HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-30 - Orange Coast PilotORANGE COAST YDUR HDMITDR DAllY PAPER SUNDAY . M AY .10. 19U~ OnANGECOUNTY C ALIFORNIA °'OCl-NTS 900 prisoners. 'taken' ' British push eastward, Argentines lose contact with troops By Tiie Alaoclaled Presa Britiah paratroopers captured 900 Argentine soldiera when they aelzed Gome Green in the undeclared Falkland Wanda war, but their commander wu killed in the a11ault, the Britlah Defenae Ministry a n nounced Saturday. London prem report.a claimed British marines and paratroopers were w ithin 25 miles of the Falklanda capital of Stanley after tak1nR Darwin and Gooee Green on Friday and Douglas and Teal Inlet Saturday. The official Argentine news agency Te lam said military aourcea ln Buenoa Aires conceded that British forces bad captured ''points near Darwin and Gooee Green," 40 miles west of Stanley, and fierce fighting contlnued. The Argenti ne military command aafil Saturday night that it had lost radio contact with 800 Arsentine troops who waged a 36-hour battle against the British. raiMd a white flag of surrender but then opened fire as the paratroop er• approached . DefeNe Mlniltry officials said they could not confirm that account. McDonald'• statement said, "We understand that when the Argentines surrendered, about 900 prt.onen were ta.ken by the battalion." The British press reports said it was believed 2, 100 British marines had taken key Argentine positions at Douglas and Teal Inlet -about 25 miles northwest of Stanley and 25 miles east of San Carlos Bay, the beachhead the British established May 21. It is 20 miles northwest of Goose Green. There w as no official confirmation, but British sources, who declined to be identified, said the marines probably would next try to seiz.e the high ground around Stanley, using that as a (See FALKLANDS, Page A!) ,,,_b ...... TWO-POINT ADVANCE -Map shows reported advance of British troops, with one contingent headed east toward the Falkland Ialands capital of Stanley, and another force in the Darwin-Goose Green area, which the British are reported to have captured. ~=~.1~1li:~~~: Pope meets Anglican head British positions in the area. Dl9J ........... ..,.., ....._ NATURALLY NAVAJO -The beadwork on Eric Diu' headband was as fancy as his dancing Saturday at the Orange County Indian Powwow. More tribes shown on Page A2. British Defense Ministry spokesman Ian McDonald issued a statement on Friday's fightiJ'l8 saying the casualties suffered by b oth aides had not been determined but that the 81188ult leader, Lt. Col. Herbert Jones, was killed in action at Gooee Green. British military souroes, who asked not to be identified, said Jones wu killed aa he led an attack on an Argentine mach ine-gun position . They claimed the Argentines had CANTERBURY, England (AP) -Pope John Paul II journeyed Saturday to this seat of British Christendom, symbol of common roots and nearly five centuries of bitter division, and embraced t he h ead of the Anglican Church, prayed with him and pledged to work toward the reunion of Christiana. After an unprecedented ecumen ical service at aoaring Canterbury Cathedral, th e p ontiff and Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcle Jungle maze mastered By HOWARD L. HANDY O(tM 0.-, .... ltd Wh en Bob .P eters of Huntington Beach arrived in · Papua, New Guinea, the first thine that caught hla eye was a newspaper headline that read: ''Clansman Beheaded in Fight." Peters was in New Guinea to com pete i n an of f -r oad . endurance struggle through the jungles in an event known as Camel Trophy '82 along with his partner Ken Arnold, a truck driver from Diamond Springs. They were challenging another American team and similar two-man ~ntries Crom Holland, Italy and West Gennany. "We stopped at three different SUNDAY SPECIAL airports before we arrived at our takeoff location and at each one, there were 5,000 'natives around looking on curiously." Peters recalls. "The further we went into th• country, the more pnmitive it became. There was no television and only one radio station so we were basically incommunicado tor the time we were there. "When they say it is the Stone Age still 11\ that country, they mean it. The only metal we saw was on the machetes. They used stone axes and hardwood bows. The arM. had tipe made from human booea.'" The Camel Trophy '82 event waa a 10-day competition in identi~.tly prepared British Leyland vehicles over roads and bridges that often were not there and through rugg~ primitive terrain. Some of the roads were ao narrow that the vehicles had to scrape boulders on one side to keep from dropping several thousand feet 1traighl down on the other side. "These dropoffa were critical," Peters says. "I'd have to walk acrcm the hood of our vehicle to guide Ken. "There'd be a huge boulder on one side and the dropoff right beside the car on the other side. You'd have to bang the boulder to gel by or drop 1,000 meters or more. ''The roads were everything you'd ever want in off-road racing. They were made of clay, were washed out, completely covered by slides and most of the time there was no traveling at night. "We crossed more than 500 bridges. One day, the Italians fell in a crevice and couldn't winch their vehicle out. The natives came by the thousands to get it out, then demanded more money than they had been offered and •held the car as hostage. "We also had a battle with a German team. It was World War II all over again and I fell and thought I had a broken leg but fortunately , I was able to continue after about 10 minutes rest." One bad day ruined any hopes of the Peters-Arnold team winning the competition. They eventually finished fifth with an ltaliah team in first place and the other American squad of Rob Comstock a nd Paul Haven finishing third overall. CAMEL TROPHY CARAVAN -As international drivers headed into treacherous Papua New Guinea highlanda, their first job Wa.9 to return, the seoond WU to win. "We put our car out one day and spent most of the night repairing it. British Leyland had a repair car IJ}at went with ua and wt were able to gel some parts for repair but had to uae (See JUNGLE. Page A3) NATION Reagan lambasts Democrats S~A BARBARA (AP) -President Reagan renewed hla anack Saturday on the Houae Democratic leadenhlp b' playing politks with ''the rid1culoua procedure we have mJ.8n8med the budget process." Phoenix .gunman charged PHOENIX (AP) -A 28-year-old man was ~bar·~ Saturday with kidnapping, auault and bW'SW'Y after be took four people hostage at a teleYil60n lltadon and forcied the anchormu to read a ~ tt.tement on .the air at gunpoint. ... , . WORLD Roiny Schneider dies PARIS (AP) -Romy Schnelder , the throaty-voiced international star who made more than 50 filml in a 30-year career wu found deed Saturday in a Parta apu1ment. Storm victims dig out TmUCIAGALPA. Hondw. (AP) -Tbouanda of Hondurana and N~ bepn the muddy taak of rebu.Ddln& their bomlil Saturday• Tropical Storm Aletha dwtDdled to • driale. SPORTS -. announced plans for a new panel to examine doctrinal differences separating the Roman Catholic church from the Church of England. an issue which another panel recently studied for l 0 years. In London, about 1,000 Proteslanla held a service at Trafalgar Square to protest the pope's visit and demand a halt to the Christian unity movement. The 170-foot oolW1Ul below the statue of Admiral Horatio Nebon waa draped with a banner saying "Time to Repent." The Rev. David N. Samuel, gener a l secretary o f the Protestant Ref~tion Society, called on Britain to break diplomatic ties with the Vatican, which were restored last March. "We feel that some sort of counteraction is very necessary now to r estore the t ru e doctrinaire basis of the Church of England . . . which is being eroded," Samuel said. W elcomed by Runcie as a (See POPE'S, Page A!) BOGGING DOWN -When the roads ran out, the water was deep enbugh to short out electrical systems. INDEX Opetfled E5-6/Fl-6 Conkamer Cloee-up Dl ere.word F.5 Death Notlcea F.5 Entertatnment El-3 Featu.Jinl · C4 Finance Dl-4 Robert Gardner A6 Bob Greene A6 Hon*'Dp8 C4 Ann Landen C4 COUNTY Moviee Oranae County Real~te Spo.rta Stock Marketa ~~ '!beat.era Weather Wedcflnp El-3 A4 D6 Bl-~ D3-4 Cl-4 E4 E1·3 A2 a r I I l ' ' CHOSEN TO LEAD -Alter the dance area was blessed, Jay Y ackus, a Blackfoot Indian ~ f'llot l'tlotoe .,, ca.ry ...._ who resides in Garden Grove, was selected to head war dance perfonnance. • The powwow is the native American's way of expr~ing visual lndianness. The singing, dancing and r e newal of friendships may appear aa entertainment. Religious overtones are not apparent, and perhaps this is one reason why the U .S. government has never tried to stop the powwow. Funds rauied by selling Indian crafta and foods this weekend at the Orange County Fairgrowwb in Costa Mesa will help finance the Orange County Indian Center, Inc. in Garden Grove that encourages the continuation of a great heritage. Today's events start at 12:30 p.m. with a gourd dance. Senior men will compete in snake, buffalo, soldier and war dances until prizes are presented at 4 p.m . CHEROKEE PRIDE -Nancy Fields watches as cr owd honors her great-granddaughter Renee Pood.ry, this year's princess. RATTLING RITUAL -Kenneth Yackytooahn.ipah, a Comanche, joins in gourd dance. i-. ~ored to Ii ..... Warmer Aoed1 In much of c:entrel< Monune el10 were c:loeed beceuM 04 poor ""6blltly ~ days by • let• IP'1ng -· ., Coastal Extended Light vetl•bl• wind• lhrO<lgh Forecast lontglll exoepl IOUltiw.t to ..i 10 to ti knota eltemoon tnd Tueed•y·Thuraday: Low ~ 1 to 3 fool 8'"" rno9ll)' c:loudl-night and morning from the aouth Conelderabte low "°'" wtltl l\a:zy a.Wllne during cloudlneu wtth partial ctNtlng •lternoone In coe1tel MC11.lon1. during afternoon and evening Othefwlee lalt. Utile Cflenge In hOtKI temperaturH with hl,h1 1n COMtal MCtlons 64 to 4 end ---------lowt 52 to e.2. Hlghl at mountain Calilornia ~hight 51 to58 and'°" 35 Late nlf.hl end morning low Ti cloud1, C:llrlng In eflernoone emperatures "•!<)I'•! Wutt>e< Se<•<e "40AA u S O.Ot ot Comme<ct today and on Monday. ~ • °'O~:'~o~•n expect NATION Fronts· COid -.. Warm .,. 88 78 Alt>en)' 7 t eo high• to 74 tod~ to Albuque s7 52 Monday. Lowa U to . Atllni. 92 73 tnlend Yllleyl wtl hrtoe =. Ptlend. Me 59 51 abovt 70 to<lll)', mid 70. M . ,t,tlentc Cty 78 58 Ptlllnd, Of• 79 « Weat 10 eout~ ~ 15-30-Al*ln 93 n mpn wlnde 1n mount.in.. ttgtie In Belllrnof9 82 84 PrOllldeno9 eo se Reno 88 3-4 eoi. 65 to 75 Mondey Lowa 35 to Blrmlngllm IM 70 Richmond 89 70 45 ~ck 88 40 . 8oile 64 34 Seit Lall• 70 39 ~to WMt ~ l&-30 Boston 57 54 Sen Antonio 88 75 mph In 6-11. Nortt1em "-1 Buffalo 79 51 s-ttle 74 47 hlghe 78 to 88 todey, In 801 Borllngton 70 e2 = 92 74 Monde)'. Southern ~ lllgll9 CM119tn SC 91 72 75 81 18 to 95 todey, 901 Monday. Cl\lnetn WV 87 ea St Low .. ee Lowt 52 to 82 notltlern cleMra. ~NC ff 94 St P· T wnpe 88 78 1n eo. eoutt1em ~ ee 31 8'1c*-ee 39 Nor1Mm end Centrll Clllforn6ll Cl*-00 M 57 8yr90UM 78 51 C8'I expect log and IOw oloude ~ 11 95 Topelte 81 S3 epreedlng dff::f Into coutal CllN* M 87 TUGeOfl 95 81 v--burning In.,..,,_.. ~ 78 81 Tulle 90 75 o.6-ft Uttt 931 75 WMNl'lgtn e5 81 U .. S. Summary: 7 84 Wlc:Nta 711 82 87 51 78 ea CA&..POCllMA 0.. Molnee A bend of ~omw ftlllPC o.ttdt 711 55 == n 50 ...._d .from me Plelr'9 to the Duluth 73 57 .. 52 01110 V•ll•y 8aturd•y. 1e111n3 e P.eo 113 M e..tow 12 84 1long '"In, tt~ wind I an ~· ~ 40 ..._... 71 50 tomadotl ltwt at ..... 12 ,argo 70 52 Ilg ... .. 34 f:.f,le In ltllnol1, white •now ~ 13 36 ~ 70 M a no In tl'I• mountelne of Gte.t F• ae S2 ~City 73 ea Montena c:11t off power to Herttofd a 51 EuNta 51 47 lflOuNl'lde of J*IPe. H*le ... a3 ~ IO A f1Hh floodl~tlnued In HonolUIU 96 Ta ~ .. 53 ....,,.... end end :'Tr: Houlloft .. Tl Lonolledl .. 81 water •l•o WH reported n 1nc1n11p1e 72 • ~ .. 51 ""=-Jedlan M 14 t7 u U10M ltMled, ~ INn ~ " 71 Mol--74 M 100 ... repar'9d ~ ..... a !(-.City IO "4 g..:. 51 61 tornado cut • 1\i·lft~•UI t:.:z-.... • M tllroutfl Marloft, 111.. f..,, .... • 71 ~"°"*Ind ................ =~ 11 • ""°' ~.... ....... 17 u TornedO wtCIMe ._.. ~ ~·-.. ,., Clm-10 .. t fot tou1t1•rn Ohio, eoutllern ~P 71 .. m.~ . ., 1ndla11a, eoutller11 llllnoled .....,.. n ll .. N norttta11ter11 Kentu0111 an Nlw Or ,..,~ 10 :r '"'"" .. *" W... ~ .... Ycwti ., .. ........ ., 111 ••ntr•I •nd nortll•rn Nortalk 1t n ....... Ollr ft IO ~...rrr 1P:.::. c:•== =.. Cf1y .. 11 =-· \ ... :n .. ... .... "'=&::..,,,and Or-. -=r· j .. = .... •I01•11• ::=r-1t .. =~ .. ............ ., l' tt ..,.. .. Ryt .....,. ... ....... IO 1 '° San JoM 74 Sant• Barbin 87 Sant• Matl1 " Sant• Monie. 65 Stodlton 74 Tehoe Velley 81 Thermel 92 Tom1noe 81 Yume 98 Q&.OUI. Arnlterdern 81 AtheN 75 8allr1lln 86 Bengtcoll 111 Beirut n Bertin ee BrueNll ea B'Alr• ea Celro .. CerlCM .,. ~ = a.-. 70 ......,., 81 Hong Kono 8'1 HonolUlu M JMarta ee Jo'burg 81 Kle'I n l('Ulmpur 91 U1Tlll 73 Ulbon 10 London 16 Mlldtid 13 ...... .. t.40n1e""'9o .. ::o&:n. .,. 104 ,.,. 70 ~ .. ---8eoul l'Q ·'' CANADA er SI ... IO trc:o ... " =:::' 10 11 j 5e 49 52 57 ~ 32 S3 55 ea FALKLANDS ATTACKS ... vantage point for lthe.lltni the ettimatecf 7,000 Arpntine troope defendJ.na the capital. A ranae of rocky bluffa known u No Man's Land cuta acroea East Falkland Ialand and Stanley Ues below the eastern ridge. The sources al10 aald the Brltllh might make another landing cloae to Darwin with 3,000 troops from the requisitioned liner Queen Elizabeth 2 to strengthen their pincers movement against the Argentines at Stanley. Before the Cighting erufted, about 900 of the lalanda' ,800 Brhl1h-deacended lnhabltantl lived in Stanley; the reet were ·~altered among 1heep aettlement1 on the two main 1alanda of F.ut Falk.land and West Falkland. lllanden leaving a month aso sald Stanley was almolt deeerted, with residents seeking lhelter at outlying sheep ranches. A U .S . Embaasy source in Buenoe A1ret said 17 Americana remained on the lalands. The source .said one American waa maintaining weekly telephone cont.act with the embassy and reported all 17 were doing well. POPE'S VISIT ... ''beloved brother in Christ," the leader of the world'a 760 million Roman Catholics shared hymns, prayers and Gospel readings with Runcie, ~iritual leader of 65 million An · worldwide, including million U .S. Epiacopallans. "On this firat VUJit of a pope to Canterbury, I come to you in love," John Paul declared. After the service, the pontiff -a red cloak over hia white robes -knelt alongside Runcie in the Norman cathedral where, in 1170, soldiers of King Henry Il murdered Arc hbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket for refusing to yield to the monarch's religious beliefs. A shrine to St. Thomas was FV officer still Fountain Valley Police motorcycle officer Keith Levin remained in critical condition Saturday night with injuries suffered in an accident while he was on duty Friday. Levin and another driver were injured when Levin's motorcycle and the driver's car collided at the intersec tion o f Warner Avenue and Buttonwood Street, destroyed by Henry VIll, who broke with Rome in 1534 and made himself head of a new Church of England after Pope Clement VD relused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The joint declaration by John Paul and Runcie on the second day of the pontiffs six-day visit -the firat ever by a pope -said the oommi.ssion will "recommend what practical steps will be necesury when, on the basis of our unity and faith, we are able to proceed to the restoration of full communion." The declaration contained no prediction of when this would happen and said the task will not be easy. 'critical' police said. The motorcycle struck the car broadside, reportedly with such force that the car turned over. The driver of the ca r , 51-year-old Herbert Harding of Huntington Beach, was not seriously injured. Offid.als said Levin suffered a ruptured liver in the 11 :20 a.m. accident. Che1nical creates NB hazard Newport Beach fire offida.11 lalued a Wamina to awimmlnl pool ownen Saturday after an lncidmt lnvolving pool chemJcala created what tney termed a "very hazardous" altuation on an Eaat Bluff 1wee1. The incident occurred when a homeowner careleuly dlapoeed of a drum of calcium hydrochloric, a commonly-Uled pool chlorinator, and it mixed with other materla.la to create a toxic gas. The situation was made wone when the resident, seeing smoke oomlng from a t.ruh can where he had c:tiacarded the chemical. doused It with water th.inkina It waa on fire, officials aaid. Battalion Chief Augu1t Wagner said the Incident occurred on Blackthorn Street when the powdered chemical mixed with lubricating oil, creating chlorine gas. Dousing It with water aided the mixing process. The gas can be Catal or cauae organic damage if breathed, and it also can explode when mixed with any number of common materials, Wagner said. Wagner said the chemical can react with many organic producta, including automobile lubricating fluids, sugar and many others found around the home, to create such a hazard. The resident, 42-year-<>ld Ken Young of 2521 Blackthorn, apparently breathed a small amount of the gas and was not ~riouslyinjured,butfirefighten had to evacuate a 200-foot aection of the street and block sewer drains to wash down the chemical. The firefighters, dressed so that no section of their bodies would be exposed to the chemical, then covered the watered-down mixture with dirt and removed it, Wagner said. Super Price-Cut! Model fil Sale Price Good May 31st ONLY! Two-Disk Desktop Business Computer TRS-SO® 48K Model Ill by Radio Shack Save Reg S2295 •200 2495.~ ; ' ... ' . -:.. Perfect for busy managers! Choose from a wide selection of ready-to-<un programs for budget development, computerized filing, word process- ing, "what if ... ?' projections, more. Add up to __ .31 .................... E,_ __ _.:..two..:...mor~~e~d~is~k~d:,a.rives,anytime!#26-1066 Affordable Way to Get Started In Computing *4K Color Computer* TR$-80 by Radio Sheck Enjoy Gamee • Organize Finances • Aid In Education Stereo Cassette Deck Cut 33% ~cT-23 by R .. 11.11c.. 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"h wtll be ovur 39,000 miles throuah North and South America and Into Aluka. "There weren't many moequi toe. until the lut day, but there were plenty ot other buaa and lnMcu around." "h will 1tart aeven weeka Peten, a 1peclal inv•tJaator before the 1984 Olympic GIU'Tltle for police uniona in the 1ta\e of ln Loi Anplee and tlnl..th the day California, lan't th.rough with the befort th~ Games atart. May~ competition. Far from It. I'll try to compete In that one, "If they went back to New too " Guinea and 1 had a chance to go, Don't bet against him. t wouldn't hesitate," he aaya And juat to ~ what really "Then there'• thla Amerathan happened in New Gwnea, read a '84 that la comii\g up," he add.a copy of h1a diary on a day-by-day while rummaging through hla basis . * * * * * * Orange CoU1 DAIL V F1ILOT 18unday, May 30, 1882 Al Tornadof!S kill I 0 MARION, ILL. (AP) -Up to 10 people were killed Saturday and more than 100 wore repoc1.ed injured when tornadoes amaahed thtouah three aouthem ll1.lnoia counties, authorities Mid. Elaht bodtea were aeen by reporter1 at a wrnporary MO!.P. eet up at Marion Junior ffiah School and two other victim• were NJ)Ol'ted d ad on arrival at Marton Memorial Hcepital. There were reporu of many lnjuriee and extenaive property damaae in Marion, which haa • populaitlon ot 13,000. The dty ta the homo ot a federal priaon, but there weN no reporu of da.mqe there. A spokuwoman In the emeraency room of Marlon Memorial Hospital Mid aa many u 100 people ware be!na treated. ''There are people all over the place," said the apokewwom.an. who would not afve her name. "We've aot people being treated ln every part of the h01plt.al. There are loads, loada." . The tornado plowed a l ~ -mlle1-lon1 path throu1h Marion, police Mid. PoUce aaid nwnerou.a people at Carbondale Memorial Hoapltal u.ld a helicopter with med!ca.J personnel had been aent to Marton to aid thoee who we,.. trapped. Wltne11e• uld the twister struck Marion about 3:40 p.m . Police said a truck plaza near lntefl~t.e ~7 WU de1mollahed, a racquetball court waa flattened and a shopping center waa heavily damaged Wilderness racers detour over rivers, cliffs C~ T'ROt'MY 'a Bob Peten' Trip Lot Flnt Day, April 11, lHZ Previously scheduled to go to Mission Station at Kol, a missionary village, but this was canceled because of landslides which had ripped the town. New route: Mt. Hagen -Sanz, Tabibuga · Sanz. Distance: 200 kilometers. Time: 8.5 hours. Rugged, twisting high mountains. Thousands of natives lined the route. Screamed at passing cars. All tearna got lost and the Dutch team drove over a cliff and blew an engine and clutch trying to get back on the road. Road.a were very poor. DropoffB sheer. Wet, slick clay. Spent day driving in fog and rain. Ken (Arnold, his teammate) and I rapidly overtook other teams and led the pace. We returned on time. Bridges were decrepit to say the least. Loose boards, rotten timber that sagged as we crossed them. Had to help natives rebuild one. Pigs presented additional problem as they constantly ran from the side of the road causing us to swerve or stop. Competition, Day One Route: Mt. Hagen-Banz-Wabag. No points today. Traveling day. Spectacular drive through Toma Pass (2,734 meters high). Rain forest, mountains and valley Pilot circled overhead and radioed guide that natives ahead were arming themselves because they believed we were "coming to kill the monster in the lake." The police were called and apent two hours assuring the natives that we were friendly. When the all-clear was given, we still approached with caution. Met an old warrior on the road and took pictures. He began crying. t fed him some cheese and gave him 90me matches. He tried to eat the cheese without removing the wrapper. We were told that a plane flying in parta had crashed but that all were OK. Spent the night studying maps and d.lacu88ing tomorrow's route with natives. ' Day Two, April 1 '1 Route: Wabag -Llaigam -~ P.....,or....,191-a. Distance: 113 km. Time: 8 houn. Fog, rain, sun. Mountain•, forests, waterfalls. Special event started above t:reellne. We were actually above the clouds• the event started. Route during event wu downhill 20 percent grade. Very rough. Sheer cllff:a. Porgera ta far from the beaten path. Polioe teams remained on duty all night for aecurity reNOna. Rained heavily from sumet to sunrise. Evening meal waa adequate. Weather waa damp and depressing. Everyone was 808.ked. Natives moving about through camp all night. Car handled well, brakes excellent. Most of trip in 4 high. Day Three, April 18 Route: Porgera -Liaigam -Kandep. Distance: 123 km. Time: 8 hours. Over 3,000- meter pass. At Liaigam natives refused to return truck. Police and guides spent the afternoon negotiating with leaders who wanted $1,500. lt was finally released for $225 and cigarettes. Dutch team scheduled to arrive tonight. Today's route wu not too difficult. Speed was doubled. We had a slight odometer error and overcompensated for it. We arrived too early and were penalized. Day Four, April 19 Route: Kandep -Tari. Distance: 100 km. Time: 10 hours. Very exciting event. World War Il fought with Gennans. German team started ahead of us. We immediately had a flat tire and changed it quickly. I drove over my head for the next 45 minutes and we caught the Gennans on a steep uphill grade. They had driven off the road and were in a large ditch. Natives lined the road and enjoyed the Show. Ken and I switched seau and made •peed runs trying to get enough momentum to pass the Germans on the wet clay. ln the fourth run. we almost rammed them as their vehicle lunged forward blocking our progreia. I got out and advt.aed them that we were going to pass and signaled Ken to get up aome JUNGLE TEST -Bob Peters, left, and Ken Arnold took their vehicle to the limits when roads ran out during Camel Trophy '82 race in New Guinea. speed. He had sufficient speed to make the hill but had to stop because the Germans had stretched their winch cable across the road It now became a battle of winches. I fell when carrying a log and injured my leg. They beat us to the peak and although they were back in the lead, they only had a 10-minute lead on us. At the next hill, we passed them. The route was steep and winding and it wasn't long before we collided head on with a truck that was driving on our side. Once again the excellent brakes saved us. The driver of the truck apologized and we departed after checking the damage. After passing the Germ.an team, we never saw them again. We arrived 45 minutes ahead of the Germans who had started 30 minutes ahead of us. During the event, we almost lost control and rolled. We slid right then left almost leaving the road. The neck hairs came up during the maneuver. We bathed in a river and drew a large crowd. Although Tari is a remote village, it was inhabited by many whites who were working on an oil project. A steady procession of helicopters ferried supplies all day long to some remote diAAing site. Day Five, April %0 Route: Tari -Lake Kopiago. Distance: 100 km. Time: 6-8 hours. The race is on. Teams given rough maps only and told to circle the lake twioe. 7 hour minimum, 10 hour maximum. Ken and I took lead immediately with three other team~ in our dust. A1J we took a blind curve. we hit a boulder and destroyed two tires, rims and a shock tower. The damaged shock tower elirrunated us from the day's competition and we were aS8e'!Sed maximum penalty points. Only one team finished in under l 0 hours. The route was very rough and all bridges were in bad condition. Our vehicle fell through a bridge that collapsed around us and we had to winch ourselves up by attaching our winch cable to a nearby tree. We didn't winch out. We winched up. As we limped to the finish point. we were passed by other teams and all worked together rebuilding bridges as we went. We w orked side-by-side in the rain welding, fabricating, hammering the ca.rs back into sh.ape. As we worked, the rain fell and the natives sang. Lake Kopiago is the road's end. The natives here have only seen a few wh1te men. Needless to say, we drew quite a crowd. Day Six, Aprll % 1 Route: Lake Kopiago -Tari. Distance: 115 km. Time: 6-8 hours. Special event: Build a bridge. Although we were not the slowest (6 teams were faster), the other American team. Rob and Paul. crashed through and had to winch out. An obeerver was seriously injured by their winch cable and had to be evacuated. F.arl.ier in the dAy. one of the Dutch drivers cut his leg to the bone and had to be flown out. ClaH"'9d advertl•l"9 714"42·5179 All other dep9rtments 142 ... 321 MCAS El Toro practices noisy MAIN Off1CE •w..-...,s1 .. c..-.MeM,cA Mllll .--: IOll IMO, C•w INN, CA. nt.M '-''ltM IC Or..,._ c-st P\6111111"9 ~ . ... _...._ flllltlta4Mtlt. .. lterlel -«• wertlMl'l*ltl ,_,..In IYWIY lie •--M WltlloUI tM<lel ....... Mltll .. <-"""-· VOL 11, MO. 1IO The aircraft noile level will be significantly lncreued at MCAS Ef Toro June 1 from 8 to 10 p.m. and June 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The lncreue will be c.a\.wed by ~ field carrt.er landina pr~-Dw1na thil practioe, aircraft .,.. niquired to fly low• and wider P9ttema than durf.nl normal fliahu in order to limW.t.e a1raa.ft carrier landin&L We're Listening ••• Wbattdo you llkt about the Dally PUot? What don't you llkt? Call the number below and your meaaai• will be recorded, Lranacrlbed and deliver~ to the approprtatt editor. Tbe 11me 24·hoo.r an1wertn1 aervlce may be uaed lo record let· lert to l~ editor on iny topic Mallbox contributors mu.t Include tbefr n.amt and t•lfphont number t<>r vertllcatlon. No clrcul1Uon catll.~aat . Tell ua what's on y0ur mlnd1 A German team al.ao fell through the bridge and tried to winch out. They pulled a tree over trying to lift out. Did not fl.niah until well after d4rk."The supply truck with our food overturned and we spent hoW"ll t.r)'i.ng to winch it back onto the road. No mea.lB tonight. Day 7, April %% Route: Tari -Margarima -Mendi. Diatance: 150 km. Time: 6 hours. Open running all day. Ken and I passed other competitors. Major landsltde near Margarima Had to break our own trail and cross bridge sideways. Crossed numerous rivers. Bndges OK. Day 8, Aprtl %3 Route: Mendi -Mt. Hagen. Di.stance: 115 km. Time: 5 hours. Today's event involved navigation from rough map. Short.est distance wins. Five hour run turned out to take over eight hours. One ~rman team washed downstream. Dutch team stayed overnight with them for safety reasons. Bridge was completely washed out which required fording. Ken crossed river alone while I had a 6 km race with Italian mountain climber Giuliano. We raced to a remote school in order to keep mileage down. Uphill run in the sun nearly killed me. Native children ran with us and showed us a short cut. When I returned to river, Ken had already crossed. I used a foot bridge to get across. Along the route, natives were butchering cows and selling pigs. Interior lights were not working and had to use flashlight to read maps and gauges. Road was extremely bad. We arrived after dark and were greeted by a film crew and some cold beer which we sprayed on each other. Ken and I won the event with least mileage and fastest time. Time, however, was not an important factor as we were allowed 12 hours to complete event. Day t, April H Route: Mt. Hagen -kaiantu. Distance: 280 km. Time: 6 hours. Long route today. Paved but rough. Pol.ice escort during entire day. Stopped at village of the ''Mud Men" in Sroka. Many rivers and bridges. Lost hood latch en route but able to repair. Large rally blocked route. Crossed wide TORTUOUS ROUTE -For 10 days and nights, drivers fought their way over 15,000-foot mountain ranges and through rain forests alive with scorpions. bats, crocodiles and pythons. river after dark and had trouble with swift current. Camped on nver for rught. The bugs and mosquitoes were thick Tens of thousands of fireflies. Tempe rature was high. · Mud Men wore masks of mud and clay. Tale was that in the past their village was raided and some were killed. ln retaliation. the survivors made mud masks and attacked the other tribe who thought they were spints of the dead people. Day 10, April ZS Route: Kaiantu -Kassam -Madang. Dlstance: 231 km. Time. 6 hours. Five special events. Crossing five rivers for time. Our vehicle was unable to compete because of electrical problems. After event. we CJ'06Sed another five rivers and began our descent to sea level. The jungle was thicker than ever Although 1t ramed th~ dust was still thJck. Th1.S was a phenomenon that occurred frequently Driving in heavy rain U\ thick dust Native huts were on stilts because of snake problems. River crossmgs took their toU and several cars had to be towed out. Other American team was very competitive today. I drove most of the day and led the other teams on a wild nde through the jungle. Very hot and humid in the afternoon. Points totaled today and l tall an team finished with least penalty points. Orano• Ooaet DAil v PllOT /Sunday, May 30, 1082 . Party margins detailed for June 8 showdowns By JEFF ADLER DlltyNetltllft Ou\lld~ of Oranac County '• newHt t-onrn.11111onul dlatrlct In whkh ta R.,publlcana a.re vylntt for aan open Holat' aeat, only one of the county'» fuur iJttlng U.S Repr~ntativa1 fMCet a pnmary t•h-ction showdown June 8 Thin <.'hallenil' 111 being made In the 42nd Congrt'tl.'tll)n&l Dlatr1cl where lncumbent Rep. Dan Lungr~n . R Lo ng Beach , Is pitted agaln1t Republlcan Tom Hemaheuner, chairman of the South Coast lur QualJty Management Dlstrkt. But in the t'Ounty's four other t.'Ongretalonal d1Slrict.s Incumbents J erry Patterson, D-Santa Ana; William Dannemeyer , R-Fullerton, and Robert Badham . R Newport Beach, face no primary oppo~1t1on And becaus1, Rep. Clair Burgener, Election~ __ B2 __ R-Rancho Sant.a Fe, ts not Sl"eking re-electwn, a slew of Rt>publicans are lining up for that vacant seat In t•entral Orange County's 38th district, three Republicans wiU face off in the June 8 primary for the right to meet Patterson, a four-term incumbent, in the general election. Seeking the GOP nomination are William Dohr, an mdependcnt businessman from Santa Ana; Art J acobson, a Los Alam itos economist and engmeer, a nd Mel Connley. a Stanton insurance broker Libertarian Party candidate Aruta Barr, o{ Buena Park, 1s running unoppo6ed an her party's primary. The thrt>e Republican candidates have stressed their co~rvalive lt•anings and their opposition to De m ocra t Pa tterson's voting record in their campaigns The :i8th district. which includes parts of Anaheim, Santa Ana, Westminster and all of Cypress, Carden G rove, La Palma and Stanton, has 219,979 voters registered for the primary, 76,837 Republicans and 114 ,88 1 Democrats. More than 19,900 voters in the distract are registered as independents Seelong re-elecuon to a third House term, Dannemcyer wall face one of two Democratic challengers in the heavily Re publican 39th Congressional Dtstrtt'l m the November election. Democrats Steven Feldman. 35, Anaheim salesman, and 46-year-old Frank Verges, a Cal State Fullerton philosophy professor, both are urging Democrats that they best can bear the party standard in the general election. Feldman, a Vietnam veteran, is stressing a conserva11 ve platform of less government and greater fret'<iom for the free enterprise system. Verges is basing h ts campaign on htS opposition to current administration policies. He says President Reagan has been insensitive to the social and environment.al needs of the nation. Activist Frank Boeheun, of Sant.a Ana, is nmmng unopposed for the Peace and Freedom Party's nomina tion. The 39th distract has 274,523 persons registered to vote m the June primary Republicans number 133.148 m the di.stnct, to the Democrat.' 109,696 registered voters. Also, 2 4 ,056 vot e r s are regi1tered as inde pe ndents 1n t he dis trac t, which covers Fullerton. Yorba Linda, Brea, Placentia, La Habra, Orange and parts of both Anaheim and Villa Park. Along the Orange Coast, candidates from three ·parties are r unning uno pposed in the 40th Congressional District Both Democrat Paul Haseman, an attorney from Laguna Niguel, and apartment owner Marine Bell Quir k, of the Peace and Freedom Party, hope to unseat the Re publican incumbent, Bob Badham, an the Novt:'mber election Badharn has represented the predominantly Republican district smce 1976. BONUSG•n• GIT THIS 't£DDY BEAR o..ir 20 ·Portrait Package Contains 2 · BxlOs. 3 · SX!s & 15 Wallets !!C~!~~!! . -------------------------• Clip out ~coupon and present tt wtth Q5C depo&lt : to ow photographer and receive. as a bonus. your I Huggable Bear. I Th-days only: June: WED THUR FRI I.AT 8UJf I 02 03 IMOSOI I I I : ./I IUCI IOU'LnAU, WDTlllllTll 1 ..... ......,m,ctnama I •&-.a.A lftllT, iilTIWT• llACI : WllllO M llTllLU, UI Cll II DAILY 10 A M.-8 P.M.: SUNDAY: 10 A.M.-8 P.M : One bonus bear pet IUbject 95C depoCt per~ 1 or QJ°'4>-Mlnoll mUll be acx:omp:.a'Ued by a I \ pcnnt. Prame not Jnc:1uded. · 27 ·-------------------------D••-= Th 40lh, which lncludee Colt.a M ... , Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, lrvtne, Laauna Beech and pa.rta of HunUnaton Beach, Or~e and Santa Ana, hu 310,689 reaiatered VOlef'I. RepubJJcana \otal 181,5&7 \o tho Democrats' 107,670 votera. More than 31,000 dlatrlCt VOtel'I ~red U lndependenta. In the 42nd Conarea1lonal Dt1trlct, whtch atretchea from Palae Verde. ln Loa A.nplet C4unty 1outh through Lona Beach and lnto northern Oran1e County, Republican challenser Helnahelmer ha1 been portrayln1 Incumbent Republican Lunaren u an ineffective congretmnan. On the other hand, Lungren h.u oonUnued \o •treu h1a commitment to Reaian admln.latratJon policies and eoala. He I.a running for hil third term in the Houae. On the other 1ide of the political coin, Democrall James Spellman, a Long Beach auomey, and Martha Vazzana, an accountant from Rolllna Hilla Eat.ates, have squared off over a allghtly different aet of laaues. Spellman laid he believe. voter1 are fed up with the Reasan administration and It.I high budget deficits and high unemployment ratea. Vau.ana believes the cen tral issue ln the race I.a the federal income tax. She said income taxes should be simplified and based aolPly on one's gross income. A fifth candidate in the 42nd district race, the Peace and Freedom Party's John Donohue, of Long Beach, is running unopposed ln the primary. Donunated by Los Angeles County voters, the 42nd dlatrlct lncJudff Hunt1n1ton Beach , Seal Beach and Wmtminlter ln Oranse County. Voten re1l1tered In Loi An1elea County nwnber 176,MO \o the 124,032 rept.ered ln Oranse County. RepubUcan.e outnumber Democrall 136,700 to 128,092 ln the two cou.nUee. More than 2~,000 voten are reQiat.ered u lndependenll. 1n what haa twned out io be the larsnt conai'elllonal prl.mary ln the it.ate, wtth by far the moll divene field of candidates, 21 hopeful.a (18 Republ.lcanl and three Democrall) bave thrown their hat. ln the rlni for the right to repreeent the 43rd Congreulonal Diatrict. 1n a dlltrict 10 heavily Republican that the primary wlnner i. conaldered an euy victor in November, the candidates range from a former profesatonal football star to the eelf-proclalmed queen of American Samoa to former President Richard Nixon'• niece. The Republican1 ln the crowded race, who refer to themaelve. u the "gang of 18," all have campaigned on their ool'l8el'Vative GOP credentials and hope their own pardcular backgrounds or quallficaUona will dilferentiate them from the pack. Since about two-t h irds of t h e n ewly reapportioned dl.atrict lies ln San Diego County. candJdatea from that area are believed to hold a alight edge over Orange County candidates. The Orange County section of the district includes Mi.aaion Viejo, San Clemente and San Juan Capl.atrano. The San Diego County portions of the 43rd enoompau CX..-analde, JIA-ondldo, (.'orl.ft~I and Rancho Santa Fe Republican candidates an thta 43rd dllt.rtt't au Mikt Schaefer, an Oceanside bualneumun, Mary Schmitz, of Corona de! Mar. u t.elevi.aion pane1Jli1 and wife of 1tate ~n John Schmttz, R-Coruna dl!l Mar; Art Sander1, a Poway teacher, Jerry Sh~w:b Newport Beach attorney~ Deborah Szekely, ownclr of the Golden Door Spa in &icond1do; Johnrut• Crean, a businessman from San Juan C.apiltrand, Bob Curtil, a San Clemente attorney, Elizabeth Davil, eelf-proclauned queen of Ame n can Sarnoo and realtor. of Laguna Niguel; D Robert Dt.carto, u Capi.trano Beach law l'll'rk, Jim Rady, F.a :ond1do ctty councilman; Lawrene Nixon Anfinson, Sal' Juan CaptBtrano resident an$i na~ of the formt\r president; Stan Legro, a Rancho Santa Fe attomt>y , Ron Packard, mayor of Carlsbad; Mart.in Kinkadt'. 11 Rancho Santa Fe tax speciallSt, Chuck Kenm•y realtor and vice chairman of the M1ss1on V1c·Jo adVlM>ry council; B1U McColl, orthopedic.· surgeon and former Chicago Bear football pla yer . of Carlsbad; Donald Martinson, Oc.~ansidt' attonwy and Thomas Mauro, a physician of South Laguna Democratic candidates m the race art• Roland Mora, a businessman from Mi.s.51on V1eJ0, Ro~ Archer, a professor from EBcond1do. and W 1' "Pete" Powell, a teacher from San Mart.'OS Dt.atrict statistics show 86, l 35 voters reglstc•rc-d in Orange County and 181,859 voters in San Dic8'J County Orange County Democrats in the dtstnt't numbered 27,946 while Republicans tot.alt'd 46.372 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 57¢ Tortilla Chip• Cnt9. dellcloul f()( holiday pocnoct 1.89 ... landwtch Plat• 97¢ 1 Qt. Ch•rcoal U ghter Fluld Handy atarter IOt 880 llfn ' 1.69 ~ Sturdy Chlnete Picnic Platea 50 dinoet. ()( 35 dl\lided. a.aa ~~~96 Ml ... a' 2·pc. Camlaole'n Jacket Set Potyettertrayon In temlic COlorl Save rtOW 11.44 ~~~.96 Sklrta for Summer Fabnc choice In toled c:olofa or pnnt1 Our Reg. 3.44 2.50 cia .. lc All Cotton T-Shlrta \~It. netUfal collon IC>P9 with ·u· or ·v · neck Color• galore• Save 2 97 'OUR BEST' BIAS· PLY ILACKWALLS °"' lteg. J a.97. 6001t2• 26.97.o. '9ul, J.T. l.AUo. ,,_..,, •, l11 1 '""'•·111 1J,1tin1J tl<l f I•• ,tr I J-4 (I I! M ,11 •, • ..,...,_...Tleod~ • flleu:••• ........ , .... ,,...... •• '""" ~~,'::L""l:'Q\'.:S- 68¢ Big 16-oz Cold Drink Cupe Pac:MQe Of 11 colored plullc c:upa. Uv.n up your sum- rr14H wardrobe wllh c a refree screen print T-shirts 1.1 &Eoch 2·uter llz• Coke* Cool refreshing Colt .. Is II Toddler•' Training P•nta White combed cotton len'y; S.Z.. 1-4 TV lpectat Thru Jun~ 5 .._ ...... :.::"=· • .0 000 ...... -.-:soc ........... _ ,........_ ---·- • Dlal Deodorant Bath Soap 5-oz •Bath 11ze •n white or gold • Ne1 WI 2. 9 '7.oc~ Men'• Joggl,,g Shorts Eosy-core polyester 1n colors 2.97~ Carto Roul• Dinner Wine Premium table wines 1n 3 hie< size Sold In Our Bt>ortlng Goode Dept Rod And Reel Combination wwa•OtC•----:;::.::::- ·:::.:::-'· ..... ·~-·­. -_..._.,_ loe.~ I Aaaa~• .. -.u. o ........ ...--. ....... W~ ont1frMte ~· met COOiant So"• _,_ ... _ --··-,., __ ------ ] Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 30, 1982 Al Boaters rally to oppose _lees .Cha r ge for Coa&t Guard 1ervices propo&ed for econd time fl,~~~BEY eona ..... la eertoualy t'Ol\lidertna t.PlatJon lha\ would Nqutr. recreational boat.en to pay u.er te. lot Cout Guard 1ervtcee, accorc:Una to the National Boatina Federauon. A· prevtowi prosx-J to lmpcm UMr feea on recnauonal boatina wu not ldaPt.ed bec:tU11 of t.he 9Utcry of thoee who would have had to pay the fees. NBF and BOAT (Boat Ownen Aalociated Topther), a California JP'OUp, believe t.he a.in-ent prOpola1 ~be defeated by t.he aame re.pon1e. NBF report• that the Secretary of Tranaportation Drew 'Lewis 11 now aeekina leeialaUve authority to have recreational boatera pay all the coet of Coast Guard aervi<.'e9 rendered to them. The eecretary'a request la ln line with Prelident Reagan's 1983 budget which reintroduces the propoMI that owners of recreational boata should pay for federal services that cat.er to them u distinguished from the general taxpayers. The idea was roundly rejected by Congress just last year. Principal object of the proposal la to eliminate financing of Coast Guard servfces from general revenues and to help reduce current budget deficits. Under th• propoled leattl•\Jon the ~tary of TtanaportaUon would publlah t.he fee 1ehedult for rec:t'fftional boata ln the federal Reatat.er withln 30 days after enactment of the law. lioat.en would have to 11.a11 .,_Ylnc 80 day• after that. The C.OUt OuArd could chqe t.he fee1 after t.he fint yHr it they were found to be inadequate for 100 percent of co1t recovery. After that adjuatmenta could be made at the bepin.lna of ewri_ third filcal yNr. The Cout Guard hu est.lmated that Wier feea would coat boat owners ln excem of $212 million ln 1983 and even more ln later yeua. The propaeed legislation provides that all fees collected &nd penalties asaewd for tailing to pay the feec would be paid lnto the general treuury u miacellaneoua receipts. NBF u.ld there ls no guarantee that tees collected from recreational boaters for Coast Guard Mrvicee would be channeled back to the Coast Guard to cover the expeNlel of th<iee aervicea. In addition, the proposed legislation would require boat.era to pay extremely high fines for failure to pay the user fees -as much as $5,000 for each occurrence. These services refer to such things as Coast Guard search and rescue, short range aida to navigation. radio navigational aids, boating safety and environmental protection . "NBF and BOAT are keeping a cloee watch on this legislation, maintaining that the propoeed user fees are unreaaonable and unfair," said Joe Steele of Fountaln Valley, president of BOAT. ~e urges all boat owners to oppose the propoeed legialation by writing to congressional representatives. Deir Not le.ft P'tloto SLEUTH SALUTED -Jon Breen won award on shelf beside him for guide to mysteries. 1 ' --==- 1.38e, 2 ... $3 46-oL • Vlaalc® Dlllt Kothef « Poliah dill pales 24-oz. • Wyler'• Drink Mixes Lemonade. gtape, cnttrrf"' tr1J11 punch 'fl OJ t '"-' w1 18.88 Sliding Patio ScrMn Door ll~ocemefll 11t01no Set_, 0001 Wtlto l'>etQl\1 Odju11me<'ll Will hi most slldl"Q cloots Strano mll nn1st> otumlnum frame Out· obi• fiber oion 1creen1no I 5::. I 4.50 OurReg.5.97 Canvas Sflp-on1 Womens comfortable canvas 11tp-ons fave now• • Stereo FM/ AM with T•pe Stereo cassette pl•ylre COtd deck •nd 8·1fM:k play. beck deck Fealurea diQttal clock and modular per tormance speaket1 ~'~ lr::iJ? 0 9 ~ Giio1G1 1 • 7 a•aDiil • • D:: Solar Calculator • • 0 8 d1911 calculator with memo· a• Ill• (g rv needs no batteries 7.97 2.97 14.97 Bird Cage H•ngtng bird cage With plUllC laps, complete~ cup• H•ndy 30 quart Weatebu lcet Ouahty plullc, chotce ot decOf col«• 15-Qt. Coot Oete Cooter 36-Exposure Slides Developed .. ·-· 7.96 30 Gallon Trash Can Tough all s1ee1 con suuctoon 1 '' :zo ~ TNleh Diig• 1.99 ........ ·--·---· .. -----·-2. 9 9 --·-·-·--.. ·--............. 3. 5 9 5.99 1.19 1.19 1.99 ' k>relgn Am Nol Included lie-to Of USA oNV VOIO-•o<-eo Oii•• no4 CJPl)'Cable to ~1tr1Qf ,.,m, lllT'Wt one Cheek P•f CUif~t Off~, •• .,., •• ,.;.,. 1912 11-.. ... '"' '"".,,, .. """''be t4H;ef\fed by J~y )I 198'2 ~ OcMAl6e s... SCore CMdl P.O 9oa8007 ,.,..._,,,MA °'"° CO".-C--~_..,~....,,,..,,.,._ \MH •t<.eC>' _.., ..,. COIO<OO ond -~-you> """°'ood <"'°'-Pole•• o.;c....___,..,_,~ t """JI#/• •9117 'ei\.#n "'"-t !MtrtS IO,_ «)drf11 ~ lilbOw~ A t(JIK.lltl ,..,.. c,_. '"'St 00!>0' 1*:1> ,.,... --~ 0>.,... r.0P.01 w4f ._.._to ¥GU-90d<lf•C11tt• "'"' tH' r..ll<lf' O.r•Olt ~f"'1 fO l>r.,~, ~ ff\f' ''°'• Wl'l'wt1,. O•·' ~.ur ••• "'""*' V•""O ~ •u••'cU '"'"'~ pyt•l'\Al~J ,, ,,.., tlC)tf' f.., Ot.l'C"-MG •t ""'"'"'~ .,.~ --------- 7.37 -1.00 Polaroid• Time-Zero™ Film YovrNe1Co11 6 37 Alter Rebate' • Stn<;ile pac~ lime Zero'" Super. cotOI F •Im df'>velaps fully 1n one minutP CJIVH 10 lade res1slan1 color p.ctures. Save 'L""'t One A-le Per F '""'Y 2ltl. •Aoee Ckwd FeH roH•. k1t11 Hf>hld1, control• more lhln 24 dlf. terent gr• .... and weed•. .. ...... .......... ._ 5.8·8 ·&.88 2.48 leach Chair A llQntwelQht choir "'°' le l*f9Ct for the ~ Folde fOf 90IV atorooe Md91tw9Y FV author wins 'Edgar ' Guide for mystery fans By STEVE TRIPOLI O(tM o.ttf Net ..... The flrlt thing you notice on atepplng lnto Jon Breen'• Founwtn Valley home are the bookt and rnagazb\M. . There are thousands of them -between 8,000 and 10.000, says the 38-year-old librarian and author who hu read "maybe a third" of them. Almost every one contams a mystery or detective 1tory. hla passion. He is not nearly as ll1lpressed by it all as ha viaitor. "Thia is not a first-rate coUection," he aaya. "I've got a lot of stuff and I like It, but I've seen some coUections that are astomshing." Breen nevertheless thts month won an Edgar Allan Poe Award, known as the ''Edgar," the mystery writ.era' eqwvalent of filmdom's Oacar. His book "What About Murder?", winner in the category Best Biographical or Critical Study, ia a guide to books about mystery fiction -a book that perhaps only someone with Breen's m-depth knowledge of the subjeet could have written. For Breen, the book was a service to all mystery and detective novel fans. "The idea was to locate and list as many of them (books on the subject) as I could, and to gwe an assewnent of them." Which is, of course. why he read each book he included m his work His attraction to mystery and detective stories started "when I was a child, listenmg to them on the radio," Breen says. The Charlie Chan and Sherlock Holmes films of early television also were an attracllon. "l was always fascinated with puz:z.les. I guem I like the whodunit aspect," he adds. His book and magazine collection started at age 13. Though he is "not too systematic" about coUecting all works of a particular author, he does have nearly complete coUections of Ellery Queen's, Mike Shane's, and Alfred Jiatchcock's mystery magazines dating back to the 1940s and '50s. Breen is a reference librarian at Rio Hondo College in Wh1tt1er. Helping people find books ''has something in common with det.ecllve work," he jokes, and it's something he enjoys. Breen looks like a clas&c librarian with his large glasses, slightly mussed hair and pale complexion. His gregarious manner m discussing his favorite subject ends the stereotype there, however. "The two greatest detecllve characters are Sherlock Holmes and Nero Wolfe." he says. He rates the Holmes stories "very highly" among detective works. But most 19th century mysteries don't stand up to their modem counterparts plot-wise, he said, and that includes the Holmes novels. "What About Murder?" was Breen's ftrst book. but another, "Hair of the Sleuthhound," a collection of parodies of mystery fiction, has since been published. He has completed a third and most of a fourth book, but has yet to find a publisher. Breen has had about 40 short stories published over the past 15 yean, and has been in charge of the book review column in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine since 1977. That task keeps him reading up to 20 books a month, he said. Breen's wife Rita also is a mystery fan. As he led a tour of his double-stacked bookcases she remarked dryly that ''we haven't got any books in the bathroom yet." Florida bridge ope n s MARATHON, Fla. (AP)-Seven Mile Bridge, a $45 million concrete ribbon spanrung a turquoise bay between two of the Florida Keys, was dedicated as the star of a renovation program for Florida Keys bridges. A ceremony and a 10-kilometer run marked the dedication of the bridge, which will be open to traffic Tuesday. Corbin for Women This finely tailored madras blazer i1 a distinctive, one-or·a·kind adc1Itlon to your wardrobe . Sizes 6-14. I I Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/8und11. MIY 30, 1Na Indigent health care accord looms brighter Barring any last-minute breakdowna, Orange County government and the University of California are on the verge of putting an expensive and acrimonious dispute over health care behind them. The two parties have been feuding since the late 1970s over a contract by which indigents have received medical care at county expenae at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Or8J18e. Many issues have been fodder for charges and counter-charges •by officials on both sides. But the one that drew the most attention ~was the county's refusal to pay about $8 million in bills submitted I by the university. Among those whose interest 'was spark ed was Assembly Speaker Willie Brown who saw to it that county government would be denied $12 million in state : funds until the dispute ended. Regardless of what we think about Willie Brown, his strategy worked. It got the right people together -county Supervisors Chainnan Bruce Nestande and UC Preside nt David Saxo n . And things started happening fast. The county agreed to make a $5 million payment to the university as a "good faith" gesture. In tum, the state released the $12 million. The two sid es agreed to develop a new , efficient, easy-to-administer contract. Now th~y say they have one. One of the biggest problema. wlth the exiating agreement ii the process by which bllll are tent to the county on.a patient-by-patient baals. Both the univenity and the county were forced to employ legions of clerka to check the billa, at, of course, tremendous eo1t . Under the proposed agreement, the county no longer will be billed under a fee-for-a-service fonnat. Inatead, it will make lump sum payments for outpatient emergency services and pay standardized dally rates for persons wh o must be hospitaliz.ed. Adjustments will be permitted based on volume of patients and specialized medical services provided. Negotiators say they've hit on a process to resol~e any future disputes in rapid fashion. (Exact details are still being worked out pending ratification of a conceptual framework by the O r ange County B oard o f Supervisors and UC Regents.) Critical to the success of the new proposal is for both sides to put past animosities and argwnents behind them. If they fail to do that, all that has been achieved will be lost and the new course of conduct doomed. TV spots skew politics I: Some citii.ens have noticed it already, and the rest will no doubt become aware, whether they like it or not, in short order. A deluge of candidates and causes is filling the public prints and the airwaves as the June 8 primary election approaches. Sto- ries and broadcasts tell of the la- test claims, charges, counterchar- ges, accusations and innuendo; while proponents of various pro- positions predict apocalypse if their measure loses, with oppo- nents predicting likewise if it wins. Keeping track of all this could numb the most seasoned politics aficionado. Adding significantly to the floodtide of politics are those ubi- quitous 30-second television spots. Anyone who watc hes a fair amount of television -that in- cludes almost all of us -can expect nightly bombardment of commereiala extolling the virtues of this or that candidate. Experts who keep track of these things say most voters get most of their in- formation about candidates and propositions through these paid announcements. That is where we see a pro- blem. These announcements try to portray candidates in the best possible light. Since 30 seoonds is barely enough time to introduce someone, let alone diacuss issues, the commercials generally rely on platitudes that sound nice but convey little substantive infonna- tion to the perplexed voter t.rying to make up his mind. With candidates being pitched like laundry detergent, voters must rely on fleeting images and emotional appeals to make their choices, which isn't very aound considering what's at stake. Detailed discussion of impor- tant issues, as a result, seems to have fallen by the wayside. The two major Republican candidates for governor, M ike Curb and George Deukmejian. are waging a holy war over which is the truest disciple of President Reagan. Little emphasis has been given to pressing problems s uch as the state's precarious financial condi- tion, quality of education , housing or transportation. Candidates no doubt feel that TV commercials are the most cost-efficient method of contacting the state's 11 million voters, but the e lectorate is getting short- changed. Voters are overloaded with generalities that are of little help in rendering an intelligent decision at the polls. Yes on 5 and 6 saves estate California's inheritance tax revenues have increased more than 300 percent in the past 10 years, largely due to inflated property values. To meet these taxes, many heirs have been forced to sell h omes and long -held f amity -owned farms and businesses. The impact is most severe on middle-income families who usually do not have enough aavinga to pay the death tax. Both Propositions 5 and 6 on the June 8 bafiot would repeal the preeent inheritance tax law. The measure receiving the largest vote would prevail. Proposition 6 is somewhat more carefully drafte d and contains a needed provision to prevent the. Legillature from later re-enacting an inheritance tax under some other name. Some public employee groups have opposed theae rnea1ure1 beca~ they would deprive the state of revenue whic h they oontend would have to be replaced by other ta:xe.. Abo ln oppotltion aM the polJtklally appointed lnberi tance ORANGE COAST · aauy l!ilat tax referees who are paid a percentage of the estates they assess. Opponents point out that the Legislature last year modified the inheritance tax laws to exempt surviving spouses from taxes and reduce the levy on other heirs. But as things stand, there is nothing to prevent the Legislature from reversing this action at some future date. Some contend the pri.nclpal benefit of these measures would go to the heirs of large estates. But in fact the well-to-do usually have auffident other interesta to cope with the tax. Thoee lell affluent too often have no rea>W"le but to sell property their families have worked a lifetime to acquire and develop -and on whlch other taxes have been fully paid. Although the death tax contributes only about 2 to 3 percent of the ttate't revenue, ita impact on survtvon can be cruel. The Dally Pilot recornmenda a YES vote on both Propoldtionl ~ and 6 to eDIJW'9 protection from state cOnfl8c:aUCJn of a lif•Ume of fArnlly savinp. Thomas P. Haley Publlwr TMmal A. M\JrpltlM Editor aarbara KNHtkta Edltorlat P891 Editor / ~Lf CT~D 6~£,AtER,~:/NtS~~~~E jOU "'-~VJoU~~P FU/91E f U · IS IT JU~T M&, Ort A~E TMEYALL BE~INNIN~ TO SOUNb ALIKE? Vietnam vets new heroes The girl was about 16, and she was shopping with her friends in the large bookatore. They were browsing through the paperbacks. She walked paat a counter marked "History," and some- thing caught the comer of her eye. She stopped. She picked up the book and smiled. "Oooh!" s h e said. "All right! Vietnam!" And then she started singing the words of a currently popular song: ''Still in Saigon, still in Saigon, still in Saigon .. .'' WE SEEM to have entered a new era. It is unwiae to generalize from one inci- dent, but if you have spen t any time lately talking with young people, it La clear that the war in Vietnam haa begun to take on a completely new meaning. Teen-agers in 1982 are too young to have any clear recolledion of the war. And surprisingly, when they do talk about it. it is in generally positive terms. They vaguely know that there waa political controversy surrounding the war. But that does not appear to ooncem them. To break it down to ita simplest terms, they feel that the young men who served in Vietnam were cool. 'They are not easily impressed, but when they meet a Vietnam veteran. It ls, in a minor way, like meeting a pop star. The teen-agers are only reacting to the environment around them. There has been a great deal of revisionism ooncer- ning Vietnam. It started -justifiably - when large numbers of Americana began conceding that, just because they had been against the war, there was no good reason to hate the warrion. Many people were ashamed of the cold reception that had been given the Vietnam veterans upon their return to the United Stat.es, and did their best to make it clear - however belatedly -that the anti-war fervor of the '60s and early '70s was aimed at th~liticiana in Washington who were · the decisions. not at the boys in Sou east Asia who were there against their will. But lately all of this thinking has been advanced one step further. Especially among young people, Vietnam veteran& are considered the manliest, gutaiest, most courageous follcs in America. U you Gardner's Column ~a ietnam veteran, you are accorded respect from the young that probably amazes you, especially in light of the attitudes that prevailed only a few short years ago. ALL ONE HAS to do is examine the popular stereotypes of the Vietnam 901- dier over the years. During the war and Ill Slllll the years immediately afterward, the ster eotypes were almost completely negative -the Vietnam soldier as baby-killer and villaae-bumer. Then, in the mid-and late-''70s. the stereotype turned to a troUbled, haunted man, per- hapa driven to drink or drugs by his Vietnam experiences, unable to rejoin IOCiety. Now, though, the stereotype is com- pletely different. U you had to sum it up in terms of one image, it would be the image of Tom Selleck, the handsome television star who plays a character named Tilornas Magnum on the program "Magnum, P.I." On the show, Magnum la a tough and eexy private investigator ln Hawaii. There have been other de- tective shows eet in tropical locales, but "Magnum. P.I." is differen~ its hero IS a Vietnam veteran. The Magnum charac- ter served in the war, and the rnessaRe is that now he i11 integrated into society again -a cannier, sharper, braver guy than before he went to Vietnam. Il is never stated that the reason he is so cool and sell-reliant is that he was a Vietnam soldJer -but the implication is there. THE SHOW IS perhaps the hottest on television. And the !act that the hero is a Vietnam veteran just goes along with the current changing of images. To use tem\S that have popped up in this column la· tely, people who served in Vietnam are widely considered to be real men these days; people who oppoaed the war are considered to be quiche-eaten. Part of this la becauae -now that the war i.s over -It is easier to put the politics of it behind us and remember only the adventure The '80s are a pretty dreary ume as far as visceral thrills go. And to a younger generation that looks forward to nothing much more than hanging around suburban shopping malls, the idea of hundred.a of thousands of men not much older than themselves bemg transported halfway around the world to risk their hves m jungle war- fare IS mtrigumg, to say the least. They know that they won't have to try it fll'Sthand -but there is something sort of glamorous, in a comic-book way, about the idea that walking among them are men in their 30s and 40s who ac- tually had the experience. and now are living right down the block. THIS IS NOT to say that we are raising a new generation of war-lovers. If a Vietnam-type situation were to come along tomorrow. you would be likely to find just as much protest and resistance as you saw 10 and 15 years ago. But in boring social times, young peo- ple look for heroes. And more and more they are becoming fascinated by the fact that the fellow walking down the street in a business suit, or working in the gas stauon as a mechanic, nught have been involved 1n a drama so wild and so dangerous and so bloody that there is almost no comprehending it. Th.is must be most confusing of all to the Vietnam veterans themselves. Last time they looked. they were villains Now they are real-life studs, held in high es~m by a generation too young to really remember what happened. Weird times. Wicks Voting booth vs. open hearings By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner Is a semi-retired jurist, frequent emcee and senior body surfing enthusiast along rhe Orange Coast. We are about to enter our biannual orgy of direct legislation. There have been 170 lnltlatlve and referendum measures on our st.ate ballota ainoe 1912. There are going to be eight more on the June ballot ancf petitiona are being circulated tor 18 more on the November t.llot. The inltlatlve and the referendum comUtute democracy carried to lta Jotlcal -er Wop:al lbniL Propooenta of e.ch ~upon ~tative ~t • watered-down democracy. Rouneau expce11ed the fundamental ,Idea: ''Every law whkh the piople ln pencil have not raUfied ii Invalid; it ta not the law." THIS CONCEPT waa entirely workable ln the New Enct.nd Town Hall and the Greek clty-atate 1ov- t rnmenta. Juat how reapon.lible lt ii in th• day of modern campaicn technlquet -computer lenen, mllllOn dollar campai1n funds and apot te1eYtalon prOjl'UDI II aabjlct to debate. After -.n. the U .8 . system of repneentatiw ~t II bMed on the thltla that we can bell P9ft b7 a •lM Hlectlon of reprtMntaUvn on wbcm )ldiment on can NJ1. Whm ,.. ct.ddl to rejtct that).,,..,..,., we_.. rid of thoee npnMlitattvee throqn ih• Uldtw~ Dl.Nct l~UOG N mitAatlft aDd ......... w Into bllnl • ~of aha ~aulw ...,....,.t ii tbl _.., 18001 who le1t1latuJ' .. were the captive• of the railroad• and other corporate lntereata to the detriment of the farmer and the wocldnc clals. Properly handled, theee p-ocedw.. for lntroduclni leplation are a lesftl.mate r.!!!.!~ .. tur political proceaa. ~ handled, the reault can be THE SUBJEC? la very tenaltln. A man wrota an article in the Loi Anpi. Tlmea recently entitltd ''The Abule o( the i...ptattve Plocw" and recetwd ln return • lhower oi abullve 1atten. I do not with to be«Jl'i• embroUld in a debltie •to direct w Np..itatlw ~den. I )wt Wint tD point out Cbe developcMn.l tn the lnltlallv• proc.aa which I tbJnk ill ~t ~ A Nffllt rullf\I by the Calif om la ....... Oaul1-..Softd tbe WI of tM 1n1~ procm·w lllOl laninl. TB8 CONCSPT of tb1 ordln.u1, ............ Dini.~ ........ liaat.· tb•.LJIO.f.•rty owner lt ·~ ••Llllil tD llOlh .. ~ • Cl . ,. DlllJ Piiat SUNDAY, MAY 30. 1982 FOR THE RECORD 84 . --. . Ocean View denied CIF softball title by Righetti. B3. 0 ~ 0 ·Quick Indy anticipated Mears sitting on pole lNDIANAPOLlS (AP) -Rick Me.rs, leading the fastest field of all time with the fastest car ever to race at the lndianapoliB Motor Speedway, will be at the front of the pack today when the green flag falls for the 66th and possibly m ost dangerous Indianapolis 500. Meara' teammate, Kevin Cogan, and A.J . Foyt, the only four -time winner in his sU ver-anniversary race. also will be on the front row for the flJ'St Indy race here in nine years run under the shadow of a driver death, the first m 24 years minus the defending champion and expected to be the first to ever feature 200-mph laps. The element of danger, always lurking in the background was in the forefront all month as the field -was narrowed to 33 cars for today's start before a crowd of more than 300,000 said. "Nobody wins it in the first tum or the first lap. You got to unpress that on the guys with less expenence." Three-time winner Johnny Rutherford , s tarting on the outside of the fourth row in the yellow Chaparral he drove to vtctory in 1980. said: "Safety in the race still depends on the drivers. If a guy sticks his neck out and takes chances, then there will be safety problems. "l don't thmk it's going to happen that way because I think ever ybody out there is well aware of the situation and will take care of each other " THIS YEAR'S rookies, at the request of several veterans, will display a "rookie strip" on their cars. showing everyone on the track where the drivers with less expenence are running. MIDDLE MAN -Dodger shortstop Bill RUSBell watches throw to first as Chicago hue-runner Keith Moreland tries to break up double play Saturday. Re.lay to first was late. .,~ Dodgers lost for second straight day to Cubs, 3-2 in 13 innings. See story, Page B2. Gordon Smiley, a 33-year-old, two-year veteran at Jndy, was killed in an explosive crash during a warmup lap on the first weekend of time tnals. THE START 0£ the race has produced some of the worst accidents at Indy, with the 700-horsepowe r, ope n-wheel racers bunched in rows of three and heading for the narrow first tum of the 2'h-rrule oval at more than 190 mph. Mears, driving an arrow-nosed Penske PC-10 considered the state-0f-the-art Indy racer, broke the four-year-old quahfication records with a fast lap of 207.612 mph and a four-lap average of 207 .004 . But the boyish -fa c ed 30-year-old, the 1979 Indy wmner, was JUSt one of eight drivers to make qualify at more than 200 mph Cogan, driving an identical Ford-powered PC-10, averaged 204 082, and Foyt, in one of the 17 March-Cosworth racers on the grid, got in at 203.332, both better than Tom Sneva's 1978 mark of 202.156. R eggie provides happy ending And this year there is the possibility of a letha l combination, with a field that averaged 197.740 mph, nine Indy rookies and a total of 18 drivers who nave driven 10 no more than two previous races here. Three drivers in the starting lineup have a half-lap's experience among them in Indy-car racing. By CURT SEEDEN °' ttle o.lfr Not ..... Daytime television drama ia conspicuously absent on Saturdafs and Swldays. but try telling that to the AngeJ.· ReaAe Jackson and Milwaukee'• Marshall Edwards. That's becauae Edwards came up empty and the Angels came up with their second straight oome-frcm-behind victory -a M thriller on what turned out to be Jadmoo'• .eventh home run of the year. .. I waa standing there on eeccmd, and I really wasn't sure Edwards didn't have the ball," Jlldmoll said. runth inning to send the game into extra innings. The Brewen, holding on to a 2-1 lead, picked up two runs in the top of the aeventh off staner Steve Renko, thanks to RBI hill from Cecil Cooper and Robin Yount. They were the principle characters in a gripping 10th inning Saturday afternoon before an Anaheim Stadium crowd of 26,620 and a national TV audience. With the game notched 4-4, Jackson tagged a Jamie Easterly 3-1 pitch to deep left~nter field. Edwards, in hot pursuit, leaped high and crashed off the waU. When it WU obvioua the ball WU somewhere behind the left. field fence, the Angela had recorded their 31st victory of the year against 16 defeats ana moved them l 'h games ahead of the Chicago White Sox in the American League West. ·'It's a great thrill to win a game like this," Jackson conti nued . "It builds confidence. I've been with a lot of winning teams, and the feeling here just kee ps growing and TBE ANGELS scratched back in the .eventh when Fred Lynn walked and Rod Carew bunted his way aboard: But Brewers' starter Handy Lerch threw the ball away on the bunt, allowing the runners to advance to aecond and third. That brought on Fingers. who had 10 saves coming into the game and who had shut the Angels down in the first game of the four-game series Thunday rught. What happened ? Well, for what seemed like a lifetime, no one really knew. F.dwards was stunned slightly and stayed on the ground. Jackson, WlSUtt of where the ball was., stopped at second and waited for umpire Jim McKean's ruling. growing." ~ Saturday afternoon, the Angels pulled it out the bard way, coming up with two runs in the seventh inning off Brewers' relief ace Rollie Flngen and then picking up the tying run in the Fingers managed to get Tim Foli to fly to right, but Bob Boone singled to bring both runs home and slice the lead to 4-3. "THEY SAY BASEBALL ia a game of inches, and I guess 1 was JU•t three inches too short," Edwards said after the game. In the ninth, Carew walked and one o ut later Boo ne delivered the lOOOth hit of his career. Brian Downing flied to center but Bobby Grich singled A lesson in supply and demand Lakers making huge profits while pricing out average fan The fact he aeems to be en)>ying himaelf notwithstanding, Jerry Buss is not ln the basketball business for the fun of it. "l 8Jll here," Busa says, "to make a profit." It ne<:essarlly follows, then, that there is nothing startling about the auapicion Busa operates within the framework of the law of supply and demand. In other words. au.. attempts to create a demand for more seat.a than he can supply. "Precisely.'' Buss saya. "And with an aggressive and energetic sales force and workable marketing ideas, I think we have succeeded." Busa might alao add that a winning team has greatly enhanced the demand for .eats at the Forum in Inglewood, where the Lak.en play. He might aJao not.e that the demand for c.t>ain at the Forum ia not in the leest compatible with all price ranges. NOTABLY, THE Labn recently engaged in two playoff .mes wherein all the 8Nta at the Forum were not eold for every game. Nonethelela. the Wken broke attendance records from the standpoint of dollar volwne, a mtuatlon you might call unreal. You DQht a1lo call it ut.cene. It II obvloua that in such a lltuatlon, the higher f;lriced Jocatiom were the onem In gatest demand. While tbl• ml1M aeem to be a dla1u1ttn1 commencary to tbe lpOr18 puNt. the ooe wtio at one pomt Ill hll stroll ~ lit. WM able to take bll t.mily to ...uac eyenta, tt .. quite refrah1nc to Jeny Bua That II to ay, a. would _pnfer that bla client.I c1amol' for Golden Qrde IMCll at $90 per oopy than ratter locadom at i-than $20. That be hM priced the ~ t... out of bll' ~ ... ilo' puticuler QQrllCKft to Jfft"I ... If the i..Mn ..-..W teem will aarvtw only • a bualn .. ventUft by havtn• a majority of lte ~ friliD the moN aalany, llO be lt. HOwever! wbU• Bu. doe1 .-odate with illMlrt"-he• quick to ~tout ttilit JDMY ot hll ..... ~ tillta .., ~ ......... IOld to dCh .. nabocty .,. ..... ol. 'n.lillnoitlO•y8'mdll9noit...Wdiiili*klle mid IOftl' c:lll9 ...,.. tn llilfDiL ·-b I lie #MD • • llllbb' •b bk ltlm • _.... TV. wb1Cb II j r SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER thought by many to be the next source from which to dredge vast numbers of banknotes. PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL suffered hard times on network television and a variety of reuona were put forth. A faction said too many black players were involved, another suggested that the ehUre period of action in a basketball game was stuffed into the final five minutes. The NBA eatabllahed the three-point field goal rule and added a few new nicknamee and the ratinp picked up. However, Busa la far too shrewd to entertain a notion thee thinp had anything to do with anything. .. TV la a better market now becauae of the economy," Bual explai.na. "People are staying home DlOre." Clearly, Bum' intention ia to develop a climate ln Southern C.allfomla wherein the HollyWood celebrities and Beverly Hilla 80dety come to the Fon.am and occupy Golden Circle aeata. The ahoe clerkl wW be ...ved at home throuah the fadlldee of pay or cable televillon. •v IT TURNS out that buketba1l ta a natural for p.y TV," 8'.-eaya, "it will endone a theory I haW bad for • °" time." a. recently put hill money when hll mouth w.. Be~ a new. ratbw Jencth;y, OOl\b'act wtth ON • TV, which eet Mkte hll ptana to buy or create • cable netwwk. of hia own. "~ hM ~ &dJ1I for it to pay TV," a..9 •JL .. It ~ :Jt!~ tNquenily and lt w = wbiin p9opljl ~ • lot of dmll ln their ... ~ .... --." Of .... If .. DlaYofll ... to tie biclud9d tn --~ :i.;h....,.-ft.mu.t bi, ,.n'lllCI up that brilr...u II allFO pllJid 1DDlt ol tbl ........ up the middle to send the game in to extra l..nn.ings. Onc e again , the Angels received excellent relief pitching with Doug C-orbett going two innings and Luis Sanche z pitching the 10th to earn hia third victory without a loea. Meanwhile, the Brewers' Edwards -even though he couldn't catch Jackaon's hit - will always remember the play. (See ANGELS, Pa1e 85) "It's said over and over again every year, but everybody out there just has to keep in mind that this la a ~00-mile race," Foyt Ma rio Andretti, one of the principals m last year's post-race ruling that almost cost Bobby Unser his third Indy victory will be on the inside of the second row after qualifying at 201.172 in a Wildcat-Cosworth. Next to him, at ZOl.884, will be teammate Gor\:ion Johncock, the winner of the 1973 race in wluch Swede Savage lost his life -the last driver to die at Indy before Smiley. Six area players on first team Fullerton High sweeps top honors on all-country squad By ROGER CARLSON Of the 0..,, ll'tkl4 • ..., All..()range County baseball honors, as selected by the Daily Pilot, go to six Orange C.OOSt area athletes for first team and another 11 on the second and third teams. Sunset League champion Edison garnered three berths, sharing with Fullerton High u the only school to gain three spota, while Fountain Valley and Fullerton are the only achoola to land two playen on the first team. Fountain Valley shortstop Steve Jongewaard and first baaeman Dean Roberta were accorded first team laurels, as were Edison outfielder Mike DeBenon, Huntington Beach catcher Greg Shirley, Corona del MJ" ~ baseman Gordon Moss and Ocean View out.fielder Fred Tuttle. PLAYER OF THE YEAR ho nors to g o Fullerton High's Mike Willes, a third baaeman with a .461 batting average, includinR eight home runs and 33 RBI. Coach of the Year a1ao aoe. to Fullerton High Gene Martin, who 9e0t 11 tee.ma to the CIF playofb in hit 12-year tour, and captured eight league champio~P'! one CIF title and three CIF finals bertha, edged Corona del Mar's Tom Trager for the honor. 'J'raaer has guided Corona del Mar to four COn1eCUtive Sea View Leque Cl'OWllai the 1981 CIF 2-A championship and a 43-7-1 record over the past two yean. '- MOSS, ONE OP ONLY TWO juniors on the fint teem. wu the catalyst of Corona del Mar's 1982 SUQC.88, playing a llOlld aecond bue and hlttf.na at a .IW>i cllp, with power. . DeBenon, an AU..or.n,. County .l)IQv u a junior and an All-CD'~ beriecf .418 .. an outfielder and coml)l)ed an 8-2 NCOld •a p&tdm' with a 1.71 ERA. Ile'• headed for Stanford. Alm p6ddna up honon from Edllon were pitcher Orea Cloney (second team) and third bMeman Jc» KWOSH (third team). Fountain Valley'• one-two punch of J~aard·Bobertl Lid the e.ror. to 10 ttnilht vtc?tertet to oomt ~t of nowhere and f1nlab ttcOnd ln the Sw.t ~· JONOSWA:dD IA'ITD .tff end Roberti ,... at the MT ~-u. Ntl&Mr bar oammltt.ed to • .,.. ·~ ..... anuctpe*'I • ielectbl int.be -~...,..draft. . Shirley, the premier catcher of the Sunset League and a three-year starter for the Oilers, is headed for Arizona State after a 380 season at the (See ALL-COUNTY, Page Bt) * * * * * * ALL-ORANGE COUNTY Flnt1 Team Poa. Pl'fler, acbool Mark Cl. P -Jim alley, Magnolia 9-0 Sr. P -Paul Claes, Fullerton 14-1 Jr. P -Jeff Ost.erode, Pacifica 7-1 Sr. C -Greg Shirley, Huntington Beach .380 Sr. C -Kurt Beametlderfer, Troy .492 Sr. lB-Dean Roberts, Fountain Valley :·447 Sr. 2~rdon Moss, Corona del Mar .509 Jr. 3B-Mike Willes, Fullerton .461 Sr. SS-Steve Jo~ewaard, Fountain Valley .404 Sr. OF-Fred Tu e, Ocean View .426 Sr. OF-Craig Robison, La Habra .438 Sr. OF-Mike DeBenon, Ediaon .418 Sr. Ut-Bill Bean. Santa Ana 7-3, .444 Sr. Second Team P-Dave Rhode, Corona del Mar 8-1 Sr. P -Steve Scanlon, Magnolia 5-1 Sr. P ~g Cloney, Ed.iaon 11-3 Sr. C -Tom Pruko~ Servite .479 Sr. C -Jeff Field, ta Mesa .423 Sr. lB-Mlke ~· Mater Dei .431 Jr. 2B-Davtd ea, Fullerton .~ Jr. 3B-Pat Flynn, El Modena .500 Sr. ss-Jeff Gardner, &tanc.ia .470 Sr. OF-Joey McKay, Vllla Park .430 Sr. OF-Deron Curran, Loara . 401 Sr . OF-Dan Honiltel, Servite . 440 Sr . Ut-Phil WooJMy. Foothill .444 Sr. ftlrd Team P -Gary Buckela, Huntlnston Beach 9-3 Jr. P -MUea Schuler, 0ranp M Sr. p -Mike McPhee, BrM~ 4-2 Sr. C -Rick Simpon, SA Valley . 452 Sr . c ---J)a.mcn Berryhill. J..ecliria 8-ch .393 Sr. 1&-Dave Palmer, Sunny Hilla .380 Sr. 2B-Vlnce = La Qulnta .420 Sr. 3B-JoeK ~ .Ml Sr. SS-Mike Undnm. Mater Del .424 Sr. 01'-Don Duncan. ~ .411 Sr. OJ'-JeU H.olmlt. Mliidon V..jc> .411 Sr • OF-Jim a..bo, lrYtne .324 sr. Ut-K.mn Stanley. Ocei.n View ... s .. 310 Sr. ' d -' Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mav SO, 1HI .-----------------lmlll!!• Nixon ringleader in W esthead revolt From AP dl1pa&cllet PHILADELPHIA-Nonn Nixon, m a atandout for the Los Angelee Laken ln the National Buketbalf A.aod.ation playoffs thia spring, aaya that he led a revolt againat fonner Co.ch Paul Wetrthead prior to the start of the 1979-80 playoffa. Nixon. who acored 24 points Thunday night as the Lakers topped Philadelphia 124-117 to take a 1-0 lead over the 76ers in the NBA'a Championahip Serles, aa..id he felt Westhead was hampering the club's chances for the title two yea.rs ago. The Lakers went on to wln the championship, defeating the 76era in six games in the finals. They were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs last spring and Westhead was fired after only 11 games of the just~pleted aeaaon. "We held a meeting before the start of the playoffs that year," Nlxon said. "We had stopped doing the thinp we do well, working the last break, running. Paul waa complicatlng our offenae too much. We had goUen away from the things we do well. "I spoke first," the slick guard said. "I told him ln front of the whole team to leave ua alone and let us go back to what we were doing. It was real quiet in there after I spoke. "Then, Kareem (center Kareem abdul-Jabbar) got up and backed me up, That made me feel good. He took the floor and said basically the same thing. And then Buck (Nixon's nickname for Earvin "Magic" Johnaon) spoke out. And it worked. Paul backed down and let us get back into our running game." From Page 81 ALL-COUNTY • • • plate. Along with pitcher Gary Buckels (third team), Shirley led Huntington Beach to a CIF 4-A playoffs berth and the Oilers were among the top rated teams in the 4-A division. Tuttle alammed the ball at a .426 rate with 34 hits, 7 triples and 23 RBI and will be playing for the Cal State Fullerton Titans next season. AL THOUGH OCEAN VIEW'S record failed to crack the top three in the SUNet League, the · Seahawks were not overlooked in terms of individual talent. The University of Southern California wants Kevin Stanley and although he had an "off aeaaon" in tem\S of anticipation, he still had enough to gamer third team honors. Stanley struck out 104 batten with a 2.74 ERA and was a .289 baller as a first h@aeman. Other seoond team choices go to Corona del Mar pitcher Dave Rohde, Ed.lion pitcher Greg Cloney, Costa Mesa catcher Jeff Field, Mater Dei first bueman Mike Kelly and Estancia shortstop Jeff Gardner. ROHDE WAS t-1 as a pitcher and a crisp .400 hiller as a third baseman; Cloney was 11-3 with a 1.98 ERA; and Field, an All-CIF catcher as a junior, dominated the Sea View League with a .423 batting average, including 7 homers, 7 doubles and 31 RBl in a apace of only 23 games. Kelly led Mater Dei with a .431 batting average and was an excellent defensive first baaeman, while Gardner, the Sea View League's Player of the Year, batted .470 and played sterling defenae. Gardner has choeen Orange Coast College aa hia ateppinptone to a potential spot in the profe91ional ranks. OTHER THIRD TEAM honon go to Laguna Beach'• Damon Berryhill, Mater Del'• Mike Llndaten and Irvine's Jim Gasho, in addition to Stanley, K wolek and Buckel.a. Lindlten, headed for Cal, batted .424 for the Monarchs and i.a considered to have beller range than fonner Mater Dei standout Pete Beale. Berryhill was a three-year All-South Coast League catcher for Laguna Beach and batted .393 in his aenior ae.-on. Gaaho led Irvine to a second place finish in the Sea View League, a game behind Corona del Mar. His batting average was .324 on a team loaded with balance. Kwolek batted .341 with 22 RBI and 10 extra hue hits in 85 at-bats, and Buckel&, a junior, fashioned a 9-3 record with a 2.20 ERA. Spring Clearance Along with 12.8~ financing an our new Codlllocs are dlteounted durlng our spring clearance. A spectacular IOle on all Sevtllel. Eldorados. DeVllles. Broughams and Clmarrons Huge selection Choole from our huge setectlon of hundred• °' °""' Codllloc:s and take odvontoge o4 the most IUbltontlol ICMng, this year TremendOUs dlteounts on oil dletels v~ MN the rtew HT4100 power tVJtem modela. -In all ttle colon vau want -and with the options VoU detire Arid Oii reody fOf Immediate ~ .,,,_thef vou with lo buv or lea• PDW la the ti,,,_ But the 9'JPPly la cWlnltety llmlt.d -IO btt an to hUTV In eaftV tor vour belt •lecflan. lhl• II yow lalt chance ••• ONLY 2 DAVI LEFr NABEftS,2600 Horbot Blvd . JP . .._ r.Y1 -1 -.&~ C<l&ta Melo '-"'U"I~ (714) 640-9100•(213) 6&7·8266 \ Clark on a tNr u CJlantt roll Ja4* Qark drove In Ila NM wt\h • two heme nana. lnd~ h18 tOW1h carwer srand al&m. to le.cl the San J'rancleeo Olanta to a 8-& vlctory OYV the Ptttabu.rlh Ptra\tl Saturday ntaht. It wu the aecond atratabt two-homer_ &ame for Clark, who drove in fivw NM Frtday nlaht in San Francl1co'1 10·& win over Plttaburah ... ElHwhere in the National Leasue, Tlm Flauery'1 two-out. run-acortnc double snapped a 2-2 ti• ln the ninth IN\1nc and 11.ti.d San D6eao to • •·2 victory OW!' l'.Mtem DlWdon-1-dlai S't. Lou.la . . . Joe Nlekro'1 five-hit pUch!nc and hornen by Daaay Beep and Ray KAIOt cArried Houston to a 5-2 victory oveahe New ~ork Meta . . . Right-hander Dick R•tllvea teaed a five-hitter for hia fourth atraiaht victory u Philadelphia anafped a two-game b1nc streak, edainl Atlanta. -0. Bo Dl.u drove tn the only run with a ucrifice fly . . . Gary Carter blasted a three-run homer with one out in the eighth inning, and Steve Rosen acattered eight hits aa Montreal extended ita wiMing atl'Mk to eight games with a 4-1 triumph over Ci.ndnnati. Quote of the day Kevin Co1an, ttflecting on the death of • fellow race driver Gordon Smiley; ''There's no way you can ju.at stop people being hurt and killed sometimes. So the people who talk about us wanting to kill our.elves or being crazies will always be around. We have to live with that.'' Morgan catches falterlng Maltbie Gii Morian holed out hla l!I 167-yard approach shot for an ~ 2 on the closing hole Saturday to join faltering Roger Maltbie for the third-round lead of the weather-plagued Memorial Golf Tournament in Dublin, Ohio. Morgan made up eight lhota on Maltbie after shoot:inR a 5-under-par 67, while Maltbie had to settle Tor a 75 ... Katlay Bite withstood challenges by a half-d<nen pursuers to maintain her lead after three rounds of the Coming C1aasic in New York. Hite, whose only victory in eight years on the LPGA tour was at Corning last year, shot a 1-under-par 71, two strokes ahead of Amy Alcott and Sudra Ha)'llle . . . Bera.llant Langer of We.rt Germany carded a 2-under-par 70 to share the halfway lead in the Sun Alllance PGA Championship in Southport, England with Briton Sam Torrance. I~ • • I Flanagan extend• 1trlng In epllt Mille rleur: allowed five hltl whli. m.endlna atrtnc ot ..._ lnn1np api.rwi Toronco to 37, and BalUrncn det .. ted the Blut Jaya, 3-1 In tht opener of Saturday'• twl-nl1ht double-heeder. Dave R•verta' drove in five runa, lnclud.lna the ~winner wt\h a two-out l1na1e ln the ninth lnni"8 to atve Toronto an 11·10 victory ln the eecond pine . . , Peal • Spllttorff and Doa Hood teamed up on a four·h1tter and Bal McRae had five hit.I and drove ln three runa u Kanaaa Cit_y routed Texu, 14· l . . . Luce Pant& hit a two-run homer and ecored two runa to help Detroit beat Oakland, 7-4 . . . Ilea Griffey hit a run-1corln1 double and came home on flLANAGM Oacar Gamble'• ainale in the ninth lnn1ng to give New York a 6-4 ded8ion over M.lnneeota, a pme ln which the Twins turned the flrat triple _play of the 1982 major-league 1euon ... Chicago right-hander LaMan Boyt'• peraonal wi.nnlng streak ended at 14 pnM!ll aa Cleveland l>C)Wlded out 14 hits to beat the White Sox, 5-2 . . . Paal Serna ignited a fourth-inning rally with hia first homer of •he aeuon as Seattle held on to defeat Boston 4-~· ' Titans pull dramatic comeback TEMPE. Ariz. -Jolln Flabel'a • two-out RBI single capped a three-run rally as Cal State Fullerton lhocked Arizona State, 10-9, in the aecond round of the NCAA West 2 regional baaeball tournament Saturday night. In an earlier game, Houston defeated San Diego State, 13-3, to knock the Aztecs from the double-elimination tournament. The Cougars will play the Sun Devil.a thia afternoon with the survivor to play the Titana tonight. With the Titans trailing 9-7 entering the ninth inning, Mike Vanderburg, an Orange Cout College product. tied the acore with a towering two-run homer to right field. Limon regains Junior llghtwelght title Rafael "Ba1ooka" Llmoa of ·• Mexico, tralllng on all three judpl' acorecard1, landed 13 unanawered punches to knock out Rola••• Navarette in the 12th round Saturday and !'_esain the World Boxing Council junior lightweight crown. Rookie·'s hit sinks Dodgers Cubs win it in 13th, 3-2 CHICAGO (AP) -Rookie Ryne Sandber1 plays an out81and.ln8 pine at third bale, la bejlnni.nc to find hiJme1f at the plate and has becXJme a ~player. sandbef'I battled pitcher~ Pena from an 0-2 count to 3-2 before a run-9C01'inc aingle with two outa ln the 13th Saturday to give the Chicago Cube a 3-2 victory C1Ver the Lo. Angeles Dodgen. "Wlth tli.e count 0-2, I had to flaht off the allden," said Sandberg. "I had faoec:f him once On TV today channel 11 at 11 : 15 before and knew he throws sliden and futba.lla. He's a power pitcher. "WHEN THE count went to 3-2, I knew he'd throw a fastball because BW Buckner waa the next baller and he didn't figure to take a chance on walking me with a breaking ball, It waa a fut ball, right over the plate." Sandberg singled to right and Gary Woods romped home wiih the winning run to give the Cubs thelr third straight victory. Sandberg'• excellent defensive play has enabled Manager Lee Ella to keep him in the lineup. "He plays some kind of third base," aa..id Elia, "and he has great speed. He's had some big hits for us the last week. "Remember," aaid Elia, "he was strugg)..ing around .185 before we went on that long roed-triP, and now he's got his average around .235, which means he's improving on his offense all the time." THE VICTORY waa the first this aeaaon for reliever Lee Smith who said, "I keep getting help from everybody all the time." Some of that help came after Friday's game when he experienced a. spell of wildness. "Lee (Smith) had a control problem yesterdav and after the game we worked it out and it proved valuable today," said Elia. SIJPER SPECIAi. A~ AL\r l.OCA1'tONS ~PlYSONLY OPEN MIMOttl .. L OAY -· ... ··-----~ ··-· .. -. . . ··-........... Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 30, 1912 Ocean View victimized by Righetti, umpire IY H~ARD L, HANDY °' ........... D -For the record, RiahettJ H1ah School of Santa Ma.rt. 1ucceeafuUy defended lta aF 4-A womon'a IOftball champlonahJJ> S.turday !t with • 3-0 trtwnph oveor • aame Ckean View H h team at Mayf atr Park here before a crowd of 2, , But th• "*10l'd doeln't tell all of the 1tory. Far from It. Emotion• play a 11r1e part In any ch&mpionah.lp encounter, amateur or profe.ional. and the Seahawkl of C.oach Sarah Oakley had id suffer the blUest letdown any team could have when home pl.ate umpire Mike Morale. took two runs away from them in the third inning. To aet the st11e, Righetti had acored an unearned run tn•the third lnn1ng to take a 1-0 lead. In the bottom half of the same frame, Becky Brummett belted a liner over the pitcher's head into center field for what turned out to be the only Ocean View hit of the game. This came with one out. LYNN ALF ARI was then safe on what was ruled a fielder's choice putting runners at first and second. After a atnkeout, Jennifer Thiebert equared to bunt and hlt the ball sharply to the second basemen who bobbled it with Brummet scoring. Allari aJao cromed the plate and Thiebert wound up at second baae. But Morales, after standing and watching the action withc)ut raising his arms, ruled that Thiebert had stepped on the plate and disallowed the two rum and ended the threat right there. Ocean View pitcher Pam White, upset by the call, gave up a run on three h.its in the next inning Connors, Lloyd win as expected PARIS (AP) -Top-seeded Jimmy Connors and Chris Evert Lloyd posted victories Saturday to reach the quarterfinals of the third-round French open tennis tournament, wh.ich has been hit with an outbreak of nu among the players. Connors breezed past his third-round opponent, Guy Forget. a 17-year-old Frenchman who is ranked 63rd an the world, with a 6-2, 6-3. 6-7, 6-1 victory. "He's a young guy who tries to hat a lot of winners and makes a lot of errors," Connors said of Forget, who on Friday topped Romanian Ilie Nastase. "Forget's 17 and at that age, u's now or never." Connors, who never has made it to the finals of the French Open, next meets American Chip Hooper, the No. 16 seed. Lloyd, favored to win a fifth title in Paris, eliminated fellow American Pam Casa.le 6-2, 6-0. The 27-year-old American star has not lost a set in her advancement to the $51 ,000 prize for the women's singles crown. Lloyd's quarterfinal opponent Monday will be Lucia Romanov. Romanov advanced Saturday with a fourth-round triumph over No. 8 leed Anne Smith of the United Staies, who withdrew because of a atomach flu that has forced at least eeven players to abandon the two-week clay court tournamenL and ftilh•ttJ added another 1n the •venth on another error. Moralea wu reluctant to dlacw9 the lituaUon after the ~ame. 1tating almply: "I called It when lt happened, I lf he dJd, few, it any 1n the park ~ he had called the batter out. Why he dJd.n't ttep 1n front of the plate and aJgnal ao all could aee he wouldn't 1N1wer lnlt.Md. Al.fart came all the way from lee.'Ond bue to 9COl'e and Thtebert wu on 1erond when he finally let everyone know hia nillng. IT WAS A bad break for the Ocean Vlew team and very definitely upeet them in the field in the next half tnninR. "I didn't step on the plate," ThJebert aaid. ''We equare IU'OWld to bunt or awing away all the time and I dJd.n't move my lower body until after I hit the ball. He didn't call lt until I was on aeoond base." Ocean View pitcher White said: "I was right there in the on-deck circle and he dJdn't call It until the play was all over. Yes, I waa upee< a UtUe in the next inning." Wh"ther Moraloa made the call or not when he 1hould have dono IO, It wun't tNde clear to othen until after tho play wu concluded lncludln& the Righetti defend ns who oonunJtted two errons on the play. Reaardle91 of the outcome, the Ocean Vlew team had ill moat 1ucceaful aeuoo ever. "We couldn't quite do lt," Oakley Mid. "We had to aet all of the brealu to wln and we didn't do It I feel we had a very good ae.uon. "YES, THAT call 1n the third uming took a lot out of them but we came in aa underdop and I think we played well." Righetti had won the 4-A title for the put two years and wu the 3-A winner the aeuon before that giving them four in a row. Ka&ndy 1''ou1t and WhJle hooked up ln a pitcher'• battle that mJghl have aone on lndeflnJtely had Ocean Vluw been allowed the two runa ft ecored in the third Fouat allowed only one hit and had 11 alrikeouta wh~ walking her counterpart White twl~. White bad 8 1tnkeouta and walked three but It wun't one of her better games. There were aeveraJ out.tandlna fielding playt 1n th., game. The first may have been the omen the Seahawka weren't lookmg for in the aecond when left fielder Ganger Ensign made a dJvlna catch of a fly ball down the left field line oil the bat of Roman Law.on. White also contnbuted one m the sixth when she fell fielding a bunt but rolled over and threw out the runner. Ever Thought of Teaching Tennis? GET CASH FOR YOUR ALUMINUM CANS! J Orange Coast College's Recycling Center will pay cash for your aluminum cans. The current market rate is 18¢ per pound. Open for buy-backs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m . Easy access parking--east - bound off Adams Ave., between Harbor Blvd. and Fairview Rd. Every Tuesday (except holidays) RECYCLING MAKES "CENTS" AT occ·s RECYCLING CENTER! Help Prevent llrth Deteotl - the Nation's Number One Chld Healtl1 Problem. ~IM March of dP!!'!!. FOUNlAJ10H I t; Southern Callfornl• Institute of Tennis SCIT -A program that trains you to be ar:i effective, successful tennis Instructor -whether you have ever taught before or not. Designed to accommodate students wirh a wide range of backgrounds and experience. SCIT shows individuals who have never taught tennis before how to be effective, successful teachers. Located at the RACQUET CLUB of IRVINE, SCIT 1s under the direction of DANE PETCHUL, certified USPTA professional. 'or Information and• brochure call 552-568) The Racquet Club of lrvlne 5 Sandburg Way, lrvlne, CA 92715 522-5683 Jarl'ran Truck Rental e1rt SUl Ml.I sAT., ., .... s. 1112 CJO DAU 9.9 (ftJI $lJl 10.. 7 CftJI IDl 9·6 (MAY 31) Develop & Print 12 Exposures ••• $1 .9 20 Expo•ures ••• $2.9 24 Exposures ••• $3.sw; 31 Exposur••···Sl.191-.~----:::::. \\t llstened to the problems people encountered when they m~ them- selves. And b1ed to come up with a solutk>n. We caJI our solution the Jartran M<Mng System. An economical, practi· caJ W"i to l1lOYe yourself. OUr~are made ror people~ aren't truck d~rs. Most of them ~ automatic transmission, radio and bucket seat.s. Power steering and power brakes.~ ""1th special ae~ d)!wnk: Nose Cones• to linprtM mlleage and handling. We C.Sn Pf'O'Ade you ""1th trallers, hand bUck,, and riiovlng pads. A com- plete M<Mng Oulde. And a 2~hour toll.free marntenance number. All that plus a network of dealers all O\ler the c:oun~ adds up to the Jartran Moving System. A p~tonal way for an amateur mover to l'TlO\ie. I ' . \ ,..... ___ .......... ---·-·"""'..---•*"t"!""' ....... . or-. OOUt DAIL. V PIL.OT /Sunday, May SO, 1Ha ,...------------------------..... ~------~~-----------------------:-------------------------------------------------. ~ ' I I ., . n ~f;.:r:' • l ..... .MO -• IM 1141 .546 6141 . 4'1 • ..... . St7 18 . 245 20 . 644 - 121 1 w a .... 1 .4n 1 ... .471 7\41 . 422 10 AtMn1a 21 18 ....... eoo -.545 2'AI .489 5 .447 7 438 7'AI 400 I Sen OleoO 24 20 ........ 23 24 Houlton 21 21 Sell F.-.ndlloo 21 27 Qndrwietl 11 2 7 ....... DhWM 2t 11 111 -24 11 .561 3 25 21 .~ 3141 23 21 .w 4\41 21 21 .447 8 11 21 .)116 10 .... ,.. .... Q*-00 3, ~ 2. (13 mlnoll MonV9lll 4, Clnc:hletl 1 ,.....,....1,AllentaO a.n ffenc:leOO I . Plt19bwOh ti Houl*on 5, Mew Yotlc 2 Siii 01eoO 4, S1. ~ 2 T..,....._ ~ (Velefuuel• .... , ., Cflic990 (.-.WM) ClncilnNlll (P-. 4-4 1K ..,... 1.01 et Mantrllml (~ S-3) Hou•ton (KMPP•f 2·11 at New YOfll (Soon 1-41 • Allante (Mahler 4-31 et Phtladelphle 1Caf11on Ml 8an FnrldlcO (Gale 1-4) .. Plnmurgll (Aflodln 2-4) Sa n Diego (Lollu 5·01 at 81 Louie (~U) A...uc:AN LaAQUI Mtel9S. ...... , -.w1.uua c~•u •' llM • r •M EOwerd&, d4 0 0 0 o-q, II 6 1 I 0 Molllot, 3b 5 , 3 0 Gndl. ai 6 0 2 1 Cooper, lb 4 0 2 1 Seylor, dll 4 0 0 1 Yount, • 5 1 2 1 o.ar-3b4 0 1 0 OQM9.11 5121A.JUn,rll111 HoMI.. Cltl 3 0 1 0 L,.,n. cf I 1 0 0 Mon9y, dll 2 0 0 0 c.-. 1b 2 2 1 0 ~lf4000Fol.• 4 010 G.ntrw. :!%15 1 2 0 8ooN. c 4 0 3 2 Yo.I, c 2 0 2 O Wiifong, Pf O O 0 0 ~.cOOOO Totale :Je..4.14-3 Totale 38 5 11 5 .... .., ....... ·----000 200 200 0 -4 Cellomle 100 ooo 201 t -5 Of'8 OUI .....,, Mr"*'8 NII ICClt9d. E-l.«ctt. OP,.._.._ 1, Cellofnle 1. L09·Mllwauk•• 10, Ca lifornia 8 28-0.C.-. 3&-Y-1 H~. Jaclleon (1'). a.v-. EOwwde. SF~. -.1 1• • M "D • to L...c::fl 8 • 3 3 2 1 f)loar9 3 41 122 ~0.11 'Al 1 1 1 0 0 AeNlo ~ 11 4 4 0 0 ....... ~20000 eon.n 2 10020 Sandia IW.3-01 1 O O O 0 1 L.-cfl S*dled '° 2 ...... In .. 11'1. H9P·I Y 8-heir (9 rovh9rd). T·3 01. A-M.920. ............... .._ Yotlc 000 011 0024 11 0 ...,._,.. 000 202 CI00-4 • 1 Jafln, Fnzler (1'). ~(I) and~ ,,..._, .._ (8) and ._... I.-'--,I). W-Aawle y, 3·1. l -Havena, 1·4 A.-18,109. ,_.,.,, .... o.ll'Oll 000 otO 40t-1 tO o ~ 010 000 1I0-4 • , WllOH, loM r:,:,,:,":~arr't/lh, N«rl•. ~Cf).T. ma!: W-W.... ..a. L-Nenta. ).;a 14~ H"-Qiwojt, ~ (1). o.k • ~ 4}.A-M,11S. ..., .. ,........,., ~ °"Y ooe 003 OU-14 ti 0 T-001 000 000-1 4 t tplltlorll. Hood (I) e nd Wathe n , ~.luldw (l).0-(l~o.wtrl(ll encl lundb•rt W-lpllltorll, 3 4 l-~ CM A-11,132. NST ... o.....ea.-..i.,.1 Toronto o0o 000 001-1 & 0 ......,_.. tOO ooo 0111-a 1 o Lael and ....-un.; ~ end ...,, w -"•neoan 3.4 L-L•••. 3.a HA-Mtlmcn. Ow.-(II~ .. «:c*D .... -..... 11, °"9lel ... Toronto SO. ooo 011-11 13 1 B11111rnore 400 001 eoo-10 1& o Clenoy. D. Murrey (1), Garvin (7), Met •IGNln W.,,~'· e. Manin. (8); MGOnvot. (1). o. Oevta (3). f M81'1lM1 (II. St (I) end o.mc-v W-Mcila\IQlllln, 2·2. L-8toddard .. 0-~ HA -Toronlo, Revering (2). 9elllmore , Oempeey (I). Ayala (2). A-21,241 .................... ec.on 000 020 000-2 I 1 9-lta 000 400 001!-4 7 0 Hum. 9. Stan19r (41 and OedMain, M. Moote, 8. <:Wk (t~ ~ (I) and 8ulllt>a W-M Moo••. 2·5 l -Hu••I. I· f. S-Caudll (1). HA-ao.ton. 8taplelon (5). S.ltle, SernA (1). A-2&.71541 ......., Kleon ,,..,.. "-bhn 8ancNi Witt Fortdl ~ Menno TOTALS Angel..,.. ... unweca M" M ... ,.._ 62 8 II 0 e .308 140 20 42 • 21 300 140 27 41 0 10 293 140 1 40 1 18 2ee 114 31 62 I 21 213 154 15 43 2 24 271 147 21 40 I 12 .272 UM 21 4e 7 30 260 141 20 34 7 Ill .241 2t 2 7 0 3 241 117 20 40 5 17 240 24 2 5 0 0 208 34371320I • 0 1 0 0 1'7 46 4 7021111 3 2 00 0 .000 1588 208 421 31 11• 2t3 ~ • M • tO W~ PA 23~ 11 • 10 1.0 o.n 41 31 22 25 4-c> 2.oe 54'AI 48 7 21 5-1 2 15 341\41 21 18 31 3-2 2 41 70 .. 15 22 5-2 2.13 21 21 11 IS S-0 3.21 31.,.. S2 21 II U 3.22 79.,.. 72 II 22 4-4 3.62 34 • 13 23 1·2 4.24 40'AI 48 II te 2-1 4 .• 44M4 $38 UICI 111 31· 19 2.90 NA TIONAl. LEAGUE Cube a, Dodgen 2 LOI__.. cacAOO • r llM • r ... aa..2b 8000W11a.:zt> 3021 °'1&.rt 4 2 2 o c.noo.i.p o o o o ThomM. ct 2 o o o a. Than, P' o o o o Ball•. I 3 O 1 O W. Hmdz. pO O O O ~d2000 Hndrwl,pf\1 000 A. ..... p 0 0 0 0 Le Smttl, pO 0 0 0 °'*"'· Clf 4 0 1 1 H.. er.... ph I 0 0 0 0...-, lb 4 0 I 1 8ndllro. ~ e 0 t I ~.pOO O O ~.111410 I 0 """-· p 0 0 0 0 liolor9hl. If 3 0 0 0 Jo . ...-. phi 0 1 0 Ourtwn. d. I 1 0 ..... pr 0 0 0 0 Molrw. • 3 1 2 1 ...... p 0 0 0 0 J. Kndy, 2b2 0 0 0 "-**.10 000 --.. 4 000 °"· 111 5 o o o J. o.-. c 4 o 1 o ..... clOOO Malla.P 2000 -----5000 llftOgl.ph 0000 _,,paoooWooda.• 1110 ........ , 0 0 0 0 ........ 1112 0 0 0 Tllllit 41 2 I 2 T~ 44 3 9 3 Loi~ 9:9 'Z~ 000 0 -2 Q*-00 0 IO 000 100 000 I -3 T-°"' .._ Mr"*'8 ""' _.., E..owtwft. L.09-Lot ~ 7. CNcliOO 15. a.Orta.~ ...... 8uckner. 8-J. o..ta 2. SF-Mia. 1-........ •H1ta•to .....,, 8~122 13 8. Howe I , 0 0 2 0 Nledanfuer '" 0 0 0 4 0 F~~-l'AI O 0 0 O 2 Romo 2 00011 IA, Pena (L,Q.1) ~ 2 1 I 1 0 ~ 7 52222 Camobel 2 00001 w.~-2 1 o o o , Le. 8mlth (W. 1.0) 2 0 0 0 0 I WP-Nole&. T-3:61 A-25.971. ...... ,,.,_. AtW!la 000 000 000-0 5 0 ""*°"""'* 000 001 OOa-I • , P. ,._,., and e.n.dlol: """'-and 8 Ola. W-""""'4n. ~. l -P. Nllllrel, 2·2 A-2t,794 . .......... 1 Clncllnnall 000 000 0 10-I I 0 Montr9el 000 001 Ob--4 10 1 S--, Prtoe (I). Kam (I} -O'!Wry, T-4fto (7). W~ 7-3. L-Pnot. 1-2. HA-Clftdnne11, E. Mlln« (1). MontfMI, C... (10). A-21,037. ~ MCa. 400 twda-Dum H AYr1 (et.oer) 9.00 UO 2.IO FMll flafM (~ :1.20 2AO .... Jet (Hett) uo Aleo raced: Flamlng Count, Arlletry. WojehcMlz. ,__ Along, Aouledet IW!llf, ~lloone. Time: 20 10. ~ MCa. 400 yet$. OK-= Too 1.00 7 IO 1..40 OH-ova Jilt Too (o--> 31.20 32.20 11.10 ~~) •.to Allo raoeci: Ogll Semi. 8fw-o N lllcll, ~ ~ Otl. Tlny ~.ear-.. c.lllniaoM. ~ lat tnt. TIIM: 20.60. • UACTA 1~ l*d 1233.to • DAC'TA a.4) l*d 128UQ. THE ·ENTERTAINERS ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place." ,..-... .. Y'ellMTt CINI.. ...14U ........ ) ~ MOii. • ""°""" l<.-M (0.W I 11 1$1) l.lO 6.00 1.40 La .._ (°"'le) H .20 11 20 "°" Jon tUpMml a.to Allo,....: ........ ~ .......... Tip, l'romlaed l"lurn. Oleittn1 ()win, ~ ICM. Tilnr 1·10 418 teco. MC& • 1\#tongt Ooldtll....., ~ uo uo a.oo ....... ...... ~, 11.00 uo MoCNt'TowfO UO Allo ,..... ~ Medina, ....... l>lillf!I. Tow nn., All .,. ........ ~· "°"""*' Got • ...... IAllY ol ....... °""" ........ Count ,_ c.-. Time: 1:11 • •DAILY DCMa.9 (>-111 P11111 *21.to . ~ MC& .... turlonga . ow-erounolhe~ (.._.) 1.00 :s IO 2.IO fVlfl'l'f C.-~ 2.AO UIO ~ -(TIKOf 4.40 Aleo r .... : V-. T.,_a lrliltld, ZordMI. Chnl'• Uld, oi-i faltll . Time: 1:11 218. • DACTA (1-t) pmcl '49.00 f'OUll'TM llACa. • turblaa Grind e.6oofly (""-YI l.20 2 IO 2.20 ~City (Slblltl 5.20 3,40 Coem1c Light (&lealll 2.to Aleo r.aect: Prtnoe Cht11non,Hurullal\ Doubled, J.P. win-, Aloia Royalty, foroe, ~01., ,_ "' AarN. tOld Aooty. ,.,,. IU,C8. 7 MtonoL W•'• Alb (~ 11,IO 10.00 7.to AnolMr TOMI (9*ikl 19,20 11.40 ~(~ 1.00 Nttlo raoed< l(ln9 Oon2o, Pantlntl1edel1l, Captain Double, llraaohed , Vere• &OfMllNna Oerlttg, CNektowega, Doon'• Tllfte.9leliltPat T1IM: 1:22 115. • UACTA (W ) pmcl "28 eo tame Mc& • MtonoL .-.. 0. Pit(~ 3.20 2.111 2.40 foqTammle(...,_,) 7.00 UQ e.11t P.,._ (oe-.t) 3.IO Nttlo '9Ced: Hert> Wine. c.lncle, ~. My NlllM ,.,.,_,Idle 0..0-. l'lng9ftue, v.... &notloll. • nm.: 1: 10 215. tSvaTM MCI.. 1 1/ 18 ,.... on Nrl. ~ o-. <""-Y> a.to 4.00 uo er. CM Iha -.. (o.-r.) 17 10 7.IO Tn.« U. CT-> 3'80 Tim« 1:.41 1/0, • DACTA Ca.41P-.,1316.00. H "Ck tlX ( 11·1· 11·8·4·11 P•ld 12.141.10 •1111 ti> wl!"""jt tlc•e1a (al• --~ 12 Pldl lb _ _...., P-., *30.to ... 2.'41 wW*'ll **-(five llOr.-~ ...ntMC& t 111•-"-*lll 11 P\111 (MoCerron) 2.IO 2.20 2. 10 WldllOw ~ 4 00 2. 10 Geiwr•Jimmy <~r 2.10 Tim« 1:41 111. ' • OACTA (1-2) p9ld '4Q.OO. ...,,. MC8. 1 1/11 ..... 0.... Cloud (C.-.) 1.00 5., 5.20 ~~ 1040 1.00 SWC.-(~ 11.to TllM: 1;44 1/1. • DACTA (6-12) p9ld 1231.50. ....... _,,, __ WOMEN'I 10fl'T9AU ~a.~v...o MOHnT1 ocaAM .... *'".. *'" .. Enelgn. II 2 I 0 0 Alteri, 2:b 3 0 0 0 Omnnn,3118 0 1 0 Sell.If 3 0 0 0 Orlham, c 4 0 I 1 Tlllbrt. II 2 0 0 0 "-!, p 3 1 1 O WNte, p t O o 0 Kerdtl. lb 2 0 0 0 ~ lb 3 0 0 0 M*ttl, rt 3 o 2 1 Salazr. c a o o o Pec:tw, dh 1 1 0 0 Boda, 3t> 3 0 0 0 leo9y. • 2 0 , 0 Mofwoe •• 8 0 0 0 Aegldo, cf 3 0 0 0 en-. d 2 0 1 0 K9Mly, 2b 0 0 0 0 Tot• 23 3 e 2 Totale 2' 0 1 O Rlgll9Ctl .... ~,-:r 1 -3 • 2 ~V... 000 000 0 -0 I 2 E·K•rdel, Lacey, Sa luu. Monroe LO&-RlgNnt e. e>c:.tl Vl9w 4. ~. l<erOel. °""""""'*'· Pacflntr. Thleben ....... • """'•to F-(W,17·11 7 1 O O 2 11 Oo.-V... Whlte(IMI 7 e 3 I 3 I WP-F-2, Whtie 4 T·134 A-2.500 ThruJune 26 Chicken Dinner Special $2.69 The You get the best part of the chicken. Four Chicken Planks._strlps of whole, whitemeat chicken breast • dipped in our specUll batter-served with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Cost.a ~)Isl South of San Diego Fwy Across trom F~o Airporter Inn Hotel Presents 0HisBand ·Opening Wedne&:iay May 26th ·--..... -····-::..::..•-.,..........---· Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, May 30, 1982 •From Page B 1 ANGELS • • • Today's sports on TV, radio REPAIRS YOUR HIART WITHOUT SURGERY CHELATIOll THERAPY* '*'111»• FLEX·CARE ;;;..-· tip FLEX· CARE'" --.... --~---­---·------- \ .., .. ,.;. -&-. -·-......... ....... .... ,. Seit c.tact a..... Rinsing. storing and dis· infecting solution. 120L 2.99 BOILn SOAK SAUM£ SOW1JOM For heat d1slnfect1on. rinsing and storage of soft contact lenses. 120L 2.49 Choose REACH or REACH PLUS ... available in soft or medium 4'if'¥1'-~~ -===~BAND-AID~ ~ TllCOT MESH ... IANDAGU Safe. effective adhesive bandages. PO Of 20 age 4 itii:i:• NEET CIEAll HAii IDIOVO For face. legs. and under- arms Leaves skin soft and smooth MIMO e-ci.11 -Dodotts at cnic.oo. 11:11 a.m., KAIO (7t0)1 l.41twlUlltt at ~ 1 p.m .. KMPC (110). ..... .,.. -L..-en at ~ e:eo Lm.., KNX ( 1070). Auto Aao111a -1na.v~-~-eoo. 1:16 a.m., KWVI (10I "°"I Ind KL.AC (170). SAVE30e AD PRICES PREVAIL: BEFORE AFTER Blood venels Blood veasels obstructed by cleared by deposits (thin,r Chelation (rich & weak blood & thick blood supply) supply) STEENBLOCk MEDICAL CLINIC Fret lectvrff on Heart DiMOM & Ch.lotion Ewry WtdMtdoy 4 p.m. · ' p .m. Coll for further information . (714) 770-9616 SAVEeoe SPECIAL I WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Mas ter Cord ·v/SA· OPllll MllllOIUAL DA Ya MONDAY, MAY a111t 8100 AM TO 7100 PM YOUI CMOtcE:I TAMPAX TAMPONS Assorted types to choose from ' DIETAC .-1t'Ri'·• Dl£T AID CAPSUW Once-A-Day Ma>omum dosage in a sustained re· lease formula SUNDAY, MAY 30th THRU TUESDAY,JUNE 1st DOUIU HIBACHI Full body design with adequate depth for charcoal bed. Ir • zr I JW". ~ua&.99 TAIL£ TOP rate BRAZIER with rust·free steel crank. 121h" Grill P.V.C. PRESTO POOL ~~l~s~;tt~a~~e~~~~ 12 B 9 with r Legs. #1214' THERMOS. JS QT. COOLDATE "'CHEST 24" HAWAIIAN PttUfT Holds 18-12 oz cans or two 15!5 2 liter plastic boltles plus tee. #771MI :.c:~'h PRINT TOWELS ,..:~'!:ii ggc u. 8AVE30c SAVEaoc Beautifully designed .. fun for all ages SAVE•t.07 _,_ 1.29 BUY 2& WE 30c SOAP DROPS ~ ..... AlMON'Ds !2.LL·O·MATIC WHITMAN'S AIR BONS n.. ...... ........ ,.._.....,.w. ........... • w. ..... Choose from assorted flavors The self-wringing mop and waxer .. hands stay dry and clean . #117 .. PUmDWDY • Assorted flavors to choose from. ·~-- llL 1.29a 8.88 your Miit TRANSFERRED pr .. crlptlon when you tr1n1ltr I pretc:rlpt1on from 1ny of our competitors' ph1NT1act" lo our Sav-on Or\IQ phtrmlCy Jutt phon. In yQur Preterlption number or bring In your preM:rlptlon bollt. 1nd wt'll take c1re of tl'I• rHt SHOP 7 DA VS A WEEK! g 00 AM TO Q JO PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY I CJ 00 A M TO 1 00 PM SUNDAY For superior detangllng and clean cond1t1omng In assorted formulas CARLAN SHELF PAPER Sell adhesive vmyl shell liner m assorted colors and patterns 3 yds. x 18" ~~ SUNDOWN SUNSCHD ........ ,,..... (IPf ... ) •lift ,,...._ (1Pf4) ................ (IPf.t) • """ , ....... (IPf·lS) .. ,.,,,,.,. .. ,, . • ' l1 . : . . . ' .. ' I l ' I t .I f I IARLI llll TOYOTA • emor1a FINISH FIRST with a 2 year , 24,000 mile Warranty! IT'S YOURS 1 FREE, WITH EVE.RY SELECTED LOW MILEAGE USED : CAR. OUR FANTASTIC TOYOTA DEALS KEEP US OVERSTOCKED WITH HUNDREDS OF LATE MODEL TRADE~INS. SO COME IN TODAY AND SAVE! 1ll1 YOUSWllEI ...... 4 apeed transml11lon and an AM-FM ca11ette. (801DUA). Very clean and this one runs grHtl Good tranaportatlon for only 5 1999 1111 ISUZU "LS" COUPE 5 speed transmission, AM-FM radio, all the factory equipment, juat over 11,000 miles, custom wheels & tires (1COA945). 5 5799 1111 llTSll 1211 Automatic transmlaak>n, power brakes, AM-FM radio, exceptlonally clean and reedy to gol (328TZO). Don't mlaa this one for only 1111 PEllEOT "114" IESEL 4 speed 1rans., AM-FM cauette, power ateenng, power brak•, power windows. sunroof & morel Very clean! (049TZU). A real stMI at only 5 4999 1111 TIYDTI "E-1" UllTIP Rare 5 speed model for outstanding economy with stereo caasette, custom exterior trim & morel (677RLF) Great graduation gift for only 11••-· .... Popular 5 lpeed model with air condltlonll"IJ. AM·FM atereo and roof rack. Spotleea beige flnlah with matching lntenor. (91•ZTT). 5 5999 1111 lllZll .. 121" ... Automatic trana., air cond., AM-FM atereo, alloy wheeta, cuatom trim peckege & mcnl Exceptional car In every , .. peel wltti only 15,000 mllel. (18JZ436). 5 6499 1111 ... 1-11 ,.. .. Great llttJe wot1C truck with • atereo tape, atep bumper. CUl1om atrlpea and morel (1P21041). A real buy at only 1112 UTlll MllP 11• au llDIL 5 apeed tran1ml11lon. stereo ccuette, sunroof, chrome step bumper and Just over 10.000 mllel. (2A63655PRICED TO SELL! ·1111 llTm "21111" Economical 5 apeed model with air conditioning, AM-FM stereo, custom lntMlor and extel'lor trim & morel Low mllea & vwy cteenl (263VCP). 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 2 Door Sedan. 5 lpeed tranamlsllon, bucket ._ta, Multlolex rlldlo, pfn stripes, wheel well moldlnga and fulty factory equipped. (899431). A ,,...,.,$now,..,.. """" TOYOTA 1966 Hatf>or BIVd. SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mite warr$11ty. You can't lose! BEST BUYS IN O.RANGE COUNTY! e 1111 TOYOTA COllDLU WllOI Thia one 11 fully factory equipped and has an automtlc transmlaalon. It la al.o an exceptlonelty clean earl (288YHG). Thia one 11 1 ateel at only e11ll -· ICCOll COIPE 5 lpeed tranamlsalon, air conditioning, power steering, power brakea, atereo cauette, sunroof, alloy wheels end morel (907XNA). e 1111 TOYOTA cwca LFfUCI 6 lpeed tranamlaalon, air conditioning. AM-FM atereo. rear window lhede & morel You've got to aee thla two tone beauty! (e87WPL). e1111 OlmlUT 111111 UILI Popular V8 with automatic tranamlsalon, air conditioning, power ateerlng, power brak•. Ult wheel, Cf\llae control, rally wheef9 & morel A nice earl (1BGC330). 11U TIYITI ..... 5 3999 5 5999 1111 FHI YU CllTUI I PlSSEllEI Popular 5 apeed model with air cond., full power, atereo caaaette. Ult Wheel. crulae control, leethef . aeata, Uloy Wheel• & morel (1AHM247). Hurry for this winner •t only Equipment Includes p<>wer steering. radio, poW8f' brakes, Interior decor and completely original Inside and out' (219WDA) 5 7999 PRICED TO SELL! 1111 TOYOTA SUPRA Automatic trans .. air conditioning, power ateenng. p<>wer brakea, AM-FM stereo, tilt wheel, alloy Wheel• & more. (933ZFW). Must see to appreciate & whatta buy! '7199 1111 TOYOTA .US•OOF Aut~ro trans., air cond .. lull pOWlr, AM-FM stereo, Ult wheel. c:r\llee control, power door locks. alloy WhMle & morel Rare black ~;99 1111 TOYOTA OllOW "SR-I" Popular Llftback model with 5 apeed trana., air cond .. AM-FM stereo, CU9tom exterior 1rlm & morel Super economy and fun to d!Wel (381982). Low, low mllea for Just 5 4799 1111 TOYOTA SIPRI Automatic trans., lull power, air cond .. atereo tape, tilt wheel. cruise control, alloy Wheel• & m0<el Just OYfl( 27,000 mllel on this metallic ~iJii9'9 1111 TOYOTA llPU OOF 11 1111 Olm PIOllP IOUIU LOlllEI Automatic transmission. air cond . power steering & brakes, tilt Wheel, SIX-PAC camper and low miles! Must see to appreciate! (1G34888). PRICED TO SELL! 1111 TOYOTA STOUT 5 speed trans .. AM-FM stereo, custom exterior trim & morel $1BJD283) Spotless In flVery respect. For only 1111 TIYOTA COllOW 4 Door Sedan. Automatic trana .. air cond .• power steenng. power brakes. AM-FM atereo, cuatom lntertor & exterior. ( 1CGE044). A great family car for just 1111 TOYITA SUPRA Sl•OOF Automatic trans., lull power, stMeo caasette. Ult Wheel, crulae control. power door lock•. alloy Wheels & more' (1BTC652) The ultimate Toyota tor only 5 9899 1111 TOYITA TtllCEL LFTIACI The greatest In economy with a 5 speed. all the standard factory features plus custom extMlor package. Don't mlas thla one! (1BCE225) 5 5299 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP ~ Ton Shortbed. 4 speed tranamlsalon, front dlec brakea, 2.4 liter engine and fully factory equipped. (048584). Thia tough truck is 1 graduatlofl ...... , $"'""" ··~. .. " 0 R A s T \ FASHION SECTION OF SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1982 .. l Q Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 30, 1812 --------------------------....... lllmlllll! • O range County fol ks do a lot of so cializin g . • • By NOl\A LERMAN .,.,,_ITYUll.._ NOT FOR CRITICS ONLY: Well, the eophil'Ucates m.llht not have liked 1t, but mr, 1ue11 ta that them in the audience at the 11Annie' preml re the other n!Jrht would have d.Jaacreed. Being a public-te1evtaion adventure -the tunda ralaed -about $100,000 -ao to KOCE·TV-Channel 60 -the premiere oommlttee wu pulled from the entire county. And they pulled It off. There were a few bumpy moment• - aomeone had overlooked the necemity for city nORJI pennita to encloae a parking lot the size of that outside Edward's Newport Cinema -(well, I suppose any parking lot) and it aeemed for a cliff-hanging period that this part of the production was in real jeopardy. But, ln came Bill , Dicenz.o to the reecue. He, bless him, took a day out of his busy La Cuisine week to resolve that problem. The eventual outcome was really fun ... and that's not easy to say about a party that aiz.e. They can be elegant. They can be lngenious. They can be spectacular. But they aren't always fun. This one was. WHAT'S BEEN: SCR had ita annual Spring Assembly a few days ago, and among the tours, elections, entertainment, speeches and al fresco luncheon, theater artistic director Martin Benaon got in more than a few kind words directed to the theater's volunteers -all of them -at every level. Good show! It's nice to see volunteers stroked so beautifully. Irvine's Judy Conel was doing her PR chairman's job the other day at the Children's Home Society works.hop (Her chainnan was tripping somewhere, poor darling!) by mentioning her chapter's fund-raiaing wine tasting party scheduled for last Sunday. Sorry, we missed it, but hope the monies raised were ever-ready. Mardan Center honored Pacific Mutual's Chainnan of the Board, Walter Gerken last Satu.rdQ niaht and \here w-. qu.lte a f.w of our local celebl on baud that nilht to offer up conpatu.laUocw. Juat to ctve you an Idea. tMy could have held a joint Cc.ia M .. ·Newport Beach-lrvlne councll mHtlna wltb Arfene Schafer, Donn Hall and Nonna H•t't:IOI of c.o.ta Meea. Newport Belch'• Don StraUll arid Evelyn Hart and David SW. of Irvl.ne u well • ~th Dlstrtct Supervimr Tom Riley. And 1pou.1e1. of coune. And Marian and Garth .Berge.:>n were there plua Howard Seelye repreeent1Jl8 Bob Badham'a' office. That's just the politicos. Then there was Agrw. Blomquiat, and Sue Brandon down from the north and back on her old stamping ground; Bob and c.ro1 Puaovoy, the Bob Perklna, Beth Gerken to eee Pop be honored, and Jlm and Sharon Henwood. WHAT'S TO OOME: Planned Parenthood has an open hot.lie in the offing at their new headquarters at 1801 N. Broadway in Santa Ana. It'• scheduled from ai.>Ho-elght on June 9. Remember the pretty Iaaiee on the cover 1ut week, Jeanne Brownell and Nickie Marx -the ones from the Adoption Guild? Well, thry and their group are planning to dance beck into the hearts of millions to Ronnie Brown's Trio on Friday, June 4 at Cannell and Chaffin'• Fashion laland store. Phyllis Carpenter and Ollie Hill' are in c harge of the party. C & C, who are underwriting the soiree, have turned their handaome facilities over to the Adoption Guild before for this party, and It's an elegant apot. Rather like having friends in to a eeriea of beautifully appointed living rooms. For lnfonnation call: 673-3926 or 67M781. UCl'S INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE I.a winding down for the aummer with a special program on Japanetie culture. It'll include the art of flower arranging, oriaaJni and doll maklllg. SO, get your kimono out and give UCI - 833-7244 or Peggy Maradwiin, 644-'>336 a call to say you're coming. That's for real about the kimono. Mmt of the Japanese women will be weart.na them. ON JUNE 6 the Newport BeeCh City Ar1B Commisslon will be pre9tln~ award.a to five outstanding volWlteers to the arta. They are: Dorothy Berry, Bud Pashley, F109 Schumacher, Elaine Redfield and Penny McManlgal. That will be between 1 and 3 p.m. in Big Canyon Park. Then, one of the recipients, Madame McManiga.l. will be showing her paintinalt (ahe'• been practically in &eclusion for over a year preparing for this) before abe'a off to Loa &Indy and Betay Sanders have done away with BQ11Je taste treats before going in tc enjoy "Annie." Angeles' aiater city in France, Bordeaux, for a three-week exhibition al the Galerie France. from late June through mid~July. The adventures of putting this whole thing together is a saga ... would that we had room to tell it ... but suffice to say. Penny will Wonder it wlMit Lb Toomey I• h•ndJn1 Gwenda W•taon Mys "pleue step to your right." Norm•n and Gwenda W•Uon attend the "Annie" premiere and that'• Jude UrsJc on Liz's right and Gala co-chairperson Nancy Carl.son to Liz's left Two judges enjoy a laugh at "Annie,'' Barbara Tam Nomoto and Bruce Sumner ... repre.sent us well in Europe and we all W\Sh her well. U you'd like to join the fun. call 640-1931 to put your name on the 11.st. You won't be able to get through Big Canyon's gate without letting them know in advance. De r ma Pigmentation won 't come o ff 1n the pool By VIDA DEAN Dell1 Not MAUTY l.dlW all. Just when you think you've heard 1t Now along comes Denna Pigmentation. And what is Derma Pigmentation, you ask? It's a tattooing proce9 uaed to reproduce or darken eyebrows, create eyeliners, cover acars or btrthmarks or to fill in the lips with color. Tattoo' artist Sheila May developed Derma Pigmentation and says she is the only artist in the U.S. to specialize in this technique. She performs this 9eJ'Vice in her Pacific l>alisades salon and also at a salon in Lake Geneva, Wix. Ms. May, 34, explained the idea came to her about 10 years ago becal13e she didn't like waking up without her eye makeup. "I was looking at my eyeliner and wiah.ing it would not come off at night -if only I could tattoo it on, it would never come off. I felt the same way about my eyebrow makeup. I knew I could do it and make it look like makeup.~· ahe said. "I d.isoovered that by using the aame dyes and process that I uaed in routine tattooing, I could do wonders for women wjth problema such aa thinning, llgbt or sparse eyebrows or unsightly scars. So many women look bare without makeup, I knew this process could add a little subtle definition to their faces which would alleviate fears of feeling naked without makeup. "It won't come off in the pool, on the tennis court or while sleeping. Even better, it saves the time and energy usually required to put on makeup. "We put pigment on our skin with makeup. Tattooing puts it within the akin ao it will not wash off. "You can wear makeup over it and change VD~ your appearance for sped.al occasions. Denna Pigmentation can be as bold or aa subtle aa the client wishes." Ma. May baa been in the tattooing bi asfneM for l~ yeara and began oonoentratln& moRly on Derma Pigmentation about five years ago. Her clients meet with her at her salon for a penonal consultation. The proce. la d..i8cu9ed and she demonstrate. aome before and after looks throuah photosrapha of former clients. Patrons then get a look at themlelvee after the coloring la applied topically. U they lib what they aee, tbe tattooin,g prooe1a can proceed. Ma. May ayw abe la able to reproduce fine eyebrow lines, whkh appear just like thoae made with an eyebrow pencil. The llnea are semi-permanent, fading slightly within five-to-20 years. The prooe91 can be repeated lf desired. Each procedure, according to May, takes a week to heal during which Ume the resulting 8Cab will fall off. Oi8com.fort i9 rn.inimal, ahe aaya. Some people are not aood candidates for tat1ooing color to the Upa. Ma. May explained. U a peraon bleeds easily, the tattoo proc:e. la not recommended. She is careful to emphut:re that Up coloring is done only on aultable candidates. and, unlike the other P.rocedurea, she uaes novocain to ellminat.e d.iacomfort. Ma.;:% added that the lip coloring process ii wry for thoee women with m.iashaped llpa. and it can even i.nc:reue aligh tl y the aiz.e of extremely thin lips. "I'm careful to point out the difficulties with Up coloring," she said, "but many women hate pale llpa. and do not wish to have their male oompaniona aee them without lipstick. So they often lnaiat on trying iL I have had some very good ftSulta. '' Ma. May charges $30 for beauty marks, $200 for eyebrows, $300 each for eyeliner and lips. The lee for covering ICaf tissue varies according to the amount of work required. To get the ex.act amoWlt of color aa a client may desire, eyeliner trutments usually require two-~three visits, wbile eyebrows need at least two visits. So, now you know what Derma Plgrnentation ia. But, you say you would be niervom about having your face tattooed. Well, 90 WU Ma. May. "I was wry nervous the first time I did it becau.e I had never tattooed on the face, but I felt confident It would work. I knew how to mix color and how the client would look I knew she would love it, and she did! It lived up to my expectations, II Ma. May has performed .ome work on her own face. "I waa able to do my own eyebrows, and would like to have eyellneta done, but there is no one ebe dolag t.bia, and I can't do this for myseli. It requires the hands of two people to do eyeliners, usu.ally the tattoo artist and the client who bQlda the eyelid taut and to one side as the needle ia applied." One of her customers is a 32-year-old CHINA PALACE RESTAURANT OF NEWPORT ONE NIGHT IN PARADISE BEACH • speelalt Spend hours swimming In the three fabulous pools, pfavlng tennis on one of eight lighted courts, or golf on one of our two 1 B·hole championship couraa or our 18·hole executtve course. DI.,_ like royalty and dance the hours away under the stars. $35.00 per room Available from Ma~ 29 to September 11, 1982. ~ce Includes room only. Maximum 4 people to a room. Not available to groups. Advance Reaervatlona Required. Irvine fashion designer who lost the top part of her eyebrow when she was in her late 20s. For about five years, she used a pencil to fill in the half brow. Now she has a full brow and has decided to have both eyes lined. A client from Hancock Park, said Ms. May, has lost both eyebrows when they were all plucked ouh for a sorority initiation. Before the Denna Pigmentation, she had to paint the brows on, knowing that after a swim, her brows would be bare again. Ms. May's services are not just for women. Her latest endeavor i.s tattooing color on the scalps of men who have had hair transplants. · "I can make the hair look thicker. I match the color of .he hair, and although eventually the man may go gray, tattoo colors also fade and 1 can put in the color that their hair changes to." But, sorry fellas. if you're going bald, the tattoo magic won't work as a stop gap.Uthe hair falls out, those tattoo colors might look a bit ricticulous. Unique in the world of designers, this week's couturier, Ruth Matthews, starts in her California workrooms by designing a number of the fabrics she uses; follows thoee designs through to their manufacturing point in Europe; designs the individual pieces for the collection; overseet' their construction and then sells them exclusively in her own retail shops in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Palm Springs, Chicago and New York. ·Always fashionable and of ·the-moment, her clothes are however, timeless clamica. Designed to be worn season after seuon, each garment can be coordinated with thoee from years past and thoee ocming along in the next collection. A n d her constant supervision is apparent in the attention to the subtle and exquisite detail in each gannen~. OOVER: Susan Laza wean a cullotted reel IUit of Fibranne cte.fcrwi by Ruth Matthews . The fitted jacket , double-buttoned at the wa.llt la equally at home with 1laclu, 1kirta, or toppl~ ~t.ed dnm. Hfid' lilk Jl'lnt p1cka up the red, but can allo be worn wttb ~~upe, or off-w hite. Matth~~ Poplin and wa terproo!ed, this pale purple suit is perfect for travel. Lined in the same plaid.as the blouse, the jacket can be belted and paired with matching slacks. (not pictured). To complete the set, a reversible overcoat. "When we left Indianapolis it was 0 degrees and the chill factor was -20," Susan explained. "When we arrived at Bruce's aunt and uncle's house in Santa Ana, the temperature was 65 and the sun was shining. We decided this was where we wanted to be. "Our deal was that one of us had to have a job. The first one hired would move and set up the household. The other would give up his or her job and move as soon as possible." That was in February, 1978. Five months later, on May 15, Susan started at Pacific Mutual. Her husband, Bruce Guyette -a partner in the investment firm Bean, Moos and Guyette - joined her in early July. Having sold their house in Indianapolis, they first bought a condo in Newport Beach -which they now have rented -and then settled into their new home in Turtle Rock in October that same year. It was a busy year for this week's lady of fashion, Susan Laz.a Guyette (she uses her maiden name in the professional world). Born in Milwaukee, Wis., she grew up in New York City and Princeton, took her BS in finance and accounting at Rider College in Lawrenceville, and did graduate work at Rutgers University all in New Jersey, Drake University in Des Moines - where she met her husband, Bn.u:e -and received her CPA from the University of Illinois. Starting in the audit department at Pacific Mutual, she was appointed as&stant vice president-audit last year. Responsible for 13 people, including four other CPAs in her department, she frequently speaks on corporate management and tax planning. She is a founding member of the Orange ·County chapter of the executive women's group Women in Uusiness. "I guess I like to be busy," she says by way of explaining her volunteer and academic life as well as hobbies. "I'm always taking some course or other. I'm just finishing up a French course at OCC, for instance.'' But that's only the beginning . . . or the latest . . . "diversion." Susan is a theater lover, and was the first chairman of FACES, a professional support group for South Coast Repertory. She still serves on the executive committee. She's done a workshop at UCl's Women's Opportunity Center and has recently been elected to the board of directors of Planned Parenthood of Orange County, serving on the finance committee. Married for five years to Bruce Guyette -whom she describes as "a great spouse, my best friend, partner and number one supporter," they share a number of hobbies: gounnet cooking, (she's begun to apeciallze in curries from India and Sri Lanka), tennis and bridge. CDur <ilaee ~tain (Ila•• •arise CUSTOM DISIGN. INSTALLATION ANTIOUI MPAIAS JEFtr a JULIE BOOMER Call for Free &tlm•te l1Wl1·1111 =~ 111111 Pilat nclu.tHlr"' tht . ~J I ------·-------·----- Orange Oout DAIL 'Y PILOT /Sunday, May 30, 1982 Cl Orange Coast lady of fashion: Susan Laza Susan wears the red jacket pictured on the cover with a grey Fibranne skirt and the same mandarin-collared blouse. Susan protect8 her Fibranne plum-colored, kimona-styled jacket and pale violet slacks from the drizzle with a pale-purple, wooden-handled poplin umbrella. Her wide leather belt repeats the colors in her all-cotton, long-sleeved T-shirt -violet, pink and t.aupe. Susan's elegant silk crepe de chine dress can take her from cocktails through dinner and the theater. Buttoned and belted in gold, she accessorizes it with a small gold clutch bag and Julianelli strippy sandals. The sandals are from Bullocks/Wilshire. In the background are unfinished suite in Pacific Mutual's new tower building. Beach gym. Also believers in physical fitness, Btuce runs 12-to-15 miles per week and Susan, who also runs occasionally, works out three-to-four times a week at a Newport Oh, and in her spare time, she is a mystery-novel reader, with heavy emphasis on spy thrillers. That gets her away from the board room, the theater audience, the numbers, the tennis court, the bridge table, the stove and the barbells. Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coas.t Plaza ... will be open Memorial Da't/ Monda'tl May 31st, from 10a.m. to6 p.m. So do plan to stop by. .. and indulge yourself in our June Event when you'll find sales, special purchases, and scores of values in store! South Coast Plaza f)t 3333 Br;sto/ Stn!et. Costa Mesa. lion for: Silver. Cameras. Furs.•Jew· elry, Collechbles. Guns. Documents, Computers HIDE YOUR YILUllLES II THE CLOSET Sound Silly? lot wh11 it's i11 CUSTOM SECURITY CLOSETS Affordable Security For Home or Office Call Our Consultant For Free Evaluation 552-3975 534-8797 SOME ENCOURAGING WORDS FROM WEIGHT WATCHERS. -Weight WatcMrs did for ~what fad diets MWr couJd. /t taughJ fTU! 'how to t.ake off pounda and 1eeep tMm off.forayeorand a half now!" -Sl4!ue Lyons f loct 14 lba I • A{Ur tryift8 ewry diet ~th.od irwenl«i.{rom hypnc6is to at::u- puncture. I fo1uui We~hl WalcMrs. It really wor/u;! And its so easy to f ollow-ewn wMn I eat out• -Lys Margold <loM38lbir.J (AN ENCOURAGING OFFER.) ••••••••••••••••• JOIN NOW OP 5/30 , ............ IS, 1'82 SAVESS00 on your first meeting and reglatratlon fee. Still only SS.00 per week, no contracts I for the cl••• neare1t you, call: 835-5505 ' , I I I I I I -C4 Or.noe Oout DAILY PILOT/lunday, MtY 80. 1811 Appearance at breakfast makes her snap, crackle, pop DEAR ANN LANDERS: lt'1 paat my bedlimo but 1 am ao fw10UI and dJICU.lted with 11Un1nhlbitod in Charlotte, N.C." that I muat write thll letter. It'• fine and dandy If lhe and her huaband pt their k.lcka runnina around the hou.e ln the nude -and even com1na to the table au naturel. But God forbld (and he dJd) brtnaina up children in auch an environment. £\ten Adam and Eve aewed fla leaves together to cover their nakedness. "N.C." pointed out that her teen-aae 10n and daughter have no curiosity whataoever about sex. Small wonder the curloeity la gone. Nothing has been left to the imagination. What a pity thoee children will never experience the beauty of nature from the viewpoint of discovery instead of stark nudity with the breakfast cereal. -WE LOVE YOU IN ATLANTA DEAR LOVE: Thanks for voting nay with me, but not all lbe writers were on oar side. Florida and Calif ornta nudJ1tl called me an evil-minded old bag and a peanut-brained Imbecile. I also received several lnvltatlon1 from uudist camps who aasured me I would become "one of them" once I experienced the joy of romplq lD tM altoc•*'r amoa1 die tne belleven. I remain ucoavlaced. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Several yean ago you printed a column about depreuion and quoted a doctor from• Lona Island who de.:rtbed the symptoms. Until that time I had no idea what wu wrong with me. It opened up a whole new world. I reallr.ed I wu depreeaed and needed profeaional help. I wu lucky and got a wonderful doctor on the first try. We did a great deal of talking, and he put me on medication. Today I am a new penon. Please, Ann, print that colwnn again. There must be many readera who didn't see it the first time. -HAPPY AND PRODUCI1VE IN FORT WAYNE DEAR HAPPY: I'm 10 pleased yoa were belped. Here i1 the colama yoa reqaestecl. Between 1lx and eight million Americans Capricorn: Career gets boost Monday, May 31, 1982 ARIES (March 21-April 19): First reports are apt to be erroneous. Know it, respond accordingly. Keep open mind, but ref use to be gullible. Accent on legal affairs, public relations, need to be flexible and to have alternatives at hand. Watch Sagittarius! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): E.5tablish routine, be aw are of details and necessary • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Eastbluff PFO will hold Friday meet EASTBLUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PFO meets Friday at 5 p.m. for Western Night at F.astbluff School. For more infonnation call 759-0809. , Join the Summer Fun at DAY CAMP!! GIVE MOM AV ACATION ... e Field Trips e Crofts ~ e Picnics e Swimming JUNE 21ST THRU SEPT. 10th ~ Enroll now -Foll Semester Storts Sept. 13. Remonoble T umon SUMMER SCHOOL JULY 6th THRU JULY 30th •A Privot. School of Distinction Founded in 1942•. IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16835 BROOKHURST ST. (714) 962-3312 LAGUNA BEACH BRANCH of AAUW meets Saturday at 11:30 a.m. in the Leisure World Clubhouse No. 5. For more inlonnation ~======================:::::::================::::::::=~ call 499-2721. ClUB CAllNDIR FREEDOMS FOUNDATION at Valley Forge, Orange County Chapter, meets Friday at 11:30 a .m. in the El Adobe Restaurant of San Juan Capistrano. For more information call 546-5330. ~ISTANCE LEAGUE of Huntington Beach meets Friday at 10 a.m. for officer installation. For more information call 963-4420. LAGUNA NIGUEL Women's Club meetll Friday at 11:45 a.m. f°" lunch in Republic Federal Savings at 30212 Crown Valley Parkway. For more information call 831-3013. • NEWPORT HARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For more infonnation call 759-9966. RUFFELL'S U,HOLSnlY l14fl ltas...i .... lfll~IOl-VD. .COSTA MHA-14 .. 111" twport .WStc <nonsmnrtorv ·e-a..u Ill~ ld.c:~· J)tano rww ..... ~ c ••• '"""it. a-. ~In-.-gultw ...,.,...Mi&. ......... Help Celebrate Our First Anniversary Mondey June 7th thru Sat. June 13th 20% OFF CU ENTIRE STOCKI • YARNS • ACCESSORIES NEEDLEPOINT • KITS FINISHING • REPAllNG Al TERA TIONS • INSTRUCTIONS JO's Knit Wit ~ "-4 ....... ~ ....... , 169 I. 17th It., #29 COSTA MllA -541-2477 Read all todays news everyday in· the i ............ ~~·~.-i~~~~----~--------·~---~-£Z WHAT IS THIS "9'EAL LIFE" I KEl:P HEARING A&OUT'I • Is alcoholism ruining your life? Know the danger signals and what to do. Read the booTclet, "Alcoholism -Hope and Help,•· bv Ann Landers. Enclose 50 cents with your request and a long, stamped, self-ad~ envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995 CIUcago, DJ. 60611. ' FAlHER'S DAY GIFT IDEAS LIDO DRUGS 3445 via lldo • newport beach •phone 675-0150 THl .• AIH llAllT PRESENTS TO MAKI IOOM FOi OUI NIW 1912 PRODUCTS ·June 1st-4th 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. •• \:- • I j ! I , ' ~ ! I • The wedding_R.icture Mrs. Kontra Kontra-Grant Huntington Beach residents Rebecca A. Grant and Dean W. Kontra exchanged wedding VOWS in s~. Simon and Jude Catholac Church, Huntington Beach. The bride. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grant of Huntington Beach, graduated from Cypress High School and works fpr Neuropsychiatric Medical Group. Her husband, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kontra of Huntington Beach, graduated from Fountain Valley High School and Fullerton Junior College. He is employed by International Union of Operating Engineers. Following a trip to Nortliern California, the newlyweds plan to live in HUhtington Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Al.cock Mrs. Lovoy Lovoy-Dorsey Chapel of the Bells. Las Vegas, was the setting for the marriage of Nancy L . Dorsey of Huntington Harbour and J Steven Lovoy of San Pedro. The bride, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Dave Dorsey of Huntington Harbour, graduated from Marina High School, Huntington Beach. She is manager of Fritzankotters. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Lovoy of San Pedro, graduated from San Pedro High School. He is self-employed. The newlyweds plan to live in Huntington Beach before moving to Norco. Mr. and Mrs. Williams Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, May 30, 1882 Cl Mrs. Caporrimo Caporrimo-Scott Regina M. Scott of Santa Ana and Salvatore Caporrimo of Huntington Beach were married in Cameo Wedding Chapel, Anaheim. T he bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Statham of Fountain Valley. graduated from La Quinta High School in Fountain Valley and Girards College of Beauty. 1 Her husband, aon of Mn. aJ}d Mrs. Antonio Caporrimo of Sicily, work.a for Bob's Roofing. The newlyweds plan to live in Santa Ana following a visit to Catalina Ialand. 'Mrs. Shaw Shaw-Kremer Neighborhood Congregational Church. Laguna Beach, was the settmg for the wedding of Krystal A . Kremer and Chnstopher C. Shaw. both of Scottsdale. Anz. The bride, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John R. Kremer of Irvine, graduated from Principia High School, St. Lows, Mo., and Principia College, Elsah, Ill. She w orks for the Community .Development Corp., Scottada.le, Ariz. Her husband, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Shaw of Scottsdale, graduated from Paradise Valley High School, Phoenix, and Principia College, Elsah, Ill. He also works for Community Development Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Casserly Alcock-Neal Williams-Nugent Casserly-Matthews Deborah M. Neal of Costa Mesa and Jeffrey W. Alcock of Cypress exchanged wedding vows in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Costa Mesa. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Neal of Costa Mesa, graduated from Costa Mesa High School. Golden West College in Huntington Beach and Weber State University in Utah. The groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Alcock of Cypress, graduated from Pacifica High School in Cypress and Golden West Collep. The newlyweds plan to live in Westminster following a trip to Hawaii. Liaa Nugent and Bryan WUliams, both of Newport Beach, were married recently at the Community Presbyterian Church in Laguna Beach. The bride is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and Cal State Long Beaah and is a freelance graphic deSlazner. She la the daughter of William Nugent and Mra. Loia Nugent of Newport Beach. The bridegroom, 10n of Dr. and Mn. Francia Wllliams of Corona del Mar, 81'8duated from Corona del Mar High School and USC. He la presiClent of Peraonal Retirement Management, Inc. The newlyweds will live on Balboa Wand aft« a wedding trip through California. ~_,--~ Mn. JJaranek Baranek-:W ebster Mn. Cluck Cluck-Pelton Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana, was site of the wedding of Leslie A . Matthews of Laguna Beach and Brian W . .ca.erly of Newport Beach. The bride, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jerry 0 . Matthews of Laguna Beach, graduated from Sunny Hilla High School in Fullerton and Point Loma College, San Diego. She is employed by Saddleback Hospital Home Health Agency. Her husband, aon of Mr. and Mn. Charles CasserJy of Santa Barbara. graduated from Corona del Mar High School, UCLA and n..tlnp College of Law in San Frand.loo. He is an attorney with Dnunmy Garret King and Harruon in Newport Beach. The couple plan to live in Newport Beach after a trip to the Hawallan Ialands. Mn. Smith Smith-DeMots r= " ..... Use this handy checklist for the items your family needs. Then bring your list to Mervy·n's for extraordinary savings. Prices effective Monday only, May 31. Shop 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. D 1/3 off Women's summer sandals 1n leather. padded insoles 5-9. Reg. 12.00, 7.99 Kids' sandals, 9-4 Reg. 11 00, 7.33 D 50°/o off Save! Men's Nike· white court shoes are in low or high top styles 8 to 11 . 12 Reg 21 00. 23 00. sale 10.50 and 11 .50 D 25°/o off Seiko" and Pulau w•tche1, graduation g1ft-g1ving 1s now easy. Fine Jewelry. Reg. 65.00 to 250.00, 48.75to187.50 D 20°/o off Sale of our entire 1tock of toyal Delight children young and old with their favorite toys Toys are not In our Fremont store. D 50°/o off bath size Sheraton towel•, cotton/polyester floral terry Bath, reg. 4.00, 1.99 Hand. reg. 3.00. 1.69 Washcloth, reg. 2.00. 1.39 D 50°/ooff White duck feather pillows, cotton/ polyester cover. Standard, queen, king. Reg 18.00 to 28.00, sale 8.99to13.99 D 40°/o off au sizes Irresistible perc•le 1heet1 by Cannon•. Cotton/polyester. Flat or fitted: std • king cases. Reg . 9.00-20.00. Hie 5.40-11 .99 D 12.99 11 .01 off men's Far•h• ceau•I p•nt1. Fuller cut gives a more comfortable fit. 32-40. Hurry and save! Reg. 24.00, 12.99 D 5.99 Save 5.01 on men's short sleeve plaid shirts tor a cool. carefree summer. Polyester/cotton. S-XL Reg 11.00. 5.99 D 15.99 Save 9.01 on men's H•ggar•, Levi's•, or Far•h"' polyester/cotton belted slacks rn solids. 32 to 40 Reg. 25 00. aale 15.99 D 1/3 off Men'• Jockey9 Cla11ic underwear. Brief a. 30-40, reg. 3111 .00. Hie 3/7 .33 Crew. vee tees, S-XL. reg. 3/13.00, 8.66 D 4.99 Men'• tube 1port 1ock1 are absorbent and have sporty stripes. Fits sizes 10-13. Reg. 8.00 pkg. of 6 pr . ., Hie 4.99 pkg. D 15.99 All young men'• Levi'•• Movln' On'• jean•. are on sale. Waists 29 to 36. Stock up! Reg. 26.00-32.00, 15.99 4 Price a effective Monday only, May 31 e Shop 9:30 to 9:30 Anaheim: Anahefm Plaza, N. Euclld St. at Creecent St. • 'uttertOft: Yorba Lind• Blvd. at Sapphire ~d. Cypre11: 10201 Valley View St. at Ball Rd.• TuatJ": 1e1ea Irvine Blvd. at Newport Ave •• Huntington leutt: 9811 Adam• Ave. at BrOokhurtt St. • Whlttfer: Whlttwood Man, Whittler Blvd. at Scott Ave. Looking for th• Mervyn'• 1tore near•t you? Olal our toll·frH "800" Information number 1' •-422-731• from e a.m. to 11 p.m. \ D 13.99 Students' Levi's'' 101 •· jeans rn tough shrrnk-to-f1t cotton denim Metal button fly. rivets. 25 to 32 Reg . 20.00. 13.99 D 15°/o off Mervyn's own disposable diapers with self-seal tapes. stay-dry ltners In four sizes. reg 5 09-6 09 pkg . 4.32-5.17 pkg. D 1/3 off Girls' Health-tex'· tanks, shorts, tees for sumffier 4-6X. reg 4 75-7 00, 3.16- 4.66 7-14. reg 6 00-11 00, 3.99 to 7.33 D 40°/ooff Girls' wrap shorts 1n easy care. vibrant prrnts Sizes 4-6X. reg 5 00. sale 2.99 Sizes 7 to 14, reg 6.00. sale 3.60 D 2 for 4.00 Girls' tube tops in summer-bnght cuffed or prnch front styles One size stretches to fit 7-14 Reg. 3 00. 2.09 each , 2/4.00 D 1/3 off Best1orm• Sliver Saver bra1 1n popular styles including full figure, contour and crossover Reg . 3 79-4.99. 2.52 to 3.32 D 99¢ each 1/3 off women's Panti-Pantyhose with smooth, no-panty-hne fit. Suntan. coffee. beige. SIM. MI L, Q . Reg. 1 50. sale 99c Misses' jewel tone knit tops with cool short sleeves. Soft acryltc to wear alone or layered. S-M-L. Reg. 6.00. sale 3.99 D 30°/o off Summery shirts in misses' sizes, in your choice of stripes and plaids. 8-16. Reg . 14 .00. 16.00, sale 9.80 and 11 .20 D 25°/o off Junior size tops by famous maker• in sun-sat1onal new styles and colors. In S-M-L Reg . 14.00-22 00, 10.50 to 16.50 D 7.01 off PrewHhed jeans for juniors with looks you love: baggies. straight legs. belted. 5-13. Reg. 25.00-32.00, Hie 17.99-24.99 D 25°/o off Actlvewear 1n red/royal, misses' S~-L. Striped button neck tee. reg 10.00. 7.50 Side stripe shorts. reg. 8.00, 5.99 D 2tor 7.00 • Special purchase of misses· jog short• with contrast trim . elastic waist. S-M-L. Limited quantity. 3.69 Heh, 2/7.00 We accept Mervyn'• Charge, MHterC.,d end VI••· I ------ ··v· ---- --. - j GLEAM IN THE AISLE -This 100,000 square feet on the third floor is part of 77 .... -.. Diiiy Piiat SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1982 STOCKS REAL ESTATE 03-4 05 percent of the building that's unoccupied after eight years of federal ownership. New home shoppen Jn 1982 have almost double the income of 1975 shoppers. Pase D5. o.lly Not ~ _, llllclMrd I( ...... IN PERSPECl'IVE -There's no for sale sign Services Administration expects rapid south on the Ziggurat site because the General county growth to provide tenants. Ziggur8t waits for right price But federal site in Laguna Niguel not among $1.3 billion in acreage for sale By STEVE MITCHELL or ... o.lly .......... If you were thinking of slapping down a few mlllion bucka for the Laguna Niguel federal building that re9embles an ancient Babylon temple, put your wallet away. It's not for ale. That'• the word from the federal government'• General Services Administration, the landlord of the nearly 1 million-square-foot Chet Holifield Federal Building, commonly known aa the ''Ziggurat.'' The building, named after retired Rep. Chet Holifield, who represented Whittler for 32 yeara,~is located off La Paz Road at 24000 Avila Road. CURB APPEAL -Prospective Ziggurat tenants will have plenty of parking spaces available. And the government has no intention of selling the multi-tiered building despite the fact that: -After eight years of federal 'Ghost shift' doesn't complain OC companies slow to acknowledge robots' skills By JODI CADENHEAD or IN Deir "°' St.ft They don't hang around the office cooler wasting time. They're never late. What's more they can do the work of three men. Industrial robots were the topic of a Newport Beach seminar hosted by the Economic Development Corp. of Orange County. Although there are only about 4,100 robots in United States companies today, there their numbers are expected to incre8.9e to 50,000 by 1985. "Japan is way ahead," said William Grover, '-.JPOkesman for LTI Robotics, baaed in Torrance. 'The real problem is convincing management to take a long look at robots." By the year 2000 it is estito.ated that robots will replace 14 million American workens, mostly on awmbly lines or in dangerous oocuc:r:· said Bill Bracey, general manager for o Deane, an executive recruting firm in Irvine. "People who stand to loee the most are the unskilled," said Bracey. "People who are doing robotic functions." What will be needed are peoQle able to program and repair the automated mechanical worker of tomorrow. The humanoid robot capable of carrying on a conversation and out the trash ia the stuff of science fiction, movies, say experta. More common ia the industrial type robot with a mechanical arm that p6cb up and inlerta various parts into products moving on an assembly line. Robots range from $2,~ to $250,000. The most sophisticated modela can do routine assembly work and 8eD8e erron either by touch or sight fl'9'11 a camera. They move at an amazing speed. At a General Moton plant ln South Gate a robot inspected 80 cara in an hour. Previoualy it took one man eight houri to inspect a single car. Four human beinp ln a machinery preaa shop could produce 600 toola in an hour. A robot turned out 1,000 pieces in one hour. · Despite their apparent etfidency, there are few robots employed ln Oranae County. Smith Tool in Irvine ia one of the few ccmpaniee utilizing what the Germ.ant call the ••ghost ahift." Coast Community Colle1e Dtatrtct bu received a $229,2.50 grant to prepare students foe the new techno . ownership, the massive building ia onl~23 t <XXUpied. -The Administration has plans to 9ell about 200,000 acrea of federal land valued at $1.3 billion in the next year. -And the building baa been lambasted by congressional comm I tteea for years aa a "monatroua albatrou" (Rep. Robert Badham); a "while elephant." (Rep. Jack Brooks of Texas); an "embarrassment" (Badham again); and a boondoule by the fonner Nixon Adminiitration, purchased In order for the former president to have a place c1oae to hia former San Clemente home to store hia records (Waahington Post). Terry Eagan, a spokesman at the GSA'a San Frand.aco office, confinned the Ziggurat ia not included in the proposed federal land sale. ' The Reagan administration hopes to aell $17 billion worth of property over the next five years, and the GSA bas already identified 498 parcels as surplus and up for sale. But apparently not the ZigguraL ''The building is not excess. It is not surplus. And it is not included in the land sale," F.agan said. "I can guarantee it's not for sale today , and it won't be tomorrow or the next day." The federal government acquired the seven-story Rockwell International plant in March 1974 by trading Rockwell about $19.5 million in surplus defeme department property in Lot An&eJes. The deal immediately came under fire amid reports that Nixon, while atill president, , ~for the acquisition 80 he could store hia papen near hia former San Clemente home after leaving office. GSA oftidala denied storage of Nixon'• papera was the aole reuon foe .cquisition. Nixon'a~presidential papen (from 19 8 to 1968) are atlll ston!d at Ziuurat with other papen ln the National Archives and Records Service area, a GSA spokesman said. The Archives aervioe ia one of 13 agenicies currently housed in the Laguna Niguel facility, which remains 77 percent vacant. Anyone who has been audited by the Internal Revenue Service in the put few years knows that federal depai:t~ent ia located within the buUd.ing. Other agencies include the Flab and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Geologic Survey; U.S. Anny Commana; Department of Agriculture audit department; Health and Human Services Departme nt; U .S. Probation Service; Fifth Judicial Federal Distri c t Court offices; Department of Labor; and Indian ~ Health Services. So what's to happen with the remaining space within the building'? "We're talking to quite a few agencies," GSA's Eagan said. "The Arch ives, for e xample, (See ZIGGURAT, Pase D!) Irvine firm due geothermal grant By GLENN SC01T or .. .,..,,......., Irvine-baaed Ultrasystema Inc. ia expecting to receive federal loan guarantees soon for a $46 million geothermal powered fructme manufacturing plant in the Imperial valley. Ultruystema President Phillip J . Stevens said announcement of the loan guarantees from the Department of Energy could be made within a month. Such guarantees are intended to encourage construction of plants using alternative energy systems. The geothennal-powered plant ia proposed for a aite near Holtville, where an Ultruystema aubsidiarv to be c alled Ultruweet Ltd. would produce corn syrup fructose. a concentrated sugar, from 16,000 buahels of corn per day, aaid Stevena. Oeothermal systems work by drawill8 bot water from ground wella and then converting it to steam to power Industrial proc c 11 er. Stevena said a major oil company would drill the well. Stewm aaid careful finandal analy.es have reveeled that a profitable market will develop during the next decade for fruc:t.oee, which offers twice the sweetening capability as more cOmmon varieties of sugar. The Imperial Valley project. if funded, would be the country's largest industrial process plant employing geothennal e nergy to make a food product, he said. Ultrasystems also speci.aliz.es in engineering a nd sys tems management for other e nergy fomlS. Stevens said his skilled staff is particularly expert in another developing en ergy system. cogeneration. That system i nv o lves generation of electricity and steam at a single plant. The steam then can be used in adjacent industrial proceaaes. Stevens said he began steering Ultrasystems toward cogeneralion after sensing the demise of the nuclear power industry and rising prices of oil (fuel for con~tional planta). The 10-year-old engineering and construction firm alao spedalires in space and defenae systems. , Officers recently announced that net income for the first quarter climbed from $283,000 last year to $430,000 this year. Earnings per share increased from 10 cents to 13 cents per ahare while revenue roae 50 percent from $~.6 to $8.4 million. .Straight talk can help cut med}cal expenses CONSUMER CLOSE-UP .~ -----....._.._ .......... ~ -More im't necemarily better. Don't prem vow doctor foe tsta oe Xrays ).ast foe the aake of "dotnl aomethinc." Sometime9 the doctor will think lt'a more valuable to observe 1uch aymptoml • appetite, wel&ht pin, and eneray level rather thin order teltll. -Don't feel cheated lf you come away from your ~·· ottlce without • pnmipdon. While tM'9 have been aome ''minde cfn.111" developed, doctors have been too quick to (U'ffC~, and the publlc too tnalatent In dlmand1nl that ant tart of pill be '1ven. SUuwtbw tba lllde eHedl at ~ turn out to bt mare -1aul &MD tbi aaodlUGn tb91 ..._. ~tor.uwe. • -It tbli'e 11 any ~tj ~ lbe~ -~.~ .... 11 lilCCDd °'*"°" fnD lnOebll' qualified DllYlldU· Alk e.ch what 01MW al ... be Or-~ and What d>ec:biii19..tllbe. • -n, nal to tie ..... u.cs to a ballPhal on • ( ... llBDICAL; ~DI) ' DI Orange Oout DAIL.V PIL.OTISunday, May 30, 1882 IRAllECIAIT)TICll ·Her are the stock market activities of publicly Oranse County firms I or the week ended May 28. Data provided by Newport traded 14,ritlay, Securities Corp. "'"' .... ,.0 U\•O Cor, :::; :!~4Y ... , . , ... laef'\OU\ •!\.. 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',,., I :-q·~ } , • \Q~ -~H I>• •I ,C.•1Q ... •,\IJol: ... ' ·'•'l ... ..., ·~ •.:l,"111"' m'eds a~other chunk of space for n'<.'Ords. expressed interest In renting coun t y agencies, including supervisor is compiling a list of Ziggurat is as much as $14 per bring in $1.14 mill1 o n , the space over the years. perhaps, a courthouse and jail. capital projects and attempting square foot per year. spokesman said. F..agan said the' government's goal 1s to fill 1t up, but, he said, "1t won't happen ovenught." The most recent proposal was And hil h GSA' F..a to come up with a mechanism for Storage areas, he said, are one put forth by Bruce Nestande, w e t e 8 gan financing acquisition of the much less. And wtule, at first glance, it whose 3rd Supervisonal District said the building is not for sale, Ziggurat. rrught appear the GSA ts making I d La N. 1 he did offer this clue·. The .. •de would not dl.SCUSS. The Zi~at currently costs d t f t t The GSA ts counting on rapid dt'vclopment in south Orange County to provide tenants. A number of local agencies have me u es guna ague . ... a m o e r a e p r o 1 o n 1 s His staff is exploring the "Let's just say everything's for what price range might be under the GSA 976,400 per year to mvestment, keep in mmd the possibility of acquiring the sale. If the price is right." rons1deration, but a GSA official operate. agencies paying rent also get Ziggurat to house a variety of An aide for Nestande said the said prime rental space in the Revenues from current tenants the1.r money from the taxpayers. Delly Not ltd Cl'holo DROP IN BUCKET -U.S . Geological Survey's Water Resources Division works in Ziggurat. From Page 01 MEDICAL. • • Saturday or a Sunday. Unless there's an emergency, chances are you won't be treated in the hospital unttl Monday. If you can arrange for a Monday check-m, you won't be billed for one or two days of unnecessary weekend room-and-board charges. -If you know you will be entering the hospital, try to have any routine testing done before admission, so that the first day of hospitalization will not be wasted. -Many surgical operations formerly done in a hospital are now done safely as outpatient procedures. Ask whether any operation..you are considering can be done this way. -Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) provide comprehensive health care with very few extra charges. Look inw the availability of one in your community. HMOs a.re pa.rticula.rly helpful to people who live alone, and have no one to assist them. -Stay healthy to begin with. Many people enjoy regular exercise, pay attention to their diets, and do not reach for a cigarette at the first sign of trouble. Take advantage of the preventive medical programs run by physicians and nuraes where you work, or join a health club or gymnasium. ~~~-----~~~~--~-~-----------~~-----~-~--~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~-- Big enough to be .safe ... How safe? $26 million strong ·Locall y owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over $150 million for other financial institutions Small enough to be neighborly. How neighborly? ·The simplest, safest IRA 150/o for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account"' -the intcrest·bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome San Marino Savings 200 Wat CQut "Hi&hway Newport Beach, CA 92663 645-6133 ~ -l Ortn04t Cou1 DAILY PILOT/6und1y, May 30. 1882 •• NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS QUOUTIOH• 111CLUOI fUOUOlll flll .... YOU, MIOWIU, 'A(I"( ,.. l ot'°"· OlflO(f AllD (lll(llillAfl UO(• t .CllAllOUAllO UPO•flD t 'I' fMa liUOAliD lll\tllllf o; •EGG\ t•1• E ~n \ II 1 (4'0loP .. t ... E•\<O 111 .... e.,, •. , I .. EAL "'° ll E\Au Oft•• "" E•A11 pfJ :to '1' • E:•\IGF t 10 to·. u11u11 t 10 AO'-h~OCI lo II E•ICl'I t I) 10 lthltn !16 Ut, E.tkro \ fl 11 ~. Ed1\6r t 44 i\~ Eowro l 1'• IO•, EIP•\O t _. 11· • E PC. do'l J n· 1 f. P(. pf l I\ ... (I<.. lO •"-El.cA' .. "° ,, l• ,. CIY.>' I'-EtMtMQ • EMM o< I ti'-~I~•· I 60 I .1, (rtw\£1 1 10 I" £1l.O ' n. fmr~A • 10 >•1 • lmr.rt 1 4C> \ o • E""'' Ol l tO ~4, (MOD\ I 11 I Emo o< H J frno o< IO • [mp "' •l "'• EMOIM ,fO It :~ '::;~g ~ : I•-" E."~rcP'I I tO • ot f."' o< tO 11 J .. El\\•C " ,.1 / Enl•r• 1• tO•• l"lh I JP. Eqult1 2 .0 Ot [Qti1•mtl IJ1 I h""' pfl ll 1' E.alC.•• t IC • I' t [QILI I 10. tl lJ'> [~~ ,, ... 11' ho"" • .. I 11 E\~•C IOI> 11'-[\lr•ne .. ,. • Et"'' t )Cl •I , Et•yt pf 1 40 JJ•, EM rs • : ~:: pl .':cl ti t? E•>" II' I tO 11•, E-.C.tk> I 41 t U' I E ,., ly 1 ~St n-.. En on ' l 1)'. JM( lt , FMC pl t~~ ==r. •'o F.ocol '°'" f"•ttc"d ., i."1 F.,tc Of l .O 10' I F-ot • ,. 11 1' • FrW\IF '"• F ... ~ ) reotr\ ..... F.cllCo I JO t) 0 111 FdE•o 11'• FclM09 1 J7 .... FtdNM 1' 10"' f f<IPll t lO • 11'~ F Pap pl I :to 1\11 F~' ID )1· • Ffdl>!.l l 10 l• ff'fro t 10 n, F10Urw l MI , .... Ftoc\1 l 11' • F '99"' 6' I .. Ftt,......, 1'• F1wv O' • I '"'P" ' .. t Fl"{P OI f1 1 rnS~ir •• "• f1nlfed 1~. ~•tfl\tn tiO 1• I) J°IAtln \ II ~ •'• FtC~t '• ' r''''"' 1J·1 Ft8tu J ft<·tr II • fttlkp 1·, ftM1\\ llf.t " ,. .. Jtl. u•. ""' .... t ... . . ~'' J ,.. .... I)\, 11 ' , .... lO' I It "'" IO'-- ,.., ) .. •'• .- "'• ''"' II '3'· 'rl.. • •• ... . )ii• .. )')t', "'+' w•, U"-11'• )1, ,,. . )\, ....... IJ I ti .. '' • n ""' , •.. 11 I tt.\.. ~ .. '1 .. . , .. ~ 11\.· ll 11 )t .. »'-•'• .-. "" ''"' lO -~ t .... o•.," U"'·, U 11 • ..~. ti' oft'" .. 11'1 ., ... ):3•.c•. IO' Id t ... I ll .. ll fJ'•I "'• '4'. ···~ 11', ,,~ 11 11 .. lJ )I'• .... \1•1 ti .. 't I ~ .. ~ IP, 1J ... ,, ... ""' ., .. , .. 0 , ... I O~ . )\, t> ... 21 ......... ,", 11"-~ -... ,, .. 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Orange CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Sunday, May 30, 1982 \Factories yield cash Suryel' re¥eal1J .Home hunter : Newport CPA cites new capital sources The country'• "amokeatack" . lnduatrt•. which own milllona of , ciollan tn underproductlve real .. tat.e ameta 1uch u lnduatrial . planta, could be important new parthera tor buildera aeeklna · t'OnatrucUon c.apital, aocordina to ' leadifll real estate tax expert. · "U.S. corporations own up to •1.• trillion In real estate auets," said Michael L. Meyer, managing ~er of the Newport Beach office of Kenneth Leventhal & Company, a national CPA firm noted for its real estate expertise. ''But much of these assets, particularly th06e held by large manufacturing concerns, are underproductive and constitute a significant dra\_n on internal rates of return.'' he 'said. "Builders who ide ntify a company's needs and show how these assets can be developed to yield a return for the company will be able to tap a significant new source of capital," he added. Traditionally; corporations not directly involved in real estate have tended to overlook potential tnw.tment returns of real estate, Meyer aatd . "For inatance, one of every live companlet lacka a llating of real estate property it owna to tell eenior management what the company has, even thouah real estate account.a tor 25 ~rcent of total corporate a.eta,' he aaid. Only 40 percent of American corporations regularly evaluate the performance of their real estate, according to a survey done recently by Harvard Real Estate, Inc .. a subsidiary of Harvard University, with the National Association of Corporate Real F.state Executives. "Economic pressures, however, are causing companies to take a close look at nonproductive or underproducing asaets," he said, "and this provides bullden with unprecedented opportunities." According to Meyer, builders will need to be aggressive in identifying corporate needs and showing how . real estate a.&9els can yield a return. The approach taken should be Sun '1elt housing market still brisk • • determined by a company'• goaJa, which can Include the need to lncreue eam.lnp, generate more caah, upgrade lnveatmenta, lmprove facilities, or find a better incomes soar location. Shopper. for new detached BuUderacanoffertoformjolnt hqmea In 1982 have almost ventures to develop raw land into double the incomes ot shoppers new commercial, residenUal or for new homes ln 1975. Thls waa industrial developments, or one ot the points brought out rehabilita te outmoded or through a comparlaon of Walker Idle Industrial plants. & Lee's Consumer Preference "Industrial plants, depending Surve:t, over an eight-year on location, may be converted to period. new ahopplna malls, office The median income of 1982 buildings and other oommercial S p E A K E R _ A d v i c e shoppers for deiached homes was uses, allowing companies at the columnist Abigail Van Buren $40,490, and that of shoppers for same time to qualify tor lucrative attached homes was $36,530. In tax credits under the new tax will address the Pacific Coast 1975, detached home shoppers law," he said. Builders Conference in San had a median income of $22,500 u a corporation is lnterested in Franciaco June 10. and attached home shoppers ta! . th join $21,000. re nmg e property, 8 t B •Jd W al k er & Lee's annual venture can be created with UJ ers get Consumer Preference Sur- builders to develop and operate veys have been conducted for the project. d • J9 the past eight years in five "The corporation could receive a VJ Ce l rOffl Southern California counties. In a tax shelter in the form of 1 9 8 2 , a l mos t 1 , 0 0 0 act i v e depreciation and investment tax 'Abb ' • SF s h o ppe r s at 33 new home credits under new federal tax Y lD developments participated in the rules," he remarked. survey. In 1975, there we re Comparu·es looking for ways to Abigail Van Buren, known as almost 700 participants at 27 shopper remained at 34. There was alao an tncreaae in tbe proportion of older ahoppera (66 plus), from 6 percent In 1975 to 9 per<..-ent in 1982. The buying lntenUona of the shoppers haven't changed much in eight years. In 1975, 65 percent of the shoppers intended to buy immediately or within a year. In 1982 it was 67 percent. The percentage of current homeowners among the shoppers for detached homes increased from 71 percent in 1975 to 76 p e rce nt in 1982. But the percentage of homeowners shopping for attached houses decreased from 58 percent to 55 percent. Home resales slump again "Dear Abby" to the 65 million developments. upgrade investments or change readers of her dally column The prices that shoppers were LOS ANGELES -Following locations may be interested in dealing with interpe rsona l willing to pay for new homes also a modest increase in resale tax-free exchanges, he added. relations, will attempt to lift almost doubled between 1975 activity during February, sales of And, corporations looking for builder spirits during the and 1982. ln 1975 the median e xisting single -family homes ways to convert property to cash upcoming 24th Annual Pacific price was $56,000 for a detached statewide declined during March may consider joint ventures with Coast Builde rs Conference h o m e , and $48,000 for an this year , the California builders to develop and sell the (PCBC) to be held at Mosrone attached. In 1982, it was $131 , 190 Assoc i a t 1 o n o f R e a I tors CffiCAGO (AP) -The worst housing recession since 1933 has failed to dampen. home building in the nation's Sun Belt, a teading property title ins urer ceported. property Center in San Francisco June d $103 880 f 1 announced. manager of marketing research · an · · respec ive Y· ''In many cases, any gain 9-12. Other differences between the Resale transaction volume for for Chicago Title Insurance Co. recognized would be taxed at the According to Anabel Konwiser 1975 and 1982 home shoppers March was at a seasonally The company said it found lower capital gain rates and an of Newport Beach, chairman of were not as dramatic. adjusted annual rate of 209,433 that, nationally, the l98l ratio installment sale could be set up," PCBC's women's committee, The 1982 detached shopper is a units, a decline of 12.7 percent for new homes built per 100 he said. "Dear Abby" will headline a little older. In 1975 the median from the previous month. . "In contrast to what's going on ~lsewbere, housing starts in some ~un Belt markets suggest a real estate boom is in full swing," said ~ohn Pfister, vice oresident and existing households was 1.35. program entitled "Tea With age of the detach ed home The March 1982 activity level ''The national ratio is distorted Meyer indicated that each Abby" scheduled for 3 p.m. to shopper was 33, and the attached lagged resale volume recorded by the fact that we are observing situation requires individual 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, June 10. home shopper, 34. In 1982 there for March 1981 by 30.7 percent, two totally different housing analysis to identify opportunities The event is co-sponsored by was a reversal, with the average and was nearly 69 percent below markets in the United States that will benefit developers and In -Sink -Erator Division, detached home shopper being 36; the cyclical peak in sales that today:" Pfister said. the corporation. Emerson Electric Co. and PCBC. the age of the attached home occurred in November of 1978. Indian Hill homes preview . Decorated models of Indian Hill townhomes, Mission Viejo Com~~bs latest attached home program in Laguna · , opened for previewing recently, announced Grant Sullivan, the firm's marketing director. Indian Hill offers four floor plana, 'ranging from a three-bedroom, 1 ~-bath, 1,343-«p.aare-foot model to a four -bedroom, 2~-batb, 1,820-&quare-foot model. Prices range from $120,350 to $145,000. ''We've built more than 16,000 homes in Mission Viejo, and we're taking this expertiae to Laguna Hills.'' Sullivan said. "These innovatively designed homes will appeal to a wide range of today's hornebuyers. "Indian Hill uses space effectively and preserves all the convenience associated with detached homes," Sullivan observed. "Rooms flow into one another, yet living areas are defined and accented with the design sophistication today's buyers look for." Indian Hill provides the option of a secluded retreat off the master bedroom or a den instead of another bedroom. The two larger plans include a family room. A two-car garage is attached in all plans. Indian Hill kl tchens were designed as functional workspaces featuring time-saving appliances, including electric oven/ranges, dishwashers, disposals and trash compactors set amid stained natural wood cabinetry under luminous ceilings. Volume ceilings, skylights and creatively used cleres1ory-level windows lend additional atyle 88 does the raised formal entry. On the outside, Spanish lace-textured stucco, resawn wood trim and siding provide a quiet graciousness. All Indian Hill homes feature a courtyard entrance, and rear pati08 are fenced for residents' further privacy. Initial monthly homeowner association fees of $84 cover insurance 88 well as exterior building and landscape maintenance. For additional infonnation cil1 643-0233. · To tour the Indian Hill models, which are open · <billy from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. exit the San Diego .. Freeway at Lake Forest and drive west. Turn left on Moulton Parkway. Take Moulton pa.st El Toro Road and follow the signs to Indian Hill. When Laguna Village opened sales on the ~haae, sales counselors reported crowds of ho en waiting to reserve the plan of their choice. Bruce Hill, project sales agent and president of Pacific Coast Realty, said the excellent aelectiona are atill available in prior units and inu • .edlate oocupanc:y ta pcaible. This latest opening followed on the very successful opening, and aubeequent 5'les of all prior phases. Views are a prominent highlight ln this newest unit. F.pedally popular with ~ visitors ta the Santa Barbara plan offering approximately 1,460 *l\W'e feet of u~ ~. Many units afford views of the aurroundina'valley, and all include three bed.rooms and two full betha. Both one and two-story townhomee. in two and ~bed.room arranpmenta att available in ~ pha1e of development, and are priced from $112.600. All unita are, however, aabject to location premium, and availabillty due to prior tale. '!be 5 ~~acre Villqe Green Rec area includes a &,500 equare foot clubhoulle with Jounp, wet bar, tireJ>l,lce, card room. kitchen 9Cdvitiel room. and btl1f.ard room. 1bere are allo tiv.. poola, •unu. IWlrlpool epa. outdoor actMda f.adlltlee and two ~Uon t.nnll mun.. . lbneownmw pay a $90 monthly fee to oover maintenance of the reoreauonal amenitlea, tOWnhame exterlon, greenbelta IM!rlOnA1 water bOI. . th ~. and. IDllW 'lV Q'ltml. ' Tbe modeJ. AN located at 22441 Ctadnlto ....... Mt welt of the San D&eto ~ in UlauM Im& To iwll the ..-cmtcs!.tre the 1aU re... Dftw alt, west tlaii the i:: a::"; :t:'::l.; ~.8::o!L ... ~":f. = 10 a.m. J\r' lftfollDllUOD )ICM.I _, 1~============================================================================ You can buy a new two-bedroom townhome in central Orange County if you earn $2,200 a month: • U 7/s o/o Interest, 30-Year loan (133/s % Annual Percentage Rate) • Builder Pays All Non-Recurring Closing Costs • $3,990 Down Payment • Minutes From Santa Ana's Multi-Million Dollar Redevelopment Area • Close To Excellent Shopping • Easy Freeway Access • Security Gated Subterranean Parking • Two Bedrooms/Two Baths • From $78,990 - •This is individual or combined earnings. Sales office open daily, except Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 302 E. Chestnut Avenue 714/558-7955 Prlctt tfftclivt publication dalt. Sub~qu.,nl wits may rttuh In unavail· abillly al tomt or all prl« ltvtll. All common ar4ru and rtcrution lacili· tiH ut m•lnl•intd by lht Homtowntrs Assocl.tllon for a monthly ltt. Stt Mitt rtprtwntatlvt for dttalls. I f I .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/8unday, Mly 30, 1882 FROM MY FAMILY TO YOURS ••• lf'p Ha,'e Sert'ed l'ou O.-er 18 1'ean, and 6&~ ol Our Buslne Is Repeat. Thf're IN a RPnlion11 VISIT WILSON FORD'S NEW FLEET AND LEASE DEPT. KEVIN HAS A SUPER DEAL FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE! WliO SAID y u CAN1 T HAVE HIGti PERFORMANCE WITH MILEAGE?" 11·. t •t ' t 11~! l Bth 11.L SALE: . Don't MiNN TbeNe J'alueN PLlf § Faetory REBA.TES FORD FACTORY REBATES AND YOUR GOOD CREDIT MAKE IT POSSIBLE 1982 MUSTA~~e~1ac\K)n AM Fm stereo radio. alu~1nu lamps (" '558) lock tinted glass 09 la '84903) YOUR PRlC£ $ WEEKEND 00 h) ! TOTAL DOWll PAYMEllT DELIVERS A NEW CAR OR NEW TRUCK OR ANY USED CAR OR USED TRUCK Mea1um ?,~~~,,~~CORT GT wall tires AM radio IWo-r th arid vinyl lnm blac~ s.,. · one pa1nr .... e YOUR PRICE Most of the Formula o'ne cars in the Detroit Grand Prix this comlng J une 6th will be powered by an engine pioneered by Ford Motor Company Through 16 years or evolutionary design. the Ford Cosworth engine IS still winning races. In fact. 1t IS the winningest engine in the history of Formula One . and has also won the Indy 500 and the 24 hours or Le Mans. Not until now . however. has the Ford-developed engine seen competition m our home town. because not until now has there been a Delroll Grand Prix to run through the heart of the city. Come join our cheering section in the Motor City on June 6th. And watch the Ford power go by. '81 GRANADA GLX '77 DATSUN 710WAGON r E •• lnctudee ,..,.,. .... ...,.1orhte 4cvt '"'° e1r AvtO ,,,,. • <¥1 . 11r. ~' ''"'' • cvl 1ut01Nlk IOW9f , ... ,,,.. •<Yttftditf.S ....... •lt.AM ,.M HYll-. I -, .. _ Y ... t ulO _, tlwerlne & IM't'n BUYER ON DUTYI NHDMORE FOi YOUR TRADI ,.,.,.., ,,..l(YYI ' ...... "' ..i-.. (r\llM AM FM IM'O•t' -·-.,,. crv••· AM <•-llCOA ... I tM TOXt 1lr. __.., •lndOw't. crutM Cu\t •'-1• UJIZllOI $ '79 PORO IANCHIRO GT YI, e;it-llC l19M.. elt eond., t1M•"'9 & 1>1•-... AM·FM lier ~ ........... -. (IP1'1Mel v. •ut• ,,.,.. ...., """""· .,, -•l-1 ........ ti., .. _ ''""' ~ '""''"'' 1t1reo. "'.,'Y 9'fettv car coo1001 t '"" •'•"'° C00100Jt '79 FORD PINTO ~ 782 '81 fOID FUTUIA • "' w•• ... , ttt >·•Oftt .. '"' .llM 'M•H >O J 56.'l ml ... 11(¥,tlOl $ '78 PORD THUNDERBIRD V• •u•o °""' ''' owr tw , ••r. ht•• blue bffu!v I tlt UOVI s '720PIL GT .. \lf 'llf 11ffll ce,... .. , Will .. • e (IHllC' lt0111100i71 $ '80 OLDSM081LI '79 HONDA OMIGA CVCC 1d, •<•' .,,,,. • ·''''"·'..., •c•• auto •1rc0ftd 1m tm •<•' ,,., )ctr '''""° 1 .. tWotl(• II Ot• "'''"Il l< t(•o•J'J' recllO IS.r •l*"ll '79 DATIUN CPI. PAITlllAK 4¥ 'M f ... t•YO\.I '11 POID ISCOIT S••• .... w-c1 c11wtt•. •-.1).$1 • ..WIM 1•1711901 '11 MIRCURY CAPllS IS ." .... , ,. ,,, . .,., "" ... ,... Il k •I UYl .. I SllVICI Ami THI SAll ISOUI Nl 'llOllTY , .. ,. ........ ..... ._.... .. ...... 'AULVITTUN ............... Can't find what you're loolclftl fot? We've tot lttl 6 7 AcNlef • ..led .... I • WKRP's Gary Sandy wants to play Jerry Lee Lewis BY JAY SHARBUTr d~w.._ NEW YORK -Gary Sandy waa a bad guy In soap operas, then a good-guy program dln!ct.or on "WK.RP in Cincinnati." Now he's the raffish pirate king of Broadway's pop-flavored "The Pirates of Penzance." Someday, he also hopes to star In a movie about Jerry Lee Lewis, the fiery rockabilly king prone to thrash a piano so IC>Wldly it's a wonder the piano doesn't hide under the bass player. He concedes his desire to play Lewis may strike some as off-the-wall, flat weird, even, likewise hill selection by producer Joeeph Papp to be the chief rogue in "Pirates." "But nobody's going to pigeonhole me," vows Sandy, 36, a tall, lean, fast-talking man who sounds vaguely Kentucky even though born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. He's been swashing and buckling m "Pirates" since March and will keep at it until August. It's his first Broadway musical, but not his Broadway debut. That was back in 1974, in the short-lived "Saturday, Sunday Morning'' in which Kaye Ballard, now in "Pirates," also appeared. He auditioned to be Broadway's chief sword-waver last summer, then flew back to Los Angeles to attend to a television matter. "That was the last two segments of WK.RP," . .. A SASSt BRAlft Cl ISSY CoMEDY." -G.'I S/\1111 Ille TV T OOo\ Y SHOW ·~~ ·-··--· dftiZiiA llU "" Pw• sn sm COITllllU EO.orO. ""'Oi ~·o , .. , UTOM CO..w<liS-1111<• ~81 ~HO NOW PLAYING _,.,. t&lUY 1W19 llWf'OllT llAQI f°""!MI V*'I loOo '161 IHI 613 llSO .... •OAAllU E""'ords WoodOoCIQO ~ ~~1 00~ 63• 2S~l Winner of 3 Academy Awards "IF YOU COULD IEE WHAT I HEAR" CPO> HWRONQ 18 RIGHT" <"> .... ,ONlgn ,....,. ''MEPHl8TO" OIWIGI s-0r ..... 6398710 wtl'Tllllll TUI UA .,._ 193 05'6 he says. He grinl wryLy. "They turned out to be the two final eegmenta of the series," CBS recently dropped the show after four seasons. l:>eapite his years In television, Sandy's only made three movies, small roles in each. He agrees it's due in part to the tendency of Hollywood's movie tolka to iplore actors primanly known from TV. "You run into it m theater, too," he adds. "There are 10 many theaters in this country, various and sundry, that somehow have It in their minds I'm only a television actor. It's hard to fight." Sandy began in the emoting business in the late Sixties, after quitting college in Ohio to study broadcaating 1.n Atlant.a, then qu1ttmg that to come here to study acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. His Hollywood star began rising in the mid-Seventies, when producer Norman Lear tapped him for the reversed sex-role sitcom, "All That Glitters," in which he played a secretary sexually harassed by lady executives. He readily admita he's been lucky in his chosen calling. He only had one lean year after graduating from AADA. Then he worked steadily in daytime TV soaps, starring in "AB the World Turns," then "The Secret Storm," then "Somerset," 6'h years in all. (See Gary, Page EZ) -.-c ...... u ........ ____ ... .,.. ....... NOW PLAYING AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES .U COil • MIU ....... fllJO OMllGf UA Mo¥es Hlr1IOI r-v..,.1_ Dr"'Ot 0nve 111 9tO ~022 '3 I 3~1 830 8990 55170?2 IUDIA 'Ull •IMJTlllGTOll •Aett •CMWIGI WllTMIUTQI lklelll Pwk °'"'' Ill Eelwwds c.nem.. Ctn«lorne Edw.wcts c-na Wesl 811 •070 8'8 0318 13• 2553 891 3935 •COIT• lllU IMIUU IUQI fO.•ds 8'3tOI So./!~ c-a 5•0 ,... ... 151' \ ClASSIFllD WKRP's Gary Sandy stars as pirate king in "Pirates of Penzance." _ .. ,~ CAllOI.~ "ANNIE" FRI-MOH. 11:*1, 2:00 5:00, l:OO. 10:30 (PQ) ~UI "DEATH TRAP" llalltf. FRI. 1:45 I AT/IUN. 1:30,5:05,1:.46 "GOIN' ALL THE WAY" Fftl. 7:00, 10:J5 IAT/IUN. 2:20, 1-. to-AO ,.....,_ IAT_._ __ _ CHARIOTS OfflRE ~Bl IAT/autc. Ml, 1:1' CJ.A.sH II TnANs m , ......... IAT/IUN. 1:tl. MO. - -*-0°<wm '""' ll11, 1NI IAT-MON. l:OO, lr:1t. tOi:ll "CHARIOTI OF P1M" l'N. e. IAT-MON. Das Boal· FRI. 7:00, t;45 SAT/IUN.1:15, 4:00 7:00, t 45 jR) Ill "VISITING HOURS" FN. t:AI SAT -MON. 1'111, llOO, 1:AS DmH Wi.SH n l!l .... ,,.,_ SAT_..,.., __ Fftl. 7:11. t:OO, 10-M IA T /IUN. 2:00, 1-M, 5:JO 7:15, t:OO, 10:48 HE ROAD WARRIOR FN. t:OO (9') IAT-MON. 1:*1, t:1S. t:OO 16FIOHTING BACK" "'"' 7:10, to:Al IA T-MOH.. l:20, 1:10, ,.,_ C'd wa rdc; CINEMA tiARBUH IH V O AT ADAMS COSTA MESA 546-3102 ·1 > (Jlttlt nf£ WMR10A ~ GIAOIATOA A utfl'nlllAl llllLIAU KING l!J """ 7:00, l:.al IAT/IUN. 2:00, 4:JO 1-.t;*I e d w.irds LIDO CINEMA NIWP ORT BIVO A T VIA LIDO 673·8350 Nf Wf..,11>1 Af Af f.< DEATHTRAP ..C""'hC. .... ~....._ .... -~RI All. 1:15, 10:IO T/IUN. 1:31 1:11 10:IO --.-.,,,, .......... - 1·dw.1rc1c, SAOOL F BACK PL A Z A ·I ' ..... , •• , ....... ,.,, 581 -5880 t t lt 1M1 • --IAT_,,.. __ _ (ti) 01ARJOTS OfflREm --IAT_ .. ,.._ MON GOLDEN PONO"''°°' ...... -ur.-..-.-.- MJIA_,.. *'VICTOR/ VICTORIA" ..... 71 ..... MTllUe&.1'41 .. 111' ... ,,., .1 l .. Orange Oout DAIL. V PIL.OT /Sunday, May 30, 1812 .Gary S andy wants to play r ock star (From Past El) By nlah\, he aayt, he tolled in theater, in a lo\ of what h• calla "off-off-off-off-Broadway," lncludlnlf a one-man tableau ln the buement of Lincoln ~nter. Learnlna u.ne. for eoap operu by day and dialOIUe for a play by niaht "didn't .eem to bother me. Frankly, what I'm doina now la WU,her physically, dolng it eight times a week. I aeem to be reeling more from thla one than I remember when I wu dolng two ahowa a week." A bachelor, S-.ndy owns a houae in Loa Anaelet1.~but his current home la a amall apartment in midtown Manhattan. He'a the third actor to play the top rogue in "Penzance," having succeeded Treat Williams, who earlier succeeded Kevin Kline, the muaical'a first, Tony-wlnning pirate king. Sandy bounded into the show, chest bared, sword ak.unbo, after oniy 12 dayt of rehearsal. "A acary thing. Twelve days, that's nonnal in sununer stock, but this was Broadway. Still, 12 daya wasn't as bad as it sounds. "That's where my training in soap operas came in handy. Because with the television trip, you learn to work quickly." The actor, partaking of a breakfast of pancakes, orange juice and coffee when interviewed, was in fairly good spirits despite the recent news he'd gotten of CBS's decision to drop "WKRP in Cincinnati." Sagging ratings helped ~lose the mythical radio station where he, busty Loru Anderson and the rest had worked for four seasons. Still, he saya, the axing "came as a surprise for fie. l'm not sour-grapes about it, and I have no doubts that television is run on the ratings system. "But by the same token, I'd think it's not hard to understand that if you move a show on a network schedule 20 times in four years, including rerun periods, that would have an effect on the ratings." H e'd hoped, h e says, that when CBS programmers were pondering the show's fate, they at least might have given it a fifth season before declaring it kaput. That way, he says. "we could go out with a little more grace, story line-wise, wind it down a little better," the way the long-running "Mary Tyler Moore Show" came to a sad, genue·, memorable finale. Still, he says, the show had a good run, put his bank balance in the black. &d now he's looking ahead to what he calls "different kinds of trips" in theater, maybe TV again and. lf all goes well, that movie about the life and times of Jerry Lee Lewis. "I've been down on his fann i.n Mississippi, and Jerry Lee wants me to do it," he says. "Wouldn't that be a trip? I think it'd be a great flick." LUXURY THEATRES Economy Sating S2.50 til 3:00 PM U•leu Ot...,_• N1wll S.113h144•J11Il6l~2SSJ/'C::.;!.) s * FOR FUOI EXCJTEmEITTI VisrtOur ••• ARCADE of GAMES• . . Ii f;i fJ ijh, 1.1+.i§ 6 J 619 a1101 ~~) auutllul Cine ,., Sound Direct T o Your C.,I TH• ISLAND l"l m 99ing all the way .. ._IVATK USSONS (A) \ASmNG~ • A I.. I • H <"l IlfP~lTH~LUH ~' 8"DTHll"S (") DRIVE-INS OPEN NIGHTLY AT 7:30 * Ch1ldr~n Urlde• 12 f REE Unlhl Noted "I wa rtGlctd to~ hysterics I" .... Wc9 ~ .• . ~ KMp •• .,.. oat for the fanalMt mo•le Pout powlq up enr m.adel You'll be &lad you cam el ... ~~ l'lru (ii). -----"--llTH TERRIFIC WEEK ' CITY CEnTER .. ~ IN THI CllY CINTIU O!IANOI • e,,. t2t1 INOUQH '9 llNOUGHI ~ ........... ProetltutM. Ancl*"lde•lere. ........ .W.D~ wtffdo tolNlu n1lghborhood ..... -... ~ .. tM.Ul ........... _,, l'UU -" __ .. ,_.,.,.,,,* -r..-.c.a.-~ot1711 _ ... ,..] ........... _....... ... _ _. .. -l llN$0 -Y-8UOlltO _,.,._ Anaheim'• Hfway 31 Not Viewed In 3-D EVERYTHIN MUST GO! UHD PIANOS BWJll UIAI STElllAY YAIAllAS IURUTZ£R llBlLS SAVE •100's MUSIC BOOKS .. ACCESSORIES 50"0Ff 60UllD 2-DTIOAID SPINET ~~ ORGAN ORGANS ... \) ... $599'0 :3t"" NIW DRUMS $2000 ALL UNITS CLEARLY SALE PRICED FOR THIS ONCE A YEAR SALE! USIDUPRm ASIS .PIANOS . $9900 FROI NIW 1um1c GUITAR 50 MANT NIW UllD SPINO PIANO PIANOS ROLLS 30~ °'' $1 IMIY._ •.a TOCasl,_ - SPINET PIANOS UIDLllUI SPIAKIU '69' .,, '99 It UllD CONIOt.I PIANOS IN 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO ··~-· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : edwards NEWPORT CINEMA ! :FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT CENTE • • it Near C-8t Hl•la"'ay, Between MaeArt••r A lamboree • .. • • ~ 644-0760 \ .................................••..•••......... NOW· DAILY I hie A.M •• 2:M • StM • 8 sM • le:Se P .M. EDWARDS PRICES FOR "ANNIE" SQSO s~oo C•lld Vader 12 Iii; General Ad•. 4l.J Los Anceln Tints • Orange Ooaat OAILV PILOT/Sunday, May 30, 1882 Raquel Welch takes glamourless role By JERRY BUCIC 4'T......-wnw LOS ANOEU:S -Raquel Welch it.an u an lndlan woman 1n tho wanlnai daya of the American lndlan'1 prairle emplre in the lona-delayed NBC movie, ''Thv Loaend of Walka Far Woman." She playa Walkl Far Woman, a Pikunl Blackloot who marries a hanc.tlome and arroaant Sioux warrior named Honea Ohoet. She then aee. her world crushed by the advance of the white man ln the late 19th century. "Thia role appealed to me u an acue. becauae It waa unexpected of me," Mlla Welch said. The 2~-hour movie, whlch NBC will telec&at tonight at 9 p.m. on Channel 4, alao 1tar1 Nick Mancuso as Horses Ghost, Bradford Dillman u a mixed blood trader and Oeorae Gh.1'"1 u Old Orandfather. The tlr1t halt of the movle lt dlaappolnttna. It drap alol\I tor about 30 or 40 mlnuiet. Then W-alka Far Woman meet.' Honea Ghot~ and lt t&Qe oft Uke an Indian pony on a buffalo hunt. Ourln1 their rouah-and-twnble court.hip, the 1parla fly between th.a independent lndlan woman and thia cocky brave. The 1eCOnd half of the movie la well worth waitlng for. Mlu Welch completely submerges her aex symbol pel"IOna ln this well-performed role. "Thia woman, In a aerue 11 liberated befo~ her time," Mia Welch says. "The Indian women didn't have a voice ln runn.lng the tribe, but they did have a profound influence Walla Far WOO\lll\ WU an lnde.,.ndent woman " The role waa a very 1trenuou1 and phyalcal one that rt.-qulred her to run a fOCJC race and rtde a bucking horse. "I had a few accident.I," Mi.118 Welch utd. "Dwinl the footrace, I feU down and twlated my ankle ao badly 1 had to be t.aun to a hospital And, of course, rldlng that bucking horse was no tun. I had whlpluh for weeks afterward ~ r "It was important for the camera to be right on me. so that the audience knew the central character was doing these thlniJ,'' she said. "And at waa unportant. too, u an actress to expenen('t' these thinp to that you can better understand how the character feels " Comic team together again "AN ASTONISHING ACTION MASTERPIECE. Breathtaking:· BOSTON (AP) -Comedias Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca are tea.nung up a aln, thul time for Offenbach 's comic opera " rpheus in the Underworld." "Apocalypse .. POW! Exhilarating entertainment. It deserves to become the first hit of the summer season " Richard Corliss. TIME MAGA/INl "A 111111hlng good lime 11 lh• movlea. The fu11 Is in 1111 trip. and II ls 1 slul1r ... George Miller 111d COllPlnJ hlVI pMlltd off I winner: .... b ... "' Sheila Benson. LOS ANGELES llMlS Bruce W1lhamson. PlAYBO'I' MAGAZINE "An astonishing action masterpiece. Stirring. Brlltbl1klR1:· -Guy Flatley. COSMOPOLITAN Caesar will appear ~ John Styx and MISS C.oca as Public Opinion m the production by the Opera Company of Boston scheduled for June 13 through June 20. a spokeswoman at the company sa1d . *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances betore 5:00 PM (Except Special Eng1gemtnts 1nd Holld1ysJ IA MlllAO A MAii M tOdO QI IO•ec10"' LA MIRADA WALIC ·IN 99•·2•00 "IP' YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR" l"'ll ·------"PORKY'l " t"l •&a. ____ _ "THI! ROAD WARRIOR" 1t11 "VISITING HOURS" 1111 __ ... ,,..,.... ,.... ____ .... Bl!ST ~CTUM AND SCREEN PLAY "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" IN I -.-.-.--I LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll<·IN "ROCKY llf'1"°1"',._ _____ .,, .. "DEAD MEN DON'T ftAR PLAID" (POI -------·-·----·"· __ ,,.. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAll( IN ~AIDelMIO 211/6J4.t211 l AvUNA "ROCKY Ill" '"°1 ----- Focu1ry 01 Co"dlewooo 213/531·9580 "PORKY'S" 11t1 t>• ,. '" 1•t • .,, "IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR" tN I ,. ............... - "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" ...... !POI "CLASH OF THE m ANS" ---(POI SO. COAST WAlK·IN Soul,, Coo11 HIWO'I' 01 l roodwoy 494-1514 l'ACIFIC THUTllES OlllYE IN SWAI' ME£lS h antM f0Uflll(1\ \ ... ltO 1 ... OH-'if HAlllOll llYO 0111¥( IN & DUNG( ORIYl ·Ill fa• 10 J ... \&CijAIU • 'V•aAt ''fl rlAI•*-' 't.MOA•S a1 UA11t1• sra1tu• "NAH!IJA ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN ftee..-oy t t ot ~mon St 179·9150 "PORKY'8" 1t11 -"UP IN SMOKE" 1111 ----1 1. "TM! CM HOPS" tfll 2. "NAUGHTY ICHOOt.GIM.I" (Jtf a. "T1!1lNAGC .. TCHHN<E"8" tfll "PARA81n" '"' -"FIGHTING BACK" 1•1 CINl II SOUW!l 1 C•lft Ji WO*'IJ I UINA PAl!l BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN uncot" Av• •••' Of ttnott 121·4070 8UINA PAl!l LINCOLN ORIVl·IN "ROCKY 111" 1"1 -"CLASH OF THE m ANS" (H I "THE ROAD WARRIOR" 1111 -1>11co111 "•• we11 01 cnocc "SHAAK Y'S MACHlNI" 1111 121-4070 IOUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLE't Olll Vf·IN "CONAN THE BARBARIAN" (R) ,..,. Ion D••oo ,...., 01 ••oe>'"U"I (So) "THE NORSEMAN" (PQ) 962·2411 CtNl 11 ~ WI SrM1NSlll! Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN • T • s.oc • Bt•o So °' GtJ,Otin G1a-e 1-tffWO't 191·3693 "PARADISE" (R) DON'T WIAR PLAIO"<N1 ,... -aLUll BROTHEAI" "PRIVATE LE880H8" (A) C!Olt fl SOUllO lfll ::lllf "souooo __ _ A ._,"-fll0.6 LA HABRA DRIVE 11t -- "' "''• ·I "PAAAatn"(lll -• "FIGHTING IACK" 1111 CINI fl '°""° "ROCKY r..., .... ~°' TMlnTANI .. .,_ O RANGE l>UIV f IN Sjlflio Alie f...., I lMlte Con ... SSl·702a . . .. ~ .. M l!>SION l'IJIVf IN . .•· . . . ' W .'\'°I Nf I..' l Vtv t '"' . . . t: ,. I. • ....-,._..~A fMft ......,_ M .,.. -.i1~MMll ~ ............ TUBE TOPPERS · ca.mer A....., 111111 e111t -~i.r·~ ........... CZ>~ • • ''Tiie Aclplle °"""""' Geir'f ...... ~ .. t 111t) wtttl IN ... Miii .. ----~---...... I elO llUhttlffall•lll•ll ...,_..._ .. ,,...... ed • .......... """ .,.; 11111 ltll .... '°"'NI' , ... ~~ .... , ""' -MOittlNG- .. (I) TMI OOUNn.'f CIA. ,tye eun-ey, ~ VM oylte end Ken H-d llW In t~ perlotfNlllOe of Cllt· ford Odee .• pley 9boul ti. oomplH te1tllonehlp• b•l-•n en eloohollo eo1or, Ille wlN end• tl'IMt· riGlil direetOf. • LICIL Y ITC>Na The --of todtl'(• hOI· .... young _.,.,., ctnc- lort end ltM't .,. oett1- ...:1 t09tther In thOf1 ftlm, llldeO end lltllfl\aled Mg- rnenta. l::ll(C)MCMI **IA "The Helet" (1171) °*'-Au\aVOU<. VlfN l.111. A Frenc:ll l'IOOdb'n trlM to fOllOw In IM toot•tepe of hie ~letll\ oet'0'1W MtO, John Olll- 6'• ii ~TOPHPI C&..OMUf' Cl)MOYle *•IA "Aide In Th• Whlttwlnd" ( IM7) C-· on Mllc:t'911, Jedi NlchOl- eon. Three cowboy• rellll'nlng home etter • rough call .. drtY9 .,. mi. 18icen by a poeM for mem-- tler9 of • oeno of re>t>btn. e:IO. a.JllC N'10 THI IPQCINWOM> • YOUTl4 NIO THI -- OIMCTIONI •• MARITAL ADVICE -Schneider (Pat Harrington) offers Julie (Mackenzie Phillips) advice on her marital problems in tint of a two-part episode of "One Day at a Time" tonight at 8:30 on ~ (2). • TOOAv-1 llAa< WOMAN -~TldAT OALVAltf I l'NDeNCK K. PNCa IEl.ECTNC COMPANY (fll) !I THe LAHAYO (j) =YOUR MU * *IA "Toby And TM Koa· la &Mr" (tie 1) Rolf Harri• Live ec1lon and at1lmatlon combine 10 tell the tale of • young boy and hla 1>91 koa- la In Auatrella'• frontier daya. OMOVIE • •.,. "The L0009)'. LOI> I OC>OG8' DUGOUT OPINt.tH> Cl tooWMC ~Oil t'AINTIMG Cl) T*W&KIN u1•..u. QIMOVll • • ~ "Wll\t•rhewk" ( 1978) Michael Danie, Leif ErlekMH'I (Jl)MOVll * • "TM Legend Of The L0041 Ranger" ( INO) Kiin· ton S~ry. CMetop.. UOyd. TM L-~ and Tonto ~ their uch-•n•my, Butch Cawndlth. who haa kid· Mp9ed ,,,. l)(eeidenl of th9 U.S. 'PO' 11:00 D OH CAMPU1 "~ of the Third Age... Untver"llty °' Seti Diego • OOOOIA PM G>MI • MCME 1 -.0. WILD WOM.D ANMAU ..... ._,,TM tMn>- 1*19 06owfl of nelloMI ..... ~-­..,.,.....,_ f*"Y __..,. llllNwld. • MM»-11 ~ ............. ~". tldlflt ad-'. -~Ulm Men oontrontt • bomb ~lntfMIWflllof• bun*'O bulldlrll end .. ~ ~hill MnlOf officer tor Illa, .... flln.. dting of Ille tllll. (PM 2) l"JQ ·'4~1TORY "l'lebuildlng A NellOn" Ill INT'IM-....NT T*MIK "9potte on dnlg ~ In Hotl)•ood MCI upoomlng --INWlet; Int.,,.... -'th femendo ~ and Clvlale>pfler ~­ a~ W_,., WOf'ld II'~· lnQ~l"­ llrmlngtiem, England); Orlent.i World or a.it• OefenN (lrotll Medleon Square Gansen 1n New Yorll); Chul1'Ctll Cup Oym- nMtb -Men'e~ tlOn (from T Clkyo, Jepen) (C)MOVIE * * • .,. "TM Oeln CurM" (Part 21 (1978) J- Cobutn, N.,,ey Addleon 8aNd on the nowl by ~I Hammell. A pri- vate ...,. ln,,..tlgetlng • diamond robbery encount.,.. • ..,... ot mlll'dert and • atrenge young women who b9llevee llM'• the v1c11m or •lamllyc:IKM. Cl) MCNW ••~ "T"9 Shooting" ( 1M7) MN!le Penclne, Jeck Nlcholaon A woman entl9ta 111e ., or .,, ... bounty hunter and hi• COhOf1 to guide ,_ on a '91anlt.e >oumeY of per--w r-.. 1:£ Zt.-. A1'0 THI Lt'.O. The ..,... PNll\anN)nlc rttiy, L0009)' 8'IQ9 Bunny Movie" (1811) A"""8ted Vo60M by Mel Ilene, June F~. New mat«lal 19 blended with old In tNe c:ompllatlon of daMiC Fritz Fraleng "L0009)' T-" fHturlng 8ug1. Dally Dud!, POf1<y Pig, Yoeamlte Sam. TWMtte Pie and oth- * * '/\ "8"th Of A lAgend" ( t173) ~taty An ~ CO¥Ol8 pup --tur• out into the wide, 1:*1. ~TAOOP Orch•atr• end Ila renowned conductor. Zubln Mehta. -p«>ttMd. (JDMCWll ***''The~ llon Of Emily" ( 11641 Jam•• Oern•r, Jull• An<lr-. ~ growa ~ • enu.ri -wf6. -and • non4-olc of!\-'* aulgl\ed to P<O'ollcle hta ~ with the luJCurlM of hofne. .. ,~ N)8EJln' ICHUU.EA DAYMEAKLA. PORTIWTalN f'ASTB.8 l ~P\A.IE AN IVIMH) OF MAGIC AHO COMEDY Oraon 8Ml'I "°'" • uny hOur of tlelgtlt~f-l'lend and ~ lllC*S ., 5.,, FrandaciO'• Greet Amen- C*'I """'° Hell 1• 1 TOOAY'I MlJQION TMAT"eCAT urn..e fll'iC:Al.8 ·~ ~ I DAY OIF oeoovll"t' CMTOOH9 • YOGA"°" H1AL. TH -~MAU 1:10!lMCM1 • • • ''BleckbOetd Jun.. rJ-" ( t1$5) Glenn Ford. ANWI Franc:le A dedlcal«I young 1-=tw attempte to r•\Of• order In • biQ-<:ity training achool wh•r• •---oe ......... -and ~ h...,. teken root. 7: 1S Cl) MOVIE * *o,\ "An EV-FOf An Ey." tlMll Chucll Norrie. Chnetop.. '--· A San Frandeco cop quite the bee to--. the murder of Illa penner by memtier. of a~ ring. 'A' 7:IO. ,AIO#IA'n WHrTNEV ANO THI N)90T .CAMf'UI~ VIMflOWf OH NUTN110N I ..,, W/ll.OIGNff IMTB' 9'00IM ~ Cl} TY.a LOOl<I AT LIANM8 l.::::U 1CMOMOW UOl"-'GAY~ TMI • TMl l.R ll'ONYI! NII) ,...,. • P&•ONAL DOZlllOMI I LLOYD OQl.W 8*JTNC OOW'AHV I ~~ MXHUMMAI> t«MI ••• "C--" (t81t) AlngO 8..,.,. Der"* Oi..icl The downiltl _.,., of • berefy ...,_. j)f9hlal0ftc tttbe begll1' to ~ ... .,,...,,. and "°' lw~ .. be .,.. lltiy '° ... peo. ~··~·PG' (I) W/IOl:'t W0M.D OIF JQMATMAMWl-ca-et: 0-,.. K.-dy. .AWOS•fflCJNDOIF UJll•ll A Yl""1G ......,_.., wtU .-eo PfO¥e '° 11er ~ ..._ !Mt nice glttl don'I ...,. ...... .,. from the cartoon ..-·a· t:OO 0 NlW8 COHFPEta ~ ~blcan 8arT)' Goldwtl*. Jr .• San Olago M8)'0f P«• Wlleon and ~blcan Peul Mc:Cloe-- k9Y. cendldat• lor ~b­ llc:an nomination for U.S. Senete. l=z~ 8DAME ITAIEET (R) ~~WNTTEH * ·~ "Kiii Or Be KMled" (1980) J-Ay1111'. Cnw· loll• ~-A form« Nazi ~. wflO IOet .,, Important karate match 10 the J~ duf1n0 the wer . ..U to IN9f'O' Ille def99t by enlatlng the top kung fu flgtl ten tr om around ttle ~ In • tour· ""'*"-'PG' Cl)t.IOW • ·~ Ma. Tl'9k -The ~Ion Ptct\n" (1171) w~ ~. L.aon«d ~-The ..,,.,.,_ -mander of the u.s.s. Ent..,..,, ,.,... Illa old u.-and .... aft on • mlMlon '° ftnd the myat ..... _ ...... ~tor ttie~of~­ -Fed«atlon ~ 'G' t:IO 9 Cl) Fiia THE NATION I 8 MEET TM£ PNS88 a.AECTIOHI D DAY~ oelCOYEAY • THEWOAl.D TOMOMOW 9~ COfl8.ANO CH)TWEWAI "TM 1SMIOa" Ok:k C.119\t r.calle the Oec.ade wtllCh -metiled by the -In vi.tnam. IN cNll rlghta and~-"· the Woodetodl rod! _. oar1 end men'• flnt ai.p. on IN ll'IOOf\. tO:OO • NBA QWitl'tONIHIP GAME Gema 2 , L•k•rt at ~ 8 Zt.-. NID THE LP.O. The ..,... ~lie Orch••tra and IU r•nowned conductor, ZUbln ~ -1)(°"'9d. eMCMI • • * "Ceughl In The Drtft'' ( llM 1) Bo«> HOp9, DorOOly ~- .()) ..... n.&.. llUNC»4 ::o.:.~ TME LAW'MAQM MAOICMOL f'AINT1MQ a~ WEIEXLY (l)MC>Ym ····~ "My Bodyouerd" (1179) Chr1t ... ~. ~ Baldwln. The MW kid " • CNcago high cN>ol m81c• lrtencle with the ecNlol ~ and t~ !My atand up to Ille Cfu.I O"'O wNctl hed per-"9d "*" both. 'PO' .t«MI ••IA .. ....,co ~. Jir " (ttn) ~. Volae of ~~.ACS--­°"" of the '-..,.,, • ., ~ '° MMdu In .-di of tM oei. ~ ~ N ~ Medlllofl of Ml. «Ii~ .... Or • ...,,. f!:lln, _.,Ml4Mnl. l1t1mecul•t• ...... ~.L.A.; ...... °'" Genul'IOo .,....,, • .... llOl)Had eonor.-..... CIU'dl. LA; ..... ...,. ~ . .,..,.,, """'*'*·'O' -·· IQDIN9 NIO'\ATOO ~ flloblrt f(Jeln. ,,.... lclell 0-WS eooc--.s . ~Dr • .,.. ,...__,.., •~*"UM ............ CHa.L LISTINGS e kN)(T IC85) •• ICCNKI e f( T LA Cl ncl.l • l(MCCA8CI e ti'Ma CUSI eKtU·TV (11111.I emTCAICl e nvctM.> -~'TV (Ind.) ... (.T_.fNl> , .... '"" 10> On>TV C1l l ·TV f)!J HBO CC) (Clnenw!JCI <ll <WOflll NY,, H.Y IZl CWTHI Ill CHPHJ (I) <9-tlrNJ • s.otlllN • CC*e"'°" ....... ) wondroue WOttd • MASIDW ECS THEATM "Fllc*en" A weelmy -· an (Francee de le Tour) deaper•l9Y In nMd "' • hu9band pr<Mdea Am/la Col9 (Bob Ho91Cln•) -'th the capital ,_.,y 10 start producing flln'\a. (Pwt llQ flSD WAIHIHQTON WUK INMWW(R) ~::::a PM-4AME • • • "Trlbult To A Biid ... .,, .. ( 19541) J-Cao· ney. Ir-PIC>U Two con- cerned people a~t to convtnoe • rancher to lloc> kllling ruttlan 11:11 • M.119-U Lot Anga6ae C>c>Ooe'• at CNcagoCube Cl) ..... 'oil Sen Olago P9dr9e at St Louie C..dlnala (%)MOYIE • • ..,,,. ACJClle Oumc>llnQ Gang Ric* /f.oMI" ( 1971) Tlm COfM9Y, Don Knotte. A '*' of -*em °"''-try '° well! ttie wait and ,_,, __ ·o· 11:IO I MINCULTUM u.&.A. Ill Tiii WEIK wt'TH DAW>~ a TUlli'f OOl.6- WHrTT NCP • WALL. ITRDT W!IJC "Honing Aloun4'' au.(: P9QGY V•--'· pr-. dent°' P9QGY v~ 1ncorporeted. lntematlONll Btoodatodl Afl"V:'I· (RI OMCME * •• "Foul PW(" (1971) Ooldl• Hawl\, Ch•vY Ch-. A •tweflen enllata the aid of .,, '"'91 pollot detective •ltlf ah• ~ lnwtv9d In • blz#re --of """den and ll~ICI etten'4>tt. -AFTBtNOON- 12::00 D OUT'DOO" LR Fututed: ftyflafllng on ,.,,__. Whit• Atllet • LOSTltlf'ACI l:c" MOUNT'aATT8t A MAN fa. THE cemMV ''l..cMt Of ....., •• ThrouOh th•er mer II. Lord MountMtWI n.aa from ullOf to oonwNndar of Illa first etllp In IN Aoyel Newy. (!_loft 2)(R) Q • sm•DMAL.~ NIOMONIY ~ "E_.. P!Mlnlng: Wiiia AndTNatt" (l}MOYIE *•IA "ttolllM" (1980) Roger Moore, Jam•• Muon. A dllCJC*', - hating frog<nan .. c.iled In to thww1 Iha plane of ••t<W1lonl•te who have hljae*ed • ~ etllp end • -th....,"'IQ lo daetroy two Noffl S. oll ltgf. 'PO' 1l:IO. ••'Of'IAL 00&.I l'OUNWomrf ~~°' IHI l:)IO#IO P0A TOUI 1~r11111Mnt 1n~ ,,Ofll ~V,...Odf~ Ill °"""'· ONo). e tuNDAY LoallltOn: M tl'Offt It. NICll"*9 Gt-. ()f1flOCIOll ....,,~ .~ ...... NITHM. f'AMDI TNI .._........,. ...._... ...... top ... endtN ~ .., .. 1119' .... ~• .... llfa#e"IOO." ........ -MOWTO a.wca tr, MOW TO IC9' " ll'AI llOIW on hOw to ........ 10't',....... """*9byMNrW ~....., MNrt J ~· •••OMM..NWD ,,.~ ..,_. IT ...... -,,,,,, .......... __ ,_ .. • Ohl ZO'l'M "''"""'' ..... T1'e .... lut Glelilll ... Of ,,..~-~ ....... l:a""" ···~oi......, ....... '""' caie ... "The New lnep9cior Geno-••" • WILD, WiLD WdT • /llJA».11 D -.....cAN ITORY "Centennial" Cl) MCNW *** "The Attalr" (1173) Natali• Wood, Robert W80f* A~ kwe tOllQ ~. crippled by poao, ..... In IO'l9 wltfl a d lvorc•d man who ennc:r-,_ lite. OMOVIE • • • "R.alnlrM County" (115 7) Eltr.ab9ttl T aytot, Montgomery Clift. OurinO the CMI War,• ~tlvetlng Southam belle .. • ... mined lo ,...,,.. the "*' of her choice regerdleee of \M~. t:008 ATONR G.-t: ectr-Oial\enn Cerrol. • QI I MUW8 tlLAND • 0 8'0RTUIAT -~ •• ''Ocaw Of The ........ lc:•nt Seven" ( 11119) 0-ge Kennedy. ~ Whitmore. • MOYil • • "IMgfoOI -....... Or 8...t?'& (1174) Oocunwt- \8fY. The~ .... ..,_ of • gMnl. half. humeri ~ rownlnQ the ~ nor\:l' * ..... ~- • TIWNNG DOQI THll ~WAY .. The /44Vftft08, 8tllftd. 811 And Down'' ~ demo Ofi.tret• en -gency D..0. In wtlldl the dog i. reqund to tlOP llwtMI· ~ WNT1NG "°"A MMON ''The Letter Of ~ tlOft" (l)MOY!e •• "CMnd'at'' (197t) Werr•n Oatee. Leell• Caron. An ••--urlty guerd, now acano • pn- vete ....... up tor. mwd« ,,_ --,,. ~an.....,_llto ~d. etl&e'• .....,__ t::IO. QI I '!*W8 -.AND •d .... llCAN lllOfiTMWf LMry H8IQllNfl Incl ... ~ fletl for ... -en • 8t. TllOmH In lhe Vlfgln lalanda; -.. of IN flral Amef1Cen cr099lng of the ~ loe cep; ~ Mwltoottl Md hit wNe go on • r.mng ...,._ dltton In New l.eellnd. • t.IOW * * * ''The Hound OI The a.. ...... (1938) Baell Ratt\bone. Nlgel BNoa. • riwiHra "Rufino Tamayo: The ~ Of Hla Art" The lntenelty of the ~ ,,_.., •• --.. CllPluted In .,, °'*""Ion of Illa <U- IUl'al ,_,, and IN In~ .,.... tNt -the My to ..... .,,. • WOWTING~A MMON ··~t· (l)t.IOW • •~ "Th• Mirror Oredl'd" (IMO)~ T~.K.lm..._1leeed on • •orv i.r AeMtle CfWtllle. A *MO'_.., lmOMrl9 ,._.. ~ • ood ....... Ill.,. blllfl ...... 'PIO' .... OOfW.JUN8&.a L.091' WOM.D,,.'"' MAI llFIOW WI""" . ..... OUTOOQ ....... ,......!•WiettoV..... ......... "' ......... too: • -.. tdlllo'• ,..... ............ f.~ . .,. •• lfld" ~9)Me ....,, Jell '(~1118'1 .................. CMIWfll9 ........... ..... ..... ..,_ :fMMIWMllUM1111 ~,..,. ,... .....,.. ..... .............. ...,. .......... ,,........ -..... """' ••IMIT'MMelMN '"nlltW...T ... ~ "'IT•T118 ..... • 11"1 OonM¥. '*' KM41t A ... OI ....... .... tty IO ... tM ..,... -' -..,'O' . " ... .,.,. "OlwtMIN" Nw .,.~ .. '1MIWdtlO ..,. .. Mr~""'.,---. ~ ....... ,.. KNBC (4) 7:00 -"rather Murphy.'• /u1 unruly boy 11 enrolled ln the orphanp to •PY on M\&rphy . ~:00 -•inie Biid Newt Beare ln TrabUnl·'· A 1.Jttle taaue bueball team. oomPc-d ol touah ldda and mt1fit1, l1 invited \o play an exhlbttton pme. ... ()) AIQll ----~ '-hellla arm to .,...,. hoftlllllltf ~ 1)(.-)Q CJ) .UY90¥'8 Cl\.AYMATI..,..,.. KNXT (2) 8:SO -1'0ne Day at a 'nme!' Flnt of a two·part epllode about Julie'• marital problema. See photo, left. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Legend of Walkl Far Woman." An American Indian woman becomes cauaht in the 8lorY and traaedl of her people'• last sreat at.and at Little Bta Hom. Cl) WOND19' WOMAN -~MY l..80NAID'9 GOU>9I aovm ~ City va Aooky "°""'*' (C)MCMI ··~ "Kiii Ot .. Kiiied" (1980) Jamee Ayen, Chai· Iott• Mlc:hale. A tormer Nut oommendar. wno loet .,, Important llw•t• maletl <a>MOVm •• "' ''The Looney, L.oo- ""1· Looney 8'IQ9 8uMy MOllW' ( tM I) Anlmaad V<** by Mal Ilene, June Fotrt New ll\jll9flel .. blended with Old In tHa ~Ion or ol-6c Frftt Fl"88WIQ "l.OOMV T-" l••turll\g Bug•. Deify Duell, Portly Pig. Y--.lt• a.tn, Tweetle Pie and OU.- ., , from lh• c artoon to the J~ dul1ng ti. ww . ...iia to avenge hie defeet by enllttlng the top kung fu llghtera lfom around the WOtld In • tour-,._._ .PO' CH)~ CALL THDI l'MAKI lklOI-~ \ft1.00ME IACK. Richard KM9y hottt Ihle look et femoua lluman Od<llt .... utlng ltlN phOlot and drwnetlo portray• to tall the tloriea of Tom Thumb, the ~I Man andothWa. HDDIPORTIWON.O KOTTP CJD~PMVIEW Hott L.eorWd Httfle lookt al the "'°"*· epeclela and te>Ort• ...,.,,,. coming up on HorM Bo• Office. (I) WN::/KY WOM.D M JOMATMAH WINT'EM ~1· Georve l(erwldy. -EVENl«i-w-·· World p_..,. Ing~ (from Birmingham. Englel\dl: Oriental Worid or SeH· OeferlM (from Madleon 8quar9 Owdan In New YOfll); ()lul'tldll Cup Gym. --·=NIWI nMlica -~·· Comcl«l-tton {!rom Tokyo. Japan). •Ill wtDI W0N...0 OIF "'°'"" 1G-<ound llghtwllQM bOUI ~ Edwin Aourlo and Eo.4n Vln.laC (from Laa Vegea. Nw.); ~ Aug-- by LMgue CUp FINI (from ~.&lglend). • ...-.T:L.Oe AWW•WBK .. M'MW • M 1MT'H NIO MAN ''The Wor1d T_,ow: Poaelblllllaa And lmpoael- bltltlaa" (I) A OOMAJCT M INTIM9T JoM Ferrer dlrecle Tony winner Bemwd Hughee In tl\la dfwM eOout • OOMll- t utlon •1 ehowdown ~ the Praeldan1 °' N U.8. end the ~ eoun.. ··1:;:11a * "Orecule'• Greet Low" (1172) Pu Na9chv. ~ -y..,i. .MCMI ••• -Le ...... (1171) Stew~.~ Rad\. A ._.,, dr'-It ob-' """ oanquering IN Le ...,_ er>dutanoe -eMOVW •• "Death Moon" ( t1711 AoOe11 FoJCWOl'tl\. a..t>«• T,..,.,_ • WAU ITRDT MB< "Honing AtOund" ~­ P-ogy V-"' VOOft. pr-. oant of P9QGY V•ldei -1 111oorpoieted, International ~OCk Afl"V:'I· (A) • PML.0 #'tCAl90: THE LmAC'Y ~A QINl.9 Pall6o ~·a loft wcna. NI•, oonttlbutton• end lnttu.not on 20ltl century "1-~ Cl) ITMTMC afllOllil ·~ "Men F~" (1115) ,..._. O'Toota, Rldlard ~ (JDMOVm *** "C-*'" (IM1) Alngo 81.Wr. DaMle OUllld The dOWlllllb IMllflOer of • • ~.._~ l1'be beglr'8 to oieco- ttwt ..... end "°' iw- .. be ... ~ IO hit pec>- pte'e IU'IMl. 'PQ' .-:11 CJ) t.IOW ..... M ... Tr91 -The "'°"°" fltc:tur9" ( 1171) W9lefll lhtdrl«. L.eonlWd NlfftOy. The '°"'* OOffto-mand« ot the u.s.s. En.,,... I 11 rblea .. Old -end .... off on • mlleNln lo find Ole~ OUf v...i ,....,.....,.. for '"' deatf\!Cltlon of ---Fedcltetlon ........ 'G' 4:IO. Nit -..KIM Ouelt9: l..laLltonant Gowow- nor ... Qirt> end State Atl0f'll9Y o.r.ret 0-,.. ~----­ """""' AllpUllbn ---.... tor cao-o-Ill .. June -pniiwy. ew•••IONWW ..MVllW(lt • """"-a. .. OONCM1r ..,,..._......,, .. ,.. ~-......,.v.....i ............ MIMll ~ In -----.... ~ Qllb In ........ c.... ... 8TM~ ... WlfWOflfl ' .. .............. HOM: ICll\ ....... ....... '""9 MuN 0t fl,.Nl .. llfll•tww•• '1(' ~ DIMd"' .... . •. _... .... .. ........ ,..,...... ... .. , . ..,.,...,........ ....., ...... Hiit ............ Ml ... "··~,......,. .. 119 Ill t 'Pt ,_... ...,....,, Cl)..-AorM 1= . •• '\Mel 1111111111 /lttrf/ll'' ,..,a..-. ... .,, .............. ................ ,.. ..... _... ...... ....... ----- • • "VoYaoa Into ~· (11701 Miteundbu ~o. 8hc:aalMKO Oat• A MtO M9 Imo ectton to ,... cue T Clkyo from annll\lle-- tlOn by a dreaded monater. .AN>UNDTHll WON...O .. 'a a.. Cempball "°"' • ~ t04lf °' the ICno•· ,,-. World'• Falf wltr> ou-ta Wry .... lAwla end Mel carter. • MOYIE • • ... '"The 8lacll Rote" (1960) Tyron• Po-r. Onon W...._ A 13tll-<>ao- tury EnglWI 8uon tr ...... Oriantlll -•out• ..-1ng trede _ .... • MOYIE "Oettlno Waat.cl" (1880) Brian Kerwin. Stephen Furat. A group of youtig tKlt COM«Vlllfll9 mlltary men ""* '-1N fMt p...s ~ ~ oltMIMe90'e. I UPll! AN>UND U9 ~AT ~IOI« ,.. Oz.-end the ea.- ton S,..•""'°'IY On::MW• perform T ctl•lltonky' • Vloln Concerto In 0, <>put 36 .. _,.,... ... M- ilin, end 8Mthov•n'• ··~~No.3.'' (A) Cl) C81NIW8 Ill QtAN.rl ANGE.I Trying lo ~ lfom kid- ~. Jll ftnda ...... danging -• caller ""' of re"""'81t ... 1:..-.s ***"TM~ lion Of Emlly" 111641 Jam•• Gunar, Ju lie Andr_.. Aomance grows ~. &ntlllh -wkl- ow and • non-i-o4c om-'* a.lgned to~ hit euparior9 """" the 1uxun.. of hofne. (l)MOVll * * •IA "My Bodyouerd" ( 1179) C1'wta Miik~. Adem 8aldliwin The MW kid at a CNcago high lldlOOI INk• ~ will\ the lldlOOI outcest and ~ IMv at.Md up to ... °""' 09"0 wHdl tied ~~both 'PO' .MOVIE ••'A "0-The Edge" (1171) Mldlaaf KFM*. p...... Ludwig_ s-111 ~ .......,, .. ol .,, udutNe CellfotTlie oom- rrurtty embaltl on • ~ 11-oe of ""--and deetNCllon wtl9ll !My ... to get !Mir pit.ma• .,.,_ tlon et home. 'PG' .. I NtfT MCI<. TMAT"e HOUYWOOO "On The Edge OI Your 8-t" • IUZMITH A pniml9lng ~ d.-.c« copee with ctlanget In her "" ..... .,, eutomoblle aocldant ........ ....,. ~ p6eglll. 1•1•:-...,,... • 'ATMIR MUN'WY HoMird Aodman --.. llfMVlo/ ~ et ltle o;~ to 9'JY on Mui· ;fit~ •• " ''The led .... ._. In lr'eMlnO T ....... lno" pt77) w1111e111 °"~· .llOllle lett• .... A ........ ._. bell ..... OOfff a-' of ~lddt-,..... .. ........ to .,.., 91'1 .,.,.__ loft .... In .. *""°" ,.,..,.,,....., • ,,__, Oii MAM ·on.a ...... """'*"* ,,..._. . ..,or • ...,... """ .. a.. .. ... ................... of _..,... ... look at .. ......, Of °'*"""'Y· eMDYA ''T• 1* ..._ .. TM ..... ............ ..,...._.._.. ....... ~ .......... .._ =Q ... ..,...,..,.,., ... ...... ( .... MittmOllt- -~~,.. ... .. ,...... ....... ....................... l:G: .. ··-...,..,... ~,, ........ ...... ........ tM .. ,.,,.. NtHe on ftlrn .. •Jlf*O OOll ..... (ft) ••o..e ftOllOh IMtN that to!Uo ---~..-.. 2l4tt _.. • ...,..w~ ...._.. "°" of Hugll ...... • IMt" ~·\tie~ ..... lion W..t In H061n~ Hiia, Celltotflla, ...... -btlnO lllieO'll'f dumped on • "" -• Holl)wood mo-M Ml (A) • INTIJn'AMMNf ,.._WOK f\epottt Of\ drug ebuM In HollyWood and upoomlng 10;I01=~ JiWIMY IWNltOAlff ~ --l"l\Olllea, lnt8Mewt wllll femand<> LMnaa MCI Cl\tlete>pfler PMnmlf, • • o,\ "The Po11man Alway• Ring• lwlc•" (lHtl Jeck NIOl\OIMH'I, .JeMIOa I.Ange A youno W(ln'l8i\ and '* io....r plot to murder ,.., l\ueband 'fll' I IT• WSWTTIN AUITMit OOOK&'I AMINO.A "Oona W•t" From the Loulelan• Purch... of \803 thfougl\ the Gold ........ end t>eyond. -1· weld~~ the f9C» of the nation 10'M • IUNDAY POfn'I Pit.GI 11• 1 Cl> ..... t'.ACaCnlJW COIM LOW THI C*.D•J I,. WYVA "Ute: Patent Pending" The ptomleee and ~ Of genMIC ~Ing end It• ltnpaCt on lndultry. rnedl- CIN and unl~altlee ar• uarntcled (A) Q ·~ THIATM "Fliclt.,." Totally pr.OCCU· pied with Mttlng up 1\11 own fllrnnulltlng buat.-. Atnle COie CW>'t under· ll•nd hi• bride'• cold reception on theit delayed wedding nlglll. (Pert 2) 0 CB)MOVie • • "Carbon Copy'' f 1181) George $egal. Suun Saint J-. " euc;c:euful Wl\llt bu•lnaHm•n dlecovera 11\et he hal • gr-.. MH'I wllO la black. 'A' {l)MO'lll ••'h "f10tkM" (1980) Roger Moore. Jam•• Meaon A depp«. women- 1\atlng frogmen ta c:all9d In 10 tl\w"1 the pltr\I of Hlortlofll1t1 wno ha"' l\ljaelled • aippty eNp end are 11\t .. t.ning lo deelrO'f two Horii\ S.. Oii rigs 'PG OUOVIE • • • "The f'oM" ( 1979) a.tta Mldlar, Alen 8'1• A driven rode elnOW'• Ille In the f•t ._ ._,. ...., Irr• --'bly to dleU\er 'R' l::IO 8 Cl) ONE DAY AT A ,.... Marltal problem• Mnd Julie rvnnlng home '°' edlllce from '* moti- end elater. (Pwt 1)(R) II THEWORLO TOMOfW)W • MCME ** "Guna Of The Mtgnll· lc•nt Sevan" ( 19691 a-va Kennedy, J-WNtmor• 8-\ pror ... "°"" gunmert join loreiee to fr.. • r~IOMll)' IMd« from• MeJCIC8tl 11111 t:OO 8 Cl) ALICE ....... udl-• -hi• mot'-'• plal>e 10 publWt a cooltbook are dimmed wt>en he dl-9 ttlat hit ~ cNll redC>9 19 lnclud· eel (R) 88MOVIE ''The Legend Of Walka Fw Women" (Pr.......,.) AeQu- el We/di, Brlldtord Diii- man. An ArnerlCMI Indian WOfNlfl ~ ceught In the "'°"' and tragedy °' ..... people'• .... greet atllftd et Ultla ~ Hom 8 MUllC liWCEM IN OOHCERT "ABBA" Tiie Swedleh eupergroup '*'°""' -or their 1>1gQeet hit• • 9 IHC)W&APOU8 "fOO'' s-4rt -aoe or the lndlanepolt• "500" lrom the Motor Speedway In lndianepOlle. lndlane D Oft.CHO • AGN>N8KY N«> CX1t/IPAK'f • • MAdiD4 EC. THIAT'M "Flick.,.." T otelly preoccu- pied with Mltlng up 1\11 own fllmtnalllng ~. AtTMa Col • can't under· •land hie btlde'• cold reoapHon on "*' ~ wedding night (Ploft 21 Q • -.....cAN "-AYHOUM "()ppet\helmer" Oppen- 1\ainW .. ~"" ~ deatanoe end the ectan- tfim or the ......,....,, Project and "*' ,.,,...... baglfl ... In the Anny bW· ,.... ~·of Loe Alem06. (PM 3) Q (C)MOVW * • • "Night Move•" ( tl75) 0-HlldlmM, Jennifer Warran. A ptivat• ¥ hlrW to locate the dqhtw of • former mew- .. ectr-l>Clcomee entan- gled In a Mb of Intrigue with a Mayen emugglng ring. (DJTNM'U Thi• Broectwey -P8Y9 trlbut• to ,,,__ .• grow- ing paint In the era ~ Iha Gey N!Mllea and the end of Wortd Wer I Cl)MCNim **~ .. ~ .. (tMI) ~ W"'9. CeMrl LOCll!Nn. A MM ,o&lllCI -'*' .,__ .... ""' In 1M ......... °' mod l.ondoft ~ ... 1MOI. .... uoe()) ntl&CD°*Olll Geotol ~ end ,... ~ prMledWy. (fll) 15:YM8" • • * "TM °"" Ot Wllr" (1llO) °""''*'... Wiik· .._ TOltl ........ Ntftt betflO ..,..,,.., Incl ....,. ed i.r In~ dlatailcW •• ~ ";"" '° lwl -· (J) TMINI' JOHN. MJ).. a.. ... '""'* _., to .. -"""" ... ....i ..................... ............. 111r111. I~::..,.. =IJUOtiON ftUU• aM ...... W.~4 ................. _ .. ,..... ..... ............ Hoett Art UnldM1er and C.Oi L-ence loc:ut on lhe 11o9ee. drearne end tlll'Ylvel oC Ille WOtld'a ~ dr ... • .lfUI#('( fA.L.MLL • 8HE/t..I( PMvawl Roger Ebert end aer.. Sllkei hlgl\llgllt .. lllrne that the public: mteMd the Ur•• time around. lndudlnQ "Calll• Annie And Uttle 8rllc:l\M," "Go Tell The Spartan•... "Over Tl\9 Edge" a nd "Swamp Tttlng " • (t)MOYIE ***'II "The 09ln CutM" (Pert 2) Ct971) JMM' Coburn, Nancy Addlfon. 8UCld on th9 novel by OUhleil Hammell A pri- vate 'Y9 1n,,...11Qat1ng • diamond robbery encount.,.. • _.... of mlll'der• and • lltrenglt young woman wl\o ~ .,,. •• .,,. victim of alamllycurM (Q)MCME * • * '" "Sctnl\er•" (1981) Jennifer ·o·N9!1t, Petrick McGoohal\ A lethal conlllc:I erl••• ~ IWO wnall groupt of p.op1e wl\oM extteotdl-""Y paychlc: power• lnClud9 th9 ability to k• teiepathlcally 'A' Cl)MOVE • • '"' "Th• Mirror Cr ac:k. d " ( 1980) EJtr.abeltl Te~. l(lm Novllk 8aNd on • atory by ""8tl\e Ctvl•lle " atrenge murder' lnvoMng rlval HollyWOod lier• tel<• ~ In an Engllllh vlllaga .• PG, 11:118 CllSNEWI 11:211 I a NlW8 11:t0 IPORT8 fqHAl. • 700CUJ8 ~ tM aecret• oe tn. WOtld'• ~ Ill/ad peo- ple: heW hOW an lnv.IOf etrlUa oil ualrlG unconven- tional m.(hodL • TALDMTHIE UNl'XHCIED Cl) MOYIE • • "The LMI Of TM Pow•r ... k•t1" (1181) a.oroe HamMon. K4Mn McCarthy.~ • ..:0- denta end ~ 6-UI .,. the ,..,... ol • .,.,. pr.aldenl'• demendt tor hit ~· r...ign. tlon (JD YOVIE ••• "C-" (1M1) Flingo Starr, Oannla Quaid TM ctownlal\ member of a bar4ify human prafllatortc trib9 Mglr\a to dlac:OWt th•t t>r lllna and no1 bnrWn wilt b9 ,,,. key to hie peo- ple' • _..tvai. ·PG. CS)MOVIE • • * 'h "TM Howling" {1981 1 D•• Wallace. Patrlek M~ A woman rec>Of1er 11 men-' by • kll6ar '*""> _. to b9 • -..olf,'A' 11~4' 9 THIE AOCKFOAO AUS 11:MQIMOVIE * • 'h "TM Neighbor· h<>Od" f 1182) Cl\r1etlne Belford, Aon Maaak. -Ml>flGtfT- 12'008 NEWS • MCME •• o,\ ''Dracula .... Alaetl From The Gr_ .. (1988) CMetopher Laa. ~ [)trvlea. • HDHAW ~Feron Young.~ ..... Q1Ubby WIM. Ill MOVil •• •w. "In .._ •• w., .. (IMS) Jotw\ w..,.,., Klrtt Oouglel. I , ROESCH MELISSA A . ROESCH, age 92, former teacher for the San Bernardino Schbol System, died May 24, 1982 at her home in Laguna BNch, Ca. She waa bom ln Illinois and c ame to California with her parenta at 6 years of age. She will be remembered for her great inier-ett in teaching children by using the natural aidl the nat u r e provided. Mrs. Roelch retired from teeching in 1955, but continued to enrich her life and others with sculpturing, writing and musical composition. Survivors lnclude a daughter Elizabeth Tolle of So Laguna, Ca. and a aon Jack Roe9ch of San Bernardino, Ca... 4 grandchildren and 7 g r ea t -grandchlld ren . Interment at aea waa private At ll:OOAM Friday, June 4, 1982 a Muaical Tribute will be held at Pacific View Memorial Chapel, 3500 Pacific View Dnve, Newport Beach, Ca. C.Oncert organist Elma Wells will preaent compositions by Melissa Roelch and actress Ullian Bronaon of Laguna Beach Ca . will pres ent an inspirational me.age. Neptune CMMA TIOH IUAIAl AT HA 646-7431 Our llt•rature tells tho complete atory o l our aoclety. COlll ,_ _ _..,... ,,..,._, McCOb«:IC MOITU.H•S Laguna Beach 494-9415 L119una Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAl:IOtl LAWH-MT. OUVI Mortuaty •Cemetery Cre,.,.. tory 1625 Gtsle< Ave Costa Mesa 540-5™ IAf.Tl-.. OM SMTH&tvn&L WISTCW'J CMAPll 427 E 17th St eo.ta M ... 84e-9371 "°""°"' ..... ~ITA,....,, The IOloWlnCI l*Mfte .,. dolrlt ~ ... ,A .. I ONI' Al ... ttllt to. A"1*t W.,, IMta AM. CA tt701 Ololl'• Avl1tlo"1 l"O'J.. nla OOf POfl lloft, lffl 1 DO. ~. lulto 4, IM4a AM. CA "0 . toutllwoat lllyw1y1, l"o .. o 01lltornl1 eofporauo!'1 11111 ....,_ w111. r.,.,..,. OA tolOI. ,,.~ .. ~by • goner .. ~ Jll'MI ... ,.,ION ~ .. '""'* Thie lta""*'1 -flld Wltll the COl,wlty 0-k of Orenge County °" Mey2t>, 1MI ,_,, 'ul>llthod Oranoo CoH I Oatly "°'·Meyn, 30 . .Mlit •· t3. "" 22'042 KllW '1CTTTlOUI ...... • NAMI ITATSM&MT Th• followlno pereon I• doing 111*'-ll: EL MONTE ASSOCIATES, L TO., I 13 Cofporata Pleza, Sulla 200, N9wpof1 8aac:tl, CA 92980. Stapllan C Hopkin•. I 13 Corporat e Plau , Suite 200. N9wpof1 Baeoll, CA 82ee0, Thie bullneel .. conduc1ed by • llmlted pertnenhlp. Stephen C. Hooitlnl Thie lll._t -fl6ad wt1h IN County Cllttl of Orange County on May 13. 1812. PtlMtt Publlthod orange t;OH I u111y PllOI, May 23, 30, Jl.IM I , 1', 18'2. 228442 TDDAT'I CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 81 Supplant 151 Hindu tlUe 23 Metftcu. 100 &lbjec1 113Wlf.._. 152 Brevo, In lat• man« 1 EmulatH a.c General Bw<*ona 31 War god 101 Wu Chllg&ll Tom 153 CuHure 33 Burrowing 102 Bonn9t 7 LL400 8e Applaud medium roden1 103~ natlvo 118 Ring Oecl-155 Dance of 3elnlet IUfftx 10 Lamb'• lion for }'OIO 38 Raid the 104 Tunnerlc cry lhort 158 Edge fridge 1oeeomm.- 13 Huen<* 89 lnfom\al 150 Ear 4 1 Map dlrec-clal 19 Floatlng greeting Comb. lion 107W bridge 90 Furtoua fMm 43 Rooe 108 Group of 20 Dlc1al• 01 Pal UIO Sobe Ill eeMnOI IMl8 22 Patio 02 Badct•lk 181 Bo fond of 44 Trust 112 Duetlng 24 Metric 04 Blblbl (with 46 Seine tword mea.ur• name "on") 48 Dutch 115 River 25 Brltlle 08 WlroMr-182 Gig,_.. Ill• mouth 28Groell vice 183 Spanilh 49 Doco<ate 111 Foelaoro letter 97 Loft-hand ~o anew 118 Latge gun 27 Arum pego 165 Helm 5 1 Forelimb 12 1 l.amPfey ptanl 08CMI poeltlon 52 So: Scot 122 Female 28 Strlk• wrong 1ae Famous S4 Cheltnut Mt vtolentty 10 1 Solec:tod , .... hofae 124 Spy egcy. 29 M0'1 103 Mandate 1MStlr 57 Modltor-125 Rac#lO ..... t. 105 Cuti the 170 Pruner raneanshlp elf cult 30AR11op gaff. 172 Ropreoon-S8 Draws OYt: 128 Blbllcel 32 IMggel' 2 word• tatlvea Scot. 1trongman ~ o.cays 109 Grande or 113 ci-. eo Molar• 127 Sluggish- 35 Climbing Ebro plecel 81 DMert neaa plant 110 Bring forth 174 0r ... wandofer 128 Atrlaln 38 Fetlne t I 1 Lighten bof'def' 83 Roman eplrf1ual 37 Grow 113 Sorber 175 Slalom deity ~ -•ry tribe '"" 64 lrlllh Ma 130 Myl1tcal 39 Zodiac 114 Zau1. tor god ~nlngot llgn one DOWN 85 Pattefn WOf'dl 40 White 118 Separate Ml Art llyle 131 Advanoe 42 Can .. USA. 118 Tea hold41f 1 Stoa't rola-87 Among, to 133 Famou1 e1C 119 EnlrMt llve Ko1t1 Uncle 43 Mimic 120 library 2 One or any 69 Small dog, 1~ Cake layer 44 Struggle patron 3 -a bOyl lor lt\ort 135 Molort 45 Atlantic 123 Rink 1ur-4 Coward of 70 Bulldlng 13e Pipe 47 OMdef l.ce noto annex llTIOkor'1 50 Satlsty 124 Dre>-5 Complete 73 Sun deity tool 52~ medary 6 Traps 74 Win 138 Circus 53 list 128 Donut 7 Hlghell 75 Aloha rlng1 55Chl~ 129 llxlvlale point WINlh 140 Right-hand weight 131 Oowe4 8 African 77 Bullertly pego 56 Try hard 132 Spring bird 78 Gossip 141 Mlstrust1 58 Lovtng holiday 9 "1-1 80 James or 144Wetchlul touch 137 Sofaphlm Camera" Jet 148 Nero'• 59Poleol1 138 Solar dllk 10 Nobleman 82 llallan lang. type 139 Aaalgned 11 Paint river 140 <>y.ter 81 "Additive" talk lngrocllenl 85 Shanty product totemon 142 Pa1rlol of 12 Sap fllr-870~ 152 Arabian ornme 1778 I her 1tep ttalo 82 Gaw! 143VNI 13 "HUii· 91 Mountain 153 First name 84 C11t0<'1 144 Brulllan martC Hon 154 Soak nu mother bird 14 Lift wttl'I 93 Antitoxin 156 The urne: 88 Chaltca 145 ACIO< effort 94 Stumble Lat. ~I Poclno 15 Mllltary (OYOI') 167 ThrOMC>tM 69 lnYMtigate 147 Hawallen lore. 95 Eall 180 Ripen 71 Scottish bl rd 16AMA Indian 184 Elect. unit explofor 148 Alley of memt>on vine 187 Sliver 72 E.pocf'tal the 17 Babylor'tlan 98 Protond eyrnt>ol 78 Scrv11nlze cornlca god 97 "Kramer 109 EJCclorr ... - 78 Brown 150 Pow.rtul 18 Raspa lion kiwi Comb 19Ctergyman Krarner" 171 New Eng 70 S"-de tree l0tm 21 Disfigure 99 Small Inlet state Orange Coa1t DAILV PILOT/Sunday. May 30. 1saa2 LAS SIFll D Nearly half of all Datl11 Pilot readtra havt uaed the classified 1ection to buy or ~ell a product !~flft. ~ l:tl!... •• • • ~.'.!~!! .{'.'. /}.'!... • • • • !'.!ff!.{'.'. !.'.11....... «'.!!f ! . w. .~~'.'....... !'.'.!!!!. {'.'. !.'.~· •.....• "1!!.IJ. ••••••••• !.'1!1 9!!~~ .. ~ ......... !.'!. ¥!!~~~{ •.....••. !.~, ,,~ .. ~~{ ......... !.'!!~ ,,,,,,, ,,,, ~.!!!ti! ........... i--,-T,-S -A-H•O-T _Tl_M_E -- PeMh•er'a letlM1 All rNI ""'• ldvefllNd In thll newepapar It eub)Oat to thO Federal Fair Hou11no Act of 1988 wttlch !Nik.. II Illegal to advertl•• "any prelore,,co, llmllatlon or dleerlmlnatlon based on rooa, oolol'. religion. MX or national Ofigln. or eny Intention to make any euch pratoron c e , llmltatton or dl1Ctlmln1Uon." Thie newepaper wlll not kno wlngly accopl any advertlelng lor real Hlate which la In violation of the law. ••••••• Advertisers should check their ads dally and report errors Immediately. The DAILY PILOT assumes llablllty for the firs t Incorrect Insertion only. PllOU llUTI Location. terma & value. make Ihle Coeta Mew 3 bdrm home a euper buyl Good 111umable loan plut Miter Ianni m8ke this a muat to .... Low price ,, $109.900 Call "'if .. "" t lil11 STAil IUllT Tho perfect homo for young Of amall larnl ... 3 B<lrm. ti.eutltully remo- deled kltcilon faeturlng Ill new appltaocea, new root, frH h paint, fant- 11110 flnanclno. Moll Vordo area. Full prlco c:::. ",1 I I • --t-" t , .. J{ 1t 't '' • t ( , ua•t11unm 8-utlful ..,_ atcwy 2 bdrm "Newport Helghta" condol Groat centrol locatlon. M lnutoa to •hopping, bH ChH & community octlvltleal Valuo priced at 1 12&. 000 Cell nowt .... 7171 tl!Ml1 IEIT PlllE Greet 11arter homo. Ow- ner w4U conaldef ALL ol- 1 er t , 2 Bdrma, groat Co111 Me11 neighbor· hood Low111 priced homo In tho araa at $107,000. 761-3191 C:::. •11 t ' I --f-" P~~I >Pt H ' 11 •, 11111 IUITII II DI ftUWI Lovely 3 bdrm, 2 beth home In The Wlllowl In lrvlno Many uporaOH Terr If le financing. All !Of \ $129,000. c.11: S-46-2313 rem~ IN THE OLE TOWN TODAY ll PRICE WARllllll LIWllT Pl• .. U Pmllf UITIL"' Owner will carry with 20% down for 15 yrs. at an interest rate ao low you won't believe lt. 3 bed. fam. rm. 2ba. Only Sl 75.000. Call Lot. LIWllT PIJOI PAii UN TIWl•M llWPOllT 10011 - You won't find anything like 1t. Comer unit w/macho hardwood flooring. 2 bed, 2ba. Overlooking the pool & JUSl up the hill from the beach. SS0,000 in Loana & owe almost anything. Try it! Call Lois $126,000. LIWllT PllOll WllllllTll T.I. ........ 1 Only 3 dra. to adult pool & spa -l blk to lake, You won't see a finer T .H. anywhere. Great loan on this 2 bed, 2ba beauty. Call Lois $137,000 111 ILi Tiii llW I llTTEI Rm $20,220 yrly inc. -Drive by 182 Cecil - get out -walk around -then run right over with your ck. book. $169,500. Really good temlS -Excell. condltion. Loia 11&11111 PMl Ml • 1111 YUH 4 bed, 2200 aq. ft. pool & spa. Newly remodeled. owe tremendous 15yr. loan at low, low, int. Thia I.a a real charmer $164,500. Call LoU IY TIE UY • • llZI .. IU Piii Don't overlook relaxed resort living. Beauties from $15,000 lo $135,000. Biggest opportunity in Newport now. Some very unusual. Priv. beach, pools, spas, boat docks. Call me folks, I have the answer. Lois Tiii iF IEITIU ..... " For truly quality profesmonal real est.ate service call LOIS MILLER serving our area for 15yrs. 111-1211 R&"M~ of Costa Mesa HO n •WPWr IAYFlllT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN Exciting. open & tunny all view home w/panoramlc deck•, on huge prime Island Point. + docking + prt<g galore, + you own the land, + owner ftnancing, all for '965,000 Open Sun. 1-4, 4028 Channel Place, Newport llland. 673-0202. lllffl ... LY IEW .... DI FEE Liii (YM IWl 111 Ull) 3 Bdrm, 3 patios, 1-story. Low del'lSlty greenbelt location. Seller will carry 80% Ln at 9 ~% amort. 30 years due in 7 ~ years. Lowest priced Fee property m Bluffs. Priced to sell at S272,000 Opn Hse Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 304 Esplanade or call Phyllis 640-0020 or 760-9678. Agt. I Wanting to buy fix• up.' per property In colllal !!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~ -Under SI0.000. RI-<: h 1 rd day• 2131351-8119, wknd• a -7141875-2403. Whllt u means fur your ad to be "clossifwd,, repeat aweara.nces . , ........ Unbollevablo terms for thl1 deluxo 2 bdrm townhome. Urgradod tllo counter•. wood floore, mlrrorocl waH. Cozy fir• placo 2 pool• plut club- hc>UM & IXOfclM room. Only 179,600. Call today! 97:).8560 THE REAL ESTATERS saua •TIYATUllW1 CU.tom bulll 4 bdrm, 2 bath view proper1y wltl'I pool! Located In th• beautiful aroa on N-- port Upper Back Bay. view. or Back Bay & City llghl•I Soller now offor1 terma Well priced at a210,ooo. ca11 now for detallsl Mt-7 t 7 1 THE REAL ESTATERS SEMINAR FOR HOME BUYERS & SELLERS You are cordlally invii.!d to attend an Informa tive evenlna for an lnll&ht into today's market. Thla aernt n ar w il l be h eld Wednemday June 2nd at 7 pm. 2209 Harbor Blvd. ea.ta Meu 'D u e to lim ited ae at tna - reM.rvationl an ~· Ple .. cell J.::que Kemp at 7141M5-0303 .................... ,. Pama.A••• 1 H W. llY .... Ul 1·1 Prt14' w..i Bay bayfront. Slipa tor 2 boata. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200.000. . ~a" & }!tty vtews. Marine room, 4 bdnn, 3 bath. 3700 eq.ft. Sl .385,000. Oceanfront. Ullllll ... lot Y1A Ult •t IPll .. ,. 1-1 Prinw Udo Nord bayfront 5 bdrm. ~Yi bath Lge L.R , 2 boat slipe $1.~.000 ~modeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec. nn bffm celllnp, fumlahed, pauoa $420,000 Ulll llU IAYFlllT LaJ(oon vl~w from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm. den , Boat shp Sl,350.000 llYSIDE CIYE Spect.aeular bayfront V\ew 2 br, 2 bl up, 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat shpi $1,900.000 CORDUID CAYS Coronado Island cu.at. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail Red $370,000 w lt.ernw. 11.lf'FS ... Slni!e story end unit, expanded, uptp'aded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000. , .. , .... 3 bdrms, 2 \."l bath.a condo near pooJ $145.000 BILLCRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8o y\•d" Or,.. ~ B 61S 6161 FUULOIS LIH LDOATIDI Spacious 5 bdrm home wtth formal gar- dens on oversized comer lot on the Piazza. High beam ceilings, separate di- rung room plus den. Tius could be your move to Lido. Owner will help with financing. $695,000. IUYDMUN You'll love this spaciously remodeled 3 bedroom home on an extra wide lot. Sunny patio & jacuzzi! Only 10% down . OWC!! $50.000 under appraisal. lUILITllY IUT llY ML.91 A true delight this beautiful remodeled 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Professionally decorated and in immaculate condition. Large sunny patio. Owner will help with financing. Too good to last! BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All four plans. Good views, good fi.nanctng. good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let ow experts show them to you. "° 1·1 JI 11 Yhtt lruO I If, Mw 1211,111 2011™• ..... 2 Ir, 1 '"91. •• 1211• 2001 Illa, I Ir, 1 lent Ult,111 WIE WTIUf'F .. 2111 ...,., 4 1r, ,... san.-w ,,.. UPISTUll I Ir, 2 .. Spectacular view home with land. 210K HELEN B. DOWD IEILTlll, ... M4-11U 11r S•DfNllAI Rr Al ~SIAlf Sfll'llCES IPYIUll Stll,• Marvelous family home on quiet & safe cul-de-sac. 5 BR + Bonus room with pool & spa. Lush low m aintenan ce. Brick trimmed landscaping. Loads of privacy. Owner wUJ consider 9eCODd T.D. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644~9060 • • I . ; . • . . • : i l 1 • ' I I I ~ t .. ·~ flllllll You own th• land when you buy tht1 1paclou1 Mtdlterra.ntan 1tylt homt .w/docktna tor two or more vetttll. 4 BR, 3 BA, &a convertible Ubrary/d-.n. Llv nn, din nn, kitchen, and bntak:fut rm all overlooki"I tht bey. Good auumablt loan & owner w /fln.t.nce balance w/reuonable down payment. $1 ,700,000 LatTy Oyer 842-823$ (B41) TH ILtlllTI 11 llHI LIYIH S~nd your evenings watching the sun set over Cat.allna from one of the best designed hotneJS in old COM. The finest of everything. Built-ins galore, quality construction. Emphasis on pnvacy, wood craftamanship, easy maintenance. $695,000 Maxine Propp 644-6200 (B42) &IOllTIOTllALLY PllfltT ~ OIHH Ill •H Exceptional offering South of the Highway on 40 ft. lot. Newly constructed spacious 5 BR. 4 BA, fam nn, 3 fplcs, lg country kitchen. includes In-Law or maid's qtrs. Financine available. $595,000 Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (843) REllCEI + LIW MWI PllT. View on the hill -Port Durness prest1g1ous Harbor View Seawind-3+ Fam nn prof decor, immaculate . Koi p o nd w/emotional atmosphere. Redu ced to $282 ,000 w /assumable loans of $2~.000. A great buy-Seller leaving Newport & ready to go! Jane Paquin 642-8235. (844) Ill PllOI IUICTltl M I II Nil I I• I Big _com f y home in Eastbluff on quiet street. Prime family neighborhood. Hard to beat from the standpoint of price and tenn.s. $269,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (B45) CllHI llllWIS Olll•EI One of a kind 2 BR home on a quiet st. w /br ick fplc, hardwood floors, charming yards, lg deck & mini oce.an view. Access to private beaches. Good potential for remodeling or adding on if desired. Only $285,000 w/land. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (B46) NllllKltlMIWWW ..... Charming 4 Br. & l1t09 tamlly room. Brlctc flreplac», country kitchen, quiet rHldentlal area. Long term Hiier financing. $229,000 tee. Ul 1MPL llT/1111-1 Mllll 111 .. MUI YllW 4 Br. 211. ea. Ideal famllr home. Community pool & park. Cu de sac. Assumable 10¥•% loan. $390,000 fee. 1111 lllFLm Wat UT/QI 1·1 MW ..... YM Ull 1% lllllm1 UlltlNWaL' IMIYlll Quiet, park-llke Mttlng. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdrm&, fem rm. $379,500 fee. Ask about a 1•1, Interest loan on this home. 1111 Ill Wiil, ...... IPll 111 1-1 MYI IP IY UIUlllM Sell first? or Buy first? That Is always the question. Why not both In one transaction. We can offer you an unusual opportunity to exchange your present home, paid for or not, as the down payment on an outstanding Big Canyon home on the golf course. Why not call us now. 64'4-4910. IM.AllD MftllAIWI" 1711,GIO Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small famlly, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy In Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. ILIFR llUlllll F• TWI 3 Br slngle story home with new carpets. drapes, paint, and appliances. Homeowners Association maintains pools & landscaping so you can travel. Ideal for retired couple or jetsetters. Move Immediately. See anytime. 644-4910. nan L Tan.II OI., IW.Tlll 2111111 " ........ lta4 1-1"-WNl.....,.T Olllll, LI. 144-4110 .... n II WllT tlW"lf OM Of e lclnd 11\ew of lh• ooeen & 1un111 Proteu deooreted, 1 rMI beeU\~ • Ml llltrU getore l!nd unit with i It or 2 Ir +Oen l\19fY1111no you OOl.lld Mk tor • ~ prlC• ~ 11111no of Artie Johneon ,, .... ,900 unlQ~~••lg AMl10t9, 176-8000 04• C1meo Hlghlan<11 w1rm & comtortabl• 3 bdrm, private bHCh ... IHU- mabl• loen1 1220.000 LH WTllH, O ••• Super back yard. latge IOI, nice 3 bdrm, "'•" .. ,. $155,000 Lllllll WOILI Owl\9f' wlll carry 2 bdrm. 2 beth, 0111 9 192.000. IUllY ITllffll au ue1 amn 111·1114 LIVELY TIMI 188,500 Vou won't b.- ll•v• lhlt IOvely 2 bdrm TudO< Sulit wllh Pflde of workman1hlp of old. Big llvlng room a French cemng, b< .. kful room, IOl'mel din rm. aepatlle ullllty rm. lg picture windows. Big backyard wllh BBQ. Try VA. Call 548-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS llDIERT llllllEI e31-12e& oen 001n 1147,100 Grall for entertaining. Huge ramlly room with wet bar Pyremld 1ky- llghl1, crackling wOOd- bu r n 1 ng flrepl 1ce, 3 bllha. 2 p11loa. 1t0<ege room galore Much. much more Cell nowl 5 .. 8-2313 ,THE REAL ESTATERS ~ '~ ·~ (/ii.ti! ULll& PllllllU Draatlc reduction on gorgeoua new country French home near harbor entrance. Extenaive uae of oak & leaded glass. Best priced new home on the Peninsula. Now only $575,000 • Builder w /t rade. JOYCE WALTZE 631-1266. UYFlllT DOU.Ill Loan term assumable loan of $250 ,000 @ 12 .75% for this 2bdrm Bayfront condo. Owners will co~der exchge for income pr o perty Call RUSTY GUINTHER 631-1266 HISE OIHTH Acreage wned for horses and plans for an "A" frame home m Laguna Beach. Owners will consider exchange. For details call RUSTY GUINTHER 631-1266 ltl ITULI on golf course in great conditton. Only $130,000 w/tenns! Try low dn. Call today. PATRICK or FRED TENORE 631 -1266 or 631-2711 ll&IP NIL lt•E 4bd., low down, good loans & owner will carry. Fee land. $375,000. PA TRICK or FRED TENORE 63 1-1266 or 631-2711 234 E. 17th St., C°'t' Mesi 631-1266 4412 Barunu l'kWJ, Irvine 559-9400 15 Corporate Pim, Npt Bch 759-1221 dASTaLU"*-•MISA DIL MAI• ADwnable ftnaneing. Specioua 3 Br ranch.aty~ hiome. Featuring family room, central air oond. & private location. ClOR to all. Only $136.000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. 11.21~ Flnancing available when you takeover eX1Stmg loan on the elegant 4 Br eX«Utive home that ha.! been exterwvely prepared for entertaining. One of few homes an area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-5353. .CRIAM PUFh Move right in to this spaciout 4 Br 2 Be beauty. Almost new c.arpeta, flooring & drapes+ cozy brick fireplace. $12,000 down buye It, ao hurry! Asking $119,000 9032 Ada.ma. Huntington Beech. 556-7035. •ZIRO INTIRIST• Beautifully decorated one story patio home with double garase in mint condition. Best of all. with $45,000 down our owner will carry the balance at ZERO INTEREST FOR FlVE YEARS. In 5 yean, you OWN THE PROPERTY FREE & CLEAR. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. . ·' •$20,000 DN• Spaciow family home with 908.ring cathedral cel.linp and bright and airy rountry lutchen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba'a and a f.amily room. it'• a bargain et $154,900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beech. ~~7035. •ROMANClll• •$12,500 DOWN• No qualifying for th111 super f&nUJy home! In the BEST school district. Over 2,000 tq. ft. of living apace with a large pool for those hot summer deys. A.akmg $160,000 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntmgton Beach 556-7035 -PALllMO** HAllOI VllW HOMI Totally remodeled by craftsmen! Featuring Frencb dooni, wooden shutters. plank floors. Wied brick & pool & spa. FEE land w/ GREAT TERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr , Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 •$13,000. Fabulous t.ownhome m much desired SPRINGS area Popular "8" plan Call for delaila!!' 2670 San Miguel Qr .. Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-5353. From the remodeled kitchen with green.houle windows to the wann •12.9" INTlllST• woods washed an light from the custom skylight. thit home is a ho-meymooners' delight! Large pool a apedal bonus. A.akln& $124,000 HARIOI VllW HOMI 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. lmmaculat.e MONAOO model featunna 2br/den, frpk & 1pa!! Low *.ICYCLI To 'HI 11.aCH• interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., R Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. Cozy custom home near the ocean with 80lring cathedral ceiling•. ~NO MONTHLY p.aYMINTS• Ceramic Ule flooring In kitchen and t.throoma pl.,. 5.ekylighta and a ~ R romantic bay view window. Secluded patio/courtyard & low mainte-For sue months on brand new townhome in Costa Me.a. Featuring 2 nance yard. Asking $1 71 ,500. 9032 Adami, t-funtington Beach. mast.er suit.es, encloeed garages & private courtyard Only $11-4,950 556-7035. 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 •$16,000 DN• • 10'1!" rlNANCING. Buys thtt great S & S built home! Not a condo!! C.OVered patio with When you takeover existing l•t T.D. popular BIRCH model with fpk, hanging planta add t.o the charm of thit tingle story ranch atyle. In oentral air & the largest backyard In WOODBRIDGE GLEN. Only superb condition for only $159,900 9032 Adama. HuntJna'ton Beach $134,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. 556-7035. •5" DOWN• • .SACK BAY AREA• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bed-•1135,0C)O.t room modela with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.n and pey 3 Br house on ftt land featuring hardwood noon & shingle roof with buyen ROl'U'ec:WTinl cJoon1 co.ta. p~ start at •105,990. Call for 11~ .. umable lat TD. Priced for Immediate aalc!!l 3670 San Mtguel complete detaila. 963-5671. 9032 Adarm, lfunt.lncton Be.ch. "6-7035. 759-1501 or 752-7373 •MllA VllDI• • $95,900 • Affordable living wlt.h auperb flnancin• available. Spacious home Coet.a Meta. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard. Frethly meUruloutly maint.a.lned. Only $13,500 down. A.aldna SlM,000. 9032 painted. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Be.ch. 759-1501 or 752-53~3. Adami. RunUncton Be.ch. 556-7035. •WOMIN'I A''AllL IMO'• when talte over ~=~=·~ f ___ 0oor plan 1n Incredible bumnaa opportunjtyll Seller Uquidadnc for penoNl reuoc'9 HERilWE PARK.I!! J!'or:mer model l•tul'tna 3 ~ & private and must tell thia~tnccme produa.n, store with fOOCi 1-terma. locat,lon tor only $151.600. 2870 San Mlgue1 Dr .• Newport !leach, located In a b\.wy center. $10,000 fWJ pricle. Inventory~ 759~f601 or 752-7373. Liable. 9032 A.d.arm, UDtinl'On 8-ch. 55&-703$. ••IXIT ICNOt.LI IUOANCI• •tl,000. Just lib "l'atht!r Know. a.ti" You'll t.el u 1muc u Robert Younc tn •-ATI• th.la larp depnt Oldm' home tn prbne Btxby KnoUa! PS • t38.&oo On brand new wwnhomel J'•turfna prtvecy, 3 matr aalt.e & de/loft hendlee, t.all toda;y about l2M~ flnandnc! 9032 A.dmm, RwiUncton overlook.Ina liv rm Only $123,960. 2e70 San MJcuel Dr. Newport Bt:ach. ~-7035. ____ Beech. 769-1501 or 752-7373 ' NIWPOIT llACH OFRCf 2l70 ----" . II"'°"...._ CA 12110.1 (714) 711-llOI ../ HUNTllllTON IEACH OfflCE IOU AdaMI Aft. Hllllttagtofl leactt, CA nMI (714)1N-70ll #I IH fllTWDWt Ill Ollltl IPU Ill 1·1 PrHcntlng The Least Expensive Home ln Newport Beach's Presttgtous Bia Canyon Shows Like A Modd . Typically Prtde Of Ownership. Hugt· Master Suite Plus St-parutt' Guest Quarters Ownt:r/ Agent Wall Ftnan<.-e Priced Under Marke t Value Al $415,000 John MPrrall's Lt.sting 2001 Y&OlfT IEFllllR SU VIEW OPEi SH 1·1 Fonner Model T op Cond1tJon :i Bdrms, 2•.2 Ba G reat F .R . Unbeltcvable Vie w Of Fashion Island & Catalina Sunset'> -Huge Lot - Covered Pauos -Community Pool, T e nnis -Gate G uarded · Only $450,000 A Tw1t<.•he ll Tr1vis1o n Llsung II l HE VILWI IUVIEW OPEi SH 1·1 Owne r l s G e tting Dl'Sp t>r a te Spectacular Golf Course View This Ltsung Offers Pnva<.·y, J Lrg &inns, 3 Ba, F.R.. 3-Car Gar. & Lovely Gardens. Enpy Entertaining In This Dramatic Home Try $90.000 Cash Down. Priced At $725.000 Trudy Stubblefield's Listing 1121 E. l&LIH ILYI. P£11111U IPH HI 1-5 Waterfront W/[)c)(:k Panoram1t· Vtew Great Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. Custom-Butlt Home W/3 BRs Kitchen W/Vtew Window Has All Modem Amcnilit.'S Used Brack BBQ In Outstanding Patio Art:'a Tiled Garages. Great Offt.nng $1 ,295.000 A D1on-Mar1a L1sttng PRHOlfTOIY l&Y C us to m Bay fro n t FEE LAND Parque t Firs, Nl'w Cpts, 3 BRs + Conv Den 3112 BA. Sep D H. Huge F.R. W/Wet Bar Kuc hen W/Pantry Brkfst Rm Sauna ~-Car Gar. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock Owner W1U Carry Lrg 2nd $1 ,400 ,UOO Ma rily n TwitcheU's Listing CHIU IEL M&R DUPLEX Rec entl y Co mplete d Custom Unit W/Uscd Brick Fireplace, Mexican TLles, Vault.ed Ce11tngs. MBR Suite W/Cathedra l Wind o ws & Treetop Views .. OJzy. Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit + Foss Guest Quarters! Great Financ ing $356.000 A Collms-HtU Lasung WOOHY RmUT Split L evel Ho me O verl ooking Cherry Lake . P riva te. St•cluded Location 3 Bdrms R e m o d el ed Gourmet K1tchC'n W!l\lexacan Tile. Owne r Wtll Carry ~1n a nc1 ng Assumable 1st Truly A Bt>autiful Spac i o u s Hom e Hu ge Pric e Reduction. Now Only $318 .000. Binnie Dixon's L1sung. UOLlllYI UYSllORES UYFlllT Pnme View. Pier, Dock Quality 5 BR. Gated Community. Private Beach. Priced At $975,000 L e a sehold Marilyn Twit.chell's Listing OLI OllOll tEL llO Just Listed. South Of Pac1ftc Coast Highway Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Cottage. R -2 L ot. Room To Expand $257,000. Sharon Collins' Ltsting. Ill OAllYOI EUUIOI Custom Built By Two Craftsmen. Ultimate ln Quality. 5 Bdrms W/180° View Of Golf Course And Night Lights. Pool & Spa. Tot.al Security. Shown By Appointment. $2,290,000. Millie Howe's LtSung ILIFFI Single Level . Lovely 3 BR W/Encl05ed Yard & Private Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Pamted & Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shipley's Listing. 759-91• 12c.,... ... ,,.. .... ,..c..-. .......... If ED INDEX T1 "8ct YM M. C.M 642-5671 NOUUS fDI SAU i-1..:'1.1 .... ... bOt '•1"9't¥1• t ... 11 .......... ~ ,.,. ......... al ,..,. ..... . '"""' , .. .. fJ T0te tr..M••-\.aH•t .... '"'""-.." ...,.,._ ,,,,,.. l_.,\ift• IW•rh ~-lhll• ......... , ...... 1 ......... \ ..... . ~, .. ~,,::.·~" ~ .. J., ... t ·~··" •N> 'wt'tll• Aft• '-•1 tw •• ft ,.. .... ,. t ··~·"'• "' .. "'''"'•• '4o4>ol4' ......... "41• 1mmm ~I fll'a,tf f~ liCtl• °'W'''"""h hw ~•If ::~:!!·~w;:", ... ,. ..... , ..... o ltt"4• : ::.=:.~:~·~:\) l)\.fplf•f'\ l "•"INN •Wit.1'""'01>-Mu••4 """""""t''~·h' lftd"'61rl•I l'H•Pttl> 1.ohl0t,.11 .. '-'·61• lln~ T111 .,,., "'"''"" u ••• , ......... , ::::1~ ~.::Np,"'~ f)Uf .,., ........ ~flf\) tc.n..:ti.n ••rm' 41FO\O K_..•I t.-t.I• th hanf• ........................ 1 ,..,.. ...... ~.~~lS lkN\• I nfur~n .. fif HtN••• •wrn1>1 t nf 1 1,11vlot.;1t11n'-.'"' ~'"''' ··~ .. ,.'-'"''' ... l.,._Aftiuw...,, t Wffl ,~ ........ ,.. .. ,. '"""" .. 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"wl• I lhWM'~ Kou\of'~ (o!Jl(•'l\ J..-.~h' '-'' .... 1c.. \ila,.flJPWf') 1 ........ 11 ......... .'ltV•ll•~' Y. elM..0 M"_.,,..1 hhltwn-~fth f)fh,,. t\lrn 6 t .Ql.NP ...... Pt•N.r'\ .. CH•·"~ °'W•I"" ... r-h1fW"I »-t•l\I t.,QOd I ~ll'M••l•v••M li.r h .... io"a'is 'i"MAllME EQUIPMUIT ,_,..,......, &-'f••f'lllll 'wtu•• I ~ .. h "•'ll'W t ~·,,, Bo.ah p.,..,., fto•l' """" '"•tl•t ftioah "'' tii1 .. t. '°"'IP-(}ulh ~-h~ ....... ftwil\ ~ ..... , TIANstOIT A TION I ,.,,.,.,.. f •m..,..n '-'f' Kt"I .. 'M"tfl( ( ., .. \II'*''"' uum-WQll.CW Cyrld \roott·n • '4vt·Jlf Hn, "-'*" tit~• lr••lrn T•••"' I l••• .... I hhlJ 4 "'" ..... AUTOMOBILE ' f\«f •• ""'4Jqu.o• ~ ......... R"'r•t•l>ll \"""Ir• 'iv•tt N.1'" A·41• • ~ntt IJ'•'•• r, .. a, \., .. "'"'"l.'o'"• '1,1"'' W•A\t•I AUTOS, IMrGITED 1_,nwre· \,J .. K·1m. u \ ..... \vM1,, Hrelr• h'\I,.. ...... ~ '"'' "•'•I"' .. ,,.,, ... , ... .., ... J•..:t.1.tl Jt-thl"fl ~•rtn..f\n ••It•• ~-..... 'ldd• lht ..-k tk .. , .... "'·" ''V"' V.nh • ,., .. 4, ...... Put\lf'M' HHe .. • Mnf1, Mu)rr "'""' ,,.. .. ~ ::....o.rw r..,..... ""'"'.,_,,. \,,. ......... ,,_ \oh~ AUTOS, MEW '''""'•' AUTOS, USED ••tt'liff•I ~"' ~··· · c ... ti11 .. 1 l•m•r•i ·~'" .. '' t.bH\fl'I t:o-\ ''"'""""M•I \.Jw'lfi:h· l·9Wf:•r ~:1~ IM~HI lMW~n ... ""''" ....... ,., ~ .. , .. ,,... p.,,,,_. """'•(' ~rbtrd VoA• .... , ...... ·-:= ltll ,. ... -·-'°"' ... IOM ... .... ,., IGtl ·-llffll !all ·-... ·-·-llW ..... .... ~ ...... -tl>tll """' ---- --· -.... "" ..,,, --mi .--.., --*2 .u IN! --9' ., ---191• Cll St1vt W11 581-1100 Or Cout DAILY PILOT/8unday, May 30, 1812 Fl !ftftf .~~ ....... l~ffff..'!!.h.'! ....... !'!.m.W.1.'11 ....... '-~""·~~b.•t ...... !~tft.('l.~'1 ....... «~•m.{•1.11.11 ....... '9'!.ttt.!'!.ll.'1 ..... .. , ____ .... ___ ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f! . ..-.t~t ........ J!.fl «mn .~ l!!t...... «~~m .~ ~''·· ..... f!~~~IJ. .......•. !.~I f'!.~~1< •........ !.~I IDW111L •11• ......... Super tnve1tment opportunity IOUt.h oft.he hwy. JU1t a few blocka from \he l::letich. Out1tandlna rental property preeently eamlna $14~ per mo. Priced to 1ell at ju1t '230,000 with attractive owner .. 1.at.ed financing. (7 I 4J 673-4400 12 Ill ua.2121 TM Horttor ArN't loftc)tst bhlbllat.d bol l1tatt eo...p.l I J. \J l I J( >It * ·A SPIRAL * $TAIRWAY TO GRACIOUS LIVING -FOREVER VIEW- Two MHter Sultea, aolld oak cupboard•. 1ky1lght1 10%3 FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS FROM $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OPEN SAT. 2-5, Slit. 2·5 P .M. 2277 PACIFIC AVE .• C.M. End Of Wilson • • • • • OPEi IUIDIY 1-1 : Ill GllYOI : #2 WlllED FOOT UIE • • • • Moet exceptlonal valu. In BJ Canyon. 5 BR, 7 bath, 8000 eq. ft . reeldence on corner lot. Indoor-outdoor poof with 2 1cUZZ11, eliding glaaa roof over breekfut room and hatf of pool. Poolalde barbecue an efec::trlc fOOd warmer, 18 ft. bar with cuatom oak cabinets & wine cellar & aoda fountain. Screen room with uphofatered theatre aeata and fireplace . Gourmet kitchen with all built-In large & amall appllancea lnoludlng 3 aub-zero refrigerators, 3 truh compactora, 2 ovena, lnatant hot wat«. Muter suite with hi• & her walk-In cloaet, mirrored dre11lng room, private patio. Extra large llvlng room with converaatlon pit & flreplace. Large library with carved cuatom oak cabinets and bookshelves. Designed copper ceilings & flreplace. Spa with jacuzzi, Japanese tub, Swedlah shower, etnm room & uuna. Enormou• bonus and game room with dlaco, full klt~hen & bath, and many more unique amenities. Thia lovely home hu complete privacy & security. $976,000. Aak for Marci Cooper, Ltdo Realty . • • • • • • • • • • • ~~~~~~~~ '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!I • e e HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM **633 Lido Park Dr. (F2) NB 760-1900 $495,000 Sun 2-5 117 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl. NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2137 W. Ocean Blvd., Penln Pnt, NB 631-1400 $314,900 Sat 1-5 221 Vie Ithaca, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BA plu. FAM AM« DEN * * 10 Balboa Coves, Coves, N.B. 642-8235 $525,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 12-6 No. 9 Cerrito, San Joaquin, Irv. 730-6046 $185,000 Sun 1-5 1 Aldergrove, Irvine Woodbridge, Irv. 552-0660 $198,000 Sat 1-5 * 1536 Serenade, Irvine Terrace Sat/Sun 12-5 #3 Rue Fontalnebleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star Ln, Dover Shrs. NB 642-5200 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $495,000-Fee S/S/Mon 1-5 *19 Curl Or., Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sa/Sn/Mon 12-5 * * 10 Balboa Coves, Coves, NB 642-8235 $525,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 12-6 3 BEDROOM 601 Gary Pl., Newport Hgts .. NB 645-6269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 *247 Catalina Dr, Newport Hghta. NB 644-7211 $267,500 Sun 1-5 **3415 Ocean Blvd., CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 502 "I" St., Balboa Penln. NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 1723 Plaza del Sur, Balboa Penln, NB • 631-1400 $275,000 Sat 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar, NB 631-1400 $669,000 , Sat/Mon 1-5 1126 E. Balboa Bl. (Penln) ~alboa 759-9100 S 1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $639,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 212 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, E.B. 673-7300 $498,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 1312 Santanella Terrace, CdM 673-8550 $225,000 Mon 1-5 1911 Court St.. Nwpt. Penln, NB 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar. N.B. 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Mon 1-5 1312 Santanella Terrace, CdM 673-8550 $225,000 Open Mon. 1-5 3 Woodland, Woodbridge. Irv. 644-6200 $155,000 Mon 1-5 466 Broadway. Cost Mesa 673-535-4 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 416 De Sola Tetr, Corona Hghlnds 6«-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I 8A plue GUEST 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 642-8235 $495,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 I llR plua FAM AM « DEN 2011 Paloma. E/Slde. Cotta Mesa 646-9498 S 199,500 Dally 1-5 1903 Yacht Collna 644-1017 $550,000 2040 Monrovia, Cotta MeN Sat/Sun 12·5 540-8149 $98,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 802 King• Rd, Ctlffhaven. N.B. 645-8&32 $895,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-4 108 Turquolte, Balboa llland, NB 631-14'00 $875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Roed, Newport Hetghts, NB 673-8800 $599,000 8at/8un 1·5 501 AtwrlkM Av .. Nwpt Hgta, NB 1375,000 Sat/&.!n/Mon 1-5 •2009 Yaicht Oefender (S.VU), NB 750-8100 $460,000 $el/Sun 1-5 4511 ~(Cameo Shor•) CdM 873-7781 '885.~t• Sun/Mon 1-5 928 OokS.otod, CorON del Mar 873-8550 1259.000 Sun 1-5 1218 K4W W~1 HV Hllte, CdM 6"-4010 -.a7t,50C)..f.. 8ut11..a 151218lindUlky,Weetmlnlter .....,81 tf7t,280 lat/Ekin/Mon 1..a ~ ..... ~ ..... v.-..c.M. 141 .. 7+. •1~1CJO Sat/Sun 10-.C 2900 PllOlr Ln.J Ntwp0f1 ~ M+.-70a0 •1•.000 8un 2..a .,, '•"*• CNlk, Vlilw. CdM -.e11• M40;000 8ll/8Un 1~ DIRECTORY 1721 Kings Rd, Cllffhaven, N.B. 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 Rustllng Wind, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739.000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1929 Tustin, Costa Mesa 759-9173 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 Malnsall, Jumlne Creek. CdM 640-9592 Sun 1-4 2611 Circle Dr .. Newport Beach 645-6218 $349,900-LH Sun 1-4 211 Opal, Balboa Island, Npt Bch 675-4000 $647,000 Sun 12-4 2921 Yacht Jacaranda, Coate Mesa 751-3191 $134,500 Sun 1-4 420 Dahlla, Corona del Mar 631-1268 $625,000 452 Broadway, Costa Mesa 631-8011 $197,500 * 1793 Hawaii Circle, Costa Mesa Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 979-2390 $169,500 Sun 1-5 501 Riverside Av., Nwpt Hgts, N.B. $375,000 Open Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 15521 Sandusky, Westmlntter 963-6767 S 179.250 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 4511 Camden, (Cameo Shor•) CdM 673-7761 $885,000 fee Sun/Mon 1-5 3 BA plue FAM AM« DEN end QUEST 2211 Waterfront, Corona def Mar 642-8235 $495.000 Sun/Mon 1-5 4 BEDROOM 19411 OeVry, Turtlerock, lrvtne 851--0424 Sunday 12-3 222 Coral, Balboa ltland 675-6921 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 127 Indian Springs Ln, Back Bay, NB 631-1400 $579.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Rd, Newport Heights, NB 673-6900 $399,500 Sat 1-5 760 Via lido Soud, Udo Isle, NB 673-4208 $575,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, CdM 644-2135 $350,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 3216 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 675-6000 $620,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 #7 Trafalgar, Newport Beach 759-1221 Sun 12-5 *2336 Alta Vista Dr. E;-bluff, NB 644-9060 $269,900 Sun 1-5 **2804 W. Oceanfront, Balboa Pen. NB 831-1400 $725,000 Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcastle, CdM 644-2135 $350,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 3216 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar 675-8000 $620,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 4 BR plus FAM RM or DIN # 1 St. Tropez, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $850,000 Sun 1-5 *1753 Port ManlelQh Cir, HrbrVu, NB 640-9996 $459,000 Sun 1-4:30 2412 Cliff Dr .. Newport Beech 646-7189 $598,000 Dally 1·5 1296 Londonderry, Colli Mesa 840-&438 S 142.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 San Sebastian. Harbor Rldgt, NB 760-1800 $2.3 mlfflon Sun 1-5 1814 Port WeybrtdQe. HVH, N.8. 844-7938 $278,000-'-Sat/Sun 1-6 18971 AntlOch, Turtlerock, lrvlne 541·5032 1185,000 Sun 12-3 **2S Warmspttnge (Wdbrg) Irv. 1s1.3191 '358,000 sun 1-& #4 NarbOnnl, Hart>or Atdge, NB 831· 1400 12,200,000 SaVSun 1-5 113 w. v• Looo. 1ni1ne 646-3178 '219.500 SunfMon 1..a W Polnelttte. Cotona de6 Mar 8,....271 te2l1IOO e.t/8un/Mon 1..S #14 ~Qr (loWM) Na 145-3178 ..... ooo..,. 8etlaunlMon 1-1 * 1020 Whltesalls Way (HrbrVuHla) NB 631-1268 $356,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1412 Santiago (Dvr Shr) NB 1132 Sea Lane, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $350,000 Sun 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4626 Roxbury Rd .. Cameo Shra, CdM 675,5930 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1948 Port Chelsea, Newport Bch 673-8550 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11'17 Muir Beach Cir. Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 Se1/Sun 1-5 *2236 Arana. Eutbluff, N.B. 644-9060 $294,500 Sun 1-5 427 • 16th Pl, E-.slde, C.M. 644-4910 $229,()()()..Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HVH, CdM ~910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo (M ... del Mar) CM 631-7370 $152,900 Sun 1-5 3202 O..aware Pl., M ... Verde, CM 5-45-9258 $139,500 Sal/Sun/Mon 11-5 19122 Biddle Dr, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1501 Set/Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront Dr .. CdM 673-114a $645,000 Sun 1-5 908 Chestnut, Bluffs, N.B. 759-1501 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mer 760-0452 $498,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 3408 Wimbledon Way, Costa Mesa 645--0303 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 ** 1617 Bayside Dr .. Corona del Mer 644-6200 $1,475,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 1321 Outrigger, Hrbr Vu Hit, CdM 644-6200 $450,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 1501 Keef, Hrbr Vu Hiiia. CdM 644-6200 $319,()()()..Fee Sat/Sun 1-4 600 Begonia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $585,000 1909 Lanai Dr .. Costa Meea 963-6767 $325,000 301 La Jolla, Npt Hgt&, NB 675-6670 $425,000 *3185 Bermuda, Costa Mesa 631-1266 *2315 Windward Ln .. Npt Bch Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 631-1266 $450,000 Sun 1:30-5 3133 Kerry Lane, Coeta Meaa 549-0888 $145,000 Sun 1-5 *344a Santa CCara, Cot1a M ... 979-2380 $189,800 Sun 1-5 2701 Canary, Cot1a Mesa 548-2313 $239,900 Sun 1-4 3433 Summeraett Crt, Coate Mesa 548-2313 $229,000 Sun 12-4 # 1-4 Monterey Cir (Sypglt) NB 645-3178 $495,000 S/S/M 1-5 113 w. vaa. Loop, lrvlne 646-3176 $218,500 Sun/Mon 1-5 333 Poppy Ave. Cotona del Mar 780-0452 $498,600 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 233 PoinMttla, Corona del Mar 873-4271 *624,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 3202 Delaware F'tace, MIN Vttd9, CM 546-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 11·5 **1817 8eYtlde Or, Corona del Mar M4-e200 81,475,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 I~ **218 Vta Udo Soud, Udo 181, NB 790-1800 12.25 Miiion Sat/Sun 1-5 **824 W. Btly. Blilboe ~.NB e:u-1400 11,485,000 8et/8un 1-1 -~= 'C:.,t,~ ~. N8 8un , .. *:7~1~ w.~Udo ~ 14 *1211 Cliff Dr., Clltt Haven, NB 842-5200 $425,000 Sun 1-5 * 1608 Galaxy Dr (Dvr Shrs) NB 631-1266 $949,000-Fee Sun 1-5 **1008 W. Bay Ave., Bal. Penln, NB 644-9060 $950,000 Sun 1-5 18 Rocky Point, Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $1,975,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 3 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $2,295.000 Sun 1-5 16 Rocky Point. Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $1,975,000 Sun/Mon 1·5 I BA plu. FAM AM or DEN * 1648 Newport Hiiia E .• HV Homes 644-8235 $495,000-Fee Dally 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BR plue FAM AM or DEN 10 Segura. Irvine 673-6900 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 llEDAROOM 985 Bayside Cove West, NB 631-1400 $775,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 209 19th St., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 *#25 Canyon lat .. Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-5 411 'la Dahlla. Corona del Mar 875-5511 $275,000 Set/Sun 1-5 53 Seeplne, Big Cyn Townhouse, NB 831-14'00 $340,000 Sun 1·5 209 19th St .• Balboa Penln .. NB 831-1400 $319,00Q S/S/M 1·5 2 BR plu9 FAM RM « DEN 45 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn Twnhae, NB 631-1400 $318,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM *314 Ave Cumbre (Bluff1) Nprt Bch 75&-9100 $199,500 Sat 1-5 411 Dahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 S4t/Sun 1-5 2424 Vista Hogar. The Blurts, Ne 631-1400 $179,500 Sun 1-5 (1B) 1741 Tustin Ave, Costa Mesa 979-5370 $144,500 Sun 1-4 3 BR plu. FAM RM « DEN 304 Esplanade (Bluffs) NB 640-0020 $272,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 #7 Rue Vlllara (Big Cyn) Npt Beach 759-9100 $725",000 Sun 1-5 *27 Ima Loa Court. Newport Bch 5-48--0833 $225,000 Sat 1-4 30 4 Esplanade NB 640-0020 $272,000 (Bluffs) S/$/M 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 UOROOM 8 Woodgrove, Woodbridge, Irvine 857-4848 $157,500 Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 M plue 1 BR 212-2121~ Onyx, Balboa Isl, NB 873-6900 $334,900 Sun 1-5 a llR p1ua 2.,. 2600 Beyslde Dr, Corona del Mar 844-9080 $595,000 Sun 3-5 2-• UDROOM **202 S. Bayfront, Balboa Ill, NB · 673-e800 $2,200,000 stt/Sun 1-5 LOTS FOR SALE llAYPRONT **1008 W. Bay AV9, Bal.~. NB 8U eoeo *8~.ooo Sun 1.a HOU81 FOR LIAIE 4 ...... , ... -• .,... 18171 ArlUodt. n.tlrOOk IN. 141.... 11200/tno ~ 8un 124 LEO ISLE l&fflllT Fl"ST TIMI OH MA,.K· IT cu1tom hOIM on 48' IOI Deelgntd by Pt.II 11- lerbr~e. AIA I bdfm Plu• 1#1\My rm, 4 belh9 Large bay1ron1 terrace l)lu• Inner pellO Ooott fOf laro• boat• l•cellent tono term ow,,., flnan· clno avall •t.900,000 . ly Apt>I. PllOI IEllmll IAY 11111111 2801 W1ve<ty. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 3 er. den. ..,. plul t bdrm cottage llllOl llUll Boat dock '°' 36. bOCk IX>et 2 bdrm coo-oe 2 bd1m apt. 1750,000 IEll IEL 1111 3 Bdrm. pool, 11>•. Up- gr1ded. S t49.000 141-1147 ltu41n0.14ts Tdtr 1tyta '"'"' le. et lhry la lerHI ••I ler. Oati.drel .. 111ep a ,.._. kit· the. frt1t ult I ... 1121,111 ••• ., ult 2 9'r• SUI, OH.''" hue . .. , ... , ... • 11·411 ~ hi.Ila. .....,,.. .. ,,. lellltfhf 2112~ ... "'"''"' 011111 ...... ""''"·· t .., ........ , .•. ,, ..... ,., .. ,,, .. lttatlu. lw11r tra11farrd, •11t ..n.,,... rt4He4 tt 1140,000. HtlLC....-,. c--... -•75·5511 Wrap Dress Wardrobe Essential HEnAam · M416 SUES 1·11 PRINTm PAffiRN Slmply -lk In and Mah aoftly. e... II .-yt~ In thll glemorout wrasi dreu. Smooth w•l•t· band .,.. atlCSI ttlat tie over r1pp11ng lklrt *•· ChooM orepe, Jeraey, .... wool •• Prin19d PaMm M411 by Fr•no•• H•n•thtn OOf"9 In w..... a. •. 10, 11. 14, ''· 18 .... bult 34) hlMe nJI ...... 9*to. d U .60 for thla .......... Patt«n to DAil y Pit.OT. 801t H , Old 0.....IW., .... Yn_ H.Y. 1011S. Add 10t tot &101t10• end •teoltl handling. Prtnt lffte, AclclreH, Zip, 8t1I• Humber-' .... hnletlOMI .... °" MM&tWNllotodleilere ~""" OA11 NIW , ... MINT~ PATTl"N CATALOG. Vow 9'W'I llO to elOO and IMf9 .... )llDll .... AA "'8 ._.. "'""-,__ "'' '::!G'°"'"" ..,. ---~ ~ .... -·Ci~ ..... , .... .... ., ..... ---- ---- n Orange ~ DAIL. V PILOT llUNtl , May 00, 1 .. 1 ..... 1n11-. Prime locaU.on, looka down 4th fairway and la.kt. Sxpandtd • Cuatomiled • Spa • Southern 6cpmure • End Unit. Larae 2 Bdrm plu1 den. Auume lar~e loan •a95,000 #9 Rue Vtllan Open Su.n/Mon 1-5 . or by apPointment. $.rbara Ku1.M United "Broken-R~ltors 780-8817; 873-7771 *** EDITORIAL *** If ,.. .,. 11:r••1 ., 1111111 •• "" elllltellla rt ...... •.ntf, tt.en art ••• , f11ll ... 1tlll11I ....... • • ....................... ...,., . ....,, Tlttre'1 ....,. WI (IW .,.. ltl4tr ... ,,..., Hhl I ........... ). ... fllltrt'I alH antr IUhtff ......... It It.., .... 11 ... I lnt.p I lt• rett1 •• ..... llTI'• ..... .,....., .......... 11114 HttlM4tnltHt4s11ethr"1'"""- Tlttf• an ... , "''" • ...W Illa tt 1111 at4 lll'f• 11 ••• Mt ...,.,. HI Is 1 1111 ... ,,,. • .... ,. ..... ........ • ... , ,,.,..-tr •.. ., ..,94 .............. . ., ......... tWt ........... . ......., ..... • llllf llll 11,,.,.,., 11 '1ITUllYI OAIE." Dty '"' Ith et ...., ...... ,.. IU ..... SIU hi ...,,, ........................ .. w. ... ,.. ... .., ......... . WattffrMI ..... llt .. ltllttn tl1-14M lllOI, WIUTI, YllWI h11ll11t lt11tl11 wltll 11••l•t•IJ r•••••ll4 a ............ ............. llMnl ""' .... ...., , ... 11114...., • ...., ..... ,,. .. "' Mt•rtal• ... ••llJ lltl11. HH,OOI fat. 111-14'0. llllltlt• ......... OISl'll IUI IUOI DOUIMl llO~INf...._Jflr.,aa.nlllJllstit~ .,,. ..... 2-defy w/2 llM. + .... rm. IW n•U.C. ftr .....,...., "'''"' "• ................... llMlll. 4111 um• 111 llll 2 Sr 2 Ba cottage wt lovety palto. owe finan- cing 1325,000 Htmw.t 2-aiy Cape Cod. 4 Bdr 2.,., 110UN plu1 2 Sr 1 81 apt. owe lln1nclng. ~65,000 111 1111111 IYI ComrMrcial bldg In bu1y l~llon Owner may alao con1lder trade tor 1ml Balbol le houM. 1425, 000 FllT&mo llllSI WAU< TO BEACH HOME FOR $129,000 Submit oflen on thl• elngle lemlly home on a .., ..... ,. ... la.metl .. .,. .... Ocean view & nlghl llohtl view from HerbOf V._ Hiiie ordered 1old. 3 bdrm, 2\t ba w/2 trplc & 3 cw oerege. Now on1y 1319,500 Bkr, 651-8181. R-2 lot In pnme beech 1-------- ar ... OWC 111 TO with 120.000 down. c.i..., 1n4 . ............•........ ~ M-Verde 4 Br 3 Ba IEWNl1 IS. UDlllT •• RI( µIS home on quiet cul-de· .. affer411Mt ,..... .. flllt .... wttlt • RE.AL MC. ~IM 111 T.O al ,&tf /tlllt hr H' ._, bieJ ....._ Mtc •m iAI E ::·;:·~·c:'~:~-~r~~ wltll lust ••tit I 4Hk. Ua•t•"• ..,._ ~ $207.000 Prln. only. Call r..U.... •• N .., ... ., ...... IWI 493-0202 498-1040 _1_5_1 .. _3_3_o_Ag_t_. --- llfl• 284 T.I. Mll,MI. FM. 111· 1411. ·~~~~~~~ 3 Br. 1 Ba houae on latge II 50x 175' 3 unit lot. 438 UlllDI --L.111-m c.r... ul., Ila Hamilton. Do not dl1turb ..---. ,...., •••••••••••••••••••••• tenant• $129,000. .,,., 11..,.,t .......... larp let.... LSE OPTION-Trade or 5<46-504l '°'" & wllndl, ... 2 llt*tt• ...... U.. hi 1H ... mt 100% fin. 4Br, 3'hBa. 831-3520 wlldya. flllt lllllf II' HIN 1 ... lliltlM,... pest bayvlew o w nr/bkr Hive aomethlng to NII? ...... Plan .............. / ......... 873-1148 Cl••tti.dedldoltwel. ....... .,..,.... 111-1411. ""' .., M11 llqt IL I 111 111-1400. Ul...u--nul I FIEm I,.,.... tn4lltt1ul t...try ,,.... a llH ................... ......,~ lrtel ...... I all ••lltltt fw ......_, lht.c. lft tint T.I. ...... '" 11114 ....... P2l,llO. 111-1•. ••NIT rwn W/Mll TWI ""1 a .... ....., I~ Nth 111 ..... ......... ,,........ ,.... .., ...... .,.... • a w...m..t 11•msltf • ~ ...._ lee4 111•1"1 •••1111-p.,_. IWLD IUI IUOI Larp ..... ""' 2 ....... ., 2 ..... ...., ....... ·-, .......... •"1 , .. 1 .............. , •Ill .. ,,, Ill.,_. fH 1114. 1UTP1111•·1•1" .,,,,....., tt "' 1 I "*"-. 2 ._.. ..._ • t11l11tN P11l111b hllt. 1J 9't ........ .., ............... .. tl11,1M.N1·1- •WPllT .al-',_ I LMl.Y ........ ~ ..... ...., ... 4 .................... + ... . ...... .. . .,,, '"'· ........... . 111·1- V T E K R Y l 0 V Y D U 0 L C P t 0 D A l T P I K R 0 G E " I R V A I 0 J "' R E D 0 S T 0 £ V S K 1 E S D l T D R 0 U I K U P R I H A H T 0 N N S M t V C 8 K l V 0 H E E L I Y 1 L G V 0 V T H 0 R S G R I K H L H 0 R A Z 0 B S A V E C N F H V G E U T U H I H 0 S V E 0 U A 8 S q I 0 B 8 V 8 0 M 0 K I 0 Y T K B U L I N C H R E H V E M 0 A K E E L P Y 0 H S A R K D E E R 1 V H S D B 0 R 0 H S A R K D E R R 6 S 0 L E A A K G L A D K 0 V 0 A H 1 D 0 S T L F 8 S H 0 L 0 K H 0 V F E C I M L 0 G 0 G B L 0 K 1 V 0 N A M 0 R S A L T Y K 0 V K A T A E V 1 L I F E llWINC9-: Hlddlft _.... bllow ..... flwwd, .... i ..-ct, 141, ..... or~-Fltld _,.IN boa It In.. ~ GllAow 1"111M1t1 ;j ~ GofOI ~u °'""'1 Gort! ~ • f~ Plllnall Tolttol Krvtov Tute-v B11n1n Tomorrow: TfVth IWlll IUIS Olll 2 Br. 1 Ba. + 1 Br. 1 Ba. 72x 105' R2 lot. Do not dllturb 1enant1. 1528 Orange I 1 U ,000. 546-SO. 1 eV9I & wllndl, 831-3520 wkdyl.. --- \ ( : ., l I 111~. // t 61 • -. lf't .1 , 1 ~I ~" 1 ~ rJn ~l(,[L lll\IL[ Y Ea. l\SSUCll\f[S ~~!!.~!! .. !.O!t llYllAORH 1441 OaJ1xy Drive 4 Br O.n Formal Dining Room. 2 F1repl1ce1. 3 cer garage + lerge Hob- by Room. Pool elzed 1o1. betut land~-Ow- "" will anlll ti finan-cing Only $420,000 Open Set/Sun 1·5 Roblnaon: RMltor 14t·H4l WATllflHT Invitation to -thll &In- gle &IOf'Y hOme on 80 It of wall' with pier & 1llp. OGUlf llOIT By owner Oraallc price reduction for lge down- payment 840-7m IEWPOllT llTI 1111,100 Brand new EXCLUSIVE FEE IY THE SU Beacn bargain, 1tep1 to sand OWC lor 10 yra M•y tllle no1e & 1r1CS.S Opn HM Sun 1-4. 5302 Neptune. Dllna Cappel, t 831-1286 WllllFUlf Pre1t1g1ou1 "801 Lido' 111gn r1 1e condo (8£) View lo Ca1111na-28r 2'/Jba sauna. wer bar. MC bldg $950,000 UMllU 3 Unlta (3-3-1) on undy beach With harbor view Live In 1 • rent out 2 S 1,300,000 Auumable $500,000 loan. RITA WRITER, Agt 752-5710 large bayllde patio for By Ownef 4 Bdr. den. & glorlous bMCh living, 3 guell rm. 2 family rm1. 5 bdrm1. dining room Ba. frplc. tormal llvtng & home·wl111 comlon ind dining $225.000. $50. good lookll ....:i:::..::d:.:•w::n...:5:.:•:.:5_:·8:..:1=08:__~;.-.-.-.-,;-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,;-.; ao~::::T:.~ l• OCHll VU STUL 142-1200 OPEi TODAY l•E Pltl IHIT Gues1 qua1'1er1, t_,age unll, or 1411>arate home/ olltce wllh ocean and t>ay v1-Swimming pool and bubbling spa add anotner face1 10 thl1 custom 4 bdrm jewel of 1 home Slop by and tee this and much mofe on Sunday 1-5 ~ PETE J BARRETT .. _ REALTY NllllOll HllH · UllS 3 bdlden & pool $198. 500 Owner financing Lovely lrg 4 Bd prot decorlled w/pool, 1pa, clly & ocean vua A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY $359,5001 Won't IHI Call directly 10 Pllrlck Tenore 631·1288 or 760-11702 todav• RVM~ ---~ 1211 Oliff IRM 142-1200 CAMEO SHORES rm Custom 4 Br 3 Ba pool, WESTCLIFF j acuul. kot pond, 3 3 bdlf1m/dlnlng $325. l rp lc's, $4 75 000 000. A beautllul remodel 675-5930. l•-------Mull -· TheM & others ----------------a11all1ble with Harry Fre-ll1r•er Yltw ...... , derld1. Ag1. 831-12tle llt•H·01r-.el M41 3 b d r m , 2 b a . Newport 1 BR condo sp1,/covered patio Furn elegantly decora- Beaullfully decorated led1 POOi, spa & CIUb Auumable loan with SY. Top security. S 1,950 mo dn S229. 500 Fee By _6_3_1·_6_666 _____ _ Owner 979-3923 FIHOLISIH NO DOWN-Owner 11 de-IEWNIT IEllm Costom-bottt, ~ lol, 2 bdrm + guesl + femlly room CINI:. 1375.000 Open Sit/Sun/Mon 1-5 501 Rlvetllde All. sperate. make up pay-SEA VIEW -elegant & menta & move 1n luxury charming Hemplon nome. walk to wtler Call mo<tel, lebulou1 111ews FAST! You glln tney decor. 1pa. p111 comm IOM Agl &45-9850 w/pool & tennis lllClll1141s. $550,000 Open Houae1------- MUST SELL! Sal/Sun 12·5 1903 Yacht Eucullve home. Spy. ZERO DOWN' COiina 644-1017 glaas. 4 Br. lam rm. 2 Harbor Ridge Cullom, lrplc1. popular Trade· over 5,000 eq. It, lowest s.11 tl'll~ fut wltfl Delly wind• mdl 54gs,ooo priced on 11111. For Info. Pilot Want Ada 645-3178 Ownr/Agt call &40-1193: 759-0969 · llWNIT OIUT 2 Bdrm, 2 ti.1h, den, di- ning room. large double geraga. Elect opener. Quiet em:! unn. Walk to Ille beach. 1185.000 •• , ... ~1 ltltr. 141-Tin . lllllll CIYI PDTHlll l~ Mn -to' umnr Just professionally decorated. Ltke new, sophisticated 2 BR + den, 2 t;, BA, bar. pool, spa • beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446,000 . Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 CUSTI* EXPAfllED PORTOfll> MllJ(l HARBOR VlW HOll(S GREAT f .. ANCIN6 BY Owtll Great family home on quiet circle. Four Bedrooms, three and one half baths. 2850 sq. ft. Dramatic en try. Professionally decorated, ltallan Tiie, French Windows and Doors. Central air conditioning with electronic air filters . Sophisticated security and smoke detection system. Oversized street to street lot. Large patio with fireplt overlooking custom pool and oversized spa and waterfall, surrounded by mature, well manicured landscaping. Childs playhouse. Fifty foot Aviary. $.459,000 (ftJt tOJS( s.. 1-4:30 1753 Port ........... C.de Newport Beldt Owner fBrot• 132-1960 . 640-999' ·~I Lm&IU .. __ f1tt • Pleue call tot ldmtuaact to aate ... Cathy &:hwetckert 676--2&2& (one 10 fiw). &ipir main bay loceUon! Olamoroul traditional ; hl1h c1Uln••· f ~ & Bpecio-• ~ paDe)ed llblwy. Slip tar 70' ~ + 1lde tlea. A home with atmmpbtft •• J.lpt and altJ • 1harp throuahout. $1,800.000 L1111bold. «um.~~ ....... ~Att<~'I ••••• ~.fmA .. J.'1 Crea..., ... + • + .. ..!.f'AtfU ...... l.ftf 1tUJ•I 1 "' gu.tt •Pt IWO w/1111. l Liii wlfDlo. All t•• •--2100 I.I. OU"Ol'll. bit on --•HJJ 199 IOI II" POOi a Piiio fM ...,...tu ar11, dog run Olrol1 I an Clllmtnl• pride of drlv• tna.ooo Agt ownerltllp Modltn •si-· 6At-4'IO n1 111 11yl1 tour u1111 totl YAllT ..... epartment hou .. wllh l1tutllully up\redtd OCMll, hllll & golf oourM ~ di I * view. ctoM 10 twtythlng, Nantuo .. tt rn • r • only 1hr•• y1er1 old. Cltn, 2 Da hOfM Steined Iha-llkt NIWI hi* glaH window•. dteOfl · '#Ill l\llp fin•~ & NW tor w1Hp1C)lf. AIC, oatm buyer thou11nct1 of wroughl Iron fencing, dOllaralll Selllng pric. of rOM garden 1ld1 yard 1325,000 11 way below C ell for epp1 lo 111· currtnt repl•o•m•nt $419,500 co, 11 PA INC t PA l S Orange Cout OAILV PILOT /Sunday, May 30, 1882 Pl ~!tt(Atf.'P .......• JM<."!t ..... ~.fNM\l/M( .. lfltff.J!/Pfft~·l!<f.. • .f~ .. ·":J~~:~ A"o"j''•:•." o.1 •I ltttt 0.1 ti l111t ., ....,. It.ff i-.-aaMA iu.a ,,_., ~ JW .... 1f1nrnrm ........... ~.ff,.f .......... . Hff h.-.1. ff :z.11r1 ..... !!:!!!!~" n"lllt'nl"•,.......····:AIJ ••o"H"R .. 1'JrlT.••mn au... ,,., ·~· tfH • ,,, JIM ,, ,, ,,, .. •• ~ •••••• r.~ .• .-....... ~ ...... :-., a Tm....,.. NN1 ~':r.!it 1111. '!!!,.. HAllllO" 11110«11 •111•0 Wiliioil\llrl,.r .. w 11. •• :' ••••••••••• r •• ~':' ••• l.1 ............. lT =--------------•--! t br, I bt, elmoet ,,_ •· _., °" ·-· DC'Mn....-. • l't "I IA. • conoo. Oominu"llY pool, 11400 mo. ..,.,.11 frplo. ~l>ef. 11IOO 11\0. I Ir, a 11. yearly. IOf Im· _..,....~~....aJltlu 9c>a l tennia ~ •1 oar ,.Of• "'"'led C4Mi$, I bf Mt•tott, t?l-4071 ~ oocupa/\GY. Call ror CALL IT HOME 9111\• Wiii oontldt r •Ingle ltmlly dwtlllng, IPt)I US-012"4 • lor oe1a. OH month+ llH 1 •4 b 1 1 fer 1 gt la J8U _K_aa_ll1t_. ______ _ BHutiful 160 act'\, .. , mo-tly level and MOUrlly dtpoelt HOO/mo.ti Tempi• Cfral•tru• 1~1f 1'9411 Mt IHI/.. -lllUllUTI -rollina. You round 1tt\'arn. Orchard llf.1110, 1 ... 1.11 Terrl09. 4H-Ol64 ri·r~i;;;,~·;·;~~d~. ef&-3251 ' 1 & 2 Bedrooms, lmmedlately HunUna. Huw.e. gun\ hou.te, barn & e1 Toro Windrow• Hr ........ n new c.tp.tl !*nl, dbl av1llable. Optional 1 year lease. worklhop. Built by relind jownctyman 2b•. nr n.w. ato. oov'd Newty eseoora1tct. MWty t•r. wl d ten Ag1 C..11 #n1 1114 Deluxe llvlng at c.>taCtaman. Property i. clear Off~r.d at ~:~~;~·c~·.::~~-t!:;,':.;,g~=-~o;:tto,,; oe.JHQ '"i u:a·u:·;-ii:•• Tll llWI ... $38~.000 with owner flnanclng to l'lam et eot-otta dy9 ~ wb .io.amo.oriong., Wn••'••• 1111 Ntwty dt cor 0 11 pct a-au11ful Park llke Mttlng. Walk to ····"fi··..a buyer ~0-0931 ev!Wtlndl ... _ -----~ 4H-4011 .... ;r.;-.•01•••••••••• 1 uw QWllU llJU • I ...... __,..,... HOMI FOlll llllNT encl gar, ctwal'lr. poo · 1hopplng. Close to freeway1. Pool. CORONA PACIFtc REALTORS ftHlll.t V.Un JUf L .... hou-. ILIGANT1: 2 ldrm. "416 Gatege. 1 :!'l.&0~;~11•· "0 P•11 fireside lounge, sauna. Gas Included •••••••0 •••••"'•r... 3 " 2b•, ooeen vu. nr ol'llld OK . "0 peu. to cool, h•at and cook with. All 56 HOMI FOR Al!.NT bHCh, big pvt yard, &45·2000. ~t. no f... lllTUT 111 "' 644-1 7 3 Bdrm $750. Fenced N0t1h Leouna. Aval June 1595,mo. 2 er ,.,, ee. oxtrae are here and you too wlll want yllO l gart09. t<ldl l Ill t 1800/mo. Agl Cu,lllJIJ .. I Townl'IOUN. ell bulll·ln1, tO ,,,,.,.,, •• ff/ffp}f,11. ...... . RANCH IN IDAHO Iara vann 3~.~ i2~~~~.0wn., •• rraltor ,,.,, .. n1 ,,,,.,,,., ,,.,,,,, m lO~l D•ll• lfl hi• 1100 •• J.!!!!! ........ !.~f! pet• wtloofM. &A&-2000. 494-4814 flal•tal.fliM lfll balGOny. leundry rm, 00 Agent, no tee •• •••••••• •• • •••••• •• IOlllfltlT "-<>rt·llkt adult lrlCI nr nrtd perking. Nloe -•••Ill ••• ·-p 1 0 1oc1tton ,.._ ......., SC PIH. 00 ·or nr TSL Mgmt 842-1803 c11 .. 1 ,,, .,, , ··::.:·;;;~·· .. ·.··,•L•I• .. aiatl•fl .. UOIU n -I" Santa Ana Fwy & Newpor1 Av. exit, left on Walnut to 1322 S.E. Walnut ·---------..................... . till H TUii IDYLLWILI ~ ,,.,, 31f O Thr•• taedroom1 Two •• •• ••• • •• •••••, ••• ••• lrt1thlaklng vltwl ol Olux 1Br No ~·· M75 ---------aunMI lrom llVlng rm or & $0 uUI 715-2580 LIDO ISLE 56 Unlll w/p<>ol a clbl'I Mile hlgl'I 3 yr old cu11om s e. To,, 1 n c • Wt 11 home In PtMtlgloua Ce- bllhl OcHn •net ca HIT Tl llJ PUii nyon view Prlvlll Dll· Gell you 11"1.0 In rHI cony s1150 per montl'I'. ""t• ownerlhlp. dl>I wide mobile 11ome 556-1626 t•H. IOOIPAJIOYI 281 2b1, lrplO. Pv1 CS.Ck WALi< TO SC PLAZA $415/mo 2 B r. 1 Bl ~...........-.....,._ O.U 112-lllO BAYf RONT m1ln111neel, clou to Clar Glen Specious rlO· 1ob1 9 9 gro11 mulllpller wood Cle<:k among 1111 Al10 20 unite Newpotl pine tr"• lnvlt11 out· Beach, Mii Of 1r1de wltl'I door living. 3 Br off bal· lncrlOlble 1erm1 Call lor cony overlooklng llvlng detall1. 1gt. 84S·g650 room plul 4th bdrm, of· yearly le111. Aeellor · 2 Br Townhou .. with wf1unkt n hot 1ub. pvt 3 Br 1'1'• Ba BullHne. •Pt• ,,._ cerpet, p1tl01. puking Av111 lmm1d dlhWll. u~ Wiier & cerpor11 c11 01( C.111 #tu 3flf /rrlH 3ff4 Triplex with lebltd view on Nnely betcl'I S1.250 000 Carol, Altr 494-0029 180-0189 pool. H B 1516/mo 3 Br. 2 lull b1th1. pello, 1 Br dupl111 !1111tdt. open bHme, ll11pl1ce, C M 1450/mo $ 1500 yr.round gat pd. $&00/mo plu1 TSL Mgmt 842· 1803 Schweickert Atlllty llC. d•P PACE A E So Co11t Plaza 2 BR , M5·9144 894.oe&2. I ba, 1~ patio, lull MC 2 Br 2 B•. ~·n VU, P•· KICll Ot< $565 Incl OH & ..•••••.•..•.......•.•...................... BY OWNER !!!~!~ .!!!r.!!l. !~ flee or TV room. MaK In· sul1t1on, dbl window• 1227.000 Wiii finance Agt/Owner 1·927 • 17 I 2 bltn 11nge & oven. New lei'• get your 1n1111tment carpels. No pell. W111r aterted. & gardener Ind 11 $975 Agent 882· 1700 mo. yrly. Owr/Bkr. no 1101. lrplc, rtll HOO A•rl•,.lt f•,.llAH w1ter No fee. Agl Nancy 4g7.2149 •'•"•••••••••••••••••• 957--0222 11/HI /du' '1H ------ Large new l Br condo tor leaM. ne1r U C I mlero-meSliBJlll w•v•. 1rp1c. wuh•'' dryer 11111 S850tmo APlRTllllTI Jo1nn1 965·1833. BHutllully l1nd1c1p•d 538-8720 HARBOR VIEW HOMES B .. ut Monlego 4 br, 2 1>1. easy financing $279 500 F.. 644· 1936 COST A MESA DUPLEX S 175,000 Top qlly con11 Copper plmbng, l'lvy shake. bullt Ilk• 2 con· do•. 3 frplel, gar Gr .. t street S 1201< auum UIE lllllOWHHD tee•. 844·8567 2 lg bdrm condo, se60 mo Po~I, WIO Fred W•H• #l•HI JllJ Be1ullful 2 llory 3 belrm 963·11fi32, 8114-1889 ••A••••••'"••••••••• •• ................ • •• • $500-$525/mo. 2 Br 1 Be WINTER RENTALS 1 llory, lhllJ, dr1pH, AEGIA PROPERTIES patio, lrplc, dfw, b1ameo a.Ibo• 1111nd celllng1, gerege 875-4000 TSL Mgmt ~2-1803 garden apte Pool & Spa C_O_N_OO--UC-1 -Tw_n_C_t_t_2 Coveted puking No I> 1 & , flue 'It bl n-pe11 r. ' ' Bechelor ~OO v1c1n1 775 per mo 1 Br S•50·S480 562·9'19 ()wnrfAgt S.a Cl••••I• 1011 llncng 10 8% Agt •••••••••••••••••••••• 542.9ee& 1141114 1100,000 Cu11om Swlu Cllalat wltl'I Clock anel m1ld '1 quarters Sp1c11cu111 lake and min viewl Im· por1ed quallly feature• 2'1.\ bl, 2300 IQ tt WOOd CLOSE TO BEACH 2 8I New 2Br condo, nr coun· & g11u 2 c11 gar N-wigaiege. frple, bit-Ina. try club. Poo1111c end IUP« Drive by 505 bonui room & aundtclc S746/mo. RlCtl 955-2700 Narcl11u1 (Front) enO 1875/mo 538-1070 Cly, or 159· 1288 evut t l'len cell S 1650/mo wilnd1 •DH HAIL HWI 2 Br l'I• Ba $520 2250 v;auard540-9626 ~/.~!~.~~~ ... !.~~~ OOWHllT OCEAN VIEW 2Br. enel _E_A_S_T_S_l_O_E_T_A_l_P_L_E_X_2 unll Cum decor Obi p ea HIS 498_4907 bdrm Spanllh houae plu1 ••• 1441,000 Wllerlront Home• Inc Vllll Pee 3 Br. Condo 2 --------- 631 1400 Ba atrium, lrpte, termi.. LuKury l'lom• ec.an vu, pool•. •P•. nr ocean aundeck, 1800 1/1, 3Br 847 .3459 2b•, lam rm. 2 lrplct. ,,.,.,.,, 3101 .........•............ OCEANFRONT BACHELOA $415/mo 2 Br 1 B• pool. laundry rm, ne11o carpel, upper unll Thia MOii elegant •Pl l>ldQ In Laguna Beach llnMI locetlon 1n town. breath llklng vi-•. 111 bullt·lna 111a1ed pool sun ·01r1g1, elevator Lease only $850 & up 330 Cllll Or •94-8083 ger r 2 1-bdrm 1p11 $18.000 Century 21 Hlgl'I Country Carol, Agl Cort• /llou JZZ4 one wool lull TSL Mgmt 642·1803 ~ f.• J•H .................••••. lPUTllEm yearly grou Sep mete- red s 195,ooo owe ... ~~I!!!'.'.~! .... !.~~~ 1·303·887-2881 Owner 114/Hl-1211 IE Oil If Ttll LIOIY FEW $1200/mo. 4116-9188 Of 4Br. 2Ba. den w/lrplc, 2 Jeannlnt, 7141494-1117 car gar, nr Goldenw..-i & Hell 111 & 1111 1775 mo. l,'!!r.,rl IHd JZll Ofvl-nr Bllbol Pier Clean. quiet, ••cure. $410 yrty lnctelng ulll1 1 adult, no pe11 873·8372 Flreptace. pool, pVI patio & dshw&l'ler. X lg 1&2 Br garden apla on Efalde from $480 557-2841 Be1utllul gerden apte Pat101tdeck1 Heat paid No peta 2 cl'llldren wel· come • * SELL • * ROIERT llLLllEI fl•• IA1r•/l•t•rr•I TUii 631-128& ••• ~~~~~~ •••• !~!~ IH .1118 Oa,llfrHl j~~~~~~~~~JLagun1 Shores, Lag Bcl'I 1 acre IQ Hl•I• LOCI· SHOPPING Centar In High 11111011, $11,600 ted In ucluslve Aqua-Oceenllcte. nr lr.iy 17. A11ume $8000 loan cate MCtlon $750,000 or 000 aq tt s 1 2M 00 499-5648 will traele tor NB-Irv-llnanclng, grHI ctaall Mr -IL.-,-,-1-.-,-,-1,---- Laguna home or lwnh· Rossi 851--0611 v• • m• Call Rosemary, ---·-------1 It t. ZfOO 4 9 8 • 7 I 3 I 0 r PlllE lllT. IOI •••••~!"-••••• ...... 7 14 -833-0730 Full (2)4-plaxes, 2 blkl to FOR SALE OR TRADE cour1aey plul bonus to sand, Spanlsl1 style 2 br 4 Br olde<. moll desired Co-o Bkra 1wnnae1. condo poten· Weat Salem, Oregon llal. Garaget. 275K ea neigl'lborl'IOOd view on 2 w/25% ctn Prln only Iola. $80.000. Eves & Be Io w bank a ppr Wknds 1-503·353-3985 Rent In Costa Men's 848-9397 t.i";; ;;;;;,;~~j·3••;,;·f~: NEWEST gated 20 ------5--1--1 Townhome VILLAGE Exec home. 875 mo mtly rm 2 frplc, yearly. COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br 7 t4l848-8770. poae IM $2500/mo. MS--0778 2'..,Be 1600·1800eq It opt non-amkr,av•ll 7tl. HarborVlewHome38r.2 ol pure lullury Garagee, Exec home 3Br, lam rm . Be !amity rm St150/mo nydro-tuba In malter aol11 heeled pool end Purch•H option 1v1ll. suite, Cllnlng rooms. ape Loll ol extra• M•-&977 wOOd burning ftreplaces, S1100/mo 111 Belly ---------micro-wave ovens, prl-Parker Aol 751·3191 & Spec1acul11 Ocean/ bey vete pat i os & or M; i:1etcher 11 \IU 4br,2'1.\bl,OA,11m yards g11dener provt-964-3008 rm, elegant $2150 mo. ded Elegant IMng only LM Gardener COM. 15 minutes from Fasnlon Ha•tl•flO• 759-0892 64._8125 lalanct, 1 minutes to SC H1tHal JJf HAABO A VIEW 4 Br No Down Pay 1-870-9227 3 andN~ j~a~1~1e ta- Plaza or 0 .C Airport. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2'"'b•. VIEW Nr p00l 1nd Jua1 , .. , of Newport Oii water 4Br, 3B1, $1100 1ennl1. $1475 per mo. Jo •• II .. H .. frtet Blvd & so ol San Diego mo. A n n O o r 1 n B k r wa " Frwy Star11ng al $900 a (2131 437-8515 759-0&19 moy homes Estate size loll Prlceo from S269, 950 Brokers welcome. 495-1780. 881-3588 NO SAN DIEGO CO 3 unlla. eacl'I 2 br & 1 be, Kint conel, In d11lrable Esconctlelo loc Xlnl rent- a Is at S375fmo ea Good auum IOITl. Onty $157,500 L&S Atty 1-741·9888 15 min from downtown month 631-5439, 2473 ---------Honolulu, thl1 mini· Orange Ave . Coat a Luxurious 3 bdrm. 2'1.\ bl BIG CANYON Comlonl· ea11te ts sHulled on the Mesa concto HarbOI' front 34 ble, 1p1clou1 011n1 2 finest sand ba1ch on II noat slip Spectacular Br. 2 Ba fem. rm. guerd Oahu On • prlvll1 CUI· MEI& YERH view Newly decorated. g e I • d S 1 I 1 S m o . de-sac,the4t>Orma&3 4 Bctrm 2 Ba family $1100 mo 3881 Aruba fl.40-8582,919-41111 batl'I home bolSll a home Quiet er" Avail CI r Jon at h • n --------- ... ,,.,,.. IHcA 3140 $625. 3Br 2ba. c~ll~ren •••••••••••••• •••••••• Ok. no pet a. 186 C E 211t St Now evall 11.1.'s FllEIT Spanish El1ele LMngl BHutltul park·llk• 1ur· rounOlng1 Ttrr1ced pool. Sunken gu bbq. sp1rkllng l oun11ln1 Spaclou1 rooms Sep•· rate dining 1111. Welk·ln CIOMll, tlOme Ilka kllch· en & cablne1t. Walk to Hunllng1on Center. 1 B<lrm·lurn, $505 2 Bdrm-furn from seas 2 Bdrm TownhouM turn from $816 No pell U11Rll• Fr .. 1 846-9596 or 546·8985 Xlnt IOC Walk to S C Plaza NEW 2 Br 2 Ba • 1 Br & I Ba Of Stuello lncluct11 trplc. elegant French windows, pool, tennl&. wl'llrlpool spa. 11un1, eomplete axer· clM rm. In home laundry lac & mucl'I more Why rent wl'len you can now own for only S 1000 down & tow montl'lly paymentt. Call lor dt· 11111 549·342 I 3841 8eer St C.M Be1-i MacAnl'lur & Sunflower 2 Br 2 Ba $650 3g5 w Wllaon 63 1-5563 f ~I.~!!.!!'!!! .... !.~~~ N-Conoo 2 B, 1 Ba 1Br, IBa, $340 mo . incl etc. rel11ge. w/Cf range ulll Rel1 No pets 599 CI D no pell S6SO/mo H1mlllon 645-7184 833-3518 ~--------2 bdrm 1 'It b• townnou-Ill• rt IHii Jiii M Air, g•r. pauo No I · ... 'f'! ••••• •••• ••••• •• pell $530 Ph o ne NO FEEi Apt & Conelo 645-4837 rentels v 111a Rental• 675·49 I 2 Broker DHI ,,,., 31ZS •••••••••••••••••••••• PARK NEWPORT llPLU APARTMENTS 2 bdrm, 2 ba. garage, small yard $550 mo IHH 861·2877. alt 6 P M , 937 ·192S 213·333-0071 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A deluKe community on t™t Baell Bey Club ho· UM & spa 7 pools 8 tenn11 coutls close to bus1neu & sn()()ping pOOI. Jap-garden, lmmedlatety Many ame-213·45 t-4381 24 l'lr IMMr YI ..... No Cffh Downl 6 unll• lava rock walls & a nllles 875-4912 BKR Ou11t1ndlng executive YA/YA 111/CllY Long Bcl'I Wiii keep 1199arate 1 bdrm guest Im•• 3Z Pll«mo with ••P•oded hat1 Aa1 IOI ...................... --------- LA QUINT A HERMOSA 18211 Pllktlde Ln. I blk W. of Beac::l'I, 3 blk1 S of Edinger. Ler~ 3 Br. 2 Ba Town· llOUM In quiet complex, 1ar~ pool. garden M1· ung seoo 845·338 t . 675-5949 BIKE TO BEACH G1g111lte 2Br 2ba, lam rm. w/d hkup, covd pallo, new cpt 2 k1d1 ok Avail now $845/mo, 11111111. MC 496-8895. 240-6019 UnllJrnllhe<I 11UdlOS. I & 2 t>r apartments town- nouses Conelo • 3 br, 1•;, ba 2 cottage. Owner wm carry 3 Br I Ba large yaro. •••••••••••••••••••••• f1mlly room 4 bdrm• 2 N SC man aging lor you 1 1• 110 lnt-ett rldec. 1963 Conllnenlll Deerfield, 3 Br, 2 Ba, plus 1 .... rm & 1 ... ~1 141·1'41 2 Br 2 Ba. patio. carport, !Br. Incl apphaneea, gar, no pe11 $450/mo quiet ger. quiet, $380 S5•0-S1000 sty. car o•r r 759-0481 Of "yrs• w "' twnl'IM, fmlc, 2 car git. hae. L•uurge lot. p""o L. ---------• Plaza. $104.000 By ow-rat a S 9 9 O. O O O 1750/mo 559-500! '" Qul11 Junior & 1 Bra ner 546-0497 DEATH FORCES SALE (808)735·1569 or Ste -2-B-r-en-c-lsd_g_a_r_eg_e_._c_ar_· 1725 Cell tor eppt. <2131 next to greenbe4t $1700 From S37S Pool, rec 5<48'-8875. mo 496-2734 aak tor Arvin • Several SIUdlOS & 1 bdrm unlla are futnlshed wllh line designer lurn1 lure & accessoriea Move in todey or reserve tor summer montha Smartly lutnlahed models open daily Nice CCIM duplu on 305, 3721 Kan11na Ave pets drapes 173 w 939•3041 bet. 2PM. mo. 675-8870, 81&-1898 rm., sauna, encltd o•· •,1,1P1, .. unllll ~n~~u .. prp1::1.:;~.1:a:i ~.onbleolf~u·,A~ltalAl10 IVll• ws 2' 51 s 0 n '53N ~88P9•' s Woo111trl41• CH4• Joann Akerman Agl si::er 1~_17:.-:"'°" ott f!J!!! .......... !.~t I ~ "'' 5 /mo 1-3 Bdrm 2'Lbe, Jap•ft~ Privet• 2 Br. 2 Ba Com-· c Clean 2 Br 1 Ba new $235,000 with llelllble " --1 1 1 1 Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba $425 4 B<lr 2'1t Ba condo, A/ . wall 10 wall carpet, lrg term• Prln only •o.J £11111 14Br. 2B• +lg add-on garden. community pool, m5~,'Y poo • inn 1 Wn•I •.ei 3141 3 Br 1•;, Ba $47 6 2 car gar, c11lldren OK no 8721 •-&. ••oo avail 6 1 Mesa Del Mar laka. 1ennt1 prlvllege1. .vv mo ••'•••••••••••••• .. ••• Liundry lac pool No 1>111• Avall 6/1. $725 2 Br. 1'1tba, lrplC, dfw, pVI patio. gar, no pet1 $525/mo. 543-~78 IOI. •lnl ., •• $18.000 __ • _______ , -~·,.·· -A ' & .I S800 $900/mo 559-478~ or PROPERTY HOUSE Furn Laguna Beech lu-o<d95"'" Att 8PM. 586-6572 do w n S750 f mo TAl·PLEXHUNTBCH •••••••••"-••••••••••• e Mlreq mo 875-8160 842-3850 M2·t010 lWtyt1udlo,apa,Satelllte _.,.._,.. __ ""----------------1 71419&4·1402 all 6 ;1~~~~.~J~~8~ T~~~!!!':,~~Sln -~-f_19_60_30_1~-~-o-•_8_•_6_·•_2_8_9 N-2 Br concto. Univ 3 Br2'1.\Ba lrple, DIW. lfg ~'o~;~·s~1':':: ~~n':1e~'!:s1;~~r1~ N;;~~~";cc~.CJ.!:~1 so.':i ~~~~n"':.1~~ ~ J.ati W•••• IOI All 2 B<lrm $458.000 equity for HarbOr View or 2 8r yard. no pets. Child Town Ctr. AIC. lrplc, Mb r • 1 v •I I "0 w 499-2227. Cabrtl1o •2 673-7767 lenms. garage $480 111 644-1900 ••••••••""• .. •• .. ••••• Bkr 536--0123 WOOdbrlO,.. Uv rm In ok WWtide. S550fmo rec . S750 955-1592 S900fmo Ail1 873-ooeo last & dep tSS-7633 0 • ..-.y ELEUIOE •-• .. &. 3111 1 BR upt1alr1 Pool, n.. 2 Br 1 't Ba TownhOUH •"'" SunM1 Magazine $369. 8'1-0783 3Br, 2.,.,B•, Clln rm. fem Walk 10 bch, lBr. tBa. .,,..,, It• ..-5 bet rm, 3800 sq fl . Newport Beach prime 900 LH Free conversion ---------rm. ciOM 10 p<>ol, IP• & ,_ cpU , no pelt. 1550 •• -•• .-.-................ pd. no pell, refs req 147 Ba•l/aflt• style Adults prel no l'lome wltl'I wl'lltewater property lrl·plexes & du· s 189K Leese ranewel REIT TO llY '1.11 tennl• 1800 mo. Call mo. 8 75•20 10 btwn $350 mo Smelllurn FI owe r S 3 3 5 f mo. IHtA 314 Pe Is $ 4 5 0 I mo view 12% 1eller linen· p I e Ke• 1 0 % Clown 1991. Owner, 845-8218 Oell you started tn real Putnem 976-1123 5PM-8PM blCh. (Al...., A111). Ref• 645-8181 •••••• .... •••••••••••. _54_8_·2_6_8_2 ____ _ clng Reduced to S379, _6.4_4_·_74_2_4_B_r_olc_er ___ Laguna Beach view 111_ "late owner.nip. ----OT-.-•• -•• -.--~~_'7~·18~•• Utll pd. MESA VERDE 2 br, 1 ba, Deluxe poolslde. Kira lar· 2 Br 2b11 concto pool 000 Agt. 494-4730. llm ...... 11 OOOOO • .,501( 1 Br duplex Eutalele, 2 8r. 2.,., Be. Townhome, IPI -----------i gar. lncludeel. Wkdva ga 2br, 2ba, t>llns. trplc Weatcl1ll S650 -"' tale. ·1 • ..., CM. S•50tmo. Oeerflelct S700tmo. MYD ... II ' d ..... 1•,;, II ._ __ ,, Trade tor NB. ocean-equity, exch for TOI, 2 Br Townl'louae wltl'I ,.3 2117 N-luKury condo. furn pie. call: 15~229 a .... r, m" .,.,..c · Mark or Jack 875·1771 lront l'lome Ow ner bonds. Ind/comm pro· Agent 4• • Prol. decorel•d l1mlly aecurlty. 2 Br Bay view Adult•. no P811 S500mo. ---------Otior .,,1 £11111 .•.................••. S800,000 3711 Sea-perty. 4~5&48 pool, H.B. J575tmo UNIV PK, tpec 3Br, 281 home, 3Br 2.,., bl. frml Welk bch, pool. •P• YIW OHllH 536-8382 2 ~ ;':.',~'.' 21~8 b~'.c~~ 11;::1;,:,••11 II _s11_0<_•_8_73_-8_57_a ___ Traoe S160K in equity In ~~~~~·'your investment :':.':'~~2:~3~· no ~~~~Im~~~'::; ~.1,:~s~~~m~o. Wk•y ~~ ~1!.1";lh~r 2~~.-~~ ~~1. ~~u7d~ $850 mo 640·532• •••••••••••••••••••••• Turtlerock Tax Haven Be)'lhotet 3 bdrm 2'1t ba Agent 682·1700 IM Ind gardener & poo1 1-v---,,..-W--1-Newi>Ort----2-1 & 1t0111. Moat utll free HO•P $400 873-2252 WetlCllll 1200 sq 11 2 Br Newpon Beach De Anze LuKurloua 3 BA lam rm plu1 Clen l'lome for Har· Cl'lanee ol 1 Uletlme. leaM WOITIYI Ill 2 IA Hrvtc:e Schweickert B7." 1 Ba .. W ..... 10 ~n No pe11 end 536-5862 2 B • Ir p I c po o 1 blyfront Park Mint office, Cleek, lrl ·level. bOf V-or Irvine hOme with option.,_ 3 Br 2 Turtlerock condo w/3 RMlty MS-9144 & tennll seoo/,;;, 1 BR. 1 person M 35 $675/mo 646-568 l cond '76 dbl wide. fire-corporete rentel, S 18, $349.900 LH S 189K Fee B• condo 380 w Wll· deck vu of city llgl'lts & 1 BR. 2 peraons $475 Xtrl dlK twnna. lg 3 br 2 640-7814 640·8522 piece brick patio, 000 Income per year corwerllOll L• ... rene-son Call 642_2000• mountain• 2400· llvlng LM 4Br, 2B• home' G .. ~. 842·7005 2323 Elden Ave CM bl. lrplc. bltns. W tO --B-,.-Y-FA_O_N_T_L-I00-- '58.500 AllO 2 br . 2 w/$15,333 Interest earn wal 1991 845-8218 63!-5055 space 2 Clf ger w t rage, pool•. tennl1, 8locil from Bey & Belch 642-7605 11kup. 1kyl!Qtlll. vaulted bl .. double wide, corner Prln $298.000 enum Brolcers welcome opene'ra, bonus rm. be1cl'I No doge 1975 1BR. ateepe 4, utll pd calllng1. Clbl aitch gar. 3BR 2BA $1600/mo yrly 101 S39.000 Bill Grundy loan PP Call lor Siio---------4 Bor. 2 Ba, lormalellnlng. Comm pool/ tennis. mo &42·31189 $450mo. 213·941-30&5 l Br. 2 ba blutt front con· ma ny x1ra1. no pets, (2 13)282·7733 673-43 16 675_8161 wing only Cell owner •••llll lam1ly rm. 3 car garage. S 12001 m 0 p 8 u 1 Sig Canyon condo. 2 B<l 2 ~ocl~;-:;!1~.:1•0:::. $595 545-3604 1 IC H J 1111 lell llill 851-30•0 Ext 56 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• av all 715 Refs req'd 855-2882 Bl. 1895/mo Fred Te-3B 2B d Hunllnglon Beacn. dovblelliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil $895 Incl gardener led Pvt patio, lruh Nr bell. dlx r. •. bl All u111111es paid S575 wide. adults. large 101 11 Btaflf FaulrAH 559 6221 WOOOBAIOOE CONDO . nore, IOI 831•2111 THE compt r. microwave garage. W/D l'look-up, lg veerly Ken smell pet ok, near shop· OlSH FLOW .. •••••••-·•••••••••• $550 mo 2Br. 1'"'B•. 2 Big C1nyon Condo 3 Br S800 mo. or rent 10 own declo.. pond w/wtrlall. 644·8494 ping, low rent $28.900 ll la/1400,000 II c,,.., 11/ 11'1 31Z2 3 BR. 2 be. stove & D/W, 2 Sly. CIOM to pool. lennl1, IPC)llell. lull golf courN 673·3777 1850 mo Call 53&-0921 LIDO Beaut1-lu_l_2_B_r_lr-pl-c Term• 847-2954 Nudlll _ Aullln, TX ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ;:;.3~:.' seoo mo spa (213) 837-8339 vi-. $1250/mo 111111. ''GOOD *2 Br 1 Bl Newly relur· •1445 2 Br. Pool. pello. I r g b r 1 c II pa 11 o F·LLBROOK 22 11/Ull,OOO,, Qgu:~ 3.r!'~:~~:; ---------WOOOBRIOGE-1195 mo. 6-44-7424 81oker bl1l'leel $495/mo No guage. clean 7811 s 1050/m o Adults n Consider trade dn 0 C. IM 673-3100 EASTSIDE 4 Br pool 3Br, 2Ba. 2 car attach BNutlM ler09 3 bdrm. 2 LIFE'' pet1. 833-8974 Glencoe 842-283-4 675-8359 •• lf.,'t '"••I /'Tl •---------home. wffrplc P1°01 & gar lrplc AC micro· bl condo 811-lna 2 car •••"aa•a 1 II WllFF' ll'W'afl Vers11lle1 2 b r, 2 ba ' ~ ..... I •1tA Jiff gardener Incl 850 wa~. lncd yet •. cioal lo gar. All new~ $950 _.__ 14'" Fronting on your own golf it""-(~L ·~ 642_6 I SJ ..... .-;!............... 646-4380 Agt pool, tennla & IP• 12131 mo. $.42•1155 YEM~ FUN: Swimming pool, carP41· 1 & 2 Br Discount on lrplc Slubhouse pool course with 180 deg view Ll l. J SEIVIEW 3B lb 1 1 5550 837 8339 Socia I Ac:llvlll•• ltd. drapes, clean & some models Poot. Spa. $875 ancty 842-6149 chOl<:e of 2 homes with 1 ~1 481~ .!':stalcte • Spec;lou1 3 Br Eaatblutt Olrector•Fr•• bright, stove/oven & Gym. S1une . etc 2Br 2B•. 1184 Rutland delu1ee features on attrac-~. ':,.~, ~::" F0<mer model 3Br 2•1r 642•2904 or 548•0590 Turtlerock 4 Br. 2 Ba. tam condo on Greenbelt, Sund 1 y dt1p $340. 548-4827 846·0&19 Ad •8 $650 mo +elec tlvely landscapeel Iola ba. oce1n vu Oeted att 8 wkdys Refs req rm, Clln rm, vu ol U.C.I pool, vacant $1200/mo. 8Nnch•B8Q'a• 731·8829 Agt. CLOSE TO BEACH Un-64 I ·8861 or 833·2664 Botn have 2 Bctrm, 2b• ---------comm M1ny. many ex· Garcti ner. wlr & 111" 180--0447 p-.._ ...... , ea lq·-Bacl'lelor w/trptc & _E_•_r_i ______ _ lo l I 1·-• due• lncld L •••• ---------..... r-iv 2 Br 1'1.\ . $450/mo for ~ to~t~l~r~~~:eslree . Hlla1 g:~laAICke1ti&AstlOC S~~cl;u~~.c~:"scq~':z; $1 200/mo . Agt .3 Br. Blufft Condo. muctimort, 2peraon•.Nopeta 755 lott,11ove &relrlge.utll11 BR . pOOI ·block 10 0011, 1ennl1. TV cable, lr•Nr"' 2100 111 -042• $850/mo 979-1942 541-5032 SOSO/mo. Dottle Jol'ln-QA I! AT w . 18th. St 8-46-9507 Pa Id S 4 2 5 f mo ocean Slngle •Cllt pref'd ••••·"""•"-•"........ ~ 1 on 8 1 5 • 8 O O O or REC A I AT I 0 H: •~""-••nsimo. 1 Br. 1 ..... 536-7919 S350 yt'ly 8-42-5002 wller , trnh and gate WOODBRIDGE CONDO. 760 ttee Agl T e nn 11 •Fr It ~ -· .... MCurlty Owner terms. Be 1ooe1 • •••n Lrg 4 Bdrm. famlty rm •Br. 2'"" lam rm concto. • · 2 Br. 2 Ba. Apll. 8eemld 2 Br 2 B• Twnl'ls. lennl• On P-lnaule 3 br +den ,. ~ h 1 tennis. pool. lac 1it, la1t 2Br, lncd yrd, launo rm ------""'----LMIOna (pro & pro ~--'-202 -· · · our guest for' free round Prime corner locetlon In cu11om pOOI orne n • & sec S 8 SO mo S600fmo, evalt 611. IUOI IOISE •II o p I• 2 H ea 1th celltng, rrplc, garege. & spa, "' ........,.,_ 2 2 bl , vu ocean & bay, OI golf Call 1· 728-6510 or Soull'I Santi Anl Nleely CO U n t r Y I e I I I n g 646-0790 551·2564 c•-) Cluba•Seuna• laundry rm. Avell June. H I I I C I r c I e . 11 k e nu, S 1 O 5 O Dy 1·728-8824 $2000/mo IHH In· --" TSL Mgmt 8"42·1803 7141980-3145 730 -3777 wknd lenCllCaped 4 yr old Ult eludes Wiier. gardener & 180 DEG. VIEW CONOO Woodbrld09 2 Br & Clen, 2 By IM month only BUT HydrornaullQl-Moblle Home 1 Br. lge up bldg Approx 15.300 pool urvlce Bkr 2br 2'~b•. ml«o. alee Ba. delecM<S AIC llOme only $900/mo. for 2 Br 2 Swimming-Golt 1981 Maple Ave No pet• 2 B<lrm. _6_75-_306_9 _____ _ patio & lheO Adil park, sq fl wlll'I 5 tenants 831•7370 Cowrtd decil, no pet• Bl. walk 10 bMctl Alllll 0rtv1ng Range 2 Br 1 Ba. dwnl1r1 M40 17381 Keebon Lene Ea11blull TownhouM Apt So Leg $10 ,000. Cly S 1,0 40.000 owner w111,_________ Obi gar $750 M5-e204 1875 551•2340 from Juoe 20 a~ AU TI f UL 2 Br 1 Ba. upatrt M25 847--0422 or 535-9042 3 Br. 2'"1 ti., 2 cer gar 404-2782 help lln1noe 0 n I I &..J Choice E.lkle 2 Br. 1 B•. •.a. --A, ART II ENT I : 1 Br. upa1rt $350 2 1 g b Cl rm c 0 n Cl 0 . N o pt t 1 A Cl u 11 ' *EXCITING* L~Ha lllb 24'X80 SEACREST HOME. Loe L.A. Din rm, kit open to Fem. Rm .. 2 BR. 2 Ba Llg"1 Interior, young adult• welcome. $34,500. ""''"f Pan B11utllul 2 4 'X60 DOMUS Lgt Liv Din Ar11. ()per! Kit. ,.,.,, '"' 2 BR. 2 be. A~OM from Club Houee. ..... .., WANTED: mol>tle hOIM In H.B. tdull p.nt, not ovw '40,000. P/P OG2·1003 ,,, ... t~ .. !.~ff Welte to tht l>Mah. Own an OOMn vu lot, M~ro Sey &flt, 8 L.O. Cty. l'rom only t4,900. On '"""'· 10% fin.. ... "* wknd. 714-811· 7239, t-1:3CWM. lkr. ... ~ ...... }.~ Ami 'IU.IY , ....... NMt NW...,,., 2 bdml, 2 bath HCh unit with nr..-,.. Mdoted peno, oanioe. Ml-1at. Poe.. 011h now. Now 1111, SOCt llll Grundy, Mt, t7Mt11. 1714167J~400 ~~~!!!.!!'.!.'~!~':: .. ~;~~Cl~y''l~~1fb6~~;i lC::.t~~i:..h!~~ ••Alt-.T' ~r!!!:•Fu:n~ ~~~;;.Mgmt Co $850/mo. Pool, w10 ,_M_50_1_mo __ 8'4-__ 1_0_10 __ 121J1 u .. 2111 ,..,,,, JZOl 1 559 5050 1 M ll Fr• d 9 e 3 -9 6 3 2 . 2 ·~,., lear ••-...................... adu1t1 welcome S590 & ac • l 1 & Unturnlt hed•No STUNNING I 1 B 894 1880 --HARBOR 645-7234 P M d 1 O 1rge r --·------~ $550 per mo 111, lut & New 3 Br. & 4 Br. Mar tl'le _MCU __ r_. ------Spec upgraded 3Br 2'AtB1 2 Br. 2 Be ........ ...,.., NB tll•n ° .• 1 pen garden apt Pool & rec 2 ...... l 'I.\ bl 1 • N-port Frwy & Chap-BAA••o NEW twnl'IM. fem rm, AC, 2 ,.. __ .. _' 2 g...,..ar-'t""""a. dally • to '" area. 710 W. 18th SI Lg .,.,rm. • pal o. S250 Sec 731--059" ..... -""'9 fllW LIT Panoramic view on fhwporl Bay •nd PIK'lflc CkHn. Prime '-Uon. <>-' '800.000 °' -.bat ftnandnl h•l avallabl• lol on Bidp tl~.000 (714) 7to-1IOO " I ""'"'u ...,,...... """"' a L-.-...1 In we41 maintained 4 unU man In Oranoa. sgso & 2 & 3 BEDROOM car gar, pool etc. deal Ctou lo Hoeg Ho1p. laWV98 Lg bech Good I le bldg. $480 . Owner Flnel what you want In $ l050. All amenlll.. TOWNHOMES IOC . end unit 1795 mo. 1185/mo 9kr 846-1332 ............ ~ . lapl.859 w ~ h 873-3115 0•"" PMot Cl .... lled1. 538-2052, 8Jg-oe80 wltl'I acceu to pool. )•· 752·5718 ----· -------pato. t "' cuz:zl, rec area. micro· A h II 4 br 2 bl 4 Br. fem rm .. din. rm .. llV. .......... _S_I_, _c_.M_._13_1_5. ____ •••IU,,M BHfU_..• wive area Microwave anc ome. ' · rm ocean vltw pool .._... ..... /h Lrg Eflldt 2 8r 1 Be ••-and automillc gerage lrplc, pool, '01" l'lty. ten'n11, 1p1. 11200/mo: _..........., ' duplex. Crpt1, ctrps. ..... 1141 lwlci ,,.,, ctoor o----. All this wf. S 9 7 6 N r •ch o o yMl'ly M&-<>eee 880 lrvtne blln1, gu kllc:1*1. I car •••••••••••••••••••••• •• .. ••••••••••••••• ••• ..-·-· 551·1226 . (•t 16th) r= --ll'lln walk.Ing dlatence to t d 3b 2b ended ger. prl1fll• yard 1r•1 il every11'11ng. 875-2311 or HITALI Blul. con ° r • (7 14) 645--1104 2080 Santa Ana St. "B" K b k r> I 548-2239 Oaya. 2br. 2t>e 17 ,..,, ~ !::°~~:~to:~~"& ........... /k $&00/mo. $300 Mc: By enny un por · c:'hM~~1'~o0o 1111 1 Pill ti ~~· ~:· ·"1800 1eo-1900 1100 18th St. Ol1~.9 5 1 •0 10 1 • Isn't that the t>oat I LIOo Plit 0r. 21>r ws1eoo EASTS1DE 2 •· gar909. 3~: 2b• 11400 Furn. Tht Bluffl. Prof 6tcotate<1 (Dover at 18th) ... .......... that won The Amenca·s Cup in 757 8ayalde Cv 2bt 12000 $&Ht mo. 842·2510, 3br. 2b• $124 . Hlfll "Z" pten 5 8' Sti.. 2 IQt (714) 642-6113 1·1 .... apt • .,. • .,. utll• In· In IUOl/J.,.. Me-.t~e p¥t petio.. comm pool. ctd. 11&0 MC. dep. rr ~ Jn,.'"'\, r / -....J I '/ _ Avell J1.tM 16. ~ IM Trllttf for '91'11 1 9'. 1225 v-. I I\../ N'lJl~bt;J,!:,O L!~ ~~:at"':!~~! '-" fl..1-.. -11eoo1mo. ScflWk:kert A .. -..,, ~~·Ch~ 1: d':;i.~ If you t'! not sure woo (or what) Kennytiunkpon Ptnoremlc view•. •P•. 111. 1750 mo. 409·2300, fi,· ... ~~ Aeeny 64&-11.-. U~ e. 1e1n. St. Spece 42, wa$. don't feel bad-you're not alone lam rm, 3Br $2000/mo. 831·11.00 '4,1)' 4 bf, 2'A ba In IMM Ttf-•••••••••••••••••••••• C.M. btwn Newpor1 Blvd. KennytlunkpOrt IS ont or 14 dtstlnctlvtly Wettrlront Homtl. Inc. ues• VERDE 3 ... "b I race. Patio. Garden•r ._,...__ .. Supel'tof. .., .. _, MUftmenl n..... ..... _,, II c.. ..... nd v.n-m ." : "'• & a. Cl12..860() ,__, .1~ .., .... -....... -_ _..;.._____ ulll'""'"..,... ,.....,..,_~ ~,., -r 111·1• lam rm, l 115tmo ~ "-· ......... _,,..4...,.. I 1' 111'1 ~ 1n Huntlngt:On 8Ncti Seawind V\hge 1sa rtWlt ~~~~~~~~~J 494--8594 or 131-3155. HAAeOlll VlrN HOMI ... '.!!!!P.!;.......... 1 room, 1 1141. 1 llltoh. 1 • of totally penonallUdptp(mional planning c.n.. Open 811181#'1 2·5, 1590 Lovely, 2 br, dttl w/2 48". 21A. ~-,rpto, Y9"' otd Pwitlng IPeot Tht k#ld of attention )'OU <ltsfM ........ ~.'!!! .. !':!! MYf11ewoOd ~513 ~Dt· ~ bat"9. '":~~Nit._!-tltt-N. P•1i\no. ao.e '° a... ueo mo. Utti 1no. • 4 -'let bltnd or nat\lre Ind 1 .... __ Loe r-'Y remod. 38', rage, no IDGU & IMS mo. Acri· M7-S1M ITMl12 -LCMIY--2-.,--, -... --.,.-lol-ntStm to a fOffSt wlUI blCbling brooks Ind QUlft LEASE/LEASE OPTION 2 Br 1 8a,~y111'}1_g1· tone opt • ._..__•-· bty l ocean . lrkr 646-IOl1 ~·· u•aiv 3be, lem rm I" lrvlnt MCUtlty. 9 M313 i.-.aa ~ 1.!!f 38' ~T DOCK-VU OCIAN IAY VIEW d•ck, garage, "' lo. pondS. t'QOled by naNt* ocean lnfla Add to 1111.1111 T • r r • t 5 0 O I "' o ;':'A';tt'. •••••n••••• LG' 2 bf • d9r\. t 1141. 2 8'. t IL -. -... a Cou1 "•n •4t0/mo. hat l'hnls w! Iii ...-iw-•• lltd Cof'llmerct.i 1o1 ioo.ted 831·1118. &4~5 . ~ !t:""~':n 0::: "°·end, ch~ 2 It I patlOt, fr,IC, Qar. ,vt ~ w:"" rtO P911. "'41ll I t courts. snMMg _...a,__ ,,.. 8utM P9'1 CMc bluff. 5 mlnllt• to the ~ "~.· ~~d::t c om'". 2 o O o '"' o . MIO '/ft/ IOCldrte utlll. --------a t'OfMnlent locatlOfl nur $happng n C•n1tt 11 av111able torl•••••••-•I bHoh, Hcurlty gate, ~ :"' -*To'iowri l e7Ml47 en-un. w;::'t~';..: .!:; fmSllOYITllnt and you'vt got a pl«e qont would 11&0,000. Lot ~ la 11. ttun compect()t, micro-bUOh "'-ate ro:: WI 2 lldnft, .. ~ ~ "' ,._ .un '425/mo. '411312 proudly Clll name. (Eytfl ~I) 900 ~ft and~70"' ft11 Id •ction WIV9, 215? Peolflo A,,_, garde"ef, y, . Avell. WIO, "'"9, llidll Gk. no mr.n •••• ::r. •• ze;:: Ont lllCI t'M> l*ltoom. one 4lld l'IWO b;lth t1t1p .,.,~ r Vt ft ft 1 ·104. 1900 mo. 1 111. •10 0/lf!O, tr,"· .. fOl l'IO. Woat I Id, den, he, ..... to 1 ... l*'fV rldeCOr.-S~ ~ft()tn~1b00 t7MTT7. 4t7·U11 , .....,, ........ 14' boectt. t,010/MO. OW'-poet,__, tot ~Ing - TR \Dll 10\ \I ~I \I I\ Cd a ,..,. .. 2 ~hlfl; 0wttt1~..., o•te••· "• P•"· ~f.fflf/ •• , .... /Mf °=i: io;::.'.= ~ 4 ...,._,I ... I Ma'll 7M-1Dt =.: =-~~ n.., Plot oaeon *-Towmouee a ,,,.,,. 1110 "°"~ ....... ~ "'· cleft. 9MI . ..,.... "...,,,. °" wi.-'!~J I t. 2" lti. HOO/mo, ...... .._. ....... pe119; ... ..._ ,.....,..._ T~~· :r.J:d• AO-VISOR .,,. .... 10. ~~~~. :~\'~ tuoo '"o: .. ...,.. ••• ~~-:.,..J:: ~Vlllii-...._ ~...,""' aar 2""· ''.-0.1. .. , & ,,,..., ,.,,. ..._. .. ., 1 ~ , • .-. .,..... a., t• ._. + ''°° Hl4> .....,., fj2.u71 0 O 01 , •II a •' "'U Io• ..... ~ . ....,; MYPNJffl, 4 1i1*Rt I ia, lllclll.. MW=· ~tl ... Ml-4711 F'tofJI ._ $111019 ......... C1f1W1Qtt1 on 9iidl to " "" INllfftO. .. 1...... ,,,,. MNlll .......,,.,.. ,.... ...... --.... .... ,.. • ,,..... ...... Mf .... • ... ... -..... " ,. 1.0. .... &:A. t.tflddln.. ""' .... Oii Wt .... to WNfTMmelelf ................ Oll ...... No ~----a..on, ~,_..•.dMIOJ IOAMtA~ 0 .. ,....,. ...... t?Mm 111;...... na.w ... ~ ...... -" \ 0 ~t.~7.!·~~!l !Or I 30 dl y Id In lhe IAtU PILIT UIYIOI ltllOTtH 00 IT NOWI , •• fer •••• ,. Your 01lly Piiot So(vle1 Directory A1pr1Mnl1llv1 ,.-!!I!!! •••••••••.•••• 011tt• &.tt h1tn1 Looking !Or 1 home bull· der? Pi.a.t oall Aendall E Pre1ley, Jr or Free Wll1on Peril Vle111 Homu. Inc Et Toro 88 t-1760 f~!~~!~~ ...•.....•.. FENCES & DECKS Merk Roblneon Con11 Since t978. 754-0950 IU·Hll, ed. IU ---------·' f !.'r..'.!!.'!!!~ •••.•... ----,.-----Sh1mpoo & 1111m clMn Al•.61/t ~ Color ortoh1en111, wht ••'••••••a••••••••••• ctpt1 • 10 min bl••ch Orlvew•yff~flarklng Lot Hall, llvidln rm• S1S, av, Repair&, Sealcoatlng room $7 so. couch s 10 S&S A1phll 83t-4199Uc chr SS Ouer eUm pet ALLSTATE PAVING Sealco1Ung-Str1p1ng ~pairs Comm /Reaid Uc •397362 64S·818t odor Crpl repair 15 yrt exp Do work myHll Rola 531·0101 Crpt1 ln1talllrepaJred Dan Hallberg Grading Flood damage. Steam & Paving Co Res/COITll ctng 5~8510, 973·8!>8E Uc 397804 842-172( No Steam/No Shampoo A•l•••lin Slain Spectau11 F11t •••••••••••••••••••••• dry Free e.a1 939 .. 1682 FINE SHINE AUTO DETAILING Guar Free PU/del 642-S'49 ~-·~!'!!~'··········· AeUabte 27 yr F will 01 oystt, housestt pe1 s11 FIT summtl' 540-7082 ,,.,,, ,,,,.,, ... ti/ St mt• ..••••..•••••......•.. lllllOR MELPU Steam clean engs, bllget & decks Mech & eleclrl cal handymen work W• Care Crpl C1eane<11 Steam clean & uphola Truck mount unit Work guar 64S-371E EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bullington Own1 Opr Catpet, uphol, area rug cleaning Work guar Free Est. 645-117 t f.·.~!~!I'.~!~!!!!! ••••• Cement·Masonry-Btock Wall1·Cu1t work Lie Res/com Rob 547·2633 _6_75_·_7_9_5_t -----Read the clasSllled ad1 Jor Have aomethlng to 1111? lhe best deals In apart· Clastllled 1d1do11 well. ment rentets. 642·5678 9!11.~ ..•.•.•.... Moml "N In my home. Plfl·tlrne. la 60 '* hr. CdM 840·1211 Clllld Care. my home. Mon.Fri • c !IA trH, IEJlp mothef 119·73U CHILO CARE IN MY rt V HOME. Fullllm1 984-4872 Chlld oare, my C.M. home LO yerd Pref. 3/'' &.vp Keren. 845-420 . Metuta tovtng chlld-<aro. relt Fene.<1 yd, nr OMV 842 1107. 83t·4274 f.".~'.'!!.!'~~!~t. .. • I 1111ffttinlf ••••••••• ~············ ,O,.MIOA COUNTlllll H OAAI Toc>t/C1blnet1 relleed Mid. Nwpl/CM ,,.. 111. MJ·5!11H t, re1teb1e WOt'lt. ,. .. ,.iu/ ... ~·~.~!~ ..... . H•llLl•Y Cllrlttlne & Id 14t-7H5 ~!~.~.fmtf! •• A.,Allll & INITAl.I. Ont/ •• terry MS-7412 MOWING • Cl.IAH UPI Hauling Land~ ,r .. llf 142-ttO'T Oereoe dr• H11ctw111 n, Ht att "' Mitt OMlgnl Palnt HO·t iU lap'd, Qul llly work et ,. r111. r1111. M1lnt. a ~e.'"·'.'!!!c.!f~!!IJ.. 1 1nd101~tng. N8/CdM AliM00Et./AOO·ON8 only. Ron t Chrdentng, & Cerpentry Llo'd 28 878·83H/t42·1408 yr• ••P· Irwin 1'41-2719 Mow. edge, rtllce • ...ep, Fine Flnllhad Carpentry 1prlng olaan-up, haul Remod. S~. Rendall Chuck &42·2873 att 4 Lie • 19587 720-1260 R1tld1nt111. CIHn-up•. COMM'L/RESIO. gerden Hr\llCa. melnl ' Remod·Add'na-Rapal11 trae trim Free oil. VlfY r... Lio 390250 841· 10$G(Clll Wiiiy) • '1 I I ~~ .••........ ~tff!ftflff •..•.•.• «~ ............. . • Paolllo H°'1MCIMl\lno Flrepl10H • Pl1n11re • Nt!~lf ••• -•••. ,r.!#!!rt ...... i····· PLA8llf' PATCHINU •&prlnltlat Rapllt* JACK O' Al.L TMDll 0111 Jack day 0t night •t1&-so14• • yrt e11p 1(11\1 ref• 980'1 • PetlO• ' Venelf R"t110001 lnt/1.111 JC Aft.leomm Oommefelll yre Neal. Paul 545.2917 Land~ hrvlcll COMPt. HOMI MAINT catp, plumb. ~11'11, llaUI. yd otnup 'r•• HI irr .. Mt L0tl 7U. 1101 llW'I. ,-, .. 1191 8'4e-o.IM we 00 CLIANINO Qood IOb. own trene ~1·1751 !!!!''··············· 157-8311 lO'I ltLA8TERINQ ·ABC MOVING• ALL TYPES INT/(J(l lllfH FRl!!I! l!ST 645-1251 •• •• • •• ••••••••• • ••• • • 4te.3.tll1 "'"'"'• ~~!!!!!'!!~'·········· Oulok, Careful SINICI i;r" 1111m1111. 552·04 10 Lath·Pl1111t-8tuoco PLA8TEAINO Texture. fllln Wall INTl(J(T RESTUCCO 81ucce B11Ck Lle'd ;-~·•••f'I•• • •••• • • •••• • lllllL * &-1 ltYlll * Block Walle 888-489: 01ry 587-0798 DUMP JOI& lLTllUTIYI Top quality Bpect1t cart ' lmall MOYlnO Jobi In handllno 2& Y" HP 111•61•• Call Mll<I! ~ 131 t Competitive 1\11.. ••• ••• • • "'•• • •••• • • • • HAULINO-tludent hH Liva In MCurlty pfu1 ma· No ove<tlme 730· t353 H ILL HI· 1121 lo• truck. Lowett flt• ture tovtng care IOI pell STARVING COLLEGE •llllT I HY• ,Srompt Call 759 1978 ptantl S STUDENTS MOVING , J • I Thank you, John rsr,:~9~:,'~1•1~':~: CO. Lie. Tt24·438 .!!..~!~f!~c .. ~f!f!! PROF SERVJC! lntured 841-8427 POOL PROBLEMS? Haullno . yard ei..nup AOlponllbtl cpl, mid 30'• WATCH us OROWI For qu1tlly m11n1 & " Quick & CIMll Fr" .. , loolllng to hOuMllt thl• I I pair cell tor 1t1a ••• aummer We'll c1<1 l0t 1• •I I• Kevin 496 1263 t1AULIN:7:~~:al mo-~l:~t~1~c::i~J88~~S0~~'.1••••;iil";AiWJtQ•••· 1 ·••NIJl••/f1 /1 vtng aludent wllh truck 1al1 avall. by Richard Sinor Lie ••••••••··''·· •• 'ff. ••• Lewi• 87&·8150 280844 t3 Y" ol happ~ Atl411t•le•l&l·le•t4 ---------Jtnln l1aa/1 local ou11omer1 I Free Ht Ra11 prlCH HAULING·ORAOING ....... ,,.................. Think you, 631·'4 t0 Ouat work Lie 337189 '"' .••..•••.....••..••... Cu1tom C.ll'lllo Tlla Prompt Call Gnucik, IVS 842·85641878-1408 Oy1 CERAMIC·LINOLEUM tlle. fir~ .. umat11 AMI Bob 875·&041 r.·1.~~{~ •••••••••••••. S80 per 1oad Ori.ding & planter ml• avail F'r1e det tocally 557-tS68 '!.~~'.'!~~ ............ . Crown moulding, entry door•, m1nt111, book- c1111. cedar llned eto. 1111. Wood IOlullon• lo Jlcil H. Blnne1t, Jr Oen Contr. S52-91'2 8ondld & tn1ured demolition, c;IH n·up Raymond Jewelry, 389 E 831•2345 Landecapltlil·Yd Clnupa Concrete & trM removal 17th, ti 18, C.M (acro11 OllTll PAJITill Tr .. trlm·Ellpln malnt. Oulolt ~ 842·7&38 from Ralph'•) 83l·S105 25 VII IXP LIC 40394 t • Ii Mo1t IUbjeclS K·t4 011y-ev .. wmme1 S tOWI< Mr Morgan 845-5176 wood problem11 831· 1528 ..... l1H1111 .... Lie 30e888. Remodel, 1dd'n1 . oabln1t1. 548-8588 trrlgat'n Jim 85l-Ol2t Bonded ln1 Ael1 CotOI .!! .. ~/. .•...••••••.• ~~!~~f!~f.......... ••P1'1· 983-091 t Dick I ' !'.~~!! .. ; .......... . DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repairs, new & old 1 t yrs exp Bud 5S2·9S82 Wall texturea-Acouallc Hang· Tape-SIMI 11ud1 Uc. 389944 t-532-5549 WAY CONSTRUCTION Remodel • Addition• lie 420802 8'2· 120$) U4'1t·h1l1•·Rt•e4. Fr11 111. Aeu. prlce1. lVILLll UUUlll TrM trim, gen. etnup1, oement work. hou1e wreelllng 5-4t-1604 Total Yero c.r1 by THE GRASSHOPPER PlflOnl~Oependable Dominic 842-486 t Oual. work. Lie. 337189 B ' ~!!!~~t!I............. 831-23•& •• ~~.T!!~~ •••••••••••• ELECTRICIAN-Priced Carpentry -Muonry right, tree Htlmale on C.tltahf Roofing -Ptumblng large or small Jobs • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Drywall -Stucex> • Tiie Lie 39662 t 873-0359 Tll IHU NIH Remodel J B 848-9990 Llc'D ELECTRICIAN Lewn·tr ... ahrub lnitall General M1tnten•~ Tr" trlm-remo111t -~ Oual work·Re11. rates Lawn car•Aototllllng Aepalra & O.Corallng Free ell. 83t·S072 Tom Frea aatlmataa 54a.8085 Ouallty.111' Rey 840-5144 TOP QUALITY K&D LI d EXPERT HANDYM AN ELECTRICAL WORK n tcape Mllnt Car._,I,... • Roofl~ Reaid/Comm CINn·UP ,...... " Aeu ratea 531·S05S Lt Hauling. 54a.2489 Plumbing, etc 842 13 ELECTRICIAN SHIYO'S GARDENING I KNOW-LET'S GET Smt Job1/Aepalr11. Lie "Total Yard Cara" EDDIE! He un fix any· 233106-C· !O 5'48-S203 Molwtcty. 5S1·8232 IVI _1_h_lng...::....l _4_94_-_6_95_e __ _ '9~~!!!!~!!!1 .......• ROSIN'S CLEANING Serva • 1 11\orQUOhly Olean houM 6'40-08S7 WIH clean your hOUM or otttoa Etee.. paJnllng, n plumbing. 545-9005 Joan'• Cleantno M<Vloe Hou-. Ap11.. Rental•. Offtou. S.0-1287 EJtp'd • Oapandlble Hon111 -lnlelllgenl PHI lmM&TH PAINTER NEEDS Sod. aprtnklar & shrub WOAKI 30 yre exp, lnll lnatellallon Our work E•ttr Acoulltc celltno• only took• upenalv• 1 Devit Painting 847·518e Cheek our prlcet before EX E You buy Call Marl< at T AIOA PAINTING Cullom work Free HI Ller4'• l1r411 llae' AMI + line Int & •Ill Lie 204616 • 646-1551 nlng Steve ~47·4281 L1bor/M1ter111 Roofing All typet 10 yr1 IKp, lie, guar Limy 842-823 ROOF FIREPROOFING MIO gu1r ol Chemleel DO rt NOW Free Nt Dav11 Pe1nt1ng 847·S18t LandlC4plng·Yd Clnups Tree trlm·Expert malnl Irrigation Jim 85 t-O t29 REPAIRS S25 to $185 FrM 111 Call anytime. I WALT 770-2725 f !1.'.iJ~J. • •••• •• • •. ••• Huber Roofing· all types F1r1nlng Interior 0.1lgn New-recover decks HANGING S tOIAOLL Uc. U 11802 5'18·973• The t>Mtll 873-7012 I VI .. I Ouallty HOUMC ... nlng ~~!!~!1'. • • • • • • • •• .. •. w/a pe1aonal touch CM. BRICKWORK. Smalt Jobi Irv, HB. Be1h 8S0-0933 Newport. Co111 Meae, Ouallly L1Cltn1 Strip· S 'LJ I ping Olsc. oo paper Ill • Ill •• v1 ... Nc sco11 84~·93251 ··0uooer·AA~i::siL~~~d·· 1 ASA PAPERHANGING Low min Smt Joos OK EM PT y • p I.. c 0 n d 0.. __ 1n11_n_e._A_ef_•_· _67_s_-_3_17_S_ Cu1tom Brick, Stone, BIOCll, Concrete. Stuoco Aelt Fr .. NI S.Q-9492 twnh ... clelned to c>er· lecllonl Own equip 1-498-9«9 HouMCleenlng done wHh care, raapect, perfecilon NB/CM Ann 645·!>027 CUSTOM BRICKWORK SMALL/LAROE JOBS Npt/CM Raia. 8'5-&!512 7 yr• local exp. Ouar Free eat ln1 641· 756' work Price• 11ar1 1t S81roO. Alec 75t-7027 lttH•I ••...•••••...........• l/Hltrllt I MOBILE SERVICE ..•... :.<t~.'-'!.~....... ReserMna/New screens Neal patch .. & IHlure1 I NBICM only 642-9552 ''" Ht. HI· 14H l c1antfleo "°' 642·5878 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell yqur no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 LINES !!~~~!!.~!~~!!~I ..... "Let the Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window Cleaning, Ltd 548·88S3 20•A Monthly OllCOUnl *RESIDENTIAL * Avg 1 sty $30 Avg 2 It)' $45 Chris 957-8388 Or1nge Coast W1ndow1 'We leave you with 1 t>rlghler outlook 1 · Free esttmales 830-61 t t CLEARVIEW WINDOW WASHING Real rltH 4 yrs 1n area 6'2·S•49 oPNm1m knocks often when you UH reauft.gettlng Dally Piiot Ct111lll1d Adi to reach the Orange eo.tt market Phone 642-5678 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (~. E1tn MM111.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 A"u':.:::i..t 1~!!.~~!!J!.!.':!f l~".!IJ!.!!J~~-~-~~ !'!!!~.~!# ••.• ~ !".'!!~~-~!!!.!!ff !f!!!T..!!.~ .• !.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1903 w Balboa Bl Opn Lady 22.32 to ahr 3Br, C M ottfQe epece 3.4S' A.etalt 11ore 11 2850 Avon 2nd TO's-comro1 r11ea. llnnMtl ••ti 311 Hse t1·5 Sat/Sun/Mon 2Ba dplx, NB Non-bath , 11orage 0 1ve11' St .. t&40 aq ft. plul 8 S20.000·$t0 ,000 fully ~!!. ~.!!.8.!t .... !.~~I ~!!. ~.!.'.8.~~ ..•• !.~'!'!I 1J.•.'1. .f!!!!'!. •••• !.{'!'!I IJ.•.11..'!!.".!'!. •••• !.{'!'! Found Long hllr S111 -Automotive 'Beauty Salon E1ce11en1 meae Np1 ShOres area OLo•rii FOUND ADS Call 542.4538 ~ opportunity needec SHOO IOITllLY 1 Shampoo asst tor bus~ I . salon license required •• -.-..-;•••••••••••••••• 1·998-0768, 673-6435 s m k r S 2 2 o mo $225/mo 546-3345 . car garage 841-8777 amortl. Other 2n0'1 to $1 642·3338 494-3803. mllllon. Pr1n. only Breni. ARE FREE ltll•••ll 5350 Shouldn I Satisfy You N e w P 0 , 1 B e 8 c. h I •••• • ••••• • •• •• •• ••••• We would e•pecl you'd 1 631 1390 want to earn more' __ t BEDROOM FROM $400 LuKury secure furn condo C..aitt/IJ "3·2811, agt 101 No pets Shown by appt on the bay tor 3 mot. Fem roommate needed, Exec 1ullea. lull urv.. MWIEY UVllU only Tues/Wed/Thurs 9 summer lease $4500 Pf CM area. $200 mo., 'Iii lurn/unlurn . greatly r• l••llll 4415 --------- 10 4pm acrosa from Npt mo 87S-94~ 85l·138t utll. 5'48-098' ducld Nolte 7S4-0274 •••••••••••••••••••••• Iii If f. I B c h g o 11 c o u r s e llflOI Ill ..., •t lfn, RI ~5•4855 Ammate 2Br. 28a, Jrv area 95c SO FT In ,_ blOg on Cout /#Ml S03S V1t•li•• l1•tll14250 on Goll Cour 14• reap 3.ooo sq.ft < tO otfioet) Hwy Sou111 Laguna. Ap-•••••••••••••••••••••• S Cl f 3ll(, •••••••••••••••••••••• non-smk r. pref fem. avail Highly upgreded pro; 500 aq ft Excel-14980 T.D. Waight note .!!'. •• !.If!!~.' ••••••••• OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 551-5720 with rlCh peNttno & f1-tent. privet~ p.arklng due In 1 'ff t5% lnl Wtn Clean, sunny 2 Br t ba, Avail, now Weekly thru Shr Balbol llland 2 bdrm bric coVt(•d walls behind bldg 1525 mo ••II for $3488 Agt Oar. indry, retrlg $4SO. _•_u_m_mer __ 6_7_3_-7_8_7_3 __ ... S300 Location 11 walking di .. Turnet Auoe. 49._1177· 78G-8702. hae. parltlng, . lat, t an c e to a Ir p or t --------- no pets, 493·2710 ..... UWlH last 873-9042 Ken 714·833-97711 '"' LUii u . umn S..J ••ti JU4 Beeuttlut Wheler Coooo M/F non·amllr shr .............. _. ----300 aq ft Foot traffic, ..,_.,e Ot, lff, • •••••••••••••• • ••••• • on Keanopl1 Beach beaut ,_ condo In Irv ....... _, ....... Ontwn Lag 4.._5&88 Spaclaltzlng In tit & 2nd Cute Bachelor apt. nr 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Walk to UCI $400 mo tSOO 1q It J1mbor1e1----.::...-----TD'• lltlCI 1949 sand $300/mo lat & (213} 1731211 111 & tut ptu1 ulll• and8ay.lde.Avalllmme. Robt.Sattler NH/CM last. 71418"8·4S57 • Allllha, 6S1 ·9099 Fully Improved T1ke '"'•ltdlJ lolllfSOO R.E. Broiler BO RMltor1 ~-!.If!! ••••••••••• !.~ l1•tll1 fl $Mft 1100 Eastslde C M furn prtv • •• • • • ••••••••••••••• • room and bath Relrig $265 673-7544 Christian home, kit prlv, quiet male, straight. nr J bch $275+ utll Laguna Bch 499-2286 Am ktt priv C M Chris- tian home nonsmkr $250 mo S tOO dep 646-3872 Wkly rentals now avall S 105 & up Color TV Phonea In room 2274 N-port Blvd CM 648-74 .. S 4 bOrm, 4 bath, sandy beach, p ier & lloal $8000 lor Augull Biii Grundy, ~ltr, 875-8161. ROOllATE FllDERS Oldest & lergeat agency All clients screened With photos & references Cr.Olla Coamopolllan GOO<l Morning America The Tomorrow Show • ,., 011 111' to alt new cllenta who need a place IEWNIT 141-1111 ovlf 1xlatlng 1-Pvt ••• •••• • •• • • •••• •••• • • 842·2171 545-0611 GUEST HOUSE Pty 8'0-492S N.B. 397S Birch. 5600 aq. NA BEACH $275 It or 1111. MIA zone. F0< 1114: $14,000 3rd TO, 12% Int Due 2 yra, 30% dlec 640-71185 incl utlls S36-079' IEWPllT IUOI Agent 541-5032. ~!~I.~!.'!!.~!!.!!.~!¥ EASTSIDE C.M. Single garage tor ato· rage, S85/mo 573-75« Ollit• ••• ,.1. 4100 ..........•........... tffMt S,He PRllE OFFICE fT .. llH Pluah, newty-decoreted. Intimate etmo1pher1. t30·21'4 aq. ft. tn lovety garcs.n lype bldg Rent Incl r~Uonlat. phone an-Ing, coplet ate EXECUTIVE CONNECTION 1600 Dove. Suite 330 752-6408 WarehouH apace with carpeta, drp1, & wet bars. 700 to 3200 aq.ft Metl lnduatrlal park, 711 W 17th St.. Pac63 & A,a.,ut,.l•I•/ ,,,, .. ll•/ wit I F•u' ................•..... _54_2·_760_4 _____ Autut,_,.,, 51~ S775 up 2180 ft. lndu-•••••••••••••••••••••• atrial -Offloe. 18081 Alt-*l"lrTIAL dondo Clrele tlE Hunt· Rl&llH* tngton, Beech 8'2·283.4. 11115 So. Et Camino Real. San Clemente. 492·7296 l,.tll1 WutN 4100 Full tic. ...................... ---------Engl~ W01111ng In New· WELCOME BACK por1 e..cn nMd• 2 br IHI CrtHJ plu1 by July 1a1. Have IO<metty of J.C Penney. prof. decoratOf wife & 1 Felhton lalend 11 beck very neat daughte<. Wiii from Vegu and at the do remodeling, painting, Hair Hunter, Fuhlon etc. for low rent taland.84•·215t 964-1788. Mkidle eoe<t prof. woman Miki quiet yMtty 1 Br apl. on Balboa lllanO or ~lnaula ttartlng end of July. Call Diane ti 842-8877 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Bought • tnvlr1 Crouch • Tyrant O.tacn • Canna< GROCERY CART I uw an tnterntl"Q ad In the SunOay paper II klnO ol 11111 ua what'• gotng on The ad read "like over payments on loaded GROCERY CART." Call: 142-1171 F"ound: Pomeranian mix, brn fem; Shepherd mix. blk & tan male; Cairn Terrl•r fem. Au11rallan Shephotd Tri male, Lib Mix blk & wnt fem. Naw- port Beech Animal Shel· ,., 644-38!58 Tert.I" hell Cat No 1111 LOST SAT 5/22 R-ard 6'4·205' Lost Brnl wht Sprng1 Spentel Uncle Sam' L~ Niguel SSO rewerd 49 -t219 LOii Reward blu & gold Mecaw, ow~ 5 yrs, pla return 10 me CM/NB 1re1 K im 953·7314 a.6-0S20 Found Nr COfllflf' Del Mir & Or1n~e. CM , Mini German hep. 548-2733 Found gray cat, whltl lace & paws , V. 11111 Eatlbtutl, N B 760-8030 Lost She tt le male "Nickle" Choke • chain. 19th & Maple. CM A• ward 646-1720 Found male Beegle mix, eppro• ._8 mo vie Bu· 1hard & Oarlletd, F V 962-3619 aft 8PM FOUND· t yr old lem Calico cat wlllea collar Vic. Orange & 20th, CM 6 .. fi.1786 FOUND Malamute, Nor· weglan Elkhound mix Blk w/bOIQe tall & paws 968-t947 Found am111 white dog, Unlv1r1lty Perk, lrvlna. Mutt Identify. SS1·3413 Fr" kitten• 11 N-POl'l Harbor Animal Hospital 12S Meta Or C M 831·1030 Found Fem . Hu1ky (young) nr Jamboree & Ma cArthur . NB 2131928-1895 to Identify Shop II home. It'• Illy with claaalflld 1'42-5e78 Newpor1 Beach •,i, block to ooaan. deluxe 3 Br. 2 Ba. $450 /week . 2131881· 170S Bal IMI 2 Br lleepa 8 S2501wMk June. Sum- mer ll'ICfeuld. 875-2910 SEMINAR FOR HOME BUYERS SELLERS & r ... 110 10 aooo eq n "No Fr111" Prtote Wllllem °°" lkr. n•n..•• HOMI IU81NU8 OPPOATUNITV Ol1trlbutoralllp1 tor natlonel brand micro-HO l t HO aq ft 1111. oompu-.. Minimum .,,_ Ht'br/a.Mr Ctt, 301 t to ,,..tment rlQUlrWd ,. ... 3023 Harbor II, CM. .,.._ 14+1111 · ~ <eorOM rrom P:ectoo> Mor. 1~~~~~~~1 140.tMa 1;; • You are cordially invited to attend an tmformative evening for an lnllght into today'• market. Thia free aemlnar wlll be held Wedne9day June 2nd 7 pm. 2299 Harbor Blvd. CoN Meu Due to limited eeaUnc l'elt'rvtdoN are nee ry. Pleue call Jacque Kemp 714/MM303. .. • l• d & v· k'' $4000 $!>000+ 1Beauty tmmed1111e Ope· In a IC I s There s really no 1111'111 IOI ntngs Masseuse Fac1a· PIOTI IOIELS the n1ghly qualll•ed list. Hair Styhtll Rental l •-mi 1••0fll amo111ous knowledgea· or 10•1. The Oauter 5 _. -bte 1u1omo11ve proles-Salon 675-3628 OUTCALL 24 HRS sional 669 0207 We need one talented • lnd1vldual such as your· '*** ltla1tls Massac• 0per'I 24 hra a day 7 days a week 69 Oorgeou1 gtr11 to pamper you Jacuzzi. Sauna Locals as well as tourl1ts. BonkAmertcard. Matter Charge Amer· lean Express. Olners All welcome 7 t416'45·3433 2 t t2 Herbor Bl CM Psrclllc 11 .. •1•1• 111. 173-Ill uel that Golden Bronze Tan you ve always want- ed' It's as Easy 119 t1k1ng a tablet 7 14·536-2804 or 213·634-t776 Golden Glow. P O Box tOO Sunset Beach, CA 90742 FEMALE CREW Wanled 101 Hawaiian Salling Ad· venture, leaving June 12th shr expenses 831 -9293 sell plus 3 good sate· sm~ We re no1 SllllllQ suu we re mov1ng1 II you know you can cur It, call me tor an oppolntmenl lUI MlllOI PontteclSubaru 14t-4aoo Auto Setes SALH PEHOI Excellent opportunity lor experienced GM & Su baru sates person Many t>enellll & very attractive pay plan A gre11 oppor tun11y to reach the 111g· hest pay scale Apply in person '· .. , ... N1rher llv4. at hlr Oest• .... IUYSfTTH Full time Mon lhru Fri 7etn 10 6pm H B are• Must have transport• tion For Interview call Katny w 7t4/835·4447 ~f!!f!!~! ...... ••.. :~5,::m or 960· 1506 alt ldHll l aa __ b_ys_t_tt_er_nee0 __ ed_P_/T_lor- lnt111t1/n 1005 17 mo boy on or neer rliroA·~·;0·Y~;·;;:c·,:i~~ BalbO• t1tand onty Rets akpe< Karen 8'42·8222 please 67S-S994 evs 960·3263 BABYSlnER J.LI W.iat-~ 1015 Needed lor t5 mo. baby • .,. boy, my Ea11s1de C M •••••••••••••••••••••• home Fulfttme Youno married man would !Ille odd Job• eves & 1_64_5_·80_2_3 _____ _ wllends Can do a variety of handyman Jobs 972-9525 eves. aall lor Biii .................. Estab'd emptymt •OY llflic• proven utea tu<:· ce11 In the proleulon Expand'g Into lull Hr· vice to Include data. pro- c es s Ing . tech , englneer'g all computer perlpherata Call tor IPPI Liz Aelnde<a Agy , Inc 4020 Btrctl, Ell 196' N-gort/833-8190/F'" Accountant Bahysltter-housekeeper, driver 1 lie preferred Wkdya, C M 82t·32t0 BANKING II you are looklng lor more thin jult another Job, conalder e career with usl We ere lntervle- wl ng for the lollowtng poatllon• •RLLEI Per1-11me Aequlre1 min or 1 yr recent expenen· ce In all ph1ses of com· merct11 banking teller tranuctlons. •PHIP IPEUTt~ Or1 1t hour1 t IOOllHPH E•cluslve Newpor1 Beach store 1s 100111ng tor part lime bookkeeper with previous experience 1n retail operations F1ea1t>le houra. For appt call Tues or W&d 640-0990 or 640-099t :en you mix brains & brewn the Coach House Saloon •S looking tor Doormen, part·l1me AP· ply all 4PM 33157 ea. mino Cap111r1no San Juan Cepo 496-8927 CLERICAL Credit union or related expenence use or on· line terminal tO-key & 1111 typing Must work well w/pubhc Full tune entry position Hunting. tlln Beach City E m- ployees Credit Union 536·6517 1 CLERICAL ASSISTAMT Spotlight position In ex· ecutlve atmoapherel General olf1ce duties consisting ol greehng customers. answering phones and a variety of other tasks. Selected candldllu must t>e poised and en· e<ge11e. and t>e 1 gOO<l commun1cater with 1 plaasan1 proteutonat outlook Light but I CCU· r11e typing required (min 40WPM). Hlghly competitive t>ene- 1111 1nctudtng Madlcat Dental paid vecetton and more INTERVIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONL YI Pleese call· Pertonnel Oepl {714) 760-6000 ~ ~ll<,nk of N<·wport Orowll'\O Newport 8Mch CPA Firm hu Immediate opanlno tor an lndtvlduaJ dlllrlno ehafleoOtno , .... ponalbHIUH, providing aeoountlng etrvloee to • dl~lecf clllnl .... Ell- Ctll1nt comp program 1nd wort! environment. Put>llc ICCOllnllnQ expar. Send AHume to 6020 =u• Dr. Nawport Allernoon1/1v1ntng, EOE M/F part-time. OuaJlflld un-liiiiliiiim _____ _ 92"0 ~pt . M1naoer. Cotta M"•· Seml-re1lred cpl (SC>+l to fN1N109 • tt unit eomptea. I.It• melntanance & bkllPO he tpful. Pertlal rent. 149-0433 • • dldate ehould have • •--------- min. of 1 'I' ••portence on NCR 775. Our ~ In the lndu• 11ry •flows u1 to provide hight)' comp1t111ve H · lary and t>eMflt• lncluo dll'IO Medto11, Dentel, paid veoatlon and mOl'I INTIRVIEWINO BY APPOINTMENT ONL YI PIHM 0111: Paraonnel o..it. 714-780-t000 MYLRtllMI TAY•OUTI J1.1n• I at IAM. 'or Info otll ........ :U Joftn or Mb HU. ldl• Ue1111 Wltfl e ~NotCl•tlll9dM. immediate I e Orange COll1 DAILY PICOT/Sunday, May 30, 1882 Pl ,t'MM .... 1.{ff ltll.~ .... 1.(ff f!tll.~ .... !.(ff «t'l..'1M~ .... !.~ff ~.~~ .... !~ff ffffttt~ .......... &.'. .. 1!111. ..... -l!M ,..,.. Tl!M lllUTUY h. Mii , ...... Lit .. DOAU'n'LS 8UllNUI IN YOUR OWNHOMI lllT Nlr•MI •w'llWll M•n~t AHDHH/lftllll "•Pldtv growtnt oom· m; !wuw "8ttan end wie*• f\ltn. .,_ tM ••• -• ~ In l"O!Mtetn V•llfY w i4fM • IHll•ll and decorator C ID£ER ..... ,. -IMklnQ Pll'eont1-p. MIY ltemt. 10 AM to I . 110t M t p1111"ced uo·y 'wtth AHTIOUI ~M.L I . Oyer "' (Antl,U• Work In our fun cuual, proflt·mak!nt otftc• at • ttltphon• talH promotion clerk for tht area'• tln11t new1paper. Only requlromont 11 • 1ood t•lephone volt'O and enthua!Nm! Leal Calta Meta Office . .....,...,...~ ... ,....ltll, ... ...,. ...... ,an, ... $84 00 for firet week: th n 1h1re In partnenhip'_a ptoflu. ................. Ul·llll eat. IJI COMPANY EXPANSION SUMMER OR CAREER $1,150 PER MONTH 011lrlbutlon 1t1tt hu I mid. opeillng In vari~ po11tlon1. llftllL OFFIGI HIOll tnlfQY Pl'ICln for , .. , ~ed ortlce •nvl· ronmtnl. Gltl'I otc 1111111, eccurecy tf\d fOllow up I mutl Mu1t haw ••Oii teleAhone pereon111ty Salary eomm1n1ur111 w/eicper. Oen 751-81111 HAIRSTYLIST dellrld for busy Balboa 1111nd 11 Ion. 873-4013 u11 snust We •re looklng tor ex-pr' d prole11lon1I h1lr atytlllt 10 join our 111rt MUfl be hlgllly quallll.o ind 1ble lo work any da)' Pd v1c1llon, lop comm. Of guer. aalary Sen\peon & Oelllltl Soulh Coast Plue Alie for G1o<11 141-1111 ,111 ..... iOOd otnc. beckgrOUnd 11151 W•ll'lln.,_ A~ OUl!d "aaal '40-1 .. MANAGEMENT lkllli. Typing to wpm, OA!aN 0.-0VI . KINO INNIRl'"IHO IJC· Nlt'I, IMtllt In telephone pl .. Hnt llmo•l:>htre, M4·tJ03 T~ "AM mitt,... NI. OPPORTUNITIES mulleHng If •Hlllng 11n111tl0 •left. OOOcl be-•• "'* UMd, WOf1h $530, _ qulllllled lndlv tor diver• nellt1 lelery lo com· 1 lid 1 t ' d uc. HO del. Never 1111111 TlllllEES w1nchell'1 ti Helllno MVll'll motlveted lndM du111 to 1n1er our ml· negement tr•lnlt\(I prog • r11n Alt., complellon ot our 11x week trelnlng prog11m you wlll q11111ry lo 17\lll"O' one of our 10Cl81 ., .. donut hou"' llfled WOl1' on btllalf Of men•urlt• with upe• ! ....... 1 "'!.!.." ... , .. ~~r uttd quNn u . worth mlJOr cllenl ~. ~·· rlenoe. 'Ot lntlMew call ... ._ • ,,,._ -n UH. cHh only, 12 ti cent1 mutt De ,..It~. Su1le, (114) Ul·H71 oenl1t taoo. t4(µ(M9 del U1u1lly homt, lntelll991't. mtlur. • mo-between •• e. A ,.,,It_ MJO 154-73&0 tlv1ted. II you qu111ty, aa••_-•-i•--. .r~-~ ...... ~ .. ---------1 plHH oell· Mr. Ollfy. _,_, _.,., **'BUY** 64&-1718 Im. N.8 oto. ho'y wt UllO White QI Hlf· ,•-l'WM• outgolnt P•rton1111y, cMlnlfta ~. L.11.e MW. OOOd uMd llumltun & -" •-pllontt, typlnt . & It. 1100. 120-02tO ~ A.Pell~,. 1 wttt Mii Penon wll'lted ao-.o hrl 11torth1nd. )(Int. 1111 UllD Wtllt• QI Olth· or ll!LL for You "J'L-·-~ •• -•, per WHll Mu11 know benefll•. ~. 144·1885 ~-.._, u .. --. ttOO. 111•-•--'•••• 9"4· how to wtndturf. .......... 1\9 ,.,.._ ... ,.,... ... ,... •••••••••••••••••••••• (213)'&33-10971431-169e 8£Cfll!TAFIY f20-02t0 ... 1111 Ul-•tl '= z;::.:,mo::_i"'e ,••t TI• ~ 8oh Id ~y UIED White 01 COf'nlng I Ill --· Nl!IOH80AMOOD SALE -aoouratt 1~·!:' top 1tow wttrl hood. L*• r_..,.,. on Oc11n Fron 1 11 Evee ltld/Ot WMl!end1 general emlll off exp MW NO. 7»0290 ~ 957-8133 Ad1m1 nr 81lbo1 Pier V 111 ........ 1230 Relponllble adult•. over Non-emkr. Kiity. ov w ,.,,....ve per 21 with ovttllndlng 11• H7-304t Mo¥lfW OUl of at.te N-IUll...W. m1ttrH1 NI, ~um rlOht It Wl~ll'•) =·~ ':.. .. :1:.i:r:~~~ trlcciv. pertonalll~ to SEWING MACHINE OPE· Aefrla. f1 Oil rt. woc:edo, :~& ~~rn l lH , (~~~1ti!:i~ ~~~,~~:~ ftl09' Yov Wiii lleo be worll with youth A'".. RATOM. !xper quallty 14007°"9f. 114-7..S · ch1lr1. C•brlole 1011, ellglble l<>f •monthly •net IO· l 4). Cell 2• PM, minded, piece' rete1 HARIOfll AReA MattrMI, box epfinge, kg tto.). pleyer pl1no, rtt- Qultt.,ly bonu• bHed ii64i2i-.43~2~1~·~Ext~:343!i:i. Ei0iiil!!iiicioi•i"i ....... iiii84iii2i·Maiii2iii APPLIANCI! 8fAVICf 1111 $60. Good cond. Ian, IOo+ g•I equer . on ruohlng realletlc we Mii reoonci .. guar 943-2143 lllng & queen bede. 111•• llbor end eupply PAil Tiii appll1ncea. 649-3077 Sole, 9·. blll ylnyl. Lgt 11.tre-lga exec. duk, yel- obJectlve1 8-9P"l· Expending youlh SUMMER i •-•-H-milch recliner, very low designer couch, coun1elllng firm h11 -• M"T--• good eond. 13()() or bit tool•. much. much more Bene1111 Include com-opening• lor 3.5 -""P LM 957-8133 otr 4117-2791 Sal/Sun/Mon peny paid medlc11 outgoing m11ure ~le w "~/""'-s12 .. _ _..... -.. dental llld Ille Insurance 10 motlvele ambllloue JOBS ...... ~,-.., ........ MUST SELL. CO\leh, good C1n•111/ ,,.u plus p1ollt at11rtng A1tr1g«a1or 1226 Olah· condition 175. Ove<ttut-•• • • • •••• ••••• • ••• •••• 10-l 3 yr 0 Id. c •II wllher I 100. a.&·6848. lad Chair I 16. Delk IUI· PRE·DEMOLITION Sale 2·6pm 642-4321, Ht. S II S /M 9 4 983 Call Ol1111 on TUlld•:Y 343. Aak tor Andrea Retrlg, lat• rncll w .. ung-!Ible tor children 116. Or • un on -tor mor1lnlorm1Uon11 houee, lroet-lrH w / bell off«. e.42·5283, 11-Sandcutle 044-1487 $1 000 to lc em1ker 1225 llf9pm. C.tll#.,. WllCIELL'S DOIUT HOUSE '"''' .. •f lt•1,'t IH. PlEUIWI 11HW WIT1I T I fWI UP. Ill. lllYlll ll 1-H4M (llGk) ' 842-282.3 Dine e11g1ntly on 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• I llt 1 ....,_ h "unique" din rm HI'. •naTUT ULI ~l 200 I -.a _.11 t table ext. to 128". wt All tl(pentlve & In good. 125 7&9-0970 cu11om pad1. 4 aid• & 2 c:ond. Fl1hlng pol11. PER ON'H TO START REFRIOiRATOA arm chilre (ur,hol). reell. & acceu Shol-Growlng ~mmer bull· Llkt new, 2 dr. tr~ tr•. bullet/Hrver, 1lghlld gun• & rlfl11 Archery n111 open1 up poettlon I 165. 89$-eoee> china & b .... N000 nrm 1qu1pmn1. Sword II ah No exp. in some fields l 4-ff4..14ll I 3 d I 545-2009 ,...., Lrg & •ml ,_,_ ••--• Production Leed with line n •P 1· W11her and Dryer .,....._ .. --~ -·-1 uperlanca. Full llm• Vlt IQ, la WaltlnghOuM. Avocado Glrl1 wtltte vanity t1ble & loot• T\/'1, •lereo1, ml· l14-tl0-HOO bt. 1021 C..11 #IH C1111 "'" ..••....•..................•................ llLTI·HllU 5 F1m11y Garage Sii• IAIAlf IALIJ Wulllng m11Chlne, redial Color Tiie. 111,.01, arm Mw, clUllC motor 11mp1. furniture, toola, homt, McClen tewnmo- clothH, baby turn Ind wer. ml1e 22 t C 19th baby 1tem1 and much1_s_i_. _c_M _____ _ m110 20 18 Pomona, f, 1 I ~ Jl Co111 Me11 Sal/Sun .!!~.~.'! .. ~ .. ~ ...... 10-4 PM MOVING Garage Sele Donate your good u&ld Every1hlng muet go Liv clol* to Tiie Miiiion ol rm furn. stereo, color Baja Calllornl• All clean TV , 17 cu 11 re tr lg & ctolhe1 will be picked up much more 1 8 2 5 0 & gre111y appreclaled Brooknur11. F II , Sunf PIMM call 648-0113 Mon only AM to 3PM "1111 lllllAIE Sill '"'"' Sit June 5th St JOhn'1 ••••••••••••• ••••••• • • Church, corner ol B1y & TllnEflOOI Orange, Colla Meu Antique end gar1ge 1aJ11 8-5PM Furniture. Wick· t870 Black Walnut cheat er Cral1 11ern1, Clothlng ol draw1r1 with mirror & muc:tl more Occ chairs ping pong table. booll•. numerous FANTASTIC INDOOR olher Items Sun only PLANT SALE! Sunday 48811 P1110 de Vega only 470 E. 18th St. 11-5, 851-1842 Co11t1 M .. 11 .. t y.,4 .... Furn , chllre. coucrtff. 11ereo1. Many more l!em1 Sal/Sun 9.5 ~.'.~!!.~!~!~ ...... . lrvlne lrN. PIT, $6 00 pr Equal 0""""'unl1y E:111sh tpMklng p,.,,.,. , .. , flt'.._. S 100 aet 710-8690 lklrt 110. 769-0970 crowave. aquarium• & hr. 879-3923 ,.,._. • ,, -' IGCell. Marine hrdwera COMPUTER Put-time---------Emploe re Cry1111 Cr.1tlon1, V l•ltf4left llftlq 770-0tlM 4 Upl1ol1ter1d Poch & ON' lnllllible rett & w111tend 11111 per1on """9H/heiterlat -------•• 711 W l1'th SI. Suite Vb U .... -.. It._• a-a. wood arm chalre S25 018. Cemeru Some 724 W. 191h St. It•'• •111 n111 Sole bed $125, relrig $175 Other nlla<: Items Mike 548-0910 3 01y Memorial Weekend 3 Family Garag1 Sale Glfege Siie, 9-4 d11ty Sal/Sun 9-6 1000 11em1 Queen size bed. m11c 44 t 7 w Coaa1 Hwy lurnllure. 1nllque1. dll· 675-0092 w1n1ed. Cell 649-7881 tor COM bldg p.,1 or B7, C.M. tt • nn 175. ""~a Mell. (714) 497-e32t expenllve jewelry Elr.9'· e.sk tor Mr. ThOn'tes. f711me. Rel req'd. Call UAL llTITt UUI 114·Ml-llll HIDE-A-BED Couc:ti. Oou· cycle. bikes. Stereo ca- COUNTER HELP-M1ture D . C 1 rte r . 9 • 1 2 . lllJIClllllT wa hive an opening for IHatrt W1llttr, b1e like new l40 blne1. Desks & chra 120 person, c1teterl1 11y11 _6_7_6_-8_800______ Newport Beech Sllon two -ll-drellld. lntelll· TU W11J $60 04M998 ' (7141 1538-N&O E. 23rd St. CM. $11/Sun hel, auto par11. clothing, --.-,.-,-1-1-S-ll_E_I __ etc 642-8817 257 -16th P1aoe. CM rest, Racquetball Health PART/TIME :~~i't~':1~~dM:i:;'~~,~~ gent 11l11pereone lo Yll 1&11,,, Large 01p1clty upright On-tlz:e •leaper 1011. -9---7-------Club In Irv. Evening Helper !of mlnot care ol ployment Bue plus~ work In lh• Newport R..ort ln14.)Va11 II now ~eaztr. i150 or b .. I Euth 1on11. Gd ~ond S11/Svn 1901 L11111, CM Furn and apphancea and ALLE'I' SALE Maternity Olh9f nems 333 Sanle clolhll, biby clolhH , Isabel. NB 10·6 Set Sun po•lllon. 5-10 Mon-Fri, woman when released _ _.lls C11195"'39121~ Harbor lfll In comma< hiring for 1.ubllc rel•-otter. 9&4-8974 $175 Cl-" 548-1933 Bo11/trl1 (lie). lurn. Sit 11-3 973-0838. M ... om hos"'tel "•2 2237 '"'' "" ~ clel 11le1 1ndtor res· .. _ .... , misc 546 3478 " "" ~ • lntervl-Id 1111 __ ,91 In the more Uons. Call .J . 1173-8111 l!!T!,I IO'-"""" · · DENTAL ASSISTANT ---------en -from 11em-1pm. fl -5 OAK ANTIQUE I~. household 1ppllan-_M_on ______ _ Eves & Sal Modern new H:~•nted, prtvale day MEllOAL SOTIY affluent areae. ••• •••••••••••••••••• DINING CHAIRS &160 C11l1 lt1u lemlly pr1Cllce ln CM 646-1444 Npl Bell Some college & LEO HANNA TEACHERS-SUMMER Reletgh Sport131pd, 211" 646-7828 alt 6 •••••••••••••••••••••• ce1. lurnllure, bikes 9·4 Sal/Sun 254 E 15th CM MDVIII SALE Bright. enthusluuc pet----------medlcll bkgrd pref Musi SR \/ICE PRESIDENT JOB. to recrull hOll Ladles blk• WICOHter RECLINER Chair, rust MOVING SALE son With m11ure anllude Hosleu needed. expe-type 75wpm 759-l833 WtsltJ I. TIJltt O.. homes & plan ecllvttlel. brake Uc new 1169/obo color velvet. new PP Fumllure. wuner dryw. LEA\/INO COUNTRY Musi Siii 4 pc LIV Rm Ill S225 Walerbed . misc turn , '78 280Z 631-11293 Sole, ermolre Iv bullet. lamps ch111rs misc llb· les d 11hes k11 m11c Son/Mon 1210 Park Newport. :r314 NB 644-8831 Cell Emily, 5'45-5885 rienoed, lull time Apply Relltor• 644-4910 approx $3.000 Tony 720-1730 1225. 875-9174 tabla. AC unit, chairs. In p1r1on. The Beach llEllOAL SI e "' n' 4 9 3-A IFS _C_h_r_o_m_e_M_O_N_G_O_O_S_E 1---------1 bookl 50c-S200 354 E ltlt1I bto. let. Hou11, 1119 Sleepy Hol· Hunt. Bell Conv. HOIPI Resp. Womin to COOk 493-5510 eves. B.M.X bike. TOfk., fortci. French Provlnclel COUCll, 16th SI . C.M E th I tic: ttlclent & low Lane L Be ch ind handle am board & xlnt cond. 1100. ---------n ua 11 , e . egune • . accepting appllc111on1 care home 3 or 4 24_hr Tlltf''" Siltt Red Line bare. M.C.S 892..()454 ------~rgda~-:kw/~"t::: htttn/ltlf Cullltr ':: ao7111:ng1 ~etery Shilts week 548--0795 Follow up, no cold calls Item. A.C.S Z whHI, 546-3000 EFx1e1 1r1enc~ ptyret1erred 11~~u~u~t ~~~ggdm~:; ___ ll_E_ST_l_llOT ____ ~~ g:1~~~~ ~ ~1~~~~7~~~1M wo'i':,1~g ~=~".': !~~••••••••~ !!'."1.N."T·E!~RM~!s!::K·!!'x •• ~ lli ••• .n ••. 1.1~.~ ••• ~~ u 17' me .. pp n per-port with petlents & f1. T c c 1 I T die bed 720-18&8 "" ,., Ory Cleaning. Experlen-ion: Ben Brown's Res· mlllu. Adve"'ncemenl he orner11one a e s tor Mr. CarlOO. Nl-"lkl Olymplc lnt'I run . MUST SELL IMMEO Prolenlon1lly Custom Lerga Pl1yhou11 Sm1ll ep·~:..fn'gr~o;~~t~P~ Ht•,:;::.•Sonl, L3_!,u10n86 Cout ?pPedty1_.Ct 1 or 1 111& ~rp1dperl-Cao11n1 ~~~~~ ~~e~a~:'tr:~e~:: TOPLESS MODELS 10 SPO RACING BIKE Dining Table 110 • 42. 2 Or11aer &. hutch. $35. Bulll Rifle. Heavy Berret Dutch [)oof. $100. s. n c I. m. n I. -, -.. ... "" 175 DAV. PAID DAILY Mini eoncl. Many ac;:cea. 15" ute111lon IHVH, Nlghtlland. 1 10 Delk. 22-250 wllh Redlleld 845-9510 498-3336 --OLWEa exp pref d Teny Mid· gers, welt•.;:,c!ct) eltree-no eiq> •nee• 128-2583 ~ ~o.,.tr.60, 111111 .. !2!~ .. 4 cuatom t1ble pad•. 4 i1&. Hanging lamp. 15 3x·9x Scope Coll S1, Earn •Ira Income, Plrl· tlrrie. lull-time. C1ll 9!3-4148 alt 6PM EDUCATORS ...,_ den. 847·3515 11811 '"(exper · holll ---------~ .,., ......,... Penn HouM Bradford Obie bed. '50 Onatting 100 sac $700 Firm Jeff lll1nl/1aNal Exper'd. part-time , En-Florld• St. H \ =~~~91:1p1p1y4 ,~up11~';~ TUYIL 11111' Schwinn Gl'11 !Mtte Fair Chair•. 2 ""'· 2 lkSe, table & lamp. S35 Small 642 1570 556-0480 .., 1,.,6 IOll gll•h lpHklng pref.----------Buaylrvlne~need• Lidy model Stl~rey. aolld cherry $450 . limp, S5. G1r11· blk• • · "''• .. haw car. 842-45&5 MEllOll &IST/LYll 0 n I y. 3 pm I 0 5 pm. S1bre-tr1lned COM-.. Int. ~ ...... •1 . 640-4049. S46 5.48--0183 (Hk lor ZEBRA RUG $975 or bea1 .. B.ALe()A0BAY°CL~.ia·· 0 Tuea.-Thur• only: 3000 .., •'" .,..... Jiit) t HOUSEKEEPER needed For back ottlee .R & Bristol St., Cost• M.., MERCIAL AGENT. Min. 2 Like new Robin eon ·1 or MEMBERSHIP WANTED for elderly genllemen In :r!~~~e~'!:i. ~~ (corner ol Beller & yrl~h exp. St~~· JsJUlaf Spring-Aire twin bed Moving· trpl dre11er wt ___ c_a_11_548 __ -4_8_7_1 __ 1_Reaeon ___ a_b_te_1_zo_.1_608 ~· Bc:h. 4•1042 wortc I Brlltol) "' exp 8 . eur ' •lfrWI 111$ mallrell $46. Boll hutch mirror, bltCIH NUTRIA FUR JACKET Went 10 Buy 4 n-or HOUSEKEEPER ::~ ~~70. w eurg 957-2590 •••••••••••••••••••••• 19flngt '4a. F-on hd brd. S 700/otter. ,....., S875 or bat 011 slightly u~ed 12x 16 5 Live-In Beaulltul NB. --------llnUL Ul.ll TfPIWllTll llW llt/n , rolleta & heldboetd In-75'-7433 5'46-4871 truck 11res Cell OIL Sc.LmE•• APROPOS OF FASHION eluded 640-40411 (7 ) 962 "n74 PHT/PIESUT home n11r bay. Non--IS\.ANO Neklng creative n•IOl&I Redwood 21(8 decking, . Moving: ~ neug. SURPLUS JEEPS -Cw• -. 14 .... smoker, must drive We ere turning 1wey lndMcblal with luhlon tor S«Vloe. Trained by 4-.20' tono: llto redWood Pecan coflN a end .. blel eota loveMet cilalr ot-Boell Many Sell For Ofl' f . f Fmll Room. board + salery buslneu end need 1 ex-background tor Hlllng 1.B M. In electt~ iyp. fencing. O.u Jim or Ken w/mltchlng well un1t1. t°"*1. M26. 7a..-1.33 uncs.r $50.00 For Info ltl •nil.,• SITTERS UNLIMITED, Reh 523 -4920 or pr d prof nell aculplr-and leederll\14) poaltlon wrlllrl. Pltlme onty S.. anytlme, 71&-1491. Elegant IOfabed, $400. + Cell ~l•aeal IOI$ "WE CARE" FOR YOUR 675-379G. withe little tollowfng. Top Exper. req'd Cel1 only 9 1aty oc>lf'I Cell for lnler-Truell lool box. elrc MW, other Items. 860-1MIO f' """ t1M (312)931· 19e1 EXT 2239 •• :;,;:"••••••••• ••••• HOME, PETS, CHILDR· ---.,-U-l_T_l _l ___ 1 comm or gvar Hlery AM to Noon. 547-3925 view tod1y 568-0740 'I•" roullr. m1chln111 Early American couch MU11 .... 644-8831 Sien! Boe.rd, elec upright lte9e1r1,latr oltalr. EN AN 0 EL 0 ERL Y plus addlt bonus prog· iiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 973-3729 R $25 559-4540 S T• FFEO BY EDUC A· P1rt-1tme eves. Engllll'I rem Education avalll· SALES-Alerm1, embltlou1 ecaJM. S 150 Swivel Rocker $60. MUST SELL· game table educlf Messeg9', rot· " • .....,In I h , ......... --C I 2 end tablet 126 each · I am a I e I an , 2 2 · · ""~·!Ive h"'h beck sw1-TORS NEED QUALIFIED ...-g pre • ave cer ble lndtv. FIT. PIT. wlll train .,.... I w/4 ehalre, welnul ped. ~vw ·v SITTERS PART TIME/ 842-4~5 Sampt00 & Delilah 853-4149 alt llPM ••Htf '"' •1tu I •••• COllH lbl $26. Occ b .... S3 0 0 I 0 9 0 545-5977 vet C'l'lalr $60 FULL TIME. CALL COR-South Cout Plaza T a-a-.a.. L.J.... -chllr 12.5. 8uffet '360. &44-8831 Irvine Co11I C C Goll 559.4540 POR·TE HE•oou•R UUL ncanlllY AP for G•-·11 "'••11•8 S•llS .., nwcp•tua ... -:i:-d.............. Drop lellt lbl ' 4 ~ .. b .. , w , .. " " " Min 3 ~ family law =iiiiiiiiii""iiiiii~i...-iiii"ii hllstat ••lltf We're ..-1ng 10 build a Nlkllomlt FT3. toom lenl, $460 Ml.c. 5411-3484 \/efvet Uphof Chelr ... em 111" P or " Eaee~ltlve deU •lnl con- TERS. 71~2-8680 expenene.. O.C. Norport • Mature, experd .. dyne-labor pool of quellfled 2x, nan, tripod, & more. Smell llZll ~color 1 i5oo. 1111 10' S 1100 dlUon S80 Education AIDES We are entlc:lpallng Ille need tor pert-time ~ room aldea neal 1111. Sign up today for lrM traini ng and earn $5 341$5.79 per hour. area. Employee benellt1. 11111111111 mlc:. car--mlnded wo-graphic 1rt1 pereonnel $400. 548-6407 Sola & loveNat, '501080. 844-8831 ' 840-7ee5 5511-4540 S1luy commen1ur111 Conv -long term care men needed tor ret1ll for on-call won In the exe.11. eoncl. $3&0. Like new. Muloh DRAF-Walnut conference llble wUh experience Call exp req'd Excell wor-1 & 1 1 t pre-presa .,..._ At leut C.tr llJI 1~ • ..., "'' TING MACHINE w/teble. 4• diameter ruat coloreo Meg II 851-1234 king conda. & benetll1 ~~·Mu111:!. ·~. ~g:11 ooe year'•·~ In ••••••••••••• ... ••••••• Brown Lazy boy d\lir •••••••••••••••••••••• 1150, 850-0202 5115 room d1vld9' panel & F/tlme, 7-3·30, 3-11:30 badlground. Sal11Y plue lypeaettlng, PHii up. • •• Kitt....... S'f5. wunu UllU 2 Side chll,., 645-6484 Ll\/E IN COMPANION • 714-642-8044 or 1pply In comm. a company be• c1mer1 opetetlon or ~IN 64~ w/ltand $160 840-8777 •EIWlll hi IE0-1---------~~~:ld:~'\~:i.Y L~~~ ~~.·~~: 488 Flagahlp np:~1:~·n~~1:1~v:P111P1~ .. d ~~~:I~~.~·~-::~: 842 ·8866 Matehlng Couctl, loveee11. HORSE FOR SALE 6 to 20. 1 IJ~6c _, ti 9 c'll"'.C::. i:~~ry& F~~~ work. Mu11 have car. ---------, l•ble 10 work on 1 tub-chr & ottoman 1200 Mue -App11001e & or>g. ,...... Design. new cos1 $1800, Room, board. car ex----------t.~~~~~·N~ll ~~·:!ft elltute or cell-In baal1. a.., 1040 1145-6988 Arabian, 5 yra old 775-1491 enyllme S1crlllce II $550 Cell P9'1-& small salary NURSING 644-2852 Salary depend• on ex-:-.~•••••••••••••••••• Pr Gold Lemp• 180 11000 Includes 11ddle Remllns ol MOY1ng Sale 833-8600 ask tor Oewn Mature L1dy desired SCllUI perlence Conlect Per-118 ltlleMttr Green Velvet Sof1 $100 end all ledt mcludlng furniture. ert. Betty 833-11869 day1 Sales net 7141751-85 HI misc houMhold 11em1 & 1111 IOl1 LlllE·IN lemele. over 50; Appllcatlon1 ue being help dr111. mike meala, eccepled dally Please Ille hawrl< tor same. NB apply In person In Room Mini have cer 548-0805 TECHllClll b .. ._ son . PUPPY. 8 ~.. AKC Antique oak 1ldebo1td lg polled lrees. 548_5532 ••• , •••• •• •••••• , ••• •. HlttYt lrt• lrllJI 0.11t reg 838-2911& $125. 549-3573 BHllil1' fHll IHS or Sun May 301h 8 am 10 LOVE BIROS. Peach race. tor busy plaallc surgeon p/llme. hrly rete. expe< prel 7141644-1240 Due to Aw1rd of seYlfll I llJ Plltt PETS R PEOP E • •••• ••••••••••••• •••• single S 15 MaJoreontract1.-h1ve 3301W o.~s ~ ti .... ti \I Crl~ & ~~Hing T1ble, loo+ yds of uMd carpet 2pm 548-14 19 need for uperlenced .,.., 1 ih 0 c veca one. 1 ' wa nul removed from resldonee. Ledles 3 spd bike recrult8'1 Wllh Ulllll In Col-II M.. I ylft & 899(: bllhl for 754-7433 •It 3 $2 60/yd. 768-4404 $15 • •BUNNIES•. 131 or call: blwn 1 & 4 --.-U-11-5-1-1-,-- UlmUllOl PIHOI General malnten1nce knowledge Exper In electrlcel & plumblng helpf\11 Apply to Larry. Surl & Send Hote4, Lag Bch, 497-4477. E.0 E Expr'd 11&·7p. Cen nurse aldee Shltt dlffe- renllel paid. Small eonv ho1pll81 Newport beck bey area Call tor Inter· view 10·4:30 pm 549-3081 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I OFFICE Assistant. p/llme Cadlll~ to Go-Certs Whatever the Fad Roll 'em ott the market With 1 C(Nllfled Ad Cell NoWI 042-6678 Fs Ad Action Cal a Daiy Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 1S-~ 11'8 a w11 Phonea, -"lpplng, rec.Mng, fifing. Call btwn . 8 :30 & :b:30AM, Mon thr\J Fri only 63 t-5950 OPPORTUNITY Do you want 11exlbl1 hours In 1 11llafylng ca-,_ lhal contrlbutee 10 health & 1111 deyelop- ment? Free training, fringe blneflt1. ••642-5270** New spa.per Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, foUntain Valley & Newport Beach engineering & OP Ree-An Equll Of>ply Emp:yr •k.ln problem• •t Sl'Mlf-Hide-A-Bed, king elzed. r-l 1010 759--0970 French Lop Pet or Show rultment Oullllndlng ry •· Poodle pupa. T <Up, Her cu Ion pleld I 125 . ., .... 'l. 120 00 NCh 892 91171 compen11tton/grow1flllelllcle()per1tor,0111-A-toys. min 4 •ale. 754-7433att 3. •••••••••••••••••••••WARDROBE Steamer • opp. Olver1lll.o assign-RIO., Saddleback Valley 5411-2848 8 DIAMONDS, 'helrll lo trunk, velvet lined dra-1il•H I OrfHI IOH menll & exciting. dyne-area 18 wl•lnl driving 4 lAbrador Pupe. 8 wile Early Amerlean c:ouch & 2 V.c1r11. lnvamt quality wers, hanger. & Ironing •••••••••• •• • ••• ••••• mlc envtronmenl. LA & rlCOfd Starting $4 hr. old. 3 black. 1 brown, Companion ch1lr1. Below wtisle 4117-1011. boerd $350 (7 14) Story & Clerk Console OC 1ocallon1 Call or E O.E. 830·11191 blwn ,..,, . rablel & dlltemp. lamp•. dinette Mt. recil-494-47118 497-8329 efl« 6pm P11no w /bench Xlnl I II 10 11A•• ..., ner ct\alr. 1M2-e210 --con d P P S 8 9 S • 11nd re1um1 n con -• ,., lhot1. 1149-1439 (4-8pm) llJ1nllu"'9I ""M90lc lalend gold mem-963-3887 denee lo: woman needed tor TLC ··-· ••a.....-.... Rattan tab141 and 4 chl!B •• ••••••••••••••• •• ••• berlhl4), a 1000 or beet 1---------PRC ASSOCIATES INC wllh older oultured lady H t _..,. 175. 2272 Av1lon, Coell OllM'I ....__ a.t off« (714) 597-2058 Slelnwa)t ST' Mdl M 2744 E. Coul Hwy Sle G tor Thvra Ind Fri nlghtl Mele. 2 yra. Greel die-Mesa Nat K·Mllt. ••5 494-aSOe-. Watnvl 1923. Xlnl eond Corona del M1t CA 644-4887 · poeltlon. ..., • $6860, 552-7315 112625 4911--480e Elec: dry«' '200. k'"sJ ltZll C I 48.. d I I IR\/INE Coul Countryi--------- 714-840 2850 W ...a ------maltreH Ht w/treme 1 m. rcvn P enc Club golf memberehlp UTielE PUii • ., • ..,___ 8 100 manyl Champion $100 Anlq drHHr w/ .. , &110. 1401 W. SI. 11.350 844-8758 213-971-4078 OPERATOR. Lanier No Doble. Young female. mirror $176. 7pc: dinette Andrew• PI . SA ---------1 Beautllul 18118 Howud equal opp Employer problem Laguna Hiii• Bl1cktt1n, uncropped I 100 Conference llble 540-1735 Electropedlc: Bed for pe-Upright. Perfect cond UlU L1w Firm. typing wlll• eer1. F•mlly pet and I 125 3 pc bdrm HI _8_u_n_ll_b_1_d_1_. -m-1p_l_e_w_lt_h llent or conv New ~1-$-560_._5_4_0--0_9_4_2 __ _ Enjoy wo<klng with kid• end lrulla Mu•t have w •I ch dog S 5 0 $360. 831-19411 matching bl1nke11, uNd. Pd 1794. Mii &550 ,,,,,.. #Mihlt1llfi d ....... ......_ __ __. • •ttono 1yp1no and gram-848-6983 S40-5387 h 1 1 a 12• 548-2429 •••••~··••••••••••••• 111 ..... , ,...,._ Mr· mar 1klll1. Call Mre. ' 0-Ann 1 •• '· 1 e , .. n1ng1, ullllze your out-Wlnalow. tor app't. Slllty Terner1, Chm.,,. & 9off119Table1100. &48--3999 C.M Mu1t aecrltfce beaulllul SINGER STYLIST mod9I going pe<1onlllty, letrn 137-1080 dam. M. & F .. ahOw or 962-3587 Electric Train mounted Y. Slevben VIM. $496/tm n.c. Blt'\d Stncn 12.50. how to become a trelMd pet 55'4-3002, 5154-3151. otr. (714) 978-9467 '75-2028 uiee coun1elor Cell Thomuvllle pecan dlnl""' 4•8 tibia, oval tree • ., w •1U11 "• enolnea a many ecc. Cref11m1n Po-r Lawn-l•tfl• c..41 llf4 2-6PM 842-4321. Ext YOUNG PEOPLE ,.,,, II ,,. .-a Ill. 4 aide end 2 llTn llOO. ~128 · m<>W9f. GOOCI cond 135 .... .-•• ttT •••••••••••••• 343. EOE •••••••••••••••••••••• dlah Gd COlld '450 · Call 546-7011 Shotgunt. rifles, archery Fr• IC lovtng homea. 4 67~ Bone Chine. NrYloe !Of 8. i----------t eqpmnl, fishing pol ... SalM adorable lllttene, 8 wb Double bed: metlreu, Roy1I Doullon, Tl1l1t11 011f1n11 rN11, olller mite 120 E ,flratn 111. lrt1• s U mm e r otd. 761"73&8 box 1prlng & frame Down pattern. $150. Mu1t Hit 118 y4• ot 23rd SI Set/Sun 9-12 Frlendly & lnletMgent yelo-b,. n d n • w. a 1 1 g '. 145-1308 plulh Ian c:atpel. Qr111 L.C SMITH field grade 12 C1ll u1 about the ou11t1ndlng e&tllf op- porlunlllff 11 an 1n1u- r ance Agtnt. Training will not Interfere wllh your pr111nt employ· ment • 9&Mf18 or . Career 14 people needed to n11 entry leYll poeltlone. low Lib male, under 1 yr. 675-4280 er... cetllng tan, 52" wt eond. GrHt fer pre-ga. double. Mint oond FrH to 1uper home. tUllp llQhtl. ,.....,., Ulld. ICflool. S3 yd. or belt '860 875-2028 840-7849, ~9-1"2 BOOKCASES One 8', one wH &2SO. llke I lOO. offer. 4$41-8308 3' tall. Both for 180. ....2_1\7.,. Seko. 243m. 72 w/3x8 Fr•• 10 good home: 720-0867 "~ .., .,. Beautllul Slameae F cet ---------RESIN LHd•d Tiffany varleble Bulhneo 1500 & 2 klttene. 897-7029 White Jenny Und crib w/ Marble topped llnk & ce-lamp. 20". J,N. Mletiet. W11tl'Mlfby .300 magnum m1ttre11 & m1tc:hlng blnet, exoell. cond. Incl Orig. UOO. Sae. SO. w/3x9 varlable Redfield chenglng llbla, good plumbtng 175. 1175-9434 720-0290 '600. CaM Bob 831-0871 FLUFFY KITTENS ORANGE & WHIT! ~21t llt 2PM. oond . &150 both .~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~:::'~ 840-18711 ~ FrH to eo'od home. Girt'• white ,rencn Prov., Melamute/ 8hep1 Love bdrm Mt: twin oenopy ltlda, ~aT•1 bed, nlght1t1nd, hutch -_..;.---. ---top. d9lk wldtlltr. S 115 """',._ #ff (will 18C).) M0-1171 ••••• ;r.e •••• • • ••••••• Large exec woodlft dellc: °'9loll dlfft"" eet. 41" w1tnut llnlth, llte dwr: tOUnd tbl w/2 ~. 4 11001080. 142..etlO UPhOI Cfltt, l 1 _.,.,.,,1---------1 Praotlc•tly ne• coel Antique dr....,, 1 dt.. ~+;;;+;::+--+~ '3200. ..... f11W t1llO wtrt, orn•t• oherry en.om woo~1~ US0/080. 842-GNU loendlnavtatl wood youtft b4M1 'Wimett. OftO U75. 1•11 $150 /010. 142-4MO ' r " fKtff ......... ~. IMtt.fftftl .... M ..,.,Ills/ ............ 1. ~.'.'!.1.!tttttttt ....... I.,~.~ ...... ~.,'!!/tmtttt ....... =~flt.nttft ....... A11~1.Y.'1Jt .......... !~~.F.~ ........ .. "~:~:.~'"i'~l ·'~"'~~ .. P 11n ... ~'. ...... I.ti Uo ~~J~J'f. f~ 1.tH rtft ............. llff «tmm .. "'-i. .. l.~ff ·••• .• ~ .... ._. ••.. l.~ff lllP. .•..••••••.• 11.ft ••••••••••••• ltff .. fVlff• tt t rijfl• :ei ~ '{~· .~1.1,00 ,,10 Hert•~ Davlllltoll, 1r1111m111to11, AM·'M ........... • * f INTISJIC * •Mi "'"' 1 MEISTER 'et J1v11111, eo.ooo ml 'H !XP. •Int oono. 10,000 "'"' ttufll ~, tllltn , 1 • • r • t • GOldln AMl*'9fY ltml-0111tt11, wll!:fi 1poll1 ft " lff ltret•H guaranteed orto r111. lllW ml s yr 45 000 ml war· W141 l'IUI •• ·1111 ~:· r:o=·-·· "'· , •• ldllton, 1101ory :::·c::.: .:1''=s * FIA * I .. I... POlllGll/AUll =~·a~n~,mlOh' =· rantl 30 mr11 '•vo. rr. •JJ.. ·eo ..... t .IOO _.om."'° paint !Ob. tow mlln. ftHHttO>. TS ... I t 13831 Httbof &lvd 540.oeet 91\0 . IU b. 0 11 Ro11, "~ 3 • • u II 1111 I I a d n Many, meny ••tr ... IOI• ONL y '31851 Oft., OOd I I I I .,...... • .. Otrdtn Qro.,. • I 7 •• e 7 3 h 0 "' •• ••• W.t.l!flr.t....... 'ft .. Nl.IOO of cllrOtM I DOid pl1tlng. thru 11•31•12. Newgpott Ult t ltf ti Compere Hou11 of Im· I 1 I 11 • I 1 r, It 1 , lslii Hll 1149-9891 work HAUTIP'UI. U " lllOA ~I07 •• ,080001 I 'f Ir IO II t:t~:&4~r 6"1 offer. D111un. 118 Dove ltr"tl Prt•hllt• ~o;~• O~~'::'!i'::e p•;:,~ ltlllll •••••··,········,·,•••••••• '12 LTO: Xlnt oond. C010t TV ..i.. t yr wrnty. ... , • J: N1wport IHch. Oat ... 1 111_ Tttlllw 0111 21 3 or 714. MEA 71• Ill z•a• 1870 • 141 ,,... cMll~. 4 0 . 0 "'Iv II Tr w ·ao Herley P')(I: Bought IM·'~' -... ,... ., c I 0 I 8 I • 2 ·, 3 0; • • • for 1hl t1ro-t Ind belt 96-4-7171 TV J~n·e 14f.l1H ~ .... uoo ... 4 .. fllW I ttOfed. !Ml thtll 78 Toyota Pllup n1w Lua. llttHllltltltll 71•1037·2333 '10 Poraohl 124 Turbo & 11t101ton 01 new ind Ma101on10 Org1n. a 4 1 O •I • v 260 mllu. l 4000. br1C1 .itl!'nalOf' ctutoh I 131·2040 4ta..t41 p I ti Pl t '80 Poracne t2•. Bolh uNd Buick• In Orange Llu.J• IHI k1ybrd1. llkt new. 11000 l<•leh .. IHll,OOO '7ll·7'40. ti '12 000 5.1 9471 IAHUl&OI llW r I It. I Htwn't you walled long loaded T1k1 O\'l r 111 C~nt tod1y1 •••••••••••••••••••••• °'or.. 2Ult43·4240 ~t:!~~~'0111 '1'11 M~~~.~~!~.4~~n~,~~d~ • .,;~~rd ·,,~ ,,,; .. •ld•. at402MMartuerlte Pltwy l,alltn ::~~h8~0n1~•i:n·~r!i payment•. 7141826-1801 · • * MlJST SELL Cu1tom 8p11ker 3 way NllWPOlllT YACHT 176/blt olr. 068•8813 IO ml, xlnt cond. '3500. (A~-::ltv~r..a) I Piaf 11/l't ll'tl109portun1typauyou ''12PH•l114 !IHI Llnooln Merk v. 15" woofer, ISOO pr. IXCH 964·7185 Open Su""'-llHJ ft ..... p,_ by ... 11et nowl We hav11 Needt work. '2900 Jc l.Oaded & Bhatp. Payon O.te 1ve1 941·81811 87 .. 1800 Honda Trett 70, r1bull1 ·~1• We belleYe.,.. hive'"'-fentntlc 14l1ot1on ol 876.4139 11600 bltow wno11 .. 11 l97t 20• SklpjeOIC. Volvo 1n11. I 175/bell otter 1978 LUV P.U. Long Sid & lharpeat a Jowett prlold m~ l oolOra a\'1111· •84 3uc h 1 ed book. (793 210) w1!'~1~~n~.T~6. Ptntl. S.. at Nwpt P1-068·8813 Xlnt oond. 44,000mi ~ Fltll In to CA. AU v.. bit. 'mlC ,•rll or ' • •t 1• Or-.. C..... NfliO RELIABLE PARTY 815·4280 oltlc 84S-38IO. Hond XL HOS 1096 '3600. 148-1800 C.M. hlclM Ou1r111teed. ,,,. IL••••• ~er· 7b~y worl\, '4500 21125 HerbOr Blvd TO MAK! SMALL MON· --------1 867•4••7 8"'1 ""2•' 1-ITI .. 9 O· 331 COSTA MESA THLY PAYMENTS. NO 13' Boeton Whalw, 60 HP • '"' . • ...,., v u 1110 ~ llLlU8 ..... OLO CONTRACTS TO MUST 8l!LL: M1gn1vo11 Mercury, lralllf l ~ Hk tor Bat !".~"!!................. CREVIER I l,Y,I 11 !:! •) 1301 Quall &tr"t ~.'.'!~!!!. ••••.•.. !~~~ 8""1-2100 ASSUME NO BACK =~~o~~~ Uo'on·~~~ 1ort11 548-2373, 'IO ••a 200 ,,I h41t ..... ,.. WJ r ~ NEWPORT BEACH lllW I PAYMENTS DUE. CALL 6«·8831 831•1373· Twin Ster, like new. 32,000 mlll1, Air cond. Pl t Ill ....... MC:>TO~S IH·llOO '12 IWILTI CHlllH HU CREDIT DEPARTMENT. Coit 11500. Slll 1880. Cf\lfM control l!ltct. re-11111v191 t~~1WWi1r111•1 !'\\'.1'.17 'I.I" 1973 450 SE MeroedH ...................... #&.47-8339 SANTA ANA ... , •• lt•I 848-8082 frig P9ft·l ·PQttll. Many 11 fr .... lulfJ o.nz. eunrf. new Miehe.I· 10 t. Olttttt PN• OltfTlllPUTI• LIM • o t h e r e x t r a 1 Sal"..S~ng ·71 Flat 128• 4 do«, am/ In radlal1, dark green w/ e:xample: Bucket _,,, OAllLUOf --------L•l-••I CA••1 IHI ........ • •-a... / 2 I 3 • 5 9 8 • 3 2 3 3 , We •"'•olallze tn euro-Im CHHtt•. $ lHO or Palomtno Int. mint cond. Rally Maga. Oe1u111 trim. #11nrr lllG •••"';1••'°"•••••••••••• ••••• ;;;1···••••••••••• ,.., "" .... ,., -1•1 213.431.1793 pean 0.,1v.ry, otf9r. 97i-8083. Dir metnl'd e•clu1 R1ck and Pinion Stff· We ~11111 In ,,, .. , •••••••'•••••••••••••• lt•1t'1 Hll 71' Motor Saller IOf Chet· latll1t11n 1110 -n1 --... I. ·• 19100 or bl1t accept•· ring, Front Wheel Drive, lorl t&hl l>Y.!lneal ',exeau· ''II lltl&IOI •••••••••••••••••••••• ter. Up to 70 people. •••••#•~••••t'oe••••••• '75 DODGE Van, gd. "" -•• ·~.la 1.1 1.u• , lnte lor 8 d tve pr0,..,.180118 2 dr, e cyt, 1td lhllt. 18 Ft Woodin Canoe w/ Beautllul condition. For rent: 20' motor home. oond. $3.450 or be11 ol· lflYIU Olllll 1m ••-::n'••••••••••• •••• bl• otr. 7&2·9000 X389 MO~:EIY r n La;/t ......... s1800 875·S139 motor. $275, Call 780-1977. Very clean. Com pl. r.r. 540·6332 111·11'11 WE''RE '78 460~LC. blue, xlnt EPA Eetlmat--lew•1H2 (213)943·4240 alt 8 -111~..__. 873 "'133 d 22 nOOIOBO -1961 Mercury white ..... ........ ... A•lt• w .. tH 1810 208 w. 111 con . .• 30 City. 40 Hwy Oa4111HI 4-dOOI Need• some 10 ti. F/Q boet/tralllr. w/ ... ,, i.JJ ,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• Santa Ana Cod/. Your• for lmmedl111 ... I ltltlJ work S200 winch Anctlo<, ~lone. •••••'•••••••••••••••• '74 PACE ARROW XL WE PAY Clolld Sunday DEAL IN' 87S·9 13/833-2900 delivery (Serlal 7991) NABEI R~ &42·6l55 He S200. 54&-s.478 Lido 14 No 3538 with co-Re,•r kitchen, 2 a/c, 46K CHOICE INVENTORY '71 280SE 3.5 Cpe. tllY/ $4111 ver end traller I 1800. m • new crpt, drap11, TOP DOLLAR blk, 1 owner, all Hrv. CA I IH #, u, 213-S92·5816 ~. wttnd tlrll, batterlH. RHdy VOLUME SALES IMMEDIATE rec. 123,500 Mint cond. HAlll OIJIT ., D LLJ\ ; f!,~~P~a.:'.~~ 81n~'. /:;.,,,: tn••HJI SOUTHCOAST 22· Sloop. for aervlce. '9995· fOR ISED 01111 & P .W S. Auto Salu. AllO/ilUP ltOOH.1110 1111.11' id cond .. MUST SEE .... M;;,~~·ei~i~1~i;;·u ~lngd'=~r~.u~~'e.1~~7~'. SUP~~~:.E~ll~~~odel, "~~=· I a I I 0 L AIU I DELIVERY. ON .;:~-:o:L. 1 owner, S3K 2624·~~~~ilvd.' ( "''·' , .. ._, '>JO "ICO :S1!·~ti!r8te~~5 or Ol~y ~~~:.1n:!~~:ftt~ T1 ~711~.L'. 1 •tea I . rear kitchen, lull lounge 2480 Harbor Blvd. llW MOST ml StS.900. P.w .S Auto S49-8023 645~7770 ''12 Oa4 0,. .ieYHle .., .,....., & dinette, gen .. 3 ale, COSTA MESA Selea, 720-1988 lf•llH• flfJ •-· ... ..z__ 17. v 1 1 2 be1u1fful cond. 6 new Sa1e .. servtoe-L1Ulng .82 &"" S 1 1 _ .. US ••Ill ••nt 1111 Private owne<. SS90 •••••••'•••••••••••••• -11, ,.'",_ '"ure, 1 Pl ' nu radlal llr11, bunk bid 141·UOO 850 N. Beach Blvd. uvv er ea, mm...... ••••••••"·-·••••••••••• 534.0089 ·79 Muat. Ghia (Sprt mdl), b I I lf3' 0 /8, trtr. compeN. hMd. model o d 141 141'1 122 IHI MODELS Of European del PW S. '#}DEALER IN U.S~A 6-cyl, Kint cond .. er ••• "';1!.l!'!!~ •••••••••• 12000· 975-7477 Sp1c1~1w1~2~9;'o0~h~~ • Open.Sunday Auto, 720•1988 THE WIEST control, AM/FM 1tereo. New OleMI 1tNI In crate, 14' HOBIE CAT w/tr1r, xlnt Wiik. WE llf '88 250 SE. Mlnl cond. I(JY CARVER IELEOTlll A/C, auto trana, PIS 20 H.P. 2 cyl. englM w/ cond. Mull 1111 11450. NAiii MllTY'I SAVE Sunrl, new $3000 en9, Thia wlcnd mull Mii. Al· m1~ne g9tr12bvo~:.T8' 842-3e02 '73 HARVEST CLASS A OLUI DAiii II.HIT ur ... etc. 4 epd, 26 MPG. ~RJlCE ~~ 1~':d:r't!~:11·n'~~~:.8,; k In io on I y S 3 SO O. exc ange n•7•"' SABOT. r-r•-., lut 25', Ju1t 30K ml .. ate, All TIUOll & SSlS0,642·5483 ..,,._,_,~,.._,,. .... ,,,,M,.. CallfornlalSeeuatodayl 983-82or7S2·811S S2350. (714) 524..,,,. v -• CfUlel, mwnlng, propane AT "'"'<"'•K•P ... ....., .... of th• good light woo-conver,lon, 8 trk atereo, '81 300SD, 8500 ml, 1lvr • Qoup $UNQAJ$ 111111 ·7 t Excellenl condition. air WllTD dies. $300. t75-2021 loll of extru. S2000 be-blu, fact. warr .. $31.900 OlllLUO cond, redto, PS, PB, U ..... Tad Kaya« 6-40·S1112, or 645-7107 l•·L·-1 1111 S2500 or best oner. 963·8897 an 5 PM xlnt. llpa 4, xtraa. lllp, Salea-Sef'vl~Leulng '78 Meroedet 4SO~L. dk .. S;,;:s;;.;,;:L;;;t~~.. 2800 Harbor Blvd. 548·1S31 '""" 18'11' By lAguna YllCh11, tow ~ ~. HONDA - '79 Trail-Ritt Tandem $3450. 640-425S 28' WINNEBAGO K)y' ~R blue, $23.200 or take l&llUIAOI COSTA MESA '68 Mustang SSOO call ~roat~s~r!:~~~'. ;~;H Santana 525: Beautiful ~~~~~·3~u:1~~·~: I0.1.SIOC'E·BMW SANTA ~;S~~6f3eaae (2131 QUiii l•0-1110 Alter8~_;;';2cond n-. uklng 11 too. See shape. 7 '~ HP Honda. thruout, w/radlal Urea. 1111 lml .....,-.""'' ~'~oNTa. 111-2040 411·4141 '71 Calal1. SOK ml, lmmac. -------- at Meaa Marine, 220 Xtraa. 7141873-2050 lt'a llke ,_, SlS,900. ,.""'"'"'""" 1'"1"'°-' '80 MBZ 300 Turtu> Dal w/a11 options. S 1soo 01'r•o)i/t llS5 Victoria. C.M. 642·5800 24' COLUMBIA Top dollar• tor Sport• Chempagneltan, auit f'e t• 1115 firm 980-13•7 ~··••••••••••••••••••• Xlnl cond, ,_ 7.5 O/B & '79 MIDLAND 26' Car,•. Bug~. Campers, '78 3201. blk/ten, AC. Ian~. $2000 under blue .•• 1.!••••••••••••••••• 77 Olds Cutlass. orig 111111 TIP s 848-05 Rear br/lounge, al e, 914 •· Audia auto g ood co d ANA S28,000/0BO. 875-0092 1977 Cellca GT Llltback, ~-'ff 1111 owner. $3,l50 Like new. 1pan 8'2", 11111' 7400· 11 I 16000 Ask for U/C MGR S7SOOibet olr. 840.1".o3 $4000 831-8131, 9-S; •••••••••••••••••••••• 536-6128 $300. 645--0904 '81 Custom bit Pacific j4:,j'e~~~~·d. thruo~: illl IUllH eves '70 MBZ 300 SEL 6.3. 72, 497 -3849 aft s & wttndl. '78 Camaro Z28. sliver. Seecreat, (Fllcka) 011 119,500. LIKE NEW, YIUIWAlll 000 orig ml. Mint cond. toaded. $4995. 'i•t• Hl7 ... ,, l'eWI I040 eng. teak deck, loaded 18711 S.ach Blvd. "·ts•·• l'l'M Part• & Service Open All $12.000. 72<>-0290 '68 1Toyol8 Coron1a. Xo1rlgt ss 1-<4308 •••. ••••• ••••••••••••• •••••i•••••••••••••••• w/•tru.Call645-2S81or 5 .,. • •v OaySaturdey p1n1,newop . n 41' l ... T FlllEI ee on display HUNTINGTON BEACH •••••••••••••••••••••• 301 W Warner Ave lf(JI 9144 tranap car. $900/bat ofr. '67: Needs eome body 1974 PINTO In V9fY good 873·9301 at TRATEL 142·2000 1 9 7 ~ 0 ATS UN 2 1 0 . ( 1 blk. wesl 01 Mt1ln) ••••••••••••••••••• ••• 979.s478. s48-2328 work & paint, rvna great. condition 56.000 ml $ 1. BltbyColonlalln '70,tw. Prlndle 18' Cat. '81 RVService&Supply Equipment lncludet e 4 $900 Firm. 832-9771, 800 S48-t800C.M. 6-7 1 's. I oe de d w I National bOat, alored 81 1112 N. Harbor, S.A. WI IEU apeed tranamlNlon and 540·7430 '63 MGB '71 Toyota Corolla. Good 673-4so2 efllCtronlca. Ownr ltnan· Dana Pt. Marina. $4500, (2 btka S. ol G.G. Fwy) Jiii DmO a r11dlo, A very nice & traneporletlon, needs --------r .. tilt Hf5 clng. Try $89.000 ss2-esso SS..-1532 econ om t ca I oar I •74 C ciea 38 $2600 paint and llre1. $800 Cinreltl 1110 •••••••••••••••••••••• TRADE WINO YACHTS "We aervlce I 11111111 GUI (877MJO). ONLY S 199SI FM ::;;eo, 1~1• rad7a~: obo. 64S·8387 ••• ••••••••• •••• •••••• '87 Areblrd. 6 cyl. 9¥.«hd 675-9007960-172Sevee Lehman 12. lully equip-wnat-Mll" _ _ __ Ott.rgoodthn.15-31-82. 8"totfer.Jen.8S7-<4973 mlntcond .. wlrewtlla,nu .89 Toyota, many naw SEE IS FlllSTJ cam. new radl1tor, ped, S37S. I~~ NowpM Doi'""· 803 polo<. ..,,_ """"· ''" S350 shocks, rblt bar cart> & Ill •AT 548-3S29 Dove Street, Newport '78 CVCC S apd, air, am/ entne & much more. parts, runs good, · We have a good Mlec· waterpump, gd tires & 110 bit B lck V8 C a 1 I 0 on 4 ·SP m · ti f NEW & USED • re u en-Sabot w/lull race gear, .__11_n ._1 ,.1 lltO Beach. Cell 833-1300. fm. x1n1. $3350 OBO 64 7211 673_9867 on o brakes $1150. S49-3469 glne Xlnt 9u mileage ••.uw. •1 • • 833'-8S72 Chevroletal $19SO or beat oiler. proven winner, xtnt cond ........ .-............. --·79 MOB AM/FM cua, '80 FB Trans Am, 16K ml, 982-8788 seoo. 548-3529 23' Roadllner. Compl with '80 Prelu<M;"" Mini cond. 28K ml, clean In & out. Vtlk•••··· 1110 Tahoe Blu & blk, loaded, COHHEll CHEVROLET 1•1t •••--••w lanka, batt. lg• relrlg, fully equipped, copP9'/ Runs •Int. $4,600 •••••••••••••••••••••• muat see S799S PIP 3S' CHANTYMAN • --... • •~ awning. Beaut. cond. 3100 W. Cout Hwy. beige uklng se-aoo pp 673-5049 '79 Bug Convert. Mint. Wknd 640-S262; wkdy Bit by Am. Marine. aingll MOVING · MUST SELLI 13800. 84S-9090 or Newpor1 BMc:h 552 5609 . . --------21K ml, em/Im can & 631..0770 6-71, A/P, ttybrldge tty 1975, 67Mi42 63&-3905 842·9405 • 'II Ill, •tit Hiii more. S8500. 49~ -"-.1\H.,rr •. 1 H": ' ' .... , \ '•1 ~ .. \ b Id I t II~ ... _... '79 red Aocord 4dr, auto. r ge, x n · ·~ ..,.,.,.,. 27' r-,..._, Lie. Fl';f:: A•ll •~-•-~ Need• patnl, runs great. '72 VW Bua or long dllt. crul1'g. ~:::?VHF log _._, r1111• WAITED! Orig 39K ml. mint cond. 1 1400. 646-8082 1mmac cond. 13500. $39 500 t-. ..... • • .. ·-_,_ .... _ 15.250. 790-0358 • . ~ . __ ....... --875-0361 ·79 Trans Am 8.6. less tnan 33,000 ml, pvt ply '68 Impala converllble S6SOO. 673-<49•9 --------Xlnt lhape, $2200 obo 546-1200 TRADE WIND YACHTS •••••••••••••••••••••• '81 ACCORD 4 Or, 5 apd, '72 MGB, reblt eng, nu '69 l/W Convertible Good Ray 7S4·S398, 548-8875 A•tll Um 675-9007 980-1725 ev.-40' semaon. under oon-un BOOY WORK & A/C, AM/FM call. 17K lie'•. 3 topt, runa greet. atructlon, d1I, much pelnt/1111 to 50% off your mt. Like niw. s8•150 Moving out of 11111 . cond 2nd ~ Ow ner •••••••••••••••••••••• The Price 11 "Really ~. 113.50q Of.....,._ boctyll'°Pl9t.536-9132 080 PP.640-4640 mull ••II quick I $3200. 7S9..046S. '7S luv Truck wtcamper Right" on thl1 24' tr9WW 714/131·2111 . S2900/offer. 754-7433 wtso much peraon111ty 1 9 7 8 DAT 8 UN 2 1 O HONDA ·ao Civic, 5 apcS. 1---------1 srie'1 noticed ~ HOBIE c.t 14, '100. 19' ll&fl l&wa HATCHBACK. Optlon1 AM I F M Ca 11, R 1 d 4-1 114, ahe goes. Sleep• 4, -R~ 1h1ll ltOO. Wftl-PllTI Include en 1utomet10 14500. Pvt . Pty. ':'r.: ................ .. Clld head, IOI• of teell, 87 lm9)0tted cer pwtl trlt\lml..ion ..... ooncl--71 ..... 7&«N>4 '71 Opel Wgn: Rblt eng, '10 11.W.H Ctntrt Low mlles. all exlras. $7950/0BO. S36-S868 ltalnleta eteel & mart* · HOBIE CAT d IMPORT t:;, end AM/FM ... cart>, new radiator, bat· galley & Iota ol ln1tru-14 ' goo CO.... 0 _i-.. f'l'•• t....,, bf'ekea, much more. '78 RABBIT L mdl. Xlnt. t & t Sh , c:ond. •1400/bl9t offw. AUTO SUPPLY reo. 1 ..,..22). NLY ::IL':: -~, cond. Moving, muat Mii. mens e• rat. e 1 862-oeet. 780-1158 101 N. M~lf WI llf 13250! °"" good lfwv •• •-•••••••••••• Att recelptt, •Int cond. 492-4881 ' o 'I o u k n ow You Ulll 1t ft USED CARS &. TRUCKS 1un, IU Dove ltr..t. V1Z. HM 2 ptua 2 '70 VW Bua. good cond. very retlable, good ml· leage. $2100. 960-7350 ''II YEIA latu"' $1 ,000 960-78S8 f.'.~'!.'. ........ !.~~. 197S Cordoba, good cond. S2200/ belt offer 631-713S ~ loved & ~ Anehlim 77&-0900 &.-31-12. Nft'""1 Oet· ~"II m Only 11200 S48·24S1. -------- h Id 't I 1 COME IN 0A CALL FOA I • ou n m 11 lie ng Yellow. Good cond. Ex· All Chevy truck paru· ·~ New~ort Bltoh. 011 tulo re wlll1. Air, ,._., ITJO Se1 up for camping with ---------< ~~: C:~~!° ~~ :'s:oruo· 642845"' ton to dt11e1 Rbtt. ~~ 133--:t00t ~~17~eiso •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~-~m:. bed. usoo. ·~~~8;$. ~~~';r~~·~ 673-9330. \ trenarn!Nlon lrom S 185 - -'11 Im Mata, AM/FM, wire wnls, •A•-· I.I ISLANDER 37 NB allp &. up. SS..-1850 -•-• XJnt oond. y_., low ..... 'M JAG. !--type cou,,._ 'l6 Pora<:he 912· good '79 BUS Brwn/Tan. 2 42 ,000 ml . $5250 , --• Xlnt. Flntnclng 159,500 18211 BEACH BLVD. S.. ............ ,_ tnt.nor, body & tnl, bad Sth geet. anrfa, catm Int .. mint 848·9758 '71, dsl't, glen, NEW 7'~ Private Party 499"'4820 ...... 6•t •·•t HUNTINGTON BEACH .:mo or 't:t'o1 n~ llm ~lcal cond. S3750 "'VW camper or cond. SS99S. 496-2681. ---------1 G P 7.. 1' '' .., 14'1-tOl'I .... •••1 IM:o o o • 111 11 rm . bug+ euh. 960-S543 * KW. en, redat, A/ ' ... · LABER!"'~ ...... Roof ...................... , ----"2-17• 1tl0 Ulln MUST SELL ch VHF. latllo, AOF. ..,_,,re-,. IMPORTANT NOTICE ,. ·ao TARGA. 1 owner, 18K NEW Bimini w/enclolure r11ek, tole bag, yellow TO READERS ANO Top Doi 19 8 0 DAT I UN I 10 ml, 111 opts. $27 ,SOO 2 dr, S apd, air. stereo 1980 Cordoba. Air con- setler want1 outll Wiii nn: !lull. 11000. 552·8 l07 ADVERTISERS ar ~:~~ l!!ra?!.f!'t ... !lff P.W.S. Auto. 720-11186 and cuselle Great dlt tonlng A utomatic 7S% of '89.900. ..,,.. Th• price of 1tem1 ad· p 'd ·-71 Gia. L.oob & NN PORSCHE TURBO'S sh ape, Sac S4495 Transmission. Stereo TRADE WINO YACHTS ..__ n..... •1 vertlaed by vehicle d-31 mlll6on, _... -•-obo ,...,. 1982. tmmed US or 494-013S Of 497-2388 Super Sharp. (338ZOR) 87 .. 9007....,,, 7,.. r-..,,_ • ...... I , .. _ . .-.. ...... ..,. ___ , II end lt't I eteal at .. -. _...... ' -.,. NEED RELt•BLE P•ATY .,.. ..,.,..1 ,.., .,.. Thia high qual RI C now ~ ~j.,";;g"""~~= For Your Cati ONLY 138101 (AWG o • n r. t It. 118 9 . European dellvery. 'H l/W Bug. good cond. TO MAKE SMALL MON· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil avall. on ~· tax wrtte-doe1 not Include any ........ I Ill NVL). Otter nood tllrv 14&-44S7 wttdly9 p W. S. Auto Sa I es. lo ml. AM/FM, radials. THLY P • Y .. ENTS NO '78 27'Mt BAYLINER off tenna U I -II 5 3 82 ........!"..-.. 720·1966 S27SO/olr. 842-2753 " ,.. "Victoria." Fly bridge, NOR O. y AC HTS applk:eble tax ... llcenM, HI I trHl'Y • 1· • , ...... .,....., Dlt· '74 01111. Oood cond.1_________ OLD CONTRACTS TO VHF radio. bait tenk, 873-8878 transfer fees. finance 2626 Harbor Blvcf. 1un, 888 Dove SlrMt, 1ter10, oa111tte, 1H'I 112 ••'ll IOllllOOI.-• ASSUME. NO BACK· depthflnder. outriQQerl, charga, ,_tor air pot-Co1ta M... 54()-5830 N833-ew1p300ort1 Beech. Call '3800/obo. 720-1730 Exceptional cond. Low Very clean, all the •X· PAYMENTS DUE CALL w / 1 r •lier. s2 2 ,-000 . l.ASER 14 fl, hand trtr. 2 l,utlon control device Premium Pflole ·ee l<ARMANN GHIA mllll, new paint. New tr a· a. plua $700 Blau· C R E 0 I T D E P T . 64e-2843 ..Us, oowr. S900. certlflcallon1 or dealer paid for any used car Claaalc 67 Dataun 0000 CONO. S2900 carbs. SJSOO/otter punkl S1ereo system. ra-•547-8339 SANTA ANA 7 3 1·8 8 7 7 PM and documentary prepara· (foreign or domeltlc) Aolldller, l800. hlll'd & or bat otr. 851•2328 840-7058 dar, reclng eeats. prof. UM wttlfld1 t lon charges unleu 1 ood condition aoft topa, radiate, only rb1t eng. nu paint. rare --------M' DYAL ti "14 Twn 108 HP Volvo dais. like new. $-47.500. Slip and owner fin avatl. NORD VACtiTS 673-8878 Olherwlae specified by n C Ua Flratl · 48,000 orig ml. Nleda llad• '111 Por9che 11174 914 1 8 alloys, lo mt. MUST ~IY'e#lt 1132 II' llLAllll·llL the 1dvertlae<. body & lnl. work. Mo· •••••••••••••••••••••• Appearanoe group. Orig SELL. $S500 OBO. •••••••••••••••••••••• Yr. '77, AIP, (2) fatho, vlng. No time to rel>Ylld. Owner. Excellent cond. 673-<4383 or 675-9962 • Olllvtm Polarla VHF. wind IPd & Alltlt•n/ $ .,,,,. tr .......... u (714) 847-28SO 1111 IEWl direct., dodg1r. •hwr. 1...,., °' o . ...,1~ 1976 SGlrO<XX>, 4 epd, •Il- l d.... / t Cludn llZO .76 280z 2+2 ,,2 000 '80'11 Red 924. xlnt oond. ver, orig. owner, 68K G Ian tops, loaded I (2021). Per1ectlonl o1 "" w '" raa, ownr. ••• ••••• • •••• ••••••••• ' • " • 4 800 I I C financing ..... $68,900. 111111. "&"ti mllel. Mlnl cond. Hlghltl 1 • m • sunr · Al · mllel, $3250. 494-2810. 20 " llart ,.... TRADE WINO YACHTS Shay r--t1r .. •·, """"up1 • oner. 644-6308. pwrT wlndOW1 & mirrors. '74 Convertible. Y•'/blk,, OILY Sll,771 HWUI Cllnrtltt Oove/011t10 Sta. 0 CR ISER 67"'9007""n172S -.. -...-"' urbO mega. Perrelli P6 '" AV 1 U wt~ ~~ "'" ....,. evea. coupea. 4 to choou 1111 llflle .. 210 tires. Alpine AM/FM amlfm cue, Breat cond. ~~"te, ~~lh tan· I n IUIT ':309om31) (P0~-8.2~2..<,Stkl. .1188 11.irbor lil\d 4 apeed, air, )(Int cond. 1•11•11•1111111•1 caas, plnatrlplng. mud SSSOO. 64S-6 43 d t I d t .... St~e WH~. fl..__glan, "' · r......,., ... nga $2500. 714·87"1188 llaps, reflector panel, '78 VW Convertlb'-. Mini. em rr an rev ... top. •• ....,., ......, MLY llfflf' l'o:<ta "l'~.1~o:t10 .,. Ill us s "' (Nr JamborM & Bristol) ta Miii Lohre, xlnt cond. $11 , gd COfld, S37S. 962-8088 ' '78 280Z. 4 ....... ale, Im/ 1f-I cpt. me11 & bra. 14,SOO. Whlte/bleck, stereo 500 OBO 83 .. •"9S Ev ...,,.. •o• you• P.P. 768-6489 t. p e . e / 0 . s 8 9 0 0 . -.7-8_C_O_R_V_ETT __ E_'_'T_"_T_o_p_.I · .,._, ... 1''1 A I •-.. _~ Im, $6900. Top cond. lllXT zo II, • ',i •"'I ... ,,.. 714/779 1189 "'" "· '76 Targa. sllver/bleck. 493-02S8 Blk leather Interior. 27' Bayllner. 1unbrldg1. IL..-&... lf•O ••••• •••'-••••••••••• · 2979 I h I --61 11-.• 1 110I ITIP It I Bleupunkt atereo tape, '74 Bug, """rfecl paint & cu1tom blk laquer, all • 0 "· mm1c. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ,,.. '72 1200 Futback. / 1 S 17 500 ""' •~ ..... _,.,. ....... b c:stm canvN, loeded w/ "'-·t Sllpa IOI r-t. Hunt. •••••••••••••••••••••• S500 wm •.. ..,, • c. on Y • Int, rebll eng, new brlc1. op1 ...... 1 • ..,,. .. ,_, ra t trl I trt S ...,. -· ·•7 Sun'---4 dr Look• ··--i ,_•9_3_..0_2_s_8_. -----_!_2~!..~·-"_·.:_·~!_8~---1 n d cover I 8 O O o . ex ru, ·I)(• r. ac Harbour up to 85' SI " .._.. · 551-3208 -" • "" 548-3381 or 8'42-8192 e1v2 .. 2.soo982. _9121142-948-2011, aq. n. 2131596-5152: ~r:"t ::"~:~4;1~: 'll 1 ....... 11 tm Miii SI cam llUa '4UU. '88 912 Targa. x1nt oond.. 1111 '•tt• 61 v~ ... • air, alloya, ater&o. StO, Sliver, air cond, tape ,..,,,_ H31 .. 1 -y••-BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE 557·56 9 3 ton OX, 4 dr. 7,500 ml. 000 Wkdya 642·6971. d k 5300 ml $8300 :"'.~:•••••••••••••••• -·--• Newport B1ach. 20' & ,.,. Per• 1-1....t-•-.1 A ''I l'/iOj "mo w*•ranty. ••300 or ec · · · MUST Sell '86 o.rt Ste NEW 1"•2 NEW •n• ••2 """" ""'PM ·-__.. • " -.., ... ll'lt/ l'/31 . SS3·1484 • . .. ... .. ....., · .,... ~. ,...., $7500. 675-3175 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~t offer. 11111 •· Wgn. Lootls & run1 xlnt. Enterprl11 Yacht Fl1h. If' IAllll -1980 AUDI 400<>. 4 IPlld 857•2095 •••••••••••••••••••••• 78 Porsche 911SC, petrol ,73 SUPER Beetle, aupe. 1750. 673-3729 gl-. 14 knot crvlM w/ ~ .,., I A-I 1••A tr1n1ml11lon AM FM OUlllE blue & blk. loaded, P-7'1. rlor cond. In & out & all '72 n.wc-Dart Swl..,...,. 6 nm turbO dlla. Elegantly W/boet. Nu ctlelnl cane , ••H tn•NI ~-· -1973 240Z, good cond, QOlm,. sunrl, etc. $19,900. PP abo t Lo ml 12 975 ~ .. .-.• appointed on dlaplay. Balt>oe Penn B Streec •••••••••••••••••••••• atereo, alloy wheel•. wtllte/drk rid lntr. 4 1pd, • 645..0351 u · · ' · cyl, auto, xlnt mech. NEWPORT YACHT BeatofferAY64&-9000 JEEP CUTS PRICES 11\arp dark brown ext• '72 carb1, rbtt radiator, DOLlllVE Call: Jim. 494-S806 or Grea1Body.S1,S50.Call EXCH i----------UP TO $1000 rlor ffnllh & aJCtra cleanf 97K ml. but good for ''II NllOIE 114 64&-S781 Iv. mag. Collect 875-1800 Side Tie JEEP CJ'r S67e5 (06lVBD). '6499. Oller many more-run11trong. llSEllATI Red, S9f)d. xlnt lhape.10 '71 Ill S2111 213·510-2280 '87 GB 42, Brtatot, tax To t8 It Marcua ChenMI. llAm •AST good thru 5-31·82. N-· s 3 7 so 0 b 0 • day 1 IULllllllPI ml. l649S. ~5-9806 0 ... /-port 01taun. 188 Dove 830•2400, ev/wknda 962-3034 '86 art 2 dr, 8 cyt 3 lpd, ...,.. Street Newport Beach look• good. run1 greet advan~5 S125. 873..S14S ev•. 2524 HIM'bor Blvd. C·" 83·3-1300. . . 840-3992 We'll dlllver anywhere In 'l• -$675/ofr. 554-9116 Coat M -t----------the worldl Come In and For CIUllfled Ad . •-. • ... '79 5000 '79 280ZX pwr 5 lpd -ua today et ACTION Convettlbll, good ll'lepe. '88 Coronet Wgn, auto, n••...an Flyt)rldge/S. Sii"' N9w VI twin PQW9I' 118,500 AV 84f..9000 ent to rent lllp In New- s>M ~ tor Clualc Al· din dlllgn wood lloop, 30 It . Ce ll Tim . 71.._.7W7H 549-8023 845-7770 s. wnt w/lan lthr, magi, tape, 'sa,5oo: IUOI llPOITI Cell• New radlal1. 57,000 ml. P•, look• & run1 gr•t. • auto, AIC, crulae, Pwr &•1-0101 892'3532 OlflYPllot 13()()(). 060-54173 tva s•75/obo. 554·911 79 Bluer Cheyenne 400 wndo 6 loc:b, anrt, cua .. i-----· -----848 DoYI Street ~VI " V8.1. 30M mt, pert cond. noeptlonet oare. Al· 80Z '78 Nu pt. 51pd, AC, NEWPORT BEACH AD-80A '81 DIESEL Rabbit, dtx. '86 Dart 8-cyt 4-dr, 1tk, A~. CC, 19500. 1um1 lea11 S240 mo. Can, T·top. MUST 842-1478 cutlmllwmet.Allextraa. runagrMt.t595 '79 Bolton Wheler 13' SIDE TIE FOR POWER 64&-1847 ~ 752·1184 dya, 552-2112 SELL. LEAVING COUN· 712-llDD 161( ml. B.B. for •U70. 845-7578 40 HP Mite., w/ .,.,,.,, BOAT. UP TO 35 "· '82 Chiv Blear .......... hi ev.a. TR y' I 74 0 0 0 8 0 . Sell •r.400. 845-M58 many ••lrH, 18710 1221/mo. 875-M.47 .......,. 831·9293 ........ ·--· Allft "'"' tut month for 19K. ,,,,, ltJ• 1---------• •-'I· •• _, 'I "' OBO. 75i..1781 .,,, 1~ I Going beck to ,_ Mer· • 73 1200. 2nd~. run1 ••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• 23• lnbd. CJPll' ""*""-'· ., .,_ c1d11. 8111 1hl1 •••II ...................... greet SOl>5 Xlnt bey boel or d1y ••• !! ........... !!f lt5,500. Loaded. '75 BMW 2002: Mtn1 646--7571 ll11'ter. 8 /9 r1dto, full 1e• Femlly Ski eoet. 831.2321 eond. aunroof. e/o, tow , 1qptmt. 11100. obo. S...Ottlft ...a olde. jet rllllMOI. oomplttlf'I,... 77 280Z. Xlnt oond. AMI 67a.ote1 00¥4 en9. A auutvi 'to CJ5 =-• oyt, "'"' torlld, 11arm. 11000 "' FM, AIO, "t: oao. 28' Unifi.lie Flybrlelt• M200. 4'Moo1 PP ::.'.:.~. 14~& :;~2;~'::·.f~11~~u ~~·5391• M 75 8pottf18Mt DfMCI MW M0-2786 , .. t ffB twin ,,w.c , ... YfH'I fJ I ,...._ ·re 2002. ltlrl. AIC AMI •••••••••••••••••r•··'l'I' IMt, long ,.._. brMd ..... ..**f. ....... '82 Toyog 4114 Iona bed ,.M CIMt., btrM. tee00 '78 Flat 8pycler oon*°'• MW .i.otr.ic:.. Loren ,,_, wr f .,_ l,lfl t.lokup, only a.ooo ml. flnn. 1~11 1tt 4. m111t Mii, ,,.. .:ti 41, A.0 ,,,, U.H.11., "'~ .. ··~:;·~·*L·v::..:~ .. ~:·" 11100. '72 IMW 2002. Good 000 ml, MNO. ~ .. 11101, AIAIO -1:1101, k~t )Oft'! cond, low melnt• cond. *3100 Of .... of· '74 Flit 111. 4 CIOot, .. metw.;J: ::;::::: "*'" ~of mo-""-h ,.,, 142•Mlt 101 orlgtul '""••· MO T doer Mt .,edil l•00/010 , llr.:T.•••••••••• •••• ••• Shoukt._fotl1100et :. ~~·-'0• Ml·112t 7t Aetldleto, euto tl'lln, ·-offer. 140-'l'tU & r.OJt, oe .,,.,,MO.... ~ =·~-r.,1oww. llRl1'tlt _e_n._,_.., ___ _ ~ • _.,. --.. ><utr OOfll> aoo. · 1111 Flat 110 eo.w . .._ my 11f,OC!lf ecaully for ....... 12 1NO Toyota MS lflort· & top/ tlre11 1t1r1et/I _. 0t •• t 11'1 W-. Nd t**\lp,,,.. ...,_,, olutofl. """~_9d. 1.i Abtolut e ly Brlltol .... ,,./ I. oluto". >Cl11t oond. body. 11.tOO. ...,11111 141190 • • • I.' HIGO. ••o~uot or I. I I.La ••• '11 12' IPYdlr ..... •Mid .. el.!f!I! .... ;. ··~ .... ,... ... Int.......,, AM/nit .. rt1'1-•11t1 ~.,,.. "°""' '11 Ka = tcZ 1000.I, '11 • ~ N ... reo, •ll~O'= Vt(Y ..,...., ... .,.IMIY ...... ...... .. NJ.~--......... l.111fna dMrl.IO IOIO, ... '" ............ NW.~.,,.,ftt lnclu-~·In• •• UOOl .. (r ao"" .... -..l 7&2·1114 ~tlU ........... IU.-n ............ ~t • Ill.... --. • . a mapn pontiac Sliiru 2480 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 1~9~00 OV!M!AS DeuvtRY D t I EXPl!-s ·79 1. T I : 4 dr. eto, p b. "' Xlnt. suoo. HS-StM °1:.r * t.IJST SELL 1tM HatbOt llvd. 1tl0 !lord Courier. 4 C08TA MESA IC*d. led Liner. TOUOfl •••• Ml •• , ftve* for Wort( or pAey, '15 VOWO 4 dll, IUftl'fll $11 ~~!All.II PAftlY TO MAKE SMALL MOM-oond. Orio OWNf, 900, THL V PAYMINTI, ~O ,_.,.,_a.._a,._22_114 ____ , OLD OONT"ACTI TO '11 DI.. wl~. ffl'lma. A81UMI . NO IAOK ~ ....... Ill •10, PAYMlHTt DUI. c.\LL IOO 080.. -.10re 0 A ID I T 0 I I' T . '~·n""!"""'Y.--..----~MllD'l--,-1,.1 t l41'..a3t SANTA ANA oyl, pfW, 11/1t111rf, hll• 1_LM _____ _,__, r.-.lllllhlr..-.AtO. ~:.:,or.do. tUOO . NABERS <:ADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE llOUGHAM 4 DOOi SIDAN (10S248) sg995 1981 OLDS 98 llGINCY COUPI (181X142) s11 ,995 1979 CHIVIOUT COIVITTI T-TOP (412309) $10,995 1981 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD IROUOHAM "ASTROIOOf'" CPI. (1CRR592) $15,995 1979 CADILLAC FLllTWOOD IROUGHAM (895XET) . $9495 19)"9 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVIUI (3&8664) s3995 1911 CADILLAC PUITWOOD llOUGHAM (1CGX359) $}5,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVlLU (129XHC) $10,995 -I 97' MllCIDll llNZ aooD (7S5WD0) SALE PRICED 5TRAl611fEN UP, iHERE ! l1LL MAKE voo RE6~ET THE so~ LIFE IN PARIS, Ml{ FRIENDS! I PROMISE \(OU ~! • • • • . . ·~1 G°ClllltZ, .. ·. ~ : ..... : ; . . . . ~ .... MERE'5 THE WORLD-FAMOUS 5ER6EANT-MAJOR OF THE LE6t0N ET~AN6ERE LEADIN6 Mts TROOPS ACROSS THE DESERT NANCY THERE IT 15, MEN ~ WEVE FOUND IT ! FORT ZINDERNEUF ! THATS A NICE LITTLE I Y ES ---\TS I TREE GROWN A LOT SINCE LAST· . YEAR ITS A VERY PRETTY LITTLtt PEAcJ4 TREE DID YOU 'SAY PEACH TREE? TO Tl4E RAMPARTS~ KEEP A SHARP LOOKOUT ! I THINK YOUR 006 HAS FINALLY .. C~ACKED UP W HOSE IS IT '? MAYBE .. 6UT l'M IN NO POSITION TO SAY YOUR HDllTQltl llllY PAPIR . " 11ERE WE MUST STAY UNTI L THE RELIEF COLUMN ARRIVES FROM IOKOTLI ~ l1M T~E RELIEF COLUMN FROM TOKOTU ! By Ernie Bushmiller AW, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE '? ---YOU CAN BOTH • ENJOY LOOKING AT IT ___ _. I GUESS YOU'RE RlGHT ----~~------------~~~~~------------..-------------------------------------.... -GARFIELD ® DINNll THE MENACI NE Atol :JOSY 9AWA 9WE:LL 1ELEE3/5 I ON S'PECIAL. A80UT~T Ct:>NED IANS ! .. -- 11 fV.J..ST" HAVE BeEN HILARJOLGf Wa1..L we.~ o-4AR.Ue CHAPi..t~ ~ HAAOL.O LLOYD AND LAUf<a... ANO ·----HARDY AND A Fa.LA NAMED W.C. FIE=LDS! • • ........... IS IT WINPV OVT, CsARFIELD? Jim Davis NOT 50 VOO'D NOTICE ly Hank Ketcham fveN Mts'T!R WILt;ON WOULD've HAD A HARD TIME KEePf N' FROM LAUGHIN ' ! r------ WELL, HE1LL NEY~ TAKE o-4AALJe CHAPMAN4S -Xe AWAY~ HIM/ ~1.JDGE PARKER <l <J <l ' THAI FEL.L.OW WAITING IN THERE 15 NOT THE CLIENT! />6 I 5A1D, HE'5 THE NUMeeR ONE LlEUTENANT FOft DENNIS, THE &QUIAAEL, PA66MO ! , IN OTHER WORDS, MR . PA55MORE WILL BE THE CL.IENT ! IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE 5AY1N0, 6AM '? L l I i -mE WORLD IN WHIC~ QOO AKE. ABool 10 60 FO~ 15 FRAU6Hr W11H NUMER005 04AU.f.N6E.5 AND DIFFIC.UlilE5 ... MOON MULLINS SU~PRISE, l<AYo ! WE PLJI NEW ·~b WALLPAPER UP IN Your< RooM . No... . .. l !HINK IT WILL REALLY HELP . 'iou WIT~ YOUR HOME- WoRJc .. ' \ AND "rnE. 1ASK OF ~IN& l.X>LJR GOALS IN iOOAlJ'S WORLD WI U.. 84' NO ------MEAN5 BE. Af\\ EAf:I.> ONE ! DOCTOR SMOCK 0¢#¥3 "~#W PW4 ,.. -. ----------------~ ---------------~~ 601" IN 40UR P0"50rf . ON 1MIS [)qe),1ME ~ZDN · a= OPPORTUNnt.J SJRE.1~E5 BEFO~~ ..• OF 1ME AM~ICAN DREAM,~ WIU....AAVE. ,, t MANQ : lief, C>JnH HA~D ~ ~D 'TME GUIDANCE OF 1HE ALMl&l-tfQ ... OB5~L.E5 10 OVERCOME! AkON& WITH ~VE FINANCIN& ... by Ferd and Torn Johnson -No... I No ... t>JNoSALJ RS? b~ ~\I I By George Lemont •. . ~ I , . • .! . ' • . Mf:XICAN f:NCHIL-APAS, SESf:JORA .' WHA""r A cu-re I c:>eA ! A SCO.,..ISH HAGGIS FOR AAY t...Ass1e ! IURKISH W MESAIBAU-S ON A SKE:Wf:R / M i . 0 '· "£·"~o.!':";.:a ,,. __ ,,_.-.:... N 'J",,....,~~-1~:.l'"i....-...... D ~~ ....... A '( •.dtr~..,"1. _/ F · R I p A y CHINese «,ESMON CHICKSN/ +; ,, t YOU'RE: -roo MUCH! . . . E ~tm~:::"I: c:> .,-..;:-A)>r-...'1.-N lill"(1wi..,..:;:i·1~J e s m~~~~~ p J.:'~l"~~ A v ~ / ---~~~--~-------------------------..---------------................. .. A ' . . . . . . L .: CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There •re •t a.Ht sl• differ· enees In drawing clet.111 between top •nd bottom panels. How quklll1 c.H Y04I find them? Check Hawen with those below. .191.-wt It •116'1 "'' ... .,....,..,II >alll9H 'f-..-If *.1tl-. ••"'Cit 11 dDi u-p pepfO~ C ·0..1n1w c1 ewu11 < ·1ue,.111P 11 '1•H •t ,_.,...,..110 ANAGllAM RIDDLES FM en.gt"_..,tn.Hc trenspowl1 are uwd to solve the rktdles below. That '" letters •~e retrr•natd to form other worda. b .1 ~t did Sua.Je •Y ettier ONE HUG? 41\twtr. by t.,ttchll"g lttt.n:ENOUGH. 1. If •ft 1'-lftHANT refutH tt w• 11& through 1 ~die, whit ........... tr•lntt uy? 2. ¥/Mt trtubles • POSTMAN? 3. Whitt Qft JOU WY when u1lng • FIRE ESCAPE? 4. Wtt.t htlps to m.ke BAKERS FAT? ·u,,,.na.t 'J ·111Vt dllD I ·c '4WY.l.S OH ·t 'dV!, N3H1 'I ELL'{l M'/ WEE.KS OF DOG ~AININ(; r - 2 2 - 9 tr Hf\\JE I Pf\\OOFF • • e t:11U:.~"'f7;i('.Ii~~l!i~~ .. ~ .• .t..·M'hl>;;.;~ ....... ~~:....I? J f ~I WHAf#S UPP ~t can.,., dr•w to complete tbt pu1· allng sane above? To find out. Md lines 1 to 2. J, etc. .. . .. .' RIDING HIGHt Add colot'I .. tflK d•rlnt aeri.I ...,...... scent: 1-RM, 2-Lt. blue. >-'Yellow. 4-Lt. ~ • ._ ....., 6-Lt. grffn, •-Ok. brown. I-Ill. gr .. n. J-81Kll. , .... ,..... .. SPELlllNDER . . ' ICOll ·= •"""' ....... ~·( ......... ~ ............. '"~ ... : """\ ~ONITIC .... . . . . _ ... - THEM eare 2 llO!nts ekh for all ---word1 of four tetters or more •) found among tM letters. Try .. ~At lust SO POiftta. .! ~ 'IAllW ;..,...-.VW .. 111 ..... ' • rf\RLEV HA8 FINAU.'{ StVPP~ DR\NK\NG OUT OF 1HE.10\LET. , . .. • © 19112 Untied Featute Syndicate Inc GORDO SHOE ~~~ 1UE$ Mi\~INES. mEIGWY~ OF ~lM~ltRS"~· j ,l .. I .. . . .P a· l ' .. ----------t I ' .. . ~~T~ IT!! 1 PID IT!! AND IT FINALLY PAID OFF !1• -,. . ) • -~ . .. --___ ....._ ___ UCWt.\tUAT AAPFE~EO? ---~ By ' '/OlJ KNOW, l'M NO\ SO ~ottt 1'\.\\S C~R ro<ll. \S 6aNNA WORK OV T ... Gus Arriola MacNellv ft'M~!ll'IP'- • AU, 1UOSE UOJ~t; AT -rnE l'HRU5T~ fV1Tc»J ~{ FREE GAME~ • -- May 30, 1982 -- ·' ' I , ' j I ' fl ., ,, I ti I • t FOR TERRY HERNDON, ex«utive director, National Educ:etlon A9sodatioo How do ......... get the bat nmka In the dr I OOCD -by beir>g ~. « by c:reats.g an air of Inform.lily? -C.O., Coundl ..... Iowa • An orderly classroom hefps most chU· dren ~. and rules must be dear, rea· sonable and consistently enforced. lt Is Important to note also that disdpbne Is only effective when ~ tn an ntmo- sphere of respect and good will. There Is no formula for success ln the classroom and no teacher Is ever comp~ely successful with every student, but each ac· compbshment Is both tmportant and priceless. The teacher, llke the farmer. must plant, water and culttvate hls or her aop ct students. This makes a fruitful harvest posslble. FOR .K>HN WESLEY SHIPP. tear of lVs Guiding Ugfat Would )IOll ..... IO get lnvolwd with a 17 ~-old the Mil' )IOClr c:h.waaer. Kelv Nm:in, does on the thow? - p .R •• Pine 8lul.. Ark. • No. I tend to be attracted to older v.oomen. I prefer being with them because they've done It all and can show me a thing or two. Besides, what 17-year-old would find a 'Z7 ·year-old guy like me attn.ctlve? FOR PEGGY CASS, star of Broedway's 42nd Strut ,.,. ..... .,. ........ how do you ... whm ... PIGllW ........ dod? -.l.T., ~ m. e Let thoee who want to look dot.vn, look down . I look up to them because they're fun. I know they say only those with low I. Q .' s watch, but that's not true about either the viewers or the panelists. Paul Mc:Cart· ney became my fan after watching To Tell the Truth . I don't consider him stupid. FOR STEVE KRANTZ. author of Skycaltle <Macmillan) Did P09 become a nowlR '**-you .-ad ID be on ,., wlllb 90Clf .. (Mid\ Knatz)? -1.8 .• Plttlibuaj, Km. • 1 truly don't think that was the reason. fve had an ex!n?mely succelSful career as a prod~ and I have a lot to look forward to tn the moYle business. But Judy's succaa lntrodllced me to the creative ops:)or. tu.ntty and ftnandal rewards ol writing. FROM 1HE "ASK"' EDITOR ao111ES: Julie Cluiale, about to head east to the city ol Hyderabad to ftlm Heat and Dust, was asked how she plan· ned to stay cool under the burning lnd1an sun. She replied, grinning: "I always thought that when It gets hot, you take your clothes off." . . . Sonja Henle, three·ttme Olympic skating champ who made only 10 movies during her Holly- wood career but wound up as one of the wealthiest women ln show btz. Is the sub- ject of an upcoming 1V m<Me. ~ys wrtter-producer Andrew J. Fenady: .. Unlike many actresses with delusk>ns ct grandeur, Sonja knew her limitations. Once. when Tyrone Power threw her on a bed for a daring (tn those days) love scene; both completely cloched, Sonja complained "I could do this much better If ( had my skates on... . . 0WTER: Rudolf Nureyev lsn't one of those starting off each day with a glass ol o.j. at home. He believes ln rare steak wtth four giasws ct hot tea. . . . Prtnce Chmiea says he's glad he ~ miles through the bush and camped out among RW<es durtng his early school days tn Au- stralia, because "physical challenges help one over- come moral ones." ....... my Coca. 09car nominee for best supporting actor tn Nell Simon's Onlv When I Laugh, spoke of when Simon's mom introduced • Nell's original collaborator Nureyeu and lesser-known brother, Donny, to her friends with "and th.is Is my other ton, the brother." . . . Sly Stallone. next tn Rocky m, ts talking to choreogntpher 1Wyla Tharp about creating a Rocky SulJ.e ballet .... CRIME: lf you think the savage jungle ls dangerous, b'y th.is one on for size: After 20 years of preaching to African headhunters - without onoe being attacked -a mmk>nary decided lt Prina! Charla was time for a change, so off he went to England. Whi&e the man of the cloth was walt1ng at a subway station, a mugger grabbed his wife's beg. He went to the rescue and was knocked unconscious In the mug. gle. Concluded the victim from hls hospttal bed: "It's so much safer ln the jungle." ... .loe R~ a "heavy" ln the Ames Bond ftlm. Dfomonds ArB For- euer, Is teaching women to disarm men -and not with sex appeal. Joe teaches judo and karat8 at England's famed Rodean 9C:hool. where self-dcfenae Is as important for v.oomen as the three R's. PRO Smaaor Miemlah A. Denton CR.·Ala.), chair· men, subcomrnttlee on Aging, Family and Human Savk:a PRO Ano con CON R..-ntmtve Heuy A. Wumaa (0 .-Caaf.). ch41rman, subcommltte4! on Health and Envtronment Proposed Government regulations would require that, tn mOlt cases. parents be notified within 10 days If a Federelly funded btrth<ontrol clink: gives a prucrlption drug or devk:e to a minor. Both the l.U.0 . and the pill are hazardous, espe~ dally to young teen-age girts. Par· entl have a raponsbllty and obll· gatkx'I to protect the health °' their chUdren. They cannot do that tf the Federal Government keeps them In the dmk. --. Should Parmi. & Notljfed When Minors Real~ Birth-Control Pracrlptlona from Feda"ally F1a1deJ Glnlc:a? ~........., 11¥ Lmt ll ZldwNft.. ..-...... PL) Y{i_...,_' -~.~--~~, T~ kid ....... ti ..... ~ •• .-... "1'N' c.n.· ,.,., ....._, 141 Alff , .... ..._ ll Y IOOtt. ..... ,.,., ---~ I agree with parental Involvement In children's decisions about MX· uality. But It must be recogntzed that there are thOM families ln whk:h communication, espedaiJy on such issues, Is ~t. No Fed- eral mandate will ln\prove such re&atk>ns. In a recent swvey of t~. over half said they would stop coming to the cllnk If not*.adon were re- quked. Only 2 pacent ~they Would abltabi from ta. The result will be more ~and aborao.-.. ~ II " • . Warni~g: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heallh. 101110 "t1r;' 0.7 mg n1cot11111V. I* c1gnnw, FTC Ripon Dtc'.B1. .. After eight years as New Jerseys GJngressional ga4fly, the b1 epressible MWicent Fenwick is looking for a new challenge. At the age of 72. ou flnt nodc:e Mllbcent Fenwick be· cause of he:r elegant bearing and carefuDy taJlored sutts. But II Is he:r manner of speaking -reftned, de· llberate, In deep, raspy tones - that ultimately makes the 72-ye.tfl· old, four-term Republlcan Con- gresswoman &om Bernardsville, N.J., most appealing and believable. She pro)eds her convk:tk>ns, her· slncerlty and her desire with that .. You-know-my-dear-1-reaDy-rnearHt" voice. Now she wants to be a Senator. replacing New Jersey Demoaat Harrison Williams, who resigned In March foDowlng his conviction In the Abecam sting opendlon. In April New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean appointed tnvatment benMr Nicholas Brady as Interim Senator, with the undentandlng he will not run for the post this November. Fenwick's ftnt ma;or test toward win· nlng the job comes June 8, when the Republican primary Is held. Uke Lacey Davenport, the character she In· $plnd tn Gany Trudeau's Doonabury comic strtp, Fenwtck doesn't always know what to make of clever polUclll tadb. Wlt\ the delight of an eccen· tric who doa not fl.ve a 6g. whether she'll actually pe11 a blll, she once Introduced a piece ol legls- lalion that would not perml any Cor9 1111 Mal raises wlhoul recorded votes. Knowledgeable ob- serven on C.apttol HID chalk It up aa anodw one of .. Mae's adY'enturn" and mW fun of Mr naiWtJ. Ya Fenwick .-ma to know cx.adfy wt\M the la doing. She .. holding her ooleagua to • Nghe standard of behavk>r and making her mark as a gadfly, the public conadence. "The fad of the mat· ter Is nobody Is crazy about me." she says. Wen, hardly. Political experts think her chances for the Senate race are e:xcellent. She ls the most widely recogrii:zled of the current Republlcan can· dldates and won her home dlsb1ct In 1980 wtth 78 percent of the vote. As one New Jersey Democrat on Capitol HUI who Is atHcal of Fen\\lk:k's legislattve performance puts It: "She's unstoppable. They like her beau.-she's rich and they don't think she'U steal &om them." Hiding her aristocratic upbringing Is not Fen· wick's style. As the daughter of a New York ftnan- der and a New Jersey helnm, M1llicent Ham· mond was born to wealth: life on a luxurious estate of gently rolllng hills, fox hunting and sode· ty balls. Her mother died when the Lusitania sank In the North Adan& and the IJfeboM she was tn tipped over. Her father, Ogden Haggerty Ham- mond, was rescued and went on to become the u .5. Ambatlad« to Spain under Praktcrlt CaMo Coolidge. When her father went to Speln, Fenwick was taken out of the fashionable Foxaoft School for girts In Vlrgtnla and educaa.d briefly at a French convent. Not long after returning from Europe ea age 19, MUDccnt met e dMhJng young Mighbor, Hugh Fenwick, at a fox hunt. He waa married but left his wtfe, and In 1934 he and Millicent were married By Allan Dodds Frank I despite fj!lmlly outcries. Four years, two childml and many tribulations later, they separated and finally divorced In 1945. Ju.st before the 5e'panl- tlon, Mrs. Fenwick had begwl modeling for Har- per'• 8cuaar and when the split came, she landed at Vogue magazine as a $40.a-week caption writer. She was on staff for 14 years and In 1948 wrote Vogue'.! Book of Etlquelte. Remembers Alexander Ubennan, former art director of Vogue and now edttonal director of Conde Nast Publications. "She was very beauttful, but her Interests were always deeper than Ju.st fashion . There was always a righteousness about her -a sense of right and wrong." In 1952 Fenwick returned to her parents' estate in Bernardsville when her family's lnvemnents, battered during the Depression, began to tum around. (She's Inherited some $5 million.) During that period, she became more active In volunteer work and local polttb, serving from 1958to 1964 on the Bernardsville Boro~ U>undl. She would go on to )otn the State Assembly and become director of consumer affairs for New Jersey. She sa~w that In those days she was much more t1mld and likeJy to take a back seat to men. "My dear," she says, "It rally took me years to be able to say 'NX' publicly." Millkent Fenwick may be the most prominent, but she ts just one of a small but WoWtng number of women on the Hill. There are now 19 female Represcntatfva (up from 10 In 1970) and two women Senaton (Republk:ans Nancy Kassebaum of Kansas and Paula Hawkins of Florida). Despite their rising ranks, all ls not rosy for these women. Representative Pabida Schroeder, a 41-year-old Colorado Dnnoaat wtth a degree from HaNud Law School, says that women are either "focUMd on" or "forgotten." Mc>ll impor· tantly, ttwy don't have K.eielll to or feel c:omfcr. tab&e In ban and men'• dubt -the Informal placa wtMre Walhlngton deU -. made to h- quendy ... In the Houle cloMroom, kw example," noca Sc.hroedc, ~ men are much more physical. I &ove the way they always pound on .-ch other. Evev now and IMn. when my ahoulder gm hit for the 15th time, l have to say, 'Hey, guys, cool tt.' They .. like bean." (<Otldnued on ,,._ 7) I I • IT, llL tx 5( tt p n a il A " p 6 ·~ Ir s F b ~ l \ • ( t • ' ' l ' t ( .....WICK (cont111ued from page 4) Fenwick, for one, believes she may be spared some of the annoyances endured by her f ema.le colleagues because, .. As an older womo.n , l don't represent the threat the others might.'' Though her attics accuse her of grandstanding, Fenwick Is at her best In ~ when ausading against evil. She is a master of the free JO.second ad -getting on the lV news. She attlcttes waste, takes ex- amples of human suffering and, using the same technique favored by Presi- dent Reagan, tries to blame problems on a vast, unthinking bureaucracy hamstrung by blind allegiance lo sometimes nonsensical rules. Like the President, Fenwick is ab&e to make her aging and wrinkled , yet extmneJy attractive, face twtnJde wllh Innocence and surprise on cue for the cameras. Though her voting record on fiscal matters Is conservative (she supported nearly ail of President Reagan's budget cuts) , she Is a liberal about soc'.al a.uses. She does not believe that "abortion is a proper question for politics" but opposes all efforts by right-to-life ~ps to outlaw It. She is a strong supporter of gun control, human rights causes, the Equal Rights Amendment and stringent environ- mental-protection laws. Fenwick op- poses Increased defense spending and 6ghts efforts by the religious right ·wing to force prayer In schools. A lifetime member of the N.A.A.C.P., she disapproves of efforts to remove Federal }udges' power to order school busing for encllng segregation. A s one of the few Republi- cans who won a first-term seat in the 1974 post- Watergate elections, she ls quite sensitive lo the need for honesty In government, 90metimes said to be in short supply in New Jersey politics. Quoting a French patriot, she says, "'Eve.ry sodety on earth has corruption It ls the nature of human society. But my country was lost became we had cor- ruption without lndignationr We have got to be more amued and furiously af'9Y when oonupCion is revealed." He:r pct peeve Ls the ever-lncre.aslng Influence of Polltical Action Comml- tees, which raise vast amounts of money for special Interest groups to spend on campaigns. '1'he country suffers from these damned deals," says the straltiaced Fenwick,"-and don't use the word 'damned.'" There are those, however, who say that, pn!SI attention and ausadlng oratory aside, Fcnwtck has not found a way to be an effective power In the HOUM. C-ongru.alona/ Quarterlv• au- On weekends, Fenwick traca roots boclc to New Jer.ey. thorttatlve 1982 almanac. PolttJa In America, concludes, "Fenwick's popularity outside the House exceeds her effectiveness wtthln It. Though she spends a k>t of time on the House floor and regularly speaks out on behalf of causes ... of broader political strategy, compromise and coalition building, she remains largely unaware." Adds conservative Jeffrey BeU. her chief opponent In the primary, "lbe.re are two types of Congressmen -the spokesman type and the workhorse type. Millicent ls definitely the spokesman type." Fenwick remai06 undaunted by criticism. She continues to awaken every day at 5:15 A.M. in the rented townhouse near the Capitol where she lives alone. She ls In her office by 6:30. scribbling handwritten notes to hundreds of constituents wtth whom she corresponds regularly. After a fuD day In Congress, she heads beck to her office , writes more letters and re- twns phone calls until 9 or 10 P.M. Then she goes home and has the same dinner each night: spaghetti wtth mmgarlne and Parmesan cheese and a glass of white wine. Every weekend she takes the train home to Bernardsville, where she takes more phone calls (her number Is listed), writes more letters and hops In her Chevrolet to give as many as five speeches In nearby towns. So why does this grandmother of 11, with a pacemaker already Im- planted and sevwa1 ma)or operatk>ns behind her, want to run for the Senate? For one, under New Jeney's Congressional redlstr1cttng plan, she and fellow Republic.an Representative James Courter would have to ftght It out for the same seat. For another, she Is having much too much fun re- minding the country of Its duty to strive for higher ethical standards. She says her doctor told her that her health II good eno~ to do whatever she wants to for 2X) more years, 90 why not run for the Senate. "l think your vobr II heard more," says Fen- wick ... A. Theodore Rooeevd said of another offtce, 'It's a buDy flWI pulpit.'" ILi FAILURES CREDITED Remarkable ''PEIJ fl&'' WE USE KODAK PAPER Rids Your Premises of Rats, Mice ••• Flying and Crawling Pests ELECTRONICALLY! SAFE FOR P£T8 DRIVES THEM AWAY! ------------------------I , .. f . llYUl.1 co., DEPT. Fwm l M3a f .......... II., .... 131. ... 'lf'I ....... .,. I I Pl-~ -&11 •lec&rnie "het "-· M I and.r-I etand cluit ll 1 &111 mM .,..aet11ly uUdled, l m., Cud Pk ~-Data I retuni It,.,. dull nlllDd. Ilia•• ucJOMd t--. I Pl-.,... 1111 0 Vla 0 NMw Card Ww Print Ha-l toU."'" cbr,. erd.re, C:,:. t llO 611-I ..,., ....... ,... •• ... ... .... _Mdl _____________ _ I ., •111 I City I '"1pn.,.,. at. Zill 01-.a.L.,_ I ~~-----------~-------~--~ , . t . , . , . ' ' . \,- ' I lo • RALEIGH 1- Family Feuds: Why Some Fights Last F0tever I < I Jwt duserU? Once banished, It can be hard to go home ogaln. By Roberto Plutzlk A lmost every extended family has seen a misunderstanding between two relatives snowball Into a fuU-fJedged feud. Such fights can last for years and cause a lot of pain -but they don't have to last forever. With patience, persistence and the courage to swallow your pride, it's possible to make amends. "Misunderstandings are a source of hidden pain for many families," con· tends Joan Overturf. D.S.W., a Claremont, Callf. soda.I worker In pri- vate practice. The feud can be trig· gered by a signihcant event -a death In the mmUy that leads to disagree- ments over money or property; a marriage or dtvorce that sparks disap- proval -01 it can begin with some- thing as seemingly unimportant as a forgotten holiday phone call or a wed· ding present that's never sent. But because we depend so heavily on our families and want so much from them, Dr. Overturf notes, any misunderstanding, ma)or or minor, has the potential to erupt Into a long- standing conflkt. ..We expect a lot from our mmllles," she says. "We ex· pect to be nurtured and cared for and accepted with very few qualifications. We expect them to be perfect, and when they're not we're disappoint· ed." Because the bonds between fam- Uy members are so powerful and the hurts relatives can cause each other so painful, ~ds Dr. Overturf, It Is ex- tremely difftcult to resolve feuds without a great deal of effort. But experts contend that even farnlly misunderstandings that con- tinue for decades can be overcome, at least In part. Here ere some sugges- tions for coping with old c.onfllcts and heading off new disagreements: R*'1o Ptutalk i. ~ co·outhor of Th• Seem Uva of P..nts, eo be publtili•d lhll /oil. I I I • ln a conflict sttuation, we some- times condemn a person as totally bad and worthless. But try to think about your reladve's total personality. He may seem obnoxious or unsympathe~ He, but does he have good attributes? Are these positive traits just as strong as or stronger than his faults? Try to recall the good things that have hap- pened between you. • If you decide to confront yow relatlve In order to resolve the dis- pute, Sidney Leeker, M.D .. a New Yori< 01y psychiatrlst, advises that you take a constructive approach. Often feuding farnlly members employ a self-defeating clbcussion technique. Dr. Leeker calls this the "dominance argument," the purpose of whk:h is "to prove the. other person wrong, to knock him down and destroy him ." He recommends an alternative tactlc: the "integrity argument." Its purpose Is "to remove initants between you and yet to preserve family intimacy, love and In~." • If you tend to be Indirect, try to work at communicating more dJrectJy and concisely with your relatives - and work at being a good listener, too. Also. use "I" statements ("I feel hurt because ... '1 rather than .. you" state- ments ("You hurt me ... "). lney sound less accusatory. Then encour- age your relative to respond In Uke terms. • Don't c.ount on a third relative who ls supposedly neutral about yow dispute, to bail you out. Experts say that using your child or anyone else In the family to relay messages and plead your case Is generally futUe. As a family member. thls Intermediary will have a hard time being objective. • If you can't make progress, you can contact your clergyman or the mental health d!vtston of a ioqll teaching hospttal fOf the names of therapists trained tn famOy dis· 1"9111 puw setdlng. .., LESS THAN 65<e A MONTH HEIP3 KEEP SEPTIC TANKS AND CFSSFQJlS FkDM BACKING UP AND BREAKING roWN. Every time you do a wash, your detergent, soap and bleach wash away some of the bacteria your septic tank or cesspool needs to work. That can mean back up and break down. And costly repairs. Rid-X helps prevent all of that by putting back the bacteria. Rid-X and one extra flush of your toilet a month may be the only attention your septic system needs. Bypass Surgery: The Heart of the ffiattet 8y Gblo Hochman Rt 30, Larry R. was a Olkago attorney with an Impressive ltst of big-name clients. He was a whiz In the courtroom, traveled to E.gypt, Singapore and Marseilles on behalf of his clients and was known as the city's most eligible bachelor. One day, Larry was in the courtroom trying an impor- tant case. Suddenly he ex· perienced a chest pain so se· vere that It almost knocked him over. His condition was diag· nosed as atherosclerosis. which ls a bulkiup of fatty material in the arteries that impedes the flow of blood. The medkation his doctor gave hJm dldn 't help. Neither did giving up smoking. Or drtnktng. Or sex. Many years later. Larry heard about a procedure for people suffering from exactly the same kind of pains he had: The operation. deveJ · oped a little more than a decade ago, involves bypass- ing the blocked portions of any or all of the three major coronary arteries (the arteries which carcy blood to the heart muscle Itself) and often some of their subsidiary branches with veins from a patient's legs. In tome cases, the ~ Is accomplished through U5ing an Internal mammary artery -one of the many arteries carrying blood to the chest wall -In- stead of the leg vein . Certain dogged arteries are more Worrisome than others. To understand why, It Is attical to know the anat· omy of the heart and how It works. 1he heart, a hollow, mus· cu1ar organ. Is situated In the center of the chest, a lltde to the left. Its job Is to pump blood, which Is rich In oxy- ""°"' BM-: ~ u., .... ,..,. ""-Ktto4lf 11\1 Cilo$ Hochnwi. cow iW!I e 1982 11\1 Glor'9 Hoc:twMn. R. sn-1.b\l~clSt ~·.~ "Every dog's a natural-born beef eater. Beef has the taste they love and the protein they need. And beef is where a balanood diet begins. 1bat's why every can of ALPO Beef Otunks Dinner is packed with this much real beef. Give the dog you love the real beef he loves. Give him ALPO. After all, <k>gs doo't thrive ~ gm and other nutnents, to ell parts of the body. Tua arteries carry blood away from the he.art. and vehu return the blood to the heart. When this netwoc'k Is func. donlng weD, It provides the hart mutde with a haJf a pint of blood per mlnute, at rat, and up to a quart of blood per minute when a penon Is exerc::lsing or is underlb'al. When~hal not 'P'ogt'I JI? cl to rnoN than SO percent, most people will have no symptoms; but when It exoeeds SO percent, an Inadequate supply of blood will be furnished to the he#! when the pcnon ls exerd*lg or lltraMd. If the blodcaga get to be 85 or 90 --4 percent. a person Is likely to feel discomfort even at rest, because such severe dogging prevents blood &om getting through even when there is no activity. No one knows for sure what causes the ~tty buildup. but evidence Is mounting that individual life styles and certain physical risk factors such as hyperten · slon and high blood choles· te:rol weigh heavily. Often, as a result of the blockages, a portion of the heart muscle, starved by a lack of oxygen-rich blood, will die. This Is known as a heart attack . RI most half of all middle-aged men with coro nary artery dis· ease have a heart at- tack as their first sign. But about 25 percent experience angina . the kind of pain Larry experienced. as a warning that their arteries are clogged. Coronary bypass surgery is a process of rerouting, something like a highway und~ or overpass that permits a driver to avoid clogged city streets. One end of the graft vessel ls sewn to the coronary artery beJow the area of blockage, and the other is attached to the aorta, the main artery. ln this way, blood Is taken d!rectJy from the aorta. bypasses the ob· structk>n and flows through the graft to nourish the heart muscle. Because the blood supply flows freely o nce more, the heart muscle receJves more of It and is ~ to pump men effectfvely. The operation ~me feasible when the heart-lung machine was perfected. This ls a futuristic-looking device that breathes for the patient while he or she Is on the operating table. UJtlmately. Larry decided against the surgery (he was apprehensive about tt and so opted for a less active life style Instead) . But each year since 196 7 , more and men heart patients have chosen to have the operation. By 1981, more than 850,000 padentl had undergone It. Patients count on the surgery to Nllevc their pain, cure (conttn!Md on POf19 12} NOW LOSE WEIGHT WITH @f WJ PERsa~~uzca L[]r:'IPUTEH CUET - D Loee Weight Safely and Surely On 3 Full Meals a Day D Loee Weight Exactly Where You Want To D Start Lo.nnq Weight The Very First Week - While Eatino The Food You Love D No Two Diets Alike When you answer these questions we will send you a loa.weight dlflt gut11t111t#d fOf you a6one. Your answers are fed Into our computer whk:h contains a databenk with thouNllda of bits of Information about dieting and exetclse. You see, the computer has been carefully programmed, by our atatt of expetts, to chooae t11'11Ct/y the right options fOt you. So complete the questionnaire ~ new diet plan ever announced. ~;:~~~~===~~now and aend for the most r8'10lutlonlfY ~"'!"'::~~========'-=~~=---= 13.~ ~i-:.:D, ~~k ~,--.;;:22;:.:..;;™~::;::..:Cil:;:;.,:the=,.;lollowill9~=-=-app~ty=to~you=-:7=-"-= lo. Are you pJ"99DA11t? 1. Wy walqbt ii. . lb(a). 2. Dw1DtJ the pue yeas· (check ou.e oaly) 2. I ban 9.un.d lb(a). ~ 1. J baft !mt. . lb(a). 3. J ba'N ...tlheT 9a1Ded nor !mt. 4. J do DOt bow. 3. My ao-18 . . ,..n. 5. Other m-RD19Dtl are. {I.a 1Dchal) I. Bu 2. W.i.t 3. Htpa a. My body t t t t ~tone) t l. 0 :z. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 7. My~ 111&8 la (fill LD) .. 8. Wy fPecial prob&ema an: (check u llWIY u~) 1. Boeom 2.W.W 3. Wid.dff 4. Ht.,. s. NcJU 6.hklm 7.Anu 8.~ Too Too Sogging/ .,,,aJ) large ifobby 9 . .., ba. ltnactarw la: (-.re ,.... below wn.lboae Uqbt!y wttJa tape m~) 0 l. Small <'-tJau 6 111.) 0 2. Medtv.m ~ 6 m and 8~ IA.) 0 3. ~ (mor.tbaA 6\4 ln.) MY EATING HABITS 10. I ua.ally ..t: (c:beck one) ~ 1. SMcb, mba1 meala, •-hall meala :Z. Two -i. plQI ..,.ra1 macb 3. 1-tbaD ttu.. ...it a day 4. n... ....... ct..,, wtth 1IO -.ob 5. n... ....... pbu ~al IUCb 11. Iota. ald.p the followtno: (ch«:lt .. muy u~) ~ 1. Breeliul 2. LucJa • 3, Ohmer 4. I ba.id.ly _, llkip meaJa 12.1 °'*eat the followtno-» •••1 bom i.e..: (c:beclt. ID&DJ .. ~) ~ l. B19U1Mt 2.~ 3.Dbann 4. I ..WO. Ml awa1 froaa 11o .. § l . Alone !'C" ~ 0 1. v.. 0 2. No J. WWI two or more peop.. 2 1 cook a lot 31. Are yo1u perioda r..,W.r? 2. With oae ~ l . I •joy bakiDq § § § 14 Do hL-lo .. _ L.... ·-... _ .. ____ t 3. l cook IDOll _.. § l. Y•. unally . all ~JOll 7 _.,. IOllC.., ... .,... ...,.... • 4. I drlAk a lot ol 0 0 0 2. No. unally 0 liquid.I 3. No ionq., ha" period.a l. .,.. 2. DO 5. 1 UM a drmk 0 0 0 15 U ~-mMl craYinqa.,. a .peciaJ ID lM ~ prob1-for yov, indk:ale the time of day 6. 1 _, t.a-.. (c:hM:k .. maDy .. oec-.ry) ~h time 7.1..t a loc of 0 0 0 1. MJd.moruiD9 ll'OIMI -i. 0 2. Mid-afternoon 8 ..... mWl portiona 0 0 3. lnAin9 or l&te lli9bt 9 1 .. , a..-aqa 0 0 4. 1 do DOI qet crH illq9 10. r.:i:v. portioaa 0 16. How mocll w.i9bt d<> you want to loae? .. lb(1). 17 How mllCh we6Qlu do you hope to IOR by die 9lld al die finlt .-i 7 (check ooa) 2. 3-S lba a ...At 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 § l . 1-2 lba. w.- 3. Wore tbaA S lba • .....- 24. Do JOU ..... to 9aio wetqht -If JOQ do DOtaetuc:...i..ty? 10. X1W you OD a iill9diOCllJ1 ~ &i1 (U ,.. -ca-' ~ your a11111-....1 0 I. y .. (..-:dy '"'9 al dlM ........ ) D 1.No 13. okra 14. ciabbe9• 15. br--'9 IPl'Oata 16. tura1pa 17. ti-. 18. artk1laoba 19. mp&r&qv.8 ~ ...... :n. C1lnJ 22. ntt.rmJlk 23. Pl'llMI 24.~ 29. -ol aboft 21. Wlllch of .... ooWd yoa 1IOt 9Jft up? (cMck . DWI}' .. _..,) 0 1. ea.. piae, PMb* ....... loa c:reaa 0 2. Biwd, PM&I. potatoee 0 3. Thick cuta ol -1 0 4. fti9laly ~ foodt 0 5. I ooaJd vi" QP any of U.. aboft. 0 J. T• 0 2. No MY HEALTH . 25. Do JOll tab aDf ol U.. foilowmo nabitiooal .v.pp1-.-ta? (cMck aa maDJ u~) ~ ~:::=: 3. Bran 4.N-.. 29. Do JOll laOb? (ci..ck OiM) § 1. No 2. Y• 3. Tl'Jbso k> atop 32. Do JOG -rci9a? (ch.ck O!M) ~ l . 1-tbaD l hour ..... 2. 1·3 ho.an •... 11 3. O..r 3 bowt a ....k 4. For prwcrt.bad thenpaouHc rauona 33. Do you aD9199 LD any sporta reqularly? 0 1. v.. 0 2. No 34. U yov.,. acttft ln sports, cb«k -..oos dw:iao wb.k:Ji you are acttft 0 l. SprlDo 0 3. Auhuan/Wmi.r 0 2. a--0 4. Hon. 35. How -4J houn a day do JOI& watch TV? § l.1-Uau l 2. a.tw.n 1 a.nd 3 3. w.o ... tJa.u 3 AFT£R FILLING OUT QUESTIONNAIRE ANO COUPON BELOW, CUT OUT AND MAIL TO: AMENCAH RWILY DIET Pl.AH P .0. BOX 4031. o.it. • ~a.Ion, 'N. Y. 11741 FREEGIFI' "f ve l1C\er endorsed a~ insecticide before. . but this new ones a natural:' Bob Thomaon. Gardening ~rt "I've read a lot of garden insecticlde labels. And most warn you 'not to pick for at IHst 24 hours'. That's because they contain synthetic or systemic bug klllefs But the bug kilter In new Raid Tomato & Vegetable Fogg« la a1Hl8tural pyrethrum, derived from a type of chrysanthemum !lower. So you can use 11 right up to hatvest. "Raid'• unique k>gglng 8Cllon COY9fl INv .. more QUlc:ldy !hen llqukja °' dual.I. And ~ .. the lnMc1lcide la all-natural. you can pick and enioy your vegecablea anytime. "Look for It wflefewr Raid Is 90ld .. Kills garden bop dead. Naturally. S 11GSC ~&Son.In( ~ •YPAM SUIMIDY (oonllnued from ,,. 10) their disease and prok>ng thetr llves. However, In the pMt few years, there have been rumblings of discon· tent wtthln medkal ctrdes. The major controversy surrounds the question of whether or not the surgery prolongs life. Most itudies show that life Is pro- longed when swgery Is perf0t med for a blockage In the left main artery of the heart. (This type of blockage ls pmticularty dangerous because the left main artery suppbes bk>od to the curing the disease," says Dr. Horace MacVaugh of Philadelphia's Lankenau Hospttal. Dr. MacVaugh and his surgical team perform more than 500 bypasses a year . .. I teU them that everyone ls on a gradual downhill course, but that theirs Is at a little sharper angle than that of the general population. With this operation, we take them off that curve and move them straight up and start them off again. From that ! J I • I 1 1 I z ! 0 whole body.) However, in all other Instances there are conflict- ing studies. some indbdng that the surgery prolongs life and others In· dkating that life can be prolonged just as well by ap- pr op r I ate drug treatment and llfe- s t y I e changes (control of hyper· tension, loss of weight, proper ex- ercise . stress reduction). There have also been dalms that patients have been misled ~~~~_;;;:,;:_,..ii about what the operation CMl ac- complish. Some doctors talk about grafts that do not remain open. the lnddence of surgicaDy Induced heart attacks and the need for second and third opera- tions. Nonethe&ess. the operation doea relleve pain In 85 to 90 percent of the patients who have It. Bernard P .. 58. who had a bypasl operation several years ago, testlftes that he "came through perfectly. They were right when they told me I would have llttle trouble. I had almost no pain from the opentlon, and now I feel better than before." But Genevieve T .• who ls 62, ls not so happy. .., didn't feel too bad wh11e I was In the hospllal after the surgery," she said. ..But the original angina come back. And It was even worse than before." A recent report from the Cleveland Clinic described a survey of nearly 3,000 women who under.vent coro- nary artay surgery. It found that the operative mortality ~ number of people who die on the operating table or wlh.ln 30 days of surgery) was sllghdy higher and that ~ patency and angina relief were las than In men (the waft stayed open lal fre- quently). But the ftve-and 10.yer = In both MXCS was almost '1 tell my patients that we _.. not taking ~ay the dilea.I, we arc not If• l'MfllY WHl<U', lilllr • - point, they will probably go downhill again at about the same rate that they did before unless they can do something to alter their life style. which may have contributed to the condition." Patients usually st.ay In the hospttal for a week to 10 days and there is a fow· to six-week recuperation period. Some patients take no medication af. ter surgery. Others oonttnue to take medication for high bk>od pressure, high cholesterol and for other reasons. How can a patient decide whether to have surgery? Vlrtually all spectatws ~ that If you anr In lel'k>us pain and drugs or a change In bfe style do not relieve your symp- toms, you shoukl really CONkte:r swgery. If the pain ls not In· capadtattng, but tests tndlcate that you have b&ockages, you shoukt ftnd out which arter1es are bkx:ked. ShouJd the left main artery be dogged. most doctors agree that surgery shoukl be pcrfomled to pro- long bfe. But there are t1sk factors In· volved In the surgery which you should consider. If you are ovcwetght, female (women have thinner arteries than do men), suffer from diabetes or hyperten*>n. haw a ~ lewl of c:holatcpol In your blood or have hod a h4Nrt attack, the rtlka of ~ surgery ana.... l.lnrnmly, the lndMdual mutt Wllfdt the rm pros and cont of the opmanc;,.,. ... t I l'elc:flwotli w., ... .... _ ... _ Color .... Total tar ... ...... TOTAL DtClOIED t----~-"-?"----f Oft C"""°6) An1ona •Hio...1. aoo .... , 1a. Sony no c o o • ,.,._, ~----------------------~~------------,..1.~.--suw ----vp~~-~---------------------------------------------------- • FOOD FOR THOUGHT Are you a coward when tt comes to eating chicken In pub&:? Do frogs' legs make you jumpy? The thought of lobster force you Into a shell? WeU. bubby, have we got a . book for you. Rochelle Udell's How to Eot on Artichoke of- fers eating etiquette for aD sorts of potential faux pas makers. from mussels to mangoes, pate to pie ~ la mode, asparagus to, ye$, artichokes. Here's advice on a few com- mon culinary quan- daries: -Com on the cob; Handle only a few rows or a secUon at once: buttering, salt- ing. eating. Th1s keeps the mess to a mJn.lmum. -Bacon: If It has any fat on It, use a knife and fork. U crisp, aumble wtth a fork and eat with your fingers. -Banana: If seived at the dinner table. pe:el It, cut it with a fruj knife and ear It with a fork. AJ Informal gatherings. eat It like a monkey. "People end up eating the same things aD the time because they're afraid of so many foods," UdeU told us. "'The idea of learning proper etiquette ls to get pleasure &om food -Instead of falling victim to It." Lm'TROVD RING Lorin Sowards would come home from work around mid- night, get Into bed and fatndy hear the dog out in the snow, saatchlng to get In. The kids had I f let Benji out ~. Someday, Sowards feared. the terrier might get stuck out there all night. There must b4l a better way, he realtzied. "-~~--~ ~~~~! So lo and behold, anoth- er lnvendon Is born -So-wards'• racendy patented "doolbell for pets." When a dog or cat wants In (or out) he le.ant up agalnlt a Plexi- g&ae tcnlllch pad mounted on the oullide (or Inside) of the door. Th• adtVata a batterv-o,C{;~d bell , buzlllr or IUht (for the de.al). Sowards, a 50-year-old maintenance man from Brownsvllle, Neb., told us the ktea ltMlf was easy enough to c::omc up with. r·h took me longer to buy the stuff at the hardware store than to do the ac:tue1 work.") He's now looking for a dlltr1butor and hopes to have hl1 device out IOcn, costtng around $25. THEMANEUNE It may not be as speedy as the U.S. mall. (But then again, ma~ It ls.) When they wanted to send a secret message, the ancient Romans and Greeks really used their heads. According to Youn Truly, King Arthur, Marc Drogln's new htstory of calligraphy, they would shave.a messenget's head, wrtte the dispatch on his 9Calp and then keep him around until aD his hair grew back. That way, nobody could see what was ·•on his mind." Of course, It's pointed out, this method only works If you have a lot of tlme. BIRTHDAYS (AD Gemini) Sundev Benny Goodman 73. Mon· Uy -Brooke Shields 17; Nonnan Vincent Peale 84; Clint Eastwood 52; Joe Na- math 39; Don Ameche 74. Tuad.my -Pat Boone 48, ~ TM~ltl~ Ml Lits,,.,.,, A ..... ,.,._ 'lbtt N, 'I'. '°°12 Chal~-1,:f''"* ~#(JJ~PWll.ner ~~·MOf. !xecuttve EdttOf, Mtlur Coapitr ~~~~ TALK ISll'T CHEAP Economics, It seems, makes strange bedf ellowl. How else can one explain Timothy Leary and G. Gar· don Uddy getting together for a series of dvtllzied debates? ~ The Leary and ~ Uddy show ls )ust i one example of the Leary (r) rm.ea a point with L.Jddy. burgeoning bustnes5 of college speaking engage- ments. Some 800 schools regularly schedule speak- ers, and some of the most popular chokes are Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Zbignlew Brzezinski, Jane Fonda , Ralph Nader, Wii- i.iam Westmoreland and Dick Gregory. To com· memorate the 10th an- nlvezsary of the Watergate break-In. one speakers' bureau Is even putting together John Dean, E. Howard Hunt, Sam Ervin and Bob Woodward. Needless to say, the lure for these speakers ls more than just a soapbox to air their views. Fees rahge from $1 ,000 to $25,000. with the average around $2,000 a crack. This yem-. for example, Liddy will pocket around $280,000 from his talks. Who says aime doesn't pay? TUTS: BOYS UK.E NOISE I f a boy wants to do his best while taking a test , he should tum up his Walkman. But a girl should put In earplugs. At least that's what a recent study at Ohio State seems to Indicate. On typical academk tests, boys outscored girls by an average of 26 percent when the test was given in a noisy room, while girls outscored boys by 8 percent when the room was quiet. As reported In Psychology Today, researchers gave 156 ftrst. third and ftfth graders a standard Intelligence test. 1n one room, taped noise levels approximated a classroom ln which everyone was talking at onc.e. Jn the other, the loudest noise was the hum of fluorescent lamps. The researchers attribute the dlfferenc.e, at least In part, to early conditioning. "Young boys are often encouraged to do noisy things," they noted, "whereas girls are encoumged toward quieter, more retiring activities. Consequently, boys may adjust to sounds better." Andy .Grtfftth 56. Wed· ~ -Johnny Wets- muller 78; Sally Kellerman 44; Chuck &ms 53; Stacy Keach 41. ~ - Tony Curtis 57; Allen Gins-- berg 56. Frkley -Dennis We.aver 57; Gene Sany 60; Bruce Dem 46. Broob ShWda. am e...ood · P•imtat Q'!fl.!iht V~ ~ ~upp~ . rrices You May Never See Again! F--R---E--E---;.;;--, ~~W::,tal:.it~~~r:~:,~r::= VITAMINS avaRY vwy beet). . BY MAIL FROM ow" Vitamin au~ta retain tun potenc~C: • y .. r. Even ti LEE NUTRmON A~•OE, VERA SHAMPOO you M¥e • aupply on h8nd, tra a good to buy at ttt... 111 low prtc. and pocket the dtttwce. ,.•••••••••••••••••• .. IFYOU*AllTTOTRY SPIRULINA I Spe,&at~tromBobL.M I SOMETHING BETTER! I 4(} UNIT E a>•PW MYWHOIE I The precious A.V. "Inner Gel" is extracted 500 mg. Tablet• 100-.. 50 I VITAMIN 0 100 tor 1.59 I fromthemysteriou&AloeVereplantandC819-.,.........,..._..P...,, ,.,.,...._,_.._ 200-a:SO I CAPSULES 0 500 for 7.89 I ~c::===-=~~ 50 T9b6eta 2.49 400-16.00 t11111s°'1o~::±..5:4 ""lalr ~~t~!J! I ... ~Alwtca. ~------------------.. Yes, your hair co1ects minute amounts of "I o o II Super01ldt Dl1m111ose 2000 Untt T1bl1t1 .. •••••••••••••••••• .. dirt and air pollutants that bUild up enot9l ~ u10 200 I Spe,ciat ~ from Bob "'-I resiclJe to give your hair a reel beating. Bob • • • ,..._ •4.00 1-•e.so ,_ •12.so I soo MG c COllPME MYWHEM I :;:~~~effeds~rt.~~~ BREWERS YEAST 'VITAMIN 0 100 for 11• 1 lufants, and wea , to give you natural hair ra GRAIN TABLETS 2~ ,,..., 79e 1.000 tor S1.M I ~ ••;i 0 500 tor 3.99 I m dtb llinn which -be bettllr by t.r tt.n I CM~"::. Silt .,. ~ 0 1000 for 7. 59 I -.. ·•-7 9111111 '0•1-• l/allll MAL~wrn4~ your pr':.nt .::-..:::~ », 11a ~~:°NC"l LECITHIN C:.... $109 500 tor 106 lm•••••••ww••-••••• .. 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UM Ol..UCO*T'l •MG ,.:b95' IOO hw 14.21 UOOtwl7a "N.tur•I f 2" ________ .. _____ ._., .,,.., llc:llNn.Alllll. "-· "°"""' WIW¥ VtwniM for ::f u..~1one"':i. Wlllll Germ Dolorlilll. Dae· HAIR CARE .;.~'" :::i: '*'-, ......... 100 Day $375 250 Day '698 - Supply Supply B-15 1::. 2.98 ''-.Al ,:: .. ~ 7.99 IN DI VIOUAL B-VITAMIN Ta bl ets BONE MEAL TUL.nl T .. ~TS 49e 500...,....torU.19 1.000 ..... '°'*'·" HERBAL T.::.. 85' LAXATIVE IOOT .... UM "KEY 4" Tabs IW', wr-II. lien. •c.a-,...o.-,- ~ Ult ... """ .. •""-" , • .., 79¢ ••2.99¢ NATURAL VITAMIN C ::-.:c,_Hlpe AT FAHTASTIC.AU.Y Lt1W PAtCU OUAH1"Y 100MO "°""° IOO WO '*'"° 100 89' 95• 1.39 1.95 500 2.98 4.49 8.59 9.39 1000 5.49 7.99 12.49 17.95 -_,.Y!I.~MlH. E c~ WI >00 I U 2001U eoow UIOO•U 100 81• 1..89 2.99 7..89 500 4.85 8 .99 14.89 37.91 1000 9.49 17.59 28.49 89.85