HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-08 - Orange Coast Pilot•atMUWOAN I# I 0...11 J I ••ftl , , J'.nl),and -With more c:ameraa 1rlndln1 than wb•n he rode off into th• Hollywood IUftltt with (:ult.et'• cavalry, PrealdeM Ronald ~ went tor a c:ente11 with Quee, EUJabeth n todly __ iri _the ~~ Home Park of ~ The royal Master of the Hone ru& tb• prt1ld•nt aboard an ·Y•Ar·old ttalllon na .. ecl ~..wai. a atft to the ~ from tht Royal Cana.-tan MOun1ed Police. The queen rode 20-year-old '~. her favorite etdion, the hone that d1d nol fllnch when blank lhQtJ w_.. t~ at the rnonafCh dUl'ini the TrOo.,U., the Color ceremony in Loridaft l.ut year. • ' ·~ WNDON' ADDRI:$ ·_. Under a statue of Britain's Queen . Elizabeth I, President l\eegan addresses both houses of Parliament at London's Westminster Hall In the background are two soldif!rs of the Yeomen of. 1he Guard. -~ President defends .. Britain's· battles promotional campaign for liberty and democracy, Reagan offered Brezhnev television exposure in the ·United States and suggested a periodic exchange of televiaion news commentary, to invite Soviet P.U'ficipation in a peaceful ucompetition fol' ideas and values." · St.M;h an exchange of telev.iaion speeches by U.S. and. Soviet leaden would 'renew a practice eajabU1hed by Breihnev and former Presiaent Nixon, who ~ .• al\ un~Jtted addreaa brolldcalt from the Kremlin after a aunmit meeting in MQllCOW in May 1972. ·, Brezhnev was accorded. the tame privilege when he tpoke from Nixon's Calif0f1lia home at San Clemente during bis Visit to (See REAGAN, P• ~J TEL. AVIV, Israel (AP) - · Israeli jets ahot down six Syrian M1Ga in wide-t.angin1 a~rlal combat today, twoiover northern Iarae1 and four in two teJ>U1'le dodi&bta in Lebane9e ... fe-raeli comman·dot ~while, battJed north, aJcna the-Medlterran~an coa1tal highway toward Damour and Israeli warship• 1helled tbe Palestinian~· Palestinian broiadcMta-clainwl Nmcy a.an beinC driwn iii a ocieeb...S-four b;r_ the ~~· h ...... Prtnce PbWp. a.1Und1 them ..,. two of the ~·· equerrtff on hor1e1 anCl two ·MCret Mrvlcemen Nddled up with ndiol Rlckin8 OU~ of their bllek pocbtt. Philip reined the carriaae tOUth towards Moot 1'llCe coune whi.W the queen and lftlldent, foUowtd bv their *'&rity ~ ,. trotted olt into the 1•0-1cre Home Park, private around• Whk:h Prince Al~ '9t uide IO that he, Uke Charles ll, could IP ~ ln the adjloent River '1'hanMil. • I.a the president and the queen rode alona the banJm of a Canal aet by the Thame9, off in the distance loomed the twin towen ot Etqn College chapel and the tteeple of Stoke-Poget, where 'nMJinM Gray 11t hll "Dto tn a Country Chu.rc.hyard " wamifte that the path of P>rY ~but to the IJ'aW. 0 How do you like your bone1" a reporter called out to •h• pretldent ... Beautlful,t' 'he ~ if lt rode w.11. he llSd Y• and humon:Mly made a feint u if to Jume the barrier (SH RORSBBACIC, ,,... AIJ . 60,000 laraeli troopa were ln Lebanon and that they controlled the~ miles ot.hlahway nmnfnl from the borcf er north to Damour. u .N. offidaJa ·.ta flw Israeli bripdee plua cwnmandp unita were in Lebanon. An llnelt brtaacle numben about a.HO 11)1$. Tbe ~ ot the MiQ9 O\W Galilee, ... well ............... that s~~c':ttert. .. a.., .... -...-~­ JUH TBSTING ~ Suzanne tnue.-ky of Vat.en office in Santa Ana aa ~ty. official• N4tWJJOrt a.ch checb out Onnae ·Co\lnty's prepare for today's primary election. vow-eoun.Ung miachine9 at the llegtstrar. of · • --we.re lhe . blilkle / Lebandn. matked an ..,.S.Uan · ~~!:,' involveinent.ln the 1arae1 launched • mualve Surrender invaaloo Sunday to drive Paie. tinian forcet out of southern ·b,ld .. e,newued Lebanon and prevent PLO • • ' ... "' ~--b .B. ·. 1"Th! t of tbe MiG1 over ~ nfBJD Galilee w the first tncun1oP • into ltraeli ~lnpace by Arab· 1 BJ fte Aaedat.I Prest forces ld.hce t.De 1973 war. The Britain made another appeal Tel Aviv command uid the MlGa . for IWtender to the Arpntlne were downed b1 Ia_raell prdlon at Port Stanley • Ua interceptors, and an llrMl radio troopa captured bl'h 1round correspondent aakl' tae M1G1 north of the J'allrlahdl capital apparently were trytnc to attack and dmed the rlll8 on aome 1,000 an hraeli ·army convoy in AraePUne troopL - 80UUlem Lebanon. ~1ln· another jump forward, The Tel Aviv MIQ!Dlnd a1lo marine comm,anCloa have taid itt jett downed twO SYJ'lan outtJanJred the Araentlnm north MiC4 in northern lAbanoQ. Tbe of Stanley, 0 reported Michael Syrian command :tn Damurua Nlchohon of Britain' a confirmed two of itt MIGe w.e llade~ Televialon Newa. downed in doafiahta. over "Strclftl Britiah poslt1ona have Damour, and clatmed an ·:r..ell now ~ ettabfS.hed on the Skyhawk ·abo waa ahot down. mountilinl ... British ~ and Jarael denied any ot itt plmna laDd forces control and move WU bit. freely akJn& the DOl"tMnl waters NiPtber Syrian communique of gaat Yalkland and large aa,td J.!!.a~,!L jeta· and artillery quantities of atorea, 1un1, (SH llJlUELl, ,,.._Al) ; (See FAUL.AND, Pa6e Al) CO.untianS Casting \ ballots 'in . Pr!_mar:t 0rance Coast residentt trooped to the polls under typically cloudy early morning June skies today, jol.nlng voters in nine other atatea holding primary ·~ Stress test f ataJ to Marine, 19 Pollt throughout the state will remain open un,til 8 p.m. u California voters telect party nomlneea for goveriaor; -U.S. senator and numerout other state, county and local olflca Wt th a 60 perc_,nt voter ' tllt'nout predicted around the state, Orina'e County ...... of Voters Al Olton waa predlcUng a 57 percent turnout at . SAN DIEGO (AP) _,A young the county'• 2.078 pol1lna pllae. Marine who died dw1ng_a_ _ Voting this monilncaftir poDa ph)'llical ltre9t ten .Monday nu ~ at 7 am. Wiii Proceed'• &eeti ldendf!ed as Pvt. William C. amootnly and there were no Howell. 19, of Harriaoawille, Mo. Mrly repor111 of probJema, a.in A ~ at the Marine taid. c.c.pS Becruit Depot aaid Howell Weather forecaatera taid coU.i-ct during a mile run after today'• early IDOl'DinC cbwliz com~ testt tnvolving situpa would lfve ~ afternOon to and pullupa. . mostly sunny ·' .....,. .. Uw roy.I pcll[lfl from ti LIO' eamtramtn a Cl ~ .. • • prealdtn\ ln ao atpt , twMd )lclcet ri tiootl, UIOd an Jl'ldinl, ....... a1lo hla 1..wf. bMll home on hll ,..........,. nnch. The queen ' bi a llwclMd woollen jacket ahd .~ ..... -bootl h.a a t('fljf bund ... hAlt. l·.;· a ...... 1 'huoCl••d tourl•t• b~kechh11ou,h the park a•te •t tt.itiit mc.t UnulUal ricMnc party io come out of the Weat aince !f•au.w .lilt-tiroupt bll troop to ~:;..;. perform foe Queen UN~·· The flttt U.S. flnt family evv lf p ove~t" "'*" ~, ~ \'•• ... ~ •* Whidaor,, th• ""••n• wlU '""d a •sd nlahl in the ~ ' the queen'• prtvat. a~ . Thtlr 1\lmp\uou1 aoven-room aultt I• done up wlth crHm carpetl Jftd matchll)I curtaJau •mbrotdtred tn Victorian 1llk, and oonwna a number of art objlcta lncliadlna putol portnltl ~y Kolbe h\ o1 tht QUHn'a anee.tora. A Canaletto Mn81 In the corrtclor out.Id~. ~I Thlt RiManl awoke their first ~ momin8 In ""Wlncbor Cutle to the 11ouad1 of rookp ecre amiog _. 9 .... 'Jaround .. t.be· bat1}~ta ot the ,,, J>'clock the queen'• larnow Row\d Tower and the bagppeJt • usual. AllU'wJed on 1"1tra1t~ of alant yellow tea the tercace beneath the castle'• tt~ ·po"'(ini in 1:he long ago living quarters. f1tilled·ln cMt.le moat. The hour-long ride wu modelt b T~ birdaona w u 1000 by the royal standard.a of thll drowned out by the thunder of e.tabliahment, w~ mad Kina is;:•lell taklnJ off from Geor1e III used to keep hi1 ~ ~tbrow AJrport which weight down by doing 80 miles a 1itarnmwaya at 7:30 a.m. da>-and e ven rotund Queel\ ' a •mchtly curfew. Windsor · Anne, who had to be hoisted on t:.Caatlet deflnhely has a noise pulleys into the saddle, waa good 1 pollution, problem. for 50 miles. ; * * * * * * rttEAGAN SPEECH . . . 'the Ubltcd States 1n June 1973. ~ived "a very heartwanning hNixdh apblte a1aln on Soviet welcome.twas most gratified.'' ttadid''ane! televla~n after flls Al Reagan left the chamber fttnaf'MOICOw au~lt ln July for lunch with Brft~h Prime r11974, • , ,, • Minister Ma.rga.ttt Thatcher at 10 R e a g a n a d ~ r e s s e d ~ St., a group of women ~ar?l'~ttfenurian• Jn t h e p e ace demonstrators with 'l\20-ye&i'~ld Royal Gallery of bladcened faces shouted "&eag.n 1the lli>u9ea of Parliament, Out." It was not known whether ·~l ttc.n a blue--ca.rpeted the president noticed them in the flt'ata Oftd~hieath portraita of crowd of 400. 1:8rtti9h riiaoarchs. jJ; .J Another group of a bout 40 "'M1bl' Laborltes, op posed ~o dernonstr•tors s houted and IReagan•s nuclear policy and waved their fists as the Reagans s upport f o r right-win g. 'arrived at the prime minister'• ·jovetN'fte!!lts, were abeenJ. Tht residence to dine on lobster, beef ·~Is eudienoe totaled only and stra berri Wh »-Jibout• One-third of the 1,8 13 w es. en ~aaan's moton:ade drove up, it was on Wiemb'e'ta o1 the House oL ~ rfght~Mnd-side of n-.... t .. ... :Comndli aM HOU$1e of Lords. St h ..,., ....... aa ;,..,. ~'to1d re~-later he reet -t e wrong aide In .ii , ·~ Y"" ..... • Britain. . fi\t~LAND lSL~NDS ~ . . ammlmition and men have beeo moved up there." In ·wondon the ·Defenae said the British troopa. 7,500, wf1le ~~position and "pa~ forward territory." Ar lh1a aaid itt patro)1 rou tfsh unlta laying siege to Staoley and aeized abandoned ejlulp~ent for the aecond straight aay. _An Arpntlne communique $'¥ ~ ~. ~',= eo;,~,ia With the Britlah ... ult on Stanley expect.eel at any time, Maj. Gen. Jeremy Moon, the marine commarvier of the Britiah ground forces , called on the Ar gentine governor o f the i•land*r .Brl.g. G~n . Mario Menendez, to surrender and "end the killing." Sunny, 11 n ee 12 97 eo 82. ee 1S 71 1a 112 IO 78 119 eo t3 81 .. 11 t2 11 11 71 12 10 n a n 11 10 , .. 11 n .. ... .. • a ... • 74 63 .. u 43 10 N 13 54 M 13 ... 41 .. II .... :I 12 82 50 ... ., .. u 41 : • .. 14 _, . .,... .. MARTY'S MEMORIAt -MounJ Evere.t climb leader Lou WhittaJ<er etched simple memorial In rock bJih in Himalayas in tribute to Marty Hoey, 301 who loet her li,fe on unsuccessful American ex~ldon to ecale y.'Qrld'a ~ peak. ·~ .Viejo man. guilty / . in ·death ·or-hoy, 4 A Mission Vie)> man pleaded guilty Monday to manslaughter and felony drunken driving charge. in connection with the death last march of a 4-year-old $au.ta Ana boy Who W/Aa struck M be waited for an ice creaip truck. Defendant William Rowan, 03, wu glven a three-year term in state priaoll by Orange County S-.aperlor Court Judae Luia Cardenal after he had entered his guilty pleas. Ro)Van tquld t)ave received a maximum of four yean in 'J>!llOn· Hl• caae had attracted con•lderable count~wide attenUon becau. of his previous record of drunken driving convlct:lc:im. Rowan 'Wat aot.'U8ed of being the driver of a car which killed young David Gunderman tut March 20 while the younpte!' w• lt8ndfna on a street •comer waiting for .n ice cream ttuclt to oome. The boy's mother, Suzanne Gunderman of Santa Ana. said altel' Monday's court hearing (hat ahe waa upset with the length of Bowan'• sentence. t.lra. Gunderman, who wept <>11tside Cardenaa' courtroom, said lhe wanted to aee the defendant set the full tour-year tenn. She prevloualy aald that Rowan sbQuld have been charged with second ~ QlW'der for the death, of her eon. Deputy Diatrict Attorney' Chuck Middleton said that he did qot pre. murder chargell aoinlt R~wan because he could not prove there waa a deliberate, oonadoua ~ for hwnan life-needed to sustain the alleptiion. Rowan bad been oonvicted on three prior occasions of drunken driving. 7..~Rllef1 bid for Ion narrowly ·~ • OU:ldAl IMt minute ...,.. .., .. Ora.nae County l'elr Ca1npaian l"'rutfcH Commtulon today -on a ~ty. RUey, ln whoae narne an lMCCUrate oomputer letter Wit malled oui I.Mt week to voten lft 8an Juan CapUt.rano, WU~ ~y.,1~be comml11ton to be ID Viola~ of county elecdon ...._ 'fhe paqfl'I vot.e WM 2-1, witb ~Michael Watldill; a RUey appohitee, abetainl~. A Jlfth .. t on the commlMiOri It vacanl sewni boun after the YO&tt. however, the county countel'a offiOe llliued ~an opinion that the voe. w.. unoffldal becau. three YOW Went needed to carty tbe mouon. 1'There'1 reAUy nolhlna men we c:an do about it,"~ Cbalrwoman Joan Riddle laid of.. the altuation Monday afternoon. U the vote had been deemed oftidal, the commlllion'• ftJM:tincl woUld have been forwarded to the Qranae s=ounty Dbtrlct Att.omey'a oWCe, The vote probably would have. been moot anyway, officiala said, aince l\Uey opponent Al Arpa al.ready filed a complaint with the diatrict attorney'• office. At ilsl.ie LI f comput.er letter !nailed by llU•y•a pollttcal consultant.8, Nelaon-Padberg. which clainw that the lnct.unbelit Newport Beach lawmaker bad the eadoraeme-nt of four members of the San Juan Capiatnno Qty CoundL About 5,000 copes· of the letter were mailed out to voters in San Ju.n on June 1. In reality, Riley doem't have the written badring of the four ooundlmen. • Political consultant Robert Nebon took full blame tor the error and ~ IU149y never bad a ch.a\nQe t.o ~ the comput.er te~ before it WM mailed out. At Monday'• commlHion · meeting, Arp•' campaian treasurer Shirley Grindle aaid there WU ''np question in m:f mind that th.la Id WU intendonal -calculated to deprive Al Arps of votes in h1a own cit'1 ... " Nelson denied that the inaccuracy wu deliberate. Be aaid his firm took ev«y step J>(*ible -on a voluntary balis and before Ar1l9 filld a oomflaiat -to r!C7!ify the "e!ft)r. < 4 I . ,,, .. ,.,,., inhalatiori at a fire in the to'ur-atory apartment buildina where she lived with her cat.I and three cfop. She managed to l'elCUe the dogs heraelf. . (~ ,. . ,.,.,.,, WASJIVfG'roN (AP> -Air nonda ttwe away 8'IH Green StamP.1 to pt people to fly to Pl'ovtdence, 1'.I. KJdl can fly INe on J\epubllc • AirUne1 if they prennt five oerea1 boxtops. For one month, Ala1ka /.irllnH aave 24-karat IOld tn1ot1 to pa1aen1er1 on the Seattle-Ancboraae run. Two-for-one tlck•ta are commonpllce. Atier yean of the fat and comfortable life, the atrlinetl are IUddenly runn1na ICANd. Gone h the reauurins protection of federal recuJaUon. 9-:aUle of the recwlon. fewer people uw flytna. Buffeted by • lnfJadon, hlCh int.ermt rate. and fierce new competlton, the e1tabll1hed trunk airllne. are ftaht:lnl for their lives in tome very unfriendly aldel. · One of them, 8ranlff, already hu ceMed operations.. and IOfne other major carrien may abo f.all. are ~ to IOl't out ttra1ile* for lolur-f.erm 1urvtval in ape billJon Tnduatry that may never ap1n be th• ume. .. One cannot hope to put Humpty °'¥'1PtY beck totether acatn if one cannot even find the piece.," ny1 Jullu1 Malduti11 airline 1peciall1t at the lnve1tment firm of Salomon Brothers Inc. The challengea brou1ht by sovernment deresulatlon are enormoua. No Ionaer does t.he Civil Aeronautlc9 Board regulate farea, determine routes and control the entry of new carrlen Into the market. • The number of alrllnes hu grown from 36 to more than 80. The btl-name trunk airlines are lOliftC CUl10nlera to new, low-fare caniera and to reglonal airlines who are mu.cling their way Into naUonal lel"Vice. 11It'1 a wttole new ball pine, a very competitive situation, and lt requlrel a w.hole new breed of manqers to make quick deciaiom and fmflement them," 1ay1 Mlchae DerchJn, an alrllfle analyn for First &.ton Corp. l'or now, the airllne1 are 1la1hin1 fares and offerins 11~mlcky inducement• in a ....,.. .. b6d to lure back their pa11en1en and 1taunch a !!!J.~teninc hemorr~f:i in ·Israelis sup1.nort war · effort r;;;.".;-u!::12~thai.!: -i:: the wont firlt,.quartel' earn1np "You eit.ller have to f.ve up on t.hme marketa, or you ve aot to become coat-effective, or you have to make it 10 unpleMant f« the &UY who'• cauai.nl ~ the problem that he'll ao aw&1.'' •YI Edward Acker, chlilrman of Pan American World Airways. "All three ,of those are happeniq €itizens rally 'round the flag in Lebanon fight 1n ~~ ttme, the •Unea ---:---:-------------------..-------"--------------now," ( BDl'l'OB 'S NOTE: Ttl1 "'11Mld wu Abject to mmtuy ml111a7 eeaonblp.) METULIA, Israel (/1P) - Israel'• war In Lebanon ia brinCb\I back the old .spirit of ~ that many feared had been crushed by the pollUcal d1acotd dMdlng the country. Workers are canceling ltrikes, rival poUtfdana are joining handl and mothers are baking cake. for the boyt ln the baUlefield. Althouch lm&ll by put MJddle !'.Mt standards, and "only a few days old, the war ii belfta felt f!YflfYWbes'e in llrael SUddenly your dentist, garage mechanic OI' lt.Oekbrolcer ii out of town. Chances .... he hu been ·,. called up aa part of what llrael calls "a limited mobtllzatiori of reserve forces." The dentist could well be 0o an armored car aomewl-ere in Lebanon and the 1tockbroker rna.nnina a heavy artillery pece. Ewry aole-bodied male up to age 55 is liable for reaerve duty. The boisterous main atreeta of Tel Aviv have quieted down. Many buses have been re-, quisitioned to transport 80ldlen. Bu1ine'l1 has slackened In nightclubs and re1taurant1. People talk to each other more readily. The only aubject of dlacu.uion ia the 1ltuation in Leblmon. Motorist.a eagerly stop to p6ctl HiglJ coui:,t uphol?J.s ·Abscam cOnv:ictions WASHINGTON (AP) -Hett, at a glance, are hlghlightl of U.S. Supreme Court actions Monday: ABSCAM In tta formal Jook at the .FBI'• Abecam operation, the hish court . let ltand the oaovic:tions of two Phlladelphla city councllmen. The court, without comment, rejected challense• to the c:onap(ncy convlctioDI of Harry P. Jann-otti and Georce X. &hwarts. The court decision could .pen tliJuble for aeveral former memben of Congre. and · othen who ldD may appeal their Ab1cam convtctlona to the nation'• ~court. I OOVBU: Jl:OPA&DY-.:.. The ~ ruled 5-4 that a criminal defendaot whoae a:iavkdon ii struck down fqr not betna IUpported .,,. the wdlbt of evidence can be tried a eecaDd time fOI' lbe-aotm.. At --in the Flarida CMe WM whether the Con1tltutlon'a protection against double jeopardy - auardln1 apimt belna tried twice for thf -crime -ban ~proeecudon. The court aid no, afld drew a d11Un.11on bet1VWl c.m in which convictiOrili an reverted oo wetabt-of~ ground• and cue• in which convictions are revened beceute of legally l.nsuffldent ~· SEX DIScRIMINATION The ·high coUrt let stand a ruling that a Univertity of Georgia profeuor wa1 ln contempt of cour-t for not reveallna during a woman'• 1ex-d19crimi.nation lawadt If be voted for or a1aln1t her promotion. The a. noetvect national attention Wiien J- ,._ Din.nan = to ..,. tn .tll1 rather $ban ~tt. the. vote. 'fhe woman filed her lawsuit apinlt the university after 1he wa1 def)ied tenure and her job ..... not renewed at the oo~ of educa'lloil. RACIAL QUOTAS By a G-3 vote, the Juatlcn ordered lower federal COUl'tl to ltUdy racial quotM belna med to ~rve 1n~on in twcr '"white =-.. The ~~ the lower courts to decide whether the quot.as lhould be outt•wed becaul'e, as black puoen11 contend, ~ "pl.ce the cunt burden o( &l*lhtlon OD blidill ind none oa wbJ-.~ up hitchhiking .oldlen. At majol' . r.-~--:-:----:~------~~-~~-...,...-.. junctions, volunteen have .et up atandl to diltrtbuW trw cakel and coffee to troop1. Locked into one Jona oaovoy of Lebanon-bound aimer WU "the mitzva tank," a camper truck carrying Orthodox, reU11ou1 Jew• to the battle zone to perform the mltzva, or holy duty, °' giving candy and bJemlncl to t,be troops. In 1yna1osue1 and at Jeruaalem'• hallowed w= wan. Jews wen offertnc J)nyen foe the army•a •~ Bank clerks and utility woricers haw canceled plenmd -1owdownl and dozens ot other f,°'1~ announced they will Many llree1il are nmlnded at the apirlt of 1967 and 1973 when their country wa1 at WU' and cbed ranks ovemicht . • 'Once apln it Aa betna proven ;bat in an emerpncy there ii no llmi\ to the deer-of lnlUattw and national unity diaplayed by ·the people of I1rael." edltmial.bed the dally Muriv. "Immediately, the confUcta diappear and the labot-dilputa are postponed until the stmm pa11e1 and we can ao beck to dlarupUng normal life with enthUlialn and vtacr ... - Politically, too, ihe country hM fqu.nd unity in the mkllt of ltrlfe. The oppo1itlon Labor Party, which only laat week waa stronclY obJeetlnl to tbe nodon of lnv114ina LetiuaD; DOW .,a it finnly IUppol"l!t PrbM MJnlNr M-n:~y~ bat come from the tiny. Sovtet-allgned Comm unlit Party, which i1 pre1enUn1 a parJlamentary ~ motion. and from about ·eo Arab and Jewfsh l.e..U.,. win a 1 tu d en.u w..h.o- demorutrated outelde Begin'• hou1e Monday to protest the invuion. Recrimination• between affluent l!u!:/ean-born Allhketwd~ ~ Oriental Sepliardb bave been 1tifled for the time ~ by the aigbt of Aahkenall and ~ IOldien ridlnc on U'IDOnCi C9l'8 Into battle toflthiW. But the lhadow hanllna : oWI' all this hlah-epktted ~ ta the price t.rMl Aa pa1'ni Jn bwmn life.-·In thl9~ wvvm ~.when~-­ to know everybOd)', *" ct.Id lokller ta a nataaml _,..y, No ca1ualty toll bu bffn 8nnouni:.s ,et md ..... baW to fttly on reporta fiaD ~ on tbl atent at die Gilt~ ~m.y ......... ~ and ~ .... = ....... ~~ toll..,.. , .... fiill«Ut ..... APWti ;t•1 STAR AT RALLY -Linda Lavin,._ Of the televilllon leliee ·~", chanll ..alon&-with other Equal lUghta .Amendment IUpporters at a rally in OldahDrDa C.ty. More than 10,000 peop_le attended the rally aimed at aettinl the Oklahoma state legislature to recomidet' the ERA. j 1m. lulthen ........ ~ lpol on ti» drmlllle 11119 friD the war: ~lice In Tel A•I• ~adiyallaai&heof VioWli& c:na. ........ ~ ..... wav.•AilMll -'la • ., NCllld.J. I•-• BarltJ Jr., whoH ~thel' Wll OO-fO&indlr of ~-DiYktlol\ Motai' Co .• •Y. ~ hai biMn laid off by the motorcycle manuf uturlna oompeny. J:nt.na1nel'Pal ..... edmltl he faked ll1\liria the nadonal an\Mm and IOIM mllltary t\&J* to open • Denver eale1men'1 Ml'nlnar1 but IA)'I he didn't think the audience WM c~tecl. Boone 11ld he dtcldecl to 0u.,...~" the aonea becau-' hf hadn t brouaht a tape wlth blckcJ'ound apUISc. The only tape he had WM one with both worda and roUllc. ULTRA LIGHTS: 4 mg. "ttr", 0.4 mg. nicotine, LIGHTS: 11 mg. "ta(', 0.9 mg. riicotine. KING; 16 mg. ''ttr", 1.1 mg. oicotine. ev. per cigmne, FTC Report DEC. '81. Tr .. t tept1 hu reach~ a ~t with a couple wbO bO\llht a Lo• Ant•l•• ..-.wdum from him in 197$ and then 1ued,,clalmln1 tht .m,er •tripped the interior ~ .... ryt.hbla -lncludinf .,.nei-. and olo1et door•. an attomey · aays. Lope& •creed to pay an und11clmed 1wn to MaliHI and Selma U•ko, accordina tO' a Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh. Ttie lure of 1outh of the border Is ev~n more appeallq now tUt motorlng there la 1-i.Of a headache. Recent completion of ~ rn--.ie & trom llx to eiel!& .... ~a 6.4-mUe stretch in s. Clemente bu alleviated • bottleneck that previously hMI moaisla~. The prolect -~~h a whopplna pr ce t•• di -$31 .4 milliGn -WM dcne --a study showed 90 percent of the southbound freeway traf& WM simply passing through San Clemente, moet on the way to .Mexi~o or San Diego, favorite de.tinatlons for vacatlonen. There were plenty of marJa during the project whldl inclucled adding a new lane in each ) dijjec:Uon, coriatruction of seven new t>rld1e1, bulldtna of 17 1oundwal11, wldenin1 of four bridges and removal of ldx a:llUng bridaea. But now ,.the . lcQatnil tor an au~ buriito ftxeCt tn native Mexico « a family ouUna to the San Dleao 7A>O can be ehort.ened wltb ... clear sailing" throuah Orange Count)"s l'DOlt ~ city. ( The interstate wtdenlna 11 al8o expected to attnct man intra· city driven, tbereb) eating coaaestton on city m~ The state and CaltraDI are to be conpatulatlid few compleUna tbe jDb -• )lilt in time few the aau"'AW:, =t the 1ound of IDllri.ebi! Criniinal shift no help Flnt, there WU the FJodda judp who 1eDt a prostitute to California. . Then there was the Caftfoqlia ~who tent a pftwtitute to · • \ Now· comes word that South tDttota offlciala are inv,ting ml8creantl to move to Califomia to avdd proeecutkm on the pntrte. Accordtna to a n~per report, South ~ota Gov. • Wllllam Janldow that over the 1Mt five yean, 93 awpecta tadna charges like buJ'l}ary « foraery were offered a choice: Move to California or be prmecuted. It'• not hard to 1\111111 which choice all 93 characten pcked. •yin& foive m your felom. your pic:kpocketa. your crooked mp El yeuning to be free.' '' Be ai.o aaid tr.e tenibJe experience of llv1nc in California .. ~t en<Jligh few South Dakotam on the dodae. We won't re1pond to. tne provincial jab -after all, a Siberian climate or a DIPt .on the town in P1sre may bave ibelr aood Pointa -but we qUllltlon wliether 1hippln& a .. orted crimimls all over the country .. a real IOlutkJn to the nation'• crime problem. Granted, Ja.Dklow la riaht when be 1111n.cl that South DiJrota taxpayen wai't haft to bem' the cxJlt Ol ~ IDd ~S:,r.,~:;:ln& departing ' But thh aame could work A Jank.low aide aay1 the bodl ways. Every day, Callfomia'• PollcY. all started when militant law offJcen round up criminal· lndiAn Dennla 8eJlb fled South sua~ by the trainload, and Dakota for the Golden State after South Dakota'• 700,000 citizenl bdnl convicted in 19'78 of riot and w~ld surely find them very .-ult~ in connectkJO wlth unwe~ nellhbon. Conalder a 19?3 demonatration. Gov. bow tempdna thll could be to our l'Ajmjnd G. Bl'OWD Jr. retu.ed to harried correctlon1 offlciali. extradite, contendin1 Banke would not be aafe if retUrnMt .tanklow reportedl1 1ald Califomia "likes the people WtiO are cm the run~ South Dakota. We k1ild of feel there'• a ~ IWIDnm ID the method of 1 eelectlnc ~ of the hlaher c:ow1a are In \be Wind; 'nt.e LeilalAture hM been muWna the ..... &Gr iJie JIMC"Yeat llbd a half uKl at lelll two propcm1I lor c:hanae are C\&l'l'Gb' alM. kb .... 1IO alter the manner ID which aubematOrial ~amenta 1IO the appellate anCI 1upreme eouru are cm&med. Under exi8Uai1 ~ tn effect 1lnce 1984, a tlitee-mem.,.r cxnrnlMm eon~ ol the attacuey ..-.i. c:bW ).dee and ooe appellate ~ ha~ the power 1IO approve or ctiMpprow. I HOWEVER, dtuatlafactlon of the people with the couru bu centered attention on thia method and the MrwM for change bu been heard by tbt Leplature. Oppcllftion to chance " bued mainly on the contention the ClOW1I will become political. But thole tavorm, ref Cll"ID polnt out the cowu are already political by NM011 of the aovemor bo)dtng the appotntive power and the fact trial court ~ Jl'e atbjec:t 1IO contellted eJectiml = llx years. They ay what they arena la a more ~ffecUve teYiew ol the governor'• appolntmentl than the three-member commlwlnn providea, polntlna out that m la near 00 year emt.ence lt hM only rejected one cudidate. "'!'be roblem the lawmaker1 are bavine eDctly what c:hanae would be One of the tbiDel Nffe q 'WI loft 1iO do II pt tocMber wltb ~:-in the IUDe bUllnem and talll ~""_....._ __ 'thil ,...... Interest dM7 haw In what tbeYre dome bal cr.t.ecl motMr' bta bUllnell, conventicm. Mon botaJa. a lot of raoru and ewn 101De dtie9 wouldb't make it if 1hey didn't haw convmtlom. I CAN'T FIGvaB out whether the avenee oonwntklft ii an ~ hiwltwM IWUiiC ot • ~ wrapped .. a Chriltmal prwnt tfiat the executivet llw to them-lvet onOt • ymr. 'Ibe money aeem1 WA1teful, but if the corporation la JD4Jd.n1 hundreda of ... ~--ol cloDan, Who ml 110 cdUdle? ~. ~ k:noW men abOiit bow 110 c1o br± • tbm I do: O:llaWDtkni lm!ei> a -at .. botell IQd nMMnnta m bllllb ._ toa t ~ tt m"I an t.t; St.111. I ca'\ 8" Ulillll to the momy I 1ee bll comranlea 1pencUn1 on conventloa1. went to one In San l"randeeo recently-arid the company hired the Goodyear blimp equipped wttla .... electric llpboard to fiMb ....... meua1ee down to the partlclpanti bavfnl a laviab outdoor puty ..... Some ' corporatkma apmd ....., OD conventiolll • if lt came from a....,._. the mmt effective. The 1entfment 1eem1 divided between a blll authored by Speaker Wlllle Brown to enlarge the commlalion and another authored by Sen. Ed Davi1, former Loa Angeles ~ d\Jef, to adopt the federal plan of ConfirmaUcn by the eenate. The propoaa l t o enlarge the commiallon ia supported by the State Bar y. . llll 111111 Amoc:laUon. c.ommon Caule, and even the Jucildal Council which II heeded by Chief JUIUce &ee Bird. Still there la cUsqreement • to the ccmpolldon of the enlaraed OOlllli ... t'I). lnltlally the Speaker's bill bad provided for the elimination of the attorney aenenJ, and the.addition of two perm .elected by the bar wodation and two "public membefs" 8e1ected by the LetEilla~ He now aays he wW amend lm bW. to relnltate the attorney aenera1 and add another justice and public member , makin g it a nine-member pmeL Amoq )hOM backing the plan to ~ the OOIT""fwion ia Justice Jamel C.obey who •)'9 ·~pendence of the Brothers game. A compeny tbat.Ja ~ to aave money back at the home ottke bY putting a cheaper brand of paper towe& in the men'• and Jadiel' rooa., will pay the a lr fare to brlna 400 of their executive• or 1ale1men acro11 the country and put them in hotel room1 that cmt $100. nlgb1. At the ~ before the banquet the final mpt, thse are alwa}'I 350 '-,, ~) ~ judldary ii one of the prindple9 upon which this nation waa founded." and f.avon the commillion beinc oompmed of jultices and attome)'I. · Bt!l' IT WAS jult du. dominance of the oommlMion by lawyen that tJroucbt objectiona by Aaeembly Comtttutional Amendments c.ommtttee cha1nnan Phil Wyman. himaelf a lawyer, caWnc it an incestuous relation.hip. Be aa71 an lndependent judiciary does not meau the 1el ection o f judge1 1hould be inde p endent. He allo oppo1 .. a commluion composed of non-elecUve penons. A.. to the idea of a cornmJllion Wyman quotes a statement by Alexander Hamilton a t t he Con1Ututlonal Convention relative to a comntwon • oppo.ed to senate conl.irmadon. "Sueh a QOU.nCil would alao be more liable 1IO executive influence than the Senate because there would be fewer ln number. Such a council would be productive of lncre ed expeme md a multiplication of eYtJ. whk:t) lplinainlm favorltilm and lnfrlaue ln the diatrlbution of pub]Jc hanon.'' But perhapa Aalernblywoman Cathy Wright exprmed the ·oppolltion to a oommi11ioD plan most .mnctly when she aakl. "I get the imp t t I.on that all ~ou=~:~'1:'':;"':e~! WOl"le." various divisions of the company are terrible. A typical convention epeech ltu1a like thil: '"Thanka for that introducUoo,'Ed. rm glad you were able 1IO be with UI today after 1aat night's puty." Thia ia tile kind OI little joke that suaeats Ed ii a real bell-nil.Mr and everyone 1augbl. Tbe truth ii that Ed had only two WeU acot.ch·and"'IOdaa over a four-hour perlod the nicht before and he waa in bed by 10:15 . The lpMker then ~ on to make the followinC paints: -C-ompedtion will be more intenae um yeiar than f!Yel' before . pounclt Ol lbrimP on J>latten aroUnd the -'n.re are cliffbllt Umee ahMd but rocm. md ~ of literature about the he'• confident the cqnpany ii l'e9dy to bu8lneiil oa the tablet. Panicipanta meet the dMJJenee ol the luture. (No -1y ~ up both. They go 1nlide to ..,..ch Would be complete at one ol tbe9e ·~ ~· flieah flowers, have dinner meetinp If It didn't mention "the with two kind• of wine, and are ~of the future.") · tnfonDed. amwied or enter1alned by an -He II confident the company will Cll'dwtl't and a 8peaker whO ia being maintain fta leadenh.ip pOlltlon In the Pllkl eomethlnc like $10,000 for half an ~ indwtry ln apite of the d.lfficult ecooomlc hour ol h1I time. · environment ln whfch they operate Tbe hotJJWM meetincl are dull It you today. (A few yean ago in tbe1e clan't know anythlna about the b-•nee, 1peeches, tbey alway• made some but the partldpantl love every dull dero1atory remark about the minute of them. The 1~en trom aovemment in Wuhlngton. but they _, don't do that ., much now that it'1 their !""'!"'~--~---------------------chob.) I ICNIW& HAWt ~YI AGAJH Fo1ule'1 achtno tooth " hlil romantic atyte. MCNIWI KOJAK A recnd pollo9 offtolr II ~ wtllla trying '° '""*" h tNft of • ,.,..a,... • ti1•A•a•H ...... .,..... • conoua- lion wllM he Wl'ecQ h'e JMt> Md II rMOU9d by • KOIWlll famlly wtlo cannot ~Engllltl. I JOICM'8WILO ---~ JilACllC ~ otL ,AINT'INCa "8'1ft16olnWlnt•" Cl) ...... MoW1JHR a INTIRT'H«•rr TQDfT Alt~""" Soul. ~.:=-(CJWCW. ··~ "Pulp" (111721 Midlael CelM, Mldley AOOl"J. A -.dy ..,.. II l*ed by an •·lllm .._ to ""'°'twnte" ,.... barely printable autoblogrmptiy. 'PG' (D) THI WAY IT WAI· · "1M WORLD llMI" ~ ~~ ._, ll!NCM DANOI tiMCt•• A ...... lf~ol~ drama Join Gwer1 V«don tn a mu-.. ..iut• to Che belt of BtoadWllV- • . ..r MAVINCI( ~ ounlllnll« 8llly tfle l(Jd, ~ 111 • -..--~. OOftMafO 8111• •ar to recup«ate It MIMrle*'• JIJIGtl, (R) SECRETARY OF WAR -Alexander Knox portrays Secretary of War Henry Stimson ln Episode Five of ·~p~nhehner," tonight at 9 on KCET 128). • • M•A•a•H 0 HAPPYO-'V8 8 .J. becom. 1 aurroe-t• Joanie'• hOl'lla movlfl lather to a KOfeen ~~ reci.o Iha tummat of ltet. wi.. ,,,. ~ daughter IP1tt 211Rto ,_, medlCll aaantanc. '19 FAMILY ,EUO lot her l•tner. CID MOVIE * * * "The Doga 01 War" I Cl) TIO TAC OOUGH C 1980) Cllrl1topttar W.iti· MACHEi\. i L£HR!ft 111. Tom Bit-. Mer Ml'Offf . ~ ..... • WHl!RI THIA!'8 A being 10f1Ulad ano deport· WIU.. THERl'8 A WAY eel by an Alrltan dlct1tor. a Three approachee to pro-meroeoary return• 10 lead e revOlullon. 'R' llldlng career training and CS) MOVIE employment tor h1ndl· 111 * * "Slrlpae" 1lll811 8111 capped youth .,. IKI· Murray, HllOld Ramie A mined. New Y()(I( 01bt>le tooklng 0 YOU ASl<ED f'OR rT tor exclteman1 cionvlncee FHIUfldl "The Family I hit bftl Irland to join him Member• Are Wiid Anl-In enllallng In the u S. malt" end "Brllll'• l/oo-Army 'R' dOoMagk;," 0MOVIE 8TOIEAHHOUHOED •*'"" "Tiie Fan" (1981) CID WHAT ON EARTH Lauran Bacatt, J1m11 Orton 811n llOlll thll Garner A ~llr Ulm star fut-paced, llCl·fllled sci-Is vlc:tlmtusi by a 1)9VOhotlC ence Mriea. ldlnlfer 'A (11) IASOALL (%)MOVIE Atlanta Braves 11 LOI • * 'Lacombe. Lucien" ~Dodolf'S C11174) Pierre 811111. (I) AEROllCSE: Allfort Clement N 1111 IEGINNEA and of World W11 I -.. o.t In ~· took good, • pe111n1 care11111y and IMI grNt with lhll becomes ln11ol111d In phylic.i fMnMI PfOQflln. Faciam l!U!CT\OH COVERAOI! 7:81 Ill NOTE.: AEOULARL y D Qt! DECISION '82 8CHEDUl.E.D The rauits ot the June 8 PAOOMMMJNO WIUJ5E • ptlmaty e!ecllona taking INTEMUP'TED av El!CTIOH AETURHS., plAICe In 1 l11ge nvmbar ol 111111 Wiii be rlc>Of'tld. • 8ATUAOAYNIOkT re:~~~·· Hott: st-Manin. Gueet: van Morrl9on. Wheo 1 ~·l dlM at lhe 40771h, hi• •lde ltrugglle IO mah II ..-,, Ill died hltoiallly 111 blllle. o EL.«CTION COV!RAOE • MOVil * • *' "In Like Flint" (19f7) Jam. Coburn. L .. J. Cobb. The Pentagon hlree Flint to thwert • group of female rlYOlutlon-.,... • flllCMt **** "Chinatown" (11174) Jack Nlc:holaon, F'YI ~· During the tllGOs,. private-~ in-tlgat• I CUI lf\a1 r..,... • trlll ol c:orrup. "°"' ~ and mutd«. 9 MOYIE *°"' "~·· Mountain" (11171) A young ~ breelc9 • W>oo on an anc::len1 burW grpund and 8Uf1er'I • ti1glltenlng c:urae. • DANGER UX8 "Cut Iron Kiiier" &Ian end hlil men are lkeptlcal of I prolellor who II elq*lrnenllng wltll I MW method of' 1111trecttng tlMI exptoelve trom l>Ornb•. (Part4)(RIQ .NOYA "Siimon On The Run" Thi power llld determination ot Nimon ire captured In Ill' eitarnlnetlon of ~ role tl'IMI fl9h play In the ex>rl- ftlct between econornlc growth and conattVatlon. (RIO (I) M•A•a•H A grateful pettent dftotll hlrneelf 10 Hawtieve while Aldar 1• 1n 1ow Ind l(Jlngar mantee by lhort. -•ldlo. On-TV Z·TV HBO a:> <Cl~x) Cl> lWORI NY .. N.Y. C <WTBSI (I) CESPNI • ()) lShOwtlme) • SpotllQllt e lClbl• NtwS.N•twork) ' @ LAVEAAE A BHIRLEY Laverne end Shlrley'• trip down memory lane 10 their high ldlool days 111r11 • blllll 0111 11-one ot them wlth 1 bfoken jaw. (R) 8:00 i MOW. * *It "Blinded 8)1 The Ugttr' 11eao1 l<llely Mcliff. Chol, JllTIM Vinoenl Mc.Ni- chol A teen-ager IMvw Illa tlr'Nty and llOIM to lol· low • qu111-ra1tglou1 Q!_OUV.(F\) u DfC88IOH '12: CALIFORNIA PAIMAllV 8 8ATUROAY HIGHT ...._ Host Ed Koctt. OuMll Tiie Rolling Stones. G GD ELECTION COVERAGE • AMENCAH PLAYHOUSE "Oppenl)elmer" Alter the ,.,., ~tul , .. , u.plO-.. 110n In New Mexico, IM- 8'8 ltnelltld tor the UN of the llOrl'llC bomb on Hlfo- llllml end Negaeekl, (Pl/1 ~714 DAYS TH,4T CHANGED AMERICA - FROM WATEROA~ TO RESIGNATION ®J THREE'S COMPANY T111rl assuriies that JICll le d11ong the wife ol Janet'• boel. ll'ld J-1 bel ....... that • doctor II Mttlng up a low nett lor tern. (RIQ a DEC$8fON ·92- LOCAL ELECTION COV!AAGE (C)MOVa • • • ' Pardon Mon Allah• ( 1977) Jun Roc:hel<¥1. Anny DupartfY. A hlPP41'/ married men conllmprates lnlTdeRty alter e-ng 1 blaUtllUI model "' • l*'klno glltQe. 'PG' t:30 .. FlAMINOO "°~ WeellhV Mlc:hMI Tyrone COll'lll 10 Truro and UMI Ills g1tllftan0, who II Setn'I 111·Wlfl. In 1 plot to gain 1111"81>1e lend lhtt s.,.n lllO~ ... (RI 9 TOOOU>SIFOA COMFORT ..-urlll lnYltn t lkld row burn hOml for Thankeotv- ln(l dinner (RI . • " *'11110 llOo\D '"" C\lflil llefr""4e • c~ ttn. ...-~ ~ •t~• 10 COWt "' I ..... INt toiilll ~ IM Wtlltfl IMlly. ;MCMI •• " ··~ IOrMlll" CtMOI "8Mool leldlnt· Vvomt DeOlirlo-hwfll • 001.... 1111t11nta tall• roome In 1 tOfebodlf't Old hOUM ........ ~ Mid ttlW llftlOl¥M mutdet WU COl'lll'lltled ~· ..,..,, .,.. f~etrl"lltto .. boon lelancl whlN flfM humln-rMred chllnpa ere being tqht to IM In-the Wiid; Otwlel Oaoood vlllll • ~ lit ltll detl\Off. tlOn~ eo:oo1•• .. WITHO-.ANO MllV ",,,_ Ill Wonder"' Al/by 0.. llftd Ouia ow. Pf• tnl • on.,flOt ~y lbOwt IM rHlt ... Of Holly• r~TOHART A men Wllo holdlt Jonaltlan ·~ io; 1111 .. .., •• deatl\ WOW9 1 ctlemle.t Into the Hartl' pool Whlctt caueee Jonathan to oo llhnd tl'IQ CID "-AJA IUf1' LH Grant and Jeffy Orbach 11ch perform thr .. rOlff u couplet who occupy Sul11 7111 of New York'• Plaza Hotel In Neil Sinlon'• eomecty. ())GABI ICAPlAH; JUST FOftLAUGHI Kapla(i P«tonnt Illa ~n l*tlwlar brand ol lland· up comedy 111 thla tpeelal taped live at Hollywood'a "The LA ff Stoo." I Tfi! TWO ctr US 1.0:$0 ~ '12: OAUFORNIA PRIMARY • NEWI HJDOEN PLAOU: WHER! HIST°"" LIVES "Two Rout• WMf' Hott Pll111p AbOOtt lottowt tn. o~ route anct the MIUoutl River to the Q!Ml lrontler. etot>Plng et Mitt. known ..... tlllt tel • loC about Atnerlca'1 PMI. (R) a Df08IOH ·12- LOCAJ. E1.ECT10H OOVEAAOE (CONT'D) CD>OMOVJE •• "Deeth Hl.nl" (11181) Chwlle Broneon. Lee Mii· Yin. In the 19309. I Moun- tie Ind • fl'Of'ltllw t:rlmlnal wage an dd l>ettte aa cMU- zallon lllCltOICMI on tM Oenadltn wtldat-. 'A' (%)MOVIE * * * "lnalde MOllH" (1980) John Savage, DeYld Mot'le. A newcomer to the gtoup of regulaB et an OaldMd bar mey hOld the key to m1111no the ~ dlr'1 dream of becoming • pro baalletbll ~ a rHllt . 'PO' 11:00eieC1>aa NeWS 8 8AT\JN>AY NIOtfr Holt: 8UclC H*lfy. Gu.I~ Jannlf« Warnta. G YOU All<ID "°"If F111ured: "Au1trall1n Camel R•c•" end "Nature'J Gr..._ toe ShoW " • IEHHYHU 8-11~~ _..._ 1=.CAV!TT • • ..,._ Fll\ll ~ dowlf'' (IMO) Kltk Douo- la, Mlftln ~. A mya. leJIOUI ltOfm at .. tren- aportl lhe .i~ed ll«:reft ~rlar u.s.s. Nim- itz 1>ac11 tn time to Decem- ber I, 11141. poeltlonlno Iha,,.....~ P-1 HllW end the ectvenclng tM9,;:e fleet. 'PO' Comedy II the tople whlll Dlllkl er-. Arwfo/ 1<eu1- man. Robert Klein Ind Steve Land .. blrg 911 together II the nlghtapol wtllt• they ... 001 their tl"11. 11:80 9 (I) AUOE ~·1 antl·~rgllty pre- ceuflonl backllre, llelllng him, Ab. FlQ and Vara lrlc>Ped In lhe .... <1Vll a holid~ ~ei!d. (R) ·~ * ** "~ Atta At Dewit" (1975) lti JMon, Pac• Brown. An .... oommando who eeceped trom an Attb prllon retUJN to er.. ~ Pf'-1. • IAHFOf'D NllO 90N Tht.. Jewtl ....._ took lot IOfMOfle to M1UQOle ''*' ~ out of ...... ~artO 9 CAMIMTHME .. John !Nino" The author 9t "The Wdt1d AccorcflnO' To Oarp" d~ the ~IOfl of '\Gerp," 1111 Wl'ttfnO, hit felnlly and 1111 Imagination. (RI 9 AIONIWI NIOHnM 8DeQIK>N'•-LOCAL aecTI0N OOVl!MCM! (CONT'D) K'ITV (11) 8:00 -11Chlnatown." Jack Nichollon u priyate eye ta l9d Into a <:omplex cas by femme fatal Faye Dunawuy. ' KCET (28) 9:00 -"Oppenheimer." After the firtt successful test, plant are ftnallzed for the u e of the atomic bomb. Cl)~LOWAT THf C"°88AOAOI !Part 2) -Ml>NGHT- 12:00 0 8 TOHtOHT Hoit Jonnny C1reo,,, Ou1111 l'etlf Streu• .. Petty w~. D~ Hall 9 EHTEATAIHMINT TOHlOHT An lnteMew ~Ith DI~ Soul. 81 MOVIE • • • ·~ "Anchort A"'gll" ~11M5) Olne K ... ly, Fnlnll Sinatra. TWo aallore an)o)I their INYe In ~OfOUI Hollywood tlJ LOVE. AMEAIOAH 8TYL.E "LOYe And The Cootee- llon" When their lhlp la about to 1lnk, Harri• r cont11111 10 Blanch• •t>oul •put ettalr. QI FAHTA8Y !St.AND Tattoo ch1no11 placea wllll hie boll and g11n11 two 911'11 their drewn of • -flllma, Ind Mr Roarke ttlee to lulMI lhe wbh 01 a doctor. CRI ®MOVIE * • *'h "Allanllc. City" (IGIOI Burl Llncllllf, Susan Sarandon Th• ntrangad husband of an oyater bat Wiii,... wr!Yee with Mt pregoanl younglf alallf and -1toten heroin. wtttch he wanta an eg!llg hOod 10 NII tor him. 'R' (l)MOVIE * • •• "8 112" C19e3} Marcello M11trol1nnl, Oaudla Carttlnale. Dlfac:t· Id l:l'/ FedfJrlCO Felllol An overwOrtlld him director leems to accept .the oti.ta- ctea In hl1 cereer 11 welt .. In l'l!_plrlOl\ll ttte. 12:06 IJ C1J WKAP IN CINCINNATI A Rusalan hOg expert Ukl e• to help him elf*' to ClnclnlWtl. (R) 12: 15 ca> MOVIE •• "Etotle Oellgh11" 12:21 CZ) MOVIE **'A "'The Lady In.Red" (111711 Robert COftNld, P"'*9 Sue Martin. In the vlollnl ~ Of "" ....... tt20I, "' ~ YGl"ll larm gttt becomll Ille mol TA the IMIOUI OlllllW John Olllnger .• 12:80. COUPlE8 G FAHTMY l8lAHD TatlOO Changetl placee Wttll till bole Jnd granH two Olfll tllM drlMI of • liteUma. and Mr. ~ tr• to IUIMI the wltll ol I doctor.(RI ·= * * "Tet10t Train" (1980) 8«1 Johnson. Jamie L .. Curtla. A college l{1tarm- 1y'1 Hew ·y..,., muqu.· Ide petty 1\lfl'll Into • nightmare when • lllndle- ttw oueet ltarta kllllnO otl the l*t'/'11<*•· 'A' t2:40 9 Cl) MOCLOUO TllrM e11-con1 Nllclno re-. Ind tocking lor money they thlnll McCloUd can ioc.1e kldnep 1111 gtn. frltnd to enaure hit coop- •lllon. (R) 11:46 CC> MOVll! ***'A "Monty ftyttlon Md The Holy Ofal'' ( 11174) 01"'*1\ ~. John CleeM. King Ar1lw and "'' band ol tlnlghlt lnCO\H'll., ~,.. tlddlef• •nd • flfoclu• rtbbll In tllejr MWctl IOf the legen6- 1:00 d;; LATW NtOtfT wmt DAVID LlmMCAH Oueett t~ )ournlt- 111 Rooert MIONell ITUI· ct-Jamee ll'/IOf and JCIMH .. f.~"(1930) ROMld Colmtn, AM Klfd- lng. Tiie NI golnoe-on It ~l'I lllland PGN I thfMI to •11e prllonlra. .• MOVW • * • "WOIFIWI Of Straw" ( 1"41 Olne l.Olk>Mold•. a.an Oonnery. A ~ man attempta to gain oon· lrol of Illa ~·· IOftUnl with the '*P of 1 t>eeutllul nurM. ,1:100 HIWI 1:AOG MOV~ • • "Boll)bllllp" (11171) Peter Gravea. Thlfd ~ tarrorlltl ~1.n an oil tanker on the lllOll -. 1:Al®MOVll • • ''Thlt ,,.,. ,~. (1NO) Cll*e ...._.., Vln- cem Van PlitWI. AF~ Cenedlll'I "" .... In '°"" with • llflllfl Amettcen COi- • llUdent atuel)'lnO In Montrlll,'PO' l:OO!~ *** "Strle>M" (1911) 811 Murray, H11old Almll. A ~ YOik Cll>bll tooklng IOf eJtdtemant OOfWlncll hit bMt friend to Join him In tnllltlng In the U.S. Army. 'R' t:20 CC) li'OVIE * * ~ "Night 'Move1" (1975) Gene Hackmen. Jennifer W11ren. A prtvate ey1 hlrld to ioc.t• the dluglller of a former l\'IOll· le actr ... l>lcomM entan· gled In 1 web ol Intrigue with 1 Mlyan emugollng Ci)"M<>v. • • • • "Doo Day Attar- ' noon" (1G751 Al PIQlno, John CU#I. A Hew Ven Olly bank robbl'fy eecelatM Into 1 ,_. cltcut when community actMltl )otn In IO stage an anfklOlloe proteat dutlnO the~. t:ao•MOVll ***~Mt) Hlgel Terry, Hlcol w-.n. eon. The ~· of l("1g Arthw twtno PG'!« and dletl' 10 tN llniotlU °' the RoundTebte.'R' =1= ** t'The ~ .. (1~ Ronald Colman, EJINI Landt The jOumaht COUlln of • dfuo-«ldlcMd manll~to­ querlde .. 1111 COUlln dUr· ~ the man'1 bfllllkd<*lf. 3:00m MOVIE * * * "The H\IQtltlf'I" C 1114 7) Clark Gebl•. Deborah t<arr, Upon aoc:.ptlng • 11<*tlon with en edveolllng ~. I man ~ ttiat the 1nt1r1 mode of .G9«•11on NN «09111'11n to hit MftM of ,_... and --9:1118 MOVIE *•'A ~ Jult An Old Sweat Sono" (111711 Robert Hooke. CIQely J)llon. A bladl llfnly ''°"' Detrolt tr.wl to the 8outtl OA I vacetlon that llll¥!M • lut· W•d•••d•W'• Da11tl•• Hef'f•• , l:OO • * • "Lovetl And l.IWI" (111711) Ooldle ~. Qlarlcillto OIMnlnl. Whlll trawillno 1n Italy, an AIJlll'I· can gin maeta..tnd 11111 tn 1ove wttti • rnarrw """· 'A' 6:80 CZ) * *~ "The Hiked Kiii" (1"41 Con1tanc» T-. Anthon)' Ell~. When a glr1 It arr._.ed for murder, II« 8hedy ;.f la t9Vllled t;30 (8) • ._. ·~ "Oar~ O'.Glll And The Uttle People'' ( 11159) Albert Stlarpe. 8-\ Con'*'f. An old llWi ca'• 11Mr who la 1bOut to IOM 1111 Job to • ~ ll\lrl c.ptur• the king of the lepfacheunl Ind IOfcet him IO gr.,,t ttw .. ....,_ ·o· 7:00 CC> • * *. "Grand lllu-elon" ( 1G37) Jaw\ o ..... EtlC:fl Vail Strohtlm, Wo,1d War I prilon8n oonfllct with a German' comman- dant. CZ) * * * "Sttlpee'' (11181) 8111 MIA-ray, Har~ Ramla. A New Yori! cebbie tooklno '°' llllcttamant oon~noee Illa "8t l!lll'ld to join him In enllltlng In the U.S. ~.'R' ....... "LetttBe" (197j)) The Beetla Jelln Lennon. Peut Mc:Cenney. Gaoroe karmon and ~ 00 8ta1t are fOltowecl 11trou9h rehear••••. r9COl'dlng -'olll llld ... ~ompto conoen. ·o· ~w••'-'·~­ •nc•" ( 19771 Ooneld Sutherland, Frenoln• Racette. An lntemalloMI hit ma11 ~~lftH obMIMd """" llla rnilllng wife. 'R' t;OO ct) ••• "Don't Go Neer The Water" (1957) Glenn Fotd, Ole Scala. WOftd We( II MllOt'I In the South Plldtc find ltllt they Med otty 1 '9Cf99tlon NII to ~their~ t:t0. * ~ "5egel>rulll T ralf" (1833) John W'f'l'I, H.ncy Shuber1.. A cowt>oy un)Ult• I'/ ln'lprl1oued lol' l!Udar ~ to hunt lfowll the real kllit' and prove 1111 own~. 10:00 (8)...• # "Beyond Tile Real" (11181) D111ton Ke'ne, Maran JenMn. A Polrn-an·Amlrlcan 01r1 whO Jla8 been educated In the u,s. mum. '° .. ..,.,..., home and ,.... In lo¥e Mth • peet1 dlwr. 'PO' Cl).** "The l.Mt Hunt" c 1"8) s ... an Grangiar, Robert "Taylor. DurlnQ the 1MOI, llerda of ..,,.. dluppew from the !>Mota prek1e8. • * ''The A*81ceni1'9" (1980) Ctlarllolt Haelon, lwllMlll Yerll /lttf ""*''' ..... , ~ .... ........ ., .. rMMolant '"" ., .. MoNinl ~ ...... 1Ck11 ;t * ~ "O\IWllt-.-......... --11*1~ ..... , .... I*(' ( tt11) ·~ ...... . Al,,.., MllfM Tiw.t ""*""" .,...,. .,.... Ille HI ... Klletltn ...-, OINtwYotil()lty~ thew ltlltt Cll l:wlN IN ...,,,'" ... ~ .. Gr .. 11 Nit« it* kif t~·flG' t 1:80 CH) ••• ''llYI•" (117t) • !<Ult Aulaell, hNen ..,. le)' IMI ,,..,,,...h'n 910*ty and 'ol>tcwlt)I 10 IC~ ftll'\t Md fortune .. I IUf*lllr mueloll Pit· formtf. 1l:OO G * * ''Thit FfOllllnO W11dcet1" (1ff7) Keefe BrMMl!e, Key Clllard. An ·~ "'~ II lllttd to Mlmtn .. e I noted NID l8adlr • * *'A ''TM Tin lta(' ( 1807) Henry Fonda, Antflony PerlllN A bOCJnty hunter anct • yOUOO "*"' team up to t-Iha town blllly. • * *. "OottOt EM- k:h'• M-OC MW' (1'40) lclWWd 0 ~. """' Gordon. A doctor dtllotel 'hit life to ftrldlng • aura fOf IOGltld ........ •• * * "The Hunter" (1tJtl Steve~. D Wllactl. ,..,., "Pepe" Thoraon lllde • danOet· OUI llfe II a modern-iSe'/ 1>ouMy 11ut11er. •f'O· CJ)*** "Sttlpet''j1111) 14• Murrey. Harold RM!ll. A Ntw Y Ot'k clbbll IO«*lno I« axe1tement cClflWlQee 1111 belt ttlend to !&ii him In rietlnO In tfll U.S. Almy, 'A' tl:30 Cl)**• It "Prlvlll Ben· t1mln" (11180) '0oldl• ' Hl'MI, Eiieen ll<enMn. A MH-to-clO young woman mlatlkenly Joint the Almy lollowlng the dellll of II« new llustMlnd on their wed- ding nlgtlL 'R' 1:00 (C). * "The Jin~· ( 1880) Neil Dl9mond. Lau- r~ QINW. A Ntw YOt'k cantor bteek• with famlly 1radluon and MtS out to find ~ ... pop rnua6c 14ar. 'PG. 1:41 (%) • ~ 'The LMt OlllM" (1181) Lie Mljor9, Clwtl .... ..,_. In • "'°'1d of the Mura. 1 lormw ,_ CM dtfllW and I teen-age ~-expert tlohf IN govarnrnent'I p1oecnptb1 o1 automob11-. 'PG' 2:30 Cl) •• ··~°'The Myat•on• From Mera" C 111111 Puppet&. Ceptalri SCarlet goee Into d9ec> ~ to atop the dMdly Mylterlonl trom deetro)'- ~Earth. 1:00 (.8) * * "My ChamP!on" (1911) Yoko Shllnada. CM• Ml1Chi#n. Tiie tr\19 etdry o1·. tem• J..,..,... runolng champion le \old. 0 ** • "Stevte"(11178) Gland• JecQon., TteolOI' ttow"d. Ec:canUtc Mletl poet-Stevie lmlttl 11 ofiled. 'PO' I:*) al ••• "INk'e ~· ( 1980) JoM s.v.g., Ollllld MorM. A new<:o11• to tM ~of,.,... .. 811 ~n!"tio"7.~ ., .• ~ °' beoOl••iG. plO beelletball ~ a reaty. 'PO' 4:00. "Shoot ........ Ole Ult- ., .. ( 1973) Rlchanf c:om.. A llOf-' Polee ollo8r le Orlvlf1 10 r--. 1llMr\ lie lirlda lllllt Ille loc:ll ayld- eate won't 1111• ~no" tor Ill -to t,,.., attempt ~ him on the P9YfCll, /" Cl) * * ,_., "The Ore.I ; Horii.on" PHO J-- Stewart. Philip Seyer. An arrinellac zoologllt In AM- Cl find• • re!Uge on the wtldl1fe !>'eMr\11 of an lld- arty 11'1111 Ind hll grand- "1UC1ht•. ll:OO(Q) ••• "Don't Go .... TM w11er" c 111&n O\ann fOfd. Ola Sc*a. WOl1d War 11 aallotl In the Soutfl PKlfto find tMt ttll¥ Mid orif a racreMlon NII to ~·their ,.,adlM, 1:21 (2) • * ·~ ''TM Niiied Kiii" I 1"41 Conetance T-. Anthon'/ a.r. Whan • glr1 .. _,.., '°' murder. her 11\edy pat le r--6ed. '! I \/JS mNG ~©lLlJ~rffi@~O~lf }•(; It J..11111n wltat H"t1rc' you. ..~ ...... .. ' .. --·~ ·~.. • •.• [!\\{/9.\.~:\ l ORA HO~ U4 Cit. L11MOA 6· 4 • 11 •WESTMINSTER f¢;.i1c:~ C11en 4 Wt st £91 '193~ WUTMIN IHR I< WnHO .-tn '111-1,~•ll ,,,q~ a•U•I~ f41t•• UmtedArt.Jsta ~ lllU COSTA llllU 1111 &sto• "uo 011A1ttl Uol lh.~ ~ • r .. 990 •01i 6J i ... • • IU(Ml '41111 •IAAITlllOJOll llUCll •011.AllGf flutll.I f'al~ 0t108 II. £4 • .,,t. c.-· l.. I t l~I •010 8411 llltl I '• I •COSTA MESA UllllllA lllCH l°"'• d\ >ll~•OI w.r. Co.r,1 S•O 7U4 494 t~t• °' 1")e Drwt"' ~~~ 10 ( WUTMllllTlll 11.J;. .. ~i,...1.&U'\j W I ~11. 'Qn • Call 642'-5678. Put a few word• lo work for ou. *BARGAIN MATINeES • Monday thru Saturday All P•rtormencH befor• 5:00 PM (Eic:epl Speclll En91geme111* Incl Mtldan) "POL TEROEl8'r CPO> ---.... -'"POMV'r ' ......... ~ .. J "THI ... OAD WARRIOR" aq "POL TERGIUT" tNl --.-, ... -. .... .... .,.,-·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN D N'T WEAR~'INI --.-.-. ...... ._ .. .,_., ___ ._,_ ---..__.. .. LAKEWOOD CENTER • SOUTH WAlll IN 1 . "'llOCKV Ill" tNt -------·- ft Cully GI CO'J'l••OOd 211/131·•110 "PORKY'•" Ill) ·--.... Ml.- "ST AR TRIK II: THI WRA'T'K Of' KHAN" .,_ -llCIUY---.-.-... - 0 PAAAl>t8E'' (fl) ---'1>t!A TH WISH II" (ft) ---·•HANKYP~ ... I ~c:• ••--. • .,_ -.... WMAT I HU.fl" ct. . , __ ...... __ ..,..._ ot lfood•ov - Sovtt1Coa1IHlwoy ) ~ 494-1514 "1>!AD MeN DOWT W!MI 9'l.AIO"'"' _,.. .... _I ... ,.-.. ............... __ Na·~,.- &JlN~ •AP• BUENA PARK DfltVHN . . SCANNING THE NEWS -~ IaraeU jet warplanee. and U*r attacb on Beirut have drawn mmt of the heavy heedliml theme ~ it la well to remember that other war 11 ltill aot.nl on. It'• fOf' a bunch of rocb called the Falldand IIWldl. It alwa)'I eeems that wars are fought for tome barren. God-forsaken piece of real estate that nobody really wanta anyway. 1 You are reminded of the famed quote from that Civil War pneral who declared, "I am tired and lick of war. Ita glory is all moonatiine. It ii only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shriek• and -.-;;....~-----~ groan• of the wounded TIM llURPHINI .k";f 1 ' :~~e ~e:~:n~:: ~~ desolation. "War ii hell." .. OSTL Y • OF COURSE, Gen. William Tecwmeh Sherman ij remembered for uttering the last' th.-ee words o{ that quote from bis graduation address at Michigan Military Academy of June 19, 1879. News. from the Falklands war (it's not called a war but a '1crilla .. ) comes in fits and starU. Mainly, you get what ii released from either British sources in London or Argentine IOUroel in Buenos Aires. Little comes from neutral IOW"Ol!8. The lateat issue of TV Guide suggests one of the primary goals of the Soviet eecret police, known u the AtpnUne croop.. huddled ., hlJclandJ • .,,. post, waltlzv KGB, ii to plant lies in communist papers and hope thll IO-called .. disinformation" is eventually picked up by U.S. teJevlllon. The televbion publication got fairly excited about thll but actuaµy it's rather crude in terms of subtle lnOtlebcel on public opinion. In dealing with the Falklands war, British ~ ~tion's nighely world news Rrvlce shortwave ~ are much more topbisticated. POWERING WORLD-GlftDLING signah out of London, the BBC can be picked up here on the Orange COMt at about 6.1 on the 8hortwave dial by anyone with a fairly good .et and decent antenna tylltem. You get a different slant' on the Falklanda ftchting from the BBC. Thia is not to aaaest that the BBC bl'oe+ew lie. Quite to the contrary, I am sure the BBC bellewe it ia airing the plain. unvarnished truth. Yet ~J:' get • much hint of what'• l!Oina on in that f!:Y from what the BBC doem't lay tbat what It Then again, when it aa~ It can perbape have 80IDe llgnlticance. On Sunday night, for example, the BBC bra.dcast the report of a correapondent who wu ta1d to be watddna the debarking of troops from the luxury liner Quem· ambeth D. • , BY STBVS MAllBLE or .. __,,......, An1ry Newport Beach rHldenu have produced docwnentl they clalm show the Irvin• Company chao&•d it• Jeuebold policy eeveral yeen aao u J)ar\ of a calculated move to make more than $40 milUoo. Further, the homeowners chars•. the pqllcy change resulted In lharply ~the amount they'd have to pay to buy land they now leue from the Irvine Company. The docwnenta1 eome matked confldent.lal, are mo1'1y lnterott.k:e memoranduma. MOit are dated around the time the development flnn wu eold in 1977. lrvlne Company Prealdent Peter Kremer acreea there WU a policy change, but aays the conclualon re1ident1 have reeched ii Wl"On41· He uy• the handful of docwnenta wu linaJed out of thouaanda of papers and does not · tell the leuehold story f\&lly or fairly. Kremer repeats that It's lnllatlon, not a company policy change, that haa puahed the aakinl price for Irvtne Ccmpany leaaehold land throu1h the c:eillng. • The leuehold dispute, which ·erupted laat year, la a compllcated, often technical a1fair. (t'I also a htghly emotional one because resldentl fear it · threatem their ability to keep their homes in Newport or Irvine. Affected residenta own their homes but lea.le the land under them from the firm. Many realdenta now are ~ with the prospect of paying hJgher annual . leae feet or buyina the land at ~t with the development firm h being led by the Committee of 4000. Several memben of the committee have filed a lawauit agalnat the ~C"I~teat turn centers on so-called off1lte improvement credlta. '!be credit ii aub1nct.ed from the appnl8ed ~ue of the land when residenta to to buy th,lr leaaed_ property. The l'e9Ultlna ficure ls what reeldenta are uked to pay. . The credit repreaent1 1uch lmprovementa u 1treet1, curbs, gutters, il'adlna and utllitiel - thlnga relidenta presumably paid for when they bouaht thelr homea. Ray I.kola, an attorney for the committee, cl.alms that, when the Irvine Company wu eold, the new owners chanaed the way ctedlu are computed. lkoJa contendl thil made the company mllUoN and coet the leaseholders thoue.andl. lkoU, who obtalned the docwnenta during the d.iJcovery staae of the commlttee laW11uit, cl.alms the.a papen lhow: -The "oJd" Irvine Company uled a percentage acale which offe~ resldenta up to 50 percent off appralaed land values. -The "new" lrvine Company abandoned thi1 policy and adopted a "replacement cost" index to compute the credits instead. -The Irvine Company 1tood to 5up to $40 million by 1uch a c e. er, Ikola saya, one 1977 memo warned that if the percentage method was abandoned, residents would voice their anger. He saya that'• just what happened. Kremer saya lkola'1 charges are off base. For starters, he aays, the percentage scale waa never lmplemen..ted. He advises that realdents. to his knowledge, were never told about the percentage acale. Kremer, though, does admit the company'• former president. Ray Wataon, waa planning to implement the scale and, at the thpe the company waa sold, urged Kremer to u.e it. kremer explain• why be \ didn't: ''The percentage approach on policy credlta had been baled apparently on the rationale that there would be no "'8nlfican1 difference between the rate of lncreue ln offait.e improvement values and the rate of increase In land values." He saya by the late 1970., that theory proved Wl'Olli· He 11)"1 the value of land wu lncreasing much more than the value of the improvements. To have stuck with the ba1e'ball ~ ................. DEFENDS POLICY - Irvine Company President Peter Kremer says inflation, not a company plot, is the rea1on for leasehold increases. percentage acale, he aaya. would have been the aame u giving a "gift" of land value to residenta. ln place of the percentage scale. Kremer explain•, the lrvine Company d.evlaed a "replacement cost" index to ahow the value of the improvements. Th.ls figure ii 1hown aa a dollar amount as opposed to a flat percentage. Kremer aay1 the change wu needed because tlme• had c~~ affected residents contend the change ''robbed" them, the Irvine COmpan~ aaya, if there had not been a chan&e. the company would have been sho~. To further complicate the •'tuation, the orlslnal lea1e1 resldenta bold, and (then are more than 50 leue varlatiom) addreteee the matter of crecbta in yet another way. Some of the leuel ahow a flat dollar amount u a cndit. Some show a percentage and 1ome show nothing at all. One of the documents that attorney lkola haa produced appeus to aay that the Irvtne Com~)' -before h WM IOld -didn t put much credence In ~f&IWW. lkola conchldel thae ti,w. were rpeant only• a rnlll'btlnc tool arti that the pereentaae ecaJe WM to be u.d In' all m.M. K.rerM!', on the other band. Mys. lf the lrvlne Company Wll truly aa 1reedy and money hu.nvY • lta crttlcl ....... It would have liven ~ta onlY the credit shown on the -... Inltead, he .. on. the f~ deWled ln the --att brOuabt . up to date with the repi-nent COit method. Knmet, referrbll to me of the docwneptl produced by lkoJ.a. po&nta out that if if the hvtne · Company pve reeidenta only the c:redit shown on leMel. the firm stood to make -million. "Clearly, lf we'd wanted co • make the mo.t money," 11y1 ' Kremer, "we would have stuck to the letter of the l.eae." Finally, Kremer aaya resldenta are better off financially by accepting one of eeveral 1rvtne Company fl.nancing offers than they would be with the old percentage ecale. The Irvine Company 11 ottering leaaeholden a reduction in annual leaae feea or a 12 percent financing package for homeownen who want to buy their land. The financing la 80CJd for only seven years. Barbara young, leader of the Committee of 4000, uya Kremer'• 1tatementa convince her of only one thing; ''Th.la -all of this -only indicates to me that the whole story haa still not been unwound. Kremer chanaed the policy and he-changed it without. letting any of U1 know." She aaya the 1eues between residen ta and the Irvine Company were always rDNnt to !;>e a "joint venture'' with e8Ch 1{de 1haring equally in appred.atlQn. ''But the 'new' Irvine C.ompADy aaw a chance to make money and went foe it," M.. Youna charaa-Kremer •)"I he baa syms-thy tw nsidenta cauahl In a money tquett.e becauslng of eoarf.n1 land values, but lnsista inflation la the culprit. Two years later, families ask ~why?' Bludgeoning deaths ()f newlyweds still puzzle lawmen, haunt victims' relatives . SNOW JOB -While Southern Califomi&na !_re enjoying beach weather, travelen ln ~lorado can still eee plenty of mow, especially '11 them thar hills. Above, a bulldozer pushes UWlt~ · snow off Independence PUJ on Colorado's Highway 82, a short-cut between-Denver and Aspen. 'nle highway crests at 12,010 feet. - beautifying surrounding. Taurus, Scorpio and another Libra figure prominently. Events occur which cause you to J'eV'iew early life. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov~ 21): Avoid aelf ~deception; define terms, see places, people u they are, not merely aa they might ~ in an ideal world. 'Short trip involves visit, relative or special message. SAGJTrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This is your power play day; lunar and numerical cycles point to orpnlzation, expansion and money. Relationahlp lntemifie9t promises will be ocbanaed with one you love. You locate needed material; you'll obtai.n flnanda1 beddng. .DEAR ANN LANDERS; Your adv14'e to the woman woo wanted to marry a blMXual stank. I have been happily married to a bi for three years and we get albng better than rnoet 1traight 90uplet. I kept hoping he would drop hia male friends after we married, but it didn't work out .that WJy. When I caught him fooling around, he explained that this way W8- non:nal for him and I should accept it. He didn't want a divorce -just freedom to do what came naturally. After thinking about it for awhile, my anger disappeared. You owe it to thole who are in my shoes to print this letter. There are a lot mor~ of ua around than you think. - PEACE AT LAST DEAR PEACE: U it worked oat well for you -fble. But It did not work out for many otllen. Tbe following letter coataln1 a d.lf f ereat me11a1e. ; DEAR ANN LAN1>.ERS: May I reipon<L to "Having It Both Ways in New York?" I was manied to a bisexual for 20 years. Why? Because I loved him and had two children Sometfmee I think women are their , . own worst enemies. Take pregnancy. Pleue. To be "with child" used to get you a seat on the bus, a pillow for your back, 30 days1n bed watching soap operas following::, the birth, and 10 years of inteme guilt for your husband. For more than half a century, we had a good thing going for us. Then, one by one,' our benefits began to tumble. Prepancy isn't the fun time it uaed to be. As the u.t of no-b08 keeps getting longer, IO does the lift ~yes..yeaa -- YOU CAN'T SMOKE becaute it's harmful to the baby and to you, but you can do ,aerobics. You can't drink alcohol because of the potential danger to the fetus, but you can work up to the last day. - You can indulge yourself by eating because the delivery can be difficult, but it's all right to jog. You can't shop for clothes becauae no1hing fits. but you can get,tnto a awi.mauit and do three miles every morning. . Even coUee drinking is a no-no, but you can play tennis. . I don't know when 10meODe figured out that exerciae and fresh air was compatible with pregR&f'C)', but women'• lives haven't been the same since. • Penonally, there's nothiDg I loved any more in my 11th month '1than a good volleyball game, but aome women have gone overboard. Mary Bacon, a jockey, pve birth to a dauahter 100n.after ridinl her third hone ot the day. DEAR DUPED: Thaak1 for t•e testlmoay. Yov story la one I've heard before, and It'• a sad one. . How much do you know about pot, cocaine, LSD, speed, PCP, uppers and downers, glue and heroin? Are all these drugs dangerous? Get Ann Landers' all-netV booklet, 'The Lowck>wn on Dope.•• For each booklet ordered. send ~ plUS-ll Jon&- self-adclressed envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P .O. Box 11995, Chicago, W . 60611. 100-yard .freestyle at die~ Amateur Athletic Union meet. Andrea Mead Lawrence won two gold medals n Alpine racing at the Wint.er Olympics while in her first tttmester. ~ Jones ran lialf a JDarathon (~.1 miles) iil two h~ and five rnmuie,.,. the end of lier ~th month ot pregnancy. Okay, ao ti~es have ctianged. Let • women ~ lrOO nm 10-ks, play four aets of tennis, ·ver twins at lunch, and hike a mountain before tlM! .,an aeta; But let us not fo ... t ihe Matemlty Maftyrs of a decade ago who also haVe medals ... fur coats, dinner~ live-ins who never left, and cruises an over the world. WENDY BOGUOLI, TIE OLYMPIC swim champlorl. wu in her fifth month of pregnancy when she eom~ted in ili~e~~··i...;;...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11Y ou bttttr write that letter to Grondma nice c:.\d slow 'cause she doesn't read very fastl " MARMADtKE by Brad Anderson 0•111·-•-·S..--"" ~~ "Perhaps we should discuss this master-dog relationship." llJDG£ P ABKE• Gt\RFl£LD .... 0 You'vt bttn htre alnct 1927, you uy?'' DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~ G·8 i 1 J . by Jim Davis HEA£ l AM JOST !>WAVING IN TME 8REUE UKE ~ MOCM LAONPRV POT OUT TO ORV ~NPEP FROM ATP.EE LIM& POETIC.YES. eur I l'OU8T IF IT'S LIKE AN ORANCiE RIPENINU MATEAIAL FOP. AN ACTIOfH~:KE Mfr. t>OOP~~, 11C> Lltc:'t: MY Po~Tf'>,AIT PAINTED FOR PoSTS'R/TY: IN TMf. 60N MV6TEFW TMRILl..EA l ~f;Ff;R CA~H, PLUS~BOTTOM. by Ernie BuShmlller ...-------------------------1~-.---- BUY A PENCIL··-rr'S YOU AREN'T NO, BUT --·SENDING MY DOG TO IN SCHOOL I'M---OBEDIENCE TRAINING FOR SCHOOL TUITION nJNKl' •INKt:a8t:.tN I ~ 1HAf WHEN 'XX) lN..K OF WEAAJN6 ~ BA <XXR..E OF~.rT .5€€M5 LIKE A LOOG 1TME ... CLASSES ~e worst we've . ever done . is50% ayeai: &diJ~H...­ ~.&edlau.t of undaamd lilwr cloUara. in 1981, while bullion, stocb and real estate went soft, our list still managed 50% appre- COSTA MESA: 370 l. 17111Strwt.64$.t700 HUNTINC10N BEACH r 16075 Colella w .. St.• M1·11n MISSION VIEJO: Alicia Town Pllill • 770-3061 SANTA ANAt 1224 Eaet l7dt St. • 547a71 ... ,. Edison to IJuild facility IAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Southern Calltomia lldilon Co. hM '*" autharbed '° bu.lid and operate a t290 million hydroelectric ~Plant of up to 300 me1awau1 at Bal11m Meadow, 4& mil•• nm1hellt of l'Nnoi the 1tat• PubUc UUUtlH Ccmrnillioft rewaW. The PUC, which took the ilcUon Jut WMk, IAid Monda)* the pqnt would dJlolaoe 340,000 btnW of l\iel OU tn an a~ waw yeez-and reduce hydn)ct.rbon ems.Iona lri the South Coaat Air a.an by about 000 im. annually. Determinadon ot the • Niguel chainber sets conference me of the plant will be The baud of d1recton ot the 1..quna Ni.uel =..after more public Chamber of Commerce bu tchedufed ita lint ~---~-_:;.;...__ ___ ---.; _____ -1 Ther project between plannlna conterence on June 19 from 9 Lm. to 3 Huntlnfton Beach and. p.m. It will be held at Cap&ltrano Valley Jiiah Shaver Lakea i• de-School 26301 Via Elcolar, M1-lon Viejo. A -Golden Opportunity To Save On Fine Jewelry At Balboa Coln Galleries. you'll discover the finest In 14K and I 8K gold jewelry at unuaoally low prices. Even lower than those '°"·off sales you see advertised elsewhele. Come In and see our wide selectloh of gold chains. ned<laces. rings. bracelets. channs. and coin jewelry. We also cany Krugerrands. Maple Le~s and the Gold Coins o( Mexico. as well as U.S. and foreign numismatic: ~s. We buy and sell gold and silver coins. bullion, ba,-,.. end scrap. with your transactions conducted In complete privacy. 1t1ned to be a fast-hr information, contact Carole Bowman 6t atartlng facllit)'_ which 49~_3388 or c G Forrest at 49~1187. would be used when · · e~~ demands are ·~~ .. to com!at of an Parkinu. price rapped under1round hydro-e electric powerhouse SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Downtown and related facllittea, parldna lo1a dw"P 11 much 11 $5.25 f« an hour'• lncludlng about 4., mllel pu-kfna, and the ~ ot cheaper 11*'8 Je of 22-kilovolt overhefid · a.--i .... lhoppel'l away, a Ml eetate aarwy warm. tranm>IM<>n line.. -.-. '-?be Idea "' trytnc to enoowqe tbt .. "' dty transportation by boldlna down tbe uae of automoblw Iii laudable, but the paMtubnn may have swu.nc too far tn the other CllNcdcn." .aid Angua MacLean, aenlor vice prnldent of the C-Qldwell •ow firm. Dtaal4 r. Walla h11 been named vice pn.sdent. coueepoodent banldni, for QtJ Nadoaal ~ Blrwrly-HWI headquart.r.ct bank. He had bets\ an account manapr-with Botlnc Computer 8ervtc. in Hunttncton Beach. ... ,., p ... , hall become Uladlted with Llap Real El&ate ln LMuna Na,uel She Ml beerl with ~t in I...,una 'Ma,uel and Herbert Hawktnl ln Glendora. • The Mftlteefl 0""' it operatlnl at an independent vchttecture and plannlnl firm. haviq been acquired by lerry 8lmoa ~ lerTJ Nudlaf, AIA. 'The firm waa formerly a dlvfalon of Mola Development Corporation in Hunttnaton Beech. It 11 locat.ed at 714 Adams Blvd., Huntfncton BeAch. .Fluor reports per-share ·drop The Fluor Corp. of lrvlne bu announced eamingl for the llx-month period ended April 30 of $82 million, up 10.4 percent over the $74.3 mlllion for the like period Jut year. Eamingl per share were $1.()4 for the llx months, down 31.6 percent from $1.52 per ab.are for the comparable period in 1981. Durtna the flm llx months of filcal 1981, Fluor Corp. hacf 48.9 million average common 1hare1 outstanding compared to 78.8 m.lllloo lharell ln the limilar period ln 1982. -'!be lncre He wu due to the addition of 10me 30 mlllion aharea aa a result of the mer@r Wtth St. Joe M1nera1a Corp. on Aug. 3. F.arn1nga few the teCOnd quarter were 53 cents compared to 77 oentt for the quarter ln 1981. If you 't>ring In this ad. we'll even give. you a free personal VIP Discount Card entitling you to even larger savings oo gold jewelry. The now of water not pre1ently uaed for electrtc generation from Huntington Lake and Pitman-Creek would be diverted throu'h a tunnel from the exiltinl Hunttn1ton-Pltman- Shaver conduit to a fore-- bay. Then it would 10 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS !'text door to Wut Coast ~t.l1 lntunetlonel Op.\ I 0:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ~~to~ LIVB OB KOCI: 2.'0RIG!ft 9 Pll DBfiL 1 All . Jim Cooper and the' a.ward-w1nn1ng ''Newsoheck'' team broadcast from Channel 60's"Eleot1on Central" and eleottori party head.qU&rtAn-s wtth the latest result.a on the oritloal ~and 1s8Ues. Plus ... a speo1al eleotk>n wrap-up t.omorrow, June 9, at noon. • Net lllCIOIDt WM Up but eemlnei ... down lllptly bi the quarwj fot the i..,unA HI.DI UtWty COtnPMY· The net lncome tOle from '68,000 a ~ .., '° N2,000 but eamtnp mopped fMm 17 *"' a ihaN t0 16. The company thJld t.ued • number of W... of 1tock in Decembtr lo obtain addJUonal fundl. Terry Witthoft. vice preeklen~pneral manaaer. and William Potier, vb ptelldent-controU..., were ele<•ted to the board of dl..-ctore at the 1nn\lal lhareholden meetlna· Bot A back on top SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Bank of America has regalned it.I position u the world's largest conunerdal bank by me of depolita and a11eta at the end of 1981, the American Banker reported today. Statlatlca released by the dally tlnanclal ~ublication in New York ahow BofA 1Upplantec;l Banque Nationale de Paria, regaining the title lt had held tor 17 comecutive years tielore BNP aurpaaeed at in 1980. BotA had de)JOllta of $95.9 billion Dec. 31, up 7.6 pe!'oent from 1980, wh~ lt ranked aecond ln the world. Carl's wins image award Anaheim-baaed C.arl Karcher F.nterprlaet, Inc., owner and operat« o1 300-plua C.arl'a Jr. restaurants throughout California and Las Vegas, .received an . Outmandlng Achievement Awud in the Image of the Year program sponsored by the Career Apparel Institute. Dow chairman honored Dr. F.arle B. Barnes. chainnan of Dow cHemical Co., -l"eCl8ives the fuela and petrochem.icala award of lhe American Institute of Chemical Engineers at the Anaheim Convention Center today. Loan raie off a bit WASHINGTON (AP) -Realtors and home builders say last month's drop in interes,t rates on new-loan commibnenta was not enough to spur any substantial comeback in the beleaguered housing industry. The Federal Home Loan Bank board reported Sunday that average effective interest rates on new loans declined allghtly in May for the second month in a row. But the drop for commitments -to 17.28 ..r percent in early May from April's average of 17 .39• percent -was mueb less than home builders and reaa estate sales people say la nefied to get the industry going again. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YOM (A.Pl -NEW TONC (,'P) - ...... ~-prioe 8ftd Mil dlel9 ol IN 1111-moet .,.,,.._ ..._ Yottc ltodl bc:tlante INuM, lradlnf netlonalty •I ft'l!l!9 !*' 11. lllM ·•-3!!.. .. -"' ="= .:.-": ~.: T&T m.-n~ + ._ EllJIM I 50,AIOI l7Wll • .. !I ._........ 540,• 41 -.. NEW YOftlC.IAP) F..,_, ~--~~OCQ ......... NA. 1. s JO '"" err:" :r.'1 M;. ~a-fl 1t Tni m.82 J".A7 112.JI Jlt SS-I U 1S Ull 110. 12 lll.01 Hit '1 110 ....... 6' -11'.ll 117.AS Jtt OS JU fl-OR 1 "*'6 . .. .. . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . •.174, IOO ,,... .. ..... .... ... . . ...... Vllll .............. .•. ut.G 6S Siii •••••••••.•••••••• ~. 6,4"0,taD ~~'ftv S>1,.IOD = H =."':.· §! !! ~~ WHAT STOCKS .DID ~ •* ~ ... ---1111 sn.-.lnli -_, NEW YORK CAPI J111. 7 Get! EIK ru1:1 .: :_;·~ -TAMaA U IU NEW YORK !API J""' 7 METALS ......... cNY >a ... '" -, IN UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonMr-roue ,.,. .. ~~- NEW YOfll( (AP) -Tll8 IOtlowlne , .. .,..,.. .. OWl'·h ·C-f\Odll .... _... ..... lllM ,.. ...... '-.,. -... -------r.:CM Of OIMg8 ,...,._ Of WMTl8 • .... ::..~lr .... _$2 _ _.. ud8d. NM ..i ~ t'*'IH-h c...., 71.75 C*rta • pound, u.a ~ LIM ~27 '*"-1 pound • .. S2-'J7 Cini.I • pound. dtlWrld, Tift M.2512 MeCa11 W99k oompo11te lb. Alm ·-71-77 Oll'ltl 1 pound. N.Y. ..._, '370.00 per Auk. ,....._. '283.00 troy oz., N.Y. =-=-~~~Jr~ 1 ,..= ~"' .o:i. ur~ .. t ISSC •11t + ' Vp "" SILVER J Hatt.y Slit + ~ VP U.1 ("'°'*r) ; ==. %v. ! =: H: lU Hendy a Hermmi, ts. t25 per troy ' ~ 2v. + v. up lu ounce. 1 Mec:Ml'll 2\lt + l.r. VP U ------------- : =.,_~ jy, ! iv. ~ ll:l GOLD QUOTATIONS(MMcMy1 II It.-,_ • up II.I 1 ,,1 Ti.nnPlr 1v. • Up "·' u..-mcimne fbdno: 1322.to, up ; &if ~ : ·~ 8: H t4.1s. t4 I "" + loll Up 1.7 Lo..-. llfletnooft ftldno: 1326 26, up IS VS br 614 + V. up u ... IO. " l"tcCH ... + Vt up u P9ftlC .,. 110011 fbdrig: *322..27. up 11 ~ n • ,._ u. 7.6 I0.112. 1e Ytt.O 714 + Vt Up 7.4 _ _._._.._.._ ..,,.5 01 .... -" 1.,_ sv. + -Up 7.J nw..-. ,up .... .... DOWM r.wic LMe lbdng: an.oo. up se.oo ~ -or ~~ .. tlt0:-..00•-'· I -IV. Oft ti MMllr & "--'i only ddy quote t Vt °" • 132t2'. up ... so. '"' " I ....... only dllly qwote 1326.25. 2~ ~ 11.t 11P 11.IO. • ... H ._, ,,. od:t ~ qll04e ·~ r : :.., A4'·''· up •.ti. ,..,.. -·~ °" tt.S -------------= :i if! SYMBOLS ... "" I 11,1 1 'I' l i'd NI l.t N IU r l , 'COLLEGE OR PROS? -Outfielder Kevin Sliwinski, drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays in the third round of secondary phase of Monday's Major League baseball draft, led Orange Coast college to the South Coast o.ay Not ..... l"tloto .,, ca., AmbroM Conference championship and into the state tournament. Sliwinski, who wo\,lld like to turn pro, has also signed a letter of intent to attend Cal State Fullerton in the fall. BY ioRN IEV ANO or ... .._,... .... h'1 not often you'll flnd ~ ~ a l)l"Omlllna tuture fOI' an uncenaln prtient:1 But that'• wliat K.evln Sliwlnakl cUd. Jlow' tlmtl in hll oornmunlty coU. ea.Ner SliwlnakJ WU drafted. And, four tfmet M tUmed down major l•aau• ottera c.o contlnu~ p_l1yln1 bueball for the Plratee o1 Oran&e Cout couep. Why? ' ' WELL. SLIWINSKI N)'I he wam•t mature or ~_y to make the bl1 jump to the pros any eatUer. OCC c.o.ch Mike Mayne, meanwhile, malnt.Ainl 1l waa Sltwinlkl'• Jo1alty and devotion that kept him at Cout. 11The loyalty factor in JO ball la not the sreateet,•• adini\I Mayne. "But he pa.Med up belng drafted four Umee to stay at OCC.'' SUwtNkl just wasn't another player on the Buel' roster. No 11.r, he wu much more to the club than jult another number. Sllwinlki wu the one that held the Plratea tocether. He wu th• oil that made all the parts of the II14'Chine WC?r~..Properly. 0 It'1 really not what he did phyak:ally. because he didn't have the kind of great leUOn he'1 capable ot having.'' IA)'I Mayne. "But it was from a mental 1tandpoint that he helped the moet. "HE WAS THE guy who held everything tocether, who puahed the ball club and helped me coach. He la one of the finest prospecta in the county. Not just becauae of h1a physical attributes, but I'm talkiilg of h1I intangiblee ~ well ... things like character, 'pride and poile." The 1982 Pirates were talented, but they were al.lo young and not really expected to show much thla 1eason. The Sues surpriaed a lot of people though by winning the South Coast C.onferenoe champtonahlp and a spot in the state playoffl. It was in the It.ate playoffs, however, that OCC'• youth showed. Fre1hmen wbo were • pounding the ball during the regular lellOn found out their bata were 40 pouncia heavier in the playoff.a. As a result. the Buel, the tournament'• No. 1 seed, went out after only three pmel. "WE1\E ALL disappointed, but we had a great year," says Sliwinski. "The way we played all year it didn't seem right for ua to go out that way . . . but all we really had were two bad games out of 40." Lakers cOme home to comfort zone Riley hopes the Forum will be 76ers' final resting place By CURT SEEDEN O(ttM Dllltr Plot ..... ·managed to pull to within one game of the NBA INGLEWOOD -As Lakers Coach Pat Riley was making the WJUaJ "wait 'til Tuesday" and "we'll be back" comments following his team's e,mbarrassing defeat to the PhHadelphia 76ers Sunday, he may have slipped up. chamd:c~P· · Billy Cunningham's 76era, meanwhile, decided the Lakers must ha..,ve been doing something right in taking a commanding 3-1 edge io On TV tonight He al.so may have hit the button that will propel the Lakers to their third NBA championship when he noted: "Our emot:iom will be high, but we will be at home, in our comfort mne." channel 2 at 6 the aeries, so they stopped complaining and followed suit. Indeed, as the Laken and 76era prepare for game six of their best-of-seven champioi;::1Jo::ries here tonight (6), both seem to be quite ble with a z.one. Of course, 31 points from guard Andrew Toney and a second'half resurgeru:e by JuliU.1 Ervinf. not to mention a mere six points from Laker center Kareem Abdul-Jabber didn't hurt the 76ers ln their comeback bid. Among the many whlatle1 which delayed Sunday's 135-102 76er victory were technical fouls against both teams for µsing alleged z.one ~efenses. The Lakers have managed to get where they are today despite the charges by many teams that they often employ such an illegal defense. Even at the cost of an occasional technical foul, they have While the Lakera may be in their comfort zone tonight at the Forum, the 76era have to, still be feeling the momentum that helped them put an NBA championship aeries record 81 pointa on the 1eorel>oard in the second hal1 S~y. "This aeries ls far from over," noted Erving. who offset a 2-for-10 shooting performance in the A memorable night for Dodgers' Garvey He plays in l ,OOOth straight game LOS ANGELES (AP) -When Steve Garvey of the Loe Angeles Dodgers checked the llneup card before the first game of his-elub'1 aev~n-gam~ homestand, he couldn't believe bis eyes. & a gag, Gartey's name had been scratched out and Rick Monday's penciled in. "For a sec9nd there I wa1 wondering what was go~ on/' be aald, breaking lnto a gnn. GARVEY DID 1tart Monday n•1ht -pl~ying his l,QOOtb oonaecutive gaMe -thousb he had little to do with the Dod&en' 4-3 lom to the surprising Atlanta Braves. And he did Utt.le to prevent It, aQlni O-foi:-4. It wa1 Dale Murphy'• 17th homer of the aeuon, a three-run 1hot on rtllever Toh\ Naedenfuera first pitch 1n the ll!Wnth inn1n& that of&et home run1 by the bodgeri fiu1iy Baker and atU HUMell to Kee!P the Brave. 1 \i 1ames 1n front of ~-piece San Dleao 1n the Niational ~ Wtn The 1puttenna Dodpr1 tell & tt ~ off the p!ICe. I lnnln8." aald Garvey, who wu given a. one-minute standing ovation by the 44,714 Dodger Stadium fans. "rm happy the 1,000th game · wa1· here, at bocne.'' The four who ~ve played In more games in • ro·w than Garvey are Lou Gehrig (2,130), Everet\ Scott (1,307). NL record-holder Billy Willia1n1 (l,117) and Joe Sewjill (l,103). "'PEOPLE ALWAYS brina lt up (Gehrig's record) when you reach milestones like thla," aJd Garvey. "But I'm lincere when I say that it will never be ap&)roached. It'1 IUCh a fabuloul .cfuevement to 80 13 years. I know how it II to have gone 1,000 games, much lest another 1,130 more." Monday night'• game WU the flrat meeting of the 1eaaon between the ~ Srave1 and the defendln1 world champ6on Dodgen. The Dodgen. who have floundered around .&00 most ol the -.on, took a 1-d In the fint lnnina 911 Biker• ninth home f\&At a Oy ball off the left field foul .DOie. Bob Welch. ift9r .urvtvtnc a a..loedecl J1*n in the top of the tint, pltcbed well into the lhcth. But he walked three~ pve Up &be tytna nm on an lnfWd aut by Bob"HotMr, Aft-Americans .selected f1rlrt hall with an 8-of-9 effort over the final 24 minutes. "We only have to win one game in L.A. and hopefully that game will be Tuesday." Whether or not a ~rted Laker ?.One had anything to do with It, .Dvina went scoreless for the first 22 minutes of Sunday's game. "It was one of thoee S~YI when I woke up too late.'' be aald afterward. "Fortunately, I was able to wake up in the eecond half." Jabbar, meanwhile, -figures to improve considerably on hil lix·point snowing. The last time the 7-2 veteran was kept out of the double figures category wu back in 1977 when be had to leave the opel'lln8 game of the season with two points and a brolien ~d which came into contact with Kent Benaon's jaw. "They took advantage of our mistakes and we lost our poise,'' Jabbar said of Sunday's defeat. "It wasn't a case of taking our series lead for grantee." added guard Norm Nixon, whoee fast break buckets in the third and fourth games at the Forum provided the Lakera with what was a comfortable cushion. . Baseball tabs 10 area stars Romine, Jongewaard go first ' > 11'9 BuCll erwlld I.he W\ at 81-t. lli•liil*t. who hit .382 for the year, w11 .428 ln tbe i*JOft8. ·~Ma~ ta~h\ me how to pla.y inl hOw to approach baleball, _ explalna 81.fwtnakl. ••ue tauaht me how to be a better player and~ th.a'• play wtth ln...Sty. "We ha\19 a very dale, very·.,.,.s Nlauo..hi He'• been like. father to me. r ~to C.out becau. I kMW M ,WM b.tter than the He w'u the suy who hel eYetythlng together; who puthe llie club and helped me coach. ff • is one of the ~inest prospect• In th county. -occ c-.....-. ...,J. coechm. I al.:> heard bun othen that he w.. d» kind that aot you ready to move on; that he pla a pro 1tyle and that'• what I liked." COUNTERS MAYNE: "He wanted to IMm the game. He wanted to play p-o ball, that•• why he came here. I know 1 probably lhouldn't be •yina th.la, but IChool wu aecondary to him. He wanted tO atgn and p1ay pro ball flnt. That wu his dream. "But be never llacked off. He went to cl.19 'I which tellt you IOIDeth1ng about the kind of IU)' Kevin is.'' I SUwinaki meant a lot to Mayne, but he w• even mott valuable to b1I teammates. "Kevin has been a tremendous influence on I ,. me," contends freshman Tom Duagan. "l only hope when rm a 80photnore I can help IOllleOM like he ;~ r helped me." ~ "I UKED BEING belns able to help out," admit. SUwlnaki. "When we io.t to Laney 1n Ule state I playoft. Jut year Mayne walked over to me and • said, 'You're my leader.' .,t l· ''Helping the freehmen•took a lot of pnmure•i off me. It helped me from not getting cauatit up in •~ myaeU. I just remember-when I WM--a frethmant ~ there were no sophomores who really helped U)e 1-.. • when I ..;~~ it. 1 wasn't about to let that bappin l ir. when I bedame a .ophomore. 1 wanted to live \)lie 1-.. freshmen something that l had rni.ect out on.'' _,; "Kevin oould have been a taker thla ~ arid uaed our program as a stepping It.one to a four-y~ ~ schblarship or a pro contnct. but he didn't," ~)'S (See SLIWINSC. Pase 87) •• Cooney jokes;·: Holmes bitter Countdown to fight bejins LAS VIDAS (AP) -Gerry Cooney may not be a good standup comic, but then be won't be ~. trying to make Larry Holmes laugh when they M meet for the World &xing c.ound1 heavyweight {· title. ' "You better ltick to boxing," said Cooney's ~ trainer, Victor Valle, after the No. 1 ranked contender had cracked a couple of jokes at. a post-workout news conference Monday. "Which room you playina Friday .niJht."' : aomebody el.lie asked Cooney after the fighter's brief attempt a\ being a comedian. ''The main room.'' Mid Cooney. FRIDAY NIGHT Cooney won't be trytna tor laughs. He will be flehting lfolmes in a 32,000...t arena In a Caesars Palace )larldnc lot. · t: It will not only be the "main room" at~. it will be center ltaae In the world spans. • 1 , 1 ·The 25-yearo.0ta c.ooney appeared relaxed at the news conference, discu1ilng a variety <>f 1ubjects. a couple reluctantly. Holmea addreued the fana attendln1 bis wockout, but be did not meet with memben of the media. ,. The movie boxing character Rocky WH mentiolied. and Cooney l8Jd. "Rocky 11 a lfea\ character. It (the 8elie9 ot three filml) doem't heft to be about boxm,. It can be about anythlnc. . .. Quote of the day Third 'ou z uan OtaJa Ne«lel, after the New York Y ankeee ran tbemeelvea Into a triple play aplmt M1nneeota: 0 Wbat we need now II a leCC>nd bMe COllCh." lfom Page 86 .$LIWIN~KI •.. Mayne. ,,.fie oou1cl have mc.n to focua only upon lils own play, and mJcht have bit for 20 or 30 more pointa on bil avenae. "But Kevin didn't do that. either. He'• a lfwr. &me-i*Yeri are ccncemed only with. their own • ta. K'.evaJm't Wea that." ~~~~die with~ that ll'1'80ll y c1o on the fWd. you mm the moat ' t ~ ot tbt ,._, .. SliWlnlld •19-"Team y .II tM 'inon lJDpOrfat ~. Your ltllta will . .-e 9' thermel,,. U you're a teem playw.'' 81fwllllti'1 ltatl took mN of thenweJWI nicely. outfiefder' 89t the OCX:: caner ncard for moat l'Unl with 11. He ai.o ranb l8\Wltb -tbt ~lilt ln hltl (57); fin& in ._ -... <31>: 11th 1n taetttnc awnae <"'2>• • 12t1a in BBi (311). , ' Sllwlnald'• tmmedll1le tuian..bm_ btm •t ntlltl for Cal State ruJlertcJn Jn tbe fall. but 1&'1 the ~ 'hope that hie'D ...... P'O cmmK't The Toronto Blue Jays, the fifth different teem to aeJect Sllwinald, picked the outftelder CID the third round of tile aecondary pbaae of Mcmd'a.,.1 Major League draft. ,. ' "I don't think lt will take a lot (ol money to lien)," uya Sliwtmki, "but I'm aoina to amt wbal I ~. I worked my butt off t&e.e-i.t two ymn ~ rm ,a not about to tell m:y9ell lbcln." Sliwinski would appear to be a barpin at any ~· 600 swimmers Templeton keeps Padres hot Garr7 Templetoa'1 two-run Ill llnClit tcnited a ftve-run San Dte., th.lid~· and pitcher QrU Wela~ eemed hla fourth win in five dectaiona aa the Padrea downed Clnclnna\l, 6-6, to hl8bliaht NaUonal ~e don Monday . . . Eliewhel'e, Waneta CrOmartie homered on~ the ftrtt pitch from c.antina1 ttllever Bnce S.t1er in the bottom of the ninth lnnina to give Montreal a 3-2 v1ct.ory over St. Louis . . . llm Madlock'• RBI 11ncJe in the 12th innina ecored Lee Lacy wlth the ~ nm u Pittaburah ~ped the New York Meta, 4-3 . . . Manny Trillo 1 infield slnale ICXftd pinch-runner LaJ1 Apayo from leCOod bMe with the winn.lna run in the eighth lnnln& and led Phlladelphla to a 7-6 victory over ~ ~ Cubs, tendina the Cube to tfteir efahth ltralaht defeat . . . Du Drles1ea, who bit .577 for Ctnd.nnati laat week, was natned the NL'a PJayer of the Week. .. Now United lets you freeze your air fare. You'll be protected against any inflation in the cost of flying, yet you can d take advantage of any new fares ii they are low~ Television. radio Follc!w1n& are the &op aporta events on TV ton.taht. Rann,. are: ., t/.,., excellent; v., v worth ~tchlnc: ..,.., fair;., toraet lt. S • p.m., Clwmel z V""""""""" NB.\.. CHAMPIONSHIP: Philadelphia at Laken. ~ Dtck Stockton and Bill RUINll. The Laken hope they can wrap up their second World Champtonahlp ln three yean with a victory qver the. 76en tonight. The Laken were burled by the 76en 136-102 Sunday ln Philadelphia. U the 76en ahould win tontfht, the seventh and Cleddlng game of the aeriee would be played Thunday. RADIO • Basketball -Philadelphia at Lakera, 6 p.m., KLAC (670). Baseball -Angela at Toronto, 4:30 p~.m., J<.MPC (710); Atlanta at Dodgera, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). ' • LOI ANGILU (APl -TIN IQ D1e.D cu....,. of the Natloiill Ns etbnll A ...... SIOD:]lfllJ move '° Loe An1ele1 thl1 fall, &belr o.,..r annOuncld MoGMy. Al&hou1h DOnald T. lterllq "-!f:::' iDedftcl. lt Wll ~the Cllppen Mw a three-~ connet to~ in-._ . .._.. with opdolli for up to• aa.1....a IO~ PrObleaw tUll to be ............ ~ bY the NBA, the ,........ tour_ ,._. on the 1.n Ole., Sport1 Arena oontnot ~ illl ......_ idty to Jerry_BU.i who own1 the Lai ~ war.a; The LaMn &>lay at the Porum lb ~ When the lf et1 JDOVed to New JerHy'a Meadowland• Arena, about elabt mil .. from ~ ~uan Gant.ft ln New York Qty, they paid the KNckl '°' m1lUoo for movtnc Into u..r Lerritory. Sterllnc 1poke only to hit attcmey dUrtnl the r.=w~~~~~~~= ' have any comment "until be Iii. dawn With the other ownen.'' "Mr. Sterllnc has elected to tint~ with hit co-ownen and the NBA the current deal. He f~ls lt ii best for the teem, a.t for the NM ad ·. J'· best for him to make the move to Loe ~,, ;f Blecher aatd. ~I All-star nines clash The 15th annual North-South ~ County All-star ~game at Anaheim'• La Palma Park ii on tap tonight. starttnc at 7:30, featurtnc may of the top graduaUna players. The South equad features 10 playen fl'OP) the Orange Cout area, includlna lnfleldera Steve Jongewaard and Deen Roberta of Fountain Valley, Mat.er Del'• Mike Llndlten. and Estanda'a Jeff Gardner. Catchen Greg Shirley of HunUnpin Belich and Jeff Field of Cetta Meu are joined by outfielder Mike DeBenon of Edilon and pttchen Grea Cloney (EdilOn), Kevin Stanley (Ocean View) and O.ve Rohde (Corona del Mar) . • I 'I L "t ,.,( ~ .. . -: ... 'h) .. ~ • .. 1H ·4· . . , "'· 1~ .-,f, .. .. ··., . ~, ... .. . .· . ., '\. 1 ·J ·· 1 ·.:~ l I e • .::=i:r11$ •You must stay at least 7 days and no longer than 60 days. Frozen Fare trawl is not allowed from November J9 through November 30 or from December 15 through January 4. Fly to any United dtv In the coadnmtal ·US. United serves 9'l cities, and Ori.ly Canada, Mexico and HawaU are not 1ncluded in Frozen Fare. ·I , I I ~ . ' ., . llAJoft LIAOUI ITANCMNCll ~ w ....... :io It .... IO U ,111 It :u n .1u it IT ... oiU ... II ., ,.,_. N u tl ·Ha,~ ................. o.troll u ,. .llO '°"°" 13 ,, 8H ~ 17 H .111 I ......... •1 21 ., •• ...,.. 21 " .500 7 .._ Yoric II U .IOO 7 TwonlO 21 2t .413 I ......,.. ...... TorOfltO 7, ~ S ~1 .......... 2 Ct"°9QO •• bliii1ene1 I (11 lnnlnQel ~City •• ~ 4 (10 lnnlnge) a.niee. f-o ()Ny 9811'* ICfteduled ~~0.­MeelilUM .. :al et TOl'Oflto (OWWI Ml N•w York (011 dry 7·1) •I Botton ~Ml Cle'leland (1l11lclltfe 4~11 •t Detrolt (P. Unclel wood 2-3) 8alllmora (MoOragor M ) 91 Mhaull• (IMdlM) Oaldllnd (Nottlt 3-5) 91 ~ (ump .... ,, Kan ... City (Our• 5·21 •t Mlnnaaol• (H•WN 2-41 &Mn19 tlhnnllter M) •t Tn• (T- 2·7) Nelton.I LNaue w....,..DMIM w " ..... -11 21 ... n 22 .Mt ,.,. 27 21 .411 n. 2a ao .44' 1.,. 24 2t 453 7'A 22 S1 .415 t'A ....... ~ 81. Lou9 13 22 Montreal 27 23 ~ 2124 ,.._ Yortl 21 2e Plttlburgll 23 21 •Cl!aeo 21 M .......,.. ..... .IOO .640 3'A .5SI S'A .1119 .... .451 • .Sl:2 12 Au.nta4.~S P11181Jwgll 4, Nilw Yen S ( 12 lnnlnge) ~ J, t"::': 5 8an Oltgo I. ~II I Only 0--edlacMed r........-.o- At1an1a (Oeytey l-2) 14 ~ ~ 1·2) 81. Loul• IL•Polnt 3·0) •t MontrHI (Rogar9 7-4) Prttlll>UrQtl (0. Robkieon 6-1) at N9w York (Or-0-4) Chlc•oo (Flier O·O) •t Phll•d•lphl• t~orllO-OI Clncllln1t1 t8•rany1 4·~1 •I S•n Dlaoo (Montefldco 3-41 H<Kllton (J Nlakro 4-4) •t San Frllnd9co (LMMy4-3) A~&Aegue lliu. ,,_,. 7, ~ I ClaYelend 000 I 10 100-3 I 0 Toronto 103 300 00.-7 7 O Danny, Whltaoo (8) end H-..Y, LMI end WNll W -l.Atal (5-3). l -Denny {341. HAI -Clewllnd. Manning (3). Toronto. '1P9h4IW 2 (7l A -I 1, 150 KWatOllV -=-~~01 ~·it 0 MlnMtot• 000 'g;o ~' 0-4 • 1 Ofael, 0\.1'""°81'1~1) 1M Wedlln1 I . Clt4H~ "9cttern Ill ~. lllW11tt W -°""9n1Mrry (l•I L -""""" (I• 7 . ""' -Ml11n1tota, • W1thlnt11n cs lf\llllnoU!y (7~ .,,bek ( 12). A -1.174. ._... ......... Oalllend ooa 001 MO 00-1 10 o C!ltoaoo ooo ooo a Ii o 1-t 11 o l engf«d, IMtd Ill lllcl Ntwmen; Tr0\11, etw•• m . ...., 1101 and , •. w -Hldl~ 12·1). l -...,. (4-3). Hf'l9 - Oellll/ld, Annu (II). ClllollQo, 'lell t (II. H91ttl0ft (21.. A -11.144 • NA~LUOW lrnee 4, Dodgen I ATLANTA LOI MC111U1 •r1t• •tll• 811r,c1 3 0 0 0 9u.1t1 11 0 1 0 Hb0rd,2b 5 1 2 0 Lf)dni.cf 2 0 0 0 'Ntllnln,rt 3 1 0 0 Wr,11 4 1 1 1 Mrphy,11 5 I 1 II ar.G.rt • O 1 0 Hfnr.~ 3 O O 1 ~.lb 4 o O o ~r,3b o o o o o.,..~ 4 1 a o bla.1bl 0 O 0 Yagr,o I 0 0 0 8ndc:1.c a o 1 o On1,p11 1 o o o IU\rnrz... 4 o o o AINI.-4 1 a a PNliro,p 3 1 2 0 Welcl\,p 2 0 I 0 Bdran,p 1 0 0 0 Nadnfr,p 0 0 0 0 Andl,pll 0 0 0 0 SHow9.p O O O O Mndy,pll 0 0 0 0 Totlllt 33 4 I 4 Tot811 M S I 3 ._. ., IMlllet All.,,1• 000 001 IOO-• L.oe A11GMe 100 ooo 200-s E -Murp11t, AuNll, 0.,., ~tar. Dtt -AllMta 1, L08 -Ati,nla 0, 1.119 Anoeiee 7. HR -Baker(t). Mllr'plly(17). ""-"'t2). 88 -Sa. s -Butler. AllMU • H " '"•IO P.NlakrO(W, ... 21 '"' I 3 3 2 I ll«lroNn(S,31 ~ 0 0 0 1 I Lot ........ Welctl(l,MI M\ 5 3 3 I II NladenMlr "' 1 1 ' 0 0 •. .._ 2 00001 T -2.41. A -44,714. "'9le 7,C-.. ~ 010 110 000-1 I 1 ... 010 110 02a-1 10 1 Nolle. l.1. Smltf\ m. C..-npOell tll end J. Dal/la, Rutiw.A. Moga (8). ,.,,_, (ti Md I. DIG, W gll (t). W -Mof'9I (3-0) l -lA Smllh (1·11. s -F•nftar Ill HAI - C111c•go. Durham (Ill. Johntton• (11. PNledelpNa. Sdlmldl (4). A --30, 141. ................ ~ttlbllrrll 000 210 000 001-4 13 I New Yorli 02t 001 000 000-3 I 2 5ermlento. Tak\M (II). Scurry (11) Md T. Pana; Falcone, ~ ( 111 Md .,..,,., W - Scurry (A-3). l -~ (1~). A -1,7t1. ...... ~ .. SL Loi* ooo ooo aoo-a 1 o MonltMI . 000 002 001-S I 1 Andu)er, Llllel (1). 89lr (I), $41ttar Ill end """11mar: ~ ,.r)llMI\ m. ~ (7) Mid C.nar. W -~ (1·7). L -a.ittar (3-3). HA -Mont,.... er-lie.Ill). A - 32.140. p .......... Clnclnnell 020' 000 021-$ 11 2 g.,., Ollgo 006 010 OOx-41 11 2 Harrie; LelbrMdl (1). fif*t9y (7). l"ttoe (ti Md TrtMno; W ....... 8Mw (I), ~ (t), OM.eon (Ill and T. ~· W -WeWI ,..., ri. L -*"1t 12-11. a -oa-!St. "" -CW:lmllll, v .. (3~ A -11,932. Area drivers conquer Baja .. H'B's Miller, Costa Mesa's Pfeiffer brothers among winners ENSENADA -Area driven and motoroyclists t\h-ned in a strong showing last weekend in handling' the rugged Baja terrain in the 1982 Pernod SCORE Internacional Off-road race. · Huntington Beach's Chuck Miller and El Cajon's Larry Roeseler teamed to win the ovenll motorcycle competition under ideal weather conditions. 'The race actually began at 5:30 a.m. Saturilar. and by the 4:30 a .m . deadline Sunday, an estimated 120 competfton had finished the 440-mile courae. Averaging a speed of 55.309 miles per h.our , the iWindward Passage . . tops LBYC BY ALMON LOCKABEY .,.., ........... .,..., LONG BEACH -Fifteen Orange County yachts are among the 56 entries in Long Beach '.Y1¢.t Club's Baoe Week ~ gets under way Wedneslay. AJnong the hottest boats in this )'e&l"a ftac:e Week will be the first pppearance of the 72-foot Windward Paaaae llnce she was extemivelY remodeled prjor to '1orida'• Southern Ocean Radni Conference earlier thJa year. ~ her first appearance ,on the West Coast will b~ 1mother "maxi-boat", Condor, which will be aaiJed by Dic:k Deaver of Balboa Yacht Club . .,. . "*~.,.. ~ c....,. ='9, Mel~. Odo~ Y9dlt Club, of II* )'9W'1 Loi Angllll Yldlt CIUb .... Mita, w.,.,111 Henoooll, """'°" twtlof c. Wtmor, N c..I, ..... ~ YWH Qui), OI' ,_.,, l<lrtl Ellot1, NHYC. Celtrlty, Wllllllft OeletMl!t«, ••Illa CorfntNen YC. ,,_ ~ <** lttlneer, HHYC. T....._, Jotw1 "'-, ~ YC. ...,., Min •own. v~ YO. ...._ldolil\, -Plll'Nr, NHYC • ...... ADfl MeMll. IYC. ~,_,·TOfll,~--.vc. ,._ w.,_. ._ ....... 0... ,_. YC. lft .... ty. W9'M A1111er .. T-91ttoe11. Mtvc. At rtrw• -. ~. o.. ,-. YC. ,__ ,..__ c-.. vcw11..-.,,... ._.. :C.*"'MO lily YC:). n..-........ I aw-. tGU1tom a tlloOp) ,,_. ,.,..., MlrflwtYC. • entries .. ' ,• ............ 1 ....... Alt ,..i .. tata adVerllMd In thll n•w•papar I• 1ubjeo1 10 1he F'edarel Fair Houtlng Aot of 1"8 ~ rnek .. II lllegat to ldV8'11M "any J)faf«.,,._ oa. !Imitation or dlac:tlml- natlon b11ed on race, color, religion. ••• or nallonll origin, or any Intention to mak• any lucft preference, nmlta- :: tlon or dlac;rlmlnatlon." ~ Thia nrilplper will not •• knowlngl)I eccept any i,: edvertlalng for real ... • tete wttlch 11 In violation i I ii°"iii1 11eiii 1 awii.iiiiiiiiiiiiil -1111111 Advertl· : sers should check : their ads dally and : report errors Im· = .. ----- medtatel y. T h e DArL y PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. --1 ............... . = Oc.n & Jet~ vatwl.iiaiine ~. • ~~ 3 bath, 3700 1q.ft. $ l,885,000. ~n\. ........ Prime Udo ~ord bayfl'W\t. 6 bdrm. '~ ti.ch. Lee L.R .• 2 ~t fllpe •uoo.ooo. Remodeled 3 '*"'• 2bath+1arp rec. rm. bHm c:ellln,a. tumlahed • .,_u011. JU0,000. &.m Ill.I llYfltln Laaoon vtew ttlom 6 bdrm 5 bac,h, pl.ayiwm, dark rm, d~. Boa\ 1Up. •t,350,0QO. U~SllJOOYE SpectaC:Ular baytront vtew 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat •llpa $1,900,000. COllOUIO CAYS Coronado Wand Nit. bayfront Joe. 86' ~t dock. PW. avail. Red. $370,000 w/~rrm. 1Llff1 .... Sinale story end unit, expanded, uP«1'8ded 3 br, 3 ba on larleat IJ'ftllbelt. $250,00Q. PAii 1.91 3 bdrms, 2 ~ ~&.bl coodo near pooJ. $.145,.ooo. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )J I 'io)\•d• u•, · '. i: "') t>lt-1 l.MN 01 I .. op1., 3 13R, 2 llDH 11.u Ba, lam rm. tpl. vtew. _,. 12.000 mo 780.0515 A~P.J,~lR '~~.i!'!l!w~ C#lll #ta JIU ao.an v1ew1. 3 bdrm. 4 ~:c~~0o;.:.,•1P:i~: sHAR·,:;;·;i&eo~; l:m.k::n.w~~~~C::: ~ii!:ma'f:'i!(,:!!~ o•r: b1t-1n1. NOW .,.50 lllfSlll tlo, lormal din. rm, I~ 1111, Be11 1v1llablt lot :n OC·RE;.NTAL.$ 750•3314 cam. and ... thll Chat rm Qultt c ul·d•·HC RJd&e •u~.000 II -., ming hom.. GrM I loca l8 l 2,000. By owner Tll LIOIY flW tlon with beam1, fire ~~~e~7~3M~l~,~~~ (714) 790-1900 Rena 1n Co•t• Me11'1 pl.tot a 3 bdon. 2 1>11h. = N E w e s T 0 a t • d 2 o td°""4n condition. Brfng OLDE LAGUNA CHA~~ Townhome VILLAGE Ohlldfll'I & pei. to pl1y In Unique• 2 bdrm floor COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. hiiof yard_ Wllh I lle)' I C· plan, 1 b11h. llv rm w/ HARBOR AIOGE 2'" Ba 1800-1800 IQ. tt. c.ae. •t47,50Q. beamed Qelll11g1, hard-Prl~ vu Sale/trade of pure lulWfY. Gar11gea. wH !JL -.... wood floors & coq log Milt• otter 759-0481 hydro-lut>a In muter ~· 111• ~ -bUrnlng lrplc $t87,500 # 1 I Dt 1 full•. dining room1, Well •t•bllllMd neigh· Full Price. ••• 1 •, 111 1 • I wood bumlng flreplac»a, borhood of mor• •lip«\· MISSION REALTY lunt· Z4M micro-wave oven1, prl· 1111e hi>tntt. exclnt ow· 494·0731 • •••• •• • ••• • •• ••••• •• '7.' v a 1 e p 1 t f o 1 a ner ljn.nC!og. 3 Qdrms. ''• ·1111erest condominium, yard 1,g1rde11er provl· Formel o.A Lro pack-~~~~~~~~I UOlllM , lndlen W•ll• Racquel ded Eteoanl IMng onft'/ yard. Only 1238,000. ~ "Ptlde ol ownerthlp"' Club (formally BaJbOI 15 rmnvt .. from Fllhion Binni. Dlw0ft1'1 ll"lng. 4 ..... , B 2 pool unl11 -two 2 Br 2b1'1. REALTY Bay CM>) 49'·7997 111·-", 7 minutes to SC 7.,. 00 ..,.. ' ,,., a. etory, ' "-----~--North .,_.. "'"' ., •• 91 uPgrldea. 1Ge4 concord ~· ......... • "'"'' BULL HEAD CITY, Artz Pia.ti or O.C.Alrport. St, $155,000. Term1. $329,000. Beaul Golden Weal mo-·Just east of Newport $45-3847 l.alHI YHl .. t II.I. Otin 11-1 E1t1t1 bll• 2084 o wn 101 Blvd & 19 ol San Diego 4''1· 1111 ••••••••••,.•••••••••• 846-9M9 (7141 FIW'f Stdhlng et l900 a MESA VERDE 4 BA pool --------• #t)/ll Bt•fl month 831-6439, 2473 11.11!!.'!!P.J. .... J.'J! =i. ~~=::.. '= 8A~~~E~L.?OME .!.f!.~}! •••...•• J.~!f ''=::::; 11rm1, Z1001 ~~~ge Ave .. Co1ta U11lque & c:hwmlng 3 br & i quiiiallfyli. iiingli.i 9i5i'7-i 1i8niiiiiil Conlamporary home Newport Beach 0. Anza •••••••••••••••••••••• __ OC_·_R_E_N-TA_LS __ _ loft. lM/QPI or ttllde tor with 4 bidroomt, 3 bayl ront Perk Ml11l Beaut Ml1SOOrlOzatka. nr 5 · 1200 $2000 unlla. 813-8586. I 11, 2 U beth1, •pa, BBQ and cond '78 dbl wide. fire-Bennett Sprlnoa S1a11 7~-~~4 ~ 7-<laya Large coverad pello, llreplaca. $825,000. pl~. b<lc:k patio, Park yel secluded 142 JaJM hteplece, doubM car ga-a..4·7020 $58,500 Also 2 bf , 2 1cra1 o l good land 3 Br 1 Ba lllf~ yard, ragt. Excellent condl· Ulll IUL UTATI bl., double Wide. corner GOOd bldg SUL RI.Inning Ledec. 11HS3 Corulotftlal, llon: 1136,000. Owner lot S39.000. Bill Grundy brool<. 70% open mea-$700/mo. 559-5001. \ f >I l I ti F II It ' '.•I 'Jll 1•1 GEORGE fl l< .• N '..i C .. ~ ..... !~ ~ ~~~~~~·;;;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~...;,;_;;..;...;;~~ t: • . • •• •••.... ... • •.• . . • flDI IPPll/LI II wlll carry 1at loan. Bes1 I.di111111 llSS 875·8181. dow, 15,000 ol Slandtng -2-B-r_y_a-rd-.-11-0-pe-ts-.-.... -.. d 2 II . 1111111 of tetms. •••••••••••••••••••••• wal11u1 timber, deer. "''"' Top location. OCMn vtew. llfJ lo0ar4tt IUtr PAii PUCE l1at, l oll "'' W1~1 turJley woo~ Ilka qulcl< ~·1;,:11de. $550/mo IAllLlll 11001 lga d block wall encl 1 ' 2 bdrm. 1'~ ba. edlt1. saJal $550/acre By OW• Ewc~f lnumablt loan: ~~~M~l~1'1~2~1~~~ ESTATES Lar~ lot. Sml pel OK. net' Wrlle John Allen. Spac10u1. clean. quiet 3 : IEWPllT IUUll ~n:i. l;: !" ~ $22•,100 12'~% lnL fldd. OwflOI' _ Nr Shopping low re11t At 1, Box 195. long br, 2 ba Nf SC Plaza C oz y oondo newt to Mys "SELL'' Cell tor In-NO QUALIFYING. w on-4 II, 2~ IA. $25.000 847-2954 . Lane. MO 65590 $350/mo 979-1942 : wn1 a VIEWI Agt 631-4381 d•~ :~~b~~gn,br~~h 2 :::~ ~~~~!Ion. :,r:~n3h~': tiito~: BETT~~JtAN a..1111 Miiis I.ii l l llll 4Br. 2·~ fam rm condo, 1: Thi• cu1tom built 4 Bdrm llY -l)OOI home comet with HIOh~loanand S 17000 Blua.4&-0709 HAS EVEflYTHING 24'Xl6' SEACREST £xdHH JIOO 1ennt1.pool.jac.11t.i..1 .. II.IC* Ylftl of Newpon'• OF TIE YUll -upper Bectc Bay and city owner wlll carry. Call 11PLD • PtMa. Pt. 1 · · Cul-de-sac 11reet HOME L~ LA Din Rm •••••••••~••••••••••• & I e c S 8 5 0 mo· Now vecant, thte yaJue 546-2313 4 Bdrm & 3 Bf, 2 ba -.a m• Sun & Sail II Club kll Of*' to Fam Am 2 TRADE Ct nlrel Coast 846-0790 , .. •111 ---... ····- llght1I 8ellr often grMt terrna. A bargain at s210,ooo, call today! 848-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS •LY 11000 II Fantastic 3 &d 2 Ba. lam rm houee. Form.a dlfl .• btra 1fV k>tl Tr911'19ndout buy. 11500/mo, Won't 111 11 Suea n H an lmll . 11111 ..... 8UJ* 2 Bdrm 2 bd1 unit -with ......... t Eutllde •• locatlofll f aat urea -----= ----"" lllJ ""' --· = -= -- Ofa.lbelt, ~ -ac-ceu to pool ancrdub- "°"'91 Mlnutee to ~ w .. priced at S125.000. Call nowt 64fr7171 THE REAL ESTATERS -----· USlllllLl " Price Jull reduced Ort Pfloed PortofioO model. Mttl. Garaoe. >Ont cond. __, 20 ml11. 10 BA. 2 BA llghl ln1er1or. clear. custom 3 br vi-llU I Pill K 3 Bdrm home offers Gr .. t astumll~ IOan at Piil ... E Newport c.ntet young adults welcome. home on 2 acres horae Hp er ate recrHtlon 9~% Int. Pt1ctd 0 ... , at ASSUMABLE FINAN $210.000 with Slll0,000 $34,500 540-5937 ppry AtucadefO. S225M ~~~~~~.2 68:2~fsi16: room I Superb term al $295,000 ·.hard to beat CING. Sharp 3 Bdrm 11 12% nxed ,.11 & value tor home or unll• 646-4848 A11ume S 118,000 at ttu. prica. Cell to .... ptua family with remod• fu"y emortlzed. * * tw1tr laaltll Org Ct y Beach Araa 1ov.-A and Hiier wllt -,.._ led lll1.ctlen, ~ yard• for No polnta or quellfylno. Ownr 805-466-4043 S2500 movH you In . carry! Bargain priced! · FIR 1111' PlvaJll IULTtl entertaining Aaklng no.-0347 Wiii cwry at 12% 2 BR $145,000 NW 2 & 3 Br 2 Call now for v1e.,1n.o1 Cttolca 4 br 111ecutlv• ITl-.llH , 114s.ooo. call 540·1151 OWn«/A 1unny moblle home In IHI 111111 Ba. Condoa. 1650 aci. tt 873-8550 ranch style home In ~~~~~~~~~ for an appointment 10~~~~~~~~~1 Costa M esa Below WHIH ZIOO All amenlUea. Chance of ~me TURTLEROCK1: .... r: $35K111 BONDED91243 •••••••••••••••••••••• a llfetl~ L .... option. .. ~~:.:1i:>~':s': ~t C..u HI llM llU !'.f!r.!!.~f!! .. J.'!t ll0-4211 W UTEI 11111 63Ph1~50n~ .. e. 4 2-200 0 or THE REAL ESTATERS COLDWeLI.. BANl\eRO ' ctiaM'in 6 months iQ'1 ...... uiii;fii...... llWPllT Elm -.. -:,.rm--.. -,,----Exch•"• for Real E•· ~ :=,n,':'.:9'i!':.~= ~o , ... ~ .. •00'001.~1 . =.r;:i:.~ #1,.11 1300 ~~:;;:;f be clear°' 1!Rci~~5:J::c;:o;:.~ dlnlng,frplc,endFEE w .,,..,,u · .vne -----~----i 1Be.50Jl117'1ot.Large •••••••••••••••••••••• $500000t $10000000 clep.S45 mo.94e-9see LANO. 2870 San MIQuel. Terrace .c bf, 3 ba, view, llAfflf& de1ached oaraoe. 1179. REMEMBER DAOI your 'tax c~su1tan11' IP-Clean 2 Br 1 Ba.. encl9d (714)759·1501 Of (714) pool. 10% down, 11·5% 38r Weatald• home, 000. 54f·SO.C1 •vH & wtlh • proval aollcltated Rel• garage. Pflvate yard. No 752-1~ :,~~~ :oaa. u.oa nc.....su.ono. ~10, wilnda, Ut-3520 1=e111er:.~%n meeeage tum Bkn .wrnn-dO!JI Of' catI. S48Srrno. -lft<7'et't -000 d!M\..-Jlot tlnanctng.1---MUST--sa-u___ Win 4 ~EE TICKETS! Ill OllNUTIH 54&-6680 833-1285 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ZERO OOWNI Dally Pilol 714-631-2144 Convenlefil 3& 2ba, Jam, C..11 #ta IOZ4 HaroOf Ridge cu1tom, ___ c1_au1_fled __ •d_• __ 1~~~~~~~~ 2 l/p1, w/d, rfn, 1•• ••••••••••••••• ••• •••• • ....... , •1e• • 000 .. ·~ = • 3 er. 1 Ba. houae on lar~ _., -·· -(Net .. , eq. .... "'"-' I BBQ, lenc•. dbl 9ar. 50wt7e' 3 unll lot. 436 Architect'• tiorn.. Prlva1• Pftced on hln. For Into • .,.,, r,.r.!!l 1360 lut1h w 1 r I g d n r I a 5 Hamilton. 00 not d111'urt> entry courtyard w/1pa. cell &40-1193; 7&9-09et ;.;;,;·;~·~he ·;..,;,;·~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 558-1448 · • tenant a. 1129,000. Rreplacas If' L.R., F.R. Beautlful 4 Bclr hOme wf an ocean vu lot, Morro &•111 f•taldH UITS9I ~1 ..,,.. & wt1nd1, Op4ln "' plan ldMI tor apeetllQl.der view E!tQllll Bay Jrea, S L.O. Cly. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • .....__ w--~i 831-3520 wtufya. en .. rlalolng. Specloua o\\mer flnartcltlg. t4'15-, From only $4,900. On lill#H /11,.I 3106 .,..,._, - ... • IEDS MBR 1ulte. $225,000. 000. 759-1 11~ eves alt term1. 10•1. t111., ... lhl• •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 3 Ba. frplc, micro. 11 Binnie Dixon'• ll1tlng. &PM wknd 714-875-7239. S Bdm. 2 ba tum Belboa deck. pool & tennla WI 769-9100 1--------9-5:30PM. Bkr. Island houaa June 28 to $895/mo. 846-1164 2 Br. 1 Ba..+1 Br. 1 Ba. 5 B1~8~~tr:r:'~. July 10th $750 wk Call days. 645•9543 - 72.11105' R2 lot. Do not ll)cld C•-tttlll for details E'alde condo: 3Br 2ba, dlaturb tenantl. 1528 ~eg::1:!·u~/ama1i 111•'*" 1100 673-3837· 673•1058 den, llv rm, lrplc, 2 car 0 range. S 12 9. 000. boat dod<, 2 car garage, •••••~••~•••••••••••• I.I •a• leid 3141 gar. A1kl11g $650/mo 54&-5041 eves & Wtlllda. LSIH STUTH 4 blk• to ocean. 1289. AnU YlLLIY •• '!................. .. can 545-6685 631-3520 wtcdya Sml 2 e r 2 Be older 000. 714·836-8542 or TuSltelt11 4 BF\ new d9c. lum, s.cl HOMEY 2 bf dou~ar ILIT FlllllO home wtgraat 1ocat1011 731-2811 Near new 4-i)lex, 2 bdrm. ~· prtv Sch.. 1enms kid llz• Petlo • On thll upnraded 48f near Tustin Ave Hasl-0r-.. -,lcal-ly-red-v'*'--,,.,,-lce-2 bllh each unit with r 496~8 QC.RENTALS 750-3314 ~ Walker 6 lee t.~n...,...· : •TS&IUIUl ' thl9 ati.fp 3 Bdrm Cd- lege Pat1c home. tncrad'- bla finandnO. Vrt. con- venient tocallon. Full prlc a S 120 ,750 . 751-3101 h S 'I " 111 loadt 01 potentlal. A• ,,. flrepl-. encloaed pallo. ., •-!l,f" ome. e et w carry sum, $87 000 In loens on end unit condo In The garane 9\'•-1at Pos n l'lfHll -iei ~ 5 Br 3 ea. Mesa Verde. lrg S t00,000 at 12 % or w/S15,00'o dwn Full B1Ull1.3BR 3 81,lgel1tm c11h'1'1ow. Now .$159: ····~··•••••••••• ••• yard $92'5/mo. Bob or ~-t~ii a~2j",·4r.g:;;,~ pr I c t S 1 15.0 0 0 . ~~·~~':.!!~ ~':i.i: 500. Biii Gru11dy, Rllr. SPEii 111111 Oovla Koop. 759-1221 ~' c:: .... '-t-'1 >J ••• , t ' RllUOULI •LY 11,llO • ~or tfl6e dell.IJla ~ Bdrm townho mel Feature• flreplace, p1u1 upgraded tlle counters. wood flclon. mlfrOf'ed w .. and morel ACCIM to 2 poola. dubhouae and .-daa room. Wall priced at 1 711.500. C all no wt 87W550 THE REAL ESTATE:RS ... ...nw ht GM ~Mlf M ... Vtlt· de 11'1 '12. 3 Bdrm 2 8a tlOfl'l9 wtrnany airttu on o\i-d•••c. OwMr wlll carry low Interest rate tet T.D. FIJI pcb 1134, 500. 761-3191 c::::. " . '-t-' 't • • I SUPER FIXER $8111000 3 big bdnnl, ~llvlng room. IV. batM, pr1o- 1111te badt yard. r • paint and ~ Beat buy In c-. ~ c.ii s.et-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS t llllln.11'• ...... ., c.11 979-5370 ~mablla loat'tl of ap-• 875-8181. II IEWNAT EXTRA niee, alrnott 4 pro• 11ee.ooo. Alklng OIMIOOlll 011ly S27SO to lease this bf W/lg ~r. pets. seoo • \ f : ·I l I 111~' If ' ' : • \ '• ' ~ ·.~ •• 1 FOf CIUlllled d ACTION Cah a Dally Piiot AO-VISOR 642-5678 TR,\DITIO\.\I ~t \I r' .-.-. ' $225,000. Seller w/help AT Tiil WCI chermlng. beautlfully oc..R£NTALS 750-3314 fin~. All olfer1 conll· Small ho-on c:ommer· furnlShed home In lrvlna Du1 1tlat 3111 derect Owner. 833-2009; clal IOI on'ih. Perun. 1 lot Terrace Breathtaking •••••••••••••••••••••• 840-6379 • from beach Owner wm Y1ew of NtwpQft Harbor. 2 Br 2b• frplc, 11PP1f cfU.. flMnee 1385 000 RM-Ca II Ber b a ra Au ne plelt $525. 111/lut.. '300 lonomlca 87~700 642-8235 (C41). u c . 4 9 3 • 6 7 7 3 o r • 542-3597 fOR SAU IY OWIEI -.-0 -1P-,-,.-.--- lf1ei 3141 •••..........••.•...•. ~M~cnab -lrvine .I =~~-:-;__._--·-·=~-.. --· ro,ar Or•••• CoHt re1hllenta have bHn ~lliicond lleuienani. In th• _..,r r~ at .. r 11'a4uation from th• Ah Force ~ .... I04I of .. ,. lllCI .. ,., floy T. ltellt Of IO,. ,,.....~ ...... ... ......... . ...... .. .. MtrlClll et1tl11M1l11f. R• Wrill ~ pll0l lf91Nnt •I~­ Air '°"°' .... Mltl, """ •'I . He II a 1'71 91tdi.tll'9 af IMM- ... -----· • HWI .tdlool , Uti~ity fraud warned ~.·Minda lolllll, deugtlter Of ~..._oer.c::'~1U. ..... Vetci. I, Coeta ~ WM llWtrOtd 0 bacMlot"I dtQt• In ln._,MtlOnal aftflr1. IOHlll wlfl remain at Ult ICadem~ M • Mlnorttv '91Nlttl'. .,,. la • 1t71 grllduat• Of IJ T0to HIOh kllOOI -l11Unn• M. Ve11trlnot, ffu91U9r of LI. Col. lllCI Mrt L A. Va11lflnot ot 20842 K41lvlngrove Lane, Huntlnglon IHoll, w11 awarded • bectlelor'• ~ In Utility cu1tomera 1ntemet1one1 an.n. ahould be wary of Sii• 11 • 1971 or1du111 ot Ed'-Hlgfl ~. dl1reputabJe aaleamen -Ohftslot>Mr ,. Rutllok, aon who may mlarepruent ~ ~a0r:. 'r'o:n'l'i! 'A..,~ themlelvea u Southern Clemente, wu awarded 1 California Ga.a Co. em-beonelot'• ~ 1n ~· ~ e 1 ~-~ta tteh-tr:i':in':"!~~i:'m':"lfr~fr':~ con ...... wn, e '-· NIL utility warned. • Muilelck 1e • 1t11 Grllduet• of __ _.a SP Qemente Hlgll 8chool. Wan.acv. That warnin1 and other precaution• for Keokuk customers Interested In lnaW.tln& their homea ·were part QI. a joint ~ f l • atatement taued by the J e e se 1aa comyany and the atate naulation The 48th annual Contract.on Aaeoclatlon. Keokuk County, Iowa. The utility fa offering picnic will take place at cu.toltlen an Incentive L a p a 1 m a p a r k i n program that provide. Anaheim on Sunday financing at 8 percent starting at noon. I Interest for Installation A ")X>tluck buffet will of attic tnaulation, aaid be featured, followed by MJlce Neiggemann vice a aodal hour and raffle. president of cona'umer ~eokuk Countians are aervicee for the utility. invited to uk thelr Cuatomen who have hometown friends to questions about the join. insulation program or The park ls located at about representailve the intersection of ·identification, should Harbor and LaPalma in contact .the utility's Anaheim. toll-free conse~vation hotline at 800/352-4124. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. .Pair cited in Iowa Two Orange Coast 1tudent1 received bachelor'• degrees from Grinnell C.OUege In Iowa. • Executive plans talk on sales ·Sales executive Charles E. Dreyer will addreH the Sales & Marketing C.ouncil of the Bulldln1 Industry A9odation of Southern Callfom.ia on June 23 on "How to Make Bia Bucks in Today'a Market." IC.-.~ IUKNOR CC>Ufrr Of' TM 8TATI M CAUPOMMA tN AND FO.. THI! COUNrfM~ Nl.IC M>TICE ,.. "" "'-"• ., ttie ---===~==~-,~:.: .. HC Iii iOUt .,._., • CtNDCJ1 AMN MURRAY Md NAME 8TA~ ..cffA.E. CltAN.11 MURRAY, Tll• follo1l<lng per.on I• doing ...,., Pl8UC NOTICE rtCTITIOUt au.-.. NAMI ITATIMlNT The lo"OWlng pe<eon• -doing l'rATtMaNT °" ~ ~l~EASAL SALES AHO Of' UM fW SEAVICE, 3921 West SepenMtom flCTITIOVI ....... .._ Santa An• OA 9270• T/l• lollowlng per1on1 fllv• Unlver111 Punch Coro . • itbandoned ltMI Ill\ of tilt 11c:t1Uc>w CaJll0tnla. GOrPotallon, 382t W .. t bull':.~i"mDINO COMPANY ~llrom. Santa Anl, CA 92704 INTEANAl'lONAL. '30 Banta Me fh41 bull,_ 11 condue1ed by • A ~ ............. ,.. -.-c:orporatlon ~. -.... "" .. , __ Uflrverlel l>Ync:h C«o Tile Flclll ou• Bu1lmt11 Nim• Kllllt L Wiiiame ••l•rr•d to above wu tll•d In Thll atllemet\I ..,.... llled w1111 the Orange C9t.in1Y on July e, 1980. County Clet'k ol Orange County on f\ALF't-1 C. SHOR'r, 430 8lflte May 2'7. 19112 An1 Ave®e. Newp0tt Beecti. CA ,., .. ,. 1>21183. Pu blltllea Orange Coe et Dally I( E N S U I< E N 11< I • 12 3 • 0 Piiot June 1 8 1~. 22. 1882 =" .. o. Apt I, Stanton. CA ---------2308---'2 Tiits bu .. ""3 Wll conCluC'led by 8 general pertnerelllp. flalpll C. Short FtCTfTIOVI ~• Tf\ls atatemen1 w• llled w1tt1 !tit NAME STATEMENT County Cletll ol Orange COun1Y on PtaJC mnc£ Tile lollowlng petaon '' doing May 14, 1982. -----!~=~~='.'=:::=:----w.--... ~ FICfinoue --· D A N I E l s E v A N 8 .. J>ubllslled Orange Cou1 Detty Brlllol Plto. Mey 111, 215, Juoe 1. a, 1M2. . 2152-42 Ml.JC NOTICE POOUC NOTICE They are Jennifer Wilcoxen, daughter of MT. and Mn. William WUcoxen of Laguna Beach, and Thereaa Gould~ daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Bernard Gould of Corona del Mar. Held at the Sheraton N~wport Hotel. Newport Beach, the meeting will begin at 6 p.m. ~~RUCTION CONSUL· ..g: ~·~a:.. TANTS, 11751 Mltchell, !Nine, CA TO HLL "2A&. ~ FICTTTIOU8 IU ... U MAJm8TA~ '"" 1~ng pereone .,. ~ l'tlllJC M>TICE bU--.. ----------- Mn. Wikoxeo, a grad- uate of J:..asuna ~ach Hi&h School, received her degJ'ee in political acience. Ma. Gould, a Corona del Mar High School graduate , received hera in ecooomks. Dreyer is presidt!nt of George Charles Interests. Ltd. of Newport Beach and co-founder of Dreyer and Young, Inc. For lnfonnatlon, call (213) 625-5771. 92714. AT ...WAT! HU Roger c Kltllh•m. 1776 t NOTICE IS HEAEBY OIVEN lhat. Mltdlll, IMne, CA 9271•. 1ubJect to contlrm1t1on of th• Thll txitlneet Is conducted by IA ~ttllld Coun. on June ti, lndMcklllAog. C. Kltk11arn 1982, It 8:00 1.m. Of 1....,..,.. Tiiie llatement -.e filed wtl'" tile within tile flme allowed by law, IM " undeB!gned. .. GIJatdlMt of the County C1er'k of Onlnge County on Perton• Ind EttltM ol CINDEE June-'· 19'2. 1.NN M URRAY and MICHAEL F,_ CHI.FILES. MURRAY. W1rd1, wlll Publllll.ct Orenge Cout Dally 111 at prt;ete Nie to the ~ Plot. JIM'le 8, 16,. 22, 29, 1M2 tnd b91t net blddef on the 1enne 2.506-82 and oondl1lOn• 11erelnattet mentioned, 111 rlglll. 1111• and rtllllC fl)TlC[ lnlef_. ol Aid Watda In ltld lo the KONTIKI MOTEL 2205 Hiltt>or 9l'ld. CON ,,._.,CA~­WANO-~ GHIA CHANO. 2128 Hiiitop Cout't, Fullerton, CA 02113t. ' ---===~~==-=--, ... property~ In Vie~ -,-11--1-1--1-1-,-,-.--------------1 ~A~ ~':3~ ~~:!!.o' ca11t0t11le. ' ~ Tiie followtng '*'°"9 are 4olrlQ Lot .211 of T rmc:t No. 0851. • ~ ..: lfloWi'I on 1 mep reoordllcl In 8oafl TRUJILLO I WICKLUND 3e2. Pt1Q99 29 to 30 I~ at ....,.----------1 CON&TRUCllo.I, 20300 Beiehlr•. Mla~1a11eou1 M•o•. recorcw of P\ll.IC fl)JIC[ CAMPBELL Ca., 2 listen. Virgie Garn.on lllkewood. Ce Dranoe county. Cllltomla. be1nO ----............ ------1 ~ S r& UVDll'T ~ f Ml l d M ,.. Cun W1yne Tru11110, 20300 conwnollly known tnd deect1bed.. flC1TnOU8 .,... .. ... ~..... . --A~.._....,. 0 aaour an •Bole .,...,.., ~ewoocl. c.. 80715 27321 NublH, MIHIOn Viejo, .... ITA~ 80, a relldmt of Corona del Gani.on of Mluourl. and Roy Edwlrd w1c111une1. 824 N County of Onnge, Slit• ot Tiie follow1no J*eon I• doing Mar, C.. Pa.eel aw,..y on other nieces and nephewL, Mter, &condldo. Ca. g20211 caltfomla. ~ 11: J a l"a2 g .. _,. _ __. ....., She le w a a a t et l t e d Tllll bullMll II cond\4Cted by • The .... la t0bjeol to current EUSE ENTERPRISE, P.O. lox une ~. -· ... "'"'""" w;, llmlted ~. tax•• coven1n'8. condltlon1. 7200, 1S46-0 ~ Ave., Costa niece• Vera Dupule of~ maw from Hoag CUr1 TruJjllO n11tr1Cllon•. r-.auon1, t1of1U, MeM. CA 92929. Corona del Mar. Ca. and HotpHal and. Wotld w~ n Tiiie "'1emtnl ... tied wlttl,,. rlol'll .. Of·way and euementa Of Mennette FrencoiM Moutlef, Chrtatine ftllUer of <>ran&e. Army Veteran of the Anny COunty a-1' of OnlnQe Collnl)' on rec4)rd, 1ny •ncumbreno" ot 1300 Ad•m• Ave I 11M, Co1t1 Nurse Corp. Gtavetlde """'~. 1082. ,_ record to be •lllfled ou1 of 1bt ,,..._,CA 82.f2t, .ervlce. will be held on r._, ~ ortc:e. or. tltle to Ille real l'hlibualtlMe 11 c:onciucted by IA ------------. Publletled Orang• Coaet 0111y property to be taken eut>lect to uld lndlvldult. Tuesday, June 8, 1982 at Piiot June a, 15, 22, 28, 11112 enc:umbtll'ICeL ,, Nennett• Moutler 2:00PM with Rev. Gene 23t5-80 The Pf°'*1Y II 10 be llOld .. ..., .... Ttw lt8iement ... fled Wl1'I tM . Swallaon of the Newport • '° c;oodttlo!l. ~ .. to 111"· Ceun~ a-1' of e>r.ige County on .,,,_---~~---...... Harbor Ghrl1tlan Church "8.IC NOTlC[ Bldll « otter• .,. invited lor 11111 JIMW • ll82. pffldatin&. Jnterment will be FKmTIO"l IU .... a ~r::.1!:"!1~.!' =~Or": Publlalled Orang• c0.:.1= IM.Tl ..... OM IMITNanm&L WISTC ... CHAPll '427 E 17fh St Costa Mel>'\ 846-8371 at Paci{~ View Memorial NAm •TA,..._.,. P.\TRICK LANE. attorney II tew. Plkll, June 8, 16, 22. 28. 1982 Park. Padtic View u-.u,, Th• lollowlng oereon 11 dol~ ue ~van Id a 01 Mer. s 111 • 2421-12 ....... -;, bueil'9ee • • a.men ... Cellfomll 02172. °' 11'111)' dinctorL SOUTH COAST DEU, 303:1 a· be fifed }Wllll the Clerk ol the COOPER 8rtltol. ~ "D''. Cotta ....._ ca. 8uper1ot Court ~ cWvwed to a. PAUL A COOPEB 12929 PA~ LANE. anomey at fih!. · • Nitta L Orlltl.vn, 10131 Ouuy petlOftlllly, at eny time •l'I• llf1lt paMed away on Saturday, a.t1! onv., Huntington ~. C.. ~•lion or 11111 Notice end June :1, 1982. Born February t2Mt 1"aklng uld .. 1 190~ In Creston w .. t ~~llootidi:•tlfen The~llMttaa_,.,• • p . 1 • lndMdulll. '°"' Of .... wtlh ~ct 10 .,. Vlralnla. au came \o ~ L Grllh!IM Notice of Intention 10 8•h A .. 1 Oran1e County in 194~ Thll alalernent ne fifed ..nth Pr099rtJ at Private Sele where he worked' I n COUn1Y a.it of 0rltl0f ~ry on Ttlf property Wiii be eoeo pn in, cominerclal flabln& in June7,l08I. ~ttmlllndcond"Jorie: . ''-' '"" Cuti end -' Cfedll, ... Newport Bach, Ca. With hla Publi..ct Ora~ cout Delly t•rro of au ell credit to be Miiiien I..Jcesw In lhlppnc. Plot .k111t 8, 18, 22; 28, 1111 Mtli111lble lo Iha undtttlgnlcl Ind he wortred 6lr Mr. Barrett ai ''llf._. to the lupertor Court, trllll ten Port~ until 1~'7. Ht.ia ,.fGettt 011::• o:.;ount bid te .. urvlved by hi• wl\e ~ l!!Ulabetb: daUJhten Mary Annt ~~ Sally, Allee and Marilyn; .... Geidun, Bill , ancl llandy ; 1 ~~= Calrfornla OravHlde rvteea WW 'be held at lO:OOAll •• Wenminate lllt~llil Nrtl. 1410l 8ijeh Blvd., W•U!thuter, c.uronta • W9d1Miiday • .._ .. ~ ITATEIENT M wmtDRAWAL "'"*~~ <WllRATING UNDIR FICTTTIOUI IUIMU ~ Pla.IC NOTICE file rollowlng oet1on llu 1---'1C'm10U---.-llU-... --.. ---1 wMdfewn -a general.,.,,,_"°"' N.u. 8TATUllNT the oartoenhtP operating IWICler ,_ I t _.,. .. Olall'I ... b4lgee ' dtc*a. Medi l -.ctn. oal 11andyma11 work. 111-7111 Marine ......_atlon ' .. cond. ln1tall & rep1lr. Mak• ycM.ir llllooDlno ... Bontelcoe, 546-5208 •••r ~ u11no ·the Dally dt I i Adi taa7i Plot wa IAlcl Mil. Th• f .. tMt draw In the WHt •••• Dally Piiot Cll 1W1d Ad. Cll Tocllr eu.-11. MOWING l10.l1f.l20 Heul/Dl.wnpjng t1111UO Mark 1~ .. ,.,,,_.,._,. ••••• r. •• :wv.wr.;; ••• ~ ,,,,,,_ ...... ...... ....... :;;;-•..•.•.•..•....•.. FtM •·AMI. pttoee. LOW AATH·TrM lrtm-au.t. wotlt. U.. 9371et. ming & removal, all 031·2:M5 ~I.,..., MUlng. ,. flll1m 'r•• a11. Martinea bio::llard ll11or. Lio. •-"-tM-1011 t 13 yra of hllA>Y ~ .............. --------IOOll oWtomara REPAIRS 1211 to '185 fl,_,_ . Fr• ...... c .. anvtlfne. • ........ -:a ••••••••••••• l'haltk you, ~1 .... 10 WALT 110.2125 Mo9C M>Jecta, 1(..14 2~'!.~1. ~~~ ~~~ Bonded. Ina~ Aefa. Col« Uc. 1411902. 114M734 ""'*" 1!1...1- •xpert. H3-0911 Dloll JOHN Hf.NAY CO.,, •••••••••':~"tt':tt't'••••• EXTEAlOA PAINTING v . "Let the ~ In'' ~ '°' Fine HOtl* Cllll 8uneNne wtndow =~~in~':.~ Uc, 1 u2. &4Uis Cteanlng, ud. NMm nlng. 8~ 5'7-4211 ...... ~Monthly Ollcount •••••••••••••••••••••• •AESIOENTIAL* M081l.! C:VICI! MonlNYOttlY Ollcount ~. 14~ Ctvla 957-1388 Otanoe CoeM Wlndowe ._.,_,Al,,,edMI "We ~you wttll • ::~~•••••••••••••• brighter outlook!" Cu1tom Sewing, alter•· Free M11mat• 83CMl111 tlona & eunvn« outftt1. ~__,,...~=~~=~ d re a 1a1 ( per I y & CLEAfMEW W1NDOW ftddlng). Pvt lellon1. WASHINO. AMI. r--. Rue. Call Becki•. 4 yra lrt WM. M2·544t 541-He2. SELL Idle ltem1 With a Ind wllatyou want In Dely Plot Cl tlfled Ad. Olly Plot Clllllfledl. • 142-1171. I DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell yqur no-longer..nHded ~.nl for cuh. If It doesn't NII, we'll run It another 3 4., 4nA~S «NES~ OLLARS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real eetate or commerdll eds. Cell today for full detllll . ...... tt.llt CLA881FED8&42•5678 +:,·~ .. 'Ell!.!!.'!!!#......... ~!!! .......... 1!/t.f.~'!1. .... 1.{ff ¥!!1..f.~'!!. .... !.{fl! ... ";IC ...... a ........ AEWAAO: For~ ,. ...... m BABVSITTER WMted tot • Hmii& lftL ~teooocln-llEAUTY male doa. 1 'f', boW9CI •••••••••••••••••••••• 'Yf old. P/tlme.,,...... Exp a mu1t pref &ALONI. several t 1eg1, f>uck teeth . Youngmarr'ledmanwould c:.ii M&-873-4 NB S_yatem 34 for wt~ mooa. from. Cll now. Martnere/Hlahland, Ilk• odd Jo"b1 evH & 8 b ·•tt __ .. ...,. ..__.med ci..rtb ~ 10I 1128 91111 Oeot wkende Can do 1 ~ 1 y.. ., ,__,,...., ma· .---· lkf"64 ' · of ha~dym1n Jobi. tlnF/ovar 18,myhome. 1P111111 l Wlff• fluent~ , . .__ 11 ,,.,,, .. Lo1t: Diamond heart & 972-95211 ...,.. Mk for mo1Uy wknde. Refer. ~· s.wy nag.,..., • ......_ Aa .... , • ._I#,_, """',_t.l "" -'-lal f4ll ks..., ~................ c:Nlln '***-June a. • · 831..fe78 111. can bet. noon-2. :7:1:::'.;re••••••• .. •• :;:~•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •-£a&. ~ Ind ro·~= ndee. At Her ~ dNll . M1·2ee6. M/F to"" 2llr H.8.1\ou. EASTSIDE' c .M. Single...._.... -~-NO DEPOSIT Ind~ -'" • --Atlanta' a..cn Young M .... wen.. ... • ..,..-------,,...-Pvt ywd & garage for 1torage ·--·T rwncw ,__,..... . ...................... '20.000-11 ,000 futly -...... . ....._. Coe*. full time, T.....sat. ~Ill Kun oaraoe. 1111/mo SSf-4121 · ~ 800 IQ. ft. 2 omce for rent In full· _ 1 ... ft amor11. OU. 2nd'• to t1 HI Rswwd. M2·1064 t101M peraon, ~9.,.. or BACK STREET v a·r y 1 n g 1 h If u 0 f ' office 1ulte. 1300/mo. ..W. .-ac. IUl1e, 406 ••-,__ mi.on. Prtn. ~-1Nnt. Loet 8ml ~ fluffy S.. L a g · c II • e A M -2 ; 3 O p M I OCEAN,AONT. Mature, . WU1W U. Ava II. Now. Mark FWy at MacArthur. HI vtlll>lllty, ~adv. -.a11. -et tor nqact 18"' Po-213 48133'51272-1255 .................. , tQM.H:30PM. PnMoul r••P. non-1mkr. fem. Doul* ~for ltorege. ·~ ~=~ In 2330.::si:r~cu ····--mane.~ or HOUSESITTINO POSI-...... n ........ expar. prwt. tor poaltlon 12S5ptueutll.541-tel7 SIOmo. eo-t37e __..1 _a ___....._ 133-1;21 yra . _,A,........_. 110,_ 173-t640. REWARD. TION Wanted: PrOf wo-ltllett •••ftftt I on.ting~ te- .11•11• ..,., --~ ,,,..,,,,., ..,,,,. ,...,.,, ""' _ _,, -man IJ.A exc ref. LT lary & xlnl beneflta. Oil*,_,., Hll 600 IQ ft. Pr!Yat•,... ... .,. ...................... l up. Alltee to IUlt. call: Found: Male btond IAb. cooking, cle1n1ng, er-tlflll•n Caplilb•io by ttw Sea ~ :=n., •••••••••••••••••••••• trm1. Off St Perking. Wal ""'*'ead offtoe w/ N.8. 3e71lerdl.lltOO1q.. Tom, M2-t114 c.11 ~33 rand1, rm & board In Newport a..cn 8"d l.a Hoeptt.i. 496-11702. cut .., 520 IQ. ft. 11.00 per IQ. OutMd• entrance. Utll HWpt Hlll'tlor view ap-ft. or I•••· MIA zone. ~ Doti tot .me.a + ... Htbra ltOfM. starting Coe* Hou1161...,.. nee-~IES ft., 3115 Blroll., H.B. Included. "'50 per rno. prox. 1000 IQ ft. • Aoent 141-&912. leol#9 cndlt and vien-rouNO: Tamer wM & ten Illy. N.8 .• ~.,.. enly. rata '6.50 hr. l up 1*19 dad' for •o•d llve In 833 DoW1W Dr. Ste 2, NB. AQent 5'1-$032 1770 Orange. 031-3673, 146-7100 11111 up. 2190 ft. lndu-turee ttvoutlt &crow, male, 8hapNrd lllcltM Sunny 03t 11 lncentlva1 to ••r:r'd. preferred. 1500 plu1. 031-6332 1'11 Wl9tclft, H.B. Want Ot M2""2t ltrtll • Of'ftl:le. 1IOl1 .... loan•. an ct I al a nee male, Chea. 81y RIYr. 0 RA pH I c DE 810 N gC>-09ttpr1. Full part 839-2100. ---------• flnenclat lnat. 70001.f. 2nd floor Wlllk Uf> omc..• ledaw '-1'1 HN dondo Clrcte •E Hunt· ~ loana. We pro-gold male, Hulky mix pickup/ dellv1ry, frM time. 8Uell.-mlndad ·1--------- SfV condo, rnehn,,. 111. floor. Agent 11311, 11111and1240. ~·=·~·;;•A:; lngton,...,...142-2134. vlde Con'lenllonal andN blt8IWIA 11 bel'91 8~11t.m.. HtlmatH. M1ryjayne ~~o~• you -10 c:=i':'~~,.:: '400/IWIO & 'A utll. CM. 1141-6082 catpeta. d,_,.., ~ ftOftooCC>nll'9f'ltlOnal aotu~ n ma ne er· e73-11794 ....... ,_ ,_, -__...,,_,. 181-1213 Ung Corona del Mar. Sl, 1"'° ~ "· ~ 1 5000 IQ ft lindultrilll btdg. t1on1. Contact Barry IU 3e11t --------1 You !MY aand r-.umea co . ....,. enjoy wcwttlnD Male, Female •hare 2 7112--1830 -C8f ~-1-f · 880 W. 11th St. In CoeU ~ G.DIL F1nandal L 1 k tlel le Rellable, mature lady wt or apply In pereon te with people. Oood Ullery 8drm ape 1rv1ne. llTllL IHll M • • •. I 1 5 o o I mo. s.vtoae =~~:.r:nd• H~ll-=,=.kt.a~:: Beck StrMt Executive & beneltt pecUoe. Appy 551-4118after1 PM ¥911~ 't ~ Excel""' loo on Pac 7141'4Mllt 411-3464HO ton. Aewerd. ~=•iJ:. ~:;.,!•;e ==port Blvd. FrJN.-. -to beach. A I . I 1 I • Co11t H•r· Newport ..... ....., ,. ·--14W1211 anytime ~!Aide! Chauf· celll ara a "no l)O" '"7· ....... c:..-. oft ce1 n pra1t1g ou1 Bell. Idea epace tor •••••••••••••••••••••• -• 3 .a830 teut poaltlon dlllrad by • 1111W11f N.B.97M27t Debra. ~~,........ Corona def Mar. New bualn• .. wanting high ~ .. :r= OMfl 7211r. 7 1 -et lf:t <::"1~ ~ exp'd M~ llva·ln, CASHIER F/tlm• poll· Fltlme tor local dall\oery • ...:=.. · ::C-l ~ ~ publlc vtllblty. 1,000 to :=.;;:..tot --....., .. An 1 w 1 0 •• Hu 111•• wont w/ ext.,.. tlona. Od. pay, growth Exe.I. drMr'O rec. ,.q'd. Fem., olllld 01(, to 111r :,1./,.,.__ ,75.~2:.'u1c for Ml-3,000 1q ft. ~OHRponWlldO~br"':: ;;;;:1 ................ 142..._ wty.t67-30e3ext.141. co .. 5 loc.tiona. Matro Phone for appt. Beck Bay condo. Poot, • ;._..... _...._ 114-645-1100 • M. "' . 11• car Wlllh. 2950 Htlltlor 557-9212. ~ sta-•P•. tennle. Nan cw , c:hlll or..,..... clean~. all co eot, . I NEB> • -1· ........... ..,.. .. __ .... u lllJa 111 CM tlonara Inc., r. Em- 1 R t·•1 St • for l••M .__ -· ....,. · ..... -.... -_.,... ••• •••••••••••••••••• ...., 141-6116 Furn. epeoe .all In,,_... a., or • 1-117 • --,.._ .,. Wll1IU 0 Io v e "'8 GI . ,.,._ aerv. Plant ofc.. Ne.1--:11:-:-:,==-:p:"'.,-=~.=-=-1 mar-. tWICe offtoe ~ 300 4500 IQ ft or ..... In or Maftlyn.. 181h/T111tln, CM. Ae· EJCo. onty. 8 A,.._. PM -· -• 1---------F~.:.:; =c:'i ··-~ ·~ft . Nwpt Bch . LJiounaldl...._1771 Prof.qllew/35 ~ Ill •m.I wwd.541-0645rMn ehlft.e3t-6640 Mtmoooa&wkndl.Tht ...... 111111 ... ..,.,,.. 1118 11lltMt + •-_ .,1111* 75 ·7486, 641-Ntl •• ,., 11111. to rent 2 br, be flCW ::,:.•:.:.,: ':! Found. Biii teMate 1ono lNltmT ~ ~~::,•t:~1;~· J11'{l ~': ~ w 't 3 da. MC. dip. tn-1318 -EA8T81D! Xlnt loo. on .-.0. COMI or.,._"-"-* ........ __ halted cat front p... 714-e41 1281 · · • ..,. -From 1 -.... 3 l"OOrM. ........ .....__. w.. .-..-. --. M dcdO .. -. ••• ~ '°:,C:: .. ..-~, .. 1 Mature COU91• to ma· • _,,,_.,., ~ ... to.-.. 3 -.. ........ -Coate M•••, approx. '""'7 -...... ~·, 1 !99N1 ...... --1 1---------1 .... rOOMll -... From lt.11a1q.. ft. Ho so bu.llMll ette. APPfOJC. or maNl8lt In WI.Oh. tor '*" now. · nag• and malnta n CAT~ wvtce neacta .............. houM. Irv. H1·31H. ..... reqWact. AdJ. NI'-:~~ fl, 11 mo. 1000 IQft.14f.7tOO. pl Nnt. >Ont ,...._ Aft, Ollcounll Vwy mouv.-"9c*/t>rwn 81\ep/Huetty apattrnent complex In food PfWP. wen ... 14. taoo&hd. porterlnn.2112Dupont. -tpm,<ttt-1414. tedl(114)7112·1147 :~prox a mo1. N.8.-tuiltllM,AdUlt-no per hr. Full time; ~ ~ & Cell /IM. m-am lfT •llT Ill&. C.r""'1 1a1. 1w.oas pm. ~ ...,,. 5AM-1::30PM. Part 11me; °' .. .._. •"*-•· 1..,... Olr 900 _,. ~ a-.a..a.. -!f. • ·~v , ... II L b I Mc. llondabte l r9fa. 2 6 AM · 9 : 3 0 AM or 4 da~yr11· C ....... ....., ., ....... per -'" Zit•,.-~, ·=CL ,,., ounCS vlao a "' x Br home plUI :-li· Cll 1PM-ePM. Lor1'• Kit• 141 3000 an. Mo to mo.}"-. ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ _. -"'-Y· Vk:. ..._ V.rde 11111 b -liiii;il'iiiiiiii~~ Mullin "-"Y· ~ ... • .. ---. c M 2 rnoa * 144• twn am • ot1en. 3077 HMMw Bl.. BTIL M I If REP l'9lft 25-31 new.----------• •••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••--••• .. ••••• 7 "" ' . . 11am wltdya. 8.A. 97$--0747 for appt. • • • I'::-:':":"'::--...,:.--:-~-~• --In,..., btdg on ¢Dalt••' • ••· _.. 51 ·n172. Fulltlm• Monday1 & '"*'tDlllrtwwoondo.2 -·~ Hwy 8outtl ~ Af>--·· --.n-Dental Aa1t1tant. RDA CLEl'K •ummer rellaf. Prefer tr.-..:"a ~ w:~ =-ion. t::i ~ ~ 11• ':i*o .. .'M!!!P.!!l ... l!!!f ~'"~ ~2nc1 ~J!??h........... ~do~. ':!w:':t !.:i~"..::~~~~ ::...~~._:-= Cel: .i.n. deya. ..._ :zso 11 . .,.. conf. room, ldtch. ~ :;.J' ..f:o. ~ r::o_ e:;::~°t11 =Pm:::: ~ 1141 1 ~. I Vi:.a,;t 8-dl. Cll 7112.f?33 Call tor appointment. day. fJcceflent woni1no ~:n:. 111-HS'f l171mo. Ultl lndd. 771 =.a~._:&-= Turner Mloc. 414-1177 Aft 4 • • 5 4 I . t 413 i :.or-.=:r Bel .:== URN ~ $ llA8Y81TTEA needad. My 79Ma11 ~~;.dltlone. 840·0100. w , .... et. as1..ee21 wv. !Wiii. aeperattly" u.-w1111 Wet t7t-1•1• 641-1171 146-0111 .. lllU ~~·~~-Fri, COMPOTP Mn oP9'" 000 'LCSViRI Wlfl tram Aellabte f•M•I• young edit, nH·amtc 1t1r w/ ..... cu, ... ,.... bMOlt, "° ~·· Uto. execupla. n d••frad, Call~ Judy, "'•.Wilt llCt. IOI• n ..... with. Wll clleoounl.......... lllllTl/lMIBI . nlnO new brencll omc.. ,rooming In •1tc:llenge f1"/1ecM>100. Claalflad Adil "'2-8178 Olly Plkl4 CIMtlrlad Ad. w TD on P'tme CdM OUTCAU 24 HM. You don't need a gun to Menaoera needed. No o r k • n n •I h •I p . ~ "A NEW OONCEPT" 11mm1Bl!l'4 OAOf FUii ~OUMom ... oflloe7~ ... F ........ ~ Hr. 0 .0. Airport -"" a maMllP· 719•887hpac:e. A/C, Win 4 ~ I 81 ~1rktng, great a:=,':'°'Adll , A1ll1i1IOINcl 17M'100 LAPB ONLY Exec 1utte1, futl Mrv., Lowty ""'*1 hech Mn/untum., ~ ,... pr I. 11 om e IS 21. duced. Ho IM. 71M-0274 ···-· Prof •• under .. "°" ... to * llNU Ba view condo In Hwpt. tHO. l.W-11111 kltclll n•o•••· t2se 1110. IMf.1471 .. •:tofl'M •.,, oed ....._men ......... non>411111 tor ., .. "°"' ,,.. .. ylew, te""''· tH01 ......nt ... tn-711• ., Father's Day Wish Dad a Happy Father's Day for all the world to see and lltOl*tY. $14,000111 12" II 111 "drew fMt" When yo.a ..,.,, requftd. We _. t67-Ml8 . Int.. due In 2yra.Wll111 ..,. • ad In .. ~ ~~~~: Earn xtra lnoome, part· tor 8'000. ~7Mll l'lot Wwlt Adil Cll "°" 7-1 .. ....,.. ... ,.. · · time, tull•tlma. Call * * * /14t-M71. ...,,.,._.. ..,.,.,.,. .... ............. Opent41n•• 7dtlyl•--• t Goreeou• ,,,.. to P•"',.r you. Jeouul, ..,,,., Loc*I ..... tourtN.~. Muter etiara.e, A111er· lean &pr-. oen... All welOOfne 1141146 ,.~. 2f1t HarW a CM In ltt 1 •th par Call 545;.51'5 or 760-0907 . DRAN<at. eai;};rv·,s OL.Dt:.I 6 F'IM:" PRfV!41'f.' ~[. ~ . . . .. ~•medial or A4c•lerated · • Cl~~ } ,~_,.._.....- 15S7 W M.abll•. Anall.eim 1 Phone 774 1052 -.. ..... .. _.....,.,, -! •. ,' • BE01'1NEPIS • • le•m Ille BASIO' PfOo•4tnlft'I~ Janguage 1235 co .. t v,11 ... "'·· •II• o Senta Barbara, CA tJ10t (IOS) 969·7171 • • Outside California call (800) 235-6965 ·The Original Computer Specialty Camp as seen on the TODAY SHOW, e5 NGWS; In the Wall Street Journal. TUTORING \ SUP!.A PONY Vwy gentle w/Noe getee, w111 go an~ a do enyth lng . asao. U2·13U, 151-Ult ... _ WllTIDI Leta modtl Toyot .. , V~llot, Plekup1 ' Van•. C.il UI lod~ COMMHL CHEVROLET r ,• . !>46-1200 Byfte Alaoctate4 Pren I laraell' jeta downed lix Syrian MiGt today, two over the OaWee relfon of northern Iarael and four in . two .eparate dolflahta over Lebanon, the Tef Aviv command aald. Syria concede;<! two of its MiGt downed over Lebanon, but said nothlng of the other four. Meanwhile, laraell commandoa 1pearheadln1 a three-day-old .lnvaalon a1aln1t Paleatlnlan 1uerrillu ln !Abanon battled north ~ the Medlierranean couta1 6laliway toMrd Damour, and &raell wUahtpe ahelled the Palesttnian •tronchold 10 miles IOUth of Beirut. Palettlntan broadcast.a cla1med 60l000 Iaraelt troop• were in LeDenon and that they controlled Al' ........ . LONDON ADDRESS -Unde~ a statue pf Britain's Queen .• Elizabeth I, President Reagan addrelaes both houses of Parliament at London's Westminster Hall. In t.he background are two soldiers of the Yeomen of the Guard. President defends 'Britain's battle~ LONDON (AP) -President Reagan won cheera from memben of Parliament today for (1) a dnllna dtfeme at Britain'• filht for the ratk1and Iallnda and (2) a challenge to &Met leader Leonid BTeibnev to llddrea Americana on te1evilion, on condition that "he will allow me the aame opf,Ortunlty with the Soviet people.• Rea1an aao publicly uraed l8rael to "bring ita forces home" from Lebanon. But he offered Israeli Prime Minister Men.chem Begin 1011W: auccor in the war -.atnst Palestinian guerTillu by aaying, ''We~ all. work to stamp out the scour1e of terrorism that in the Middle Eut m'lket war Im ever-preaent threat.'' Proposing a worldwide (See REAGAN, Pase .U) the ISO mdee of htahway runnJnc from the bord"er north to Damour. U.N. officlala eaJd ftve taraeU briaadee plua commando wdtl were ln t.et.non. An braell brisade numbers about 31600 men. The Tel Aviv command said in •nnounclna the do1fl1hta that one of the "MIG P.ilota bailed out oVer Iarael and wu captured and treated for wounds. The lntrulioo of the ~Gs over GaJ.Uee, u well u indkatkml that Syrian artillery batteriet were ahe1llna Iaraeli fCll'CM 1nllde Lebanon. marked an .-ialatlon of Syrian involvement in the ru.tWtlee. larael launched a maaalve invasion Sunday to drive Pales- tinian forces out of southern Lebanon and prevent PLO attWery from ahellina northern Israeli 1ettlementl. The f1lghl of the MiGs over Oalllee WM the tint 1ncunion Into Iaraell alrapace by Arab forces since the 1973 war. The Tel Aviv ccmmand said the MiGt were downed by hraeli interceptors, and an l.arael radio ~rreapondent said tbe MiGa apparently were "crying to att.ck ari hraell army convoy In eouthem Lebanon. (See ISRAELI, Pase il) ludge eyes halting of oil leasing Bd'l'EVE MlTCBBLL ............ U.8. Diatrln Court "Judie ()ynthia Hell WIS to decide today wb.tber to ima:me .n ln)anetlcn ternlJ(ll'llrily hlltlna an ottmo,e oll 1eaie sale tcneduled for Friday that would include tncta of.t ~ Oran&-eo.&. Tlie Judae beard arawnenta from both aldea durins a two-hour beuiDg In Lm Angela Monday, and announced she would make her deci8ion anetime today. • Atmmeya for the Sierra Club and ~ state urged the Jud&e to bnpme a ~ lnjunctkln to ~t 00 LeMe Sale No. 68, acliedWed for 10 a.m.. Fr;day at the Loa An1ele1 Convention C.enter. The sale would include 164 tracts off the Southern Calit9l'Dia cout, includins 10 tractl off Newport and Lacuna 9-:h. La1una Beach joined tbe. Sien'a Club ID It. 1Wt. and both tAtcuna aDd ~ JJeech have joined the l&ate In ltl la'lllUit t In~ Secmary J~ ()ppmaen1a o( the oQ JeMe Ille arpe that riP oft the COlllRJlne would pose a threat to the envVonment ~and tne eccnomlel of COMtal dties. The federal 1overnment arguea the leaae sale could ~te up to 110 million barrels of oil and 242 billion cubk f~ of .... COUNTY JUST TESTING -Suzanne 8lupsky of Newport Beach checks out Orange County's vote-counting machines at the Registrar. of De1J Not f'Mto ttJ ClwtM 8Utr Voteril office in Santa Ma as county officials prepare for today's primary election . After setback Countians ~ Leasehold fighters trooping rip Irvine Company to 'polls B:r STEVE MARBLE or ... o.-,,... ... The 1eeder of the O:mmittee of 4,000 that la fightina Je.wbold policies In Newport 1*ch and lrvlne directed sharp criticism at the Irvine Company Monday aft.er learning her croup had b•en banded i ta aecond courtroom deleet In two weeks. (Related titaey Page Bl). '"lbe Irvine Compuiy la~ behind the First Amendment. committee ie.del' .e.rbara y OUlll charl*i .iter Or~ County su....-Court Jl&dae Linda Hoaet McLauahlin den1ed the committee'• request for an injunetion agalnat the Irvine C'Gnpeny. Youna aid the ~ of the ca.e were swept "under the ca,rpet" becaUM df the Irvine Compeny'a defehle. Last month the committee, made up of people 1euing land from the Irvine Company, WU unsuccellfu1 in a bld to obtain a temporary restraining order against the development firm. The legal fight Mon4ay stemmed from the committee's arsument that the Irvine Company was asking leueholden to sign away rightl to join the committee'• Jaw.uit without preeenting all the facts. Attorneys for both aides agreed that what happened in court Monday la little more than a llklia lldrmWi to tbe looming teruhold court t.ttle. "We're very pleaMd," aaid GN« t.anmm:m. an ateccue)' tot the Irvine Company. "One hM fo be careful about readln1 too much into IOIDe~ lib th.la but I belleYe the 1'ldae didn't eee. much merit 1n tbeif argument." Ray lkolar an attorney for the committee, -.Id bla etlienta had hoped to have the OOUfl step in and approve an future. letters being 1e11t to leaaeholdera by the Irvine Com~_y. . (See LEASEHOLD, Page A!) Texas line requests . t1wo OC flights · By J'REDBBMS SCBOEMEllL or ... o.-,,... .... Add fo the list of air carrien eeeking entry to John WafM Airport Houston-baaed Texas International Alrlins. Orance County 1ovemment oUiclala learned Monday that carrjer -~of.dwMl jet d'parturea now authorised ~~r..=er county airport ·~-;;.. International'• request" wu In a form of a motion to 11.S. Diatrlct Court Judse Terry Hatter Jr. The Judie ia presldlns over a Jaw.uit In wbich ·a county government plan to regulate wbich Qrrien eerve the airport ia being contested. Hatier baa ordered the oountv to develop a ''nondilcriminatory1' acce91 plan that would place aµ carriers on equal footing in =a share of the lucrative _. County *1raVetmarke . Hatter baa previously rejected two attempts by the county to develop plana governing the distribution of flights. ~ things stand today. AirCal operates an averase of 23.5 fllghta from Orange County. Orange C.OUt residents trooped to the polls under typicalJy cloudy early morning June skies today, joining voters in nine other states holding primary elections. ' Polls throughout the state will remain open until 8 p.m. as California voters select party nominees for governor, U.S. senator and .numerous other state, county and local offices. Wl~h a 60 percent voter turnout predicted around the state, Orange. County Registrar of Voters Al Olson wa.s predicting a 57 percent turnout at the county's ~.078 pollina places. Voting th.la morning afttt polls " opened at 7 a.m. wu ~­smoothly and there were no early reports of. probJema, Olson said. Weather for~atera said ~· early mornins cloudiness w give way this~ to mostly sunny skies. 1 Mesa grants / rezoning for condo plans . . The Carta Mesa City Council baa approved a final rewni.ng of property owned by C.J . Segentrom and Sons that will allow half of a 1,155-unit condominium project to be built. The rezoning, approved 4 to 1 Monday with Councilman Ed McFarland casting the no vote, will allow the construction of 581 condomlniumB on 14. acrea at \AdaiiS Avenue and Pinecreek Drive. Another 14 acres owned by Coast ComJnun'ity College District have not yet been approved fol' a final R!JOnlng that will allow up to. 41 units per acre. J If the 1ull rec.iv" 1ucb a elauUloatlon, oth•.-affected NIAdlnta cu Jcim, DrGilA Mid be ~ '° fl!> iarward With the Jela1 try b1. mkl..suly. j ·:,ISRAELI INVASION . • . . . . • 'nw Tel Aviv command UC> Mid WaeU Jetl and artillery .. iiUd lta jeta downed two Syrian blaated the SyrlaJ'·controlled MIGi in northern i.t.oon. '!'he LMien.e town of Jeatn. ~ Syrian command ln Danwcua, -20 dvWuw in the predomlnantlY ccinfinned two of tta MiGtl were Chriadan town. Jemn ii about 12 downed In ~k!!!fbt1 ovet mn. wt of 8'dali. Damour, and an llneli nw MIDIDlmique 8ald "t.tdel • Skyhawk aJao wu abot down. there are llUll IOlna on at tbla 'Israel denied any .of lta p1aMI mmute," fU1P1Un1 that Syrian wu· hit. _ DOlltiom a11io were lbeWnc the Another Syrian ~unique Iar.eba. ~REAGAN SPEECH . . . .~ I promatiorial camJ>lllln fOP liberty May 1972. 'and democracy, Reacan offered Brezhnev wu ac:corded the Brezhnev televialon expo8Ul"e ln same privilege when he spoke the United States and suaetted from Nixon'• Calllon:Ua home at • ._ periodic exchange of televialon· San Clemente during his villt to ·news commentary, to invite .the United Stats In June 1973. Soviet partldpatlon In a peaceful Nixon apoke again ob Soviet .a•competitlon for ideas and radio and televlalon after his · values... final Moecow aummlt ln July . ,. Such an exchange of television 1974. · "•peechea by U::S-. and Soviet Be a g an add re 11 e d tleeden would renew a practice parllamentarlan1 In the eatabl11hed by Brezh,nev and 120-year-old Royal Gallery of •former President Nixon, who the HoUHI of Par)iament, tt)ade an un~ted. addrela 1peeldng from a blue-c:aipeted ~t from the Kremlin after cfai• underneath portrait• of 'a summit meeting In M<a'OW 1n Britiah monarcha. I J • ,, .Man, Wife sentenced to meD.i?l hosjJital A Huntington Harbour husband and wife -both of whom pleaded no contest JMt '•April to sexual mtat:onduct ·:~w1:~~~ aerve part oTthelr 21 year ~tencea in a mentpl bolpt1al .~than pNon. • Both John, 56, and Chrbtl $teen, 30, were declared ~·mentally dCsordered aex · dfendera" Monday by Qi'anae <::gunty· Superior Court Judge MYron Brown. ·'rhe dettpatlon means that the s .... cm be ~t.s by ~trilta in either a atate or ~ ~:1.::!!''!ft. ~ COUD'J mental heelth cUnct.or ........ bil NC(+1Cll!f'IMlatiom to tba court. Accorcllnc to the Jll'UYlllom of a llince-nMled MD60 law under whJcb the Steen c:..e faDa. the couple will remain In a mental hoapUal until tberaplat1 determine they are either cured or not amenable to further treatment. BJ TIM A.111ill ... mill , .~ 1 · ._ ................ ~ tor aamridef '° the ~­pntllon at Pert ..-, • itl ~rOOJMI captund ht1b 1round no.1h _of the . J'alldllftdl C8llAta1 ilnd doied the .,... Oft ... 1,000 Ar.ndne trootll· ' ;. ··11.n anoth•r jump forward, marln• commando• have outflanked the Ara-Uni. north of Stanley," re1>9rted Michael Mlchohon of Britain'• Independen~ Televbion News. "Srina Brttlah l>Qlttlona have now been eatablJ1hed on the mountainl . • . Britiah ... and land fotcea control and move freely' aJona the northern waten of J"aat ,..-alldand and lar1e quanthle1 of 1tore1, 1un1, ammunltion and men have been moved up theft.'~ ' , DINNER FOR TWO -Wlth r0om to spare. Irvine'• Geor~ Vail and hJa fiancee, Luki O'Keefe, b:.~ private dinner ln the cavernous of the Registry Hotel aa .............. ~--ae.n p1anilt Fred Carroll 1et1 a romantic mood. The oocuion waa Mill O'Keefe's birthday. They'll be married.in 'December. In London the Def en14! MJ.ntatry said the British troopl, believed to number 7,500, were "comoJJdatina'' their pollidon and ''patrolllng f«Ward territory.'' Supervisor I lb; Riley averts panel censor~ By DAVID ltUTZMANN °' .. Dllf ........ Supervlaor Thomu Biley'• bld for re-election narrowly averted an officlal last minu1e oemure by the Oranp County Fair Campaign .Practices Commiuion today -on a technlcallty. Biley, in whose name an lnlccurate computer letter was. malled out 1ut week to voters ln $an Juan Caplattano, WU judged by the comml11ion to be In violation of county election lawa. The panel's vote WU 2·1, with oommilaloner Michael Watklna, a Biley appointee, al:MJtalning. A fifth seat on the ocrnmiMon ii vacant. , Several houri after the vote, however, the county couneel's office lllued an opinion that the vote was unofficlal beca~ three votes were needed to carry the motion. ''There's really nothln8 more we can do about it," Commlwi.rft ChalrwomaD Joan Riddle said of the atu.a.tklnMonday att.emoon. If the vote had been deerwwd offic.lal, the commi.ion't ftndtnp would have been forwarded to ttie Oran1e County Dlttrlct Intimate feast Ar1entlna Hid its patrol• routed British unit8 Jaytnc alep to S-1ey and 8l!!lzed abenctnnid :=ment for the second Couple share. empty ballroo!D tday. An Araentine communique alao clall'Ded antl-alrcralt fire Monday, but the communique did not mention damage or ~ties. • By JOEL C. DON °' .. ...., ........ Georae P . Vall of Irvine decided he wanted a bit' of privacy for a aurprile birthday dinner for hla fiancee Monday. With literally. plenty of room to 1pare, Vall and Luki O'Keefe, alto of 'Irvine, were the sole ! . Cancer claims gueRI at a *1naLe table in the center of the R,eptry Hotel'•, 7 ,200-aquare-h>ot Gr•nd Ballroom. . "I just thought It would be a L · ff· 11 unique way to say happy aguna I s birthday," said Vall, who wodu N~~ :1tant for a man declared "l really wanted to keep it . ~=~~~· sex offender Wbile Rept_ry pianlat ~ A Laguna Hil-11 aerospace Carro 11 offered mu ale a 1 eD8lneet' convicted of 18 felony t accompaniment, the eouple oounta 1n a cblld 1eX atiu.e ca. f..ned on a dinner of caviar, baa been dec:1ared a "mentally eacargot, mimoaa aalad, veal dl8ordered .ex offender." 'prtntemere and coupe~. a However, on the baal• of_ de..ert of vUll1la Sc cream. kiwi expert testimony offered fruit, 1trawberrlea, whipped Monday in Orange County . c r e a m t o p p e d w i t h a ' Superior Court. It ii unlikely that chocolate-covered strawberry. defendant Rcnald '!Qnptad, 60, Tbeit wine selection lncluded could be cured lf Im\ to a state champa1ne and a domestic mental holpita1 for treatmenL HB boy, 12 A funeral service will be conduct.ed Wedne9day f« Brad Senn, a 12-year.-<>ld student at Circle View School ln Huntington Beach, who died Monday alter a Iona bout with cancer. 'Ibe service will begin at 3:30 p .. m. at the ConunJmlty United Methodi1t Church, 6662 Hell Ave., Huntlngton Beech. Burial will follow at Weatminater Memorial Park. He la IW'Vived by hla mother, Merry-Lee Senn; his father, l'Jan" Senn; h1a lilter, Bolly; a.ad. hil brother, Darren. Friend, may call at the famUy home or Westminster Memorial Park. Cbardcnnay. hwteld. ~ could face a n,e evening'• bUl of fare waa lengthy state pn,oo term when designed b-y Judy Fenn, the he returns to Judge Everett hotel'• caterins 8el'Yioe9 manaaeJ", Dickey'• courtroom oo July 8 for with the aid of chef Maurice 1entendni procedUtt. SteahlL The gray-haired defendant Tbouah the price -for Cbe .... found ,uilty of cbarpa in ro0m nma P.000. Jda. ~ aid arty April that included rape. Vail w.. ~ • apec.;.al tate incls&t·dilld molatatioo, lewd beca'* the ~ a&o teellJ!ed condUd,' wife beednc and child her JooaUme faQtaay. bea_!~:..---..,..--.,.....-...,...- Attomey'aoffice. . 'Ille vote probably would have . ---------~ ... -----..-""'!-'"!"'---~~---~.~~--~~~~ been moot anyway,~ said, linoe ,Biley opponent Al Arps already filed a complaint with the dlltrict atuney'a office. Crack into a.t plate of hot, steaming crab legs. Try a generous sei:ving of our new spiced cold boiled shrimp. Or our (amous POpcomQt shnmp. And then do it again! · It's all you can eat. Every day of the ~eek. . Each s~al is served with your cho1ce of a cnsp t~ salad or cole slaw, baked potato or rice pilaf, and another fayoritt!• sourdough bread. SACRAMENTO -Tbe PBI:• whlte-collar-crlme unit la lnvesUfia*"'I a paililble mult1m111Jon dollar check kitlnl lldw tn\iolvtnc ntumed checlca at 1everal •tat.a bankl. tncbedtne Lloyds Bank of California and Imperlal s.nmn>. offldala aaid. Denn.Ill Joyce, head of the FBI'• white-collar unit ln Sacramento, said the probe Involves In\eJTnOdal Export. • ~to expon-lmyort f1rm that allo o.-.• under the name Int.ex corp. Chtck kitlna Nfen to a wide rartp Of IChemel ID wh6ch fUnda are depoll\ed with chtckl drawn on accounta at other bMb that have lnl\.lffk:lent funda ln them to COYel' the checka. The funda are then Withdrawn btfore the checks have a ~ to clear. Author, critic Rexroth succuiubs SANT A BARBARA -Services wlll be conductM at 10 a.m. Friday at Qannel Catholic Church In suburban Monteclto for Kenneth Bexroth. a poet, critic, painter and godfather of the ·"Beat Generation" who died of a hM.rt ailment at the•of 76. · Rexroth, who bad written an autoblolJ'aphic novel and had ~ at work about a Y'*f on a second volume, had received natlonal and international awards for hll pPetry. He had exhibited his pai!itineJ at one-man abows lhroulbout the Un.tted States and ln Parla and had studied at the New School. the Ar1I Studentm' t.e.cue and ~e Art Institute in auc..>. I ... .. . ~ Zurich consulates ~ bombed ZURICH. Swtu.erland -Bombs expJoded at the U .S. and IaraeU consulates before dawn today, caUllna minor damage but inJu.rtni no one, police said. The two bombs went off about 40 minutes ) . apart at the two tM10cti~whkh are about 500 yards apart. Police said wen placed at the entrancel of the comulat.ee, welahed 1-than half a pound ach and did about $5,000 clump wh. No one dabbed rwpamlbility f« the bi.ta. ...,. Hungarian premier flays U.S. BUDAPEST, Hungary -Premier Gyeorgy Laar opened an eoooomic IUDllDit of the Soviet blOc pww1a today, remtndlne deleptes of the UJftld ._.Jed effort to restrict trade and credia to the ~ t1nton and ita allies. l In hia openiq remarlu to the 10-natlon Council of Mutual J:conomlc Alalatance, or Wmt.em trade ia ~t to() tha ~ b1oC countries because tney need to r~pay a hard-cun:eney debt e.Umated at more than t80 billion. . ~ ~ Hunpian prmmr• aaid the ''most Queen Mother's copter has trouble WINDSOR, »>gland -A royal helicopter He aaid the 81-~ mother of Queen carrylJll the Queen Mother lliJ.abeth made an 12.lzabeth n WM not hurt. ~landing today in a polo fieJd in Gr.t . A lpl'k._,.,, laid the red W--. beUoopCer ult west of London, a royal spokesman came doWn 800ll after takeoff from W1ndlor c.tJe reported. when it deve1oped "a technical fault." policy when she u1d the United Sta .. hM be8n Impotent ln the U.N. and baa bem ~ .•. ~an • Mid Hatter bmlt." · J'WdlDiad Wlldo Dlalila J , "'l'lw a.t lin~ Wbo .. t mUch ol bM. ~·.o -liirnebody ... 18'deild at tJ.e • oi eo. Dlmara died Monday at W• AnabelJD Comaaunlty ~~ aft.er auu.nn, • Man • 4t hla home, nl1M aupervlaor TheJWa GnzkA laid. I At various timel dwina hli life, Demara llwd M • ~ monk. a doctOr of ~. a dean of the achooi Of phJJmophy 'ta small colle1e-in Penrwylvanla. a law ltudent, a aoology 1raduate, a career neeercber, a teacher at a Junior collep in Maine, a IW'poll ln the Ror.al Canadian Navy, an aaa 1tant warden at a Teua pNooand a ~in ....... vma,e. HIS exploits led to chai'ps aolnlt him for fraiid. .., .. ,. dieft, embeulemlmt. ,...eldna arrest, va1rancy and paWlc d.runbnnem. u ......... RIDING OFF -Queen Elizabeth II and President Ronald Reagan, riding off together on grounda of Windaor Castle thia morning. After ..ch o( bll variow ""' w• expmed, ~ would le low undl the~ ..... f ubllclty iubild.cl 6ef~e ~ MYf life bl a new I In 1980, actor J:1J; Curil• .. nnect Demara"• ~m • • movie "The Gniat Im~." Tb'.e liorSy set ne:.mra always Ir ahted that the film and the book upcm ~ which it was baaed were enaneow, IPl DI'. JobD J. 1.-ie of Anaheim, hi• pby1lcia11. Demara .._ newr happy in ey ol bJa deceptiom and WM alwap Reagan, queen enjoy a ride • BY BUGH A. MUWGAN I# ........ Cerri I' I llllRI WINDSOR. En&Jand -With more cameras grinding than when he rode off into the Hollywood sumet with Custer's cavalry, President Ronald Reagan went foc a canter with Queen Elizabeth n today_ 1n the ~~ Home Park of Windler '1be royal Master of the Hone put the president aboard an 8-year-old stallion named Centennial, a Ii.ft tO the ~ from the Royal-Canadian Molmted PoUce. The queen rode 20-year-old eum.e, her favorite ....,, the bane that did not flinch =--==:.~~ tbil C.olor cm~ In IAIDc1GD lllt 1'9l'· • 'Ibe queen aet a leilunlY. ... tor the hour~:,:!.,:ornf DI canter, \mllb I. who u'8Cl to wear out hones and outriden pUoprc tn thll andent buntmc pound of Saxm and. ~ ::&., up tn the royal mewt, the party let off lnto a mld-mornlnt milt for the eiabHllOe trot. . At the Man. right behind came Nancy Beaon beini dr1Wln In a Cl*h..md-lou.r by the ~:-bulbend, Prince Pbllip. Behind ___ ..._ ... them were two of the queen's equerries on boraea a-nd two secret servicemen saddled up with radios sticking out o( their ~h~ned the carriage .-outh towards A8cot race coune while the queen and president, followed by their•lll!CW'ity eeoort, trotted off into the 740-acre Home Park, private grounds Wh.icb Prince Albert set ~ IO that he, like Charle8 Il, could 10 swtmmina ln the edjaoent Rlwr Thames. Ju the prelldeot and die:~ rode along the benkl ol a Ciim1 . set by the Thamee, off in the livtnc in fear of beinC clilcavered, dJiNnce loomed the twin towen Zane aaid. Of Etqri C.olJeee chapel and the f.M yet, he blMned his own steeple of Stoke-P<>1es. where ~pride and rMhiM!M fer wh rwe 'l'homM Gray let lUI ''Eleo in a that .... uncownd. Zane added. Country Chwdlyard," wamlnl After 1959, Demara Uwd only that the path of gby lelda but to by hl1 own identity, but it the lfllW. seemed to bring him alight "How do you like your honer comfort. a reporter called out to the prealdeot. "Beautiful,'' he feplled. Alked If it rode well, he said yes and hUlllOl'OWly rQllde a feint aa lf to jµmo the barrier llepanltina tbe royal polle fnllD the 1 &0 came.ramen aud ~president, In an ~··· Ucb& tweed jlcket pun And bootl, uaed .an ndllw lladdle, Do hll aaddie beck home on h1a Santa Blrbara ranch. The queen ln a c:t.emed woollen jacket and joAp&ra and boota had a ICU'f llQIDd her hair. Several hundred tourlata peeked throuch the perk pt.e at ihe nat unuaual ridinC party to come out of the West since Buffalo Bill brought hil troop lo Wl:nd9or to perform for QUeen Vlct.oria. . '1be Reagans awoke their first morning ln Windsor' Calt1e to the aounda of rooks acreamlna around the battlement8 of the famow Bound Tower ....-nd the. fragrance of giant yellow tea l'Cl9ll pvwing ~the 1q ago filled-In ClMtJe moat. The blrd1on1 waa aoon drowned out by the thunder of jumbo Jeta taki~I off from nearby Re.throw Airport which opem its n10waya at 7:30 a.m. after a ntptly curfew. WiDdlar Castle definitely bu a noise poUuUon~ Tbe flnt U .S. tint family eYet to be owmilht ~ of the •overet1n at Windsor, the a..,ana will spend a MCOnd nteiht ilia the 1,....... Tower, the .-i'• private apu11Daltl. Viejo driver guilty in boy's death A Mimion Viej> mJi pleaded suilty Mandey to mamlau&h• and felony drunken drlvJng ~ in connection with the cht6 lalk imrcb' ol a 4-year-old Santa Ana bay who WM struck• he waited flor u Ice creem truck. DefendcU WDUam Rowan. 53, WU"""' a tm.-yeer tenn ln state pri8an by Orance County Superior Court Judie Lula CardmM after be bad entered bis guilty pie-. Bowm CCJUld have received a maximum of four years In~ Hia case had attract~d considerable count7wide attention becauae ol bla DNYicu record of drunken driving convictions. Row'an WM aca-' of betna the driver of a car which ldlleCl YOUDI David Gunderman Lut March 20 wblle the J'Q",,,.... ,,.. ~ CJD • mat CXJrDlt' ,,...._ fGr an Ice~ triidl: to' oame. J The bOy'• mother, Saiunnt Guudam ol s.nta ADI. llid · after MODila7'1 court ~ · that ihe wu up119t •ltti ~ lerWtb o( ~·· ........ 1 'Mn.~~ ou1llde c.nllDil' CXU1roGm. lbtwmledto .. tbe -the lWl fQur-.... • A ~ p-. oflloar la ~ _.. "Y"'9 to pt-' the If*' OI a .......... ........ " H..-........ a oonQlll8- tlon ... he .,... Illa )Mp and la reacuad by a ~ feMlly who cannot ~Englleft. I "'*"'a MD ••••INPORT MNllC 01 OL PAlmNG .. ...., In__.. (I) , .... MMAJINI • ..,..,. ..... IT TOf•IT' An IMln4IW SOUi. ante 11iUNT1 OuMt: "°Ya.ti. (C)MCMI * • ._. "Pulp .. (19721 Mlet\MI Clllne, Mlctla, ~-A Mady wrtt. la ... by ........ ...,to . .__. ......... ._· ;:~ eutolllogilPfty. (IS.> 1"I WAY fT WA8 • "*IWOfLD ...... IOITONIM•YL Q.IYILMD llDANI ..... DCANIWD WON A Ulant9d troupe of )'OUllO dramM JOln Gwlrl V•don In a mUllc9I Nlllte lo IN beat of Bl'oec!W9y. 8-.TMA~ Wocindad fl"lllnler -... Kid. ..... by!. ..... ~.~· ...... -let ,..,.,.,.,... .. ....,__.,,.,... , ... • LAYIMl&ltMUY -& 00tll1Nf'I ~ and lt*tly pecil "'* bllOI tor • "°'** ....... ~ • .W.CINLA. ..... ......,. .... ,_ e 1CNXT ccas1 .... ,. .•. " . • .J. beoomel • -.. ........ ~~ ... ttle~~­.... tNdk:lil llllltlnOI '°''*'*"*· I <I> T1C TNJ DOUGH MNJNlll-1~ ~ • WHIMTHIM'I A Wit.&. THrM'IAWAY TllrM IPP'CMICMe to PfO- \lldlng cerelt ltalnlng and ~· '°' handlo ~ ~"'.,. .... mined. 0 YOU AINCID ftOft If '••turlid: ''TM ,amity Membeta Al• Wiid Anl- mala" and "Bl'azll'e VOC>- dQo Wlglc." aro • AHNOUNCm (JI) WHAT ON fMTH Onon ....,, llOeCS ttlla IMt1**!, IKt-fllled ld-anoe--. (D)MllBAU. Au.nta 9f.vee at LOI ~Oodger'I ())~ ....... o.t In ..... lodl good, and .... .... with Ihle pflyllclll flmela proinm. 7:110 NOTE:~Y . IOtBUl.ID ~WllL­"""""1'11>.., a.ecmoN~ • IA.TUN>iAY .iat.r Hoet: St-Mllr1tn. Oues1: VlnMon19cn. • a&CTIOM COVUAGIE • MCNil •• * "In Liii• Flint" (1987) ..-. Coelum, LM J. CoOC>. The ,..,..., '*" Flitt lo thwwt • oroupotlllNM~ ..... • MOYIR * * • • "Cttlnalown" (197•) Jedi Nldl~ ,. ~. Durtno ... 1.,., • prMW -.cuw ln\!1 ...... --r...-• .,.. "' oorrup-lorl. ............ • MOYIR .... ...... Mountain'' ( tt1ft A ~ Potfi 11'& 1 ~•taboo on.,. .,..... IMtlt 9'ouncl and .,...,. • """*"·· curM. •~ux. "Caet lfon ICIMar'' Btt.n and hll men •• ~ of•~wfloll ..,..., ... ,llllCI with a new /MlhOd "' atrectlnO ... ~ from bombl. ~~~Q "Selmon On The lb!" T"9 ~ and Clelelmll ... lon of Nimon .,. c.ptlnd In -~OltMnllle ,_ ... tnu.con- -.,....... ecoil0fl16c ~~ Ind GClllMl¥11iofl. w 1111·•·•·" ,..,.... .... ..... hlnllllfto ...... .... ........ lnloWancl Klines ,....... by lt!Ort· ..,.,...,, (D) ~TV (J) Z·TV (I) HBO CCI CCIMfNllll (f) (~lttY.,tf.Y. e cwres1 ... ~ eKN8CCH9CI e KTLA (Ind.I e)<Aae tMC> •UM8((UI e t<KJ·'N Und.> e KCST (AKI e tCTTV (Ind.) 'e KGOP-1V Clnd.> • l((Ef (Pes) , (I) CESflHI eecocecHI> Cl> C!ihowtlmal • ~lkilt ~. <c....NeW1Jht-et> KABC (7) 8:00. KNXT (2). KNBC (4) 8:30. KOCE (50) 9 :00 -Electlo~ Coveraae. KTTV (11) 8;00 -r "Chinatown:• Jack Nlcholaon u private eye ii led Into a complex case by femme fatale Faye Dunaway. . K<?ET (28) 9:00 -110ppenhelmer.0 After the f lrat 1\.loceuf ul test. plana ~ finalized tor the UM of the atomic bomb. ()) fllOfMNOe LOYI AT 1'49 CM lll'IOAOS CPwt i) .... lt't'd•••d••'• .•.•.... ,, . ., ... -MDRl•m- reb\lllt after 1uch .P1twar mnu u .,._..PM ao.'!J1~" UMI 11au. ....., wt the·ltaliaft aim~ 0(\ 1M ~ank1 to 1enerou1 1overnment "'..... dwlp llboi' anil. • J)OltWU' movte Cl'Ut the ltUcilo boamld . tn the • 100.. JUt th. bubble bunt lft the ·eo.. when IU'lk• ~ the Itta.; Tbil y.r_ the word ~ that ltribe weN ~. that the dollar WM •Plftdatina qa1nlt the Ura. and that Inflation wH belna brouc~t under controJ. Th• aovemment ~oied $80 mllUon tn Hay. credlta to the mm lndu.try. And ltalWl TV viewen pww dluochanttd whh old movlH p.in&:tuated with commerda1I. "Tb. public bu finally ltaned to tum lta bllCk en home ~ prosrama." aid Carmine Clantaranl, pr9111dent of the lta.UID motion pkture llllOdatlon, ln an lnt.er'Ytew. 'llfbe diet of old f•ture tihm reillUed time and ap1n en private TV statlonl hU finally ov.....turated the TV eudJence, and people want to pt out and .. new tilml.'' C.Ul42-H7t. Put • te,., word• to work for ou. * 8ARGAIN MATIN•••• MondlW thru l1turc11y AL IS H (R) DR.IVE-!81 OHN NIGHTLY AT 7:a CMdren Under 12 FREE Uni~• Noted All Performenc•• befON 1:00 PM .(blltlt .,.. -···--......,., ...-TAR TMK It newu'"OPawr.,... . ,.....,.,_ ............ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "llOCltY. ....... ,._ ............... a.11 .... . ... ...... BUENA PARK "'"' ~t lh -.oM'W"'I"• .............. "ROCICYr .. ; ........... ,.. .... ""' 111TAR TMK I: ntm WMTM OP IOWr ._ ---....... -.- '"PAMDtU" . -.-.-CR> "DU!!! .,.. r <a> _.,._ ~are lnvolv.d Yields up on securities WASHINO'OON (AP) -Yleldl on lboni-term Trea1U9' lleCW'iU. thla week are moderately ,h.taher ·-at tnelr hishelt polnt alnce mid-May.~ ..ry. The aovemroent ..ys lt auctioned about"5 blll1on ln ab<-rponth T-bllla Monday at an ·~ dt.count rate of 12.117 percent. up from the 11.~9 percent of May 28, and about $6 bilUorl ln ~month bWa at an average rate of 12.074 percent, up from u .02 P"rceJlt. Bea1nn1n.a today, finandal lnatitutioriis m.y pay .. much u 12.317 pe.l't'eDt intettst on $10,000-mlnlmum aix-month money market c:ertif.icat.ee; S&L9 may pay u much u 12.074 percent. and cornmerdal ban.lea u much -at 11 1824 percent on $7,600-mihimum three-month cenwca~ S&Le may pay as much as t• percent a.nd commercial banka u much aa• 13.76 pe~t on 2~-yee.r "itball-saver" oertificates; and tax-exempt1, one-year "all·IJaVeJl" certlficates iasued through .Tune 12 will pay 9.87 percent interest when held to maturity. ' I Firm's e~ings down Nuclear Medical Systema, Inc. of Newport Beach has reported higher revenues b'\Jt lower eam1nga for the quarter. - Revenues grew from $1,355,050 a year ago to $2,058,9~ while eaminga per share fell from 3 cents to 1 oent. The company attributed the difference to -acquisition of Medex, a cl1nicaJ laboratory, and k9es by affiliated companies. · Newport Gorp. earnings rise The Newport Corp. of Fouatain Valley has .reported higher eam.lnga for the quarter of $978,467, or 42 cents per ah.are, u compared to $660,182, or~ cents, for the period a year ago. F.amings for the nine months~ April 30 were $2,673,900, or $1.14, an increue from $1,925,937, or 83 cents fpr the oorrespondlng perlod in lj81. The firm is a manufacturer of laboratory equipment and components .. Bank reorganizing Westlanda Bank of Santa Ana annowil?led that ita reorganization u a one-bank holding company baa become effective. The bank ha& become a wholly owned subsidiary of Westland• Diversified Bancorp Inc., and lh~ outat.andlng shares of common stock o1 the bank have ..been automatically conveTted on a one-share-for-one-share basis into shares of the holding company. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK tAPI'-Nl:W 't'OftK CAP)-NEW YOjlllC(AI') F1M1 ~ .,._ a....~. pnce Md Mt cNinoe qr fornoc~· .Aft. 1. • • · IN lift_, moet ~ 'Ne;or YorV 8todi ... behenge 11_., tradlno natlonalty 11 °""' ..._ '-Olla Cllil -1t1e11 St ao 1ne1 eara.ta.IOf.tll mM ...._ o.tS u=~ -. . 20 Tf'ft 114.12 J19A7 Ill.JI JM.515-'-o.JI IBM IZA,JllO M -14 1S \Ill 110.12 111..ot 10U1 ltl.41-I.IC Mttll'wt11 7et.oll0a ll'lt + ._ '5 $111 ma tlUS JIUS lti.12-0-P CUie.s-W.llf .... -14 Indus U74.* Arnef'T&T m..-SIY, +.. Tren ::::.:·:.:·:.:·:.:·::::::: ,,, ..... E•-'-.. ~ '27Jtl . •••. UJlb , ................. ,... Ut,• ~,.... a ~.-'1 -'Ii 6S SU. .... .. ... .. .. .. ... • ... . l ,Oll.-E • ii !§ ~·! WHAT STOCKS DID E~ MS.IC» .aft + ._ lflt :n:: = .!:t m.-"" Gift.. fH,!00 ~ :_::~ AMERICAN LEADERS N~ YOAK IAP) -8-, Monday, HEW YORK (AP) JIA 1 T-g -... ..,, s 177 a~oe:::~ ... ~ nltlonlly at~ 9'11111=1 _,.T -A OfU OOINl'ln 111,.,,. -~ NEW YORI< CAP) Jun. 1 r.:= II i::: t4 :.:·" ~.CMllY "'"1· ::.:&~ ..... ~"' +" Mv-..J "' 1 , . ::_ -= jj.., :,." DKllMd ~ ~ _.., -~ ---¥::::. '"'~ 71.--.-~" cM 0 ... .. .:.:·w; ..... "'°"' > ............. . Intl..... ..... ... ..... "-*"' ,, • OllefOW 11 ._,_ 14.. -.. N~ 'l'OflK (AP) -Spot 11onf.,_ _....,..lldet: COLLEGE OR PROS? -Outfielder~ Sliwinlki, drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays in the third round of 1ecQndary phHe of Monday'• Major League baseball draft, led range Coast college to the South Coast ~ ............... "..,~ Conference championship and into the state tournament. Sliwinski, who would like to turn pro, baa al.lo s1gned a letter of intent to attend Cal State Fullerton in the tan: wa.L. IUWINIU •YI he,wun't mature or ~ to make t,he .,., ~ to the P'C?' ~y Mtu.t. Colch MlD Mayne, IM9nwblle, malntalnl it ... 8Uwlnlki'1 loyalty -~ that kept h1m at COiit. . '-n. IOyalty factOio lP • JC b.n it not the ~.i,0 lidml11Ma~.11But he r-9<1 up belna ctraiwd four dmll to ttay at OCC.' Sliwtr.ki jult w11n't ano\her player on the Duct' rQMI'. No llr, he wM much more to the club than jwt another number. SUwlNki WM the one that heJd the Pirates tofl'her. He WM the oil that ~ all .t.M. pu1a of the macbJ.ne ~k'.~ly. "lt'1 r.ny not what he did ph)'llcally, becaUle he didn't have the kind of sreat leUOn he'• capable Of haW.,,'' •YI Mayne. "But It WU from a mental ltaftdpdnt that be helped the most. "BE WAS THE 1UY who held everyth1na toeeth«, who puabed the ball club and helped me ooech. He II one of the finest prospect. In the county. Not just becaUle of hJI physical attributes, but rm talk1hl of hll lntanafblee u well ... th1ll8I like chlncter, i>rlde ~ poUie!' The 1982 Pf.ratea were talented, but they wen allo Youns .and not really expected to show mueh thil aeucm. The 8UCI 1urpiiled a lot . of people ~ by wlMlba the South COMt Conference champAomhfp d • epoC In the state playoffs. It WM ln the ltate playotta, bOwever', that OCC'1 youth 1howed. l'reihmen who were pound1na the ball durina the recu1ar -.i found out their bAtl were 40 pounds beevier' In the playoffl. . • Jt. a result, the Buel, the tournament'• No. 1 eeed, went out after only three pines. "WE'RE ALL dilappolnted, but we had a great year," •YI Sliwinald. ''The way we plaY1fl all year it didn't aeem ~ for UI to go out that way . . . but all we really had were two bAd prnes ou\ of 40." zone Riiey hopes ·the F oruni will be 7 6ers' fin al resting place . . J . lb CURT SEBDEN . managed to pull to within one pine of the NBA ftm bait with an 8-of-9 ettort over the final 24 qr .. Dllr,....... clwnllionahlJ>. · minutes. "We only have to Win one game in L.A. INGLEWOOD -& Laken Co.ch Pat Riley Coech Billy Cwmingham'• 78en, meenwbile, and hopefully that game will be 'l'ue9day." wu making the usual "Walt 'W Tuesday" and decided the Lakera mu1t have been dolna Wbetber or not a -purpar'ted Laker mne had "'We'll be beck" ~ta followina hil teem'• aomethlna rlaht In taldnc a oommandtng 3-1 edp lo anytblna to do with it, EMn, went ICOl"elem for the 'embarruafng defeat. lo the Philadelphia 76en 0 TV t ""ht ( tint 22 mlnutea of Sunday'• pme. Sunday, be ~Y have .Upped up. n on.v "It .,.. one of~ Sundays when I woke up He alto may have hit the buttm that will channel 2 at 6 too late," be aid afterward. "Fortunately, I ..... ~1 the Leken to the1f third NBA championship • · able to wake Up ta tbe tecond half." whm he noted: ''Our emotkJna will be hllh but we the Mrie1, ao they •topped complalnlna and Jabber, meanwhile, fl1ure1 to Improve · will be u home In our comfort JIODe." ' followed aait. / oomlderably on bis llx·polnt atiowtna. ' Of coww, 31 pointl from iuard Andrew Toney Tbe 1lllt Ume the 7-2 veteran Wiii kePt out of Indeed. • the Lek.en and 78en pnpue for and a eecood'half ~ by Juliut Ervtnf, not the double ~ cateaor)' Wiii bllCk In 1~7 when pme lix of their best«~ dwn'*'::1.E.... to mention • mere ax pomta from Labl' center he bad to ave the ODenlna pme of the leUOn hen tanilbt (6), both teem to be quite cr1.able Kareem Abdul...Jabl:Ju' didn't hurt the 76en In their with two pomta and a broken nlnd which came Into with a IDne-ccmet.ck bid. cant.ct wtth ~t Beman'• jaw. Amona the awiy Whlltiet which delaJed Whde the Laken may be 1n their comfort 1ene ·~took adftnt.189 of our miltakel and we Sunday's 135-102 76er victory were teclmical foull toolght at the Fon.am, the 7&n have to lt1l1 be bt our potle," JIJ>bar said ot Sunday's defeat. aplDlt both teama f'or Uling a1Jeied 'zone defema feeUna the momentum that helped them put ui "It WMn't a cue of tak1na CW' leliea lead for The Laken have ~ to get where they NBA champ6omblp teriea recarcf 81 pointa m the grmted," added guard Nonn Nixon, whoee fut _. today dapite the cbargea by many i.JDI that ICOl'eboud 1n the wmd half &md.:y. break bucketl in the third and fourth pines at the tbeJ .often employ auch an tlliegal defeme. Even at wnm eeriel II far tram <YllW," noeed Ervtoa, Forum provided the Laken with what WU • the dolt of ui occaaional technical foul, they have who oft.et 1 2-for-10 !hoodD& performance ip the comfonaDle cwhion. Baseball tabs 10 area stars Romine, Jongewaard go first co.chee. I a1IO heard from others that hew• kind that aot you ceady to move on; that he ... • pro style and that'• what I liked." COUNTERS MAYNE: "He wanted to i.ril game. He wanted to play pro t.11. that'• Why came here. I know I probably lbouldn't be• thll. but tchool wu leCOndary to him. He wanted sign and play pro ball fl.nt. 'nlat W81 his dnmn. "But he never a1acked off. l:le went to which tel1I you aometh1na about the kind of p Kevin ii." SUwlnlkl meant a lot to Mayne, but be w even more valuable to bis teemmata. "Kevin ball been a t.remendow Jnfiuenoe me," contendl irelhman Tom Du.uan. "I only n when I'm a aophomcn I can help IOlneane like helped me." "I UK.ED BEING being able to help out," adml Sliwinlkl. '4When we lolt to Laney In the lta playoff.a 1ut year Mayne w~ over to me and 18.id, 'You're my leeder.' "Helping the freshmen took a lot of ~ off me. Ii' helped me from not~ catJCht up J,g m)'9elf. I jult remember when I wu a treahman, there were no 10phomorea who really helped ~ when I needed lt. l waan't about tlflet that happd. when I became a 10phomcft. I wanted to glve the freshmen IOl1'lethlng that I bad mi.ed out Oil." ~ "Kevin could have been a taker thil -.i and uaed our }>rograrn aa a atepplni stone to a four-~ echolarshfp or a pro oonir.ct. but he didn't, .. ~ (See SLIWINSltl, Page 87) · "l 1 By Tlae A11ocJated Pre11 braeU jeta downed aJx Syrian MIGs today, two over the Galilee realon of northern Israel and four In two separate dogfi&hta o~er Lebanon, the T el Aviv command said. Syria conceded two of Us MiOs downed over Lebanon, but said nothing of the other four. Meanwhile, Israeli commandos apearheadlna a three-day-old lnvaalon aaalnlt Paleatlnlan guerrilla• In Lebanon battled north ~ the MedJ~ OOMtal hlahway toward Damour, and laraeli warahipe ahelled the Paleatlhla.n stronsJ\Old 10 mtlea south of Beirut. PalesUnlan broadcuta claimed 60,000 Iaraell troop1 were in Lebanon and that they controlled ., ............ LONDON ADDR~ -Under a statue of Britain's Queen Elizabeth I, President Reagan addreMes both houses of Parliament at London's Westminstel"'Hall. In the beckgro&md are two soldiers of the Yeomen of the Guard. .Presid'ent Hef ends . ., LONDON· (AP) -President Reagan won cheer• from members of Parliament today for ( 1) a rlnClDI defeme of Britain:a fi,ht foe the Falkland Ialanda and (2) a challenge to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev to eddrell Americans on televilion, on condition that "he will allow "'L_the aame opportunity with the~et people." Reaaan also publicly urged la-eel to "bring ita forces home" from Lebanon. But he offered lm'aell Prime Minister Menachem Besin-aome suocor In the war against Palestinian guerrillas by saying, "We must all work to •tamp out the 1oourge of terrorism that In the Middle F.ut makes war an eve r.present threat." Proposi9g a worldwi de (See REAGAN, Pase A%) the 60 milel of ~way~ from the borcfer north so Damour. U.N. ottldala aid five llrMU bricldel plua commando unitl were In Lebu\on. An braeU brlaade number• about 3,600 men. , The Tel Aviv command Mid ln .announctn1 the do1flaht1 that one of the MiG pUota bailed out over Iarael and wu captured and treated for wounda. 'The intrusion of the MiGe over Galilee, u well u lndk:ationl that S~an artillery batteries w*e shelling Israeli fon:ee 1nskle Lebanon. marked Ul eecalaUon of Syrian involvement ln the hastWUea. larael launched a maa1ive invuion Sunday to drive Pala- tlnlan forces out of 1outhern JUST TESTING -. Suzanne Slupsky o f Newport Beach checks out Orange County's vote-counting inachines at the Registrar of Voters office in Sa nta Ana as county officials prepare for today 's primary election. Lfbanon and prevent PLO After setback ~ 'from sbelllJ\8 northern Couiltians llraell aettlemienta. . \ . Le,~ehold. fighters trooping The fliaht of the Ml.Os over Galllee WU the first iDcundon into laraeU ainpace by Arab forces since the 1973 war. 'The Tel A vlv command said the MKls- w ere downed by hraeli Interceptors, and an llnel ndio correspondent said the MIGs ·rip Irvine C~mpany to polls apparently were tryblg to attack I an laraell army convoy in By STEVE MARBLE aouthem Lebanon. or-.. o.11r,.. .. (See ISRAELI. Pace A%) The leader of the Committee of ~ 4,000 tt..t la fighting leueboJd polidM In N~ 1ieacb and Irvine d1rec:ted sharp crltldmn at the Ir~ine COmpany Monday after learning her group had been handed t ti aecond courtroom defeat In two weeks. (Related story Pace Bl). Judge eyes ·halting of oil leasing By IT&V& Mm*C1' °' .... ,... .... .Uf:~rla\ Coa&.rt J&tdi• Cyra Wiii to dedde &Qdiy w~ to lmpcm an~ temDCftril)' baHin.1•• llD ~61bou oil ieaae aale aclieduled for Friday that would lndude nets ol1 the Oranee c.o.t. • The judge heard arswnenta from botn aidu during • two-hour heartJur ln Loe Anaelea Monday, and announced she would mak~ her dechion aometlme today. ~~~~~ cmnmlUee ~~Buben Youna cbarsed after Or~-crnty ~~d:biecs~ committee'• requHt for an lnjunctJon againat the Irvine 0-~y. Y ounc aaid the tac.11 ot the ca1e were awe]>t "under the carpet" becawie of the Irvine Ccimpany'1 defeme. Lut month the committee, made up of people 1eutng land from the Irvine c.ompany, WU u.nsuccemful In a bid to obtain a r. temporary res training order against the development firm. The legal fiaht Monday stemmed from the committee's argume nt that the Irvine Company waa asking leueholden to sign away rights to join the conu:nlttee's lawsuit without preeenting all the facta. Attorneys for both aides 8"'eed that what happened in mutt Monday is little more than a ._ ak1nnilh to the looming Je I Wbold court battle. "We're very pleased," aald ~an dllCney f« the IrYlDe c.ompany. ·-one has to be careful about reading toO much Into 10methinc 11.ke du. but I belMW the 1'.ida'e dJdn't .ee much merit in their" ~t." Ray lkola. Ul attorney for the commltt.ee, aaid his cliehtl had hoped to )lave the COW"l tt.ep in and apJ>l'ove all future letters belna eent to leaeeholdera by the Irvine c.om (See LEASl.ru'bl:n. Page A%) Attorneys for the Sierra Club and the It.ate urged the judae to impoR a preliminary tnjunc:ticn to P"WDt 00 LeMe Sale No. 68, ICheduled for 10 a.m. Frlday at the Loa Angeles Convention Center. The aa1e would include 164 tracta off the Southern C.allfomia coast, including 10 U'acta off Newport and Lacuna s.di. Texas line requests tWo .OC flights La1una Beach joined the Sierra Club in lta suit, and both Lfcuna and Newport J!eKh have joined the ltate in ita lawsuit against Interior Secretary James Watt. Opponenta of the oil --ale arsue that rtaa oU the COMCline would pose a '\breat to the envlronment and the ecooon:Uel of coutal dties. The feBeral government ar1ue1 the leaae aale could generate up to 110 mUllon barrels of oO and 242 billion cubk feet of .... COUNTY By rREDERIClt SCBOEMEBL °' .. .,..., ...... Add to the list of air carrierl 8eekina entry to John Wayne Airpor-t Houaton.:bued Tex'• • International Airlines. Or8f\le County 1overnment offlclall learned Monday that carrier i8 requesting two of the 41 jet departures now authoriJ.ed ~ll under county airport Uom. exaa Int.ema~'• requeet · waa ln a fonn of a moticll\ to U.S. Dt1trict Court Judae Terry Hatter Jr. The judae la pre9id1ng over a lawsuit in which a county government plan to regulate wh.lcb carriers aerve the airport ls being contested. Hatt.er has ordered the county to develop a "nondi8criminatory" aooe. plan that would place all carrlera on equal footing in =a share ot the lucrative County air travel market. Hatt.er ha8 previously rejected two attempta by the county to develop plans gove rning the diltribuUon of flights. Aa thinp atand today. AirCal operate• an average of 23.5 fll1ht1 from Oranae County. Orange Coast residents trooped to the polls under t ypically cloudy early morning J une skies today, joining vote rs in nine other states h olding primary elections. Polls throughoot the state will remain ope n uatil 8 p .m . as ~ Califomia voters select party nominees for governor, U .S. senator and nume rous other state, county and local offices. ·With a 60 perce nt voter turnout predicted around the state. Orange County Registrar of Voters Al Olson waa predjcting a 67 percent turnout at the county'• 2,078 pollina pi.ca. Votinl th.ii tnoming after polla opened at 7 l .m. waa procieedina smoothly and there were no early ttporta of probJema, Ollon ~eather forecaatera 1aid today'• early r:nonUna cloudinel9 would give"Way this afternoon to mostly sunny skies. Besides the many elective offices h e ading the long, complicated ootnput.eriz.ed ballot, voters will render their opinions on a spate of ballot propositions. Bad landing· ·at OC airport Paaaengers aboard a Frontier Airlines jet got a couple of bumps and a aurprile takeoff today at John Wayne Airport. Tower officials aald the incoming jet had d ifficulty landing, boUnced twice and then lifted beck off the runway when the pilot reportedly concluded there wasn't enough runway left for a Sl ioceasful landina. The flight out of Lu Veps landed without incident five minutes ',later, tower officials reported, after the pilot circled the airport and made a 9eOOOd approach. ... SCANNING THE NEWS -Wliile Israeli jet warplanee and their attacb on Beirut have drawn most of the heevy headl.lne9 theee days, lt is well to remember that other war la 8tll1 going on. It's for a bunch of rocka ~ed the Falkland lalaMs. It always seems that wars are fought for aome barren. God~forsaken piece of real estate that nobody really wants anyway. You are reminded of the famed quote from that Civil Wu general who declared, ''I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and ·----'--·--~,,...., groans of the wounded TOM MURPUINI /; who cry aloud for blood, n -~ more vengeance, more desolation. "War is hell." MOSTLY, OF COURSE, Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman is remembered for uttering the last three words of that quote from his graduation address at Michigan Military Academy of June 19, 1879. . News from the Falklands WJU' (Ws not called a war but a 11criais0 ) comes in fits and starts. Mainly, you get what is released from either B~itish sources in London or Argentine aources in Buenos Aires. Little comes from neutral aources. The latest mue of TV Guide suggests one of the primary goals of the Soviet secret police, known aa the ~nlln.e troops. huddled •t ~ ckkme ,,a.t, wald.rW KGB, is to plant lies in communist papers and hope thia so-ailled "disinformation" is eventually picked up by U.S. television. • - The television publication got fairly excited about this but actually it's rather crude in tenns of subtle influences on ~blic opinion. · In dealing with the Falkl~nds wa~ British Broadcasting Corporation's nightly world news aervice shortwave broadcaata are much more 90Phisticate<l POWERING WORLD-GIRDLING signals, out of London. the BBC can be picked up here on the Orange c.out at about 6.1 on the shortwave dial by anyone with a fair~ good aet and decent antenna system. You get a different alant on the Falklands fighting from the BBC. 1lUa is not to suggest that the BBC biOlldcuts lie. Quite to the contrary; I am sure the BBC -benev. 1t ii aJ.rtng the plaln, wivamished 1rtrtb. Yer IQIDetimes you get as much hint of what,• going on in that ·£!:.Y conflict from what the BBC doesn't say that what it Then again, when it says it can perhaps have aome signiflcance. On Swiday night, for example, the BBC broldcast the report of a correspondent who wu said to be watching the debarking of troops from the luxury liner Queen Elizabeth II. ' · ~ By STEVE MARBLE Of-.Dlltr .... ...., Anar)' Newport Beach real den ta have produc_ed documenta they clalm ahow the Irvine Company changed It• leuehold policy eeveral years ago u part of a calculated move to make more than $40 mJlllon. Further, the l\omeownera charge, the pollcy c hange rftulted In sharply i.ncreuing the amount they'd have to pay to buy land they now lease from the Irvine Compeny. The documents, some marked confidential, are mostly Interoffice memorandums. Moet are dated around the time the development firm was sold in 1977. Irvine Company Preajdent Peter Kremer agrees there was a policy change, but aaya the conclusion realdents have reached la wrong. He aaya the handful of documenta was singled out of thousands of papers and does not tell the leasehold story fully or fairly. Kremer repeats that it's lnflatlon, not a company policy change, that has pu~ed the askina price for Irvine Company leasenold land thr~\agh the celling. ' The leasehold dispute, which erupted laat year , is a complicated, often technical affair. lt'a a1ao a highly emotional one because residents fear it threatens thelr ability to keep their homes in Newport or Irvine. Affected residents own their homes but lease the land under them from the firm. Many resldenta now are faced with the proepect of paying higher annual leue fees or buying the land at ~t with the development firm la being led by the CommlttH of 4000. Several members of the committee have filed a lawsuit against the company. The latest turn centers on 10-Called offahe improvement credita. The credit is subtracted from the appral.8ed value of the land when residents JO to buy their leased property. The rftulting figure is what residents ,are asked to pay. The credit represents auch tmprovementa u atteetl, curbs, gutters, aradLna and uUlltlel - tblnp resldenta presumably peld for when they bou1ht their homes. Ray lkola. an attorney for the committee, claima that, when the Irvine Company WU IOld, the new owners changed the way credits are computed. Ikola contends thla made the company mUUona and cmt the leaseholders thousands. Ikola, who obtained the document. durlng the di8covery staee of the committee lawsuit, claims these papen ahow: -The "old" lrvtne Company used a percentage acale which offered i:ealdenta up to ~ percent off appralaed land values. -The "new" Irvine Company abandoned thta policy and adopted a "replacement coat" index to compute the credits instead. -The Irvine Company stood to gain up to $40 million by such a change. Further, lkola says, one 1977 memo warned that it the percentage method waa , abandoned, residenta would voice their ange.r. He says that's just what happened. • Kremer says Ikola's charges are off base. For starters, he says, the percentage scale waa never implemented. Ke advises that residents, to his knowledge, w~ never told about the percentage scale. Kremer, though, does admit the company'• former president, Ray Wataon. WU planning to implement the acaJe and, at the time the company waa sold, urged Kremer to UM it. ' Kremer explains why he didn't: . "The ~tap approach on policy credita h8d been bued apparently on the rationale that the.re would be ..l¥> ~ difference between the rate of l.ncttale ln of.fsite improvement values and the rate of lncreaae ln land values.•• He says by the late 1970., that theory proved ~-He says the value of land wu l.ncreaslng much more than the value of the improvements. To have stuck with the DellJ ................. DEFENDS POLICY - Irvine Company President Peter Kremer says inflation, not a company plot, is the reason for leasehold increases. percentage acale, he says, would have been the same aa giving a "gift" of land value to residenta. In place of the percentage scale, Kremer explains, the Irvine Company devised a "replacement cart" index to show the value of the improvementa. This figure is shown as a dollar amount as opposed to a flat percentage. Kremer says the change was n eeded because times had changed. While affected reaidenta contend the change "robbed" them, the Irvine COmpany says, if there bad not been a change, the company would have been short-changed. To further complicate the aituation. the ori1i~l lease• residenla hold, and (there are more than 50 lease variations) adcttt.es the matter of credits ln yet another way. Some of the leases show a O.t dollar amount as a credit. Some show a 1percentage and some show nothing at all. One of the documents that attorney Ikola has produced ~pears to say that the Irvine Company _. before lt wu sold - didn't put much cre~ence tn thele nauree. lkola concludes these figuree were ~t only u a marketing tool and that the percentaie acaJe WU to be Li.Nd 1n all caaet. Kremer, on the o~r hand, • aaya, If the lrvtne Company WU • truly aa areedy and money . huniry aa ita critk:t suggest, it would have atven residenta only the credit shown on the lease. ,. Instead, he goes on, the figures ' detailed Jn the lease a.re brought up to da~ with the replace~t cost method. Kremer, referring to one of the documents produced by lkola, pointa out that It if the Irvine Company gave resident. only the credrt shown on leases, the firm stood to make $64 million. ''Clearly, lf we'd wanted to make the most money." says Kremer, '>we would have stuck to the letter of the lease.·• Finally, Kremer says residenta are better off financially by accepting one of several Irvine Company financing offert than they would be with tHe old percentafe IC&le. The r vine Compan1 is offering leaseholders a reduCtfon In annual lease fees or a 12 percent financing package for homeowners who want to buy their land. The financing is good for only seven yean. · S.rbara Young, leader of the Committee of 4000 , says Kremer'• statementa convince her of only one thing: "This -all of this -only indicates to me that the whole story has still not been unwound. Kremer changed the policy and he chafteed it without letting any of us know." She says the leaseis between reaidenta and th e Irvi ne Company were always meant to be a "joint ven~" with each aide shartoa equally i n appn!d.ation. "But the •n e w ' Irvine Company aaw a chance to make mone)'. and went for it." Ms. Young char1es. Kremer says he has sympathy for residenta caught in a ~y squttt.e beaaualng of aoaring land values, but insists inflation is the culprit. Two years later, families ask 'wh·y?' Bludgeoning deaths of newlyweds still puz$Je lawmen, haunt victims' relatives I ' MYSTERY -Keith and Patti Harrington were beaten to death in thelr Niguel Shona home in August of 1980, and authorities still hav' no clues to the murders. talking about a burglar." Block said. "No forced entry and nothing taken. The sheriffs ~ht it waa a cat burglar, but to my way of thinking It was .. probably eonllf!OOe they fmew." Block aet out to conduct his own interviews, but after thret: montba of work, little surfaced. "I don't think I got a fair shot at it," he aald. "I got no • coo~tion whatsoever frt>m the Sheriffs. As an ex-sheriff, r know that IOl"De things must be held back, but when you've gut a dozen unsolved caaea in the =~J.~'d think they'd like "If I ~ad been aome slick operator ln a ailk auit. I wouldn't blame them. but I nm a pretty good ahip. They wouldn't tell me anythina. I turned over what I thouaht WU a &ood leed to them, but l haven't heard of them followlna tt up," he said. Even a letter from James Irvine to the Orange County Sheriff'• department wouldn't loosen the tonauea of the lnw.dpton on the c:.e. $herlf~=eaun Wyatt Hart ~ of •tbltrce" hH developed 1ince • the • ~~ Wtiiit ~ Ii'=-With \ CW llkie ... Iii IU iillla" ... -..... ~-...iy ....... -'° -iilillll(: "" .,,~ ................. ~ ADd ........ ,...lie ..... .... .,....tecl, M'll•:offet Ml f afor••U•• for • U1luer ........ ftat'• .... Mil ._ ... /It Rockwell to Newport set The Electronlca Devlen Dlvlilon of Rockwell lnternaHonal Corporation plan• to relocate he~quarten from Anaheim to 4311 Jarnbore~ Roed, Newport Beach by August. Management, enalneenn1. admlni•tratlve and marketing functlona fonnerl.y housed ln Anaheim are being conaolldated in a 360,000-aquare-foot Newport Beacn complex form~rly shared by the division'• wafer fabrication operationa and another Rockwell organization. No personnel reduction. a.re involved in the consolidation. . Yields up on securities 'WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields 0n short-term Treasury securities this week are moderately higher --at their highest point aJnoe mid-May. offidala say. The government says It auctioned about $5 billion in six-month T-bills Monday at an average dl9COunt rate of 12.117 percent, up from the 11.589 pert:ent of May 28. and about $5 billion in three-mqnth bila at an average rate of 12.074 pelt.'ent, up from 11 .~2 percent. Beginning today, financial institutions may pay as much as 12.367 percent interest on $10,000-mlnimwn six-month money market certificates; S&LI may pay as much as 12.074 percent and commerclaJ banks u much aa 11.824 percent o n $7 ,500-minifnum three-month certificates; S&Le may pay as much as 14 pen:ent and cornmettiaJ banks as much as 13.75 percent on 2~-year "small-saver" certificates; and tax-exempt, one-year "all-savers" certificates issued through June 12 will pay 9.87 percent interest when held to maturity. Firm's earnings down Nucleasr Medical Systems, Inc. of Newport Beach has reported higher revenues but lower earnings for the quarter. Revenues grew from $1,355,050 a year ago to $2,058,925 while earnings per share fell from 3 cents to l cent. The company attributed the difference to acqUisition of Medex, a clinical laboratory, and losses by affiliated companiM. Newport Corp. earnings rise The Newport Corp. of Fountain Vatley has reported higher eaminp for the quarter of $978,467, or 42 cents per sh.ate, u compared to SM0,182, or 28 cents, foe the period a year ago. F.amin.gs for the nine months ended April 30 were $2,673,900, or $1.14, an increase from $1,9~.937, or 83 cents f(}C the con-esponding period in 1981. The firm la a manufac tuc.er o f laboratory equipment and components. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ""'-"" 12.t °" .. _, "" "" Vi> u Up u 1.1 1.A 1.• ,, 11 7 I 1.0 1.0 :-: H •. 1 .., METALS N!W YOAK (AP) -&pol l"Onfeftout ..... pnoee lodll)'! c -.111•r 11·T8 centt • pound, U.S. ~ LMllll 15-27 -* • pound. Z1M 3247 -"'* t pound, dell'4red-Tla tU70t ...._ WMI ~lb. ~ 1•n '*"-• pounc1. ,.,. v ...,_, $370.00 per ..... ,....,._ 'Ul3 Cltl lfo, oz.. N 'r. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS r \