HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-31 - Orange Coast Pilotl I J ) ,ffll lllEllll llllY NPll MllNl>i'\ \ MA \ I I 1·111.' OHANGL LOlJN I Y C ALIF Ori NIA 7S CE NTS Britaip says no ship daIDaged ' . Argentina claims carrier hit Dlllr,...,......, a... llllrr IT WAS SUN-DAY -Sungoers along the crowds. The view (above) look.a norib from the Orange Coast have been waiting (and waiting Newport Pier. There was a good wind for and waiting) for good beach weather but sailing, too (right). And more beach weather is Sunday was worth waiting for, judging by the forecast for today. . - Pope visits London, Liverpool, Coventry LIVERPOOL, England (AP) -Pope John Paul II greeted Polee in London, celebrated Mam tor ~.ooo peop1e in Coventry, then flew Sunday to this northwest seaport, scene of Protestant-C.atholic claahea over four centuries. people protested peacefully at one point along the route but there were no incidenta. Authorities were mountiq Britain's largest-ever security operation to protect the pont1fl, wounded by two gunahotm at the Vatican in May 1981 and the a target of another usaaaination attempt this month in Fatima. Portugal No overcast; beach crowds over 100,000 Orange Coast residents ~ed the middle part of their Y•Weekend without major problems at the bellCh or oo the rolld, and the weatherman laid today's forecast calls for rDOft fair aides that brought moderate crowds out Sunday. Police oftidala said there were no major accidents on area freeways, and there were no fatalities recorded on Sou1hem California highways aa of Sunday night. There bad been two fatalities on local roads at this time last Memorial Day weekend. Stanley target of push By Tile A110dated Preis Argentine fighter-bomberi attacked the British warfleet ai ita ships shelled the Fal.klandi capital of Stanley on Sunday and the Argentine Command wa one of the two British aircraft carriers in the task force was hii and put out of action. Britain said none of lta ahlps was hit and claimed one Argentine Skyhawk probably waa ahot down. The air-aea battle raged u British marines and paratroopers advanced in a two-~ drive toward heavily defended Stanley. A communique from the Argentine Joint Chief.a of Staff did not name the carrier purportedly hit, but Buenos Aires news agencies said it waa the Invincible. The other carrier in Britain's 100-ahip WU' fleet ia the Hennes. The Argentine statement said lta Super Etendard fighter bombent carrying the devastating Exocet missiles and Skyhawk jeta with "high-powered bombs" attacked an ''aircraft carrier-type ahlp" and it was put out of action "becaUlle of the grave damage it received." It al8o claimed that Argentine anti-aircraft gunners shot down two British Harrier jets that were raiding Stanley. An earlier Argentine oommunique aaid only that the air attlcb on the British fleet lnf1kted "damaae that ia bein& evaluated." It made no mention of the news reports at that time that said the Invincible wu struck by one of the 1urface-1kimmlog Exocet milBilea. Add.reeling tens of thooaanda of people who greeted him at Liverpool's Spek.e Airport, John Paul spoke of the .. ~y'' of unemployment, widely blamed for last Julr'• unrest in which hundreds o police and youths were injured. The jobleea rate in some parts of the city is eStimated near 60 pen:ent. "I know that you are experiencing this very eerloualy in Liverpool, and it I.a one of the major problems facing aociety as a whole," the pontiff said. "In many countries unemployment baa risen sharply, imposed hardshtr,a on individuals and families .. ' At the cathedral, the pontiff embraced Anglican Arebbiahop David Sheppard and led the congregation in the Lord's Prayer, then stood silently, hia head bowed, aa the invited congregation of several thousand applauded loudly. They continued to applaud and some cheers were even heard, as the pontiff walked up the aiale to leave. Applause ia rarely heard in a Church of England cathedral. Outiside, the pontiff boarded hia bullet-proof "popemobile" for a short drive to the opposite end of Hope Street to c:elebrate Mala at Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, overlooking the Rlve.r Meney docka . At the beaches, lifeguards reported crowds that were from ha1f to two-thirds the size of summertime norms, and few problems aside from about 100 reecues in high surf. Crowds of about 25,000 at Huntington Cty Beach, 8,000 to 10,000 at Huntington State Beach, and about 65,000 at Newport Beach were reported. Highway traffic 'light' for a holiday A.rJtentina acknowledaed that British forces had taken the strategic settlements of Gooee Green and Darwin in the biaest ground battle of the undecl8red war that developed aJter Argentina seized the Falklanda from Britain on April 2. Britain triumphantly claimed 600 paratro-\pers seiz.ed the two outposts 40 miles west of Stanley and took 1,400 Argentine priaonera Saturday. . Joblemne9a, he said, "tends to sow aeeda of bittemem, division and even violence. 'The young, .unable to·find a job, feel cheated in their dreems while thoae who have kl8t their jobs feel rejected and uselem. This tragedy affects every aspect of life." From the airport. John Paul's motorcade drove past buildings gutted ln the rio1a to a prayer 8el'Vioe at LivftPOOl'• Anglican Cathedral. Police said about 60 Ministers gather HAVANA, Cuba (AP) - Foreign mln"iatera ·from more than 35 non-aligned countries are gathering in Havana for a five-day conference expected to focus on the Falkland lalanda war, the Middle Eaat and reladooa between rich and poor nationa. NATION Liverpool ia home to England's largest Catholic community, nearly half the city's 510,000 population. There were predictions that aa many aa 250,000 would greet him at the airport. But police estimates of the actual number varied between 100,000 to 150,000 at the airport. and 100,000 people along the pope's mo10rcade route. Liverpool's Catbollc1 are descendants both of Irish immigrants and old English familiea who cluna to their faith after England broke with Rome in 1534 when the Holy See refuaed to annul Henry VIIl'a maniaae to Catherine of Aragon. (See POPE, Pqe Al) Congress' tax break decried Red ribbom are fiyin& ln 10me parta of the country to protert a tax break for ~ Pap A4. Tele.vision movie 'toucbms' "Benny'• Place," on televlalon tonlaht .... a toucb.ina movie about a man who won't &raw up M he ll'OW8 old. Page 86. COUNTY • I ,. San Clemente State Beach lifeguard Robert <;Apenhaver reported a "medium light" crowd with no estimate of numbers. and there waa no report available from Laguna Beach. It wu a good ~y for boating alao, with a large number of craft on the waters from Newport Beach to Dana Point, but Harbor Patrol officers at both l.ocationa reported no major problema. The weather forecast calla for low clouds this mom1ng followed by fair akiea with light, variable winds and temperatun!9 1n ~ 70.. Reagan returns WASHI~GTON (AP) President Reagan left hla mountain-top California ranch Sunday after a four-day wortidq wcation STATE By die AllOdatecl Presa An unexpectedly summer-like day brought hundreds of thousands of aun seekers to Southern California beaches Sunday, while throughout the state people took to the outdoors for a variety of holiday weekend even ta. In welcome contrast to the Los Angeles area's dismal gray skies that have lingered dawn to dusk ln recent days. Sunday brought breezy temperatun!9 in the high 60a to low 70. that seemed even warmer becaWle of the bright aun. AaofSundaf,hfQhwaytraftic waa "kind o lignt" for the holiday weekend, aald California Highway Patrol officer Dick McMillan. There were 14 traffic deaths by Sunday morning, compared with 23 at the same time last year, he said. Sunday found Southern Californians enjoying a number Jet America's plain talk Jet Amertm. which hM betrun aervice out of Long &e.ch ~ Is ltarting at a 6ad time but eeea bluer llrlea eheed. Page M . Pilot urses 2 'no' votes . 11Mt Dally PlJot urpm "no" vot.m on Propmltlm 4 -the ball qumtlon ~ and Prop. 8 -the ao-c:a1Jed •'VJctlml' Bill of !Upta.'' Pap AB. Politlcal expediency seen . , . Solvtna th• houalDI 1horta1• may be 1 ... tm~t to ... oftJde" tMn lbart-term pauumi ..._p._.a. . ) I• ' of outdoor events from road races and jal'2 contests, to hone shows, surfina and sailing. Saifboata by the uundreds dotted the waters off L oa Anaeles and San Frandaco. :rf early 400,000 people flocked to Los Angeles County beaches. lifeguards aaid, although the crowd waa hardly the horde that cooled off at the ahorea laat Memorial Day. "All in all it was a fairly alow day. It started picking up in the afternoon," apparently after people realized that the sun actually waa going to shine through the day, said Roger Wilhelm, senior county lifeguard. At the Federal Building in the Westwood area of West Loa Angeles, about 300 people, mostly nuna, held a prayer service aa part of a nationwide protest by religious women against the nuclear anna buildup (See mGBWAY, Pqe Al) INDEX Argentine news reports said Argentine forces would concentrate on defen~inc Stanley in what they predkt.ed would be the war's decisive battle. Britain'• domestic news agency Preas A.adatlon repol'ted that Royal Navy warships pou~ Argentine shore pc.ttiona around Stanley in what "waa 1ee11 • a .:>ftening up for what could be the finaf push." The report from correspondenta with the fleet (See FALlt.LAND, Pace Al) Colombians vote BOGCYI'A, C.olombia (AP) - Mil1'ona of voters defied left-wing guerrilla threats to sabotage Sunday's pre.identlal electiom and cast their billota iii one of South America'• lona-trrunning democradfs. A4 C2 B2 B2 A& B2 Entertainment Horoecope Ann Landen Movtea a.10 B3 B3 ~ AB SPORTS Public Nottcm So. Cal. Foc\Ja Sparta Televildon Thea ten Weather World Newa . Oflnoe Ca.et DAILY PILOT/Monday,~ a,, 1Mt • ~ ....... ~-....~~--------------------------------------r 'Red Devils' ·heroics recounted - ' " 600 paratroopers, outnumbered 2 to 1, seize key objectives POPE IN LIVERPOOL ... <A'\ Sunday, houri before !ohn Paul'• arrival, Orana• Order banda led 1everal hundred anti-pope demonttratort in a march a mile troro the city center. Firebrand Ulster Protestant leader, the ~v. Ian Palaley, and ~ to 60 of hit followen appeered alona the pope'• route thl'ouah the city's Toxt.eth district, scene of the wont of latt July'• rioting. The prote.ten waved Biblee at the pontiff and broke into chants of "God Save The Queen" u the two-tiered whJte popemobile -a larger version of the one he uMJd in London -drove by. It waa not known whether the pope aaw the demonstrators. A Pai&ley supporter, the Rev. Jack Glaaa, called the pontiff's Visit "a jamboree for the pope of Rome. He's taken the glory from Jesus Christ." Police reported three youths threw a firebomb from a pedestrian overpaaa at a bus bringing people to see the pontiff. A local radio station received a phone call claiming ~esponsibility for the Orange OrQer, but a spokesman for the ~p cMnied lt and pol.Ice Mid 'ordinary hoodlum•" were believed reaponslble. Earlier, John Paul II celebrated Mata tn Nui-devutated Coventry, which waa mournln1 1ta 1011 ln the South Atlantic Friday of 21 ..Uon on a c:te.troyer beu1na Its name. The Pope proclaimed modern warfare "totally unacceptable" aa a meana of .ettllng intemational dispute.. The Polfah-bom pondff, who lived under OetnWl occupation during World War II, recalled the 1942 Gennan bombl.np that tore the heart out of C.OVentry and wrecked lta AnaUcan Cathedral. "Pea.ce la not just the abeenoe of war," the pondff declared. "It involves collaboration and binding agreement•. Like a cathedral, peace haa to be • constructed, patiently and with unshakeable faith." The pope made no direct reference to the ~Argentine fighting over the Falkland Ialanda which nearly cauaed him to cancel hia trip, the first ever by a reigning pope to mainly Protestant Britain. John Paul is to visit Argentina in 12 days. FALKLANDISLANDS ... said British ahlpe blasted Stanley with 4.5 -inch guns in "the heaviest bombardment !IO far." Prince Andrew. second In line to the British throne, is a helicopter pilot serving on the Invincible. Argentina's official Telam news agency and the privately owned DYN agency both quoted military sources as saying an Exocet mis&le had struck the Invincible. Argentina's Exocets have been used with devastating effect on the Royal Navy fleet. sinking a destroyer and transport ahlp. The low-flying French-built missiles avoid moat radar detection and hit their targets with computer-guided accuracy. Earlier. the British Defense Ministry listed casua_tties from Friday's 14-hour battle for the Darwin and Goose Green outposts as 12 British paratroopers killed and 31 wounded along with 120 Argentines wounded. It pve no figure for Argentines killed. but Britain's domestic news agency Presa Association said it waa believed to be "up to 100." "In my view, this is one of the most brilliant and courageous battalion actions which has been conducted since the end of World War ll," Chief of Military Staff Christopher Dunphie !Mlid of the assault by the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment. Military .:>Wa!9 in Argentina virtually conceded British force9 shattered their defen11e9 at Gooee Green and Darwin. Britain'• DefeMe Mlnlatry said the paratroopers who seized Gooee Green and Darwin were advancing toward Stanley in the southern thrust of a pincers movement with 2,500 soldiers and marines who aeiz.ed the am.all aettlementa Douglas and Teal on Saturday. They were about 25 miles northwest of Stanley. A Britiah statement said the two northern tettlementa were taken without a fight after Argentine defender& abandoned them and Oed. "We have no reports of combat ln these operations and no military or dVilian caaualtie. haw been reported," the statement Mid. London'• Sunday Times repm1ed 3,000 t.dtup troopa on th~w.tUoned liner Queen Ell.... II were expected to land thortly, pomibly near the capital. But Argentina aaid the reqw.itloned luxury liner still was outside the war :r.one and beyond the range of its warplanes. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC • • • and the Reagan administration social service cuts. The event was sponsored by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Meanwhile, in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles, some 3,600 runners were up and running at 9 a.m. in the annual Brentwood 10-kilometer race down fashionable San Vicente Boulevard. The race, won by New Zea.lander Tom Birnie, was followed by a picnic and parade. About 500 jazz fans in San Pedro cheered their favorite college jazz musicians at the. Playboy Jazz Festival's collegiate jazz band contest. The band from Cal State Loa Ange les was selected from four finalist schools as the winner. In downtown Loe Angeles, a group o f Chicano and Indian runners set out on a 500-mile run from the Federal Building. They were heading to the Papago Indian reservation in Arizona, where Thursday the International Indian Treaty Council will be held. said a Pat Hendrickson, Loa Angeles representative of American Indian Movement. LO~DON CAP) Sl•·hundred "Red Devll" panU'Oopen. their facll llneU'ed black, left their San Carlo• beachhead on Eaat Falkland la.land before dawn Thunday, hMdJ.ni IOUth toward the flnt major around combat of Britain'• undeaJired WU with A.rl(entina. British Defense olflciala Sunday reoonat.ructed how the troopers of the Parachute fluntington • • ~nvest1gates 3 robberies Hu.nttncton Beach police were contlnulnf their lnveatlgatlon Sunday o three robberlm that took place in the city Friday and Satunt.y. On Saturday at about 11 p.m., two men entered the Carl's Jr. restaurant at Boha Chic.a and Edinger and demanded caah after one of them d "laplayed 'a handgun, police Sgt. Larry Miller said. They fled on foot after receiving about $120 cab. Shortly before 10 Saturday night, two men entered a residence in the north end of the city, pistol-whipped a 67-year-old retired man. bound him and hi.a 67-yeer-old wife, and took two guna, credit carda, a small amount of cash and $90,000 worth of non-negotiable U.S. Treasury billa. Miller said. Police would not releue the identities of the victlma or their address. They aald the male victim was not .erioualy injured. Witnesses said the robbers left the scene in a white and green 1979 Cadillac bearing Ohio license plates. Miller said there apparently was no connection between the robberies even though auapecta ln both caae8 were oescribed as black ma.lee. The Friday robbery, also unrelated, netted a lone gunman 80me $5,900 cash at the First Interstate Bank at 19945 Beech Blvd., police aaid. A white ma.le about 28, with red hair and beard, entered the bank at about 1 p .m . and demanded $100 bills. He fled in a car. Police said that robber never produced a weapon. though he gestured to tellen at the bank as if there waa a weapon under his clothing. Valley officer still critical after crash Fountain Valley police officer Keith Levin remained in critical condition Sunday at Fountain Valley Community Hospital with injuries suffered in an accident while on duty Friday. Levin and another driver were injured when Levin's motorcycle and the driver's car collided at the intereaection of Warner Avenue and Buttonwood Street. police said. The driver of the car, 51-year-oid Herbert Harding of Huntington Beach, was not seriously injured. and northwn Oklehoma And a llMfl-llood -1c:fl -In .n.ct lof northwn and -tern K-. A fair holiday Coastal Light variable wind• through tonight~~ to .-t 10 to 11 knote ttlle afternoon anO .wnlng. 1 to 3 foot lwelle from 90\lth and -'· Some lat• nlgllt end morning low etoudln•H. Ot...,..._fllrek .... Shower• and thund•ratorm• ~In the Soul"-8t .. t•mperatur• warmed Into the 90• H .. vy thundert10<m1 and ~ l'lalltl~ --repartee! at COiumbia, S C. Shower• llngerad ov•r the -*" Oakot ... and-• wldely ac:M1..0 from the '-GrMt LMae to the VlrJlilnlea. !JC'088 Utah to the Nebrulla Panhandle, end OVflf IOUlhem M.ine. Heevtef ratnfllll llfTIOUnte f~ Ille ~ pertod ~ •t m40-day Sunday lndudect 1.12 lnCtl9 at ~ City. Mo., end an lnc:fl at Wetettown. S.D. ~ 1 a.m. llnd 7 a.m .. 1.32 ~of,.,,,,... at CN11aeton, W. Va.. and 1.18 ---------lnCtlM ... at Huotlngton, W. Va. California lat• night end mornlno low otoudtn•n .. Oth•rwl" ftlf ttvough T~ay. 8llolttty ooow fuHday. Lowa In !Oe. Hight tocltly In low to mtd 70.. n-cs.y 17 to 72. Temperatur•• •round th• nation at mid-day Sunday rMgeCt trom 34 et l.9Wla1own. Mont, to It at New llem, N.C. Extended forecast Temperatures ' 113 47 et M 90 to n 49 71 31 te 58 70 M t2 .. ., 49 • , 51 11 57 72 .. IO M 111 .. j Sf.tfNW~llV ee Monterey ... 64 Mt. Wlleon 72 44 ...... ta ee ~8-ifl 17 118 Oeklend ee 65 Ontatto 71 M p""' 9pmga 93 to P.-derla 75 52 Paao~ 74 81 Aed llluff 71 53 IWwood City .. 54 s-~o 18 48 8llllnM 117 51 ...,, lenlel dlllO 7t Ill ...,,~ Tt Ill ..,~ to S2 lentaAne 12 Ill ........... &7 44 eema MOftlCe 17 .. ltodc1on '2 ... TeflOeV.., 14 IO T'lw!NI te 14 fOITWICle 12 53 OMA.DA =~· IO ., • 21 *""" '2 ., on.. IO .. ~ 44 11 • 13 v~ " .. W""""8I Ill ... ,.,. tJ. ilDLA ...... .. ,. ...,,.. 14 :i .... .. ' Re1lroent'1 2nd Battallon captured 1,400 ArpntJne eoldMn at Darwin and OOc. Green on Friday deaplte belna outnumbered moce than 2-1. The paratroopere' objective wu to open the way !or the southern prona of a plncera movement aaalntt the capital Stanley, wt th Brltlth marlnea movlna forward alon1 the northern cout. ln furioua ac\ion, th• paratroos>'n bta.ted Ara•ntine bun.ken with antitank sum and charaed medaine·l\Ul nesta in a 14-bour battle that leh an eaUmated 100 Arsentinet dead and 120 wounded. Thtrty-one British pe.raU'Oopera were wounded and &mon& the 12 killed WM the battalion commander, Lt. Col. Herbert Jonee, who fell leading CRIES FOUL -Foul balls from the Ocean View High School baseball field alight in the yard of V .F . Szylvian. As you might guess, he and his wife are not happy about it. Ocean View-field yields 'home' runs By ROBERT BARUR or .. o.,,......,. V.F . and Faith Szylvian would like to get hold of ''the batty guy" who designed the Ocean View High School bueball field layout in Huntington Beach. The bacbtops of two diamonds are backed up to the backyard of the Szylvians' house on Betty Drive. And they say that each year baseballs cannonade into their yard, making it unsafe for them to be outdoors when games are played. "We average about one ball a day from the high foul tips and about three over the weekend. "Some time ~o one smashed our bathroom window and chipped the tub and it's not fixed yet," says the retired Navy chief petty officer who now works at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. Szylvian aays he has collected 106 baseballs this spring. "I had two offers to buy the balls but I turned them down. I'm not that hard-hearted." He said he's returned a 5-gallon can of balls to the Ocean View baseball coach. "But I'm not giving any more of them back until they take corrective action." The school a couple of years ago put wire fencing 8Cl'06S the tor. of the backstop which he ped, but is not the answer. "You can't sew a new suit aroWld an old button," he said. What the Szylvians want is the main baseball diamond to be shifted around so that home plate is moved to the deepest part of center field. Szylvian notes that if that realignment were made, there were would be no homes for the baseballs to bounce into. But school officials say they've already spent $5,000 on the additional backstop fencing and they can't afford the $15,000 cost to change the diamond. Szylvian said he sees no letup, even though the high school season is over. He said youth leagues use the field on weekends from 8 a.m. Saturday to sunaet Sunday. "I can't blame the kids but I'd sure like to find out who laid out the field. It doesn't make sense. "You hear the crack of the bat and it's miserable. You don't dare walk out in the yard." ' an attack on a macbtne-aun po.auen. Col. Chrlatopher Dunphle1 chief mWt.ary advt.er to Nava.1 Headquarten tn London, told reporten that u the bati.Uon bunkered down at dutk 'l'hunday, three m.Uea north of Darwin, ''there waa a sharp encounter" and four Argent.lnel were captured. Durtna the ntaht, twin-engined CH-47 Chinook helicopters airlifted the battalion'• 84mm mortan and an artillery battery of three 105mm guna to the jump-<>ff line where tbe attack would commence. It began at 2 a .m . Friday, ahatterlng the night calm aa British 1051 shelled the northernmo.t Argentine positions on the 2-mile-wide neck of land where Darwin and Goose Green are located, 40 miles west of Stanley. "A" Company'• 120 men moved to the southeast and seized Darwin and ita harbor "without too much trouble" by mid-morning, Dunphie said., Jones led the three other companies -B, C and D -due south. They ran Into intense machine-gun and mortar fire and diBoovered they were up agalnlt 1,400 Argentines, outnumbering them more than 2-1. Dunphie said the dug-in Argentines had accurate fields of fire over the open ec:rubland and there was little cover for the "Red DevilB," named after their distinctive red berets. Low clouds prevented British Harrier jet fighters from strafing and bombing the Argentine positions. But six Argentine A-59 Pucara counter-insurgency planes on the grass strip at Goose Green scrambled. The twin-engined planes, armed with rockets, 20mm cannons and machine guns, screamed low-,.over the exposed British. guns blazing. The planes also shot down a Gazelle scout helicopter spotting for the British. The paratroopers downed four Pucaras with shoulder-fired Blowpipe missiles and gunlire. One pilot ejected and was captured. The other two planes were hit, and limped back to the strip trailing smoke. Argentine defenders blasted away from a line of mortar and machine gun bunkers around a ruined farmhouse on the paratroopers' right flank. The British blasted back with Milan anti-tank missiles. Dunphie said the British came under "particularly interuie fire from two heavy machine-gun positions. At this stage, the attack could well have faltered." He said Jones led a platoon against the emplacement. They charged up a small hill, firing Sterling submachine guns from the hip and hurling grenades. Jones was killed but his men overran the positions. ''The death of a oommand.ing officer under these sort of conditions can have a devastating effect," Dunphie said. Second-in-command Maj. Chris Keeble rallied his troopers and "capitalizing on the success of Col. Jones' attack rekindled the momentum of the attack.·• The winter clouds lifted. Three Harriers swooped over, dropping cluster bombs on the Argentines dug in around scrubby bushes. That shattered the Argentine defenderii and they fied back to Goose Green. But a British frigate in Choiseul Sound to the east opened up with 4 .5-inch guns and 120 Royal Marines landed in a flanking move. Dusk came. Around 6 p.m., fighting eased. A squad of paratroopen carried away Jones' body in what British Broadcasting Corp. wa't' COITI!§pondent Robert Fox called "them most indelible image of the day." The Argentines, relnforoed by a marine company flown in from Stanley, were bottled up around the airfield. In the nearby settlement, 112 civiliana were held in a community center where they had been locked up since late April Keeble contacted the Arpntme. via shortwave radio to arrange a meettna for 9 a.m . Saturday "under white flag conditiona" to free the dviliana. Sporadic flrtn1 continued through the niaht. But the next momJ.ng Keebfe netotiat.ecl the turrencfer in 90 mlnUtel of talks with the Argentine commanden. Air Vice COmmodore Wtlson DroDer Podr'OllO -.wt army Lt. Col~ Halo Piqai, on the alrfield . McCloskey speaks at memorial rites · Re > Paul HJ>et;eH ~ Jr 'J. fc!Ui., a cendkkte for the 0.H. Senai. nominadcn, ii the acbeduled apeaker at this ~s Memmill Da1 .-vD at Hartior Lawn MDGrill Park lnO.C. N-. Tht .nb will Include • roll aW fcir die 1111 nM.., and the....._ol~lntbeAwnm ot ,,...'lt Will IUit .. 11 a.m. llDld .. pUblk: .. ~ . .. a llinois tornado .victims sought ,000 homeless; damage nears $100 million • MANON, m. <AP> -~ crew. -.rched of lhattered buUdlnp Sunday for more of a tornado that cut a 15-mn. path of -..rum~ throuah eouthem D.llnota, k1W.nc at leut and bdurtna more than 100. At -.i 15 weN known to be rnilaina in Marion the deeth toll wu expected to riile, offk:lala . M many u 1,000 people were left home1ma and offldaJa apeculated that dam.Ip mtsht reech t 100 m1ll.lon. National Guardamen were called out after biol.at.eel inddenta of LooUna were reported, and an 8:30 p.m. curfew w11 impoeld Saturday niaht. State police were on hand to control cwioua crowda while city and county workers aearched the wrecQae tor vicUma . orld econo:my collapse feared .. . - PIULADELPHIA (AP) -The mountlll8 debt oil purch.um in many nations, ooupled with U.S. de.tidta, could leed to a collapee of the wodd IOIM>rDY in the coming decade, aocord1ng to a atudy bliahed here. Such a collapee could result In re1tructuring e world's economy, with regional tradi.ng lationahlpe •pring_ing up to replace today's global UillU~ marketplace, ~. to the study in the •prina lmue ol the Wharton Mapzine. "~ oil import billa lf'OW, international debt burden.I grow and the finanda1 l)"ltern beconw more unatable," authon Richard Drobnick and Selwyn F.ru:er wrote In the mapzine, which la publlahed by the Univeraity of PennJylvania'1 Wharton School. held after hoinh def used nsldent allena apprehended had been monitored. aaid F.dgar Best, the FBI apedal agent in charge here. Best s~ted the bomb waa in retaliation for recent Canadian government le8l'Ches and arresta of Armenians suspected of terrorist activities. ~ dead, 2 :missing in river UBURN (AP) -The frigid American river was a heavy toll over the Memorial Day weekend three bodies had been recovered by Sunday moon and two other penona were presumed rnrnarn dead, authorities reported. Three separate incidents were reported. None of the victims waa known to have been wearing a life jacket. raq says it bombs refineries BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -lr9Q clalmed ita llrplanes bombed two of Iran'• major oil fadllties y in retaliation for Iranian artillery attacks t Iraqi civilian oenten. ehran rad.lo, broadcut1ng an Iranian battle unique, &aid the lraniana shot down an Iraqi jet during a dosflght over the Abadan oU refinery center in aouthwest Iran. It a.ho reported the two warring Moslem natiooa exchanaed artillery fire acrcm the Shatt al-Arab waterway, and claimed Iraqi ahella hit an Abadan hospital, ''wounding aome dvlliana.'' ,}ides bury three villages MANAGUA. Nicaragua (AP) -Mudslides a.leashed ~¥ tropical storm Aleta buried three tain vwages in northern Nicaragua and only aurvivons of aome 300 inhabitants made it to ety, re9CUe workers reported Sunday. Flood waters have prevented re9Clle teams reaching the villages on the slope of Mount El G uallo, civil defenae official Josefa Hernandez Martinez said in a telephone interview. Tons of rocks and mud slid down the mountainside Friday and buried the villages of El Tular, La Ruega and San Antonio, added the official, who ia secretary of the Sand.iniata Defense Committees in Estell, 93 miles north of Managua. ccused Dozier captor arrested· ROME (AP) -After a running gwi battle in h a bystander waa aerioualy wounded, police t and captured one of the 17 terroriata convicted kidnapping U.S. Brig. Gf:n. James L. Dozier, . ties aaid S\jl\day. The arrest ol Marcello Capuano left six of er's 17 abd'Cactora still unaccounted for. Nine are prilon terms ranging from 26 months to 27 years and another, 32-year-old Umberto Cababiani, was killed 1.ut Monday during a shootout with police in Piaa. Police al.lo arrested a woman with Capuano. She carried papers identifying her aa Silvia Cappelli, but investigatons laid they suspected the documents were forgeries, and were trying to make a positive identification. iet group asks defoliant probe HANOI, Vietnam (AP) -An American answering. The Vietnameee claim Agent Orange may cauae birth defecu, liver cancer and other ailmenta . war veterans' group Sunday propo9ed that ._P'tl-ll•n ldentiata come to Vietnam to investigate effects of A&ent Orange, a defoliant used by . forcea during the war. The nine-member group, headed by VV A vice president Tom Bird, arrived in Hanoi on Friday for a week's viait and were given what the Vietnameee called "initial information" on American war dead ln five provt.ncee of. the country. Vietnameee offldala lllid they would have to the detailed, eeven-page proposal from the tnam Veterans of America (VVA) before ORANGE COAST aily Pilat P.HaleV _, Olllf (-..... «*- ...... ......., .......... MAIN OFFICE m w .. ..., St.. c .... Mew. cA. AUii ....._: ... 11 ... C•u MeN, CA. ftta c.rtrlfM NI Or-.. C-11 ~ c..._.,. ......... _.._.~~·--­"'11 ............... Mey .. ~........, epec.1a1,..""'*"'"'...,'"""-· . Reagan to confer without tax plan WASHINGTON (AP) Prelldent Reapn will depart for this week'• economic 1ummit meeting without the ~budget CXJmpl'QIDille that he waa counttn1 on to mollify .we. alarmed about m-ee U.S. defidta and hilh Interest rate9. Rea1an may have no:!1:b! man to bear to Paria than pl'CIDlla that the United Statea remalm detennl.ned to Umit the 1iani deficita • We''e Listening ••• What do you llke about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your mnHte will be recorded, tran1crlbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The 1ame 24·hour an1wertn1 servi~ ma1 be used to record let· ten to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributor• mu1t include their name and telephone number ror verification. No cJrculation calls , pjeaM. Tell UI what'• on your 11\lnd. -·· PINT-SIZE GRADS -About 60. studenta in the federally funded Head Start program in Co1ta Meaa participated in graduation oeremoniee last week, including little Rachel .,.., ,.. ,.... "'_, ~ Lange (below) who had a little trouble with her paper cap. The youngsters will go on to kindergarten claues in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. NB lawyer disbarred by state Newport Beach attorney Thomas C. Black. who allegedly misappropriated a client'• money and practiced law while under suspension, has been disbarred by the state Bar of California. Black, 51, who could not be reached for comment. was cited for three violations. The disbarment means he is ineligible to practice law. State bar officials alleged the attorney, in one case, aaked one client to lend a nother client money, allegedly gave the lender a forged promissory note and then used the money for his per.ional use. In another case, state bar officials reported, Black allegedly misrepresented to a client that certain laws had been complied with when, in fact, they had not. Passport delay changes plans Officials I ace unprecedented number of applications SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Americana who've postponed that dream trip abroad for years may have to wait a little longer, uy puaport off.ldals facing an unprecedente d number of applications. A finicky new government computer and a surge in passport applications have slowed the time it takes to issue passports to up to eight weeks. Officials said the demand for passports is up 15 percent this year, perhaps because the dollar is stronger abroad and many people will benefit from a tax cut that takes effect this summer. But because of bugs in a computer used in Chicago, Washington and Los Angeles, 1upervisor11 say it's sometimes fast.er to process applications by hand. "Our phones are constantly busy," said Elmo Poole, regional director for the U.S. Passport Office .n Chicago, who estimated the wait at six to eight weeks. "It's the largest year on record for ua." "The minute you get the concept that you might take a trip, please apply for your pusport immediately," he said. "It only costs $10 and it lasts five yea.n.'' In New York, assistant regional director Helen Stachen said the bureau aet a record by taking in 1,700 applic.ations May 24. She said 250 people usually line up outside her office before it opens at 8 a.m. Passport officials and travel agents agree that the upcoming tax cut and the strong dollar are responsible for the rush. San Francisco Regional Manager Benjamin L. Jones said he had 76 trays of unprocessed mail and a backlog of 20,000 applications in his office. The usual backlog is about 4,000 applications. he said. "We could cloee our doors and it would probably take us four weeks to catch up," he said, noting he only has 40 clerks to handle applications from Utah, Nevada and California. Colorado's applications used to be processed in San Franci.9co, but they are now sent to Seattle for quicker handling. Jones said there are certain emergencies for which a passport can be issued in a mat1er of hours. But he said these are rare and usually involve a death in the family. Frizzelle bill backed Voters to decide sprinkler tax break SACRAMENTO (AP) -C.al.ifornia voters will decide in November whether taxpayers should get a break if they install new fire sprinklers or alarm systems in buildings they own. The Assembly approved Friday ACA53, a constitutional amendment by Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle, R-Costa Mesa, that pl.aced the measure on the Nov. 2 ballot. Proposition 13, passed by voters in 1978, set all property tax assessments at 1975 levels. But when property is sold or remodeled, the assessment is updated to the current level, meaning taxes are increased. all cotton ch1no ... elwey.s a kadiL1ono.l fuvont<z.; pl<zat.cz.d or plom front ~ gtV.Ot w1th BporU::o:lL.5 or kn1t ehtrll5 pir haJ)9 oncz. of thz most comfortablci tr~p.ill ~rwaar ' -- F J I ) • . . ----.---------~ ...... --............ -- Oran~ Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 81, 1112 BY PAT HOROWITZ o<-. °""' ...... ..., . " summer ... ,; DEAR READERS: Summer •ports mean more foot and ankle ir\juri11, and the National Amoclation of Foot Docton haa produced a new booklet tellina what you can do about them. The booklet, "Your PodJatri.at Talk.a About Foot and Ankle Ir\Jwiea," la available at no charae by aendfna a stamped, aelf-addre11ed long envelope to the American P odtatry Alloclatlon. Department of Public AffaJra, 20 Chevy Chaae Clrcle N.W., Washington, D.C. 2001&. The pamphlet dlacuaees how to recognJ.z.e break» and apreinl and l\IUe&ts what to• do -and not do -until profemional treatment can be obtained. The podiatrtata' top suggeation for avoiding foot lnjurlea la to wear proper footwear for a particular activity, including steel toe-cap shoes on jobe which may threaten foot aafety. And they suggest turning on the light if you get up durlni the night. It may aound obvious, but lots of broken toes and other injuries occur among people trying to find their way in the dark. Aluminum cookware tips DEAR PAT: I received a new aet of alamlllum cookwue for my blrtbday. I've never aaed alum.IDDJD for cootl.Da. bat I bow tbat 1ome foods can cause dlacoloratton. W.at are dtey, and laow altould I clean this cookware if It becomea 1talaed? W .It., Costa Men Aluminum cookware takes on a black dUicoloration when acid fruits or vegetables, such ~ tomatoes, rhubarb or sauerkraut, are cooked in it. Bolling water in this oookware a1ao can c.auae diacoloration. It can be rem0ved by boiling aolution of two tablespoons of cream of tartar to each quart of water the utenlil holds. To restore the polish, rub with a steel-wool pad. Avoid pitting of aluminum pots and pans by not leaving food.I, especially those that are highly seasoned, in them for long penom. Remember that even if aluminum oookware becomes diacolored or pitted. this does not harm the food itself. • Only defendant can appeal DEAR PAT: U I lose ID a Small Claim1 Coart aalt, can I appeal to a higlter coart? Someone told me yoa cu't do W1. L.P., Corona del Mar The de fendant -the one who is sued -has the right to appeal to a higher court. The plaintiff -the one who makes the claim -does not have this right. The defendant must file the appeal with the clerk in municipal or justice court within 20 days after the first decision is made. t o appeal. you file a form and pay fees of about $35. The Superior C.Ourt will hear your cue all over again. There both you and the plaintiff may have lawyers to represent you. A word of caution: If the defendant loeea again on appeal, he or she must pay the judgment plus 7 percent interest, all costs and an attorney's fee of $1~. Get meat labeling data , DEAR READERS: C.Onswnera with queatlona or oomplainta about meat and poultry now have a central 90W'Ce of information at the Agriculture Department. Agriculture Secretary John R. modl aya the new conauner respoMe sys~m is being expanded to cover' the entire country after first being tried in Washington, D.C. and California. Questions and complaints can be directed to Food Safety C.Onsumer Inquiries, Room 1163-S, USDA. Washington, D.C. 20250. The department prefers letters, but if you choose to phone, the number is (202) 472-4485. The system handles complaints about the wholesomeness, quality or labeling of meat or poultry products and questions about the proper temperatures for cooking and storing them, as well as safe storage times. Requests for consumer publications about food safety also can be filled by the system. Credit data filed separately DEAR PAT: II it true that credit bureaa1 now muat flle credit lnformatlon 1eparately under tile oamea of both baabud and wife rather than aa a joint account? I'd like to fllld oat lf tbia •• automatic or if a penoo bas to request 1eparate mes. W.R., FoutalD Valley If you are or were married and a credit bureau has you included in a joint credit file established before 1977, you should ask that the information be filed separately under both name11. Credit information received since Jan. 1, 1977, ls automadcally filed separately under both spouses' names. A married or divorced woman can use her maiden name and not have to refer to her husband or former husband's name to gain acceaa to her credit file. "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut rrd tape, getting the answers and action you need to t10lve inequitie. in government and busine.ts. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz At Your Setviae. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1~60, Coaia Met111, CA 92828. Movie books offered BJ BOB THOMAS A I .................. HOLLYWOOD -The new movie booka: -"Mae Weat" (Morrow, fl&.&o) ii a complete, c:anclld and extremely Uwly view of the &ate, sr-t •x ~by Oeorp Sela and St1nley Mu11rove, who knew her well tn tM lite yeen._ Th• authon obvtoualy ldJ1Ured the remarkable woman who kept heraelf tn the llmelJ,cht tor 60 yeara, but reoo1nlsed her ~.mostly ... ~ted. Expect.ably, ahe WU jealoUI of other aex 1ymbol1, eapeclally younaer onea. A cluh with R.quel Welch wu lnevttable on the abyanal "Myra Breckinridge" in 1970. Mlu Weet called her "Rachel Walsh" and suspected her of ordertns the toilet plugged in the We.t dreaaing room. The pair started oft badly when Mi11 Welch paid a courtely call at the all-white West apartment and failed to laugh at one of Mae's wisecracks: ''l've been on more laps than a napkin". . . . -Francia C.Oppola won his master's degree at UCLA by filming his first movie, "You're a , Big Boy Now.'' William Robert Faith earned a Ph.D. from USC with the thesil: "Bob Hope and 1 the Popular Oracle Tradition in American Humor." Now Faith hu converted his thesis into a lively biography, "Bob Hope, A Ufe in Comedy" (Putman, $16.95). It la the best reaearched of the Hope biographies but far from academic ... -"The Hollywood Writers' Wan" (Knopf, $17.95) by Nancy Lynn Schwartz ia a dramatic account of an important chapter in Hollywood history: the battle to organize writers. The producers strove mightily to crush the fledgling Screen Writers Guild and almost succeeded. The Guild ltaelf was racked by ideological battles but somehow survived. An excellent history . -- -Besides being a brilliant oomedic actor, Peter Sellers waa a rotten husband and a milerable father. That ii evident from "P.S . I Love You" (Out· ton, $12.95) by eon Mk:hael Sellers. With a amall rHl- due of affect- llU.IM ion, Michael tracee hia troubled h.lltory with an erratic father who left all his wealth to his fourth wife, Lynne Frederick. now Mn. David Frost -If you need a breath .of glamour in this drab world, try "The Image Makers" (Harmony, $12.95), which traces the art of the studio portrait photographer over a 60-year span. Paul Trent provides an infonnative text, but the photos speak for themselves, depicting a bygone era when beauty was worshiped .. __ -"Hawks on Hawks" (University of California, $14.95) was co mpiled by Joaeph McBride, who spent long hours conversing with Howard Hawka from 1970 to shortly before the film maker's death in 1977. The result i.a an i.nciaive, cloaeup view of a great innovator. Having directed John Wayne in "Red River" and "Rio Bravo," Hawks remarked that the star "repreaenta more force, more power than anyone el.ae on the screen. And I think that both John Ford and I succeeded in making pretty good llOeJ\es with him. When Ford was dying, we uaed to diacuss how tough it was to make a good western without Wayne." u~ JAZZY SOLONS -With Sen. Henry Mello, D-Watsonville, on the keys, Sen. Ralph Dills, D-Gardena, on the sax and members of his Derby Jazz Bank playing backup, visitors to the Capitol in Sacramento got some added entertainment. They were plugging the upcoming Dixieland Jubilee in the capital cjty. Have a Kramer and drive A judge's tough stand against drinkinR and driving has earned him a new distinction: A bartender named a non-alcoholic drink after him. Since January Judge Albert L Jtramer of Quincy, Mui. has been locking up first-time drunk.en drivers for three days, for an average of 12 people jailed a month. Because of that, Marilou Delorey , a bartender at Yerardi's restaurant a nd lounge, has come up with a concoction she's dubbed "The Judge Kramer." Delorey told The Patriot Ledger that each day she sells about 30 of the drinks, which are made o f soda water , sweetener and lemon or lime twists. A million-dollar winner in the Michigan state lottery told a bankruptcy couriJ'f trustee in Fresno that hiT 1 $50,000 annual payment from February is gone. i l Kea Proxmire , 39, if' o ffering to pay half his $43,524 de bt. His altemativ~,.. is to file new bankruptcy proceedings that would hold. him liable for even lees, ~ attorney said. · '· 1 "I was going to try to make , a living off cars, but I loet ' , money on the first one," ' Proxmire explained, when. asked to review his recent spending. t; The commander of the U.S. Caribbean Naval Forces based,' 1 in Key West, F1a. will retire' ' after 40 years of military · service. R ear Adm. Robert P . McKeatle has headed Navy l Key West operations since August 1980. His post will be 1 filled by Rear Adm. Ralpb · • Hedgea, commander of the ~ Navy's Roosevelt Roads station in Puerto Rico. A Fresno businessman has been appointed by Gov, Edmund Brown Jr. as a 1 trustee of the California State University. Thomas Beruant. 33, IS president and founder of Tomar Inc., a real estate investme nt firm. and is founder and di.rector of the Fresno Bank of Commerce. 'Remember in November' Red ribbons fly to protest Congress tax break PITTSBURGH (AP) -instrumentally by five friends -an awful lot of taxes," she ~d:M Yellow ribbons remembered the a mill worker, a cabinet maker, The song has made her a minor hostages, green ribbons recalled an English teacher and two celebrity. From the school n~ the Atlanta murden, and now accountants . They ca I l office, she gave a telephone red ribbons fly to protest a tax themselves C laire and the interview to a San Franci~ break for members of Congress. People. radio station. Her mailbox ha5 The thin red streamers are One verse goes: been filled with letters a~ popping up on car antennas and "Remember in November, is a poems from several st.ates. , car door handles as angry voters p h r as e we n o w prom o t e _ Cigna said he chose the ribbo1* show their displeaBW"e over the Remember in Novembe r, go after callers s uggested tyin&, $75-a -day tax break L:ongress write yourself a note. Fly that white handkerchiefs to the• gave itaelf in December. They bright red ribbon, that will be antennas. He said he's surp~ may be having aome effect -the the antidote. Remember in at how the protest caught on. Senate has already decided to November when you vote." Around Pittsburg~ !ICl'atch the deduction. On Thursday. the Senate voted supermarket parking lots ari' 1 Under the law, members of 70-23 to repeal the tax break. Its peppered with cars flying r~ 1 C.Ongrea are allowed to deduct ribbons and bandanas from their $75 a day for living expenses in aerials. Houses. trees, door kn°* Washington while Congress is in "This proves and Ugh\ poles are wrapped it! I eession -even when they are red streamers. 1l I not there. that it can One woman flew sire 42 red Pittsburgh radio station bloomers from her car's antenn?.1 KDKA has given away 85,000 b d ,, and others have sent KD~ red ribbons to listeners since talk e One. • • poems , cartoo n b ooks anlf I show host John Cigna suggested bumper stic kers with t~ the protest in March. "R emember in November~ I "It's crazy. People are flocking fate rests with a House-Senate theme. ~ to this," Cigna said. conference committee that could The song, recorded as a 45 fl?W On the wings of a song, overturn the Senate's action. single, is being distributed bf "Remember in November," the "I think it's great __ . This Red Ribbon, a company set up ii. protest haa spread from San proves it can be done," Cigna said d.islrlbute protest paraphemahC Francisco to Boston. Radio when he heard of the Senate Appropriately, the company •· stations in Cleveland, Tulsa, vote. running in the red, said Chicago, New Orleana, Boca Mrs. Sachnoff flnds it hard to spokesman Joe Gill. .. Raton, F1a., and Wich.ita, Kan., believe that her song has helped "Thia waa not set up to make ~- have played the protesters' make politicians change their a profitable thing. Our prirrttl anthem. minds. purpose is to spread the word~ Claire Sachnoff, a school ''To think that someone like he said. -,. teacher from Turtle Creek, wrote me has a hand m making them Red Ribbon has dispatche~ th• song after listening to callen1 more a ccour table is just 7,000 to 8,000 copies of th'l complain to Cigna about the tax unbelievable," she said. record, mostly to radio an4t deduction. She aet the lyrics to Mrs. Sachnoff said she's not for television stations. The recordf the tune of the "'Battle Hymn of or ag~ any candidate, and 9e1l for 70 to 80 oenta a copy. • Ole Republic." going to the polls on election day Local tax protest groups bav~ Mn. s.ch.noff does a 10lo on i.a as political aa ahe ever got. latched onto the record, trying_. the record , back _e_d~u_p~~-"-Bu~t_l'_m~anarY_,_~--I_ha~ve~to__.pa_,_Y~_ae_ll~it~at_a~p_ro_fi_'t_to~raile~-~~funda~-·-· lf••• ... rtl ......... , ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be pnn ai Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center he9., 1 ... 1, rte4., 1-e .. n~ 1 ... • I A.M. te S P.M. Heartns teats will be conducted by a Heertna Ald Spect•H1t, who la Uoemed b;v the California State Board of Medk:al QualJty Allw'ara u a Hevtng Aid Diapenter . Anyone who hu trouble heartna or undemandlna ta welcome to a test employi"I \he laiett •lecU'onic equ1pmtnt whkh will~ h1J or her perlicuW' km. YOU will .. a modem heerina iSd IO tiny it fita totally within the ear. NEWPoRT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER l'orm.-ly Mon.,cmtrY Ward HeerfJll Aid Cmw. C.C.. .._ 1600 Wat Coat wpwa1 Newport Beacll 646 1166 u you cu't mab It fn \&ilt ~ · call f4r ~ a\~ e.. I • • • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Mondey, Mey 31, 1082 Jet American lean, hungry LONG BEACH (AP) -b thta anx Umt to be 1tartin1 an airline? 'Everybody thinks we're a Uttle cruy, but 1<>metlmee you can't P.lck rour thning," 1ay1 Al.an • Skip' Kenl.lon, president of Jet America Alrllnet, Inc., which began operattna three fltehu a day betwe~n Long Beach and Chicaao In November. "' ~LAZA GOING UP -Construction is under way for the Bay Corporate Plaza, a 4 ~-acre complex overlooking the wildlife refuge and bird sanctuary of Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach. The $14 million project will consist of four two-story office buildings offering a total of 70,000 square feet. The airline industry. lta ranlu thinned by the recent suapenaion o f operations by Braniff International Airways, as suffering through one of its wom alurnpe. But thinp were roay when Kenison and hit partners decided to form Jet America late in 1980 and, after raiaing 10me Initial cash, planned a $24 million stock sale to launch the line. ew housing I • • 1nanc1ng eminar set 1 panel will discuss new-home · g, as well as financing real estate development, nesday at the Airporter Inn, The event, dubbed "Meet the oney Men," 1s the second oual real estate finance minar sponsored by the Home uilders CoWlCil of the Buudmg dustry Assoc1atJon of Southern 'fornia, lnc. Panel members will be William . P opejoy, chairman and chief xecutive officer of Finanetat ederation, Inc .. Stan Kafka, nior vice president of Union ; Blake Eagle. seruor vice resident of Frank Russell and ompany; Mike K elly, senior ice president of Consolidated pital; Tom Hammond, c hief xecutive officer o f the ammond Company; Tony riffin, vice president of rporate development of George l'' impey lnc .. a British real estate JilVestment firm, and Stan Ross, tx>-managlng partner of Kenneth J..eventhal & Company. J ~e seminar begiN at 8:30 a.m. For infonnation call 640-5000. Warner chairman highest paid exec NEW YORK (AP) -Steven J . Roes, the chairman of Warner Communicationa Inc., was the nation's highest-paid exec\ltive in 1981, making a total ol $22.5 million in salary, benefits. stock gains and other payments, Forbes magazine reports. Charles Lazarus, chairman of the toy retailer Toys "R" Us Inc .. followed Ross with 1981 pay of $7.61 million. Notably absent from the rankings in the June 7 edition of Forbes were chief executives of automobile, steel, chemical or mining corporations. The magazine's rankings are based on the total payments of salary and bonuses; benefits, such as use of corporate planes and company-paid insurance; contingent remuneration, such as credits under perform- ance-related incentive pro- grams; and stock gains, in- cluding returns in shares or cash from exercising stock options. ' Ross , who heads the entertainment and com - munications company that has been buoyed by the surge in sales of Atari video games, earned $1,954, l 36 in salary and bonus laat year, the report said. He also accumulated $72,835 in benefits, $1.106,296 in contingent remuneration and $19,421,143 ln stock gains. The rankings were compiled from proxy statements made· by their executives, Forbes said, and not all o f the money was necessarily earned in 1981. Compensation earned for past perfonnance, but paid last year. was al.so included, Forbes said. Other top executives were: -George Platt o( Texas lntemauonal Co .. which e>Cl>lores for and produces oil, $6.63 million. -Frank G. Hlckey'9! General Instrument Corp., a prodU<:er of data products including race track and off-track betting systems, $5.27 million. -David Tendler of Phibro, a provider of fln.anciAl services and marketer of minerals, metals and other raw materials, $3.03 million. -George T. Scbarffellberger of City Investing Co., a leading maker of water heaters, heating and air conditioning equipment, a prlnter of magazines, homebuilder and motel operator, $3.42 million. ~************************** * * :· Harbor Lawn Memorial Park : . * ~ 0 * ~" CORDIALLY INVITES YOU l * ! ATTEND lHE 1WEN1Y-EIGH1H * ~· * ,.,. ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY ! ,ili" ~-.. SERVICES * MONDAY, MAY 31ST1982 11 :00 AM SPEAKER OF THE DAY THE HONORABLE Paul "Pete" McCtoskey, Jr. MEMBER UNITED STATES CONGRESS -Rec101ent- The Navy Cross The Silver Star The Purple Heart THERE WILL BE A ROLL CALL OF VETERANS WHO HA VE ANSWERED THE LAST CALL AND WHOSE COLORS WILL BE PLACED IN THE AVENUE OF THE FLAGS. Harbor Lawu Memorial Park 1625 GISLER, COSTA MESA 540-5554 .. .. * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * •• * (ADJACENT TOM SAN DIEGO FWY. & HARBOR BLVD. SO.) .. ~************************~ t Recall issued after deaths in hot tub WASHINGTON (AP) -A suction drain cover used in hot tube, whirlpools or spas is being recalled after two girls died with their hair entangled in the cover's slot-like openings, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said. Elizabeth Haught, a cornmiBsion compliance officer, said there have been three incidents in California and Ariz.on.a involvmg girla under 14 with lo~ hair. Two of the girls drowned, unable to pull thelr heads above water, and a third waa pulled free, she said. The CPSC said the suction drain covers have been sold since 1979 and estimated 125,000 of them are in uae ln California, Arizona, Texas and Florida. It said the manufacturer, Hydro Air Industries Inc. of Orange, is cooperating in the recall. The CPSC uid consumers should contact the company that i.nstal.led the pool unit or Hydro Air to find out i1 their unit haa a defective drain cover. The coven will be replaced free. Hydro Air lnduatrles Inc. ia at 1317 W. Grove, Oranae. g2665. Its telephone number 11974-1920. "We were supposed to go public for $24 million and we signed with our underwriting agreement in July when the stock market was up around 1,000 and everything was glorious and airlines were in favor," Kenison said in an interview at Jet America's headquarters. "By the time we went public, the stock market was about 848 and the total underwriting was $11 million, not $24 million, so we've operated under some pretty tight cash restraints," he said. "Had we known it was gomg to happen we might have postponed the initiation of eerlice. It didn't give us any margin for error, but it was probably beneficial in some respects. We learned how to run a lean and hungry company in a heck of a hurry because we've never had any excess cash." In addition to starting aornewhat strapped, Jet America found itaeli in the middle of a ferocious fare war when ft began service. The company reeponded by cutting its fares to rock-bottom and still hasn't shown a profit. However, Kenlaon th.inks the strategy will pay off ln the lone-term. "We did not anticipate coming Into this market during a fare war but decided if we're in a fare war, we'd be the low guy and came with a $99 fare and it probably helped us increase our penetration of the market," he said. "We're now carrying about 20 AGAINST WIND -Alan "Skip.' Kenison, president of Jet Amenca, is flying through some heavy financial fog. percent of the market and we had originally anticipated it would take us 2 ~ to three years to be carrying 14 percent of the market. Of course, we had pro ject ed that we would be carrying them al a h igher average fare than we are." Kenison, 45, has plenty of experience inaugurating airlines. He was a f o under of Air California and later helped launch Air F1onda. And although he had key positions with both hnns, Kenison says he's always wanted to run an airline. "It's the business I know and like and how I want to spend my career ," he said . ''There are fewer presidents o f airlines flying big planes than there are seats in the Senate. so it's a fairly exclusive club." Kenison says Jet America, which operates two leased DC-9 Super 80s on the Long Beach to Chicago r oute, has several advantages over competitors. "We 're operating against United and American, which are basically flying widebodies that are very expensive to operate. We're flying a plane that has a two-man cockpit, two engines and is ideally suited to this route structure," he said. We know where you can 6nd511. Look in your furnace. See that little pilot light? Well, if you tum it off for the summ er, you11 save about $11~ If you leave it off longer-into the warm fall months -you11 save even more. Here's how easy it is: Open the access panel to the main gas control. You11 find instructions that will tell you how to safely tum off and relight your furnace pilot If you're not sure how to safely tum your pilot off and on, call the Gas Company for help. ~ Remember, gas rates have gone up in the past Yeat Which means your furnace pilot is ~ burning up more money than evet So tum it off this summer: And save a g a cool $11. IA6wmt& aa..,11. to ...... ,,. .__.., COl.-..V . . ... I r "' Orange OOllt DAtLY PILOT/Monday, May S1, 1111 WJalter conservation still a major need Wacer la drawtna a lot of attention thno daya, what wtth the PropoeiUon 9-Perlpheral <:anal t.ue awa1Una voters ln the June 8 primary eledlon. So it was not surpriling lut week that more than ca1ual attention was drawn to an Orange County goverQment report on county water •· County superviaon u1ed flndino ln the report to reiterate their long-held belief that the State Water Project must be expanded as outlined in Proposition 9. But there were some other important points in the water report that were lost in the shuffle. Among them , the importance of using reclaimed water wherever feasible. There have been efforts in thla regard by several county water providers. And thOle effortl are to be commended. But more should be done. Simply stated, lt makes little eenae that the same water Wied for drinking la u.ed for nearly all landacaping i.nigation. As the report states, policies need to be changed 10 lnnovative concepts such u using reclaimed water for residential irrigation or even in toilets ca n be implemented. Reclamation doean't come chear. Nor would building the dua systems that w oufd be needed to deliver both potable and reclaimed water. But then, the cost of importing water and building ne w delivery systems isn't very inexpensive, either. NO on Props. 4 & 8 Proposition 8 on the June 8 ballot has been aptly called a "Gann of Wonns." The initiative measure by Paul Gann proposes five constitutional amendments and six statutory law changes. This immediately raises questions as to the measure's cons ti tutionali ty, since the California Constitution limits initiatives to one subject. Gann likes to call this proposal a "Victims' Bill of Rights," which, in light of some of its provisions, is a very questionable title. Apparently trying to solve all the state's crime problems in one sweeping measure, Proposition 8 seeks: -to establish a victim's right to restitution (not eaaily accomplished given the fact that most criminals a.re indigent). -To establish the right to safe and peaceful schools (without explaining how to accomplish this). -To repeal many exlati"8 rules of evidence. (This, a:moag oth er things, cou ld require identifying a rape victim in open court). -To require that public safety be the pri n cipal consideration in granting bail. -To require full consideration of all previous felony convictions, regardless of date, and add five-year tenns for previous convictions. -To prohibit most plea bargaining (which police say would make it difficult to get criminals to testify against each other). -To prohibit sending persons 18 or older to the Youth Authority, based entirely on chronological age. -To amend provisions related to mentally disordered sex offenders. This last, and a number of other Proposition 8 provisions already have been enacted by the Legislature. On severa 1 p o in ts. the all-inclusive measure appears ~ be in violation of both the state and U.S . Constitutions. U paseed, it most undoubtedly will be challenged. It could force retrials of past cases and increased jail sentences at a cost estimated by the Department of Corrections at $47 million by the mid-1980s just for prison expenses. For all its surface appeal to thoee who feels our courts have become too lenient, Pro~tion 8 is a poorly drafted m11h-mash measure that should be voted down. The Daily Pilot recommends a NO vote on Proposition 8. * * * PROPOSITION 4 on the ballot concerns just one of the items in the Proposition 8 laundry list -the question of bail. It would broaden the pre.ent constitutional provisions concerning release on bail - aeriouaness of crime, previous criminal record and probability of appearance at trial -to permit judges to refuse bail in the interest of public safety. The basic objection to the measure, of COW"!le, is the fact that it ignores the historica l presumption of innocence until guilt has been proved. It could result in preventive detention, at increased jail cost, of persons who may be proved innocent, and the use of extended bail hearings as something in the nature of pre-trials. Statistics indicate that no more than 5 percent of defendants are arrested for crimes committed while on bail. Viewing this proposal as a dangerous erosion of a basic constitutional right, the Daily Pilot recommends a NO vote on Proposition 4. Others to re1Demher It was J o hn McCrae's touching World War I poem, "In Flanders Fields," that inspired YMCA worker Moina Michael to buy a bWlCh of red fabric poppies and pass them out to her staff in 1918. Thus began the tradition of wearing poppiea on lapels on Memorial Day. Two years later, the American Legion sold 50,000 red poppies, made by wounded veterans, for $5,000. The custom 1pre.ad across the country and to F.urope. As always, every penny collected from t he poppy sales goes to help veterans and their families. This year, the rowa of crosses where the poppies blow will not be in Flanders fields. But there will, alas, be crosses. More than 60 years after Moina Michael bought her first bunch of ~~ies, young men once more are · ting and dying far from home. Thankfully, they are not our own young men this time. But, as we remember our own who have fallen, let us take a moment to pray for thoee who again face death, and for the grieving families of thoee who already have given their lives in yet another confllct. L.M. Boyd/ Marriage 'truth' ''The man tolerates the marriage for the sake of the woman. The woman tolerates the man for the sake of the marriage." An elderly obaervatlon, this. b It true? Yea, uya our Love and War man, about u true u any gen- erality. But la It wcrth remembering? Maybe not. Truth la not sufficient of ltlelf. Truth uncolored by Wuaion c.an beud. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat · Countless girla in the emerging Third World nationa bear the given name of Lucy now -in the walte of decades of Lucy ieleviaion ahowa atlll seen in 79 ex>unt.riea. The cowboy of the Old West alwaya called a bull an "animal" ln the pre-- sence of ladies. Bull wa1n't proper parlor talk. Thomas P. Haley Pub II she,. Tttomat A, MUrplllne Editor Barbara Krelblcft Edltorlel P•o-Editor I Alaska not all oil wealth l JUNEAU, Alaska -"People ln the With the exception of Anchorage and most o f whom live in relativ_ely lower 48 think we're ripping them off, I Fairbanks, there is no way to get from prosperous and stereotypical Americ&P. know that," said Gov. Jay Hammond. one place to another without an airplane. places like Anchorage, have eliminateil "They don't understand that we have That la why more than 10,000 of the the state income tax and other taxes t.p enormous needs here. Poverty here l1 400,000 people in the state are licensed live off oil revenues and oil taxes. worse than in Appalachia. Have you pilots. .een Bethel?" Ala8k.a is a developing country. It LS "TOO MANY ALASKANS have bee Yea. I had. When I was there, in not really the last American frontier -seduced into believing the oil money · western Alaska 300 miles from RUBSia, 1 keep conung in forever," said Hammo had to keep reminding myself that I wu ~ a conservative and conservationi in the United States. ' Republican who opposes tax breaks f •'=. ~i::: development and would like to keep th ''PEOPLE THINK we want ~~ state something bke the wild place h gold-plated plumbina," Hammond said -----------came to as a bush pilot 35 yea.rs ago. " as we talked about~hla state's oil f.rofita. RICHARD RllVIS ~'i )t was against e liminating taxes an "But a lot of places in Alaska don t even - -becoming dependent on oil. lnevitab1)1 have out.houses." the oil will run out or there will be I know, I said. I saw. In Bethel and a they are watc hing "The Dukes of change in the pncmg structure." lot of other places they use bucketa. H.az:za.rd" in Bethel and villages up the "We could have a catastrophe here, "Honey pots." The ground, under a few river -as much as it is an oil-rich said Hammond. who will leave office a inches of dusty roads and small buildlnp Amerk:aniz.ed Third World country. the end of the year after two terms. H lots laid over mushy tundra, is frozen Aluka even has the xenophobia and is going back to a cabin on Lake Clar solid all year long. eome of the xenophobic laws of the 15 miles from his closest neighbor. "If w In Bethel, white Americana and Third World. On construction projects keep building up a huge govemmen Eskimos are paying several hundred employing more than 10 people. 9~ lnfrastructure with oil money. that dollan a month to live in the barge peroentoftheemployeesmustbeAlaska mean huge taxes a n d a m assivf contalnera that bring supplies up from resident&. And, under a law now being evacuation of people someday." ~ Seattle. The st.eel boxes -8 feet by 12 challenged before the U.S. Supreme A 1 as k a , H a m mo n d seems t feet by 24 feet -have windowa and Court, millions of dollars of the state's oil understand quite well, is not as rich doora cut into them and are plunked revenues would be divided among blessed as many other Alaskans believe down on 55-gallon oil drwna. 1bat'1 residents on the basis of how long they it is. Like any developing country with housing in the aeventh-laraest have lived in the state . (The one great rich resource, it muat visualiz.e community (population 10,671) in constitutional challenge is based on the the day when that resouree is gone or Alaaka. premile that the rlghta of Americans are worthless. If 1t doesn't, the whole state There are no roads into or out of rooied in more fwldamental concepts will have an economy like Bethel's - Bethel. It can only be reached by plane than how long people have lived at their that poor place produces about $10 -Anchorage ia more than 400 mile• current addreaes.) million a Jear from its one industry. away -or by boat after the Kuskokwim The oil money -Alaska produces fishing, an gets $16 million a year in aid River thawa in May. one-eighth of American oil -has from Juneau and $27 million a year from That is the thing to remember about dist.ort.ed national perceptions of the state Washington. The perception of wealth, our largest. coldest state: Alaska has no and Alaakana' perception of themselves irorucally. could one day tum Alaska roads. and their own reality. Folks up here, into a true welfare state. Life is full of little irritations Life is pleasant most of the time but there are some thingll it would be better without. I've made a partial list of things I dislike: -Special or clever license plates with the owner's nickname on them. -Magazines that hide their index where you can't find it. The index to a magar.ine belongs inside the first page after the cover. -Television commercials for hemorrhoid cures, toilet paper, sanitary pads or dental adhesives. Newspaper ad.a for these same products don't bother me. -Flip top beer and aoft drink cans. -PEOPLE WHO TAKE up two parking spaces with one car. -Anything stapled together. -Announcementa in the mail that I 'm the potential winner of a million-dollar sweepstakes. -A space that's too small on a fonn where I'm supposed to put my signature. I acrawl when I write, and if I have to put it in a little hole, it isn't really my signature. -Having to open a new can of coffee ,~,, -AID_Y _ROD-11-Y -§t when I only need two tablespoons more. -Telephone answering machines with meaages at the beginning that are too long or too cute from the person you're trying to call. -Newspapers with sections that have different numbering systems from the main news sections. There JJJaY be no good way to handle this problem, but Few tears for college cuts Thoughts at l..a.rge: -I can't worft up a lot of sympathy for the cut.a in college budget.a until and unless the llChoola trim every ounce of fat from their lntercollegiate programs and reduce athletics to a aenaible lntra-8Chool level of competition. -The perennial paradox in puniahment ia that it alwaya works best IYlllY 111111 Wtth thme who need it leut, an a curve of d1min1abed return, eo that it la 181\ effective with tbo9e who need it moat. . (And how do 'fW llOlve that problem?) -It'• limply amu:lna that the Mme lnltnament aa the violin ln two different hands can produce a ranae of IOUDd bun the divine to the lntolerabJe, for ~ It ao offen1lve io the ear •• a vlolln played 1nexpertl)'. -'!be ultimate "annlel" will be thole between low and power; mytbJ.na ... only merb an uneaay truce endJn8 ln lnevliable conflict -and how many more conlllcta can our traall• atobe IUltalnT -Ma.y It be md °' w what Wll llid of VJm:Nnl Alqultb upm bill cl.Ith: t1f be 1'119 IOIDIUD:m ml tbl W1'0Q1 aide. be . was never on the aide of wrong." -We are IO lmportant to ourselves that it ahould be humbling to keep in mind that the whole continent of North America, which looks IO vast on a map or a globe, comprillel only 4 percent of the earth'• surface (and only 16 percent of the land area). -It la fitting that~ tchoolchild knows that Francia Scott Key wrote the won:la to ''The Star-Spena]ed Banner," while evuyone hu rnera/Uny forgotten the man who wroie the wretched tune. (He wu J.S. Smith, who 1hould have been jailed for imperaona\ing a com~ -came clc.er than~ of h.la commentaton ln def1nlna hlrmelf when be aaJd: "Men aay I am a aalnt loaina rnyM1f bl pollticl; the fact la that I am a politician trylnt my hardest to be a a.Int." -All armlea reaemble each other more than lh.y differ from eech other; and the man they reeemble eech othlt', tht more certain It becomft tbat they wW coobult eecb O\bm' tn the ablence of any lntemaUonal r.ualnta. -I pt the ~ ~ that most local D9W1 anchon on TV woWd t.11 any cu.rnnt affain •t without a reeearch depu1rnlnt to ac:ntah up the uwwen f« them. -No ona can Ntllfeo10rily define '~t." beat•• to cWJne It la to Umlt It, and to Umlt lt la to deny ltl I ..... --.. ... --- that doesn't stop me from dis.liking it. I -The middle seat in a crowded airplane. ~ -Trunks of cars that have to bd opened with a key. Why can't I leave th4 trunk of my car unlocked if I want to? l -Religious quacks on radjo thinking up new ways to take money frorr( ignorant ltsten e r s and thus frorr( lf'gitimate churches. ; -Dirty magazines prominent!~ displayed at a newsstand. ! -A cart in the supermarket with ai wobb~ wheel. . f -aJting in lme to pay for anyt.hing1 -Secretaries who say, "May I askl what thLS LS m reference to?" when y call their boss. -Admoniuons from weathennen "dnve safely." All I want to know fro them is whether it's going to rain or not I'll decide how to drive. -A pair of panta with two creases. -Recipes in a bag of flour that yo can't remove without spilling flour over. -HOT-AIR hand dryers in publi washrooms. I'd rather use my shirttail. -People who carry radios in publi places. -Baseball scores on the radio fo teams I don't care anything about. -People who stand too cloee tom face when they're ta1k1ng to me. I · they're couains of the people who mov you gradually over toward the build" when you walk down the street wi them. -Screws with slot.a that aren't dee enough ao that they lear when you with the screwdriver. -Having to check a a.hoppina when I so into a 1t ore.-l kno 1hopllfting ls a problem, but I don't Uk the idea of being a *Uspect. -Can with too many red tallUghta. .... , .. ~-................ _. ~...._._,...,. ....... u.-. ... ,,_ ....... ....., ... 0.., .... • , llllyPnat MONDAY, MAY 31, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 83 86 Actor Michael Moriarty tells why his career as a jazz pianist is so terril ying. Page 85. .... D I ~ D Riley's only OC supervisor io he challenged By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ()('ti. 0.-, .......... In political parlance, it's called the ~bent's edge. And it is something that ls all-unportant to this year's re-election effort of Thomas Felton Riley , Orange County government's 5th District supervisor. The 5th District encompassing much of the affluent Orange Coast (the exception is the Huntington Beach-Sunset Beach-Seal Beach area). always has been politically active. This year IS no exception. Riley, 6.9. of Newport Beach, is facmg three challengers m the June 8 election. They are Al Arps, 73, a San Juan Capistrano mobile home park retiree; Eugene Atherton, 56, a San Clemente physician and envirorunental crusader, and David H1rschler, 57, an Emerald Bay real estate agent taking his first gamble at winning elective office. ~at Riley has -and the other do not -is campaign money. About $107,000 was on hand as of last Thursday, according to a statement submitted to the county Registrar of Voters Office. An~. Riley has two other necessary prerequ1s1tes, a professional and experienced ~paign consulting firm and all-important name 1dentittcat1on with the :.!:iH,H70 registered voters in the 5th District. Be that as 1t may, Riley's challengers seem fa: from daunted in their separate quests to block ~1ley for an ensuing four-year term on the five-member board of supervisors. The 5th District is the only district in which there's a contest this year. No opposition developeq to t~e re-election aspirations of , SupervlSOr Harnett Wieder, representing the 2nd District m the west county, and Supervisor Ralph Clark, representing the 4th District in central and west county regions. ~paigning .is nothing new to Riley, who· even m non~lectJon years is visible at public event after public event In 1976, Riley waged an expensive campaign -he raised more than $237,000 -to beat back a challenge by trucking industry self-made AL ARPS Of the candidates opposing Riley, Arps is . the only one with previous experience in elective office. He served as city councilman , and mayor of San Fernando in Los Angeles County. He ~ is a former member of the San .ruan Capistrano Parks and Recreation Com.mission. Prior to retirement, Arps was a teacher and coach in the Los Angeles school system and spent seven years as a substitute teacher in the Capistrano Unified School District. He and his wife, Joyce, live in San Juan Mobile Estates. Arps makes frequent mention of the special needs of the county's mobile home • par~ residents and has criticiz.ed Riley for voting In favor of a project that would transform the Treasure Island mobile home • park in South Laguna to condominiums. He 1 tenr\S it a "redevelopment fiasco." The central theme of Arps campaign has been what he terms "home rule." ' "I believe strongly in home rule " Arps said in a recent speech. ' "What this means in the actual practice is the proponents of development projects in established communities ... should reconcile th~ir plans and development to the desire and wishes of those people whose prior investmenta in homes have already created the character and lifestyle of the community." Arps al.lo argues that "modified growth with the approval of the people" is needed in the aouth county region. "We firmly believe that both housing and commercial development . should be held in abeyance or curtailed until the complete support aervicel system. .• is oompleted ... lnclusionary zoning to increue the ltock ~f low and moderately priced unit.a, Arps said, ends up aa an elitiat fonn of houalni that ultimately deniea the average working penona an equal opportunity to own a home or to rent a home at a cost within their budaet-" Arps aaJd he haa rat.ed about $14 000 to finance tu. campatsn. an amount, he ~ "ii a drop in the bucket. The money, he Mid, will be med by the campetan to 8e!XS a ••v ot.e for Arpa'' postcard to taf8Nd ween in &be diatrict. includlna an re1i•tered vo&en ln \he Lel1ure World red.reme.nt commun.lty. He lllki flyen wtll be puled OU\ a\ eeveral maJor lboppint cmars, lncludlna LafUJ'l& H1l1t Mall and Fublon l1land in Newport Bwb. Arp Mid be .. bollWi that the thne • cballencnt c:an foJ"Ce a Jfovn>ber runoff ~ ..,. denybw Raey •t -.i 50 permnt plul one vote ol tb8 b.uo4I CMt June 8. mllllonaire Max Bi.nawanger for a special term on the board. In 1978, Riley went through another long campaign defeating San Juan Capistrano rancher Tom Rogers for the ~th Diatrict aeat. At feast one of Riley'• opponenta thia time around la fond o f aaylng the Incumbent raised more than $600,000 over the past eight years to protect hJs job, which carries with it an annual salary of $38,344 and all the constituent headaches one can handle. Arps has repeatedly asserted that Lii HllLll cttm hll1r1 .. Pacific Ocean COUNTY SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICTS EUGENE ATHERTON A 1950 graduate of the Harvard University medical school, Atherton has been a ooastal resident and activist for 13 years. He helped found the Laguna Beach Free Clinic and has donated time provided medical treatment to the poor. Atherton ran a poor third in the 1976 contest in which Riley defeated Binswanger by a 2-to-l margin. Atherton is running on an eight-point program, the cornerstone of which is what he tentlS a balanced transportation system to relieve the overburdened Santa Ana Freeway. "Thia will be the most important decision facing us in the ne~t 50 years," Atherton says. He I.a proposmg that a one-half cent increaae in the sales tax charged in the county be levied to cover the cost of constructing a fixed rail transit line along the freeway. Atherton said the shortgage of reaaon.ably priced housing could be alleviated by the introduction of "ta1teful" prefabricated atructW'1!1 and density lncreues in certain areas. Other 1uggeatlon1 of the candidate Include preaervatlon of environmentally eenaitlve areas of the county; new Pf'Oll'8JN for the treatment of the men\ally ill; change. in the county'• emergency \rauma care ayatem, and conatructJon of a hospital at the UC Irvine campua. Atherton said a ~onal airport lhou1d be conatruct.ed in the hilh deeert. Pa.engera would \ravel to the prono&M faclllty ln "high•peed VKUWD tubear.-under hJt plan Ather1an uJd ' Abo on the Atherton lilt of proJQa)a are comtrucUon of an amphitheater for cultural e~ent1 either in Santa Ana or Trabuco ciuvona. and the public campaien f1nandn, inltlative. Campaign finanda1 statement. Wed tut week thawed Atherton'• eampalp wtth a $604 detidL Tbut fat, Atherton hail covered co1t1 by Ullna $982 1D hil own money, the NPOl't ahowtia. He Mid he JI plan.n.lna a ~ maWna to brina ln c:empqn funck. development industry interesta have put'up more than 65 percent of $161.000 Riley has raiaed for the current re-election campaign. But such a comment from the Arps camp shouldn't be too surprising. . HlB campaign treasurer is Shirley Gnndle, a former county planning commissioner who fought for passage or the county's Time ls Now Clean Up Politics ordinance designed to reduce big-money control over superviaoMal candidates. The law usually is referred to by the acronym TINCUP. IUWERllH Gllm DAVID HIRSCHLER WI lfEU GMm Before becoming a real estate agent Hirschler built a successful laundry and w-Y cleaning business in Pasadena and worked as an investment banker and management consultant. In the latter role, he recommended cost-saving progJ"ams for the Loe Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Hirschler said. ' . "Most problems stem from govenunent ~~terfer«:nce, in all ways," Hirschler said. Most things that government gets involved in become disasters. The post office. Amtrak." On th~ subject of housing, HirBchler said co~ty policies have contributed significantly to high cost and low availability. He said more land should be "planned out" for residential construction and that rt!ftrlctiona on builders eased. Another issue Hinchler has railed is the size of the county budget, ~year at more than $760 million. He say "zero-baaed" budgeting ia needed so that every county department head would have jUitJfy "hia existence." "-. "If I'm elected I'd make a terr!~ polltican, but lt would be the best thing for my constituenta." Hlnchler uid one area he would zero in on la welfare COIJtl, pointing out h1a put experience in ob1ain.ina COit aavtnga in Loa Anle1es County. "I could help (Supervtlor) Roser Stanton a lot. It lleel1ll like be want. to do IOmething about lt," Hlrachle.r aald. Stanton, who repreaenta the lat Dl1trlct, hat been advocating a pl'Oll'am for early detection of welfare fraud. HinchJer'1 most '*""' campetp finance statement lhowa $3,3U in oontribUtkn and an add.idonal $1,000 pJedae trom the political acUon committee of the Newport Harbor-Coaa M .. Doud of~ Aak•d bow the ~n fa f.:!k•• Hlrachler 1'9pcinded. I We A poll tht othm' day and lt abow9d B.llq 'eedtnc me by an1)t two polnca. '' Then be bneka out la~hlnc. ldd1na. ·Tm )lat pull1ns your ...... A~he~ton, too, has ralaed the campaign fmancmg 1ssu~arguing that superviaorial raoee shouJd be publicly funded. To that end Atherton says he will. launch a campai&rr to piac;. a public !1nancmg 1rut1at1ve before the county's voters. He is proposing that taxpayers be pennitted to designate $1 of their property tax payment for a campaign fund that would be available to "serious candidates -those who are first able to raise $4,000 on their own. Hirschler has steered away from the financing IS.Sue. At the same time, he has been the most cnt.Jcal of RHey. At an Apnl news conference, for example, Htl"llChler termed Riley a "socialist" because of Riley's support of an anclusionary zoning program designed to create more housing for persons with low and moderate incomes. Hirschler, too, has been cntical of Riley's leadership "If Riley has been so ~ood, why do we have so many problems? ' he asked rhetorically. H irschler has been described by some as the Libertarian Party candidate in the non-partisan supervisorial race. He says he wants to dispel that myth. "I'm a R epublican. Anything,. Libertarian is with a small 'I'." . • But he makes no bones about his baaic · philosophy. "I object to the concept government can do at better than private industry." Riley, who like the others has been showing up at the usual assortment of candidates' nighta, television broadcast t.a~ings, coffee klat.ches and fund-raisers, says he s found this year's race "frustrating." "It's so different than the other two. At least m those there were attempts by the candidates to come up with issues and offer solutions capable of attainment." Riley said the ·challengers this year are spending their time tyring "to discredit the incumbent...an effort to make the voters think Riley hasn't done a good job." Following, in alphabetical order, are the backgrounds and platforms of the candidates: THOMAS RILEY The incumbent was appointed to the board in 1974 following the at-sea disappearance of Supervisor Ronald Caspers. The appointment, made by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, was reaffirmed in 1975 by Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. Riley is a retired Marine Corps brigadier general. Out of deference to his long and distinguished military career, many still call him "General Riley." Riley mee ts the criticism over the inclusionary zoning program head-on. He said the county would have no affordale housing if something had not been done. "No one wanted to move on housing. Tom Riley did," the incumbent srud. And Riley denies he is but a political pawn for the development interesta in the south county. He is quick to point out that he supported a ban o n residential d evelopment in high-noise 1U"eas surrounding the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and that he oppoeed the general plan amendments that authorized the large Aliso Viejo planned community in the hills behind La~ Beach. Riley says he has tried to be a problesn sol- ver and points to his ~ to chair meetings on major controversial issues in an effort to bring about resolution. He al.lo potnt. with pride to an "open door" r,olicy. He aaya constituenta have "unrestricted' accesa to him and hi.a staff. On tranaportation issues, Riley slid be ia confident that the comer will soon be tui'ned on construction of the San Joaquin Hilla Transportation Corridor between Newport Beach and the Capiatrano area. Riley i1 chairman of the county Tran1portaUon Comm.i.asfon. "We may be able to a\art in about one year and have it in place in five years. 'lbe:re'1 no doubt It hu to go. We can't wait 20 yean." Of the con\roveray 1urroundlnc John Wayne Airport, Riley oomistently remarb that the ''airport will be tamed. •• He wu among the chlef aupporten of the now-defunct airport muter plan. which mlled for exapanaion of the airoon, an lm:r1•1d number of jet takeoffs and lower awn11 z.- levela. That plan WU overturned by a county superior court judp. · Riley aid be ll ltW optimlltlc that _.. an be found to make Ontuto .IJrport a man attradiw alternative to John w~ A.lrpart.. One lllUe that bu rated bmaiitb tbt IUrUce of the ~palan la that ol a.a.ya health. The 1UperYi8cw Ms been balpltallad . twice foUowtna .no. Mthma attldra. · "1 believe rm tetli~_ bet* thin.,.;. before tba tint attliek,'' BUe)' llQ'I. Who wm tum '10 In July.''I feel '° aOod now.I'm DGC t.tytna to hide the fact l haw Whma." • -.. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Mey S1, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Parents of retired woman drive her up wall DEAR ANN. I love old people. After all, I'm one myself -retired and a widow. Please tell me why elderly parents refuse to let their children live their own lives. I help my folks all I can -take them t o doctors, buy their groceries and run errands. It I am not at home when they telephone, they call all over town, trying to find me. It's humiliating to be tracked down. Then, when I arrive home, the phone is ringing and I get the third degree. Where were you? Who were you with? Did you stop to eat? After a dozen questions, I am climbing the walls. Do you have a solution to this problem? -FED UP IN THE KEYSTONE STA TE DEAR KEYSTONE: Most elderly parents who don't let their children lead their owu lives are lonely. For their sake as well as yours, try to get them Interested ID simple card games or checkers. Look around for board games they might enjoy. Keeping them occupied ls the key ....... If you are a retired widow , your parents mutt be la their 80.. Tbe 111olutlon" to your problem wlll come sooa enouab, and when It does, you will be 1l1d you did what you could to make tbelr last years pleasant. DEAR ANN: Prom time ia here and there are a lot of girls who won't be a.sked. We are happy for the ones who get to go, but please don't invite us to help you shop for your dress. It's like rubbing salt in a wound. Also, we'd appreciate it if you spared us the details about h ow terrific it was. We know, without being told, that you had the most fabulous time of your life. I won't sign my name to this letter. Just call me -WISH I WAS GOING BUT I'M NOT DEAR WISH: I suggest that all schools that have proms devise a plan that would make lt/011lble for every girl ID the cla11 to atteo -or abolish the whole buslne11. Nothing la more painful than to be left oq,L_. It makes the already Insecure girl feel Uie a reject, a cipher, a dud. Thia kind of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--~ LADY OF THE SEC -Barbara S. Thomas, 35, the only female member of the Securities & Exch ange Commission, poses next to the portrait of Susan B. Anthony which hangs in her Washington office. "Without her, I U~o wouldn't be sitting at this desk," says the youngest person ever appointed to the five-member cornmisfilon that regulates the U.S. ~urities industry. Taurus: Relax pace Tuesday, June 1 ARIES (March 21-Apri.l 19): Break with past strongly indicated -you'll have chance to take cold plunge into future. New deal possible in conn ection with special agreements, c urrent negotiations or established contract. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Moderate approach brings desired results. G<> slow, lie low, attend to basic tasks. Family discussion concerning duties. budget is likely to be major part of agenda. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You'll have reason to celebrate. Barriers to progress are removed, way is open to creative changes. You'll be more flexible, have opportunity to travel and to communicate ideas in graphic. meaningful manner. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Your natural abilities can be put to valuable use. You now are able to judge property values, to discern potential and to remove loopholes from legal agreements. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Lively conversation with member of opposite sex will prove productive. Emphasis on change, travel, variety and communication from 81111•11 By PHIL INTERLAN DI of Laguna Beach --- • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA relative in transit. Bright ideas could be committed to paper. Gemini is in picture. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Gift o f appreciation is on the way. Emphasis now on home payments, mortgages, tax shelters and income potential. Family dispute is settled, harmony returns to domestic front. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What flppears to be a setback is actually going to work in your favor. One who previously opposed your ideas will become an ally. Lunar emphasis on individuality, special appearances and correct judgment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on production, special meetings, secrets and clandestine confrontation which could have more to do with romance than business. Cancer, Capricorn and anoth er Scorpio figure prominently. Past efforts will now pay dividends. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Wish comes true in unusual manner -you sense pulse of public and are able to be at right place at crucial moment. Focus on emotional fulfillment, completion of assignment and ability to communicate ideas, concepts and ambitions to a wider audience. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make new start in new direction. Superior will acquiesce if plans are outlined in creative, graphic manner. Pre.tige is on riae, your position is stronger than originally antidpated. Leo, Aquarius natives play key roles. AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll be interested in travel folders. Focul on where to go, how to best communicate your dea1rel and a meeting of mind• with fa~lly member. Cancer, Caprioom and 111dther Aquarlan ~ prominenUy. PISCES (Ff'b. 19-March 20): Key now it divenificadon; have more than ope method av.Uable, make numerous contactl and dt1play veruUllty. By acceptlnl toelal in'4tatam, you11 be In be&r pmttion to win lldditkmal fldbenmta. . ... emotional mayhem can be extremely dama11n1. I bope 111 high school principal• who read this letter will give serious consideration to my suggestion. / ~ ANN lANDEIS Nothing could ever take me back. Perhape if you pnnt my letter, it will encourage others. -A NEW ME IN MrnN. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was a very heavy drinker for several years. My doctor kept telling me if I didn't quit I would ruin my liver and maybe die. Trying to stop was a nightmare. I was afraid to pour the booze down the drain because I couldn't face life without drinking. I knew I could quit for a month and did so several times, but I always started again, "just to be sociable." DEAR NEW YOU: The '-hllosopby of Alcoholics Anonymous Is ' one day at a •• time." If the slx-mootb approach worked for -.·· you, perhaps It will work for others. I bope / they try it. -- One day I said to myself, "If I quit TODAY, in six months I'll be able to say 1 haven't had a drop of alcohol for half of a year. That will be my goal." After six months of being completely dry, I discovered I didn't want to drink anymore. The memory of my previous hangovers and Liver t r ouble was a big help beca u se the difference between those terrible days and absolute sobriety was like heaven and hell. I haven't had a drink in over seven years and I feel like a different person. ls poe a drug? C.an LSD, PCP, cocaine • and p~lls open new worlds for you? S top guessing. Gee the faces in Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each book.lee ordered, send $2.00, plus a long, self-addressed stamped envelope (37 ""~t cents postage) to Ann Landers, P .O. Box 11995, Chicago, Ill., 60611. Tripped up on tips When I travel, I always pack three dresses short of everything I have in my closet. I don't h3ve to like the clothes. They don't have to belong to me. They don't have to fit. They don't even have to be "in season." But in case I need them, they'll be right there -somewhere in those 18 pieces of luggage. ERMA 80M8fCI ). AT WIT'S END I was on a talk show once with a travel expert, Polly &ther, who stuffed her hose in her shoes, had underwear that doubled for a swimsuit, par;ked oniy earth tones, and rolled her skirts over a cardboard cylinder that held Christmas wrapping paper. any of these people again." An umbrella in the hand is worth two necks of the travel agents who told you it never rams in Los Angeles during the summer Slacks that sit down when you stand up are trying to communicate. POLLY PACKAGED EVERY- thing she needed for three weeks into a small overnighter and said she saved a fortune on porters who charged her a dollar a bag every time she had to reclaim her luggage. When you are traveling with one piece of luggage, five different porters will carry it to your room, each one demanding a tip for its return. I got to thinking about Polly recently when a cabbie lifted one of my larger suitcases and asked, "How long have you been selling transrn..is.5ions, lady?" Polly was right about a lot of things, but she should have mentioned the 30-pound tank of deodorant you have to wear strapped to your back. Getting refills for it is real important. Last week, I spent my first vacation living for eight days out of a small overnighter. There's a couple of things Polly left out. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT Any item you bri n g that is "see-through ," make sure you have something to cover what is looking back from the other cide. Do not conserve space by threading your estrogen into a necklace and wearing it. An Ace bandage worn as a strapless blouse for evening wear doesn't do it. DO NOT PACK AN earth-tone wardrobe unless you pack earth-tone nail polish that blends when spilled. A traveler who travels lig ht needs constant reassurance that "I will never see GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.l -Both vulnerable, as South you hold: <;') A.Kl095 o AQJ076 •98S The bidding has proceeded: South We1t Nortb Eut l ~ 1 • Obie Pua 7 ii. Whal action do you take? A. -It is not our practice lo sit for partner's low-level penalty doubles of an over call when we have opened a distributional hand that in eluded a void in the enemy suit. Therefore, our recom mendation ia to bid two diamonds. Don't jump shift, because you do not have enough for game unlesa part ner can raise one of your suits voluntarily. Q.Z-Both vulnerable, as South with 90 on score you hold: •KJJ07J ~1098 0 43 +854 Par tner opena the bidding with one heart. What action do you take? A. -Even though one heart ia enough for rubber, it ia doubtful that the opponent.ti will let the game go by default. Therefore, we would like to fftl In a bid while the prl~ la cheap. Bid one 1pade. even If ooly to make the op ponentl think that we might hold eomethfof. Two heart. 11 a cloee ~nd. Q.1-Eut WHt vulnerable, aa South 7ou hold: •N O AJt +AKQJtOTU TH blddlna hu proceeded: &.-. Wut N~ Eaat J. , ... l 0 , ... t W .. l do 7ou bid oo•? A. -You would like to make some forcing bid, but no good one 1s available. The only solution is to jump lo three dubs, e ven though lhat is a decided underbid. Technical ly, that is not forcing. but lhe bidding 1.s unlikely to die there. It sounds as if partner has quite a good hand be cause the opponents, dMp1te marked lt•ngth 1n the major suits, couldn't interfere at the one lt>vel. Q.4-As South. ,·ulnerable. you hold: •Q4 'VA.7 OAJ754 •AJ93 The bidding has proceeded: Soutb W e1t N ortb [alt 1 0 Pua l • Pu1 ! • Pa111 3 0 PaH 7 What do you bid now'/ A. -With all first-round con trols except in the suit bid by partner. you should not overlook slam pouibiltiea We auggeat you make a cue bid of three hearts. Partner's next bid might put you in a better poaition to dC'termiM the fi nal contract. Q.5-Nelther vulnerable, ls South you hold: •All OIU8 OAKQI095 +s Th• blddln1 haa proceeded: S..dl WMt N~ Eaet I 0 PaH 1 <:;) 1 • 1 What do you bid now? A.-Even If partner la dead mlnJmum ror hit re1ponae, with your powerhouM the pl'OIJ*U tor pme tom•· where a.r. very brtJhL YO\lr nni du.ty i. t.o e.Jert parwr to TOUf 1ueo,th. You do .o by cue·hidding two spades. That should facilitate getting to the corr ect game (diamonds. hearts or no trump are all possiblel, or even lo slam if partner haa the nght cards. Q.6-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: • J972 ~ KJ9 O KJ98S +4 The bidding has proceeded: Eut Soalh Weet NerUi Pua Paa1 1 '::1 Obie Pu1 2 0 Pua S + PaH 7 Whal action do you lake? A. -By first doubling and then bidding a new auil, part- ner has shown a strong hand. With 9 point.a in high cards, you have a much better holding than partner hu any right lo expect, even though you have a singleton in hi1 auit. We would venture three no trump. R•ltber brld1• el•lta ~ ......... t tile 09UUJ ... u..r.. .................. t. De tl..7 .............. ,_ dea'tt CltarlH Gere•'• "Fear-Deal Brl .. e•• wlU c..c.,.. ............. ... t.acU.. .. tM• fut ..... ... U..pae tkt,.••H••* Ah .. -· .... ,,...,... , ... ..,, ... -, . .... 11.1'1 .. "Oeftilt., -0 .. 1... Clff •• • .... ........... 0 .... -. N~N.J • ..,..,IWa ..... ,.,..... &e N..-. ........... .... t .- •:t> .... ''l / . . "~. . ... • t - 5"'-11 h e-- l> h ... -:::::::- TRE F-'MILl' c:1aca;1 by Bil Keane , "I want Y® bock on earth before dorit." by Brad Anderson "He wants a ride home .. .ignore him I" Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monct.y. Mey 31, 1N2 81GGIOaGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) -- 11 A StJMMB( REAOIN6 OVR TEAC~fR HOPES '™ESE Aile 9001(5 SME HAS S066€STEO WE REAO JUST FOR PLEASURE ... usr.:1 WMAT'S A WE'LL 00 SOME ~EADIN6 iisuMMER READIN6 Ll5T11 ' DVRIN6 ~VACATION ~ p 1 Tt:lllBLE•IEIED8 "! l'M O'R' /1tf LAS'f 10 i P:J::=~r AHllAP OF Mii 1H• -ui••n ... 5 1l4~fW.ANP IDMNC• ~ .... ,. .. "'' OF AMN1\JRJ!! .. fOftl!l'tlM, HUMPf\l.IM , MOt401'0Nt ---~ ... [~ "I hate Mond1ys." DENNIS THE MENACE II 1 I'LL 0ET YOU DIDN'T •• by Tom K. Ryan .~--------------------------'--------------------------~ !Jt:DGE PARKER -' Yoo CAN1T- IT1SON1HE CEILING! OB.SMOCK. 'T"H E: Y PROWL.. 'THe S'TRee'T'S "T'RYIN' "T'O PRUM UF' e>uSrNtsSS FOR "fHts HOSPITAL,. ..• .. by Tom Bat1uk ~E IOWA BASIC SKIU.S TES1 -~E. IOWA 8A51C. S(lu.5 TE5i 15 AN<JrnER ()'.lE OF 1}()5€ Tt5i5 ~ '1\'.)(J CPHf ~ srucx.> R'.>R. 10 S'mRT WrTH I lH~E'S OOT A 51"16LE OUE5110N 00 IT AEnJT 10'.J,JA ! -mE ~IMA~ 5K1Ll rT 5E.EM& 10 MEA50~E 15 WHE:"rnE.R. C$. ~ lX>tJ REN'Efi1SEKED 10 ~IN& 1l.OO ~ 1WO LEAD PENCJL5 AND IF £X)(J 601 ll'S ALSO A FOSSle>t..e Pl 1..0'1"' FOR Ai\/ seR1es! CAN 5fPI.) INSIDE "THE UNE..5 CAJ4E.N ~ FIU... IN "THE um..E 80XE.5 ON -rnE COMMER. SCAN SHEET'. QOO Cff1f G€i ~ ~ BA&IC 1fiAN 1Wtf, EVEN IN IOWA ! eur -r~~r·-s soc" ~t-4 EU.b~I P\.~CE. ... I J~1 lolOft. I CAN ~ME.M6Efl ALL "f'4E. PQ.Off,Jl f.'1\QOE.Tti DOCTOR SQUAD • • by Kevin Fagan li)ELL, tioN'~ ~~ ME . l'M ~l \l~E.t> 'fo EA11N& ~-..,.."''""" 1'~1 OOfsN 'i COMf. IN ~ ~~fPE({! ® by George Lemont - ( \ Orang• Coa1t DAILY Pll.OT/Mond1y, May 31. 1982 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 'Close Ties' brilliant drama r \ ,, I I a~ roM TITUS or ... ...,_......., All WO lnfniquontly In locial thHter, "'\h"r profOlliurwl Ot' othc:rwblcl, dooti • producllon arrive which tut•lly envelope th• playpr with lt• rlchneu of depth. honeety and b}Jlght. Such an event LI now, thankfully, upon ua. It la "Cloee Tiet" at tht! Newport Harbor Actors Theater, EUwbt•th Diggs' riveting 1tudy or a family in t>motional turmoil, which receives u virtually flawless Interpretation from un excellent "CLOH Tiii" A dr•m• by Ellz•b••h Dlgga, cllreo1ee1 by Don L•floon. produced by Ofanne Allg•l•r . •••g• menaoet Mike Lewt•. Ml ClellOn by Vlctorle Bry.,,, llghtlng by Mike Lewlt. pr-led Thurld•Y• through S.turcJeyt et e p m • Surnl•Y9 at 2 30 p m untll June 20 •t the Newport Harbor Actor• Thee1et 390 Mon•• Vlat• St , Coete M-R--.111001 631-5110 .Joeepl\lne Whlt.iter •a-Whll.itet Frye Ewttn Ann• Wet-on Frye .. Connie Thayer Ir• 81en1lock THI CUT P•ullne H9QU9 Rochel .. S•vll1 RI•• R-Slaven• Corbell Berkll• Dennie Tr.cy Kier11en EbMn Danny Oberbeck NMI Kopll cast beautifully attuned to the play's myriad comple xities. D1n•c to r Don Laffoon has done a masterful JOb, and his style and sensitivity a re evident throughout. At its ('Ore, "Cl06e Ties" examines a dilemma faced by many families -what to do with an aging parent on the verge of senility. But this is only the unifying force in a play that dissects each of the family members with a razor-sharp blade, revealing innermost desires, fears and hostilities of some quite ordinary people. The demanding role of the 84-year-old grandmother f1ghtmg fiercely for her independence IS superbly enacted by Pauline Hague in one of the season 's bravura performances. Less showy but equally arresting is Roche lle Sav1tt's brilliant depiction o f Miss Hague's daughter, caught between her d1fhcult mother and the conflJcling dt'mands of her husband and four cruldrc•n Finely etched portraJts of the grown and nearly grown offspring are painted by Corbett BarkJie as the pampered patrician, Rita Rene Steve ns as the embittered divorcee (magnificently unsympathetic), Kiersten E~cn as the neglected younl(est dauRhter and Danny INTERMIBBION Oberbeck u the mo.t typical of teen-aae boys. Dennis Tracy 1klllfully under1t.ate1 Miu Savitt11 attorney huaband, whlle Neal Kopit addl warmth and humor to the role of Mlu Steveru' lnexpllcably understanding lover. With "Close Ties" the Newport Harbor Actors Theater haa eatabllahed some baais for it.I repeated claima of professionalism, for the 1how stands aa one of the year'• finest locally . Performances continue Thursdays through Sundaya until June 20 at the Back Bay High School audltonum, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa. * FIVE MORE THEATERS brtng thelr lights up this week in the second increme nt of season-endJng openings with a West Coast premiere, a world premiere, an imported farce and the revivals of two venerable dramas. Starting things o!f Wednesday IS "The Man Who Could See Through Time" on South Coast Repertory's Sa'Ond S t.age. Thursday 1.5 comedy night with "Not Now, DarlJng" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse and "Your Flake or Mine?" al the San Clemente Community Theater, while Friday finds heaVler fare on the menu: "The Bad Seed" at the Newport Theater Arts Center and "A Man for All Seasons" at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Charles Lanye r and Linda Purl star in "The Man Who Could See Through Time" at SCR with Martin Benson directing the story of an encounter between a m1ddJe-aged scientist and a young artist. Performances are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8:30, Sundays at 8 and weekend maunees at 3 through June 20 at the Fourth S tep Theater, 655 T o wn C e nte r Drive , Costa Me sa. Make Your Future Something Really Special! Graduating? .. Changings Jobs? ... Starting a New Career or Lifestyle? Assure Y.OUrsell of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal - lenges ahead Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more Call or come 1n today for a free per. sonal analysis and program discussion J~~!l~!.~OE~rs ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town [, Country. Ora nge (71 4) 547 8228 !.;;.! AllCOHOIW SQM WATa HIATIHO u '"'°°"' tllMOOa#IO So '" 1110 1 Senlol Time Starla II YOIUI 00ot (Cell Sto<e _ _. YOIUI AfMI COSlA MISA 641 -1289 U2' New,eri ........ M1SSK1N VllJO 495-0401 2"22 c:-.i-c.,.-11-.... ....., ., A_.,,.....,.., "Your Flake or Mine?" la thC' latett l'Omedy by Ju·k Shurkl'y, who 11 <!lrecung hi.II own work ot the Cabrillo P°l'ayhouae, 202 A ve. Cabrlllo. San Clemente. Tom Nevemwn, Joan Ray and Stevt> Czlguth head the cut, which includee Beth Sharkey, Tom Wh~ler and Christa Mo!IS. Performance. are It'ridays and Saturdays at 8, Sunday• at 2 on June 6 and 13. ReservaUons 492-0465 "Not Now, Darling," a British farce, plays Wedneadays through Sundays (but not Friday•) at 8:30 until June 20 at the Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Jack Willenbacher and Larry Walsh 1tar. with Shlrle~ Mc Danlels, Robbi S c hoonover, Stephanie O'Bryan, Jennifer LaVigne, Jun Flynn. Ron Moeller, Paula Krauss and Mathew LaVigne also aboard Reservations 754-5159 Oma Fayer IS the young murder~ of "The Bad Seed" and Lynda Oswald plays he r d istraught mothe r a t the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 CIJff Unve, Newport Beach. The caat includes Dorothy McMillan, Tony Capno, Carol Stockmeyer, Kris Hagen, Pat Oswald, Earl McCanna, Robb Kirby. Francis Donnelly and Tracy Godfre y, who perfonn Fridays and Saturdays at 8 with matinees June 20 and 27 at 2 through July 3. Reservations 675-3143. Handy Keens is directing "A Man for All Seasons" with Terence Doyle in the central role at the Huntington Beach P layhouse in the Seaclif( Village center, Main at Yorktown. Others in the cast are Ralph Richmond, Art Goldman, Bill Carden, Marc LeBlanc, Susan Doyle, Alexandra Robertson, Chuck Neal, Tony Holt, Don Barrett. Rex Bmmore and George Bradford. Curtain ts 8:30 Fndays and Saturdays thro ugh July 10. Reservations 847-4465. Los Anceles Tints THE ENTERTAINIRS AU. am AHO Ill 'fl'•" 111c1111l TWI! MM.°' Tltl MOTION '9C'IVlll CODI al •L' lllOULATION ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' .... ..... - CONCERNED -Corbett Barklie (kneeling) and Danny Oberbeck comfort their confu se d grandmother, played by Pauline Hague, in this scene from "Close Ties" at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater IN 70 MM 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! edwards NEWPORT CINEMA ! .. .. .. .. .. HION ISLAND., NEWPORT CENTE .. .. ~ 644-0760 \ ...........•......................•.............. NOW SHOWING MON. ·THURS. 2:00. 5:M. 8 :00, 10:30 P·•- EDWARDS PRIC~ F OR ··A~~I £'' s2so s~oo Chlld Under 12 Gent"ral Adm. d .. AN ASTONISHING ACTION MASTERPIECE. Breathtaking:· "Apocalypse .. POW! Exhilarating entertainment It deserves to become the first hit of the summer season:· R1cflard CO!hss 1 IME MAGAZINE "A 111asltin1 good lime 11 the movies. Tit• fvn is in the lrip. and ii is 1 sizzler ... George Miller and ca.1p1ny ~IVI pulled ott a win111r." \,,. ·• ll<-, ·~ , .. Sheila Benson, LOS ANGELES W.AES Bruce Williamson. PLAYBOY MAC1AZINt "An utonl&hing action masterpiece. Stlrrtn1. Bratlltaking:· Guy Flalfey. COSMOPOLITAN \ft\ ' ,., '.-I I\, t• ---.- . ·,·. • 1 •J-. , ~' . ... . .. "' .-... . .. (. •••• 4 JI_ ;•1 I 'I \ 4' Wlrephoto NIE'S "ANNIE" -Aileen Quinn, star of movie "Annie," holds a likenes,, of her c aracter, a six-inch "Annie" doll, being keted in conjunction with the big-budget Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 31 , 1982 Actor 'loosens up' as jazz musician l91'. JAY SHA.RBU1T ba.ullt Juy Leonhart, Mortarty11 reper101.nt lncludee A11t .,.... thelr tonp, hi» own o...nd the 11andarda, offerina Nl!:W YORK -Mlchael Moriarty fl.rat aot everythlna from ~l!Jldl to bo~ national notice In 1973 u th• aa.rdonk: pitcher who He aay1 he's found that hu made him ..,u • denM, dyina catcher -played by Robert De Ina lnteNe, I001ened hun up, hlm dWcover Niro -one laat aeuon in "Bani tlle Drum Slowly." "that love IOJ\8' are a lot more meanlnjful If there'• He'1 had a aood run u an actor ever al.nee, hum.or involved." aettina Broadway'• Tony award for 11Fln.d Your Ira at.a made him st.art t.hinkin' of himMlt not Way Rome," a.nd two Emmys. thtt laat for hi.a work u simply an actor, but u a player, 'u the En,Uah aa Eric Dorf, the "good" Na:u ln NBC'• "The call actors. You don't act, you play. And for me, that Holocaust." covers a lot of ground. He recently returned from Europe, where he "I'm a playef., whether playing a part, playing played twin brother1. one good, one evil, ln a film piano, plavlng with lyrics or, well, even the called "The Link." typewriter.r. But unbeknownst to many, He had reference to hla third career, aa a Moriarty the actor has quletly dramatist. He's had two work. produced to date, pursued a second career for "Flight to the Fatherland" a few years ago in seven years, as Moriarty the Rochester, N.Y., and "The Ballad of Dexter Creed." . alnger and jazz pianiat. Which Is The last, sort of an absurdlat raspberry some what he's doing now, at a felt was aimed at a some what acerbic New York downtown saloon called the critic, was staged la.at fall at Joeeph Papp's Public Cookery. Theater. "It's terrifying at times, And Moriarty, who says he may return to the you're eyeball to eyeball with public this s umme r with his non -profit the audience," says Moriarty, a ~ Shakespearean troupe, Potter's Field, has yet tall, lanky six-footer who.e current three-week another play in the wings. stand at the club ends this Saturday night. "I'm thinking of calling It 'Ronald Reagan "But I love it. It's helped my acting enormously Meets Eric Dorf at the Cathedral of St. John the in that it helps me find who I am. It's the healthiest Divine,'" he said. He insists this is no put-on, that part of my performing career because I tu.ve to be such a work actually is in progress. myself. I can't retreat into a character" But right now, he says, muaic, not the play, 1s tuld favorable thino to MY ulJout hla club act "That waa really a pruud moment ln my lift'," Moriarty declared. He waa uked what hi.I life would be like had he dttvotl'd hlmHlf tlnale-mlndt•dly to acting. 1gnonntc th• muJlc altogether Ho thoutht a minute "l would bt-," he finally aald, "onr ot the moet 1ucceuful and om' of the moet unhappy actors in Americ~ Backed by two of New York's top sidemen, the thing. He's particu.larly pleased that John S. David Lahm (son of lyricist Dorothy Fields) and Wilson, the New York Times jazz critic, recently =t-;.;.;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~--;::=============================~~~~~~ ...... ..,., .. Un1t1dArt11ta ~YA NOW PLAYING ---COUA MIU MISSIOll WllJO OflAllGl ~·.o.i;,~~"' ~~if 6~9~ ~~·~·~a~r 1 " llA rlllll •HUllTlllGTOll IUCM •OllAllCll WllTMIHTlll Ni P~• Or~,e ~ {0111o••O C,...,.r'14 C"'~ lO_..,G C~a We 11 171 4010 841 OJU 6H 7~\J 891 39l' (• OSTA MfSA lAGUllA llACM l100••0.U-CCl"110•011 ......... _..,I ~~~~~~"101 ~~·~ ~':'' •PYesenllld 1n 001 en...,..., I A SASn IRASSt aASSY COMEDY." ·<Me~ NBC r\I IOOAY SHOW NOW PLAYING ~-fMU"f IWW ..,.T IUCll '"""'.., v-., l ido 961 1148 673 83~0 l•fl• ..... (O•OllCh W-IOill C-\~t 06~~ 634 2~~3 OM* Sl-0tt¥ttn 6391710 lftlTMMalla UA "-' 8930~•6 : j ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I TNew9. Plmpe.. ProetibML I AnddNg......_ ....... ,JohnD~wtM •do~tomake I hie Mighborhood sat•. I ~-__ .. "~­-....... -,,_~,,. ~ . --.... _ ... ·.: NOW PLAYING 11Wuel IOllTll COAIT PlAU lll·WU JI llllft-111 *"' c..i ....,. c.u""" ~·&)Ill .. ..._ .. "' JttJ ( .. &M:lftcAfW18 "°' ..... ,ICC.,,... """"°"' "• •>0 '"° '°" """"' ........ ._ ... You·u be glad you camel -~ r~ ~'!:r-.. : ~ . -_,---•--·-c-...... llTH TERRIFIC WEEK CITY cenTER ~ '"' lttl ttlv CINIA( (l~A"(,l • 1:14 9111 LUXURY THEATRES Economy S.1tin11 S2.50 til 3:00 PM Unlm Otherwiw Notad S 113fi14U:•Jufl6)63~2553/~r:.) S * FOR FUnt EXCITEmenn V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES• ~&lf~'i" ur win,,.• TJJJJOllll OF THE PiosTARK ~ 1 :JO J:JO 5:JO 7:JO l :JO iOCiii--~~ m -~r..~ 6 12.:00 2.:104;151:2.01:30 1o.eo .,_All•( ~ w.l\ <.AAl'!I. -vlCTOll 1/fdolri4 az ,,._,.,JO 12:ASJ:OOS:207:4010:10 712.0a.1:4! ljl;i&tll11i·JM:i§6l619 a1101~1~~) BHutllul Cine ~I Sound Dlreel To Your Cul (]»ttlt THE~ ~ THI[ ISLAND (A) en going all the way PRIVATI[ LIESSONS (A) ,,_AAI! ~ I ..... \ C.AAl-1• '"VIC TOR 1//d,olri.4 ~IWH~1R"11/61 ClB VISmNG HCU() B AL I IE N (A) n~~~JTH~LUH ~l BAOTHltAS (A) STRIPES @ i'l?·PK\: \'i'rbW • ORIVE·INS OPEN NIGHTLY AT 7:30 Ch1ld•,.n Und@• 11 FREE Unl~H Noted *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM (http! Speclll Engagamenta and Holld1ya) "IF YOU COULD SH WHAT I HEAR" CN I ·------· "WRONG II NQMT" l'1l ____ ,,.._ "T,_ ROAD WARRIOR" 1111 e lST"CtlJ"f AHO IC"t.l ..... At "'CHARIOTS OF FIRE"' C'1ll tJ. )00 ... 100 .... y---let., 10 A.Ill. I ----- "POAKY'8 " 11111 ~2:a,--...... - LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll<·IN ''OEAC MeN DON'T weAR PLAIP" c'°' ------·- "W'Y~COUUISla WHAT I .. .,. .. CPO) 1:11, uo. .... 1<10, 1ti0 LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK IH .. FIGHTING BACKU" 111 ----- I AC.Ut~A ""0HT1NO BACK" t•> ------ locul!y ol Conotewooo 213/531·9510 "PORKY'&" "'' ,,._ aa t;a. '*-_.. "FANTASIA" 1•1 -··--- "WRONG 18 RIGHT" c•1 ··---- .. CHARIOTI OF FIRE" CHI ____ _ so . COAST WAU<·IH Soulll Coo11 Mtwoy ot lkoodwoy 494-1514 "VICTOR VICTORIA" CHI __ ,...,_ .. ,. ___ ,...,_ .... In Fil 7:31 -Ill. S... N~ a.. Mn .i Olill IMPORTANT NOTICl' CHllDRlN UNOlR 12 fRU1 ...., ................ hi. , •• Sal. s.. ,..,. ,. C110E-S1 ~ • l'OUll Ull W MOIO IS l'OUll SltAAIJI f 1C1 Ull CAii f,AOrO Mil! OfTOo llCCUJOllY POSll"OI -IMIG AM lallMU 1•1tU OMf.11 ~a ON All MOIO ANAM(IM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN f••••oy •• ot t.MOfl s1 179·9150 "FIOHTINO BACK" 1111 -"Tffl WARRIORI" I'll CINI "sou"o "PARA,!_ln" <•t l"BOME KIN'!_OF HeRO" 1•1 "DEAD a BURtED" cwi I "PARADtBe" c"' Cll« 11 $00<1!1 _ C••t h M>UNO BU! N A PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE IN l1Mot" Ave •••• .,. lnott 121·4070 BUI NA PAllJ LINCOLN DRIVE·IN lH\COlt\ A•• .... Of lno•t 121·4070 "Tlte ROAD WARRIOR" <Ill -"SHARKY'I MACHINe" 1111 "PORKY'I" t•1 -"GOIN' AU. THe WAY"1111 f i•llJill"I THE .~~1:.~N" <R> Ion 0te90 lrwy 01 troo~ft11r11 (lo I ''l'He NOftUMAJf" (PQ) 962·2'11 <Nt )t~'N',tt ~ Hl ·WAY 39 0111vc IN Ctlfl 11 SOUOC> le« A ""° SO OI Go!Ot!IGl_fl_I 891·3693 ,• ,,., 1" DON'T WIAlt "-AID" CNI "PARADIH" (R) -,.... llLUll MOTHl"8" "PAfVATe lallONI" (R) CIM·fl SOUllO (Ill Cltlf Rtouooo __ _ "PARAllTW" 1111 -"De.AD a .U.D""" Clllf " SOllllO l -. •4 A8'1A LA HABRA OllM IH ..,IQHT1NQ aACK" 1111 -"THI WAMIORI" 11n Clllt "~ ''DI.AD MIN DON'T ft.AR P'LAID" CNI --• .......... -• - -HfHI 8'.Ulll MOTHmRI" 1111 87Hl62 L'AN1.,f ORANGE D~IVI IM HfHI ROAD WANIOR" 1111 -.. IHAMY'I MAC ... " 111t A ... ro, II , , ... MISS IO N OlllVf IN . . '¥YOUCOULDIU WHAT I J!JAlf" 11191 "1MI MIDDY HOU. y 8TOtlrr"' • L YietNDAllO .... M10R CllOO 642-5678 Put a few words to work for JIOU '" the Dally Pilat 1 • _J \ ( \ I I I , j I • \IC l \;I) \' -~-'!..!~ -e:oo1•• ..we ~I ANCMILI • ""' IAIN'T "The ~ Ar1 .. t" • ™' JCllNMOfole • HAWAII PNa-4 • CN.fll'MQN 'It "Tu .. wn11 ~opoelllOM C),&And 1" G 'UTfOMWAAO "0-" A look le telten at IM ,,_ ol 0-u ~llOnal alcH, mWIW) aid• end aopt11111cated c:ompu1., alTIU-*11 (() cu..wa 1=.= ~ * * "L" Glr11" ( li571 Gene l<elty, Mlttl Gaynor An Am9tlCM mulk:al '"°"' llUa t!W E"'09M11 circuit when comp11catlona arlM ouov. • • "Vnde<ground Ac;ea" ( 11>801 Dirk Benedict, Melanie Grtlflth Parking attandante wrNlt havoc at • awank Beverly Hille llotel 'PG' 8=*' a» AU. IH THE FAMILY • HEWUEAT: CAUfOfNA OONCJAUSIONAL AEPO«T ID IUllHUS REPORT (()a!NlWI" 111 BARNEY Mill.EA 7:001J CU NEWS I NeCN!WI HA9PV DAYS AGAIN -~NeWS • M0 A-i-H When Fr~ gala • ,_. lie mek• OU1 a wtd Nle\'lng all Illa money 10 l'lla wlla and all l'lla Cloll!W to H01 Upe I JOK£A'S WIU> • 181NES8 AEPOAT ID MAGIC MOIL PAINTINO "o.-1 SvnMt" (() P .M. MAOAZIHE The making ol • Playgirl centenOld; a man wno built a cancer •-•ell lab In hieb-1 9 EHTERTAIHMENT TONIGHT lntervlewt with Rip Tlylor. Gi.nn Ford a TliE MUPP£T8 Gu.t· P-1 Bali4ry [C)MOVll. * * * * "I'm AM Rlgh1, Jacll" ( 1 lleO) Ian Catmi- d\MI, P9ter s...a In trying lo do • good jOb tor Illa unde In • f actort. a ••II-meaning bumbler ac1uafly upaatt the Clooa.d ac:flenle hie unc:le ,... '° carefulty planned ®WHAT ON EAATH Or90t'I Been hcMtl thla f M1-pececl' f llCl-fltled ad- ~ --(O)MOVIE * * ,_. "Viva LU Vagu " ( 111Ml Elvt8 Preaiey, Ann- Margtal. A Laa Vagu awlm mlng lnatructor becoln.. 1iw object of affection for • aporta car nu! and hit ltallan friend (%)MOVIE • *'"' "Never Give A Su<*., An E.,.n BrNk" 111>41) WC Flelde, Gloria Jean A man planning 10 many ell"" a woman or ""' daughter and• up lol- lng ~h Ol 1hem 7:80 8 2 ON~ TOWN Faetureo • v1al1 With Sid· nay Omar. M1rologer 10 lhe ""'·. d'->Nlon wt111 peociM who aun.r lrom "fr-ey ph()tlia", • look Orange eo.. DAILY PILOT/Monday. May 31 , 188a ROY AL COUPLE -Patrick Stewart plays King Claudiua and Claire Bloom 1a Queen Genrude in the Shake.peare Plays encore presentation of "Hamlet " at 7:30 tonight on KOCE (~0) and at 8 on KCET (28). a1 "F., ...... I My Ugly." an unuaualgeme IJ 900YWOM8 "Tiie Skin" Ot TlmOttly Johnaon ellatnln•• Ille fllnc11on Ol 1he •In 8 L.AVPHE & 8MIAUY &COMll'ANY When Lenny an<I Squiggy dlaappMr, '"' gkla ,,_ them to • C1n;u1. D IYIOHL.A. FNn.red· • fUhfOn allow wOh Mxy llngerle, compu· 1eruecl ,...,,.aion 199Clal elfacta. llea<:laclle c:ur ... placff 10 1'.k• out-of. lownat'9 ID w·A·s·H Attar a delay of 11.,. wea1<1. live aaclta or "1all finally arrive a1111e 4077111 II) Cl) TIO TAO DOUGH fl) MACHEL I LEHMR REPORT 4ti)TH€S~ PLAYS "Hamlet" Detek Jacobi, Clllll'e Bloom, Erle Por1et and P'1rlck S1-art 11., In • 1elevlsion P<oduc1ton of Wiiiiam St1ake•peare'1 popular play ( Rl IHI YOU ASK.ED FOR IT Featured "Luale, Tiie Trlllned Pig" MO "Slly Ballllng In Japan .. Q! FAMILY Fe.JO 1:00 II Cl) PfWAT'E IEHJAM ... Captain l.-11 oner. 10 help .>utfy convlnCe Sgt Roa to chllnQe Illa mind and r..-llat. (R) a a UTTl.E HOt.-OH T'H£PAAIRIE A teac:"" '"'" to force hi• romanilc a11en11ona on Laur•.<Rio 8 MOVIE ••• "Fighter Squad1on" (11>48) Rober1 Stack, Edmond O'Bnen A World Wat II llylng -aurvlvft a number of peritoue ml .. Ilona unlfl 0-Dey, -Na <Ml eou<age le put to IM , .. , U IHI TMArs IHCAEDl8l..E F .. tureo • 4-yur-old phot~ .,, a..,,..r. old ftddter; • ~-old C-.dlen lumberJad1. (RI D MOVIE * * '-' "am-LO¥e" 11911) ~ T.,,.,,., ~ l •nalng. A woman ~mama.,_ Mlf..biOlt•. • 11'.M.MAGAZJNE A II~~ In T--. • ,...,., wN> built • ~ ,_c:h lab In hit ~· • MOVIE '*'*'lo "Hr.ting Babiee II" (li77) Paul• Prenllu, Tony 8111 Aw coop1ee ••perience emo11ona1 en- ... lrwoMng n..i love. birth and adoption Ul) THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS "Hamlet" Detell Jacobi, Claire Bloom, Eric: Por1er and P'1rlck s1-art •lat In a leleYltllon P<odvc:tlon of Wiiiiam Sllakeapeare'• pc19Ular play (R) (lf)MOVIE * • "Savage Harv .. 1" (11>80) Tom Skerritt. Mlcl'lelle Pllllllpa An Afrl· can drOUQlll d<._ wild inlmal• Into popu1a1eo ., .... 'PG' (J)MOYll * •'Ao "INbell.,.. ( tlMIOI ~ "-dlord, YapNI Kotto A refofm-mlndecl "t"den unco-. wl<le- 114>'Nd corrupllon ""'*' iw ...,,.,, Ill• newly ualoned pr11on poelng H an Inmate. 'R' CtMOVIE • • "The OlaappMtanc:e" Donald Su1M!iand. Fran- cine Racette A top hl1 man lor an tnlernetlonal mur· der-by·hlra organlullon dlllCOve+"a 1111 wile la ml ... Ing and becomH 00.....CS with finding Mt 'R' l:IO 8 (() MPOfn TO ~ M urplly vofuntaara to tpefld a ...it In P<l900 In or<lef 10 -nra1-hand wt1a1 Ille wu Hke for 1111 perOIMa • AU. IN THE FAMILY Arehle llnda hlmMll In a compromlalng al1ua11on wtth "' anracitve waltt .. (Patt 1) (Q)MOVW • '* * "EMI" (1078) KIH1 Ru8Mll. SMeon Hub'4ry A dramattutlOn of llW "l<lnt of Rodl ·n· Roll " CD CtWIL.E.S CHAMPUH ON TMf ALM 8CeHf. e:ooe (() w•A•s•H A w1nc11a11 a111pmen1 or ,,..,.. eggs ,, .. ~. ••c:.c>1 one moroee Pfl· vale. o..,.,joyed (RI oa...aw "Th• My11er1ou1 Two" (Premiere) JOlln For1ythe, Prlacill• Point., A couple from out., epace convince people 10 " up tllelr Mrthly goodl In exchange lor • tnp to ot"" galui. D 9 IEHNY'I PLACE A man la driven to a lrenry of aclton .nan lie realize• that ev«ytNng iw hu wonted lor le 1hree1ene<1 by 1he onM1 of age, Louie ao.a.tt Jr and Cloely !pen lltar • ~GAfflN GUMta Bun Bactlarach Caro6a eey. Sager. Clw1a- 1opt1er CroH. Robert Goulet (C)MOVllE * * You light Up My life" ( 10771 Ol<ll Conn. Joe Sliver An ••plrlng IM>f'OWril., tri. to cope wtttl ,,,. lf'lr• """ In ""' lffe wt.Ila .. 1abllattlng '* own ldenuty 'PG' (%)MOVIE * * * "TN Oullaw Joaey W.._" (ti78) Cllnl ENI· wood. Sondra LOCk• A man becom4lt an oull•w Wl'9f\ • ruthleaa band of Union toldlara deelroya hit Sou11'1ern latm and kllla hie wife and eon 'PG' HO 9 Cl) HOUS! CAu.8 Char'4ry and J-go on a wild gov.,nment gooM Cl'leM to ltop IM toxle poi- aonlng of <luck• ®MOVIE *811:=·NIWI ••• "The 1'1111'' ttt11) "'°"""9 ~ JoeMa ~ A alNetet anCI ltffi.. ~ ~ OOftOMlt ltMH b41ftMttl • trap ~ In • rep11teclty "h auntad " '*-·111· (I)~ '* * "Twror Train" (tHOl ..,, Jollnaon, Jamie t.• Cun& A ~ lrlltmt- ty'• Ntw YMt'a fn&llCIU9'• .,. petty twna Into • nightmare wher'I • WldlO- tlw gueet .. .,,. kllllno °" the~~···"'' 11••• i (l)a a ..we • IATUN>AY NtGHT Hoel : SIM)' Specelt. Quut Alol'lard Bullin. I YOU A1t<10 ~ tT M•A•t •H HllWtl_.,,. II wlllin9 to wtlWI anct deel wttll anyone lor • needed -palf of b0o1• • ...VHIU. Benny ~It • ahOW made In Auettalle D NUMIROUNO 11 aly'• l(laue DlblMI. lftrM. time Olympic gold medal div., la prollled (RI 11: 11 CZ> MOYll • * V. "0-The Edge" ( 1871>1 MICl\eel Kr-. Pemeia Ludwig S-al ,_,-age realdentt ol en excloal,.. C.utornlll - munlly embel'll on a ,.,... page of ""-' and dNtructton Wl'9f\ t.....,, fall to o-t tllelr paren11• enen- tlon '1 home 'PG' 11:ao 8 Cl) OUINCY OQ!TOHIGHT G~t rtoal: David Bren"" Gueata: Rlchatd Slmmooa. Debby &oon., CaMn TrH- Hn. D O MCNEWS NGfTUNE G MOW *'* "The Bounty Kiiter" ( 1"4) Oen. ou.v... Rod c-on. A gentle eu1. •net bec&'nM • nrthi.. bounty IMinl., '"" ecd-dent....,, c:aptufing • ban- dl1 • ,... .enR80HS ., iNwoM> AHO SO.. • DCKCAWTT ID MOVIE "Jack London wllh Wiiiiam Devane " Fiim dramattzw IN Ille of one ot Amerlca'a great••I writ.,. <ID Hm.ER'S MASTER RACE-TH€ MAO DREAM MTHEll Hal Holl><~ nan'1• tl\la documenlary detalllng effort-. lo cetry OU1 Hitter' a plana for cre•llng • WP<-AryM r-. (O)MOVte * *'Ao "Tr1t>vte" ( 1980) Jack Lemmon, Robby Benaon. An lrreac>ONlbloe Broa<lwey P•-aget'I begin• 10 regret hi. wu ted Illa and Ille tenuoua ,.... ltonahlp wtth hie grown aon.'PO' OlllCMe ••• "Excallbur" (19111 Nigel T wry, Nk:ol Wllllam- aon The ~ ol King Artl'luf bring pow9I' llnd <IM111 lo IN llnigl'ola of IN Round Table 'R' -fM>flGHT- 12:00 • ENT'EAT ANool8IT TONCJHT int~ wttll Rip Taylor. Glenn Ford 8 IHI ~ MAMONS OIF AMPICA 11>111-century lr18" rebel Rot'y O' Manion ..._ Ille Englllll'lwornan lie fCMM and I'll• 1 '""'-atrlcltan horneland behind and ..,,._ QUIN to AIT*'lca. (Patt I) (RI ID MOYIE * * * "Don'1 Bot"" To l(nock" ( 1952) Marilyn Monfoe. IUcflatd Wl<lmwtl A mentally ~ glf1 worlllng ... hotel beby eltt• atlemt:>t• 10 ta6<• ,_ own Nie and lllal of her vouno Cl'l«oe .L()W.~N 8TYLE CHANNEL LISTI NGS '* • * "Toud>ecS By ~ .. (li80) O.bor•ll Aaf!ln Oler>e ~ A nursing tr.in. trlae to bring • llandlcapcled git1 OU1 of a deep depreulon by encour'Cllng '* to c:Mr• epond wttll hat Idol. EIYlt Preel4ry 'PG' "low And TN~ lert" Two am•ll·town _,.,.. ~ for P<*- tlon ...._, !Ny IMm Iha! they "' being rated. It KNXT <CBSI ti) KN8C I NBCI 0 ICTLA (Ind J Q l(ABC tABCI 0 KFMB <CBSI 0 KHJ·TV (Ind I U ICCST IABCI • KTTV (Ind I 'e l(COP· TV II nd I tD ICCET IPBSI G KOCE (PBS) 0 On TV l l TV H HBO C CConemdXI t CWORI NY ,NY 11) <WTBS> I CESPNI I ( Sl'lowt 1 me) C!t SpollfoM Cit (Cabll! News Networ•l DMOYIE •• "0..111 Hun1" (1Hll Chan.a Broneon. l • M.,. ""' In the 1i30e, • Moun· tie and • frontier Cl'lmlnal wage an Old banla u cMM· UllOn erw:te>ec'-on· Ille Canadian~. 'R' 10:00 9 (() LOU OMHT Blflle get• • mernega pro- l>OMI but '""" alrnoet ~ _., ,_ "°"" ecceptlng 11, end COl'TlpUter problem• lend LoU In trouble with Illa ct.uonter. (RI -~ANO ~TIONI ~MOVIE • * '*'Ao "TM Dain ClltM" (Par1 31 (11>78) J-• Coburn, Nancy Addleofl 8Ned on IN novel by Ouhlelf Hammett. A p<f· vat• ..,,. im.tlgetlng • df•mond robbery ancountert • ..-of murdeno and • ttrw>ge young woman wllo bel ....... .,,. •• t!W vk:tlm of TU8( TOPPERS KOCI: (&0) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 - "Hamlet." Derek J acobi 1tar1 ln th la '&::al preaentatlon of Shake1peare'1 c c traaedy. See photo, left. KNBC «•> 9:00 -"The Myat.eriout Two." John Foreythe, PNdlla Pointer portray • couple from out.er 1pace who have come to Earth to l u re 1oclety'1 m laflta and dilllluaioned to a belt.er world . Review below. KA.BC (7) 9:00 -"Benny's Place." Drama about a man who won't grow up aa he grows old. Review below . KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Lou Grant.'' Billie gets a marriage proposal . a I Miiiy CU<M (ff)MC>'M * • "Tiie Hanel" ( 1981) MICllael Caine. AndrN Marcovtc:cl BWlrre Inci- dent• and nlghlmar•• begin l\ac>Oenlng In • eat· 1oonl11'1 Ille aflar II• auflera the ION ol a !land 'R' 12:10(1)~ • * * "Tiie ElectrlC Hor- man" (li7i) Robett A«I· lord, J-Fonda A Lu VagM cowboy atN ll a 1 12 mllllOn thOrougllb<e<I llorM lo aave him from 1111 exploltatlve owne<a 'PG' 12:301J 8 I.An NIGHT W1TH OAVlO LiTT'EAMAN Gunia: Julie Andr-1, Andy Kaufm an, Miiier Roger•, Steve Sdlw.,U . i:- 12:40 8 Cl) OOUJMeO An unlaltllll.., wile la rnut· dared Wl'9f\ atie '""-to tie bl eek malled (Al 12:1() CD MOVIE * *"" "Ari Eye For An Eye" (IHI) ChuCk Norrie, Ovla1~ L.. A San Ftendaco oop quite 1M lotee to -. tiw mutder of I'll• perlnet by _.,.,. of a drug nng 'R' 1•1 ~AUTRY • * "Tiie Amerlc:ano" (1i55l Gleonn Ford, Franll lOYejOy. A Tellu cowt>oy llndt romanoe and adYen- 1ure _.,.,, IW attempt• to <lellY9' prize Btanma bulla to Brant 1:30.8NEWS CMNEAUT'RY e PtN<ovr 1:Al ~MOVIE "She'• 18 Md AM<!y"T'°IQ young women 1t1row 1hern· ..._ lrl10 ''*'""'°"'end turn family bual,_ Into ~ (8)MOYIE *'*',.\ "TM Fen" (11>1111 Lauren Bacall. JamH Gamer. A PGPUt« ftlm 11« .. "4Ctlmlmd by • pe\'Choelc edmlrer 'R' 2::00. JONI llllT04ELl .. OONClflll Popular •Ing er I aongwmer Joni Mftc:nel appear1 wltll I~ Pal Mether>y Gtoup and TM ~•ttNSan\11 ean-. County Bowl t:111= * • • "Cutter'• Way" (11181) Jofln HMfd, Jeff Bri<lgae. A lnalrned Vle!- nem V9I MO Ille beolt lnen<I. • aoc:lal drf>t>OU1, loc:u• theif -glee on IOIYlno a mufdet caN 'R' 2:209 NEwa 2:40 CD MOW **'Ao "Ride In Tiie Whlrtwlnd" (19871 C-· on Mttel'lell, Jac:to: Nlcno4- 1 on. Three cowboy• returning home .,.., • t'OUQt1 callle <1r1w are mt•· tellen by a ~ for mem- berw of a Qat'G OI robber9 H19 MOYIE **'I\ "In Namu Only" ( 1 Ne) Mlc:tlNI Callfln. Ann Prent lea A c:ouple of mat· rlege brok.,, dlec:ovet to their horror lllal '"'"mar- •lao-,.....,, "'"'O'° -· -madaleQal •••MOW * '* V. 'The Fan" ( 11>81) Lauren Bacall, Jamee Gamer A popul., mm •••r •• v1e1~eo by • paycno11C adml-'R' "20 (eJ MOVIE * * "You U9h1 Up My Ufe" ( 11>77) Didi Conn. Joe Sliver An Hplrlng 90ngwr11er tr ... to cope Wllll the lhr• men In l!et 111• wl>ll• .. t•bllllhlno "" own Identity 'PG' (ff)M<Me • "The Awak ening" I t9801 Ctwtton H"ton, Suaann•h York. An arctieeologlat'• deugh1 ... becoln.. PO"NMd by 1tle INllevcHen1 19irl1 of an anden1 Egyptian ~ 'R' ,.(J)MOYll * • "Terror Tr.rn" ( 19801 een ~. JarNe LAa ~ A Of*Oe rr.t- ty'e .._ Y_.a~- adle 1*11 "'"" Into • niglltlMl'e ~ • 'lllndle- ttw oi-.... k91ng off tlle ...... IOll&.'A' ••CD lolOV9 ••w. "l.oubl ' (1N1) 1 .... ~ Huppert, o ... ard Oolpetdleu A young wom- an f ... In tow With a man .ne met In • dl9co but can- 001 ~ ,..., 1rreapona1. bl•. carefree attitude towwd llfe Taw•day'• Dat1ll•e Mo.,le• -MORNl«i- 4:56 (eJ *.'Ao "Covwt Action" (11>781 DaYld Jantffn, Artllur Kennedy A P<of .... atona l •PY beco111ea lnYotYed In Intrigue and eaplonege ..,.,, he .. handed • dangerou1 Nelglwnent In Ille Gr- 181anda ~(HJ '*• "SaYllG' H.,......1 .. ( 19801 Tom Skerrtll, Ulc:Mlle PNllipe An Alrt- c:etl drougtil drlvea Mk! antmal• Into pc191.1lated -'PG' t:00 • *'A "On The Right T red!" (1 IHI 1 I Gary Cole- man. Mk::l'leel L.embedc A aocial wont., trtea to nnd • normal home tor • ll'Wn •t•tlon ahoettllne boy wttll a talent f M p1c;l(lng the POf\lea. 'PG' (Z) • • • .. Mclllcar" ( 19801 Roget Oallry, Adam Faltll The true 11ory of Bfllletl cnrntnef John McVl- car·a Ille In p<leon, Ill• NCac>e and 1'118 ,_ Illa on t lie OU1111de la Cllronlcled 'R' &:JO CB) '* * "Young And Free" (1871>) Erik LAI'.... l(efth l.Jn«I A young Mormoo boy f-many 1Mtl ... "' approachH adullhood 'PG' JOHN DARLING 'B enny's P l ace' t ouch i ng d r ama Coming to terms with aging inspires rich perfo rmances ,BY FRED R<Yl'llENBERG UT......_....., NEW YORK -Be nny Moore con1ldera .,,h.lm8elf the ultimate freedom fighter. He'• not nebolden to anyone and he th1nka he doesn't have 1to aivwer to the ravaaa of time. In tbe end, Benny, &Jl(>t the clock, ts hJa wont enemy. I Aae catche. up tq everyone, but it nma falter :put ~ refuainc to reach an understandlns wtth ~-own mortalfty. ''Benny'• Place,'' a touch.int ~ at 9 tonJaht on Channel 7, ii about a man ho won't grow up • he ll'OWI old. Benny, played with fie r ce and fel1ty ·pendence by Louil Go.ett Jr., la a black man lleemlnll?: ln h1a M>I. Hil phlloeophy of life la that cto.n l ''take nothlnc off nobody." E:xpectationl. -·..:t breed diaappolntment. At he'a pined h1I own turf. runn1D,1 a man mW tep9i&' ahop. ln that little ~ named CBtiorn1lv'1 Place, he' a· ld.na, "It'• my comer of the \ ' I · Eve,.Y Sunday world," he aaya. At home, he'1 living with a younger wcman. He lftfDI prouder of their diUerence ln years than their relatlonah.lp. He doesn't have the caprtdty to love, ;m live and have "a good time from time to Ume. A modem-day Ponce de Leon. h1a life ii altered Corever when he'• mugpd by three ywna kkle. H1t wou.nda will heal. but the bru.iae to h1a eao ii the mor9 tertoua problem. HI.a dignity and eelf-erteem have been violated. The '*" day, be ioea to work and flnda that a new personnel manaaer hH forced a youna apprentice on hlm. l'eelli\a tncr.atnalY wlnerablti, Benny fears for h1I job. Mia pe.ranoia la about beinc ••pesturtzed ... In hJa dlltrwdW at.ate, he even raUonall.lltl that he hat a rtcht to blet up the )'OW"I appnndce to .wt) the 8DOl"e from the n.liht befON. While Benny ii ti&htl"I bil ~ about ~ be'• •ttnicted to the ok*' wa:nal\ wbO helped him the nlchl he WM attacked Od I , pl.lyed With IWMl lllW'anCll by Cictly Tylon.. i. the aa1t of the earth. She bM an inner •mcth met contmlmlllt that C!Cll\trlilta With Bmn1'• mlicho ,.... He'• touched by her and .. a c:bance tor a dMplr' rela1ionlhtp. She'• open to what Blnft1 ma IO OU.er In the way ot Uvtaa tot the mammt., a · • thin 1n am» m'dlr ftlllDWll .. bi.tween tbl!rD.. BUt Ben.ny'1 yean of cJC>efq hJrmeU off and bil .. eaocentridty pt ln the way. "Benny'• Place" fl one of ttw.e movt.nc pkture9 that affect the emodor\I more than the eyee. It won the "A.BC Theeter Award," atven MCh year to a new play developed at die Eu1ene O'Nelll Memorial 'nwleter Center. But a reellty ln t.elevlalon ii that many viewers don't want to &ce certain aabjecU -like ap - much 1-watch them. The tblme problbly won't be a U&htnin& rod few the aoYeted )'OW'l audiencel. wbo~homaae to clear Min and ie.n· bodla umtly, "Benny'• Place'' ii on ~ the md of Mamarial Day weekend and a of 10\wr TV \t'lew9nhip. NBC fare silly lf ABC le otteriq a movie that striMa ca. to baml, NBC aUwt a ldenoe flctkm acary, and a lllly GMalthaL , In ·~ M)'IWiow Two," t.onfPt at 9 on Chanm1 4, Jobin 1'onytbe Md Prt.dDi Mir. .,.. an ntn.11111wtna1 couple (He IOd She). who haw come to Sarth to lure aoclet1'• mf111ta and dlllll ........ to • better' Wend. ,,. epecMI .,,... ~ Che ... ~ ol ::'-~ C:.~r:':=tmcn~ l'.rxloun .... Ol "'-'1?'bird X.lnd." 7i00(C,)"'~MWI ~d "-AN'tlt Jedi-ONy a"• flawing .,. •"air 00.. a man rMll&e Illa llftlOng rNPCl'IOllttlae to olhet• 1*1 (%} a a • "TN Conc:et1 F0t Kam~ (lHOI Pllll MOCattney, TM WhO A h0e1 oC toell petf0t.-a. many of whom get tog9th er In an atf etar rocti orcl'INtr• .,. IMtured In 1hl• reoo<d ol • 8*'1ea of ~ .......... "-~ ht of relllll to wer-tav~ Cambodia HIO (H) • • "Carbon Copy· ( t Ht) Gaorg• S•o•• Suun S•ln1 Jam" A auc eee•tul wn11e bu•tnaaaman dlaoo-• tllat he hU a grown eon who 11 bl~k 'PO' • • • 'Ao "ConllNnlal Divide " ( 1ill 1) Jolln Belualll, Shilt Brown A Clllcago n e••P•P" eolutnnlal lrtvelt 10 Ille Roctclae 10 """" -polltk:AI hM1 and Interview • tedualW natvrallet PG' &;IO (I) ••'II TN Gr- HorlLon • (1il 1l J•me• S1-at1 Phlllp Sayer An arnnM1aC ioologlel In Afrl· ca find• • reluoe on the Wlldllla P<-OI an eld er1y man and "" gr and. daoglll., 9:00 CCJ .... 'Th• K•d• Are AltlQM" ( li7il Tiie Who FMmt of .M>me ol 1he roek b•nd't parlormanc•• revealing 111eir no1or1ou1 procllvfly f0t dHlroylng 1helr equlpmen1 and Ille wild antic• ol their drummer, Ille lale Keolh Moon, are tnl•••perM<I wllh ln1er11lewa of Iha i!.._OUP membera 'PG' CZ)** 'lo "An Ey• For An Eye" (1HI' Clluclt Norrie. CMttopller L• A San Frencleco cop quill Ille loroe 10 •"""'09 1he murd., of Illa p"1 ner by mem 1:>9'1 ol • druo ring 'A' 9:*> E * '"' "Randy Rldea Alone · ( 11>34) Jol>n Wayne Afberle Vaughn A cowboy 1nl111ra1H •n ou1 1-~ 10 gal'-.,,,. der>c:ie.•lllJ"'lh"Ya• wf>O raided com pa· nyolflc;a 10:00 UfJ • • '> Con ,_.,tal Divide ( 11>8 I) John Bekdto• Blatt Btown A C hicago newapaper columnll1 1ravel1 10 Ille Rock... 10 eecape - poll11Cal heal and '"'""-• racluaive n'1urell11 PG C,l) • • "M ade In Parll ( li68J Ann-Margre1 lOU•I Jourdan A Parle dealgne< sweeps a run1on bUy., oil ""'l•t 0 * * "Underground Aces" ( fi&OI Dtrlt Bene- dlC1. Melanie Grlllllh Park· Ing a1111ndanll wreak llavoc •• a awanlt Beverly Hiiia h01el 'PG' 10:411 (Z) * * "The Apple Dump· Ung Gang Rl<lel Again" ( 11171>) Tim Conway Don Knott• A pair of Wfflern oullewe try to walk lhe atrtllt and narrow 'G 11;00(t) •••"Don 1 Go Nar TN Wat ... " ( li57l Gienn Ford. G4a Scala world Wet II aallorl on Ille South Pacific: find tt1a1 ,.....,, need only a rectNllOn l\alt 10 COfT191ete llleif pat a<l1M 12:00 Q * * "Clly 0 1 Fear (11>65) Terry M00te Paul Meitwell A ,_. report., beComel 1nvotve<I tn Hun· garoan po1o11cat alla111 when he allemp11 10 amuggla OU1 a PfO-W"1 ., ,, 1Clen1111 Via a phony American panport ID ••• 'Ullle Boy Lo.I'' (11>~1 8Jng Croaby Claudil Dauphin A repor1· er bellevea that • Fr.,.c;ll orphan It eclually hll ton II) • * * "Cllampagne For c .... , .. ( 1950) Celeate Holm. Ronald Colman An unempk>yed g9t1tua plan• 10 Mnd • qooll allow 1n10 bankruplcy (SJ • • "0..1h Hunr· Pi8 tl Ctlar... Bronaon. l • M......in In Ille 19308. a Mounlle and a lron11er ct1m1nal wage an Old t>allle u cMtlzallon encroacllW on 1"41 Canadian wtlder· _ .... ••• *"' "'rf'lla1•..,... 1...-11n" 111101 Ooldl H41Wft, ...... ·-.... !Mo Y°""O mi.tea~ jojrM .,.. ,., 1oll0wlng "" o.cfl of ,_ lll'9band on tNllr ding nigh1 'It 11:ao CD • • 'Ao .. ..._ °""' • Sucloet Ari f 'llWI Br (IUl)W C "91da, J-1 A tNll\ ~ m.,ry ellhet • _.,. ,.., claouQh1• .,. I.If> '"9 both of '""" 1!00 (Cl • * * * "Grand Ilk.I• •ton" t 11>371 Jean Gabln. ' Cuch Von 8trenelm. WMld W91 I Pfltonera con111c;t wttll • German comm~ dent o[ll (HJ •• "Beyond Tile ;1d RHI' (I u I) Dan too,, Ka'ne, Maren~ ~ Potyneelan--"'-tcan girl who ,, .. ~ eouc;.led lftl 1he U 8 re1urna to ""'1 lalan<I n-and fella 193 10ve wllh a pe..-1 <llYWI• 'PG' ., 1:46 (l) * * * "McVIC«' t 1980) Roget Del1ry, Ad~ Faith The 111,. atory cf1 B"11111 Cfl(Nnal John Mc\li,1 Cat I Ille If\ PfleOn, 1'1111 esc;ape and 1>11 new Nie oil ' I lie out tide ta dlf onlClecl R t.! 2.00 i l • * * TN lnl Hunt~·~ (fi6el s1-"1 Ora~, Rol>"1 Taylor During ,,., 18&0•. ""d• ol b<Jlf..,-.. dl~r 1rom the DalcoOl•I ptatrles 0 * *' > "A Cllaltenge / For Robin Hood ( 1aeai Berroa lngllam. Jam•• H•yler RObln Hood end hll band of merry men out to ~tll<one • appointed dictator hu MIZe<I ~ over 1 Mrf• 2:30 CID * •. Tiie Legen<I Of The lone Ranger" ( 11> Kllnton SpHet>u<y, CMst pf\er Uoyd Tile Lone I Ranger and Tonio ""'-I "*' arcl\-*"V. eu1d\ I Cevendolll who llas ltld-1 nappe<I 1he PfWl<lenl of ; lheU S 'PG • a:00 CJ • * "Tuck E...,1aat· • Ing" ( t976) Fred Keller. JOMpl'I MacGutre A young : Qirl -· an , ' l11m1ty known u the T : G' I 3:20 ?J * * * "Tiie Concer1 t ' For Kampuc;tiea" ( 19eli, ~ Paul Mc;Cenney. Tiie Who. : A 1'°81 of roek parlor,,,.,.., many ol wt\Onl get logetl\· ' er an .,.. atl·llat rOCk orci-1re, are leetured In : 1hta record of • _ ... of I conc:ena held lor Iha oene- 111 of rel191 10 war-ravage<I CambOdla 4!00 0 •'It "Terr0< Of Rome Agatna1 The Son OI Het· culft" ( 1i601 Mark F0<-' r .. t. Marilu Toto Young Po H ldon belllet lour Roman gladiators and flt>9'a1n Chrtatlan caD11Yft be4ng held by • ruthlela tyrant SJ * * '"' Tiie GrMn Horizon (11>81) Jeme1 Sl-811 Pll1kp Sayer An .,,,,_ac loologOSI In Alo- ca llnCla • refuge on the ~dhl• P<-ol an ekl· .,1y man and !'\la grend· daughlet 0 • • 'Tiie Kid From Not·So-819 . 119781 Jen· n•ler MGAJllat.,, ~ Vll\atO A 12-year-<>ld gtr1 hndl '-Mii In and OU1 lrOUble while running town~ 4.411 CZJ ••'lo "An EY" For An~ Eye" (198 t I Cl'luCk Norrlt. Cllrtalopher L• A San Franctsco cop quill 1fit force 10 •venoe the murdlt> o1 hta p"1ner by ,,,....,~, or a druo 11ng 'R' 5:00 It> • * * "Oon'1 Go Neat Th41 Water" ( 19571 Gletw\· Ford Gia Scala Worf~ War II .. 11ors tn 1he ~}\ PactllC lln<I 1na1 11\ey n9'$J only a rec:rN1l<>n llall lO' c:ornp .. te llleir patadtM V<4 5:30 (8) * * 'Young And Fr .. ••, ( 11>791 Erik Lar99'1. Kettl! LarMn A young M~ t>oy laces many '"" u fMI approecllH adul111ood1 PG' ,~I .._, .. 'oJ by Armstrong & Batiuk . .AC.TUA1..1...Y, V'IE c:;\'.)N'T EXPECT NUCH T~ FROM "l'ME: HOT-TEMPE~ MARTIN SINCE • THE. /'•.:5 -"'~E EXPECTEO .,.0 ROl.L-OVER. THE SQUA'W& WITHOUT MUCH 5WEAI/ DlllJPllat MONDAY, MAY 31, 1NI C5 ,. ohncock holds off Mears to win Indy bl ,., , INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Gritty Gordon Johncoc:k. a man who hu lived under a ahadow for nine yeen, atepped into the •unllaht Sunday u he held oft RJck ~ean to win the clORSt and moet ~tic Indianapolla 500-mile race ever run. ahortened by rain, and run under the apectre of a The crowd went wild u Meua, ractns at laps craah at the ltart, two d-.ya of ratnouta and two clocked over 198 mph, began to cut Johncock'a big aeconda longer than the lut atop lOr Johncock. Pancho c.arter wu third, followed by Sneva and three-time winner Al Unaer. Another ll)ree-time Winner, Johnny Rutherford wu el&hth. death.I. lead near the end. He chopped the margin to 10.~ "Thia surely wu a lot dllferent than the other aec:onda with five laps to go, then three aeconda, 1.6 '" The fin1ab of the $1.6 million race, the 66th Indy cl.ulk:, wu an emotional l\AI of war for the nm than 300,000 people on hand u Mean all but dMed a 17-aecond deficit over the lut 13 laps, fihlahina juat .16-eecood behind Johnoock. win in '73," aald Johncock, who will collect about leCOnda, a half aecond. Finally at the atart of the last $300,000 for the victory. "That wu in the rain in pit 2 ~-mile lap, they were wheel-to-wheel. Standingl are not offldal unUl they are pomted thia morning. lane, when they decided not to run anymore. I'll But Johncock never let Mean get the noee of never foraet th.I.a one." • hia Penske PC-10 ahead of hil own red-and-blue The race a1ao waa marked by one fltt lnddent and at least two lnatances of apWed fuel deapite new salety rulea for handling the volatile methanol. The cloaeat prevtoua Indy race waa a 2'16-.econd lV1ctory by Wllbun Shaw over Ralph Hepburn in 1937. IAst year'• wu the RC.'Ond cloeeet, Wtth Bobby Unaer beatlna Marlo Andretti, Jbhncock'a teammate, by 5.2 aeconda. Thil race beean on a d.l.acordant note, with a Wlldcat-C.osworth. At the finiah, Johncock drove hia multicar accident on the pace lap eliminating the racer low on the main straightaway to keep Mean can of 1969 winner Andretti, Meara' teammate\from felling by. Kevin Cogan and two other driven, and holding up " was trying everything I could think of, but the •tart for nearly an hour. he had a lot better straightaway speed," Meara said. Johnoock make hia lut plt atop three lapa after Mears, fetting in and out of the pita smoothly aa the crew o car owner U.S. "Pat" Patrick roee to the oocaaion. The STP~sponaored car drove back onto the track nearly one-third of a lap ahead of Mean. Mean, who eet a qualifying record of 207.004 "I could catch hlrn in the corners, but I couldn't hold mph in pacing the fa.st.eat Indy field ever, waa the it." The flnt attempt to start the race ended abruptly in a pair of accldenta that eliminated four starters, including 1969 Indy champion Mario Andretti, Johncock's teammate driving an identical car, and Cogan. solid favorite at the atart and appeared to take A bumping incident in the pita with 17 laps to command eeveral times during the race. go probably coet Meara the victory. He was making There were early challengea for Meara from his final acheduled st.op when he ran in\O the back t The race waa the aecond-faateat In Indy hiatory. Johncock, 45, from Coldwater. Mich., awra,{ed 162.029 mph, just ahy of the record of 1~2.962 aet by the late Mark Donohue in 1972. ~averaged 162.026. Elapeed time for the race WM 3 houra, 5 minut.es, 9.14 leCOnda. Johncock won the 1973 Indy race, but never was given much credit for it. That race was four-time winner A.J. Foyt, competing in hil 25th of the alow-movtng car of rookie Henn Johnson. Indy, who went out halfway th.rough the race with •.• 1 couldn't get around him," Mears mechanical problems, and Tom Sneva. But the race explained. "I hit him and lifted him off the ground. turned into a tenae duel between Johncock and That put us too far behind to catch Johnoock." The 26-year-old Cogan, m hia second Indy, suddenly slid SJdeways from hia starting spot in the middle of the front row, JUSt ahead of Johncock. .. , .... 1979 winner Mears. Mears' flnal pit st.op lasted 20 seconds, aeven (See INDY, Page CZ) 1• · EARLY TROUBLE -Pit crew members duck behind inside retaining wall as drivers Kevin Cogan and Mario Andretti collide on the main straightaway just before the start of ,,,~ Sunday's Indianapolis 500. The incident knocked out four cars at the start of the race. ". 1Sixers refused to he trapped Laker running game defused in Philadelphia's 110-94 win ,PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Julius Erving credited two days of hard practice with helping Philadelphia defuse the Los ~eles Laken' offense enough to come a'Way with a 110-94 victory Sunday that evened the National Basketball Aaaodation cbampionah.lp aeries at one game apiece. 1 ,. A half-court trap defense had ignited the ~ra· fast break as they won a record rilne straight playoff games thia eeaaon. including a 124-117 victory over Philadelphia Thunday night in the opener of the best-of-aeven ae"es. especially when we had a smaller lineup isl there." Cunningham also said that practice was an important factor in stopping the Lakers and snapping Loa Angeles' record nine-game playoff winning streak. "We worked hard preparing the lut two days," Cunningham said. "We definitely handled the traps well this time, shewed patience getting good shots and moved the ball around." "We expoeed their trap in the first half made them adjust," said Erving, who d the 76era with 24 points and 14 bounds. "We taught ounelves how to t the tra between pmes." 'Dr. J di~ a good job gelling rebounds. took over on the boarda," 76en Q>ach y Cunningham said. "We needed that, "The 76era moved the ball well and ahot well from the perimeter," aaid Laken Coach Pat Riley, whoee team was outahot 52.7 percent to 42.2 percent. "But now we're going home, and we'll have a sellout. It'll be wild and the Lakers will be more confident." The third and fourth games of the aeries will be held Tueed.ay and Thursday nighta at the Forum. ndretti puts blame Cogan lbr crash INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -An angry Mario Andretti blamed fJ'or\t-row atarter Kevin Cogan f« I the accident that knocked t.ur care out at the atart of ~y'· Indlanapolia 500. "lt looked Uke Cogan waa ookina for trouble," aald ..Andrettf. a veteran who 1ut year 1'M at the center of one of the ftlMt controversial flniahH ln Jady hlatory. "We were all ~then all of a IUdden • , be crowded Foyt and obvloualy was· not paylnf ~tion to what he Wal doina· ' He called It "the bl11eat •inmntment I can remember." the final warmup lap, :w.-ettt WM lmocked out when 1.wm11u veered and atruck the of the car drtwn by A.J. AndMU. irytna to avo6d llh. tun*' bla car Into the don't think you'd like to hear," he said. "I bad a car in front of me with no place to go," Andretti said. "It looked like Cogan waa looking for a little bit of trouble. He dla exactly what he'• not auppoeed to do. He crowded Foyt. "He (Qisan) couldn't handle the responsibility of the front row. (Car owner) Roser Penske bu a car that'• too good for him." Andretti aald that during a recent practice aeNlon Co1an "out of the blue ... jumped out of the fP'OOVe in f:rcnt ol me. I tried after to talk to him. jult lib a father, be jult walked away!' In the 1981 Indy 500, Andmtl waa awarded fl.nt p18Ce when Bobby Umer wu pena11r.ed one lap for ~dwin8 • yellow muUon t u he nlted from the pits. r, .wnl months later, the U.S. Auto Club AJ>,peala Sffrd reverted tb• ptnalty, .,.in droppna AndretU to ....wJ and •wardlna U11111r the Ykkry. The 76era never trailed after taking a 10-9 lead early in the game. Although the Lakers cut a 15-point third quarter lead to eight in the fourth quarter, they never were able to put on a spurt like the 40-9 explosion they had Thunday ntght when they won the first game 124-117. The nine straight playoff games won by the Lakera was the NBA record for one aeaaon. It alao tied the overall postaeaaon mark of the Minneapolia Lakera, who won their lut game in 1949 and their first eight in the 1950 playoffs. With the victory, Philadelphia also halted the Lakers' record of seven straight road playoff triump~. dating back to 1980 when they won the NBA title by winning the final game at Philadelphia. Kareem Abdul-.Jabbar led the Laken with 23 points, while Earvin "Magic" -!ohnllon had 18. Afterwud. AndmU Mid the aoo ... not • much tun 1« him .. it med to be. But SundlY• milbap, be IUd, 'ftl the btUilnilt blow Of all CBEE&I EXP8B88 -PhUadelpbla'1 · u.unc. awea .,.,,,.,.. • be c1rt¥a tio thl ba1ket •1ain1t Laker center Kareem =-----· ----- Kison unable to hold lead Angels stopped by Brewers By CURT SEEDEN Of the 011117 '"°' ataff Things were looking good for the Angels as early as the second inning Sunday afternoon at Anaheim Stadium. Whereas it took them nearly seven or eight innings to scrap their way back into the last two ball games with the Milwaukee Brewers, the Angels opened a significant 1-0 lead in the second on Fred Lynn's second home run of the year. It was a significant run because the Angels had managed to win all 15 games at Anaheim Stadium this year when they scored the first run. ' AND, WHEN Doug DeCinces rifled his sixth homer of the year in the fourth inning, the Angels had handed pitcher Bruce K.iaon a 3-0 lead against the frustrated Brewers. But apparently, thia was not the aeries for three-run advantages. The Angels erased three-run Brewer leads en route to victories in the two previous games, and Sunday before 30,270,' the Brewera returned the favor. Cecil Cooper blasted a two-run ho~r in the !if.lb. capping a four-run rally, antt Milwaukee went on to score a 7-3 Vlctory to gain a split of their four-game series. "Taking two against a good California team is respectable," noted Milwaukee Manager Bob Rodgers after the game. "It's hard to come here and expect to win all four with California at home and playing well." Meanwhile, Angels Manager Gene Mauch summed up the defeat in once sentence: "Kison didn't pitch the way K.ison wins and we got beat by one of the game's top hitters. That's about the siz;e of the ball game." PRESUMABLY, MAUCH was ta.Ud.ng about Cooper. but there were plenty of other Brewers who played a part in handing Kison his first loss against four victories. "We must have one of the best hitting lineups in baseball. but we haven'.t had many days when we've hit as a team," Cooper saicj. "More people hit the ball th.ia senes tnan we've h.ad m quite awhile. I hope it's an indication of things to come." The Brewers, in fact, 9COred 21 runs on 44 hits in the aeries but could only muster two victories against the Angels. Still, Cooper claimed, the Brewers weren't any more pumped up for Sunday's game than any other. "Each game is different. That's the way I try to look at it," the big first baseman said. Sunday afternoon, the Brewers pounded out 11 hits, with catcher Ted Si.mmons going 2-for-4, including a aolo home run in the sixth inning. Right fielder Mark Brouhard went 2-for-3 with a double and scored twice, left fielder Ben Ogilvie cracked his ninth homer of the year in the ninth off Don Aase. and young Marshall Edwards went 2-for-4 with an RBI double. Even though the Angels managed to take two of the last three with the Brewers, their starting pitchers took a beating. Thursday. Milwaukee 9COred four runs off Ken Forsch in just (See ANGELS, Page CZ) Valenzuela gets first shutout CHICAGO (AP) -Fernando Valenzuela, whoee tosaed eight shutouts last year, wasn't at all concerned Sunday that it baa ta.ken him 11 tries to record hil first scoreless win thia ye&r. "The shutout didn't bother me. I had the win and that'• the most important thing in bueball," the Mexican lefthander said through an interpreter following the Dodgers' 7-0 triumph over the Chicago Cube. Valenzuela 11cattered elgbt hita, walked just one and struck out a season-high of nine. But mo9t ot all, said CUbe' manager Lee El.la. Valenzuela made the out pitch when he needed It most. "I saw an exceptional pitcher out there today," Ella aaid. "There's a few of them in th.I.a league. When they're hot, they're really hot." 'Ella recalled a 3-2 pitch Valenzuela threw to Keith Moreland, the.Cuba' moat con1l1tent hitter thla aeuon, when Chjcqo had men on t.lnt and third with one out in the f1nt l.nnlns· "He made a bell of a ptdl there,.. Elia aaid of • ecnwball that Moreland chopl*i to .aond for an lnnlna-4!ftdJ.nc double~ 111 WM . WfL'Y care with bim,~a)enaeela, 7 "I just didn't want t.o walk him." It may have been the ID09t lmponant pitch of the .... -the difference b•t'freen Sunday'1 l'llUlt and the OUtcorDI ol the 1-t time the Q.abt ,... Valenmela. J "LMt dme, .. ~ -him IN'lJ," ma .u«t-of n.. -.a'I llcbt--hlt, .wm-nm ..... of tbia 21·,.....old -.atbpaw at Lal ..,. ... than two,..... .. I I 1 t I " Olympic hockey star involved in accident Prom AP dl1patollt1 MATTAPOISETT. Mue. -A 'liil tlrlver ldentttt.d u Jim ~. p1Je ' on th• 1980 U.S. Olympic diamplon . hock•Y team, waa charted wttb drtvtna to endaJ\aer alwr a two-carfcollialon ln which ~ 29-yeu-old New Bedford woman wu killed, the police Mid Saturday. There wu a pomtbility of mon cha.rget apinlt Crala. who went on to become a plle tn the !1ational Hockey Lffgue before belna aent to the minor 1~ pending an lnveatlgailon, 1afd Officer Kenneth' Pacheco. Craig celebr,atee hit 25th birthday Monday. CtwQ Craig, of North F.aston, Maaa., became celebrated worldwide after the U.S . hockey victory ln which he was pictured wrap~ ln the American flag following the U.S . defeat of the fav~ Soviet team in the semifinal. "I know it was him," said Pacheco. "He is a summer resident of our town. He lives with his siater." The police report identified the dead woman as Margaret Curry of New Bedford. She was a passenger late Saturday in an automobile driven by Ingrid Olsen, 30, of Westport, according to the police. A aecond passenger, Patricia Belliveau, 21, was ln critical but stable condition at St. Luke's Hoepltal. Quote of the day Loa Henson, basketball coach at he University of Illinois, Champaign: "As coaches, we need to push for an early signing date. If a player commits early, he s h ou ld be permitted to sign a letter-of-intent at any time after his senior year begins." IOC wants to prevent boycotts ROME -·More than 80 • ambassadors from the International ' Olympic Committee (IOC) will go 'to their national governments In the next two months seeking support for a United Nations declaration guaranteeing the Olympic Games. ' "It's a tight timetable," said Richard Pound, Canadian member of the IOC who has pioneered the project. "We want to pwh it through the next United Nations assembly ln September. U we work hard and get a sympathetic recept1on. we could have ~ or 60 nations J"e*iy tot.ck it." The declaration cal.la for all memtwr states of 'the United Nations to protect the Olympic Games, provide free and unh1ndered aooe99 to the Games for all athletes and offldalw, and refrain from any political action In relation to the Games. This Is another way of saying: "Don't boycott the Olympics for political reaaona. Help athletea to go to the Games for the lake of international peace-and goodwill." From Page C1 • f' Yank .. bloW e.o teed; 1tlll win Ntw Vork11 ,WUllt RHlltlpll • llnlled ln w ~ Nn In '1MI lOTh · lnnln1 S"unday and OIOar OamW. foUOwwd wtth a tu.n-acorinl double to Ult the Yann. to an 8-e W:tory av•r the ~ta Twtna. The Twin. hid tie~ blCk born a 8-0 dtfk:it "°cs. t.be ,...,,. and m'MI lt ln\O exva lnnina . . . J:llewhere around lM American .uul; lUckty Htadtno• atole (our blllt. ...iunc hlt ...a.on iota! to 49 ln 49 lamlla, smmhed three htta and drove ln three ruru u Oakland earn9d a doubl•-header 1plh wlth Detroit by wlnnln~h• aecond 1ame. 10-3. The captured th• op•n•r, -2, deaplte pttinl only four ht«a H A'• pltchtra l11ued 10 walk• . . . Doc M .. lcll RANDOU'M acat~nMI lix hlta • Texu routed Kanua Oty, 8-1 ... Jim Gon and Roy Lee Jaclllon combined on a one-hitter, 1Md1na Toronto paal Baltlmol' • 6-0 ... Aadu · Tlloratoa hit a three-run homor lo apark. Cleveland to lta aeventh •tra!tht vtcwry, 4-2 over the ChJcaCO White Sox ... SMttle puahed Kn* two runt l.n ~e bottom of the n.lnth lnn1na to nudge Beeton, 2-1, cutttna the Red Sox' 1eaCl to juat a half-pme ln the American League F.ut. Cardinals stage two comebacks Dane lorg cap~ a three-run, iii two-out rally in the 10th lnn1na with a run-scoring alngle that gave the St. Louis Cardlnals a 6-5 victory Sunday over the San Diego Padres. The Cardinal.a, who ra.llled for three runs ln the ninth Inning to tie the acore at 3-3, faced a two-run deficit ln the 10th before rallying . . . Elaewhere ln the National League, Mike Vall hit a three-run homer ln the aeventh, and Eddie Mlloer added a two-run shot ln the eighth to power Cincinnati to a 7-3 wln at Montreal, ending the Expos' eight-game winning streak . . . George Foater homered at Shea Stadium for the first time since April 18. and Hubie Brook• spearheaded a 14-hlt New '°"° York attack with four ruts to lead the Mets put Houston, 9-() . . . Gary Mattbewa' two-run double sparked a three-run first inning arid starter Steve Carlton struck out 11 and 9C8ttered eight ruts in eight i.nnJ.ngs as Philadelphia dumped Atlanta, 6-2 . . . Job.Dy Ray slammed his third home run of the season with one out in the bottom of the 13th lnning to give Pittsburgh a 7-6 victory over San Franciaco. Ray hit a 1-0 pitch otf Giant reliever Jlm Barr, 1-1. over the left-field wall to end the 4-hour, 39-minute game that was also delayed a total of 55 minutes three times by rain. Wllander stuns Lendl In French Open Mata Wllander, a 17-year-old E3 Sw ede, upset second-seeded Ivan Lendl of Cz.echoelovakia, 4-6, 7 5, 3-6. 6-4, 6-2 ln the French Open Tennis Championships Sunday. Wilander, who had never played a five-setter before ln competition, moved into the quarterfinal& of the tourney. He'll next meet Vita• Gerulaltia, who got past fellow American Mel Purcell, 6-3, 6-3, 6-2. Jose La.la Clerc overcame another young Swediah hope, J oachim Ny1tl'Om, 7-6. 4-6. 6-0, 6-2. The day's star in the women's singles wu Zlu Garrlaon of Houston, who defeated Mima Jaa1ov~ of Yugoelavia, a former French Open finalist, 7-5. 6-1. Martina NavraWova needed three sets to dispoee of Kathy Rlnaldl, 6-2, 2--6. 6-0, while Tracy Austin and Hau Maocllikova were abo victorious. ANGELS LOSE TO BREWERS • • • three inninga. Geoff Zahn was tagged for fi ve runs in five innings on Friday, and Steve Renko allowed four l"UllB in 6 ~ innings Saturday afternoon. Zahn and Renko e9C8ped With no decisions, but Forsch and Kbon were less fortunate. So is the Angel staff whoee earned run average has now risen to 2.98. Prior to the series, the Angels boasted the major league's best ERA with a 2.81 mark. Sunday's game marked the return of reliever Don A»e who hadn't pitched since May 19. It was Aase who allowed the Brewers' two ninth-inning runs, mapping a run of 14 'h inn1.ngB in which Angel relievers had not allowed a run. ''I didn't expect him to be razor sharp," Mauch admitted afterward. "I really didn't know what to expect. When the ball was below the belt, th.at was Don Aase.'' Unfortunately, the ball was not below the belt when Oglivie hamrne~ his home nm in the ninth and the Brewers got their seventh r.un on consecutive singles by Brouhard , J im Gantner and F.dwarda. The Brewers aent eight men to the plate in the ninth, capping the series~salvag:lng wln. "Th.at'• what this game is all about.'' Angel shorts10p Tim Foll said alter the game. "We got ahead today and just couldn't put any more runs on the board. You have to do th.at. The same thing happened to the Brewers the last two nighta." * * * AHG«1. MOTEi: TM 9,_. 'ha..-now played 101 cone«:ullw ci-wlthOul being thul out -• our..-1 m•lor ~ beet dating beck 10 Junt 8. 1881 when IN Mmn.ote Twln1 nipped them, 1-0 Slltl, the(re not cloM 10 lllelr team rec«d for non-ehulout ~ - 212 Ml ~ Aug. 11. 11178 end &.pt. 29. 19711 ... .,..,., .,_,.., wtlo .... betting .447 (S&-17) In hi• tint IC>l)Mrenoe at Iha plett, upped 1ri.1 • ..,.... wtl8tl lie elngled to oC*1 IN bottom of the llrs1 Inning &lndey flod Cer••'• lllOHnnlng double •X1ended hi• modeet lllttlng ltreelt "' ... gernM. He etao leld down one of Ille ~tenied MCrillce buflt• In tlle first !Ming to - Downing to~. The Angt61' '"'Et !Md OYW Clllcego equ ... tl'lelr b1gge1t whloll they maintained Mey 5 C¥V« Ille e Sox . ,...... ...._ need9 OM ITIOfe RBI lo lie.....,. C..,._.. at 1,304 for 4111 on the all-time RBI lilt . . . With """' men 11111, c:a1cner .. a-. wt11 ~ 1111 toi.i ou1pu1 Of • y.-ago ('8) .... The Detroit Tlgtra lnv9M Anehelm Stadium todey for the llrlt of • '~ ..nee. The Tlg9re wlll eend Leny ~ ( 1-2) egant the Angel9' Mlk• W1tt (3-0) On TUMday the Ttgen _. llM Pleotntla'I 0... ll'etry (•x·El Ooredo High) up agelnat Ker1 Ponch (4-4) ol the Angel• Wednwdey'a ..,.. llnele w!A pit DelrOlt'I ... Wllon (4-2) egeln9t the Angt61' .... ZM!rl (~2), Floyd holds on to win Me morial DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) -Ray Fioyd wu unsure of his two-stroke Memorial Golf Tournament victory until he saved a par on the 70th hole Sunday. "I waa two strokes ahead with two hols left. I felt comfortable then," said Floyd after hit 1-under-par 71 accorded him his 16th trttimph ln his two-decade professional career. Fioyd overshot the green on the 204-yard, per-three 16th hole wtth a five lron. Kia ball nMtled in high rough next to a bunker. "Now I've got to go over aome of the bunker lnto the abort rough, downhill. IL wa a Vf!f'Y difficult ahot. I would rather have beeti ln the bunker," Mid floyd. Hit aand wedge shot rolled to wttbln five feet of the cup and he sank the putt to retain hJa two-shot marsm. "I was very much ln control. I kept playing a hole at a time. I think that ia the way l . waa sU<lt'e88tul," said Floyd. The 39-year-old Fioyd, running his career eamlngl to within $50,000 of the $2 million plateau, finished wtth a 72-hole total of 281, 7-under-per fOI' the toUmame?lt and one ahot off David Graham'• tournament tteerd. He took ~ lead for good with a birdie on 1he 13th hole of the Muirlleld VW. layout and wound up two lhota ahead of Rocer Maltbie, Gil Morgan. Wayne Levi and Peter J~ Maltbie and Morpn. tied for the third round lead Saturday, .Upped to 2-over-per 74a and wound up wtth 283 totala. Spuzich gets r eprieve to win Baseball today On th1a date ln blltball ln 19M: It \OOk Uw San FrandlCO Olanta 7 houri and 23 mlnu• -and 23 lnn1np -l.o <MfMt th• New York Meta 8·6 and aweo.P a doublahHdu at Shea Stadium Th• now-famoua nJ&htcap featured• Met trtpl• play, 01-nt oulllelder Willi• Maya playtna ahortatop, and 1arne--wlnn.lna RBI hlt.t by San Frandlco'• Del Crandall and' .Jetua Alou. The e ntlr• doubleheader took a whopplni 10 houra. 16 mlnutea to play. On th1a date ln 1937~ New York. Giant acrewballer Carl Hubbell had hla two-year, 24-aame winn!na 1treak an.apped u he wu defeated by the ~h-rtval Brooklyn Dodgen 10-3. • On th1I date ln 1927: Detroit tint baaeman Johnny Neun pulled off an ~ triple play ln the ~. 1·0 victory over the Cleveland Today's blrthdaya: Baltimore Orlolee plt.cher Tlppy Martinez la 32. Milwaukee Brewen pitcher Dwight Bernard la 30. Titans advance with win over ASU Defeating the defending NCAA • bueball champion Arizona S-tate Sun DevUa for the aecond time ln u many nighta, Cal State Fullerton advanced to the College World Serles in Omaha next weekend wtth an 8-7 deciaion. The Tltana had posted a 10-9 victory over ASU Saturday. Arizona State had moved lnto Sunday night's game by virtue of a 9-5 win over Houston earlier ln the day. In the first game, former Corona del Mar High and Orange Coast College standout Cbrta Jolmaton blasted a 4~-foot solo home run to straightaway center field to highlight the Sun Devi.ls' attack. ASU flniahed its season with a 57-16 record, while Cal State Fullerton advances wtth a 51-21 mark. Bonnett speeds to World 600 title Nell Bonnett, who went out of Ill last year's race following an accident, passed Bm Elliott with 12 laps to go and captured the World 600 title at ~ the Charlotte Motor Speedway Sunday. The victory was Bonnett's first in the World 600 and 10th super-speedway triumph . . . Eddle Delahoaaaaye, who won the Kentucky Derby wtth Gato Del Sol and then flew back for another stakes victory at Hollywood Park the next day, gets the favorite today with The Bart in the Invitational Handicap at Hollypark. The Bart became the favorite when Perrault wasn't entered . . . Benji Darden of the United States broke out of the pack after 12 miles and held on for a relatively easy victory in the Montreal International Marathon Televlslon, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching: v v fair; v forget it. t p.m., Channel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Ilodaera at Pittsburgh. A.n.noan~n: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Despite playing only .500 ball eo far this eea.son, the Dodgen have moved within four games of the top spot ln the National League West. Jerry Reuss (5-4) opposes Paul Moekau (0-3) in this afternoon's col)test. RADIO Baseball -Detroit at Angels, 1 p.m .. KMPC (710); Dodgers at Pittsburgh. 2 p.m., KABC (790). ONE-TWO -Gordon Johncock (left) and Rick Mears finished one-two in Sunday's Indy 500. · From Page C1 I NDY 500 • • • who managed to get past unsca.thed. He said he wasn't sure what happened, but several veterans speculated that Cogan was in too low a gear becau.e of an unusually slow pace prior to the accident. "The paoe wu way too slow," said three-time Indy winner Johnny Rutherford, who was several rows behind Cogan. "Cogan was ln low gear. When they let ua JO. he lea~ on the throttle and the car just jumped and let go... • T home ta kes regatta Gary Thome of Bahia Cainth.lan Yacht Club wu the Clasa A winner Saturday in BCYC'a Udo-14 Invitational Regatta aailed over couraee inside the bay. Runner-up in Clua A wu Bruce O.bom, Balboa Yacht Club, and th1td wu BUl McCord, BYC. 'Crapsho ~t ' t o T e mer ity . .- Bahia Corlnthlao Yach\ Club had yacht.a comin8 and 101.na Saturday and Sunday ln '" Santa Barbor& Puaaa race -dubbed the "uldmate crapiahoot." The pmble on the 93-mlle OOW'te on S.tw'day was whether to take C.tallna la1and to port or starboard. Most of the yachta me-to IO to tho atandard courae around the wt.Wt end of the ialand -leaving It to port -but about a half d1Hn y«i\'8 choee to leave the lala.nd to starboard by rounding the eut end fl.rat. On Sunday a fleet of Performance Handlc.ap Raclng Fleet yachts choee the 28-mlle lhort ooune. BOATING leaving the oil lalanda to port or st&rbo.rd and flnishing a t ~ BCYC clubhouse. First yacht to finish the long coune was Ted Kerr's Temerity. The race started off the Newport Pier at 10 a.m. Saturday and Kerr finiahed about mid.night. He was a.l8o first overall on handicap in PH RF-A. PHRF-A -1 T-tty.~K~I• Corlnth!M Yedlt Club: 2 8IUe Kedlet, Lloyd Cleu11, Huntington Harbour VC, 3 Atrlba. 8ef'I Bennttt, 8elb9e VC PHRF-8 -I Runawey II, JOhn Wiebe!, Voyeget"t VC; 2 Debra, DICk Reull, SSVC (rounded -I end): 3 TrN Gordo, Dave Pftce. 6CVC SORO -I E Tleket, Gery Cllendler, SSYC. 2 o.ftenoll, Rldl NOWiing, SSVC, 3 F\ep<IUI, Pel 0.bofn, Vayeger1 VC •i-t c-.. PHRF -I Call Pajamu, C•tl end Marcie Lui, BCVC; 2 lndlg<T Tiger. Geo<ge Mor1le•. ecvc. 3 lill{j. Ktn Bluel-Mark Sdltyer, ecvc Colloquy winner of PHRC race Colloquy, skippered by Frank Dau-, Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, was the overall and Class A winner in the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet division of the 75-mlle Historic Mariners race co-sponsored by Dana Point Yacht Clu b and Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club. The race started Saturday outside Los Angeles Harbor and took the fleet around the seaward aide of Catalina Island before finishing at Dana Polnt. Trophy winners: IOR -1. ~omentum, Pet« Tong. Soutll SllOr• YC; 2 Audedoul. Mike K«>Ndy. Dena Point VC PHRf-A -1 Colloquy. Frink Oelr, CBVC, 2 My Sweet I.Md. T- Carapetyln, A.None VC: 3. Splndrttt, A. Fettllaml Seal 8Nctl VC, 4 Bug °"· Andy Sibert, SSVC: 5. Slllllegegh, Relpl'I w ntrobe. eve. PHRf'-6 -1. Velkyne, 8111 Murrey-Rid! Reff. Cac>iatreno Bey VC. 2 Blue Mu . eruc.·~. Capo eve. 3 AttM, Bob~. Of>VC 4. GendMI, Doug end Suz.anne Jon., OPVC PHRF-C -1 Flrect .. I, P•I Gluier, Voyager. YC: 2. Atdlentl, Jim Botue, Nevy VC Long Beech; 3. Wolverine, Jann McMahon, OPVC, <I Sirena. Oele Thompeon, CBVC PHRF-0 -1 Sunahlbe. Ron end Joan Melanoelcy, OPYC. 2 Cllllf'e de l..Unl. P•ul Frazier OPVC, 3 Serene, JOhn Whitt, OPYC Close Encou nters wins Forty-seven boats in four classes turned out Saturday and Sunday for Newport Harbor Yacht Club's One-Design Regatta. Largest class was the Etchells-22 wtth 18 entries. The winner was Close Encounters skippered by Tim Hogan of NHYC. Summarv of classes: SOLING (ti) -1 Bendit, Bob Berman, 8ahle Connthlwt VC; 2 Alina. Guion Ortiz, Balboe vc. ETCHELLS-22 (181 -1. Ck>M Encountere, Tim Hooan. NHYC, 2 R«Mll. Scott Rema«, NHVC; 3 Pttiect Don Edler, NHYC. LASER (15) -I John Virtue, NYHC. 2 Gorden wenie.. BYC; 3 Miki Nuh, NHYC SABOT (81 -1 Caaaanore Smltll, NHYC. 2 Jell Olaon, NHYC; 3 Wor1h Houglllon, SSVC M URE DELT PM 2 • 2 BIAS-BEL TED Pet l tt• ., ••. _..,. ~.,. 11 N , .•. T. IN POPULAR p Memc a1aa Good V.tue In An konomtcal ,.., .. ,..,.,..,.. 2 f'1-9la11 b9'" p•o""de 111e..,9t11 •"d du•eblMl'f 2 fl"'otv••••• body pllu •"•ut• • MnOOltl t0ft ride ~I l UI •11l1JRI BHT PM <,1/( Olll~ P~IL [ I f T f'let treed a....i W•d• •"ouldert Oii•• ........ nllle"dl"'ll Wtuttw1U1 llH lot _,. auto "·'° "·· ::::: -.... .... .... tn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PIRELLI RADIALS FOR YOUR IMPORTED CARI ••z• PRIC• l' ••• T. 11515·12 3e.e2 1.22 , 155-13 37.82 1.27 1815-13 39.82 l.S7 1815·14 4e.82 1.80 1115·14 47.82 2.00 1815·14 152.82 2.12 1715/70/13 48.82 1.3& 1eano113 52.82 1.81 N•W.PORT TIR• C•NTllll IOOO 8. OOAIT HWY. OOllOllA D•L MAR. OA Wll '" ......... . ~ J f. - tJ I• ., .. .. " . Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Monday, May a1. 1oe2 SCOREBOARD ~ . . ., . llA.KMI L.aACIUS ITANIMM08 ........ u.r-.... -.,.... 31 17 .... Ct*-eo 21 11 .m 1-.. ~<:Ry 24 21 .w 5141 e..ttM 24 " .4e0 I OMlenO 23 2t .4et ei. T-14 21 .3$3 14 ~ 12 SI .240 to .....,,. ........ eo.ton n 11 ao D*olt 28 17 .122 New Yort< 24 20 .646 Clewlend 22 23 .418 .......... 2223 .489 ~ 22 24 .•Tl TClfOntO 20 29 .4SIJ .....,.. ...... ......... 7 ....... 3 ToronlO a. 8eftlmore o <*wllnd ... Olllolloo 2 , 4'Ao 7 7 , .... ·~ ..._ Yort< 8, MiMMota I (10 lnl*lg9) T-1.~Cltyt ~ 6-3. O..i.nd 2-10 S..ttle 2, eo..on 1 T...,..0-.. OWoll (Morftl ~) 81 ...... (Kl9on 4-0) Boeton (Tudor 4 ·21 e t Oeltl•nd (~+-5).t ,..._ Yort< (~ 0.t) al Toronto (Sllee> W). n T-(Mellecll 1-2) 81 8elllmorw (0. ~-).n ~ (Aleon ().1) •1 a....ncs (~~).n aiago (llumt 1-2) •t !(.-City (Gin 4-2~ n Mllweullff (H•H 2-21 et 8••111• (&Mtne ~).n ~:,-.:: W L "'8t. -Atlante 27 18 .587 - San Diego 24 21 .533 2'At ~ 24 24 .500 .. Hou.ton 21 27 438 7 Sen Frenc:leQo 21 28 .428 7'At Clnc:lnnall 18 27 .413 8 .. ..,,. Dtwte6oft SI. Loult 30 18 .825 - New Yorlt 28 21 .553 3'.I\ Mont,.., 24 20 .545 4 ~ 24 21 .533 4'A Chlcego 21 27 .438 8 Plttlbufgh ta 28 .408 10 .....,.. ..... OMeerw 7, CNceoo 0 CincWlall 7. Montnel 3 New Yon 8. ttoueton 5 ~ 8, Attenta 2 Ptttaburg11 7. San Franci.co 8 (13 lnnlngt) St Louie I, San OleQo 5 (1<1 llnrMOel T ..... ~ .,...,.. ,,__ ~) llt l'fttaburgtl (Moalteu o-3) Atlanta (W.itt 4-3) at New Yortl (Puleo +-2) Sen Diego (W9WI 2-1) .. 0*-00 (Bird~) Clnclnn•ll (Soto 4 -4 1 a1 P~ (Chtlatei-• WI. n Hou91on (Sutton 7-11 .. Mon1r'MI (LM 3-2). n Sen Fnindac:O (R. Manin 0-2) 11t St. Louie (Mura ~). n ~ ......... UTTIMQ M II N .. -&en1queii 52 • 18 o 8 c.-143 27 43 0 1() Ot1dl 144 20 42 8 2t Boone 142 9 40 , 11 Oowrq , .. 3t 53 2 24 Lyon t50 22 41 2 t3 Foll t58 15 43 2 24 8eowtor 117 22 ... 7 30 Ae.Jecll.-l t<IS 20 S5 7 18 OeClnoM t70 21 4 t 8 11 Ao.Jack.on 29 2 7 0 3 ~ 24 2 5 0 0 ~ 343713 Wiifong 8 0 1 0 0 9'nleon 45 4 7 0 2 ~ 32000 T0181t 1821 211 429 41 198 ma.o • " • eo •"'-......., 25... 18 10 10 1-0 Aer*o 54141 41 7 21 s-1 Ki.on aa 44 28 21 ... t ZAlfln 70 85 t5 22 5-2 ..... ..,... 31 11 33 J-2 Sancihll28 " 11 13 3-0 Wiii 31141 32 21 19 a-o Forwdl 79'A 71 11 22 -CotMtt M I 13 23 t-2 --40'~ ... 11 t8 2-4 T~ $91 156 111 3M7 AllmNCAM L.aACIUS ...... 7,,,.....1 ..... .30I .301 .292 .282 .292 .273 .272 .248 .241 .241 .241 .208 ..20I .117 .15e .000 .29:2 DA 0.71 2.15 2.72 2.a 2.83 3.21 3.22 3..52 4.24 4 •• 2.tl l&WAUllD C~ •rllM •tllM Mllr, Sb 4 0 0 0 Dwng. II 4 O 1 O ...... dll .. 0 0 1 Cf9w. lb 3 0 2 0 Coot. lb 4 1 2 2 Ottdl, 2tl4 0 0 0 Yunt, M 4 0 0 0 JdtlFI, rf 4 O 1 0 .._,c 4 1 2 1 ~. dll 3 1 o o OGMI. II 3 t t t Lynn. cf :S 1 t 1 lktw1!. rf 3 2 2 0 OCnc:e.303 , 1 2 Gntr. 2b 4 t 2 0 l'oll, • .. 0 0 0 • Ewda,c;f 4 1 2 2 Boone. c 2 0 0 0 TOllRS4 7 11 7 Totalll 30 3 I 3 ..... .., ....... ...._... 000 °'' 002 -7 c.Hornla 0 to 200 000 -3 DP·Mllw•uUe 2. Celllornl• 1. LO•·Mllwaukee I . Ce llfornla II. ~ • ._,,,.d, ~de. c.-H~ (I). llmmona (5). l~ (2). 0.Cl~M (t ). 0ellvle (t ). S·Car-91'~ ... 8latol'I (W..i.4-11 i!-.ity (W,1) • " ...... .o , .... 3 :s 3 :s U\t0010 c:...... Kllon (l,4-1) • 8 6 ' :s :s ........ 2 OOOtO ..... 2 822t2 Ki-. pl1CINcl 10 1 l*tw '" ,,,. "" T-2 4 t .t.-30,210 PN'TU. Timerw .. A'e I Oe«rolt loo 202 000-6 4 1 a.land 001 001 000-2 7 0 Morrie and Perrlell; Keou911 T Underwood (I), Owolllnko (I) ~nd ~-W-Morrle, 7~ L-Kaough. •COMDU. A 'e ,._ TI9erW I o.troll 200 00 f 000-3 11 2 Oaklend 101 0$3 Ob-to 11 2 8 . Underwood, Loper (II and WockenluH; MoCa lly end H••tll. W-Mc:Catty. 4-1, l-P. UnderWOO<I 2·3. HR-Detro11. Brookena (21'. CWtMnd. ~ ( tO~ A--31.276. ......4, ......... 1 Ctllcloo 010 010 000-2 8 2 ~ ~ 000 10.-4 7 0 ... ~~~-~~ 1-2. L-Larnp, 4-1. H -Clavelend' Thornton ~3~ ( tO). A-13,112 .. ........ , ~city 010 000-1 8 2 r-211 030 Ota-8 11 o ..... ~~°'~\rl). Hood (I ) end ._ .. , llnd -W-Medlc:tl M . l-Q-eal, t·I HR-T--. semc*i 2 (2). .._..,., (1). A-13.675 Y..._l,TwtMI ,._. Y<wtl 103 200 000 2-1 12 t ....._ooo 004 t10 o-e 1 o Alfllaltl. Fru ler (7). G~ Cl). "-wtey (10) end Wynager, Wllllem1, ,.__.. (4). R. o.vta (I ). Bot;. (t) llnd Bute<•. Laudner W-Goeaage. 2·2 L-8orte. 0.1. 8-Rewtey (3). HR-.... York, Gamble (8), Mayberry (4) ~ lieldler (1~ A-1&.35& -.,. .. Oft9IM I Toronto 200 000 004---8 9 o 8altlrnore 000 000 000-0 t t Gott. R.L. Jeckeon (7) end Whlll; P..,,.,, T. ~ (8) llnd Dwmpeey W-Gon. 1·2. L-Pllmtl, 24. 8-A.L Jadl80fl (4). A-21.832. ....... a....-... 1 eo..on tOO 000 000-t 7 o s..me ooo ooo 002-2 8 1 Tudot. CIMr (II) end Gedman; Beam. llnd 9ullnQ W-a..ttle, 1~. L-Tudor. 4.J. A-t ,\57 NATIONAL LUQUI! Doclmefw 7, c-. 0 Loe~· CMCAOO '*'II lilt ., II lilt Su.2b 5220 W"9,2D 4 000 Orta,.rf 3 0 0 , SndbQ.304 0 2 0 BlnQr.N 0 0 0 1 BllnrJD 4 0 2 0 Gtvy.1b $ 2 3 2 Mrtnd.rf 4 0 0 0 Gtrer.CI 4 1 1 1 Ortvn,CI 4 0 1 0 I Mndy,11 3 0 1 0 Hnden.lt .. 0 2 0 Anick.II 0 0 0 0 eo-.-.. 0 0 0 C.,,3b • o o 1 Jo.te.c :J o 1 o Sc:eca.c 4 1 2 0 .Jnll,.._p 1 0 0 0 Thme.• .. 0 0 0 HCn.ptl 1 0 0 0 ll'lnzl&.p 4 1 1 1 '""-·P 0 0 0 0 Wde,ptl I 0 0 0 lnn,p 0000 Toute3t 7 10 7 T-34 0 I 0 ............. Loe Mgelea 100 110 013-7 aiago 000 000 000-0 E -He ndereon, Cey, Tllomee. Gwwy, Wiii. Sall. Of' -Loe Anoe1M 2. Loe -Loe Mgelea 8. aiago f 28 - Sdoecle, t•oderaoo1. HR -~-o (10). Guoy (3) 8 -Guerre ro lWtllger. • &.-......... "•••90 VlraueN(W,7 .... ) 9 • 0 0 0 9 .i:t..~T.'w1 1 1 :s 2 1 ' Tldrow 2 1 t 1 1 2 Lenon , 23001 T -2 23. A -34,3<MI ......... ~2 .. tltlli. Ot1 000 000-2 & 0 ~ 300 300 00•-I 12 0 ~ (5). ,__ (7) and Benadlc:t· Carflon. lllead (9) and 8. Ola. w _: Clr1lon. M . L -........ -A -$5,882. ..... 1.a-• ClndnnelJ 001 OOC) 420-7 ,.. 0 Montr• 001 020 000--3 10 0 PMlorw. 8. 8'*tey (8). LAlbrendl (7) and Tr9Wlo; Oumc:*aon "-'don (7). 1111m1 181 -i c... w-e. ~. 2·2. L~. ~ S-LMbnndl ;t). HR-Orldnnetl, OMlw (2). V• (2). E. Mllnar (2) MonlrH I, Oliver (5) .. _..2,144 ..... ......... ~ 000 001 400-11 , t .,.._ Yortl 430 100 tOll-8 14 2 ~.I.ACOM (1). ~ (3). Mofftt1 (5). lACorte (7) end A8flby; M Scott. Allen (7) end ~ W-M Scott. -· l-~. 24 9-Allen : t3). HR-New Yor-. Fo1te r (8) A-tt,544. ..... 7,0lal.-1 Ban "8n. t20 001 100 010 o-e t8 3 f'ftlbrgll 122 000 000 010 1-7 12 2 .~ ~.:C,13.LL.awile (8). Minton [I). Ba ( _,, Branly, Rhoden, 9wrry t•>. TelttiM (7). L Aon10 (9~ Nle<l'lenn Cl 11. Solomon (13) end T, Pen•, Hlcoele. W-8otomon, 2·1. L-8-. 1-1. HA-Pltteburgll, J ~ [3). A-15,271. c......a. ....... Sen °"90010 OOt 001 2-5 11 2 St.~ 000 000 003 S-t tt 4 loll.,. Luca• (7), Clllffe< (t0) end !~· Kennedy; LaP04nl, a.Ir (ti. ..,._ 110> ane1 en-.. w-aunw ).1. l -U.C., M A---S2,410 ' Top 10 c-..-·~= ...... e M II N ,._ 9omal, Tor 40 11S 14 44 .Ml :==:.a... 43 1111 31 •. w .a.. H U I St .316 L...,_,, M 37 110 11 at MS Ooopat, Ml 44 17' 21 81 .N7 ........ KC 46 17t 23 at .348 WWlaon, KC 21 ft 10 30 .M7 ~ ...... )4 llS2831 ~ Uplfww, Tor 44 153 11 81 .$33 Y~. Ban. N 126 t7 41 S2t .._...... . fhOrnton. ~. 13: "'***•· 8alllmcn, 12; Le ....... ~ tO. Harrah, Cla11a land. 10; Hrbalt: ~ tO; ~. O..land. tO. .............. Thornton, Cleveland, 44; MoRM , K.._ ()ty, 40, lullnakl, Olllolloo. 31• OglMe , Miiwaukee, 32; Coopa r: MllwM~.:ro:.::::; 11. ~. Cniceoo, i-1; Guidry, :l.. Yort< 7-1; Barkaf'. Cleveland, ll-2· Burne Chicago, 11·2: Ceudlll. 8Hti1e, 9.2; Vuokovloll, MllwaukH 11·2· Zall" ............. . ' . MA TIOMAL I.RAOUi Q .... " .... WONford.SO 29 " 18 " .aes Au.JonM,80 ... 155 3e 54 .341 J ~.Pgll 42 157 SI 54 .344 Knight, Hin 41 117 27 8 t .321 W!o91m,SO 23 M 22 3 t .323 ~ 47 171 27 67 .320 St-na,NY 40 t54 25 41 .311 Ol!Yer.MU 43 181 25 51 317 Morelend. Chi ... 178 21 5e .315 Lo Smllll,SIL 47 114 46 11 314 ..._. ___ Kln9man. New York, 14,.Murplly Allent .. 14, J Thonipeon PllteClurgll' 12. Horner, Atlante, 10' Qwerrere' .,.....,...,., . . ................ Muri>llY, Allanta, 39, Klngrnen. New Yorti, 3a. Morelend. Chlcego 34 J ~kPllt1burgll, 34, ~. ,...,...(7~) Su11on, Houllon. 7-1. Forec:n, 81. LO\M, 6-t: Rooen. Monlrael 7.J· Ra. Jonee. New Yori!. 1-3. Vei. .. 1i.a1e, .,.....,... 7-<I; Sendenon. Monnel. 5-3; ~ .. SI loula. 5-3 ....... Dodpn. NCAA ~~QIOUL , .. MaaM ..... ) Mzona &tate 9. Houston 5 (Howton ellmlnetad) Cel Si.ta R.lller1on I , Atllone 81-1 (Arizona 81•1• •Hmtnated; Cal Stata Fullar1on edvanon to Collage Wor1CI SerlM). Holl>wood It.ti IUNDAY'9RUUl.H c-. .. ...., .... , ,..., Mca.. 1 1118 ...... TrlC*M (~ 7.20 4.40 3 80 n .. M90IOd =:1 7 80 5.20 Fi.et f\Aar ( ) 1.40 Aleo reoact· The Big r .. On e "- Bo Celled, Mae1C Stet, Ouelflcatlon • ...Y .... ,~ Tlrnr I 44 '16 MC<*D flACa. 8i. 1ur1onga. Cite Somllttte (Cetnd) I 80 4 00 3.20 My Dul~ CMcCettonl :S.20 2 80 K•thlnlle (H..-,) 5.00 Aleo r909d· Alleronee Camel, Otre Pr~ Bad Bad Lucy, NdV9 Ital, GoiOerl Polley. Aolllng Gin. Time· 1·17 3/5. Ill DA&.Y ~ (M) paid $21.IO Tl9NI RACa. e 11H1on11e sn.nun (Vlnzlal e.llo 4.IO 3.eo Windy Scott (S~) 17.IO UO ww Hou.. (Welling1onJ e.eo Aleo reced Me•HO• 10 Gercl• Colol* Stu. Croftad. Ooon'e Bay, Aae0Y Rell, 8-voy. Tlma: , . 10 3/6. • llCACTA (3-9) paid '271.00. POUllTH MCL 7 1unonge Perry Ca.bin = 8.40 3.40 3.00 Sell 8 ., Royel 0.. (Mcern) 5.80 4.20 RICtt o-g. (""-Y) 3.80 Aleo raoad: Meeter Wtlriof. &.P<1ae a.ore-. o...,.e Cteett. Some Lute. Time: 1·22. • llCACTA (8-.6) paid 182 50. """ uca. I IUrtonga. ffat'e "-ny (~ 51 ~ 20.IO 10.IO Gt1n90 Jim (""-Y) 20.00 1.40 ~(~) :uo Aleo r..cl: Jel Plr81e. Femllar Tune, R•mbl• on Jolln, Eatr• Quick. Spec:t_..., BM. Murtazz, o.tem Gem Time· 1:11 2/8. • DACTA (8-1) paid 11.433.00. llXTM Mca.. One mite ' Delicate Georee (Vlnza)l50.eo 11.80 7 .oo t...aedlnO ~· (Plnc:8y) 3.20 2.80 OutDloal (Steiner) t.20 Aleo reoact: Loet Loot, T ... , r..-., A1tor1an, Sparkle Cryllal, Jenni.'• flNIOe, Dynamic Gll1. Time: f·:11 215. taVDfTM Mca.. 1 t/ 1t m11ae on luff. Pirate Lew (Vinz!) 8.00 3.20 2.20 Feat (MoeaNon) 4.00 2.IO Moon Bell (Ceat8neda) 3.00 Aleo rM*I: Paltl'a. T""""Cl'I, &#lny Wlntaf'e, ConleUI, Haughty 8u1 Nk>e, Golden Flell, Anolhar Ra*n . Time: 1.41. • IJtACTA (1·5) paid 173.50. H f'ICll atX (1·3·8 ·1·2· 1) peld M.298 20 with 40 w1nnMO lldlet9 !TM llOreM). 12 Pie* Sil! C01l9Cllallol1 paid $4 t .OO """ 2.044 wlnf*'8 llClltaitll (lour ,__,, ~ MCL Ht mllee on luff .._,, ... t IP!ncaVI 4 40 a 40 uo Kundallnl (V~) ti 00 3 IO Pierre La Mont (H...-Y, 3 eo Aleo rec:e d: Wentuee, F•Dulou• ReHon, tno•••. Et Pano110 Angel &un..o...,, . T1ma: 1:47411. • DACTA (11-2) paid M2 00 An~c 4U10 .. A ........ C~P'IMAU J.. .... .,.._, u.an~~111 Phlledal~~~are 84 s.1M tied 1·1) r...,._ca- PtilladalptH It ........ ,,. ... , •• ca.... PNledelpNa It ........ UUnaJ~ T....,,""'91 Plllladalphla at LMlaf9 (If ~) ~.JllM1t L.allerw It PlltladwlpNa (If ~J n.r..110, ........ LOaANCMU• ..... ,.,.. r •pf,.. Rambla .. 738 4 t311 w.... 5 14 3 5 5 2 2 13 Al>dl-Jbbr 7 t4 8 13 7 2 3 23 Nixon 3 14 o o 3 10 5 8 E.Jhnan 8 14 8 7 11 1 3 1a Mc:Adoo 8 11 o o 2 o 4 12 C0099r 4 • 3 8 1 3 1 11 Totala 35 83 24 37 38 25 21 84 ~~ .......... , .,.,.. EMng 10 15 4 7 14 3 1 24 8. Jonae 5 • 0 0 7 4 4 tO C.Jonae 8 tt 0 0 11 C: 4 12 a.a.ta 7 11 5 8 1 a 5 t8 Toney 8 18 O O 1 11 4 12 8an1om 4 500502 e Dewklna4812 105 8 ~ 5 • 0 4 4 2 2 10 ....... on 2 1 2 2 8 o 3 8 Tot• 48 13 12 21 63 21 30 110 ao..1111ro-w. Low ~ 2t 21 28 18 -94 ~ 37 23 31 22 -110 T~ -Loa ... _..._ -... ~A -11.364.~-. -- NA81.. ....... ......,.. Dtrtlteft WLOl'GA•"9.. cowmoa 8 2 28 1s 25 n Toronto 8 4 22 18 18 es Montreal 5 4 13 8 11 41 0*-00 2 7 12 20 12 24 ..........~ Ft.~. 4 30 23 27 71 T.mpe Bay 5 1 18 24 17 47 T.... 4 8 18 21 18 42 JecltlOfl'ttla , 7 14 21 14 32 ....... ~ San .1a. 1 4 15 ta 13 63 SM Diego 5 8 t5 t8 13 41 Vll'it:JOW9l 5 I 1S 18 11 )8 Edmonton 5 5 14 17 11 37 Pontend 4 8 13 10 8 28 s.nte 3 7 14 17 12 21 ....,. ...... No 0--Wdl9duled T.._...__ No~ ...... Camel.Where a mall belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "tlf', 0.8 mg. nicorine av. per cigarettt by FTC method. ~ Tournem.nl (at~OHo) •1 Ray Floyd. 143.000 Ill Roger Maltbie, 123. 100 Gii MorQM. 123, 100 ..... Jec:ban.123.100 Wayne Levi, 123, 100 .. 74-tlM7-71 ~75-74 72-70-e7-74 1......ea-12 74-70-ei-70 Dan Pohl, 112, 182 70-72-70-72 Bruce LleUtte, l t2, t82 73-70.7t·70 .. SCotl Slmpaon. I 10.150 71-88-71·74 Jay H .... l 10l 150 70·72·70·73 Tom Purtut, •10, t50 74-88..e8-74 -Jaclc Nldl1-, 17.420 74-ee-72·72 ..... lrwln, 17,420 70-70-71-75 8obby Clatnpett, 17,420 74-a-70-74 Howard Twitty. 17,420 73-70-70-73 Fred CoucMaa. 17,420 71-71-73-71 117 Bob Glider, ta,075 Hal Sutton, 16,0715 F\laY Zoallr. 16,075 .... ~0711 0on f'odl¥, •.015 Tomw.....,•.015 -kl/lrtnf ..... 11.406 CaMrl .......... .. Mll• ........ 93.406 Tom .-....ts,406 .... ...._,, ts,406 -Tom Kltie. 12 ..... 2 Gary~. 12.1142 Andy a.... &2,142 8nlCle AeWw. &2,642 Kaltll Fergua, 12,642 Georoe Arch«. 12.M2 Lou Graham. 12,642 -lerry P•ta, 12,275 Seot1 Hoch, 12,275 Jim Colbert, 12.275 Oen Halldoreon. 12.275 Ed Sneed. 12,275 ., 70-72·71-75 12-12.-.16 76-71.a.74 71-73-71·73 71-72-73-72 70-75-70-74 75-72.a.74 75-&-73-73 8$-73-70..77 &8-7t.-72-72 7e-eB-71-72 70-74-73-72 7+-73-M-75 73-ea-73-78 71-71-73-76 74-7~73 74-72-72·72 FraNI eon.-. 12,000 88--72-72-78 st ..... Main)'tl. 12.000 ee.1+-11.n J.C Sneed. 12,000 7~71-75 D.A. Walbtlng, 12.000 78-72-73-70 Denny Edwarde, 12.000 71-73-73-74 Matte McHulty, 12.000 73-74-73-71 -JOhn 8chfoedwr. 1 1,850 7~ 73-7 4 John Cook, 1 1,850 70-72-78-74 8ob Eaatwood, 11,&so 71-72·74-75 Skeet.• Heath. 1 1,850 73-78-71-72 .. Graci P--,11,788 70-74-71-78 MMi ~11,790 71-78-70-74 S-811atra,S1.788 72-73-73-75 ..... IWd.11.790 72-74-74-73 Bobby WacRtlna,S 1,790 78-73-70..74 .. vanoa ...._,1ueo 111-11._n 1AoMn1 Thmoan.St,l80 7+-72-73-75 Mn L~.s1.eeo 111-12-1a.11 Coming~ (.C CemMe, M.Y.) -•-Sandre ~.S18,750•72-7o-e8 Patty SheaMn, lt2,250 97.711-e9-e9 •1 Sandra Haynie, 17.600 70-70-70.7t Amy Alcott, 17.500 72·70.88-7t m Cindy HNI. 16,000 m 72-71-72-87 Kathy Hlta. 14,000 70-e7-71·75 Shelley Hamlln. $4.000 71·7~M8 Cathy Morrie. 14.000 72-70-10-7 t .. Jo Ann WMllam, 13,375 74-8$.ei-72 .. Chrl• Johnaon,&2,876 72-72-71-70 Sandra Palmaf. 12.876 73-88-73-7 t Jal'I Stapheneon. 12,875 71-7$-88-72 -Lynn Adame, '2.287 Bath Danial, '2,217 ~ Clthy S'*11. I 1.828 Vlc:lll Fergon, I 1, 828 Nw1Cy Lope, S 1.828 -Kathy WMMti.115.518 M J Stnlth. 1 1.518 Barbera t.Axr...11.518 S....,. UtUe, 11.518 -Mary Owyw. I 1 ,2SO ~Delley, I 1,250 ........... Atlnhdt,S 1.250 G.a Hlrsta. 1 1.250 ... 72-72-73-88 73-72-70-71 71-71-75-70 70-78-72-$8 87-74-70-78 74-71-72·71 73-78-86-71 71-73-72-72 74-7~7-73 73-73-72-72 72-73-73-72 74-74-M-74 72-72-72-74 0onna WN!a, I 1, 100 89-7+-75-73 Judy RM\lcln. 11.100 72-71-75-73 •-won playoff. •• ·:·· -...... -. -· • lndr•• ..... Unotflclal 11andlng1 In Sunday'• lndlanapolla 500, llallng driver, hometown car numbe r . cnaHl1-englne. number 01 lap• complete and •-age t9Md tn mllM per holK of Iha top 10 (atandlnge unottlcllal untll poatad by Iha U !I Auto Club at 8 a m EDT lod•y): t. GOf'Oon Johnoocl<. Coldwate<, Mloll . No 20. Wlldcat..co-ortll. 200 lapw. 182.028 2. Rick ~•. Baltaratlald, No 1 • Pan.i<a-Ford, 200 lapw, 182 028 3 Pancho Certer. Brown•Du•o. Ind . No 3. Marcll-Coaworth. 180 ,.,,, 181 327 4 Tom Sneva. Spokane. WUll. No. 7, Merell.CO.worth, 187 lapw, 1eo eee. 5 Al Un-. Alt>uQuerqua, N.M .. No 10. Longhorn·Coawortn. t87 lee>•. 158.835 8 Don Wlllltlngton. Fort La uderdale, Fla No. 81 , Maren-co.worth, 185 lap•, t57 225 7 Jim Hlc;ltman. Chamblee. Ga No 42. Marell-Coeworll'I, 188 \ape. 162 682 8 Johnny Rutherford. Fon Wonh. TellM. No 5, Chaparral-Coeworln . 187 lap•, 15-4 817 9 Herm Jolln1on Eau Clalra Wit , No 28, Eagle-ChaYy, 186 lapt. 150 4~ tO Howdy HotmH. Ann Arbor. Mlc:fl , No 30, Marcl\.CO.Worttl, 1MI •• 150 388 11 Bobby Rahel, COlvmt>ue, Ohio, No t8. MarCll-Coewonh. 17• 1apa t2 Gary Bett~. MonroYle. Ind . No 8, Ughtnlng-Offy, t58 lapa 13 Hec1or R«>aqua, Maxleo, No 52, Marell-Coawonh, 150 tape 14 Danny Sutllvan. Loutavm., Ky .. NO 53. Mwd\-Coawortl'I, 1'1 lapa 15. Chip Genaaal, Ptt1at>urgh. P•. No. t2. Wlldcet-Coeworth, 14} lapw. t 8 8111 Wllllllng1on, Fort Laudardala . Fla . M 84 , Marell-Coeworth, 121 lepe. 17. M'°"9lll Ctlandaar, Dena Point No ea, Eao»-C11evy. 104 1apw 18. Tom Blgalow, Wlna-ter, Ind .. No. 27, EaQla-Cllevy, "\ape. t8. A.J. "0)'1, Houa1on, Taxu, No 14, Mar~h. 85 l11P9. 20. Johnny P..--. lndlanapolle, No. 34. Merc:h-Coeworth. 92 \ape. 2 t George Snide r. Houaton. Te aa, No 35, Marcn-Coewortn, 87 lapa. 22 Ow'"Y Ongala, Senta Ana, No 25. Int~. a2 1apa 23. Jerry $neva. Spok-. Wath., No 89. M~. 81 &apa 24 Che! Fllllp, 0iona. TP•. No 38, E.aole-Coewof1h. 80 lapa 25. ~ ... Halamer, Lafayette, Ind , No. ee. ~. 38 1acie 28 Tony 8e11an11aueen lndl e n apolle , N o 18 Mar~. 37 lapa 27 Dennie Arwtone, Gardena. No 7 5, Eagta-Mllodon, 3 7 lapa 28 Oeoll Brabham, Sen Clemente No 21, M~. 12 tape 28. JOMle Garn. Malllco. No 55. Mar~.11ap 30 Kevin COgan. AeOonOo a.en. No. 4, Pwllll•ford, 0 lapa 31. Mlll1o Andf'eltl Naunth. PL, No. 40, Wlldcat-Coewortll, 0 lapa. 32 RogaJ MMn. Ballerwflald. No 31, Penwke..co.wonll. O !ape 33. Dale Whittington, Orlando. AL, No 95, Marm-coawortn. o tape Weettend lreneectlofte •....a.AU ........ ~ ST LOUIS C ARDINALS Optioned Andy Rtnc:on. pllc:her. to Lou1av111 e or th• Amer ican AAoQallon Aecallad John Stupar pitcher. ff om L.outwMle • ~ .. 111111 .... 0£NVER BEARS -Slonad Daw Ra)llch. pitcher. 10 a free-agent contnK:t. NK>Ta.AU. ST LOUIS CAAOIHALS -Hemad 81ng Devine prH ldent e nd c:hlel oPWe1lng oflloelo Cl Or•noe Oout OAILV PILOT/Mondey, May ~1. 1882 MUC ll>TICI "*lC fimet fltalC NOTICf ....... PIOTtTIOUI •0iMH 'lf.Til'IOUt ltU=H ·~ ~ NA• HAT'IMINT "°TfTIOUe IU'*IH flit .. ~T,::0111 :,. f!Ml\I O 9.f.~~~ fne follo•lllQ peuon 11 dotng NAMI ITATIMINl 3 u _~Of ltua•o-=~~101 0 "111 IN OAIAV ..... !.!!~~01.11ow1ng Pt r.on 11 doing ftOHHOLOGY, A OOM ,_ C......, c..-Of, ,.... ........ • COMltANV. 1146 Alnlt•V ...... :.-ro~ .. ""' Ota1tl}e·Ollv• "11•d. Or•r111e. IUCO!ll,VL AUTO llLl.INQ A~ C0ttt MMa, 0 1 tHH MCN4M 0, N 1M1 ...... y CA ~·:~~ WOOlt Lil 2 N111<>e tr ~~. 't!.'t:!::: c'1:2t:;t1ego Ot111111oder• l ut1n1u Mt• .iAMI CMllN. v111e CA 11171• Jamaa H ltockw•ll. 124110 0It111 t I , In C (I NI w ' or II CtTATION ("'09.ATI)' Tll11 butl™JH 11 C0111.luctltd f)y an Ovt rbrOOll. Or Iva, A•oo. Newade 001po11t1on), ~O •••II Av• H•'N CMI..., AD.,,.,.. 1r101v1du1l 81611 Votk. N v 10019 till Pl!Orl [ 0, TH! STATI 0' , ..... ,s.•,:!..V>f, ~·.·. ,, ........... ,h , .. _ ,_.!,~~.~ti-•• COtldUGled by 1111 lllta bualMM II vondU\>led lly t l.All,ORNIA " _ . ...,., ~ ..., ,., •-""' ·- COfPQfl llOll fu DAVI() LARA\I '~ANKllN and (,ounlJ Clerk Of 0.ange County on J&l'lllf H Stoci.-.it C0t11mod1He Buall\IH .. AMllA tlUl I HANltllN .... Ma~ 6 11112 ,11117• Tt\11 ttel-t WM filed wttll the ~~ ~"'wnte1 l>AMll A S VANWAY You era l'utlll•h•d O••nge Cont Delly County CIWI< ul Orang. County on Vl4ie Pr•~ll fll~n'-1 llflrebr i;ltl\.l •nd 1equ111d to •PP.•' 1>1101 M•y 10. 11, l~ al. IH2 Mey 13, tNa 11111 atiterl\9fil .,.11 rired wllh II•• 11 ' 110111no In 11111 court on Auou•t 3040 02 ,1_1 C C "· II t9U et I 4~ • m 111 (><wt No 9. ------------Publlal\10 Orang• Coaat Dally ourtty llfk 01 ..... ano• Cou111v 011 ~~ 11 700 ..cMc. c.iiier Oftw PU8lJC NOTIC[ Pllol, M.,. 11. u . ) , June 7, tN2 May 1 IOl1 '1.U.1 WHI S111t1 At•• Cell)ornfi and lo ------------2102 .. 2 ltubll1lled Orange Cn~'' ll•11y gt~e •n• 11,.11 ruaon wh• "CTITIOUI IUllNlll ' • , " ' NAMI ITATIMINT rltot May 10 17, 2 J 1 t\182 ac;.<.Ordtno 10 tne verified pe1111oi1 111,. 10110,.111g P•• •On 11 tJolrtg NM.IC NOTICE J04 1 Ill tti.d .... nh thie couri llulln .. ~ 0 ---.. -_-IC_NO_T_l_C_E___ O•te<J Mey 11 1082 IAIPAN 4040 w <.nendler r--. KLllN t CUTLI~ INC, <; e 11 1 ,1 A 11 a CA 9 2 7 O 4 2UJ H ltroed••Y. •I• 20I M•\;hHI l Woode 3J68 C•ll 'leTITIOUI IWllHlll NAMI ITATIMINT CITY Of' i.-VIHll "'°"°HO ITATllllNT O' COMMUNITY DIVILO•MINT OIMICTIVll ANO ~CTIO Ull 0' 'UNO* The Cl1y ot lrvtne •• •nt1<:•p1t1no ~ '217.000 tn Commonlly Oe¥elopmen1 Block Oran1 (COBOi f\lndt for Fe<l.,11 Fltc•I YHr 11182 The V 8 o.c>1rtm•n1 of Houtlr>Q end Utben Oev.lopm•nl r~ulrM Illa! In Ille UM of in ... fund•. the city mutt give m .. tmum INllble priority IQ I CllvlllH Which Wiii tien.tlt low and moeler1t1 hicoma lamlliM; 0t alel In Iha prav.ntlon or allrnlnatlon of ttuma o. bliQhl or 1ct1vlll11 h i ving a pa•tlcular url:°tlty of lrvina In accordanc. with 1111 above crllerla, Wiii Ile con1ld1r1ng 1 propoHI pr1m1rlly l1clllt1t1 and ellpedlle Iha prodliCtlO<'l of low end moderala Income 11ou1lng and 10 provide affordable houtlng oppor1un11111 and needed publfc tervlcea for qullllllld o«ton1 wr.o elll'ler work or Uva In tl'll City ol Irvine Tile projected UM ol the COBO fund• WOUid bl .. IOlfOWI (1) Approxlmetety 60 percent 01 the city'• annual COBO allocallon for lhl IM)qullltlon of land and or impro~t tl'leralo lo meke tl'le eltM avlllllble for qualtfl<td llOl.ls1no (b) Apj)(Olllmalety t 0 peroenl OI the ct1y'1 annual COBO allocatton lot public tervlcea for Quallftttd Plf90MI. (c) ApprollkMtety 10 percenl of the dty'a an11Yal COBO eJ1«;e11on for CC>m9rlhlntl;,e plann1no (di Apj)(o•lmalety 20 pe<cent of tile clly'a annual COBO alloc111on tor coordinating and lmplemenllng pr09t am act1vt11ea Tiii• propoul la oubllsned to etford ctt~ens an oppor runny 10 1J11mln1 Ila conter•t and tubmll commenll. Written comments ere Clue on or before 5 00 p m . Jun11 2 t 1982 Submit yout written commenta 10 Jock M iine Communi ty Oeve1opmen1 Department, P 0 Box 19575, lrvlne, Calllornla 112713 The City Council, prior to flnelliJng Ill propOHll Wiil hold I pub41C llNrlng to obtain 1ne "'--ol the clt11en1 on Tuetday, Juty 13 11182, In 1111 Council Cllambers. 17200 Jemboree. Irvine. ~llnlllona of "low and moderate Income lemlllee.'' pe.rtlcular urgency and Oilier Information regarding the propo111 can be obtained by tlllc>honlng (714) 754 3695 Oeled. Mey 27, 1982 City of lrvlne ..,.,.. , ... 11. o.puty City C i.f'k Publl1hed Ot1ng1 CoHI Dally PUot, M•y 31. 1982 2384·82 lllTH NDTICIS SCHORLE OLIVE M SCHORLE, 8ervices have been set for Wedneeday, June 2. 1982 at lO :OOAM at Fairhaven Cemetery for Oltve M Schorle, 74. Mrs Schorle resided an Costa Mesa for 40 years and was a native of Franklin Manitoba. Canada A reg11tered nurse. Mrs Schorle worked at Santa Ana Community Hosp1t<1I. Hoag Hospita l and the medical o ff ice o( C B &mett, CdM Mrs &horll' ia survived by a son Jon. Chief o f Police San Francilco State University, daughter-in-law of Eldorado Hills, Ca., grandchildren Cynru and Jon II of Citrus Heighta, Ca .. a sister Mildrt.'d and brother Norman of Canada. Mrs Schorle was the widow of C Victor a Schorle of Santa Ana, Ca. Mra. Schorle has most recently been a resident of Sacramento, Ca ln lieu of flowera the family requests donations to the Olive M. Schorle Nursing Memorial Fund. San Fra.nruK'O St.ate University. Interment at Fairhaven Memorial Park Conducted by Fairhaven Mortuary. HAalOI LAWt4--MT. OLIVE Monuarv • CemPterv Cremalor~ 1625 Gisler Av• Costa Me5il 540-5554 ,lllC:I llOTHHS HU UOADWAY MOlTUUY t 10 Broadway Costa M1 .. ,' 642 91.-..0 IAln & HIGHOH SMfTH & TUTHILL WISTC:LJFJ C:HA'll 427E t7th51 Costa Mesa 646-9371 "HC:I UOTHUS SMITHS' MOITUAaY 827 Main St HunllnQton Beach 536-8539 'AC:IHC YllW MIMOIJAL,Aal Cemetery M ortvarv Chapel-Cremetorv 3i500 Pac1f1c Vrew Drive PWwport Beach 644-2700 l•nt• Ant, CA '27ot 1t111u11 :;1 Co111 Me .. CA 92928 (7t4) w llOO ' d Put>llll'l•d 01•1111• C1111t Oalty md1~:~:.~11n111 •I ~on uclt1d by an PllOI, Mo 11 i4 ;l 1 )11111 I 111112 Mk.II ... Woodl 2113 87 lhll .... _, ...... ht.cl wllll llw ------------Coun1y C..,k of Ora11g1 County on l'tllllC NOTICE May 8 1982 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FtW11 NAME STATEMENT Pl•bhshell Or•nge l.uu1l Ollllly l>llctl Mey 10 17 2A 31 t982 fhe rut1ow1ng P""u"~ are <11111111 206!1 82 b11,1nc>U II~ PAL.If IC OElAll /9!1 Dt1l M.11 r· "'" Ml<\J CA 9/LU Ml.IC NOTICE OE NNl'i f ()WAl1l) SMITH l'ICTITIOUI .Ull ... 11 1903 E B•y Av1111ue. Balbo• CA NAMI 8TATllllNT 9?66 t fhe lollowtng person 11 e101ng Jf F ~ [ IH I Jf 11 I JOttN no butinest .. NATI 7qq[)(:fMa1 Co~lnMKs~ Cl\ PASHA MARKET AN O 9~627 LIQUOR. 706 Pacific Coaal l h" llu>iness is cun1J1.1lled tJy w H1ghw•y. tiunllngton Beach QCfl4'1t1I p olnershop Numl All, P O Boa 756, l• Llt'm11s Sm•ll• Mired• CA 90673. 1260 ~tntree Thos ,10111mon1 w11~ hlf'd wllh lht< lll Habra CA 9063t Counlv Ctur~ ol 01ungR County 011 Thia bualnlH Is conduclod by en May 6 1987 lndlvldual F118t73 Na.tml All Puol1~hnl OttHlijR Codst o ... 1y Hus sl•l.,,,ent WIS 11i.o wtlh lhl P,101 Muv 10 t l ?4 l t 1982 County Clttrk ol 01ange County on 20118·82 Mey 13 1982 "19192 otlD•IC NOTICE Publislled Orange Co11t Delly ____ r-VVL ________ Piiot. Mey 17. 24. JI. June 7. 11182 FICTnlOUS 8USINESS NAME STATEMENT The following pe•aon is doing busn1nes1 u CHALOU LIMITED 18700 Beacn Boulevard Sulle 100. Hunhnglon Beacll CA 92648 G LOUIS Graztad10. Ill 18700 Beech Boulevard. Su11e1 100 fiuntlngton Sea;;h, CA 92648 t nis ousoness Is conducted by e limned partnerShlp G LOUIS Gra1.1adl0 Ill Thos &letemem was ltled wl1h tl'le Counly Clerk ol Oranoe County on May 13, 1982 F1at1319 Publtsned Orange Coast Oe11y P1101 M11y 17 24 3 t June 7 1982 2171-82 2t72-82 P\&.IC NOTICE T1120e HOTICI! Of' TRUITH'I SALE T.L No. 1J079 .J On June 14, 1982 at I 1 00 o'clodl a m 11 1ne 11•11 entrance In thl main lobby of Saleco Tiii~ lnaur1nc1 Company. 825 N Broadway, In the Clly ol Santa Ana, County of Ot~. s1111 of Cllttoml• SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COM PANY a co•poretton, aa Trua111 under lhe Oeld of Trull executed by M H. FEKRI, tlCOtded May 8. 1961 •• document no 10040 In boolt 14050, page !>53 of Olfleltl Records rn Ille olllce ol tile Recorder ol Orange County, Calltornla, by '"'°" of delaull In tl'le payment or performance of obllgetlona ••cured lh••eby ____ Plm __ IC_NO_T_IC_E ____ 1nclud1ng tile breach or delaull. kOTICI! Of' TIIUITl!l!'I SALi! nota OI wfllen w .. recorded F.t> I r.1 lollow111g pereon la dol11g bualn .. a H THE 8ARI! MINIMUM, 804 17111 Street Huntington BHch C A 112~8 Larry Jam" Coonrod, 004 11111 811e11, Hunllngton B••Ch, C A 112848 fhlf IX•aln ... It C!Of'ldUCled by an lndlvldual L•trY Coon•oo Thia 11a1emen1 w .. ftle<I wl\11 me County Ci..k of Orange County un May 13, um• ,, ... Publlll'll d Or•nge CoHI Dally Pilot. May 17 24, 3 1 Jutll 7, 11182 7115.-82 Ml.IC NOTICE "CTITIOUI 8UllHHS NAME ITATIMENT I h11 1011ow1no peraon 11 doing Duaineaa •• CHRIS S CREATIONS. 5 17 14111 StrMI liunllngton BHCh CA 1121148 CHRISl INE B JENKINS 511 14111 St1eet Hunll~lctn Be1<:h. CA 92648 Tt11s buslrHIH 1• ~0111Jucted bv nn 111d1v1du111 Cl'lrltllne Jenkin• lh1s s1e1em1nt was flied w11n lh« County Clerk 01 Or.mge Counl) 011 April 30 198? I F1118455 Published Orengo Cooat Oa11y P11ot May 10 17 24 J t 1982 3048·82 I Ml.IC NOTICE 'ICTITlOUI aUllNell NA• ITATElleNT 'fhe lollowlng penon 11 doing bull..-a M GRABLER ENGINEERING, 633 We•t K11eu1. Unll J. Orange. CA 92667 Willard P Graber. 16281 Mercury Drive We11m1nat1r. CA 92643 Tilts buatnesa la conducted by an lndMdual Willard P Graber Tl'llS stat-I 'NIS filed With the County Ci.nt of Otange County on May 13. 1982 Loan No.13tac»-o 16, 1982 •• document no T.I . No.~ 82-051844 OI Mid OlllClll Recordt, Fl1811D T.O SERVICE COMPANY u duty Wiii sell 11 publlc auction to tile Publlalled Orange Coast Dally appointed T1uate1 under 1111 highest bidder for <:Uh In lewful Piiot, May 17 24 31, June 1 1982 tollowlng deacrlbld deed ot truat money of lhe Unllod Sta lea, Without 2 t03-82 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION any covenant or w1t,.n1y i------------ TO THE HIGHEST 8f00ER FOR ••oresMCI or Implied as 10 tllle, PUBUC NOTICE CASH (P•V•ble at 11me of sale In po98eNioo. or encumbrances. tor!------------lawful money of the United Stain) lhe purpou of paying obllgetlona '1CTITIOUI au .... aa all right, title and lntereet con\19y9(1 aecu•ed by said Deed of Trust. lhl NA• ITATIMOn' to and now held by II under H id lntetes1 conweyed to Mid Trut1ee by Thi lo4!0Wlng pereone are dOlng Deed ol Truat In the prope•ty H id Oeed ol T•u11 In property ~ u llerefnan« OMcrlbld -1t1.1atod In Ille County of Orange. PERSONAL MANAGEMENT TRUSTOR JEFFREY B. BEAVER, State ot California and desalbld CONSUL TANT8, 22822 La Vina, a tingle men •• Mlaelon 1111)0. CA 9289t BENEFICIARY CITY FEDERAL Lot lO of Ttact No 35l9. In Ille Robert A. Froellllcll, 1116 Met SAVINGS t LOAN ASSOCIATION. City ol Newpor1 BMdl ... per map V1ltl, Vlsta. CA 92083. a OOf'pOratlon tecordec:t In bOOll 128. PtQel 18 to Richard A. Potratz. 22822 L• Recofded ~ 5, t 1181 u lnetr 2 l lnctutlw. MISClllaneou9 Mepe, ln Vina, Mfellon Vlelo. CA 92891. No. 3877 In the Ofllclal A«:ord9 In thl olflol ot tile County Recorder of Thia ~ la oonducted by I 1111 olflol of the Alcofdlr of Orange Mid i,,.~7,;.,. a strip 01 land 1 root (1lnlf'a/ 1)111ner1Np. County Mid d-.1 of rn.t ~bee ......... ._ RoC>lft A Froehlich the r<>llOwtno property wide O¥er the Sout'-terty 1 toot Thia ttat-t -,..., With 1111 Lot 38 of Trac1 No IM88. In tile ol Mid lend 11 conveyed 10 the City County~ of Of9nQI County on C I I C 0 of Newpor1 8-:11 by deed recorded May 20. 11182. lly o rv1n1, ounty ot range, Aprll t. t960 In l>OOk 5174, page ,,_.,., Stare ot Calllo•nla. H per map 596. Offictal Recol'd1. and In 1>00k Publltlled Orange CoHI Dall) recorded In 8ooll 411• PIQll 33 10 5174, page 599, Ottlclal Record• Piiot. May 23. 30 .run. 6 13, 11182 38 lnciualltl. Of Mllcellaneo... Mape Except all oll. 011 rlgllta. • ' ~ record• of uld Ora.nge County •• ml el n...111 1 a1 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A mtner .. a. ner "V 1• ,,_ ut OU 1------------ 0 EEO OF TRUST OATEO July 21. right•. and 0''-hydrOCllbonl by flt.8l.IC NOTICE wflataoever name known thlll may ------------1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION be wltllln or under the parcel of land ro PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT llereinebove described, 1oge11le1 MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE wtll'I tlle perpeluel rlglll of drllling. If YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION mining. e.plorlng and operating OF THE NAT URE OF THE d PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. \IOU therefor and storing In an removing the same from aald land SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER or any othet land, lncludlng Iha right 9 Carver. lrvlne. CA to Wlllpttock or dlrectlon&lly drlll (II • 1tree1 addreat or common and mine from ~ otl'\er then des1gna11on II sllown above no tllOM he<linat>Ove delcrtbld. Oii °' warranty •• glvan •• lo Ill g•• well&, tunnela and sll•ltl coniplet-°' corractneul " bottom 1uct> wlllpatocked or f'ICT11lOUI ~ .. NAmlTA-n.-NT The lollowlng per•on 11 doing t>utl,,.. .. LADONNA'S MA SSAGE CLINIC, 4100 8lrdl Strwt. No. 108, Mewpot1 8Mci\, CA 928e3 l aDONNA L. WHITEFORD. 5188 ~ Clrdl, Weetmlnat•. CA 02&83. Thi• buel-" conducted by 1111 lndlvlduel LaOonnt L WhltefOl'd Thia.,.,_\ -flllCI wttll the County C*1I of Orange Couniy on Ml)' 20, 11182. Tile beoellclel'( under Nld Deed dtrecllonally drllled well•, tunneta of Ttual. by reason of a breech°' and •11•111 under beneath o• delaull In tl'le obllg111on1 1ecured beyond Ille nterlot llmlla 111ereot. thereby llerelofore execut~ end and to ••drlll, ••lunnel. equip, delivered 10 the undetatglfed • 1 t 1 1 d d written Oeclaratlon of Default end me n • n, repa r · eepen •n operate eny auch wtlll• °' mlnn, '~ Demand for Sale, and wrlnen notlee wllhout, howevet, tile right lo dr111. Publl1h1d Orange CoHI Delly ol breech and of electlon to cauae mine. alOl'e, explore and operate Piiot, Mey 23. 30, .run. 6. t3, t882 Iha under1tgned to sell u ld tllrougtl 1111 aurlace or 1111 UPPlf 3()11842 propetty to u1111fy aald ot>llglt10n1, 500 , .. 1 ot Iha aub1ur1-of the ------------and tll1r1elter th11 undettlgned land lle•elnabove dHcrlbed, H DlllDl.IC MnTICE cauaec:I Nld notlee ol bra.ctl and of ........ Com r--. rw election 10 oe Recorded January 18, rMetVtld by ""' lrvtne pany, a ------------1982 " Ina tr No. 112-01118114 In West Virginia CXl(poratlon, rllC()(dld "1CTTTlOUa .u ... aa Uld Olllclal Record• Augu1t 11. 19n. In book 12331. ..,... ITATIMRNT page 1614, Olllclal ~di. Tile lollowlng perton It doing Seid tale wlll be made. but Anentton 11 directed 10 the ract buel,_ .. wltl\OUI covenant or WIHlnty ,,,., the Oii. ate .... IJtoeptld from WINDOW WIZARDS. 3110 P1111 expresa or Implied, •egardlng 11111. 1r.e dllCllpt~n lhta guarantee Newport, #312. Newport Betch. CA potseaalon, or ancumbrenoH. lo and any policy In the name of 926&0. pay the remaJnfng prtncipel tum Of a purch.._ el u1a under Mid JOHN STANLEY OUIR, 3110 the notl(I) MCWod by uld Deed Of Deed ot Trv11 w1 al.a contain uld Perk Newport, • 312. Newpo•I Trust. with lnterMI .. In uld nott Oii lltOllPllOn a.en. CA 1126&0 • provided advance•. 11 any, undar The unpaid balanoe and wtlmate Tl'llt butlneaa la condliCtod by an Ille lerma of aald 011d of Truat, ot cotla, el1$>1n-and edvanc:ee u lndlvldual. 1-. cherget and ••oen-of 1111 of May 17, 1982 ta 1133,357.00, John S Oulr Tru91ee end ot lhl truata cr11ted by Mid amount wUt lncf-untM date Thi• atatemenl waa nled with Ille aald Oeed Of Trua1 of aale County Ci.nt of Orenoe County on S.ld Nie wilt be held on Tu.day, Tile •••111 addreu and 01111r May 13. 1982 June 8, 1982 et 2 00 p m • a1 tile commO<'l dellgnatlon, 11 any. of the CMpman Avenue entrance, to the rNI pr()9«1y dncrlbod et>ove 11 Civic Center Bulldlng, 300 EHi purported to oe· 482 t Cortland Of , Chapman Avenue, In the Clly of Newpor1 BMch Or&nQe The underaioned Truatee Al 1111 time ot tile lnltlal dlaclalmt any llablllty for any pul>l~tlon of this notice. tile total lncortectneet of 1111 11reet lddr- •mount of the unpeld balancl of tile and other commO<'l OMlgn•tlon. 11 obllgallon tl<lured by Ille above any, lhown herefn detcrlbed d eed of truat and DATED May 11. 11182 ealfmeted coat•. 1•p1n111. and B1n111c1ary Town & Country ldVancaa II St52,674 03 Bank, Attn Jamee M PtMton To da1ermln1 tile opening bid, Addr-t263S s.al 8eec:l'l Blvd you ma)' cell (714) 937-<>Gee. Soal Beecl'I, CA. 0111e May 10. 1962 Telephone (213) 594-9783 T 0 SERVICE COMPANY SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE .. aaJd Truatee, COMPANY .• (A)rporetlon Tru-t11 By Patr1Cle A. Rendall, AddrHt 3700 Wll1lltr1 Blvd OAaeltlarll Secretary • 101. Loa Angelle. CA. ne City Boulevlrd. WMt. Telephone: (213) 873-7788. Or11191, CA 92&68 By~ Buff, (714) 835-8284 Foreclolurl 011to. Publlt lt•d Orange Coen Delly Publlthld Orange CoHI 01111 Piiot. MAy 17, 24. 31. 1962 21n-82 Piiot. Mey 24, 3t, June 7. 1~: I SOOLAR I I I I* I I I I SOP IE Ii' _ I' I r I _ .... .... I 11!. E H E I C . My nelOhl>or 1111 llnally CQft-1 j I' j' Cludld 1r.11 111.-.lalon ••• In · -• • -Yentld tor 1h• IOl8 pur9011 01 .... ,-A-R_T_T __ __,, .. mno -. I' I I i El • fv°'"t.'J:: ~,,..~~ . ,_.....-..i.1-.... '~ !:ilssc~asW:..'Vl'"'ur r r I' r r I • trfd.=t*, tmaa •o I I I I [ I •wun-... .. a n1111111• ~-- F1._ Publlalled Or9ng1 Cout Dally Piiot, May 18, 23. 30. June 6. 1982 ~2 P\a.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI IMl ... 11 NAMl!ITATUtlNT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing uusm.. .. SEACOAST FINANCIAL, t71 S Anita O.tve, Suh• 103. Otange. CA 92668. JOHN W CHOOAK. 28932 Highwood Circle, LAguna Hllll. CA g2653 Tlllt bu"'-8 19 conducl.O by en Individual John W. Chodall Thlt ttaternent WU ftled with fht County C*1I of Orange County on May 13, 1982 ,,... Publl1ll1d Otenge CoHt Dally Piiot. May t8. 23, JOi JUlll 6. 1982. 2t87-62 Businessmen If yo u a r e do ing busi ness under a F"1ct1t1ous Business !\lame you are required t>y law r Business and l'rofess1ons Cock Sec 17900 to 17930 J to f 1le a P1cl1trnus Bu111ness Name Statement or1d ha ve it publuhed for four con.,ecutll)(' weeks WE: at the DAILY I'll.OT can ht>lp with both. Call the LE:CAL. DEPARTMENT ot 542-4321 Ezt 332 for further fn/ormataon VELOCIPEDOMANIA &·hool children on Caeld trip to Old Sacramento look through windows of exh1b1t on the history of bicyclin~ '-f> Wlrepnoto in the United States. Shown are an 1870 ('halo's velocipede and an 1869 velocipede Lobster lovers given support Oklahoma congressman comes to rescue with bill WASHINGTON (AP) ls lh<-' United States threatRned by a domestic lobster cartel? Will lobster-lovers rind them:.f'lves hold hostage by yellow ·shc-kered lobster barons, furct'd to pay outraS(eous pm.-es or go without a necessity or Life7 location mcentlvt>S tor busint>ss and industry at tht· c·xix•nS<" of the rest of thl' non-lobster-produt·tng st.a.lt'!i." within th1:1r bordl·rs' It w ee; a response to legt~latmn 1ntroduLed earlier by Northt'ast and M1dwe:.t l'Ongressml•n that would impoSt.· a national tax o n t•rud e oil production and hm1t the ahthly of Westl'm st.att.-s to tax their <' n e r g y r l's o u r ,. t• s T h o s e congrt>ssmt·n say the energy taxes. pas..<;l-d through on ut1hty bills, art• unfairly fo1steJ on M1dwe.t l'Onsumers Never fear An Oklahoma congressman 1s ndrng to the r e s c u e o r I o b s t e r I 11 v l' r .., everywhere "A handful of lobster produt·1ng stales have sought to gain the greatest poss1bl(' econom1t advantage from their pos1t1on as net lobster harveswrs at the <'Xpenst• of the rest of the nation," stormed Hep Dave McCurdy. a Democrat McCurdy's answer The National Lobster Profit Shanng Act of 1982. a bodv blow lt• the lobster-rich states· that seek to t• x p I o 1 t I o b s t t' r t' o n s u m e rs t•verywhNe. Tht• bill would impose a federal t.a.x on ll)bstcr production while· 11m1ting the ab1hty of the st.atei. to tax lobswr., harvested off theLr shores McCurdy, whose! home state would be.· one of the hardt.>st hit h~ the 1•nergy bill, call('d 1t ·.,m.:111-mmded, regressive and nothing short of procla1rrung c1v1l w<1r." Ami he wondered aloud "why my mlll'agul'S from tht' Northecc.t ;md Midwest dtd not propose a sevt'rance tax on natural resoun·t·s familiar to their own area. ... ? lron ore.>, t'Ocll. zinc "RE-venue from SUH(' taxation of lobster prod.uC't1lln pours into the <:offers of those state8," he told the HoUS(' "It allows thf'm t o promote powerful n~·w "The lobster sources of this l'OUntry, limited to a few North<>asl slates. should be viewed as nat1onaJ resources,'' he arg)i'es. "The ben('flts derived from the taxation of these r~u.rct.'S should be cnJOyed by all of America not JUSl the lobster-fa rming Industry and those st.at.es who by grologll·al l'hance find tht?se rt'sources Utilities cut Housing hurt By THOMAS D. ELIAS .h•st how seriously do state government leaders take California's stead ily worst•ning h o u sing t:run<:h" To hear them talk, it's one of their top pnor1lles But action SJX'aks loudn than words. And one recent action by a key state agl'ncy suggests that solvmg the housing shortag<> is less 1mpon.ant to at least some off1c1als than short term polttical expediency For even as the Legislature's De mocratic leadership pushed a package of ftvl' bills to provide hnannng for about 40,000 nl'w housing units. the state Public Uuhucs Comm1ss11m at•led to raise the prtcc of new housing bc.•yond Lhe reach of many thousands of hop«•ful buvt•rs The· l'Offimls..'>tOn rult'<.l that u1thl1cs will no l1>ngN prov1d<> frN.' gas <tncl 1·l~t.nc hookups for CAllfDRNIA f OCUS new homes and subdivisions The PUC's action drew relatively litlle publicity because 1l wasn't billed as an increase m housing costs. lnstead, it was labeled a $100 million reduction m uUbty bills for existing C'lectnc and natural gas custom~rs. And that was true The PUC's decision 1s a way to save most uuhty customers about 50 cents a month at a ume when the commission is under inten.'l(• political pressure to c;lash pnces wherever 11 can. "Ullhty ratepayers," said PUC President John Bryson. "should not be rPquired to subsidize (new ronstruC'tion) through their gas and e lectric bills. "If the public is to provide fmanc1a1 support to new building, that should be done through legislative decisions on taxes and pubhc spending - not through utility bills" But not everyone viewed the old system of free hookups for nE'w housing ;is a subsidy. For all existing uuhty customers. the building mdustry argued, had their own servtt-e inst.aJled free at some time in the past. with the <.-ost spread among all utility customers Changing the· system now. builders srud, would be a subsidy for old customers and saddle new buyers with a bill that homeowners have never before had to pay And this at a time when prices and interest rates a re already high enough to drive most potential buyers out of the market. "Th is would be another nail in the comn of the California housing industry," W .R Effinger. president of the San Diego branch of Shappell Nude sunbathers fight crackdown MIAMI (AP) -A group aupportina nude sunbathing has med auit against Miami authorities wh o launched a rec~nt crac kdown o n skinny-dipping. South Florida Free Beaches Inc. asked U.S. District Judge C. Clyde AtJdnt to enjoin M.l.ami police and o.de County proaecutora from enf on:lng indecent expo11ure laws at the beach on Vlrglnia Key in Bi.aca)'TK' .Bey. Police began a crackdown on nudity there May 12. The frtt beach group'• auit cal.led nude~~ ''naaual" and "wbolemme" and l&kl the ~ haw not enaaaed In "tndecient exhlbUicn .. Until die-c?Kkdown1 the 1ult .. 1d, police pmnlt~ nudity and had even ''Ween action to lNUA the safety and well·br-1.nl of the plalndffj," --------- by PUC act lndustn~. one of tht-state's biggest buiJders. said during heanngs on thl' PUC acuon "It wilJ add an average of $600 to the cost of every house built m California and that price difference. which IS passed through to the buyt>r. can mak<> or break many prospective buyers m today's market. W1· find that uch add1t1onal $1,000 tn eost tak<>s 100,000 people out of the housing market." But the PUC's chensht.'Cl mncept of ''usage scnsiuvr" pnnng demands the change Under that concept. ut1hty uS(.•rs pay tht• full c:ost of evt'ry scrvtCt.' tht.•v re<.-e1vc, with an t>nd to the subs1dws from big u5crs that have alway:. madl' res1denu.il utility ral£'S a bargain The idc•a sounded log1c:al as the PUC adoptl-d tt m the mtd-1970s, a lime whc•n housing cost far lt-ss and mten-st ratC'S were still be-low 10 percent It still sounds good to thl' PUC, which has lx><•n severely L-r1 tic1zcd for the rate mc·reases g1v1•n P;1c:1flc Telephonl', Pac1f1c Gas & Ell'(:tnc U., an<i San Diego Gas & Ek<:tnc C-0 111 thl last year But th<• PUC hasn't t'Ons1dercd what its m•v. hookup policy ml'ans m lt•rms of lost JObs and frustrated homebuyers If the state really cared about the housing crunch. that would be om· of the first quesuons off1c1als would ask (Eha.s 1s a columnis1 ba:.<'d in San!Jj M onica) DEATHS ELSEWHERE PHILADELPHIA (AP) Thomas Bayard M cCa b e, 88, d1rHtor emeritus or Scott Paper Co and its d11ef execut1 V(' off.1cer 39 yea rs. d red Thursday HARPSWELL, Maine (AP) -Wllllam C. Lewis Jr .• 69, a rPtlred Au Force brigadier 8eneral who S<.'rved as an n1de for fonTter Margart't Chase Smith. died Wednesday BOSTON <AP I Dr John W. Hoffman, 32, a Harvard Medical School In structor who was diagnosed as havi ng leukemia when he volunt.eert'd for a study rm relaxation response. died Tuesday NEW YORK (AP) - Lllllebell Lombardo, 82, widow of be.ndleadtr Guy Lombardo, d1rd Wednetday SU MTER, S .C. (AP) Freet W. Bartle«f 84, who retired as Mobl Oil Co. chairman In 1961, died Tueeday. tht• NC'w \'ork Oaily NC'w<. dll'd Mondav DUBLIN. Ireland (AP> Capt Spencer Freeman, !19, a founder of the Irish HO!iptlals Sweoeptstakes. d1t.'d Thursday He foundt.'d the contest 1n 1930 to ra111r money for Irish h~pitals SUDBURY. Vt (AP) Frank King Slnglser Jr .. ?:\. a former nation11l radio broadcaster who was one or the panel1i;t~ 1n the Nllcon-Kennedy debates died l''mlay Mom of 6 honored Ann Steindleberger o( Fountain Valley, a 45-year-old motbM of six, has been awarded a $100 scholarahlp from the International Word Processing A..adation '• Orange County chapter Mra Stelndleberaer wa1 required to demon1trate her word proce111n1 1kll11 by complettna clauea, eamtna • •r•de-polnt •verace of 3.5 or hJ&her and recelvt.1\1 letter. of recoalmend.aUon from ln4tructor1 and em=-attended~ BURBANK (AP) -~c1-att...ed w .... Bai.. 80, who ror 41 by c.c.t1lnt Coll• tbiit M OSCOW CAP) Nikolai Al. Mlkbllov, 7~. a tonner m.lni.t.cr of culture and one--U~ ~f ceNOC' of the Sovl•t Union, died, SovM!t De'Wlpeptrl aepcned Wedl'.IC9daJ. yean ..... chlo( mm critic°'-i-t two yea.n. -c 1, •• ................ All teal Mll lt ldll'tfllMd In t111t new1p1par 11 111bl.ot to the F.cltrtl flllr Houelng Aot ot 1901 wtlleh makM It llito•I lo 1d11 e rll1e "tny preference, llmlt•llon or dltcrlmln111on b11ee1 on r.oe, color. rlllglOn, llA or netlonel origin, or any ln11nllon 10 meke eny 1uch pr1ferenc1 , • llmlt1t1on or dlacrlmln1tton " Thi• n-1p1per wlll not knowingly accept any tellllflltlng tor rHI ffllt• which La In 11tot111on of the llW IEW LllTl•I In eJCclu1111e Se1vl1w area. Gate guuded Spectecul1r view With or WI O furniture 3 Br & F R. B11ullful cond Only $450.000 A Twllchell- T rt 11110 n H at i ng 759·9100 GEORGE El.KINS C PtUDH •111111 1 Location, ttrma & vetue, make Ihle Co1ta Mesa 3 bdrm home 1 supor buyl Good 111um1ble loan plus seller terms make this a mull to see Low prlee II S 109,900. Call to~ .... "" f 41{\§}lq NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low. low priced 3 Br wt llvtng & d ining areaa opening to teeluded pa- tio. Nr beach, echools, shopping. Cu1tom cabi- netry Good aaaum. loan. Priced at $175,000. Call now Binnie OIJCon'a lls- llng. 75&:9100 GEORGE ELKINS C DU'T um Mesa Ciel Mer'• beat va-lue In a 1peclou1 4 bdrm. 2 bath pool home! Great locatlon for your !amity, great term• for your budget! Bargain prlceCI at $135,000. Call today for detaJlal 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS MESI WOOIS Beaullful cuttom eabl,,._ try by a muter cralt- aman really aeta thlt 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home apart Lovely gazebo and bea- ring fruit treea Low rate, n-loen avallable. Full pr i ce $149 ,000 751-3191 C::. <,fl l (_ T -f"" P~( JPf I~ 11! '-, ltWHT PllOEI PHTlflltl Harbor Vlew'a buy of the year! Vacant with aupe<b terms! Assume 1st of s 115,000 at 10•1w •. ow- ner will carry 2nd! 3 bdrms plua aeparale recreation room Park- llke yard with bubbling ,,. c•• "'"' •"-"'° 1~$M1 FllER WITH l YU This houte need• lots or etbow gre11e but what a view! Fanteatlc home for poolside entertaining. 3 BClrma. 1¥. Ba, potent- lalty lovely garden house. Owner lle,dble oo finan- cing Full price S 149,500 751-3191 C::. t.,{ It ( l -f"" P~I lPf H I I( <, TWO IEW SIPER TOWllllS Two gr111 maater bdrma with prlvete bath•. Ideal for co-owner1. Wood- burning llreplac:es, plua '!\ bath down1talre. At- tached 2 car garage, private patio Excellent financing. S 110,000 Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS 5% DOWN! CIRIEI PlRI YILUIE 2 & 3 BR Townhomet C09la M- lnclodM 9V1fY amenity tmaglnablel FROM 1137,950 Furn. Model Open 11 to 5 Delly. Av~edo at Fairview Rd. 141-2111 °"'~ 1141,111 Great tor entertaining Huge lam~ room with wet bar. ramld 1ky- llghl1 cra.c ting •OOd· b11rnlng llrepl1ce. 3 belht 2 pe11c)e, ttOfllQt room g1 lore. Muell, m11ch more. Call nowt &il1 Utle .... ~ ... on • Tuftet, along came • sptder and rMct In ttt. Oelly Piiot CIH1Uled l9Cltloft ........ ..... M'e r...-Md ..... " • fot ...... You OM Mil • your tuffet end lot• of other thine• ttlrouefl Dally Piiot CIH•Ul•d ,.,,.... Cel 14Mt78 J. # • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, May 31, 1982 Cl 71he marketplace on the Orange Coast . 64 2-5678 2 l l DROOM 3 163 7 LOI Rloe, San Juan Caplatrano 963-6767 197,600 Sun 11-3 2188 Rural, Eaat.ide. Costa Meu 846-7434 $149,000 Sun 1..t 44 Chardonnay, Woodbridge, Irvine 548-1188 $139,800 Sunday 1-6 20082 Orchid St, S.A Heights 548·1168 $128.900 Sunday 1-5 * •633 Lido Park Or (F2), Newport Bch 760-1900 $495,000 Sunday 2-5 #3 Lago Sud, lrvlne 640-9900 $159,000 Sat 2-5; Sun 1-6 221 Via llhaca, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $349,500 Sat 1-5; Sun 3-6 221 Via llhaca, Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $349,500 Sat 1-5; Sun 3-6 414 Narcissus. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $203,000 Sat 2-5; Sun 1-5 **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island. NB 673-8900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marin& Ave., Balboa Island, NB 673-8900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma, Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 p.m. 2 BA plua FAM AM or DEN * 19 Curl Drive, Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 11-4 1 Aldergrove, Woodbridge, lrvlne 552-0680 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 10 Balboa Coves. Coves, NB 642-8235 $525.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 213 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont.i, Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9080 ~495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9080 $318,000 Sun 1-5 2264 Temple Hiiis Or. Laguna Beach 494-1177 $Sun 12-5 10 Morning Sun, (Trtlrk) Irv 640-9900 $320,000 1838 Port Charles, Nwpt Bch Sun 1-5 644-4065 $197,000 Open Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 325 Rochester, (E/Slde) CM 645-9096 $149,500 15521 Sandusky, Westmlnater 963-6787 $179,200 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 2278 Cotumbla, Clg Park, CM 646-7434 $129,900 Sun 12-4 *IKM Lombwd, Mela North, CM 646-7434 1154,500 Sun 12-4 *2030 Hot6day Rd, (Bycts1) BNB 752-1920 $339,500 Sun 1-5 278 Virginia, Costa Mesa 963-6787 $148,000 Sun 12-4 3572 Hamllton, Irvine 759-1221 $132,000 Sun 1\ #7 Surfside Crt, (Npt Terr) Npt Bch 751-3191 $131,000 Sun 1-5 201 Coral, Bal Island 759-1221 $545,000 Sun 12-5 1312 Santanella, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $225,000 Sun 12-4 418 38th St. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $495,000 Sun 1-5 113 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle, NB 831 -1400 $355,000 Sun 1-5 * 1818 Port Manlelgh, HV Homes. NB 759-1501 $375,000 Sun 1·5 42 Woodgrove, lrvlne 631-1400 $330,000 Sun 1-5 * * 16532 Wanderer Lane, Hunt. Harbour (213) 592-5914 $850,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 653 Vista Bonita, (Bluffs) NB 675-2478 $285,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 *914 Hyde Court. Costa Mesa 851-8800 $156,000 Sun 1-5 12842 Aspenwood, Garden Grove 636-3760 $94,000 Sunday 1-4 1126 E. Balboa Bl, (Penln). Balboa 759-9100 $1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 801 Gary Pl, Newport Hgt a, NB 645-8269 $215,000 Sunday 1-5 * *42 Balboa Coves, (Coves) NB 642-5200 $550,000 Sun 1-5 1074 Vallejo, So Cst Plaza. CM 646-7434 $129,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 212 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 Sun 1-5 1911 Court St, Bal Penln, NB 673-7300 2653 Vista Ornada, The Blutta, NB Sun 1-5 844-9080 $285,000 Fee Sun 2-5 427 Woodland Place. Newport Beach 548-1168 $179,000 Sunday 1-5 5041 Paseo de Vega, Turtlerock, Irv 760-1900 $167,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 416 De Sola Terrace. CdM 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4832 River Ave,Newpor1 Beach - 675-1771 $192,000 Sunday 1-5 876 PreeldlO, Meu del Mar, CM 759-1501 1136,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I M plut l'AM RM 0t DD 2040 Monrovia, Co8ta MMa 640-8149 $98,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 26 Maln .. 11. JumlM Creek. CdM 640-9592 Sun 1-'4 #5 Toulon, Harb<>f Ridge, Npt Bdl 840-7885 Set/Sun 1·5 1903 Yeeh1 patina 644-1017 844-1017 $550,000 Sat/Sun 12-!5 1526 E. OcNn, Balboa Penln Pt, NB 842-6200 M H.000 Sun 1-.5 542 Herb« Ill Or, (Prom Bay) NB 759>-9100 t1.400,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 DIRECTORY 1312 Dover Or, (Westclf) NB 642-5200 $259,000 Sun 1-5 2109 Yacht Grayllng, Seavlew, NB 675-2311 $389,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2009 Yacht Defender, (Seavlew), NB 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 29 Hlllgrass, (Trtlrk Hin) Irv 673-7761 $265,000 Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea, (Irv Terr) CdM 873-7761 $795,000 Fee Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Island Or, Big Cyn, NB 640-5560 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19 Whitewater, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $379,500 Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland, (Westcllff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 1907 Tradewlnds, Baycrest. NB 844-9060 $325,000 Sun 1-5 * * 120 So. Bayfront, Balboa Island 844-9080 $995,000 Sun 1-5 1218 Key West, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500 Fee Sun 1-~ 2116 Fellpe, (The Bluffs) NB 644-4910 $270,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle, NB 873-7300 Sat/Sun 1-6 1436 Serenade Terr, Corona del Mar 875-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Road, Newport Heights, NB 673-8900 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1036 Polarls, Dover Shores, NB 64 4-9060 $975,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2421 Bonya, Newport Beach 675-1771 $255,000 Sunday 1-4 1524 Santanella Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 32841 Adriatic, Mon Bay Terr, Lag Nlg 4SM-1177 Sun 1-5 29S.. Baker. (Mesa Verde) CM 831-8&87 $149,000 Sun 1-4 3823 Sandune Lane. Harbor View Hiiis ~200 $397,500 Sun 1-5 * 1793 Hawlll Cr. Coata Mesa 979-2390 1169,500 Sun 1·5 3 Ken8tngton Ct, Hrbr Rdg, NB &44-6200 $555,000 Sun 1 :30-5 82 Drak• Bay, (Spygls) NB 640-9900 '495,000 Sun 1..t 1721 Kings Rd, Cllffhaven, NB 759-1501 $875.000 Sun 1-5 3 HDAOOM ptua GUEST !211 Waterfront, CdM 642-8235 $495,000 Sun 12:30-4:30 3 BA plua FAM AM or DEN I QUEST 2801 Waverly, Bayshores, Npt Bch 549-8~7 $775,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 105 Via Ravenna, Lido Is, NB 631-1400 $445,000 Sun 1-5 * •2804 W. Oceanfront. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $725,000 Sun 1-5 2127 lndlan Springs Ln. Back Bay, NB 831-1400 $579,500 Sun 1-5 4 BA plu• FAM AM or DEN # 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge, NB 780-8099 $1.9 mllllon Sunday 1-5 * 16782 Edgewater Ln, Hunt Harbour 964-1618 $429,500 Sun 1-4 4142 Morning Star, (Hunt Hrbr) HB 964-9578 $350,000 Sun 1-5 2032 Swan Or, (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1266 $218,500 Sun 1..t *3165 Bermuda, (Meta Verde) CM 631-1286 $184,500 Sun 1-5 1501 Keel Drive. Harbor View Hiiis, CdM 644-6200 $319,000 Fee Sun 2-5 3024 Cleveland, Mesa North, CM 646-7434 $134,900 Sunday 12-4 2632 Crestview. Newport Beach 642-8235 $299,000 LH Sun 2-6 * 1776 Panay, (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $350,000 Sun 1..t 277 Brentwood Pl, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $149,500 Sun 1-5 *3448 Santa Clara, Costa Meaa 979-2390 $189,900 Sun 1-5 3810 Teakwood. Santa Ana 979-2390 S 129,900 Sun 1-5 1844 PC>t1 Charles Pl, Harbor View, NB 548-5605 $309,500 Sunday 1-5 378 E. 22nd St, Nwpt Hgta, NB 548.3719 1314,000 Open Sun 12·5 *1609 Highland,~ e.ach 951-1244 1299,800 Sat/Sun 12-5 1924 Port Weybridge, HVHJ. Nwpt 8ch &44·793e $2"'18,000 ,... Sun 1-8 #14 Rlppllng Stream, Trtlrtc Gin. Irv 762-1123 $316,000 Sun 1·8 233 PotnMttla Corona d9' Mer 87M271 i824,500 8tt/8un 1·5 .... 21132 Lock haven, Hunt Beach 984-2047 $174,900 Sunday 1-5 *29242 Kestrel Ln. Laguna Niguel 1546-9161 $369,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1753 Port Manlelgh Cir, HrbrVu, NB 840-9996 $459,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 1020 Whlteaalls Way, (Hrbr Vu Hie) NB 631-1286 $356,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1412 Santiago Or, (Ovr Shr) NB 631-1266 $375,000 Fee Opn Dally 1-5 1425 Watson. (Halecrest) CM 751-3191 $128,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 230 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 873-8494 $498,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Koron, (lido Isle) NB 642-5200 Sun 1-5 *4626 Roxbury Rd, Cameo Shores, CdM 675-5930 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 427 -18th Pl, (E-Slde) CM 644-4910 $229,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 844-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2409 Tustin, (Back Bay) CM 645-0303 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 Sat/Sun 1-5 131 Via Undlne. lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $539, 750 Sun 1-5 •1715 Galatera Terr. Irv Terr. CdM 844-9080 $498,000 Sun 1-5 8 Rue Vlllars. Big Cyn, NB 844-9060 $795,000 Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewlnds. Baycrest, NB 844-9080 $385,000 Sun 2-5 18 Cherry Hiiis. Big Cyn, NB 844-9080 $1,395,000 Sun 1-5 **748 Via Udo Nord, Lido Isle, NB 844-9060 $1,995,000 Sun 1-5 *3424 Summe<set. Wimbledon, CM 848-7434 $217,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 1807 Newport Hiiis Or. Newport Bch 673-8550 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1948 P0t1 Chelsea, Newport Beach 673-8550 $360,000 Sa 1-5/Su 1-4 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2.3 mllllon Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde. Harbor View Hiiis, NB 760-1900 $750,000 -Sunday 1-5 3065 Loren Lane. Costa Mesa 969-5370 $122,000 Sun 1:30-4:30 2845 Bunya St, Eastblutt 6«-6200 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo, (Mesa del Mar) CM 831-7370 $152,900 Sun 1-5 **25 Warmsprings, (Wdbrg) lrvlne 751 -3191 $359.000 Sun 1-5 **801 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 631 -1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, NB 831-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2000 Port Chelsea Pl. HVH, NB 675-2373 $322,000 Sun 1-4:30 18971 Antioch, Turtlerock, lrvlne 541-5032 $185,000 Sun 12-3 333 Poppy Ave, Corona del Mar 760-0452 $498,500 Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BA plua FAM AM or DEN A QUEST •2211 Tustin Ave, Newport Sch 645-4765 $335,000 Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM **708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle. NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 * * 16392 Sundanoer. Huntington Hrbr 847-5975 $849,000 Sun 1-5 **219 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB 760-1900 $2.25 mllllon Sat/Sun 1-5 **824 W. Bay, Balboa Penln, NB 631 ·1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 IS 8R plue f AM AM or D£N * 1808 Galaxy Or, (Ovr Shra) NB 831-1266 $949,000 Fee Sun 1·5 *1211 Cliff Or, (Nwpt Hgtt) NB 1542-!5200 $425,000 Sun 1-5 1321 Outrigger, Corona del Mar 644-8200-$450,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1·6 149'41 Rancho Cr, GrMntree, Irv 9?9-~70 S 188,900 Sat 12-3/Sun 1-5 #6 Potnt Loma, SpyglUI Hiii, CdM &44-5403 $975.000 Sun 1·5 18 18 Ten-oer .1. Cotti M ... 548-2313 •280,000 18 Roctty Point, Spygt ... 844-9200 $1,975,000 IUDROOM Sunday 1_,. Sun 1·6 1707 E. Bay Aw, Balbol ~In, NB 531·1400 $2,e&0,000 Sun 1-5 OranQI Coa•t rtlident• bought 42% of all nR1 cart 1old In the count11 lo1t 11t or tvtn through the11 compna~ onl11 30% of tht county'1 population . I •R plu• FAM RM or DI N * 1848 Newport Hiiia Or e .. 1 642-8235 $495,000 Dally 1-6 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido 19'•. NB 644-9060 S850.000 Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 lft plue DI N 10 Segura, lrvlne 673-6900 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 I EDAOOM 4 11 1~ Oahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1033 Bayside Cove E, Coves, NB 844-9080 $715,000 Sun 1-5 2525 E. Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 640-5580 $499,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * #5 Morena, RSJ, lrvlne 873-7300 $149,000 Sun 1-5 985 Bayside Cove West, Newport Beach 631-1400 $775,000 Sat 1-5 31 Wintergreen, (Oeerlld) Irv 645-0303 Sun 2-4 209 -19th St, Balboa Penln. NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sun 1-5 2 BA plua DEN 45 Canyon Island Or, Big Cyn Twnhse, NB 631-1400 $318,000 Sun 1-5 9 Rue Vlllars, (Big Cyn) NB ' 760-8617 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM * 18 MoJo Court, Nwpt Crest. NB 642-1174 $195,000 Open Sun 1-5 *314 Avenida Cumbre, (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Rue Vlllars, (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sun 1-5 •551 Vista Grande, (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $222.500 Sun 1-5 53 Seaplne, Big Cyn Twnhse, NB 831-1400 $340,000 Sun 1-5 4 11 Oahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2445 Vista Nobleza, Blutts, NB 675-2373 $275,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2559-F Elden, Costa Mesa 675-1771 $152,000 Sunday 1-5 11 Barlovento, Newport Crest, NB 631-1400 $195,500 Sat 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $137,950 Dally 11 to s 3 BEDROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $1~.950 Dally 11-5 4 HDAOOM ptua DeN * 18456 Gina Ln, Hunt Viewpoint No, HB 847-9507 $173,500 Sat/Sun 12--6 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 BR plu• FAM RM or DIN 300 E'. Coast Hwy No. 113, Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1..t 2 BEDROOM 300 E. Coast Hwy No 270, Nwpt Bch 875-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 BR plua FAM RM or D!N • 14851 Jet:rey Rd Ii 16, lrvlne 551-2360 $49.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 1561 Miramar. Balboa Pen In Pt. NB 842-5200 $339,000 Sun 1-5 2 IA pfua 1 BR 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $318,000 Sun 1-5 2 • 2 BEDROOM 515-515'11 Orchid, (Old Cdm) CdM 759-9100 $356,000 Sun 1-5 118 28th St, Npt Bch 675-6670 $250,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Rd. Newport Heights. NB 673-6900 $399,500 Sun 1-5 2 • 4 BEDROOM **202 S. Bayfront, Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $2,200,000 Sat 1-5 PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR LEASE 4 BIDROOM 1412 Serenade Terr, (Irv Terr) CdM 759-9100 11.500/month Sat/Sun 1_,. • PROPERTY FOR LEASE CONDO FOR L!A8E 1•DROOM 201 1 vttt1 CIJOn, 8kdfa &42-8235 t 1100/mo. l.MM Sun 2-6 * Poot ** W1temont * ** Waterfront l Pool Of&nQI OoMt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Mty 31, 1 I I «f!m.~.!W ....... lum.~~ ....... !~m.~!:t'! ....... lfttft.W.1.! ....... ,. .. !fff .~h.~· ....... ~'.!P.t{~!:* ....... ~~L ....... !."1 ~ ......... J."1 ~.ftl!IN .. l.~fl fml.lfftt.: .... J!M ~t.fmA .. !.ffl !'.'11111.fmA .. ! .. !ljfft.f Nr!NIA« •• f!l!!.l!!!~ •••... 1.~. l'.ffft.¥1/m{+A •••••••• .'t.~ lm~f ........... P.M ~~!!!P.1. ••• 1.~!I NlllllUIMU .... a be. l lCM' O/W, 2 c ir 1 •r 1100 mo ..... ~ 81 am au ~r,,_1~,."J~:Ma 2t>r, 2'1tM 170&-87&-4000 °"~'~ . 0111 1n 1111. 11wn1t ''" •• a o .. N v o N • v od:m'. '1 l:' ~J:70, Ouallly vlntege Hr 1~ 1111100 OWNl,.·lro1dmoor 000 .,ot , ..... td. " on oul-d•HO. Mltd· 811nd " ..... t•.OLU81VI Pl11n IV, ... r. ·~··· grN I Prial' Wnt ~ ba~front. Sllro for 2 botlw, "" d 11 l'renoh In ·-IX view on oul d•MC Prln ... ~ h 00 000 111·tl~e woo re, w • ll1llngl I Ire, a 11 wllll ontu.' ha&,oOo. 7&4~112 .. remod.ted :S nn, _, Sl . , . aow1, Ille klloh, muoh l'AMIL'!' ,.M 10Xta7 0 --'------- '' 1b• anal 11m 11160. 111 a 1 .. r Wuttld• 842·2904 or &41 0&90 111 0 wkdyt A1f1 req 2bt, 2b• i 8att>oa llllnd lbr, 2b• I09 --------- 3br. 21>1 11400 ,urn. Ill ... 3br, 2be 1720 L.g. Hiiie lt•J•asJ• Jfft ---OPl!N 1·6 mote 1 111.000, owner 101 PLUI Newport •d· °'-"'In & lt'llY v1"w1 M1r1nr room ~ bdrm 3 8ATl8UN/MON wlll lln1no1 Own/Agt dr•H won't 11111 Cell ........ ···············•······ OCl!.AN""0NT bAth 3700-. II $1,3&0,000 Ot.anlrunt N-cut tom 4 Ir home Ht-0424 .... 1 _,,_,2ee wllll guHt unll So of 1--1-LIT--... --.--..,...,.--LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT Rlllm YllW UT Cleen 1 br dupttx ott llr"I Pfkll Quiet. 1360 No Pill 631·7220 8ACMf LO" 01..i.w nr 81Jboe ~* Cleen, qutel, H cure $4 10 yrty lneld"O utile 1 adult. no Pitt 813·8372 Liii llLI llMll Htomodt'lt'd 3 bdnn, 2 bu th + larair r ~· m1 bt-11m l"llinp, furn11hed, pall~ $420 000 u11& 11u un11111 Hwy wl1h oc11n view r-- 333 Poppy Ave 1411. On 1t111 u1>9r1d1d 4lt 600 760.002 ()wnw. hOMI ••Hit Wiii oerry• 1 100,000 •I 12~ or UllH YllW llU.I A.IT 0 11 1 2~. Oon'I O.lu111 4 Sr home, 1om1 rn111 lhlt onel I 140,000. view ot oo..n. Woodly Call 910·&370 v11w from beckyerd 1398.000 • wlll carry P•· pare Cell 760-84111 °' &40-&950, •• , 123 \(>II.I ti/:'/( l•I ·-I• "" •t•l lf.}.I •11 T rlPIH wl111 feblld view Ol'I Mndy l>Mofl, 11.260, 000. Cerot, Al1r .. 94-0029 Panoramic vl•W on He wpor1 Bay al\d Patltlt Ocaa11 !'rime lucallon Owt teC)0,000 paolou1, e ... n. quiet 3 Dr. 2 bl Nr 80 Plue 1860/mo 1179-1042 ot -bi. lll\&llC'lni B I BHt avell•bl• lot on ••t •II•• Rldp t t,lb0.000 Br, 2'1t lam rm condo. ...,. 3141 Nil + 411 + Pl (114) 1eo-1eoo ~'"~1:· r°~ ~~ ri''~'~" tt573 CAM""Da·IRVIMl a·~,~·,·j~·~t;r··;;; .. e·r~· PLUS· 1 IA QUML .ept. 849-0790 ---------From l :H5 Pool, rec w/lltt & LR w/fplc All L•'I.••• .. .,. JZ41 rm aaune enctad g•· 2700 a.I. CUiiom bit Ol'I n~ E.1tde 2 Br I B1 •• ••••••••••••••••••• 730i K191 If ---------1 encl pa110. dbl o•r. For • married coup!•. 2 br rage 1 ton o OOUI YI ITIAL ~.~' d~'; ~ 'cfr~~ #1aallla, l#Hrl, l aundry t1cll Oulll e1ng11 lemlly dwelling, Sitter 842-7848 ...iaJioon VttW !tom I! bdrm. ~ blith, playroom, HARBOR VIEW MONTE· dark rm. lltn, Boat ~hp $1 ,;150000 AEV MODEL By o-. --.-.. -0-W_UTI __ _ BAYSIDE con SJ)'.'l:t.acul11r buyfronl v1rw 2 br, 2 bu up, 2 br, 2 bu dn 2 boa( shp!C $1,900,000 COROHOO CAYS Coronlillo lsland <·ust bayfront lot 85' boat dock Plans avail Red $370.000 w/t.erms ILIFFS 00110 Single story {'n(i urll\. l'Xp:indt'<.I :i b1 , 3 h:.1 on lurgt:St gr(-'i•11bt•h, $250.000 PAii UIO 3 bdrms, 2° z bathS l'Qndo near pool $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8oy\1dP Drive N B 67S · 6161 HAPPY llEllOllllL DH FRDll llOIEllT lllLLllEI 631-1266 l•DH Isl,., J OOI u~;~_;; •;.~~~;;,;I~~• i •;; & loll Lse/c>pt or trtde tor U~ IVU f\t1V~l:i .,..u_n_ns_. _67_3_-8_58..,...5 __ _ Realtors, 675-6000 lllH Ill. IEWPlllT II Charming 4 Br & large family room Brick fire- place, country kllchen. quiet resldentl•I area Long term seller lln•n· clng. $229.000 Fee 144-4110 ,,.; ... 1. '001 ••..•...••.......••.. PHllllU Niil IPECIWIT tm.ltr On Cnanl\el Road 3 bdrms, new kitchen and n-bath. $359.000. 111 Tllrt• 1 On Miramar. 3 bdrma, 3 b11na. IOfmll dining. MW kitchen, f1mlly room, huge llvlng room with tlreptece. aundecll and more $449,500 ... ._ With Old Cape Cod..,._, 2 bdrms and lerge ~ room. clOM to blectlll, tennis end water IPOf1•. $325,000. TI•elHt lrMe 041 Spacious 3 bdrm, 3 bath, Cameo Highlands warm large f1mlly room & comfortable 3 bdrm. Meeter suite Ilea lire· private beaches. anu· piece and prtvete sun· mabte loans $220,000 deck Excellent financing L H available. $495,000 WJSIH, 0.11. hoell11t l•,IH Super blcit y11d, large With an the acllon neer- lot, nice 3 bdrm, estate by Walk to stores and Hie $155,000 beaches 3 bdrms, 2 LElllllE Wlllll baths each unit Top Owner wtll carry 2 bdrm, ren11J record $355.000 2 balll. Gate 9 $92.000 Twe ii O.e IUlllY ITHFFEll Separate units or Single IU Ull llUL n I a m I I y u se N I c e .1• 1•14 summer/winier rentals ~~~~·~-~·~~~~i or longterm lamlly tun on = Mlrarnar $339.000 To pl~ your meeaage before the rMdlng public, phone For lnlormat1on call Bill Gold 673-4396 Dally Piiot Cl..altled, 842-5676 142-5200 Clldllllcl 10 Go-Cart• Wh1tevef the Fad j PETE ' BARRETf ··· REALTY Roll ·em off the market ~~~~~~~~~ Wllh I Cl ... llled Ad 1- Clll Now1 842·5678 JOOZ ..•........••..•...... Ullll llUll N e wport's most prestigious address! 40 foot bayfront lot with private pier and float.. $1,915,000 includes approved plans. Attractive terms available. 1714) 673-4400 12 Ill 621-2128 ~ Hcwt>or ArN'1 l.olMJHI htabtiwd a.o1 &tatt ~t fUILlll YI-WU 0111111 ,...,.. ...,.,. .................... YI ti lt•J• 11111 I al1t.t U1t.ta. .... ..,aw.+a.s•....,._• r& + .. P'ICI• l11w '11 .... ..................... ....., ................ ...., ..... ,.. .......... , .............. .. ........... , ............... ...,.~ IU1_...._...,.,.114 .. fer ................ WATER~RONl ltoMlS,i'( 10 \I l lllt" • .,, ' I' 1• .! ~l"I " ·~ ... , 11 ... '~"I""' Krao h 111·1400 ,, .. l .... " .. t\ ~ B.-h·• lw n'1 '1U"° 4Br. 2'1tBa, vlewt, choice Tt llLPI loc 1350 ,000 firm. 644·2 135 Fle10bl• financing on 11111 --.,.....,-.,.....,..,..,.=--,=-1 llT'm10 38r home w / TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF ll'ICIOlld p1t10, ram rm. HOME FOA ONE IN SAN 1prtnkter1. Th1r1·1 more. JU~N CAPISTAANOI l t29,500 Cell 979-5370 M1lure treea end lulll . ,. ( >I l / tl J.. ,, 1-'if '~ ' t .. ·~ ' • ',...,, ,.. ' .. drive •33&,000 A.gt llHll UOO •dulll wek:ome 1690 & 1 •1, b' 1 g •' • g • £•••H ,..,, 3141 OPEi TOIAY 8,.~380. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111eur 845-7234 S&OO/mo 92 Temple ••'••••••••••••••••••• Terrace. 494-0154 Furn L1gun1 Bt1cll tu· ~:::~1!:f :,:O~i. P::!: IM'.'•~•~•••••••}.~~ Ull AIUIOWHEAD 2 ~A:~~oNi~M LeaM houM . ELEGANT!; xury atudlo. •P•. Sltetllt• city & OOlln vu1 A REAL ........ 11001000 TOWNHOMES 3 Br 2ba. OGll n vu, nr TV, Huna, m•ld Ntvic.. BA.AGAIN AT ONLY Yl/YAlll/CllY Cu1tom Swlu Ch1l11 wlln accHt lo pool, J• bH cn, big pvt verd phonH S1151w•ek 1359,5001 w on't 1111. • Condo • 3 br, 1,..... bl 2 with dock and maid'• cu.ul. re<: are•. micro-NOftn Laguna A.11111 June ..,4.,.9_9_-2_2_2_1-=--~-..~~ Call dlrectly to P1trlek 1ty 2 car Oii Nr SC quut1re. Spectacular wave arH Microwave Ill S 1500/mo A.gt #OlllMll .. .,. 3111 Tenore &3 1-t 2118 or Plaz., I 104.000 By OW· Ilk• lll<I min VllWI. Im-and automallc g•r•g• 4114-4674 ••••~••••••••••••••••• lllPIUTll llW 14411000 lllln walking dlltanoe 10 IOWFIHT security, 2 Br Bay vi.- landsc1ptng 1nll1nce 11111 11r .. dy magnlllcent resldena. In 1 Mlllng ol privacy and wermtll - 60-4702 lod• 0 1 t\4lf 54~117 POl'ted quellty l11turN door opeolf All lhla wl· N-luxury condo. turn Century 21 HIQh Country everything. 1175·2311 or TllUUllf llWI Walk bell, pool. •P • ' •• ._lal io•• IY IWIHI Carol, Agt. 548·2239 d1y1 Breatntaklng v1ew1 of 11025·$1200/Z'o Wkly Seller retocallng. wilt be 1---------llaxlble. You'll like 11111 3 bedroom dallgnt. $269, n1 •• Cllen 2 Br 1 Ba. n-114/111-1211 aunMt from flvlng rm ol rates. 525-740 ... ••••••1•0•••••• .. ·••1•••••• ':Wmmmmmiiimiil wall to wall carpet, 1rg 1111 I Pm H dbl wide mobll• home Yearly west N-por1 2 11 lot. xlnl ltH. $18,00 flat li,,•/l•lllY•I EASTSIOE 2 Br garage 2Br 2ba, lrplc. pvt deck Br 1 B• Walk 10 OCMrt 000 644·7020 LINGO AEAL ESTATE 1 BA 011\I Point SH · OOEllFllOlfT do w n , I 7 5 0 Imo "--iJ 1450 $595/mo 642-2610 w/1unken hot tub. pvt & lennlt U OO/mo :orona Hlghl•nds custom 111ewt Pool, •P•I T.O 30 By owner Or11tlc price 714/964·1402 111 6 ••• '!!"!.~~~•,.••••••••• 8411_.&46 parking Av111 lmmed S&e-4308, 642·7005 4 B r 3 Be wetbar 'i' loan! ll.3 5o mo reducllon for IQ• down-L~una Shor ... Lag Bctl gn-3Br.2.,.,BaCondo. Sl500yr-round • d 631-66118 paytMnt 840.7990 ~.&. I J • t I S 500 11 J Schwetcker1 Realty Bloek from B•y & e.ecn master suite .. llU y, •---------vu.II " •I• I H gl\ HUon, 11, many xtru, 1va une 645•11144 1BA, aleepa 4 uttt pd mini view S399,000 B••tl•fll• _B_y_Ow_nef--4-Bd-r.-d-en-. -, •••••••••••••••••••••• Aa1ume 18000 loan 15 1760 mo 4119-2300 s450mo 213•94 1•3065 675-5930 Agent O guell rm, 2 femlly rma, S #dll1 B1a11 499-6648 631·7100 No ef'ld, cnarmlng 2 Br 2 -:--------- jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ••• ~~!~ ••••••••. J.~. Ba, lrplc, formal llvlng & 111 l•/1 1100 lt•I •·t•ll MESA VERDE 3Br 2ba, Be, library, den/dlnll\g, A111l•l•ll BEST VIEW 12000 HWI av.~ dining $226,000. $50. • ••••••••••••••••••••• IN I. m rm . s 7 7 5 Im 0 . lrplc, de<:k. ocean & 11111-u.1.,.,,." 2 Br. Townllouu , de-1_00_o_d_w_n_5_4_5_·8_1_0_8 __ 1 N~:~f~on~·~:r~ ~7~~ ... ~~!~~~/.~ ..... ~~~ 494-6594 or 831-3155 :1!:~~8m:;~"~~r~~n ~ -;;,~··••••••••••••• Ill CDM I N,81 lloh1ul end unit with pa-CAMEO SHORES cond '78 dbl Wld•. fir• Laguna Beach view H · 2 Br 1 Ba, lrg yard. o•· gardener Yrly Avail Stand on th• deck wl1h llo. community pool & Cuatom 4 Br. 3 B• pool. place, brick patio, 1111 I 1, 100.000 l 350K rage, no pell. $560 & 8 / 2 5 s 1ooo 1 mo '••i•HI• 3101 klddy yard Low down or Jacuzzi kol pond, 3 158.500 Alto 2 br, 2 equl1y, excll. tor T01 . ..curtly 979-4383 497·5315 •••••••••••••••••••••• tile boa ls penlng vlr-t•k• over exletlng VA Ir p I c ' 1 , I 4 7 5 . 0 0 0 be., double wld•. corner bonde. Ind/Comm pro-OCEAN BAY VIEW ~u:!'Yb~~ld~tr!:"inn~~-loan Full price S1C>e,500. 675-5930 lot $39,000 But Grundy PlflY 499·5848 Du• lti•I 3ZZI IOcean ,,_ w~ & Gl111 2 Br 1 Ba patio, tlove & Agent 6«12-1700 &75-81& 1 ••• ••••••••••••• •••••• IXC 3 BA 2 ~ bl I 1500 relrlge AOull. 1\0 pet• rone d•I Mar with the larhr Yltw I I 2Br 2'1tba trplc g1r & 499~820 Avail 6/10 $690 yrty lncldng utlle home perched on I blu" 111' DDWI II I 0 I l"I ••II I I • p' 11 673-6372 I kl Ill I 11 " u ...... .,.. • FALL BROOK ••••• ••••••••• •• • •• •• • p 0 0 ' • p. • 0 !OCEANFRONT -Old Sp•-·---------over oo ng e • v. '"-·of, ... ocean . walk b d 2 $625/mo 497 6455 ,-wedge. harbor, ocean, ........ '"' 3 rm . b • · • nllh Vitia, 2Br. 3Ba. 3 Cllt•• ''' #11 JIZZ Catalina, Pavllllon. e1c to I h • • • n d sp1,/covered patio lelftr't &Helt B1•1n l•nli•A" •1 •111 JZJZ trp1c1, pvt ben, couple or •••••••••••••••••••••• T .. e laat .. ouae sold on 2 1 3 I 3 3 3 -3 8 4 6 I BeauUfully decorated •••••••••••••••••••••• •· J1 I I I $3500 2 8d den frpl ,, .... , lo " " · Fronting on your own goll C ' I .. J/ZZ • •. • •• ••. • •• ••........ I ng e pre mo . • , v,. this street wu 14 years 2 13/902· t298 Assumable loan Wltn 5% courM with 180 deg. view. •11•• I ,.,, EL TOllO CUYOI yrly 640·5829 beacn S 1070/mo Der-ego. Approx 2700 sq '1 . 1_i•I JIU~ dn 1229,500 Fee By cnolce of 2 homes wllh •••••••••••••••••••••• ell Pull Ownr/Agl Re/ 3 .. I k ""' """' Owner 979-3923 d·'uxe l111u~ on 1t1r1c. QUALITY 3 BDRM. den. 2 br. 2 be, almOlll new W•U• •i••f/ 3ZSZ ~&ll 759'.1221 • level nome o oe • •••••••••••••••••••••• ., ,_ gardener Irv Terrace for coodo Community pool. ••'•••••••'••••••••••• 1---------brass. leaded gllu. Absolutely blau111ul 2Br, MUST SELL! lively landecaped Iota IM 673-3100 ape a tennlt court• 1 car Luxury home <>c..n vv. 2Br. den, encl gerage. stained glasa & ch•nd+-1Ba Oreentr" l'lome. no ZERO DOWN! Boin have 2 Bdrm, 2b1 garage Wiii conald•r sundeck, 1800 1/I, 3Br pallo, xlnt loe Avall June I~ 3 nuge bdrms wltn down S 124,000 or lse Harbor Aldge cu11om, plu1 etorage areu ~'!!r.!!.~~!A .. !.{~~ pet1 $625 mon1n + $625 2b•. fam rm, 2 1rptc1 8 $675 rno 493-6499 3 batne Jacuz:z.I. pantry. opt 1 on 5 4 8. 8 O 2 3. over 5,000 aq h., IOW$91 Monthly lee lnotudn lree MCUrlty depotll s 1200/mo. 496-9168 °' 2 bdrm. 1 b• apt. Fplc. lrplc. Harbor & ocean 675-8918 priced on 11111. For Info, golf, teMla, TV ceble. SUYIEW 111-1110, 111-1411 Jeannine, 714/494·1177 dee ... new cpte, paint. view from every room In call 640-1193; 759-0969 water. lrnll and gate " tne house Quiet. no UNIV. Park 2 br. 2 be, 1---------1securtty. Owner 1erme. Be Former modet: 3Br 2'1t , 3234 Iii rl ••ti 3ZIJ cual drpe 1850 mo. 111 crowd street Lovr down completely upgraded. IEWPOllT IUCI our guilt tor a free round be, ocean vu. Geted f1a•I"• Vlllt;f • .'.'!r................. & last ptua $250 dep No payment wllll 12•;,•;, u-$16.900 cash lo auume. 3 bdrm. 3'1\ be, LA, DA, ol golf Call 1-728-6510 or comm Many, many e•· •••HOME.FOR.RENT••• N-oceanfront 3 Br I•· pets. Call an-ad No sumable loana By ow-Pr Ice S 1 2 1 · 9 0 0 FA 3000 sq '1. Geted 1·128·6824 tru 3 Bdrm. $750 Fenced mlly rm. 2 lrple. yearly 661, 642~300 ner $1,500,000/otler 551-8051 Prlv Street 842-0430 Mobile Home 1 Br. ""'" Oeonla Alcicette & AlllOC yard & garage Kida & $2500/mo. 645-0776 2 Br 2 Ba yearly.'°' im- Orlve by 2215 Paclllc Or. "'v 111-0424 pet welcome 545 2000 med c 11 f first then call 875-7270 FIXER SRQQO DOWI P•llo & shed Adlt park. 1 • Harbor v-Home 3 Br 2 occupancy • or C.11• #tu I OZ4 .......•.•.••.•••.•.•. II HWltl >iOUM plua 2 unlt1. Prime E111alde 20~ below •P· :>t1l11I, xlnt lnv11tment )pp<>rtunlty Of tu lhaller '550/mo. nag wino down >r breek even w/20'% :Sown 1135.000 Owner/ ~gent 5411·4380 d1y1, 4IM-0395 -· 631-54711 ....... PlllUTTm Mlle from the beach. Baautlfully bultt Buccoll 4 Bdrm. 3 bl plua f11mlly u So Lag $10,000 dy Lrg 4 Bdrm, famlly rm Agent, no lee. B1.lamlly rm $1150/mo BPPI 675-0124 ask'°' UPPER 3 t>r, 2'1t b• twnnae In 494·2782 cuttom pool llom• In a Purchase option 111111 Kale Nwpl Hgt1 llN. Aqume I I B••ldfll• 64~-6977 1---------wllll a 111111 1maglne11on low Int toen. Price S 160, WANTED· mobile home In a 0 u n 'Y 1 e 1 1 n 0 ... i 3Z40 Studio apt. lrg llvi~ erea, tnls 4 bdrm. 2'1t be. ooo. Ag1 675·9551. H.B. edull park, not over ~.~~~0~~!.'0e:,~:n_~n& ••••••!••••••••••••••• Spectacular Ocean/ bay good view. $500/mo could tie e dream home. ':Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill.!"'~O~.ooo~~P~/P:_96~2:.:_·7~09~3-llEIT Tl llY PW vu . 4 br, 2'1t ba, DA, tam Agt. 551-6130 1• PO 0 I a et v IC e B II ' I I 12150 mo Good loutlon Venderbllt IEWPllT Olm •-&. IJSO 631 7370 Gets you st1r1ed tn real ~~ ~~~~er CdM lt .. it a~t 1221/ ... Model In Park Homes. -H• ,,, .. ,,., --· -------eatete ~n~· .. 1p 759.-0692 ., ••• 8125 6 c32c7 2 Bdrm. 2 bllll, den, di-••••••••••.-;•;<••••••• u-v•""' .,.... .,_ ., '209·900 nlng room, large double Walk 10 the beach Own BHlll U.Juald" 2 Br Townhouae wtlll t----------1--------:-:- gar•o• Elect. ope. ner. .,, oceen vv lot, MOftO •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, H B. $575/rno BIG CANYON Comfort•-C•1I• #1u 31Z4 Quiet end unit Walk to Bly tree, S.L 0 Cly C.•tr•I 3UZ 1 Br duplex E1stald1. Die, spectoue Deane 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• the bl.ah $1&5,000. From only $4,900 On •••••••••••••••••••••• C M $450/rno Br 2 Ba. lam rm. guard 1 II. 2 Ill. J Ill. I • 0 ~It ""' termt. 1°"• lln . -tllla L•I'• gel your Investment g e I e O. S 1 1 7 5 mo Newly decor Gu pd, IJ I If• 1 • wknd. 714·675·72311, NPT. BEACH/Untum 1t1rted. 640·8582. 979 .. 191 encl gar, dw1llr, pool, Ml· 1121 9.5 30PM, Bkr Immaculate and char-Agent 662-1700 I .. _ v I bbg Adult1. no pets ming home on Lido Ille. --..;;..----~.,... ar-r •• ••H 542.5073 Flrepl1c1, 1llut1ere, 3 2 lg bdrm condo, $850 Outatandlng e111cutlve .---------llWPlllT IUOI 3 Br home, I 199,000. Vic Junlntkl. Broke< 752-51 11 845-a269 • •• ~!1;1!!'!. •••••• !.~~ llPU Bdrm. 11850/mo. mo. Pool, W/O. Fred Palermo with expanded lllTAIT 111 963·9632: 894-1689 femlly room 4 bdrma $595/mo 2 Br 1'~ Ba room. tor m •I d Int ng liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill-1-miiiaa-;i l-iMiM1 -room, localed on cut de •a-••~ .,.._ TU UllTll FlllntSTNm Clt>nN Dr 2br 11000 VIII• Pee 3 Br Condo 2 plus 1 bdrm & 1 bl get Townhouse, Ill but11-ln1, Udo Pk Or 2br vu $1800 Ba atrium, trplc, tef'lnla llee Large lot POOL. belcony. laundry rm. co- Ba)'llde Cove 2br 11800 pools. spa, nr ocean next to grHtlbell $1700 ver ed parking Nice In WOl/Farw. ~7-3459 mo 675-M70. 675-7698 1oca11on NC stree1 BE CREATIVE -VlrMlll• Wiik to water. WITH THE FINANCING UI ,.... 1 Br, 1 Ba 0 IO 10% San Clemente pride ol Npt Ht 3t>r pool $1650 1---------_J_o_en_n_A_k_er_m_a_n_A..;;.o..,.1 _-1 __ T_S_L_M...:g:...m_1 __ 64_2_·1_60_3 S 4Br, 2Ba. den w/hplc. 2 ownership. Modem P•· WIU IOl/F•ra. car gar, nr Goldenwest & Private 2 Br 2 Ba Com-*2 br nr S.C Plz S A ntsll s1yle four unit P1nor1mtc vlewa, 1pa, Hell 1st & 1as1 $775 mo. munlly pool. tennis Pool, sp1 $550 Cerpo<I Asking S 151,900. Cell Beaullfulty decof1ted 1 down or trede. Cell fOf 540-1151 bdrm plu• den condo, d 11111 t . 91111· 9 2 2 2 · • ~ HERITAGE . . REALTORS OWIEll IHIS CUI wet bar, 1'~ bathe, pool Owner/ Broker. & Jacurzl. WIMI lo golf -.... ---2-11---"--- courM, tennt1 & 1llop. ,fn -• ping. CloM lo "-IYI· A .. um10le 10.87% c1111m1ng SS*\llh 111ee1 _s_1_9_5_.ooo_._64_S-_9_3_9_1 __ patio 0wner w111 c«ry w•TUfl..,. 2nd. I 149,000 • -• PrHllglOUI "ISO 1 Lido" .IJ. ;,, "" lllgl'I rite condo (8E). View to C1t1lln1 2Br 2'1tbe, .. uni, -t bar. aec bldg. $950,000 apart men! house w111l fa m , m . 3 bdrm : 848-9397 $900/mo 752-5822 or 2 Br, 1 Ba ocean, hllla & OOlt couree 12000/mo 1------,----PROPEATY HOUSE 1p1s. new carpet, p1t1011, 111-. clOM to everything, Waterfront Homes Inc Exec home $875/mo 642-3850 642· 1010 c11porta Cat OK only l llr•• yeer1 old, 1•1 1.-714/846-8770, Pol8 lse TSL Mgmt 642-1603 ehowa Ilk• NEWI Sell«!~~~~·~-~'""'~~~~ oPI non-smkr, avail 711 3 Br 2'1t Ba. frpk:, O/W, lrg wtll help hnance & .. ,,. 1: Exec nome 3Br. fem rm. M b r . • v 1 11 now IYAIL. llWI buyer tllouund1 o t C.rHI 'I} "4r 3Z22 solar healed pool and $900/mo. Agt 673-9060 $415/mo 2 Br 1 Ba doll1rsllt Selling price of • • •••• lk .._.. 1B 1B pool laundru rm new $325,000 ts wey below 0 LEASE;LeAsii()?i10N •P• Lots 01 extras ~~ ~~ts:"'~~ pet~· ss~ cer~t. upP8f' unit Tnts current rept1cement Lge newly rernod 3Br. 1 I lOO/mo lee Belly mo 675-2010 btwn one wont lull cottl PAI N C IPA LS 3ba, lam rm In lrvlne Parker, Agt. 751-3191 & 5PM-8PM TSL Mgml. 642·1603 ONL't'I Ct ll owner at Terr '· pa11o, open or M r Fletcher at 1----------i--------- (714) 642-0138. beams, fireplace. blln _9_64_·3_00_8_____ IPECTACIUll $500-$525/mo 2 Br I Ba. 2 Br 1 Be + 1 Br 1 Ba 72x 105 R2 IOI Do not disturb ten1n11 1528 Orange S 129,000. 548-5041 eves & ~nds. 631 -3520 wkdys l•--------UH ISLE .... E v&L•...,, range & oven. N-car-B••li•fll• HYEll llllllH 1 story, shag. drape1, 91'"rL • ~• pets No pets Water & pallo. lrpk:, d/w, beemed 3 Br 1 Ba nouse on large 50ll 175' 3 unll IOI 436 Hamlllon Do not dlelurb tenants S 129,000 548·5041 evee & wknd1, 63 t-3520 wkdya E.SllE IT lJllTlll Sml 2 Br 2 Be older home w/greal loc1tlon near Tu111n Ave Haa loads ol potentlal As- sume $87 .000 In loans w/S 15,000 d wn Full price $115 .000 631-7370 TRADI T 10\AL REALTY OLDE LAGUNA CHARM Unique 2 bdrlTI lloor plan I bllll, llv rm w/ beamed celllnga, hard· wood 1100<1 & cozy log burning ITplc $187,500 Full Prloe MISSION REAL TY 494-0731 3 Unite (3·3·1) on sandy be8Cl'I wllh h1rbor view Live In t • rent out 2 S 1.300.000 Assumable $600,000 loan RITA WAITER, Agt 752·5710 l .. Ell Ttll •E Tu lhfftr gatdener Incl at S975 B,,IN., 3Z4Z Prol decorated lemlly oelllngs g1r1ge Near n-4-plex, 2 bdrm, mo yrly Owr /Bkr no •••••••••••••••••••••• home, 3Br 2"" ba. lrml TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 h r-· .•• 4_8, .... 7 Lu>1urlous 3 bdrm. 2'1t b1 d1n1ng. lo fem rm, pool 2 bal ll eecll unll wit ~ .,.. JU condo H1rt>or lront 34 Avell tmmed $4000 mo/ Fireplace. pool, PYI patio nreplace. enclosed patio. '1 bolt Slip Spectaculer IN Incl g11denet & pool & dshwsner X lg 1&2 Br g111ge, IW•-lSI. Po• C••I• #fU JZZ4 view Newly de<:oreted service Schweickert garden apts on E/elde c111l llow. Now S l59, ••••••••••••••••••• ••• I 1100 mo. 3867 Aruba Aea.ty 645-9144 from $460 557·2M 1 500 Biii Grundy, Altr. II HE IF c I r J 0 n at ha n 1---------. --------- 675--6181 TIE LIOIY FEW 213•451•4387 24 hr Lae 4Br, 2Ba home. Ga-S625, 3Br 2b1, clllldref'I "SELL IOW I" ZllOO Rent In Co111 Me11'1 --------£••HI ••fi 1041 Priced uno.r the market !~!!!'!! l!!r.!!l. ••• • • N E w ES T g a 1 e d 2 0 lmH 3U4 ••'••••••••••••••••••• 03yv\ew condo· 1 Br plui COSTA MESA DUPLEX Tow n home VILLAGE •••••••••••••••••••••• rage, pools, tennis, ok, no peta, 166 ··c" E. beach No dogs 1975 2 151 SI Now 1v1t1 mo 642-3669 646-9596 Of 5411-111185 IWIEll UH den, 1at TD s 122.000. S 175,000 Top qlty conat COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br Wtt411ri4Ct Ctl4t Big Cenyon conoo. 2 Bd 2 Xlnt loc. Wilk to S C ··Try $10.000 down and 10'.t%, 2nd TD $45,000 Copper plmbng, hvy 2'1t B• l600·l800 aq. 11 3 Bdrm 2'1tba, Jepanete Ba, $895/mo Fred Te-Plaza. NEW 2 Br 2 Be , I -what h1ppene" on • 8 "le. o 0 w n p y mt shake, built Ilk• 2 con-of pure luxury. Gareoe-. garden. community pool. nore. agt 631-2711 Br & 1 Ba or Studio charming unlta • VICTO-Paper/car/cun or PfoP dot 3 ltplca, get. Gr111 nydro-tuba In muter lake tennis prlvllegea 1----------i lncludt1 frplc, elegant AIA BEACH arM 1225, tn N.B Aoy Sey, •-1 street l120K auum lulte. d i ning room1, $900/mo 559-4783 or Bio Canyon Condo 3 Br French window•. pool, 000 979 5370 "'V""'' tlncng. 10.6%. Agt. wood burning flrepteeee. 8756160 spatless, lull golf course tennis, wlllrtpool •P•. L Yll' II ·80 or eve• 1142•9666 mlcro·wave ovens. prl-1 __ . _______ view. $1250/mo leaM saune. complete exer-11•11 Ill • • 5A....:..8• ..... 1.;..:.._1 -.....,..-..,.--....~·I-:::-:--:=::-:--::-::--=::-:-:-:--:-:-:--= v a t • p a t I o 1 & 3Br. 2'1tB•. din rm, lam 644-7424 Broklf else rm. In home laundry 411·1111 -VEASAILLES/10% ON EASTSIDE TRIPLEX 2 yard1,g1rdener provl· rm, ctoae to pool, apa & 1·a.-e-ut-ltu_l_l_ar_g_e_3_b-dr-m-.-2-1 lac & much more 2 BA 2b• corner unit, bdrm Sp1nllt1 house plus ded. El90ant llvtng only tennis. $800 mo Call ba condo. Blt·lne. 2 car Wily rent when you can OILY 111,000 IWI '•pie. ocean & harbor 2 1-bdrm apte. $18.000 15 minute• from Fulllon Putn11m 975-1723 01, All new decor 5950 now own f<>' onty 11000 13% Int .. 4 Bdr 3 Ba, vlewe OC Le1veexl._ yNrlygrOH Sip.met• lsland,7mlnutestoSC , mo 642-1155 down & tow monthly panoramic oceen vu, t 1 n g 11 nan t In 1 t red I 195,000 owe Plue or 0 C Airport 2 Br 2 !\ Ba Townhome. 1---------. payments Call tor d•· $4911,000 Ownr A.gt $750/mo u Investment 1-303-887-2887 Owner Juat eut of Newport Deertleld. S700/mo IUCI HOUSE 11111. 549.3421 3114 1 544-2170 or 855--0517 property or move In iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Blvd & to. ol San 01900 Agent 4113-2117 e.ar st c M ~ youraell In 30 days Sac-Frwy. Starting II S900 a UNIV PK. spec 3Br, 2BI {ll••H) MICArt~r A Sunflowet. EIEULD IAY rillce I 1&9.500. Prlncl· llOIEllT llLLllEI mon11l. 631·5439, 2473 twnhM, gar. AC. lrplc, no By tile month only BUT --..,.......,~~-~-,__. 11.. pala only. 213/374-5922 l~~~~G3~1~-1~2~8&~~~~I Orenge Ave .. Coate pets, IN, 529-03114 only 1900/mo. fOf 2 Br 2 Large 3 Br 2 Be. Town-·-• M Ba, walk lo t>Mcll Aval!. llouM In quilt c:ompi.x, WllltlWlllf view. Room •• NWll esa motTIYI HI t u from Jun• 20. large paol, gardef'I Mt· for pool. Pl1n1/permll• Newport 1 BA condo. SHOPPING Center In lfU YOllE Turtlerock cond o w/3 .I.II. Ptllnln ting. 1600 645-3381, •ra-i for e>cclllng remodel. Oce1ntld1, nr. frwy. 17. & 675 5949 ~··II $l ,160,000. Furn. el901nt1y de<:ora· ooo aq It. ll.2M, gd. 4 Bt!rm 2 Ba lemlly deck vu of City light• IUIAlllllT ----------OOITA IEU C Tatum Attr 49C-0029 led! Pool, •P• & club financing, great dllll Mr home Quiet area Avell mount1ln1. 2400' llvlng 11M1l• 2 Br 2 Ba. Piiio. carport. Top aeeurtty Sl,1150 mo RoMI, 851.()611 lmmedlllety. Many •me-apac e , 2 cer gar w / • no pets $450/mo l1U.IOO La Billi 1050 631-6&86 nlllet 875 ... 912 Bt<A openers. bonu1 rm 2 Br 2 Ba. apllt 111191, NB 548-8875 2 small hOUMt on deve-•• l/.~f••••••••••••••· 1---------Niii lllT. IOI Comm pool/ tennll c d 2 1,.,.,,.. topebl• lot to be pur-s IEWPllT IEllm ) Br 1 Ba large yard, s 1 2 o o / m o pa u 1 on o, garagn """'' Spacloua 2 Br 1 B• $425 chued wttn conllguou1 ~~1Z8°f~1 B~O ~.~t~ Cu1tom·bu1t1, comet lot. ~~"d.P~~~~~ih 211~~ ~~ redec 1983 Continental 855-26112 Clou 10 Hoag Hoap 3 Br 1 'It B • $4 7 5 property Subjecl lo llfe home $100,000 Terry 2 bdrm+ gUHI + famlly lwnh1H. condo pot•n· $760/mo. 559.5001 1785/mo. Bkr 646-7332 Laundry h e • pool est1te of elOlflu tenant Bkr. •97.303• room. C/N/L 1375.000. ---------WOODBRIDGE CONDO • Bh.1fls condo 3br 2bl 548·9556 , .. .., Ital. G1r1gee. 2751( M 2 Br. enclld garage, car· $550 mo. 2Br. 1'i'IB•. 2 ,.-------Give us a cell fOf further ---------• Open Sat/Sun/Mon 1-6. w12c•, dn. Prln. only. pelt drapes 173 w 1800/mo. Agl Ted Wu· S325 2 •• lB 1 .1 1 ' I I I .. __ ZElll IOWI' 501 RI_, ... & .,,. • • • tly, CIOM to pool, lennll, 11rm1n. 8•0 -•5 •0 & mo. .. r t r n ln0fm1ton or1111 .... 1 1 v ........ ,.v. Belo w bank 1ppr. W l laon No pelt IP• 1213)&378339 760•1900 .. '"'" clNnqutetedttplrk,140 buy lmmacvlll• 2 Bdr 2 B1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1-870-9227 $525/mo 631·4889 • Clbrlllo #2. 673-7787 144-IOIO moblle home In t>aaullM IPIOTAOIW•N --o-C-.-... -Oown--l-.. -u-nl-11-, 4Br. 28• + lg add-on, WOOD8RIOOE4795 mo 4 br 2,..... bl In lrvtne Ter-I BA ,.. P ...... L. g Un. "'111 • P • r k -· " 3Br, 288, 2 Cit •llech rec'• Pet lo. G1rd1n1r upt .,,.. ""'· OU n ••fPlllT Long Bell Wiii keep evall '" 1 •• ... Del Mer ..,. -' ... 147 14' MAIOtll .. When you Ilk• over exlltlng 111 Trull Dead on 11111 abM>lu1ely bffu· Utul Pta.n 4 In HERITAGE PAR!(. Thl1 lormw mod· et leatur .. 3 Br, 2'1t B• & exlenelv• upgredlng. Only S 151,50011 21170 Sitt Mlgual Or • NewP0rt Beach 769-1601 or 702-7373 ...... Walker 6 Lee MON Wnlle9 .,. eettJng the camping "bug" tNI )Wt. " Ycx.I hew • oem-p•r IP!et't n ot O•tllng UMd1 Mil It ftOW Wlltl A ·CtwlnedAAt. $800/mo peys 111. Frplc, -~ "" gar. fr pie, AC, micro-lnel I l500 84e-23811 ...... no ,......1, : .. a req. walk-In pantry, A.IC, plua, Collln1 1111 • 11711 of m 1 n • g I ng Io r you. Ref. & IM req. $800 mo wa\19. lnod yd. CloM to · · FI ow 1 r . • 3 3 5 J mo. plue. SJll,OOO 10111 It· prim• panoramic; view: 759-04!1 759·0147 or 840-4280 pool, tennla & epa (213) Attractive 4 bdrm, 3 oa. 2 645--8161 king price. lurnt~ batln' 4 lellndll TRl·PLE.X HUNT BCH. •11 ll:30PM &37-83311 atory. CUiiom N-portM __ E_S_A_V_E_A_OE ___ 2_br __ 1_be,_ '"' ,.,,,, "" ··········••·•········ PIH PUOI EITATll 4 Ill. 2~ IA. BETIER THAN MOOEL HAS IVERYTHINO Cul-di-No ,,, ... sup & noeta lor 3 large All 2 Bdrm, •188.000 -2-B-,.-C:.--d-. -no-...,-,,-.-Ctl-lld Hllghll, ldelt lor •lllll'lnO 1 1 d•d W0kd bolt1Tr1dl1tonllFrench • .,... Turtllroell48f.2B•.l•m t lngl1 1 1 1600 mo gar. ncu . ye. ~...:..... __ , ... __ 9 UNITS, HUNT 8CH ok, •latde. 1660/mo. rm, din rm. vu Of U.C.t. • •• '"78".' . pie. call: 75~229 In "'" r-..... -· over All 2Bdrm 1458.000 841-0783. .,......., • !I eq. tt.; !I BRa. 8 Bkr ~"'" ,.,123 ---------Gardener, Wit & n1n *2 Br. 1 Ba. Newty refur· balhl , geme rm, famlly ............ · lllT Tl llJ PUii duu tncld. L11n Wntralaltn 1111 blahed. •4t5/mo. No 2 .t·•-· ....... & elev• Newport BH Ch prim• $ 1 2 0 0 I m o A g t • •••••••••••••••••••••• -a ..... ""7• rm, .,,_ • Geta you etAlfted In r... ~1.5032 HOME FOR RENT ,...... · .........,. '"· 1or. Ottered 11 14,300, property trl·P'eX• ad~ Mii i• OW!'*'lhip. l47 G '450 000 Including land. C.-pin .. 10% down . I Ir. d~;;;tHttlda, WOODBRIDGE CONDO· 2 Bdtm. II. w aga. 1 2 8'. l'A BL 1""°7 1°' I h y 8 () h..., •I c; II •, I 844-7424 Brok• c M ... 2"· ....... d leund ch ltd OK, no P•U. 2 pereona. No pett. 55 e:-2.e231 (84n """ WAl1D 2. 8~.To~'::ouH with •eoo'1";.l: ave It .~: M!S.2000 Agent, no ,.., w . 18111• 81· 646-9607 ~Mar.nab -lrvrne / Trede for N.8. OCH n • pool. H.I . 16715/mo. 651·2&&4 c..IMlaJ... MOQ..'495/mo. , Ir., ... front home. Own•r. ~.J&,1 your fnveetment Woodbridge 2 Br & den, 2 f/dtral1W 1411 ~e'trin~ lhfr:ro-· = seoo.ooo. 3711 8••· ........ , llt2·HOO ae. detactlld A.IC home .•• , ................... 1aunc1 'rm A.vi.IL JuM.' ....... •1• ••79 •-· ,.____,,. .. _ .. , no ....... Allort-llk• adun 1rl01 M TSL iry • ..... .,... .,,..,. v......., 1171 ...... 1~ ...... 8C PIH . Poot, g rdnr. Mgmt ,...,..1_,, sun & 8111 11 Club I 20 "*'<::,. ,Wfurt 1 Wonoeriul Wor1d s21~ a1eo.ooo I or l~opp~.~tit ·~ ., 13 ~ ,..,. ' r::;y ?lrot(;,~ Mly amonu.d. Ada. To pteoe yow ad, Turlleroctc Tex Hawn CMnoa °' • •t«IMl. llMI "" Otux 18'. No pelt. 1471 1M1 Mepte AY'a. No pee.. Luxurtoue I BR fern. rm. with option, new 3 Bl. 2 ~ upgraded 38t 2.,.h & 1 45 ullt. 178-HIO, 2 Br. 1 k dwnetfl '440 office, d eoll, trl·tevel, !':-n~i ~2 ~·0~ twnhM. ram ""· AC. 2 JM.1829 2 8'. 1 ea.111*1'1 1421 corport l • r1nt11, t 11. 13 .aoaa Giii gar, pool Ito. IOMI 1 er uc-n asaci 000 Income per YI U , __ , ___ . _____ loe .. end unit. 1795 mo. •WALK TO SC PlAZA 81e·,,. Mgmt Oo w/115,333 In,.,._. Mm. • 8dr, 2 k lonnaldlnlng, 702·57111 3 llr. 1~ k. ........ 641-1314 . ' !'..~ .. · P1.2P91~~0.~'!~~ 11Wftllyv111. '"'11'1 •3 ,..oe1e11owr.,.~d·. The f11t"t dr I .. _ ~ upper., Waterr.:_&•-----;;:::::;i,....-....-kl-cea.-._, ....,. ,,, °'"'" o ., -.. •¥' fl 1,,. OM ,.... MOO "'°· lG bad\. llPt• ..vuu wing on11. Call owner UH l nol. gerdener. WHt, • ·• 0~111 -'ll~t •ao. dap. llACI .I .·"" petlo. Ml W 1MI llO'· l&MO~ ext, M Uf.4t21 a....., M. Mt-feta. "4-0ea. 8t, C.M. '311. No potr,ta~~· caN N2·1171 and let • C>wr./ ' ~...m.cl Ad-Vleor .. ' ' • p " .... --....... -...... ~!~,~7A!·~u0p!1 '°'a '\O day •d tn Ille lltU Pllll HAYIOI llHOTlllf 00 IT NOWI l•k fer ladre Your Delly Pllol Setvtoe Olreotory Awprlll4tnteltve 142-1111, ed. SU ~!/.~!!~ ............. . Oflvew•ys. Parking Lot Repairs Se11coa11ng S&S Atphll 631·41991.te ALLSTATE PAVING SHlCOBtlng-Slrlplng Aepatrs Comm /Reaid lie •3117362 645·818 1 Dan Hellberg Gredlng & Paving Co A111/Coml Lie 39780.C 842-1720 A•l•••lir1 ........•.••........... FINE SHINE AUTO DETAILING Guar Free PU/del 642-5449 ~~.·~!!~'!~'··········· Reliable 27 yr F wlll b•· bysll. hoose111. pe1 s11. FI T tummer 540-7082 IHI•, fll1ial1111at1/ S1rrlt1 .....•.•••....•....... MARINE SERVICES Ml!Chanlc Paint, varnish Tenk-rub-wax 645-9766 .. ~ ..,.,.,, .... ; ,.,.,,. ···lti1•~•·1tt)'i···· Si.1m clMn eng1, bllg & d.Ckt M9cl\ l tltelrl cal handyman work 11111 THI '•'""' •·•••••••············• f A'/t. Ft'!. •••••••••.• Clllld Cara, my nomt Mon-1'11 , C M area hp motl\9r 918·13ot CHILD CAAi IN MY F V MOl\Af Fvlltlme 0'4-4072 Clllld care. my C M home LO yard Prtl 3/" & up 01tttt• ht h1tm Kartn, 048-420 Looking for •home bull Mature lovtno chlld-oare. der? PIH" call Randall re•• Fenced yd, nr OMV f Pi .. lt y. J1 01 Fred 842-1107, 831·4274 w111on Park Vie w --------- HomH Inc £1 Toro C1•l1.,t111 ft•tt•I ~81·0760 ···········'·········· F.·!~~!~~ ........... . AEMOOEL/AOO·ONS & Cerpentry LIC'd 25 yre up lrwln 548-2718 Fine Finlahed Carpenlry ~~fl! ............. . Wi ll 1uturte·AC0\11Uo Hang lape Steel ttud• lie 3111944 1·6'2·55•8 flHltlHI ....•.•••.......•....• IL!CTRICIAN Priced 110111 tree Hllmete on l"O• Of emell IOb• lie 398821 973-03&8 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Oual wOfk·R•AI. rel" f'rH .. , 831·M>72 Tom TOP QUALITY ELECTRICAL WORK AllAI. rllH 531-605& ELECTRICIAN Sml Job1/Repel11 Lie 233108·C· 10 548-5203 FENCES & DECKS Merk Rot>1naon Conti Since 11176 754-011511 Ramod Spec: Rendall f tt•ltl i rJJ• llC. 419581 720-1260 •••••••:.'°•••••••••••••• COMM'LIRESIO FORMICA COUNTERS RemOd·Add n1-R11palrt TopatCablne11 relac:ed Very reas Lie 390250 Free Ht 642-5357 ~!.'1!.'. ~.'!!~ ....... . Jack H Sennett. Jr ,. I ,1 Gen. Conlr 552-11142 ••••II ••1 P.-.~~'!!~r ..••••..•••• llAOWINO t 10·1 111·'20 Maul/Dumping 1181120 M 1 r k 764 98041185 0095 •• , ......... ~ .. tt hp d QUl lrty WOik I I ,... r atu l\A alnt a l•nd1oap1ng N8/CdM only Ron'a ardt nlng. 076-930llf42·84M Mow, tdO•· r1ke, ewa.p, 1prlno Clean-up. haul. Chuck '42-2873 af1 4 RHld1n11a1. Cleen-up1, guden Hrvlce, malnt., tree trim Free ell 84 1 t08e(Call Wiiiy) SHIVO'S OAROENINO Total Y"d C1r11" Mo/wkly 551·6232 81'1 L1ndacap1ng-Yd Clnupe Tree 111m Ex~ m1ln1 lmgauon Jim 1151-0128 AYILUI llllHllH Shampoo & 1IHm c1ee11 Colo• b•IOhttn1rt wht c:rpu 10 min bleach Hall liv/dln 1m1S15. tvg room S7 50, couch S 10, chr S5 Ouar ellm pet odor Crpl repair 15 yra exp Do work myself Reis 531-0101 Bonded & ln1ured $t1/1t' Q/111 •• ••• •••••• ••••• •• •••• Tree trtm, g.n etnup11 OllllllALI OILY cemenl worll. l\Oufe C•pts 1ns1a111r11p11red Flood dam1g11 Steam clng 554-8510 1173-8568 No S1eam/No Shampoo S1a1n Specialist Fest dry Free est 839-1582 We Care Crpl Cle1ne1s Steam clean & upnols Truck mount unit Work guar 645-3716 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Buffington Own/ Opr Carpet. uphol, aree 1ug cleaning Work guar Free Eal 645-1771 R.J. M11ff•H I Sta Lie 308888 Ramof:lel, add 'ns ceblnels 646-8586 WAY CONSTRUCTION Remodel • Addition• Uc 420802 642-1200 , ............. "····· Free est Reas prices Ou111 work Uc 337189 631-2345 f.~~'!.,.!~~~~~~f. Crown moulding, entry doors, mantles. book- cases. cedar lined clo- sets Wood solutlona 10 wood pro1>1ems1 631-1528 Chrlatlne & Ed 848-7825 ~king 549-11104 ~~.'~I.!.'!!!!.~~!!!~! .. REPAIR & INSTALL Garega drs Hardware Design/Paint 980-8168 ~~!!.~~!~f ........... . TME HEH SCHE lawn-tree-shrub lnstell Tree trim-removel Lawn care-Rolotllllng Free Hllmales 548 6065 K&O Lendscape Malnt Reaid/Comm Clean-up Lt Hauling 548-2489 Total Verd Care by THE GRASSHOPPER Peison1l-Depend1bl11 Dominic G-42-4851 !1. '.~~T!'! ~~ .••••••••••• Carpan1ry • Masonry Aooling • Plumbing Drywall • Stucco · Tiie Remodel J 8 646-11990 General Malnlenence Repllrs & Decorating Quality • Ray 6.C0-5144 EXPERT HANDYMAN Carpentry · Roofing Plumbing, etc 642-6013 ~'-!fllfM ••••••••••• ~~!if!!'!/fl. ••••••••. ~!!!-!f ••••••.•..•••.• r!~!!~/~1. ....••.••.•• T!!! •••••••••••••••••• COMPI. HOMI MAINT HlllL ITARVINQ COLLl!QE Carp, plumb. paint, haul, ILTIHATIVI SfUO!.NT8 MOVING 11 11.L 1'8-7111 P~C:~cr.' t.:'8'.!Z'.i.~ ..... ,. "'* 642 86141816-1'<>1 dY' yd clnup ,re• e11 I CO Lie Tl24-438 4H -32t I ln1ured 641 '427 r .. J ltnllf ., .. 1,. LIV• In eecurlty plut me WATCH us OlllOWI •••••••••••• c ••• m::. II II POOL Plll08LEM5? ClAAMIC-LINOl.IUM Tiie Fr" .. umat• Aeaa lob 875-604t •• •• lure Iovino ca1• lor ~'' 1 J I F"' que111y ma1n1 & re •••••• .. ••••••••••••••1 plan11 I •I•• V' I t f DUMP JOIS C«tllled HouM Sltle<a •••••••'•••••••••••••• ~•Ir ca I or ree eat ftJ.N/J 'c!1~~:::0;~':1J3~~· (Since 1878) 831 1234 .... PAim•• evln 4H-l2&3 ieo·;,;·~~~i·a·r~;~·· ~Ul-INO-etu"tnl nae J,-Jn lt•M/t b2y Rl~na1r3d Slno,r Lie 1•••-'•ll••ll1N/t p111n1er mlll evall ,, .. n"' ., ••• ~.-. t"<· 8()64., yra o heppy ••••••••••''"••~•-••••• del looally 8117 188e IO• truck 1.~1 rate. ••• ••• •••• •••••••••• local cuetom41ft a••'•t·lttlll•llt•••· Prompt Cell 769-11178. R~1~~n:1~~3· 1!!~0:1 ~ank 'JOY, 831-4410 Fr""' RH• prle. Tnank you. John. lrom Ralph'•). 831-6106 OUITOM PlllTlll Oual work 11c 337188 PROF S!RVICE 25 yre exp Lie 40384 1 (IJ l 2348 Hlullng • yard cl .. nup L••'•,.fl•r, Bonded Int Rel• Color I Oulek & cl••n Fr" H I •• • ••• •• •• ••• ••• •• • • •11par1 983-01111 Dick HI/Ill. 873-0548 '"'' llTIMATll .ROOF f:iFiePAOOFiNa · SOd, tprlnkle< & thrub I PAINTER NEEDS MIO gu" of chemical HAULING and local mo· 1nttallat1on Our wOrll WORK! 30 yra e•p. Int/ DO IT NOW FrM esl vtng etudtfll wllh 11uck only look• upenilv• Eater Acoullte celling• O• 1 P 1 ti 847_5186 Ltwl• 876-8180 Check our prle4M ~IOfe Oavl1 Painting 847-5186 1 _ 111 _•_n_n_g ___ _ HAULING-GRADING yOY buy Call Mark., -EXTERIOR PAINTING REPAIRS S25 to $185 demotlllon clHn-up Ue1•'• lar•H lh•r Cu11om work Free ell Free Ht Call anytime Concrele & "" remov•I Lie 204518 848-155 Reu + fine 1n1 & stal· WALT 770-2725 Oulek "rv G-42· 7838 n1ng Steve 54 7 -4281 Huber Roof1ng·all typea ll•H•tT, New-recover-decks !!~~!!!!~~~!~'· ...... . ROSIN'S CLEANING Service • thoroughly aRicK"woFii<~·;,;,~ii"io·;; r!r..'.'!'A ............. uc ,.411eo2 548-973" Newport, Costa Meaa, Farthing Interior Design S ')/ II Irvine Rela 675-3175 HANGING $10/AOLL .!~ ... ~!_;'A, ••••••••• clean 11ou111. 540-0857 Wiii CIHn vour nou1e or ofllC41. Elec , painting, II plumbing 648-9006 Joan'• Claenlng 111rvlce HOUMS, APll • Rental•. Custom Brick. Stone, Block, Concr11111, Stucco Refs Free 1111 549 9492 CUSTOM BRICKWORK SMALL/LARGE JOBS Npt/CM Aefa 645·8512 ,_o_tt_icee __ 5_4_0·_1_2_87 ___ ,F1replaces • P111n1e1s • E•p'd • Dependable B8Q's · P11t1os & Veneer Honell · Intelligent Rel s Free est 8-4&--0<!64 Tne t>estll 873-7012 evs Quality Houaecleanlng w/a personal touch CM, Irv, HB Bllh 850-0933 Housecleaning done with cars, reapeca, perfection NB/CM Ann 6<!5·5027 Pacttlc Hovaecleenlng ~!!!~f ....•.......... ·ABC MOVING· Ou1ck, Ceralul Servlc.;e Free eallmates 552-04 IO •A-1110¥118* Ou11llty Uc/Ina. Strip-BUDGET AA TES/Uc'd ping D•ac on paper Low min Sml )Obi OK Vlaa·NC Scott 645-9325 Free 1181 Ins 641· 7581 ASA PAPERHANGING $tt1 .. I 7 yrs local exp Guar ••••••••••• ••. •• •••••• work Prices s1a11 et 5811011 Alec 751-7027 r!f!!!!.I.~~~~ ...... . Neat patches & tutures Frtt 1st. lt3· 14H PLASTER PATCHING Reatuccos 1nt1ut 30 yrs Neat Paul 545-2977 ED'S PLASTERING All TYPES INT /EXT FREE EST 645-8258 PLASTERING MOBILE SERVICE Reacreena/New screens NS/CM only 642-9552 ~t!!~!!!! ..•....••..• *Sprinkler Aep111r * Res /comm Commerc1~1 Landscape Services 957·8388 Sl•ttO . ....••............... Lath·Plas111r-S1ucco Textures-Thin Wall Stucco Brick llc'd !.~!'.'!~~ ............ . Moat tubjl018, K 14 Oay-eve-avmmlf t 10wll Mr Morgan, 64&-6178 !!!'!~~~ .~!~~!!!t ..... "Lei Ille Sunahlnt In" C•ll Sun1hln. WlnOow Cltaning. lid $48-8853 20% Monthly Di1GOUnt •RESIDENTIAL+ Avg 1 1ty $30. Avg 2 •ly 5.C5 Cn111 857-8388 Orange Cout Windows "We 1111ve you with • brighter oollookl" F1ee Htlm•l•I 830-81 I, CLEARVIEW WINDOW WASHING RHa fatee 4 yn 1n ar111 842-5449 For Ad Action Cal a Oaiy Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 S c,.,.,'/.c,.,,,,. ell Ing anything with a ••••••• •••••••••••••. Dally Pllol CIH sllled Ad Concrete Remove Old !'.11!!~!! •••••••••••••• DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repllrs. new 6 old 1 1 yrs exp Sud 552-9562 LAWN CARE Comm/resld. NwpllCM >Cini, reliable work Onr/opr, Berry 645-7412 I KNOW -LET'S GET EDDIE! He can fix any- 1n1ngl 494-8959 8 yrs exp Xlnl refs Free ell Lori 768 1708 Top quality Special care tn handling. 25 yrs oxp Competitive Rates No overtime 730· 1353 INT /EXT RESTUCCO Block Walls 586-4892 Gary 557-0796 Whal a Wonderful World ol Snopp1ng r10111 al your flnoerllps everyday! Dally PtlOI Cl1ss1fled Ads To place your ad call 642-5678 and let • Class1f1&d Ad VrsCJr help 111 • almple matter /uat Replace New Sm 11011 MOWING · CLEAN UPS Heuhng • Landscaplno JACK OF All TRADES Call Jack d1y or night +675-3014* WE 00 CLEANING Good JOb, own uans 831-175, Pul your aOYertllllng me.----------sage where the rH dert SELL Idle llam a with a Read the c1ass11ted ads ror Ille t>eSI deals 1n apart- menl rentals 642-5678 call 842-5678 1obs Repa1rs 645-8512 Free HI 642-9907 ate. 642 -56 78 Oatty Plk>t Claaalfled Ad /00 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed items for cash. If it doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-H~. blta ltMe 11.00) Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place 3 3DAYS LINES . CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 i "'",J::/,"' ftall SOJS '1!!.~.!.'.S.1!~ •••• !.~ ~!.'l.!!.~~~ .... !J.~ • •• •• •••• ••• ••• • • •• • • • t=OUNO Malamute Nor. Automouve I.II. sanLH weglan Elkhound mix HAYY Ull lert111• Ct. llO. Biie. w/t>elge tall & paws MEOMAllO Specializing In 1s1 & 2nd 968· 1947 with G M uperle"ce. TO's since 1949 Found small While dog, Top pey sc111 end ex- Rob1 S111tler NHICM University Parlc., Irvine cellent ben11llt1. Imm• Ap.,l•tals Arull•Hll A,.rl•t•I• S••••r lt•llll 4ZOO Ital•/• II Shn 4300 OHiff l1•l1l f C•••tttill I A E Broker 8d Aeallors Must identify 551•3413 d1et11 openl2A MAGNON Ual•r•isbtd Valurni1bt' Ualani•-'-' • •• • •• • • • •• • • • •• •••••• · • ••••••••••••••••·• •• ••••••••• ••••• ·•••• ••• 642·217 1 545-os 11 PONTIAC •••••• •••••••... •• •• • • •••• ••• ............ • .. •••••••••••••••••••••• llYFROIT Shr Balboe 11Jand 2 bdrm Exec au It es. lull se1v , l1al1l1 4415 1 Free klllens al Newporl Harbor Blvd et Fair II I It } Jiii 4 bdrm. 4 beth. sandy Ilse parking. $300. 1st. lurn/unlurn . oreally r• •••••••••••••••••••••• For Nie $ 14 000 3rd TO. Herbor Antmel Hospital Co11e M ... f!!!!.!!!!! ••..•. l~~~ s .. ,;.,,.. ..'!!r.! •.•• !! ......... beecn. pier & llO•I 111,1 673-9042Ken duced NOIM 754--0274 FO• Lra•E 12,,elnl Due 2 yrs 30% 125 Mesa Or CM .. ... 3140 " ~ dlSC 640-7665 631 030 AulO Salel •t• UDO 8eaulllul 2 Sr hplc;, $8000 lor Au~usl Biii GUEST HOUSE 95c son 300 sq ti Fool lrafllc. ! · 1 SALES PE•Stl ... rg E/s1de 2 Br t Ba 1 •• ••••• • •••• • • •••••••• 1 , g b r 1 c k p a 1 1 o G R Ont '9'5'""8 " C d 38 B bl rundy. ltr. 6 5-6161 NR 8""CH S275 3 000 sq 11 (10 ottlces) wn Lag~ -oo 4 _ / Found Fem Husky duplex •PIS rps '4rbch dht r 2 • d $1050 /mo Adults incl u111s""' 536-0794 avell Highly upgraded --1111••••t••••ll (young) nr Jamboree & ExcetlenloPP<>rtunilylOf ~~~~dg::r k~~1'::7e ~a~~r ~!~~e.P~~~ 11~-,~~ai~ _6_7_5_·_63_S_9 ______ ,Bs~s'~~:e2eka~u~~~~-MI F 18·3:> 10 ahr 2 br apt, with r1cn panellno & fa-!!~!'.~'!!!!.~!~.'!!!.~~ l•t1•••l1/ Ma c Ar' II u r N 8 ~~~~r:~~eg.,~n 'M!~; 2080 Santa Ana St 8 $850 mo Call 536-0921 Versailles 2 br, 2 ba mer 1ncreasee1 675-2910 "' SC Plaza .s225, ·~ br IC covered w •II• N 8 3975 Birch 5600 sq l.011 I f•••' 2l3/928·1895 lo tdenuly 1>enef11s & very aurective 5600/mo $300 sec av --Ir pie, clubhouse pool utlla 5,.9_8289 1111 5 Locauon 11 walking dis-II or lesa MIA zone •••••••••••••••• •••••• I I 5350 pay plan A great awor· appl 957 •0 701 111'$445 2Br Pool p1t10, $675 Sandy642·6149 LtdoBaylronlluxury48r tance 10 11rport AgeniS4l5032 A 1 SJO(J ltll•ll 1 1 1 "h Ill 957-0669 garage, cleen 7811 2Br 2Ba. 1184 Aulland 5 Be home Sllp, 111nn1S, Shr Bolboe Pen 3 br du-714-833-8778 • ••O••t•••• I •••••••••••••••••••••• unt Y o rea~ ~ •, f" _G_1e_n_:.._oe_l_F8F-4l_2~_2_8 .. 3_E4E__ Rd 116 $650 mo +elec ~~·,c,h:~ Br~l\:r" ~o:t:· g~~· ~2a; ,,~c:;~~~~65~~ Wattrfrtlt Office !•.-.! .. {• •• 'ff!.'!!..!.~~ 1 •····• .. iu·;,.-.. ,· .. rr. ... 1t.••••• l1'nda & V1'ck1'ls :~!:,,ev SCI e pp 'I n I· I Bi apt $295 ullls 1n- cld $ I SO sec dep T1aile• lor rent I Br $225 plus u11ls $150 sec dep No children or Clogs 133 E 16th St Space 42. C M btwn Newporl Blvd & Superior wn "' 641-8861 or 833-2664 675-807.c 1500 sq 11 Jamboree Engineer working In New-* l. la11ta 1 & 2 Br 04acounl on Earl Siii 11 lo lial 4350 and 811yald11 A11all lmm11 por1 Seeeh needs 2 br I 1815 So El Camino Real. PMOTO IOIELS llar~tr II••· 1t .. Ir some models Pool, Spa. OCEANFRONT (3&2 BAI .... 'I. •••• !........... Fully Improved Take plus by July 1st Have 1 San c1emen1e 492-7296 EIOO•TS/lllCEllS Cfftt lttl Gym S 11 u n a , e I c 1 BA • pool • block lo JULY 6 AUGUST EASTSIDE C M over existing lease PV1 prol decoratOf wife & I Full lie " 846 ,..,,_19 ooean Single adlt prel'd $600 10 $1000 week S 1 p 6 O •9.,5 ---------OUTCALl 24 HAS ·uv $350 yrly &42-5002 Agent 673~900 Ingle garage or SIO· ly 4 -~ ~ very neat d1ugllter Will WELCOME BACK UIYllTTEll 2 Bdrm rage 565/mo 573.7544 IEWNllT IUClt do remodeling pa1n11ng r 1"11 C 889-0207 Full lime Mon lhru Fri. ------17381 Keelson Lene On Peninsula, 3 br + den Newport Walerlront-Olx #Ul' • I 44"" e I c I 0 r I 0 w (8 n I I ressy [~~~~~~~~~~ 7am 10 6pm H B ., .. 847--0,.22 Of 535•9042 2 ba vu oceen & bey, Sips 10 $700/wk v1.ltl ,.,.,, -Offlot S,aot 96.c-1788 formerly of JC Penney 1- llke nu S 1050 Dy owner 1 Ag1 •••••••••••••••••••••• frt• 1310 .Middle egea prof women Fuh1on lslend IS beck * * * ~o"n" ::rv~n:~~:.::0~':i; USTSllE I room 1 b1. 1 k11ch I 2 I g b d 1 m c o n d o year Old Parkin9 space $6S01mo Pool W/O 7 3 0 -3 7 7 7 w k n d 7 14/730-3777 or wknds Plusll. newly-decorated seeks qu1e1 yearty 1 er from Vegas and 81 Ille Atlantis Massac• Kalhy w 714/635-4447 675·3069 7 l.C/875-3069 1n11mat11 atmosphere ap1 on Balboa laland 01 Hair Huntei · Fashion Open 24 hrs a day 8-5pm Of 980· 1506 att EastbluM Townhouse Apl Beach 4 Br 2 Ba view 130-284 SQ t1 1n 1ovel) Peninsula s11r11ng end of Island 644"2 l5 l 7 dll)'ll 11 wee!\ 6pm 3 Br 2"1 ba. 2 car ga1 $625 In July 5650 In ./.., c--garden type bldg Aenl July Co & w11ll-tr111ned SCRAM-LETS 69 Gorgeous girls lo B_a_b_y-5-11-111-r-n_ee<l __ ed_P_/_T_ror- Ou1e1 $350 mo Ul•I one: F r e d 9 6 3 9 6 3 2 646-9081 894-1689 Nest11de 2 Br 2 Ba stove & relrlge No pets S4251mo 646 4382 Lg 2 bdrm. t', ba, patio No p e Is Adu Its August 546-5605 .;,_.. ,_.., incl rec11p11on1S1, phone cat need 2 bdrm In SW I pamper you Jacuzzi. 17 mo boy on Of ne" In well maintained 4 unit $650/mo 644-1010 .; ...,,. ans-ring, copier etc Hun II n g Ion 811 ac h, 1 Sauna Locals as well as l>ldg $480 Owner 3Br . 2Ba, sips 6, Bel .I EXECUTIVE Dwyer School district I ANSWERS tourosts BenkAmerlcard. Balboa lslend only Reta. 1 Br newly redecorateo ~73_-3_1_15 2 l•r•, ltlf Mtll Penln 6·26 lo 7-10 & 9.4 / :::;:.-...... CONNECTION Xlnl rels Will pay up lo Mest'!t Charge, Amer-please 675-5994 evs $550 per mo 1st, lasl & lo 9-t 1. 673-3987 or ./ ..... _.,.. 1800 Dove. Suite 330 $450. Sandra 642-5678 1 Dorsal· Poise lean Express Diners All Babys111er-housekeeper, ~~o~ '~:al ~o~ wo~~t~g Irvine 3144 $250 Sec 731-0595 833-2664 / ~-..,,..., 752-6408 ext 3 2 2 wk d y s or Niece -Treaty ~ welcc, "e 714/645-3433 vriver's lie preferred . · · •Large new 1 Br condo ror ew Y rem 11"" ewp .... • My neighbor has finally $4 ISfmo Ulll pdp Furno • ••••••• •••••• • ....... Sia Clt•t•ll 3116 Luxury secure turn condo I N 1 Od 1..,. N ~.. 536-9832 aft 6 30pm I RECORDS 2112 H11rbo1 Bl CM Wkdys, CM 821-3210 tuie evell 548· 7689 lease near u Ct micro-•••••••••••••••••••••• on the bay for 3 mos Peninsula 300 sq l1 2 '775 up 2160 rt lndu concluded 1hat1elevls1on PIJOhlo Rt1.i11s UY LIFEllUIH Clean, sunny 2 Br 1 be summer lease $4500 pr ___ ollrce 1u1111 $300/mo 18r 1Ba. $340 mo incl wave Ir pre washe1/ slrtal • Of11ce 18081 Re was Invented ror Ille sote 111. 173-1311 TRY-OUTS June 5 at utll Reis No pets 599 dryer aree 5650tmo ger tndry relrtg S450• mo 675•9434·851·136 1 1520 sq 11 $100 per sq Avail June 1 Merk dondo Circle •E Hunt. purpose or selling RE-1---8AM For Info c all Hamilton 545.7194 J 0 an n a 9 s 5 . 1833 no pell 493·27 IO Vttlll .. Rtall/I 4zSO II 3975 Birch , N.B 673-6606 1nglon Beach 842-2834 1 CORDS Get lhet Golden Bronze 1 644-5921 Jonn Ot Mike 536-8720 s .. 1 lt•d 3114 •••••••••••••••••••••• Agenl 541·Ml32 01 TIIE WATER 000 Tan YOY ve always want-;490 2 SR pool unsul-----------10 0 0000•••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT 2 g 4 Br 1617 Westcllrr NB Went I SQ II wtorc totlel & Wd I fo••' $300 ed' It's as Easy as taking 811auly Salon Excellent table ror children 325J £••••• IHtb 3141 Cute Sacheloi ept nr Avail now Weekly fhiu lln•ncier lnsl 70001 1 Ob e1u1c suite. 2.012 sq 1>11s1n plus 12K 16 1011 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 table! 7 !4-536-2804 opportunity. needed 1 17 1 a1hm Pl 646·5137 art 1 •• , .• 0 •• 0 • 0 .. 1 .,·;.·,·.·,······ 6 673 7 ~ It incl g 2 ••tc oles . 5 Top Joe S325 675-6251 or 213.634•1779 Golden shampoo asst !Of busy " sand 5300/mo Isl summer • 873 ISi floor A1111nt p11r11on11d sub-oles, lg Glow po Sox 100 salon, license requtred, 2 bdrm' I•' be townhou· I .Mosl elegant apt bldg last 714/848-4557 541·5032 cntrl work ar1111 plus lg l11i111.,/lar.,I/ fQUND ADS Sunser Beach CA 90742 NII w Port B e • ch 8 f • }H •1•11/1 II $h11 4300 -recpt rm All oone In ' 631 1390 se Air, gar. pello. No '" Laguna eac"j, llne~t A111t•1al1 •tall •••••••••••••••••••••• *IELMll OFFIOH* decor8llon Style, ti.aut FiaUtl £ J I --·------- P 111 s S 5 3 O Phone :~f1'0n1 In ~o:i~bul~~~t • 11 Ual•t• 3900 ROOMMATE ~ From 1 room to 3 rooms. In appearance. In loc 1••••••• .. ••••• ••••• ••• ARE FREE .!'!f.!l!'!!~ .•.•••..••• Beaury lmmedlele Ope- 645-4637 : e ~gt vee~ . P o ·onr ••••• ••• •• ••• • •• •• • • •• From S 1 18 e eq It. No pr111t1ge bldg Newport •li•tll St•Hll I nlngs Mass11u111, F1cla- sub -garage, elevelor flllDERS lease required Ad) Air· Archu Marina 81dg • O•r.,1tuilY SOOS 1111· Hair Styllsta. Rental 1Ue8tiBllU APIRTIEliTS- SEAWl"D porter Inn 2172 Dupont s42.46<14 ••••" ••••••• ,........ Call•. l••ltactio• 100S or 70'1. The Dazzler's 5;~~1i~ng, !~~80~3up 01d11s1 & largeat egency Cell AM 833-3223 l1lk Yta.iaf Rtlfl • ••••• •••••• • 0 ••• • •• •• Selon 675-3828 YILUliE All clients screened wllh ---------Designers archllecta, By ownr 968· 230 appl 142·Hll fUTOR • 10 yrs teaching 8eau11fully landscaped garden apts Pool & Spa Covered parking No pets Jll9 BAYfRQNT grephlc artlSI Studio exper Karen 642-6222. IHllEEPll ~.'.'!r.!!.~!!!....... ~:S 1~~~ :,~~~ 1 1~~~~ b~:~,! &c':~~~=:an space 1111111 shr beals, 960-3283 Exclusrve Newport 8-:h PARK NEWPORT , $5 5 2 Good .. 1 • 1 Prime ottlce 673•1003 furn N a 60c sq It HOME BUSINESS Ttrttllt 1 .. ,11 Cat , ,. 1 store Is IOOklno for part rom 1 bdrm from ... orn no .. me< ce 642•6222 OPPORTUNITY • o1••• Wield 015 time bookkeeper wllh APARTMENTS $570. Townhouaa from Tiie Tomorrow Show CdM dlx 1u11e. A/C, ample Olstrlbutorshlpa for No tall LOST SAT 5122 ••••••••••••••• .. ••••• previous operlence In $640 + pools. tennlt, * 'h off* lo •II new pkg utll Pd 2855 E Cit Oulel office In CdM with neltonal brand micro-R-ard 644-2054 Young married mart would retail operations Flexible COUNTRY CLUB LIVING wa111rlalls. pondal Gaa cllenll wno need 11 piece pvt bathroom Approx 1 Ml 1 1 flke odd Jobs eves & F 11 IN NEWPORT BE~t;f 1 II Hwy $595 675·6900 cornpu ers n mum n. Found male Beagle ml•, wktnds Can do 11 variety hours or appl Cl Bachelor $400 1 Sr $450-S.-80 A deluxe cornmunlly on or coolllng & h1111tlng IEWPOllT H 1· 11 IC--o-s..;.t11-··-11-a_a_2-~-,..-,,-so-lte-1 175 sq ft No main!•· vestmenl required Call approx 4-6 mo .. vtc Su-I II d 1--Tues or Wed 640..()990 paid From Sin Citgo m "" ·1 nance $225/mo Call eves. fl.44-1576 ° en .Ym•n vus or &40-0091 the Beck B11y Club ho-Frwy drive North on $175mo Ulll lnclo. 779 Lyndy 875"-2318 ~~~~~~~~~~ shard & G11rll11ld, F V 972-9525 eves. Hk for --------- 2 Sr 1 • Be S520 2250 Vanpuard 5<!0-9626 We9t:field U!!.41 & 1pa, 7 poolt. 8 aeach 10 McFadden 10 28r dplx to shr wllem, w 19th St. 851-8928 i:: 962-3619 al1 6PM Bill Cen you mix brains & 1enn1a court•. cloae to sea w 1 n d v 11111 g 11 :225 ;60 f &8t~' utll 1---0-0-1-1-1-1-1-11---1~11cld~kc•P:f9 avall, •c· ···~II £oH SOZS FOUND· 1 yr old fem B --1-lt'.--H---1-1-00-1 brewn, the Coecn Houae IPUITMEITI Beautllul garden apta Patios/decks H1111I paid No pell 2 children we• come bus1n11Ss & shopping (714)893-5198 42-44 a 1 1 & 2 room ottlou from A"~ lnvnt ~~rto~r:,j ·~d .. To·~·~~;;;;t••;;•• Calleo cat w/frea collar •• ~l/. •• !.".L.......... Saloon 11 looking for ... & Lg Condo to stir. view of · ·, 11 • rt 1 S"O ·, r H. Vic Orenge & 201n. CM Doorman. PtrHlme Ap-Unlurntsh.,... Sludlot. , • "000 , h. B II ck 8 a y b 111 5205 Ulll Include<! sub llAM • Of P• 0 ' ,000-100,000 fully 845-1786 Accountant ply an 4PllA 3)157 c .. 2 br apartments town-,.H•• , 1 Ae111onomics 675-6700 2380 SQ It Call Paul or amortl Othe1 2nd'• lo $1 mlno Capistrano. San houses ••••••• • • • •• • • • • • ••• •• O ' 11 an b 1111 P 0 0 Doug, 752-511 I million Prln only 8rtnt, The rasteat draw In 1he Growing Newport Beech Juen Capo 498-8927 2 Sr 2 Ba S55C 398 w Wilson 631-5583 o ... ,,,., 3126 $540-$1000 Easrslde CM Furn prlv 557-7883 or 640-6339 Newer bldg downtown 963 "611 agt 1~ W t 0 p CPA Firm llas lmm-"late HB 3 orttces now avall IFFtOE ••&OE ., • ~ 111 · • ally llol ..... •Several studios & 1 room end bath Rafrlg Fem non 1mkr to shr ...-llWIO UYllll Clastllled Ad 642 5878 opening ror an lndlvtdual bdrm units.,efurnlahed $285 very nice CM 28rt28e ~~_70¢ sq~~34~j5 42.C 6 1,137 eq It In Ml11lon . • desiring challenglng ,.,. wllh line designer rurn1-673-7544 apt Pool. tennis, gym, :> tQ 11 . 1 Viejo For lurllllr Info cell Auo••tla,.11 SJ A.atri•tt•t•ll 5100 ponalbilllle1. providing ture& acceaao<les Move Chrlsllan home. Ii.II prlv elc. $325 mo + 'h utll execup la n Mr Arriola ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• accounting ~ICM to I llPLU 1n 10dey or r-rve for Quiet mete. atralght, nr 0 ebb 1 e 5 5 6 • 4 8 7 1 2'3·883·1287 •------------•••••• dlver1tlled cllent•le Ell· 2 bdrm, 2 ba. oerage summlf mon111s Smar11y bch $275+ utn Leguna , _5_4_0_-84_54 ______ 1 Great apece, 400 aq ti or SEMINAR FOR cellent comp program ......•.•.••......•... emell yard $550 mo rurnlahed model• open Sch 499-2288 ·~,A/F 10 aflr luxury. rustic 3 'A NEW CONCEPT" len , elrporl location and work environment. lene 861-2877. alt 6 dally ----------• br. 2 b• Ha. furn. lwnn-Full ~lce/cuatorn Avail lmmtd. Furn/ H QM£ BU Y £ R S Publle accounting txper. PM . 9 3 7 • 1 9 2 5 Rm. kit. prlv • C.M Chrl• M. Beach & Adam• vie office 7 desk apace. unfurn. 851-2079 & Stnd Resumt to 5020 213·333-007 ' On Jamboree Rd at llan home, nonamkr. 0 9 7 5 7 7 Nr 0 C. Airport Campua Or Newport $250 mo. $100 dep Y• • 16 alt 759-81178 680 & 1250 aq It I YI SE Beteh92860 BIKE TO BEACH Gigantic $Rn Joaquin Hlllt Rd 646-3872 3·30pm; ev1 536-0490 1----------j Hrbr/Baker Ctr, 3011 to LLERS 28r 2ba. lam rm, w/d 644-1900 atl 5pm. 11th It.HO.I. 3023 Harbor 8 1. C M ApL M•n•o•r. Costa hkup, covd patio, new 1----------Free b achelortlte •Pl. F 1 .. 1F 400 ..,, 11 0 •--.,.,.-. (acroas from Fedco) Mor. Meu Seml·r•tlred cpl Br l'h Sa, TownhouM 11cha,,,,. !or bebvaJttl"" em to s tir w th ,., . ...., ,.,.. ..,.. ~w (50+ cpt 2 kid• ok. Avail now slyle Adullt prtf . no & w'C,•; k 5 4 5 . 47 3 '1~ auper clM n N.B. condo A/C, great parlllng, great 549-1388 You aro cordially lnvik>d to attend ) to manaoe • 18 !!!_5 8 1 8"!0 5·. 21!~'-~11;, sec p et• S 4 5 o I mo 5"5--0034 S300 mo. 676-9643 building I J I I f"H an 1mforma tlve even ing for an unit com plex. Lit• .,..,, • ..,, "" • 548•2882 RHlonomlcl 875-8700 •• •n• l•I• ~ maln1tnanee & bkkpo :::--::-------:-:::-:-::i...:~~=------Blaullful 1.,111 bdrm wtlh M/F to lhr 2Br H.B. hOY· •••••••••••••••••••••• insight into today's market. httprul Partial rent. fl 11tt 313Z Br 2b• condo, pool, prlv be, 00111 klt<:Mn prt· M Pvt yard & garag• C M. olftc:. 19-. 345'. Rttall llOf• at 2850 Avon 548--0433 •••••••••••••••••••••• lrplc Weetellll $850 ~ H 882-5759 Kurt b ath. atorage av •ll St .. 1840 aq 11 ptu1 '8 • B<lr 2'~ Ba condo. AIC. M~~ ~Jeck 87 .. _1771 111• nr In unt----------S226 1mo 848-3345, car g11age &4 14 777 This free seminar will be held Automotive 2 car g.,, cl'llldren OK -" ~ " ~on Beach t400 mo Reap F rm mate needed, " .,..,3 W....,a __ _._ J 2nd 7 .,. --• """1 an 3 PM 4.4-o.J<N --'L ITlll ocunc"'uay une pm. ..-...... No pet1 Avail 8/1 1725. 1 BEDROOM FROM t400 , ___ ,_•"------• cute ai>I In CllA $230 mo 1---------1 --• II f Att 8PM, M6-8572 No pet1. Shown by IC>91 Room for female Prof fem + d9P 646-80e7 1\1 name 11 X 45 11 In busy center 2299 Harbor Blvd. Calta Mesa only T •IW,.,./Tnura t c f & no al 174"~ ltaoch 8 1vd. Due to limited -a•1 .. ., -rvatfnn• Shouldn't Satlafy You ....., 1 bdrm condo Cpln u ..., ....... or student. •II a ter ---· -------• H 1 -1 8 -.. '"'6 '..._ ....... Wt would t lq)eCt you'd drepee, AIC, pool, Ito. to 4P'"· 1er0ta from ,,...t &pm, 751·8330 Need fem. to lhr quaint unt n g on ••en . are necem&ry. Plqiaae c.aU Jacque want lo aarn mora l t1nn11.oarage,l 48011t, B c.h g oll cou r tt. Empl.oentlem•n~40. Cdl\A 2 Br W•lk t o 21 3 ·484·1354 P llAQ, Kemp714/G45·0303.. 84000,uooo+. 1u1 & dep 788-7033 645~855 nonamkr, kit prlv. Nr t>Mon. 130&/mo. Laure 213-384-0030 AM F. • TMte'a rMll~ no llmll IOf' ~~~~~~~--1:;-eD'.r;-::w';illoft;:;;'-, ;;IO>t::-;::;kl::lchen;;:::::-,1 ........ t 81 c M f4•7M'" &44·2231, 752-8900 Doan tt11 lllghl" qualified, •utla11t• pv1 patio, 2•..; tM&. oer ~"..:.::::"":.:..:.::..· .=:.:.· ::.:·...:..;.:....:..;:.:.:.v_I:-,:: -d:;;:.._::-'. ........ ;:;::;:~-:::::::-~B;-1 "'----~-• amblllout, 'knowteooea· •-•·• JHI $850 rno '40-8324 Btltll •1lfl1 fJM ~ -unly. lovely N. ' .. FIJlU -,,_....atah•., _.~,,, b .. .UtomoUv• prol ... -1----------1 ...... c ••••••••••••• 'tl ptlv home '325 mo. mllTIYI .. ~,, ....... .. ................... •••• ..1-•1t1 1200 .... n .. a. a•• au ...... &46-5356 ....,., . o.tuiw pooltlcM, xtra W · "' ..,. " .,. ---· _ -••• llfTI •••••••••••••••••••• • • Wt need ona talented o• 2t>r , 2b•. b l t n 1, 2 Ba fr plc, p ool. Wkly '*It ... now 1Y11L Lady 22-32 to lhr 3Br, ...... • .. lndMdllll eucfl .. VoW· d.wftr. 1•~ rnttte beedl. 1878/mo. 84l ·Ht1, 1105 a up. Color TV. 2h dphc, N.B Non 1t0 to 3000eqrt In,,.,..,~ Of1 COM\ Mii ptu1 3 oood H I• Adult•. no 1>91a. saoomo. t40-7t l4, 840-f622 fthon .. In room. 2274 t m k r . S 2 2 O m o . "No FrlM" Prlcet Hwy, Solltll ~ ~ amen. ~ BAYFAOHT UDO ~ llY'CI. CM. 842·3»8 William Cote, Rt. pro111. 500 aq botl-we·,. not lfttlng ttlll ..• K_lf;_•_dlx_tw!M. ___ IQ_l_br_2 1 38A 28A St8001mo. yny ~7444 1-,-em--roo_m_m_a_te_n_eed_.ct_,, 11•11 ... 1• lent privet• parklnt ••'r• mo~lntl If 1011 t>a, l rplc. bltN, w 10 r211>U2-71ia 1~111·y-.-.-,,-y-o-n-tn_•_b_•_1_c_11_1_1 CM lf'Mt 1200 mo .. ~ ~m: :. ~,,';t know you°"' Oii! it,* l'tlnlp, 161yllghta. vautltd t ... a • ... room .. ltltdltnetM a utll 84t-ON4 .,,. MM~ c.Mllftp, .dbl atten gll, 1 Alt utllltlN peld. 1575 bath '300/mo. uot W. •---... -wtttl--l!A8EJ----• HIW _,.:II 10'I wt many atrH, no P•t•, YMl'IY· ~ OcHnlront, Newport lt't 1 WIZE SILL Idle tt•ma wlttt a to ... ., Ctev'"9d a dO ~ ... .,.. ISN. ~-.......... IMdl, 17M114. C.Mlltled Me tU-M11 Delly Plot Ol1Ultllad Ad. It Wiii .... t-M1'L -- CLEIUCAL Credi! union "' rutld expertance UM of on- llne 1ermln1l, 10-key & 111• typlno Muet work well wtpubflc Full time entry pot ltlon Huntlng- 10 n Beach Clly Em- ployeH Credit Union. 538-&517 COMPANY EXPANSION SUMMER OR C.AREER $1,150 Pl:AMONTH Dtatrlbutlon ataft hall tm- mtd. oPtnlne In ~ ~lonl No erp. it some fillds tH•tlm 3 2 __ ..._ Orange Oaelt DAILY PILOT/Monday, May S1, 1811 A ll'A.t'M~ .... !.tff ~.~ .... 1.<ff M.ITMtll .... 1.tff 11*.fMtlt .... 1.tff tiMt.ftfft ......... hnllm. ....... IMf ~.'1!ff ... l!!ff ~'h.ft« ...... l!ff t.lftm.lllm .. Mff ••L•1111• 0:.~:~~·:i.:.·~~~~~~ --1111 PtlT·tm -• ,... ~~,,,..... ~"' '"~,u -::: ::'11~':' =-t2~~ H1r.r.~~~1~".1~'M: ·-:~·A~~~=.-: wen!ed 0111 ua.Hl1 o.riv . -. ~ ... ... tw ••• ....... .._, Mft::, ~r-tull+ellt m•nrw... WH tho. lake t 100 t.nd9m w , 011 IH11 ,,.. N.600 .... 1 1 OllOMMT ... '°" l.tr TllomU .... -··· ..... '#Of• Nl"''"'l ......... -o ... LI :•o "' I • 112.()1" T " I • I • • • ' •• I MO-t7U -,. , ..... ,...., "'"""""' .,. , . "•w queen • ••· l•f71-4MMI =~-""::':'--~~--COUNTUI Hll .. ·M•fl.IN k~ OOfldL l ~ Work ln our fWl, CMU&l, proflt-mak.lna on Ooun Pton1 '' 100. 790-6131 Marbt. I~ link 6 oe--'12 C~ ..._, • bouiQtlt f:.'1~0~=·~ ~~ ..... ~~O, ~ lft offlc:e •• a l•ltphont 11l a promotion ~!~~"~r .~~t:;!:{ UIT llll.. oouoti, DOOC ~":b1!;1,1, ~°?~~ '~,.~~~;:.,::.. ~ ~ mo:;.:~0 ':,, 1,!!. 1001 C..-1• hid hllt To $1,000 ,.,... btenon t yr exper Loi• of advance ment OJ>pty. 714-957·6026 Adm, Aubt. Jo $ZOK Sh. or •P••dwrillng. Supervl1ory 1kll1•. Run the lhow lor • dynamic boea. 714-957-6026 ~Typist To $1.000 50 wpm. General otc. 1kltl1. "New corporate olca moving to o.c. 714-957-6026 Mtclc:al Stcttt•y To $1,300 Gd, typing alclllt, •Miid, A /P , A I R . Sell-motivated 714-957-6026 Acctu. Stcttt11y To $121< 50 wpm. Dictaphone. llte acclg. ltnowtedg• Supervlaory altllla. 714-957-6026 lt1ll Seattary To $1,400 2 yr1. legal exper. Gd. teorelatlal alclll•. No SH needed. 714-957·6026 llttal Manaiement To $20K 3 yre. exper. In mgmt. on • reta.11 level. Rm. for lldVanoement. 714-957·6026 Mana1ement Trainee To $150 Some college, strong mollvallon . Career-Oriented. Lot• or advancement. 714-957-6026 f~ Chi ...... To Sl,400 F/C tllru llnanclal 1tatement1. Geri. olc. 1ldll1. Great location 714-957-6026 SALES Coqiut• To $21-CH 714-957-6026 Conamer To $211( CH 714-957-6026 Word Procusq To $25« 714-957-6026 ,., To$2a + CGlnmlsaon CH 714·957·6026 ..... Tt $23'( + Conn. & Uptmft 714-957-6026 ...._. fonna To S20K 714-t57-I026 AM»MMYwm: 2 yn . prtvloue HIH aper. pte( d. ....... IWlOYIOT BWCO ......... lilll~tnM nWSJ.,. 1"' Est ;a PIM Olutt In '"'· holn1 ~re;: 411 Pllgahlp clerk for tht 1tt111 flnnt ntw1~per. Ht hld furn . 1ntlq1.1e1 ~= :::· &;:'~ 12000. 111-1417 oedH ltll tlll• wHlc iCKlllol\, l·tO Mon·Prf. ., Only requirement la a lood teltph.one (~1no.n1 Ohlnt o•b .. ta1>1elorollllcl;.,.116 0 ; Ollln h.nlt111 I ,..,.. •r l.aQuna vaonci . 111 .100 . Loaded '' 1·3. tn-om. t-4 vok:ie and enthuaiuml Local Coeta Meu o11a "· Oa1>r101e i ote, bMI oftw &42·12'3.' •I i.11 .... 1 "'' xtnt, ttpa 4, inr11, tllp, _83_t·_n_a_1 ____ _ DINTAl AUllTA T ..... •lo ... pla~ piano, rat~ tw tpm. •••~•KH••••••••••0 134&0.. 84()..4268 ~ Hll • • •• 1 ··~ ...... Office. t•n. too+ ga.I. aqutr • Wtllnut oon.r..no. table Ir:_~,... .. !'9 ..... ::_""'="o'-M lapr'd 111-Jp. Otrt. .._.._~ • ...._ king 6 queen bed•. tne e lttantly on • 4' diameter. ruet OOlofed 11 Ouatom bit Paollto • ••••••••••••••••••0 _,..,, ,..._,,.... "' · · nUfM llldel. lhlft cllfl9-_, n.-,• •lr••tot tlt90. detlc, ye+-"unique" din. rm .. 1: Id room dlvld« perl9I 6 8 H OtH I, j::,':k•) Oat 11 Toyota Pkup, n e w lt!Qhl. tnlhuliHllO IM'· '91\tlal Dakf, lfMll oonv. laM .... low aaalona r oouoh. ••bl• ••I 10 121", w/ 2 tide oNlt1. Ml-~ ent IMk IO.oed llfll•. a1ternat0t, cMdl' '°"with mat1n ltUll.lde. 11oap1tel. ~ '** l•a ..,, ...... 1tM ,... loole muon muotl more ovttom Pact•. 4 aide & 2 wtxiru 0.M Mi·Ht I or ,., .. 12.000. Ml-Hl', ca111m11y, ~a.uaa bay .,... lot In*'" t8 ... 00 for flrtt week·, thtn ihare ln .. 11iun1Mc>n. . ""' o1111,. (upllol.). e WOOd g•• ' twtlttl t73-9301 1978 LUV "u Long Bed ... ' -• lltt. .... :!.,• ~ ..... 1 1° · •: 5 O P"' · .. nhl , ft•-buflel/1trv•r900Sll hied ollalre, ountry Fret1oh Xtnt oonci u .ooomi .. .... oJ\19 ............ p·• pro .. 1'---~ ,, .. __ Deaton. !WW coat 11eoo· 27' Cheoy L• "'*git. . lntllullutlo. efficient & _.. --Ill .......... t:I ~~.~!!.'7:foo••••• ohlM & b ... t firm 81crlhoe a1 1560 Cali leak. dtl, VHF, log.122K, 13600 64&.llOO C.M 0tg1nliecl w/bl(pg exp P~~--/ .. -lll •••.U'tl ,.... 1• P~!·Dl!~OLITION 8 •1• S4&-a009 833-8000, Hk tor O•wn. 140-3480 '78 Rancnero, auto tran1 4 d•y wk C Men ••--;1a -... • 8111 Sun/Mon .... 083 1r11 white vanity 1a1>1e 6 HOBIE Cat 14 1700 19• l>OW9'. llr cond. 1 OWMt 141-3000 8anocaetle 844· t417 ttclrt. I 10. 759~970 l•h 1111 · · 12800 &«.t241 ••M ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Aowing thelt 1800 Ory Cletnlng Experl•n· -,. -c .. ,. #HI • Upholll•r•d Pucll LOVE BIADa, PMCtl lace, 873-39M 1080 Toyola SRI 8horl· oed p1r1on for panlt .... ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• wood arm chat re 125 11no11111 1-1-4-. -H-0-8-1e--:C-A-T-.-11-,0-0-d-1 ~ plekup, new 11ereo, pr alllng a eountet work SALl!S-Atarma. ambltloua 3 D•y Mem0tl1I w .. hnd HOii. (7141497-8329 648-1419 cond 1140011>911 offer & clutch Xlnt oond S • n CI• m • n 1 e Nan IMdef Int~ lfldlv, ,,T, PIT. wtll lraln. SUMMER Oar• Sale, 9-• dally IDlf·A·Bl!D ~. dov· **BUNNIES•• ee2-oeea. reo-1756 15500 8•0·8709 or 498-3338 m•tkallng 11 aHklng 9~-4148 aft 8PM. Qu"n •IH bed, mit e b ... Ilka new $40 Fr~ll Lop Pal or Stiow 848-5741 Eern xtra lncoma, part· quallllecl lndlv tor dlvw· hlee l1.1rn1ture. enllqu••· di• (714) 638-7950 $2000 each ff2·9971 UllR 14 ft -11-,.-,-----,-,-,-. lime, lull·llml. Cttl llflecl work on behalf of • __ .........., ~ Ma, 111.110 part•. clothing, Yellow Good cond. Ex· '" 053·414tl '" tlPM m110r·ot1e<11 oorp. Appll• --•to. 642·8117. 267. tt1111 I' ll"n 1100 111•11 I&. llH lrN S750 M&-2845 or •••••••••••••••••••••• cant1 mutt be rellabte. Matu,.., .. per'd., yn•· JOBS Piao., C.M. Mull Mii 644•8831 ••••••••••::t!~~••••• 646•0564 'll Wat •ut·Yll lnlell!Qlnl, m•lure & mo-mlO, car•Mnlnded 'MO-Steinwa y 5'7" Mdl M 32,000 m'Tkia, lllr oond 11v11eo II you quallfy, man needed lor r•t•ll Furnr.~~.1'!,~~Edl)'e(, UST SELL: game table Walnut 1923. l(lnl cond ISLANDER 37 NB llip crulN contrOI Eleet , .. · plaaH call. Mr Gary, c1ale1Mlu ... •!!,~ ~fl!.; tab .... AC unh, cnalr1. w/4 ct11111. walnut ped. $8850, 1162·7315 Xlnl Financing 169,500 ltlg POl't·~ltll Mlfty 545·5778 •• ,,. .,.,, $ l 0 0 0 boolti IOC·l200 354 E. b a I e , I 3 0 0 I 0 8 0 urn Private Party 499 .. 820 o t II 1 r e x I r 1 1 kgtouncl ~ to 1tllh SI C M 644·8831 -n•H "&It LASER/Race ready Root 2 I 3 . 5 9 ti . 3 2 3 3 • PUTIT1•1 comm. & oompany ~ ' • · · B1aut11u1 1898 Howard rack, iote bag, "•llow 213.,.31.1793 EDUCATORS PUl/PRlllllT Peraon wanltd 20-40 hrt ne11t1. Only qualltlt d I Femlly Garage S ale Velvat Uphol. Chair Upright. Perlec1 cond hull 1 1000 65{8107 ,m•I p•r WHk Mutt know pareont need apply. ~ 1 200 Wallhlng machine, radial Small tlze, oeierY color, 1550 5•0-09"2 evM · · ~!,~~.~~ ~·~1g:i:-llow 10 wlndturl. Apropot, 211 Ftahlon erm .. w. cJ•H•-molor $50/0BO. 8-44-Wt SITTERS UNLIMITED. d NB II ' --I tll IL..-J IOH Ill' 541()..8332 • "WE CARE" FOR YOUR1 _12_1_3_>4_33 __ .1_o_e_11_•_3&_·_1_s9fl_ ~~~·~ .. ·2 or oa ; PER ON •• TO START home. McClen lawnmo· 5 OAK ANTIQUE .~ •• ~,.~!....... .. .. ,.,., 11 • HOME. PETS. CHILOR-PUT Tllll '"'""'v" Growing 1umme1 bual· "'· m11e. 221 E. 19th DINING CHAIRS 1160 Sako 243m. 72 wt3x9 Thie high qu•I RIC now Allfl Wi•IH ff~+ EN AND EL O I! R LY SALIS neae open1 up potltlon St .. C.M &48· 7tl28 •ft 5 vatlable Buttlnetl t500 avetl on 1pec tax Wfll .. ••••••••• •••••••••••";{•.., B EDUC• EvN and/Of WM1cend1 In 3 -.... w '"-·b 300 on term• WE PAY ·.!.·.·.· STAFFED y ,... R .. pontlble adult1, ovw Enjoy WO(t(lllg with kktl, ..._. LEAVINQ COUNTRY Mutt Moving trpl dtHHr w/ .. ,.,.. Y. megnum TORS. NEED QUALIFIED 21, with ou1ttandlng. •I· and wlllh lncrMMd ..,. ~It fll• la Sell 4 pc Liv Rm .. t hutch mirror. bkcaH w/3xll variable Redfield N 0 R 0 YACH l S TOP DOWll :;:: SITTERS PART TIME/ tractive peraonallllel to nlnga, utlllze your out· .... fltNt 1225. Walerbed . ml1e lldbrd $700/oller $&00 Ce11Bob831·0871 873·8878 FULL TIME CALL COR· work with youth l•gH gOlng pertonallty, IMrn ~hlllt4l1tt ..... _ turn .. '78 2eoz 831-9293 7~-7433 rv. •-JI. LASER 14 ft , hand lrtr 2 FOii 1111 A••s PORA TE HEAOQUAR· 10· 14) Call 2·5PM. how to bec:OIM. trained •;;._-. '-IU' ~ ,,. lllll•. cover, S900 .,.... TERS, 114..e42-6680 642 .. 321, Ext. 343. EOE HIH counHlor. Call ~llNI. MHnn •wn IHft Moving: Ollll'llulfed naug. Bill ll•tH IOll 7 3 1·8 8 7 7 PM • n d &UI IAI• 2·5PM. 842-4321, Ext. 114-.... 1111 •• ·.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• toll, 10 ...... at. chair, OI· ••••••~••••••••••••••• wttandt -••;-••t 343 EOE Ul&ll l&Lfl toman. $&25. 75"·7433 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA i---------1 r-•--HAIRSTYLIST dnlrad IM busy B•lboa llland H - lon 673·4013 PUT n• Furn. and appllancM and RECLINER Chair. rutl COior TV .. ie. 2 yr wrnty H' llWHll-llL. 2480 Harbor Blvd •• 8·9pm. Expanding youth Sal.. TtltJHH leltt ot,_ ltama. 333 Senta color velvet, new. pp, St48. FrM deOvlf'Y. Yr. '77, A/P, (2) lelhO. COSTA MESA ' counHlllng firm 11.. FOiiow up, no cold calla. 1 .. bel. NB 10-8 Sat, Sun, $225. 87~9174 TV JC>hn'e 848-t786 Polerle VHF, wind IPd & 141-4111 HAI" SnLllT opening• for 3-5 lharp fertMrt In. lrt•• PIT. Coate M .. otc. For Mon. MUST SELL· Magnevoit Olrect . dodger, 1hwr 141· l'll outgoing mature~ lnlo Call 831·7200. AUi --------Frendl Provlne4at Couch. toeded wlexlrH. ownr We are looking tor••· 10 motivate amblllout C all ut about the 1 M c. •Ylll l&U xlnt eond. StOO ermolre TV & 111reo tlnenclng 168900 WE llT pr'd prol•ulonal hair 10· 13 yr old• C all outllandlng Ctrffr OP· -°'-.,..-'-____ aon__,·._--1 Sola. atmolre tv, buffet, 892..0454 combo, $500/0BO TRADE wiND YACHTS atylllla to Join our llllf. 2·6pm. 842·•321, ut. portunllle• .. •n lntu· TOPLESS MODELS lampt, chair•. mllc:. l•b· Dining Table eo x 42. 2 _64_'-_8_113_1 -----1 675-9001980-t725 -CWI CUI Must be highly quallli.ct 3-43 Aak tor AndrM. ranee Agenl. Training 175 DAY • PAID DAILY 111, dllllH. kit. mite. I&" extentlon IHvH, 10" COLOR TV lll JllQll 1nd able 10 work any wlll not lnttrfere wllll no exp • nee• 821-2583 Sun/Mon. 1210 Park Cullom table pad•. 4 Worillng cond $&5. In IAHT day Pd vacation. top Pllllll&I your preHnt employ. TIAYIL &lllT Newport, #314, N.B. Penn. HouH Bracll°'cl 816-4280 Steve WllM>n. llt>«gl .... comm, or gu•r. salary ment. 644-8431 Chair•. 2 arm. 2 tide, .. ,. I ··-..L-,. gd cond 1375 982·8068 Simmon & Oelllah 1110 W Buty lrvtne agency need• t 0 ~,. .. South Cout Plaza W1TI T 963.,.518 Sabr•·lralned COM· tolld che rry "5 · ._1_,.1 IHti, Ill,, Aak tor Glorl• YUH UP Mii MERCIAL AGENT. Min. 2 !!!l~~.~J!! .. •••• .... _840 __ -"_<M_e ______ ••• ~~-""•••••. ••••.. Dtfkt IOlO 141·1111 I • • IEORnUY/UIAL yre. exp. Salary comm. ~tlnn l#S Like new Roblneon'1 ,,_,IJ IOIO •••••••••••••••••••••• COMMtlL CHEYRCtET :X,.)t. It , r '~ ,, I• , ' • "I ' "t I S•~ 1200 IRYlll Newport Center. Lltlge-with 11xp Call: Laurie , ••••""•••••••••••••••• Spring -Air• twin bed •••••••••••••••••••••• Boal Sllp1 lor rent, Hunt UJllT1UI l11-H4M (lid) tlon eJ1pr non-tmoker 1=i9i57i·i2i590iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilSolld walnut 8 drawer m1ttre11 $"ti lox 10 ft. FIG bOalltralle<. wt Harbour. up to 85' 16 ........ Irvine aree. PIT, $8 00 Pf Gt11nbaum & GrHn·i• cn..t. drop IMI dMk In IP'lnot 5"5. Frame on wlnctl Anchor. cullhlon1, IQ. It. 2t3159fl-5152. _..,.. ·~,;· hr. 979·3923 Production LMd wtlh un.· baum. 548-3733. YMatlel etntll' 1200. ~9 rolte" & lleedt>owd In· lie. S200. 548-3"78 Top dollar• lor Sportr:•. experience Full time ---------1 ctuded. 840-4049 ---------1BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE Cert, Buga. Cemperai:-..• l114y911/.lulttrial llOlnUY lllltf '"' A••"••ttt 1011 IHn, lbhl••••fl Newport BHch. 20· & 914'1, Audi'• ·:•: for COM bldg Pan or ~~11~ry~~.:;.~:.: Rapidly growing com· Tt., Aulp8tllh .I"~•••••••••••••• Sole & loveeeal. ltmn HZO 40' · 642~. 9-5PM Atlc for U/C MGR ·:•:.; l/tlma. Rel req'd. Call: 71 7 S S pany In Fountain Vali.y W ' 9"111 t build HARBOR AREA excell. cond. $350. l-IO--Ul--... --.. -.. ----1 Jt• ...... "::!: o carter. 9 • 1 2 , B7~ c~M. 1 '"· t. utta 9"klng Plfton•ble. ex-I•~~~ pool i!t ~uellll~ ~:!;!.~~~ER~VIC:,E 780-8440 ••••M:;l;,·e;;;,;;:... w:bOat Nu cnaln• cana YILllWAID ::::: 1175-6900 perlenced uc'y with graphic art• peraonnel .. Dr••al dining rm M1 "8" Oeelgnllnttalllrepalr Balboa Penn. e Street 19711 Beech Blvd · .. : .. ! HAL EIT&R l&UI OOOd office bllclc:8rouna tor on-<:a11 WOttl In the appllanoea. 54 3077 round tbl w12 ieavee. 4 a11y wort!. 5"9·2520 ..,, !'. .. PART/TIME & Ull Beet otter AY 8"8-9000 HUNTINGTON BEACH ·~~ Helper lor minor cere of We have an opening for 1111. Typing wpm, Pl'•PI' ... .,.._ At .... , I llY APftJA.1111 ~phot 1chr~j & • MMW. IHll lhtbll . M2·i.t :;:;; women when ralaHed ~':tw:'!1!=o~~t~I~ f~t::~1,1~=·~ ;.:ft;~~~~ Laa 957-&133 u~. :, :_1n1~wsf3~~ ,.:,, 1 IOJO Side fie WI llll .•. from hos91tal 842·2237 work In the Newport nefllt. Salery to com· camera opera tion or Elec:1r1c double 0\19rl, 873..0779 ••• ~~~!!•••••••••• To 18 tt Marcua Channel YIU RW-* Help wanted. prtvate day Harbor area In commer· men1urat1 with expe· platemeklng It n•c••· 4 burntf. $150. c lb & D 1 T bl WU111 $125. 873-8145 -· ~'"' .:~• schoot. clal Hie• and/or re•· rlenca. For Int~ call aary. You muet be avlf.. 873-9280 ~alnut $~." ng • e , uMd Tad Keyak I UITlll 1111 :,:;; 8"6-1444 ldentlal talel In the"'°'• Su1le, (7141 848-8878 leble to WOtti on a aut>-WW./Dfyeir 1125 Mch. 754-7433 aft 3 983-8897 aft 5 PM Want to rent lllp In New· • .• H 1 d d alfluent -. be._ 9 & 5. ttltuta or call-In bHlt ~•tor 1225. DIWI· port Area tor Clauk: Al· 1 ~ !J!~ 0• eas nae e • exp•· LEO HANNA Salary depend• on ex· ~ ... 1100 &46-t\MS Hlde-A·Bed. king tlzed, '79 Tr•ll·Rlte Tandem •·-d-en_d..ig __ n_wood __ .. _oo_p-1, ~ .··.·!·!·.· rlenced, full time. Apply SR. VICE PRESIDENT llOlndY/UOPT. perlence. contact Per· -----· ____ . Herculon pleld S 125. Boal Treller. 1uro• 3 O 11 Ca 11 T I m ln person, The Beach Wfflty I.,....._, Ot. Sm. N.B. ole. Sec'y wt aonnel, ..,....., lhhaslMr 754-7433 ett 3. brak ... winch 12177 714~75-3711 House, 619 Si.epy Ho!-.,.... outgoing per1onallty, :!1 h~ new, Nklng $1 too See IOw l.Ane, t.eouna 8Mdl AMllOl'I 6«-4910 phone•. typing, & It. t _, 125. 759-0970 Rattan table an4 ~chairs at Mesa Marine, 220 IHh 1--.J I ~ ·~ •--------"....... $75 2212 Avail: co 1 v1e1-•-c .M .... 2."'•"" ,,.J r--•o · 31oo·w "-·-t....... :··. l..ttu/lltst Oaslaitr Reap. Woman. to cook 1horthand. Xlnl 1111 ,.... Moving Out of 81•1• · va on, a• ~-. -...,,.,.., ll'-6 ,_ ~ ~-:.:..-• __ ... hand'-'"'· """••d & benefltt. Jeri. 544.1••5 Bay St Re"""'. 21 -· ..... ~ .... o. M .... Near K·Mart .................. ........ • Experience preferred ...... .. .,._ .,., ""' -" ·-llMl11 ,.... •••••••••••••••••••••• 5 • care home. 3 or 4 24-hr ----------1 Coate M.a $400/o"9r. 754-7•33 a-Ann ,.,... 18' F•mlly Ski Boat 642·940 ··: Fullttlme. Apply in per· ttiltte week 5-43-0795 ~c~:;~~y An Eq\Ull Oppty Emp!yr CotfM Table SIOO like new, •P•n 8'2". Sleekcratt. 445 otdt, fet, wanEDf :-0 son Ben Brown't Re•· i---------·--,...,.., ""'" ....i agencyl~~~-~~-~!-~-~~~I USED white GE Hll· 9fl2•3597 $300. 645-0904 covd ang. A BEAUTY! 'o! taurant. 31108 Co11t IESTlllllT need• acc:urate typltt wtl· c:teenlng oven. Uk• new. $6 99 509 >. Hwy. So. Laguna. The eomer.tone Cate 19 general 1mall office axp. Vehlde Operetor, Olal-A-StOO. 72<M>290 -Tllomuvl---119-pecan---d-lnl_ng_ IHll I.wt lfll 200, 4 • 1 PP L•t• model ToyotH, • Non-emar. Kitty. Ride. Saddlet>ecil v...., t 4 .... ___ .. 2 ·····'···. •••••••••••• Volvo•. Plekupt & Van11· ;. ~~U=E~..=~ ~ :.T.=, ':~~! 951-3048 ~d.18s1~~~~ ~~ u~"!7~~:~. f11~.· ~,.. ¥"7 .. ~"'5. '450MI!' 41' SNIT Ftllll '!!! ... IX!!'..'.'!!!....... can u1 todayt • ,~ Laguna Bdl. 49$-1<M2 gera, watt•• & wattree-llOlttllY/mO. E.O.E. 930-8191 btwn 'v-vuu v ..........,., Bit by Cotonlal In '70. tw. #11ttl1-" I''"-•IfO •. -(experteilOed). host/ ti · 7 I ' I . IO ad e d w I .. u... ' :• HOUSEKEEPER hott•t1•• & bu• per-Ftnanciel ln.,,..men1 ll(m 10-1 tAM. USED White GE Corning Double bed: m111re11, elec:ttontc. Ownr. ttnan· •••••••••••••••••••••• • •: Live-In. Beautlf\11 NB. tona. Apply In perton Io r educator' Woman l\Mded tor TLC top ttow with hood. Uka box tprlng & frame, clng. Try 169,000 X;~tt ';:,,~'. ~~:·~::'~te· TOYOTA·YOlYO :• home ne., bay_ Non· only, 3pm to 5pm, Pert/comm.depl. MC•• with Older cultured lady new$50 72<M>290 brand new. I t l5 TRADE WINO YACHTS itu......, ... 4 •• tmoker • muat drive. T Thu ty 3000 tary. Excel typing end tor TIMKs and Fri nlgllta. . 87s-4280 tl7S.9007 960-1725 4IYel nance Cedlllec of mo-c .... .,.... .•! Room. bo9rd + ulery. a:;;. St~ ~a Meae ::,.~=:!Pr~~':: ~T Lt'!~.~~~~~~~ ~rr~~~: White Jenny Lind etlb w / The Price It "RHlly ~e2~,.1~9S 4 00 I OBO "'4'-UOlwU .. t07 :: :1~7ei.23·4920 or (corner o t Baker & Non·tmoker pref. Cell Wtr4 ,,......, offer. 964-8117'. mhattreu l bmalchlng Right" on tllll 24' trawter WI :: Brlttol). 840..0123 OPERATOR. Lanier No I'' l• ••-~o•nn31n\ ~~Jei,~~~d w/10 much pertonallty #tlttqf/n/ llY •:: mllll. lfllllll •nllL Ul.U •!r._ --the't nollc.d wller•ver ~lfn I/SO USED CARS & TRUCKS • "-·t M •" SEWING MACHINE OPE· problem Laguna Hlllt ••• •••••••• • ••• •••••• M0· 1878 the QOM. Sleept 4, an· • ••••••••••••••••••••• COME IN OR CALL FOF\ :: ....,. a aaa ret-bellery APROPOS OF FASHION RATORS. Exper, qu•'..._ Lew Firm, lyplng wlllt Schwinn Gtrt1 Bike Fair , .. _... •8 K ..... 1 .,., lOOOJ p•-1-11•11 • ' lh09 need• l\lwO people. ISLAND ..eking crMllve minded, piece ,1j;~~ and 1ru1tt Mull have Ledy model Sllngrey. Glrl • whll1 French Prov cltd ,.....,, Iott ol tnk, 1 iw ..... "" · .._ _..r_ • ;~ Experience nece111ry. lndlvldual with IHhlon Cotta M ... 642·"52 1trong typing and gram-Mint. $75. 844-41128 bdtm M1 twin canopy •latnteu lleel & marble ~!:'\}::>°yt117'n'g~~~11~~ Corrnler·Dallllo ; •. All trtnge benefits. Pey background tor Mlllng mar aklllt C•ll Mra. bed. nlght1l•nd. hutch g111ey & Iott of lnttru· OllYllllT .• ·! open 639-1814. and leed«wtlip poaltlon. TO Wl1LE Wlnelow for epp't. lllW., (top, dMk w/cllalr $H5 ::,1~0~x~rap~~e~ ded. 85~94 18211 BEACH BLVD. :s um uoanaaY Exper. req'd. Call only 9 "' WI • • • 937. 1080 lbttrUl1 IOZS wlll eep.) 640-1878 • 0 y 0 u kn 0 w 'Y'o u 1980 Harl•y Devldaon, HUNTINGTON BEACH .:: Mlrt 3 year• temlly l•w AM 10 Noon. 5417-3925 R4llOft Interval• 11 now •••••••••••••••••••••• Lar~ exec WOOden dealt. tllouldn't ml11 1111ng Golden Annlveraary llml-Nl ..... l, Mt-1111 • :: experience. o c . -'lrport Cl•nilled Ad• are the hiring tor publlc rel•· YOUNG PEOPLE llW 310/n. walnut flnlth, Ille dwr. herl Call Lido Anchorage led edition, reclory • are• Empl""M "-efltt llon• Call T .J. 873~ 1,, RedwOOd 2xll d~klng, s 1001000 642·8980 I o , m o r e d e I • I I s cu11om, 1650 paint Job Top Dolar ·.·:-.. -1 ....... an1wer to • succettlul 1 1 ,... Many many extra1. Iott ~ Selary commenaur•te garage or yard aatel ll'I • i-''_om_1_am_·_P_m ___ s 4-20' tono: alto rld\Nood it.nllque dr111er, 7 dra· 873·9330 ot Cflrome & gold plating wllh eKperlence Call belier way lo !ell mora Want Ad Hel9? u m m e r fencing. Cell Jim or KM! wet1. orn11e cherry ·--35_'_C_H_A_N_TY_M_A_N __ S7,000 or bHI ollar Paid ::. -M_eo_•_l_8_5_1_.1_2_3" ___ • pec>piel 642-5878 anytime. 775-1491. w 0 0 d ' $ 2 5 0 I 0 B 0 . Bit by Am. Marine, single 646-185" F y c I .•. ---------1 t\42 6980 p °' our ar ·=· LIVE IN COMPANION • A or C.tt , IOJf -6-71, Al . llybrldge lty Mini Bike. 4HP Briggs & Misti I Ill . , For eloerly Ledy. Nice ".I a·11y p·11a1 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... Scandlnevlan wood youlll bridge, xtnt. llV••t>oerd Str111on. xlnl cond • ·' home on LlOo. Light bed wlmall 0r1g $375 or long dltt. crula'g. s751blt olr 968_8813 UHtf1 .. '"'] ·:• work. Mull ll1v1 cer care er ···Kittens••• Se 11 S 1 So IO BO : $39,500. 2628 Harbor 8111 . ,• ::: Room, board. car IX· 842-8980 TRADE WIND YACHTS Honde Trall 70, rebullt COS11 M... 540-5e30 .• pentes & 1mall Mlary. Part time narson to deliver Dally 842-8866 ··--·-· 1175-9007 980-1725-eng, $175/bHI offer ;·· Melut1 Ledy dHlred. ,.._, ., ...... ._., 988-6813 Premlurn ~ -.:.•:• Belt" 833•9869 da-Piiot auto route In Newport Beach 14 ~ needed 10 1111 • • •••••• ••• • ••• ••••• •• 7 paid tor any uMd car • .•: , ,. 7 days per week, about 2'A hrs. anlry lelttlj>Olllfont. a-, IHO nm11 UllU '78 2 'Ml BAYLINER '10 ..... 200 (foreign()( domettlc) : :· LIVE·IN tamale, over 50; S t S 5 :-.~•••••••••••••••••• wletand •150 8"0·8777 "Victoria." Fly bridge, Twin Star. Ilk• new. in condition. •' lletp dreu, make meelt, per day, M-F; 2:30 PM. a , un; .. ....._.., VHF radio, bait t•nll, Cost St500. Sell U50 Aretl ·:: Ute llswrk lor same; NB AM. Helpful but not necessary to $1 125 PUPPY. 6 wee1t1. AKC HORSE FOR SALE deptlllln1 der, 5ou1rlooer1, 846-8082 :• Muat have car 5"8~805 live In Costa Mesa. Earnings reg 938·29ee Mare • Appaloou & 818~~~·1 • 22.-0"oo . 1---------1•:.ii.!!.1 .•. btwn. t '4 $400.00 per month and up. Call: ' "PETS "R" PEOPLE ::td:,1.•1~1~d::~.~~~-I~~~~~~~~~ A•tt ltmn, llltf ·:; l&lm··-r -··-Dally Pilot, 6•2' 4321, ask for Ellollc vacation•. hair end all i.ck. AAI ....... •• 'Annl«ln H• :·. ...v r~" tut.a & ba1he f .., ..,.. •••••• ••••••••• ••••••• General m1lnten•nce Bruce or Foster. VWlf...... ,.,_ tpee or 714/751·951tl '71, dtl't. glUI, NEW 7'-'i LITE BODY WORK l ' knowledga Exper. In •.....a.....aa •kin problem• at Slier· ... 1 II 50% It ...... ~ Equal Opportunity Employer V' ....... ry'1. Pood .. pupa, T-cup, J.wln 1110 KW. Gen, radar. A/P, '78 ,_n up to 0 yow .; :•. ~!:~t~lfc~lp!i/i~~~~ ~leertflftal t oy e . m in 4 .. le .••••••-"••••••••••••••• ell VHF, latllo. ADF, bodylhopett.536-9832 -'88SllJ1 bl11 Khd :::::: Surl & Sand Hotel, Leg ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT No experience neoeaeary ~2848 a DIAMONDS, ~arat lo !i": ~:,~ :~:i~u~~: All CheVy truck partt. 'A t'o!ol:t \l.·s;i >ltl o:i:wi ·~ Ben, 497-4477. E.0 E )JO W BAY ST ·COSTA MESA CA 97676 II tome flald1. 4 labfador Pupt 8 wtct V.c.rat. lnvamt. quallty. 7.,., I • ...,."""" ton to dle11I. Rblt. ~ .. ,.,.,,,.,Al ...... ,, .. ,., • .,,.r ... P10~1.. 114-114-nH • Below wtille. 497·t011, ... ,.o _ .. ,...,,,. rren1mlulon rrom $185 A•'" I•-'-' ::-UllOl•llT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . old. 3 blec:tc, 1 bfown, 494-4788 TRADE WINO YACHTS & up 554-1850 ••••• 1 ••• r.-.···••••••• , ••. reg .. rablaa & dletemp. 875-9007 eec>-1725 -""' n1 ... · ..... Newport BHch Salon thotl 84&-1439 (4-8 ) .. , .11 IOll • lookl"" for lie Manlourl•t ii;. pm ...,Uful•,..I 1•1 RIY11 •• 'l• A•l'•f '11 •-•, •••••••••••••••••••••• ·.•, ... ,. .... ....... . . . .. .. . . ... ... . . . . . . . . -'"' . ... ,, _,, to be traln•d for em· .. tr .....,. INTERARMS MK. X Twn 108 HP Volvo dlla, •• •••••••••••••••••••• • .•, ployment. B ... plut be--~ Male, 2 ytl. Greal dlt-Prote11lonally Cutfom Ille• MW 5"7,500 Sllp IMPORTANT NOTICE ~·••, Milla Cell 955-3912 tor l ,........, ) ) potltlon. BuMt Rln. . ._.vy Q¥rel and owner fi n avail. TO READERS AND '~ :, Interview. • 4~ .22·250 ~Ith Recf>leld N 0 RD y A c HT s ADVERTISERS .... :' .E .. ••·• -y 3x "x Sco<pe Co1tt111. 873 ••79 The prlc• of Item• ad· ..!. .,.._ _," Fam•I• Coclter Spaniel. .., 1oc· :JJ.fi ....., vertlMd by V'9tllcte dee-• •=' Npl Bctl. Some eo1i.ge a buff colored. 3'A mo old. 1~2 ~0· • .. ~ ~!'! -ft .. _..&. Tw• ,.,., In the Whlcle ctaatl-· ;~ medlcal bkgrd pref. Muat thota. P•P•rt. • 100. -• " '~ D:.: CRW with port ti.ct actvertlalng column• • ~ type 75wpm. 759-1833 499-5008 SURPLUS JEEPS ·Cera· 1 pottle. ~ 5. 228 do .. not lnclu~ •ny ............ ~ --••• Silky Terrlert. Chm tire & Boat•. Many S ell For Mere Crw 110 with tan-applicable tax•. lloenee. 1 H.. 'I!' •5 ••-darn, M. & F., lhOw °' g~ $50.00. For Info dem trtr and trev.I top. trentler I•••· lln•nce ~<f Hunt. Och. Conv. Holpt pet 554-3002 554 3151 Lo hra, xlnt cond. 11t, Cflargae,,... for air pol· &3l·2<MO 4&Mt<t • ~ eccepllng 1ppllcatlon1 ) · • -· (312)931·19fl1 EXT. 2239 500 OBO. 83~11 Ev iullon oonlrol device 111" D• .. '.J• ~ '°' admitting eecretary {r-~~-~-...,) tr..,. rn "41 lllWlll 2 I Ill cet1iltcatlona or dMter l 28402 MargutftW ~wy • Accurate typing lmpor. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• I • 1' Baytlnef, eunbfld~. dooumtntary prepare-Mltl60n Viet<> tent Mutt have gd. rap-Fr ea to g ood llome: Im 2979. lo ""· lrnmec. lion ollarg•• 1.1n leu (A~ Exit off 1-5) port wtth patlenll & ta-a..uttful Slameae F cat a lo 20· long, se. per ti. calm <*'VM. loedecl w/ ot~~!!!~.ecllled by I Oparl&Sund9)'a mlll11. Advencement 6 2 klttene. 6 7-7029 7711--1491 anytime. extru. tn..xel trtr. 890 , .. ..,.._,_ oppty. for lharp peraon. N F =-r•:-•--:1-0-0-0-0-:d-:-h-0-m-.-.·l--LACl-lel-3.....:~--blk-•-.--1 t 22,500. 714-t<t&-2011, Medl·C•I ' Medl·C•r• ew spape r Malamute/ Shep. Love • ...... "2·9212 btlfNI/ I ex.p. pl'efd. llfTY Mad· 1 ' j-U~iiiiWJ-CIMIJi If• , dan. 847 -3515. 1H1 1 -:k_lda_._54_a-_a_1•_1 ____ 1. __ _.;.1_11_..oe...;..;._10 ___ 11 ~"!'_!!!:!'f •••••••• !! .•••••.•••.. Flortda 81. H.B. hnJtut ""WARDROBE StHmer NW Vf 1" -"""" 111111 .,l"sl I Ull llllmm c . ...................... lrunlt. V9111•t llnecl dr• s 1e.ooo ~ ~ Shay replloe9; ptckupa ' W t I a rr1ers f J t ,...... Lef.... ..,._ hang9rl l lrontno coupH. 4 to CllOOH tKi~~n,::c,alwe~ · or 10U es Atttanandwtotc.erlum. boardtU0.(114) 'lnbd.openflelWman. troml(008189)(8tlt. pr'cl Pfof. nail ecu1p1r... 8aeka1• and c1ecOtat0t 481-«Jn •It• ~. Xlnt bay bo•t or day ~~ Prtoee ttarUng al, wttll a ltttla follOwlng. Top 1•n Hunt•1ngton Beach Item.. 10 AM to 8. 1to6 Laroe PlayhOUM. lmall flaller. 818 radio, lull ., ...... comm. or ouer Hlary I 1 I . Dyer Rd (Antlqu• Outon Door t100 !1iptmt1 SHOO, obo. 1 p4u1 ecldlt bonu• prog-F t I "-'I' & N Be h Md Pi.a) M0-7111 ~10 . v 5-0N ram Educetlon avall•· oun Q n YUi ey ewport Q( l<INO INHEWPAtHQ IX· RlllN LHd•cl Tllleny a· Unlfllt• Flybrldge ble. I TM FIRM mettreM Mt, .__ 20.. J N ............. Sportfl•lltt brand new ~ & Del!Wl UMd WOt1ft ta$O _,.,., · · · ........... twin P.w .6 OH. Vtry Soulll COMt Plau ::.' H41 clel. N•v•r f~OO. Sao. •41. tut, long range. bfWld Alllt for GION 146-1184 ' uHd queen az. wortlli---------1 ,,.. tteattonic.. L«-.n t:ttt. oalfl only, H11 Mtrt ..... ltt A.O., .• U.H.F., (2) , •• ...... " knock• ~ wMn yCKI UM retUlt-oettlftG Ody Piiot CIH•lfled ~di to =...,,. °'*'09 C09M ~Ma.-rl • Good Em 1ing1 • Super Trips •Great Prbw CAL.L CIRCUlA TION DEPARTMENT ......... e• del. U•ually llorn•. Ma. •04-t:M>e 11101. Auto pllot, llnot 114-nlO ,,..._, 8ee Temp. Dto- ---------1lunk bed .. mt.pt• wlltl ttto ertdlOr wlflOt\. **I BUY** fftttoltlftl blenll•t•. -.. r-'**"' ctoor. 8ett :.:' • • t •, •to, I U f . 11nk. 01.1ttJ1111••· •to. Good UMd ~ a ~ 3IOI C.M. r-.o,,.. d IS'n>hllo. No ApplMWa OR I ..i ... ~ mountm on Qt~ I .. 4ltooUftt « laU tor You hi ttble, oval trecll, my 111.000 "ulty rot .,. ..W. ...... & ~ ..... f;l9afl OI ..... ? In trllde. •• 1111 Ill .... ,.. ........... ~1t:,l•IJ erlUOI. lone CflN, ........ far .. 111.L lcUe ltM• WUfl • ~tel Doull0tt, Tflltt .. tr.= a hi NL ~Matt•M. IUO. TIHOOORE ROBINS FOl\D .. f ., /,a; "' 4 • ' ( f )\ '/\ ~ f \11 '": I > .............. t1f00.. ITMtll .... AU. •AY THAY - lllllOlllAL •AYI a magnon pont1ac subaru 54M300 0 ATLAS CHIYsa.a.ft. YMOUTM ~Harbor Blvd., Coata Mela. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocka • th or Sen Otego Freewt1y off Harbor Blvd. Complete shop S1IH . S«Ya. p.,,._ Sefv1ce Dept. o~n ay thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 PM. and 8 A.M. lO' . on Saturday. HACH l~S Ma Oova Street, Newport Bnch. Tel 752-0900 Call us. w 're the 1pec11111ta fOf Alf1 Romeo. Peugeot, Saab a ~1er1tl. . THIODOal IOllMS H>aD 'Modem ...... MNlce, Plftl. ~. pelnt & tire depta. Com~llv9 "'" on .... & dllty rentllla. 2080 Hltbor BtYd .. Coata M .... &42-0010 « 540e211 JOHHSOM & SOM UMC0t.N MlltCUlY 2826'41rbor Blvd .. Coata Mela. Tet 540-5630. 57 Yeara of friendly t1mlly Mrvlce -Or.,. County'• oldnt Lin· OOln-M«cury dealer.hip. •· SOUTH COAST ~I 2888 Harbor Blvd., to1ta Meaa. Tel. 540-0330. RV eervlce apeclall1ta. custom v1n conYWtlonl.. Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Monday. M1y 31, 1812 MATCH E NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Vlc:torte Station. Salee, SeMoe. Leulng & Perta. We mike grest deals! 0 NAlllS C.AIHLLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu. Tel. S40-9100. Orange County's Largest Cad1ll1c dealer Sal• Service. Le• Ing . • DA YID J. P .. LUPS IUICIC.f'OMT1AC....AIDA Llguna Hilla ' Sales • Serva • lealng 24888 Alicl1 Petl<way 837-2400 • CHICK IVIRSOH POISCHl-AUOl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy., Newport BNch. 673-0900. TM only dMleBhlp In Oran~ County with theM "''" great mlket under on.• roof! • ALAN MAGNOM PbtfnAC.SUblU 2480 H11bor Blvd., Costa Mela. Tel. 54IM300. 611•. Servi<». Leu1ng. "Mr O~." • • IOI LOMGPIE POMTIAC 13600 Be1ch Blvd., WHtminster. Tel. 892~1 . Orange County's oldMt arnf largest Pontiac d .. lerth1p. Sare.. Service. Pam. • SAIL CHIVIOUT 900 South Coast Hlghw1y L.igunaBuch ~ ........... ,...,. SALES HOURS: Mon.·Frl. ~7. Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4 494-1131 54&-99e7 • SANT A AMA.DATSUN 2001 E. 17ttt Street. S11\ta Ana. Tel. 1568-7811 Your Original Dedicated 01taun o.i.r. • MllACLI MAZDA We've moved! ~' new le>e1tlon le 1425 ~ Str .. 1, ea.ta Mela. T ... 545-3334. Stop ~ & Ylalt our bnnd new showroom and ... why we·,. the t1 MUdl "'* In SOuthem Callfornla. Sim. Service. P.,,. Ind LM81ng. AMMtmM MAZDA "CW,0.C. .............. .... .,.. ...... a...c..· eo1 s. Anahelni BIVd., Anaheim -.1uo. Juat north of Santa Ana fr'W'J. on Anltlelm BfVd. cell ua fltltl 'WE ME HARO TO FINO-tklf WORTH ITI" COST A MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 ~rs. 1 Mile So 405 SUMSn FOltD, INC. (Home of Willie the Whale} S«O Garden Grove Blvd , W.tminster Tel 83tr-4010 DGM LIASIMG, IMC. 730 W. 19th St., Oosta Mesa 642·19« You're 1n tor a surprise at DGM Leasing 0 COMMILL CHIVIOUf 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa W... ~ 20 years Mrvlng e>ninge Covntyl Sales. 1...ing. a.vice. Cell &48·1200; apeclll perta line; 546-9400; body shop line; 754-0400. 0 IOY CAIVB IOU.S IOYCNMW 1540 Jamt>orM Road, Newport Beech. &40-&444. Sal•. Service. Parta And l ... lng. ' - lfe Rave ·se;...,e.1 ¥ou 0¥er JB l'earw, and 65~ ol Our Bu fnea 111 Bepe.at. Th.-re l • Bea1JOnll VISIT WILSON FORD'S NEW FLEET AND 'LEASE DEPT. KEVIN HAS A SUPER DEAL FOR .YOU "ND YOUR FAMILY. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE! WHO SAID "YOU CAN'T HAVE HIGH PERFORMANCE WITH MILEAGE?" l10RD:~ 60T IT!! lBth flL SALEZ Sl!Jl!J "fllE ll/6H l'l111VJH.J/.t.\'fl, 6. IS !t: 'l1lS . 11' '''ILSO.\' l 10RD 1111.~ ff J1JHE\1J!! Don't Miss Tbe§e J'alaes PLIJS Faetory REBATES FORD FACTORY RIBATIS AND . YOUR GOOD CRIDIT MAKI IT POSSIBLI 1982 MU~!,~~~~1ac1"'" ft..'M Fm stereo radlO. a t \amps. ( 111558) k tinted glass. 09 \oC . <* 164903) YOUR PRICl $ WEEKEND .00 TOTAL DOWI PIYIEIT ' DILIYIRI A NIW CAR OR NIW TRUCK OR ANYUSIDCAR OR UllD TRUCK Medium !!!!SCORT GT wall t1rea. AM radio ...:_ Cfoth and vinyt trim ..... _ ... . •"V"IOne P81nr. . ..._ .. Side YOUR PRICE '; The Motor City~ Welco 1es Back One Of Its Own. Most or the Formula One cars in the Detroit Grand Prix this coming June 6th wUI be powered by an eogi.oe pioneered by Ford Motor Company. Through 16 years of evolutionary design. the Ford Cosworth engine is still winning races. In fact, it is the wi.nningest engine in the history or Formula Ooe and has also won the Indy 500 and the 24 hours or Le Mans. Not until DOW. however, has the Ford-developed engine seen competition in our home town, because not until DOW has there been a Detroit Grand Prix to run through the heart or the city. Come join our cheering section in the Motor City on June 6th. And watch the Ford power go by. 1 LAST CHANCE FOR REBATES! -24,000 MILE/24 MONTH CA R CARE PLUS REBATES PLUS SUPER WILSON FORD DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS & TRUCKS '81 MIRCURY '81 GRANADA ZEPHYR Z-7 CPI. GLX .f(¥1 , , ..... etrcOftd. AM FM f _...1 df'"IM. 4 <Yf • 4 ud air Aute tr.,,..,• eyt, elr. ~ SMerl l CYI., ev-11(, -ll•rlne 6 •<Yll-.S-.elr,AM PM •CYll-·-ll•f9CI v ... '"'°· _, ......... ' llr••ft. ,.., ... 11 .. lOll •-INXVYI • llrMlt • ""-· crv!M. AHi PM llrtllet 6 •I-. elr. <rvlM. NII <-llCOA'4tl IM~OXI •Ir, oower wlf'ldo*t crvl ... cvtt ·-................. <., , ...... , FM ti-lotJOttl _,, Ul7Zlt01 $5 782 $4382 $6582 $6988 $5982 $3382 MUST SEE '7f LTD STA. 79 PORD '79 FORD '71 FORD '11 fOID '10 OLDSMOllLI -. '79 HONDA WAGON RANCHllO Gt PINTO THUNDIRllRD MUSTAND OMIGA cvcc va. MllOIMllc "-· .,, conc1 •• P'flf VI euto, .,., ''' • ..,, tw , '''· J ctr 'cvt • ...,, bfl • 1-.0. • aod • cvt . evto , 11r cO"d em Im •cvl .. 11c1 7dt .. ., .. 1 .. IWYK I ttfftlnt • blak", A ... ,,.. t1.,ao •n' $•-l•< HSWllO , ..... ~utllH\llYIS7W0VI llAt•mllet Ill< ICHH7UI recllO rs.r ••~I cN1e. '11119 .._.-. (1Pt'l'llll) $2782 $3782 $4982 $3782 •49 $6182 '71 CHIVY '11 t:ID '72 OPIL '79DATIUN '11 fOID '11 MllCUIY CAPllCI f U IA GT CPI. f AITlllAK ESCO IT CAPlll RS VI ..... "--.-1,. elr, j ., .,.. ..,., "' ,....,_, ... ,..,. V•rv ... ti U'9f ler Wiii 11it • • •1111 •1111.t...i , ..... ~, S•••-W ..... Ct CttM''* &41 .... , ,, •• , 9'lllff ........ -··-· ... ··--·· mlM ( .... C"7VlAI AM ,llllr-.J.MJmtlet C fHto< I II OMC>e$11 ·-,,,. ........ 1•0"'91 cue •1uv1.,1 llC¥•ta• v ... -. -'-'"'· •• , • -"""~ .... ,-11*'-ttl $5982 SllYtCI Ann TMI SALlllOUI * 1 ,.IOtttTY Cl'nll• llltoef ............... NUl~•n.,.. .......... '