HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-07 - Orange Coast PilotStanley -. Bssau1t ' readied By TM Alaodated Presa With a heavy fOfJ finally llftina and fresh troope arrivtnc, Bri~ torces att reedy to launch an uuult on the Falkland lalanda capita~ of Stanley "within hours," accordlni tR Britlah cerre1pol\dent1 at die battle froat. The British 1pen' Sunday oomolldatm, their IJ'ip around the town and problna Araentine defenses, accordina to the cUapatche9. On Saturday, fol' the flnt. tUne in l'everal daya, the conil:,J)denta Mid, tM clime, cbiU .lif1ed ~ to liW them a look at tile town, defended by an estimated 7,000 Ar1entlne Jl'OOIJ9. The Britlab f orcea, au1mented by fresh troop• arr{ving from the t>e.chbead at Port San Carlm, 50 milu from Stanley, number about 8,000. . The weather in the Falklanda has been miserable, with high winds, f.reez:inC temperaltn9 and driving rain inakinc operatiana difficult. . Correapondent Alastair McQueen of London's Dally Standard reported that supply bellcoptera had to grope their way acroaa the island with crewmen hanalna out the doon to kee*lht Of the tail liahta of the ter in ~t of \bem. With weather lrnprovina aomewhat, British planee Sunday dropped more leaflets on Af&entine positions \ll'alng the troop• to aurrender. The Araentinea responded with sporadic, poorly aimed art1llef'y fire, according to the Britlab reports. Areendna aUd ltl air fCll'Ce and IWlDen at Stanley bombed, atrafed and shelled the Britlah. but tbie British Defetlle Mln1a1r)' was not atving out any information about operations 1n the J'alldand,. Independent Televtaion News correepondent Michael Nichol8on repol'ted that the British forces were already carrying o).lt "extraordlnarlly daring operations'' which, if IUCt.'elaful, '4Will bdnC an end to the war that much cloler." He aave no (See F~, Pap Al) DellJ,...,..... " ......... O"DeMlll WIDE-EYED WINNER -Six-month-old Je11ica Dawn Olarte appears to be enthralled with her trophy 'as winner of the youngest competition 1n Costa Mesa Fish Fry Baby Contest Sunday. Proud mom is Mrs. Jeff Olarte of Santa Ana. Fish Fry declared success in Mesa Much to the relief of the l«al cod populatian, the 37th Annual Flab Fry md Cam.tval nm.bed ita three-day nm at Uona Park in c.o.ta Me.a Sunday. The day featured most of the major even1s of tbe J'iah Fry, including a raffle for a new car, the traditional baby contest and the c:rownm, of a new Ma. c.o.ta Mela. . Officials of the Coit• Men-Newport ~bor Llon1 Club, ~ of tlie event. aald about ,000 fish dbmen were conaumed Friday nlaht, Saturday and $unday, an MJove..averaae lbowfna. Proceeds trom the Fllh rry ancr ~ted events netted about $125,000 for local charitlea, Llona Club offidala estimated. The 8 p.m. drawing for a 1982 ~ CheYette Sunday WM the final major event of the PWl Fry' and a.ta-Mata relldent c. Bailey of Grove Place drove away with the bi& prbe. lb the baby contest, 14.-month-old Tiffany Lynn Vau1hn of Costa Meaa waa cholen the preiu,.t baby in the 13-24-month age aroup, and 1fx-month-old Je11lca l)aw~ Olarte of Santa Ana toddled away with the hoQtOC'W ln the 8-12 month lfOUP· • . {, PLO • Site , smashed in attack BJ 1'e AMOdlted Pren Israel said lta invadina army captured a key Palestinian artWeey bMe at BeaUfort ea.tle =nd bealeaed major ~lnP.lthem 1n a powerful thrwt to within 25 mUea ol Belnat. The PLO 1ald Israeli · warplanee pounded lta nerve cm• In -.atbml 8*ut ap1n ~~ Paleatlne Llbe.ration o...-Uon .aid waws ol JN ·rocllete~~d the hkhant which hou1e1 t • command ~ ol PLO a..AriDim y_. Mtat and WIS one Of the ~ ':!;ta of a ~Ve llncJL\ * --.,. .before r....i wmcbed tta 1nYlllian to ~ PLO ttom equtbem ,,. P"fvate1y owned "'Vc*-of LebliilclQ" ndlO atatian .-Id Syria acnnabled MIG Jet flchten to challenae !1rael'1 raidlna fighter-bomben, and c1almed an air battle broke out over Beirut. Thia. report WM not. confirmed officially and could not be verified. hrael radio said Prime Minilter Menachem Begin flew by helicopter for a briefinc with De.fenae Minister Ariel Sharon at Beaufort, the Crusader-built fOl1nlll that had been a maJor Palestine artillery baae for ahe1linl northern &rael. • .. The hraell fla& now flies from Beaufort," Tarael radio quoted an unidentified commander -•ylnc. The radio aald an Israeli a11ault force fouaht band-&o-band before dawn to ~ ~tle from ~htiq, but neither alde bu mentioned the number of ca..aaltiea in the lrOUDd offensive that beon Sunday. The~ WAFA D1W1 agency denied the Inelia had taken Beaufort, but U.S . Secretary of State Alexander M. ffMa Jr., en route to Bame, told reporten that h& tnfonnatlon COO'Obarated the IaneU daim. In Israel, U.S._preaidentlal envoy Philip C. Habib arrived overntcht on a peace mlalon (See llRAEU. .... Al) I Colt.a Meea, Newport BNch and Irvtne. In the rece in the 32nd Senate Dlltrtct, which lncludee moet of central Oranae C.ounty and amaU portlont ot liuntlnaton Beach and Fountain Valley, Democratic oontender Al Serrato hu been accu.ed of 5"frlbutinf material ~ lB be tactat. I • Serrato, a Santa Ana Ctty Council member, II amonf tour ' people l8ekinl the Democradc nomlnatlon in the new Senate dlatric:t carved out durtna 1981 reapportionment of ltate A11ernbly, S•nate and congrelllonal dJstrlcU . Dellr .............. AT IRVINE DEDICATION -Cardinal .John Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia, offered a homily on life of St. John Neumann during dedication of St. J,ohn Neumann Church in Woodbridge, Irvine. 'I I I I · 1 ~ .. '15:L~ Roman Catholics from all of Orange County joined church offidala from am:. the nation Sund.a at the official dedication of the ~t. John Neumann Church in Irvine. Cardinal John Krol , archblahop of Philadelphia and a IUCCetlOf' to Neumann. who once held that post, was the guest of honor. His homily at the 2 ~-hour dedication Maas touched on the lifs of Neumann, the first male American canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, and 0n Granny, 82, enters plea HOUSTON (AP) -An 82-year-old great-grandmother ha& .rejected a proeecutor'a offer of probation and pleaded innocent to felony cliargea of marijuana pc ••on. ..I don't want to plead guilty to aomethin. I'm not guilty of," Laura. Clark said after arra.ignment as she leaned on an alwninum walking cane 1n the Harris County courthoule. State District Judge Michael McSpadden accepted her plea and ICheduJed a J~ 25 hewing. Police aaid they found f Ive mart.Juana plant. growtna in Mn. Ouk'• veptable garden May 4. the al~nlflcance of the new church I exilt.ence. The church, located In Woodbrtdse, la Irvine's aeoond Catholic church. It hu been open since November, and already Ml about 3 ,000 local familiea registered .. parishiooen. Its architectural atyle • emphasizes simple wood, brick and stone. The altar and pulpit are rectangular slabs of poliabed atone, and the altar area· is dominated by a plain wooden crom eome 14 feet tall. The church was filled beyond Its 850-aeat capacity for the dedkatJon, with about 100 people foroed to 1tand at the rear ot the main section or outside the two small wlnga on either aide ot the altar to hear the ceremooy. Krol, a guest of th~ Moat Reverend William Johnson, bishop of Orange, bla.ed the altar and all of the church. MUiik at the ceremony wa provided by the church's own adult choir, tt. Mater J)ej Hlah School Fltdlh Hand bell Choir, and a •pedal orpn loaned to the church for the day by a local HammGnd Organ dealership. Krol told ~ a11embled ~ "be rather aeltiah in the u. of th.I.I church. Not just on SundaJll -look for opporU.lnitles to i.-it ~ so you can achieve your oblioticn to fUW1l the perfec:tkJlr of the father.'' :::.::nr:t..~": IWllw hid~ aim of~ the • northwvd out of ~ r..-ot lsMl. • ....,., ~ Nil of tM JnieU ~ ....... ,hmpt~to CMlliloll• t11hta~1 .. wu~ th• ~ ao,ooo s~ troopl 1n ~~. Lt. Oen. ·aa.;.. .. ~ UMt JlrMll muf~ ot&lt:· WM on llrMl Ndlo •·,•Y1Nr troops had t!VUll nOi1[, tO ...... a_,. on the Lebuwle COMt Qonh of ~ about ~ milee ~ of Beirut. I...u iAUltary =-~~th.= ~ an eflon 10 ..... "a pocket q.at would bloc!k all PLO foro. iil eouthem ~·· &ytan Mid ..... fore. Uo h'ad captured HHbayah, a Yat .. ttnlan •tfonc_m the f6otbilla of Mount about flve mllee from the Syrian b&rder and had been abelled from the direction of Syrian .. fdrces north of Hubeyah. But he added, .. rm not aare lt w• the S;rtana.'' .PLO oommuniqu. ind U.N. spok"""'ft' aid r.,aeU tanka and infantry rin1ed Paleattnlan enclave1 at the ancient port dty of Tyre on the Medi~ d e1 a l h d u e to m 111 tar y cemorship. An Argentine communique nported a. clash with Britl1b Q)U'lnea west of Stanley, and eaid the British forces were routed. 'Phe Arg~nUnea aaid they iiuftered no ca1ualUea from tritiah arUl1«y fire. ·' Nlchol8on report.eel that Britilh Qurkha troope, knJfe-wteldlna mercenarie1 from Himalayan Ne1¥1. wei-e movinC *It and forth acroaa Eaat Falkland, ~foe Araentlne troopl who ~e_re overloolted u the main ~y of the Britiab force moved Westward. ~The Gurkha are pert of the second wave ol BrtlWl UOOpl cm tlie illand. TMy 1-Mled about a week aao at Port Su Cara ah.er leaving their tramport lhlp. the requisitioned llnet Queen !'2babeth 2, with the r.t ot thit 3!'5oo-man 5th Infantry Jlrlaade'. ~The QJ:I picked up 700 wmen from ahi,_ aunk by, t.ine f Ol'Cle9 and .. brinclna tftem back to En1land, the M'ln1etry of Defeme aid. The p0rt city of Southampton WU Pfeparlng a tumwtuoua welcome Mr Friday. TM Synan Command In JWNt llld SYriaD lonc-ftDil U1lUll'y pounded larael'• forwa'ra JM*'*-for tbe .mad day. It llkl • ~w ' nlamblr of ,,..._ _.. ldlW er WoUndid tiY. . ...._ fl'CllD lsMl'a new'1 ~DOlltAoaa ln the center of the lnYlllan "°"" i...u .....,. haw ..sci tMY would not fl1ht tbe Syl'lua unl•H attacked. Wettern ~.~~~-. ~=-~flank ol the Bekaa flrin1 toward Israeli DOlldom, but aW DO rwturnlnC lire mm lll'Mli pomUona. The prtvaieb' owned "Voice of Lebanon" radio .talion aaid q::s ~ti.:-?*'~ but yrla'• offlda1 SANA newa aaency said lt could not oanflnn the report. Altbouah Stanley la apet-ted to be the decWw battle of the war, it may not be the 1llllt one, Kim Sabldo of Independent Televbllon News reponed from &ut Falkland. He .. ad 40-50 r.lder\'8 ot Dox Bay, on West Fldkland. are beU'I held pNonel' by Araentlne troopl there. Rockets hit U.S. __ _ IAC&AM•TO (AP) - c.l1fornlit'I ..... c.ID ~ bH evolved' .Into a voJatlle, name-calliQa iluct..i a.twHD Lt. Gov. •lllk• Curb, th! ~ owr whk:h eancUdate · 17-~ fOl'IDll' pnllldent °' hlil bilri IDOi& ~ to ........ Warner-~rb Records wtio ·ovri~ ~ aent out letters ; uced Boane'a .. You faultlnt DeukmeJlan for t t1p My e." and ltate rematntna neutral between A orney General Geor1e ~ ana tben-Prllldent Jord De\&~~ to tbe J.i In In their 1918 cam9~1n . pre-electTon polll, but a DeukmeJlan reaponded wl th revelation that he never •100,0bO of televhton .n 4'.... ........ commerctala accuat.na Curb of bothered to wte unw ,....., ....... t .. hal=h• .. dl1tortlon1 and =.., -not ewo for Ronald m1ln!I tatlona." -~ haft hurt h.18 er tUty amon• the party The baal• of Deukmejlan'• falthtul. .... charae " V..t Cu.rb failed to !MM .......... l>emocr&dc~ for .. JleuXmejan endoned ~ ln • ·~ four o&her noel. (OY~rnor features or Tom Deukme~ then ftred t.ck BndJey of Loi 'In a cPewallL Gov. l'.dDWnd Brown with hit vy artillery, pl'OOf D that cwt> had not ~ to la aeekin1 the emocraUc vote until 1974. Curo replied ~don f« the Senate. aoolofttlcally that before 1974 he The prtmary electiona are bad 6een "too buay" to voi.. Tueeday. With Bradley the he .__. _ .......... hill overwbelmtn1 favorite, the beet•• •• ~ ._... .... .. attentica hal belo foC'w Oil Che . ~ ~~ to vote f« GOP squabble. Curb and Ronald R.ell9m fer ~ ln Deuluaejlan bave repealtHl 1986 and t970," Deukmejlan Ronald •••"'• btcdnie 1 lth • Ccmmindment -...... t not thundered. .. . . . too bUly to -ar ill of anodMr' ~hn..a vote f« prmdent ... too bUly ..-to vote on 1ome 88 ballot Then are ., few erencea d b between CUrb and Deukmejlan r.ropo1itlon1, inclu tn1 1uc 0 n, l 1 a u e a _ b 0 t h a r e mportant lauee u the death campatp•na • crime-flpten ~=,.an aptt-bulln& ballot and filca1 comerwttv. -that 53-year-old Deuk:mejlan ~-and penona1 attldcs also oontruta bia 16 yeera ln the been the main ..._ ln 1tate Le1l1lature. and 3 \.i H ~=~· ltaff ·came up attorne~:;ra• with the 1 youthful and IOIDelima with the a t • -ca an pa 11 n lmpula:ive Curb with an umubtle latellfcience tbout Curb faWna to .,....,.. ... ''Deukmea ... •, ~ ?t{ISE: even repter ~ vote. He did IO ......_-In ,_.. after Cu.rb waiMted that he... ~ .. tegrlty, tablllty, a better a.can aapporter tbanC\lrl,·~~pelan counten that 4 DeukmeWb ·Jan. R bll Deukmejlan 11 fl' '"career ether epu cana can b~reaucrat,'' and a "clo1et reunite after the brul1ln1 modelate," dtina D111kmejian'• ·so f ar, the Brltlah have announced no 1and1na on We9t Falkland, the -lnhablted of the two matn lalanda. The Def~ Mtniatry declined to confirm OI" denv the report ,primary ii unknown. Tbe lJia fa1Jure to IUptOl't Calitornla'•t wln~ner between C'-rb aoa ta.x-aa...i .... ~don 13 four ~., ...... , ., ~--(AP) -At ~he aald moet of the Jtaff n.....a-_a .... may be ia..-.n-. --.. v...-&M:oLnu .L ~~ ~,... ,,.,.--~· yeanago. J.eut two rockets hit the U.S. ru1hed to a ahelter in the The primary haa been the PoDa show a eeeeaw race. Curb Embuly today on the second day bWJdinl on me lledlterraoeen rou1heat bejween major led by 16 percentace pointl in ofthelaraellln\llllllooofaoutbera Sea ln ~ Welt CaUfomla R.plbUcww in two early l9el.Deukmejanroared 11 Dipbmdc ei.forta to end the conflict were virtually .._.md 8undo • the U.K. Secuaty Council turned lta ... • ... tD ..... problem. the .... lllYllba ot LebwJn. Lebanon. an embally telephone Belnn. =-~·~~~ = pointa ahead lut fall after a =·lald.,No C811Ualttea were ' "The 4'•ma1• 11 nol that to auppon Curb ID 1be WI....-eerlu of damatf i DI Curb • much." .ad tbt Clpllatur. Who the llMltenant IO!fel'Mr btlta conhontatiom wi the praa, .-.a not ID be. kl gfled what Deulanellan lf'Ni 11: ~· • includlna threats aiailllt one .. dlatortlona .and &ii nitfti,. reporter. ln March, Cu.rb led by • D k .,. ~ 10 polnta aoin; bi Mrly May by .:.I-F .8 .t 11' Wa1bin1tcu1, State cballen1tn1 eu aae,lan•a 2;1nlatellfaybyl2. enua ranee VI I Depar,ment apokffwoman · comervatfw .._..,ttah Between them, Curb and Nancy Reagan TM tm. Al9ntine aaDitary ........ who bail flown to New York to partlclpat• in ltDUWf..a....I J.vtir JWw de Cuellar'• MCODd medlaUon effort returned empty-banded to Buenos Alrea on Sunday. Their leader, Bria. Gen. Joae Miret, IUd Arpntina would not "filbnillate itlilf before United Kingdom arrosancie·'' . ---Carolyn JobDlaD ..sci the au.ck c b ' -· ma n.....L....-.a---A£ .. PARIS (AP) -Tbe &'~ "auaed some 4am-e, but no W' • cam__.p .. a1er, ~,,...are-,--.-ncowr~ prem ._u but~ her and the ~ -Ken Rlets, reaponda that million on the primary, puttiQg opera audience ~·t know ahe c:..aalda De u km e J la a tel e v h l on all they mn rai9e ~ teleYWon ,,,.. theft. 1 , ~.._, 1 =....I commerclala are filled wltb commerdala while Bndley la Bu.t ttom the Normandy No cne uuu~llne&Y c a._ "'aaw t-*8 md f.abricationa." t.nJdnc mc9l of bll fundl for the beaches to the dlziHns Moaet reponlllbOity foe the attack. The focua ol tblb' ditpute ii an fall campaicn. . ~tint lady Nancy :=c . Q • • ~~~t;;:i~t -ueen awaits ·,Reagans' v1s1t patriotilm. protocol. culture and IOCial conadence. t Will be first American 1irst family as overnight guests By BOOB A. :!VLLIGAN Al.....,.. c.r.1 lrnt not Bucltln1ham Palace lo London. Her dywty, the If.cue of Wlndlor, bean lta name. .., 72 Oiarto • Ill ·"' 1'111111 lprtnp ., 61 .01 p Cl II WINDSOR, l'AcJand -The aovenqn'1 aolder\ atandard 6ew over Wlncfaor Castle today, llan1fyiq that Queen 121ubeth Ir WM in her ....... ready 10 receive Ronald and Nancy Reepn. tbe lint A--. tint family to be~...-.. at tbfa moat blatorfc ol royal ntMmma Tbe ~· will spend two niehts ln . 1ara-t lnhab6ted Guards on een~ duty, pmldred ln Wlndaor Great Park and watched Dell 9ChooJboys jump into the nu.me. from a bridge ln traditional celebration of the end of term. I • Ill .Oil ... llmlrclrlo r,:: ::..~ " : ;: r-.v..., IO '8 :; ~ J: :: .Oi ., 71 •1 a .en • 41 .. ..... .01 .... .24 11 .. IO SI . .. •n .. 41 • 10 • IO an t1 16 IO A • 41 IZ SI .11 12 67 .71 • 12 • 11 12 11 .14 • 11 Smog A helicopter Wl9 to brtJaa the Reaca• directly 10 the CMtle ~ after Prince PbWp, the queen'• hu.bmd. met tbeln Oil their arrival from Bome th1a afternoon at Lon4oo'• Heathrow Airport. Located 40 wlndln& mllea Upstl'Mm from London, Windlior' leelDI 10 &.t above the River" Thamea, a dynMtic Disneyland of· towen and ~ battlements and nmpar1a done In virtually . ewry etyle of architecture lince Norman Umea. , · Thia la the qUileD'• real home, caltle ln the woda, the leat of ~ '°"811' than any oblr ~.....,_naowlnu.. .., :..r=:::. ~th'= 'l'l8ell -and 80 other au-ta on -=la tide ot 1he table -ID Sl Geora•'• Ball, the caatJe•a tapestry-bun.a banquet room. decorated wtth the ahle1da and IUi.1a of armor of tbe lr:ni8b'8 of the Ordw of the a.rter. mtwMd m founded the order 1n 1148 with the .... (JI reYtvlna ~ Arthw'11l1u:)!jary Rouncf 'hble. Wtndlor and tba tiny to.rn of Eton ecrou the river. under comtant Mee from~ have lone• come to terms with VIP pmca at the Cllltle cm the hill. On Sunday, t.ourWta -UIUA1 ptbend ln the CMt1e c.o&::! to map~ of the ~ Biritish renew . The only aipa of anytbiq unu1ual were tecbn(clani ln•.!;C!:l a White Ro..,.•• awl In the boeel -from the Henry VIII Gate, televWan tnilen ~ In the abadowl of Lona T.,._. and advance men wnlaperfna into wallde-talldel to theU' aleeYa. Horaea exerciHct in Home Park, the royal family'a pdftla playaround. where B-.n wm IO TU.day. f« a IDOl"ldnc pJq. witb the queen. NA VY JOINS ACTION -A U .S. Navy destroyer tows a shrimp boat, caught red-banded with a load of marijuana. into San Juan harbor. It was the tint time that a Navy h . h AP ... JP rtr ship as taken part in t e capture of drug-suspected vemela, the Navy aaya. Thia tuk Usually ii relegated to ~e Coast Guard. • • .Victims' kin battle parole Relatives form lobby to ban release of murderers SACRAMENTO (AP) ....-. RelatiVM of murder vicdJm In tbe "Onion Field" case and another =::;nt. cue have ~a group to try to ban parole for convicted murderers. ''When ~·re 1mtelad to Ille in pdlon, that's wbont It ~" .. Sally Goehrlna ol Knleh• hry Cdd reporters at the WI..., of state'• office, wben ebe Uad Valerie Campbell flied T-~ .. theODUllD ~~~-== Fain near the Stan"'•• OJuntJ town ot O.Jrdele. hln, .i.o CIOllYicted of ~ three women, had hi• deadi tmtence ovenumed. C.oNldend In death penalty cue1, for multiple murder, murder durtnc a rape Cll' robbery Cll' MWnl O(ber char-. me. not .emtenced to deatli are ,awn lite wtihout the ~Mlltyof ... . 'l'ht two .... .ad the law lbauld be ........, -tUt dime ..-redtoUilD~ID .. ,...._..Mwirn'rr 1 ..... do aot waat a Ju.ry•a clecUaoe IO be cwerhalid l>1 ......... offtdal.1° OD tM ~ .............. Ooelldac. ,,., .... ---..... tD allow I ... I etathn fOr ........ of victims at parole hearinp. 'Dlat la one of the provWom of Pr<>pOlldon 8 on next Tuaday'a ballot. The women IUd they bonw heard from .other· famfll.. of murder vktlma, and hope to provide lnfonnadoa to tbem about J*olit ~wt ..... •• lklm to ..the pwnur CID appotntin• parole board ~ 'lbllr ~ .. called HJAWS" (the Justice Admlni1tratlon Watm SadMy). ' Contr~band big hem::~ ble:~ bus1·ness in Mexico ham b1a life term in Jann•~. But a /roteat campa"tan ti-; oraanlze by M1. Goehrin1 MEXICO ClTY (AP) -In the prompted the Bomd of Pri8on capital they call it "fayuca." On Terma to i.ae an wipncedented the border they call It "chlwa." .naJlna c.noeJm, ~ beau.-But it all means the aame thine o_f .t>Ubli~ outcry. Fain baa -contraband, ::O~::t: bfa dlalJen&ed the ruling ln Marin ln Mexico It la .na CoUnty Superior c.ourt. almo9t tolerated. - . Ma. <:unpbell, 22, from the But when 27 national toWl1 of Bodieo, ii the daupter of leplaton r.etumina from the Loa AnJelea policeman Ian ·United Statee had $217,000 In CMnphell, who w kidnapped lll.lcit import.a confi9cated thia and shot to death In 1963. week. lt put a focus on the Tbe murdlr and tumequeni problem and on the 1tick.ier trial of Gregory Powell and ~ of executive. hnmunlty Jimmy Lee Smith were the law. cbronicled by .Jmepb WambauP HJcb clutia and the ...-.nY In b1' book and movie 7.rle beUef quality of impol'ta make Onion l'le1d." the produm boCh dellrab&e and 8 m it h w a 1 par o 1 e d in f.rl8btfully mqwwlye ln Maico. February despite tut-minute Wilen imparted Jeplly, eJectrtcal efforts by several political appHwww and .... Od:Mlr erJOda canrUctatee to keep him in pri8oa. can brine up to 400 pecoent of Powell'• 1checfuled June 18 their Amertcan lbe1f price. paro~e wa1 canceled by the InOadon in Mexico,~ at baud. which dted what it l8ld an annual rate of nearly eo wa1 an unfavorable new percent IO far dm yw, makee 11nddatric rep:rt. some Mexican-made " producta -Under current law, moat ·ewn moN expesMve dam tblU' cm:avk:ted ~ murderen llllll8lded equlvalentl delP• the an~ to~,_,.. to life, ~ .,,.,.,_. mUI at._ with parole poalble after te ~ their .~..,,.. .,_ yMn, elaht JDonth1 ht some .......... (ll8fmDI ottldllk ~ mdlater In otben. Tbe 14 aenatore and 11 (,..,.. ....... ~ WAIHINOJ N ~AP) ~ mDed itl =-~ balfect= all o natlo1u. It• exeeudv•m:•borta1• of ....., • ....,. CbllD 11ab1ohately n rea1on to ccmdiluil " • ID ... Ycft, 1ti. 16-,.,.b_tch. blue and White .,,_ Am" .., ldll abllm &7 ..... abow PUk Awnue, but lbe1 lblcnDtr to wbicb It 11 au.ahecl II Owned =-%,•PD~~ A1rwa1' ... tbe badJdh'I and a ttltna" o1 · bole1I to rm. a.dly needed c:mh. I Delta Air Linea, a steady profltmaker for a quarter·century, lost $18.4 mmson in the ~_am. monthl ol 1912. It w. ~·· tint m ..... 7. Th••• are aot isolated IMle.,.,. ol OCllpal'ate cltfflculU.. 1be U.S. alrlinf lDdul1ry II P,, tbrou1b lt1 w••t economic ~ In hlltclry. -=~-~~bz~ fur1her alrll.ne t.uw. .,. hMrd almolt dally. ~ the. tnduatry lk:ldllt are Pan Am, Contlnental Airline•, WHtern A1rllne1, Republic Alrllnn and World A.lrways. All but Pan Am have ... warned by their auditon - M WM Braniff -that they miaht not 1Mt out the year. While Braniff'• demise hu briebtened the future. of IOIDe canien IUCh .. American and J:Mtem. who have taken over much of Braniff'• bu1lne11, execuUv• of other fi~ndally aillnl alrllnea teer theyii Will be deserted by apprehensive pMlllDfln and travel .,entl. "If one major U.S. airline foldl, I IUbmit it will be followed by 1everal other• In quick aucceulon," warned Industry analyst Julius Maldutll, vice ~t ol Salomon Brothen .. before BranlU shut down. Edward Acker, chairman of Pan Am, ~!IUd limllar fean recently:I would be very concerned if l were the Civil Aeronautic• Board about a domino effect," be ulcl. referrlnc to the 1ovemmen t reaula10ry ~that la ICheduled to 10 out executive• to dl.c:uu priclnj Dhiloeoph41t-An aide called It a r'therapy 11:Mlon amona ·~~ but the mm.n pve .no h1nt ~ were lntetwt.d. · MOit aviation experuf lncludlna nearly every airll~ chief executive, •Y ~delft'~. alone la not to blame lCll' ~ Industry's woes. ''We've been cn:m-blocW in' three w•Y.• 1lniultaneoualy ....!.1 derecuiatlon, hi1h fuel prtcri and a recell6of\ that'• been in t.bM' economy for two conaecutiv~ yean." •YI George Jam.. dUef economist.~ the Air Tranlpori: A.adatlon. ' . Hilb Interest rates, ~· have hit 1ome carriera hard. A"rl. e1timated 20 percent of the1. · industry'• $8.6 bUUon Jone--! debt la tied to the prime ~ t rate, which peaked at 21.~ percent about 18 moothl .,a.,, Republic Airllne1, which loe\) • $46.3 million ln 1981, made $122':.; million ln Interest paymentl thaJ<l. year. . Nonetheleaa, several airlines are doin1 well. Those in th~ . wont shape have themaelyea , ~!!f,ely to blame, lndu1tryi .. )'It.I l&ld ln lnterviewl. . .... and medium-size "national" carriers earned a mere $176 million profit. Altosether, the domestic airlines 101t an eettmated $1 bWJon ln the put 12 months, and $800 million or more 1n the am quarter of 1982 alone. 1bere ii talk that th1np will pt wone. "Never before have so many l airlines .•. suffered such severe '· financial damage" "NeYW before have ., many airllnel repeenttnc IO 1arae a portion of the air travel market auffered IUCh MVent flnanclal of buRne9f ln 1985. =i.:c Hya Michael R . 'lbe airllnea are flndlng the an aviation ..,..,..aJW recewton more threatenlna than for t be Go 1 d man Sac h 1 moet Industries because, after lnYeltment firm. yean of goverrunent contri>l, J.. 1tageriq u the loaea they are newcomers to the miebt eeem, llDAlysla who follow cutthroat world of bu1ineH the lndwtry c:beJ.y predict most competition. . airlinelnotanlyWDlweatlmthe In this atmo1phere, the atmm but may pG9t record proft• activities of some airlines ln tbe not--tDO-dillmt tuan. ::;;:(Y have bordered on the Tbe analyata N)"'1ltll ii a ' tnnl9dan '1Jfll far tbt .. .._ • When deregulation be1an, tb•J move paat the moat BranUf was tran1formed 1UitlullDt ~ ol s~ virtually overnl.ht from • ....,..... of the -~ ....,.,., c:mrier' in the Southwt ~ 1978. Olqpw into a worldwide airline that an end to panment oaatral of flew frcXD Hoq Kena to Paris. ,_. and routm. dowlnl new Braniff hlrea thouaanda of ..._to ...... ---Wttbout ...,..,,_ wt ~.!... ICOnl of =-= =r:v.:! :!: mw -:'!!v-:r.:=.: a owa f:liNI. . C~a. The economy fe'if. lntenaifylnt th~ pains of .,.,..,,._ never materialbed and ~-11i1Dt to deftCUladan W8'8 Bnnlff wa udcUed with f733 tbt .tfeca of a deep I« I !,on, million ln debca. ~ lntel'Wt rata. -rinc fuel A rMh ol fare wan prompted price• and an air traf Uc by the need to attract cmtomen controllen' strike laat Aqu.at bu produced a $99 ~to-a>ut that Interrupted eome airline fare1 a $7'7 ticket betWeen New ~ ~ Yont and Florida, a $19 fare -'There ! no gue1Uon the cheaper than a bUI -between Umlna ol dereCUJ&dan couldn't 101D11 dtia In the N«the.ast, and have 1-i warw," •19 Robert J. "two-for-one'' ules. Joedlcke, vice pre1Jdent and United Airline1 recently aviattoo apedalist for Lel)man •'eehect fan!I on itl fligbtl to Brothen kuhn Loeb, another Hawaii to 60 percent below New YCll'kJnvestment firm. re1ular coac}l prices and 40 The analyata ay that al= pen:ent below it1 previoul 14.uper a reoavwy ii ~ itll aver'' rate. Other carrien moved ~on a turnaround ln the quickly to match or undercut eoorwny, wbk:tl they hope will United. ~ be8ln ln the third quarter thil "If you think of thil· lndl.Wtry 1'ir· really • only 4 yean old ... we CJ:. Meyer, cha1tman of Trana all know how 4-year-olda can WCll'ld Air11nee, aaid eomberly: "I behave aometime," aay1 Sen. a.tll COGf-.1 iee no pcwlNllty Howard Cannon, D -Nev., of IUi.tanUally lmpow!d major referrtna to the four yean linoe carrier earnina• untll the ~tton bepn. eac11:1auy ltlelf betJ.w•• stroncef. Cannm, a stroaa advocate of We limply cannot~ ...amt the ~ pemment out of the e,de." airline bu1ineu, 1ugfHted a In the mmnttme, predJcttcma of "1ummit meeting" o airline . "What got mart of them intQ trouble l1 they overextended. themeelves in borrowing a lot at money,'' uys Michael Derdlin. an aviation analyst for the P'lral, Bolton C«p. • For example, besides Braniff'& ca1e; • -I -North Central Alrllne,1 quickly bough~u two othet airlines and ado a new name'· -Republic. oday, mainly, because ~f a~uiring the two carrien. BepubUc stands about ~ f722 million ln debt, more ~· half of it tied to a floatin · interest rate that fiuctuata wt , the prime rate- -Pan Am, aeeldn1 mort; aircraft ·and an e1tabU1hecJ& dcG s16c ~ .,..._. for itl internatlotlal route1, bouthh " National Airllnea. Absorbln~ Natiooal'a labor force and ~; system proved more trouble9omJ.., and co1tly than anticipated · anal)'ltl My. Last yee.r Pan ~ bad operating loasH of $36°') mUlJon, much of it of&et by the ale of ita hotel chain and othetl-, aaeetl epr $294 million. : -Continental and Western t bad difficulties as managemen ! concentrated on prolonge4, mercer battles. For a time, thef themselves were close to me.rt'airllnes are no stranger ~ , economic peaka and vaJ.Je11. ~ • A 1ubltantial portion of an : airline'1 cmtl are fixed. A alnllf~ : peroenqge incnw ln revm.; • oouJd boolt opentlq p.rotitl bJI! : : $300 mllllon, enougfi to cut ~ : half lut year's industrywide :, ~ analyata aay. '° !' Alrllnes. •YI Juliua Maldu~ S of Salomon Brothen, "have aD>11 i enonnoua ~ty to IW'Vive." A.! ~ moo& half tbil year~ •• tum the industry around. ~ • N E X T : S t r a te 1 J Fe , ;: SaniYal) ..U : ': .~----------------------------------------------------------------~~---· "pinpoint oxfun:i• v 1 Marry and keep benelitB Dlill PAT: 1 •• au~ lelMiel .... , ••• veterus J:lipping wis over delay j Aat•tetraU.'1 o., .... Baiatlili Aulltuee ~. u .... .........,wm.,.._,,....._..._ ..... ., ·; .... LB.. ........... 11-* ' No. The VA aye that • Jona M you remain ln ldm and have remaining entitlement, marrta1e wW not affect your blnetia I : .Mllil !Jrder book t!elayed DEAR PAT; I orderM a K;:i"'" ... ..._ from Me ...... ...,...,..,c..efWetdaUV et.rmyf•tel'..._ter.ne ... wu ~ Mara 1. 0. MaJ 1 I .... a eefJ el •1 . emeel ... eMek wl6 a Mte ......... abMt lite HIQ.~ I MY•'t ...,. a wod .... mJ fMter ......... watdlel fer tie m•llma• , ~· ...... 1ter .,edal 'MM wW be lellverM..I Mpe JM M.G., Batlqtea Bead • Me Boob spokeswcman says crden p1-l in Man:h will be fJlled in June. She explained that there baa been a I ''inanu&durlna delay," but did not elabonte any further. If the bcx* dom not arrive by mkl..June, check bMS with AYS. I Psycbologicalbookletavallable DP.AR READERS: When is the time to tum to a cl1nical . pe)'~l<>etat? H<>w does the consumer locate qualified pl)'Cho- ~ hMlth cate tel'Yices? 1"e help pl'OYided by clinicaJ. psycbolopta ia highly indM- dtaaHIPd, and treatment prograrm vary depending on the needs of e9dl individual. couple or family. " A. new booklet, ~your PlycholoO:al Health Care -Clinical P1yctiololl•ta and P1yc;hological 'Services," amwen many frequently-asked questions about clinical~ and the DEAR PA't: I ordll"ed a wta tram J'rank1ln l'Mblon ot Valley sa.m. N.Y .. on Jleb. 2. My $22.96 meek WM CMbed r.°'°pUy and~ I recetved one delay nod&aUon after another. finally req~ a refund. but haven't Md any rwc · I . S.S.. M.. A FraUHa PaUlla .......... taY ..._. MYe beea· ••protilems" .. -... &M •tJle ef wll ,.. ......._ ~ • ........... llY• ...... , ,...::·· .. a ... 1.perM. tt wm .e ,... ..... wt• .. tr ..aa,.. . Old insUrtJnce policies lound . ... DEAR PA'r: ii.w cu I de~ ... ftlM et eW Ille .....,._. ,.a11111et I ,._. ... en1 ..., .,. late ..._,, ............. ute .. dleek lato ..... J.B., c.ta Mea Write to tbe CIOlllpMles that 1-aed~. Tbe name and addrem llhouJd be Included in -=h . If there ii no addrea, write to the American Co of Llfe Inauruce InformaUon. lnformaUon S.W-Depertment, l~ K St. N.W., W~ D.C. 20008. Tnctaade •much lnfonmUon • pcwib1e about the polida and Mk that current ~ be pnMded to · you. .If y~ belie~e l • Private property rights are the, f. foundation of our fre~ society . • Free · enterprise is what ., mal<es our fr•e society work • Governments subsielized 11ousing is socialism · • Government wastes oui money I • ..... GREASERS -Acton Maxwell Caulfield (left) and Andrian Zmed, stars of the movie "GreMe 2,0 weJcome each other at the premiere of movie in Loe Ange1eL Tbe pictute al8o featuree Tab Hunter and Coonie Francia. Drug smuggling increase noted SAN DIEGO (AP) -An Upall'll in narcotics mnualina ia reported at the U.S. -6order lnvoMnc a new, hich-grade of Mexican aenaimllla marijuana thai aell1 ille1ally for up to $1,600 a pound. U.S. Attorney Peter K.. Nunn said several hundred Po\lDda of it have been 9eized in loW-border arresta within a week. In an interview, Nunez called the arnsta 11an orn1noua trend.•• He said! "Mexico may well be back In buatneu. Maybe the crop-eradication program of the 1970. ia no Jooier wor)dng." The United States aupported Mexico's move to destroy mair- juana crops ln the mld-~701, and by 1976 Colornbiw'wu left • the prime coune of marijuana. 1mu11Ung attempts at U.S. checkpotnta. . There were ~ marijuana Paid Pontlcal Advertlwnent ELECT oonfiacatlona at the San Yadro port of entry laat week and another at Tecate, to the eMt. The incre11ed amu~y be traced to ~ dev 1µaaon of the pe80 and efforts in "J'lorida to cut off amua~from ColomtU. Nunez said. 11ooe way or another, Mexico may be caminC back OD the acene." Aui1tant U.S. Attoh:!:,? Stephen G . Ne18on. who the diltrict narcodcs unit, said he alao 1u1pecta marijuana mnuallna activity ii incr <nc in M8xi00. Award won / LEMOORE NA VAL AIR STATtON (AP). -Lemoore Naval Air Station w• ctwn an meraY oomervation award for cutttna natural gas u.e 44 ~t for a aavtnes of almost $1 mflffm ....... NIC'l .,....1-.., --,..., ...... lint .... .... tn • lfcirth e.irWlM WWI\ who are forced to dl1cover themulv .. throuah their dlfference1. They're tied by blood, but torn apart by confllcttna valuet, .. plr1tlon1 and perepectlvH about their <*ct, tyrannjcal father. Diahann Carroll plays Carolyhe Lovejoy, a teacher who'• ~t.ed her Ule to carina for her invalid father, then ra111na her younc lllter, Sillie, after the death of their parenta. Their mother died in a church Ure. Their father, 1lven 11inthood 1tatu. by Carolyne, WOl'ked u a Pullman porter who made enou,h aood lnvet1mentl to reach the m.ladle clut. Carolyne ii reeentful. r10I and 1uperficlally 1tra11ht.:-\aced, althouah her inlidel are turned inllde-out becau.. of her eecret affair with the Rev. Hendtnon. Her face ahowe the atrain 11 ahe'• f1ndlnc it more <lltticult to keep up pretemee and appear morally upright. Her guilt makel her even more dictatorial and intolerant in r~ her ie.n-aae lister (Irene Cara from -the movie "Fame"), who wani. to leave her ltiflina environment and fulfill her ; dream of becomlni a profellional ice skater. . Whlle Carolyne 1imul- taneou1ly hold• on to one aet of values and leadl a love life Mounted cops nag San Diego press raps move SAN DDXX> (AP) -San Diego'• Qty ~ drew reaction for its dedlkm to put San Diego police on honeback -the back of ).mt one hone for a ttarter. . In an editcrial, Tbe San Diego Union aid its editora ••are naged by IOme doubts ••. about the council'• plan to buy one hone and ..ap a .mete mounted poffcenan to Belboe Park. . ''The dtY• experiment With a mounted ~trot aboWd be mffldmt at leMt to aw rmulta." lt ..,......·0 Be1hw1 San °"W> • not eDCtly a cme--. townri In a tentative vote. the cwmqt..uthill'bed ~one IMllwe to .wt with. . There haft bwl moUn~rr:· °' ~ crtme in San Plelo. now the Udan'• ninth city. S'J0.99 Reg. $13. 175127. Vanity Fair embraceable lace underwlre bra·w1th stretch lace. Bodyskln~ In capuoclno spandex/nylon. 32·368, 32·38C. ln tht 1h1dow1, her houH ..... llllDbo1 of the WN!y kM ... '·Nfty lhe fan ..... ODDlt_._ .... . 8ut ........ neYW WM a hewn, IDd at .-ia1nly iln't _, becau11 of die return of the LoYeJoya' wayward third lilier, Frieda (Roeallnd CMh). Frieda, a dlvorcet with a 12-year-okl eon, .. -y. freHplrtted and free with the 1plrli.. Her rejolnlna the houlehold reopena old woundl. Carolyne OON6del'I Frieda a delerter for lea'llna their lick father, but, deep down, wtahee me had the cowqe to openly live her Ule the way J'rieda dota. On the other hand, Frieda rejectl Carolyne'• llfntyle, but ltlll Und1, emotionally, that lhe needs her elater'• approval. Bumble Bee tuna cases recalled ' WASHINGTON. (AP) Bumble Bee Seafoods ii recaWna 11 m.ny 11 1.0 million CMM ol tuna becaUlt the cans ·contained emall hoiee which may permit the entry of dffdly blderta. the Food and Dnaa Admln1atration announced. All of the tuna WU pecked at a plant ln Honolulu. J'JjA Mid the IUlpect tuna ahouJd. not be eaten but lhould be retumed to where it WM bouaht. No lllne11e1 have been reported but the bacteria could cau.e botullan. Some cam bel.ng r.called were dlatribut.ed under the Bumble Bee label ln eeven 1lzea: 3 ~ ounce., 3 ~ ouncel, 6 ounces. 6 ~ ounce., 7 ounce., 12 ~ ounces and 13 ounces; under the~ label ln a 6-ounce·atze: the Coral label in 3 W -o nee and 12 ~-ounce .. and under the Cloverie.f label in a 6-ounce 111.e. The Udl of the recalled auw carry the numbers 21 or 22 cm the top of two UnM. The 21 or 22 ii foUaWed by two or three other numl:ma on the aame line. A bottom line con1iattn1 of number• and letters can be ~ in identifytnc the eana. C-contain either 24 or 48 Sl0.49 Reg. $12.50. 175278. •• ;' 11 MEETING IN BJGB PLACD -Michelle Hancock. left. of I .akedde, Ariz. wu in Wuhinaton. D.C. 1Mt Week to compete jn the National Spelling liee. She took advantaae of her viait to the nation'• capital to meet Sandra Day O'Cmnor, Supreme Court wodate justice. Cyll .... Dwyer, who spent , nearly a year in an Iranian prilon on 1pyin1 chargee, pleaded innocent to a criminal rniachlef charge 1temmlng from a quarrel in a Buffalo area parking lot. Mn. Dwyer did nbt appear at a coµrt hearing in suburban Amhent, and wu The U .8. District c.ourt for Norsl:M!nl California lelect.ed lt1 flut woman U .S . ....a.trate, 1 Chief Judge Rebert F . Peekll•• and Jeaa S. Br ... t9, San~. now an auiatant U .S . attorney, will 1ucceed . ' repreeented by l~wyer Patrick J . Baker. Town Justice Edward L Reb ..... of Amher1t adjourned the cue to June 23. The 1uburban housewife WH arreeted April 29 on chargee of ~ a. man'• car in a dispute over a parking 1pace. Ma1i1trate Rlc~ar4 GoN1mldl whea he reti.re9 Sept.~. Mn. Brennan, whoahas five children ranging ln ... from 19 to 28, waa amon1 1lx penonl recommended to the court. The-position paya $M,500. on. ear.-White Hcut WM of II rd mill in..ted by lta lnab017 to .. the freeclom o American boeta1t1 ln Iran, former r:--dal edviMr ......... •r•aa writ•• in a fCJl1hcDalAal • bcJ6k. MUdmi to ,.....,......,, nurt.rt.1. ~~ .. Jordan'• account of the ... year oL PNilldent Jl••J Carter'• adntilDiltraUon, will be relr urd In October, eccordinl to Bllea LJeaa, a 1PQke9woman for Putnam'• JfubHlbtna CQ. A Putnam'• catalot N)'I Jordan'• book will deaibe Carter •• .. the ultimate hcJm&e," Ms. Lyom aid. ......, IUala, frmh out of prl1on from a term for ·•tealln1 a fortune from a bank. hM aott.en the nod to marry an old partner in crime, an atiom.y for the couple aid. Lawyer'\ Vleter s•ermaa Hid that the U.S. Parole Commilillon revt.d tenm of Rifkin'• pu'Ole to aDow him to marry --...... who pleaded pilty In 19'79 to conaplrtna with. Rlftdn in a aeco-nd fraud acheme and lel'Ved lix monthl ln jail lUOdn WM re' I Id frcm Pfi8on ln April after .... three yean for defraudl.na Security fKiflc Bak out Ol $10.2 ndqlon by mantpulatbw ita computer. system. One ~ the terml of bis ....... that be not U90date wttb people -with c:rtmtna1 ...... Vanity Fair Underglows•decotl•tage underwlre contour bra In nyton/spandex. Beige or white, 32·36A .• 32·388. C. Capucclno, 32·36A, B, C. Reg. $8. 140278. Vanity Fair Undergtows•brlef. Just the right touch of support In the prettiest possible way. In beige Antron• 111 Gllsanda• Bodyskln• nylon/spandex. S-M·L. 1 Also 32·360 In beige or white. Reg. $13.50. Sale 111.41. 75years~ ~ GM has been servir)g Americans with ~t proclucts for almost sevent;y-five years. 1. Robert D. Sexton Quality Control .. But even so, some of you might be asking, "What have they done for me lately?" Well, GM's done a lot. In fact, we're not only the best, we're the best GM ever.· '1; 'Rrst In technoloW i , Start with teclinology. H . . Nobody itrthe world spends 1c I as much as GM 1 ($10 billion in . 1981 alone) try~ to make your car better. This includes new products, plants, and ·mantlfacturing processes, as well as advances in metal- lurgy and· aerodY"namics, I • · new power train concepts, ~d precision workmaiiship through the use of ilie latest computers, lasers, and robots. .. Best se11ers.. ~do.i ~ The restilt is that now GM has seven lOf the top ten best-selling cars in the U.S~ Che~let's ~h~vette, ·citation, Impala/Caprice, and Camaro, Bwck s Skylark, and Oldsmobile's 88 and 'Cutlass Supreme Coupe are all winners, · .. but they're just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, of GM value. I-~ We make all .kinds of carS for all kinds of people. !W'ith'"all kinds of needs. ~ . . - I Industry leader. We're very proud that in the latest report of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, GM had the eleven top-rated cars.** · . -The report ranked cars according to the . . frequency with which they were in¥o~ed in . accident injury claims and covered 19 8-80 models. · We bebeve these results reflect no only our cars-their quality, size, weight,. and design-b t how and where they are driven. It shows that our cars . ~ and customers go well together. . Promise. ., •. n .... .&• "•~ M ...-... zw IUl111U Ofexml~ And there's something else. We believe GM stands for somethins else in the eyes of the Amencan public. · It stands for excellence. And continued excellence . · So that now, next fear, and the years after that, we need always to be: ~ ..... We have the com- mitment to quality, the resources, and the track record. And because of these, · we just happen to think we're th~ one company that the best GM ever. '-...-----....___ caii continue to meet the ............ t:ransporta.tion needs 'of . ~~~ a changing world better than anyone else. · Chevrolet Pontiac . · Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac · GMCTruCk I l I t Or•noe Oout DAILY .-1L.OTIMoncl1y, June 7, 1111 I ~-Oflhl mt at. ~.,:i.-. 1 lrademark 101tee and ~ were white u winter'• ftril anow. Hil lone lockl flowed from underneath a c:ruahed felt hat with 9ft0Ulh brim to keep the rain off hll bUcklkin jlclcet. The • twtokle in hll eyee out.shone the Onel painted into hia ~ll by Frederic Rerntnaton. But WUliam F. "Buffalo BW" Cody )\ad died a 1lck and pennlleta man in Denver on Jan. 10, 1917 . Who wa1 this look-a-like impolter am1llng for a I INlpMOt? ~to It WU William Cody, all Jiiht. oJ But the nameMke la of a later .,, vintap. He ii the anncbon of the buffalo hunter, Indian 1COUt, Pony Expreu rider, and _ bigger-than-life hero who helped create the mystique of the American West, then sold it around the globe. The Bill Cody of 1982 ia one or two surviving grandsons of the showman. df Bill and hia brother, Fred ~.Garlow, both live near Cody, the n town h1a grandfather carved out i uof the Bighorn wildemem in the (!.1;18909. 21 They are the eons of Irma b<Cody Garlow, Buffalo Bill'• youngest ehild. Fred, born in 1911, and young Bill, who arrived two years later, were orphaned ln 1918 when thelr pa.reni. dJed ln a nu epidemic. Grandmother Louisa Cody, • Buffalo Bill'• widow, took them 01in and provided for _ their care ,, until her own death in 1921. "1 Although their f4ther was named Garlow, Bill legally 11 assumed the family flAJne Cody ,.13 years ago during a b promotional tour that called for him to dress up like his grandfather and make a • commercial pitch for air rifles. ''That's just one of the many careers I've had," says Bill, stroking his goatee and contemplating a painting of his , ancestor. "I guess I've got that in common with granddad. Both of ua were lntfrested in a lot of thlnp." Unlike hia brother Fred, who early in life choee the eolltude of "l practiced law for a couple of years, then built a radio station and went broke," says Cody, hia smile returning. ''Then I built a motel and went broke, I started a rodeo, lost more money, 10 I went to Texas and aot into the oil buslnesa. And you gueaed it - flat busted again. r just played too hard, chued too many girls, and dldn 't tend to bl;ISinels." Married five times to four women, Cody is the father of four 90llS who all beaJ' a strik:inc tt9emblance to their .lathe!'. & he grew older, Bill's looJa came to mirror his grandfather's. The genetic legacy drew him to various rnanulacturers of mobile homes, toya and guns who traded on his appearance to sell their products. "Buffalo Bill's Wild We.st and Congress of Rough Riders of the World" show still holds the record for playing to the biggest house -700,000 paying customers in Chicago on Oct. 9, 1893 -. but his grandson estimates several million people have teeii his act, too. "l quit promoting four yea('I FISH FOR SALE Augel Palenzuela, a Mariel refugee who came to Miami during the Mariel bdaWft two yean ago, 1eV& his ftah fnm the back of hil car on a Miami street. ~ ...... .. Wll..D WES't LEGEND -The ahow advertiied on thia poster may or may not have been Buffalo Bill Cody's last appearance, ._ the Wild West showman gave a series of "farewell performancet" from 1910 until 1916 to meet mounting debts. ago and I'll probably never do another one -but you never know," fJ8YS the su~r salesman whoee motto was, "\'ou can't tell 'em, you've got to aell 'em." "I've done more than 3,000 television and 5,000 radio ahowa, as well as lectured on America'• heritaf.e in 1,173 achoola in 42 states,' says Cody. "I loved meeting the people, but I got tired of strangers phoning my hotel room ln the middle of the t-Jght to ult me 'Are you REAL .. Y Buffalo aura grand.son?' I got ., I'd yell down the receiv;fr , 'No, I'm Napoleon.'" Bill Cody let O\lt.a deep, booming laua)l and slapped bis blue-jeaned knee. On one promotional tour, in October 1969 in Texas, Cody met hla wife, Barbara, a former public relations executive. At 40, Barbara Cody is 28 yean het bu.band's junior. She is &Um. with deep brown eyes and black hair, a hard worker and a perfectionist, a sharp-witted foil to Bill'• mellow outlook. They married after only a week's COUJ1shlp and two yean later found tbemaelvea in Cody, "broke .,.in." \ . While vmttna a llDlll auesi ranch nearby ln the Shoshone National Forest, the dl8illumoned SETTLED DOWN -Bill Cody bears a~ uncanny resemblance to his famous grandfather, "Buffalo Bill" Cody. Like his ancestor, Cody has had many careers. but has finally settled down as the operator of a guest ranch in the Wyoming Rockies. ' owner told the Codya they ought to buy the place. • "We paid $500 down while everybody said we couldn't make it go," •YI Cody, relaxing on an antique couch in the blJ ~og living room of the main Jodge. "Barl>ara did all the cooking, made the beds. did the laundry, and I did all the promotion. mt first year the bank wouldn't even loan ua $2,000 to open. By the fourth year we'd put it in the black, and in the 9eYellth year we railed' $250,000 to fix it up.'' Bill Cody's Ranch Inn today hu 16 cabins, aooommodatee 66 wests, 1erves trout, crab lep and 'r.'t.he best lteab in Wyomini." It alao offers photographic and fishing pack trips into the beautifµl Bighorn back country, and is a big game outfitter for hunters following the trails blazed by Buffalo BUI. The ranch has a 30-hone herd. "Of anything rve ever done, I've enjoyed tliia the most and been the moat auooeaful at it - although certainly not financially,•• aaya Cody. .. ''Everyti.me l get the dWiCe rm on a }Mne. U I Md to live my life over apm, I don't think rd ever leave thia oduntry or eo away fJ'Ol;n theae IDOUJ'J1aina.'' .. ' . Is · $3 a ride -fair to kids·? SACRAMENTO (AP) - chlldren 4 years old and under will be ad~ltted free to the Callfomla State Fair this year, but will be chaJ'sed $3 to ride the carnival attractions. The fair board voted 7-1 to charge the tots for rides after seneral manager Kirk Breed said it would cost the fair $35,000 to allow th~ to ride free. "The carnival operator doesn't FV Jaycees elect The Fountain Valley Ja)'Ct!ft and Jaycee Women 1nltalJed new officera recently during a banquet at the Mlle Square Golf 'Coone retauranL New Fountain Valley Ja~ officers are John Briscoe, president; Walt Martynec, lndustrlal development vice _deYelopnent vice pre.ldent; ~ developmnt vice president; Jett Clitberoe, atate director; Paul Parent, secretary; Denni• Fishing curbed Zanaler, treaaurer; d1rectora Ken G\m, Rick Grey and Pat Neel; and Crail Wells, chairman of the bowel. New Fountain Valley Jaycee Women officers are Terri Briscoe, president; Tesa Alvey, vice president; Julie SVatera, state director; Francine Mounier, aecretary; Suale Kimball, ~ Mary C.Utigllone and Debbie Wickham, direct.on; and Marie Amundaon, 'chainnan of the board. .. feel it's good bul1ned ~ to ride that many free,'' :Breed Mid: 'lbe lone dilaenter was Drd merQber Dan Dooley, who called the decision "a little ruthle11." He said $35,000 was."a amal1 price to pay for the enjoyment a bunch of little kids will get out of the rides." The adult admission fee of $5 weekaaya and $7 weekends -$4 and $8 for 8eRior dt1U!T11 -Win include unlimited carnival rides. Breed said the fair will PaY the carnival operator $1 per peraon, bUt If ch.lldren ride free the price would be $1.05 per penon. Partly because of a $1 million cut in state support. the fair, which opena Aug. 24, hu been cut back from 18 to 14 days ,00 county exhibits have been eliminated. Tbey'll lielp America prevent forest fires this Y,ear WASHINGTON (AP) -Aft.er lievtfta·Jforeat fire pffvention ~· ln the handi of 8inokey lilr fOr 81 ~ the NationAl ,._ 8emce .. flhally eend.lnC MID ..,. help -Bambi the fairn. a.Ir fclrtune, Wll ~==~m -~ Din biM& -• ~c. ., .... ,,., -....c.om.u.hed ....... ~ editor' wtth ,...,.,.. Oclftnlc11oM,-He Uf!i Nd a '81te for •mini, Howard waa vt•w•d In th• 19701 H a Wundeddnd who made major tmprovemen\I at the .... , MauaWri NeWlt wtwre hi t.c.me ed1'or in lln•t••· Thi ~ before, tM paper Jcet '800,000. By ltfl, ~lax earniftli W .... NUAbl.Y estJmated at between tt mUUon and t1 _mtfllon. Durint HoWard'I wnure, the pa~r tmoroved ita new. covera1, and overtook The t>enver Poat in clrculatlori, befoN The Pm\ WM lUen OYeJ' Jut ,... by the Timel Mirror Co. Al the ·~~· time, Howard admtt1, h• --•,:• .... cocaine adcliction which fonlld BOWARD hla ftlllpaUan in 1980 and drOYe h1m to thl bri.nk of Mddde. In April, he i.1W to The Poat, hi1 old paper'• chief competitor, about !di $8,000-a-~ habit . The paper devoted aewra1 ..... to the interview. The -ltcry attracted wide attention in Denver, includina the interert of the Jocall.J.S. attorney and a Co1ondo leglalative committee which decided to inveatipte Howard'• friend1hip1 with narcotica officen and police offidala. In The Post interview, Howard, who hu nevet" been charged with narcotics violations, aaid he would voluntarily testify about drug traffickinl md pcmible public corruption in Denver if a arand jury were c.alled. U.S. Attorney Robert Miller •aid he hH ordered a federal investigation hued on what' Howard told him. - The investigations have taken *>me •ttan&e tum.a -to the state's top narcotica agenta, to Elvia Presley, drugs, cover-ups and allegations of pollaical favortti.am. lnveetipton are curious about detective Ron Pietrafeeo, a narcotics ~nt loaned by Denver to the Colorado Organized Crime Strike Force, who JnQOnlighted aa Howard'• bodyguard for about two years starting in 1976. Pletrafeao and other police official• who Gridl-.1 ... =="......, .. , ..... Clrw or Uftltytt? ·~of I futurtat JoMRoblrt ..... where countteu womenofaHIQtl hMfound new pnonalhorlzons to match the chaJ. lenges ahead. ~earn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come In today for a free {Mir· sonaJ analysls and program discussion. 3 Town & Country, Orange (71 4) 547·8228 ~ ' •• ' l' ! ~ , 1,, ',: Diet facts & fallacies betrle,ded Howard aa1 &he auoclallo~. ~at Pow-tioerd. a.1 In TM PGll intm'YteW Honrd Mid he wu ·~to buy Immunity" by baW.. an olf-du&y narcodm ln~tor .. I bodtT:, "At belt the afftoel'l llctld in poor t a& wont the)' did ~ w..i... Senate Judiciary CommlttM .,Chafftaan Paw Powwt. 0 1 doubt tht aveflll dU.. wouJd ,., that l)'pe of U.~L'' ~....,.he hid ftO ..... Howard Wll • coCelM ~ unlil a dinlilr peny -In 1m or irra -when he~ HoWUd ~ eoctlne to Dr. Oerald Starkey, th• poUee departmen&'1 rnedkal comultanL ~ lafl he r.-cS It Howard, canta..• • m,c ol white powdta' he belJewd WM c:oc:eiM, Nportild the incident W hla 1trlk• force 1uperior, and broke all UH with Howard. No proeecudon follow9d. 'Neither PietNftlo nor the othll' ~t law enforcement offtdala who attended Neall thi date of the dlnner. The JucUdary Ccimmittee wanta to 'vwtty that Pietra'->'• )Mt payment "°"' Howard came prior to the confrontation. Al hearinli IMt inonth. the committee wrned ~ cantndktiom In 1wotn tllStlmony. Dlnver Police OUef An DW Mid Capt. Jerry Kennedy, the dty'1 top narcodca officer, told him he didn't know until UJ80 about Howard11 dru1 hablta. Starkey, me.nwhUe, tt8tWed that he ,told:=ry that Howard offered him cocalnl at the party. Denver police officen arrelted than 2,000 drua IUlpecta in uch of thft peat two yeus. but neitlwr Howard nor hil cocalne auppllen were amona them. Powera wonden "'hy. Denver police "are 'very bitter and upeet with me" for punutna the inquiry. "For three y.an, 1ar'p purd\uel of cocaine took place, by Howard'• admiaalon,'' Powers aaJd. "It eeesna incredlble the police wereo't on top of tliat. They could have inveetlpted the IOW'Cel and hid him under aurveillance." Kennedy, Pietrafeeo and HowUd were out of town when the committee tried to have them ~ppear lut week. 'Ibey are to be subpoenaed for a hearlna June 8, and Howard has indfcated he may be ready to talk publicly about drug uae amona members of Denver'• upper clue. ,/ The committee a1ao has questioned apectal treatment police may have extended to other rich and powerful people including Prealey. Pietrafeeo, Starkey Uwt other police offlcera who befriended Preeley during hil vbita to Denver, lnaiat they never auapected the late linaer abu9ed dn.l&s· They aaid they :!f poeed tor pictures with Prelley, who waa as a police of&er, and accepted ,uta. Our Exclusive Silk Dresses: Originally s7 00 to 17 68, Now119.90! •Shown here, 1 ruclce:d-lronr dren with shorr puffed llffVes and button shoulder. ·It's just one from a collection of lon1 and shqrt sleeved dresses with Important deuilln1 such as tuc/cln1, co"ntr11t plpin1, p/e.tln1 and/or rolled_ sleeves. •In brl6ht or pastel shades ... solids and jacquards •.• for sizes 4 to 14. In Sports Dress. Collections. •Now J.S off Orl1inal prices, rhe best of the Albm Nlpon Collections! Ori1lnally $291.00 to $491.00. NOW $191.00 . to $332.00. From sizes 2 to 14. In the Nlpon Boutique ••. Where welfe 11/ the thln1s you are/ PONY PllOBLEM -Baltimore street vendors like Alfred Lewta, &2, claim they would be put out of bUllnell if the clty enacta an ordinanoe dome away wjtb the stables for iheir ponies. ,, .. pt ••• Residenta of the neighborhood are ttyin4r to upgrade their area at the expeme of the traditional produce nawkera. Bullis named 4otel manager Michael A. Bulll1 hu been named vice! prelldent and general manaaer of the Dlaneyland Hotel by the Wrather Corporation, which owm uMl operates the AnaheUn hot.el. Bul1ia will ovenee the 60-acre ccmplex oontatnbls 1,121 gueat rooma, more than f60,000 aquare I feet of convention facllltlea; Seaforu of the Pacific, a mu tlmillion -dollar entertainment center, and a variety of dinina. ahopping and ttereational areas. He will alao be reapol'llible for the 500-room Inn at the Park, another Anaheim-hued Wrather C.Orporation property. Bul1la has been at the Hanh lnveatment Corporation'• Claremont Resort Hotel in Oakland u managing director for three years. Prior to that, he WU aeneral manager for two hotela owned by Oallu, Texu-bued Hospitality Management. Uranium mining in forest rejected SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -A New York firm h.u abandoned a two-year effort to explore for aold and uraniwn in the Los P_!ilrea National Forest, citing "extended and unreasonable delays" in approval of ita requeat. , Lomex Corp. made the announcement ln a one--aentence I letter received by the U.S. Foreat Service, aaid F.arl Clayton, Los Padres public Information officer. The pullout came one day prior to release of a Forest Service environmental impact statement on the project, aaid Clayton. Lomex owns mineral righta (o 1,140 acres of the 1.9-million acre forest and had done IOl1le drilling there in 1971, Clayton aaid. Lornex applied in 1980 to drill exploratory holes on 385 acres, located 22 milea east and northeast of San Luis Obispo. . I l ;· In reowntrw"u the Dally Pilot ba1 reviewed ~· Cl'Mllf1catiilftl of Cll'taiP candidatel nannlna in UM June 8 P'imarY election and examined -the 12 propo1ltlon1 appearln1 on the ballot /The followln1 recommendatlona have been made by thh new1paper. No endonlementa are made ln moet partiAn. officel. Thll lilt may be clipped and taken to the polla. STATE PROPOSmONS Propo1Uloa 1: Prhow Coa1tractloa Bon4l1. Provide. for l11uance of $49& million for con1truction of state prison fadlitim. Yote FOR Propoattloa Z: President of Seate. Would remove lieutenant governor aa president of state Senate. Vote NO Proposlttoa 3: Coeclemaed property. Would retain tax benefit. for ownen of property taken by government agencies. Vote YES Propo1tt1oa 4: i>emat of Ball. Would give judges additional grounds for denying bail . Vote NO Propo1ltto11 5 • I: IOerHuce tu. Would repeal most state inheritance and gift taxes. Vote YES Propo1ldon 7: lacome-tas ladeslag. Would apply a COit-of-living factor each year to state• income tax. Vote YES Propo11tloa I : Crlmlaal ja1Uce. Would enact many change• ln criminal law via constitutional amendment and statute. • Vote NO Pro,.1Ulo• t : Pirlp•eral Caaal. Would authorhe con1trucUon of the P:!tBheral Canal and other water f t.t•. Vote YES Pro~ou 10, 11 Is 11: Coa1re11loaal, Seaate aad A111mbly Dl•trlcte. Would approve three reapportionment 1tatute1 enactecl by the LegialatuN. Vote NO STATE CANDIDATES S•perlatea•eat of P•bltc ID•tractlon -Bill Honig. lttb A9sembly Dl1trlct -• David Silla COUNTY CANDmATES Sapervl1or, 5tb Dl1trld - Tom Riley Sllerlff ·Coroaer -Brad Gates A9Ht1fr -Bradley Jacobs PUUc Admlalltrator -· James Heim Stlpel'ID&eadeat of SeHolt - Robert Petenon ;JUDICIAL OFFICES· S.,erlor Cout Office t - Leonard Goldstein Sapertor Com Office t - Robert A Knox Barbor Mulclpal Coart - Robert Polis Weit Co•aty Manlclpal Coart -Joanne Harrold CITY OF IRVINE City Coadl -Larry Agran alld fm'bara Wiener 1nbae Rud Water I>Utrlct -Peer Swan, Betty 01->n and Frank Hurd .> Meuve A -Bonda to lower railrOlld u.cka Vote YES CITY OP NEWPORT BEACH ll••••r• 8 -Increaae lloeel·molel bed •. Vote YIS j Science bows to politics Juat seven yean ago a joint law in Poland. They deal with U.S.-Soviet apace venture made it environmental protection. ocean poasible for two American 1tudy,. atomic energy and a1tronaut1 and two Soviet development of an artlficial heart. co1monaut1 to Jink up their Under the 11*'9 ~t, apeceahlp and exchange greetinp two U.S.-Soviet spece cornml~ "as they circled the earth. have ~ data and amplea Sclentiata hailed thl1 u a from probel le'Dt to the moon and po1itive step toward future nearby planeta and studied llJ8Ce cooperation in space -mcl, to a bioloa and medicine. degree, it waa. But there have 'l'o 1tudy the effect of been no more IUCh linkupe. and proloo1ed welahU ... neu the there will be none . The Soviet• have 1ent up three U .S .-Soviet apace cooperation aateWtee carryt.na te9t animala, agreement which w ~ in while the American• have 1972 and ftneWed In 1977, quietly provided monitortn1 material, · expired Jut month. with imnu.ta mm both countrim Prelident 1'eelan had earlier cheddna the data obta1ned. announced that he would not Sclentl1t1 agree that it la renew the pact becaUle of tbe. unlikely either country will adfer Soviet stance in the troubles that very much from the conclUllon of • belet Poland. thla 1J*e cooperation. undertaken N o r w l 11 t w o o t h e r when the pollUcal cllmate wu U.S.-Soviet agreements on enersy more favorable. But thme who and m aience and technology be paftidpated feel the exchangee renewed when they run out thla were valuable to their J"8MU'Ch. month and next. Unfortunately, what wmed S ti 11 l n effect are tour to be an mcouraalna ltep forward actentific cooperation pactl that in international relaUom once were renewed laat November more hM been broulht m a halt before the imposltim of martial by ridlen march1n& on earth: • • • Opinions expressed In the sp«e above are thOW of the Dally PllOt. 0th« vtews tX· 1>f'tssed on tttls ~are thOM of their authors~ enlats • ._ • ..,comment 11 ln'llt• ed. Address The 0.lly Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, CostA MeM, CA 92626. PhOM (714) ... 2~321 . ~ig oil's tax dodge costly WASHINGTON -lt'1 t.emptine to blame the high cost of oil and guol1ne on the IJ'eed of Arab potentata. but leeftt corporate tax returns make clear that American oil com~ are rakinc it in .. ~y .. ~ delert deipot. in tact. the American pub1Jc 1a aeuma a double whammy bun Bai OU: Ila ~ we pay the sky-high pricel imposed by the international oil monopoly; then u taxpayen, we ha~ to make up the U.S . income talce. that the oil comi-niel wrtaJ.e out of. WHAT MAIES=i Oil'• tax avoidance par1icularly 1a that it WU enalneered in. OOU With the federal government and made leca1 by act of c.onare-. The tan&er--me loophole tn queltian .. the foretp tax c:recflt allowed the oil companies which extnct their petroleum in foreign countrlee. Obvloualy, the,.... must pay for um prtvtJeae, Pt • they pay roya1u. to i.Ddawnln tor pumP'nc oO OI) their propsty. The difference 11 that the paymenia to the loretan pernmeoia that own the oOflekla are a.Deel tum. not royalU.. And what a difference a wwd makes! A mya1ty II a bi .. ,,_upeme that can be cleCluded bun a ca1puraiion'1 uuhle income; a fCll"9o "tax." OD the other' band, JI clM!ltieC\ • a tu credit that can be aubtnct.ed from the CD1"pQratlon'1 U.S . Income tu. Far oO compen'm, a tu credit la WOl'th four timee M much M a deducdon. The law &Mnl oO companiea thia stupendous tax ~ WU ~-made for the four U.S . oompenles -Chevron, Exxon, Mobil and Texaco -wh.ic:h do )>u1tne11 'wltb the Saudi Arabian 1overnment. The name of their OOll8Ql1ium la the Arabian American OU C.0., or 11.mply Aramco in oil drclel. The U.S . Treuury and the State Department worked out the multi billion-dollar. soak-the-taxpayer ~-· 11111111 1cheme years ago wl th the oil con1ortium, an obliging Saudi government and a compliant Congreaa. Since then. the U.S. government bu helped keep the lid on Aramco's o~tion1, a1ing the excuse that d~ of it. ftnanda1 reoorda would. embarra11 a friendJy foreign aovernment. But the extent of Aramco'• tax dodge ja ~ in a super-.a-et, Internal Revenue Service document that h.u taken my --=late Dale Van Atta nine month• to pry loose. Thia aenaltive document lbowa the comortium'1 tax return fol' 1976 and the raulta of an IRS audit for that year. Here'• what the IRS documept d1 .. 1cws· In 1976 alone, which wu after the first OP!x:: price hike bUt before the OOfl of petroleum products went ~ the roof, Aramco bad ala from it.a Saudi oilfields totaling more than $36 billion - $36,544,839,289, to be ex.act. (Thia d1dn't evm count the huge income from ita refining operations ln th.is country and ellewhere outside Saudi Arabia). FIRST THE Aramco accountanta deducted $7 .4 billion in aclmowledpd royaltis from the $36.5 billion 8J'Om income. Then they deducted $1.2 billion in "profit distribution" to Saudi Arabia. Thia WU out:rageow. lt WU hued OD the Saudis' apparent 60 percent ownenhip of Aramco; but corporations normally declare dividends after taxes, instead of pa}'l.na dividends first and writing them off aa ~buainem e:xpeme9. At any rate, after the9e and other dexterous deductiona, Anmco was still left with $25.8 billion of ia.x.ble income. Enter the foreign tax credit: Aramco d•hned it had paid $24.64 bUllon to Saudi Arabia in tnoome tax. U this IWD had been declared M a royalty, Aramco would have been hd! with $1.16 billion 1n taubJe Income, or an obligation of rouahlY teGO million in federal income taxee-e modS eDOUll> awn for a company that did 136.~ billion worth of business. But becawse the $24.64 billlm WU claimed U.A tu credit. Aramco had more than enotuEb "owed" to it by Upcle Sam to cover ihe income taLon .. s-}t&y .$1..16 billion; So it pal Jl01hina. In fact, it had billionl in tax credit. left aver which it could atteulpt to apply agalmt ita o1her operatkmL .· Is· there a ·limit to · sports records? It'a hard to sueaa what sport. will be Wat In ~ or 100 yeen. Two nee car driven were ldlled recentlt, one of them lD a car aotna 181 mn. an hour that bit a wan fieilid-<JIL Tht car diltntesrated .nd the drivel' WM ldllecf lmtantly. • At Indianapolia this year, several ~aaUfled for the lrvltanapolia 500 al of man u.an 200 mllea an haW'. =~we with recD1dl? The • speed I.or the IJ!dlenepolil thil )'W' WM 197 m1JM • ~. In uno the •vera&* qual1tytnc IDeed ... 1'7. In lNO it WM 144, and in !Ho lt WM 181. MY QUB8'1'10N la ttda: What will it be In the year 20321 Wl11 tt be 300 mllea an hour? 400? And if lt ... how many driven will be killed hlttinc wa11a heed-cm? 1'ar auta•d!Oe ndnc the IOluUan ii ....,.. Put a 1imlt on enctne D IO that ndnl .._ .. ,.a coatat .m.tY Olf driven and Dwdwnks, -mn. aut what'• IOU'I to baDDeD to NtUdt · 1n Other 1port1 and now ar• av•race ,OUDI athlinm iPna ID CIOIDD&etit?E: •=we .mi to &e bi ty ,..,. ..,, Wilt w one ol the fiw 7-foOt t, '.-U DlatC:J ~d. Today. there are H . ka1 ........ " Alloda*m ~ at .._ that ..U. A .... ol tblm .. ~-·~ MMD I WM,.....,~,...._ tcJOk 1D1 to a track --' a& ~a.on Squant a.rdilift IDd I ....... a ~ ..t the world'• record In the pole vault at 14 feet ~ incheL Today the record la 19 feet 2 tnche9. The 1por1a s-ae of my newspape:r 1Mt week c.wried a imall-type llltina of the reaulta of a h10 dMJOl track meet and I noticed that t6e boy wbQ finlahed third ,~,, -~D-11-llO--·(i ~etba~vier and stranger the way playen have gotten taller. One o1 the most ~ thiDiP about all this ii that while the human race baa never been subjected to ~y kind of .elective breeding, the quman race leefm 10 be lmpn>Ving phWically and, )'OU have to believe, mentafly; f6o. Very often lt doem't seem.,, but it must be true. On the other hand, hones have been bred .electively f~ hundreds of yean 10 get ones that nm faster, but bones aren't much falter than they ever were. Tbe hone race records at varioul clistancee in the blah jump, deued the t.r at 6 haven't improved anywhere near u feet 6 tnChe& Fifty years -ao thal was dramatically .. human recarda have. the world'• record. Today a jumper In 1882 the world'• record for a IDIUl doem't win anytblnc lf he can't clelr 7 -..... 1 .... a mile wM 4:21. ln UM2 it w. feet and the record • 1 teet 8'4 inl:hM. ·--• a.. ...___ --~ 1 ~ It•"'-record 1.-.-1 .... up at that 4:04. Today lt,• ..uwu ~ : • Wl!!IJ ........ ...... In 1941 Whlrlaway woo the Kentuck;y rate, rximately 1 foot every 50 Derby,. dlltance of. mile and. qu.u1ier, yeen. tbat mean 1D1Dt athlete will In 2:01. In 1981 Pleuant Colcby won the be jwQpnc 10 feet h'8b In 20821 DetbY in 2:02. Tbtl ,.... a.to Del Sol 'ft'9 cp.-tlon la: la t!m'e any Umit 10 WM the winner at 2:02. Secretariat ran it human casmty, and if there '9 a limlt. an -•~ what la ltf If an athlete can jump 10 feet at i:., ... · .pretty ~. ..._..7·-- bl1b In 100 yean, will atbl•tee be TBll 18 PERllAPS the l1:r'On8IM c:me Jumsim.r 20 feet hilh In 500 ye11n? You that can be made aotmt r8ICllm and Couliln't' ceN ie.. you •y? Jwt be quiet. Adolf Hitler'• ldnCl of 1uper-race rm writine a column. theorie9. The kind Of nndmn ~ 1n tna and field w ot the recora the hUIMn ,.,.,._ ~ ~ ::::=--~In~ atra1ndwntbat~111dbj..,..IW hla bwl tn tWet. ~ dlCtaton ............ --bnidll• 'l'b.yre ......,, .-.. fMWand baY9 • wbO ibaUld blM With whom a man mdUrlbie. :rOOlbUl paa,.... MV9 PLACE OF HONOR -Dr. Paul MKCreedy of Puadena, designer of the sun-j)owered Solar Challenger, stands with hi• plane in the background as it was placed !J'll9lll other ~ ~-"'" hiltory-rl)&kina aircraft in the Smith9onian Institution. The craft flew the English Channel in July 1981. • I) r . ~. hower volume, Studying in silence would be a sound idea ~.~~~!..~.~~GAN HUGH MUlllGAll NEC VP • Mllll laT ITllOICM llM "* HMll• ......... , ,,.,. IOo\•O ti illUMfHHI _.. CClllMlilllllllf¥ COi.UHi "Job ,.., •kw1• '"""'*' 111110.t of Edldtl01t11I Ea:cfllf1ttt Without &xlrtU/1191JCf." G~T CASH FOR YOUR ~'ALUMINUM · CANS! Orange Coaat College'• Recycling Center will pay oaah for your aluminum cans. The current market rate 11 18t per pound. Open for buy-back• from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Elsy lcce11 parklng--east· bound off Adami Ave .• between Harbor Blvd. a~ Fairview Rd. Every Tuesday (e~cept holidays) RECYCLING MAKES "CENTS" AT occ·s RECYCLING CENTER! WELlJO•E ·su••ER SALE l • I 'I ·Robes .,,~ Daywear • Sleepwea.r '2~ Bras ~ ~ounge~_ea·r. . .. ~ IP n ') ai NEW YORK -Psychologists have d19covered that Noisyville on the Subway, as 0 . Henry dubbed the Big Apple,· becomes a mo~ sc holarly burg when subway IOUods are subdued. from the campus I would propoee \)lat appropriations to university &using be in inverae proportion to the decibels emanating therefrom. a comentone of our c.omuu.ation, the third Item in the preamble. I am amued at the liberties a d villzed aoctet)' bu permitted thetle barbarian8 of blare and din to take with our .peace of mind. The calm of our downtown tops unit V3 OFF lflJ . . Mcordin& to a study in the Journal of Envir onmental Psychology, reading levels of students at P.S . 98, on t he northern tip of Manha ttan, advanced aa IJluch as a full grade . when the elevated tracks (in New York, subways are up 81 well as down) pamt.ng in front of the red brick -achoolhou.e were cuahioned with rubber ·and the clMaooms IOWldproofed. "The results clearly show," said Dr. Arline Bronzaft, a psycholol)' profemor who eel'WJI aa a noiee-abatement eonsultant for the Tramit Authority, "that noiw interferes with learniQC and that the abatement of noi8e improves a child'• ablllty to CONll!lltrate and learn. •• I wonder if theee findin8JI wW find thelr way into the rarefied ~of higher education. In Ticent months. I have had • OCCMion to visit a number of college camJ>UleS across the land -the CoUege of William and Mary, the Uni versity of Louisville, Yale, the University o-t New Hampahlre, Georgetown, the University of Nebraska. The din from the donna would dri\re you to drink, altboUgh I may be mia1aldnc the effect for the came. The ivy on theee walla fairly trembled under the pulaatlng of enormous bi-fl amplifiers blaring forth shock waves of tonic mayhem that by comparison -Would ren.der a subway u eettne 81 a cemetery. I wpndered bow anyone got any studying done. You'd find more pace of mind hunkering down with a theme paper or a textbook on French irregular wrba on the takeoff end of the runway at Chicago's O'Hare ~wWa Cather dormitory on the University of Nebraska c:mnpw at Lfncoln stands out in QlY memory among all these hallucinatory chambers of buraora m.querading before the lAclM'tu.re • templs of hialber educetion. If I •t in Nebnlika's unJeameral LegUlature acrOA The Willa Cather dorm sounded more like the Willa Cather disco, with electronic blaats of hard rock . rattJJhc the windows of a number of student cells and murdering conceTitratlon more viciously than a hundttd jlckhammen.· It seemed atr~nae that this nolae factory thOuld be named for a former student who u9ed to You'd find more peace at O'Hare Airport. wander out from the quJet town of Red Cloud, Neb., to .eek the silence of the "divide," the windswept pra1riea, where she w• able to think the thoughts and dream the dreams that la1.er took literary shape in her auperb novei.. Maybe a couple of aione deat (or juai plain atoned) rock gultariatl will emanate from tboee ear drum-shatterin& arovea of academe, but I doubt if there are any more areat novelist.a beiJJI haiched there. Someone ought to aet a cJa...acUon suit inatituted defendina the civil rights of atudenta muaed by noile. W• it Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. who aaid "the freedom of your fiat ends where rny noee becim?" Well, invoklna the same principle of law, I pa.tulate that the freedom of your tape deck. translator radio or bam-alzed loudspeaker ends where my earlobe.a begin. A number of town. acro11 America have ord1nanc.8 aaalmt church bells dl1turbin1 the troubled sleep of athel1,t1 on Sundays. but the lawmaker& are IJtrang'ely ailent about chain •wa. power mo"'fen and outboard engines invad.ina our ear 11*'9· fnsurtna domeldc tranquWty la 1treet1 ls daily shattered by Maurice Sherman, lpllCled-out boon totina tramlator emlor vice president of radlCle blager than bee!-coolen. corporate relations of A few-SwMiaya aco. I chanced National Education , to be in Louilville'and vWted a Corp., Newport Beach, I pretty municipal park on the h a s be e n e l e c t e d ! upstream banka of the Ohio president of the River. Hundred• maybe California Private thousand• of citbena were Ed~tion Round'-ble. serenely aµnba!¥n&o walkina Membenhlp ii made , their clop. re.dinl the Sunday up of major statewide · on all sale Items ... •!fl bJ al '00 ~2 papera, whispering wor41 of auoclation• of private ·nh ~A/ love, watching the 1ailboat1, polt-81COndary schools. ~"' ~ ll1tenl.n1 to the lilt of the Sherman, aftlildent of moddnc blrda.-• Newport BNch, )olned L I N G E n I E Theo ~came two~ In National Education 14 I"'\ a low-1luna sport.a car. They years aao and has served 3406 Via Lido. Newport Oeoch drove up on the 8fMa. extnlCted ln a variety ot senior · HOURS: .. lon.-S1t. 11-5:30 Sun. I Holid11.1 12-4 ut I d:l 0') 112 two h1-tt apeUen half the me of manacement positions. c 714 > 61:!>-711 o telephoneboothafton\thetnmk...--~~~----~~~=====:!:==::=:!!!!:!!==:::::::::::::::::::=::=::=====================~ Set them up on the car roof, ~ hooked them into the barteey and ~ proc:eeded to devastate that· ..A peaceful, pastoral scene aa JOlUngly u a bomb blast. More IO, sinoe a bomb loel off In a split second, while thla • noxious, mind-n~ chaoe of 80UDd went on for hour&, loud enouch to be heard a couple of counties aw.ay in lnd.tana. We ahou1d have totten up a peace pome n,ht there and then, made a dthenl' arreet. bwted up thoee speaken with fire axes, rolled tnat aporta car into the river and sentenced those .inaealitive dudee to 60 days in IOlitary entirely surrounded by the aouper:l up aoundl of the Indy 500 and ca.ette tapes of the day shift in a boiler factory. My sixth-grade nun In parochial school d.iacovered a correlation between noiae and learnlna lona before the paycholoalata cottoned to the theoey. She used to say whenever anyone savaged the 1tudlou1 aerehity of her clamroom, .. empty b8n:U make the JDOSt 1'°'8e." History ahowa "'ht tcbolarly medieval monks committed to the vow of ailence 1alva,ed Western culture from art~.-.. invadine barbuian bordee. WbO wW •ve m from the hol'd8a of p~ Hit8chi, Akal and Sanyo? • IS IT FAIR? Do "Ne really need the money7 For ten years our Hotel guests ha~ supported our Restaurants. Shops and Community. The Crty ~urrencJy has a Sl3.000.000 surplus. s2.ooo.ooo was. paid ·by t~ "tourists" staying at .our Hotels in 1981. Aren't they already paying therr fair Share? IS Fr FAIR? .u ) 'l ;.. r, 11'> 'l" ~ ~ ~ }t) yj ff u ss Qf ~:) I . PAIO.POUTICAL ANNOUNCl!MENT With f ,000 Horel rooms available 1n Ne\Npott Beach. only 2.000 peopte ean slee~ in l\lewport Beach Hotels each night. 20,000-100.000 crowd our Beac~ each (jay:\Mlat about all or the~ people ~ ~for a Clay then 9Q ~-~will they pay1 • Only .6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe . Regular ~nd Menthol. , Open a box today. • MONDAY. JUNI 7, 1812 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVtSION RIC&Y TICK Y POLITIX: Okay. folks, this la it. 'lb1a ta your last chance to get tested. Thil will detenntne ti you are indeed prepared to march ris)lt into the voting booth tomorrow and mark that ticket. Thus to test your voting preparedness~ limply answer the following questions: 1. -What office in Orange County is G. Pat Bland runn1na for? 2. -Likewise, what of fices are sought by Jack H. Baldwin and Cynnie Bunnell in Orange County? 3. -What do state propositions 10, 11, and 12 have in coaunon? • 4. Who wants to run against J~ Unruh? AB WELL, ENOUGH of this foolishness. Let's have the answers. They are: b-) 1. -0. Pat Bland is listed on your ballot as a • r- t r a u d p re v e n t lo n .. ~~ ~~. eounds like a TOM MUIPHINI '~~ Blanci,Swever, has . decided he w get into politics. So he's ort the ballot, running for County she.riff. Also 1eeking that po9t is Matshall F. Norris, who always aeema to be 1'W'U1inR for sheriff, along with Brad Gates, the current inc'lirnbent -who looks like a shoo-in for re-election. So much for Mr. Bland and Mr. No.rri& · On to Question Two: You should lulve miaaed one of these partisan of fices , regardless of your inclination. Jack H. Baldwin is seeking a seat on the Democratic Central "After my tat party, AJJce. we'll &LI lo out utd ~ ... " Cotiimittee. His name won't be an the holden of GOP ballots. LikewiSe, Cynnie Bunnell. a volunteer-type penon. aeeb a aeat on the Orange County Bepub.lican Cehtral Committee. I • THE FE .. RLESS PREDICTION here is that candidates for the Republican Central Committee will get a lot more votes tomorrow than their Democratic counterpart.I. Remember, you read it first here. Question 3: Propositions 10, 11 and 12 on the state ballot all deal with rejiggering election d.istrictl 80 that thinp are more fouled up than theyllre already fouled up. Which is plenty. · Why don't we just all vote No on all three and hope that eomebow things will get better before they get wone. Question Four: Who wants to run against Jese M . Unruh for· state treasurer? Nobody, if you're talking about Democrats. Jesse, the incumbent and one-time Meembly speaker who was then considered the most powerful c~:co in California, is all by his lonesome on the Demo t. • I lt'a a different story on the GOP ballot, however, where Kent Lloyd, Phil Kazamjian. Donald J . French an4 James Stieringer all seek a chance to challenge Big Daddy in November. · Somehow it's difficult to get excited over their chancet. OliY, SO NOW you're all set to vote.tomorrow. If you thought this quiz wu difficult, you may. have some real trouble when you try to vote in one of tho8e race. for ~ or the U .S. Senate. Nothing could be tougher, however, than tryi.na to reed the lf!Dple ballot. And one other handy hint Don't read the wrong ballot when you're looking f~ the directions on how to mark it. Happy voting, now. ' • BY FREDERICK SCBOEMEllL or .. .,... ........ Two yeara a10, midway throuah bia 1econd term aa 0ranae County lheritt-a>roner, incumblrlt Bred Gatee beaan h1a re-elecdon bid for a third term. Since then, Gatee u.1d. he hu been appeartna two and ae>mftbnel three times per week at. meetlnga of various orpnbatlona, aivtna ~hes in wliich he haa hlt haid on law and order-related t.bemee. At the a a me tlme, the incumbent sheriff WU acoeptinR campaip donatioN -Iota ol theril. The Gate& campaign haa about $83,000 in the bank. Gat,itl, 43, of San J u an Capistrano, has two challenaen th1a year -G. Pat Bland, a fonner Santa Ana police officer turned private con1wner fraud lnveatl1ato.r:, and Marahall Nonie, a Superior Court clerk who twice befoloe bu run for sheriff. Each of the candidates haa relied on individual appearances and newspaper interviews to air h1a views on operation of the 7~0-~ aherlff'a department. No forum was scheduled at which the three candidates could o.ii, .,.... • ..,. "'*-' ELECTION FOES -Hours on the job is t>ne right, incumbent Brad Gates. Marshall Norris issue in the race for sheriff between, left to and G . Pat Bland. have appeared together. • Gates, atppina coffee while teated in h1a conference room, dilmille9 both cballen&en. ot Bland, Gates said, "He's totally unqualified . . he couldn't e~en stand to stay in law enforcesnent. •• Of Norris, the incumbent aheriff aaJ.d: ''I don't know why he's run three times for this Job and once for county clerlc." The challengers, of course, have 10me thlnp to say about Ga tea. . Said Bland bluntly, "rve Mid lt before, rl1 aay it acain. I think the man ii power mad. It '*hen Ole." Said Norrta. "Well, it (the na) la a penonal thlnc with me. I believe a man lh9uJd put 1n a day'a work for a day's i-y." Both Bland and Norrtt da1m Gaw • M)' punuinc oualde .. ...,_ wntura. particularly in real 9'ate, when he. ahould be In the office. I "He'a never around," aaid Bland. "He haa too many other Jnteresia." · "He.hilia an abeenteeia'n rate of 87 percent," -.id Norrta. He said the figure ill bMed on telephone , calla made to Gata' office. The aberiff denies the charges. "Very: Oon.ervatively, I put in 60 to 'lO hows per week." Gates said. And he reminds his crttica of the many oCf-houn calla he mutt handle. Following ia a look at the candidate• for the position, which peya $56,"91 • year. G. PAT BLAND: Spea.ldna in a h\laky Texu accent, Bland. 45, of Orange, aaya Gatee is wronc in concluding he isn't qu-llfled for the job. Bland said he })as received telephone c.a1ls from about 20 deputies who claim conditions within the sherifra department are "tleplorable!' Among the complaints are that deputies must work two yean or lon,er in the Orange County Jail system . before belng promoted to other poeiitiona within the department, such aa patrolman. MARSHALL NORRIS: Norris alto is critical of the current practice requiring deputies to wprk first in ..the jail Norris laid the county should hire correctional officers to work exclusively in the jail. . Nonia said he believes that the aheri.ff~ p:.ltiona ahouJd be separated, citing potential · confUcta of interest in corcmer'a investf&ation of deaths~ where deputies are f« AJpervialon of inmates. . "There could f>e a lack of objectivity,'' Norris said. Norris was a sheriff's deputy from 1954 to 1973 and l'Ole to the rank of lieutenant. Since 1973, he bu been a auperioc COW1 clerk. He now works for Judge Frank DomerUchlnJ, I Norris chal!:fed former Jherif1 James M in 1970 and previously faced off against Gates in 1974. Norria aaid he haa received about $10,000 foe the campaign. He la relying on door-to-door campaigning, personal appearancee, qna and flyers to promote h1a candidacy. . Now an Orange resident, Norris 56, waa among the 1,500 people left homeleH in the devastating Anaheim fire laat April 21. BRAD GATES: The incumbent aaya his record over the ~ eight years show• accompl.Wunent.a. He said he has supported increased sheriff's coveraae in the 1rowln1 unincorporated regions of the county and has taken a hard line against narcotics dealers and bookmakers. Gates ooncedea that violent crtme is on the increue in man~ areas, but claima the judiclat system is to blame. : "We are dealing with a ·~ that doesn 't care about commw:lity safety," said Ga.S who argues that judges put toQ many criminals back on thfi ·streets. : 'The sheriff acof& at critidtnS of his outside interests. He freely admits he's had"a lot of luck" in ·real estate venturet1. And he Mid It will be next January when be rece_ives his doctorate in government administration. He la working on the degree through the Claremont Graduate SchooL Gates said he has one major aoel if elected to a third term: Construction of a new training facility for . sheriff's and other county law enforcement of.f.icen. Bland said h1a years u a Santa Ana officer and aubaequent experience in pse;;;;:n• ... ~ ~~ ~~ ~ WHAT MAKES A GOOD PARADE? -Take juatfce field "locally and the &tancia H1ah School band, add cheering nationally." . 4-year-old spectators Andrea Donnelly of Aa tor the latter, B~ uld he · Hawthorne and Sunnie Glol'dano of Fountain helped establith fraud detection Valley and mix with the antics of 8-year-old Ron Hieneman of Westminster, i>edormin& with the Lm Payaaoa Clowns of Santa Ana. Thpee were four of -the inDedienta that made Saturday'• Fiah Fry parade in Costa ·Mesa a crowd-pleuer. programs that now are uaed thnJulhout the country. In 1~!1 Bland uld, he Jieft the TR w credit reporttn1 firm to WO(k full-time on a book on comwner fraud. He uld he WM down to the 1alt chapter when he decided to eet involved in the lhertff'a race. Bland aaid be ta apendin1 under '6,000 on the. campalln. ''Damned lilt.le, to be bl'U~ ....., .. tw renmked. . mA.B ANN LA.NDDS: I mamecl a ( IDlft who WM 88 when J WM 45. Slriice rve '--U.-. I am well quaUfied to reepond to .;u. tentllmul ln tpa!•lana who pve an ~t (but hollow) plea on belWf of •tbearoom patiince" with the older male. Tm (t ·from ...... honey, lt iln't Worth ,die etbt .nd eMl'I)' to -hJI 70-year-old ~ IW1ild. Ana when ~ COJ\llde11 the ----~of tame the mot.ol' will nm, my adYtce 1 la to ·~ lt. You are better off to WMh ,.,down tbj kitchen walll, paint the t.throom •,.or._....... 11w 11vmc ~furniture. nae • 1 ... rewarda wlll be areater than wearlna · · )'OUl'lelf out to rev up IOl'De eray-balred } , 'relic. -VOICE OF EXPERIENCE IN . • A1'CHll2 . 1 I l , , • • t. DEAR NATCH: Not all 'lO·Jear-old nmlM an alike. J .. a becaate tllere'1 uow • 4 , oa tile reef dOHD't meu tllere'1 no ftre tD . "~lmuee. ; i' Y• ma1 .. ·~ frem uperleace, · j .. .b9t .., mall teJll a ilffenaa story. A ~ 'w•••• wlae w.••I• eempare 1ex•al , ~I l~...., .... WI... doft Walla ... • ,,..,-fwaltve Mi aner llad a leTial I •HOROSCOPE DEAR ANN 'LANDDS: I WM lhaUn by YOU! rmJ)ONe to the IMfer lliCneCl 0 A Ro1e for CuP-ld'1 CoUtn.0 You Hid, "America had better take a &ood look at heraelf ln the area of love, marrtaae, emotional attachment. and the ~ ~ commitment.'' I thouaht. "How <><Id can life t.r• The IW'Vey the reeder cited lhowed that the JOnaer i:t• stay married, the -they care about other. · Four weekl aao I 8Uddenly lost my husband. I eoon will be 80. He wu 81. We would have been married 60' yeua in the fall. My bwband WM a put of me, and I wu a part of him. We aw bard times, lived througn the Deprellion and bt a ID1. our oldest Of foUr children. The boy WU jult 20 when he wU' killed in World War n. We strugled to own a home and build a amal1 family busine11. My husband never drank and I never once queatloned hla faithfulne81. He WM the mmt important ••on 11 fallen prey to the uncbecked fOl'Oee oi nature -wind1, rain, encroaching jun1le and conuilve dung from resident bata -and a eerta of continuing .wara. penon ln my life eo yean ..,. 40 yean •. 20 yeuw aao. four weekl aao and today. • All around me I .. couplel, Younc and old, who are ao fortunate and don't .realize it. 'nwY •till have OCMt anoiher to &hare their joy and aorrow, to confide ln, to eat wt th, to cook for, to have one another to come home to, to IO out wtth, to d1lcull their children and ~. 'nwy complain about amaU th1np, arsue and bicker and take all God'• b~ for aranted. Why don't they reaUae how aood life hu been to them? Tell them. Ann Landen. Wake them up! - THANKFUL IN OKLAH0MA DEAR OKLAHOMA: Tllere l1 DO way to wake diem ••· Ii ii oae of 1Ue'1 eneleat a.r.let tlaat we aev•-mlu tM water aUJ tlae well r••• •r1. Very few people ........_te wllat tllej lla'fe aUI daey ION It. me. ... II tM ~-waio ii patefal for eve17 pM daJ. 'ftaUI for you Jetter. It preYIW me wl* aa oppoa1alty to remhld ...... CONFIDENTIAL to Coa•ael fer a Blaltlterm•• Tell Mm dae wWe w.,Y lovet a .... lllteaer. AM la'1 a peat wa1 to learn. E•.,... lae aay1 1M aJ;eMJ kDow1, I .. "Sexual freedom" presents • dillk:ult decJ.slon for tHn..agers and their pueni.. Ann Landers otJen down-to-ftrth advice 1n her new booJclet, "High School !kx and How to Deal With It -A GuJde tor Teens .and Their Parenta." For each boolclet. #nd 50 centa plus a long, awnped, 11ell-addre#tld envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box Jl99,, Chicago, m. 60611. TV career canceled I can't guea1 how television networks are going to top th.is past seuon for variety. Since lalt September, they've introduced and canceled more than 36 1how1 ' ta.Ung anywhere from ~ week to 16. The returning aeries were run in every time alot of every day and changed weekly. A couple of the eertes left. changed names, and came back again. You can't get much more variety than that.' ' MV SHORT unimpreaalve career producing a televlslon aeries spanned three stages: (1) "Executive producen don•t drive nm~ Toyotas, you allly goo-." (2) ·:AIL thoee people who laughed on your laugh track are dead now, baby;" and (3) "You've been canceled. How ~ ~ feel about that?" llMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S END formula for the first rocket fuel. Stage ~ A man who worka full-time caulking nailholes in walls starts to work on yours. You arrive at your parking space in time to see them rip the bfack tal>e off the block. Is it your imagination or do you get the table for lunch near the kitchen and the waiter with a patch of ga\U.e on his face? Embittered, you go to the office refrigerator and eat a piece of string cheese stocked by your replacement, ''Open All Nighi." A colwnnilt·calla and asks, "How do you feel?" You say, "Just terrible." She says. wrhat's not funny. Can't yop oome up with a funny line?" 'j I . .) •• I ;~ ·J . ' .. ~ I· I Stace 1 wu aa ilddY •a honeymoon without luggage. Guards at the gate knew lour name. Cab driven loved your 'concept." Your name appeared in black bold lenen ln a choice parking place. A aecretary you had never met knew lmtinctively you hated mayonnai8e on your aandwicbes. The physician who examined you for ~,bad hfab prabe for your wol'k and a t.wTent SAO Card. Tbe p&mia in your office Oowiahed. An extra from "Hill Street Blues" even tipped tut gun at you on the lot one day in a gsture of friendlille9I. You know. if they thought w~ were · • "Strike Force" and that critic in ~phis had just kept his mouth ahui, we might have gotten lOlt in the 8Cbedule and still been runnfna. JSIOTS STAGB t: THAT naainc little doubt hit you on the eve of the premiere when a. network executive aent you a telecram reedina, "Best wiahe9 for. •accellful return of 'Making a Living.' " My lerles Wiii "MAGGI!!" "Making a Llvtna" had returned after bem8 canceJed last leelOn u ''It'I a Living." 1be time aJot Wal clw1ged. But which one did they mean to cbaba'e? No matter, everythin1 was coming off aa planned untU a televi1lon writer in Mempbia, Tenn., blew it. He announced our new lli!:riem WM premiertnc,an Saturday at 7 p.m. He ruined our aurprlme. Up until then. it bad been the ~kept llllCl'et lince the BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I GOlfN "" lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAA SHARIF bfd deeeribea 7our bud H · aell7. Sbould 7011 open &altil4DI elle, JOU mJpt fiad &bat JOW' rebid wW fOIU JOU to ~ ~ ... ll all uder- Wct OI' &D OYWMd. YOU HAVIE' TMK" AIMU"T!V TO Al\OUK VA"80US EMOTIONS IM Ma": ' . .. . "I h1t1 Mond1p." by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MEN~C£ f~I • • # .. . . I· ~ ~· a.-~--~~ ....... 50MEBODY9TOLE WHATS THE TROUBL.E, 9LUGGO? PART OFMY WATERMELON ·a -Ka1 ~ whomlll....., • •• ~" drawa 1upJreUoa from ............ tM\ • .....,: ..., JWcL 1· ~~-... w won thl AcedemY Awaid, ~ -. wh IN ~ iDDMr ln 'lanoUy l\lt •ti!· 11 ~ M 'Narma'I:::" Mill WU ~ ., reply cMriiid)' to ~ qUlltlon. but lhe -·wa. 1QU'rt ........... you Wk• the bMt ot .... !llJIPll JOU!' WA)'.' II TM ... , Wlth Kay . Lena. She made an .. ....,. tUm debut M Wllllam Hoklitn't YQW'I loV9 -~.·· ... by Clint l:Mtwood. Three l:J: .'~"9d before ah• ap~red tn anoth~ ~ 10 ~ llnce "BrtftY.~ MJli Lena hM --~ Glnil\11 "Wh11-Line Fevw:· with Jen·MlilhMI Vincent ''The o,...t Soout 81\d Cat Ho'UM l'h\&nday," wtth Lee Marvin; and 141l\e Pz ·z; It wtth Anthijny Quinn. •• allo done • beavy loed of televillon •rlfft lncludlna "lronaJdet," "Streets of San Fnnclico" and •-ow.n Manhel1. •• and two tpedala that woe her l'mmYa: Hallmark'• "Liaa, Bricht and Du1t" and "Heart In Hldlnl· It She hu worked, but . . . . "1 llke actma." ahe says. "It'• the only thina I know how to do.· •"J'he problem la that there are not a lot of ~a.-.· 'JuliM' and 'Bnakinl Points,' .. ahe I Mid. ~ are many more rolea for merr, but on I the <>ther hand, there la alto much more c:iompedtlcn. "Same people have what I call 'the two-hour l fece.' 111 that I mean they have the chaNma and the.. to sustain the audJience's attention foe ~~ span of • feature movie. I'm I holJlna that I have a tWo-hour face." -?tloviepn can dedde for themselves th.la 1prln1 wlth the release of Lortmar'• "Fut .. Walking," a crime drama produced and directed by Jamea B. Rania. Mila Lenz plays an underwOl'Jd figure who becomes involved 1n a plot · io sdnate a militant (Robert Hooka) 1n a state prUbn. 1be plbt leader, Tim Mcintyre, enliata a hustU°fy prison 1uard, Faat-WelkJng Mlnlver, • plQecl James Woodf -the psychopath of '"The Onion 11eld." ' "When I read foe the part. I acbnitted, 'I'm -plwd rm here.' "Mm Lem aid. .. I wually play Vk:tima -the recetver of 90lneOne' elle'• YJP tmlon. --·-··· PLOTl'ING -Kay lAhS atan wttb Jamee Woode in the new crime movie "J'aat WaJ.kinl." It'a a departure ln chanct.er for the "working actn!m.'' . • At 10me potnt 1n the filma I've done, I'm UIUAlly grabbed and shaken. "Fut-Walldnc' wu mtµ-ely different,'' the aaid. "The woman ii •xual. She mwa>-cocalne. She ridea mot.oreydea tt 160 mph. Yet lhe la afraid to hold handa with a D)olft." The actreet wun't aure ahe could handle IUCh a dl.fferent role. She expre•ed her doubtt to her hut band, David ~auld)', who wa• once the heartthrob of '-rbe Partrid8e F~.·· She uid that Culldy told her: ' I don't know lf you can do it, either." •8AMAHI MATIN•••• . ..., """ ...... ., AM Pertot'INMff before 5:00 PM (e.,l ..... 11111•••• ........... .. ".4 ... "'..., .. ............... , ... LA Ml'1ADA WALi< IN ...MOO MPOLIWt•IT" .., .............. - MSTMTMKI: .,.. ...... "'ICIWI"... ...oCKY .. ... ----........ ,. ... ,.. ............. 11mn•• 'iil,=-.. J "'flOMY'8" ... . "1filY.F..nru-......... -. .... f1)1,N'A!~ iAllt • ~)I/ I \It I ... 1TMTlm(I: .,.. WAftl tw ICIWf',.. ,_ .... .._ ........... eKNXTCC8SJ eKN8C(N8CJ e Kn.A <tnct.l .ICABC (ABC) e IC,M8 (CBS> e K..U·TV (1""9.J e KCST CA8Ct coNnJcra -Diahanft Cariol1 1tan 1n 11Silter, Siller," a drama about con.fllctlnl valuee tonl&ht at 9 on KNBC (4). ,..tured: now tod411'• '°'* ...... -... "°"' "" in,... l9llOtil ..... prOlllOte; ---~. to ... ''Cenollft... Ute .............. Mm lft~11ooer11 .. .... Olfllla,,..,,., -· a ..,ura • Lot ~ m1mt• J11 1147 tl'tat ...... llMOMd. 18Ml&Y..., LA~&ltlM.IY IOC/W'~ l..myMcl~-up • IMICNlof '*'Ill"" ... ~. • t11•A•t•H ......,,. '**'-IO .. ~ ..... ""paece lalCI "* ........ mettar9 lntol'tllownl'taftdl. I (I) TIC TAC DOUGH lllAoOIB. I UHMR fmlOflf eMMT ·-~ "Monl ....... df: OtpMul" Ttie l&#tdl Opera~ Jean Pierre Ponnelle't lnno'lattwe ~ of Olaudlo Monte11trdl'1 "Orpl'teut... conducted a., Nile .. Hamonoourt. • t*I. (II PNVAT'e WMMlf p~ Winter .. ,..... ICMlllanoe 10 I epedll OOl'llMt IMll on""~ of ..... ,.., eaunu~ON THI~ Nancy oi.oit UNI I Mllf ltudenfl ....,. pro«lllm Ind 1111 adoflllon '°' ... 10 twn l'tlm Into ,_ M¥e. ~'T.ov. * * * "Tiie Oub6def" (1M1) ~ MoOM\, .._, Gantlon. A ,,-. ~lll'tftdtoinw.. ............ ,.11 ... • M*>QTY ..... l'OflcaunRY HfTI0/1 THIWIM HOii* T1r¥1 Tuai. Md l<ltl~-·--.. , ....... , ....... w .. ....... of ............ .... COUl'*Y ,... .. u: ..... . . ...,.Qly ........ ..... ..... .---·.,...... ..,._...._...,TN :.,"::.:: ... n. • P.M. IMMllNI How "'lcro1ur9eon1 ,......_.,.._.. ............... -...... ,,.,.100 ...... on 1111 _...ell&. • lllCMI *** .......... MOMI'' tt•I Ao111rt MltdluM, Cerrol 81Mr. TM i-o of en NrtcM tribe blll'Wll .... ~ ........ ..,. • • m1111 .-of God IO,.-.. 1111 lliM. eeMAT ···~--''Montl'ller•: Otptltul'' The l&#tdl Opeta .,,_,.. JIM Plan'• ~onnelle'• ln110¥etlwe procaictton of Claudlo Montl\lerctl'• .. ~ .. conduceed Dr ..-.. H1moooourt. ®MCMI *.... "Dot °'¥ After· llOOfl" (1176) N '**9o. JoM Caalle. A N9w YOltl Cit~ 1111111 rollbery Cll' On-TV CZ> Z.TV (I) HIO CC> IClMmaal Cf) CWORI N'l'.,N.Y. ti> CWTBSJ Cl) CESPN> (J) (Sftowtlmt > • 5"INlttt • cc.... News Netwot11J KJtfBC (4) 9:00 -"Sliter, lfiter." Made for TV drama about three.--. who are torn apart by confllcttna value•. :rnuona and pe~v•. a. photo, KABC (7) 9:30 -16The Candidate .• , l'oben Redford .WW ln movie about • )'OUnl liberal campaill\ina for a U.S. Senate Mat. KOCE (60) 9:30 -.. A Dance of Two CounU'tee: China and America." Studenw at the Pekinc Dance Academy are tauaht We.tem dance technique.. ll'IClhlfomtnlleetottw l(llMlltl bofdlt to avoid OIPtl#9 ~ I ONrllleo Communllt~. I THIMIW•OHI ~ANDION COMM• 11 CMAt. MPORT • CWIT10NID A8C .... Cl»MOVll * * * ~ "M1nl't1tt1n" (1171) Woody Alen, Olene Keeton, A New YOttl City OOft'lldy .,,.., .,,... up wl1h 1111 lono-Urne ..,... ~ to ""*' tlnMld '" ~Jtlll G41Mlf WIPd t-!Pt' .... Cl>~l.OWAT THl~ll"~ ;r~ * * ...... ~ .. (1178) '->'• Dun1w111. Pater flrlcft. Ni ..... ~ ........,,, ~ ,... .,. MIMly ........ turned Into • rentlftt llfophet °'"" ~ ~ I eTfltt ...... l)rOOfant-'n!"O tlllOllttve. 'R' -lmJllGHT-tllOO. INT'BITAMtlNT TWT Ni .,,...... ...,.. Lorwl1a r. MOYll * * "The TlllW' (1t7f) 8ruot Dim, """ U.91et. NI Amarto.l-"" lrlcl 1111 l'rendl ... llllPICl MOii OltlW al INldelly. • MOYll * .,. "CMclldet1 for MunNF'' ( 1t7•) ., .... &-..rt,..,.,.., ........ • LOW. U.DCM r..cMI * * *.,. :• Atlentlo City'' (1MCI) lwt unc..-. 8uNn 8at11tdon. The MltMOfd llulllend of '" ~bar ......... .,.,.__ ............. ,..,..., ..... Md -.... ..................... ............ _...._ .. ®..,. * * "Tl!9 &.liglftd Of The Lona ....... (tllOt ~ -~.Q!d•llJI'* UO¥ll. n. LtM ..... Ind TCllleO ,.._ ._. ercll·•M"'Y· Butoi. c. ....... ..., .. -"""*' ............. °' """"''PO' -··LATl.-.Twmt ~-Lai IC Ut:WI Ouett: mualolan l1n Andlrlan. ~lii:.o Ni .. ~..., murdlB .. ~ ..... .......... ,...... flNflol ,_ oom 1b1 :rll ....... <"> 1•1:Mmrt ..... l'fM .... Ordlld'' (tfft) loPllla Lortn, MtltOtJlf Olllnn. A ,_. .............. .. ....., ...... o1 • ..,.. ............. (C)MOW9 *.. ''TM lnlleftt.llllOI" W(l)••·~ul••· ... 7. ...,~ AIMIM. .....,...,...Tw= .............. ................. ....... 11\ ... ef ........ t ...., ,.. tlonl ..... ... (JI) •••• ..._.. lllaftd'. .... ....... .,.. ...... In "'°' ~ tr•. two ,..,,., .. .,, .............. ~IO"'WM'· .. (I) * * ... "The Ledl/' Ill ..... (1179).....,. c.. rad, ,llMll "" AWtin. In .. *""' ..... °' ...... -. 1120e, en ldllllello )'Ol#lt ..,,.. "" ......,_ ... "'°" of ... w.... ~ JoM Clifltlr ,.CG> ....... ,. .. (1t72) . MJol'tMI CllN. Mjoll~ "°°"91/'. A ........ II l'tnd ~ '" .......,. ..., to "Ol'IC*wrilt" llli IMHIY SIMl•blt IUtobJoOr~. 'PO' • * * * "LAii Glrll" C1N7) 0.. 1Ktlr, Mftll Ol)'nor. An AlnetlcM ~ tllOw bltt the EuropM11 cwoult Wftlft compllctllona .,., f:IO(I). •'h "Jourl'lllf ... To OI" (1t72) At*nelect . VOIOll of Liza Mlnnlll, P1111 L)'ndt. Dorothy l'etuml 10 Ille I.MCI ol O& Ind encounl«t ttie ....., of Ula Wlc*ed W1'cl't of 1M Welt. l:OO CB> •• "Thlt TllM Fort¥- • .• (1M0) Cllir'9 ,.....,.,., Vlnolnl VIII ,...,,. A '~oltt .... In Iowa wilt\ I brllfl AfMl1. CM OOllete ltudlnl Mudlf· ~ In Monlrlal. 'PO' w *. * "lneldt Mowl'' ( tNO) Johll 8awlee. Dewt Mont. A ne.oomat to tM group of r.-. • '" Oeldlnd btr INlf hold ... II~ to "*''"8 lM ..,._ cW"a chMI of beoomlnt I pro btltlelt>lll plillfS • rlllty. 'PG' l:OO a:> * •• "The Wrono Ann Of The '--'' (1M3) ,...., a..... Uonll Jef. ,,... Tiie ~ Ind ... "'°' bandl ~ to.,.,. tr1o of ... wf!OPOM•...._. .... '1rw9dlrl'"""" The0.."(1ttf)~ Tiie World A4ueneut ......, petrol.,., OOIMllil Cflft ...... beltlll '" t ""'>' of ...-c .... wtlo -...... ;eel to ... °"" .. pllMt. .. •• "Aldlrl Of~· (1fSS)JoMW.-.~ H1191. A 9C111etn1Nnt 8glrlt .,.. '° .... oroup of rllldwra ,.._. ..., ....flOl'tll.. tOJOO® .... "The ........ (1MO) Trllti VM 0.-.. Jo .. p" Cotten. A tchOOltMICMr tne. 10 ,_ trom I._...,.._ lllMll~ • '* .... ...... "°""· wNdl .. ~a.,---.·PO· Cl>**~"AITM,.,_ Young~ .. (1te0) Nlllllt WOOd, AoMn w..,..,. At ta one_. ...... '°" ........... ~...,.. '°' .....,, lllClt !owe. (%) ••• ....,__... (1tt1) -Mumly,...,.., ....... •New Yortl Ollll* loollillO '°' 9llCIMl11Ml OOIWfJw 1111 .,... ...... '° -.... 1n.,...... 1n .. u.a. Nfffl.'W -CC) ••• "Holne From TM .... ,,_,,~ ~. o.cw.,. ... ,.-d. A_.,., ..... ....... 1111111. UM(%) * * "IACoflllle. &..!0-.,. .. (1174) ,..,.,. .... -... CllfMnt. Al .. _, .. Wortd Wer ...... I P .. Hnt c1,...11ly becomH lnvof\IM Ill "lllllrft. ............ °" .... Cnllllfto'' (tta) ..... Crlln, Mldlatl ..... WNll on a hol-..nooi1 orulll, • )'OUl'9 ~ "'~· .. , .. ,. cut 'J ! JK' .. ·1 ·~ !~ ·' •l "' ; . 1• ~-!h~•· potential CMllMllO ~ to be h baaed on hie ltUdJet CUN!tlfl, a bu1ae In the ap 20 to 34 population cateFrY, whJch ii~ tbouaht to lnclude thoee .,er to buy their first ho.ne. . J:concm1a1a at Morpn Guu-anty TNlt uJlidated that old rule of thumb tbat aya 10\I can afford to Put i~ percen~ f>f 81'09 t,ncome into .,.aymenta of principal and lnterelt -and found only one );lou1ehold In five can afford the ~-priced he>w1e, which lt put at ·$68,000'. . · .. 'lbe. latest government ftguree make ~e lituatlon even wone, showing the ~ale price of a new home in April VI•· $72,400. Aaumlni a 1e percent r;norta.,e fOf' 2e yean at 17 percent, the , monthly principal and Interest coat comee to $780.74. Add In taxes, insurance and beet and it certainly would take ' financial maasc to~ in uhcler $1,000 a ,. month. · · then la little surprile therefore about an annual new-home salea rate of ~is.ooo unlta in April. With 80 percent of t~e · market lnell&lble, that figure . i• unclentandalt dowmen\adali GI ...... h.Jt::':'~ 10'lf =~ pro_bably ~-. 'nw NaUonal Aiiodadon of RMJton toilMI ADl'll ..-. down to JA annual ,.. of l.t mAWoD •• n.a peftlent undlc' a ~ llDt and •:one-half Of wMt WH typical prior to the houatna depr'elllon." J.ck Carlton, who feela PrealCSent a.on ahould haw stayed h.arnt to wori for a .....anable budaet 111'""*\t rather than attendll!I the economlo awnmtt m-.dnl in ~pe. uya the relale rate ma,ht have ~ CONAdenbly lower In the ab1ence of creative finandna. Such non-bank finaftctna. in fact, ii one of the CNaUve rea~naet to an . e11tntially neptlve ~ llltUat:lon. A realtor ~ thla y.r ahowed that 7 of f!VerJ 10 Involved 90lnt form of non-bankinl flnanclnc. The mott common technique \&led, aa1d t:arllon, wal for the seller to take back a mol'tpae. . 'Michigan No' sign removed_ · BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) -A local advertialna firm bu removed Ila "Say No to MJchipn. Wander Indiana Ftnt" billboard. -,:'he 1t1n la a byb,rid of the "Say YES to Michlpn" and the Hoosier atate'a "Wander Indiana" towitm~na. "Bobht.rNPI~ ~p/Wt­ fM11tl have 6f 11e11 ltlm natloMI rteOfjlltlo,. ~.A. lt.tp1 wo~l111ltoldfor1tculeflt1 4lld t«ioA.rt.'' Second, we will literally bring the bank to )'OU, al)iour place o(businal. Our Account ~rs will meet with )IOU in )10Uf office and wm arrange for you to conduct your bankinQ busi· ness from your office. Our Busi1*1 Courier Smir:e, Armored Car Servia!, Thlephone 1\onfer Selwe and~ • paid Qlnk~Service ........... >'DP ~la. to >00r bmk witJ)out having to 1eaYe )!OUr otlbi I Off limits SANTA CRUZ (AP) A mudalide- threatened nelpborllo- od of 28 homes worth about S3 m1l1.lon w• or-dered permanently ~ by the Santa Cruz County Boatd of Supervilon. • SION, Swttretland (AP) -;-Reier B••I•, 74, two-tbne presiderlt of the Swlu confederation, died Saturday. ST: PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -James £art .. Dee Weltb. 85. the retailing 1eniu1 who founded the "Webb'1 City" complex of atorea in St. Peteraburg, Fla .. died Thunday. NEW YORK (AP) - Jack N. Bartfleld, '73, a dealer and collector of rare book.a and an authority on the work of naturalllt and pa i nter John Jame1 Audubon, died Friday. KAMPALA, Usanda (AP) -Bl11te, s,ar&a Sebuja, 82, founder of. the Ugandan Orthodox Church and lta fint ~late, died at Naambya Ml11lonary Hospital on Frlday. The church ii an oUaboot of the Creek Orthodox Church. ST. LOUIS (AP) -J ... J . Vitale, 73 , uputed Iona-time orpnbred crime leader ln St. Louis, died Saturdav. WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) -Lawreace B~ Camp. 66, a (Qrmer Jt••t~eot and ~bid executive officer of The Cheupeake Corp. of Virginia, cSied Wednelday. ' . . Read all today's news, every. day L.ocal, county, state, national and . International events, come to your doorstep In ttie 1 bright, light and 11-· velY Dally. Piiot. . . ®: Keep ~n eye on (£; local government No ·other newspa~er brings you · m~re news of your city. council, ~lann·1ng com'mts- s 1 o ~ ,) s c ~ .o o ~ and · college districts and county government. · , ... ·----~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~ . REASONS WHY. • • · ~Follow your team ',;/ The sports . actlo~ ~t. 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community co1- ~leges,' UC Irvine and Enjoy your , ~Sunday ~ Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Sfyle" section and tea-. Cal State campuses Is regularly reported ' ll --- tu res ·about you ~ hi hllght the. inter- by the Dally Piiot . sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college :and pro teams, too! , ' CR ·save money and ~ shopping time · est Ing reading packag'ed ln your -------... FA"tlt.y Sunday Daily Piiot. wcek1. Enough to ... read -- and enjoy. I ~ I I I I • I .' I ! ' I . •I • 1 • • I iraffe on loose? ell, not really . 'I .ro~BORO, ru. (AP) -All it took waa a · ~ call from 10meOne wbo said he'd teen a e on the looee near lllinois 1 ~. Two Union County Sheriff's deputies set out lle&fCh but turned up nothing I However, there had been Jdraffes in the area. JI truck from Springfield, Mo., aellvered a giraffe to * e 5-H Drive-thru Animal Park in Cape irardeau. Mo. the previous afternoon. And it oaed aouthem Illinois to take another to the 1-esker Park Zoo in Evansville, Ind. . The animal park and zoo both reported tbetr e:-'fes were right where they were suwc-S to Zoo curator Scott Holste ...,..ied the report that a giraffe wu out roemlna around W9lt of Jonesboro may have stemmed fnJm ... .,.. ..ma a giraffe in the beck of the trailer en•routa to Svamville. ,, ~ver a vi~ifor to Newport Beach stayS in a motel, hotel or in some o~r kind of temporary lodging, he pays a tax. Six perctnt on his bill. Ten years ago when this tax rate was set 6% was enough. Today,·lt isn't. Not With the grow- ing cost generated by more and ~tourists. Cu~ntly, 20,000to100,000 peo-. pie each ~visit our city. drtve on our ~. sunba~ on our ~acheS and picnic In our parks. Six percent on ttlef r lodgtng is no longer their fair share for sharing Newport ~ach with us. Measure 8 on ~ June ballot calls for a 2% Inc~~ in the tourist or Transient Occu- pancy~. t.aklng it from 6% to 8%. The impact pn ~ lndMdual is negllgibfe. On a sso a night room, the lncre~ cost to the occupant is onty Sl. However, this int~ase would make avail- able to our city an additional S3,000.000 ~r the next five years tor community "'1>f'o~ts, Including impro~ments In CMX strttts, tratflc .signals and bicycle trails. It's an lncre~ in our city revm~ thlt's long~-hwJ It wm ease pmsures to -locat taJIH and~ c:hl9d to~ d;ach residents and buslnesws. . "°>I have everything to gain byvot- ir18 "Y~" on Measure. 8 ... a~ not one red cent to tose. ~ ~ anci vote. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER Formerly Monlpnery Ward Heartna Aid Cen\er: ColUi ,._ 1600 Well Co.It H ... way Newport Beaeh 646-8266 lf ~can't make It In di8e daYt ·call f6r 1pPt. et another Ume Paid Political ~ct..rtllement ELIZAB.,... DORN PARKIR II AN IXPIRllNCID. CAPOLI IDUCATIONAL ADMINlaTRATOR WHO KNOWI OMNQI COUNTY, WHAT ITI PEOPLE WANT, AND WHAT ITI ITUDDTI •ED. MIS. PAll)(ll UNDllSTANDI IDUCATION • dewloped and admlnlatered antt~rug and antt-tme>klng education programs for Oranoe County publlc 1Choof1. · • helped direct the development of new curriculum for the Untverelty ot Callfornla, LOI Angelea. · • deltgned program• to equip LOI Angelee ~h ecmoot ltudentl wtth baak: 1klll1 needetl for suceea In college. MIS. PAIKll KNOWI OUNGI COUNTY • resident of eouthem Orahge County for ovet 20 yeara. • • educated kindergarten through high IChool In Orange County pubUc school a. • currently a local bullnesawoman, homemaker, and ph)'8lcal tttneee educator. MIS. PAIKR llLllVll IN OUI PUILIC SCHOOLS , • • • devoted to achieving the highest poealble level of exc:eftence .fn flVery upect of publtc ectucatton. • dedicated to maintaining program. wtth proven track AICOt'dt whlle · aponeortng lnnovatton1 to further lnprcwe educational quaNty. 4! committed to ftacal rnponllblllty In school management. I • t Mrs. Elizabeth Dorn Parker for Orange Cou~ty Board of Education (AN ENCOMBiAGING OFFER.) ••••••••••••••••• : . JOIN NOW : O.P 617 ,. • .............. l'Z. Ifft I I SAVESS00 I . I ; on your first meeting and registration fee. I I Stlll only $5.00 per week, no contracts! I I · for ,the cla1a ne•rest you, call: ·I I -835-5505 I I . I I ' OfMr ...,... oNr ...,, tlM OIMICIOll 111 OrMte. R'-alde, s... eem.ni1t1e1 -llln oi.oo eo..m... I •WEIGHT WATCHERS• I The most successful weight loss program in the world.11 I c ~ Wltdien tntarNbONI roe 1982 <:JN('« cJ The ~1 ~ICh«l l'idlrnark ••••••••••••••••• , · Republican For Congress 43rd District LAWRENE NIXON ANFINSON PHn.:.:A.DELPHIA (AP) -The Ph.Uadelphla 78en toak the ftm IWp In mllllOrl lmprobable, The 1e.n, down 1-3 ln theh-beet-c>f-eevell terlet ualnl& the Lal Anaelel t.ken for th• Natlonaf Buketball Auoc!atlon champlomhJp., routed the Lalcen 186-102 Sunday to l1a)' alive. Alive but ltW not well. No teem ever hu climbed out of a 1-3 hole ln the Je.r-r hll1orY of the NBA, and the Slxen have to play Game 8 ln Inalewood Tuelday nJtht where tMy haven't won llnce 1980. U Philadelphia ahoukl wtn Tuelday ntcbt. the ieventh ancf deddlna pme would be hen Thunday. The key to the Philadelph,la IW'Vival victory wa1 the lneffectlvenH1 of 7·2 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and a 78en d~eme dacribed u . o'nrned by Labn ooech Pat Riley. Abdul..Jabbar ICONd ~ six pobita, the tlm time in 420 pmes he f.alled to collec:t 10 or mote. It W• the firlt ~ ln 109 playoff pmee that he totaled -than 11, and the aeventh ln which he WMundw20. What happened to Abdul..Jabbar .• ~ u one of thf t.t tvtr to play ln the NBA? Riley ..id, "rve never mllde any eXC\Ulel and l won't IW't noYI. You put a man in foul trouble and he can't play ::Jame, lt maket a difference." Abdul-Ja • explanation WU Umlted u h1a , offered meetly one word answers on h1a lackl~ performance. · He waf .,ked lf. the 78era dld anythln1 dlffetent to him Sunday. •--niey Just pushed and ahoved," he replied. The 78era took advantaae of the fact Abdul..Jabbar played jult 28 minutes. With tha.e long amw not around to lnUmldate the trajectory of their ahotl, llx aoored in double fliurea. four civer 20. Andrew Toney, the prollfJc ecorina 6-3 guard, I • . . led the 78en with 31 points. He shot 13 for 18 from the tieJd. JullUI r.rvtJw, blanked ln tbe fJnt period when be m1..cl hta first .even 1hola, wound up with 23 -18 In the lllCOnd half. '"Ne were quick mentally. We pcked up locm balll and t.h1a pnerated enersy," ~ aald. Bob McAdoo led the I.Aken with 23 poblts, while Norm Nixon collected 20, but jult two In the IM!!COnd half. Earvin "Mqlc" Johmon had only 10, but 1athered 10 rebou.ndl. Mike Cooper tcend 18 and Jamaal Wllkee 13. Bobby Jones contributed 21 and Darryl Dawklna 20 before a roaring, eellout crowd of 18,3&4, which chanted, "IN )'OU Thunday.:• "Nobody laid lt WU 2oina to be euy " aaid Laken ooach Pat ~iley:. ''You111 1ee a heck of a different effort on our Pert 1\.-day. Ervtna said of. the blowout, "a one point or 30 point wln . . . It'• the same thine. I thlnft the _.. la already tu.med around.'' "It WM Philadelphia'• tut chance. Yqu knew what their motivation wu. We played a iood 1ame until the third period. Then they became ob1r•rd. 'l()ur IUYI got In foul trouble md became tentative, while Philadelphia w_, very ~ve." Abdul-Jabbar said Dimly: "We ic.t our pc6ee, but I doubt 1f there will be .a carryoves-ol du. k> Tueeday night." The 76en opened a 7-2 lead, but the Laken snapped black with a 10-3 spurt. and~ the pme 20-20 at the first period buzzer on a ~ Jayup by Nixon. Al for Abdul-Jab&ar, Riley predfoted hla aupentar would deal with the 76en Tue.day. C'.oach Billy Cunnlngharn aa1d the key to h1a team'• victory was excellent defenae. "I can't strese it enouah. It's our whole concept. In the lleOOlld quarter, the IDOl'9 WM tied leVen times. the lut at M-M on a slam dunk by Ervtna 1• (See LAKERS, Pqe Cl) BOs.ton spoils prophecy Red'Sox sweep Angels By CURT SEEDEN or .. .,..,,......,, '1llanka to the 34,941 fans who pueed through the turnstiles at Anaheim S"tadium Sunday afternoon. the Angela aurp r reed the 1 mllllon mark ln attendance on the earliest date ln the hisiory of the club. To be exact, 1,011,810 fans have watched the Angela t.h1a eeuon, aod probably 800,000 of them wime.ed bueball at lt:s finest. AS FOR THE other estimated 200,000, lncludl.ng the 105,986 that MW the Anp1a and Boston Red Sox ln a three-game let wtilcb concluded Sunday, they have witnr.ed bueball at the beiabt of frustration. 'l'ake the eeventh Inning of ~· .-me. with the Red Sox JMct•na·3-1 ..:..... pJeue. With one out, the A\lgela collected three straight slhg1es. from Fred Lynn. Roe! Carew and 'l1Ju Foll. and still couldn't come ~th a run off reliever Mark home and all compliments qf American League Eut vlaitpn. After Saturday night'• 7-2 thruhing at the hands of tile Red Sox, Angel Manager Gene Mauch insisted hia team would win Sunday'• game\\._a_~_a the Angela did ev~ 'Jll.'Y could to keep that prunlle. ' ' "I lied to you la1tTnl1ht," Mauch said Sunday ~ the game. "It wasn't intentional, but I did." Pitc her Ken Forsch , a hard-luck loeel' in hla last outina agaimt Detroit, was t.het ~ again Sunday. Thi• time, a bue9-loeded bloop slna1e by Rick Miller and a sacrlfice~by Jerry Remy were the · · t hita whic h 1po lle Mauc h '• precliction. . "ALL WE C~ 00 la hit the ball and play our game. Rjpt now, things aren't woridna out well. but they'll tum around," noted Angel ahortatop 1lm Foll. ·whole comments to Clear after the final out brougtit ,playen from both benchet onto the field. YOUTHFUL CHAMPIONS -Rick Leach (left) and parmer TJm Pawsat won Uie Adoption Guild men•s open doubles championship Sunday. The high echool youths defeated ~ .... ~ llf CMi-. IWf five-time winners Jerry Van Linge and Tom Leonard, 6-4, 6-4 at the Newport ~ Tennis Club before 2,000. See story on Page C2. 'lbe reaalt W• a 5-1 Red Sox victory, a sweep of the~ and yet another loll for the Angels - their leYenth in a row -all at Foll didn't want to talk about the inddent, which ~ later referred to aa "no bi¥, thing. "Ju1t tempera, ' Clear, a forme r Angel, noted. ''He thought I was throwln8 at him. He yelled, I yelled eOmethinc back, but it's nothing to worry about." By ROGER CARLSON °' ... .,.., ........ II there an)'thlna wane than a .200 battinc avenae? Not for a bMeball pla,yw who has any "1nd of upradom for the future, there 11n'L I That'• • tick.et to another l1ne ol work. but for Fountain Valley Hieb'• Steve Joncew-rd. it WM more than a ticket. it wuam!T ~ 11ie 6-3. 1 pound abortltop, who'll. be playing In Tumday nl8bt .. Onnae County . All«ar ... at i.. Palma Park (7:30), reaJJaed a tq year • a eopbomore wun't gotnc to be enouab to carry him. A ftl'lt team All-Onnce County eelecUon •• eesiSor with a .414 ba~ •Yeft8e. ~onaewaard was an AJI-Sumet Lea2ue :bc*le .. a eopbomore third hMesmn wiih a .418awnae. Dpt • a junior, well, here'• what the Berum' standout~ '11 wu really down on myaeU and b1am1na ~ too," ha ays. "I felt I bid It made after 1117_ ~ ~ but then I found myMlf YiJ; behldd a .mer-M third when I WM • ).lnlor. "I knew If I ........ to continue rd have to c1D .,.._ dlM ttiat am after i.t ,_. I .... JU-. boplinc to '*-' lllked to ao to • JC and plaY.". . The A.rule'-. too, are tl".Yina not to ~t the current .rump which them out of fint place alter nau City won Sunday afternoon. "There's no doubt ~t it. We're playing iood ball. It'• not a cue ol IPna out and playlac bad," olferid third baaem•n Doug DeClnces, who could haw become ~.,;hero in the third Inning. lnlrihd. he wound up hitting into an 1nnin1-endlng double play. In that inning, catcher Joe Ferguson and Brtan Downinl started thinp olf wt~ .... One out later, Deancrs hit a l.ine (See ANGEU, Pa1e Cl) A JDiracle for Swede · I I I I It'• 1,000 tonight for Dodgers' Garvey ................ L08 ANOILES -Loi An,9111 • flrat baHman Steve Garvey. wUl become the fifth plal:'n In major ..... hlltlory to p8I In 1,000 CGMeOUdw came. tontaht, unl .. eomethlna unfm'•a an bappene. g.;.v.y, a , wW felch the mll8ltont when the DoUalw face the Atlanta BnWI In ~ opeMr c:L 8 leveftoopme bolDllland, Gervey J>layed in hla Mth comecutfve In St. Louil SUnday, a .-e won by the 3. ~·t mmect a pme tlnce ~ 2, 1976 and bai Dlayed In 1.289 of the ~~last 1,298 pma. He bepn the 1982 ~ wtth a 9@.pme streak. The only playeu with lon1er corwecudve-plDe ltreUa In major leaaue hiltory are the New York Yan.keel' Lou GihrfJ, who played In 2,130 llrailht ..-; ~ Scott, l.307 pa-. Billy WUliaml, the National~ record-hokier at 1,117 pmea, and Joe Sewell. 1,103 pine.. Carter. Speier spark Montreal victory GUJ Carter and c.rta ~ • each hit nm~ llnaJm In the etahth lnninl .. MClitrMlbroke • 3-8 tie and went on t.o a 8-3 ytctory over Quote of the day Atlanta in National Leatue action Sunday . . \ Toay P .. 11 one-out tlncJe in the ninth 1nnlna drove In the ~ nm 11 Plttlburab . ' beet Sen J>aeao, ~-1 and h8Dded Tim Lellar Kil' f1nt -of the _,.._ Lollar, &-1. ~ • . "You can 1ee where hilt jeablliel lie. When we try to ldt down and talk, he doean't liaten. That'• the depth of ht. t.nteWaence," aald Loe An1el• Laken owns JurJ a.., on Bo.ton Celtics owner llaftJ ......... I Watson wtna first Detroit Grand Prix DETROIT -Tenacloua John • Wai.on ol Great Britain cbaraed frem a 17th-p18ce ltu1 to wtn ~ away lo the inaMUra1 DeVolt Gimd~ a victory ht ~ b1m IDto the lwl In the wor1d drivtnc champm.blp atandfnls "I IUppme it (the vlctmy) W. mmewhat unexpected,•• Wauon aald In the cham=fllled c:bw of vtctory drcle. "Now we )Mt veto ~orktna •bard• we have been to -that lt happenlna all year. It would be wonder ul to win a world ~p" i6-year~ native of BelfMt. Northem INJand. comklered aomethiJw of a journeyman after 10 aeMom of Formula One l'ldn&. roued into the lead on. the 42nd of 62 laps Baseball today On th1a date In '-ball In 1939: Wlth two out In the fourth ~ Cbe New Y ol'k Gianta exploded far ftw lMlme run1 en route to a 17-3 victory over Clnclnnatl. Harry Dannlna, Frank Demaree, Burt:!:n Whitebeacl, Manny Salw and Jo Jo all carmecwt lior Cbe Glm1a. Today'• bUthday: Milwaukee Brewen Infielder Don MoD8y la 35. Stadler, Carner easy winners MMten champion Crall ...... became the fin&~ wtnn.' CID the PGA Tour this year, ftrlnc a raln....ad 8-under-s-r. to c:aptuN the Kemper Open by' 8e'Wll1 ** Sunday, the ~nnln1 mar1ln of the year. Sne of ~ Wiii .xJIXl with a clOlllnl 69 for 282 ••• Je.Aae Caner romped lO a ~ lix...trok:e Yk:tAxy with a 12-under-s-r 216 In the nln-lnterTupt.ed LPGA tournament at Malvern. PL Carner Md a 5-uMer-par 67 on the final round Sunday . . . Ben&N GallaeMr acond bl9 aecoad tourmmmt wtD ol lbe .,.. . when be beat UWnnen Del a.,.. mc1 •=-.Darer in a 1udden-death playoff in tis. fCJl...mouded J«WY ()pen t.oumammt In i.. Mo,e Of the °'8nnel &fmda. . i.tott UCJe to IM 1MY In the ninth After. ~ him out tbne ~ tam. at bat ...... ~belted. three--bamar aDd cnJc ....~im·~ ... ....._. • tbe New-l!T ... beat Clncl{ln.atl, 8-S . . . · Houltcn p&Dch-hitt. ..., ..... drM heme two nm. wttb ....... In the bonam ol CM'T9ll the nmth uid Pllll au.r's Infield hit acored the Wlimina run to live lloustm a 7-e win OYW Phfledelphla . • . 0na }!.late• aaved San J'r'anclaoo'• third ttralabt Vict.ory over Qibao and O.U. ~ ~doubled1UllmllQ .and acond on Jlm-W.....,.'1 mcrUIQe fly In the seYenth lnnlna t6 map a 3--3 de .. the Gtanta downed the CUbs. &..3. Kuiper, ~-hltUna for e~ a-le Mu1ia, 1-3. belted a fly balftbat entrapped in the vlnee in Ot.lcaF• WriCJeY.neld and W11 ruled a double. Alllson wins at Pocono Speedway Bobby AIUsoa fenc&.d off a • parade of chalJenawa t.o -.iy win the raln-lntem.al>tid Van Scoy &00 ltock car nce at l>ocono International Raceway. A1ll8oo waeed a ~to-tall bltde with IUdlMI PeU, for most of the ~ lM Jape befan PettY• car ran out of ..... A.I u.Mr, h. acond &Ji .xnd comecuUve wtn when be wm the raln-ehartened Lamtt'• Blue Can-Am nee at Mel9POl1. Ontario . . • A percmuee ol the arc-. the Irey --~ &tlanal Foobll 1.-,ue ownen and the plaien' unioa, w1il be the main tape of cffert"""'m today -bod1 lkiee l9lUDe contnct talb. • Television, radio Followinl are the toD sports eventa on TV tonight. Battnp are: """""""" ma:ellent """""" worth watchlna; """" fair; "" foqet lt. . e 1:11 p.m., aw.Mt 7 V' V' V' BASEBALL: O.k\enct at Qibao. Ama•cen: Keith Jacbm, Bob Uecker and Howard~ The White Sox aN contendina with X- Oty and Cbe AMela for the West.em Dlvbdoo lead and are a ball~ behind the Royall PD« Into tcnlOt'• ..... OakJand la 6~ behind .a will ...cl' Rici IAnlford (4-7) .... °'lceet> ~bmdll' Stiaw Trout (M) • aADIO Bnrrt-.Jl -Atlanta at Dod9an, 7:30 p.m.1 KABC ('190). ANGELS LOSE AGXIN . . h.,.iltnc. they're ll*'c to dO lt. . •'We'w bem in the acmt1on. You ~ biW to bun your bump on evih' play. When you're aaar..,fve. it makea tbJn11 happen. That'• what they're ctomc.ff .... added. Boston U~ wins dingb.~ title New Wave .. 111 to victon In Hfbn~ a..•fl .... • LONG 8M01 -.,._ u~ wttla MltotMilt In PrJi'IOI Of W.._ IOWI ~ John •+Mn and X. 11...s won the CAUllariia Yeabt aiii ...... .._ awg wtth ~--Y~t Awdatiln of NOl1h the Ar. 0 ftnali ID the U•. YMht ~Unkm'• Am.rice.clnlhY p In • • ... ........ OOmpeddon far the,,.. ol w.-BDwl, ~ btld Thunctay •. J'rl ay and Saturday out of ot tr.. match l"8dnl ~.The re:ua ~ AlamltGI •Y· • • ..n.c:t out of N=rt HaitJor YC The NP* Wll dlYtded IDto 10 ,.. in two ~ th1W ID the AM G .... ftN dt¥Wanl.· 1Mr'i.t.n Wll the A .Uvt16ma ........ far Ben Mitche!J; 8oti and BID Stwnp aD o1 CYC. =-...:~~.J:rl1n~~~~ In the competition for flnt aft.l'DaW the I built to the same ll*lficatiom. , aJ Alamia BAy YaChtaub ~ fadliU. f«· I tM .wnt Which ... bGltld liJ ~Belf:b 1$tate. C"donT~~~;:.t&~ wtnnen·wen Tim J'uller John Fuu.r and~ I Intercollepte yacht ractna. 1 UIOdaUon. rtfteen Cannon. all of CaDlltnno Bey YC. achooll competed in the N19lta. Wtnnen In the 11CC1M1 altemate;Fdon &leven coU•a• aatllna team• wlll bt1tn were Mary Griffith ~. Loi YC; competition ln the natronal team ·nctn1 'nm Sullivan and Doua Jora-wen, LA¥ . chanldomblp Thunday. . llumw--up In the ctanchY ~P WM San Diego domlnat• eUmlnatlona the U.S. Mai'tUme Medlmy ol 1 Point., New San D1efO ..uon ~ cbnb'uat.s the York with Marpn _. 11 the A lldpper quart.er.final elimlna~ · fior the Ubltilct atata ' and Toal Llhan and Gery Stewart lldPl*ina the B Yachtina Alloclatlon'• O'Day Trophy Nlled ·ell~_. ..i--t , _ .. n........-a.. s•-te wt•"' SWlday at Blbia Ccxinthlan Yacht Club. .a. mrn .-... wen t.o -... ._... -\I) the O'Day VOPbY II I« the linele-htmded ~~ J.ck l'ranm and Kurt Miller; fourth WM aall1na champJOntllip of the U.S. The quuwr-finalt Tuf1I. Tede Dk:by and N.vtn Seyre:.f:DC! fifth WM were aa1Jed In i.-n. . Tulane, Jem Hoobn1en and Ralpb NDGer. 'lbe winner Wll Matt MadNp, San ~C; OdMi' tchooll ~In order of finMh were leOCJDd Wll John GNlham. Santa Cl.na Yale. U.S. Naval ~y, lJnivenity of Michlpri. Amodation, and third w11 /.Jan Ledbetter, SDY Unlvenlty of Tew. Untveraty of W~ all of whom qualified for the eemi-tinU at San Stanford, Old Dominion (Norfolk, Va.), Ohio Frandtco In IUly The winner of the ..m-~ Weale)'an, State MarlUme C.OIJece (Fort Schuyler, wW repreeent ~ G (California) In the ftnala at • N.Y.) and M1lml of Ob.lo. Mimon Bay Yacht Club In Awrwt. Alternata In the quarter~flnalt were Dennia Metvllle'I New WaVe on top Ropn, Coronado Yacht Club, and Gary Lee, Bob Melville'• New Wave, a 30-foot lloop. WU MJllAon Bay YC. ' the a. A winner' 1n v~ Yacht Club'• founh Lldo-14 crown to BYC'e Ullman 11111» of the Hum_pbrey BOPrt S.W Saturday. Dave Ullman. Ba1b09 Yacht Club, J!"OYed he Tbe ..-1a f« two c1-of the Performance hMl't at hit touch in small boat nctq by ~ Hmvflrep ~ ,,_, the Southern 0cMn Badnc the IJdo..14 J'leet I cNn.\PomNp fJuDday. The Dtvllkln (SOllD) and multihulll ..wn, .... the 1'9tta WM aaUed out of Balbo. Yacht Club. ac.n Bldnc Ca......,_ Amoctaticn bandk:ep rule. . BYC aaUon dominated the~ eoN>...,.._T......,O..GNr.~YC.llld .. ~ "~ our -~ ve ,...,.....,_AlllMl. ........... lolllll ..... Yldllca.: '-~out of•"'-... _ fl ~ ...... ~ .... ArMM. ...... CciftlillllM YeoM a.. ..... BUl BYC; third ,,. ~ Tl'OlllW .... in 11 -BYC; fourth~ Jim Xerrtpn. B1bia Cmtidan ~ -'· .... w... ........ 0..,..... YC; l...... y ·--1..t t"'I..... ...... D~l-...1 Lob B'V'"' ,.._, "°" Dwoft, we; a. o '1 CM,"""' ...... we. -_...,. mm Wll ftVWWJYIDM\ · &'- ,....,. -1. _... 1. ._. ""* ..vc: t. ""-"' 1, .IGM Blaine Tbome of BCYC wen the CCJlllOlaUm ..._we: a.......,°"'-M-., ~ fl.laht. fol.lowed ~Chad Twichell. BYC¥· Jim eoN> -1. , ........ 0.. ... YYC: a. .......... Lelle L-BY" __ ... G--. D-··th DL.-c. In ~ YVC: a. iscwku'I • • ...._ YVC. .,,__, -. _. -10J1UUJ ~ OACA -1. ~ llMll Amold. ..... Cof"'9lllft VC. that order. r outh is served Leach, Pawsat win Adoption Guild title J' i v e -t l me def e n d i n I •Un-drenched 1pectaton. the c:Nmpww Jerry Van Llnp and . youn11ten bad upaet the Toln Leonard met up with • ~ . couple of hilh achool 1tar1 Bick Leech of Lacuna Beach Sunaay aftmnoon In the f:inaJa of 11.a,h School and' 'l1Jn Paw.at ot the 21.n annual Adoption Qulld J'oothill Blah combined their of Onnae Ccuity men'• open taJenta t.o hand Van L1nae and tennt. Champlonahlpa at ~he "Leonard a 6-4. 6-4 defeat to Newport Beach Tennlt Qub. becane the new title holden. ~ the dust of battle bad The match Wll the feature cleared before 1ome 2,000 affair of a day of tennit for aD dMliom throuch D lndud•nc a Fulle.rton eliminated by Maine OMA.BA.~~ -Jim Traber. Stan Be and Dale Rath eech in a pair of l'UDI • C'dalwn.t State ouu.t.ed eewnth-nnked South Carolina 1().8 Sunday and ~ted the Gamecocb from the Colle1e WOl'ld Seda. In Cbe tint pme of the round, Maine'• Joe Johmon tolled a fOW'-hltter .. the BLlck Bean b1mked third-ranked Cal State l\allertm 8-0, endmc the 'ntanl dream• of wlnntn1 colleae tl111bell'1 bi-' Ude. After fourth-tanked Okllbcma State built an 8-0 lead after four lnnlna•. South Carolina un.!vdwd a aewn-nm outWnt In the flftb tnnmc. John 8uDiYan Cl'lllbed a Baftd ... and Gre\a!!!>rhardI added a three-nm in the b&l. lnnlnc. Oklabona State 8dv8ncm t.o Wedn-'ay'1 eUnnation cant.mt a1a1nat the l~r of tont1bt'• Mlamt .. Wlchlta 'tate 1am•. Maine wlll face the loser of ~· Stanford-Ta...-. In .... tint ..... JobnlaD held the H-23 Tltanl hltl .. until Davkl Wilder .. ....,.. to lead otf the a&xth. run.nan "Wll unable to advance • n.mDll' pan .... t..in the pme. JohDIOn'• performance wu tat. tecoad •t= atandout ' Plticbllll effort P'u.Dertm In the tlDUrmlamt.. The ~ wwe shut out on a flw-bltts ~ Wk:blta Staee•a ~ O.lbrt , ___ nllbt 7~. ~-flnat In the women'• open competition, the veteran camNnatlon of a.a Gllillow wt Suaan Warfield toppled Lea Antonopolk and '1'nc.Y Wellt, &-.2, 6-2 with Warfield winnlna a aecoad title In Cbe mbDed dO'•Nm with partner Stew Simon. 'Ibey defeated Kathy Marcua and Dick Miller, M. M . Km Stuart md Bob nue.ler, a pair ol wteram from this ... ~ope.led Steve Peacock and Lindbcq Racquet Club pro Stan Kula for the coveted title,1 M , 8:-3...:.. M . 1n~~nT~ men. women and mixed teum. Bank Letchtfrled and Irv Goldbert won the A dlvilloo men'• crown with a 8-7, M ,8-2 verc:Uct over Stew Crus and Bob Roblee. 1bt Jone double '9lnner of Cbe day WM Warftekl who ca~ UtJ. in the oplD WCXDeft I and mbced cbaNea ewma. Som• 840 doublet team• started Cbe campeeitlon on the Memorial Day weekend with flnala ln all dlvl1lon1 held Sunday at the Newport 8-:h Tennllaub. From Page C1 ·LAKERS • • • eecuMll before the end of the half. The c~ _period wu the third. Loi Anlelea 1ed 68-M. and then w• ou1aecnd 21-13 • the 76en took a 9141 lead into the final 12 minutes. Dawldnt contributed 14 pointa and T~ 8 In the .lODd period for Phil.8delphia, while Mtson and Cooper ellCh bad 10 for the lMen. ... In that thlr~ period, Loa Anae1-turned the ball owr 16 tlmea, which lecl to 14 Philldelph1a point.. Jholnc and Taney, eecb with etcbt. Jed the 76en' omlauaht. The dmest Loi AnaeJet came after that w.. eUrht on a 1ayup from McAdoo at ihe 8tart of the !Ourth quarter. Fran there. the Sisen outleored the •tunned Lebn 30-13, md it w.a all over. Ervlna and aubstftute prd Cint IUcbarmon each had 10 in the quarter. Tli• 81 point• acored ~)' Philadelphia In the aeciond balf. WU the = a team in one half of a pme linDe the Boston-Lot An1ele1 1ame of April 18, 1965. J\rea rider Baja winner DfSDfADA, Mexico (AP) - Lerry Roe.Jer of l'.l c.Jan md Chuclt Mlller of Hunttntton· Beacb, were named Sunday olfldtl CMnll wtnmn of the Uea Pernod SCORS aaJa lntsnadonal Off-Roed ..... Ba IF r't"', 25, and llliJllr, 33, ~ the 440-mUe .... in 7 . boun. 57 mlnuta. 18 __,. OD • y...,..,. Tbeir aft!1'119 speed Wll &$.JOO mph. 1bere ...... 208 entn. Saturday and about 120 f inl1becl before the Sunday da9clllne. . The .... OYWa1l am.1..a wer'e Scot Harden t1l Liii v.- and BNnt WaWncinford ol YCll'ba1 L&ada on a H~ Third overall were Kent UMI Scott Philtts, both at c.c.ta .... Oil • y..,.,,. . The fint four-wb"1 41rive ....... to fbUlb .... F.uaiD .. drivu by Larry ~._. of ftomxma a '7 =· .. ~· ............ t _,_ C•WM!lt tMi 416 1 1 "' .,.... ., .... Aellly,.111 4 1 t t o-..1 4 t t 0 ~ 4t1t~40t0 ..... 40tt .......... 10 Y*'*Al40tt ~OtC ~ 4 0 t 0 ...,.. 4 0 I 0 '-"'" 4 t 1 0 LIM.d..i ~ 0 t 0 .-.. 11to a.... ... oao NrM,c 1121 ....... 4010 ,....d 101t ....... IOtO Toc.19 S3 6 t I 't ... 111 0 .... .... ., :'Te, IOlt-6 CelforNa 100 000 000-t I -l'GnClh. OP -._... 1. I.Cle - ---•• CellorN 1. 28 -~ c-. ..,.., "" -~ (t).. -LMlilard. .. -~. ..... • "•••to OfedatW.MI tMi e t 1 o 4 ~ ft20001 l'Otldl(L.4-t) 8~ t I 4 2 I Goltz "OOOtO T -2:30. A -14,Mt. ...,... ........ , KC 004 Ote OOO-t4 22 2 New Vortl 000 000 OtO-1 4 t .... o. '**'°"~lo.:1.11111 Wllllwl, °'*" !ft .. Ill. ~Ill.~ 8lld ~­W-•11••· 4·1. L-or9a11, 1·2. ""9 -"---Olly, ..... New YOftl, W)lll..-(I). A -12,M, ~7,nillwl attrnr ooo oat 001 02-1 t2 t MIM 000 10t IOI 00-1 to a ~:i~':t==~ ..... ~ m. IOl1I (7), "-De'llll ('> WI ........... ~ ... 1-1.l-ll~. t·f. Hf11 -leltlMora. Ayele (I). Craw, 12'. Is Murny (1). A -11.M). ni.-........ , ..... oooaooooo-aat • o.-dl .. 000 Ob-10 12 1 c!:?Ce> ~ a:-.~i;.:.::: ,.:.~ W-l'etry. t ·I . L-lllarty, 4•1 . H,.._l>Woft. Wllbll• (It, Hlmdon (~A-ti.In. ~--­--. ....... 1 ~ tcro OOo 000-t 4 1 T°'°"'° 000 000 Dll-41 7 0 eo-.n. W""-' It) WI ~ IUall •nd Wlllll. W-8Utll, l·I. l-8orat1Nn, 1·4. "'ta-;;::,ron1o, UplMw (-4). "-""' ,,.. (I). ~ .... ...... ,.-..... a...ld 0'9 100 1-...1 " 0 Toronl4> 011 1IOI O,._. t I .....,.,_(lt.~c~ =r::..-r::r·.·.·.·m rvln !~ J, MGI...,......_ (~, Cit_ ............ W-=GI nn, 2·0. L-earvln~t· • • -m....._,..., -DlllM (I). A-t1, '· ................ ~ 010 000 __.. 1 1 T-OIO 001 11x-t tO 0 ,..~~~:.~ W-lol!mlclt 1•t, L-kOMIMll, 1•3, Hfl-a.loagO. ...... (I). A-11, 17'1. ..... 1 ..... .. .... -011 000-7 14 1 OllldMd 100 010 000-1 • 2 ~ """" (t) lftd ...._. T. Underwood~ Arroyo (I), a. Mo~ <I 11u1 M. Haalh. W-1 L--T. l.wlllwood, M.A-a4, ... ~ ..... _ .. u.,.,.. M II H ....... c... t• r7 .. 0 ti .a1t =· 211 14 tt 10 14 .87 167 • 4t t 11 ... Ottdt ,.. 12 47 7 2t .no L)IM t71 27 41 2 tS .m ......,. 11tt108.m fol t7a 17 41 2 24 .V2 "'>. Jecllaaft It I 1 0 I .14 t .__ 11t 22 11 1 at .n1J ~ ttl 22 4t t 11 .IN ,...._ttO ao ar 1 ,. .aat FW9118011 17 I t 0 0 .121 Claft ae a 1 t a .JOO ~ II I 14 0 II .tit ......... 4t 4 ,. Qi 2 .1118 ~ 101000.000 TOlllll 1$11 l2t 4tt 41 111 .Ha ~ -• H •IOW-4 MA Gdtl a a t 1 CM1 o.oo ....., 21\41 ti to 10 t-4 O.ft All*o ~ II t2 1t 1-1 1..44 Mee u.. 32 18 .. t-2 1.74 z.... m. 10 17 a4J w U1 ....._,,_ 29 ti tf M 1.11 ICllor'I 11'6 U a St 4-1 l..lt Fondl .... • 21 '17 ... • ... ..._ ~ 47 1t 1t I~ ._ •. eor-.t ... 4t ti 21 w ·a.a T.......,... -171 221 11..ft a. 11 NATIONAL UAQUI a.......1,c......2 LOI Alllllua ' ST LOU19 •rll 111 '• r 111111 au.a •1 22 Srntll.-11101 Lndnl.d 4 0 2 1 McGea.cN 0 I t Ndnfr.p 0 0 0 0 Hmdl,lba 0 t 0 ,,.., ., 0 0 0 0 Hndrtl,rl 4 0 2 0 .... 3 t , 0 emtll.• 4 0 0 0 arr.a.rt 4 0 2 0 Otwtdl,IM t I 0 Cay~ 4 0 0 0 flmey.lt> a I I 0 Y•~ aooo 9mw1w~ao10 ..... .pll 1 0 ' 0 Onlll,pfl , 0 0 0 8-.c 0 0 0 o Stpr.p. 1 0 OJ) ....., .. 4 ' , o ~ 1 o o·o ......_, a o 2 1 ...,., 0 0 o..o .._., 0 0 0 0 l.lldml.pll1 0 0 0 t.tridy.pll t 1 t O 8ttr .p o O O o TiwN,cf 0 0 0 0 ..__ 1 0 0 0 T~6t21 ~.aalt2 ...... Loe An-. o 1 t ooa-a 8t. ~. 000 000 SOCl-3 l -8u,~OP -Loe Meltle t, LOI -Loe ~ !r lt. Loia 7. 29 -..__. "9nch:a. Ml -HeNrtdl.. ... .,. -..._.,__ "-,,...... • "•••eo ...... • • 2 2 1 1 ~,..,, 2 a 1 to 2 ........ 8 OOOtO ~ t 00000 ....,_ I 81211 ..... 2 t0001 ~2} 2 11101 ....... "~-.. ·-·-· ...... '° 1 '*"'In""' WP-.... T-2:12.A-SIM7. ..,.., __ , ....... 000 »t 02t_. 12 0 Allllllll Ot2 000 GOO-a 1 0 ~ ....... (7) "" c.w: .... MdnUla• (7). Qill!p .... ........ W-~. L ~ ... l.S. ..._.MINa, IUpllr (-.......... a..-t <'°'-Wllllall (7). ,_ ...... ............. , Sen °"'° 000 010 00.-t 1 0 ......... 010 000 001-1 1 t OM out....,. -=~~1'1111 -.d. L.oMr and T. , Cendeletle, 8cury ~ Ttlcullle (t) lftd T • ..._ W-fatculve, l ·t . L-Loll1r. l ·t. HR-Sen Dla90, T. Kennedy (8). A-1t,714 .. ..... , ........ Pf? F ...... 000 000 ...._. 11 I ......... .. 004 OOl-7 12 t ~~~~·::~ c.: Cl> ... _. W-fMlll, 44. l-9n ..... A-11.114. T91ttl -==~=-~ .,.. .. " .... Harnll,Qe 4'1'14'11 ... 9onnel.Tor 47 1M a It .17' =r... •m1111.----.ICC IO 1• ao ., .114 WM Oi .. KC a 118 11 • ... II ts It 11 ..111 41 ttO tt to ... eo•11M.-lt::".-°' It 177 ...... 4417'••.m ----! TilorMoft. ~ 191 ........... ........ 11: ........... ........ ~~~-Mlnuuta. u ; ...,.,..,, 0r....-OoMt DAILY PtLOT/Mond9y, June 7, 1118 .SCOREBOARD .......... . JllOfntOfl. c~. 11· *" .. · l!4NM Olly, 41; ~ ~ 41; Cooer, 1'11wa1111H, 1"i;trrite11. 0 'I' l ~ ~ ~!f: ...,., C:t'Dl$1\ M: .~,-«~ ... , •• M ; C.., ....... ~I; ..._ a...o. , ... "'*Y. 0.-. w. unoew.LUeUi .... " ... 4$ 17141. ~ ... 1n lM to --u 1• t-4 .... 13 100 111 SS .*10 35 "' 11 •. Ut 41 t14 .... .m IS lOO IO M .320 4S , ... ., ... ,. at 104 n • ..111 IS 20t 2t ... I It ........ Murplly, AtlanY, 11; '°"8f'Mn. New YOftl, 14; "· ~. Plt1Murdl. ta: o.w-. MonlrHli 10; C:er1er. liilontreal, 10; Hanclfk:tl, •I. Loul9, tO; Hot19, A,..._ 10; ................... ......... Murphy, Atlanta. 44; MclnlMnd, CNoego, H : ICln~m•n. H-Yori!, H ; a . .01•1:, Pllllld ... 38: J. ~. ~ *7: ............... .,. ......... -.,.,....._, . l'oredl, SL Loule; 1·1; SutlGn, HoulCon, 14: "°Cieri-~ 7.S; V1trn ''ti "-A111e .. 1f,i,S·4; Puleo. H•• Yo • l·I: """-1.~1-1;.......,,., ... Mlllle.~New Oftl.M . ~ > . MUP'LAYOPn 7lefa ~i.:: -LOI AMible '\ 'U "o ~ ~ •o _.4 ": Wiii.-I tf t I 1 4 a ti AWJllllWll024418 HlllOll t 19 I I I ta t 20 ~ 4t241044t0 MGAdoo tt1'tl4tl23 COOi* t1111141tl ~ OIOOtOtO LrldU I glli 0 2 0 0 I 0 1 0 Jcwdln 010'00100 McGee 2t002004 .,_ 1100 1 002 T_,.._. •t TOlllll 47 100 t ti 48 1 19 '°2 ,..,,Dal'MIA ...... .._ r .,.,.. 10flllt24t21 1 t 1 t S I 4 2t I 1 0 t 4 t I 4 ••••••ot3 1Stlltl82at }100242 2 • 11 2 • 1 1 4 20 411414211 2 I 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 ' 0 0 1 4 0 0 Edwerdl 11000008 T-~ 14 ToUll II 94 23 14 It 17 If 1$5 ............. Loe..= ao M v 21-102 "" 20 14 11 44-181 FOUied CM -None. Toe.I '°'* -LOI Ano•IH H . Pllllll4alplll• tt. Tedvllcal follll -Pt Pa--..... .,.,...Loe~ ..... ~" -11.364. ~, .......... ,=..:---" ....... 114, l'tlal= 117 ..... .•. PNILd ..... 110, ....... M ,...... .... ui-. t2t, l'ttt ' \CPW 108 """ ......... Llllere 11 \ • .,,. •• J Is:•• 10t ........... ._71•d•IJ;llla "'· ....... 102 ~ ....... 2) ,........._ ..,........ ....... 8p.m. """ .... .... ~·t~tp.m.(lf ~ • ...,~:.:;.,-t4 ..... I ._,.,, ... • ,.1 • .... tt1 M•oll•r•IL_! ll•llllvt. 7 ratl9WteH. 11 rook ,_, t:::r'• .....,_1 ....... 1CM .. .... .... ,4 ......... 1rodlil0d,7 ~ 111 ........... I ldne llMMn. IMMwtWIP~ ........ 41* .,..., 14 Mn ......... llonlto, 4M ~ ................ ,.. 1111. IA• •11•:J:•M LH•l•,,1 ........ ... ,... U..)-14 ..... ........... ...,. ... .. ............ 10 ... -. ........ 1 .......... •• •••• --::-a .·--· • 72·71-71·1t ,........,711 •74-13-71 n.-.n.41 12·13-7'0-74, •n.1~12 fS.12·13-11 fS..13-13-70 • fS.71-72·74 12·1 M&-1'1 73-71·71•74 72·fS..72·7a 14-12·11·11 74-12·11·71 78-72-71·71 ff>.74-71-71 11-18-'n-11 1~11·1' 71-71).75-71 ft.7~71-74 11·7f>.10-11 7~71-71.74 78-71-11·74 12·71-71-74 1S-12-11-14 14-11-11-10 74-71-74-18 14-14-1S-14 1S:74-71s7t 16-74-13-14 78-12-71-71 71-74-72-77 71-1S-74-74 74-14-f t-71 11-7,6.71-77 14-11·11-18 72·71-78-11 78-72·11-74 71:73-72·71 70-78-71·12 11.-.11-n 11-12·11·10 74-72 ... 75 To-73:71· 1' --71-19-71 n.n.11.10 13-71·72-71 11.1 .... 11 71-71-78-74 72-71-13-12 71-72-13-72 n.11.12.fs 73-73:73-18 14-7~12-74 74-71-74-72 78-71-72-72 70.17-76-72 11·12·14-14 71-72-78-74 11·13-14-13 n -13-14-13 14-14-18-13 11-1&-12·12 72· TS-to.72 71-71-1$.1'2 78-71-71-71 75-71-.,..., 11-71·1S-14 78-72-r..70 1S-14-15-71 .. ' ( .. A .............. All,.., ...... ~ In Ihle n•w•P•Ptr la eubjeet 10 1119 'edef•I , .. Houaint Aot Of '"' wNafl "*• II .._ 10 ad\lerttae "any ~--"""'*'*' ~ dlaottlftl· nation bH~ on tac•. color, r•llOlon, HX or n•tlonal origin, or any ln1e11t1qn 10 m•k• tl\y IUdl p .... ~. Nmllo· lloft or dlllorlmlnatlon." Thie~ will not knowtl'\oly 1ccapt any OdWttl.i119 for rMI ... ta\11 1llftllcll .. Ill 'ftoletlon Of IM le'#. 1111111 Advert!· eer1 lhould check their ad1 dally and report errors lm- m ed I at el y . The DAILY PILOT as-""'* llablllty for the flrat Incorrect lnaertlon only. Rt/Mta.X ---·- "'!t.•' ........ VolUt priO;J_4_Bdnn 2 bath pOol "°'"9 In ex· .....,. CoaCa ...... loea- tlonl Mlnut" cloH to tc::ftOOlll Md IMIOr lflop- ping,. SaMer on.. to ... • ~ call now few detAlla. 14e-7111 THE ~EAL ESTATER'3 c:. ,I ' -t-" ,, . ' THE R E A L E.~il ATE:RS f Cii&LOU 11•1 • .,-::~-:, .._ .~.&:.:.;, Prtmt W• laY '~\. lllp1 fW I bolata. 1ax1oa· M lot. Do not Oolert *'"'I • 4 ...nodeJed I bclnn;-l btm •uoo,ooo. 01,_.,,_ ionin••· "*' bl, 1111. wt~. OcMn a. 1'ttY VWwa. ~room. 4 ~a =;·~ \•J::; ::.'-.:'m..":~iie':: bath 5700 ii ft. .1S86000 Ocet.nfl'Oftt. .auo rift. Q11I01 OUl•da•MO. • ICI· • • • l"!'u11 iiiP~iiliiiil-:-"1a.ooo. ~owner. .... ~ I DIT Mftllml . '1M411 °"""--'·'""-1..-uf-•,.. .., ... ..._th, On thl• 11pgredod 4lr l~~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!I .irnu"' --.,~·-n ., "".,. 110lftl1 loller wlll oorry Ot.Ol 1.AQUNA CHAMot Let L.R., a boat .Upt tU00,000. 1100:..000 •• 11,. or un1cau• a bdrm floor A.t.T.i;i. It •• ,.. Don't pion, 1 ~rm w/ feemocM*l a bdnn. 2 bath+ -a:o*· rm. Mita ... OM! tttl,000. MelMd • hard· ... _,_ .. ~ 000 • Clll 11 .. J310 wood ._..a OC11Y 1oa bMrn munp; u ... -• .,.. ..... s-u..-. ' . bur~"'*· 1117,800 a.. .. UYPlllT '""Mtl9t0N lltlAl.TV ~ ww fl'OQl e bdnn, a bath playroom. 494-0131 dark rm, den. Bolt allp. tpi50,000, EMERAl.D MY ' e-. ... Wlll'I fl.EOANCI II 9195 llft 1' mPt lrHtllllkl"iJ ralld9nee S~ blyfront view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, Fl9JCfbte fjnlnOlng on tlllt remlnltoont Of IM Mon. 2 ba dn. 2 boot .Up tl.900,000. Im mac Ur nomt w/ ~-vwtc:r~~~~ encloMd patio, tam rm. b th 11 •oo ooo ...... un IPflnklen. nw.•1 more. J..1:2o . .. . . Oon>nado llland CUit .• btytront 1ot. ~· boat 112uoo. c111 11t-6no L.911 UAL man dock. Plana avail. Red. '370,000 w/terma. WI,.,.,,, 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• \ f . ,111 1l F J( Bl LL GRUNDY. REALTOR I .1 ~~ " I I ' () ' • ' " t 1 () . l " () I (,f ()l'I• ,f ! I I< 11'11'> C . ., 4 er. 1~ k. 2 ttory, pool, upgtedoe. 1084 COl"COfd St. 1115.000. Tar"''· 545-3147 M£8A VERD£ 4 BA ,pool llOme, 120.000 ctwn. tow PYl"lt•. Ill uturnllble. No qu.llfylng. 957-1877 IU,JU Luga covtrtd potlo, flf.-.. double '* oa-r•o•. E11co11.,,1 condl-tlore. 1186,000. Own.r .-J.• HERITAGE REALTORS --- tdaiel CalW Front .. ,,,,... 'B;.L ..... -' du- •' I ........ . . ........ "' Upper ... ......,.. loent a.r er-. , .. t11rtt ,,,. at *"· 10'6 down • 2 1 r a boat dook ' teoo,. ........... .....,. end 144-7414 :::=:~~ -a....-... -.. -.. ---1 t I r 6 boll •ooll • '400/Wll • conu. end 1 w,.. 11'11'.mA"Sn •••• ••• ,,.... Unit .. ~. In mow-in oondltlOft. flrtoed under "*1c4lt tor qulok ..... Low down peytMnt With H rear fl. •ad lnterMt ret•. Coll i 'f;Mrir:rrnh lrvmt! 4'" 2·~ bl, newly Pt11ni.c1 ._ -.n , =~:'::i :r PW "II I ' '"'° °' ... w1m1on 11wn1 to buy. 213/ .. 1'11 1 l!u"9 IO 3 bf, tam rm, now ..... 8092 *.; __ .. ---'-'!'•--LIT :oremtcvr.w on Hew port lar end J>aclflc OcHn. Prim• locallon. Ol.'W M00.000 "~~. .... •v•llable 101 on IM!p. '1.M0.000. (714) no.1• PoOI. trHnMlt. 11060 . · -.. li'llM 1144 mo. Agt. "4-0134. c.a ... -'~ . .. . . . . . ... ... .. . .. . . . 7 Old 2--... ___...._ :sa· •••0 ••••••••••••l'•••• Ottrlltld, 3 Br, 2 81, '1' c ·•"-; ........... 1 II -• twnh•, trplc, 2 OM,.,., Boat lllP· Lf,SW. 2~• M L.-Y flW 1126. 0111 fOf' appe. 1 13) ~ms Of e1a-1oeo Rt11t In Co111 M•H't 939·3o.1 bet. 2PM. NE w fa T Cl. I. d 2 0 UNIV PK IPOC 38f 28t 8pec11011ter oc .. l\/bO)' Towntlom• VILLAGE twnhM Der .AC frPtc no V11. 4br, 2~ °"'fem. COMMUNITY. 2 l II It· pattBr 2 k rein rm.'dtn rm, ..._,t. 1~ mo . 2\4 la. 1800-1800 eq. It. rm, vu of u.c.1. Oerd• itvt.~ .... -.. ~ of PIA,. luxury. OartQM. nar wtr & uen duet Ill· ~ ......,_, .....,...._.,., llydro-t111>t In mHler 010'. LHH 11200 mo. -.. --... ~----~-,~-; 111110 dining room•. ...,.t. 541 6032 .,. .,. wood 'burning llrtplaoee. ...,, • •••••• •• ••••••• •••• mlc:ro-wave cwene. prl· 1 8f/Bec:I\. lie. trplc, wllk 2 bdrm, 2 bl, ootet'I vi.w, .. ..,,_. ---HARBOR RIDOE vat t p 1 t I 0 1 & In clo .. I, dl1hw1.111er. :;.i:·;~7~4~ rel. IHZlif -• •-Prime vu. 811eltrld9. yardt~tn•r provl· Rec fee. 559-5050 --·-----.,..-Nwpt HQll, 3tlf/2ba, 2°" Molct offer. 7H-04f1 ded. I Ill/Ing only 2 8t cottage, knotty pint. dn, owe bel. Xlnt .,,..,., .,..._,_ ....... 15 mlfwt• from Flthlon oaLlll PUI frplc, walk to IMleOf'I " • ... 1· 1111 (Bob) ... , .,._ • ., ltland. r mlnUtM to 8.C. 2 bdrm, 1 b•. lllgllly up-pert!. S750 ...... , .. 7 ....,, Pino or O.C.Alrport. graded, flrtplace. own ._ •••••••••••••••••••••• Jutt ••tt of Newport Jae. Mr pool. 2 car gar. f111mlallll -• ,,,,,. '"' ~ '"*"' oondornlnU'n. atvd. " IO. ol San o.tgo No pall. 1725 rno. Avell ···~::·:OR···:.:,~··· •u••••••••••••••••••• lndltn Wtll1 A1cqutl f 8tllt~t MOO 551-0577 ......,_.,,. ,_,,,,, -.m - Cl11b. (fOfmt .... Balbo• rwy. 1 1 Jul)' 1· 2 8drm $47& a.r-t • nr month. 831· 9, 2473 0 3 BR 2 B .OK . ...-· \ 'lay Oub). 4M-7tt7 Orengo Ava., Cott• Irvine rCMll • • chlld , no pell. N. Tuttln Cuttom 4 ldrm IUU HEAD CITY. ML M9M. condo, IN op(lon Of Mii. 545-2000. Agent, no M. home W/09ftl'0Ut UM o1 a...rt Oo4cNl'I Waet mo---------a725 rno. PM ~. Avf 4 bf pool homo, wot bet In • 1olld m1llog1ny. Ultr• bll• 24•84 own 101 3 Bt. 1 81. a.ga yetd, July 1. 549·3916 eve tam. rm. Children, .,..1 • modem kltc:han. Uttlma19 • rectao. 1983 Contlnenlll. 644-7575 Oya. ...... In h IM1Urt1. lullt-tn .,.._164t <1141 S700/mo. 65 .. 5001. ~. 1775. Cell 118f, J v1cuum 1ylltm Two LUIEIU Mlllt, 1142-tett. ' 6-ton A.C. 11n111: R.V ........ , ,,,.., • 2 Br. yetd, no !)«a. chNd l er1ga. Pool a ep1. """ lfi ok, WMtelda. '660/mo. ~ i::..== = ~•'9/W , H0,000. 01,0n Sell· ~.:•::.=~:~:.:.·,·~ 641-0793. bl• lmmtdl•taly. ~ 1411 • ......... ~ 1 .... •00 .......... ~, V ......... '" .....,..___, 1 .,._-.t.-...&.w _.-._,.,..,mo AA 4 ~ t-.....-•••••••••••••••••••••• ,._,. -' Bannan Springe Stat• • ...._, "" .._.., "" ....,., ""' ' •--· Retort.ffele edult tract nr l,f <JJI(,( fl l<IN ', I 0 Park )'et MCtud.i 142 etreat prt(g. Oul9t. $350. Flv• otll!" lo CllOON SC PIH. Pool. grd11r. • oor~• or good tend. No pall. 831·7220. from. we rt the on.. lo Dlux 18f. No I*•· l4eo Oood bldQ llte. Running Spocloul, cteen, qulot 3 calf fOf' ....... a 135 utll. 775-2580. ~:JE:t.-~ •=-~~~:-.:: [rTJ)~SSftuJ.~ ;;;;.;;. Nlol Ul50/ac:te •. By ow-ttnnll. pool, i.e. tet, tut -n• '*· Wrtto: John Allon. & 1 e c · • 8 5 0 "'0 • t1211la"aao ft•>.lnllM' ~.¥.~ ....... . Rt. 1, 9011 195, Long t46..()J90 lflY&l.I WINTER RENTALS LAM, MO 86590. 1111 I Pm • 2 end 3 bd.rm• from AEGIR PAOPERTIES EAITSIDE 2 Br. garage. 1750to11400. e.tbole1•~ 1595/mo. 842-25f0. .,_.,.,., ue 4148 THE ~EAL ESTATERS 6 BA a BA w/trpto home. fildeool atod, .. lncld, 1---------1 wooden potlo w/am•lf 4 8R 2~ bl, newly p8\I· boet dOdl. 2 c.t genioe. --------• od lf'9lde end out. All 4 btk1 to OOMI\, IHI. bultlne. 1ga ywd. 1158, ooo. 714.·IH-'542 or ------- · 1 ,\ 'r' I < ) I ' r " l ---- THE REAL ESTATERS 000 ""'" .-.nal>le tit -1 2t11 'Znd. Wiii oontldar .... , •• ,,,iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I• w Ith opt IO I' -fa&-• 213/861-7141 -· -- PETE BARRETT . REALTY '"'-llH OllOIC9 4 br executive •• ••••••• ••••• •••••••• ra11011 1tyt• llomt In -~=~==:-•1 prlmo TURTl.!AOCK -.,. at•H ioc.Ctolll jt.200/mo rent laOholOf condo. ·111 TD Ill lpplltl towwdl !>Ur· 135 000 Sole prtce MS ctleM In e monttll to 1 ooo' teim• or SIO.ooO )'Mt. Lsge, low lt!t•tlt cMI to loan. Ownr/Agl. ~ loon, lorrMI 841-2003 dln~·i;fclc, end FEE ~~~~~~~I :f14)i&t·1~~ orM~~) 2 BA, 2 BA, Wood~. 152-1313 SFD. Mlltt .... >9Ym ta ' 1a1-. HELP. 917-2045 ............. I ~, Walker & Lee ...... Lert• tunny GOfldo. 2 BR, 2 b9., COfMluftfty pool. CIOH top~ "*'Cl-• 1•.IOO. . . . ~ R&"M~ ., .. ,, ,.,.,, I •••••••••••••••••••••• ~QAPI .... . ,__.l,u°'!/.n,,....,. Win 4 fN!E TtCKEf8! Olly Plot DO IT NOWI .......... VM Diiiy Piiot ..,._OlfeotOIY ,.......,, .. tw Ml-llU. tit. Ill AL,l.8TAT&--ttA V\NO 8Mlcoltlno·llrtolna ..... Ccmm.IAeekf. Lio 13t7S412 MM181 ~.~~!trr .....•..... flN( SH~( AUTO OBTAILINO. Gull. F,_ PU/d«. '42·6449 ~'!l!r'. ••••••.••• Atllebll 27 yr. Female wt~ beb111t lull Um.a ll'lb tufM*, 5-40-7082 Oflln09 CoMt Wlndowl.. "We IH\19 you wlttt1P' btlgnter outlootcr' Fr" •tlmel• 83C).4111 CLEARVIEW WINDOW WASHING. Reu ,.,.._ •yra ln erea.842~ For Ad Actiml Cal a Daly Plot AD-VD 642-5678 mMIY Fttlme f()( k>c* de!Nwy. Excel. clrMng rec. '*!'Cl Phone for appt 557-9212, Newpott Sta- llonera Inc • Mr. Em-mona. " , ... , ........ .... 15 ~ !MfMd. Ho aper. nc. 3-IPM, "°" ttw '1t •• Cll; M4M>151 8ft 1PM • t . .. co~~;Hl • .,.F~~-,f. t ~. 4 ,,, } , , --------ToP ~ tor ""'11 ~=~ Campet .. .. , Nia for UIC MGR --....... 11711 9eecfl 8MI. ( '4UNT'IHOTQH BEACH 1" ........ , ·-....... ........ , ;i , 4 . t f • A Tl.AS C:t.tlYSL&ll.YMOUTM 2929 Hefbor Blvd., Co1ta ~ Tel. 54&-1tM. 3 bloCMI IOUth of San Diego FrH#ay off Hsbof BIYd. Comptete ,body ahop. Salet. Sefvlc9. P*11. a.vie. Dept. OP9ft MondllY thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and I AM. '° 5 ~.M. on Saturday. • 'II Vin i1 ... fOf qulOll ,111. epllt front ..... 10000 •n o. P " IS1·31JI r ')NNtl , l~HYR()lfl . ' . ' .. <,•I, I JI)') 11l72 Colony Plftl ~flO. All 111tra1. air, 1t1r10, "°" oond l44·1•t7 UPll '11 lllA 'M CMY ll~yne W-O V-8 IUIO • AC, AM/FM 250 lnO '300. M•O whit. very ol11n. #I i. °"9ltf c;.-.y t.4i·tt30 I 3 0 U . 53 8. 7 3 91 , 2925 HarbOf Blvd '74 MALIBU Clalllc, 2 dr. 963-3580 COSTA MESA 11.000. LOOlll Gd I runt -,NO--M-flf_c_Sobca __ l._lmm_ao_ 17. 2100 grMt 873·2Mi eond Su~ dHl '711 R1bblt: Aune good, • • 14&-1&38° good cond. •Int body. '70 811lck 8kyhawk VI Ci ... ltr Ill ·73 C89fl, AIC. auto AMI a::'to'~r· 12000. Cd Hatchback, am/Im, 1t1ck .... ,.~................ FM. x1n1 cond .. 11850. _____ .,.., __ , •hill. air. 11900. Call 1lt ,.,. .... Ytrbr 845-0091 '71 VW Con*1:~ 0·30PM 540~2 Runt greatl 11200/btl -------- eng, OOf'l\P. r .. tOfed, •lnl '70 Buick Cantur'y, 350 olr !!!!~~l. ........ "-!l o o n d • I II 0 O O · eng. Xlnt oond. 11200 1148· 1815 '71 Eic~tent condition air 213/143-9421 evee. 080 042·8930 ,. tJ. ._, H cond radio. PS, PB. . .... . .. .., """ .. 72 vw eus. new rldlt, ,,_.,,,, • Hll •••••••••••••••••••••• 12...,., or bell Oner rlblt eng. Very olMn In/ __..,,, ·ee SEMI.CIUiio. mey nd. 548·1531 out. 13100. t.45-SllSll ···~~~:;';a~:;••• muffler bul othlt'Wlte ..... llLll,mM •• u .. OVERSEAS DELIVERY EX PEATS -11H1w_,_ "" '69 FASTBACK IUILUI' eonct. s.450. e1t-ao11 iuoo 080 we epeclaltte In 11 .... ·oe Cont., auk:lde drt, xlnt 07S· 1312 for the butlneN llllCU· body, 9119. not running. 'ti IAll 1 tlve & prollllionll O r • • 1 f 0 r Pa'•' 1 03.000 ml, rHI lhtrpl L., ..... --61--$250/080 850-037 .. :1 .... 1iii' $2500/080 8"2·8171 f!!!!.'f! ••• : ••••• !M. '70 F11tb1Ck, 302. 3 IPd. ONHl11t •lllfll 11 runt grell. ndt minor , ... la ltffll llll T ,,_. body worll.. 11000 or NA~ .,.,., belt off• 850-0375 ' IP-' trent . ~I -------- 8Hut1full ( 1CBU427). OU..1611t Hfl '"'A.O OILY 11.a ... ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ "'" '74 Toronado C<eam Putt, 11.()()H.111-.11 111\11 ' •Wiil •mtMt 58,000 mll11 $1075. (,..,.,, \\,1 \40 •lt()() Dove/Quall SIL SS1 ... 121 NEWPORT BEACH -,,-1,-,,-----.,-1-1 TIIE WI.EST (Nr Jamboree & Britto!) •• !' ••••••••••• •••• •••• IH-1111 '78 PINTO Hatchback. IELEOTIM .75 CORVETTE $2900 or bell offet Lo of '-" model, tow ml..._ Red, ttlck shirt, prlcff ml. air cond AM/FM Perl ge CedlllK9 In Southern for quick Ille Int & body 5'~ 1997 Callfomlal 8\1 ut todayt 842·SS52 ar 841-180.. &/O Wllll llHIS " " IH RACK • s 1250 CUILLIC .~.................... sse-1833 2600 Harbor Blvd 'Oii Ranc:tllro. 8 cyt. Slide COSTA MESA 1hll1. Needs work. $1, 11 .. ,.,. IHO 000 ~8-9339 •• , ..................... . 14.-1 llD 1116 1 Ply Horizon TC·3 lml1\llC cond with exten· ded warr avail . 64~1538 Slugfest develops in GOP SACRAMENTO (AP) - California's Republican primary has evolved into a volatile, n8Jl)e-calling slugfest between Lt. Gov . Mike Curb, the 37-year-old former president of Warner-Curb Records who 1111 AlllYlll pi:oduced Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life," and 11ate Attorney General .George Deukmejian. Curb surged to the lead in pre-e-lection polls, but a revelation that he never bothered to vote until just eiibt years ago -not even for Ronald Reagan -may have hun bis credibllity among the party faithful. The Democratic primary f« governor features Mayor Tom0 Bradley of Loa Angeles. ln a cakewalk. Gov. Edmund Brown is seeking the Democratic nomination for the Senate. The primary el«tion1 are Tuesday. With Bradley the overy.rhelming favorite, the attention has been focused on the GOP squabble. Curb and Deukmejian have repealed Ronald Reagan'• ·longtime 11th Commandment -thou shalt not speak W .of another Republican. There are ao few diUerencM between Curb and ~jiap on issuea.&-both are (See PRIMARY, Page A!) Cat causes • commotion A cat running amok caused 900le constemation In Irvine in the wee hours Sunday morning. Three Irvine police officers responded to a l a.m. call listed on the police log as "suspicious circwnstanoes" to find the garage door open at 84 Monttcellp and items strewn about. "It looked like the garage had been tom apart," said Police Sgt. Richard Bowman. "Checlu out OK," the police Jog stated. "Out of control cat." Bowman's comment th'ls momins: "It muat have been an awfully big cat." .............. .., ,...,... 0'0.-.. WIDE-EYED WINNER -Six-month-old Jessica Dawn Olarte aJ>i>ears to be enthralled with her trophy as winner of the youngest competition in c.o.ta Maa Fish Fry Baby C..ontest Sunday. Proud mom is Mrs. Jeff Olarte of Santa Ana. Fish Fry deClared I success in Mesa Much \o the relief of the 1ocal cdd population, the 37th Annual Fish Fry and Carnival finiahed lts three-day run at Lions Parlt in c.o.ta Mesa Sunday. The day featured most of the ~ events of the Fish Fry, including a rafDe for a new car, the traditional baby contest and the crowning of a new Mill c.o.ta Mesa. Officials of the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club, 'r.o::r of the event, said about ,000 fish d1nnen were consumed Friday nl1h t, Saturday and Sunday, an above-average ahow:lna. Proceeds from the Flab Fry ancf ~ted events netted about $1~.ooo for local' charities. Llona Club i officials esu.nalteq. The 8 p.m. dra\vina for a 1982 Chevrolet Chevette Sunday WU the final major event of tbe Flab Fry, and Costa Mesa .l'elldent C. Balley of Grove Place drove away with \he bia prbe. Runnen up were, in. the 13-24 fP'OUP· Sherri Renee tubble, 21 months, of Fountain Valley and Sean Morrilley, 14 months, of c.o.ta Mesa. In the 6-12 group the nmnen up were 10~-montb-old Bobby HArtdeaen of ~ Mea and Rachel "'Lamoureux, 10 mont.ha, of Santa Ana. Chris Lane of Costa Meea waa winner of the beau&:'test and was crowned Mm Me.a. a ti.,._ lhe wW hold for the next (See FISH FRY, Pqe A.I) . The 69th Ol1trlct Includes portions of HunJlnlton BMch, Planes pounding PLO base By Tiie Asaocla&ed Presa Israel said its invading anny captured a key Palestinian arUllery hue at Beaufort Castle today and besieged major guerrilla stronah<>lds 1n aouthem Lebanon ln a powerful thrust to within 25 miles of Beirut. The PLO said Israeli warplanes pounded Its nerve center t.n aouthem Beirut again today. The Paleatlne Liberation Orpnb:ation said waves of jets rocketed and bombed the Fakhanl neighborhood, which houses the command heedquarters of PLO Chainnan Yallel' Arafat and was one of the primary targets of a mualve &neJi •raid two days before .... launched its inVlllion to diiw the PLO fJom l"!Qlhern Lebiftan. 'the PdVately owned "Vcm:.ot Lebanon" ndio ataikn .... 8,rfa_ ICnUDbled MiG jet fighters to challenge Israel'• raiding tighter-bOmbers, and claimed an air battle broke out over Beirut. ThJa report w• not confirmed officially and· could not be verlfled. Israel radio said Prime Minister Menacbem Begin Dew by helicoptel' for a briefinc with Defeme Minister Ariel Sharon at Beaufort, the Crusader-built fortrell that had been a major Paleatine artillery base (or lhelllng northern Iarael. :'The Israeli flag now fllea ft<Om Beaufort," fsrael radio quoted an unidentified cammander as saying. The radio said an Israeli assault force fought (See ISRAEU, Pace A.I) Student pranksters nabbed by police Nine Costa Mesa Hiah School students, who apparently gave up efforts to h9ist a stolen outhouse to the \op of the school gym wett arreated at the scene early this momJ.na by po.lb on suspicion of crand theft and malicious miachief. Police called to the Costa Mesa campua at 12:30 a.m. found the stolen outhowie on the IJ'OW'd. Statues and an oveniJied display golf ball were on. the roof. Deir Net Pllilte ., .... O'Delli ... WHERE'S MAMA? -Costa Mesa animal control officer Michael Doyle holds 18 inch alliga1or found al TeWinkle Park SWlday afternoon. The three-month-old reptile will be turned over to the Alligator Farm in Buena Park, police said. Ethics committee raps Irvine mayor By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ot" ............. Meeting in ~Josed session Sunday, an ethics conunittee of the Orange County Republican party rebuked Irvine Mayor David Silla for literature critJcal of the voting record of Nolan FrizzelJe, Sifts' opponent in a state a111embly primary. Silla, who boycotted the meeting because party officials refused to open it to news reporten, branded the panel "an Argentine junta." rrfzseJle, an incumbent assemblyman, said the ethics panel action showed that Silla "is guilty of deliberately eeeklng to <lecelve the public." Silla and Frizzelle are battling for the Republican nomination ln the 69tb ~bly District wbkh Includes aeveral Oranae Coast communities. FrineJle raised a formal complaint with the ethics committee after the SUia campaign issued a mailer claimi.ng that Frizzelle 1-s missed 75'1 votes on bills pendipg in '\he Legislature dwing his put 18 months in office. - The committee took no excepUon with the number of. votes cited, but said Sills' infonnation did not support the allegation of abeenteeism. ''The committee finds that the overall effect of t~e Sills brochure violates the spirit of the code of et hi ca signed by Mr. Sills." I .. •• Ttie oonunaUH rejected requMU by 8llla to open tu 4.ellberaUona to newam•n. fitDIU. ilkl ht had no i.e11n1 OA• way er the oth•r .. to .. hethw She meetlftl lhould be ~· '· sm •• vlatbly •nary at the, ~UM'I deda&ont iuaetted tbit he may punue lepl action i1lalNt the county Re~bllcan plrty on llbel and dander ~ •,A 81111 came-Ian 1tr~te111t &ncluded that Sllla WU ~ with 11a 1t.11eked deck," referrlni to the makeup of the ethka liqlnmittee. ' • 1 Frinelle, on the other hand, prat.ed the committee'• action and uld It lhouW help ~ I trom aim1lar oca.IJ'l'llM)M . an ~ /"' future. Silla had da1med in a letter to the commlUee that Frluelle'1 ._..t.eeiem raie fMled from 11 to 18 percent and WU hicher than other Jie8'alaion. auch • Auemblywoman Marian Bergeeon, R-Newport Beech. FriaeUe aid that many of the Alleged mmed votee were due to havinc to be in two committee hearings at the aame time, which, r h4i nowct, 11 wpailllble. Meenwhile tlWlt the ~ tt\e Fair PoUUcal Practlfft Cammtne. ot'VMt ~ eountt 0.1nocretlc party eoftdemnecl literature lmued by Santa Ana Ctty Councilman AJ Sernto. ant of four conteoden -.kln8 t.M Democratic nomination In the 3211d Senaie ~ The dl1trlct Include• major porUona of centtal Oran•• County and amall area• of HWlUnp>n Beech and Fountain Valley. 'nM committee concluded that a mailer to voters in the dlltrict contaln•d "blatant ra'clal overtones (delifned) to millnform the votera. The compl.alnt WM raieed by another Democratic c:onutnder, attorney Frank Barbaro. Barbaro claimed that the Serrato maller att«fmpted to Imply that Barbaro ia Hilpanlc by referrln1 to him a1 Francleco Barbaro. "Wone stlll," Barbaro said, waa that Serrato aald that another Democratic contender, Weatmlneter Mayor Kathy Buchoi, .. marched with tht Vie~ in black pajunM." ISRAELI INV AS,VJN • . . . I hand-to-hand bittore dawn to aim W drtviJ\I the PaJetinlalw c ~ pt. u re t be c •• (1 e from ncrtflward out of artillery ranae ~alestinian defenden. of Israel. ftahtina, but neither aide hu A ~ risk of the m.e11 merU.toaed the number of invukln wa1 tbatlt mleht leed to cMUiaNee in the i:round offensive full-scale tl1htlns with the \bat beoh Sunday. estimated 30,000 Synan troops in ·, ~ ~ WAFA news Lebanon. 8.lflN!Y denied the i..eu. had Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan. the taken Beaufort, but U .S . top Israeli mWtary ot!Jcer, waa ~ of State Alexander M. quoted on llrael radio • aytna Hala Jr., en route to Rome, &old bis C1'00p8 bad thrust nan& tO reporters that bil information take a llCllle on the t.et.ne.e ccmt corrobol'ated the r.r.eu cJa4n. north of Sidon, about 23 na18 In Israel, U.S. preaidentlal IOUth of Beirut. IsraeU milltary envoy Philip C. Habib arrived analyst Halm }{enqi, a fcrmer overnl1ht on a peace mlaion brf&adler general. aakl the' tbrwt amid feara the fighting would was an effort to c:reaie "a pocbt esc.i.te despite 1lraeli c1alml the that would b1ock all PLO forcee mmve -wt had the limited in eouthem Lebanon." PRIMARY BATTLE . . • campalintnl u c:riJDe.fipten and fi9cal conaervatlvee -that penonalidel and penoftaJ au.dm haw been tbe mmn -.. In their campejcn. Deukmejfan'a Jtaff ·came up with the late-ca'ifian . lnteW&ence about Curb to 9WTl repter to vote. lfe ID after Curb .......... Shat ..... l~~~ ~ l'Upportel' ... ¥'Wh:e Republlcan;'can teunite after the bruising frimarY ii unknoWn. The tq ~Inner between Curb ana peukmejian may be ~ey. The primary bu been the rou1he1t be.tween major California Republkam in two ---DllUkmejm hM alrwty .... It "would be bird" f« him to IUppart Curb In the fall uni.. the lieutenant pernor balta What DP+mejiul dwribel • "dlatortio~ and. bit pJecee" chall••itna Deukmejlan'• ~ ... ft cndentia& Curb'• campaign mana1er, Ken Rietz, reaponds that Deukmejian televhion commercial• are fllled with "lllleU' tactiat and fabricationl ... • ... 0.-, ..... NEW MISS COSTA. MESA -Chris Lang (center), a 22-year-old C.O.ta Mesa ~~tt wu selected Sunday u the new Mia Ullta Mesa during oompetiUon at the dty11 annual Fish Fry. Tracy Grams. 19, (left), &nd Sonya Hansen, 19, (right) were selected runnen-1.lp. Both are also from Costa Mesa. WINNING TOT AWARD -Tiffany Lynn Vaughn, 14-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mn. Alex Vaughn of eo.ta Mesa. took tint place honors in Fi.ah Fry Baby C.OOtetrt Sunday in division over six months old. From Page A1 FISH FRY. • • year. Runners UJ? were two o~r Coeta Mesana, Sonya Hansen and Tracy Grams. Mila Lang has been a runner up in the Coeta Mesa beauty contest twice. She beet out 22 other young women to win the 1 flrat prize of '$250 and the opportunity to preaide over Ownbe.r of c.ommeroe functions this year. . Good weather helped make the weekend one of the busier F\ab Fey. and police reported only one 9CU1f1e on the park p-ounds. Police wtte called to the park Saturday night about 10:30 to break up a fight that resulted In the arrest of Il people. Couple drown VISALIA (AP) -A Tulare County CIJUP)e fell Into a swift creek and drowned wblle their .8~year-old dAuahter watched, authorldea said. William Olswal\, 29, .Upped into Stony Creek> in Sequof.a National Forest while on a walk Sunday with his wife, Dora Lee, and their daughter. . ' Sunny afternoons Panel MTill decide on Crean charges Coastal fair ton1011t end TuHday ....... a ....... nlalltend ·~io"'•rnlno low ·clouda. ·-~~~ f5.~--0f84to51. HIJINT..-,•to71. ~aewnar•. lrom l'olnt• ~tottMi~~ end out to -.11 .. : •-11 craft ~ .... cMer .......... Ill tw wlrldll Of 11 to 25 ~la and rc>uo'I I-to I-foot OOlll ... hld -end ..... LOCllllY ........... --ot 10 to dt 'knot• wtth 2· tct 3-foot wind --~1W111ot1toa fMt. Low otou09 with "'oatty ci-tno In Ille .....,_. todliy ..nclT~. Te~peratures . 04 J1T OmlN 17 la Oflando tel 78 ===· n M M WT 71 =r.r. •t A ..G2 12 47 .12 ....... Orw .. ... .01 ~-• ... .24 :..·· 1't M eo 33 a.it LaU .. ... lanAMoNo .. n ..... .. ;~ lfMa:-,: t2 ..... a IO 9t Loulla a n ltP.Tamoe ., 71 11 ....... eo A ===· • 41 a 55 .11 T~ 12 17 .71 Tucaon ta 12 •Tulle • Tl Wllllf*lgln 12 81 .14 WlcMa .. 81 ' ........:~ 8lytfle • 81 tu... ' :: .. ~ 12 53 UrlollW 78 15 ~=:-74 .. 12 ~':"' eo N ~ .. 64 ,_,..... eo 47 ........ " 16 ~Qty la A ....... ..., 17 ... ...... a ... CANADA ~ ... 36 11 31 ~ e.r 12 o.t... == Aaollw .. Tcwonto eo 14 v-.. 47 WlrlfliPeO 'l ., 11 Smog TM Air OueJlty~t t*rlct ~ ,.....,.. ~ ::-:.,,..~'°'San F«nando. sen Gabriel and Pomona Wlayl. plua t11t fUverald•·l•tt Bemttdlno .,..... A ,..,_. ltandard ~ ot 121 la foreoHt for th• Ian ~~-... IVV9I aldt Ian ....... clllO .... wllt\ a PSI rttlno crf 111 for ttl9 Stnlt Clarlta•lan fernando ~. fhtN .. be fOOd ~In all°"*.,.. crf the c.. All letln, lnduCllng "*'°f.:8" Lot Ant•._, ••nnlftt,~nd Ortno• CountTo.111• oo .. tal ..... hloh alld dettfta. ... lttr Ltk• and 111• Hemel·Elllllore ,..ion. AO~O rttlfttt .,. .. tollowS: oood, 0· 100; unllHllht111 tor Hntlll•• people, 101·200; 11n11•a1tlltul for •••ryon•. 201 .soo. end lluarfout, 301-500. By JEFF ADLER o<tiwo.-,l'let• .... The Orange County Republican Party's ethtca committee announced tbday it will hear chargea that Ord Congre.ional Dist.rid candidate Johnnie Crean violated the party's code of ethics in a last-minute campaign malling accusing opponent Bill McColl of voter fraud. "The committee determined that the charges appeared to have sufficient merit to be heard by the cpmmittee," aald.1the te~::!f worded uatement rel by the committee. The hearing into the allegations, however, will not be scheduled before tomorrow's primary elect.ion, acconlinC to a GOP pu1y spokeswoman. In the maUinl. pre)*ed by the Newport Beech COIWUltlng teem of Butcher-Forde, Crean aocuM!I ~11 and members of McColl'• family of fallifytna their voter registrations and char1e1 th•• McColl llle1ally claimed • homeownen tax exemption for 1 Male In wtaldi he ._ nae The cbarga contained in t.N mailer were leveled by Crean at newa conferences in both Sar Diego and Oranp countiee lM1 week. McColl hu refuted Crean'! claima, although he has admitted that three of his children and two of their friends may have Improperly registered to vote at the family '• Carlsbad condominium. The GOP ethics committee already has found that Cre.an violated the party'• ethica code by mailln1 out a letter that labeled candkiate Mary Schmitz. of Corona del Mar, a "b&aot." On June 1, the committft repj)l'ted i~ found "that by paytna for the ma1lina entitled "l..ut Chance to Stop Schmitz," he (Crean) had unfairly attributed '1hatred and bi&otry" to the Schmitz _famUy members." Mn. Sclunlta ii the wife ol state Sen. John Schmitz, R-e.otona del Mar. The 43rd district includea portiona of southern Oranae County and ~ ol norlbera ly TIM Ataocta&M Pnt1 Britlah artillery ahelled Ar&etttlne defendera In Ch• Falkland llland1 capital of Stanley today whUt Nepalnt Gurkhaa and e>ther troop• moOIJ9d UP, ''Arpnltne DOCketa Of re.lat.nee . further inland, the Bn\iah Defen. Ml.nl.ttry Mid. The mlniatry Mid Araentine bomben att.dted the advandnl British troope "over the 1ut day or IO," but camed no CU\.lalUes. Bri~h correepondenta at the battle front aaid that with a heavy (og finally lifting and fresh troopt arriving, British forcea were ready to attack Stanley "within how's." Defense Ministry 1pokaman Ian McDonald broke a 1lx-day silence on Brltlah actfvity on the ialanda by telling a new• conference that .Argentine warplanes have been bornblng the.-Britlah forces while the iroopa conaolldate thell:. Unu ouulde the Argentine defenae Jjerimeter. He uid British artillery on high ground was bombarding Stanley and other troops were trying to wipe out Argentine 'Ot.itposta out&ide the capital, but gave no detaila of the advance by an estimated 8 ,000 British commandoe, paratroope.t" and in(ant:rv. On Saturday, for the first time in several day s, th e correspondents wa: the deft¥, chill fOI lifted eoough to give the m a look at the town, defended by an estimated 7,000 Argentine troops. Two injur~~d in Canyon road crashes • ID area At ... 1,300 peopie WeN forc.-ec(to flee u a ~ norm dumped up to 11 lnch• of ra1n in t.Mana. OM of the areu hudelt hlt wu IYOl"Yton. Olan., where. two d.Ua9 on the Fall River burlt 8'.mday, relieulna a wall of wai.r that w.-hed away !Our ~ and MYeral can. ' 'Dreamgirls' tops T ony; .a ~ards NEW YORK -.. Dreamalrl1," a fl11hy Brolldway producdon about the probJerm of a hit linl'n8 trio, and' ''Nt.ne~· the aurrHl story of an Italian movie ~ and UM women in ll1I life, IPUt the lion'• lhare o1 the Tony awvdl for mUlk:ala. "J:>reamcirla" won llx awardl. lncludin$1 belt actor, actrell and 1uppol"tina ICtrell in a mUllcal; ''Nine" won five awardl. includlna best IDUlkal. durtna Sunday nlCht'• award ceremony. 4'The L{fe and Adventures of Nlcholaa Nlckleby," a "ar-t gambJ4t" which ooet $100 a ticket and took eight boura to tee, received four Tonya in the drama field, including be9t play. ·Illinois police eject ERA group I With only three weeks left before the ratificatior deedline, 35,000 supporten of the F.qual Rlahta Amendrqent marched in four state capital.a before police moved in today to eject 15 protesters from the Illinois Stateh<>Ule. WUJ[TI[UJ Meanwhile, the governor of North Carolina and supporters of the amendment were comidering a novel effort to place the amendment on the June 29 primary ballot. Reagan visits Pop~ John Paul VATICAN CITY -President Reagan, declaring hhnle1f on a "pilgrimage for peace," met today wTth Pope John Pauf D at the mldpotnt of a F.uropean tour shadowed by warfare in the Middle Eat and the Falkland lalanda. The pope urged the Uruted States to "step forward at this crucial moment in history to coneolidate her rightful place at the eervioe of world peace.'' - ·For 50 minutes the pontiff and the president met alone in the 16th century papal library, 1alldng 8C!'088 a simple wooden desk, eacb man sitting on a high-becked velvet chair. . Reagan said he came away from the mee~ "with renewed eeme of hope and dedication.' Reagan called for an end to martial law in Poland, t:reeao.n for political pri9onen and renewed talks between the govenunent and Solidarity. --· Earthquakes rock southern Mexico _ · MEXIOO CITY-A 1tronC ftrthquab shook-- central and eoutbem Mexico today, littering 90IDe of Mexico Oty'a atreeta with broken '°811 and cuum, off power to pu1a of the capital lk.at there were oo lmmediate reports of caaualtiel or major damage. A 8t!ICOnd tremor rocked the capital abOut four bou.n after-the tniUal quake, reslden1s safd. There were no reporta of caaualtiel or damap. 'l'he TllCUbaya ~ Ration said the first tremor at 12:53 a.m. had a magnitude o1 6.5 on the Richter ecaJe and w• cm-.S on the Pad.fie OOMt 248 mne. aouthwest of Meno Oty. . ~ Chad capital falls to rebel force PARIS ....:_ Rebel forces of Chad's former Prime Minister Hia9ene Habre aebed control of the capital, N'Djamena, today after encountering little relistance in a dawn attack, reports reaching Paris Mid. Government forces loyal to President ~Uffilfil Goukouni Oueddei gave up after about 30 minute; ctlna in the center of town near the · t'• office, the l'rench news agency AgelCe Prelle reported. Goukouni'• whereebouta were not immediately known. I0,000 attelld 'Reace Sunday' . PASADENA -A sellout crowd of 80,000 p_acked the Rose Bowl to bear aoaen 1 of Hollywood'• tqgest names ling and apeek out aaaiJWt the nucl.eer a.nm race at a mar:athon Peace SUnday rock concer..-rally.- Bnvtng f:irlt the hot afternoon IUD and later the NghtUme chill. the audience wae rewarded with entertainment by a star--studded collection of mu1lclan1 lncl udlns Dan Fogelber g, Linda Rooatadt, Stevie Nk:b. Stephen Stills, Graham Nab. Stevie Wonder, Gil Scott-Heron, Joan Baez and surpn. guest Bob Dylan. Rare baby pachyder:m put ~·to sleep ESCONDIOO -Kumi, one of the few African accordina to~ Martha Baker. ~'8 f!V« bom in captMty, hM t.11 DUt tq • sleep becau.e he w• IUfferina and would have di~ IOOn anyway, offtdala at the S.. Diieo Wild Anbna1 Park uy. The YOWlC pachyderm, boril a tdilnth ..,_ WM put to death Saturday by park vetetinariana, o.111 Not la.ff f'tloeo AT IRVI NE D EDICATION -Cardinal John Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia, offered a homily on life of St. John Neumann during dedication of St. John Neumann Church in Woodbridge, Irvine. Cardinal presides at . Irvine church By STEVE TRIPOLI or111e Dmlr,.... awr -look for opportunities to use it 10 you can achieve your obligation to fulfill the perfection of the father." • in I Two men have beet\ killed ~ aeparate traffic accident• ln Fountain Valley, nearly doub~ the nwn~ of fatal accidents for the year in a 11n&le day. ' Both accident• occurred Saturday on Euclld Street ~ both Involved vehicles striklnl poles. Both drivers were trod} Santa Ana. ~ Sgt. Lee Pepka aald thlt accidenta brought the death toll on dty 1treeta to five for the year. ' "I've been here 12 years and l don't remember two fatals in separate accident.a in one day,•; he said. ·•· The first accident took the life of Joee Luis Olvera, 21\ of 711 S. Euclid St., Santa Ana. He was killed after his car raq oft the roadway at about 11:1~ a.m. and sttuck a traffic signal pole at the intenection of Euclict and Heil Avenue, Pepka said. ,., The second fatal accident happened at 2:30 p.m. at the interaection of Euclid Street u1<l Ellis Avenue at the San Diegd Freeway overpass. 1 Pepka said a 24-year-old man was driving his motorcycle and: f ran off the roadway and hit tllf F.d.ilon pole. Police were infonned at 3 a.mi Sunday that the victim had died at Fountain Valley Communit)t Hospital, apparently from aevenJ head injuries. He was wearing a. safety helmet. · Identification 'is beinf' withheld until the notification of next of kin. Roman Catholics from all of Orange County joined chu.rch officials from acroaa the nation Sunday at the official dedJcation of the St. John Neumann Church in lriine. Cardinal John Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia and a succe9110r to Neumann, who once held that post, was the guest of honor. 'Capistrano ' song co1q.poser, 80, dies '• His homUy at the 2~-hour dedication Mass touched on the Ufa of Neumann. the first male Amer\can canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. and on the significance of the new church'• existence. The churchJ l.ocated in Woodbridae, la UVlDe'a second C.tbolic mwm. 1t bM been open 1ince November, and already bas about 3.ooo local famUIH reptered .. parWi1onen. I h a r c hit e ct u r• l • t y I e emphasizes simple wood, brick and atone. The altar and pulpit are rectangular alabl of polillhed atone, and the altar area is dolninated by a plain wooden Cl'OlllS some 14 feet tall. The church was filled beyond ita 850-seat capacity for the dedication, with about 100 people forced to stand at the rear of the main section or out.side the two an.all wings on either side of the altar to hear the ceremony. Krol, a guest of the Moat Rev,.-end William Johnson, bishOp of Orange, blessed the altar and all of the church. Music at the ceremony was provided by the church'• own adult choir, the Ma~r Del Hhth School EnJ[lish Handbell Choir, and a special orpn loaned to the church for the day by a local Hammond Organ dealership. Krol told thoee a.embled to "be rather aelfiah in the uae of th.la church. Not just on Sundays dad'.5 9aY, juna. 20th ... Leon Rene, the official voice of the San Juan mission, who wrote the song, "When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano," l• dead at age 80. The IOJlgWriter, who captured the romance of the swallows' annual return on St. Joeeph's Day to the miaaion dty, died May 30 of heart complications. It WU hla IOl\i. written in 1939, that made t he annu al ~tory .-etum of the small de~tailed birds a natb).al MWI event, attracting thou.ands of tourists to the adobe mission. "No one llngle thing outside the founding of the milDon by Father Serra bas had a more signi.flcant impact thajl Leon Rene's song . . . on the hiatory of the mission," said Father Paul Martin, pastor of the mission pariah. ''His passing is a great kl8I to us, but heaven will be enriched by his ." The ~-born Rene was a struggling COJDposer, pi.aniat, bandleader and sometime bricklayer until his swallow song captured the public's fancy. He was a famWar sight each year during San Juan Capistrano's festivities in mid-March, where he often crooned a few bars from his famed song, and was named "Voice of the Mission," two years ago. He was the famillar voice heard by newspaper reporters and radio announcers, who called the mission each March 19 to find out what time the swallows returned. f. 'J' D9111Not .... .......,J SUCCUMBS -Leon Rene, 80, who wrote "When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano," is dead of he~ complications. ,.] The swallows song watt recorded first by the Ink Spots 1", 1940, then by Bing Crosb1.r Benny ·Goodman, Glenn Millet I and Pat Boone. Subsequent hlta include" Louis Annstrong's theme aon& "When It's Sleepytown Do~ South," "Someone's Rocking My Dreamboat," and "Rockin~ Robin," a 1958 compositiolt recorded as recently as 1972 by pop-rock singer Michael Jacksod. Slufilest develops • • in .. GOP SACRAMENTO (AP) - California's Republican primary baa evolved i nto a volatile, name-calling slugfest between Lt. Gov. Mike Curb, the 37-year-old fonner preSldent of Warner-Curb Records who llWlllllYlll produced Debby Boone's. ''YOU Light Up My Life,'' and state Attorney General George Dtukmejian. . Curb SW'ged to the lead ln pre-electiotl polls, but a revelation that he never bothered to vote until just~ =aco -nQt even f« Ronald -may have hurt bb c llity among the party falttitul. '!be Democratic primary for governor features_ Mayor-Tom Bradley of Loa Angeles, ln a cakewalk. Gov. Edmund Brown ia seeking the Democratic nomination for the ~ The primary elections are Tuesday. With Bradley the overwhelmin1 favorite, the attention has been toe\.&M!d .on the GOP s quabble. Curb and Deukmejian have repealed Ronald 1'eagan'• longtime 11th. Commandment -thoU sbalt not speak ill of another Republican,, There are m few differences between CUrb and Deukmej.an on iaauea -both are (See PR~Y. Page A2) Cat causes • commotion A cat rurining mnok cauaed IOl1le consternadon in Inine in the wee hours Sunday moinlna. Three Irvine police officeta resporided to a 1 a.m. call listed on the police log as ••suspidoua c:trcwnstancea" to find the garage door open at 84 Monticello and items ,trewn ~t. "It b>ked like the garage bad been torn apart," said PoUce Sgt. Richard Bowman. 1 ''Ch«ks out OK." the police log stated. "Out of control cat." Bowman'• ~omment this morning: "It must have been an awfully big cat." .,.., .... ,,_. ~ ...... O'O_ ... WIDE-EYED WINNER -Six-month-old Jessica Dawn Olarte appears to be enthralled with her trophy as winner of the youngest competition in ec.ta Mesa Fish Fry Baby C'.ontest Sunday. Proud mom is Mrs. Jeff ~larte of Santa Ana. Fish Fry _declared success in Mesa Much to the relief of the local cod population, the 37th Annua1 Fish Fry and Carnival fintahed its three-day nan at I.Iona Park in Costa Meaa SUJl<ky. The day featured molt of the major events of the Flab Fry, including a raffle for a new car, the traditional baby contest and the crownlna of a oew Mill a.ta Meta. Officlah of the Cotta Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Oub, lpoNOI" of the event, aid about 9,000 fiah dinners were consumed Friday nl1ht. Saturday and Sunday. an above-averaee lhowina. Prooeeda from the Flall Fry and~~ events netted about $1~.000 for local charitln. Llona Club offidals estimated. The 8 p.m. drawing for a 1982 Chevrolet Chewtte Sunday was the final major event of the Flah 'Fry, and Cotta Meta realdent c. Bailey of Grove Place drove away with the tq prize. Runners up were, in the 13-24 fP'OUP. Sherri ~Ribble, 21 months, of FountaiiU'alley and Sean Monilley, H montha, of . Co.ta Mesa. In the 8--12 poup the runoen up were 10~-month-oJd Bobby Hartdeaen of Costa Mela and Rachel 'l..amoureux, 10 months, of Santa Ana. Cbria Lana Of eo.ta"M .. WM wlnDel' of the beau&:'telt and wai c:rownecJ Mila M-, a utie the wm hold tor the next (See FISB PRY, Pase AJ> Plaries ·Po Uri ding ·RLO base By 'ne Aaaoclated Press llrael carried lts lil}ltning war apinlt the Palestinians d~p into Lebanon today. Its jets battered Beirut, lts paratroopers reached .far up the ~banese cout. ~d its tanks and lnfantryn\en overran one guerrilla stron1hold after another, reports from both sides laid. Isreel1 warplanes raided PLO headquarters Ln Bet.rut and were met by Syrian MlG Lnterceptors. One Syrian jet WU shot down. The 2-day-old invasion, dubbed "Pellce foe Galilee" and mounted along a Lebanon-wide front from the Medlwrranean to the~ ~m hijla. WU mlrur "effec:tlYely, faat and wen:'""lln braeli Commander WU quoted U ~·llnlelia repor1ed capeurinC the Crueader-era Beaufort c.utle, ·a key Pale9tinian redoubt, in hand-to-hand fl1httn1, and aelzlng three other Important Palet~lan-held towns. Their airborne .fo.r..cea grabbed one coutal area just 25 miles eouth of Beirut. the f.sraelis taid. But the offensive threatened to explode into' a wider conflict if the thousands of Israeli troope collided with the estimated 30,000 Syrian soldiers ln Lebanon. .. lJ.S. diplomat Philip Habib, dispatched by President Reagan, flew Lnto Jerusalem in an effort to contain the outbreak of fighting. '!be lsrae1is showed no sign of letting up, however, until they achieve their atat.ed objective - puahtna Palestine Liberation Or1aniza(ion 11uerrllla forces (See ISR.AELI, Pace A!) Student ~ranksters nabbed by police Nine Cotta Meu HJah .School student.a, who apparently gave up efforts to hoiat a stolen outboute to the top of the ICbool gym were arreated at the scene early thla momina by police on su.aplclon of arand theft and maljdoua umchief. Pt>llce called to the C.O.ta Mesa campwa at 12:30 a.m. found the 'stolen outhoule on the ground. Statues and an oversized dilplay golf ball ~ on the roof. o.lly ........... "J ht O'tlt A 11 WHERE'S MAMA? -Costa Mesa animal control officer Michael Doyle holds 18 inch alligator found at TeWmlde Park Sunday af temoon. The three-month-old reptile will be turned over to the Alligator Fann in Buena Park, police said. Ethics committee raps Irvine mayor By FREDERIClt SCHOEMEBL or .. 1a1111r ........ Meeting in closed aesslon Sunday, an ethics committee of the 0ranae C.ounty Rewblican party rebuked Irvine Mayor David Silla for literature critical of the vot.ina record of Nolan Frluelle, Stlls' opponent in a state aaemb!y primary. · Frlzzelle raised a formal complaint \.rith the ethic• committee after the •Silla cams-tgn issued a mailer claimi.na that Frizzelle has missed 751 votes on bills pending in the Legislature dwing his past lfJ' months in office. · .. Silla, who boycotted the meeting be<:ame party officials refused to open it to news reporters, branded the panel "an Argentine junta." • Frilzelle, an in cumbent aasernl>lyman, said the ethics panel action ihowed that Sllls "is iUllty of dellberaiely aeeklng to CJeceive UM!' public." The commfttee took no exception with the number of votes cited, but said Sllla' information did not support the allegation of abeenteeism. "The commi~ finds Ulat the ·. overall effect of the Silla brodlure ~tes the spirit of the code ot ethics signed by Mr. SW. and P'riu.el1e are battling for the Republican nomination in the 69th Allembly District wh.icb includes eeveral Orange Coast communltiea. . SW.." ,,; The code of ethic~.-St.a~t wa1 designed to prevent Bepubli~n candidaw1 from IPMk1na w of their opponents Ln this yea?a election race& (See SILLS, Pace A%) • Tht e&omm1u11 rtJtcted r.qu11t1 b1 IU11 to open tu d11lbtl'IUon1 to n1wem1n. l'rtatU. IUd ht had "° ~ on• way or Uat other •• to whtlher th• meettn, lhaWd b9 ~. sm •. vlalbly •nary at th• "°"""'""'• dedalon, •usa-tld that ht may ~ 1~ lcdon aplnlM \ht COW\t)' RepubUaan party on libel and 1lander ll'OW\dl. A Sl111 cameat1n 1tr~te1l1t concluded that SW. WM dHJ1nl with "a atecked deck," Nfenini to the makeup of the ethic• oornmlttee. • FriJ:lelle, on the other hand, praiaed the committee'• action and aa1d It ahould help protct b'cn\ limilar ~ in the future. SW. had claimed in a letter to tbe committee that l'rtuelle'• abletlt.eeti.n rate ranied from 11 tQ 18 percent aftd WM hleher than other leptaton, aucb aa Au•mblywoman Marian Bergt!90n, R-Newport Beech. ... ~ .... , ...... ..... hli OWi' .... •••h• Ml, C'' •ouu .. 1 .. ,.5 .. a.eoftheQNnlt. D!mooraUoH:.oide Utiln&uN a.iicl llina AM Qty~........__ ot four contendln ~ the Democratic nolnlnatlon la the 32ndseria•~ The dl1trtct tnclud.. major portion• of central Oran1e County and email •rtH of Huptinp)n Befdl Md J'oUntaan Valley. Tht committee cioridUded that a mailer to voten in tht dilti1ct contained ''blatant racial overtonea (dealfned) to mllln.form the we.a. 1'be complaint Wll ,...... b; another Dtmocra~ CQD~. attorney J'nnk BGtmo. ~~-~~'!' Barbaro clalmed that the Serrato mailer attempted to imply that Barbaro la Hispanic by ret.rrlng to him 11 Francltco Barbaro. Deir"" Fliuelle aald that many of the alleged mlaaed votee were due to having to be in two committee hearings at the aame time, which, "Worse ltlll," Barbaro llid, wat tbat Serrato Hid that another Democratic contender, Wettminater Mayor Kathy Buchos, "marched with· t'hf Vletnameae in black pajlmu." ISRAELI INVASION .. . . NEW MISS COSTA MESA -Chris Lang (center). a 22 ... year-old Costa Mesa residerlJ.t waa ..elected Sunday u the new Mill eolta Meta dwina competiUon at the city'• aJUlual Fish Fry. Tr~ Grams, 19, (left), 8nd Sonya Han.en, 19, (right) were selected runners.-up. Both are also from Coeta Mesa. back 25 miles from the Lebaneee-lanleli border, thereby eliminatin& the threat of PLO shelling of northern Israeli towna. ~ Before meettni With Habib for one hour In JetUlalem, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Bea1n flew into Lebanon, landing by helicopter at the freshly aeiz.ed Beaufort Cattle to visit the troops and reoefve a briefing on the NUnpaign, Ia:ael radio ea.id. The hraella ignored a resolution adopted unanimoualy by the U.N. Security Council on Sunday nlcht ~ on them to withdraw immediately from IOUthem Lebanon. If the Syrlan1 do not intervene, the hraell1 m11ht •ccomplilh their goal by Wednelday or Thu.raday, uld Israeli military analy1t Halm, Henoa, a former brigadier general The T.araell chief of ltaff, Lt. Gen. Raphael ~ toJd larael radio, ""'rhe moet unexpected thin, II that ~ baW advanceid the timetable." Neither the llnel.la not the Palestinians reported the number of casualties in tw9'daya of. hard fig}:\_ ting PRIMARY BATTLE. . • . campalpina u crlme-flchten The primary bu been the and filml conle!Vativm -that r_ou1hett .between major penonallU. and~ au.ma C.alifomla RepubUcam 1D two have been the main --ID ct-wt.. DlulaDeJln 1-~ their ram= llild it "WauW be bud" ,_. lml ~ '• ataff ·came up to ...,...n Curit ID tbt fall .... wit b the late-ca?!iiall. the ~l ~ belte inteIJieence aboul Qarb • w;Ur"Dlt•....,ao ...._ • f!Y9l nsl*r to 'Vatlt. & • .. dlatorUou and lati -:plec.." after Curb..,.._. thpt hew cballen1tn1 D•ukmejian •, a better Reepn tupponar tlWn c:mm1 IJ'lldYe c:ndeatiall. Deukmejan. . Whether Republican• can.· Curb'• campaip maniaer, reunite after the· bruising Ken Riets, re1pond1 that primary is ~ 1be bla Deukmejtan te-Levllion winner between Curb ana commercials are fllled with Deukmejian may be Bradley. ''smear tactics and fabricaticm." WINNING TOT AWARD -Tiffa~Lynn Vau~ 14-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn~- Mesa took fil'lt place honors in Fish Baby '-'UDte8t S~y in division over six months old. From Page A1 fISH FRY ••• year . .Runnen u~ were two other I Cclta Msana. Sonya If.amen and Tracy Gram1. - Mi. Lang baa been • n.anner up in the Costa Meu beauty contest ~. She•beat out 22 other young women to win the fir1t prize of $250 and the opportunlt~ to preside over Chamber of C.ommerce funcUona th.la year. Good. weather helped make the w,,ek.end one of the buaier Flab Frys and police reported cinly ~ ICUffJe on the park lfOW'da. .. • Police were called to the park Saturday nfiht about 10:30 to break up• fight that l'elUlted Jo tbi1lt arrest of 11 people. Couple drown VlSALIA (AP) -A Tu1aN (b,plty couple fell into • IWlft creek and drowned whlle their &~year-did daughter watched, autharitiea aaid. William Oswalt, 29, alipped into Stony Creek in Sequoia National Forest while on a walk Sunday wit!\ bia wife, · Dora Lee, and their daughter. Sunny · afternoons .· Temperatures NA110ee \ 17 M • 71 71 ae .OI 17 71 Panel lVill decide on Crean charges .. a.. .. 41 51 ,j3 .. 54 102 12 n " IS 17 n • .04 11 73 71 51 .111 61 40 • 17 70 ... .62 5141 51 ... us 11 11 51 53 I0-'41 .17 15 ... • ID • 52 81 IO • ae n • 11 54 t6 &1 14 a7 n 52 t2 n 7t 51 11 41 76 11 .11 7& IO ., .. a7 .1f .. .. ee AM • If • 41 .f7 ea 11 .n .. 4a .Cll • 72 .GI tO T7 7t tO .. It •• ,,, .. . ,. 7t • ... ,, ll , • • • .11 ., " .01 ::• t1 • • • . JI n •,.. •• .. 71 11 53 .02 '2 47 .H ...... 01 .... ..24 79 51 IO U • 441 • n .. 47 ta 70 IS IO a n ., 75 IO S3 II 41 ta, 51 .11 II 17 .71 •a • 71 72 11 .14 • 11 ... 47 ' M A 41 ... • '° .. Smog The Air Ou ... ty~t l*tltct predlctt ,...... -: ~::=.. '°'a.i "9mlndo. San Cktlrt.i lftd .._. ~ ptua th• Alv•rald•·S•n kna'dlno ...... A Po1ut1nt 8Undard lndell of 12& I• forecaal for tu Ian Gabftat.Pomclfla ~ and .,. ............ a.m.nlno ...... with e PSI ratlne of 113 tot tM Sant• Cl1tlta-llan l"•rnendo ~ "*• .. " OOOd "' 4UlllllY In .. °"* .... of the 8outfl CciMt ,.,, .... ~ llllCrOOoltan Loa Ant ..... lannln9, lnlallcl Or•nt• County, th• COHl•I ..... hlfh lftd low ......... lear l•k• and tlu ..._... El9lrlore .....,, AOMO ,.._ ere • tellowS: good/ 0·100: unllHltlllul tor Hn• tlve P•OPI•, 101-200; u11llHllllful tor o•ryone. 201-soo, end lluardoua, 301-IOO • By JEFF ADLER 0( ... Deir Not ..... Th~ Orange County Republican Party's ethiCI committee announced today It will hear charge1 that 43rd Congrealonal Diltrict candidate Johnnie Crean violated the party'• code of ethics in a tut-minute campaign mailing accusing opponent Bill Mc.Coll of votet fraud. "The commlttee determined that the charges appeared to have iuffident merit to be heard by the cpmmittee," said. the te~:.:J' worded 1tatement. re by the committee. The hearing into the allegations, however, will not be 1cheduled before \Qmorrow'1 p~ election, acx:ordfna to a GOP l*'lY spokeswoman. In the mailina, prepared by the Newport Beach con.ultlni tetam of Butcher-Forde, CriU accu.e McColl and mernben of McColl'• family of Waifyin& the6r voles' reatatratlona and charlft that McColl llle1ally claimed • homeownera tax HempUon fot'·• home In Which be "°' live • The charges contained in thf mailer were le-Veled by Crean a1 news conferences in both Sar Die2o and Orange oountiel las1 week. ~ McCoU hu refuted Crean'! cla1ml, although he h8I admitted that three of hla children and two of their friends may have improperly registered to vote at the family's Carlabad condominium. The GOP ethics committee already has found that Crean violatfd the party'• ethicl code by malling out a letter that labeled candidate Mary Schmitz, of Corona del Mar, a ''biaot." On June 1, the committee reported It found "that by paY'ina for the °*1ing entitled -"l..ut Chance to Stop Schmitz," he (Crean) had unfairly attributed . "hatred and bigotry" to the Schmitz family memben.'' Mrs. Schmits Is the wife of 1tate Sen. John Schmitz, ~delMar. The 4$rd diatrlct lncludet portion• of aouthern Oran1• County and much of nonhem· l71'e.U1tda ....... Jrltl1h artillery •hell•• Ar11nun1 defende11 In tb4 J'alkland lll1nd1 caphalzOJ Stanl•y today while Ne~ Gurkt\11 anCI other troo,. =up, "Ai'pn~oC tanct' fun.her Ille Britlah DefenM MlniltrY •kl:· . The m.lnlatry aid'-~ bocnben •ttacad the ~ Britlah troops "over the IMt day or '°·" but caUlld no ~tiel. Brfdlh oocru,oeMlenta at the battle front Nld that with a heavy fol finally llftln1 and freth troope arrlvln1, Britilh force• were ready to attack Stanley "wtthln houn." Defame Mlnilcry 1poke9mMI Ian McDonald broke a lix~J ~ OD Brfdlh activity Oft tJ(e hland1 by tellln1 a newa conference that Ar~tfne warplanes have been ~ the Britlah force1 while the troop• conaolidate their lln" out.tide the Argentine defenM perimeter. He aald Britlah artillery on high ground waa bombarding Stanley and other troops were trying to wipe out Argentine 'OUtpoet.1 oµtaide the capi~. but gave no detaila of the advance by an estimated 8,000 Brltiah commandos, paratroopera and infantrv. . On Saturday, for the firat time in 1everal day1, the. coJTeapondent.t laid, the derule, chill fog lifted enough to give them a look at the town, defend~ by an estimated 7,000 Argentine troopa. Two injured in Canyon .. road crashes firm earnings "1ip Net income wu up but eamlnp were down .Uahtly in ~ quarter for the Laguna Hilll Utility Company. The net income roee from $56,000 • year ago to j $e2,000 but eamiJl8I dropped from 17 centa a 1hare to · 16. ~ company had iaaued a number of ahares o! 1tock in Dec:ember to obtain additional funds. Terry Witthoft, vice president-general manager, and Willlam Potier, vice preddent-controller, were , I elected to the board of directors at the annual ~ 1ha.reholdera meeting. Bot A back on top SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Bank of America haa regained lt1 position as the world's largest commercla1 bank by size of deposits and assets at the end of 1981, the American Banker reported today. Statistic• released by the dally financial ' e'Jblication in New York show Bo. CA. aupplanted Banque Natfonale de Paris, regaining the title it had held for 17 consecutive years before BNP surpas.ged It In 1980. BofA bad deposits of $95.9 billion Dec. 31. up 7.5 percent from 1980, when it ranked aecond In the world. Carl's wins image award Anaheim-baaed Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc., owner and operatOr of 300-plus Carl's Jr. restaurants throughout California and Las Vegas, received an Outstanding Achievement Award in the Image of the Year program sponsored by the Career Apparel Institute. Dow chairman honored Dr. F.arle B. Bamel, chairman of Dow Chemical Co .. receives the fuels and petrochemicals award of the American Institute of Chemical F.ngtneers at the Anaheim Convention Center today. Loan rate off a bit WASHINGTON (AP) -Realtors and home bullden aay lMt month's drop in interest rates on new-loan commitments wu not enough to spur any ~~ntial tco_meback in th~ beleaguered _tlouaing UlUustry. Tbr Federal Home Loan Bank board reported Sunday that _average effective interest rat.es on new loans dfJcllned slightly In May for the ~ month in a raw. But the drop foe commitment.. -to 17.28 percent ln early May from April'• average of 17.39 percent -wu mueb lem than home builders and rea.t estate aa.19 people say ia needed to get the industry going again. STOCKS IN Tll SPITIJCHT AMERICAN LEADERS ..W YOM~I-..._ __ ...,.,.. ~ .. ,....._....__YOl'tl .... Ii.'": -,,_,. llMlonollJ .. -... llM ....... ,. OUllll~• HiiwltCt"' • .Arntt T&T ...... ~· I· UPS AND DOWNS SILVER Hancty & Harman, 15.925 per troy ouncie. .., .... , .... GAS SA VER -Connie Abegglen, 42, bu ~ ~ to rising guoline prices -a pair of '°Iler skis. The Sal1naa junior high &ehool physical education teacher skis the streeta regularly, mostly to and from work. Giraffe ·on loose? I • r ell, not really JONESBORO, m. (AP) -All It took wu a H call from 1101DeOne who said he'd aeen a eon~ looee riear Illino'8 146. Two Union County Sheriff's deputiee 1et out ~ but turned u'l:~ However, there had 2iraffes In the area. ~truck from Springfield, Mo., delivered a glrafte to e 5-H Dri-..~thru Animal Park In Cape lrardeeu. Mo.1the previous af1emOon. And It ~ southern 1llin91a to take another to the 1'fesk_!f' Park Zoo In Evansville, Ind. : The animal park and IOO both repded their Ciraffes were right where they were 1Uppmed to J be. Zoo curator Scott Holste aaal&ed the report that a giraffe wu out rcwn1ft1 anamd Wiit ol Jonelboro may have stemmed frWD .,,._..me a giraffe In the beck of the tralls m ...,.. to ~ .. ~~ver a visitor to N~port Beach stays In a motel, hotel or in some other kind of temporary lodging, he pays a tax. Six percent on his bill. Ten ~ars ago~ this tax ra~ was set, 6% w.,as enough. Today, it isn't. Not with the grow- ing cost ge~ra~d by more and mo~ tourists. Currently, 20,000 to t 00,000 peo- ~ each~ vts;t our city, drive on our strttts, sunbathe on our beaches and picnic In our parks. Six percent on their lodging Is no k>nger their fair share for sharing Newport Beach with us. Measu~ Bon the Jl.IJ1e ballot calls for a 2% incr~ase in the tourist or Tra.nslent Occu- pancy Tax, taking it from 6% to 8%. The Impact on the lndMdual Is negligible. On a sso a night room, the inc~ased cost to the occupant is onty SJ . ~r, this inc~ase would make avail- able to our city an ~ttional S3,000,000 av« the next five years tor community i~, incfuding Improvements in our streets, traffic signals and bicycle uails. It's an increase In our city~ that's k>ng ~rdue. And It will ease · ~res.to raise k>caJ taxrs and ftts . Mii. PAIKll UNDlllYANDI IDUCATION ' ' • develos>ed and admlnt8tered anti-drug and antf.amoklng education program• for Orange County public achool9. • helped direct the development of new curriculum for the Unlverltty of California, Lot Angeles. · • dellgned program• to equip LOI Angelel high IChool atudenta wtth baalc akllla needed for aucceea In coffege. I Mii. PAIKll KNOWS OUNGI COUNTY • reeldent of eouthern Orange County for ave( 20 J'Ml'I· • educated kindergarten ttltough high IChool In orange County public achoota. • currently a local buainetewoman, homem8ker, and phyalcal fttnea educator. ·MIS. PAIKll llUIVIS l'f ou1· P.U~LIC SCHOOLS • devoted to achieving the highest ~ble level of excellence In every aspect of public education. • dedicated to maintaining programa wtth proven track record• while sponsoring Innovations to further lnprove educational qu-'lty. • committed to fllCal resporisfblllty In achool management. ,.,. t . .Mrs. ·E~i.za~eth Dor~ P 1 arker . · · for Orange County Board of Education c~ to Newport Be~h residents .,..\-~~-t.'.cm~~~~~~~~::.;J and J:>usff1esses. . ~ haVe ~~to gain by vot· lng"Yes. on Measf,lr~ B ... and not~ ~cent to~.~ out and~. ·~ tryitw~ dill nwtltod i.nwnl«l, from hypt1.a.ill to aeu- punctuh, I found ~if ht Rbtc,..,._ It reoJly worlu! And if160et»y lo f ollow-ftltn whiln I tai out.• -LY1 MtJT'60/d ( "fo.t 38 lb.J (AN EN~~URAGING OPPER.) ··-············· I I I I I JOIN NOW O.P 617 ............... s,1.-s SAVE$S00 on your first meeting end registration fee. Stlll only SS.DO per week, no contra-eta! for the cl••• nearest you, cell: I 835·5505 I . I Off• ""Id only with Ihle COUPGll lf'I ~. "'-tio., -.,. 8'tnlrOlno llfld a.. Diego Count-. I •WEIGHT WATCHERS• 11 The molt~ weight loss progran1 in the WOrtef.11 c Wlqlt Mtdltn lnter1*IONI Inc. 1912 ONnlf!J d ~ Wtight Witdltn l'ademltk ••••••••••••••••• , Paid Polltlc•I AdvertlHment