HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-06 - Orange Coast PilotReasons differ on 37th state Senate district's denial of representation BY PREDEIUCll SCROEMEHL or-....,,... .... U you live In Newport a.ch, the lut opportunity you h.c1 to vote few a state lef\Ator wu ln 1978. That ye.r, ln November, the unabashed conaervatlve, John Schmitz, wu elected to re~t the 36th dialrict in the llate'• upper houle. Had the releue of the decennial cen1u1 not made SUNDAY SP£CIAl reapportsonment nece11aty ln the 1tate'1 A11embly, Senate and congre11lonal diatrlctJ, you would be vOtina ln Tueaday'a primary election for party nomlneel ln the 3eth diatri:t. But the 36th as it once wu ii no more. , >..aq~~ofyour aample ballot will 1'9Y911, no state Senate conteatl are lia&fd for Newport Beach Y01a"I. Nor toe their counterparta ln co·aatal portions of Oranae County from Seal Beeich to San Clemente. ilsraelis step up Lebanon attack Voters in what today II the 37th dlltrict encom~ thOle communities won't elect a 1tate aenator lkfore 1084, and, by one account, not until 1988. , Becaute Schmitz'• term endl th.ii year, penona livin, ln areas that were oommon to the old 36th diatrict and the new 37th (the bulk of the Orange Coast) will have no repreeentaUon for SIDON, Lebanon (AP) - . laraeU tank1 were reported rolUng aero•• tbe Lebanese border Saturda¥ a=•· 'wanbi .. and artUterY a 50-mile stretch of Co.t in one of Iarael'1 moat mauive uaault1 aga1mt Paleetinian guerrlllu. 1be U.N. Security Council met ln an u.rgent aesslon at Lebanon's re q ,),I e It Sat Ur d ,y· and unanimously adopte~ a reeolµtion calling for a cease-lire "within Lebanon and ac:nm the Lebaneae-Iaraeli border." It called foe the oeue-fire to take effect no later than 6 a.rn. today. A 1pokeaman for the U.N. Interim Forces at Naqoura in eouthem Lebanon aaid forward Uatening poets reported braeli tan.ka 'knd artillery unita moved 8C1"Cm' tbe border under cover of datJq)eea onto a thin strip of land controlled by laraell-backed Lebanese militias under the ' r command of Christian Maj. Saad Haddad . Israel made no comment on the report. Pale1tine Liberation Organization fOl"CeS fired barrage after barrage of Katyu1ha rockets and artillery lhells aero. the border into northern Israel, and Iar.aeli gunnen responded ln duels that lasted into the night. PLO Chainnan Y818tt Arafat, attending a conference in Saudi Arabia on the Iraq_i_-Iranian wu,vowedhiSguerrW.uwould "teach ~l a lemon." Israeli officials vowed to "liquidate". the PLQ. · Lebanese police said nearly 500 people have been killed or wounded in Lebanon 1ince Friday in the wont breakdown yet ln the cease-fire negotiated lut July by the United States and 'the United Nations. bneli (See LEBANON, Pase A%) two, poalbly four, yean. · Fair? Republican Party leaders thunder "No." Democratic leaden, on the other hand, say the situation la the lnevttable conaequence of the law requiring redrawing of district boundaries every 10 yean. The expresa.ed purpose of reapportionment ii to equalbe population in Allembly, Senate and congressional diltricta. During every decade, 1ome districts show population increases, others show decreaaes, still others no change. By redraw tn g d fa tr 1 c t boundaries and equalizing population, ac;> goes the theory, the concept of "one-man, o~vote" ia preeerved. Those who aren't quite so theoretical will tell you that, Mike Curb Republican Lt. Governor Geo.Deukmellert Republican Attorney General No Waiting for Supreme Court decision. v .. Drlll to find reserves, but base production on envtronment- safety factort. v .. Prefera Proposition e Oppoaes drtlllng In envtronmentaJly eenattlve areu. v-. above all, the atrat•IY of r.pportimment la to protect the poUdml party in pqwer, if not enhance iU electoral opponwuu.. ' RepublJcana have been aaytna that a lot ebo.ut the reapportionment plans that moved quickly throu1h the Le1lllature and were 1wlftly ll,n.ct into law by Gov. F.dmund, G~~Jr. RepubUcana are llCCUllna their collea1uea acrou the all1ea of "1erryma,nderin1," that la. drawin1 linea for political -protection. But even a few Republicans wink when they say it. "Democrats gerrymander. Republlcana reapportion," said one Loa Angeles GOP state senator in· the most serious of tonea. T,hen he broke out lauahln2. Repu6Ucana have been hftttng hard on the fact that the Orange Cout will not have an elected Senate offi<;UU for two years, A aimUar lituation will occur in a Northern California district. GOP leaders call it denial of repreaentation. Backen of the reapportionment plant, like state Sen. David Roberti, D-Los Anaeles, call it "vote deferral." Il the state Senate were not elected the way it ia, the representation iaaue wouldn't exist. In the state Aaaembly and the U. S. HOUie of Repraentatives,' election of-all members la conducted ~ two years. But state aenatora aerve four-year terms, with -half of the 40 (See DISTIUcr, Pap AJ) John ca..m.ndt Democrat State Senator Oppoeee drtlllng In environmentally eenlitlve areu. v .. ·No v .. .,., ........... -.a...., LISTENING ISN'T EASY -Jaime Benson. 3, of Yorba Linda doesn't apprec:iate the efforts of Pipemajor Dr. Norman Macl ..ea,n as ~uch as others at the Scottish Games at the Onm&e County -f'airgrou.hds in Costa Mesa-Mu.sic and sport.a events oontip.ue from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Admiasion is $6 for · adults and $2 for children under 15. · ' ·U.N. flip-flop ·- disma ys Britain VERSAILLF.S, France (AP) -The White House sought Sat~y to portray its..Jlip-Oop on a -United Nations cease-fire resolution as a simple disagreement over wording in the document, and not a retreat from lta support of Britain in the battle fat the Falkland Islands. But the British, while remaining officially mum, let it be known that Prime Minister Margaret 'J'hatcher's government waa dismayed by what one official called the "curious behavior'' of Britain's cloaest ally. Larry Speakes, spokesman for President lleagan, who ii here for economic talks with leadel'8 of the world'• major Industrial democracies, said the late-night maneuvers that led to the embarrauing U.S. attempt to explain its veto at the U.N- Secwtty Council took place after R.Pn h.c1 retired for the night. Speakes aald the decision to ablta.ln from voting -which came too late to block the recorcllna of a ''no" vote by the United States -waa made by Secretary o1 State Alexander M. Haig Jr. Hall chanaed bia mind after auurlng 8r1Ush Forei.gn Secretary .Francis Pym earlier ln the day that the United States would join Britain in opposing the resolution. After his call to Pym, the secretary-Jsaid Saturday, State Deeartment analrsts in Washington studied the LangUage of the resolution and• unanimously recommended tha,t · the United States abstain rather than ~to. .. •. Haig ordered the change in a • call to the State Depa~tment, which relayed the order fo U.N. ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick. but the change of signal.a anived ~ too la~. . Why dldn'$ he telephone the ambassador directly? he wu asked. "You don't talk to the company commander when you haw a corps and a division ID between." be replied. "You an always sure that everyone la singilur by the same sheet of music.Yi Haig told report.en that · afW revisions ln the text, "I looked very, very carefully at tbe lanfiuaie of the reeoluticft. wbicb WU very clme to IOIDethiftl that would have been ecceptable." V.n.&lla rtuce. the& be Md bell\ "lri COUllli wtdl dw lhUIUan a11 u.y 1n uw midi& °' our oetMr adMU.." Prillkient ReellD and Hat1 ar, attendtn1 the MWn·nadon econocnlc au.mm&& at v tr'Mlllel. "We have made exten1tv• efforta alrMdy diplomatically to ~ to reinforce the ceMe-flre," Ha1a aald. lfe Hid he mi1ht summon Philip Habib, U.S. 1pedal envoy to the Middle Eatt, "rather urpntly Jo dt.:u. the aituatiotl and to pt bUn oft to the aree u IOOft M ptJmtble. •• Habib. now in London, had been scheduled to• ao to the Middle Eaat next wee~ alkland unlts . clash in cold BJ fte AIMda&ell Presa !>ll'Brttlab and Aramtine patroll l lyina deedly "cat-and·mou8e" th iach odm' clMhed in the esina foa outllde Sttnfey, Wpona from the FaWand Ia1anda aid Satus:day. The British commander said he WU hurry to -ult Araentine >LI ~' "11 ' forces ~the la1and capital. Arget\ttna reaaaerted lta =t=n:=~ spake o( ''lurprilS' in at.are for the Brhlah. An Araentine mWtary IOW'Ce In Buenoe Aini, who requested anonymity, told The Auociated Pre11 "everything is reecb'" f« the defen8e of 'Stanley. New calla came from the nan-aligned moYel'Dellt. meetinc in Ha..vana, and from Spain for a cease-fire in the 2-toonth-old war, but no ·diplomatic IOlution appeared in sigh\, The Arg~ntlne military command repor1ed little contact Saturday between itt forcee and British troops but Indicated "large operadonl" are expected. "Patrol mlt1ion1 we're completed alona with bombardment by Araentlne artillery," a command communique said Satur.day ~t. . • Adjuatment of our own pcllltiom WM c:arried out. 'lbe linet of contact with the enemy remained nearly static and nduced dvfty WM repOneci.•• it .ad. The commilnlque aald the nd~ activity and J'e9ult&na lack ot tnfdl'matkm ,._ creattnc ocmcem. ....... Dy durtna thMe mome._ta of preparation and readlneH prior to the larae operadianl. .. Argien1ina laid ltt fok'ce8 spent the day "rein.forcing and oomplementina" their positiona. It reJ)Ol'ted.no "British air raids on Stanley. IO 51 17 53 11 ... ... .,. eo 11 n ., ., 71 el 71 53 ., 42 57 56 f7 .. • 56 .. 74 Tt • =·: " .. 11 .. .. . .. .. . . .. It • 74 .. 12 ... 74 IO . .. •• 10I 14 •• 74 If• •• . .. . .. ~-mMt&nll scheduled laiurday to · hfveut1au OOlft~ owr liwatuN Mailed to YNn ba two WchlY ~ 0 Couaty pollUcal haw beell dllayed. ~ commlnee of the county MP!ub¥can Party Central c..nt .. ...._. to wait "U'1il l p.ra. today to meet in doled ..... on to Conlider compl&lnll about a fU•r i11ued by 09th °'8trict oballenter David SW. gain~& A ... mblyman Nolan l"rilmDe, a.co.a .,_._ SW. .. -1inl that FriD:elle milled JDCq than 760 YOCei OJl bWt tMt wwe .ttber betna heard in commltteet or on the Allembly floor. l'riiaUe, who ii calling the auertlons a "bunch of Ilea," requeated that the ethics committee inve1tigate hil complaint. lkdt.beim hM .Msor...s Riley. Other c:guncll memt>.r1 han Nmalned IVl\ltral in the race. More than •.900 maUen went to houlehold.8 in San Juan. Arpe aatd that repreaent1 10,000. voters. Riley'• umpalan con1ultln1 flnn, Nelton·Padbera ConaultSna Inc., of Irvine, hH publicly a~ for the mallet . And it bu tent poet.cards to mailer redpienta retracting the endonement 11atement. The campalan practice• commi.lon ta now tcheduled to meet at noon Monday at 1300 S. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, to con.sider the Arpa oomplalnt. Lagunan hurt • cw, ......... .., CHECKING DAMAGE -Orange County firefighter checka the tires on an Ai.rCal-leased jetliner that blew out upon landing at John Wiyne Airport Saturday. The accident. which temporarily cloeed the airport, caused no injuries. The ethics committee was 1chedµled to con1ider the eompliinta at art 8 a.m. meeting Saturday. SW. u1d later in the day that be will not putldpate in the 1H1lon unfeaa the ethic• oommlttee .._. to permit news reportel'I to attend. 1n canyon ~ road crash . A 20-year-old i...guna Beach man was injured Saturday nlizht ln a single-car accident ron ~Tcfuna <;anyon Road, police Jetliner mish~p closes aireort On another front, county government's e~ watchdog panel, the Fai~ Campaign Practicea Committee, did not meet as 1cheduled at noon Saturday due to the lack of a quorum. Al Arp1•, a San Juan Capistrano resident opposing Pantaleon Medina was being treated ln the trawna center at Mission Community Hospital late Saturday for unspecified injuries. HJ.a condition was not yet known at that time, hospital officiala said. Orange County'• John Wayne Airport was temporarily cloeed Satul'day after an incident ln which three tires on a jetliner leased to AirCal blew out on ~~juries were reported among the 39 pwenge,._ and five C:rew members aboard Flight 660, arrivilll at th4' airi>ort at 4 p.m. following a t5-rninute flight from Laa Vegu. . , Mark Peterson, director of communications for N~wport Beach-based AirCal, said tw.o tires on the right side of the Boeing 737 jet arid one on the left burst when the aircraft touched down. "It'• still too early to tell ~what happened. We're in it," -Petenon said. The ~eral Aviation Ad:minlst:ration w• notified, he said. Petetlon u1d the aircraft w• · leMed from Hawall·t..ed Aloha Airlines. . 1After landtn1, the jetliner rqDed down the 5,700-fOot Iona main runway, Peterson aaic[ After lt came to a 1top1 pemenaen deplaned and were transported by mini-buaes to the airport terminal, he taid. 1'he airport'• ahoC'ter eMt.side .. .. IO 71 17 .. n 13 72 78 71 .. .. 75 IO N .. .. It 72 t2 . 17 .. tt 151 .. • •1 It • ... • • f1 " • • • ~ 40 TlllM 74 W"'*"'11 18 Wlchlt9 515 85 715 51 83 81 M .. 71 45 l50 11 11 .. 70 81 56 75 eo n 151 IO ... .. ... • 42 ~ • .. .. JT .. • IO ., runway wu pelTllitted to reopen. shortly after th! incldent. The main runway r~mained cloeed until replacement tires could be instatred anp the Je.tliner removed to a maintenance area. Peterson aaict the. aircraft would be thoroughly checked before beina returned to eervtce. · incumbent 6th District ~unty Supervisor Thomu Riley, baa demanded the commlaaion inveatigate a mailer in which Riley claimed an endol"lement of all memben of the San Juan City Council. In fact, only Mayor J,..awrence Police said there were no eyewttne98ea to the accident, but it appeared that a car driven by Medina struck a parked car about 200 yards east of the Irvine Bowl. The acddent occurred at about 8:45 p.m. Pope's trip draws applause ' Expe~tations exceeded in pontiff's journey to Britain LONDON (AP) -In 1ix pecked day., Pope John Paul ll drew the crowds of a pop star and won the heertl of a nadion 1-et by an undeclared war and. more than three centwies of dlyion between Roman c.a&Uaa and Protettanta. It wu a performance that drew rave noticea from the Brttllh pre11 and much of the pub Ile -Ca thollc• and Proteltanta alike. 'lbe pope Nd come to Britain u an anxious pQgrtm. fearful bia mialon of peace could 1park 1iotfna by Protestant extremilta and provoke accuution1 of favoritism In the Falkland• fighting. r Hit arodely provfld unfounded. Unfounded foO Weft the fears of conservative memb4:q of the VaUam hlenrchy who wanted .\he vlllt called off lest it appear as a signal of aupport for Procemnt Britain ~ C..thollc Araenttna. which the pope will vial't June 11-12 in a speda'lty ICbeduled "belandng"' trip. With comwmnate-1k1ll, the Poliah·bom pontiff o~ a new chapter-in the ecumenical movement 'for Chriltian unity and lel'mOnUed ap1nst war with wordt which an~ neither Briton• nor >trgentinea now moaed in a bloody conflict in thi South Atlantic. The first p;lpal visit to Britain · was historic: It opened the way for new unity talks between the Catholic church and the 'dominant Church of England. It was al80 morally upliftina . ''In hia words, his acts. 1Ua whole personality, he has addrea8ed himself to that private inner world which & ao often ignored and repreaed amid the outward babel of modem tqe." said Dally Mail columnist Christopher Booker, ''that inner realm in which the molt important lhing1 of our JU• actually happen, where we.I .... to take responsibility, where we know inner U'Uth, where we find peace and love.,, Make stm;s work for you. not <1guinst you! Attend Hoog HO!.pital's informative seminar. "Success With StrcsS." It will help you cope when you're under ~sure. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian · presents Monday June 14, 1982 7:00 p.m.-9:do p.m. I .. Introduction: Janet KeUy. R.N., Community Education '.lbpks: What is Stress? Causes of Stress S~s Management lechniques ; Benefits of Suess SpMken: ~ Mlitin B~nner. M.D.. ychiatry DDai1aa «ft. M.D., Psycbillry David Bo}U, M.D., Psychiatry BeoauH the dlatrict la Democndo over Republican by a &1 percent to 3e s-cent mari1n and beceUM It lnCludee tnuch of the ame territory u Roblnaon'a A11embly diatrlct, a pairlna aeemed likely. But :Robtnaon ateem clear of 1eekln1 the Democratic nomination ln the new dtatrlct, preferrtna instead to keep what hM emerged u a hlghly vlalble Pacific Ocean STATE SENATE DISTRICTS and powerful poettton In the ~. lnatead, l\obtnaon't 1upport hu Soft• behind w"~ter Mayor Kathy Buchoa, one of four contend era for th• Democratic nomination. ~ are Frank Barbaro, a Garden Grove attorney and fomwr chairman of the ooun~ Democratic Party central commltte: Al Serrato, a Santa Ana coundlman, and J . Tilman Williama, a Gerden Grove councilman. (Attorney Roaer Slade, the f lfth Dern_ocratlc contender, dropped out of the race and endoned Barbaro.) On the Republlaul aide, their Dlltf ............. REPRF.SENTATION CLOUDY -Voters in the rambll.ng, reappc)rtioned 37th District that includes much of the-Orange Coast, may not be represented in the state Senate until 1984. From Page A1 allo .... tour cuc:Ud.i• OOrdoit Brtc~•n-.,;~~ta Ana mayor; lclwaid ~· a ~; RaioU1 Silva. a --""Z, arid DIW•)' WU.. a ,,..ol . The new diltrict. CNat*i In pert to improve the electoral opportur\ltiee of Hlapenlet (28 percent of lt1 realdentt have Hlapanlc 1urname1)1 Include• tup par1a of Santa Ana, o.rdtn Grove, Stanton, Anabelm, and portlon1 of Fountain Valley, Hunttnaton Beach, .Fullerton, Weatmlnl1er and Pl.icentia. It la the only atate Senate dlatrict In Oran1e County in whlch there la IO electioll th.II 'feM· Under-the Senate reapportionment plan, elec:dona are beinl held ln even-numbered cllstrictl, like the 32nd, thil year. Election• tn odd-numbe'red dtltricta are acheduled few 1984. '!be nee on the Democraijc aide hu been spl.rited. Barbaro hu been drawtna support from San Juan CaplaV'ano rancher and reataurateur Richard O'NeUl, while Serrato hu been receiving strong financial and ot • aupport from David Robert{, J)fftident pro • of the state senate. Three separate a~ts of potholden were sent out to build name identification for Barbaro, Buchoz and Serrato. On the Bepub.Uam aide, Royce, • a corporate acc:ountant, baa received aupport from three conaervattve area ueemblyman, Dennia Brown, R-Long Beach; John Lewis, a-Orange, and Roes JohNIOn. R-Fullerton. Silva ln 1980 lost to RobiNlon ln an Aaeembly race, while ln the same year, Wiles was-defeated by atate Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cypreaa. Brick.en baa steered clear of at1emptina to gamer any strong· oonae~ad~1uppon.~mttna out that bipartlaan backing ii neceM8I')' if a Republican ia to win ln the ltronaJY Democratic district. Del!J Hot fltlotoe bf c~ It.,., REFRESHING VIEWPOINT -Jeffrey, l), and Billy Hartson, 6, of-Costa Mesa, keep cool as they watch their city's floa~ pass In Saturday's Fish Fry Parade to Lions Park. . I DISTRICT VOTERS: DI.SENFRANCHISED IN '84 QR DEFERRED?~ • • members of the houae facing election every other even-nwnbered year. Add to the Senate'• election acheme , the vagaries of reapportionment and the stage WU set f~ confuaion. Then add to the equation Intervention by the state Supreme Court, Republican Party referenda aimed at overturning the adopted plana and the potential of a "fair" redbtrictina propoaal on the November ballot and the end.re altuation becomes even more murky and unpredictable. Everything seemed much aimpler on March 13, 1981 when state Sen. Dan Boatwright, D-Concord, and the Senate Committee on Elections and Reapportionment held bearings ln Santa Ana. Hiapanic leaders told the eosnmittee that state Senate lines· ahould be drawn to give .the county's large H iapanlc population greater electoral ~tiea. At the same hearing, oounty Board of Supervtaon Chairman Bruce Neatande was hammering away on another theme. He told the senators to rntnim1J.e boWldary changea that would place portions of Loa Anaetea and ~ counties in the same dlatricti. He claimed many lntere1t1 of the two oountlea weren't oompattble. What tumbled out of the committee in early September may have pleued the H1apenlca, but certainly not Nestande. Early on the mominC of Sept. 2., Boatwright, with ,..pportim'unent oonaultanta and mma. at h1a aide, cal.led a pr91 con(erence in the Senate chmnben to publScl)'. unveil the oommltee'I pl'OJ>Ol!'O plan.\ It called for creaUon of a new Oranp County Senate d1ltrict io the county'• heartland. The distr1ct u ~· and later adopted. incl all or maJoc padiom of Santa ~ Garden Grove. Westmlnater, Anaheim and l'ullert.on. and amall areas of other dtiea, lnclud1na Fountain Valley and Huntington Beech. . By surname, the dlstl:ict ii 28 percent HJaperUc. By party registration. it ii 51 percent Democrat and 36 perct!nt Repub1ican. • rour other di1trict1 were propoeed fDr Orabce County. But only one other, a aeecestt.abaped area taking ln Fountain Valley, Co1ta Meaa, Irvine, Tustin. Villa Park and Brea, ii IoCat.ed end.rely wlthin the county. The three rema1n1ng diatricts straddle county lines. The couta1 37th ii hardly • COMtal districi at all. It a1lo incl~ vut portions of Riverside and San Diego counties. Two other dlstr1cta crom over Into Los Anplea C.ounty. Capitol corre1pondent1 grabbed coplea of the m&J» and daahed to their offices to write their atorlea. But the whole atory could not be told that day. That'• becau1e no numbers were ~ to the ~ d11trlci.t Thoee all-important numbera determine when electionl att held. 'the other ahoe dropped aevera1 daya lat.er. The new Orange County diatrict wu U1iped an even number, 32. That meant the eleatfon to fill the Vet::UW!Y would be held thia year. with the dtiJlens' lobby Common Cause, hu submitted 74•,ooo 1ignaturea on petitions aaklng that the 1aaue be placed befoi'f the voters in the Novemtry election . About 5 53, 000 qnatures are needed to qualJ.fy themeMUre. State Sen. Willlam Campbell, R-!Udenda Hei8}r1a. the Senate's minority leader, aaya tbe ~ will make the ballot. U approved, be said, li would probably supersede any action on thf. referenda. 1 believe that if (propositions) 10, 11 and 12 prevail, the Lellslature won't reapportion and we'll aee what happens in .November," t:ampbell aa.ld at a recent luncheon meeting with ~ponen ln Santa ~ If voters endorae the bt·putilan bommiaion, then it could handle the reapportionment task, he exp)ainf.d Another at.ate senator, David Roberti, a ~ Angeles Democrat, 11 urgina a yes vote on the reCerenda on Tuesday's ballot, that ta. a vote in support ot the Democrats' plans. He calls the lack of repreaent.ation in the coastal district an "inev itable" consequence of reapportionment given the stiu,tion ln which half the members of the Senate are elected every other year. Rober\i warns that If the Senate la fol"Cfd to reapportion for the 1984 el«!ctions (u a "no" vote plurality would require) "even more serious vote defeJTal problems" could result. "Areas which were formerly even and now odd (such as the coaatal 37th) and face a two-year deferral might will be back in for an even-numbered district, defen-al might well be back in for additional two years, or a period of eight years elapsing between opportunities to vote for state Senate.'' Roberti said. "li, for example, the current Senate reapportionment is not approved by the voters and a new reapportionment occurs which places some portions of Or an g e Co u n t-y j n t O' even-numbered districts, those areas in . . . the 37th (di.strict) would not be up for election until 1986," Robertj said. . And mucn of the Orange Coast, therefore. would be without representabon for four, inltead of two years, he said. Dinner coun for Eish Fry turn~ut filgh) Paraden marched, ldda ~ camlval rides, kida of~ played ~ and mo.t ate fish at the 37th Annual Fry and Carnival ln Costa ~ Saturday. • .. The Flah Fry contfn:! through today at L1om P located at 18th Street •n Newport Boulevard in Costa . 1 Mesa. ,.... G o o d w e a t h e r d r ffil/t .• larger-than-average crowds~ the park Saturday, orJanlzen aa.ld. There was a parade ln W morning, stage entertainment Ul day .. several drawinga, th' carnival and that famous -W recipe for deep-fried fish to k~ them busy. Officials of the Coia Mesa-Newport Harbor Lio · Club, sporllOrl of the event. not compiled many fi8Uf'l!I on fair by Saturday night, but Butta, who called himaelf "chief honcho" of ~ fish operati,on, said the Liona about 2,000 meai, Friday another 3,000 thtougb Sa afternoon and were exJl*ltmlU seNe another 2.000 t night. I , "'l"he total of 7 ,000 mMla ol.dM this y.;ar'• event aheacf!>"f two-day totals for most ~ years. Butta aald. ti Featured eventl today will the Mita Costa Mesa bea oontest at 2 p.m., the baby.con at 3:30 p.m. ~ Oh yes. there will be fl~n dinners, too, from noon to 8 p~ Dinners cost $4 eacti. and proceeds will go to loc, I recreational pro;.cta. , Driver 'serious' -J after accident .j A 43-year-old woman vlaa listed in serious condition late Saturday in the lntenlive unit at Fountain V•ll Cominunlty Hospital after auto accident in Costa Meaa in the day. ,., Betty Barkley, addreu ne available, reportedly suffered, r fractured pelvis an<I riahJ hip the 12:15 a.m . accldent .-._ Fairview Road and South Drive. ..., ............. CllALLENGERS -Santa Ana Jawyen Dan Dutcher, left, and Ronald Nix are ~ to WUleat West Orange County MuniciJ>¥ Judge Joanne Harrold. :2 try to oust ,1 Juage Harrold t2'x3e" Famlly Pool Heavy-duty 3-pc. construction; fHt eet-w. easy to store. Includes ladder, VllCUUm.Seft. ~ bJ about 150 Ndlu'!ita. Ont ot thlll ~ be -~ .oOUld ... no. nuclMr fKWty Ott anr.t~ Coiunty \hat allo llJl'OYkle water ~a.um.., . Hll waw pllft -Plank three ot hil platform- .-~WI a ,.... r111nof.r tn the r:a ..... '° .... -· from IUCh IOUrc. .. YUlrm Blwr. Thtl water would be ptped to~ Ol*ll and ewe to~'°" ~nare. tnd~ ~Md to taM c.we of ~Uon ~., ~ Wens wanta expam&on of nporflt to Third Warld oouniriiL He be~ thJI would mrve the U.8. eaooomy well and would allow ~ World countlW to bnprove theU Nndardl of lMnc -the only IW'e way to world peact. And what about the Hayden~Brown clique? ''Jerry Brown la incapable of conut&utin1 anythlnc po9'ttv.·to IOlvlnc the current econon1'C 1ltuaUon, or to a lutln,I world pMCe," Wertz .-rta. 0 1 vl.w Tom Hayden and Jerry Brown u repNMDtlnf pollcln that are oppoted to the Democratic Party'• tradition of economic dewloDmlm 11 f~ by FranldiD Rooeevelt and John r. Kennedy." Werts 11llt1 hl1 occupation H "political CCJnlU!tant. '' Werts 1ay1 that, phlloaophically, he 11 a Neoplatoru.t ln the tradltioo of St. AU1U9tine, Dant.e and Letbnits; that hfl approech to economlca la that of the American 1y1tem of Alexander Hamilton. Friedrich List and J$enry c. Carey' and 2.97 Indoor/Outdoor 2S Exttn.lon Cord Heevy-duty use, 3 wire grounded. For Ute wilt\~ appUances. 1.8-S 32-oz. • Can Lee Te• Mix Cool, refreshing Iced tea for those witt- 1~ summer days! Tea with natural lemOtl ftavor, ~ added. Save. ..... .., ----- F11t·drylng, easy to apply; 1of many hoUM-hold uaea In flat or 91oaa f0tmul1. Col0t dlOlce 11 ounoe • c.n . ...... •~~~~ mud .... , facll an .. t.ncllftii d.ite atW pllty '° charf" of • • c~ and •• Una llNriU.. 44, vkle ~t of ... ftftn. .... hil ... .. .., 11~ at a South Oran1e Couatr Municipal Court prellmlnary hearln1 ln a pix ~ move but w allo to r..nter the plee In court. San Clemente re1ldent ~ before Superior <Aun J\adce Lula A. Cardenaa. He remalnl free on $25,000 bail. , Thirt_I:-three other charae·.' a.pinat BiQlnl were dropped by ~ d1ltrici attorney. BlaiN ii expected to te1Ufy for the proleCUUon aaainat co-defendant Ralph W. McDonald. McDonald'• pre-trial ~ hM been let for 9 a.m. June 18 ln SUperior c.ourt ln Saiata Ana. Hll lawyer, Paul ,,.. ,II ~ to requeat the Cryatal Vani.h• 48-oz • t0tle1 bowl clt11ner. dl11Atee· i.tll. tiial be mowd out of U'f COW\ty blcl-.-of pubUdty ln the ceM. MCDOnald, 41, Wll bOund OWf to 8~perlor Court after a thr'eMlay lft1bnlnary ~ in May lD South Oranae County Municipal Court In La1una N~l. He hll D1Mded innocent to n cha.rate ln what aherlff Brad Gaie. Calla the lai'a-t fr,aud achemt ever uncovered ln the <.'OW\~. McDonald II accu.ed of bl1kJ.na more than 1,200 lnveatora ol mllllona of dollan in Dl'Omilt.na hlch-lntere.t yielda of-10 to 25 percent a month. He ,claimed their investment. were betn1 uad ln 1arae land developnenta but authoritiel •Y there ii no such evidence. Investlptors cl.al.m McDonald waa uaing money from later inve1tor1 to pay off earlier investors. McDonald and BialM were U'Nlted Feb. 10 durtna a raid on the D Toro office and recorda, weapona and cuh were aeilld. (TOSHIBA®\ 87.88 AM/FM ca ... tt• Stereo AMIFM-eo , __ ,_....., -loud! -d "°""1>e conCIOI ICM _.,.,. 2 buA4'1 ~ hllOopl>or- -eo--""*"II>~ -...,.. rm110n MocW IU IOOS Stereo CaMtt• Aecordet' PlfllOl'9l ale-.O C-le .,,,, FM ,....., ~ .... .....,_ llld<t llodw'O ~ c:onwat ,...,_ ,,.,,,..... ctvome encl ,.,..... ..... ~ Ol*'• l\eedptlor•• v~ Close-Up"' Tooth Paate 8.4-oz. • 1n regular or nwnt ftavcn. Whitener plus mouthwash 1n one . ...... Men's Kntt Shirt• Eay"'*'e ManSlnto• nylon with ~fr()(lt ·-"f9tY CHOSEN TO SERVE -Orange County'• new grand jury comlsta of front row, left to right: Melvbi W. K.Ulingbeck, 57, reUre<f, Garden • Grove; Richard D. Tracy, 601 retired, ~tia; Charles N. Hutto, 52, realtor, Orange; Billy~L. Redd. 55, coJ.leee instructor, ·Huntington Beach; Jody U. Billings, 54, homemaker, Laguna -Beach and Jack L . Sulllvan, 60, retired, Huntington Beach. Middle row: Susan A. Parkes, 28, volunteer, Orange; Nancy C. Hup_ke, 40, h~. Anaheim; Jesae l McHam. 54, small buaineas owner, Tustin; Ida J . Askin. 41, writer, Co8ta Mesa; and Catherine N. Well.I, 48, aelf-ernpi:fi:• Villa Park. Back row: Joeephine R. V , 48, homemaker, Anaheim; Lauren W. Leonard. 32, contracts engineer, Dana Point; Eleanor M. Wl.bon, 43, retired. Irvine; Irvin H. Winesuff, 52, real esta~ developer, Placentia; Marilyn J . French, 52, interior designer, La Habra and Vicky R. Ca•iano, 36, studentlhouaewife, Santa Ana. WS4" .• mew.~ .... -c.-.......... C.11142-H71. Put• few word• to•ork tor "The lfsld of a good chutacter ~the ffsht '!1~1 ~: 'the Bahi'iFatth•. For Information Call: 556-2549 . , Durlna "'"th• yeani ot debaw ovw the Ptrtp~ c.ana1 -It tint aui'f.ced lri the rnid-1960I u the lop.I final S'-P ln compleUOri of the Wit ltate water d.litr1bf.ltlon ~ -Southern CAllfDm!anl 1eemed united ln support of the project. When ltate leaialaton tlnally hammered out ancf pU.ed Senate Bill 200, after revising and amendina it in an effort to satisfy the demand of both water u.en and environmentallat1 th• applauae from the Sotathland waa u.nanlmoua. But no sooner had Gov. Brown aigned the me,.aure authorizing construction of the 43-mile canal into law, then opposition from the north flared. Some thought the. built-in environmental protections were Lnsufficient. others found them too restrictive. The north accuaed the south of tryihg to steal its water. But even when a referendum on the measure qualified for the June 8 ballot -where it appears aa Proposition 9 -there seemed little doubt that the weight of vote1 in the south would be sufficient to overcome opposition to the canal. That wu before the tricks and games began. Lt. Gov. Mike Curb, who first supported the canal, then took a neutral position, then opposed it, appointed a "task force" to examine the issue. The task force, heavily weighted with canal opponents who were ready to contribute hundreds of thouaandt of dollars to kill the project. juggled the figures and concluded -the canal woold coat many billions more than the estimate of state officials. We can't afford it. was the conclusion. though the task force coat estimate soon proved to be wildly exaggerated. The most reliable estimate finds the project would cost the average Southern California family no more than just over a dollar a month. Furthermore, they argued, Soythem California d9em't need more water. Better comervation la the answer. Wlth the drouaht of 1977 ltW tn vtvtd memory, that hat to be queaUonable. What h not queetionable ii the fact that. in 1985, c..lifornla w~ begin 10lllng half itl entitlement to CoJoradC> River water to Arizona, u ordered by the courta. When this takes place, a new drouaht could be a dluater. :I'he well-heeled Sacramento Delta farmers who are ~ the anti-canal drive with lt1 berrap of TV apotl are lnterelted not eo much tn ldll1ng the ~ • in kUllng th• environmental protections for the wild riven of the north which will go into effect automatically lf Proposition 9 pallM. ' • By wiping out the whole pa~kage, they then would have another chance to get cheaper water by overtumlng the 1980 vote that bans damming of the rivers , contingent upon constrUction of the Cld'al. Unfortunately, the fraudulent propaganda baa railed doubta in &0me minda. The South)and 09 longex-is united in fawr of the Peripheral Canal. The doubters mould remind them.1elves that th1s project ~ all its ramifications have been examined and debated over the past 20 years. The alternatives suggested by canal oppon,ents have long been di1carded H impractical and ex.eeatvely OOltly. Most of all they should try to. look behind the propaganda and envision the future of lhe atate - and the agriculture IO crudal to lta economy -if the State Water Project la not C01Jlpleted, population continues to lncNue, and the dry years inevitably occur The baily Pilot joins 23' Orange C.ou.nty citiea, 21 chambers of commerce, all 30 of the water agencies in the county, and the entire Orange County state legislative delegation, three aenaton and six awmblymen, in UJ'ling a YES vote on PropadUon 9. , It is a vote that can buy a water insurance policy for yean to come. Tactics too f aHJiliar Predictably, the campaign for They've never made any bones the Republican nomination in the about that. They are in the 43rd Congressional District, has business of getting whoever pays degenerated into a shabby affair. them elected to office. And, to • Eighteen Republicans were accomplish that job, they aren't drawn to the fray in the new above misleading voters. district covering portions of The cynic.a1 Butcher-Forde southern Orange County and methods in master-minding northern San Diego County. campaigns of wealthy men with There is no incumbent in the newly dicovered political newly reapportioned district and aspirations are well known. any Republican nominee is a sure Can anyone forget the 1978 bet in November because of the Republican primary in the 74th party'• large voter ~eglstration Assembly District when a margin. well-heeled auto dealer without That the primary would take political credentials captured the the low road in ita latter stages GOP nomination from Marian was predictable because one Bergeson with a flurry of candidate, millionaire political last.-minute m8ilera? • novice Johnnie Crean. la relying Hired ~William Butcher on the advice and campaign and Arnold Forde were behind expertise of William Butcher and that one. Arnold Forde, chief operatives of a lltkal oomultihg firm hued in And the suppoeedly highly kewport Beach. educated Republican voters in the Crean also is relying heavily 74th became the laughing stock of on money. Plenty of money. 1'be the state. Associated Press reports he is Will Republican voters in the ll)eDd.ing in the neighborhood of 43rd Congremional Diltric;t, which $700,000 on bi.a campaign. coven much of the aeme 'territory Make no mistake. Butcher as the old 74th Aaeemply District, and Forde are iQ it for the money._ be duped in 1982? . . . Opinions expressed In ttle space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views e1t- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1$ Invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phonti. (714) 642-4321. L.M. BoydY Champion drinkers Bois~ CltiCa plan. halanc·ed ~~ To the Editol': · We .irongly believe the Coaattil Commission should approve t h e balanc'ed plan for the Bolaa Chica development as submitted by the County of Orange. The plan as now propoeed la MAILBOX · professionally well thought out and often aomething for eveeyone, whether their interests are a1 homeowners, salllng-boating or fiahtng, recreational enthusiaata, birdwatchers or commercial opera ton. What wW do all of th.la and reduce traffic congestion and dea4J.y smog u well? Yea, you gueaae,d it! Maas traruit backed up by buaies to transport ua efficiently in t>,tween destinationa o11 major rout.ea. c..n we afford it? Can we afford not to have lt? Pre.ent plans call for a huge expenditure for highways, which would literally cover the county with concrete and ltill not move us faster than 5-10 miJa an hour on the Santa Ana Freeway in 1995. YES WE CAN afford it. I believe, by lhnply requJ.rtnc a fair return on ~ inveltment. Tax ~t8 -a portion of tbe incre rae In value of commercial propertiel along the transit route and a one-half percent In ulee tax exclusively IF PIWPERL Y developed with ma-for publlc transportation. rlna facllitles lt would be self-Whe:reandwbatia-thla~tranlit?lt supporting and allo a llOW'ce of. addl-ia automated rail transit. Llgbtwef&ht tional revenue for the county aqd would train ... Hke cara joined tosether in provide a(iditlonal jobs which are 90 bad, whatever number• required which ly needed in this country'• job mark-travel rapidly at surface level. et. The reverse would be true if: Sometimel, they mlcht be on an elevated the development taraely emphulud ramp. ' retalnlnc the Bolaa Chica area u a wet The primary route Is ~west along marah with no comlderation for the the Santa Ana heeway or a nearby rec:reetlonal intereata of t1-e other than P&E right-of-way, where le\l'en of 10 the blrdwatchen and wetland interesta majol' employment ceruen are cloeely who represent an extremely small -dtuated. This route roore than any other percentage of the overall population. route would reduce traffic and smog. Abo on th,ia buts, it would be a constant The eecondary north-eouth route ia expense Ito the taxpayer with no P.roposed from Anaheim Stadium pouibillty of income. It would prove to through Santa Ana to South Coast Plaza be a liability over the long haul, very and the airport industrial complex. An much like the Newport Back Bay instead alternate north-south route could be of a recreational as.wt to the general down Newport Freeway. public. Building a mus tranlit system ii by There ls a tremendous pent up necemity stepwi8e. ~ ltar1el' aystem demand for new boating, sailing and would be in the populous area of the . flsbins tacillttes alons the Southern county where tax increment.a would be c.alifomia ooutal area and ~ marina in .lli.zable. the Bots. Chica developnfent would So be bold fellow countians! You haw satisfy eome of the boat docking needs nothJng to fear but fear it9elt! • for thia group of recreaUon .eeken. G~ ATHERTON, M.D. We hope the C.O..tal Commill1on'• final vote wtll repre1ent ln a fair 'r -u Gr.a· ... t' u-r~at proportion the interettm of all parties I.JV ~ e· ~ concerned. MR. AND MRS. JAMES C. RANDALL To the Editor: The Lou Grant Show has been calfteled by CBS after a successful MaBS transit needed five renon run. "Due to poor ratmga;' we have been told by offidala. But wno are they really fooling? More accurately, To the F.dltor: Lou Grant was canceled because of What will greatly bnprove the quality ptOSJeaive political views .held by the of life for MCh and nf!ry resident of .. ucrlpt writers and star. canceuatlon WU <>ranee County by taklna ua rapidly to \Ja aneak.y way to pWli•h Ed A1ner, work. to the theater ancI ooncert8, and •particularly for his outaPGken stand on yes, ultimately to the beach? • U.S. Involvement in El Salvador. But what exactly w• the political crtrne which csetemlirW"1J ahow must be cemored and the flow 9 I ldeaa1 stopped? Well, Asner ai had the guta to critlciz.e ~ fer acting in ways that he mi11kwia o others believe to be wrong. A. of the Screen Actorl Guild, be Waa.hlneton, D.C .• in January to $25,000. to an organization planning to buy medical supplies for the Democratid Revoluti~ Front in El Salvador._..., Penonally, I can't think of a ~ altruistic and humanistic end~vo or anyone to partidpat.e in -to aaistf wounded people of a country whoee government ia killing them off - women and children ~· BUT SINCE WHEN does an actor'£ penonal belief bar him from acting on public television? F.d Amer wu hired by ~ for bis profemional adinC ~illty and talent. not ~U8e his poliUcal did or did not«e reapond to thoee of Jt,ation'a. Certainly an individual hM~ freedom to ~ with the staius quo And, A1ner 1 political acUvity i no thing new or unuaual for TV celebritle1. How many thousand.a o acton and ad1 11 ea have donated mane to attend $200-a-plate clinnen for th candidates of their cbokle? How manY. others have advocated their ow personal opinion about products for ca:nmerciala such as beer, coffee 911d orange juice? I guess it's okay for jlr( actor to tell us to waste money on fl product we don't need and can't use •• bu it's not okay to advocate the preeerval:ioo of human lives. • Finally, regardless of principles or pollti~ involved -Lou Grant~& limply a great show. It ~ > important contemporary m..aes that - all lhould be aware of, and are not. I w• a lhow that made us think. r:t than insult our lntell.igence, U IO show• do. But perhaps havin knowledgeable and concerned audience 11 just not fasbionabl preferable their days. ROSEANNE G·.11.~'"°''0.l.r. or.o .,_ • Letters /rom reader• are welcome. .:t•• right to condtnie letter• to fit ~ ehmmo.te libel ts re1erved. Utters oL words or leu wfll be givtn pref eren.cil letters mwt include 11gnature and maY,.1 address but names may be wllhMld on re quest 1/ suf /1dent reason 11 a~ppar Poetry wW not be pUbUshed LeUeh retephoned to 642-6036. Name and number of t~ contributor must be ¢~lo ven /tcalton purpo1e1. ·X 1•1n 'l 2 tlm t11r1n an 1978. Prorit)' °' property vuu. hlil "I put thil cllpartnWnt on a Ml Dien cMlpUtild Ind the quality liOWMi openttna bMll. bPt eo1t1 of th• department'• work l• dOwn arid ma&nWMd the Quallty ~ of C*I' procluct," Mid Jaoola !'J Jecotil la Jamee Ht about reor1ani1tn1 th• J • a 49-yHr-old department and -JOt it on a REI :Ta Gftkle em.,_, ~ bllia. It'• a prov.n Havtna Worked <or'b :-,... 1n . NcOrd by a proven ~·" .. th• depa,..nt'a en1lnHrln1 JllCObl Mid the llllllOU oftice llCt1°"i mapp&naciounty property la a bWhlY complicated, tecluUca1 and wui.lnl with county operauon· that ptep&l'9 the tee> appralHra, 'J •u Devine lt blWOft ... year eouhty tax roll. quHUon ln1 the lnttrn11 He aald that the u1111r:>r'1 Job ~of the office. h11 become much more 'llJbemoraleinthe~t la the ~ lllUe t now," demandtn1 ln recent nar1 Jw DrvtM tald. "I t I have becauae of the volume of w~ of. lmProvtna morai. by tax-related lawt that .,.. ..-d lmprovi .... tne eflldenc~and aech Jealilative ..ton. ...._ Between 1960 and 1878, J9CC>bt prOducUvlty of the office the aald only alx or eeven lawa taxpayen of Orange County." impacting taxes were puaed in J'eu Devine apecWcally pointed Callfom.li. However ma June to oUice hirina practloll M one 1878, more than 18b new law• reuon why morale la low. "A. far u the 'depu1ment and have affected state taxe11. h o w I t c a r r i e 1 o u t ta x A phyaidlt and econonWlt by evaluations, I'm not challenatng tratnma. Jacobi wu in private tha\f'-he aald. · bUlinetl for 22 yean before hit Recently elected to a third ap~tment • ...-or. term u president of the Qranae Durtnc my years here, the •• Fnm Pase f ) He al.lo declaree that abe h.u an undesirable tudldal tempel'aUlent and that lhe aufferJ from Dutcher, who •ya he ia the ton end a;ran<bon ttorneya,· aaya Mra. Harrold lack• judicial perament "and hu a roanifest need to abU9e ple." '"!be lack of temperament offenda me. It la l'14!0'idrl& to the people in court," he laid. "We have fl.nest judges in the state here but she is a exceptfon." Dutcher was an unsuccessful candidate for tral Municipal Court in 1980. o wNix, 47, became a lawyer in 1976. He IDJll""°1ualy worked in data proceMing and industrial estate. o arHe claims that Mra. Harrold was not qualified lhe was appointed. He clabns her total fesil1 .-r consisted of .even years as a public defender ttbat she had no civilian court experience. f'JUdf.e-ltia." " 'She puta on the robe and all of a sudden lt'a "'1.timate power." , , Mn. Hlnold, who a&)'I she'• tough on repeat. seriOUI offenderf, aaya. ahe hu the support of Crance County Sherrlf Brad Gate. and -all the pol.ice chief:a in the eisht cities in the dlatrict.. She al.lo cla1ml aupport of the Oranae County Deputy Sheriff'• Association, all tfie police ueoclatione in the district, the Deputy Diatrict Attoroey's A.octation, the-Peace Officen Research A.ociation of California, Oranse County Marahal'a Aaoc:iatlon and the Orange County Narcotic• Offloen Allodation. ................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~...,.-.~~ The office the three are aeeldna pa)'I ~7.776 a1 year for alx yean . w, ot i'Qn Color Tile's .. ~ntire Selection J tlJJ 'International'~ I !l ,~ ·. ~Pasted Vinyl . &iiJi'verings ectecorate any and every room your home hi a few houn with !~ washable, pre-pasted vinyl f.overlnp. It's an economical -cbanp act for your home! ( ·• e have patterns and colon Plore -designs to suit your rilood or enliven your deCOr. See them all at our Gallerla of Wallftahlons and save! This Wtek Only Save 25%! GROUP A -Reg. ?.95 SALt$5t' J GROUPB Reg. 9.95 GROUP C Reg. 12.95 SALE~!J. Allll -..\Jori« -we will cheerfully refund your money on any unused rolls of waJlpaperf Another savinp from Color Tile! County J:m=d ... Auoclatlon, Jeu DtVfM he hll rwtaned the poeltion to wac• hla election bkl. In c.I\. race for county public admlnll\rltot, incwnbent Jamet Helm le belna challen1ed by attorney Vk:tor Hobba. a political newcomer. It le tM public adminlltrator'e office that i1 char•ed wlttJ handU.nc the eltatet and affaln of county rHldentt who die intestate or without relativet. Seekln1 a fifth term, t he 68-year--old Heim le campatininc Oft hJa ... 6 yean ot aood and faithful ..mce in the county. "I've reformed the office and there NI never been a -.nda1 lince the one I followed into ottioe," Helm tald. He added that he le proud of b1e record: "When I came into oUioe in 1967 I had only four deputies and I ltill have only four even though the cueload . bla mote than doubled." Helm tald he haa been efldoned for office by all five members of the county board of 1upervl1or1 and the Orange Cquntj Sbertf1/C-oroner. Hla challenger, Hobbs, 11 a 48-year-old Vietnam veteran ~ho aeNed with the U.S. Marine corpa. He uid he decided to run for office becaua~ of Heim'• ge.J.inp with veteran aff:e1'r'a. Belidea hit elective poeitton as public ad.mlnlstrator, H~ waal appomted by coun~ aupervt.on t0 Dead the ooun I community eervices agency. two posta, however, are not related. Aa head of the community servicea a1ency, Heim ii responsible, among other thinp. for vetenma affain and services in the county. Hobbs aaid he le challenging the incumbent "to ahow the superviaora that btllore they do tom•thlna concemtna veteran.1 th•y ahould con1ult ""·" ~to ~ua.UllcatJona for th4' poet, he t "I'm not aware of ,any peat IC&ndall ln tM J>UblJc lldtntl\Jatntor'e office and I don't pretend to b• an expert tn probftt, but my utorn•y tMlck#ound helpe.'' HOhbt alto crttJdied a.tm for acceptlna appointive offlcw that he belTevea could unduly lntluenoe him in hla role·u pubUc ~t.rator. • If you elect a man to office ~ po. on ap~muve oma. you call Cnauence dedlicrw in t.M e lectlv• of tee ,'' Hobba cocnment.c:l. "If I am eLtded I wouldn't accept the ~p. I don't believe 1n ~ elective offlcea by addln1 on appo1nttw potltiont.'' Hobbe ii endoned for ~bllc admlnlatrator !>>' the United Veteran• Council of Oranae County. Both the public admin.llt.rator and aaaeaaor are non-partlun J>09tl that carry four-year terma. 'li> contend. for OC ; school hoard seat Four candidate& are aeekln1 election to Trustee Area 5 of the Oran1e County Board of Education, the only aeat .on the five-member panel that le being contested in 'tue.day's voting. Trustee Area 5, whkh includes south Orang e County. le currently repre.ented by board president Jerry Shaw, who hM decided not to .eek re-eJectlon. Shaw la running for Congreaa in the 43l'd Diatrict. Candidates for Shaw'a eeat incJude: -Mari Frank, an educational coneultant and former Saddlebeck Valley school board member, who eays the board ahould not intervene in local ~mattera. -Michael Murphy, a n Anaheim travel agent and son of current board member Frances Mu rphy. Murphy's mother is runnma uooppoled in another dlatrict for a eeoond term on the COW}ty t;>oer<f. Murphy says he wouldn't al1gn himself with the conservative faction on the board, which includes his mother. -Eliulbeth Parker araduat.ed " last year from UCLA wh«e she ma jor ed in art hietory. She recently quit a job to return to college . She plans to eeek a maste r 's d e gree In pu blic administr ati on. She is a supporter of special education and programs for mentally gifted students. -Franklyn Schou, founder of the private Education Institute in Tustin, and fonnerly a 20-ye.ar e ngineer in the a erospace i ndustry . H e a dvoc ate• a b u sinesslike a ppro ach to operating the county bo;ard. While little public interest haa been shown in the county achool board, it holds the pursest.rinp f o r 50 ,000 t e a c h e rs and employees, and overaees a $39 million budget. DIJP COIT GOUPO A pWfect Jot> Is guaranteed on cleanable drapertes.iven hems. Perfect pteat folds. No shrinkage . Exduslve deaning remoYeS hidden grime-can protong drapery life! Free plci<-up, removal and installation . CARPET CLEANING Exclusive Electro-Jet mobile carpet cleaning unit comes to yoor home- it's 10 to 20 trmes more powerful than units using household current. Bectro-Jet gets out deep, hidden grit and can prolong carpet life. UmtOLSTERY ClfANING Exclusive Triple-mt upholstery deaning determines the best method to ciean fabrics-even leather, vetvet. brocade. needlepoint. Guaranteed deaning brightens colors by removing soil-and no ~0§1 fo$75 COIT CARPET CLEANING Coupon good tor S20 on regular price of carpet dAning on oro.s placed bttore eKl)lration date. Redetm upon p~ al illYoic.t. One coupon per order. c..... '°'"' U,W• S.-19-12 CAU COIT FOit A siO ESTIMATE soNus cowroN L---~-----------~-~--~-~ $15 COIT UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ~ OOOd tor 115 on 11011tar price of upllolstlry dAning on orders pllc:td before expiration date. Redeem UllOll PflStnlltion Of lnYolce One ooupon per Ofder. COllPOll '°'"' [JprtS 6-19-82 ' CAU COIT FOR A FREEEmMAtE ... of the Oentral Bank of Nlprta at ~Jury durln1 th• February Morlan au.,..ntM In New York Ull.l trial. He apPMled the cut 'to a l'tnandal Adviaory InaUtuie to the 9,h Ctrcult Court of account ai Batclay1 Bank of ApPMla, Cla1m1nl that the win C.Ufomla 1n Col\a MllL fraud counta and r.rjury count JI,'/ WUU. Hendel'IOI\, 40, wu ntenctd May 21 In federal ~ ll\ Loe Anpl• to two yean ~Uon for l)'lna to a federal Henderaon waa owner of 1ho\.ald have ••n tried nnandal Advtaory lnatltute, a •parately. fim\ •t up to reeelw tunda for The a~llate co"rt .~, •minart n. conducted. •• _.,. Du.rtnc the J"81 lnwedodon' rtVHH the declalon and Hendenon tHtlfl•d beCore a ordered 1 nt·trtal. ~~ and another man, Qeora. Jaquith, were acquitted ' tor wire fraud charsea In JW>nw'y 1981 followlna an FBI laytftlption of •21 nill.llon ln wtre tranafen from th• llCCOUJ\t ll'and iUrY Uwt he had not hHrd DwWI the Febl'uary 1981 Q'ial from l~ulth 1lnce th• protie bank otflcJa)a for Central Senk of bepn. Liter lt WM 'fo\&nd \hat Niferla teltifled that \hey Md the two had been 1n c:ontaot. uid 1 never authortied the tnNfer of A11l1tant U.S . attorney Gary fUndl to the Coeta M ... bu\k. re-. who handled the OMe. The fundl were later 1'9tumed to Hendenon wu convidld of Mocpn Guarantee. SAVE aoe & ROSE MILK · SKIN CARE LOTION luxurious skin lotion with so many uses. J 12fL 1S9 ; SAVE 1 1.00 BARE ELEGANCE MOISTURIZING AD PRICES PREVAIL· AUTBOl\-Dr. Robin C.ook will adckell UC Irvine Coll•&• of Medicine lfllduatel. UCI names ke~noters ' . . Dr. Robl'n c.ook. author of ~·· 118nln" and 11Fevw." wtU bl .,.., ...-at ~uadon ceremoNll fbr che UC InrtM Coll•• ot Medldne, at 4 p.m. rrkMy, ln Campw Park. OOai 11 m oph~ at the Mamchmeaa my. and l!u' lnftrmary at ~ Un1Venky. 8Ut• Auemblyman John Vuconcellol ii Qectui.d to bl .the keynote .... for underpduate and ;r.ctuate ~" ln cefemonMI at 4 p.m. Saturday ln c.ampua Park. V11concello1, D·San JoH, 11 chalnnan of the Amembly Ways and Meu11 Canmlttee and ii author of .. A Llberat1n1 VIilon: P0Utlc1 to, Growtna Hwnant." Alto, the UCI Mu chapt.w of U. Pbl Beta Kappa national hon«. eodety will lnldate 119 ~.roema.. at cerernom. at e p.m. J'rida ln u. nn. An. vw... 'n*lter. John Scbnelclerman, a 1oclet • member and UCI alumnu1, wt perform and bloloslu Hower Lenhoff will welocme the lnltlatet. A convomtlon featurinl' the top 28t honor 1tudenw wtll be held at 8 p.~ J'rlday in Crawford Hall. GueaJ• ' IPNker wtU t». Dr. Grover S~ clean of the School of Blofo11c.r~ ~ . SP IAL! DECOl£L SHADOW ~aox PHOTO FRAME Gold frame with gold mat. in rectangular or oval style. Va 7" •r 110". YOUICHOal 2.991L SAVEaoe SURLI DRAMAMINE F1rN--,Dlatn•1 ,,..,.. .. .. . BODY SHAMPOO SUNDAY, JUNE &th THRU TUESDAY, JUNE 8th Prevent travel S1Ckness f. " t.. , 'l •• ~ !) . : "'".~ ' . . Clean, soft skin in one usy step SAVE 79e Ill'" IEDOING MILK'N HON EE SHAMPOO or CONDITIONER leaves hair lustrous and manageable. .... 1.69~ DENTU • CREME TOOTHPASTE For cleaning dentures. TABLE TOf · BRAZIER : WITH la.INCH GRILL legs convert to table top 1n seconds Crank-up device for grid height ad1ustment. Large rewvolr with tour Jet tip1 and calibrated pressure dial. ROUGH RIDERS CAI ASIOITllOO cars with side whttlin & roacf vehlelu. 4 a 4't (llTTDY ""llCIUllD) • SAVE 86e ALIOTO ¥05 HAIRDRESSING It's concentrated! For healthy looking hair. . SPECIAL! MIGHTY I DOG DOQFOOD . HUMANITY -More than 1,000 runnen . Scenic 5K nm Saturday morninl· They 8re pictured 'cipated in the first annual C.Orona del Mar at the start of the race at Pacific Coast Highway and ..., ........ ,,_... ~ C...... IUrf Avocado on the OOUJ"le that was 1et up through the dty streets. .. . -...--·~. . ··-:; . . . -auch, Angels getting defensive .,,, ·< .. oston rolls another seven and -comes up with a 7-2 victory . "' JOHN SEVANO INDl!llr ........ The walls are starting to cloee in on Angels and, like anyone who aeta :ed Into a comer, the team la starting get defensive. "Hurry up. Make it quick. Ask your cmaest10ns," said a surly Manager Gene uch, after he just watched hil Angel late Its sixth game in a row, and ita enth ln the last nine outino. 'I'll tell you this," Maucn <tuicldy ued before a q~ Alllld..m . ''We will win fumorrbW.' Al ftflt y (the playen) were a little IUl]lrilld t tM loaing streak). Now they're , enou&h to want to win." be JJoiton Red Sox rGll,d their conaecut.w ~ In u many • and the result WU a 7-2 dldi6oj\ the Angels before a subdued crowd 37.~ at Anaheim Stadium. 1th the vlctorv, the Red Sox (32-19) ed into a ah.are of the Ame~ ague's Eastern Division race with 't (31-18). 'lbe Anae1a, meepwhlle, who, de.spate the 1osina ltreak, have held on to lint place ln the AL Wet!& for the p111t eipt games, find the Qdcqo White Sox only a ~-game t.ck with lCa.naM Qty rieht behind, one game out. For the Anlels, the current homesta.nd has been nothlnc abort of a dlauter. Fadna the belt the !'Mt baa to offer, the AnaeJia woo two of three pmes from Mlf•••ot::"ti.:r' by Detroit and (lWo ~amow (thii ~>nu.wt be ~ ~ buml4 up beca1* I know I am. Mauch lldded. WW.~'N -ftOt pu~ ~ hlt1," JNl•L~ Who e 'the , tW ftaftj df "' • We're aetUrw a t heft. and a hit , but ffre noi ~them conli*ntly." 'The AnaeJa, -baa been their cmtom of late, got on the ecoreboud fint when Bob Boone llngJed home Lynn ln the , fifth tnnlng. But atartet Bruce KJ.on, who breewi ·~~~~~~~--.~~ . ail ors' 6-7 MVP ff to Ocean ROGER CARUON o.lfr ........ yron Ball, a 6-7 junior with Sea View League basketball t1ala and Newport Harbor m's molt valuable player and ta1n, is tranafen'ing to Ocean High for bis eenior season. 'We're in the prOCf!ll of vin'-now," 1ay1 his dad, t. 'We're going to rent our and we'll probably rent a (within .sPe Ocean View •rtldl1nce area). t'• Byron's decision and we t him to play where he'll be t happy, to go to school •It's not sour grapes • • Byron does his IJBt 8§Bin8t the ughpst competition.' -s -°'""' .., bottom falls out of the barrel. We had a team meedna and they don't understand why he 11 doing ill" , "It's nothing penonal," •Y. . the 6-7 Ball. "l'm just 8eArching for something better, Just like Coach 0eBuaK WU dolilg when he Wat looking around. "I just think I'll be better off in my aenlor 1e81011 and I think rn fit well with the Ocean View players." • ''The.re's not much doubt about it," says Ocean View Coach Jim Harris. '.;.It 's (the move) for baaketbell. I have noth1n8 but respect for ~Jerry) ~. He (See SAILORS, P ... B5) SWITCHING -6-7 Byron Ball .ia leaving Tara for seahawka. "~t that's been flat, too, and when both 1JBt1 of your game go flat, you're ln trouble." . The An&U' Ptchlnc ltaff AW lta earned nm a,wnae _,from 3.08 at the pme'• IW1" to 3.1~ by ita completion ttaturday. And, what baa Mauch IWCXlllCel---~-~ the ~· offeme (« lack ol it),' la that the Slitdmw' DA la dfmbtnl lib the prime fu.tenat nw-.. "It'• CJllly .... a ...... added Ori&. Clt:as .... • ,_ .... a dMl. All we liW tO'e:tl~ tlajelber, ride It out, and bne a road trip. Thia .. • llx-month tea80ft, one week doesn't make ~ ir.p:." . Mayb9 not, but It doei mM8 came for cianll*m. f . ~ ul don't ........ is the t word,1' aaki Brian Downlnc, who when he WU toJd of Maucb't pndk:tkn for today. "I think we're more frustrated than we are mad. ''We have excellent offerlllvely ability, (See ANGELS, Pqe BS) Plumer, DuratJd Win state titles SACRAMENTO -Polly P1Umer of Univenity High . won her third straight 1tate CII' 1,800-meter cbam~~ Rennie Durand of HiO captured flnt ln the 800 metlen to bighllpt Onn&'ie Cout area performers in· die ltate tnck and field meet held at Hucbea Stdum hen Friday and S.turday. Shu'on Hatfield of Fountain Valley flnlahed second in the · 300-meter low hurdls ln 42.97 --lixth ln the lolll ).amp "1th a leap of 18-9. 0i.n View'1 Rex 8rQwn wu fourth ln the men'• 2()0..meter daah with a 21.48 c:1oc:ldnc· PHILADELPHIA (AP) -The · Loe ~ Laken, CtilcWninC the potential of ovel'-Q)fttidmm, . hope to beat the PhiJadelptla • 76era today and win tbe fr:anchlae'• third NaUoaal Buketball Auoclatlon dwnponah.lp. The Lakera lead the beat .. of-"ven aeriff, S-1, a,nd have bJmry on their lide. Mo NBA team hH been able to. surmount a 3-1 detidt 1 ln the finals. . . If the 76era' wtn, the ..... will ao back to Loe AnaeJee for • sixth game Tueaclay nt1ht. A seventh game, lf neee.-ry, would be in Philadelphia On TV today channel 2 at 11 a.rn. I · ( . . Tllunday night. Today'• filth game, which will be naUoaaily' t.eleWled on CBS (Owmel 2), was 8Cheduled to start at 11 a.m. l C I. C . I . . o 1seum omm1ss1on now wooing Clippers Prom AP dhP*telttt SAN I>IIOO -The San Dies<> m CUppers of the National Buketball AMOelatlon re~edly are beln1 wooec!_ by the ~ An1ele1 Mem· ol1al Colllewn ComnUlllOn, which just won • OOW1 battle to pt the o.kland Raidere of the National FootbUl Leque. 'i'he ~ 1l1ego lJnion on ~turday ClUOted Loe Anaele• Lakera owner J~rry Buu ._,n<l Cllppen General Manaaer Ted Podleakl u •)1.nl they were aware of the "COl'IUniaion'a etton. to aet the San Diego club to move into the Los Angeles Sports Arena, part of th, Collleum complex. · "Ye1, they made overtures," Podleskl told the newsJ>eper. "But as tar u rm c:onoemed, we'n! in San Diego and this la where we're going to stay." A comm111ion member, however, who ukecl that hia name not be di8cloeed, con.6rmed to the newspaper that Clippers owner Donald Sterling hu been lnvt.ted to a meeting of the conunbsion on Monday. '" Quote of the day , _ "Dave LaRocbe ia like the SJ>C)l'tiQg News. He comes out-once a week." :.... Said Grat1 Nettlee of the New York Yankees, after LaRoche, a pitcher, was recalled from the team's Columbus farm club for the third time this season. Prost on pole In Detroit Grand Prix DETROIT -Pole-sitter Alain • Prost is concerned about the start of today's inaugural Detroit Grand Prix and what he expects will be an awe- some attrition rate on the newly constructed circuit through 'the downtown streets. The diminutive Frenchman, who placed his turbocharged Renault racer at the front of the field Saturday with a fast lap of 82.700 mph, said, "Ira pollllible the start could be dangerous becaUle 10 many good cars are ln the fifth, sixth, aeventh rows." 'nle start-finish line is at the head of a long r ~htaway past the pits and Prost added, "It oould be very dangerous." Whit• lox Win on 111.,..• hOmer '"" ...... and ........... ~· 111 mmed up for • lbc·hltW and laNW aa1Mt bi'ob open • "-ht 'IMecMr'• duel wtth a two-run, .eYenUl·~ homer u th• Chtc-ao White So)( bJet Tuai, 2-1, and anapped a Hven-aame lo1tn1 1tNtak Sawrday .U.ht. Bal.rlea' foW1h home Nn pf the y_..,. WM onfy the thlrd hlt oft TOM Nl1el' BSck BtHJHll •.. JClMwhere In the American • Leaaue, Mike Pl•••••• ~ MWft hita and,. Lewwtaa hit ab r ..,pty hOmer to etU:!Y IWUmcri to a 3-1 victor)' over M1nnt9otL FlaMpn, 4-4, 1truck out flw and walked one whUe pU.chlna hie' third complete 1ame of the ••••on .•. Robla Yo1•&i Cecil Cooper and Bea v1lhl• Mml belted conHcuUve aolo homen in the eeventh lnninl M Milwaukee ernacked 11 hli. to t>eat Oakland. u-3. it w• the .econct tlme in Brewen hJltory that a Milwaukee lineup hit three straiaht homert. the flm betnl eight daya aio in Anaheim •.. Three other acheduled game1 were postponed by weather including the Kanau City at Rew York Yankees, Seanle at Detroit and Cleveland at Toronto oontesbt. Cleveland and Toronto wW play a twi-night double-header Aug. 16 while the other two g~ 'have not.been reecheduled yet. The Tiaen,· who were idle, uw Boaton move into a tint-place tie with them ln the AL Eut. Pocoroba walks Atlanta to victory Pinch-hit1er Blff Pocoroba drew • a baae1-loaded walk from BUI GlllllckHD to force in the go.ahead run in the aeventh inning and live Atlanta a 2-1 victory over MOhtre.l ln the Naiional Leq_ue. Gullicbon had blanked the Brave1 on orily one hit Until Dale Muplly bounced a one-out a1ngle to f:?elller in the eeventh . . . Du Drletae• homered and drove in four NN1 and Marlo S.te tcattered seven hits to lead Clndnnati to a 6-2 win over the New York Meta . . . lvu DeJens and relief pitcher s,.rky Lyle each singled home a run in the eighth inning as Philadelphia broke a 3-S tie to beat Houston, 5-3. Garry Madclos, who earlier knocked in two runs for the Phillies, f'OCC>MeA singled off reliever Dave Smltb to s tart the eighth-inning rally ... Pitcher RJcll Gale's fim major l~ run. a two-run blast in the second , gave San Frand.aco a 2-1 victory ovet the Cubs who lost their sixth stralaht game . . . San Diego's game at Pittsburgh was rained out and will be made up aa part of a twi-night doubl~header on Aug. 23 . . . Pittsburah placed infielder Ken Reitz on waivers for t,be purpose of giving him his unconditional releate. . , ................... . PHOTOGRAPHER The Comfy of C:>range is rolicitlng propotal1 to provide on<all medical photography services. Estimated $25,000 per yNr. for information, call Robert Mershon, G.S.A Procurement, (7141 834-3456 before June 11th. SOME ENCOURA.GING WORDS FROM WEIGHT WATCHERS. Stadler t•k• lead In Kecnpet. Open MaNn chamDIOn Cr~ l&adJer II overhauled Jacll Nickl••• In a head·to•head dutl and fired hi• ..-ond ·oonMCUuve &-under-par 87 to uaume the Ind In the rain-delayed Kemper Open ao1f tournament Saturday. Stadler lMda Nicklaus, the MCOnd·round Jt,der/ by three 1trokee ... JoAue C1raer blrdJed our of the fin.al five hol• to take a one-1hot lead over Ka~)' Pfftltwalt in the third round of the LPOA Mc.DonUd'1 KJda' 0.-at Mal"*n, Pa. lalidra tiJale find a toumunent and coune MIOOl"d 8·\Wter·per ee to mov. lnto oontentior\ two attoai b9ck·at 211 • . . Manta Tla•mPIOI beat AM...-S&QM f.Md·3 ln the 3&-hole final of the BriUah Amateur aolf dwnplonahlp at the Royal ClnQue .,°"' Club In Deal, ~ .•• AHt Sa.aer, holder of thrH U.$. Women'• ArnatltUr tltJ., breer.ed to a 3-and·2 victory OVet' J•dl~ OlJver in the fina1a of the 80th Women'• NOl'th and South Amateur soil townament at Pinehum, N .C. I Baseball today On thls date in bueball in 1934: New York'• Myrll Hoaa Mt a major league one-game record with six linglee ln the Yankeei' 15..S rout of the Boston Red Sox. . . Today'• btrthctaye: Hall of Fame catcher Bill Dickey la 75. New York Mete flnt bate coach Bud Harrelion le 38. San Francltco first bueman Dave Bergman II 29. Los Al payoff highest for Belmont . Conquistor delo. who paid $10.20 E to his bac.kere •t Bebnont Park 1n winnlna the Belmont Stakes Saturday, paid u much 11 $1$.40 and · u little as $6.80 to bettere who eupported him at. two of the 17 tracks which carrled the race on television and ~ wageri.Qg. The $U.40 payoff was at Loe Alamitos and the $5.80 was a Commodore Down1 in Pennsylvania. Witherspoon remains undefeated Undefeated heavyweight Ttm • Wltbenpoon of Philadelphia boosted his stock as title-bout material by pounding out a 10-round decimon over Renaldo Snlpee Saturday ... Challenger Tbo~aa Bearu is demanding that his rniddlcwetaht title fight with Marvtn Hagler be held in the Pontiac Silverdome or the bout will be called off ... Dallas Cowboys defensive end Eel ''Too Tall" Joaes aay. he is considering joining the new United States Football Leque if the current imprme in his contract negotiations is not re.olved . . . Jerrlll Rice broke MJdaael ADdretU!e string at two victories, driving a Ralt RT-5 through the rain to win the Detroit Robert Boech-Volkawagen Super Vee race on the new downtown ooul'9el Pin(k)cay flight aids Bel:mont Win . NEW YORK (AP) -Jockey Lalfit Plncay Md a lot n*9 troubi. ae«J.nc to the Belmorit Stalcet than ti. did wtnnlns it Saturday with ConQUiltad« Clelo. The veteran rider from Panama WM told bY hJa ~t aft.et the fourth raoe at Hollywqod Park mcsay that he would be rlctJ.nc Conqul.ttador a.Jo in place of J:ddie Maple, wtiO wu lnjUred in a .plll at Belmont P'rtday. Unable to &et a direct ruaht to New Yor'k, Plncay fint went to Boa10n and finally urived here at 10 a.m., EOO'. . ' The trip mlaht hav~ been hectic. but U certainly wae worth lt u Q.onqulstador Clelo brouiht Plncay his fint victory in a Triple Crown race In hia 17th appearance in the competition. Conquistador Cielo not only won the 1 ~-mile Bebnont, Juat five day. after he won the one-rnile Metrowlhan Handicap, he ran away with it, beating Kentucky Derby winner Gato Del Sol in the rain and elop byl4~ lengths. It WU the bligest wlnni.ng margin in the Bebnon• aince Sec:l;etariat nailed' dow'n the Triple Crown by taking the Belmont by 31 lengths ln 1973. Col'\quistador Cielo's atunningly ea11y triumph meant the Triple Crown was split three way. thls year. Aloma'1 Ruler, the winner of the Preaknesa, fin.lahed ninth ln an 11-horaej3e~t field. "I've always had a grelat feeling about this oolt." said Woody Stephens, the 68-year-old trainer of Conquistador Cielo who has won atakee with 90 dl.Uerent horwes in a brilliant career but had never woo a Belmont. From Page 81 BUD TUCKER. • • he can get at 80 cents an ounce. •In the ihterests of a very abort program, the featured apeakers at the awards dinner of the female sportswrl ters and sportacasters aaaoc:iation will be past winners. •If there ls no professional football in 1982, the gambling fraternity can expect drastic lncreaaes in divorce, lnsaniy, alcoholism and suicide. •It Is the unclouded view from here that if an owner is running a horse becau.e he needs the race and there is no chance whatever of Jilin winning, the public should be so adviaed. e Advice to Vi.nee Ferragamo . . . Get some new advisers. . •The International Olympic Committee has de layed a decision on whether there will be windsurfing at the 1984 games here ... Obviously trying to drive us all crazy. •Critics of Angel general manager Buzzie Bavasi can be silenced by two words . . . Tim Foll. •Giving Vin Scully his star on the Walk of Fame may be setting a dangerous preced~nt . . . Now -expectln" consideration will be Jimmy the Greek, Pepper Rodgers, Irv Cross, Ted Dawson, Phyllis George and Howatd Cosell . In just a few minutes, you could be shooting at the Firlng-l:ine in Huntington Beach. • Open 7 Days a Week Until 1 O p.m. beginning June 19th • 16 Fully Automated Shooting Positions • SO.Foot Range • Advanced Ughting and Ventilation Systems • All Handguns Calibers to .44 Magnum and .22 Rifles • Hourty rates and membershl~ available . •Professional lnStructlon IT. LOUIS (AP) -8boc ._..,, Bill RuueU co=ud a tm.;.nga doUble.. ,..... 1aturda~:,t for the Lo• ~time before, I hit a Urie &trive (which '"' m\.IOt), ., l die eve thermelWil out." ::' ~u atter aY1na a a-2 triumph over the St.-Loula Cardlntla. &o third oo Ken Oberkfell'• ~i * ICoNd 11 o-.n .._.......,~out; MW St. Louil mowd lhelld 1·1 Oft M1Jce IWimeY• cloiable arid Kl&lh Bemandel' :r: bi the =~=!·.~~ Gvwy ODIMd the llxth with ult WM only my eecond hit in ~ ...... he Mld. Pearo Ouenwo'• *'lie broke a 2-2 tie before RU11ell ~pounded , h1a opPO.tte-field doubfe down the naht field llnc. , a ~ and moved to aecond on Dultj BU.et'• ..... J'oUowtna Guerruo'• Ue-tiireaklna ~ Netlonal Le•1ue'1 flut r~c~u~a~tttke • .._t.-pmit wbvm'. I Sdolcla ~tentlocWly to .et up' barYey'1 aoJo hionw', ftfth ol ,. Rullell'• bales-w.ded double the lleMOll and third In....... . "1 ruaven't been hitttna the ball very well. I just lhlide-outed ti." he laid. "I'm a hflh.,ball hitter and lt WU I faatball Up and away." came 1n the tint off St. LouJs 1 Valensuela scattered nine hita riaht-handtr Steve Mura. M. 1n compleUng hla eeventh pme l>avtd Green tied lt for the of the teMOD. UNHAPPY SKIPPER - Angel Manager Gene Mauch predicts a victory for h1a team today. Cardlnw ln th• aecoDd. Th• Bake!' ai.o had three hita u Cardinals' rookl~ outfielder the ~ broke a three-game slncled and stole Mci:lnd, moved blnc streak. 1'IUVlllON 11 a.m. (2) -N9A CMAl9tCIH••t -l.Mer9at~ • Loa Angeles Manaaer Tom I:.uorda ldentWed RUllell'• blow u one of the Dodgen' few key htta in recent games. "That'• been our only problem," aald .Luorcla after Loe Angeles railed lta reoord to 26-27. "We've been getting hita, but we HB's Miller NyamlJui . Rockets offer Malone contract 11:10 a.m. 1111 -•AmAU -Dodglra et St. Louie. 1 I'll (2) -CIOU' -Anal round -In PROVO, Utah (AP)·- Dlatance runner Suleiman Nyambul'• unprecedented 16th individual NCAA track title Saturday may not have beell h.11 mmt artiatlc, but certainly WM .finishes first 1 :eJ'!:~ D)Olt ' "Omlao•hl" the 1hlvertn1 · HOUSTON (AP) -An attorney for star center Moeet Malone con.tinned the-Houston Rockeu have offered his client a conir.ct. but refuaed Saturday to conflnn reports that it la worth nearly $2 million a year. • ()per! fl'om ........ Md. (4J -• Lft -Woftd Aaoord hok* 8tu Apt• fl•llH ror ••rpoll '" tll• "ortda E~ (7) -AUTO Mc.a -Taped lt9r1·to-llnllh -.. of IN DIVolt Oralld ENSENADA, B.C. Mexico 30-year-old athlete from (AP) -Larry Roeeeler of El Tanzania exclaimed u he Cajon and Chuck Mtller of viao_roualy rubbed hla handt. HunUnp:n Be.ch. -were the ftrst-together ~ bia victory in the PrllC" - 3=-~ -WUTIM OUTDOCllllMAI• -. A..,..,_ oomplllMloll. 3:30 p.m. (4) -IPOllTIWOllLD - hgment1: ~ of tM Altalt returM. Mao: The fl'llarlld CUp .,......,. mall. • PKA llgtit eight -boUt and ,,_.. pro WOlid cup --. en --WOM.D • IPOllTI -The ~ef'l'MlloMI G~ cllampfon1lllp1. tap9d et ~: Aleo: Alt Aelobllllca ~ Md • .,,...... of the Larry~ COCIMY llaev>•.._,. wa ~c~ 8B~ln':1e~a~= 5~000 meten. Off-Road r.ce. The final day of com- "Yes, I have received a written oiler from the Rockets but I have not yet had tirue to consider It or talk to Moaea about it," Waahington attorney Lee Fentress told the Houston Chronicle. l\oe9eler, 2S, and Miller, 23, petition at the NCAA Out- covered the 440-m.Oe couree 1n do6r Track and Field Champ- .even houri, 57 mmates and 18 ionablpa was marre.d by a 1e<:ond1 on a Y amaba. Their cold rain whipped by strong average speed waa 55.309 winds. Thoae c~ndltlo 1• tlgM. MDtO miles-per-bout. prevailed at Nyambui A total of 208 ellttiel bepn the to .eek bia third N tit.le 1n Fentrea said Ule club 1ent the offer to him late 1n the week. ~ -Dodalra •SL I.Gum, 11:10 Lm., KA8C (7'90); 6oetort al Allflll, 1 p.m., KMPCC7'°'--'annual event at 5:80 a.m., on the 5,000 meten. · Saturday and many were still on UC Irvine'• Eddie Carey Baalltltbal -LaUn at .......... 11 a.m.., Ml.AC (570). the coune aa of late 1n the day. fln.ilbed f1fth 1n the 400-met.er c?e re~ord Adoption Guild bid fails 1.•' l t d · BORDEAUX, France JJna S 0 ay (AP) -Olympic 1,500-meter champion Sebutian Coe of Britain failed to aet a record Saturday _!n the 2,000 mderl, ~ abort of both the F.uropean and wor)d marb. ~ 25-year-old c.oe, running bis first 2.000 mei.era In competition, eully outdiatancec:l the rest' of the flekl. but be appeand to be nmn1na conaervatlvely ana finiahed in 4;58.8. The world mark. aet six yeara ago by New Zealand'• John Walker, is 4:51 .4. The European record, aet 16 years ago by Michel Js ot France. 11 4:56.2. Vet.eranl Jf!ttY Van Lfn&e.and Tom Leonard will tanpt with bllb IChool atan Tim Paw.t and lUck Leech in the men'• ':ct flnala of the Adoption Guild°' Onmce County~ tmnll tournament at noon toMy at the Newport .8-cb Tennia Club. a.&l G' d '* and &-. Wu&ld meet Lea Antompolll llid Tncy Willi ln tbe women'• open ftnala at l:IO wbOe Ka~ lilaraa md Ilclt Miller ~ ...,._ :ttrw4 W.rtleld -9 Steve SUnca in tbe mlx8d cb flnU at 3. Some 840 ... mrted play tn tbe tournament that culmhyates today with finaJa 1n all di~ includina tbe )mkJr vets where Km Stuart and Bob DueUel' meet Steve Pw:ock and Stab Kula at 10:30. Flnall today begin at 9 th.la mom1na with the last competition taking the courta at 3 thla afternoon. 'lbere are finala In A, B, C and D dMslon alq with the open and junior veta. ft Join the Swnmer Fun at DAY CAMP!! GIVE MOM AV ACATION ••• Enroll now -Fall Semes19r Storts Sept. 13. SUMMER SCHOOL JULY 6'h TH~U JULY 30th • R~Tuftion •14. Privcr19 School of ~ Founded in 1942" IN FOUNTAIN VALLIY 16835 BIOOKHURST ST. (714) 962-3312 .. wins 15th nce with a 46.20 clockJ.ng while Michelle Kelley, alto of UCI, waa 11th 1n the women's long jump with a leap of 19..S~. The 1un.. sounded, and 13 minutes and 54.09 aeconda later, a artnn1na Nyambui, hit hand rafted ln-the air In victory, en: II ed 1he fin1ah ~. and a countryman Mnded him a small Tanzanian Oaa which be waved 1n deJ.i&ht to the cheering crowd huddled fh the ltandt •'We were 1 ao ;ttftl our legs were ao heavy ~ of the weather," Nyambui told reporters later •• his teeth chattered. •-rbe pace WM not IO bard but becai.e of the weatbet, it looked that ::f beca\* we were ao ttpt stiff," be aat4. Nyambui croued the flniah line Jell than two teCOl¥b ahead of Waahlngton State's Peter K.oecll. ,_ . OMAHA, Ntb. (AP) -~ Toothman cracked a two-ru homer u Stanford exploded fiir Collea• World Serie reoordvtYtna 11 runa 1n the ~ lnnlna io l>lMt South c.atolinl lM 1n the final fint..round ~ of the NCAA baaebalJ champ6omhlp1 bent Saturday. l In u.e tint pme, No. 1-~ Texas rode the five-hit pf~ of Ro1er Clemen• and th three-RBI perfonnance of Dophied to whip Oklahoma Sta 9-1. t The Longhoma picked up their final two rwu 1n the bottom ol the eighth on Randy Day't tw~run homer, h.la aeventh of the aeaaon. Da_y 11 a for~e Orange Cout College The vlctoi,!:t~t Stanfor 49-16-1, into y'• W1J11De1'S bracket semifinal agalntt 58 Texa1. The other winner bracket contest matches ~ against No. 2-ranked Wtchlt4 State on Monday. ! South Carolina meet Oklahoma State Sundat follqwing another ellmlnatJo game, Miline va . Ca State-Fullerton. I Toothman'• horner helped ~ Cardinal chue· All-America!( pitcher Joe Kucharski and Soutlf Carolina reliever Jeb Babel ~ Stanford, winner of 14(. oonaecutlve games, needed onlY. five hita and was assisted b1. three Ga.mecock errors in th4I inning that tied the cws record foe rum set in 1947 by Callfomi& • and matched in 1964 by Setm:i Hall : Mike Aldrei.e al.so belted a( tw~n.in homer for the~ l.n a three-nan tint i.nnlng. ; 1 . I' • t i .. ~ .. \ j . J . 4 T-TOPS TO IRUCKS IUVICI ~ Can't flftd wMt TMl IMI II ~"' .... , .. fw? OUI # 1 P110a1TY We've..-ltn CLTlll•••ON .. :tt:.= 6.7 ,.,.. ........ ·Ac,.. .. ••••ct- Leases You A Brand New 1982 MUSTANG *WITH •t0000 DOWN +- INCLUDING: FREE MAINTENANCE 24 M0/24,000 Ml 1121.'9 • mo11111 Plut I•• On tPOfOlltd credit. Pmlt. 10< • mont"--~ltloel vtlue M71 • or... fflldU•I l:llM . .o, 1ott1 ... vmentt S.1$7.'2 ...... Ol>llHflon 110.ns.n . CIS11l UIJll 1911 MERCURY CAPRI RS ' GT'J Cllil t lltlle more. 'l'lllJ IU, llc-t ""'9<1Clnl rt«lllt 1971 LTD FUTURA WAGON s 666 ~5966 s3455 (ICGPM2) (91Lt3*7) ~ I VISIT WILSON FOID'S NEW HIGH PERfORMANCl WITH fLIR AND LWI DEPT. KMN -MILEAGE?'' · HAS A SUPll DIAL FOR YOU HJao·~ <•OT ffi! SEE TUE AND YOUI FAMILY DON'T 111611 Pl:Rl'ORff t \Ct: Gt.\ MISS THIS CHANC't • . ,-\ U~.'R.\ .. IT ff,U. .. O\ I ORD 1111.tt If f.f.linV!. I f ~-=-• L fl9e • 30 IO .800 2t 21 .471 1\t 2t 27 .... 1 ~ 2A 30 ....... . Houtton 23 2t .442 a Clrw:ltlnett I 22 2t ,431 a~ , . .....,,.~ St. "'°'* 13 20 .123 ~ 27 23 .540 •4\t ~ 2S 23 .521 5,. Nllw YOfll 27 21 .411 5\t PlttlOurgll 21 2t .42' to Cflle:ego 21 32 .3M 12 .. .., ...... ~·.St.~2 Sen l'rMClllco 2. Ct11c1fO 1 Sen Diego It Pltl8IMaii (ppd., rlln) ClndnnaU I. N1w Yori 2 Atlllnta 2, Montrwll 1 PhledllplWI 5, HoYMclfl 3 T ........... ~ ~ 0M) lit 8t. &.°'*(Mura WI ~o (Weith 3-1) et Pftt1burgll ~ ct.!4.l.a, lit Adlnta (Wiii 4-4) Nllw YOfll (,,._ M ) • Clndnlllll ~ 4-4) Sen F..-.ndeoo (MMlll o..1) lit CtllclfO (u.11 '-3) Plllledelplll• (krukow 4-4) et Ho111ton (Sutlon 7-2) AmJUCAN LUQUE Redlox7,~2 .,.,... c~ • .,.... ., ... ~.2b 5 1 1 1 ~ 4 0 2 0 ~ 3100.......,. aooo Noe,# 5 1 2 1 Gltoi.ft> 4 0 0 0 YIU!flll.dll 5 0 1 2 ~.dll • 4 0 1 0 Lanl'fd.lllt 4110 ~4000 Stptln, lb 5 1 3 0 L)'IWl.d ~~.2 2 0 Oclft,en.c 4 1 1 3 c..w, 1b II 0 I 0 Hl'mn,ee 2 1 0 0 l(.itlr~ 0 0 0 l\.Mlw.c:f 4 o 1 o 1oone.o o a 1 Totale S7 1 10 1 T«*ll 2 t 1 .... .., ...... ...... 000.~-7 Clltomla . 000 0 100 -2 E-E-DP..eo.on 1. L c.llornle I. ~ LJ'IWI. (9). Oedman (4). 88-Aamy I . a.tMMQua, c..w. ...... • ..... 80 TlldCJltN,W) 7 I 2 2 0 I ~-=-11111 2 0 0 ~ 0 0 'f'Kleon(l.~~ a~ I I I 3 3 SerlCNz ~ • • • 3 3 H8P-by Sanc:llH Hoflm1n. T-2:15. A-37,115. ~~ Ma Mtfll•,.._ 112 27 11 0 12 .315 208 33 IO 10 2A .293 157 I 48 I 21 .2t3 114 22 41 1 a .280 ,. 21 47 2 13 .271 51 • ,. 0 • .271 1• 17 41 I tA 211 207 22 fO 1 11 242 21 t 1 o a .241 1111 22 411 • 23 .. 1M 20 M 1 11 .231 2A21101.20I 35 3 71 1.200 M I 1• 0 II .IM 45 4 1 0 2 .151 10 2 00 0 .000 1,799 225 470 43 210 .211 ma.e • M •IO W-4. DA 2'4 I I 1 0-0 0.00 21'4 ,. 10 10 1..0 0.71 ~ lie 12 1t 5-1 2.44 4,.. 12 It 15 ~2 2.74 75\t 10 17 2A ll07 2.87 11~ 2t 12 11 M I.II ~ n 11 a.. +.11 ue st\t 52 21 II 4-\2 UI 40\4 47 It II 2-4 4 •• a... 411 Ill 25 1-5 5.la ...... 4113 172 222 31·22 3.15 .._.11,A .. I .. f +• 100 012.....a.tl-11 17 I o.1c1MC1 aoo ooo ~ a 1 o MoCIU9 end ...,_. ....... OWdtio (7) •nd, N••lll.,., W-lllcOlure, 1-.2. ~. '-2. ""-o.ldlitld, 0. JofWw {II). ..,...,.. .. , YCMlllt (I). COOi* (10), Ogtlll4e (10I. ..,,._ (7). Q. l'--(10). A -M,141. ............... , ~ ooo ooo 200-2 a a T.... 000 000 100-1 I 3 ...,.,.. ..,.. m .-ii l'lilk: ~ w W.-. W-a..m., 74. L-~ 0-7. ----(12). ~ ... (4). A-11,117. •• •••• ~··"' . -·~ -· 11 lndilns f.1 ~. 7:30 • Ylllli• ti ~. 7:30 • OocfCet$ at ~. 4·3S • Doclcttt at PIM11itt. S:OS C9' "!fl:=. . ... ... ,, -·ta:ra·, 100 -1. Dint ........ lb.al .. c..-(I.A 10.llC .. (~), t0.14.i.~.:.:::.r • ~~! 10.71; .. MIClw,__,, t0.18; ....... (SA .,,__,. .. .,., --1. "'-*" ~ 21.oll; 2.. lilO()oea ~ }1. 40; a. ....... CV~ tl.47': 4. ._ (0-Vlailr),, t1MJ I. HonlOf'I (Fremont), 21.74: •· c..... ~ :i1.n . --1. Ccioptlr (W~), ..... c..-NOOJdk 1, flldilurray (~). ~7.IO; a. PwU ""*" •1.ai: •· Ol1lofN ~·1.11:1. ...... (~--­•. ...._ lfllttlldt. 407. I · 800 -1. ,._.. (i.. Molt. 1:•.ee: .. Garrett (N.,......,, l:IO.O': I . J-(,.._ld), 1:IOM; ... ~ 1.-.0. 1:80.70; .. OlllorM ~ 1:.0.7'0: .. e.-y~1-•. 1.ieoo ~ 1. car..~ 4.'0l.06: w. "Nr cYNMl. 4:10.at; a:.,... nc..n.A 4: 10.JI; •• "--' (!I Dofedo), 4: \o:io; .,: Tanli' (Crupi), 4 :10.lli I . Lewi• ~),4:11.IO. ·~-'· ~ (lllllil VllM).1:.51.11; 2. (c-.tlo}. 1;12.tt; I. Vega =11a), 1:01. U : 4. OvtlerrH ~l.~fQ'-~ °'*~t:Ot.M. 110HH -t. IC.wtlO ~ ~ 1"41; I. W~ (ldgNoM), tl.71'; •: er- l•lellop A..,•tJ, 19.ICI; 4. ~on190111ery (~-). 14.ot; I. loyG (It. llWY•lo 14,1 'I. ar-(J'lilO Allo), I~. aool.H -1. l(arflO '~e-· .. 2. AlllllW ~ M.16; I • H .M 1 4. MonttCH.M'Y (Ind = II.It: I. 9owc1 (8( r.wy~ M , t. ,..,..,. ~-... -~··~ ......... . 41 .. ,4, ...... ,_._..._ e1:I" ., ... ~ 4',11. 1,800 ,.._ -1, ~ a:14.41; 2. 8llflOP ""'*· 3;14.U: 3 ............ ;14.f?; 4, ~.I: ft.I f: I, o.Jlnd, I. KG; L ... l.11.17. ii:J -1. CNmDy ~ 7-0j t. l.l9rwlf ~ •tO: a. w ..... (Mn '*DOI. .. ==,O: 4. ~ a· .. Mofril IF M ; e. (lie) CNewbUrY Pane) larnfl'On M . . w -1. TiloMN ·= °" ), 24-4 ": 2. covln.11on <'•lrfleld). u-t 1 ~: a. ~ fc:enlrW Union), 2'-4 9'; ... ....,,. (Maryevl le), 21..0 '6~ I . Weldoft (811.., C..>. 22 .. ": •. l(urlltldt (SM P89qUll). 23-t"" T J -I. Arcflle (Frfffto), 60-S ... 2 Wlllla1111 (Troy). 50...1: 3. Moorl119 (Mt. PlauMI), 41-5; 4. Teytot (Clo'fla Wnt). 41·1: 5. Pulllnt (Mvlrl, 41-3; I . Alllln• (Wmnut}. 41-114. PV -1. OMMai-~ 1M; 2. ,,~ (CICWle Weet). 1""1 I . Halftp9taad CValtV). 15-2: 4. aarrett lacMe W•I. 14": II. ~ Ile» Oetoel. 1q; I. Ctoft (TUiare Union), 1~2. SP -I. k,ee ~ Pwtl), -...: 2. e ~ 17.f ¥.; I . f'aR9 • '74: •. OM-. ArNI). ~7-1; . •endef' (811al19f')~I ... ; t . OobOlr'9 (9ur'roullN). ....... OT -1. ~·~-8urTougN). t11-1: 2 1<e1cNe ~ M. a. U111an (MonrOWI), I~; 4. A.lrlloftaltl (llldfotd). 115-7: 6. ~wllef (AOM'illle), 175-1; I . 8ltoll (V_.). 1724 • THm toorH: 1. (lie) Cren1ll1w end Mlalon vi.to. 20; 3. (lie) LA WlllNngton end Compton, fa; a ...... f7. woeme 100 -1. MoCtw Co.n.tw). 1 Ut; 2 H-ard (LA Kennedy). 11.70; a. T•'flot (Oranl), 11.71; 4. ,,__ (o..y), 11 .. I: I. Wlntton (L• Jord•">· It .It; Aocl09'9 (~11.17 . 200 -1. ~(LA 1(.-dy). 23,61; 2. Jotw--. 10aniv>. 2Ua: a. Ollwldrl9 <Doreein 24.03; 4. flodQen (9eriraley'). 24. II: I. T~ (Gren!). 14.74; I , .,_ (Hillldale). 27.04. 400 -1, tto.wd (LA ICerwwdy). 52.M (n1t1on1I end m"t record); 2. Arnotd (Lodi•), 13.41; ....... (Miii), 63.7t; 4. ROiie ~ 14.70; •• ._ 0........ l4.IO; .. Noe(~ 55..ol. tOO -'· 01tf"4 cu. ........... a.a 2. ... ~ ta.II: .. ....,. (W..._..,,, 2."0tJ)5; 4. y ..... (Pruentatlon ). 2: 10.lt: II . Moore (PledrnOllt), 20.44: .. 0...-. 18 ............ 2:11.0t. 1,1100 -t ...... ~ ..... ( ... I,_.); I . hi! (Newbi#Y f'attll, 4:44.47; a. Allan 19anW AM). 4:'6.41; 4. c:.ni-a .. ~ 4:ll2.94; I. 8My (Lllgll), 4.'M.Ol_i ... ..,. ~. • 4:14.. .... ~ S.200-I.~~ 10:"'21: 2. 811 (NeMlury Pwlll. 10: 11-. a. FlldlS C nade), 10:21.U : 4. 8errt•• .,.._....,,. W::a.111 I . Get* (......, ~ 10-.JO.AO: .. Yu= 10::41.iL -1...... tSM; 2.. ...... , ..... 14.GO;I.~ ·~ 14,bl; 4. Otlafldtar (8lllncnlt. 14..o&: I. ... (Bertl.i.n 14.14; .. Tilol'lpeoft (L8 Jordan), 14. 17. aoot.H -1. ~ ........... 42.1; L Metfl.W (P ... t• Yel..,), ft.97J I . ~Ill JclNllll. ........ ...., ~., ....... .,.....a.70; .. .... tow ..... .. 400 ..... -1. Dul!!f.c..41.42: 2. ..,..,..,,, • 19: a. OellelM. -..n; 4. ...... Me. 47.20; I. L8 Jardel\, 41.27; I. L9 l'oly, 47.42. 1,IOO rel•)' -I . OotMy, 1:41.71; 2. ~ 3:.41.M: I. ~. SM.14; 4. M__, Arte, 3:41.0e&: 5. L8 PGl!f..4:4t.70; .. Mitty, 3:11.A. HJ-1.~~ ......... 5-11; 2. Mendola (Mt. ~ 5-10: a. ~5M:4 ..... C.....Mt. 5.COOll Hadanda~M:t. v..wia ""-=5-7. u -1 • .,_ -aa ~ te-10w, 2. let" <••r11•1ey), 19.ff: . Jolln•on (Marlll~t ::·)· t._.¥.: 4. Oooclmen l*tbonne , .. 1 ... 6. WOOdlrd (Hemllt). 1~11;1. ....,... • .._,, ... TJ -1. --51), -... ": 2. ht• {8en!eley). \t; a. WedlWOr111 ~S7-f1 4.oe.-~ .7 ~ ... a... (8llllcnl. 37-t'Ai; .. r..,, cv--. 11-8.. ·· IP -1. IUa &Illa IAlllrtolll. ~ 2. JonH (HllMlr), 41-\0; a. 811elfleld ~ ~: 4. Clw1'tar (OUM>. 44-5~: •• ~ (Saugue). 44-1; •. ~(Sen c.-.. 4W'A. OT -I. Morton (lillllloil VlltOl. 110o2; 2. Hiott-lCor"-6..~:0:: •. LW-~ 1S1-I: 4. CE o.Nno>. 141-5: ·a. Krln (8urbanlr.), 117·4: I. DurcNllg (Sen Cel10ll. 117-1. ,_ --1. ~ ..... 2. l>otll¥. to; 3. LA ic.w.dy, 11: 4. 01M111A. 24; &. tllal LA.....,.. Md~ 20: 7. Mme. 1L . .. --r .. ., ~ ,. \ 1171 •nm U11 AU1omatlc trantrnmion, po## brak•, A~ radio, exceptionally dean and reedy to gol (S28TZO). Don't mlll tNe one for onty 1111nm1 ... "&U111P Awe 5 ~ model for outstanding economy with stereo ce11ette, custom txterlor trim & moral (&nRLF). Great gredUatlon girt for ~ r' e 1111 TIYITI •DSlll IElll Auto. ,,.,,_,, air cond .• power steer~. OOW*i>f~es. AM·FM •t.eo. vtnyt too. Real luxury at a bargeln price! tl43UZI) ~-... ../ Timi -..1121• AueoRlatlc tr-. .• eond., "" power, AM-flM .-.0, tltl .... ~ oontrol, poww door Ioele•. ~ .._.. I morel Rllre blactc ,.,.... tltlleh with Bordeelwt tnMnor. (411ZTI). 1 8999 1171 TIJITI llUU'1.IFTIAll" 5 apeed, aJr cond .. AM-FM steteo, alloy wt*lfs, rMr lhade & more. Low mlle1 & 1potlet1 In every reepect, (413WRA) I 5 $999 1111 TIJOTI CIUCA "LIFTIAll" AUto. trMa., .W cond .. stereo 11&>9. power brak• & more. (917SEW) A rare Md & extra clean for only 1111 TIYITI "CEUCA COIN" Popul8r 4 apeed, AM-FM 1tlf'eo, power brek•. CUl1om exterlof trim & more. Great for graduation~ (594MXU) 1111 llZll "ILC" P<>e>ular front wMel drive 5 IC>Md. fulty factory equipped plus exterior trim pedcage & morel Just OW/If 10.000 mHes. (18WY805) Take a look et only ; 1118 PlllOllE 12• "TlllU" Sunroof, 5 apeed, alf cond .. stereo caaette, power wtndows. custom wtl4lel1 & tlree. Low mjlea. What• earl (1CJK185) G0ne fish in'.· • • • ·~~ fnim dw t.eiidl of Barbara Javonky, U\ut9 Armltrona and ,.....Btewna. . The' 6"" ~ Wll a m•'*"' adapted from Charlel Schults'I ~ flrip "Omrlll ~ .. ...... llliiiii -~ With a book by Bart.NJ. and CJl1cinal ICON by Dey Martin, the kidl fNere cUnict.ed in dim hlchlY •llCCelllul venture by the bu been. private j)artiel aibcKlftd and commit&eel work on .abow l'hncle S..w. towards the .,., IOdal exp&olion in the fall. Dey play9d am own ---~ • Jot of com~ • They may ~ out a Nn aying, "gone fiahln"', but they don't have the· Dri~ of ~ ai..,_ -while the CMt Jeff don't mean it. Javonky, ... d pla;id CB; Jeilb Alm*troac._ u.o e, pla~ Let me atve JOU ane for imtancea: Peppenninl Patty; Mc:lnlqLW Moen, 8 w• Cllllt • LucY; Awn South Cout Bep'1 AucUon Party -ICheduled f« July 10 -Martin, 2, took over the role;J>~ _Schroeder, JeMka Pankow, 18 and ch$'ed by Jane MuUn and Diane D6eh.1 -19 ..-ndally In montha old. wM Woodltock. Jrid J~« aae 1 ymr and place. But, whlle di.at moves aJona towardl dlmpletion. Valley barely on hll feet, joined the Cllllt • Reilly, chair of the theater'• whlte~tle-and-ta lls-With one sucr'eRful venture under belt, they're alreldy 1ftnt.of-the-Sep«-..-.1111on party will be worldnc all a&mmer' In production tor their teODnd try. A rei> company alrwiy. My : with her coqmittee to eee that It .,.. • llDOOCbJ.y • it alwa,ys wocd! dos. • ANOTHER YEAR ROLLS BY: Now, here la a bftutlful lady In I.act, the Paaa-Party fQ! that affair w.a last.Friday •t willinl to admit ... nay, proud to-admit ... that lhe't 40. Barbara Bowle'• --· , · SO, Carolyn Tyler, here'• a toest to you and your mom, Je.n Gay Bryant, N~ Foerster and Gertrude 1bol1Mll wW be Gillett, who put ~ an J:ncliah tee birthday party f« you ridJnC herd Oft the Newport Harbor Art M~'• antiquel show and -oddly ~ -·40 su-ta. commiuee all throuda the \.Md-to-be-luy aanmer days to pull Tbe theme ...Wted from a four-week tour Jean took that production off 6y September 17. recendy with her~ JW and Brian Tyler. And over at the mne .Stand· -~ -the WOC'kahop Travelina '= J'.naland and Scotland, We9tmimter commltt.ee, under the dlreciian of 11eriOn Seely and Bee.Jay Abbey obYlouily t tbe imacination of 9-ymr-old Brian and Henbman will OC> be workinC tbrouch theaamrmr to be IUft to he~ Che cover for &he lnvttatloo to his mam'1 party. be relldy for -and are J'OCI ready for tb.i11 -1he Ctuistmaa Tree THEY FLING SPRING J)f LAGUNA BEACH: At JeMt they Gala. -do at the t.acuna Be.ch )(wewn of Art. SO, CHRISTMAS IS A OOMIN': And another group that LMt week that dedicai.d mm of volunteers, the Junior knows it it, 11 the Junior League's Christm•• Company c.ound1, under' the dtrecUcft of Vldde Hawthorne, h1ah1Jahted committee. They're plualna away, even u another group of their ~-formal aff.eir with a prHll~to-~ out a questionnaire. The ooe at the Depot coatmw aa many questlom about what you put "In" your body u it alkl about what you put "on" your body. ~ A cbe namination under the derma-Ught By VIDA DEAN revaJa what your daily nutritional Intake may be ~~~~ ~or~you~be~in~ Don't ~ou hate to wake up in the IDOl'llfnC with Aft you .. feedina" your face enoup J::t.efn. ~are JDethodl to make that puf;m_ IO ~~~ .. '?A:. ~m;:.:~ ~ away: place wet ...... on the eyee While YD'f lie vttaminaf An you undll' a lot of ~ n-., • iO bed; "PIJlly wttdl buel to. the offeDdlna ua or ; aymptam will show up on your face. 1 .Pl.-11ice1 of tr.h cucumber over them. But all of "We are not doctm-1. and we mn't pracrlbe d)Me are time~ bUt tbe akin doe. rev.I ~. For inltance: 'Ibere "'-Y be mecfica1 re11ma for that eye dark drclell under the eye may lndlcat.e· you're puffineea but If you are in good health. and you still overloading your liwr. Too many dairy produca wake !JP morning-after-mornin1 with -tbl1 are Indicated by tbt cmdition of the akift around clfs1re9ling problem, It could be a. re.ult of what you tbe noee Pec>ple are aarpri8ed when we tell them f1"e doing to "protect" younelf. what we· see unaer the u,ht. l,flually they'll admit • 'That eye cnam or moiatwUer you we, and the that they're not aettSna enouch of cer1aln fooda « vlay you apply it eldl ~t may be tbe culprit too much 'of otben. We can anty ....-i what ~ to Ralph "Reno' Beldwtn of the new we've found to work toWard belP'be one to have llarbor &.met1k Depot on Balboa Ialand. • · better lldn.'' Reno explaJned · Reno (you guwed lt. be'a OliClnaDY from For tbe ~ Simo .... berb9l exuacta and Nevada) aaya 10" may be~ too much mo6tture fluid OOIDDtndla deveJoped by Dr. Babor for ~ to the eye area and that~ on the puffima 9dft lJP8 Ind lta problems He appllel ~ hold. ~:1be~ u:.s ~-~t~.;: rec--~ -prota*C crwm. aOI md tpedal led." · ~-~~-macla pioclueia Jaa•• heen • As Annie would say, "I got to sit with Gala Co-chairperson, Mrs. Martha Fluor, Mrs. Floss . Schumacher and Mr. Jim .Edwards, m. Mr . .Edwards gave me the popcorn." eoddall hour cum hor d'oeuvres; placed everyone at tablel for 10; had a ra.fOe and flnJshed off the p1a evening wttb dandnc to Joe ~··band In the lower Gallery. · AmQnc thme enJoytna ~ elepnt party were Mada and Ken Bl.rd. Ted and Buunne PaW.00. the James Croula, new council Premdent Jque Balett and·~ Huch. BUI andJmet Eddlm and Jayne and Harry 13erberian. OONS FISHIN': And now a brief penona1 note -one, wbkb aboYe all la a thank )'CM to everyone hfte at tbe Pilot and out there In tbe community for making ttu. job t.mnad.nc and a marvelous leamlng experience. Jw you pther, this la this COl'relpODdent'I IWAD ~ .. edttlDI' and columnist f« thJa aec:tlcn. So, rd like to uy eeperially to all you Style cover women and men. you are a credit to your bommUntty and rm sure all our readen join me In ~ proud that you•,,. cholen to live and contribute your time and energies to maJd.na thJa the best of all pcmlble places to live. So, l"m 20ina fish.in' for a short time, but not for ~· And let me mtroduce your next editor! Vida Dean front and center! • • And if you are really Jook:ing good and feeling good, the Depot 'bu IUCh 9e!"Ykle9 as body ma.age, loot reflexology, waxing and eyebrow archlna. Everything from heed to toe. Lisa Fork.udi We91"8 new young drwlcner. Leon Max's 100 percent cotton red jump suit. SbouJ.der .. buttoned and cropped Jes. ft can be worn, • it Ja here, for ~ strolling, inlormal parties. or dependinc oo eo a cdel, to a semi-formal aunmer dinner ~· Here Liia wean it with a tin. belt Inlaid with !awe coral. metallic-strapped sandals and told leaf ..mnp. Baron's owners are Mr. and _ Mn. Hwy Kaba ol i..,_. Bw:b. IMhiMa b7 The Soft Shoe. C.oYW photo by Charlel St.arr. r The correct.JMthod, Baldwin aa:rs, la to • -;-;;. re ms• in the crema • lotiall at the "'avw'• feet" ,__.-._... __________ _.,__.... ....... _______________________________ _ area (outlkte eornen) of tbe .,,_and hlcti oo the c:beekbone area beneath the eye 80Cket. The eye lk1n wtn-draw fromltbat the amount ol tJdsture lt neect.. Never put chem or lotion at tlae ~ of the eye area, Reno aya. Reno and hll partner, Bill Riordan. another Nevadan, opened the K.c.rnetik Depot about two raonthl ago at 498 Nrk Aw. Their akin-care ' services include 1treaa reduction facials and qutritlonal consultation, (H well as makeup applJcation. Good nutrition plays a big part In the condition oC your lkin, the Depot owners say. ~ l M with any ~ salon the flrlt ltep la to fill FrMCk Pout'Cel Ray Conniff Johnny GibbfJ ~ Ranldn • CanMll Johnny Pearson Nico Gome Anne Murray Raymond Lefevre F1Mtwood Mac aet.IOft Art Garfunkel Frank a.:bleld Harald Winkler o.ld Aoee Toni Tinnlle . . ' Aerobic exercise classes several times a week helps to keep Lisa's newfound figure. Here &he wears a Stevi Brooks cobalt blue and white cotton "skort" over a matching blue and white leotard by Flexitard. The headband and banlon warmup leggings repeaHhe color scheme . \ .. To forage through the Soft Shoe's aweater collection, Lisa wears Maurice Sasson'& red suede overblouse, and belt8 It in crushable white kid. Her Bassanova alacks are white linen and she picks up the red of the top in the straps of her Anne Klein aandals. Balancing on the wall aurround}nl the fountain in the patio of the Hotel Laguna, Lisa wears a black cotton knit full-skirted dress'designed by Betsy Johnson. hrfect for showing off a summer tan, it's trimmed in white cotton lace and a small red tie. The white cotton petticoat gives the skirt bounce. Sandals by Anne Klein. . The · Rob1nsons ··Gift .. GIORGIO ARMANI From Italy, his boldest collection of fall sportswear yet. Combining architectural shape and color in a fashion that's seasons ahead. Yet perfectly In step with the way your Dad likes to live. Shown: logo colorblock lambswool sweater on grey, navy, or khaki grounds. S-M·l. 1100. Cotton gabardine pleated pant in khaki, grey, or beige. 28 to 34, SIC>. From Robinson's Signature Collections, 151. To order, call toll-free 1·800·345-8501 . .. Vicki Hawthorne, Spring Fling party chairman, relaxes after dinner with her husband, Rick. Harry Moon , Pac Atha and President of the J3oard of Trustees, ' Marla Bird enjoy cocktails at the Lagun• Beach Art Museum 's Spring Fling Dinn« llll.nd". (PIUYI' ttaders have ..., "7banlcs for the Memories" painting' before from a' "1fferent -wJe). M•rdan Center lor Edur:atlonal Th•r- apy'• exec. D•vld Ellenm•n con- 'gra tu late• Pacitlc Mutual'• chief b on ch o , Walt e.r . ~rken, while dlnnsr , · a'°y. chalmuln and another fJM chief honcho 1(/or A1r : · .i Cal and The Lyon I>~ Company) Bm Lyon ur looks on. ' . ·~»~ r-========:::;::~:;±:;:::::;:::::::::=:::::=:;:==:;:::=:::::===-t·:)r.. Semini: STEPB.EN.1 COLLllGB ALUMNAE of 0ranae County -Saturday at 11 a.m.. ln the Newpart ne.ch T-.. Qub. J'or more information call 160-1491. . .. I . I , .. . I. •. J I ·~ .. ..... ... .. . · . .\ -.. ..: .... I• : I . \ • • . .. -----.. 1 ( I 1 REAL ESTATE BRIDGE TELEVISION oe 07 08 Mav31·June •-H.M Hlghi!. Low • CloMd • ::1111~ IOOMTWTF a ca e ol the bear market blue . Stock market listings on Pages D4-5. Project's minute details tal(e years to finish . Will renov~ted hotel spur redevelopment of ~ewport Pier? Br STEVE MARBLE ~-hllr .... lc.ft RJchard Lee Lawrence tJ dotnc it hie way. A mllllonaire and a,~l\ Lawrence has 1pent U yu11 dreaminK, Plannina, mo1dina and finally l>uildin1 hia IO•called 'l maaterplece . '' Hla masterpiece lt a wed&e-ahaped at.ructure near the Newport Pier. It'• known• the McFadden Building and ha a colorful hlltory that datet b9ck 80 yean. It's an old building. City officlala say it's the cornerstone of the pier area and the key to redevelopment in this older and slightly acruffy section of town. Lawrence, who hat a reputation u a hard-head'ed and slilhtly eccentric man; b8I taken his time on the redeve~t project. He says he wantl to~ it' right. . lie has learned to live with frequent criticism front~ Beach dty officials, who' ha\oe spent years trying to 1et Lawrence to finish up hia renovation work. At one point, the city threatened to boot out h1a llnlle tenant -the Ritz Restaurant - unless building codes were met. Later, Lawrence wu ordered to put up a $75,000 performance bond. Later still, -he wu uked to put up a aeparate ~.000 bond. He still stands to 1oee them both. But he's still done thlnp bia way. With the fur flying at city hall, Lawrence has calmly been hand-picking antique lamps to place around the buiJdina, ha been selecting a double-face clock for the entrance and mulling over what to name the hot.el on the second floor. He's considering naming it Lawrence Square Hotel "The whole thins," he suggest.a while leading a walkh1a tour of the nearly-completea building, "ha been one step next to impoaalb,J~. Meetin1 \be earthquake ~ alone Wll pt about impossible." Pausing on the~ ~­point out •pair of ~ finishing up a plastering job, Lawrence says, ~-8UY. are · artists, the best. EYerytbinC ~ ia being done right." • Lawrence baa elegance lo mind for this building .1hat hM la moving a c rou town to Newport Center. The out.aide of the buildina tJ brick. There wlli be marble around the oak wood entry to the hotel. An alley ~jacent to the buildina hat been done in brick ~ will be a ped•trian mall. All In all, aa one tidewalk ot.erver noted, the place look.a just about like l t always hal. Lawrence aay1 tbat'• the beauty of renclvatlon. , ''The whole thina bu CCl9t me milliont. It'• ot.cene," he aaya. "But when it'• done, it'll be the p~-place in town." Lawrence auqesta h1a project should be the atart of a full-acale redevelopment push in the pier vea, a four-block Iona blizzard ol beer ban. aurfboanf ahope and takeout food standt. ''I could have finished thia project in one-tenth the time and with one-tenth the money if I tuid Knocked down the building and started over. Renovating a building, bringing it up to meet code ia a very long md hard prooea." Lawrence , a man who haa made bis fortune deve loping apartment complexes, is proud of hla work. "It's certainly my best W91"k," he aays. standing back to watch the workmen in action. "Thia ia aomething I'll always be able to look at. "1 never drive 'by my apartment.a to look at them. But this la different." Qty officlala, ~anwhile, are boplna that the flurry of activity at the trtanauiar building means Lawrence'• work la near an end. Several city officials, pointing out that Lawrence has a parti.al.ly completed house in Cannery served aa a flophouae for Vlllage, cla1m the developef hat a fishermen, a filh-and-clllp joint reputation for not finiah1ng what and other Ulel both reputable he atarta. and not eo reput.eble. Not ao, says Lawrence. ILLUMINATING -Period lampposts are part of redevelopment near McFadden ·Building. The second-floor hotel will "I know people aay I'm have 1 0 room 1, a 11 with hard-headed and all that but tireplacea, views and tripfe dillt thetle are tOU3h ~jecta and I nilbtly .-.iea, X..wrenoe •Jtt.~'• want to do them rl&ht. tniYeJed ~ fa ..,.m.e1c ti* ''When I flnally get the whole fum1ah.tnal for Lhe~~ puule put toa•thel' I caa .,_,, det8ll ps..-1 ... l\W'*Dlee It will be CM of 'tM "Who'• &Olna io stay here?!. he . prettiest thinp in town. It'll bi8 repeat• a queeUon. "The my contribution." wealthy." Lawrence says It'll aim be bit "I1le ftnt,..floor Will have tWo lut contribution .. He uya he'll reatauranta, one to be called probably retreat to h1' ranch Elad• and the second a out.aide of Laguna Beach and replacement for the Riti. which retire. -• NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE? -When the fencing finally came down. the McFadden Building looked about the same which la "the beauty of renovation," says developer Rick ~ ............ .,, GerJ ~ Lawrence, lnset. '!'he 80-year-old cornerstone of. the Newport Pier area will soon house two res1aurants and a hotel with triple digit nightly rates. New rules, accounts, mte~est ceilings expand world of co-op banking memben • of the end of 1981. There were 3 percent fewer credit uniona than there were a y-.r earlier, but there were 6 percent mot'e credit union members. Saving• deposit• in credit unJom. meanwhile. have arown fHter than thoee ln other financial lnatitutiona. In 1960, credit unions held just under 3 pen:ent of all aavinp deposits; by 1980, they held almolt 5 percent. Savln1• depo1tt1 at credit u2'iom in 1980 were 13 Umel u blc u they were in 1960: aavtnas depo1lta at commercial ban~ were 10 t1mee • bia and aavtnea depoalta at aavinp and loan .-x:lationa were elaht tlmel as credit uniont have been by chanaes in federal and atate regulation• which have lifted interest oeillnp and have allowed the member-operated organizations to offer thine-like checking accounts, mortgagee and Individual Retirement AoooUnta. The National Credit Union Adminlttration recently gave the federal credit uniom it regulates perml11ion to pay as mµch interest u they choose, with no Umita. The first credit union wae formed in Germany whe~ a group of farmers got together tQ avoid the local moneylenders. The Credit Union National .Amoclation saye Qle firat a-edit union in the United States waa e,Nbliahed in New Hampshire lri !'909. About 60 percent of today's Bolton to head new GICU boar.d , Here\are the 1toclc marlCet activitlea ·at publicly lradetl Oran6e County tlrm1 tor the weelc enileCI Friday, June 4. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. ------' ... ,----; I ijfj tiii I·-.----. t I t •aMC :'"' • "'t:ramr• ,.ooucu .... ., =!u:n~: c.11111 ,. ,,, :•m.:r •rr:u~oo0~!' l!le• ...................... .. , ............. ····················-...... ···-··-· ...... ·-·· .............. ··-···-··· ....... .. I A\flle llllN • llh• c.,.., ' ........ ..... ' ......... n t ... r. ''"' ' ... rl ... "· t leer."'9,..\ • ...... tau. •• .... ~.----10 ... ~ -..ee •. 11 llen..1;· lae, Ull. 11 111'1',(IN ,., tUDt u tt~.!i~J::. '!"'' ,, c.,,.,r ... Ill • 16 C.rl llartller CUL 11 C:.r\,... Cerf, CIT11 11 Cll.H,..h CllU 1t c1u1 ... ...., • 20 c.1-.... • a1 c.1-11 .... . H C.U.o, '"'· CIQIO n C:..,••· C:.re CllPM al C.•l•••• con• H c.-i..a .. ll•n cu• 16 hU-r DfVI lT Dile&,... DTH II lot• DUii' at Oow•er ••· 011. )0 llCO, (H, llC JI llP Mloro. Ul'M n lldoro ...... -II.DI ll .... h• Corf lllU' u t:!=t~°VJ~11.i1 ' )6 , •• "'"' ,. •• "" n ~:=:~ t:··'· ~~·. 1t rtuoroo•r:;.ft re11• lo ,,,. htur L. "'11' h CltMrol l•tO. 0111 0 0.MroJ T-ottl A).0.U. If~•· ~' •• OrH \ If. loop ~NI :i ::m:.:~:; "iLr 01 lorlU&• loo-1.n • s expected to be in eposita for Individual tlrement Accounts. _ ntil th.la year oat credit unions did not offer the IRA.a ainoe the t a x shelter• were available only to peopJe who were not covered by company pension plan&. By the end of January. however, mor'e than one·third of all credit union' were offering IR,Aa. ~ to the Credit Union National A.-x:tation, members of credit unions qpened 314,000 IRA1 In January, deplliting $301.5 million in the aiccouota.. .From Page 01 TRADE. • • companies want to begin by exporting to Mexico. And they say, 'Well, we want to eell th1a amount of product per year for three yean before we study the i dea of establishing a plant in Mexico,'" he said. "Well, you ~ay not have that lenctJl of time becauae there are a lot of other companiel that are interested and a company that hM done lt1 homework wlll co down and tet up a plant and request the protection of the ~which you ~ do,,, be laid. I "And 10 what you thought WM &'<Jinl to be a ,,eat plan collas--on your feet. Thia la the kind of th1nl we eee.'' Welfare boosted Ir.I .. ....... ,. :::r.:' ... " ... ,.~, .... . '"""'' .... . l;1flft• 0.-••I• ....... , ..... ,_tel•'""· CHU ..... &aal\11• llillf~IM ... ,.., ..... ltn Ju•• C:.p .... .,.. .. ... .,..,. .. ..,..,, .... . CotU ... .. ltou &oo ......... °"""'" ... ,.., ..... Fllllorto. ... ,.rt ..... ........ , ..... AMllol• OH\a lllH ltMa Ano ... ,.., ...... Tllnl~ ,,.., ..... i;;:~:r. .. wport h••llt ..,.t. '"• lrwlft• l1>4ll•l•t La&uae el ......... Tla\la ......... Or•••• .. vport. h••" lr"wlnt Aaah•i• '"·--""" .... -... '., .. ::i:1r.W;.r..::;. .,... ~u,. ' •'••'· t:~f tHrcr Oil tl11' .. ult• lealll•c • .. u .. ,,., .... f\011111 ,., .... ,_ ,.. ... ... rtllll 0.'. LelH R11 l lnn1 IMtO. leolU•c , .. , , .... ...... u. "" ,.. ... Mt1 • ...,.._, loaU•I llHMH \Hit ,.. •. . .. , ....... .. ..... '·" ,,,, ... '5 .:g ,:H" "~:: 1:b 1:u OTC ,to ·If IUI 1:.00 U.0 OTC ,,O l .'6 ott •.oo '·" ..... ·" ·" lllDIO f.n 1.n lllDAO .6' . Tf OTO llO llO OTC •1.10 ''·n l l lDIO It.to 11.1 lllAIDIO 1.00 .I HIDIO .11 .)I ott llQ ". 00 ott .n ,., OTC 1,75 1.00 MlllUl"J .,.. ...... HllllO ··r. '·H "'""" ..... -· ..... 10. 10. .... llulHer o llAIDIO , t • llldl• •tell. • ff'aa. 11111&0 •.n •.n '-r .. ttlr •t1. HIDIO •.W t,'JO ""-"'"..,. •1•· lllDIO 1.1' .t• lpff. tlH, 111. IAIDIO t.)I 1.1) •••• ,. • •••• .... 1 •• 10) '·.~ ., .. , .. , ...... ,..... .. . . ~ Mlorowne .. uoter1 IUDIO l.H f,10 ....... 01'0 •· '' I. n l1eo1 .... 1.. IUDIO 1•.00 11.so t='~·· Ui = ; Jit•I .. • • leu IUI f.00 6,lf nu. tuur•n•• 11•:1 •·ft •:·n ~==~=~~.-,r:m~ ... ::ci 1;:~, 1,: ,, rrecH t ...... u 11111 .. '·U 1.n Mlato-\er •r•· lllDIO '· ).II ~., .itPl•r u... 11111111 .11 .11 IC 0.'1 I.I l·tl.a1 IC f O.tl > • 1·lf·ll IC l.ttl • • • 1 ••. ' o. )6) • ·r:·11 IC I.Of 1.t 11• 1·11 IC • so .,, , 1t• a.eo 1111 co.n> • ••· •·•o ..... l•.. '·f •. , .... .IC ••• ,, ll-)1 .... • J.I O,tf I). 11•)1.tl IC • 6·)0·11 '° o.1' '· 1 10.so-•1 • ·~ 0:,t •• :I t:itll • 1•' o.TJ 'f·' ll·l'j' • ., l.IO I , I 1·)0 I •It, 0.1J ,I 10-)1· I llC CO.Ml • 6-10-tl .. O.fJ IS,f lf•Jl:li IC (O,O ) • • O· 1 +lltt) 0.1 11.1 lf.• I· + a.t O.U lf,I S• 1• 1 llC ·" •• , ···1·11 • 6, • (0,11) • It. I• I llC O. lO 6,1 • 0-•1 ... ~ s:::~! : t?tll .10.t lo. 11 • 11-t1-t1 llC '··of • ••• • • f, I 0,6 . ,~ ~:ro Ill .. 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Come to·where the banks, savings and loans and mortgage brokers have been coming for over 30 years. Profffelonel Ex~ 81nce 1N1 . STAN-SHAW CORPORATION Do You Own A Safe? Can It Hold AU; Your Valuables? , How About A Walk-In Safe? Security Ptotectlon "~..,, ..., °'.,..... ltef'lle. •• ·~--·~ Affordable Security For Home or Office Call Our Consultant For f rM Evaluation • 0...-• Goll Clullt • CMll • Ount I Wiie I FUlllV H~ • Fun • ,..,_ W111M CIC • ~ • Electronic~ • ...._,. • 81•11111 Colec:tlona • Oryttal • Coln Collectlona • .c-r-• ,.mlly Albumt ; 552-3975 534-8797 FREE SEMINAR ON NEW STRATEGIES. Dunn, perioda of in&tion, tr•dirionti invottmenf.I tmf per!Ot111 poorly. l>urilJI 1ucb tirnei, • •tr•refic commodiO.. prOJTUJ abocJld be considered u put of your overall inre.tment lfr•t"D u • hvdP 11•i111t in/JitJon. • H'19;, • clw>ce to /earn bow it cm work for fOU· 7l>e SuperYil«l Commoditr Tradinf ~am ,..., deveJwod by Shanon/ American &pr-. tl>e &p»p of tl>e linu>ciaJ world. and you 're ilwited to • free ieminu th.tr lfiJJ explain dJj, pl'OfTam In diuil. HoW to use ca1mocllies to fig/it i111atkn Subjects to be covered: • An introduction to SCTP • uplanation of the computerized data ti.nk with price biatoriea of every commodity over the pa•t 10 yeau • Wby more people now feel comfoctahle with coaunoditiel "DHra """••I 100 11tru1•t.• 01.n 101 Yl ltMI& hU • 101 •1reo In''•• •!IC ::1 :g fr.r· ~: '°' vte, t~•· war 106 W.nu tntl. wn I :1 Wtt""°Ol'f W t :g, :::~t~ ... :·li.. :m 110 Wll ltr• Co. m :;~~! r.::~r :ti lrwl•• m .... i ... llilfl\I, loetll .. ,lftll t IM<I HI lol1 1,:: ,,.,.. ..,.,...-~ .. , ... ,.. en "" 1. ...... .... -......... ,.,. ,..... * •.• , '·" r.aeru• , ........ "' ..... •r:· ..... •·1• •·ff C11\1 111141 DIU IR\I')' hNIRI I IH If, t I • .. .,,.,, ... ~ YH019'1el ~-O\ulr llYH '"" ... lvllertofl 1 Pao ,_.. r H\•llrU\ •aaAO 11,JI 11.s Ir-la. "'O IH• .. •r IA-10.00 t. O CM•• lld•• ti•r••i•• -... ..... •••All n .to ''· .... "".,~ •, '••" n .. , ..... ~,. unr. •••= f,11 '·" ~· h " -I arar. ,.. 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"·' t .00 OTC J, 1) J,00 ll•IQ •. ,6 •• ,, •H 1.n •·" "" )C,t'J ''·" H9CO 1,)1 '·n OTC ,.to '· IYlr ,oo ,,,o C...•ter -\relier• UI IQ. I) tt, 01 l IN Cite l&#IQ • If , tt -le..WU.lot' ... ,, .. HIDA4 '·°' 6, ........ . ..... '·" .. .. ~ •• , ... , .... , .. rr.. ote i.ff '·n 011 ud oae 1&91Q 1. 1. Iulo Pork • .... l!fH ta.7 11. .,,.o '·n , .• .,.1 .... ••.• t•· ) . If• ··1· IC •• I I . II· '. I -'· t .I "· 1· •. 1 • f , •• I f, • • I • 1.I I) \1,1 ).u. I • 1,t l.tJ t.l It.JI• I IC • 11 '1.t ••>O·l l • ••• 1.0• • , •• , •••• • t .1 l.)i ''·] f·i•·I• • i • 1 O, I 19, a II· 1.10 • o, t. I •6, I •• 0• I •••• , (0.111 ) 1·1•·11 IC 0.01 s-11.11 • ), • o.u •. ' '"ll"!l IC O,U t.) 12· 1. • 1.6 1.0 t .1 II• • I .19,1 0,01 11.0 t•)O·= •••• (0. )0) • t-10· llC 0.01 10.0 11-)1. llC l,fl ), I l•)l•ll • ).t 1,11 U.l J•IT·•• -tli.t O.Of 10.t T·)l·IO IC (0 . .,) • )·JI.fl IC .u 11.1 6-J0-11 • 1.a t.l'f H.t t• O· I •IO.t .01 ''·' 10-1•·1' •II·' t.lit II.I 6• O· t • '·' 0,0) • ·1·)1·1' • t.t O. If lf.t ·10• I IC (. T61 • -10.e1 . '·: '·'° .. '·' 12·)1··· • i. 1q.1u • ,,.,, ... .11.) (O.tll • IO·Jl·:I • 6,, .ts I.I It•)\• I IC I.If '·' 9.,0.11 -10.0 1.JI '·' 3.u.11 IC (t,HI • l·H·U • I. f o. ,.. t·ll·•· ·1),6 :· I 16.0 1'·11·10 ••• , ( ,,., • 10·)1-11 Iii) • • 9·)0·IO IC (O, If) 6·JO·ll • ,, f •• ., 11.1 1·J1.tl ·"·1 1. fl 6,. 12-11-11 • 1. 1.01 ••• ,,., ... , llC (O,ftl • t•J\-fl 11e 0.11 10.a ,.,1.a1 . ,,, <•·• ) . 11·1•·•• -1•.• (t.011 ••• , 1.01 • 'il <•:U' . '·' .... ..... (t .11) • ,t I.ta • 10-)1-·I 10.' 6-)0·fl • 6-J0-11 •.Z 11·)1·11 ),t 12-Jl•IO . )·1·-·· •• , 12· , .. , .au )U 1,911 10,Ho "·'" 111,16o ''·'t' 101 I ''·''' 10,UI 10,fll .. m ···1·1 "· ' f'.11 1,•J> ··~i 121,Jfl ,., ... J,OU If ,ttO to .... t:!!l J:. ill ·' .Jl! .;;; l-••• lit J. u '· '" m 1.20• "' '·"' •'" tT '·"' '·'" ..... •01 -t,160 ·II .... ., ... ,. ...• u w 10.m ,:: .1,011 1)),11, . .. , .1,ltf ),)ff 1, .. , l,f 10 ,,, ,,, .1:m •H ·l'• l,Ut 1,IH 11, )06 -tOI )21 ·'·"' ·)to '"'' ·•Tl '·''' ,,, .• :m ···········-·---·······--··--·---------·-·-·---·-----..-··-------·------... ------·-···-··--· NEW ISSUE This is not an offer to sefl nor a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities. The offer ls made only by the Offering Circular. 260,000 to 312,600 SHARES OANA NIEiLJEL AANK" , ""IH.NUAllll\.I COMMON STOCK Price $10.00 per share For Offe'ring Circular and a Stock Subscription Application, please contact the Organizational Office by majl or telephone: •oANA NIGUEL BANK (In orptlutlon) 34163 Paci!lc Coast Hig~way, Dana Point, CA 92629 (714)661 -4111 .· . ' >JcohoUlin •Ull curi• a lldmnat llkl an lrvtM eao\.ldve, eve thouih many fimoul peop&e have openly reveeltd their btlttle wt\h \h• afflicUcln, • "We haven't made a Jot of JN'OINll," llld Jade Pike, baud chairman for \he Irvlne·bued nuor Diltribution CompulS•. ''1°1wl'9 •till la a lot of ahame.'' Plke waa amon1 apeakera at the third annual Bu1lne11 and Induatry luncheon at South Cout P1ua Hotel hmted by the National Council on Alcohollam (NCA) 0ranp County unit. Another apeaker, Kevin Francia, chief financial officer for Varco International, llld the concept of alcohollam u a dl.aeue • rather than a moral KEVIN FRANCIS ahortcomlng ii gatnlna popularity. "The employees 11eem to accept me," Francia said, expJ.ainln8 he'd had a problem with alcohol. Pike, Francis and Kevin Forth, president pf Straub Distributing Co .. each gave a pitch deSigned to encourage the 150 executivet at the luncheon to implement company employee assistance programa. Varco saves $280,000 to $300,000 yearly on i ll $4.l million payroll, Francia said, through employee utlllutlon of OCEAN (Orange County Fmployee Assistance Network), an NCA program providing confidential aid to people with problems including dn.ag and alcohol dependence. Varco'a savings com e fr om increaaed 50 or older? Check rights By LOUISE COOK AMocteted ~ Wrtew ~ A growing proportion of Jl!e U.S. population is over 50 and these older Americans may not know that they have many new legal rights. The American Bar Aleociation points out that laws passed in recent years in the areas of jobs, ~ucation and money protect people against discrimination because of .,e. The laws affect more than one penon in four. According to preliminary figures from the 1980 Census, nearly 59 million people or 26 percent of the population are over 50. Ten years earlier, the over·50 group totaled only 50 million or 24 percent of the population. The ABA ~prepared a 41-page guide, "Your Rights Over Age 50," spelling out 80l"De of the new laws which help older Americana. Sl.ngle copies Of the guide cost $1, plus $1 for posia,e and handlins· To get a copy, write the ClrculaUoo Department, American Bar Aaaociation, 1166 E. 60th St., Chicago, m. 60637. One of the most important laW'I la the Ase Diacrimination in Fmployment Act which extended the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 70 in most jobe and protects people aUll on the job against arbitrary diac:rimination beau.18e of ace. That protection means you cannot be pre8SO.red to retire; you cannot be threatened, forced to take a less respoulible job, given fewer privileges. paid lem or treated differently from )'OUnaer' workers. The law does<not prevent people from being fired for good cauae -u long !8 ye la not a factor. Suppoae, for example, yO-Q:>are fired for abeenteeiml. The firing la not·age dllcr1minat1on. U, however, a younger worker was absent just at often as you were and waa not fired, you milbt have a caee of dilcrimination. The qe di9criminat1on act also protects you when you are looking foe a job. An employer cannot di8criminate tn hirina on the buia of ace unlees ap la a '"bona fide" quailficatJ.on foe the job. The law 00. not define bona ftde, but the ABA aaya so~e caae1 are obvioua; an acting ccxnpany, for example, would not have to hire a ~year-old to play the part of a younger penon. In other cuee, the by' group saya, the courts IO far have been willing to accept arguments baaed on the idea that aome emp1oyera have to proiect public bNlth and safety; they have, for example, upheld the right of a but company not to hire anyone OYtt U you think you have been a victim of ' aoertainap. ! dmimfnation. you can file a charge with the Eq &nployment Opportunity Commilllon; to find th neare.t office, look In the telephone book under teCtion foe U.S. government~· J 1be charge should be ln "'1lting and ahoul Include yQW' name, aae. the company apinat which )'0\1 are making the charp and the action you• believe w• dJ8criminatory. Include an add.rem or telephone number where you can be re8Ched and be -. sped& .. pomible. , County cuts jobs MONTEREY (AP) -The prelim1mry $122.1 mi1lJon budget foe Monterey County nwiml 162 fewer joba ~ the coming ti8cal par and the smallest ooun"lY' workforce since Propolldca 13 puled. Increase Tfielr Academic Skill Level ~Uictlvtty ln emploYM1 Wilna OCEAN, Jl'rancll laid and thn>ulh a relai.d drop 1n at.nt.eellm. He ctt;'d naUonal atatildal tMt lay ablent.eNm II two to four tlmta 'reater for alcohoJica than .for non~ Basic Through Advanced • C()mputer Aislsted Leaming • Reading • Math • Spelling OCEAN la ldeal, he explained, because • Penmanship • Speed Reading • College Bound Vocabulary Bulldlng employ.. don't have to IO throUah U.. employer to U. the Jll'(llra!l\11 ~. . FREE WITH THIS AO Reg . S7500 Diagnostic Testing and Evaluation To Determine Academic Sklll level ·~employees ve a little bit 1'91uctant to talk to a fellow employee about their problema,'' he aald, "for fear they'<l be branded alcoholic," 10 a conaultant procram ii better than an ln·hou.e proc:ram. He added, "At Varco, one of the fint places we look to cut ln an auaterity Pl"Olf8"\ la In consultanta . . . OCEAN ean be pretty ..Uy JusUfled on a cost 964-3398 Power Learnlng--l!l'ogr•m• 2 1036 Brookhurst (South of Atlanta) Huntington Beach bula, th h. Ii'• ve cost effective." Plan Now For Your . . July 4th Celebration Let us help you with: Tables • Barbeques Chairs 5 gal. thermovats Canopies Beer Kart I> and much more 1151 Baker Stree l ---Co~ta m e6a , California 92626 Big. enoulh Ito. be safe ••• How safe? $26 million strong ·.Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over S 1 SO million for other financial institutions Small enough to .be neigliborly. How f!eighbor/y? ·The simplest, safest IRA - JS0/1 for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account"' -the interest-bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account. the big hitter's envy! •A non-stop weJcome ... 1 San Marino . Savings New Shipment Just Arrived ••• . •. still at _57 .95 1052 Irvine Ave. 548-8884 Newport Beach .. 1' !lllf'1~j~~~ ,IJ ,~.~~iJ~~j~f~f.,,,.,,fJl~~l·t1•fl-IJf•t•fitt••••111•1~lif1tfj~Jllt•!Jlt••1JJJffiitJf•jJil'''if=Jt1JJJJJllJJltJ*JjJjJiJ'''~j,XfiffiJJ•J)jf~j}J~,,.,,jkJSJCJ~~lJf;~J,~~1..,Jf"~f}j fi:f,..£ ~ ~l::!l.l'llilllllJ I J"'llf''il.1°1~ IJillJJJi.l,.,.l~J~1111~'1111Jlll1l~··t••••JJfJ•w.1•t•;;1jfJJ1'*JjJJaff1tt••t2JJf01'1~1J1i11fJt'fa~,JJt-JlfJJflfir'tltJii1i•f1JJJJi1flt=f-jJ••jxJffi"1!1f•1tift•~DrfJ11J11,~ij·1jfjf!'1fJ• itri ~- , ~~ = ~ ~--_ -T~ ~· ~-~-·~~::~;~~~!!~~~~~~"~!ll!ft!l~~l~!!~IJ!!R!J!!!@!!'f l~~~~l~~~5!111!~!1!!f~l~~'IUl~f!Hl~!fl!!~!!~!ll!l~~llf!!!IJIJf!!l!lfllf~!~!«~fiDf~q~~f~~~ !i ~~ ~~ ~ lAl~•_:s~ ..... ~~.··~···i ·--"'••• a.o1Gii5dk.-... ,.Gat: .. cso1 ....... "'""'"""' ·•••• •••••••"'"·';-••• .... o .. li&••""••lii•-•E!l; ; •••iii.•-• .t -••-·~u;•-'•• •ii-llii•"'•~ -••. .-..-.... ... 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I ; I • I WASHINGTON -Pertttttnt ht1h moft1a1• lnterHt ratH continue to pla1ue the hou1tn1 lndu1try, but a modelt uptum 1n IC'dvity la l.nd.lcat.d fot tht• 1prln1. iccordlna to Dr. Jaetk Carllon, chief econom1lt and tQCUt.lve vice prt1,ldtnt of the National Allc>Ntion of fteeltort. "A turnaround In homt nl•• and c:on1tructlon •hould become evident durln1 th• Mcond quarter, with a 1radual lrowth pattern conUnulna throuah 1 as and 1984," c.ar11on ea1d 1n h1I May Outlook for the Economy and Reel Eat.ate. . ~ llow 1tart thil )'Ml', however, "'IP"' that the lnduatry durlnc 1982 won't be able to meet even lut year'• anemic level of houalng activity, he Mid. In the flnt quarter, for example, only 420,000 exittlnl hornet chanled hands -down 25 percent from the January-March period ln 1981, Carllon aald. It wu the alowest 1tart for any year lince 1970. Matth reechiria a ....onally ad~ annuai rate of 947,000 1ln1l•·famlly unlta, com~ to PebriaarY'1 924,000 unlta, he II.Id. Th• March· 1962 rate WM 28 ptrotnt l• than W IMUM month. yen aao and marked th• •llhth con.-.-udve month that bouatna ltaN w.. below an 1Mual rate of one million unit.I. Carlaon'• forecut expects 1.1 mlDJon houalna unit ltartl In 1912. Next y..,•, outlook II for an iDCl'IMI to 1.3 n\Ulioet unite, while 1.15 million ttarta are predlc*9 for 1984. Tht median price for an exl1Un1 1tn1••·famlly home ln March H1,"2001 an tncre111 of 4.= March 1Ul year and only tly than February'• "6.~. t.hou&h priclel are lil!na, the appnriatlon r• remaiN low by l\.lltorlcal Nndarda It Mlow the overall rate of l.nflation. "We expect tht1 tluaat•h prlc performance will continue over the ne atx mon\N but, by late thla year and 1983, home pcicee will be aoceJera more rapidly than inflation becaute of IJ"OWina demand," Carllon aa.ld, addln tNt \hii trend 1.hould continue thro 1984. Building, land costs soaring Market Profiles, a market retlff1'Ch flrm ln Coate Meu, and ~reton Conat.ructlon, a general contraotl.na fll1n heedquartered In Irvlne have recently completed a study on the statu• of Oranae County'• oommerdal/induatrial market. abaorbed within the next two yean. Accord ina to Gus MacPherson president of Breton, 11Bulldin1 cod Pequirement1, coupled with dealg chaftcee to help attract tenants/buy and the continuing increues in labor and materiab, have cauaed th market to virtually price ll8elf out o financial reach for many." SECURE -Gate-guarded entry la Island condominium homes In part of elaborate sec\,lrity at Sea Newport Beach. Existing homee IOld ln March at a aeaonally adjuated annual rate of 1.99 mllllon unlta, a 2.1 percent lncreue fron1 February'• level, but 23 percent below the rate fc;>r March lut year, the report said. And the March home reeale rate la 50 percent below the record aet In November 1978, the economlat noted. Hou1ln 1tart1 also lncreaaed in The survey revealed that wjthin the put five years, the COit of both land and con1truction within the county haa eteal.ated by approximately 200 percent. Additionally, the market's current over-buflt atatua is not expecced to be Dave Dickey, principal of Marke Profilea notea that "lncreatlng Ian 9C&J'clty, brouaht about by the lncrea8e I development dwinl the 1970's has led higher density, multi-unit construction.' Security tigh~ ·at Sea Islarid When diacrlrnlnating homeeeekera decide on Newport Beach as their choice of locale -and are prepared to pay a premium price for the privilege of living there -they deservecUy expect the very best of design. construction and special price-lncluded features. McLain Development Co. now offers such a residential opportunity at its new Sea Island condominium conununlty in Newport Beach. Cited by buyel'I! as being one of the most impressive price-included amenities ls the elaborate protective· features for residents of the luxury condominium homes. The protective amenities range from a 24-hour guard-gate entrance to a security sensitive system for each home, according to Janet Bliss, sales manager of the homebuilding film. "As a valued feature of Sea laland, we have contracted with Sea O>ast Security to provide a sophisticated 'security sensitive system' for every home in·the development," Bliae stated. This standard ''hardware" installation is designed togJ;:vlde basic security by protecting all acceasible areas, doors and windows from unwanted Lntrusion. Smoke alarms are also connected to the system and two or more digital • remote. stations allow residenti to arm or disarm the system from within the home, while interior sirens alert them to an emergency or intrusion. "A full list of options is also available direct from Sea Coast Security to complement the atandard aecurity and tailor the l}'"ltem to apecific needs," Blils noted. "· The Sea Island guard station ii manned around the clock and equipped with the latest bi digital receiving computers, plus n~pid dial phone equipment with direct links to each home. The 24-hour guard station staff will provide two-way video monitoring of the community'• North Gate and personal accea control at the main entrance. Should individual security systems be activated, the guard station will be alened, allowing the guard to direct emergency vehicles to the home. The collection of Sea Island residencies .includes seven floor plans priced from $390,000 to $795,000. The various homes are oriented to views of fairways; Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the high-riae skyline of Newport Center. Seven model homes by Saddleback Interiors, of Corona del Mar, are open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at #11 Sea c.ove Lane·tn Newport Beach. THE TOWNE COLLECTION, A luxurJ community of 110 townhomes, la now open at the . M. Peters Company's exclusive, muter-planned development of Belcourt, located between Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard in Nevlport Beach. Designed by Carl McLarand As9oc:iata, Costa Me.a, five floorplans range in alz.e from 2,969 to 4,419 aquare feet. Homes in the Towne Collection ~de two to four bedrooms aQd tw~and-one-hal! to four-and-one-half baths. High ceilinp with hand-crafted crown mouldings add dimensions of architectural volumn comfortably aocommodate lavish furnishings. Priced from $525,000 to $710,000, the "l'owne Collection is one of five luxury neighborhoods to be oUettd at Belcourt. a private community situated on 114 acres of prime Newport Beach property; one of the la.at pan:ell to be wned for residential development in the dty. 'nle ales complex., with five fully-furnished models, decoratedda~" S;Midlebaek lnteriora, Corona del Mar, is open y from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone number for the aale. offioe, located at 26 Belcourt Drive South, la 640-1840. Ocean breezes. Terraced gardens. A busi11e5S environ- ment that's second to none. Civic Plaza in NeWJX)rt Center. A short walk to a variety of fine restaurants, the Marriott Hotel and Fashion Island. A short drive to freeways. Close to the John Wayne . THE Air(X>rt, only minutes to the beach. This is the Newport Beach business dimate at its best. · Carden offices with extensive landscaping. Convenient parking. With experienced space planners to assist you whether you lease 2,CXX> or 20,CXX> square feet. Offices th~t, by design, reflect the epitome of success. . Civic Plaza in Newport Center. Unparalleled executive environments: NON available. NON aff ofdable. For further information, call Andrevv Schutz at (714) 640-0370, or contact your broker. CIVIC PLAZA OFSUCCESS. .,. .. Nenll Eat& , .... ~ Wett N-" Eut 1NT I <:;> PUI P ... DW. an Immediate takeout dou· bit. In 8), South'• doublt of one no trump 1a eqwva&tnt to a takeout. double of We1t'1 openln1 bid, bu' North ht• the opUon of convtrtlns to penalties with valuH In opel\tr'• eult. In C), South'• doublt t. for takeout. elnee thla i1 the ftr1t chanee ht hu had to double an tntm1 1ult. At flret stance, nqueneH ft ~WM& Nenll Eut l NT PUI P .. I <:;> DW. 5) and e) look •llk•, bot there 11 a 1ubtlt dUference. In 61, South'• double la In front of the overcaller, 10 It 11 primarily for takeout -bla trumps are under the iun. In e1. South'• double la for penaltlff, alnce be ia alttlnr behind the overcaller. If South want• to compete, he mu1t pau and hope that hl1 partner can reopen the bid· ding. b •• I J, A. -If you treat any double by partner at hl1 first oppor· tunJty to double· a 1uit. u be· Ing for takeo4t you will 1tldom be wron.g. If you pre1ume that any double of a no trump bid la for j>enaltle1, ");,/ you will apin be ri1hl moat o • of t1'e Ume. However, there are a few exceptlon1. Con· 1ider'theae ..quence1: u IAa s.-. Welt N.,Q In 1), South'• double ii for takeout de1plte the fact that be did not elect to double one heart. Wben a 1ult hu been bid and railed, It II not 1Jkel7 that the doubler can have the len(th and 1tren(th In that 1ult for a low-level penalt)' double. By fU'lt overullin1 and then makln1 a takeout double. South 1u1pau that he baa a five-card or lonser 1uit in which he overulled with reuonabte 1upport for the other two 1uite. Double1 can cau1e trouble. but, if you underatand the pr\Jlcipl ... you 1hould avoid the wltche1' caldJ'on. ' s ... .., .... ._s._.~ -... te: C......._ C..a .-0..ar 8Urtf. can el Wt Hws,...... ~ week a prtM el a ,.,.,, ef die aew "Gena'• ....... c-p&e&e," a '9.H val .. , will IM award· eel ,.,. ........ .u.. J.qecl th NII& rec.lvecl. l <:;> l. z <:;> , ... PUI DIM It E.a S..tli Wut N.,Q I <:;> PUI ! <:;> P&H PUI DWe In 2), the double la aiain for t.tkeout. Eut-Weat. have 1hown minimal value1, and South la competing for the part1core. He did not double one heart ~auae be did not have aumdent ltrenrth for Vidal's essays neatljr tied THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION 4c OTHER ESSAYS. By Gore Vidal. Random Boue. !'1t Pqes. $15. J _ Gore Vidal is best known as a nOveJilt, but, '• this collection ~ly displays. be la al80 a first-due writer of emays. j I There are 19 eesays gathered here and they ~4re a mixed bag; covering a wide ranee of aabjects, among them the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald, the private life of Abraham Lincoln, fond recollection of the Oz boob, and a undiced look at movies and the peoele who e them. A mixed ~. yes, but al8o tied together by writing, cutting wit and ·a very high order of telligence. A. a bonus, the subject of a Vidal y may be one thing but the author al80 flnida to flt ln neatly and unobtrusively 101De ~"'&Ota on other subjects. "F. Scott Fitzaeraid'• Cale," Vidal pithily "61119011 LAW.._MT. OUYE Mortuarv • Cemeterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa M0-555• "8Cl•OTHIH HU •OAOWAY MOaTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 6'2·9150 IM.n&IH6HOM • SMITH & TUTHIU WISTCU,. CHAPI\ 427 E 1711'1 St Costa Meaa 648-9371 llllllllm GELLY GERTRUDE H. GELL Y, resident of ec.ta Mma, Ca. P~ away June 4, 1982. St. WU a retired teacher from Bo1ton, Masi. Secretary few the N.R.T A She hM been a readent of COit.a Ma., Ca. lbx:e 1976. She la 1urvlved by her dauahter Joan !!lll1, 2 erandchlldren & 3 ere a t ·srandchlldren. Recitation of the lbary will be held Sunday, June e, 1982, 7:30 PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Mau of the Returrectlon will be held Monday, Jwie 7, 1982 at St. Joachim'• Catholic Church, Costa M-. Ca. Final lntsment aerAcel at Good 8hepberd Cemetery, Hunt1n1ton Be.ch, Ca. Servx. wMler the direction of Baltz-Berceron Smith & Tuthill We1tcllU Cha)>el Mortuary. 646-9371. · Pair cleared ' OAKLAND (AP) -A principal and vice principal of Roolevelt Junklr' Hilb School bave- been cleqed by 0.kland Scl)ooll 8upertntendent J . David »owick of trytna to recruit students on Qllllpua for Rev. Sun Myun1 Moon •• Unlflcation Church. diacu8leS Fi~erald as a penon. a penonallty and a writer. But he a1ao finds room to lambute the acho'Jan who. seem to be 1et on canonizing Fitqerald. & Vidal ot.ervea. "One aeee the need for acholara of Dante, Rabelais, Shakespeare. But ICbolan of a contemporary popular writer who needa no lntroducdon? Isn't this all a bU out of proportion?'' Or, ln '"Ille Oz Books," a tribute to L. Frank Baum. author of the books. Vidal al80 nicely makel a CMe u to why certain people ln pbwer do their best to dbcourage interest ln imaglnaUve writing. nu., aays Vidal. la becau.e they know ''there is no greeter danger to their order than a worker whole dreelnl are not of televislcn 8etl and aex but of differently ordered worlda." Some of Vidal'• opinions may eeem extreme, but they are h1a opinlona and they are very well put. FOR SPECIAL SERVICES. BJ Jo•• aaraer. Coward. MeCua 1r aeopep.. in Pases. tt.tl. Jamee Bond LI back and ao ii SPllC'l'R&. Only th1a time, 007 ii older and hil drtant .. the very mature da~t.er of hJa old friend Feti Leiter, which maltea Bond feet paternal throughout the book. But have no fear, the bed guy. -and women -are an attnctive lot who find Bond an 'OOl llVllW equally attractive enemy as they do bAttle <YI/fir ipace stationll and a weapon more danaeroua than the bamb. John Gardner, who -.&med Ian J'Semlu'a beat-known creation and atyle to that t&e orilhW-=roel ..-it would not~ pve. UI pure Bond1m adventure. \ Bond ii equipped with hil hichlY technkal and eternally aurpriJlna accoutrementa: the specially outfitted Saab that ii u cbe to a Sherman tank combined with a mac1c carpet u any car, knives contoured to hil body and bi. ever-amazina va1i1e with way. out of fNef"J jam. Gardner reaches into the past to relWTeCt s~ and 1ia 1-endarY leader Blofeld to terve u Bond'• nernSls and to brina b9ck bed memories to 007. It ii the eame old duhlng 007 we have known, tumblln& down eltvator a~ta and ~tl'lidni the vUla1na, the burden of worJd ~ resttna cuually on hia ahoulder. While hJa temples may be~ a bit, "the :,t penoo In all the West who -mljbt yet be to avert diaMter WU ••• J.._ Bond." And the one penon to ~ Bond alive 11 P'lemlna would have hoped ii Gardnw. Gc'Clner doea an admtnble job of detaWna the 11.ienttfic and t.echnk:al lllpec.1a of Bond'• .Gventur-. And wblle hil 1'~ lkill mtcht fall abort, no one h9 ever reed Jama Bond I« 11nythbw more than fantMtkal ltdventure. And that Ii· what ••rot Spieda1 Servicee'' la all about.. ·"' MJL~ . Aneda ... Pieiil I WE AGREE.~. No more unnecessary tax Jncreasesl You agree tool You pro~ that when you \.Oted for proposition 13. With SIJ.000.000 1n surplus already. shouldn't ..ve be \.()tfng on a measure to reduce taxes 7 WE AGREE ••. Yes. VIie want increased road 1mprovemenf!' and beautiful parks We need more bicycle trails and ..ve enJOY the cleanliness of our bay area. We enjoy Sunday Brunch at fine Hotels. We enjoy our high quality style of living Now . ..ve·re \.()tfng to further tax the same people who have been supporting this style of fife for the fast ten years Aren't they already paying therr fatr share? WE AGREE ••• But 1s this the. nght way7 The cost of housing more and more beachgoe'} is increasing. These "touriscs" who ~ff from 20.000 co 100.000 each day have yet to pay a cent They stay for only a day. make a mess. and JUSt go away Why not find a way to tax their feer. thetr cars. and thetr R V.'s7 AND THAT'S WHY WE DISAGREE ON 118" VOTE NO ON 118" PRESENTED BY THE NEWPOllT BE.A.CH CONVENTION mD \llSITOl!S BUllE-"U PEGGY FO«O. PltESIOENT; 1470 JAMBOREE RO .. NEWPOllT BEACH Paid PolHlcal Advertllet'nent "Mayor RON PACKARD is the best prepa_red, most· . able Republican cn~didate for CQngress." I • RON PACKARD has Hved and worked in this district for 25 . yean. RON PACKARD has served Oll' community as a school board member, a~ a planni'lg , coomissioner, as a city c0111Clriian, and as the · Repubkan MAYOR OF CARLSBAD. J " •• -AflBtHOON- 12:00 e AT ONI Oueot: 111thof Honnen Coullnl.' • L.OeT IN 91'AC:e "Theft W-Olanta In Tho Earth'' • I.ON> MOUNTBATTEN: A MAH FOR THE cumJfft' "Europe Gooa To Wor" Mountbatten ,,_ from Commending ~ ol lhO 5th o.troyer Aolilll to Advlaor ol Combined Oporallon1 whon war llf•• out betwMn Ger· "*"! Ind Au811a. (Pllll 31 (R}CJ e IOOCIA MADE IN ..,..., (C>MON ....... ''TM ... ....,.. .. ( IH2) Robert Pf•ton. S1*tey ~. A fMl·tllll· 1ng .....,.,,.,,. ~ to • .mtll town In !owe to orga- ntm I boyl' bond and lnodvertOfltly .... In !OW wlUI .., """"8Mld llbfM- . _.I.-!_ _... ...... f'! ........ ......... ""' ....... Ora.• ......... w."9 . ~.:::: '"°"' ....... ); * * • • "The ll\lnt M#I" (1110) , ••• , O'TOOlo, llM MIMeok. WanlOd "1 , .... polloe, • dlltUfbocl Vl9IMm ..,lft "'* an llMM'O ""*' on • "'°"" 11t ...,. I WOtld Wtt I -" Mlflt fllmod. '"' tlllde IUNDAV, 1.oc111on~ ''" A,,._. Combined DtMNI lwftl, T~ Otnyoft. • MN)Olt O'"°"~t 1114 AoMn OfOW tM lndlant to ,.. '" etteolt on tho fott. • HOGAN'I HlfllOll I-0.UllPO ltt"I II Utlonoci 10 gelhet lnlor• IMUon et>out IW.0 1), •• AOAM-11 Tiie oftlottt .,..., ..,.,. II robeetY oeMI, ~ In • ..,. dl9t Ind~. dOoe pedclltt. a:oo• ....... -.AHO TM lklpptt l'llO 10 rollYe o WOl'ld Wtt II tapat1onoe Ill OfW 10 tepelf tho rldlO trlMl'lhltf. • MOVll • • * "Tho Berofoot Cofll ...... (1t64) Hum- pllroy Bogert, Av• Gllfdfltr, FIMhbldl• •t • f\HleCll r9YMI tho traolc and w"lstoct Ille of • olam· our girt. • flK)Vtl * * • "l(lnge Go Forttl" llNtl Tony Curtll. Hotllllt Wood. Ir\ WOfld Wtt II Frenot. 1 glrl of milled blood got• lnvolWd with • polr ot 011. one of whOrn lo dMtlMd to cauM h« downfall. • flK)Vtl ** "Tho WIMlng TNl'll" (1152) Dofll Doy. ~ Aoogan. Pllc:Mr OtOYft Clovol111d Aloundor becOmOI one of tho g,..t• olbaNNll. • TMNNO 0008 THE W00DH0UH WAY "Problem Dool" ~ ahoWI hOw dogt thOI Jump up, won't Wtllk on • IMd Ind ano cera can be ourocf, eMCM1 ··~ "Alglor•" (1931) Cheri•• Boyer. Hody Lamarr. An lnlomatlOnll ~ Ullof ··-l9fUO' In the exotic Cubah. CIDMCMI • • "Beyond Tho AMI'' (1991) Donton Ko'no. Moron. JonMn, A PotyM- elln-AmoriCM ""' who tlel been~ In tM U.S. r.tumo to hit ltland l'IOml and ,... In love w4th • ~dlvor.'PG' (l)MOVIE * * "MICSO tn Parl1" ( 19ee) Atln-Mwgret. Louie Jourdan. A Patil dtt9* ~ • laohlon buyer off her feet. 2:80 • QtU.l(Wfl l8l.ANO Giiiigan uMWtlW • ~ whil;tl "" ealOWllVS Utlnll contalnl • s>nt•'• u.. KTl'V (11) 6:00 -0 The Makln1 9f a Major Hollywood Mu1lcaf.'1 A behind-the-seen• look at life on the Mt of "AnnJ•.'' KNBC (4) 7:00 -.. Father Mw-phy." Will Adam• l• encoura1ed to accept an adoption offer. • KA.BC (7) 7:00 -0Crolled Swords." Bued on Mark Twain'• "The Prlnoe and the Pauper," the movie •tan Oliver Reed and Raquel Welch. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Tony Awards." Excellence in the th~ater lt honored in telecast from New York City . ., IOOll ....... ~· ,.,........ 111tf IJ091... . 11:IO "°""NW. -~ . .,... ........ ltd of "OlllM." I~ I • * * "l<Jntt GCI , ,.,_. (1Mll Tony ~. Nllllt Wood. In Wortd Wet I ,,.,., • tiff of ..- INood -~ ..... .... ---""""" doltlntct 10 --.... ~ ... • TM.11 '1',,. UNIXNOTID (I) MCMI lt*'A "CoNN-Htr• c11tu1" ( 1H71 ltllfllOY Biiker, L ..... ,....._..,A men "'°' dowt\ Oller ~ It twt¥od from dootll fd. ~ .., ~.tlOn, ""' tho 1*1• of 1111 bflln "* --delltO)'od ronci.r '*" . on Pcollont llOV for the enemy. 9 U0\1111 •• '" • Tho P.oplo Hein Door" (1870) Ell Wll*tl. Julio Httn.. 8MOYW • • • "Th• LonollHI Ru11nor" (18781 8rl•n ~th. Lanoo K9'Wln. (C)MOW! **'~ "Tho Wender .. " ( 18711 Kon Wehl. Lindi MMi. Tho -bora of • tough tHOe atroet gang In tho lrort• dlacOYef thot tM prOCOOMO of growing up and follinO In low .,. much mOfO dllllcult ·~ "'°°' tl\on MY of the rum- blOO tho(\19 IMtn par1 In 'R' 1l:AI8 THE AC>a<FON> Al.II GMOW! • • • "Th• LonollHt Runner" ( 18781 Brian Keith. t.anu l<onorin. 8 MOYIE * * * "Ouat FOf Low" (11711 Tom Bell. Joon ~­ linL (B)MOYW * * y, "Chu a-. Artd TM Pflllly FIMh" (181 I) AIM . Atkin. Carol ltumott. All llCohollc tormer b...o.11 ~ and • kootly .,.. oni.tllinor ll«:Omo par1· ,.. In 1 ICt*M to make money by f9Cumlng ..... IUtlceM.'PG' IJ:DITOR 'S NOTE -Sh• 1-1tlll retnftnt.red .v «:imethl116 ol a p«80nlllattJon ot &he 'BOI: &he ~116 liMder of &he d«:ade'• llCtJvllU and "nower ch~n." Mt.nt i. Joan &n today, in th.,, rimes of lea domesrJc turbulenc., a folk. al•r in a "hard rock" world'! By PATRICK OONNOLLY AMMlee.d ,,_ Wfltlf • , SEATTLE -Joan Baei, a 41-year-old 11n8Je parent with a bualnesa to run, a busy concert echedule to keep and pacifiam to preach, says 1he'1 at an awkward age. She can't ahuck her old imaae as the barefooted madonna of the 1960. folk revival, the soprano flower chUd sil)ging anthems to a generation's moods and movements. At the same time, record distributors fear ahe may be old hat in an age of thunder-and-lightning rock productions. "Some people still picture me with a dress made out of hopsack with a peace symbol on it, sitting on railroad track.a with a bucket of organic honey on my lap," she says, laughing at henelf. "That's the stereotype of a dumb nonviolent activist I've spent yean t,rytna to do IOmething about." _ But she finds henelf sVUggUng in the business that gave her ttnown. Alter more than two cto.n alburna, ah• aaya ahe'1 ha~ trouble findlna a Ncord COIDpM)' to distribute "Oilldren of the 'IOI," whkh'. · abe produced with the Grateful .Deed. '"lbla II the tint fieht rve had,'* ahe u~. "Maybe they think I'm too old. 1 think Ive become a calculated riak becauae kids like the hard metal of AC-DC. Record compantea wonder, 'What II thla woman aolJll to do? She'• been away for a few years. Maybe kids aren't lntereated ln me11a1es.' I know klda are lntereated ln honelt 1'1\e91A1e9.'1 Sbe deacribel henelf, IJ'Own now andwith ... ··~··· ~don't want to kid anybody. I like the aood thln8' of life. I ahop at I. Maintn and Saka becaUle I can't set to Paris often enouah to buy what I really want," ahe aaya, runnlJ1I her ft.ncen through her abort, streaml1ned hair. She delcribe9 henelf, grown now and with money, u "claaay ... Netahbon often eee Baez hulf put u ahe Joo two to four mllea a day to keep'tlt. She has iaken voice 1eaona for three years -"Somebody kindly potnted out that if .I didn't pt help, the vok1e would de~riorate. That freaked me out," · lhe U)'I. She's the faat-movln1, atrong.wllled See Baei, P e E! Joan Ban ttJaxe. on the porch ol hH &n FrancJaco home' with one ol hf!r l•vorlte lriends. She find• henell stru/lll1fn6 m the record bu•lnea · that o~ broCJ6bt her lame. After more than two dozen album.a she &.Mvtrw· trcuble getting • record company tQ distribute her new "CbJJdren ol 'the Pro•PapEI ........ "' nwnon. Ind .... ~ which MndMI \he ~ aide Of her Ute, ari4 .UIMN\11 lntematianal, I noaproftt hwnan 'IP• ~Uon \hat ~ti the world'• ppor Ind war-tom. • Htr cone.rt toun are freMUc, often pecklnl two lhowa lnto I Nab\. SM WU lnterviewecl ""9n\ly ~twttn 1old·out performanc .. tn S..ttl• and by telephone to her Woodllde home. Doee 1he hav• trouble l(l~ her eof\ c:elebrity life wlth her profe91d devotion to the deetitute! "I felt sullty about lt for a JQna time," lhe 1aya. 11Bu\ I finally realised that whether I live in a Nltk home here, a Hollywood manaion or a mud hut hu very little cUtect effect on the hunary of Africa or Cupbodia, What anall difference I make ta throu1h my money and my muatc." · She'a ra.lal.ng Gabriel, a IOll born durlJ'\I her maniag• to draf\-evader David Harris, which luted lrom 1968 to 1973. Harrll, a novelist, ltvet about 20 minutea away and carea for the 12-year-old boy when Miss Baez la aone. ''Ive told Gabe we live in a dangel"OWI "'Otis!" and lhould work for diaannament and that his •,mom, 'or one, is going for it. But kida his age are pretty young and deserve a chlldhood 90 I don't push 1tuff on him. I think I could become oppreealve very fast. "IVe never taken him on a march. I can't •tand that Quaker peacenik syndrome when they drag their kids along. U he wants to come ~)'. fine, but he's not going to be pushed or dragged," says MISI Baez, who was railed a Quaker. "The divorce was hideout for a couple of yeen. U my ex wasn't such a good dad, it would have been. worte. We finally got our heads together and reallzed that the only thing that made any difference was Gabe, not our ego tripa," ahe aays. TM •eo. w..-. ablue wlth ~ tOI' BMa. but ~ were not, lhe 1ay1, to1den )'eVI. '"l'hoet were tc1$Ye yean and Vietnam and lntqrtUon "91~ m. orpnm my ~hca," ahe Mys. "Whit ~ could a 20-year-ola Uk than to haw Martin Luther Kh\I call and 1ay, 'You are Med~.· "But romantidlta for••t th• bloodah~ of mWlona ot dead Vte~ and thOUMnda of dMd Americlnl. Ast 18·~-old boy, dreun1na about the 'fSOI, told lM he Wlahed he WU arounCJ then. He didn't reallJe he would have had to inMe the clecolalon of~ Ute." Wlth Hwnanltu, ahe travela thOUlanda of m1lee a year, trylnc to usure that the ~Y aren't a,norect. 1.Aat year, when her commerdal oonc:ertl were banned ln Arpntlna, China uMt Brazil, ahe ta"l in aluma .. "1 eee my jC>b u recrultina kids lnto U'8 world on the alde of nonviolence. I'm not a utopian fool. I eee the World tull of confUctl and we have a rllht to our dilterencee. But we ahould have a law uytnc we don't kill over dlfferencea. We can't keep aivinl medala for murder. "I've talked to kida and they· are interested ln more than two-car gareaes and front lawna." The deaths of IUCh atan u a1ngera Jania Joplin and JlJnl Hendrix and comedian John BelUlhl were "a wute," ahe aaYI. uEntertalnet1 are under tremendou1 preaure to have the stupid hablta entei-talners are suppoeed to have, to take more and more drugs. I don't 'cto pot or coke becaUM I have a very pleasant buzz off one gin and tonic. rm not virtuous. I'm just lucky. I don't need them." She's mellowed a bit; she uys. "Over the years I've gathered a bit of patience and rm not 90 atrident with people. I tty harder to reach mldd~e America, where ln the old daY1 I would have said 'phooey'." J01AIJ Baez attends ro work in the kJtchen of her home, from which she rum a t>uslnMt. 'Sunday Morning' say~ 'Here's .. a good story' By TOM JORY A111Ctat1• ..... ...., NEW YORK -In just over three years, Shad Nonhahleld has fashioned network TV's moet civilized news program in the medium'• no-man'•land of Sunday morning. And -though he's pleaaed with the success of the ahow -he's hard-pl'ewd to explain just how be did it. "Jack Chancellor, who ta a wt.e and good man who really caree about our buaineasf ' 1ay1 Northshleld, who worked at NBC ·with that respected journalist, "opce said to rne, 'You know what's wrong with most of televiaion? Too eeldom does one guy say to another, "~ey, here's a good story.' " . "Now, I defy anyone to define what a good .. APOCALYPSE ••• POWI EXHILARATING ENTERTAINMENT." ri•.:."r •If\.•", 1 "> ~ -........... story ia.," Northahleld uya. "But, by ~any good journalist k:nowa one when he .ees one. "Seleating at.ones for 'Sunday Mom.Ing' la not an ego proc;eta," he aaya. "One or the other of ua will say, 'Hey, here'• a good story.' And more often than not, we'll do it.'' CBS introduced "Sunday Morning" Jan. 28, See Sanday Mern1D1, Page E3 SOMR'HEN IM THE DAAKEST ~UOtES Of THE UMIVOJE. A W1U l:S AaOUT TO KGIM. FOl SOME rT WIU DE THD~ AMT MISSK:>M. FOA 01'HW IT Will OE THE lASt *BARGAIN MATIN•ES * Monday thru Saturday All PerformancH tMfore 5:00 PM Cb• lpedll E11 .... 1111fttl 11141 Holiday•) "POL TERQEIST" <PG> -. .......... _ "PORKY'•" -----~- ".THI ROAD WAMOR" 111> uPOL TERGIE8T" CN> .......... ,.. ... ,_ -. .... __ _ I I LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "ROCKY r.., • ,,_ ------·- LAKEWOOD C fNTffl SOUTH WAl• IN ,oc11tly or CGllOleWOOCI 211/IJl·9NO .. PORKY'a" °" ~---- ..ST AR TREK It THI WRATH OP KHAM" .-, -------.-- "PARADISI" <R>. ---"OE.A TH WllH I" <R> --.- ,ACIFIC THE.ATlfS OllYE·• SWU MEETS Slllf'ft" ·-tll(Q-llf ... not ... ," HAlllOll llVI OlllVf·lll a OllAllG( OlllV(.fll ... ,.,,. , ....... " -· "'" -• Ml'llA'1 aJ _ ,_ A.'46~~ ..... ANAHEIM 0111\if IN ,~" .. a.-" "'""'° ~ f .... .A ...... BUENA PARK rH11 vt 111 TO -- -.. CR,~ :•lvt .,, N rn.r...11 1871, Witll ~ • eMCUUW ~U* and &he network'• 1'0n the Road" corN1pondent, Chlrlll Kunlt.. ~. NMwGrk afflllam W'9 relUccaDt at ftnl to bi'.s.& \ht ~taid Offll1ftl, -. an tact. ~CBS WU critic 19d by IOm• btC:aUM 11lundey Morninl" dla~ two lona·N~ reu,toul p~ • Only ~1e CBS 1tat.lonl ClU'ritd the premiere ecll\i<>n. On Jan. 28 of W. year, 180 afftllat. were on lint for the 7;30·9 a.m. newt lhow. "l tblnJl that'• had a lot to do With the ~ ot the ~un." Nort.blhleld 1aY1 of tM P1oitiMri.nc aspect of : the veniur.. uwe C¥>Uld be jl.llt u aood • we wanted to be. We had a lot of lfclOd people, but the only really tnnovattve thJ.nc we did wu thnlc and la)', 'What the heck, let'• try it.' "And 1 mtcht u.y,'' he lddl, "that would not have ~ anywhere ellle. Until ABC 1tal1Ml their Sunday lhow with Brinkley, CBS bad the whole day ln a way no other network had - 'Sunday Momlng' and ~eo Minutes.' And we're ltll1 different.. beea\Ule we're not, bit lUw Brinkley ... Robert 14Shacl'' NorthatUeld lhouJd know about that -whether any other network ~ have blued the Sunday momina trail u CBS" dld. He ~ hia car'ftl' in broadc:Ut Journa1mn at CBS In 1953, but spent five yeen -19~3-M -producing public affairs programs for ABC. He returned to CBS in 1977 after 17 yean with NBC News. While at NBC, he produced a number of acclaimed ~· includini 1"1be Sina of the .Fathers" in 1973, "And Who Shall Feed Thia World?" a year later, and three Bicentennial broadcasts In 1976. He wu executive producer of NBC'• 11Huntley-.Brlnkley Repon" nlahtly newacast for nearly four years. Northahield, 60 this year, grew up in Chicago and worked for the Sun-Times u a reporter, picture editor and colwnnist befo..e moving into television. "Sunday Morning" ta a mature, evenly paced program that prides ltllelf on thoughtful joumaliam with a dear feel for atmmphere and a abarp eye for detail. "I think we, llkf! moat ~eople , are well-motivated," Northahi.eld says. 'We had none of that ltu.ff -'Boy, I know what the audience wanta.' We gave them what we thought wu the Art exhibit at HB library ~e works pf artist Raul Anguiano, including oils, drawings. tapestry, engravt.no and aculc will be exhibited today at the lfuntingtori Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave. · The artist will be honored at a reception slated from 1 to 3 p.m. · An art teacher and auperviaor, Raul Anguiano was affiliated with the lNtltute of Fine Arts for 32 years and has been with the Univenity of Mexico City for 20 yean. · A:nguiano is a part time Oran1e County resident, owning a home in Folmtaln Valley. ACROSS 1 Cut ttlfough e Star In Cygnue 11 SMdNb. In Mt.in 1& Tropic81 r..in 21 SMrp 220on 23 School. In Pent 24 Join together 25~wlth eectorcycte 28 PoS>Uiet Nllneln w ... 28e..dl111 30Tellepl9ce 31CNMM Peooda 32YOllo 34 One on a ,...., 38Mlddlr. Comb.fonn 37 Scoundrel 31 Feulty 40 Bert>lt 1rftle 42 S1aNc Fr. 44aodlaound 4e l.ullOn --47~00d 4e DlmlnWled 51~ S3Chwdl offtctel 56South Amer1canl 58Plaet.• .... eo 8elan"9 ~Trewllng . bll8 85 Soep pllnt MModerate MProioOUe 10 Street map abbr. 11 c:.n.y hOme 72 8'iper mar· Mt ...... na.w. tilnwll 71CNld't ""'* 1eatowold 134 Redlon 33 AllatlC ,...., 11 Within: 1318rMd: 35 Theft Comb.form Comb. fonn 38 Meeting at 1e Contredlct 137Plan'8 theedgee 19 Trawlef'a ... 39 ttallan ltop 141 CarJ>ltk• ll9h 9NP«t 81 Ptuf81-b 142 Vine fn.tlt 41 Actvanta- 82~d18'1 144 lrt.h exct. ~ 83 Shred• matlon 43 Abounds 85 Bett noire 14err.,,. 45 Reteln N Choir voice 148 Brief anoou 41 HllWtll'-n aa CommeilOt 149 Palm Uly eong 991k1Ck9Y'I 1r,Dlgr~ 49~ t1•t• 1 1 TrlmP: tuftlx to H1mbUrger 21'rOl'da 50 8t1et ew4nt "tml 164 Blbtictll 52 Vecclnet 91 Large knife counlty 54 Bleck- 92 f'4lmale 151 Mualcal ~tllfl Minta: not• 568oot*'"O Abbr. 157 Slur over 51AbMlom'• t3 coet lotd 151 StONtlouM OOWln HT,....for1 180 Siiiy 57 Detertora• -~ 112Ctlpt\nd 4worde , ........... 5t CftN9 fNMI ... 1tl Dllc:ourage ., Envoy . '7 Abbf9¥1ate 1N"Oppoee ISWIMr 'IOO "Once-a 1'7~ ... ~ ttme. •• 111 Summel' .. 101 Chum DOWN . . ..,..,..,.,,,. '' 102Woo6y 1 Woodll'I 11 Flud plente attOe toutlne 104 Far down tOt ... ln 89Gambflng 1oe 1oot111t1 9otMY geme ...., 3CNMM 72 Food flltl 10I "King" Cole dlalect 74 -0tum 107~ .. Nice 78 "-of the weight eummer pen":3 109 Part of HSH 5HlndU WOl'd9 110..,.,.. goddlll 78 Dwll. In ChWc:ft 81ndbte Sc:oti.nd 111 Philippine 1 Prtlflx with 19 French fort port orpoee pU\ter 112 Elec:l. I Gia~ 80 Hlghwly current 9Dut dMden 113T• dlMM 82 Roee 115 Contrive tO Buquecap 9Xtr1Ct 117 Manu-11 Red"* 84 At \net time flCturef entr)' 85 Eltcept 118 Dllc:oUnt 12Gowmment 17 lriltl ... 120Wet agc:y. god 122 Red, Coral 13 Notetl' MC.... Ind Yellow 14 "lllM .to lklllY .,.. 1231'1Mt 11: 91 Cubic eoundl IMelUr9I 124 MWlnlti 1• Ole t2 N9wYortc NOtlon 17 lndMOull Cfty "*"""' 121 Smite ,. Gt.-letter 930fthemoon 121 ftalltoad 11heenoe t40uk*ly ~ 20~ t5 Pr9ftX *"" '30 JeiDot> •• IOl'I 21 Anlmll tat ctMMor 131'.uo.I 2t Redact trooper SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS 81 l'ttlntlng need 97Wlther9d teConeumed "ApproacMI 101 Artist'• mixing bMtd 103 Blood fectOf, for lhon 104 Menu llem 107 c.tlCeel'I: Comb. fOrm 10I Hardy twolne 1t0Coronet 111 19 con- OlfMd 113 89ttng crop lnlndll 114 Tac-......... 11• OkS lotdl9r 117Wlre ,,..,,.. HIS.In cocoon 121 MarcNr 123 EMured. 125Added .... toning 127 Andel country 129 Mainor 42nd 130 M«ttc unit 131 Romen offldll 133 Turkllh 135c='' beUt 138 F«Ward 131 TI*! cookie 1408-*bOM 142 Encounter 143 Tidy 148A.aofetw-.,.._ 147 Speck• 150 Lyne PoM1 152 PYtm8te 15S"'""' 116Qymped 151 fJdeta 1• 1 Gt.-""" , 83 ,.,. decl.: lion, tor lhof1 l'ICHJIOUI MIH•M IWllllTA~ The 4lllowlrlt l*90na .,.. CIOlng ~-. TUX DENTl8T, 18120 Mt. Hutclllrtt•. F0tintaJn V1lley, CA taJOt. AICK L.. MOC•IMOTT, 1'820 Mt. ~ ,_.... w.t. CA PWlJC llJTIC( 1270I. JOHN L CAeTlftUN, HOO M1dl10n A,,.., FdeltOft, CA t29S1. Oii; ..ClmOUI DAVI D. Di\TKO, 7141 He*. ., ..... *Ml fitllJC M)TIC( Hur!tlngDt 9111111\, CA tlt47. Tiie lollowlnt per1on1 heve ------.-----'"* .,...._ .. oanduc*ld by ' .... the -of the llctltlclul N:lii IOU8 ...... 1111*111 Plf'tl•.. ~ -MMm STA1-NT Aidt L.. McDermott SEA COVE PA<>ftlmES, 18'3 The lolo\oolno per-. -dolflQ TM 111111 '*" w tied_..,. Po11deloee Dl'M, Coeca ....._ CA ~-.: County a.11 of Oninge C<iuMv on t2t28. J.D. MC VALi! 00 •• 2720 ao. -13. 1912. --.-··· The Fktltlou• •ualMN Nl.nt• Brlltol. &Ille 212. 8lrM An&. CA ~ referred to ebove wH nted In 12704. Publlttled Orange Cout Dlll\r Oranoe.Countt on 7-21... Arthur J. Valentine. 2212 Piiot. May te, n. 30. June e. 1t8~. AOl!IERt ,OWRlf, 181S Wlndwltd Ln •• Newport Beedl. CA 3097-&2 Pondetoel Drtvt. Coete ....._CA taeO. 12826. 8cott McCall. 2514 Alder Ln .• •-.,. --1 STEPHEN D. PORTER, 2011 Coet1 MIN. CA 92027. ,._ ""'._ ~ Court, Coeca Mell. CA THI buall'1. 11 oonductld by a ma ...., .. ~. . Tllll-----~~· .Athtf J. v........ ' 1111*111 ~IM!lllp. '"* .. ..,.,, -., with tM • . W. POllll'tt Coun!Y CWtl of OrMOI County on • Thll ......... NMlllllllnt ... tied ~ the Mey 24, 1tl2. · County a.11 of Orlft8I County on ~ : May 1:S, 1112. P\lblltrNcl Or~ COMt Delly; ,..:t~.~T. == PllOt • .iune e. 1a. • ~.1~7M2~ _____ ...__•_1_-..i_ NUC llJllCl • 1-L I ~ ........ 1 or Lido'• mott on.t· ming homee. Juat rte» • Oed to Kit ooo. • tar, • ............ ....... be. fonMI 'di,;; ""• fonNI All NII -~ lldvettlled *':''Y hall, Nbflf'V w/fl'ple, lfl 0•1• 111w1p1p1r II olk ftQotl. telk k"°'*'• aubJeot to tM 'lder11 a ~·· 40' et. to at. ,.., HoullnQ Aot of 1... lot, whtotl mall• It llleael to ~-"eny pr.r.t.n-umwr oe. ll!NtatlO(\ or dllorlm\-,,,.t time on market. nation b111d on raa1, ~om 3 bf pk.le fam rm, color, ttll9lon, ••• or • battle ·on 49' tot. Pier n1t1on11 origin. or any fOf lg bOat. a. ~ ctn't lnt1ntta11 to make any bllll tN ldnt long t'"" auctl preference, llmlt.. owner financing 111111. tton or dltctlmlnatlon." Oatt for dltalla. SUOO Thia newepeper WIH not knowingly 1cc1pt •a; adver111lng for r111 1111 wtllctl II In violet Of tN'41W. 1111111 Advertl· eere should check 000, I thefr Ida dally and1~~~~~~~ report errors lm-1;;: mediately. The DAIL V PILOT aa- 1 sumes llablllty for the flrat Incorrect lnsenlon only. LIVI Tll WPY Ufl1 I Ir I It ... ------•I Prlv•te, HClu1l11e ,Brit-tany Woodal Tennie, ..-... "' "" pool. lmpaecably malnl· •••••••v••••••••••••• alned trl·l111el w / ... II 1#1 epec1ous bldfoomL c.-•••••••••••••••••••H• thedral celtlnga, frplc, apedoua kitchen, 2 cu . .,. ;); =-r~=r:: tht9 Ol•IL1111111s111pwnlt bHuty today at Juat -11 a. S 184,900, WI/Mii Cerf, l?Mlt t llQI 559-9400 ' -_ IAYOIEIT 1111, ......... !mpreulve~the word T1•tr 1'111 Htffl, that comae to mind M*1 It. tf lwJ Iii ..... you view tM Fr. pre>Wt- •tl 1., litfat•t•I dal ext-1« of this lovely • cuatom home. Tiii ac>e-Mlllp I hllH d• doul Mltr Bdrm hU a ..... f rtlt 11lt I Hta & Her dlWltng .,.., ... 1111,111. ... :i==·= lllt 2 l•r• llll, located In a 1aparat1 ............ S. wing w/2 a.thl. ldMt tor 1-1. •11 ... 11~ ...._ ro:="~,:h,:o~ la wetbat. The flmlty room & tMng room both offw -.E IM tM wvmtn of fl,.._. •nllilf Pwl _-.. Auume 1xt1tlng IDan. . ... I _. Call ua for a viewing ......... ,, .... appt. 831-7370 ~,..., ....... 1 ~lal11 , .... 1,... llLY 11.800 II I ,_. .. a ........ Failalllc G 6d 2 Ba. tam I r llllETllllL M Ulf&llT Consl.sting of 6 lots on bayfront. 1 ~ story building with small restaurant & offices ups1aira. Marina for many boats offered at $2,500,000. Property la free & clear & ownen will carry lat TD. 111 ....... .. New on market, 2 br, den 3 ba, jlcw:zi, a11111nable 'financing, An excellent buy at $349,600. ..... ... #11 111&111 3 br, den with ocean-bay view. Lota of built-ins here. $595,000. A ~ to tee. Q1 lllWUI 2 ~ 2 ba home in Q)i'()Oa Highlanda. Large patio arqund pool. Great for entertaining. $27~.ooo. Owner will take low down_ I .... ....... ..... "" hoUM. Fom\111 dlO .. -I extra trg totJ Tr....encloua t .. !!' tt llM It tlllJ buy. 11500/mo. Won't IWLll 411 .. tlllll ........ laatt Su11n Han So of H 1-.i.-2 br ...__ • •-'" sae e•oo · wy, corner .__., ......... 2 -,.... 1111 ..... ba. front unit with fireplace and 2 br, 2 I tltr #49. ba upper rear unit with fireplace. All COLI Ol ...-olft' . tbiL& a. 4 ~. or.age tor $.;339,~, . lllALTORI -.;;;;;:::=:::=:::=:::=~-t "~C:-:'· lm .. t 1111111 IYllMLI .. Wll · · a1wst t WITI I YIPft 2 br & den. 3 bath, C4.M. $1250 mo. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Thi* cuatom butt• Bdrm 2 br, 1 ba Newport Hgbta w /\'iew $660 poo1 home comea With mo. Cal a ~ l Daly Plot ~-!D-VID 642-5678 ~ vlew9 of Newport'• upper 8ectc Bay and city 11gnmt war on.. greet term1. A bargain at 1210,000,_catt todayl 841-7171 FUXKlUC RtJU.TY 3250 E. COMt Hwy. Carona dll ... 640-7000 ••=••If knodlt on.. Mien ~ ute reeult-QetMng o.a Piiot c11 .. lflff Adi to ,... the ()qnge COiet ,.. llllGlll A home with the ultimate features for a luxurious life style. 60' boat allp, 3 BR, fam rm & formal dining. vacuum & air cond., Marble fireplaces, aecurity systems, bayaide patio & 2nd story balcony. $1,650,000 Bobbi Ryan 752-1414 (C32) .. 1&m11T Most elegant & exquisite Bayfront home on Fee land on the market. Approx . 53.75' on the water. DOCK with room for ~ b(>ata. Approx. 3700 eq. ft. Totally customized 4 B.R exectllive home of uncompromising luxury. $1,395,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (C33) -Mnlunu•••• IUll Contemporary wood & glua home w/panoramic ocean .View. 4 BR 3 BA. fonnal din rm. fam rm & pool. Very private. $1,200,000 Fee land Donna Godshall 644-6200 (CM~ & ... -1'111 Of course it's the best money can buy. 3 BR - Elegance personified. Located on the exclusive Big Canyon Country Club. A vast list of amenities including an old 1800 English Pub, all beamed & paneled study, music center, trench doors & 2 fplcs. Solid Pak ataircue, wood floors, beveled 1l••s, silver cabinet & wine cellar. EVERYTHING FOR THE DISCRIMINATING -A MUST"SEE! $$7S.OOO'.Lynruf Vale:ntine 644-8200 (C35) . P&IHllll 111&1 WllW Cameo Shores home BOUth of PCH. 3 ~R + lovely family room. Lota of extra room & storage. See Catalina, sail boats & sunseta. All this on fee land for only $729,900 Darlene Herman 762-1414 (C36) ,_ 11 18.1. With tenna to. match. Beautifully decorated Spygla.a Portsmouth -lushly. landlcaped courtyard IWTOUnda a pool & 1pa. $460,000 Tom Alllmonfl'erry Hanes 642-8236 (C37) WILi Tl PllHTI 11111 Thia c.wtom home hall recently been nmovated by onwer and la the least expensive home avallable ~ thla exclusive area of Dover Shores. Seller iJ highly motivated. $ol15i000 Duffy iu.t.· 551-8700 (C38) 11•1...a ... 1 ...... ...... 1.1 UIT..._. TUii, Wll/IPMI, • Ill.I Only $15,000 Down. Large Aasumable Loan W/30 Yr Fixed Rate. Owner Wlll Carry Lrg 2nd T .D .. Low Interest. Lovely 3 BR Blufi.e End Unit W/Wrap Patio On Lush G~nbelt . Immed. Possession. Reduced To $199,500. Sally Shipley's Listing. #I Ill flll...WI •lllY• 11'11•1·1 ,. Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigioua Big Canyon. Shows Like A odel - Typically Pride Of Owners . Huge Master Suite Plua Separa Guest Quarten. _Qv;n,er/ Agent Will . Pric~d Under Market V lue At $41~.ooo. John Merrill's Listing . 1121 L llLllA ILQ. PllllllU ...... , .. Waterfront W/Dock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood Float + 50' Dock. CUstom-Built Home W/3 BRa. Klt.chen W Niew Window Has All Modem Amepities. Uaed BricJt BBQ In Outstanding Patio Area. Tiled Garages. Great Offering. $1,295,000. A Dion-Maria Listing. ... ,....,. __ IUWllW IPllM1·1 Former Model -Top Condition -3 Bdrm•. 2 ~ Ba -Great F .R . - Unbelievable View Of Fashion Island & Catalina Sunaets -Huge Lot - Covered Patios -Cor;n.munity Pool. TfllnH-Gltte Gttarded ---Only $450,000. A Twitchell-Trivtson. Listing. 141 ...... .. .. ... .,., .. , ... , .. Custom Baytront. FEE LAND. Parquet Firs, N~ Cpta, l BRa + Conv. Den. 3~ Ba. Sep D.R. Huge F .R. W/Wet Bar. Kit.cben W/Pantry. 'kfitRm. Sauna~3~-Uar.-Wo0d Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will <Jarry Lrg 2nd. $1,400,000. Marllyn Twitchell'• ListillJ. . . ' . #l•aaJll 1 ---..... , .. Owner b GeHing Desperate. Spectacular Golf Courie View. This Listing Offers Privacy, 3 Lrg Bdrma, · 3 Ba, F.R., 3-Car Gar. & Lovely Gardens. Enjoy F.ntertaining In This Dramatic Home. Try $90,000 Cash Down. Priced At $725,000. Trudy Stubblefield'• Listin& ,_ ...... ..,. . ·--Thia Elegantly Appointed. 5 Bdrm Home, OverlooP 8th Green. Vtew. From MOit Booma. Formal L.R. & D.R. Riehly Paneled Library With Coffered Ceutng. Paneled F .R . SJ*lou,a Malt.er> Suite W!Hia"& Hers Baths. PooJ. Spa. Maid's Qtn. The UlUmate In ~ty & Charm. By Appointment. $2,290;000. ¥lllie Howe'• Lildnc. 1nnm11 --Just u.t.t "' H1rbor Vttw Homee, tx~ Carmel. Prlde of own.r1htp. Ow1* flnandnl, $286,000 tee. ILi 11111& Ill 11&1 1111&11 ~ Good location, So. of PCB. =000 . • ....... .,m111•1111 -Harbor View Homee. 4 BR Mont.ego. t249,ae>O leuehqld. PUWLlll -Turtlerock Hlghlandl. mounc.in ~w. 1 yeer old. $3&,000 move11 you ln, $2eG,000 fee. Open Sun. 1-~ '"" ...... , • -.t• YllW -~ N:.re Eliate -CdM -Double lot. 4 BR 4 Ba. $2,450 000 fee. Ill ILHI Tl Hlli -Cameo Shores with private gate. Owner financing. Will exchange or lease option. $885 000 fee. YllW IF tYHYtllll -Irvine Terrace -DOOl. 3 BR 4 Ba. new carpets, int. paint. $795,000 fee. WALi 11 11111 • UY -Penipsula 6 yr old 5 BR, 3 ba, owner will carry. Try lease option $449,000 fee. ..... 111 ... -Starter condo, $119,500. Owner will carry. TWO -.. ONGS UDY It ciaanA la.1111 111-1111 STARNES COMPANY 11.\IUl()U HE,\l ~·r\· um l•ID 1•1•1111 One of the most spectacular . oceanfront locations on the Orange Coast! A truly magnificent 4 bdrm.. home designed with a feeling for The Islands. Lots of glass and beautiful tropical flowers. A unique investment opportunity. $2,900,000 submit terms. II n •11111Y Spacious 2 story home with private pier 8nd float to accommodate large yacht. 4 bdrms., fonnal dining rm. and family rm. Pool aiz.e beyside terrace all in brick, perfect for sunning. See to appreciate. $986,000 L.H. . ......... ... South of the Hwy, just a few b1ocka from the beach. Well priced rental units with attractive owner wSlted final)Cing, Excellent rental hlatory. Just $230,000. UfUllll ... Al•I Spacious 'CC'' Plan in The Bluffs. 4 bdrms, 3 bat.ha, huge living nn. opening onto private patio overlooking ~ pool Priced to llell ai $279,500 L.H. But beat ol ell are the terms of l()IJ, down with a 30 year fixed rate loan at 13~" interest! No qualifying. Quick occupancy. LITS ...... in Corona del Mar. A molt unUIUal opportUntty. •contiguous R-1 Jots with bay and ocean viewa. Can be bought lndlvidµally bx $696,0QO CJI' all 4 for $1,960,000. 75" financing available . ~ 111111! Spectlimllar 6.6 acre view lite in ~SanJuan~. Secluded yet just minutes from town, Owner may trade. $696,000 with excellent tenna. p . .. ,.,, lllllTI Fdlll ........ , rar4 ......... aw + ....... aaM. .... ........................ '"' ... ..,... ....... * ....... 1112.-. @ 11l4 ............... nttllll .... UlllUll..U ....... , ... , ....... IW.lh. ... ~ .. ...., ........ .,., ..... ...... ~ ................... . 11M~ • 11M~ • HM~ 91. . ..... ,, . ......,...,. .. .., ....... ....... tultY ....... 1 W + llllts. Iner tftin f1M~ fll•1 ... lr11••• • ..... .. .... @ 2"-211 1 ... It .... ...... aw. 111-141t. ,,.. 1111,llO. ..... ...,._., IUll h ... Hll 111J 1M ft, fnll ...... 2 ... ,..... ,.... ... ..... ll11••••· ""=· "'"' .. , ,........ .. ... 111 • ' • lllYll " .. ,. ·n .......... ,. .......... 11 ........... _ ,..., ......... J .............. ..., .... , ..... .. .... ..., ..... .,....,,..m1m11 111 ..... OUISll OIYTlll Wllll .. , ............... _ ........ •••••. ...... ....... •••t4•••• ••• ,..., .. ....., .... 2w.2 ... ..... ............ 1 .............. .. ......................... ........................... ....., .................. 1 ..... 1Mtll . .......... 3 Bd 4 Ba Brian Jenette delllped home. Solid oak thruout. Fabulous locaUon. Call Tim Rhone 431-1286 or 720-1263 R&IM~ of Costa Mesa Two Muter Suites, solld oak cupboarda. 1kytlght1 CHARMING CNTRY ENGLISH llYlllMIDllU .............. ...., Oak lloor1, panalllng, huge din. rm, 2 frplca, 3 bdrm, 1unroom, work1llop, play yard, motClf home llClfage. ~ acf'9 lot. Must ... 1 By owner.~58, . PllOI UllOTIOI IAY-llHEI 2110t Wawrtt, OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 3 Br, den, 9'la plua 1 bdrm cotteo-. ULllA llUll Boat dodl '°' 35' bock boat. 2 bdrm cotlag9 2 bdrm apt 1150,000 IEIA IEL IUI 3 Bdrm, pool, spa. Up. graded. 11•9,000 ....... 1 10%3 FINANCING BUILDER WILL PAY POINTS FROM $125,800 10% DOWN CALL HAL OR PAT 673-7300 751-9905 OPEN SAT. 2-5, Slll 2-5 P.M • 2277 PACIFIC AVE., C.M. End Of Wilson RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY IN NEWPORT BEACH Located Just a halt a block to the beach, thl• duptex· hu 2 two bedroom units. With 20-25•1. down. owner wt1r carry tor ttve years. •235,000 Call Dna. Hlrectller et 144-7020 • SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-25% DOWN This Newport Beach duplex on lease land ls juat a few atepa to the beach. Live In one, rent the other. Flexible aefler offers good low Interest financing $225,000 Call David Hlrachler et 144-1020 TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOMf: FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANOI Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Seller relocating, wlll be flexible. $259,000. Call Dorothr Slmpeon at Mt-7Q20 THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2'h baths featuree an additional fjreplace, vaulted ceilings, hardwood 110011, wet bar, pool, private beach and stained QJass. $825,000. Call Mt-1020 • ANNIVERS~AY ESTATES This tambllng ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyer~ or lnvestora. Needs a llttle TLC bu.t(wetl worth ltl Large lot Is Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $169,000. Call .kNtnn8 Hendrie at Mt-7.,_ THE SHORECLIFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large 111umable Flret plus seller will carry a large Second on this charming home with gourmet kitchen, hardwood ftoors, a large patio, famlty room. wet bar and wtne cooter. In addition, this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with den fnjoya 1.1se of a private beach. $850,000 Cell DOrothJ eem;.on et Mt-to2o CONTEMPORARY HOME IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Avattabae for ..... or purcttue thi9 4 bedroom. 2Y. beth home wtth pool, ape. nice yard, flreplece, large famlty room-, wet bar, redwood deck end gu ftreptt hu aH thte plus good ueumable flnanctng. $212,000. ' « EXQUISITE WHITEWATl!R VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport BMch condo 11 within MIY walking distance to boch and shopping. Motivated aetter wm Ullat buyer to purchue thl• 3 bedroom hOme wtth be9n'I ceMlnge. country kitchen an~ many other upgredes. 1216,000 Call JqenM ........ at ...... JOIO ' IU!GANT UVINQ IN HAMOR RIDGa Move up to the top wlttt thl• cuatom hQme with owr 5700 aquare fMt. Endleu teaturee lnctude a marble ftoor9CI emry, a marble fireplace, 09k lfbrary, "'8lt9r IUtte wtth JllCUllt t\ib and eteam ehower, 3 additional .,edroom., a four oar garage, IMU&ated wtne room. futt eecurtty 1y1tem, ~· ffreplacee Md • whole tot men. 11.ne,000 c.M Id...-.°'_..,•• at .... ,.. BLUFFS BEST.BUY ................ ..... ,/ .. 1-1 21•1 ........... 1 ............ .. 1•1 Y1at1...... 1211.-... u11.-,.,. ..................... ... ,...,.. 11 ...... 1111,MI Jtl1 Yim ... "' t21 ....... 1111,111 Wftltl ..... M1 ..... Ptl,MI .. ...,..1._. Ull,111 ......... 111..-.......... Jt11 Ylsta ......, aw, n .,..,.. an Ylita s.rtt. • 1111,- JMI .. lllM1 wl._. <•·> 1111.-.., ......... ""'" c:>c.n • iMty "'"'9. ~room. •bdrm, a bath, 3700 aq.ft .• l,38&,000. OcMnfJ'Oftl. -&.91 ..... . 1•·--... 1 ... l'rtme Udo Nord beytront. & bdnn. &W beth. Lie L,a, 3 bolat al.lp1 tU00,000. Iwrnodeled a~. 2 beth+ w.,. NC. nn. bHm ceUlnp, Jurnilhed, peUoe. tt20,000 . ........ un•n t.aaoon view trcim e bdrm. a beth,•~ datK nn, ~n. Boll •Up. t i.350,000. IAYIM Olft . SpedaNlar bayfront view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 boet .Upa t l.900.000. •IUllOIYI Coronado Ialand CUit. bay{ront lot. 8&' bolat dock. Plana av.U. Red. '370,000 w/tennl. IUffl-Slnlle 1tory end unit. expanded, u~ 3 br, ~ ba on ~ p-een6elt t250,Mo . , ...... 3 bdrmt, 211\ baths condo Mar pooJ. tH~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J4 t'"'f·•'I• D·., '•fl ol'J 1 It;,' Coles worthy &Co. 2545 EASTBLUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA . S40-0020 MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERSI This commercial property on the oceanside of the Hwy. in Corona del Mar has two units with parking In rear. Terms . available. $750,000 Call Jim Sellen at 144-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get eet to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city fight Views that come with thla 3 bedroom, 21A bath home awash rn neutral earthtonea. Al a realdent of thtl gate-guarded community you can take advantage at the tennis, pools and unJque llfestyte that typifies ~ Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. Oii N htMt" ~......., .. M4-lnt. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new summer home with ideal rental unlta. With 20-4 down, owner will carry at 12•1 •. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces, patio and double garage, possibilities are almost endless. $475,000 Call Stephllnle Burna at Mf-7020 GREAT PRICE AND TEAMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean, c:1ty lights and mountains greatly enhance thfa "Devonshire" mOdel with 4 bedrooms, 3'h baths, two fireplaces. two large decks. ao atrium and excellent assumable low Interest financing. $695,000. Call Ed Eac.no or Judy Jordan at 144-1020 GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walldng distance of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets, new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395,000 Call 144-1020 HARBOR RIDGE CREST WITH UPGRADES Try a low down on this 3 bedroom, 21,-, bath corner lot home with pleasant views. easy setter financing and amenities plus. / $'475,000 Call !d !1eano or Judy Jordan et '44·7020 • ~ PRESTIGIOUS HARBOR RIDGE Thia sptolous luxury condominium loaded with upgrades has oak hardwOOd floors, a bealltlful marble entry, plush carpeting, large deck overfooldng the lake, 2 flreptaces plus 4 bedrooms. femlly room, 3'h bath9 and views galore. $595,000. Cell ...... 1020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN MARBOR RIDGE Thie gate-Quarded community 11 the eening for this 4 bedroom. 2Y. blttt home with deck, prof"sk>nlll landscapff\g. courtyard entry, high cettlnge, flrepl11ee and Skylight. J\llt beautltull $585,000 Cal ~ .,.,.,. or Id leoen_o at tM-1020 ·. ... 1-1 \ 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 11A block• to baach, 1279. 600 . .. 1 bdrm, 1 bath, unutOal lot, '216,000. Own«• wm help finance! U.lllllUllS BMutlfUI 3 bdrm home, prlll•I• baachH, HIU· mabl• loana. $220,000 IM..nold. man uu EastlJde C.M. 3 bdrm, large 101, aup•r y.,d. $155,000. Ullll LITS Good bulldlng alla. View. SU,600. IUllY ITllFfll tuUll IULn ll~IH4 · WIY llEITT an a 01111 Nf s.c. Plaza 2br 2ba AIC. pool, apa, aecurtty om• Kid• W91c:o1M. $84.900. Agt 831-1479 llW, tllY 1111,0001 Value prlo9d 4 Bdrm 2 bath pool home In H · ce1en1 Coeta Meea toca- llonl Minute• cloH to achoole and malof ahop- plng. Sell« offet9 10 u- llst buy9fl c.i1 now tor delalll, 949-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS MEU WOOIS Baeutlf\.11 cuatom cabine-try by a maater cralt- eman really Mtl lhll 3 Bdrm 2 Ba h6me apart. LOYalV gazebo and bell- ~ 1n.1111r ... Low rate, MW loan a~ Full pr ice 1149,000 761-3191 .lllT 114,1001 For 1t111 auper deluH garden homel Located wftflln mlnut• wait! to South Cout Plaza. Relu and enJov the apartcllng pool and ..,.. Only 110. 000 down and uaume low lnterHt financing c .. todl)'I 973-8550 THE PEAL ESTATERS 5% DOWN! 111111 PAii YIWll . 2 l 3 BR 1owMclmea Coet• Meta lnc:ludaa werv amenity lmaglnabtel FROM t137,950 Furn. Model Open 11 to 9 Dally. Awc:ado at Fa!M9w Rd. ... Hit : I • • , 1 :-.i· r ... EA: . . . : .. ·: ::1.1'1:.; , 2UDROOM ----._....._..,,. THE REAL ESTATE RS 117 Marine Avenue, Balboa talanct, NB 873~900 S272,&00 Sun 1·& 2020 Tu•tln Ave (E/Slde) CM &49-1400 $129,9$0 Sun 1·5 2013 Mlramar.1....Balboa Penlntula 675-6376 ~4!95,000 • Sat/Sun 9~ **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Ill, N8 DIRECTORY 873-8900 ' $~95,000 S• 1~/Sun 1·5 • 2137 W. Ocean Bl, Balboa Penln, N8 831·1400 $304,900 Sat 1-5 **633 Lido Par1< Dr (Ji2) NB 760-1900 $495,000 221 Via Ithaca, Udo Isle, N.B. Sun 2·5 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 1-5 41'4 Narclsaua.l. Corona del Mar 644-9060 ~189,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 BR plue FAM RM Of DIN 1 Aldergrove, Woodbridge, Irv. 552-0860 S198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 6607 La Cumbre, Orange 759-1221 $530,000 . 2005 Yacht MlsChlef, NB 673-4062 $419,500 213 Iris, Corona del Mar Sun 1~ 644-9060 $575,000 Sun 1-5 1838 Port Charles Pf (HVHma) NB 644-4065 $197,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #3 Rue Fontainebleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1·5 *19 Curt Dr., Jasmine Crk. Vu, CdM 640-1515 $438;000 Sat/Sun 12-5 14761 Van Buren, Midway City 848-0709 $129,900 Sundey 1-5 1708 Mlramar.1._Balboa Penln Pt NB 642-5200 ~25,000 Sun 1-51 3 BEDROOM 2331 Cliff Drive, Newport Heights;-NB 631-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 9901 Voyager, Huntington Beach 631-14QO $166,500 Sun 1-5 113 Via Ravenna, Udo Isle, NB 631-1400 $355,000 Sun 1·6 2647 Westminster Pl (E/Slde) CM 631-8011 S140,000 Sun 12:30-4:30 *228 Ambertt, Coata Mesa 546-2313 $148,500 .. Sun 1~ · *866 Senate, Cotta Mesa 546-2313 $128,500 Sun 11-3 1830 lrvlne Ave, Newport ~ 673-8550 S239,900 fee Sun 1·5 1312 Santanella Tetr, CdM 673-8550 $225,000 Sun 1-5 **301 No Star Ln (Dover Shra) NB 642 ... 5200 $525,000 • Sun 1·5 1577 Miramar, BaJboa Penln Pt, NB 642-5200 $449,500 Sun 1-5 •914 Hyde Court, Costa Mesa 851-8800 $156,000 Sun 1~ 123 Via Genoa, Udo ·1s1e, NB 675-1771 $380,000 Sat 1·5 601 Gary Pl.. Newport Hghts, NB 645-6269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 12642 Aspenwood, Garden Grove 636-3760 S94,000 Sun 1~ 314 Marigold, Old CdM, NB 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Surfside Crt, Npt Ten, NB. 751-3191 $131,000 . Sun 1-5 **3415 Ocean Blvd., CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 1 Rue Fontalnbleau (Big Cyn) NB 760-1900 $500,roo Sat/Sun 1·5 5041 Paaeo de Vega. Turtteroc:k, Irv 760-1000 $167,500 Sat/SUn 12·5 1911 Court St, Bil Pen1n; NB ' 813-7300 $399,000 . Sun 1-5 418 De Sofa Terr, Corona Hghlnd• 644-6200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-{; 2628 Riverside Dr. (E/Slde) CM 642·63e8 $132,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 50'41 Pa.seo de Vega, Turtlerock. Irv. 760-1900 $187.500 Sun 12-5 1130 Someraet Ln, Dover Shrs, NB 548-4058 Sat/Sun 1-4 619 Hamilton, Costa Mesa &46-2313 S143,000 S1t 1-4 1581 Mlnorca, Colta M ... &46-2313 $138,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 1128 E. Balboa Bid. (Penln) Balboa 759-9100 tt,29$,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ' 2149 Miramar (Peninsula) NB 831-1266 SS75,000 SaJ/Sun 1·5 2900 Paper Ln., Npt Bch 844-7020 S169,000 Sun 2-5 1511 Kings Road, Newport Hefghta, NB 673-8900 $599,000 Sat 1-.5 108 Turquoise, Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 62 Orakea B1y (Spygls) NB 844-7020 $495,000 Sun 1-4 13 Canyon Island Dr (Big Cyo) NB 640-5560 '$335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Bl. Bal Penln, NB 644-9060 $695,000 . Sat/Sun 1-5 •3043 Samoa (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1151 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1~ 1515 Cumberland (Westclf) NB ~1151 S240,000 Sat/Sun 12~ 1218 Key West, HV Hiiia, CdM 644~910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 10 NtpOll, Hllbor Ridge 642-8235 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1:30-5 102 VII Koron, Udo Isle, NB 642-8235 $685,000 ' Sat 11:30-3:30; Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo ShorH) CdM 673-7761 S8a5,000-fee S~n 1.5 * *3422 Sagamore, Hunt. Harbour 644-6200 $399,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 610 Kings Rd, Cllff Ha~en, NB 646-6960 $565,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 4714 Cortland, Cameo Hinda, CdM 673-53&4 $279,500 SUh 1-5 2501 H1rbor View Or., CdM 552-1714 $585,000 Sat/Sun 2-6 10101 Cliff Or., Huntington Bch. 963-6787 $158,900 Sat/Sun 1~ 15521 Sandusky Ln., Westminster 892-5818 Sat/SUn 12~ *2009 Yacht Defender (Seaw) NB 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 542 Harbor I* Or (Prom Bay) NB 75\j.9100 $1 ,400,000 Set/Sun 1-5 .. 426 Aower, Costa Mesa 979-1942 $212,000 Sun 1~ 2434 Brittany Wood Ln, CM 631-1268 Sunday 1~:30 2105 Yacht Wanderer (Seavu) NB 631 -1268 $359,900 Sun 1·5 *1974 Port Lockalelgh (Hrbr View) NB 644-2573 $248,000 Sun 1-5 1312 Seacrest (Hrbr Vu Hla) NB 760-9333 ~69,500 Sun 1·5 452 Broadway (E/Slde) CM 631-8011 $197,500 Sun 1-5 3823 Sandune, H11bor View Hiiia • 644-6200 $397 ,500 · Sun 1-5 1863 Br...-nar Way. Newport Beach 642-8235 $434,500 Sun 2·5 *2917 SO. Rene (So. Cit Plaza. SA) 645-0303 S175,000 Sun 1-6 4091 Reyee (Greentree) Irv 845--0~ $145,000 Sun 1-5 * 134 Hal'bor Island Rd, MwpLBch 646-7171 $650,000 Sun 1·5 531 Tr1veree, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $159,900 • Sun 1-6 2921 JICllanda, CM 751-3191 $134,600 Sun 1~ 1525 E. Ocean Btvd, Bal Penln pt 642-5200 $465,000 Sun 1 .. 5 a IR phMt GUDT 2211 Waterll'ont, CdM 642·8235 $495,000 Sun 1-! ,_ * 1707 Bayadere Terras:e, lrvlne Terr 644-8200 $975,000 Sun 1-5 2515 Windover, Harbor View Hiiia 64'4-8200 $459,500 L.H. Sun 1·6 1801 Antigua Circle, Newport B~ch 642-8235 . $424,500 Sun 1·5 *2409 Tuttln (E/Slde) CM 646-0303 $269,500 Sun 1-5 * 1776 Panay (M ... Verde) CM , 845-0303 $350,000 Sun 1-5 3408 Wimbledon (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 $255,000 Sun 1-5 2701 Canary, Co•ta MeM &46-2313 1239,900 Sun 1~ 3433 Sumertet, Colt1 M..a &46-2313 $229,000 Sun 1-4' 1948 Port ChelMe (HVHm1) NB 873-8550 $360,000 Sun 1~ 2800 Drlke, Costa M ... S46-2313 1147,500 ~n 1~ *388 Gran9d1 Way, Cost• Meaa 631-8~ $210,000 Sun 12~ •s.«8 Santa Clara, Cotta MeN 979-2390 1189,900 Sun 1-5 *1211 Cllff Or (Clthvn) NB ~-5200 $425,000 222·v1a Koron (Lido ltle) NB 642-5200 1296 Londonderry, Costa Mesa Sun 1·5 Sun 1-5 · 640-6436 $142,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1844 Port Charles Pl (Hrbr Vu) NB 546-5605 $309,500 Sun 1-5 17921 Butter St. Univ. Pk., Irv. 551-11'49 $179,900 Sat/Sun 12~ 301 La Jolla Dr •• Newport Beach 676-8870 $399,600 Sun 1-5 14 N1rbonne, Harbor Ridge, NB 831-1400 $2,200,000 SaVSun 1-5 * 1033 White Saffl Way, CdM 840-8734 $358,000 Sun 1-5 376 E. 22nd St., Nwpt Hgta, NB 548-3719 $314,000 Sun 12-5 3 San Sebastian, Hrbr Ridge, NB 760-1900 12.3 mllllon , Sun 1-5 *1132 Ebbtlde, H.V. HIHa, NB 760-1900 $750,000 Sun 1-5 131 Vla Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 873r]300 S539.750 Sun 1-4 427 • 18th Pl, E·alde, C.M. 844-4910 $229,000-Fee SaVSun 1·5 2412 Cllff Or., Newport Beach 645-7189 $598,000 · Sat/Sun 1·5 2000 Pon C,,..,_ Pf., HVH, NB 875-2373 $322,000-Fee Sun 1~ 1924 Port Weybridge, HVH, Nwpt 8ch 844-7938 $289,500-fee SaVSun 1-5 233 Polneettla, CdM 873-4271 $824,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Morro Bay, Corona del Mar 552-1714 $810,000 Sun 1-5 1&-Cherry Hlllt, 81Q Clnyon, NB • 644-9060 $1.305,000 Sun 1-5 2421 Francleco, Newport Beach 875-2311 Sun 1-5 *1840 Tl'ldewtnda, Baycreet. N.8. 6"-9060 $385,000 Sun 1·5 *17 Muj( Beectl, Spygtul Ridge, CdM • 844-9080 Sun 2·5 1251 Surftlne Way_, ttV HIUt, CdM 644~910 $29$,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1'425 WatlOn (Halectett) C.M. 751-3191 $128,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2811 Lorenzo (Meea del M11) CM 831-7370 $152,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 . 15 Chemy Hiits Ln,. BIO Cyn, NB '31-7300 $895,000 8un 1-5 1501 Keel Dr., Corona del Mar 844-8200 $319,000.Fee Set 1-6 434 Beaonla. Corone del Mer • 144-1211 . '585,000 Set/Sun 1-5 *124 c.Mow• CMt Hinde, CdM l4U200 ,000 8'lll8Un 1~ "7,IOO Spectoua 2 Bil 2 Bath ~ on flnt i.v.1 ln adult community_....,. ahopp&na center. Pool & clubhoUM. Dtnlna .,.., Private .,.tJo. Roomy kltch n . Excellent flnanctn1. Ownef/Broket, 824 W. Bay, Balboa Penln, NB 831-1400 t 1,495,000 Sun 1·5 1819 T1nager, Cot'8 M ... 648-2313 $250,000 Sun 1~ I • .... PAM IW ot DIN 35 Rldgettne Or, Hrbr Rld09, NB 7eG-1900 12.850,000 Sa/Sun 1-5 **15 Harbor ltl Rd., Hrbr Isle, NB 831-7300 $1,500,000 Sit/Sun 1-5 2338 Port Aberdln4t, Seawtnd. NB 644-9060 $395,000 Sun 2·5 **2&00 Bayshores, Baylhor•. NB 831-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1·5 1448 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, NB 875-2373 $1,400,000 Sun 1~ *12 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge 644-8200 $2,500,000 14941 Rancho Clrc., GreentrM, Irv. 979-5370 $189,900 Sat 1·5 18872 Via Torino, Trtlr1< Irv 875-6000 $399,000 fee CONDOMINIUMS . FOR SALE' • 1 BEDROOM Sun 2-5 1010 W. MacArthur 1126, Santa Ana 875-1n1 S74,950 Sat 1·5 1 ... plue DEN 10 Segura, Irvine 673--6900 $1'45,000 Sun 1·5 2 BEDROOM 2525 E. Ocean Blvd, Corona del M11 640-5580 $499,000 Sun 1-5 115 Evening Song (Trtlr1<), Irv. 676-8870 $189,990 Sun 1-5 11 Barlovento Newport Crest, N.B 631-1400 S195,500 Sat 1-5 2277 Pac:tflc Ave., COS1a Meta 673-7300 New Sat/Sun 2-5 411~ Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 2 -plue FAii RM or DEN 209-19th St., Balboa Penln, N8 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #45 Canyon 191 Dr, l31g Cyn Twnhte, NB 631-1400 $318,000 Sun 1-5 I MDROOll 5122 #0 W• 1st St, Santa Ana 6'5-0303 S101,900 Sun 1-5 2048 SMcow Ln, Costa Mesa 648-7171 $175,000 Sun 1-5 411 Dehl&a, Corona del Mar 675-55.11 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . 30'4 &pfanade (Bluffs) NB 640.0020 $272,00()...Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *314 Ave. Cumbre (Bluffs). NB 759-9100 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *21372 Brookhur•t (228), HB 536-1335. $140,900 Sun 1-5 I IR plue DEN #7 Rue Vlllan (Big Cyn), Nwpt 8ch 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 .. RDltOOM 404 Columbia ~Cr•, NB 631-1400 $24e,ooo Sun 1-5 # 11 Klalol Ct (Nwpt Creet) NB 979-1942 $189,000 Sun 1-4 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2~ Fairview & Avocedo Rd,. Costa M"8 &48-2239 $137,950 SaVSun 11-5 I 81DROOM Fairview & Avocado Rd., eo.ta M..a 548-2239 $15'4,950 J;at1$un 11-5 111 Alpen, Colt1 M-. 983-e787 $129,950 MOBILE HOMES FOR SA~E 2 llDftOOll 1750 Whittler #49, Costa M ... 875-5511 *55,600 Sunday 1-.6 . .. . " ...... Sell ar.tf or Bu.y ftrttt That Al atwaya the queatlon. Why not both ln one ttanlletion. We can offer you an unuaual opponun.lty to nchance your pre.ent · ·. ..Jlome, paid for or not. 11 the doWJJ payment on an ou\ltandlna a, Canyon home on the aoll coune. Why not call ua now. 844-4910. ---"···----Cbarmana 4 Br. & larae family room. Bnck fireplace, oou.ntcy kitchen, quiet reald entlal area. Lons. term seller finandna. $229,000 inclUdlng land. 01·1• lL UT/• 1·1 .............. 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba . ideal family home. Community pool & ~k. Cul de sac. Allwne. 10~~ loan. '390,000 incl. land. 1n1 ...._. WAY UT/• 1·1 ..... Yll LIU 1!. llmlll1 .... NWau --.Ylll Quiet, park-like eetting. Fm for paddle tennia and ~l. Great for orchard. Cul ' de aac at. 3 tidnns, tam rm. $379,500. incl. land. Aak about a 111 intereet loan on th.ta home. 1111 m wur, u.1. wu • 1-1 m Ulll UWIU&IU.ll" 11..,_ Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small family, \ • young or not ao young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy in Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. ~ .. .,.n ~~ i vw-1 ........... Like betn1 away from lt all?lll Thia contemporary 4 bdr. home " leduded arnonc \all treei1. TM private pool are~. pNdle tennia & entertai.nlna are. lend to it.a "away bun lt all" atmoephere. Asking '6~.000 for thla unique property . JACKIE RANDLEMAN 631-rl66 ........ Assume exiatlng l~ loan on thla pride-of-ownerah.lp •bdr. Mesa Verde home. Juat ln time for summer entertaining. $285,000. JACKIE RANDLEMAN 631-1266 11 .. MWl -..... Yll Seller will LEASE OPTION and apply total leaae payment to purchase price. GORGP.X)US 3 bdr. home with POOL. Asking $355,000. Open Sun 12:30 -4pm RAE RODGERS 234 E. 17tti Sl, Cost1 Mtu 631·1266 44l2 Blrrwt Pkwy, nn '559.-9400 15 Corpor1tt Plln, Npt Bdl 759·1221 •MllA DIL MAR• A..wnable finandni. SpecioUI 3 Br ranch style home. Featurina family rt>om, central air cood. & private location. Cloee to all. Only $136,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. Oranee COMt OAIL.V PfLOT/lunday, June e. 1082 OPEi 10111 UT/II• 11-4 llY TlllY 111.lflOI TllHlllW 111 HY1 2 Br 2 Ba oouao• wt 1owiy patio. owe 11.n1n- c1ng. 9325,000 ........ 2 Br condo, dal for lnveetor. Lar1t 1°" lit T.D. and teller wW carry 2nd T.~. Full price $94,600. Golf coune overaized lot m.ur. the value of thia 3 Br CW1tom built home. Priced way below market for quick aale. $2.99,900. .. l11lllW U1·1• R&IM~ of Costa Mesa I .. lttt 1lttl It. Fe.turtng~ 8up•r home plua In· Danny Kennedy, Salee Tr'i.lner come. LOYaly 1arve ya1d for MGh unit. Newport 2·aty Cape Cod. 4 Bdr hoU .. piu. 2 Br 1 Ba apl. owe financing, , ... 5. 000 Ju.t another way The Real Eetaten a..eh ac:h004a. Pflca r• lenda ita aup~r\ and continue• lta dUOad -naxlbtl tarma. ~ '225,000. trainln' for Mies a.od.atea. For tl~ 111 IWll &YI ~.~!.'!H •• ! ... Comtnafctll bldo-ln buay labl1al1 location. Owner may ai.o ............... ....... .. ••• IWlD conaldar Hada for aml IA la It htM By owner. 1280,000. Bllboe ltl. hOUM. 1425.1 2 bdrm, 1 b• Price Good flnenclng . information on attending thia excltina ~~~~~~~ real estate meeting, call Melinda, 847-6010 . OOO. I $295,000 Good tlnan· &44-l2tO RES10£NTIAl REAL ESTATE SERVICES PllllllU ,.,. 11.111.- Creative seller seeks buyer who needs a home for 55' boat. Besides charm, location , carefree maintenance security & sweeping views, you'll own a 3 BR Cape Cod channer. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 SUPEA FIXER SH,000 3 big bdrma, big llvlna room, w. bathe, blQ pl'f. j vita blCk yard. Nead• I paint and clMnlng. Bait t>uy In Cotta MMe. Call SA&-2313 2211 lllllll IYI cing. 544-1281 2 .. Y&llT •111• Giit ahop, buay location Open Sund9)' 1_., Inc. lnventOf)t & ftJC1ur• Beautifully upgraded plua long tarm IUH. rrt l llDPll Nantudtet mdt, 2 B< & 149.500. Happy home with 3 Bdrm den, 2 Ba home. Steined I 3 bath, lorm1I dining, glut wlndowa, decor•· ora vann luge llvlng room with tor w1llpapar, A/C, r•alfOf flr•Pl•ce. New kltcl'!an cu1tom wrought Iron 111;~;~~~ 111 and bllh. IUM)' eundedl fanclng. roea garden Iida plut 1toraga. Good II.. yard. View of night light•. 67M062 sumeble flnlnClng 1449, 1418,500 ..... 1111111 ~ ~. 1H1u 1-1 @J'"a tHCC 1:'i:.!:1 ~. ..!.~!~!~h ....• !.'!! 1:~~:'200 rcanar Huge 3 bdrm home In -· ••••p 67H0'2 praltlgloua J1amlne -·-- Creak. Tf nnla, pool, 3 Bdrm 3 beth, fra1h 11., ... ·-· 1 .... guerdad g1ta. 1382,500. Interior pllnt, new wlll-'" •• ·-•-For Mora Info. CALL paper and carpet•. cal· •••••••••••••••••••••• Steve Wiiia. ASSOCIA· llng Ian coola you In big .lllT Uml TE o RE ALT o As t1mlly rOOS'I. Fh'eplace liiiiiiiiii=iiiiiiil UITlllE 581·1100• · 1 war1n1 you In m11ter bdrm 1nd living room. ExelualYa 3 Bdm 2 Bl. IEIT PRICE GrNI 11artw horna. Ow-'* will conlf<llt ALL of. l•rt. 2 Bdrm1, great Cotti MHa neighbor· hood. Loweat priced home In the area 1t $ 7 ' C:::. ',I I ' _,..,. ; I~ J \ ' }. I 4 ' t I Owner wtlt cwry 2nd TO llllY UPI -10-15% Own. ow~ AITO. S4e5,000., WIJJJJ( 10 bay and ocean long term financing at IPll llUAY 1-1 from this 2 Bdrm country 13%. Balow market at 1121 L..... ....... charmer wi th l arge S ~35,000. Call today. "" bonu• room wllh outlida Diana Ceppel, agt IC2-1200 antr1nee. Excellent fl. e3l·129e J PETE ' BARRETT ... REALTY nandng, owner win carry up to $200.000 at 13% '°' 7 yura. '°' ttie right buya(. $330,000 . '"' ... , 1·1 1111 • .,..., ••2-1200 A PETE BARRE TI REALTY 3 B<. 18&. ~on large 50x 175' 3 unl1 lot. 43& Hamilton. Do not disturb tenanu. S 12t,OOO. 646-5041 ...,.. & wknd•. 831-3520 wkdys. ........ GAii 2 8'. 1 Ba. + 1 Br. 1 Ba. !~~~~~~~ 72x 105' R2 lot. Do not dlaturb tenanta. 1521 Orange. S12t,OOO • 5-41--5041 eves & wtcno.. 031-3520 wlcclya, C..•• "1 llM llZI ..........•........... ILi 0111 .lllT UITEI Below mnet 1tall, 1~ down, wide lot. Opn HM S1t1Sun 2·5. 322 Latti-ac>ur. Olene CllPP9!, egt e31·12ee mu Yllll Must ... 4 br. 2 .,., Xlnt floor plan. ~ at 1140,J>OO. Priced at s 120.000 •. s10,~o down. 1135,000 w. , 000. OWC. Btir (21 ) 927..001. anrmn111 41' -UT On tnle 'vPeflldad 411r dAITaLUn. lloma. Sall« wlll carry ~3Bf.1~Bl.frDlc. 1100.000 It 12% or _ey~0wiw __ ._1_18_85M __ 1 A.1.T.D. 1t 12%. Don't 11.2 1~ Financing available when you takeover existlng loan on the elepnt 4 Br executive home that has been extenStvely prepared for entertaipinc. One of few homes ln area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 769-1501 or 752-5353. COM'S BEST Thi• dUplex + + lncludaa two 2 bdrm units + In extr1 large ~I q~­ tWI. Owner ft making It avlllabla at )'elterday' 1 pr'loe at $2411,500. WUI cooperate. Call 840-7865 " .... Sh11p duplaX, beat loc:. Excell. financing. '329, 500. 1-942-1580 llPLD l+I Hlgtlly upgrlldad. nav9f ranted owner unit. Teka over ·280K ind 13.3% Conlloar trlcle. 0pn Sal 1-4. Ownt/Agt. 875-2500 WllllllSPllllL 414 NerclllUI. $189,000, LOW91t price In Old COM. Open Sat/Sun 1·5. "'* 1111• one! $145.000. Cell 979-5370 . \ t :-11111r11 l 1. ••• .., '• ..... &Ill "11111 Flexible llnanclng on thll lmmae 3Br home .,,, encloMd petlo, lam rm, tprintilera. There'• m«•. $129,500. Cell 97i-5370 \ f >I I I// F 1l I' \ ''• '•' IU&Ylm•""' Owner arudoual 3 bdrm. iv. ba. ext,.·8P9Clell &41-4744 Ct. 641-8077 ~~::C, Work.Ing,. Agt. ht8e9 ....... •-------1 Thia 3 Bdrm home mutt llUL RSTATE bl IOld. CASH TAlKS. .. FHA /VA OK. Celt SALES 640-1151 tw m«• oe- &oei ... °' s11aa~ ..... Full or Part Time ~ John Cwey GRI. REC! ~.~ HERITAGE REALTORS 120,000 undw "*"el . 1145,000. 3 BR. 2 BA. FA, Newport Height•. Nffda 1ome TLC, not INl)Of. Milet ... todl!yl 11 u .ooo In loane. Ownl/egt. te2-aat1 P• oe It.Ill fl MUI Property In dlat,....I Un- der 3 yewa old. 4 BR 3 Ba, IUbmlt lllY and .. on... Mvt1 .... must .... 1211.&00. 552-1714 :).~: Merrill Lynch '/!?'\ Rutty -- . ·~ I • HA .. IOR RIOGI epeo OClell\ **• :t IR. 3 IA, 1---~-'1H,--,.-•.• -e fl'PIO wetbet 11eoo mo. I!-. ·-114 .. tOM 1?a..o11 m:m ••• •·• •• •••• Or~ OoMl DAILY PtLOT/8unday, JUne e. 1082 GALl IT HOtl: -1111wu11- 1 as 2 8edrooma. Immediately avallible. Optional 1 year leaH. 1.amiiiiiliiiliiiii!~iiiii 1 "· .,.,,, ...._.. 111 · DllWCll U~at ...... 1• Wlleon, apt I . ~-111. .,. .. 1111 La Condo to w , YlfW ot lletlb•• IAYTIMllM Beautitul Pirk WC. '9tunl· Walk to flit llOk lay, btll aaa........ ,......._._1•· ........ poo1 ~ ~~ Pool Qretnbtll. ~of. _._, .... ,. --· .......... to ~,.,ayw. , •• 1 71... • .... .. autlf~ 1and10•l*f a ~· _ _ _ _ _ , •una. Gu lncluded to -• "" °' ....., QatcMI\ e. POOi 6 81)9. ...... th an M1' to lht Ill' H.I, PIOU· oovere puking. No ----• cool. t.t IDd cook wt · n.u extru ... Pvt yard a gertgt. Sitt• -·-Ire hen ~~-too will want to te2-6'7et Kurt ~~ • ~ 2't>c1rm~:.z:oo· gw "llLL n •••" ...... '°* '/Vt t, TCL lfl Bl 11C, NI WI" ii! 1 ltf ,\1 H . "' .... n ' . 2 Ir, 114 be twnnet apt l .... or ..... ~tlon J.. comm pool • ttrinle. ,.~,,.Ct.-, no I pl#!, 17IO. 11J-1226. ' ~ 8dr • den llOOl/t«Vtle. Atnt lo tmplyd ttntlemen 2 er. 114 aa. am a IR. ,..,11 enot ow &nta Ana Fwy & Newport Av. exit, ••H•TU• 111 I . "'h 14M11I 100 plu• "taao' .. o: left on Walnut to 1322 S.E. Walnut Pro1911lonllty get• A ':,'°~::::t.o=M mtllT • 146-QS.41 aft 1:IOPM .. IU·llll .,,::~~·°"· •llLm ...... , .... arr UUllY ( ul1 M1 tiu,.M'll 1>45 6101 117IO, Aot. 180-1333 CdM. l~ b.ctl 1Pt In CLOll TO llACH, rear Ptrt furn. laking lhopl, ~ 4 bdrm, applleallont, 1«-1394 2~MnoedS'cf.~ S5t5/mo. a er. 1~ ea. t1M NI ... ~~...w.JtM,:1' To All Ciienti From t room to 3 roorn1. 1nclud11 palntlno• • Townhou!M .. bullt·lne, 8mallbu1towlyl!P'. Nice Nl-41M From 11.18 • aq. ft. No 1--------------1 1oulpturu. l(nown balconY. ~ rm, co-a re a. t • • y term•. ..... required. Adj. AK-natlonelty & lnt1tnatlo- ~·ma~..._ f!!!t.!!!ff •••••• V.ff H10NY r*'td 5 bdlm ....... Aft vtrtd par"tng. Nloe 873-~ file. La..-....... ~ ...... f"' Rl'NNt• 28r, 2Ba, Irv llM f)Of1tr Inn. 2172 Dupont nally. 1216,000. ll'rlncl· location ::'A'tt'f••••••••u~:T ·~··•••••••••••••••••• on Ooll Couret, r••P Cell AM. 833-3223 pale only. Own•r. TSlMgrnr 142•1903 18r.~~o-& ~ ~antr/blth.1250.Coo-non-emkr, pr•l fem. --------1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 714187&·11 41 or water IMlld.1 .. 1 ,.11,.... No Mott tttgarrt IPI bldg. tclna. pool, Working men. 551-6720 BAYfRONT 11 8764514. a be ~ View ~ All utllltlM peld, prtv pe-F~d; lee. S1700 tlO, d new, ~MIOIClf, mo. &40-= alt I PM no '*1~· ~· · .. ,. owar · In LIQUM IMdl. nn.1 484-4459. Laeun• 8ch OC!ANFAONT. llature, ,.. LllATllll I~~~~~~~~ ""2::alflelll Imo. 14H 181· locetlon In town. btMth-Room avail. 711• S200 pr ttlp, non-amkr, l•m. Prime otrlee. 873·1003 3 office locatlone near Are yOU llTlbltloul? nwe 2 Br. 2 8a. untum .. newly tlllch Ing vllwld •all bullt-lnt.1 mo & f utll. Kit. prlv. S236 plut ullll. Ml-1M7 CdM dtx aulte, A/C, ample Udo lllt. 110t to 11,75 .,. cerwer ~ avall. 3 Br. 2 Ba. lpllt iev.I, NB • Al..,.,,,.. Condo. 2 geragee1poo19 ..... ,..,._ INlmm tedtc:Ofated. 1815/mo. • It. p 0 0 ' !Mt-7800 I pkg utH pd 2856 E. Cit Pit eq. ft. eoo IQ. It. to '°'male°'..,._ bllfn-BeauUlul g1rdtn 1,t1. 0/W, A/C. GM & Mttr 1ub.-garage.1..!~tvator. F rmmll nMOed A.S.A.P ' k" ' 1595 S75-etoo 15a 14-ft .. gu11 dtveloplng Latin Patloe/dec:b. HM! IM'd· paid. Patio. oar port, lMM Oftty. MOU & up. Lak• Fortl1 Ml hM f)(lv, pc!M. Neat, clten. UV. Wy. • A 1 ar1tetlng In CIOlt to Hoag Ho1p. ..... 1141 1715/mo. Bkr 146-7332. •••••••••••••••••••••• No peta. 2 chll<lren we!· pool a party room. .... 830 Clllf Or. 414-eoeS. rec f1cll, pool, tennle, w/Mom & daughter. Own c oat. M ... 250 If. ault• 0r'"" C-CO mwtth Stanley -tor & laundry room ltke, rnembll"lhlp Sun & rm & beth. '325 + 'A l17&mo. Utll lncld. 778 ange • -...... come. ... . LUXURY dt1lgner apte. Sall Clb. '~ utll. S2IO, 111 utlll. 84-t..Q12 W 18th St 851-8928 Home PrOdUCte .. -.... 2 Bt. 2 8a. 1500 871-1111· tor rent. 1 br, 1 ba, & ltlt ~ Flex lw'I & training pro- BLUFFS 3 br, 2 "' be. 2 1.1.'t fllEIT 388 w Wllloft 931·6583 1 8r f/eldt, am but cozy ooaanvtew. '80· 2 br, 1 · Reep. F wented to lhr 2 Newer bldg, downtown rided. For~ lnlo cell !J,Y~J:t:o'~~~~~ Spanleh Eat1te lMngl .... IOllPAllYI w/lote of n1t11tal wood. be. S725. 484-8404 Room, prime bath, email br, t ba houM In C.M. H8, 3 offleel now avail. 938-ft30; m-efft ...IN ...... _..._.... .. I 7/1 Da I' I k Ilk ... ,0 151 es-s-•·30 kltdl prlv. 1240/mo. + 'A utll1. II 70c ""'·"· 491. 424 & -.. ,., .,....,_,.td. ,..v · · ... aut rU par • a aur-1460/mo. 2 Bf, 1 Ba . .., ' • "'• "· . Yll!W 11111 142-4901. 5 tot PM Avall. lmmed. 141-1te7 235 ..... i\.'893-1361 II .... ,._..., 11.!ZOO mo. on 111. roundlng1. Terraced 1ptL new car119t, p1tlo1I, 2 ltl 1411 11 bd ..., St In Sou1tl Orange 840-4050 ~ pool. &.tnken gu bbq, ClfPOrtt, C.I OK. Gr t CM IOc;atlotf with ~~t~a~:~:~°. 1 por~~· Ftim ... wanted. Mr. O.C. Relp/F to lhr 3 Br, 2 Be execuplan IUITlfll c!~ty. By owner. 2 yra I., __ 111 ...__, E eparkllng fountains. TSL Mgmt 142·1503 M • • ......... ...;., ' .~--· College. Room w/prlv. houH, C.M. Frptc, No 1_1 _ o4d & "'owl"". 752-5728 40 ...... t p, .,.....1. ,,.. Spllclou1 room1. Sepe-1 Ba, oar1ga l patio. tr-. ..,_,., aome ·-· 1225/ Ref' eq pet• or kld1. 1275 plua •w..--••n •· .... nln~ Star ln. home, rall dining area. Walk-In •2 br nr 8.C. Pb. 8.A. AllO h1¥9 2 Br H~ Be Ut~.~~51.4~7938 ~~· 1 r . utll1. Av all Imm ad. "A NEW CONCEPT" With UH of .reception, Sandwloh Shop, 8&W, ~~ por mo ..• 8".73r .. ~· cloaate, "°'1'1• 1111e kltoll· Pool. apa. $550. C.rpdrt. with garage & patio 548--0928 or 838--8880. Full Mrvlcetcuatom c:onl. room, kttch, phone, M111 19, bU'l main It . .._, CoftM v ..,,...,.. an & c:41blneta. Walk to 752-5822 or 141-14$0. 1525. AM for Jim. Call ,,.,_,. ,,.,. 1111 Pvt home, no smoking or office 7 dtlk apace. aecretar111 & word pro-Aft 4 , 5 4 • 2 4 5 3 ; w-.-1t-c""ll""'1t-3-9~,.-.,..1v.""'.-b-a-,1 Huntington c.n..,. $500/mo. 2 Br. 1 Be, 1 831·7370 ••••ftt••••••••••••••• drinking, quiet M over F to lhr 2 br Balboa Point N 0 C Airport Olllllng. Mall & meaege 87a-1818 •""" ••~ Irv Terr 1 Bdrm turn $505 •· lo • NO FEEi Apt. & Condo 30. 1250/mo lhara ulll1. hou ... lndry, gar. 1350 + r. 75;. ;...71 _., 1v1H. aeperllely If •--------48R r;:· ~-ltsOo m0'. • ' $60 ltOfY, lhag. drapea, pa-2 BR 1 .... lge pat 'pm, rentale. VIiia Atnta11. 55&-0637. utlle. 873·7389 .....,,. dHlrtd. Call: J udy, ..... It U.. llZf _ 2 Bdrm-furn from 5 tlo, frplc,. dtw, bMmtd gw .. lnlall P9t OK. 1450 875-4812 8rok lltlt .,, O I 7141711().-0tOO. •••••••••••••••••••••• Both frelll l c:ltan, no 2 Bdrm TownhouM !um. celllngl, garage. ino. C.H 5'o-1158 Ilk er. Bt,.ll ..,,,, fllO lmmed. avail: thr t>Hut. ..,, • • 2nd TO'a-compet. ralM, peta. AYI now. 948-238' from M75 TSl Mgmt 842-1803 for Larry PARK NEWPORT ••••••'••••••••••••••• all turn. home, lrvlne. 400 aq. It. otflce space N.B 80c/aq It. 1200 aq ft 12o,OOO-ttOO,OOO fully SPACIOUS a br. 2 ba Fnpllct, pool, pYt patio ,,... ,.,., "" TME TS IUIJll llTIL Jae. gl(. 731-te30 AIC, or•t parking. great 1vall. 328 N. Newport amortl. Other 2nd'l l0 $1 condo, lrplc, blt·ln1, 2 UtlNlltolelpe~!-1 & dlhwahtr. )( 1g 1&2 Br. •••••••••••••••••••••• APAR N Wkly rentala now avail. ..ll•lr bulldlng. ., •700 Blvd. nr N.8. AMI Elt1te mllllon. Pttn. only. 8rtnt, car gar., pool9, new ct.-... gerden apta. on E/eldt .iD COUNTRY CWI LIVING 1105 & up. Color TV. ROOMMATE SERV RHlt>ilOmlca 67....., Board. "3-2911, egt for oor. \11C8ftt. 19'0/mo. LA QUINTA HERMOSA from Mee>. 557·2141. 2 bdrm, 2 be, gerage, IN NEWPORT BEACH Phon" In room. 2274 =IYOld ~ Exec 1ultea, lull H rv., 720-18415/14~ MWWf l&Yml 842·1t5S 16211 Pancllde Ln 1 blk I d MOO 6 A delWct community on Newport Blvd. CM. cut ..,,......., fumlunll.lm .. greatly re-NO DEPOSIT lndlvldu1I BLUFFS CONDO, 3 br, 2'A w. of 8Nch, 3 tHk9 s. of ~5·no3i:... ~ ~~.~ ~'::~. ~~1.'nn. a'::~ the Ba Bey. Club hou-846-7445 CAU "<>OMIO ductd. No IM. 754--0274 office 1or rent In lull· P:;:T~:-:_or:r~0cC: be. on greanbeft, $1085, Edinger. 2 iat St. Now a va ll. PM . t 3 7 • 1It2 5 . M & IP9: 1 pooll; 'a!: Yearty on the bMch room. 833DoverOr.11112. Na. eervtce ede. IUlte. 405 Tom: l42-t914 · · ltalt. Avail. July 10. Ml_..,.1 846-t5tl or 54Mte5 21$-333-0071 nla ~ cioM to kitchenette l bath. 931-6332 Fwy at Mac:Artllur. (213)S3t..-..e ntaa & lhopplflo. $300/mo pkll 1300 MC. Shi' condo mature ..... THE EXECUTIVE ll«tf ... flUI Oultt Junior l 1 Bra. Xlnt loc. Walk to S. C. Un!umllhtd ltudlol, t &. dep. 2308 W. Octan· $400/mo '& ~ uti. CM. OFACE/lrvlne 1 - 22 10 Y'I In ..__.._ ., 111$ 8IUffs WM condo. 4 Br From 1375. Pool, r.c. P1ua. NEW 2 er. 2 Ba., 1 ... ,,.,,.. 2 br. ~ti, I~ front, Newport Beach, 151_,253 Mrvloe. 833-1 · •••~•••••••••••••• 2'Aba. rrp1c, tw .,,,._ rm .. Huna. encl9d g•· er & 1 ea. or Studio. ,,,,,. 11fl "'°'*' 813-4154. n£"FICE/CdM l4teO T.o . ltraight note opnr. Ntw cpta & paint. r-. 17301 Keellon ofl Include• frplc, elegant •••••••••••••••••••••• M/F rmmata needed 10 ~ _, In Wiii ltSOtmo. 844-5512 ~ •. 142-7148. French wfndowa, pool, Oelwct poollkM, xtra lar· '54041000 ..,, ..... 4111 ltv 3 BR Hnt 8ctl lime Cent. loo. quiet, pvt, due In 1 yr ,.,.,. t. " I whl lpool 1pa 2"" 2b• bltn1 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ..,. oldg 1..... · M F.u ldeel tor 2 ~ 1225. Hll tor 13418. Agt. VACANT & rtady, IPI· U.w ...,. J1fl ~~~:: com~lete •xtr: ~~r{~ rniM beadl'. •Several 1tudlo1 & 1 Boarding home tor elder-~ ~2•7914J:nmo. DEOl1'1YI 875-2311 dayl. 710-1102. doul 3 BR Ytew' home In :':'A.................. ........ ..... ~ ,_..... .. ..... t ..... ·----bdrm. IMWts 1n lumllhed "' hOITl9 eootled ~· & u . • LL uma private area Of private Furn. Laguna Beach lu· ...... rm, "' ,..,.,,. ,_,..ry """' 1• no .,...a. _...,.,..,, with fine ~ fum&.. ~ C81'9. ti• 8004 E.xclul!ve bayfront llvlng Alli J11J•nl fnliJ ff U .. fH.. homee. Call Jwl Ritter, xury atudlo, apa, Satelllte lac. & much morw. 63l-8M2 turt &.8CCWOt111. Mow ........ ""' with doc:k av911able for ...................... ~ • Barrett Alty 142·5200 TV, aauna. maid Mtvlca, ::! = ~1g: Nr bch, dlx 38r, 2Be, dbl In tOdey or ,...,,,. for .... ,, lnW. fM executive to .,,.,., M/F. • J.~0 t~rl~r:! Rat.ti •tor• at 2850 Avon s In tat & 2nd 4 BORM, garage, llre-phone1. 1115/wtek. down & low monthly gatage, W/O hooll-4.1p, la aummer mon1ha. Smartty •••••••••••••••••••••• Hu ~t• bMch. pool. Wiiiiam Cote, Bkr. ~ o::.i:.~a~ 8 TO'• 1949 place, poolt, bHch. 4tt-2227. payment•. Call for de-deck, pond w/wtrfal11r. furnllhtd model• Gt*' 11...-T Fully tumllhed. antlquea 1 •.• /lll-lMI Robt. Sattler NH/CM llue 1975. Family~ Separate furn. 1leeplng tall1. 548·8421. 3841 1850 mo. Call 638-092 dally. 4 bdrm. 4 beth, llndy & art. Enc:lottd garage. ,,. 111&1. IP• RE. Broker 8d Realtora rd. 842-3Nt unite In garden Mttlng Bear St. O.M. 8etwwen w.nlTlll bHch, pier & float. 12300, 1pllt 50150. In· Excellent loc on Pee 142-2171 545--0811 HARBOR view tor etngle penon In l• Mac.AtthUI' & Sunflower. 1 & 2 Br. Olaoount on °"Jam~ Ad. 11 11000 for A~u1t. Biii c1ude1 ut11111 ... •xtr11, Coaat Hwr, Newport wm di.oount.,,.. eecuted guna Canyon No coo Pool 8 8ln JoeqlMi Hill Rd. Grundy, Rltr, M 181· laundry weekly. Mal• Sch. ldH apace for 3'"' TD on ~ CdM 4 Bdrm, 2'A ba Ptlermo. · ard-Large 3 Br. 2 ea. Town-aome modetl. , pa. &44-1900 ~ lletcf\ 'A f>fock 10 eQO., mid 50'1, ac:tMt, UWNIT IUOI b 1 u hi h " ~:!~en~~:.11s~~;'5,:; ~';X·o~t:. ~r= Jay~ =~qui:.,= ~,:.aunt , eto. 1 Br. S3rd. St. garage, ·~b~xe3r. 28&. ~~· ::de~t '!!'_~..... ~~~·:i=;. ~&,g ,o rn~·.!14~:~11~ 758-0819 4 t 4 . 9 5 7 4,. Ev• I ting. 1100. 8·45·3Ht, CLOSE TO BEACH: Un-r1•4!!1'mgoe .leNaMo pae11 :.· =1~A1·;;:6~ , Newport 8Hoh, CA "-8*H ~;4°1..i1100' q ft . for 19000. &40-76e5 HEIGHTS 77 0-4 785 • 87&-5841 1que e.oM1or Wi1YP'O & -·~r t2te0. PIUlh, newly-decorated, ~ ,/ 3 N.:.v~ °'1ve by 419 1 8,R with Spectacular ---loft atove I ~ utile Mgmt. Co. 141•1 Bel Ille 2 8r. lltepl 8. Male, Female ah are 2 ~ntlmatt atmoephera. Retail Store for ltaH, 111 St. Andrew1. 1850/mo. view. Mo or WHkl Of ~ & 3 br lrom p a I d • I 4 2 5 I m o . 2 BA 2 Cit gar, 2~ ba. $250.:.:.:~ .. ~0 8dnn apt IMne. 130-264 eq. ft. In lo\lely 4500 eq ft °' lell, In llUISeft/ 142.-0ltt or 873-«SH. June. lllOO/mO °' l300 1475 t6 MOO. Cpta. a 536-7871, rptc, µ;.cl!..,_, MW ""' • N1-c>e11an.1 PM garden type bldg. Atnt L.agUna Bdl. 484-1771 "". , .... wtt. & oondo to bWfl Udo Bey fn>n1 ~ 4 8r Ind. rec:.pttontst, phone N.B. 1200 aq ft 1t llOt/aq ••••-•••-•0 ••• .. u• W~TERFAONT/OOCK OR drpe. Wiil to IChoof UWll WILi pool & -. Avl lmtned: 5 8L hOl'nt: Sip t...: Udo Ille lleecfl, ger, all an-1ng, ~'wto. It 321 N. ~ 84, nt ......... I fl fl• LQ. 2 br, den, 2 be. pe-STUOtO APT. l500/mo • ~d::::' ;xr::;,::: lrg 2 Ir. TownttouH oall 2~3-t 12·8685; beecNe. Broker'~ conv. Prof ltfalQM male EXECUTIVE N.8. Rtal E11ata Brd. •••••••••••••••••••••• ¥:ooirrnr.1t'"tl4c:c;nm· S200 -.~:m-~ 557-4715 Apat1rneMa. R9'c. 9'Q. 714-647155 , • t I 0 n . M 0 nth I y . l800 mo. 87Uil4 CONNECTION 720-1885, 14M300 ........ ~ ::.f'H::Z.-~ st_. to t1wt1, 1 room• 81M074. Npt. flch. 2 t1r. 2 t.a.,. 1800 ~t• 330 nnr••• BACK BAY. Sc*. 3 br, ...,,.., ..... tta t.Br. t~ba, lrplc, d/w, pvt OK ISM 84CMl807 beth, ,..... but no ltlt· Newpof1 Waterfront-Ota. llable, M/F, over 35. • c..a..d.i 1815 So. EJ Cem1no RMI. 2'A be condo w/tlot tub .... .-............. _ .. patio, gar, no feta. · · · chen. 1315 lnotd ut111. Sipe 10, l ?OO/wll. Beaut. loc. Pool, J1c, '"::3;.,.~Newpor't ... llb H1. San ClemMte. 4t2-72te Hlgh!y upgraded. May 1525/mo.-543-&47 2 Br 1 Ba condo, 2 c:. t11-12e3 ~ 7141175-3088 ~ tennte, Iota ol extt11. P 300 9Q. ft. 2 ... .,.. •• ·••:::.:.:••• FUii iie. contld•r furn'd. H25. DE ~ 2 Bt. 1ea.1421. gar, clo1t -to beaoh, UDO BAYFRONT 114nao..sm. S 3 6 6 , S 1 o O 1 • c . office 1ulle. S300/mo. In newer bldg :---eo.c &no* lodml bellrm ~ Agi. ~=·LS .. 3 er. 1'A Ba. 1475. r="t· l&OO=· ;.: 38R 28A S1800/mo. ~ 3 bdml. 2belamllyhome. 54M10I ~~iq~~~ :~~: HWy Sou1h Uguna. Ac>-ce eY9fY Tue, & Frl. eve . l-sb7.'$200';, l2000 ,, ••• , ~;:;J fac .• pool. : e~. 4 ':i. 10·11 . 81M31e (213)212·Tna Mtea Verda. Avail 8123 F~ =:.;d ~ top:C: otc1 .• 5 pwtlontd 1Yb-pro;. 500 aq. It. Elle.et-l!;e ~·~c~e t ~· 760-331.4 open 7-deya tlVV _ 1 a --& M •aeo 2 BA From ll!OO. No peta. to l/30, All Utl. wttty •pa ttnnla Nancy ofca, lg. cnttt. WOt1' .,.. lent private parking 1 · e ...... _. • .... -• 2 br, 2 be. lfl>I, gwtlQe, 1 Shown by appt. only. tto ... 71~1111850 per ....a115 • plu1 lg. recpt. rm. All behind bldg. 1525 mo. 8.A. 542-9047 'HVH • a..utlful Monaco UFE'' SpadoUI E. Side N>tl. blk oceen l800 Mon/Tu./Wtd. MPM, mo. ....&40-ll done In dtcOfatJon ltyle, Turner Altoc. 484-1177 l•illlitr mdl. Nr n•rythlng. Encl gar, patio, dlhwltw li&-t132 act'091 lrom Npt 8ctl golf Applloatloni now being F, 3 BR 2 BA. bayfronl beaut. In Al)c>eltanct, In P&-aa .. $1000/mo. 144-8810 or & atove. Moat utll fr... GOUrM. MMl55. tliken l6r lum aummer BafbOa 111. wit rT9le & 1 loc. pr•Uge bldg. New· STiit 1,211 ft •--• _ .. 873-3174 YKM..,..., ~ No pet.a. 2 8r 2 Ba t¥mhae. tennll & ~ r.traet. 1 Br Condo monthly rental On Balboe female. '385 tlt/lalt + PQf1 Ardlel Marina Bldg. HI vt1lblllty, good adv. with a apectal ,.,,....1n Big Canyon ~ fUll ~T~~·~ t :~t~~1!':! ~ ==-~ £. .. :::;: ~ ~ 2202 HtM 1:-na, gym, pool. Im: Point. 5 rm1, bath l MC. dep. 873-1388 142"'™4 2330 ~~&-~CM = ~ ';:m °:: oolf COUfM view, 3 & 2 sun day 2323 Ave CM · IMC. cond. l!WIO/mo. kltch. Cpl .. pref. No Deluxe MW condo to lhr: 1 men otfloes In Or. June 20th. 11 youplace1 Br . I•••• 11200 . Bn.lnch-BBQ'.. 142•7eo6 · 28r,28afnlatl•ne.. 142-IMI '3t-711t pel1. "Eva/Wkndl frplc. jac, pool, park, ety~.,.._· lal•llrla/ ... Ulf greatlnQforo.dyOUwtN M-4-742A. PartlMoPlus encl'Mf garage, private W tdllf 2 8r 2 Ba. 1200 175-5638 ~ 937·79ft piano, waaher/dryer. 4 114-751-4TeG ....................... be tllglble for the dra-Btaut 38r ...... muct1 mote •2 er. t ea. Ntwl'f ...iur-petlo. 1525/fn9. • · Wkl N t 8 h tel m1. 10 btadl. Reap. & 1 H.B. 3875 Blrctt. 5800 eq. .... .... of extra .C: ~pk» {b;'. Q llt•I AT. blahed. S4t5/mo. No Dee ....eeot 1q · ft· lrplo pool. y. 1 · c · r•n · pleaaant nontmkr want-Ollll II& It. or le11. MIA zone. -~. --l1ll01 N Ht "IC". a TI o N i ...... '""'" ""'74. H16/mo. ld·Hl 1, L.owlv ~br·-~lndudlnglrom ~ u 1F •"2" 1-"' utl11 500 1q ft, Private r••· A-t 541·5032. r-• 2 etori· twpoft •· .. ..... ........... 1111 -• .,. .. 2..,. bctt. ~ 1. ...... ... • .., · ... " ·-· · ,,..... to -I r ,... • ......,. -. Cerol 54&-8t03 trm1. 011 St Parking. -· home. deal for fal'l'llty or T t n n '•,..re e $400-1485/mo. 1 Br. 1 ea. Small but.__... apt Nice ...... __.. '... J4ltt 4. 114-136-0925 Out1lde entrahc•. Ulll PlllE OFFIOE --.S I h. r Ing 11 n iJ I• I . Leaeona (pro & pro 2 Br 2 ea. Aotl 8Mmed ...,,._, . 28r. tloet -........... e M lo ltv 3 br, 2 bl, by noiuded 1450 ·-Al S1300/mo.14M789 1hop)•2 Hnlth celling, frplo,.gara9e. :1:.:~r.:y terma. new. nor"· H15, ~.:,UP, ~cr.i: 7/1. 1525 + utll1. Nr 11rn or9ng.. Jf3~: ~~~t~~~r:~c: :~~ 11--l U. CM»o~ ltundry rm. AvaK. June. . 173;-9209, 7U121 AM ......... IM9on. 4 0 5 I 0 0 C , C . M . or 142"9929 700 t 3200 rt Call 142·5878 and place Hydrom•llg!M TSL Mgmt 142-1803 2 br, utllt pct, tow mow In, ,..SlBlU-·ip-·.._.~ 1 _ -. ... 2 ,.200 M0-1103 ban. 0 eq. · your m"'age now tor OK t '"" ,..,. ......,... _....,, ..,.., "" ... Maia lnC1u1trl1I park. only 15 oo =:.= STUNNING large 1 Br. :."J~t152 (fr:i,a pe I . Bt, ~..:.Olrg balol>ny, nu 11_ Promontory Pt. View apt, 1111 ... "· 711 W. 17th St., Ptcllloi----·----- .1 • u TI -'U gll'den IPI. Pool & l'9C cpt. -ltCU9 .... ·~· 2 Br 2 a. to 1hr w/ AV911. July 15. Specioul Blull lndu1trlal Park. scR•u LETS .. , : .. , ...... ,.'-/'e: ., ... 710 W. 11th. St. REOEO, 38R, 2'-tba, 2 Sgl adutt. no petl. ,.., Md alp. Febuloul da1lgnar. 1315 & uUI. olllc .. In pre1Uglou1 1835 Whittler Ava. NW· a In 0 I e I . 1 & 2 ,., 8r. apt. 1295. utlll In-DECK. PATIO 4 UNITS. -tH>me completely fur-Cll'p9tl & ltvelcr'I. Under 1---------1 .. .. • OAA. ICH 3 BU<. FRPL., IS60/mo. ~181 1lx bedroom, 5 bath 173-4413, 831-7700 CQrona def Mar. New 142-4483 & 142-7804 ANSWERS laclfoornaoFUrnlltled cld. S150 MC. dep. s 7 t 0 +. de p ... O-• .... ........ L.sga '*" and M/F lo .,,, quaint CdM merket, IUb·I ..... Call 1775 up. 2180 ft. lndu-21 r & boll dock & Unfurnt1hed•No Tr.itarfortant18r.S225 2131420.1705 or EV••••••••••••••••-•••• llp.A...,.June.Juty 2Br. Wil k to bch. 875•1823, aek tor Ml· 1trtal·Ofllce.1110e1 Re-Moulc·T'llNlh taool'MI Pet1•Modtl1 Open e>U utlll.. 1"150 MC. dep. 21,,~2435 CIMn. """'Y 2 Ir 1 be. Md Al.IOI* • the thrM 1305/mo. Avall 711. ohatl 0t CMa. dondo Circle tE Hu!lt· Garlc. Ptr1or tBr & boat do c k '400/Wk ._.1111.n ........ ~ ITM1'1 dally t toe. No dlllchn « ~ 1: =~~'t, MIO. mont. h• for St8,600. 844-2231 or 752-8800 lngton. 9Mdl.142·2834. Temper· lnfKt hn••• E. l8th. 81· • Agent 831-nGO. lat'• .... AllNIT AIU 1000 aq ft w/ofc, loltae, & SnctAUST C.M. btwn ~Blvd. lnbtt 1114 t.." L--.., 2 bloc*a '° CdM bMctl Arnmte to Ill CM condo, 130 aq. ft. full 1trv10t b•lfn pfu• 12111 loft. otd grenny taldng about .... & Supertor. • ••••••••••••••••••••• ~:;;II~ ••• :::;:' , f '" t i 2br 2'M>a W/O lfplc, gw. tll~UtlYe ottlce •Vall. Top toc.1325.17~1 wrtnld• and gnay hWt: • -.. 28R 1BA t Chlld LargtMW18r condofor StudlO no'*8,l2Mlnal. ,. •r • ura • •-Joanl46-te21 lmmed. Corner of ''Y11,1t~betruethat ,._,. •P · ten ...... neer U.C.L rnloto-ut1. AWlll. ........, HU J••ioea. MOO ~--·~ · JimborM/MacArthur. 5000 1q ft lndultrllll bldg. Orne heel• att wovnda, ...... ......,... Okaly. $4~~4 wave, frplo. waaher/ 1nvwt11.nta 417·1111 fn.tol. M. roommate to lhr 3 8r eeautllully d•corated 890 W. 17th St. In Costa bUt time 19 not • very 880 lrvtne dryer arta. H&O/mo. ComptettfY furn. beech houH, Irv. 6514161. with bay•wlndowa. Me1a. 11500/mo. good beaut., 8lufl9 lg 3 bf, flm rm. (•t 18th) LO. t br, pool, ldutt9.1. no Joanna tU· 1883, a_, ,_ cottage clean, quiet, l200 &I utl. 752·2587. 714/14M81l SPECIALIST," w~~ U1~~11~ ~~~n~or~m ~~~~~~~~~1--~ .... ~i-~ia~--li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ""'*' ..... IS.. IS7:MIN4 ~ UCI TWn. Ctr. 2 U•n ho1H, non1mkr, HM. ..-Oerol teo-7187 3 M 8lutf9 condo, S860 1100 18th St. 2 er. 1 batte. r• llouM Br.1' 14,.,.~t>a,new. 1250 mo. e100 dep. N.8 . dupte11, 48048e•·1 ....... M-"" ......... ~-· -~---:-1 mo. Dottle Johnaon, (Dowlr .t 1eth) on lot. 1952 Santa AN vaoant. •1111 per mo. 14&-3872 "'°'9. t br, 1 be. prttg. Ftmllt to 1hatt = ~-1HS or 115-8000 (714) e..2-5113 Ave.14&5. '51..f229. 552-9419 Owntr/AOll'lt b d f m Ir" In e / lllOO wkty. 146-3870 == ~:.~1-t207 7 .,, old 2·9try condo. 38' ·--------HI .. -WES NonhwoOd, 2 br. WOOdbftdge. Non ~ ., ........ .... .I' tllp 3br 2~ ·--... -1~ be upgraded ~. •er•. Oarqe parklnv. 8umm., rental. Spiral M.811'. l'em. 211-35, non-~ · 41 • 1 and 2 bdrm, 1 belt! 2 tty, atep-dwn. llv,. rm., Mova In lml'l\•dlately. ltalrl. ~t9 amkr to ttlr MW oondo. 2 'iFl•ns or 87._7080 oondornlnluml w41tl ~ frpl, p09I, tent111, Jao, 12711 per mo. pkll v. Utt!. ......., PYt ..,. 1~ • .,., br plue den, 2 ba In ll'V. ""' ble attached automatic ..ina $700. Avl. now. 714/Nt-1086 -w.-1y' l6&-t1U S3fll mo. P4ul ~ utll1. garagea, lk= fir• ~1 . IJa _ & prv la. ._. · · '°811: Jan, 76f..5505 d1Y9, place, .-a. t '4M. °'911gttt'M oondo, 1 8r t.f. P'OO{.'--. -.0: ,.,,,_,_Miff"' 1&8·0457 or t 15·Hl7 2 bclrmllltl. on w;.,, ..,, acklttl ~. al.. nt e.c ...... -.=. . ....... ..!!............ ~ .. 11Wknda. 111..... ' avall. tnwned. ISOO/mo. Ho OOOltlng. &4t-OOl7. OCIANf'M>NT 2 & .. Ir. ·IA~NT• 1112 M011cwta 551·25&4 ..... ~~~~'r,c.IY""" ... .,. •dult, PYI bath, Colla.._ -·"·-· · .. wmo. e13-1621 1>af. ... , .. """ ....,...~-., Condo 1~,..:'.'""m;.....,,~, .. -..,-,'=""ted~.-.. -~'-'.~-:-11 on ic:.,io::.~a' "'9tUre male atw lr1I llP' 1 ... wtt.fo. u.una ~1· {111) nWl11 Retlabla female younQ Ull -ectft, ftO!t-Mllc -"' W1 ._ ....... cw ..... ,,, _..,. ~·a ..... lleMll, ftO pet• Hto . ....... ~ .............. ., ....... .........: -.-.1..--------1• NI/II,.... , nnMt• .. nM4t, f11m. cklptea, ewt1 ~ l be, N.I : OIOM to """ ... REE ~'-7 ,.. DJ ".... .... -....-. ........... ....., .............. "'2111tii. ••••••••••• ..... I.II.... ..... .•.• _,. ;.oa;wAUJAOOVITIC ~W.,,... ~-,0,_.....,.. "'*' """· Molftl"N olftfe "-*" ,... a Old. 11 Mowtnf, ~ flklna. t •ALL VI'! _, ,.... OlllJ ._.... AUdel'llltel erefl•I C!!· M Ill... u11Hpl'e1. ''N-eltT· '~~{i:i~~;!!!I aof!!..t. I . ,.,...1..Jr er''" ....... In Cdlll. Mena '"Wii•wr..A••IO ,,... .......... 111 --------1- tl\-;_llf Wllaon. urlt. Vin .... ,.H HtN-T ..... etUCI• 1.AWN4M1-' ---------'- & ~,"'.~ lno. II Toro O•~Hrt, llo't, unique Lia ........ -.. 1.-.1141 o.nw.v.._.,~ --------r 0 IUMMlr "°'""'' I-11 OfftWAU fAHfii ~. ,...... ~. HOMI la•••=· ~lillt Yft. 1M wtl. MMIOf M,........ a~ ON/09f, kry Mt-1411 ~-.. ~MAl!f!:. • I ....... ~. P'-vv, '· ,_, ..... •.. ,..,, I IM eumMef o""" ,.,. • KM't 8Tf·ION TllD ytl olnup, rea ut. ~ dtoll• oare: lovtno mother a .....,.., --------1 All 1ypaa ....... ' ....,_..; rormer pr••tohOol tH· I' • ..., ToPOlld/~. Otetin HOllMI= ~ wfttl --------00 IT HOWi Ptt-...,.,. Ohar ,o _. tor )'Ol.ll In-Hee...-.;"••••••••••••• up, i..n ,...., .,.,44Tt JOHN :THI HANOVMA,,. OINi. ~Ion a"!Ct<WOAI(: I/NII }obt. I,~~ LIO. fMOI01. ,,.. "'" fMt or tOddler """hofne ILIOTfUCIAN-,r•oed ....,,,...,, mo odd Jobe Na/CM iie.9021 ~. Cott• Meta, ...... .. ......... •·...._-...... -~~~~"': ... "'....,. mMll. Nf.1111 Wllll """ ~ & f.l•y. r''"'·o:.'::it1m11e on =: ~ ,,.. ~ 7SO.?M1 Peolflo ~ Irvine. fll9ft. t'1'5-:tt75 Neel atoMI a .,,.. :::::: .............. .. ~ ~"":, 6-1.w room. Cill Ml . ~'"811• ~~ Fl'M •t. .,., .• ., .,..., 1 "/ft-.>. Xlnt ,_ ltlok, blocti, conorete, ''" ..e. Ml!1at lllllCN-•tatlw mr.;;u.-............. LIO'D CtillJ) CA"! m':e.11.............. ,.,.. ... Lotl • .,~53 etucco, V*'Y ,...., Ho PLA8TtA PATCtiM ,.NO!I a oeot<S NI' 8C Plue All ltllftL LIC'O ILS)TflllCIAN MOWING l10ot1t-llO OUMP JOU 9ob 849-7050/038ott09 "HIUCCOI. Int/ext, 10 Ml•lt, UI. IU MWlt ~ Conti. ~/pt time iaT-2140 Quel. WOftt.,_., rltel Haul/~ '115/UO & lmell MoYINI Jotle ,,___,,,._ )'11-. Neat P*'I 84&-2tn ·-------llnOI 1179. 75<4-oHI ' 'r•eet. 131·90?2 TOll'I Mark 0111 MIKI "4~1H1 m":lm"•"n'I'•••••••••• llMJ•• ----·------·- 11-a...-fff!lrl. 7&4-tlQ<tltlt-OOlt -m;ttf••••••••••••••• ED'I Pl.A&l'!AINO 'IUI CAalNIT8·AIMOO&L. .,_ .. _._.., TOft QUALITY -.. .. .._ HAULIN<l-etudenl II.. -·AIC MOVING• ALL TYPES INTl!XT 0 •o•uu .. •0 ••!.P9 .. ja~ SkylltH • Ortel\hH ••••••••••ntt •• • •• IELfCTAICAL WON< ._, Ml... _, lge truoll. ~ t1te. 11.l'm&!M OY!ctl, Cwefu1 8tiNtca. FREE UT IMM251 ~ Cer8llllO'Tll • :-:r.ir.•••••••••••••• Wtnctowa :e~~'t',:.~5 "919. ,.... 531-0055 ••P'd, qulllt~ wotk 11 f'fOrnpt. Qall Tff.1111. Fr" eetlll\1t11.5&a-<M10 · 'Prompt. Cell°'*'*· 4'W , ;, ~. Pandnai:;;~ 84M80t I exp lrwl &49-2711 t. T•IC''"N re11. r1tt1. Malnt. & Tllenk you, John. • .. _I ,._,...., ...... _.._ PLA8T!"ING 842~/176-1409 ~ ,. ~ sa~~"-(IO bi_, l#ftft Yf ' n Smll~~ LIQ. l11nd1oep1naa,Na/CdM PAOf'. l!ji(VIC. ~'; ~--~ p;J •&-1 ..... * INTI~. RES~ CEMMIC-UNOLIUM • Au.8TATE PAvtNO ::::!!::~::.·~.::.·,:.::=·· Fine ''""'r' c~ 2S311)i..C.10. 546203 °1· Aon'• =-Haullna. )'ltd~ pllnte. T~~· srv:: cwt 8todl ..... TMe. ,,. ..... , .... a..1ooettno-S1r1o1na Ao;. ';;::.o."'.Si'M.'.n L~m'*·720-12eo 7 w.lt4t °'** '~r .. •· '(:1~9=t'r:;:· "' ~ .... it~ ~r:.:P· t!P!f'19............. ...... lob en.ta1 UcAtpalt'l#"""'7"'~:.~~11' clng.654451(>, 97M5te COMM'L/RUID. u,3-Eltcl-72~ ~:ln~e::.C:s,.':: HAULl ........ A••DfNO mid"''" No overtime. 730-1353 D IU .... ,.,, ......,, ~ ... ...,.. _....., Ho S1·-'No S ...... """' Aemod...Add'ne-~ oo Ch""k .. 2.2173 ...... f t "'-"" ~bit cpl, .-1 8TARVINO COLLEGE ·--I llJ* ::e•::::.·~.·~•••••6• _.., ..... ...,... .... .,... demolltlon, olaan-up. IOC*lng to hOutMlllt tllle -• _, ....... ....,_. ""' ~1-tflw Stein Sptetallet. Fut Very r.... Lio.. 3 90 #, 645·2942 Ml. Conorate a t,.. rernoYel. """"*· We'll Car9 for 6TUDEHTS MOVING plan1er mix avall. r .. ••••••••••••••••••••• dry. F .... Mt. 839-1582 ,,,.!.."*. ConHt.f&ennel. ··'2· ~1·.... 2•&... lie 410901 RHld•ntlal. Cl••n·UPI, QWok ""'· .. 2.7931 Plante. hOuML etc. Call c, o. ~· !~21~3827' •••• u •• 1,, .. ,. dal. locllfV 557-1581 F1NE SHIHE AUTO ...,.., uu ... .... ..... d 1 1 t l<en Haven 180-1078 neu..... .... ..... ••••••••••l'le' •• l'm••• 1--------DETAJLING. Ou.v. 81\amPoO & 1team Clllen. 9-nded & llltUred !(.911_ f~! .. ~r~~ ~·.:·.~t'. HAULING I MOVING ...... VIA. • • WATCH U9 GROWi .., ................ ,,,_,_ , Ii! Free PU/dllt. "42-1441 Color brloht•n•r•. whl • • • ......._ .. I... 1..-.,,. .... 1•1,.,,..,,._,. Wlll>A L.oc91, StudlnC wltl\ldc. MOVING ,~• a._.. di• Fr .. 111 RiM = ... -.~::'A••••••••••••• ~ ~I • 10 min. bleeCh -...-... ••••••• ••••••••••••• ,... v9V\..-•••n Lewie 17M180 Mature 01'1rt1t11n MM wll ......., ~"" • "-·-• __;.. Uc• 71•;. MOit IUbjecU, K-14 q .....,,,,_ ............ /din t1a Uc 30•888 R1mod I FORMICA COUNTEAS .. __ .... , ....... ~ by prof. mc>Yefl. Vf/fy lo ........ ........ . .... ,.,_ .,~ ....-~--·.err ••• ,...... ;;n'11.aO: ~ .. ::,1 ld.d 'nt. c'ablnet:: Tope/ClblnetHefaced SHIYO'S GARDENING • ..,,,, __ ,_ r"T.C~ .. ·,v;n. t;''y"'o-ur r•I• Call f()f' Ir...... 831-~345 Mf~·~'!:":'wrn" . " "''"IY81TTING ...i. --' '"........ ,,... •t 842 •"57 "Total Yard Cert" ••••••••.,;;:;r•••••••• a ...... 975-0941 ~-· _. ctw aa, Ouer. -"'· ..... 84........... . ·-Mo/Wk~. 551-e232 eVI HOUllOIHnl"O· W11h, home. ti, etc. Call ._....,, •-"-,_ ~M~~~l:~~;~ =·g:t._~~~:r. WAYCONS~RUCTION '":.~ ~°!: dry, fold laundry. Pkg 173-1 .fWll'nlll. f.IJl."'9 ............ : ~M·a25•;;;•195u ~.~!!fl ..... ,,, A4llllllllll 21 yr. Femelll w11 "*· 531~101 Uc ~2 • ~200 I llar , ...... ,ion. J'-851 ,.1...:.. ~· J:-~"'e:l:u~0 yrs •111•n• ,. ,...,... Fr .. eet. can 11nY1lma, 'c'LAtt11 5•~~ ~ b11by1ll full time thl• EXCEL CAAPET OARE · • ••••••••••••••u•••••• .. ._ "" -•• ...,.. AetP edit male wtll II~ b~ RlGhard Sinor. Uc. WALT 77().2125 ~Ltd .. ~53 eummer. 540-7082 Jeolt Buffington IM'1t·htfill 11•1.. llllT" I •Y Totll Ytrd c.te w ~ exJ>'d, ,... Mitt 'I04Jll ~ ~ 2~. 1s yrs of happy Huber ~ type1. 20% MO...t""1 Dllcount - Owner/opet810f Fr" eet • ....._ prtcea. CtwtetlM a Ed 847125 ~_!~PP!R =::: ~ . .g.,~~oo r! cw. can -·-._.· ioc:.i customen. New-racovw-decka ...,,, --. ........ ; Cllrplt, uphell,.,. "'O Quet WOf'k. Uc. 3371et. .. ... '-ft ......... -~ .,,O.,~t/,1~·M~.UJ:i,,1 •d . Tllenl( you. 831-4410 Uc. #411802. 54M734 •RESIDENTIAL* ,,,.,,,, ctMnlng. Wort! gu11. 831·2345 •••~•••••••••••!!•• Dominic 2""'851 T.L.C. HOUllllMMPlna ·-p••-VJ"'"'H HENRY CO.v Mon~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.. Eat. 845-1n1 C..IM ,,,...,.,., AEPAIR & INSTALL ........ ......, 8eMce. Low !Wea. .... .,,_ 211 ..:·::. L:.':ooe.1 ~ fOf' Fine Hom. Ctwla ""-~ ~E ~=~~=-Dominic'• Carpet I Furn. c .......... iJ ....... , • 0.,. csr1. HerdWIW. ,,.. Mt. Ken l39-e035 Toni No-cl20l/t42..o406 ::.~.......... ~. '"'· fWt. Color UC. ,15232. MM213 Orange Coat ~ I TMk~ M5-171Se cl111nln,. 9' iofa •30, rown mou ng, an I') Dtllgn/Pllnt eeo-e1ee PEAF!CTIONl8T Pm atmATU expert. ees-ot11 Oletc ·~~"' ~~t" • ~ -----·---• c:llaln 15 1 20 carpet door1, mantle1. book· 11J • ...1 .. ..-.... ttOUe!C&.!AHIHCl Sod, IP('"kler A llhrub l#tHal .... "".. .........,,. ~ ' ··----12• ...:.n. F ...... L· 25 --c ..... cedar lined clo-_._,_ ;e;;;'f::::"'............ T,,.. -~ ....._ ..... ln•t•ll•llon. Our work EXTERIOR PAINTING ···········•••4'•······ Fr .. _..,,..., eao..111 .. -"~" ...., ''. .._., Wood ....... ,, ___ I ••••···.-:"de••••••••••• "'OME IMP""""V•"--UT ....,. ·-" ,_ ...., Cu tom ........... "" t MOBI' "' SERVICE " st..,,..~ enge, bllgee ~· 791-9308 -· · ..,... ..,.,. o tll llm.. " ""' "''"'~' e.t. the 148-2544 only look• ••Ptn•lve. • ......... ..-r .. •. .... CLEARVIEW WINOOW a dedta. Mech l 919Ctf1. wood prablernel . ..._._.. AEPAIR-PLUMBING °'** OUI' pnc. l*ore RMI. +fine lnl. & ..... Reec:reena/New ICreene WASHING. AMI. rat•. .~ cal h•ndyman work. e-n11C.11fff 931-1524 Lawn-tr~"-C4Wpentry, llec, ttee. ,,.. UIUI g · Cal Martt at ""'Cl· Slev9 5"7-4211 NB/CM only. 842·9552 4 yrs In.,..._ 841.!l<MI •1&-1151 ••••••·'•••••••••••••• ··•d-•---1 r .... trlm-femov91 eet. No lob too arnlll. lllllWlll '._.. ~ •-,,1·-...z-• .._,_. ·' " Cement·Muonry-Block ,,,.,,,.,, ~ laWfl oare-Aotot~ o.11u 845-2811 11-'11• . -uuu .-n. •• Merine ,.,,...,,tlon 1 llt Wah-Cult. work. Uc. ARCHrfECTURAL.PLAHS Fr" ..tlmat• 5'4M085 Cetpentry • MUONY Elcp ,...._ Cell MM711 Lie 204!19• 849-155 ••m;·~:PERHANGiNO"• ;.;,~;·;·ec;~~·p;; Peopl9~ = ::-1· cond. lnltall & repair. "381057 Rob 547•2983 FOR BUil.DiNG PERMIT K&D Lllndlc:aipe M*lt. Roofing -Pklmblna If you need. hoillllll...-LAWNS. IOd Of' Meded. 1 yrs local exp. Ou.v Vita 8ecr'e1My a Perty DAIL y PILOT 8ontelcoe, 54W208 Find wllatyou -want In RnldenlleJ addition• a AetldlCOmm. CleerHlp. Orywell • Stuooo • 1'lle .. ~ .. you .,., Spr1Mllt'I lnstllN9d. work. PrlcH 1111rt 111 Organtur tn YoUr home. 8E.RVICE DIRECTORY CIMalrllld Adll 842-5978 . Dally Plot Cl••lflede. remodel. Don &47-teoe Lt Haullng. 548-2481 Remodel, J.B. 849-tetO call 873-telO. >Ont refs. Call Deva 942"'8&3 Mlroll. A111c: 751-1027 Xlnt r.ra. Call 833-0211. la al llboutt FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: Ml·llll HOU8ESITTINO POSI· -------•illlllllllll~llll!'!l~~~~li:.trn xtra l~ome, Patt· ........ ,...... lmrnadlllM opening, Pert LUI, ..... TION Wentad: Prof WO-Banking COMPAHY EXPANSION time. fulMlm•. Call .-.-nr.c, for L.A Ind U!M. Genarll oflloe. Min EJ(p'd. loan ProceelC)( PllT 'fm rr II min AAA axe ref. LT .......... if Y"'~ P£nDI I:' 153-4141 aft &PM Orang• County. S•nd 20 hr1/wHk. Alk for nMded by loan brok•· • n cooklng. clHnlng, .,. ,.. ....._ uun\J ur~ r"ume and Hlary r• Ula. 569-3110 ~·Call: Rou or Tom, A.-ist ln marketing study for rand•. tm a board In -=~· SUMMER OR muc•rnns qulrement• to Wllll• Ill -. .. .. __ ·tt_1_4 ____ 1 exciting local newspaper. Only elCCh !or .W:.·+... _ _JI.I~-ft UI\ Fllf:"I Plan. P.O. 8011 eo.taMellll,....,battfltY iwy. N.B .• u.a.,.. Ofttt. 21 3 Mt1111on vieto CA ihoP .,.edl two peop1e. 11&11•..., qualification is a good phone Sunny 831.e!n tl'911 CAREER t2t2t El!perllnc• nec111ary. voice. No sales pivolved. Mon S••klng Job In bHCh GENERAL NA frtnae benefltl. Pay llM. 8kgd Incl. technl-t·1 .... .,..._ . NIT/NllQJ I want women a men open. l»-1914. · f()RnHN thru Fri. 5:30-9:30, Sat. ~ _______ , eel, ...... rnalnteNnCll. "' $ .... who need to Mm an... INVEITMENT SALE UM 9:30-1:30. $84.00 week to start, ~. ate OPEN 1 200 SITTERS UNLIMITED. trl Income trom Tllorouohbrtd Raclnn Mlle Dog wtttl lhota, 4·~ FOR ANYtHING: Wrtte: 111111 "WE CARE" l'OR YOUR tU00-12,000 per rno. AOtlttCf now~ then share of partnerah11J8 profUa. yrs old, Goldin Ratrtewr Edwatd Kulpa. 2 t 17 El-Per .:ltte To Swrt HOM!, PET8. CHILDR-wffhout lleWIO to "Oo To ...... 'leilolc( ~ment ~Ulrll 10 to 15 yeltt Great for oollegiants and moon :'.~c::'o~:. den #45~ Co1ta Jhu UVllll local~ Medi 10 :~A:F~ =~OE'i,~~l: :~.~-~:Y;.~ Salee Rat>• wtth client experience In m1ehln• ·lighters. .. \ - 'I 527·2'". 92827. omen flll,;.;:Jlat e nomber of TORS. N'"'""""QUAUAED _.., 714 lac> 4111 bHe to market Tho· lhop, lnc:ludlng fool end 0 RAP HI C DE 81 ON ....., ''ii ... iiiw7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l'OUQhbr9d R.eoe HOf'lla. die mllldnQ. llO and fl•· W lfler ..... REWARD: For wtilte/beiOI pickup/ dellvery, frH ( .. IHI ... ) enl poeltlonll. SITTERS PAAT TIME/ 11 Xlnt oppottunlly. Hlgll ture bulldlng. Recent la-llll, ... 111 <1 ~.~·u!:'·1~ :;~:~•· Meryjayna CllndidM• lllould heve 2 :.,'U:; ~'f,';A~~~~~'Q~ mBAl. ~141412~ ~.:r:.= !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :; Merlnert/Hlglll•nd. yw9' MW accounts a -fmmllltl =. TEAS, 714-442.-.0 EXPAND SUAFSIDE end WOf1cJnO condition• ...,l_l•I" ~'~ 5121. 95$.0809. •-• -~ •1 ...--and k -.... ~AEO --... I -'• .. , • ---nowmv= ..... Ill• lltl •--------FARMS II ••M ,,....... -Law Office, Newport LOST: •100 l'llW1lrd, own-... ,. ...... ". ••••••H• of IAA end Keogh. "'" ,.~ ......_ er llHrtbrol(an. oold ..,. w fw tn•1t1t $1,000 tO 2730 Camino C1p1-44l1 Katelll Aw ....... , ... -,_,. ttr'I'\ Qlft Cent•1. Oood 1yp1110 • Aktt. male, We Irv. Randi BmrlO llCl)r. '*'" ~ W• oner ~ ... 11.........,.. En-..erit-*ano• L.ol Alllmltoe exp. req'd. Excell. WOt-lklll. S•~ldent " Mid., W.. Dr. eta.-1148 10 k-..., 1-...... • !:lt....,. en fnc:lultv9 .,._ ... .. Ian Clemente, t2t72. 21a.eeo-o43& IClnQ conda. & .,.,... on exper. • -, "'7 ,,_. • .., Oppt t F/tfme, 74:30, a.11:30 . ., ___ ... 'r ......... -.. vie ltart•.~~· I peotl-oe. FOf Im-y $ JJ~i9! JANITOR, pit, 1ve1. 714-t2S.7770 714-&42-80440f'_...ln •---a/... :> ......,,..,: ..,,., • ..._, . Hrs: 9-6. N9 ~ mediate conllderetlon, CO PUTER fl Mon/Ft1. IPM/12. Mii-Equal Opp~ MIF __..7 E.'-" _...r•--• ·-.· t-·-I-u Slater Grilhem, H.B., lor _ ,,..._ M rm ope-per1on: 481 Flagtml ,_,,, -...,... ,_, ...... on 812. te().0538 .._w conwct: ntng new btWldl of'll.-. llon VlefO .,.. 14. hr. lllllTllllm Pllm Rd .. NB firm loc*lng for • et.p r , --------Arri. MrV ""11 ofc N9 M1nager1 ""did. No 541-3311 eft. IPM Gener11 malntenance l~~~~~~~~~I ••P•r'd per1on. Mu1t '1) Found: M. Cock• Sf!: Elq), oniy 8 AM-4 PM ILElllLE upet. reQUlred. We .... Dlltl1ct ~ nMdl • -u -·-knowledge. E•p•r. In type eo WPM, d9 10 key ntal. 9P• 1·2 yrs, ten. ....... llhifl · train emb~..,r.P'e·. 20 people tb,. car... a .,._ -·-• 11 11111111 by touc:ll. SIJary com-1~ Hoeldna HB. 840-tell6 · 831..ae40 fOUIL Awrmllll ;;;r--· Cal. ..., '"' ~ ~ie tn: &t. Newport c.nw at· electrlca & plumblng menaurate with exper. 111 Found: ll1ck and ten ~ m. IS 714-n2~14 IHlsw .... /IHr...W :.~-=:, "= ~ :=?..!: .. ~ J:.:-4·= :_d =-Xlnt t>enaftt1. Virgin.. l" .. puppJ. Sllep Mix? •t Malwr• couple to m•· llYll Min. s yre exper. In ........ y..-. w/1xcell. 1klll1. word Pcf\, 417-4477. E.O.E. dlfferentleJ p.id. Small _540-ltii5iii70niiiiiiiiiiri'"-f prox wtt1old. 7~-02 5 nap•.o,•t_!nntdcommaplnle''•llnn 1M "i::' IMW 11•11&.... Aero1p1ce ducting . .AJ_.,11~=·=;1 . procellllling exper., °' ••--• conv. holpltal. Nawpof1 Wlll•IJ Found young ~ Lhlllla ..... • Ex P · • mu• t • Pr• f · K11owtedge of delle:l1plfv9 ....,_ w9ng to lt1iln. Non-«ntcr w -• bec:ll bey .,.._ Cell tor 4 d 11 y1/wHk. P 11 one • •~ .,._ ,. ...... _..,...,, H.B.· ful time. Adult· no Syetem l~or feet• ,..,. _,.,,. ............ rv<l=t.,. ... ,. 1800 llft PllD lnt•rvlew 10-4:30 pm. & ~ ~ " ..._ ........ -pe1ll. Mlllrrt~ expr. • ... wrf ............. .....-geom., M"" .,.., -·..-... -.... -.... 54"'",..1 . conlxtt .._... . Laite. H.I . 731·8151. -,.__. ......... • ......... 2 ...... --. peoed mad · -etreaa I • L I S t ,. •o Greet lllel QPPOttunltlee ..-....... On ......., "'-845-27 ·-...,......,. • ,.,. II 12111 IPMk I writ• fluent En-) m'L... •o• •0 r• ••Y. " wltll new, exciting co---------1 ·~-....... 7• ' ·I-. Lo.t:1 Diamond lleart 3& !' ~15 .. plueb utaz· Clll 11 •••• 1._ Qll9h. Salary neg., ~ "'·"" ..__ .._..._. ....._. ...._ WPmt~1 ~Ing. llTl9Uca co. 751-5970 CJPPOR111111TV Reet .. ent JO dlllln ntdtlace June , .,4... :&8 btwn .am ·-· flte. Call bit. noon-2, .._ ,...... ...... ......-...... : v~ WI! v... ,_.,.... Pl. --------I uni I I At Her HlgMell dt-11em wtt~ Equal Oppottunaty 641-2M5. "nlbluc; ping 90 wpmi ~ .,, 881·7711 ""'•/lllllf, Oo you want flexlbl• - lhop Atlanta & Beed\. Emplioyer . 'x'll• ~ Prtlf non-amokw. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Minimum "" yr1 avpr hourtl In a..-....,.. • .._ Applti:.ln pereon, Mon B .;__... .,.. .. ,.... ATTENDANT to help w/ COMPUTE": P•rt time, ..,... .7..,./mo w/IO day r• '' ~ " . -~r.'ft"" _. • 5 ........ H ._ .... .,_.1.,.... momtng care of~-"" l L.OAH Apply F.A.O. Scnwarz ,... that~ to ttlN ... to • ._,. a. plllglc: 54M522 weekend HIHPllllOI\ Minimum 3 " e>q>er In View. o.c. Airport oc. Toye. SC Piia. 75+15e1 hMltll a M(f dewlOI)• btrl9. ..... 251 E. Peclftc: ~Sml whit•~ P rMn. . BANt(INO w111ted. Celt: 54t-7117 '*1cat6on and ~ Cal ~1401 for ..,.,t. COumbta Savtnal, •ft-ment? Fr .. training, eo.t Hwy. -· ~~.1 ...... ~Of' BABYSITTER ~ fOf ,..... ... ttl9 COlUM-.. tor Mr.~ Hro1pec• •t•lnlHll ...., •1•• nllftCtll .......,, Jiea two --Ult ft1nge beMftta. --------.----:.:-7 ......... -<:.M .. ~: 1 "" ..... Pl..__ ......___ "'''" "''"VINOS .... ,...,.__ ~ ..._.., ..., -·--__,.... Ba k fflce o I ............ ._.... -•-_. v ..._. "'"'""""· •• r; .. ":::" ..... ! ...... NB ... _ _,. _. -........ Coote. fUI tllne, 'T~. ·-,._componenw. ,..,. time min S .... ..,. 0111e•r opportunltl•• o o i>•n ng. *·-"-'" .... -·-LOAN tor: Varytno ehltU of leok,;,:': In 111 .. t per nee'. Job ioO'iuon ~ 1n 1t1 bMutltul Buey OP'1 ptaotlce. •------------1 APROP08 OF FASHt<>H Found: Mlle blond I.ab. B•bytltt11t Mldecl m.. fl/fl& Liii • A M • 2 : 3 0 P M l macll .,....,,_,, LiOW'I 8-dl. AW/ In ANAHEIM AOMIHISTAA· Coata Mele. 84~. r-• •-~ ~ ;=::: CdM. tweFIOW'lt' 11.myhotn., Pllllllll 10AM-9:30f»M. Prevloul f*IJOft 111 Wll'• ...,.. TIYE OFFICE. Mtdlcal, tull llme, front ==~ -=~ background fot Nlllng Call 973-5738 mo1t1y wknde. Refer. a~ IMlt ::.O~ We oner oon--ive... Mlf'I*. 3341 bit QoaM office po1lt1on. Mtulon 21, wtttl olltlt-, llt· Ind IMdllrlhlp poaltloft. FOUND: Tamer wtlt l tan 831-eeT8 --.,......... Hwy corona dal Mar YA/nll LOHI Viejo, requl,. medic•• -... w.. EJcper teq'd Cllll oMt. mile, 8MpMrd blkltan PIHU• lary & Jllnt b11n•flt1. ..... end exOlllllnt bl-' . rM 1'J1 wreterl1I experience ::t"":rl~YO"lll lee(a~ AM to Noon: &44--2162 male, Ch". B•t Atvr. ..... c.petreno by tt19 S.. Mfttll. tWRSTYUST clllhd tor • ~ tneurenoa bll-• ..-..__. 4M-6702 buey 18tboe t1MM... DDIV'rffftD 10·14). Cell 2·5PM, ........ ~ gold mlJe, Hll9 y ml• e•cK SlREET BOOKt<ll~ • .....,.._ . .. .. .. .. .. • ...... --13 rn~ llng 1oeo. 842--4321, Ext. 343. EOE ---blk/t#I 1 bl!» • f9m. n Part time. Pl•. c1111': Coote. HcM.tetkllPW nee-~• I WI 14 .... ,. .,,.,._, Thi• poaltlon lnvolvH Mature. 101 22nd St. :J! ~m•I 8h•lt•r. .... ..... ,.,...., 833·1888 t>t9Wft 11 a 2 ded !or agad, Uva In 4411 Katalll Ave HAIR8TYU8T. 1nwn1...,. reapcMllM*ty tor prooea-MYll/ lllYEI NT..... AWt t-10 AM Nawpcw1 Hdlhn .. ...,. PM preferred. HOO plu1. 21~08 ~·.r.a.1~ ;.~ 111'9 end eurNnlnO ~ =1~1•~ = f:.= In your1_a.ctt_~~~~--- l••t.t •••lttH I Ill "iP& '39-2100. 714-IH-"70 l7Wl2I =:,. ~.::J.":: II ~lt!a ...,,.d rnowr RHe a LVNI 1 ..... 11 Rapidly growlna public COSMETIC 00. SMktno ~quat Opp Ell\ployer --------• •l\d .,._111181 _..,.rte, d,...,.,1. ~know tiow ,.,1 .,_. A!_lfllf!~t ~":!. -•-· •• aooounttng firm ln North demon1tr11or1 to J;;;, M!F •• 'INn/Janllortllt dMde ..... ~. ttwt) ;o;~ to pack and drive 11 • •-~ • .,.., .. , ·-~ ~ .. ~ 8~~ L1guna ~·~.!mmed. = :.:': ~ MeO-Exec. Seo. ......,. Amit: for ~ -. ""'· Ot formance whh Loan tNCk. Over 21. Od dft.. Earn tot P•Y t11llng =~~1~!'n=m•nt lhla &~:tS r• N.50 hr. & up ptua ~~tr;' e:= rwan To wortl tot G.M. Imm. tttlme. "-t. ~PO CommlttH r•qulr•-vino rctd r.q.. 84t-M27 ::=-~t~..,: and benefltl. Call f9r ""' lnc:~llvee to exper'd. Min: 5 ...... '::;· Publlo 71~ 8FZ,_o~30nlng avulllll.....:. H~"-8olt ee1, Od¥ manes. TM patllOr\ ..,. --·-needed. Patt/fUll ll!Nll, appt. btwn M, Mon'*"" oo-o-• .... Fu" & pl t ,.. .,.,..5:~ Raq ·-1 .. k Wiii llave t•Otnt -F11. 151-1eee h,.... · " r eocnto IXPf. pful. i:x-Counl«IY•ct Pwlorl fOf i*. N -. 8/H HOUMkeeper/Cook for FHA lnaurlng and VA All lt\lf\I ~it new No~ or llllrla lllllTl/llllm ........ , mtnded • ca1 wortcJno.envfronmen\ .ooi a equlppment,..,.. -aome ...._ ~ ..._,wornM, h In on ,........ 91CP'1t• 1.eherMnt ,._,_, i. ~. Wrtl9 10· \Jni: s ..... Heavy T~ OUTCALL 24 ~RS. we we come you • 10 end benllftta. S17-l20K 00, Mutt enjoy wor111ng ~ Ml beMftt ptca, 8efboa Pen!Muta, En-=~y;n~ ;,;;::: g1nte Polf'lt. ll'vlna. Exoal .• VWMI, P.O. 8'* 12H, ...... Pl1tme. ta,CJC) !If . • W ea• · ~~:..C, rww lo •tart. Send rHuma wtdlpeopte,Goocl..-ry ulu.y open oafl 011111 •P••klng . wPlft. worlllno environment Mon~.O..tol40 W boet ~ PNfd. ••• .._, only lo: 1110 No. COMt &benlfltpectlagt,Apptv 511-9110 for •PP• Of en-1111. •nd b•n•flt•. Call for 5"-417tblwn .. iOAM ~~!!!~~~~~ :~C:~1lr~t ~~1!: ~ e92u~!1 c,.· .. ~~o.un1 1tH Newport llvd. ~ HOU8EKEIPE"· 1iv..1n. appt, btwn. M, ~Fft IM.D * * * Ottlc111, 816 "I " SI.. "" ' '"" 8ulll c.ta MMa. EXECUTIVE 8eCr1Wy for =:cl· 40 tw, a Npe. MMW ._ t10 to '25 tw. Ult-ltlMlh 1111111 TUltln. '*°· T~11 C...... • Clertl.,.,..,,., ol-"'"'7 I .... Pr-. ~ twt'I, ~ _!:'!•fr~ ~'1 ,.!!!_ dercover Wear llome 0pen 24 1n • ~ ce1e .. • "no no' . cs.I peraon. Dependable. Mutt bl 1,, Wad. nus firm. 1 Yf9. ..,... ~ ...,_ • _,.. WJKli U S*t* . ..._7744 1 daye a weetc iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Full time Incl. wttnde. 11:30 to 8;$0, fft, lat, very ootftPltia-. a-or. llty. 8•1ary HO mo. et Oorgtou1 glrt1 to Appfy gift 11\op, JOJln 8un 2 11 pm ... ..__ 1Mnd ~ pro-~arm. Pot. Paid vec .. pamper you. J•CUlll, BANKING Wayn··· Airport . ro6d .... E.17'het.c.M ......... ~ lion. lat.& lw~tt. means fur S.... LOeMI •... 6*007 ' 11 Of IMI '*8 I ._.. Aire. .... Cl. Oelt: ·I tourtN. ~. II you are looktno for CAIHIEA Fltlm• po•I· _.., ranoe':~ ~ '° tOAM « I to ?PM, M111t11 Ch.,ge, AM•· ,... tMn Ju9t *'°""' oone. Od. p~. orowtll F111rM tot 1oc11 de!Mlry. Clll: J'M:4801 · _•_n-_,_21_1 ____ .... 1Jflll,T ad lcWt ~ DtNrt.. Al Jolt, CONfcMf I Cllt.., 00.. f looMtOM. MelrO &cell. clrMn9 rec. req'd.liiiiiiiiiiliiiiii--iii ....... 1,4/14~ wtll 1111 W. .,. ,.,..,.. C., WMh, 2teO Heft* P ft 0 n e f 0 r. II p ~ "°'--· be 2t 12 *"* a CM ::L.': the tollowlng •·· CM ~.;:~am~ '""" fo Bl NIT Tm mGN. ""cJo&MiR,d" Aftlf110C11t11a9Mdt. TM --------Eert'e ~ 1Q1 ...... 11111._. NewJort Awe., C.M. MeluN dllntll •'U dL 11 ..... 1·1111 )C;.Allo~ ...... ..... .. ........ .......... LOoll=-~.:.-:= .;.ii~••rl ,... ......... • '"°' old lllltW tltl In my Turtteroei filfte . Mon•Prl 1·4 • . ,..... 8ecrNty &~ 8pottlQtlt poeltlon In ... ........ ~ ~eraf office dull• COMlettno Of ., ....... cuet9mert • .,...., .... ..-Mda~Of .... -.. ..... ,.4 oandldatn .... be poe.d and ... .... Md be • good cOl'llmunloater wlUI • pleuant prof...ional Mleotl. UaM JJllt ICPt-, ••• typlno taqulrad (Min. 40WPM)., ~~ ... flt• lncludlng Medlcal, o.ntal, paid vaouaon and mote. INTEJMIWINQ ft( ~°"LYf lrand n11 In 09rtOn, Wfllrtpool di• dlal'I WHl'ler • .,71, ,,,, ......... , ... -.., .... m 1t ft llo9lon WMler ,. wege. Loeded, lo Iva., ........ Won't i.t long. 113-2080 • . 1 ,. I p' . ' •• . ·' ,. J• ' , I ,I .sABOT• uCllL cones. l400. HS-5272 .... ,.,. ... ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Side T11 lo 18 ft Meroua CNnnet. 1125. tn-8145 ewe. SIDE TIE FOR POWER BOAT, Uf' TO 35 FT. flHODOllf ROBINS FOIHJ J\ ,\/ 11ft.Mnl>~ 'I• \ t I '' Mf \A .,,, • JI(' ··-~ ,.,,. ,.,., ,,,,. ~ ... '!!.!!.~ .•. !~!f 112.0001on.r en:aoti ..... ff!!~.!'.!! WE PAY -W-ANT£....;.._D:_. Dodt--..,.,.--,or-1 LIT! aoov WORK a TOP IDWll 11' ~ & 9"t other pelnt/up to ~ off= anti lhore mooring•. body *>P eat. 536-832 FOii llD Ulll 17&-7474 Al Cheoly tnidl parts: ~ Private 1llp, Lido 111e. ton to dleHI. Rblt. .!!' ... llAMl/•-••t 8350/mo. trer,amllllOn from 1115 .._,_ - t73-2t62 a up. 1564-1850 2..ao HarbOf Blvd . .... ..... llf .... M~ACEDES W I RE COSTA MESA ......_ I.-.-. WHEEl8, beaut. CONS.. 141 ·-_......, -· Ortg. 11400. uc. ss1s. Mt-tat l•ttr11t1• 11 1111 a&1-oe54 WE llY ltfil ...... W .... camper .,_, for Det. or w Ir A• # 111 , mini tr11ek. xlnt eond. llJll OAlll ..., ... u.... 1180, &46-9528 All THiii SUP WANTED · EXCH0 A•fll Jtt lilt for Ult"'~· 47' ..................... . or. lllboet. 1-2884 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO~ASAND ........... =··"°'"'°· .. ,,,,,_,, Ill "" ...................... 11' Family Ski Boat. ~lift. 445 otdl .... aovd 4"\g, >,_ 81!Athv1 letOO, ....... 1 ,.,. 17W IKI IOAf e .....,, ft11trt 11aoo or onar . ..-.111-, ADVERTISERS The pt'lce of Item• a6- *11aed by Yehlde dee-.. In tbt wHole ..... fled llCMrtlllnO column9 Clo.a not Include any appllcable tu•. Nceo91, tran1fer , .. ,, finance ctwrrvee. .... fOr lllr pc)l.- lu tt on control ctevla• ~tlof'9 or ct..-documentwy p,_,...,. tlon anar1•• uni .. , ottlerwl• epeclftfd by .... -... ....... C01'41'4fll 04E"11Ci..ET ~ '' . ' . ~46 12''.l -----_.,.. Tob dollar• fC>r Spone C1r1, 8uo1. C1mpera. ., ..... M.tdl'• Alk for U/C MO" --....... 18111 leealt Miid. HUNTINGTON 8!ACH ..... fl~ ............ ~(f _,,_,.....,...-----1"f$ CAPflll, vwy gd. eond. WlllTEDI :~'~'.::· 11 • L•t• model Tovot11, '7' e-oyl, out1111ndlng VOIYOI, PICll11pe I V11111. oond .. nu <;oneord et• Celt "' lod~I r.o. 11mb1woo1 OOY., •• REMEMBER DADI with I F1ther'1 ~rneaeoe 042 78 Win <4 FREE ICl<ETS Diiiy Piiot 12200. P,,. !YH 041-31'3 CLEARANCE SALE! 19t1 CADILLAC runwooo aaOUGHAM (10GX3!8) $}5,995 1979MDCIDU llNZ.00 (n5WDO) SALE PRICm 1979 OtlvaOUY COllVITTI T·TCW f412*) Sl0,995 \\ D II 15 CERTAINLV 'A tiJOHOERFUL LETTER •• . IT'S PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT · lETTERS IN OUR ALPMASET •• 8" IT5E~ I ~ IT. MAS Dl6NITY ••• June 6, 1982 GlilJPilat -' . r~ · 1 FOR CHRISTOPHER NORRIS. _.of T~Jolttt, M.D. Wllv ... ,.... .... I!!-~. boV• --1 tt...,.. .. ._ ._? -P.f .• Hiib Polill. N.C. eMy psena ._the name and d8dded to~ Ito Iha chld 1eg111dlw of ID. Fact "· I .. Oat9oplw men thin I would, ay, Chmane. And ~ 1ea1•1N ms. tfowewr, f I have a dlughls I wll ~ t. a fermtN name, such • .,..,,.._ • FOR SAUL RUBINEK. _.of Soup /or One ............ ,......, .... ,._-... ,,, .. ... ._ ..... <>llcnm. .............. ..... --90 tD blk ._ a 1111ce ,_.. -1 -N.C.. ... , .... ~ •You can 0.-people anywt,.e -In a NllMnnt. on a tu -or In a bm, which 11 where I met my dNeln gfd.. M 11t1119 1he pateCt mllCh boll down to bmg In the ~ place at the rili1t dme. FOR MCQlEl.INE BRISKIN. iiLdhar ol 71w Qol,ar ~ . .. ,.... ..... ,...I I ......... o1 .......... ...... • ,.. ........... U.S. Ir I , ... mlnlll -7 -GJ. ......... OMo ' ·~ I II ......,. out ol ltyle to buy Anmtr.an ems. IV. lwt I -to be M ,._,, In Qaasa. ~ Arnmtcan ~ haw ..._ PIO' dlimi lmll cm, Jepen ,_ now IUlpT IT I cl UI. a· . Once h~d rather die than dliet. Now Rkhard Simmons. 1V• • cherubic chkler of the ch~ ~how you can stop food from eontrolllng your life. By Richard Simmons •nnna• ,~ 1rom,,. 4) .l th.ow bad habb, thanks In pert to cataln kinds of ~ c::ondttlonJng. Owrudng Is a learned bc.havtor, and c:ompulllvc eatm'a anr very good Jama.. . But c:ompulllvc eallng an be~. 1 know, bean• fve done IL I certalRly wasn't born a fatty. I was two months pnmnture and there was a lot of ooncan thatJ was too scrawny to be healthy. So &om my ftrst days on earth I was fed and <>Wifed. Ewntualy, I !Jaduated &om double portions of lr0it-e111tched bmula and pabulum'° double~ tlonl ol lamb c:hopl. mall)ed potaflOa and ~ and homemade blsculls and jam. And that was just for bnaldast. I ate al through the day and Into the nJ!#. My mother~ that any 2-year-old who weighed lea than 60 pounds was undemow1shed. When I went to the market with my Mom, she needed a whole shopping cart just for me. (I stopped ftttlng In that Mtde tot basket when I was 4 would be rewarded (by getting a free cake to take months old.) Mom pushed the shopping cart (It home -usually a devil's food cake made by the was such good exerdse for her!) while I ata Fig MotherSupenor).Jfyou'dhadthechanoetowatch Newtons. My goal for the morning was to eat al the the ftnt graders 1n this magical feat. Y!O'l would Ag Newtons In the pack and then hide the plastic know exactly why the a 6X was kwented. Kids wrapper so we wouldn't have to pay for the . went Into the contat wearing a able 6 and came out coolda. When my Mom wouJd ask where the needing a me 6X. pedcage was, I ~ shrug. Once we were It's easy to tee why the seeds of cornpWstve positioned In the t lane, fd stmt 'to feel eattng are planted In childhood: There It such bored, sot would aem fistfuls of.candla Into m9 nowlty Involved ln tome of the•atlng you do, that besket. If anyoM aupstad lhis WMO't proper be-It al becomes Ira ..... When you compare your havior, I would tcnram and shout and kick and tum everyday boring life to the thrtJls you can grt &om Nd and cause aucn a conunoaon that people wild and wonderful eating btnges, you lmlm1ably would ""'1• me whatever I wanted just to keep me take to the wild and wonderful. The thrila get you quiet. hooked and you become a junkie. Soon you are When my Mom and I ftnaDy got Into our car, I watatng the aeeds of your own daarudton. would alt In the back seat with all the grocery begs I watered my Meda wllh Kool-Aki. We called It so I oould take turns hugging each bag. And l "bug juice," although 1 don't know why, and we prombe you, aome al them hugged me back. drank It, froze It Into popstk:ks and did everything l don't know when I actually 'became a compul- sive eatm, because I'm SUN It was long before I even wMlmtood whet the wordi meant. I gucs the first real lndic.atlon that I had a prob- lem was when I began aucldhg on peanut M&M'1. As a child, I sorted out each l:,.g ol M&M'a by color and • them In order ol pniMamc:.: red, yelow, QNef', ~. tan, brown. ~ I u...y. ate ach one the same way. Fat J tuc:ked off the eolor '° I got down to the white shell. Then I adced on the allill until the choco- late lntldel ..... to md Into my mouth. Then I audced the choco- lafll pert down my hoot wi* holding OnllD the peanut wtdt my a.,.. TMrt I kMd the s-nut a lat ....... ~ It. It .. a rtbal ht only • coqiiuWu. per· eon would endure. And ~ n. cqietllaa I had In achool ~didn't ... ..-S. )Wllftl to.~ ldlOal 8ncS --- ---• n.-t b fUliiidla, lbe _....,...,.. .... hid ... c-..-..~~--lllM-.ol II> • ,..._,. ..... ,... would be•ahl ···----~ •tm. M 69 .... 6J•• _ _..._ .. _..._._ G.QOD-IDam• .... _.ln ~-... .., st Alllillll ... ,_ .......... .. • but bethe In It. As a rauk, I f#eW to racmble a not- so-cool guy In de9pemt8 need of aki. I didn't go looking for that aid untll 1 was 28 years old. Then I did what al compulstve peoplit do when they want to loee weight. I became a compuJsive nOl'leaW. AftlJr that. I became compulllwJy lick - anemic, weak, with blwNd vll6on. And It w..n•t until t Wat atttlng ln a heepltal bed NCOWrtng from .. the .... to which rd aabjedld qi poor~ that I began to rally unct.ntand about the c:om- pulllve penanaky. You are a compulstve eater f you: • count the number of pleca al &led d1k:bn on • aerW1g plane-mid calcu'-how qulddy you QD eat your piec:. IO you can be one ol the four peopAe who get a second hqiing. · ~- • at off other people's plates. l • bllM IO much of your c:hddren's food lonJi; a tadi><*t would be well nourished on what saw them. • return to tbe cookie row of the wooay store to lnaM sure you dkln't mitt a new br.d of cookies that was just Introduced or one that might be on special. • look at the penon you are talking to al a party with only one eye whie the ocher eye Is rbamlng the room k>oktng for new food. • buy your holiday dOthes one lize too btg eo you won't be upset with yolD'lelf when you've gained weight. • lke doing dishes so Y<>u can be do.er to the food. •can't dedde what you should have for a bedtb•• snack so you eat all the left.oven In the home. (That way you're deaning out the fridga whie In- dulging.) • have already stopped reading this artide and have begun lk:klng the Illustrations In the food MC· tlon. I I ::... .. _.._ .. _ ~ ~· ~r-... ~-·----------... --·~-~~· .. ·---·---........ -... ---··------------- .... l How Not to Raise A Tiny Rlonstet problem Is that many parents are un- condortab&e about setting llmlls," says Wali*igk>n, o.c. psychlab1st Ben- nett Ollhelcs, author of The ChlJd as a ~of Art Gleeder's Digest Prem) . ., always tell them to be prepared to be dWked sometimes by thetr kids . When lmtts are set, you tnterfcrc with a chld'• pleaswe and that's frusaradng to him. Vet It's healthy for a child to know he can't get ewrythlng he wanb." How do parents protect against spc>ang? Parental consistency says Dr. Brodie, Is the key to ~ a chlJd away from self~ ot "spolled" behavior. Parents who fml to take a stand, wfio let the chJld deddc what's ~ b him, are on dangeroUt fJ'OUOO. She dacrl>a • 4-year-dd who de- manded to m.tn .. permdl' bed. Whm they tried to mow him to his own room, hk tantrums convtn~d f*'1 It just WMS\' worth iollng sleep OYC, ewrl f he WM lnfJtn9- lng on thetr privacy. WO. chid, by moll standards," Or. Brodie 1emmks, °'II tpOl)ed, bUt not fc:nwr -- long .. the pmentl dedde to do tomethll119 about It by ftrmJy ~. him In ha room for MWl'8l nlahfs. Thll mlfi1t be hard on the family for a time, but he'D ewntua"1 learn to act anoChlr way ... ...... tomeoctw~ from child~ ap9lts to help panmts deal wlh the problem . • When you buy .... for ~ c:Wd, mike ..... their pwpOM .. to,._ ward him ot her fer good ~ radw then a.ab bed behavlof. ReS\- forc:e the pmlllYe llP9dl ol yoUr chld's behlMor. • ~ that every time "lpakl" behlMar " c:allll9d to, the ..................... • Oedde on • plMl ol -*"' w lldc to It,~ f It ...... mlly .. .......... a,._,.. Nld6orllto~ ....... JO'lmr'I ..... ~the blhlwlar. ·~. noMlelhortaf a .,... ......... a1-.. ;a•ikttld ···~ .... ti> ..... . cMd.Scme ............ . ...................... ~ ... ...... _._ ....... , . .., ...................... _ ............. .. . . . My . Husband's Sn·O.ring "ept Me Avvake~ .. A True Story, by MRS. E. BRINGE ( Reprif&Ud wi.tla penniarion) A lot of people think "snoring" is funny. Bu~ if they h8d a spouse who snores, they wouldn't think it was so funny. I love my husband. But I couldn't go on beinJ kept awake night after mght- !>Y his snoring. He didn't MEAN it. And he couldn't HELP it. BUT IT WAS WRECKING OUR MARRIAGE. Lack of sleep made me too tired to i'Q an_ywhere with my friends. I snapped at my husband, yellea at my children. My husband TRIED to stop snorinJ. But nothing worked. Did that mean there was NO CURE for snoring? Thank heaven I was too stubborn to believe that. Because I fmally FOUND a .cure for snoring and it tumed out to be the simplest thing. Not pills, not drugs, not an operation or psycho therapy. Would you believe just a simple invention developed by a Doct.or at a renowned research sleep center. But it really works. You stop snoring instantly, the first niaiit. And aft.er weari nJ it for 30 days, the habit 18 broken eomp- leu!ly. You never snore again. Person&llf I think the doctor who tnve.-ited this clever device. should get the Nobel erize. But he won't ... stoppmg snores isn't "glamorous" enough. It worked for me. I'm sure it will work for you. · Mot~ llOk Guerent• • Sincerelr_, Mrs. E. Bringe / SW llol 11 •n Lolli 1m ,,,,. Sutviving Infidelity Two recent studies reval that men and women not only disagree about the reasons for a partner's extra- marttal affU. but aJio tend to ha~ dif. faent ~for~ wtth It. Untvenity of Maryland psychologist Gregory White gave 150 couples a lilt of 16 polliNe NW>nS fcx a partner's tnftddty. Women were most llJce1y to attrt>ute a man's unfllhfulnal to the dar'8 for aexuaJ v.n.ty; men were y most likely to attrt>u1e a woman's tn- fJdcJlty to the eearch f cx a more com- mitted partner. How do men and women cope with the fad of a partner's un· falthfumat? In the~. 90dal psych~Bram Buunk of the Unlv~'llty .. of Nf)megen asMd that ~ of 50 couples wt.. one ot the oCher lpOUIC had had at lealt one exiramarttal expertence. He c6sed three cholca: avoiding the 1pOUM; ratl~nalizlng and reappraising the ... ....,-. ... &- sltuaHon; or having a &ank ml< with the spouse' about It. Nearly aD the couples said they had tried to dl9cuss the in6deltty wtth each other (and sometimes wtth the thkd person Involved) as a way of explor- ing their f eellngs and trying to dilcoYer why the tn6deltty ocx:uned. Mon than half ol the couples b1ed ID radonallze the situation -chiefly by trying tb look upon jealousy as u~. One couple in ftve said they avoid«f the .. guilty" partner, a - perlmc:ed a desn fot revenge and had feelings of sef ·doubt. Such per· sons, said Buunk, are trytng "to acape the situation and are worrying on their own." Women, more than men, turned to radonakatlon and avoidance ol the llaue .as coptng techniques. Buunk'• conclusion: "It seems hard to eradtade jealousy even amoog llX· ualy liberated people." tradlcUon between the daim made by ""'1y expats that chlJdren haw • comprehen1lon of language and molhers' beW that chtldren undlr- stand what they ·~ "The ,.women w.re extraordJnartly succUsful tn dhctlng tha c:htcben't attention ID spedftc obtects by the gestures they uted." reports Chapman. Although the study foculed on "°"" mal youngsters, the researchtrs bdew Is findings haw tmportant Im- plications for lm~ovtng langullge skill tn retarded chUdren. or ~ ~ developmental dilabMlttcl. ,,-........ Du.-. took how much bigger all these Hershey and Reese's candy &ms have gotten! An average of 28 % btgger. And this week only, June 6-14, yqu can get one absolutely free! . -...-..~ .... -._,., Stw IP• .. •d b 11'1. -you·~ o grand old ,,., .. wtote. ttwar.r whiz George M. Cohan beck In ~ 1906. Howold?GeorgaWashln~1'staamedln'eg- ~-ulan raaed 'round the first "o/Jfdo[ Amertcan flag 1n 1 nS-the c ........ Colon. which consisted da ~Union.Jackon amd &.Id modl6ed biJ the adcltk>n d • whltll scrtpes. In 1m, as ¥nbollzing a ·oonaDadon of"'*" ~the UnlcnJack. Many fandful dalp folowed (indudngstananwiged In a clrde•wfthln·a-drclc pattern). But whM the he lt.oocl fof-thc ulquely Amak:M brand of ~--..,...ed. Which Is why on f1eg O.W -Monday. June 14-the SU.. (one forwh slalll) wt 5tJtp9s (13. for the 13 O!!fna1 c:donles)'wlll be flying al owr the country. And ~-we went to "W for your aHrmtiona 1940 New Yorlr nma ecltoril1. Its m eSJage. we feel. is as!Jand Coday as it was tieck then. ' CM...., aa,.. .. 1 ....,_~ •"-1,. _.. dw ~ edllorlaL ....,.. It ,,.........,.,.,_"',_ ..._,,,_.,, ••• ltwlCllpnoonddsfll dteptnatfCarollno. ft II •-of.,.., .......... W feH "-.It II flteS..Ftmldlc:o,,-./tllr "°""' ocro.,,.,,.,.... ~ "ArtlGna. It .. ,,. Gnmd c..,,_ and 0 ,.,,,_.-... COll'lllfts .... out<t a HUI &eltnf ridfe. In~.,. troML • 'TomotTOWi for«att alllt /of' a~ aogs fn Amerlmn tplri, folJow«J bv iO:Mllfred acia of'°"~ pcmlalauL,. U..-. .a.di. And for .wry Dick and Janr DF-b ali Amm::ans, tbe ffle ..... • _ ....... ,.cdr 'n ....... ". .. dw/atmtlTridng,.gra mad*• fn the .. of haniae, the~ going fO the bam be/ore .m.. dw hmon ,,..,..,., the broUra ...... the,,.,., clrillngjordw blolt. .. tM locomodiic -~ bmglng Iha train In on dmc. the plot In the doudl ... the dirt In the o/ffoa, the "°'*'* .. dte ~ doct.oc ..... se..asea., ,..., .. ,,.._cm..._w .... dlMal: .. ,. II ookl9 dd arc,,_,,..,..,_,,,. "° lofljer' ......_,, .. ,.a.,,._., dw•dwtfll.,,...Giiil,_. ......... Aildlt'I,....._ ................ ...... ....... .,._.,.~~-......... ,....... .............. mM,. ..... di. two CWllii ...... c...cL ... aldoa ........... ...., In··---Of tbl ....,. ........... of~,.. ............ ,,., .... t 17., .............................. ., ........... to ....._ tMI 80tloe. Or to W the -~· .. Old Gap...,.., GI the,_. Served In champagne. baked Into a tangv tart, lmdou8, plump .aml'bel111!8 aeate sumptuous ~·de1rc1ta. Herewith 80f'1le recipe dcmk:s to grace any menu. BERRY YOUR HEART, S1'RAWBERRY 1MTS ::1Jam.,......_,... lhc-. ........ le-....-- IAc-. ...... •w--6...._.._...,_., ... 1 .................. .. ......... 1,4 c-. ........... ,,. ..... L In aucepmn, whilkegga wd ~ Stir In lemon peat, juk:il. --8'ld buaa Cook ..d ltlr °""' medium .... unlll mixture thk:lm•, 6 '° 8 tt*lutm; cool. I . Pow Ir*> pcwpwed pe11ry thell, divid- ing eqully; chil. ~ Mlwd bmta owr 9ng; bruth wlh mlhd jelly • Malta 6-"*"" \ 1) quew. Stir over high he.al until aigs d9- IDlves and mbclur9 ii ¥U1JY (2 or 3 ...._ ~.Add ~and ltlrunlll helt- ed~. 4. 'Nlrm brandy; 19'* and pour owr hmm Md 9'11.1P· 5. Top Ice Qafb with~ mid MUOI. Servemonce. Mab. 6_.... ·~ ... l~a.-,~ "41 ..... ._. .... ....... lhc-.-·---kzr ....... 11 U; 11~•CIMlll(Wmla an.a...., I .,, J -le-..._,~ 1 1 " J a '1 r 1 •' _. t. MMI a9me IVrfl*a: In • •npen °"9 meclum Mil, Mil n6. cnmn n '*6 bm\ to the poh,... bibs --fM1tr11 . I.In~~-~ .. ~ -...... ""Y llnoolh. S. !lo-, *w••e. .ar the ho4 ~. n6 Ind .... blM mlldln.,., ...... .. ~ I p mlillbn, Seit wlh a wire ...._. • 1'0'I pol& Rawwwm to pour wsy~m..S~lbe .. ~ ~ ,_.. ............ IDp of ...... baltrovs ...... -tnd•~ lftd(X)l:•••Dlllllf_..•..,....~· (eoa.....,_.~- mlxtuN c:oo«s. Draw a line acrott the ~ tpOOn wMtl ~ ftnger; if the ~. ~ lntKt, the mbctuN hal ~ the proper thidcnae and Is now a ')>our" amrd. 5. Stnm dw cUltBrd ~ a ftne -..e to rcmow p.ca of Vll'9a been. a.I. 6. In blends coumln•, place 1 pt. stemmed ~ aem. de cllllia and 2 tai>lelpoo.11 auar. PtOClal unm wel pureed. JWrVa• .. 7. ~ rady to mw. ~ ~ prwt- liest tulip ~ or ~ gl-.. l...zwge-bo..w, ~ wine or be&- loon-th.epe wine~ may aleo be Ulld. 8. Whip helivy a.-n until It holds a IOft shape and twedlr\ wlh 1 tablapocxl con- fectlonen' ... . 9. Al ..... -about ~ ful wttti oem. ~. 5-n and lkie a8 but 6 to 8 of the ~ Nmlllnln9 bent. and spoon ... ti.rill~~~· Pour slnNlbeny l)lfte 0'1e' llrawbmia. 10. Gemllh ,eech ~ wit'I ~ aum end a whole~. Maka 6 to 8 MrVfngl Noes: 1hll recipe Is from the _populiw, • slylllh ~ MarMt rataurant. ioa..d In~ York City and known b b inYCl'ldw ~ cuillne. le..-.... •• ...... t• ti , ........ ...... 1 • ... , ... .... Dslll ....... Cldm-- 1 c-. t ............. .,, ............... 1. l.n a thalow dAlh. combine ttniwber-n.. Nd wine m.gar. IC.l(llr and dnna· • mon. Chll If~ pemb. 2. Jutt hebe ..-vtng, IPOOf'I ICrawberiy mbdUre Into four ltemmed wine or cham- pagrie glMla. Pour about ~ eup c:ham· pagne over ~. S.W lnuMdi- ately. Maka 4 Mnlt191 CLASSIC S11lAWBERRY CREPES Cnpea: 1 ...... , ... ~ 'lnrus ISM ! l tr" rus .... 1 Cll(I ....... ,.,... .. le-. .. 3. \Wh tpatula, ftlp crepe over. Cook un· til tight t.own. ~and cool on r.d<. 4. Beet aum W\111 df. On low tpeed, beat In 90W' awam. c:onfec:tioncl' aigs • and vm1ila. Olll rnixt\n. 5. To mab sauce: SMce bcnta; Mt lll6cle. In aeuc:.pen, heel lk11.1t1.1t wit'I IUgll'. Simmer 3 mtnut•. Add bcnta. Remove from hat. 6. To ...rnble: Put 2 tp00nfu.ls of filling down centc of each c::re:pe. Roi. Place 2 Q'1ll* ...n ~ down on each plate. Spoon warm~ sauce over each. Saw at once. Maku 8 aavlnga, 2 ~per aen1tng Note: Vanilla Ice cream can be subeti- tuted tor cram fllllng . u.-n. ...... dal •. --v. ttwtfty to n.lce. P.atern ..... -....-; clNclbis tar dchboutl?"; clothes ..... $2.00 7--Vou1 tnd thla plllr a ...... to•1ibrddw -....... to~. Two9'i x 12'" nm.. . Easv•edbd new.I .... $2.00 ~~·7e&R ..... a.Mil • dlaillOl'ld ..... CIOdwt plbs cl ~ ~ Dhdb• far SI.. 8- ................. $2.00 nm-MIM., poe..-, .. precbl, .....,. Cftldilt cl NII _..,. ..... cl .... i++d cot- ton. Fav.~ lnC:WecJ ••• . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 720R i:.I ~~•Hf'1~·1f rli11 ~•n H! ~1 1 ~ IP! lb 11 . rin2 •• Lg_.., I ;,~.1~~11 1·u,rlttHHU!1anu;1:~!rt 1' . , Jt 11 8 •Jh1lfir UDt ~·f!l'tf .tHidh lf t 1ulhir1~-t~d1;1t 1 ,r.-~ ..Cl· -J;H:!IJJ1JflJiHU1htUlPdl ih. .!•t!~·:fLHhurH§:ih.lf!liJ!~~a ' ..c1 I 111ifi~l.tUJ!f illf F!! ';adlr ··b~!fn .1 '<l·i7"/ \t>j iJ,-ti-ll{1l11 ·1··1~J1"la.lf[lP !fUi~ Hr!l: r .--.,.... tz>A..-• "9_.__ : ,!Ja.Mnn n flh ... l .... flfp u.JJh I _ ............ _._ 31:. "' 0 , cc Cc~ 1 -i'·t:.·r C'"I ~-.. CD ., , ·-3 = :'·Z f :::! •• 1 l · ro .. 1,1if l.ll:!lt'ft·•1~p~;nniHJ!;lH~f~lf' U 1 iJ·1·.: "r[ l';i~'tJJ~I . . ff•tt•J r,J~r ~erf ifJ "~l s· ·1 .. ltrfi .:f(l ,.t: ;tl:lsf ·j Ji .... ~a: 1r !~l!fl.'· Ji~ri! iJI lftr u!tj ::· ld i,l rl 3: :f "f,1t d;1nHf ~r!!~ s·~. t ldttnlb n~-.khdj;h .,,t, it!Y,1 1 1 1 · ' • .. !iHi1illfi " !1 ~u~»tr •f 1rt' ~'J ! fh~ u[ i !~u n > g 0 ~ ~- ' ~ i ~ ~ s J. ~ n I 0 r" (;; r"' ~ tzj §~ C1 ~ z "• I, ~ 3 0 z MRllOllY fooi•..., ,_,. ,... 191 was lmpclilc>l.i, only to be Nlewd when som10n1 • coede.ed. Eyewlln r can fal In ..wrel qy ways. Im r rt\•*' +s haw found, b example, that olmt 1'+1n 11111 mlrpa-- oetve atm.. 'or arxict.la In the fnt place. Smdl. have .taown thlt mna are~ herd to 1emtmbe be- cause such f.tms •-. llral, ... prise and vloltra cm git In the way of aca.wa ~. Dr. L.aftw notes, b ow ............ you -somelf*'8 vkJllrlt It cm cm.. ~ !Jade w "'8, a fargdriQ ol dltails thlt ooamild pdar to the ~ ol the vtollncl." And .. ., P** out thlt faaon lldl. ~ hmlng ~ prior knc t ifat Ind pdar a - p«llidon9 can clreoit .tYlt II wn, hemd md Cximt1W d tD a .,..an's manccy. PnqMlcM cm be erpidaly dmn- peton~~~lnthe Paay ..... Md HMie Slr•9'r ~. wns that .,,_ tadudque decruw alica1 judgrwnt Md cam. the wllrMll to ~ to pm. the hypnodlt. making the ""'*"- CYel men wlntrebla to •'9Qdlon Md Waiaidon. Many h~ vilnwrrr, he notes, "c:onwrt wtwt they bellwd happened lnlo actual ~-"In odw cw '"dw ~ ol the hyPnotilt '*' al too .-..; b9cotne the rnemomsol the wllnlll ... It II Dr. Ome'1 ~ that ~ be um 1D1e1sJ to g11 leecll In an tnw•ac_......ion and not to "enhance" the ~ ol win••• who w9 illa-bldyln CXML "Nobody requna the pqlk:e olBcer to limit blnmlf to .... ~ ... he ays, "but unrdable IOWO!S can't be uaed In court." ,,,,.. ....... _........~ ..... ,..,...._ .. .., ...... .., ---.-.·~-.. . ............. FOaFNll f'd&ONAL•SEIMCE .......... 7~·--­CAU. (a) 11t7.adoo ............ \ .. -lWttweWlt. perioratld to .. your feet bNadw.. 1~ .. cork~hell with longotwim•-. rubber Ide;~ waUcable, cmhiollhig yollrt\Wy *P ~the bmiatdaysand ~ ~ ~V'( WHITEorRED. Women'• ful & tllllf llllC ~-10 N, 5-10 M. & 5~-9 W ---------... ------. ...-------------------------------------O~-,._ .......... _ ... ...,......_. ............ r CA~ ....... _.. .... a9QMJICH1C1t ........ .... P'DMC .. on l'a:I • lll!l).tl ~ ...,..,.. ...... ,. CAim. ... 81RTHDAYS (Al Gemini) ---BJoq\ Borg 26 ...... - Tom Jones 42; Rocky Ora-mno 60. 1'-llip -Rob- • Prwb\ 64; NMcy &na- tra 42. VJJ• 11i11w -Bob Oa···i;r 72; filllPJ Rode· .... ,....,-F. Let w.y 49. ,... - Gene Wiids 47: ~