HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-03 - Orange Coast Pilot••• r1t1s • -County will pay UCI tab lca.iJyon Hoad fatality I By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL or .. .,..,,..., .... Orange County government haa aareed to pay the University of Califom.l.a $13.75 million to end a prolonged disrute over provi•ion of medica care for indigents at the UC Irvine MedJcal Center. Of that sum, county Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande said Wednesday, $5 million already has been paid. The remaining $8. 75 million will be paid by June 30, the end of the current fiacal year. Superviaon agreed in principle to the massive payoff during a closed-door session amid i.ndications that at least one board member -Roger Stanton, opposed the negotia.ted settlement. , The county and the university since 1979 have been battling over issues surrounding care for indlgenta for which the county Is finan(lially responsible. Care for thme patients hu been provided at the university-owned medical center in Oranae under a 1976 contract. The bulk of the dispute focuaed on about $8 mll1ion lD Uf\f veraity-iaued bW8 the coanty hM retu.ed to pey. LAGUNA CANYON FATAL CRASH -Wreckage of truck and small foreign auto is strewn across Laguna Canyon Road near Sycamore flats Wedneeday morning after a head-on c.rUh. Driver of the car was killed and a truck puaenger Dllr ......... "' ........ " ...... remains in critical condition at Mission C.Ommunity Hospital. A dog belonging to the woman driving the auto abo was killed. In ita action Wedneeday, the board also agreed to a replacement contract whereby the opunty would make lump I. sum payments for emergency ~ QUtpatient Care and standard1z.ed daily rates for inpatient care for indigents treated at the medical center. County officials say this alternative approach to the current patient-by-patient bi.lllng ~tem will be more efficient ana Im costly to administer. Nestande, speaking to reporters at a midday briefing, declined to say lf the board's vote was~. Later lD the day, Stanton issued a statement in which he said, "I do not inlend to comment on the board's deciaion at this time. The board will be voting publicly on the l88ue later this month. At that time I will cast a vote that will reflect the position that I took during the executive aemion which was held today." ,J 'nle UC Boerd of Regents If ICheduled to take action on the 1ettlement And the new c:ontract prop()88} at a meetlng June 17 And 18. . The propmed settlement has been endol'9ed by UC President David Saxon in private conversations with Nestande. Two die in crash SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The coroner's office said identification would be discloaed today of the two women who died in a fiery explosion cal.Uled · by a brakelem, runaway truck in a c:rowded central San Franc1aco neighborhood Wedneeday. STATE Reagan meets Mitterand I-or parley PARIS (AP) -President Reagan conferred today with French President Francois Mitterrand on the Middle East, Central America and the Falkland Islands war, but sidestepped serious d.iacussion of the stubborn e<:onomic issues dividing their countries. On the eve of an economic summit of major industrial democracies at Venailles outside the French capital, Reapn said he and Mitterrand deferred "heavy d18cussionst• of econornJ.c issues straining America'• allies until thel' join the leaders of Bri'8in, West Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan this weekend. The leaders met over lunch in t'he splendor of the Elyaee Palace. Reagan wu ~ at the pa1ace by a military honor guard and a aalut.e from a drum and bugle corpa. He and Mitterrand shook bands and then met privately in a chandellered salon over a lunch 1eeturing a salad of amort.ed ahelWah, veal with truffles and three French wines. A White Houae aide aaid that, as is customal}' for presidents on foreis!t _ ti:f.pa. Reapn brought hia own drtn.k1ng water to the lunch. Re-san aaid he and Mitterrand only ''touched on'' the economJc issues, includln1 inflation, unemployment, recession and (See REAGAN, P .. e AZ) San Diego suburbs Beek unity Five conununities just nOrth of San Diqo m,ay incorporate, with the new dt;y to _be named San Dieguito, Spanish for "little 8ml J:>iego." Page A12. Cal-State probe Profes~or of sex class quits post , BULLETIN Dorla Dehardt and Michael LONG BEACH (AP) Connor. Singer at the time Embat1lecl "Paycbology of Sez" threatened to sue Ms. Deha.rdt profeaaer Barry Sla1er, wllo and Connor, alleging slander, but offered coarse credit for senal the statute of limltations for such experlmentatloa, llu realpn -If sutt baa expind. from Cal State Loa1 Beacla, Univ er• it f officials aDJvenlty offlclal1 annoanud investigating Singer's course today. ~ were expected to decide today LONG BEACH (AP) -State university officiala are deciding whether an educational film and two videotapes bear an investigation of a controversial "Psycholoo of Sex" c:oune. Dr. Barry Singer, a tenured profesaor, was suspended without pay for a month last week aft.er he revealed he had been "romantically involved" with student. in his courae, which ottered credit for group sex and gay encounters. The film being reviewed wu , made tbil year by Sinaer and atudents in hb class. Entjtled "Who'a Doing It: American Sexual Attitudes," the mm reportedly conaisted of lnterviewa with persona about their teX llvea. The videotapes were of dlscu11ion1 about htaher education that occurred two years ago between Slnpr and two other psychology profe.ors, COUNTY whether the film and videotapes were pertinent to the probe, triggered by complaints from a 53-year-old woman who sat in on a cl.ua aesaion. The dean anda.odate dean of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciencea and the chairman of the paychology department viewed the film and videotapes Tuesday after a reporter from the Long Beach Presa-Telegram uked to see them. University spokesman Robert Breunig said that any material deemed relevant to the investigation into Singer's course will be retained by the university until the matter is resolved. Ho'¥ever, if the film or videotapes are not judged pertinent, they will be released to the public. Breunig denied a report in the J>rell.Tefegram that university offidala ordered faculty members and other employees not to diacun the Singer caae . Historical society gets home The Costa Mesa Historical Society f~{. has a home of ita own to store its boxes of memora . Page Bl. Woman killed in Laguna Canyon crash __ A Beverly Hills woman was killed and her Laguna Beach passenger critically injured Wednesday morning in a head-on collision on Laguna Canyon Road. Carol Ann Hatfield, 34, ol Beverly Hilla was driving out the canyon road near Sycamore F1ats when she apparently crossed into oncoming lanes shortly after 11 a.m., polioe said. Her car collided with a truck driven by Kevin Andre Parks, 21, of Anaheim. The woman, and her small dog, were killed in the crash. A puaenaer, Sunny TeJ>per, 29, of Laguna Beach. WU rushed to Mission Community Hospital. She remained in critical condition today in the hospital's intensive care unit. Parka, driver of the truck, was reported in stable condition at Saddleback Hospital in Laguna Hills. Police said today they are still investigating the crash to determine what caused Ms. Hatfield to apparently swerve into oncoming Janes. Rotary reve~al? BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - The Birmingham Rotary Club bu reconsidered its policy of barrina non·white member.a, after preaaure from national headquart.era. INDEX A4 B2 C6-7 B2 C8-12 BS BS C8 Control all high ground By Tiie A11odatecl Presa British gunners dueled with Argentine artillery batteries around Stanley today in the buildup to a possible Britlah usault on the Falkland la1anda capital, military sourcea and broadcast reports in London aaid. Britain's Independent· Radio Newa said the attack was not expected before the weekend u the gunners, backed by offahore navy bombardment and Harrier air strikes, softened the estimated 7,000 Argentines around Stanley. Reports in London indicated the British control all the hUla surrounding the town and the key passes to the west through which reinforcements were advancing. Argentine troops, driven back into a "horseshoe" defensive position, were firing back at Royal Marines shelling Moody Brook, 3 miles from Stanley and believed to be a forward headquarters for the Argentina. As shelling continued, government sources in London said British planes dropped thousands of leaflets on Stanley telling the Argentines their poaition is hopeleaa. Defense Minlatry aourcea said Spanish·speaking Britom were among the forward troops to negotiate aurrendera around Stanley. British helicopters lifted 105mm guns, with a range of 10 ~ miles, to the hilltops west of the town while British Scorpion. Ifgn -~moved into polition and Snowcat transport vehicles brought supplies and ammunition across the boggy terrain. • A senior Britiah def'en8e IOW'Ce in London said the buildup was expected to take "a few days ... "The position of our forces in Puerto Argentino (the Argentine name for Stanley) has been consolidated according to plan and the men await the battle with spirits renewed by a rousing apeech by their mill tary governor," the Argentine military command aaid_ µi a communique Wedneaday night. The command acknowledged akinnisbing between Britiah and (See RALKLAND, Pqe AZ) Mesa fish I ry starts Friday Why is the Costa Mesa Mb Fry such a popular evfnt over the years? Some say it's the "secret" . I batter used In preparina the l· 9,000 fish dinners. Othera go fat the parade, the carnival, the beauty and baby contests, or the I entertainment. , The fun starts Friday niaht at ' Lions Park and the Daily Ptlot'a l special section today on the Flab Fry and Carnival gives reeden a rundown on the three-day event. i Ann Landen Moviee Mutual Funds Public Notices s. c.l. Focua SporU Stock Marketa Telmlion •, Al0..11 Bt-5 82 82 . 11"9wa 82 B4-5 C8 BS; Ct,8 A9 Cl-4 C1 8'7 ~ A2 A3 NATION W•t.ber W«kl Newt hJih ln..._ rat.. that wW bt dJlcuMd ln deD\h at V....W.. .. Duptte polCtlcal dlfftrencet b1tw11n the conHrvatlve Amerloan prealdent and the ocl1U1t. J'rench leader, the i'Otflotall have a c:ordlal workins elatlonahtp baaed ln part on their almJlar backarounda aa political "oullict.rL" Even ao, eenJ6r Ftench of&iala aald Mitterrand wUl oppo~• Rea1an'a effort to penuade America'• trading partnera to llmlt their credit ta.lee to the Soviet Union, whlch these officials characterised u a m.iagulded and unrealildc policy aimed at forcin1 the Soviet economy to ill kneel. Before the luncheon that began Reagan'• 10-day _:European tour, his fint since taking office, French officials voiced criticl.an of the anticipated U.S. effort to dissuade the Europeans from extending credit to the Soviets at ,ubsidized interest rates. • One official referred to "this frenzy on Soviet credits," and another accused the United States of a "one-sided obeession with the credit issue" without acknowledging its own extensive 8J'8.ln trade with the Soviets. Before talking with Mllterrand, Reagan met with Mrs. Charles Ray, the widow of a Jnllitary attache at the U.S . Embassy who was killed in a terrorist attack Jan. 18. White Houae deputy preta 11eeretary Larry speu.e Mid Retpn to1e1 ~~~~:-= to full colonel. ~?.:' parentl live ln Newport Th• Lftlident allo conf«ncl wllh Secretary of State Alexander_ Hal1 and TreuW'y Secni.ry DonlJd T. Repn on awnmlt r.u.. R1a1an, who arrived here Wedneeday nt1ht for a 10-day European trip, had a lel.IW'tly 1ehedwe today u he adjt.wted from jet lag. Aalde from hta conference with Mitt.errand, the president wu to meet with U.S. !:mbaasy emplore••· and to attend a forma dinner for Mitterrand. Reuan. accompanied by hia wife, Nancy, arrlved at Paria' Orly Airport with little ceremony shortly before midnight local time. The offldal party deeoended from Air Force One ln a thunderstorm, and the Reagans were protected by umbrellas aa they walked on a red carpet to the VIP terminal, where a rnoton:ade awaited them. French Foreign Minister Claude Cheyuon greeted the Reaprw, who draft immedlalely to the home of U.S. Ambliltador Evan Griffith Galbraith to spend the nlghl l' FALKLANDISLANDS ... I ................ ~..,~ TONY'S TRmUTE -Actor Tony Curtis waves hit "Jove balloons" at the Harbor Island location of his movie "Balboa" aa the ca.st and crew sing "Happy Birthday,. to him. The actor is 67 today. Balloons were supplied by Newport Beach's "Love Balloons" firm. Br TOM MURPHINE or .. .,.., ......... Brtt.llh troopt are ao cloee to Port Stanley fortlflcaUona that with blnoculara "they can watch ~tlne aoldiffl eattna lunch," the BBC world newa aervic4! rePOl14d Wednelday ntaht. The 'BBC broadc:Mt, monitored on the Orange Cout at 9 p.m., acknowledaed a newa blackout on eventa m the Falklanda from both London and Argentina for two daya. ''There ii little new offldal information on the ground offenalve releued b y the Ministry of Deleme," the BBC re~rt admitted. 'There has been eome action on Mount Kent, which overlooks Port Stanley. British artillery ia shelling the Argeptinea' main garrison at Port Stanley and they are returning fire.'' One theory on the lack of blttle news, according to a BBC correspondent, waa the weather. "Today's action has been hampered by overcast and low clouda which protect the British from air attack although it it cold ,nd milerable for them,!' he said. ''The pound la being chewed up ln a way that reminds everybody of the trenches In the Greet War. "But convoys of British vehk1el are moving everywhere with the confidence of ownerahlp.'' Laat indications from the battle zone, the BBC reporter aald, were that the 1round temperature ii 2 below zero and the vt.atbWty le11 than two m.llel. The Brluth broadcaat reflected 11 ttle opUmJ.am that a truct! or oeue-ffre mlaht develop before a m.O>r battle 1or Port Stanley. The BBC quoted the Afsentine Army commander ln the Falk.landa as saying, "U each and every man fights for hla country with hb Tifle, machlnegun QI' cannon, then we are certain of suocea." The BBC said the commander Indicated his troop1 "Must not only defeat the British, but do so in such a way that never apin will they attempt to attack the Falklanda:'' Brltlah Prime Minister Margaret Thatc her WH alto quoted, however, as aaying there is no need for a battle for the island capital. "If the Argentines agreed to withdraw within 10 to 14 daya, there would be no need for the battle," she said. But the prime minister added that she feels the Argentine junta would not withdraw. Now that the Argentines have experienced some of the blttlea, she said there might be hope the Argentines would reconsider. British newspapers, the BBC said, focused on Mrs. Thatcher's statements as being a I.alt chance for the Argentine forces to withdraw peacefully. · ~ntine troops. but gave no etalls. British correspondents on the Argentlne troops eating their lunch." One correspondent reported British troops have taken a total of 1,600 priaonera, and more than 6Ml Argentine dead OI' milling have been reported. Britain acknowledsed 138 of lta men were killed. 'Nudesweek' raises -eyebrows In other war news. the BBC reported that durin.g removal of abandoned munitions at Gooee Green. which had been captured by British forces , aome ammunition explodelt~ kllli~g three Argentine priaonen. \attlefront, whole reports were •ubject to military censorahip, Magazine features topless painting on cover British troops controlled the gea overlooking Stanley, l.lding the 1,535-foot Mount nt, the highest position 12 miles from the center of the little Aown, and the Two Sisters ridge, ' 3 miles closer. J , Independent Television News torreSpoodent Michael Nichobon liaid eome British units "could see 'through their binoculars At the United Nationa, British Ambauador Sir Anthony Pa.rBON threatened to wield bit nation's veto in the Security Council today to block a Latin-American resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in the undeclared Falklands V(&r. orker missing after plant blast I GULFPORT, Mias. (AP) -There ls "a pouibllHy that d spills and ' pockets of fire aome of the injured will die from pered searchers' efforts to burns and the traWl)ll from the a mlseing worker today after exploalon," .Harri.On County. ~ explosion killed two people c.oroner Ed L&ttle-lllld aft.er ~ and Injured 6:> at a plastics blast demolished the factory. factory. - NEW YORK (AP) -Thia week. Newsweek didn't fit the mold. It undraped it. • Three million copies show a woman with an aloof frown. She's ai.o toplets. It's a painting, "Portrait of S," brought from the muaeum wall to the country's newsstand• under the heading: "Art lmit.llel Life; The Hevival of l\eallam." lnalde, the cover article beglm: .. At flrat glance, William Baiiey'a 'Portrait of S' quickens the eye." The cover has done more Gum that. ~ • It's drawing a few gasps of. 1urpri1e at newsstand•, and prompted Dick !Mkina. a Sa ra-•o ta, -l'-1-8-;, .,,....~ wholesaler, to apply gum-backed Continued fair Coaslal. ISmll craft ldWory In eft9c:l -outer -t• wlten lrofll Point Conception to Sen ClefMnt• 1118nd fer llClitl .... teri) wtnde 15 to 30 knol9 wlltl 5 to I foot 1111 tllr~i1'9ll today. a.ewMre ... to IOUtt-9 10 to t6 llnota tn elternoon. Southwut 1wet11 2 to 3 feet. Pettty NV1Y in-an.moon. ~ 8lrmlnghm ~ck 8oiM Boston ikitt81o Bur11r1tton a..nsc CNt111n WV ClleriUe NC E ~ Clmbla 8C ColumbUI Dlt-Ft Wltl o.yton Denwr ~ U.S. summary g:r:oinee Wet WMtt1er ntended from the OIAll" northern Aocklel to IN IOUINr'll El Puo P1e1n1 on WedMedlry, Md IN FelrbenM -·· ftf'lt ttopic81 Olptellon Fwgo fonn«I CY'W the Gulf of MexJoo. • AecP1afl Report• from Ill Air Force Gr .. t Fllll rec:onnaluance ptene over 1'111 HertfOfd IOUUINlt•n Gulf of Melllco oft Helenai the Yucatan Penloeul1 tnd!Clli.d Honolulu 1111 depre11ton'1 broad end Houston poorly deltned oent• -loc8ted lndnlClllt eboul 100 mil•• north of Jeeklfl CO:zumel. Mexico. ... .... The clepreNion WU tn<>Y1119 ICM'i City 1-d IN north et about 6 ,,.pi, LM Vega 1nd 111 hlgllHt wind• were Ut1le Roell e1tlmated 11 30 111pll, and L~"8 fo r ec11tar1 1eld eom•, M~ 11reng111enlng wu po11lbte. A Miami tropical depreHlon becomet a Mtlw8uk• troplCal "°"" wMn ltl wtndil 1111 Mp9-81 p 39 mpfl. Hwnc.ne lofoe wtnde NMfWllle .. 74 mph Md atxw.. " Ille ....., Ol'telN clepr~ becomet I llot>ICll Nft Ycril .torm, tt _., be rwnecl Altl9no. Nof1olk In Aoflda, most of the Mlltnl Ollle Qty .,.. oot ""' '° a lndlee a1 • Omat1e w.dneedly momlnO· Ottendo For todey, 11\chHr• and Ptltledptlle tllundtnllc>wef• were for~a11 Ptloentll from Arkan••• and Ill•· PlttlbutOll ~MIMllllppl Vllley lo Aorida, P!land, Me Md tyorn tM central Ptall!e INO Pdend, Ott Moni.nit ~- Souttltm Cellfomta wltl ~ molll)' fair tlltOUGI\ l"ftdey. lltOl9t for night ancf morning tow ~. Hlgtle 1n Orange County .. to 74, loWI 48 IO 6'. lnlltld -.,. cen ~ lllON ,,.. 70, IOlllae In 60a. Nor111ern dHert1 will lltve ao-ao • ~ ...... """' 71 to 90, !OM! II to 13. eoue-n ""'° Alc:hmOlllll Sall L.alt• a.n~ S..ttte = It~ StP·TaMPe 8pCM(Me ~ Toe>«*• TUC80ft TUIM Wllhlnlllft Wlcflfta 90 n 17 97 74 71 87 69 88 71 as 82 .. 75 74 t3 1' 17 73 72 97 71 55 "' 41 ee IJI 54 79 eo II 92 75 83 91 82 .. 71 71 83 79 eo .. u 92 79 71 13 .. • 79 100 72 11 .. 71 71 18 73 .. t3 •• ., 72 ee I& 10 eo 16 f7 71 • ...,, ..... ta to t7. \AMII In ~ few 1t1owera lltlety OYtt '°"'*"~and. CINfiOe of lflOW8f'I CV# ~ ....,. tllrouoh Friday. MoeUy fair • CAWONM .. 11 IO .,, .. ,..,. '" N•~::r • Cent'91 c.-...... ' ...... Md "*'*"' ---...... ., ... and velle)'t. ~ I ~ OOlf,. " &3 68 38 44 l sa 74 56 ee . 39 51 53 47 .. .. es 52 49 ,..._.. WM!Nf s.r.-c. 1 ISO· AA VS O!IOI OI C-c.e 47 35 Front~: Cold.,. Wltffl WW =-------------------------------------33 30 45 61 41 65 70 49 62 73 51 61 sa •57 61 73 ... 41 63 n 11 .. 63 641 74 80 10 63 ., 12 r.: .. 41 70 41 80 ., .. 16 .. 50 N 61 SI M 61 13 72 ff 711 70 77 eo 19 72 72 91 70 511 91 113 68 93 70 90 72 77 76 eo 7' 94 70 73 TO &T 94 71 71 .. .. 14 ,, 12 10 " PANAmllDAN 62 Monl-00 &ay 50 Mautlan IO 611 113 ee 93 ... IM 90 ae 88 73 73 13 41 73 73 75 .. 75 75 29 Merida •2 Mexico Qty 52 Montsrey 55 N__, 41 HL Sen Juen. P.A. IO Tegucigelpe 52 Trinlded M VeraCna 61 60 52 .... 91 69 52 51 ff 51 47 54 52 41 50 60 11 82 eo 52 17 ... .. 41 Smog Th• Air Ouellty M•neoemem Olltr1Ct pf9dlct• good .., QUeltty todly fOf Ill 11-of the South COel1 Air BMlft. A Pollutant Standerd Index oC 92 II IOfeCMt IOf tM Sen Gebtlal and Pomone ¥1llle)'I and a PSI Of 75 l e f o re c aat f o r th• ~ Bertwdlno .... A PSI of t2 .. ~ IOf the San Fernando and Slntl Clwtt• ..,....,., and 42 fOf all other .,..., lncludlna.=opoutan LOI AngelM, .,..._, °' .... Coiinty, the GOellal ..... 111111 and lOw cteMnl. ....... &Me Ind the Hemet-llllnote NO'Oft, 65 -------------------... 61 54 M ..... ~xtp~d_ed ·forecast = ~ 12 • 11 " .. 11 • nutles to the woman'• breaata, '1'ib a bilc:ini .•• F.d\c:im thought lt wu a nice-looking cover, but- noted Florida law prohibita frontal nudity on magazine covers. · ' The beholders at Capitol Book and News in Montgomery, Ala., a store with a policy of not stocking magazines l.bat show nudity, mentioned the cover 1'more in 1urpri1e than offense," said owner Cheryl Upchurch. "One man said we should put it in a p~ brown wrapper," Ms. u pchu.rcti s..id. . In Lynchburg, Va., the Moral Majority hadn't leen it; l~:' WU ltill in the mail. But 0 had heefd about-it. "I'm sure the cover waa c~n solely to appeal to the artistic depths and interests of the nation and that Newsweek had no Inte rest at all in Its prurient appeal," aaid spokesman Cal Thomu. "Now, lf you belie4.re that," he added, "rve got a bridge in New York l'd like to sell you." A• for Newsweek, Editor Letter J3ermtein_ views the OOYel' portrait as "a beautiful painting Wuat.rating a distinguished article of art crlticlam." adding that "any d.i.fbu'ent view of it ia in the eye of the beholder." Newsweek received only about a dozen calla from readers unhappy about the cover, said spokesman Neil Hershberg. Making the cover of Newsweek "is not an artist's dream and certainly not ~.·· said Balley, 51, a professor of painting at Yale. I "A painting ia a single object and for a painter lt'a a very private thing," he said ln an interview Wednesday. "To eee it in that number of copi~ makes one feel Ven' vUlnenlble. When you have paintino in front oi> mass audience, one wonders how they see ~e thing." 16 climbers fail SEATTLE (AP) -A 16-member expedition has failed in an attempt to become the f1nt U.S . team to conquer the north f ace of Mount Everest, the world'• highest peak, a •pokesman foe the group said today. One of the climbers, the only woman on the team, was killed in a fall last month. There were British casualties in the blast, the BBC said, but the extent of injuries or deaths was not dlacloeed. "Argentine ammunition is still strewn around Gapse Green by the pound," the BBC said, "in areas where children are running around freely and picking up pieces as souvenirs." British sources blamed the explo.lon on faulJy Argentin' munitiom and said Ar..sentine officers admitted they had been having trouble with their ammunition. Duo get high I or-wed-ding RENO (AP) -You could say that Allan Fox and Roni Palm are going to new heights to get married. The two Reno window washers. both 22. plan to tie the knot Friday while dangling outside a 15th-floor window at the Sanda hotel and casino. Hotel spokesman Ed Spoo~ said the two met about a year ago, while washing windows at the Sands. TheOri~al ,JOBBERS® ·.Shert • Is perfect for beach. boat bike, hike, walk, rock or 'NOl1<. Jobbers can do It all but it's up to you to do it well. Avaiable in Jobber's 8 unique cdors. I l WA.aHINOTON (AP) -lv1 in ...... tkNl ~··· "bluepl'.lnt tor '"'rylyal 1 11 callln1 tor 11M11une \bat 10 tar beyoncl """8t .,. .... eontrol etforta lnohadln1 ellmlnatlon of ~ n-udear Md cMmict.1 w..pon1 from Central Europe wlthln 18 montha. The eomma...ton, headed by Sw.dtn11 former prime m1n11Wr OJof Palme, aald lri lta report that there 11 no detenH a1ain1t nudeu WMponl. '4There would be no vtctore ln nucleu-war and the klea of flahttna a Umlted nuclM.r war la d.anproua, 11 the panel Mid. bwlt .,,. the Une. he Mid, NATO cammanden would have to make .. a very difficult dedldon.'' Vance welcomed, .-.nwhoe, Relan'• dlcNlon earlier In the wHlt to honor th• unrat.Wed 19'12 trHty with the Sovl•t Union Umltln1 lon1-ran1• bombers and lntercontlnental • balJJIUc ro.lllfltl. "It pull ln place the corner1tone on which other bloclca can be added," he uld. At about the time Vance WM 1peeklna, the Pen'-IOD dl8clmed the Unf ted Sta• Ia lncrealn& ~uctlon of nucl!ar wnpona to replace tha1e conaidered obeolete. The report allo warned that 1'the world may be on the brink of a major' new anm nice In chemical weeponry!' It .-Id the • ''There would be whenabauta ol ~ "hJdeoua" cheralcal we•pon1, includin1 no victors in oon'8Ct .... and .nerve aaenta. ahould be dlrloeed. J " The report, ln preparation for n uc ear war. over "!O yean, WM eent to a number of world leaden, includina Prelident Reqan and Leonid [ Breshnev ol the Soviet u.uon. In an effort to lnfiuence their' pol6cle9 Fonner-Secretary ol State Cyrua Vance wu among thoae wno serve d on the c:ommJ..aon. . Defenae Department offlclala aaid the U.S. nuclear ltockpOe hid decreuecl slnoe ~ta highe1Jt level in ~ mld-1 A Peni.aon ''fact &heel" d not live the current stockpile, aaying the Information was cluaifled. h a fint atep toward universal dfaarmament, the commtuion Under the diarmament plan c:~ !~i:!:aJ!:~~ ~A~ ~ !heww= weapona from Qmtral Europe by irtoup also would sharply cut the end of 1983. • . 6ack their forces while eetting up No nuclear weapons would be the nlaclear-free r.one In Central permitted in a zone ext.ending Europe. 150 kilometers on both aides of The oommiaaion recommended the divld!ng line between North that fOftign ministen meet to Atlantic Treaty and Waraw Pact oonclude negoUatlonl on troop forcea, and there would be reductions held for nearly 10 on-aite lnapectlol)J to iuard years ln Vienna. · ~~d.na· Vance told a news conference Tueeday the idea b "to remove 80IDe of the danaer of early uae of nuclear weapons " in a conventional war in Central Europe. If Warsaw bloc forces '"nM! umlea whk:h are pobed against each other in Europe today are much larger th.an would be neceaitated by realistic appraisal• of basic aecurity needs," said the ~eport . Orange Oout DAILY PILOT IThurtday, June 11 1881 8 11Common Hourtty would be enhanced by drHtlo, mutual reducdonl. •• The commlaa1on wu ~rawn from 17 nati<n lndudUW the United Stat .. and the S'oviet Uniori. CeUecl the Independent Comma.6on on Dtaarmurient And Secwity llluea, it eatd all nadonl of the world "mUlt cooperate to att&ln the Umltadon, reducdon and eventual abolltlcn of anm." While moat commiulon membere are not directly connected with their aovemmenua, the pa.rtidpat1on of Q~ Arbatov, a aenlor advller to. Bifthnev, may lndlcate eome otfkial Soviet auppon for the tindlnp. Th• commiulon called for ~ •core of meaaurea -'nie reopen1q and rapid ~ L-_......,;...,_ __ ,_ oonclUlion of -necotlationa on a c8mprehenalve nuclear test ban BATl'ERED CITY -Thia la what was left of treaty. K.horramshar and Iraqi fortifications after its -lmmedtate etepe to halt w reeapture by lranlan forces. Flush wlth victory nillltariz.aUon of apace. especially after pushing invading Iraqi forces out of A .. Wlrepttolo Iranian territory during 20 JnOnths of Wdr, Iranian tr'10ps now ~e poised along the lraqi border, thejr next move in doubt. anti-aatelllte aya1ema. -Rap1d proare11 in , U .S.-Sovl~t na1otlatlon1 in Geneva on reducinl or elimlnatinl nuclear mlllilee In Europe. -Resuming U.S.-Sovlet tallm on chemk:al warfare ln an effort to ban theee "hideot.ul" weapona. While much of the impetua for controllina nuclear weapons would remalri with the two 1uperpower1, the commlaaion recommended atrenat.hentng the authority of the lf.N. Security Council and the eecretary-general. "Regrettably," the report aaid, "atatea have tended only to tum to the coundl aa a 1ut re.ort when c:onllict baa already. or is on the verge of breaJc.iDB out." Meanwhile, Reagan already baa embraced some of the prlndpal goals, including ·a new U.S.-Sovlet treaty to ma1te deep cuta in strategic nuclear weapona. Klt&Wa 50 KR UPS ''Tc h . '' OUC -It Electric Coffee Mill • Oval shaped grinding chamber and specially designed stainless steel blade produce perfectly uniform ground coffee ,. • Fut grinding action prevents heat build-up, assuring full coffee ffsvor • Grinds evenly with no waste-coarse to powder fine, S1l1 S18.ll with nnoer tip control • 2 oz. capacity (10-15 cups) • Double action 111fety system • 1 year limited warranty Prtce. Good Thru 6-9-82 Nearly $1 million cOllected . ...... . ..,, CROWN . .HARDWARE for one Senate primar.y race SACRAMENTO (AP) - Nearly $1 million bu been eoDec:ted for an J!'Mt Loa A ... Democratic primary campalp for a state senate aeat that ,.,. $28,111 a year. The battle h between A9emblyman Art Tones and incumbent Sen. Alex Garcia. "It appeus that Cal.tfonda will experience ita first million-dcllar ~ Jlrilmr7 battle in tbe Qirde..'l'clrn. ..... " .... l'ldr PoUUcal Pncdcle Com•leelon am m Tam Howtian .ad. BouatQB aatd the prevtou. record waa In 1910. when teo1,a10 ... rataed for a Democratic primary battle between A9emblyman J'loyd ~-Pleaaanton. and l'h.a aw-ie. Santana. Mori Berkeley ~arriers to traffic illegal - .SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Oties do not have the right to decide which atreeta may be uaed by traffic nor do they have complete authority aver traffic control within their boundaries, the California Supreme Court h.. ruled. . Newman wrote for the majority in the court'• 4-2 declalon Tuetday. The action WM filed by Byron Rumford Jr., Otizena For Legal Action Apinat tl)e Barricades and others. 't Everyone baa an equal right to uae at.reeta for travel, ·the high court said, and a dty baa no authority over trafffc control unle9a expresaly provided for by the state LftPalatw'e. The q>Urt upheld an Alameda County Superior Court deciaioO which barred the city of Berkeley from placing Ila ciontroVenial traffic barrien on lta -*ta. The 41 concrete and redwood barrier• installed in A dty mil)' cl09e any road aver 1974 and 1975 to ahlft traffic which' It hat ;.a.rt.dlcdon when it away from certain' local atreeta believes the' road la no longer wW have to be removed. needed for traffic, the court said, ''The streets of a dty belong to 4 but there b no au.thorlty for the the people of .the state," wrote kind of partial closure Berkeley Juadice Frank Newman, quoting impoaecf. Without authority, from a 1920 state Supreme Court localltiea may not determine decil'Qn. ""n\e rlght of con1rol which traffic ahall or shall not over atreet traffic ii an exet'Gbe u.e atreeU. of a part of the 80Vereign power The dillent of Chief Justice of the state.'• Ra. Bird, joined by Juatice Cnu Berkeley'• barriera "cannot be Reynoao, aaid the majority • juatifted under either its lpored legillatlve policy that •uthc*lty to cl09e streets or ita dUes may adopt traffic plana to authority to regulate traffic," meet local needs. ORNGE <XWIT Diiiy Piiat Al Storee open 7 Deya WMtcllfl Plaza 1024 lrvtne Ave. Nft'PC)rt Beech 842-1133 CoroMclelM.r 3107 E. Coat Hwy. 873-2800 W.-c:lltf T1ll 8:00 Thura. Herbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 644-8570 . ~nahelm HJll8 . 5820 Santa Ana Canyon Ad. (at Imperial Hwy.) 90e..5282 , Crack into a plate of hot, steaming crab legs. Try a generous serving of our new spiced cold boiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn"' shn mp. And then do it again! It's all you can eat. Every day of the week. Each special is served with your choice of a crisp cossed safad or coleslaw, baked potato or rice pilaf, and another favorite , sourdough hrcad All you can eat. All week long. Alaskan SnOw Crab Legs s All you can eat-................ 15.45 Popcom1'Shrim All you ' can eat .... ~ ....... : ... '7.75 New Spiced Cold Boiled SbrimP All you can eat ............. ~9.45 . ' .. Byrne p,lays har.dbaU 8Y PAT llOl\OWITI Callforn. la haa reviHd and rel11ued lt1 or .... 1111 M :: --:-C1Dn1WMr riehtl ~Dhlet, "What Should l D&Aa PATt J .U1 ..... a. Mn&Oi .. Know About Dtvarce'f'• Dtot•••r IHI 11• f'' Ht la Deoem•er TU new verelon lncorporatea recent ltlt. It U trH U11t ••Ht 1U11~1t fer dianamJn Cdfomla marttal c:UlloluUon lawi •oatltal treatm•t _.,, Vttvu1 ~•mlall· ~~ the jO&nt Chlld-<.'Ultody option ano cra8'9 btMfltat n.:.....:... th• ertterta loi' aettana. a dlvorw Without Bui 1hi1" lime tori pony Jeape match • CHICAGO (AP) -Mayor Tlml. 14, liood~~hu ~ Ja.ml....B w beck in the mayor pt Y to ~"" · Jftl•• C.brlnl=n hoUlina cocnplex. Byrne Wamm1 • where th• lived few • wh.Ua lu\ "Be careful, wttb me you yeer -but th1I t1nw lt wu Juat never knaw 1 where 1"1 ao'nl. to to play buebAU. 80·" Drell8d in a baby,blue 1u1t The bell Iii.led owr the plaw and hJah heea!h the mayor W-.w -but w1y up, ~ than Tl.me' out the tint co open the pony he.ad. I>~··• Hun _. IOlnl to court. 'l'i91pan\pblet &i.o •XDlalnl 11w VA explalMd chat blnet!ta7 how-property and dlbtl are dMdid: and 11"1 dtnitd Co ptllOllll ..,.... Sept. • t dldlianl IN iWWde Oft '/ and IU 1980, If they do not complete -e lhorter of 24 • how lot'8 tt iabl to 191 ::r-n:e and we; montha canUnUOUI dve duty or the fUll Pl'" per.m may remarry, ;. ""~u 11 ou~ riod for which they lllned u~ not briefly the l.,al ~ lnvolY9d ln ,.tt1na an apply to~ whO ~ tor 1 anriulment or a lePl tepU"atioo lnltMd of a dliabtllty Incurred ln line of duty, for th• divorce. con:=a of th• aowmment or for reuone Slnale cop. l'MY be obtained free by PITCHER -Although the know1 nothing about bueball, Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne threw out the tint ball for a pony l~e match anyw~. buebell l..,ue at newly built Canon J'teld. When lhe wu told Timi took a IWlna, Ju.at for f\11\, the ~ to throw It from the and the mayor had 1 Jtrlk'e. pitcher'• mound, the replied: When the pme between the I ''You'd tietter tell me where it Plratf!I and the C.brini-Ol'Wn 11. 1 don't know anythinj about Reda aot undtt way. oUidally, I thil. '' the mayor took a teat in the The Cabrini Pirate•' Harold bleeche3. of p. lendlna a ltunped, Mlf·addretied envelope to G h • • Pamphlet., COmmul\katton Dlvialon, State et anot er OpJDJOD Ber of California, 6H Franklin St., San DEAi\ PAT: I laave Jut over H ,otO mUea OD m1 ~.,. ud a meeUale told me tlaat I Deed a new fael p•mp. I tllo•1rat tlley l11ted tllroap more mun. Am I wroa1T S.T •• Foutabl Valley Get another oplnlon before You.MO ahead with this repair. The state Bureau of Automotive Repair advlaes that an average fuel pump should last at least 50,000 miles. lt suggeata having a 1u1plclou1 fuel pump checked aa aoon u poalble by a reputable garage with proper lnatrwnentatlon. Fuel pn;eaµre of aa little as 2""4 pounda per aquare. inch can be normal. If ln doubt, check with the tervlce department of any c.ar agency aelllng your model for the correct fuel pump pressure. Unscrupulous service station operators or garage owners have been known to aqulrt raw guollne on a fuel pump and claim that the pump haa failed. Divorce tips available Franci8co 94102. MUldple c»ple1 for publJc d1atribf,&ti0ft may be ordered It cmt-.11 per 100 and '86 per 1,000 -by lei'Mi1na a check or money order to State Bar Pamphleu, 661 Brannan St., San FTancilco 94107. Canceled stamps valuable DEAR PAT: Someone lD my clab laa1 bear4 yOI cu .ell eaaceled 1*8mpe. We t1t"P' "11 mlpt be a 1ood tuc1-n111a1 project. WHre cu we flDd Ht aboat W.? T .N., Hattactoa Buda General informaUon about types of canceled stamps that can be aold, neoemary sorting and other detalla can be obtained by wtjdng to H. E. Harris and Co. Inc., 645 Summer St., Boston. Mus. 02210. • Got a proble~n writ,e to Pat Horo-' -_j wiu. Pat will cut red tape, getting the I *" I *" • ,.99.,. •SJ Z Good IOf three pieces ol 1u•cy ooioen I GOOd 104' runt pieces of 1u1cy golden ~ orown Kentucky F11eo Chicken plus brown Kentucky Fried Chtcken. with single servings or cole slaw. mashed I rour rolls. a large cote slaw. a large potatoes anc gravy and a roll mashed potatoes and a medium gravy I 1Jm11 two oilers per purcl\ist C°"9Qn gooo I umu 1wo ot111s Off ou1tfllse Col.pon good Ollly toi cOll!b~hon wMe/curk ordefs bllfy IOl com0<n.a1oon wMe tdlrk t)(dets CuSlomtf PIYS -~ Al)Q10D'e Sl1fS II• Cur.tome• pays all lppl!Ublt Ults lb l Otter explret June 13. 1982 I Otter expires Jone 13. 1982. P!.Cts INY ••ry ., l)4r11C1~1<ng iotltlOllS I Col.Ptll gooo only 1n So\ltht1n I Prices rmy vary J1 p1rt1c1pa11n?, 10ca11011r C11tforn11 w111re Y1MJ n• 1n1 mem· Coopon gooa only 1n Sou1n1rn C111 °'"'' whtr• oersn10 sul of int Ktnlucky you HI 1ne memoeun1p su l ol 1ne Kentucky Redeem this coupon lor a c.trry PK~ IOlded wtlh lilleen pieces of 1u1ey, gofden brown Kentucky F11ed Ctucken DEAR READERS: A couple considering a divorce often are faced with a number of tough questions, ranging from who pays the credit card bills to where the children will live. ..-L-. To help consumers understand a nuuu-r of legal issues that may ariae, the State Bar of • anawers and action you need to aolve ln- equJtJa ln government and businesll. M..U ;:,r que•tion• to P,t Horowiu, J\t Your Service, ~ Coast Da1Jy Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, a.ca mesa, CA. 92626. A.s many lettel'I u possible will be am-wered, but phon«l b.quirie. or letters not inclu<fkw, the reader's full name, addrea and businetl!I hours phone number ~t be comidered. fr..o cnicu n Associaloon 1 Fro.a Cll<ck.en Assoc!Jlton p ~Dtuckjiriid CbiCk~ WASHINGTON (AP) -They occupy the demilltariz.ed zone in the political wars over Social Security'• Infirmities. but few of the 15 dtizml on the panel 1eekin1 bipartlHn reforma are non-combatanu. Many of the National Ccnvnlntm on Social J;ecurlty Reform memt.a were ln the thick of battlea W.,.S ID the past year over bow to repelr' the venerable but creaky 1y1tem that taxes 116 mllllon Americana ud IUpports 36 millloo othen. seven sit ln the HoUae and Senate and lead the pivotal commltteel that will have to pua judgxnerlt on any refonns. Two are fomler lawmakers. ~ president of the AFL-CIO sita on the panel next to the president of the National Asso ciation of Manufacturen. U all were bound to positions they or their organiza~ staked out in eeven Democrat• on tbe panel. RMI"!'• other' cbokee wen: -Ort••••••, 56, a New York·baHd economUit who waa cblllrmm of the 0-mc:U of Ecanomk: Advtlen ID the Ford ~tioo and 11 a member of Reaaan'• r«nomk PoUc:y Adviloey Baud. -JH D. Wa11eaer Jr., 63, a former nlne-term Democratic concre-man from the Shreveport, La. area. A bank consultant, he WU a ~tive on the Howie Ways and Means Committee in the mold of the aouthem Democrats. . -Robert A. Bed. 56, chainnan of the board .and chief executive officer of Prudential Insurance Co., the world'• largest private inaurer. A Republican, he also sit. on Reagan's Export <:ouncil. . -Mary Fahey F•ller, 40, outgoing vice president for finance of the Shaklee Corp. in San Francfaco. Ma. Fuller, a former Citibank vice pnsldent and private pension expert, eerved on the 1979 ~ Counctl on Social Security and OD Reagan's tranaltion taak force on Social Security. Senate ~ty i..e.der' Howard Baker, &-Tenn., appointed: -AFL-CIO -PreeideDJ Laae J.Unlud, 60, a Democrat well in the lntrlcacles of the program. KU-kland ~ been a loud critic of Reaganomfca in general and of Reagan's lh~lived Social Security .reform proposals of last year in particular. -Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., 58, ' chair.nan of the Senate Finance Committee. Dole has a reputation as a filcal conservative, a moderate on aocial l11Ue1 and an artful ~Olla BelDI, R-Pa., 43, chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging. Heinz, who is up for ~ bu good Uea with grou~ repnemting the elderly. -M.oJailwa. 65, la Ibo up b re-election. A fonnidable orator, be Jed the Senate rebellion ln May 1981 that prompted a 96-0 Senate vote repudiating the-Reagan reform package. Moynihan la the ranking minority member of A.-rpatronc'• Social Security 1ullammitt.e. Howae Speaker Tho~u O'Nelll'• choices were: -Rep. C1a,.o Pepper, [).I'll., ~1, the o1delt member Of ea.icrw .nd one of lta atronpat'foel of any c:uu ln Social Security. Pepper, a former aenator, chair• the Hou..e Select Comml~ on Aalna. -Rep. Bane-r Co•allle Jr., R-N.Y.; 59, th• -~anklna minority membu of the Waya and Meana Comml'U••· Conable loa1 has fldwcatild paytlic half ol JillldlCare :=~:-.. ~ '°to the old .. iaid ~fun& -Rep. WllllUI ~. 1\-~ M. -llu'dla 8 . ll*"-&1, I former Democr1tic con1reanfom1n from ~ -...... edvocat.e of Im~ bmefi111 tiw WonMD. She 18 married to Rep. Andrew Jaeobe, SOLID BRASS "2•WAY" CANDLE SAUCER a CLEAR OL.ASI HURRICANE CHIMNEYS Stunning, versatile t===:::i, braaa saucer from fndla can hold • claaalc 14 • dla. taper or a 3• dla. giant round. r=R--~ I' o I I ' I I I I O I I I : I O I I I S~UCER I I I I Wltf'I remo¥able~._­ taper holder. 1· dla. 6.77 13• x 17• s· deep 5.79 IJll!;l~ililiili'\1 NATURAL WOVEN SPLIT IAMIOO T"UNKS Hi1~r1~"iIJ From China a.&utlful trunks have metal hinges and double layer construction. 4 SIZES 12· to 19• tall NATURAL GOLDEN f'ATIAN l!A CHEl"S From lncSoMtla Sturdy wOOd reinforced cheata are mad• of thick r•ttan. peel rattan edging and hidden JMtal hl"Off. 14V."x 21V. •x 12• tall 29.89 11•x 31 Vt •11 18" 1•11 49.89 88.18 I).~ •••• , ••• ••111 ,_•~. Social ~ COii» • 'arm ll'CllD 1• '° 1971. ~llll!'iill~ Super aoap la strlk· lngty packaged and nicety sc;ented. 2• bar g 2.85 oz .• 3 ~ For towels, ties, mugs, caps or coats. 2 19 With 8 pegs. 24 • long • OPENWORK CHROME PLATED NAPKIN ETC. HOLDER /).. From Taiwan / / ',, Keep toast, letters // ', or napkins In / proper order. / a· wide /.II!! ... ~ I / .99 <L-l!S~~r HANDCARVED SHESHAM WOOD PICTURE FRAMES From India Elegant frames are surprlslngly dellghlful with today's color photos or yesterday's black end whites. 214 •x4Va" Image size 5.74 On ship or shore, mix or match this short sleeved blouse with the tiered skin . Navy with white trim or while with navy trim. BLOUSE With snap-on·bow S·M·L 11.99 r-----t SKtRT With button closing and elasticized back waistband S-M·L 16.99 JUMBO SAFETY WOOD MATCHES From Spain Handsomely packaged matches with kitty cat or fan designs. PAXO SAGE & ONION STUFFING MIX 3 oz_ From England .&5 l\11 a 0111 Gt the lhow mua\ 10 • b three "Low Boat" H\Ofl burned ln a f rtak llClllldln' an TwiMtY lnYOlvlr\I h~·tmed 'balloont. rrt• Gr •••11.~rt1 tewtt and N are beck at work a.her they WeN injured when a cl1ar1tte lpLlted one or more hjdropn balloona lnllde a ta>dcllb ln which they were ridinl, a spoke.nan for Aaroa 8peDta1 froductiona uid. · Grandy, who playa "Gopher" the puner, wu the moat aerloualy hurt wlth aecond~ bums on hla handa and face. Mila Tewes, who play• cruise director Julie McCoy, had aecond-desree bu.ma on the rtabt hand and blisters on the leh. The fire ainaed the hair of Lange, wl\o playa bartender Iaaac Wuhington. Nebraska Gov. C)arlea nou acknowledges fle'a not "the flamboyant type" but di1pute1 a Time magaitne article labeling him a "colorlese COJ'\lervative." Thone said he would must go on deHrlbt hlmatlf aa ''down-to-earth.'' The arUci. ald Thone and Illlnota Gov. Jam11 Tllomp1oa ut the two Mtdwttt Republloa" 1overnor1 factn1 a touah re.elect.ton run tn November. Commerce Secretary Malcolm Bal•rt11 may have received more than U .15 mlWon ln lncame outaide nil government aa1ary lut year -which would be hfaher than any Cabinet member has reported for lut year. Aooordlng to hla flnandal disclosure report, Baldri1e had an outside income 1n 1981 of more than $1.15 rnUllon - poaaibly more than $2.5 mil- lion. Of that, at least $1.4 mil- l ion and p e r h a p s •AUNltoa as much as $2.3 million, came from Scovill Inc., where he had been chairman and chief executive officer until jolnlna the Reqan admlniattaUon in January 1981. Former Htronaut Jack Swl1ert, now runnin1 for Consr-ln Colorado, •YI he wlll flnlah radiation treatments June 15 for a cancerous tumor in hla noee, and hla doctort expect him to make a,c:omplete recovery. t At a newa conference, Swtiert said he was making the dlacloaure because be believed Republican voters 1n Colorado's 6th District were entitled to Information relating to his abWty to 11erve ln eonarea. "l have experienced lncredible rreonal growth .. a result o thia brush with cancer," he Mid. "I strongly believe that God has spared my life twice," he said, referring to hla cancer and a1ao to his f 970 Apollo 13 moon shot, which was aborted 1n apace becaUle of an oxygen exploelon on board. CUT F ROM SHOW -Anita Morris, who plays Raul·Julia's mistress in the Broadway musical "Nine," demonstrates one of the body. gestures that the CBS Standards and Practices Committee banned for broadcast on its 1982 Tony Awards show. A sequence featuring four boys will be substituted on the Sunday night show. Miss Morris, nominated for best featured actress, says she was heartbroken.' "!=================================~ AP Wlrephoto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- J sio.99 Robinsons ' . s2,000,00Q SEMl·ANNUAL LINGERIE SALE STARTS TODAY! SAVE ON VANITY FAIR: VASSAREnE: OUM: WARNER'S:. MAIDENFORM: FLEXNIT: DIOR INTIMATES: HENSON KICKERNICK: BLOOMERS OF CALIFORNIM AND MORE. ' Yol):,11 save on hundreds of styles of bras, girdles, panties, camisoles, slips-every_ilem of intimate apparel yGli could possibly ne(td-every one from a famous maker. Ifs a wonderful opportunity to replenish your dainty lingerie stacks at savings. and now. through July 17 you'll find all your favorites in Robinson's Foundations, 5WL1ngerle/Oaywear, 91~ To order. call toll·free 1·800·345·8501. s10.49 · Reg. $13. #4324. Vassarette Inner Glow-Undershaper• Quintessence~ underwire bra. In white or nude nylon tricot. 34-388, 32·38C. Also 32·38D. DD. Reg. $14. Sale S11.99. Reg. $1 2.50. 175·278. Vanity Fair Underg_lows• contour decolletage underwire bra. In white or beige Antron• 111 nylon tricot. 32·36A. 32·388. C. In capuccino. 32·36A. B. C. Also 32·360. White or beige. Reg . $13.50. Sale $11.49. 3/S16.8Q Reg. $7 each. #83501 Christian Dior· logo lace tops a sleek hipster In white. beige, pinl<. blue. peach. s1l•1er or black nylon. 5.6, 7. SlQ.49 Reg $12.50 #412 Olga's Secret Hug Wonderwear· girdle with lacy waistband and tummy panel for firmer support In white or nude nylon/spandex S·M·L·XL ,, ' ; ' I I 3/S14.25 SlQ.49 S6.99 s4,39 Reg $5 18500 Ftexnit's Something Else· brief tor lightweight support In white. black, taHy, be19e. searoam coral reef or rose quartz spandex with cotton Reg $5 50 each 12633 Henson Klckernick Sk1mp·Skamp· single-seam panty that hugs for sleek fit and super comfort. In nude or bisque spandex/nylon 5.6.7 Reg. $12.50. 1344. Olga's No-Seam Bodys1lk '.,. lightly padded bra with front closure. In beige r:iylon/spandex. 32·36A, B. C. Also 1345. Bodys1lk'"' No-Seam padded shell cup, 32·36A, B. In beige. Reg . S13.50. Sale $11.41. Reg . $8 50. 11017 Warner's Body Slicks~ a silky, stretchy plunge bra with front closure. In white or beige nylon/spandex. 32·36. panel S·M·L·XL j I Reg $16.50 1320. Olga's No-Seam Suddenly Smooth• underwlre bra in nude nylon/spandex 32·38C, 0 , OD. . S13.49 Reg. $15. 11256. Warner's No Exaggeration• underwlre minimizer bra. In white or beige nylon crepe tricot · 32·42C. Also 32·420, 00. Reg. $15.50. Salt 119.11. , ..A l .IO >q ll.i to 'l'l IQ tW :iJ .,v &1 .: ~ '"' w .J1 IT !iJ ~ ·M "JO rl.f . ·R ecession trBBS debtors Many .Americans ·overextendeH in credit 11.=~D'P .. NIW YORK -Credit ~ J*'Yade the Arn9rk:en ' eoond'iny, rarm and factory, tndtvldual ancl corpoutlon, borrower and ltnder, bil builnm -.nci arnall, Miler and buyer, public eector and private. Sl~ lt hu eo much to do with the amount or money and debt, and the overall monetary policy · of the country, the Federal · Relerve Bank ii lh one of lta mmt powerful and crtt.lcal rolee. · Anyway you look at lt, and wherever you look, you hear a too-famlllar 1tory about the lh*w of debt: Recea1lon hat taken away 1 income. And dlalnflatlon -In • eome cues even deflation, which ia an actual drop ln prices rather than a drop ln the rate at which prices are rising -hu reduced the value of ueeta. One common respon1e to the problem ia to borrow, but if rates are hlsh and a11et1 weak borrowlns i1 difficult and costly. And dan- gerous too. Farm fore · c l osures are rising. Business bankruptcies have reached levels unseen cu•00"" since the Great Depreaalon. Sellen of homes often must offer loans that, three years later, bu yers cannot repay . Consider the farmer. . A few years ago crop prioel were hi.gn h aJ and the market value of fannland waa riling. Many farmers borrowed on exiattna land to expand their acreage. Then farm prices began fal.l.lng. Moreover, collateral 1hrank. The U .S . Agriculture Department reporta that altec rising 16 percent in 1979 and 9 percent ln 1980, farmland values fell an average of 1 percent from Feb. 1, 1981 to April 1, 1982. Consider homeownen: Havine seen market values double in a decade, and feeling certain the trend would oontinuez many BOld existing homes ana J:!..:,h• money Into bt11u To do IO, thty took lar11r mort1ape at hl1h•r lnterut rat11. Now, ln 1ome ftttlhborboodl. altbouah not 1n the country• a whCU, ownen u. llelnl an iic1ua1 deellno tn market valu11 .:._ but not In CU'l'Yinl OOltl. ....._ knowa all •bout the con11quenca of expanalon and debt. Amona cuualta .. art AM Inttrnattonat.t:bl• Brooks, Braniff, Itel. I J.W. Ma)'I. McLout h Steel, Saxon In- duatrlea, White Motor. Wlckea. And many larae companJee are endanaered, not•bly International Harv•ter. The level of abort-term corporate borrowina during the recemon ia far in exceaa of what many economiJtl had foreeeen. With general economic weaknea. inventory llquidationa and the low level of corporate investment plans, such u now, the demand for fund1 by corporations la senerally expected to be weak. however, eoonomiata at Chaae Manhattan Bank point out, BOme oommerclal and industrial loans from ban.ka, and non-commercial paper outstanding has grown since January at an annual rate 1m111tn11 of about 23 percent. Much of it •ppeara to bt dtltrtu borrowin9, and dtbt•tO•HHt ratio• on • book-value bu1t have rt.en from lell than one-thlrd ln the early 19701 to more than one-half todly, uld the bank'• economiata. They explain: "Aa proflta and cHh-flow have deteriorated because of .. 11tn1 con1umer 1pendin1, theee flrml have found themiielve1 ln flnandal diatre91, needlns to borrow an 1.ncreasinaiy greater amount to finance heavy lntere1t oommltmenta ln order to avoid bankruptcy.·· Mo1t companie1, like many indlvlduala and farmen, are caught with short-term debt and long-term obllgationa. That meana debts constantly must be refinanced, some of them ·at higher and ~r rates. So pervasive la debt, individual and inatitutlonal, that Federal Reserve policy, It baa been suggeated, may now have more to do with the economy's future than anything done by the president or Congress. Home foreclosures high for quarter WASHINGTON (AP) - M~ on about 100,000 U.S. homes were "in the process of foreclolure" in the first quarter of this year, markina the highest foreclosure rate in at least 30 years, says the Mortgage Bankers .Aaociation of America. The lenden group said that it.a fint...quarter IW'Vey &180 showed payment& on 5.35 percent of American hiome loam were 30 or more day1 paat due In the Jan~-March period -abo the blgbest rate since the group bepn oompiJ1ng such figures ln 1953. 'lbe forec1olure rate of 0.53 percent compared with a rate of 0.41 percent ln the fourth quarter of last year. according to the group. The delinquency rate waa up from 5.18 percent in the October-December period. Thomas Harter, the group'• chief economist, aaid, "Hiat.orically t the last payment that. financially a train ed homeowners will mill ia their mortgage payment, but th e continuing recesaion and growing unemployment, unfortunately, are showing their effect• on mortgage delinquency and foreclosure rat.ea." Commodore · · VIC·20 · Computer Video game and home computer In one. Features full-size computer keyboard. ex- pandable memory cOpobtl(ty. bullt-lf1 BASIC computing language. Ploys car· trldge games. also works with discs and cassettes Vlc·20 -"Tl'le Wonder Com· putej of the 1980'1 ·• On sole at K mart . Invitee you to put your graduate'• future ''on llne'' with an Apple II+ Computer· from Computerland of Laguna)Hllla. · APPLE II+ 48K PACKAGE INCLUDES: •Two Diak Drives •9" Sanyo B/W Monitor •Apple Writer 1.1 •Typing Tutor ALL FOR •Speed Reader •Personal.Finance '3269 Manager •Plue FrH MX IO Printer w/lnterfece end Cebl• Golden Apple Gift Certificates now available. We know small computers. Let us Introduce you. Ootr outcH·~LGimn.,,.nMfu • OF LAGUN A HILLS Excellent Financing Available OAKBROOK VILLAGE 242.41 A"9Nde De La Cerlola Sulla C·2. Llltuna HIM1 (714) 859-8912 HOUltS MOHDAY-n.uasOAY 10 IO ••FltlDAY ~·U.TUltDAY IH•CLOSl!D SUH SUMMER " CLEARANCE 50% OFF! Now Thru Saturday June 4 ENTIRE STORE Women's Apparel & Accessories YOU ALWAYS SAVE A MINIMUM 25% OFF REGULAR RETAIL ' • .;., .fl. ., ' I '·• ., , _._ ~ . . " ' • lncldea_t occurs · after matin6 dance with ma'\ MM8001 wt.. (AP) -A 11 plcky about danctn1 whh Vtifidal lntemlnatlon, but hOnt ,.... w~ cru,e named Tex cranee u 'hx 11. hatched. wt.O 1'tNnlla ihe'• 1 penon" hal "You lOR your prtct. pretty atwn blrUl to her ftnt clUck fut tn thll bullMll," ht once Archibald moved ln wt th Tex ltw ilx WMkl ot pttformtna a told an interviewer. an APril 1 and lived wtth her rnattn. danc9 wtth her human Archibald formed a bond wtth until May 20, taldnc walkl wtth hbe9~· Tex ln 197& after villtlna Ml at he&:.and htlplna her build a Mlt "lt'1 flnally= off," Scott tht Patwcent Wild.lift lfeeeeroh ln lddition to danctnC wtth her • tr-man, a 1 tlmM for the Center tn Maryland. J'reem.n eeveral t1mel a day. lntemat.lonal ane Foundation, aal\'l Archibald noticed that She laid an tU May 3. e>Nlted Wednetday. althou1h 1he didn't appear "When 1he laid, Oeorae atayed The five-inch chick named Gee impreeMcl with male crane., 111he up all nlflht wlth her.'.' Freeman Wh1I. which wu hetped out of had a very •tronl lntereet in male aaid, the ea Tueeday n11ht, la in aood human betnp." l}uape, ne NJd. Tex waa tran1ferred to the Tex hal received international p riv a t e l y f u n d e d c ra n e att.entioh atnce ahe ahowed an found0&tion ln Baraboo, and attachment for human1, not Archibald danced with her cranea, u a chick at the San re1ularly for aeveral wefkl Antonio llOO ln 1967. during the aprina breedln1 "She th1nka ahe'1 a pelW>n," aeuom ln 1917, 1978 and 1979, l'reeman explained. but waa bu1y and unable to Tex won't perform the matJ.nc dance with her ln 1980 and 1981. dance wtth another crane. The blrda muat dance in order to become excited enough to produce an egg. ' Wlth only 115 or IO whooplnfl cranes left in the world the &-foot-tall Tex can W afford to be IO choosy about boyfriends. Fortunately, foundation director George Archibald la not Expt:nses of cars detailed WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe ooet of buytni and driving an in termed ia te -si:ze American car 120,000 mi lea over a 12-year peri o d ia •28,640, or 23.8 centa a mile, a government publication reporta. That eatimate includes the $7 ,449 prlcetag; ,1,699 (excluding taxes) or 6,314 fallona of 1aaol1ne; 6,033 for inaintenance and repain; •3,991 for insurance; •939 for parking and tolls, and u.~86 in . automotive tax.es. The fiauree are ln a new Fecferal Highway Admi.nl.stratton booklet, "Coat of Owning and Operating Automobiles ind Vans, 1982." The publication alao reveals it OOltl 26.6 centa per mile to drive a large aiz.e car; 21. 4 centa for a eompact; 18.9 oenta for a a subcompact. and 33.2 tents for a van. The booklet said the iverage age of an American car -6 .6 years -ls higher than at any time since just after World War ll, and that a car or van usually paaees through three or mo~ owners during Its tJtettme . Tex has become IO Infatuated with Archibald that ahe will attack people who come lnto1the territory the two have ataked out. "She drew blood on one sur, who got too cloee to Georse, ' Freeman said. Over the yeara, Tex laid several eggs with the help of Sandhill cranee lhcubat.ed the ea and foundation worken pve Tex a fake ea to take care of, hopillfl it mlflht inspire her to lay aaatn. ~ the male ha.11 of the pair, Archibald helped incubate the phony ea. littin2 ln a fold.lna chair nearbr w6en Tex tooll IOl'De time of . Dr. Geor1e Gee at the Patuxent center helped obtain the crane aemen used to lntemlnate Tex, so foundation workers ln Baraboo named the tiny chick after him, Freeman lllid. . Thus U....name (;ee. Whiz. . The figures are baped on a study tracing n felected vehiclea and ~ their costs throush a 12-year life apan of ~ 120 000 miles, which the -~'et said la average. 1be OOltl ln that study reflect price• in iuburban Baltimore, but <:I cl f.t 0 Ji d ~ , can be converted to any other 1ocaJity through a trorkaheet oontainea in ihe publication. Single coplea are available fro.m the Co111umer Information Cent.er, Pueblo, Colo., 81009. Quantities may be obtained from the Federal Highway Admini1tration'1 Office of Public Attain HPA-1, 400 S,Venth Street SW, Washington. D~. 20~90. Building up BAKERSFIELD (AP) -In the face of a hctt11lon and hiflh lntereat rate•~ con- ftructlon activity in Kem County ii at record levela, the Boar~ of Trade announced- ktlvlty reached $107.7 lbOllon for the f1nt four tnolltht of ~ •• reocrd. (J • • prices decrease SAN DJIOO (AP) - The Pl1at of houMnc ln the Ban D~e o area decllned In A f« the t1nt tlm9 in ~ the Greater San Dle10 Chamber of Commerce aaya. A aurvey conducted by the bualneu 1roup ahowed a decline of 1.7 percent to an avera1e price of $125,000 du.rtq the alx-month pertoa ended ln April. The atudy uid houslnl prtce. ln real term&. or conat.ant doilan. declined on an lnflatton..actjusted bMla by 3.2 pen:ient in that period and 9 .4 percent the paat 12 montha. San Diego la ~ only county amons •even ....,;-w Southern Callfornia A# Wlr.,iMto FOR THE BIRDS -George Archibald performs mating dance with Tex, a whoop_ing crane. The ritual has paid off with the bird giving birth to her fiist chick. countlea surveyed to ahow an overall decline in houaing prlcel the last year, a spokesman said. In an unprecedented move that stunned the travel industry, Continental has de'clared itself th$! Official Airline of Suiiinier-. - Can we do that? Well, we've done it. And what timing! Starting JW1e 16th, you can fly anywhere in Continental's U.S. at our low, low summer fares. (Now that we have Tuxas International as a partner, that means more places than ever.) Oh, and plan on bringing your kids. If they're between 2 and 11, their fare is even lower. So pick your spot. Then make it official: Call your travel agent, company travel de~entor Contin.ental. YOU'LL NEVER PAY MORE THAN $199 EACH WAY FROM L.A. INTERNATIONAL, BURBANK OR ONT ARIO WHEN YOU FLY IN THE CONTINENTAL U.S.A. DENVER $11950 HOUSTON $139 CHICAGO $17350. BOSTON $199 LAGUARDWNEWARK $159 KANSAS CITY $139 FINISHED -Construction has been completed on the Von Karman office building in Irvine. The 38,000-square-foot building. built at a cost of $1.3 million, wlll be occupied by the Smith Tool Co. BOSTON (A Pl -Dootora are anP''tt" "-1~-lnltancefor 00: ~ .• y_Onla e''2~ ll1t1nln1 to the r own advlct, a uw-... 1a1 ., -·-·• Huvard rnldy_ lhowl. MOit of the UM lleeDtnl pUIJ more thari thrte doct.on on tM Harvard MtdJoal School t1mel a week. faculty, at -.i, watch their wetcht. Tht docton Hem 11peclally have re1ular ohec:kup1 and even concerned about 1mokln1. Only 8 buckle their IHtbeltl. percent currently u11 cl1arette1z And thelo don't 1huw m\lch althouah 38 percent are reformea enthUllMm or dietary tada -most ~ three..quanen of tM docton never 1hopped at a health food 1tore, ..... _ ... ,_ -•ibellta ... ln •'--•---. popped vitamlna, doeed thermelvet """" .... --.. -.K"u -· With vitamin C u a oold remedy or Goldfl'naer 11ld doctora are took uptrln in an effort to P-revent •peel.ally aware of the dan&er of auto heart attacka. • accldenta. "I wu aurpriled by the extent to "Meet people don't even think ot SUSPENDED Former Atty. Gen. Richard Kletndlemt has been 1u1pended from J>racticin1 before the U.S . Supreme Court. which theee people teem to be takJn1 aeaibeltl when they think of health," care of thermefve1 and abldlna by he 11id. "If you ju1t vl1lt an practica that are Judaed to promote emergency room on a Saturday n!Cht 1ood health," 11ld Dr. Stephen when the aklohol la fiowtni and tee Goldftncer. who dl,rected the 1urvey what coma in oU the roaidJ. you 1tart for the Harvard Medical School wearlna leatbeltl." -------~ Health Lett.er. Among other flndlna• of the No1"se stud1·ed Oo1dfinaer aurveyed ~5 memben IW'Vey; of the faculty on 26 health hablta -Only 14 percent of the docton SAN FRANCISCO from dalJ f dental no. take dally vitamlna or Ute vitamin C 1 _.,,_Yp~~.0 · to ward off coldl, and 7& percent uy (AP) -'The city of Sen ............ u. wuu th _.__ in ._ __ ,th food Joee muat provide mol'! He found the docton to be careful ey never •nup n-.& ltorel. Information about how about what they eat, e1pecially foodt -Only 7 percent take a dally doee aircraft nolle would af- high in cholesterol, which hu been of uplrin, which aome ~ hu feet nelghbortn1 Santa linked with heart dl..aeue. linked to prevent.loo of heart attack.a. Clara before ltl planned According to the survey, 79 percent -M percent had a routine phyaica.l e~on of the mW\ld- eat no mo~ than three egp a week; exam durtna the put two yeara. airport can proceed. a 69 percent wie margargtne inlt.ead ot -Half aald they ~ or do other urt of Appeal hat ru· butter; 44 percent reatrict their strenuoua exercise at feist three timea ,..l_ed. ______ _ consumption of red meat. And 71 a week. Ex-university VP gets pris~n URBANA, lll. (AP) -Former University of lliinoia vice president Robert Parker has been sentenced to five years in prison for stealing $600,000 from the school and spending much of it on female companionship. Cireult Court Judge Harold James accepted the recommendation of Champaign County State's Attorney Tom Difanis, who recommended the five-year term and a $10,000 fine. Dlfanls said Parker should go to jail because his crime was ''absolutely outrageous" and becauae he violated a public trust. Motnents before sentencing, Parker wiped tears from his eyes and told Jensen he was sorry for his actJona, but still did not undentand them. Defense lawyer Art Lerner asked Jensen not to send Parker to prison, but to assign him to public se~lce work and perhap1 try to arrange for restitution. Parker, 60, admitted embezzling the money and spending much of It at a ~area nightclub and on women he met there. However. during his two triala, the defense contended that Parker was insane, and therefore not responsible for his actJona. The first trial, in Mount Vernon, ended in February with the jury unable to reach a verdict. Parker Wait tried again in Rockford in April, and -;-···· was convic(ed on 15-, counts of felony theft. Parker, a 29-year veteran of the university, was accueed of taking the money durlna a 2\.\-year per:iod ending in ~Y 1981. He resigned 1n June 1981. Parker wrote checks totaling more filan $90,000 to the Club Tara~ ln Franklin Park. Manager Ronald Martin testified that he accepted 13 university chec:ka from Parker during one year. Martin said cuatomera like Parker would buy bubble bath at $60 a bottle, which side--stepped laws forbidding employees from ael.llng their time td customers. A botUe of bubble bath entitled Parkel' to between 10 and 15 minutes of companionship with women employeea, who doubled as strippers, Martin said. Cableless 'cable' cars OK'd in SF SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -"Cablelesa" cable can got the Board of Supervt.on' OK 81 tourist shuttles during the two-year overhaul of the real cable can. The board approved an amendment ~ the police code allowlna motorized "cable'~' can to run on dty ttreetl. While the real can out of commlllion, private companiea could up t.o 30 IJl()tOrized can on route. between downtown San Frandlco and the Fisherman'• Wharf-OhirardeW Square area. But they wouldn't wie the hilly, roller~ route. real cable can take. The overhaul is due to start in $et>tember. Mrs. Dymally on panel SAClJ,AMENTO (AP) -Alice M. I>ymally, wife of former Lt. Gov. Mervyn Dymally, hu been named to a state education c:ornmi9ion by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. She will aerve on the F.ducation <;?ggortunltie. Cornrnmion. • Parker also gave much of the UI money to Chicago-area women, Including $208,000 U> one woman with whom he reportedly engaged in sex. percent uy they are no more than 10 -41 percent uae dental flam dally. pound.a overweight. -93 percent say they don't have Call 142•5171. Put a few words to work for ou. They are alto cautiout about ~ more than two akloholic drlnb a day. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~-~ .. ...._.._...,..~ ,.,..,... ___ .~ STARTS TOMORROW "z~ AT A THEATRE OR DRIVE·IN NEAR YOU SOME ENCOURAGING WORDS FROM WEICHT WATCHERS. ~A/tu UyJ n.irry did rMtJaod irwe'::l.from hypno.ia toacu· punctun, I found ~if/U Watchus. It rmlly worlu/ And if1 tt0eaay to follow -wen wlwn I eat out.• -Ly. Margold (bt381b..J (~N ENCOURAGING OFFER.) ••••••••••••••••• JOIN NOW OP 6/3 tb ....... Jaae S:&, Ste.I SAVESS00 on your first mHtilig and registration fee. Still only $5.00 per week, no contracts! for the cla11 nearest you, cell: I I .I I 1 .. 835·5505 I I I -----------------------------I Ofl ... n lld ontywttll tl'll~--In Orwtoe • ..,_.,.,SM lenwdlno WICI left OieOOCounllM. • I •VVEIGl-fTVVATCHERS• I The most successful -9'• loss progia1n in the world.: ~ ............. ;.; •••• NEWS from all over California is rounded up each day 10 the Daily Pilat s "" (' ~ .:= (., (' ~· l}l 141' /90 I ..:J") "MAXINE" ~fifli, STEP INTO PALL WITH \.• u THE CLASSIC SLING PUMP. Avt1l1blc 111'1 tau~ 0t bont lutm calf allO • uupr. 1rq-0t Wll1l4" whirt _.. I .'flUBUTES PAID -Flags, flowers and f..-vent alngina marked the Memorial Day ceremonies at Barbor Lawn Memorial Park in c.osta Mesa. Cecelia Kripner joined in singing the national anthem as Warren Delly ,... ........ 'r P8'1toll O'OenMll 'Bliven remembered a World War I comrade. Below, Joseph Mariaca1 read the Gettyaburg Address while Rep Paul N. McCloskey Jr. studied his. Jobless end up on streets Many among the new homeless are families LOS ANGELES (AP) -An increa1tng number of_ people aqueezed out of their jobs and homes by the recession are joiqing Skid Row alcoholics and ~oth{no~.city streets, says a USC eme Stoner, an assistant r at the USC School of Work, said that among the neti!omeless are families, inc ing many single women wt children. " from the types of peoP,le now turning up on the ......, the recession ls starting to 1oolt like a major depl'e98ion," Mr.: "Stoner said. ,.,.he Salvation Army is opeUfng bread lines, and small cbu+ch groups are sheltering ~and individuals cast out of tj\etr homes by unem- plo&-ment, soaring rents and dwihdlina public aid. But theee vol~nteer agencies are hard prened to meet the growing need.'' A backlos of applications for ~housing bas forced the Los AJ)geles Housing Authority to ·refuse new requests for housing. had more than 400 residents," "It's our market. as I tell our Mrs. Stoner contrasted the staff," said Homer Smith, the homeless of the 1980s to those of authority's executive director. the past 20 ye.an. "Our vacancy rate' is down to Until recently, moat of the one-half of 1 percent even in the people who ended up on the public housing projects which streets were individuals estranged tend to be our least desirable from their tamilles-and iaolated - housing." from IOciety by bizarre behavior Salvation Army Maj. Joaeph or chronic disabilities," ahe said. Viola, who heada the Los "Great numbers of people Angeles branch, said hb agency's became homeleu becaute 480 downtown beds are filled to changing public policies returned capacity and some needy are mental patients to communities bems referred to other agencies. wjthout providing adequate Normally, h e added, the suppor;tive services." Salvation Army has open beds at But now, she said, a number of this time of year. people, including familleti with "Sometimes the job• these children, are joining thoee living geople hold aren't considered on the streets because they "have that important in society," said simply been shut out at the Viola. "When the recession hitt, bottom of the socio-economic they're the first to go." ladder." Mrs. Stoner said Loe Angelqs M rs . S to n er ca 11 e d on is not the only place where the charitable organizations and receaion I.a forcing people into otberJroup• to unite in a the street. nation \x>al.ition working for "Denver, another affluent Sun legislation requirtne gov- Belt city, recently opened a emmental bo4ies to provide a shelter for the homele88," .tle specified ttandard of shelter for said. "A week later. the faclllty ' any pet90n desiring It. . •. - ....... ·CIUflRllA f Public UtWtiet ~on. But er coul~ ~ dE!4f at any time b~ a tiew enio~. 10 the drl for a citizen board continues. 1 1 *' , The Idea I.a not new. Wltoonain h.-1 ,auch a .Jince 1979, funded by voluntary con tiont from utility customert. Lut winter'• huge electric :""~U: l.ncreues spurred the notion ~to But the rate increues really are not the retult of poor representation of consumer interesll. They stem from PUC policy decisions and federal energy regul.ationt. Since the PUC was formed more than 60 years ago, the main role of its technical sta,ff has been to represent consumers. And the ttaff has done well at its task. Last year, for example, it recommended a $174 million rate hike for Pacific Telephone, when the company 10ught almoet $800 million. A PUC policy decl.alon. not poor consumer representation, cauaed Pacific~ wind up with a $600 million increaae. Customers also are rep ted regularly by city attorneys of three large citi Loi Angeles, San Diego and San Franci8co. The wotk of one deputy San Fr-anda:o city attorney produced more than $500 million in telephone rebatee two yean ago, giving consumers an average of $30 MCh. But the cities are only Wlited in telephone cues, aince each I.a served by different pa and electric utilities. And they only oertldpate In phone cases Involving Pacific, which generally leaves customers of terms like General Telephone, Continental Telephone and Sierra Pacific Power with only the PUC staff as an advocate. A citizen utility board would work actively ln all thOIJe cues. Its mission would be identical to the oriRinal purpoee of the PUC -to make sure utilities have the money they need for providing adequate aervice, while assuring the lowest possible rates for consumers. ' · But that mission contains aome serious internal confllcta. The interests of rural customera, at the end of very long and expensive supply lines. can be at odda with thoae of city dwellen. . \) If a citizen utility board represents residential cuatop'tera, can it also 1peak for· buaineu and industry? Thoae interests al.ao are In frequent, terious conflict.. Today it'• the PUC'a job to reoondle th-OR interesbl, arriving at constructive compromi.es. Would a citizen board be at all u.e1ul lf it., too, were lobbying for oompruniaee? ln the Wi.aconsin experiment, the new_ croup works only for residential cuatomera, who fimnce it by responding to letters included 1n monthly utility bills. If that happened here, the It.ate Chamber of Commerce or .me other bwlinem gi-oup would probably feel compellectto eet up Its own lobby. So ~ citizen ulllity board would likely aerve mainll to muddy the waten. I Gov. Brown's eventual succesaor really wants to cut utility rates, he can do it -by making the right appointments to the utility commillion and not treating it as a backwater .agency, 8f did both Jerry Brown and Ronald Reagan. He keeps a1manac honest f'ICTTnOUI .,... .. ....,..n•~ FICTITIOUI tU9'Ntlat Th• lollowlng .,.,son 11 doing NA• ITATIMJm' 1>11"'-•: I Tht tollowlng perton 11 doing TRACEY EHTEAPRISES, 2700 1:11111,,_ a: North Mllltn Str•, Senta ANA, CA THE GLASS BALLOON. 1774 112701 New Hatnplhlre OrlWI. Coate Maa. Hiii T~. 3 Mhwoe>d. !Nine, CA 92e2f CA 112714. Cynthie lrtnt Aenger. 1774 Thie bu*'-le conouctM by en New H11mP9h1r1 0rt¥e. eo.11 Mela, ~. ... .... T CA 112926. ..., r__,, 1. Thi• bualMSI II CC)('ldUC:led by en Tiii• ., .. _, -l1'ld with - lndlvidUll. County Clerk of Orenge Coutlty on Cynthie 1 Ranger J11ne l. 11112. Thia lltlemefll WU lllecl wttll ti-. ,,_,1 County Cl9rk of Ofenge County <#! P11bll1hed Orenge Cout Delly AprN 16 11182 Pilot, June 3, 10, 11. 24, 1912. ' F117138 2442-82 P11bll1h1d Orenge Coast Delly l'\ll.IC M)T1C( Piiot. Mey 13. 20, 27. Jone 3. 1982 l---:===~==:---3096-e2 '1CTl'10Ua WM ...-nA~ NI.IC Nena The followlng ~ -doing ~-: --AO--TITl---0--Ul-MJ---.,.,~.~.--TIMELESS TREASURES. 371 um l'TATlmNT North Vie Mlleno, Anaheim, CA The lollowtng person 11 doing 112808. ~ -SNwnmer1 ........... 378 North C O S T A M E S A M E T A L Via Mlleno. Anlhelrn. CA ll2IOe. PAOOUCT8, 17233 Monro..ta. &Ille 8et1le ....,... ~. 378 Nof1fl 8 Coeta Mela. CA 112t27. Via Mlleno, Anenelm, CA t280t. ' ~ Wiiiem Shelton. 2112 Thie ~ le conducted by • Eetller Strfft. Coate Me11. CA generlll pertnenhlp. 112&27. ~ ....,.,_ Thie~ II conduct9d by en F~ lndMduel. Publlahed Orenge Cout Diiiy R.W. Shelton Piiot. June 3. 10. 17, 24, 1982 This ltlt-t Wll llJed with the 2387-32 Clerk of Orenoe County on 1982. "~ PtB.JC M>TICE llMd Oreng• CoHt Delly NOT1Ca OF APPUCATIC* Plot, June 3, 10, 17, 24, 1982 T 0 11 l l Al C 0 N 0 l IC 2421-82 aEVERAQI .• ----------·~ PtB.JC NOTICE To Whom 11 May ConQem: -~==~===--MARION E. BOWEN, le epplylng '1C11TIOUI ..-U to the O.p11tment of Alcollollc MAim l'T~TlmNT Be¥wege Control for The following person It doing u40•• ~-: • OnStlea-BEACH TOWELS PLUS, 238 to Mii 11Co11o11c .,._egee It MarW A--. Belboe lellnd. CA 18 Fllr Or., 112983. Cal9Mrte. Chari" Ca,.,.nt11 Allen Jr.. ca.ta ~ CelNornla 306 Lugonla. Newpot1 8-:11. CA P11bllslled Orange Cout Deity ·112983. Piiot. J\IN 3, 11112. Tl* l>ullr*8 II conducWd by en lndMduel. CMrtee c. Allen Jf. PtB.JC NOTJC( ,.... etMement -Ned with the ----------County oin of orange County on ACMIOUS9411_.I Mey 13, 1982. ,_.. um eTAT'llmNT Publlehed O<ange Cout Dally The lolowlng s--ie -doing Plot,~ 3, 10. 17, 24, 1912 ~ -2427-82 8Ell FAMILY PARTNERS. 215 -----------::----&et a.I Aoed. ANhelm.CA ~. rtllJC M)T1C( FfWlk M. Bel. Trullae of Ille ..crmoue amr•M Frri M. end .i-.. o. e.11 True1. MA.. IT TW dated Matdl 21~ 1975, 432 Vflt8 ........ .....__,. A ,,.....,.. Pweda. Newpot1 8-:h, ~ .. .. ~~ .. perton8 -~.. 1129CIO. ~;-:PAIN CLINIC. 1801 ~·C!::l~~~:.2° Cortez. Newpot1 BcMwerd. ca.ta ~ Krtltln C. 8-, 1&40 Edadfl. CA *2827. La.~~ 9002f. AMlben Hoflhl. 1254 Hllcr-1 F111M M. Bel, Ifft, 2751 ac-i_ Line, F.-Wook. CA 92021. Car1ebed Callfomle 92008 Or. Rendell R. Keith, 43~1 Thie~ II condudlld by• Pelol'Mr. Flllbrook, CA 92028. generlll pertnershlp, ~ ~ II ex>nd0Ct9CI by 8 Ff"'* M Bell ~ pertnerlNp Trust• i>f the Atiuben Hof9'll Frri M. 8lld Jell'I G. Thie ltat-t WM filed with the Bell Trust. det9d ~ ol Or1119 Countr on Mardi 'D, 1875, M8y 25, 1912. PertMr -f'tl0174 Tlll9 ltlltetner11 ... fled with the Publletled Oreno-Cout 01 County ca.ti oe 0nnge County on "'°'· Mey 27, June 3. 10, 1~ ~ 111, 1982. ........ .,.-..~ rtllJC M)TJC( ........ ---------AU.hillw ........ f'ICTITIOU8 llU ... H '"" 1 I !Ill c.c:=~ NA•tTATHIENT =-~ Tiie following persona are doing ~ 11e9c111. CA ._ bullMQ u : .. .,. LA CREME. 11112 Olllaxy Ottve. Publl•ll•d Orano• Cou t Dally ~~~· ~~~2T~N. 1100 Plot. w.y 20, 21. J\IN 3, 10. 1182 Ber1llfllre ~. Newpot1 Beech, CA 22~ ~VONNE SHEN. 11112 GelHy ---==Ml.JC=,,.,.,...llOTJC(.,..,.,.,=~--Or!Ye, Newport Bach. CA 1126e0. ACTTTIOUS IUAelai This buelneu II eonduct9d by • NAm tTAT'EmNT general ~~l:.n ~:::-wing pereon le doing Thie ,1~tw~":"1ect wllh the C . O. M. OE SIGNS, 3 2 14 Montena. Coell ...... CA 112e29. COun1y Cler1' of Orange County on MICHAl!L W. MULLEN, 3214 Mey 11. 11182. F11t1• Montena, Colt• Mesa. CA 112829 P11bll1h•d Or•ng• Cout D•lly Thia ~Is conduc:ted by en H E A R I N G Plot. Mey 13, 20, 27, June 3. 1982 lndMdlllllMldleel w. ~ CHANGED -Arthur 2123-82 T11111t11_. ... 111ec1 with Iha Bremer, convicted of :::::Nl.l:::c::M>:TICE::::::: ~~.~.°' Orenoe County on a t t e m p t i n g t o ,,_. F1C'rn10Ut au..... P111>ll1h1d Orenge Co11t Delly assassinate former. ..... ITA,....,.,. PHOt, Mey 13, 20. 21. June 3, 1982. Alabama Gov. George Tiie fotlow}ng p1reon 11 doing 3054-82 Wallace, is entitled to ~.'tArro. 1212 DMuvlll• l'tllJC M>TICE a parole hearing in DrM. HunttnlJIOn Bledl. CA-.... June 1985. OHA"lH WA"REN SAITO, ACTmOue IUH•• -"'----------=-1212 °"~'"· ~tlngton ..._ ITA,.._., ~.:r.... 11 oondu*d ~en ~olt~wlng per.on fl dolnff, gets tnctMdlllla.-W lllto 0 A AN 0 I 00 UN TY "IU- Tllll lt.a'9mlnt W.. ttled .-. tM TAUAANT MVIEW, 1266 ~ ~ Qlft of ()nil1ge eounty on DftVe, OOl'OM Oii Mir, OA ntn. -11 1112. • ,,..,. JolW'I R. ~1226 ::z:r' Publl111ed Oreng• Co11t Dally ~ c=:..cse:. ~by., Piiot, Mey 13, 20, 27, .NM 3, 1M2 lndMdllll. • ~42 Jotrn"R. .. 1-8 BIOLA PWlJC N011C( ,.,. ..... , ... ,, w "' {R(; County Qlftl of ()r • Dr Cook IU .. _ a. 1ta. • d I ,,. wa1 rec PvbUIMd 0rencunCler1radu1 Plot. Mey 20• rr. "'IJ'•duate intei · -------ttuds. at aw I ' Huntiµgto'ii will aid 1 most gifted students I The Huntln1ton Beach conetderation by oollepe. 1 Union Hlch S8hool Diatrict will The aim ol educ.ton ii to atart 9: ,l?"OFam Mxt fall deqned e1lm!Mte the tendency of the top to quaury ltl briahtett and hardest atudenta to take euy COW'lle8 10 u workl~I atudenta for the moat to not jeopardize their arade J>Ol!lt d~diftl colleaee. averqe and pollible 1e'holarah1P.. It la Called the DlatinguJshed In addition, valedictortana and Scholars Pro1ram and wtll aalutatorianl and graduatet wtth provide the moat rigorous honors wtll come from the academic claseet that the dlatrict pf'O@am. hu to offer. l>latric\. offlclala alao wlll The course of study la so a11ist partlcipanta ln gaining rigorous that students will be colleae admlaalon aa well aa given special inducement• to helping them find Jobi in the participate. community while going to achool. For example, students But the top benellt of all ii completing the program will flnlah putting the hi&hest priority on at the head of their cl a as learning instead of merely getting automatically, giving tbeqi top good grades. School use solutions • Deciding what to do with Corona del Mar ·ElerAentary School is proving anything but elementary for officials of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Diatrict. • First, district officials met stiff resistance from homeowners who live near the surplus achool, which · was cl.oeed a year ago because of decJining enrollment. A~IHY residents objected to a flan call1iig for the University o Southern California to operate a satellite business school at the emp.ly camptss. The state Coastal Commission refused to grant a pennit for th~ USC graduate achoo!. That left local school officials with little choice. They had to let the university out of a lease agreement that would have put the surplus property on a paying basis to the tune of $69,000 a year. NQw a citizens" committee is recommending that the Carnation Avenue acbool site be converted to residential uae. The matter will be d.lacuaaed by the school board June 8. A decision ia expected June 22. Homeowners in the area have su1ge1ted clearing half of the 3. 75--acre IChooJ aite to make way for about 22 homes. while keeping thee~ playground. Some acbool officials are Jeanlng toward that idea. The school district could uae the· money, if a developer can be found. However, there are some other considerations and some other pomibilities. Unlikely as it aeems now, there always is the chance the achool could be needed again. It is, aft.er all, the only school aouth of Coast Highway in the Corona del Mar area. Homeowners aay that, lf that happens, a sohool could be built on the 1.8 acres that would be left 81 a p1-yground. That doesn't aeem terribly feasible. In Costa Mesa, another of the school district's surplus campuses -Rea School -is being leued as a community center. Tlils idea is working well at Rea, but the situation is different in Corona del Mar, where two commul)ity centers at Grant Howald Park and - the OASIS already exist just blocks from Corona del Mar School. It's doubtful a third is needed. Leasing the surplus campus 1o a private school has been suggested. Nothing has developed on that fron~ , A museum with a tea room W81 advanced as a pcw:!ble. use. That was rejected 81 too commercial for the residential character of the neighbc.-hood. The biggestjX'Oblem 8eelD1I to be traffic. The neighbors don't want to add to the traffic in the area. Buildin& homes on the echOo1 lite hardly would 10lve that prbblem. If you've ~t any ideal about what could be done with a aurplua 8Chool lite in the middle of a residential neighborhood, you · might consider aClvancing them at, the June 8 school board meeting. Be prepared to defend younelf. Funny thing -that USC business school is looking better all the time. Reserve this weekend ~ More than 60,000 people are . The Fish Fr). parade~--at expected to attend the 37th annual 10:30 a.m. Saturday-;t ~bor Costa Mesa-Newport• Harbor Boulevard and WthloD Street. i Lion.s .\Club Flab Fry Friday More ~than a dozen bands, I througn Sunday. . lncluding thoee from F.atancia and 1 Over the years the eervice Costa Mesa high achools, are ' orgahization has raised more than expected to participate in the ~5,000 through the Fish Fry for parade. Benny Ricardo, a former various local charii:ies. Orange Coast College atudent who The three days of festivities plays football profasioDany for in downtown Lions Park will the New Orleana Sain~ will be ---1---,_ e &Deauty con~a baby grand maraha of this year's contest, carnival rides and games, parade. ' I l drawingl and of coune the famous The Fi ah· Fry is a fun fish dinner for-$4. tradition. See you there. .. . . Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvit· ed. Address Tile Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone Ul•O 642-4321. ~ t · L.M. Boyd I Separate vacations ' How do you and your matrimonial inherited a buaine11 that your mate feel about taking '9parate ~ bad started at the time of vacations? Sixty-one percent of. the Chrkt, and that ·businela had loet tl couple• generally approve of thia million a day ever atnce with no notion now. Big jump over 20 years expectation of change, lt would aUll ago. Thell only 37 pen.-ent tboulht it a take you and your deacendenta good idea. Our Love and War man ii another 700 years tO loae the fint $1 not locked into an opinion on thil one, trillion. except for the obYloua conclulioo that pain ~ho doll't want separate vacations cleerly have the stronger marriages. If Cr .utter that ailment known • low pUn. ~ the apot just behind the a., bul8e on the outer edge of the ankle . A eounter4ockwlle Nb for about 1& ~.:it to dolt. So advile the • A debt of • 1 trilllon, ls a p1'etly "'8ble debt. Ol.nt ~ How much ' le lt, an7way? Try thl1: If you Claim la l9fDe of the TarahwRara Indiana on IOCICer team1 in northern Maico run • many • l&O mils d~apme. You knew that 1001 "La Cuc..-acba" waa about a cockroech, certainly. But dld you know tt wu aboui a cockroach who couldn't neaouate properly beca~ tM had no men nmt)lanl to mnob? Q. How many bathtubt ln the White H«iMm now? A. Thirteen. •• Politicos again flying high WASHINGTON -Rialng · Phoenix-llke from the ubet of federal frugality, lbe Ai.a Force'• 89th Airlift Wing la once .again flyina bllh- Little known to the public or Kremlin spies, the 89th la well known and ~Y regarded at the Pentagoh and oo Capitol Hill. lt'a the bigahots' favorite unit, 1n fact; for its aole mlasion la to provide luxurious -and free -tranaportaUon for VIPs and their wives wherever and when e ver they can find a halfwai-te~Umate exeu1e to fly. The u9th a past) air-taxi service for the elite coata the taxpayers about $10 million a year. To avoid embernm1na congressmen and deptt81ina ~ the Air Force deetroY. the S9th'1 t records afte.r 30. days. But my te Peter Grant aaw a copy of the March manifesC. before they hit the ah.redder. ONE HUNDRED trips were Jogaect by the 89th in that one month. Heft are aome of theee all-expemea.-PRid junkets, straight out of the reopnb that had been markea for destruction. -Two dor.en members of Consre- and their wives new to the elegant Ocean Beef Club on Key Largo, Fla., for a meeting with a Canadian parliamentary delegation. The tab came to •~.ooo. including room and board for the Canad.Lan junketeers. -Rep. Don F\iQua. o.na., ta chairman of the HOUie Science and TechnoJosy Committee. So he and five other- commlttee memben -with their wives -hopped an 89th jet down to Florida to ae the 1pa.ce shuttle take ofl. 'ftler\, ·------------------~ JICI 11111111 after a aide excunlon to California, where they ln.apected a ..olar·energy project, the congJ'elliona1 couples arrived in New Mexico in time to eee the shuttle land. -Air Force bram hats UM the 89th llke an airbocne limousine service. Robert Mathia, the vb chlef of ataff, took hil wife on a trip to F.ngland and Spain. Gen. Robert Marsh, commander of the Air Force Systerm Command. took hia wife on a 12-day tour of the Far East, which included four dayw ti) Hawaii. An Air Force spokesman aaid wtvea are allowed on tbeae trip• for protocol purpoee9 and to confer with dependenC. . on "quallty-of-J.l!e laluel." -The 89th ia al10 available to congJ'elliona1 ataffers. The Air Force invited-25 Capitol Hill aides, a1mmt all of them female, to Colorado Sprinca for a tour of the Air Force Academy. TllF3E EXAMPLF.S were all from the month of March. In January, Rep. Peter Rodino, 0-N.J .. led a group of nine Democratic'congreamen and their wives aboard an 89th jet for a twC>'Week. $U~.OOO-pl~ junket in Italy. They visited Genoa. Venice, P1sa, Florence, Naples and Rome to "show America'• ~ for Italy as a atrong NATO ally, a Rodino spokeeman aafd. Alao in January, Rep. James Jeffords. R-Vt., a member of the F.ducation and Labor, Agriculture and Aging Committees, fOf eome realOD ~·the 89th to France. Germany, Italy and the Netherlanda while his comtltuenC. were shoveling snow. A Jeffords spokemwl u1d his bom ''hM a general policy of. avoiding congre..tonal junkets unle. abtrolutely neceuary." Coupllnir the words "junkea'' and ''Qeceerary'T" ia a lexioolofPcal breakthrough. Though the $10 million budget for the 89th Airlift Wing la a drop in the $258 billion Penta.goo bucket. it probably cmta the taxpayers hUl!om more Jndirectly. What congremnwt is going to be eo ungracious as to niggle over the defense budget after a luxurious flight on an AW Force junket jet? UniOns didn't kill the 'big bands' To the Editor: On your editorial page of May 24, waa a very d1agust1ng article by :Earl Waters. Mr. Waters baa the gall to at.ate, in print, that the reuon that there are no more bJg bands is due to featherbedding MAILBOX . by local unionl when the big bands came to town. Nothing could be further from the truth! I had the good fortune to be a llidemm 1n many, many f.amoua ·~bands," with 20 yean' experience on the road in every kind of band. and never once did I aee the lrresponaible activities Waters c1aima happened in the big band era. It ia simply not true! ONE OF THE th.lnp that did dertroy the big band era waa. first of all, four long-haired youthl who started to tum the entire mUISic basiDNI around with the llCivent of the rock era. No bi8 band had ever been able to draw a quarter of a million people to a field in Wooct.tock. and that ia one of the things, that killed the big banda. We are haJ>PY to report to you that every major ind minor Ital', and the bulk of. all profemional musidanl do belonl to, and enJol memberahip 1n a union, the American Federation &f Mualclana. lnaccuraclee lbould not be allowed to be dJ9emfnated throuah your publkaUon. B. DOUGLAS SAWl'ELLE Prelldent Mutd.clans' ~ tn, A..l'.M. Leave cars at home ... 3. U.e only local water. Most of our water b shipped over deserts at great expenle. . 4. No 1ewera. Waste should be ~Idea nllgbt teem a bit extreme, but our Southern California climate b very delicate and touch meuu.rea must be taken to protect it and brine lt beck. u people want can let them live In Mlimeaota and towa wliere they can have all the mlChinel they want. But 1f people want to live here they must pve up 1ome of the thingt they take for lfUlted in the rest of the country. Not only will the. atrona ~dean up our environment, 6ut they will alJo promote the quality of our life rather than the quantity. MIKE MANG TELEPHONE Y-OUR LETTER TO THE.EDITOR See Instructions below Rule side-stepped )!\) the F.ditor: Contrary to your editorial on May 21, there II nothing '4outmoded" about the &00-mUe rule for John Waynte Airport. /I.a we are all aware, the{'!! la more demand for commerda1 aervioe at John WayM than can « tbould be IJl'OYlded. By .-vk:inC Denwr in the lint place. even with a atop in La Vet19t Frontier bat circumvented the Intent of the ~mile Diie. To ellmlnate the rule will merely ~ other c:anien to do the same, eddtftl to demand~ at the airport. Wbat 11 rea11y needed 11 tame couraae on the part of Onn1• County Su~ to.,.._ on and 11DPJ8mnt a new lite. Until tMy "bit. tbe bullet", the IDl!ll at John W.,m .,m oont1nue! BUlt!l ALLroAERT More memories memories, as I grew up -in Corona de1 Mar too. I was 13 in 1956. Back then, we not only had squirrels and gulls, but skunks, f>OM' nos, quail and roaa runners, too. OLD CORONA del Mar grew wild flowers ~ spring, instead of homes. The dazzling array attracted hundred& of species of butterflies. Yoa-ooukl catch fish, ~ and lobster with just a ~ in six feet of ocean. We never heard of smog. The roads were clear and you could park an}'Wbere, except foe summer vacation. Big Corona Beach had~ of tar all over it, quite often, then. It is alwayw dean theie days. It would be terrible to foul up our beaches. You are right, Jane. But I still wish you coo1d have .een the "Crown of the Sea" when the ~y dirty thing about her waa the beach! MICHAEL STEINER Save Social Security To the Editor: Treasury Secretary Regan ba1 publicly stated that Sodal Security will go broke after July 1983 unte. chanaee are made to make the .ywtem financWly aowwt. Thja surely means that the time II now to realize the total lnJulUce and a:\ 1k.id•I impld from IUch a "happenina." It al8o mMnl that federal ~t mutt fore1tall 1uch eventuality to avoid financial diluter and 90Cial reYOIUtion. ONE OF THE optiom available to Prelldent Reapn, Concre11 and the Senate 1t·to tab ~Uw Ktioa to meet I Soda1 Security oWiptflom and lll'ClallY reduce or efimlnate the whopptna national debt by offerin1 public ..i..tie.. ol hd8n1 Janda wbk:b are not euentlal for national defeue, ecoloa « for endanped "*'-· Sven tax-free lo"•riet would be pre(enble '° adl ........ Uwil -The 8a:ret.ary of Ta-..., .......... OfflhonoD~~ .. with tuch a rea.Utdc-~ toy IUD had a feel of ua11nem to tt that w• a1mon palpable. Tfie boy WM too 10W\& ever. to knOw what to do wtth the tun; he just wavea lt. and the burel moved ~ in val"ioW d1rectionl. taJc1na aim all over the mall. I I COULD TELL that I wun't the only penon who WM DOtidna th.II; many- other eye. were on, the gun. It struck me that t.bil wu not IOIMth1ng )'OU eee very ~ .n.yinan: • parent alvtnc • child • to) hancaaun . to carry around. I haven't read any ttatistiq on th.ii, but you 1ee a L8rp number ot children on the streets theee daya, and you 1ee very few guns. During the Vietnam War, there waa a small and moderately publicized effort on the put of IOrne parents to stop their chOdren from playing with toy guns. It wu ~ of the anti-war feeling; it had a· vaauely political tone to it. Now, thouah, the war ia at home, on the streets, waged by other Americans carrying handguns -and it aeesns that parents, to a degree not aeen before, are wary about letting their' children pretend to be shooting one another. 1 asked a couple of young parents at the mall about this. >fl won't allow toy guns in my houee," one woman told me. "It'• just a feeling I have. It's a funny thing, thQugh -I have two'Chlld.ren, a boy and a girl And when my IOfl is playm, outlide and be I TllJNK SHE'S rtaht. '1bere ii no 1uarantee that a chlld ·who carrle• iround a toy platol II gotna to end up ahootlna eomeone w~n ~wa older. A. a matter ot fact. he won't. But in thll .. of handcun , lt aeems almost diarea~tful to allow children to uae toy Handiuna for play value. It eeema to mock all reverence for life; maybe in the long-aao, children could have innocent tun with toy cum, but there doesn't aeem to be anythlrJ8 lnnocent about it now. An organization called IWno&a Cltbem for Handgun Control spooaon a support group for the famillee of people who have lost their lives to handgun violence. I apoke with three modiera whoae children were killed by handguns; MCh of them said that, when they were tint bringina their children Up. it WM an accept.ea practice to let the children play with 'toy guns. F.ach said that if they were doing'' again. they would ban the toys from their homes. "It was a foolish, foolish·thlng we did.. letting our children play with '°y sw-," said jane Swoboda. 51. Her 29-year~ aon, David, was shot to death in 1980. PAIO POUTICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ... Ofange Oout DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, June 8, 1H2 ~·· -ba.,.wy tun atVen to U\Y Child in WI that lunlly. • l\&I\ ii th. No one pta bu.rt • , 'N deed,' and when .. JU$T THINK about it on wen the P1aYUme ii OYet' the other boy ,.ti up ltmplelt level. U a amall child ta tauaht and tM)' walk hacM tot19ther. that• sun ta• toy._ and tt ~in fhtt family hu • ~ ""' and the child comet acro9 lt -thtnk about that. Even the lieht of a water plltol ~ me now tn a way lt MYel' d1d before.' Carolyn Budde, whoee 19-year-old IOll, Steven. w• lhot to death with a handwn f.n A"l\llt 1980, aald, "wtwn my oJaeat eon w• a child, we uaed to let him play with a toy IUJ'. Now we never woufd, lf we had It to do over. A child with a toy 1un feela like he'• lndemucdble. '!be ""' will protect him. '"nlat'a not the way thina• are. It ~ me feel tad, ..ma the puenta who do le\ their chUdnn pLtY, with toy IUN· What are~trytna to teMh ~ childreh18 · u a parmt who had the experience I . . . When 10" la. your paentl, you've at yOW' s-t- But when you loee your child, you'w Iott the future. I can't even t~ ~a child to play with a toy ,un." THOSE THREE mothera would haw been uddened to eee the little boy at the mall. But they mJS)\t have been encourapd to watch the c:lllapprovtnc reaction from the other ahoppen. It WM clear. In the worda of the one youna parent to whom I apoke, the tether who let hla aon play with the 8\Ul w• stupid. He waa uncool . • ' Marriage the best solution after all? ... I think we can Mfely hTJ ot ~ what Wlmt.on Chwc aaid about dernocraey: that it ii a tenib1e form of aovernment, but everytbtna •lae ta w~. Youn1 people today teem to be recoverfna from their avenlon to the ~ IY-1-11-Y U-1---11-1 -~ marital de, wlUch luted all ot the past decade. Marrt.aae ii mce more becoming faabionable, even thouah the de81re to have children haa abated in the light of the thermonuclear threat. THERE MAY may be as much experimental "living together" as th~ waa, but after a brlef period these relatlonahipe either diaaolve by mutuai consent or convert themaelvea into conventional marriages. Psychologically speaking, living toptber on a t.ent.aUve bull falll to utllfy acme of OW' deepest needs, and therefore ii bound to be unaatiafactory in the b\I run, and maybe even in the ab«t. What we uk from another ls a basic commitment -and thia ls the PM thina that ii withheld in such a relatiOnah!p. a we aay t o another, explicitly or implidtly, "I will stay with you only • loJia • you oootinue to pleaae me," it la little different from buylna a ault or dre9I "on approval.'' to be returned or di9carded at the tint di.atiafaction. THE HARD FACI' ia that people have to "learn" how to be married, just as they have to learn to acquire any other skill. While it ia a natural relationship in all aocleties, it ia by no means a natural condition, but a learned response. through trial and error. Of course, there are marriages that are frightfully wrong from the beginning, and only' a maaochist would want to perpetuate them. But the plain fact la that even a ao-called "good" marriage is a bard one, calling upon all our mental and emoUonal and aoda1 reeourcea. Yet nothing elle outside the nuclear family can provide the warmth. the security, the aenae of place or the guarantee of permanence which make for what cl.iniciana call ''mental health," vaaue and diffuae though that phnae may be. · THE WHOLE romantic tradition, eapeclally in American aociety. baa enc.ow-aged us to aet our expectations too unrealiatlcally high. Our films and popular novels end with the amoroua clinch -which la just where real life begiru in earnest. Europeans. on the whole, take a more aober and aocepttng view ot t.he marriage bond; and, expecting leea, they often receive rpore. No integration is harder than that between men and women, partly for biological ·reasons and partly because of · cultural conditioning baaed on hiatorica1 male dominance. We have a long way to go before the sexes reach an eaay equilibrium, but it seems clear to me that, ultimately, we have nowhere elae to go. Major crimes In California Increased by more than 51 % since 1975, and the problem Is getting worse. Something must be done. . .. I ATIENTION: ,,. f ... -· Endoreementa: RALPH CLARK, Supervisor County of Orang• DONALD HOLT, Mayor City of Placentia DON GRIFFIN, Coun~llman City of Buena Parle t: That's why we're supporting Biii Farris, a family man, civic leader, an~ experienced trial lawyer, for judge. Biii Farrta ls fair, hardworking, and tough-minded. He believes we need tougher laws, tougher law enforcement, and TOUGHER JUDGES. Biii Farria suppo'rts the Victim's Biii of Rights Initiative. Please Join us In voting for Biii Farris on June 8th. PAUL CARPENTER, S.nator ROBERT T. REIER, Polle. Chief State of Callfornla City of Buena Parle DON ROTH, Mayor Pro Tem LEONARD HOUAHD, Councilman City of Anaheim City ol Garden Grove JESS PEREZ, Councilman NILANE LEE. Member City of Orange N.O.C. Community College Board U>ett'-1 lltl) You'll respect him ... criminals will fear him. Ft1enda ot BMI Fama 1501 Awllbuty. Fuler1on 92833 L Loumald9. T,....,,., ANNOUNCING THE GllEAlESl SALE E'IENT IN ClfRPET HISIDRY . FORMER FED MART CUSTOMERS FEDCO PROFESSIONAL PHARMACIES WELCOME YOU YOUR PRESCRIPTION IS OUR BUSINESS! THE CHOICE OF A PHARMACY IS YOURS - BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT FEDCO HA~ TO OFFER? D ., OVerall IOwer prteea on prescription drugs and FDA-approved . ..I. X generics; ~ Fedco membership not necessary to use Pharmacy services: ~ ~ Eaay transfer of preacrlptlons on flle at other pharmacies by phone; Telephone answering Mt'Vlce available tor you to leave orders after store closlng hours; · D _ Pharmacy personnel present before store opening to check ..I. X prescriptions with your doctor; D _ Llcenaed, ex~rteneed pharmaclatt to counsel patients about i.x medication use; ,. ~ The fattest ~lbte Mt'Vlce with Fedco's tradltlonal concem tor the .. • cul1omer. I I t I i IAN DmOO <AP> Volilrl ln ftw San DI• Cou.nlY Lf \he n.w dty aa vm.. nonh of Bu\ DMeo are dlc:ldlNI ~pproved by t'"udlU, ~notnl,11. w~ '° lnC!orpora• M ·~ Town ol OUWnh&ln. Leucadia and VWaet Park. Bu DfielU!'°-" 8~ for Uttle San Althouah lncorporaUon woWd take 1lltlOi • new M'Hde dcy cowrtni ae effect July 1, San a.so C'1Unty tw. IQUIN mllel. ,,..--a1rHd to continue provldln1 1uch 'lbe Wwdlna on \be ~ e1'ctSon ltMcel 11 law enforcement anCI rotid ballo\ TuHaay 1ptcUlH ••town•• matnienance until the followlna July. al\ho\lth \he 40,000 retldtntl would All \he money railed by San IXtcuito m.i. up U.. ttlhih larplt population ln ln that 12-mccth ~ woWd 10 lnto San DMao Couftb'. the bank. In eddldoft. San a..N!to .. Bob Nortman, chairman of \he expected to 1en1rate more dian •e Cammunlt)' Alliance for lnconxnUon, mlll!on In revenu• wt\h expeftlM under •Y' 1-W. hope to incUclte the rural $6.4 million. character of the ..,.... by Cl111na lt a The voters ln nearbY... Solana S.h town. rejected dtyhood Jut Novemberk.~ ~t'• _A_blrthda _ _..Y_.pr_ae_n_t_ll_be_lna...._o_ff•_tred_b_,y,____no_t _CONldeNd certa1n that San Uleplto ADVICE -Former President Richard Nixon s ays Sen. Edward K e nnedy must lose 20 pounds if he is to win the 1984 Democratic presi- dential nomination. WEIGHTY ISSUE - The sisters of Sen. Edward K e nne dy agree with forme r President Nixon that t he ir brother is too fat. T h e senator agrees. . I Nixon, Kennedys . f ·want Ted to lose I j BOSTON (AP) -The Kennedy• are in ~t with fonner President Nixon that Sen. Want M. Kennedy ahould abed a few pounds. Nixon recently said ln a television interview that Kennedy will wln the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination but tint be must 1oee 20 po.Inda. Kennedy, ln an interview with the Boston Herald American, aaid hia allters have been after him to Joee welght. '"lbhl II one of the few time9 the Kennedya and Nixm have been In ~t.," he added. Ni.xpn a1IO predicted In the aame Interview that President ftea3an would beat Kennedy In the general election. OC fir:ms to host •• estate seni1nar The Newport Beacb-bued accounting firm of Coleman & Grant and the Santa Ana-hued law firm of Luof & Swanaoo will ~ta lf'IT>inar on estate and taxation plannina Tuesday at Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Be.ch. Jamee Skorbetm, in charge of eat.ate planning at Coleman & Grant and Gregory Beck. a tai attorney at Luof & Swamon. will speak. ea.ette tapes of the eeminar will be made available without charge upon request through Coleman & Grant at 75!-6616. Seat belt drive opens CHICAGO (AP) -The National Safety Council, citing statista that indkate 12,000 lives-a year could be saved by aeat belta, JaWIChed a natiotlal "Make It Click0 ,campaign. 'Ille drive will l'Uh from Memorial Day through Labor Day . "--'"' Window Fashions C¥t1tom Draperl•• CU8tom SALi 30~-60~ OFF ~-louver Or..,.Oel Mar-Graber FrM Home Eetlmatn Helping With AH Your Window Decoretlltg ....... . ~.L-111-1112 ... ~- The Newport Harbor High School Girls Athletics Teams · thank our f am Illes, friend•, and the following bu1lne11e1 for . their 9enerou1 support during -our lat~le of the Sports Fundral1er. Join Bradbury, • • Studio rrve 'Alclael Liq110r Store Multl-PC>.itlon banana chtlae made of strong, comfortable vlnyl strapping over steel frame. Reg. 14 95 stick wltb 1'11 OH "Thenno·grlp" tlectrlc glue gun, gives qulctc glutng powtl' for aJmolt lf'IY1hlng. 1203 Reg. 11.78 l"•lf lllr1otl11 Oualtty-bullt directors chair. ~~.:!:.·folds flat. Blue orange & 19,, Reg. 29.85 Clamp.on umbrella ........ 2.99 J acMie named book editor • NIM' YORK (AP) -JS JC.nnedy Onulll 11 ltepplnc u ln U\8 pub world. For four y...., ~., been an te ed.ltor at Doubleday and before that Wll A ccnultinl ed.lt.or at Vlklna Prell. Her promotion -to editor ~ w11 announced W9dnmday by Doub~ 1polqlwoman Nancy Tuckerman. Commentinc on the promotion, Ma. TUdumum aid: "It'• eome\hlna the'• earned. obvioully ." the stain that won't wash outt Glidden's Best Exterior Oil Stain. Comes in solid and semi-transparent. Many colors to choose from . Reg. 13.99. 1 O!! "ltlatchfng" Glidden Bouse & Trim Pcdn.t Excellent trim point that exactly ·matches Spred Oil Stain. Reg. 19.99. 11~~ oll1nwl11 'oll1n111l1w' Sturdy propane BBQ. with tank. Convenient, clean. and POr1able. Sell-cleaning 169'' #7130. Reg 223 95 • some classy brass for your door "TYLO" by Kwlkset Bel·air design entry locilset tor exterior doors. Anract1ve brass linish J400 BCP a•• Reg 1199 RIMA'S ''WHILE THEV Wf' DAILY SPECIALS • THURS ONLY: Wooden Yardltlck Reg. 1.31..................................... 69$ • ,Al. ONL V: "Flret Alert lmolct Alet'fn" Reg. 21.H Plue addttlonat l'.00 Mfl . .Rebate ............. \............. 17 .88 • IAT. ONLY: Rubbermaid Stove & Counter M•t• 13 314• 1t 112 a 17 112 • 11 .................... 1/2 OFF • IUN. ONLY: Home/Garden Spray Bottle 14oz. Reg. 1.59............... 89$ • MON. ONLY: SoJdertng Gun #730120 Reg. 11.H ........................ 6.99 •TUES. ONLY: 3M Dirt Trep Mat 11112" a 30" Reg. 10.91 .............. 5.00 •WED. ONLY: It's ID tlll 111 Lawn Chltf 21" rar baO '*Y mower. 3Yl h.p. N1 Reg.199.98. 119'' llnect tank liner In the lnduatty. '111•• THUMOAY, JUN! 3, 1112 See Robert Macnau6hlon of Irvine Jn new tel-ti adventure 'film with a touch of Pe1er Pan. BS. 0 0 CAVALCADE COMIC8 TELEVISION I DON'T KNOW ART, BUT ... Seems like only yarterda~ actually a couple of decades back, when eome of the lea women civic typee of Newport Beach decided they didn't care much for Chy Hall. So they chanaed il In thia instance, lt wun't the uaua1 political stuff that cauaecl people to aquint their eyes at the body munldpal contained in Newport Beach City Hall and start grindlng their teeth. The women were, aa lt turned out, cOnoemea about the hall iteelf. Put plainly, the drab, often barren walls inside the local political establishment were more suitable for a local lockup or warehouse than for the cherished seat of local government. - · So the women decided ----·---r-' .. to chante all that by mM MURPHINI .~~~ =~~pat~~~~ye~:J hanging some paintings. REASON WOULD SUGGEST that ~gardlela of art quality, it would be better than looking at fly speck.a or two-year-old voter lists, still tacked up, yellowed and frayed at the edges. With a little coaxing and finagling, the ladies got the powers-that-be to say well, go ahead and aee what you can do. Now mind you, after the first harlgings (of art) happened at Newport's government aeat, there were 10me mild complaints. · One crusty municipal worker remarked, "I feel like I gotta whisper around this joint now . . .'' Taken on the whole, however, the borrowed artworks were an enormous improvement to the slabs of interior plaster, and greatly appreciated. NOW TBA T MODEST artistic effort in Newp0rt City Hall has bloaomed into really 10mething over the years. Newport now has .e City Arts Commiasion, doing good t works for art all over the place. They even have their own .811 .festival now. And this cominS Sunday, at Bis Canyon Park, the City Arts Commission will be holding a preview exhibit and honoring five outstanding citizens for their contributions as volwiteen for the arts. , THOSE BEING HONORED are Dorothy Berry, Florence Schumacher, Elaine Redfield, Penny McManiga1 and Bud Pashley. Dorothy Berry is immediate past president of the Orange C.ounty Arta Aa.x:iation and baa served on its board for four years. Floaa Schumacher's contributions are virtually too numerous to mention but she is a leading light with the Orange County Center of Performing Arta (mUsic center), Metropolitan Opera, Orange C.ounty Philharmonic, KOCE-TV (channel~) Foundation and Pacific Symphony Orchestra. ;.mt to tkk off a few. Elaine Redfield is a founding member of Orange County Philharmonic, a "friend" at Cal State, Fullerton and al80 a leader a't the performing al1a center. PENNY McMANIGAL is an artist, with nine one-woman ahows to her credit and five years service as a Newport Beach dty arts oommiasioner. Another artist, Bud Pashley, ill past-president of the Society of West.em Artilta and president of the Coastline College Artll1a A..odation. So here'• a Coast Tout to the five honoree& and to the growing pte9tiae of Newport's dty 81111 group itBelf. You've come a long way, kids. No longer are you just covering fly specks on city hall wan.. - I .,...,...,....."0.,~ MASKED MEMORIES -Betty Beecher, president of the Santa Ana Army Air Base period of city's history, now on Costa Mesa Historical Society, admires exhibit of uniforms from display at permanent location. Society's ·banking. on history ~ Deposits of memorabilia at new home are saving Costa Mesa's heritage By JODI CADENHEAD or .. Dllllf,... ...,. The front yard is still just heaps of fresh brown earth. Half the boxes are unpacked. Betty Beecher runa from oNf pile lo tbe next won~ w~t to put away. After years of livfnc out of atx private homes, the Costa Meaa H1storical Society finally baa lta own home at the comer of Plumer and Anaheim avenue9 .. It looks like a sleek new wood-finished bank -exactly what it Wied to be. Last year the dty purchued the Orange Cout Savmo and Lcian building at Adams Avenue andMeea Verde Drive lor $80,000 and moved It lock, stock and steel vault to the new location. "The dty feela that history la just aa important u recreation or community pJ'Oll'ama," aald aulatant dty manaaer Allan Roeder. Mn. Beecher, pnsiderlt of the aodety that WM ltU1ed in 1966, ltill can't believe her aood luck. "lt'a just a dream," ahe said. "We had been looking just for a vault to keep In a storage bulldlng .•• Since October volu.nteen have been working to evaluate, file and catalog all the collections that trickle into the new home. Every equare inch of the newly carpeted building tells a story. The old wooden crates resting in the comer once held Judge Donald Dodge's prize apples when the crop flourlahed briefly in the eu-ly 1920a. Piecea from the put Include a wood um fnm the First Methodiirt C\ureb U8ed to hide valuables, a pair of wooden cart wheels and ~ fnm Mildred Fisher's 1932 c1-at l.Jndberah Elementary School Yellowed copU!9 of the weekly "Costa Mesa Herald" newspaper tell of when bre8d wu 10 oenta a loaf, a 3-poUnd bag of rice IOld fot 25 centa and a do:ien cans of milk went for $1.16. HMClllDM from the 1922 newspaper told of a fire wagon oomlna to Colt.a Meaa, ~ population reaching 4, f67 and 340 enrolling at the new Meea school. One of the most establlahed collections 80 far centers OD the Santa Ana Army Air Bue that covered 1,283 acra in the dty dwinl World War II. A book on the Army bMe by Costa Mesa historian Ed Miller helped apur the donation of many uniforms, medals, p6cturs and 8Wlll a tamo..w 17-foot mural that once hunc at the bMe. "We've .een ao much of our recent b1story cUsa '.. a.kl Ow-la Beecher, when ~y Costa Mesa'• pMt ia important. "We've lived here llinoe the 194-0a and have aeefl J}eafly all our howle9 torn down.'' With 80 much emphuia on the put, it might be euy to fcqet the preeent. But hiltorica1 eociety workers collect current information that will be important to future generations. What la needed are oJd and current photograph•, diaries, manuscripts, a:rapboob, directories, maps, community brochures, bualneaa carda and political campmgn material. ''Thll" bulJd1na la goiJli to become small shortly," aid Mn. Beecher, Jookins al'OWMi at the boxes waiting to be unpacked. HARVEST BEU> -Smudge pots .were common when orange groves were more prevalent. UCI groups designate own merit scholars PAST WAS ROSY -When Judp Donald they were dJlplayed with pto or packed and Dodge's prize apples flowilhed 1n the 1920.. lhlpped ln wooden cnta. ' i· 'I ,. , ·:' ~. I l l DIW\ ANN LANDJ:RS: About 100.000 ohildNn are abducted MCh year ~ ~ntal ktdnappln1. Another ttUmatid 50,000 children are taken by •tr~n. n-. are children WMler the • of 12. 1be n.. to 1.e million when we lncluca way chlldren. May 2& wu dellanated •, anal Mill1nl Children Oily'' to ralll the awanme11 of the public. Pventa CAN take 1tep1 to prev~t abclucUona. Here they are: 1) Make certain your child knowa hi.I full name, your name, addre11 and telephone number. 2) Have plcture1· taken yearly. For pfe-achoolera, four t1mea a year. Pho~h birthmarks. 3) Keep records of footprinta, fingerprints. dental information. 4) Get your child a pueport. 1 5) U you are aeparated, obtain legal I C\lltody. • 6) Inform your child'• principal if yqu 1 are the only one to pick him or her up from ICbooL 1 Pl~ lnf~rm your readera, especially •HOROSCOPE UMt Children that a non·protlt orpn.l.latlon iWDid Q;ild.J'lnd. Inc., wt11 ~p ~hpm. ind permii locate 8ICh other. CbOdrilri have a= fl'M number to call. A child c.-n dial 1· J-000&. . PaNltl INl'Ch1na for their children can contact Child-l'ind by dlallna 1·914-20&-UM8. (11w 800 number muat be .kept clear foa"chlldreft only.) We are Mklna pu"'!ntl and telchen to atve IOm9 ~t to the 1~,000 ~ children and encouraae them to help educate chUdren in a non-fcrenlng, ma~f ·fllet way about their aafety and abductiom. · YoU reach IO many children adult., we feel youz column ls an ideal IOW'Ce for helping families tlnd one another aPln. - A(.ICE BYRNE, EXECU"TIVE OOMMI'ITEE CHAIR, NEW YORK AREA, NATIONAL MISSING ClULDREN DAY DEAR ALICE BYRNE: Bere't yo1r letter -I llope P'one• 1tart rtnpq all o.er .. e eoutry ... ud I am ave tHJ will. ,.,_.......,.. FINE TUNING -Clarinet maker Karl-Heinz East Germany. Markneurkirchen, a traditional Rahm (foreground) a nd tuner Juergen center for production of musical instruments, is Komnick put finishing touches on aome of the hosting a musical festival which opened last top-level products manufactured at Sinfonia's month. ' music3;1 instrument plant at Markneukirchen, . I ' abductions DEAR ANN LANDERS: A certain nwmber of our tamlly ta drivina me cruy. She la an lmmiature, aelfilh. spoiled woman who lovw to talk on the Dhone by the hour, delCl'tblna her lit.any o1 '1lllneuea." She Ml a habit of mak1na pl.anl' to come for dinner or the weekend « a fatnlly party, a date for the l)'mphony or ballet, and alwa)'I at the tut minute ahe callt to say her colit.11 II wone or her .inuaee are acting up or her hemorrholda are unbeuable. She never bu anything a penon co 1ee. It'• al~fu' a 1eratchy throat or a mlara1ne or frcm a hysterectomy that toolt place a year aao. The 1ut time the called I wrote down a lilt of eight d!fferent doctors ahe was seeing. Here'a what I ICl'lbbled on the phone pad: internist, proctolo1l1t, gynecologis t, ophthabnologlat, dentist, endocrinoloJfst, dermatologilt and psychiatrist. Thia woman entertains beautifully ip her own home, ls the perfect hostess and look.I terrific. But she can't eeem to keep a date to go anywhere. Can you figure it out? -OOLUMBUS, OHIO MYSTERY -DEAR MYSTERY: It 11 not po11lble to evaluate aayoae eJ1e'1 pain. U tile womu aaya the It 1affertn1, who are you to aay oe la not? Her Inability to leave ber bome aage1t1 1be may have agorapbobla. I bope ber paycblatrlat cu belp her. "Sexual freedom" presents a difficult decision for tam-agers and their parents. Ann Landers offers down-to-earth advice Jn her new booket, "High School Sex and How to Deal With It -A Guide for Teen1 and Their Parents." For each booklet, send 50 cents plus a long, stamped, self-add..ressed · env~ope to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. Mystique soon fa des In the movies, it's always a big sce~e: The boy picking up the girl at the prom will have a box containing a corsage in his hand. He's standing at the bottom of the stairway looking awkward and uncomfortable talking with the girl's·parenta. Suddenly, she appears. Their little girl has emerged from her pjgtails and jeans into a woman in a long, flowing dress. She has usually developed a bust and the braces are off her teeth. Everyone is struck speechless as a 68-piece orchestra comes out of the woodwork and she makes her poised entrance down the stairway. IT'S A GREAT SCENE if you're the mother of a daughter. But no movie has ever filmed that scene in which a son emerges from the bathroom on prom night wearing white tux and tails, an aacot tie, wing collar shirt, top hat, gloves. whit~ patent leather shoes a nd a coordinating walking cane ... looking like he just fell off a w~g cake. There are no violins with a son. No mag)c moment when your eyes meet and there aie tears in them. No moment when you throw your arms around him and declare him full-grown. A boy runs around like he has starch in his underwear. He tries to oe cool about the outfit, but you know him well enough to see the anxiety. Will the toilet tissue clot the blood on his face he got when he cut himself shaving? flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END Will his palms sweat when he dances? WAS THAT SPOT ON THE ja~ket there BEFORE he brought it home? Will the corsage smell like the garlic tn the spaghetti next to it in the refrigerator? Will he have enough money at the restaurant? Will be have to write a check at the reBtaurant? ' Will they cash the check before he gets a job? Will be end up killing the jerk who talked him into a white satin tux with no pockets? Wi1h a aon it's corny to take pictures. Besides, he'a late. You have to remember It all. The peck on the cheek. The slam of the door. The mystique of the boy turned man lasts until you reach the bath.room. Heavy steam settles over 15 Band-Aid wrappers, eight w~t towels, foam~vered sink, three ramr blades, shampoo and soap oozing down the drain, garment bag, boxes, tissue and a bill for $56.75 impaled on the white cane. The child lives! Capricorn: Restri~tion temporary POT SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT Friday, Jane 4 ARia (March 21.April 19): Intuition and the occult figure prominently. You gain rare insights and discover aecrets. Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio key roles. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Examine various facets of any propoeed -areement. partnenhip. Diacern motives, ask questiom, make inquiries and doub~eck IOUl'Ce8. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Gain cooperation of family member in completing basic tasks. Focus on nutrition, health, medical-dental a_ppob)tmenti · CANCER (J\me 21-July 2~: Much that occurs could be based on wishful thinking, romantic notions and impulaes as amtrastecl to logic. Insist on definition of tern-. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Test material - concentrate on quality, durability. Focus on structure, safety, eecurtty and the windup of lonptand.ing negotiations. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Enlarge HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA horiJ.onl, get rid of unnece8l8r)' bu.rdent, streamline techniques and' improve basic procedures. . . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You'll have new, more ortlmiatlc outlook due to reaumotion o cash flow. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Firat impl'ftllom are on taraet; cin:umatances favor your efforts and you'll be at right place at crucial momeni. SAOmARJUs (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Much activity takei place behind ~ -aura of excitement, confualoo exis1a. Gemini and another Sagittarian play lmpcrtant roles. 'CHiPs' cyclist takes a lijke - Q; Hu Erik Estrada walked Mt -... "CBlPt" TV teriel apfa'? -Mude ..._,Su Mate.. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Wish has actually come true, although you ~y not be aware of it. Feeling of restriction is temporary. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Prof e11lonal 1uperior aeeka review, revil:icm, cbanas and reamurances. Focus on career, ambitions, ~ride, prestige and standing ln community. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ssnneone is tantallzlni you with pl'Olllilea which cannot be fulfilled ln immediate future. Know it, take charae of your eecuri.ty. --,. - l'LL NEVER FORGET MY AMNESIA. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF vulnerable and tbe cardJng to the two. dub tricb alread1 played made it look almoat eenain that the suit was goinr to split 4·2. Since West wu unlikely to have led the queen of dubs against a alarq from an original holding or Q·9, declarer decided to pla7 hJm for four cluba. The rut wu eaay. Deduer rutrtd a club. eu~ ed lbe king·ace of bean. and ruffed another dub wit.h h1a remaJnlng tru .. p to briQI bla tcKaJ to twelve trick.a. The • 1ut trick wu won by Wnt -11"111 ..... --~ W.vu•pud Eut wU.11 Jtii.JUP h .... -- . . . .. • •• 0 "Could you UM I llttJt 1hadt'r' by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENAC,t; Hank Ketchum ~ 4 ' I r . I ' • "I don't blame hlm ... lt scares me, tool" 8HOI " 1'M SO<~ 5f1"1M' ~ 1'1~ a.{) MIU< CRA'fi. ... NANCl' NANCY, THIS NEW BOTTLE OF COO LIVER OIL 15 EMPTY -·-• ' 1HJl •e:HPTl,M/61 IV., ""'¥~' Aita'l.01 ho~' ~,, ~ ~ ~I ~ 'at& Otlli ~. ~-tAEL CA\.LU M£ lt~\Mf M>'Tf.~ 9&01\1.1 \)tft~ ~ U>CA~! .,,.,_ ... , ,. I by Ernie Bushmiller I OILED MY CAR WITH IT by Gus Arriola 6N THE TOWN -Movie actresses Candice Bergen (left) and Jacqueline Bisset enjoy a stroll along 57th Street in New ,,..,,, .... NllW YORK (AP) -He .... ln I mkUoWi\ l'tltaurant. w.artna blue ~ Ind "JPlnl a aoft ~.M.rdly th. Imai• of a 1ymphony orchHtra Oonducvr. But the bekll\ la Davtd Stah111 Ufe. He hll been oand~ prottlllionally anc. 197•. when he maae hll °'1nelie Hall ct.but at ... M. He'• now 32, and hu )lat reall.r4d another Pl by oondUC'UIW an opera Sn Palermo, Italy. The workne cond~ WM BeWnl'• operatic variation of th• RorDIO and Juliet It.Ory, 11Capuletti I Montecchl." "Romeo and Jullet" ln !ta varloue fomw hu played a ma~ role ln Stahl'• life. Conductor~m· pmer Leonard Bem· 1tein, whom Stahl oon1lden to have been one of h h menton, choae the Youn& Stah1 to take over the mualcal directonhlp of the recent Broadwal revival of Benwtein • "West Side Story." ITAHL allo lm~ crtdcl with hJI condu.MinJr ot the Tc~ "Romeo anc1 JUliti1' and the Prokofiev "Romeo and Juliet.'' He um met Bemateln ln 1975 at Tanalewood, Ma11., the informal 1WMW bOme of the Bolton Symphony OroMatl'a. "I studied whh him there u well 11 with condUCtcn and compmen 11.ke Setjt Ouw1, Aaron Coj>land and M1U1lav Roltropovlch," Stahl 11ld. "And I conduoted Copland'• 'Appalachian Sprln1' Ul\d•r bl1 1uldance w'tJ'l an orcheetra ol 1tudent1. ''The important key · 1n my life wu Bematetn after that awnmer of 1976," be IAld. "I became hit uaiatant, and Sn 1976, the Uliltant conducior of the New York Ph.l.lharmonlc." . That ume year Stahl wu ,appointed auociate conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra on Snvlt.atlon from that aroup'a mu1lc dlrector, Thomas Schippers, wh.om Stahl conaldera another of h1I mehton. Schippen died ln 1977. I Then I ~t to Queenl eon'll and Wiii able to form my own orchlltra ~ \he *'*'ti·" Tb• next 1tep for Stahl wa1 the M~ COll4in of Mu8'c ln New Y~ where he 1tudled f« hla l'Dllllter1 delne. built ue. ~ rtpertotre and met conduct« PietN BoUJa. who tnvlted him to au.net rehearaall at Llncoln Center'• AYflf'Y Ftaher Hall. ''I watched to many IJ'Mt conduct.on from Lhe little v18'V'lnl room over the orchestra ln Avery Ftatle.r," he 11)'1. It wun't lone before Stahl made hla Carne1ie Hall debut, conducUna the Youth Symphony Orchfftra of New York in Wa1ner'1 Overture to ''TannhaUler.'' It wu hla ti.rat piece on the P<>Cllwn u a profe911onal. "( wanted to make my firlt piece one by W_,ner, becaUle it WU W.,.,er who turned me on to wantlna to be • conductor," he 11ya. "I can't be1ift to de9Cribe the thrill of belna on the same 11-ge where ~ the IJ'Utl conducted.'' A. a rault of hla International travel, Stahl aaya he haa learned that ltandarda ,pf muak: Sn the Unlied Statlee are now great.el' than Sn ~. York City following a luncheon at the R~ian Tearoom. The pair starred together in the movie "Rich and Famous." If ted to m lntemaUoaal tofu. with Bermteln'1 version of the Romeo-Juliet theme, hlah aitlcal pralle for Stahl and tnvltatlona for court and opera appearancea throughout Europe. Stahl While with the Cincinnati, Stahl allO became conductor of the St. Louie Philharmonic and found himself commuting between the two cities. "I made up my mind at 15 to conduct," aaya the New York-born Stahl. "Music wu always ln my home. My father played piano for 'fleuure. I took le910na. "Americana have an inferlorltr, complex that t.h1nca fottip are better, ' he 11id. "Not 10. 1 find that mualc training in thia country now la far. superior than one can get overaeas." . "APOCALYPSE ••• POWI LUXURY THEATR S fco1101tty Sutl .. 12.50 tll 3:00?M Unltss 1hlltrwhl Nott• S lll3f11jfI•X11ll6i6J~ 255s/~~) S FOR FUfll EXCtTEmEnTI V111t0Ur... * EXHILARATING ENTERTAINMENT." 90W~­(Jlfl«Tit& ~ • , •• l20 DRIW·INI MIN NIOHTLY AT 7:30 Ch1ldt1n UrlcM• 12 FREE Unleu Noted ~ ' ~ •.•w1f'l --. BEGINNERS WFLCOME! I REGISTER NOW for lntemationally famous Ice Ca)>ades Skating School Whether you've Ice skated before or never Lce_skated Jn your Jif e, one of these classes Is for you. rr-----------il 1 50¢0ff 1Mesa Vwcle Cent• I . I 2701 Harbor Blvd. any public MM1oi1 at twbar I A..a...- 1 Ice Capada a.Jet 1 ~ _.... I Pr..-coupoA for dlecount. I Costa fllesa L: --~~"~~~~ - -:.I 979.aaao * 8ARQAIN MATINEBS • Mond1y thru Saturd1y All Ptrform1ncH before 5:00 PM (Except lpeclll Enl' .. llltftt• end Holldeya) l -' M15'~l•A ._._11 MllOdO ot 10 .. c10111 LA MIRADA WAlW IN tt•·2MX> "I' YOU COULD Ml WHAT I HLVr' tN1 --. ........... ... , "ClUM ....., -·' "CKAMC>Ta 0# FN" Cl'OI --"'--y ........ ~.A.11. "PORKY'&" Cll) 1tll,UI, .......... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN "DeADMaN DON'T RM ftLAID"' cN 1 ___ .__,_ ... YOO COULD au WHAT I ....... (PQI 1:11, a:IO, .... 1:10, ,.., LAKEWOOD C ENTUl SOUTH W/llM ,,,. ""'""I M ANAHEIM OlllV(·IN f•••WOJ fl 01 Lemofl II 179•9150 ~ROAD WANUOR" 1111 ----- ~•ACK"w ------· fo1:1111y at Cond•-ooa 21J/lal·tll0 "PORKY'S" .., ----- "FANTAllA"c91 -. .. , __ .. "WRONG •• RKIKr' Ill) .............. _ lollftl Cocnt lftwcry ) ollfOOOWOV 494-1514 "FIGHTING UCK" 1111 -~ WAlllNORS" 1111 Cllll·fl------------------- "PAM.,,.... 1111 l"SOMa K~ HOO" t111 "HAD a~ 111> '1tAIWMM"t111 c.. " IOUllO C1llt " SOUllll -autN.A ~•"• BUENA PARK DlllVI IN ~°'" ..... -°' ""°" , 121-4070 ~ IH THl DiUKDT ~ OFM UMV£k5£. A WTU IS ADOUT m DEGIM. 1PUBUC SKATING EVERYDAY. ONLY A BUS RIDE AWAYI ~ •I "-4 A • ""'" FOA $OME IT YIU IE THOP. ~ MISSION. FOA OTHW IT WIU DE TH£ LAST. - ..... -' LINCOLN DRIVE IN l-oln A•• W•ll ol anon 121 .... 070 "'! ...... , 1,., Iii WA Y 39 (H/11( IN "PORKY'S"Cllll -"'GOIN" ALL THI WAY".,., lllt<h "" .. " Oollllft 0111\'t ff-. 191·3693 . ',,. . ~· DON'T~ PLAID"'"' aop~ (It) aUll IROT'HDS" '11NYAft LaMOMr' (fl) C* " SOUND Cllll ·II IOllllO ___ _ . .. . ~ ' LA HABRA . ~1\! " "P'IGHTIN,!. UCK'"" "THI WAIWORS" 11111 Clllf·"-"DUD-DOWT WM PLAID"" -. ----·---·-..,~a.Ult M01'MIM" 17MMI ---. ,. ORANGf (lL;,\, I '"' &'JO.I~ Wlthtn \he next few wMlll. ta. madMll that .w.pt tht naUon'• kidl (and adulta) d ......... the 11Sw W111" _.... wt.U be ahAre h.11 llem witb'hla older blother IWM'lll' of five YMn .., (lrvtna'• Boben Maanauahtoo) and manlf .. ttna ltaitlf~aa•Jn u .. &.T." younier elater (D...w Barrymore). bMme down to movie \heat.en llCl"om The ex""-~-· on thetr flCel when the oounvy. ...-bo-t.lo The full Utle 11 .. l .T., the Uwy fin\ be ld E.T. are dneml l:xtra·T•rrHtrlal,'' and It 1bould ~~·~~'lo~~rf~: ...Uy IOU' Into that rarifltd box office •• atmo1pher1 brHthed by 11Jaw1," '•· "Star WJr1" and "Raiden of the Lott Thelr mother (marveloully enacted Ark." It'• the ultimate cl\tldren'1 by Dee Wallace) II kept ln the dark . tantuy f1iclc which can be en.joyed 1bout the hOUM l\lllt throulh much wlth equal abandon by the older of the ~. wlUch _.. up .ne ot ~ration. the ro0vle'1aupemttve11quenc19 of What creator·dlrector Stephen cumedy. On one OCClllon, ahe tcana Splelberft dld for 1cl•nce flcUpn • the boy'1 room aft.er hearina a noa.e, movtee ( Cloee Encounten of the and the camera pan1 the~ of Third Kind'') and hl1h adventure ltUHed anlmala, aldpptna over &.T.~ ("Raiden") 11 alreedy a maner of face ln their mldat. On another, the cinematic hiatory. Hll "E.T." ii a ldda try to itwe their leCf9t wl\b comblnatlon of both with a more Mom. who ii too buty to take notice, u.nlvenal appeal than either. and knocka the cnatwe lpl'aWlinl Spielberg, who admlta to beina a when abe opem ~ refrtaerator door. 1 o rt o f Pe t e r Pa n • mo n I Thertt would no.t, of courser be moviemake-· focu.es "E.T." throui."' ·... .,. much of a 1tory without a crisll -and the eyes 'Of a youn1 boy whoae thl1 tran1pir11 in the form of adventurea will etrtke a responllve t ( l itl U chord with anyone .who'• ever had a p;::r:;:~.W:~~ toeeem:m~a~ stray dog "follow him home." In tbe · c•se of lb-year-old Elliot (Henry kid's-eye penpec\ive) ~ down o.itr 11ttot 1'8ft f'Mto 'Thomas), the stray 11 a gro~ but the lnterp~tary visitor. E. . must ON SCREEN -Fifteen-year-old fri·ndl~1!fi· from another pJ.ane• be put on the next 1paceehlp home Irv ... .., before the Bid (hays catch him, and Robert Macnaughton of ine is left be . w en his speceahip made dolns 10 require• •very bit of featured in the new movie "E.T ." a quk:k getaway. im.-1lnatlon aod ingenuity the as. one of the youngsters who i:--.u t brin-•'--.--.. t .. -home and' y~-can ..1.us•-~o • .._.. UD: ~ ..... _., 6• m """· _... befriend a space creature. hides it in his room. but !pOn must conflict comee to a head ln one -----'--------------------------oi the molt breathtakina chue ICenee ABBA group a conglolllerate .. STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -Eight years ago, four fresh-faced Swedes won a music contest in England. Their winning 90ng, "Waterloo," became an international hit and launched the two married ·couples aa one of the most popular tinging groups in the world. fl M \ Including alnce "The French Connection" as Thomas, Macnaughton and their frienda mount their b1cycles (with E.T. ln a front basket) and lead the federates on . the merriest of chaaes. Kids have never outwitted adult authority quite 90 delightfully. But it lln't the freewheeling action AA ABBA. the four have built a music empire, and have become one of Sweden's wealthiest groups. Annifrid "Frida" Lyngatad, Agneta Fali.kos. Bjorn tnvaenus and Benny Anderaon have each amassed personal fortunes of aqout $4 million. But they have little interest in their finandal matten, leaving that end of the buaineaa to their producer, Stickan Andersaon, who owns half of the group 's. holding company, Polu Music BEST ACfRESS -Katharine: Hq>bum BEST ACTOR -Henry Fonda International. · Last year, Polar and lta six subsidiaries earned $12· million. • I The Polar group now ranka ninth among · Sweden'• Top 10 and has made lta debut on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The members of ABBA are majority ahareholden in the three lilted companies. The llstiog of a fourth ii planned for this year. While ABBA'• finand.al empire continued to grow, the marriages of lta four members fell·apart. But the group still alnga. uaiog that d.istinctive four-part hannony and clean, crisp sound that made such songa u "Dancing Queen," "SOS" and "Mamma Mia" instant bita. You '11 be glad you cam et ~ _(f_f}'-~~8 llTH TERRIFIC WEEK AU. am Nl/O 111,IL ... llECLflYl THE MM. Oii NE MOTION '9CTUM COOE Oii SEV llEOOl.A TIOH ************************************************** .. edwards NEWPORT CINEMA · ~SHION ISLAND. ~EW--~BT CENTE I '90 much •the warmth and MnltttVity of tht children for their 1tran11 friend, and vice vena, that adv" "E.T ." lta epecial ~le. Spltlbirt tllcltl a ma1ntflc.nt performance from youn1 Thoma1, whll• Macna'-lhton tnd Mt.. 8arrjmoN are totally believable in IUpport. ~ Wallace (who hu n'OW1\ markedly al.nee •'The HowUnc.,.f ·i1v. a moet natural ln.'*'Ptetation of the mother, U1hUn1 the p•iP. of a recent eeparatlon and pu)lod tn 1everal directlON by work and children. And then ihere la the John Willlama ecore. The mwdcla.l ...,tua ===============::::::., who created the. •ttrrtna 10unda of 11Jaw1," "Star Ware,•• "Clo1e Encounter1," "Sunermal\/' "The Fmplre Strikee Backf' Mel "Raiden of the Leet Ark" ~ hja audlft\C'e with yet another devaatatinfi theme, thl1 one perhaps wielding ~ore authority than the othera, putk:Ularly during the bike chue ecene when tMe mualc: ,nearly llfta you out of yoUI eeat. "E.T." ii clearly another gem for · the Spielber1 treaeure cheat and ahould be the one movie every kid will have to eeo t.hia awnmer, at least once. And there doubtleu will be more E.T.1 waddllna around the atreeta at Halloween this year than any other creature. HD student sings Randy Hill, a junior e¥change student at Dartmouth College, the aon of Mr. and Mn. Richard L. Hill of Huntln,gton Beach; recently sang with the Dartmouth Chamber Si.ngera ln a combined concert with the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra and the Dartmouth College Glee Club ln a performanc e of Brapms' ''Schlckaalslled.'' ~--~~-....--y _. - --• ---.. • ·-r--~·----.----- - -9' _. ~ ,.. s • •· r.':ml Ii M!fJOAN clliilr~ r Bl&tra. --Md•ijqotdee\h ed ..... OWi' ..... tVWcl front E!L honOt UNI of hollow.. •t ttaftnl hUcSnn wltb mate auck 1111 wllhboard 1iomr.chl dylna 1 ~ thOUMndl tvvy day oT IWC>ltMn tta.Natlon. ~. You hardly hear the anymore. Even the Bicht of ~~ton• from tht mape. ' t l"MCh of the Gulf of ' • on· the old Wett African • ·tla1 cout i1 now called the • ll&lht of Bonny. lt ta u lf the ~ phen had. tried to wipe ' t d\e memory of the ~eleet of · dvil wan, whld\ claimed two 'tnlllloft li"-and lhattered ·the ederation of Ni1erl1, Black · rica'• lhowptece democracy. ·' "That WU a IAna ni8ht ..,. .. lnueed the' Mo1t Rev. Brlan r&ru" Uunca, the bJahop of ~bar, wlth an audible llgh. .'Brother figh.Ung against brother. Fortunately, Africans ~on't ruminate. We get on with life. You never hear the word ·p iafra an)'more, except in a ' _. •fieroptory way. ln -t,he heat of ·~~t, a polit<ctan might call , ~ op~nt •a Biafran,' meaning 'f dlsaident or a secessionist, even r a traitor." . 1 . : Tbe bashop and I were having 'br••kfut· in the llote1 r·Presidentlal in Enugu duripg ~Pope John· Paul H's visit to ·Nigeria. Enugu was the first tapital of the breakaway ~l,)Ubllc of Biafra. The hotel, e>nce the most luxurious in WAR'S VJCl'IMS -Faces such as these haunted the world duririg· the 30-month horror of the Nigerian civil war, 1967-70. Thousands died of protein starvation as the conflict # ~frlca, hu been-stripped by oo.ters when the city fell to ederal forces a few months after war broke out in July 1967, It ~ been restored. to ~ '?f ita old elepnce. 1 was sµrpriled to glimmered out the window on runway ughts came ori for only tind ''11ie C.Ollected Spee,ches" the 65-mile bus ride to Onitaha, a 30 seconds, but we landed ;oo "Random Th.oughts of Gen. later Biafran capital where the without hearing a shell fired. J,:meka Odwnegwu Ojukwu" on pope said Maas on a forgotten Uli once billed itself as ble in the lobby. battlefield. "Africa's busiest airport, with ' Oxfol'd-educated Ojukwu was Out there was ''the~" the llpwards of 40 flights a night the leader of eastern Nigeria's endless green savanna of boabab bringing in food and arms, often predo~inantly Catholic Ibo and palm oil trees where those on the -same plane. In the year ~pie, known for· their clc:.ely l:latlesa ltaring children with the beginning Mareh 26, 1968, when Jtntt, 1uccesa-oriented family strangely copper-colored hair the first relief plane landed on ~ that. put a premium on w4dted to die of the protein the jungle strip, Caritas alone tctucaUon. Before the w e deficiency disease called new 1,900 flighta with a total 1. lbos had more than a million ·kwaahiorkor, a Ghanan word · ~yload of 40 million pounds of [ Chil~ in parochial echools run meaning "red man." A Swiss ~ food . 1 1noJtly by Irish· missionaries. en-voll&lteer told me then that In the tin-roofed "stafe house" I !['hey held more than W percent once the hair turned red, it was at Uli, my passport was stamped pf the civil ~ jobs and 75 too late to save the child. Now "Enugu," although the capital fircen.t ot the anny commiaions the roadside was littered all the had fallen a year before, and a roughout Nigeria, although way with tin cana, auto wreclcs, he a 1th officer checked boa numbered less than oil drums, untreated garbage, the immunization records while one-fourth of the nation's shocking refuse of the oil boom customs men went methodically ~01lem-~ominated 5S million that hat made Nigeria the through the baggage. To the very ~pulatlop. . _ world'• sixth largest producer end, the bureaucracy taught • O)J.kwu called them back to and resulted in more abandonded them by the British lived on in iheir ea.stern homelands and fanns than the war ever did. dying Biafra. aimed the Republic of Once again~, lush enough · Policemen in crisp khakis on May· 30, 1967, &fter to ~ the natj,on, is importing directed what little traffic was tinous Moalem troops, mostly food to feed its own people, left. Bewigged and robed justices the have-no~ rival Hausa fl}though not with rickety relief held court in jungle cle.arings. t!_ibe, slaughtered 30.000 Ibos. planes bravingSpviet-made MiGf Radio Biafra urged citiz.ens to piie.e grilly massacree, occurring and Hritiah anti-aircraft guns to "take a flutter at Biafran football pver a period of pM>Dthi, were land at Ull, the kerosene lamp-lit . pools." ~ cubninatlon of aeveral coups stretch of highway known to the The veneer of nonnalcy kept · •nd counter-:qoups begun pilots as "Airstrip Annabelle." people's minds off the MiG =by young Ibo officers During the war, I had landed fighters and Ilyushin bom~n rtd the govemmen_ t of at Annabelle from ~ Tome, and Sov\et rockets that were then a Portuguese island. in a ahrlnk:ing Biafra from ~ the t all did seem "a long night rusting Dakota leased by Caritas, eize of Ireland to the siz.e of .'' but .for this repOrter, ,"!ho the Vatican re.lief agency. HOW"I Delaware, while the world ered, the war and returned for before we took of(, the pi10J had argued the moral question of e s u r render, a half -borrowed my typewriter, then whether it was more. hwnane to · me.mb.e.red landscape aakec:Ubetowime..hiewill~ run .the blockade and feed the , jue .£e~ls his ,garde~ grow t PIULADJ:LPHIA (AP) -On momino when tires, old bathtubt. even toilet bowls -90 he won't wakes up to find it raining, George Jones ia step on them. - bapp.y for his tomatoes and squash, but "Everything la where he can feel," uid 1dll1a1>1dnU!d that he won't get to visit his garden in Slanche Smith, the garden'• oveneer. ttbe ' . .._l On clear day., the 73-yeer-old mired railroad The containen ai.o mean Jones doesn't have to · worker tdlda bta anail plot ih .. fenced-in west bend down aa far, and they make it easlet to Phl1adelpbia community garden. Since he la almdlit allocate limi~ space • • ~blind, Jora must work gingerly. The garden ii one ot 326 citywide ~ j ms tl8lt bas been made ealier becau.ee his I under the federally hmded Urban Gardening ';~ are planted in upraised 00ntalnen -Prosram-Fifteen other dtiel partlcis-te. f • . ' , l • I ' • ~-' ~i ; ' • , . I roed f wtth a cottln on till t.;k. Two •lclan ~ hall drunk on palm oU wine, trybtj tO MW hWMfted dollar billt~ . (die)' were alwaya paid in cuh) Into th• 1!_~_!.~t bind of thtlr undennone. ' n)inl lnto Celabu ..... 1y aa tM eventna, l •w dw N~ delta .,iow with the hundredl of 1aa-flarin1 oil derrick• that eventually nelped bind up 1he national wound• of war. The brtakaway republic of Blafra had hoped to win hard currency ind forei~friend1 with the delta'• gua bladt Sold. but Calabar, Port and &ht other oil areas fell tq federal amphibious ... ulta early in the war. Nea-r the end, the Ude almolt turned for Biafra when C.Ount Carl Gustaf Von &.ea. a 60-year-old retired Swedlah commercial pilot, organized a tiny. volunteer air force of rocket-firing, Jow-ilytn1 Swedish "Mtnfcun" e: to shoot up Niprla1.-·M1G and oil etora,e tank&. But lt was too Uttle far too late. 'Ilhe oil boom, which baa made Nigeria second to Saudi Arabia in crude exports to the United States, has brought great prosperity and vexing problems to Iboland. No one wanta to dig for yams anymore. Jobs in the cities and the oil fields pay more. l#wnptloto destroyed the nation's economy. Today, reunited: Nigeria is enjoying the fruits of the oil boom, but prosperity bas brought new problems to -b).ack Africa's most populous nation. "The oil boom baa relegated agriculture to the background with the result that this country · can no longer produce enough food to feed our ever increasing population. Consequently, huge sums of money in foreign currency have continued to be sunk into the importat_ion of food,'' bemQIU\8 Deputy GOv. Boy Umenyi. children at the expense of arms the war, but we have not flowing in ~ or shoot down the • r e c e i v e d .o u r s h a r e o f relief planes and bring about a government jobs. There ia still quick end to the suffering. 10me auapidon of our loyalty," Onitaha, where the pope in his said Keyin Abo to, an Ibo outdoor M¥8 _prayed for vtctima photographer friend. Aboto had of the war, 1howed few worked as a stringer for several remaining signs of the 30-month British newpapera during the struggle. "'"The $20 million Niger war. We reminisced about our river bridge, destroyed at the previous meeting when I went to outset of the war, had been interview Ojultwu at Umullhia, rebuilt. Its towers loomed out of the last of Biafra's peripatetic The Catholic bishops of Nigeria, in a joint pastoral letter, dealt with the movement of people to the already overcrowded cities, "llliJ in a bid to get their share of thl so-called national cake derived mainly from the growing petroleum business ... Consequently, people become affluent overnight and there is a tendency tp accept materialisrn as a way of the yellow smog in the distance capitals. beyond the pope's altar. .lif .. e. The pope blessed the sick at St. Charles Borromeo Hospital, which had been badly damaged by bombs and rockets during the war. The patients included a number of wartime paraplegics, but no r~-headed victims of kwaahlorkor. "Some of the ltal'Ving children you saw who managed to survive are waJ.ldni around now witJt pennanent brain ~·" said a nun at the holJ>ital. 'There ia nothins we can do for them." The Onitaha market, bombed with great lcm of !ife just before the city fell, when rats, mice and bai, were sold at the meatless meat atalls. bas been rebuilt and again claims to be the largest ir) West Africa. No tr8'le remains of the execution poatl where Ojukwu ol'dered a firtng equad for eight civlliana and two army officers convicted of selling "buah meat," human flesh. at the height of the famine. ... ,We Ibo.-~since "Did you ever get your knife back?" he" suddenly asked, recalling the Swiss army knife confiscated during the pain- fully .personal security search that all visitors t.o the bearded Biafran leader had to undergo. The ravages of peace and prosperity, judging from the roadside equator, the shantytown slums, the polluted skies, the abandoned farms, have left uglier scar.a on Iboland and the rest of Nigeria than the war ever did. . 11 'No ,'' I answered, The years have brought remembering with guilt and ~changes to the survivoa embarrassment how without the fu that half remembered wartime knife I was unable to open the landscape, althOuah many of the canned goods all joumaliata had lead actors in the tragedy of brought in with them from Biafra have moved from center Lisbon. We always ducked staBe. behind trees to eat, away from Ojukwu lives in exile in the the staring eyes of the starving. Ivo ry Co~st, where he has The memory of the knife filled become a millionaire in the ,my mind with images of the transportation business. -Biafra tha~ was no more. The Gen. Yakubu "Jack" Gowan, posters urging people to eat the Sandhurst-educated Baptist grasshoppers, roaches, snails, preacher's son who went to -war waape as a aource of protein. The -to keep the federation of Nigeria total at.ence of dogs and cats. together, was toppled in the fast Vultures perched in the trees. An · coup and aeems to have become a Ibo family fleeing a burning pennanent student at Warwick village with all their worldly University in England, despite goods balanced on their heads. invitations from President An old man staggertng-dbwn the-Shagart to return. .. .,. \ ' ti weNeA~1191W ~ OltM .t, ll'lllllcltlphla 11 Yll••· ll.:1AHML1 TM A~ .,. hlt9d to Pfotellt entw1alnet IMll'flY o.vte Jr ..... Ill ~ II mede to llldNO llttrl. • 'MllAINT' "Tiie M...., ....,, .. .'Ml........,. o.otge Ind lou99 hew • hlige flgfl1 on Iha Mt; ~ llf• to be Int~ Aout thtlr .. ~ .. nwlt-,.... • HAWAlt flMl.O Denny Ill lndtc:t.cl lof n!W• derlno an apparently "'*"* .._. ~· • CAWNGN'• ~l(.~tht Cf1rnlnel ~ lnlttatMI. • fMT F'O#MAll/IJ ''a.cttlclty And Energy'. Fv!Ul'e llnpllcallone of lM ~\tlnlhal!Mof 1 alactrlcal energy era I·~=·= NeCNaWI MOYW * * * * "I'm All Right. Jlldl" ( 1MO) Ian Cannl- d\MI, ,...., ~ In tryklo to oo • good job '°' hit uncle In • laiCl°'\I. • w•ll·m••nlng bumbler ecluelly upHI• lh• crooked achllfne hit uncle hee IO catefully pltnned. (l)MCMI • • ··Mao. In Pena .. (1"8) ~Mwgm. Louie Jourdan. A Perle ~ ...._,. a IMhlon buyat off harlwt. t:IO • AU. .. THE fAlltlt4. Y h'• Archie·• btrthOay and ha'• more IUfl)flMO by whet h Nye on hit birth certlltcal• than by hi. 9IKpriM perty. • NIWMIAT WITI4 ClEn**Rll . • ;"..:::' MPORT D BAANfV MIU.DI Olatrlc;h o.l\M BarMy by attending 1111 111111-nuctMr ~ o.monetrauon and wind• up on Iha wrong 8'de of Iha law. (Part 1) CID ctWIUE. TNI LONEIOMe OOUQM A lumbermlll'I 8do9ll and ,..... "' orphaned COUQllr kitten. (PIWt 2) .MOYll * * •J.D. And Tiie Seit Flat l<Jd'' , •• N9CN!WI HAPPY MYI AGAIN The Foni ""*COIN to the -when ....... eur-tnghem'• car er..,_ Into Al'a~. • M!CNaWI • KOJM( KOiek .. not M1lafleO wtth lM ~ s>e*'1t1nO to • ,,.,.. ganoater .. belnO rHponalbl• lor Iha •"*"Pied .....inetlon of ~hOod • M"A"l"H Ht1Wbye Ind B.J. auepac:1 Frri of lltllng a wounded qolonel' • antique gun. I ..IOKDfl WILD 9UIM81AEPOlll'T MAGtCCWOll PAINTIHQ "a-IAoc*a" (I) , ..... MAQAZIHe A top 1eaNon modal who la -50 ...,. old: • 21· )'Mt-old rnaatat ~ ....... 0 INT'Bn'MNlmlr TONIQHT Alt Int.mew whh ,,_. l<Jno. 8TNIMUPNTI ~:Leo&eyer (D)MOYll SERIES ST AR -Daniel J. Travand pl•Y• Captain Furlllo In "Hill Street Blues'' aeries airing at 10 tonJatit on KNBC (4). *"'''On The Rlgflt Track" (1911) Gary Coleman. MlcNal lembectl A IOCiel wotll• trtM to llnd • "°'" n\11 home fOf • train ., ... lion ahoelhlne bOy with • talent for plcklno the ~<Po· (J)MOYll * * * ''The c-1 FOi I(~" (1980) Paul Mcewtn.y, Tiie Who. A hOlt of rc>c* performer' many of wtlOm get togatf\. at In 1111 •ll·ltllf roc:tc ~ .. are INlurecl Ill thll record ol • ....-ol ~held tor Iha~ ftt of rellef to war-raveged C8mboclla. r:ao I Gii FAMtt. v nuo LAV!Nfl & 8HIRL.EY &COMPANY Squlogy lalla In kMI wtlh • greedy and unc>"lnclpled i !VaONLA M"A"S"H Rader borrowt Chef1ea' record• pla~ and ••• -a tM M0A·s·H Cll9C llOC*(i)' TIC TN; OOUOt4 ~/LEHMR "8'0ftT • NlW9 0 YOU AIKED P'OR IT Featurecl: "Vuhur• Thal Eat OUt Of Y-Hand" and "limbo Roller Skatat." CIDMCMI • • "a.yond me RMr' (11111) Denton Ka'na, M-'*'-'· A poiyn.. alen-American girl who hu been educated In the u.s ~ to her leland home and ,.... In loYe with • ~OIYat.'PO' t:OO. Gii ICAMPS An .-Y-9C*'O wrhat ..... on IN running of en .n.- -Cflld car. cent.er. eMCME • • • "Incident '" a... Ff •IClaoo" ( 1870) Rlc:Nrd ~. awta Connely. A -II he60 '9llpOnllble for • ,oufl'• deMll ..... lie trtla to...., an old man. ....... ...,., Mlftand ~~ ~tobe~.(R) • rcn mWHY '°"" 9CID • ON DRUOe ,,. MllloNI ptotl6em of dr\IQ ... ~ ~ .,.. .. ..,,..,. • P..M.MAGADNI Ort tM roed with the rc>c* •GUP Journey. a 21..,..,.. old ,,_.., eec..,e .,,..., .MCMI • • • "Th• Brambl• llwfl" (1MO) Rlctwd Bur· ton, eart.a Ru9fl. A doc- t°' llruQOIM with the ~Ion of au1haneaie .. N9 Clk:I tn.ld, wNt II terri-- M/#y Ill, beoa to' die ano lleve the doct°' marry Illa .... ~awa .... ...,. ,,.,,... .. .,,. ~ ... of Mo ,...,, end an1wer1 .....,.... ~ atloltt ~-prolMlma. • 1N1Nt PMVIEWI "°99' Ebet1 end a.. Sllllel ~ .... lllma that nearty evetybOOy ml1Hd th• flral time around Including "Fin- o-a.'' "Galel Of ~ .. end "TM Onloft Fletd." (A) (I) MCMI • • "lltannlgan" ( 111711) John Wayne, Richard Attanborouoti. An Amatf. can pollce detective att~ to IOcal• • raok· ata•r who h•• been abcluc1ed "°'" '* hldlno ~lnlondon. CC>MCMI **Yt "TM Wendaren" (111711) Ken Wtktl, Unde Manz. TM mernWI of • touoh 1M0e ....... Oll19 In the Bronx dlaoo¥W ttMlt tM pr-of orowlnO uo and lalllno In loYe -mucll mor. Olfflcull .. ~ -than Ill'/ of the rum-blea the(w ta11en part In. 'A' (l)MOVIR * * ~ "HOlkN" (11180) Roger Moore. Jame• Ma.on A daoc>ef, - hating frogman 11 called In to tnwer1 l"8 pWl9 of ut<l'tlonlata who Mvie hllllClled • ~ .. and .,. llvMtenlflO to o.tro., two Monti Sea oll r1ga. 'PO' .MOYll •••• "Necwotll" (1971) Fey• Dunaway, Peter Flnc:tl. An 9'11 I....,, -*'· .._ rdnge -11-tlly ~ II turned Into • ranting prophet of the ---by • crafty 1-male progtam- mlng executive. 'A' ~Ii=.= Kip and Helvy ,._.. their INll ldenlltlee to thelt ..,._ low hOtel reelclatlte. (flt) Q • AU. .. THI PAMA.Y The 81Mcl -lflodled when tNy -toNt tNt ArcNe Me Joined the rank• of the netlon'• w~.(Patt1) • INIAKPM'IWWa Roger Eber1 _. a... Sllkll ,...,.... IOl!!.9 .. that neatly .-ybody ml...O the flrlt tlrN wound lndudlflO "Fin· ..,.., .. ··0atee Of ~·· Ind "Tiie Onloft J:Wd ... (A) • LAl'Tct4AHCa CIAMGE Brad a-. -• clao-,_.lc oornput• fOf • Cemwo ~ -i dllm- onstr.... how to teat a bat1ery. (J)UCMI **Yo "Stw Trek -Tiie Motion Plciure" ( 19711) Wiiiiam Shetner, L.eorierd Nlmoy. The former com- mender of the u.u . Etltspl'lae ru• _.,... .. old ct.,, _, -. off on • mlMiOn to find the mpleri-oua WMll ,........,.. fof IN deltrUctloll al IMMr• oua FedarllMon ............ •QI ..... 'Ml~ .... AbemitlU~­ed ,.....,. ...._,to "CHANNEL LISTINGS collect a judgment tor Aodtford rW1'81 ioaa '* entire llfeatyte. eaowwr ITROICD 9 KNXT <C8SI 8 KNBC (NBC) • KTLA (Ind.) • KABC (ABCI e l<FMB (CBS) D KHJ·TV (Ind.) a l<CST (ABC) • KTTV (Ind.) 'e KCOP·TV (Ind.) .a KCET (PBS) a KC-:E {PBS) r1I) On-TV <I> Z·TV (II) H80 re:> !Clnemu1 Cf.) IWORI NY. N.Y. @ IWTBSI IJ'.J !ESPNI ())!~Imel • 5'>otlloht • <C•bl• News Network I IOmber1y la ottered • mo6- ~In P ... (A) Q 8 0 IMNIY tAL.81 A llr"l)la erreat INde to tM 12th preclnc:t being ftooOed by llOlneleal peo- ple wtio .,. foroed to rwneln , ....... --of • bllnard. (A) Q • M.&.Y 0MHMt ~-• ....v ..... "Ufe Extenelon" ~ Ourtl ~-. Or. ~ Deno Ill•. Richard ..................... L"'ll..: ::. ..... .,...., .. ---m= • •mr T...,,,_,. ...... , •.. Ne --~ ........ ~0-IM'I ....... •land 'lllt llflde'• .... ~an tfta6t ~ ~"41M· l'1111 l)Q •••'-......... "" ... ..., .. (1N0) Oo1C11e H...,, lllean .,....,.. A ....... -~_.,...,.... -..... """" ...... "" tfl8 ... al ..... ................ <r..:. ...... ~ . .,.,.... .. (1174) He~ ...... limon Wllfd, A )'OW'IO -*' le wrorind by a WOlant ~ wtlo...,... "°"' ........ ~'"' l'M88 ... AINAK Ori 1111 IM ...... ~. thadllef ..... ~ outtodlnrwata-......n ,...._ Ill an 9ftcWi to !Mlle .. INlllOfY ... ~.(A) eO TAXI Jim ...... hie llgendary ~.,_.to.,... hit .._ for OM of 1111 ,.,.., • lllltWOtll ~ wtioae job .. Ill ~· ~~MDOOMNI "A CMbad Man" ICM't'I '"""°"' to lmprow '* gradea and .... oolaga ~ .. ~­byllll~~ eotlool.Q 10*>. (I) tMGINUM. , ... Magnum 11*'8 a PfO foot· 111111 a-In Wlfllno to Pfoteof en otd buddy wt1o la being Ylctlmll9d by 1111 ~-.(A) 8Gllt&.L8TMIT ILUa Captain """° con9dan hiring 1111 -laWyer to avoid becon*'O •. ..,,. ment ac..,eooei. Ind Hll end fllenko llMoOma under· UV!. ... CU>laJP "J. Edoat ~· TM ~ of the FBI Ynder onc:t°' J. EdOat HooWr -probed In Ill~ ttvie report ~ fllm from .._,, F8I ~ with ,_ lntorrnetlon --rounding 1111 OOltb Cl'l'W9llll ear-; Marahall Frady '-'*· eroTHI~ IOflH ~ ~,..,.. Aldlard of .. manol1lll OUttaa when Ill ltlnarWlt wcwt1er MIO ti. WOftled for her In prevloue yeara r•uma. (C)MOYW ** "You light Up My Ute" ( 111TT) Didi COM, Joe Sliver. An 11plrtno aongwrltef ...... to oope with the ttv. "*' Ill .. tltawhle .......... own Identity. •PQ· Cll mMM "Panda,,......-.MCMI ••'Ao "Zorro, The 09¥ Blade" (1911) GMrge Hal!\ltoft, llUl'eft Hutton. The'** eon of old c.a.. fornle'• f-. ,.,.._ fight« II llapecfl.._, by a riding lllJury. '°"*" ... ~ bfOOlat to daft ... tO:I01~==-=PG· ::=:::c. JONATHAN wrN1'IM ~Janet LAltgf\. t1.ooeee(J)OGll .... • IAT'UN)AY MGHT Hott: MlchHI Palln. Oueata: The Dooble Broth--e VOU AIGD IOftlT Featufed: "!Wno Fu ~ dne Show" end "a.le 8rown: Behind The ac.-." .... A•t•H "°' .... ~ tM ..017tlll llM no~. IM ...,ttle .... plcQ •• It'• bedl to~. .... e-..v ..... WMdl tor 8ennY• IOOll el Hollywood end ttw ·~ • "'I Of TN Y-J&.rnplng OoMall." I DICK CAVITT lHSL.AMWCIM Corr .. pondant• Linde' W"""91mat and Coltle Aobef1e )ojrl Paul DIA!e tor ..... ~~­mlf)' ol Conorffelonal ac1MtieL (D)MOYm •••• .,.~. {18M) OOClumentaty. MlchHI ~.Eduardo Paolm· II. The lnalde ~ of two deaf-mute friend.I la Cir'..:. Orlnff OoMt DAILY PILOT/Thul'lday, JUM S, 1812 I ••• ·-n. lllolt!O Hori.-"*''' ('911) ~ ,_,.. ford, ,,.,,_ ~ A lM v.-~--·••a ~ INW019'bNd hotaa to 11119 1111n "°"' hie r--~·llQ' *** "MoVloer'' (tNO) Roger Daltry, Adem ,alttl TN trw al°'\' of 1ktt1a11 oM*W JoM MoVloer'• .. '" pnaon. 1111 ..,..,. anOhlll,_llteontlleout- lllda .. Ohl Oi c.d. .... tt:ID. QU9CY QuNy dlao4WW'I !Mt 117 lllcfllN of I )8llner OIMll In ttle OONll died ol r.~ ~ hollt! Joan Rlvw•. Ouaeta: Pote Barbuttl, Mimi IC.-cfy. edMCNaWI ~ e MCMI ** "The lummertlme !<MW' (1113) Kart Meidan, Chrlatopller Mitchum. 8eethlrlo wttfl holtlllty IMf hll tlltlW'• deetrl year9 befof9, • youno """ .... ofl on • l!\IM6on of r-. puralOd by • ,.. ..... --cop. • THl&IEllONI a-g. clMli. with the KIM. e IAM'ON> AHO ION FNd gate • jot> ... but ~"'•~topoy tor• IOen. .... tl .. TWITH CLDIWll • cwnoNIDM!C NEWI ())NIA~ QM9 0-4, 1-111 and Ille to be~. CIDMOYW *** "8bipee'' (1MI) 8111 Mwr~. H9'okl Ramie. A New YCl'll cebblo loc*lng tor udtement OOOWIOel 1111 beat lrlend to )ojrl him In anllellng In Iha U.S. Army. 'A' .MCMI • • • "Cutter'• Way" (1M1) Jolin ~. Jalt 9rtctgae. A ~ Viet- ,_, -and .. bo9t Irland, e aoolel dropout, 9ocl.-thllr -vi.a on IOMflO •murder-'A' t1M(C)MCMI • .... "Kii Or .. l<Jlad'' (1M0) --AyM. Cher· ~ Mec:Mlle. A format .... _ ... wflo !oat Ill~ um. IMldl to IN.....,._. dultnO IN ........ to--..1111 .... II')' .......... . mio fl.I ...... "°"' around .. ....., Ill• taur- -.t. 'PO• ,... 9'r'IM'••rr TOlllllllT AA ,,_... wtlh Alan ·iiavaw A haled ...-1tar II tfW .... ted with mutder ""'-' ha ~ • IMIOr tOUtnllNN. (A) .UCMI *** "They Ware ~·· (1M5) Aob- ett Montgomery. John Wl)'N. The bOrnblnO of ,.... Hllftlor oi-...... of PT 11oata tM lone •wefl· ad ~ to ptOVl9 ......... • LOllW. w•oC-N 8TY\.I "Lo¥e Attd Tllo Happy a.,.-· Alctlle fell In kNe f« IM h tllM. • IJCl'\.OMtG LAHGIJW tl:tO G 8 LATI MGHT WfT'H DAVID L9TTMMAN Ouet1t1: IUfVlval .. .,.,, Tom •rown, •woo•I• l<urU, o. Oordoft UOdy IF ••14 "Loulou .. (11111) 1 ... belle Huppert, Oerard Depardleu. A )'OUflO wom- an falll In io... wfttl • man aha met In • dllCo but can- not aooept hie lrr9eponei- bl•. carefree attitude towwd llto. 12:40. MCYU.AH & WIA Mac wltneeaee • murder In • llOaPtel but can't ftnd any evidence to bacil up whet ha-· (A) tl:IO CID MCWll * * "TM l8Q4llld Of The Lona Ranger" (1980) l(Jln- ton 8plilbury. Chrtatopher L.Joyd. The Lona Ranger end Tonto pur.-their arch-enemy, Butch C.Wftdlltl. ""° hM kMS- ftlC)ped the proltdent of IMU.8.'PG' , •• MCWll • • • "Tiie llo ()ock .. (1841) -.....,, M-..-0' ..... A MWePe· permen .,.. to ... the only ..,..,__ to lfle rnurO. of ..... glr#rtand. • lttCMI ••14 ''The ............ (llN) Ken' Senara. Yurnl 8'*9-. A O'OllP of hlOHY eYOf¥eO ....,. of aupertor lntalllgence try to 1•• -Earth to petl)Otu-•t• their clYlllzatlon. (l)UCMI • •• .,. "Alice, SwMt Allee" (11171) Lind• Miiier, Paula SMpperd. Memberl of an ltallen-Am«lcan famlly -Ylctlmblad by • paydlotlc murdorat In their mldat. 'R' 1:108 MCWll . **Yo "X From Out•r Spt.09" (111M) Toanlya WUllll, Poogy Noel. A apore brought to Earth from the moon llbaort>I electrlctty and growa lnlo • -· != ** "The a.tan With 80Qer1'a Fece" (1810) AoOer1 SeccN. OtMe ~ My. A man daddea to dlanga ..... ~ and pflyaloel l!PPW•-to ,__ 1'111 acr-Idol 'PO' ·=-1::w' •• ''The Dilapc>w•ioe" DonMI SWlenlnd, Frar.- dne "--tta.A top hit man tor an International rnur - dot-0.,-hlre °'Oanlutlon dlaccw9rs Illa wife .. mi..- lng and b•comea ob...o whh finding her. 'A' l';2IO CJ) MOYll * * 14 "Th• Mirror Cllldl'd'' (tNO) Ellub«h Ta,40(. KJm Novell. 8uaO on • atoty by Agatha awtat6e. A atranoe murder llMlMrlt t'fvlll Hollywood .......... pi-.111111 !"9llfl ...... 'PO' ... MDVII * • .. Tomtl Of The LMrJ ....... (1t70) "°"" ~ ~ P9ttlJIOM. A remo4o tllMd II rumored 'o be IN dwlllrl8 p-. of JOHN DARLING • gtlMlly .,.... .... Ill •• "" ara1n1lllld of • ~'*""' ,. "9erOftd TM ~ (ttltJ Oenton ••'fie, Mw9fi ~. A ...,,.. ....... lll'lcan Oltt ........ -. ....... 111 .. u.t ,.,,,.. .......... '*"' and fllll In IO¥e wltll • 11 """"' 'lllO' M» • NIM .. MCMI **'-"Jannlf•" (1"3) Howetd Duft, Ida Uiptno A ~ "" -· dine .... •• lM drafty old INIWoll ..... en. WOtll• (J)mAMa ..,.,_ Meter" l:GO. MOYW •i.t "'4lrt>ldOen Heaven" (tHI) CharlH l'arrell, OhartOlte Henry. An Arnet· IOan dllllOat trlea to main· t . ..., dltcrotlOn In hat love attalr with • .,.·known lrllllll pollllcel ~, .MCMI * *"' "An Eye F°' An Eye .. (11111) Qluok N0trle, Ctlflelopher Loa A Sen Franollco cop quit• IN loroa to •verioe the murder of his pannat by "*"btf' of a OrU(I Mo 'A' l:GI CC> MOYll **'Al "The Wandorat•' ( 1179) Kan Wahl. Unda Manz. The "*"t>erw of a lough IMOI .,, ... gang In tno Bronx Oleeowr that the pr-of O<owlnO up and lalllng In loYa .,. much more dltllcult experl· -lhllll any of l"4I rum· blea lll0)''\19 taken per1 In · 'A' 1:108 MOVll • • • "Copacabana" (11147) Grouel\o Mara. Car· man Mlrlll'lda. A MOdy lel· ent agent manab-to get hll cffent two )Obe at IM lamoua nl;ht "'°'· 1:111(.l)MOV!e , * * • "Cullar'• Way" (11111) John "-d. Jatt 9'1dOM. A maimed Viet· nam vet and hit beat friend, • aodal dropout, locum their -glee on aoMng • mwder cue ·~· ~CIDMOVll •••'A "Private Benllt-mlri" (1980) GolOla Hawn, E"-t &annan A well-to- oo young -rnlal•· anly ~ Iha Army follow· Ing the ONth of hat ,_ lluaband on their wedding ~~~ 1' *'~ "An Eye F0t An Eye" ( 11181) Cllucll Norrie, cnt1at0f)hor l.. A San Francieco cop qulta the '°'°'to~ the mwder of hie pertnat by mamt>erw of a drug rlflO. 'R' 4:IO. VO'f AM. TO TH! BOTTOM~ THE Sl!A "Monlter From The lnlar- no" • Mtl8K>N: ...~ Tllo IMF racaa aga!Mt lime to pr_,I Illa .... ol a container ol nuclMt mat• rial. Frida•'• Da11tlme Ho.,IE'• --5':10 ~ • • • • "I'm Al Right. Jadl" (1MO) len CamV- chall, Pocat Sellers. 1:10 (I) * • · 'lllundatt>lrdl To The ~ .. (11181) Pup. '*'· l:OO ••• "lnvedor9 From The o.p·· ( 11181) Pwppol• <Z> ••• "0 ludty Mani" (11173) MfllOOlm ~, A9ipt'I Alc:Nro.on.. 7:IO CH> • *'Ii ''The M)'lterlout Stranger'' (11112) Chrl• Makepw:e, Fred 0wynn9. 9:CIO CC> ••• "Don't Go,...., The Water" (11187) Glenn f«d, Ola Scala. WOl1d W• II Mllort In Iha Sou1h Paclflc find that they l'IMd only • '9CtMtlon haH 10 complete their peradtM. Cl) * * '4 "TM Nakfd Kia" (111&4) COnatance Tower, Anthony Elatoy. When a glrl II err•led IOI murder, her ahad)t put II reYM!ed. ' t:10. * * "The lonely Tnill" (11138) Jonn Weyrte, Ann Rutherford. A 01119 of out· lewt t.,,.ort:zea local ranch· •• untM one man tall• control . • *** "L .. Cltrle" • (1ff7) ~ Kelly, MlUI Qaynot. An AmetlHn I mutlOel llloW h"• tN luroC19811 oltOUl1 W9*\ ciomplicallOl\a ...... 10lOO * • * "la Olrle" ( IH7) ~ Kally, Mltll 1 Qaynot. An Amor loan • mveloal .now ltlll the lurOINlln Clf°'111 When oomptlcetione .,.. 10'.IO CJ) * '4 ''Tiie l.Mt en.." ( 1N 1) LM Me)ore, CMe J M•ec>MOt t1t00 (I:)*** "Tribute To A Bed Man" C •He) J-c.oney, lrtne ,...,.., TWO conolfned people etternpt to OOtWlnCe • rlnOI* 10 alop -llllng ruetler'I. lltOO G * * "VIiia;. Of TM Olanta" (1H5) Tommy Klrlc, JOhnny Clawtord A ~ ,.... bend Of I~ ' 90«• lnoM<t • "maOIC" potion lh•t ceu-~ nomonal growth. • * * * 1..i "The Dlwy Of Anne Frank" (Part 2) (Ifft) JOMClh ScNtdtlraut, Mlltto Patldnt A diary Olt- COvered In the •ttlc of en Amtteroam tectory PCI'· lraya the plight of • JowWI refugee lamlly which Mved there In hiding '°' IWO YMfl • * * '..\ "Fhle GOiden Dragone" 1111cm Aobtf1 Cumming•. MatgateC Lea ' An A"'4lrlcen dllettanl• In Hong Kong getl ewept up in Ille e>perallOna of I , MCrat lnla<natlonal not· WOrlt Of amuggler'I (I) • * * * "Ooo Dey Atternoon" ( 11175) Al Paci· • no, John Cuale A New Yorll Clly bank robbery eacalataa Into a near· clrcu1 when community actlYlll1 JOln In t'o atage an anti-police pr0t .. 1 during the Cape< 12: 111 CJ) * • '"' "Prince Vallent" ( 111541 JlmH Muon. Janet lAIOh. The Vlklno atl brlngt lwO rlvela Into dlracl conlllct. t2:30. * * * 'h "Manheltan" ( 1117111 Woody Allan. ~ KNton A New York City • comedy wrltat br.Ua up with 1111 IOng-Uma gil1· Irland to aqulra around 1111 lnlellactulllly v9'>1<1 ,..,. ' R' • 1:00 C!r·Famlly Man" Ed Aaner Anne Jackson Only aflat hiving an attlllr does 1 O\M rMla a 1111 Utalong reapoe1bH1t._ to other• CID •*'"' eon11nan1a1 Divide ' C 1981) Jonn . Belutnl. Blair Brown 2:00 Cl) * * • "Slrlpet" ( 11181) Biii Murray, Harold Rernll_ A New York cebbla IOolllng for a.1clt-t conw-t 1111 beat Irland to join him · In anllatlng In Ille U.S. ' Army. 'A' 2:30 (I) * * .. The lncredlbie Voyage 01 Stingray" ' ( 1118S) Puppeta Capt. Troy Tempeat and the mighty ' lhlp Stingray try 10 atop the avll -IOld, Tllan. lrom laking ~ Iha world. 8:00 CID •• "The OeybrMlc-~ .,,.. ( 111711) Glenn Ford, Sam Elliot. The Sadlott brOlharl tlnd adVentura ""'*' the)' travel -• lrom their T-~. 'PO' 1:46 CJ) * *Yo "The Hued Klei" (1"4) Conmnoa T-, Anthony Ellley. When • Olrl It arreated tor • murder. her ahad)t past le r.....iao 4:00 C/J "WM a ~Of Summar" (11173) JHn s.batg, Frederldl Stat..-: '°'° Constant quwreling and ~ ... the C8Ulll of a """ and • -·· un.'\lloplllNI. • • • "Invaders From The Deep" ( 11181) Puoootl. .t:IO (I) * •• "Wind• <>f" ~ a.noe .. ( 11178) Animated. 5:00 CJ:) * * * * "Orlllld lllu- llon" (11137) JeM Gebln, " Erlcfl Von 8trOIWm. World ' War I ~ l)(Jrlfllc1 wttn I German CQmfT\1111- denl. I: ti(%) * '"' .. The Lael Chue" (1M1) LM Majotl, Chrit Mak..,._. In a world of{ .. Mure. • former r-ear drtloer end • 1~ ciompuMr Uper1 fight I.he .,_,_,., proec:rtptlon of automoblla 'PO' by Armstrong & Batluk d 11 ... -----------------------.·· Documentary probes FBI-, Hoover ... ~ . " '' •' ·- FRE II II II . ® • E~R IC.A'S ST ICE CR EA A Carvel Sten is an Ice Cream Factory Provicln1 Retai and Wholesale Opporbrities . . . You -:an make over 90 ice cream flavors fresh at the store. You can provide yu customers with an array of Ice Cream Cakes, Lois, Pies, Novelties and Take-Home Containers as wel as a ful lne of Cone and Foootain Treats in both soft and hard ice creams. With Carvel you can offer the widest (by far) variety of custom made Ice Cream products avaiable anywhere I You can wholesale al of yu products and create any Carvel ice cream desicns for voklne accounts. You can expand yu factory buslless by produci11 al of the products for satelte outlet sales at other locations. The cost of settin& up yu satelte operation is only a fractior1 of yu oriciial factory Investment. Yu factory produces and sets .. whle yu sateltes sel more and more . . . We •• acceptin& applcations for Orance and Riverside Coooty Carvel Factory owners. Clloioe lto.tlen 1ow 1wail1•11 • .... , ......... , .............. . Ft1t irfonnlllon 1bout Cnll Pho11 (l14) 141-1111 4 Nearby Locations . . · SllTA 1111 Al,_ .......... cen .. · 2131 louth ......... .,. .. (et Werner) ........ (714) 111-cm • NOTHING BUT WINNEBS -Laguna Beach High's tennis team swept to the CIF 3-A championship Wednesday, dropping Calabasas High at Laguna Niquel Racquet Club. The doubles Baden's farewell einotional By JORN SEV ANO oftMDllJPlltlWI As Pat Haden was preparing hta retirement speech at hia home Wednes day morning, Cindi Haden, his wife, aaked her husband if he planned to get sentimental about the whole affair. "No, I don't think.:>," Haden told his wife confidently. "I should be able to control my.elf." Well, Haden waa wrong. Tbe six-year NFL veteran not only couldn't control hia feellnga at the noon press oonference, be could barely finlah what he Md to say. "TRIS IS MUCH more difficult than I thoualht it was going to be," said H.aclen. aa he slowly lost hta emotions. "1 thought it was going to be easier than thta.'' There's nothing easy about a player who feela be'a retiring in ..... the prime of his career. At age 29, Haden felt he had at leasl five more good yean of football left in him. But the injur ies, the controversies, and the turmoil finally took It• toll on the ~lieve rm better than 70 percent of the other o..; ........... .., ...... ~ team of Ted Brandt and Rick Leach (above) and ainglee star Dale Willard (below) led the onslaught. ' C9 sight! •· ID Hassler, Aase injured By CURT SEEDEN or .. Deir,... ...,, Dave Goltz made hia tint . appearance in an Angel Uniform Wednesday night and quickly diapoeed of all five Detroit 'ngen he faced over the final two innlnp. U only Manager Gene Mauch could get that kind of performance from thereat of hit relleven. In fact, Mauch will probably be happy juat to get any kind of a perfonnanoe from hta bullpen. Loaina 5-4 to the Tigers Wednesday night was bad enouah news. But Mauch has allo bt -temporarily -the 8lrYtc. of hia two top relievers -Don Alia and Andy Hassler. "I waa here (at Anaheim &ecffum) at 1 today and ., was s.-.. He looked like he was about 80 yean old. He was all bent out of ahape," Mauch said after the game. Hauler. W'-f placed on a day-to-day bMil(. after luf fering what wu de9cnbed u mU8Cle spurns in the m1ddle part of hil back. AASE, MEANWHILE, replaced start.er GeoU Zahn in the sixth innl.ng and allowed jult one hit while llrik:ing out two over l 'h inninp, which wasn't bad for a . pitcher who waa making only hil 1econd appearance since sitting out 11 days because of a sore elbow. But like Haaaler, AR.tie too came up lame after aetting two out in the seventh inning. IIi.a d.lagnosia: A re-aggravation of the earlier injury of~ right elbow. He, too. la on a day-to-day basia. Laguna captures CIF tennis crown And then there'• Doug Corbett, whom Kirk Gib1on tagged for a two-run homer in the eighth inning to give the Tlaers a 4-3 advantage. Mike Ivie foTlowed with a aouble and Larry Herndon singled Ivie home and that turned out to be the winning run. IT MARKED the aecond time in the series that the Tigers roughed up Corbett, and Mauch. for one, ta just glad to aee the Tigers on their way back to the Motor City. By ROGER CARI.30N ofhDellJNot•llllf When you usually run roughshod over the competition by such ICOres as 28-0 or 24-4, maybe you loee IOme perspective. "That was a nail-biter," said a relieved and happy Art Wahl, Laguna Beach High'• tennis ooech Weclne9day afternoon. Hia team bad juat taken a 14\.i-7 1-d over Calabuu High. clinchin1 the winn1nl margin and gtvtng hil ArUsa the CIF 3·A championlhip, their aeeoad such effort at Laguna Niguel Racquet Club in three years. The final margin for Wahl's unbeaten Artists (Calabuaa was Laguna Beach's 24th victim of the year) WU 16 \.i -11 \.i, but the verdict had long been sealed ·when Eric Schantz put Dan Si:ar • away in a singles match (going over the 14-polnt plateau). "Rick Leach," said Calabasas Coach Joe Trahan, "he was the difference. We just couldn't keep it away from him." Wahl put Leach in second ubles_witb Ted Brandt and the combination crushed both Calabasas doubles teams, while Wede Perry and Bill Capobianco, playing in the No. 1 doubles alot, picked UP' a 1plit. apinlt !¥x>tt Fielder and Mike Torgan, . winning 6-4 in the opener, to open "the door. That gave the Artists 7 ~ points in doubles and with foreign exchange student (Vancouver, B.C.) Dale Willard playing his usual unbeatable tennis in singles, it was a breeze for the South Coast League champions. . For Leach, it was a seemingly effortleea role, as he dominated the doubles with hia slick play, cutting through again and again with anuhes to put Cal•bHas away. "Alter losing last year (a 14-14 tie in the 1emifinala lost by a 102-99 margin in games to eventual titlist Riverside Poly). this is really exciting," said Leach, who was in Italy when the CIF eliminations got under way, competing in the juniors division of the Italian Open. "There was a lot of pressure on Ted {Brandt) with so many spectators here, but he really played well," continued the 17-year-old junior. It was evident early that the two-time CIF 2.-1\ cham1_>ion Calabasas crew wasn't really a match for Wahl's outfit as Willard led a 3-1 ainglea sweep through the first round. Schantz picked up a 6-4 victory over Todd Lee and Craig BNmfield swept to a 6-3 victory over Kevin Feinbloom. . "Detroit kicked us in the butta. You can't make a pitch that doesn't either find a hole or the seats," the Angel skipper lamented afterward. "We'll work it out, though. We're going to have to watt another four months before we know what Corbett can do and what the Angela can do," Mauch added. Detroit could do nothing wrong ln the pitching department Wedne9day night. After 9Cheduled starter Milt Wilcox hurt htmeelf w~ up, Tigers' Manager Sparky Andenon decided to start Kevin Saucier, who carried a 3-1 record and 1.42 ERA into the game. And the Angela opened a 3-1 lead against the berky jerky left- hander which waa probably the worst thing they could do. Anderson replaced Saucier with right-hander Aurelio Lope%. whoee 6. 75 ERA aver juat nine lnningl of work eeesned like the perfect tonk for th& Angela to map their thre&-game losing streak. Lopu pitched 4~ solid innings of relief. holding the (SH ANGELS, Pase Cl) uarterb11cka in the NFL,'' said ~ "I realize I'm wasting a 1 talent that I have but I think in the ~ run thta is the best decl8'm for me now." Best in U.S. play • ID Laguna Kris Kollenda saw a 5-2 lead melt in a 5-7 loss, but the diaappolntmenta were few . for the Artists. Leach, who will be back with , the Artista for his senior seuon, admitted he prefen singles. but when it comes to the team finals, doubles is just fine. JAEGER UPSETS EVERT LLOYD PARIS (AP)-Andrea Jaeger upeet the favorite, Chril Evert Lloyd, 6-3, 6-1 todat:::!t. reecbed the final of the Open tennis champlonahips. Revitalized Olympic volleyball team plans exhibition SPORTS EDfTOR CRAIG SHEFF "Whatever helpe the team.'' said Leach. "Six points la better than four points." While Leach's domina1icm was the focal point for the crowd, he preferred to pass the credit around, including Willard in ~~~ done that in sina1es all year," a,aid Leach, who also admitted be felt pretty good about hil own game, too. Willard said he entered Laguna Beach thia fall without (See LAGUNA. Pqe CZ) Lloyd, 27, who haa woo the French title four times and w• once rated invincible on thele slow clay courts, played inconsistently while Jaeaer ICal'Cely made an error. For Jaeser, one day abort of her 17th btrthday, it Wal her third victory over Lloyd in five meetinp thia year. In the other temlfl.nal, Mattina Navratilova downed Hana Mandlkova. 6·0, 6-2. Lakers, 76ers vie Philadelphia needs this one badly ,. .. ,. . •i . -\ Chief Wahoo labeled smiling, du~H savage Prom AP dl1petclan CLEVELAND -Lawyera for II the Cleveland Indiana b&MbAU team and the Cleveland Indian Center .. Y they are near a1reemen\ on a I 1ettlement ln a lq-Nnd~ dlapute over the portrayal of the te.m'• eymbol. The center tiled auit ln 1972 ln Cuyahoea . County Common Pleu Cow1, uklna •9 million damage9 and eeekJ.na lnjunctive relief 10 make the team alter mucot, Chief Wahoo, from a "amlllng, dumb 1avage" to a dlatlngulahed representation of an lndlan. Harley McNeal, a lawyer for the team, said an annual Indian Day at Municipal Stadium la one method of settlement being considered. Terry Gilbert, who CM, WAHOO represents the Indian Center, said the center would receive a cut of that day's gate receipts. "We would a1ao 'want to uae that occasion 10 promote poeitively the ~e of the AmeriCU\ Indian," Gilbert aald. "We would expect lt to be a regular event with appropriate public relations and promotional effort to advertise it. "No other nationality group or race would lOlerate such a caricature of themselves nor --should they be ex~ 10. Why does lt have 10 be a clown? Why can't it be a dignified symbol that ahowa the heritage and pride of the American Indian?" Gilbert said. Quote of the day Oscar Gamble, Yankee outfielder, at an off-day workout ordered by owner George Steinbrenner the momina after a 13-inning km to the A'a: ''F.rnie 8anb ia the only r:. who would have ~ happy to be Eichelberger just mlsaes no-hitter San Diego's Jan ElcJlelberger Ill fired a brilliant one-hitter Wednesday and the Padres acored all their nan.a . on a dropped Oy ~ to notch a 3-1 National League victory over the Chicago Cubs. Eichelberger, 5-6, yielded his only hit on a questionable call in \he eecond inning when Scott Tllompaon hit a 1rounder to second. Tim Flunery slowed the ball down, but lt bounded · off hia glove into ri.ght field & and oflicial scorer Dave ~ Nlpdllgale of The Sporting News credited Thompson with a hit . . . ftD Nletro, Atlanta's 43-year-old knuckleballer, hurled 8eVeJl bitleu inninSB before Bob BaDor sinaled for the first of New York'• four hita as the Braves defeated the Mets, 3-1 IDCHIUDQEJt • . • Alu AUby drove in five runs with a three-run homer and a two-nm double to back the slx-hit pitching of Nola.D Ryu and Dave Smida and lead Houston to a 6-4 triumph over Montreal . . . Pete ROie doubled, singled and ICOn!d twice and Garry Maddox homered to help Dick R•daven to .his fifth straight victory, a 4-2 triumph over Cincinnati ... "loeqala Aadlljar fired a six-hitter for hia third shutout of the season and K.eltb Heru.ade1'1 third-lnnlng single gave St. Louis a 1-0 decision aver San P'randaco. It w.u Andujar's eighth career shutout. llumplng ,,..... fire Rodgera u. ==~=-:'~Frrl:t ~ Dlayotf befth ewr Jut HUOn,, wu -bNd Wtctn.ai~ iinlct.t a alump In which \he team had l~l 14 ot 21 aamea. llantJ a ..... \he Brewera' batlln.I lnltructor llnce 1871, waa named Interim man11er ..• In A.merialn Ltlpt aot!on Ku.M'• flret venture u a manaaer found Milwaukee wJnnlnc, 5-2, behind Cecil Cooper'• two-run homer at Seettle .•• ..... , ahtctr 1ma1hed a ~ aWn hotner ln the top if tM 13th ~ to power the New York Yw .. to a wtld u-e vtctory over Toronto. It w11 Murc•r'• HVtnth Carter lf&ftd tlam . . . Aadt• ...... hocnered ROOODt tor the fourth 1traJaht 1arne to apark O~land to lta lOt.h con1ecuUve triumph; a 4-2 dec:l1lon over Mlnneeota, extendlna tht loetr'• lollnl ttttak to 14 sames ... AmOI Od1 deUVered a run-acorin8 linlle with one out in the 11th lnnlna to Ufi Ka.nlu City to 1 '1·8 win over the~ Wbtte Sox, extendlna the ~ lOlll\8 ttttak to Ille 1ame1 . . . Rooki• Dan Hostetler hit a eolo homer and Fruk Tuau pitched a four-hitter u Tex .. defeated Baltunore, 4-1 ... Dway11e Marplay and Davt Me&ay alammed two-run homera and Miile Norri• pt~ed h1a flnt abut.out of the year with a four-hitter aa Oakland dealt Boston a 6-0 1etback . . . Lamarr Beyt of ~ White Sox, the only nine-game winner ln the major leeguee thil aeuon, wu leI.ect.ed u the AL Pitcher of the Month for May . Baseball today On thla date ln bMeball ln 1978: Phlladelphla'• Dave Johman became the first player tn modem major Je.acue hlatory, 10 hit two pqw:h-hlt ~ homers ln one ~.lila ninth· blut off Terry Forster &tvtna the a 6-1 victoi;:y over Loe ~ at Veteruw Stadium. On thla d&te In 1932: New York Yankees tint bueman'" Lou Gehrta hit four IMJme nma ln the Yanks' 20-13 rout of the Philadelphia A'• at Shibe Park. Meanwhile, back ln New York, John M~raw retired after 29 twnultuoua yean .. ~of the Giants, handing the reins <1Ver 'IO first bNeman BW Terry. Today's birthday: Cleveland pitcher Ed Glynn la 29. Connors bounced at French Open Jo1e Hl&HrH of Spain upset • top-eeeded Jimmy Couon 6-2, 6-2, . 6-2 Wedne9day to lldvance into the aem1finals of the French Open Tennis · Tournament. The Spaniard, 1eeded 14th, outmaneuvered Connors on the slow red clay court in tc0rchlna heat ... Pat Eddery rode favorite Golden F'leece 10 a clear-cut victory in the 203rd Derby classic at Epsom. The winning time was 2:34.27 and the margin of viclOry was two lengthl over Touching Wood . . . Fines leveled against tennis •tar Vita• Gerulalti1 for three allesed ot.cene gestures at the French Open have been rescinded in a move that will allow the 27-year-old to compete at Wimbledon. Television, radio 'FoDowtng are the top sports events on TV tonight. Rau.a,. are: v v v v excellen~ ..., v v worth watch.lng; .,....., fair; "' forget it. S I p.m., Claauel ! """'"""'"""'"""' NBA CHAMPIONSHIP: Philadelphia at Laken. Anoacen: Dick Stockton and Bill au.en. The Laken aim for win No. 3 1n the fourth game of the aeriee tonight. The key foe the 76era la atopplng LA'a herald~d faat break. If Philadelphia can do that, or at least a1ow it down. the 76en will be in the game. The fifth game will be played in Philadelphia Sunday. • RADIO Baalcetball -Philadelphia at Latten, 6 p.m., K.LAC (570). f:rom Page C1 AKERS. • • ~-48 at halftime, but that Wat 81 ~ u they got .. the Laken ..-ent on a 13-2 ram..,e 1n the ~ 3:39 of the~ half to ~ any auapeme. . LasOrda erlipts after 8-7 setback The teams return to Philadelphia. where the Lakerl won the eerie. opener 124-117, for Game 5 Sunday afternoon. A cl.xth game, lf neoe9IU')'' wtll be f>layed here next 'l\laday night. · McAdoo had a Jot 10 do with Pia club'• convlnctng victory in ~ame 3, 8COrlng all 14 _gt_ his points ln the fint half, 12 of them while Abdul-Jabbar watched. "Being at home sure helped a lot," said McAdoo. "The fans really got us going at the start. We knew we baa 10 put four aood quarters tosether tonight and we did that." Philadelphia Coach Billy Cunningham gave the Lakera ~t, but made It clear that h1a club wam't at the top of ita pme. He ai.o expremed the feelinl that tonl1ht'• contest will be another matter. "We pt did not play well • a team." he said. "'I'bey playe(t out1tandln1. 1 know that la ~ thlnp. but that .. 4iDttli'wlia:f.t .... w. will be t.ck. You ... a dlffennl club Thunda nllht.'! Loe A,.i. cmdt Pat Riley aped. 441 think It'• tndJCaUve that whm a c.in lCJMt • th.II leYel tt1 -.. co.1wpoud witb •much bettll-effort," he 11'4 aft.tr O.me a; ..., I expect ~ tp --tlick In. cllfttl•l lnilDI., niimd ~ ~' ........ , 101q to han to be Jut u tousl.I:-" au.1 ·•• •••d .... i..uu \Mt &be J·hnn .,..,,~:I ---~·--Pllll,... ..... ........ rn~ ~ , :::I: r::: .... • the ball goee down the rightfield line. You tell me about the breaks. U he gets the guy out, the gaine'a over." Rlck Monday's three-run home~ in the flm inning gave the Dodgers l 3-0 lead off Eddie Solomon. Ron Cey and Mike Scimcia lin8led home runs in the thlrd inning H Loa Angeles moved ahead 5-2. The Pirates, who ICOred twice ln the bottom of ihe first off Bob Welch, added two more runa in the third to make lt ~-4. Sax alngled home another run in the fourth to give the Dodgers a M 1.-d. Thelr advam.ge stood at 7·5 going lnlO the bottcm of the 11eVenth. Dale Berra. battlina a alump that hM dropped h1I aY'efllle to .188, lln&Jed bOme •Pirate run In the wventh to cut the 1-d 10 one run. .. INJVllED -Don Aue ii on a day·to-day baels after re-aggravatina hie rlghi elbQW, Sun set nine faces Moore LONG BEACH -The flnt annual Sumet Leasue vs Moore League All..atar buebell aame ii eet for Baturday ni&ht (7:30) at Blair Field, here. A total of 19 senior playen from each league will go at it ln the affair. apomored by the Long Beach Klwanla Club. Price o1 *1miafon ta $2. All proceeda will benefit Klwanl1-1ponsored charities. EdlaQn Hlah Coach Ron LaRuffa will Coach the SUNet team, aaalated by Fountal.n Valley'• Joe Miller and Huntington Beach'• Mike Dodd. John lferbold of Lakewood will coech the Moore League team. Members of the team include: IOllOM -Mllre 0.8enon, p-ot; Joe Kwdlk, 3b; Gr9G aon.y, p; Tony 1.JnO«d, c. POUWTAM YALLn -81-Jontr."Wd, •: Tim MerUno. 2b; OMl'I Aober1a, ~ 111N11NA -Trell Bennen, p; K.W. Biter, 3b; Ken LMdo. ... ~ YllW -l<.wi 8t.nley, p; Fr9d T uttte, of: Elto A1W1o1tz. of. HUlf11NQTOM 9'ACtt -Orto ~. c; enen ...,d, or: Orto o.v• ... •tTial llTD -~ Aottl. p; Oererdo U.., of: Den Wong, Sb. • From Page C1 LAGl)NA • • • any. knowledge of the Artists' prow~ in tennis. "l waa just hopi9'1 to play tennis," Hid · Willard. ''It 'turned out pretty well." . The loa enm Cala~' teaaon with a 17-6 record (incl~ two forfeit~). SUPER MJf!,,JS llMITID WOITSMIM STOCK CARS Ftt., Jwe 4, • ,. .. Anp co J\.llft one run and iNW hlCI tO p6ck W' hit ftnt ~ Of \he ..-n. But he nHded help from Olb1on, who ironically WAI havlnJ hi• 1hare of problemt wi\h Mpl pltchtna. "rve~ ~ at the t~ ~J°}~l:,l -~~~ not IUN what pit.ch I hit. I wu ;.t lookina tor a pttth ln • cert•ln area. They have been opentna me up with • lot of alldera down and In IO I had to adjust my ltanoe." Ola.>n then adjusted the 1eore ln the Tinn' lavor with' hll home run tliai found lta way into the rtaht field aeac. for a 4-3 advantaae. The Angela scratched for everythlns they could get. In the thlrd, Tim Foll walked, Bob Boone sacrificed him to leCOlld and SOt>t>y <!rfoh whacked an KW sing.le for a 1-0 lead. Their two runs in the fourth From Page C1 HADEN R E T I RES • • • playoff game against the Dallu Cowboys. In '79, he s uffered another broken finger in the 10th game of the regular season and was replaced by Ferragamo, who eventually led the Rams to their only sueer Bowl appearance in the club a history. In 1980, after winning his sununer battle with Ferragamo, Haden broke his finger again, this time in the opener. When he returned, it was aa a n understudy. Finally, last season, he outlasted Pastorin! and Jefl Rutledge, only to go down with a knee injury that took him out for the aeuon ... and his career. "If there are any regrets it's tllat I had a loslng aeaaon last year 10 end my career. I had never played on a losing team before. And my last game against the Gianta, which we lost. When )'OU leave like that it tends to ~Ve a bitter taste," he aaid. "~ for thrills, I guess my biggest one la that I had eome fans and friends name their kids aher me. And, l was very fortunate to bring aome smiles to faces that don't have much 10 smile about. ''1 don't think I'll miss football, but I will mils the people." Haden wu the starting quarterback at USC for three 1ea10na. He played one y~ tor the Callfomia Sun of the World Football LeaJiue before joinlng the Rama ln 1Wr6. Hia best aeuon may have beeh 1977 when he ranked aecond in NFL ~ eflidency and threw orily six interceptions all year. Haden, however, was never totally acce pted by the fans. Continually booed at Anaheim Stadium, one of Haden's low polnts had to be when he waa cheered for being injured in the Ram.' opener in 1980. "In my own mind I've had a s u ccess Cu I car eer for two reasons," he explained. "One, I always tried to play my best. I may not have played very well, but I tried my best. And two, I never gave up. "The whole thing has been very, very wearing. I think I would have been a much better quarterback lf the Rams had given me the ~-I don't think there's any doUbt I could have played better if I wasn't constantly looking over my shoulder. "It's hard to imagine that at age 29 I'll be working in an office. That's going to be a hard adjustment." SATURDAY JUNE 5 ) ' ' ' • I .1 lt..'1!.~ . At dtl Mar m.h\ you don't edd tennia ~ M a ~ 1\icte fOC' IUCCW -you OOW\t U. io... they're Miler to tceep tnck. And for tM PMt two __ ~_tht 11tbldca number two -to Mlralelte Hflh'• Marauden, the deftndlnl CD' 4-A champlON who ended the 8eA lanal' ebc·Y9U' n&p M No. 1 in the CIF tenn1I worTd. , l'riday the two duh aaaln, tot the 1982 4-A crown, at Jeck Kramer Tennll Club 1n Paloe Verdla. The match befd.na at 3 and It maldM two i.rm with a oom6ined NClOC'd of &0-1, the one ee\bldr. a 17-11 non-lucue M.lnJeN win over CdM TENNIS when the Sea K1no tried to dolt without David Gerken. MiraJe1W la 26-0, CdM 2&-1. A )"1(11' aao CdM WU 24.o before nmninC lnto the Maralxlerl, who are all blick foe another title abot. 1 "We've worked i.1 hard ~ last inontll oc 10 ae~ reedy for daia," •YI CdM eo.ch Dave Heffren. "I doo't need to •Y an.ythtna to my players. rve never leeD' any group of b:ll thia excited. We've chan&ed the lineup around a Utt.le and we think we're ~ where we need to be atronpr. ' "WE JUST HAVE to go out and play tennis well. Whoever'• hot. when you have thia many · gOQd P1ayen, la aolna to wtn. '"I'he eeventh and eighth playen are going to make a bJ.8 difference in th.la one. We think we have an edae at the lower part of the ladder. '"l'hia ovenhadowa everything el.le," continues Heffren. "We had no competition the rest of the year except for Miraleste. Thia la the only time either of UI bu to be entirely up for it. "U everyone keeps their heads and just plays tennla, we'll be all n,ht." The Sea Kinp, delpite another glcmy record. aren't in the happieJlt of moods. First, Mira1este destroyed a poteotlal per fect aeason, after dethron.ina the six-time ch.amps a year ago. AND, IN THE CIF indMdual elimlnatiooa, the No. 1 doublet teem of Oreg Hayward and John Washer, oomldef'ed a good bet to win the title, wu ousted becau.e of a m1lundentand1na when they failed to show up at the ICheduled Ume for what wu expected to be just another step toward the title. Heffren bu added a new twist to the finals by getting the CIF to agree to WM! six referees, one at each court, to help pouible dilputet between playen. • I Three coache1 from each lea'-ue will be ::r=·~u::t~~:O~tT! Gary 8*l A year ago Miraleste'1 No. do!abJM l.-d "gamesmanship" to a very cl1tUnct advantaae against Corona del Mar eophomol9 Brien SUWvm and Jeff E'wtna. allepdly caWnc obvloul Im .. outs, and geum, away with it. TBB COi LINEUP lncludea HaY.Ward and Waaber, Sullivan and Ewing. eophoa;c•w lm Aler, Scott Brown1berger and John Hoetetler and Gerken, a amlor. . Hayward. a amlor and 'No. l reprdlem of ' where you play him, ldng1el Ol' doublee, ii heeded for Brigham Young Univen:lty. Ria .erve and volley are his bmt -is and for his a.. nearly M , he bat exceptional qoiclmew. Gerken. bound for Princeton, ii a four-year letterman and ii a~ from the m.Jine with an improved volley, while Wuher la beat at ~ with his aerve, volley and ltn!a2th, Sullivan ii perhaps the fastest on tlie team of eight rfght-handen and Ewtna la another with excellent doubla potential, with his aerve and volle~ right. ii a ~ and can hit with ~anyone on the' teem. while Aler, althouch ·fl••hv-t and with the ability to come up with a:Jtne auper wtnnen, la atill worldnc on his comiltency. Holtetler'1 anooth. all-around game . blends well tn the CdM attack. . "'Ibey (Miraleste) have playen ranked ahead of oun," •YI Hef(1en. "But in one aet of sln&)iM an~ am happen. And 11 for doublea. wen. we tntimd to ... " Heffren cut hUme1f lhort. 'That lnformatiion will be forthcoming at 3 p.m. Friday. NO DEALER SALES AD STARTS THURS. FREMWIBE CLEIRTlllERS PllT Im 89• , G'"' f~ letto-nn or plan yow Im! 119 meal• cm.ad and chuck th• QUOT Im matt lD cpntalnen. (If a man eat•datk.••h•cou•wnlnsr z aum I a•. Ume?) 111£ .._,r;:;:==::::::..----------------------.... ORTBO LI Wll FOOD • •• 4.6 LBS. Aa nourlthlng aa grandmaa chicken noodle aoup lor the lawn thats got the llb. s n. 1112 PECIY CEDIR 127 Makes a great fence. Cao you lmagtne that thla 1tuff growa lD auch a way.that the peek boles cue already there? (Woo. wool) McCULLOCH ELECTUMAC 1 8" ELECTRIC Cllllt SAW 25~! .. ~~ .~ Takn care of most cutting foba around the bouM (really? I thought my mother-in-law dld that), v. HP motor. manual oiler. and front band quard. BLUE POLY DIE-STU POLY SEILllT 3 .,., IOZ. Put 901De OD my CCU. Protec:ta lt tromdeterventa. bug1. ta:r. ocean spray. and more. Lasts 2' JDODtha. Liquid or paate. llTIES 15 MllUTE FL.IRES 47~ You....., know what will happen to you out on the road. htter be aaf• and carry IOGle of th•M wttb you.~ may ICn'e your 1u •• ~_... PEllZOO. MOTOB OD. . •WT. 88•ot. llW/41 WT. 98 t Of. Don't beputotf about~ yovownoU. You can cbaag. It ln i.te Uaaa a baUtMMarCIDCI lt llClftieJOU a lot of lloutrla. ' -' Orange COMt DAtLY PILOT/Th\lridl)', JUne 3, 1112 I WHe~eD '/ou Go TI:> SCHoo(_ LA BReA ~~p,fs? • DOUGLAS FIR-n"IW'lll r. 2 X 4 18!.n. 2 X 6 28!.n..,. ~ Okay. okciY. hold your horse•. Now who'• first? The guy in the green tlght• and cape want• to build a fence around hla flower garden? 545, atandard and better. PERMILOCI SECURITY ~dJ 18~. ..q,.,.·, on tor ya. baa a l" double deadbolt with a puah·pull key to lock or unlock from the outaldit. lnslde operatff with 2 spring handle•. IYLOI PlllT 11usm:s r 49• 3W' 59t ... 69• Did you beur the story about RoblmoD c~? lie 1~ed th• CO.bow work w .. k and had all bJa work don-by Friday. .lCUtythlng. moTfftheair out at l~CFM(bow about that?). Heu an automatic tbermo1tat that awltchff OD at lDCr and ofl at 95•, .. MUBBIY BICYCLES llEl'S 26" QI.IOI CRUISER BUG SNUFFER 45~8#UB50 Zapaak .. ter1. dive-bombing m ... and more. (So how come everybody baa It out for the little bug1. huh?) Llmlt9dQuantltiea. 35aa Holda two 32 gallon lraab catl9 or pool 1uppllea or gardeo tool1. You get to a11emble. Mea1ures ,. IV." x 2'1" x 2'91~". U mlted C{llantih ... CART TYPE '1 .. pa the hoM not you wound up and running In cltclH. (I find cleqlllng up around the hou .. and the yard colm1 me down.) • i I t , ~ . ' "' ... MAJOA LIAQU9 IT ANDINQ8 Arnettoen L ... ue W..i.nt~ W L M 09 31 20 IOI H 20 513' 11' ,, 21 ~ 114 ~1:o KanHa City Oalllelld S..llla ,_ 21 17 4e1 •14 25 2' 472 1 15 2t 341 1214 12 41 2H IO M"'-11 ... ._.~ C>Mron &oeton New YO<k ~ M..,_M BIWI lfnof e l0f0f110 31 17 .... 30 It •12 114 25 22 »2 S\4 25 23 &21 6 24 24 aoo 1 23 25 419 • 22 27 >Mt ..... " . .._.,..._... 0.1r0115, ........ 4 New Yoitc 12. 'loronto a (13 ~l Teua 4, 9alllm0t• 1 c~ 4. MtnnMota 2 KanMI City 7. Cfllcego I (I 1 l!'lnl"Q9) o.kl-5. eo.1on O MllWMM 5. S..tl .. 2 , .. ,..a- Naw York (John 4-4) al T0ton10 (LMI 3-3~ Tuo (Honeycutt 0·11 •I Beltlrnor• (Ftanaoan 3-4~ n Only 0-ec:hedvle<I Net~Leeaue W•lwfl DhWilft W L ...._ -AUMta 2t 20 .692 Ben D1egO 27 21 .MS 114 .,._.. 211 26 Ato 5 Hou9tOn 22 21 .440 ~ 8#1 FIW'IClloo 22 30 .423 1141 Clnc:inlwlt 20 2t .40I • IM4ilnl~ :: ;~ :m 414 26 22 .642 4 \4 27 2.S .IMO 4\4 20 'r7 A2t 10 21 30 .A12 tl . .......,...._... PlllllllM'llh I , Dodfate 1 San Diego 3, CNcaoo I .._,on I. MontrMl 4 AIWlta 3. Hew Yorll 1 PNledelpNa 4, Clndnnell 2 St Louie 1, San Frenc:19co 0 T~eO-MonlrHI (Ao9ere 7-•I et Pllt1bur11h IAoblneon $-11, n Onlye-~ AMe"ICAN LEAGUE T1aen 5, Angele • D4mlOft' CAU#OMIA .. , .,.... .. , .,. ... Lemon.rt 5 0 1 O l>wMIJ,11 4 0 1 0 Cati.II 31> • 1 1 o c w-.11> 4 o 1 o Gl~cf 4122 Orldl.21> 5011 Medi\ 4220 ~.,.,rt 3000 Herndon " 3 0 2 2 Snquz,rf 1 0 0 0 Per,.,, c 4 0 0 0 Bylf.Cffl 4 0 2 0 8rolm1 2b 1 0 0 0 Lynn.ct 3 2 1 O Whllallr 2b 2 0 0 0 o.cnc..3b 4 I 1 1 Wcknl• 1 b 3 1 2 1 FOll,M 3 I I 0 Mlllw Pf o o o o eoon..c a o 2 1 o.Johtl .. t 0 0 0 ,,_ .. 2 0 0 0 HaOnar lb 2 0 0 0 Tot... 35 5 10 5 TOlele S4 4 10 3 ._.._,...._ Oelr011 oocr 110 030-5 Ce1Hom1a 001 aoo o~ E-Seucltr. P-Oetroll 1, ~ 1. LOB-Oetroll 5, c.ltomit t . 29-Mll I, lyno. HA-Olbeon (51, WocltanNM (1). SB-DaClnca s-eoone. LJ'W'. o.tr.11 • " " • -80 S..a.t 314 1 J 3 I 2 l.09G(W,1-0) ·~ 3 1 1 2 2 PUndwwood .... 0 0 0 0 0 T~ (S.21 ~ 0 0 0 O 1 ~ .z.M 5';\ 5 2 2 .;z 2 AaM , .... 1 0 0 0 1 COftlett (L. 1-'l .... • 3 3 0 0 Goltz 2 00001 Cbr11atl pUc:"9d to 4 ba!IW11 In Ille 811'1 Lopez pllched 10 1 bitter In the tth WP-loplir T-1:04. A-27,3N ......... 0,....,., Tea.. 020 110 000-4 1 o BaltlmOt• 000 001 000-1 4 1 TllMNI end Sundb«IJ; 81_,, 0 . 0...... (51 end OernpHy W-Tanene. 2-7 L-81.WWl. 5-4. HR-T-. Hoelat•. 2 A-10,4118 lftdl-. ... T'#IM 2 MinnMota 000 011 000-2 8 2 CleYaiend 301 000 OOx-4 I 0 B. CHtlllo. Felton (7) and Laudn•r; S..ddlfl .. GlvM (91. Whit~ (Ill and Huwy, N1horodny (7). W-8utcllff•. 4-1 L-9 C 1111110. 2 ·3 8 -Wll1t1on (2) HA1-MlnnH 01a. Werd 15) Cleveland, Thornton (11). A-11,475 Y.._12._.,.. Haw YOl'tl 003 000 001 020 6-f2 15 1 Toronto ooo 120 010 020 0-I 14 3 Ouldty, Freal•r (7). Aawley (10) and Wyneoar. c11noy, II L Jecklon (8). MCL•UIJlllln ( 11). BombKk ( 13) and B. Maritnez, Wttltt tt). W-Alwl•Y. 4•2. l-Mclauglllln. 2-3 HA-Hew Yon., Ml#ow (3). A-20, 181 ..., ... ., ....... 8 Cl'tlcaoo 003 001 001 to-• 15 2 l(.an City 300 010 100 11-7 11 1 Troul. ..,Ojat 19) and .-. Froet. Cr• 14). OulHnberry 1•1. Arrn1trono ( 11) and Wa11\en W-,.,,.,,..rong, 2~ \.-BerOjat. 1·1 A-17.aG7 .............. ao.1on 000 000 000-0 4 1 Oalllend 220 100 00.-5 II 0 Ecllenley. Af>onle (I) -o.ctmM: Noftte and~ W-Nonle. 3-5 L-Eck...,,, 6-4 HA-Oeltland. Mwphy C 11). McKay (2) A-15.205. ............... t M""°*M 011 001 020-5 12 0 S..ttle 000 011 G00-2 1 2 Cafd-11 ind llmmon1; '· B1nnll1at, Stinton (e), B Clar~ (II and 8ullln11. W-CaldWell, 3-4. L-F. B1nnlt1ar, 5 ..... HA-S..11 ... 0 llwldarlolt (I) Mtlweul!M, Coop« (t). A__..931# c......1 ........ San Freneleeo 000 000 000-0 I 0 81 L-001 000 00•-1 e O LMlll'f -Mq. Andulet and "-W -A ndu ler, 6·4 L-Lnkey, 4-3 A-1:un ...... ::. .... ... " .. -156 • ., .. 0 12 53t1'01 1N 21 4t 1 21 150 • 43 1 20 200 32 51 10 l4 180 24 " 2 " 1 .. 17 .. 2 24 , .. 22 .. 1 30 292703 1112 22 ., I 20 155 20 36 1 111 24 2 5 0 0 14 a 1 1 3 7 0 1 0 0 411 4 1 0 2 I 2 0 0 0 1727 21t •53 43 205 ..... .a11 .aoa .296 '"1 ·'· .17& .274 242 .241 .Ht .Ht .20I .20t .let .IN .000 .212 Wo.N ™"' ............ Kai. L.atNm dfll JoM Sculthcwile. M . 6-0: Cfw19 ~def. Jtdlle Klldl, 1-7, l ·O. l ·:S. Elllnor• Llghlbody def. Tarry Holaday, 1-2. &-7. e..2. ~,,.... der w.n 611 Trl'f L...._ 7-5, 1 .... M ; MM Hobbe del Cllhy Ofury, 1•1, f.2. t.4: 8tecy M~ daf. Tracy llrannl\lll, S.0, S.O; 8uM11 Lao def SMrry HUI. W , 14: Btandl Aarnlllon def VMM Wlleon, 1-1, Ml. HIGH8C~ C9' I-A F1Mle (et~---....Ctllel ue-._..ii~. crr•n• 1t~ ...... WlllFltd (LB) ci.t. Nellon, 1-3; def. Lea, 1-3; r: ~-. IH; di!, f'alnbloom. M>: 8cNntl 8) lot1 ~-1: won M . 1-2, M . KOllanda B) loal 0-6. 1-8. 6-7. 1-1: Bturnflelcl (LB) toel 2·1. 5-7: won W . W .,..... P•rty-Cepoblenco (LB) toa1 10 Seb•l·M•y•r. 11·7. 3-8; 1pllt wlttt Flelder·Tot1JM, M , t-1: ~ (LBI won 6-2. •1: won 1-J. 1-1. ..... r ..... L.o,oll 1m. lMSefnl °"' Misc . Nlqme:r 'teps • area entries State meet begins Friday SACRAMEN1'0 -Unlveni&y Htah't Polly Plumer wW be favoN<t to Win her th.lr'd •tfa!aht 11600-meter dtlt, l*\n1t Durand of Laiuna Beach will be the favorlt. 1n the 800•meter run and Sharon Hatfleld of Fountain V.U.y wt1l be amona the tqp cont.rlden ln four evenw •t the 11.ito aF track and field championahlPI here Friday and Sa~y. . • Plt.Q¥r II a two.tJ.me defendJ.na champlon ln the metriC equivalent of the mile run and hu been run1'llhg well ln l'eC'ent meeta. Mille the lirla clom.lnato Oranae C.OUt area entries. five boY1 will ai.o be cornpetlna. Dave Andenon of Coron.a del Mar and Bo6 JilriCklon of Fountaln V.iley a.re arccorded the bait chance of 8C.'Or1nc polnta. A.ndenon hu one of the better timel (4:13.16) 1n the 1,600 metere ln the state. Two othen from TRACK' the ~uthem Section finiehed ln front of h1in in the Masters meet and only one Northern C.Ufomla runner has a Luter clocking, making .Anderson the fifth best off comparative times. · Ericloon baa poeted a 9:02.57 ln the 3,200 meters, finishing fifth ln the Southern Section qualifying meet. Only one Northern runner ia faster, mak1ng the a1xth fastest in the at.ate. Others from the area compe*'na in the meet include Ocean View's Rex Brown ln tn6 200 (21.70); Randy Kendrick of Huntington Beach in the d.i8cua (169-3); and Lance Betson of Newport Harbor in the pole vault (14-2 ~ ) . Jolnlng tfie top three woman athletes are Teresa BarriOI of University ln the 3,200-meter run and Lisa Fegraua of Laguna Beach in the high jump. . "I feel I can improve m)' third lap time and do better," Plumer said followtng her easy victory in the Mastera meet. "I felt pretty strong but I was able to work on my ~ lap a little bit in that race. "It's a lot easter to nan when you have aomeone in front of you io pull you out." Du.rand waa an easy winner in the 800 with a 2:09.4 effort. "I really wasn't happy with my time but I was able to win and qualify for the state meet." she said. A year ago she al80 quall!led. aeemingly, but was diaquallfied before the meet. Hatfield will maintain her Ntied pace of competing ln four events -both huiale races. the high jump and long jump. She got a bad start in the 100 lows and finished fourth in th~masters meet then 'came back with a strong JOO.mew hurdle race to place third. In the high jump, she tied with two others for the top qualifying spot. (5-4). Fegraua al80 cleared that height but had a miss at an earlier height and . WU placed fourth. In the long jump, Hatfield bit 18-5 on her first eUort but didn't improve. She bas done over 18-10 UU...an. . Barrios finiabed fifth in the 3,200-met,er race at the Maten in 10:33.12. , From MIHlon Viejo Uigh will come the faVortte ln the hiah hurdles, St.eve Kerho. He alao qualified in the 300 low hurdles. Jacque Norton, a1ao of Mission Viejo, qualified in the dilcus with the best throw, 162-4, in the qualifying meet. But she failed to make the field in the lhot put. Tanya Ranlon of El Toro posted a 55.97 to place aeoond in the 400 meter quall.fyi.ng race. Weekend TV, radio Satarday TELEVlSJON 11 a.m. (5) -wcr TENNIS. 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -San Fta.nciaco at Chicago. 2 p.m. (2) -BORSE RACING -the 114th running of the Belmont Stakes for three-year-olds. Included in the field are Gato Del Sol winner of the Kentucky Derby, and Aloma'a Ruler, winner of the Preaknem. 2:30 ,P.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Teams representing the Rocky Mountains and Kansas-Oklahoma meet in a ~ofbouts. 3 p.m. (2) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The lingJes final of the French Open. 3:30 p.m. (7) -PRO BOWLING -The finala of the Seettle Open, taped at Leilani Lanes. 4;30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third round play in the Kemper Open. Taped. 5 p.m. (7) -WIOE WORLD OF SPORTS - Renaldo Snips (22·1·1) VI. Tim Witherapoon (14-0) in a 8ChedUled lO·round heavyweight bou~ taped at Lu Vecu. (11) -BASEBALL -~ra at St: Louis. RADIO ~ll -Dodgers at St. Louil; 5 p.m,, K.ABC (790); Boi1on at Angela, 7 p.m ., KMPC (710). Hone Racina -Belmont Stakes reports, 8:40, 9:40, 11:40 a.m., f 2:40, l:40, 2:25 p,m., K..NX '(1070), Tl!J.J.IIl.!YJU.l.!Jl!r.t TO T .. lfA'1 .. Ale '°" ntl COUNn Of OllWMI, ITAft Gf' OAUl'OIW*A. H.AI MIN DtVIOID ANO IMITNIUTIO fO VANOUI NIW.,AHllll 0' OINIMI. CMOUUTIOM ,UM.t'H!..,O ....... COUNTY,'°" l'UeUOATION Of A~ ,.,...CW ... uQM Of' IAIO NCW.,ANlfll. In 11111 1111 lhl IOllowlng abb(evlallOnl lft \!Md A, -AIMllOtl Map 'AllCaL NUflml-.0 '"°" ~.,., IVITIM UP'\ANATIOM Ille 8100ll ..1-u AtHHOr'• '-'•P '•rotl 1111-111ttrftl l(uml>er wlltn uMCI 10 dHctlb• f':fo -Nurnl>tr ptoOtJ(ly In INt lltl, relttt to Ille l'IW-NOflllWMt ' Auat1or'• m•p book, th• mep Por-Pot110n PtOt °' blocllt numw If' Ille llooll A-Range end Illa Individual parcel numbtt on Seo· 8eotlOll Ille m1p i>•o• or within the block, A S-8outh parcel number •• for tXlmple. SW Southwell "044·383-06" would -Book T Townthlp 44 of 11141 A•N•tor'• Mapt. B!Oc:ll Und Vndhllda<I 383 (m•p Peoa 38. blOCtl 3), Ind P11ca1 6 wllf\ln 11111 block Tlla map• reltrraa 10 ere a111Hable for lntp1ct1o n In Iha olllc• of 1he A~ Ail prop•rty 1n Iha Town1hlp South and Range W•et of San 8em 11d1no B•M ano M«ldlan llOTICE In puttu-of L8W, publlC notlOt II htftby g1-. 11111 on the lel day of July. 11182. II Ille l'IOul of 10 o'ctoc* Im., of thll dly, Iha Utldtteigned Tu Colleclor-Trauurar of ltte County of Orenga 11 hla office In tne aty of 8anla ANI. Sllll of Celilorlllt. wfll deed IO ,,.. Stal•. unleH -rtdeemed. or an lnltallment plan of rademptJon It lnlllalld H prO'lldld by 1-prl()( 10 6 p m on Ille tut bultlnHI d1y of .NM. 1H2, the r_, pr(l9erty hlfl!Mtttt cMecrlOed upon WNcl'I ci.ia ftvt "' mora ,_,. .. hew alapMd lrom tne dlltt af CM Mii of Mid property lo tne State. Thi amcxinl lor wNc:tl CM deed Wiii be 11...o Wlll)>e Int 1oc11 -nt due fOf wnletl II w11 .old 10 ltte Stell, Mid amount btlnQ Ml fot1h In Int ~• and oet1t1 oppotl .. lllt OMorlpUon of Ille propeny. II Ille property le deeded to the Stata. IM rlgllt ot •4"1tmpllon wlll termineta upon any 11.1b11tquent tlla °' other eoovey1nc:e by Iha Slat• Ae provided by llw. the llall lflell ~'fl Iha IOle IFUll'lo<lly to rec:*ve all "'""· 11euee Ind ptoflt• w telng In any mtrnner from Iha property eo dMded to lhe S11te All lnlormallon concttnlng rlld«nptlOn or the lnlllallon ot an tn11a11men1 ptan of rectempuon wlll, upon raquett, be lurnllhed by Rot>erl L Ct1ron. Tax Collecl&-TrMIYttr Ind Redampllon Olfw, 110 Fln1t1Ge Bldg . 630 N. Broadway. (P O Bo1t 1438). $1ftll Ana. C1tllorn11 92702 Detld thll 131h d1y of MllY. t982 ROBEAT L CITRON Tax Collec;tor·Tr_,,., of Orange County Stata of Callfoml1 The proper!,.. to be deeded lftd tubjael of 1h11 noftee tire 1ltua11<1 lfl ttle Couoty of 0rll!Qa. Silt• ol C&lll0tnla. and parllcularly dncrlbect as fotlow., to wtt PROPERTY SOLO TO THE STATE IN THE YE.AR 1977 FOR n-tE TAXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO OTHER CHARGES OF THE FISCAL VEAR 1976-17 HUITllllTOI IUCH cm HUml&TOll IUCI SCHOOL DISTRICT No 35 -Sall No 77-13'"32 No 79 -Slit No 77-689230. AP 023-012-02 S393.M AP 118·561-35. $&44 IHI No. 3e -Sate Ho. 11-1~. AP 023-110.-01. M.24 No. 37 -Sele Ho. 77-135044, AP 023-119-02, M.24 ....., 311 -S.No. n-1354911. AP 02$-187~. t87t.72 No. 39 -Salt No. n-13'430, AP 024-122--08, 15.087.ft No. 40 -Sele No. n-t42208, AP 114-1~. M ,117.82 No. 41 -Sala No. 77°142207, AP 114-180-68, $27 ,345.50 No. 42 -8"' No. 77-1'3274. AP 14&--0et-22, 1557.~ No. '3 -Sele No. n-150091, AP 157-402-37. 11.025.oe No. 44 -8"' No. n.103290, AP 142-121-25, 17.893.M No. 45 -Slit No. n -115001, AP 111-381-19. 144.12 No. 48 -Salt No. 77-111-453, AP 157-331-75, 157. 12 No. 47-Sela No. n-18a31l5, AP 151-446-11, 11, 180.14 Ho. 48 -SIN No. n-118118 • AP 151-522-24, S2UO WUUIUCH c1n No 49 -Sall No 77-211005, AP $41..()$3.-1'. SS0.20 No. 50 -Sale No 17·212512 AP 641-373-t7, SSS 32 Ho 51 -Sele No 17·213083. AP &41-401·19..l~.08 No. 52 -~No 77-21446-4, AP &«-123-16, 12208 No 53 -S• No. 77-2tll050. AP 844-.404-11, $48 42 Ho SA -Sele No 77-218053. AP 844-404-14, $70 02. · Ho. S6 -Siie No 77·211132G • AP $44-425-13. $35.80 No. ~ -Salt No 77-218555 AP 844-442-0S, M2 74 No. 57 -Saia No 17·218563. AP 8"-442· 13, S 14 20 No 68 -Sate No. 11-21asa1. AP 644-444-03, S14.20 No. 59 -Sale No. 77-219072, AP 644·•53-0t, S137.B1 No 60 -Slit No. 77·21111711. AP 64.._.57~. 114,20 Ho 81 -Slit No~ 77-219180. AP 6« .. 57-07. t14.20 No. 62 -Sale No. 17·21111M , AP 844 .... 57-13.114.20 Ho. 63 -Sall No 77-21112.42. AP &«-482-24, S 14.20 No. tw -Sale No 11-219243, AP 644 .... 62·25. S 14.20 No. as -s. Ho n -2192n . AP 8« .... &4-11, $3&08 No. 86 -Salt No. 77-2183,5. AP e«-485-13, 1294,78 No. 81 -SM No. 11111. AP 956-0t2 .... t. ~.2t IEWPORT IUCH cm UGUll IUCH UllFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT No 80-Sala No 77-890137, AP 06$-193-33, 18.82 Ho. 81 -Stilt No, n-e1101eo. AP 05&-183-eo. 112.N Ho. 82 -S... Ho. 77-tlllOMe, AP OS&-2t5-15, Sll37.54 No. B3 -Sala No. 77-893302, AP 05e-041-e<l, 15.48 No. 84 -Sale No. n-tl933e6. AP OSI-OS 1-38, 15.48 No. 85 -Sala Ho. 77-89402.4, AP 05e-088-83. 15.48 CIPISTUIO UIHFIEI SCHOOL DISTRICT No 86 -Sale No. 77-720252. AP 740-021-16, S6 58 No ll7 -Sale Ho 77-722242. AP 653-073--02. I 1.363 66 No U Sela No 77-726450, AP 613-192-08. S6 08 No 811 -Sall No. 77-727173, AP 123-075-09 $317 69 No 90 -Sell No 71-127174. AP 123-015.11. s1eo 59 No. 111 -Sale No. 11-12111•. AP 123-075-13, I 11M,89 No 92 -S• No 77-732515, AP 682· 103·31 le 12 No 93 -Salt Ho n -7391117, AP 933-26-008. S 1, 1S8 80 No 94 -Salt Ho 77-742410. AP llCM-071-31, $2.0.88 SADILEllCI VALLEY UllFIU !C!~8~!!~~!Ia. AP 842· 111-35. $324.00 No IHI -s ... No 77-748353, AP 842·112-17, $489.86 No 97 -Sale No 77-7520488. AP 621 -161-88 (formerly 82°'¥-161-85 02), S6 ~ No. 98 -Sale No 77-752112. AP 621· 162-6-4. S34 80 Ho 99 -Sale No 77-752180. AP 821-163-88. S40 1(J - No 100 -Sale Ho 17-754490, AP 932·20-131. '403.74 Ho 101 -Slit No n -7164lM. AP 5111 ·014·03 (formerly 814-190-431. SJ.10 PAOPEATY 80LO TO THE STATE IN THE Yi;AR 1976 FOR THE TAXES. ASSfSSMENTS ANO OTHER CHARGES Of THE RSCAL 't'EAA 1Cl7S-78. SUL IUCI cm No 103 -Sall No 7~. AP 217-148-04, $1,AM.118 COSTA IESI cm No. 68 -Sele No. 77-241312. Ho. 104 -Salt No 76-473245, APG45-0&4-05.S2.310.14 AP 421 -1'31 -14 (formarty SI. CLElmE 118-0?'3-141, 1389.se cm HUITlllTOI IUCI 880-412-48 (fonfttrty 06MICM1).' ~~~s0.!l~..'.!!~7~7A AP 118-564-03, '543.54 PROPERTY SOLO TO THE STATE IN THE YEAR 1875 FOR THE TAXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO OtHER CHARGES Of THE FISCAL VEAR 1874-76. COSTA MESI cm Ho. 1oe -s... No. 7M47372, AP 115-330-581 1577 02 PROPERTY SOLO TO THE STATE IN THE VEAll 1874 FOR THE l'AXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO OTHER CHARGES Of THE FISCAL YEAR 1173-74. NlnlllTll IElll . 11 r •' I I '- \CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT! ..... ,. 19% · OR IORE! • s.c.M " ,. °"* new Ml Abram• tank and lnfantry ftahtlna vehicl• aplnat ·~by flxld and rotary wtna 11.rcratt. . l'ord Aeroal*I ta neartna oomp1-uon on two new DlVAD Dtvlaon buUdfn11 to handle tht proaram -a 240t000-aquart foot buildln1 In Newport Beech ana a aecOnd 100,000-aquare foot ~. YORK system, named for World War I Medal of Honor winner Sgt. Alvin C. York, contain.9 twu 40mm guns and sophiaticated electronic controls. • CllnlttM " MldJll/ .... c.11 l'Mdpel ona '°' oiie.llt LOWEST PRICE EVER! loll~ .. ,. II••• ,..r,. .•..•... ,, eu .s. For a..ifiecl Ad ACT10N 1 Cell A DAILY N.OT ... WtlOI 642-1678 ~ ' Was $159.95 In Cat. RSC-7 • UM•• C.lculator, or Prognun for Complex Problems • UM "On-Stte" In Real Estate, Engineering, Bualneu The TRs-80 computer tMt goee where you go! More power- ful, yet ....., to UM th8n • pt0grammllble calcue.tor. Add one of our lnterfKeS •nd .., optioNtl recorder Md you can UM our Mlection of rudy-to-run cassette 80ftw•re. Pro- gnmmllble In BASIC, too. Only"/" x 61/e x 2¥•" -put one In your pocket tod9yr ftad1e /haek SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER A OMSION OF TAHOV COf'IPOAATION OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MAY VARY AT INdMouAL STORES AHO O£ALERS _ JUMBO C.D. OWNERS ~ TIRED OF PAYING TAXES ON YOUR INTEREST EARNINGS? Now, from Charter NatlonaJ Life Insurance Company a brand new Investment alternative for C.D.'a, savings accounts and municipal bonds. -13% TAX-FREE RETURN . -Prlnclpal 100% Guaranteed -No Sales or Administrative Chartea -Interest Compounded t>r Withdrawn at Your Option -No Interest Penalty for Early Withdrawal If Rate Falla Betow 12% F OR A BROCHUR E AND PERSONA L ILLUSTRATION DESCRIBING THIS EXCITING NEW INVESTMENT CALL: PEISlll Fllllll 111 FllllCllL (714) 720-0170 · NEW ISSU E This is not an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy . these tecurities. The offer is made only by the Offer ing Circular. 260,000 to 3 12,600 SHARE'S--:--~~- • COMMON . STOCK bu!ldinl ln lrvtne, with a comblned lnv•tment of f20 n\J.Won. Both AN IChedWed for completion U\11 11.UN'MJ'. Htnry E. Hookt lmt r, prt1ident of Ford Ael'Olp90l u!d1 ''The DIV AD to-ahead C\llmlnatee a very ~w four-year effort." Be1lnnln8 in 1978 wit h the award of a development contnct.. Fotd Attoaprice eced prototypea in competition with General . After a terie. of competitive tetta ln 19 , Ford Aen»peiQe wu awarded ln May 1981 the contract tor advanced en&tneertna development. The production effort will be performed by the corporation'• DIV AD Dlvt.aion, Newport Beacl\, for the Anny'• Armament Reaearch and Development Command, Fover, N.J . The DIV AD Dlv1alon ii he.ded by Delbert W. Panona, .vice president and general manag~r. The Anny aNlOUnced that the iUJl 1yatem was named ln honor of World War I Congresaional Medal of Honor winner Sgt. Alvin C. York, the flrat mapr Army system named for an en)J.ated man. The eystem la mounted on a modified M48A5 tank chuela. Its armored turret containl two 4-0mm guns with eearch and track radar, a fire control cen ter with laser range-finder and a digital computer. The system has optical tracking with laser rans i ng , e nhan ce d e l ec tr o n ic counte r -countermeasures, a utomatic target claaif.ication, prioritization and engagement, and the capability to search, track and shoot on the 'nove. 12% Tax-Free Municipal Bond Both Federal und Stul4' E"empl AAA Roted and In urt•d V.~ Morgan " Olmstead Kennedy& Gardner . ..... ...,. ........ ,,. ........ ··i· SVt>(· t .. A,.._. ... 4 '•" t,...,,.,., '"""' lt1tt. • .,~._.., ~•" 'i••-· ••I-.•• f •••li ,,.,,._,,, lWMii.. l'•I• \hw • --''•"4 U1t\. t .t1I\# .. ,,. •• e,., • ....,..-..~o.u...i...tr:ue Co II ( 7 I 4 ) h 1-1 ~ I <)20 or ..... d for 1nfurma11on u••nit '""I"'" IH·l11" ---------------------- Morgan, O lm1lf'11d, Kt'nnt'J) & (,11rtl111·r. Im" 500 l\t'wport t.rolu Or.. uUr t>50 l\rwporl n ... rh. CA '120.>0 0 Plrau M"nd informal ion ''" J 2'JI., 1 11 • I '"' n111111r11wl boud .. 0 PlraH •rnd ba•ir inlurmali1111 011 nt111111·1.,ul honJ• 'o obllt1•tlon. of ruur..- '----------~ , ....... ___________ _ u., ______ ,,.._..,. ____ ,,p __ _ r.i...i----------toff.,....1 f t ...... , The Anny has three yearly options to acquire 276 system.a with the total planned acquisition by the Anny of 618 systems. I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;==:::==::::===~ The batteries will be part of the air defense battalion in each o f th e Army's a rmor ed mechanized d ivisions. The first ba ttalion is Piiot Logbook -D ·1 p·1 ~ Candid commentaries exclus1vely m the 81 J I DI echeduled for deployment ln 1985. Exchang__e the Trust ·Deed You Took to Sell Your House •••• for a We, Insured Savings Account. Republic's Trust Deed Exchange Treasury-Mate A~count can get you safely out of the unfamiliar mortgage loan bu siness . And put you into a high-yielding. insured cer-first or second trust deed loans tificate. You collect the interest and we do the For complete information. call or visit your worrying for you. Inquire today about current nearest Republic Federal Savings office. discount rates on our purchase or residential iiiil&& Your savings 1nsur~d to St00.000 Rt~ REPUBLIC FEDERAL SAVINGS t·SLIC · 11111111 Al.TADENA (213)791-1281 .• nd loJn .issoc•.•"o;Al..M SPRJNGS (714 J 323-279~ ..... I ANAHEIM (714) 956·8290 PALJo\ SPRINGS (7141324-9591 ARCADIA (213) 445-2600 PASADENA (213) 793-3463 B<JRBANK (213) 843-6300 PASADENA (213) 798·0893 CLAREMONT (714) 621 -3~ PICO RIVERA (213) 949-6621 CLAREMONT HEIGHTS (714) 621-9537 SANTAANA (714) 541-5286 HACIEl'IDA HEJGHTS (213) 968-1487 THOOSAND OAKS !805) 492 3~?-l LAG<JrtA NIGUEL (714) 495·0850 WESTMINSTER (714 J 894-5347 LOS ANGE1.£S (213) 624-1404 WOODLAND HILLS (213 ) 888 3553 Heed Oll1ce Al.TADENA 2246 N LitM "'~ (21)) 791 1281 b8J 6611 13.16% 15.300;6 AMual Yitld Annu;il Y14!ld 1256% 14.50% Annual Rate 3 Months, $1,000* 1 Year, $500 Annual R11te 2~ Years, $500 Our money market thrift certificates pay higher iqterest rates than Federal law allows on com(>arable plans at banks and savings and loan assoaations. Interest is compounded quarterl~ Early withdrawals earn 6% annual interest ... theres no fOrfeiture of up to three months' interest or loss of principal. High interest is only part of our story. ~ will ii~ )'OU $10 cash when you purchalt a thrift certifi- cate tor $500 or more. This Offer is ii a limited time only With one cash bonus ~r nouaehOld. JnterniJ transfer of funds is not mcluded. Available to California residents only. Rates offered on 8(X()Unts opened~ Monday. ~ , """ _ .. _ .... ill.Ii·-... ~\\:[~~ ~~-~ t. h¥1 W~Mlll, \J01 .. ,..,_, L._ N. a.i Lee, '"° W. ~.,... '9119'11&; z= .... ,. ='•i111t 11ve1 .. laftl• A11e, "°'°' .. , ~. eo... nlll "™ ..... ~. "''' '°"' t::.. °"""'Mellow, 103l1 HeMIW fir'• Mlitlofl vi.t•. 0 oi11li tNe 11 °'"INllllCI ~ • ~ Qerd•n CJfove, Oalllornle Ur. ~''"" Oorclove•, 11 Ot • t:.':i.~ AM• Marl• unnon..1_~4071 Yl11t.,. WtY, It Toro, O•lttornll Tiiie ,,...._.. Wiii -"" 1"9 ......, 11,..., II T0to. uvtcwnla ...... ly Cllttl of ~ Couf,ty on uao ' TNt ~ It ~ by a May 111 ttta, Luen M1Jflr1, ao 1 \HU" twrel e'f:0n l'u1111111ee1 Or•111• 00.:1'!!= A~°'O:.'~'=AV9nUe, TNI ... lel'Mnl WM lllold with tllt "'°'· Ma110, U , JUnt t, 10t tNI Orl~ll·~ ........... eounl\ 011ft1 of Orl/lf9 County on 111e..u ,.el PMtnereblO ....,...,...,.., "' • -1 ' tHI. ,ue. 09"" Loull N. lalnl \.01 llubll•hed Orang• OOHI 0•111 P\lllC llntCf Tiii• llatemenl Wll flied Will\ lllt filot. May IO, 17, June 3. 1g\:_\\ lOTmOUe ..,._11 ~Koi':e"i.°' Orange County on NMll aTA,_..., ,_ .... ft fl)TIC( Th• tollowtng ~rt0n 11 doing Publlahad OranQ• CoHt 0 1111 ...... buTa':h"ITA"lAL IERVICI!, Ptlol, M1y 27, JuM 3, 10, 1~~~r/2 l'IOTmOUe IUIMll 3007 Clubtlouel Cltde. Cott• Mell. MAm ITATl•NT CA taut. '"'9 followlnQ pet1IOnl -doing HolW lemlle, 9007 Ctubftoule "'*'-II! Cltcle. Coll• MeM. CA t2t2t. VIDl!OTl)(/AMl!RICA, 1375 Thie buliftlM It eonO\IOted by"' lunnow. Avenue. Co••• MH•, tndtvtduel. ...._.__~ Celltomle tnat Nonie _ ..... e Tll'ft•I Mirror Vldeoll• Thia •1•1-1 -ftled wtth the l•tvlou. Inc 1 • C1tllornt1 "°"nty CWlt of~-. County on CNmelt TO IHOW CAU• 'Otl oorpor1tlon, 1375 Sunflower Mey 14, Itta. CHANGll cw~ Avenue. 00111 MH1, Calllornl• 0 ,. ,,....0 1.., In tllt Maner Of Ille ~llOl't of f2Gt Publl1llecl r1nge uOH1 I ., MIGUEL AL~IO "E'VES. IV, 1 lnfomef1, 164 Menon II,_., PIM>l, May 20, 27, .AIM 3, 10, 1112 Mlnof, by ANA ESTH!R R!YES. Hie Toronto. OnletiO. Cenadl M4&-3A8 2238-412 P1n1111, F-0t C1llnOe of Name. Tllll ~It conduCIM by I CAM NUMllR A11- gerw.t S*tnlrlhlP. PlaJC I011C( MIGUEL ALFONSO REYES. IV. 1 rtm. Mlm>f '1CTmOUe -H M1n01 by ANA E8THER REYES. hel V1deotex Setvldel. Inc. NMm ITA~ lllecl • p«ltlon In 1hll ooun lot "' Outlllm J, Monema The lollowtng peraon 11 doing cl« lllowlno 1>9lltlonet lo oNnoe Al9lllt111t Secr91etY buslnMI II' nern1 lfom MIGUEL ALFONS"O Tllltllll!llMnlwllllleO'Mlhlhe R·X R.ESEARCtt. 1548·0 REYES. IV lo JOSEPH MICHAEL County Clertl of Orange County on Adema Ave .. Coale M111, CA REYES. Mey 1'7. 1882. 12828. II 11 hereby ordered 111•1 111 '1... Judllll Mueller 1750 New I lnlerettM In lhl 1n1ttet Publl1tled Orang• CoHI Dal~ HllnPlfllre Cott•,... CA 92828 ~ appew ~or• Ihle OOUrl Piiot, MllY 27, June 3, 10, 11, 188 . Tllll 11u.i-II conciUc1M by.,; Depertmenl No. 3 al 700 Civic _________ 2_33_7_·8_2 lndlvldull. 1n11r Drive W111, Santi Ana. Judltfl Mueltll' lllfomta. on July 7, 1982, JI 10:30 Mt.JC fl)TICE Thlt 1111-t WM tied ..nti lhl o'clodl 1.m .. 1nd then 111<1 th«• NOTICm TO IY Cletlt of On1nee Councy on CllU... " 111y they 11 ...... why CMDITO..a CW M1y 18, 11112. .,.Ullon for change of n1me euuc TMNIPU' ,1'f701 not be gr1nted. (eeo. 1101 .. wr u.c.C.) Publl•ll•d Oranoe Co11t Delly 111111110n.:J~ fo~~hl~•'u~bo~ Notto• 11 hereby given to lh• lot, M1y 20. 27. Jwlle 3, 10, 1982 Ctedllort of FRANCISCO J. SOTO 219$-82 ubllahed In the Delly Piiot, a a n d 8 E R 0 I 0 C 0 R R E A 1------------of general clf'cutlllon, RODRIQUEZ, Trantferort, whoae rtaJC NOTICE blllhld In Ulla county •I .... , home llddr-le 4378 Lu Flof• • week lor four coneec:ul.,... Avenue. City. of Yorbe Linda. 1' .... Sll H iia prior to the dey of Hid CouMy ot Orti:!g•. Slit• ol NOTICE OP' DKATB OF Clllfomle t1111 • bulk lrlrnlMt ta THOMAS VERNON 0 RR ffl~0 ~:-%'~~~Nf:fc?A': AND OP PETITION TO Tr_.._ whoM "°"" ldd..-11 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. 1oee a.. Bluff°"""· etty of co.ta A·llHH . ..._., County of 0rlllQI. State of To all heln, benefidaries, Clllfornle.. The property to be trenefwreel 11 creditors and contingent~nllllf'I"' 9-ft. CA~-- deaalbed 1n v--11 -All 1toc1t 1n c:ttditon of~ Vernon et > N7·taa lrlde, lllllur•. equipment and good Orr and penona who may be Publllhecl Orange Coul Delly wtll of t"-1 Liquor Stew.~ otherwae lnierest.ed in the . Mey 27. June 3, 10, ·:~ II nown •• "SO u TH WOO O will and/or atate: LIOUOft''. 2230 Harbor IMI., City of eo.t• MIN. Coutlty or 0r.,.. A peti&n hm been filed rtllJC NOTICE s~.of b°::':i~nefer will b• by John M. Weia in the IUNNOft COURT OF -m11et1 on or .,,., the 211t Superior Court of Orange c~ dtiy of June, 1N2 et 10:00 a.m. •I County req\M!llU.na that John llt ._ ::=!. C:. OIU.NOll WESTERN MUTUAL ESCROW M Webs be ap ....... ted as C 0 R P .. A It n : M e r I I y n ' _.., ftf111l11•111 el W•1tnorelend. .,_ edd,_ .. personal representative to K__. a., MoNaiiMre 14081 S<Mh Yorbl Street. Suite adminl1ter the eatate of ter C-.. el......_ 101, Tueltn 92t80, o.llfornll. 'lbomu Vernon Orr Cana ..._ A·1tll00 Tllet the 1Mt date for filing clelmt ' CMtDl'ft TO IHOW CAU8a In the -ow referred to heteln ta Me.a, Californla (under the •UT7 June 11. IN2. Independent Adminiatration Wllereu. KENNETH GARY so ,., u 11 llnown to th• of F.ltat.es Ad). The petition =·J:='ot"=. ~ Tr1neferH1. all bu1tnH1 nemH la aet fer heutnc in Dept. tor an order cn.notna hll nern1 lrom and •dClrHHd UH~ by the No. 3 at 700 Civic Center KENNETH OAA~ ~cNAMARA lo !!~on for the peal tht .. yMl't MlcNAMAAA _ ...... . Drive WHt, San• Ana, ~~=~0 tMt 111 ~ Oeled: MllY • lt82 California '2701 00 June 23, lnlerntecl In the above enlltlad =.!, '°'°-1982 at t-.30 ua. metwr appew !*ore tt111 court at Tra.._w IF YOO <mlllCT to the 10:30 an the 7th day of~· 1182 In Publl•hed 0flftQI CoHt Dally grandnl al &bit p.dtion, you dlp9rttnerll numtler s It 00 CMc Plot,"'-s, 1882 -L-.u et•.__ _ at the C«tler !>Ylve Weal. 8•nll An•. 2358-12. ....,..._ -~ Celtornle 112701 and lflOW ~. If hear inc and •ta te your eny. wtty 1111 pec1t1on tor ciW1Q1 of P\11.JC NOTICE objectiona or We written -~not ~ NOnc. °' TillUITU'8 IAU objectlona with tbe court 0:, '!. ~ 10 Show = ~..., ,.._14 before the hearin,f. Your tie publll1eC! 1n the OrlflVe County T.& Mo. 711'7.. a~ may be ln penon Delly Plot, e 1'19•1P"* of genetll SUPERIOR TITLE SERVICE u or by your att.orney. clrculallon, prlnt•d In Orin~ ~~':.c,"":'t~ IF Y 0 U ARE A~= :ior-: tne WIU &al AT PUBLIC AUCTION CR.EDITOR er • contingent dme ... tor '-1na of petition. TO TKE ...OHEST BIOOEA FOR Creditor of the d« : f J ! d., you Date: Mey 29. 1te2. CASH (Pl)'lble It time of .... In muat file your claim with the '-* D• , , , A l9wf\.ll mon9Y of IM ~ Stltee) . ....... el .. ......,«=-' 11 right. t1t1e and tntereet conveyed oourt or pnment it to the .aama • KIM. ua. 10 Ind now held by II under Mid personal representative 1-......,....,.. '1Im'#,~' TN,._,.....,. ... _,. ~ .. "'0001 AND 8'1"1TI OP MIXIOO"-~. Ht \.owe' 01111 o!.a:1u111 101, ~ llldl, OA 1,..1. AtnanClo l1nohea o. 14tt 1 ''•~lcllo Dr., L19un1 Hiiie, OA tff63 J•~•r lo••· lt4H Oryclook Co¥e, LIQUfll Nlouel. OA Ht.,.7. l hll bUek-. i ooncM1ed by an untncorpo111ed IMOOlatlon olllet tt\W\ I Pll'l~tp, Amando lenoMI O. Thie .. li«Mtll wat flied Wltll tllt County 01«11 of Orenot CountY °" May 1a, 1Na. , .... Publl•h•d Orang• COHI 01lly Piiot, Nlay IO, 27, June a, 1~1 1NI u42·82 PUii.iC NOT1C£ ''°TmOU• IU99mll NMm ITATlmNT fhe followlng pereon 11 dotng ~ ... (A) OHCE ANO FOR Al.l -(8) THI AIOHT WEIGH, 2300 FelNlew I'd , y.203, Cott M .... CA lnat lehavlor al Proor1m Con1ullan11 , Inc , • C111lornl• cotporallon, 2300 Fairview Rd .. V-203, CO.II Meal, CA 92$28 ™• bullneal la ~ by • oorporlllon 8ll'\IVlorll '"'•"" Contultanta, Inc:. David Tl\Ofneeaon Preaidenl Thi• 1talemenl WU llled With tlle County Cter11 of Orange County on May 18, 1982. ~ Publltll•d Orange CoHI 01lly Pilot, May 20. 27, June 3. tO, 1N2 2146-82 rta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllNEll NA•ITATaM&NT Tha lollowlng pereon1 are doing bualneu ••: KILOOR, 177F RIYeralde Ortve, NewPorl BellCll, CA 112863. JOE KILLEEN, 209 • 4111 Street, Newpo<t 8Mcll. CA 926e3. RONALD C. DORDONI, 209 • 41at Stra•t. Newport Beach, CA 112863 Tiii• busl,..... la conducted by • gener Ill p1ttnerthlp. Ron Ouren Thia atetement wu hied with Ille County Clertt of Orange County on M1y 11, 1982 F1"217 Publlahed Orange Co111 Dilly Pilot, May 13, 20, 27. June 3. 1982 3060-82 PlB...IC NOTIC£ flCTITIOUI 8UllNE99 NAME ITATEMENT Tile following per1on Is doing bl;sl""5H' COMMERCIAL GRAPHICS CO , 1700 Newport Circle, Santa Ana, CA 92705 DAVID W TUBMAN, 853 N. OtaSMI, Orange, CA 112667. Thia busl114119 .. conducted by an lndMdu1I Oevld W. Tubmln Thia 1111emanl wH llled wllh Iha County C141rk of Orange County on M•Y t 1, 1982. ,.111211 Publl1he<1 Orenge Co111 Dally Pllol. May 13, 20, 27, June 3, 1982. 305&-82 Nil.IC NOllCE 1(00051 flCTITIOUI BUllNEH NAMI! ITATEMEN'T The lollowlng person 11 doing buatnesa u : LA NCAST ER f;NTERPRtSES. 3152 Yellowatone Drive, Colla Meal. CA 92628 STEVEN P LANCASTER, 3152 Yallowa1one Oflve. Cotta Meal, CA 92828 Thia bualneu 11 conducted by 1n lndMdual St-P Llnclster Thie atetemenl ... Ned With the County Cieri! of Orange County on May 5, 1982 ,~ PubllaheO Orange COHI Dally Pllo1. Mey 13. 20, 27, June 3, 1982. 2120-a2 ~~ J!.:.:t!:.: Ill• properly !~thJnpt>i~ted by .!~~\&rt ..._ ~ ~ ._ TRUSTOA: WILLARD MEAR8, 1n wa 1ou.r IDOlha• UUUJ I) NOTICE OF DEATH OF "n"' 1 r rte d m 1 n , Ho PE date of flrat iuuance of Publl•hed Or1nge Coaet Dally EMMET L. JONES, •-• HATHAWAY. 1n unmantec1 worn111 letten as provided in Plot. Mey 27, June 3. 10, 11, 1993 EMMET LLOYD JONES 8 :\~~:Y: ~~~ F~~'!"~ 700 of the ~ Code of 234W2 AND OF PETITION TO A8SOCIATtON, 1 eot1)0l'atton , California. The time for PtaJC NOTICE ADMINISTER FBTATE NO. Recorded March 28, 1881 H fllina cl.a1nw will not expin! ACTmOUS .,..... AllHl7. '""'· 1::, ~~ ~c1e1~ prior to four montba lrom ....-ITATDmlT To all hein, benefldariea, Z, of the Aecorder of 0teng9 the date of the hearing Ttie tollowtng '*'°" 11 001no crediton and conttngent County: Nici deed of tn.11t delcflbe9 noticed above. ~ 11: creditors of ~ L. Jones, lM ~property. YOU MA y EXAMINE RUNAWAY TRAVEL. 2304 w. aka Emmet Lloyd Jones and 963 1!'1-=:: ':,:;: ~~ the ~ kept by the court. U SL '=1eP18!:~~~.~ per 1 on a w b o may be Bodi 19, P-oe 42 ol ~ you are lnteres1ed in the Pl., Sent• Ana. CA 92704. oU\erwtae interested in the ,.,..... NGOfca of OrlnQI Couney, eataie, you may file a ftlquest Tl-4 ~ It conducted by "' will and/or atat.e: C11Jfoml1, deeet!Mct u 1o11owa: with the court co receive lndMdull.;..... .... .,_ A ..-utlon haa been. filed Plf'Otl 6 M ._on I IMP tlled In 1 l f h ·--.....,. ..-loolt ... Paoea 1o Ind 11 of p'"* ape c l a n o t c e o t e Thll Nternent ..,. fl'9d w1tt1 111t by Barbara Jones Cook in .._. In the ofllcia of "" County lnvmit.ory of ..iase and of County a.t1c of OrlflVe County on the Su per lo r Court of flllconMr of lllld oour1ty. the petitiom, .acounta and Mey 18• 1982· Orange County requesting ~ ~ n::.r~:~ =~: repor1I dacribed iD Sec:lbl Pubtllfted Orange Coe:i~ that Barban Jones Cook be 1t11. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACT1QH 1200.6 of the Callfornfa Piiot. ~ 20. 21. "'-3. 10. 1812 appointed aa personal TO PAOTICT YOUR PAOPERTY. rr Probate <:ode. 2177-412 ~pre.ntative \o adm1n1ster MAf M IOU> ATA PV9UC IAl..E. LAWB.ENCZ A. SNYDER. PU8UC NOTICE the estlte of EDlhaet L. Jmee If YOU NEED AH OPlAHATlON ESQ. d h I d d OF THE NATURE OF THE •1•1 w 1.a.a. St ..CTITIOUe~H (un er t e n epen ent PAOCUOINO AOAINST YOU. YOU .. • • --• MAm STA\"UmWT Admlniltration of &tat.a SHOUl.O CONTACT A LAWYER. Torruee, CA M5t4 Th f 11....a 1 ... 1 Act) The petition la eet for 1128 ~Dr .. Coate MeM. (lll) l'JS..Ull ~0,;:-·no peraon 1 .. ong ~ ln Dept. No. Sat 7()(1 ~'(lf~.,,.... ~ or common (lll) HJ.NII ,OAK ST. SKATES. 212 Mlllft Civic Center Drive, West. in ffllonltton la ahown 1bove, no Publ.iabed <>ranee Coat St., Hunllngton 8eech, CA 112644• h Cl f S t A w1tr1nty It g iven II I~ 111DalJ.yPilot,June2,3,8,1982 ~~cn=Ellla. ~on2 ! J.:: :0, 1:2 ~~ o::":I' D9ed 241M2 ~..._II condUC1M by 1n at 9:30 a.m. of T""'· by r.-on 1lf a bN1Ct1 or •-.,. ..,._ ~ f' Hlmllton IF YOU OBJECT to the def9ult In ttll obllgation. MCUred r-"'1'1-..._,_ • *'"'" f •t.-peUH-thetMJy ... olofe llllllOUted aid . r ,.,. llllement WU fllld 'Wtll\ Ula fP'*D-.. 0 WIC ....,.., you dellvllf"4 to the underetgned a P1CTl1'IOU9 Ill 111 IEM Coun~ Clerk of e>ranoe County on should either appear at the wn11tn o.cw111on o1 Detlllllt Ind ..,... tfA~ MllY 8• 1882· hearing and atate your DaNnd for Sele ll'ld wrtnen notice Ttle follOWlflO ~ I• dolflg 'ttf70I b I fil i of bteectl and of eleclton to_,.. ~ • Publlthed Orange Cout Dally o Ject ona or e wr tten tll• underetgned to Hll H id WE s TL AKE VILLAO E Piiot. MllY 20, 21. June 3, 10, 1982 objection.a with the court property to •t"'>' Mid ob4tglrtlonl, APARTMENTS, 111 .... 17th 2181-82 before the hearing. Your ind lllerHlter the undettlQnecl 8tnMll, No. 112. COila MeM. CA appearance may be in penon CIUMd Mid nottce of br.ot1 Ind of n121. rtllJC NOTICE .-ctton to be recorded ~ Rtcllard "· C••tretl..t_e or by your a\tomey. 22. 1N2 • in.tr. No. 82~ 1175 tn ~i NO. 104, ...,.,. Oii ...,. '1CTlT10Ua ........ , I F Y 0 U A R E A =.. ~ . of Mid Thie .-.,_ 11 ~ b't"' MAm ITATDmfT CREDITOR or a contingent 81ld 1111 will be made, bul lndMdull.. The following pereone are doing creditor of the decealled you wllhout cov•111nt or w1rr1n1y. THI .....:"'.: ~ the ~=ISTAATIW SERVICES must We your claim with the ..... Ot ~ ~ ""'· -,.___ INC., eee Biiiet Stt•I, CO.II M.... oourt or pr-.ent lt to the pt 1lm. or ~ to ~3, <:_ Clf ----"' on CA 82828. peraonal repreaentaUve C: the ,_..If prtnapet au111 °' .,_,.,. Heller 1, tnc . a C1tllornte appointed by the court Tl'Ult~'::::~D.edric: fl'ublllhed 0r111g1 eo... o.»y ~oration. 1014 C1nnon•ur wtt.hlRfourmonthafromthe pr~ • ......._ If .,.,.,, Wiider Not..,._, 27, .-. a. 10, ~~~ rllli ~~~·by 1 date of flrat laauance of .. llrma of ...ci OM of rn.t, .._ GOl'pol llllon. lett.en aa provided in Sec:Uon ollaro•• 111d expenH1 ot th• -..C llnll ....._ 1, MG. 700 of the Probate Code of Tn.-.. Ind of IN tNllbI ClreMed "Y Frn J . ...._ California. The time for -:.~:::'::it be ll•ld Oft iliii . Thll ltlternem WU flied with 11\e Im .. ~ c:1alma will _...,_ ~ .. _ 1~ 1 ........ ..._ MftTIOUI• I • ~ a.'11 of OrlnOf county on ..-,. not ..... _ .. • _ .......... -...... ...,... .,.,_, May 11 tN2 prior to four months born p.m. 01• CM1pm1n Avenue 'The ---.. ,......., • • ,,.._ h d f h b l .atfano•. to tlle Clvla Oeftt•r ~ ......... ---_..., Publllllad Orange Coaat Oill t e ate O t e eat na :ultdlllf\ =~:t Cllapmeft MUl.l.IQAN'• IHW l'OT, Pflo4, M~ U . ~. 21, "'-I, 1N1 notlc9d above. ~. "'"' or ~:'fn'11111 l1041 &A,_,_.. MD. A...._.. ata2.f2 YOU MAY EXAMINE pdlDMll I of IHt noc1oe, a. ...... ~--r.· ~ ~ Cellfomla __ .,. -the file kept by the court. U ....,.of-.~...._°'._ ~ ..,,-. you are lnfereated In th• • l'I '1 I --:r .... MCM ,...,1 Jelle '~~~~ UHi • estate, )'OU may ft.le & nq\*t , ... ,11tec1 dt•d o tru•t '"d :.:.:'.=-· · NlfUef, ..CTn'IOUe ..,..... wtth the court to receive ""9, _,.,..,.._, end ~ L ,,._, MM La • MAim tfA~ l l I f h tOl.001.14. = UitWM-... Cellfornta n. toltO!iltftt ,_.,, 11 dolno •P•t a not tt o t e ....... tllel, ~ .._ • ln\ltntory Of •tate ..... '91!1 f.t•1 •1..oeee.-..,._.:a ,,._ t41h t,.a WN .. ~ NOi and o1 the petldoni. eocoun11 Dllat ~ ;9i :T'o " T t T I. I ::8:# L..-• ...... : Cldlls,,. =.A~• .. N"'°" ... • OA and repor.. deacrlt>.d ln mwa ,,. .......... , ''¥• Mi-.~''*°'"-Sutton UOO of th• •,.. TNlllle.. ....... t = 4 ~,..._. . ....._,CA.... cmlferila Prot. .. a.de. ,..;JI.' .CJ . llRVIOI 'ill. .... Tll!t ............... ..,.. •••Tl& • •••Tsa ~-tt"""' 11••·•• ... ..,..._ AU•n•J• at Law, Ht~ ~ ... ,._NMu.. -·-=--.-........................... , -o-.' ..... .. f:.:1. "a.-.. a..• Let •~1•••!t. Callf•r••• '!""'J'. "-"' ~ • •at. Nr Cln) "'""" ... -..:...:lCll:--. ,.=1 o... °""...: "'=•or.,. ~"I: NWllbed ar-.. c.... r..=,,,;; ....... 'Wll ...... , • ., ..... \11 Dilll7~-..1.1.::: JTT Jahco PtM,ecta, a unit of lnternat.lonal TU~ and T•Je.inph C«pont.ion. •Pl>Olnt.cl ftoau W. 1n.lbDtr 11 lndu.ui.ll prod'Uct UM ~· & Wll c.b1et ~ fOt \ht Tri.clover dJYWOn of the Lldlih Company. F. Ltlf' lra•~•m h11 Joined Car•tr Muac•m• S.ntc.a of Santa Ana u • CX>n1ultant. He wu an lnltruat.or/career ClOWllelor at Cal Poly, Pomona and a career manaaement COnJUltant Jn privaw pracUce. Th• Clock Coattnctloa Compuy, of Irvine bu rwned Adrlua Loa1 mark•tina adm1n.l.ttntor. IUcunl A. Watton hat been named ecruor vtce 1>reatdent and executive creative dlrector at Well• Rte~ Greta/Towaaead, Oranse County·b11ed advertillna qency. Jerre Blodaeu haa been named 1eneral It\' AN LONG VAN O.M MAO ·manager of GraPhtca Ou, a nat1onal franchile prealdent, haa been tranaferred from Philipa c:ornpany headquartered ln Santa Ana. He lw been Medical Syat.erna, Inc., Shelton, C.onn. ln the county graphiar field. Rober1 L. Georse U jolna the company u di.rector of fi..nance and admfnl.11ratlon. Grabm Joaet haa t:M!en named 8en1or vice BJen vu deJt Ber1, of Million Viejo, ulttatonJc president of manulacturina for SmJdl Tool, Irvine. product man~er, transfers from N.V. Phtlipt' He WH· preaident of Wlllla, another Smith Medical Syatema in The Netherland.a. International dM.ton ln L..ong &e.ch. ltadlryn G. ThomptOD of Newport Beach bu been appointed a dlrector of Eate~e National Bu.k (ln organir.atlon), Newport h. She ia president and chainnan of the board of A & C l>roperUee, Inc., an Orange bued firm spedali.zing in condominium convenlon• and building management and development: First Interstate to boost charges Three executive apj)Olntmenta have been made at PbWpt Ultraaoand, IDe., Santa Ana. Ray Ryu, of Mi811.on Viejo, new senior vice LOS ANGELES (AP)-Flnt Interstate Bank of California will boost charges for a number of Its lll0!8l popular services, including checking accounta, the bank announced. Pension funds urged SAN LEANDRO (AP) -Penalon funda should be uaed to ~vtde below-market mortgage rate! to revitalize fomia'a construction industry, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, the poll-leading candidate for govenor, told labor unionists Wedne9day. Effective July 1, monthly checking service charges will amount to $2. plus an additional 20 cents per check. Free checking will be available with specified minimum~. It'll cost 15 cents to uae the 24-hour teller. A $6 service fee will be charged to First Interstate United Account cuatomen who do not maintain a minimum balaooe, the company announced. Bl'adley said pension fund.a, which he said totaled $65 billion in the state, should be targeted toward firat-tiroe homeowners by providing lower-than-market interest rates. It will al.lo be more expensive to pay bW. by telephone, as the company said there will be a $1.50 per month service charge plus 15 cents every time telephone billing ia uaed. MUTUAL FUND NIEW ~ CAl'l Ta.... I.JI 111 HI Y1c1 t.11 Nl. Inv Sel 6-M I Cl) -n. ~~ C.TNT tl7 NL LI NU\ 7.a NL Inv V• 1.41 I.Joi ....... ._... ~ 0., P\lrlln 10. t4 NL Inv Retfl U1 JM .. ~ All Gt'lll l."f L1J Thrlft •.11 NL 1*1 12.M NL etloft .,, ~ EClllM s.n 6.H r.-U.16 NL J':7 ~ ,',·?? ,.N.!; ~ w.. -Chenc..ilor a.--. Fln.MClll Proa: -•• ... -IN ill'tc:. .t wNdl HIYlCI L74 t.J1 Oyrw .... NL JP ltlClO 7.lJ 11' -MCur'ltlet HIMurl tlA7 IU4 FnclT• 1UJ Nl. J-am NL cAIUN ,_ .... HOie 11.a IJ..17 1-J76 HI. ~~~.'.1,74 -(---TuM IS.IS I.... IMOm 6.1' NL ~ 9--:; , ..... .,.I,.> fJ/I ....,,. Cnt SM 10M NI. Fflt 1,.,...,,.: .,. -w• ,... 1¥e4.. plWI Mlel (Nf1 Fe! '6.a 1'.10 Incl Ao IUJ IS... US G¥I L It U7 c:N••> Wild_ O'll Dir 1w." NL Oltc» us '·" Tex Eli U.S •.It Sell .... 0.U-JUf NL Grwtfl t.ofl 7.0t Kellfrm l.05 NL ~ 140D Iii. ~ .....,., lncem 6.CIO , ,. K•"-,,_, "'°"' F 22.411 NL ,.._ to.ti tel... Natlllls s.m s:... lncOl'n 1.25 1.11 ADV 1176 NL Gf'W9I 7.04 7... o.itn s.• 6.AI Gr.M HI IOa Alutur. IUJ NL HI Yk1 6.10 U1 Te• r~ HI Yid L64 •M AIM ,,._ ~ .,. J,•I l.tt lnUFd 11.01 12.llJ CvYld iu1 tl.G ~ t~ t: :: :'.fr<' 1~ 1;: Mun 8 U7 7.Cll Edlon us ,,,. Tu Mg , ... ., •.Al Fnd Glh ..,. s.ar O~n 11.4112AI HtYld Ml l.tt ~u Gift IS.SS NL F~ ~· S-15.fS 17.G A.lllN F l4Jll NL II\ A& 1.10 I. 1' Grwll\ 6'7t NL Tedi 10.CIO 10.t:I 4 111'9\T 10.ll 11.&J Ill CO 1.16 IM IMom 12.11 NL Tot RI IUI It.a. ~!Uri Fl.fD. c:.-nc> .. l.IJ 1.74 MUtM 7A1 7.12 USGvt Lil US ~A lel US.I I !-!! a1Fcl 1A7 t .11 Specf 11M ~ "-.,,_Mill: s.n _... 11.jt NL ,...,."" ~ Cus 11 IUJ M.U I 10A1 11.-t1aa1 GIN: A.OE a. ie U) CW 82 M.111 11 f6 8ond 10.tll tl.'5 Fund I0.1' IUD OflfTC 11.tt 140! CllS &I U1 1.M H lnY 7.Jt I.SI I-UO 6 4' ~rwtfl 7.IO 7,17 Ci.a Kl .... 1.• GfWtll UO IQ.al Mun Id U7 6.lt 1Gn S.o1 J.4 01S Kl Uf U5 llOC4Pn a.at ~ ll.42 II.a U Its 4111 SM 0.. SI U.tll tt.» tCA 1.n I.AS o 12.01 "'-rnc0tn 1.n 1... '"' SJ w "" N "'" Uol 1. ~ UD ML us OW 6A .... Oa Sol 4M S.IS Wlfl Ml 6.7' 1 Olp 11\4 M.21 c..11 6.05 6.,t1 I~ Ut 4 • AlrlM Olfwll: · ~· E4Mt U7 J.a. TuFr 6.1'0 ... i:,:' 1t,:; IJ.ll ~ It.SI IUt T•xFr . s.t7 UJ MMe 10.2S 1"11 HI Yid l.J t.» --1~ ,.: ......... lllC. LOI L11 ~'1:' ~~ lo.IS Muri a M. U... Ta "'-SM 6.1' ~ 7.SI 1.1' Geoldlld U1 V..., It. n. Ditta YO 1'A GT flllC 1422 NL GMllM 7. It ' 10.• = l.14 NL 0.... 0. U.tll NL 0rM 1.JI JUii ti llAIS NL CO. e. fllV• II-\UJ Nn l.7J t. • 11.fS NL !~Tt ,._:., UMnr 1l.J1 = IUf tf.tfl.. R!:!!'...!"° IJ.A1 Ml. fUl'll ... ::.:: ~ ~: ~ ~ ~°'ti_. NL "-S L4 i::;: :t ~ ~ A ~ !~ 1 P!!!!. It.II UM SIC t,5' NL Lord M*tft: ._,.. ., NL HfE. 1'.AM 1UI T tA H\, AfflM 7.lt s. ~.::; V"5 Last °'9 '"" . ..... '"' + y, 1411'> • 1'h J"' • .... , ... 1 .v. . \ili. ...... • 1 t\... • ""' 2V. + \M ,. • 111'1 ,, .. - Siio • .... S'll • ..... jl!t • .,., sv. • ..... ~ .... 11'4 • I , ... .... , ... ... ~. "" 1~ • " J • ''- J • "' 4..., • " ' . ... Pd. Up JO.I Up • Up ... Ut> IU Ut> to Ut> lli Up IU uo 12.J Up IU Ut> 11A UP II S Up 10.S "" .. uo ... Up '" Up 'lo.o Up ... Up t..S Up u VP '"' Up t.J Up t.1 Up ,_, Vo ,_, Up ti Pel Ofl 4U Off IS.I Olf IU Ofl IU Ofl IU ()If fl 1 Ofl II 1 ()If 10.7 Off 100 Ofl IG.O Ofl t .S Ofl t.S °" '·' Off fl Ofl '·' Ofl t.I Off l.J Off u ()If ... Ofl l.O ()If 1.1 ()If 7.7 Ofl 1.1 Off 1.1 • Ofl 1.1 Ofl 1.1 °" 1.1 .,, PT~·~ S3 NI. Str=: 1""56.lt NI. S 17 IMdT 14 '° flf L fed J7 • NL Furtd ... NL In-SlO SJ.a l!'<om 1 J3 flfL "-~: Pru SI~ '40 '° 11 Am Ind UJ HL P\ltNm f<.rodl• AS-.. NL C-11 ... 12.tt lnYftl 1 J1 NL Int EQ 11 -14 It 0<-s.a ftL 0-V II.It 11.tt Stein Alie Fiil: G"""' 'n 10'3 Uen 11.22 NL HMllll IUS IS.CIJ Bond l.IJ NL HI Yid 1l ... 14.10 Cep Qp 16..tl NL lncom S,7' ._11 S~ M.M Nl. t"vet 110 LO SlnSlll U.S NL t>sicn 11.Jt 12.4$ Smf'tt UJ NL ..,, u:a 11.1' NL •.a Ul7 14.52 15.17 tt,17 NL i.01 ... -.11 11.et ....... ':ti NI. l~A1 ';l us .. ~ -• 8 Corp. awarded pact Archive CorporaUon of Colta Meu hll been awarded a $1 m.tWon contract from Plexut Computen, Inc., Santa Clara. Plexus wlll Jncoreorue the 20 me1abyte lJ\teWgent Sidewinder ~ ·lnch •t.rum.lnl cartridae tape drives lnto P/26 minicomputers. The Sidewinder will back up 8·lnch Winchester dllk drtves with 22, 36 or 72 megabytes of formatted capacity. Record home closing noted The Irvine Company reported that Its residential communities in t,he cl ties of 1rvine and ~ewport Beach captured a reo6rd share of new-home cl011i.ngJ tn southea,gt Oranse County during the flrat'quaner. Donald E. Moe, director of marketing for the firm's community development division, noted that the 193 new-home cl<l9inga repreaented 31 percent of all sales in the area IOUth of the Santa Ana River lncluding the Saddleback Valley. The closings represented an 18 percent increase over the final quarter of 1981. Real estate seminar due Realtor Jim Wood will speak at a real est.ate symposium he's titled, "What's Going On Out There," June 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Irvine Coast Country Club, 1600 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Wood is founder of Unique Homes, Inc. For information, call 675-6000. Taylor Realtors list sales Ron Taylor, president of R.C. Taylor Company Realtors, Irvine, announced that as of April 30 his firm bad a sales and listing total for the prior 30 days of $45 million. These were reached through activities in corporate headquarters and branch offices in Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage and Newport Beach. Accounting for the highest sales tally were residential sales in the desert area and Orange County. Wells Fargo officer featured Corrine Young, escrow administration officer for Wells Fargo Bank's escrow services, will be the speaker at the June 16 meeting of the Southern California chapter 12 of Certified Commercial Investment Memben. The meeting will be held at the Airport.er Inn. Irvine. For information, call (213) 943-3771. Swedlow sets record sales Swedlow Inc. of Garden Grove achieved record sales and net income for the fiscal year ended March 28. Net income increaaed 61 percent to $1,710,000, or $1.38 per share, from $1,131,000, or '91 cenia, in the prior year. Swedlow Inc. is a manufacturer of proprietary acrylic and annor products for a variety of military and commercial applications. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS • HEW YORICCAPl FINll ~-. tor -.. Jvfl. 1. STC)Ct(S JO lnCI <tr. ::r.,. .%:.:. ri:::. ~ lO Tm S1t.J2 m .•1 >11.00 m.1•~ t.AI u Ull 109.13 110M lQt,jt no .. , • OAI •5 Stk J11.'7 DUt Jw...17 Jt'.ot+ Ulll lndln •.429. 1C» Tr.,. 1.D0.1Clll Ulll• 1.ICll,JOI 65 Slk . .. . . . . .. ,,Ml,G WHAT STOCKS DID Wed. 1b ~ .. 11'4 • ti W1<.-1 AME.aDO NEW YORK l"'PI J.,.. 2 Wed. us m m , .. 1 " METALS Copper 7~-78 cet1t1 a pound. U.S. O.Slln1t1on1. l.Md 26-27 C«'lll a pound. Zinc 35 c:.nta a pound, delhlwed. TI.. 16.2963 M1tlt1 W .... compcMtte lb. Akllftlnuftl 7&-77 centa I pound. N V ~ $370.00 per lluk. lltaltftwft $29«1.00 troy oz.., N. V. SILVER w~ Han~y 6 Harman, H .055 par troy ouncie . ........... ~~ ..... ill'llllt----..-"'--_.... ....... ,. .................... __ _...._..,.,_. ...,.....,_ ......... ..._. .......... ..... ......... Ill .......... ...._ .._._ ......... -.... ............ ............. -o._ ....... 11 ..... N 1•-..0..-... ..., ........ .,_.. .. ~-,.. ............... .......,.,,... .................... ~ ......... _ ... IPr -------·----t.o-· = ....... ,,-r:--..... 1111 .......... 1...-._,.. ...... _._...., .. __ ............ "'"'---•IWll..__ .. ~ .......... _ ........ _._ W: _.. --_..,,.... -~ ... ca SAN OIJ)O() <AP) -ln a move almed at boo1Un1 San Dle10•1 alllna tuna lnduatry, 1upervl1on tiav• approved a meuu.re that would put more tuna on the menu at county ja11a but a correcUona offl.dal wamed a lot could 80 to wute. "Untortunately. lnmatea have been unreceptive to tun.a d.lahee, creatln1 conalderable wa1te," uid lnapector Cliff Powell In a report to 1upervilon evaluating tho popularity of tuna. "We've 8el'Vod tuna over the yeen, and lt'1 ju.at not a real popular cUah," he aatd. "You can aenerally tell whether 90l1H!One likes eomethina by how much ot lt ends up In the garbage can. We're just trylnc to aay what the facts are." The measure calla for the county to try to spend about $200,000 on tuna In the filcal year 1982-83 •tarting July 1. • That ls almost 30 times more than the $7,600 spent on tuna last year. But Powell warned superviaors that ~experience with five jaila and 1,800 Inmates lndi~tes most Inmates prefer red meat. Powell said the county cafeterias would increase the , tuna allotment ln keeping with the approved measure, but cautioned superviaors a lot of the tuna would go down the drain. The tuna industry -which has been troubled by oversupply and sagging sales -generates about $500 million a year for the San Diego economy. San Diego is also the home of the largeat seiner tuna fleet. "'~ WHO ARE THEY KIDDING? -On the day Braniff International Airlines stopped all flights, Pe nWell Publishing Co. of Tulsa, Okla.. was completing printing of the May in-flight magazine issue. Debra Gwyn leafs through one of the 115,000 copies. The fate of the magazine is unknown. Ford • • raises prices Charges up for options, delivery DETROIT (AP) -The Ford Motor Co. has announced it raised the prices for o~naJ equipment on aome cars, ted the base vehicle pricea of its Mustang GT and Capri RS by $89 and raised destination and delivery charges. Spokesman Bill Peaoock said the Increases, effective immediately, put the base vehicle price of the Mustang GT at ,8,397 and the Capri RS at $8.196, he said. Ford said that option boost.a included white sidewall tirea for Ford Granadas, now $72 from $66, and air conditioning on L TDll, now $707 from $685. Destination and delivery charges were raised an average of $15. PUU IDTICI PWUC 111111 ~ ... 'inA=r ~~ iJ&#Am' ""' ,o11ow1ne pettoM .,. -. •MilmfBiifr .,,,_.1,..... ,...... .. The lotlo'#lnt 11«eon1 .,. dOlno ~ ... Tn. ~o '*'°"' •• dO"'t ........ ~ , := ~ 11 HAlllllO" T"IHIT"Y tut1nMt 11 .... 11il'INll AL OOAIT AUTO "INTAL ll'IHIOHOOL AHO OAYCA,_I LOI 'ANOHO'I 4Pt '201 I OONT l O'oiihNYl ION ""VICI. IHO dba TH"'"" "INT CIHU"-1no ... ,.,...,, Colle Mc,,~,.,,,. Ana, CA 11709. INYl~~L o~iii~ A OA ... U 10 lrv1ue Avenue, MMe, 0A tltlt, IMA•l I. QU'ir.AN tUJ I • .IANIT A#'t; ''feWllOl'I leeotl, CA t.2MO Hartlof Trlnl1Y JtptleJ4~, :l'"'4, hnta • da.' h1N. INYlfllONMINUL OGMT GL OOl•I Auto Atl\lal htvlce lf\O,, 11SO U11t II,_., Cotta , OA J\.IA lOlll , 9-0 l ut lAHOIOA'I 00.; Mt•atOH • OllilOtnl• OOtPotlllon, 0010 ltVlne eam c ').-.ntl All•iOA 9170t INYU,OHMIHTAL OON't'"OL .... N~t IMon, CA eaMO Thie~ le OOftdUGtM by"' OuAOALUlll '· GUZMAN, l.AHOIOA'I ~ 00.: Tiii• bUllnffe .. oonMted by. Ul'llN*l>Oftled 1MOCl1t1on otw ''" w. Q.,ry ltrMt, ,.,,,.Ant , Ind MtaltOH ·~IN'TAL ci«j)O(allOn 1t1M 1 ~ CA t27CM ~OIOAll'I CO.. 100I ... 1M Oout Auto "•ntal d ~ Thlt ?Aoonducted by I,.,._.,._ 04, ._.Me. OA leMol Inc ..,.,.. . 12701. Mltla N1vll1,Pr~. Tlllt etatement wu Iii.cl with Ille tmlll I Ow.m1t1 l"UOI MA .. TIH WILLI.AMI, Thia -*814Nnent wu ltlMI Wl111 IM County~ of OrMOI Oeunty on Ollad11i.191' ~tmftll tit' I Country Club La ... Countv Olerll Of Or11199 County on M1y fl. 1112. o.til Lot* Anehelm. CA HI01. Mey 11. t8U ,_,. Tllll elll-1 wu lll90 wltll IN J OYCI 1. YHNI WILllA .. I , ,, .. 1. '1.tbllelled Oreno-Coell Delly County Clet1t ot Otante County on IHt !. 001111,,y OIUb Lelle, P11blltf11d OrenQ• COHI Deity ~.Mey to,"· June~. 10, tH2 April ft, 1H' Aftahllm, CA tUOf, Piiot, M•r 13. 20, 27. JUne '· 1N2 211MI '1171MJ "* IMllllll 11 OOflduolld ~ • 3077·12 . Publlehed Orenge Co11t Otlly llmlted HttNrltllp, -----....... ------••.,. Mftnl'r PllOt, Mey 13, 20. 27. Jun• 3. 1982 1No1 M. ~ ••.,. llt\YIM' l"-.nt nu1-2121·12 Tiiie llalement ...... ~ 11'9 ,._ nun,..-. 1'1Cln'IOU9 .,...., ----------C-ty CIR of 0r.,.. Ccl&Mtr on ·~ ...... ITA~ rta.IC NOTIC( """-t. 1112. ~~A~-:fl ~ ~ '*"°"' -dofnO l'ICTmOUI WU P11bf11hed Ofena-Oo~y Tiie IOllOwtno pet90fll '" dotno MAMSILLE BIAUTY IUPPLY, MAMl ITATI......, Piiot, """'3, 10. 17, u , , .. ,. butllMM u : 270 t Herbot l lvd., '·I , Oo•t• Tiie loUowlno perlOf't It doing t:r72"'2 COM! ANO on If, 2:1011 MIM. CA 92t21. • butlneM .. : Moulton ,.,11w1y. Lagun• Hiii• M I c HAE L HA "A I 8 0 " ( I ) R E c R EA T I 0 N & "8JC NOTIC( c.iHornte 82~ CUNNINOHAM. 443 ,romontory I! N 'r E " T A I N M E N T Cert SI0\11 Cloe* Jr., 124 N. Ortv1 WHI, Newport ... ell, CA COOROIHATOAS: (2) (R.f .C.). 3110 l'ICmlOUI tun•• Lllao Drive. Ptecantla, Calllornl• t2teo. ~~ New0APolt2'1.z.!'O. · 312 .• NewPOl'1 Tha :!'oA~• d-'AO 92170 THOM ... S l!DWARD LEMM. ........,, IMIU bull,_ air. ,._ '"'' Emiko Clock, 024 N. Lilac 88t0 Al<lot Cieri Roed. AMMtm, John Steniev Dlllf, 3110 Perll SCIENTIFIC MANAOEM"'T, OttYt, "-ilia, Clllfomla 92170 CA t2801': Hewpc)tt, Ho. 312, Hewpor1 8Mon, 244171 La Hlr-Awnue. LagYna ™' bulllnlll le eonducnect by ™' ~ •• c;onduGted by • CA t2t«I. HiOI* CA mn tnclMduelt (HUSBAND & Wife). D'f*al Olf1nerwlllp, ... ~~ .. concluCted by.,, Jotln KI U tanl•. 20 71 LI Cer1Cloc* M lo tlee l H1r rt 1 on ""'~ Emlllo Ctodl Cllnntngllem . Jofln 8 Outr ~ Av.nue, ~ HIQual. Ttllt ... ,_,,WU ltted wltll tile Tiiie .... -' w• flied wltll IN Thie lt•t-• ... flied with IN CA 9an. County Clertl of Orange County on County Clertc of Orange County on County OWi! of °'11199 County on Thi. lla~t ~~ wttll the Mey 11. 1812. Mey 1, 1882. June 1, 1812. ,1_ County C6atk of Orange County on J111711 • ,,_, -·• June I. 1812 PubU•h•d Oreno• COHI Dally Publll"-d Oranr Coa•I Ually Publl•hed Orenge COH I O•lly . . ·-P\tot, May 27, June 3, 10, t7, tH2 Pltot. J\1119 3, 10. 1 , 24, 1982. Piiot. ,II.IN 3. 10. 17, 24, 1982 Publl•hed Or"tnge Collt P•lty me-82 2421M2 2371•12 Piiot. June 3, 10, 17, 24, tN2 ------------MUC--NO-TIC( ______ MUC ___ NO_TICE____ 2315-82 f'tllUC NOTICE NOl1Ca TO CMDfTOfll NI.JC NOTICE --·--·-...cnnoua .._ .. ..., , ,... vr ~ .. ,,.... MAIM STATllllllNT OP MIU( TJlAWU f'tC1810US .,._.. T 0 I I L L A L C 0 H 0 I. I C Tiie lollowlng perton le doing ( ..... ttett4t07 U.C.C.) MAM1 STA,.._., ~Gal ~ •: Notte• te hereby g iven to The fotlowlng per1011 t• doing t-1.. AR ANTHONY & SON 0841 credltore of Ill• within named ~ •: To Whom It M~ Concern , , ' trMlterof that I bulk tr-tw 19 VALLE VISTA ESTATES, 3080 MARION ERNEST BOWEN ••• ~-::.riv.. Hunllnoton 8eacll. about 10 b• m•d• on P•r•on11 Jll\ta Road, Colt• MIM. CA 12t29, •pplylno to th• Depertment of Allee Rutll Antllony, 1941 prCJC*tY ""91nener deecrlb911. Tatehln Shok11tan Kabulftllll Aloollollc: a.-~ .. ContrOI lor PTealdlo om., Huntington 8-lll, The,_ end ~ llddf.-K111111 (Tallhtn 8hottuaan, K.K) "to CA t2t4I ot tll• Intended treneleror tre: Japan, 3010 Java Rold, Co•t• OH SALE Be.EA A1io. Ruth Anthony Alllrlad M. ~. 3312 W. Flrlt Mete, CA 92821. to ... licollollc bevatagea at Till9 atatement .._ flled wttll the> 8tr..,, Sen,. Ana. Callfomla 92543 Thie ~ te conduc1«I by • 88 Fair OrMI. Ho. 101,,, County Cieri! of Orange County on The location In Catlfomle ot the COl"POf•tton. Coat• ..._, Celtfomle b82t June ~. 1912. ofti.t exeoutlw office or Pf1nclpll Thie 91-1-t w• ftlecl wlltl die Publlelled Orange Co111 Dally ' ,~ 1>u1tne11 ofttce ot tile Intended County Clettl of ~ County Piiot, June 3, 1812 P11bllllled Orange Co&•t Dally trerletarot la: Mrl'll • ebow. on June 1. t812. 2435-12 Pltot, June 3, 10. 11. 24, 1912 All other bullne11 nemee and -----------2445-12 addr-uMd by Ille Intended p.-n rtllUC NOTIC( ,,_,.,()( within three Y99f9 last """'* L IC ..... • ..,.,. llftTll'r put 10 far u known to tll• A"'""''_. La. c.,... • ...cnnoua 9UtNNSll ...-..... nui.-Intended trarwt.r• -none. .....,_,.......... c.... N,,_ ITAT!mNT f'tCTinOUa waa The -end ~ addfw .._. ...... The followlng pereorr 11 doing MAim STA,...,,. of trle lni.ndad tr....,_ we: 11112 L 11'1111 ft. ~at: The following pereon 11 doing Abrahlm Ate All, 24452 .,...-, CA-J 0 H N 0 A V I D I A N & ~ ae: A«Slandl, El Toro, Cellfomla 82830 P11bll1"-d Otenge Coeet Dally ASSOCIATES, 1407 Cheltenllam MAN AGE MEN T AN o Thet the property pertinent Piiot, JllM 3, 10, t1, 24, 1982 Lane, La Habra. Callfornle to«l31. BUSINESS SERVICES (MABS) hereto le dMcnb911 In D'f*al M: 2.444-e2 J o II n D • v I d I• n. 1 401 2172 Dupont onw, Slllt• 17, !Nine: grocery etora and OH llellon, ----------.;,.;; Che l'tenham Lena. La Habra, CA 92715. Tonto'• Matkat and Andy'• GM "8JC NOTIC[ Callfomla 90831. Ciiia W. a.ton. UM Mounte1n Station and 19 toce'9d at: 3312 W. ........... ---••• • Thie~ 19 condueted by an L.ooo Tnill, Anahllm, CA 82807. Flr9t StNet, Senti,.,,.._ Callfomle ._., _ _.. ,._,_ • - lndMdum. Thie ~ 1a conducted by an 92543 T .I. -. NIM John Oevldl1t1 lndlYklual. Tiie ~ -uMd by IN NOTICE 18 HE.REBV GIVEH, that Thie 1t11--.t w• Hied with IN Craig w. 04lorl Mid ·~or at llllld loeellon II: on WednMdey, "'-23, 1982, •t County C6atk of Ofange County on Thia ltatamant wu tllad with the Torllo'• Mantet and Andy'• G11 9:00 o'cloc* un. of Mid day, In the Balloons fly 7,000 Illiles .... , SACRAMENTO (AP) -A year and a half ago, pupils at Mariemont Elementary school released 430 helium-filled, toy balloons with return postcard.a attached. Two of the balloons made it to the Alps. "Dear Friend Americana, "TI1e most incredible story to you I must relate about your unique .Chule (sic) endeavor. ''We cautiously ucended the heights, using our pinions and various rock tackle to diaect the mammoth nest. Mey 11, 1812. County Ctani of Orange County on Station. room .. , H ide for conducting ......., ~a Hantl191oft June 1, t~2. Tllat u ld b11lk tranefer 11 Tnm•• Salle.~ ttwollcm of A'"' 11l1NI U. ~ '1tOll7 Intended to be oonumnwtec1 at die REAL ESTATE 8£0UfUTIES cm......,.._ ll'lllli•d Pubtlehed oranr cou t Dally oltlc• of: L• Cotta E1crow SEAVICE.. loollted II 2020 Hor1h lufte 10I Piiot June 3 10 1 24 1982 Corporation, 19112 MacArth11r Bfoedw9y, SYiia 208. In Iha ~ of ~ heotl, CA a.G ' ' ' ' ' 23t4·l2 BIYd .. Suite 160, INtne, California Senta Ana, County of OfMge. S\N ,,_ 92715, on Of'•"• June 23, 1812.· of Cetlfornla. SAN MARINO Publllhed Orange Co111 Deity . NI.JC NOTICE Tiiie tMilk tr_.., 11 eubject to S A V t N G 8 A N D L O A N Pilot. Mey 20, 27, June 3. 10. 1812 Callfornl• Unltorm Commercial ASSOCIATION. • Caltfornta 2241-82 ...cnnoua .,_.. Code Section 11oe. corpore llon. u duly appointed -----------MAm STAT'lmNT The ,_ end addr.-of Iha TNllM under and purlU9rlt to the School librarian Sharon Hagen said Wednesday that a letter to pupils Brent Chase and Kathy Koumjian, postmarked from Lichtenstein and written on the stationery of the Palace Hotel Luzem, In Switzerland, has been received. ••your card posted came to my person by a surpriae happening upon traversing the Alps with my acquaintenced (sic) friend, Johnathan Mulle r o f your country, Montana, Billinga, U.S. of A. "On previous excuniona we have been obeerved a nest of eagles mature which came to us on this occasion that it was no longer Wied and was"Bbandoned for permanenL ''The most amazing ariicle iBt (sic) a small length of sturdy yam tangled around the poeta.l cards enclosed to which we discerned you wanted returned. "We are on our journey to practice our Alpine horn and echo yodeling of the acoustics of the Alps. I do yodel for you to stay in schule. · "Wishing to be your friend. "Wurnelos Davos Bucherer'' P\alC NOTIC[ The lollowlng peraone .,. doing ~ with wnom a.tma mey be power ol Nie conferred In tllat bullneal ae: flied 11 Helen Plnnon. 18712 01rta1n Deed of TNll elltOUled by ACrtllOUI ..-u NAlmSTA.,......, The folowtllQ l*90nl .,. doing ~-= T & J PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, 1"4 Port Provence Pl-. H9wport 8-:ltl, CA 92MO. Thomae L DeMott, 1914 POf1 Provanee Place, N9wport 8Mct't, CA 82980. WIL MOORE & ASSOCIATES, MICArtllur BIYd., Suite 150, lfvlne, 0 . VAUGHN MICKLOS, • mented 4121 w .. terty Plaa., Sulla 201, Calltomle 82115, end Iha LMt dey men, recorded Mey 12, 1980, In H9wpOl1 Beadl. CA 92te0. . for llllng delrns by eriy cndltor ltlall Bo<* 13«14 of Ofllclll Aeoordl of Newpott Weltern ~tton. be June 22, 1N2, wllldl It 11-Mid County, et page 10, Aeoordar'1 • Callfornte corpor1tlon, 4t21 buel n••• day b•lore ttle lnetnlmentNo.11331,by,_of Weeterty "'*>I, Suite 201, Hewpor1 coneummatlon d•I• 1peclfled • bfeadl ot dafNI In :it ot 8aecto. CA 92880. above. pet1ormance of Ille ob lgatlone Tllil ~ 11 OOl'lductld by • Dated Mey 21, 1812 MCured theteby, lnctudlng ttlet corpotatlon. Abrllhlnl All Al brNdl or dafeutt. Notice of wllldl Newport Wattem Corp. lnt.-ided Tr.,.,._ -reoorOed f*'*Y 5, 1~ 11 It said: ' College summer calendar offered Orange Coast College's Summer '82 Community Servic e Calendar available to the public. The 12-page brochure details more than 120 differe nt programs offered by OCC's Commun ity Service Office this summer. The summer agenda includes a children's film festival, day excursions to various Southern California at.tractions, adventure tours to outdoor recreational spots , lectures, mini-cour1es, business aemlnan, and ctasses. for kids and teens. Free brochures may be picked up in OCC's Commun I ty Service Office, in the college's Administration Building. Brochures will be mailed to individuals who send their address. plus 37 cents for postage, to Community Service Office, Orange C oast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. For summer community service information, phone 556-5880. Mesan enrolls at med school Thuy, Nguyen, a Co.ta Mesa High School and ---------~ Orange Coast College HAUOll LAWM-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,.HCI MOTHHS llU. .. OAOWAl MOHUill 110 Broaowav Costa Mesa 642·9150 ·--c, IALT%&1HGHOH SMfTM & TUTHIU WHTCUH CH.Ari\ 427 E 17th St Costa Meta 6•&-9371 P1UCI ltlOTHMI ~s· ..o•TUAllY 627 Main St t-+.mt1n~on Beach S36-6S39 graduate, haa bee n aocepted into UC Davis medical school thia fall. Mis s Nguyen graduated from Costa Meaa High School in 1976 and will ~lve her rnasier's degree in PUblic Health from Loma Linda University in June. PlmUC NOTIC[ FICTTT10UI IUllN911 NAMllTA~ The IOltowtng ~ .,. dOlnQ bu"'-aa: SECURED PROPERTIES LTO.·I, 17'21 Mltcllell, lrve, CA 927 14. Donlld G. Zeltner, 124 Harbor t1tand Dr .. Newport e .. ch, CA 92983. Gery J. MoreflMCI, 87 I Sleepy Hollow i.-. Laguna Beed\, CA 82861. Gtry J. Scllneld«, 111 ~ Pl-. Leguna BMoh, CA 92061. Thlt ~ 11 conducted by Gaty J. Schleldar Thie llat«naM -Med wtltl the County Clertl of Orenge County on May 18, 1M2. ,1et70a PubH•ll•d Orange Coatt Dally Piiot, May 20, 27, June 3. 10, 1982 2114-82 f'tCTmoul waa NA•ITAn.NT The lottowtno '*''°"' ••• doing bu.W-u : PAYROLLER S ALES . 1918 SO\lth Rltelley StrHt. Santa An•. CA 92705 Jam•• Murrey C ent. 118 Diamond Avenue, N-por; S..Cll, CA 92182. Dentel George Venn. 114 E!l'n.,•kl Avenue, N-por1 Beac:h, CA 928e2. Thie bull,_ II conducted t>y • o-ral .,.nnanntp. ~M.Cant Tiiie llltatnenl WU nled with Ille County Cieri! of Orenga County Oii Mey 11, 1982 ,,..., .. Publlt hed Orenge Coaa~ Delly PllOI. Mey 13, 20, 27, June 3. 112 3057·12 I(.,. F1CTTT10UI IU ... 11 NAMll ITATl•NT Tlla totiowtno pertone ere doing bull-•: LONQWOOO ASIOCIATH, tea E. 17111 8trMI, Colt.a Meta, CA 92821. JAMEi W. MY, 11 Stonewall. IMne, CA 92714. MICHAEL D. RAY, 408 Heral DNw. Cof0fl9 del Mir, CA 82925, Thie bullnlN le conducted t>y I generll ptttlllflhtp. MICNll O. Aay Tllla lttlemant wu Ned with IM County C6atk al Ofenge County on M-8. 1982. ,,_ Publlttled Or•no• CoHt D_111y flllot, -ta. 20, '17, .--.. 1111. 111H2 .Jecqultyn LDIMott. 1M4 Pon PrOYenet Piao.. N~ a..cto, CA 82te0. Wiibur Moore, Jr. Publtahed Orange COut Dally Recorder'• ln1tr11m111t No. Preatdent Plot, June 3, 1"2. 12~. W1U SEU. AT PU8UC ___ NIUC ___ NO_TICE____ Thie~ 11 conducted by an lnclMdual. 24S&-82 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST ,.,_ 1----------~ BIDOEll FOR CASH, WM money Publl•hed Orange Co11t Dally 1'ta.IC HOTIC£ of the United Stst•, ot • CMHlr'• -ST_A_T_l ___ NT_OF_WITHOAA ____ W_Al_ TNI Ital~ i.c,~ Iha F:,::~ County Clettl of Orange County on Pl!Ot, June 3, 10, 17, 24, 1982 d-* drawn on• llat• ot nattonal 23n.a2 bank, • ••••• or faderal~lt FtCTmOUS IU ... 11 NAm Mey 25. IN2. ,"'111 P11bll1lled Oreno• CoHt Deity Piiot, May 27. June 3, 10, 17, 181~· -----------NOTICa OP TMISTD'I IALS union, CK • atale OI' fredlral Loefl ... .....oA end loan -aatlOll domldlad T .a. .... fnM.a ttlil 11~. al P9)latlle et die time of The l ollowlng pereon II•• wtllldrlWll MI general pwtner from Ille partMrShip ,operating under 111e flctl1lou1 bu1lne11 neme of JMH Elegtronloe at 9t5 Tl• Juana, L.agune Bleoh, CA. The flclltloua bu1lna11 name 1t11emen1 lor the plftnerlNp wu t111d on 11·22·11 In tile CO\lnty or Or~ Fun N•m• i nd Addreu or 1he Pareon Withdrawing Jam11 M. Horneck. P 0. Boa 13•1. Founteln v.119)1. CA tnro8 J.,,,_M Homed! ,1114 ... Publl•h•d Oreno• COH1 Dally Pilot, Mey t3, 20. 27, June 3, 1812. 2124-12 P't0"1IOUl9Ull ... MAIMeTA~ OALIFORNIA LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE, 320 Co1t1 MeH Streot, Coete Mall, OA 92927. Dereron Clfton Mackey, 320 Coate Melll StrMI, CoatA Mete, CA 92t27. Tiiie butlnMI It oondlloted by ... tndl\'ldual. o.r.on C. MlldlCl)I 'RW lt8t_,_ -ftled wtttl Iha Coun1Y Cler1I "' Orange ~ Oft June i, 11112. ,_ Publlelled Orange Cout Delly PllOt, June 3, 10, 17, 24, 1N2. 2~ fl'IC'"10UI .,_.. NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC. M ..... .,.,.,, Ude and .,,..,_ held MAIM eTA'nmWT duly appointed TNlt .. under Ille by It, H T"'llH, In 11111 rHI 2283-82 Ttl• lollowtno c>«•on 11 doing followtna ci-1bed deed of trust property Mtuat. In Mid County end -----------1 ~ M: Will. S!LI. "T PUBLIC AUCTION s ... e. ~ • loloM: NlJC llOTIC£ Sl/TTOH ENTERPRISES, 3931 0 THE HIGHEST 8IODEA fOR PAACE.L 1: ACTITIOUI _.. MaoArthur Blvd .. Suite 201. CASH ~ et time of .... In The! portion of Trect No. 7530, In Newpott 8-:fl, CA 92980. lewflll money of the United ~':I the city al H9wpOl1 &wll. County MAim eTAra.wT MARCIA KAYE Sl/TTOH, 940 Ill right. tltle end tnterwt of Oranoe, Shlte of Celllomia. • Th• following Pef'IOn 11 doing trvlne Avenue, IA-311, N-por1 to and now Nici by " under Mid par map thareot reootded In 8oolt ~ ~D LAN D v I LL AG E BMctt, CA 82ee3. Oeed of Trutt In Ille property 2 8 7 . page 1 3 5 and 3 I o t APAATMENTS. 711 W. 11th Street. Thll bualneM .. conducted by *' lleralnaftar daacr1tled; MlecellaneC>ll• M•P•. rtc:Ofdl of No. ~2• Cotlte ....... Cat..__._ lndMdull. TRUSTOR: 1510 BALBOA, LTD~ OrMQI County, 1homund defined '"" m• Merda ~ Sunon lln'iHed pertnenhlp I• Un It 1 4 on th at c •rt a In 92827 Thil llat9ment -Mad wttn the BENEFICIARY: BANK OF Condomin ium Plen ("Tiie Richard R. Central. I NofttlltM County C1er11 of Orange County on AMERICA u TRUSTEE FO" Condominium Plan" herein) ~1104. MMna del Rey, callfomie June 1, tN2. CARUOH FORGE WORKS PROfTT alteched H an exhibit to tllet .. ,,_ SHARING TRUST. car1a1n Oec:1er1rt1on of c-wite. ~~ 19 oonducted by"' Publla"-d Oran,• CoHt Dally Recorded M.,ch 1t. tHO •• Condition• and RHtrlc11ona for Ak::twd R. c.ntrel Plot, "'-3. 10, t , 24, 1912. Ntr. Ho. 10495 In boot! 13621, ~ 8w:fl TowM1I 1M1 ltd. fN1 ~ WM Mad with the ~2 Ploa 1010 of Of9lc:W Aeootdt In tN (The "Dedar11lloh" ._,., ~ office of the Aeoofd« of Onlnge on M-r 1 t, t972 11 lftltn.wnant No, County Qlftc of OrMge County Oft ..... Ml\-~Mid deed°'"'* da9oltball t1412 In Bo<* 10122. Pll09 313, Mey 25, tN2. •-._ nu1~ the propeny Of11c111 AecorcS& l'1t019 ..cm100i .._.. Loll 6, , and 7 In Sloe* t 15 of PARCEL 2: Publlehed Orenge Cout Dally MAim ITA~ Trtiet No. 2i4. par m.., recorded tn An unclMded 112llh lntel'Mt 1n and Plot, Mey 21, June 3, 10, 17, 1982 The folowtllQ peraone .,. doing Book 13, p1g11 31 and 31 or to u-POI"'°"' of Lot 1 of Trac:t 2341-82 bullrlllll•: M•1•1*IUl,,...,.,lntheoftloeof 7530, ellown and defined ... ---.-... -.,.--Mft-TM'lr ___ __. CAllFO .. NIA MAIL ANO tll• County Record•t of Hid "oommofl-"(ltleCommoflArea ~ nu1rK MESSAGE SERVICE CO., 30218 Count}'. ll«eln) on die Condominium Pieri. -----IC-•• --, -----i Her1M>r 8outevwd, Coate Meta. CA Yw.,. In default under a Deed PA~l 3: ...cnnoua •••••• 92127. ot Truat deted Fabn.llty 15, IMO The exdull\le right top II ltm MAIM IT.A-Frank JtmH lovko, 18551 unlMI you take action to pt«*Ct end ocoupency of U-portlona of •-• PortamouUI Clrdl. W..cmin.ter. CA 'fO'.//r prOC*t)I, It mey be llOtd et• Commofl ,.,_ of Lot 1 of Trtict dolrlQ ~owing 1>«1on1 1r 82883. p11blto ••I•. If you need en 7510, d•••on•t•d on ttla CENTEft T~EA, 333S Met 1...-Melot 8alay, 11564 Mt. ~ of the natur'9 Cf the Condominium Plan .. baklonlea. SltMt Colta Mw., CA t2t2t ~. FountMI v...,, CA 927ot. f PfOOMdlnO agalr.c you, you etlould patlol Wtdl« pordlM, n tf1oM1 0. 8 · Thfa bullrl9M la oonclUGted by 1 1oont8ct a iewy.. on Mid CondomlnUn Plen •being .J . egeretrom & 8on1, A tlmltecl Olf1netlhlp ' 1510 8111>01 81vd .. Newport ~t to Parcel 1. • General Pertnlnlhlp, 3311 F Ffri .i. l.Mo 8aecl\, o.lfornla PARCEL 4: Road, Coltl Mw.. CA tteae. Thll --~ wat Mad with tne "I" • .,... ~ or OOllWl'Mll'I The .-.M "8M 'o -end Andt .. d• C. Grant, 14721 Colin1Y a.ti al OrMge County on dMIQn•tton 11 ellown 1b0ve. no occupancy for wt1erf•1• 1nd "8.IC NOTICE Romenlafltaoe, Tllltln,CAntaO. June t. 1112. werranty I• 9lven u to Ill dod0ngpurpoeaeofllldlpai110ftof NOnCa OP INTWD T Henry T. Seo1ratrom, 1 ,_ oompletanMI ,,, OOl•tcill-)." IN Cofflmon ,.,,.... of Lot Cf nec:t ~ ~ r u 11 • • 10 r Tor• n H • n r Publlttled Orange Cout Detty ' The blneftcllry under .id Deed 75)0 et10Wn Ind dlftl*' on 1t1e - llCT10M..,,. .,.-:::'~<J~~1:o'on• Drive, Plkn, June a, 10, 11, 24, 1911 ior Trutt"' by rMtOn of • bNeCfl 0t Condominium PIM • eoet :'t: M014, CAWOMllA Henry T. Seger1trom. • 2afM2 !~. ,!:=~--= ~~1~11~':c, h:: Mino ,..:::.-:,. ~!t~!n'~l,:~;._o~~ ~ llOTIC[ 1=::•:.:i:,:=.,u~d~__: :1:=:.~ 1..,,-:'C: ,...,,. of '*-= FAAHCl8CO a.ma Ana, CA 12708. f'tO'ITTIOUI IUll... Dal'llend '°' a. Ind M1"an nottoa Oedelectol1.. ~0900R[G0u· uancr22 8 3'o"°H'° .. ~8 TONn Henry Seolntrbm. 1•1 MAim tTATRmWT of bftedl Ind ot tlll8atlon to C** ne atrHt addrM• or otll•r ~--• er..... lvd., Victoria Drive. Santa Ana, 0 ......... ....-.. --.......... thl und•r~d 'o 1011 Hid common d•"""'n1tlon ot the rMI ...... 11 ........ Callfomll. ' t21ot .... ,.....,_,.,.,, ..... ~---~.. . --Ntmee of 1ntandod trlnlf9f-· .. ;.. ~ ...__. ~Ml ~to Mid~ property•'* """"'llf'""""l8b0¥e"'---.0.., tAANCISCO .i. SOTO end J08i vrct;'rl:nD";i';;''hfti8''r:i 1~ ,,.OCflllNO I.Al : an 111ere1ner lleunderalgned le~tob«4431W.OllllC GARCIA 1088 8H lluff Drt111 t21'0t ' ' ~ Ol'1 ~; .-:lflOclolofbtwlhendof ~:..:.Y• Newport IUOh, co.. ....... c:.ittomtL ' ~ -..... AM~ PHOTO ~IOOIATION, IMetlOfl le be r900l"dacl F*'*Y Klncl of 1101fi. ln'41161d to be TNlllee fof ~~ ~ 2212 MltUn AvenV., hit• 212, 14, 1Hl.111n11tr.Ho.82.ol41~7.0f Ttl• 11nder1l1n1d horlby traneferred: A!TAIL ,ACKAOE 1129 ~ Dl'1\te ..,... ,.,;,.,-·7• IMM. CA ~ti. Mid OllGlel AeoOl'da. dleclatme •II ll1bltlty for 1ny Of"F-8ALE GENEAAL '-ICEH8! 21 t27ot • 2·Ta INTlllNATIONAL, INC., llld .. ,. Wiit be mada, bl.It i110011•c•o ... "' ............... 103957. Hero.o T la9"1C1ort\ Jr a Cattlorn11 :oretto11, 2222 w1t11011t oovon1nt or t11rrenty, 0t otfllf' ocwntnOf\ ...,....._ .. Totll ooneldtf'ltlon to be paid for TruetH tor Ttleodor• ·..,.ito Mel1ln A--, ~ta. WW.. CA ..,,,_ °' tmpled, ~ tMa. Seid ..... be ,.... .._,. ttl• buetnHI end Ileen•• 11 SeoentrOt'11 1121 ~· ~ 111111. lllllllllD 1, « ~ to warrenly, aaprHI or IMpllecl. JU, 1 u .H . < 1) Cuh to be ..,,._,.,,., c,. 12.,., Tiiie ~. •. ~ by • 1 _. h •=:P llftndMI""" of t991rdl119 tttlo, P0'""4oft. Of dtpoeited 1n MCtOW eaoo.oo: (2) HetQ6d T le;awom. "' oorpou1llolL the "°'* by Mid Died of e11cun1br1noH, to Htltty th• Dlmlnd nole for tM ~ oi TNM9 for...,"'-llDI It~ l·T'.i 11"911*'°'*, lho. ~ .,_.. .. In -6d note ..,..... .....,_ of ...... OI' Ollltl to be dlOoal'8d tn aeorow 11n..,..,.. Ol1lle. e.nt• AM. Kw 0 . HbcOn; • ecMno1e. tf ~1 uftdet ~ o~llaleton ...,,. llW Mid 111,000.00; (a) Oomlnd Noe. to be ff708, ~T,......, -••IN ..,,. °' .-:I Dl9d GI .,,,,.., Died of 1'NM, wllf1 ......... Md 1Ubflltute4 by two 101111 Mine ...,.. T l•D• •om. Jf .,.,,.. ....... " .. .._ """ttle ~ ~ encl ...... °' .. °"* MHM -~ ....... ; ......... Jool ......... "' 141 .................. ,, .... :l:'I'.\::. ............... -..::.'l:::.--c:.:::: .. -:..=;_~ ll'lomlmf"1 Note"""'°' of..,.. letWetrOfft 1111 ~ Ortw • ,._ ..., -... Ille._ on,._ .....,.._ enc1 ,,.. ..-.. Corr~• "odtltuea Hl,000.fO . ..,.. AN. CA er1'I. ll'Vblllllecl °'"'" COMt ft&-. June as, 1191 • t.00 p.lft., Ill .e encl_... ol.,. T of TCIUI. tn, ttt.lt. ...., _....... ~ 114 W P'lo4i JIN .. to.,,, M . 1M -• ~ AwrM "*-. IO tto h "'* ~...... of T ti t P I • 0 • w " •' o t II e ,.,,,., w.t Ul'llolt, IOW9 ta 111. ' ' ' ":;..._ OMct-~tef Mldlfte 800 1... Tf\lat TM tM .. ""°""' of ... =:::::.:.:.-:-.::: 11111:"0::-:.:.·,,,:~ . ~A--."' 'h '-of ••Ill ....... IMIUd9nl lllll MtJ 1a to be paid ta: WUTIM MUTUAL llPOI. l'9JC llJ11l:l Or--. Olllomla. Htllftat•d ..... 9"~ .... nc.-ow CQAll'OMTIOM, t401t lllY ~lrW tiptAtOftll, t m -~rt:• tt111e o• tU lftltlof :c:: .... TNllle.11• .... •. Yon. ............ 101 • .,..... ,..,. Miil. =Mao OA tl10I. 't:.1:l,_,. :.... .. .:~·=.=--= ft M .... ._. .. ~.~1C:.-:';;:'9,t~1~e n•'=~~'°"'· ~-==•114 ""°" ~.dolftt ~:'o~~ •• 'T.:: :r t':::1t~n': ~ :--_._.• ---etton for the ....,of h ..,_ a ~lptlO 800KKI~ ............... lilM''" lftf '-°"" :noN. ~=':."::o~== ..=.=.:••ttnua., ::::.c...:..J'~~'U:l ~~••• ,:/...;.. :.~~--4 :..:=:. ';::. C::,'* .... °':,...... .__,..._ L. OatpeAtW, 444 ~ ._ ... (7,.q 117 ... -: !i:.:.,~im .......... ...._ .... -... La .... • , ~ . ....,.. ..... o. ....... ..... u...... ~'9MCI; lioldet: WHTl"N MUTUAL a ' Mo ,_...._._,, tltl •• '"-'·~......... :.,_.. ......... liOf'OW. ,., z·,-== . '· ....... -0. .... ---..... 101 T\1111\ ,.... ...... L 0..= •. _...., ~~1filWLXllL.. ~---· -.--... -~ .. If =" 1 ~ --.r .... I .. a....... ... °""" o..w. =·-I -· ·-a ..._ •t. -~ ;•e • " P-. r T-~· ,.:-.::: =· CMIC ._. ~_..., ot-. Ge.a •••• 11 °""'9~ ,..._ 0.... Di1r flullllil or..-. • --,.., ....... .,,. ... _ ............ ,.,,J ........... 1.-,..., ....... ,,.· ... .... ..... r 1 lOOAL HOUtlHO O,,OllTOIOTY ,......., ....... , All ...., ""'' ldYertlMd In ftll• n1w1paper la au~ to the Flderll Fair Hovalng A ct of 1988 wtllch mekM It tflegll to adverllae "any prefefence, llmlt1tlon or dlaerlml"atlon baaed on r11C9. COior, rellQloo, Mill or "'Ilona! ortgln, or any Intention to meke eny auch preference , llmtt al lo n or dlecrimln111on." .. NlllllU 11111 Prise WNt Bay bayft0nt. SUpe for 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdrm. 1.i bath Sl.200,000. cnao &t j('tly viewl'M.tine room. 4 bdnn. 3 bl\h, 3700 111 h .. t l.38&,000 Ooee.ntront.. Liii ISll 1•11 t'nrM L ido Nord bayfront 5 bdrm, 5 1-1 bath Lge L H, 2 bollt slips Sl.500.000. Remodelt'd 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rtt rm beam et>thngs, furru.shed. pauoe $420,000. LlllA llLE UYFllllT .....agoon vaew from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. dl.'n, Boat shp $1 ,350.000. BAYSIDE COYE Spect.tcular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat slips $1,900,000. CORONADO CAYS Thi. MWSf>Aper wlll not knowing ly accep't eny adlle(11tlng for real ntata .nlch la In viol•tlon of the law. Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/terma. ElltU1 Advertisers ILIFFS CDllD should check their a d a d a 11 y a n d Single st.ory end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba ( e p 0 r t e r r 0 r on li.rgelft greenbelt, $250.000 Immediately. Th Piii L•O OAtLY PILO assumes llablllty fo 3 bdrms, 2 'n baths condo near pool. $145,000. the first lncorrec Insertion onty. ...... ,,,,.,, ..............•....... Y1EW LtTI oeatu Ill 1W1 Four contlguoua R· 1 loll with bey & OONI\ vlewl Qute1 Coron• del Mar locatlon. 75% financing Gt.n ~ purch ... d HP· 11ately 1585.000 MCfl 1714) 67M400 IZlllU .. ZIH MAABOR A Ol\1~111n nl II arbor lnw~tmenl Co BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34'. Boy\1d"D""" N 8 67) 61ol RES~TIAl REAi. ESTATE SERVICES IUlll YlfW ltW 1141 .... Attention: Builders & investors! Ocean view, large lot, fee land, super location & priced to sell! Inc ludes 3 BR uncompleted remodel with plans for completion. Great potential! ...... , PAYlml l'or alx monthl on li'Mr>d new townhome In COiia MMe. Featuring 2 m .. ,., au11 .. , enelOMd geregee & prlvete courtyard. Only $114,850 2t70 Sen Ml· glHll Or, Newport 8Nch 759·1501 or 752·7373. ~ ·Walker 6 Lee °''"A' Oet DAILY PlhOTIThurtdax, JY!]! 3, 1eaa , * 01ang1 Coa1t 11tldlnt1 "°"Oht 42% of all new car• 1old fn th~ count11 IOlt ,,.or 1v1n through tMJI com,,nH onlv ~ of the count11'• population . .. . • • I • • .. • ,. ' . . . ~' ..:..>. ~ ' . . P!!f!!!.f~. ~.~ .••.•...• r~ .. f!!!l'.~.~~!!!e .. !.i.!1 •u11.,,.. !'!!11!!.~ .. l.~I L!ASl!/LIAH Ol'TION .... 314 BIG CANYON Cono\fort1· Loe newly remod. 31t, •••••••••••••••••••••• bl•. •P•CIOUI Deane 2 1&1, tam rm In Irvine OC·A!HTAL.8 Br. 2 8a. tam, rm. 0Ulld T 1 r r • I 1 5 O O I m o • 1·5br'a 1200.12000 g 1 1 e d . I 1 1 7 IS m o • 131·7l11, 145-0445 750.3314 Open 7·d1y1 840-l512, e7tt'91 Cflll, #,,, JUI · 1 IUe t1 ..... ~ o.n~ concso. a Id 2 •••• QC.'RENTAL8°•••• 4 bdrme. 2 bl home 81. 1895/mo. l'red Te· Mbr'a 1200 10 12000 NNt ac:hoole, enopplng. nore, egt 831-2711. 750-3314 Open 7-days 1875 mo 851-8800 Beaullllll IAltge 3 bdrm. 2 BRAND new 3 br tor di• ba condo.. 1911~. 2 cw Tll L-' nw crlmlnaung 111n11y Total· gar. ~12nr,".g-o« 11150 ly upgrlded. 2'A blka to 1_m_0_-_._ .. ___ _ A•"' In Cott• MH1'1 bch Nope11 11.200mo 100111111 1rfMtt. JIOO NEW E 8 T 0 ate d 2 0 AM/PM, 833-0145 ·····""•;¥............ Townhome VILLAGE <••--> IPPU YAU.IT COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br 3 Br. 2 Ba, lrg tenc yard By the month only BUT ........... 2·~ Ba 1soo.1eoo ~. h leOOtmo. Tu _,.,,, ol PIK• luxuni G11-. 4llt-11711 only 1900/mo. tor 2 Br 2 NMf new 4~. 2 bdrm. ·' ..,..... 8•. weltc to beedl Avail. 2 beth eech unit with hydro-tuba In muter 3 BA hOUM, wllk to bch, ffom June 20. nr-'~·. ·~•··.,. nauo, aul te, dining roome, eclloola, park mv1 ape/ 1 I ---...,._.. ...... .,.... ,... wood burning nr~. 14.lndeck, 1p1c, & more •· '"--•• Bffiutlf\JI 4 Bdr home wt garage, 11+'•-111 Poa. micro-wive oven•. prl· But thla, $785 mo JUIUIMIT epectacular view. Excell CHh flow. Now $1511, v. I. p It I 0. & 9e0-1818 lll-1111 owner flnenclng. $4115, 500 Biii Grundy, Altr, yerda,gerdener prov•· --------1--------- et.OE LAGUNA CHARM 000. 7511·1114 evee 111 _8_7_5l.SRl~81il·iilifiif--ded. Efegant living only HIT Tl llf PW OC·AENTALS Unique 2 bdrm floor 8PM. 15 mlnu1n.lrom Feahlon Get• you atarled In reel 1·5br'a $200-12000 pl1n. 1 bath. llv rm wt --1-deal--C-an-al-Fr_on_t__ AT Tll lllOll lal•nd. 7 mlnutn to S.C n tate ownerahlp 750·3314 Open 7-dl'fl beamed celllnga, hard· 5 8A 3 BA w/frplc: home, Smell home on ComlMI'· Plue or O.C.Alrport. 2 Br. TownhouM with A\trKtlve 4 bdrm, 3 ba. 2 wood floora & cozy loo redecorated, eleo lncld. clal lot on the Penln. 1101 Ju at eut 01 Newport pool, H.B. 1575/mo6 alory, cuatom Newpon burning trplc. S t67.500 wooden Piiio wlamall trom bHch. Owner wlll Blvd. & ao. or San Diego 2 Br Nor1h Cotta Meaa Heighta lcMel for aherlng 111#1 /11 .. 1 IOOI Full Price. boat doclt. 2 cat garage. 11 13115 ooo AN Frwy. Stanltlo" HOO 1 14~5/mo alnglea. $1500 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• MISSION REALTY 4 blU to OOHn, 1289. .;:;., 87~8700 • month. 831·8439, 2473 Let I get your lnv"tmeol 646-8789 Unique & ch1rmlng 3 br & 4114-0731 000. 714-831-8542 or 1-::----::-----:i="'I Orange Ave .. Coate lllr1ed. .,.--,--__..----- loft. Lael opt or trade for --------731-2811 ,.,, •• ,,, .. ,,. l60d Meu. Agent &62· 1100 c L 0 s E T 0 B E Ac H . _:u::".:::":.:•._:8::,.:7:,::3:::·8::5::8:;5·:..._ __ ,l •-------•I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • • • • • • • • •• • ,-•• "' •• • • • • ahopa, achoota. 4 bdrm, --------•I SAVE$$ budget mlnftd 3 BR, 2 be, 1dnt 1re1. 2 2 ba, fenced yd. Children THnHOGI ILll • HH • llllll llDIE•T lllLLllEI 1br, ..,.,.Y P•Clo 1275 car g11. 2 ml. to beach OK No ...... 11 1 ...... r ,... c , ,,, IOZI PIRHmOI iiiii llTARI ~1-12&6 OC-RENTALS 750·3314 $750 mo. 982·71140 ... 's115s45.5089 .!.'.! ••• !~••••••••••• " flewia. '4 bdrm tlngle VIEW. Avlllable lmmedl•· ~~~~~~~~ •SA YUN Yeerly. I BA ground floor 3 Br. 2 Ba apllt level. NB 10 ltW•fl story on an ldeel low traf· telyl 3 BR. 3 lull beth•. llfT1 ....... 4 Bdrm 2 Be lamlly condo, 2 UT X"· Enct Condo, 2 gar-1poo11. lie s1feet In model home -u; ti ...,..,... • 25 a .. 1 -..-Hou1e plua 2 unlta. Prime condition. ProfeHlonally muter aulte wlretre11. Tride for N.B. oceen-home. Quiet arN. Avlll pa o . .,.,.,.. • • ...,, Cloae to Hoeg Hoap. Eaattlde 20K below •P· 1 d .. d • V • r Y Pr Iv• t e • P •. front "'ome. Owner Immediately. Many eme-875-8120 Iv nltQ 1785/mo Bkr 848-7332. an eceped, .. an 'I man 1 $2900/mo. Bee Arnold " ltlee 875-41112 BKR p1al111, xlnt lnveatment ~age. 2 trlplel, commu-844..e200 (B50) 1800,000. 3711 Su· n · lnbu · 3U4 BLUFFS 3 br, 2•1o be, 2 QPPOf1unlty or tax llhelter. nlty pool, ape and tennis. ahore 873-8578 EXEC 3br, Prlv. atudy, •••••••A••••••••••••• aty e.autlfuUy remdld., IS~/mo neg wino down Only 5 yra old. Tranale<· Turtlerock Tax He~ Oueena kltch. ONLY Deerfleld. 3 8r, 2 B1, all extru No pell. R«'a or breik even w/20% red owner will help fin•~ Luxurlove 3 BR fem. rm $600 twnhM, frplc, 2 UT 011 wlll be Checked Avt 711. down $135.000 Owner/ ce An exciting new otte-office. deck. trl-level, OC-AENTALS 750-3314 !!~~.,;,,s-'1 1~ IP2p'!.~ (213) $ t ,200 mo on 118 ~~11~4!;!~8~~:1:e ~~WoJ:r""'el'f prlceel corporete rent11. 1 11. 3 er. 1 B• 111ge y1td. "~" ~ """ .... _840-__ 40_50 _____ _ eves O&U 144-l211 000 Income per yeer redec. 1963 Contlnentll. UNIV PK. apac 38r. 28a ... ,. ,__.., 3111 w/115,333 tnt"98t Mtn $700/mo. 5SP..5001. twnhM, gar, AC, frolc. no •••••••~•••••••••••• IUOM ti IWI Prln. S2H.OOO uaum Eastalde 2br Tr~ l>tl· ~ta. lie, 529-0384 2 bdrm, 2 be. ~view. BMUlliul detlciled 3 be-U11 loan. PP Call tor Silo-Ito, Kida. TOoAY $430 Turtletock 4 St. 2 Ba. lam flrept.ce, gar, petlOI. ref droom condo lltueted In ••••••i wlnt only Cell owner OC·AENTALS 750-33;4 rm, din rm, vu ot u C.I $790 4117·21411 Eutalde Coate Meu -egt. 851-3040 Ext. 5e Gardener, w tr & •••n Hu 2'n batha. lhplace, 3 bdrm blrgeln for bu~ , .,, 1 •-• ••-2 &. enclllO g8f9ge, car-du 81 1nc1 d L 8 8" Wnt.Wl•t 1111 lou ot IUI*" upgredae. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii derl on extre wide lot with ~ ••• ~~.~~~ •••• ~ pew 1 ta 1 • drapeNa. 173 W. s 1 2 o o / m 0 Ag 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cua tom drtpH Pluah _. --· aunny patio. A muat to 1 0 n . 0 pet J . M 1_...,,32_ HOME FOR RENT II H twl ""' •"-.... 1525 93 1189 "" 2 Bdrm $475. Garage. 1 cerpe ng. .. apa, ~ condo. 11t TO ..,...--'-"'°-·_1_ ... ___ 1·w-o_o_o_B_A_IDO-E_C_O_N_D_O_· chlld OK, no peu. oat BBQ Three eeparate S35,000 Sale price $65, 2 &. y11d. no peu, child 28r, tncd yr-d, launO rm. 645-2000 Ag«lt, no tee. ::i~~~~.r S=~ ~00 terme or l.!.~·000 ok, West81de. 1550/mo. $600/mo, evall 811, wtlllng to ll11er1 to ottert ;uh to to.an. UWTNIAgt. 841-0783. 551-2554 C..#.U.J .. 1 1192,000. 1179·2390 1134~1~·20<>~~3 ~~~~~ 4 Bdr, 2 Ba. formal dining, _1_B_r-. -.,-c-. -,r-p-lc-. -w-a-lk-ln U•l•nl1t-4 34Zf TARBELL. REALTORS l BR 2 OA W brld ~~~~~~~~ .... -family rm, 3 car garage, clo1et dllhwuher Rec R;;;.'_j1;;·;;,~;.-~;;.·~; -3-B-r.-,-B-a.-hou-H-on-ler_J:_ SFD Muat'aetf1 ...... ~~ = - -LIT 111811· 715· Reta req'd. IK . 5Sa·5050 · sc Plza. Pool, grdnr. 50 17"' 3 It 1 1 4 6 · "'1 1 •••• ........ _.,_ ninr $695 Incl. gardener. --------•• x " Un o · late. HELP. 857·2045 ~ _.,_ Panoremlc view on 559-8221 SpK upgraded 3Br 2~B• Dtv111 1Br. No pet1. -eo Hamilton. Do not dlaturb --------Super lhAl'p 3 Bdr, ft· Newpor t Bay and ---------i twnhse, ram rm, AC, 2 & $35 ulll. 775-2580, tenanu. 1129.000. £11,01 lffoj JIHI mlly rm. den, formal di-Pacific Oc-ean. Prime 3Br 1ba angl fam $550, car gar, pool etc.· ldMJ _5_se-_1_6_2& _____ _ 541-5041 evee & wknd,, •• ••••••••••••••••••• n1ng, beaot. pool, •P• & location. Over 8800.000 ht & laet. Weatelde 1oc end unit $795 mo 631-3520 wlcdys. UMOll patio. Excellent quiet of __.t>ae flnandnf. 842-2904 or 548-0590 752~5716 · · A rtll I Tin/. t-4 IUI Tu IOUll FamlSlyK~0L!!:E ~tAhEA~·" raaldentl1I locetlon. Be11 avallab0001e lot on •11 8 wkc:tys. Refs req. .'r.. ••• !~.! ••..•• .' •••• " .. _ ... -· $1850 pr mo. $3~.000 IUdc'e· ••• 3b0. 1mw .. , ... "''•' 1111 5(1 DOWN! /NNE...,PORTCr&rr9R 3 bedroom rancti atyle and hill view• • good option prl,W. Agt. •Clean 1 br duplex, ott 2br. 2be seoo •••••••••••••••••••••• I /() • ""' .... I... "WMtalde" home hU • loan. 1285,000. 78().9333 ·,r (114) 790-1900 •trMt ;>Mtg. Quiet. S350. 2br. 2'~b• 1711S..$800 WINTER RENTALS lovely red brick ftrepl.ce I-... YHI-• • l -.. I _ __:~===!:::..-_N_o_P-';..._•_·_83_1_·_72_20_· __ , 3br, 2b• seoo AEOIA PROPERTIES UlllEI PAii 644-"'060 In thetemllyroom Ruatlc .._ -' ••SM. I-Spac;IOUs, clean. qu.let 3 3br, 2be S1400 Furn. Balboa lalend YU.WE '::I celling ,.etu,.._ AMr yard 411· 1111 Beaut condo In Bluffa, 3 HARBOR RIDGE br. 2 ba. Nr SC Plaza. 3br, 2be S725 Lag. Hiiia 87~ la luah with tree• end , • •in IO"• BR 2 Ba. fplc, 2 petloe. Pr1me vu. Sale/trade. $850/mo. 117~ 11142 2 & 3 BR Townhomea lhf1Jbl 8ttelt ftoor petlo wil.D• llUUI -plantation 1hutter1. Make otfwr. 759-0481 C.... lfl lfu 11Jl Coe11 Mele and much morel Ot"'9 ua •• ••••••••••••••••••• charmlngl Reduc ed , •Br. 2'h twn rm condo. •••••••••••• .. •••••••• Includes ""1ry amenity 1 call today and come ZERO IOWI! $179.500. 1 111.000 ... #•ul1h, Dn«f, tennla. pool, !K. 1at. lut 2 Br, 1·~ be twnMe apt lm891n.blel FllD IPPll/ll. _,._•ST ... 1 take e lookf 1 1211.llOO Immaculate 2 Bdr 2 Ba tum lne 11 12%. annual ,_, Ull & • e c . S 8 5 0 mo Comm pool & tennla FROM $137,950 _, --117~2390 mobile home In beautlful 1M $342. Ael1'00' '111. •••••••••••••••••••••• 848-0790 $750 875-1225 F~m. Model Open 2 br hOule + beCn.lof Anxious corporetlon TARBELL REALTORS L1gune Hiiia perk. Sml dWn, OWC bel. An-Lot 58 Tlihoe 111.nc:t Prti, .,.ChObt--,-... E-.llde--2--&-.-1-Ba.-I "-~. •-· n·•.6 -Avoca!,~6F~ Rd unit Owner will flnence. ottering VA terms on Ihle IWllR -· $800/mo pays all. Frplc, Jdoual Agt. 720-1280 Id no. 3 In So Ulk• T• enol. patio. dbl ger • !'!"!".':.!'!::: ......... ~!' 1531 -4 381 ~ YKant 2 8dr home on lrg _.._ wllk·ln ~ntry. AIC. p1ua, Drutic.tly r9duced PfQ hoe, lot dre't!" In 1982 leundry facll. Quiet GARDEN Apia. Adufta. No Hit jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij cor"er lot lncredlbly O&ll · plua. $38,000 total a.. on end unit condo In The lottery tor bUlldlng S.-ldulta welcoma. 1590 & peta StreMI & waterfall. ~~~=~~~~;1 Ill.ft prlcec:t 11 only $13,500. 2 Br I Ba.+ 1 Br 1 Ba. king prlc» Blvffa. 3 BR 3 8a. lge fllJ\ -& lottery I-paid. MCUI'. 84S..7234 45• pool, rec: rm. eeune. 2 ' 1"4 THE BLUFFS 751-3191 72x105' A2 lot Do not rg\\bod rm formal dining rm 2 135,000 CHh. Call eft br. $485 842-8e70 •lllOIAL Thll 4 Bdrm condo 11u It ctlaturb ten1nt1 1528 ~i br1dge •ty'wtwr~CNnd patio. 8PM, 9tM2&-48811 542 11111 PIT1 M 2 ator.,1 blodc 10 ocean 111 • 1>eem ce111nga with OrenW9 11211.000 Ruley Aaaumable 1oan1 01 Ill>-Fairview Dr, PlllC8fVllle, EASTSIDE 2 Br. g11age. Oil.UR PAii 6nthit•• 25% down. Owner wlll edded akyllghls, upgra-=~~ :,-:.! wknda, 551 .3000 pro• $188,000. Aaklng _c_a_9_5e8_7 _____ 1 1595/mo. 842·25 to, 2 bdrm, 1 ba. hlghly up. JaMj 1141 cerry belenoe. S285,000I ded kitchen. centrel alr;------~---. _____ i_· __ lm BitrHu Ph\,lr~•11~ $225,000. s.iw wlhelp 'Jo lnt.,..t condominium, _84M3 ___ 48 _____ graded, flreplece. own •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... llJ ,..., conditioning With hUmldt-., .... tUllll nlT FllWIOIR llnenca. AM oftWI COflll. lndlan Well• Racquet Lg new 3Br. 2~8a Condo, Jee:. Nr pool 2 cat ger 1.1.'s FllEST • llhn ' tier, great locetlon, good Only 172,000 tor thl1 On thla upgraded 4Br W1 F1r•1I 1115 d«ed. Owner. 833-2009; Club. (form111y B1lboa many xtrn. 1vall June ~ily~.1~5~~7r>· Aval.I Spaniltl Eltete LMngt 1 financing and In move-In classic home Lrg 1 Br llome. Seller wllf carry •••••••••••••••••••••• 640-8379 Bay Club). 494·711117 15. 1750 mo. 41111-2300. ---=-.,.-,~,----I S.•ulllul park-ltke M.ir-*111-lOIO* Condition. 1249 • 500 · wlloads ot mahogany $100,000 •• 12'Y1 or PARI PUCE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I .• ,,,.... • 831·7100 TURTLE ROCK roundlnga. Terraced _ U,._.l()U1:11VMl:S1 moldln9. FeeturH In· A 1 T.O. al 12%. Don't 1fW Ull llll f., Ir• 2 Br. l 'lo Ba, pv1 patio, Townhome w/lriew, 2 br, pool Sunken g .. bbq, Easy -see O'·agraml RHliors. 875-6000 coludwn'ewfr newlcelll 11"1n~11"P0'9,.· mlsYhls one! 1145,000 EITITEI Fabulouj n..,. home on Wutffl llOO a1mo1t new. $600/mo. ~cenbtae'r.2 .c8•0r0 gmior .• cr•, 1 c1 aparkllng fountain•. • 631•7370 • Call W711·5370 .. Ill. 2,L i•. large atrMt-to-atrMt lot. •••••••••••••••••••••• LI n d a 7 6 o . 9 3 3 3. • Ir Spacloua roome. Sep• ,. n • Elegant muter aurte With AAA ••m IHIS ..:640-:::::..:e&:::.2:.:8·:-.----hri::95i;i1:;·-;:20;:;8:;.8:;:;. :;-;1AA"?'iii; rete dining arM. Wiik-in llUYllUI FlllPLD BETTER Tl-iAN flreptece 8nd balcony P1u1 -rvlne Grovee 3 BR, 2 Be clolets. home lfke 11ttm. Attrlletlve Spanish 2 Br MODEL 3 more bdrm1 No ·~ EXc:hange for RN1 E.atete. 3 BA 2 Ba, frplc, doted condo, IH option or Mii er1 & cablneta. Welk to lurnletwlc:t 4-plex. No v• HAS EVERYTHING 18 ... aparld 10 ...,,.. mull be clear or near back yerd, 2 carlg1r.. 1725 mo. Prln only. Av! Huntington Center. cenclff Good loc1t1on Cul-cl4Hec ltreet quality and granc:t men,_ dMr. $750/mo. 548-8195 •ft July 1, 549.391 e eva 1 Bc:trm·lurn, $505 South or Rlveralde. Exlnt 1_ ...... Sun & Sell !I Club to thle unueuai anc:t beau-'600,000 to 110,000,000 8:30 544.7575 dys. 2 Bdrm-tum from $605 term• Reduced to $129, '"'"n -•• 20 mlr1. to tllul prop«ly. your tax eon1ut1ant1 ep. -E-I --1-2-B--2-B-l....---------1 2 Bdrm TO'#nhoUae tum. 500 Saffy Shipley'• Ila· ---------1 Tl llU1 Newport Certter 142 1200 prov11 1oflclt1ted. Reta egan r · •· Executive home In Deer· from $875 ting 75g..9100 Aeiclbl9 nr,anc1ng on this $210,000 With 1160,000 • lum. Btcrs aubfntt. ereethtakln~vlew, ell field. 4 bedroom, 2'A be. No!>-'•. I 38 h I t 12.,~ flM.,. •• & Ill--·-amenltlea. 18 Imo. 2500.,., 11 $1200/month UtHltlM Free! :!ct pa~lo, ~:i,: r~. • futly~.,;~ ,~..-..-PROPERTY HOUSE Inc. ~ol 'm•l"tenana. IOIUT lllLLllEI 831-12" GEOR'>E ELKINS C Find CNI about Ila. high •.•• ... --I • earning real •lat• ..... -•• ..... c.reer opp6nvnltlea with Oulet. pafk-llkl aettlng. THE REAL ESTATEAS Rm for peddle tennis and Llcenalng achool tee• pool. OrMt for orchard. completely relu"d•ble to Cul de l8C st 3 bdanl. achool of yoor choice tam rm. 1379,500 fee. Ex1ens1ve..,.. v1Jnlng. 144-4t11 For Information, c111 751..e1111 SELL Idle 1tem1 with a 0eW Piiot Clalelfted Ad. ,... . TAY LOH CO I ,t ' ' -~ -- 11~4' • 11~4' .. 11~4' "'· ....... ,, ...... ...,. .. ..., ....... ...... '9aNfr 11 ..... 2 W.+ ...... .... , ........ f1~~ft~ ......... • ..... '""':~th @ Hl-1111M It. 1ff ........ 111-1•. WATFRfRONT HOMES.I'« to \I Hiii' I H I I• \j !llHo \\ I ''"•I ti.,, '•·1•'" 1i.-.. " 831-1400 IPflnlllet•. '"*'•'1 more. No polnll or qulllfylng. &42-3450 842•1010 end garci.ner. 844-5829, LA QUINTA HERMOSA $129,500. Cell 11711-5370 • 77()..()347 IDT " "' PUii 875-2886. 18211 P111!alde Lii. 1 blk .\·{>I l I tlFt/' P~ A I "• ' '". t •, f f/,f ., "', 4 Br. U4 Bl 2 ltQfY. pool, upgradee. 1~ Concord St . ..,~5.000. Term1. 54S..3847 Aaeume t '-+% VA loan, 3 bdrm home, large lot LOS Const. Co. $1111,000 8J3..12e5. FHIOUHll W.l MeH Verde • br. 6ntv S 10,000 dwn. tl97-2338 Agt. . PUIUTnlt Mitt from the bHCh. 8-uttlully built Buccota 4 ri Bdrm, 3 ba pfua family oom, formel dining room. ocatec:t on cul de 11c atrHt. BE CREATIVE WITH THE FIN.ANCING. Aaklng 1Hi 1,900 Cell 540-1161 · HERITAGE IH /\I TOR'• -~-- Owner/Agent ._Uh ~"you aterted 1n r..iex --ec:-. -home--4-B-r.-3-ea-.' w o: Beech, 3 blka s ot ~~~~~-~~~~ ·~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••• •••••••••• .. tete ownenhfp. fem. rm., !annal din. rm.. Edinger ,...,.,, J.;d JllS ..: • ..,., hn.JdM 2 Br. North Coal• Mesa. 2 trplc'e, ent ICNnt, Kol 141·1441 .• -•• .-.-................ ILlm •••••••••••••••••••••• 14751"'°· pond, covered outdoor -Q-u-le_t_J_u_n_l_o_r -,-1-B-,.-. IAlllll VIEW Slngle ......, lovely 3 8f C.... 111 llM 3111 2 Br. Townhouae with apa. In bHt part of From 1375. Pool. rec. 11,u.s w/encloeed yerd, pvt •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, H.B. l 575tmo. Tunletoc* For rental on rm., 11un1, encled ga· • petlo, on :uah gmbl1. QUALITY 3 80fW, derl, Let•a get your lnveetment annuli 1 ..... aoceee to rage. 17301 K-.on off BrlQhl a alfy 3 Bel wlf1'/t Freehly pelntec:t, flftlly gwdener. Irv Ten-ece for •1M19d. tennla & poola peld. Slater. 142•7148. Mcluded "~ & Qtlf· Clif1>el9d. Onl)' 1222.500. tee. 873-3100 Ag«lt &62-1700 Gardener & pool clea· --------- dent" Lrg menlcured 1 Selly Shlpley'a t11ttno. • •-._ 1111 12500 move• you In. nlng peld/11300 mo. "• ... i..A 1141 yerd on lee ~-$375. 7511-11100 aff....,., --· 1145,000 ,_ 2 & 3 Br. 2 A• f •• , • q . c I I I .. , .................. . 000 wl good terma. Pe-• •••••••••••••••••••••• Be. Condoe. 1650 ~· n.1_7_14_1_87_S-&804 ______ 1 Furn. Lagloun1 Beseo~u-, trick or Fred Tenore Lrg 4 Bdrm. tamtty rm All amenltlet. Ctienc. of $950/mo. Woodbridge xury 11ud1 'epa, at .. nte 83 • cuttom pool home In • TV aauna maid Mrvlca c o u n I r Y • • t t I n g . • lltettme. L•ue option. Sycamore 2·•tv mdl. 4 h. • • • 11 51 k • GEORGE ELKINS CO 12000/mo l•He. In· Phone 842·2000 or Br. 21+ ea. gardener. P one · • wee · GATE OIJAROEO HOME Cludea water, gardener & 1531·5055. comm. pool, epa. t.nnla, _4_911_·2_2_2_7· ____ _ IN SEA VIEW pool aervlce. Bkr. IUU nw 111 lake Inc.~ req'd. No ,,.,_,.... 1111 Thie well Cited for 4 ti.-831·7370 1>911. AvaN 713. 34 MM· ····""··············· droom tlome 1111 3 bath11·81-,-u-t.-t-ur-n-. -B-lu-ff-1-....,-n-h· 111 I I II T t WI· dowgreu. Ownr/ Agt and lmprlMlve city ll'ollt me. 3 BR. fem rm, formll ... 559•822 1 and Catalln• aunHt dining 2•1o ba 2 1ge f1'lt Vlewe. OOOd a.aum11>1e petloe & 1ge balcony end Miier flnanclno le OYWloc>tllng pnme grnblt • :::.:;~able. 14115,000. S 1400 mo. 1 yr IN. Clll ..... ••a1 inan George Goldbaum. ..._ --Soutll lend Altra . AlllLITllTUU -~--9-19-1 -------1 ____ ....;.... __ _ THE ''IOOD UFE'' ~ .. Socl•I AottvttlH Olr1otor•Fr11 a und•lo ln.1oot1•~· .. ,~ mud! rnor9. O"IAT RIClllATION1 Ten11l••l're1 an:.m .. fer.!.~ •..•.••• ~~~~~~~!! 8~ I llllM ~. = Color bt1gllttnen. wllt crp11 • 10 min. blMOfl. Hall, llV/dln. rme I 11: 1119 roon'I 11.ao: oouctl •10: ctlt u. Ou1t. ellrn. I* odor. Orpt ....,.ir. 15 yr, a11p. Do work myHlf. Reft, 531-0101 Al.hit • •• i;'S11~ •••••••••••••• Oftwnya,:~ L°' .. ~lte31-<11~ ALL8TAT! PAVING lell00elln0-91rtolnll ~ COrnrn.IA.trd. Lio Ot1Sla 84~8181 Den H811bef'g Oredlng 6 PirMQ Co. Aea/Cornl. Lio 391~ S.2· 1120 A•,._lln •••••••••••••••••••••• FINI SHINE AUTO DETAILING. Guw. Fr• PU/del. 642·~•9 ... ,,, lllJalMUH/ lnftlf •••••••••••••••••••••• MARINE SERVICES Mecflanle, P81nt, Ywnilt\. TMk-r\11>-wu. 645-978e Crptt lnttalllrepetred r:lood d•m-ve. Slum ctng.154-1510, t13·858e No 81tam/Ho ShMIPOO 8t•ln Specl•lltt. Fut dry. Fr" •1. 83t-JH2 We cet9 C<pt ~ Sttam clMn & uphola. Trvck mount unit Work OUlf. 846-3718 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jiiek Buffington Ownet loper•tor Ciarpet, upl'IOI, w• NII c:leanlng. WOflt GI*. FrM Ett. 64S.171\1 -------- •••••••••••• ~~ ......... ~.,,., ........ lffH&............. •l•M'til ....... c • I ... •• =..~ Mllnl. l!flltntnOe ·~Houm'n'inl ' OUITOM llUCKWOl .. C •HIWANT'I•• vl101ft ""'· ::~~-ICottwtl ~ ""*'9 OeeorMlftA wia NftoNI '-*'· OM, IMA&.ULAAOI JOU W._lnt "9moYe1 ~ I """"* .,. . ...., LI......,. ...._ ..... • Quality.*,,. 14M1l4'trV, "' .-MMllJ Npt/0114 ............... ,. All t;IMll. 142·'*"' :.;::.~,~.· M ~ MOWINCI • OLIAN Uftl l>Cf11RT HANO'tMAN HolJU = ... Wff .....,.... • ...... .m-i, ".... 0 •II • eo 11 I•. HtlUllnt . ~ -· o~""'ry . flloOflna cwwe.1. .r:=IOn· m;m ......... -. .... smimr.~........ .,...1111• ,,.. ._c, 141-ttOf ~. eM. ' ... 1..011 HlfgM 1 •Ato WVM'fO. Hiit ~I tmutel 1-------- .., .. or llNll )OM. MOWt~ i1w1 .. ato 1 KHOW-LIT'I QIT fleolftO Hou111lu1•11 ,~.::=~·0 '"' .... IQ.14" fltlfNln ........... . LIO, HMU t7~1t HIUllDumt:llnl 111/UO IOOlll H!.:: fix eny• ,..!.Y!!.e!IP. ,·~1.J.-!917·0t .......... fll.MTIR flATCHIHG •lpMlttet-.W'* M 1 , k tlltngl ~ ·--· ~· _.. *'" 1 ....... ""'""°'· 1nt/nt. io "'9 toomm. Co1111•dll UC'D WOTf'IOIAN 164-MCM/tQ.OOll JAOK Of' ALL TAAOU Yt:Nr l!W, ~oat, YOUf T~!Mllty. IHCNI aete Y"· Nett. 111111 141-2177 ~ ..,._ °'*-WOfk·,...._ rllte ..._ .......... , Cell Jd di)' 0t night o•rdertl We clean con• In •II yrt 'llCP· ID'I fl~ITIRIHO i----HH_T-t·-~-*---·-,,_ •, 131·6011 TOl'll W)r Ill pt.--•87"401•'* eoten\~. PIMN cell ltlft ""-ALL TYPH ~/00 TOft QUALITY ~:.·d, r:r:!11Yw':f~~ ~ IOMPL. HOMI MAINT. ""Mpf'n, •M-2921 NO !Me. no-1353 ,,.u UT. 141-1218 f!rm •••••••••••••••• ILICTRICAL WOllll< ' · ' ,,_ ITA,.VIHO CO\.LIQI l.a"'°ftlaMet.-euooo PIMI r..... '31-IOll 11nd1.oe~ln9. Nl/OdM _..,, p!Unlb, pelm, Mui, t4ollMOitlnlng: MP'd, fe-NO PLASTtRl.Na Ttxt!H#-Thin w .. &.lllMMN_ a..-a1 onfY, ~. ChntenlnO. yd Olnu,p. ,,.. .... lllble ..... No tot> too ITUOIN'fl ~OVI INT/EXT. AHTUCCO. Stucco lttdl UC'd r.n-;r.;;ea.l":':'tt'fl•• a-~~~~r~~ LIO 871-ts .. /e.42.14ee •ff.3at1 emall. Nlhr. Hf.3341 ~', u~~· Block Walle. ~lt2 08'Y t17.07" ' llllMOOIL/ADO-OHI '"',.....,..__... · ...._ .... -.. JOHN THI H .. NOYM"'N O r ~try, UO'd. ae 2S310l-Oo10. 64t-lm .... , ........ ,_ •• ·---· .. .. .....,HI_ WATCH UI QA WI lludlll• ,.,.. . _,. ..... ltWln Mlot1tt 1pr ng oletn·up, 111111. Plumblno-...o-odd .IOt>9 ••••-••• .... ••••n•••• •••• .. ••'••••••••••••• ,,. •• ··~ ....... ,.._._JW._ q11uo1C ••t·H7S b•I t Fr .. •llmet• 1eo-?et1 .-. ••'·"-u ILL Mt-1111 .. c~\:,;c;,-·1;: Fine '1nlthed c:upen~ ::::r.•~1.-:1......... am. 11.Tmll'M l:::"."n'A••••••••••••• *~ I UY* P t Celt Cnucll ~ Aemod. lp.o. Aand ,OAMICA COUNTIM Re1ldtnll•I. CIHn·up1, •-''--p111Y91 C:..~te75-1'40t•dyt Uc. <11tn1 720-1180 T099/c:aDlneta rehloed al ... ~.............. by A10111rd llnor. Lio. I ~ 1,1-i •.-I• COMM'URUIO. ,,.. •t· 842·5357 p:~,:7~·.:' .~1i: OUMfl J08S Lift In MOUt'l\)t ptUt m•· 2806iM. 1S ~ ol l\appy .!!'!M.;;w."':Or.::... C!RAMIC-LINOUIUM Aemod·Add'n .. Aeoeif'I • =·· 84 MOM(C.it WlllY) I 8m811 Moving Jobt ture kWlng oate for pet/ 100a1 euttomtn. a.l'n ............... T~. FrM _.,,.,.._ VfltY ,..._ Lio. 300210 , ... ,, • Cati MIKE 646-1181 pllnt.. Thenll you, '31-4410 ''" eet. A:;, ofloea, RM* Bob 81~5161 Jealt H. Bennett, Jr, I ""' IHIY0'8 OAADENIHO HAULING t d I h Certin.d HOUM 81t'*'9. •n• .,._ Ou81 work Lie 337tet. o.n. Oonlr. l&a·t1•2 ...................... "Totll Yard Care" -• u en 11 (Sine» 1179) 831·123' ~·-· •31·•23;6 ,,__,, 80ncled & lntured --· ., Motwldy. 55Ml232 tvt r,~~C.,~c;&:~.1;~·· 25 yr1 ~ ~ . .OOM1. v " ~p;-·k,;;:o•r;_i.;•A ." • ... OMatlne I fd 841-7125 l.and~Yd Ctnupe Thank you, John. !1.'t'!!!f.fP.f .......... ~"3.ot~~ 1#/U• planttr ml• •nit. "r" U. ... Tree lflm.Expert "'81nt. nD aTlllftl _,......... • ..... , ............... del1 locelly 651·15et Lio. 308111. "•model, .,, ... ..., ,,,.,,. frAAatfon. Jim 851-0129 PROF. SERVICE • ,_ .. ._. .. ... b PAIM'TE" NEEDS ROOF FIREPROOFING • d d • n I o ab In e It ••••Ae••••••••••••••• ''V H•ullng • Ylfd cleanup ood, apr"..._ ... ni WOAKI SO )'l'I exp, Intl Mfg. gull(. of chemlcal. f•IW• 84MIM' ' REPAIR & INSTALL AWi.Lii ....... Qulek & deln. Fr• .t. lnll1118UOn. Our work Eld•. AcoWtlC oelllngt.. OO If NOW. Fr• •I. • ...... A ........... .. G11r1199 dra. H.,dW.,., T rim ....,.,...., e7Ue.48 only loOkl e1pen1lve. "-vii Palntt.u. 847·5188 081111 P81ntlng 647·5188 M09t tubjectt, K·1<1 WAY CONSTRUCTION DMlgnlflalnt H0-1181 ,.. t • gen . ...,._.., Ct** our Pf1oet IMfore ""' ""' D•~8Ul'IUMr l10Wlt Atmodel . Addltlont cement work, houu HAULING end IOcal mo-you &iuy, 0111 Mltk at EXTERIOR PAINTING REPAIRS 125 to 1186 Mr Morg8n 645-&Ht Lie. •20eo2 642·1200 ~ wrecking, ~9·1SO. Ying ltudent with truclt. UtJ't..,....... cu.tom WCN'k. Ff• alt. Free 191. c.i1 8"ytlme. . , .,., _ __.__.__.......,. ••••iliai•iiiiii•• Total'Ywd C.. by Ltwla e7~81IO UC 204618 . 641-15$f Reaa. +fine Int. & llM-WALT 110·2726 ....._ .. ..,._ La~·~~·b lnit·" THE GRASSHOPPER HAULING.ORAOIHO ...... • -.a..•tu:c nlng. Steve S.1 ... 281 Hubel' Roofing-all typea. !'!~.~~~~ ..... FrM •t. Aeu. pr\OM. ...~.,_. .. "" .. , P81'tonai-Oeoend•blt d1mollt1on, clean-up. .-.. New-reoover·d•cb "Let the &intlllne In" Oual. work. Lio. 337189. Tr• trim-removal DomlnlC 842-4851 Conorete I trM 1'9mOYal. CREATE A UN UE 11--'-Uc. ••11902. Ma.873"' C811 SUMlllne WlndoW 831-23'6 L•wn C819-Ro~otlll ENVl .. "'NMENT ••7.e°•711••••••••••••• • Oulc:tl ..V. 642·7'38 nv .. .,. pu111:aHANGINO --------i CIMnlng. Ltd. ~ Fr• •tlmatee • .,.u-.. Ken Conroy 875-0t<l 1 ""'" "'""""' G .,. JOHN HENRY CO.V' 20% Monthly Dl9count c. ... ffNlwrlblf LAWN CARE •• ...:l:tt:'············ ....... ,.. 1 yrt IOCal ••P· uw. Roofing fOr Fine Momee --------•••••••••••••••••••• • HOME IMPAOVEMENT ••••••••-;-::;:y ••••••••• ...,.. work. Prlce1 ttart at Lie. <116232. s.48-41213 •RES IDENTIAL* Crown mouldlng, entry Comm/reald. Nwpt/CM REPAIR-PLUMBING ROBIN'S OLEANINO •••••"'•••••••••••••• ta/roll. Mee 751·7027 MontlllyQtt1y D1ecount ... llLPll c. ... tlCatnlf .; doors, manUH, book· Xlnt. Nll•ble work. c....-.1ry, eleo, tile. Fr• 8«vlca . a tllof:= BRICKWORK: Small )Ot>9. ..~~u,,~-'-C CM• 957.a314 St~ ...... ft ........ bl,,._ •••••••'•••••••••••••• c Ml c-... ffft...., cl"--"'-·/IVV .. --.. •"'"7"12 _,....... u--.... ,._ M.... F---~ Int_.__~ _ _.. Ull _,, "":°:.::.:•,-~ C«neftt.ua.....,..u.Block • ' wv r ,._ ,,.. """' ....,,, -•T -..-,. •t. No Job tOO '"'811. cleen tl0u9e, 1 ,_.....,..,, """''' •• .,..,. ••••••••••• ••••••••• l deekt. ..._., _,,,. wa11s.o;;f'~ Uc Mtt. Wood eolut.lont to DellM 645-2811 lrvlne. Aef1. 875-3176 HA IHO 110/AO BUDGET AATES/Llc'd Ofange Coul Wlndowt cal handym•n work. .. ... 1057 Ro. b ,.,.7· 2 • .;... wood pt'oblemtl G.,denlng WMted .io.n•a Cleanl"" Mrvtc. Quellty. Llo/11'11. Strip-Low min. Sml )obi OK. "We IMw you wtth a 8711-7951 .. ..., .,... • ...... 831·1528 Mowing, edging, r8k~, Carpentry · MMOnry ... · Cuatom Br'lck, Stant, pl~Olec. on P8P9'· Free ett. Ina. 641·7581 l>flohtar outlOOlcl" 0 I F t ......... _ • -·-bl~ HOUM8. 4f"· Rent81a, Block eoncr.t.. Stucco. Vt.o.-......... 645-9325 FrM -Im••• ....... • 111 Concrete: Remove Id, w-" ....... .....__....,._le •w••P•ng. r•• •• • ~'""' ......... noA..-.. 1287 ....... 'F -IUA ......... ·-.......... H d t d • -· ........... The t••l••I draw In th• Replace New. Smll~• --.. ·---~· t 645-5737 Oryw8ll -Stuoc:o • It ..,.,..,.., ....... ,.. _,, ........... , •v• you rea o •Y • w t O!,llt Pllol Hang.T.,,..Steef •tuda ma... .. __ ..... J B .,.. ........... Exp'd -b..w1d•ble AMd ... ctM•ltled .. for ClaHllled Adt? If not, CLEARVIEW WINDOW ~·~.~Today )ot>a. Repalrt. 64MS1 UC.~ 1·532·55"9 find whet you want In ,_,.......,. · · _...,...,""' Horieat[-lfiieiiioent find what'fou want In the beet dMlt In epert. you're mlaefng the beet WASHING. Reea. rtta 842..a87t. Sall Idle,_,. 842..ae7t Clmillid ~ 842:ei71 Olly Plot a.a111a The beatll 173-70'12 ev1 DalV PloC Q1a111a ment,.,...., 142.ef11 bargillnl In town! • yr1 1n .,.._ 642.s.4<1t DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell yQUr no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't aell, we'll run If '1\0ther 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalla. ( .... 11f1 f1Dl1 lllh ... 91.., ,',I ' l 1• I r•l · ·. ·" . -.. . '3 ~t AYS JINES CLA881FIED8642•5678 OLLA RS .. cn.eM 2 Futf time Poeltlona ...,. No exp. r~ Cell !or appointment. 75M577 COMPUTER: Part ttme. weekend HIHpiiraol\ wanted. Call: 5'1i-798T lllik tot Mr. Thom• ,. CO"'l,...HL (HEYi!::. f• •. . ) "/, I ',.,, ---- WllTlll &.11• MOdll To~llU, v~. "'°""'"' y.,., 01111.111~ ~ .•.......•.. "-If ·11 c.ort. ve • 8pd, 1t1nt. SU7S, 1-822-4080 '73 CAPRI, .,.., gd. cond. ~MIFM, mutt Mii. 8 t, ITS. 840-GOI e¥M ••• I 1 .. Pertl l Service Open All Dey Sllurday 301 W. Wt1N11 Ave. ( 1 bit!. -1 of Mein) 540-7430 '78 CYCC:, 1 owner, xlnt cond. '3000/0 80 . Oya 213/372-4828, evu 873-e352 ATLAS CHIYSl.aft.YMOUTH 2121 tWbor Blvd., Cotta MtM. T•. 1546-1934. 3 bloc:tcal eouth of San Di.ge> Frww111 ott tWbOf 81Yd. Complete ,body thop. &alel. Service. ,. S.Vlce Deot. open Mondtiy thru Frldey 7:30 A_.M. to 5:30 P.M. end a A.M. to I P.M. on leturday. llACH IMPOITI ... Dow Street, Newport a.en. Tet. 752-0800. Cell w. .... ,. the •P9Cl•ll•ta tor Alf• Romeo. P~eot. Sub I , Ma8!1fat I. • THIOOOll IOllMI llOID Modem .... ...vice, per11, body, pe1nt a tire depte. °"""9tlt.M , • ._ on ,_ a c111ty rente11. 2080 Hlllt>or llwd .. eo.u. Meu. IG-<>010 or 540-C11. 1 MATCH THE MUMIEIS OM THI MAP WITH THI MUMIBS IM THE IOXES NIWPOIT DATIUN 8N Dove Str .. t, Newport IMch. Tel. 133-1300. At the trlenQle of JembOr•, MecAtthur a 111eto1 behind Vlctorta 91atlon. Sllee, s.Moe, lMllnO I P#tl. We mike gN9t deelel • . MillllCAIMILAC , 2loo Hett>or Blvd .. Cotta Meta. Tet. ~100. Or~ County'• Lergnt Cadlllec deller. a... Service. L.M. · . Ing. • • DAVID .t. PtllJMIS IUICMaft'IAC-MAIDA s.1 ... 8etvic» • lAlllng 24111 Allcla Pftw9y • 137-2400 • • SA& CHlftOLll' IOO Soult COllll H..,._, .......... ~ ......... ,..,.. 8Al£8 MOUN: Mon.~rt. •1 ..... K lk#t. 1H 4M-11'1 COSTA e.eA DATSUN a. Helt>« 8Mt., Colla Mae& Tel. 540-e410. Sefvlng er-. CcM#tty '°' 11..-.. 1 Mite So. 405. • .... &Miii•. INC. 71DW.1W.8l.C-.~SQl1 ... vou·,..,., •• .,..... .. ocw.._.. .. --A.clYertMln, Supplement to the Dall1 Pilot June 3, HG -THE COSTA MESA-NEWPORT HARBOR LIONS CLUB 37th ANNUAL .. . . Fish Fry and C(;lrniv~l · -. - ' I -• I I I I I I I I ! • I I 1 ,!__ 2 -Cotta M ... Fl8h Fry -An Advert!llng Supp~nt to the DAILY PILOT. Thursday, June 3, 1982 DRAWING A CROWi) -Events at the Plllh Fry and c.anuva1 attnct hundreds f:>f onJooken, who enjoy a blt of aunahlne to boot. '.the 37th annual Fish Fry bealm Friday night. • • • r See Our Linoleums • ARMSIAONG • G.A.F. • MANNINGTON I •CONGOLEUM Fish Fry starts Friday night The first of 9,000 fish dinners will • be 1erved at Lions Park in Costa Mesa Friday at 5:30 p.m., when the 37th annual Fish Fry and Carnival geta under way. The three-day event, sponsored S c heduled stage attractions include Band X. Friday at 7:30 p.m.; Chuck E. Chel!R, Saturday at 1:30 p.m .; the Dorothy J o Dancers, ' Saturday at 4: 15 p.m.; the Square Rigge~ of Carta Mesa, Saturday at 7 The schedule will end each day with a drawing at 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 8 p.m. Sunday. by the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club, wiD continue at 10 a.m. Saturday and at noon Sunday. The ICheduJe will end each day with a drawing -at 9 p.m. Friday mM1 Saturday and at 8 p.m. S&mday. A. 1982 ~t.-Cbewtte and a color televllkm are amaoc prir.el.. The $4 fish dinners include a chance on the prUes. A parade, entertalnment, baby con111!St, and beautycont.cstwOl ap1n be featured in the Flab Fry. ' will be beJ,d Saturday 10:30 '-Ill-Oil Harbor frcm WU.00 Street eouth to 19th Stniet, west to Anaheim A.venue and IOUth to the perk. p.m.; and the Arlee Higbee Dancers, Sunday at 6:15 p,m. The beauty pageant will be held on the stage at LiOm Park beginning at 2 p.m. Sunday. The winner will 8t!!'Ve aa Mm C-. Me. if lhe llvea, won.. or FM to dMd In a.ta Mea Jud81na of tbe babiel will beain at • 2:45 p.m. Suncl.ay. A.wards will be preemted at 3:30 p.m. Refdstration .. limited to l~ t.b6ee. ~ coot.est comiltl of two cateaor1m -acee 6 to . ~a:-wt ... 13 throuch 24 . Over the plllll 36 yean. the Fiah Fry baa rUed mere than $650,000 for cxmmunlty needs and activities. FOR DADS and GRADS For your wrltlnQ Instrument, choose OM o( stx beautlfW hardwoods scJec:ttd &om around the world for workablllty, strmQth. appearance. HaDmark Wood Wrtttna Instruments feature walnut, cordla, wmae. rosewood, tuBpwood and teak. $45.00 set. S22.SO pen or pend!. ~ 111() HellrNrl( C&rdt. Inc. -K.C: I ~--,Jr.. /HOP, Inc. 2300 Harbor 81.d. Harbor Center Coeta Me.a .979-1882 Cotta M ... Fllh Fry -An Advet1lslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thuraday, June 3, 1982 -3 J • .. ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA The public is invited to an Exotic Display of Rare Exhibition Automobiles June 4 throu·gh · June 6 , displayed at various mall locations. . . Two auto manufacturers -~ .. Have chesen this event to · · , . ·introduce their _newest models such as the Moselle II. and :Clenet II. ' . . Yo'1 will glimpse a rare looK: at the 1982. Rolls Royce .''Lido'' .. ancf Maser~ti~ Fe~rari, Excalibur, Corsair, Pantera, Zim~er . 540K Mercedes-Benz, Heritage and ~any qthers. . _ . \ R.s: V .P. not necessary. However fol-more information call 546-6682 · I .. \ . . l ! 4-~Mela F1lh Fry -An Advettlllng Supptement to the DAILY PILOT. 'Thund•y. June 3, 1982 ,_------------~------------------...... ----, While the ec.ta Meea-Newport Harbor lJom Club WU formed back in 1927, it wun't until 1946 that a r'P of Ha members came upon the idee of a Fish Fry and Carnival • a fund ..-er. Bob Sidles, a Liou Club member who ai.o happened to be a former carnival man, la credited with offertna the ~ The group aer'tled that proceeds from the Fiah Fry would be used to build a bMeball field in Costa Mesa Park. While \tie firtl Jl'lsh Fry may have been caDed "amateurilh." it was the beginning of an annual event that baa railed mere than ~.ooo fot oommunity ldivitlea.. In UH?, the ll'OU~ a froe jumping coatmt a "t:.lloon ucenaion." The frop reportedly didn't feel like Jumping much that day. The "balloon t>la1V' made beadlina in the pa . Thia ii the way C9' It.or)' ii iold: The dub aecured • lal'l(le t:.noan •• man-1ised dummy ana aome ... from the blimp bMe. Wheh the hour came tor the great launch, the balloon took otf toward the 1*S Bay, barely dearinc ~ and electric wirea .. the trip Two weeb .-.eel and no word. Then the club received a letter, postmarbd in iw-, from m Irate farmer with a aad and aerlou't eompklnt. Hie md the MJlOOri" and dummy· . . deecended while he, bis hones and /his mowing macb1ne were hard at work . The ho r 1 e • became frightened, ran throu8b a fence and damaged mower, bones and the fanner'1 pride. He wanted to know what the Lions Club waa going to do about it. When the let1er wa read aloud at one of the meetinp, the memben were in a state of Pf,Ullc. Should"~ offer a aettlement ot risk being ? The club wu not lnc!lll'porat.ed at the time -and not inlured, which meant any or all the members could be sued. I.Jon Theo Robina pve President Les Miller a 30-minute lecture about what to do, A reporter from a Lone Beach . newspaper called Miller to AY he had written a fature ltm'y about the miahap but w.n't IW'e whether. to print the story becaute "it WU a iolll way to~ ... Finally, thtt_ truth about the t.no;::Y w• hvealed. Some boys had the dwnmy and balloon near the Back Bay and had oontacted Skllee (whole name and phone number wen attached to the dummy). He eave them $5 to remain lilent and wttb the help of Lian charter member Lloycl Br•ddy w,-ote the letter and sent it to mativel In KaptM wbo maoed the .. farmer'. protelt" to the dub. Soon alter, the croup became lnco~orated a1 the ~· M--wpwt Barbor I.Joni . - Something · Special feminine fashions 250 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 645-5711 Super Summer SILE . · *28 to. ' 50%0FF • COTION SKIRTS • BASIC BLOUSES • TERRY PLAYWEAR • SUN ORESSES & MORE. (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We Specialae in Fashion For The Missy Fjgure (Size 4 thru 18) . . "t.S~E DOES NOT APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS) Don't AbclndoD The Dream! • . You don't have to give up your dream of sailing just because the cost of owning a r boat has sailed out of sight.· There's a low cost alternative that can put you aboard your dreamboat for a lifetime of sailing p'easure. It's called "Calypso" sailing and it's a sailor's dream come true. , . ,,. ... 11"1~J~' ~ . , 11111111 IDORS I LnE PINOVClllO -In une. Dorodly Bothchild played "PJnoccblo" • put of the 0Uldren'1 'lbeater Group ~ Newport Harbor entry in the l'llh Fry Parade. Saturday'• parade beglna at 10:30 a.m. Btg tUrnot:J~ · expepted . fur · Fis~ Fry parade • aTAllT VICTORIA ST . .._:t_ 0 > • ..J COST A MESA ; ; ·~ < ~ :c ROUTE -Parade will prqp:ema IOUth to Llom Park . • Cotta M ... Fllh Fry -An AdwrtlaJng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT. Thurtday, June 3, 1982 - 7 . ~-....... GE'ITING A UCK -Benny Ricardo of the New Orleam Sainta advancea on held ball in field goal attempt during National Football League play. Ricardo let a record with a streak" of 29 comecuUve field goaJa 1nlide 40 yards. .... Ricardo returns as grand -~arsfl a U Kicker Benny Ricardo of the New Orieuw Saints, a 1971 graduate of Cc.ta Me.a High School. wW lead the 1982 Flab Fry and Carnival parade Saturday in Cc.ta Mae aa \~manbal. The perade ii ecbeduled to be8in at 10:30 a.m. at the intenection of Harbor BouJevard and Wlllon Street. It will ~ to 19th Street. west to · Avenue, and 80Uth to Uom Park, lite of the • filh fry. 'The 37th annual Fish Fry and Carnival, apcmored by the c.c.ta Me.a-Newport Harbor Liom Club, beglna Friday at 5:30 p.m. and concludes Sunday. Ricatdo, a six-year National Football League veteran about to begin hla third yeu-with the New Orleans Saints, joined the t.eam .. a flft aaent 1n 198o. A ·lf8duate of San Diego State University, he played with the World Football Leaaue Southern California Sun before moving on to the Detrdt I.Jona in 1976. In 1978 with the LloN, he started a NatiCJnal roott.11 LeeiKue record streak of 29 con.cutiw field pia lnllide 40 yards. He tiftkhed &bat year with 92 points, third ln the National Football Conference. Ricardo, 28, Wiii born ln Aalndoft. Paraauay. After araduatton from Costa Mesa Ht1h School, he attended Oranee C.-Collep for One 1_eflr, and then tranlferied to Sen Dle80 State. ~ •. I ~·11 w~ ~,., GRAND MARSHALL -Benny Ricardo heads up Fish Fry Parade Saturday. At San Die,o Staie, he aet school reootdl for molt field pla in a ~· ae.Jn. and career, and for lonpst field joel (51 yards). He helPed win the conference title foe the school in hia senior year with a lalt-leCOlld 45-yarder, and w• all conference two years. · IUcardo and hit wife Karen live ln ~1::.~=o;:~-U()';• : AND . .. BIG.· SCREEN SILL Ill We've got to clear out our. invento~ of V~R's a~ Projection TV's to make room for new~ models. Buy now and Save •.• Our loss is Your Gain! RDA "°" .. ,. '1,111111 . ...,,,,,.....,..._. .... . ,.,,.........,, ........ , .... .,.....,,.. - I ~ ' I l i I - i I I I ' t I I I I I I L r ~ I ~ I I I ( . 8 ·-Cotta M.a Fllh Fry -An Advertlaing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thuraday, June 3, 1982 * l We -Make Shopping Easy . at Bristol T owo & .Country . .. Anthony Schools • Arcapall Jewekirs • Barclay Inn • Bed 'n Bath • Bontrevage-Halr · • Book Vautt • Brtstol Meat • Calif. · Acceaeory Lines • Clothestlme • Country Lane• Discount Big & Taff• Dr. Wea Kohtz-Opt. • Elegante Lighting • Frame , Hallmark • Fredericks of Hollywood • Gallery Sportlque • ~ Ung Restaurant • Great Eastern Enterprtees • H.C. Trading • Hair Surgeon&• Ham's County Cookery • Henneseey & Ingalls • Holubar Mountalneerl.-ig •Home Savings & Loan •Jaclyn's Brldal • Jaape(a • Jlm'1 Shoe Service • Ken'1 Komer • Kida for l..ea8 • ~ of Diamonds • MeCleod'a.Pentont• • Merte Norman • Nautllua Travel • Newport Fashions • Olan Miiie • Osteopathic Phyalclanl Medical Weight Control • Photo Place • Quick Quick Q9PY Print • Repubffc · Realtors • Roni Wind's Aerobic Wotklhop • Ruby'• Boutique • Shapely Sweets • Shear . Metro Hair Ar1I • Sheet Muelc • SOuth Coast Chltopractlc • Sweneen'• Ice Cream .•Tony's Nutfttlon • Uniform fll8cie •Weight Watcherl •Winter~ Supply• World's Lar~ Pet Store * Cotta Meea Altl Fry -An A1"-«tlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thurtday..June 3, 1982 -9. Tired of Feellng RUNDOWN? \lie Offer the llett foall* Selectlon In ·Nuufdon. • ~te lne of Nua1tlon.i prodUal • Natural be~ lllds • Orpnk de-*tg produ<ts • SUteh llodcer •••• Tony's Nutrition . 540-7953 In celebration of the Fish Fry we offer you • EYE ·EXAMINATION SPECIAL -10~00 OFF~ Our prtoe9 brtng you In ... Our queHty brtnga you beck. Lab on Premlw a.. Hllbla Ell*** Medical -l'*"'8ne8 PIM One Dey SeMce Welcome DR. WES KOHTZ 3696 So. Bristol Santa Ana 549 4343 OPEN 9 AM TO 8 PM at dfscow1t prices · 24 Hr. service avatlable Largest Selection In Orange County FATHERS DAY & GRADUATION CARDS & GIFTS ' Save MONEY on PRINTING &I'd XEROX COPIES LOW LOWER Offset Printing XEROX 8200 100 • S5.81 Miracle Copies 100. 14.50 .. -....-.'"'' ................ LOWEST Xerox 4000 Self Serve 4C Md! no minimum CHOOSE FROM OVER 80 DIFFERENT PAPER COLO!,~ WEIGHTS & SIZES .. ""'* prtc. ' -------------------------------. l SAVE 20%-0N ANYVELO-BIND : \ or SPJ!!AJ.J1!!1~~DER : ·-------------------------------J QUICK-QUICK COPY /PRINT INC. .eee-2401 Brlatot Town &Country Center 8:30 • 5:30 M·F YI llfock NOlth of So. Coen Pt&u 0.-n .. t ~ 1 3790 S. Briatol(~ Buildl"Q) Be Awaral Aviaka, Allvel POPULAR PLA'ITER...:. An estimated 9,000 fish dinners are expected to be aerved at the three-day Fi.sh Fry and Carnival due to begin Friday at Lions Park. 'Top. s~cret' batter gets raves at fry . ' What baa made the Flab Fry and Carnival such a popular event <111er tbe yeut? Some •Y lta that Hbetter better' Uled in preparation of the 9,000 filh dinnen at the three-day ewnt. The "top llea'et" mixture ~·t always been a part of the Fllh Fry, though. There we.re a few yean When the batter WM mfMIDC from the fesdvitiiee apomored by the Costa Me.a-Newport Harbor Uom Cub. The better W8I fint Uled in 1i46 b~ the late Heim KaJler. But a1 the l't1h J'ry grew in (See BA'ITER, P .. e ti) =Costa lesa Fish -Frr MEN AND WOMEtil'S SPORTSWEAR JACKETS, SKIRTS, PANTS, BLOUSES -DRESSES SLEEPWEAR & ROBES -GIFTS -PLACEMAT SETS MEN'S SPORTSHIRTS, PANTS, SPORT JACKETS AA8T QUALITY -NAME BRANDS BROKEN SIZES -BUT REAL GREAT BUYSI LLOYD•!i Darden shop MARIGOLDS AND PETUNIAS IDEAL FOR SUMMER SUN PONY PAK Reg. l .09 White Trays Only O 690 • w •• IMPATIENS AND VINCA IN FULL BLOOM ~u.4.'lllx<A 1 111. Size Rec. 3.10 IOW $1,98 THAT'S IT Lloyd recommends "That's It" to control snalls. Easy to apply through shaker top for effective control of slugs & snails. 1 Lb. Reg. 2.98 NOW •2.39 3 Lb. leg. 6.98 NOW *5.59 5 Lb. leg. 9.ff.- NOW *7.91 HAl&ll& IASIET FUCHSIA IN PULL BLOOM . Reg. 22.98 ••• '15.98 Den't Let lup Get Yeur Y-' Spray fllrit • 1 Pl Spectrlcide 9 't t ... 171t 1 Accu-Blend Sprayer ..._ 1 I Mii ~,r 1ow s1319 • AGAPANTHUS 1 I I I I • I l 1 •, ~· . -· -;-------·-----------------------=~-----~----~-:"'ti--­. .. ... _ ------- eo.ta Meea Fl9h Fry -An Adver1Jtlng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thur.say, June 3, 1982 -11 7erde 6enter -21 Shops and Restaurants for your shopping convenience ' ' / - I . ; C .. ! ! _ 41-----.-. _.__ a s : 12 -Colta MeM Fllh Fry -An Advwti.tng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, TI\ureday, June 3, 1982 ..... ··-· I oy Stansbury chairs .. Fish Fry committee Johns~. a member of the baud of directon ·of the University of California at lrvine-Liona Eye Bulk, heeds up the Liom' committee ~ of the 1982 ftah. Fry and Stansbury, who allo serves u id nt of the ~01ta MeH· Harbor' UOna. ii • vice t of the Harbor Bank of Belich. . Hr and hil wife &eemarle live Batter .. • • (C...._. from Pqe It) popularity, out1lde help waa requJred and the secret recipe apparently got lolt in the shuffle. . When the LMlm Uub enllltecj aid in 1072 to prepere the better, the recipe wun't med, 1lnce it wu dem.s too expebllw. In 1976, Liana club member Steve Perrin redileovered the recipe and it •• returned to the preparation prooeedinp The food department at Oranp Cout Colle1e now handlee the better preparation cbora. But the ndpi: hM remained .:l'et aver the yeus, with fiw untold ~added to 4,000 pounds of cod, 300 poundl ol flour, '12 . pllom of milk. and 120 pounds of .... With their two chil~ In Newpon Beech. Camnittee~ lnclude: • Immediate PHt Preeident Lester Becker, a dentist. Becker of Costa Meaa la on the board of directors of the Orange County Child Guldahce Center. He hal four ch.Qd.ttn. • Fint Vice President Jim Ferryman is owner of Traditional ~t)' in c.oe:ta Mesa. Ferrym8n ·Is a member of the baud of directon of the Costa Maa. Chamber of <:ommerce, Hatbar Area Girla Club, UCI-Liona Eye Bank. • and the Orange County Child Guidance C-enter. He ii the incom1ng · president of the Liam Club. Ferryman and hil wife Mary live· p with their three children in a.ta Mea. • Second Vice President Ron Hayward ii an of:ficer of the Citbem Bank of c.o.ta Mea. He and b.la wife Barbara live With their two cblldren in~Mea • Secretary Lee Gibbs. a ..W manaaer foe the Western 0rance County Collection Bureau, i• a member of the board of directon of the UCl-Llom Eye Bank. lie lives in a.ta M-. •TreHurer Bob Wolfe la an inaurance a1ent with Farmer'• Inlurance Group. He and hil wife Fran live with their tbr'fle children .. in a.ta Mesa. rrs IEIE IUlll!I CAL'S CUEllS -SElll-llllllL SIDEWALi SALE 1WI llYS •Y--llTmlY .. 4 I a.:..:.11 ~ .. I •SflaAI. ~ -ONI DAY.ONLY -JUNI Sth 10 MM PM LOW Offset Printing 100 • S5.81 Save MONEY on PRINTING and XEROX COPIES lOWER XEROX 8200 MIJacle Copies 100. $4.50 LOWEST Xerox 4000 Self Serve 4C .. ch no minimum CHOOSE FROM OVER 80 DIFFERENT PAPER COL~~~~h~~~~.f!TS & SIZES -------------------------------, : SAVE20%0NANYVELO·BIND : \ or SPJ,Mb.P!t1~.Q~DER . : ·----------------------~--------J QUICK·QUICK COPY/PRINT INC. He-2401 8:30 • 5:30 M·F ap.na.ts-1 Bristol ,.own &Country Center 'la llOCk North of lo. Coe8t Ptaza 3790 S. Brtato6(Back Bulldfng) ( Featuring: • Nautilus Equipment • Olympic Weights ' .. • Life Cycles & Monarch Bikes • Luxury locker Facilities • Co-Ed Sauna, Stnin & Jacuzzi . • 7 Aerobic Classes Daily - -.......... . . -~ ~.,---- ' Costa M .. Fish Fry -An Mvwtilma ~to the DAILY PILOT.,:fhurldaY, June 3, 1982 -13 HOBIE /CllS .. ARE HERE! . PRE SUllER SILE ~14-18-18· ft. ' IUY IOW - Ill SAYE S world's ·most popular catamaran), trallers, parts and accessories for all ' sallboats, llfe Jackets, OP, Llgtltnlng Bolt· and Catch-It s~swear. • I ' l I ' ' I I I -I - \ ~ 14 -ca.ta Meea F18h Fry -An AdWHlllng ~t to the DA~ILOT, Thunday, June 3, 1982 •.STAR WARS · •ON GOLDIN POND •TRllUH •CHANGLING r •PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK •llA8TIMI •AHINCI OF MALICI •tAIT DITAIL • NllGHIOllS ~ Match the Mttlnt to the occuJon I with......_.,. napldm IC/#, ·I· Lunchoon ... pldno lf/IM··' .: -;, ~~ ~ Champapn Gla11• 25 to a pacluap. ~ ... 4.29 on Sale US Judging set Sunday In beauty contest Twenty four CU\testmta ln the beauty conteat of the Costa Mesa.Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry and Carnival have been announced by Liom offldal• 'Ille contest will be held on the stage in Lions Park at 2 p.m . Sunday. The winner will aerve as Mill Costa Mesa if she lives. works, or goes tp school in Costa Mesa. Participants mu.at be age 17 t.bl"ough 22, never have married, and never have won a Flab Fry Beauty C.ontest. . Among the 24 contestants are Edna Artigllo, Brenda Diane Branin. Clndy Caye, Antolnette Cecelia Capano, Leslie Colyar, Al{'!:j! Gould, Tracy Grams, Sydney Haley, LoriDda llicb, and Sonya. Ann Hamm. Others c:ompeting are Julie Jipaon. Belinda Kiq>baD, Chris Lang, Kim Makl, Teresa Marie Melendrez, Rene Nichols, Charleen O'Brien, Mariko Palmer and Dawn Martin. Also entered are Delia (Dea) Sauleda, Suaan 'lbompeon. Michelle · Wilson. Rhonda Symlngton, and Beverly Willey. ..., ............ LlltE MOTHER, LIKE ••• Shannon Wlalna. whoee mother Marion won the Fish Fry De.uty conu.t In 1974, waa the winner in the lZ.to-18-month category of the baby ~wt at the fry in 1981. r Co®atulations tDtheNew IBSportsac · · Gr8.d11ates Our new collections of cglors and oontours include a series of stepped-up sizes, model after model, carry-one to carry-alls. LeSpor.tsac bags an~ luggage do what they're supposed to do; carry tl$®J for you, yet weigh praot1~ no~. Graduates • You'll find Ule entire i.iportaac collection al: Lelportaac South Coan Pia•• carousel Court ·eosta Mesa, CA 92626 7145571263 • . ; I A r. . I I ..... ,..... 18th and Newport GOME OUT AND. SEE THE GIANT PARADE SATURDAY, 10:30 am. Parade Route -on Harbor Blvd. ~ from Wilson, South to 19th Street, · West to Anaheim, South to Lions Park BE SURE NOT TO MISS: . The Drawing for a New 1982 Chevrolet Chevette 2 · Door~ooter June 6th ) **** Bea~ComeSt ~---------~-----------------~ I ,. . -. 'SCHEDULE OF EVENTS I ~ FllDAY, JUHi 4 PRIZES•" •FOOD•" •RIDES I s:30 ,.. ·--······················ rash Dinners • start sen1111 I ~oo ,.. ....................... Cimini Rides a Gatna open I 7.30 PM ................... on ~ X·Woftd'S l.lfsat Non-tnatctq Mlfdline Band I ~ ,.. ................. <~ tiCbb-;u;t·iie· = I ---- SATUIDAY, JONIS ·I I I I 10:00 Ml ........... -... ·-· Cammi Rides' Gllm .. 10:30 Ml ....... -........... -Lions Parada Spectaca I 12:00 Noon ..................... rm. Dinners -start WYil1I I 1:30,.. ...... m ............................ <itiie ~= I 2:00 PM ............... Parade Anrds (1t stlct in PIA) I 3=1~ ,.. ................. (-;~ii·tiCuts-Mit'~ .. =' I 4:15 ,.. : ................... Dorothy Jo DMctrs <on ~> I &:oo ,.. ................. (;;;nire·tiCiiti"·;;st·bi· = I 1:00 ,.. ..................... Sq111rt R111tts ot eosta Mm, I 9:00PM ....................... ~=~on•-= I prizes Cwinni111 ticUb must be presem) I I I I GAMES•" •BEAUTIES*" *BABIES GRAfl> PRIZE , 1982 . CtEVROLET CtEVEITE 2 door scooter ••••• OUTSTAM*G STAGE ATTRACTDS ••••• WY C(JfTEST Al contatlnts ..... t ...... ., before 5:00 ,.. Oft June 3 · fteclstration blPll on lllondly, May 17. (Set ....................... ~) ••••• Ofl. y $4.00! Don1tion1ives you 1 f1mous lions' fish dinner and 1 chance on II prim includint tile automobile. A REAL VAL.IE! _ ...... A* FOR All The very finest C.nml Rides & GMlt Booths. ltlmburpn. Hot Doo. Pop, DlsMft, etc. ' DeltT MISS 1ll AM ___,_.......___,, ••••• I I I 3:30 PM .................. . I I I I .. llml1111 llBl/flllT~ll llllO I l lllll'•l>A 'V JllNl I 1 ~111.' OHANC l COlJN I Y . C ALIFORNIA 2!1 CENlS County tO pay $13.7 million UCI tab "- By FUDERIClt SCBOEMEBL million already hu been paid. ot"• Dlilr,... Mlllt The rema.ln1na $8.76 million wW Oran,. County• aovernment be paid by June so. the end of bu aareed to pay the Univenity the current fllc:al year. of Callfomia tl3.7G rnllllOl\ to end a prolonaed dt1pute over Supervtaora agreed in principle provi1ion of medical care for to the maaaive payoff clurtna a indi1ent1 at the UC Irvine closed -door sesalon amid alnce 1979 have been battUna. over lllu• •W'l'OW'\dlna care for l.ndJ.aenta for which the county ta flnandally respe>naible. Care for thoee patients bu been provided at the university-owned medi~ center in Orange under a 1976 contract. Medical Center. lndications that at leaat one board ~ rumber -Roger Stant'On, The bulk of the di1pute · Of that 1wn, county Board of opp o 1 e d t he n e Io t i a t e d fOC\&led on about $8 rnilllon ln Superviaors Chairman Bruce aettlement. unlveratty-llaued billa the county Neatande aa1d Wednesday, $5 _Th_e_co_un_.;ty'-an_d_th_e_unl __ ve_rat_ty'"--_hu __ re_fu.ed __ to_pa.__.y_. ----- In lta lldion Wedneaday, the board aho aareed to a replacement contract whereby the county would make lump aum payments for emeraency outpatient care and standanlli.ed dally raie. for inpatient care for indigents treated at the medical cent.er. County officials uy this alternative approach to the current patient-by-pat.ient bllllng 1yst.em will be more efficient and le. COltly to admin11ter. Neatande, 1peakin1 to report.en at a midday briefing, declined to aay lf the board's vote WU unanl.moua. Later in the day, Stanton lalued a statement in which he aa.l.d, "I do not intend to comment on the board'• dectaion at this time. The board will be-.¥Qting publtcly on the iaaue later this month. At that time I will cut a vote that wW reflect the pollUon that I took durln& the executive ~ which wu held today." The UC Board of J\eaentll ta scheduled to take action on the aet.tlement and the new oontnct propoeal at a meeting June 17 an.cf 18. The propoeed settlement halt been endol"led by UC ~t David Saxon In p;;;h converaat.iona with Neatande. Parents, Assault looming trustees disagree ·British guns pound .. Two Fountain Valley School District trustees and a group of parents who are concerned about the diatrict's middle school plans failed to resolve their differences at an informal meeting Wednesday night. foe around ·Stanley But Board President Cheryl Norton, who attended the meeting, said she will relay the parents' requests for a community survey on middle schools and for reconsideration of one school c108ure to her fellow trustees at tonight's regular board meeting. A parents group, calling itaelf "CARE." is considering plans to .eek an injunction to prevent the oonvenion of Talbert achoo}-. now a kindergarten to eighth grade site, to a middle school (grades ape through e~:.=e f8Ii. The troup a1ao is· a paaible recall campaign against trustees. CARE 1poke1man Ken Bndley said the parenta remain frustrated despite Wedneeday'a meeting with Mrs. Norton and ~ Carol Mohan. "But the major thing we (See TRUSTEES, Page A%) Dr. Singer, professor of • sex, resigns LONG BEACH (AP) Embattled "Psychology of Sex" professor Barry Singer, who offered. coune credit for sexual experimentation, has resigned from Cil State Long Beach, university officials announced today. . Dr. June M. Cooper, who was conducting an invesUP.tlon into Singer'• course, received the letter of resignation Wednesday, university spokesman Bob Breunig said. "On the same day, on behalf of pnstdent "Stephen Horn who ·is out of the country, vice president foe academic afWn Dr. Glendon Drake accepted Dr. Singer's re1ignation effective immediately, .. Breunlg a.aid. Singer's coune raiaed protests from politlciana and religious leaders after it was reported that he offered credit for gay encounters. group 11ex and other optiona such as going in ru-.g to PY bus. The investigation came after Singer revealed he had been "romantically involved" with three or four of hia students over the yeera. Singer was reported out of state and unreachable for oomment. STATE . °"' ........... CMrr Allllllwa TONY'S TRIBUTE -Actor Tony Curtis waves his "love balloons" at the Harbor Island location of his movie "Balboa" as the cast and crew sing "Happy Birthday" to him. The actor is 57 today. Balloons were supplied by Newport Beach's "Love Balloons" firm. Buller selected Coastline chief John L . Buller, a veteran administrator in the Coast Community College Diatri.ct, has Mesa fish fry starts Friday Why is the Costa Mesa Fish Fry such a popular event over the years? Some say it'a the "secret" batter used in preQ.!ring the 9,000 fiah dinners. Otllera go for the parade, the carnival, the beauty and baby cont8ta, or the entertainment. The fun starts Friday night at Lions Park and the Dally Pilot'• special section today on tht! Fish Fry and Carnival glvee readera a rundown on the three-day event. been choeen as interim president of Coastline College. Buller, a 54-year-old Costa Mesa resident, will assume the interim post July l, when current Coastline President Bernard Luskin takes over as president of Orange Coast College ln Costa Mesa. Buller's appointment waa made Wednesday night at a aj)ecial meeting of Coast Community College District trustees. Trustees aaid the interim appointment ia not to exceed a year in duratfon. District spokesman Richard Simon 111d the-U'Ultees have not concluded plana for how they will aelect a permanent C.OUtllne (See COASTLINE, Pa1e A%) COUNTY By Tile Asaodated Prell Britlah gunners dueled with Argentine artillery batteries around Stanley today in the ~uildup to a possible British assault on the Falkland Islands capital, military aourcea and broedca.at reports in London said. Britain'• Independent Radio News aaid the attack was not expected before the weekend aa the gunnen, backed by offshore navy bombardment and Harrier air strikes, aoftened the estimated 7 ,000 Argentines around Stanley. Re in London indicated the ~ control all the bllla SWTOUnCilng the town and the key pa.es to the west through which reinforcements were advancing. .Araentlne troops, driven back into a "horseshoe" defenaive position, wine flrin1 back at Royal Marines shelling Moody Brook. 8 miles from Stanley and believed to be a forward headquarters for the Argentina. A1 1helltng GOntlnued, aovemment .:JW'Clel tn London aaid Britiah planea dropped tha.mndt of 1ea.f1eta on Stanley telllng the Argentlnea their position la hopele11. Defenae Ministry sources said Spanish-speaking Britons were among the forward troops to negotiate surrenders around Stanley. British helicopters lifted 105mm guns, with a range of 10~ miles, to the hilltops West of the town while British Soorpion light tank.a moved into position and Snowcat transport ,vehicles brought supplies and ammunition acrosa the boggy terrain. A tenioc British defense 90UJ'Cle in London laid the buildup WU ~ to take "a few days." 'The pcsltlon of our foroea in Puerto Argentino (the Argentine (See FALKLAND, Pace A%) Cop chopper - forced down A Newport Beach police helicopter was forced to land behind an elementary school in Fountain Valley Wednesday when the pilot began losing power, police aaid. n.e helicopter touched do~rn at Harper Park behind James 0. Harper Elementary School at 186H Santa Ynez St. shortly afte.r noon. . Pilot Ru...ll Sutter wu able to reaume flight after a faulty aparkplug was chaJleed, police laid. San Diego suburbs seek unity Historkal society sets home Flve communities just nQl'th of San Diego may incorporate, with the new dty to be named San Dleguito, Spaniah for "little San Diego." Page A12. NATION The O>eta Mesa Historical Society finally has a hoine of its own to 1tore tts boxes of memorabllla. Pace Bl. • W• JD II BATTLEGROUND -The ground where over 1,200 Argentine troops surrendered and laid down their anm Is littered with helmets, weapons, magazines, ammunition and water bottles. School panel OKs • annexation move The dissolution of the Seal Beach School District was endoned Wednesday night by the Oranae County Committee on School District organization. The 11-member panel approved a petition by the Seal Beach truatees to be ablorbed by the Los Alamitoe School Dl.atrlct in the summer of 1983. The annexation, which will have an effect on the Huntington INDEX A4 B2 a-7 B2 C8-12 B3 B3 C8 Al0-11 84-5 82 B2 Beach Union High Schoo 0 l District because Seal Beach youngatera attend Huntington Beach High School. must now ao to the state Board of F.ducat.ion. U .iapproved, it would be placed on the Nov. 2 ballot in Seal Beach. -The petition previously was approved by Huntinaton· Beach Union High School and Loa Alamitoa School Dtatrict tn&lteea. ~ ., Ann Landen Moviel Mutual Funda Public NoUcee s. c.ai. Focua Sporta Stock Marketa Televllion Theeterl W-.ther World Newa ~ Y ALKLAND ISi.ANDS • • • British 'poised' tQ attack aame tor Stanley) baa been eon.aolldated •coordlna to plan Md the men •wait UM battle ·wtth epirita renew.cl by• l'OUllna •l>••ch by their military 1overnor," the Araentlne mill tary command aaid in a cximmu.nique We<lnelday ~ht. • The ocmmand admOWTedpd ~ between Brtdlh and .A,rpntine troope but pw no Q.ialla. ! BrtUah corretpondenta on the battlebult, whme reports were subject to military ceNOnhlp, aald BriUah troopa contl"olled the rld&e• overlooking Stanley, W:lUdlnQ the 1,536-loot Mount Kent, die highest pqsltlon 12 oillea from the center of the little town, and the Two Sisters ridge, a mile9 cloeer. Independent ~ Newa eo1r...-.t Michael Nlchollon Mid aome Brtdlh unlta •tcou)d .. throu1h thetr binoculan Araentln• uoope eattna their lunch." One corrHpondent reported Briuah t.roopa haw IAklli • total of 1,800 pdlonen. and mon than $50 Ar,.ntlne deed or mllllna have bMn rtported. Britain acknowled1ed 138 of lta men were killed. At the United Natlonl. Brltilh Ambaaaador Sir Anthony Panona thrMtened to wte1d. hil nation'• veto In the Security Council today to block a Latin-American re1oluUon demanding an Immediate ceaae-Ure ln the undeclared Falklands war. B' .. "21~~ lrttlah troopl are IO cbe to Port Stanley fort111cat1onl that wtth btnocWara 11they can watch A.rprltine toldlen •tine lunch," the BBC world newa Hrvlce reparted Wed.awday nl&ht. The BBC brmdcMt. monitored on the ~ Cout at 9 p.m., acknow a newt bJerkout on eventa the Falklanda from both London and Arpntina for two dayt. ''There ia little new oftidal information on the ground off b the Miniltry of Defeme.' e re~ adm1tt.ed. T RUSTEES DISAGREE. • • 'There hu been aome action on Mount Kent, which overlooks Port Stanley. BriUah artillery ia 1hellin• the Araentinea' main garrt.,Q at Port Stanley and they are returnin& fire.'' mpllahed wu getting the ml\ILnce to exchange ideu and on a one-to-one basis," ad ed. pcmtble experwes aaociated with the middle tchoola. One theory on the lack of battle newa, aoco~ to a BBC coneapondeni, wu the weather. • ~ Bradley said the group has ked the trustees to delay plementation of a middle hool p~ for one year. Mrs. Norton agreed that Wedneeday'a meettna "did not change any minda." Sut ahe said she would preeent the parents' concerns to the other board members. "Today's action haa been hampered by overcast and low clouds which protect the British from air attack although it ia coJd and rru.erable for them," he aald. He said the board baa ]lot operly surveyed the unity regarding whether it ts middle schools. He said nts alao are concerned about She said she believes there are ,no legal grounds for an injunction to stop the Talbert Middle School from opening. She a1ao said she ia not worried about threats of recall. "The ground ia being chewed up In a way that reminds everybody of the trenchet ln the Great War.,.. "But convoys of Britllh vehicles are moving everywhere with the confidence of ownership." esident. The trustees drew criticism from instructors :ver the manner In which · uakin was selected for the ange Coast presidency. . ~Bulle' ia cunoently the dean of mlaaiona, guidance and ormation aervtcea at Coatllne. native of Weat Loe Anleles. be ved his bachelor's degree at C Santa Barbara and his asters from Cal State Los eletf. ·From 1953 through 1.957, er taught at Whittier High ool. After tWo yea.rs as an rat UCLA, he came to e Coast Community College where he has lerved in oua administrative poets for district and its three colleges, --"""'-Coast, Golden West and 1D>a11Wne. Laat indications from the battle r.one, the BBC reporter said, were that the ground temperature ia 2 below zero and the vlalbility le. than two rnilee. * * * BBC lauds pope's visit - British Broadcasting Corporation's world newa service placed h~vy emphasis on Pope John Paul ll'a pilgrimage to the British Islee and h1a pleas for peace ln a shortwave broadc.alt monitored on the Orange Cout W~night. · The allo quoted the Daily Mail newtpaper as aa)'i.nl U.S. President Ronald Reagan will find the pontiff'• vlalt "a ha.rd act to follow." Bull8 h8' been a dean at tUne ~ It opened in 1976. aftline bu admtnJ1tratlve mfM• bl FountaiJl falley ~t off ttr•' clades at •bout U<> dona throUghout the district. PRESIDENT -John Buller of Coeta Ma. has been named interim president of Coastline College. The Dally Mail commented, "After the preacher, comes the aherlff. "And In thla brutal 'lf'X'ld. we need p,rotectlon as well aa ptfyer.' Coastal Mo1tty dear thll •H•noon. HlgN 81 '° 72.. I.Ml night Md .-ty momN IOW doudl '°"""' Ind Fndey. 1'11r tlwouGfl Aidly Continued fair wtttl lftOltly wnny •ftemooM. <MmWlt loM 41 to 61. ...... Frld•r 14 to · 12 . Huntl119ton-N•wport er•• ~,....,_ •• af Temperatures M to a lllatl af 81. Eleawll,ra, from Point Conception to th• Mexican bordlf 8nd out 80 ,,.. 8m8I cnft ldvllOfy (NW outer ..... """hOllti& l ...... af 11 to 30 llnOtl Md I to a-toot -. 1.DC811y, IOUltl to IOUltiw8lt .... af 10 to ti knots thll .....,_ """ IOUCllW8lt ..... af 2 to * ..... e ~ Alllntl Au.ntc City Aultln 881tlrncw9 = 9o6M U.S. summary·~ l'hund81*'11• prodUoelS n.wy 8uttlk> rain•, llall, wlnde, end eM«• ='on tornedOH In Coloredo tnd CNrlltn 8C ~ T:::.c.~ == ,a.tttn WV .-....... 8nd = Chlrttt• NC ..... cnft In.. ..... ~ ...... ... ..... ,..., In Clnclnnltl port att•r th• llret troe>toal Oe¥ltand dapra11lon of Ill• llurrlceM C1mbll 8C ~ -apoC'8CI ~ v..... 1>81-Ft wttl Tiie roofl of -~ _.. o.yton dem89ff Wedn .. day ~ In o..-= !:;.,~:.C,~ Dal~ n.e ... llO,.,,,."'...... = frclnl ltil tomedo .,.._ El Paao TlU...,.__• Ooflllrlued OWi', Fargo Aoftdl. 8nd "'°""" 8nd • ... RagNlf .............. ,..,. ......... ~ , ... froM ArllanaH to Iowa end Her1tord Wltoon1l11. Tiier• wer• a '" .....,. "'°"" ~ tM •tMf'ft HonolUIU ...... Md .. ....,........ t4oUleOtl a.. .... ptWllld a.. .. ..... 111lddl• end 11ortllar11 Attentlc ..-..... Ml Coa1t 1tet ... and aoroH llle J.cklrwla ..,.,.... .,.,., af .. ~ ~ ~ ~around .. ,._,,,; LM V908' • I Liii. AT rWIOld tOlft It Ill Llltla AOdl .. •rquatte.L Mloll .• to 11 lft t:=- •OllMlllle. 1--. Llltlbodl =-......... ~ California UTIOM .. Le ,,., 72 48 17 48 11 54 .03 11 59 .. Ill 11 11 80 70 n 56 ,, 4& 87 Ill .01 17 40 74 44 n 11 1.21 80 71 17 48 et 51 51 44 .25 II n 71 " a& .. 12 44 .17 .. 44 15 It 74 57 13 11 17 11 .17 73 ff 72 ~7 .21 17 54 .OI 71 47 56 30 IM ti .. 411 .. $2 54 43 .13 11 41 .03 11 11 .01 ... •11 71 It 13 71 Front.: Ccld .,. Wllffl ..., Oc:duded ,,.-Stelionarv .. ~to 74 47 8lllnea ... 44 t:~llel 10 13 57 49 Sant• Barbar• 71 51 ......,.. 78 51 ..... ~ 112 71 .15 New Yortl 7t 5t Noftoll • 11 13 No. """' 12 •11 .05 Santa Maria &4 8'odtton 74 51 • Olde ~ 12 59 .23 Omehl 82 47 n.mai 112 Ulcl8h 70 a..tow 13 12 Big Baar 16 2t BllflOP 71 42 c.tellna • 10 52 Long la8dl 12 51 Monrovia 10 50 Mt. Wllol't 11 44 0'1llldo st 75 . 1 t ~ 1:~ ~ 72 56 Ptl8nd, Ma 11 •e 1.41 Pt!Md, Ont 17 48 P'rcMdlllOI 11 11 .11 R8lltgll 16 ee ""'° 71 3-4 Newport 8-Jtl .. 58 Ont8tlo 70 11 Pllm 89rlngt 80 It P8l8d8nl 72 S1 ~ IS San lemardlno 10 50 Sin GablW 73 11 San JOM ... 12 Senta AM 11 17 UntaCNI II 54 TlllOIV*'t 81 ,,, ... ,,_,] c _,. =r.= • 1t .. 11 8armudl 12 T7 ~.::o .. 11 11 7' a.It Uke 13 48 ... Antonie> .. 72 ...... 13 41 llw9WPClft .. 71 8iollll ,... • , <tO 8t Louie 12 51 at P·TMIP' M 74 2.20 8t ... ,,.... 41 21 IPoll-.... ~ 10 IO T~ .80 51 .'17 Tuoeon M 17 TlllN • ., 13 .47 W .... '9t11 7' &4 WlcNt8 • It .54 ~ ... .,...., '° et lUNll8 llO .. 111 72 12 61 .. 11 71 .. . .. .23 . ~ 7t &1 FrMpOl't Ool8ddll'n 11 .8-4 .. M 71 11 t2 IO IS • .01 7' ., .. 2.01 '° •1 ...... ~ 7251 "°'~ .... ... ~. 7' ~ . "'8dlle • Oeklend 13 12 ....,...,.,... n .ea ,...,., ,. .. "9dWOOd Olly to •7 Exten ded loreCai t aouTHIAN OAL.,OANI A· OOAITAL AND MOUNTAIN AAIM -Y ...... loW dlNdl -............. '"°"*W ...... a... ....... ... to -··-...... __ , """' "' ...... -• to 1t. ' Lowt IWIOetly 1ft IOa. Moun= ,_.,. ........ ....... ~ .... , .... Sl8yer seeking release Theodore Frank of V eniur.. who wu tried, convicted and 1entenced to death ln Oranae County Supe1'°" Coult for &&. torture murder of a 2 ~ -year.())d sirl, should have hia convicdon overturned, the State Supretne' Court WU told. The defense attorney 1Aid Frank didn't lntend to kJl1 the Utt.le girl. MEETING -Presldent Reagan and French Preaident Francois Mitterrand chat on the steps of the Elysee Palace today before a luncheon hoeted by the French leader. Admitting that h1a cllent."11 a child molester, a udilUc ch1ld molester, that he carefully p1lnl and carries out molesta," Deputy Public Defender Donald Kenon argued Wednelday that Frank nevertheless didn't plan to kill Amy Sue Seitz. The state's 1977 death penalty law requires that murder be deliberate and premeditated before the death penalty can be impoeed. Kenon aald that the best evidence of Frank'• lack of premeditation in the murder of the girl he kidnapped, raped and mutilated were the defendant• own worda, relayed to a witneal who testified at his trial. French president \Ve l co mes R e a g an K e rson quoted Frank aa saying, "I got carried away. I .;.a.t can't control. It's like this time things got out o~ hand." PARIS (AP) -President Reagan conferred today with French President Francois Mitterrand on the Middle East, Central America and the Falkland laland1 war, but sidestepped aerioua dlacuaslon of the 1tubborn economic l11ue1 divldi.ng their countries. On the eve of an economic aummlt of major Industrial democracies at Versailles outside the French capital, Reeaan said he and Mitterrand deferred "heavy dWcuasiona" of economic lllues straining America'• alllee until they join the leaders of Britain, West Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan thia weekend. The leaders met over lunch in the splendor of the Elysee Palace. Reagan was greeted at the palace by a military honor guard and a salute from a drum and bugle corpa. He and Mitterrand shook hands and then met privately in a chandellered salon over a lunch featuring a salad of aaorted •lltlah. veal with truffles and three French wines. A Wblte Hou.e aide said that, u Is customary for presideota on forelcn trips, Ragan brouaht hla own drlnJdni water to the lunch. ae.c.n aid he and Mltternnd only ''touc;hed on" the eponcmic l11ue1, including inflation, unemployment, receaaion and high interest rates, that will be diacu8led ln depth at Versailles. Despite political differences between the conservative American president and the socialist French leader the offici.ala have a cordial wo~ld.ng relationship based In part on their similar backgrounds as political "outsiders." Even ao, ttenior French oflidala aald Mitterr-and will oppose Reagan 'a effort to persuade America's trading partners to Um.it their credit sales to the A notw tlult offm/lntt /Jvdltlonol sfJ<)'tSWOr for IMlt, womtn and bop. Sovie t Union. which theae officials &haracterized as. a mlagulded and unrealistic policy aimed at forcing the Soviet economy to ~ta ~eee. "That was argued to the jury to suggest there waa no premeditation. Summer school at Ocean Vie w The University of La Verne will conduct a summer IChool program for students ln the Ocean View School District and neighboring communities. Registration will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, June 9 and 10; at Park View School, 16666 Tunstall Lane, Huntington Beach. Additional 1lgnup1 will be conducted from 8:30 a.m. to noon June 21-24, also at Park View. Late registration ls slated from 8:30 a.m. to noon June • The West Orange County YMCA is sponsoring a trip this summer for horse lovers to the Mammoth Lakes area. Signups are being taken at the YMCA, 7262 Garfield Ave .. Huntington Beach, for 24 at Spring View School. 16662 Trudy Lane , Huntington Beac h . An additional $5 will be charged for late registration. The summer classes will be · conducted from June 28 through July 30 at Spring View. Tuition ls $79 for one 90-mlnute course, $128 for two 90-minute courses or for the three-hour primary program for students in kindergarten through aeoond grade. More Information can be otJtained by calling Doa Devor at 847-6008. the Horse Ranch Caravan scheduled June 26-July 2. The session ia open for boys and girls ages 12-16. The coat ia $265 for members and $275 for non-members. Call 847-9622 for more infonnation. TheOri~al .JOBBERS® Short Is perfect for becrll, boat, bike, hike, walk, rock or work. Jobbers can do tt an but it's up to you to do tt well. Avaiatle in Jobber's 8 unique colors. J ' I I • ~Bombs hit B. S. firms • Rome terrorists continue series of ,.ttacks ., ,.. Anoctated Pm• ROMI -Tf.-rorilt bombl bluted ui Amertcar Exprem bank. a J'ord automobile ahowroorn and tht ltora&9 room of an American firm., ca\.Llini damai( but no CllUaltlel, pollct Mid today. , ' No~ lfO'{p olalmed l"ellpoMibWty foa the bombtncl Wedneeday nicht, four <MYI befott Prellldent ~ la echeduled to make a one-da)I vtalt to Rome on June 7. ' Wednelday11 attacb were the laie.t in a aeriet of bombinp apinlt American taraeta here. Soviets oust Greenpeace ~hip MOSCOW -Two Soviet tuft r.uahed a Greenpeace yacht carrylna 28 ant -nuclear prot.elten out of LenWrid harbor and into the open IN after the trew rifUled to leave voluntarily, a apokelwoman for the environmental group uid today. The crew and pa11en1en of the Skua, lncludlna American peace activist Daniel Ellsberg, bad been warned by Soviet offidala to leave the harbor by 9 p.m. Wec:lneeday but refuaed, Elaine Norrla, 1poke1woman for the international Greenpe11ee environmental orpnizatioft. told The Amodated Prem by telephone lrom Parla •. Ellaberg uid on Wednetlday that the yacb_t would not leave Lentncrad voluntarily until tdl if'OUP received ui answer to a telqram they lent to President Leonid I. Brezhnev. He uid the telegram demanded that Brezhnev declare a unilateral freeze on the testing of nuclear weapona. A:merican wo:man freed in China·· PEKING -An American woman detained le'V'ell <Mya for 8lleged spying agalnat China waa re1eued today and given 48 hou.n to leave the country, U.S. and Chinele offid.aJB uid. One Chine.e aource said China had serious, eolid evidence ~ Llaa Wichaer, 28, of Den.ver, Colo., and was releasing h e r only to avoid aggravating U.S.-China relationa. A Ch.1neee Foreign M1nlatry apokeanan said, "Conaiderlng that Lisa Wlchaer has made a . oonte.aion of the crimes ahe had committed and pleeded for leniency, our public eecurity authorities have decided to releaae her at 6:00 p.m. (3 a.m. PDT) today. She la ordered to leave China within 48 hours." NBC wins 7 of top I 0 ratings LOS ANGELES -Perennial third-place network NBC won le'Ven apota in '!:x,.io.,a 10, and pu.ahed CBS Into third place for the week in a row d~ the May sweepa, figures from the A.C. Nielaen Co. show. ABC took top honors in the weekly Nielaen television ratings, finlahing in first place for the week ending May 30. ABC won all fOu.r weeb of the May.sweeps period. ABC gJaced first for the week with a rating of l 3.8. NBC waa lleOOlld with 13.~. and CBS waa third with 12.7. Part-ti:me Legislature rejected SACRAMENTO -A Republican's measure to turn Cali.fomia'll fulltime Lefdalature back into a part-time Leglalatul'e waa killed by a state Senate committee. State Sen. H.L. Richardson, R-Arcadia, maintained Wednesday that h i ~ proposed constitutiMal ~t would save money and restore a ~cltlRn ture." 8\at the Senate u1es Committee voted 3-0 to kill it. Teen takes bla01e in arson case VENTURA -Jamie Means, 7, saya his friends u the older youth said Jamie tagged along at bis abandoned -him once be became known as invitation to Bill'• Trailer Hitch, a ~ yard patenu.Dy the younsest defendant in Califomla where the trailer and. two motorboats were bu.med iu.tory, but one 16-year~ld companion la claiming on Jan. 29. . he tel a trailer fire for which Jamie is charged with Jamie pleaded innocent April 26 to three felony anon. . counts of feJony anon and 14 mlldemeanor counta Jamie fidgeted in Superior Court Wed.ne8day of malJdoua miechief and petty theft. HOus~ braces for budget fight WASHING'roN -With Pretident Reaon refU1Anc to "split the difference" on the lNa budaet, Democrats and Republlcana are lJnd.na fer another had·to-head duh on the Houae floor. blueprint aa the vehkle for the ahowdown. . ln addition, Democratic leaden appeared ready to P'.wh a more liberal budget plan than ::f had aapported last week. while Republicana they would nxwe in a more comervative direction. The Democrat.' strategy lnclude9 a plan to reYiye &.pn'• nearly-fcqott.en original cpencttna . Oil 1ir:ms !ncrease gasolin·e prices NEW YORK -Americana lured back to their Thank• partly to atr~r dem•nd, oil can by cheaper auollne th1a apring inay pay for compani•· are ~ whol prices rapidly. their new drlvtng-babia when pricee rlii ~ 'lb.at ahoUld tranllatrtnU> • few mon cents per unmer, •Y oil industry analyata. gallon at the pump thla 9U1Dlllier, the analya1a •Y· ClaMllN ........ 714MM171 . All MMrd11111t11Mnta M2-4U1 llAIM Qfllla • ....... k ,C-.MIM,CA. ........ 1 .. 1•.c-.--."' ..... c..,.... ... 0r-.. c... .......... ~­__ ......_.,.........,.-...te,,.,..., ... --·:u=•..,.... ,.., .. ,...,..... ........ ...... ,.. ........ ~--- News agency sold to ~ew company H/f' M ., W.ife hela n. wUe of a Martne Ccir,. ~t from ~p Nndleton. d..crt~ by her at'tell'nly 11 • "battered wUe," ha• been indicted on charpe lhe lhot Mr hUlband tq death durtnc a family argument. A federal arAnd Jury in Sen Diego indlctld' Mary Loulte Player, 30, on a fir•t·d•1ree murder charge Wed~y bl ., connection with the May 26 ahooti.ng of her hwblnd. s,t. Joeeph 'Player, who WM t.ed at Pendleton. • I U.S. M•giatrate J . Edward Harris .et bail at $50,ooo t« Mn. I Player durlna a heuinC ~)' but her attorney Mid 0.. mother I of four wu itill in custody at the · Deir ........... .,, ....... ~ CAT NAP -An unidentified carnival ride operator catc~ a few extra win.ks. before starting to set up the attractions for the Cotta Mesa Fish Fry at the city's Lion's Park. The three-day event opens Friday evening. Metropolitan C.orrect1onaf Center I In S4n Diego. Aiaiatant U .S . Attorney• Stephen Pet.eraon and Pamela Naughton had ur1ect custody, with no bail. -. KR UPS / ''Touch~it'' Electric coffee Mm • Oval ahap«J grinding chambtlr and speclslly dMlgfHtd stalnleSa steel blade produce perfectly unlfonn ground cofftltl • Fat grinding action prevents heat build-up, , a.4.1rlng full coffee flavor • Grinds evenly with no waste-coarse to powdtK fine, with finger tip control • 2 oz. capacity (10-15 cupa) • Double action safety system • 1 year limited warranty Sall $11.11 Price Good Thru 6-9-82 @D CROW• HARDWARE All storee ooen 7 OeYI W•tclltt Plaza 1024 INtne Ave. Newport Beach 842-1133 Coront1 del Mar 3107 E. Cout Hwy. 873'-2800 WMtc:tlff Tll 8:00 ThurL H.-bor View Center 1614 San M~ Or. Newport 8Mcti 6«-8570 . Anaheim HlllS 5620 S1nta Ana Cinyoi) Rd! (at Imperial Hwy.) 99&.5282 . Crack into a plate of hot, steaming crab legs. Try a generous serving of our new spkeq,cold boiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn• shrimp. And men do it ~gaint • It's all you can eat. Every day of the week . Each s~ial is served w_ith ypur choice of a crisp tossed salad or coleslaw..-ba~ed potatO-Or rice-pila~d•nother favorite, sourdough bread. All ~ can eat. All week long. l • t • ( I . • . Huntington will aid most gified students The Huntington Be ach Union Hfah School Dlatrict wW 1tart a prosram next fall deal.peel to qu.llfy lta b~test and haidett workl~J 1tudent1 for the moat demandlnl coll~ It la called the ~hed Scholars Program and will provide the moat rlgoroua academic classes that the district hu to offer. The course of atudy ls 10 rigorous that students will be given special inducements to participate. For example, students completing the program will finish at the head of their class automatically, giving them top conalderation by collepa. Th~ aim of educ.aton la to elimtnate the tendency of the top 1tudenta to take euy counea 10 u to not jeopardize their grade point average and polilble acholarshipa. In addition, valedlctoriana and aa1utatoriaN and graduatell with honors wlll come from the program. (- . District off iciala also will assist participants ln gaining college admiaaion as well as helping them find jobs in the community while going to achool. But the top benefit of all is putting the highest priority on learning instead of merely getting good grades. X-~ated video debate ,, . ..'O'iie can appreciate the dilemma facing the Fountain Valley Planning Commission when it was asked to approve plans for a new home video store. The plans drew strong protests from local residents because of the store owners' intent ta' sell X-rated video tapes along with family films, video equipment and electronic games. The opponents said they objected to the X-rated material on moral grounds. They also said they tear these items draw 1lll undesirable element into the city. The protesters said they had no objection to the video store itself but wanted the Planning Commission to stipulate that the store cannot carry X -rated material. The store owners said the adult films would only account for a small percentage of their stoc~ and would be kept behind a counter. Bu't they insisted on the right 'to carry the entire 1pectrum of video tapes -from Disney to adult. No planning commiaaioner endoned the X-rated ~terials. =a emotional level, the p ~ to side with the .. . But the majority of the commission conceded that they had no legal grounds for restriction of the X -rated video tapes, which are not obscene under state law, according to the city attorney. Further complicating the decision was the fact that the P1a.n¢ng Commission earlier had approved two similar video stores (carrying adult material) without incident because no community protests had been voiced. Believing they had· no power to prevent sales or rental of adult tapes at Star Home Video, the COllllll.i.-ioners opted to regulale themanner in which they are sold and rented. These stipulations (to which the owners agreed) govern the age of customers for adult material (age 21 or older) and prohibit tape previewing or sale of adult magazines on the premises. Even so,· the permit was approved only by a 3-2 margin. (Opposing oomm.laaioners believed the community opposition should carry more wellht.) The matter might. not be lettled yet. The w;!:f PY residenta have yawed to ap the decision to the Fountain Valley City C.ouncil, . Th"e Planning CommlNion'• compromise qnemerit aeetna fair enough. It should be supported by the City Council. Speak up on , budget Some yean when it comes time for annual hearingl on the Huntington Beach city bud~t, hardly anyone mows up. . Thia year's public hearing la scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Monday and there seems to be plenty to talk about. , That's because several suggestions have been nu.eel by a special c:ommit1ee as poatble ways to meet def iclta. caused by a t,tght.filted state government. Officials plan to eliminate about 10 city jobs but that's not eno~ to stir controversy are several ideas suggested by an ad hoc committee of city employees. The suggestions include possible chargea for paramedic, aervk?e~.PC1!11ible elimination ot the polfce netfCQJ>UJr aervice, possible charges for trash collection, possible increuea in the city's utility tax and possible charges for library use. · There'• a ~. too, t.o impcJee a dtywide tippler'1 tax on the sale of aJcohollc beverages. These poaaible revenue- raiaing steps have not even reached the recommendation stage. They're only ideas but surely they rate a comment or two. You'll have your chance Monday. -. . Opinions e)lpressed In the space above are thoSe of the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex- pressed on this pa9e are those or their authors and artists. Reader 'omment Is lnvit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. phone (714) 642-4321. . J L.M. Boyd I Separate vacations How do you and your matrimonial mate feel about taking separase . v.catlona? Slxty-ot\e percent of the couples generally approve of this noUon now. Big jump OYef' 20 yean a&o· 11leD only 37 percent thou.aht It a aood Idea. OuT Love and War man la not ioclced into an opinion oo OU. one, except for the obvtoul c:onclUlf.oo that pairs who don't want separate vacadc:llW clearly have the st.ronpr marrlqel. If you IU.tter 'that ailment known • low bide ~ ~ the spot just behind thl Jona bClJ&e on the outer ed1• of the 1nkle . A counw..ctockwt.e n1b for •~t 16 ::,*~ to'do tt. So edvtle the lnbei:lted a bu1lne11 that your ancestors had started at the time of Christ, and that -bualnell had lost $1 mlllion • day ever since with no e~tion of chaJlae, lt would still take· you and your descendent• another 700 years to 1oee the firlt •1 trillion. CJaIJn ii IOlne of the Taraliumara lndiam on IOCXler teama 1n northern Mexico run as many as l&O m1lfe dUJ"tna • pme. You knew that 1on1 "La Cucar1eha" wu abo\.at a coc~. cer1&lnly. But dtd you know It w• about •'cockroach who couldn•t ,,...te'DrooetlY becaUM he hid no mc:n·mirf~ '° llDOb? Q. How m•"Y bathtubs in t~• • Whitt HcM.m nOM A.~ · USEDCAR5 \ USEO .(~RS. ' Politicos again flying high WASHINGTON -Riling Phoenix-like from the ashes of federal frugality, the Air Force'• 89th Airlift Wing ii once again flying hiah· Little known to the public or Kremlin spies, the 89th ii well known and lllghly ..Jeiarded at the Pentagon and on C..pitol Hill. It's the bigshota' favorite unit, in fact; for ita so\e mission ia to provide luxurious -and free -transportation for VIPs and their wives wherever and whenever they ca n find a halfway-legitimate excuae to fly. The 89th's posh air-taxi aervice for the elite costs the taxpayers about $10 million a year. To avoid embarrusing congressmen and deprelSing taxpayers. the Air Force destroya the 89th'1 flight records after 30 days. But my a.odate Peter Grant aaw a copy of the March manifests before they hit the shredder. ONE HUNDRED tripe were loaed by the 89th in that one month. Here are 110me of theae all-expemes-pald junketa, 1traight out of the records that had been marked for destruction. -Two doz.en memben of ~ and their wives flew to the elegant Ocean Reef Club on Key Largo, Fla., for a meeting with a CanadJan parliamentary delegation. ~ tab came to ~.000, lncluding room and board for the CanadJan junketeen. -Rep. Don Fuqua. O.Fla., ia chainnan of the HOU8e Science and Technology Committee. So he and five other committee members -with their wive. -hopped an 89th jet down to Florida to eee the apace shuttle take off. Then, JICI 11111111 after a aide excursion to California, where they inspected a aolar-energy project, the oongre9aional couples arrived in New Mexico in time to aee the shuttle land. -Air Fon:e bra. hata U8e the 89th like an airborne limousine service. Robert Mathia. the vice chief of st.a.ff, took b1I wife on a trip to F.ngland and Spain. Gen. Robert Manh, commander of tbe Air FOl'Cle Systems C.oinmanc( took h.la wife on a 12-day tour of the Far East, which lncluded four days in Hawaii. An Air Force spokesman said wives are allowed on theee trips for protocol ~ and to confer with dependenta on 'quality-of-life 1-uea." -The 89th is also available to congrt!8lional sta.ffen. The Air Force invited 25 Capitol Hill aides, alr_n9st all of them female, to Colorado Springs for a tour of the Air Force Academy. TBF.sE EXAMPLF.s were all from the month of March. In January, Rep. Peter Rodhio, 0-N.J .. led a group of nine Democratic congreamen and their wives aboard an 89th jet for a two-week, $1~.000-plus junket in ltaly~They visited Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Naples and Rome to "show America's support for Italy as a strong NATO ally," a Rodino spokesman said. Also in January, Rep. James Jeffords, R-Vt., a member of the Education and Labo r , Agriculture and A1ing Committees, tor 90IDe tealOn flew the 89th to France, Gennany, Italy and the Netherlands while his constituenta were shoveling snow. A Jeffords spokemMm said his boas "has a general J>Olk>: ot avoiding congr~onal junkets unlea absolutely necessary." Coupllnfi the words "junkets" and "neceau.ry' ia a lexicol0£ical breakthrough. Though the $10 million bud.get for the 89th Airlift Wmg is a drop in the $258 billion Pentagbn buclret, lt probably cost'.a the taxpayers billions more l..ndirectly. What ~ la '°"" to be 90 ungracious as to nJu1e over the defense budget after a lwo..&fowa flight on an Air Fon;e junket jet? Unions didn't kill the 'big hands' To t.he F.ditor: On your editorial page of May 24, was a very df.s8usting article by F.arl Waters. Mr. Water11 has the gall to state, In print, that the reason that there are no more big bands is due to featherbedding MAILBOX by local unions when the b(g bud came to town. Nothing could be 1u.rther from the truth! I had the good fomme to be a at<t-nan in many, many famous "blg bands." with 20 years' experience on the road in~ kind of band, and never once did I 1ee the inftponlible activities Waten claims happened in the big band era. It ia simply not true! ONE OF THE things that did destroy the big band era wu, first of all. four lona-hai.red youths who started to turn the entire music businell around with the advent of the rock era. No blc bed had ever been able to draw a querier of a million people to a field in Woodstock. and that is one of the th1np that ~ the big bends. We are happy to report to you that every major and minor 1tar, and the bulk of all protellional muaiclanl do be.Iona to, and enjoy membenhip in a union, the American Federation of Mu1ician1. Inaccutaciel ahould not be allowed to be d.illemlna~ thl'OlUZhl your publication. B. OOtJclLAS SA WI'ELLE Prelldent MUli<:iaria' Local #'I. A..J'.M. Leave cars at !Jome 3. U1e only local water. Most of our water ii shipped over deserts at great expeme. 4 . No sewers. Waste should be ""th!:· ideea might 1eem a bit extreme, but our Southern C..llfornia climate la very delicate and bJCh mealW'e9 must be taken to protect it and ~ it back. U people wah.t cars let them live in Minnesota and Iowa where they can have all the mechbwa they want. But lf people want to live heft they must give up some of the thina• they take for P'*Dted in the rest.of the country. Not ' only will thae atroag IDNSUl"el clean up our environment, &ut they will alao promote the quality of our life rather thM1 the quantity. MIKEMANG TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ste instructions below Rule sid~-stepped To the Editor: Contrary to your editorial on May 21, there ii nothing ''outmoded'' about the 500-mile rule for John Wayne Airport. & we are all •WAN, \Mre la mote demand for eo1ntnerdal lervice at John Wayne than can or ahoukl be provided. By leMcinC Denver in the lint place, even with a stop ln LM Vee-, FrOntier bu circumvented the lnten\ of. the 500-mUe naJe. To elimlnate the Nie will merely encounp other carrien to do the same, eddlnt to demand pn!llUl'el at the airport. What la reUly needed la 80IM ccurap on the part of Oran1e County SupervWonl to.,,_ on and Implement a new alte. Until \be)' "bite the bullet", the me. at John Wayrte will conUnuel BURR ALLEGAERT memories, aa I grew up in Corona del Mar too. I was 13 in 1956. Back then. we not only had squirrels and gu)Ja. but skunks, pcasums, quail and road runners, too. OLD CORONA del Mar grew vwild flowers every spring, lnstead of horiiet. The dazzling array attracted hundreds of species of butterflies. You could cat.ch fiah, abalone and 1Qbster with just a mask in six feet of ocean. We never hearcl of llfOOi. The roeda were clear and you could park anywhere, except for awn.mer vacati.oo. Big Corona Beach had..P>ba of tar all over it, quite often. back. then. It ii always clean these days. It would be terrible to foul up our beaches. You are. right, Jane. But I still wish you could have seen .the "crown of the Sea" when the only dirty thing about her was the beach! , • MICHAEL STEINER ' Sa¥e Social Security To the Editor: Treasury Secretary Reaan baa publicly stated t.ha\ Sodal s..-urtiy will go broke after Jllly 1983 unlela cbanlel are made to make the •)'Item fiJ\andally ·eound. Thil IW"€Jy means that the time ii now to reali%e the total lnJuaUce and P•~J impact from such a 0 happenln&." It ._ means that federal ~ DllC forestall such eventuality to avoid financial disaster and todal rewlutlan. \ Chief Wahoo labeled smiling, dumb savage From AP .. dl1patdaH CLEVELAND -Lawyera tor • the Cleveland Indlanl bueball team · and the Cleveland lnd1an Cent.er uy they ar• near a1reement on a .ettlement ln a long-atandlng dlapute over the portrayal of the team'• 1ymbol. 'l"he center fUed 1u1t ln 1972 ln Cuyahoga County Common Pleu Court, uklna $9 million damages and 1eektni injunctive relief t.o make the team alter maacot., Chief / Wahoo, from a "smiling, .J -aumb savage'' to a :!1:t~ representation Harley McNeal, a lawyer Ii . far the team, said an annual ~ Indian Day at Municipal , / Stadium is one method of -../j lettlement being considered. . Terry Gilbert, who CHllP WAHOO repreaents the Indian Center, said the center would receive a cut of that ~·· gate receipts. "We would alao want to uae that occasion t.o promote positively the image of the American Indian," Gilbert uld: "We would expect it to be a regular event with appropriate public relation1 and ~motional effort to advertise lt. 'No other nationality group or race would tolerate such a caricature of themselves nor should they be expected to. Why does it have to be a clown? Why can't it be a dignified symbol that shows the heritage and pride of the American Indian?" Gilbert said. · buote of the day Oscar Gamble, Yankee outfielder, at an· off-day workout ordered by owner George Steinbrenner the morning after a 13-inning loss to the A'a: "Ernie Banks is the only person who would have been happy t.o be here." ,'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,I . ·1 Elchelberger Just misses no-hitter . .. · ~ Diego'• Jm Eicllel~r Ill fired a brilliant one-hitter Wedn y and the Padres acored all their runs on a dropped fly b8.U to notch a 3-1 · National League victory over the Chicago Cubs. Eichelberger, 5-6, yielded his only hit on a questionable call in the second inning when Scott Tbompaon hit a grounder to second. Tim Flaa.Dery slowed the ball down, but it bounded ,• I off his flove int.o right field and of lclal scorer Dave Ntptblgale of The Sporting News credited Thompson with a hit . . . PW Niekro, AHanta's 43 -year -old knuckleballer, hurled aeven bitleu innings before Bob Ballor aingled for the first of New York's four hita aa the Braves defeated the Meta, 3-1 I !: i 1 ECHEUPOCR . • . Alu AUby drove in five l runs with a three-run homer and a two-run 1 double to back the lix-hlt pitching of Nolaa Ryan '--and Dave Smidt and lead H~ t.o a 6-4 ~ triumph over Montreal . . . Pete Rose doubled, l' singled and scored twice and Garry Maddox · homered to help Dick Ratllvea t.o his fifth : straight victory, a 4-2 triumph over Cincinnati : ... 'Joaqllln And•Jar fired a six-hitter for hta third shutout of the season and Keltll Ben:aucln'• third-inning single gave St. Lou.is a 1-0 decision over San Frandaco. ft was Andujar's eighth career shutout. I a1ump1ng a~ .. n ... ROdQerl ~llft 'ReUen,wholed • the Milwaukee 8Nw1r1 t.o the(r flilit p~tf berth evel' lut llNIOC\, Wll flred WedMlday amkllt a llwnp ln whJch the tMm Md loet 14 of 21 pm.. Ha"•>' KHU. the Brewen' blttinc lnltruc1or 111.ce 1871, WH named interim mana1er ... In American Le.,ue ection Ku.nn'1 flnt venture u a mana11r found Milwaukee wlnnln1. 6·2, · behind Cecil Cooper'• two-Nn homer M S..nlt . . . l1bby Marctr amaahed a an.net llam homet" ln tM top Of the 18th~ to power t.he New York YAnkMI to a wlld 12-8 victory over Toronto. h WH Murcer'1 aeventh career arand 1lam . . . Aadte 1'ontoa homend ·~• for the fourth •traicht pme to 1p&rk Cleveland to ltt 10th conaecutlve triumph, a 4-2 decl1ion over Minneeota, extendlna the ltmr'1 10l1na streak to 14 aamea ... Amoe "Odt delivered a run-ecorina lin&le with one out in the 11th lnnl.na t.o Ult Kansas City to a 7..0 Win over the Chicago WhJte Sox, extending the ~ lOllna 1treak to aix 1amee . . ~ Rookie Dave Ro1tetler hit a tolo homer and Fn.U Tuua pitched a four-hitter .. Texu defeated Baltimore, 4-1 ... Dwayae Murp•y and Dave Mclay a1ammed two-run home.rs and Mike Norrll ~~ed h1I tint shutout of the year with a four-hitter aa Oakland deelt Boston a ~-0 -~· ... Lamarr Hoyt of ~ White Sox, the only nine-game winner in the major leagues th1a eeuon, waa aelected aa the AL Pit.cher of the Month for May . Baseball today On th.la date in bMeball in 1978: Philadelphia'• Dave Johlwon became the fint player in modem major leegue h1ltory t.o hit two pinch-bit grand'41am bomen in one eeuon, h1I ninth-lnnina blut off Terry Fonter giving the PhlllJes a 5-1 victory over Loe Angeles at Veterana Stadium. On thJI date ln 1932; New York Yankee9 tint bueman Lou . Gehrig hit four home rum in the Yanks' 20-13 rout of the Philadelphia A'a at Shibe Park. Meanwhile, back in New York, John McGraw retired after 29 tumultuous yean aa manager of the Giants, handing the reina over to first buesnan Bill Terry. Today's birthday: Cleveland pitcher Ed Glynn it 29. Connors bounced at French Open Jo.e Hlaaer .. of Spain upset Ill top-eeede.d Jimmy Couon 6-2, 6-2, 6-2 Wedne9day to advance into the aemi.flnala of the French Open Tennis ' Tournament. The Spaniard, seeded 14th, ... outmaneuvered Connors on the slow red clay court in ICOrCh1ng heat ... Pat Eddery rode favorite Golden neece to a clear-ait victory in the 203rd Derby claasic at Epeom. The winning time waa 2:34.27 and the margin of victory was two lengtha over Touchi.ng Wood . . . Fines leveled agaiNt tennis star \'ital Geralaltil for three alleged · obecene gestures at the French Open have been re9Cinded in a move that will allow the 27-year-old to compete at Wimbledon . Television, radio • Followt.nc are the top lpor1I events on TV tonigbL Ratinp are: "t/ v v excellent; v""'""' wQ!th watcbing; ....,., fair; ""' forget it. S I p.m., Claaanel Z "" "" "" "" NBA CBAMPIONSBIP: Philadelphia at Laken. . Anoueen: Dick Stockton and Bill &u.ell. The La.ken aim for win No. 3 ln the fourth game of the 98rie9 tonight. The key for the 76era i1 stopping LA'a heralded fHt break. If Philadelphia can do that. or at leut alow it down. the 76en will be ln the game. The fifth game will be played in Phlladelphia Sunday. . RADIO Buketball -Philadelphia at Laken.. 6 p.m., KI.AC (~70). • • · ~8 at halftime, but that wu as aa they got as the Laker& Lasorda erupts after 8-7 setback I ent on a 13-2 rampace in the 3:39 of the aecond half t.o any suapenae. .. The team• return to lJuladelpbla, where the La.ken ffon the eeries opener 124-117, ~ Game 5 Sunday afternoon. A 9xth pine. if necell8I')'' will be Klayed here next Tuaday night. r McAdoo had a lot to do with bi.I club'• convincing victory in ame 3, ICOl'ing all 14 of his ta in the first half, 12 of them hile Abdul-Jabbar watched. "Belna at home IUl'e helped a lOt," aald McAdoo. ''The fans rfally got us 101ng at the start. We knew we hac1 t.o put four gipod quarters together tonight &.nd we did that." Philadelphia Coach Billy Cunningham gave the Laken cttdtt. but made it clear that h1I club wam't at the ~ ol 11a l&Jlme. U. alao expr ! 11 ! d tJit t.ling tllJt tonight'• conteat will be llbother maUer. 1t'We jult did not .-, well aa a -.,,.. be aakl ·~ played ~utandin1. I know that ia sfnm11Mna uu.n,a. but that ii ~i what it w-. We wW be bid&. YOU will .. a cllfferent club Tbunday ni&hL" We Anplea cc.ch Pat Riley , .peed. I f •1 think it't LndJcatJVe that . wmn • teal --at ... a.wl ~~ to rwpond with a~ "be ... .tfaro.m. al 1i .....-PMn:W~lll to ~lialllJii.aclMiiWtniiliol ~;~ ~ m wn. •*• la•Te to .,.. juat al ~· ~~~'=I 0.-. tblll:mf did at ........... .......... tlM pmtllo-et. I PITl'SBURGH (AP) -In the last month, Tony Pena'• ~tUna average has fallen from .325 to .262. But the young catcher gave himself and the Pittaburgh Pirates a big lift Wedneaday night in a game that dropped the Loe Angeles Dodaen beck below the .500 mark. "I haven't been hitting, and the team hasn't been winnine· But I hope we can change that." said Pena, whoee two-run atngle with two out in the bottom of the ninth gave Pittsburgh an 8-7 victory over the Dodge~ The win booat.ed the Pirate. out of 1ut p1.ce In the National Lea1ue Ea•t. Meanwhile, the defendlna World Seriu champion Dodpra fell to 25-20 on the~. "Without a doubt lt'1 touch· y OU lee how I feel." Dodaer Manaaer' Tom 1..-rda Mid after the free..9winainl aame which aaw eech lkle rap 14 hltl. When be entered the locker' room after the 1oel, Luorda Jet off 1team by 1boutlna a few choice worda to no one In particular. He later ipOke briefly to h1a playen. 01 told .them not to h.anc their beedl becawe ~ have nolhinl to be aahamed Of, llSd t..orda. '~'ll I» '-* ~." M idd9d. ~ ahMd to a --ln St Louil. LilioriSa ---tbt ~ -~ ilc:iiiil bi • ""' .... ~Mdcwo.-.r••• • belaehliil•r?t• .UIM....," be llltlL -.. oea a .._,,, .._ out ................ .., (hii) ............. -,llmlll ........ -i ..... = ...,. "" --tii& iliid \ the ball goes down the rightfield line. You tell me about the breab. U he geta the guy out. the g&nle'I over.'' Rick Monday's three-run homer in the tint Inning gave the Dodgen a 3-0 lead off Eddie Solomon. Ron Cey and Mike Sdoecia aingled home runa in the third inning H Loa Angele• moved ahead 5-2. The Plrata, who ICOl'ed twice in the bottom of the first off Bob Welch, added two more runs ln the third to make it M . Sax llngled home another run in the fourth t.o give the Dodpra a 8-4 lead. Their advantap stood at 7-5 going into the bot10n:\ of the le'Wnth.. Dale Berra. battlina a alump that hu dropped h1I averap to .188, alncJed hOme a Plrate run in the .eventh to cut the lead to one nan. INJURED -Don Asute la on a day-to-day b.lsis after re-aggravating his right elbow. Sunset nine faces Moere LONG BEACH -The tint annual Sumet League va Moore League A.ll-ctar bueball game la eet lor Sat\U"day night (7:30) at Blair Field, here. A total of 19 aenior players from each league will go at it in the affair, 1pomored by the Long Beach KiwUlia Club. Price of ad.million 1a $2. All prooeeda will benefit Kiwanl1-1pon1ored chariUes. Ediaon High Coach Ron LaRuffa will coach the Sunset team, assi1ted by Fountain Valley'• Joe Miller and Huntington Beach's Mike Dodd . John lferbold of Lakewood will coach the Moore League f:eam. Mes:nben-of the team include: IDllOM -Mike O.Benon, p-of: Joe Kwolttt, Sb; Gr'9Q Clontir. p; Tony Ungent, o.. POWITAlll VAL.UY -81-Jolw••d. 1t; Tim Mwtlno, 2b; 0-.. Rot>tm, . llAMtA -Trelf a.nn.tt, p; Kevin Eltl«, 3b; Ken LMzlo, a ocaAN V9W -KMI 8Uonlty. p; Fr.ct T uttie, of; El1C Aeintloltl. of. ~ llACtt -Oreg 8hlttey, o; an., Btlrd. ot. Oreo o.v ..... ftllWllTD -Lllnoe Aoki, p; O.Wdo u.mee. ot. Den wong. ab. From Page ·c1 LAGUNA • • • any knowledge of the Artists' prowess in tennis. "I was just hoping to play tennis," ia.id Willard. "It turned out pretty well." The lam enda O.labasas' IJea9011 with a 17-6 record (including two forfeit loaes). 01 ANGELS LOSE AGAIN • • AnpJa to jult one run aM Urie bita to pkk up hta flrlt victory of tht IMIOn. But he needed help from Olbaon, who ironically waa havinJ bl• ahare of problema with A.npl pltchlna. .. I've been •~Una at the ~tob(a~~t!°}~ldei' ~~ not aure what pitch I hit. 1 waa just lookinl for a pltch in a ccirtaln erea, They have been oi>enlnl me up with a lot of aliden -down and in to I had to adjult my 1tance." Glblon then adJuated the 1COre in the Ttgera' favor with hla home run that found ita way into the right field seata for a 4-3 advantage. The Angels scratched for. everythinc they could get. In the third, Tim Foll walked, Bob Boone aacrlficed him to eeoond and SOot>y G'rlCn w~cked an Ktil single for a 1-0 lead. Their two runs in the fourth From Page C1 HADEN RETIRES • • • playoff game against the Dallu Cowboys. In '79, he suffered another broken finger in the 10th game of the regular season and was replaced by Ferragamo, who eventually led the Rams to their only Super Bowl appearance in the club's hlatory. In 1980, after winning hie summer battle with Ferrapmo, Haden broke his finger again, th.la time in the opener. When he returned, it was as an .undentudy. Finally, last 9ea80n, he outlasted Pastorlni and Jeff Rutledge, only to go down with a knee injury that took him out for the aeason ... and h1I career. "If there are any regrets It's that 1 had a losing aeaaon last year .t.o end my career. I had never played on a losing team ~fore. And my last game aga1nat the Giants, which we lost. When you leave like that it tenda to have a bitter taste," he said. "All for thrills, I guess my biggen one is that I ~ 10me I.ans and frienda name their kida after me. And, I was very fortunate to bring some smiles t.o faces that don't have much to smile abouL "I don't think rn miss football. but I will miss the people." Haden was the starting quarterback at USC for three 9eUODS. He p1a_yed one year for the Call(om.1a Sun of the World Football Leque before Joln1na the Rama in 1V76. m. best 1eMOD may have been 1977 when he ranked leCOnd In NFL palming effidency and threw only a'lx lnteroeptiona all year. Haden, however, wu never totally acce~ by the fan1. Continually at Anaheim t Stadium, one of Haden's low points had to be when he was cheered for being injured in the Rams' opener in 1980. "In my own mind I've had a successful career for two reasons," he explained. "One, I always tried to play my best. I may not have played very well, but I tried my best. And two~ I never gave up. "11\e whole thing has been very, very wearing. I think I would have been a much better 1 quarterback if the Rama had given me the reins. I don't think there's any doubt I could have played better if I wasn't csmstantly looking over my shoulder. "It's hard to imagine that at age 29 I'll be working in an office. That's going t.o be a hard adjustment." SATURDAY JUNE 5 ' • I I ~ . ' . · " 11UJOR UAGUI tTAJIDtNG8 ~o~:Z:'9 W L ,.._ oe i1 IO ,tot •• ao .'83 1"' 17 t1 .M3 , .... H 27 .. , ..... 26 H 472 1 15 " S41 12\'i 11 41 Ut IO hetwll.,..,.... o.IY011 31 17 .... &o.ton )() It 112 tit New von. 25 22 w a ... ~ u 23 521 • ............ 24 24 900 1 lkilllmOre u 25 479 • f0f0f!10 U 27 44t 9'-' • • .. '('w ..... OelrOlt 5. ~ 4 New von. 12. l oron10 6 ( 13 lnnlnQtl Tuu 4, Baltlft\Ote 1 Clewlancl 4, ....,_ .. 2 KM ... Olly 7, CNcago 6 ( 11 lnnlnga) O•llind 5, Boeton 0 MllwMll! .. 5. SMnMI 2 Tedey'e 0-.. New VOflc IJoM 4-4111 Toron10 (LMI 3-3). n T .. H (HoneyGu11 0·9) ti 8el11mort (Fl.,,...n 3-4)," Only a-ed!«Nllld .... lonel l.eMw ... ""' °""""' W L · fle4. -Atlanta 29 20 ... 2 .., DlleO 27 21 .M3 1\t ~ 25 :ze .490 5 ,_,,, 22 21 .440 7 .... San Fl'WIClleoo 22 ao .423 '"" Clnalnniell 20 29 ·'°' 9 ...... ~ SL t..oo.-U It .127 Montt9el 25 21 . 543 4141 PN11d1-tola .. 22 .542 4 ... New Voftl 27 21 MO 4i. P111-.rg11 20 21 .421 to CNcego 21 )() A 11 11 •.•.. ..,,..._... Plt~l.0-.-7 Sen Ol9Qo 3, ClllcllgO 1 Howton I , Monlreel 4 A11en11 3, New YOflc I PNlecMlpllle 4, Clncinnetl 2 St. Lou1a 1, Sen f'rendlco O T.-,..O- MonlrHI (Rogere 1·4) el PH1eburgh (~S.11.n Only Q-ec:MOuled AMeNCAN LEAGUE n.n,~. O«T9'0I\' CA&60MllA •rlltM •rll M Ltmon,tf 5 0 1 0 Ownng.H 4 0 1 0 C.1>911 3b 4 I I 0 C.,_, lb 4 0 I 0 Olb-ci 4 I 2 2 Qnell,2b 5 0 1 I Me dtl 4 2 2 0 AeJUl'l,tf 3 0 0 0 Herndon tt 3 0 2 2 ~ I O 0 0, P-.hc 4 0 0 0 Bylr.dll 4 0 2 0 8tokne 2b I 0 0 0 Lynn,c:f 3 2 I 0 Whltellr 2b 2 O 0 0 ~31> 4 1 I I Wellnlt lb 3 I 2 I Fell.• 3 I I 0 MltWPf 0 0 0 0 " Boone,o 3 0 2 1 DeJolvl • 1 0 0 0 Tremml M 2 0 0 0 .....,,. lb 2 0 0 0 Toe• S5 5 10 5 Totm 14 4 tO 3 ._.._, ........ De4rOll 000" 110 0»-1 caittom1e 001 200 o~ E-Saudet. P-OWolt 1, Celfarm 1. L08-0e1rolt II, ~ I. 29-Me I, Lyftft. HR-Olbeon (5). WoekeftN• (1). 88-DeClllcee S-lloone, L)'V'. a.troll • " " • • eo Seuc:ter 3... 7 ' • 2 2 LotNll{W,1-0) ~ 3 1 1 1 2 p Undtnoood "' 0 0 0 0 0 T~ (S,2) " 0 0 0 0 I c:.m.n. bM 5 .... 5 2 2 2 2 ..... 1 .... 1 0 0 0 I Cor1*1 CL. 1-4) .,., 4 3 "o o Oollr 2 00001 Cortletl pitc:fled lO 4 Defter-. In 1he 1111. Lopei pl1ched 10 t b•11•r II' tll• '111. W"-LoplL T-.3:04. A-27,aet. , .......... 0,..,..., l•• 020 110 000-1 0 a.tllmcn 000 001 000-I 4 I T-end Sundwg: S'-t, G. 0.... (51 end Oemp .. y, W-hn•n•. 2·7 . L-81...,,, S-4. HA-T-, ........ 2 A-10,451 ......_._T .... I ~ 000 011 000--2 • 2 ~ 301 000 00.-4 • 0 e, CHUlto, Fellon (7) and Leudner: Sul~~ (t). ~ (t} end H-.,, Nall0todny (11. W-lutcttftej 4·1, L-8. Ou1ttto. 2 -3 . 8 -Wll uon (2). HR1-Mlnne•ol1. Werd (5). Cle ... tend, Thornton (101. A--11,oi75. Y-*-tt.-•• ._ Y«k Q0G 000 001 020 5-'2 15 1 Toronto ooo 1ao 010 020 o-• t4 3 Guldty. f'rbtef (7). Rawt.y ( 10) end Wy11eoar; Ct•nc~. R. L. Jeclllon (ti, Mclaugllfln (111, 8ombec:k c1a) and 8. Mtrllnu. WlllU (II. W-Rewley, 4·2. L-Mc~, 2~ HA-.... York, Mwoet (3). A-20. 111. • ONceao ""= 7bo~,..,~-· 15 2 i<.n. Ctty aoo 010 100 11-1 11 1 TtOUt. 8arojaa(t) end 19; Frc.t.er... (4). QutHnbeft'y (I). Armetrong ( 11) end W.illen W-~. 2-4. \.-..... 1·1. A-17,.-07 ..... ..._ .... 9oMon 000 000 000-0 4 t ~ 2:20 100 00.-t 9 0 Edlattley, ~ ''' ""' oeon-c Nomi end~ W-Homa. W . L-Edt..-ey, M . tiR~. ~ (11). Md(ay (2). A-11,205. ............... ....... 011 001 020-5 12 0 Seattle 000 011 OQ0-2 1 2 C.~ "'° llltlme>ft1; F. 8annlt1et, Sl1n1::;,~ 8. et.rk (I) end auttlng. W-C M. L-'· laannltt•, 5-4. HA-........ 0. lfellltel'IOlt (3~ ~ ... ~(l).A.4,t.U, NATIONAL UAOU. ,.,.... .. 0a ... ,. 1 ~ L09MGaa• . • , -~ l • , "" Moten0ctl220 lulZtl •121 t..aeyl1 3220 Olle11 •110 J."-21> 51S2 '"""'8el1 IOOO J.Tlllleft 10 I 1 1 1 ,,.,...., ft> I 1 I 0 .....,, • 1 a a ~. 1ta 1 1 a 9'rra• •011 ~" 1010 ~flflOOOO C41rlll It I 1 "·"'""" llf 0 1 0 0 ~ el • 0 1 1 "91t&• 2000 ...... p .oooo .. ,.,,_11 1 0 0 0 .NIM!teptl t 0 0 0 lcurryi> 0000 v...,..o 0000 MoMnrapfl t 0 1 0 ---0 4 0 1 1 ....... 4010 ..... 1010 ~ p 1 o o o v,"°'"', o o o o ...,_...,0000 ......... 1000 W19anflfl 1 0 0 0 w.ldlp 2 1 I 0 ........ 0000 ,.,..,, 1000 ...... 1000 OU.-111010 ...... p 0010 T ...... 1O1 t •• T ... If 114 I T ..... 40 714 1 \.GI~ .... " ":r * 100-1 .....,,... . -010 10t ..... . .,. .......... ""' ..... a.;...,.._, ..... ~-.... ......,.. ,, ~oe-1. .. A"""" 10. ,..,""''" 11. ee-u.r . ...,i..l·"*""• .. -..-. 0 ........... __ ...,,.,, ......... M -ti1011fa, (I). 1a-IH, ..I.Illa,, ._.._ .. ._.._..,T,"9!a ....... . ........ • ~1 ....... ,.,, f' t8nCleco 000 000 000-0 • 0 41. Louil 001 000 00•-I t 0 L .... .,. enc:t Mey; Andultt 11141 llnlmmer. W-AnOujer, 5·4 L-LeOey, 4.3 A-13,'77. AngelftW .... un... MllM ......... 156 27 4f 0 12 .31t 63 • 1• 0 •• 302 151 21 .. 7 21 •ne 11JO • ~ 1 ao .m 200 S2 67 10 N .Jte 1IO 24 44 2 13 .1t8 194 17 4S 2 24 .274 ,.. 22 .. 7 )() .242 29 2 7 0 3 .141 112 22 .., • 20 ·* 156 20 sa 1 ,. .m 242500 .20I '43711 .20I 1 0 1 0 0 .15t .a 4 1 o 2 .tee 92000 .000 1121 219 463 ~ 205 .m "'CtlllCI • H•IOW-&.DA 2 0 0 1 0.00.00 """ 19 10 10 1-4 o. 71 54'1> .. 7 21 5-1 2.15 63 .. u 21 .. 1 2.12 ·~ 32 11 M M 2.74 75... 10 11 24 5-2 2.11 4314 "' 22 24 u 2.tl 40V, 46 111 11 2-9 4 • 36'1> 42 14 23 1~ 5.45 479V. 515 190 207 31.20 3 02 Top10 ~--~= l-JCM •MllH,_ ...,.,.,., ~ .. 111 44 n .m 9onnel, TOtOfttO ~ 124 2t 47 .379 Cooper........ 47 111 S2 • .)16 ..... ~ 2t 15 • 11 .8111 McAma. ~ Clly .. 112 u ., ,,.. W.~ City M 106 14 M .$43 ..._...,.,~ 36 t4 25 S2 .MO ~°"'"* .a 114 31 11 .m ..,.., ....._.. 41 ,.. 21 54 .121 ....... ~ ..:,.111 ,. 53 .32:1 Tllom1on, Cleveland. 11; Roenlolle, Beltlmore. 12; Hrt>ell, lflnnHote, 11; Murplly, Oaklend, 11; Loweneleln, aalllmor•L~ Herrell, C•• ... l•nd, 10; .................. ........... Thomeoft. a...lend." 1; McAae. ~ City, 43; Llldnalll. CNcJaoo, 41; °"'*· ·=-·-..= rir ...,_,.,., •. ~~ f:~Yort.7-1: aarker, Cl••t!!=4r t-t: Vukovtclt, •• ~N: ...... W:,.., ........... ~Qly.M. MftOML.....,. • M • N,_ ~ ... °"Ill' 47 ,.. 40 .. ~ .u, C"~ 110 ~ .. :a.1 ..... Yn ao t1 12 11 ,M1 .......,, ... Fr9fl. 12 1CM ,. .. .a1 ......... DllF n • za 11 .an ~...., l50,.. f1" .821 ....,., -.vn 43 1• 21 '1 .att ........ ........ 110 1• a 10 .311 <»-........... 46 ltl' 25 la ..a11 J.~. ~ •1 111 21 51 .314 ........ lfwpf!J. Allllta. 15: Klng!Nn, ...., vew11. 14; J.T~. Ptt~. 13; ~. Au.nta, 10; ....... ._....... 1'I ........ lfwpf!J, Allenta, 42; lforelend. ~ 3l~111en. Hew York, 31; 8.0 IH . ~37,J.~~. v . .......... (1.,......, Fond!. ~ LoUie, t.I; Sunon. Houlilon. 1·2: P\lleo, New VOite, S.2; Roowe, ~. 7-3; y .......... ~ )-4; """'-'· Phi~. W ; Mwa. St, Louie, W : ..... -....... .... 2.10 uo Misc. Plumer-. tops I • area entries State meet begins Friday SA~ -Univenit)' H!cb'• Polly Plumer will be favored to win her th1id ~t l,SOO.met.er title, a.ruiSe Durand of Lq\ana Beich will be \he favorite ln the 80()..meter nm and Sharon Hatblld of Jll®ntaln van.y w1ll be unon, the top eont.enden ln four eventa at the .iate CD' tnck and field ch.t.Qlpionahlpt here J'riday and Sacu.rdaY . Plwoer la a two-time defend.lna champion in the metric eautvalent of the mUe run and hat been nannlna welf In recent meeta. W6ile the pla dominate Ora.nae CoMt us entrt-, five boya wU1 allo be ~ve Andenon of Corona del Mar and of Fountain Valley are accorded the belt chance of IOOrina Polnta. Andenon hall one of the better times (4:13.16) in the 1,600 met.en in the state. Two othen from TRACK IOTICE In purauence Of Lew, e>vbtlc nottoe It ~ glVll" ,,,et, on IN 111 dev of JUiy. 1982. 11 Ille~ ol 10 o'doc* a.m . Ol 1"8t 08)'. •tie url<Stoigl,..~ Tax Collac;tor-Tr_,• Of the COunly of ()fenge. •• rllil ottloe In tne .... , Of Senla Me. Stale Of Calttamta. will deed lo Ille Slate. ~ -r~. or an in.tllllment peen Of r~lon le Initialed u pr0¥l<led by lllW prlot 10 5 p.m on I.lie '-' butlneM <Sey Of Junt. 1N2, Ille rMI properly ,...elnaftW clellll1lleO llPOl'I Wl1'dl det• 11¥9 °" -)'9111'1 .. haw....,.. 11-0ll'I "'-<Sate of "" ... of .. P'°'*1Y to .. Stata. The t: arnouot tor wtlldl the o..o Will be ..,., wCll be the total emount <Sue '°' the CIF Southern Section finished m front of him wtlleh 11 wu IOld to uwi Stet• • .aid amount being Ml forth In 1ne cSoMert in the Mattera meet and only one Northern and cen11 oC>POllta the <1Mortp11on o1 tN Pfot:l«IY. " 11ie PfOP«'IY It ,.._,.,._,_ -· .. --r '---a f.u•-cloc"' ..... -.. w .... <Seeded 10 Ula State, Ula right of re<Samption wll terminate upon eny ~uuua • ........ ,... ...,. ..... ,. .. __.... eubNQllent Nie or oti. conveyenoe by 111e Stai .. Andenon the fifth best off comparative times. Aa 1>10Ylded by law. the 8111• eNjj ha~ ,,... tole euthorlty 10 receive .. Ericbon has li't:Jted a 9:02.57 in the 3,200 rent•. '--anCS proflta ~ lri MY manner trom lhe prdpetty eo ~ 10 •he State. meters, finilh1ns th ln the Southern Section All 1n1ormallon c;onc;«nlng re<Sempllon or uwi Initiation of an 1n111111men1 ~ualf..fyina meet. ~ one Northern runner 1J plan of reclelnpllon w111. upon requ.1. be turnllhecl by Robert L Citron. -.1r1 .... •'--•--•'--Tax Collector-Tr..-.., and Redemption Offlcet, 110 Anenoe Bldg .. 630 aster, ........... ww ~test in \.nCI' state. N Broadwey, (P.0 Box 14381. Sant• Ana, Celltornla 92702. Others from the area competl.na In the meet o.i.cs Ihle 1stt1 d.y °' May, 1ee2 include Ocean View'• Rex Brown in tne 200 (21. 70); Roee.AT L. CITRON Randy Kendrick of Huntington Beach In the diacua Tax Collector-TNMUr• (169-3); and Lance Betson of Newport Harbor in r .. ~T~ the pole Vault (14 2 !,4) The ptopertlel 10 be deeclecl an<l tubjecl ot 1111t noOoe .,. altua~ In 1he • · County Of Otenge. S1e1e of Calltornla. Md pattlcularly delct1bed u Joining t6e top three woman athletes are 1o11owt. to w11: Teresa Barrtoa of University in the 3,200-meter nm PROPERTY SOLO TO THE and L . ~ f T ,....,., .. ~ Beach in •'--hi"._ STATE IN THE VEAR 1977 FOR 1U £>egr&UI 0 -e.u-""~ &&• THE TAXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO jUmp. OTHER CHARGES OF THE F1SCAL "I~ I can improve my third lap time and do VEAR 1976-77 better," Plumer said following her eaay victory in HUITllliTOI IUCH IUITllliTll JUCI the Mast.en meet. "I felt pretty strong but I WU cm SCROL llS1llCT able to work on my third lap a little bit in that race. No 35 _ s... No. 77•134432, No 19 _ Sale No. 77-689230. "It'• a lot euier to nm when you have aomeone AP 0~2--02. S393.&4 AP 111-sa1.u. 1&4-4.te• ln fro~nt of OU to pull you out." No. 38 -Sale No. 77·1S6043. AP u~u11 IUCI .. ..i----in •'--800 with ~1IMI, at.i4 • was an euy wuu~ I.PC a No. 37-a.No. n-135044, AP lllFID 2:09.4 effort. 023-11t-02, SU.4 "I really wasn't happy with my time bUt I wu """ 311 -s. No. 77.1354"· AP SCHOil llSTllCT able to win and qualify for the state meet," abeaaid. ~.8l9"°=:l:il:_ 17.138430.AP No. 90-a.No. 77..et0137, AP A year aao she a1ao qualified, aeemlnalY. but was 024-12241. S5.087.t2 CJM.19S-33, SU2 -.... ,.,..,. l"".....1 L-1 th Ho. 40-S.No. 77·142208, AP No. 81 -SaleNo. 77-eee>t...,.,.... .._..,La •ucv ~ore e meet. 11._1eo-ee. se.117.a 058-193-eO. s12.te , Hatfield will maintain her ruued pace Of No.41-S.No. n -142207,AP 0:.02:t;&.=r: .. n...,_,AP oompetina ln tour events -both huidle races, the 114-18G-88, '27,385.50 No ... .,_._No n ............... -No.42-SaleNo.n-143274,AP ..... --· -.,.... high jump and Iona jump. She got a bad start 1n the 144-091•22, wr.aa 058-041-«>. sue 100 low. and fin1alied fourth in the mutera meet No.43 -SaleNo.n-150091.AP No.M-SMNo.n..eesae6,AP th '--_._with stro 300-ter hurdle 157-402-37, s1.02a.oe 056-05t-38, ss.4' en came ..,_.. a ng me race No. 44 _ a. No. n.153290,...,. No. u -a. No. n-ee4024. AP to place tbird. 142-121·2&, S7,"3.tMI ~ S5.4' In the high jump, she tied with two others for No. 45 -a.i. No. 77-175007, AP CIPISTlllO lllFIU ~ ~'!i~~~ <5-4). Fegrauws a11ohe,;1heaieciand 11~~~~·:!:!. n-1184~.AP SClllOL llSTlllT wMn ·~·t but a.A a mills at an ear er "6 t 157-331•75, u1.12 No ee _ s... No. n .720252. . WM placed fourth. No. 47 -S... No. n .18838fl, AP AP 740.021·18. S6.56 In the 1,_ .. jump HaCtield bit 18-5 on her fint· 151...,..11• 11•180·14 No 87 -S• No 77-722242. ..,.._ • No. 48 -8llle No. n-188188, AP M3.073-02, S1,3&3.M effort but dkin't improve. She bu done over 18-10 AP 151-622-24, uuo No ae _ sa1e No. 77-72&450. th1a -.i. 1 alll!IU IUCI AP 513-182--0&. H .oa Bt.rrioe ftnJshed fifth In the 3,200-meter race at ..... No 88 -s... Ho. n-n1113 . C AP 123..()7~. S317 88 the MMten ln 10:33.12. '" No 90 -Sale No 77-727174, From MtHion Viejo Hi1h will come the No 49 -s. No n -211005. AP 123,.(175-tt. suso 59 v~""" WM: e9, """""" · No 50 -Sale No 77-212512 AP 123,.(175-13, SllM.89 fa•--'•-in •'--~bu.nil $•--Kerbo ffe a1ao AP 641~3-18, SI0..20 Ho. 91 -SM No. 77·72717t. qualified ln the Jow hurdles. AP 6'1·.373·17, '55.32 No 92 -Sale No 77-13251~ J~Norton. allo of Mi.ion Vleri, qualified No s1 -sw No 77-2t30e3. AP 682-103.31, se.12 in .o.L.-with •'--'---throw 1 2 .. in the AP M1-40M9..I. ~.oe No 93 -Saile No. 77-739197. VIII:' '-"IC """"'~ • ..,, No. 52 -~ No~ n-214-464. AP 933-2e-<I09. St.158-80 qua1ify1na meet. But ahe failed to make the field in AP 644-123-18. w .oe . No t4 -s... Ho. n -742410. the abot Put. No. 53 -Sale No. 77-21t050, AP 804-071-31, Sa'°..98 Tanya Ra1llon ol El Toro posted a 55.9~ to A~~1 u:8N!,2 77-218053. SlllLEIACI place aecood. ln the 400 met.er qualifying race. AP ~ 14, s10.02 YIWY lllFIEI Weekend TV, radio $•turday TELEVISION 11 a.m. (5) -WCI' TENNIS. 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -San Frand.:o at Chicago. .... 2 p.m. (2) -HORSE RACING -the 114th running of the Belmont Stakes foe three-year-olds. Incl\.lded ln the field are Gato Del Sol. winner of the Kentucky Derby, and Aloma'1 Ruler, winner of the Prealmem 2:30 _p.m.. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEO~D'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Teams repreaenting the Rocky Mountalna and Kanaaa-OklahmMt ~tin a aeriea of bouta. 3 p.m. (2) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The lingla final of the French~ 3:30 p.m. (7) -PRO G -'The finals of the Seattle Open. taped at Lanea. 4:30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third rodnd play in the Kempm-Open. Taped • 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OP SPORTS - RenaJdo Snipes (22·1-1) va. nm Witherspoon (14-0) in a tcbeduled 10-l"OWldJ~vyweight bout, taped at Lea Vepa. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers-at St. LoWa. RADIO BMebell -D!;ldaen at ~l Louit. 5 p.m., KABC (790); Boaton at Anae1a, 7 R-Jll., KltlPC (710). • Hone Racina -Belmdnt Stak. reporta, 8:40. 9:40, 11:40 a.m., i2:40, 1:40, 2:25 p.m., KNX (1070). \ No. 55 -Sale No. 77-218320 . AP 8"--425· 13. '35.80 SCHOOL llSTllCT No. 56 -Sale No. 77·218MS, No 95 _ Sale No. 77.749313, AP ~2.()5, M2.7'4 Af 442-111-35. '324.00 No. ST -Sale No. 7J-2le563, .. o """ -Sete No. 77-748353. AP 644-442·13, St4.20 ,. '"" No. 58 -Sale No 77-218581. AP 842·112·17. S4r:.H AP 644-444..03. S14..20 No 97 -Sale . 77·7520488, No. st -Sale No. 77·218072, AP 6 2 1-1 61 · 6 (formerly AP 644-453.01. $137.8 1 9:!1·181-8502), $8_04 No 60 -S.MI No 77-219179, No. 98 -Sale No. 77·752112. AP 84~57-ot, S14.20 AP 821·162-64, $34.90 No. 51 -Sale No. 77-219180. No. 99 -Sale No. 77-752180, AP &44~57-07, S14.20 AP 521·163-418, $40.10 No. 82 -Sale No. n .2191ee. No 100 -Sale No 77-754490, .... •i4 457 3 •1i 20 AP 932'20-131. $403.74 rw-.... • • 1 • • "'· No. 101 -s· ..... No. 77·786494. No. 83 -Sale No. 11.21n4a -AP~2·24,S14.20 AP 691·014·03 (formetly No. 64 -Salt No. 77·2•9243, 814-190-031.17.10 AP 84~82·25, Sl4.20 PROPERTY SOLO TO THE No. 85 -Sale No. 77·2112118, STATE IN THE YEAR 1978 FOR AP &44~84-11. w .oe THE TAXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO No. 66 -Sale No. 77-2183t5, OTHER CHARGES OF THE FISCAl AP 84•-4&5-13, '294,78 YEAR 1975-78 Ar~2.ruo~ 1191 ' SUL IUCI cm IEWPOIT IUCI No '03 -s... "°· 76-4090e8. AP 217-148-04. S1.488.M cm COSTA IESI cm No. 68 -Sale No. 77-241312. No 104 -Sale No 7t.473245. AP 04~. '2.310 14 AP 428 · t:a 1 ·1~(1ormerly Sii CLEIEITE 1IMitileni1 IUCI No."_ J_f!! n.mM1. NJ SCIOOL llSTllCT 890-412.f9 (tormetty O&Mt0-61); No. 105 -S... No. 7M7*7A Sl.OI AP 171-5&4.03, $543.54 No. 70 -S... Ho. n-332M2, AP ---190-412~ ('°"'*1y 059-010-52), PROPERTY SOLO TO THE uue STATE IN THE VEAR 1975 FOR SUL lull Cm THE TAXES, ASSESSMENtS ANO OTHER CHARGES OF THE f16CAL No. 71 -Sale No. 77.f18241, VEAR 1974-l'S. AP 217-121-41, se.20 COSTA ilua cm COSTA .IESA cm No. IOI -Sale No. 1S-.•13n, No, 72 -Sale No. 77.f71348, AP 115-330-51, S677.02 AP 425· 14 1-03 (formerly 111-313-03>. sere.,. · FOllTlll YIWY cm No. 73 -Sele No. 7l'-t09525, AP 143-513-11, Ml.02 PROPE"TY SOLO TO THE STATE IN TH& YEA" 1t74 fO" 1 THE TAXES. ASSESSMENTS ANO OTHER CHAAGES OF THE '18CAL YV.R 1873-74. lllTllllTlll llllf . SAi .1111 om C ........ 11 om No. '°' -u. No. 74-12.•. •tllA AP 24·119r0t Uftd ,~(~ Ho, 74 -.... No. ,.,_., ... 14-n~.'N). Uftd 1•• 1M ln AP ee.172•11. SIOU7 ~---°'1LN21•17 No. 76 -a. No. n.aee14, • 110, 9'10.11 AP 12MQ.OI, 11, 143.M - No. 18 -Sale No. 77"'31111, '"OPU\TY 80t..0 TO THE AP 175-081..oe. M.44 llTAft IN TH9 TIM 1t1'1 '"°" No. T7 -.... Ho. T7~11t7, ™& TAJCU. "!: 1119"8 Ml> ,_, ~ 11111 On9 OW.: IL OP TMI NOA&. 1m11T 11111 iiiiMr• ._ .... "". ll•IL 111Tm1 No:a -•Ho. n:m No. 11 -... Ne; 1'~ A' tlf·341-U (fo'"'''h A' Ut-U t•tt 1t•r•erly ,,.,..,~ ... MT 6 11111 n ,............... ... ... MMl • .-UO. ~ 0...,.. CO. Diiiy llllot. Mir If, Nie S, 1MI .. Or.ang. 0out DAILY PILOT 1Thu'9d.y, June a, 1882 H/F NY E COMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS ~,,. ...... n•nuH HI.DH ... , ................... .,. ••C.,IC, 1111•, IOITOlll, °' ' .. " .... c11tc1•1tUl UOC• I• MANHI AMt H .. aTtO t• ''" ilHO 411111 UCITl!lllt Bad year tor I armers f ' Saffell &t McAdam. Inc. Bu.Uderl. lrvtNt, ti. been 1elected to OONtruct a U mWJon tddldon to the BUI Medical C.enter, $400 W. Ball Rotid ln Anaheim. h will add a aecond floor to the buUdtna. expanding to a total of 30,168 oquare feet. The ooncnct lncludea a 10,000-aquare foot around level perk.lnc lot with it.eel columns au~~ the offlce9 above lt. The &ll Medical la aero. from AnaheUn General Hoepttal. Projectors marketed SOURCE Technologies Corporation, Mukilteo, Waah., haa launched the marketing of ha V= (TM) alideltound projection 1y11tem with the o of a district sales office in Anaheim at 163 N. taa Ave, •-' .. u--.i .... Marla H. Caprow baa been appo1n1.a1 """"wa;• manager. She was aenior marketing repraeni.dve for Xerox Corporation in Orange. Western traflic rises Western Airllnel May acheduled traf6c totaled 774 million revenue puaenger miles. up ~ percent from May 1981. May waa the first month of operation for Western's new flight schedule, which included development of a flight connecting center, or hub, at Salt Lake City and the first Western aervioe to eight cities, Baltimore, Boiae, New York. Mi.ow.a. Tucaon. Fairbanks, the Tri-Cities (Puca, Kennewick and Richland, Wash.) and Waahington'a Dullea International Airport. Also included waa resumption of service at Spokane, Casper and Oakland. Firm opens Grove facility Walk.er & Lee baa opened a 4,000-aquare foot resale office in Garden Grove with more than 350 guests attending the festivities. Susan Van De Sandt la manager of the facility, at Brookhurst Street and Orangewood Avenue. The office is on the site that Walk.er & Lee has occupied nearly 27 years. Home-energy show set Two major corporations will team to pr'e9ellt aspects of the modem tolar home at the Home and Energy Show on June 13 at J.he Mimion Viejo Mall. The Mission Viejo Company and Reynold.a Met.ala Company will explain the energy conaervation features. The Solar Systems display at the Home and Energy Show c.an be viewed from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., June 10-11. On June 12, show hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. On June 13, the booth can be visited between noon and 5 p.m. For infonnation. call 826-1050. New-home sales drop WASHINGTON (AP) -Sales of new single-f.amily hoU8eS, meager through the fall and winter, plunged 15.3 percent in April to the lowest level since the government began keeping such figures 19 years ago, official.a said. And with interest rates still high, the Conunerce Department's chief economist, Robert Ortner, said Wednesday ''prospects for an upturn in the immediate future are virtually nil." STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS \ . NEW VOfOWIPI , ..... o.-JoN. ..._. lor -.cs.. .-. J. STOCKS JO Ind ~g.~c. ~ JD Trn 11u2 m .a to.• m.7•• 1.0 IS Ull IOU3 110 ... IOUt ll0.6h tAI '5 Stk 117.'7 Jiii.it J~ Jt•.ot• 1.G ·-......................... . Tr911 ........... .... .. 1.m.• ~·~ .:.:·:::::.::: .. :.:~· .. : ~::: WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK '''I J~ 2 ~· ~ ... ... • " NEW ~K lAPI JWI. 2 MflALS w.d. m m m 10 1 u ........ ~ IO -W1 J IOI ....... 1 DI 1't 1 2t c...., 7lM-n ~ • pounci, u..e, ._.._ ........ ..._. 3-21 oen .. • pound. a. 3S oente 1 pound, .._. Tllltll.1130 ....... W..~ lb. " .. llW 1 16-17 Glftt• • pouno, N.Y. __, 1)70,00 '* .... ....... IZtt.00 tr'Oy m., N.Y. SILVER H•ndy & Harm1n, M.Oao per troy ..... Orange Oo.lt DAILY PILOT /TI'K.nd~, JUne e. 1H2 Inmates' l ··tuna out SAN DJJJQO (AP) -In a move aimed at booatlnc San Dle10'1 atUn1 tuna lndu1try, 1upervl1ora have approved a meuu.re that would put more tuna on the menu at ClOW\ty jaila but a oomeodON ottldal wained .. lot c:oWd ao to wute. 11Unfortunately, trunai. have been unreceptive to tuna diah•, creatlna conatderable waate," Mid 1napector Cliff Powell ln a report to auperviaon evaluating the popularity of tuna. "We've ael'Vt!d tuna over the years. and lt'a juat not a real popular diab," he aaid. "You can generally tell whether 90me0ne likes aomething b y how much of it ends up in the garbage can. We're just trytn.g to aay what the f acta are." The measure calla for the county to try to spend •about $200,000 on tuna ln the fiacal year 1982-83 atarttng July 1. That Ls almoet 30 times more than the $7,600 spent on tuna last year. But Powell warned auperviaors that hia experience with five jails and 1,800 inmates indicates most inmates prefer red meat. Powell aald the county cafeterias would increase the tuna allotment ln keeping with the approved measure, but cautioned supervisora a lot of the tuna would go down the drain. The tuna industry -which has been troubled by oversupply and sagging sales -generates about $500 million it year for the San~ eeonomy. San Diego la also the home of the largeat seiner tuna fleet. • AP~ WHO ARE THEY KIDDING? -On the day Braniff International Airlines stopped all flights, PenWell Publishing Co. of Tulsa, Okla., was completing printing of the May in-flight magazine issue. Debra Gwyn leafs through one of the 115,000 copies. The fate of the magazine is unknown. • • Ford raises prices Charges up for options, delivery DE:rROIT (AP) -The Ford Motor Co. has announced it raised the prices for o~nal equipment on 80llle cars, ted the base vehicle prices of ita Mustang GT and Capri RS by $89 and ra.iaed destination and delivery charges. Spokesman Bill Peacock ea.id the increases, effec tive immediately, put the baae vehicle li tce of the Mustang GT at 8,397 and the Capri RS at , 196, he said. Ford said that option boosta lncluded white aldewall tires for Ford Granadaa, now $72 from $66, and air conditioning on L TDs, now $707 from $685. Deattnation and delivery charges were raised an average of $15. College summer calendar offered Orange Coast College's Office this sWnmer. Summer '82 Community The summer a'-enda Se r vice Ca I en d a r • Includes a children s film available to the public. festival, day excursions The 12-page brochure to various Southern details more than 120 California attractions different programs adventure tours t~ offered by OCC's outdoor recreational Community Service spots, lectures, mini-courses, buaine111 seminars, and classes for kids and teens. Free brochures may be picked up in OCC'a Community Service Office, in the college's Adrninietration Building. Brochures will be malled to individuals who send -::Dl=-=l=IH:=--:N=-=-:::m=-==-=c:-=:IS=--------their addre111. plus 37 .. centa for postage, to • Community Service NOURSE 123287 N . Sierra Hwy, Office, Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. CHRISTINE C. NOURSE. Newhall Ca. with Ken resident of Irvine, Ca. for the Poure, director of Hume put 5 yeara, former raident Lake Christian Campa of Lancaater, Ca. for 30 oftidating. Interment wW be•---f'tll.IC---..,-~---­ yean. Pu.ed away May~. Saturday, June 5, 1982 at-------'""'---- For summer community service l'nformation, phone 556-5880. State aided LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -California haa received all additional $1 lh million in federal funda to help retrain or relocate workers who lost their jobs becau.e of imports, the state Employment Develop- ment Department uid. .. • MririOUi ....... ..., fllCTmOUI IUllNlll NAm ll'AlWNT PICTmCKll ..,._ .. -IM* ITA~ TM rollowlrlt l*'90l\I .,. dolllg MAMI nAftMIHT tflt ~ ,._. ....... The fottowlJIO PottOn• ff• OOlno ~ Ml Thi followtno pafeont .,. dOWIO ~ -bvelnMI 11 HA" I 0" T" IHI TY butlnoM u ._INION INVll'ONMIMTAL COAIT AUTO IUNTAL '"llOHOOL ANO OAYOA"I LOI PANCHO'I •21 110t I OONT .. OL COM,AHY.i MIUION Hi.YICI. INC dbl TH"ll'TV "!NT ~I 1no .... an.c. 0.. M~.J ltnta Ma. OA HTOI ~Vl .. ONMINUL g0::= A OA", U tO It¥ I we Avtnut, ....._ '1A UtH. llMA&l I . GUZMAN, tlH I o.AL COMflAHV; Newpof1 8olall, CA IHIO Hlrbor Trtnity 8eptlitt CtlufOlt, Qeny ,.._, lantaAM. CA t17CM, NVl .. ONMINTAL CONU!L Cout AUIO Aolllll ~Inc .. tno ... ., •v•. eo... ...... CA btLIA LO I'll.-.. -.... LANOICA'I co.; Mlllt N • Caltlornll OOfOOtltiOn. ntO trvtne t2tH. Ctr111111,lanla Ana,,_ CA t11Qt, INVl .. ONMINUt. CONT" L AvtnUe ~ IMofl CA HMO TN9 bUllntll la oonclucted by en OvADALUPI P. GUZMAN, LAHOICAN MAINTINANOI 00.; ~~II~ by a Uftll'IOOtpot•toct aaaoclatlon other tl~3 W, Oeuy 111111, lantl Ane, Md MllllOH INw.oNMIHT"L COf"°'ltlOn 1114111 I P111~ OA tl104 LAHOICAN CO.. 1002 .... 1NI OoHt A\11 0 Atntat Ctlalmlan . Thie'"*'-' .. oonducted by • ..,., ..... o.a ...... AM. CA Serv!oa lno. ..,_.. ~ 12701. M161t N111all Pt.. Thie 1t1t11Mnt WM tllod wltll the lwnaal !. Cknmen IRUCI MA .. TIN WILLIAMI, Thia tllttmonl ... lied with the County Cleft! 9' Orenoe County on OlllldaklPI F. Qulft\lll IH 1 •. Oo11111ry Club L•H, County C"'11 of Orenge Oountv on Mey fl, 1M2. Diil• LOI* Mellolln, CA t2I01. Mey 11, 1H2. ,,.,.. Tiil• 1111~1 wit II*! wllh Ille JOYOI LYNNI WILLIAMI. ""1" Publlalled Orenge CoHI Delly COUl'lty Clltk of Or•noe County on IH 1 I . Country Olwb Lant, ' Publl1lled Orenge 00111 Qally Pllol. Mey 20. 21, June 3, 10, 1882 Aprll 18, 1812. Anehelm, CA t2I01. PHot, Mey IS, 20, 21, Jvno S, 1912 2178·12 '1111U Tl\19 ~ II oonduotad by 1 S071·82 ncF Publl1hed Orenge Coe11 Delly limited ~. -------------.,. """' Piiot, May 13, 20, 27, June 3, IHZ. 8NOo M. Wlllll'lll !--=--'"=-=~""~=~~·--2121-12 Thie llltofntnt WM tllod wttll U.. ----------------P9CTTnOUe ....... County Clel1t. o4 Or--Collnty Oii MAim ITAftmNT "8.JC M)TIC( Junt 1, ltH. ~°"=4"° peNOl'll .,. doing ACnne>ua autM.. Publl1hld Oren,• oo.'.~:y The ~ pottonl M 60111g MAMSIUI BIAUTY SUPP1.Y, Malm ITA~ Piiot, June 3, tO. 1 • 24, 1"2. bullnOM Ml 2701 Harbor llvd .. F·8, Colla Tiie lollowlng .,_n 11 doing t.112.e2 COMI ANO Oil IT. 2101 t ..._,CA m26. . bullnltl M : Ml.JC M)llC[ Mowllon ll'erkway, L1gune Hlll1 M IC HA I l HAAR IS 0.. ( 1 ) R I! C R I AT I 0 N I OaMfomla tfflS CUNNINGHAM. 443 PromontOfY EN 'r f "TA IN MI! NT ---;;e;;nc;~'i;!iiiiii"--Cerl Stout Clod! Jt .. 12• N. Orl11e WHI, Nowpor1 Beeoh, CA COOADINATOAS; (2)(R.E.C.). S110 ~~A~ Liiac 0t1v1, Piao.nu•. C1llfornl1 82te0. Pw11 Newpon, No 3t2 .. Newpon The followlnn poreon l• doing 82010 THOMAS EDWARD LEMM, BMdl. CA t2te0. bualnale ae: • Emiko Clock, 124 N. LlllCI 8610 Ridge c. Rood. Anehelnl, John StanMy Dulr, 3110 Partt SCIENTIFIC MANA0lMlN1', Ortve, fltaoentla. ~ 92870 CA 92801: Newpon, No. 312, Newpon Boeoll. 24871 La~ ~wnua, laoi- Thla bua1f-. II ooncluoted by Thie bu*-la conducted by 1 CA OZMO. Nlguel CA 92971 lndMduela (HU8BANO a Witt~ general pertnannlp. .~~II c.onducted by Ill\ John l(IUl•nl•. 24'11 LI =~ ~he e I H Ir r I I O n · John S Dulr Hermou A--. Laguna Njgull. Thia t\elemtnt WU f1lad with the Thll •lllemant ... f1lad with thl Tllll "Lament w.. f1lad with tho CA 82177 John l<lt91111\11 County Clerk o4 Orenge County on County CWti of OrlnQI Cowlty on COUnty ..._,. o4 Orenge County on Thie ltllerMnt w• Ned with the Mey 11. 1M2. May 1. 1M2. ~ June i, 1182 '1*1'1 County c.rti of 0renoa County on Publl1hed Orange Coa:t~~ Publl•hed Or1n1• Cout Uelly Publl1ll.ct Orenge Co11t Diiiy June 1· IN2. ,._ Piiot, May 27, June 3. 10, 17. 1N1 Piiot, Juno s. 10, 1 • 24, 1982. Piiot. June 3, 10, 11. 24, 1H2 Publllh•d Oreng• COHI Dally 233t-l2 2429-82 2371•82 Pilot, June 3, 10. 17, 24, 1te2 PICTfTIOUI ~ .. NOTICI OP Al'PLJCATION ~ ITAn-..T T O • I L t. A L C O H O L I C The followlng por1on 11 doing ~-· bullnaN ea: To Whom It May eono.m· A.R. ANTHONY & SON, 8841 MARION ERNEST BOWEN, I• ~'.:'::..~· Huntington Beech, ACTITIOUl ..... U NAiii STATPmNT Tiie followlng per.on 11 doing bulllloae ea: JOHN DAVIDIAN & ASSOCIATES, 1407 Chellenhem ~. La Hllbrl, Celfomla 80831. John Oevldl1n , 1407 Chelte nh1m Lene, la H1br1, Cllllfomle to8iS 1. Thie ~ II oonducted by en !Mlvldul!I. John Oevkllen Thie ltatamenl ... tied with .,,. County Claf1I of Oranoe County on May 18, 1182. .....__rc..-.aHar11ngtoft A P11f111h 11111 Lew C«I* ....... a.Maoarthwlotlll11•'9 lue..111 Newport ....... CA ... ,_ Publlelled Ot1nge Coall Dally ----------- Plk>t. Mey 20, 27, June 3, 10, 1982 2241..a2 NlJC M>TICE ACnnoulMIHaa MAim ITAftlmlff The follooMng l*'IOIW .. doing ~­T I J PAOl"ESSIONAL SERVICES, 1"4 POf'I Pro,,_ '"*-· ~ ee.:fl, CA 82890. ThomM 1.. o.Mott. 1N4 Port Pr~~. ~ 8eech, CA t:zteO. ~ L.o.Moct, 1984 Port Pr~~. Newport a..ctl, Pre91cMnt CA 92ee0. rtaJC NOTIC( 257M2 ~ FMMCL.ac...... A ,, f 11 h Flit l.-Cerp. _....,,.......c.... .... ~ 17712 E. '"" T--.ca Publlllled Ora~ Cout Dally Ptlol, June 3, 10. 17. 24, 1182 • 2444--82 ~ °' 1'RU8TD"8 IAU T.a. .... MZM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on W~ey. June 23, 1~ ll:OO o'dodl e.m. o4 Mid day, In room ,., Hide for conduc ng TNlt•'• S.., wlttlln the Ofllo9 o4 A£Al ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. ioc.ted et 2020 Nerth &foedwey. Suite 2.08. In Iha Ott of 8111\ta Ana. County of ()fenge, State of California. SAN MARINO SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCI ATION .• Celllornl• corporetlon, H duly a,>poll\led Trwt" under Ind punuant to the power of MIO conferred In thet oarteln Dead of Truat necutac1 by 0 . VAUGHN MICfU.OS. a mwYlod men, tecorded May 12, 1te0, In Bodi 18804 o4 Otftclel Aaccwdl °' Mid County, et P1G1 10, AooorOlr'I lnstrumant No. 11331, by ,._ o4 1 brwach or default In peiwment or porf~manco 01 tho obllgetlofl1 MCUred theraby, lncludl1t9 th•t bt...::tl Of dolault. NoCac. °' wtlk:tl --~~5.1te2.• Recorder'• lnltrumant No. Thia~ II oondUcted by Ill\ • ,_ 1----------- lndMduet. ~ 1.. DeMot1 Publl1hecl Oren~ Cout Delly f'tll.IC N0T1C( aTAnMOn Of' wrntDflAWAL. Tllll ~ -Med wlttl ....._ Ptk>t, June 3, 10, 17, 24, 1882 1-----------~0IHAJmUSMP "~ ~n~ 1982 at the age of ~ ye.an. 11:00 AM at Pacific View '1CTITIOU8 _,... .. Married 35 yee.n to Jama F. Mortuary with Bill Acton,. NAm aTATDmn OPUATINO UMDa County an o4 Ofenoe County on -----------l"IC'TmOUa ., ..... ~ M4IY 25, 1M2. Nourae. Survived by Wilbur Bruce and Tim ~'°'=4ng penona .,. doing N011Ca Of' 1WllTWra ..... LMll .... IAL80A The followlng per1on h•• P""71 Withdrawn .. 1 generel pertner from Publl1h.ct Or•ng• Coal! Delly children, Donald NourM, ~ ~. SECURED PROPERTIES Michael NOW"le & Candace GINSBEJ\G l T0.-1. 17821 Mllohell, Irv•. CA T.a. .... "*4 l'ICTmOUe ._.. NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC. M MUC M>TICE Nourae Veith : JEANETTE ETHEL 827~0 ~ 824 Harbor the pennerlhlp operetlng under the Piiot, Mey 27, June 3, 10, 17, 1~ llct1tlou1 bu1lnH1 n1me of JMH 2293-82 N.u. ITATW dUIY appoint.cl TNlt• under the Tho• followtng poraon 11 C!olng delc:rtbod dead of truat grandchildren, Dawn, GINSBERG, reaident of l1t1nd Or .. Newport BHch, CA Micah, Aimee, Kimberly & Fullerton, Ca. for the paat 4 92ee3. Jinuny Noune, all of Irvine. yeara after movlr;ig her~ Gary J. MoreMeci. 871 ~ Electronlce et 188 Tie Juen•. ~Beedl.CA. The flctlt1ou1 bu.in .. 1 neme 1t111ment for tl)e pennerlhlp w .. flied on 8·22·81 In tht County ol Ca.; sisters, Ruth Noune of from Loe Angeles, Ca. She ~:;: LAoe. l.agun• a.acn. Corona d el Mar, Ca. & wu a member ot Boa.I Brith, Gary J. Sotlnelder, 1ee Nyee Nancy Backus of Felton, Ca.; Hadaasah, and O.R.T . in~~ 8elch, CA 92851. mother France. Ranaeler of both Paaadena, Ca. and 0 J ~led by Baldwin Park. Ca. Member Chicago, Illinoia.. as well as a ™' •ta~t wee !lied with the & pa• t pre a i den t of member of the A.A.R.P. of County Cletk of Orangt County on Otenge. Fun N1me end AddreH ol the Per1on Wllhdrewlng: J1mH M. Hornick, P.O. Box 8348, Fountlln Vallty, CA 82708. Janiee M. Hor~ P17141t Publlahed Oreng1 CoHI Dally Piiot, May 13, 20, 27, June 3, 1982. 2124-82 Lancuter .Junior women'• fuUerton. She la aurvived by Ma)' 18. ·1982. Club & Women'• Club. Ovtt her aon David of Chicago, 25 yeara volunteer for lllinoia; daughter Susan American Lung Amodatlon, Nehe& of Fullerton, Ca.; 'W7'1 Publl1hed Orenge Cout .Oally Piiot, May 20, 27, June S, 10, 1882 2184-82 pre.ently aerving on local, grandchildren. Paula, Brad•---~--~---atate & natJonal oommlttees, & Nicholas; ailter Bernice, ____ NIUC __ M>_TICE ___ _ f'ICfUllOU9 ., .... & Board of Dlrecion un8. Kramer of Ch1caeo. D.linoia; M ember o f South Coaat brother Alan Gimpel of Community Church. There Florida. She wu preceded In will ~ a memorial in her death by Paul S. Ginsberg. n a me to H u m e La k e Private family aervices were Chriatian Campa, PO Box held Wedneaday, June 2, 1888, Freano, Ca. 93718. 1982 at 5:00 PM. In lieu of Services will be held Friday, flowera, family 1u11eata June 4, U182 at 2:30 PM, donatJom be IMde "lo the Eternal Valley Moriuary, American Luna ~don. Sttvlcee t4nder the ditection -------------. f Harbor !Awn-Mount MAim ITATDmllT ACTfTIOUeMIHWN CALIFO RNIA LAWN I ..... ITAnMaNT GARDEN SERVICE. 320 Cotta The following 1>«1ot11 et• doing Mell Street, Coate Ma11, CA bull,,.. as: 82t27. PAYROLLER SALES, 1989 Darwon Clfton Meck~. 320 South Allclley Str .. t. S1nte Ane. Coata Mme Streat, Coate..._, CA CA 92705, IW7. J 1m11 Murrey Cant 118 Thie~ 11 ooncM:ted by en • lndMduill. otemond Avenue, Newpot1 8-h, C ._._._ CA 92882. • oar.on • ~ 01nle l George Venn, 114 Thia lt.-nent -lllad wfth the Emerald Avenue. Newpo(I a..ctt. ~ ~ of Orenge Coun'1 on CA 92682 ·"'-i. 1._. HAJIOI U.W.._MT. Ot.IYf Mortuary • <:emetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave COSljt Mesa 540-5554 rtllCI NOTMHS llU llOAOWAY MOITUAIY t 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALT1 & IHGHO.. SMITH 6 TVTMM.l WUTCUff CHANl 427 E 171h St Co111Meu ~Q371 ,.e1.onms IMfntl' MOITUAH • 627'Marn St ~llnQCon 8eacn 53&-6539 • ve Mortuary, c.o.ta Mesa. FREED MACK P. FREED, of c.o.ta Meu. Ca. Paled away June 1, 11182. He la IW'Vived b)' aon Wlllfasn Bartlett, M.D. & 3 1randchlldren. Private aervice9 wena held at Westmln.ster Mernortal Park Mo~ & Cemetery. Thia bulllneM .. c:ondlloted by • ,_ ~ pattnenhlp. Publl•hed Orange CoHt !)ally Jemet M. Cant Piiot. Junt a, 10, f1, 24, 19&2. Thll llllatnenl WU lllad wllh the 2AOM2 County Cleflt of Otano-County on "8.IC M)l1C( May 11, 1882 .. ,,.., .. Publl•h•d Orenge Co11t O•llV Piiot. Mey 13, 20, 27, June 3, 182 3057 ... 2 MOTICI OP INTIMDllD TMNlfllll UNDD MCTIOM8 *1S ... ~~~ ••Nm ~CON NM* of~: "'ANCl8CO u.t J, 80TO. and SEAOIO OOM!A 'ICTITIOUI IU...... "OORIOUEZ, 2230 Hert>or llYCI., __ .,. -NAMI ITATIMIHT Colta ..._, Cellfornla. ~ ""'.-The fotlowlng pw90n1 .,. dolno Mamee ot 1ntendtld tr.....,...: bullnMI M ; '::.~A~.. LONOWOOO AHOCIATH. ~~~oi'i ~!0e,::;' =. The IOllOW!ng pat90n .. dotno 188 E. 17th Sir .... Colt• Meae. CA co.ta Maaa. c:.lltoml&. ~a: 92$27, • Ktno of --... imano.o to be HOU>INOS INTl"NA~ JAMU W. AAY, 11 etOIW'llMlll, tr1n1ferred: Al!TAIL PACKAGE rmo.w DIM, , •• 0 ... u. ~.~:~t·~. RAY, 401 HaHI MWL& OlHIML \.IC~ at ~'t=e~.'m'a Of'l'4, Corona 6'I M#, CA tH25 l~.OONldlrltlon to be......, tor Tlllt ~ le conducted by a .. b t "":"' T...-~. H11ntlnfton e.aotl, -... .. ....,..,,_......, Int UI ntu end llOen.t II CeltorNatae4t -~ ...-""' 111,112.11.(t)C••htobo ,,_ ~ la oondUcted by WI Mlltlael 0. Ray depoelted In _,,_ '600.00: <t> lndMia.& Thie 1~1 WU fllad with IN Oamend ~ for t"9 bailflCe of County OIOftl o1 0ranoe Covnty Oft .......... .... ...... :== 1n Leon T. Aoed! M-r Cl, 1tR l_,11.I00-.00:-. ,..~ ......., _,,to ow ,...... ···•w.".............. . ,,_ ,., ._ County Cllrtl Of 0Nnot county Ol'I P11bll1hl4 Or•~• Cout D~ll tul>ttltllted by twe loeM Mlflo .-fT. ttea. -... ...._. t• -.. ~ • , ta11a11 llltl!Mt to .. 1.111.tt: (4} ,_ .. _,., -., ..,, • --.., · "'om•ory Note In fe\lor Of..,... ftvblltNd OrallfO Cooet Deity 2111-ta Correa ilodrltYt• IH,000.fO. Maiyt1,Junel, 10.11, 1tla ------------1 TNll: Ma,1et. ... aM-12 Tfla plaot wlloro ttu bu.ii-M: WIU AT PUBLIC AUCTION NlJC fl>TIC( SUTTON ENTERPRISES, 31131 0 TH£ HIGHEST BIOOER FOR ftc:lihOU8-n M1cArthur Blvd_ Suite ~8. . ~II time o4 .... In MAim ITAW Newpon Boaoh. CA 82880. lllWful money of' the Unft~= MAACIA KAYE SUTTON, tMO .. right, lltla Ind lntweet The lollowlng poreon la doing lrvlno Avenue, 1 A.3 11, Newport to and now held by It undlr Mid ~ ~o l AN 0 v 1 l l AGE Boaoh, CA 92te3. D••d or Truet In th• proptrty APARTMENTS, 711 w. 17th s....... ~ bullneM .. oonductld by en -i:us-rOA: ~~~l80A. l TO .• No. 312, Ooata M..., California M&rda ~Sutton a llrnlted ~""""° t2t27 Thie etatamant.., flied with Iha BENEFIOIAAY: BANK OF AlcNrd R. CantNll, 8 Northetar County Clartl of Orange County on AME Al CA •• TA us TEE , 0 R No. 104, Merine dal ~. Caillfomlt June f. ttl2. LTON FOAOE WOAl<S PAOm 90291 ,_ SHARING TAU81'. ~bullnaal II oonduotod by en Publl•hod Or•noo CoMt Delly R~rded Merell 1 t , tHO H ....... _d A. ,.____ Ptk>t June 3 10 17. 24 1 ... ,. lnetr. No. 10496 In bootc 1S52t. ,,__ ....,,u_ ' ' ' ' ' 23is-e2 1010 o4 OfftcMI Aaoofda In the Thia 1ta1-t ... fled .ttta tt1a :R:. °' tn. Aeeewo.t °' 0renoo ~ ~ o4 Ofenoe County on MUC Mme( ~u1c1 daed o4 truat ~ ,__ the P'°'*1Y Pu"''._..~ 0r c 0=7 '9Cnnoue ••11•.. LoCa 5, . lftd 11n 8iOdc 115 of .,.._..., ango Oett MAim ITA,,_.,.. Trlefl No. 2'4, ,.i' mep NCOrdod In Plot. Moy 27, June S, 10, 17. 1 ~folowtoo ~ -doing Book 13, pag11 st and 37 of 2341.U ........ aa: Mllcallanaoul ....... In tho omcie o4 ------------1 CALll"OANIA MA IL ANO the County Recorder of H id NlJC fl)TIC( MUSAG£ ~ICE CO., S0211 County. IC_-Hert10r eo..ri•d, C09ta ,.__CA You.,. In default under a Dead -· t2t27. o4 Tl\llt dat.d F*ulty tll, 1MO PICllUOU8 _.. t l"renk Jamoa lovllo, 13551 un1aa1 you ta1!o action to Pfotool Mam 8TAW Portamouth Cina Woatmllwt•, CA )Q.r fl'Ol*tY, It may be ~ 11 a Tho foftowtng ponon1 •r t2t83. public 1alii. If you need an ~~ 8:Aa 8"MOI Lewie Mep ~ 11514 Mt. ~ o4 Iha na1\n Of tha St,_, Coaca Mau, CA 12t21. ~ = t~J.:.:roe., =~you, l°" "'°'*' C.J. l090'1trom a Soni. A llmhad paib•lf.-. by I 1510 Biibo• Slvd .. Newport a...t P•tl•lfllp, 1318 F ,.,..,. J L.OWo ·8oaoh. Calllof1M ~·~.._,cl C CAQ t2'2t ... ,.. Tllll .. IJnllm.;.. fllod .tit\ the ''ilt • ett..i addrw or oommon """'•• • • rant, 1 • t County a.ti Of Orenot County on dnlgn•tlon 11 •hoWn above, no Aome11U ...-.... Tl.tlttn. CA t2tl0. June t 19&2. ·warranty •• gl'nn •• to Ito H onry T. Segarlt r om, a ' ,_ comploMnaae onx>n"eG'lllMOI." Tr u at•• for T 0 '• n H • n' Publllhod Orang• Coeat Qelty ,. Tho ~ wndar Mtd Oead Sooantrom.1.. _1tt4 VI010fl• Otl'le. Piiot June a 10 11. 2• 1...... . of Truet, by raaeon o4 • tlfWdl w Senta AM. "" t210t. ' ' ' ' ' ._ deflUlt In tho obllgattotie WW Honty T. 8ogoretrom, a . 237...a 1~. halwt~~ 9td Truat•• for Anton 01vld __ .,. ...,,._ dtllVtl'ed to tllo undtr•lgftecl a aoventrom 1114 Vlo1or1• Ortw. ,-_,.. ""'-~ Ooclaretlon Of o.feult and s.nta AM. CA'. 1210a. "9Cnnow ..,11... Damenct tor .... w wrttten nottot r-Henry~°"'· 111 ~ aTAW .,,... Md Oi ~ to --v101or1a Orlvo, Senta Ana, C n. fOllowlnt l*'IOIW .,.. doing ha 11ndar:!Ci~ to Hll Hid t27Ga. ~ -oporty '° Mid~ AntOl'I OIMd ~-Gill, 11t ,. " 0 0 I!. a I H G l A 8 • and ''*"""' llo IAl'ldtrlfOMd Vlctorte Orlvo, lanta Ane, C AMENCAN CWT ~ r.....s IOld ncMtot ~ iw..tl Mel of ta70I. AMENCAN PMOTO MIOCIATION -.OW to bO r..wct ..._.. nu.t~ i:=~ Jt.. im Mtttlft A~, hft• 111: 2.4, 1Ma,•lnllr.No.ea.Ol474"~ 112' ...,. DIM, '-*' AM.~. tMnt. CA llTtl. ..., °"'*' ..._.., H7oa. 2·TU lfTIRMAT'IONA&.., INO,. Hlto6d 't ...... Ofll • .It. Tr11tto1 for Thaodoto Walto '41tor1tr0fft..1._1121 lllWW• Dftft ...,.. Ma, W\ tl?OI. -oetelllllfl Hafotd T ............ Jr. lllillll,,__,.. T,._....,....,..._._ .... --..1 llllll m/ ... MI By STEVE MITCHELL °' ... .Olillf ......... Attorney. for the Sierra Club and the atate will aeek a preliminary injunction in U.S. Dlatrici Court in Loe Anaeles Monday to prevent an offahore oU leae sale 1eheduled for June 11. U.S . Diatrlct Court Judge Cynthia Hall h.u aQreed to hear argument• from the environmental group and the atate to block the aale of oU and pa leum on 858,000 llCl'fJI off the Southern Californla COllt. 1be IUlt will be heerd at 10 a.m. in U.S. Diltric:t Court. 312 N. Sprtna St. in Loe Anplea. The Sierra Club au!t, whJch WU joined by the Cl~ of Lquna BMch, 1eeka to block the aale of all 164 tracts contained in Leue Sale No. 68 on June 11. Included in that IUlt are the 10 tracta located off Laguna'• and Newport Be.ch'• ahonlinel. Tl\e atate'a lawau!t, whJch will be hevd concurrently with tbe Siena Cl~on, IMU to block the tale of only 22 tnct. off Southem California, lncludina run. of the 10 off i..,una and Newport. Leue Sale tf o. 68 coven 'an area from Point Conception to aouth of San Clemente Ialand. The tncta are from three to 84 miles oU shore. Cars swerve into onconiing Jan~ An UIOdate for San Frandlco attorney Roaer Been, who la mpawentiftC Uw Sierra Club in tM IUit, liid the orpnlzadon wm attempt to force lnterlor Secretary Jamee Watt to take Into account the environmental 1en1ltivlty of Southern Callfomla'a shoreline, and "the enonnot.11 oomeqqencea faced by citlea Uke Laguna Beach and Newport Beach in the event of an uncontalned oU aplll." Attorney• for the federal 1overnment are expected to argue that there are aufflctent aafeguarda to prevent oil apllla. They alao wlll outline the pPtential for up to 110 million barrela of oil and 742 cubic feet of gu from the tracts. A apokeaman for the Sierra Club aaid that, should the club and the atate lose their bid for an injunction Mo~da , they will consider an ap to the t>t.h ClrcWt Court o Appeal.a in San FranciJlco prior to the June 11 sale. That tale la expected to take place at the Loa Angelea Convention Center, beg1nnlnJz at 10 a.m. At that time, iealed 6lda will be opened and read. Federal offidala will then review the bids before awarding leaae.. Laguna crashes kill 1, injure 5 British assault 1 awaited By Tbe Aaaoclated Press I Britlah gunners dueled with Argentine artillery batteries around Stanley today in the buildup to a possible British assault on the Falkland lalanda I, capital, military sources and broadcast reporta in London aaid. ~ Britain's lndependent Radio 1J News aaid the attack waa not expected before the weekend aa the gunners. backed by off.ahore navy bombardment and Harrier' air strikes, 90ftened the estimated 7,000 Argentines around Stanley. Reports in London Indicated the British control all the hilll surrounding the town and the key puees to the we9t through .. which reinforcement• were ad~ Artentme Uoops, driven beck into a "horseshoe" defensive poaftion, were firln1 back at Royal Marines shelllnc Moody Brook, ~ miles from Stanley and believed to be a forward headquarters for the Argentines. LAGUNA CANYON FATAL CRASH -Wreckage of car and llD&ll foreign auto ta arewn· aero. Laguna Canyon Road near Sycamore flata Wedneeday momln& after a head-oh craah. Driver of the car was killed and a passenger .., ........ 1( ..... remains in critical condition at Million Community Hospital. A dog belmgi~ to the woman driving the auto alao was killed in the a , one of two in Laguna Wednesday. Aa shelling continued, government 80W'CeS in London aaid British planes dropped thousands of leafleta on Stanley telling the Argentine• their position is hopeleu. Defense Ministry sources said Spaniah-apeaking 8ritona were among the forward troops to negotiate aurrendera around Stanley. British hellco,ptera lifted 105mm guns. with a range of 10 ~ miles, to the hWtope west of the town while Britlah Soorpi"1 (See FALKLAND. Pa1e AZ) Mesa Fish Fry starts Friday Why is the Coeta Mesa Fish Fry such a popular event over the years? Some say U's the "secret" batter uaed in preparing the 9,000 fish dinners. Othen go for the parade, the carnival, the beauty and baby contests, or the entertainment. • 'nie fun starts Friday night at Llona Park and the Deily Pilot's apecial section today on the Fish Fry and Carnival giva reedera a rundown on the three-day event. STATE Reagan talks with French president PARIS (AP) -President Reagan conferred today with French President Francois M1t1errand on the Middle F.aat, Central America and the Falkland Islands war, but sidestepped serious dbcusslon of the stubborn economic iuue. dividing their Countries. On the eve of an economic aummit of major industrial <kmocracieB at Venailles outside me French capital, Reecan aakl he and Mitterrand deferred "heavy diruwiQna .. of economk issues straining America'• .Wes until they join the leaden of Britain, Weat Germany, Italy, Cuwla and Japan thla week.end. The leaden met OW!r lwlCh tn the aplendor of the ltlyaee Palace. Reagan waa greeted at the pelace by a mllltary honor guard and a aalute from a drum and buale cor91. He and Mitterrana ahook banda and then met privately tn a chandellered talon OYel' a lwlCh featwine a al.ad of ~ lhellfilb, veal. (See REAGAN, Pap Ai) SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A federal JlaQi.naled today that the federal government llllll•Dy .._. the financially troubled Fidelity Savinp and Loan A.Noclatlon of Oakland, &Qd ordenid the thf!ft. lmtitudon•• forced receivenblp lifted. .. I Hiiitop land Laguna trustees Deputy saves man, 25, at Aliso Beach mull task force An Orange County Sheriff's deputy saved the life of a 25-year-old Mission Hills man who apparently was attempting to drown himself in the surf off Ali80 BMch Wednesday nlgllt. Lacuna Beach achool trustees will conaider for ming a community task force to explore diapou1 ol more than 11 acres of hilltop land when they meet at 7:30 tonight In diatrict offices. The surplus land, located at theinte.nectlonof ParkAvenue and Alta Laguna BoWevard, is zoned for residential use, with much of it overlooking the Sadclleb9ck valley. The mostly flat parcel waa purcbaaed by the achool diltrict In 1971 for $173,000 at a time when the need for an additional campus wu anticipated. But decllnlng revenues, • well ... declinlnC atudent population, baa forced the diltrict to consider the tale, leue or trade for the Alta Laauna property. Trustee Carl Schwarz haa 1u11eated a commu~ taak fcrce be formed to with COUNTY concerna of adjacent property owners should a means of disposlng of the land be found. That puiel a18o would look De~ties St.eve Kent and Kevin into maximizing the revenues Laughlin were patrolli.ng Aliso from such a sale, lease or Beach about midnight when they exchange and preaent a written were told a man was in the watet report within six weeks to the off the rocks at Camel Point. said achool board. Lt. Wyatt Hart, a sheriff's "'~·--department spok~. \,,NUL"Un~ntly, Schwan aaid. an After initial attempts to rescue appnlaal could be made of the the man with a life line failed, property. Kent jumped into the water, The achool board and the swam out and pulled the man to Laguna Beach Oty Council w111 safety. · dJ.acuu the propoeed property Hart said the young man diapoul during a joint meeting apparently wu despondent and Tue.lay at 5:45 p.m. at Qty Hall. · "went into the surf to take his own life." He was hoepitalir.ed Schwarz aaid the task force for obeervation. could lnclude two achool board members, two City Council Rotary reversal? members, two member• of a preYioua coounittee on aurplua property, two memben of the hilltop community and a resident from another eection of tpwn. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - The Birmingham Rotary Club bu reconsidered ita policy of barring non-white memben. INDEX Historical society sets home The c.o.ta Mesa Hiatol'bl Society finally baa a home of lta own to store ita bOxes of memorabilia. Page Bl. 2 w-omen reported · • serious Two s eparate head -on collisions in Laguna Beach Wednesday left one woman dead, two other women in serious condition and three men hQSpi t.alized. 'The first collision occurred on Laguna Canyon Road near Sycamore Flats about 11 a.m., when a car driven by Carol Ann Hatfield, 34, of Beverly Hila . crossed into oncoming lanea, striking a truck, according to polioe reports. Ms. Hatfield was killed in the collision, along with her dos-A paaaenger in her car. Sunny Tepper, 29, of Laguna Beach, was taken to Mission Community Hospital where she rema1na in critical condition in the inlenaive care unit. Kevin Andre Park.a, 21, of Anaheim, the drivk of the truck. was reported ln stable condition at Saiidleback Hoapital in ~ Hilla today. The second head-on collision (See CRASHES. Page A!) Con men sell 911 number 'subscriptions' Orange County authorities are warning county reafdenta to beware of phony telephone aolidton who ask residents if they are interested in sublcriblng to the county's new 911 emergehcy telephone system. The solicitations, made both by telephone and mail, suggest that residents can subecribe to the 911 number for a one-time sub9criptlon fee of $9 per adult and $7 per child, saki Lt. Wyatt Hart, an Orange C.ounty Sheriff's Department spokesman. "Don 't give them your m o ney ,'' said Hart, who emphasized the scheme la a phony. He said the 911 number la a county aervioe provided to all residents. S h e r i ff ' a d e pa r t me n i ' investigators have Initiated an investigation into the ecam and Hart urged anyone who baa t.ei OOl'ltacted by the aollcitdn to call police or U .S . poatal service inapectora. . .. CRA:SH~S IN LAGUNA • • . •· • ocourrect at about t:IO p.m. tran1port1d to Ml11lon. Hl1 . W1dn11day at Sou\b CoHt conclltlon WM Mid not -1oul. , Hlahway and Laiuna Awnue. The driwr of die ~ car. , Jlaa Va11nH, 84. of~· Jnjuted tn that oruh wai Btach, rtmaln1 tn 1tablt " SUMI\ Low.t ~ II, of oondltlon at South CoMt Medital ' 8an Maroa.. who WU reoorteci ln 1ertou1 condition at Mt11lon Cep:Irce 18td Ma. Enochaon'• J,CommunJty, IOUtbbound 1portlcar IW..Vtd '. Her companion, J'rank Into onoomln1 la.net, ltrildq 1 Mean., allo of San Marool. wu Vaaenee' lldari. 1 treated at South Coui Medlce1 Both acotdtnt1 are under Center In South L.,una and ln\Wtlption. poUct ti.Id today. I ,REAGAN IN PARIS .•• ~credit to the 8oYSetl at IU in-.tra• British 'poised' to attaCk • By TOM MURPBINE °' ................ Brttlah troopa are ., dolt to Port Stanley fortlficadonl that wtth blnoc\alan 11tbey can watch Arlefttine IOld.len •Una lunch,'· the BBC world new1 Mrvlc• reported Wectn.day na,ht. The BBC bn»dcalt. monlsored on the~ c.out at 9 p.m., acknowled • newt bi.ctmut on events the FaJ.klanda from both London and Arsenttna f« two days. 11There la little new offk:lal information on the ground offen11ive releaaed by the Mln1stry of Defeme," the BBC report admitted. One offida1 referred to "thla fremy Oft Soviet c:ndlta,'' and another accuaed the United States of a 0 one-ldded obH•lon with the credit 1-ue" without acknowledatna itl own extensive grain trade-wf tb the Sovietl. Before talkin1 with Mitterrand, ~an met with' Mn. Chari• Ray, the widow of a mUltary attach• at the U.S. »n'-y-who WM killed in a tenoriat attack J~ 18. White Houte deputy prea eecretary Larry s~ Mkl ~ told Mn. Ray he would promote her husband PolthWDOUlly one crede SECOND HEAD-ON CRASH -Three people were injured Wednesday night when a aportacar apparently swerved Into northbound lanee on South c.out Highway, striking a eedan driven by Jim Vagenea of Laguna. The .,.., .............. southbound ~toriat, Susan Fnochaon. and her ~nger. Fran Metzner, both of San Marcoe, wete al.lo injured in the crash. All three remain hoepitalizeQ. '"nlere has been .ame action on Mount Kent, which overlooka Port Stanley. Brit.iah artillery i8 shelllna the Ar1entlnes' main garriaon at Port $tanley and they are returning fite." One theory on the lack of battle news, according to a BBC oonespondent. wu the weather. . "Today's action baa been hampered by overcast and 1ow clouda which protect the British from air attack although it ii cold and miserable for them," he said. Dr. Singer, pro,,lessor o( • to full colonel. '\ sex, resigns ~· parentl live in Newport The J>nllident Ullo conferred • with Secretary of State Alexander_ Hats. and Treasury Secretary Donald T. Repn on IUIDmlt r.u.. LONG BEACH (AP) !lmbattled "Paycholoo of Sex" professor Barry Singer, who off~ counie credit for aexual experlmentatlon, haa resigned from CAI State Long Beach, univenity offlciala announced today. Rtta1an, who arrived here Wednmday nl&ht f« a lfklay F.uropeu trip. b8d • w.urety achedUle tocta1 • be lllijlllted from jet lac. ~Ide from his oonfennce with Mitlenaxl. the ~t Wlli to meet with U.S. DlbWy emploreea, and to attend a forma dinner for Minerrand. ALKLAND ISLANDS • • • Dr. June M. Cooper, who wu conducting an Investigation into Sln1er's course, received the let1er of rem,natton Wednaday, unlveralty spokesman Bob Breunig said. ''On the same day, on behalf of president Stephen Hom who la out ol. the country, vice preaident fer aademlc affain Dr. Glendon' Drake accepted Dr. Singer•• resignation effective tmmedlately," Breunig said. Singer's counie ral9ed protem from politicians and reupom )wien after lt Wiii .reportea that h•1 offered credO fot ol:z encounters, ll'OUP -and optionl auch • goiDC in dnC to ,.be~~ came after Singer revealed he bad been "romantically involved" with three-er four of bis students OYel' ·~yean. . Sin1er wy reported out of 1tate and unrea~bable for comment Con tin tied fair Temperatures MATIOlf .. Le,_ 72 ... 17 ... 11 S4 .o:s 11 58 .... n 11 to 10 77 56 11 41 17 .. .01 17 40 7• .... 17 57 1.27 10 71 11 ... Ill 11 111 .... .25 .. T7 71 56 n " 112 ..... 17 ...... 75 11 74 17 • 17 11 71 .17 73 51 72 47 .21 17 S4 .OI 7t 47 86 ao M II .. ... .. 32 ...... 11 11 .... ca 11 17 .01 .. . .. 71 Tl • .. 11 t1 72 ....... ea 51 .23 ·,,_. • 11 ·: :: • LM:J:' . 7111 ~ .......... II • .01 OIMll.e 7t 14 t.01 ,.. ....... '° 41 ,... ... .... ........ ~ 71 .. ta 71 .11 7t M T7 13 u .a .05 1258.23 ea 47 19 71 .11 71 154 100 70 72 SIS 71 41 1.41 11 41 71 51 .18 le .. 71 3" 73 ... • 72 a "' 19 71 11 40 72 51 .. 74 2.10 45 21 ..... 70 50 10 65 .07 " 17 11 a .•7 11 ... • 51 .54 Terrorlsm and Jewish survival wlll be the topic of Dr. Sabi Sbabta.l, ln a lecture before the Jewilh C.omrnunity Center of South Orange County Sunday. Dr. Shabtai, a CODIWtant and lecturer to airlines, police departmenta and the U.S. • The lAguna Beech High School mu.DC department will • present ita sp~in concert Friday at 8 p~ ln Arti$' Theater at tile 8Chool. Participating ln the concert wUl be the concert choir, vocal productions, concer:t • Registration for summer recreational cluaes in Laguna Beach begin Saturday at 9 a.m. at the dty'a recreation department, 515 Forest Ave. Summer ojferingl lnclude aquatics, tennis, dance, martial arts, camps, guitar, e A prden party to raile funds for the Temple Hills Communlty Aasociatlon in Laguna Beach will be held S\,Ulday from 3 .to 7_p.m, A $ 1.0 don at.lo n ls armed services, is the author of a novel "Five Minutes to Midnight." • He wlll speak beginning at 7:30 p .m. ln the Laguna Beach High School auditorium.~ Park Ave. For more information, call the Jewish.center at 497-2070. band. wind ensemble and the symphonic band. The finale will feature 100 musician• pef forming "I Believe in Music." Tickets are $2 and are available at the door. photography and many others. Saturday's algnups termlnate at 1 p.m ., but l~tecomera can register Mondays through Frldaya from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Classes an~ activities begin the week of June 21. requested, wit.ha no-hott bar and hors d'oeuvres served. The party will be held at the ~me o Bob and Estelle W , 1609 Temple Hilla · e. For information, call 494-7643. ·'The ground is being chewed I' up in a way that reminds everybody of the trenches ln the Great War. "But convoys of British vehicles are moving everywhere with the confidence of ownership." Last indications from the battle :zone, the BBC reporter said, were that the ground temperature ia 2 below zero and the visibility leea than two miles. . . The British broadcast reflected little optimism that a truoe or cepe-fire miglit develop before a mijor battle for Port Stanley. The BBC quoted the Argentine Army c ommander in the Falklands as saying, ''If each and every man tights for his country with his rifle, machinegun Cll" cannon, then we are certain of success.'' * * * BBC lauds pope's visit Brltiah B'roadcastfng C-orporation's -t.rorld news service placed heavy empham on P• John Paul ll'a pllgrlmage to the British bles and his pleas tor peace ln a shortwave broadcast monitored· on the Orange eo.t Wednaday. nlgbL The ·BBC also quoted the Daily Mail newspaper as uying U.S. President Ronald Reagan will find the pontiffs visit "a hard act to follow." The Daily Mall commented, "After the preacher, comes the sberilf. "And in this-brutal world, we need protectio n aa well aa prayer." The Orig_in31 ·.JCtB8ERS® I Short Is perfect for beach, ~t, bike, hike, walk, rock or work. Jobbers can do It an but It's up to you to do It well. AvaJaile in Jobbers 8 unique c:X>lors. • . The ~a1una Beach City developer to~ out of the bid, c.ounct1 h81i renewed tta puah to whieh would have meut about eettle. the decade.lona municipal •&.4 mtWon to &Matty. hMdaiehe ml.led Sycamore Hilll. · But the MW council majority, Lau week the council Juat momen'8 aftM betna 1wam approved tend.inc out propoAla to Into office, launchtd lnto more than 100 ckmtlopen ln hope ~Uant With the Lepl AJd of findtna a buyer for a portion Of BoClety to "->lw the laWIWt. the &22-*re parcel between The NM&lt wu a '.UDUla&n ~na Canyon and El Toro that w olty requJre at )wt 50 affordable .,eenior unite a1 a 82 The_~ padropoees 18~ • condition for any developer •aicte ,... ... ~. jacent to Leisure lnteretted tn ~ the land. World on El Toro Road, for the -That ecdompllahed the -new development of up to 420 unita. council ~ toward eyentual The land u1e would go a long way __ , t th·~:~ in the city' a effort to pay off a ~• 0 e ... "'. ~ly $7 million mortgage on the Bid a from developers are entire wedge.chaped parcel. expected by Aua. 6. What rema1na A previou1 deal with a to be aeen ii lf there la enouah Newport Beach developer fell developer intereat ln t•kina a / through when the Legal Aid multi·mlW~ dollar albatrom from Society of Oranae County sued'the the neclcl of Laguna'• taxpayen, dty over the fack of affordable The council, in any. event, housing planned for the site. deaerye1 credit for getting the 111it conflict, when tied to lon11tandlng debate off dead bad economic times, forced the center. Oil · lease fight joined Lquna Beach has joined the Sierra Club in a lawsuit against the federal government to prevent an offshore oil lea1e sale next week. · The city, along with Newport Beach and San Clemente, already has joined a state lawsuit against Interior Secretary James Watt's propoeed Leue Sale No. 68 June 11. Newport officials are currently considering joining Laguna Beach in the Sierra Club lawsuit, which ia much larger in scope than the atate suit. TM Sierra Club lawsuit aeeka an injunction halting the entire June 11 lease sale, which includes 856,000 ocean acres from Point Conception to south of San Clemente Island. . U the injunction is s~ none of the propcad 164 leae aales will be allowed. The state's lawsuit would eliminate only -23 of the tf8C'8 fram the aale. 1n aareetnl to join the Sierra Club, Laauna Beach council members decided the action would s~ngthen the state'a lawau.it, a'nd hold the potential for all tracta to be eliminat.ed, instead of only nine oU the Orange Coaat that are included in the state action. The Sierra.Qub.and state suit both seek to halt le~ sales until 1 ad e q u a t e m d n i to r i n g a n d environmental protections can be assured. Neither suit specifically seeks to ban all offshore drilling. t.a,una'• move to join the Sierra Club abow1 that city's determlhation to halt lease tale. off ita shoreline. Newport Beach should follow suit. ·Laguna activists niourned. Lacuna Beach lmt two•feisty old-ti.men last month - a pioneer physician and a tirelesa en.vironmentaliat. The f.lnrt. Dr. Paul E.linger, died ~ay 20 f rol'n injuries he austatried in a fall a month earlier. The aecond, Betty Heckel, died May 25. of cancer. Dr. Esslinger practiced in south Orange County tor more tharr a halt a century; and was-for years the only surgeon serving the Capistrano Valley area. He m&de almolt daily trips to a hospltal ~ Sartta Ana, at the time the only such emergency faciUty JJerving south Orange Couhty. He later opened a medical center in San Juan Ca~istrano, donating the ~acility to a church in 1977. • .. Dr . .Faalinier and his wife also made donations of property to · several colle1•1 following his retiremeirt.. · Betty Heekel ·clbnated 'time: Lota of dine. · She and a lrlend nearly 1tngle-handfClly opened AUao \ Beach Pm" .. rn 8outh Laguna to the public, battlO.g county supervisors for ~ yean. She fought for the creation of Main Be•ch !'ark in Laguna Beach; a view 1J8rk at Cresceni Bay Park and the Crystal Cove State Park. , She attended dozem of local and state Coastal' Comml11lon• mee,ine•. inakln1 her views known on a variety of environmental '--· Both of thele ploneen were vocal, and both were controveralal. And bcKh wru be mblled. ... Opinions expressed In the space above are those of t~ 0.lly Pilot. Otn.r views ex- pressed on tnls p.ige are those of their authors and artfst1. Re4lder comment Is lnvlt· ed,:.,Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa MeM, CA 92'26. Phone (714) "··4321. , L.M. &yd I Separate vacations . , How do you and your matrimonial mate feel about taking separate . vacations? Sixty-one percent of the couplet '8enerally approve of this notlOn now. Ra JUmp owr 20 yeers -.O· Then only t7 percent thou&ht It a p>d Idea. Our Love and War man ii not Jocked into an opinion on th.is one, ~ for the obvlou9 conclUlllon that palra who don't want •parate, YM'atklm deerly have the ~ ~· - inherited a bu1inn1 that your ance9tOn Md Mart.ad at the time of Qu1at., -tMt ...... bad at •1 mUllcn a day .,.... alnce wtth no expectation of ctuina-, it WGUld IUD take;you and your descendent. llhOtMr' 700 yeen to be the tint tl tHlliOft.. Do you k.-. your car door JOdced While ~ ·'ctmef &Mia out of 10 ....-tell tablWa ~•.,now. . I I I Politic()S ~gain flying high WASHINGTON -Bhtna Phoenix-like from the ashes ol federal f.n.lgallty, the Air Force's 89th Airlift, Wing is once aialn flytni hllh· Little kno\Yn to the public or Knml1n ap!es, the 89th la well known and hlahlY reprded at t~ Pent-ion and·on C..pUol Ifill. Il'• the bigahots' favorite unit, In fact; for lta eole miaalon is to provide luxurioua -and free -t:ranaportadon -Rep. Don ~J'la., ii d\alnntn . ol the ffCMI and TechnolotlY Committee. So be and ft .. other commlU. rt.mbell -with theh' wlve8 -. hopped an ltth jet clown to '1or1da to aee the .,_. lhuUJe tak9 oil. Then, for VIPs and their wtva whfr'ever and iii w h e n e v e r t h e y ca n f l n d a IAlll •• ~&l9!hf.~te a:.:~ (or the ·~ I elite coats the taxpayer'I about $10 affer a ttde ·e9cunlon to CallfomJa, million a year. To avoid emt.rrumnc where they tns-..1 a eolar-energy OOl1iftSllDeD and depremlna ~ ~-pies the Air Foree destl'o)'s the 89th'1 t f:'i:! ~~=the== records after 30 days. But my te Peter Grant •w a oopy of the March . land. Air Fon:e .,.._ bats u.e the 89th manifeeta bef!oft they hit the lh.recldu. like an airborne Umou1Jne 1ervlce. ONE HUNDRED tripa were Joa-I by Robert Mattda, Abe vb chief Of staff. the 89th in tliat one month. Hen are took his wife on a tr1P to l!lftPind arid eome. of theee all-expemes-Daid Junketa, Spain. Gen. Robert Manh. commander straight out of the records that bad been of the Air Force Systeml C-omnlan4, took marked for deatruction. __ .. wife on a 12-day tour of \lie Far EMt, -Two doz.en memben of Oongi'iii which included four daya In 8aJ"all. An and their wives flew to the ~t Air ~ tp0ltesman aald "#ivM are Ocean Reef Club OJl Key~ ri.,, for atiowed on these trlpt fot protocol a meeting wtth a Canadian ~and to confer with dependents parliamentary delegation. The tab ..ane on ~ty-ot-IUe W.U.." to $50,000, lncludiq ndD and board for -Tb, 89th i1 alao available to the Canadian junketeers. ~ ltaffen. The Air Force ' invited 25 Capitol Rill aidel. aJmon all of them female, to Colorado Sprinp for a tour of the Air Fon:e Academy. THESE EXAMPLES were all from • the month of March. In January, Rep. · Peter Rodino, D-N.J., led a group of nine Democratic cong:reaamen and their wt\'es aboard an 89th jet for a ~--. $15,000-plus junket in Italy. They villted Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Naples and Rome to "show America'• IU~ for Italy as a strong NATO ally, • Rodino spokesman said. Alto in January, Rep. Jamee Jefforda. • • R-Vt., a member of the Education and Labor, Agricuhpre and A1in1 Committees, foe aom:e ree.111 flew the 89th to France, Germany, Italy mil the Netherlands while hit constl"*'~ ~ ·lhovenn, snow. A Jtr= ... •Uolll aid hia boll "ti. a paliJ at avoiding concn-1<> ~ ualeaa ab9olutely neceuary." -Couptlni the words "junketl" and"~ .ii a le:dcoJocial breakthrough. Though the $10 million budeet for the 89th Airlift Wtna ii a drop in thr '2M billion Pentagon bucket, it~ CDN it.· taxpayers bWiona nair4 lndlred11. What oongremnan ii goint. to b* ., =ous as to niggle aver the defem:e after a luxurious tqht on an Air Force junket jet? Union~ didn't l(ill the 'big bands' . . . To the F.ditor: On your editorial s-ae of May 24. .... a ~ dJa&a.Una article by Earl Waters. Mr. Waten bu the pll to ate, Jn prtnt: that the reuon that there are no more blg bands is due to featherbedding ' MAILBOX by local unions when the biQ banda came to town. Nochtnc could be lurther frcm the in&th! I had the aood tohune to be a llcleman in many. many famous "tile bands,•• wttb 20 yeers' exper!ence on the l"09d in fNf!1rJ kind of band. 'ind never once did I eee the ineapocmb1e llCtivttiea Waten clabm happened ln the big band era. It ii almply not true! ' · ONE OP THE tblnp that did dl9lro)' the big band era w-. first of Ill, four lon&-haired youths who started to tum the-entire music bullnem around with · the advent of the rock era. No bic band had ever been able to draw a quarts ql a mlllion people to a field In WOOllltodl, and that r. one of the thlftll that ldJJed the big benda. · We are happy to report to you that fNf!rY ~~minor star, and the bulk of all profellkiW muaidanl do beJoq to, and en.Jo)' memt:ienhip in • UftkJn. the American Federation of Musiclan1 .. lN:ecur9del ahould not b9 aUQwed·to be dlwminated throuah ywr pUbUcadan. B. DOUGLAS SAW'l'l:LLS Pl """"8'1t Mulic:kna' Local #7, kl'.M. .. water ii ""''ped OWf dt1~rta at peat ~· •• wera. traue •hoilld b• ~ ..... mliht lllllll a-bit mre.me, but our 8out>tem California dlmate ii vety delimte and tou&tl llMIMur'es ~ust be taken to prvtect it add brine it t.k. u peopte want can let them Uve in Mlnneaota and Iowa where they can have all the ID8clUnm the)' want. But if people wat to live heft tDey mu.t atve up some of tb.e thinp they take for sranled lll the te1t of the country. Not only w01 thele ltrcftl ......,.. daft up our environment. &ut the)' will ahO promote the quality of our life rather than the quantity. MDmMANG More memories· To the Mtor: What• lovely letter JanerZ.leM!, 13, wroce aboul 8rOWN up in C.orona del Mar (Mailbox~ May "17). She la worried that oil drOllnc Wtl1 ndn our cout. We all ... Her Jetter brouatat ba8k fond mJmOrtee. • r ~_up 1n CMlna c1e1 Mar epo. l •• 13 in 1118. a.ck then. we not only Md tqUbft)s and IEUlla. but lkunb, ,,.. ..... quail and roacl runnen. too. . past several year~l9 oa a profemional •well as ~ l feel sorry that the La~·t1J9ttkt b lGllna such an 'outstandJ.nc admlnWrator. Yet, I am a1IO very happy that be 1'ill be faclng exciting, new challenc• wlUch will ultimately make him an even ~ adrninilt:rator. DURING BIS tenure with the ~ LBUSD, Dr. Sancbis bu ~ed both ~ the aood and bad times; tile economic 6 pre11ures of a 1hrinkin1 btad1et ancl 1 ,. declining enrollmenta. In addit!On, be hu had to cope, and work with. ...m.. who alto found themaelvee in an : econoJnic box ~UM of the cliltri~'• current conditions. However. I am convinced that the situation wOuld be even bleaker had it not been for the 1-de.nbip of Dr. Sanchil, blJ *" and the Board of F.ducaUoo. The entlre community -parema. : 1 1 teachers, taxpayen and 1tuclenc. - should hold a JPeda1 •tblrlna for DI-. Sanchia, for ln the end it wUl lie ahown that be had the best intelwtl of all tblJe poupe at heart. He will be mi1ud, yet .... ccntribudontr:n~ ..-nJ '*'9 will long be . MICHAEL IOGDS ' I lfllll'•llJ\ Y lllNI I l'UI,' candidates l, Followin6 are brief proltl• and Ch• views of th.rN candJdar.. tor Che Irvine IWlch Water DUrrlct Board ol DI.rectors. 7ben are live candldlitft tor t.111" etC. In n~Kt 7Wilda.Y'• eJecdon. Pro/U• And views of Che ~mainlng two candidafel will be prnent«l l'rid.,y. Swan tells r-- Peer Swu. 37, of Tustin, la treas~ for Pacific SdenUflc in Anaheim. He haa a bachelor'• and muter'• desrees in buslrlell adrninlatratlon from Cal State Fullerton. He curre ntly is president of the Irvine Ranch Water District Board of Directon. Wbat 11 tile major problem facta11dle Water Dlatrlct? "The major problem la to operate more efficiently and to lower rates." II tbere u eqaltable' 1olutloa to 1ewer and water rates? "I think they're equitable now. They' re distributed in an equivalent manner to the J*>ple who uae them. I think they're high becauae of the facilities that have been inherited. The only way you can meter aew..re ia to meter the water going into the house. Th.at'• not aa equitable as it appears to be because aome people use a lot of water on their.. yards that doesn't go into the sewer and therefore ahould not pay for that .ewer rate." · W.y are *'e rates golDg ap and can tlaey be controlled? (See SWAN, Page A%) • • views INCUMBENT -Peer Swan of Tustin is seeking re-election to the Irvine Ranch Wat.er District. Return so~ght C. O"llle Relllardt, 70, of Turtle Rock in Irvine, 'is a former physical plant administrator at· UC Irvine and a former member of the Irvine Ranch Water District Board of Dlrecton. He bolds bachelor'• and muter'a degrees in dvil.~ from the University Of llllnoia. - WMt la dte 1mjw pnblem-"' facta1 dte Water D&triet? ''I think the major problem Ja in keeping 1he rat.es aa low aa l>C*lble-and to reduce rat.ea. I ih.inl aervice has been very ilood and planning baa been quite jood." la dtere an eqwltable aolatio.r -· to sewer ud water ratel? "There ia really nothing that will come out that will be lair to everybody. There'• no way to meter aewage coming out of a bouae at any reuonable coet. There's no way that you can realt.tically determtne the Q)l'.ltribution to aewage. For that reuon there's no easy fonnulrto charge people for exactly what 1 they uae." ~ (8" REINHARDT, Pase A%) CANDIDATE -C. Orville Reinhar<lt of Irvine is aeeldna a teat on the Irvine Randi Water Dbtrict board. Ray Auerbach . defending board post Ray A~ 37, of Deerfield in-Irvine, is water ~ manager for the City of Anaheim. He haa a t.cbelor's detree in civil engineering from Cal State Loa Angele9 arid bu done poeteraduate work in public finance and public admlniltration. He is currently a member of the Irvine Ranch Water Dtstrict Board. Wlaat is die major pnblem (See AUERBACH, Pase AZ) STATE DIRECTOR -Ray .Auerbach, 37, of Irvine ii a candidate for re-election to the Irvine Ranch Water Diltlict boud. BJ PREDERIClt SCBOEMEBL °" ................. Or.nae County' 1ovenunent haa 8il'9eel to pay the Univenity of callfornla $13.76 million to end a prolon.ted dl1pute over provlalon of medical care for ln:J:;rt• at the UC Irvine M Center. Of that awn. county Boerd of Supervlaon Chairman Bruce Neatande aald Wedneeday, $6 ml1llon already haa been paid. The rema1nlnc ta. 75 ml1&m will be paid by June 30, the end of County gets • auction flight plan · .. A detailed proposal for an auction syatem to diatribute fllghta to air carriera desiring to retaln or begin aervice at John Wayne Airport waa aubmitted today to the Oran1e County Boe.rd of Supervilora. ~ to a fiQal draft of the plan, no one air carrier could bid for more than 25 of the 41 jet de~ now permitted daily. F'llahll. or aJota. • they are calleCl, would be awarded to alrlina aabmltttna the hlabM monetary blda. Second-round bkldtDI would tAke place in the event two alrline9 aubmlt equal bkll fol: a llal Aucdonlnc of the rit,hta la the latat idea by county~· offkWI to comply with fedenl court arderJ requlrtna that dw airport be ~ to air eanieri In a nondt.:riminatory f.Mhlcln. Two carrlera, AlrCal and Republic Airtinea, C\ltrently control 36 of the 4 l jet ,departurea petmitt.ed dally. • All •ii: carl'lel'I meetlnl lped&ct r.me ttaDdardl woWd be permiu.d. to bid f« fliahta. 1l'8 five carrien now .rvm. the airport -AirCal, R~ubllc, Frontier Alrllnee, Pacific Southwest Airlines. and Western Airllnea -would have no • advan~ over other canien. I Unde-r the propoaal, slots would be auctioned annually. No estimate-bu been~..offered .. to what a aJot might be worth, or how much revenue the county mflht · derive from the annual auctiona. Alrport Mamaw Murry Cable aald today auctioning ia the f.alnwt way to distribute what he termed a IC8l'Oe commodlty - (See FUOBT. Pa1e A!) Mesa Fish Fry starts Friday Why la the Colla Meu Flah Fry aucb a popular event over the years? Some aay it'• the "secret" batter used ln preparin1 the 9,000 fiah dlMen. Othera go for the parade, the carnival, the beauty and baby cont.it,~ the enter1alnment. 1be fun a:tarta Friday ntaht at Llona Park And the Daily Pilot'a . •Pecial section today Oil the Fish Fry and c.mtval 1ivt11 reedera • rundown on the three-day event. 11111111m11 UllANLf C"OlJN l Y C ALIF OANIA 25 CENTS the cwrent fiaad year. center in Oranie under a 1976 Supervilora aareed in principle contrect. · to the mllllve ~yoU dlll'inl • The bulk of the dl1pute cloaed-door aeulon amid .i\ focused on about fa million in i.ndlcaUona that at leut one board unlveraity-illued billl the county member -Roger Stanton, has refu.ed to pay. oppo1ed the neaotiated In ita ac~n Wednesday, the aettlement. b o a r d a la o a g r e e d t o a The county and the unlveraity replacement <;ontract whereby aince 1979 have been battline the county would make lump over 1aa\.lel aurrounding care for sum paymenta for emergency ~ta'for which the county la outpatient care and standardized finandally responsible. Care for daily rates foe inpatient care for thoee padenta bu ~vlded indigenta treated at th~ medical at the unlversitv-o medical center. County offlclala aay thia alternatlve approach to the current patient-by-patient billlna system will be more efftdent and lea coetly to adminllter. Neatande, •peaking to .report.en at a midday briefina, declined to aay if the board'• vote was unanimous. Later in the day, Stanton muect a atatement in wh.ich he aaid, "I do not intend to comment on the board's decision at this time. The (See COUNTY, Pa1e A%) British hit • • pos1t1ons a·t Stanley By Tiie AalOCiated Presa British gunners dueled with Argentine artillery batteries around Stanley today in the buildup to a possible BriUah assault on the Falkland Ia1anda .capital, military 1ource1 and broadcast reports in Londolt uid. Britain'• Inde~ndent Radio News said the attack waa not expected before the weekend as the gunners, backed by offahore navy bombardment and Harrier air strikes. aoftened the eatimated 7,000 Argentines around Stanley. Reporta in London indicated ' the Britilh control ·all the hilla aurroundin8 the town and the key pu1e9 to the west through which reinforcements were ............ ..,ca., ...... TONY'S TRIBUTE -Actor Tony Curtis waves his ''love balloc:af" at the Harbor Ia1and location of his movie "Balboa" as.the cat and crew sing "Happy Bh1hday" to him. The actor la 57 ioday. Balloons were supplied by Newport Beach's "Love Balloons" firm. Candidates clash on campaign funds . Sy GLENN SCOTI' or ... Dllf ......... Larry Agran, purveyor of politlcal herbs, aay1 John Nakaoka was ''inattentive to the factl•• by raising allegations that Agran and a ih1rd Irvine City council candidate, Edward Doman, violated election lawa dUJine their herb offertnp. 'Tm fully familiar with the law. I helped write Lt," incumbent Agran aaid Wectn.day after leamtna that Nakaoka waa aeeking an lnveatlgatlon of bow the J>lantinp were reported in recent campaip exper. reports. Asran'• volunteers be50r pulinC out the plantings of aw~ baail and -summer aavory two weekends ago in aelect.ed neighborhoods. On an attached flyer the environment - a 11 y o ri-ent ed Agran asked voters to consider the berba as "a living reminder of the values I have str esaed as your dty council member ... During the initial weekend, the flyer mentioned only Agran. But last weekend, it included a poNcript endorsing Doman as well in the June 8 election. Nakaok:a immediately charged that A1ran waa giving a niDIMDOnetary "in-kind" political contrlbutlon to Dornan'• (See CAMPAIGN. Pqe Al) advancing. I - Argentine troopa. driven back into a "hone.hoe" defen.aive poaitlon, were firing back at Royal Marinea shenmc Moody Brook, 3 miles from Stanley and believed to be a forward ~headquarters for the Argentines. Aa shelling continued, government 80W'CeS in London aaid British planes dropped thouaanda of lea8eta on Stanley telllng the Argentinea their position is hopeleu. Defense (See FALJU.AND. Paae AJ) Con men sell 911 number 'subscriptions' OraJ:ige County authorities are warning county residents to beware of phony telephone solicitors who ask n!Sldenta if they are interested in subecrlbing to the county's new 911 emergency telephone system. · The soliQtations, made both by telephone and mail, suggest that residenta can subacribe to the 911 number for a one -time subacription fee of $9 per adult and $7 per child, said Lt. Wyatt Hart, an Orange County Sheriff'• Department spokesman. '.'Don't give them your money,'• said Hart, who emphasized the scheme la a phony. -He said the 911 number la a county aervice provided to all residents. • Sheriff'• department invelligatora have initiated an investigation into the team 'and Hart urged anyoM who haa beet) contacted by the aolicitora to call police or U.S. postal service inapectora. 1· I • ., v ' I f r .< I 1 ' ·. f j· \ Nine !"e IChool ltuderita Irvtne~-~ ln Irvtnt ve r9Cltved cmb c.=n: Elli~ award• from "protU1" ... .,.. -reall.led at the SoUth Cout ~~i Hlfh School -Ch11i Champion1hlp ~1ored by the Irvine 1.111 J•J 1llH1l, IA1dra • ber of c.ommerce. Greer, Maki C~rhtl•• The chill coo~off ral1ed Obmua and Laara L. a.. $7,000, It WU announced at an award• breakh1t ~ ........ cMlnnari Wedneeday at the Re/ilstry of the :=p commltwe Hotel chaired by arry Jnd produ r of the chlll le_tlalaa. chambv prelldenL cookoff, alao preaented a Studentl hopored at the check fcw $1,000 to the lrvtne ~ tncludt'd: Police Department and 1tt S LF Alternative High Explorer Sooutl fcw their help School -IJu Au Mll•m. in traffic control at the event. I • Chriat C.ollege Irvine will honorary doctorates. ~uate 30 ltudenta at ita The~~will annual commencement ~o to the-Rev. llllam met tor 3 p.m. June 12 in rHmau of Rlveraide, a Founder• Hall, 1~30 former vice ~t of the Concordia. Irvine. Southern omia Diltrict Four UIOciate of arta and of the Lutheran Church- 26 bachelor of arts degrees Miuourl Synod, and will be conferred, aaid to llelae IMwt KIHler of Profeaor Mar11D Semmm, Yucaipa. founder of Lutheran along wi~ the college's first BnWe Worken Inc: • A workshop on thnata, with pl'lllefltatlona by preventing ~ will be ~~~L offered June 1 at Irvine's Heritage Park Youth Services Acfm'"'on • free and open Center. to the r:bUc. Thole interarted The 90-minute aeaaion ahou d re1i1ter for the begi.nninc at 7:30 p.m. will w~~thedty'a focus on means for aecu:rlng F= Wdon at houses again1t bu.rglary. 754.-14. rench president elcOmeS Reagan PARIS (AP) -President eagan conferred today with rench President Francois tterrand on the Middle l'.Mt. entral America and the alkland hland1 war, but pped 1erioua dlsc\mim of e atubborn economic luuea ~ their ~tries. On the eve of an economic mmit of major industrial """'~an.· !'!II at V' enai1la ou1llide ~ .taL J.Seagan ... --ltraininC America'• a1llee until they jotn the leaden of Britain, West Germany, I1aly, Caada and Japan thla weekend. Tbe leeden met over lunc:h in the aplendor of the BlyHe Palace. Reepn WM greeted at the pelaoe by a military honor guard and a mute fnJm a dnan and bugle corpa. He and Mitterrand shook bandl and then met privately in a cbandeliered salon oYl!I' a hmcb fedlrtlll a court test l' .. '=1JI!?*'"· . Attonaeys for th9 Siem Club and the uate will 11•k a ~Um~ li\junctlon 1n U.S. DllUict COurt in Lam Alwt* Monday to prewnt an offMOn oil Jeut lale ICheduled for June 11. U .8. Diatrlct Court Juda• Cynth.la Hall hae qreed to hev araument• from the environmental aroup and the state to block the ea.le of oil and 1• l._ on a&e,000 ACl"9I off the Southern Callfomla ClOelt. The IUlt will be h.rd at 10 a.m. in U.S. Dlatrict Court, 312 N. Sprtnc St. ln Loe Anplee. The Sierra Club auit, which wuJoinedbythea~ofl.-una ae.ch, eeeka to block the ..Te of all 184 tncta contained in Leue Sale No. 68 on June.11. Included in that IUit are the 10 tractl located off Lacuna'• and Newport Beach'a shoreline... Dr. Singe1t, jrolesso_r of sex, resigns LONG BEACH (AP) Embattled ''Plyddocy of Sa" professor Barry Si.nnr, who offered oowwe c:redlt for eexua1 experimentation, hu restped from Cil State Lona Beach. un1veraity offtdab announced today. J>r. June M. Cooper, who WM contlucting an investigaUon into Sluger'1 coune, received the Jeuer of resignation Wedneeday, unlvereity spokesman Bob Breunig uid. "On the ume day, oii behalt of president Stephen Hom who 19 out of the country, vice pwldmt for academk attain Dr. Glenden Drake accepted Dr. Singer'• re1l9natlon effective immediately," Breun1a akl. ~· ~ railed pl\Alelna from poUUclana and religioul leaden after lt WM reported .... be offered credtt for 1•1 encounters.. lfOUP sex and odm' opUolw IUCh .. .,me in drat to ban. . 88~ invesliOUco came after Singer revealed he had been ••romantically involved.. with three or four of bla atudenta ~ " •• 1C1rC::.rn" deferted ,,he.tvY' dirwiorw'' °'" ecoNJmio ..w ol ...tect 't::*' - wtdl 1rUffJee -~ wiqa · ~~ w• reported out Of itate ud unreaclaable for· Coastal M09tty c:teer 1'"9 •nemoon. Hlgha ~ to 72. ...... nWit Ind :r;::.,:=:= wt1h moelty 141MY aftemooM. O\lll!mlGflt ..,.. 48 to ee. Hlglll Frld•Y f4 to 71 . Huntington-Newport area .....,.,.... ,... frOlft. ,_of N to a Miii of •· El1ewllere, troM Polftt ConceJ11on to tlla Mulcan bC1nMr Ind out IO m111e: 8mal cnft ~ Oller °'*' ...... wtll llOiltcA "'" wll1dl of 15 to 30 lcncMI Ind I to Mooe .... ~--to_,..... .. of 10 to 15 IUIOlt JNI afMrnoon ................ oflto3 .... Temperatures NATION : .. Le .. 12 ... 17 48 11 54 .03 11 59 .. .. 71 11 90 70 T7 5$ 11 46 17 ... 01 17 40 74 44 77 57 1.27 to 71 17 .. .. 51 51 44 .25 .. 77 71 55 15 .. 12 .... 17 ...... 7S 81 74 57 93 17 87 71 .17 73 5' n 47 ..21 17 54 .08 • 7' 47 55 30 t4 • .. 4t .. 82 S4 a .. 71 • •i 17 •• .. 11 " . II 1t t1 72 UN ... , ,. .. .. .. 1t ., ........... ~ : J; Olldmlld ... , .. . 71 51 92 71 .15 7t ff 77 a 12 4t .OS ea se .23 12 47 .. 11 .11 78 86 100 10 72 85 71 4t 1M 11 .. 71 81 .19 81518 71 S4 73 ... .. 72 a ... , • 71 11 40 71 5t .. 74 uo .. ti ..... 10 so IO N .01 t8 17 11 t3 .47 11 .. . .. • &4 Seer-to T4 47 a.... .. 44 a.n oeaoo 10 es I a., ,randlOo S1 ... a.ntae.-. 71 S1 . a.n.1 Mana 14 Stoaiton 74 81 TMrlNI 12 Uldlfl 70 .... ow ~ 82 llOIMr ea 29 =-71 42 70 u Long 9Mdl 72 H ~ 70 so Mt. Wiieen 11 ... Newport 8aedl .. • On'8rto 70 81 Plllln IPftnp tO N ~ 72 81 u 8en ....... dlrl0 10 ao San o.tMW 71 81 Sen Joat .. a Santa Ml 71 67 s.n1a Cna .. &4 TlltlMV*t 31 £%tended forec.it FLIGHT l(UCTION ... Mlniatl')' 1ource1 ••ld Spanlab·•puklna Brttona were amona the forward troope to ne1otl•t• 1urrendera aro\lad Stanley. British hellcopt•ra llf&ed lO&mm IW"lt vttdi a ~ ., 10~ mllel, to the hllltopl W9t of the town while Britilh ~ 1Jcht tanka moved lnto ,..u. arid Snowcat tnuwport Wh.1det brou1ht 1upplle1 and ammunition acrou the boay terrain. tJuper 80 would be permitted to bld. The airllnes would be NQUJnd to 1ubmlt lea1ed btda. Afrllnea wlnnin1 1lot1 would not be pennitted to trade them or .ell them to other carrlert. CAMPAIGN FUNDS • • • A tenior Britlah detente IOW'Cle ln London uid the buildup waa ·~ to take "a few dayt." "The ))Olitlon of our forca in Puerto Arpntlno (the Arpntine name for Stanley) hae been q>D10ltdated accordin& to plan and the men await the benle with sptritl renewt'd by a rouatna speech by their mllltary 1overnor," the Argentine military command Hid In a communique Wedne9day nl&ht. camp&llJ\ and cla1med Doman 1hould have recorded It in campail" expen1e reporta. But. Doman and Aaran both uld durln.g eeparate lilterviewe Wednelday that the dedalon to include Dornan waen't made unW two daya after the May 22 fi11na deaclllne for the reportl., Bo1h Mid they planned to record the tranaactlon In their next reports. Aaran ai.o araued that hia contribution to Doman wouldn't be more than the $2SO Umlt eet ln the city's ordinance regulating campaign donations. Nak•oka hH aaked City Attorney Roser Grable to inveeti1ate violation• of the ordinance. Agran answered that he find.I it ''galllng that one eo Inattentive to the tactl 1hould be making theee wild charge.." He noted that many of the 10,000 to 12,000 herb plantinp haven't been dl1trlbuted and thua would not yet be eubject to any experwe reports. Meanwhile, there were no report• today of candidatee offerinc a •pedal aeaaonal herb: Election Th)'me. The command ICknowledpd ekinn1ahlnR between Britiah and ,Argentine t.roope but gave no tiPtAila. British correspondents on the battlefront, whoee reports were subject to military cenaorahlp, said" British t.roope controlled the ridgee overlooking Stanley. AUERBACH CANDIDACY. • • From Page A 1' ... fac1.D1 tile Waser D11trlet1 "I think the major problem la dealing with our eewaae treatment and dispmaL In the put we were a total reclamation dlatrtct and that's a greet thing to do aa far aa oomervtng water. But i\'• extremely expensive. We ahould have the Orange County Sanitation District treat the sew•·'' II dlere u eqmtable eol•doll &o Hwer ud waler nta? "I think our water rates are very reuonable. The eewer rates we h.lch for several reuona. One la that we have a very Inefficient treatment planL And you can't meter .ewage the way you meter water. The only way to do it la to try and estimate I the amount of water people uae in and out of home. Other agendel have tried other metbodl, but have had more probleml in terms of people laining about inequitie.. ... ~Y are die nta 1•1D1 •P ud cu thy k eoiatrollff? "The Metropolitan Water District tat.et \Wnt up IO' our rates had to go up. The big change in rates wlll happen when we get more ground water. It will alao make ua more drought retistanL People ln Irvine don't want to watt for thinals to fail IO we had to nli8e the aewer rates to aet up a replacement fund. Wiat II a.e t.cve of die d&yt aewqe treatment plot? .. All of it depends on what. happens with our aaaodatlon with the Orange County, Sanitation District and what kinda of funds we can get from the Metropolitan Water Diltrict to help our reclamation efforts. I think the plant ls always going to be there. We still need to ao n:iOft to make It more effident." Do yoa *ID pay for water dlltrlet board memben la ja1tlfted or aJutlfled? "We are definitely one of the busiest d1ltricta in the state and state law provides for beJnc paid for rileet1nga including committee mee~. There's no abuse aa far as I m concerned. Our budget next year la JlOlng to be over '40 m1llioo•and l'm -not sure what impact th• total avera1e dlrecton' fees of $25,000 • year ll going to have." REINHARDT fty are tM nta 10J.as., ud cu alley M coatroUed? "The sewer ratea are high becauae of the tre9tment cmta. One of the alternative• ta to deliver the sewage to the Orange County Sanitation Diatrict. lt theae untn!eted wastes coold be treated elaewhere they could be treated for leas than we do it." Wllat ll die fwtue of die ~ty't sewage treatmeat ,...t'? • "I think It's going to be there. Irvine has a commitment to conserve water and one of the meet effective ways Is to \.lie reclaimed water. We're going to have to pay for the oost of water anyhow. I think it's the community'• responsibility to pay for It."' Do )'H tllJDk pay for water district board aaembera la ja1dfle4 or ajutlfle4? "I feel the ~y la justified and I don't think Its abu8ed. It's really not an issue aa far aa I can see. If you figure what houri the boerd is getting oornpemated fot it's '• very low." SW AN TELLS VIEWS • • • From Page A 't '11 think they are contrOUed. Water rates are go~ up becau.e the charge to the diatlict ll goina up. When weU. get built we'll have the ability to have 30 to 40 percent of our water coming from pound water auppUee and that'• con1iderably cheaper. Sewer treatment it an energy-intense operation. With the ex:lat1ng plant there's no way. to change that d.ramatt<:a_Uy. t - think one of the board's highest priorities is to hook up with the Orange County Slanitation Diltrict.. WUt ll "e f•tare of t•e clty•a eewaa~ treatmeat plut? "If we hook up to the Oranie Coun\y Sanitation District th~ sewage treatment plant would only provide for the current demand for reclaimed water. Solid wutes would be treated elaewhere at less cost." Do YH Wall tile pay for water district ~oard members la jaetlfled or j.aJ••tified? 1 'rtlilii) • .)'0'1 set what you pay for. It'• a reaeonable thing to be compensated. U I got paid the maximum, f-or every sing e month, that's half what you'd pay for a clerk. I disag:ree that compensation ia a main ialue." COUNTY • • • board will be voting publicly on the issue later this month. /\t that time I will cast a vote that will reOect the position that I took during the executive 11e91iori which was held today." The UC Board of Begenta ii ICbeduled to take action on the attlement and the new contract propasal at a meeting June 17 and" 18. - The propoee(f" aettlement baa been end01"9ed by UC President David Saxon In private oonvenaliona with Nelltande_ . Is perfea for~, boat. bike, hl<e, walk. r or work Jobbers can do it all but it's up to yoo to do it wel . Avalable i'l J~ 8 triqlJe cdors. . ' I I • TM Daily Pilot ret'Ol'1\IMndl Nak•~rward Dornan, Larry Acran and Barbara Wiener have ty. _ for election to the Irvine City Howwwr, N~ka hai two CounCU In 'l\aeeday'a balloting. years ta\alninl on hil tenn u a · IChool tnatM and atu>uldn't be • Aaran. the only lncwnbent awttchlnl from one local body to seeking re-election, ls a cons· another without flniahlna hla clenUous public officail who hu served his envlronrnental-minded tennDoman hu demonstrated he constituent• well, even if his cannmaneffectlvecampallJ'l,bUt positions occasionally h~ve seemed h , i d th f a blt extreme. He is intelligent, · aan t nve•te e yeara o articulate and almost ·always well community tervlcf offered by prepared to make decisions on otheOt the remaining candict.tea. important city matters. Btll Po11l baa mounted a Altho\.llh Mrs. Wiener baa commendable eampaign bued on never held public office, she too , libertarian polldle but wms to has d~monatrated over the put have little aupport. Madorie decad~ a genuine interest in the Ke~ left town In the mic:fat of community. Her well-organized the c.ampatan and can't be campaign shows •he has the considered 'aerlOUI ~eqer. reapect of a broad base of Tbe eJedian of Aaran and residents. Her promise to try to Mra. Wiener WQuld provide unify a sometimes polarized needed balance to the council, council ~ well for her. which includes Mary arm Galdo, Two other candidates, John Bill Vardoulia and David Sills. Water hoard selection Peer Swan, Betty Olson and Frank Hurd are the Daily Pilot's choices for election Tuesday to the Irvine Ranch Water District's Board of Directon. · Swan, the current chairman, is a finance specialist who is known as a hard-working board J l member. He was first elected four ' .years~· Ms. Olson was appointed to I . I I trustee, Hurd's tenure as a public. offidal hu been characted.lld by hia un~ to rubber-itamp recommendations made by staff memben. Every board, ~y a low-profile water board, needs a member ll)Je Hutd. It phould be n~ted that incumbent Ray Auerbach, who is running for re-election, has ~ng ~ qualifications u well. He ia·water engineeri'ng manager for Anaheim .. the board in January to' replace Wayne Clark. A UCI profemor ·with a specialty in water re90urces, she otters the board a wealth of technical knowledge. Her election al8o ensures that a woman will sit on the type of panel too often seen as a men's club. Hurd's election would be healt})y for the water board. A former dty planning commillion- e r and 1rvine school board The fifth candidate, ~e Reinhardt. aJao ia experienced. He ii a former board member who • l.o1t hia poaltlon in th~ 1980 elections. ·The field of candidate• is strong, but the election of Swan. M.. OllOll and ffuwt would giw the bciud the mix ~be.t lu.1'*1 to the public'• lnteftst. Measure A :merits suppor.t Irvine Vot.8'1 should c.ji a ''ya" vote on bellot measure A in the Tue.day's election. The measure, if approvecS by a majority.vote, would anow city offid.ala to eell bonda to raise $1 million. That 1WD Would then be available as matchin;r funds in the strong likelihood tliat Irvine ia chqeen for a $9 million state arant to lower the Santa Fe Railway fracka -into a landlCape<r-channel through the develoryd p0rtion of the city. . . The grant would come from a mate pot aet aside ~ conattuction projectl to J>ftVeftt rail tracks from croming busy streea. Under tlUa proposal, the tracka would go · under Culver Driv!l_ Yale Loop and Jeffrey Road . .t"Jana call for the channel eventually to extend under Sand C-anyon Road. In addition to doing away with croa1ln1 ctelaya, the ~ channel .,ou)d offer an tically pies stna treatment for the tncJm and would muffle mUch of t)w train nme for DMl'by relidenta. Accordlna to dty pi.m, the $1 million wouia be paid off fl'<Jm annual relmbunemelltl of the state 1a1ollne tax that are e-armarkecr f« romd-jnjecta. Thia means no additkmal tue9 would be required, but the channel would for many years be locked in as a top pri«ity ro.d oonatruction project. Reaidentl have the chance to pledge f 1 million and pt $9 million in return. The key question ia whether thil channel ii worth the price. ' We think It la. Voee Y• m ~A. -.. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Diiiy Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on tnis ~· are those of their authors and artists. Ae.-r comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Bo• 1S60, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Pftone <7i•O 642·021. . .L.M. Boyd I Separate vacations How do you and your matrimonial mate feel about taking separate vaeadona? Sixty-one percent of the couples 1enerally approve of this notion now. Bil JUmp avtt 20 yeen ..,. n11e1.-on1y 31 percent thoucht it a pxl idea. Our LoYe and War man ii not 1ocked Into an opbUon on tbia one, eJa.'llpt fot the obvious conclusion that p1lr1 who don't want aepatate wcatlom dearly have the ~ marn.a- inherited 6 bu1ihe11 that your ~ bad started at the time of Christ, and. Chat bullnem bad ,bt $1 million a day ewl' alnce with no expectation of chanp. it ~ atill take you and your deacendenta another 700 yem'I to be the f1M •1 trtWon. I Do you keep )'OUr ear dool' b:lted while you ~? Seven out of 10 people '*11 paDaWI the)' do IO 'ltl1W. Politicos again flying high. W~SHINGTON -Ritln1 Phoenix-like from the ~ of federal frupllty, the Air Force'a 89th Airlift Wing l.t once ap1n flytna blah· . Little known to the publiC QI' Kremlin spies, the 89th is well known and ~y regarded at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. It's i,he bigahota' favorite unit, ln fact; for lbs aole m.lallon la to provide luxurious -and free -tramportatlon for VIPa and their wives wherever and whenever they ca n find a balfway-J~timate eXC\.Ule to Oy. 'n\e 89th 1 posh air-taxi 8el'Vice fer the elite coats the taxpayers about $10 milllon a year. To avold embarnllina congressmen and depreaina 3 the Air Force destro}'a the i9th'1 t records after 30 daya. Bue my 11e Peter Grant saw a copy of the Mech manilesi. before they hit the lbredder. ONE BUND¥J> tripe were loaed by the 89th in that one month. 1'ift _.. some of theee all-expemee-pald junlr.et8, straight out of.the records that bad been marked for destruction. -Two dozen memben of CC.,.... and their wives flew to the eJeemt Ooe6n ~Club on Key~ Fla., fer a meetl.ng wltb a Canadian parliamentary deleptlon. The tab came to $50,000, including room and board for the Canadian junket.een. .. To the Editor: 0n your editorial page Of May 24, WU a very dJl8uating arUcle by Earl Waters. Mr. Wat.era baa the gall to atate, in print, that the reuon that there are no more big bands is due to featherbedding by local unions when the big bands came to town. Nothing could be lurther from the tnath! I }lad the good fortune to be a sideman 1n many, many fll!DOl,,9 "hie banda," with 20 yeus' experience on the road in f!WrY kind of bend. and never once did I tee the irreaponalble activttlea Wat.en c1.almt happened '1l the bi& band era. It ia a&nply not true! ONE OF TBS thlnp that did de9troy the tq band era WM, flnt of all. tour Jbng-haired youthl who ltu1ed to tum the entire music ~ around with t.lM! advent of the rock era. No tq band had ever been able to draw a quarter ot a milllon people to a field in Woodl&oek, and that ii one of the th1np that kDled the big bands. We ate happy to report to you that every major and minor 11ar, and the bulk of all ~eaaior;W muRdam do beloftc to, and enjoy ~p 1n. union. the American Federation ot Mualclan.a. lMccu.radea' ahould nof be allowed to be dialemfnated throuah. your DUbllcation. -• B. DOOGL.\S SAW'J'BLLE PtMdettt Muakianl' Local #7, AJ.M. Leave cars at home -Rep. DOn Fuqua, D-Fla., la chainnan ·of the &u.e sdence and Technology Committee. So he and five other commlttee members -with d\eir wives -hopped an 89th jet down to ~ to see the apace shuttle take off. Then, .IKl 11111111 after a aldl! excursion to California, where they l.oapected a l()lat-energy &Jl'Oject., the cmgremlonal couplel arrived In New Mexico' in time to ae the shuttle land. -Air Force brim hala Ulle the 89tb like an airborne limousine service. Robert Mathia. the YD chief ol staff, tOOll .. wife 911 • ~p ~ ~ and Spain. Gen. Robert Manb. cormnandes' ol the Air 7onie Systems Command. took hi8 wife on a l~y tour of the Far !Mt, which tncluded four days in Hawaii. An Alr l'Ofee apokemnan said wive. are allowed on tbeee trips for protocol DW1J09S and to confer with dependents On f~ty-d-life-....... -The 89tb la alao available to ~ ataffen. Tbe Air Force Invited 25 Capitol Hill atcte.. 'a.lmolt all of them female, to Colorado Sprinp for a tour of the Air Force Academy. 1 THESE EXAMPLES were all from the month of March. In January. ~· Peter Rodino, D-N.J .. led .a group of rune Democratic congressmen and their wives aboard an 89th jet for a two-week, $15,000-plua junket in Italy. They visited Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Naples and Rome to "show America'• support for Italy as a strong NATO ally," a Rodino spokesman said. Also in January, Rep. James Jeffords, R-Vt.. a member of the Education and Labor, AgrlcuUure and Aalng Committees, for some reaeon flew ~ 89th to France. Gennanr,, Italy and the Netherlands while his oomti~ were shoveling snow. A Jeffonill ap+e-nen said his a>e. ''has a general policy ., •voiding congrasional ~ \lllleta, ,Absolutely necessary!' Coupll~ the words -''junkets" and"~ ii a lexJcolosk:al breakthrough. · Though the $10 millloo budget for the 89th Airlift Wing 1-a drop in the $258 billion Pentagon bucket. it probably cmca the taxpayen biJ.llalW more fndirectly. What oongJ'elSrnan ia aolnc to be 80 ungradoua u to niggle aver the \tefeme budget after a luxurious flight on an AJr Force junket jet? water l.t thlpped over deaert.t at great Mar too. I was 13 in 1956. Back then. we expenae. not only had squirrels and gulla. but 4 . No aewera. Waste should be skunks, poeaums. quail and roaCI runners. recyded. too. 'f'bele Ideal might aen a bit ex11~. but our Southern California climate ia . OLD CORONA del Mar ~ wDd very delka~ and touah meeaaea must flowers every spring, instead of bcmea. be taken to _protect it and ~it beck. U Tbe dazzling array attracted bundn!ck-of people want can let tnem live ln speci~ of butterflies. Minnesota and Iowa where they can You could catch fish, abalone and have all the machines they want. But if lobster with just a mask in lix feet of people wmn to live hen they must give ocean. We never beard of llDOI· Tbe • up some of the thin11 they take for roeda wett clear and you coWd park gnmted in the Nit of 1be country. Not anrhere. except for summer vacation.. Only will tt-strma ~ cleen up Big Corona Beach had JE)Qba of tar aD our environment, &ut they will also over It, quite often. mat then. It it promote the quality o( our life rather always clean theee days. It would be than Che qumUty. -.... terrible to foul up our·~ You are MIKE MANG . right. Jane. But I still wiab you could have seen the "Crown of the See" when ------~--E-...;L;;;.E.-P..;..tfO_N..-;...l_Y_O_U_9'___ ~j1Y dirty thing about ~ wu the LEnRR TO TH• EDITOR S. la1tructiefts below ftll~STEINER Save Social Security To the Editor: Treasury Secretary Reaan bat publicly stated Chat Sodal SecWtty will go broke alter July 1983 urue.~ are made to make the system fi~y sound. Thia IW'ely means that the time la now to reali%le the total inJwtkie and adridal lms*t from such .... bappeninc." \t. alao mean1 that federal smnaaem-t mwi foreatall such eventuality to avoid financial diaMter and aoct.al rniOlutlaa. . BJ PREDERICK SCBOIMEBL °' ................ Orana• Co\lft\y' aovern.ment hll Ql'eed to pey the untvenaty of c.i11fomla •t1.7& million to end a prolon1ed dllrute over provision o( medlca care for indl1ent1 at the UC lrvine Medbl <;enter. Of that IW'll. oouniy Board of Supervlaora CKalrman Bruce Neatande uld Wednesday) to ' British assault awaited By Tbe Aaaodated Presa British forces blitzed Argentine positions around Stanley with artillery, bombs and surrender leaflets today, but the Argentines ref~ to give in • and battled Britiah commandos six miles west of the Falkland.a capital in fog, mud and snow, reports from the front said. Press Association, Britain's domestic news agency, said Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has made "one last offer" to Argentina to withdraw Its troops from the Falklands before what likely will be a bloody battle for the capital. It gave no details and did not say whether\tentina replied. Brltis . overnment aourcea said Mrs. tcher al8o has given the British commanders approval to attack Stanley "whenever they are ready" and assured them they will not be held up for ''political or diplomatic..reaaons.'' MJUtary aour~es in London said Maj. Gen. Jeremy More, commander of BritUh ground forces in the Falklanda, la not expected to unleuh the final offensive until the weekend while he moves up troops, ~V)' weepona and auppUea to the high gJ'OUnd west of the capital. Brltnh correspondenu aald Moore, lookin1 through binoculars, viewed the blue and white Argentine flag above the former British governor's residence in Stanley and ~uoted him as telling hi.I men: 'We'll holst the Union Jack down there jun.as aoon as we can get there. And believe me, it won't be long." ~ Informed IOurces in London reported firefights u British Special Air Service aquada probed the Argentine defense perimeter about six miles west of Stanley. There was no official conflrmatlon or word on cuualties. British Harrier jets dropped (See FALU.AND, Pqe A%) Cop chopper forced down A Newport Beach police helicopter was forced to land ~d an elementary school in Fountain Valley Wednesday when the pilot began losing power, police aald. The helicopter touched down at Harper Park behind Jama 0 . Harper Elementary School at 1888~ Santa Ynez St. shortly after noon. Pilot Ru.ell Sutter was able to , reau~e flight after a faulty IJ*kplug wu changed, police 181d. STATE I H l lll".111\Y Jll N I I 11 .. · ()IU\N I .L l: l)UN I y c ALIF OHNIA 25 CENTS mWk>n alreedy hat been paid. The remaJn1na te. 7S mll11on wt11 be paid by Jww 30, the end of the ~t f1lcal year. Supervilon qreed ln prtnctple to the mueive. p&Yotf durt.na • closed-door uaalon amid lndJcatlona that at 1-lt OM boerd member -Roaer Stan'ton opposed the f\e1ott1ted •ttlement. The county t.nd the unlvenlty ~ 1079 have bMll battllnc OYef .._~care for lndJtenta for which the county ii ftl)andally ~. Can for thole padenta hal ~ at the unlvenlty-o medical center ln Oranp under a 1978 contnct. The bulk of the dlapute fOCUled on about $8 m1lUOn ln unlvenlty-imaed bU1a the COW>ty hu refuled to pay. In ita llCUoo Wednetday, the board alao ••reed to a replacement contract whereby the county would ~ lump awn payments for emer1ency t Uent care and standardized rat.ea foe lnpaUent care foe pnta ueeted at the medJCal center. County officials aay this alternatlve approach to the current patient-by-patient blllina l}'ltem will be more eff.ident and lees costly to adminlltet. Neatande, 1pe~kin1 to reporters at a midday brietina, declined to say if the board'• voie WU unanimous. Later in the day, Stanton 6-ued a statement in which he aald, "1 do not Intend to comment on the board will be voting pu y board'• dec:la1on at thla ~ the laaue later thll month At that time I will caat a vo1e that will reflect the poiltlon that 1 took durtna the executive ~ which wu held today." The UC Board of Repnta lt scheduled to take action on the aettlement and the new contnct propoaal at a meetf.nB June 17 ancf 18. The. propoeed aettlement hat been endoned by UC Pre.Adent David Saxon In private conversations with Neatande. Partnership_ sought· ' Newport offering ........... ~..,..., ...... TONY'S IJ'RIBUTE -Ada Tcmy Curds waves h.la "love ballooN" at the Barbor Jaland k>cation of hll movie 0 BaJboa" as the cast and crew slng "Happy Birthday" to him. 'nle actor · ii 57 today. Balloons were supplied by Newport Beach's "Love Balloons" firm. Buller· selected Coastline chief John L . Buller, a veteran adminlatrator in the Coa1t c.ommuntty College District, has been choeen aa interim president of CoaatUne College. Buller, a ~4-year-old Costa Mesa resident, will UIUme the interim poll July l, when current Coastline Pre~ent Bernard Luskin takes over aa president of Orange c.oast College in ea.ta Mesa. Buller'a appointment waa made Wednesday nifht at a special meeting o Coa1t Community College Diatrlct trustees. Truateea said the interim appointment ii nor to exceed a year in duration. • District spokesman Rlchard Simon aald the ~ have not conclUded plans foe how they will aelect a permanent CoMtllne (See OOASTLJNE. Paae A%) PRESIDENT -John Buller of Costa Meta has been named interim president of Coastline C.Ollege. COUNTY truce By STEVE MARBLE "' ... D9llJ '1114 ... Representatives for Newport Beach said today the city is prepared to extend an "olive branch'' to Orange County and become a working partner in planninl the future of John Wayne Airport. ~ la an electric moment," au1geated attorney Pierce O'Donnell, w~resented Newport in ita " ul effort...\o tum beck the county's airport muter plan. The announcement waa made at a pre. conference early today, ataged partially 10 that city offidall could react publicly to Orange County Superior. Court Jucr-ge Bruce Sumner's final order' on the city's lawsuit apinst the county. Sumner upheld the city's ar1ument that the county'• envinlmnental documents foe the IUlter plan were inadequate. •"!be county has been lroaen in lta tncb." eaid Mayor Jackie Hather, add.inc that the m.ster plan now la "nothina man than hlstorica1 documeJlta gatheri.na dUlt on the. .&.rd of &ipervi.:n bookabeW... .. She atreuf;d that the fina~ court order plohlblta the county Con men sell 911 number 'subscriptions' Orange County authorities are warning county residents to beware. of phony telephone aolic:lton who ask residents if they are interested in aubecribillg to the county's new 911 emergency telephone system. The 901icitad0na. made both by telephone and mail, suggest that residenta can aubecribe to the 911 nµmber for a one-time aubecriptlon fee of $9 per adult and $7 per child, said Lt. Wyatt Hart, an Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman. "Don't give them your snoney," said Hart , who emphaalzed the acheme ls a phony. He said the 911 number is a county aervice provided to all n!Sidenta. Sheriff'• department investlptora have initiated an invesdption into the mcam and Har.i urged anyone who has been oontacted by the aollciton to call police or U.S . postal service lnapecton. .,,, ffistoricaJ BOC!ety seta liome ' . The Co.ta Meu Hiltorica1 SodetY finally hu a home of la own to store ita .,_..of memorabWa. Paae . Bl.. • on airport from increasing the daily commercial jet flights beyond 41. "The county la hereby on notice," the mayor continued, "that 11 the county fails to obey, in f!!Very respect. the court Ol'dera, the city can and will go back to court." Attorney O'Donnell said the city now would like to alt down with lawyers for the county and construct a legally binding settlement to the question of airport expansion. * * * He said the city's chief goals in such a di9cuasion would be to establish a permanent limit on daily jet departures. He added that Lf an agreement waa not legally binding, lt would be a "short-lived victory." O'Donnell admitted that the city's policy of a 41 flight ceiling ia not "written ln concrete." He said the city might be willing to accept more daily flights and, on (See AIRPORT, Page A%) . * * .•. County gets plan for flight auction A detailed proposal for an auction sy1tem to distribute fliehta to air canien deslring to retain or begin Rl'Vice at Tohn Wayne Airport was aubmitted today to the Orange County Boetd of Superviaorl. Acconlinl to a final draft o1 the plan. no ol\e air carrier could bi.d lo.-more than 25 of the 41 jet DOW permitted daily. oc alota, as they are c , ould be awarded to airlinel submitting the blghest monetary blda. Second-round bidding would take plact! in the event two airlines aubmit equal bids for a slot. Aucdoning of the fllghta ls the latest ldtt by county government officilla to comply with federal court orders requiring that the airport be opened to air carriers in a nondiacriminatory fashion. Two carriers, AirCal and Republic Airlines, currently control S5 of the 41 jet depertu..rea permitted daily. All air carriers meeting apec:lfied noi8e standarda would be permitted to bid for fllghta. 'lbe five carriers now serving the airport -AirCal, Republic, frontier Airlinea, Pacific Southwest Airlines, an.d We.tern Airlines -would have no advantage CYVer other carrien. Under the proposal, alots would be auctioned annually. No estimate has been offered' u to what a slot might be worth, or haw much ~ue the county might derive from the annual auction& Airport Manager Muwy Cable aaid today auctionina ia the faireet way to distribute what he termed a ICll'Ce commodity - that ii, the number of permitted jet departunia. Aa delianed by Cable, there would be at least one round Ql blddlna. perhape two. In the first round, only carriers flying quieter ainnft. auch .. the McDonnell-Douglas DC-9 S.uper 80 would be permitted to bid. The airlines would be required to submit sealed bids. Airlines winning alota would not be permitted to trade ihem or aell them to other carriers. . U the 41 slots were not taken during the first round of bidding, a second round would be he1c1. Airlines winning slots during the .ec:ond round would be pennltted to fly older and noisier aircraft on thoee flights. However, Cable aaid, he anticipates only one round of bidding. He said it would be ln the airlines' interest to win alota on which they could fly newer, more efflc:lent jets. Airlines winnina alota woulb be permitted to pay off their bids on a monthly basia. County superviaors will not (See FIJGBT, Pa1e A%) Mesa Fish Fry starts Friday Why is the C.C.ta Meu Fish Fry. such a popular event over the yean? Some say it's the "aecret " batter used in preparing the 9,000 fish dinners. Others go for the parade, the carnival, the beauty and baby oonteata, oc the entertainment. The fun •tarts Fri~ rUabt at Lions Park and the Dally Pilot's special ledion todaf on the Flah Fry and c.amival &1vea relldera a rundown on the~ event.. j f · I I 1 ~·the plan until tit U.S. ; 8th Dt1trlct Court of Appeall , Niii an -.. railed In an ....i .,of the fed.,al court oidera ,overtumlnc two prevtoua airline acce11 plane. A hearlna i• teheduled Tueaday in !Sactament.Q. • .. · If the appeal• effort fall•. r1upervi1ora wlll conaider the •auction propoe.al at a meeUng Wed.naday, otflctala u.ld. t • . Previous plane deslped by the p«>untv -and rejected by U.S. * * * Dlatrlct Court Judie Terry• Hau.. Jr. woW4 haw l"l'.duall;y ltripp.d A1rCal and ~ of the flilht l\&Al'8.ftMI tMy ~ po9111. A1 fllabt 1uarantM1 were eliminated, carrlera not now 1trvln8 the .trpart would haw been able to obtain fllahta. Judae Han. conllltantly hal held tnat any Dian that lavon incumbent cArrlera tervtna. the a1rp>rt " u.ncoNtitutioaal Md in conflict with federal aviation lnduatry derelulatlon polldee. BY ITIDVE MnalELL .,......, ....... Attars..,_ for the Siem Qub and th• 1tatt wlll Hek a prellmlnary injunction in U.S. DilU1ct Court in Loe Anael• Mcaday to prevent an, offabore oil leue M1e 1eheduled few JW)e 11 . U.8. Dl1trlct Court Juda• Cynthia ~ bu llreed to bear ar1ument1 from the environmenw aroup and the state to block the ule of oU and au leuee on 856,000 acsw off the Southern Callfomla cout. ~AIRPORT TRUCE ... The 1uft will be heard at 10 a..m. ln U.S. Dlltrict Court, 312 N. Sprlnc St. ln Loe Anplee. the other hand, mtaht puah for fewer departures. , The county, which hlll 60 days .to appeal Judge Sumner'• declaion, haa not agreed to sit down at a bargainfni table with -ewport. O'Donnell aaid he lanned to oall aUomeya for the ty today. The..Newport City Council, meanwhile, ii expec!ted to review the dty'• airport policy Jw.e 14. Mayor Heather reveeled that the city 1pent '$36S,OOO battlJna the county'• muter plan. She uict the city, 1n the put two fiacal yqn, hu •pent •~1.000 1ightfna airport expansion. The Sierra Club luit. whJch wu joined by the City of IA£una Be.ch, aeekl to block the ule of all lM tncU contained 1n Leue Sale No. 68 on lune 11. Included in that IUit are the 10 tracta located off Lacuna'• and Newpon Beach'a lhorellnee. OASTLINE PRESIDENT .. 'l'be state'• lawsuit. which will be heard concurrently with the Sierra Club action. aeekl to block the aale of only 22 tncta off Southern California, lncludin1 nine of the 10 off~ and Newport. resident. T.he trut tees dr~w criticism from lnatructors ver the manner In which uskin was selected for th~ ge Coast presidency. Buller is currently the dean of dmiuiona, guidance and onnation services at Coutllne. native of West Loa Angeles, he ived his bachelo.r'a degree at C Santa Barbara and his aatera from Cal State Los lea. 1953 tbrough 1957, Buller tauaht at Whittier Hi8h School. Afwr two yean 11 an i.Mtructor at UCLA. he came to the Coast Community College Distrtct, where he hu aerved in various admlnlltratlve poltl for the d1atrict and ita three coDeees. ~~t. Golden West and Buller baa been 'a dean at Coutline since it opened in 1976. Coastline baa adminlatratlve offices ln Fountain Valley but offers cla11ea at about 150 locations throughout the district. Mesan, 71, dies after auto crash· ALKLAND ISLANDS . . . Lloyd Irvin neming ~ Costa Mesa died Wedne9day when he suffered a heart attack following a beada(Jll colliaion in Costa Mesa, police said. F,leming, 71, of 3235 Michigan Ave., was pronounced dead at Fountain Valley Commun\tY Hoepltal shortly after the 12.15 p.m . accident on Royal Palm Drive in the dty'a Mesa Verde area. bs and th.ouaanda of leaflets ~lllir:· 1g on the Argentine troops to urrender. Half the leaflets bore 'safe conduct paseea" in English nd Spanish signed by Rear dm . John Woodward , ommander of the 100-ahip J)titish armada around the South Atlantic islands that Araentina ized from Britain Aprll 2. Other leaflets called on the tlmated 7 ,000 Argentines to ake the "correct and llbonorable" de.dsion to surrender ike their comradea on South _,,,...... island, 700 mne. to the t, who l')liaed the white flag April 25-26, the Defeme M1n1atry "~!81~~ver1e were • photograph• of the .Argenttm! f'cxmlnander on South Georgi.a. Coastal Mo•tlY CIMt thl• •"..-noon. Hight 81 10 72. Late night d e.11 momna.-*'* tonlll'lt Md FrkMy. l'alr 1"rougfl ,.,_ Lt. Ondr. Alfredo Aatlz, signing the surrender document on board a British frlpte. The leaflets said: "Think of the daft&er you are Jn. Your ratiQila and war aupplle9 are ln abort supply because of the British naval block.ade, Mattera will get even wane. Think of your loved ones and the home that awaltl your happy return." · 'Ibe leatletl Warned: "We do not Wish to apm more blood but . If there ii no altemauve we'wtn 'do.,,.. • 1'be Artmtlnee held fut and fired salvoa from 1~5mm IUnl at Brtt11b marine commendoa b~ away with lOhun IUDI rrom tile heights overlooldn1 Stanley. Police said Fleming waa BOUthboUnd on Royal Palm when another car slammed into hil Volkswasen. The driver of the other car, Molena ltasa Rader, 24, Santa Ana. waa treated at Costa Meu Memorial Hospital for cute and brut.ea, but wasn't ~tali7.ed. pol.lee aald . According to police reportl, Ma . Rader told traffic investipton afle alowed down to avokl blttina a car in front of her when her lt'll Ford llJ>Uil qut of control neer P;pper Tree Lane and into oncornm, traff.ic. Continued fair · wttll moetly aunny aftemoone. o-ftlgtl4 loWa '8 10 M. HIQha Friday 84 10 72 . HuntlnJ1on-Newport •r .. ' ...,,....... ,.. from• low of Temperatures Mto•llldllof•. l!luwller•. from Point Conception 10 tll• Mexfc•n bordW tM CUC eo ,..._ Imel °""~-.......... .-, l'IOl1fta1~ ""*of 15 IO 30 kncM and I to Moot ..... loc91y, aoull'I to.,.._. w4rlCl9 of 10 IO 15 knoel INI ~ with ............... of 2 to 3 ..... U.S. summary· Tllundentomw produo9d ~ ralne, 119!1, wind•, •nd ......,.1 tornactoH In Cotor•do and llOl'1Mt'n T-today wtlle rain Of9dulllly moved Into AlllMM9, ~Md LoulelM&. ..... cnft "' ... lows f1ortd9 81'11119 ... ~ IO ,__ In port •lier tll• flr•I troploel d1pr•Hlon of the llurrloen• .-.on-..-... off Y-...n. Thi roof9 of '°"" llOmm _. d•meeecf Weclnetdey "''''" In ~. T ..... llHMlftUV bY ...... Md_ ............. n.r. ... "° reporta of ..... ......................... ~· oontlnu9d -. "'°'*' and *'-" and • ... 111undl lllo••• ... .....,... from Arll•11••• to tow• and WIMOfl•'"· Tllere Wire a few ........................ "91111m ............ ........ Olis .... ..,....... ,,,,,., .. miff,. end nortll-'ll AUMt,. Coalt 1te1e1, and eoro11 1he ............. °' .. UNlld MATIOlt .. Le ..... 72 " 87 " 11 54 .OS 81 58 " ee 71 11 IO 70 77 S5 81 45 87 ... 01 87 40 74 44 n 57 1.21 90 71 87 41 • 51 51 44 .2$ .. 77 71 66 u ee 82 44 .17 M 44 75 .. 74 57 t3 .., 17 11 .1'1 73 .. 72 47 .21 17 54 ·°' Tt 47 66 ao ... .. ... .. aa 14 ., .13 71 41 .Gt ., 17 .01 •• • 17 Tl • n 11 " 72 a 51 .. I' 71 • . .. 7t 11 It to a • .01 7t 14 J.01 IO 41 ..... Tl 51 12 71 .15 7t 5t 77 83 52 .. ,05 82 5t .2'3 82 47 .. 75 .11 1t 55 100 70 12 as 71 "1.48 17 " 71 51 .19 .... TS 34 n ... • 72 ., .. .. 71 ., 40 -n M .. 74 2.20 46 " .. " 10 50 IO M .01 " ST 11 a .47 Tl .. . .. .54 Secr-•IO 74 47 SlllnM ... 44 San DllOo 70 83 San Ffanc:9oo 57 ... 8an1•---71 51 Sante Man. ... 8toctiton 74 51 T'IMnNI 12 UIUall 10 a.rat ow '3 82 llg8Mt '5 n =. 71 42 70 52 Long 9-dl 72 51 Monro-M 70 50 Mt.Wlleon 11 44 N9wpcW1 BMcfl It .. Onltwlo 70 51 Pllmlpmoa IO • = 72 51 53 Ian ..,.,.. clllO 70 50 San~ n 11 san JoM ... 52 Senta Ane 11 57 8an19 CNI It 54 T9'1M V*'t 31 HATS-ON SALUTE -Whittier School studentl ln Coeta Mesa all wore hats to ecbool Wedrieeday to honor retiring Principal Bill Ritter (center) who was always noted to wear DelJ ............ .., &M...,... a fedora when he came to campus. Ritter re~ after 32 years in Harbor Area achool systems. ' Woman seized ! on sex rap at Atlantis Students receive A Loe Angeles woman waa arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of prositution at a Costa Mesa massage parler that ~ Orange County District Attorneys office ls seeking to shut down. I poster awards Yoko Denlae ~. 23, was 14 r re1ted by Costa Mesa detectives at the Atlantis Health Spa, 2112 Harbor Blvd. shortly after 7 p.m. Six Newport Beach atudenta have received award.a for their entries 1n the annual city poster conteat, aimed at fighting litter. Elementary echoo1 winners were Boue Lia. a Harbor View sixth grader; Joa a.pea. an Andenon School 1econd grader and Clarta Bammoad, a sixth grader from Harbor View. Middle school wlnner1 were Aaae Barlow, Cris Bocla1d1Ud, and Blrotlal Mollrl. All are aev,enth = trom Lincoln Middle · All poster entriee will be d.laplayed in local ~ the week prior to July 4. Laat month, the Orange County District Attorney'• OffiCe filed suit against the owners of the building in an effort to cloee the muaage parlor. A hearing is echeduled June 17 before Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. Reagan, MitterriJiid conferring PARIS (AP) -Preaident Reagan confened today with French Preaident Francois Mlttemmd on the Middle !'.Mt, Central America and the Falklan4 blaod1 wa.r, but aldatepped ~ dl8cullioo of the stubborn economic iaauea dividing their countries.--- On the eve of an economic summit of m•Jor industrial democracies at Versailles out.aide the French capital. Reagan said he and Mitterrand deferred "heavy dbcua81ons" of economic 1-ues straining America'• allies until they join the leaden of Britain, West Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan this weekend. The 1e.adera met over lunch in the 1plendor of the Elyaee Palace. Reagan waa greeted at the palace by a military honor guard an4 a ..Wte from a drum and bugle corp•. He and Mltt.emmd abook'bands and then met privately ln a chandeliered mlon over a lunch teaturtna a alad ol wort.ed lhellfiah, veel with trufllel 9Dd three French wines. Reall.an, accoinpa.nied by his wife, Nancy, arrived at Paris' Orly Airport with little ceremony shortly before midnight local time. The official party descended from Air Force One in a thunderstorm, and the Reagans were protected by umbrellas as they walked on a red carpet to the VIP terminal, where a motorcade awaited them. French Foreign Minister Claude Cheynon greet~ the Reagans, who drove immediately to the home of U.S. Ambassador Evan Griffith Galbl"aith to spend the night. A White House aide said that, as is customary for presidents on foreign tripe, Beagan brought his own drinking water to the lunch. Before talk i ng with Mitterrand, Reagan met with Mrs. Charles Ray, the widow of a military attache at the U.S . Embassy who was killed in a terrorist attack Jan. 18. White. House deputy press seccat.ary Larry Speakes said Reagan told Mrs. Ray-he would promote her husband posthumously one grade to full colonel Ray's parents live in Newport Beach. The OriQ![lal · .JOBBERS® Short · Is peffect for beach, boat bike, hike, walk, rook or work Jobbers can do~ all but ~'sup to you to · do ~well. Available in Jobber's 8 unique colors. ~ M~sa looks iowar:d good economic year. s~ retail ula in Cotta M .. an allowina the city to look ahead to anothet year of IOund bu~tlni for munlolpaJ aervtces. City Manqer Fred Sonabal hu propoeed a 1982-83 bucta.t that inc)udea $28.9 million lor opera Una expen1e1, up t 1. 7 percent, arid $6 mllllon for capital lmprovementa, down 43.3 percent. Total revenuee, estimated at $35.2 miWon. include $13.5 million from retail sales taxea, a 10 percent increase over last year. In his annual report to the City CowteJI, Soraabal called the city's economic outlook "solid'' and 18.ld that the current recessionary period could, at wont. flatten tht- clty'1 economic powth curv.. While IOt'M ddel in Oranp County are 1tru11Un1 to meet expen.tet, Cotta Meu e>tpecta to be able to continue lt1 pollcy of malntalnln1 a 25 percent caah reaerve. It appe&r1 city government in Calta Meta ii in good financlal shape and that'• good newa. City Council membera will consider the budget at their June 7 meeting at City 1iall at 6:30 p.m. Citizen• who would like to comment on the document should attend that aemon. ' School use solutions Deciding what to do with 1 Corona del Mar Elementary . I School is proving anything but 1 elementary for off icials1 of the Newport-Mesa Unified School . District. , I I I t First, district officiala met stiff resistance from homeowners who live near the surplus achool, which waa closed a year ago because of declining enrollment. A~gry residents objected t.o a ·flan calling for the University o Southern California t.o operate a satellite business school at the empty campus. . The state Coast& Commission refuaed to grant a permit for the USC graduate achool. That left local school officials with little c}lolce. They had to l~t the university out of a lease agreement that would have put the surplus property on a paying basis to the tune of $69,000 a year. Now a citizens' committee is recommending that the Carnation Avenue school site be converted to residential use. The matter will be diacussedbytheachoolboardJtme· 8. A decision ia expected JW\e 22. Homeowners in the area have suggested -clearing half of the 3. 75-acre achool lite to make way for about 22 homes. while keeping the existing playtf:."j!d Some .chool o are leaning I, to-ward that idea. The-school d:istric:t could uae the money, if a developer am be found. However, there are some other con1ideration1. and some other pcmibilities. Unlikely aa it eeema now, there always ia the chance the achool could be needed again. It ll. after all, the only achoo[ aouth of Coast Highway in the Corona del Maf area. Homeowners aay that, if that happens, a achool could be built on the 1.8 acret that would be left as a playground. That doesn't seem terribly feaalble. In Costa Mesa, another of the school district's surplus campuses -Rea Sc:hool -la being leased aa a community cent.er. Thia idea ia working well at Rea, but the situation la different in Corona del Mar, where two community centers at Grant Rowald Park and the OASIS already exist ju•t blocks from Corona del Mar School. It's doubtful a third ls needed. Leasing the surplus campus to a private school hat been suggest.ed. Nothing has developed on that front. A mUleW'D with a tea room waa advanced u a pcmtble Ule. 'That waa rejected aa too commercial for the residential character of the neighborhood. The b6a9t problelri ..... w be traffic. 'nM? nm,hbon don't want to add to the t.rafftc in the area. Building homel on the IChool site . hardly would 80lve that p~em. If you've &ot any ideu about what could be done with a IW'J)lua school site in the middle of a residential neighborhood, you might consider advandng them at the June. 8 IChool board meeting. Be prepared to defend younelf. Funny thing -that USC business school ii looking better au the time. Reserv.e tb.is weekend More than 60,000 people are expected to attend the 37th annual Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fish Fry Friday through Sunday. Over the years the eervice organization hu railed more than $655,000 through the Fi$h Fry for various local charities. The thi-ee days of festivities in downtown Lions Park will include a beauty contest, a baby contest, e&rQival rides and games. drawings and of course the famous fish dinner for $4. • . The Flab Fry parade bea1na at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Harbor Boulevard and Wilaon Street. More than a dozen band1, includina thoee from l!'atand.a and Costa Meta hi&h schools, are expected to participate ln the parade. Benny Ricardo, a former Orange Cout Collece student who plays foou.J.l professionally for the New .Orleans Saints, will be grand marabal of tbi1 year'• parade. The Filh Fry it a fun tradition. See yoU there. -.. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex- pressed on tr'llS page are those of their authors and •u:tlsts. Ateder com"'ent Is Invit- ed. Address The Dally Pilat, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. PDone (714) 642-4321 . L.M. Boyd I Separate vacations . -Inherited a bu1ines1 that your ~ hllCl ll'8r1l!d at the time of Chrilt, and that b..llini!la had IOlt $1 mlllion a itay wer Since with no ~ °' ....... lt woWd ltW take you and your descendent• anodm' 100 ~ to -the f1nt $1 ~'' Politicos again flying high· W A S H I N G T 0 N -R l a 1 n g -Rep. Don Fuqua. O.Fla., ia chairman invited 2~ Qapltol Hill aides, almolt all of Phoenix-like horn the ashes of federal of the HOUie Science and Technology them female, to Colorado Sprlnp for a frugallty, the Air Force'• 89th Airlift Committee. So be and five other tour of the Afr Force Academy. Wing is once again flying bigh. committee memben -with their wives TBESE EXAMPLES were all from I.Jttle known to the public or KftmUn -hopped an 89th jet down to Florida to apiet, the 89th is well known and highly tee the ap.ce lhuttJe take off. Then. the month of March. In January, Rep. reaan;ted •t the Pentagon and on Capitol Peter Rodino, O.N.J ., led a group of nine Hill. k1 the bigahota' favorite unit, In Democratic congressmen and their wives fact; for lta aole misalon ia to provide I aboard an 89th jet for a two-week, luxurious -and free -transportation $15,000-plus junket in Italy. They visited for VIPs and their wives wherever and Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Naples w h e n e v e r t b e y c a n f 1 n d a .11111 11111111 and Rome to "1how America'• support balfway-l@aitl.mate excuae to fly. • for Italy aa a strong NATO ally," a The e~'r. posh air-taxi aervioe for the Rodino spokesman said. elite coau the taxpayer• about .$10 Al8o in January, Rep. James Jeffords, milllon a year. To avoid embarralling after a aide excursion t.o Callfomla, R-Vt., a member of the Education and congressmen and depreaing taxpayen, where they lnapected . a aolar-energy Labor , Ag) i cu It u re and A I In I the Air Force destroys the 89th'e fliaht ptoject, the congreaeional couples arrived Cornmitteel, ror some reuon flew the recorda alter 30 days. But my .-idate ln New Mexico in time to aee the shuttle 89th to France, Germany, Italy~ the Peter Ot'ant saw a cop>-of the March land. Netherlands while his corwtituent8 were manifesta befOft they hit the ahredder. -Air Force braa hat8 uae the 89th shoveling mow. A Jeffords apo1i_. .. n like an atrborne limou1ine service. said bis boll "hu a general policy ot ONE HUNDRED tripa were Joaed by Robert Mathls. the vice chief of 1taff, avoldina congreaional junk.eta walf!9I the 89th in U..t one· month. Here are took hJa wife on a trip to F.ngland and absolutely nettnary.'' Couplln, the aome of thetie all-expenaes-paid junkec., Spain. Gen. Robert M.arah, commander words "~ta" and "neceaury' ii a straight out of the records that had been ot the Afr Force Systema Command, took lexicotop:al breakt.h.rouch· " marked for destruction. hJa wife on a 12-day tour of the Far F.aat, Though the $10 millJon hudftt for the -Two dozen members of ~ whlch included four days in Hawaii. An 89th Airlift Wing ia a ctrol)infthie $258 and their wives flew to the elegant Air Force 1pokeaman laid wives are ·billion Pentagon &ucket. it probebly cmta Ocean Reef Club on Key Largo, Fla., for allowed on these tripe for protocol the taxpayen billiom more lndinlctly. a m e e t l n g w l t h a C a n a d l a n purpoees and to confer with dependent8 What congreanan 1s IOin8 to be ., parliamentary delegation. The tab came on "quality--01-llte issues." st!us aa to niggle CNer the defenae to ~.ooo. including room and board for -The 89th la al10 available to after a luxurious flight on an Air the Canadian junketttn. oongreaaional lt.affen. The Air Force nk3t? v \ Unions didn't kill the 'big hall s' To the Editor: On your ed.Itorial page of May 24, was a very~ artk:le by F..arl Waten. Mr. Wawa bas the gall to ttate, in print, that the reuon that there are oo more big banda is due to featherbedding water la thipped over deaerta at great e~ aewera. WHte 1hould be ~· ideM.milbt teem-a bit extreme, but ou.r Southern California c:limate is very delicate and tcM.ap meMW"a must MAILBOX -be taken to protect it and bring lt blick. u people wan~ca let lbem Hve ln , Minnesota and Io a where they can ------------have all the they want. But if by local unions wl\en the bta bands came people want to live here·they mull give to 'town. Nothing could be lurther from up some of the thin11 they take for ' the truth! granted in the rat of the country. Not I had the good fortune to be a sideman only w1l1 these atrooa rnMIW9 clean up in many, many famous "big bands." with our environment, but the)' will abo 10 yean' experience on the ro.d in every prompte the quality of ou.r life rather kirid of band, and never once did I aee than the quantity. the irresponsible activltiet Waters claims happened In the big band era. It ia MIKEM.ANG limply not true! ONE OP THE thJ.n'8 that dJd destroy the tq band era --. fint of all. four J.OQg-halred youths who started to tum the entitt music businell around with the advent of the rock era. No bi& band had ever been able to draw a quarter of a million people to a field in Woodstock. and that la one of the th.in&s that killed the big bandl. We are happy to report to you that ~ ma)lr' and minor ltar, and the bulk of all prote.i.onal musldanl do belona to, and enjoy membenhlp ln a unkln. the American Federation of MU1lclan1. ~ ahould not be allowecl to be • di81eminated throWrh your publimdon. B. DOUGLAS SA Wl'l:LLE Ptwldeut Musidanl' Local #7, U .M. . . Leave cars at home TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR s.. Instructions bitow Rule side-stepped To the Edit«: Contrary to your editorial on May 21, then ii DOth1nc "outmoded" about the 500-mUe rWe fee-John Wayne Airport Aa we are all aware, there ii more demlllad tot «llnlDll'dal eervb at John W9""f ~ c.wn ar lhould be IJl'OVlded, 111 -•1cinl Demw ln the lint place, eY8\ wtth • ttop lri Lii v...., l'rOntler has circumvented tbe lnteat of the 500-mile Nie. TO .um&mte the rule wW rn9ftly ......... other CU'l1ln to do 'the~~ to demand prwure1 at thi~ . What ii~ iwected " .... OOUnet on the part of Oran1• County Su~ to..,_ on enc1·1.mp1mwpt a new llitit. Undl ·u., "'b&llt the bull8t", the ~at Johri WaJM "'11 -*inuel ' BURR.AL~T More memorie11 OLD CORONA del Mar grew wild .flowen every spring, instead of homes. The dazzling ~'frttracted hundredsd ·species of butter · . - You could ca fish, abalone and lobster with just a mUk ln six feet of ocean. We never heard of llDOI· The roads were clear and you could park anywhere, except for swnmer v.catioo. Big Coron.a Beach bad aloba of tar all over it, ql.4ite often, baCk then. It. is always clean theee days. It would be terrible to foul up our beaches. You are right, Jane. But I etill wish you could have seen the "Crown of the Sea" when. the only dirty thing about her WM the beach! MICHAEL STEINl!R &r .. reo.eua ICHO&MBHL Or8ftle County' covernment hll uried to pay the Univenlty of califomla t13,7~ millloo to end a prolonced cUarute over provl1lon of medJca care tor lndl1ent1 at the UC Irvine MedJCal Cenwr. • ~~y .. i;~~ =.:.:~=-~ be .,.uc:t by June 30, the end ot ~ta for whJoh the county II the current fllcal )'W'. tinandany rwpomlble. Care for •• tbOli9 patlentl ... been" lll"OY'lded Supervilon aareed in=~ at the uniwnlty~ medJcal ~o'!':d~~ ::f.'1'on ~.: "9ftler in Or:ana. wwier a 1976 lndiattlona thai at leut one board con~. .. member -Ro1er Stanton The bulk of the dt1pute Of that aun. county 80Uli of opp o a e d th• n e a-o t 1 at• d focu.d on about ta mll1Jon in Supervlaon Chairman Bruce .ettlement. unlwnlty·illued bll1a the county Neatande aald Wedneaday, tL =:"'~--..._coun_ ...... ty-.and __ the __ unl_ver_sl...::ty~-•...;._refuMd ___ to__:.pa..;..;y::.:.. ___ _ British assault a'Waited r By Tiie A11oclated Presa B rltiab fo r c es b li tzed Argentine positions around Stanley with artillery, bombs and IWftnder leaflets today, but the Argentinee refuled to give In and battled British commandos six miles west of the Falklands capital in f<>s, mud and snow, reports from the front said. Pren Auociatlon, Britaln's domestic news agency, said Prlme Mlnlste r Margaret ~hatcher has made "one last ffer" to Argentina to withdraw ts troops from the Falklands before what likely will be a ' bloody battle for the capital. It gave no details and did not say whether Argentina replied. Brltish government sour~es said Mrs. Thatcher a1so bu given the British commanders approval to attack Stanley "whenever they are ready" and assured them they will not be held up for "political or diplomatic reaaona." Military sources In London said r.{aj. Gen. Jeremy More, conimanaer of BrlU.h ground 1 forces in the FaUdanda, ia not expected to unleuh tbe final offensive untll the weekend while he moves up troops. heavy weepom and supplie8 to the hllh ground west of the capital. 1 .... Mill ... ' > 11 I\ N • .i ' ' 1 u N I i LA l If 0 ll NI A :.> ~. Cf NT S In fta action Wec:m.iay, the board alao a1reed to a replacement contract w.t\ere~y the county would make lump auin paymenta for emer1ency outpatient care and ltandardbed daily rate. for inpatient care for l.ndlaenta treated at the medical center. County officiala say lhla alternative approach to the current patient-by-patient bil11ng •ystem will be more effident and leaa COltly to admlh.later. N ... t•nde, 1peaftln1 to reported at a .midday brteflna, dec11ned to aay tf the board'• vote WU unan1moua. Later in the day, Stanton Jllued a atatement In which be aald. "l do not intend to comment on the board'• dedlion at th1a time. '!be board wlll be voting publicly on the ilwe later thia month. At that time l will cast a vote that will refiect the position that l took durina the executive aeaalon whJch waa held today." The UC Board of fteemts la acheduled to take action on the aettlement and the new eontract proPOM} at a meet1ng June 17 And 18. The propoeed eettlement Ml been endoned by UC President Dav i d Saxon i n private conversationa wlth Nestande. Parfnership sought 1Newport offering trtfce BY STEVE MARBLE or .. .,.., ....... Repraentatlves for Newport Beach said today the city la prepared to extend an "olive branch" to Orange County and become a workingt.partner ln ~annlng the future of John ~~electric moment, .. 1u11eated attorney Pierce O'Donnell, who reKreaented Newport in its 11acoeaa u1 effort to tum back the county's airp>l1 muter plan. 1be announcement waa made at a p,re. oon.fettDCe early today, 1taged partially 10 that city offidala could react publicly to Oranae County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner's final order on the dty'a lawsuit apinlt the county. Sumner upheld the city's ar1uaieat that tbe couDty'a mVirmvnentaJ documenta •the · mmter plap were tn.dequa1e. '-nw county hM been Jiroaen in Ua tradm," aaid Mayor Jadde .............. that the maatel' =..,.•·~man than -.. dae\ilnenta aat.beltns "dul& -the tird of SUJ)elrilon ~ ... She ltreNed that the final court ordei' proh.lblta the county • on airport from increasing the daily comrnercia1 jet flights beyond 41. 0 The county la hereby on nQtice," the mayor continued, "that if the county f.ails to obey, in every respect. the court orders. the d ty can and will go bac.k to- oourt." Attorney O'Donnell said the city now would like to sit down wlth lawyers for the county and construct a te1ally binding settlement to the question of airport expansion. , * * * ffe said the ·dty's chief goals in such a di8cusslon would be to establish a pennanent limit on daily jet departures. He added that if an agreement waa not legally binding, it would be a "short-lived victory." O'Donnell admitted that the city's policy of a 41 flight oeill.ng is not "written in concrete." He said the city might be willin& to accept more daily flights and, on (See AIRPOR'.f', Page A%) . * * * County gets plan . . for flight auction A detailed propoa.al for an auction ayatem to distribute fJJ&hta to air canien de8lttn.K to retain or becln lel'Ylce at .f'ohn Wayne Airport wu submitted ~ to the Orange County of. Supervt.on. Aocordinc to a finU draft of tbe plan. DO CIOI air curiel' eouki bMi I.or more than 26 of the •U jet would be at least one round of bidding. pethapa two. In the first round. only carrlen flying q\&M!ter alrcraft. such .. - ttie McDonnell-Douglas DC-9 ~ 80 would be permitted to • . The alrllnea would be l'eQUire4 , •. to .ubmlt .-Jed bkla. Attlinea winning slota would not be pennltted to trade them OI' eell them to other caniera. BrlU1b correspondents said Moore, lookin1 through b~ viewed the blue and white Argentine flas above the former 'Drltish go"ernor'a residence in Stanley and quoted him as telling hia men: '1We'll ,hoist the Union Jack down there just u *-1 aa wC-can ,et there. And belleve•me, it won't be TONY'S TRIBUTE -AdOr-Tony Curu. WllWa hll "loft balloonl" at the Harbor laland location of his movie •'Be.Jbo9" --the cast and creW tdn& .. Happy Bhtbday'' to him. '!be Idol' -~-='Lov=M.:.::e:...::~=aa=y=.=Ba::..."-=:=-=-• .___w_ere_su_P_P_Ued __ by_N_ewport ___ Beach __ •• , Con men sell . now permitted daily. oc a1ota, as tJiey are c , ould be awarded to airlines IUbmltUng the ~ mcmetary bids. Second .. round hlctctfn& would take place in the ewnt two airtinel tabmit equal If the 41-slots were not ~ during the tint round of bicidiq, a second round would b\? held. Airlines winning alota durinc the wecond roand w<>Ukt1>e f>ermitted to fiy older and noisier aircraft on thoae flights. Jona." . Informed aouroes in London _upoJ'ted firefighta u-Britiah .Special Air Service squads · · probed the Argentine defense i)erimeter about six miles west of Stanley. 1bere was no official . confirmation or word on aaialties. British Harrier jeta dropped (See PAL&LAND, P ... AJ) Cop chopper · fQrced «Jow~ A Newport Beach police hehco,Pter wu forced to land · behind an elementary IChool in Fountain Valley Wednesday when the pilot began losing power, po~ said. ~ 1be helicopter touched down at Harper Park behind J~ 0 . H~per Elementary School at }1185 Santa Ynes St. shortly 8flel' noon. Pilot Bu..ll Sutt.er waa able to reaume flight after a faulty aparkplug waa chan&'ed, police ...... STATE Buller selected Coastline chief John L . Buller, a veteran administrator in the Coast c.ommunity College District, bu been chmen aa lnt.erim president of Coaatline College. 1 Buller, a 54-year-old -CO.ta Mesa resident, wtll 11111Ume the interim post July 1, when current Coastline President Bernard Luskin takes over aa ~~~~ Orange Coast College In UJSUI"" Mesa. Buller'a appointment waa made Wednesday nifht at a s pecial meeting o Coast Community• College District truat.eea. PRDIDENT -John Bulleri of c.o.ta Meu baa been named interim prelident of C.outllne C.OJJeae. 911 number · 'subscriptions' Oranae County authorities are warning county residents to beware of phony telephone IOliciton Who aek residenta lf they are lnterelted In aubecri~ to the county'• new 911 emergency te~ system. The IOlicitadOna. made both by telephone and n\a11, aagest that residenta can .w:.c:ribe to the 911 number for a one-time aubaiptlon fee of $8 per adult and •'7 per .child. said Lt. Wyatt' Hart. an Oranae County Sheriff'• Department apokelman. ••Don't give them yoa.ar money," said Bart, who. emphaail ed the acheme is a phony. He 1814 the 911 number ia a county 8'rvice provided to all • l'ellidentll. ... Sheriff'• department tnveetlpton have initiated an mw.Upuan into the .-n and Hart ~·yone who hM been coni.cted the IOUdton to aall ~. .S. poatal •rvtce bidl for a slot. AuctioD1ng of the flight. ii the latest lde9 by county pernment Ottidals to comply with federal court Olden requiring that the airport be opened to air carrien in a nondllcrimlnatory fashion. Two carriers, AirCal and Republic Airlinea, cutrently control 35 of the 41 jet deperturea permitted daily. ftowevel', Cable 1ald, he anticipates only one round of biddina. He aaid it would be in the airlines' interest to win slots on which they could fiy newer, more efficient jets. Airlinee winning 11ots wou"IO be permitted to pay off their bide on a moothly bMia. County aupel'Vi9ors will oot (See PUGHT, Pace A%) Me_sa Fish Fry starts Friday All alr carriers meeting 1peclfied noile atandaida would be permitted to bMi foe flights. Tbe five ~now eervlna the alrport -AlrCal, Bepul>lic, Frontier AlrlJnea, Pacific Southwe.t Airlines, and Western Alrllnet -would have no ldvantage over otl)er canien. Under the proposal, slots Why ia the Costa Mesa Fish would be auctioned umually._No Fry such a popular event over elltimate has been offered u to the years~ what a alot milbt be wOl'th, or Some say it'• the "secret" bow much revenue the county batter u.aed In preparing the mtaht derive tram the annual 9,000 fish diMen. <>then IO for auctiom. the parade, the carnival; the Airport Mms•r Murry Cabla beauty and ~ oan--or the eald today aucUonlna la the ~ • falrwt way to dlltribute what be '1be fun ltal1I l)iday ntght'.at termed a ICU"at commodtty ,._ !Jona Park arid thi ~;.PIJOt'1 t.h.t ii, the iiUiDbel' ol permitted-. apecial -=*ion tGCliiy ~CID the l'Jeb. jail~ I Fry anc1 Camlwl:.._ rwtaa a theft~ rundown on the three-day wmi; i • - German bomb blasts institute · . TUEBINGIN, West a.tmuiY -Terron.ta 1et off a bomb at the ~·Anaerk:an lnltttute ln Tueblnaen Oft Thunday..::. the Jat.t in a eeries of anti·American at~ \he wwk before Prftident Reeon'1 vtllt to Weet Germany. ~o one wu reported lnju.Nd in the pre-dawn blHt, which cau"d $2,000 In damage to the educaUOn&l and reeearch lnatltute, a spokesman for the Karlan.the federal pro9eCUtor'a off~ laid. The Revolutionary Cella, a terrorist grou~t earlier thla week bombed four U.S. mJU~ , claimed responsibility for the blast at the lnatitut.e in a letter to the local newspaper. AIDerican ·wo1nan freed in China PEKING -An Amerbn woman detained le'Wfl days for allepd apytnc .,.mat China waa releued today and liven 48 haun to leave the country, U.S. and Chlne.e offidala said. One Ch1neee IOW'Ce aald China had aerioua, did evidence apinst Lisa Wichler, 28, of Denver, Colo., and waa releaain1 her only to avoid agravating U.S . .chlna relations. A ChJ.neee Foretan Ministry spokesman said, "Considering that Liaa Wichaer haa made a confession of the crimes she had committed and pleaded for leniency, our public aecurity authorities have decided to relea1e her at 6:00 p.m. (3 a.m. PDT) today. She is ordered to leave China within 48 hours.'' NBC wins 7 of top I 0 ratings LOS ANGELES -Perennial third-place netw~ NBC won l8Yel\ apotl in ~~ 10, and pushed CBS lnio third place for the week in a row d~ the May IWeeS-, fiCurea from the A.C. Nielsen Co. abow. ABC took top honon in the weekly Nlelaen television ratings, flnlahlng in flrat place for the week ending May 30. ABC won all fdur weeka of the May sweeps period. ABC placed first for the week with a rating of 13.8. NBC was aecond with 13.~. and CBS was third with 12.7. - Part-ti1ne Legislature rejected SACRAMENTO.-A Republican's meMu.re to maintained Wednesday that his proposed tum Callfomia'a fulltime LetEialature bid into a constitutional amendment would save money and put-time Lepslatµre was ldlfed by a s_tate Senate restore a "cithen Legislature." committee. Sitt the Senate l\uJes Committee voted 3·0 to Si.te Sen. H.L. Richardson, R-Arcadia, kill it. · Judge -drops charges again~t 'boy, 7 VENTURA -A Juvenile Court judge has decided to ~ three felony anon charges against a 7-year-old boy who WAI believed to have been the youngest defendant in California history. Judie Charles McGrath said Thursday that the district attorney bad j failed to prove beyond a reuonable doubt that young Jamle Means was ~illU~OO~~ responsible for fires that ca\.lsed $40,000 damage at a boat storage yard last Jan. 29. '\ :rhe judge also dropped seven misdemeanor counts of maliciC>Ua mllch1ef, but three counts of malicious miachief and three counts of petty theft remain to be considered against 'Jamie, who says his friends have abandoned him since his trial became public. .. I . . . House braces for budget fight WASHINGTON -With President Reagan blueprint u the vehicle for the showdown. nfulina to ••lplit the difference" on the 1~ ln addition, Democradc leaden appeared ready budeet, Democutl llnd Republimm are bndnc for to push a more liberal budget plan than they had another heed·to-bead c1asb on the ~ floar. aapported last week, while Republicans said they 11'e Democ:rata' strategy includes a plan to would move in a more conservative direction. revive ftapn'a nearly-fcqotten original lpet'lldi:nc ,, ff~ricane Alberto h~aded ·for Keys MIAMI -Tropical Storm Alberto, after fcn:i"I the evacuation of thot-.ndl of people in Cuba, today pew quickly into a hurriC'ane with 11-mph whm tn the Gulf of Mexico just IOUthwel\ of the J'londa Keya. Hurricane warnlngl were potted for the Keya aouth of Marathon and up the Welt C.oaat of Florid.a to Fort Myen. Gale wamingl wett issued for the rest of the Keya. ..... CJlllllC2 • .... .., .... C ... l!leM.CA. Mell.-..: .. 1M,C...MIM,CA.- _,...~.,_ = C:.... '-t'1N I~ • ............ _, ·--...-.i~ Wf5 1 II ...... _.., .. ,.., 9 I P __ ,.,, .. ~-· ' News agency sold t~ ne~ company • ~ .... ,......., ..... I( ...... CAT NAP -An unidentified carnival ride operator catches a few extra winks ·before starting to set up the attractions for the CQeta Mesa Fish Fry at the city's Lion's Park. The three-day event opens Friday evening. . KR UPS The wife of a Manne Corp. terpu>t from Camp ~ delCribed by Mr atton.y M • I "bat.tered wUe, '' J\H been lndlcted on~• lhOt &.-husband to deaih durtnj • tamly araument. A federal panel ;wy in San Ote10 indicted Mary Loulte Player, 30, on • fint-de1ree murder charae WedMtday ln connection with the May 25 ahootfng of her hUlband, s,t. Joeeph l>layer, who w.t b.ed at Pendleton. U.S. Maglltrate J . Edward H.arN 1et bail at $50,000 for Mn. Pl4yer dwinl • heu1nc Tue9day but her attorney Mid tho mother of four wu still IA custody at the Metropolitan c.on.:tiona1 Center in San Diego. A11 lstant U.S. Attorney• Stephen Petel'IQn and Pamela Nauahton bad ur1ed custody with no ball. l'Tc h • II OUC -it Electric Coffee Mill • Oval shaped grinding chamber and spec/ally dnlgned stainless steel blade produce perfectly uniform ground coffee • Fast grinding action prevents heat bu/Id-up, assuring full coffee flavor • Grinds evenly with no waste-coarse to powder fine, with finger tip control • 2 oz. capacity (10-15 cups) • Double action safety system · • • 1 year llmlted warranty Siii $11.11 . Price Good Thru 6-9-82 Gt» CROW•. HARDWARE All Slot• OS*' 7 Daya WHtcllft Plaza 1024 lrvlne Ave. Newport Beach 642-1133 Corona del Mar 3107 E. Coast Hwy. 873·2800 Weatcllff Tiii 8:00 Thura. Harbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Or. Newport Beach 644-8570 Anllhelm Hiiia 562o ·santa Ana canyon Rd. (at lmp_erial ttwy.) 99&-5282 Crack into a p late of hot, steaming crab l~g . Try a generous serving of our new spiced cold ooiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn• shrimp. And then do it aga in! It's all you can eat. Every day of the week. Each special is $erved with your choice of a crisp tossed salad or cole slaw, baked polato or rice pilaf, and another favorite, sourdough bread. All you can eat. All week long. , 4 I .( I I I I can For the l8"0nd time ln ·-than a r;:· Newport BHch votera are be uked to approve an tncr..-the clty'• hotel and motel bed tax. The meuure. which would 1ncreue the bed tax trom e to a percent, wu ntrrowly defeated lut fall. A tax lncreaae ~ a two-thlrd1 majority vote to be aUOCftlf ul. A bed tax is added to the tab of hotel and motel g\.festa. Supporter• ol Measure B, who include most City Council members u well as the Irvine Company and SPON (Stop Polluting Ow Newport), suggest the tax incttaSe will make city visito~ their fair share to help keep streets and sewers in shape. The councU, further, has agreed to put the roughly $600,000 the tax increase would net into a special account for. street repairs and construction of bike paths, freeing other municipal f unda for sewer repairs. Opponents of the measure, mostly hotel and motel owners and manaaen, ~the tax hike wW put them at a cliadvantaae with oth•r cf dee auch • COit.a Meta and Irvine where the bed ' tax 11 6 percent. 'nle opponenta alto t'Ol'Dplaln that the clt~_doee not really need the money. They polnt out the city has a projected budpt reterve of t13 milllon. Supporten counter by aaytna most of the clty'a reaerve la earmarked for 1pec1fio aocounta and ii not limply exva money tucked away ln the general fund. Also, they say, th~ tax hike will put Newport ln line with other oceanfront towns such as Laguna Beach and San Diego. A potnt to keep ln mlnd is that if the tax 11leUW'e pueee, the increase will remalJl in effect for only four y~ according to state law. U the increae la to continue beyond that ttme, it mu1t be resubmitted to voters. With that in mind, and the ::ity's pledge to put the tax increase earninga ,into much-needed street project.a. we W'ge voters to approve M~ B. · School use solutions Deciding what to do with Corona del Mar Elementary School is proving anything but elementary for officials of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. First. district officials met stiff resistance from homeowners who live near the surplus school, which was cloeed a year ago because of declining enrollment. Angry residents objected to a plan cal1ing for the University of Southern California to operate a satellite business school at the empty campus. The state Coastal Commi.llion ref used to grant a pennit for the USC graduate school. That left local school officials with littltf choice. They had to let the university out of a lease agreement that would have put the surplus property on a paying basis to the tune of $69_,000 a year. Now a citizens' committee is recommending that the Carnation Avenue school site be oonverted to residential use. The matter wUl be dilculled by the school board June 8. A decision is expected JUQe 22. Homeowners in the area have , suggested clearing half of the 3.75...acre IChool site to make way for about 22-homes, while keeping the existing pla~ Some school o are leaning toward that idea. The school district could uae the money, if a developer can be found. However, there are aome other considerations and some other poasibilltlea. Unlikely as it aeems now, there always is the chance the school could be needed again. It is, after all, the only achool south of Coast Highway in the Corona del Mar area. Homeowners say that, lf that happens, a 1ehool could be built on lhe 1.8 acree that would be left as a playground. That. doesn't .eem terribly feutble. In ea.ta Mesa, another of the school district's surplus campuses -Rea School :__ta being leMed as a community center. This idea iit working well at Rea, but th~ situation is different in Corona del Mar, where two community centers at Grant Howald Park and the OASIS already exi1t ju blocks froftl Corona del Mar · School. It's dOubtful a third is needed. Leuina the surpiua campua to a private «hool hu been aagested. Nothing' baa developed on that front A museum with a tea room "WU advanced as a pcmlble use. 'That was rejected as too commerdal for-- the rellidential char8Cter of the neighborhood. The bia-t problem eeems to be traffic. 'the neilhbon don'\ want to add to the traffic in the area. Building homes OD the acbool lite hardl_y woWd ~ve that j>r'Oblem. If youve Ft any Idea about what could be done with a surplus achool site in the ~e of a residential neiahborhood, you might conl&der advandna them at the June 8 1ehool board meetln&· Be prepared to defend younelf. Funny thlng -that USC business school is looking better all the time. Oil lease fight extended- Laguna Beach bas joined the Siema Club ln a lawsuit against the.federal government to prevent an offshore oil leaae sale next week. · The city, along with Newport Beach and San Clemente. already ba9 joined a state lawsuit against Interior Secretary James W,att's propoaed Leaae Sale No. 68 June 11. sales will be allowed. The stat.e's lawsuit would e1imin.ite only 23 of the t:racta from the sale. In acreetnl to ;>in the Sierra Club. La1una Beach council members decided the action would ~en the state'• lawsuit, and hold the potential for all tracta to be ellminated, instead of ~ nine off the Orange Coast that are included in the state action. Th~ Sierra Club an~ atate suit both seek to halt lease iales untll adequa.te monitoring and environmental protections can be • assured. Neither .Wt sptclftcally teekt to ban •11 offs~ drilling. Laguna's move to joln the Sierra Club ahowa that dt~·· detei'rninaUon 10 halt --,.iet oft Ua 1hontllne. N~ Beech 1h0Wd follow ,IUil. .1~,/f~'t> C~SsMAN. Politi~oS again flying. high WASHINGTON -Ri1ln1 Phoenix-like from the aahea of federal frugality, the Air Force'• 89\h AJl'llft Wing Is once again flying high. Little known to the public or Kremlin spies, the 89th Is well known and ~Y regarded at the Pentagon and on Cap(tol Hill. It's the bigahots' favorite unit. in fact; for its aole milaion ii to provide luxurious -·and free -transportation for VIPs and their wives wherever and when ever they can 'find a halfway-le~timat.e excuae to fly. The 89th 1 posh air-taxi eervioe for the e llte coats the taxpayers about $10 million a year. To avoid embarrusing congressmen and depressing taxpayers, the Air Force destroys the 89th11 flllht records aft.er 30 days. But my a.>c:late Peter Grant saw a copy of the March manifests before they bf\ the lhreddtr. ONE HUNDRED trts-were JcJDWd by the 89th in that one month. JHft are 110me of theee all-expen15·paid junk.eta. straight out of the records that had been marked for destruction. -Two dozen membera of Coocraa and their wives Oew to the elepnt Ocean Reef Club on Key Largo, na., for a meeting wlth a Canadian parliamentary delegation. 'nte tab came to ~.ooo, including room and boerd for the Canadian junketeers. -Ree._ Don FuQua. o..na., ts chairman of the HOUie Science Md TechnolOO Committee. So h~ and five other committee memben -with their wives -hopped an 89th jet down to Florida to see the 1pace shuttle take . off. Then, Q. -~IC-1-11-111-11-1-d. after a aide excursion to California, where they inspected • solar-energy project, the OOJ13felllonal couples arrived in New Mexico in time to tee the ahuttle land. -Air FOl'Ce bram hats U1e the 89th like an airborne Umou..fine service. Robert Mathia, the vice chief of staff, took his wife on a l!iP ~ £n&land and Spain. Gen. Robert Mani\. cammander ol the Air Force Systeml c.ommand. took tu. wtfe on a 12-day tour of the Far F.ast. which included four daJI in Hawaii. An Air Force apokesman said wtves are allowed on these trips for protocol DW"DmeS and to confer with dependents 0n "quallty-oMlfe t.uea.'' ~ The Blhh ia also available to OOJ13felllonal staffers. 1be Air Force invited 25 Capitol Hill aides, almcet all of then female, to Colorado Springs for a tour of the Air Force Academy. THESE EXAMPLES were aU from the month of March. In January, Rep. Peter Rodino, D-N.J .. \ed a group of nlne Democratic congressmen and their wives aboard an 89th jet for a two-week, $15,000-plus junket in Italy. They visited Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Naples and Rome to "show America's support for Italy as a strong NATO ally," a Rodino spokesman said. Also in January, Rep. James Jeffords, R-Vt., a memt;>er of the Education and Labor, Aariculture and Agin& Committees, for some reason flew the 89th to France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands while his constituent.I were shcvellng mow. A Jeffords spokeaman said his boss "has a general poUcy of avoiding congressional junkets unte. absolutely necessary." Couplinll[ the words "junkets" and "necessary'' ia a le>dcological breakthrough. Though the $10 rn1111on budget for the 89th Airlift Wing is a drop in the $258 billion Pentagon bucket, it probably costs the taxpayen bill.ions more indlrectly. What congressman is goina to be so ungracious as to n.lggle over the defense budget after a luxurious flight on an Air • Force junket jet2 Unions· didn't _kill the 'big b3nds' • ,To the Editor. On your editorial page of May 24, waa a v~ ~ article by :Earl Waters. Mr. Waters has the gall to state, in print. that the reason that there are no more big band.I ls <\'Je to fea'lherbedding MAllBltX by local unions when the big bands came to town. Nothing could be,further from the truth! I had the good fortune to be a sideman in many, many famowt "blg bands," with 20 years' experience on the road in flVefy kind of band, and never once did I aee the irresponsible activities Wat.era c1aiml happened in the big band era. It is simply not true! ONE OF THE tbiJlis that did destroy the btg band era was, finlt of all. four Jong-haired youtblt who started to turn the entire music ~around wtth the advent of the rock era. No b6a bind had ever been able to draw a ~uarter of a mlllion people '° • field in w~ and that la one of the thinp that the blg bands. We are happy to report to you that .very major~ minor star, and the bulk of all profemional m~ do beloQa to, and enjoy memberahip in a union. the Amerlcan Federation of Muaiclan1. Inaocu.rades ahould not be allowed to be dlmeminated th.rouah your pubUcatioft. 'I B. DOOGLAS SAWl'ZLLE Pl ......... t MUlid,anl' Local #7, A.F.M. SuplH,)rt bed tax of the bed tax tnc:reue. And that was without any active campe.lplng being dooe on ita behalf. (The meuure needs a tw~thirda vot.e to succeed). It ii not aurprillng to find hotel and motel owners oppo1in1 Measure B. Howewr, I a,r-ee with Geor1l'f ;Jpraglns. leader of the YES on B Committee, when-he states he "doean't buy the argument that an ir1cn•e of 2 percent -which means only a dollar or two -is gotrtg to tcare away hotel au-ta." Laguna Beach anct San l>leao already charge an 8 percent bed tax. \,.et'• join them in asking toWista to pay their fair share. NANCY SKINNER, Member Newport Beach Committee for YES on B TELEPHONR YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See Instructions ~low Rule side-stepped To the F.d.lt.or: Contrary'° your editoriel 00 May 21, there la nothing "outmoded" about the ~mile rule for John Wayne Airport. Al. we are all aware, there ~ ii more demand for commercial llll'Ylce at John W9JWe than cm or aboWd be ~ded. By .-vtdna Denver In the lint ')>llic.'e, even with a stop In I.a Vepa. l'rulUer bu circum.nnted the Intent of the 500-mile rui.. To elilmnate the rule will merely ~ other cinien '° do the~. adctinC to defMftd ~at the airport What .. ~.needed. tame~ on the part of or:,:1ie County 8'AJill Ytlon to fl'9' on hf'11MDt a JWW llltm. Undl _...,.,._ ........... the .._ •• Jalln .,.,.. wll laBllm.le! BURR ALLIOAERT Mar too. I was l3 in 1956. Back then, we not only had squirrels and gulls, but skunks, possums, quail and road runners, too. OLD CORONA del Mar grew wild flowers every spring, instead of homes. The dazzling array attracted hundreds of species of butterflies. You could catch fish. abalone and lobstet' with just a mask in six feet of ocean. We never heard of smog. The roads were clear and you could park anywhere, except for summer vacation. Big Corona Beach had globa of tar all over lt, quite oft.en, back then. It is always clean these days. It would be tt:rrible to foul up our beaches. You are right, Jane. But I still wldt you could have seen the "Crown of the Sea" when the only dirty thing about her was the beach! MICHAEL STEINER Save Social Security To the Editor: . Treasury Secretary Regan has publicly stated that Social Security wW go broke after July 1983 unleaa chanaes are made to make the system financltily eound. This surely means that thj! time ii now to realiJe the total jnjwUce and 1ukidal bnpact from such a ••happenina." It al8o means that federal rnanaaement ml.ml foreatalf 1uch eventuallty to avoid financial disaster and 90Cia1 reivaludon. I . • Do_yv Jones Final • OFF 0.38 CLOSING 118.50 Saffell & Mc.Adam, Inc. Buildef"l, lrvine, hu beep aelected to oonatruct a $2 miWon addlUon to the Ball Medical <:enter, 3400 W. Ball Road in Anaheim. It will add a second floor to the building, expand.lng to a total of 30,168 equare feet. 'The contract includes a 10,000-equare foot ground level parking lot with steel colwnna supporting the officee above it. The Ball Medical BuilcllJli 18 across from Anaheim General H08pital. New-home sal es .drop WASHINGTON (AP) -Sales of new single-fatnily houses, meager through the fall and winter, plunged 15.3 percent in April to the lowest level since the government began keeping such figures 19 years ago, officials said. And with interest rates still high, the Commerce Department's chief economist, Robert Ortner, said Wednesday "prospects for an upturn in the immediate future are virtually nil." Plagued ·by those high interest rates, the new-house sales pace has dropped by nearly one--third since December, according to the report from the Commerce department and the Department oJ Housing and Urban Development. The April sales pace of 315,000 houses at an annual rate was well below the previous record low of 335,000 in September. Western tra f fic r ises Western Airlines May scheduled traffic totaled 774 million revenue passenger miles, up 5 percent from May 1981. May waa the first month of operation for Western's new fllght schedule, which included development of a flight connecting oenter, or hub, at Salt Lake City and the first Western aervioe to eight cities, Baltimore, Boiae, New York. Miaeoula, TucaOn., Fairbank.a, the Tri-Cities (Pasco, Kennewick and Richland, Wash.) and Washington's Dullea International Airport. Also included waa resumption of service at Spokane, Casper and Oakland. Projectors m ark eted SOURCE Technologies Corporation, Mukilteo, Waah. haa launched the mai;keling of ita Voyager (TM) ~e/90und projection system with the opening of a district sales office in Anaheim at 163 N. Cerritos Ave. inted ~,__,_. Marla H. c.aprow haa been appo ........ ...,. manager. She was aenior marketing repre!leltative for Xerox Corporation in Orange. Fir m o p e ns Gr o ve facility Walker & Lee has opened a 4,000-equare foot resale offioe in Garden Grove with more than 350 guests attending the festivities. Susan Van De Sandt is manager of the f.acility, at Brookhurst Street and ~wood Avenue. The office la on the site that Walker & Lee bas occupied nearly 27 years. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~IW voi.K IAP)· s.les, J "·"'· prlee .... 111C dWngl Of Ille IMI molt Ktl• .Mw1C81 Sll!Clr h:d>en.. 1-. ,,.., 1"!11C1Nlly at more !Nin 11. s "7.JOO Siio -"-~ 747,100 M • 1"' =....... I 71,700 a-. -I 60,lQO S" -\lo "'·"° 12f\ -..Har S1AGO 17'1o + " .,..,,,. I SJ;100 10\li -~ ~-' !t:~ Uv.·-~ l9t ' ,.;ooo '"' -\lo METALS Hl!W YORK (API _: Spot nonftfroua "'9111 prto. IOdq. C.,..., 7~71 llelltl a pound, U.S. Cl..tlnatlonL LMd 2$-27 oentll. pound. a. S5 C9ntl. pound, ~ ,,.. 11.1130 ...... Week ~-lb. _,___ T&.n Cllnta a pound, H.Y • .._, $310.00 I* ..... .....,_. t2M.OO ~or., N.Y. SILVER H•lldY & H1rm1n, St.030 per troy -.. t •