HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-05 - Orange Coast Pilot... .. YOUR HDMITDWI llAllY. PAPIR ',J\lltlllll\Y .HtNI ' I'''· OHA N (~( COUN IV L AL It OHNIA 1~ CENTS • U.S. errs ID U.N •' Falklands vote - UNITED NATIONS (AP) - U.S . Ambassador Jeane J . Kirkpatrick joined Britain on Friday In vetoing an Argentine-backed Security Council reaolutJon calling for an immediate cease-fire In the Falkland Islands -and got instructions minutes later that she should have abstained. The new instructions, whlch she said came "from Paria by way of Wa.shinglOn," arrived too late to change the American vote and the U .S . veto stood. President Reagan is in Versailles, outside Paris, for an economic summit meeting. Pitches not watered-down British Ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons appeared flabbergasted by the Ameri- can flip -flop . ''Breath - tak ing." he was ovel'- heard muttering as he overheard muttering as he strolled away shaking his head after the meeting. "Of course I'm embarrassed. Anyone would be embarrassed, wou ldn 't they?" Mr s. Kirkpatnck told reporters Proposition 9 messages play on regional I ears Nine members of the 15-nauon council supported the resolution, By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM Delly Not St.tf Many Californians who have watched or heard commercial meM&ges about the Peripheral Canal issue would be surprised if they traveled to another part o{. the state a nd turned on a television set. They'd find that their fellow Califomjans are being told the story' from a distinctly different angle than what they've heard. That's because the campaign organiiatJons on both sides of the issue have tailored their messages to strike at the regional fears surrounding the Peripheral Canal, Proposition 9 on Tuesday's ballot. , In Southern California, lhe fear is a lack of water and the economic consequences that come with it. In the north , environmental queatlons predominate, and in the Central Valley it's the fear that agriculture will suffer if the canal isn't built. Officials of the campaigns, both sides of which are heavily• financed, say they regionaHze their messages to deal with what people are concerned about ln the different regions. But those same officials admit in more candid moments that the campaigns do little to discuss the issues in depth. The pro-canal campaign headed by the organization Citizens for Water offers an example. For the Southland, there is among others a commercial showing a· soft drink canning plant in operation. The voice of the plant manager is heard describlng water as "an economic imperative" for his plant, leaving the obvious impression that, without the canal. jobs ln such businesses would be jeopardized. A Citizens for Water commercial pllyed mostl¥ in Central California features Bakerafield Mayor Mary Kay Shell warning that "without Propo.ition 9 your food prices will go up and the small farmer will go out of businea." Cithena for Water decided to use little or no television advertising in the anti-canal north, but has been using radio advertisements attacking the alternative to the canal recommended by Lt. Gov. Mike Curb's special iask force on the question. A commercial for statewide organizers .called the ''human angle" can be used on television in the north if strategy calls for a change of plans. In that commercial, a young Central Valley woman is shown writing a letter to her mother which states "the farm has been in the family for four generations now, but it may not be much longer. Our water is running out, and people don't seem to understand that we (farmers) turn water mto food." The anti<anal campaign run by Cahforn:ans for a Fair Water policy employs a similar strategy. In the north. a commercial shows the Sacramento River Delta, the heart of the state's water system, in its early morning serenity. "There are forces at work that will devastate this beauty," says an announcer, who goes on to call (See PERIPHERAL, Page A4) · sponsored by Panama and Spam. Consternauon was evtdent in_ the hall, when in explaining her "no" vote Mrs. Kirkpatrick told the council: "I am told it is impossible for a government to change a vote once it is cast, but I have been requested by my government to record the fact that, were It possible to change our vote, we should like to change it from a veto , a no. that is, to an abstention." Earlier In her explanation of the vote., Mrs. Kirkpatrick told Some Cove cottages to be taken over By JEFF ADLER «-. 0.-, "'°' ..... Whe.n the state Parks and Recreation Department unveils Its plan for using the 45 cottages at Crystal Cove State Park next week it will recommend that a minimum number of cottages CX."CUpied by part-time residents be vacated sometime this summer. "We're looking at early occupancy for public use, preferably this summer," Les M c.Ca r go, c h i e f o f th e department's development division, confirmed Friday. Although McCargo would not specify how many or which of 23 cottages the department ts ask.tog be vacated this summer, he sa1d 1t was a "minimum" number. Once vacated the cottages will be adapted for use as a park office, restrooms and residences for park rangers, he srud. The department 's ·Diedrich loses high court round long-awaited plan for using the cot~ges, which dot the seaside bluffs between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, is to be unveiled at a meeting with cottage residents sometime next week, McCargo added. Although the plan already has received Parks and Recreation Department Director Peter Dangermond Jr.'s approval, it still must receive legislative endorsement before 1t can be enacted. The California Supreme court Friday refused to hear fonner Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich 's request for reconsideration of its earlier deciiion upholding his 1979 bribery and conspiracy convictions. The court ruled that Diedrich's petition for rehearing, . pre pa.red by Santa Ana attorney. Keith Monroe, was not filed in timely fashion. Monroe said a burglary to his tem,porary law officet in Santa Ana and illne11 caused the petition to be filed one day late. He said his office had been verbally ~vised by a Court clerk that the tate filing would be accepted. WORLD Monroe said he is scheduled to confer with Diedrich to detennine a new course of action in the wake of the high court's latest ruling. Diedrith was sentenced in 1979 to serve one to 14 years in state prison following his conviction stemmjng from a three-count, 1977 grand jury indictment. The accusation included charges that Diedi;ich, and co-defendant LeRoy Rose, a former architect in Orange County, conspired to commit bribery in connection with county fovemment approval of plans or d evelopment of Anaheim Hills. On May 6, the state high court reversed one of two bribery .. 'lleasan joins West's leaders VERSAILLES, France (AP) -President Reaaan jOined other leaden of the world's major industrial democracies at the lavWl estate of French kings Friday,· ~tted to intenaifYhll the battle against inflation and revttalltJna recelllQD-crippled economies. counts of whlch Diedrich was convicted, but reinstated his conviction on a second bribery count and one count of conspiracy. Rose's conviction on a conspiracy count also was upheld. The petition for rehearing was supposed to be filed by May 21, a FHday, but was not submitted until May 24, a Monday. Monroe said it made little difference that the petition for rehearing was not hear,d. polntJng out that such actions. even if heard, are rarely succeaful. Monroe said it must now be decided whether to pursue the cue before the U.S . Sup'reme (Ste DIEDRICH, Page A%) NATION An Assembly budget subcommittee has stipulated th.at the department's plan for using the cottages must be submitted for Its approva} no later than Dec. 15. If evictions of part-time cottage residents are carried out this summer, they will be done under the authority of eviction notices posted on the doors of 23 cottages Aprtl 14. Those notices Informed residents they had until July 31 to vacate. A draft of the department's (See CRYSTAL, Page A2) Smith probe reported W ASlilNGTON (AP) -The Justice Department ls reportedly conducting a prellminary inquiry to see whether a special proaecutor should be named to investJiate Attorney General William French Srp.lth's acceptance of a $50,000 severance payment from a Californta sleel companj. · the council the U.S. positio{\ affirmed "the principle ttt.t force should not be allowed to lrlumph." Parsons told the council before the vote that the resoluuon ''in no way meets" hts government's conditions !or a truce in the conflict whic h began when Ar~entina selzt'd the South Atlantic island April 2 The Soviet Union. a large buyer of Argentine grain, supported the resolution along w1(h China , Poland, Japan, Ireland. Uganda. Zaire, Spain and Panama France. Jordan, Guyana and Togo abstained. British tighten Stanley noose By Tbe Asaoclated Press Wav~ of helicopters ferried 'lritish commandos into attack positio11 ..around the Falklands capital of Stanley Friday Military sources 1"l Buenos Aires claimed Argentina has flown in 2,000 soldiers to reinforce its 7.000-man garrison holding the bes:eged port town A London n ewspaper said Argentina had receiveq sophisticated missiles from Libya fof a possible last-ditc h air assault on the estimat1..>d 7,500 Bntish troopers who have seized the high ground overlooking Stanley and the 100-shlp British war fleet. At the U.N. Security Council in New York, both the United States and Britain vetoed a resolution that called for an immediate cease-fire in the South Atlantic conflict. The U.S . volt-was 1n e rror (see al'l'Ompanying story.) Argtmtina's Joint Chiefs of Staff Issued a communique reporting dashes between British and Argentine patrols west of Stanley but hsted no casualties. It also said Argentine ArtiJlerymen she lled Brl11i;h hilltop-positions and anll-a1rcrah batteries drove o ff Britis h fight -bombers attempting to raid the capital, but dJJ not cla1m anv of the rurcraft had been hit. • The communique said British activity around Stanley was "declining, especially referring to air operations." It gave no possible reason, but the British Defense Ministry reported wlntry cqnditions in the islands with thick fog and cold, wet weather. Delft ltllot Slaff ....... GETTING HIS KICKS -Sabin Stew~rt, 4, Cost.a Mesa, splashes in portable po0l his parents brought along on an outing to Lake Park in Huntington Beach. For such a young man, he managed to kick up quite a sprQy. . INDEX California Classified Comics Comment Ct"081Word Death Notices F.ntertainment Movies National News A3 Cl-6 C2 B6 C2 C3 B9·11 89-11 AS \ Public Notices ~on , .. ~~on ~ten Trivia Weather WQrld News Youth Bll; C3 B8 Bl-4 B12 88-11 BlO A2 A3 B7 _plan for u1tn1 . ..the bulldiftl• ~ thal ultirriately l t'Onq. bt ren'9d to the· public on an ~t blilll while 10 o\hera be made avallable •• hoatela for overntcht ht.ken and blcyclera. Additlonally, t'Otta.-cowd be uM to houle a vllitor'I cenier, • park offk'e cw a variety of other admintatratlve funcuo,.1, accordtn1 to David Allen, a department offidal who helped develop the plan. Whtie atate ofticlala and cott.ae remdenta have continued to huale over the community'• fate, the l"llAdet\11 ha\1'9 ~ a liW.Wt filed tn Oranp CC>Unt;y SUPtftOC' Court that oontendl the 1tate renepd on lia proml8I to provide cove realdenta with 20-year leue extenalon1 on their cottaaes. The t'Ottalet beoarno .part of Ceyttal Cove State Park In 1979 when the aiaw PWd\eMd the· ~l from the lMn.~ Co. for $32.6 million. Subaequently, the cottaau were deei1nated a national hiatorical site repreaenting the laat exiltlna t9ample of an early California 6el!h community. DIEDRICH LOSES. • • Court. ''Thia cue la .. good on the merit• aa an1 case they accept." Monroe saMl. Diedrich, a multiple term SlJpervWor who had eerved u chairman of the five-member board, was considered one of the moat powerful men ever to hold elective office ln the county. He WU dubbed 0 Super D.'' He was forced to give up his post in 1979 'after being sentenced to priaon by a San Diego County Superior Court Judie, The cue wu eent to San ~&on a change of venue Proeecuton claimed Diedrich and Rose conapired to obtain money from the then-ownen of Anaheim Hilla ln return for a favorable aupervteorial declalon res;noving ·a portion of the prQperty from an....ags:tcultural preserve designation that prevented development. ·-~~ . ~~who have t..lt the •Uni of IMt-mlnute cwnpai&n matl•n from City Council candidate John Nakaoka are dalm1na that h1I Uli:tiat .,.. Ublj to hurt hlm MON than them. Nakaoka followed up two controvenlal lettera received by yotetl Thuraday With a mer delivered Friday to Republican votera ln which he once .,.an tiled to Unk incwnbfnt Lin)' ~ wtth political ecti..n.t TOI\' Hayden. The lettera have created thJ.a .raponae~ -A1,ran termed the lateat mailer ' the most vidowl srne.r I · have ever wltneleed." -. Nabolca probably will be aaked to ~ from the Irvine Unified School Board at Wedneeday'a meetlJ'\8. -Three other dlool dlatrict tn.atees ·are p1ann1na to hold a pns conference Monday to try to clear t})emaelvea and the · dlatrict from aaociaUons with Naboka'a mail. . A let1er concerninc the IChool district was .an endonement for Nakaoka from school board president Elizabeth "Lee" Skoli. She wrote in the letter d.latrlbuted to ~ta· involved in achool activities that Nakaoka~• election ~y la needed to CRmCIZED -Letters and a flier authorized by City Council candidate John Nakaoka have drawn ancer from fellow school board trultees . enaure quality education. Flnaneed by Nakaoka'• committee, the letter failed to point out what ~~1:chool diatrlct _,.., dty o have reitented llllOe Its publication - the COUJldl haa no tie to the IChool daatrict and makes few .-an iiWJOPi liit iii ... 9et't ~and ..sci tn biold r d t)' pe: • Dated School formation Enclo1ed." Her taUonery •lao had th• 1010. whk:h ii tuPDOeid to be uMd only #for otf 6dal '\:iUalneel. Nakaoka ha• 1lnce publicly stated that Mn. StcoU wM not aware that the lop would be uaed . In fact, he clalrn•d he cUdn't know either and that ~ pe1&n OONUltantl had choaien the t.cik without ~ him.; • That explanation haan't •tlatied many Irvine tealdentl who were anaered by the envelope'• f-1le pretext and ltl apparent attempt to auaaeat official authorization, aald Gordon Getchel, another dlat.rlct trultee. . 0.t.chel aA1d he hu reotptved aeveral calla from an1ered reeldenta who repre•en$ all political vl•wpolnta but who share a diNlte In tnvolvfnl the schools ln the Council race. ••u John -. the dty council election, there wt1l bt a wry ltrOng movement to remove him from the school board u well." predict.ed Getchel. '"The one local agency that needa to be above reproach ta the achool board becauae it is the purveyor · of values to. our kida." ANGRY-Councilman Larry Agran charges' Nakaoka is resorting to ''smears" to get elected. Nakaoka al9o noted that Agran and Hayden once made speeches at the same ranr at Orange Coast Collelfe. that ,.,gran supported former·Orange County Supervisor lf4iaon Miller. whom CED backed, and that Agran is listed for an acknowledgement (first, because it's in alphabetical Ot'der) ln Hayde~s book, "The American Future.' GOP panel to stUdy Sills brochure on Frizzelle votes . decision. affecting educational 'programa. But what concerned district O~ most WU that her Jett.er The 29-year-old Nakaoka was elected to the IChool board ln 1980. He has said he would relilen that post if he wlna one of two open aeata in Tuesday'• electlm. Qetcbe1 uid he haa been ln contact with district trustees John Flynn and Buff White. He aaid they expect to call a praa conference Monday to make it clear the .<!istrict lan't involved wit)\, Nakaoka'• last-minute mail en. Agran , however , has consistently d enied any connection with Hayden. He said he had nothing to do with the CED memo, which he described as c oming from the "loosely-structured and very Ineffective Orange County chapter'' of CED. A local Republican ethicia committee was to meet early ~ to judp an alleption by chal.lengtt David Silla tliat Nolan Friz:zelle boa, miSled key votes in the state Amembly. Friz:zelle requested the .-on with the Orange County Republican Central Committee'• hearing body, after di8covertna the alleption ln a Silla brochure . mailed late this week to · Republican voters ln the 69th Asaembly District. The-meeting will take place at 8 a.m. at the committee headquarters in Orange. 1be two men u-e teeking the Republican nomination In Tueaday'a election for the• district~ which includet Co.ta Mesa. Fountain Valley, Irvine, a pardon of Santa Ana ~ p9l't ,,, lluntinp>n Be.ch. But a spoke.man for SW. Mid Friday evening that Silla won't 1et foot ln the heai1ng uni.. its doon are opened to the prea. Silla suspects the ethics committee ii weighted in favor of Frizzelle. aaid the .,. .. , .. n Thia latest tiff in a primary campaign full of lq'"'bb1ea began when 'Sills sent the brochure listing 25 billa on which he clalmed Frizzelle failed to cut votes. ._. cr.n ~ "°"' Point CCN~...,.._dtNS._ O!Mr....,.toa.i~ letand lor ~--11 to 30 llnotl •nd a to • f001 combined -ttlrouafl todllr. El• ... light _...,.. .... morning b1comln9 we1t to IOUtllWHt 12 to 11 knot• •flernoon end ev•nlng. 8outllweet IWlll• 1 to 2 f..C. ~ Clbldr momna becollm19 ~ Clbldy .,..,_, However, the brochure dldn'l include an explanation that the milled votes in most cuea were ln Amembly committees rather than final votes on the &or. Interviewed Friday afternoon about the brochure, Sill•· admitted it doesn't explain that Aslembly members often have more than one chance to vote on billa •• they pa11 from committees to the ~bly floor and occasionally back again for mocHfk:ation. But he atreseed that leglslaton are full-time employees and should be accountable for every vote. "Everyfl.me you call an Mlel1lblyman. they alway. uy the ral wodl ia done tn the oammitiee.... IUd SUia. '""lbat'• where bills are J(illed; that'• where they-re Jllll'l!ld." Silla claimed that new comprehensive computer printouts on d votes th1ll .moo enabled him to lilt Frtaelle'a rm.es. In 1981, FriDe11e rm.eel 647 votes, or 12 pel'Cellt of the total, he said. Referring to hla computer printouts, Sills boasted! "We have documentation to back everythina we've said ln that brocflure.'T , In the brochure, Sills called the attendance record a ''dJscrace, •• However, Frizzelle claimed the brochure didn't make the critical distinction aa tQ whether he miaaed a committee vote or whether he had voted on the bUl at all. He said the brochure'• ''contenta went beyond comawi nolltical distortion and dealt with r.Stralght-out lies." Frizrelle alao explained that ~bly members oocaslonally mial votes because more than one of their committees might meet at the same time. In thoee c:u., he said. members try to cut votes on importatnt matt.en and may not bother to record a "no" vote, because the number of "yes" V'Otd la the crudal ...... . He added that Republican Assembly meniben adopted a policy last y... to ablta1D from voting on aeveral bills requiring a two-thirds majority for paauge as a prote11t to D~mocratlc re.apportionment plans. Calling Silla a "crybaby," Frizzelle aaid the brochure's alleotiona ~ u off-bale u any ne'd .een.. "It buma me up becau.e no cne is held accountable for these things,. .. he said, "espici•~the campaign manager, Bob N .'' Market jumpy ·over Coast firm status NEW YORK (AP) -Stock pdcel took a aharp dn>p Frida,, extending the market 1 month-long slide amid increasing P"""mltm over the outlook for the economy ~terest rat.ea. Analysts ,.ta questlom over the 11atua of an Orange Coast firm that deala in government aecurltlea a~ded to traders' u.neuinem. The Dow Jones average of 30 lnduatriala dropped 11.52 to 804.98, lts lowest cloee lince it finiahed at 795.85 on March 17. One· analyst blamed the market'• weakness on aR "accumulation of ne1at1ve1," including discouragement over the federal budget deadlock and concern ayer high lnteft8t rates. The marketa tn general. and bank stocks ln pu1icular, also wete apparently unsettled by word that Marine Midland Bank had briefly auapended administrative "clearing" opentiom Thunday fol' Comark Cxrmwlities of Newport Belch, a aovernment securities firm. Colnark couldn't be reached for comment.. The bank said it had reaunied thoae operationa Friday. ,,.v. Agi'an. meanwhile, planned to have hia volunteers walking precincts this weekend armed with a baltily-prtntecl statement rebut Ung Nakaoka'• chargea about Hayden. In Nakaoka'• flier received Friday, he claimed Agran ls tied to Hayden because of "an internal memo" fr'OJ'D Heyden'• Campaign for Economic Democracy deecrl}>ing Agran .. an any. . · He a.greed to speak at OCC. he said, under a stipulation that neither his nor Hayden'; remarks would be taken aa endorsements for the other. Hayden spoke on national issues, Agran said. while he talked about local problems. Agran was acknowledged in the book, he said, because Hayden had cited information from a book Agran authored, "The Cancer Connection." It had nothing to do with political alliances, he said. Slain Inan found in ·El Tor.o field The body of a 62-year-old agricultural worker with a aingle aunah<>t wound ln the chest waa lound Friday ln a field at an El Toro nunefy, the Orange County Sheriff a Department said. Adding mystery to the alaytng was the fact that a 25-year-ola fellow worker who lived next door to the victim could not be located. "Either he's a victim or a ·suspect," commented sheriffs LL Wyatt Hart. He deecribed the reladonahip between the two men, both from Mexico, u th.at o( "f.ather and eon.'' Investigators were withholdi.ni the identity of the slain man pending notification of r~la ti ves. They also were withholding the identity of the missing man. The body was found near a row of eucalyptus trees about 7 am. Fridiy by another worker at the Nakaae Nursery, 20743 Canada Loop. About 60 persons are employed at the 100-acre nursery.~ said .. Hart said the victim was last aeen alive at his trailer about 6 p.m. Thunday. .JJ ~ · PLUS ~'SALE · Entertain this summer with the unique Roge 0 i"s look. Buy a quality patio set now and we'll give you $100 l!REE worth of Roger's exciting, colorful pots & baskets __ E PARIS (AP) -Secretary of St.ate Alexander M Hal1 Jr. aald Friday Uia1 _avoldlna further bloodat\ed In the Falklancl lala.nda dependa on whet.her Argentina la wllllna to withdraw it• forcee In thf face of a final Mlault expec1ed by BrtUah troops. "~ of today, the dedalon rests ln Buenol Aires." said Haig, briefing report.en after Presid@nt RHpn'a 90-minute conference with British Prime Mlnlster Margaret Thatcher at the U.S. Embury. 11Both ~ .,.. awar. of the deillNbWty to keep bloOdi.Md to • minimum," Hait iald. "No queaUon abou.t that •.. And thla depend• fundamentally on the Will1Nrn• of th• A.rpnUnes to withdraw, to aet a .chedwe, to flx a date cert.ain for withdrawal." The secretary of atate denied Reaaan had' aaked Mra. Thatcher to hold up her forcee, now poiaed for an .... ult on the Argentine atronghold at Pon Stanley. • • .ISrael envo:y ·clings to life . LONDON (AP)-=-Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Argov clung to life Friday with a bullet wound in the braln after he was shot at point-blank ranae in I.he streets of central London. A police IOW'Ce said four arres~ suspects belonged to a PLO aplinter group. The Palestine Li~ration Organi%ation denied responsibility for the Thursday night attack but within hours Israel eent lta warplanes on retaliatory bombl.ni raids on PalettinJan ttroncholda ln Bet.rut. Arjov~ 521 was ahot ahortly after 11 p.m. Thunda' as he left a diplomatlc dinner at the luxurious Dorcheater Hotel. The alleged uuilant wu wounded by police gunfire as he tried to flee. 'n)e suspect waa pre~ for surgery on a neck wound and was expected to recover. . . Big cloud blocking sunlight M.OUNTAIN VIEW (AP) -The mammoth explosion of a Mexican volcano fonned a huge cloud of ash and sulfuric acid 17 miles above the F.arth that is interfering with sunllght.-ln Hawaii, Japan and tropical regtons, scientists said Friday. It's too 9000 to tell if the cloud from the April 4 explosion of Chinchonal volcano in southeast Mexico, which killed 22 pepple, will alter the •rth's climate this year, said James Pollack of .the National Aeronautics and Space Adminiatration's • Ames· Reseatth Center. But it's poeisible that the eruption that' belched 10 inilllon tons of debra lnto the upper atmoephere -at least 10 times as much as produced by Mount St. Helens -could produce climatic changes a1milar to the 1815 eruption of Tambora ln lndonesia, although it should not threaten human health, said Pollack. China releases Americaii SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -An American teacher expelled from China arrived In San Francisco on Friday, exhausted and ill,.denytna she is a spy and saying she still hopes to marry her Chinese fi.ance. "I not a spy. I have never been a spy. That'• ridiculous," Ljsa Wich8er said in a brief statement at San Franciaco International Airport. · . RAT.EIGH, N.C. (AP) --rt. Staie -Senate voted 27 -23 Friday to table the Equal Rights Amendment, apparently killin& the rneaaare in North Carolina IUld makina chances for national ratification by the June ~ deadline even more remote. . Senate rules require a two,thlrds majority in the 50-member body to bring the bill back to life - •it•m very, very happy to be home in the United States," she aid, smillna.'oocasionall7 aa local relatives looked on. Chinese off iciala accused Miss Wicbaer, a 28.year-old Enallah and ecoQOmics teacher, of stealing eecret documents and spying. She wu arreated at her apartment in Pekln1 and lnterropied for aeven daya, ~ of 1hem ln llOlftary confinement. • ....,..., .COllllideNd out.~t reach b~~f the Dl'Oomed oonstitutional amendment. 0 '"1'here'1 no way they can get it bat;k now," said Sen. Crail Lawing, president pro-tem ol. the Senate and a supporter of the proposal designed to ban MX di9crimination. .• Meanwhile, 1even women fasted for an 18th day in Springfield, m. In support of the EBA. Money supply inches upward NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's basic money suJ>i>ly was virtually unchanged in late May, the Federal Reterve Board reponed Friday, leading analysts to pl'8dict monetary policy and interest rat.es would stabilize. The Fed's weekly report failed to exdW. the bond market, where prices rile-,wben lntereat rates fall. Rates dropped only a few hundredths of a percentage point in late trading after the 1:10 p.m. PDT release of the figures. The Fed said Ml, a ~asure of fundS, readily available for spending, ro.e to a eeuonally adju8ted $451.5 bilJJon In the week ended May 26 from a reviled $451.4 bllllon the previous week. The previous week's figure fOf' Ml, which includes cash in circulation and depo•lt• in checklnJ-t.Y~ accounts In financial institutions, WU orip\ally reported as $451.5 billion. ,,. 'greatest . ill' .. SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -Mother Tere., wboee tending of Calcutta'• poor led to a Nobel Peace Pri~ said Friday that Jonel1nem -the hunger for hwnan love -ii the world'• wont w. The recipient of the 1979 •ward villted San· Francilco to ~ In the dty'• celebration of the 800th bU'tbday of lta patron -.int, Franm o1 Allial, who, like Mother Tereaa, swore off material riches and cared for the homele11, lick and hungry. 0 Peop1e today all '1Vet the world are tufferina more from ~" tlW\ pover.ty alone, Mot.her Teresa said at a news conference. Whether your lntereata run from ScotU.h aamee. to ft.ah try dlnnera. to exotic autqmoblltt, thUI weekenCl Ilona the Oranp Coll• hu them all. And lt'• all happenlf'll today and Sunday ln c.olt.a Meu. The UnJt.ed Scottlth Society of Southern Callfornla la ~lebratina lta 50th annJveru.ry with two a.ya of Scottiah Garnee at the Oran1e County FalrifOunda. 111at'1 two days of ~hina bai\da, ba'aplpea, caber to111na, hammer throwtnc. 10C.Ur, ruat>y, ahot pui, h!ahland dancl.na and ev~n a da,l show. Gata open at 9 a.m. bodl day• with eventa runnhta until ~ p.m. Aclm1.ion ia M for adulta, $4 for _.,nJon and $2 for children under 15. If watchlna men In ak.lrta l.an't your idea of fun, you miaht want to head fQr South CoUt Plaza ,.,.,,.....,. LAST DAY -'A woman employee wipes tears away as the final shift leaves the Bumble Bee aeafood processing plant which cloeed Friday in San Diego. The closing cost 900 people their jobs. ~ '°""' I •1110\T lJI Ll'lt.L ~ stUCTIOH9 . LARGE CAPACITY 2-SPEED WASHER • 5 cycles. Including perm1Mnl presa/knlta ,,,.. • 4 wUNtlnM temper11ure Mlecllont • New e11tr1 cleaning cycle tor heavily 1olled modern fabric. OOt rai: ... • e c)'del, includ•"O permanent c:r- •• ._. Mltct-. tnetud.ngno- heat nuH • R-.Dlt ue>·lront hnt loller SAVI •1000 WB1 YM "' 1'11 Piii where many of the world'• molt oxotlc c~ wW be on dlapt.y today and Sunct.y. The Exotic Car Show run• from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and fron noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Featured will be fully appointed "stretch" llmoualnet, a S40K Mercedes Bem replica, a LeG!Ue 1peclalty car; Maaeratl Quattroporte, Ferrari, and the new RoU. Royce SUver-Spirit "Udo." convertible priced at •22s.ooo. Cara will be ditplayed throughout South Cout Plua and ad.miaaion ii free. And 1peaklng of free · admlslion, you can 80 anywhere at Llo114 Park during the 37th annual Fish Fry thla weekend, but filh dinners and carnival rides will t:oat you. Hburs are from 10 a.m. today to 9 p.m.. with ' the Fish Fry parade echeduled for 10:30 a.m . today. The parade route ll1ar1a on Harbor BQulevard fron) Wilaon Street, IOUth to 19th Street, west to Anaheim. then aouth to Lion'• Park. The Fish Fry beghu lreab again at noon on Sunday and runs until 8 p.m. Higblighta today include the Dorothy Jo Dancers at 4:15 p.m.1• the Square Riggers at 7 p.m. ana a drawing for a new Chevrolet at 9p.m. Sunday'• activities include a beauty pageant at 2 p.m., baby contest at 2:45 p.m., and the Arlee Higbee Dancers at 6:15. A draWing for the automobile will be held at 8 p.m.. · Fi.ah dinners are $4 . Call 642-5671. Put a few words to work for ou. 4-CY'CL! BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • Durable Tuff· Tub• 1ntertor w1111 3-w•y sound control • Energy Save< Ory OPhOn • Contemilor1ry h19n-g1oss 1et·black door panel :259'9 SMCEMAKER'" MICROWAVE . OVEN • AulOn)lltC Coolung Control llkHlhe . guesswo•li out ot m•crowav•ng Cook Co<M· Control a snon· tut on coo~1n9 • 191' Pow•• Levell PERIPHERAL n4NAt €AMPAIGN TACTICS (Mia ... l) \ht oanal 1 11b&Won-dolla.r ... ult on the tnvir'OniMnt." For 80\lth.rn OalUornlan1 \MN .,.. moa\l)' hwnor-otlented commtrclall which dtplct th• cenal • a lt'htme to ~ men chMp water for tq bUtln-or at OU~ c:oat io . tM tvtnc- CONlwntr, or wh&ch 1ta\t that fears of water 1horta1t1 art overblown. Coast firms bacli; Eeriphe~al .Canal Some of the Oranp Cout'a laraat ~ are amoni top contributon to the wnpal&n to approve the Peripheral Canal referendum. Seven local companln 1ave more than $233,000 ln donations and lOAN to \he campa!Qn, nearly $175,000 of it doiiatlon1, according to &cretary of State ~ Fonc Eu'• office. Some companies may have given more, 1ln~ the figures only reflect contributions made before March 17, but pffida.11 of 1everal companies were unavailable for pommenL No local firm.a were amons auba'8ntial contributon to the anti-canal campaign p.rlor to March 17, according to the aecretary of state'• reClOrda. The seven top local contributors were the I.rvine Company and Fluor Corp., each with more than $97,000.i the Million Viejo CfXnpany, $14:,50Q; the Koll Company, $10,000; ARC America Corp., '$6,000; Boyle F.ngtneeriag Corp., $9,500 and Cf. Segentrom and Sona, $2,500. Officials of several contributing companies outlined stf'oJ\g stands in favor of construction of the canal aa reUOO$ for their support. ,John Burton, director of corporate relations for Fluor, said hls company's $69,000 donation and $28,000 loan reflected company Chairman J. Robert Fluor'• belief that "the MR.:! •CDe1ra •• IO&MI WA .. lllATM ....... -..... So L< 1116!7 hMo9 T1mt ..... y-Door cc-......... ,._.,. COITA ... 641-12" 111t....,..IM. ,..,.. ""° 495-0401 n.nc...cu· WWW ........ ,_,_, .. ...,......., Peripheral c.nal 11 an important final link ln \he State Water ProJoct to brina water to Southern Callforn.la." Bw'ton said \he . cotp«atiort, which bu taken part ln huae con1tructlon projecta from tfle A1aaka Pipeline tO Saudi Arabian oil reflnerlea, •1ab1olutely, cate1orlcally1' envl1lon1 no partlclpation for ltaelf ln construction of \he ,canal U the referendum put&. J "The only partidpation we antidpilte la to pt th1a thing (referendum) paned," Burton said. M.r. Fluor la a co-cha1rman of the statewide pro-canal cam])a.llJl. Mike StockstUI, the Irvlne Company's manager for ~mment relations, said the $72,000 donation and $25,000 loan to the campat1n were provided becauae "we thlnk the Peripheral Canal la the beat solution to the very complex que1tion of how the state moves water from Northern Callforn.la. to Southern Callfomia. '"Water for Southern California and water quality for all of Callf ornla (another illue at stake in the campalgn) are thinp that are u buk: to all the state u g o o d r o a d s a .n d • o o d govenunent." Stockstill u.id. The Irvine Company ~ the Miaaion ViejO Company, both land development firms, naturally have a stake ln future water supplies. Gettl18 belt seat In town ... One coa\rnetda1 ilhOwl PIOPM bi&nl vlettrri1aed by door-to-door 11lt11ntn who Hll fan• to Eaklmoa, motot-drtvtn rocklna chaln for tht elderly and wlndlhJeld wt~ tor tY911MMe. TM ttnal ec.ne ahowt a ·.ienan touUftl the oan41. aaytnc 0 who cares what lt coiltl?'' Burt WU.:.. of c.lifomianl for a P'a1t Water PaUcy ... ~ wronc wi\h tM comnwra.11. "The cenal will be built ln the north, and that'a where tht envlroM\ental problema wlll be, and paid for 1n \he eouth. U J*>ple In the north were paylnc for lt we'd Nn the COit apota up \here. If' tMy were bulldina rt here, we'd wie the environmental ads !wre." Leo Mcilroy of the ~ cttbena few Waf.er echoei aimllar 1entiment1. ••our meaaage In Southern California la that we need It. The baaic Northern California rnemaae 1a environment (wi\h a clalm that the canal will be good for the Delta.)" Ironically, both 1ide1 have begun attack1.ria the bta-money btlckfnt of \helr opponents ln their advertiaementa. Both apparently ~ hoptnc to leave \he 1mpre911on that a vote few the o\her aide la equal to playlng lnto \he hands of big bualneae8 with only their own •interests at heart. Of ficlala from both aides 1ee1n to be aware • that It 1a nearly ilJlpoulble to diacu11 auch a t:amplex '8ue, or in fact. run any Uioushtful political campaJsn. uama apot advenlaementa that usua1ly last ~ 30 aeconda. But they atao believe they have no option but to play the game that way if their opponents ch<>OJe to. Surveys show that many voten .get mo1t of their infonnation on ilaues from auCb advertbements. l'Sometlmes I wonder," admits McElroy ·with a lhake of his head, "ia this any way to run a democracy?" ,,, ......... SEE HERE -George C. Scott reheanes with actress Chriltlne Lahti in New York for the revival of Noel Coward's 11Pre9ent Lauahter." 'nle play will open June 22 in the Circle in the Square theater. Star chews oµr sound ·Crew Am~rlcan 1in1er Dlaaa Ro11 angered by technical . problems at her first performance In a sellout British tour, ecreamed at her sound crew 1everal limes before an audience of 9,000 in London. . Mias Rou had problem• wltb sound equipment throughout the show at Wembley Arena and refU9ed ~ encore. The star shouted at her sound crew from the stage and kicked a monitor off 1ts platform. "I'm telling you guys I want to hear myself,'' ahe acreamed. She apologized to the audience. •'Tht Lovt Boat'.' waa bound fot the ~ttn'll-.n • laland ot Capri af&tr caat memt»r Jl'rff Oru41 villted a hoaplul tor further treatment of burnt h• ~ IUffered in lttanbul, Turkey. •I Orandy was Injured laat ' month In an 1ccfdent that 1 burned tour membtn of the ~ TV ihow'a cut and crew. A spokesman for the produoere aaya the othera Injured are ' healln1 without. com-pUcatlona. The production IJ'OUP hal b e • n c r u t a I n g t h e· Mediterranean alnce May. 1 eboard the Stella Marla, fllmlns three two-hour abowa for the fall. T'l Actor Fe11 Parker, part owner of a Santa Monica mobile home park found to have discriminated againat two retarded men re~ u residents, aaid he atanda by his support of the park's • position. ' "I've felt all along that this matter ia· an unfortunate . one.'' Parker said. "I know that it's a very sensitive Issue, ;.c .~but I also know that our f management did what we thought was best and correct for all parties concerned." Prtnce11 Margrlet of the l Netherlands is going back to 11 the land where she was bom. I Th e Government Informati o n Office I announced the princess will be making a one-week visit to j , Canada, beginning Monday. Margriet, the younger I sister of Qaeen Beatrlx, will attend the national petroleum show in Calgary. And she'll attend ceremonies marking the start of construction of a hotel being built in Van c ouver by the Dutch-owned Golden Tulip group. Margriet al.ao will visit Edmonton. .. ury nixes airport • space exceptions "1randfather" clause, under which exceptiona are pennitted, the jury aaid, "th.la method of award.Ina county ltaee may be characterized u the 'aood old boys' way of doing bualne11." The tranNctiona were legal. however, the jury'aaid. The jury said lt ~vesttaated two caaea ln which airport ground leues were reneaotiated in the absence of competitive bidding. Names of Jeeeeholdera COME CELEBRATE WITH US! were not included ln the report. The jury aaid tl)at the fUtW'e value of ualng a arandfather clau.e II queltiohabfe. It sald that ln put yeera, when the airport wu not u busy a place rene1otiatton of leases without competitive biddlng miaht have been acceptable. '1However 1 ln recent years, the situation ~ chanpd. There ia no lon&er a need to actively leek leueholdera.'' "It always doee, particulaJ ·'ly .tor the shows picked as the aeaaon'a beat play and bent musical," aay8' Alexander IH . Cohen, a Broadway producer at .,d executive producer of the glittering, black-tie ~- ''Arid even the on• th4t don't wln beneflt," add1 Cohen, who wlth .)lll wife, writtr·producer Hildy Park.t, hu put on every Tony show 1Jncto the awardl' flnt national telecast In 1967. 111 think you'll find that In the two weekl riaht after the Tonya, the box office will jwnp u much u 25 percent." He laughed. ''The tfuth la, lt'I a great hype" u well · u a aalute to achievement Jn theater, he aald. Top contenders for Broadway's top honors In the 1981-83 season are Britain's "The Lile and ' Adv e n t u r es of N ~c h o 1 a 1 · N I c k 1 e b y ' • a n d t. vi o mJde-fn-Amerlca musicals, '1Nlne" and "Dreamglrls." "Nlckleby," based on the Charles Dickens novel and at.aged here ey the Royal Shakespeare Company, has the most norninatlol\s for a play -elaht. But it closed Jan. 3 after an acclaimed and limited $100-a-seat run .. It's up for best play aaainst "Mass Appeal." also closed, and the stlll-open "Crimes of the Heart" and ''M.uwr Harold • • . and the boft." "Dreamatrla," the flashy, hl1h-vo1taae Michael Bennett mu,lcal about a Supremes-llllt black llnatna Uio. hu the moat nominations for .a mualcal, 13, followed by "Nine" with 12. The two are competin& for belt muatcal honors qainat "Pump Boys and Dinettea," a country muelc piece, and "Joeeph and the Amazin' Technicolor Dreamcoat,' a Biblical pop opera by the c reator• of the Tony-wlruiing "Evita." "Nine," based on "8 ~," Federico Fellini's surreal movie about a director In diltre11, barely made It in under the wire tht. season. It opened May 9, the last day of eligibility for Tony nominations. The nominations, by a 13-member panel picked by the League .of New York Theatera and Producers, were sent t.o more than 600 members of thCl Broadway community for vottna that ended Friday. STANLEY TAAD"10NAL =to-=~---•79900 :·, PECAN OR WALNUT FINISHES 60 . IN ALL! Select from: AM Wood eas.,n made. such as Hammary, Amencan of Mlr1insville, Thomasville, &oy- hMI, Gordon, Sliver Apple ' -too many to list - CUftTDBDBN ............ f$ cam.y i.n.fotlll won't be ~ by the Anaheim Stadium fana. inoup he now weanJhe drab 1"8Y Wtth Bolton Jn capital Jetten ~thefront. Lanlford WM fP'"t.ed with a c:hoNa of '<;amey" from what IOW\ded like 20 ~ 81r11 eech time he came to the ,)late, after the fim 10 innlnp lt only ~ to brine him bMl luck. over second-place Ctitcaao ln »le American Le.c\18 Weet But wtille the Whtta Sox aren't dolna anY1hinc fancy to lc.e ball 1ame1, the Anaela are conlda1ently bei.nl upended by late-lnnlna diluten. However, Friday nl1ht. they threw in a new twllt. the only ... luck Friday niaht In the penon of Anael reliever Doua tt, who aerved ~ p three-run in the 11th to "Camey" to 8've Red Sox an 11-4 victory belore tbofouahiy frustrated tam. Lately, they've been lettint three-run 1eeda erode in the very late IOinl· In their openet with the Red Sox, the ~ did a little rallytna of their own, cximlnl blck from a two-run deficit to take a 4-2 lead on Doug DeClncea' t>Mee.-lotided triple in the efghth. So what happened? A 'suy by the name of Carl Yutnemaki, who already had three hlta, welcomed ht.ck Aniel reliever Angel Moreno from Spokane with a two-run aingle in \he pinth, eending the game into extra ~ and making Moreno wonder if Spi>kane isn't such a bad place after all. tt hu now .lost three 1ames th.la hk alone and ·the An1ela have d~pped five strat1ht. Whlle thinga ~nd 1loomy, and in fact are, the ~ atUl maintain a l ~-game lead dM c8n't _get ~ Miraleste Marauders defend .4-A title ' By HOWARDL. BANDY ... .,.., ........ :f ALOS VERDES -When )'~U have players who are Nlionall)'· ~ in two naticm on:. one high d'4IOl team, it i8 hatcf to concelw that another can ovircome l\ICh an advantaae. the Corona de1 Mar High Sea ~ tried their best to do it but the Mrraleste Hlah Marauden ad too much 1or them to overcome and •• a result captured t~e CIF 4-A tennis eNimpionlhip, 15-9, at the Jack ~ Tennis Club here Fridaf qmoon. THE MATCH waa really ecided tn the double• ICC...u:.etitioo where the NCOIMI d fourth ranked players in dko teamed fole'her to wta ~!4!our aeta and 1lve the uden m b6a pointll. J.. Lor.ano, a member of MdSclo'a Davia Cup team, and feUow countryman Rafael Olliho, a nephew of a former USC and prq tennis atar, played fla\lJie.ly in doublet where c.dM had to aiet at leut one lpllt to wtn the inatch. to call a halt to the match; ''There reall1. ·w.. na _. in playing them,' a diaappointed Cd.M Co.ch Daw Heffren .-id. "We had to will IOme of tbme 6-4, 7-5 and 8-6 htchell in order to 1tay with them and we weren't able to do it very often. "1'llEY WERE a little hotter than we were today and a little better and they proved it. I think tbe9e two teum are two of the belt hiah achool teams in the ClOWlb-y:;- Offutt ~: "I would aay thele are two of the top teenw with probably one ~ aome place out there that ii pretty . ~·· CdM '• ·aecoad double• c:ombination of Jeff Ewing and John Host9tler J..s tlO 1..-.o and 0auno. 6-2. M but wan over' the other M1nlatAt dot•bW combme, 8-1, 8-2. Ha~ ond Wao!>er won by 8-4, acotea. . 'Iile only I matchell to be won b}' 918' were taken by Brien 8uWvail, 7-5 over ~ JohMOn; Scott Brownsberaer over.. Amend, 6-2; and n.vt• Gerbil over Amt!nd, 6-3. Gerken had two tough matcha early in the day, lOllna M to Miralate'a No. t ~. Matt Frooman and droppinc a 8-4 ded*Jn to Jobmoo. That left th1np up to Corbett and anotner ex-.A.n,eel, Mark Clear of the Red SOt. Corbett waa ~er Gene ~uch'1 choice, limply becau.e he didn't really have much chofce with both Andy HUiler Jhd Don Aue ln}Ured. y utter.emaki'• hit in the ninth N1ned a perf~y aood 1tarttn1 effort from Steve Renko, who waa trylna to win hi.a sixth eame of the year agalnat just one Iola. And Yaz's big hit came right after Moreno~ flattened him with a pitch Up and in. "That Probably Just woke him up," Manaaer Ralph Houk aaJd after the g8ll\e. "You usually don't do that to that kind of hitter. · Clear picked uythe victory, h1I fourth against one defeat, de1pite liauing Deeinces' big triple in the eighth to give the Angela a temporary lead. "It wasn't looking eood for our aide. ... It'• not very often that you're going to pt two runt in the ninth lnni.r\i to l1e the pint," Clear noted. . But then,. Clear hadn't eeen the Angel.a lately. • Boston jumped out to a 2~0 lead on the atren&th of catcher Rich Gedman's third home run of the year wlth Dave Stapleton aboard in the second 'inning. The Angel.a C\lt the lead ln hal( on Tim Foll'• RBI lingle in the fifth inning, allowlnl Fred L)'IU) to score. ...Red "Box starter Bruce Hurst and reltever Bob Stanley contatned the Anael bats until the eighth. With one out, Brian Downing and pinch-h.itter ~ack.8on singled, and Houk went to ar promptly fired a fast ball into y Grlch'1 back· to load the bases. t he eot Don Baylor to fly out. but DeCinoes whacked a· fast ball off the (Sff ANGEU, Pase 84) SPARKS RALLY -Camey Lansford's three-run homer ignited a severi-run Boston rally in the 11th inning. Lansford likes his new team By CURT SEEDEN ()("the Dally Piiot lt•H The scattered early arrivals watched in awe as Boston Red Sox "(eteran Carl Yastrumski muscled a batting practice pitch into the Angel bullpen at Anaheim Stadium Friday even ing. The shot dre w an appreciative applal,lSe from the fans. . Next up was Camey Lansford, the third ~ ex-Angel and 1981 Amencan League batting champion. The early"°rners to Anaheim Stadium really w e ren 't interested when L.ansf9rd spent most of his tum ln the cage laying down perfect bunts. But Lansford cared, and BO • does his manager, Ralph Houk. "IF SOMEONE would have told me at the start of last~ that Lansford was going to win 'the batting title, I would have said tt\4t's pretty far-fetched," Houk said as he watched frorn the dugout. "But then, he never did have a slump last year.. He just h.it the ball all season.·• Lansford became the first right-handed hitter· to win an }[L bau.ing title (.336) since 1970 and wa3 only the third right-handed Red Sox player to accomplish that feat. Fishel in the first with After Lozano and Oauno ~ their match, MiraJeste belii a 12-8 advanta1e and needed only three 1in1lea vktDriea of the final eiaht to. win the tam title, its eecooa in a row. .. lll1T SUCH a doubla split w not to be .. the M.lraJeete '9am ntded off 6-3, 6-2 victcdea over- G re 1 Hayward and John W~. the No. 1 doublea tam forptM. ~ ftniahed the ~ with • peifect 2e-O record and CdM W8I 25--2 -both io-to Miraleate. 'lbe other W• a 17 •l l lett.::k In a ncn-Jeepe matlcb earlier Jn the le8IOIL CONTRASTING MOODS -Philadelphia 76en Coach Billy CunnJ.ncham (left) and Loa Angeles Lakera Coach Pat Riley pn!Knt a contrast of emotions at the Laker& lead the best-of-seven series between the two teams, • runners on second and third, __ ___, then struck out Mike Rubel with 3-1. r.._ .. , .... " • .:.. eeems to be._.,,_..":!',!£~-; the bases loaded in the fifth. ~u-..-.-u• ---~.uu'6 · It was Oelkers' 17th win and "l'bey (Lo!ano and Oauno) lr..p the ball real low," WMher ~ aft.er the match. ''They chip !~th of them are real good ~ .. ~v:ia~-ie:1la;t: ~ foe 101JW Ume." HI. pu1Der aped. "They just ~ the ball awfully well today,'' said Hayward. "I didn't ~ all that well • once they Fl their conftdence, they did r..lwell." Mlrai.te eo.ch Claa Offutt felt Hayward and -Washer ..-i't on their pme . • right answer, while Riley couldn't be happier slxttl shutout of the season. with the way the Lakera have played in the In the first game, Miami'• NBA champiOn&hips. Lane blasted a home run over . Uiiknown reaches French Open. linal the 370-foot sign in right field to score winning pitcher Sam Sorce and Nelson Santovenia, who had singled. "He's just done an outstanding job for this ball club," Houk .continued . "He's a h ighly competitive player." Wilander will meet Vilas for title; Jaeger, Navratilova tangle fer women's crown 'The point waa replayed, Clerc netted a back.Und, and the c:roWd stood and roared for Wtlander. "In all my expertence 1 haVe never aeen • ges~ like tfiat on match point. 0 aaid Dorfmann, who ii a1lo the ~t referee. VU.. 29, reached the final for the fourth time. He won the title in 1977, but lost to On TV today channel 2 at 2 "If l hit .260 and we get to the World Series. hell, I'll be just as happy aa if l'd won the batting championship," Lansfor said. And even the left-field wall which is a mere 315-feet away from home plate and the right field wall with a 302 sign on it at Fenway Park aren't enough to alter LansfQrd's style. ................ MAN~ -John Mcr.nroe yed a relati llmlflnal r: the Greater anch"ter OrUJ m Court Tenn.ta. ChampAomhlSJI Friday but 1tlll manaaed to aet Into an arawneiit. But not, th1a time, with an aJ\11'1 opponent or upttaht umpire. Inateed he wu upbraided by two women· players on a adjacent court :-and one of them wu hll llrlfriend, Si.cy Margolin. McEnroe had a few· dlaa1reement1 with the umpire • he 8JOUnd out a victory over Austr.iian John Alexander. The Wimbledoh champion, playina hh tint tournament for a month, generally kept hi• fiery temper under control. . But he .Jtill WU too noisy f or· the w omen a ·n d Californian Kate Latham told McEnroe to "shut up." . McEnroe made a swift and rude reton. j\rms still alive t for Tars, 2 J-0 ,Sailors' QBs dominate lBy ROGER CARLSON °' .. .,.., ........ Old Sailors never die, they just pell away ~=ld ... to o'i receivers ... for ewport Harbor High'• Sailors rolled up a 21-0 over their old rival, the Sea Klnp of Corona !del Mar Friday nlght in the first annual all.mmi E tball game before 3,600 on the Sanon' c:ampm. The Sailors 'used threi quarterbacb with ac--ro startlni experience artH tt w. just too much the Sea KiJllll to handle. . "No. 11 (Alvin White), No. 13 (Gordon Adami) No. 9 (Steve &4kich), that wu the difference," . d C.dM running Bob Ferraro. game, featUrtng Ital's of the pm from the achoola and benefiUnc. the ll'hook' faolbeD was• baa IUOCl9 in ta'lm ol anm4ece. rioua in)uiel and b6c plaJ'I. . . l The last item. however, .... ~ owned ~y the Sailon. . . . Adami, the former USC ~ tot it ~ by dJrecUna a M-yard w•••n ddw latter Ron Lamerton intercepted • Oety ~ Pe& . Adami' 19-yard strike to FraDk Vendik tot the ban to the Cd.M 16 and fonner St.mford "81' Steve Foley took it id from five yardl out wjtb 3:.55 left in the first quarter. Smtt Lohman toed the first ol three PA -r._ then Bukich took OYer, dlrectlnc a M-yard drive to· the aecond ~uarter. Bukich, the former UCLA star, rambled 18 yards to the CdM 29 to aet up IUa 19-yard ecorin8 pua to Dave ~ Then White, the ex-Oreaon State Nnal caller, took over, and Jlirectea the Sallon to a third-qua.rt.er TD, hitting Tom e.,.,.. f« 17 nrm and capping a 3~-yard march wttb a 2-yard strike to Tim Brown. The Sea Klnp got IW1ed """Wl1b. --~ duh by Kurt BroCkman wtth ........ OD tM openJ.na kickoff return, but a 36-yard a.Id Pl try by Brad Greeley failed. CdM'1 deepmt penetration WU to the Sailon' four-yard line in the fourth quarter. Chicago knuckle• under to Hough QarUt Hoap allowed )lat three • hita In 8M inn1"81 and ftaiNJ Ba11 knodlfd tn two niM with four hlu Friday u Texas nipped the C~ White Sox,. 4-3, ln American Leque aouon. Houah retired 18 of the tint 19 batten M faced . . • llal MeftM'• lnlkte-the-Pll'k homer cal>l*I a three-run tint l.nnlna alld Palll lpUtt.rff ind Du Q9JllUt!" combined on a flve-hitt.r • Kanua City nicked the Ntw York Yankee1 1 4.3 :- Quilenberry, the AL lMder ln uvea, ~ up hia Htb . . . Gormu ftotDal drove in four run1 with a homer and 1ln1le and 'Td SlmmoH belted a three-run doUble to lead Milwaukee to a 10-1 rout of Pakland. The Brewen acored nine l'UDI in the tint HOUOM two lnnlnp, aendinl Man lteoap, 4-7, to arr eerly ahowet . . . Mlftnr9ota 1napped a 14-aame 101lng 1treak aa Roa Wumqt.09 and Gary Ward homered to pace a 8-0 victory over Baltimore . . . MJ~l DUeH'• two-run triple capped a three-run elgbth 1nn1na u Cleveland extended Its wtnnlng 1treak to 11 with a 6·3 verdk:t over Toronto ... Jim Beattie stopP.fld Detroit on two hita and Al eo ... amuhed a two-run homer u Seattle polled a 4·0 victory over Detioit. SMver win• flrat g..,,e 1n a month .. o.ew clrow 1n = runt II ind o. .. C•1111e ... Cite t..s a two-run lif\lle to help Tom ... ver win hil f~ in a month • Cindnnati the New York Met1, 14, ID ~t Na ~ acdol\ Fnday. Seavw, 2-1, Wrvtwd • shaky •tart '° win hii flnt pme linci May 4 • • • J:llewhere, 9'ay;!t droVe ln fOur runt With a double and a I and JOH .. Cnl lluaed a three-run homer to ad Houston to an s-i-victory over Philadelphia . ~ . Terry KeuMJ llJua-<I a two-run homer and drove ln the pme-~ run with a double In the fifth tnntna .to live sen Dleao a narrow &-4 declllon owr -Pltt1l>ur1h. It wu the fourth 1tral1ht Victory for the Padres, while the Ptrate11 lonptt wlnnlna at.reek of the leMOI\ ended at three -.inee ... ClaUl Davt1 hit a two-run homer In the tint lnnlna and Milt May doubled to key a two-nan Uilrd to teed San Frandlco to a 4.3 victory aYfJ't the auc.,o Cube. . . The pme between Montreal and Atlanta wu poetponed due to wet around· Baaeball today 0n um date in bMeba11 in 1974: The Cleveland Indiana were forced to forfett their pme to the Tex.u ftanaera u hundredl of unruly tam charaed onto the Municipal Stadium field durlna the ninth lnnlna of a .. ._. NJaht" ~· The pme had been interrupted lf!Yeral times u rowdy faDll ran acrcm the field. But In the ninth lnnlna. the Indiana rallied mm a 5-S deficit to tie the pme at 5-5, and the tuw arew more and more bolsterou.a. After fafiln1 to cleJr the field in 15 minutet, umpire-in-chief Nestor Chylak declared the pme a forfeit. ' . Nlcklaua charge• Into th• I J.-Nleklau' ltY9ft ln "-ht holel led him to • ?·~:pat 86" and the ~-round l..cl 1'r1daY in the K.m~ open se>U &oumarnent. NSdclaus. hwitil\I hiS 70th prof-6ol\Al vtcay; but flrlt ln the l(amper tournament, tied the Col\lfelllonal Country Club COW'll record -'Ith a 6·under-par SO on the front aide en route to a M·hole toial of 137, 7 under ~ ... &alb PoUlewalt, who once mowed fairways ana cleened sand trap1to1U1taln henelf on tht tour, 1hot a 4-under-par 68 to lead the LPOA McDonald'• Kldl' a..tc by thr.e itl'Oket' after 36 hole1 .... Britlah teen-apr Martla 'hom,._ defeated former Walker Cup lnternatJonal player Peter Hed1e1 3 and 1 to "'°"e Into the final of the British Amateur champlon1hlp In De.I, Enpnd. Lendl wlll not play at Wimbledon · Tennl1 1tar lvaa Leadl of • CzechOllovakia will not compete ln , the All-England champlon1hlp1 at I Wimbledon later th1a month, hll agent said Friday ... WBC bantamweight champion fl Lape Placor, who fatally injured a foe in hil · previous fight at the Olympic Auditorium ln L09 J Aneeles, aald after Thunday night'• SUCCftlful ·' tit.le defente apinst Seuc HOOD Lee that he WU ~ relleved~hen the· referee baited the bout ... Qslada ualey, All-American buketball ltar foe the Univenity of San Franci9co, pleaded guilty Friday to an ... ult on a nW'llni student in her dormitory rool'l\. In return for the eull~ plea. proeecuton dropped three other charges . . . The New York Yankees announced that Jee Pepitone will jofu · the team as batting coach, eflective immediately . . . Former world heavyweight champion Leon Splnu is being • sued for tS00,000 in a case stemming from an ti accident In which hi.a car collided with a taxi on' a suburban atreet ln Detroit last December. • .. I •G tJ 'li . 1' .d ,, :; 'II .d ~1 U•) !ll >" 13 In I), 't I Under our graduated pmt. financing ptan, you buy this beautiful home for $112,800. 'ttlur down pmt. Is $5,800, and your I08n amount Is $107,000 at 1~ graduated interelt your flrtt year's mo. pmt. Is '1101 plus $84 (est. tax"). *8 f90 (asaoc. fee) for a totlll pmt. of just $1285. Your second year's toe.i mo. pmt. ls $1368. The third year, It's $1452, a Y98"I 4-30, .... $1516. The maximum 3Gyear fixed lntereet rate for years 400 Is juat 14~ CM>. 3BEDRMS, 2BA1HS, 2CARGARAGE •THIS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER, ANO ONLY FOUR (4) UNITS . ARE AVAILABLE AT $112,800. • EASY QUALIPIER -Polly Plumer of Unlveralty Hi1h posted a 4:S6.5 clocking in uallfytnc eully for today'• l ,600·meter fina1a at the state CIF track and f leld meet ln fSacramento. State track meet f inal1 toni1lit • SACRAM&NTO -Polly hb&an 9ooPtt' ot w~ P!WDll' tJI. UnMnlty, '. HAib. a ~ 1n Loi =c ftnlihed tWOotilM ~ c~ In finil In U\Ne fytna ewnw. th• l ,eoo .. meter runt eaally He clocked a 0.50 In ~ 100 bnnld to a 4:M.6 Clodr'"I bl hm' met.n. 20.88 ti\ the 200 and f'1.64 q~tytq heat at the It.at. Cir In the .00. u.ck &ncf' field champknab.l .. at rutlerton'a Natalie Xaaiawahla Hu~hta Stadium h•r• Friday led th• fteld ln the women'• ehot ~~~ blonde runner from put with • h•w of 49·11 W but 'untventty Hlah who wW attend wu far al)on of her natlooal UCLA in the fall, wW be the ~tri~ &~~ of Manhall =~ ;':: !:e~ ant held ~h .~'!,.If* Ance~ w~u one of 11f want to work on m third uic Q\ollUU.len for ...., Jump ~p Un>e " Plumer aald be~ ahe final with a leat:! ~-· She ii )eh few 0 the state meet. "I feel I ~nc:e~ ca ~ft':et it:, have a •trona enough kick at the ~-lO finish of the race but haven'.J,.. · been utiafled with the third lap Defending atate d l1cu1 ln some meet.a thia seuon." champion, Tony Dobbin• of Plumer waa one of 10 aree Burrougha ff.lah qualified aecond athletes competing In the with a throw of 186-8 to trail quallfytna round on Friday for Dell DetwWer of Roeevllle, who all events. threw 191-7. !Leap.i~g tO greater heights . tey, Davis both jump 7-71J& at NCAA track championships PROVO, Utah (Af) -Tex.as El-Paao's· Milt eventa were the late Steve Prefontaine of °"Son in Ottey won a stirring high-Jump duel from the 5,000 met.en from 1970-73, and Scott Nlebon of little-known Del Davia of· UC!.A in the NCAA Washington in the.hammer throw from 1976-79. tdoor Track and Field Championships Friday Nyambul'• victory gave him six outdoof titles, t. while UTEP'a Suleiman Nyam¥ cruiaed to including two in the 5,000, which he will run ta.record 14th colleetate title.. Saturda in t..a-final u .m H a11o Both Ottey and Davia cleared 7-7 W, but the Y •&MJ co e •• a~pearance. e Minert' IOpbomore from Toronto was awarded the baa won teven indoor crowns one cro.-<.'OWltry '" ... ~ f _,_ title. ...... ..,,,., on ewer 11~ Texas-El Puo, heavily favored to win ita Ottey allo recelvee credlS.for aetting Canadian fourth consecutive men's title, also got a and British Commonwalth records and equalJina ·· teciond-place finish from Gidamia Sbahanga and }t- the Amerk:an collegiate mark 11et by Dwight Stones fifth from Zakarie Berye, both from Tanzania, in in '1976. ~h,. 10.000 for a total of 35 pointa in that event. Davis, whoee previous beat was only 7-3\4, Before the 10,000. the final runnign event of aettled for second pJ.ce tQd for matching Stones' ~y. it was the shorter distance runnen who American mark established six years ago. electrified the crowd at Brigham Young University. After _Ottey, a aophomore, and Davis, a junior Houston'• ~meter relay team burned BYU'a from Los Angeles, cleared 7-71", they asked for the new track foe a docking of 38.53 eeconds, breaking bar to be raiaed to 7-9 ~ in an attempt to break the the colletiate mark of 38.69 aet by the Univet'GtY. o1 world record of 7-8~ aet by Gerd Wesaa of F.ut Southern California tn.1980. • Gennany in the 1980 Olympics at MOICOw. Charles y~ ran a surprisingly quick leadoff Ottey and Davis both came cloee on their first leg for Hot.wtm and wu fo110wed by Mark McNeil, two attempta at the record height before mi-ing freshman Antbpny 'Ketclwn, and Stanley Floyd, badly on their third tries. ' the favorite in Saturday's 100. · · Not only did the high jump competition. the Tenneaee'1 women's ·1,600-meter relay team last completed event on the 18-event final prosram, -Cathy Rattray, Sharleffa Barlmdale, Joetta Clark keep the fans in the stadium until the end, but it an4 Dellaa Walton -slashed more than two had them on their feet, anxiously watching each seconds off the colleg1ate mark'of 3:31.39 It had let jump. in Wedneeday'a trials with a a1zz1ng time of 3:28.55. Nyambui, the 30-year old from Mwanza,. Walton, who ls to marry Floyd on June 28, ran Tanzania, became the third athlete in the NCAA a gritty anchor leg, holding off Marita Payne of outdoor clwnplonahipe to win the same event four Florida State. With a time of 3:28.70, Florida-State times as he eaaily captured the 10,000 in 29 mirult.es, -aioo, with a third-place tlniaher UCLA. clocked 3.54 seoonda. The other four-time winners in s1ngJe in 3:30.44, ai.o went under ~old mark. . . Changes e .xpected at Belmont NEW YORK (AP) -Jockey F.ddie Maple suffered a broken rib and contusions of one of hia kidneys in a miahep at Belmont Park Friday, costing him his mount on favored Conquistador Cielo in today's 114th. Belmont Stakes. In a separate spill, Angel Sant.Iago, who was 'ICheduled $4 ride longahot Anemal, suffered an injured back and hil chances of riding today leemed alim. WOody Stephens, trainer of . Conquistador Cielo, the 3-1 morning line favorite, said Lafit Pincay waa to fly to New York Friday night after riding at Hollywood Park in Inglewood. • Maple. 33, went 00.0 in the sixth ra6e when hil mount, Snow Girl, who was leading with a quuter-mile to go, mapped a cannon bone in her left leg. The filly W81 humanely destroyed. . Maple appeared to have been kicked by one of the following bona "He'll remain in the holpltal' ovemight and won't be r1d1ni for two weeb." aa1d Maple's agent, Bob Frieze. ·Maple, who rode Temperenoe Hill to victory In the 1980 Belmont, al10 lost hts mount Friday on nytng Partner, who ran fourth ln the Mother Gooee filly stakes. Rain WU forecMt few today when 11 3-year-oldl are eet 10 IO in the Belmont; If dwe'• -off tnck. 'roomy ~. tnlnel' of ~ ~ ftcur'(la hD colt'• Cb.ftcm for~ 1rill bn~. The 1 ~ -mll• Belmont 1•nerally 11 conaidered a four-bone ra~ amon1 lhree IDMdbUmen -CoMiaiatldor Cielo, Alome•arauler and Link.Me -end late-cbaratnc Oeto!W 8ol. • ~~~~~~~~~~- R -Alan Christian of Huntington Beach won both the IC(atch and handicap main events at the s peedway motorcy cle races Friday night in Costa Mesa. Today's s~rts on TV, radio 1'ILIY..oM i1 Lift. (6)-WCf.,..., 11:16 e.m~ •All•ALL -91n FtWIClllcO It 2 p.m. (2) -~ -"" 114tfl runnlnO ol tll• .. lmont lt1k11 tor UW.-yeer-olde. l,a.clld In 1M ... .,. Glto Del tor. winner' of the Kentuc*y Olrby, end Moine'• Auler, winner of IN,,..,_., ,_,. ~ .. 2:40 p.rn. . 2:30__p.tn. m -IUCIM MY~ OOLDml Ql.0\118 -TMfN NiW-••'U 1tle • fllocky Mount11n1 end l(en .... Otlllfloftl• ,,... In ....... of boulll. 3 p,m, (2) -WC WI W -Thi .... Itri.I of tfll Fl'lfldl Open, 8:30J·"'· (7) -NO ~ -TIM llnlll the ....... Open, ...,., It ~ ~. . 4:30 ~ -WI' -T'tl!N tound -lnttll 0.-.TIPld. lp.111. -WllDawo.af»..,._ ~ Cl2•1•1)1'L l\111-· 11 (1~ In ............ 1CMwlld ~ bout. tlPld • L9 ~ C11) -~ - --OOdOlr9 II IL I.Olia. . UM ....... -Dodgilr9 .. It. l.cMI, • """. KA8C Pflli; ....... -..... 7 p.a:. ICMK. 11-. . --------·--~ I: .. ~IMO Ut., tl:.40; 1:.0, l:tl 1.M.. KNIC • • Christian posts two • • v1ctor1es.·. •• • Alan Christian of Huntinifon Beach captured both the &ntch and handicap main eventa at the weekly apeed~ay motorcycle races at the•orange County Fairgro unds in Costa Mesa before a crowd of 6,8~. Christian took the lead in the 9Cl'at.ch main over Mike Belt at the starting gate and held him off for the balance of the four-lap raoe. Best fin1lhed aecond wid\ Mike Curoao of· Huntington Beach in third place and Dave Sima of Orange fourth. In the hand.Jcap rece, Chriltian started from the 50-yard line at the back of the pack. He worked himlelf up to third place and when leaden Sterll.ng Cogar and Sima tanaled and went wide at the final turn, ChrisUan WU able to move up on the inlide foe the vlctol')'. It marked the fint time thll aeuon that Chriat1an bu been able to win both main events at the Qleta Me1a track. . Chriltlan and BMt wm both be raclna in the American Speedway final at Long Be.:11 next Saturday night in an effort to qualify for the world championlhfs-at the Colileum in Auauat. Followina Chrtatian acrom the finlah line 1n thie handicap race Friday~were ~. Sbm, John Rick J:4Wer and John . • ln the 1peclal match race, Dubb F.-rell filled in for Mike Faria to. t.. CoN M-·a Gene Woods. Woe* W• the winner In the tbree-1-p event. Mark Orandber1 of Lona Bwh wee the wbw in tbe third ...... lllidn "91 With lteve • .,, Of IUviriide tbe Wllilir d tlit ..... dlvlliilin ..... to com"te. CAl\DJrl' -. NHrly all of California'• top prof~ i.nd amateur men'• ind womtn'1 IW'fen wW hit the Seulde Reef waves Saturdly ind Sunday fof the MCOftCI annUal Surf ClMIM:. n.. ewnt ~ at e:ao a.m. both d1y1. Th• flnal1 tn the men•" women's and kneeridina diviaiom will be held between 3-4 p.m. Sunday. Amon8 the lnvlteel who will chue tbe t700 flnt prif,e and a round·trip tlcket to Hawall ant California winter arand pl'iX champion Bud ~lamu of Huntln1ton Beach, Dean Hollln11worth of Newport Bnch, former world chamsi'on Peter Towend of Fountain Valley and top lntemational pro1 Joe~ and Dlvia Barr of c.r . . 11NOLJ:WOOD (AP) -Only four i.em. ln the 8&-yeer hiltorY of Natlon1l Baaketbal) Alaodation plarof& haw came b9dc from a 3-defldt to win a Itri-. 'lbe Phllade1ph.la 78en were 'h' victims on two occ11lon1, faUina to the Bolton C..Ukl ln 1908 l.nd 1981. In 19'10, the Loi A.ntel• Laken accompliahed the feat, ISeatlng the Phoenix Suna. Now, tt'1 the 76en who are in the delperate altuatlon and the Lakera who hope they won't lold. The talk may seem Improbable -none of the cornebaCka from S·l defldta have been in the championlhlp aeries -but the 78en say they have a chance. "We've been in thia altuatlon before in the opposite direction," 76en Coach Billy Cunningham l&ld, merruw to Phlladalph!a'• 3-1 1eedl ln 1991 and U\11 ,.... aaatnu the Celtlca ... We're loOk1na fOf'Ward to oarn1ns beck to L.A.'' "If It couldn't be done, why not have a three-pme ~' 78en forward Bobb)' Jonea aaJd. "It'• a be9t four out of leVen, not three out of NVen, and we atill have an opportunity," aald guard Andrew Toney, who ICOred 36 and 28 polnta the last two f:: aaalNt the Lakera, both 1n la Al\fe*· "It's a dlUlcult talk {or U1 riaht now, but nothina.''11 lmpcmlbte," IUard Maurice Cheekl sakt. "I ihink we have the character to come back.'' The flnt step in the 76en' comeback hopes will be pme five Sunday in Philadelphia. PUIZLI SOLUTION TO VALUI 6. SDVICI M A 0 N s u u PONTIAC • FlfebWdt • Grand Prix• • lennevUS.. • J 6000t • J 2000. • T 1000. SUBARU • OL Wogan• • 4x4 Btott • GL Automatk Wagont a. maonon pontiac ·au 2480 H•Mr~wl.. Cesb Mesa 549-4300 M 0 w: • COMPETITIVEtY PRICED •.. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED. ....... purt .... LIASl~MM . Roy Carver BMW 15401.umoua ao .• "8WPOaT (ZNT'F.R .. NEWPOllT IBAQt., CA. 9"'° . 7 ............. n1e Comty ·of Orange it soliciting proposals to provide ~-all medical photography nrvicH. Estimated $26,000 per year. For information, call Ffobtrt Mershon, G.S.A Procurement. (714) 834-3465 before June 11th. ·--------·· _ WRIGHT'S HARDWARE . ~ . ~ Alliversary . ~· Sat., June 5th 8-5:30 -253 OFF· Ewerythinc i11 Stook • Rare Booka, Old Prlnta •nd · paintings, Antlquee, ltMm Engl""' Enghh c.vtng Toole, German W~ P._,.., 8UrplUI Parta, Large 8electlon of Bteaa, Copper, 8..,n .......... Alumlnum *Mt Steel and ~ Much More. Complete lne of U.8. AND Metric Nut• a Bolte.. come help ,. '*-,,,.,. """ F,.. Clllt• Md cook,_, and punch. 1211 ................ 141-1141 , ......................... Qr..t~ ., I . l ~ l I . .. l t! ' .... •I I ~ . . ., . " AmNCAN LIAGW RMloat1,U..4 W"* cl&JNRIU 9' II.. 9 'llM "9111y2b 1233~W4110 ev.w " 1 0 0 0 llenlqur 11 2 0 0 0 ...... 5120~pfl1010 y...,,. ell •4 1 4 2 WlllonQ pr 0 1 0 0 IAnlfl'd -I 1 2 a C4wt1 i1 1 0 0 0 9'#1111 1b I 2 2 0 Qfldl 2b 4 1 0 0 ~01 232 ~dll 5010 Hof9llwl • I 1 0 0 DeQa 3b I 0 2 3 ...... d 5 1 1 0 L~d I 1 1 Cl ear-1b 4 0 t 0 Fol• 5011 llloone c 4 0 1 0 TOUAI 49 t1 17 10 Totm 40 4 I 4 ., 9olloll --:zo-::r 002 01-11 ~ 000 010 030 00-4 l -LYflft, Orldl. DP-Ca»torn'a a. LOl-80•1011, 12, Celllornle 1.• 21-Yutr-ekl, Rlc:e. 38-o.ct-. RtM'I!)'. HA-Gedman (3), Lanelord (3). s-~. ..... .""""·'° Hurtt 5 41111 ~.u 2"' a 2 2 0 0 ~) ~21111 ~ 1141104•1 ...._ 0 1000 Ccwtiett (L.1""1 "' a a a .. 1 0. \i3 4010 Hunt'*'*' to 1 ---In .. --. ....,., PltcNd '° 1 .... In ... ""' Hll'-·)' CIHr (Ortell). WP-H11'8t. T-S:11. A-3).190. Commo~or~s laud athletes A~=lll (TlwMfl\ • ClllM) UTTINO M fl H ..._ Ml lie\ 1$5 27 •• 0 12 .811 5311101 .302 1541 21. .. 7 21 .291 150 • 43 1 20 .2!J7 200 32 17 10 24 .HI 1eo 24 44 2 IS .:1.71 114 17 41 2 24 .274 198 • 22 41 7 )() • .242 29 2 7 0 3 .241 112 22 43 I 20 .1341 151 20 36 7 ·" .221 242 500 .208 3'3711 .20I 7 0 1 0 0 .119 4$ 4 7 0 ~ . 1541 I 2 0 0 0 .000 1727 218 4$3 43 205 .212 "1'Ct..o • " • eo W-L au • 2 . 0 0 1 0-0 0.00 HY. tJ 10 10 1-0 0.71 54Y. .. :/ 21 l-1 2. 11 153 4+ 21 21 4-1 2.72 42'\ S2 18 34 H 2.74 75Y, 70 11 24 1-2 2.17 431'!1 38 22 24 S-0 2.81 ~Y, 445 111 It 2·1 4 18 361'> 42 14 23 1·4 5 45 47 ..... 511 ltO 207 31-20 3 02 NATIONAL LEAGUE -~ l ;D1d11r1 2 LO• AMGB.a.a et. LOUl9 • r ..... .. r ..... 8u2b 4 00 0 O.lmlltl•4110 ~ lb • 1 2 0 Mo8ee cf • 0 0 0 Biker If 3 , 1 1 Lo.amltfl If 3 0 1 1 °"'"" cf 4 () 1 1 K.Hmdl 1b • 2 2 0 Mondey rt 3 0 0 0 Hendrdl " , 1 2 • Cey3b 3000 00etllt!Sb300 0 aclololeo 3 o o O fWMr2b IO l o ... ._... •. 2 o o o IMM!rc 3 1 1 o "°""* pfl 1 0 0 0 Forlcll p ~ 0 0 1 ....... 0000 a.-rtp 2 0 0 0 ~· 0000 ~pt\1000 o.w., "1)000 T... IO 2 4 I TCIUll ll I I I &..At..-._."' --=er mo 000-2 · -~. 000 Ol2 ~ Of'>--at. LNt l. Loe-Lof. ~ t.. .. Louie 1. te-llMer, o~ .__ •. \ ~O.amlll.*'1111~ liot. M ... , IU..,,. ..... ~. ~'°"°"-8F-t.o.8mllh. '-........ •H,.a•IO S'-'t(C.14) ~ 1 4 4 0 0 ~ 1\1> 4 1 1 d 0 0.1'9fw 1 0 0 0 0 1 ll.L..- krldl (W,M) t 4 2 2 1 4 T-~. A-25.411. .......... .... York 101 001 ooo-a I 0 Clndnnd 011 204 OOll-t 17 0 M. Soon. Oro.» (9'. ..___.. f!il ...,. ..... Hume (I) Ind . W-8e9'1er. 2-t. l-M. 10011, 4· . ""-*"'Y~(1}. A-G,a,., .....4,C-.11 ~-p : :,: ~Jg .,...(1). .... Cit. -..on.,,.,.- Mlr; ........ TfllroW (II. Loe. ~er.,, °'*' W..:.et••• •1. L •r. ....._ .. ....,.,..., c: 0.. (I).,,._ .... ~A-= , .. ,..._, ..... CMi> ......... c::-..... 1 8u9wwl (CdM) '°" 10 F-...... loet to Letu, •·t: 4et. Jolln.on. 7-1: •own10e1911 {CdM) '°" 2-1, 2 ... -6-2:; CWUn (CdM) loet M. 44, -W ; ,..., ICdM)IOltl-4. ..... ,... • ....... Heywerd-Weeller CCdM) def. Murph)l-004fen.on, 1·4, 1-4; loal lo ~.M,2-l:E~.U. ICdM) loll 2 ... 4-1: -1-1. 6-:f. • ·=~ .......... ._ 1.T-9)'~ l.o:M 2. .. ......, 1 .... a. ... ZWtall 7.t07 •.9--WlllMleilcfl 1.-. • e • llX1't4 U"-•170 )'lfdL Ster ltwel1men1 (Paub!3UO 12.40 8.20 ~ Rodie! (Cardoza 4.10 uo WwWln~ UO Aleo r~: Perslelw1or. Wllto, Gllllant Bird, Hll!I A lnjun, 8tr-.i. Tlmr 4803. a IXACTA , .. a, peld 1129.80 MVINTtt flAc:.. 850 )'afde. ~ <?.:r~r.:., 15.~ ~~ ::: OH-Goin ,« 11 1 1 2.eo uo Ott-Oeedl!Mt lor lt*d. Aleo r~: Ripe and AMcly. Fly to the Moon, bey Nova, EuY ~ Lou, Kiel Chrome. Ml" RIHllo Cllid!. M"1atl Cdl. Time: 17. 71. a UACTA IM> pflid t11.eo .• ti llXACTA 1-1) palCI 123.00. llCIHTH flACa. 3IO )'lltde. "* Calltomla ILM*ev) 1 uo l .IO 7 .00 Gey Net1Ye Too Har1) 5.00 4.00 ... 8ooP (Melt) 11.00 Aleo reced: Hay end Oete, Humbug County. Argentine ...... """ ,...,,..,. Cwt N Aut\, 111¥ lwlnr, ~oat)' Jwllper. Tim« 1t.t2. ti IXACTA (6-41 peld 111.80. a fllC* .. (1 ........... ) peld MUOI Wiii! -~ ~Jll'lll ~la""* Sia conaoletlon pal ta 11.00 wllll 41 winning tldtela.(ICU '*-). l'OUlmf "*' '.111t,..... =~~ 00 1.: •.!! 1ro.,1•0,.0C#rot1l I.; Alto '"'*' WIOfle'• lntenl, VHll ,orw, A~~·•ttl•. tti~CTA ( .. II p.aci .... IO """ flACI. 1 111 e ir'lllM. TrMitall (~ti) 11 00 t to 4 IO =',=::.= ~· 20 : = Aleo raoed Neo«'e Vf/llC!f, A ,WI "-· o.tlllft Onent;. ,..,. ••. ~ .....,, •• l'rlnce. lt'HOtlef. Tim~. Mere''~·~=-.-MeftlltM'tC...... .......... ,~~,..,,-----· 01- Time 144. • IX.CU (4-1) peld NU 00. ~ AACI. t fl#lotlOI. •••ff Ootnrnandlr 1v11tn1W1•) a.to a.eo 2.10 MIN.lao \ltlnMYI 1.40 4..40 Oddt Md Inda fl.IOl\MI) 4.40 Aleo raoedl COrnltll Wltflor, HllrndlncMt, P'IQlllln Hlllr OelllO,.IOf, Affo.H1btn1w. Halllbll, AllbaOO. Time •. II 115. •vumt ~ce. 1 1111,... lnltnl ProdilW (V~l IO 9 00 UO Juttlconlulet• (Querta) 3.00 2 40 T-(Moe#ronl 2 IO AIM laoed' o.caro, Son of I Dodo, Nigh! l-=-140 215 • IXACTA ( .. 2) • peld M7 00 .. l'tCIC IUC (........_4-MI pa1e1110,1114 ao with 13 ~ Uol!el• (elJI ~l t2 l'ICll e111 Conso111fon paid 1115 IO w1111 211 ~lnglloketa. llOHT'H UCL 8'h l\ir\ongl. Olymplc M-1 (Ptnoay) 3.40 UO 2.~ 8'1ghl ~ (ValenMlla) UO 3.00 ~ (C.,,,.,..) 4.20 Aleo r~. I'm Oullly, Noble APPMl I gci1 IC>Md. l'r-PoelUon. Time! 1:11 ...,,... flACC. 1 .. mllM. Sargeent Wllol1 (Toro) 1e.oo I 40 a eo AM Houle(~ 5.00 3 40 Pllllllplc (Mceenon) 2 IO AllO r~ ~ A Two, uiu.cnaroe. Mr Aotector, Par-·e LMder. Pllrfe Ellcountat. Tlma; 2:11 • IXACTA 14-2> peld 1112.50. All~20,Me. ,!4:!'l:.. ot:', Jedi Nlddaue 72.a -137 s 12.e1 -1ff 88-72 -140 oe 1a-ee -,. , a.....~ 72"'8 -141 Gavin ~ 88-73 -141 =Gibert 70-72 -142 Aft:MI 76"'1 -142 Bob twood 71-72 -143 CeMn .... te-74 -143 w..,,... Lelll 12-11 -143 Oen Helldor-74-ell -143 ··-MelnYI& 72.71 -143 Arwty llMr\ 71. 73 -144 Bob 9YmM 73-71 -144 o.v. ect.lberger 72-72 -1oM a.r-Roee 11).7• -, ... Miii• Reid 73-71 -144 Lott Hlr*le 70-1.t -144 tte1 aunon 75-70 -145 Mtw11 L)'9 73-72 -146 Don Januery 73-72 -145 Clwlrlet Coody 72·73-·14$ J.C S11Mc1 74-71 -145 Metk McNulty 72-73 -145 Freel Couolea 71-7 4 -145 AoMle el.at 75-70 -145 Jodi. Mudd 74-71 -145 SI-Uel*r 72·73 -141 8llly Ollleoo'I • 7 4-71 -145 Jim Nellord , • n.ee -144 Jim Colbert 74-72 -144 8INy J..a.. 73-73 -148 Oreo,._, 78-70 -144 .. 8ander 72.-74 -141 Mlle HlcoleC1e 7'1-75 -14t ~ TIM11npeon non -* Aon~ 71-14 -141 -8lilton 71-71 -147 Gery ~ 74-71 -1'7 Tom Pllrt.r n-10 -141 Tein ~ • 14-13 -147 '--Oder 71-71 -147 Aoct ""'*... 72-711 -147 Ed F1o11 73-74 -147 0011Q T..... 71-78 -147 Cur1je 8tl'll¥"09 74-'1'3 -147 ' Jqhn CoOIC 73-74 -147 ~ Ten 9roec11 74-73 -147 O.A. WelbMg 7t.72 -141 Bob Olldel' 73-711 -144 Freel flunk 7 .. 72 -148 Pat~ 72-78 -148 WOOOy ll6ldlbum 71-73 -141 P'ON91 ,...., 72-78 -141 Dew SCOCll10n 74-74 -141 LY" Lon 74-74 -141 Ed~ 74-74 -wt ~ ·c;..e 71-77 -141 Ollel ~ 71-12 -141 Lou~ 14-74 -141 Oen~ ,..12 -141 pi.J ~ 78-7~ -141 ~ Ot9t 7t.72 -... ~ C4* 71-7'3 -14t Undy Miier 73-71 - , ... Marti MoClumber 74·7• -141 M.,_,.._. 1t.73 -14t 8otl TWll)' 7i-75 -141 Larry ,.,_ 11-n -1• """' Hencodl 11-11 -14t .ioe .,_ 1 .. n -we ~=~ ~w,=;: Monie 73-71 -, .. Skip 75-74 -,. •. Buldl 8altCI 7t.73 -141 p..,,... S'"'9r1 11-73 -148 l<at~........... .....-1ir OMe ~ ... 71 -140 l'ltt)' ....., .. ,, -140 ""* --;, .· . 11• -.,. JoA-Clmir ... 7~ -141 ..... ..__ 70-72 -M2 (;arOle Jo Celltoll T'l-71 -142 NllllOY L~ 70-73 -143 AmYAlooit 7~11 -IU letbet•""1~· 7~-71 -145 8ydner ~ 71-73 -145 Stnclrl.... 14-11 -,.. Gall HlnlQi 10·11 -141 SMa ~ 11-n _ , .. Pel ~ 71-13 -14t ~ Ment 70-?t -141 letll ~ 74-72 -, .. Cindy.. 10-71 -147 Joell ~ 74-73 -147 Olllble ......., 72-76 -147 OlbOll Auttill 71-71 -147 8*ley King '7$. 7 4 -14 7 Pell)' llllao 71-74 -147 l(ellly 'Ulla 75-12 -147 .. Ufffe 74.73 -141 Hollie Stacy 75-72 -147 Vloill ,.,OOft '74-7• -141 part)atl Uo-71-72 -141 OMnla Wood 71-72 -141 411oe Altmen 71-72 -Id A110e Miiier 73-71 -144 ISol""9 ~ 75-73 -141 Kltll)' Martin 14-7 4 -141 H>ot Germall> 71-13 -148 a.-1)' KlaM 77·72 -141 Dell £egellng 7 4-76 -148 .._ Cniflar 75-74 -141 Katlly~ 71-73 -149 JudV aerie 75-74 -,., Calherlne Duggan 75-74 -148 Sandt• 8CIUZldl 74,.75 -, .. M.J Smltll 77-73 -1llO lllclll Tibor 11-75 -150 OlllllM ~ 71-75 -150 SanOra POii 7J. 76 -1 llO Mar1ha Hanlon 73-77 -150 Caroll CN1rt>onn1er 7 .. 72 -150 Donna Ceponl 73.77 -150 Calhy ~ 7 .. 71 -111 ~ McAl!rster 77-74 -161 L)'IWI SttoneJ 1 .. 73 -151 Mary~ 75-7t -151 OMHGll ".!~AA OAMa (;If~ ..... , . .... NOtth def. Sollth, 18-14, 13-11, t·14. 11-1. 15-7 WOMa ~-df"· ~. tM, 13-11. IM. 15-6. F,..,.a trenaectloM IA .. ALL ~&....-MINNE.IOTA TWINS -Placed Oer'rel Jedllon, pllcher, on the 21.dflJ.,..... IM Sent ~ All«!, pltcfler. 10 'r Oleclo 0( the lmlmllt!OMI Leeoue. Called up Fr• Vloll and .lee* O'C--, plticM('a, ftom to6eclo NEW YORK YAHKE.£8 -Ac1IYelold 0.... Wlnll .. d, oull ... d9' Pieced Rlld)' M~y. pl1dllr. on 1M 21.-~ ... N9mtd Joe .._._ betting ooedl.. PurdWMd ... conlrect of Jim Lewie, pllcll..-. fro,. Columbua 0( thl lntemdoMI lMQul. ........ i....-NEW YORK METS -PvrchHed lhe oontrecl Of "'-Tllmln, outflelder. ,..,,.,., TIOewater of Ille lnwnatlONll lMCIUI PITTSBURGH PIRATES -1'ecelled, Ceclllo Ouante, pltCMr, lrom Portland ottlle Padflc Coat l.Ngue. t<OOTUU ................ i....- OENVER 8AONOOS -Siol*' 8-11)' Winder. running back, Afvln Ruben, delenelve e11d; and Ken Woodanll. .....,...,, Signed 8enlW Gooden. ruMlrl8 beck; Ale* Kartlt. ~--Md ,..... 8mlth. pynl.-, ~ IO QOnlr8d ~OWlll by the NFL. ,PHtl.AOEt.PHIA EAOl..ES -Signed Curtll Grieve. wide receiver, end Herve )' ~~...-.10 • ..-of .... _,... oonnots. . NOCUY NHL -Suspended Twry O'Aellly, r10IM wlftOlr, of the eo.ton BNlne, ror lhl llrwt 10 =-ol thl 11e2.e2 -and flnecl .... aocCD w10~111' =s~a~ormH ,..,. ......... ~. --Jdlll Cutbutll, defender, end Terr,. Nlclloll. "*""'°"· c:oua• UNION -Nemecl Al 8egr'IOll ... tootllll ooecfl. Walton, Portland· settle suit PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -~n out-of-court settlement has been reached ln Bill Walton's long-delayed $5.6 ro1llion suit againSt the team ~=•n of the Portland Trail The settlement waa announced Friday, more than two years after the euit was filed and four years after Walton aulferecfthe injury that led to the auit. . The .Amociated Presa learned from a knowledf(eable source that th.e settlement was "six figures" and that legal feee were paid by the plaintiffs. Six figures would mean $100,000 or more. One of Walton's attomlw. John Ba11e tt, notified the Multnomah County Circ\.dt Court •hortly before IS p.m. on Thunday that an ~t was reached. But the cue remained on the court docket until Friday's annOWlCemel).t. J I I. I I l I I ,,, ............. MEMORIES OF THE PAST -When Super Bowl XVI came to Pontiac, Mich., last January, the oity renamed Saginaw Street to Bourbon Street North. Nearly five months after the tourists and football fans went home, most of the street is vacant, and this store was unloading the last of its wares before going out of business. C'1eryl tells secret Personality key to true beauty · NEW YORK (AP) -Model Cheryl Tiegs admits she has flaws, but sajs the secret to beauty is to focus on the good points and make certain, too, that the whole body is accented through penonality. · Writing in the Sunday magazine Parade, Ma. Tiegs decli.nes to detail her beauiy deficiencies, but offers instead these comments: "We've .all seen extraordinary beauties with perfect· features; but if there is nothing goma ou inside, they usually don't get very far." ~().,,AL Tli41 CUlil,._,I: •. ,., ,,,, .. ,., .. ,,.,,,,,,, Two For The Price of One June Onty 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 4001 \JI. Coast Hwy. TALE.ai the WHALE Super Bowl impact .sho:rt~livea 1 Pon iac, Mich., reverts to har.d times after bOnanza • I PONTIAC, Mich. (AP)-FOW' buaJnet1 on foot,'' Munro aald. Phoenix C.nter, a new office Called the. Private Inltlatlve month• a10, S••lnaw Street "Now, there are ver)'. few complt•·•t tbe 1outh end of AHl1tance Project, the plan, .. mec:1 Uke the cent« of the bualnetMt on Saclnaw Street Sa1lnaw Street. When that financed by the ctty and private uni~ u thron&I of ~le -that advertlM ln tn. s-per." happina, offlclall aa1ume a money, offera to return 10 pmnyina ln ctw wetk to Pontl.llC, with a po&>USatlon of eecOiMf new office bu.UdUti -percent of an investor'• expt"l'Wel. Super Bowl XVI-w and more tJh;n '7e,oc>o, ii an adjlcent to the Phoenix center "I meant Bourbon Street drank thelr way throu1h the automobile town, and lo -allo wW fW. North to be more than a aooc:t· January cold under the l)ow of economk health hu been cloeely "GM obvlou1ly wlll help," time," Fitzpatrick Mid. , brtlht Chrtlbn. llahu. tied to the fortunea of the Munro u.ld. ''Then, you'll hav\ "Mo1t of the bu1ln811e1 ln The 1ame, the lint National American auto lnduatry. The about 800 people who have to dowtltown Pontiac are ma.rlinal Football Le11ue finale ln the world headquarter• of GM'• have lunch and other eervicel. I apyway. If we can replace them Snow Belt, waa held at the PonUac Mot.or Dlvifion and the think what Bourbon Street with more IUC.'Cftlful bualnellet, Pontiac Sllverdome, about a mile OMC C.O.Ch and TNck Dl~on North 1howed la that Pontiac la a that would be good." to the eut. are located here. viable place to do bualne91 lf One of the most diecoura1ed The chy had renamed the Pontiac'• W'lim'DPloyn\ent rate there ii a reuon for people to men ln town ls Bruno Kea.ma, thorou1hfare Bourbon Street at the end of March, eccordJna to come here." former ~portl editor of the North, after the famed New the Mlchtaan Employment One new reataurant ii newspaper and a driving force Orleana entertainment dlatrlct. Security Comm1aalon, wu 31.1 1cheduled to open soon In a behind con1tructlon of the The five-block ltretch of mostly percent. renovated building on Saatnaw Sllverdome, He ls the man who . ~rted. boarded-up ltOrefrontll '!be dty, located 35 mlJel nonh Street and a cable televl1lon dreamed UP. the idea ot Bourbon I wu tranafonned into a teriel of of Detroit, rwu at tta peek ln the ·company 1oon wlll move ha Street North. restauranta, pube and eouvenir late 19509 and early 19609. headquarteu Into an old "I'm determined to leave this l 1hop1 -all operatln1 on O..ptte the apparent lack of department it.ore bulldina. area, head for Florida,·~ said temporary permit.a. prosre-, downtown Pontiac ii The Downtown Devefopment Keama, who was closing out the James B. Fitzpatrick, controller not without hope. Authority .has come up with a last of the inventory fro m 1 · of the Pontiac Motor Divtaton of ·GM IOOl'l wW move lta Truck p l a n t o e n t l c e o t h e r Bruno's Locker, a sporta souvenir General Motora Corp., who and Coach Dlvlalon lnto the entrepreneurs into the area. lhop. · aerved as cha.tnnan of Pontiac Host Committee for the Super Bowl, estimates nearly $3 million wa1 1pent by 1ome 150,000 people on Bourbon Street North the week before the Jan. 24 ~· Today, on the surface, It'• u though 1t all never happened. I've Sot to tell you the ttuth, the new faces bever' came back," .aaya Diaha ·Winkler, who along with her husband, Al, owna Griff's, a popular tavern ·on Saginaw Street. Now eome of the old facei have joln'ect the exodua, with four buslneaaea closing since January. Most headed for nearby ah or plng tnalla. " di~'t really expect Bourbon Street North to tum the town around," said Neil Munro, a past chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. "I don't think anybody expected any real laatlng impact." • Munro la editor of the daily newspaper, The Oakland Preas. Ten years ago, the neW1papef waa called the fontiac Presa, but it changed lt.a name to reflect the exodus of both oommerce and residents into other partl of the county. John-A~ Krajian I D.D.S. "· * Lab On Premises * X-Rays, Diag.nosfs, Creanlng for S25 . Medi-Cal and Insurance Accepted SeRior Citizens ·Discount . .. CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA . 1: I " j• • # "It u1ed to be that the- newapaper'1 advertmng people collld probably walk out the door and do about 90 percent of their ...__--------------------------------- OPEN AIR PATIO DINING -Olla111,.,., lru•oh-''·'' · ~ --,u e.m. to 3 p.m. . 1100 C.ist hJ, lt.,trt leHll .541-2224 I I i I i I . I I 1 J . - f/.~~~~~E . LOS ANGELI'S -Some crimlnala, P*thaP. the wont and MOit unrepentant ot law·bteakert. ..,.. probably nudaed toward orlme by' blolo1y -'Y eomethlne lnherlted tl\rouah their aenea. contends a C..Utomla ~ychol~t. ~t theorY II lnt.tntely ClOI\~. Critlc:e aboW\C1 and thelr crt~ la often harsh. But Sarnoff A. Mednick of the Unlveralty bf Southern CalUornia, ~Uni an Interview with conalderable reluctance, says a decade of research convlncH him that blolo1y can contribute to crim1na1 1tatiltk:s Just u 1urely u _poverty. And Mednkk •YI he's JeemJ.na how to identify hfah risk younpten. "What we have i1 very likely a lituation where a kid inherits some genetic factor and that genetic predlspoeition in IOme way lncreues or decreases aome physiological function that is correlated with criminal activity,'' heaaya. . "l 'l'fnNK WHAT'S being inherited is aome lcind. of ~fference In autonomic nervoua system functioning.'~ 'the autonomic nervou1 system controla such uncon1eious effects of emotion aa heart rate, blood pressure, mU8Cle tension, respiration and even the ·queasiness of fear. If ita .actlvlty la rech.aced, u Mednick believes it la in a amall percentage of criminals, "that ~it very, very difficult for a child to leam to inhibit anti8odal be}lavior." ma theory seems to suggest that the autonomic nervous system work.a, in concert with 90dal f.actors. as a ao.rt <Jf conisclence. It punishes us with an unpleaant burst of fear when we are tempted to break the rules, then rewaroa \.W with a rapid release from fear when the temptation is resisted. "The key to this la understanding how little children learn to be law-abiding," Mednick says. "I think the way this is learnect is by parents punishing children for antiaodal behavior, or for things they Perceive as antisocial." IN MEDNICK'S VIEW, consistent pUniShment "acts by increasing the fear level in the child." 'That response is governed by the autonomic nervous aystem. . If a child is oonalstently pu.nlabed ellCh time he plcka on a miaf1er child. for imtance, he eventually 'reaChea the poln1 w~ "the next time he wantl to beat . up on another hid, he suddenly gets this fear responae. •• A number of. studiea, moetly with prilon inmates, have tried to gauae the functiooa of the individual autonomic nervous 1y1tem by meaaur1bi~ulae rates, chemical chanaes in the ana the electrical conductivity -of 1weaty palms. Cbanaes were monitored • the subjedll awaited loud nm.., electrical abocb and even court hee.rlno. ' Mednick says crlminala often abow Jell aroual befOl'e an unpleuant event than molt non-criminall. "thil little aroup of peop&. IOCOW\ta for well over 60 percent of the en.nae.. end theee are the more Ml'lou.a c:rm. a.net more dlaturblna crtroes. '' 'The theory ln no way rejecta the lnfluenee of IOCia1 and economic factors. he ln1l1t1 repeatedly, and lt aaya abeolutely ·nothlna about racial factorl. "It'• a mat,ter of poverty," 1ay1 p1ychologl1t Geor1e Albee of the Univertlty of Vennont. "It's livlna 11 a poverty-stricken kid ln a sea o f affluence. . . A decent program to pve these Idell an opportunity to work and earn a living mifit so a long way toward reducing crime. And clinical psychologist Seymour Keasler of UC Berkeley argues, "There la no way you can take aomething • complex as criminal behavior and begin to tease out the geneUc and non-genetic factors that contribute to It." }{easier contends a stack e d socio-economic deck is the ultimate variable. "Find someone who la black , unemployed, hasn't finished high school and comes from a broken home," he says. "'That's probably the best predlctof. Genetic studies can't do any be~r." Mednick at least partially agreea. "Social faeton are much more import&Jlt in the etiology of crime and everybody knows this, especlally the biologists . . . I undem.and what the eociologiats are I saying. They're talking about 90 percent of the criminals and I agree with them completely. But I'm talking about the · extreme deviants." HE SAYS GENETIC factors are of limited value "in thole cases where the chijd has good eocio-economic grounds to become a crlminal. Where this measure is important la where the environment fails to predict, where you've got a kid from a nice, middle-class family and he becomes a serious crimlnal." "There's a con1lltent body of individual'• social and economic literature 1howin1 a very reduced ~vlronment. · He says no single measure, biologic.al ·reaponsivenem of the autonomic nervous or sociological, should ever be uaed tq system in criminals; psychopattw and THE SAME REDUCED response to predict an individual's behavior. "But if delinquents ... And we 'find that if a fear that pointa some children toward you take these in concert and try to father is a cr1mlnal and you look at the crlme almost certainly makes others predict, then maybe you'd do v~ry well chlldren, they ~ have a reduced excel at highly respectable professions, Thia has not been tried in the field reapomivenell." Mednick says. Some of the moat because there's this fear of biological MecJnick emphames that a chlld bom celebrated test pilots might share this measures." with, a low-level autonomic nervous phy.ical attribute. The difference, be Mednick says he would never consider system ii not autcmatkally destined few a says, ia environment. scanning whole populatiom of chlldret\ life of crime. It wowd, he believea, Mednick •lto 1treaae1 that his for patential criminals. "It's ill~ An4 increue the ltatistical risk. But the riak presumed genetic factor j.a aigniffcant 'lor 1 eco nd 1 y, it ae ems 11 k e such a 4 abo goes up and down according to the only 5 to 10 percent of criminals, but unpromising and stupid thing to do!' Nuclear freeze a key t'!·lall Sen4te campaign ·\ I ,JIJ THOMAS D. ELIAS proposition uka that both the U.S . and Bven before the candidates have the Soviet Union~'' to immedJ.ately ahake the wewld. People want an end to tM madbem that has transfixed the U.S. and the Soviet Union. freeze iaaue with him, Republican candidates will be playing into Brown's bands. fift4lly been cha1en. one of the biggest halt the testing, and further debates in this fall's U.S . Senate deployment of nueleer weapons ... Few polla show the governor would be to any of three Republicans if the runoff election were held today. The same au.rveya 1how that's because voters mistrust Brown because they believe be'• "flip-flopped" on issues like Proposition 13 and aerial pesticide spraying. eampaign has emerged: and delivery IYlteml In a way that can That laaue will be the California be checked and ve:rlCled by both Iida" BU&ier~l 'Nuclear Weapons Freeze A. atralghtfoiward •that IOUndl. it la _____ ....,..__,.....,...,...,...,~..,_---I already Vti")' cont:rovental.. While Gov. -rBIS JNn'IATIVE would praent a ~-to the president from the people of thii'" i\atlon's laraeat state~ ~ me11age Would not be m1l9ed even in the Soviet Union." lnltiaUve, which will appear on the ~ballot. Cmilbdetes for the U.S. Senate don't normally worry about state ballot propoal Uona, be= oft on the ..-.Uy accurate that senators h'\ have any control over state muea. But thJI lnltiative is diff«"ent. It's not jUA a 1tate laaue. It has no actual poliay-maldng power, but it Intended to mnd a me:mage to the nation's leaders. ~nd lt'• an outgrowth of a aimilar ~ ll'8de by two U.S. senators - emocrat Edward M. Kennedy of Maaachuaetta and Republican Mark Hatfield of Oregon. ' · TB B IN IT I AT 1 VE , 11 k e the Kennedy-Hatfield resolution, •imely dec1aftl that the dancer of nuclear 'War ii srowtng and tbat IUCb a 'war would kill millloos of people. The eovernor of : Califomia would have to communicate thme lboug}lts to the President and key Cablilit members and ~· '1be Brown,, the likely Democratic senatorial nominee, endones it wholebeertedly, all but one major Republican Senate candidate hu opJQ!d it. Tbe Republlcan oppolit.lon lteml from a conviction that an immediate freeze would perpetuate Buman auperiortty in Exactly, •Y freeie opponent.. 'l'be rniem91" ~ 1n MC*»W would be ooe of wea:r-. Buf it they even debate the nuclear "If the election is a referendum on Jerry Brown. we're in trouble," says the nuck!er arms field. The Sovteta. the ~~~·~~t!~:,.~;·!~vhe~~~~ · Reapport. iori.ment ·plans wbidel to deliver them. • The lnltlative bacbn argue that~ . . numben don't matter when It ClCmel to Califom1a Republicanl apparently are Un fort u n a t e J y, because t b e .._,_ ~--f _,, ... ,_..,,_. banking on the inherent teme of fair Supreme Court refused toJ:ant an a-.uo; wea~. A:ooya• a ew ~ uu.&&.~ play o( the voten to aid them in their 1"''°''~--a~ainat 'the red1atrl plans into1ierable })arm.. they say, and both u..,...-. ...... auper-powera have thouaandi. So drive to reject the boundariea for devised by e Legislature, voters in the re1ardle11 of actual numbeni, they co~nal and ~tive dlltricta June and November electiona th1a year there le 1'Wdear par{ today actoptEd by the Lepbiture 1a1t year. will be selecting repreeentativea frcm ~ ahowa ldcJlll of •• \be FOl', after sp_endlna more than fl the disputed dlatric1a. And thme elected treez.e a cebtral theme of hia campalp. , rnillloo in a liihtnlna drive to ptber will be in charge of redrawmg the lines He ia wen ·~ of early poUa abowing mere than 900,000 lienatu.rea on three if the three referendum measuret are pMt popuJar iupport for an. uclw-m ~te petitknl in 12 daYB to compel IUCt.'tSful in reJectlna the 1981 plans. ~ -~ lone ... it'• truly two-elded. the LePJature'• redlstricdnc pJana be aubmltted to a v.ote ot the people, the SINCE REFERENDUMS are "In 1982, we are witnelllna •sudden awakcnlna of people all aver ~ world." be aid ln one recent lpeeCh. ••LUr.e Mt. St. Helena. we're llelni a rumbllnaand the 'fN'll tee a volcanic blut that will ~bllcam' major effCJ1111 since have intended to~y leglalative actions until been to drum up ~r auppon for the J>ecOple have voted upon the t.uea, the thre. re'f erendum1 whicb w111 the reitraint of the state Supreme Court. ap_pear on the June t.Dot M Proposition which allowed the 1981 redistricting 10, 11 and 12. plan to becOme effective for tl:lls year'• 1electiona, was mott unusual If not indeed a blatant political dedslon=a court packed with Democrata the ac:tiom of a Democratic dorn1na l.#cia1atwe. Michael Kantor, Brown's campaign manager. "Any governor makea an awful lot of enemies ln eight years." \ But if Brown can get his Repub~ opponent to focus on aometb.iJll ~ than his record ~ like the anns ~ initiative -he's got a strong chance foq another of his patente d political recoveries. • . ' Thomas Elias, a free-J.ance colwnniaf basC!d in Santa Monjca, anal}'Zft mr.f Issue.. inequitable Barbara coast to Lancaster in the Mojave Desert, it is ~t ooe of tbe oultqeoul . e xamples of the trampling ov~r community interests. Not only were the diatr,lci boundaries, maps of which were nevef' seen by the legislators when they voted , . llll 111111 l YOUTH • Uncle Len· had a great time over the long hoUday weekend . , and hopes all h1s frienda did, too. It must have put everyone into the mood for summer vacation, 1 because this week'• contest entries all lhow relaxed ecenet. Why don't any of Uncle Len's • friends want to go w ork all summer in a crowded, noisy office full of stale air and ringing telephones? He can't understand that. That's what Uncle Len does every summer, except for a couple of weeks, and after a while he begins to think that tan people look odd. For any young r eaders planning to become travel agents, the contest shows a distinct preference for the beach, the mountains, the desert and camp, with one vote from Jennifer Casey for the Wilsons' pool. Do the Wilsons know about that yet, Jennifer? . .. :1· ·.; .. . . .. . : . . •I, '· ... -" ... ..... · .. ·' ,• . . . . '• .. . . , . . , . .·. . .. .. . . . . • ~l( With all that ocean wavtna at us nearby, It's not surprising that ' the winning entries concentrated on the beach scene. First place and$~ go to Janine Keating, 12, of Costa Mesa. She Included all the necessary items, such as a radio, the suntan lotion First Place: Janine Keating of Costa Mesa • •• and a can to throw trash in . Second place and $2 go to Misty Bulley, 8. of Corona del Mar. Uncle Len can tell that Misty plans to do some heavy castle construction in ~ sand while the sailboats go by this SWnmer. Speaking of bea~hes, Uncle Len. hopes his friends play and swim where Ufeguards are on (IUty. Swtmming with a buddy ls ~ good idea and more fun, too. Don't swim out too far from land, no matter how good a swimmer you are. Uncle Len's chums are no match for the bla tankers, freighters and whales out there. Honorable mentions this week go to out3tanding drawings sent in by Molly . Deneher, 8, and Robbl Wheeler, 8~. of Newport_ Beach and Jennifer Casey, 9, Sheqy Norton, 10, and Janel Ortiz. ~4. of Huntington Beach. i 0 Monday will be another special day, but it's not as well known as some holidays. Flag Day :honors the adoption of the American flag in 1777 as the country's official symbol. Second Place: Misty Bulley of Corona del Mar Uncle Len would like his friends to draw any of the many flags America has used jn history iince then. (They've changed as we a~ded mo.re states, but his friends probably knew that). No red. white and blue can be used, though. Entries should be drawn in black ink on a piece of paper cut 4 inches square. Include name. age, and add.tell and 8elld them to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box ~560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Be 1ure to mail early so they arri,ve by Wedne8day. Uncle Len la sad when entries anive after the contest is judged. Take a look at the bi.story books and see what lnt.eresting. flags.America has had. NashVille students at colitrols H igh school studio o ff ers basics in sound engineer's j o b NASHVILLE. Tenn. (AP) -Lynn record music. Student• at Hlllaboro High Local IChool oliicials say the School learn how to ~ake,...., recording studio is the only one records without ever .etting foot of its kind in the country. Two O'lt Naahville's famed Music l\ow. hi&h IChools in Memphis, Tenn., t In a second floor recording have comparable equipment, ltudio at the echool, they learn offid.als aay, but not the actual the buias of the eound engineer's studio. job -. those vital technicians The studio, whlth hu behind the scenes w be n equipment valued at $7.5,000, is Nashville superstars 1uch as used for vocational trainina for ~ Mandrell and Lorett.a the student.a in either a one or Zoo's young ape · lear n s to use artificial arm SEA TrLE (AP) -In the IOUtheat Allan jungle her·ancestors called home, little Sal Buri would •pend her day• •winging from branch to branch from long, .,Ue anna. But thla youna Slamang ape was born ln the Woodland Park Z.00, to a father who blt off her left arm above the elbow when she waa just 2 months old. It waa a critical handicap to a creature who swlngs through the air more than •he walks. So zookeepers fitted her with an artificial arm -believed the first of It.a kind, The plastic arm, attached with a leather and elastic harne11, ends in a curved, hand-shaped piece at the spot where Sai's natural elbow would bend. ,,, ....... . o ·r . Gary Okamoto of Children'• Orthopedic Hospital, who designed the arm, wanted to compare· Sai's frogress with young chfldren with artificia arms. Her first reaction, at 9 months, mirrored that of human infants -she cried and dragged the arm, says Harmony Fraziex:-Taylor, zoo nursery-keeper. Y TIME -Playtime aeaiona between Bai i and zoo nursery-keeper Harmony zier-Ta~r are part of the program designed to make the YOlU'\8 Siamang ape more aware of her artifid.al arm. At 15 months, Sai wears her arm at least a half hour dally. She'll raise the arm above her head for a tickle and pick food out of the curved hand piece. And the learning oontinues. ' TECHNIQUE -Sal Buri raiaes a foot as she · examines a ring placeCl on her art1fidal limb, a technique intended to make her aware of the prosthesis. At right. lhe appears to be ready to 'try a one--arm swing. world scope (10 polnt1Jor Heh q1.1e1t1on anawertd Coffedy) 1 Wheo efforts failed to resolve the Falkland lsJ1nds crisis, British troops Invaded the Islands. Defense Minister (CHOOSE ONE: John Nott, Sir Francis Pym) wuned that his country would ffsht until Argentine forces withdrew from the British colony. l The Falkland Islands Is one of 16 remalnln1 British dependenclfl. Which of the following Is NOT one of these depcndencifll a-Gibraltar !>-Hong Koog c.Cre~ ,3 President Rea11n was scheduled to join the luders of she ocher Western-Industrial nations for an economic summit conference In .. 1 •. , heisted by President Francois Mlttemind. 4 Followlng the U.S. which 01 th~ Western · induitrlal counttlet h&l the. largeit CNPI a-Canada' b-:lapin c·West Germany 5 The budget has dominated Consreu with the Senate asreelng to a plan Preslclent Reagan supports while House members debated 59veral conflicting alternatives. If the two houses pus different budget blll1, (CHOOSE ONE: the President, a Joint House-Senate commlttH) wlll prepare a compromise proposal for both to reconsider. • newspteture {10 polntl If you"'""' th .. queelott comctty) Prime Minister Menachem Begin of lsr•el recently survived his aeventh no-confidence vote In 10 months. President Reagan has lnvlted Mr. Besln to meet with him to dl5euss Mrdeast peKe efforts, as well as Israel'• opposition to the 0.S. plan to provide •• 1 •. with modern weapons. a-Syria b·Lebanon c·Jordan p~Qplewatd1/spot tlljat (2 point• for Heh l!uffllon .ntwerecl ~rrecitr) 1 Altho\lgh he 11 contlned to a wheelchair followlna an atttmpt on his life, . Ceorse Wallace beaan hi• camptlgn for 1n unprecedented fourth term 11 Governor 9f (CHOOSE ON£: Ceorsla, Alabama). 2 ld Asner, President of the=n Actors Guild and star of the .. l.. television serle$, bl oppolltlon to his penonal polltkal efforts for the rece \cancellation of his CBS televisJon thow . .. aamey Miiier b-lou Crant c-Taxl l .I I · 1 Chui-eh to dedicate cross . Masses to appeal disarmament A CONFERENCE of the B'nal B'rlth Women'• Paclftc Southw•t Rellon ti betna held at the Rqiat:ry Hotel, Irvtne, tOday !hJ'oulh Moftda,. ClllCI 11111 Wave of reli1iou1 even ta to mark U .N. 1et1ion1 Keynote •~leer II Dorothy BtNtoc • lrvtne 1t 7:80 p.m. Sunday. The internatJOnil pre.ident. collep oholr, Community Chorale and NIW YORK (AP) -An old H~ 1nd1an from New Mexico, "GrAndlat.her" David Mononaye, ll ~ ~ of rellciou.t leaden who are to 1-U ,.rt next week ln vaned and ~ye appeal.a for armt iiduetlon and an end to nuclev weaponry. The Mri• of demonatntlona. •a: to be the larlett yet mounted by .t.he pow rel.lgloua PMCI movement in th.II country, 6eliN onday at the IW't of the 1pedal United Natlone telllon on dilannament. . "We expect it to be a major wltnell of the reu,toua community, ra.laing its voice tosether in 1.he name of the survival of the earth and ill children," ays the Rev. Paul Meyer, coordinator'of the InterrellaioWI Task Fon:e's "mobUlz.ation for 1urvtval.'' Mononoe. about 100 years old and probably Ame. rlca'• oldest adrltual leader still actlve, ii an lpt.erpreter of an "!ancient Hopi pr9p};lecy. "The t!ouid ol Aahes,'' found ln a cave. The prophecy holdl that unlea .,people 1top vlolatJna "Mother Earth," fiery aatie1 will be poured on it, purging it ot the vlolaton -an tmaae eeen .. pointing fo a possible nuclear cataclysm. • 0 It. la an imf)ortant i.:achlng that needs to be thAnd outMde the Hop tradition.'' Meyw eaya, A MEMORIAL CROSS wlll be HandbeU Choir wUl be featured~ MCJnOnl)'e llflt one of an array of re~ dedbted 1t 11 a.m. Sunday 1t the A CONCERT of ppel mUllc wU1 teecherto~~~~~~~~t Nelthborhood Con1re11tton1J be preHnted by the Watchmen ~ Church, Laauna Buch. The cro., Gol~l Quartet 1t 8 p.m. Sunday at noon Y •t the l:p&lcopal CitMdral ot St. John IC'Ulpted by lfarold Ekman of Lake the South Shorn Baptl1t Church, the DMne here. • San Marco., ti to be dedJcated ln Lqun1 Ntpl. '!bat Ml'vlCe of PIMMDtr'Y. hymrw and pcoa~ memory of Florence Davt.. who had tor a ftucJear-fNe warld II only one of a •a 111bli aerved u chairwoman of the Mllllona' THE 8 UN DAY 8 CHOO L de - of muehel. vili)I and other eventa. both b9fore and Committee. partment of the Harbor Chriltlan afterward, climaxed by a vut perice rally tn Central Fellowahlp, Co.ta Meu, wU1 p19ent a Park, expected to draw mote than 500,000 people. MUSICIANS Ken and f iiu mUllcal program entitled KJd'• Pralle "We believe the NUciou1 and iW'l"OUndlNr Withln1ton wlJl entertaln~•t a ll at 11 a.m. Sunday. . t •\.I k .... n .... rful lmoact ana luncheon for the Full Goepel Buainea ~~o U.;eeto b';' J;:"!!,~.:-~~ra Men's Fellowlhlp Internatlonal. The BELIEVERS F AITB CENTER who . ~ve thelr handl on the nuclear button," meeting is to begin at noon at the that hu been rneettna at Irvine Hlch Meyer said. Costa Mesa Country Club. School wlll move Sunday to new th fadllt.lea at 15732 Tu.tin VUJ.ase Way, ..... _The ever~!-aot,, ·~ laatin th week~• wlU S A SPRJNG CONCERT, lncludlng Tultin. o~rvance o peace ae, va.~ ouunu. o~ • · muaic by Handel, Beethoven, Chopln, churches and 1ynaao1ue1. Black and Hl1panlc Bizet. Donandi and t.iaztt.....~111 be M E L A N D H A R R I E T T E Christiani join th.II Sunday at a Harlem church ln a presented at 8 tonight ln the .1nne Arts Sprln1er, who have been prime "Witnela for SUrvival;" preceding the start Monday Butldin~t Oranae Coalt College. moven ln the gJ'Owth of the Jewish of the U.N. eeaion. · • Procee 1 will benefit the New Community Center, Laguna Beach, Abo on Monday, a 101-hour "Children'• Walle Thought tian Church. will be honored guettl at the Jewlah for Life" begins around the U.N. and its Manhattan Welfare Fund brunch at 10:30 a .m. • . • ~The . ~Happy ~Hedonists If me luce of lelSU'e hos pulled you CNl'a'f from W'Ot5hlp-~ • Ing God. we would : : like 10 welc:omt-)'OU : : ro 01X \Vonhlp Sefv· ! : Ices. You cort be on : • oatYe worshiper ot : Jesus CMsr ond still : enjoy yq..x leWe • ~. ·: . WTIDMauat : CJ' nl MASTER • net ,.. .. Drt.e : vlcinity, following a performance of a peace opem, A SPRING FLING will be ~nted Sunday at the Sheraton Newport • "A Thousand Crane1," featuring that many .itln Founders Hall, Chrl1t College Hotel. .Day care studied ~.on the U.N. lelSion'• first day, Quakers .------'-----"'"-------....,-~.,..---..__, c... ...... t2m : : WorstMp Semct • UtJO I • : Ntw YORK (AP) Wha~·t • .dered the are launcblna dally fast• throu1hout the -~ month-loog IM!llion, a1ona with periodic~ and larseat survey ~ver made relig1oualy run di8cu.aonl by Quaken, Mennonlta and Brethren. dJy-care prO&l'ams for children shows that tn :u...i ...... American churches are heavily involved In· the However, the main terre~ gathering la BJ"Owth of the day-ca.re industry. _ • set Friday at the Eplecopal cathedral where 1be Rev. Dleen Under, dl.rector of the Child thousandl a.re oomlng by chartered bul. train ·and Day Care Project cf the National Council of plane frorp acnm the country,.. plua othen ~ Churches. aaya the survey indicated 48 percent of around the world, .lncb.i«;llna. 1,500 from Japan. Proteltant, Eastern Orthodox and Anallcan A aco.re of bilhop are to be there, Protestant c:oncreptions operate or hou.e a child day-care and Catholic, including Roman Catholic Bilhop prosram. . Lui1l Bettazzi of Italy, preaident of ~be Half of theee programs are •for pre.school international peace ~Uon, Pax Chriatir·and educaticnal programs, she says. various notableL ' Orang(:. Coast Freedom of Worship ·1 . An · Ameri~an Choice .... ~n::t..--····· CNlllMI Clm9lt ............. a.. --·~~--­"JESUS AND lllNCAINATION"' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ........ GI' THI..~~,,. l'llllT QUQt GI' CHllT, WllT. 90eTOM, .. ~ . "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Suncloy, JuM 6th, 1912 _ C09te .... -Flrat Church of Chrt.t. 8ce.ntt.t • - --V..Dr .. C....-c...a......, ...... -.. A.M. ~·~ ··=: .. DJ. • p ....... Wed. 7·1:11 P& -& : Sunday Qiurdl Sdlaol • : : 9'15 I.Ill : •..•••......•.•••.....• ~ South Coast · · · Commun·ity Church ' . . Services 8: 30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mar.HIOh School, 21.0l' Eastbluff Or., C~ona del Mar "Why Att Women So Weird And Men So Stranse?" Ttin" Tl.....,.. Speaklq . For Info: Call 644-1350 DIRECTORY 1· A C<ltDJAl WE.COIE nCll TIE HARBOR CHIUS"OAN ThJa Sunday WOl'8hlp In tll1ED CUCH Of calST (Dl•="etwtse). . ~-'4 ... aT•.•ANDIE•--.-.. -.-.PM--18-YTUIAN----CHURCH _,.,.. ....... ...., · eoo at. AndrWa AOlld • ~ ~ • 131·2880 Ml-m1 Dr ....... ......_ ...... COllUITY Cllltct\ CONGREGATDW. :Y ......... Worlhlp S.W:--17:30-8:45 Md 10:15 A..M . tUll1latepeAwe. ~ "Christian Conflict" C....dll- 144-7400 O..-.W.Km. ..... l1r •A.11.-aud!llNlllM I • a • Dll 11. lmllUIS ..-.r•lmllUIS ...... llA.11.-...., ... a.dlS..&.....,. Qellelwa--. ....... Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MAM PM'8YTIRIAN CHURCH ...... Dr .• ----... ,.,. ...... { ......... llleQ••ld ..... ,., .... • ......, A111tta• ...... . Leell99r .... ••4 ........... . ~ 8ot'DOI & Adult a... -t:OO a.m. WOl'ltllp lervlo6 -10:00 a.m. ....., c.. ............ Per .... Cal~tM1 ···}}l1pnoufh C o•tqr~9l1f fonlll Church 1282 MQAD ~T., NEWPORT BIACH 642-2740 . ..,,....._..,A. ... Dr. John A. Huffn)en. Jr. .~ ~;:~:==~=-!wt·-~~ .... CNld cw. 10:15 a.m. -lnt8ftta nwu WI Gr9dt & Miit c...... . MC PRESBYTERIAN CIUCH OF nE COVENANT _ ............ c....-~---.,.. .. hnte. ........ ,, ':"wry MoCenM. Dhctor Of Youth ... .... How9t'd tcllon, onc:tor Of Adi* ......... ... Do'n .MeclCbt, Dhct« Of ........ ......... . ---•ss:s-w• .. ..._ CMNll-...... -· = ... ~ .. A.M. ...., ..... 7 811 -...... A.IL ~-MIP& CHURCH OF CHRIST ......... 0.... .......... We'reA~~wa0.:-111~ mu STUDY. A.M. wo••. UL •• P& 10 A.M. -"Cewnant ef O..C." ' . 6 P.M. -"TM Fvtw9 Of Matthew" fl9lll11t1na1,.....__..._C..Y .......... P.?."~~t,~ll lt jua\. wasn't for mt"." 'She took a job workJ.na with LOS ANGl:LM .... A atna· autlltJc children, met a youns r named only Curl.en• had En1ll1hman and married him. given up show bU.iMll, left the They went to F.ngland, and to country al')d was worklna in a' help pay the bllla, ahe took a Job London candy at.ore when a at a "sweet shQp'' earlier this telophono call came from the yH.r, president of Motown Rtcorcls. Meanwhile, a dilC jockey in "He said, 'I think you've eot a Tampa, Fla., who had once smash hit'," Charlene recalla. worked for Motown, began "I said, 'What are you talking playing the song In the air. The about'?" station was flooded with calh. 1 Almoet anyone who owns a Motowo re·released the single, radio knoWJ exactly what Jay -and It eoon zoomed up the charts. Lasker was talking about. "I've A t f Ir st , Ch a r1 e n e was Never Been to Me,'1 Charlene's undecided about whether to pick . sentimental ballad a.bout a up her old career. worldly wise woman who yearns "It's like you're caught in the for the simpler things in life, is middle," she said. "You go, 'Oh indeed a smash hit.and the no, I don't want to go throuffh black-Qwned Motown's ftrsl top that pain again.'" But then again, 10 pop triumph for a wnite. If it's right, If it's meant to be, woman singer~ let's take Ii all the way. So.I kind When Lasker called a f~w of just prayed about it." months ago, the quiet.voiced She finally signed a new SUR PRISE -Singer Charlene had given up her singing career w h en her f f.ve.year·old flop record "I've Never Been to Me" was resurrected as a hit. singer had all but forgotten the ·contract with Motown. An albwn tune. After all, it had died a swift made up from cuts of her "'o Fifi1• es 11• ve death on the charts five years mid·'70a LPs has recently been earlier. · • released. Another album is in the • II I "It was recorded in 1976, it was worla. &g&ID We f j-put out in l977, it hit 90 In the , Born Charlene D'Angelo in l charts and it bounced right off,'' Hollywood 32 years ago, the 1·n 'D1·ner' Charlene said. dark·naired, dark~ singer An entire album was released '. has QOt exactly lived the life of By BOB THOMAS and did even more poorly; careless pleasure as the woman AunlMM ~ wrtt. another was taped, but ·never she ~ings about in "rv~ Never "DmER" ls an absolute'gem of made it into a record Pressin& Been to Me.' .. But she says she a movie. Evocations of the , plant. related to the song from the American 1950s have been I For Charlene -who had been moment she heard it. filmed before, but none has at Motown sinoe 1974, wriUJ:lg After recove ring from provided more fidelity and warm ' her own Songs and working with meningitis as a young child, she good hwnor. · 1 a number of different produce" dropped out of high achool to get The spare plot traces the Uvea 1 and writers before teaming up married at age 17. She qutckly of five Baltimore·y0utha, a few I with Ron Miller for "I've Never had a daughter, who wu railed years out of high 'IChool and at I Been to Me" -it was time to by the father's family. loose ends. Emerging reluctantly move on. Drugs and divorce Intruded In into adulthood, they cl.ins to their "Nothing happened with my her life, while she tried to shape music, pranks. male camaradetie; l career, and I decided to just give her career. o bseas ion with sex, and it up," Charlene said. "I just ''The song is talking abOut a late·n laht meetings at 1.he couldn't take being in the mUSic woman who's done everything, neighborhood diner. . business anymore. It was just the but she's miserable," Charlene FarnUbu-stuff -but it has same old chasing the same old says. "She's g90e throufth a lot been brought to vivid life by dream that never comes ttue, and -like I have in my life. director·wrlter u.;._, LeviNon. 11~~~~~~~_;_~~~;_,:_:~:...=...:::.!.....=.:.::...._~~==-=::.:::.,...:..:..:;:.=...~--=..:..:·'L.::::::.:.=:!!:.- ····································~············· ! edward s· NEWPORT CINEMA i • AU. QB AHO fBI ,ll.MS llfCEIVI THI! IEAL C1' 1"E MOTION l'ICTUl\f COOl OF S(l.f MOULATION Or.•noe Coat DAILY PILOT/laturdey, June 5, 1882 HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Sylveeter StaJ.ioM hu ahowed qaln that he hu the 1tuft of champ&ona u hit lateet movie, "Rocky III," recorded the 1econd·hl1heat box office In h1atory ln Its debut. MGM.United Artlate announc,d Wednesday that "Rocky W" took ln •16 m1Woo durlna its fl.l'lt four days at 939 theaters over the lona Memorial Day weekend. That'• an tmpre11lvJe $17 ,066 per screen and la • much·appreclated news for a company that hu been deeJ>lY ln debt for the put year. The only flbn to fare better was "Superman ll," which debuted at 1,397 theatera on a non·holiday weekend last summer and earned $16.6 m1Won -an average of $11,910 per Including l Bf~1ff ACTRESS -Kacharlnc Hl-phum Bf.5'T ACTOR -Hc:Ol)' Fonda .. APOCALYPSE ••• POWI EXHILARATING . ENTERTAINMENT." llCl'Mll, ~ to the tnide publkatSon O.Uy Vlrlety. Second·bett bualn• on the Memorial · Day weekend waa collected by "Vlaltlna Hours," whJch collected $5.3 mlWon In 1,176 theaters. ~ early twnmf'r entrfe., ''Annie' lnc:reued ln bualneu over ita tint week ln 14 theaten, for a tot.al of fl.6 mlllion ln the fim 11 daya. Columbia Pictures vlewa the lncreaae 11 a good omen tor the musical'• broad releue later this month. "Conan the Barbarian" dlpped to $5.2 milllon for the four dayS ln 1,36 1 theaters, but still has a respectable total of $28 n\flllon. ''Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid" a1JO slid, with $4.6 millJon ln 906 houses, total to date: $11.4 million. 1'Charlot1 of Fire," Which won an Academy Award H bHt picture, ll ltlll a major draw, br:lnatng tn $1. 7 mllllon on 6&3 ecreena. That brinp the fllm'• grand total to $53 million. "Rock ill," the latest leQUe.I ln the Clind~Ua atory of boxs.. Rocky Balboa, bad been '1ated for release by MGM·UA on June 11. But the· company choae to put the flbn out two weekl •ly to get a jump on other major sununer films. However. lnduttry obeerven were taking a wall·and·tee attitude before saying how the new "Rocky" wtU fire .,.inst "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan," "Pol tergelst," "Greate 2," "E.T., The Extra·Terrestrtal." and "The Beat Little Whorehowie In Texas." . ..., .... llit4ai .,,,,,....... ...... .. NOW PLAYING AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES lllU COITI MIU MllllOll WIUO OllM8f UA~ IWDGr l.,., v,.1,.., ()Mgellnvt lft "° •012 .,, 3S01 llt 6990 ~~ 1011 MU,.. •llUllT•TOl IUQI ~ WllT-na ._ ,., ar ..... in £.,._ c-~ Ed!qos eo-w..i 121 •070 l•I 03" fl• ~SJ 191 3935 • COITA MflA lA ... Well (f'#•01 8'"10! So111J1 CMsl 540 7••• ... 151• ·0 . ·~"~--~--~' ~ . ,.. •.•f)"fl t": ~ ••• TM-w ba'U. iot trivtal hofton •wed blc* &n WlnlloW LMDh'• favor WI w..k 11 hie oune up itti the Wiek'I onl)' pemet IOCft, ~ oonfUodnl '°""-llw different an1wen fQr the •vta ~don. CNdlt Wll SiYen to twryone, which~ •Udy all part!•. SCimet1mtl that jult \aa!llM · Trivial Udb&t Tht 1ut time two white boxett fOUlht fw t))e h•~tiht c~plonahip w11 May TRMA BOWL XXVI STANDINGS 16, 1955, when Rocky Marciano TK.O'd Don Cocllell ~· On to·.the next batch ln Trivia Bowl I l. Bruno L)'JlCh •no name for'a bloomll\I I leedlna man, 6o the actor chanced it tO what? · . 2. A CU1oOn chanlcter named Dippy Daw1 • became better known u whom? 3. Name the town patrolled by Jack Palance ln bis TV aeries "Bronk.'' . 4. A pair of twin.I named F..ther Pauline 'and Pauline Esther flrew up to become famous aa whom? ~ · 5. In the Disney version of "Snow White," wti.t waa the name of Prince Charmlng'1 hone? 6. A character called Enel Twing Wied to pop up on what radio show? 7. Rudolf Wanderone Jr. is bener known to 1porta fans as whom? 8. Andrew Aauecheek sho~ up~ stage in what play! 9. In the movie "The Grtatest Show on F.arth," what wu (a) the name of tlfe elephant that almost lc.ap aa ey. oat for the fansdMt 1IMWl9 about powtq up "91' myel . You '11 be •tad you camel &ti.Md Gloria Ora.ht.me'• flee and (b) th9 name of Jimmy Stewart'• doe' 10. s.un won the 1tamp of approval, butlt wu enouth to drive anycne buuY ln what movfeT. La1t lVeek'• MIWert 1. Tony Martin (name Chanel) 2. J\&M (Norman'• mother) 3. 0 Hound Dos" and "Heartbreak Hot•l" (Elvia' IOftll) . 4. Alica Seltaer (Speedy oommercfala) 6. WWJam Holden (1peech cut oU) 6. KRLA (heart and IOul) 7. California Anaela (meet blown leada) / ~ 8. "And Mlal Reardon Drlnkl a Little" (Fleur Stein) 9. (a) John Joeeph Vincent Murphy ID. (b) "Let the brothen go" ("Fort Apache") 10. "Th• Four Seuo111" (movie riddle) (Send your answ~n to TRIVIA, clo the Dally Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mea, CA 92626. All entrift mu.tt be recelwd by Wec:lne9day, oehelWUe h.alJ Che ph~r'• 1.ut aoore Will be awarded) . Comedy series due HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Buck Henry ia,deve- loping two comedy series for ABC in association with Playboy Productions. Los Angeles radio personality Frazer Smith will star ln the MGM oomedy "The Cool l>atrol." NBC has won the rights to telecast the hit film "On Golden Pond," which won Academy Awards tor Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn and writer Er- nest Thompeon. IBNEFIT Leonard Nlmoy ehowed up ln Stamford, Conn., th1a week for the premlere of ••star Trek II: ~ Wrath of Kahn," ICJ'Mned to benefit a parochial IChool. YOl OIE IT TO Ya.lflf Tl m T1I "Fm• ml OF TIE YEAR!" -Gene SNM. ~IC·TV, TOOAY SHOW BlAKE EDWARD S' lllAMflM Stoo4;hul$1 772 6446 COITl MlH EdwllldS 811sto4 5407'44 NOW PLAYING COITA MllA ....,, 645 5025 FOUlfTllll HlUY fimify Twin 952 1248 r:;;o , .... K _,f lllYI• OlllllCll EdwwdS Woodbridge UA 0Cy Ctrlll!ll 5S1 0855 634 3,11 OM*ll WUTMIUTlll SllCfiunl Orr;t In UA Mal 839 1770 893 0548 ::-...,,. Ut ,,Jt CMU•U l .. itretS...111~""'· \ .. ,, .. NEW YORK My mama done told me, wh n l wu tn kn ~"'· thaUomOd..r th y'd put a oolloctlon of tlme-t~•t«l &lun IOl'\ll 011 Bn>Qdway and °'-11 It • Blu• in th Niaht '' And *> th y haw. with LeaU Uguna, Dt>bbJ Shapiro, Je&I\ Du Shon, a ~~-~--~'.-:: alx-man bind r end 24 mua- lcal oldl91 -many or woo ~la -m ct bent, l&k • Besa4f. Sml· th's 'Wast· ed Lif e Bluea" o r Har o ld Ar ~ len'a "I Gotta Right ti> Sing the Blues " Alas, this one, which bowed Wednesday, £1atted fifth• akimbo. ls might)' uneven, from staging to song selection. And it LUXURY THEATRES Ooly aporadically a.Ntee, \Willy .:whim uw .unk~±""Mliil u~ hu the podJwn. The ladlt1 occupy W.. roonw, none divided by walla, 1n 1 thil revue, whkh 11 Mt 1n 1938 ln a rundown Ch.lcaao boc.l (the way th ahow OOimel acre.. the ~ could be ltq2, while John Falat:iella •• ho-.1 aet la oddly tidy and well-kept for a rundown model. But l dlgretl). Thlna• be1ln with the womenfolk ln nlaht1own1 or 1llp1, wearlly' leanihl a1atnat their re1pective dOOtW&Ylt with planl1t-1ln1er Charlet Coleman . behind Mi11 Shapiro'• room, d1rectlna a tee0nd-floor band. A tiny 1urprl1e. Inatead of l!ihtlng up a torch aong, th~ leap Into a roualng enaemble "Blue Blue." Then cornea an ear-pleating arrangement ln which Colemen 1ing1 "Four WaJ.1' Blues" as aingera Uggama and Shapiro 1lmultaneou1ly commence a countermelody, "l'Ve Oot a Olia With a Dnem." Althou1h Lbt two-tun•·•t· once device 11 uHd \w&ce lUer, whlch. ii two tlmH • too many, l\'1 a Neit opener. It aldl the lmpr '"'°" \hat ... ~uaUy aood timea and Cood IOUnda 1J8 aherld. Sure enou1h, Ml• Uaarn• ~ to knock 'em dMd wtth ·~ FooUah Thln&I Rtm1nd Me of You," followed byl&.Du Shon'• woru:!trfu.lly_ bawdr. ''New Orleem HoplCOtcft m..-. • The ladles punctuate the mUlic by dre.tna ~niaht on the town (they Two dlaillualoned by men . t the 1how'1 early promlM quickly au.rt. evaporattni. It 1111 with 1on11 that IUCICWnb to coy, like "Take Me For a ~ Ride,° or take a long, mournful time to ·ao nowhere, like 11Wa1ted Life Blue11," or, notably ln the later aotng, almply eound llmilar. '*BARGAIN MATIN•••* Moncl1y tllrU l1turd1y All Perlormanc .. befON 6;00 PM (i.,t .... E•t11111fa Md HllUp) "ROCKY ....... ,._ .............. _ LAkEWOOO CfNTf ~ sourH ......... "'flOMY'8• ........... ;.rt_ .. POLTIRGmaT" C...> ................ .... AAAW" (1t). ... ... - ARCAOfofGAMES• ';_'."'',.ci;}," '"09.ATH .... r OQ ...... -. 11 f;i rl©11j.f§i§6) 619 8770/'1'r'l'8kfM) euutfful (j,,. fPI Sound Direct Tt Your cart ..srAA TREKJL 1118 WllATB OP KRAii l'MVICTOllY(ll'Q) 9 "'MA*YP~ .. ............ - I ',l, "·' BUENA PARK r1~ .t " ------ ~ •• ' j ~ I LINCOLN o~· .1E 1N .... t 1Jl.JNTAI" lfA•ltT O~iVf ,N llPCMll(l'8 ... . .... ...,,,. ........ 'C..·fl~ P:ICTITIOUI IUUmll NAiil ITATDllNT PtaJC NOTICE ~Tm0Ut8'11 .... ~ITA~NT Tiie following peraon It doing bu9lnett H : l<INO TUTT'8 MAINTENANCE SERVICE, 432 .,ao SIMt>utd 81 , Senta An-. CA 92704 Mertln W. Ind LOI.HM TU1t. 432 So. 8tart>oerd St. Santa Ana. C.4 92704. Thia bu._ 11 conducted by 111 lndMdual LoulM Tun P:1•'1 Publl•h•d Orenoe Coaat Dally PllOt, May 29, JuM 5, 12, 19, 1N2 232W 2 Nil.JC NOTICE The following pertof'I 11 doing l>Yel,,..... 1---------- 0UR TOWN REALTY. 3413 WimbledOn Way, COiia Meaa. Ca FK:TITIOUI IUltNlll NAlft ITA TDIOfT K-00313 , NOTICE OF DEATH OF VIRGINIA P. PROCTOR I .:O (8) l'\MHMCI<: THI l.AIT VOYAGI Off THe MOMO CAITl,.I frlc S•-•ld ho1t1 Ihle <1ocument1ry employing arem1110 r .. •neotment Ind lfcNvel """ toot• to rQClall the dl .. ttrou• tire In 1 ~ tllat claft'ned 13 7 llvea lbolfd the luxury crvltelhlp 5 30 8 VOVAOI TO THE BOTTOM Off THI SEA 18 VIEWPOINT OH NUTRITION 5.46 (!)HOU. \'WOOD BIU Hatrll Pf-II up. CIOM report• on lhl P90- ple and -·· which .... miking MWt In thl P'O- ductlon and glemour eep1. t81 of lhe moYle lnduttry. 1:00 I SUMMER SEMEanA SEN!NOIPfTY TE'EHTAU< FAMllY AFFAIA Q) SATURDAY , MOANING i PUIUC AFFAIRS PERSPECTIVE MOVIE • * •,.. "Pulp" (1972) MlchHI Caine, Mickey ooney A MeCfy writer 19 by en ex·Rlm 111r to g ~write" hit berely 1 prln11ble 11J1obk>g11phy. 'PG' Cil MOVIE •••"Stripes" (1811) Biii Murray, Harold Ramll A New York cabble looking lof exclt-t convinces 1111 ti.at Ir*'<! 10 join him In enllltlng In the U.S Army,'R' II 15 'S) MOVlE • • • "Thi lncredlble VrYY· age Of Stltlgray" ( 19&5) Puppet-. Capt. Troy Tem- pest and the mighty llhlp Stlngrey try Id lloe> the evil -IOfd, Titan. lrom taking over thl world. 4.0 NEWS e 30 0 DUSTY'S TREEH()USE GJ TH~8CAT 0 PACEH'TTEM 0 PORTRAITS IN PASTELS CJ) SPEAK OUT ED CAPTIONED ABC NEWS. (I) VOICEOf AGRICULTURE Qll IT'S YOUR BOSINESS ~OR. tlNUOQLES lHJ MOVIE • * • Hog Wiid" ( 1980) P•lh O Mbanvllle, Mldlael B•etln A high IChool ~ put become. lhl •IMtlng Point lor wild Pl'8nka and hllattty When-· clMn-cut )'OUniOlters d«:lde to tak• on 1 ro..dy molorc:y. Cle gang. •PO' • • 0BESTHOASE A young glf1 Claeti. wrih her mother over entering • rodeo c:ompeUtlon. 7:00 8 l(IOIWOAl..D . Cll TH£ NH'TST9HE8 I BIO BlUE MAABU: ([I 80P£llFNE.ND8 OAVJ'( AHO GOLIATH • OHE HUNOfE> YEARS YO\INO • YOOA'°"HEAl.TH ()) INTEAHATIONAL HOUR OMOVIE * * * "The Hunter" ( 1979) Sieve Mc~. EJ W• • i.ch. Ralph "Papa" Thor· 10n IMdl a dangerout ltM U I moderll-dey bounty hunter. 'PO' 7:30 8 MA. MOOH'S MAGIC a~ 88tMUfff B OR. 8NUCJGLE.8 0 fVCHIE RICH I IOOOe'tOOO Q DAVEY AHO GQUATit • NEWS "° ll~ MANll 4NTIMATIONAL HOUR 1 ~HZ>M<ME • * "Lacombe, luden" C 1974) Pierre BlllH, AulOl'e Clement. Al IN ond of WOf1d W1t1 ti,_ .. 1 pe11ant careleHly l>ecomH Involved In Fec:11m e 00 U Cl) POHYe U MOVIE • • "Aound·Up Time In Tn•' ( 1937) ~ ltU!ty, $millyBu~. = ~ UTATEWIE< • • • ''Tugboat Amie:' ( 1933) Merle Oreuler, wau.ce Beery. A WOtlllf\Q woman and !let ahll\llel hulblnd 1111 '°"'°* out of tova tor their eon. !.:: • • • •• "Monty Pydlon And The Hoty Orll" (1914) Orlftem CMprftM, Jofwl Clelee Kina Mtlur and 1111 1>1nd of 1tnl9llt1 encountlr flllnt9, '**' and a ..... r.-In "*'~'°'-~ ®:V. .... ~~ .. Cl)MOWW • •" "Z.,0 To a.y" (1t71), °""" ~ ~ '8•1rton. A !Nd. ................. ..... ....,.-...nr "'"*• ..... !Mii BIRDWATCHER -Lucie ~z p1-ya lead in "The Mating Season.'' in which she falb in love with another guest at a birdwatching retreat. Movie airs at 9 tonight on KNXT (2). repctUfllng I Mafia C# containing a deed body 11 p111 ol hit new pannerehlp with I 16-YMt-old girl. 'PO' t:iO 8 ()) TAJVAH I LONI AANClel'I 8 QI KIO._.,.,. POW!fllHOUA D aJ R>HZ I ttAPt"f DAYIQANO • PEOPl.I ANO OAGAHIZATIONI 8:00 I ~VE IT TO ~VER aJ LAVEMll& IHIAlEV Ill WILD, WILD WOAU> Off AHIMALI I EfllHEST ANOLIY Nl.W~ MCMI •• "Undetground Acea" ( 19801 Dir.II Banedlct, Metanle Griffith. Pllklng attendanll •Mk h4lllOC 11 I swltllk 8eYll1y Hula hotel 'PO' • 8:80 9 ()) IU08 BUNNY I AOADAUfMJi' I L~ aJ HEATHCUA' & MAAMADUt<E !~ • •• "Pardon Mon A1111te" c 18771 JHn Rochelor1, Anny Dupe(er;. A happlly mll'ried ,,,_, contemplltH Infidelity Iller teeing a belutllul model In a pntng GW-0-. 'PG' 10:00 D Cll SPACE ST AAS D IHANANA fJ 1!1 TltUNOAAA I OOLOIE OOl.O Q MOVIE * '-> "Yog -Moneter From Sp-" (1871) Akita Kubo, At1uko Ta•oll11hl. G) CAR cAAi camw. 8) IOIJONES e LAIT CHANCE GAAAOE 8) VOTER'S PINIJNe Jim Cooper tall• 1 looll at Re1pport1onment lfnd othef Nllot ...._. and their~ to Orenge County. ®MOYll • • ''Clfbon Copy" (1M1) 0-ge Segal.&..! a.int .i.n.. A 11-.fU! white butfnManlan dlacoveta that he hU a grown eon who .. llllil*. 'PO' (l)Mov. • ·~ "Smokey And The Bandit II" CIMO) Burt Rey- noldl, Jedlle Gleuon. Sheriff BUfotd T. Jultlce C""9 In .. two lawmen brotheta to stop I r9Cnd ~. the a.rldlt, from trll\ipOl'tlng a bebr ~'PO' 10: 15 (%) MOYtE ·~"The~ a.t" (1811) Lee ....... Owtl ... .--. '" a WOttd of the Mure, I '°"'* ,_ c. clfi\ler and a ..... computer ..,.,, llgtll ... ll0'*•"'*1t'• ~ of~'PO' 10:801 ~'ITOPTIN WIFNM<MN' ... NAil~ tUCKI -wmtOlfl/Y 11:00 a 14llMU. Swi Franclaco Oia'ltl M C~Cube t~w:=o IPECIAl "Tha HotM Thtll ~ ~·A'-" of hopelMI .... ~up a 11ot oentenwo.. (Pert 11 (R)'iou.. TIWN I ~ PAaO • TH! LEGACY Of' A OEMUI Plblo Ptca.o'1 lrt wotkl. llfe, contr lbuttona Ind tnnuenoa on 20th OlrltUrY lrt-~. .MOYll • • "J,o And The ... fletKld" ' u:ao11=: IMD8YAND I WU. WWl-0 W9IT .-00/fOI.. PAINTM (C)MOWW ··~Juz ....... (1tl0) .... Ollmond, ta- ,... 0..,.,. A ..._ YOttr ceMOrlnllk.eWlll .... tNdltioft Md .... OUI W find ..,... • • • llCIP ,..... ... 'PG. (l)V.. .... _,,, ... ....;.. r.:::·•,..,,.,. ····~ .. ,.,.. .. 11-l~~-­W.., lll.,.. ,._I ,,...., • ... ., ""11111 ........ llMIMdWlll• Mir of Ote, 41111 Of~ II ....... 1o .... ,,., clownllll. .M#ftm.MMC)OM ~~ .... ~ VOii?" C 111• ~ , ... . ,,_., lllllJ.A .... ..... ,....., II Nllr411•.i 10 ...,.. ..... (l)MQYll .... "Prinoe VlllMt" ( '114) JtmH M .. on. ,,.,,.. IAlgl\. ,.,,. "'*""' .,. bi1nQI two rlYtlt Into cllreat con411Ct, l:IO. ATC*I Guelt: muelcllan Otlhem ...... • GI L~H'l Ill.AND The CUleweyt -,...... •• -~11~ • MY UIONAN>'I OOLOIN GLOYD KintiM City va. '*"Y Mountelll • HIDOIN l'UCll: WHIM~O..V ~ "Ancient PlllOll" HO.I PfMllp Abbott *"' thl Canyonllnde wlldlmMa of Utah and HU1co Tlnk1 In ...wn Teue -two"* wtiere ltldlln rOCll lrt hll .,.,,_, '°' oenturt-. (fill 0 "'°'9llONA&. IOWl.IM TOUR aH,000 S.1ttte • Open (from lhl IAllllll Ulnie In 8Mttle, Wllh.). 1:.~ ** "Aour• In A~ l' Kaoe'' l:OD. 0 l'MNCtf OPIH T8NI ...,,...,, cowrlige of '"' --Women'1 Ana In Ille llttt leg Of the Of Ind Siem of Tennie (from AollJl'd Olr· roe Stadklm l.n Pen., FrMCe). ewow ***"Up In Anni" (IMC) Dinny l(ey9, Dlnltl "'-· Attw1....,•1~ atowe 1W1J on hie lhlp, ttley ~ IO hide her pre.no. from the ootone1. .MCMI **~ "W.. Of Nolle" (1"3) Suzanne Plllhette, Ty H1rdln. A llofM trainer retuml to hll llenOM lifter he¥int 8 ting wlttl I mlr- rted hotM --· I PACR>IMJGR MIR'o.U.IUNCH MOUND nte WON.D .... Olen Cempbel llOeU I muelcal tow °' the l<nO~ vNle Wortd'I FIK wtltl gueetl .. ,., Leie L9wll _, MelCener. (C)MOYtE *•'A "Pulp" l 1t72) M~ Clln., Mlctley Rooney. A a.dy wr1* la l*ed by llQ ..... Mar to "gflottwftt•" hie ber.ty prtn1at>M eutObloOreptiy. 'PG' • we 1WRVW1•• LIW fi'Om ttM 12ttl __, "1leie F .. 11¥81. Cebflllo ~· .tlllf••11!9t. aan • ,,.. •• 10.W. ~TOUft lt5,000 S..tttl Opefl (fl'om IN lAllnl lo.-In s-ttM.Wlllfl.~ -~..,.. (J) TMI WBIC If IAllMU. ®MOYll • * "Hog Wiier' (1tl0) Petti D'~ MlctlMt 8llM. A hWl IC:Mol C91>-111'8 bloofml tM ...._ P«*1t fOf Wld .,,... Ind hl8l1ty ~ .._., .... cut~---to ... Oft • rOfllltt ~ defiMt.'PG' ()) NC11L IU'tl A IUr'f' Ma(Z)MOYll **"The~8llOI" ....... HAW ac.ea: Lotllt1a Lynn. C.- _,, ~. Oll9er. er-. ............ Qoegers. • T*W9CIN .. _\LL • OU&.TINa "Oull llodt And PaNm COlieetCW'I~ • INTNJDUCM llOLOCIY ()) IAIBAU. 8enDlegoP-..•,.... ~~ I 9 ,... fllOCKPON> ...... A Wllllttiy T -.n'1 .... hlr9I ~ to iillll with a blldlrnell protllem. Cl)MOYll • •~ "Zero To Sb'ty'' (1t71) Dlrren MoGeWI. ~ '**"-'· A "*'-dle-llfed dtvoroed !Ml'. needing nioner tor~ ~ .. ftlotd """ 19,08 Tlltlf I Miii CS ~· .... ~-'*'"' ..... ~---• ,.,..,.... Gift. 'll'O' K.NXT (2) 8:00 -1'The Treuure of San BoatQ Reef." A teen-apr atumblee upon a mUrder ln part one of a two-part Walt Dltney eptlOde. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"The Matif!a Seuon." Lucie A.mu, Laurene:. Luck nblll, star in movie about two people who meet and fall ln love at 1 blrdwatchina r~tre-at. See_ photo, left. KOCE 160) 9:30 -11Llve From Lln<.'Oln Center.'·l Zubln Mehta conducts the New York Philharmonic and the Israel Philharmonic. KNBt (4) 10:00 -"America in SHrch of ltlelf." A look at social and polltJc~l factors which contributed to Reagan a presidential victory. their !Meting end the beglnnlno or their frlen6-""°· ..... IW.U. Loi Angelel Dodger1 at St • .LoW Cll'dlnell I IOUDGOLD IOOClft MA.DI IN GIMIAHV -~WllJ(. "Great l!ntertlll'lerl" (C)MOYia * • • "Pardon· Mon Affalre'' ( 1971) JHn Aodlefor1. """" DllPlrery • A happily merrted ,,,_, contempl1tH lnlldallty lfter .... ng I bMuttM model In • Plfltlng Qll'llOl- 'PO' ®IOME CALL THaM fNAK8 Aichlrd Kiley l'IOetl thll looll et fWllOUI human OddlUll. ullng 111n l)hoto. and drwneUc ponr11)1911 to .. the lloriel of Tom ~.the~Men andothetl. CD),.._ MAIMl.OUI LAND CW OZ Some very ,.,.,.., lnhltblt· anti of '"* land of oz help • ~boy Ind hie .oodo en friend In thll lllmed "• procMtlon by Ille CfllldNll'I ThMlr9 COfn. l:IO•i-.~WU> ·~UPONA Ct.AlllC "The Mill On The Aoel" Jeremy Tullller llndt hll eon to uw -IChool the '°" of hll IMltll _,, 'llttendl _, .. ·~ ~ rune "111 to Ive with m*M-(Ptlf1 1)Q :=WON.Dew Aenl6do 8nlpee ..... Tim ~In a 1C)..round '-4>'• •t bQ111 (ffom u.v...-,Nev.~ (%)MCMI * * "Overlt>rd" (J:)MOW19 • .. ,,. """''" 01111 ........ Qe1"8, ~ ~/,Midy ...... lllted by '" •·• -•• "tftOtlwttt•" .... '"'"' Dtlllt1bll •oblattaplly, rPO. (J)MCMI *** "ltr•" (1H1) 1111 Mvtrty, Hwtld flllmll. A N9w YOflt cebOll loc*lnt for IKCltemant conYlnoee 1111 belt frltnd 10 lolrt Nm In tntlttlnt In the U.I "'lft1. . ". CZ>MOVll • • * "Thi Flrlt Oeedty tin" c 11101 'rlnll e1n11r1, ,.,. OuMw11 A vetet1n New York City pollu deltct!Ye, whOll wtte I• auff«tng from a WIOul 111- ,.,.., trlM to oetOh • b«ltll ltltllr 1«rorlilng Menhat· 1an. 'R' t:30tlD GNAT Pfflll'OflMAHCQ "Live From Unooln Cen- ter" Zubln Mehta conducl• the New Yorlc Phllhltlmonlo and the llfael PhllfllTmon- IC In a hlltorlc joint concert from Avery Fllnef H•" ,, Llncoln Center. 10:00 u a Nee "EPOR1'9 "AmeflCa In 8eatch Of ltMlf" John Cheneetlor IOOlcl It lhe IOClll and polltlc•I feoto11 wttleh con· trlbuted to Ronetd Reegan·1 victory In the l~Midenllll etec11on I ii =AIY Ill.ANO A 1M1 Mt1te ~eon 11 tran1lorrned Into • glemorou• t 8908 belle. end 1 11c1turn men eltempta 10 recapture the p.»Oeful Umee of 1111 boy· llOod.(RIO G MOVIE * •• "8oGcacclo '70" ( 1862) Sophie Loren, Antll Ekberg. Thr• 11orlel 1111- nzlng Mllual morlllty: a thy man win• • pretty gll1 In a reffle: an OV«ZellOUI bluenOM begll\I to dream of 1 MductrMa: 1 woman offer• her hUlbancl the -dMI he'• been g••· ting fl'om expenllv9 1><0.11-tut•. I SOUOOOl.O INOUENDEHT EYE "Nlgtlt Shlf1" ®M<MI ••~ "Blow Out" (1H11 John Trevolta, Nancy Allen. A IOUnd technidan wno wor111 on horror mm1 beoomel lnllOlved In • murder myatery wt*1 he wt~ an aeaaalna· tlon 'R' CD>MOVll • • * "Fl•MI Gordon" (18801 Sam J. Jona, Mu Von Sydow. A trio ol earthlingl travel to the pi..i Mongo and help Ill opptMMd Inhabitant• In the -11\row of thl ~ Emperor Ming. 'PG' OMOVIE ** • "Chapter Two" ( 1979) ,,.,_ C&an, Mir· 11111 Maeon. Soon after Ill• wtf•'• deettl. 1 writer find• hlmMll reluctantly tining In iow..-i 'PG' 10:80. 000 oouflll O.C. and Feb conlc>ire to break up a polcer 0- ln th9if llPltltment IO they CM go OWi lllttll .... f'IOlotl 1i'~ooaTo oou..me 11:008 DD <IJ9Cll N!WI ; 8 . ENT!RTAINMEHT l THllWEE< lnleMewl Wllh Alan King. Glenn Ford, Lola Fll1n1, Patty Out!• Allln • and MelllaaM~. • MOVIE • * + , "The Seven-Upa" I 197 4) Roy SchelcNr, Tony Lo Bianco. A New Yortt c:op'I IMt1 to UM I friend 11 an Informant bldcfhe In • --of pigland kl6- NIP9!n0•-. • MOVIE • "Encounter With The ""*'-" ( 1175) Docu-mentary. Herr11ecs by Aod a.tllng. Thi'• dlfl.-n1 111pemetur81 lnctdencee ••...-creeled. (C)MOYIE ** "The Jazz Singer'' ( 1980) Hell Diamond. ~ rence Ollvler A Hew Y or1l cantor breakl wllh tamlly lracwon llld •• out to ~ lllCCel& .. • pop mut1o 11er. 'PO' Cl>llZ'AMI "flU.Tlme" (%)MOYtE • * "The Dltrlpl*lfllnee" 11:80 • n. fllOQ(fON) flLP .. Counlelor Beth ~ .,,.,. Aoc*lofd 10 ~ • m1111ng wltneee who can provide en 8lltll lor her cll- ent 8 QI ICTV NmWON< au.ts Dery! .... and JollnOel• 1:.Wftl • + "Santa Fe stemsieJ•· 1 tt38) John w~ ReJ Corrlg1n. The ThrH Meequiteetl try to olMr a oowoot .oolMd of mut• dlf1nO • eotd proepec:tor. 0 MOYll ...... '"TM ......... ( 1M7) ~ HoffMln, l(atheftM "°99. WMle ....,.. Weed 16 dee• • ""9flb0t'• Cl.....,, • ~ .,..,_.. II heWIO S>~ """'°"*· •• ..,_ ,,.,..., WCWlllll" (1"0 ,,.,IOMM 'lllle\; _.. ........ A ..... .... ........... ~ ....... ~~ ... ..... .....,_ .... ............... ............. w d'.aO.MCMI * * "Lldlee Of OftrM" ( 1t71) Oe~d JeMfffl, John L.,_, AU.I . T,.... 1.#y 1Qent IN OUI .. NII lhl_.. ............ OMOft• ..._Nie taMn OV9f Ill .,,..,. eMy. CD> MOYll ' ''The ~ Of MleCy ....,,.,_.. .. (1971) Oon- l llJIC• M~ey, Jemie 01111 .. ·x· .MOYll • •"' "Th• Po11m1n AIW•)'I .. 11101 Twiet" (1H'I Jeck NtcllotlOn, Jelllc1 L.angt. A ~ womtn and hit io-plot to mutdlt hef hulband 'A' CZ>MOVll • '" "TN IAet Chue" ( 1981) Lee MajOfe, Cllrle Miii~ 11\l~of Ille Mure, I '°"""' r-ear dr!Yer and I leen-eoe computer •xc>en llght the government'• proec:rlpllon Of eutomobl!M. 'l'O' 1:00 D ..oct< COHCPT Ou.tie. RUlll, Dlr)'I Hell and John O•t•, Joan AttNtradlng. Oevld Frm.11 Ind Shelly W~t • MOVlt! • * ·~ "The Only Oame In Town" (1911) W11ren Beatty, Ellz.lbelh Tey10r. A ctloNI gll1 la offered m1t1· rlage by 1 gamble< wttlte wlltlnf for her lover to dlvorc:a hie wife. 1= ** "The Stir Pactler" (1834) John Weyr.e, Verna Hlllle A tough cowboy deputlu1 • group ot rencher1 to round 119 • @nll of outlewl. QI EVEHIHG AT THI! IMPAOY (C)MOVIE • • • "Meen StrMt1" ( 1873) Hervey Kettel, Rob- erl De Niro A ""80-time hood and hi• lrresponllbte friend fond"p1en1y of trouble ii\ New York'1 Utlle Italy. 'R 1:20 CJ) Pl.A YBOY'S Pl.A YMA TE REUHION Richard Oewaon hoe11 the 25th annlv9rllrY <*abr• hon ot Hugi\ Hefn«'• mec>- ulne II thl Pteyboy M~ 1k>n W•t In Holmby Hilla. California. 1;26 CB)MOVIE ***.,. "TN Blecll'M1t1· bte" C 1980) Robert FOll· wo<th, P•ul• Prenttn. After ·wor111ng on.,.. - tlonally •llhaultlng chllO-- muroer c:ae. 1 Nny- drlnklng pollce o.tectlve 11 l..-cl with • polleewom- an to find a mallcloul d<>l>- "9'>P9' 'PG' 1:30. ~SHOW • • "Wltchel MounUlln" ( 1973) Petty 8hep11d, John C1ffarl A,_. pho- tographer 1c:cep11 an aulgnment to phOtogtaptl • legerldMy place called Wllchel Mounllln. 1M aJ MIC NEWS 2:00 8 i'OCt< SHOW 2:1s!: * * * "'Thi Fht Deadly sin·· ( t980) Frenll Sinltre. Faye Dllfwwl!r. A veterwi New York City f>Ollce deiect1119.. whOM wife .. auttertng from 1 ~ .. -, tr1M to c:etch a bnltal killer tertorlilng MenM'l- tan.. 'R' 2:a0 ea HEWS 8 MOVIE • • "CrOWW!nd•" C1851) John Peyne, Rhonda Alm· Ing. A lhtp'1 captain encounter• Peril ,.._, N lllempta to -hie ,,.,, INp and hit k>Yer. .MOVIE * **\.\ "Atlenllc: City" (1980) Burt L.ll'lc:alter, Suaan Serendon .. The •tranged hulbend Of iin O)'ll« t>ll Wllltr-arrtv. Mitt hef pregnMt younger lllter Ind -lto6en herolr!, wtllch he WWlta en 1gtng hOod 10 ... for him • .,.. 1:18 (I) MOVIE • + • "Terror Treln" 0880) Ben Johnton, ,,.,.,,.. Lee Curtie. A college frl1.,..._ ty'• New v--:1 "'811qUer· ade perty tuma Into a nlghtmera when • vlndlc:- tlve guMt ...,,. llfllng °" ,,,. J*tY·~ 'A' 2:11 (C) MOVIE • * * ''8ID.bolrd Jllft. gll" (1855) Glenn Font. Anne F,.,._ A dlclc:eted ~ teecfier llttempte 10 telt0'9 otdlr '" a blt<lty tr1lnlng 1choof Wiier• • ._.. ............ end ~haft tlllen root. l:OO • MO'fll +•+ "A Gll1, A Guy Md A Got:>" (1 .. 1) Qeof9I Murpttr. Luclll• 1•11. Altbougll betrothed to a Miiot, I young ~ melntllinl. ~ Q\llfl.,, .. bOel. 1:11®MCMI *** "8Wtpee"(1M11• Murr.,, twold IWl!la. A New Yori! _.,.. IOOlltnt tot .a!•••I OMWI08I hie .,... ,,. to joeli ... In ......... 1ri 1'le U.1. """'· .... uo•~ . • ............... ("'4) l(a--~ .... . ertYoune.A ........ lllt ....4n ..... ...... 4:111"-. ... . ···~(ttlq•> flturnY, ......... " ....y ...... ..... tor .......... _, .. .. ..................... flt .......... u& r..:. 11·-=··· -...... ...,...,.,.,, ...._ ........ ................. ..... _, ....... = .......... _. _ ..... .. 1fl I 'tr ! r CLASSIFIED INDEX T1 Pllc1 YM M. Cit! 642·5678 IUSll£SS1 INVEST· Saturnay, June S, 1082 tookffig for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7106 . ..... ,.,,,.,.; &t!IM'! ••• : •••• !~ff !'!1..'!e.~ •••• !.~ff !~'1..'1.~'!l. ••.• !.{!f ¥.~11.]'!~ ... '!!. ••• J.{ff !'11.]1.•1.'!!. •••• !.{ff "11..'!~!'!!.· •••• l{! !'.•.'1..'!.·!~~ ••.• !.{'!¥ !.~11.!'!l!~'!. •••. l.{!f ,.,,..,,,; I ..... ., ••• CA8Hl!R ff/time PO•I· • m LIYUI I llOtlnAlY/LIUL , ••• ,..... ltfltlttn ""'. ,... ITUll ........ Maturi couple torn•· Ilona. Od. pay. gro)lllth PllT·ftll Ml.. c .... for e•11 '" your Newport Center Lltlga-15 needed lmmed. No •••••••••••••••••••••• LON wtlght & ~tlnue nage and ma1n111n eo., 5 1oc1Uon1. Metr home. H-4-9229 1 lion e11pr. non-1moker a11per. nee. 3·9PM, Mon ..... ,.. .. ,, ,,., to .. , ltlrcll. apartment oomple11 In Car Waeh. :1950 ttarbor Aalat in marketing atudy for I OrHnbavm ' Orlln· lhru Fri.. call: 9ee-0151 •••••••••••••••••••••• euro FltnMI 5-41-a..88 .N.a •• Ml ume. Adult. no a1 .. OM exciting local newspaper Only PllTMUPllU baum 549.3733 _•_tt_1_P_M _____ _ *"ITUL .,.,,, t.A11ntenanc. e11pr. • ..... _ PAIT -· · t aio•n••y IUllll* hJtllllt ....... '*hc> 80nd,!~1e t r•~ 2 Aw;;:• a wk(ld:r qualification 11 .a good phone :,'.'i,~h~~: 1~·~,a~:=:, n "" T•l••lt•H ._..,.,. 18158o.!ICamlnoRMI. $15. 87'~381 t4.~r:,::n~'l.m·~ l!arl'I Plumbln~. 15211 voice. No aalea involved. Mon Amateur pttotographerl .,., •• ., ...... , ~;~u:v:1~.5:1~ M£11T. FINANCE t:=:=.:; ............ ~\ ,• Sen Cltment• '92·72H Fr .... lance writer looklng __ 11_am_w11 __ dyl______ Newport Ave .• C-M. thru Fri ··30-9·30 Sat mo ..... ,...... needed. Par1/full time. Potter & Brumfield Div I FUii No. 714-641·1219 • "· · • • • u&&£"6"'t No e11perienoe or Hlllng &.11.P. lat. Ttlt,llltlt ltlltfftrt = -.Oo--you_d_eal-re_a_M_a_at-.,·t ~~. boar~n.1:,:::.!: BABYSITTER wanted for .... ~ Olt't 9:30-1:30. $84.00 week to start, required. Write to: Uni· hie tn oPenlng In our Wa need gd people to C "' •' v•·· Ith 11111.a _, 1 yr old. P/tlme. pa..-~ • ~NI P 0 Bow 1223 Weal Cout regional Mt app11 from our "'pl ·---.. -·0414 )OU aru ..,or -w ,. In •11cllenge for comp• call &4W7M NB -,..._....._ ....... ,. then ahare of nn...tT.Arshirw profits. Mon1.1>e11o."ea. 9oe4o ' ••••• office tor a "·h ofc f~ ...... ,d~"' • : or no hUMl In • retail· nlonehlp and llght l\CXI· --,..---r-/ d ""' ~ '"" 0 -vefylhof'tpeflodoltlme. MkMPI""· tdMffOt ool-..... ....... ........ Great for oollegiants and DlOOn Hcretary or tr CO· new lr1¥91 Club s ery ,.. No credit/no problem. . . ., d kl 1 Production (eecs with llne ordln1tor Muit have ptu1 comm. plua bonYa ConUct N.H I(. Inc. leg• or Hit-employ• BACK STREET Loo ng or • aummer lighters uperlence. Full time. proven eblllly to <IHI Catt 833-3740 alt 1PM -~ ...... . ....,_, ... . MariltllftTllt ._£MOHS, PllSGMAlS & LOST & FDUMJ S£1YICES &40.8287 Ed mun <I In LI gun a LoWlo. peraon needed to -Englllh speaking prefer-d 50 I TOPLESS MODELS Beech at 4~429. ...... tlltt ,.,...., cara for 3 mo. old baby 142-Hll, ut.111 red Cry1111 Crt1llon1, an type pue wpm $75 DAY • PAID DAILY career woman. Phone lob?' DO you Ilk• bablel? • a.u after ...... with out1lda con11c11 1 lt•••r .... -1&1. ... girt In my Turtterook 71 t w. 17th St. Suite Plev ••Pr pref. but not •2., ... 'I -.1 lat• n •n• ••••· nee. For appt call Carol no ai.p • nee • 82v-....., • ::: FITIH IHI -r.!f!••I t •1t1 I hme Mon-Fri 8·4. B7. C.M. 117141493-4503 : wlthaapeclllmnsageln ••• •• ••••••••••••••• 1•••1 •• ti 851-9328 EXECUTIVE Secretary for JANITQR. pit. eve• I P.TiiE SAUi 26131•0 TrHtorl'tr/TJJbt the Delly Piiot. Ltt D.cl J1)1 W1atH 1115 • .,......... LERK Pres. of'nat'I. ma.rketlng Mon/Fri. 8PM/12. Ml•· I ... 9 •urnnueno for 1echntc1I law firm, ... ht. name In print on •••••••••••••••••••••• Newporl 8eech and L firm. 5 yrs exper Salary lion Vlt)o area. 14. hr. Enjoy working wilh kids. "' "' -.--Newport 8e1ctt 35 ttr Mio June 20th II you piece• Ylounglk• o~ardrlJedobm•an•vwou•• Ida Hab a llor .. St ti 2 Full time Po1lt1on1 very compeUUve Shor-541-3311 att. 8PM and wish Increased ear· San Juan Capl1tr1no weak Salary comm•n· grMllng tor Old you wllt ,.. rete 'ss.60 hr.·& u:r pl~~ avlll No ••P· required. 1tt1nd, typing/word pro-nlng1. ullllze your out· I E.O.E surate with abtUty & expr "* be ellglble for the dra· wkends. Can do• varlet) lncentlvH to uper'd. Call for appointment. c:eulng •xP«· Knowled· Ulll IEOlnUY going pereonallty. learn I SECRETARY 851-8081 wing cl of tt1ndym1n Job1. go ett 1 F 11 & 1 759-4577 ge of aecurltlM a lntu· Ell Ntwp0r1 Center at· how to beoome a trained ~ 8ch ad agency --------- 4 FllE na1m 912-9525 evn. Ilk tor II~ B:~u mind:'. ranee lndu1tr1M helpful torney Mele• lntetllgent, .. , .. couneelor. Call ;;;;;;".~,.,. typlal w/ ''''" "'"'' 10 an Biii. we welcome you • 10 COMPUTER llrm OP•· Call: 754-8801. well-organized NCretary 2-5PM. 6'2·4321. Ext general 1mall office, exp wllh minimum 1 yr ellper !WI 11/ll ,,.., HOUSESITTINO POSI· come Join ua. nlng new branch offk;es. w/excell. 1kllla, word 343. EOE I /'lon·amkr. Killy 1n commefcial & vacallon &Hill TION Wanted: Prof WO-You may Mnd r .. umee Man1gar1 nHded. No ., ... ,, n ... ., proee11alng exper .• or IEOEPTil•llT 957-30411 travel Sabre lralnln91 l&IENLL Ulll man AAA HC ref. LT or apply In pereon to e11per. required. We wlll Full time. min. 3 yri tX· witting to train. Non·1mkr pref'd. Busy NB agency. .. » Call 1142·51178 and place cooking, cleanl"O· er Back Street Executive train ambitious people. per nee Job loc1Uo11 pr.eferred. 11<40.1800 Law Office. Newport I IEOIETUY call Tommie. 644-4600 ""10 your menage now for randa. rm a board In Otflce1. 1155 "B" St.. Retumet required. Call: Laguna Buch. Apply Ir Center. Good typing Newport 8ctt tu lawyer IOU only$5.00 exch toi Ml'Vlce1 + ... Tuatln,92880.T~hone 714-772-0147 P«IOfl It Well'• Supei Legal Secretary, eo ekllla. Salary dependent I Poa req'1top1klt11 & Travelegentneeded,2yr1 : tary. N.B .. Lag erea only caii. are 1 "no no' Market, 3347 Eut Coal ~~':''1d .:W~'~: on e11per 640-8000 ' 1aw or CPA ofc ••P8f ~~:~r'=!nt~:'u~~~ = m!.~.f!.~l .... !.~fl¥ Sunny &3t-63n BOOKKEEPER-Secretary. O•Pml IHI. Hwy, COiona det Mar. 851-7717 REOEnlllllT tll ~~=~ ~;·m 8~!'.'65~~ 84a.-8177 :: lllllililiiilllilililiiilllilililiiilllilililiiilllilill Seeking Job In beaoti Part time. Pia. call: Exp. 1 must , pref. HAIRST'(LIST """ed fOl ••u p•-••tll <4 day1/week Phone btwn 9AM g Noon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -area Bkgd Incl. technl· 833-1888 btwn 11 & 2 6y1tem 34, ror fast-bu1y Balboa l1t1nd aa----.-contact• & light typing YHallff -fOUfl) ADS cat, aales, mllntanltlQI, PM pec:ed med dl1trtb. Must Ion. 1173.-4013 Exp'd. Loan Pr<><:eNor On Nwpt Bay. 645-2700 I Secretary = supervisory. etc. OPEN tpellk & wrll• fluent En-Ulll snLllT nH<l•d by loan brok•· RN I . hH ... , .. .,, lltlltf .... -IR[ FREE FOR ANYfHINO. Wrl1e lllllllHI gllah. Salary neg .• ~ rage Call. ROM°' Tom. tauran otll I Pri vate' Community Tt•• lstl-•Hh = n Edwwd Kulpa. 2117 El-Rapidly growln~ public fltl. Call bet. noon-2, W• .,. looking for ... 8-42-991' I South Laguna Top ly: We're seekln0io build. : den .us. Costa Mell acc;ountlng firm n North 841·28e5. pr'd profe11lon11 hair UlmlAlll 1'11111 Apply In person. Mon ping and admlnlllratlve labor pool of qualllted _, Cal•. 92627. Laguna hu Im med. COMPUTER· P r1 11 11y11111 10 loin our 111« thru ThUrs 3 to 5. Rau-akllls ffNfltlll Call grapttlc arta personnel -opening for IUll Charge • a me. Must be highly qualtfled General maintenance ~!.'. N.B 251 E P1<;_1.llc 499_4587 9-4 PM for on-call work in the 11111 Bil• WutH 111C bkkpr. thru trlll b1Aa1'1C41, Wiiken<! HIHpereon and able to work an) knowledge. E11per. In ...,.,...., Hwy. : Ml·Hll •••'•••••••••u••••••• Min: 5 YT• expr Pvbltc wanted. Call: 549-79JS7 day. Pd vacation. top electrlcal & plumbing --1-n-All--W.-E_I__ llOlnAIY =i:=. -;:.~~~ -lOOm 11111 eccntg expr. helplUI. Ex· Ilk for Mr Thomae comm, Of guw. lllary. helplUI. Apply to LMry, School S.C'y rl41eded by typeaatllng, p11te up. : · Biiiing expr. req. Typing. cal wor1clno environment Cook. IUll time, Tu ... Sat. Sempeon & Delilah Suri & Sand Hotel, Lag APROPOS OF FASHION Hunt BellCf't City SCllOOI camera ope(allon or -Male Dog with 8hoi., 4'~ 10 key' by touch. Hlf· and beneflte. $17-$20K Vary Ing 1hIft1 of Soulh Cout Plaza. B<:h, 497""'77· E.O.E. :s~~dB ';"'<:~ ~re~~lve Dist 10 mo POI Ability p1a1em1klng 15 nee••· yra old, Golden Re1rlever 1tarter, non-emoker pref. to lllrt. Send rHuma e A M • 2 : 3 O P M & Ask 1or Gloria 11111 ~ • n v ua w 11 on to take shorthand diet•· ury You muat be 1v11-mlx. ldal companion & Hrt: 9-5. NB 833-8435 only to: 1110 No. Coul 10AM-11:30PM. Prevtovs 141· l1M background for selllng tlon at 80wpm & type 11 lable to work on a sut>- watclrdog 840-711411, for appl. Hwy, Suitt C. Laguna ex-. pref. for """"'tlon UYI FllU and leadenahlp position ""--· ..,...<I Satary $1 1 b 1 = 527-2899 Beecn 92851 Attn· Sull o&ing competlr.;;' ... HAIRSTYLIST. lmmedlttta Oreat aalel opportunltlel E.xper. req'd. Call only 9 vvwpm r"" · llilute or Cl l·ln 11 •· An1. eerv. Ptent ofc. NB. · · ....,,. R tal 70% h 1 AM 10 Noon, 8«·2652 t60 to S 1,443 ~ mo Salary depend• on ell· : REWARD For white/beige Ellp. only. 8 AM-4 p Cuhler • Clerk. Prefer ol· tary & xlnt baneflt1. open"._. 911• °' · ~~o. ~S~-'~9o co-, ---------depending on ax per pertence Contact Per· = male dog. 1 yr, bowed shift. 831-5840 der p«90ll. Dependable. Caplttrano by the See ~;:_,~;;zler 1 Salon. llflll Oltrt Apply: 20451 Cralmer eonnel. -I• g •. buck teeth. Full time Incl. wknd1. Hoepltal. 4e&-57o2. UIAHJ/AISllT. Mature. 108 22nd St. Ln .. H B. 964-8888 Job lru1• Otnt -Marinara/Highland, ATTENDANT to help 'W/ Apply gift 1hop, Jottn Cook. HouMfleeper n.... Handym1t1/Jan1tortal Minimum 3 yre expr. Apply 8-10 AM Newport to start 8123182 lailY Plltt -5128. 955-0809. =no care of quac1,... W • y n • A I r port . •<l•d for aged, llve In for CdM bldg. Part °' Apply F.A.0 . Sontiwarz Beech Secretary/Receptlonlll. 330 w Bl}' St. tut FOUND· Male Germ. rr.i:;~rnan~~· ~54:5-:::45:22:::?-=:54~6=-00~7==11~·==~~~1 preferred. $500 plu1. 'eo"~ .. 9.;1 RCdel.Mr~q~~·5PO _T_oYa __ • _SC_P_tza. __ 7_54-...... 1_&1_1_1 _S_a-... -. -H-.-.-vy_T_el_e_p_h_o_ne_1 Fut growing firm~' Colla M ... !',!! Shep. not fully grown. 839·2100. ft"" ' o12-...... P/tlme. $5.00 hr sharp peraon with good An Equal Oppty Emplyr :·,; Vic. Civic Ctr .. SA. TAR GAZER'~• Counter/Yard Person for HouHkHper/Cook for J llltUI. &Ill Stll boat exper pref'd. typing 1111111 & lhor1hand 1• 5-48-8837 ·• toot ...... ulpp___. -taJ a~le woman, Nve tn on Back office opening. .. ..... 179 btwn ,,_1COAM or apeed writing. Cell 0 DI 1 • tt• ---------...-~-....-.---a,CL\TLP01.LA '""" """'" ·-· B p E BUI" np•1 prectlce ~ "' 71417"'4·0"83 Ilk for Vehlcle l*llOf, ,.,... co. Mu1t enjoy wortclng • boa enlntul•. n· ' "' · · " "' R S ddl b k V lley ::: Found male whit• Lab. ~ ,_a.-..""*'!' o..i.-M .... 1h ............ ,.,.....,. ··•·~ I " 1 h 1 p • • k 1 n g . ~a MeM. &45-0990. ••• •s OeolM Ide. • • ac 1 • Vic Harbor & Wll1on "-""'""• ...... '""" Y .. , ........-"""""' _, -· area. 18 w/xtnt drlvln1 -07S-1489, 5"~75. . :..-..:-~!°'=• a benefit package. Apply 73-1879. •11. rruw 11• ""110 to 125 hr. Un· IEOIOAIY/Dn. recofd. Stllllng ... h;. • UPH•t u~re• AlalC _, AITIS, IQ Ailts, US(t ~u ... c. •• ,.. a...-Ulr>•"''· c.-~141 \An<rtto s:· 1•,.nol ...... ··'~"~' M<t<W) ~ ...... ,.,_. ,_.. -n...i.111or• V.ria .......... •••'-•/&""/ llullh o1.,....Zodlocbltlh""" 1930 Newport Blvd. HOUSEKEEPER, nv .. 111. •••,.••••••••••••••••• dercover Wear home Flnanc:lal "'-'ment firm E.O.E. 630-6191 btwn := LOST: S100 (9Wel'd, fNI-·~ .,!!!!?."""' .,,. Coate MMe.. Exo'd. 40 tw. wk. Not. M4Kllcel, full time. front partlea. 845-n« f 0 r •du c • 10 r 1 . 10-11AM. = =~ ~:,k,:· ~ ·:, 1•;:;;" =r-..___ I It.Ill Bch. beyfront home. Mo office Potltlon, MINlon SlllM Help for Ane All PetS/comm.d99t. aec:r• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ ta e82 ~~!JJ!il ... • .. .....,, .. , dllldc.re. ~ lbl· Viejo, requlr• medlc:al Gellery, Dena Point. Call tary. ·Excel typing and Waltre11'1 & W11ter1 -Mtlt.. Meu Dr. ·114' Iii :=: :;'" I MUl1 be 18. Wed, Tllut• llty. Salary SfOcJ mo. MCretarlal experience 11·5, 493-.2307. S/H req\llred bec:utlW over 18 yra. Apply In :: Lab • yellow plv1 tan J'g-11.h .. • ll!!..... 11:30 to 8:30. Fl'I, Sat, Perm: PQe. Paid vace· ~ lneurance )Ill· aecret.rlal Uflf· • muat. pet1on 11 EJ Matador -IMdlnO, male, ~CCllW. "'°' _.. ~ 2;.11E.pm7• S..8 CHM• tlon. Set & Sun. off. ting. 4t 1080J ••-.nn•a• Non-•moker pref. Call Reateurant. 1768 New· REWAAo 871-eOtt' ..... ,,.__.-.-........ 4.,5 1 ttt '· • . Aire. reci'd. Call: btwn. • MYD/ .. IVll9 -· -----e.co.o1n BIYd eo.t. M-. .,.. "'li.:~!!f.-1 ::... !=---;~ --to 10A~ OI e to 7PM. ...,,_ • P/Ume. Wanted fer ---------1 port ·• · .,. Found: tge wMe ctoo. *· r t:t:_ ;1: ; Mime';",::'--... _e_n-_1_2_15_____ 8t1rv1n9 College 8tu· Orange Co. ~llonally IUllTUY I U•n :: &lat• l Oratwn, H.B., ...... I -·-1 d9ntt ~ CQn1PMY advertlHd p(oduct. Life 1111uranee agency, WJITD W111 on 1112. 9*0538 1'E"""', ::r.. -Excall. driving rec. req'd. Hou.keeper. Need rel!• le ...ma eitpf'd movtf Write P.O. Box 10757. located In lrvfne toolclng Good Travel Agency ~ C S :.. :;:-t"'"""' p hon• for•• pp t . ble *'Y· -4 dye pr wk & ~ Must know how eo.t9 ....., Oii. 12827 fOf a lklned MC/recept. Mgr, w/rrMI 3 yrs exper. rm F=d: M. 2 <><:ker ~ IK==-..i •-1-,_ 557-9212. Newporl Sta-help care tor chffrlul 10 pack e11d drive a Xlnt telephone technl· Oomputerlied Newport mo , apx 1-~ i;:; :.,.. •=" tlonera Inc., Mr. Em· huebend r.covet1ng from trudl. Owr 21. Od Clr1-qUM a must.'Compaoy c.n1er Af/rlCY. Pr/ ,. =: Ho8'11na HB. ...~ ..,.._-:.-~ mona. 11~ .... ~2~ own ~rad req. 141..,...27 W ••UIOlllY beneflll 752-1750 bfr gotlable. Raume to Ad =: Found: 81actt and tan ·-It-A-I •~ -·--p f 2PM N"o 992. Dally Pilot. PO 111%1 puppy. Shep Mix? ap-Pk:.Ll!!latL...I :t=.. Dt:" :S::.. ._ -··-111. laPTlllS · wt time • wanted or --·-------1 Bo>t 1seo, Coata Meu. !!! prox 8 wka old. 754--0255 :r.:.:,•" !t:" e= MetUl'e dental ua't 3 da. IUPl/m.llAlf W.e are turning IW9Y Odrengel Cod. Nallodnally SERVICE Stat. Attndt. P/ CA 92827 J•-•-;_ ,.. ><·R lie reQ'd.200 Room & boWd + Miity. ~and Med 1 eJC· I vert H pro uct. time evet a wtcnd1 Neall iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm ~= Found young orey l.heM io. JO\ • 830-e Boyl 7 I 10. Wiii oona.. pr'd prof. natl eculptr... Write P.O. Box 10757, Appearance & handwrl-• VJQ Apso. Vic. G~tl ~~!!!::\Sl::GeM::'&'=A=·=-=:!:::Nw=•:":!::!~~ penon W/C« tor daytime With I fftlle lollowtng. top Cot11 Mell, Calif. 92827 ting. Apply: 2590 New· :::: Lah. H.B. 731-9151. -;; HITAL IYIPIST only. 857-ate6 llft, 89"1 comm 0 guar aalary port 81 CM Wla Fulltlm• Mondey1 & or wtcnde(Pennyor Ron) · r Salee n... ....... unlty ---"------1 "14 l1n...i. 1311 aummer rellef. Prefer . plul ldcllt. bonUa pr09-"'.....,.. SEWING MACHINE OPE· mo •••••••••••••••••••••• expand41d dutlel & perk> Helq>f/Mothif'a Hell* rem. Education avail•· Ill ltmftll RATORS. Exper, quality :;: liiiiiiiiitiiliiiililliliiillllil•I experience. Start s125 Newport 8"ch mother ble. 11 tt the fountain or youth minded. piece rataa. 91" t•11da & Vi.ICl.1''5 day. Excellent working need• regular pt/time Sampson & Dellllh & the antl-aglng vitamin? Costa Mesa 642-9652 ::.:\ Ill condition•. 1140-0300. houaek••P•r & 1ome South Cout Plue Find out Why actor• have WIM ....,. MllU --------NB aupeN!alofl of boyt 10 & Mii for Olorla 540-7181 flown nurty ~ way ITIOll-IUUIH !!! •U I L E T N I C I · · 12. Hou1ework $4/hr. 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil around ti. wor1d to ot>-Exelualve women'• 11ore ;11~ 01UTIMITIC .. LL /IAll24 H;;o [ Ii I I* I Dental Recep1lonl1t/front B1by11tllng S2/hr. Own 1' .at a.I taln the trHtment of In Npt, ecn. ,,... 11 now tm " """ . . . . . . . office Maneger, ••P•· trana. & l'efl. 1eo-aeeo Conv • long term care OH31 Or•t lnc<ime opp-1oo111~. for mature. d•· ••• -1211 rlenced, 1010 pr•ollce, ty. Full or pltlme. Wkly. pend~ lndlv. with ree- l I 7 ·3 Mon-Fri. lrvlne, IY&I exp. req'd. Excell. wor· Hmlnara a tralnl.ng. elvl"" & cterloal back· . c R o u c s 0 •1800 --king conc:11. a beneflta. • .. '* ..... * i--------1 ~ 140 ·• per mo. 11111 .. /._-.,11 Fltfme, 7-l:30, 3_11:30. Barbara. 873-3093 or gtound to run atore'I repeat appearances -. I' I I r -' 7111~211 Cona. tngf. ~ nr o.c. 714-6424044 or apply In 1173-4088 atock room. For appt. Atlalflt •111111 I Earn xtra Income, part· Alrpcft. Comm'I & Intl. peraon: 4811 Fl•g•hlp --llLll---Pll------i call: 840-0990 !:::.:.'"'~ --· -•t• •u •11 --~ --fCla --.., ., .a --Ml •1 ---'''"' ...._ 2 h d I I tlma, full-time. Call PfOfeCll. Oehl. Teytor & Rd. NB .... ,.._,... .. _ ..,_, 4 "• rt H A N E H l 953-41'1! aft llPM Aaaoc:. 714-649-523-4 ~~~~~~~~!t E)lp'd, full or pt/time. _._..._. - 7 days I~ I r I I I Tha trlclllt down theOry I• :: e.tter ladles' appal'tl. y111 WHILE . -·-----. et Gorgeoo1 Irle to . l nothing new for me. I w11 the tilec:. Sec. Admln. Aslt: lmmedlal• opening. Part 111••--1111f ••DI• M .., lllJ Piil pamper you. acuul, ~:::::~=~---~---..J--. roungeet of tMl'ta -. To wont for G.M. Imm. time, Generel offtc11Mln 11 P.M.·7 ~M. ~'d p 5qu YOU EARN cleulfied acn Sauna. Locats u WI u t D I N A L S I FIT openln9 avail. Hfl 20 hral wHk. A1k for ,.. 36 llNofl n . 84 642-s.11 toul'llt• BantiAmericafd. 1-...-~.-.~;,.....;.-~ 8:30-5:30. RequlrM ty· Ula. 55&-S110 Cett. nutM aldM. lft ~for chlld•'.s ~ ln1eMll• 1~11nowliiiiii=~=:=iii~ =·~!:~gc:;:::n \......&.l--""l'__..l__.l,_..,jlt-1_. ! $.:,~ 1?J= ping 15 wpm, l/H 100 -. WI 111111 · =~en~~ld~ ~~ "':: hiring for p14bllc rele-li welcome 7141845-3433. =-T;9 ~~IQ: eo.ta M.-r9tall battery bedc bey lfM. Call for the Marc:tle. 642 .... 714. tlons. Call: . 2112.;;:tieiM • mw.u:-mm r r r r r r r r I ::~~3?10°f'o~~pp~·!: ~t= '.:c.~ 1-~_':_*_v1_·~_1_0·_4_:3_0_p_m_. IEOlnAllY '·t1A~~1~1 ~ cal ~e~'. e ~Po. I I I l l I I I I ~Ilona. ~~9-~a. P9'I Evee ~«~. ~~u~~ iJ:~':~ T t I I' LI I I 213...a21-oe55 W LOI a.wen le •111....... .. F« ctwlfled Ad INTERfOR Plant bualnMI Reaponllble eduft•, OYlf s.c>t to tua time Oct. Nov • ACTION .-a·energettc lndlv. to 21, 'Wfth OU11tandlng, llt· & Dec. TW>e 115+ w.p.m. Sllel Cal• dlatri bute co. fly•ra. trec11W per90Nlftlea to CIBM Ex~ & 10 ICey acid. OflM'I Piiot· Muat haw '*• ,p/tlme. worll with youth (ag•• Non-amoller pref. Call by the beach. Top pey. For Ad Action •••••••••••••••••••••• AP.VISOR Flex. hta. Hrly. plua 10·1'). Oall 2·SPM, SaMy with q\4111flcatlonl/ $400 to $1000/wle . 142-5171 oomm. 5-46-5022 842-4321, Ext.~. !OE '°' detalla. 87'3·1314. N().-8441 or 980-8-442 Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 ''"""" A RICH MAN'S OfllEAM In Corene dtl Mllf , ..... uwn tncludH painting• & aculptur••· Known nattonelty I tntematlo- ~. S275,000. Prlncl- pa 11 only . Own er. 7141175-11-41 0( ywet4. 01111111 ... 8'0t9 In '°""' Orengl Couf!ty. ey owner. 2 ~ ald&...,..7....m I I I' f I I "I guess it's a good thino cats can't laugh out loud." by Brad Anderson "Stop looklng as though you Intend to drive." .n:DGE PARKEa by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Either he nted1 011 .... or I do!' DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~'-S by Harold Le Doox NANCY, I BAKED USAN UPSIDE-· DOWN CAKE GORDO 1've MEARD TMAT BIROS AAVE SORT Of A 8UILT·IH COMPASS SO TMAT TMEIR BRAINS TUL 1MEM ~ICH WAY TO 60 I'LL DECORATE IT FOR US FUNK\' •INKER•EAN ---Cl.#> W ME---- 'bJM£at4~~·r ~'bl 1> '\£ CAA'fEAO; ~~ M.\. ~ "'1l>oK '4Q) :fa ~ blll*-All.£'( \~EM>~ .. ~~ ACTA 4Cl~a/ ~.A~, A IXJDGE, .A ~UC.X, A COA/1 AOIOOJ.E1 ..4 #OKE··· . . AtlO'iOU~~ ~ Nf.\) OQE~! MOo.> 0\0 ~ 001'~Af'? i . by Tom Batiuk l ·S by Kevin Fagan ~~ 6Wl.E9 l ~\K£ -~ \14~~ "r.\AT \ <-l~E ~IM 'f"E '°"'~ ft'Jt" AA~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8awrday. June 5, 1982 ca MORNING CALM. -Little was stirring on the ,Mystic River Friday morning except for two fishermen. The masts of ships at the ~nnecticut A# W1Ntlflot0' town's seaport museum form a backdrop. "'=.. '':mnlA~=i ~1.'='8..r ~ATI "' TM fotloWlno l*llOM JJe dOlnO Th• lol•OWlno jMrtOn II dol'IO ~:wine jMttOn It doll\O ~ ~"' IU"" ftlACI. 10) ~ 'UNTINQTON HACH I o U T I'! I 1-! O 1111 I f71h llrett, llltte I , COlll M-. l<tTl COM'~ 30f Mtln _.,_., C""'IT•UOTI....., ... W•t 11111 CA 12121 H\11\tll\Oloft • CA tHott .v--.. Cote• -CA tttn. 01ntel lcl••td ,ltellcy, 11 i &#I Lee Moff1llOI\, tot,, 1ltfl Oe!M N 0Mttlll"..1..1Ht2 II MtM Or AP1 I, co.ti ....... CA ltr .. t, "u11t1n9ton aHGll, CA ....... ~ NIOUtl. \II' ... ,.,, tH27. •*• Tllii but1Mt1 It ~ltd by 911 Mt 11 II t k o I< Ito, I U 0 W Tlltt ~ II ooftduotod by 911 lnclwtdUal w .. 1WOOd, lanta Ano, CA t270I lndMdllal. ' o.wtc1 Chritt... , TMJ bvlll*t It ~tel by 1 Len L. Mor1*ln Tlllt etll.....nt WM Neel wllll IN 09'*11 pat\nttlNC>. Thie 1t1temant WM llltcl ...n tho Count~ Qlertl of Orllltt County on can l'ltclty County Ciotti of Otenge County on May 11 ttn Thi• 1111.moftl WM Neel with IN Juno 2. 1N2 • • 'i1111'7 County c ..... ol Ofango Oolll\ty on ,,_. Pul>ll•h•d oranoo coHt Dally May 2l', 1ft l. Publlthed Oranlo 00111 ••1ty PllOI May U . 21, JUM II, 12, 1'82 '110ttJ Piiot. June I, 12, 1 , :M, 1H2 ' , 2217·82 Publl•lltd Orenoe Co11t Dally 231111-12 ,._IC NOTICE Piiot, Mey H . June II. 12, 1:~:~~ Ml.IC NOTIC[ ...... tC IMlft,... NOTICe Of' oe.eol.UTIOM MINNOf' COURT OP flta. ""'JK Of 'MTNIMHIP CALWOMelA l'to'TITIOUI ilillM.. Notlc;o 11 glvan pureuant to ~OP OflANOe N.u. ITATR•NT Sect io n 15086. & of !tit JOO C C..... Or. Wott Tiie following porton 11 doing COfporatlonl Codo ll'lat 11'19 Urnltod AM, CA ll70a • bu*-u: Parlnorlhlp ~ ot general l'.O .... • co N s T 1111ucT 1 ON fA1rtnar1 Marydal Adami and .,,,,.:-: =~~=,OM MAINTENANCE 81!,.VICH, t7JF b=~• ~~ ~~~":":t 00N>0M. ' :;~A~.~ Boedl, A FELCLIFF LIMITED GROUP, I • CfTATICMf (fltW)IATI) Dalt Corklllld Wofloy, 42tY. limited p1rtnor1hlp, 11 1 H12 c-No. A·11sm Irle Ave .. Coron• del Mar. CA Fotcllll, Huntington Beac h , 1HEPEOP~O,THE8TATEO, t2t25. Calllornl1 . 1nd 11 19102 C LI FORNI~, To DONALD L. Thll bU.i-11 c:ondl!Cted by an Providence, Huntington 8HGll, OO~DON YOY *a llor9by Glled and lndlvldual. Calllornla, It dlllOlvod 11 of ApfM required to IPPOlf at 1 llHrlnt In Dale c. Wortoy 24. 1980. by mutual c:ontOnl. thl1 court on July 1, 1982 at 10:30 Tl1lt atatamenl wn llNld with the Former Oantral Pertnor MllYCMI a.m. In Dept. No. 3 locltod at 100 County Clerk ol Otange County on Adami, rMldlng at 190 VIit• Cira. Civic: Cont., DrM WMt. Slnta Ana. June 2, 1982. Drive, Slorra Madre. Cellfornla, Cellfornll 112102. and give any looll F1toa0 withdrew from tho part•lhlp on r111on wlly, eciciordlng to tlia PubllallOd Orang• CoHt Dally April 24. 1te0, Ind nu 111'°9 that ¥«1flod petition flltd with thl1 court. PllOI, Juna 6, 12, 1g, 28. 11182 d•t• ~lo bl llaociatad In thl.. Thi Petition for appointment of 23911-&2 carrying on of tne bull,_ ROY EARL GRAY u Guardian ot Mic:nMI D Adtma, rMiding at DONALD LANKFORD GORDON rtB.JC N()TIC( 19802 Providencia. Huntington lt\ould not be granted Boedl, Clhlorl\la, hll. from l\pt1I 0.tod Moy 21, 1982 NOTtCI Of' UtlUC~TION 24. 1980, canlod on Iha ~. Lee A. lfancd\ Cttrti P:Ofl CHANOI ltt nU beOn 1t1tlllod 10 all tho uoat1 of "°Yoe A........_,~ OWNIR.._, OI' ALCOHOUC ine ~.and hM ..-nod and , LAW Ol'PM:I OP . MVWMOI UCDfU w+M pey 111 °"ltttndlng llabllltlM Of -.cMAIL D, MADOY MC ttlo bu1ln111 heretofore and 1I01 N. llroodwer To Whom It Mey Uoncarn: noroelter lncurrtd IO the e11ttnt that 1enta AM, CA l2'10I PATRICIA A. and ReNALD J. lie 19 rOll)Onalblo for wch .... ,, . (114) ........ CHAMBERLIN, t(O "P91Y1no to '"' 1nd llablllllH .. Ill• r~m1ln1ng Publl1M<S Orango OoHt Dally Oepertmont of Alc:ohollc Bovorego gene<ll partner ot Mid ~ PllOI, June 5, 12, 19. 2e. 11182 ContrOI tor "42" ON SALE BEER ' Dated: Junt 3, 11182 Til'r 2All3-82 WINE (PUB. PREM.) to .... ~ Marydll Adams ___ Nll __ tC_NO_,_~--------------1 b1vor1ge1 at tee 12 B11cn Publl1ll1d Orange Co•ll Diiiy HQRDSCOPI '1CT1TIOUI llU ..... N.AmlTA~ Relationship with parent or older individual playa Ttw loloWlng •eon• are ®'nu le ~-paramount ro · STYLE CATERERS, 22931 LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphasis on M~. EJ Toro. CA t2e30. versatility, movement, aura o( confusion and Sandra Cole. w1 Pinon Or., Sunday; Jde 6 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): Family member talks about travel and religion. Be diplomatic. Strive for understanding. You'll hear about far away places. Aspirations come into locus. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): SetbaCk proves proverbial blessing in disguise. Delay that results from disappointment will be transformed into posit1v~ asset. Non-essentials will be trimmed, techniques will be streamlined. Places plays key role. · Relati flnt..... ·-'-' d Huntington 8Mch, CA 112641. excttement. ves -e .... ,. in trips, v...,lts an EYelyn Underwood, 15422 unusual proposals. Gemini, Sagittarius natives play SaJ11bu3 Ln .. Huntington Beectl, important roles., CA ~q~ellne Chapin 22831 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be thorough in Merythuret. El Toro. CA t2Mo. connection with payments, collection.a, borrowing · Thi. 11u11,_ 1e conducted bV • and lending. Emphasis on lnc9me, investments, oen-• ~wood locatbtg loet articles. This etet-1 -flied w11t1 the SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.'21): Significant ~~~of 0tenge County on changes occur; circwnstances twiat in your favor. ey • · ,,,..,. GEMINl (May 21-June 20): Delay works in your favor -check Taurus message. Time is on your side, you can afford to play waiting game. Focus also on spiritual values, the law, settlement of Accent on independence, new• starts, important Publl•hed Orange CoHt Dally decisions involving member of oppolite 1ex. Plot, May 22, 2t. "'-5, 1~~ CAPRICORN'" (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Many fears, doubts will be erased. Money comes from surprbe source, home Improvement will result. Gain indicated through diplomatic approach. Long-distance communication h elps clarify directlon and brings aspirations into focus. Nl.tC NOTICE money differences with one close to you. · . · .<;~NCER (June 21-July 22):· Low-key approach brings desired results. Focus on essentials, basic talks, discussion with one who "lies upon you. Cycle Is completed. you'll be finished with burden and you'll have greater freedom of thought, action. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Some hopes, wishes are aubjec( to revision. It is necessary to be LEO · (July 23-Aug. 22): Events transpire f:vhich aid your cause. You obtain "new leue." { ~ccent on independence, originality, inventiveness and valuable contact with one who aids in creative pursuit. . more practical, reallsUc. I;,.unar aspect favorable, suocea is due following minor disappointment. See places, people as they are, not merely u you wiah they m!aht exist. PIS"CES (Feb. 19-Macch 20): Emphuize career, respon.aibility and long-range projects. Individual in poeition of authority ia willing to give you benefit of doubt. Present cue in forthright, slncere manner. VIBGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You learn more about property values, investments. aecurity, sales and purchases. Follow through on fint lmpreaions. DilTJI NOTICIS Cancer found GELLY GERTRUDE H. GELLY. resident of Coeta Mesa. Ca. Passed away June 4, 1982. She was a retired teacher from Bosto n . Maas. S«ret.ary for lhe ~R.T.A. She has been a resident of COsta Mesa; Ca. since 1976. She is survived by her daughter Joan Ellis,. 2 1r&ndchildren & 3 great· grandc hl ldren. RedtatJon of the Rolary will be held Sunday, June fi, 1982, 7:30 PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Maas of the Resurrection will be held Monday, June 7, 1982 at St. Joachim 's Catholic Church, Costa Mesa, Ca. Final intermen .ervfces at Good Shep Cemetery, Huntlneton l!teach, Ca. Services under Lbe d i re c tion of Balli·Bereeron Smith & Tuthill Weetcliff Chapel Mortuary. 646-9371. HA.llOI LAWM-MT. OLIVI Mor11.iarv • Cemeterv CrelT\il lorv 16~5 Gisler Ave Costa Me&a !>•0-5554 "HCI llOTHHS llU llOAOWAY MOITUAIY 110 B'oaowav CO$!~ Mesa ~2-9150 -- IALnAlllOHOM IMITHITVTHa,L WHTCuff CHANL 427 E 17th St Co!lll Melll e .. 6-9311 near boIDh tests CHICAGO (AP) -Thyroid cancer wu diaoo- vered in more than one-sixth of 250 Marshall Islanders who were expoeed accidentally to fallout from 1954 hydrogen bomb explosions. researchers said today. Forty-two natives -17 of them cb41dren - had the disease, according to an article in today's issue of the Journal of the American Medical As,. sodaUon. Throid glands of the 42 people were surgi- cally removed. All 250 later were given thyroid honnonal tablets and recovered. the article aaid. "The natives will have to take the hormonal tablets for the rest of .their lives," said one of the researchers, Dr. P . Reed Lanen of Harvard Un- iversity Medical School in Boston. Larsen said thyroid cancer ls the molt benign of all cancers and moet suocesaf~lly treated. . The reeearch project was reported in JAMA by Larsen and seven other doctors wo.-king ou' of the Brookhaven National Laboratory at Upton, N.Y. The inhabitants of three Paclflc atolh - Rongelap. Aillngnae and Utirik -were e>tpoeed to radiation fallout from the 19M Bikini H-bomb tesu when an unpredicted wind ahift blew radiation over the Wand, the article uid. Rongelap and Ai- lingnae are 100 nautical miles from BUdni; Utirik is 375 miles away. The Ja1anda are in the Manhall Islands. a U.S. trust territory in the Pad.fie. The fallout appeared 22 boun after the blast, the researchers laid, and within two daya all the islanders were evacuated. Urine testa 1howed their bodies contained abnonnal amounu of radioactive iodine from the fallout. FICTmoua ., ..... NAME ITAT!•NT Tiie lollawing l*'IOl\I are doing buslnoa ... LA CHANTEE, 1044 lrvlne A_,ue, Newport Boech, Ce. 11aeeo Le Chant• Boutique. In<: (I C•~fornoa i;orporatlol'I). 1044 lrvlno Avonuo, Newpor1 Boec:h, Ca 112MO This bullnoat .. GOnduOted bV • corpor ltJOn L• Chant• Boutique. tnc. Sally StanlO)'. Pr1111dent Tiiis lllltmenl w .. filed with the County Cler'k of Loe AngelM County on May 10, 11182. ,,,...., Pubt11ned Orenge CoHt Dally Piiot May 15, 22, 2t June 5 2165-82 ~liiklUI ..... • MAim ITATDmNT Tht lolowlng l*90nl,-doing 1-----------~ -UNIT SIX GRAP .. IC AATS, 1 ___ "8.JC ___ MJ_T1_1C£ ___ _ 1822~ Nowport llYd. I 1119, Coeia K .... Meta, CA llttG27. 1UN1101t COURT OP Gragory Alan Llnki. I 111 ~ Mandr8ko Cir., !Nino, CA t2r15. COUlnY °" ~ Tom IJOfQhlno, #111 MandrPa 1't CM9 CoM1r Dr ..... Cir., IMno, CA 92115. '-"· ... -Aod'10Y 80011 Angle, II 15 ..... AM, CA 917'1 Mandrtlle Cir., lnitno, CA 92115. ....._ et: .M.a1 NM OOflDOM Ttlll bUllrl9lt .. oondul;tecl bV • (DAVll) 09f*al penrwlfllo. CITA110ll (l'M9Aft) Gfegory Alen Ulllc • c... .... A-1i.- Thll '*8temanl ... tied .ntl ttl9 1"£ PECWl! OF THE STATE OF Cowtty Clortt al Orange~°" CALIFORNIA, To CLARENCE Mey 27. 1912. CAIW'Oll DAVl8. P"bllllloO Orange eo~'!!: You ere llereby otted and ~'°~••'*'1111111'1 Piiot, t,tay 2t, .Nlw 6. 12, 19, 1912 If* OOllr'I on NII 7, INZ et 1(J;30 mM2 ~Jn°""' No. ~1.lootled. 700 ----------CMc Cer1* Dtl¥t w•. leflt• Ana. "8.IC NOTICE Bou6o¥erd. "C", Huntington 8oeGh Piiot. June 5, 11182 -----------! Cellfomla. 2A81-82 Publlltlod Orango Cout Dalfy ---------- Piiot, """° 5, 1982 NlJC NOTICE 2.......a2 -----~-~----NOnc. llfVf'nNO lllDt RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS SHlod propo11l1 (bide) wilt b• r-"'td by the City of IMno, Ownor of Ille worll, In the ottlce ot ltll City Ciotti, loc:etod •t 17200 JembOr• Rood, lrvinl, Cllllornia 1127 lA, until 2:00 p.m. on Juno 30, 11182. 0£SCRIPTION OF WORK: This protec;t tnvolvos ~ltJon, removal and ,,_ con1truc:llon &MOGlatod with mod1llcet1on1 to od1tln9 ofllcel within Ille City ol l(vlno Civic I Contar Complu . Engln11r'1 -.. Eatl!Nt• S30.000. OPENING OF PROPOSALS· The propoeel8 wlll be publcly opened Ind reed at 2:00 p.m . on June 30. 11182, In Iha City ot tMne Cowd Chambers. 11200 Jamb«• Roed, IMr>e, Califom6e. OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Plane. Spec:lflc:8tlont and 111 ContrlCI Documonts for construction of th• City Hall Modilloetlon, ~It, CIP M0-21, ml'( be obtained lfom Iha City of lrvlne P\lbllc; Worlie Depertmont, 2801 McGaw Avenue, lrvll\e, Callfomla. A nornfundablt fet ot $20.00 .. be charged tor ..., Mt of doc:umenta. Oooumel11.1 wll be mtllod for .,, addlUonal dlarOt ol $5.00. PROPOSAl OUAAANTEE: Elctl propaa11 VIII be 1000111P91iltd by • Oll1lfltd or Cllllhler' • dl9dl or • bjd bond In the -.It al -~ ot the tOlel bid pttce peylltlle to Iha City ot trvlne • 1 guwantea tnet IN bidder, ",. propoeal .. accaptod, wM tnter Into • contrect with the Owner for c:onetrucllon ot tho City 1.,. Hall Modlllutlon, Ph111 II, •In ! tGcordance wlJh Col\tract Doc:umenW. BID ITEMS: Baao bid for con1tructlon of City Hall Modlllcatlotl, f'tl8M II. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner ,....,_ the itgM to rejact Ill)' or Ill bide. to wal¥e any ----.---.,.-..,..-~----lntormtllly In a bid Ind to ma*• ,._,,. """''-. ~In Iha Int., ... of the Owner. ---aunl--N4--0ft-C_OURT____ PROJECT ADMINISTRATION. °' c~ Thi contract 11 to be admHatered COUNTY °' OflANQE bV ttle City ot IMne. All ~ HTAft °" LEhtA llA.Ml.E rolalMI to this projecl P'tor to ttle oponlng ot bids 111811 be dlree19d to Dn1111d Iha Projlc:t Manager, City ot ~. No. A·112* (114) 754-3e90. ' ._ ........ NOTICa TO CMDITCMW °" UJ( TMNIRll AND OtF wrnmoM TO 'TMMWIR ALCOHOi.JC mftMQIE UCDla(I) (loot. 1101 .. ., u.c.c. Midi• aeon .. ,, Notice .. ::=.r-ht e bulk .,.,,..., of ptoperty end e tranafw 'Of llQuor llOtnat(I) II about to be made. Ttle nam4i(1), malling 1ddro11, and ZIP Codo Number, end 80CllA I· I I ·f . I ... DOLLAR DAY DOUGH IAYIRI Seti your no-~·need.ct It.me (or Cllh. If It d0ttn't Mii, wt'H run Ii another 3 daya FREE. one•ttem per ad, mutt be P''*· SOrry, no rMI 11tat1orcommerclil1d1. Call today for full dltllt1 . ....... 11.., w~ oi.nc ... p ,._ quired. H.P.I . 8yel....,t. Ml-Hll .DO A Ll'n'LI 8UllNlll IN YOUR . OWNHOMI l'.?(ot!f•••••••••••••••• H/'.'!Mf •••••••••••• ~till!!! ••••••.• .., ~~ ...... /.~{f C••~'1" I 1•• ~ •••••••••••• ~f IAT/IUN. AppllancH, PlnQ Pono tabla~. Old VlctOflan lovelMt, tlmj)le Wetd'• Ila . HD. 20 lgb ...... , .,. Woll H .. d 10 k f\lrn, 04llnt)lng ecwlonlt. 1tyta atereo cab. w/recllo Hnea. ••cell, cond. waanert cfryer. 10 mu ... •••• .~-.•••••••••••• 111 l~ 1 ~_:· '?t Qel 1210, d muat a record player 110. f.4M943 ge, 1 ownr tlngle guy. Mln01t1 WHtharmauc 1itt Heh e•a..ano' oo. l•cflflo• prlCH. 1 1910 ltw wood crib nd1 ~-".. lflO tsso pr, 30 d1y wrfltan + wlter l/lewer, HO. 848-5824 ' ~a1'dr1ke w11, Un!Y. work IH. Clllnl Olb. ;T'~ "' g u a t . C I I h 0 n I y , 873-aote __......._ __ . ____ _ ltl~ ••IN 11N Perk, Irv. HM 13 1100. Coteman oeteMlo • •H•:;.•8•0•;.·:~~:: .. •• 540·1031 Marvatoue miniature Jan ... r •• "l••••••••··~~J· 1 h t l!lO ,...,.. """""' c MocMI 518 1 Oachahund. "Heidi", a ......... NI... 1ffH11tW ..... camp ng ~I :' j APPLIANC! 8!AVICE 8taft COldlpOt Ralrtg anon • IUI* hHlthy, happy, pappy Malnt•nance po alt ton Mite kltctlenwar•. Jeep llDY• ;;on ol.:t~ W• Mii ...oond .. guar. FIF. '1200. NHrly new: ~ f:'"~1'°8'" lane. puppy II t mo old AKC. wilh JIM~ Ulth1g, garde-top. 1•M2 Comet, trvtne. =•n T'~!.r •tove applla/IOM. 84l-30Y7 Xint cond. Cath only. CM ~~n~rgond d amara-all lhOta, '*1«t eonlO<: ntno a mall =-z ,.._ a&2-7CM9 w/ttll\d 115. a burner I HY IHUAllll lrM. IMO-l031 Ba41 & HOW911 moYla pro-matlon NHdt tovl;J' ponalblllty. Good Mng TV, ofo. chilr, clothlnn camp ltOYe 110. llby L.. 957-1133 FRfEZEA Lg. upright Jactor. 8MM/Supar I , home & people. 12 record reQ. Newpor1 " clothat enel chlldran1. , Xtnt. cond. 1100 UMd one.. Mini cond Call 551-8328 alt. 8 or leach 1rH. Xlnt CO.In· ~~ :':oJ . .,t:.~t 2824 Larc"mont Ava., ~Oryw l21f/ :_ 55.4-1892 142-40$4, 759 8021 wllnd ~y banell\1. CBS Pu-a' n Ii!' t , 8 I t , 9. S SA U?·M18 . ..... .. ...,.. ator . -,.---11----Uf--J X3Ut1on•. t0-446 1 553.1 " »iid1a81t ww~ 1100.d84e-0514, .8,. ~!tr.!!! ••••••••• !.~! f!!! ••••••••••••• !.~~! T.!~.f! •• ~~-·,·d··c····k·· •••••••••••••••••••••• a•" a r an Y • Mani !Nlthltd bicycle. 25" Shaded Sllvtll' Paralan wo ., mo. o oc ·~ .... •'-11 U•U• LMt ....... , W .. tlnghOuM. .4vocado frame. Loeded w/xttlf. Famai., 9 moe, paper1. milt Loveable & looklng ,.. ;':II; •••• :;;-:-.;.......... r&-•'I UY s771~~1!!" 780·1890, S250, 842-8534" 1150/0 80. 967..()6()7 for gd home 9&2·73113 '*''""' llJ)H l l I COii• ""' Ct1ll /ftH Garage 811•. Sat. 9·5. •-.,..., '" -F---'--1 ----Elt1)91'. only. 2305 w. Nu ••••••••!.~~•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••··~ Corner of MOii & Glen· with a~~ In Schwlnft' 10 1pd La Tour, lla•ltl lltttl '" to ovlng l\omea, 4 Slgnmakara 2nd St. Antlq~ oak druar, brall IWll 111.ll Clar-oa Sala. Too much to neyere. l.aguna S.ach. the Pally Piiot. Lal t>ad WHhar/Oryer. Aalrlg.. Ilk• new. S285 new. Sall 150 842 8520 ador1bla klt1an1, 8 wkl Santa And ehlpa clckt waatllefvane. Utt. Lrn Oval mirror 110. '" hla name In print on Sofa, Xlnt Cond. Reaao-$150/bet offer. 648·2•29 · • <>!d· 761-7388 "I I CSI M/M I Sat Jur\e 5, 1:30 to 3. Pl tu•ret a fr am t Wf flltll JuM 20th. II you place a nable Himalayan ~ena 6 yr o•• 1-r....iattll' ..... W1t• Pr .... .., .n v are • • wa · Mite ltama. 202S Conti· C • •••••••••••••••••••••• nraatlng for Deel you wlll 131-0987 New Murty Tan Spead, Sealpol 1 LOv ble ball "' _,, ...,. "" OPERATOR Linter No ' 1:hHt, 3 white wicker nantal Coat• Mua. S1·110 •. O......_ln 110. llllEFIL 11'10 " lal cotl $129. Wiii Mii for n . a ' Cocktll' Spart. (8"utllul). · chalft, mite Item• 115 II Vic la d PllC*ltla) Dl1hH & 111aa1wara • be all9 bl• fOf lhe dra· RCA Whlrlpool rafrlg, 183 179. 14&-2762 of fur. 7 wka old. malel Dua to my allergy pro-f'obl•m. Laguna Hiiia, AM 2071209 Toe>ar 1 tor an 2k45. Jaw9ky 2S.-'5. 232 Cec:ll Pl. CM. SAT/ wing ol lb ,.o f'rMnf. 65X3t. Sl50, farnalet $200. ~· blame 4117-3543 aw firm, typing wllli Sewing mach, lampt, 1822 Monrovia (down SUN 8/8. 10-tpm. 4 no Tilllll Auto ~roat SH50. OBO. 10 ........... CFA. 14Ml32 and tru111. Mutt have C...• ltl #•1 1 k 1 t a ,)1 k ~ •w.---1 t""""" __ .. • c oc 1, P c ura • m n llley In gwage) C.M. ._,, •---" to an H2-4478 O p • n R o a " S 3 6 . · llllWYll u..-. 1 rong ,.,...,. ...... gram-••••••••••••••••••••• 1101". clothlng, thoat, ·~ ...... ;; -• •-.. • 9&8-8813 548-7924 mar 1klllt. Call Mre. Danb~ c;hln1. 111ot1ad purH•. coif•• maker, ,urnltura & Mlic. Sale ..... ESTATE.SALE..... ~ Refrigerator, Whlrlpool Bluepoint. 9 wtc1, $250 Winalow. f or •'PP't . glaaaware, mugt, lug. crock pot. Oriental pi.. 724~ 19th. St. CM. Sit/ SAT .. J4.lna 60 9 to 5prn. u-• 1191 vary clHn. E.llcallanl Schwinn 10.9')d 538-1903 FrH pupplH . lovable 837·1000 ft~L's!~~:11:2e~: c ... coltuma. Jewelry, Sun 11-4. 1009 E. Balboa blvd. Cell 142-5e78 and place cond. $145. 547.2919 S50 SlarneMklttan1,pur•bred :~·~~~64~dmlx. t I Dr muaega culhlonl, bMt GARAGE SALE/SUN. Panln. btwn B & C Sta. your mHHge now for LIKE NEW G.e. Fr09t FrM &42"5IOJ Bluapolnt. MIF. 8 wtt1. -------- ' •• ' •ElllP '~ . ttelne, ahavlng mugt, 1,,. '"•oolc"~, -~ uany tml n-i. Clea only 15.00 Rerr~atOf. nlua lhel· Schwinn 20" Stl,.,,ray P.P $125. 4116-0170 Kittens. 7 wk old, ·~ Sia· " I: SAT/SUN. 1820 Tahuna. r~tat Elac broom ··~ ""'Uf "'.. ....... ... ..... • .... _..___ .... p I AAAA •Doaa ""''r raeume do ••1 -•-.• rd n ·"'VI • (FalMtiw & Fair Of.) & otdlet. lncl'g. ncan •-~ .. ,, IHI v... an't beet thl1 dHll $25 •1U ,.,.._, " ""Ill to vvvv •--"'I lrvlna Tarr. -.immoth gagta. II.~ .... a _L t1~~ I , S /"'" •,. pt Phyfe lamp tabla. ~~Aee•••••••••••••• 13 2 5 . Ca I I q u 1 o k 842·5107 n..1 .-IJ home. 831·2754. you want 11 to? moving, clotlng bu1lne11 plant, m ....... mura many at oun ....... ante, rur. Antique ROA Victor Radio 857-&eet 2".'"A•••••••••••••••••• •11 It the beat daacrlptton sale HouHhold olo· lntar .. ung placet. 30.3 nlture, oddt a and1. ·49 Gar. ule, 507 Ave. Cam-&llracor d player In BMX Mongooie StO. Xlnt. S1moyad P11ppy, pure· Fr" klttant 8 weak• old. of you? tlllnG office turn 'Junk Prlncalon. Sat/Sun 8·4 Jaapa1ar, '58 OMC P.U. pana, EHtbluff, 10·4. mahogany ceblnat tlOO Seare Mlcrowav• Ov•n. cond. New pant, paint & brad, 6.wt11 old. MIO Black and white. ;~= ,:"!!c~ d!~';:~ ate. ' ' ' PM C:O.ta M_. 2215 Santa Aria. Saturday 1M. 842.-0138 · · top of Una. 4 yra old. Xlnt tlrM. ~2-4888 73-0-0988 751-1 Hl2 Job pr~•? Cnl• #tu •..a.. G .... s 1 Ju 5 cond. •176· ~13· ADULT 3 wllMI bike ··PETS "R" PEOPLE' Small 10 mo. 8panlel·mlx •••••••••••••••••• .... Tw• ..,...I •ufll•lta ..... wage I • ~-Anllqua China Cabinet Rer"'l"'E"'"TOA S100 Exotic vacatlon1, hair PU""'/ Include• food. H you an.IW9f .. NO'' to ••• . • Stereo antique aid•· •••••••••••••••••••••• Furn. k tchen wate. rnrw $125. mu1t 1eltl s;rn \;I ry, """' any quaatlont. -may MOVING SALE. 811/Sun. boatd Md dr .. Mf, bl--MUL Tl·Fl'"llY G1rag• W9ddlng dr1P. lklt. L011 142·7828 alt 8 or'Sat. utca-naw. 2 dr. lroat lrM, 87~118 etylal. & apac batl\9 for yt1a1am::s~:~:O:v'=i .,_ able to help you pr• 8•2· Antique coyc:h. di· Yalad tnlfrort nice wo-Sale, VW part•. furn., of mite. 630 8an Bar· 1165. 893-9080 AUSTRIAN BUil T •kin problem• at Shef'· pate a "*'"'oriented nlng tbl/chfl, rug. book• man• ctothaa, alra 7. v1tt.1Y of Items. Sat & natdlno. Unu1Uel Englllh cabinet S-. Gu Oryw. hMvy Ladlea' blk ..,. cond ry'1. Poodle pupa. T-c:up, _wtc_ndt ______ _ reaume. '°' further In-& pjc1u,.., mite "°""" c kb k t I I Sun. 6222 Katharine Of. daalc. many d,_.. & d 1100 ..... •• ""' . • •• min 4 ..... FREE TO YOU formation W<lt« PO Box hold. Everything gon. oo oo '· ml er a • Ha· "3-?398 ' SAT 8 to 3. 915 Chestnut compartmanti Meda In uty. • -"· 875-1355 54e-2M8 · 2111, N-port Beach, 2700 Patareon Pl, Apt m19c. EVlfYlhlng must8go · · Pl. Ealtblulf. Cloth••· 1908. 5"8-6357 · 831'°429 a..iui_ ea.utlful adult cat• CA 92H3. 48. CM by 4. SC to $200. tt l8h ....... ftn furniture, antlquaa. or· Lrg 2-« Whtrlpool rro.t· __., AKC miniature Schnauzer M&F. For an aY91\!atlOn, lend Get.,.. Sala June 4th & to-4, 253 E. 191h Coale and mfac. Fri, Sat. 19322 chide, tOOll, toya, Jewel-50'• JUKE Boie, oak roll-free "'''II· avocado. ~I IOZ5 pupplH. 2 mo. old. _83_,_·22_45 ____ _ -..-M... = Har~ Cir Hunt ry, etc. top dell!, Iron 1>9by bad. $150 531·2177 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1170.2063 art 5PM 11nJl1n 101u1 your raeuma with ltam· 51h. Coltactablea, bootee. Hootl•r kltch. oabnt. · llW •1 In ~ pad (37C) Mlf·addratMCI gtau. pottery, kitchen a 3 -FAMILY. Hou••hld. (oak), mite. metal advar-Admiral 2•· 8/S, ic.tn*r, • 0 I • Slendard Poodle Pup1, •••••••••••••••••••••• anY91ope. mllC. 953 Sanala, C.M. Item•, appllancaa, tum. ··at/Sun .. 4 25 .. color PLAYPEN, ttrotlef, mite. t••""' ...,ft. 7,.,, ,.....1 wat-In dr ......... ""' Aaclwood 2x8 decking. AKC. black, champion KING INNERSPRING EX· -toya. Sat/Sun., t-2PM., 9 • •· • baby Item•: Clothe• -.,, -·-...,...,.. -·• •·-· .... , 4·20' long; also redwood llnat. Wiii ~Iver. From TAA FIRM mattr .. 1 Mt. Super Sala, Jun• 5 , 32.20 Ddota. TV, Couch & lova•Ht, 12·24 mo. Glrll Cllothel Antique DMk. Oak, centtll' 13!50. 494-4291 fencing. Call Jim or Kan S250. 714/881.e397. · navar uled, worth 1530, 111¥11 9AM-3PM. rage to rt-hlctalbad, dining labia, a u . 12-t•. Other mite, drawer. '300. Brand nu In carton. ..,,_ 775-14111 uc. 1248 dal Never to drive COtnJ*!Y pratl-chel. Dallgnar c~ Sat/Sun 9--3. Furn., pwr much more. 17361 Can-houHhold 1tam1. Sat. 540·2tS18, m11g 150-0892 Whlrlpool dlic dlah· .,,,_ • ..,., · COCKER Spaniel. AKC. uHd quHn n , worth . d•nt (rH ldlng In N-furn .• anllquaa, ' mowet, china. ml9c. 2896 na Cr. HB. 9·1 308 VIila Truc:ha wuhar. 127 5. P. P. Clreanhoute window, 4114, balul, blk. lam. 4~ mos. $399, cHh only, $218 • Poroalaln. gamea. every. Palau (MeH Verdi) Sat June 5 Lota of ituff • SMALL G.E. Antg. rafrlg. 49A-295 never uud. 1200, Shot1. Champ. 1lrad. dal. uiually home. port) In COtnl*IY cw to thing 1892 Harbor Blvd · · · Colle on top Mtl on 4" 842-3149 aft 5prn. Sho w q u •I· Sac · 754-7350 ~~~~min ~t':. ~ CM. . . SC"tt.~2::,;,=: ~c2 ~1~T°A:':: ~.CJ.'11!!!'!......... ~:e.l 1 o.o 'o 8 o . Cook~~ 1 gu~ ~C:.. Melllcln Pewt1 500 u.... ~7~~23~ .. 3 8 . 1 43 5 o, -------- C1y ar ... N01nonna140 Sat/Sun 1511 Wut· cheatfnrtodrknobl. ComarButharCS. Large H lactlon of all gaa OYWI, • 12" • 12", total price **'BUY** hr 11Wt1 • unueual l'IOurs. mlnlter. Coett MeH. Boie IPno & matt .. $40. Mlac. 19852 Edgewood llami. Everything muit :;wn c!t~G!'::,, ~ $400. 730-9545. Cocker Spaniel Pupa Mul1 have driver"• Ileen-Relrlga & HOUHhald Tools, tibia 4 dlra, S30. Ln. (Adam1/N1wland), QOll·Sat. All Dey. 2701 s . 11 I.... Appl. 13191 Harbor Bl'vd. If--,,,, .. ~~~ 1 b~: • m. ta& good driving racotd. ltemt. Mi8C Ms-3303 a-2 PM JUna 5 ~I Camino Real, San GO. 537-9333, Open -• Wkdya 2131211-8810. · · Clement• Advertlaera should Sun. 11_. w-1 ••I '°'' _84_4·_85_7_8 _____ 1 REMEMBER OADt MOVING Sala . kltch. lbl, MOVING SAL.E SAT JI·~ Large 4 lamlly, garage c.heck their adl ••• -;i::'f!.••••••••••• Standard Poodle. male 2 • ctw1. draftlng/lfoht tbl, Relr"'. couch, dre ... r, ..... Sat t to S; Sun w•••-I •YD KOW~ 35MM camar• with• TV, watarbed, mOfa. 14 colo~ TV, more. 237 12-5. 1352 Cade, H.8. utUe Mlaa Munet eat on• dally and report -"''· obad. trnd, AKC. Fa1her'• Day meaaga. to $150. 831-SNS Costa Meu SL 846-0&llJ SE 8MCtl _ YClfktown. Tuff et, alono oame a DELUXE 1100 •; uridtll' with nun. S75'. wonderful companion. 842-6678 • • ipld•r end rHd In th• error I counter dl9hw..,_ S75. 667-8393 p1ay1u1paraona11ty.1160. Win 4 FREE TICKETS! Gareg• Sala, Sat/Sun. Sat. Only 9·4. 928 w. Multl·famlly Sala Dally Piiot CIH•lfl•d lmmedlately. The C04or TV 1135. 760-7802 Mlnolta Camara, 1100 978-0381 or 831-8398 · Dally Pilot Apple•, furn .. ttareo, Wiison. C.M. Rafrlg, Furn., baby, tv, 1pta aaotlon about Ml• Muf· 0 A IL Y PI l OT a yr old ratrlgarator, HI.... PupplH, Black Lab a CIUlitl9d ads weight•. mite. 3l00 Ta" coucb 4 Iota'"°'' equip., l/W parta, blk•. fat'• T\dfet and bought It II blllt f, o a 1. fr a a S 2 o o. Golden Rel elver mix Way, C.M. 882-0883 HoulihOid itemt, co1tec-anllquaa, au.lltyclothea. for 19.115. You ~n NII atlUmel a y 531·7511, 1·5534458 KONICA AUTO-T ' r . Garage tale. Sun June tatMel, ctothlng. Iott or Sat. Only. 8422 Gloria your tuffet end Iota of f 0 r· t h 8 f I r I t SLR, F1A, 200mm t._ • S.5-9Je& 8tn. 10:30 am. 2932 potted plant•. Sat/Sun Of .. off Hall. 8"8-3874 other thlnga through Incorrect' lnaertlon KENMORE Wuhar & Gu photo. 3X talaconv .. For eale. lam. Golden Ra. Redwood Ava, Co1ta 9am-5pm. 3101 Loren Delly Piiot CIHllfl•d ontu Dry er. Coppartona. fluh, llttart. 1225. Pvt trlaYar, 1 'ff old. $175 .,..._ Ln. (B&ar a FllrMw~ C1111•1d Ala 842-6178 Ada. Clill 842-N78 .,. '250. 830-1357 Plrty. 87~ Incl• houM. 848-5&85 Good uMd • Fll'nlture & Appllan<*.QR I wilt NII or SELL I« You ll&STlll """" 141-.... US.H21 1 m n11n111 L.. 957·8133 New it\l:a1za mattr ... Mt, $60. New quHn 1lze. $100. 750-5832 2 eotu l40 ea. 1 lamp I 10 All good cond. 545-3518 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line our.famous DIMES-A-LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE. l>LACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. DINETTE Mt S50 a.ctric mow. SSO. Electrlc ed- ger S 15 Power edger $50. Automatic waahar 150. Dryer $50. Dllh· · wunar 150. 221 ~ Streat, Coata M .... Af· DO IT HOWi .......... Your Deity Pilot ltMoe 04rtct0f'Y "8pf...,.,.11.._. .., ... , ...... 111 ' • •···-·• .. "•• ~..... ...... ~~........ lff!fffr .............. I !•l.'!..M~f! ....... lf!'}M(N.'ft~JI.~ ••• Jm -COMftl.. HOMl.LUIHL Mature & 9'ftolMl;tMIC). ~WOAA tll\lll lffe +*MY~T·t•• Cutlom lewlhg, eltete• ~'~"b "-'tll eato. plumb, r,:!!lt. '*"· Mble ,., ... ,... Mith•. N9wPOf1, coate M..., wa11covet1no "-novel 11one • ~ outttt• Tr•t~ovel Yd 01n11p, rtl•e u1. t73·1M71ftY'l;M. ll'Ylne.Aelt.OT&-3176 All typw M2·1S43 dttuu (perty & OfWWALL TAftlNG l.wn ciere-Aotollllle'li ~e.3ttt -I 1111 OUITOM IAIOKWOFll< wedding). Pvt IHeone. All Totu,.. l .AoouellO ,,.. •time,_ Ml· ••"•• SMALl/LAFIOI JOH· f!f!!fU,,.fl!~••••••• Fl•••· Ctll ltokle. ,,.. ... Kevin t7f.t0tt •••tr.file••••••••• .. •• ........ Npl/CM Aeft M6-tl12 N .. t p1tchel & ltxtur• 1_44_1_·_1_79_2_. ____ _ lii'INJ 'MOWtHO • OUAH UPI DUM~I I.lip "-ft Cell H0-o71t frM ttf, ltl· 1Ut lrfl#.ltrl __________ , 1111 ... ._.............. ,::::r,-Llnd:~r 'c:r::: ........ 1~ II you need 11\0UMkMQ« '!~~~,y =~:: PLASTER PATCHING .................... . ftarl llma tumm" ohll ILICT .. IOIAN-Pfletd ' " '" .!..-at fuaav u 'IOU ate, lob 0'1·7950/638·9908 *IPtlnkler Repair• 011•: Iovino mott\•r ,, .. ,, frM Mtlmat• on MOWINO 1 10..111-uo HAUllNO-•lud•fll hll Cell 9737°Qto >Cini ref• RHIUCCOt. Int/HI ao Ret teomrn Oommttclal former P' .. '°"°°' ••• 11ttf11 Of em.II fObt. H.W~ t111tao lge tNOk. LOWtelt ,.... #nlll• Yfl NM1 Ptul M&.-2tn l.and1C1Pt ~ cfwr 10 oere for Yo'lf Uo. SMl21, f13'-036t M a r IC Ptomt)t. Call '76t-'117t. 11..,.,JHI~ ••••••"••••••••••••••• IO'I PLAITtAING 901-«JM tent 0t \oeldW, "'V L.IC'D l!lEOTAIOIAN 714•"°4/Ho-4091 ThWlk YoU. Joi!;__ ••••••·~=•••••••• 0u:.C~.~~~i'~'!vtct. All TYl'ES INT/EXT It ttl wllll huge ~r.ley Que!. WOftt·Aeu. ,,._ WllJ ............. , PAOff, SIRVldl ..._. Fr•etllmttM.052·0 .. 10 FREE EST. 8'5·1251 •• ~u ............... .. fHl!!tln · rooin. Call • ,,.. •t. 831•9012 Tom l!xp'd. qu .. lly wotk 1~ Heullng. yerd •emtP ALRllAUYI PLASTERING Lalh·Pl••t.,·Stucco ••• nNCeS•A•DlOKS... L.IC 'D OHILD OAAI! TOft OU'"' 'TY ttH. relH. Mel"t, & Q\llCk &.~~,., eet. *A• 1 llYIH• INT/EXT Fl!STUCCO Textur ... Tllln W"I Nr 8C Pteu, AM ..,..,. ,_, ,.,...._ UY9 In HOUr1tw p1ut mt-ToP QWlllty. Soectal care Block WI/It, 516-4192 Stucco Btlek Llc'd. Maril Aoblnton Contt FUlllP1 tlrne. 6074140 l!ll!OT~L WOAK lendto•~l"t.,N•/OdM ·-'I In handling. 25 yn exp. Gery 507.0791 8ln0e 1tfl. 754.otlt ,,._. 111... 531·I066 only, Aon I den4na. HAUUNQ•Of\AOI NO lllfe tovlf'9 O*rl for pet/ Competitive Aal" IJ .. 61•• CA81NIT8·FIEMOD!l. C.ttlfMn ..... tl elioTRICIA,. e7a.t311t542...,... d1mo11t1on. ol1"n-up. plente, No overtime. 730-1353 ........ , ............. fill SkylltH • or .. n11 .. ••AiMo~.:1A0t:.ONi•• 8~._..,1. Uo. Mow, edOf, rlk•. ~. &::-::.! ,,..~~= <;:1~.t;;>;f~~':;:· U IU H~lHI ··~'t;;c;;k:·;.;·· ~~ .. p;;~·L;· ~~ y~ ~~ ~2~~ 2"331 0·10 • a.1·5203 ~:~e ~~~~~-~~· ::fu~ HAULING & MOVl'i1G' ~llbte C9f, mid 30'• SJjgti~~~~~~~~~ ••IUT. "'* 7~~8 .. ~~~·d-; Ae911rs. s..ico.11na. {!,._, ,.nlH Flnt '1nlthed c ltY Al-Electric em. l.OCll.~~.~~~· ~ '0w'::~ t: ,. lnt~reci. 041·5'27 !1 .. '!!!.'.'!~11.~!r.!!... CERAMIC·LINOLEUM S&S Aeptlll l3, .... 1"1.lc ::-:r.:................ Flemod Spec =all 631 7211 AHl<1en1111. CIHn•Upt, ., pltnlt. hou.. •to. C•N WATCH us OROWI .... , ....... , ••••• 14. Tiie Fr .. Mlim•t•. ALLSTATE PAVINO Crplt lnttell/repelred Lie. 419Sl1 • 720-12 .JI • gard.., "l'Ylce. mil"t.. • r}~•I-l<en Heven 710·5078. MOVING Locel & long die "'" nt Reaa prieet Reas Bob 116-5551 SMlcoeltng..St= ~~~~fr.a?:::~ COMM'U AESID • 645·2942 ~~~1~'ail~r.M u t ••• ~!!!.~••••••••• reft e""1, , by prol mo"9ft Very lo Oual work. lie 3371611 Alpetre Comm./ · Aemod·Add'o•~• 24hr Uc 410908 . • ::s ~';!:~ Melvr• Chtltttan Mill wlll ret ... Call •or Ir .. "'· 131·23-CS T.•J.f!.IJ ••••••••••••••• UO #397312 '45-8151 No StMm/No Shampoo Very,..., lie. 3i02t SH.\~~t~ ~~°€.:~ cleen llou~. 5'0·-0857 tlouM •11 thlt .ummer. Relph, 875.011'1 IHll•• 180 per lo•d Grtdlng & A.""'-•tl.. dStlt,IFn S~~·~;. F1'!~2 JllClc H. Bennett, JI, ·--·l•IJ• .. I"""" .51,.232 JAa•'t c•a __ ,_ __, ~-. T L.C. given to your I l ti ••••••'••••••••••••••• pltnter mix 111111. ~, .. ••• ·.-::................ ry. rM -·· ....... ~ . Oen. Con1t. 5!12 .. 142 ,~ ••••• ;,.:............ ...o -~·1· .. u 9VI .,... -·"'V -...... home. pllnll. etc. Clll .!.~.~'·············I ROOF FIREPROOFING d•I locelly 057-15ee flHE SHIN!·AUTO Shempoc> & 11Mm c:leM. Bonded & ~ FORMICA COUNTERS ~Yd C1nu99 Hou ... , Apt1., ~,tall, 17~190e. Ref1 .vtll. Fiii PAllTIH .1 ~ ?u" ot Chtrnlcal. DETAILING. <iuer. Color brlghtentt1, wht I" ........_..._I... FTOf19/Cebtnet•.f!!~7 Tree tr1m-lxpert melnt. ~. 040-1257 ................ by Rlcherd Sinor Lie I I NOW FrM Ml. T.8.~'.'/!'I. ••••••••••••• F PU/del IM2 64'9 Cfl>ll • 10 min. blMch. • • _...._ ,.. ttl. _...,,_ lrtlg1tlon Jim a&t-012' • ....... ' . Devit ~lntlng 547·5188 ,... · • Hell Uv/dln rm• 1111· •YO Lio 308581 Rtmod•l. EJtp d • Oependablll Aetp edit~ wttl hou· 280M4. 13 yra ol h•PPY Most tub)ectt, K-1' L,,,_lHI-roOO, t7 50. couch •110.: • d.d • n 1 0'•blneu f1ultgt/ Total Yard Car•~ Ti:::i: ·~;i~i~~'.v. Mtlt your hom•. Pet and local ou11omer1:· I REPAIRS 125 10 1185 Dey-e1t•tummer l10wk ~'tt·.-;;or........... Chr IS. Guw. tllm. pei e..ie-1see • · ltdltH llal THE GRASSHOPP~R yd care cen be erranged Thank you. 631-« 10 Fr"••· ca.11 an)'11me. Mr Morgan, &.iS-6178 BABYSITIING odor Ctpt r..,.W 10 yrl . ...................... PertoneJ.Depeod•ble OUellty~llng Loe ref IUPPll•d ;, RSM PlllTill WALT ]70-2725 WJ"''" c1 ... 1. In my home, E/Slde exp. Do work myHll. W~~T= .... Ill., Dominic 842 .... 551 w/a ptf90!\8! toudl. CM, 507•9511 Mr Miiier , . ~6 yr1 e11p Lie. 403941. Huber RoollnO·all typea ................ f .... . C.M • egn 1-3. 546-728e Reta. 631.0101 t lie: 420502 M2·1200 0M9t!M & Ed Uf.7825 .......... .,..., ltv. HB. Beth 850-0933 £1111111•1• Bonded. Int. Reta Color N-·reco--Oecf\1 'ci-:: ~':!t:~n:i~~ Aellabll 27 yr. F«nale wffl WI C11• Crpt c1een.,. ,., ... ,,,.,, Fr• .... Kt!\ 939.5035 HouMCIMnl"9-done with ...... ,.r..I .......... expert. 903.()911 Dick Uc ,,.11802. 648-9734 Cletnlng. Lid 64S.U63 . ~~~. !~~7tl~2• lhlt Steem clMn & upholl. "41'1S• ........ ll•t• .... ~ ........... ~.. cere. rnpect, ~. CUSTOM LANDSCAPING PAINTER NEEDS "'JOHN HENRY CO "' 20% Monthly Dlteount '"""'"'.., ......,... "" Truck mount unit Fr" eet. AIM. s>t10M. REPA!f' & INSTALL a../. NB/CM AM 145-5027 Cr .. te t unique tn'tdfon· WQRKI 30 Intl Roofing IOf Fine Homw .. ,,, ,,..,....,./ Work guw .• 045-3718 Quel. wor11..uc. 337100. Oer11ge drt. HerdWlte ...... 'T!!f! ........ ;.. Paclftc HouMc:IMnlng R:"J; "Si:..:~1 Conlect Exler Acou~1e·:i-11ng1. lie 415232. 548·6213 •RESIDENTIAL• •--6 EXCEL CARPET CARE 631·2346 Dellgn/Ptlnt 900~88 HOME IMPROVEMENT 5 yre exp. Xlnt ref'rs. • Oevlt Ptlnllng 847-5118 • 'I&./ tl MonthlyOtrly Oltcount ••• ~'!.•••••••••••• Jeck Buffington C•llta '1#4-"'-~ REPAIR·PlUM81NG FrM Ml. Lott 875-6353 nu nn.AJll EXTERIOR PAINTING !~~.J?.~!.!f •.•.. ;... Chrlt 1157-1358 MARIN& SERVICES OWnef/opet•IOf ............. "~·· .... ;~....... C.,ptntry, elec, ""m: Hou1ecl••1tlng. wa th, Sod, tptlnklet & lhrub Custom WOfk. Fr .. nl. BUDGET AATES/Uc'd Orange Coul Wlndowt Mechanle. Ptlnt, YWNttl. Carpet, ui>h<>I. &rM rug Crown mollldlng, •ntr) K&IJ Melnt. •1o:f.!o:,.~:11 ' dry, fold leundry. Pkg lntt•U•llon. Our work Aeu. + fine Int & atlll· Low min. Sml Jobi OK "We leaw you With• TMk-nib-wu. MS.91118 cleaning. Wortl gull. doora. minuet, book· Reeid/Comm, C6Mn-up. dee6. Lttln cpte, 10 yr1 onl'I look• expentl1te . nlng. Sl91te 547,...251 FrM nt Int.· 8•1·7581 brighter oull<><*I" •••---• Fr" Eat. 8'5-1771 c•'"· ceder llnect do-. Lt Heullng. 54844111 Carnantn. • M•""""" tlq). M.A. 573. 7227 Check our prloet before FrM esumat• 530~ 111 -_._ Do lnlc' c-.-& F ' Nit. Wood tolutlonl 10 ,...... .• , ~"' 'IO'.I buy. Cell Merle et l1•d•• krH•I Slum ctean. tngt blig.t m • -....-· u n. wood problemtl Gtrdenl119 .wanted Rooting • Plumbing Hou. MCle4u\lng: exp'd, r• • ._... • • • .. _ ··'-•··"'············· ••...•••.............. CLEARVIEW WINDOW I cledla. Medi & '11ecttt-clHnlng, 8' aof1 130, 831-11125 Mowing, edging, raklnQ, Drywall · St\ICClO ·Till fleb4e, rat.. ~ job too ...,,. I II ti _,; Flflhlng Interior o..lgn MOBILE SERVICE WASHING ~. rttet, Cit tlendymtn work. ctlalrs. 115 & 20, carpel lira/~ l«ftfft IWHplnt FrH Hll· ~-J.B. M&-cl990 tn'llll. Whf,.,7-33' I Uc 204518 . 8'8-1551 HANGING 110/ROLL Retcreens/N-tcre«is 4 yra in.., .. 8'2·W9 875--7951 12e aq.lt. Free eat. 20 'I" metet. 84 5737 EXPEAT HANDYMAN Tl C u-~ .... __. -...a...-• --... -'--Ouellty. Lie/Ina. Strip· NB/CM only. 842·9552 Buying end telllng et a exper. 791•930e ••••••• •••••••••-••• LAWN CARE ' • '......_......,.ngi _..._ ._ ..... ping Dlte on peper ~:r:. ~~':':i·~~.~1T:~ c •• ,.,,c..,,,,, A~8~~~~l~~~ Commlrttld. Hwpt/CM Pl.;:=.·~~ ~~~13 ~5cM>~~:J!.: c~1~tN~~~UE Visa.NC S~tt 640-11325 ~!!!~!!~.~~~~~'.'.' •.. :~:~nc~:1:.ft'11::-~·!·1~ Bontelcoe, 645·5204 •••••••'~••••••••••••• Realdenlltl 1ddltlonl & Xlnt, relleble wotk. JACK OF ALL TRADES PERFECTIONIST Ken Conroy 876-()941 ASA PAPERH~NGING Need t Conlldenllal Prl· tboul M2·5875 Cerrfenl-Maaont)'-Bloc:k remodel. Don 847..aaoe Ont/Of>f, leny 846-7'12 Cell 7 yra local eXJ) Guer vate Secretery & Party Peopte who Med Peop6e Wll.cust. wont. ~ • =~1r:.nlghl HOUSECLEANING LAWNS, tod or Meded. work. PrlCH lttrt ti Oroenlzer In your home. p~"'whc, need p~ Thlt't Whet IN 1351057 Aob 647-2083 ,,.,_Ill TIEES • ToP reh. Avg llM '30 Sprlnklert lntlllled. $8/roll Alec 751.7027 Xlnt ref't. Call 833-0211 Thlt'a whet the D"'' y Pl Ot '::l.":o•••••••••••••••• T .......... /----'. ,...___ JOHN THE u•NDY•••N Bea1t the restl &48-2~~ Cell Diiie 8'2-u63 . ou y PILOT .,,l l Concrete: Remove Old, DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC .....,..... ,..,,~ "'-' nn m,., "'"' SERVICE DIRECTORY Replece New. Smllo• Repan, ,,.. .. old. 11 up, lewn '9nOY. 761-3'18 Plumbing~ )Oti. Find Wfl•t~ou went In Hive IOIMthlng to ... ,, SELL ldl• 11•11)• with • WANT ACTION? SERVICE DIRECTORY le .. aboutt Jobe. A1pe1rs. 8'5-4512 yra up. 8ud 652·11582 Ctwlfled Mf1 842-e878 Fr .. ettlmetet 750-'IU1 Delly Plot Ct1111fteda. _ Cl•1lflecl edl do It Wiii. Dally PUot CteMl1'led Ad. Ctutlled Ml 8'2·5871 la .. about! luail91t IHI #ilnll• ... u ,., •l1nlln•u ,., ...•....•.•........... ········•·····•·•·•··· ..................... . OU bdrm alt: 0 pc con-' · temp. aiyte, Ot1Q. 8950. ucr. '400. 850-lllO Coh1ernponiry aora, 1ov. Hit, xlnt cond, orig. 11300, ucr. t•OO. WAREIDJSE SALE 9-12 Ofl.Y 56().18t0 1 Fishing reel• and gaffa, lure1, et~. ~ oc>ff9e & end tablal Portable fishing chair anall power too1a. •lm•tchtng well unite. Shotgun• & huntl~g rlflea Bikes Elegant aoflbed, l400. + I . • otllw tteme. 550-1IMIO Jewelry cuea. 2 1tereo.. Table saw. • Fr9ndl ProYlncllll din. Aquariuma and aupplia. Office dedm, rm cheltt, nicely UP· hou9ehold furn. holet111d 1195 . 4-48-1800 • ~I 111L_.. ....... _ 'IO Hiil 200 Twin Star, like new Cott $1500. Sell 1850 646-8052 A•ln /11 lal1 . .....•..•..•..•...... IMPORTANT NOTICE TO REAOEAS AHO ADVERTISERS The price of ltemt ad· Vertlted by vehfde dee· lert In lhe vehfde c1Mt4-fled adWlf1islng colurnnt doet not Include eny applicable texn, llQenle. trentfer I•••. llnence ctwgea, , .. I« air ~ lutlon control device c41ftlllcellona Of detl'4' documen1ar,. pr•R.•r•· llon chergea uni••• otherwise 1peelll•d by the tdVertlaer , _______ ,htlpn/ t,.nln HJf .........•............ lllM1 ... ,, .. Shey ~ pidlup9 & coupet. 4 to choo•• lroml (OOe7H) (Stll. A3093). PrlCM ltlftlng It ~~II --------'54 Ply. Plue, rune, nds 1973 lCS 850 YAMAHA work. 1st 1300 tatcea. Completely reconatruc-8'8-572• ..,.. 841-2575 led, IUPlll' ctean, quiet, _T_om_. ______ _ .......... Ewwythlng «lg. E.l!Ce(>t. nice. tiigh bli $5,000, asking '3,500. Bet ofr « ltade. 780-3880 I 1 f I I 0"0· Oubbt• top cam Ptr Jablf. water. tt mp9 •• 1 ueo oe o .... ,.S) . ~.~~}!M~ ••• 1.~ft WI PAY TU llLUR Fil IUI GARI MM•IH PllTIAl/ .. UH 2.&to Harbor Blvd. OotTA MESA MMMO _ au;Hll WI llY IWI CARS All TIUOIS COMMR.L CMEVRCUT ·-' I! '• r fi \ I • · r I \ \1 ~ ' \ !.4b-1200 llUllYH Top ..de>llara tor Sparta Cer1, 6ug1, Campara, 914't, Audl'1 • Alll for UIC MGR Ml IAlllO VIUIWllH 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON 8EACH 142·2000 WllUI Y ... UITIO -· a tamll OARS WAITED! Late modal T"Oyotu. Volvoa, Pldcup1 & Vans Call UI lodayt liarle Ike TOYOTA·¥0UO IH6"-"9fll•& c .. ••"'"9 " U•·t>•> • uo.to 1 .. -wt'" ·USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR 11UlnUIW. Corm1&<10.1.1110 OllVHLn 182tt BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 141-tOll, 1414 111 Top Dolar Paid MIZ 191JO 30080, lillttltt. 121,80 o obo, or emall doWn t.nd auume IN 11 ~IQ 544·2821 d)'s I 1973 Motrcedee Benz 300 '71 VW Conlltlft. RebUlt PAlt• & Service 0,_. An SEL. 19950. engi comp. rMIMed, xlnt 280Z '78 Nu pt, 5•....t, AC, ,...... 759 9329 '79 S"·-....... ~ 11 c o n d ' I 5 0 0 0 · ...,.. Day Sllurday • Ml 1 ..:..."'!' ~~...... 213/943-3427 ewe. Cass T ·top M UST ~t w w A n ...,..., .vvv "- CREVIER SELL, LEAVING COi.JN· (1 blk ..::r:M:.) 'll 41Mtll lrt,111 155,000 .. (918)641·· '72 VW BUS, new fadlt, TRY $8,800 Olfm cus. Excell . oond. Midnight --------1 flatlt l tltotlH w/equll Xlnt ct>lld. 540 J430 Bha uxl/lnt. Sunrf., al-,.,_ I • 0 759-9032 • · loyt, under 35K ml. P.P. I fHll H lty 714-9'10.5050 S~l..eulno S1IH·Sarvkle-La11lng '80 280V< 2 plus 2 0.\.. '81 ACCORD 4 Or, 5 apd, ---11111 DI• We 1pacl1llze In Euro· Sliver on silver 19800 AIC, AM/FM cau. 17K '80 3000, 20K ml. Or1l. .-:, peen Delivery • obo or am all dn and et· ml. L 1 k • n aw. S 7, 8 50 Brown • - WllE"I OUITOllE" sume lease at 1355/r119. 080 PP 840-4840 :!13-531-1329 111·2Mt ........ Vtl" 1111 544 282 1 d 5•" 31•"' --••••••• ••••••••••••••• HllYIOE OOIH 1STI -ys ... ,. v.., HONDA' '80 Civic. 5 apd. 1~n1 220, xlnt cond. 'll Men IL #1 Ylln ltlltr 1•1.•111 eves AM /FM C11t, Rad 11,1DOQ, 111·1411 Air cond, atlotl, AMf FM II.__, ............. • • 280 ZX 198 t G L T ·tO£ S 4 fJ 0 0 P Y I · P I )' · ~ ..... --•r 208 w 1a1 )(ll'1t cond Xtras. T·V· 714·675·8004 '80 OSL Convertible. Look• and rune n ce. -··· c1~:en~as~~~ey Lease 839-1007 ''14 cvcc, 38 mpg. cte111, -Orlgl •18~01$8000. $2315/0BO. 532·2153 IALQ, IUYlll "MER C !Ol!S Wirt WhHI •. BHut. cond. Coll 111,400, aac for S575. U51-0t54 • '89 FASTBACK \ l1,200'0BO' 875-1382 I I'' . •• 1l t 65, pony Int. "ftf'Y good •••••••••••••••••• cond. 1225o '87 FIREBIRD CIUllc 842.053t, 8't6·9t42 con.f~ Blueprinted 32 , q , new 1ran1, new vinyl ~ V8. Imm~. 1/c, amt 1op. AM/FM cast. 11tnt. tm r'dlo CHI. R•IUr· cond S4 850 851.043~ til1had. S3 000, call or 875-3S71 9412-3433 . '79 Oat 310, am/Im ceui,. ataal rtdl1l1 $2450 -. --· r ... 1/ 1111 Ill Lii.. Jc.OOH.11l'l• IV\<t • CHOICE INVENTO,fW new radial• & brektl, 0 B 0 . 8 5 7 • 4 9 7 3 , 8 0. ·4 5 0 SL: Chm . ••1•9 ••••••••••••••••• OVERSEAS DELIVERY (,,..1,1 \'\-.1 "40 "100 VOLUME SALeS xln t cond S32'00. 875-7398 559-5127 '81 lie• ST. 5 epd, air. EXPERTS I _!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!~ ·•n IHI I .• , ... ,,,j,,, 1110 & . A /FM '1ar, xlnt cond. I· 83 000 ml I lhar"" •••••••••••••••••••••• 973-2080 dy. 873-0414 SACRIFICEll ·115 230SL. con¥M/hrdtp, 11 NII. 184951oBO. ·11 Ope de vnie. 381< i..... 12500/0BO rea842 81'1 ·ee. nda pelnt. nu trans & ev '8t ACCORD LlfTBACK good cond. BMI otter. 9-9589 IUU m lolided. a.in. Blue 8lc _______ • __ 1 brakn 11200 642.05,;tl. '77 280Z I t cond AM/ LOA,DED. DISCOUNTED San Berdo. 1/88e-3730 *" 15475. HI Blue Bk $MOO. '70 F•1beok, 302, 3 pd, &45-9142 IQI MoLlREM F'-4. A/c~n'6ooo 'o1to. $1800 ... To se'loo PM,!l13/771·2070AM. 2T~taSA5longbed. 19MHatbodSlvd. S5,850 Fin. 1000. run• grHt, nd• mlnqr -.,------,,-7-.. IMW 75-4-5398, 548-8975 8-45-1459 Auto, many extru. Stlll COSTA MESA 840-1148, M PM ' b9dY ,vork $1900 or r~I ' Salaa-Servlce-Leaalng -.7-3_2_4-0Z-.-a-1r.-c-a-s1....._13-,-500---,-,.-,-,-,-4-a_Ol_ft_•_-l ~f .............. !t. ~~: w · 18 1 0 0 · Ml-llU I• •t TIE UllEST bMI 0"., 950·o37~ 0 7°5 ti;i;.-;~;."~i~:3sK 850 N "-~h Bl d 11 75 Mn M..._. .__ _.._ · II "''"'I th""-tu1 wtlh Da"" ml. new llr•. mint __ ,, ...,..... v Of best o er. AUTO Excallanl cond. . ""V""'• "''" .. __, MOVING MUST SELL '78 "olvc> 2t8 wegon. I 1 R.,._ ...., "'V• "' ...,...., 122-HU 673·6467 Choe brn Cloth Int. AMlf·M, tonnaeu cowr, ·79 CEUCA OT Lnl!IK cyl, p/w, p/1unrf, lut. 1o1W11WI Pifot Want Ads $-17SO 8'46-6153 01*' Sunday '7 1 5 t o 1 owner, get $3275 ~o. '60-9738 5SP, 4400MI, S45'>o rack, ... !her Mat-. A/C. of ~· IOw mftM.. A•tn "-Ail•• Mffl llH OUlllE COUm'S oond • dr. slick St. fOO. 944.0375 '74 MG Midget Xlnt cond. ns-8318 Good condo. 17300. ~omlal s! ~:n •••••1•••••••••••••••• •• , •• 1 ............... . 7t4-963-6819 ~· 811 113 s1 ~7~~ otter '73 Corona Mn II, 8 cyt,l'."'.940-534~.,.......,..5----•••Rll ayt • • • • • • • • • • • • OtlEIT F" ITf! •••••••••••••••••••••• 4·dr, A(C, auto. trane, '81 Ol. fOfoacl to .... 18 ......, ~ .!~! .................. '72 t<arman Ghia Excel-#0 1144 Powe( at•.,,_ ba1hwy. 700 Of T.O.P. OlllL1AO ..,, 77 Fial 128 4 dOOI w; / lent, orlgloal condition. ••••• ••••••••••••••••• Xlnt cond, a.in Inside & 641-3821 2800 Harb« Blvd. Im cauatie S 18So ~,' $ 3 3 0 0 7 T 8 • 5 8 0 9 • 'll -.......... out, Stn5. 751-3n1 '70 1458 Volvc> Wegon. COSTA MESA S11las·Servk:e· Leasing IOYCARVER ll. l.15 ~ M.t . M 1\ \. t"lo9 ~Ql ~ ,.~\'"' .... '-41 M4...,. .. ,.... ~,.. "·""' · CHOICE lllVEMTOftY $ 10, Mcll REll IMW S1lel-Servlce-Leas109 850 N S.ech Blvd 122-HU otter 979-5083 541-9549 One OwTl4W • VfllfY Sharl> 1978 Toyota Corolla Uft. A/C, P/B. run1Jood. 141-1110 76 x.19 itlnt cond Lo '88 KARMANN Ghia, 12, Clear wt8thE 51,701 Mllet. bfldc Excellent condition 1975, oa11 544-21 -------- m I • u tr as S 4 • 2 0 0 400 Of bet! oll8'. L . • I 529. 9'5-51134 •73 941·8278 ••tff Voto/o. 40r. elf, aunrl, 857~4345 alt SPM [IDJ~ ~· '72 COfolla Wgn, air, good YerY a.in. runt grMI. 76 Flat 131 Wgn, 5-apd, '85: Rebuilt New Int. Nice f • cond. In/out. 115'5. $3000/bat off. 730-1553 -------- c 1<'11 n. runs gr• 11• body. Runt ~real. $2800. • 973--0878 A•"' 'lllM '80 SEVILLE dll. Ilka new. s20001oeo 979.5083 83M52s. 7 e.5809 woto•s r~n-'"' ..... 1................ every pou. op11on. 114, DOELLEIT '87 Ghia, ret>lt eng., new \20YVWimerSA557-2l32 •• -::-;-.:;3::-••••••••••• lrd t . llll 990 OBO. 979-4188 ClllDI AT1A• thruout. S2.000/0BO. 'Ill Ml mat MIU '75 YELLOW Rabbit, gd. ••••'•••••••••••••••••• c...,. Hl1 -Brian, 497·5813 wkdy1 NM-d 81• cond. 11,950. Muet NII. BEAUTY Sk........., over •••••••••••••••••••••• lln 8-5 S14'~. ~~~~ great. 875-2809 12000' tnv~~t;d: Wiii '87 SS, recond., ci&lllc In FANTASTIC ""'' 113• --·12 BUO. Vallow w/Blk Int, trade for camper van. n e w con d · I 4 7 5 O · •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll• •II ........... aunrf, AM/FM 1ter, new Sacr11. 128SO. 759--0501 538-3471. Many axtru. I Ts 4 I.peed, Stereo, Mag., 1800 ang. UrH, mllr. 1t1.-1 H'-f A NE.AT & SWEET. 41,237 u 4 oo OBO. M ike. '78 Buick Century, 350 ••.nwW . - SPECIAL SALE ~~· You'll Ilk• 111 838 497-5813 wkd)'s &-5 ~&; :l~~~d, 112.00 ·w··.~[iia••W°tFiii:[_• ... H 'll ......... A•I• ... " ........ --s. .. Over 12000 [ID~ ~· Very a.in • .ii the 9'{\ret. ••••• 1................ ~~~.e & useo 1111 ... 3201 plUI S700 Bl1upunkl ··------1 ..,.,..,...._. .. S t\f f IEW tterao ayttem, ract.r, r• COMM ELL CHEVROLET u 00 ' air, 1110)'1, best ~T~~ cln .. ••ala. prof. rb ti N .4. ncos Blaupkl stereo. lo ml 198 1 f 11 T " ~' -•U2-'""""' &A. YOUI -· lo ml. MUST SELL. CADILL A.c ••• ~ ~., 119 "" • '78 MOl!I Xlnc. cond. l5400 oeo. ~ ·.""' r ·•., ' .. . ·.• ~ S13,800. Oa 54SM>155t SH UI ~I.JO W lrMr 7·2132 q ,nupalnt,rwealoys, ~ '87 BMW RARE • • NUTMAJIA. Bwg/tan, 49K ml, S4, 973-4383 or 87~ For Your Carl Ex«*tent cond ciMn Outrageously sed11ct1vt IW IY & 7CIO. 752.0105 Send! CLEARANCE ,, .. a Ill $3.500 & t1na1ty appointed mid--'74 Super BeetJa. vtntaoe LIH•·••rtlfJ . 6'S..Tl96 engine spor1 cart If you lfl9f •.. "' '7tl MGB convert. Qd t~e. mod. New tlrH. S4b-I 200 '75 LIN Truck W/carrtf'«, very rellable, good ml· ... 12100. M0-7350 2828 Harbor Blvd. 78 2002. 11ereo wltape heve been ser1ou111y I<» fACln'fl c<>nd. Lo ml, extraa, bra k e1, xln t cond SAL£1 C6tle M... 54().583() alloy rime, orig ownr king to buy a plUSurt MIS lllD n Clllt IO& ~WI l !iOOO. 7141779-3299 aft 'thnlout. 18112800 Ilk-. • Beat ottw. 213-420.3 t07 toy that 11 lmpresllve tc • 8pm. 846·44711; aftal' 8 pm Premium prlcea ,81 3201 1 look at & a thrlU to drive -77 MGB extra mt cond 845-9183 Iv 1119g. paid IOf any UMd car Take M e;~.:w:o TAKE YOUR PICK! 'll llZll ILC 1•cereo, bra. $3500/0eO'. THING/ '74, xlnt. cond. 1nJ PONTIAC IONNIYILU llOUOMAM 4DOGa SIDAN (106248) (~or domestk:) dwnl Spo<tpeck Eiieen SAU PlllOH 4 •P••d tran1ml1tlon, 857-175' • S3K ml, AM/FM. 13.200. n ~ .. ~~':f"· 548-1223 lT tlLY radio & heeler lie AJH a· '1 11H 831-44511 SOUTH COAST Dodge J888 llarhrn nl1d ( '11!o~·· ·"~'ll .)old o.i:~ REMfMBER DADI wf1h a Fathat'I Dey m.-.ge 842·5878 Win 4 FRU TICKETS ~~ Alh.... 1115 •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 ALFA Spydar, red, gd. cond. $4,400. 873·8487 •10 1n 1201 S8495 842 12111 ~~~.................. -.80-0uher--d ..... --. 2--0-r.-. 4 Sunroof and elr s11 g ri'illbW 71 Opel Won: Rb4t eno. ap., air. aterao; 1harp 500, 230 t Aralla. New-I • m ~· ( :arb. ,_ redlatOf, bat· $8250 080 1149-9872 port ee..n t ery, br1kat, rnucn more. ,80 ......_.._ ............... '" recatptt, xtnl cond. .....,_ ..._ MO TORS MOTOH Only 11200 543-2451 Station waoon l20WWamerSA557 2132 120WWiimerSA557-2132 -. . •mt llU* , 'l"l••NI 1141 Best mllMge cw you can 75 SPYDER. mint cond. lllttffll ... 11fl "••"'••••••••••••••••• buy. Loeded wtth xtru AM/FM c1s1. rolfbar, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1112I Nk• alt, am/fm stereo & mags, alarm. SOK ml •II, ,,.,., 1 more 1B1T757 Attc for $4,500 OBO. 6'5-4464 IM4 ......... IRE IEIE! A 0 .. ' • 4 2 : 4 4 0 0 ., '74 SPIDER Con11et1. S2. fl a... Coma In a...t drtw IM 558-1008 Proto LIM. 800. Cornell al ,..~ 642-7148 ....... lbtt leedlnQ dlellll Avllleble '71 v~ Bug Comp:,• HouN of Im· for immedi.tt ffUYerYI *mf Ill.I.* 15 Honda Civic SON potta Olreci .._.and eo SH why peeple ar e Super cl .. n wlfaotory s2100 oeo. Af1 TPM moi ... Mlbl• pymta. twitching 10 Peugeot! ale, am/fm atereo. ~ 65f..5892 Dflll 2 ,3 or 714: MER· IU• l•llfl greet! 824Fl<K. Alk for CIOES 11 213 or ~OowStrMt Aote 84 2·4400 , '79 Accord UC. am/Im, air. 714/837·2333 NEWPORT BEACH 556-1008 Proto LIM 5 speed . Like new.i---------1 15485. S!Q-9778 Haven't you waited long 712-llM ·~~ Squarebec:el11....,... • Od 'll .. enough to own a Mer· --------.....,.,..,....,,. ....., 111•1 l ooer4 cadet Blf\l? Don't lat ,,,,,.. lfU 546-1487 Hatchback. aulo, A/C, tllll opportunity paea you •••••••••••••••••••••• •91 vw I UG 1, .;.;;;.;.;,;~;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;~ e.itceltenl cond. $4800 by .. ee1 now1 We ha11e 1 ~TER Aune. S3f6 -·--------!·=-..,,..,,. .... ! 1_.,_·M __ o.e....,...93_1 __ 1 f en1a111c HI action ot lllLN 541-1487 1980 DAT SU tol 2 1 O '79 PAE.UDE. Kint. c:ond., ~ & colof'I . .viii• P91.allR /llll 1979 VW AA88tT 4 door HATCHBACK. Options auto, AM/FM c111. 15. 4'9115 C L....... lncl\lde e 5 speed trans-5 O O or be 11 of r ... 11 ·-13831 Hwbor 8Nd. dlalaf, 5 IPd, A ' ........ ITllttlon, AM-FM cuaet· 846-4G25 -·-Gwden Grove 24.000 mt t4800. (714) •• I I • I 841-3080; U0-017t le and 11'1 e 1teal at •79 ACCORD 5 epd A/C 1301 Quell Street I t I• Ir' t I• ev.. $7995 1979 CADtLLaC fLllTWOOD llOUOHAM (8115XET) . s9495 1911 CADtUAC runwooo llOUOMAM (1CGX358) $15,995 1979 MUCIDll llNZaoGO (n&WOO) SALE P.RICm ONLY 138501 (RWG AM/FM case. run'• gd: NEWPORT BEACH ........ --------1 ~ f:~·~~J: ~.! 13,200. 8'15-3637 IH·t• 114 111·2111 '8.72~i> ~-~,:,': 1979 CMIVIOUT pon Oateun, 888 Dove '80 Accord Hatchback. 1982 MercadH, need•• ,80 TARGA, 1 owner, 18K 54$-5878 after 3;30 PM CO.VITTI sc~~~3New1300J>?r1 Beach. tbelgel .,· ~.ooo1""5ml. s~.800 uphol, 11200 caen takeu. ml, •II opte. 127,500. ·ea vw Bug, 8fll'f. rblt. T·TOP .. , ..... • • rm. VV"' .,,., M2-0531, 8119 84W14~! P.W.8. Auto, 720-1N8 eng. good c:ond. (412309) ~!'!!1.!'!! •••••• W. •• ~'!.~'!1.!'.'! •• : •.• !~~ ~.".~0.~~!'.'! •.••.• !.~~ ~ ... ~'!1.~'!! .•..•• ~. ..lnw •Twp .... 80084~~ • $10,995 .., t cond. Many ex1r• .,,. • ,_,. -· 1 10,100. 173·2287 or ... 1•7~· 211S-451""91 ............. . 1•1 111' 73 vw Supet ....... orto ~ II .. __ ... L '1f/N, 41,000 ml, ""* i;;Xo.s> Ofl C"'"'' j)W IOCM~ld!·~S21M~~· !14~4~l~IMll!!__I mu ... new paint. New - cetbl 17500/ofW 1N8 VW .. Cfloc> TOc>, 840-7058 new motor & trane. 11100 090. lcoH M2..eas4 1979 CADIU.AC llDAN DIY1LLI C-...) *8995 1H5 lmc*a. mint cond. L.oeded. Must ... to ap-prec. $3300. 840-5324 ...... Llftll• Do you love Camaroa1 If IO -probably have the one lot you. From balk: 8 cyt models to fl.Illy toe· de d. BERLINATTAS, TYPE LT, Z28'S. Alk fOf R Oie 842 ·4400 , 558-1008,Proto LIM. 1H5 El Camif'O, PIS. P/B, auto tnne. S1500 Of belt otter. 843-2582. ,'72 Nova SS: New pelnt, MW lntetlOf: amltm II• reo caautta.. new rims. Rune perfect. Very ,...._ bit. 12300. 0 1!10 . 53f.3100 'JI mfiiii 38,000 ml. !!Int cond. 4 1pd, 25 mpg, am/fm cue. atereo. Runs great. Mual Mii, 12500/0BO. 545-2835 '78 MONTI: CARLO ernlfm t.IP9. ale, aharp. '22501080. 845-3834 ·ea Ct'9V l!llaQyne wag. 260 eno S300. 842-8930 '74 MAUl!IU QeiNle, 2 dr. 11.000. Look• gd. & Niia greet. 873-2"t ~ ........ ~ 1175 Qordob1, good cond, '2200/ beat otter. '31·7135 '1 ... , ...... A11n1 ar•tt 1 12001bet °" 148-1115 \ ·~ I '· I • The National :A9odatloft of Ral- ton is~ a-federal override of 1tate lawa whkb prohibit enfon:e- men t of \he conooveralal "due-on...ie'1"" m..e. The if~ "federal override would ..... ••lli9illy the number of .......... Mtlcln· wide,~~ -.an~ are currently lnvol~ _In about 42 P.11!'· cent ol all eJdltlnC 'home ..._ It ti _...,.tefl ~t e1aforc:amol of the controvenial proviaion wO\,lld ellminate the opportunity for over half a million familiea to purch¥e homes. The 0 due--on...ie•• 'Cl.au. it com- monly found in non-pemment in-aurea deeds of trust or mortpges written alnce the early 1970., and allowa a bank cw aavl.np Qd loan. wodlllAan to ttenwd fWl ~~t of a man,.. if a barrower .-U. bJI or her Interest In the 'property to anycme ei.e. In odaer ~ a home • teller with a IDOl'tpee of 8 ~t would be required to~ the lendlDI imtltution in full at the time of .U. and the ~'punt r 1r would haw to pa~nt market rates which · have 111 hich • 18 percent in recent moalba. • Sen. Jake Garn (ft..Utah), chair- man of the Senate BuJdna. RP•na and Urban Affaln Comniittee, hu 1pomo.red a comprehenaive bill ai- med p~t~the f.inandaJ indultry, One ,__ ture of the Gam blll (S1720) in' dudee a federal &nemPt6on of ..,te laws th8t prohJ&lt enlon:ement of "due -..... claulel. •. An Interim report by the Prai• dent'• Ccmmlllkln on ffoi"'"C alao calla f« the federal govftrVDln& to ~permitted to ovenide ai,y date Jaw which prablbi1f enforcemem ol "d~"d•­ ' The Nal estate lnduatry baa op- pc.d feden1 preemption. --~ would be an \lllWUnDW 111lm1V1¥iiJOD_..n, of • ._. n.hta bJ lhit '8cleral P· emm.t; Tlime ... tad.-Y -• predict that the net effect of \he propoaed le.ielat~ would be to eliminate die only practical way many--. .... ~ financed • --:-day. A 1981 ~ of tRialtaa M~ ·Wfdt llw>•ed dlit up"to 80 ~tof existinc hame --tnvolw people to people fina.ndna techn1quee-and that 42 percent of tho1e made uae of monpee ~l)Ciolw at an averap . interea rate o1·1~.s percent. Ra1ton -.y that aa many a• half of thete uaumpllom and a portion C!f com- petitive aeller take-back of tint and NCOnd mor1p8ea would dilappe.a.r with a federal preemtpion. Ralton condnue to momote the "blended rate mon,..~· that la, an uawnption Mth a rDoaerate lncreue in rates, rather than a JefuU1 of all ua~ptions or incredlna ratea to pr'ObU:lilUve levela. on and off while you•re ...,.:. The lea expensive modela wlll ccin1rol lights at one aet time, while more expenaive variable timen ari-d•- liped to tum u,hta on and off at I them or have a net1hbor watch them. 7. Let the police know lt 10'1 are going to be away for an extended period of time. · Use a timer to ·turn house lights on and off while you're gone. different timel on different days. 4. Leave a radio turned on. 5. Aak a ,,.,,,bar to cut your gr.. on a recuJar t.ia. Leave a M.-key with aneone In c.w of ermraenO- Arran,e _for wane to open and clme m.-md ~ IDO. e. If ~ have Jl!ICl..ettblr boll'd · 8. Save money and prevent an accident by tu-rnlng your'water beater off. Double check to make 1UR your atove OC ranae la lhut off. ..) '• .. ...... and only $114,900,· Three· bedrooms or wie as 2 and convertible den plus ~g. Redecorated/paint and extensive use of wallpaper throughou\. Built-in range and oven, dishwasher, etc. Of fer down payment and the owner will finance the balance. . ' I I 11 .. ,111 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. Bltns incl dishwasher. 5 huge skylites, "moodli!~ frplc, Spanish tile flr & cut 1la11 window of uaed brick. ... m111r1 1111,111 Once a 3 Bdffil home, expanded into 2 Bdrms (now with 101De elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All c'opper-.plumb, brick fireplace. L,rge yard w/aprinklcn front and rear, cov. patio, room for. 1 boat and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, and terms available. ........ ..... -. . Two stories, 3 Bdrms + loft and family room. Lovely"ood exterior, slate entry, expanded buil~in kitchen and huge sundeck. Walk to beach. Owner will carry, so submit your down. Asking $165,000. I 1111f IWLD just a few doors to the beach. Two plus 2 bedrooms inCluding new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio sepai-ates the double garage and both units. Super Jocation. Near shops and market. Asking $250,000 with owner finandn& the balance. . l tttt-IDITHIALtt•• " ,..,,. .... ., .................... ,... ........................ .., ............. ..... .. ··= .... -....... ..,., . ....,. ""''• ....,. ( .......... ~ ............. . .,... ..... ). ............. ...., ............ .. .. ...., ..................... ,.. ... .... ...... ..... ,....... ....... .... ..... • hit ..... • ........ rr••rtr· ,..,. .... .., ....,. • ......... ~ ........... ..,.... ..... . Mi """· ........... " ...... .,.,..., • '-'' ., ••"4 Mi ........... ., ., •.• _. ............... . ?ifli •• ...... , .... •an llt.l • ,,.,..., 11 . ....... 'IMJ ............... ........ ......................... .., ...... ,. .. "'"' ............ ,.. ... llY ., 1111. .. '"'1'• . ............... OPEi SIT/SUI 1-5 P_.I. LAGUNA . ESTATE TENNIS COURT ...(ly ••• , _,i., ... ~ . ~· (: .. t;J. H;,. "' .............................. ,. ... Tiit t1rrt1l,.lll lrt I llflrt ltttr,.I ,aratllst, Th ,1111tr 1141 ••arh•• are 111,ar.tld la 4Hlc& ftr f HttlHlll U,111, latls• Hltr· - tlllllllc 81141 Heltllf rHrtatlH • 1.11 aw•• wttta • ...... ~ ... , .. Yin ....... , ...... lript Hctm. Titll lff_..,, "ltaef ilMI Mfffity, lMI .-111tr· trMftlMll .... Hllenh1Htr1tMlllllllte .. ~~ ................... 1.-.i . ...... Mitt, ...... '""""' .. Ml~.... ... raR, ,..., ~ ..... ,..., '"'" ... .. ., .......... """ .... '" ........... .., ... ~ fMf ... rtplatlH 1iPtt4 M4 ftHttl ...... tllft ....... tMenlffH 111-. fer I ................... 111 ..... 12,IOO,OOO. IEWPRT llUI. ICUIFlllT . laM eH lllrf IN If,,... tlttH,., .. tllfl ......... • ....... 2.....,,, 4 .... a~ "" ..... ""' .. ••t•rs•IJ la tlthll I ,111111. S11tlal .. ....,.....W" .......... 1121,.._ f ... H1·140I. .. aumFIL 1101 UY-YI, n,' YI ........ WMtlM ...... ..,.., ................ •MA. I ..... ltriilll......., ,_ n1.a fln .. 1iaa, ... I Ni, WI .. ...., ,..,...._ ,.. w/wet ... Prhale ;Ml · , ...... , ............................... . .. It, nL IWI al M 11.11~ API ttr • ,_., wtlli ,. ............ ,.,...., .. ,.. .... . llYEl llNll Outstanding location w/w of aJI back bay & Fuhlon Island. 4 br. 5 .ba. form. d.r. pool, ape. sec. system. Steal at 1885,000. fee. Grt. fin. avail by setter••..,. ... 759-1221 ...... -.u Fantastic harbor & bey wa from this 3 Bdr fam rm, nu crpta & paint, lrg pool. . ~.000. L.H. -· ... 119 759-1221 cmu•11n Fab. Ocean & coaatllne vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d .r., f.r., study, lge. pool & cour- tyard, prf. bchs. $895,000. F~. -• If. • ,. 759-1221 ..... 11111 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, Italian marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study & t.r. has beaut. paneltng & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A musf to see at $895,000. -"..,. ,. 759-1221 . llUIFlllT -llUlfUIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. rea. & live on the finest beach on the·coaat. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 12%. Steal at seso.ooo. -....... I ....... ...r .. Like being away from It all?lll Thia contemporary 4 bdr. home la eecluded among tall trees. The private pool area, die tennis & entertaining ar• lend to · 'away from It all" atmqephere. Mklng 5,000 for thfa unique property. ,,_. ....... 831-1266 IMllRYll HARBOR VIEW HILLS -4 bdrm, bonus room, pool, spa, ocean + lites views - reduced from $439,000 to $356,500 - Won't last! HARBOR VIEW HILLS -3 bdrm. elegant thruout w/most PRIVATE woodsy ~ . manlC\lred yard. A value at $375,000. SEA VIEW -3 bdrm, den, apa and VIEW In gate guarded comm. Only $369,9001 These are GAEA T BUYS AND WON'T LAST. Call PATlm er ,_ ~ today 831-1266 or 760-8702 ... 111' 11111 SUPERB VIEW HOME -Newport Hgts . 4 bra, fam. rm., POOL . :+ financing! $565-,000 . Cllffhaven -Lease option. $10,000 dn. with GAEA T TERMS 3 br fam. rm., with POOL .......... $355,000 Newer BACK BAY ESTATE -'A acre 4 br farn. rm. with POOL ......... $4®,000 Open Sat 1-5 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Bargain! Exclusive 2 br 2 ba FAM. RM. $189,500 CLIFFHAVEN CONDO Lo down Assume $120,000 3br 2'~ba ... $162,000 VIEW Condo -'Villa Balboa , Adult aecurlty Complex ........ , ... $127,900 Call now for Appointment Ill ...... 831 .. 1266 -··· NEWPORT 280 2BA neer the ocean . - $129,800 -111 unbellevabte prlcet BIG CANYON 2bd 2bath -A steal at $179,995 w/terma · NEWPORT 4 BDRM reduced from $2'49,000 to $199,900-Won't leett HARBOR RIDGE Prof. decorated thruout - only $399,900. • Try theM beauties on purchase. teaM' or lease option~ Have more. Call today ,..,.. • ,.. ~ agta 831-1266 or 7eo-1702 ....... TURTlEROCK -Lovely 2bd 2'hbath dr~ reduced to 1155,000 -Muat aeel 80. COAST PLAZA area. Su~r ah9rP 3 bd -2 bath 1325 8q.ft. Only 1108,900 -Too ~ to be truel Have more -,._. • ,_ ,_ 831-1288 or 780-8702 c .. T~ CaJI llllT ..,.._ .. 2 Br, 2 Ba, Lota of ~anCS custom built retreat, S 180,009 call HI 1111111, 759-1221 lllml-111-~t.LUI Owner aaisted exceMent ·financing I Over in the apts. are soon due rent Increases! Presently 9.9XGrosa. Excellent Investment bargain. Hurry, call• UIAYA, ........... 759 .. 1221 IEWfNTWll Seller Desperate -Sharp 2 atory single famlty home. Near. the beech. 1185,000 or beat offer. Ste8' 1t11•1m111159.1221. n11111- Mu•t ... -Upgraded thru-out -ocean view from aundeCk - 2 br. 1 ba. Large lot. $125,000 --Ill 759-1221 • .. 12.K ,. ••••• TUii Oeflghtful new E88tlide '4 Bedroom home with lkytlghta, bright gourmet kitchen, French doora, luxurloua muter suite, 3 car garage, large private yard plus new great t*1n1, •Ill.TB 759-1221 ,. .. _ + 11111. Fairway home Meea Verde $100,000 un- der market 3 Br., 3 Ba., top cond. $30,000 ON + Takeover $275,000. • tr llfll ... 759-1221 ....... , Anume existing 10% loan on this pride of ownerstllp '4bdr. Mesa Verde home. Just In time for summer entertatmng. $285,000. ... ,, ••• 831-1291 ... llTllDTll• ,:3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge.maater ste/~ittlng rm, w , targeat model. $210,000. Submit any off• on terme. •• ... a. \_ -· \ I 1 . I !$ -OrMgl County ..... Eatate/An Adverttalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 5, 1982 RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY . IN 'NEWPORT BEACH • . Located just a halfl a block to the beach, this duplex has 2 two bedroom units. With ro.25•~ down, owner wffl carry tor five years. $235,000 c .. Dewie Htrechler et 8'4-7020 SELLER WILL CARRY WJTH 20-25'/e DOWN This Newport Beach duplex on lease land Is just a few steps to the beach. LI~ In one, rent the other. ~lexlble seller offers good low lntereat financing $225,000 Cell Qewld Hlrachler et ~7020 TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JJJAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lustf landscaping enhance this already magnlflcen home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Setler relocating. Wiii be flexible. $259,000. Call ~thJ ~lmpeon .. 144-7020 -. THE COVE OVERLOOKJNG BALBOA ISLAND Thia etegent Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2'k baths features an .. ddltlonal fireplace. vaulted ceilings. hardwood floors. wet bar. PoOI. private beach and stained Qlaaa. $825,000. ·Cell ..._7020 ANNIVERSARY ESTATES . This rambling ranch home • ldeel for first time buyers or lnvestort. Needa a ltttte TLC but well worth HI .Large lot 19 ideal tor gardens or pool. Be creattve on the financing. $189,000. Cal .loenne ............... ,.... . THE.SHC>Re.CLFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large &MUm8ble First plUs ...., wltl carry a large $eCond on this chal:Eme wtth gourmet kitchen. hardwood floors, a large petio, {OOln. Wit bet and wine coe>W. In addition, tN1 3 bedroom. bath home with den enjoys UM of a private beech. seso.ooo c .. Dirotttr .......... .t .,.._.,. . CONTEMPORARY HOME IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Avll1bte fOf ..... or puectl 111 Ihle 4 bedroom, 2\i beth home with pool, -. na ywd, ftreplece, ~ femly room, wet ber, redwood deck and pa flreplt hM elt thle plua good &IMlrMbte financing. $212,000. ' . EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VEW HOME TN1 contempor.,y Nftport a..ch condO la Wlthtn euy wmklng distance to beach and shopping. Motivated ... ler wlN aaalst buyer to purchue thi8 3 bedroom home with beam ceilings, country kitchen and many other upgrades. $275,000 C•ll ;l•ncta .......... M4-1mD ELEGANT uviNG IN KARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with tht• cuatom home. with over 5700 square feet. Endlela featt.trea Include a marble ftoored entry, a marble fi!epieee, oek library, master suite With Jacuzzi tub and steam shower, 3 ad~utlonal bedrooms. a four car ga~e. • 1"""8ted wtne room, tul aecurtty system. 4 flreptacee a wtlOle lot more. $1,895,000 Cal •d lecano or Nllt/ .lordM et ..... ,... , . .---------------- MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERSI This commercial property on the oceanside of the Hwy. In Corona def.Mar has two units with parking In rear. Tercns . available. $750,000 Call Jim ~ at Mot-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city light views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2~ bath home awash In neutral eartt)tones. As. a resident of thla gate-guarded community you can $Jee advantage of the tennis, poofs and unique IJfestyle that typifies Newport Beach. For leue at $2000 per month. W U ......................... 1121. GREAT -NEWPORT OCEAN· VIEW DUPLEX Make thfs Income property your new summer home with Ideal fental units. V'(ith 20-1. dowh', owner will carry at 1~/e. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just •tep1 to the beach with 2 .ffreplaces, patio and double garage, posslbllltles are almost endless. $475,000 Call lt.,.._le 8uma at ~7020 ., , GREAT PRICE AND·TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE P&n01amic views of the ()((ean, city lights.and mountains greatly enhance this "Devonshire" model With 4 bedrooms, 3% baths, two U.replace1, two large decks, an atrium and excellent assumable low Interest financing. $895,000. Cel Id lecano or .,.,., ...... 8t ..... 7020 GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property wlthtn walking distance of the .beach hat a11Umable financing, new carpets, new paJnt and . an ideal owners unit. $395,000 C .. ..._7020 ,. HARBOR RIDGE CREST WITH UPGRADES Try a low doWn on thfl 3 bedroom, 21~ beth coroer lot home With pleeunt YleWs, M8Y aeller ftnancing 8nd amenities plus . $475,000 Celt lld ....... ......, Jorct. ...... .,.. PRESTIGIOUS HARBOR RIDGE Thia apacious luxury condominium loaded With upgrades has oak hard\vood ftoor1, a beautiful marble entry, pfuah carpeting, large deck overlooking the lake, 2 fir~ plUa 4 bedrooms, family room, 3~ baths aod YteW9 gak>re. $595,000. Cal ..... 10a - ..--....-.. ___________..._--._. ' -~8P.r ,a s nut. ,1.i8b1u!n°G\ TOJ l"l Y JIAO Oflf ortn;meY~QIJe uolilf'~VbA flA:\eff.t~;l tcoA '(fnuoO e~ns'\O -<> ~ ------·-··-----:------~--·-orang. Colinl}' FWNil"EifafefM "Advenlif"Q ~ppliment to the DAILY PILOT/~.~ 5.1ii2=7 l BIG CANYON CUSTOM ON lHE GOLF COURSI Pne of the finest lamlty homes available In the Canyon. 6 large bedrooms with maid'• quartere and a aeparate 2 bedroom suite with Its own llvtng room. Terrific V14M and location on the 9th fairway. VER¥ private pool. $1.8 mllllon and owner wtll.hefp with financing. CUSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE This new llstJng la one of the flnest examplM of contemporary architecture available. 4' bedrooma and Its own very private pool and spa. Recentty remodeled with a VERY modem kitchen. There Is no home In the C8nyon with ea much privacy. S1.75 MIHk>n. CUSTOM ON A PllVAlE 2.25 ACRE PAIK Adjoining a wondertul children's playground, thla e bedroom mansion hu It all. Private pool ~ mald'.Lquarteca, and OWK 5,500 square feet of executive family llvtng. Owner wtll help wtth financing to a qualtfled buyer. The price ls $1.595 MUI~. DIANI TOWNHOME -QISTOM POOL & SPA New on the maricet, this 3450 eq ft end untt Deauvtlle provldel the .... ultimate with gaff courae view. Three bedrooms. three full bathe, aauna and a huge "no maintenance" yard complete thle offert~. Huge aeaumable financing. $799,500. DEANE TOWNHOME WITH CATAUNA VllW Thia expanded Monaco with neatly 3,000 square feet featurea •xqulefte decor' and enormou• privacy. 3 bedrc;>c>ma and a famlty room Mth multiple 8kyll0ht1 make thls br'lght and cheely home an ex<*lent buy. Owner wtll provide financing to a quaJlfted buyer. $875,000. \ DEANE TOWNHOMI -ON THI GOLF COUISI This new on the market Monaco II perched right on the golf ~ree and Is vacmit and rMdy to move In. The price la belOw nwket and the owner hU lndlca1ed he wtll leate, leaae/oPtlon or outright Nit. Over $400,000 of low tntereet ftnandng. Priced et $599,950f . WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM BAYSIDE -MAiN CHANNB. Simply the finest waterfront hbme avallabfe In -the entire cit)'. Over 8,000 square feet lnc~udfng your own white, sandy beachff 7 bedrooms, private pool & epa and a view from all rooms. You've got to see It to befteve ltl Super gourmet kitchen. $5.75 Mllllon. : CUSTOM UNDA lStE -MAIN CHANNa New on the market, this simply fabuloua Country French Normandy estate Is situated ''on the point" In one of the prerpler private communities In the wond. Over 5,000 equare feet, with private pool and apa. OYer 127 feet on the water and a IMp to acoommodate the largest of boate. For the connolaeur. S5 MllNon. QISTOM HAllOI ISlAND -MAIN CHANNB . Thie. ts the finest home to become available on Harbor Wand In· recent time. lnc;omparable adutt lfvtng with lta own pfer and sUp ·to accommodate a--100 foot boat. Unu••aly.lsge grassy lawn OfLLh.L harbor side. ~ by $800,000. Price $4.2 mUMon. CUSTOM UNDA ISll -MAIN CHANfm. Over 6,500 square feet of ltlMf eleaat'°8 with breathtaking views from all Important rooms. lndoor7outdoor pool end spa with .retractable rooftl Over 76 feet on the' water. Sit down bar to view the boat traffic and beautltul aunteta. Huge ueum~ble. $3.6 tMIJ!lon. . CUSTOM UDO ISi.i! -UDO atANNB. Can you believe $1.4 Mllllon of aaeumable financing on a Udo waierfrontr Your own pier and lllp to accommodate LARGE BOATS and an overetze lotl This home hat a huge custom St. Charles kite~ and views to take your ~reath away. $2.25 MIHlon. - · UDO .TOWNHOMI -WITH IOATSUP Recently reduced (by nearty $100,000) ttU fine 2 bf!droom and den waterfront adutt condo hea lt 81J. Rlghton the UdO Ct;annef, with aver. $300,000 of aauf1'8ble flMnctna-Oeeorated to the Q'• and reedy to move In. WAY under market at t.495,000. · ~ OCUN -BAY -JITTY VIEWS Newly Uated oceanfront ·on a private tttMt In old COM. Most lncredtble views of the OCMn, bay and jetty avallable~ Quaint 3 bedroom home with OYerltzed lot. CoUld bee ~ rem~. Owner wta pnMde ftnandng & tuborclnate. S1.25 Ml . HUIOI WM Hlll -Va ACll WITH VllW That'• tight, owt ~.are on FEE LAND .. ~ OOMl'I and ctty Nghta .vtew. VERY private pool and c:omptetety remod1l1d wtth multlpee UM of FNnOh doon Md wtnctowe. Cuatom kitchen with . European style titted Ctlblnetry. at60,000. , JASMIN! CRHK .._ NEW USTING Rare P'8" 3 tri ~ g•t• -J.ntne Creek. 3 bedrooma, famlty room, 2 full batha. l•ge OOYWtid ptnk> wtth putting green. Two Serge cu•tom atalned wlndowt. E11Ccellent flnenclng. Room for tpa. '389,900. ~ 1 •I ~·~~~~~~EE~~~~~ 1 IUITIULLY 1191111 . French Medtterranean Vtua located atop Harbor Ridge. VIEWS encompuaing Newport Harbor, Catalina, Mountains & city llght1, Approx. 6500 aq. ft. of total etegance & Impeccable tute. Seller's • extremely motivated. $2,500,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (C11) .. Ull II' UYFlllT LIUTlll Otrt"andlng financing. Room for large boats. Oversize sup. Lovety bay and night light views from most rooms. Four bedrooms. Assume large low Interest bank loan-owner wlll carry extensive secondary trust deed for qualified buyer. $1 ,200,000 (fee rand) George Grupe 644-6200. (C12) ---~ FlllT llW llYla TEIUCE Super pr1me·1ocatton w/Wlwa of Catalina, bay, ocean & night lights. Huge lot ._5 BR, lg secluded PQOI. Outstanding private Trust Deed & owner flnandng available. You own the land. Offered at $975,000. George Grupe 6«-6200. l C13) · Pllm llYlm 1DUoE YIEW Uvlng rm, family-dining rm, kitchen & lg pool all overlooking the bay. Lovely lg lot w/beautlful grounds. 4 BA, 2% BA & room to expand. Su~lt your terms. OWner wUI con8'der 1g.1st Trust ~.-$675,000 Incl. land. George Grupe ~200. (C14) .. II RllD •••Ill Ill Be the ftrat to occupy thla eleaant 5 BR home South 9f the highway. Warm woods, It.med g ..... French doora, 4 BA, 3 fpk:a, lg country kHchen, tam rm, lncludee In-Law or maldl qtrs. Financing avallable. $595,000 Belle Chae Lee 644-8200. (C15) mm 1111• 111m1 Super ocean & bay view ftom tNe ~ elf9e atory reeldence. 2 matr sultee, pk'9 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, fem rm, & g.me rm. Poot In courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall 644-6200. (C18) • r ·-..,. ... Custom bultt • for preMnt ownera by Mn wen.. 8-itJfUI corner tot. High e1• -.1g fonnlll entry, formal din rm, la country kitchen w/fpk: a .. ting --~llng pool.· '424,500. lncl. lande. Owner wtlf tlnMce. Barbara Aune 842-8236. (C17) Open Sun 1-6. 1801 Antigua Cir .• Newport e.actt. -. I . n• .. , ..... flllT ... euun can be found In thl9 ipecklul dramatic executJw home on Trinidad l8IMd In ~on·Hsbour. Huoe metr IUlt• w/fpk:, 2 lg eecondary BRS, cuatom paneled. f~ rm wlfplc & • bar. '389,950 with land. Sele CtMIM Lee~-(C18) . 111111 llllWIS Delightful 2 BR. home w/hardwood floors, brick fplc, lg deck, charming yard• & min~ ooean view. Good potential for adding on or remodeling. Only $285,000 with land. Belle Chase Lee 644-62.QO. (C21) , . IU- Spectacular view of .city, mountains & fights! Professionally decorated 3 .BR & fem rm Beautiful garden w/waterfaJl-Kot pond. $282,000 Jane Paquin 642-8235. (C22) WESTOLIFF AIU Piii. llME Delightful ~ BR f&nWly home. Beautiful lg pool & patio .,-ea. Many ex1ru & upgrades. Setler extremely'motlvated. A best buy. $249,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235. (C23). UllEI llllUllS UITlll Lovely single story residence • 4 BR. fem rm and dining area .. Secluded back yard with sparkling pool. Walk to one of three private beaches. $249,000 Leasehold. Donna GO<Uhatl 644-6200. (C24) WllT IHLI IE IETlll 2 fptca -3 BR & a Catalina view. Lovely lg lot-beautlful location •. cloM to echools & Fashion llfand. $245,000 Leasehold. S.bata Aune 642-8235. (C25) · llPlll11UTEI ILIFFI ... W/PllYITI IPI Bright & Mmny "G" Plan end unit featuring 3 BR suites, each w/prt. bath. Redwood deck 1pa wlramada overhang & tinted glau wlndecreen. Low Int. uaumable 1st TD. Priced under market at $235,000 l.euehold. Paula BaJfy 642-8235. (C26) ' , NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAn BEA CH COMMUNITIES . ILlffl 1211,800 · Dream away the hours enjoying wonderful views of the Back Bay & city lights from 3 BR "Oo1ores" plan d~orated In earth tones. Seller motivated, has priced well below market! u111m • 12c1,ooo More for your moneyl Owner will finance wlt,b... 209!. down or lease/option. 3 BR, 2% bath r.anch home, well located. Expansion potentlaJ. Very ct.an & lots of charm. 111 ILIFR 1211,181 3 BR C-Plan. Price reduced to sell. Owner will consider lease option:-Great location on tree shaded greenbelt near the pool. LOCATION. ...... 1111.- .Best buy In the Bluffs! R~dy to move Into. Split level 2 BA condo. Greenbelt vista. Excellent' qpportunity In Newport. Good terms-. llYEI SllOIEI 1111,000 Waterfront 'under $1,Q00,000. Least expensive on bay In Newport Beach. INCLUDES LANO and dock tot 55 ft. bOat. Lovety open feeflng with brick and warm wood througtiout. Secluded bayalde garden patio surrounded by multl-mllllon dollar homes. 111111 ••• ·--1111,111 Don't mlsa this great opportunity to buy · In Newport Beach at an exceftent prloel Well m~ntained 3 BR wUh' nice floorplan. Private yard with large trees. Owner to cooperate with ftn8ncing. • ........ . 11,111,111 Fee land large bayfront home on gate guarded private Island. Mooring for 3 large boats, aeroea from tennll courts and private beech. You own the land & owner I• offering excettent- flnenclng. •· ...... 1111,111 ·A eophlstlcated townhome ovet1ooklng the golf courae. 5 BR with private master IUlte, study & spa. Profeealonally decorated with marble ftoora, cuatom cabinetry & crown mokSlnga. 111111 ~ .. . 11,1•• ExceptlonaJ quality. New home on the cliff of Big Cprona. Massive views. ·Master suite, kitchen & famlly room. Oen & hobby room. Every amenity. Oak paneling, vaulted ceilings & alarm system. -OllllA DEL .-aa 1111,000 --Lovefy street, partial ocean view, & desirable location make this home a must for the builder or smart Investor. Only one block to beaches. Greatly reducedll CRIU•lll 1114,IM 4 bedroom + 1 bedroom builder .owned duplex. Features beautifully detailed wood beams, · paneled ceilings, leaded glass and ·custom finishing. MaaJer suite with Japanese tub plus onyx sink. Excellent financing! llYlll 111•• 1111,111 Charming 3 BR home on Fee land on lovely corner. Wood ffoors, high beamed ceilings, coun"try kitchen, light & airy throughout. Priced to sell & r•dy for Immediate posses.Sion. ·· 111111 YllW -.LI . 1111,IM Beautifully upgraded 3 BR wltti huge tree lined yard, Spa, French doors, .hardwood floors, ~ celtlnga. Many decorator touches.. You wm be Impressed by the terms available. Don't miss this one. .... UllD · . 1211,IM Charming 3 BR + family room Cameo Shoret home. 80 x 160' lot -one of the lwQMt In town! Unlimited expanak>n poulbtHtJet ~ room for · a pool. Home In great condition with au~ terma. Don't ml• tftla onel 111••• ' ~ Charming picture perfec1 2 BR & Den. New carpet, paint, wllllp9per & copper plumbtng. Owner w1n. help finance with 20% down. Greet location _& price toot u111•••. ....... B8lt buyt Cute 2 BR cottage on R-2 k>t. Cheery starter home or Investment potentlal for add on or duplex. Owner wNI finance With 25% down. Don't watt on this one! 1 ••IELUI llft,Gll · Tradltlonal cuslom home. VIEWS the canyon & the white water of Little Corona. Highly adaµtable floor plan for a large or small family. Excellent financing. Just reduced! - PElllSllJ . . . 1241,100 Lowest priced d\lplex In the area. Newly furnished makes It an extellent rental or a beach retreat for femmes. Great location near beach. Seller financing available. UH ISLE 1141,000 4 BR & Oen FAMILY· HOME with FotmaJ dining r09m. Perfect for gracious entertaining In 2 garden patios. Low down payment & seller will . carry balance for. 10 years. · UMllLE Mil,._ Very attractive 5 BR plus den. Gr,at famlty tiom,. Good UJSe of lovely wallpapers throughout. Close to private beache~ g· community tennis courts. PllllSU ...., 1121,111 WaJk to beach or bay from ttils charming 2 bedroom, den customized home. ·Long-term financing by seller. Prime Peninsula location. Don't ·mlss eeelng this hQme before you buyl Call for appointment. · · UllN •. 1211,111 A must see! lml')'\8culate 2'" BR, 2 bath, family · room with ak~lght ·bome within step~ of ~an • & bay. Owner: wlll help with financing. • Immediate .occupancy. .... ,... .., .. Thia lovely duplex 11 located on a corner overaizect lot. 3 BR's In front, aeparate gat r(n & large 2 BR Apt. 3 car garag9'. with additional part<lng f0f"3 cars. See this flrStl ' . &al.. . · .. 178,111 A remarkable & truly elegal\l 4 BR 31A BA home orr extra wtde lot featuring oak floors, FR doors, 3 fireplaces & perfect detailing. Totally remodelec1 to perfection. Owner wm assist f~nancingl ,,, I .. I I -1 I I I ~l Uml••ut"l&lllP Quaint 4 Bdrm home with bayvtew on the ~I little Island, neat spot to live. Call Artie Johnson for .appt. $375,000. ,. .... • .,_ lDIAIE . .;- Bay and ocean views m~ this house a must for thrdlacernlnQ buyer. BefMdes 1he forever vtew, the home offers 4 Bdrms, spacious llvtng room, ·poot with large deck. A !~sting of Cttrofyn Mason. $1,3oo,OOO. · ' . ' '--•ua•m•• Prime ~annel duplex overtooklng the Pavtlton. 4 Bdrm upstairs &. 2 .Bdrm unit down. OYerllzed building wtth endleu upgrades & apectal features. Fee l8nd priced to NII. A llsttng of Marilyn Hodges. $995,000. ·······-····· Forever vtew of private ~ beach & rock.I. Thia home has a pool,·epa & heated ftla. pond. • Complete security system Includes I. V. monitor& around the house & grounda. The finest In stereo equipment throughout. Your own fortress & worth the price. $3,300,000 .. . . ..... ........ .. ~ 3 Bdrm 2~ bath, flreptece. wet bar, patios, master suite, walk-In clolet, security gates, comm. pool & tennis. A Msting of Susan Harder. $267 ,900. l .t §~~·ti~§~ .# OPEii HOUSES. 978 Sandcastle, CdM, $295,000 Sat/Sun 2706 Lighthouse, CdM, $465,000 Sat/Sun 4 Meto(ty Ln, lrvtne, $142,000 Sun; . 2221 Francisco, NB, $295,000 Sat/Sun '6C> 1 Patotlta, CdM, 1389,900 Suh. 3216 Ocean Bfvd, CdM, $620,000 Sat/Sun 2221 Port Lerwick, NB, $339,000 Suri. 510 So. Bayfront, 8eJboa ltl, $995,000 Sun. 5 Beacoil Bay, NB, $995,000 Sun. 2307 Port Carttakt, NB $249,500 Sun. 304 Goldenrod, CdM $495,000 Sun. 123 Grand Canal, ~bo8 Isl, $650,ooo 2012 Port Ramagate, NB, $319,900 ........ This charming cottage home has 2 Bdrms & a family Foom. Upgrades are maoy, & In earthtones. The flnanclng Is ex.oellent. 1 year old with a tow Interest ret4f. A fisting of Katie Roberts. $142,000. ••111iim11 This large 4 Bdrm home hi;"~1 kinds of extras, extra good terms; location & size. A llstlng of Laraine Shaw. $199,000 . ....... _ Overlooking Big Corona Beach and the Jetty, this home has view, vtew, view. 3 Bdrm one level. Quaint & cozy so hurry. $820"0QO" · ••••ID-. This Monaco Model has Mexican pavers, mirrored wardrobes and automatic sprinklers. 3 Bdrms & a lovely yard with patio ovem~ A listing of Rita Boland. $249,000. ••••IU-Dramat~ Portoflno Model wtth enclosed entry. See c:twmer .with Mexican pawn, lkytlght & Fr.ich doont • It will knock your sock• offl Well decorated & owner will help finance. A Hating of Natale F~. $339,000. . ~.. •••••••-mwau Relax with ."a panocamlc view of the ocean, · canyc>R & rolUng hUla...ThJ&llome la prlctd for an extremety fast sale. 4 Bdrm 2 Bathe: A llsttng of Dottle Valentine: °t295;'000. • .... 1111'1 1111 We have 5 Condoa, alt 4 ~ old that are 2 & 3 Bdrm•~ the owner'wtll carry~ 5% down. A llatlng of Tom Boland. $130,000'to $142,000. ....... . This exqu'81t .. y decorated 4Jadrm/Bonua room home haa a touch ·of clus: oak paneltng, plank flooring, French door•, shutters, crown mbldlnga, private spa & more. A llstlng of Cathy Cray at $392,500. · •••••u•• This MCluded 2 BR 1 BA Condo, on the OCMn 8'de of coast Hwy, 1e prefect tor the MCOnd h8lf of your IHe. One story with a peaceful vtew of the hllla. A llatlng of MarUyn Rou11elot. $130.000. . . •••••111rLW Outstanding 5 BR vtew home. Park Utt yard, open epecloul floor plan, eoertng celMng, wtth aaatmable financing $399,000 Fee. Liii iii.i . 1418,000 Trade for property In Westwood, Beverly Hiiis area. Comer lot on Lido. South patio. 4 bdrm 3 • .. baths, 3 car garage. 40 ft. lot. Wiii sell With $125,000 down. • . UN llU · 1111,112 Ideal corner location this sparkling clean 3 Bdrm, 3 balh home on an extra wide lot. Only 5 houses from clubhouse actMtles, beach. tennis and swimming. Large assumable loan. Owner financing available. . · ....... . ....... Just listed ... best priced 4 bdrm 3 bath home on Island. Also, dellghtfl.CI and charming. • Features open beam cefllngs throughout & a eeparate femltyroom. PrlQed for fut actfonlll ... 111 llllT 1211,111 Bellutlful 3 Bdrm + retreat. Custom wood tloora & mirrored weMs. buHt-m bookcMM. The finest of taste and elegance. Furnishings can be pur- chaaed. GAEA T. TERMS. · _ __._ __ _ . •MllT 11111 1111,111 PIM 4 • 3 + retreat end unit. New carpet one of a kind. Customized throughout. Pool, tennis, walk to beach. 2 car garage. No outalde rn8'ntenance. Ill CAllYll ~ 12,210,000 ~plendld custom family home on extra large lot. o Bdrm, plus maids quarters. Large JJvlng and dining rooms. Famllyroom and gourmet kit- chen. Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf fOUrse and mountains . .. 1111• tp(I UT,, .. 1-1 Hll,000 5 Bdrm, 7 bath home with all the amenities. Indoor/outdoor pool with sliding glass roof. Sauna, steam room, 3 Jacuzzis. Play & game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6400 sq. ft. .. Ullll lnt,IOI Open Sunday t-5. 2~ Canyon Island Dr. -off Ford Rd. Split level with great golf course view.' Ftool, Spa, Tennis. Good assum. loan & owner will help finance. Owner leaving state. See & compare. .... 111111 ...... 1111,111 Complete -ocean vlew from thla Immaculate 3 bdrm 3 beth home wfth super large terrace for entertaining, rout;'gfng or boat watching. Sheltered pool with large deck space for sunning. FEE LAND. OWner financing. . lllTI Ill m1111 1291,-• Charm on a huge lot acroee the street fr()n) Newport Beach. Room. for hortes behind custom ranch ~. Good financing. Owner anxious. You wtll love tNa onelll Liii 11, 111,000 Own your own dock for your 85' yacht. Pro- fessionally decorated. 4' Bdrm, 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overlooking-prime .bayfront location. FEE LANO. Security gate. and many more extras. UM SUl,080 Oellghtfully appointed 2 Bdrm. 21n baths bay- front condo. 24 hou( security. Sauna, pool, sub parking, close to. shopping. The most presti- gious high-rise condo building In Nqport. Owner may exchange. ""lllT -112 .... 633 Lido Park Or. Spacious 2bdrm. 2·baths on ground floor. Many upgrades. Sub-parking, security and boat docking. Owner will consider trade foe home In Palm Springs, Las Palmaa Of Canyon wea . llnaml. -· 1111,111 With view of ocean, 1 bdrm, mlrrorfd wall, be,ulUuUy decorated, ready-.ito move In. Sub-parking, security building. Walk to Lido VIiiage. ' Lm ml IAllllD . 11rH1flll FANTASTIC TERMS ... Owner will carry 1tt Trust Deed. Prleed to sell. Near Lido ClubhOUM &. tennis courts. Will accommodate a large yacht. L81ml ....... New French N«mandy 4 Bdrm+ den. French doors feed to a charming brick patio.' Stained glll8 I wood + 2 ftraplacea. Thia la a true Udo chllrmer at .... fabulous price. uilm.1 .• .,.,.. Dramatic Spanish Casa. 4 Bdrms, den, formal dining room with Mexican tlle floors galore! ~ Pr1Yate patio wtth waft -must .... ' --------_.,..------- 12 -Orange County Relll Estate/An Advert181ng Supplement to th9 DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 5, J982 \ . " 501 Rivertlde Ave., Nwprt Hghta, NB 54&.2887 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *4028 Channef Pl, Nwpt Isl, NB 673--0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 *401 Kings Pl., Npt Beach 631-1256 $355.000 Sa/S 12:30-4:00 671 Darrell, Costa Mesa 549-1400 $124,950 Sat 1-5 2149 Miramar (Penlnsula) NB ~1-1268 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2900 Paper Ln., Npt Bch 64<4-7020 $189,000 Sun 2-5 Th,1·s Wee~Lend .1 1sJ.;:::;,R~~~HelghtaS:tB1-s ~ 108 TurquolM, Balboa laland, NB · . 67M900 1675,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Keep this handy directory with you this weekend u you go 62 Drakes Bay (Spy 1 ) NB house-huntJng. All the locations listed betow .,... describeel In greater g • detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT cluslfled aids. Patrons 844-7020 $495,000 •dvfftlsiftl open houses for sale or rent ift The Dally Pilot rriay list 5'\Ch "2115 Vlata Loredo (IMutfa) NB Information In these columns Heh ~turday a net Sunday. 833-9191 $268,800 ..sun 2-5 . HOUSES FOR SALE 2 9IDIK>Oll-~ 2013 Mlremar Belboa ,.._,.. 675-8376 $29i,ooo Sat/Sun M **225 Grand Canal .. 8'11boa Ill, NB en:e900 -1$95,000 Se ,_.,Sun 1-5 2137 W. Oceeti Bl, Blltboe P9nln, NB 831-1400 $304,900 Sat 1-5 512 Redl8nds Ave., Npt ~ 675-e870 $219,50() Set 1-5 **633 Udo P.tc Or (F2) NB 780-1900 $495,000 Sun 2-5 221 Via lth8ca, Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 $349,500 Sun t-5 414 Nardllul. Corona .. M9r 644-9080 • 1•.000 . Set/Sun 1-5 1911 ..... PMl•erDBI 1 Aldergrove. Woodbftdge, lrl. 552-0eeO S1M,OOO a.t/Sun 1·5 eio1 La Cumin. Orange 7ft.1221 $630,000 **3425 Ooeen Blvd., CdM 844-9080 •1.100.000 Sun 1.-4 1911 Court St., Bal Pentn, NB 673-7300 $399,000 ~ 1"5 **748 Via Udo Nord, Udo Isl, NB 844-8060 $1,995,000 Sat 1·5 416 De Sole Terr, Corona Hghlnds 844-e200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2928 RMn6de Or. (Elatde) CM M2-e368 S132,500 Sat/Sun 1-s 278 Vlrainla. Cost.a ..... 963-4'767 S148,000 Set 12-4 1130 SomerMt Ln, Oo¥er Sl'ln, NB 548-4058 Set/Sun 1-4 819 HlllT'ltton. eo.ta Me.a 546-2313 $143,000 · 1581 Mlnorca, eo.ta ..... . Sat 1-4 546-2313 S138,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 112.e E. Balboa Bid.,,...,) B9lboa 7M-8100 S1,2M.OOO s.t/Sun 1-5 . a.,.., •• .,.,. 25 Matn111t, J..wn CrMk, CdM 64C)..l682 8un 1-4 1903 Ylleht ~ N9wport 8ch 644-1017 '850,000 8et18un 12-5 5 ~ CrMk Or., CdM &62•2000 $440,000 . I . *4527 Gof'hMI, Cameo Shores, CdM 64+-9060 $749,000 Sun 1~5 13 Canyon laland Dr (Big Cyn) NB 840-55eO $335,000 Sat/Sun 1 .. 5 ·2100 E. Oceen Bl. Bel Perlin, NB 844-eoeo. te86.ooo -Set1SUn r..s *3043 8emoa (Meea Verde) CM 540-1151 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1515 CumbertMd (Weetcff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 1218 K91.Weet, HV H ... CdM 844-4910 $378,500-r:.. Sun 1-S 10 Ntlpol, Harbor Ridge 642-8235 $295,ooef Set/Sun 1:30-5 102 Via Koren, Udo ..... N8 642-8238 MIS,000 8at 11:30-3-Sun 1-6 4511 Camdan (Cameo Sl'lorH) CdM ln-7791 '884,000 ... 8un 1-6 **3422 8;&:."'ore, Hunt. Harbour 844 t200 ,950 s.tl8wt 1-5 110 tCTng• Ad, Cliff Haven, NI Me 11eo sses.ooo . a.t11un 1u 4714 Cortlan~ Cameo Hinde, CdM 8'13-53M · *2TW,!OO 8un 1-6 2501 Harbor View Or ., CdM 552-171A $515,000 8atl8un 2-e 10101 CM Or., Huntington Bc:h. M:M787, S158,900 ...,... 1-4 15521 ~ Ln., w ......... 112..U11 a./8un 12 .. \ .- ' WJ ;J$ ~ Orange County Real Ea1ate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 5, 1982 -13 *.t 472 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee ' Sat/Sun 1-5 . *2989-Jacetanda, Meta Verde, CM . 641-47.t4 $142,900 Sat/Sun 10-4 ~ .. llEDftOOM 222 Coral, Balboa Island 67~1 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 400 Vista Flor• (Bluffs) NB 631-1268. $199,500 Set 1-5 2001 Kings Rd., Newport Hghta, NB 631-1400 $398,500 Sat 1-5 3202 Delaware Pt., Meta Verde, CM -645-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1807 Newport Hiiia Or., NB 873-8550 $325,000-fee SaVSun. 1-5 ' BR ptue FAM Rll or DIN 2806 Drake Ave .• Cotta Mesa 979-1138 $147,SOO · Sat ~1-5 1298 Londonderry, Cotta Mesa S4C>-&438 $142.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1S.. POrt Charles Pl (Hrbr Vu) NB 548-5805 $309,500 Sun 1-5 17921 ButW 8'. Univ. Pk., Irv. 551-1149 $179,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 .. 5 Rue Fontal,,., BIQ Cyn, N.B. 8«-9060 $785,000 Sun, 1-5 *17 Muir BMctt, Spygtau Rldg9, CdM • 8«-9060 Sun 2-5 1251 Surfline Way, HV Hiiia, CdM 844~910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 1425 Watton (Halecrest) C.M. 751-3191 $128,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2811 lorenzo (Meea del Mir) CM 631-7370 $162,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 161 Orchard Or. (E/Slde) CM 642-6868 $149,500 Sat 1-5 15 Cherrry Hilla ln., Big Cyn~B 1 -- 631-7300 $89S,OOO 'JSun 1-5 1501 Keef Dr .. Corona del Mar 844--8200 $319,000-Fee Sat 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona· def Mar &«-1211 $595,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 *52• Cameo Hghtnds, Cam Hinda, CdM 644-82_00 $249,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . . •1801 Galatee Terrace, Irvine Terr 6«'-6200 $875,000 Sat 1-5 *4628 Rox.bury Rd., cameo Stn. CdM 875-5930 $475,000 SaVSun 1-5 301 La Jolla Or., Newport Be8d\ 87Me]O f39UOO 1 IEMIOOll Sun.1-6.---**219 vtaUdaSood, t.kfo, NB #4 Nlltbor#•, Harbor Radge, N8 . ~1-1-400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1cb3 Wt1MJ.!t Sail Wf/1, CdM 840-8734 $358,000 Sun 1-5 are E. 22nd St., Nwpt Hgta, NB • 541-37.19 $314,000 Sun 12-5 SS..~. Hrbr Ridge, NB 780-1900 $2,3 rNlk>n Sun 1-5 .1132 Ebbtide, H.V. Htlls, ~8 1eo-1to0 $780,000 I • 181 V19 Unclne, Udo Ille, N.8. en-7'800 ssae,no '27 -111h Pl, E-41de. C.M . ......... 910 $221,GOO-FM 790-1800 $2..26 mllllon Sun 1-5 * * 1'08 Via Udo .Nord, Udo Isl, NB 87M111 •1.soo,000 Sun 1-5 *412 Winged Foot, Bra Cyn, N.B. 873-7300 $875,000 SaVSun 1-5 106 Via San Remo. Udo Isle, NB 873-7300 $586,000· 121 Via r:nnz., Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 1885,000 SUn 1-5 Sun1~ 1533 Mlrwwt~ Penln Pt. en-ne1 i.aoo Sun w 440 Merldoa Terr, Corona HW** • 644-7211 ..-,ooo Sun 1-6 ........ , ...... 351=-~.:r.r ~ w **15 M#bor Ill Ad., Hrbr Ille. NB 831-7300 •1.soo.000 SM/Sun 1-6 2338 Port Aberdlne, Seewtnd, Ne 844 toeO '311.000 Sun 2-5 **2500 Beylt'IOlw. ~ ... N8 831-7300 •1.llO,OOO 8un 1-6 , 1441 Glluy Dr, OoW9r 8horla, NB 815-2373 $1,400,000 Sun 1-4 •12 T.......,, H.tNw Ridge • 644 t200 *2.800.000 Sat 1-5 14M1 Rirdto Ciro., ar...ine, IN. ·~70 .,.,800 set 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 IB>ROOll 1010 w. MllCt\rttlur #128, Santa Ana e1s-1n.1 1$74,950 sat 1-5 2 11.DROOM # 15 Evening Song (Tttlt1<), Irv. 875-4670 •1•,990 Sun 1-5 11 BarloventoJ. Newport Crest. NB 631-1400 •195.590 Sat 1-5 2277 Padftc Ave., Coata Mee.a . 873-7300 ·NeW Sat/Sun 2-5 411 'A Oahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 31 Wintergreen (Oeerftd) Irv. 845-0303 $129j9()0 Sat 2-5 2 BR pfue FAM Ml or DEN 209-19th St., Batbo8 Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 411 Dahlia. Cotona del Mar 875-5511 . $325,000. Sat/Sun 1-5 304 Eaptanade (Blufts) Nf) 640-0020 $272.~ Sat/Sun 1-5 • · *314 Ave. Cwnbre (Bluffs). NB 769-9100 $199.500 . Sat/Sun 1-5 l .M ..... DIEN • #7 Rue Vlllf'I (Bia Cyn). Nwpt Bc:h 769-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 'i •llMOll .· 31537 lol ~Sen Juen C11m111• 883-1787 "7.500 8llt 2-5 FllMlw & Awmdo Ad., Coeta ..._ 548 2231 $137,teO 8atJ8un 11-6 . \ I I i ~ I •MISA DIL MAI• Assumable financing. Spacious 3 Br ranch style home. Featuring family room, central air cond. & private location. Cloee to all. Only $1M,OOQ. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. ~------..-----------------------------------' •TURN A FROG• Into a handlome prince. Specioua 3 br, 2 ba home on large comer lot needs help. Seller anxioua.. Sacrifice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Be.ch. 556-7035 · •53 DOWN• Brand new townhomel ne9t Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two baths.. Builder will finance ai'12.K and pay buyers nonrecurring ~ COlta. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-567!. 9o32 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. · •$771/MO.• · Buys this channini 3 be: towl\home VI/only $8,~ dwn. Bicyck to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adaiha. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DIMOLISHID HOMI -CHIAP• 963-5671. 9032 AdaiDa, Hunttncton Beach. 556-7035. •$1~DOWN• Highly desirable alngle atory end-unlt decorated in sumptuous earthtooes. Two car praae with electric opener. Great uswnable,.lat ~Deed of '68.107 at 11.29 payable $795/month. 963-5611. *2 Adams, Huntinaioo Bnch. 556-7035. ,_AaANDONID• Artist's chalet w /pMOnmic ~ view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice prl~ $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adam•, Huntington 8Mch. "6-7035. •$999/MO• Ia all you pay f0t th.ii 3 be, 1 ~ be cutie with aecluded pat;o. $10,800 dwn and it'• yours!! 981-'871. 9032 Admn9. Huntinef.on Beech, 556-7035· •MISA VIRDI• Affordable llvlne with auperb flnand.ng av.U.ble. Specious home meticuloualy maintained. Only $13,500 down. Aaking $135,000. •2 Adams, Huntinpm s.ch. ~7035. 4to,OOO DN• Spacious famlly ~ with prin4 cathedral celllnp and bright and airy country kitchen. With .,.... bn, 2 )>e's and a family room, it'• a bargain at $154,900. 9032 ~ Huntlnp>n BeaCh. 556-7035. •$9,600 DOWN• ' -"Buys thia hie 4 be .xK>J hOnle •• Owr 2000 ~ft. Loera School&; AsklNi $159,900# 9032 ~ HwitJnctm &.ch. 556-7035. ... aMONIY• . <>tlnet ~-. will ~ balm at RrO lnterai for-~ yeah. Beautifully decorated home Jn mint condition. 9032 Adams, Huntington ee.ch. 561-703&. . •OWNll DUPJUM• Mmt aell dUs cat.y cwtom home near the ocean ln "Old T0W9" Huntincfm BMch. 'Die Drin1 CMhedral ~with ~ lkybabll lliid the romantic bay Window add ll'9lle and charm not normally lCJUiid. ll thia price. Secluded &:'~ with low maintenance ,_... complete the~· I« $171,500. 9032 ~Hun~ Beach. 556-703$. •IASTaLUff• 11.21~ Financing available when you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for entertaining. One of few homes ln area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. •WISTCLIFf HIGHLANDS• Sensationally remodeled & decorated\ Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room. akyllte, lush private courtyard, fplc & assumable fi.nancing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •Fiii RINT * . Choice 4br executive ranch style home ln prime TURn..EBOCK location! $1,200/mo rent all appll~ towards purchue in 6 months to 1 year. Large, low interest uswnable loan, formal dining, frJ>lc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San .Miguel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373~ • • 10'fa FH~ANCIMG• When you takeqver extatlng lat TD. popular BIRCH mode-i with fpk, cen&ral air & ~largest backyard in WOODBRIDGE GLEN. Orily $184,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport.Beach. 759-1501 or 75~-5353. *MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT• •109,000. 9~ ~ f1nanctn& available on thil tastefully deconted 3 Sf Townbome. Vacant & quick fO•mion. 2670 San Miauel Dr., Newport Be$ch. 759-1501 or 752-5353. · •$1,'%19 PIR MONTtt• •TURTLIROCK• ii aH you pay when you takeover existlnc 1st TD. Spacious 4 br executive. detached home. Feratiuing fnnl din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,SOO FEE. 2670 San Misuel Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1501 0t 752-7373. . ••ACK aAY ARIA• •$1U~ 3 Br ~ on fee land featurinC hardwood fJoon & ah1ngJe room with 11" -.unable 1't T.D. Priced fOt immediate ule!!! 3670 Sen MJaUe1 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$1,000.. •RlaATI; On brand bleW townhome! Feat'tfing privacy, 2 matr suite & de/loft ovedookins liv nn. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1601 or 752-7373. • * 11.46" FINANCING• ·~OWN• Available!! FitiUloUs TURTL VISTA TOWNHOME. Feet\ainl 3 be'a, f~ pannet dlninC And te courtyard.. Only $280,000. 2810 Sm MlcUel Dr .• New~ Beeeh. l:tel Ot 752-7373. •NO MONTHLY PAYMINTS• For atx mohths on a brand new townhome ln Colla Meu. F•tUrtna 2 lnlllteJ' aulta. enclcmd ..,.... & pr1~te courtyard. Only $114,950. 2670 San Mipl Dr., Newpon Beech. 759-1501 0t 752-5353. •$10~DOWtk *aAYC.llY ADA PIXIR• Huee executive ranCh«yle home feeturtna 4 br'a, farDlly room. formal d1nlna on cul~ w/ room for R.V.'1. Only $236,000. 2670 San ..... , Dr. Tlt/759-1501at114/152-7373. -----.:'"'-' WllMllTll 1111,MI · • ·Nestled on quiet cul de sac sits spacious showplace. 7 years new. 37' X 18' bonus room w/bath & barl Gourmet's kitchen w/tlled work Island. New low price + ex.citing terms.make this a steal! Hurry! 962-5585. -L...... 11111 . . . 1112,111 Si:t'""o;:_t starter·wtth tow low cash down! Take over $94,800 In loans+ owner wtll carry plenty! Specious 2 story with 3 bfg bedroon:is plus wee cowboy's retceat. Famlly room + , much morel Hurryt 962-5585. 111IMI Ju8t blocks from the breakers! Spadoua 4 Bdr:m 3 bath. Formal dine. Huge master suite w/P~ vJew. Areptaoe, wet bar, 11reenhou1i9._ Great opportuhlty to beachL~I Ac1 nQW and uve bigger than ever! 962-5:>85. 1111ai11• IUll . . 1111 .... Vacant gtantl Spacious two story acx:ented. by dramatic entry, formal dine + gourmet's kit. Ftmlty rm w/cozy fireplace. Hardwood floors, new paint. Serious Mier wtfl aaist wtth low lntereet ftnanctngl Don't wait, 962-5585. ........... 1111,111 . 4 bedroom doll house accented by weCI kept OY8r'llzed yard w/varlety of frutt treee & garden. . Secluded llde plltk> + Inviting ... Cheery . country kit w/greenhoule wtndOw. Take over 9% VA loan. WOf'l't ,_.at $118,000. 962-6585. NmT• llLLIY ...... Medlterrwneen VIiia enhanced ·by exten8MJ uee of Imported ttaNari tlle, ddt oak & marble. • Dramatic sunken )Iv r~ourmet'a dream kitchen + cheery breekfut room. f Pt'IMI din rm+ huge fem nn. Master SUit• w/llttlng rm. balcony & one of ttw• ftrepleoee. Rich tn cfetallt Call now tor ~ 962·5585. nm•sm 1111,• Gorgeous showcase home. Rose garden, ga- zebo accented· spa plus 4 Bdrms, 3 baths, ~parate. maids/guest quarters. Assumable loane. Cati 894-7521 _ SUL 11111/llLLEIE Piii 1211,IM 4 Bdrm 21A bath pool home. Close to freeways, shopping and golf course. Features Include huge famlly/llvtng rooms, den and master bdrm with flreplaoe, plus large bonus. 894-7521 llllTIM11I 11111 1221,111 ocean vtew -1 block off ocean. 3 year old 3 Bdrm, 21A bath houae with wine closet_. woodburnlng fireplace, skylights, clerestory wtnddttlr, ceramic tUe entry. A large assumable loan. Don't miss It. CaH now, 894-7521 · WUIWTD II 11• 1211,111 In-law quattera -eleg.ant 4 Bdnn 3 bath, has 1 Bdrm and bath downstairs. Large Uvtng/dlnlng room, den with wetbar and ftreptace + 3 car garage, Near Westminster Mall and freeway. Great terms with owners wltllng to qualify for additional ftnanclng. Call 894-7521 ' DITllll 1101.-: Would you llke the convenience of r.ondo, but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your h9me? You can have It alll Unique de- signed owned bungalow. Charming East'aJde ~ --Costa Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645-0303 ' 1 • 11111mu ...,.,,. I 1 Axer 19 Ideal for Investor or first time buyers. Bring paint plus lmaglnatlo.n and save S$. 3 Bdrm, garage plus workshop, take over existing low tntereet,flnandng. Call today, 645-03o3 1111..,. . 1118- Juit reduced $20,0001 Owner anxious, wttl finance at low, low Interest rate. 4-bedroom hQme, Ideal for family IMng. Lovely troploel yard, pond, and fruit trees. Outstanding value. CaJI 845-0303. ... llT lmlll llM,111 New custom Newport Beech home Is fresh and 41Xcltlng. Thia 3 Bdrm 2 bath home ·hU many many extras. 2 fireplaces, famlly room with wetbar, kitchen with greenhouse window. Whlrlpoot bath, dkk and security gate and more. To eee call, 645-0303 1 ...... 1111.:111 Spectacul., single story 4-bedroom horfti. Country kitchen, neutral tonM, huge·~ poof for summer fun. Take over low Int__. . loen. MUlt Me. 84$-0303. ..-rama ...,... NEAR NEW TRIPLEX! Large 3 Bdrm owners unit ~ ftreplaoe pk.ta 2, 2 Bdrm unlta. Laundry feclltlM. Prtvate patios and b.tcotliee, garllgeil. Exdllltlt flnwing. Act nowt 645--0303 t I I I I I ~- I < 111.1111....,... Spectacular Hiiitop Estate. Magnificent View Of Surrounding Valley, City lights, Ocean! On Five Private Acres, This 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Bullt Home Is Ideal For Entertaining. Flowing Floor Plan, Solar-Heated Pool, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennis Court, Horses, Guest House. Suboilt All Reasonable Offers. $1,775,000. Binnie Dixon's Listing. llHll Cllnll Dramatic Remodeled Home, App~ox. ¥1 Acre. 4 BR, Poo'4 Spa. Park 8 Cats + R.V. Great Location. Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More, On Your Own Property. Great Financing. $289,000. A Dabolt-Shlpley Listing. I IEWPll1' llMlll Low, Low Priced 3 BR W/LNlng & Dining Areas Opening To Secluded Patk>. Nr Beach, Schools, Shopping. Custom Cabinetry. Good Assum. L08f1. Priced At $175,000. Call Now. Blnnie-Dlxon's Listing. ...,.. lllfllft - Promontory Bay -5 Bdrm Home -Lrg Liv. Rm., Formal Dining -Famlty Rm. -Powder Rm. -Gourmet Kitchen -Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tie -You Own 'fhe-Land Owner WUI-Asal•t With Financing. $1 ,850,000. Cathryn Tennllle's Ustlng. OllllllELlll DUPLEX. Recentty Completed Custom Unh W/Used Brtck Fireplace, Mexican Tiies, Vaulted Celllngs. MBA Suite W/Catt\edral Windows & Treetop Views. Cozy, Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit + Poss. Guest Quarters! Great Financing. $356;000. A ColNns-Hlll Listing. REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 ' .. WITIHTt ••• llYlllHI. .Mediterranean Villa. Five bedrooms. Dining and family rooms. Magnificent harbor view. You own the land • not leasehold. Will consider lease option. IPfl HI 1·1 2100 l&YllHH 11,tl0,000 IAllH llUll HAI .. Bayfront. Like Hvfng ab9ard ship. Five bedrooms, dining and family-rooms. Pier and float for four boats. Owner will carry $1,000,000 first T .D. ,,., ,,,,,, ....•................. .. tlJ. OPPORTUNITY Pl~IJIMr'i I.ff .. , All real estate ~vertlMd In this newsp•per I• sut>Ject to the Federal Falt HUGE COUNTRY MANOR Hou1lng Aot of 1981 which makes It Illegal to NB1.IE GAIL RANCH a d v e r t 1 a e • • a n y Anxious Owner/builder offers very preference'. limitation °' flexible financing on this ne wly dlscrlmlnallon based on ted 1 h race, color. religion, 8811 comple contemporary uxury ome, I °' national origin, or eny 1 . 3 9 vie w acres . In nova ti v e Intention to make any architecture-20 rooms controlled by the • u c h P 'e f e 'e n c e • . llml tatlon or touch of a fmge~nergy free solar dlS()(fmtnatlon." system. Asking ,l,600,000. Call us for a Thi• ~ wlH not viewing appolntrnent. knowingly accept any SUSAN TRIVISON MARILYN Hill =:r: _z:::. :'rt!: 7 59-91 00 · iilawii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GEORGE BKINS CO. IPD UT/ID 1-1 -11 UUll llUll IUI 11,111,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E .... St Advertisers ------------.--should check their M 1&11•. .Delightful country French PllllllU _. ad s .d a 11 y an d four bedroom h ome. Corner lot. · re Po rt errors Luxuriant landscaping. Three car 114 W. UY 1PD UT 1·1 Immediately. The Gene finand Pria West Bay ba,yfront. Slips for 2 boats. 0 A I L Y P I L O T garage. ifR 111 1.1'1· remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. • assumes Uablllty for ii ... , au Ull ..... Oce.n & jetty viewa._M.arine_ room, 4 bdrm. 3 he ffi's( lncorrect lll·1'M bath, 3700 sq.ft.,$1,38S,OOO. Oceanfront. Insertion only. UM llU 111111 -------------1 lit ... L.91.. .... Ill 1·1 Prime Udo Nord ba,yfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath . . ···---........ Duplex, 2 Bd & 1 Bd.& 1 Bd. OWC-fantaatic financing-great condition. ._.. ....... Comer l~tion-tUper duplex. Two 3 Bd units-great income. ....... 1 \i blockl to IUl'f & iaDd. Call for ~Uevable price. owe. ....... Triplex, step from Bia c.oron..e Perfect condition. Buyer'• terms. Lge L.R., 2 boat slips $1.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 beth + large rec:. rm. beam ceillnp. fumiahed, patiol. $420,000. ..... Ill.I llYnllf I...aaooo view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. dark nn, den, Boa\ .Up. $1.350,000. ' UY•IM SpectacUlar be,yfront view 2 br, 2 be up: 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 boat .Upe $1.900,000. .. .... " <:oronado IaJand cwt. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Pl.anl avail. Bed. $370,000 wl\enm. ..,._ Sinile sf«'1 erid umt; expMded, uDflndeci a tr, I be on i.r..-~t.; *260.l>OO •.... ·--. 3 bdnna; 2 ~ ~~near pcd. $14&,000 . . BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR .. OWIEI IESPE· um Mm UCllFICE $11,100 (Oasllff .. 111) llr, .. "Take over VA loan", approx. S 1 \7.400 at 15.5~ per ,>nnum at $11177 per mo. (PITl) Very nice home on cor-'* IOt w/farnll)' rm, i er garage. my 1011, your gain! Make oHat. War· '*· agt SS.-9400 FIBI WITI I YI Thia hou8e needa Iota of elboW 9' .... but What • llt9wl Fantaatlc home for poo6elde entertaining. 3 8dt1M, 1~ ea. potent· laly !owfy garden how9. Owfler flulbla on llnan-~. ~ prtca 1149,500, 75f-31t1 .,., __ F...-3.C~Ba.fam rm llOuN. Fonnal din .. ..,.1rg IOU Tremandoua bUy. 11500/mo. Won't lattl luaan Han HlttOO R&M~ ------- ~· ------- # ,• . . . .._ .......... .._.. . -. :r _........,....,..,..~ -:-. . A SPIRAL STAIRWAY . ~ ... ·~ to , · / .-· Gracious, liivirig · .... . . ·-~ t: . 'IWO MAS'l!E~ SUI'I'ES, SOLID OAK. CUPBOARDS, SKYLIGHTS t . . . I l . * "But I was gonna buy it" -..)t I 1.:- l BLlffS BEST BUY .............. .... T/ .. 1-1 2141111ta'** ........ . m=:t: ~-=-= Im.... .iii;ii-... 11..,.. ..,.,.... ...... a1.,. .. , • .._ ' ................... . -...,. .,.... 121.,.. ........ , ..... .......... (YM -111 Ull) 3 Bdrm, 3 patios, 1-atory. Low density l•'IMIMll ~nbelt location. Seller will carry ~ Ln at 9~~ amort. 30 years due in 7~ years. Lowest priced Fee pr6perty in ldllllll~ Bluf& . Priced to aell at $272,000 Opn H9e Sat/Sun.1-5 304 F..planade or call Phyllis 640-0020 or 760-9678 ARt- \ ....._ . · PRICE .WAR!! I · l ~.~~ ...... !~!!!.~:'!'!. ...... ~!!!!.~/:*-....... !,!!!!.~!*-... ~ .. !~!.'!!.~!!'!. ...... f.!.'e!!!.'!!.~ ....... ~.~IM. ...... ~.~~-... :. '99!!~~ ......... J.~ ~'!. ......... !.'!l ~¥. ......... !.~# !'!~~ ......... !.... ~.~!'..~ .. } .... ~H.lfm ...... !.@I r...!!ff ...... !.ef ~.!If!!_ .... !.~¥. . •• -LIT . . ,. SELLE A 8ACAIFIOE I. -u~·· Whtl 3 8'.tV.Be,frplc. 'BEST .. r.ISA VERll =s~ _,,. By Owner. Mtr-8588 llug• er bdrm eul-Beautiful 4 Br 2 Ba two«ory home t•. RV 9CQelle. COW1SrY COM'S BEST steps from the park. Amume jumbo •ttn09C>here. $149,500. Thlldu&>lelc++lndudet lat T .D. at $''4~ and teller will Devin Aul Eat••• two 2 bdrm IMlf• + an finance balance at 12~ with 2K -"'-2-eaea _____ _ axtt• taroe ~ quar-down. -"7 ()()() CLEAH AND HEAT &et.. \1, i "'I I '1 \ TAYLOR CO. ! . ! . \' . f I:'" .. ·' ' : t It l -------4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. ideal family home. C'nnnumity pool & pi{k. Cul de lllC. .wume. 10 "~ Joa. $*,000 Ind. land. 1111 113 •Bf 1UT1• 1-1 _ _,_LU1~MIWt _ ....... __ ,_ Quiet, ~·like tettinl· Jrm for .... temm and pool. Grat tor Cftbaid. CUI de me 9t. S bdnm. fam rm_ 1319.600. ind. land. Aakabout• 1~ tnt.erm&loman tbla heme. 11t1mmr,u.a ten. Owner Is IMklng 1t · •"" ' • ltde home 3 BR wltp6c, llYell•ble at ywt«day'• end hardwood floor•. price 1t SHt,500. Wiii 2 Br oood.o. deal for investor. Large Located on tr.. lned QUI COOl*..._Call40·7165 1~ 1st TD. and .eller will carry 2nd d• He wllarg• yard . • -•o..t IU\.6 Detached luage l ••-T.D. Full price ~.ilVV. worklhop. 132,500. Sl*P ""'*"· belt loc. 842-8388, <>•vln A•al ~~~~· S321I. Golf eoune oversized lot Insures the &late ~ value of th1a 3 Br custom built home. -.U hbll 1111 MPLD l+J HIQNY upgrad«I, nevw rented own« unit. T lk• over 290K end 1~.3% Contlder trede. Opn Sat 1~. ()wn(/Agt. 876-1500 Priced wabbeJow market for quick ••••••ii•iifti•••••• :=. •129911111• -· Ul•llll 1 BR Dana Point Su--vlewt Pool, epal T.O. 30 R&IM~ of Costa Mesa \ f >I I I 1l l.' It "'1oen1 •1os.to0, s1,350 mo. 831..-a6 -.. ~.~!:* ....... ~.~1=*-.. -n~ !~lff!f.~!*. ...... ~-~~! ....... !~~.~~! ...... f!!l!!! ••••••••••• J.flf ~ ••••••••••• }.~ •• • ••• ~ ••• }.~ ~'!l!!.~ •• J.!r ••••••. ~ •• J.'-! 1111 Flan 1111111 41rlla WOOdbrldg•'t flnHtl Sup•rbly maintained 2 .. t Of)' Laur~./ndl on~.,..._, IOt. ~ aaocla- tl on pool, tannla, ate. ''Owr. financing'' ..... on mMiat. ba flrtt to ... & buy nowl Only 1222, 500. Warner, agt 55S.-9400 ...... 8ecN6or condo. 1at TO 135.000. Sale prtc:. NS. ooo term• or seo,ooo CMh to io.n. Own</Agt. M1·200S 2 BR. 2 BA. Woodbridge. SFO. Mu9t .... 3 pym'te 191e. HaP. 857-2045 --::.:i.~i~" PIEllll BIG CANYON Unique, contemporary Cape Cod estate on the golf coune. Featured are 7 bdra., incl: maid's qtra., etudy_,!c libr&ry. A 1ecluded pool, gymna1lum & fam. entertaining areas an;. included for your at home 11ctMties. Priced 11t $2,95C>,OOO. Call for exclusive showing. 111111 llP .,,. R&IM~ of Costa Mesa 3 bdrm, 2 be. cowracs patio, apa. t>eaullfully -~--dtcoret9d. A"RUmab1• T io.w ...,, ~ .._ owe. Trad•• conelderad. 1239,600 Fee. t7t-392'3 A PETE BARRET : REALTY ¥.~!!!!.~~'! •..•.•. «~!!!!.~!.!!'! .•.••• !~!!!.'!!.hl! ...... . ~!r.!!.~!;.!.@f~ • ..n.fm!. .. 11.ff ~.~ .. !!!@ ... , ... ••P111 •llTI EllWlllM 1811 r'emodat -left no •ud unMMd. New 1radlllpnal oak plank ad floo,., root, wlrea, oiuft'lblng, mMW IUlta, kitchen. etc, etc. makH thl• beautlfully located a&R 2ba pool tlOfne a rare "one of a kind". 12Q,500 wfJh an --..meD1a tit TO. M4-1111 ·*ASIS* 4 Bdrm, 3 ~ ot..i;· l.Mlnwfllla . Prl~ right. Saller f -NnOlnO .......,.__ OPEN SAT /SUN. Ag1. 17$-2'311 BAYPOINT TOWllDI CMrn*lo c. Coo 3 BR 2~ lla townhoma. located In Upper B.ac Bay ar... F .. tur•• In· dude vauttec:I oelllng and tl(apleca In lh1ng roorn • mlcrowt!W own, eantrll llr conu. and 2 car ~ raoe. UM II vac:.nt. In mo¥e-ln cond~. Prlcad ~ market f()( quick Hie. Low down payment with 28 y.., ,._ xad lntar"f rate. Call now l4&-5092 ~aPOrt ~ M1>t. '(8b~ufae\ TOJlq v JIAO eflt ot tnems!oou2 gr:ileth 11bA nA vtoc":; ~R v1,,\K>O eonelO - ange CoUnty Real Estate/An Advertt9'ng SuppM9ment to the DAILY PiLOT/Saturday, June e. 1912-= 21 ....... _ ..,. .. UT Paoottmll' vl•w on N•wport Bay aad Pae-Uk Oc..an. Prima locatlon. Ovl'r M00.000 ol _.._ flnandJll BHt avaUabl• lot on llJcljr .. M0.000. ~'!!r.!!.~! •• !.{ft Doll HOUM 3Br 2btl, pool, gr .. 1 loc1Uon. S 1500, Atao avltl unlurnlthed. Cell '42·50tl0 ....... ~·•C"UNY• 2 story-~ bdrm. Fem. rm, 1p1o room on cut-de-Mc nr II tchte. 1---------1 OMrfleld S Bdr 2i.. Bl, Fri>!. 2 C. Gar, End Unit. 8-ufllUI, W .. To Pool. ms. ....... 2 Br 1~ Ba. NC. F<pt, GrMI Location •100. WALllT ..... t Br 2 Ba. fnd Unit. 1 C., Git. Lrg Y1td, A/C, 1&75. TUllTMU•U 117~7171 ~ .. , I I l f !_,., I . . ....:....... ,., ., •••••••••• i7:' ••••••••• 48dr28e.~ltw "" W/lrplc. 2 C:. pr, •v•JI 7/1. S750/mo yr ...... 830-9679 !'!ml!~ .. 1.IM Super "*"P 3 Bel, temllV rm. cs.n, pod, IP9-~ realdentlat loca1lo11. SHOO. Aot 780-8333 Spectec\IW OcMn/ bay w. 4 bf, 2\.i ... OR. lwn . rm~ elegalrlt. 121 llO mo. Lie. Gerdenet. CdM. 759..()t!D 144-8125 I' L-or~Ja­ amlne er.:no. 8 *"· 3 8dr. din poolf1efthlt. S1750. AQt: 7~9333 Big~ ccndo, 2 8d 2 Ba. 1195/mo. Fred Te- "°'9, lgt 831-2711. ':,.,~ ~l~ •u,.,_ verulllH 2 IA, front tr : I•••• a.1200. .... ' . J1 OCMnv19w.Fum.S1100. 144-7424. • •••••••••••••••••••?•• 1 yr~. Agt 873-5644 •••••• 11\.11 ~ ..... --.. e.ut. "' '*"' 31r plue extra lo'1 bdnn plue 3 ba. 2.•tory. Newport Hts. home. ldelll for lamMy or shari ng •Intl••· 11300/mo. &41-9788 = .... ~ the mkn «!ti ISU'r «!ti ltOO/mo for ~ Br 2 k walk to beech. A~al. rrom June 20. 1 28r a boe t dock UDO/wk 18r a boat dock a.too/wk ~IUl.1' ,_,," *'' nMna SpMllll ~ LMngl ..,,_,_ Beaull~I parll-llk• aur· ,,., llH •...•.......•......... l.MQll MW 1 Br. condo for 1---------t leUe, ,,_,. U.C.I. micro- wave, frplc, washer/ Joanna COUNTRY ciue LIVING IH NEWPORT 9!ACH A clelUlll9 community on the 8eck Bey. CIUb hou- • & IP9: 1 poo11; e ten-n11 courts; doee to bu96--neee & shopping. UnfumltMd atudloe, 1 l 2 bf . ..,.ronen11, lO'#n-hou .. $54041000 •Several 11udto1 & 1 bdrm. untta •e fumlltled with llne clellgrllr tum- tut• & llCCMIOtlea. Move In toct.y or reeerw tor eummw months. Smertly lurnllf\ed models open. dell'/. On Jtmbor• Ad. st S.... Joequln Hiia Ad. ~1900 1 Br. S3rd. 8t. gar•ge, reJrlge. Ho peta. S4l0/mo i.a ... Sierra MgmL Co. 8' 1-1324. 2 BR 2 C8I' pr, 2\t ba, tptc, Al;, ell ~ • .,.. c:onclo. QOM to beech. pool a epa. Alll lmmed, call 213·f12·8515; 71 ... 54$.7155 S11P9 \o bMcfl, 1 room & bath, r.rr10e but no lllt· ctlen. 1315 lnc1d utlla. ~ UDO BAYFRONT ~ 28A $1800/ino. wty 81~18 (213)282-71:)3 2 BA From $500. No peta. Shown t>y appt. only. Mon/Tu./Wed. MPM, ectOSfrom Nrpt ~ 8C* ctlllfM. 545-4855. EMc. ,..,..., 1 Ir Condo, auana, gym, poot Im· INC. cond. INO/mo. 142...... 13M118 w ... 2ar.2e..1200 1q. ft. frplc, pool. H75fmo. 14f·H11, -.2112. ar. bo9t 11p Mii. L.JU new, no ,. ... H11, an-eaoe. en-t111 EASTBLUFF·es>aelout 1 ar. pool, tro betoon)', nu c:pt, ~ MQIN .... 8gl 1d111t. no pate. INO/mo . ..._...7f1 Wasn't he the Ambmaddr from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ~ro~ Ulli9 f'ONlll full ,,_ Pf1Y, rec fecll, pool, tennt1, -.. m•b«'ltllp Sun & 881 Clb. 'A utl. '280. , .. & ..... Me •• • Pvt hOIM, no 1molclng or drinking, quiet M oyer 30. '250/mo INI• lltla. ~7. ......... -Thia a.com built. Bdrm pool home comm with super view8 of Newport'• upper Back Bay ~ dty Ughla! Seller often p.t. terma. A bu'pln at Pl~,000. -eau today! 64e·717l. • l .. _. •, J1..--Beeutiful Buccola ranch hOme n!!Cently redecdat.ed. Spece ace kitchen With new wood cabineta, huae mater auite with walk·in close~. bia, big living room whb crackling fireplace. The back yard la an entertainers de]jpt with sperkllng-pool, BBQ and cqvered patio. Much, much IDIDft. Call now, won't lMt.. 546-2113. . . ---19U1 -'290,000. Great Pflce + great termal charming duplex! Immaculate detached unltal Aleume 1148.000 loan @ 10% and owner wtll ftnMCel Hurry, 963-678~. ... an m&. -Priced below market for fast ..... HUge 5 Bdrm 2 story executlvJI IMng. Gourmet kitchen, brick ftrep&ace. Large famHy room overtooklng patio and manlcur4?d grounds. Onty $145,000, -now 983-7881.:. -.i nm--Super 2 Bdrm 2 bath unit with excellent Ea1t1lde loeatlonl Features greenbelt view plu1 acce11 to pool ~nd cfubhoueet Mlnut• to lhopa. Well priced at $125,000, call nowt 848-7171. IUlf--Priced to tell 'it onty'$109,900, thla 3 Bdrm fM\ity home 19 • IUP8f' Investment! Aaume 1st TD and sener wtM carry. Calt now to ... , 848-7171. · llT W 111 IUI -Now vacant, this value ptlced '~Portoflno model 3 Bdrm home offers separate _,. 11...--For this super deluxe "2 Bdrm ., recreatJon room1 Superb 1erm91 Assume- garoen hOmet Located wtthln minutes walk to $115,000 at 10V4% and ..,lerwtll carry! Bargain South Coast Plaza, Relax and enjoy Ute prltedl C&JI now for Wewlngl 673-8550. sparkling pool and epal Onty $10,000 down and assume low Interest financing. Call todayl • 873-8550. • ~ ITAllll --Hu It all! 3 spacious bdrm1, 1~ bath, 2 car garage, modern kitchen and your own enck>Md yard. Lota of extru and a price you can afford. 847-8010. . UUI, 1121.--No negative cuh flow: super assumable IOM• -$89,0001 Units need TLC! Fix and aavet One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm unltat Hurry, call 963-6767. · -I f.nTU n.I -No quallfytng usume $82,000 loan. Onty $1017 per mo. Large 4 Bdrm, formal llvtng. country kitchen +patio on cul de uc. Only $123,500. CaN for details, 963-7881.