, DPL pl 111 >AOO 10 Ge-2 6 12%1 ,.... + Iii 1-1 t A st 1' 1M. .. PMvy n I :IO IO I 21'-• 1" $WIEfw n .SJ 11 I 11141 + lilt WIPI:, t 1_. • J1 ,,,._ -._ l!Nt pl •• • • J1 + " DP~ pl 11.JD dll """ G4WF•n 40 1m ·~ . Lllbnl 1.Cll IO 15.J ........ ~ '""'* CDlt • ,. Ila.. . SwtPS 1.JO • ., 11"" + "' . • BeclllD 1.IO 11 6S O~ O.enF' 11 1t I I ~"' GWH!C> n 14 11'dl0 -1 ~ n • 1' I ""'• 141 P9nCt\ s • 11'5 •l't+"' 5'*1n tO 1 J 11""'+ .,._ M letT 9104 1 IC*+-IA. &e!ler • IS ~. ~ 2 721CDd21 -lllo GMP n IA • • U-V. L110y$ I.st e ltl t~ ..... ~ 11'1.V .. '74 ~•''°' 5"t1P 11Ull 1'\lo+ '-' =t:':.. .... ~ ~·-BetcoPI -s 1• 22-"' OelmP '·" 1 IGI ,.__\lo Cire~ 1.20 SID I~ L.ullent .n • s IHh" ~ ·~ 2J 2SJ •• ~ SC-'Y 1.92 s SQ ~Ill WCN• .2A SDn 12\.\+" Bel-... 1 6 Ill -..... Otltalll s 1 » IJS. » -'-' Cirey WI 10 1 . -M-M -"9Nwy 2 I 116 "'-' • "' Sclrl'9 IJtt 6 Jl6 -••• WP~I S S ..,....._ lo\ Bellllld .1' t I 1'~ \I. Del-t 66 I GrowG i.M I 11 1 ¥t MACOM 16 It 1CIN fl'-• " ft•P\. 111 t IJt ,,..._ '-' Sclu«O I.I' 7 J» ,._,.. '-' -BelCd 0 I .. • • 1~ OlaOI s I 10 • ~+ y; ~ IA U 124 Jt.\O • MCA l.lO IS 1110 St -..., PePL pt• SO • 12'1 » . . SqllillO U• IS IJN .-.+ Yi W\Jnklol IAI t t.J ,,..._ '°' 9em1, 1 tO • J 271,(o. "' 0.-. 1 .. 6 11 II + .. °'""' "'2.9 . t .., + "' ME I .SI IO IOS ,.,.. + .. PeP\. '*"175 . -• 2'14 + 14 M•ltlt. .• • m ""+ "' WM.Ill ,,...., . 2 .... • "-Benell• 1JI s .M ,.,~. .... OeMyt ' ... IO .. ,,_.. -~ '.a • " ,,.,.._ ,_ MGNlllt ... II 10 1-. ..... P•PL II" • «* ,..,,.. • "' SUiiey ., 6 14 1Mlo+ " wvn .. 1.11 . • • • .. a.nO• Pl •_oi 12 ~. "9 Oefttply .. " 2t2 >4"'• "-Gl!WS' .H 4 IW I) , • . MOMQ, ...... • . t 1 -I,\ Penwil J.llll 6 tO ~ + '-SCIPnt tO 10 1 U + .. WVTI r 2.1' · · 4 ,,,. • "° &llnfCo8 l " 1~ 18*-lit OeSolo 112 7 G 1.-... , GllW pf UO • 24 m.-\lo MOMVll .JDt It ISM M + Iii """-pl lMJ .. 2 1,_+ II> S1Mot t ·,. 7 11' ,..._I,\ = :~ : r.: ~= 1'"° ~-.. • -S ~ .. • OetEd I .. 1 •II 12.,._ ~ OUllOfl UD S Ml ~+ ,.. Me U I .Cl . I I~+ 141 ......,,_ 220 IO 101 • +"' 5'0llO Ull 6aln ,_+Yi ~I.a t7 °' ~+ .,._ --• 3"'. OetE 111 •.» . 1'0 " -I G\ilflt' 1G 1.-..-1 Mecmll •• 14 22 I~ • • ""°PO' • 1 20 1.-.. .. S«>lnd tM 1,_ o1S • '--lfl . -I a..PO .» ''11772 '°""· . OeiE "' 1M • rlOllO ~. " GlfStUt 1.1' • Jtl 12'+-" Mier • I • 14' D\l'I+ Yi ~ n I ' lllll ""· .. . MllOOll uo s ICZS • + ... ~·· .__ • ' + .. ~ 1• • ~ !!D-. ~ o.tE,. 7.Jt .. l10 .v. .... GlfSU ...... .. 55 ... MOIR 1.l» .. " 11 ..... ~Ge I.~ II Dt ---·"' l"KQI .. ts , ,.___ ... WtYl'ruo, ..... .,_ ~· !:? ....... .n • -;;..... -OE ,,,F 27, . ' IA• .__ °'rsu ..... . • + ... = .. IJ xt1 lO + ,. ,..,_El liO ll 11• 19"'..... ..,.,.. ... 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I + ~ -...tf J '6 .0 15 1 ~·~ ... -"" -• ~ OIOlo lfl 2.2S • • I IO + \It "9111Cn IAO 6 -~ Y, MMvl llfS.e • • 3 D\l'I+ 14 fltllbnl .'4 • al ,,._. ... _..,_ , • ,.. ~ l6 ~ _ MC UO I '1 ~ ... · · Ol.i<JD i.• U 17 II ... + "' ._,. IM S 11 U-tt MA~ IM 10 m JI"+ S-. l'NleEI 2 6 • 1-...... s ,... 2 •• ., • Wiiia-I.Jill • NI '"'· • ..-.it U2 6 11J IWt•'°' °'91..t t.»111111 .... "-HM.1$ 1.47•. ''2 11-'-MarMldUS 4 • .,._. 141 l'NIE'lll4-lD .. "*2"1t+1'-•VC ~.., U as:+ 11'1 Wllnleft.* 7 J16 1n.+ ,_ =•W at.AO 1 "; 1f'+ " 111 pt 1 • .. lO *" """'' 1.a.. 1 » 18. .... Mlltleir ... .I) 4M ...._, .... PflllE llf '-* , 1111 ~ '-VC 1._ ··"I ...-+·::" WlhllwO Mt 12 S1 •+ "' .. """t.. ·-,· n ..... -"' MIS 1.Jt u ... a + ,.. Hiid""" 1 , 1 '"""° ,,_ Manic; j" tt 11111 ..... ,..,.,l .,._ .... •'!CID >t ..... -' Wine. ,.,. , " -.... "' .. •.,. t:: .. ·-......... M 16 Q M + \lo .._. .O 10 Ml ,,_._ 14> Merit. I .. 16 '"'• WI Pllfll .. 1M .. -* mi• lit 6 1AO ! 6 ~ ~ W1"'91 ~ 11'. ~+ " ,... -.,_ '911\..... lel 10t~ ~\It ..__ J t 110 lllit-1'-' Mer"9t 12 >Sa "'4+ I\ !'NII: pf1U$ .. t1t + -ec A ; ~ i; ~J '! .. ti ._" pr l~ .. : :-.... · 11 .llOll I • ~.... !W•lf'J 1 s ll2A 1M+ "' *::1 ~· 10 • »"-.... l'tllt!/t t• . mo " • ... .n " ,. • ._ Wha, 1• 6 =& .,1111 • .., ,, ., •-• ..._'_j ::" ... 1 -11 %2 ... • • 9 Alf 1J 6 ni..-" """ I •• It IJ ,,_., .... 1'911 I. p ti "'• lo\ •., 1 .,.£ •-u.. Wltl' I. .. ~ 11'1 ,_..·.;..""'::.. ~· ,.,, m --... ... 1 •o• -"' e•l.'2 6 • .-. •.•• ""' 1e1 'm s1Yt+"' ...... •• • • ... wi 'J t tt~. t.• ........ ~· .» ~ . . . •• -~. "' ' .. " " Ii:" ""4111111 ... • 11 e· 14 .,.,_ '• a .:.::u =· ;'. ~·1 ..... ~ w.,,i., 12 ~ r:,~ ~ ·1 'm • "'\\ if uo. •t ii,__" w 1:. : : It.•., . -, .at . ;' -"WI-· •'A•, ""'·· o;. '" -.n. ·s " la +\lo Ml .. 0 ... + 1-1 1 1, '""' ~· • ' 1 tit .JI • •""-'+ ~ II I j t +Ml...__ :: I' : ~. :'! • IO tt a l4 ii + "9rt . 10 _, + ,. 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""'ltC"' • a :;? .... : t~ ii ~ • .i I • ._ _. ' .. ~"· • a ... • • , • ~ ,...ltC " ., ' ........... et!! • ' 1 , 1 • .. -.. .. • ~ w• "" t ii, ~ ·;;,: .. d I • : ~ = ':; :i , ]:.~.: ~--~i II t ... , J ··~ i:a'?t. Ml+ 141 t 1: a w! = ..... 1 fl{'!.I .,~~~ Li: ~1 , t·~ =1~e: i 1i it~ e:j·' '.1i • ~ ~ * ~ :1 l a ~-.;;;;n---.._. .......... Pi--.-lat~--1 1.f" t! "J:a ;;~=:::;; ,.1:l1t1=1• *I~ ~il~~ \t+'.IA ~'~ ·; .. . .. ., .. , ,__" .. ' .. • , ii + E I -Pc: . ~·__, ,.,. 1 "' :;. .... -1.m-!:! , , .. ~., ... 41 ... _ rid or~··· ... ,., F?e .Ji~m::·= "'&~'"' ··se.' ~;=:~ il1 , Rt.~ ~:,42 .. 4321 Mi i' loss deepens The fl.rat American J'lDandal Oro of Sant.a Ana reported It operated at a &o. durtna tr.. fl.m quarter. Revenue tot.led t2~,962,000 compared with $29,049,000 for the fint qu.ner of 1981. Net to. for the period wu $919,000. or ~ oenw per ah&re, compared with 1 net to. of $448,000, or 27 centa, for the thttie months ended March 31, 1981. The boerd of di.recton declued a dividend of 12 \!\ cents per share. Stock sale proposed Printronix Inc. of Irvine IUUlOlmCed it filed a regiatratlon statement with the Securltlea and Exchanae Commiaion covering the propoeed sale of 505,000 ah8ft:9 of common atock. Of theee 380,000 will be offered by the company and by eel.Ung shareholders. The offering will be manaae d by Robertson, Colman , Stephens & Woodman. Prtntronix des1gns, manufactures and market.'I medium and low-speed line print.era for uae with minl-a>mputera, microcomputeni and other small computer systems. Business shows set "Freedom '82," compute r shows for amall busineaees spol'l.IOred by IBM's national marketing division, will be held at four locationa in Los Angeles and Orange counties this week. Show locations and dates are: Disneyland Hot.el Convention Cen ter , today through Thursday; California Apparel Mart (110 .East 9th St. in Los Angeles), May 26-28; the Los Angeles Airport Hyatt hotel, May 26-29, and the Pasadena Center, also May 26-29. Show times at each location are 9 a.m.· 7 pm. Nestande to speak Orange County Supervisor ch airman Bruce Nestande will be the speaker at a luncheon of the Orange County Regional Purchasing Council on Wedneeday at the Conestoga Inn. Anaheim. Irvine firm relocates C harlto n Associates has moved rn to its 15,000-aquare-foot pilot facility in the Irvine Industrial Complex-F.ast. lnstallation is proceeding of a proprie tary three-step integrated production line which will fabricate and certify rigid 5 V.-inch di.9cs Computer seminar held More than 100 executives from en ergy, engineering and financial corporations and organizations attended a seminar on advanced computerized project management syl1.ems held by POINT 4 Data Corporation of lrvine during the Offahore Technology Conference at Houston. New program announced DPCS, lnc. of Newport Beach has Introduced its SYSGUARD program, an approach to providing clients with systems programmers on a retainer fee basis. Design firm hired INTERRARC, an architecture, plann.i.llj and interior design firm of Beverly Hills, has been oommi.ssioned to prepare space planning and working drawings for CUBtorn showrooms in the $12 million Design Cent.er South rising in Laguna Niguel Construction began this month and completion is scheduled early 1983 for the 400,000-square-foot commercial furnishings complex at La Paz Road and San Diego Freeway developed by Birtcher Pacific, Laguna Niguel, developers of Pacific Design Cent.er inn West Loa Angeles. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS NIW '!°"'I W'I -._ -pr,.. -,... ~,,, ........ ___ ,,_ ..... ~-~ ... _.,al __ ..... rT&T LILCo ._ .. ,,.. AetneU. ... ~. Exxon ' CIGNA ~ n CenlSo w.st ,_., Ot~ llM NLT Corp P.c; G&E Clll<orl> Nortk'Wln m ,'CIO 4"2,.IOO OS.JOO M ,IOO J1UOO -.S,l'OO US.AGO l!UOO Ml.JOO M ,000 111.lllO -·-nt,JOO , . ..., 20,IOD UPS AND DOWNS ....... 1 MIOltllelnd l CNMllw pl J QllMllw co •T~ s~· • I(""""" 71!~ -· IE_..• • "'""'° ' 10 ~ecll 11 ll'lll 111...-rec '~" S4 Alrw IS LIO 16 • " ,.~ """!' ~ METALS NEW YORI< (AP) -Spot nonlwrout "'91ol pncea todey. c.,. 78-78 '*1t8 • pound, v ¥ dea11nation9. It> LeM 2&-27 oente • pound. n.o 36 oente a pound, dell\lered. ,,.. .. 5527 ....... w.-~· Alunlll-7&-n oent9 a pound, HY ...,_, 5310.00 per nm. ......,_ $318.00 troy oz., N.Y SILVER Handy & Harman, 18.525 ~· troy ounoe. • • I t I . I ' .. ' i • 1 Former higher tar smokers affirn1 MERIT choice for · taste, ease of switch, and long-term satisfaction . . The research results are overwhelming. Latest National Smoker Study provides solid evidence that 'Enriched Flavor;M MERIT offers a satisfying alternative to higher tar cigarettes. MERITlaste Sparks Switch. Nationwide survey reveals over 90% of MERIT smokers who switched from higher tar are glad they did. In fact, 94% don 't even miss their former brands. Further Evidenc~: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smok~rs report MERIT an easy switch, that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best- tasting low tar they 've ever tried. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Clear Clioire In Latest 'Jests. In addition, extensive unmarked-pack tests con- firm that MERIT delivers a winning combination of taste and low tar when com- pared against higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The over- whelming majority reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study,, after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT 0 l'tlla., Morrll Inc. 1911 Kings: 7 mg "tar:' 0.5 mg nlcotine-lOO's Reg: 10 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotine-100 's Man: 9 mo "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotina w. per cigarette, FTC Rtl)Orl Oec '.81 KDQ&IOO's . J , . • I ., \ • ' Goltz, Mauch reunited From AP d11pa~et Right-handed pitcher Dave Goltz. cut from the Loa Anples Dodgera while they a\1.ll owed him ~$1.7 million, ataned with the Angela M onday for the major-leaaue minimum annual salary of $33,500. Whatever Goltz, 32, earns with the Angela will be subtracted from the amount owed him by the Dodgen, a apokesman for the Dodgen said. Mike Port, vice president of the Angela, announced the signinJ( of the veteran pitcher, who Will report to the Angela on Thunday. THE ANGELS a.1ao announced Monday that right-handed reliever Don A.aae waa suffering from a slight strain in his right elbow and he should be ready to pitch when the club returns from a road trip Thunday. A 20-game winner with Minnesota in 1977, Goltz never had a losing season in the American League, where he had a 96-79 record. Following the 1978 aeuon he became a free -sent and signed a multi-million dollar contract with Los Angeles, estimated at $3.1 million for six years. He was only 9-19 ln the National League, including 0-1 with a 4.91 earned-run average this year before being releaaed. "PETER O'MALLEY (Dodgers' owner) recommended we sign Goltz," said Buzzie Bavaai, Angels' executive vice president. "Al Campanis (Dodgen' vice president) told me the same thing. He felt Goltz would fare better In the American League where there are fewer artificial surfaces." Port added, "It doesn't aeern equitable to sign a player of Goltz' stature to a minimum figure, but really that's the standard industry policy that we're just following ln this particular instance. "We feel a player ahould be paid Vfhat he'• worth. However, in the past we've been bu.med twice. We're atlll paying Jim Barr under the terms of our contract. while San Frandaoo is ying him the minimum aalary. ~o years ago we released Ken Brett and the Dodgen signed him for the minimum.'' Goltz will be reunited with his fonner Manager, Gene Mauch, who was the m anager at Minneaota. The pitcher said: "My main reason for signing with the Angela waa Mauch. I feel he knowa me and vice vena. He's going to know whether I can still pitch. There is no question in either of our minds. "It should be an easy step for me to take, coming back into the American League. It's not like jumping into a new league. I know a lot of the hitters.'' Johnstone cut LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Loa Angeles Dodgen have asked waiven on outfielder Jay Johnstone for the purpose of giving him his unconditional release and recalled outfielder Ron Roen.icke from Albuquerque of the PecWc Coast League, the National League club announced Monday night. Ironically, the move, effective Tue.lay, was announced after the 35-/ear-old Johnatone collecte his fir~t h it of the ~ a run-acorina double, in Loa An1ele1' 9 -3 loaa to Plu.burgh Monday night. Johnstone wu 1-for-13 this year after batUn1 .289 aa a pinc b -htuer last year and deJiverlnC a key home nan 1n the fourth pme of the 1981 World Seriea. ANCELS, SOX WASHED AWAY l1llJPllat TVllOAV, MAY H, tlH H/F C8 OCC, GWC poised for tourney Pirates, Rustlers open play Wednesday in state eliminations By CURT SEEDEN . ottMOelfr ........... LONG BEACH -It WU juat one )'Ml' ago that Orange c.out Collep had a run 1n with Laney College in the state community college bueball tournament here at Blair Field. And the Eagles from Oakland promptly handed Coach Mike Mayne's No. 1 seeded Pirates a ~-ending 8-5 defeat in the tournament semifinals. Well, the same two teams are back again for the 1982 veralon of the state tournament, but thla time they'll aquare off in the flnt round -Wednesday afternoon at 3, ap.1n at Blair Field. Joining them in the eight-team field are Coach Fred Hoover'• Golden W•t Colle1e Ruatlera. G WC , the Southern Cal Conference champion, la .eeded fifth ln the tourney and will aquare off Wedneaday evening at Blair Field againat N o. 4 leeded LA valley I a perennial viaitor to the atate tournament which came the cloeest to a state champlonah lp two years ago when OCC beet the Monarchs in the championship game. Wedneeday'a action beg1na at 11 a.m. at C.errltm College when No. 3 eeed Canyons (27 -8) faces No. 6 seed Merced (28-11). At 3 p.m. at Cerrltoe, it will be No. 7 aeed Citrus (25-14) -which nipped Saddleback'College in the ~on C.onference Shaughneeay playoffs to advance -against No. 2 seeded Sacramento City College (30-6). Despite its No. 8 seeding, Laney, second pl.ace finisher ln the Golden Gate Conference, has the ability to knock off anybody Ma~ewama. • fhey're not a power-hittina turn, but they hit the ball well and they have excellent team speed. We'll have to play a aolld game to beat them. We can't afford to give anything," Mayne aaya. I The Pirates (32-7) advanced to the atate tournament by winning the South Coast Conference championship and then knocking off Cerritos in their thira Shaughneley Playoff game. Laney advanced the hard way -finlahlng aecond in i ta conference and then winning four stralRht Shaughnessy gamea, lnc ludln1 two over conference champion San Joee City Colleee. Outfielder Reagle Moaley, labeled a one-man wrecking crew, leads Laney with a .434 batting averqe, 11 doublea, 43 RBI and 26 atolen ba.ea. OCC la expected to go with either Ken Santoro (3-0, 2.76 ERA) or Rich Sorell90n (1-1, 5.34 ERA), ln the first game. Mayne says he'll save ace Jack Reinholtz for the aecond game In .the double-ellmlnation tourney. The Plratea bout a .312 team batting ave rage and a lineup wt)ich includes .300 hittel"I at every position except fi..nrt hue where Scott Darling is hitting .293. LA can't find deliverance Relievers rocked again NET RESULT -UC Irvine's Maria Myers and Jim Snyder recently participated in the NCAA Division I singles championships. Myers and Snyder are only the seventn and eighth players in the UC Irvine's 17-year history to qualify for the event. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Chuck Tanner, the manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates, 90Wlded a little like the man in the aftershave commercial who slaps his face and says, ''Thanks, I needed that." After the Pirates ' Don Robinson had hurled the club's first complete game of the season, a 9-3 victory over Los Angeles on Monday night, Tanner remarked, "We really needed that one. Yeah, that was something we really needed, and Robbie threw hard all night." Robinson, who effectively ecattered 10 Los Angeles hits to recrd his fifth win without a loea, said, "That'• the best rve thrown all year.'' Dodger Manager Tom Laaorda IJli&ht have aaia the same thing about hia starter, Dave Stewart, but not about his bullpen. With the acore tied, 2-2, after aix innino. the Pirates erupted against the Dodgers' relievers, parading 11 batters to the plate. tight reached base and six scored. Tom Niedenfuer, 1-2, who got the lQll, entered the ame with a 0.82 earned run average but by the time he left, seven batters later, it was 4.63. Lee Lacy, the fonner Dodger, broke the tie with a two-out, two-run double. "I've gotten the opportunity to play the last two weeks with so many guys disabled," he said. "Luckily, rve come up with some big hita. But we do miss Dave Parker." Jason Thompson slugged his 12th homer, in the ninth inning off of Ted Power, the fifth Los Angeles pitcher. Prior to the game Los Angeles announced that veteran pitcher Burt Hooton was being placed on the 21 -day disabled lis t. retroactive to last TueBday, and the DodRera had purchased the co ntra c t o f 3 9 -year-o ld right-hander Vicente Romo from Coatzcoalcos of the Mexican League, where he was 7-0 with five shutouts. Pitching the aecond game of the aeries tonight will be former Dodger Rick Rhoden, 2-4, for Pittsburgh and F e rnando Valenzuela, 5-4, for Los Angeles. Winfield to sue NY owner NEW YORK (AP) -New York Yankees outfielder Dave Winfield is suing club owner George Steinbrenner, charging that he failed to donate nearly half the amount of prescribed money to Winfield's charitable foundation. Winfield'• lawyer, Lawrence S . Blumberg, said he planned to file suit today charging that Steinbrenner contributed only $1 55 ,000 to the David M . Winfield Foundation. He contends that Steinbrenner was supposed to donate $300,000 a year und e r t e rms o f an agreement r e a c hed when Winfield signed a $21-million contract with the Yankees. "He hasn't fulfilled some of his basic obligations to us," Winfield said Monday night. "This has nothing to do with Winfield playing on the field, but it's setting us back, especially with kids in the health-are area." Steinbrenner could not be reached for comment, but Edwin T. Broderick, general counsel for the Yankees, confinned that he has been discussing the issue with Winfield's lawyers. Stepping up to the big time Top honors .to Dvorak, NCAA championships: an experience for UCI's Myers, Snyder Laguna Beach ~JOHN SEVANO Both UCI participants survived first Snyder, who la aeli deacribed as a "grit .._Prioo..,~~~ onl six 1 ln round contests before hitting their and grind player," can do almoet any\hinR r to wua eeaaon, Y 1DX Payers respective walls in the second. on the court. In fashioning a 33-12 i-ecord the 17-year history of UC Irvine had ever "I'm going in there to play the ball and this year, he won the PCA.A singles title ci~ to~ 'the NCAA Division I linglee not the peraon on the other side of the net," and waa named the conference's Most c In P;~~~ the Anteaters matched co~nted M~ers. "For a long time I was Valuable Player. third of that,to1al. more into playma the person than the ball. THE 5-4 11 .. POUND Myers who ended °iim Snyder and Maria Myers may not "It'• totally a mental game. The big her campalgn at 26-11, was ~ble to play have llChieved what they aet out to do last ..-ne of the top players, unlike Snyder, week -wblch waa win their respective Wbat I bave to do is learn early in the .-on but lllCked the intestinal singles titles -but what they learned from fortitude nerN1ery to beet her foes. their experience may be of tar greater to play one match at a time. I "What I have to do ii learn to play one importance 1n the future. hatte to talce it as little stej,s :k~t :! u~pa~=-~ i:i~ to WHAT THE TWO of them hopefully toward a big goal. "I want to be No. l tn the natbi That'• walked away with was a better -Mlw1a~ the ultimate pl for me. But what rm of themlelv.. their .,._ ao'nc to have to do to eet that la a lot of --• w~ U I can learn juai to get out of the ~,the q ty of competition at the top names. the people who were cocky, U9ed to wayrand .• , let ti happen it wtn be 90 much .. ~ affect me. Sut not anymore." euSe Both playera, J,llt bei.fore leevlna lut Part of the duo's dlfficulty in prepartnc Myen fllw-lhe!a on a par with the week. exsa e ed limilu'vlewl -ancf fears for IUCh an event, Snyder pointed out, wu other playen pbyllcally, tt'• the mental -• to what lt would take to play .,.tnat. the PCAA'1 lnablllty to provide quallty ~ that •ta them apart . • . and lhe feela '~l~ven•t been able to play ti-. IUY. oppc.iUon. . ahe'a clcm to •ttalnlna that leYe1, too. and when you don't play the belt lfa hard SNYDER, RAN~l'!D No. 40 ln the .. I REALIZE NOl'lllNG ...,....-. me to 0lmprow.11 M&d Snyder, .&l1na that the eollepate rankl, Mid it's dlfflcult to adjust now from the other~ eaepe for the ~10 ii ,.....Uy reprded • bioMUnc ~ to a bicbel' standard of play when you've mental ~·· 11'9 the 19-yw-.old bllt .i.nt. ''ObYloullY, tfei Y. pla~br ~pac.d at a Jower Nit fell' much ot the junior. "J'ct' me. •am II a jowMy, not • pme .. to °"·" tellQD. the dMUnadcn." WM a 0 player -''About mid HMOll I Wiii Up around 30," SoydW• pl Wiii to wtn the na1lanall, UCLA!t ......,_-,\be tournament'• ht llid, "but tbat'• when we wwe .~ but ht .,.. UC> reallillC ~ to th""I No. 2 lied --that tMlmped Snyder fram non~ matobel and the oppolldcln off an.YthlNI 1-tlMiD .-.-. ·~tkii wtth • M. &-1, &-1 vtctiory. 'w• ld.ftw. ""1be nad'ONll lta.-t ......-.-. but ''Whm tbe '*"-IDOi "*"* I had no JOU cu ~ Ill ovailllduwed t.Mn,t' when to 9f' bu& cloWn. &v.i ~ the , ~ tM )mlar. "I -. bow amiy OCllDDl'd1kiD II .,.d/ln Gidlr' to~~ people t•••mber who made th• yww·;ait ·to Jli!IJ.;. top ~" quarwflnall 1111 )'llU'T"' Rudy Dvorak leads a quartet of Laguna Beach High volleyball stars earning AU-{::IF honors with Plarer of the Year laurels after leading the .Artista to thar aecond straight CI F clwnpionahip. ~rak. a eetter, la j>ined on the Urat team by middle blocker and bitter Neil Riddell, while aecond and third team honon go to junior Leif Hamon and aenior Chria Larson, rapedively. A1.o eeminc tint team hcmon from the Ora.nee eo.t area are Marina Hlah'• Andy Klumnum and Costa kea'• Mark Arnold. Pau.l Coenen of Costa MeM Wiil IJ'Ulted a .xnd team berth, alone wtth r.tanda HIP'• Doua Pinckney, a junior. Tblrd team boon went to Fountain Valley't John ~· Dvorak beco!M9 th• MOOftfS ltni&ht Llluna BMch .... to ...,_ -P&ayW of tbe Yew bonon.' Is Tony Conigliaro making a miracle? From AP dttMtCbtl BOSTON . -ll'ormer \)&Hball • aluger Tony Contallaro. ln a coma for more than four montha, Ml t.alked to family members, and docton were "cautioualy optim.latlc" about hi.a recovery, hi.a brother said Monday nlaht. "It'1 ~·It rnlly la. We've been atvin8 him vitamin.a,' aald Richie Coni1llaro, the brother. "I said to one of hi.a doctora today, 'Well, I think It must be the vttamlna.' He said, 'it'• not the vitamin•. It'• a miracle becau.e I can't exolain how he'• dolna thia' .•• Dr . Maximilian Kaulbach, Conlsllaro'a pbyaician, waa not immediately available for comment. Conialiaro, 37, was co-m1uo admitted to Mauachusetta General after aufferfna •heart attack Jan. 9. Kia heart had stopped for "perhaps three to five minutes" before he sot to the hospital, where the heartbeat waa restored, DeSanctis said. A lack of oxysen to the brain can cause brain dam.&${e. Quote of the day Art Modell, owner of the Cleveland Browns, on hi.a team's acheduled game with the Oakland/Los Angeles Raiden next season: "Maybe we'll send the defenae to Los Angeles aod the offenae to Oakland.'' Favorites r~ll at French Open PARIS -The French Open ~ Tennis Tournament got under way Monday w1th few surprises and no upseta. Ivan Lendl of Cz:ec.hoalovakia and Argentina's Guillermo Vilas and Joee Luis Clerk, the second, t.hlrd and fourth aeeda, respectively, posted straight-set victories to move into the second round of the two-week clay court tournament at Part.' Roland GUT'09 Stadium. The 22-year-old Lendl, who ia attempting to win the fihit Grand Slam event of his career, raced to a 6-0, 6-4, 6-1 first-round victory over Fernando Maynetto of Peru. Hoyt reooide ninth etralght win ............ ,.. ihe ~ ~·· Ill wtnn1npl\ pttchec'. "*hid hll Nnth •tnllhl t.rlum M the WhUa lox dtfea&:f'xanu ~onday nt1ht1 8-1, to take IOle pOIHlllOn Of the American lMiUe Weit \Md. Hoyt extended hll two-leUon l\rina to 14 vict.ortM without defMt and now hu a caner mark of 18...0 at ComSaby Park. Hoyt, a 27·yev-old riaht-hander with a 27-0 career recotd 1eattered tlfD~ etsht hit.a. w~ one and ttnack out elaht. He ht.a • Jeuue-lMdin.1-1.46 ERA ... Wn 'ftonlM'1 three-run homer ln the fin\ tnntna and LHDf Barktr'~ four-hlt p1tch1Jll lpl.l'ked Cleveland to a 9·2_~ over Mmn.ota . . . Gal')' ROnlckt tuld t~ hit.I, lncludina • home run, "°" and drove ln two runa, helplns Baltimore to(l. Toronto, 7-& •• ,. M1nnet0ta outfielder Jim Elaeonl9 worked out with the team Monday, the flnt ance entertnc the hcepUal for • nervaua c:lllo.rder May 9 ... Outfielder Larry eena. of Detroit ral8ed hi.a batting avenge 39 polnta to .329 1ut week and wu named the lfque'1 Player of the Week. Herndon had 13 bita in " at-beta, includina a double, two triples and Uwe home runa. Hooton aldellned for 21 days Bart Booton wu p1acecl on the • Dodgen' 21-d.ay dJ.ubled llat Monday and veteran riaht-hander Vleeate Romo was obtained from the Mexican t.ea,ue u a replacement for Hboton, who la Wlderaoina treatment for a bone aj>\,&r In hia right ~ Hooton la 1-2 with a 4.94 ERA ... Ellewhere in the National League Monday, Bo Dlu homered and drove In three nma to help Steve CarUoa beat Cincinnati for the flnt time In more than two years, 9-1 . . . 'Blll Glllllcbon and Woo4y Frymaa combined on an eight-hitter aa Montreal •t()pped Houston, 2-0 . . . EW1 Valeadae drove In bia fint runa of the aeuon with a two-run homer u the New MOOTOM York Meta recorded a 5-3 victory over Atlanta ... Rappert Joaea went 3-for-3 with 3 RBI and San Diego took advantage of three Chica&o Cuba elTOl"'I to record an 8-2 win . . . J~ A.adlllu pitched his second shutout of the 11eaaon with a slx-hltter. and Wlllle McGee led the St. Louis attack with a single and lrij>le u San Franciaco went down. 6--0 . . . Pitcher Randy Joees of the New York Meta, In boosting hi.a won-lost record to ~2 last week, waa named the league'• Player of the Week: Jones had a 2-0 record, including h1a 19th career shutout.. a four-hitter apLnai the A.stroe ... BW Bacber oft.be Chicago Cube and Manager Lee Ella got Into a fight Monday ni8ht after the aixtb inning of a game won by the San Diego Pad.res, 8-2. "I had some words with Mr. Buckner and I didn't like the way he responded," Elia said of the shoving match. BaeebaU today 0n um datie tn b••~ Ln 1861: Htahly tou&.td New ark Olanta' rook.le WWJi Mayt went O·for-5 Jn htl rna.Jor !_~a1u.• debut H &he Olanta b11& the ~lphla PhWMI 8-0 at 8hlbe Park. On thJa date ln 193'7: Detroit catcher-manaaer Mickey Cochrane waa beaned~New York Yankeell' pitcher Bu.mp , an lnJw'y that would nd hil Hall of playtna career. On thll date ln 1916: Babe Ruth ot the Baeton Bnvea belted three homen. lnclud1na the t74th -and ' 1ut -homer of hla career, a tdwel'l.n8 drive off Guy ~ that landed on the ClJatant rfaht field roof at J'orbtl l'ltlcl. Ruth'• thrM homon weren't enouah to keep the BravH from 101lna to the Pittsburgh Pirata, 11-7. Today'• birthda)'I! · San Dlee<> pitcher John MontefUICO ii 32. Hou.at.on pitcher Bob Knepper ii 28. Knight to coach U.S. Olymplana? Bobby ltal1U of Indiana • Unlvenity has been recommended to c:oech the 1984 U.S. ~teamln the Loi Anaelea Oly,mplc1. 'l'he recommendaUon waa made by the men'• games committee of the Amateur Buketball A9odation-USA. and ii expected to be approved, accordina to ClQPlmitte cha1rroan Brice Dubin ... Undefeated GerrJ Cooney sparred alx rou.nda dUl'tng two workout lelDona Moncfay for h.ls June 11 World Boxing Council heevywelght title bout with champion Lury Holmes In Lu Vegas . . . An athletic board aubcommittee endoned an lnveatlgatlve report clearlna the Florida State baaketbell J>l'Oll'UD of most ~ leveled by • former -.cf player but called fol' further Investigation of a cbeerie.der'a vildt to a potential recruit . . . 0octora aay they will not operate OD Baltimore Cotta llnebacbr be w..a, who wu felled laat week by a bullet that left him earalyz:ed from the neck down . . . Metro Collfereaee athletic directon rejected a COllChee' propoal for a 30-eecond ahot dock and a 19-foot three-polni play ... The OenWS' Nucgeta have withdrawn their coninct offer to veteran center Du hael which reportedly waa in the $500,000 range, t.bua ending their efforta to sign him before the National Buketblill A.oclation'a free-.,ent market beg1nl. "It WU a food offer, but It'• been rejected and withdrawn,' I.el said. ''There'• the chance I mlaht wind up with le.." Television, radio . TV: No eventa acbeduled. RADIO: Bueball -Ancell at Boston, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Pittaburah at Dodgen, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). Lakers bored, want to play again Frem AP dlapatct.ea The Loe Angeles Lakers, who have spent more time waiting than playing during the National Basketball A.odatlon playoffs, are alad they will face the Philadelphia 76el"I in the cfwnpionship series. we'd be playing the Slxen Sunday in the fint ~ f0ur-game sweep of San Antonio ln the Wesiern game, eo all our preparadonl were In that di.rec:tion. Conference finals. . tm just relieved that their aeries ii aver." "I can't afford to won')' about a layoff,'' Riley U the 76era could have beaten Boston in the said." . fifth or sixth game of their F.utern Conference We just have to keep wor~. We have final seriee laat week, the championship aeries veteran bAilplayen and a la)'Off WCJO t affect them The Laken don't necesearily believe the 76el"I are an eMier opponent than the Boston Celtics would have been. It'• just that Los Angeles has been rreparin& longer for Philadelphia. would have started last Sunday. But on that day, as m~ as it would affect a younger team. Philadelphia. which collapaed against Boston a year , 'The players a.re bored and juat ~ant to play. ago after taking a 3-1 lead.' had to play a eeventh Its been ao ~ 1ince we played I just hope we game, which it won, 120-106 at Boston f9C Us fourth rememherTh. Lakhow. ho L--t 1DL11_..1_1 ... r..1 .. In · " really didn't care who we played,'' said Lakel"I Coach Pat Riley. "But we had been gearing up to play Philadelphia ever since they took a 3-1 series lead. We knew it was a real poeaibility that and clinching . to e era, w uaa ~ w..a.-.M: .,.... 8lX V1C ry. games In the 1980 championahip aeries, have Now. the opener of the final aeries will be ahowed ln th1a yeu-'1 plaYofb why they bad the Thunday, 12 days since the Lakel"I finiahed a beat regular-aeum reCOrd (68-24) in the Western Conference. Indy requires one more test New coupling valve may prevent fire in the pits INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Four-lap time trials Meara, the 1979 winner and the pole-position were not the final qualification runs for the 33 can starter In Sunday'• race, suffered aerloua fad.al that will start Sunday's Indianapolis SOO. The crew bums when fuel 1pl.aahed onto hi.a car'• engine. He members of each entry still must pus one more test and two of his crew memben who al8o were before the cars are allowed to race. sprayed by the burning fuel were hospitalized af1er The objective is not speed, but prevention of the incident. fire in the pita, the dreaded result of an errant drop · 11\ere were several other inddenta involving of racing fuel ignited by the lntenae heat from the fire during the Indy race and at other Indy-car cars' engines. events last year, although none resulted in an It's a new test mandated thia year by the U.S. injury as terious as the one to Mean, who has bad Auto Club, to make sure each crew ii familiar with to undergo two rounda of pluUc surgery and •YI he the operation of a new coupling valve between the eventually will have more work done on his fuel tanks and the cara. lt'a a l~mlnute procedure di.sfi~ ncl9e. that could save livt!ll. ''Obviowly, the thin.kina about a new fuel .. WE WANTED a posltive locking connection I valve started right aft.er the 1D81 Indy race,'' Ayres that could be broken away from the car, with a said Monday. "Why were we having fire? aecondarv aafetv valve behind lt to limit fuel Det.ennining various cau.es takes considerable time. 1ptllage and fire that could reault," aay1 Dave Ayrm, president of the CallfornJa'-baaed Induction S)'lt.e!N. Inc., and the designer of the new valve. "'11le way race can are today, any fuel spillage resulta in fire, period." Except for a brief practke .-on Thunday, the lndJanapolla Motor Speedway tnck will be clmed until raoe day. USAC, however, will be fating the crewa on the new fueling operation throuahout the week. · 1'M! development of the valve, wbicb aea1a aut.omaUcally lf there'• any trouble in the smooth delivery of fuel to the race car er in the coupllna .. and uncoupling of the fuel hme. ... prompted by a ~ pit fire 1aat year durina a refueling st.op by Rick Mean. ' "I TOOlt THE STATE of the art that we have achieved and looked at the areas we had problems in," M 'continued. "l tried to run a 11.tuation where we analyzed the complete system, from the luel tank to the car and back apin." I The NBA record for conaecutlve playoff with four-game tweepe each time, to become the first Ume in NBA hi8tory to capture two straight best-of-aeven eerlea without • lo.. The NBA record fr conaecutive playoff victories is nine, aet by the Minneapolia Lakers, who won the last game o1the1949 playfia and the first eiS(ht of the1950 ~ Painful ring? PITI'SBURGH (AP) -WW all thoee Super Bowl victories be 1 too taxina for the Pittsburgh Steelers? Steelen offidala and playen say the Internal Revenue Service recently notified playen that thoee memben of the 1979 and 1980 championship teams must pay federal taxee on the value of their Super Bowl rtnp. The rings. made of gold and dWnonda, are worth aevenll thouand dollan each. IRS offidala refuaed comment on the matter, but a 1poke1woman in Pittaburgh said, "We con.alder the value of all aood• and 1ervicea received. not jull w~ or ulartes, to be income." "I certainly didn t know I had to declare it as income," one former player, who asked not to be Identified, told The Pittaburgh Poat-Gazette Mooday. Zorn has sights set Olympics her goal By CURT SEEDEN Ofltw.,._,......,. J'or a pel"IOn with eyeal,ht dlalJ"ClNd at 20/~, • 17 -year-old TNcha Zorn o Mllaion Viejo baa her liahtl aet on aome clearly fOCUMd .coals. A awlmmer for the Ml .. ton Viejo Nadado,.. lince the ap of nine. TNcha haa a busy year aheed of her, with the Lona Coune Senior NatJonala ln lndl.anapolia and the World Gamet triala ln M1ll1on v~~. . THERE'S ALSO h e r freshman year at Washington St.ate University, compliments of a swim acholarahtp. And by the time ahe'a 19, there'• a •hot at the 1984 Olympic.. , That's not a bad itinerary for the future of a girl who ii considered legally blind.· "l don't consider thia a handicap. My mom hasn't treated me as a handJcapped penon." ahe waa saying Friday, momenta before participating in the South Coast League swim final.a at Saddleback College. Besides swimming for the Nadadores, Triacha swims for Mission Viejo High -as many Nadadores do. Her specialty is the backstroke. She looks like an ordinary swimmer but hardly swims in an ordinary fashion. TRISCHA WAS BORN without 1.ri1ia in her eyes., a condition known as aniridla. Her eyes are alwaya dilated, and the sensation is one of intense brlghtne81. Her swimming is unaffected. Last year as a junior, she finiahed third in the 100 backstroke at the CIF Championships. She was sixth in the 100 butterfly at the same competition. Thia past ~ampaign she went 1:00.04 in the 100 back, . finishing second in the championship finals to help her Mission Viejo teammates to the team championship. It'a obvious Tnscha has fit right in with wtnnen, whether they be on her high school swim team or on Mark Schubert's acclaimed Nadadores. HER SWIM career began when she was six . Her older list.er Lisa brought home a newspaper clipping noting that the Tustin-based Southern Cal Swim Club was Interested in new members. It was while she was competing for SoCa1 that Triacha 1aw and met the younger age group Nadadore1 swimmers. She soon joined the Nadadorea. She had her share of problems when she first started swimming, especially the backstroke. "When I was little, I'd miacount the strokes and run into the wall," she recalls. ''It's kind of a science. It took me several times to get it right. but I finally got smart." TRISCRA WILL be 19 when she attempta to qualify for the 1984 Olympics. There was a time, when that age signaled the over-the-hill era for many Olympk hopefuls. ''A couple of years ago, they said that onoe you become 19 or 20, you're going to be burned out." she says. "But now, it seems the college level girls do better than the younger girls. Triacha ia awimming at 5 a.m. every morning, and by the time the day is over, she's put in 5Yt hours of awtmming. Her goal is to major in physical education at Washington State. She'd like to specialize in physical education for the blind. SHE'S PARTICIPATED in the swim nationals for the past three years and doesn't figure on missing this year's nationals at Austin, Tex. Trischa lives a normal life. She attends Mission Viejo Hig'h, reads books with enlarged printing and uses a special magnifying glass to see ~ on the blackboard. When she goes to Washington State as a freshman, she'll live in a dorm and share her room with another swimmer, Connie Michelson of Seattle. "It's an athletic donn and I'll be with a lot of incoming swtmmers. And, aU my classes will be pretty cloee together. It's not a huge campus at Pullman. .a it will be a lot easier to get around," she lldds. Skeet shoot slated· Hoag Memorial Hoepital's 552 Club will host the first annual Invitational Stag Shoot Wednesday, June 9, with prooeeda benefiting Hoag Hospital. The skeet ahoot tournament. will be held at the Coto de Cua Hunt Lodge in Trabuco Canyan. Uslng the standard trap and skeet ahootina range, the shoot wlll ouer vanous games which have been created to provide target practice fol' wing shooting. Offered at the shoot will be: duck tower, c:rary quail, mlni-ecrap, and continental. A raffle will be held and more than $4,000 in prizes and awards will be given to event winners and door-prir.e winnen. . . I . . . • ' • " . ' l .. ' ~ .. . . .. 11A.K>1t LUQUll STAM>ING8 -=='J:i: W L ... -~ 21 13 .111 - ... • ti M1 " "-°'Y U 11 MO I 09kJend • a ... .,. ....... • .. 21 .41110 T-11 21 ..IOI M ....... 12 .. ..,,,,. ...,___,. • 13 ,., - 29 14 .141 a 20 1t .. ,, 7 • 1t .Iii 7 11 a 1 A7'I .,. '7 23 ... ,.,. 17 24 A\I 11 ............. = eo.on. P911 •• ,.., *·"-Qty 1 . t ,...__2 n ~ 7, Toronto 5 .... ~~~(>U.eMJl.n Toronlo(Oolt ~{ M .._ Yc1111 (JdWI i-41. a.111motw ,,...,._ 1-21 et T-(lotelldl 2-31." K•n•u City (CrMI 0-0) •I Chlo990 (~2-31.n 0.IMd (~ W) 8l ....._(Hem 2·1), n ~ cacw.r-w1 .. ~ (Hawn8 1·2), n o.troll (WllOox 3-2) .. 8eettt8 , ....... C>-4). n • a 5" N I .... 114 a 4 ' I cu .:::r:f' wub 1n1 tnnd of ea1l they own. 11 on • tD the Ofte•detlJD t7 J• Of competition, where only the man\&facturen board cu be \met 1" • ,...na. Laat yeu th• boa.rdulllna bu•lnHI WH loaded ~tth, COQtlOYWIJ. Patlllt batdll ... beAnl wqed by 1ome .UboMd comp.nlel while othen beaMne patent Ucen.tee1 aCC'Q(dtnc '° Boardtalltn1 USA executive cllrecWr G. Mk:hael :hJ.r who beUeYw the patent dilput81 Ml forestalled the Loa An11l11 Olympe OranlDna Oammlttee'• final approval of the 1port'1 lnclu1lon ln the Olympic y llChtina pmea. BoudalJJna USA WM cr.ted tb!a year by tive major aallboarcl campanm tDllle wfth a patent l.lcerile and 80lne withou~th.at reco1nlsed the need for an impartial. non-proflt to help put board1ailln1 In ltl proper perspective, 8CCOl"d1ng to Fair. · Fou.nding Spon80I" memben of BUSA are "'Bk Leisure Producta, Inc.; Freeull by O'Brien International (a Coleman company) and Magnum Downwind, manufacturer of Sailrider. • MR••eo • 101111 • aa1aa .. 4 I I 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1i. 1 0 0 0 1 ............. 1 Pt' ,,.. 032 Ol 1 100-t 11 0 ClndMill 000 100 OOG-1 5 0 ~ ~"' _, •. Ollll. 'ilrgll Ct): a-.. LAer8ld (I), IL ~ (ti Md TrtMrlo. W-e.tlan, M . L-S.-. 1 ... HR-........_ .. 8. Dim (t\. A-17, 110. ........... .... Yorti oOo 20S ooo-t I 1 Aa.nta 100 000 ~ t 0 °Zed'I'/. A.1111'1 (I) _, .._.,.. ~. ledrOllen (I), 0--(t) _, a.n.iMot .. W-°Zed'l'/1_4-_1:_ L~. W. a-Min (11). IM· -HllllOerd ~ .._ Yorti.. v...... (1). 1-10,.aa ....., --~a:=-:c._2 e o ....... 000000~11 GultlcUon, Fry111en (t) end C8rter: 1C11epper. LeCou (I) •nd A•llby. w-oullldl-, w . L-Knet>Per. 2-s . ~ C4). A-14.tra. ........ c-.. a.-.i 000 000 21»-a 7 " .. DllleD 015 200 00._. • 2 ..... Tidrow Pl. Lo.-($} ... J.. ~ LAllW, ._. CIJ 8"d T. "-ledr. OW08dl ~Lolle.r. 5°0 . L-Nolu. 5 ·5 . ~ ....... It. I.All* 010 500 ooo-t 10 0 .. FfWIClllaO 000 000 ~ • 0 Alldljjlr _, Sendim; Gtla. ...... (41. ~ (7) end Mey. W-Andvj8r, 4-~. L.....o.M. 1 .... A-11.2'0. Tep10 ---~:.q • I CAii M .a...1. IM : I ~ HerTlll. Clewelerld • 153 ,. 11 ... 8om81, Toronto 15 t6 11 17 .all ' ...,.., a-illrld 21 12 1 a 1 .a11 t;.. ....,,.,_, 88Minore33 100 14 N MO OedlNn. Boeton 21 . • 13 ti ...... Up811R, Toronlo -.117 11 47 .343 Cooper,.._._ 81 1N 2A aa .MO 1und111r9-T-at 11t 10 40 .m l.-..ilu---1.11.--. a 10 11 11 .m Y......id. ....., 11 10I 11 M .ato · . ......... fhornton, Ciefffend, 12; Aa.itlctte, ! .. lllmore, 10; Hrbell, Mln-1•, 10; &.---. ........ t; ........ C'lwlllnd, •• .......... ThorMoft. ~ 40: ...... "-City.:-lulNlll, Ollollfcl, I \; NDe. -....n. 21; ......... • .............. , ..,_.,Md~.......,.,,....... (IJ, ............... •t; .... Clllwlllnd. W; ~08' ':-lurnl, ~ W; F. • W; Cedl. ...... '-2. llA,...~ . -. " .... "-I.JOI I ._ C*ID a MO a IO .Mn "~..........-S7 1M • .., .a1 ~..:;'&.. ft " u •• ......,.._Yen •ma•.-=:~ '7"21741.all ...... 1 ~--y-4111111 .... .............. 41111•to.att L0.1111111........... 41 174 ... .810 ..._ .... ~ Nlw YOltl. 1-....... Mil*. 11·1 J. ~. """'"""''J'i ...,_, At 11111, 1f; I . DIU~pllll, t : Helldl1dl. IL &.NI. Ir-.... ...... t. ........... MllrllfW, Mllllll. II: ~ .._ Yn. J74 .. 9rel111ct. Ciiio .. •. II~~· 't~rfr .... U:J.. ""8••11,.,,...._.., 12. ....... (1 ........ ) luttoll. ........ 7-1· fOf'ldl, IL ....... t'L~ ............ v..-.1-1:•..-. .................. ..._ ..... ... Yerll, 44: ~. nn I $ IL 4-t; ..... ,...., .... t HIGH FL YIN' -Laguna Beech High'• Liu Fegraua dllplaym her form in the high jump event at the CIF championahlpe ' . , .... .__ (• c.ntl9e) tp..m.-......... two ........ ..-__ ...._ , .... ....,, 1 p.m.-U fl'lllr f ................ d 1 ..,_OerT-. ...... (MOTi: II undel .. led le81ft IOHI ~ ................. ~ ~ .. -.. c:.nb). 111151111 ..... ......_YC W.M T..-v 1 I 1 ., ii: 1! • CLAll A -1. ldO 811, flarlle ~ AllmMoe '-YC; L .a.Jo ..... ~ .......... UIM1y 8pll. Kurt ToGtlr, ~ '-YC. CLAll I -1. lhlHlll Ill, Cfluall M1C1oc*. ,...._ 11r YC: 2. ~ '** tt111mtt, A1M«1oe .:: YC· 'I. LMYy • .... (boll ---•i. ~ ~-1 ...... ,.,....,, .. .. ...... AIM!lioe .. , Ye!: 2. Cepteln Fenay, ,_.-.-,.....,..._vs a. Udo Lldy, Herry Wood, ~ .. n;.' UdelnltYC .._...aAnA LID0·14A -1. Jlfft ~r191111, 11111• Co,rtnWlft YC. U00.141 - 1. Don ..... Udo -VC; L l'lnt lmMI, ..._ YO. LM8' -1. W. D. ~. ~ IWllor YO. IAIOT A -1. C~r• .,,....._, .......,,, HlrtlOr YO. MIOf •-1 . ._ s:::...u:-• YC: 2.Jul8.-..9"'1e YO; 8MOt 0 -t ............. Ulto .... YO; I. Irle ~Ul7o • YC: a. OM ~UM• 4 . .-,~ t.Mo• YC:t._,.......,.. t?llVO. - DllJ .... ,...." a.Ill..., Saturday. Feg:raua finished aecond in the women's 2-A division with a jump of 5-4. ~ > . ~,c=r-........ =--) ........ ........... ..., ........ (ClwwMI 2 •• p.in.) ........... ~9(a'.,... 2 . 10 I.II\.) ~ . .-.1 ............... UMN ~ ....... Ptb 1 , .... Ulllr9 $ ......... . ........ 'fl ....... ~ ~ ...... . Pt?r r ,,.., • a..an. I~ ......... ...... . ........... ,.. ,, ...... ~ Sea Kings take third in CIF golf CAMARILLO SPRINGS - Solid depth provided big dividends foe c.oroo. del Mar High'• golf team Monday .. the Sea K1np fWahed third at the CIF team champion1hifa at Camarillo Spring• Gol and Country Club, qualifying the Sea K1no to compete In the state finaia June 7 . Redlands High oaptured the CIF Southern Section championahip with a total of 378 ltrOlus, one better than Loyola. Carona del Mar WU third at 384 and Arcadi.a WU fourth. The top four qualify {(¥ ~ .iate finala. - Corona del Mar, Which WU seoood to Univendty High in Sea View 1..-gue play, went after ~ 71 oou.ne in methodical Ted Norby led the way with a 74, followed by &.:Ge Schmene (75), Jeff Wrl&ht (76), .run Light (77) and Cary Spedooi (82). "We played w:ry well," aid CdM C.ollCb Jack &rion. ·'Tbme are very good 9COreS on a 69.2 rated oou.ne. '' Wrtaht, Norby and Spadoni, qualified to compete in the individual CIF finals at El Prado in Chino. The top 22 from that competition qualify for the state finala at .l!.a l.:aballero m '.l'anana, which alao includes team Cilay, which Corona del Mar qua fled for on Monday. Region 144 sign-ups set American Youth Soccer Oronization(AYSO)Regioo144 wtil bold m,n-ups foe the 1982-83 IMmr1 June 5 and June 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at University Park Community Park (behind the library). • Thia f'ellon lncludea all Irvine. Younaster'I (boya and pll) 5-15 yeus of 9, who live IOUth of Barranca. Every effort la made to place kld1 on nei1hborhood teame, but It ii not guaranteed . Pee Wee teams (thole kidl born ln 1G78 or '77) are co-ed. The '30 regi1tration fee 1 includes 1hirt, 1horu, aocka, photo• and trophle1. A blrth ' certificate ta required for t.boae new to the l'e8lon. A YS0'1 p6Jloeophy 11 that everyone playa. IO in order to do ~t panntl mull YOhanteer to be coach••· aaalatant coacbea, > referee• and 1upportive a ptl!l'IOlmel. Train1na r .aom are " liven yearly to lie~c::velop f cnechlric and ~--l'or turtber infonnatkln. phone 7&2·2810. ., .......... iiil!P --"-1 MUD ... _ '"",~",~~lil1lill;iii11l111111wrl-~•iiiiiriiiiirr-;!,! ...... .,__ ...,..,, ,.... ·-=-· .;::_Wi:Jti .... IM..... TM ~.,..... Tllete;ew ftl JUO~VI ~-Ml '"' ellewtitf ;.:'ft 411"1 ''"' IOllOWl"I ",_,..,.II Htl\t ---• T.K.o"hllMtlMIW_ ',,,....,, -~ ........ ..,. * .. the..... I • ,. .. "°"""'"· 11N I .IL ~oft,,.~" INTl!lll''""-' ~It) = ~.~ ·-· = ' :=.: I• ~ -~°m!/!NO OOM•A~V ""'t•= "t.".o:.r.:.o UU ~~--=:=-10<.: ~~IJ.?JOUI~ w.ry'~i.l''" '4111 ...,1...... • '. r:... .=...:,.-:::.= Cti"#.rcr~=.,.cr.mk ~~.Olfll'Oft IOMICGrMt 0tl¥e. """ o. Lltllfll ttllll, CA ~ '-.'!!!• ,Mill, " VllllY, \Wlelft . ., --. Jiit ~lotltlovt l11tln111 Nim• .,. ...,. A\lllM, New YOfll, -Of~Oc*I ...... 0.. ..... '"'iLA ITHIL °"MTINMN ..,...;;;;-1111! ".. ........ • ~ • • ....... " ........ Ill•• ,. .... ...... ~lo -" ..... _.... ·-......... A No. I • ~ I · KNI. "Tait: Otll\OI Coullty on oA11Y I , IMO. Ttllt tMi1WM II oondu014ld by 1 ~ O CMllOft ._.,, CA tff4t, o:::-. tM lelofl, ::J_ IM Miii. AAL11H 0 IHO .. T. 4JO hnta O-Wll pettnenNp. TNt ICatlfNn1 W.. Mid wltll tfle TNt 11iU111*1 It_,..-""°'• _ _, ... Illy en TNt llllelftlll It ........ by e Jelk H. ~W!Mno :::.sA~ HlwoOt1 e.tol\, CA TNt ._o:=.,~· ::-,...,, Wltfl ttle (lounty Ol9rtl Of or.,. ~ on lndMMIUe l1IMI ~ .,... .. ...,,.....,, "' Wftl, ~. 111,1. KIN I U tC I NIK I, 113 4 0 County Olettc Of Ot Oou11tY on ~I, '*· 11111 ~ .. llld wttti tne NI ~~= wMI\ IN ~1~111, .,4 MerlMrt Attowtleed, Aflt '· lllftlOlt, CA MIW 14, 1tN 11111 ~Or~ 0.... ':::=. County a.ti of Or-. ~ on o..tty OWti .. -........... I llloh, OallfOf'flll '°"°' ,_11 '°' Mey 4, , 1, "· ll. ,... ..., '4, 1112 --1\hr 14 1 1N ..,_,..._...,.,on-::........ Ttlll~=~Goncluctectbya ,ut>ll"'•d Ort"J.:..OOUI Delly Mt.a r_ .. • · ,__, ..,.,.. ,.,,. •• ~ t1¥ • II ........ C "°'-Mey 11, ti, 1. 1111:-... •·.. ---------' __ ~~·~1 o2r11noe Coee1 o.iiy '"bll•"'4 Or•" .. Ooe11 pa11y Wlmlfl'l f'-WoM nllt ,1~"' Mid Wlltl"" i • PWUC MOT1Cf · flt • ·-"- 1 • 1 · 1 111. Piiot, Mflt ti, Nnl 1. I. 111_1~ Ttlll ... ,....,. .. w Nld ..-IN ty °""' of OtlllOI Coul!IY on ----..MUC---NO-TICl ___ ...;..1 21u.u U1!0-ll ~ Oilftl Of C>nilWI County on May 14, 1812. -~~TITl~MMl~~,..;.;.;....--1 Alltil ft, ,Ill. '~ PIO I.,._.. IUNW OOUWT OP 1'MI 1----.. -.,-.,.-------"'"" Publltllld Orenge 00111 Dilly NAlill tTAftlll.NT ITAT& OP 0AUP0NU '°" t----~---""-'-----Pllbllflld Otlrlll ~ Dlltf flllot. Pllo, MtY 11. H. June 1, 1, 1"2, Tiii tottowlng pe11on It dolnt 1'MI CCM*TV or OM.Miii Mey 4, 11, 11, II. 1ta 11P .. 2 bl.lliMM u . -·TO· ~0 .. ,_ ION-a KIM'I IMPO..T.J. IOO, Hlltl« --------------P\11.JC MOTIC( l!Yd., Oolll M--. '-iA t2t:17. Pott 0MAM0a OP MAMa ;;mnoue.,... .. ..... ITATDmCT The followlnO ~ -doing ~u.: C'EST LA VIE CAFE. 373 South Cout Hwy., L1guna Baacll, C1 . t28'1 PWlJC NOTICl KIL aoo KIM . 1210 Ru111 In the Mentt Of t11e ~tiott OI IUNlllOR COURT OP 1'M1 Street, ~. CA 11770 OANll.L ICO'l'T KIMM'. 1 Minor, "°'"IOUt ..... ITAft °" ~ Thie bu9IW It oond\IC1ed by tn by OH09'AH •• MALLAMO, Hit .... .--·--flOA THI lndMdull. P-.nt. '« otMlftQI Of ...,,., -...... _. °°""" °' Of'ANCll KM IOO Kim Tiii 199lloeflon ol OANllL ~~ ..... per90lll .,. dOltlO • .. ...... .. .. ™" ttattMtftl ... Ned wlttl IN aeon KMIPT •• titlnOJ, by DE· '"HQOM 8'01US, 200 AWi !1 II County Clertl-' Of.not County on 110AAH I . MAUAMO. "'-~. ~ ~o..att Hl_allwey. M1wport !!~...._WllMllA May 14, 1tH ,_tt tor• d*'ll of'*""'~....,. _ ....... '""· ,.._ -.. -Put>ll•lled Or1n11• COHI Dilly fllld In~ end tt ~"' ll'orll Ollftl9 ~ Wernotk. 141 _..,.'tc,~,.CAUle Pl!Ot, MIY 11, 21,JIHM 1, I. ,"2, ~JP~~o~~DA~ "ooll .. ttr I .. OHll Me .. , CA '°" CHANCll OP NAm 2132-82 a.uon prODOllna lhlt lllt ~ bl ~erwtotl Jernet ~. ttfU Thi. eoolaetlon of MA MAMA-P\B.IC N0TIC£ cfletlaed to DAlitllL SCOTT MAL· ,......_.., • ........._ .,..... ,,,., ......,.. MT WllAIMA for ctll!"9 ol '*"'• LAMO. ----. _, ·~..,... """.....,.,, h1vln9 been fllecl In COUrt, end II flCTmOUI .......... HoW, ~1 It II l\lreVy or-. ~~ OOf\dUCtld by. IOOMMo fl'ofl'I Mid llllOllOlnt ""' ..... ITAT'lmNf r.cl Ind dlr.otea. tllel Ill penont O. fl w""°-* ftltA M~"QA .. IT Wll"IMA hat Tll1 followlftg peraon le dot~ ln'*-"9d In Mid "'9tW do...,.,_,-Tilll Ntlmlnl fl9d wtdl Che alld Ill .l&IOllclnlon ptoooelfto thlt buelrl9lt -. t>tfOr9 1Nt oour1 In OlipertlNnt 3 on County CWtl °' ;-Ooumy "" neme' &. ofllngld lo NTA DI SMITH & SON PLUMSINO a2t the 1a.tl MtJ ol Jllnl. 1112 .. ,o:ao M9)' s ttU .,,.. °" LU9'Y. UnlYlrlltY Ofl-le 11 Coe1I Me.a. o'clock 1.lft., of 11ld dty to .now • • ,_ Now, tnerlfen,.lt .. ~ or-. CA 12t2' • • OIUH •"r tUOll 1pplle11lon lor f'Ubllltl9d OrMOt CoMt Diiiy No\. l'9d lftd dlfteted. ltlet Ill penon• OARRY SMITH 32' UnlYef9lty c111n91 o n1m1 tllould not be *Y 4, u , 11, ft. 1M2 :..-=.i:=1n~'r:: Or!Ye. 11. 009\•--.. CA 92e27. gr::c'fUru-or--' thlll oopy ol '~ IN tth MtJ ol June, M2, et 10:IO ~ 11 oonductld by"' lhlt Orelef To 8Mw C&UM bl ~ -----------1 o'otooll '·"'·· of Mid day to IMW Tllll .~t ... Ried with Ille t>lllhed In Ille Orenge Coul DlllY P\alC NOTICl OIUH •"r IUOh 1ppllo1tlon for CO\lflty Cl«tl °'Or County on Plot.., .... ,..., of gll*9I drw----------.;..;.;~---10"1ng1 o n1me thould not be May 14 1182. 9"09 l11lon, printed tn 11td county, et grwrted. • ,,..,. ..... onol MOtl ...... fOr 10Uf INC-~~.., .. .,_.. It Iii NrtTllt Ofdltld tMt 1 oopy of Publlahed Ottng• Co111 Dilly etrMIVI w.Mt prior lo Ille d1y of -.. ftmNT ttllt Order To Stlow c.u .. bl pu-Piiot, Mey 18, 25, June 1, 8, ,982, tlld n.Ma . NOTICI °' TitUtTll'I llll.I l.oen Ho, 7 .... '2/UJCAI T 8 No. 84132-3 NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC u duty appointed TrullM undat Ille lollowtnl deacrl~ dMO of trull WILL S LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIOHEST BIOOEA FOA CAS H (pt yt b .. " lll'lla ol 1111 In lawful money of the Unl1td I tal•) aN rtgM, tllle end lnllf"I convey9d to ana.now held by It under H id Oetd Of Trull In Ille Cl'C>C>«ly hat• IM!ler OMCttbld TAUSTOR· OEOROE C LUCAS , • •lnGle m111 BE~EFICIARY NEWPORT HOME LOAN TRUST No 184 Reco•dtd J1nu1ry 21. 11111 u lnatr No 32510 In booll 131129 P• t20e of Officill R«ord• In ,,,. office of the ~dar ol Or~ County; H id dH d or trull dttcrlbH the following rcpett., Loi Block 22 of Newport 8Hdl Trecl In Iha City ol N9wPQr1 8Mch County ol Orange. Stal• or Clltforn41 u per map recorded WI book 3. peg• 28 of MlacelllMOUI M1p1. In lh• olllce of th• counly recorder of 1110 county 2208 OcMn Front Avenue, New· port Beach, CA 1128112 LINER -New York Yankee third baseman Graig Nettles can only watch helplessly as bunt by Minnesota's Ron Wuhinaton stays on the line for a base hlt Sunday. ;z ank.ees won game anyway, 4·2. O.L.V. tno. (• C1llfornl1 oorporallon). 373 8. Coal Hwy., Lag11ne BNctl. Ce. 112tl1 Thlt IMilllll la conducted by I corporation. C.L.I/. Inc. By llt 91oty/T~ Tllll at•l-1 wu Ned w11t1 Ille County Clertt ol Orange County on May 21. 1182 ,1_ ... !!'-followlno penonl .... dOlno bllthtd In th• DAIL y PILOT, In 2135-82 Deted lhll 71tl day of ... _ 1982 .,._n111T ... E 11LA: OUNA eEAC Cotta M .... C111fornl1, a ,_..,.. FMNK OOMEN~HINI . " H COM· Pl' of OIMfll ~ ptlnted In --.,. NO-JudOI of Mid P/oMY, 1120 I. co.t ~y. La-Hid county, et ltHI once Heh ~ llW. 8uplftc)f Court ~a:::"' ~ 12961 WMtl for tour conMCutlve w .. 111 l'tCT1110UI .ueMM IOml8T a vaMMA ~.,,,,..,.... tnMr_.,,.._, Inc., I Cell-pr10f lo the dey of Mid n.Ma. MAim ITATlmWT 117 ................ •W tomla -.c:::.on· 800 ::-=·· O.ted thlt 30th dey ol Apttl, lM2. Tiie tollowlng ~non le doing '--.,...._,~SIMI m1' ~=-~~. :::·!:"* bu~:·t<RAU8A880CIATE8, WJ#..~~;:,.~"- OOf'POf • ~Court 2177 J actrtndt Avenue, Co11a 307M2 "(II • atrMt llddr"• or common dttlgnetlon II 111own abovt , no wtrrt nty 11 given to Ill compltl•· n"' or corrtclnet•I " The t>enallclery unaer Hid Deed of Trull, by reuon of t breech or dal1ull 1n the obllgtllone -.cured thereby, her1lof0fl uacuted and dellvattO 10 1111 und1ralgntd t ~lltan O.Clerallon of Oeltull end Dlmand tor Sale Ind ..n11an nota of bfMCh and ol aleetlon to c.ute Iha unae<11gn.d 10 NII MIO P<<>P- erty to aautfy said 01>11g1llo,,1. end DEATH NOTICES Publlthed Or•no• Co111 Oelly PllOt M~ 15, June l, 8, 15, 1M2 2302~ = r:::: Inc. 0rlnQll Cotllt Diiiy Pl--.,.., CA tme. ftZ ~ · lot,May4,11,18,21,1M2 E DW I N KRA US . 2177 "9LJCN0uw. Thlt ...,...,.twee fllld ... --2084-82 Jecarend• A~. eo.ta ..... CA 'ICTITIOUe .,..... lherN l1•r the undenlgned c:auaed NEWLAND by his wife lrleen, eons Gary WlLL1AM T. NEWLAND and Ronald, aiaters Velma Cil , a resident of Huntington Scheve, Vivian Dales and Beach . Ca. Passed away on Betty Shele ny, brothe rs May 23, 1982 at H oag M au r i c e a n d Jlm , Memorial Hospital Mr. grandchildren John Eric, N e w la n d was a third Cor ey, Ke rry, Erica end g e n e r at 1 o n of one o f Jonathan. Graveside eervica H u n t In gt on Be a c h ' 1 will be held on Wedne9day, founding fanulies. He waa May 26. 1982 et Harbor employed for 26 ~ by Lawn Memonal et l l:OOAM Southern Callforrua F.dtSOn w 1 t h P a 1 t o r D i r k. Compa_ny. Mr. Newland wu Van-Proyen . the Coast Bible born in Huntington Beach. Church offiCLating. Services Ca. on August 15. 1917. u n der t he d irect ion of Beloved husband of Virginia Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Tha rp New land, beloved Mortuar y of Costa Mesa. fa the r of W i II i am T . 540-5554. Newland TV of Park City. Utah, al.9o surviving tS one ANDREWS sister Dottle Jolliffe of RUTH A AMDREWS, a Huntington Beach, Ca retJ1dent of Costa Mesa. Ca. Graveside sel'Vloes will be for the put 25 yeaR. after condu ted on Wednesday. being a Iona time resident of May 26. 1982 at 2:00PM at Glendele. paa;ed away on Fa1rhaveJ\ Memo.rial Parlt. M ay 2 2, 19 8 2 . S h e i 1 Pierce Brother s Sm1th1' survived by h er children M ortuary di r ector s Marion Andrews, Teague 536-6539 Andrews, Judy Wolfe and Charolette McEwen. Privat.e FALK services will be held with L Y DI A V FALK . a f inal inurnment at the resident of Costa Mesa. Ca family plot in Glendale. Ca. for 23 years. Passed away on The fa m i I y a u g g est s May 23, 1982. She wa.s a donations in memory of Mrs. member of the Ladtea Andrews may be made to AuXJhary POil # 1249. World the Children• Orthopedic W ar I Veterans She 11 Hospital. Los Angeles. Ca. survived by her husband of Se r v I c e s u n d e r t h e 59 years, Teddy L _ Falk, direction of Baltt Be-rgeron daughters Eleanor Anderson Smith & Tuthill Mortuary of and La Verne Aiello both of Costa Mesa. Ma-9371. TA VWR rtalC NOTICE flCTmOUI IUeMll MAMI ITATUmNT Th• lollowlno perton 11 doing ~11: RIO 8TAA, 113 Promontory OrlVI W•I. Newport 8Mctl, Call· lomle 12890 JICOb ~. 17871 Tllk· wood Ulne. !MM, Celbnlll 92111 TNI ~ Iii oondueted by an lndMdt.Jll. Jeoob AablllcMCll Thlt ltatlrMnt ... fled with Ole County Clerk of Orll!OI Counly on Mey 5, 1M2. ,_ PWllilMd Orenge COMt Deity pt. IOI, May 11, 11, 25, "'-1, 11162 3072-82 M•nlOUI ...... MAMa ITAftlmfT Tht lollowlng P«Mn8 .... aolng ~-APPRAISED PROPERTIES 1M2·1, 2009 Cour't AVll\Ue, New· pot1 a..it\ OA tate3. MT ffnant*il, Inc .. I CllforTlla oorporetlofl, )&101A 84.wwet 8t\ld., Pldflc P~ CA 90272. TNI bYllftllt It oonduOtMI by t lmned pat1Nnhlp. MT Flnlncltll. tnc. A. Scott T «rt Prllldlnt Thie ttatemeftt -flltd w1tt1 Ole County Clerk of Orange County on Mays. 1"2. ,,_ PuOllNd Orlnal CoMt Ollty Plot. May 4, , 1, 18, fl. , .. 2 -- ....... -----------l:M211 County a.II of °'M9I County on •-.,. NO'IV'C Thia 11u91,_ la ooncsucted by 111 May •• 1e:-. CMITCMmt r--.n. •nA Individual -.qM. PtC'TITIOU• MllMll EdWin t<teut ~ NAMI ITAftmN'T Thlt 1t11eman1 -Ned wttfl the :.:_ ... ,_c..w °""" The tottowtng parton 11 doing County Cleril of ~ange Coun1Y on -..__.... 0 • -1>u11ne11 11: Mey 14, 1ea2. ~.-· _,. .. FAST ANO FAIR. 423 Fllr OfM ,,_. PublllMd ~ OOMt ·~~ 1204, Cottt Mela. CA '2e2t. Publlahed Ottnge Cout Diiiy .... ..._, 11 18 2 .. _ 1 , Abld utH, 423 Flit OfM #204, Piiot. Mey 11, 21. June 1. e. 11112. '"" ~, • • • .,...,. • Cotti.,.., CA t212t. 2134-32 ~7M2 Thlil ~la conduc1«I by.,, -----------lndMduel P\8.JC NOTICE -----------t Abld utH Thie 1t1t_..t -Ned with the flCTTTIOUI Ml H•U Hehl'°"' 9'111•11 County Cllf1c of Orange County on um ITAW um ITA,,_..,. Mty 14, 1982. The lollowtng ~ It doing The fo1oW1n9 ~ -doing ,,_ ~ 11: ..,..,_ -Publlalled Orenge COHI Dtlly D A N I E L 8 . E I/ A N S & AUDIO A LA ONnW, $404 VII PllOI, Mwy 18. 25, June I , 8, 1"2 A880CIATES, 1112 S.E. 8rletol. 0..,...0 8 It 8 N r1 •-·-h 2174-e2 Santa. Ana. CA 112705. c&,"'tiets u 1 ' .wpo ..._ ' DANIEL S. EVANS, 2242 JoM A. C1ldw•ll, 101 27th "8.IC NOTlC( Channel Ro9d. Balboa, CA 1129411. Strwt, M1WPOft a.di, ca. ~ Thlt ~ la conducted by 111 Bruce H. McLoud. #73 Lindi ~.~II lndMdualOtnl.t a. Evww •,;. ~.:-.~~.... Tiie loll owing pereon 11 doing Thi• etat-1 -flied with the ....,,._,,_ v, 1 ~ 11: County Cler1l of er.,. County on lllMfll ~ PETRO KINO, 1145 P1ulatlno Mey 14, 11182 Thlt 9tetemeftt -fled Witt\ Oii 18 110, eo.ta U... CA 92829. ,_M County a.ti of er.,. County on Johll (Jedi) CaMn IOng, 1146 Publlahed Ottng• Coul Dally Mey 3, lllU. Paulenno •8110, Coeta MeM. CA Piiot. Mwy 11, 25, June 1, 8, 1112. ,,.., 1zeae. 214&-t2 Publttlld OfW1IQ9 CoM Diiiy"' ~It oonduGWd by.,, 1----------- lot M11y 4, 11, 11, 2', 1112 Jeck c. King 209,~ Thll atat-1 -fled wttn the ---,..-al-IC-~-----County Clertt o1 er.,. eouniY on -------""~'._.;.;;. ___ 1M.y 14, 1982. HCftnoul_, .... ...-ITA~ The foltoWlnO pet90l\9 .,. OOlrlg ~-~~ H & D AUTO 8A.l.U b) H. K. "8JC ll>TICE M OAS. HI 1 Oerden Orove ITATDSWT OP ~WAL 91Yd., No. 200, Oardln Grow, Cell-r-ftOlll ,...,,....... fotnle Of'OATIMO ~ ---.. ---.,.------1 Han Kool! Moton, Ille., e CeD-flCTmOUI .,_.. ..._ ~ NOT1Cl 1ornl1 corporellon, 4124 Ollffft The 1 11 1 11 ------------1\llc:tOftl, Wooclalld ... Clltofnla o ow ng p1 r ton a 1 AC11TIOU9.,..... 11364 ' wl1hdr_, II I gener'll partner ffom MAim IT AftmNT Hen Koc* Motor-. Inc IN pettnerWtlp oper'ltlng unOlr tile The folowlrig l*'IOft9 .,.. doing ,.,_ p llleld · flctilloul butll-. NYM of MCO buair"91 M: Attorneov'ln FeCt PROPERTIES, 11 4100 MllCArttluf ----------- T & R PAINTING, 1131 8-* fhll8 ~ -llld with the 8oulevtrd, Newport BHch, CA 8rt Rd .• 1111, N9wPQr1 Beech, ca. County Cllf1t of Orange County on 921183. tMe3 Mq 7 1M2 The flcllllou1 bu1lne11 n•m• Costa M e s a . Ca . 4 gr andchtldren , 8 great-g randchildren and I g reat· g reat· g randch i Id Services will be held on Wednesday, May 26, 1982 at 2:00PM at the Harbor Lawn Chapel Wlth Chaplain John A . Lindva ll officiating Inte r ment serv ices Immediately follO\wing. Services under the direction o f Harbor La wn-Mo unt O live Mortu ary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554 MAY BROWN T AYLOR, a resident of San Jose, Ca. Passed away on May 22. 1982 at the age of 85. She le survived by a n e phew Calvert Leat herwood of Bullhe1d City. Arizona, 3 rueces. J uaruta Cordeiro of Costa Mesa, Ca .. Virgin ia Kennedy of Goleta. Ca. and Hazel Tankersley of Sen Joee. Ca. and 18 grandnieces a nd n eph e ws. F une ral 11ervice1 will be h eld on Thomel AJWll H«lln, 23546 San ' · ,11911 at••-• tor 1"8 1*1nerthip - Jaelnto M .• Quall Vt//wf, ca. t2380. Publehed Orange Cotllt Delly "'-flltd on Fet>Nery 211. 11112 In tile Aobwt Johll Hellln. 23545 Sen lot May ,, "· 21. June 1 11162 County o f Or•ng• FILE NO Jednlo Rd., Oua11 Vlll9y, Ce.112380 ' ' ' ' •307M 2 Fll4021 Thia "'*'-Iii conclUC'9CS by a Full Name lf1d Add,_ of Iha OIMfll pattnlnNp. Pereon Withdrawing: ThonlMAJlenH9111n CHARLES D DALY, 4 100 Thia etat_,I -fled wlttl IN MtcArtllur Boute111rd. Newporl County Cllrtl ol Or1nOt County on HCTmoul • II •M Beecl'I. CA 92te3. Mwy 21, 11182 ..... ITAftlmfT Put>H•hed Ortng• CoHI Delly ~ Th• tollowlng pareon I• doing PfkM. Mey ll , 25, June 1, 8, 1992 Publl ahed Ortnge Cout Dally ~ • 2111-112 PllOt May 25. June 1, 8, 15, 1981 TAAOEWIHOS EHTEAPAl8ES, 2131-82 19' L '"" It .. No. ao. Costa....., 1---.. ---.,.-NO-fl_IC( ___ _ -----------I CA 12927. .--.. _.,. NOllCl David Allen T,.., "'·· 181 L _ ... --·· ___ ...-_________ 1 18th 81 .. No. 30, ~ Meea, CA "°..AM.n11.'ftiir'Nr _.,...,..COURT tm7. OP ~ Thia bu11n .. 1 I• conducted by TM followlng '*'°"' -d04n9 OllANM COUNTY an 1ndMduet. t>ullneu u: LANGDALE Wedneeday. May 26, 1982 at R O BERT E AR L l :OO PM 1t t he Ple r ce LANGDALE. a resident of Brothers Bell Broadway Santa Ana. Ca. Passed away Chapel with pastor Aaron on May 22. 1982. Survived Buh ler of Rerbor Trinity Bapllat Church officlatina. -----------Interment at Harbor t..wn McCO.Mtal MORTUARIES Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Captslrano 495-1776 M emor ial Park. Pie r cl' Brothen Be ll Broadway Morruary directon. HEAm M CM1 C..... OrM .... o.'ltd A. Tl'fttor Jr E. & M. EQUIPMENT LEASI~. leMa AM. CA 117't1 Thll ~ _. lltd 'with Ole '-"' l.enwood Or'IYe. Coetl Mell, P • ... ~. ,. _ _,~of""'-,,.__... on CA 1121127. .....,""'"'"' =~· 1112 ..,._..,.. __ ,,, RIC:tlMd N. Eelon. '-"' Lenwood OE .. ALO L. HOFMAISTEA; _, •• · ,,_.. OrM, Cotta..._, CA 12521. ~~MAISTER Publttlld OrMOt Co.I Daly Not. JOMP11 Manntng, 8 Delen._.. BILL JOHN OAATTAN lndlvt· Mey 4, H. ti, fl, ,IU o.-tw. IMM. CA 12'114. dull 1114doll1ll~11 OMT· 1942-82 Thlt ~It oonduCWd by• TAN DfVELOPMENT; 0 . D. OE· .. _..,. -gtnetll~·Eaton llON AND CONSTRUCTION; ~ ""'~ (Olnerll Pllrtnar'I 8AYAN L. HCK; FAEEMONT IN· Thlt ttt1..-il -flled wt1t1 Ille DEMNITY CO ... PANY, DOES I rw:rrnOUI 9lllll.ll County C11t11 o1 Qfange Coun~ on ~T~~~S~NTl~J um ITA......,,. May 14, , .. 2 I/I ntAOUOH X Tiie f°"°"'"9 pltlOfll •• doing ~ A. Glmtt C... ....... ,,_, buMfllll 11! A &AW CW,.llMn · MMMONI 111 FOUAT .. DIMENSION _...,.._c-..,ome MOTICll~~..._MIM. ~~.~=. =:,1 :Atr71I ~--r :~:::-~.::: •D MANUFAC'TUAINO (I) 40 018-_. NAiii ITAT'lmNT H id nohc• ofbrHCh 1nd of el«· The lollowlng pattor\I -dolog tlon lo be Rec:orotd June 1S. 11111 bvtlnatt ... 'II lnatr. No. 22717 In l>OOlt 14'0 PRlNTIN~ UNLIMITED, 10637 P191 717 of Mid Oft'kllll Aeoorda. Elll1 A.,._, Fountlln l/lltey, Clll-Slid Ille wilt be mtd•. but wttll-rorn11112708. OU1 QOVetlent or wtrrenty. •llP<tlU Fred J. Smllll, 21072 Amber· or Implied, regtrdlng 1111•. po._. wlCk L-. Hununo1on e.ecn. Cttt· 11on °' eMUmbflnCM, to par 1nt fornll 112848. • rem1lnln9 prlnclp11 1um o th1 Prltcllle K Smith, 21072 Am· nota(I) H curad by H id OHd ot betWlClt Lant, HUl\llngton a..ch. Trull. with ln\lfnt u In ulcl note Clllfotnll 92641. provided lldvtn~•. ti tny. und9' Tnl1 bu1tne11 11 cond ucted by th• term• of H id 0.•d ol Trull, ~ (Huilband ' Wlf•). ..... Cf\Mgell and p~ ol 1"8 Fred J. Smith Trull• Md of Iha INlll crNled by Thia tt.....,,.,,1 _, flleCI With IN Mkl DMd ol Trull County Cter'k ol Orange County on S t ld 111• wlll b e ht ld on ~ty 3, 1182. Wedna•dey. June 2. 11182 •t 2·00 ' Pftl . 11 111e Chapman Avenue a n- Pub ll1hed Or1ngt CoHt D•ll tr9"09 to tile CMc c.nter Bulldtng PllOI. Mty 4, 11, 18, 25, 11182. 300 Eut Chaprnlll Avenue. "' trte 2060-8 Cl1y of Orenge ----------~ Al Iha !Ima of the lnlUal publlc•· "8JC NOTlC( llorl ol 1hil notice. the total amount ----------~ ol the unpttO bt l1nce ol th• o bti· ACT1110UI 8U ... ll gttlon 1acured by the 1bova d•· NAMI ITATEmN'T ecr•t>ed deed of trut1 and Mtlmattd Th• following ~rton It doing co111. ••panHt 1nd 10111nces 11 ~ -'201,7'0.ll. DE LUX CAR CARE, 31181 To determlfte the opening Did, Virginia W.y, Soultl Laguna. YQll IMY c:.11 (714) 9320MI. 92fn 0 •1• Aptll 27 1H2 P A T R IC K RA Y M 0 H NEWPORT HOME LOAN. OlLE"9E .. O, 31911 VlfQlnl INC. Way, South ~ CA 921171. as Mid TrvstM Thia~ II conCluCt9d by en By TD SERVICE COMPA· lndMdull NY. Petric* R. Wolenl>wg agent Tillt tta~I wu filed With the By Cindy Sl\oorloller, County Ollrtl of Or-. County on AQlll\ant Secretary M1y 14, 1M2. Ona Clly BouleYard. West. ,,_ Qfenge, CA 112668 Publlttled Oreng• COHt Dally Tel 114·835-8281 Pio«. Mey 18, 21, JIM 1, I , •112. Publl1lled Orange CoHI Ot lly 2193-42 Plot. M9y 11. 18, 2tl, '* t------------1 3002-82 HAUOtt LA W~M'T. OLIVI Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave RA LP H E . HEATH . resident of Coeta Mesa. Ca. Paued away on Mey 22, 1982. Born March 26, 1910 ln Ka nsai. Survived by hl1 wtfe Virginia Elliott Heath. d aughter• M n . Ruberte Wood of El Toro. Ca., Mn. Patrlda Klietz of Fn!emont, Ca. and Mn. 8ue Bright of S en ta Ana , Ce .. 10 arend c h l ldren , 3 I rea t -1ra ndc blld ren . Graveside mervicel will be held on Wednelday. May 2e, 1982 at l:OOPM at Paclfk View Memorial Park, Newport Beach. Memorial 1uv lcea wlll be held on W~y. May 261 1982 at 7:30PM at the Preeb)'Wlan Ch1.ar!h o f the CoveMnt, Ccs1a M-. Ca. wt\h Rev. Bna A. Kun'le oWdadna. Paclftc View Mortuary d1nciOn. ,_ ,..,_. .-• .,._,..... 1'118UTION. S,00 W. Wttf*, 8111t9 Publlthed Ortngt C-' o.ty tM .....,UMlt:ll ..... 7, a.n. AM. C1Matn1a t2704 p11o1. Mei 18, 21. JuM 1, I , 1M2 N you~ to 111k Ole tdvlo9 of 40 ~TlCHNOlOOY INC., 2180-82 ----------- tn 1Uorney In 11111 lftltltr, you I Calltomll eotpofetlon, 3100 W.1-----------eflOUld c1o '° promodY '° tNt 'f04ll Wt/'Mlf. 8ult• r. 11n1e Ana. Call· MJC NOTICE ----------Costa Mesa 54~5554 ,_ClHOTMH5 18.L .. OAOWAY MOITU.UY 110 Bro•dway Costa Mesa &42·9150 IALT1 IHOllOH SMITH & TVTHtU WISTCU" CMAPll 427 E 171h SI Costa Mae 846-9371 _..., -ti.;,.. -..... • tomla N704 lld Ofl --~ _,,, ••-• -,.. 'flllt ~. ~ by I AV .. Ot UltM M INe .._.. _,,...-on. . ...._ II lrtMMl ~ fftNlr 40 MMIOfllllNCll•-.-wdocli'"""'-~ lnO. .....,.w.•1u.,..•--=...v~ 1. Quake rattles coast By ROBERT BARKER or ... .,..,,......,. An offahore earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter Sc.le rattled through portions of 0ranae and Los· Angeles counties and the northern part of San Dleao County at 6:4~ a.m. today. The earthquake, centered about 13 miles southweat of Huntington Beach, apparently cauaed no damage and ve~ little alarm on the part of orange c.out residents. Local police department• reported only a few calls from people wondering what was going on. There were no reports of damage. However, Huntington Beach Fire Capt. Rqier Hosmer said the tremor atruCk w ith sufficient intensity to awaken him at his home near the Huntington Beach Civic Center at Main "Street and Yorktown Avenue. "It was a quick, sharp jolt," Hosmer said. "It feft like something large like a truck had hit the hou.e. It wasn't of the rolling variety." "I felt 80lllething aha.king, like the Ooor was awayinQ jwrt for a second," said RandilI Norton, night manager at a 7-Eleven store in Huntington Beach. FURY OF WAR -The Brithlh frigate HMS Antelope explodes in flames in San Carloe ~ off F.ast Falkland before sinking Monday. A bomb dis man was killed as he attempted to defu8e an unexploded Argentine bomb lodged in the ship's engine room during an air attack. "There was no noise or anything 80 I wun't aure it wu a c_;;--.netbnet I ju8t feel H0w..ver, eome reeldenta in other parta of die dty said they didn't feel the tn!mol". Roamer said th e fire department took ita customary precaution of removing about 15 fire truCb from the statkloa in cue a avere eu1bquab ahould follow. Edison ofliciala at the San Onofre Nuclear G enerating Station aaid ground motion instruments at the plant three miles south of San Clemente didn't detect the quake and that there was no damage. Fee increases proposed I or UC, colleges SACRAMENTO (AP) -Big booata in student feet at the University of c.aHfomia and the California State University have been ,eropoeed by a legislative comnuttee. Feee at the nine campuae11 of UC would be increased from about $1,000 a year to from $1,200 to $1,!SOO, and feee ln the 19..c:mnpa state university would be boosted from about $270 to from $300 to '60(). The propoU.l was submitted by a subcommittee of the Senate Finance Conunittee headed by Sen. Walt e r Sti e rn , D-Bakerafield, to the full committee Monday. WORLD Mesa wins round with feisty artist By DAVID lttrl'ZMANN or ... Dmlf,... .... Costa Mesa's long-simmering feud with colorful Iranian "sculptor" Ali Rouaban ia probably headed back to the California Sup.reme Court, Rouahan'a attorney said Monday. In a ruling issued Friday, the state's 4th District Court of Appeal uphe ld the city's development review codes u conatitutional, both aa wrinen and as applied in the Roush.an caae. The ruling was a clear-cut victory for the city and a setback for Roushan, whose attorney, Meir J. Westreich, said be would take his case next to the state ~ baa been locked in a testy legal battle with Costa Mesa officials for nearly two years ove r his right to erect towering, red-metal ICUlpturea. on his industrial property at 1550 Superior Ave. 'The acz:appy little welder came under fire when he erected three of four structures without aee klng City Hall's stamp of approval f.ir'lt. lie arg\,led that be ii entitled to free artistic expre9Sion without governmeni interfeTence while city official.a claimed that the tower• -as structures ~ required the normal building pefll)f ts and safety checks. -DepLLty Cit;y Attcir»ey Stephen Wiley said the city obtalned several court orden to prohibit <See MF.SA, Pase A!) Fire kills 67,000 animal's 'roKYO (AP) -About 67,000 anhNJa and bUda, lncludlJil 80,000 turtlet, perilhed Monday when flamee ewept tbrouah a .pet breedll\a cesiter ln Fu~ a anall town 50 mn. north of 'f"okyo, police repon.d today. • British jets strafe Falklands airstrip. By 'l1le AIMda ... PNll Brltl1b Jett attacked the aintrtp at the Falkland Ialanda capital of Stanley today and Britilh wanhlp1 that down three Ar1entine Skybawka, the Defense Mlniatry ln London announced. Ar1entina'1 official Telam newa aprry aald that Aqentine anti-aircraft 1UJW downed two of six Brltlah Harrier jets that attacked Stanley. The Brltiah aald none of thetr aln:raft were shot down. At the United Nations, Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor eo.ta Mendez told the U .N. Security Council hh government waa prepared to comlder a ceue-fire, but British Amba11ador Slr Anthony Panona aJd any call for a truce WU totally unacceptable at Ion& aa Arpntine troope remained oo the Falklarvk In London, Defeme Miniltry apokesman Ian McDonald aaid, "Thia mornlna in the Falkland Islands, naval and RAF Burier aircraft from the task force a~ the runway and mllitary in1tallatlon1 at Port Stanley alrtiekt. They were fired at but not bit. Our aircraft completed their -and returned l&fely. "Earlier ln the~. one of the tMk fortle lhljil .~ IClme AraenUne Skybawka. one of the planes wu brQuaht down. The othen did not pre8 home their attack. The Royal Navy abip w• unharmed. . "Subsequently , in the STATE Falkland Sound, Royal= ahlpe wen attacked by a n of Ar1entine Skyhawka. Two Skyhawk1 were certainly broupt down by lhip milliles, apin with no c:la.imp to our tuk fm::e. One Skyhawk pilot ejected and WU reoovenici. '' Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told the House of Common• before the announcement of the latest flghtlnf there would be no cease-ire without total Araentine withdrawal and that the ousted British aovernor general might return to the Sou th Atlantic colony to re!mpme Britiah rule. Ar1entina celebrated the l 72nd annivenary oC ill first independent 1overnment by declarina its forces woµld wipe out the Srttiah belchbeM on the l1land1. Milltary analyata in London speculated that the ~:ntlnea mt1ht be planninl blg9t air attacb yet. '1be PNl6dent of the Araent:tne Junia, Oen. Leopoldo F. G"altieri. told joumailsta ln Buenos Aires, ·-nm May ~. like that of 1810, will m.:ribe it.telf ln Ar,entlne hlatory. The country wlll continue advanclna without givlna up • lln&le lncb of what ii ours, either in territory or ln IO\'el'efcnty." Secretaiy of State AleJC.Ulder M . Hala Jr. told .President. Rmpn And otben at the White Houae that the Brltlab were ~MDc the polnt al brlnClna South Atlantic filbtina "to an early eonclullon." flidiiig railt lor wor.IC · . Rall-ridina bobo9 are inoYtna OYW M famOIM with chlldrenAnd men out of wori bop aboard tn1m in IMl'Ch of work and a tirilbter fiatun. Ptae AT. Citibank cuts prn.te rate to 16 percent NEW YORK (AP)-Qtibenk. the nation'• aecond-lar1e1t oommerdal bank. cut its prime lending rate today by me-half percentage point to 16 percent. "lt'a in line with Ou.r view of the money market," said John Maloney, a Citibank spokesman. The reduction, the fint by a major bank since early March, followed recent declines in other short-t.erm interest rates that determine banks ' coat of acquiring funds. Some rates fell by aJmoat a percentage point last week. Alao, the average return on new Treasury bills auctioned Monday aank to their lowest levels since December. As a result, the maximum rate banks and savingis institutions can pay on lix-rnonth savings certificates fell nearly one-quarter percentage point, t o 12.47 percent. The declines In ahort-term rates partly reflect an easing by the Federal Reserve System of credit conditions since early May. The prime lending rate ii that charged to banks ' moat c.redit worthy corporate cummera and. although tt does not directly aflect consumer loans. lt indicates the direction of in1erest rates ln eeneraJ. The prime baa stood between 16 percent and 1 '1 percent since the atart of the year. It hit a record 21.IS pettent in December 1980. INDEX Details heard ~ ·on Coast . A araphlc de9cription of the last momenta of the Britlah frlote HMS Antelope before ahe aaDk at San Cub Bay ln the Fa1klanda WU broedcaat by BBC World Service Monday night. • "Only a fe w planes. so oit through the. strike force agalnlt HMS-Antelope," a Brltllh correspondent reported ln the half-hour news broadcast monitored on the Orange C.out. ''But the fripte then made her way slowly up the bey, traillnl arnoke, with the main mast off at an angle. ''There were holes in her aide u abe made anchor about half a mile from ua. "Helicopters with 8e8.l'Chllghts were overhead and landing craft came alonglide to lift off the crew. We could aee figures crossing the deck, aUhouetted against the flames. "There were explosions and flames. Sparks flew into the air long into the night. "Other ahi.. and helicopten crowded around to pick up survivors. "It waa a courageous and orderly re.cue." · Earlier in the day, the same BBC radio correspondent had been aboard a helicopter that was nearly trapped by an Argentine air attack that repo rtedly included waves of more than 30 warplanes. "I WU caught on the helicopter durin1 th• lateat raid:' be rer.orted vta dlortwave. "The heueopter ben1ud sharply and div~ when the pilot realized be wu caught between the (British) ~ m1ISiles and t.tie targeCB. • One miuUe mi•aed us by about 100 yards. We moved down and blended into the hillside and watched two more waves of warplanes come through. '"three (Argentine) "Skyhawk:a (See BBC, Pase A!) White stuff spills from drain in NB U.S. eo.t Guard and Orange C-ounty oftidala were trying to detennine just what it was that apilled into Newpo rt Bay Monday afternoon from a storm drain. A milky white substance of unknown ori1in reportedly a&>UJed into the bey near the Newport Arches Marina, J333 W. c.o.t Hlahway, aid Senior ~ Carl Lux. of the c.o.t Guard's Marine Safety office. "We're not sure of the quantity, we're not aure whether it's toxic or just what it is," said Lux. Lux aald that both a Cout Guard inveattfator and a repreaentatlve o the Orange County Health Department were ln tbe area today trying to determine the nature of the substance and how It aot into the bey. BB~ COVERAGE ••• wen ~l>Dlna bombt 11 they ...pon mon1tonld Sunday nicht. w.t anc:f inaonlnesun tu. and perhaJ11 ln the Uaht ot th• ic. ot txDlolton1' could be heard from HMS Antelope, . lhl hWalcHI. · · · The BBC alalrMd llYtn enemy .. w. \houaht they were aoma plane• ahot down after beln1 to ltnfe UI but they tuJ'Md away encaaed by Sea Harrler alrcnft, owr \M hll\t.opi, with traill ol millll• and naval sunt· m.111&111 followtni them.11 ·Another enemy plane wu IMD I T h e JtBC worl d Hrvlce leavln1 the San Carlo• Bay brolldcut monitored here seemed bridaeheed ·area. traWna amoke, more aubdued than the war the BBC report said. MESA SCULPTU~E · • • •• erection o f the t>rlght red 1tructurea, but, Rouahan went &heed and built then\ anyway. That led t.o two contempt of cour t convictio n • agalnat Ro uahan In Oranae County S\.\perior' Court last year. He was aentenced on one of the d t.atlona to five days in Orange County Jail and fined $500. However, im~1ltion of the sentence waa de layed while Wellnlch appealed to the 4th . District Court of Appeals, which turned him down once, and then to t¥ atate Supreme Court,. whk6 ~ \M ._.. btdt t.o the •PM!a court. f.riday'a ICiectlk>c) thua became hl• Hcond apptala court rejection, Westrelch noted. but he aald be would .. fa.:. reheartnc and then take the ca1e bllck to the state S\lpreme Court. I U that prove. W\IUCICe8ful, he 5'1d, he would take \M matter into the fedenl cow11. "The dedalon by the (4th Diatrlct Court of Appeal) to1allv miMea the pomt," Westreich aaid. Sophia Loren facing mental collapse ROME (AP) -Six days of jail have put actress Sophia Loren on the verp of mental collapee and doctors have preacrlbed ~to help her cope with anxie t y. Rome's leading dally reported toda_y. "She la very, very depfe88ed," Mias Loren's s iste r , Maria Scicolone, was quoted as saying by Il Mesaagero. T h e report could np t be confirmed. Mias Loren. serving a 30-<lay sentence on tax evasion charges at a small w omen '• jail in Cuert.a. 20 miles north of Naples, "doeSn't sleep, doesn't eat and la very upset," D Messagero said, quoting family and jail 90W'Cea. The paper Ql'Oted the jail's Council to · weigh Laguna's budget The finrt public beartq 00 Laauna Beach's propcl9ed $7, 79 million budget for next year will be held tonight beginning at 7 o'clock. The City Council will conduct the hearing in council chamben. Final adoption of the spending package la expected in mid-June. director. Liliana 1Je Cristofaro, .., saying s he wa• "1erlou1ly concerned about her psychic st.ate.'' The report said Mias Loren was visited Monday by Dr. Rau Caduto. who lat.er diagnoeed "a serious depressive state." "She la very abaky . . . to calm her a blt I have pn!9Cribed her some tranquillr.iera." the doctor said according to Ule newsp.per. Giovanna Cau, the actreu' lawyer, said her client will aak for "semi-liberty" status. whk:h will allow her to leave the prUlon during the day and return at night. The 47-year-old actreu bu asked President Sandro Pertini for a pardon. but that does not appear llkely. Under Italian law, she will not be elisfble for "semi-liberty" until •he complete9 half her aentenDe. 11 Meua~ q uoted an uniden~ -•)'ina the llCtn!ll "ta paytnc the price for her taine.·· "lt'a a IJO'-llue attuaUm. AJ:Jy other person wouldn't have ended up ln jail foe a 20-year-old tax evasion cue," the friend was quoted as saying. Southern Calitomla l.dJ.eon Co. otfldala Mid the emerpncy llren 1}'1tem •urroundln1 the San Onofre Nuclear Generatlna Stadon worked 11 they had hoped durlnt a t"t Monday afternoon. for about flve m lnutea be&inn1na at 2:1' p.m., the lllrena walled out their warnlnt ln conununitle11 within 10 mllea of th• nuclear plant, aald Dav• Barron, a Southem c.atJfomia l.dllon •pokelman. ·~ a pre~ bu'8t we conalder it a •UcceJa!' Barron M1d, T h e warntna n•t•m waa rete9ted Monday after more than $1 mWJ.oo in modifioatlom were added followin&. an earlier test that WU roundly critiicbed by oblerven. The total coat of the alteri warnln1 1y1tem la now around $3 million, Barron aaid. l~provementa hacluded e nhancin1 alren volume and adjultlng the '-reu in which they could be heard, he said. While the findings of aoWld Ln•trumenll place d In San Clemente, Capistrano Beach, portions of San Juan Captatrano, Dana Point and Camp Pend.let.on were not yet available, Barron said all sirens in the system did operate during the teet. Grandmother sentenced on drug charges A 76-year-old Coata Mesa grandmother de.cribed by an a11l1tant U.S . attorn ey aa a "toufh old lady with a hard edge' WU 91!lltenced Monday to three yeara In prison for 1muggUn1 cocaine Into Loa An8eles International Airport. Hellodora Saenz. a Colombian dd.r.en. who had been living with her daughter in ea.ta Me.a, Wal c onvic ted lalt month of smuggling 2 ~ pounds of oocalne insicfe-a ~ bottom sultcue that abe ~laimed to have received fro m an unknown w o man ln~ta. U .S . District Judge Terry Hatter said he hoped that the stiff 9e1\tenoe would 9haw drug traffickers that no one, regardless of their age, will be immune from proeecution. Matatant U.S . Attorney Ja«lee Watah Jr. said he la convinced that the grandmother of 12 knowingly smuggled cocaine into the country tast-i-eb. 26. Searching for sun Comtal Continued overc•1t mlth ~ dftnle 11119')' Co•tlal. lnl•nd IOWI 801. c:o... hlgfl ea, lnlMd 74. Wai.-a . Ellewhere, light variable nlclM end morning wind• becomrng .,. to aoun-t 5 to 15 knots. Wllld -1 to 2 ,__ Waetarty .... 1 to 3 r.t. M091ty doudy Md hay wlUI morning fog and ...... BolM eo.ton 8'~ 8ufta6o lkdnglon Caper Ctlat1eln SC C'*11tn WI/ CNrttte NC ~ CHc:ego Clndnoell C1eYellnd Clmbla 8C Columbus [)91-Ft W'ltl Oeyton o.n .... O.Moin. Detroit Duluth B Puo Farao ~ ... Her1fotd Helene Honotulu Houlllon lndNplll == KMll City L.-VegM Little RoQk LoulMlle l ubbodt Memphlll Mlalftl ~ ~8\.P NeetwMla .._onaarw New Ycwtl Nottoll No Platt• C>elle City Omehe Oftendo ==-~ Pllnf 0'9 ~-::~ MtUIM .. "'*""'° ...... .... .,.°', ---.......... ltP-T .... ......... 80 48 54 51 19 85 74 71 54 01 52 50 .04 81 4() 81 ea 81 83 79 ee .52 51 3e 04 81 62 78 eo ea 54 llO fS.4 .oe 74 S4 83 52 2.82 72 57 64 42 .12 70 68 01 ee 54 et 43 93 81 70 59 .01 70 33 73 4e 51 51 .12 75 .... ee 74 81 74 72 57 ea 70 10 Ill 70 10 71 15 .18 116 17 ~ ee 71 59 eo 57 .17 13 65 1.43 81 74 .oe 5' 46 &3 71 .20 ... 82 90 70 .oe 55 56 .2t n • 1.o2 86 42 11 75 eo 1.14 se es .t2 90 • . 31 51 M .at 102 1t 11. 11 • •• :: : ... 12 .. .31 .. .. 14 '7 • l '°' T4 •• .. .. .oe ,.. . .. 70 .1a 7t • P8Udenll 78 51 ~ n57 San BamerdlnO 80 M Ian 04lbr1el 78 1541 SenJoee " 11 s.nta Ma n e 1 8lnta en.cz eo 56 Tahoe V'*'t 74 41 107 IO ---------10ot -74 48 101 87 ... 71 70 12 101 n 103 " " 53 101 73 M 58 100 116 72 81 M fS.4 78 52 12 57 71 102 100 .. 80 76 Smog Nt ~ ... lie untlelllflM tor ~ ,,.,.. n,... In the 1uburr.an I an ,.,nandoJ Senta 018tffa, Ian CIMfW .,,. Pomone-W*"'l .,.._..a Wll a In ...... lnd a.i ......... wt111 Poflv110ft alandartl tnde• ratlnga of 111 Ind ""'*'8""" • PSI of 125. th• Air Oualllr Manaoemen1 Dlatrlet ~ed Mondey. Air quality wlll be good ..... .,. • Wlfl 1'81 =i:.°' 42 -. the.... .. .. .....!..'! In the ........ llJ In ·-~-~ . .,In .... ~.n• .. .....,.1• :&.Ga MalMa lr9llnCl 100 111 HlfMt and Llk• Elillncd. BUDDLE -7-oe Ann Ananda ot Newport Beach (right), Uatena to com~-poUUcal activllt Dick Gregory as they confer in the rotunda of Dllnota State Capitol Monday during ERA hunger strike. M.. Ananda was reported as being very weak. Coast ERA striker weakened by fast Newport Beach resident Zoe Ann Ananda, ln the eiahth day of a hunger 9trike in Dllnoi.a for the Eiqual Rtahta Amendment, ~~=rlbecl today u being e 't!IJlel)' we"Jk and confined to a wheelchalr. The Newport woman la one of seven wiomen fasting in support of the ERA, wtPch la three stat.ea •ho rt of being ratified. The oonstltutional amendment must be ratified by June 30. The women, 1taylng in a Springfield church and camping out dally in front of the state capitol building, have been joined by 80Cial acdvilt and comedian OickGrepy. A spokswoman for the group aaid several of the women are beginning to display medical p~lema. She aald Ms . Ananda, who owns a bookstore in Newport'• Cannery Village, is the weakest of the seven and hu trouble walking without asslst.a.nce. Anothe r of the atrik era, excommunicated Monnon Sonia Johnson, al.lo la confined to a wheelch41r. Another hunger striker, the spokeswoman laid, has a gum infection and still another reportedly woke up Monday with a nosebleed that lasted 45 minutes. S everal apeciall1ts have warned the women they rlak serious lnjury if the fast keepa up. The women aaid they will go without food until June 30. In earlier comments, the Newport woman aaid the strike was called t.o focus attention on the ERA. She aaid people had s toppe d paying atte n tion to rallies and marches. She said Illinoi.a was selected because it is the only Northern industrial state th at h asn't ratified the ERA. State officials probe college TV courses By PHU. SNEIDERMAN M ... 0.-,,......,. Coutllne College'• television counea, currently under attack by 101De local instructors, have now come under scrutiny by state four-year college officials. Representatives o f the California State University and University of California systems have asked the Coast Community C ollege Distr ic t f o r docume ntation s ho w i ng i ts television courses are equivalent to the same couraee taught in regular classrooms. I>iatrlct officiala say a 70-to 80-page ttView of its teleoou.ne prosram will be mailed to state college officiab and others Within 10 days. Diatrict offidals say the document will prove that Coastline'• telec ourae1 are equivalent to c la11roo m ina1ruction. Alon g with Coastline, the Coast Di.atrict operates Orange Coat Collesle ln Costa Mesa and Gold en \\'eat C o llege i n Huntington Beach . Conoerna about the quality of television OOW'llea were ·raised ln a March 8 letter written by four Orange Coast College profesaors. In response to that letter, the A c ademic S e nate of the California State Univers ity system has asked its chancellor's office t o invest igate t h e telecoune iasue. Charles Davis, a spokesman for Cal State Chancellor Gle nn Dumke, said Cal St.ate officials already have written to Coastline Presid e nt Be rnard Lus k in , requesti~g information on the television coUl'lilet. Coas t District sp okesman Richard Simon u id a similar inquiry has been received from the University of California system and from other education officials and parents . Cal St.ate and UC of fici.ala are concerned becauae these achools grant transfer credit to students who have take n courses at community colle ges such as Coastline, Orange Coast and Golden West. Vidal speaks' occ By 8TBVE MARBLE 0"8111 0.-,NeCltlllf Slttina in a c.a.r followlna a roualn1 delivery ot polltfoal one-llnert t.o 1tudenta at Onnce Cout Collece Monday, Senate hopeful pore Vidal dld some thinklns aloud. The poll tlc al 1y•te m l• corrupt.." h e offered while waiting for his driver to •how. ''It'• completely corTUpt." "The p olitlciana," the Democrat went on. "are all the same. Democrat, Republk:an -lt doesn't matter. 11\ey don't want to change and they don't like people who do. Like me!' Low in the polla and frustrated at t h e coat. o f running a campaign, Vidal admitted he has had trouble finding a broad hue o f support . H e suggested students like him. "I enjoy speaking at college campuses because you always get a good turnout," the author- turned -polit ician said, "but students don't vote. "Do you know where my best support comes from?" asked the liber al, anti-nuclear , pro-ERA candidate. "Blue collar workers and blacks. It's a strange world. The knee-jerk liberals don't like me." V idal came to the college campus at the invitation or the All ian ce f or Survival, an anti-nuclear group. Nearly 300 showed up to listen. He started by decrying nuclear energy and the defense buildup. "I'm not a war lover," he said. "l don't like the cheap politicians who keep saying the Ruaaiana are coming. They (the politicians) are the enemy and they have taken over the White llouse. They may govern now but they won't govern forever." He suggested the United States will "either go broke in the arms r a ce o r blow i tself up by accident." He said the Soviet Union is too weak and too bogged down with its own problems to worry about the United States. Then came the pokes, jokes and one-liners. -Naclear Watte: "By and large we seem to like to put the stuff on faults. That way if we have an earthquake it can spread easier and we can all glow in the dark." -Interior Secretary James Watt: "An absolute loon. He believes the Lord is coming any second now and if we don't caver e ve r y blade of g r au with concrete we'll all go t.o hell." -Gov. Eclmud Browa, Jr. (his Democrat o pponent): "A little weasel." -Moral Majorl,J: "Every generation or so a group like this swings down from the trees. One came down in 1919 and brought us prohibition." F u t ure o f three schools weig hed Trustees or the Newport-Mesa Unified Sch~ol District will con sid e r recommendations tonight for the future U8eS of three district schools that have been closed. A c itize ns committee is scheduled to make public a report recommending uaea for Corona del Mar, Lindbergh and Woodland elementary schools during a 7:30 p.m. meeting at Harper Community Center, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. EVERYTHING IN OUR SHOP -- ·2&% OFF •COPPER .•COOKWARE •CUTLERY •CUISINART& •COFFEE BEANS •COOKBOOKS •COF,F.EE MAKERS •PORCELAIN •BUTCHER BAKEWARE :rABLES •GADGETS l •BASKETS MUCH MORE •• Israelis down 2 Sy;rian jets I) fte AIMc&llM Prell ~ llnel.I rslhot cjown two Syrian MlO .,wmment IOW"C..9 lllid one p1arM aNhed north of ayer v. mWtal'V camroand Belru~ but Uw pUot bailed out and w11 hospitalized. =~ Avtv. .'ft8MJd~ tar.ell planea had The fate of the oth r oUot waa not known. '*" °" pacrol and retwned •fel)* to bUe. Syria kee111 a 22.000~ army ln Lebanon to 'n.. Syrian aovemment ln Diunuaua IA1d two police the armiatice that ended the 1978-76 civil of lta plariea were .. hJt" tn the cluh. LebaneM wu. Iran · gains Persian Gulf victory Bl:IRU'I'. Lebanon -lr-11 Mid lta f orce1 routed the I.alt pockets of lraql rw.iltance ln the port dty of Khornmahahr today, and Inq conceded the fall of lta laat 1tron1bold ln Iran'• oil province 1of KhUJiltan.. The tr.qi admimion confirmed Iran's biggest victory tn the 20-month-old war on the northern flank of the Peraian Gulf. A mlhtary communique from the high command ln &ahdad aaid lraql foroes early today completed their withdrawal from KhoJTamahahr. Andropov to replace Brezhnev? MOSOOW -The appointment of Yuri V. Andropov, the 67-year-old chief of the Soviet aecret police, to the 10-man eecretariat of the Communist Party C-entral Cornm1'ttee appears to improve hi.a cban~a of aucceedina President Leonid I. Brezhnev. Andropov's new poaltion waa announced Monday after a special mffting of the Central Committee. He filla the place left open by the death laat January of Mikhail A. Su.lov, the No. 2 man in the Soviet leaderahlp. Soviet rocket docks at station MOSCOW -An unmanned cargo rocket docked today with the orbiting Salyut-7 apace station, bringing fuel and other supplies to two Soviet cosmonaut.a in the 13th day of their research mission, Tua said. "Mutual aearch, approach, docking and linking of the spacecraft were carried out on commands from nllaaion control center and with the help of on-board automatic sya1ems," the offid.al Soviet news agency said. Progress 13 delivered fuel for the station. Bakers£ ield mercury at I 07 degrees A 107-degree reading Monday gave Bakersfield ita hottest day ever thi.s early in the year, the National Weather Service reported. ll was hot everywhere else in the San Joaquin Valley too. Stockton recorded a 104-degree high, Lemoore Naval Air Statinon 102 and Fresno 101. Temperatures should cool into the 90a Wedneaday, the weathennan says. FedMart to sell pharniacY units SAN DIEGO -FedMart Corp., which announced in April it waa going out of buaine9a, bu ~ to aell the phanmceudml invent.oriel in 27 ol it.a stores to Gemco, a Gemco spokewnen hM aid. Gemco spokesman James Koerlin would not di8cusa the terms of the aale, but dJd acknowledge the transfer of atock and cua10mers' files began Monday. Budget unit eyes spending plan WASHINGTON -Brushing aside budget blueprints proposed by Democratic liberals, the HOU8e la shifting it.a attention to a conservative California Republican's spending plan that attempts to eliminate deficit.a immediately. The House headed for a vote today on a propoaal by Rep. John H. Rouaelot to balance the budget next year with large cut.a in domestic spending. The plan alao antJdpated tax revenues considerably higher than thoee in forecasta by congressional economists. Treasury security yield falls WASHINGTON -Yields on short-term Treasury aecurities have fallen for the 1eVenth time in eight weeks, hitting their lowest levels since last December, officials reported. About $4.9 billion in six-month T-bills were ., auctioned at an average diacount rate of l l.671 percent Monday, down from the 12.187 percent of Wt week. The government alao aold about $4.9 billion in three-month bW. at ad avense rate of l l.48 pera!nt, down from 12.189 percenL Hinckley once talked to actress WASHINGTON -John W. H1nckley Jr. came away from a brief campus encounter with actress Jodie Foster in 1980 oonvlnoed that it he ahot President Reagan. "ahe would de91re him, ahe would feel he wa a hero, ahe would Jove and respect him," a psychiatrist testified today. Dr. Thomas C. Goldman, a defenae wttneea who has interviewed Hlnckley three times in hia jail cell since hia trial began in U.S. District Court on April 27, said that a few months later, Hinckley returned to Yale University and stalked Mill Foster while carrying a Joeded gun in his pocket. Goldman aaid that aft.er Hinckley'• initial encounter with Mia Focter at Yale ln Sept.ember 1980, when he •topped her to ask directiona, he believed "they had a relationship." ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHltn.d a~rtl1lng 714,1142-M71 All other departl'Mfttl 942-4321 $1.275 trillion debt ceiling? Thom9a P. Ha69v ,....... ... Olllf '-""" Olloer WASHINGTON -The Reqan ad.m.lnl.atration fonnally uk.ed eon.re-today to ralle the national debt cellinl to $1.27~ trillion and aa.ld the federal debt will apprmch that llmit by the end of fimca.l 1983. VOL 71, N0.18 The request to ..me the llmlt • the third made by the adml.nt.traUon alnce taldna office 16 monthl .,o. 'nle debt ltood at about $910 bllllon when the admlnlatratton made l~ first reque1t, one week after Prelident Reqan •• IWOl'I\ in .. We're l:.lstenllig ••• • ,. Otqe Coat DAILY PILOT/Tuetd1y, May 28, 1812 H/f """ --~ • -~, • 1 • .......... ----........... UWlf.,.,,... HEADLINES -This is how four British papers played the latest reports of fighting between British and Argentine troops in the Falkland Islands. ~~~~~~"--~~~~~~ $12 million setup Two women seized on bookie charges Two remaming out-of-rounty residents indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury for alleged operati o n of a $12 million-per-year bookmaking ring have been take n Into custody. Three people surrendered on similar charges laat week. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart identified the two latest suspecta as Sandy Lou Lightfoot, 43, of Paramount, and Barbara J . Shepard, 42, of Harbor City. Hart said Miss Lightfoot. who also goes by three aliases, surrendered to Orange County authorities Monday afternoon. She was booked into Orange County Jail. Miss Shepard already was in custody at Los Angeles County Jail on another charge and will be brought to Orange County as soon as she finishes that tenn. Hart said he didn't know how long she has remaining on her sentence in Los Angeles. The five alleged bookmakera were all indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury last week An indictment is a fonnal charge made against a person. It does not establish guilt or innocence. It is alleged that the bookmaking ring accepted beta on horse races at tracks throughout the United States and alao accepted beta on various sporting event.a involving college and profemional teams. Woman convicted in child. sex case A Los Alamitoa woman was found guilty in Orange County Superior Court Monday of four felony charges which stem from a Huntington Beach child sex cue involving alleged acts with a 9-year-old girl and a 13-year-old girl. Superior C.ourt Judge Myron S . Brown convicted Patricia Lombardo, 21 , of the charges after the c.aae was submitted to him on the basis of preliminary hearin.ll tranacripta. ' Miu Lombardo had waived her n,h t to a jury trial. Judge Brown took seven other sexual misconduct counts agalnat the defendant wlder submission. Mm Lombardo waa one of six people who had faced tr1al on a total of 132 coun\I Involving alleged teX acts with the two young girls. Atter tM A.G.8. Conclave In New Or1ilerl9 I tOOlt an auto tnp up tl'llOugh the South. OM of the mllln ltope WM the lake .,_ In Tenn••••• where John Latendr .... and hf• J~ p.,tnera are ou ltlvallng ,,......, .,..,., ~ hope '° '*"-' their ftm ,... crop thll ,.. and haY9 them on the~ Milt 'l*ftt· The locetlon of ... OUh\nd ..,t tlrmt II nw the b tow!'\ of Cemder1 I • • ~ 40 mlel weet of Nuttvllle. The clllmat• and .. t• temP«•ture I• wry 1lm111r to that of Lake Blwt, JlfM, ..... ,. ........... '*"' have bHn •~ltlvat.cl by the J.,_,,... f9' mMY YMn· The wetete Of Lake ltwa Me ..... ,__. ..... llhcl aro"n ih• IUt I• belno reotetlfted tot rtoe wope. TM ....... ~·~ .. ,..., ="~p:c.~= ~:ood'To':'t • lar:: of ... . Lat9ndl Ill I .. ~ • .,....,,. .............. naturet Ametlotft L~ler .... Md It II :\n•1 ml1 'tMt ................. ... ~ ............................ . ot • • ~mertoeft frtelfw11ter ~-... -~~ ......... twllftty,41..... ... , • mtta11r1 ltMlt OM be uiliet tO The activities were alleged to have taken place in the Huntington Harbour home of John Steen, 56, and hia wife Christi, 30. Both have pleaded no contest to sexual miaconduct count.a and face proceedings on whether the y qualify for mentally disordered sex offender status. Steen had been described by authorities as a retired businessman who enjoyed videotaping the alleged aexual encount.en involving hia wife, other women and the children. The aix defendants were arreated a year ago after a relative of one of the young girls inten.-ept.ed a letter in which the girl deecrlbed the alleged sexual activity. Sentencing proceedings for Mias Lombardo were scheduled by Judge Brown for June 17. @ ~EiEM WISS Airp~r.t strategy m ,ulled ·· ' By FREDERIC& 8CllOntE1111 or-..,_,......, Oran1• County 1upervft01' wlll meet In cloaed HltlOI\ Wedneeday to deviM ltnf.el,Y II\ the wake of a federal Jud&e'• refuaal 19 approve a propoeed plan to regulate which commercial alrllnet may aerve John Wayne Airport. U .S. Dlatrlct Court Jud1e,r Terry Hauer, followln1 a1 lenathy hearin& ruled Monday ntcnt that the county'• lat.est 9 plan wu unconatltutlonal andt• un1alrly bene&ial to the twola dominant carrien aervina <>ranee County AlrCal and lrepubllc•·J Airllna. ff Hatter'• ru)ing delivered a ~ atunnlng blow to the county'•• efforta to cievaae a 1y1tem 'tOnJ allocate the 41 jet departura.t. penniued dally among ca.rrien who deaire flighta. ,2 The ruling marked the 9eCOlldH time in eight montha that Judgea Hatter has blocked the oountyuJ from implementing an airline ~ plan at the airport. Hatter acheduled a June 28~ hearing for county offk:i.ala to...). return to his court with what he termed a ''non-dlacrimin11tory" acceas plan for the airport. And the judge added a caveat.1 Should the county fail to adopt• such a plan, It muat permit Continental Airline• to begin service with two fllghta daily d uai.ns Boeing 727a, an aircraft iJ currently banned from the'~ airport for noise and weight' H reuons. A Continental attorneyct cont.ended durinJ the hearing that the airline has been tryingM for 14 years to gain entry to Joh.D IZ Wayne Airport. He did not~d specify which routes Continental would like to fly. •n In ruling from the bench, Hatter said he doesn't oppoee the':J". county maintaining the 41 flight J ;~ per day cap on jet departures er ~, specifying noiae level.a wtthtJ' which air carrien must comply. JV But Hatter bluntly said anyup special treatment for the dominant carriers must be) deleted from any new access ~ thia grandfathering I (permitting A1rCal and RepubUc to maintain fllgbt allocationa) la going to haw to go, that'• an.·· J Ratter aaid. 'Tl Under the county'• ~ -<1 plan, A1rCal. which operates an ° averase of 23.5 flighta-daily, and 'J Republic, which operates. 11.5, ·'i would have been stripped of their existing flight guarantees at '° ~~:t•: ~=te;: ::] incumbent.a would be placed in a pool for re-allocation among carriers desiring to~ aervioe· at John Wayne with new and quiet.er jeta. Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Neatande,;, reacting to Hatter's ruling, said, 1 "Of course, it's fair to say we're ? all disappointed." , I Nestande aaid auperviaors will . 1 meet Wednesday with the 0 I county'• privately retained L, airport i.ues couneel, Michael • Gatzke, to detennine a COW'1le of , action. .. Nstande aaid he would favor ':> the county joining with AirC.a1 in - an appeal of Hatter's decision last I I September blockins lmplementation of the county's · original access proposal. That ; I action la scheduled for :1 consideration June 8 by the 9th ~ Clrcuit Court of Appeal. ,, ., ~ • .. II • ft ~ I I ' i ' ' ' I I ' ' ., No lJooze • Throw old tax records out or cars for prom GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -A loud rock bl.net will play untll dawn at thla year'• ,reduation party for 1 suburban hiah IChoo( -but the punch won't be aplked and t1ret won't 9e1ueal ln the j)U'kina lot. ~~ 9:2.R:JIT'l DEAR RIA.DERS: U yow-cla.tl an bulidna wtth old tax recordl that you're afraid to ilu-Ow 1way, the IRS hu eome welcome Ml vice. Moet docwnentl need to be kept only Uwe yean from the date your tax return wu filld, or two ye1r1 from the daw the tax wu paid, whichever ii later. In other worda, if you Ned your 1981 return by April 10, 1982, you lhou1d keep the related record.a until Aprill&, 1983. Some record.a do need to be ~pt lonpr. Real eatate reoorda. for lmtance, ahould be kept aa long aa they can be uHJul in determinina the ownenhlp buil of a pl.ece of property. nu. lnfonnatian ii needed to claim depredation or to report the gain or lam on the property when It la llOld. Copte11 of put tax retuma ahould be kept if you think you may u.e lncome 1verqlna to compute your tax on a future return. To -I.lie · the income averaging method, you need in1ormation from four prior years' -rewma. Good financial records are the key to effective tax planni.na and will help you fW out your tax returns with ease, accord1na to ms. Organized records alao can uve you time and money if your return la audited. For more lnfonnatlon on recordkeeping, IRS offers a free booklet entitled, "Publlcation 5~2. Record.keeping Requirementa and a Llat of Tax Publications. Request the booklet by phoning (800) 242-4585. DMV closes loopholes DEAR READERS: The California Department of Motor Vehicles haa announced that it has cloeed an adminlatrative loophole in regulations which bad permitted tome Wegal reg:latration of "new" vehicles purchaaed out of state and brought in to California. ' As of April 19, 1982, California re.identl and bualnesees are not able to ~r a "new" motor vehicle with less than 7,500 miles on it if the vehicle has not been certified by the state Air Resources Board regarding the design and performance of the vehicle'• exhaustion control system. The OMV a1ao haa notified out-<>f..tate SHOITIST LINH IN OIANGI COUNTY "IXTIA IDGI" GAIPllLD IANK -= prlng-tlme ls Theres only oae FMCrowns. 3901 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CA ( 714) 760-0331 FREE SHUTTIR INSTALLATION cMa1en thal they may be 1ubject to civil penaltl• for auch w.,11 Ill.II to Callfomil reaidenll or bua1nellel 1n the futuN. OMV Director Doria V. Alexia uld that the Health and Safety Code deflnee •new vehicle u one with lelti than 7,500 mll• on the odometer. She PO(n~ out that lt ii W.,al for a California resident or buainem to Import for repu-auon, UM or lale any such vehicle which bu not been oert.lfled by the Air Reeourcel Board in Callfomil. A vehicle'• certltication atatUI may be Identified by en,lne computment label.a at the point of pu.rch.Ue. Theee vehJclee a1ao wW be verlfled by Callfornia'1 1moa lnapectlon 1tationa, which are aupervt.ed by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Mra. Alexia said ownera of 1uch non-certlfled vehicles may not lawfully regi1ter, u1e or r~aell the vehicle in California, and are 1ubject to finee of up to $~.000 for attempting to do so, acoord1ruz to Health and Safety Code Sectlona 4SltH, 431M and 431M. Gary Nlahlte, the DMV's Reidatrar of Vehicles, pointed out that any dealer ln any 1tate who 1ella a non-certified vehicle to a c.tlfomla resident or buainem a1.ao may be subject to a civil contract resialon action by b'C!.Til who cannot regiater the vehicles in omla. 1 Anyone 8111ating in ~ 1uch activities a1ao may be subject to civil --penalties. The OMV director noted that there are a few very llmlted drcwnstancea under whJch a new, non-certified vehicle may be imported by a California reaident. The resident may lmport auch a vehicle if It is acqu.lred: to replace a vehicle which wu damqed beyond reaaon1ble repair or stolen while out.tide California; u a result of an inheritance; or aa a result of a divorce, di11olution or legal aeparation. • Got• problemr Then wri~ to P•t Horo-· ... ~ wit.I. P•t will cut red tape, getting the ill amwen and action you ne«l to .alve in- equities in ~t and bu.sine9. M.n your quHtlon• co Pat Horowltr, At Your Service, Oranp CQuc Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'80, Cast.a meu, CA. 9~6M. Aa many letters u poalble will ~ aJV- wered, but phon«I u.quiries OI' letw's not includiIJ6 the rHder'• lull name, addreu and bu.sinea hours' p~ number cannot be considered. Senion at Fc>n!st Rwa Central Hiah School decided to ldve up booze and Cll'lt, at leut lor the niaht. to make 8Ure there ii no clrlnkina and drivtna. In return, parentl are picldna up the $4,500 tlb for the June 3-perty. ''They'll juat kill their wheel.a aoodbye 1t •bout 11 p.m. and won't .., them aaa1n until 1bout 7 a.m. the next day," uld Daniel Robertaon, chairman of 1 parentl' aroup that rabed the caah. Senion will leave their cara at the achool and ride buaes to the party -whJch will be held at a secret location. BecaUM! beer, wine and hard liquor frequently ahow up at atudent gatherings, parent• decided thla year, "there muat be a better way," aald Lea lie Louilell, director of prevention eervicet for Project Rehab, an alcohol 1nd drug abuse prevention and treatment program. Robertlon aaid parentl decided about six montha .,o to host the party. They set up a tax-free lund and began collecting donations. The achool provided buaes, and achool bua drivers will donate 9ervice9 u chautfeun. "Most importantly, we have the support of the kida," aaid Robertaon, whose 10n will be among the graduates. ''There are 2~0 kids. We're positive we'll have over 200 attending this thing." A aurvey by Project Rehab and Grand Valley State Colleaes of 1,223 students in 10th, 11 t.n and 12th grades found that 74 percent aid they had Wied liquor and 22 percent aid they drink at least once or twice a week. ,, ........... MOBILE HOME - A 91-year-old, 300-ton brick house is moved by truck along Blossom Street in Boston to it.a new site, 366 yards away. The resident physician's house belonging to Massachusetts General Hospital is being moved to make way for the construction of a new medical research building. Reds not stronger WASHINGTON (AP) - Although the CIA has increased itl estimate of Soviet military strength by a million men, the Red Army really isn't any stronger than before, Rep. Les Aapin uys. Aspin said that the higher figure is the result of improved estimates by the CIA and doesn't reflect Soviet buildup. He aaid most of the l million are in non-combat areas such as construction, civil defense and internal security. THE LYRIC ASSOdATION OF ORANGE COUNTY CARMEN RIGOLETTO LA BOHEME Diamonds Save 50°/o CARID by Bll1t Newport Harbor tllh Friday, May 21, lpm Rl60l.ETTO by Vll'tl Newport Hwbor tllh Friday, .._ 4, lpm LA 80tllE by Putcti lll'N Beach tl&h Sahl'day, ... 26, lpm Reserved seats $12.50. Season tickets for all three onty $30. Group discounts available. For advance tickets and more Info call 494-9446 or 494-3944 TheM PfOguima made po.al~ by • Mobil Foundation CMWlt TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY SEASON 1962 · 1982 A Tt•dhlon for 80 Ye•ra ' / 1982 Serving Nlghtty TII 1 A.M. .............. ......, tu1111t1d 145-7017 , OVER fl HOT A COLD ENIHEES 1U IMPORTED A DOMESTIC WINES "9Mt of v..e. 1111ctect IMf, ,,..,. INfood a Poultry We Mve, bMf'I lnttruoted by GLOBE INTERNATIONAL, a -lllrge art dlltrtbUtor, to liquidate at auction It• enttre •tock of bronat and Ortent.e ruoe. Selected diamond jewelry. 45 styles. Choose cocktail ring, pendants, earrings, bridal sets and more. Alf finely crafted with the highest standards of quality. Ladles CockUft Ring . I 3 to~ weight orig. S499 .00 Sale $249.50 DWnond&~ CJuster E . 25 tot.II wef0h1 orig. SI 216.00 Sale $608.00 Mena 14K Ring . .a total 'M'loht orig, S2572.-00 S111e S I 286.00 all safes subject to stock on hand no speclal orders 14K \IVeddaSet 14 tot<ll t or19. s I I 75 . S•le $587.50 JOF?enney NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ellt1ATI .. , OIC\.UOI ..... , °" " ................ ..,. HC.,IC, ..... IOtl'Ott, '"'°'' .... Cllll(UUIUI noet I •CMA ... H AMI U-.aHD ev '"I liA'9 Ulll lltlflltlT .. ,, I • 4 181 1NI N Dow Jones Final OFF 1.81 loss deepens The Flnt American Financial Corp. of Senta Ana reported It operated at a io. durine the tint quarter. Revenue totaled $26,962,000 compared with $29,049,000 for the fint quarter of 1981. Net W. tor the period wu $919,000, or 53 omta per aha.re, compared with a net 1<>111 of $448.000, or 27 oente. for the three montha ended March 31. 1981. The board of directors declan!d a dividend of 12 ~ oenta per aha.re. Stock sale proposed Printronix Inc. of Irvine announced it filed a registration statement with the Securltlea and Exebange Commilelon ooverlll( the propoeed aale of 505,000 aharee of common stock. Of theee 380,000 will be offered by the company and by eel.Ung ahareholden. The offering will be managed by Robert1on, Colman. Stephens & Woodman. Printronix designs, manufactures and marketa medium and low-speed line print.en for wie with mini-computen. microcomputen and other small oomputer systems. Nestande to speak Orange County Supervisor chairman Bruce Nestande will be the speaker at a luncheon of the Orange County Regional Purchasing Council on Wedneeclay at the Conestoga Inn, Anaheim. New program announced DPCS, Inc. of Newport Beach bas introduced ita SYSGUARD program, an approach to providing clienta with systems programmen on a retainer fee buia. Irvine firm relocates Charlton Associates baa moved into its 15,0QO-.quare-foot pilot facility in the Irvine Industrial Ccmplex-F.ut.. Installation ia proceeding of a proprietary three-step integrated production line which wlll fabricate and certify rigid 5 ~-inch cmca. Computer seminar held More than 100 executives from energy, engineering and financial corporations and organizations attended a seminar on advanced computerized project management aystenw held by POINT 4 Data Corporation of Irvine during the Offahore Technology c.onference at Houaton. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS l't1. Oii II.I Oii "·· Oii II.I Oii .. Oii IU °" u °" ti ~ H 5' ,, I°" ~1 ~ METALS NEW YOAK (AP) -Spo4 nonfwroue mNI pr'-toct.y. c....., 7~78 c.ita. P<IUl'O. u.::s ~ lAiM 3-27 C*l'9 • pound Zll'I S5 c.nta • pound. o.ll\w9d. "" te.5527 t.Mt• w.-compoelt• lb. AA .. ._11111 .... ., __ 76-n c.ttl e pound, H.Y. __, '370.00 I* ..... ....._ '318.00 troy OI., N.Y. SILVER Hendy & Hermen, 18.525 per troy - GOLD QUOTATIONS ~ morning tlUlg: 1329.00, off 13.00 . ..---tlftwnoOn tbrirlO: mJ.ao, °" 11.10. ..... afternoon llldng; ~.... off ... 18. PtwttdWltl 1328.00, off 11.01. zww.: La• fixing: 1328.00, off 12.00 ~~.00-..S. • ...,_ odt Mlly quo-. 1321.110, off 11. 10. II~•'-* odt dlilly qllGW U27.IO. off I .10. .. :i:;e * frit ~ qllGW ~ 8344 • on tu&. SYMBOLS , • 3 I 0 f, r· r ~1 v Former higher tar smokers affirm MERITchoice for taste,.ease of switch, and long-term satisfaction. . The research results are overwhelming. Latest National Smoker Study provides solid evidence that 'Enriched Aavor;M MERIT offers a satisfying alternative to higher tar cigarettes. MERITTuste Sparks Switch. Nationwide survey reveals over 903 of MERIT smokers who switched from higher tar are glad they did. In fact, 94% don 't even miss their former brands. Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 farmer higher tar smokers report MERIT an · easy switch, that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-- tasting low tar they've ever tried. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Clear Choire In Latest 1ests. In addition, extensive unmarked--pack tests con ... firm that MERIT delivers a winning combination of taste and low tar when com ... pared against higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The over- whelming majority reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. 0 Philip Monlt Inc llltl Kings: 7 mg "tar;' 0.5 mg nicotine-lOO's Reg: 10 mg ·"tar:' 0.7 mg oicotine-100' s Men: 9 mg "tar:' 0.7 mg nicotine av. per cigarette. FTC Repon Oec :e1 MERIT MERIT Menthol Filter Ki$&100's I ) & I I ! l ) l > ~