HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-11 - Orange Coast Pilot:..-----------------------------.--.---0.:...~~......._------.--.--.------~~~~--.--~~--------.,.--------...,...,......----------------­. . ~ 4 shots fired IGuiiman seized I • . . lat Irvine bar 1 Four abotl were fired durtna a sua-ted they ao outllde the : icuttle between a patnm and the di1co to talk, said Bowman. tnaMl9' of an Irvine bar early Scogin 1aid he became today, but no one WM in~. apprehen1ive when he saw Jo. Antonio Hernandez, 38, of HeJinandez reach for what Bellflower, who, police aaid, WM appeared to be a l\ID • they ~ a awi. .fled the .:iene eic:Ited. , after the incident, but waa · The manager then 1"ellChed for arrsted later in Anaheim. the gun and the ~ bepn. He wu booked into Orange Bowman uld. The ahcM8 were County Jail on 1u1picion of fired just outlide the bar'1 door ... uit with a deeclly weapon. and one round WM later found in aakl Irvine police Sgt. Richard an outside wall. he added. BoWman. After ScotPn finally wrenched H e r n a n d e z , w b o i 1 the gun a.way, the a.pect fled unemployed , got int o • j and waaapprehended40minutm ~t about drinlE; with later by Anaheim polJQ!t officen, bar mam&er Steven Scogin and said Bowman. . Reagan e:Dds tour; ' visits, Berlin ~all BDLIN (AP) -President Rea1an, endtn1 hi• 10-day European odymey, viatted the 1tark Berlin Wall today, chalJmaed the 8oYlel Unlm to a pe8Ce Initiative, and acorned -· unt•t ~ for betnc ...... to -.lfi" ol. freedom. "Goodbye and until ...... ~==~-=-fuewell ceremony In Bonn before be depu'ted aboud Air l'on:e One at 9:53 a.m. PDI' fCr the ei1bt-bour fll1ht to W..tUnctian- ''Thme vq.. tbme meetift8I, haw .......... thly'w been Ion& tl~been t1rlnc to all of ... but been •........W." .... D Earlier in West Berlin, the · U(JI launches . 'navy' . I or research work • By JOBI. C. OON 0( .. ...., ........ UC Irvine made naval history of aorta Thursday with the dedicatkn of the tint boat m its ..-rch fleet. 'lbe ~foot "Stmm Maar'' WM c::hriltmed with the requlllte =~~:;:a: dock. The boat will aerve aa a re1earch vea1el for the Dep.rtment~Pb and Blophymb. y aquid off tallna uCd for .._ on the bumm ~ .,~ have such t.rp mrw cell• that they are ideal ~n• for 1tudylnl the mm> MrYCU aystem. eakl department chairman Dr. 8te~Wblte. '!be lqt..dd will be \.-cl m.mly In the lab of Dr. Michael C..halan. wboee raearch IDa'J one day IOlw the IU)ltedee ol. cripplln1 nervo\11 1y1tem di1orden 1uch aa multiple lclerolll. m'*'1lar dyseropby and . ~lfl'Yla. Cabalail al.lo ii dlrector of t1a'a Marine Blopbym "8d1tt'J, which •• the llnit -UWWwd on the West CoMt foe the llUdy of squid. Releardl at the UCI fadllty cmnplements llmilar 1"ll'k belDI done at the world-renownea 8crlpp1 Inatttutlon of ~ph'J In La Jolla and ~ood1 Role Marine Blolo!lcal Laboratory in M•c~ The --Cl boat, • ·twin· ...... ~ built ba 1979, ,,.. (lee BOAT, ~ Al) ' ....................... ftl Ill reeQ}i, depar;tment chairman t>r. Stephen Whfte aeemed to _aet moat of the happy ~. Battle -• nearing . Beirut By 'he AIMC!ta~ Preu Israel and Syria decla.red a ceue--fire in their u-day war in Lebanon today, the larael11 cl.almlna they had achJeved their objectives. But artillery ~ resumed 1e>uth of Beirut three houn after the oea.e-fire took effect. A radio br~dcut of a pro- Syrian Lebaneae radio 1tation said Syrian and ~aleatlnian gunnen were trading lhe1lf1re with Israeli warahipa offlhore at Kbalde, elaht mils eouth of the center of lleirut. The artillery duell, which could be heard by Beirut joumalistl. were taking pltlce just aouth of the main runway of BeUut International Airport. Iarael'1 invuion army bad been battling Paleltinian forcee at the .:>Uthem edge of BeUut for two daya, aft.er puahinc to the psa of the Lebane9e ca~ in a ~..!!?; .. drive .p1mt P. nUm ~strongholds in aouthem Earlier today, fi&bting Oil the ground and in the air continued to within minutee of the noon (3 a .m . PDT) ceue-fire. hraell plane• bombed Beirut'• Pale1Unlan enclave• and nportedly lhot dawn 18 more Syrian jeta OYW Lebmoo. S:rrtan Plellident Hates Allad . .....-1n Dunwtw that he ordend troope '° ...,., &inl with the uMelltalJdne tb8« i.-1 would withdraw the powerful ground fon:e it Rnt into Lebanon Oil Sunc_!a_I"·-The I1rael1 (See J&RAELI, Pap A!) Sale of oil tracts begins; not on Coast BY STEVE MITC8ELL. or .. ...,,... .... Oil tracts off the Southern California coast went on we today, but two dozen tracts, including 10 off Newport and IAcuna lieach, Werfl not ln the offertna. '1be lth U.S. Orcult Court of AppM)e Nied in San Frandlco ~~ ~M~2' ~t ~-~-~ .-..ta uua:. ~1. _,. ._..,_ and the Orange ec.t will not be i..ect until a trial ii held on the economic and environmental lmpilCU to cO.tal cities. The emerit'~ue1t to permit tb1t of the Interior to ... the 2.4 of&bore tntcta. came a ~1 after a U.S. Dlatrlct c.ourt l'ldft impoeed an Injunction on the leue ealea Wectn.ct.y. '1be Omdt Court IVlinl. whOe ~dln1 the injunction, tbt 1-ol the other' 140 ~ to 10 fwward today. '!be SlerTa Club, alofta with tbi a~ o1. i..cu-Heidi. blid ~ an 1nJuneUon on all lM (he COAITAL, Pap Al) tnctl IA 1AMI IUe No. 91. Bu• tM Qroult Court panel, which Included Jud,.. Harry Pre,.non. JOMph S-need and aa Tani. rejeo\ed that '< • h fore Thw.day11 deelllon by· •• IA.-~t COUft. •ot~Jnnan for vw Department .... iertor ·~ blda on tM H tnc:tl would ''be returned unopened lf the department failed ln lt1 "'t!meraeney appeal. h I But, the apo"k.nan aald, tf the ltaue of the 24 ~ted tnctl ~~ .. delayed, ttft)' could be b offered for bkla acatn tn 1884. l "We could atop the l._ ale, 1~ea." said Blll Grant, acting 81 • ~'1 mi.n.nla ~ for the Interior Depattftlent on 'lb~. "But we c1on•t think that'• the proper th1nC to do. We're trytn1 to be ~~came to a ~ Ytbeli have to be made/'. The federal 1overnment ..umaw there are up to 110 million bartela ol oil and 142 bl.lllob cubic feet of pa from the 18' tractl. locat.ed between Polnt Conception and San Clemente llland. . Interior Department offlctala refule io aay bow mud) oU and Pl mlch• be located within the 24 tncta deleted from the sale. .. REAGAN AT WALL ... 19 . A dty plua four milee away. J4,Mked youths at.ormed a barbed Jtri.re barricade, looted and •t fire ,I:'> • furniture store and burned • tJOllce car. It'\ During hil 3 ~-hour viatt to the divided city under an ptraord1nary aecurlty guard, the .goelldent wpd the SoViet Uqlon to joiv In lowering human ... tiamen in FA.trope "u ble.k and JFU~ u the Berlin Wall itlelf." ' He alao propoeed to expand on et-American .,reementa of 963 and 1971, golnc "further to rt the risk of war throuah dent or milundentanding" eue nucleer tenliona. 1 Specifically, said senior Am.-rt.t':tln offldala, Re.po will the Sovleta to Improve the uhlngton-Mmcow "hot line" bliahed in 1963 by lhJ.fUna encoded printed memagea , faster, more reliable voice unicatiana. ~ They said he aJ.o will propoee that the countriee inform each bther in advance of mlallle teat launchee ar readine. exercilee 'tt\at, when fint detected without 'MJch notification, might appear to tie the start of a nuClear attack. "Thus ended Reagan'• fint vilit' io Europe aa president, a Jl0,689-mile tour that took him to <Veraailles, France, for a two-day 'iiConomic summit, to Rome for an audience with Pope John Paul n. for a two-day ...Wt -an addi. befqn the ri arliament -and to West Germany for a NATO aumm,!t meettna, a parllamentuy 1oeech and tod.JY• appearance at the Berlin Wall. Reepl\ WU clmely IU&fded every step of the way WC)ay. HJ.a motorcade included .aeven vuw carrytna = armed l\W'dl. and other atoOd every ~ . feet alone ~ miJe..loaa route from the a1rpon to the wall. Helmeted riot police wltb round black ahielda lealed off every street a~ from the west. Helleopten circled overhead, and the president looked uncomfortable in • heavy bulletproof wet eMlly visible to lpectatan.. Accompanied by bl1 wife Nancy, West German ~ Helmut Schmidt and Secretary of State Alexander M. 11a1a Jr., the president posed for photop'apha and waved to 101De Berlinen-= out of windows in a .ml "'4l nearby. A banner hanllDI from one wall read, "Thank• to the USA, Welcome Mr. Pnmdent." . On the l'Mt BerUn tide, armed guards glumly watched the president from towen, and a handf\ll of ~ took his picture from beyond the infamous concrete wall · · BOAT CHRISTENED. • • ~o .. nated to the camous by '1i ewport Beach induatrial 1emtr11Ctor Donald Kitti. On band at the dedication ~91qe College of Mec:Ud.ne dean ~tan1ey van den Noort, ,piancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. "and Mabry Steihhau1 , 'cluairwoman of UCI'• Marine Development Committee, a ~rivate support group. 1 Aldrich noted that acquisition I• of the ve.e1 for we by U<.;1 ldentlttl ... \lie ftrwt .,...t.mlc oontributbl of the~~· The cbancellor'1 wife, Jean, lent a hand for the chrilt.enina and rnanart to drench benell and me with the bubbly. Cahalan .ud funding for the veaael will come from the marine committee. He stimated the boat will COit about $15,000 a year to nm with tripa to Catalina f!Vf!r'J few weeb. UDOUnOlmll\l ... no men~ of pullla1 baok troop• t clJ•P9khed to drtve P1l"Un Liberation Oi'lanlladon IU4ftilla formatlon1 . 6t1ond ar11UerJ ~ of ~ti ln nortl..-n lltMl. r An otfidal ~for PLO Chairmen YalHr Arafat, Mahmoud Labedi, aid ~ truce Wll ''under conlideradoft." The brief 1nnouncement did not elaborate, but Labedl u1d Araflt and Mnlor PLO leaden wete conferrtna at Arafat'• aecret oommud bunker tn Beirut. ~ -..ct temw of the ceue- flre nma.lnea uncJev. In Tel Aviv, offlctal1 11ld taraell troopl would not fire on PLO forc.w uni-fired upon flrlt. But Defewe Min1lter Ariel Sharon 11ld hraeU 1oldlere would continue clearina prrillu from the .,.. flrul holds. exam1n1na tunnela, cawe and towna 11untll the area la at.olutely cleen. "We have no ~fire with the terrorilta," he IUd. "We have no dl1Cu11ion with terrort1t1 wh09e declared Intent 11 the deltruction of Israel" llrael bu always retu.d to nesottate with the PLO. Fo~ the Jul.y_1981 ceue- fl.re for~ by the United Stat.el and the United NaUom, l8ne1 refuaed to acknowled1e the concept of an ..-ment With tM PLO. It Mid tliat ce111e-tire wu merely a <*Mt.ion of boldlitiet along the bnel-Lebanon l,)order. SEEKING SUR RISE? -Johnnie R. Crean, who conceded the Republican 43rd Conareeaional District race to Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, now awaits abeentee ballot count that could turn his defeat into victory. llnell military IOURlel aid the Iaraeli army would not enter County strikes. out ' Beirut or Interfere wlUi on operaticnl at Beirut lnt.ernatkmal • • airport sites Airport, but eatabU1hed an outpost at Khalde, four mllea 80Uth of the airport. By DAVID ltUTZMANN Sharon aaid at a news or .. ....,,... .... cditerence \bat the llraell torcB Dlaculllom by Oranae County at "more than lOQ dNd and officials wlth three major about 600 wounded" in the landownen to determine U Iii., tnvuloo. are available for a future aenera1 "It w• a heevy price," be aid. aviation airport have proved Acc:ordlna to the mllltary {!ult.lea IOUl'Celt the ceae-fire left &nel Acccrd1ng to a memo obtained lil control of 1,100.equare mUea of • 'lburaday, the landownen told Lebanon. inc>r'8 than one-fourth Airport Manaaer Murry Cable of ltl territory. that ''their 1eepecttve lit.m were · In 1978, Israel uld 18 IOldlen unavailable for development aa a were killed in takina CMS' 500 aenen1 aviation airport.'' aquare milel of Lebmon. Israel -4 Cable reported to ~ Board of held the land for 91 "-Ya· oupervlaon in the memo that the The l.atM1' announcement WM IJOlitlona of the landownen "are coupled With a ~ to Syria linn and no\ subject to~ or that hrael would retalfate alteration in the future." Immediately If lta forcee were 1be landowners with whom tired upon or "ll there were any Cable held d1aculmona were the attempt by the SyriaDI to try lJ'vtne Company, Rancho Million a1aln toarin into 'Lebanete Vlejo Co. and the California territory ·to-air m1eoee in Army National Guard. ..1 ..... of deltro-.1 ._ our The llt.m in question are in U. ~.,·iW "'1 Alamitoa, where there ii an Sharon told the news Armed Forces Re9erve Center; conference: t4lf no one &ea from Santiago Canyon; Bell Canyon the other llde, we won't fire. If and San Juan Ct-eek. they flre, the larael Defenae Cable bad undertaken talk.a FOl'Cel9 wfD fire bldt with full with landownen on d1recUon of power." county tupel"Vim, wbo voted earlier thla -year to see if one or Oa!mlng llnie1 bad completed more of the 1ltea c ould be lMt1 ml1b1ion, Prime Minister purchued. enar. em Begin'• Ca bin et A.ccordina to aviaUon plannen, The IU'pOn mana1er noteo that there are about 150 Uedown spaces available rtpt now at Lon4i Beach and CbSno municipal atrpona. -nee f.adlldea can be easily reached in about 20 minutes to an ~· d.rivirur tim-from most of oanae Count," he aaid. A atudy ordered by tupervilon lut year identified a lite near San Juan Creek. owned by the Rancho M1-ion Viejo Co., u the best location foe a new private aviation airport. The Bell Canyon site, also owned by Rancho Mlmion Viejo, wu identified u a aecondary choke .. City councils In San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente opposed use of those 1ite1 u potential alrfielda. 'The Irvine Company owns the SanU.,O Canyon .ate neer Irvine Lab. 'Lou Grant' ' ax protested ., ftl ........ '"" ' i . .A(lmftttna said today that ltl ~ In the h1kland ll1udl capital of Stanley beat bMik repeeted Brit11h Harrier bomblna rald1, kUled ti lea1t three canmandol 1n a lklnnlah and took OM prieonel'. Britain Md no comment but aald lt1 torcea kUled five Ar1entme troops In a claah Wednelday. and that ArpnUne Pucara around·attack planes at:rafed a forward Britlab poatUon near Stanley on Thursday without caullna ca9U81det. Prime Minl1ter Mar1aret Thatcher fold the Houae of Commons in~ in. written respome to a question. she will 1ive "early consideration" to vllitina the Fa1k1andl once they ' are Neaptured. Meanwhile, 700 aurvtvon of three IWlk BriUah wanhipa, the ~try. Ardent and Antelope, arrived in Southampton to an emot1onal, 0.,-wavtna welclomt aboard the requisitioned luxury liner Queen Elizabeth 2. The famou1 cruiae liner berthed one month after setting ..U for the South Atlantic with 1ome 3 ,000 Britiah troop1, offloaded at South Georgia and later landed on the Fal.klanda. Britain aaked the Red en. on Thursday to evacuate 250 dviliana in Stanley and said lt waa determined to ouat the Argentines despite devastating attack• on BriU1h warahips earlier In the week. One Britiah newspaper reported 70 Britiah troopl killed in thme ra1da. Church bel11 rang out Thursday in Buenos Aires to honor 700 Argenti.09 k:UJed since .the fighting broke out 10 weeka ago, and Argentina celebrated Ua reaolve to &old the ialanda b1 procla1m.lng a "Day of National Sovereignfy." "Be at.rong! Don't back down! Lone live Ar1entina!," people shouted aa Preaident Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtieri appeared in Plua de Mayo, the main square in front of Government Hou8e, for a brief military~· "England already baa ered tremendoua lcmes and will auffer more," 1aid Argentine Navy Capt. Adolfo Arduino. "We are IOin8 to win . . . Thia la our most glorious hour .•• But Britain decland ft would take the Falkland Ia1anda capital although it auffered abaUering air attacks on Its landing craft Tueaday. Brltilh forces, now believed to nwnber 9,000, have been lteadily clmina in on the estimated 7 ,000 Argentines hemmed in at Stanley. Britain hu repeatedly called on the announced the ceue-fire. there ii a need in Oranae County ~--------------------------· 'for at least 1,200 more SpllCf9 to accommodate private aircraft. -~\' WASIUNGTON (AP) -Half a dozen people repn!lleftting 70 groupa and indMduala gathered In the rain in front of the CB.S News bureau to protest the cancellation of the "Lou Grant" televillon show, cla1ming It WU a political dedlion. ~entinea to surrender but tlna bu refused. ritiah Defenae Secretary John Nott told the House of Commons that the air strikes. which damqed four ships and killed at 1eelt alx men, had not hurt Britain'• plans to recapture Stanley. Low clouds • remain ~ John Wayne Airport and Fullerton Airport currently provide llpllCe for amall craft. Cable uld that u the required land could not be purcbaaed voluntarily, "land acqu11ltlon throuah condemnation ~ would be nquJrfd." That proce111 however, 11 ~tly time ~ and . . . "There have been serious alle1ationa that the political views and activltiea of those ~ted with the show were a factor h> thJa c-.noelladon." said • Samuel Simon, executive director of the National au.na Commlt1ee for Broadcutlnf., which• oraanlsed Thursday I protett. The 1how'1 star, Edward Am«, who plays dty editor Lou Grant and 1a prelldent of the Screen Ac1on Guild, stirred controveray before the cancellation when he made fund-l'Udnl appeals for medical aid for the leftist rebels jn El Samdor. .> Promlsing that '''Hritish troops wlll 10 forward with another victory very soon." Nott said BrlU1b unit• were ''in firm control" of =i h ground in IUlTOWlding s . Lawsuit filed LOS ANGELES (AP) -A lawsuit waa filed Thursday ap1nlt a police inteWgence unit over alleged 1pyln1 at the Nor1.hridse campus. an attorney said. dad's day,jum 20th, BEST OF CLASS~ .,, ............ TEAR GAS CASU~TY -Sprag\.le High School teacher Darci Pickens pours distilled water into the eye of student Kiki Hammond as teacher Gary Frame helps after CS gas (a· tear gas substance) was released in the achool. Twenty studenta and one staff member were transported to Salem, Oregon, Hospital Memorial Unit and 1,100 were forced to ev~te the achool during the incident. Oil firms cut back Inventories with drawn at 'dangerous' rate WASlUNGTON (AP) -The oO industry ii fo~ paoline marketing pattern. • virtually identical" to thoe ~'na the 1979pa~.a~ has charged. · Many industry analysta have blamed 1imUar pattern• for caustna that earlier ahortage. Rep. Richard L . Ottinger, D-N.Y., chairman of a House Energy subcommittee, aald figuml show the oil lnduatry ii exhausttna lta inventorle1 of paollne and heating oU. The drawdown "ii virtually identical to the 1978-1979 1ituation," Ottinger aaid in teati~ony to a con1re11lonal hearing. "In fact, stock level.a (for guoline and he.ting oil) are now lignificantly below comparable levels in 1978 and 1979!' He aald atocb of both fuel.a last week fell below the level defined by the National Pefroleu!ll LOS ANGELES (AP) -"We would have bad even De a pi t e a 1 ow turnout , lower twnout if we bldn't bad enthUlllastic orpnben ol a $5 the aweepatakea," Mn. Allor million vo~ sweepstaka aa6d Maki. they were plannln1 a· tlOO "People are comtna out ol the million natlonwtde giveaway woodwork," ahe ,Nld. ''We're aimed at aeitl.na men peOple to deflnltely auac national 'Mth it. the polll in 19&1. We're &dna ~ follow the same The California sweepatakea, exact fOnn • du. in 1984 only cm the bratnatonD of movie producer a amder' talle. It wtl1 be a $100 Ed Shaw, ottered priJel such • million *Weepettbl" Hawaiian vacations. a life~ Mn. Allor sUd that in San aapply of French frlee or a date Mateo c.ounty, when polll are wftb actreu Linda Evan. to computerbed, irate ween haw voters who ~t their ballot sllUbl demanded receipt• and San to Post Office Box 709, Woc:dknd Mateo County Clerk Marvln HlDa, Calif., 91867. Church ~nfirmed that voten Shaw'a llllUtant, Brmdy Allor, will be 1tven 1tub9 or their aid hundreds of at.ntee a.Dot equivalent ~ Friday. stut. bepn comlnc in Mon4aY A1ked If voteu wanted md Tuelday, eome from • far receipts for the 1weep1take1, away• Rcme. Church raponded, 0 Why _elle 11People are very, verz would they come in and J*k up responsive,•• Mn. Allor aal . .SW.." "Let'• ftlce it, this has never been Cius Alvarez, a wat'br wttb dcne before. One thine tbs. hM the Loi Anaela ('.ount)' Clerk'• dcne ls made a lot of people wbo office, confirmed that VQCen are ordlnarfly wouldn't eo out and ak.ina about the aw...,.._ vote lea~ their homm and do It." .. \\19 haw bad a lot~ people Mn. Allor -undltmayed by Mldna .. for the addrtlm,~ Mn. a • P,.m. spot check by state · Crus taicl. "They ha"• heard offidA& which abowed turnout about lt on the radio, but when normal in N~ Call.fom1a · they contact \II we .don't know and Loe Anaeie. but lower In aQYthlna •bout it. .. other Soutlaerb Callfornl• \Vlaoeu' number• in the refiou. Oran1• County, for CalifdtNa sw~akw are to be mm,a., reported a 20.5 peuent drawn ~une 21, Mn. Alklr .ad. turnout by 4 p.m., com.,.nd with Amons the other prlH• are 28 percent at the w hour ID be9lth club mewrMnblps. a role the 1980 prtmuy and 30 ~ ID l movie, vltmnml. amer.. and In 19'78. • • pm of IDclai National economy awaits elusive upturn WASHINGTON (AP) - Today'• qull: BaHd on the aovernmen t '• economtc lndtcaton, ta th• national economy 11Ju1t 1lutn1 tn the mud" or fa 1t "polHd for ~·..,. Ancf h that recovery "lmmlnlnt" or would It atill be "premature to draw any firm oonclUllonl about the UmJ.nc of a bullnem uptumr• The trouble .. that a pretty aood caiae can be l1*le for any or all of tboae four declarailons offered by PrelidMlt Re.pn and private and 1overnment economl1t1 In the paat few weeb. The moat recent 'government ftiw-ahow unemployment at the hJ.ahst level in 40 yean, fact.oriel tumlna out even fewer 1ood1 than earlier In the recealon, builders puttlna up and telling fewer houtet and cuatomera orderln1 fewer producta and materials for future delivery. . True, tome retailen uy thetr aaJes are up a blt. But most recent reporta on the economy teem to flt the titting-In-the-mud deecripUon given by David ero., a senior econom1st with Cbate .Econometrics in Bala Cynwyd, Pa. And the weaJme.a ln orden for the future ii a bAc rea.m why Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrl1• 1ay1 recovery oe ...... Uonl an aUll ~ture. But on the other hand, only the mmt ~ analyltl •Y thiJ10 are likely to lceeo aettln.I WOrH throuah. the Ian ana summer. TM pre91dent'1 own statement, In Parle lHt week, that "we believe econon:rtc recovery i• lmmlnent," ls a bit more cheerf\.ll than many economi1ta would offer. But aome aay the upturn. thouah hard to detect. ii all"elldy under way. And few would dJucree very 1tron1ly wJth the view of Treuury Secretary Donald T. Repn that "we are not there yet but we are pot.ed for ~ery." Tying all thoae atatementa toaether are two tbin11: one more economic indicator -the ungJamorom cat.egory of bWd.nell invent.oriel -coupled with the •ppr"09Cb of the bla tax-rate cut · acheduled for July 1. BYP""na the controversy of layina blame for the recetllon, it la deer that the weaknelt of the paat few month• ha• been concentrated In the fact that butlnna official.a facing hl&h intenllt rates and relatively slow 1ale1 have 1harply cut their ~n. instead of auppl~ Cshdied rose petals DEAR PAT: A coaple of yeari qo YH P" a ndpe fer eaMled roH pofall. I mtlplaeed my eUpplq ud Mpe ,.. wW npMt tMI for me. HA. Newport Bea~ The followinf. method for makin1 candied roee pet.ala contained ln the book. "Fra1rance and Flavour," by Roaemary Hamphlll: "Make aure the roee pet.ala are not bru1led and are thorouab1Y dry. Coat eech one carefully with beaten-white of ea applied with a small clean paint brush. Dutt with cutor sugar. (c.ut.or sugar may not be reedily avallable, but it probably can be ordered throuab larger pharmacies.) 'I\tm them over and repeat the proceaa. Dry in the 1un, occuionally turning. When they are quite dry, 1tore in airtight 1ar1 between layen ol greue-proof paper.' Concurrent GI benefits DEAR PAT: Cu I •se my eatltlemeat fer a ume lou ud 10 to ldtool a4er ~.GI BW at tile aame time'? R.J., Hudqtoa Beacla DB.AR PAT: I ~t a .... e'9eaie ........... , • ...,. ........ rm ....... ltew la MMN M na.111'..,... to mew toward dM power '"'" er •••1 trem It? -o.a.. p ....... v.u., Underwrltera LaboratorlH (UL), a nationally recop1lld non-profit aafety tminC lab, •YI at.art mowtnc thit ~ neanat the electdcal outlet and mow outward.. Be careful not to nm over the cord or entanale it bl the blade&. I UL offer.:I th1t advice about operatlnc rldlnc and walldna power mowers on an lncllne. Ridtnc mow_.. ahould be uled ln an up-and-down motion to prevent tlppln1. Walk.1nl mowers aboukl be run. acnm the lncllne ao lf the Ulel' f.alla, b.11 foot won't aet cauaht under the moW.r. 11 the tncUne la steep, another person polldoned ·uphill ahould hold the mower ln p1llce uliD8 • rope. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Father's Day Gilt Ideas CAROUSEL COURT Men'1 Fuhion Show Sat., June 12 al 2 p.m . Regi11er For 1100 Gift Gi•en By Chaain'a, Hanis & Frank, Larry Douglu WI~& PIOBT -Loretta 1.lopea won an antl·dl1crlminatton 1ult a1alftft the Border Patrol, pwed a , phyBlcal and will report for work at the El Puo, Texaa, atation. . Heart blamed in recruit death SAN DIEGO (AP) -The deeth of a 19-year-old Marine rec:rult durtna a one-mile run hu *° blamed oftidally on c:ardlac anwL Pvt. Wllllam C. Howell of Rarrmwtlle, Mo., oollapeed and died Monday. After an autopsy, Navy Cmdr. Michael A. Clark said c:ardlac arrest la "a nai:;rc:J,henomenon that OCCW'I peri yin yoong adults." BALTIMORI (AP) - SwallowtM Uw m1nDoWI -1 fad l'lililNialnt of the Roanna '20I pnL1b of· JIWpina ~ -cu be haftntU1 ·Uwfcan ewn 09'--.. th, I Johni Hopldril rMdbl ~ Wamt. Dr. Everett Schiller of the Johna Hopktn1 School of Hycttne' ancr PublJc HMlth told 1 n1w1 conference 1th1t three recent caMI of perltonitt1 - lnflammatlon of the membrane IW'l'OUndJ.na the body cavity ln the abdomen -from awallowlnc perulte-lnfected mlnnowa w.-e found ln IUbu.rban Baltimont. Perltonltl1 can be fatal, Schlller laid, and death alto could reaalt lf the Uny t1ah carry a rouJld -wor m para11te incompatible with the human body. Swallowtna the Uve-balt fJah la "1ome klncf ol recent fad , I guee1,'' he aeid. "We J.eamed the patienta had been 1wallowing live mJ.nnowa at a tavem while ~ beer, foJ.lowtna the old · tradidon of the goldfish-gulping da)'I." Two of the three peritonitis patlent1 required abdominal 1urgery and a third needed emergency room treatment after all experienced severe abdominal paln, Schiller said. Found inside the men's <liaeltive tract.a were blood-red wOnnl up to 11 inches Iona that normally reside in a sac Inside mlnnowa' bodies, he said. Tr.trnent involves surgery to remove the worms and re .,.. tbty .. tn the tn.un:al walll .. "u .. enubAotb to eliminate lnfectton caueed by 1pl11.ttl tnto the tiody cavity out of the tntettlne t= tbe womMliilled ho1-, • ealcl. "We Obtalned mlnnowt from the 1tate health cSeDertment . . . from the ame dealer where the fi1hermen obtained theln.'' Schiller added. "Porty percent - 1 very h.l.lh prevalence -were infected with theae round wornw.'' He aaid \the wprm1 are perultea of fiah..-tlna blrdt. The worm eas are Piiied Jn blrd dropplr\81, whk:b are 1npMed by fish. ''When the ea hatchel tn the fish, the fish la able to develop a membrane that walh off the worm from the rest of ita body," Sch1ller u.id. ''In man . . . the worm i1 encountering a mammal'• temperatun l.mtead of what It la used to -a rold-blooded vertebrate. "The food and eruyme1 . • . in the human stomach probablx are intolerable to the wonna. ' he added. "So the worms . . . u.e a serpentine-like motion and a di11olvlng enzyme they can produce to bore a hole in a human intestine and escape." "Abdominal pain is caused by the infe¢oo in the membrane l.i.n1ns the body cavity," Schiller said. . "Peritonltia ia from the spillage of intestinal contents th.ro~h the holes (drilled by the worms) which can be fatal,'' he said. At This Price Reg. •999 •397 DECORATOR SOFA BED Atsomn.nt of Fabrics DIME TA6E ,,,,. ,,, IUTME ITIOll ' I A• Arab 1belk a1re•d to ....... ~.the <:tty of South 'l•d-. Jk, but e.t a few ......... Vtcie Ma~ 4rM UebmH Mid llaelll Mellamme• Al·l'a11I ~ to donate • park It the -Extend• an offic ial tnvltation to Al·l'ull. -Nunee the putt Al-r..t. -Nunet a meet Al-Fiill. -Namea a room ln Oty Hall Al-l'Mll. -Proclaima an Al-Fuli Day. -Grants the ahelk honorary dtlr.enlhlp and a key to the city. -Suppliel him with eeven eecort.ed llinoe when he arrives to formally donate the park. -Pickl up the tab for advance men at the posh Don CeSar Beech R.ort Hotel. -And provides a new• CXlll.ference, airport clearance for hh jet and plaquea f o r preaentation t o hlm and his family. Noey IU11ln1er wu found innocent of almple uaault by a Newark N.J ., judge who said her reaction t o a woman who allegedly heckled her husband wa1 ''spontaneous'' and "1omewbat human." • The wlf e of the former Horetary of state had b .. n charaed wlth 1rabblna_a ero- nuclear actM1t. Ell• ~ around the neck at ~ewark International Airport laU r~. IU11ta1er, who teatifled on hJa wife'• behalf, u ld, "I'm very =·of Nancy. Juatice hu been Newspaper helr Mlcuel Balle Reward aay1 hla cocaine addiction was widely known around Denver several yean, even though hl1 hl1h-rankln1 frtenda ln the police department say they were amona the Jut to know. Howard, 39, iJ'andaon of the fowlder of the Scripps-Howard newapaper group and former editor of the Rocky Mountain New1, teatlfled before a legislative committee ln Denver about his severe addictlori to cocaine during the 1970. and hJa r elatlonahlps with several Denver police offidala, including one who 1 e rved as hil bodyguard. • w.-..-.~J•a...,. M..,....--.. bM been al>Ol'CMICI • a pMtor'• Ullltant at ·u.. Pint PrHbyterian Church of Burllnlame. The -.v. J. e ... a. e....., admlNstrator of the PnlbyWy of San Francta:o. aald tn hll new poaltlon the 48-year-old Maaruder wlll be preparin1 hlrmelf to be ordalned. Church memben nominated Mqruder to be their Olda1ned a11oclate putor. But Hod1e1 explained that Maaruder had not been a candidate for the mlnlatry lona enouah. West German Chancellor Belm•t SeblJdt gave Pretldeat Rea1u and hW wife Nux:y a pair of two-month-old bald eea1es during the Reegana' vialt to West Germany. Reagan accepted the eagles u "very "heartwarming" gift. '!be birda were bred" by Hont Nlea tera, manaaer of the Author O..W B. W•Uab ii Unlvw.1 City Studioa Inc. the Unfverwl movie, d W• Ttutt" i• "111b1tantlally 1imtlar0 to a Weatlak• book on which the atudio had an opdon. Unlverm never exerdled lta 19'78 film riehta to the novel. .. Brother'• Keeper!' Weat1ake'1 1ult aaka f2 .6 ml1l1on damapa for placiarlam. A man IO Upeet by Afaentlna'1 lnvuion of the Falkland la1andl t}\at he aent Brltlah Prime Mlntater Mar1aret Tllatebr $100 for the war effort received a thank-you note from the world leader. . BowaN T. Sextoa of &.ville, Ga. wrote Mn. Thatcher that Britain lhould retake the lalanda. A month after mail1ng the letter, Sexton received a reply from Mra. Thatcher. "Dear Mr. Sexton," wa1 written by band llCl'C9 the top of the typed letter. . »• ..... SINGING SIMONS -Carly, right and sitter Lucy Strom serenade the crowd gathered in Broadway's Shubert Alley in New York in support of nuc lear disarmament. The impromptu concert, 1ponaored by Performing Artbts for Nuclear Dlsarmament, was a warm-up for Saturday's rally and concert in New York's Central Park. The Robinsons Gift I ' ... -· GIVE DAD A FAMOUS QUALITY KNIT IN A WEALTH OF SUMMER COLORS Don't be surprised if he chooses them all. ROblnson's Men's Knits. 21 . To order, call toll·free 1·800·345·1501. ,, ............ J l I i I I I •• • p ~ : , Offshore oil lighters gain initial skirmish The offlhoi'9 Oil debate li far from over, but Oran1• Coa1t communltlel received eome real erwour.,ement UU. w•k when U.S. Dlatrtct Juda• ~)'~th.ta Holcomb Hall i8ued a pre~ 1njunct1on blocJdn& the aale of 24 oil leaae1, lncludtn1 10 oft Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. Department of Interior attomeya promptly moved to teek an emergency 1tay of the lnjuncUon, in hope the 24 could be included in today'a ICheduled Ale of 164 leeset off the Southern California coast. But the appellate court rejected the request ao the leases that most directly affect the Orange Coast could well be• enmeshed in legal tangles for months to come. In a sim11ar caae last year, U.S. District Judge Mariana R. Pfaelzer halted the sale of 29 tracts off Central' California and the federal govenunent's appeal of that ruling is still pending in the 9th Circuit Court. Judge Hall's ruling came in response to two suits, one filed by Gov. Brown and the California Coastal Commission, and joined by seven other Southern California coastal cities, seeking to block part of the proposed sale, and another brought by the Sierra Club and Laguna Beach, asking that the entire ule be atopped. , Judie Hall limited her ~on to two proPOled leue lalel off Ventura County, 10 8djl0int to Santa Monica BeI:te:h tn the Loi Anaeie.Lona ort area and the 10 off the Cout. e Judp PfMber in the earlier cue, abe affirmed the rtaht of California Under federal law to require that acdvitl• in federal waten must be conmtent with the state'• coutal zone manapment prOIJ'mn. The California Coutal Comm1'11lon ln both caae1 contended that eeveral of the tracts were not consiatent with the state coutal ptOlram. The suita a1-> cited potential economic damap to aoenic areu heavily dependent upon tourism. In her opinion Judge Hall .14lid, "While the court recognir.es the strong public interest ln developinl domeaUc oil and gas resources, the balance of hardahipe in this case tipe in the plaintiff's favor." Regardless of the outcome of the current suits and appeals. th1a week's action once more puts the Interior Department ana tile oil companies on notice. that opposition to the installation of oil riga oU the more seNltive areas of the California coast ii not likely to go away, and ahould be taken seriously. EPA needs new image Admitting that her drive for efficiency and economy resulted in "a period of hiatus" for her agency's enforcement units, Environmental Protection Agency Adminlltrator Anne Gonucfi bas issued orders for stiffer anti-pollution enforcement and hired a public ~tions consultant to help improve her image. President Reaaan's controvendal appointee came in for her heaviest blast of criticism after EPA lifted a ban on dumplnc baardous liquids in .l.andfilla fOl'. 90 daya while new standards were developed. 'lbat resulted in an unusual order from the administration that calla for all new EPA actions to be ttportedw~~ydirectlytoWhite Hot.lie offidala so there will be no more such unpleasant public relations surpriles. After taking office a year ago, Mn. Gorsuch immediately began staff cutbacks and reorganization of enforcement unita on the theory that the agency could operate as efficiently "with fewer people and a smaller budget. The last EPA budget under the Carter administration was $1.35 billion. Thil year's budget is $1.08 billion and the request for 1983 is $961 million. I · As a result, the number of enforcement cases referred to Washington by regional EPA offices dropped from 313 in 1980 to 66 last year. And the number of cases EPA sent to the Justice Department for prosecution dropped from 252 in 1980 to 79 in 1981. The new EPA pol.ides were sparked by complaints from business and industry that anti-pollution regulationa bad become too complex and too costly. But the Gorsuch 1-.pome WU viewed as swinging too far in the opposite dlrectfon, even by administration 1upporters In Congre.. Stung by crlticiam, the administrator ha• been giving moraJe..boolting pep talk.a to EPA employee• and has ordered regional administrators to "get the enforcement work force busy." Some obeerven suggest that Mrs. Gonuch has been made the "sacrlflclal lamb" because her efforts to carry out White Houae policies backfUed and threatened to undermine administration attempts to pacify environmentaliN ln an elecUon year. Be that • it may, the EPA chief ii cJearly trying to get her agency back ln balanOe. 'f1loat' plan for boaters Operators of private aircraft are required to file a flight plan before every takeoff. Thia helpe in aearch efforts in the event the aircraft does not arrlve at lta destination on time. So why not a "float" plan fer boat operators? Thousands of man-hours have been involved in tearch and reecue operatkma for milling boata, e9pedally when no float plan has been filed with frlenda or relatives at home. The c.oa.t Guard Auxiliary and Balboa Power Squadron. recommend that the followlna information be left Wlth a responsible person on shore who can notify the Coast Guard or Do you, too, find lt dlftk:ult to believe the report b_y : a MOllCOw cqrrnpondent that Soviet Unlon pou.mn ;r to Ya .......... ..... to llllllrmealliattblli' .Uon bOUM9 ~laen aaltpeter II 8'ded to tbelr fooclT The aame • r ..... ..,. ...... , ...... •mporary ClutJ rota ed amon1 other reBCUe authorities if you do not arrive at your destination or back in port ln due iime: · -Name and brand of your boat. -Type of boat (runabout, crui8er, etc.) -Lencth overall and color of hult -Type Of power -inboard, outboard or sail. -Radio call Jetten and other pertinent information. · Thia happena to be National Safe Boa1irle Week. What bettel' contribildaii to me bOa~ than a ~Dlidaii to folloW ibiiiii ..... aDcl .......... rule9 befoN ~ ~ • .-C er abort? • I - I I i I ' ' . 'IW 10 .. :(~:- r.!I\ 'llll'V ' ·· \:J\J •• ~ ~~ ••• MMS. GOlt5lJ<]l. .. U.S. message worth the cos1l WASHINGTON -After months of wasted time pondering coeta that are e piddling, the admin,istration has a n cMnc:e to let th~ Soviet Union that Ronald Reagan hu not, after all, forgotten about martial law in Poland. TB.AT CRANCE la to mark 1ix months of martial law by ~ the dedaion that, above almoet all othen, will bring pain and consternation to the perpetrators of marUal law, both in Moecow and in Warsaw: Announce a major expllmion of U.S.-financed rad.lo broadcaata to the Soviet empire, lncludln1 Radio Free Europe (RFE) broadcMil 10 Poland'• newa-f.amlahed mllllona. Yet, in the Reaaan admJ.nlatration the powerful White R<Km staff ayst.ern ta capable of blocking the belt laid plans from the outside. NOthinlr can be certain. Secretary of State Afexander Hafa's original le~r aak.lng the pre91de!\t for emergency RFE money waa 1ent Into the White HOUie bureeucncy on Jan. 5. Whether Ronald Beagan aw It then, weeks later or ~ 11 not known. What .. Qerta1n la that Haig'• propou1 raised the hacklea ·amon1 bud1et-cuttlng money savers ln the Office of Management and Buda'et and amona aUclden for bureaucratk: fonn at lower levels of the National Security Council ttaU. Thia week marks the pewiee of fi\'e monthl Ii.nee llaig'a letter to hla boa Next week wlll mark six months of martial law in Poland under wonening conditions. Reagan lmpoeed sanctions against the Sovfeta in late December, there waa more than an implication - there waa a virtual promise -that if conditions d1d not improve, sanction.a would be broldened. They haven't been. Lech Waleu. under house arrest since Dec. 13, hH been moved down to southeast Poland, near the Soviet f;Jr:: ____________ ...,"'iii..~---- Illa •I(~ ... *- border, 9C&l'Cely evidence of improved conditions. OUlclala here now give no better than ~-50 odds t.Nl Walesa, the worker who headed the 10-million-member Solidarity union, will ever be given his freedom by the frightened group of military and c.ommuniat Party operatives who are trying to run Poland aa a nation behind ban. That Reapn could fail to perceive the opportunities in expanding America'• radio news tranan1aaklOI into .PQJand I.a a mystery that hu puzzled and anaered Reaonit.ee ~ outside the White l!<>l*. Can<lldate Reagan declared on Oct. 7, 1980, that the foreign broadcast policies or the Carter admlnJatration were "a llQtT)' attuation" that "a Reagan-Bush adminlatntlon will tum around.'' Plwumably, the pre9iderlt is aware of whet an expansion or radio broadcasts into ~land would mean to Communist Graduation rites stir old ITHACA, N.Y. -Far above Lake Cayup laat Sunday, I aana. "Far above Cayup'a waters, with lta wave1 of blue, ltMD our noble Alma Mater ..• '' 1bat may not be such a big deal. but tt meent aometht.na to me. Fot 30 yan I bad auna Che Cornell Uniwnity alma mater with different words. SJnce I p.duated from Public School U ln Jene)' Oty, N.J., I bad known it this way: "Far above the Hudlco'• waters, with la wavea of blue, ltanda OW' noble Alma Mater, atorloua to vtew. "Raise the chorus, aDeed it onward, praiaea. her be given; dall to thee, our Alma Materl Hall, all hall, Eleven!'' BAIL. ALL BAIL, Cornell! Meaning no dl•;.:tect to Ml11 Kelly, the leCOOd-tacbel-who wrote P.S. ll'a knock«f venion. it WM a thrill for me to hear the real lhlnl· Owrlooklnc the Hudlan'I DOWl>-blue .. _.. ln the early lMOI, p.11 W. c.am.11 . -med wrytar.-.yad~~ lily ct.uO• ~ • llMll!'her of Ccrriell'1 er-of 1182,~flDally aot me to the rtpt pi.ae. And nm with the chmtel&'af1,tbree deiwlN -P.S. 11 11 DOW·Martin ~~Jr. 9emefttaey Scbool -1 Wlm'l ~· 1bere wse 4.JOO But whai ' the comoiencement cerem~ny In Schoellkopf Field lacked in int.tmacy it more than made up for with a very modern, very happy grandeur. It'• pretty excltlne wat.chlng that many young men and women marching along in cap. and l'JWN. Well, maybe marching isn't exactly the rtgbt word for the cl.us of '82. Three llCIAll 11011 girls dJd back fiipa. tulela flying, .. they pUBed Preaident Frank lt.T.-Rhodel. Kida had "Hi Mom!" taped on their caps. The "boteli.es," pwluat.ee of the School of Hotel Admin1etration. sprayed ellCh other with cbam~ from the bottles they carried. The l"'Y next to my daughter wat waUdn1 a golden retriever. Another doe, black and weartna the red tuHl of the hotel ~ lifted hll Jee over the plants in front of President Rhodes aa he .poke. It waa fairly atanderd commencement rbetortc, with a IOIDber mention of "bard time•" -about half of the non~ lf9duat.ee didn't have Party politicians In Moscow and Warsaw. On May 10 the party-controlled Polish radio aired the first or four attacks on RFE in an efr<>11 to reduce ita influence, blaming it for trying to "erode and dismantle" ihe communist system. The fourth broadcut charged it with "ur~ passive resistance, calling tor strikes, instigating unrest and destabilization of the country" -all of which amount to "brutal interference in the affairs of a sovereign state." WREN BAIG MET Soviet foreigq rnin1ster Andrei Gromyko in New Yor~ last September, among other things on his mind were Soviet aggression in Afghanistan and Solidarity'• ~ sucx:ea in slaking the political thinrt for freedom in Poland. Haig wu IUJ'Pri8eQ when Gromyko launched hi tt counterattack: A demand, repeated ad; nauseam. that t.t\e U.S. must tone down' Its radio broadcaita into the Soviet orbit;; that they were unacceptable. A quote from Polish radio might: explain Gromyko's anxiety. "These. radios," said the voice of Poland last month, "are largely responalble for wbal happened in Poland u well aa what ma:Y. ha in the tuture... I ~ the congreealonal aluhlnt ofl Reagan's defense budget being read ~ Moecow as lack of will. a presidentiat decision to tum up Radio Free Europe ~ mere $55 million worth in 1983, much of it for capital improvements, would look: particularly good on that red-letter day' of June 13, the half-year mark in Poland's long night. • memories .. ;. )>bl ~t. A mention of "govemmen(: loans ' brought cheers from grateful parents, including me. '• But whatever the black dog was, thinking, Rhodes, talking abou leadership and retpon.lbllity, aaid couple of thinp that ltUdc with me: •"l'he tint and lut t8'k of a leader is tq keep hope alive." "Americana are for leederahJp ancJ against authority." : "You owe the wodd leaderWdp. But leaderWdp is not management, and -two should not be confwed." "C.ertainly the cl.us of '82 believes th( world owes them a llvtnc -and it does.~ I WAS VERY bappyandquitemowict Comell and P.S. 11 were all inixed up Ht my bead, and I found m)'lelt th1nkinC of unething that happened in politics. It was one of the few thl.np that stayed with me over years of campalans. In 1968, in Waahi.Qlton. l>L~ Edmund M\Uie, who WU then • candlda\e toe vice pre.ident, WU bedded by a ~ man who~ to be blamini .~ United States for all the evils IO far recorded on earth. Muakie invited tbii )'OW1I man onto the platform. 'lbell IMf talked about hla father, Stephen Mardaewtki, leavina Poland "to 10 to ~ f~ land with only five Y-" formal eClucaticn, with a newly leem.ct Crilde aa • tailor. to find opDOnUnlty ~ hbillllf and far cbDdnn wno wn ,et unbom1 And tM:.,.r befc:we be died.a ti I '•• tlae flnt Polllh-Amel'ticml tilldld ID"••• ol. an AlwimD .. that a.y not JUadlY the ~ tD ~ bUt ft·ILll'i did to·hbn." f lunde1, I waa the lether. M1 life lilit t>etn ln1 dremat&c than Stepb Ma , wild., ~ tram Pomd M11rlal.M1lliapp811bMt-ol INlllliola for, the way we live he ~a.Me.,,..,..... . £!.',,..." ...... ~~ ... ..., U. {!1! M lh \ha& It Ghee cUd -~'1· ,. I IF ':t:l bll ......... ucl ...... t -uut tM ~"* ~ma)' be wen,...._. than hid ......... " It appean that permanent 1'9V•f'u• lOIMt ~*.ii to bU.Uonl Of doUal'I • ~ could be the ~on1•quenc:e of hl1h lnter11t ratH, budaet rH&ralntl, new pattern• of vehlcle UHi•, ct.nocraphlca; C.'OmptUtion from o~r producta ana -~· er ahock" and the Uke. In the COit lJ\ revenue 10llll could amount to t 100 b llton ln one decade, ea ya Leonard Sherman of Boo~. Allen • Hamllton. • · Sherman. a prlndpal ln the con1ultln1 firm and deeply Involved with auto lnduatry cllenta, maintain• the "U.S. market ha• underaone a permanent ~ from expamlon to maturity,'' and that ''aha.re aaina by one producer will ccmt directly at t}\e expenae ot CUNN.,P othen ... Besides the usual lilt of factorl, lncludlna hllh pricee. lnte(elt rates aod operating COlta, he dtet 11 even more important to lonc-tenn praapecta the tendency of owners to drive }ell, hold on to can longer, and view their vehiclea almply aa ''functional oomrnoditiea. '' • Jn reaching hit conclusions. Sherman atudied aemogr•phlcs, ownership behavior. automotive ooeta, bOU1ehold. finances and changing lifeatyles. -He determined that the demographJc outlook for the 1980a pointa to a <\ecline in population growth and an aging of population, a c:ontinW.., llo~~wn ln growth of 1t9nonal lnoome, and a l~ off ln the growth of two-worker famlliea that had apuned ..r. during the_ 1970.. Amona behavioral changea he notes that Americana drove can that averaged 6.6 years old ln i:;: compared with 5.5 yeen in 1970, and that rates are now more than 7 percent below late rates. Meanwhile, be stat.es, automobile oWnenbip costs have been rising, with the lncreues on 1981 and · 1982 cars "reve.rsi.ne a tttnd of stable or decllnlng real new car transaction prlcee •t in the ~970.." '. Thia sticker shock phenomenon. be contendl, 18 C:ompounded by depreHed ~in values on older, less fuel efficient can ln the u.ed-car market. and by the burden of oontinulna hich interest rates. Sherman ~t.es that in the early 1970.. when kuoline prices, measured by 1967 do~ were Under-35 cents a gallon. hou9ebolcb allocated 6.5 percent of budget to cara and parta. Now, with lue1 pnce. near 50 centa in 1967 dollarl. he meuuree the ~~tage at about 5.5 percent. ~•ff 'Raymorid Jew*Y 369 E. nth St. #16 Costa Mesa (ecroee from Ralph'•) 631-5105 DAILY COCKTAIL SPECIALS Plano Bar Thurs., Fri. & Sat Nights with Betsy Thursday Night Men's Night Saturday Night Ladles' Night RUFFELl!'S UPHOLmRY •••l•l ls: ....... I tll HAalOI la.YO. COSTA MllA -14 .. 1116- . . IAB.'S •• 1311 Im,,_ All coemtlWll••• llOIM ....... ,.. MYWN 11711 I Sf. lie. , IPU1 .... ,,,,. .... v-Ooet (c.11 ............ y_..,_. COITA,_. 641·1219 ,.,. ............. ..... ""'° 495.cMOl ntnc...c,·1-11ee-....., .• ....,....., Art Show ~ Dad & grad gifts t-{untington Center June 10 thtu 13 ACTION 8LACK8 ll&.aCT11D 1T•1111 ' ixc~wJJ Kntt llr Lewi• •2 2 GOLF SHIRTS' 5 Pooular Colora REG. 130 10 Falhlonabl• Colon OUR REG. PRICE 125 MANHATTAN I DACRON/COTTON. 2 PQfKiTI DRESS SHIRTS •1 7 8POAT8 SHIRTS '1 7 LONG OR SHORT SLEEVES SOL.IDS • PLAIDS • . · • SOLD REG. •26 HALF SLEEVES OUR RETAIL 126. "AIHION "8VEA I HAGGAR 1 "AHTI . '159 IXPAND-0.MATIC •27 SUITS aLACu WITH RIVERS19ll VHT REG. 1226 Our •1 l:Jellef In Slac:i. REQ.136. s~V::r& 199 U25VAL.UE IV PALM HACH • IOTAHY 600 •STAHLEY 11.ACtU!R •• 396-1t"8 C08TA Mt!IA ...•• 1812 Hart>odMYd. ..• (714/ 6'2·3177 ~Utl Sl'RINOS ..• 326 H ,;-..,.. C. . . 714) 325-~: 81Mt VALLEY •..•... K-MART PlAZA ...•• (905) 827-1111 S .. ....,,... ......... PLANT -Ann W. Gatlin. (left) of Costa says she hasn't done anything special; he just planted this cherry tomato plant and now it ii 10 feet 1 inch and Ii still ·ng. It's also loaded with tomatoes, which, ubt, will satlsfy her appetite, that of her d hter's. Paula Fleming. and perhaps the entire neighborhood . • I Care of plants • • :meeting topic~ OBC8ID GROWER Gene Scbm4dt will dm.- variedel of ordUdl at the Tue.tay m.etmc of the Honkul1ural Sodety of Onnee Cwilt). Thie poup will meet at 7:30 J>.m. at the CalHornla CGoperatlw Extemlon, 1000 s. Harbor Bhd., AnelWm Nu1 ,,., \ C.,pt·t 11i/, ROSEBUSH CLEARANCE SALE COLOR BEARERS -Zinnias are a good choice for providing ., ....... wave of color in the summer garden. There's still time to pJant them and get the maximum show during the coming months. Amlual Scandinavian Festi\Tal of Music and Dance Saturday, June 12, 1982 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p m. It . ON TllB ROAD, DSPT. -MOit ~ ldCJ!tum happemd jult the odm' ....., alone our hdflc eo.t Hl&hwq at 1he crcwued to Jamboree Ro.cl in Newport BMcb. The traffic llpal at much-1rawled lnt.enectkm went deld. But that pan ~'t the= part. Everybody who hM done. any motortna la wr recloD lmoYn that it'• . f-• traffic llahtm to abruptly 10 · ~ not much unu1ual for • • • Oil the blink. ~ Ccucmoilllc111aderl!I' Costa Meu, lll ___ l_l_l_Pl_ll_f ~for example, when the "-Caltra~way people ---.-----.......... came a few w.eb bllCk and ''fixed" the ..... OD Newport • all the crcm stree1a. Before they fixed t.hlm. you could get a green ligbt OD one of the lkle atleeta and make it 80'09 both Jep of Newpon Boulevard, Dfely to the other lkle, on the 8J'"eeD. . NOW THAT THEY'VE fixed the lilEbta. you'd need a dnc·ndnl jldlrabbit Nrt '4/ clear bot6 ..... and you'll be .... throulh the lMt ·le(( CJn the yellow. lmtead, mmt drtwn DOW jmt pt stranideCI in tbe middle and mult wait for a MCOnd green Uaht. You complain al>out thil condtUon and you are told I G~G THE MF.SSAGE -r.ttanda Blah School .. ta &ten to KABC sporucaater Ted DaW90b dudna "get involwd •• ............. ., ...... ~ day" on the ec.ta Mea campua. Nearly all the 1, 700-member mident body turned out fol' the talk. From left are Mike Colegate, &&,,an Scott, Jim McCahill, John Nguyen, H assay, Scott Canfield, John Joyner and Tom Neal. Wwekly pll for echool, home ... exllaomidtular ~ties. UnliU corpG1ate motivatioftal ••mlnar• aiven only once, ltUdenta at r.tanda have the opportunity to make positive thlnldna a part of their eYeryday llve1 throuahout their htah IChaol career, aaid Hallay. .. The secret of motivattna peop&e ... to make than -that they have a choice between 1UCC1e11 a failure,!' lakl u.a..y. "I think tha~ ~ kida will c::any thll with them for the rest ·of their lives." c ll • . . .. .. .: ..: .. . ARTHQUAKE THEORY -Taken in the tid-1960s by J~eee dentist T. KurtbayMhi, iese are the orily la)own p~phl of the ienomenon of earthquake lights. Scientists ith the U .S. Geological Survey say 'the I atarday, Jae n ARIES (March 21-Aprtl 19): What had !lell hidden will be revealed -valuable ,ntacta are made by accepting social tvltation. Horizons expand and recent IDitaUona are removed. , TAURUS (April 20-Ma~O): . pmmunicate with individual (Dl to bme or holpltal. Remember recent fawn ~-r.olutiom. Accent on frienda. hopes, 18hm and cqitacta which lead to CAree.l' Dmt or aaeceedul investment. 1• ••• GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Focus cm l>Wty tQ communlcate with higher-ups. rpur ldeu are IO\llht, your view1 are = and your desire for change la 1 CANCER· (June 21-July 22): Expect Jlg-dinance txmnnmlcaUon from family pember. Make inquiries oonceming pomible iu,mey. You do have rl&ht to get away from l all. Domestic adjustment occun -and jUlt , l time. Libra plays key role. 1 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Aura of •Y•tery dominates acenario. Romance, atncue are featured. You become aware of llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA •HUGH MULLIGAN I •HOROSCOPE ibould reepect bla wtahea. She tioJd me, tD a ~-way, to mind my own bulln•. The ewn1na befon the funeral m= friend w• laicf out for ~· I • »eoPle PIP • they )oobd into the Oi*' eul<et. I w .. furious wtth hia wife fQr wbat I conalderitd thi ultimate betrayal. Haw 'can I make 1W9 the ame ~ doe1n'i happeni to me? -THE LAST DOUBLE CROSS ,,, .. , ..... puzzling lights could be generated b y movement along the fault, where sections of the earth's crust move against each other with jarring force. ,, enhance security. Cancer, Capricorn, Aq~ua penom play important role1. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Accent flexibillty; avoid rialdity, ob9tlnacy' and tendency to believe tliat policies are written in cement. You receive call or m?llage related to powlble holiday or vacation travel AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Unusual communication can lead to wrltin& or travel Mliamnent. Focua Ql'l payments, collectionl and ability to lncre•e Income potential. Previout plant are subject to vut revialonl. Scorpio native figurea pnwnlr>ently. PUCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You're a1ked 1o join club, gr9up, orj~lzation, charitable or political drive. cycJe bilh. penonal ~ la much in evidence. .,eop1e are drawn to you and this apeJiee espe!dally to memben of oppo.tte MX. D&AB ANN LANDERS: I am writtna to· you became I know ypu have a lar19 Nedenhip and I want • qaany people u iMmible to ... um Jetter. It ha.I to do with ih8 dNrioi'aUOn of ~ty I eee all around .me.. • Caat month I caught two errors on my bank 1tatement, three ml1take1 on my lntu.ranCe form1 (one made by the ~ company, two by the doctor'• office), an error on my water bOl. two erron on a lilUnc that involved my car (made by the f Department of TrantportaUon). The quality of IN!l'Vtce ln a1moet every area la becomtn1 po11itvely shabby. Example: I telephone the ~ office to uk about a mamna requtrement.and am put•on hold for 10 minuta (Thia la after getting a buly llgnal for aeven mlnui. before I get a llne). After the 10-mlnute wait I am cut off -newt" did get the information I wu eeeking. DEAR HAD IT: Who batD't7 Your comP!alatl are aome of .._ less aerlou oan I uve lleanl. n. m11-:.:~ctan1 ud d•tlttt make are llalr-Mt to meaUoa lawyen1 ·~ mecUalc!t, ._., plamben ud eleCVIClau. U JM , ... aa ei:eelleat 1eam1tre11, eablaetmaker or wateblaker, die elluon are t1aa• tliley llave bea wonm1 for Ii to fl Jean -or &My came from uotller coah;J. nu la DOt to IA)' tbere are NO people aroad wlao take pride ln tllelr work. B•t wlaeaever I na mto a craftlmu wllo 11 excepdo...Uy 10CMI, I am tUllled. Cu 1t be daat too muy Wap are bela1 due by madlnes, ud people don't care uymore? I bope aot, bat tlaat'• tile way It'• be&bmlDI to look. I receive an alrlloe Ucket with a wrong date, and the flilht number la goofed yp. l have to atand in line at the airport for 20 minute. to pt It ltraJCht.ened around. Th.la momfnl a button. came off a new auit the flnt time I wore it and the door an my 1982 Are your parents too strict? Hard co car wouldn't open from the lnslde. reach? Ann Landers· booklet, "Bugged by Don't people care about quality . Parents? How to Ge t Mor~ Freedom.·· could anymore? Where la pride ln workmanahip? help you bridge the general.Jon gap. Send 50 Am I paranoid or is this happening to other ('fmt.s with your request and a long. stamped. people, too? Please reply. -HAD IT IN :><'If-addressed envelope to Ann Landers. THE NATION'S CAPITAL gr;:~9bJ;J;; LONDON (AP) -In png to and fro, up and down like Job on this terrestrial ~· the suffering pilgrim eometimes encounters a foreign currency 80 worthless that even the country of origin will ~t accept. it in payment for drinkt on its national 8.lJ'line. ''Green dollara or British sterling," the hart.ell wtll inlist, enunciating a government policy that al8o requires her to give you change tn her otherwise unacceptable national currency. In ID09t such caaes, of CloUrle, the airline h8I only one jet~ in its entire fleet. and there la a duty-shop on arrival ln the nation'• capital to gobble up more bard cash from abroad. Veteran &)obetrott.en have a n.idmame for this tpedee of uaele91 ~e and p,aper money. They are known as goo-gooe. THE TERM IS BELIEVED to have originated with British travelers to Germany in the days of the Weimar Republic just before World War Il when the mark waa IOl'battered by inOation It literally wasn't worth the paper it wu printed on. AA John Toland relates in his biography of Hitler, people needed bushel tiasketa of marka to pay their rent, and someone hurrying to a bank would find his paycheck was worth half as much if the tiolley car was delayed aa much aa 15 minutes. In the months before Saigon fell, the Vietnamete piaster mtnk to the level of a goo-goo. One could jbln the Saigon yacht club, lnltlation fee. and annual dua payable at the offidal plaiter exchance rate, for the prloe of a cartClll of Ameriam cigarette. an the black market. A drink at the bar, however, might be the price of last year's yacht. The extinct Biafran pound probably waa a aoo-aoo in the finA1 hows of that trqic bi'eakaway republic, although among coUecton lt probably now. ii aa valuable as a' genuine Confederate dollar . Genuine goo..gooe rarely make that eort HUGH MUlllGAll MULLIGAN STEW , of acomebac~~n leaving the country, it la usually im · le to change them at the airport into any other currency, even the equally worthlem goo-p of a neighboring country. ONE OOUNTRY (which shall be oamele11 in cue, God forbid, I should ever have to return there) even had a cardboard box in the airport departure low1et for pueengen to deposit their leftover goo-goos. It was located just below ~ No Smoking sign to dbcourage departing visit.on from lighting· Up cigattttes with exce. million goo-goo not.es, in cue the Diamond Jim Brady urge should overtake them in a fit of pique. . I.a a guide to travelers in far-off lands with fragile monetary systems I have over the yean collated the "Immutable Laws of Goo-Goonomics" and offer them here, free of chllrge, as a public eervice. · 1. A goo-goo saved is a mistake. 2. U you can k~ )'~ £00-f'OOS when all about you are shedding theirs, you've obvloualy never been here before. 3. Bad goo-goos do not drive out good goo-goOI, since there is no such thing as a good goo-goo. Gresham wu ripped of1 here too. .:~~ i'!.1 GORIN Oil BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF NorLh (. I " \ found ond th1. . . ." "Why don't you watch where you're going?" Jt:DGE P.4RKER I CNN eELIEVE I'VE &EEN MAN<ilNC, IN n.1e ~ALL WEEK by Brad Anderson 'IMAT WOOLI> You LIKE F~ 'tOl.R BU~~DAY, LORD P. ? THE LADIES CLU6 IS GIVING A TOUR OF INTERESTING HOUSES ARe YOU GOING -ro KeeP -rHe S1"AF.=: ON A'f' YOCJA ROMe V'U .. L.A AU.. SUMMt!flt ? .. ();Mgt Collt DAILY ptLOT/f'riday, June 11, 1982 I'M MAD---WHO ELSE HAS A RECREATION MY HOUSE ROOM LIKE THIS? ISN'TON IT _ _. 00 l.(00 'THINK 1ME GIRL.$ WILL Ul(E fl'I~ z;. ~ ctM'1~\UIW 1'0 V\.l~ ~1'~~ MICE _, Q\)\E:t ,,.~1'~AO ~ . LA TB -Columnltt Wllllam tr. Buckley la on a list of property tax dellnquenta for Fairfield County, Conn. He owes '4,700. at. aMd n&danal membenblp bM droDDld b'Oln a hJah of a~t91y 1aa;ooo 1n 1810 to lhe C\&n"eftt no.0001 MoN than a doMn c!:&':' In WlnoM baYI cts.olwd or IDd memberahlp haa & ... ~!J~~ :sr.=:: :i:: ~ ~.~!~~!.t• the 1H1ue'1 a .. via. :r;ic; •11 ... In x ~..-.uw ln14 manttia, ahe Mk!. Mn. N9'181ml iald, , that . the ..,_ bll "arown an a.._. of 11 percent a yell!' In the nufftbir of atate and local chapteri at new chapcet:t .,.. founded to replla the onee which dUbande(t" She Mid H ,000 chapten operate in the Uni~ Statea. I The lea1ue waa founded by aattr.,s.t came Chapman c.att. ·Rafting on Kings t11w1lrr 11d Fur S1l1 .l•t 1m hll 11 Ll.~I P.I. ~ River dangerous ESTATE Afl> FRESNO (AP) -The abertff'1 department hu warned K,inp River raft.en to be careful boetinc ~ bun the ~ Flat Dam In eutem Fresno Cc>Unty. ''We are d.ilcourq1na people from raftlna on the rtver due to treacneroua canditionl." aaicf Lt. Robert Wrieht. NEW JEWELRY {One Day Only) Releues from the dam have lncreued to compensate for mow runoff ln the Sierra. Dres..UD 2043 WISTQJFF 'bR. · Put a few words to work for you N.8. 631-1290 NIAi COCO'S · 642-5678 in the llily Pill( -'-.;;._..;..;;:;__~~~~~~~~---------.;-----t ... MOT1C9 TO CMDn'OM C....XTUJlll• ( .......... U.C.C.) Not101 11 lter•b)' 91111n to crldltore of tit• within n1m1d I::':' ... 11111111 .,.... .. llbout -=-=-~ prapq Tit• n1m1(1) end bu1ln111 1ddr111 of t111 Intended tr1n1feror(1) ere: VALOA f.l.!CT"°"9CS, INC-. 1 Cllbftl OOfPOl-.1, 1211 f' LogM A ..... C... ..... CAl2Gt. Tt11 n1m1(1) end bu1ln111 1ddr111 of tit• lnt 1nd14 11• ... -CI) If* S & S, INC., 1 C1llfornl1 corpor1t1on. 1211 F = Avenue, Colt• M .... CA Tlt1t tit• property pertinent ~ .. dllcrtbld In Ol"l'll -bnMur9, lblu. end lql.~ .,.. ... tr1d1n1m1. goodwlll, 11111 • ......__ lh\PIO...,. .... _. In trldl, llt tnt & manufecturtne :,:,~"'i~ 1 otflc• end 1hop In COlta ..... CIM.: ,.... end .,.,..,.,, IMle llld .. ...., IC: 1211 ,. Loe-n A...., COiia ..... CA 11121; Thi ............ .,, .. ............. ~ ....... klc:llltilll 11: VAi.Oft ~ ..C. Tltlt Hid lt1otlll ltlnlflt 11 llWlftdld to .. OOl-.uMI ... f .... office qf 8EWVIC>e ISCAOW COM,AHY. 142M -..Ott ams .• ,.0. aoa 21', W.tmlnle«, CA t2t11onor....,..._a,1m. Thll ..... ct-.'°' ... dmll In .. .crow ,...,,... to ....... .. Jun12t, 1112. So lar a1 la known to Hid Intended Tr1n1fer11(1) ·111d lntlndld Transflrof(1) ulld ~ tolloMnll ldcmol• bullnW,... end acfdr ..... wttltln ttM lltr11 y 11r1 1111 Piii : VALOA E.LECTAONeC8 end VAi.OR EAST. DA TtD June t , 1182.. 818, INC .• • c.morNI OOfPOltlllol\ BY ALOHIO DI 1AHCHEZ. ,,....... BY A08ERT 8. SWAIN. Vtol,,.... ....... ,, ... ,,,....,,..,,. .. _ "*lltlld Otlllgl eo..t Delly Not, .... 11, 1112. ~ Old -Fashioned, family-Style SWAP .MEET EVERY SUNDAY 8 5 % Non -Commercial Colleclibles & Garage Sale Items ORANGE COAST COLLl!GI! AUDITORIUM PARKING LOT Fairview & Arlington, Costa Mesa Glitts Opr11 to Buym -8 a.m. · J p.m. Stlftr Hours -7 n.m. -4 p.m. *FOOD *FRESH FISH *ANTIQUES * TEXAS-STYLE BBQ -. *PRODUCE t:f BREAD & PASTRY *.CRAFT ITEMS • Arul Muds, Much Mort! FREE PARKING b ADMISSION TO BUYERS! SWAP MIET INFO SPACE RESERVATIONS • 558·5880 . •a.oo ., OUI RXED IATE JO TO 89 DAY IET All IEPUICHASE AGIUMENT PIOGIAM FOi A MINIMUM Of $5,000, IN $100.00 INCIEMENTS, MAXIMUM Of $99,000. ·n..-...-.i: ...................... ,..., .. It's yours for the asklng ...... hlgh Interest on a minimum '"vestment of $5,000 for a short term of 30 to 89 days. South Coast Bank's Retall Repurchase Agreement Program pays Money Market lnte{Ht: has no opening or transaction fee, and the rate upon ~a Is fixed for the term of your Investment. 1 , Earn competitive Money Market r•tes whlle stlll maintaining your valuable t>.nkln& refatlonshlp. For further Information pleue give South Coas( lank a c.11 at (714) 540-5300 and ask for Sue Patton. ext. 231 . ' Gleemlng 14kt. gold jewelry Is yours at fantastic savings. Elegant accents for summer fashions. Lovely for gifts, too . 14kt. gold pendants, reg. 55.00-200.00, ••'-27.•t-91.11 10kt. or 14kt. gold rings, reg. 80.00-265.00, 39.19-132.49 1ikt. gold chains, reg. 20.00 to 425.00, Hie 9." to 212.49 14kt. gold pierced earrings, reg. 20.00-75.00, 9.99-37.49 14kt. gofd charf'•· holders, reg. 10.00-50.00, 4.19-24." Duztlng dlam6nd jewelry Ntrlngs, bracetets. pendants, ring•. men'• rlng1, reg. 150.00-1550.00, 74.tt-n4." Wedding band1, reg. 30.00.300.00, Hie 14.ff.149.91 Mervyn's Fine Jewelry Department. &,~ ~~ e / -0 · ~'({' i I 1 : i , I . , .~ I ( ' ' . f • • t . . I i ~ . ••••• 8.01 off 1hort tlHv• terry topa for ' meo and young men. Contrast colors. " Pofyester/cottoo. S-XL. Reg. 15.00 . ., t Save11.01 onLewr,•ForM9PffU4ier 1 cut for extra comfort. SINtdl t cotton/polyester. 32-<40 ...... n.oo t •••• Speclall fHhlon )ea,_ fot rOuni nt•n. ~38. Limited ~tlee. fine quality and •Nglttly ._ .... : ~ ...... . ' • Men's underwear: brlel1, tees, v- 1 -. .neck shirts of soft, comfortable ! cotton. S-M-L-XL. Reg. 7.50 pkg. of 3 ;4 ..... ~ · 1.51 off men'• aporty tube aocka, · white with striped tops. One size fits 10-13. Reg. 8.50 pkg. of • .,.,,. Adktaa• Lynx Jotgera with padded • collar•. balanced sotea. 89Y•' 2'k-e, mef\'• 1-11. Reg. 2s.oo, .. 11.ee 3.01 off Mervyn'• tube soclla. White • with 1porty striped tops. Boys' 5-6~ 1-a~. e-11. Ref. 7.IO ~oft 2tor8~00 Jofflng short• In bl~ boys' 8-M:L flt .J'Zff 8-18. Reg. 4,50 each, ..... 3.11 4-7, reg. 3.50 -.. tale 2.lt, 2 for t.oo SO% off two women'• terry rompert acryllc/polye1ter, more. S-M-L-XL. Loungewear. R'°. 10.00 ea., 5.21 20°/o oH Entire 1tock of Hanea• 1heer, tummy control. support pantyhose and stockings. Reg. 2.50-6.50, 1.99-5.20 Mlsa••' •IH ahort .......... Nie! Jewel tones, euy care .cryllc. Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 6.00 each,,. .... 3.n 30°/o off • Save on matemlty apcMlawHr: tps>t. pents, shorts l'?ld twilntulta. 8-16. Reg. 7.00 to 17.00, .... •.to to 11.to Femou1 maker wall"8, checkboot< aecretarlet and pur~ ec:cesaorles. Reg. 6.50 to 25.00, •ale 5.19to1~.H 17.99 Save 7.01 on Junj~r elze Jeana by Levi's•, Brittani•• ~nd Tr• Jolie. 100% cotton. Slz4'• $.13. Reg. 25.00 Womeft't tand8t1 In aelec:ted 1tyle1. Padded lnaoln, ankle wraps. 5--9. Reg. 18.00 to 20.00. HI• l.tt to t.H 40°/o oH Cotton broadcloth ca_!!~o. stripe and floral prlnt1. Great for faahlons. «-<45". Reg. 4.00 yd., Hie 2.40 7 ....... 1/3 off mlsHs' size pant top1 and ahlrta. St{lpes and plaids In ea1y care (cotton/polyester. 8 to 16. Reg. 12.00 1/3 oft Junior me Jog ahorta of pofyester/ cotton twlH or nylon. Sizes 3to13. Reg. 4.00 and 7.00. 2.15 and •.es Bobble Brook• junior awtm...n.. famous quaJlty at super savtngal 7-13. R~. 18.00·20.00, 1t.»11.lt !!~1'! .. ~and short1. 4-8X, reg. 4.75-11.00M., 3.11to 1.33 7·14, reg. 6.00-11.SOee .. 3 ..... 7.M . ·1/3 off · Glrta' """'aulta In bandeau or two- ptece 1tyles. Stzea 4-eX, reg. e.oo . .... a.• 7-14, reg. 7.00 ..... 4.M • Cloth dlepert In """ styles from Curl~ and Dundee•. Reg. 9.50-14.00 In packagee of 12. HI• 7.12to 10.50 18 ....... ... Kenneth bed1pread1 in twin. full. queen and king sizes. Washable. Limited quantities. Special purch11e 4 ......... . Deerone Heloflf9 ti bed piUows, polyester flff. cotton/polyester cover. Std .. queen, king. Reg. 9.00-13.00 Special purch11e bath towet1. Tiny flaws won't affect wear or looks. Limited quantities. Slightly Irregular 40¥. off Victorian 96uquet percale shHts by J. P. SMNens. Cotton/polyester. flat, fitted. Reg. 9.00-20.00. 5.40-11 .99 • --······ PROUD PATBER -ActinC APJ>!UW to be in latest film. "Partners, .. hu been releued; the blood of the O'Neal family • Ryan O'Neal Tatum will leave 100n for New Z-land for a gtvee a hua to da t.er Tatum. 18, and IOI\ fl 1 m r o 1 e , w h 11 e Gr U fl n debut• l n Griffin, 17, at a I.a rstaurant. R an•1 eoon-t.o-be-releued 't'fhe Elca Artin° • Pig sweat odor supposedly influences human behavior LOS ANGELES (AP) - Politk:iam haw been eccuwJd of pork-barreJinC to win vota bldl hom&. Now one writer fears they'll come out aneWna like swine befon the P01)a. Writer Lowell P001e, a former Pen~ consultant on exotic warfare, aar.• the scent of aweattna Pelnfluencea humans favorably and poliddam could u.e lt to sway voten. The substance, andrmterone could be "uaed u an aeroeol durtnc poliUcal ra1llee. « .. a mcrance 1n the Ink o1 :en Uwature to make a te eeem more attractive." Ponte writes.In ..... a,.t. But the PJWer' of IWfne sweat ~ have a Umlt. • The nervous ayatem of humans la too complex for ·that kind of reflexive behaviol' " lay. Arthur Coquelln of UCLA's Brain Re.arch lmUtute. Maybe eo. but Ponte thlnb ec..,.. ahoWd out.law tbe '* of androaterone In political c:amJ)91pl -jult lo be aunt. ''\Cl~ HOLL Y'MX>D-A NClftt bill of the Merv Orlf fin Show Included adc Van PaU.. the • of they..,.,~~ .. ~;;. teu.w .. qr-~ ~: i:n.!~~ m""a..M..., ... aWPl • ol ...... w-.ln ~ now YO uljlo a'. ''The Rilbt Plaice at the ~t Tbne'' (Little, ao.m. t13.80). "I didn't make the Johnny Canon Show,'' be remarked with a fattat amlle. "But he "*'*'°"' me fran time to time. Once be augnted how PBS could proYide lt1 own tundlnc: by IDl!ldftc vlewwl pay tl apMce IO they wouldn't have to watch 'Tbe MricNell-Lebrer Report'." MadWl, • print and efectnmlc veteran of the journaUltic wan. admitted bit lnexperMnce In talk abowl: '1 WM pObebly atiff on the Grtfftn ahoW, In ccmpuilon to t>ae who make theU' 1lvlnc from them. 1be hardmt thlna to do ii •aplt out abort macb1ne-cun burata, which thoae 1h,ow1 require •• Not ;_, "The MaicNeil-Lehnr Report." which baa won a roomful qf awarda tor ita half. hour examtnatlon of 1ln1le, complex tuuea. The proaram may be chaa1in1, MacNell repal1ld. but won't •wymb to the cafeteria atyle of the network ne----. '"The dec:Won to ~ to an hour la imminent,• he aalcl. "Jliaht now PBS ii Jookinl. tar tb9 money, and I thlDk tm,'Jl !bid It. When we do F to 11D ' hour, lt won't be one-aubject abowa. We'll be able to ,..._t more~'' '"lb9:.Rllhi PlllOI id .... Rlaht Tlme0 la an apl t&tlt Im iM ammon. of the Oh Ir a-born ,..,..... wili a ...... tillnl ~:-;rYnt ::1:u WU =Li:,~:C In Loadm ....... tbl ... ~ ...Un at ... um. ... wall ~ ........................ ~ _, DIUlia Wt:Mn ......... x .............. 'l1w t>c>Ok II not m account of one scoop after another, but ...... of bow a ...,.... workl, triumpha and aomeUmea falla. ''I Jove UU. kind of book: about a real person who IOH to lntere1Un~1 and doe• lnt.erlettnC .. aaid MacNeU. "I WM not a .,,...,.., I waa not wrltln1 an autobto1rapby. I wu almply tryln~ to wrl te a aerlea of re.de stortee. .. What prcmpted him to t.ue a book,!!,,.-6{, with hit career In ~ft;;· been doln1 a lot of ~ mmt1J at universities. The atuaen11 may lllieep tbnJU&h the lecture, but they come alive durtnc the qu.tlon period. lt'a f.Mdnatlna to aee what they are intereated In. Aleo we have college tnteme on the lhow, and I 've found that they are lnter9t.ed In ltories I have to tell. .. Dllpite fre9uent offers from die 0 1111...-i necworkl, be and· :lbia Liilar9' baw ODt.ed to r.na1n ... PB8 and. In )aunary 1981, formed their own pJ'Oduetion company. It wlll probably oduce the hour-lona M-L aaid~~ ~ ra nUmben In the past year and a half have came near the ballpark of the commercial newa ahowa," be added. "A Roper survey in February indicated that we have four to five mlllon viewers niahtly, compared to ~ 16 mflllon for the networks. In addition: we have a cedre of vlewera who dip into the proaram regularly and atay tuned lf the subject lntereata " C.11 142-5171. Putafewworde to work for CHALLENGER -Getty Cooney'• experience and stamina are on the line. Dodger . Sl:feak . '-con t1n u es LOS ANGll:Ll!s (AP) -Ttiie mama-..... talJdM about lost opportunities md I.ck of dutch bittlnt .and .1eav1n1 nmDll'I Oft ~- .. We're just not pttinC the key ~ at tbe rilbt time.'' be ukl. The Lo9 Anaelea Dodaera• Tom LMorda? Not tbil time. Thl1 WH Clnclnnati'• John McNamara, exp&atNnc tM pliabt ol the Reda even after pulJiaa 011t a 3-2 victory over Loa Anaeles '11alnday .:r,t, ~,:: ~ I ~ 1 Reda, tboup.1 who ate 1Mt ID the National Lelape West. hllW been ba~the w probMmlill tbe "'We're~ in -.U. ln bitUna" polD1lect out McNamara. "but next to 1Mt in n.m. aoored." It appeared the Dodaerw .mcht m.k OUt of their lldd, t!llp9d8lly Jfter aetdni their ace, Fernando ~alemuela, • i.o 1-d in the ibcth lnnina. Normally, that'• enouah. Valermaela, 8-5, Mdn't allowed an eamecl nm after the·llxth 1nnlna in a game llnce April ~. He allO hadn't walked five beuen ln a pme llnce April 26. But be wilked ftw Thw61. DICht. md be Uo pw up two l'\IM ln tbe llW!Dth md another, the pine-winner, in the ellhth. Eddie Milner, who entered the pme in the aeventh ·u a plncb runner and ICOl'ed andnnati'• flm nm, knocJr.ed in the Ue- breaker with a 11.ncle to left- cmter. ''It'• my flr•t game-· wlnnlnc RBI ID the majon, .. Milner laid. "I Wiii jlmnwd, a curve baD. and I dktn't bit it well But the way we've been fJOinc. lf I W bit it bard It prot.b1y would have been rl1bt at IOmlbody." But lt dropped ln front of P9*o Qwrrero and, Bon o.tes- aboatd with a leadoff walk, accawl die Ue-&reeldna nm. ''Tbere'• not much anybody ~do about that oae," catcher MID8da9da-'d. ~ VllGAS (AP) -Larry Ho1me1 .... ,"-'-vw \:.I~·~ noarnm amwerea in hla 1ut ~ fSChta, ~ Ken defend• hie World Boxln, _Council that at the wel&b·ln w~ be led hla N~ &n Lyle and Jlmm~ Youni -.._vywelat\t~ 1aftlatlt tplJWt •nt°"~ In a chant, like a coll•1• three men who either held or foulht fw a youncer, taller, .._vier Derry Coone)""ln cheerl . the heavywetaht ~tle -in four roUndl °' the •rlchHt flet la rtna bl=tor 1 an "What time la lt'r' he lhou&ed at than. Je.. -._ .+a-t t-.... _ ,_. ••D-'---' ""'--f" t~ --~. WAw•YIPftSll .., ·---m Vl9 ...,. ~ UI... --~ _ ... -.OU For ~ re.on.. the filht hlll captured ft ~ Palace. Both men carry impr...tw credenUall the irnlabwUon of the boxinC pubUC. The HolrMe, 32, wec,bed ln at 212~ pounda into th1a ftcht which matchel a master fanl' appetite for the match w• lnt:rnnd • 'lbunday, 13 Ulhter than the tD--year-old boxer ap1nst • powerful puncher in the b th Cooney, who Wll 220~. 'lbe dwnplon. at dwk: ttyllsWluaer abowdown. even men Ya two-mon poltponement 8-3, la alto 4 lnchea Morter than the Hoim. hM ruled the WBC heavywellht forced by an injury to the challenpr'a left chalJeDaer. But the ltatladcal ed&e hardly division for the 1ut four ~ defendlna ~· • med to disturb Holmelon the eve of the hia title 11 timee and endlnl 10 of ~ ~ eaya he la healthy now and ~w:::11bo~ =record~ of $10 : :1:.:=s~ ~.for b1e ~hel:hiav:!: =p~ =r = "Tm ~wl~ my predkUon of aeven Cooney 11 alfo undefeated with 22 and made him more of a two-flated threat -·~ II .... _ ..&--....;.a.a. "But lf be llCta '----'--··ta iJ\ _, ............ W'l•"'t of 1..t-,....... to Holmel. J~ WJllll .....-· .... -...-uu .u ~ ~· um ~·ta. With the excitement the niatch hH foolilh, he won't an four." tncl·ull .... the 1Mt two, have ended ln the •--• created, co-promoter Don King Mid the The two men wetahed in iepUately, fint round. ~could 10ar put the record UO million avoldina any conf,rontatlon. They have Holmel ii the boxer, an expert at •ttinl which Holmel and Muhammad All been kept apart for much of the 1Mt two up an opponent. He la considered to have 1et in the ame perking lot stadium Oct. 2, weeb during tninlna ~ becai. of one of the belt left Jaba in the bul1nem. "I 1980. · lnddenta between memben of their campe. JOt ~ ... =~ ~. l rm flOllJ\& leave ~ "I hna.&ll'\e lt will 1ro11 aomewhere Cooney'• peop., have barwed Holm. box1D4i ,_ ~ _ be"feen f 75 and $100 million,'' ..sd King. with taunta of "Tkk ... tick .•. tick.'' Coooey'a left book hal devllltated many Much of that will come from the cloeed-~ that time la runntnc out on the opponenta. He ~ aw.ame knockoua (See HOLMES, Pace CJ) ~----'------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMP -Larry Holmes goes for bll 40tb _straight victory without a defeat Reeling -Angels still in tailspin .. CHICA.GO (AP) -Manager Tony La&ma hal It all tiau.red out as to why hla CUcaao White Sox haw been inwlWJd in IO may one-nm pines lately and .. Dia .. they win, be cfOem•t mind.. ' "Everybody'• battlina and nobody II alvinc in." LaR.- md 'lbunday night af1er u.e Sax edaed the Angell 7-8 on Steve Itemp'a tle-breaktna, i.doff home run in the ninth lnn1ng. It WM the D4nth atralght one- nm dec:Won lnvoMnc the Whlte Sox and lt marked their third . ¥ictlary in four ..-. •. ·°MOM ~es were laaiut r-Qty, Tex.Mt ()tkJind amt now Callfomfa,'' aUd LaB--. "all WIDI in our dMaon Which mika than doubly impol'tant.'' The thlna that baffled ~ Wiii the way they lolt a 5-1 lead which they .had enablfabed with 101De darina '-!~, eepect•Dy by Greg l.,usfmld __ who awed three Umea. Britt Burna didn't allow a hit un- til the fifth when Fred Lynn hit bla third homer, but Burne couldn't set by the sixth when the Anftla ICOl'ed three more nma oni ~ by Rod Carew lbd Don Baylor, a double by Bobby Grich and a triple by Doua Deanca The White Sox lldded a ND in the aeventh when Lualn1kf walUd and ICOl'ed on a double by Tom Paciorek, but the Ancell tied It in the etghth with two rum on aingles by CaNw, BayJcr and Reaie Jacbon ~ another double by Grich. Kemp led off the ninth with hia fourth homer which made a winner o f re liever Salome Beroju, 3-1, and a 1me.r of Dave Goltz, 0-1. '1 WU jult trying to bit the ball hard," 1aid Kemp, who hadn't bit a home run In a month. "If you can get the leadoff man on bMe in the ninth lnn1nl. yolar chancel of ICOrinC are rDuCb better. I don~t know Whether it WU ' faat bell. llidet ,. breaking ball. •• Catcher Joe Fersu-on verified that "It WU a fast bell and Kemp just hit lt. It'1 hard to ay exactly where the ball wu becau.e I didn't 19t a chance to catch It." ~ Manager Gene Mauch said, Kemp WU the Jaat batter Goltz WM aoina to I.ace. I bed Doua Cor6ett ready in the bullpen and he WU going to f.ace Luzlnaki." Mauch bed little to •Y In the wake of the Angela' ninth -In 10 em-but he w plu1ed with the effort aplmt Burm who hu a $-1 lifetime record against the Angela. "They battJe ~night,'' aid Mauch , "but tonight wa1 e.peclally impnmive llnce Bu.ma hal alwayw been toug)l on ua." I I I i t '~ ;~ ... ln bUtbaU Ill •1; '11'1'ht nm mldlt11on ,.,.,. ..... ln 'l'D~r •=• ht1tof1 i9pn attw 111t· ilalnUte bitWWl Nlftllntatlwe ot the oWMrt and piayen failed to produce• 005TA ,...,. ••• V~ rox ~ • .-11 •t'*'-" to the p..obi.m Of fnt~.~t Ar ht 1 iLJ ,L ~ lndl,...,t IU10mobill imnl ...-f! compenMGan. Even before the~·· ea yac 8 pace nign e added a new lhow1oom ln front of lNlr' Lui pme -.S.ttle'• 1·2 vlct«y ovv By•• .. ON,~ ••gy . oftJoll on Newpori &oui.vMd nMr Uw 0...,. Baltimore at th• Ktn1dome -WH °""'IUJIQ &AAo-1ty ~ completed, Marvin Mlller, execuilve ~O ..... G '...., Clalllca, ••oUce, and bard·to·flnd ~,. are oq,; dlt•ctor of tht Playe"' A11ocla\lon 1 ., NG BIA.CH -Two Newport Harbor dl1play alonl wtth other automobll• that .,.. au announced: ''We heve aocomplt1hta yecbtl ICClt9d wlna ln thel.r lndlvf.dual cluMs ln the avaUabW I« Mle or'-'· ~t ~ eanw ~tion for '1Y.r nothifta. 'n'9 •trike la on." Balebtll Wll ~ niot of Lona Beach Y~ht Oubt.e Raat Week twelw ~ ~ new ahowJOan• twl .. ed~ u. about to embuic on a two-month •bblUcal. Th\uiday. Wlcat.t Fox t.rlldidon of "plftClftAliaed Ml'Ytce'' for On Wt dat8 ln 1072: / Wfn!Unl her eecond etrataht race to lead Clall thef.t cua~n. ' AP d AUanta'a Hank Aaron bel\ed 1 irand· D wu Sheilandoah, owned "by BUJ Palmer and Warren Fox. owner and Pnlklent, •·w.C." J'~, I Jl'nm ~tcMI tlam home run ~ lift the Jkevtt to 1 15_3 tklppered by Dave Ullman, •Ron MeMlle'• !lfw!I• Vice Preetdent, and c.ori J'ox, founder and Prellldent of t\ DA l\T. Iowa -A hole-II vkt.ory '1VW ~i.o.i..i •• It wu Aaron'• Corl J'ox IAllb\I. i•pc--nt Uuw ..,_.tlcn and 7• · in-one la a bta IDCllDlftt for any IOlfer', 1 .. th d .,.... B01 _. Tf'~G 11 yeaH of combined 1utomotlv• experttnc• ln the Golf er gets ace citespite handicap • but Uw a illob Mattln of Davenport .. career aran allln, tYlnl Oll Hod881 ~ ' ~I eout.hem Callfom1a .,.. Col1 Fox ii ciontl~..S one of J carded thi• wMk wat even more National Leuue record. · 1 the p&oneen In automobile leMlnl and •~ C«\ FC* 11 1~ On thil dafe ln 1938: • i.e.tna over H yeen ll'O· Warren rox 11 c..""1'tmilY Tbat'• becaUM M.rUn. 42, ta Jeplly bUnd. OnclnnaU'• Johnny Vander Meer hurled Bafi>oa Yacht Club placed eecond in the c1w tor the Prelldent of the hlably ,..peci.ct W.V.L.A. -W..-n .. Martin uled a .f-1.ron to link hil hole-in.cine the flnt of hla ~o CONeCUtlve no-hitten. teCOnd 1\talaht day. Vehicle LeNtnc Amodadoni a five-at.ate orpnlzation .. atDavenport'a&nelaCC>\U'M.ltcmneontheNo.2 beatina the Bolton Braves 3-0 at Crolley 'lbe pt.her local w1nne1" wu Inunlty, a New dedicated to hlth lnte1rlty, reputatfon, and o hole, a 1 ,0-yard par 8 . Field ln Cincinnati. York-36 co-aldppered by Wayne Auatero and Tom profeutonaliam in autornoblle leulna. "W.C." hu '""'-ot.herl:v. were ........ &,.•-· but 1 Sc.bock. Newport Harbor Yacht Club, "'1t her 10th worked ln all 9huel from aervice io m.urance to..-J--• .. _.., place finllh ln the first race lltill leav• her 1n fifth and la ac11vely lnvolved within the community - dedded to ao wi a .f-1.ron becau.. the wind WU Floyd, Lye lead Memphis Classic .. , ..... ln the -... ,u .. -. notably the Newport Harbor Jayoeea and the Oranp derd qal.mt me,'' uJd Martln, who hu been ..-.... _..... Ccut YMCA. 1epJly 1>Und ainoe 1078. ''I knew I hit a -.....t Ray Floyd and Mark Lye each !I Two other yacht.I ICOred leCOl\d day wint 1n The Fox Showroom houn are: Monday •'--·- b b I 11 ed .-1hot ~ u d 67 t h th Thunday'1 race. Davld Fenix'• ~~foot Petel'900 .... ....,... , a ot, ut waa rea y 1urpria when we • n er· par o • are t ..a--1-....1 aloop ,~....,. to a wide lead on the ..,_ Ftiday -9:00 to e:oo. and Saturday -10:00 to 5:00. dl.acoYered the btll went ln cha hole." fl rat-round lead in the Danny \leal.,"""'" -~ ~· • • • Martin at h1a Wdon becau.e of a heredity Thomaa·Mempbi• Claulc aolf weether le1 ln a.a. A and wu never~-COSTA MESA •.• Lee Feldman of Earle Ike Volvo, , problem in b1a optic nerve. He wies blnocular'I on tournament ThUnday. The leaden were one Al.lo acorina conaecutlve wins wu ~lett 1966 Harbot Boulevard. c.o.t.a M--.._ California. bae the golf coune beau.aae he carmot aee det.alll. ahot ln front of Mark McCamber, whoee 68 gave O'Hara, a Serendiplty·43 aailed by Monroe earned membenhlp ln lhe Diamond Salee Leeaue by • Martin was a at.andout &Olfer at Davenport him aole 0 11!11fon of third slace at Colonial Wtniate. Metropolitan Yacht Club, Oakland, ln eelliftl 600 new Volvoe. The nen level in the career H.lgh School and St. Ambrole College. Country ub . • .·B•~ Dute , Ju Steplaeua °-:'~ two of tour reoee: recocnition pl"OIJ'Un II the Volvo Hall of Fame f« 1,000 .. ·,...----------------11·-..,.-and 'nerete Bnaloa were tied tor the lead with MAXI CLASS _ TII NtwMn Wlndwwd Plllflgl 11nc1 Cond«. or more Ufr!rN> Vol"<' :ial<"tl. · Quote of the day ~ 3-under·par 699 after -Ole tint round of the ClA88 A -1. Mffog, Devtd , .. at. ,ranoi. VMlllt ceub: 2. Feldman ti» been with Earle Ike Volvo atnoe "We don't have more than two IUYI Lad lea Profeulonal Golf Auociatlon GrNt Fun, Cley Bement. 8t. FYC: 3. ElullW, Jotln Pequln, Cotonedo 1977 and lives In hunl.&naton Beach, c.allfomia. here who are really tighten •.. we have a Country Club ... Beda Dole!, Ju Stepbeuoa Ceyt~ e -1. BfrMe. IMl'll L.ou«>e. at. r:vc: 2. T"""*°· Dk* • • • lot of ., ... ,,. who talk a --t --." _ San Palmer and 70-year-old ;,am Saead 1hot KnoUI. aovc: 3. JetatreMI, J«r>J s1mon11. Long Beadl vc. RIVERSIDE ... Wlnlton Cup Grand National slOClk a-J-a~ __ --: 3-under-par 68a to ah.are the first-.round lead in CLA88 c -1• ~ O'Hwe, Moiwoe WlnCIMe. MetrOQOllten YC: car --i .... retwnl to Southern California thla w~kend FrandlCO Giants Manger FrW Robluoa. h M bo C 2. BfOOk• AM, L.any ~. Cabnlto IMot'I vc; !. auper Wltet1, Lowell ·-.. before h1a team'• 9eWl\th lam 1n nine games t e arl ro laulc aenlora tournament at Not1ft. aovc. with the runnLna of the Budweiaer 400 at Riverside tl Marlboro, Mui. Palmer, 52, the gallery favorite, ClA88 0 -1. 8henend0tlh. Biii Pelmer, NHVC; 2. Bigwig. Ron 'IntemaUonal Raceway. recen Y· brouaht h1a balky putter under convol tor an ~~ ~1'. ~'=·~. ~~~~ vc; 2. More lhan 40 entries are ant.idpeted f« the annual Hrbek grand slam stops Kansas City opening 34·34-68 C1Vf!r the 6,174·yard coune. Tonke. Dew Klett, AnflCaP8 VC; 3. 81ngo, Ben Oerclnet. L.BYC. "Summer Clullc" which II one of two Wlnlt.on Cup eventa run annually at Rivenide'• twisting 8-tum maJo<~e;:.oo-.ia:'... his,,.,= £!Q!:I Lane will referee tonight's fight Ffom P!i! C1 =.'y.:'4..'."!!l'-_,wru 'b:'° ~ ,:-:w.:;:; Minneaota to an 8-7 victory over -MW• Lule was named u referee • I Hodadon 200 Grand American car nee as a pl'ellmlnary. Kanaaa City Thura4ay night ln for LarrJ B•lmea' World Boxina SEVANO'S COLUMN marks the tint Southern California appearance of the American League bueball action. The victory Council heavywel1ht title detenM year for the Wlnlt.on Cup cars and llan, and Is the 14th mapped a five-game lming atreak for the Twinl aoimt Gerry CMMy tonight in Lu stop on the 1982 NA.SCAR drcuit. and an e~t-game wtnninB streak for the= V-ep .•. U.S. Cae__t.aln Artllv A.Ille named .JMa next ~.,,, ...... ....._. will lta~ the ume aa in Amonl the late entries th1I week was the 1981 --MeBane, Peter Fleam... Brlu O.tdrle4 and. r--·-J PonU.C from Rahmoc Ent.et"prillell of Wlnllton-Salem.. . . . Sou paw Dave JUaietU hurled hi&. Elle1 T .. Uldet to take ttie court 1n leQODd-,qwia · pnMoul years with the belt the DCJrt.h meeting N.C., wllh Joe Ruttman listed as the driver. Ruttman. for 6 ~ lnninp, then Deeded relief help from Davia Cuj) actlon a1ain1t Sweden July the belt of the aouth ln • double--ellminadon af.f.alr. who malnta.inl a home ln Upland. Calif .• and la a local = =::, -:n~pped'N~ 9-11. .. Miclaael s,utt, the WBA UJbt ~ ~ ~f~a_:w:;:ntiot ~q~~~~~s~:~r:.~Y· bea~t champion defendl hit title apl.Dlt ...... -J --five-game lmlng ltreek with .Jerry ·CeluUae Saturday ln Atlantic tepent.e toumamentl with the winnen meeting ln He pamecl up eevenl outatandina offers of other a 5 -3 win over Boa ton City ... The final ~· of . the NBA a best two-of·three 8eries .". ndel but choae to eo with Rahmoc, even though that . . . Bu 9allvle'1 two-run cbam-'~•"'P aerfea on drew the le<lOftd· t.ee.m w• havinl flnanci&l probleml and there wu a double in tlie eighth inn1Da t',,..._.. Believe it or not, there are no i.. than nine qu.don • to V\'Mther they could continue racing. lifted Milwaukee to a o.? 'wtat audience ever for an NBA game on prellm1nary bouta before tonllht'a bea~eight 'lbe problem wu eolved only recently, however, victorv over 8 hlm e netWork TV ... The Green Bay Packen traded. m.1n event between , ....... HO'_.._ and.· n-. when Ruttman wu able io land the Pet Milk Company r... a or · defensive l1neman Brwee Clark, their No. 1 draft Cooney The onl -·~ u-. ~·~ _ .. a major apomoc, and the new team combination will ~~::.~b~°!' a=-choice in 1080, to New Orleans for a No. 1 pick incldentauy, 11 lf lw way J':' tJ::'.a ~ .u'::n~· ~ lta tint appearance ~ the Budwet.er 400 th.ls out of reliever RoWe.,...,. nextT I yeervl 1 • di \ ON-TV or SelectV. · · · · auifman. younger brother of 1952 lndy :SOO winner .-tt who pitched the final di.ree e e S On, ra . 0 Troy Ruttman, hat an excellent track record at lnningl .•. In a National i.e..,ue pme, J• TV: No events acheduled. Add ON-TV: the cable network fiCurel to get Blvenlde where he fin.lthed 10th as a 21-year old rookie Carda pitched a two-hitter and faced only one RADIO: Bueball-Anaell at Cblcaao. 5:30 170.000 sut.cribert at $15 apMcile. That'• a Jot but ln 1963. HJa best Riverside performance. however, wu over the mln1mum number of batten to .-·s.n p.m.. KMPC (71'0); Qndnnatl at Dodgerl, 7:30 nothing compared to the Sugar Ray Leonard· bis eecond-place finish ln the Winston West.em 500 last Diego to a 5--0 win over Houston. p.m., KA.BC (790). Tommy Hmrrw fight. which aot a whopping 190, November, while atlll driving for the Si.cy team. He ~=~=====~~=~~~~~~~;=!~===~===~==~=~~~OOOO=~au~m~c~~!p~tioos.~:_ __ __,,.....:.....------1 battled eventual winner Bobby AJlieon throughout the -entire race, IMd1ftl aevera1 times. only to be foiled in the cloatna lape wt1h tire trouble. In additlon to Ruttman. AJJ.lalO. Darrell Wal1rip. This week's Special ... 1981 FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM COUPE Altroroof, leather covered ... ilnc area & all CadD1ac power ..-i opdcaa. (1CRR692). '15~995 a.dlDec Value Profcdcm s.Mm ~ An.fWile .u CM.....,..,.,,,., .... .u h*-.... 1M • ....._. . . .... ftAT eaAT .. rm.me wnmm1m1G1Mll'lt.. Jllchard Petty, Nell Sonnen, Harry Gan&, Terr)' t.bclhtie. Benny p.,.,.. and • hmt of other Wlmtan Cup "recWara.". the Budweleer 400 hu drawn an I oula1andlna field of Well c.o..t drivers, headed by perennial favorite Hershel McGriff and defending \Vimu.i West Champion Roy Hill. By wlnninC lut Sunday'• Pocono 500, Bobby AWeon vaul1ed into 9et.'Ond place In Wtr:wton CUp point standtnp and comes Into th1a Sunday'• Budweiser 100 uaD.Lnc Terey Labonte by a mere 51 polnta. The Pocooo vidorY was Alli.on'• \hi.rd trlwnph of the aeMOD. and enabled him to move ahead of Dartt11 Waltrip in lhe pomta chue while clmini the gap on Labonte who, despite nol havina won at all In 1982, hat led the atandinauince March wfth a string of conmtent flnlabea. Labonte wu able to cl.J.ni io hia llim leaid by fint.blnl 5th at Pocono. and while he Jost ground to A1lllon.. he p6cked up IOme dilt&nce on Waltrip who encountered Ure problema and flnlahed 13lh. All three driven are. expected to figure prominently ln Sunday'• Budwei8er 400 at Riverside .. . AWeon and Waltrip as co-favorites baled upon ttletr f.bnlnance of the 1ut 1htte June nces at the 2.7·mile .n.-.d coune, and Labonte a1 an overdue candidate for the wtnner'• circle. A total of 41 Grand National entries have been received for th1a weekend'• "Summer Cl.uDc'' which la the l•t.h of 30 races on th1a 'JW• Winston CUp ecbeduJe. In addition to AWeon and Waltrip, former winners ln the field include Richard Petty (1970-197$-1977) and Benny p.,.,.,., the 1978 winner. Panona C\lrttntly rank.a fourth ln polnt atandinp behind Waltrip, with a IUbst.antial leed ~5th pl.ace Harry Gant. 'l'oday'a quallf ylna la allo expected to jeopudbe the current 1-lap record al JUvenilde which wu eet by Waltrip l_.¥t June and standa at 11Ul.9 mph. Waltrip. Alli8oo. Labonte, Petty, P&l"IOftl and Dale F.amhardt AN all UDOnl the pre-IW» favorites to earn the coveted pole spot d\Uin8 today'• activity et Rlvenlde'• 2.1-mlle roed ooww with pnctkle ln the momtnc. followed by qua11fytnc fOC' the ftnt 20 spcJ1a, beilMJnl at 3 p..m. PncUce and qual.lfylna for the Wam1t:r HCJdCdon 200 Grand~ rece la allo acbeduled for tocMy, with many of Uw West Cout'a top abort track driven putUna on the action. Qual1fylnc will continue on Saturday to fill out the 30<ar fielda fOC' both eventl while Sunday'• ndnl It eet to betPn at 11 a..m. with the Warner Hod&on 200 toUowed by the Budweiler 400 at 1 p.m. WINSTON WP POlfnl STANDINGS (Al .... II ..... ) DIUVD I From Page C1 HOLMES ... drc\ltt t.elawt. There .,. · cloeed-dmdl televUlon loca TYING UP IOMS LOOI& BNl>ti JO.WIOI\ will be lfvtnara ioWje.powie coach Jen1 lelll•l•lmUell takff hll and bullnlm hal been brWl at Or~oa1l Coll•p and Golden ·~ to the Cl.Mi of 082. eabbA~ leave. Jteet whO won MWn moel of them. The bout allo wU1 W•t haw~ to u:8 up the Daweon, who once hotted a radio PIM' for the ROlidtuMitn and led the be 1hown on 1om• P•Y·TV South Colltt ConleJ'9nt'e too MUOn ~lJRT ·~~In Ponland. ON., eaUed Southern California Conference ln outleu al\d bomed to 100 wlth a Thankt1tvtna Day 1ame EEDEN 1·Callln• All 8J)C)rg..r." aomebow wu etrtkeouta, oompl9te pmee and ~ forel1n countrlee by 1ate_ll1~ ~at noon. honored;u the 1980 ttportlcliliNr of the patched beck In 1878, wu RJo Hondo• ~r .. ~ '::'..on !!ri~ ~~ rn· f~ tM two rtvala want to pi.y Yev by the LA~ Club In 1980. (>l tchhll coach two HHOnl aao. televW;; .... htlr.7; re= \hitlr t'Oftf*rtnce finale on 'l'hankutYtna ended tn a 7-7 ltandotf. FORMER ~rowen haw 1JONt on Schle,.tmUch wU1 finith hla doctorate ... Day from now on. OrillnaUY, Co.cJi And, of coww. the two -.ma come to become Weit Cout coll••• crew WOl'k at BIUham YOUnl and return for m1Won for a June 25 te t. Dtck Tucker'• PJratH and Ray fromtheSanhrnandoVall•~" COllChel-threelnthePac-10. th• 188f-84 ••••on ... Rod 'The park.lriC loit 11adlum ,. Shackleford'• Ruatlen were 1eheduled But t.hanlcl to the new re~ of 'i()ur aoat it to eome day have an OCX: McCarver, Wny Ber1ndalal and Mike bf,en ex~ from the 25.000= to play on Nov. 27 -two daya after an community collep conferencea ln alum at ~ hMd ~ epot ln the Plaellard have 1l1n•d profe11lonal held tor AlJ-Holmel to 82,000 ti 'I'hanklllvtna. • Southern CaJUorn1a. they won't meet Pac·lO," eay. Daw Grant, whO et.epped ba1eball contract1. All three were thll t11ht. Wlth tlcketa ecal 11Wt'N excited about pla)'inl( Golden qaln U\ a 1tate buetiaJt tournament, • down U Cout'I head COllCh Jut year, memben Of thJe YWI c..nttce buet.11 from '100-t600 for toniaht'• West ln a Thank1aivln1 Day 1ame," Both Canymt and LA Valley are now "Maybe then, theY'll let OCC crews 1quad which ftnfahed a cloee eecond to bout, Kina M1d the live p~ Tucker •Y.· "I thtiik lt'• aotna to add memben of the newly formed Mountain compete ln that conference." OCC ln the South c.o.t Conference. record of 16 million aet by Alit 1plce to the riv.ity." . Valley Conference, and unleea the 1tate Bob Newman, who rowed at OCC and McCa.rver wU1 report to the Mtnneeota Holmet allo would twnble. The rivalry bepn ln 196e and over the chanaet lta policy of only one team UCLA la now the heed C011Ch for the Twhu while Ber1endahl hu already "I think lt will grom more thaf' pMt 16 yean hu attracted about 115,000 repreeentlna each conference, only one Bruina; Bob Whitford, who rowed at reportedly 1lsned with the Dod1en. any event ln the blatork ot lane. By winning the last three 1amea, of the clubt wW be elillble for the ttate Lona Beach State after compettna for Plnclcard finilhed the 1882 teMOll with a 8 the Ruatlen have taken an 8-7-1 edge ln tournament. the Pirates, now COllChee Stanford; Tim 10-0 record . The' 1ophomore •ports," he 1ald. "I thin • the lleries. LA Valley's 3-1 victory over Canyon1 Hodaet, an ex-Pirate la Uw hQd froth rl1hthander'1 la1t out1n1 wa1 a 7-3 million la a •boo-ln." LOS ANGECES VALLEY and gave the Monan:ha their flnt-ever state coacli at Cal. victory over OCC ln the Shau,hnelsy A major part of the fi&ht'~ Collep of the Canyona eeemed perfectly baaeball crown. OCC'1 preaent coach, Larry Moore, Playoff• . . . Jolla D1Ua1, men'• lntrl1ue lnvolvee Coone~' matched for thelr atate community allo rowed for the Plratee before aolna athletic direct.or at Eut Loe AJ\ieles lnactivtty. He haa fought only college baaeball championship game a FOR THE SECoND year ln a row, to Cornell. And, Jim Jorgemen. another College, l1 unhappy with the new rounda ln the last 30 months couple of weeks ago at Blalr Field ln Cerrttoe Coll~e offidala have choeen a ex-OCC rower, heads the Plratee' relequl.na of community colleges. "In veteran boxlng people ha~ Long Beach. •Ports-related penon to be the keynote freshman crew. • the Southern Cal Conference, the 1uggested that could cawie h1m Both teams came into the game with speaker at graduation. 1 fart he It we had to t r·a v e 1 w u be rwaty againat Holmes, who near-identical records. The Monarchs Last year, alum Jim 7.om, the Setttle NAME DROPPING -Jolm Peel, a Huntinp>n Beach to play Golden West, defended ltla crown aeven tlmeS were 29-7-1 while Canyons wu 28-8-1. Seahawka' quarterback, wu the guest former Rio Hondo College pltcbing and now we have to compete against during that same period. The only other time the two teama met apeaker. great, hu been named to ooech the four college. out of the greater The challenger, however, th1a year wu on Feb. 16 and that game This year, KABC aportacuter Ted colle 's bueball team next aeuon while Metropolitan Los Angeles area. unco~med about the problem. .....--~--'=--~~~~~=--~~~~.;:._~~~~~~~--'llt-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~_;;;'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~--1 Stocks qualify today RIVERSIDE (AP) Qualiflcation runa to determine the pole po1ition and flr,st 20 1tartlng spots for Sunday's Budwe~ 400 stock car race were acheduled today at the Riverside International Raceway. The 30-race Winatdn Cup Grand National stock car series wW be making its 14th stop of the 1982 season at Riverside for one of only two road races on the annual schedule. Entering Sunday's $280,000race, Terry Labonte of Corpus _, Christie, Texas holds a nlftrow 51-point. lead over Bobby AlliSon of Hueytown, Ala., in the chue for the 1982 Willaton Cup Grand 'National championship. Darrell Waltrip of Franklin, Tenn.; the defending champion, ia ln third place. Despite holding the points lead for the past nine outings, Labonte will be aeeking h1s first win of the aeaaon and first win ever at Riverside. He has maintained his top spot in the atand1ng:s wttb a 1tring of cons is tent finiahes. , / • ~ . I • Waltrip lead1 the 1eaaon standings in victories with five followed by A11iaOn with three. Both are fonner Bu.dweller 400 winners. .. ~ Among the records up for grabs la the one- year-old, one-lap mark of 114.419 m~t by Waltrip ln a . The 400-kllometer race record of 106.279 mph, let by David Peanon ln a Cougar, hat held up \ 1tnce 1976, but ls expected to fall Sunday. Miami upsets Texas - ~ .... -. ' I , I ~~ :~ ' :- ~ ~ .... -• • • llAIOR LU-ITMDltCM ~~ ....... ~" .... . ICMMI Cllr M It .... -= Ud .... -41 u ... , , ... H " .IOO I Olk*'O H aa .4.M • T.,... 11 N .MO 11 ~ 14 ... ,,,, ., ....... ~ ... , ...... - UIO ... -2t 11 .IOl'N " 11 ·'°' 1"' 11 21 .IOO I 2t 27 M1 ·~ "'°·41410 ,........ .... Chlcl0o7 ....... M~ t, leltlmore 1 Ntw YCW11 I. lolton 3 ~e.K-Cl'Y7 Only 98"* ecMdllllCI T .......... Ang•I• (ICleon 4·21 •I Chicago 1~t~n Oe11Mnc1('°"Ill'*'0.0) tt TCWOlllo (a.noy W).n • .... Yclftl (Morgen ,_2) el ~ (0. ....,.,_M).11 Clevel111d (SorenHn 11·4) 11 8011011 (otede 3-4). n Oelroll (Petry 11-3) 11 Miiwaukee (V~2-411,n ..... (Peny 4-ll .. Kel.-Clly (llM 4-3). n Ml1111uo11 (Haven• 2·41 et Tea11 (~0-1).n ~~ W L 33 21 31 23 27 31 2t 31 H 31 24 32 ...... ~ ~o• .1111 .574 2 ..... . .ea .... ..... . .ut 10 ,.. 23 .see -'° 24 .$541 2i. 2t 24 .531 3i. 21 27 .1111 4i. 24 21 .413 • 11 31 .311 13 ~"--.. ..,-........ a.n Diego a. Hou111011 o Clnclnnell 3, .,....,.. • Onlygel'*---. ,...... ..... Clncllln•U (PHIOf• 4·&• II ~· (,__Mj.11 ChlclOo ~ Ml 81 Monlt9lll (I.el 4-2). n St. Louie (Andujmr 11-4) M Ntw Yon (.lonee M).11 ~(Cendelenl2-3181 ~ (Clw1eMl-1 3-,1j. II Houllon (Sutton 7·2) 81 Sen Diego (Lois. 5-1). II Au.nta (Wlllll .._., ., Sen F!Wldloo (Chrte 0-1) • • , 4 2 2 4 • s , 0 0 , • 0 0 0 0 0 <f:HRISTIAN ~ • two rec.w it I qu&lify." One net .. Jwy 4 and tM other ln 8W9dm July u . ·~ Clon't knOw 11 I would F and come bide or )IS\ 1tay thin and waH tt out. But rm Mt ln my W•YI. here and woWdri1t want to IO over there for the full llMOn.'' La1t year it wa1 a broken collart>one that kept him lldelined • aood portion ol the 8"10ft, ThJI year, he broke .n ankle ln the tprina clu* Which ~a month before the~ 1N10n opened. He la now Nldy to 10 full bore and •YI U.. ankle hU M9Jed completely. "I'm doinc all of my own mechanical wcirk now and I haw a very cood 1pon1or ln STP (Oordon Johncock won at Indy under the STP banner). I feel th'.nat are QOlna rlaht for me · r'.ght now And l hope to keep them that way." Christian will k:rte at both eventa th.ii wee but could face the tou&hest field to date at Costa Meaa toniaht. It will include world champion Bruce Penhall who la here to ot.erve the American final (he'• already qualified by virtue of h1I world title laat year). Whlle Christian believe. that the rldera from the En1ll1h circuit will have a alight advantage in experience, he doesn't give them any further ed1e ln t.he Long Beach competition . It will find eech of the 16 riders competing against each of the others ln four-man, four-lap heat races on a point bMil of 3-2-1-0. The three with the highest total at the md of the program will advance to the next siep, the Oveneas Fi.,.J at White aty Stadium in London July 4 . Thia ll where Penhall ~ h1I quest of a aecond straight world title. Ten riders advance to Sweden and 11 will gain a spot ln the Coli.ewn event from there. • • • BOBBY SCHWARTZ CALLS Balboa ll1and h1I home when he ia in thia country but du.ring the summer months he ridea for Reading in the British Lequ.e. He'• here for the American Speedway final Saturday nlgbt and wlll by-pass tonight's program in Costa Me1a to concentrate all efforts on the qualifier. "I didn't make it put thia race last year and I want to do better," Schwartz says. "li;ve been baving a aood tea90l'l and I feel good right now. Penhall races at speedway Bruce Penhall,· the reigning world champion speedway rider, will make a rare appearance at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa tonight to compete in the weekly racing program. Penhall, who callt Balboa Ialand his home when he isn't off racing, will be joined by Shawn Monn and Brad Oxley of the Engllah circuit along with regulan Alan Chriatian, Mike But, Mike Faria. Mike Curoeo, Steve Lucero, Dave Sims, Keith Chri8co and John Sandona. Tonight'• action is the final preparation for Saturday'• American Qualifier at the Long Beach Veterans St.dium. I. • J Ptc~Airi.:.:r ~A::..aa ~ ~ penont .,. dolnO Tli. I0110wl119 '*'°" 11 dolno ....... ~-"OalM·"OMATI l'AINTING, C O I a • a P " 0 I' I " T Y 1717t 90111 Cllloa "d, f ,111 MAINTINANOI 00:1 11120 ~r:l!:tlr~l-=CNal MOtOftOO tt .. Fountllln v*1, CA M . f17, Huntington a.ectl, CA t210laww L ~. 21~ 1tltl tlN. b tf•Jt k,:_~ lemlldlno, CA 12404. Aoben atutt.n •rt. 11 11 • 1"" bllllnell 11 conduciM by "' ... CNca M. "'". HumtnglOn lndlYldull.. llldl. CA '2to49. C1w1e1 L ~ 1Nt b11111MM II oondUCMCI by 1 Tllll ....,,_..t -filed with thl 9'ftl'tll penr.. eHP. ~ a.rte of 0r_,. CcK.inty on TNI .::::..,~ ftled with ltle Mey 10. 1112. ,,_ County a.II ol Orenge County on Publlefled Orenr Coatt Oally .Nfle •• 1912. '111f1t Plot, June 4, 11, ' • 26, 1N2 241242 1'11bll11\ed Ofano• cout Dally ---------.----Plot.~ 11. ''·a . .M'1 ~~ -~~MUC~~-::M>::':'TICl==-­ PICTmOUt.,._M MMmaTAT'lmNT Tiie followlng penon 11 dolno ~-K. W. POOLS a SPAS~t WeNoc* Cltcll, Huntington • CA92Me. Kavin How11d Waleke, ltlt WIHodl CWcla. Hutlttngton 8Mdl, CAHMe. TNI ~ II oonduotad by an lndMOull. KMIH.W..-e TNI "8t1man1 WM flacl wttll IN eoumy an o1 0'8n9' eoun1y on May 21. 1N2. ,,.., PubllMad Or11191 Coal\ Dally PIDt.. June 4, 11, ••• 25, 1N2 2456-12 '9C'TmOU8 ....... MMm9TA,_,.,. The toloWlnO pef'IOfll -dolnO lluelrl4lll •: PINECREST, LIMITED, 11652 MecAl1hur IM'id·· Suite 440. IMM. Callf, 112716. OeW1 K. lAmb. 5 St. T~ NIWDoft 8leotl. c.llf. 112MO. Mtllrdld R11Ukh, 11882 ~. HU11ttnoton a.di. c.tll. 8264& John Miner, 18552 S«rano, vi.a Petti, c.llf. t2tl7. Thie IMlr'9le .. condUCWd by • llmtted pei .... ierwtllp. OeWS K. lamb Tllll atawnent -llled with IN eoun' can o1 <>range County on June • 1N2. ,,_. P11bll1Md Ofange Cout Dally Plot June 4, 11, 11, 25. 11112 2~ 111111ma1 ATKINSON Candice Blod~tt of Laguna EARLE. ATKINSON, JR. Betlch. Ca. FUnenl lel"Vices a resident of c.c.ta Meaa, Ca. will be held on Satrday from for the pMt 17 yeus aft.er the Wbltham-Kanapaux moving here from Portland, Funeral Horne ln Rockaway, Oregon. Pa11ed away on New Jersey. Liturgy of June 9, 1982. He wa1 a Ouildan Burial will al80 be member of the Garden held on Satw'day at 9:SOAM Grove Lodp #1952 BP.O. at St. Cecelia Catholic Elka, member of DAV and Church, Rockaway, New the Purple Hear-t Jeney. WhithamrK.anapaux A9odation. ac:Uve with the Funeral Home direc:torL Junior All American Football and lttVed -the ------~~tic ~0~t1~ DEATHS the BepU;at Catholic Church. ~J;J::.d~·~ RSEWHERE KaJei, Marcia Koval•kl, -------Mlke, Duffy ·and Joe AWnaon, 1randcbildre11, M U N l CH , W • • t Mark, Laure •nd Lisa, Germany (AP) -Weit perenu Mr. and Mn. Reed German fllm director Myers. Recltatlon of the R.alM:r Wener P~, Roaary will be held on 38, whose Ulm 'l:be Sunday, June 13, 1982 at Maft"la9e of Maria Braun." 7:30PM at the Harbot Lewn ._ widely abfbhed In the Memorial ~pel Mall of United States, died the Baumiction will be held Thunday. on Mooday, June 14, 1982 at -- lO:OOAM at St. John the TULSA. Okla. (AP) Baptt.t Catholic Church. Roaal• D. Ro•ert1, 37, In t e r m e n t • e r v i c e • antique dealer and elder immedlaiely followln1 at 100 of evangell1t Or.I Harbor Lawn Memorial Rot.t>rtl, wu found dead Park. Service• under the w e d n e 1 d a y o f a d~ of Harbor Lawnf-self-Inflicted gun1hot Mount Olive Mortuary o wound c.o.ia Me.a. 540-5554. . PASADENA (AP) - BLOOOE'IT Mhl~ Wallace Neff, 87, C PT ED W A RD F . active In the developnent BLODGETT, a1e 64, of Southern California'• reaident of Rockaway early an:hltectural 1tyle Township, New Jersey. with build1np such • the Pamed away on Wecmie.tay. Plckfa1r manDon In Beverly June 9, 1982. at Collea• Hilla. died Tue9da)'. Ho1pltal, Newark, New - Jeney •a rault of injuries' PARADISE (AP) -~ in an aulOmbohfle Elmer E. Bolllel•, 87. the accident. He wu born In ouupoken two-term San Kent, IJnaland and lived in Frandaco mayer who tried Panlppany. New Jersey to lbape the dty into the befOft movtna to Rockaway Parl1 of the Weit, died Townlblp 14 yean ap. Cpt. Monday. Blodgett ._ employed • a Merchant Marine Ship SAN DIEGO (AP) - llllMl.er. He iuurvtved by hil I' rad: B . T .. • at, 71, wife Sally and dau1bter aeriean\-a\-arnu of the ----------. Callfomla Senate from 1W75 ,_Cltaen'MMS ma;•OADWAT MOtlTUAlT 110 Broadway Cotta Mesa 642·9150 IAlTl_ ... °" SMTM I TUf-.&. WHTC ... CHAl'll 421 E 17th SI Co111Mesa 8'M371 to 1981, dim 'l\ie9da,y. l3-40,000 l ao.ooo , t20.000 I 10.0CIO I0.000 ~.ooo 560,000 15.000 w .ooo 200.000 11,946,000 I 1ao.ooo 130,000 U ,075.000 • • i I • • ' I I I } .. ~fi ~19i~·~·· ;-tili.1riiiiM .. w: ~.I i.*5,\~~= m~ ~":tw· ,~~eu::v.i.~.'~Ja A"I IH VOU" ftA~1 IT MAY II IOlD WITHOUT ANT OOU"1' ACTION, Md'°" ~ '*9 ti. ..... 1W!t to INN ~ eeoount In ... Mlndlnl w ~ .. of your P••t due payment• plu p~mll~doo~••nd•~P•n••• J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d wllNil ... "*'"" fl'om lie ... ...... of ............ . "'* 1mOUnt II t1ot, 1M6~ ... ~ lll1Y cndlll due~ of TNll • of June a, fte) and _. 111orH11 '"'"'.your eooount NOncl Of' "LiNO Of' "°°"* IMl"tftl· YOU mey not NM ...UOATIONI Ill~ to PtY ._. ..._ Ul\Otld Pof1iOtt of WITH IMMCM AC I) YC)llt aooount •v•n tllOYlll full Thia II to lntot"' lM publo I '· You un own vu oftlet --c•. ~ ... demended, IMll YOll ul'lder ltotlon 56$.ttCbl of th• 1 .,... ""* PllY tt1e ......,. _.... lllWI. Au1M and _,.."°"' '°' 1'*'"''°' You --itop 1 ..... ,...& '--...-. .... After ttww lftOnttlll "-tM dMe of ACC01.111t1 Md a.c.ion 5'5. t~•I ~ .. , -•wn mim t-• ..,.. ot reoorda11on of 11111 ctocument ot ,.,. A111M anct ~11one '°'"" You can own the llnd -not ll11t. =~ '::'.:""°"~ ~==-S:::.~ ~ You can rent -'th tht option to buy. IOllCllOMd upon l*'fl'ft* a IOllOtf AHOCllllon, Olendale, CaOfornla, ~oi»~~~~ ~;'p=1%-:e:'0~!r.:1:': AIRPORT WEST BU81Nl88 PARK tM entire amount derMnded by 1ncr.... MICOllntt of an tnewlOle 248 '1eotler neet llled HIM, C.M. '°" c;ndllor. type by reuon of tile aoqullftlol\ of c II M D ... 751 7·..aftft To find out the amount you mwt btancll ottlcle(1) of Pe!Mlc Fedwlil 8 r. 8TI8 • .VU Pl!Y. °' to _,.,. tot peyment to S.vlnga and Loan A11oclat1on, atoker Cooperation atop'"' loteclC*ut•, or II yout Coeta Mtea, C.ittomll, located at:1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ property II In ~ tot any 2331 w. Unooln Avenue. AnlMlm,1- 0ltllr reeeon, oont80t: c.iuorni.; t1111 w. San Vloente Bin Pn• Blvd .. Community of 8.rentwood, ,...----~---------------• M.P.D. '"-"'*" ()c)rporellon City of Lo• Ang•IH. C1lltornl1; 11'.D. loll 3307 320311 Ca"'lno Capl1trano. San AnlMlm. CA t2llOS Juan C1pl1H•no, Oallfornl•; 114nl1-MOO t23-108 El Cemlno AMI, Enclnlt .. , " you lleW any queetlona, you C1lllornl1; 111711 W. El Norte ehould contact a lawyer or th• Parkwey, Etcondldo. Celllornle; government aaancY whlGh 1MY he¥I 2110 Sepulveda Blvd.. Mllflhettlln Nired YoUr !Oln. AlmlmMr.J YOU Beach. Cett for nla; 1•3911 MAY LOSE LEGAL AIGHTI II' YOU Penuqulloa Drive, R•ncho DO NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION. Pen11qu1to1, C111tornl1; 30t W. In addition to tlle ernount elat«I Ae.dlanda Blvd., Redl1nd1, ~ lflould any prtcr taue, 11111, Cantornla; 5225 Oanyon CrHt OI enoumtnnoll be daltnQuMl or Drive, Alv1ralde, C•llfornle; 2505 become delnQuant, and tH9 loen Llncoln Blvd .. Senta Monica, c • n b • re 1 n e ti ti d , • a I d Cllllfornlli 21&42 CMNy 111111 Blvd .. dellnQuenclae ""* be cand • • Sun City. Celllornl•; end 727116 oondlikinof~. High~~)' 111, Palm DIHrt. NOTICE ti Hl!REBY OIVEN: Cellfot,_ THAT T.D. SEAVIC£ COMPANY II Anyone may write In levor or duly IPPOll'ltld T"'"'9 urtder tt19 prolHt of th• 1ppllc1t1on. Yowr ~ delcrtbed deed·of lNlt: oommenta may cn.ou.. t)Ut -not TRUllOA: O.M.8. PAOPERT'lt8. lltnlted to. the IPOkant'• ,_d of IHC. · perfonnanoe In hefPlnO to ,,_. the BENEFICIARY: M.P .D. credit need' of 111 loc11 INVESTMENT CORPORATION oommurllll• Foilt coplel ,,_.be NOOtCled Apl'I 2. 1912 • INlr. No. received by "Su~ Agent. 12-1 ft200 of Oflclel Aeoordl In the Feclerel Home Loan 8ef* of San oMDa of the Aeootder of 0rmnge Franclaco 800 California StrMt. ~ llld deed of._...,,.. Po1t 01t1ce Bu 7UI. Sen =:,~.~~~ ~r,~·1~'°: .. .::.::.;; ~ Tllel tM ~ in.. Ullder daye lo IUbtnlt OOt!Wl*lls m9Y be IYCll dHd of lrYlt end Ill• ot>talned prO¥lcMd II.di ~ .. obllgellon• NCUred thete~ ,,. received In writing by th• llf..antf)' lleld by .. 1HMlllg11ed; Supervtaory Agent by June 2t. n.t 1 tn.oh of, and -.. In. the 111t2. 8 llPRIYED llDUSTRllL LITS II IUITlllTOI IUCI Excellent price & terms for theee Iota, In muter planned development. ACCEPTING OFFERS UNTIL 7/2112 For more Information caJI: HIM MICHEL or JIM MICHEL or NORM NOWELL COLDWELL BANKER (714) 955-8300 ""obllQeliOlhllft......,_• b wtllcitl IUGtl deed of Anyone Hndlno a 1ub1tant111 Ir'* II MOl.wfty N9 oocurred In lNll protea I may reque1t an oral ~ ,_ not Merl nllide of: The WllUfl'*lt on the eppllcallon • Ml bllene. of tlle p~ avm of '°"" In Section Ma.2(f) of tile ~ 1105,000.00, wtllctl became due end Regul1tlon1 tor the l'ederail'----------------------' Aprtt 30,, 11112, wtlfl lntereal dua S.mge end LOM System. For 1 t-===========r---~~========1 1t1ar9on. proteet Io be con1ldered __ .,. ..,.._ ..aJe llOTIC( Thlt by re11on thereof, lh• 1ub1t•nllal, It muat be written, ,.._ nu1-. undenloned, pr_,t benefldary reoelved on time, and eontetn 11 under 1ucll deed of tru11, llu leMt the following: 1) 1 tummary of eucuted and cletlvw'ed to Mid cMy lht reelOnl '°' "" protllt; 2) the •PPOl!'l•d TruetH, a wrt1t1n IPtdflc mattere objected to In tlle Oeeleation of DefllUlt Ind Oemlnd 1ppllc•llon or In the eppllc1nt'1 tot Siie, Ind hll deooelted With community--. record; 3) f8dl. 1Mid duty ~·led T'"""9. IUCtl lndudtna eny rwlevlnt economic °' died of In.Ill and .. doculT*D llnancleflntonnatlon, whlcfl IUPPO't evidencing ObllJ:c'.!:':t NCUr9d the protea!; and 41 eny ~ ~. and 1119 and doae •fleet• on your oroanlzallon or hwtby dedlr'9 .. ... ..... COll'lmllnily --~ ,... from tllereby lmmedl1tely du• end llPPl'0¥11 of the"""' 1t1o11. P9Y11b1a and ,_ ~ Ind doea Yov mey lodl M \f'9 ISi~ 1 hereby et.ct to cawM Ott lnill 1nd 111 com"''"" flied 11 the ~ 10 be met to lllllllfY lt'9 Federel Ho1M LA1M Bink of 8an otllaldOI• Wed.,... Francl1co. unle11 any 1uch ~TED Mey 111, 1N2. matertllll -...-npe by 1ew trom M .P .D . INVESTMENT pubic dlldoeure. If you twve Mr CORPORATION que1t1on1 concerning th••• P\lbllltled Orenot Cout Dell)' procedure•. con11ct the Plot, June 4, 11, 11. 24. 1tl2. $uperYllory AQelrt at the l'eder9 2-44 t..a:z Home L091 Bank of San Ffwlc:llco. -----------GLEHOALE FE>EAAL K..-r P'ICTmOUI .., ..... 8AV1NOS AHO LO-'M Publl1he<1 Orano• Com Deity Piiot. -"-•• 1t, t882 2427.&2 U..ITA~ __ .,._ The to4lowlnO pereonl.-doing 1--~.--~~""-='-=-::-::--~ IC IUPlllOR COUft ~ IAVINE FASTENERS, 11912A CAL.llCMllllA Sky P1r1t Cltde. trvtne. CA 82714. couwn ~ OMllQll Lowell D. 8ne1then, 17802 MO. A-11917 lrvlne Blvd .. 81213, Tu1t1n. CA OM>D TO 1MOW CAUll ll2tl0. '°" CHANll ~ NAllll Ff9dertok w. Blrtela, 55-4 8. .. ......... " ..... = .... °"'* Rd., Orange, CA 82888. llAMN TRACaY MCfC ,_ Thie bu1111e1t II conducted by • C-. ....... general ~tef'ltllp. The appttcallon of KAREN L°"911 D. an.than TAACEY JACKIOH b cNriae of F'9deric* W. a.i... '*"' 1WM1J Merl llld In Court, Tilll ~ -tllld wtlfl tM nd 11 appe•rlno from utd County a.11 of Orange c-ty on epplloallon thet K11en Tra~ ~ 21. 1N2. JllDk9on hM tied In Cls>lk*b• P-11 propo11ng thlt her nem• be PublilMd Oranoe Coa•t Dally cllanood to KAREN TRACEY Plot. M-.y 28, June 4, 11, 11, 1M2 ~ 28'142 Now. therefore, II 11 ""•by ----------ordered •nd dlrtcttcl, tllat all rtlUC llJTIC[ per-. II•• JJl 1 rt In llld "*"' do -~===:"'::'===--appeer before 11111 court In f'IC~ al IL IM °"*1"*'lt 3 on tM 7111 dly of U.. ITA~ .lufy, 1112, 9t 10:30 o'doc* 1.m.. of Tiie tolooltllno ~ -doing lllkl c1r1y to 9tlOW -wtrt aid! ~ • af>pftcltlon '°' cfl&nO• of n-CONCOUAI PROPERTIES, lhould no4 be tr9flt«I. 11t f . 41h ltrHI, Sant• An•. "11uu-«daredIMlt1 copy of Cllfomll 82703. "11 Order To Show CauH be Donald WM1.,d*, 7119 E. ubll1ll1d In Ille Delly Piiot. I Compton Blvd., Peremount. '*""'"'* of glNr1ll ~. ClillfofTll9 I012S. 111 111k1 CICIUl"Y, at 1a1111 - Morrey Clluno. 1120 l . ac" wHk for four euccet11W Compton Blvd., Penmount, Mii• prior to tlla day of .. Id ~~~:;.,.:~ celfonlle ll072S. Bl Denni• Mllo11n111. 1231 DMMtfllltaaldlyofMtiy, 1912. 8Mn'on Ad., a.m. Ana. Celfornll ,.,.. D 1 r • at L 92708. CUi'Jl ~ of COilta Maa Jolnea Tiu C•• • B•rc• A••ertltl•I Compaay tn Newport Beach •• creative ooontm.tor. She WM pc'OducUon editor for Plc:Jtup, Van & 4WD, a CBS Publk:etiorll mapiine. Mark Parrillo joined R. L. Co9ctl • ·eompuy ln Irvine u ~ -~· He WM with Cray Advertlllni. Lo. Ancei.. In a reatructurina of CAI Balldert, of Santa Ana, Job A. Ma11ey Jr. hH been named director of construction j&!ratlona and Doaald M. HCt director o1 marlletina. Gre1ory B. Stewart of Huntington Beach who wu with Arthur --aubloff and Company ln Loa Anaelea and Secured J!'.qu.ltlea, Inc .. ln Cenitos, joined Frolt Speaee Trbaea, Cotta Mesa commerdal brokerage company, u a broker. Bob Cockrell haa joined CocUaae c.aM, Llvlqatoa 6 CompuyJ_ lac. of Irvine aa art director. He had been with Gray Advertitdna ln Lo. Anael•· New honte cost sitll climbing AlthoLSth new-t\ome prtcee continue to climb In Orance County, the lncre&M the paft elaht montha hM alowed ;;'° S percent, a.coord1na to '° Or ' County rHidentlal 1urv ~ubllthed by Flret Amerlc~ Title lnaurance Corn~y. lllff, Tlaora 6 Compaa1, a Phoenix-baled commerCial real eetate brokerqe firm, opened an Oranae County office In the Irvine Company'• MacArthur Court 0001plex. The 7,000-aquare-foot offloe la on the .:ond floor of the Pllclfic Nat.tonal Bank bulldlna. Repreaentatlvea of local bu1lne11ea and government Joined of flctala of Callforala Federal 8avtn11 AM Lou at an hupectlon of the auociatlon'a faclllty under construction in t...guna Niguel at Ivy Glen and AUcla Parkway. The office ii expected to be in operation later thia year. A temporary office opened at 3100 Town Center Drive in April. l'·•omaa L. Tborkelton. of Santa Ana, CLU, a Ma11aclauett1 Mataal Life General agent in Newport Beach, ii among the 100 apeakera acheduled to addre11 Million Dollar Round Table memben at this year's meeting June 20-24 in Atlailta. 'nlorkelaon'a topic will be "IRA-Whole Life Combination Revisited." Flrat American a prevto 1 report in July 1081 ahowed a percent lncreue in the pt1cie of atnale-famUy detached hou.tJw du.rtna a llx-rnonth period. __ f Of the 1, 781 homes found fQr we at the t1me of the IW'Yey, tHe average price wu $241,606, t.4> : 11,330 from the avenae <tf 230,267 lut July. The~ price of tJ\e.e homes WU $2291- 995 wltb the largeat numbeir arouped in the over-$300,oop price ranee. The aurvt!y included~ 1Jnale-famlly detached pro that were aelllng when th survey waa conducted. Th4! average aquare footage wu 2,458 with a value ratio of $98.49 aquare foot. Prices ranged from a low '89,900 for a 935 aqua.re-too two-bedroom, two-bath home Green Hilla in Yorba Linda to high of $950,000 for a 3,20 square-foot, four-bedroo three-bath houae at Coral Cay Huntington Beach. . More completed houaea we found for tale at this time thaJi when the July aurvey wu conducted. l Save money and shopping time. Read the Daily Pilat C.Opies of the Orange C.OUOtJ Residential Survey are available from the Market Reaearc~ Department, Firat Ameri~ Title Insurance c.ompany, San~ Ana. I OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS .. It 11-16 2111> 22\i . ~ ""'I,_ .. '"" . .._ "" 11 IM 27\te •v. 1!: ~ NASDAQ SUMMARY i m: :;~ HEW vOiltic IAPI -Motl ecu .. o .. r. 4 11 "" ~ 1~111 IUOPllH 111¥ NASO. : I"' IM ...... VolUll'll lid A1Ud °'f" 1 tM IMI MOC .. .. n.,300 ,,__, J7h t N ) & . m.: 2~ ':-. : ~ t I 1111 ya 220 ODO 29 2'1111 -~ 10 11'-114 =•.. 21t:to0 IM 13'-_ 14 II ~ • icvt: • 21A,IOO It 1214 -~ !2 = ti.. .... .. . 210,tDO 24 JAV. -""· :• t .... 1• '""' ... .. j!.4111 21"' ..,., _,... 1'1 ..,::-1 ,· IMI Int .. I 900 I,,,_ ISYI .. .. • l6 if;; 16 A~ • • I ,100 SM ~ -2W. 11 'l~ ~: AMfltm .. . .. .. •. • . .. .. .. • m " a SJ\<\i ~ .. • ..... .. .. .. .. ... • ,•.on, ~ 13\lo IM t .... -1.... ............. .... ·'*' 21 12 ~ _, 1-.............. • ·".. '·*tt n a-.11 ..... ".... ..................... u • ~ ... ._ ...................... '" 2A 1,._ Int T .... ..._ .. , ............ , .. . • U,t04.000 U - . Uf'I LA-' CllO Pct. J1 + II Up 4..>. N + -., Up J7.S 2\IJ + "' u. 25.0-2'-+ .. Up IU 2'' • .. Up l'-7' 2~ ... u. l:U fl'I +I Up IU ;~ : = ~ ;H-2\lo + "' l-'! 11.s: tlYt + IWt -tt.2' ~ : 2~ ~ n:; 1" + ~ UP 11.I• 12=-i. + IV. Up IO.f: I~ : ·~ ~: :.:: 2 .. +11..Up~ ~·'">UP t.$• J + i.. Up 9,1 6 • Yt Up 9,t• > + 19 V11 t.I V.. + 211.. VII U: ~ : ~· ~ ~: I I llJil ind Wn6Nll of Cul Karcher lnterprillil. OW1m' ~ ~· ol iM Carl'• Jr. rt1taurant chalri. rme to• ~ NCOl'd • ..,.... .. cha If w.elu ended May 21 WeN up JM percent to '2.428,000 trorn tl,072,000 in the like ~a ~ llO· ~ per 1haN role 6~ pel"Clnl to 43 centa from 28 cmtl. rlnt-qu...ter ...altl lnc,luded a pin on the tale ot six Taoo de Carloa Mexklen re.talll'Ul11 of $348.000. or e Olftta a lbate. AiiCal gets image award AtrCal ot NewPort Beach haa received an outttandina achlewmmt award ln the "Image of the Yw• prosram aponaored annually by the Catter Apparel In1tltute, a divi1ion of the National Amociation of Uniform Nanut.cturen & Diauibutoo. Tbe oompeUdon Lt open to firma with career apparel pro1ram1 in four categorte1; food/hotel, financial/bu1lne11, 1ale1, aervice/lndu1trlal and transportation. Sandie Allen la dlrecior of ln-flight services at Auc.J. A.lrCal's flight attendant uni1onna are designed by New York fashion designer Mary MacFadden. Irvine firm wins contract CIE Syatema, Inc. of Irvine and General Automation, !he. have sl~ a five-year, $50 mlll1on contract for CIE Syatem1 new 680 buatne. qomputer ,lystema. The a,reement ii the tint major c:ontract for CIE Systems s1nce it waa fonned in October u a aubsldiary ot C. Itoh Electronics, Inc., Los Angele.. The first phale ~ for delivery of 1,000 eystema during the first year, acheduled to begin early third quarter 1982. General Automatlbn will market the 680·syst.ems under ita name in the U.S. and in more than 40 countries. Phone system installed EiXX> Computer. lnc. of Santa Ana has lnstal.led an ECI Telephone Interface which connecta the exi1tlng ECI hotel management system at the Sheraton Harbor laland Hotel. San Diego, with the property's new ROLM CBX Computerized Telephone Syetem from ROLM Corporation, Santa Clara. Thia la the first sucxessful installation of an interface between a ROLM system and any property management system. the company said. Home sales up, but. . . California home resale dvity for AprU increased 14.6 percent from March , with alngle-family tranl8C'don volume at a lleallOllally adjusted annual rate of 239,996 wlit.a. the California Amociation of ae.ltora annouDQ9d. l>mptt.e the modest lncreue dwina the month, existina home eaJel were 88. 7 percent below thole in Ajlril 1981 and 37 percent lower than April 1980 • .. Indk:atiom of eoonomlc recovery are not evident from the home resale volumes or from the housing industry as a twhole," said Seb Sterpa. pn!Sident o1 CAR. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES UPS AND DOWNS NEW VO..KIAPl FIMI ~ e'f9L ~ol:r*'· Jvn •... » •nc1 CJ:.Z ~ f:ri. ~ » T"' JIO.tll Jl4.S2 .,J.05 JIJ.12+ Ut IS Ult IOUt ltt.&1 JGl.Jt llt.11-"" U SUI '11.0:S Jl4.12 •M JIU~+ 1.M ~~· ... ::::· : ...... . '·::.\:: Utllt .... ................ m ... u~ ........................ ...,... WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK CAPl J.-i. IO -I AMllOIO n.w... 7411 Ml •1 llU IO Iii HEW YOtlK (API J..-IO METALS HEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonlerrova ....... ..-r...,..,, 0:~1·15 c:ent•. pound. u.a ...... 26-17 oenta • pound. -~1-.. ~.~ ""a213t ""'• w.-~ 1t1. ......._ 1 .. 11 -II I pouod, N.Y . ....., "10 00 per ..... ...,.._ tHIOO,tt'OW aa., NY SILVER I I t I t I I . l ~ 117• ML lllTI IPllT...,. Auto. trana., radio l heater. exoaptionelfy dean end new c*nt. M\'9t ... to aipprec;letat (H5Kll) ~2299 f '5.799 '4999 - . 1171 llllfl ........... .... 5 .. model tor~ 1.oonomy wtth ateteo o .. aette, ouatom exterior trim & morel (117ALF). Gt9et ~ gift for -'2999. '5999 '6• 1M1 llllll · 11111•11- The --..... '" eOGI'°"" ... 4 epeed trana., AM·'M atereo, exterior tr1m peckeee, a more. 8po4taea brown mlUllo .. wllh \ b9lae lntertor. (1CTPl11). Jvat 15.000 ,,... for - '5399 • .. &REEll · RlllOll BUYS Thw lat• model, low mH1•ge care all carry Earle Ike's exoluslve 2 year 24,- 000 mUe warranty. You can't IOMI BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTYI I e111111Y1Tl lll8ll W.. a3999 Thia OM II Mty == eqlllppad end ti. • lft ..,....., .... "'· " .... lft -~-dealt oart t211YHG). Thia OM ......... ·= IRILLlllll IPllT I 5399 AUto. trw.. air oand.. tul ~ tit wheel, atereo tape, attoy • a mo,.. lterttno a&tvet ewer oMrooel tu-tone .. low low ....... (11JK724). Doft't .... l*OMM .... 1111 Yll.YI . -i .... " Auto. trene., air cond., power -.tna. power brekea a W1Y dean. LIQht bhte flnlttl with dark blue lnfef'tor. Don't mlH thlt onat (11TXW8) .. '5999 1111 .. Yll •1111 a P111a2r ~ lndudea.,.., ~ • r9dlo, power brakee, .... deoor Md ~ ortglnal lnalde end outt (211WOA). 1111 Hma maL Ill IMF 4 •P••d. atereo caaaette, alloy wheela, cuatom Interior & exterior trim. The uttlmata In economy & lun to drivel (1AOS832) 1 4699 1171 "'"' . llUIA UUfTIA•" 5 ~. w concl., AM-FM -..0, .-oy whMl9. rMI' ~ & more. low mllea & apotleaa In every reapect. (<413WRA) 1 5999 1171 TIYITI •LlllMUnUll" .wto. trans., lllr concl., atereo tape, poMf' brak• & more. (te78'EW) A ,,,. find & extra dean for only .•4999 .. 1111 TIYITI "llUOA OllPE" .Popylar 4 ~. AM-FM at.-0, power btakea, euatom •tenor trim & more. Great fo,. graduatlonl (594MXU) ~ 5 2999 1111 lllZU ........ Poputar front wn.t drtve 5 ~. luJy fac1ory equipped plut ~ A '>I A • n ,, :;i 1 ,,, l ~ • 11 •• trim peckega & mor.t Juat over _ 10,000 mllet. (1BWY8061 Take a look •• only •4999 • 11n--..... LIP'IW Economlcal 5 .. wlCb .,, oond., atarao caa .. tte, ••terlor trim package & more. (728ZlF). An outlCandlno buy .. orly I , ' :.i ~· ----. I llllLITll.Y IUITRl NIW TOWNHOME8 IOoeted In......,,. ... All tll• room• •'e e•tremely lerge. 2 meet• bdnne, P8ffect '°' ... ownanfllp, The ~ .. 'IWl'lt, newt !Md In. Cell now. won't mt. a.n11 THE :REAL ESTATERS ... & .... THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS --- B ll LG RUN DY. RE ALT 0 R ~ • • • # . ' ' Tl<\[11 i :! )\\I f ,> t \I ; ! .. STA11'11 11•11 11r IV IC Plza 174,750 28t E. CM 1110.000 Sellblr• 2 a IOft t1:zt,eoo '""'"' mrrau. .. Watdl .._ wt\lllea 00 by from ... 3 bdrm ~ '*'-on • quiet ~ Ho. Owner wlll llelp finance. 1214.000. ....... E11ce11ent lono term OM* tlnanclna ,,..... tt11a one eaey t4 own. A former ~ llome. It hea .,..,.. deOOIMed wftll ~wall~. plank floort a qu•llty '*'iit.li=· A r•model•d 2 bdrm '*'-.., lotl al dlerm. Eaay ... to beec:ll a town from tNa lllatortc8I eatabll•ll•d neighborhood. Own•r ettltt•d flnenclng 81'9lftte 1115.000 ,..., WUTalff Falt ••crow. feat pc II f "'on. Owner' Witt finance. 3 Bd, low INlll••• yw-d, .... ... '°' ~ ..... °""' l23t,IOO , tr/., (IHH option). MMdc. 13 f!t91.tr.!\'1. ...... 111111.t&Alk. ..... B'.w ........................ IMlfi.IWll'IWAtf .. M.t'PllmlM( .. fllftr.IWUAlf .. M ..... ~ ~ ... n.flll .• A ltwwt.~J.tff -.... lllft.!tfMtll. .... "111.lftff ...... IMf ~ ............. 11.ff ~rmn.lmA .. 1.4! !~.fmA .. l!.ff ;;:... --... .u .. UITIL.n Idle! """' • • ........ 11.n ~~ JIM 1700 "'°' Cofldo:.., .... a. I bf. oO'ld peUO ~~AU WATl"'"°"'T • 11r on urn.mn •••••• m fllUIA hoMit. Llilill.. • .... rAU bl.low.., Mtlo.~oto. Walla to llClclttbloll 1.tbf'ttaoOtollOOO pvt quiet Nvrpt 111and. 1370.IHO. t "If, 1 ... ~ Mii\ •II .. 4 ....___,, INIC!t U'JtttrilA~llT Mm. I M llltlOa •=71°:· Nt, l\k'pon. Ooll•O•· Ald•rwoolf 1~14 OOlfl 1•dtye M•ture 1dlt, no P•ll APL ~nolad lllflOtl '" llPtr1dt.S oondo. """" P•tlo wl••'"" HOMl. .... L.R. ,_, ~'*-',,.,,."'° • dYI 1011001. Woodbrld1\• 1110 mo. 171·1211. oerpon;tdo,lridfyrrna. Mor;t1 14t· tOIO d1ye. bolt dOotl. I..,..,..., lllt ft to ,.,,. 1 ,_ 1"I 1111 •· Olll • m •" 111 a•· I I • ..._a-A .. ttl-11" blt~1~ eo an. 9"•11119¥/Wllnde 4 l>lke lo ooet111 IHI, • ,.,_..... ........ S 8'I I II. lot 611-1041 _.,__ Tll......,,. 141·1I03 I IR. ,-., ciao«, anal g1r, petto. 14IO 1na1 I(""°" ln. 147.0.22 ooo. 114·Ut·l•4t or "'· ~~!':=· t?f.IU?, en-10M "°'* W/ltl y11d. ue. Woodbtldoe 1 " den 2 'atnlly "-n•t. otllldranl ~II 11111• -73t.ftt1 ~'40-~1 · ....._ l,I~ ~v11. "1 · 111·tH1. 11 .. ._..; ooricr. &N5~1m-:,~t::.~~' 1,.,__1~ a 11. 1'it II. 1450 tor a fm¥. ........... ~f llld unit, llr,-=r\i'b.1, lrokar l AHOOlltH, * -......,__ ............. ,.,, .. "e11 • helme, oOYWld dee*. No ltlH opt. Mike Oro•, ••••":';;";rntt:"ae••••u ~ ~.,7H W. lltOI new 1 Br. oondO for patio, I oer ..,, & your all1nt1 oen 111va 1" ...---Nm aa.-In 0r.,. Tret. I "*'•• I ... p • t •. I I• o I rn o . l(lt, M5·311t &... '" .lfa. .U•t 1u u , 111., u. c .1. 1~1. f140,000. I ooaan/~.,,...,,!Mlfnafor w• CMf'J et 1~ I'" AO IHAll_, MIO mo, d I H1·ts40. mne. •••• rm •• :r.n Wa1t1lde I Br. 1 11. mlorow a f plo A'I oto H1-&1N; llOMI 1~ down l 11500 pat IUllllY lftObllt homt In OOlOIN '"°"MIU l..lllh oirpltl, In ng .. ,,. lg 3 br, f ltudlo .., •• New~. oentrll llMtlno. QerlQt. Wlllltr /~~yer ~r .. • 4 7-4IOI mo. 10~ ftnanoln9. Cotlt Mau. 1,1ow 1761·1Nt l~ ~4:ve~o~:'f:: ~UICU;'c:,'11 Tur111f~ll 3 pool, ot .. nbelt. c1tapee• pelnt, lrg llYlnO 110111. *"'" drapee. IHOlmo. Joann• IUlf, 18 11-=:;~ MMHO Of 1S11<111~ .. 111'3. L-w ._. llM Gll'eot· '°' QUlet IMnO· ~. 1 ~ ~~':!: mo. AQ1. 144-01~. •'1~·1:,5001mo. Aot. =:t::~:d•~"~~d/:"+ ns-1833, &ae-t7ao, "fr water. Own1tr wlll ,_...,. ;:'111; •••• ~ ...... n No dogi ... IO w•t•r I!~ l wllllda 113-NaO. 4 "3 ... ~. '*'°'· 1 d 1 CONDO ,.,..I ~.Ctr 2 dump tot 120 000 CllMfl Wll'f ti Ill IY °*'*' Oeilalltflll 1 4 '"· n::, 0:.... h.Wn. ho plld Ir g d to II , f o . 11 u • 3 bdrm townhoUte ape, .. c '" h •Pot I bf, 1 l .,f plul i. bl. 2 or wme. AMUme 1104 •• ......,, ...... 1J llil·IA. 601011. ''ne ~ ~· tennll. e10Ham'"on MO·Htt ~~~=-1~1~~~. gal•. H.H. !~1ob1:d ~;,U'~cb~k '48-5442or170-0f29. carport•. new, 111c:a1'1t. 000 et IOW Int . 3tldrtn.2balltil flrll , OIOH to boll.. ' 1.0Yal~det'n 2 Br S rotlo ¥tew and unit, beach Ind lhOPI 2 Ir ll>l W/g11. Stove, 1716 mo. 5112·'419 213-H&-3124· ...... IAll.. ~~:bi.~'t.l~1°7~d . !'!!fl!!.fm~ .•• /J.!f ~. 1010f:. ~:,:. lbo4 o •!.,ft~lo,~j 3 lr1 Ha. "'"·/00,1, Appllcauon• acc:apttd. ~~: ~1'Y.,:';.i, = 11 500: -,L'--'-Aot-....· ____ _ mm•.... ~y'!~:~r~·~ ~~ IUll uu l~t!:~ =Yin'': 213/eaM3&4. ca11 9 to 1.::. 'i1200i;:. ;;:.i ~~~&,';Juard• o• • ~~8;:n~'ct':r·~·~~: ~·~1~-M~~ J~: "'·~'H.~~t .. P..41 v o u ' 11 Io 11 t t 111 • Send Into to PO Bo• 2 bdrm dbla wlde.1. ,,p e 0 u n 1, y 111 t In 0 . •· Hk*ey. 168-2 .. a. 113·7183 842-<>350, 167·'821 _..,_., IPIClolll'Y rlmOdalt&t 2 1974,Nawport8eeoh0A l34.SOO.Low,....118tar UOO.O /m'o , ..... l!i.oant¥tewoonctollf. TUATL.l!AOOK ~::.~:: .. ~o~~O:~: Quaint 2 Br., Ba. 514 WHt•ld• Lo 1Br w/ 1¥<* ~t ~l·b&dg bedroom home on an 92863 Park, Colt• Mau. Mlle• lncMdel _..,, gardanet 2~ ... micro. ~ 4 IR 2 Ba, lam rm, btdo lob Jatmlne. 1850 yrly. port DIW Ind avail If\ t.egyn1 a.ac11. flnelt Htra wlcl• 101. Sunny ..... lelfl 1t1J1 Crow. agt, 845-3178. a f.ool 11f11lo•. lkr mo. 846-'204, dlnln9 rm, naw /.alnt, Dovia'k':~':'°lgt , R:, 875-49t2 Broker. ~ ...00 m0. 14~5 ~~:.~~t'.1c:'no' ~1;:.~ ~j :':n~ =:: ~.~C: Foreclo1ure. 8.5% min ..... ~.,. 83 •737o · !utllda Cl'tltmar 1Br.1 c:w~. 11•000• 84 "3153 Mex. 751·1H1 1 BR over oar1 111111 711. Sharp 2 BR 2 ea. 1ge bullt·ln1. ti .. ted pool, unct. appt....,. bid, SIOK mkt 1111ua. ~-.,,, IM 11· raoent remodel. 1-,,.,. Jlfl Bluffs 3 It. a IL pool, 433 lrll, .-.211 ytty, No Plllo. cat OK. 1495 mo. 1ub.•glreg1. e1e111tor. ;:ao~:!t~~··c~dp; ···A·iul~a!RoAoi ... ~.f'1~ .• =::.~~~:· L1tg• yard. ~·il~;:;R·o·,;1:oici G10aa '0 tchool, lhope • ~'. ~1fT.~J.'~· ._ g:11 540~8· Ilk tor ~ci:'~ ~~· dalalla, Bllr. . with • ~"!.'!. ••••••••• !.. 3 Br. 1 8a. taroe yard, 8penlll't VIiia, 181'. Ha, 3 '~ I I 0 0 I m o . Entire 11t nr, 2 Br. clan, 2 ;;: ::W.v painted, nloa Studio, 'A bile from Main 1M3-1311 '""*'~ .. o.y2 maa11Qt78 ........ lier radac:17001:.,l~.~nen1 tal. ~~PY1etbotl.'..~mo°' .. aa........ patio, •t•pa to.be1c11, cptt, no pet1 Patio, l>Mdl, QOOd kllch. utU -MTI 111111.. -2•58 Unf\.lmllllad Ctllna Cove ""'· .,., ... _.. · -·..,.... ' _.,.,., • -·-1975/mo. Deuell Palh, garage. 1475. 851·2175 lnc:I. 53g5, 494-~ ;!!!!!!!~ ••n ,.. Win 4 FREE TICt(ETSI wlfantutlc Oceen 'MM. eASTSIDE. quiet, claan2 yrty. at Juel flduoed from Ownr/Brkr, Re/Mu ~ 28"'28.4 to ln~Gtarna ele111tor, 1p1, Hr. pvt bdrm, gar. prlv yd. ,um. or Unturn. Emermld 11250. 2 br, 2 bJ. golf 759-1221 I&... Ullll IUOI ~ Huge lo\, .,..., r"" 12000/ ...... r.o: ......, t ...._..... COUrte vlaw, 2 deo\1. -· 1 a • •• I B .. 0 1185,0001 648-1145 c1·~..._.. ..... , baaett. mo. Common. pool ISM, No , ... ,, '.,,.. .. a a._,, R bl 8 I Id (-•-) ,.t -an eacn• c:ean _,,_.., pece.Mgr2453BOrange tenn1 court1, ocean Tennie. pool. Agt, Htona •· m 0 •r Vle w -2 bdrm . _._-•a-~·-~/.._.___ ............. " .... 3 Ba ,_... 842·1183 ttudlo apt, In r .. r. nloa 3 Br & den. rldeGoreted, lurn'd·tummer Ol' 1•ar Gourmet oook1 tak• notloall Thll 11 one of tt\e belt kitchen daalQf\I In Iha area. Loaih of counter 1pac:e 1nd c:ablnate. Add tNI to a great view end loc:atlon and you'll have your dream. 8 Of 4 BR home lor only $397,500. Muina Pl'QC>P, 844-&200 (C44) ~Macnab · Irv me -~-2 Bdrm a den home on Lido .... with pier and 911p f« lot value only. ESTATE MUS'r SELL. o .. 540-1151 for more lnf«mallon and appt to ... ~.* HERITAGE REALTORS ~·-.,..,_ ...,j ,,__,., 1111 -......... Ave T-., 0 .... • ·-· • ar ... prefer employed pool a recre1tlona1 lllllTM -....... -.:wr.~....... Clu , bllY 2br Mt5 MPWlle guest tao. Alltlll n.1• V1IW genllem1n 844-8394 amenlllH. UOOlmo. ...... Call aoo-722• 120 p 0 p u I• r 4 1b d~, m Walk to the baac:tl. Own ....... ".. aer. 1~£.·: home l .. r round July 15th. HR •·Ai betlll, den, """· Avail. lmtMd Yrty ..... • It r. I •••• Trad-lnd1 mdl. '495, anB oc:aen w8 lotl o' MCOl'rO Npt~tl 3br pG01 l18SO 1-.u. ... n f 141497·lfle.4, ~ounnat kltoll, 2 lrpl1, 846--4488 a-a.........__,. ooo. OWner may .. en. or F:lm ·~~~Y 1;.,900. gn Lllwa a.IP.. :.;q;i","' i:nt~.::; c11armlng bHc:ll front 1acuu1. 3700 1q rt. 3 ~!~.!~ ..... -.!~~ Sut'f 2 8dt 1 ea. p1ua11 28, 2~ d•c:k. IHH opt. Mike Crow, terme.1~fln., ... tlll1 Panoramic: view. 1p1, mo. 2251 Coroell. =·~t~.4 etory. IMMACULATE. •CtMn3bf,nrSCPta;za, carpet, patio, porl a wld,11300/mo.yrty.Clll agt, 845-317&. wknd. 714·875· 7239, fam rm. 38r '2000 mo. 549-2042 Br. 3,Ai Ba. 111109 IMng rm ~::C:,in!~ ~~l,2~:2\1~ SA. Oar. pool, ape. 1780. pool, BBQ. 148-0382 tOll fr" t-800-532-3972 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo wlttl 8-!1:30PM. Bkr. ,.,,, Nat Jllf a dining rm,~ room, lpm. Clllld ok. 752·5'822 or 2 br, 1 ba. S380/mo. + uk IOf C-7188 pool. Below market at c..-n.i Waterfront Homee Inc.. •••••••••••••••••••••• lot• of atorlQt. For i.... 841·1480. utU1. 111. lat a Cleaning Lge 2 ~. terrific oceen 1121,500. By Owner. 1,_ U1·1411 2 Br 2ba trplo, upper only. Call Peggy Patllton Lal..... 1114 1 II 2 II I II dap, 4"'"44!11 vu. No ..... ,. 2907 Solana t 184 Rut11nd Rd. 18. ,,_,. duple• 1525 11t/l11t tor ·-1. 7141955-2473 :Tr."•••••••-...••••••••• • • • .._. 14 t-8M1 at 833-2984 •• :.;.~~........... LANDLORDS-let me do l300 Mc: 49Mn3 « wti...::''i-s 3 Cir, den, 2 ba. Newly decor. GH pd, New tllrU·OUI 2 Br 2 Ba. Way. Call 497-3495. Umtlf W Vac:ant 30' lot In Cannery VIiiage wllll variety of UMI. Wiii take eo· bolt. SM0.000. 142.·5200 A PETE BARRE TI .. REALTY ILIF;I FIBI Popular 3 bdnn DetolM plan. Mator grNnMlt. End unit w/1paclou1 c:ourtyard entrance. V1c:ant. Submit otter1. A1kl"9 1195,000. Baity IPftl •ILLIY the work for you. Have • -•· • 8tep1 to lennla. L.I . •ncl gar, dw1hr, pool, t7x21 llvlng rm wllfl)lc: •••t Tu...... tenant•. wlll •how l 5-42-3587 ELliANTI 3 BR 2 Ba .• Manna, l>Mdl. 1900. ( bb9. Adultl', no pet1. Su to appreciate. ~!!P.f!.~ ... f!':#!. Newnew..._2 bdnn, doM della. 548-4471 FOR L ..... 4 bf. 2 be ocean""'· nr bMcn. Pvt •••••••••••••••••••••• 842·5073. 1550/mo. 831·25~ or NO FEEi Apt. I Condo 2 bath HC:ll unit with ..a.. Dana Cre1t home. yard. H. Letn•. Avall ~Br. 1~ tie.. lf'dr. rm, ~178 rantala. VIiia Aentltl. nraplaca, encloled patio. ,,a_,_ 1 _, 1 •-lmmlM:. 11.000 mo. Cell N 0 W. a 1 0 0 mo . gar. LARGE yard. Mao 1 .., ltove ger. lndry 875-4912 B<ottar. oareot. ~-111. Poa .•••• ~.~~ ••••• :'~~ !Of appt. 493·522& 494.4074 mo. Avall. June Htll. meetillll8 tac~Ctoaa to oc0'. Avail. Stepe to beac:ll. 1 room C:Hll flow. Now 1159, B .. c:llfront on Point, , ... ,,. f.iJ~ 1Df Clean 2 Br. 1 8L lloUM, Kldll,,.tl OK. 89&-12'1· lfllJ-11 71 1. '450. 548-7214 & bath, refrlgtl but no 500. Biii Grundy, Rltr, lmrnec: 3 BR 3 ea avall •••••••o••• .. ••••••• walk to baac:tl, ..,, ... Jiiiy ~... BnutlfuNy landsc:ai>ed 2 Br newly decor $400 kltctlen. $315 lnc:ld utlla. 875-8181. Aug. 1. Yrly •'1500 T1BURON~.4bf.2'~ 111.1850.494-257'. f/ahnlu• 1411 gardenaptl.POOl&&pa. N-·crpt,Wll9t'pd. . 968-112&3 .... , ILYI =~· 540-2151·..,,. ::: '=~~·~o.' ::: : Charming c:ottage. Nr ...................... Covered parking. No 2194 "O" Placentia -W-n-tci_tff_2_8r_.-2-8a-. -,200- 0utltllldlng comtnafCl.i opnr. 11100 par mo Bcll/Storu. 1 1dlt. Reaort-1a. adult trect"' Pe11.8ac:tiel-836-<4120 Cal 1-5PM. 1q. It. l rplc:, pool. locetlon wllll rental C.•-'•tr ........ Ull 714-772·7502 1425/mo lnol utll SC P11. Pool. gcdnr. -'400 1 Br. partlally furn $675/mo. 845·5881. lnoofM AttrecttYe °"'* .Ir.:................. 484-5985 Dlu• 1er. No Pela. l44IO 1 Br. l4eo Con·-•-t to ...... __.. a 1133-2832. · .......... ~ ..... -• 3 .... _ 2 Condo: 2er. 1v.t>e. 2 c:. · a 135 utu. 115.2510, 2 er. 1v. ea. 1525 .... _. ......... --------""~· ~lc:a • ......,.,_ '"" ·-·' """""'• B~ S I bactcyrd ~ mJb '"' HIOhfY upgraded l C1Wt t81 E. 18th 84f.ell8 tllopplng. 1350/mo. EASTBLUFF-epaclour 1 875-87 . r~~ :::.":a:= l:001mo 83~94t1 .•• ·········m·········· c .. .. b.. 842-1334,..,,.. 1151-98119 B<. pool, lrg blilc:ony, nu 111. ~ /-• ,/ IDT• -0111 ... a11. .. vrm ...... 1• quiet MOUre ar•. .. MuW •W/ $150. da 881-7001, av -~ twnllN. 2 car:::ra"•· _ .. _... 2 Br. 2 bl condo. Nt ..... •-a.~-i•fl 831 ......... 4 bf 3 ba plue ~ ac. • -·-• ... SC .,. __ F ..., -=t Sgl 1dult. no pet• . •--'' ._,.,. •u"-ta hc>rM 11250 "'° '590. teU lalt dip. 1595/mo. 2 &r.• 1v. BL · · .. _.. em .. '7 •• '550/mo 544-4787 •••••••••••••••••••••• c.r... lal.., llU ...,} 1141 grdnr. ~er--· No pata. 21~924tl TownhouM. all bullt·IM, dwnlt..-, 24 hr. MC. gal• ----·----- ..... ..... lltelS •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------•---------balcony. laundry rm. ~'. :&01:C,~9!:J $5000 c:ah needed. 38<, ,,__ Of lee oPt., 3 BR. ~ 3 BA, 2 ba, IClnt • .,_, 2 i....., .,..., 111J ~ .. ,,,_,. fuailW c:overed parlll"9. Nlc:e 1'~ 1 Y'l9r ""'l OOtldO 8a. fMI rm, ..,._ ¥tew. cw gar. 2 ml. to bled\. ;o:r ••••••• -r.-;;;. ••••••• :T::.~':'••••••••••••• loc:ltlon PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS wttll flret*Ce. a1oe,ooo. $2,000 mo. 780-0795 1750 mo. 992.79-40 l It. 2 Ba. llUoe beck C#~.... 17JI TSL Mgmt A-.neble lotft yard, ocean view 2nd. •••••••••••••••••••••• Century 211Goid Cout 4 BR 2'h be. lge yard, ~RENTALS floor. USO yrly or OW IE NI S 11 1 p I•¥' I II I ting . -------·t 75~9100 1 BR APT DIW, New paint a cptl and drapet. Carport. $400/mo . 851-2175 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A total environment apartrnene community on Ille Upper kt· Prlllate c:lubllOUH Md health BAYPOINT TOWfttCll Charming Cape Cod S BR 2'h bl townllom•. located In Upper 8actl Bay 1re1. Fe1ture1 lnc:luda 111ulted celling and flraplac:e In llvlng room, mlcf~ OYen, central air conu. and 2 car garage. Unit 11 vac ant. In move-In ~. Prlcfd under "*11et for quick eate. Low down payment with 28 year naed lnt9'•t rate. caa now 84&-5092 : l· -ti.. RIALTY .• GEORGl ELKINS COi ltalttn *1aft twnlly L..uM home. 1·5br 1$200to12000 montllt,. Avall. now. All UTILITIES PAID Ml-Ull 1140omo.Agt.~ 750-3314 °""' 7-deya 780-1917. , 1--------C.U .... 1114 9301 V...,CSO, 3 B<. 2 Ba. 111.aJM n.M 3111 Compare before you 1-,.., ••• ,. W •••••••••••••••••••••• dlw, dl8p., nu pelnt, 2 •••••••···.-;-r.......... rant. Cu1tom de1lgn -,---------Ill.I--::::m ......... , ...... SHARP 2br w/B8Q =lo car gar .. -lrg yard, RV ) Bdrm 2 Ba condo. A/C, featur••: Popi, bbq, _ -CALL OC-garR. EbftNT-lne,ALSNOW7_ ,!"14 ~. 1725/mo. 111. l w/w carpet1, modern c: o .,, · r d g 1 r a o a , -·--"""""' IMt plul 1100 daenlng appllancn. 2 c:ar gar. 1unounded with plulh 4 Br. 3 ba, View, owner lllllT mLUID II•• fff. Call'97t-87&1 aft patio doee to PoOI & rec: lalldlcaplng. No pee .. 1ay9 ..., tNI .-enc1. 831-1286 1W 1 _ flW 5:30. • ar .. In tlMutllul Mtlalon 1 er. tum. 5500 <>pen Satttk.1111·5. 21001~~~~~~~~1 .,_, Hice 4 bCfrrt 2 be. toe VlaJo. H2S f/l plue 3e6 w. Wlleof'I 842·1t11 Santiago. Come by & OIL.... Rent 1n Cotta M .... , lanced ..... dlltlwUher. ~o 01 .. n. Hl-0713 --::.r-m•k• offar. 1239,500. ...,," NEWEST gated 20 ,_ ,..... Ag t , 8 42 -7191 or ll lllTI Townllome VILLAGE 1700 mo, 11t, IMt I ~. #,if 641-2971. OOMMUMl'TY. 2 l 3 Br. Rlf9. "42·1004 art. 5. ~..... l•I •••••••••••••••••••• . on almoet 5 ea. wM 2'..t Ba. HI00-18001q. ft. 1 MILE TO BEACH ~·;,;,;3•r;;•;= f1ttertM In loll of grHnery and of l)U(I k111ury. Gwagea, 4 bdrm, 2 be home. ""· den, pGOI, api.. ~ 1.1,'S Fl•IT (lm'a llM) ::' r~lrn-a~ •PH In •vary home • N75/mo 1151-alOO rHldantlal loc1tlon. ~ &t•'-.LMngl 4,500 .qn. 3 '04 bdrma. E•c•llent Cotl• MeH matter tulle. dining 38r, 2~ ~ bloc* to 11700. Agt 780-9333 BHullful park-Ilk• 4th battle, H#bor V1awa. loc•tlon end near roome. wood burning &800 BLUFFS 3 .... 2•L ... 2 IUfl'oundlngs. TerraC19 Unique Interior flnl1ll. tlreplace1. mtcro-wava ocean,"'~· mo. ur, .. ~ DOOi. Sunken ga bl>q. $89!5,000. ~r !net W a I I · 'OYWll. prtyete pattoe I Bllr. 982" 11 tty. 8eautllully remdld.. •parktlng fountain• &45-8532, 831·7-4 u•~a""". 1 •• ,... Mver2· .. ~· Y Ir d I •gar d an a r 3 bdnn. 1V. bdnn. a.en. .. ·~ No pata. Raf'I 8 pa c: IO u I r O Om I . ---.. _, .... __ I'" provided. Elagent Ill/Ing d Hf T wlfl be c:fi'ec:ked Alli 711 . SEAVIEW ·e legant a townnou• unit• with only 15 minute• from ~~., · · rwtep. 11 200 mo ·on ·1 .. · Separate dining., ... charming Hampton bedloom1 .. wtthpe1loe. F1111lon l•land . 1 • 14CMo50 • . Walk-In clout1, home model, fabulou1 view• Cal for llnanc:lnO ....._ minu... to s..c. Plaza Of ~ ,., llke ldtc:hen I ~ dac:or. ..,.. PY1 comm. and floor plan1. Large 0 C.Alrpott Jutt eeet of •••••••••. ••• ••••••• •• LeaN or la.. option W a I II to Huntington w/pGOl I tennll fecllltlea. U1UtNb1e loan. 15,800, ~ rJtvc,. & IO. of UNIV PK, 1P1C 38r, 28a J11mlne Cr .. k, no. 8 ~t-tum. '805 $550,000. Open HouN 000 •!Md. San Olaoo Frwy. StartJno twnhle. gar, AC. trptc:, no ptan.13 8da'1'1den50 pAoott/ 2 .. ..__ .. _ ......_ ...... SaVSun 12·5 1903 Yacht W .... rfr... .... at I 9 6 o a "'on t 11 . Pel•. i.e. 52t-«l84 tenn 1· · g · ._.,. .... ,. .. """" ....,.. ,._....._ 844-017 ---------1 781).9333 2 8dfm TownhOUN turn. .......,.. 1 IM. U1·1• 831-5439, 2413 Orange Turtlaroc:tt • 18971 from M75 ...._.. &.1~ • .___. AY9., Coeut Meaa. Antloc:ll. 4 Br. 2 Ba. fem 3 Br. 2 Ba. IPll1 '9vll, NB FOf~:.-.~ 14 UNITS. Prima.... OC-REMTALS rm, din""·""' of u.c.1. Condo. 2 garagea/JJOol!: w tfleld IPAl1'1Dll. · Beautlful garden aptl. P1tloaldedl1. Heel paid. No pet1. 2 cblldren EASTSIDE DUPlEX 2 Br. 1 BL ylfd. 1 car garage. $695. UOO Hcuclty. 957-0701 Agent. welc:Ome2 Br. 2 .;_ • .,50 2 Br. pool, garage. .... .., 1525/mo. No pell. 395 W Wltlon S31·5683 Co 11 e g a /Bak a r . --. ""'6lm 1450/mo. 2 Ir. 1 Ba. ept1. new ~. petloe, c:etpone. cat Ot<. TSL Mgmt 842·1803 •2 br rw ~ Ptz, I.A. Pool,.,._ Carport. 752-M22 Ot 1-1480. 841-0783. .... ,., ....................... IMO 2 bdnn. 2 ba. IJa'•· 1mall yard. 1500 mo. l•11e. Hl-2877, aft e PM . 937 -tt25 . 213-333-0071 '5001~. 2 if. 1 ea. 1 1tory, 1llag, drapae, Ocaanvtew dt:>t• apt, 3Br, patio, frptc:, d/W, baemed 2B•. frplc:, 2 c:ar gar. oelllngl, garage. N50 mo. 975-3915 dyl, T8l Mgmt 142-1803 (213) 434-5134 9* epa. 8 """" oouru. 1 poole. C10M lo bulllnaaa, airport, Fathlon lllend. Convenl•nt 1hop1 on ilia. Un furnl1lled bac:tlebe. 1 & 2 bdnn apt• and townhoueM. $540 . 11000 Sevwal bechelol• and 1 8dnn """' *"1#9 fine dnlgner furniture and ac:ce11orie1. Mo._ In today or ,.,.,.,,. for IUtnfMr morttht. Smartly fumllhed mocl .. I open dally. On JembOf• Rd ll San Joaquln H*' Rd IU-1HO ---------t >elm 1oC. Wiii to 8. C. Effldenc:y, $255 mo. lit 1 bdrm bech •. large Pica. NEW 2 B<. 2 ea.. 1 a 1ut l tac:uttty. deck 1 blk to bled\. Utl 8' I 1 Ba. Of Studio, a..2-3597 ..,. 1375 840-37117 lnclud .. frplo, elegant •---------1 _..,.._ . .---·-----Franch wlndO'ft, pool, 3 Br. 2'h Ba. 1450 IQ. ft. 3 8f 2 Ba condo. apU1 ttnnla. whirlpool •P•. private patio & encl1d level. pool. 3 C8I' oiw-oe. ' au n • • o om PI• t • garage, tote of grau. 1750/mo. 553-0255 I I .. 33582 Blue Lantern. ---------Hare•• r1'!. ",,ome 1875/mo. 49&-9230 or 2 Br. 1 Ba. N•1'Pt 11undrv l1c:. & muc:ll 4""3354 Halgtlta No pelt. market valuol. Min. bid Owner wfll help. Alklng 1•5.,,., '200 to l2000 Gardener. wtr & 1.11n CloH to Hoag Ho1p. • ••••••••I M75,000 ·mall• oft. Bkr 750-3314 __,. 7_;1,_ dUl9 lnekS. LAllle 11100 S7Htmo. 81<r 946-7332. '37,881. 3 bdrm, 2 be. 34a-0709 -r-· .._,. mo ...... " ... 1 ........... On the Ba~~· 1---...------·---------1 · ....,,b .,... • ......._. SPACIOUS 3 tlr, 2 ba mor.. 1525/mo . Wh'lnow ~ ~l°"11oooc:M ... ,,..,.,, 875-0049 LA QlJlNTA HERMOSA ....... '"" .,,, .. , ...i ........, '400,000 Tot.I Plllcet a.t buy on ocaantront, alnt toe. $326 000 c:lll'I + 1uumabla S75K, 10~ TD. O.W M0-1t80. ... , ... •WPllT.-JS ExtenlMt 1H1 remodel • left no ltud unturned. Haw trldltlonal oak planked floor•, roof. wlrM, plumblng, muter IUlt•. kftohln, etc:, etc:. m1ke1 tllll t>taullfully located 31R 2ba pool home • rare "one of a kind". S2t7,500 wftfl an UMHnab4e 1at TD, M4-7111 ~•,, . . ;, ·,,.[ ,;, ! 'J RVM~ --- anc:t doge. r 1 c.!"".!!.•. t!7!:.!:_. !.i~J:~ '=a:': Exec. home 4 •· 3 Ba. c:ondo, frpfe, blt·ln1. 2 MUST SEll. LOW ON .... 7 .-141.0183. lam, rm .• fOfmll din. rm.. car gar .• pooll, ntw BR 11ou11. ~bared,•---------• 2 trptc:'•· em tount, Kol dacof. v.-.t. IMO/mo. NMr M.,,,,.,.,, 3 2 l180K mrlit value In auoo mova• zou In. pond, c:over9d outdoor 842·1155 BA. fMI rm, PoOI Open prlrma arH. 543·1381 1145,000 t19W 2 3 Br. 2 1p1. In bHt part of W-allf a 8R 1.,_ t... Sun 1·5. Owner/Ag\ bl! ea. eoncsoe. 1850 aq. ft. Turtleroc:k. For rental on -· --. t5$.0I09 •• ......_.. ....... --Of ----• ..... llOO mo. Aleo lrY. Tarr .• "'-......... ,_ -··-._..__ ....... • accetl ·~ 4~2 ...... 11500 mo. 3 BR ea. 1347 ,6 llo. a lljetlmt. L-op41on. tennl• a poq11 paid. Botti .,_ & daen, no A lr1lrl Phone 842·2000 or Gardener l pool ........... _ _.. ..... 23-lt.ft(.L Owner wlll oone. 831-6055. OIMlllng peld/,t1300 mo ....... "'" "'"" .,...... ... Harbor View HomH. HCllano•. Mika Crow, Convenient aar 2ba, R • f ' 1 r' li · C a 11 Bkdft ... OOtldO. 4 Br EJl-....o-.< Carmel. 3 BR, ·~aot.--.14_5-3_11_1_. ---, 2 f/ d rt 714/975-ta04 2'M>e. frptc:, gar wl-.C __ .-am, pa,wl . g,gee ---------1.....,. New :ls _ _._. everything upgraded. I /-mil ml IBQ, fence. dbl Jar, LElll .. U ~·'· .,_, .. Good financing. Fee &ra.d & But1er Duplex w 1 r / g d n r . 11 5 , -------11,050/mo. 12 land. '2e5.000. 1125,000. Attrlle1M fin. 558-1448 a 8dml deUldled 11omaa ID• --• Q I t 1 .... .. ... d •---------In eacellent tree . ...H CHOICE IDl"I u 1 ne gnuornvO · U1JW Avalll.bl~ lrnmedit~~· MU\ MI k • Crow. a gt. llOO/moon 1 Y'IW (1111 II) Harbor View Home• 2 845-3178. ......., .... Five otller1 to c:hoOM By the monltl onty 8UT ~d':\!d.~~~ _S_H_O_P_P-IN_O_c_E_n_t_ar_ln-1 ~.':ic.3 p~i'T°ie~:: from. We're l"9 onee to ~=~"':.t;.~l: .. ~ ... '-~ OcMoaide rw. . 17• UH/hlO. 10 .. 11U c:all for....... from June 20. 000 1q U. 11.2 . Od .-... ..... .......... ~ .. ....._ 873-7781 or=-.1 fln1nc:ln9. ,, .. t d••" -.... -..... 11 ......... ..,... 2"· boat. '500,_ ··~·· ............ ., .. t eore IQ . e1tate. Cell 8uean 1-G811 ~ii"..:. ~=r' lulll I 11f, boat dc:k '400/wll oc-REHTALS 750-3314 511·... ,-. 111&.n m11t1 fb '"a-,_ WMS lllTU . 11Mttl 2 and a bdrme frOITI 1750 to 11400. Located In HOIUllY• ·---------1·---------1 ~· MCtlOn. S750, 11111 Pwtltlde ln. 1 bite down & low monthly. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 1 ea. frp6c, deftdl. W. of BMcb, 3 ble• S. of payment1. Call for DeluH pooltlde, 111ra garage, 1dult1. Avall. Edinger. datalll. a..t-3421. 3141 l1rga 2br, 2ba, bltn1. now 1560/mo. ~ Ml-1441 ea. St. C.M. ___, dtwtw, 1•it .,,... bead! .... a..... "11 ---------1 MacArtbuf & Sunflowar, Ac:tultl. no peta. l&OOmo •••••••••••••••••••••• Qui•' Junior a 1 Bra. s: ........... From 1315. Pool, rec. l.arge 3 Br. ' le . ...,..,....,_ Ctaan. tunny 2 Br 11)e. rm., eaune, anc:lid Townllouta In quiet --gar. lndry, refriQ. 1450. 17GO Keeleon complH, large pool, -~·-no'*'· 493-27f0 ~':C;.,. 642~7.... garden Httlng. HOO. 1 & .2 Bf. Oleoount °" Adult liUCiO. ttovil. r.rt1a -------...,-1 145-1311, 875-5949 eome modatl. Poot. Spa. & '4lt. $255a121&. 152& ,,__ ,_,. '141 -....... -------•Gym, Sauna, ate . -;:r::-;: ••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 1'it09, frp6c, di•. 84e-Oet9. moweln. Furn. Laguna Beec:ll PY1 patio. gar, no "'" 4~ luaury 1tudlo, 1pa, S520lmo. 543-5478 ...... WALi ,_ Selllllte TV.~ maMt Speclou• 2 Br. 1f ee. Lrg 2 Ir. Townllou•• ..................... . .. rvlc:a, P hon ... 1425. 3 B<. 1\ti ea. '475. =~n'!:..U:/y~d· Eaalelde C.M. fwn ff"" a115I.-. -.2221. L.eundry fac .• pool. •-· ..... · room and bath. "91rlg. 548-tSM Ne~r Hu1tt. Harbour. 128s. •21.... 1111 --------• Ohlldran OK. H35. 973-7544 ••• •••••-••••••••-*I Ir. 1 8•. Newly 840-ll07. rafwrbl•ll•d. a495/mo. ,_R_E_D!_C-.-181\--.-Nb--,-2-1 Lake Fot9at full Mt .,,iv, rec: feoll. pool, tenn11, .... menlberlHP Sun ' Sell CID. y, utll. taeo. tit a lall.see 4oat ...,No_paiee_._~ __ 7_4_. __ , OAR. ec.. a BU<.. FAPl.. '400oe4Mlmo. 1 If, 1 DECK. PATIO, 4 UNfTS. IL J It. I II. Apta. S 7 9 0 + d • p . leemed oetfl119, trotc. 2U/420·1'705 or EV ger19e, leuftdty rm, 2131433-2435 Roo~L ~rlv•t• beth, Avta. JwM. 1-.-...-------4 llNll MOI pnv. l'.Jl. ~ 142•J803 1 • upatalta, C:IOM to M2~901. 5 to 9 PM . _ baaetl. l300 mo. u. c ITUNMHQ 11t119 1 er. 536-e3M Farnala want9d. "'· 0 .. ..,... apt. Pool a r..:: 1..---------1 Colleg•. Room w/pll•. --. 710 w. 1Mfl.'. It. ,...., beedt 2 Ir. t f\111 UH/mo. A1f'1 req . 2IA ,.,., IOI. ~ la. u~ap,, hug• -~---·-----• .. I ct«*, • ..,.,... • ~ OMJ. -1 mo. enttanoa. No .,..._ II/JO. •U :-I'!....... 83W301. . .,, ~--~: Ke~~b~;:~; ........ Isn't he the auy who kteked the wiftflin& field eoaJ in the ·74 Superbowl? ~ro~ I DO IT NOW1 ... .., .... YCIUf OlilV ll'llol lwVlot Dl'9C1ory l\9Pftll9flt•ll¥9 .., ... , ....... ,, ~t •••••••••••••• Of'Wft--. PlfklnO Lot ....,... IMlootllnO. 811AIPhlt1131 ... 1tf\Jo WAY CONSTRUCTION rt!f'!!~'/.TJ!f ••••••••• Aemodel • Addlllone FOAMICA COUNTIRI t!_a,_ "'""' UC. 420IOI M2· 1200 TOP9/Cablnet1 ref'4:ed mr..'•••••••••••••••• ---------.1 I',... Ml. Hl·5357 Crpt1 lntta11Jrepair9d fl t.Ut/ ,lood ~· 91Mm ..,, ...... ~ •• ..., ... J j Clng.5&4-151 , t7Wffe ,,.. Mt. "*' pttoet. • .. ~t!h .... !!¥.~ ...... No 9tM111/No 81\amPoO Out!. worl(. Lio. 337199. 1111111&&.I •Y llaln apec1.i1t1. F•t ___ 93_1·_23_4_5 __ -4 Chrletlne a ld 141-71125 dry.,,.. eet. 03a.,612 Cut ,,,.., t& S ... _ .. t ......... • ••• !!.~m~ •• !f. ,,_, CH*la• ,,..,poo • 1 ""' ,._.. Crown mouldln" •ntry .:m••••••••'•••••••• Color brl11llt•n•r1, wht "' CRPT·LINO·WOOD arpll • 10 min. b!Moh. d o o r I ' "' • n t I • • ' ln1tllled/rtPl'lt9d Orio Hall. 1111/dln ttM 115; •-boOkcUff, c.dar llnad Uc 3892880 1·t40-3082 •• ,, cloMtl WOOd IOIUllonl --· -------room t7~: oouotl 10: 10 llr•• a.., .. .-,. La..I"'-ctv 16. Guer ... Im. pet wood prot>tamal •••• ,.. •• -;m.r.;;:· •••• ;;;"'A:";................ odor. Cfpt repel(. 15 >'fl ••1 1•211 REPAIR I INSTAL' IAIVllTTINO-My home Hp. Do work myaell. -• " '" 1n eo.ta Mee&. llQl9 5 I Aete. 631-0101 Jlrll.fl-1'wrl< G1t1Qe dl't. H1rdwer1. up, 567-4814 -EX--C-l_L_C_A_R_P_ET_C_A_R_E_ •••• ::-:. •••••• !!!..... o.tlgn/Pelnt aeo-11111 ARCHITECTURAL PLANS lulnh!f CHILD CARE! my 11om41, Jtdl Buffington FOR BUILDING PERMIT •••••••• ••••••••••• • lunch/lllldll Included. Ownettoperit0t RNldant11t 1ddltlon1 I KIO Landacapa Malnt. Larga yerd. Ml-7t3t c.rs>et. uphol,.,... l'\IQ rwnodet Oon.147-aeo& Reaid/Comm. CINn--Up 8at>le9 wam.cr. day care, deenlng. WOtk guar. ~-" Lt Hauling 5'411·24119 my tlorM, Mon·Fr1, 2 yrt Free Eet. MS-1771 · "" & under. E/Slda CM. C.M ---------•• ••••••••••••••••••• Gardening Wented AM'a a:s1-s109 Oomlnlc'a Carpet & Furn. ORYWALUACOUSTIC Mowing, adgtng, raking, cleanln,. II' aofa 130, Repair•. naw & old. 11 • w • • P I n II . F r • • .,,, #fhtfaaft/ chalra, 15 & 20, carpat _'lfW __ ••_P_· _8ud_5_5_2_·9_54_2_11_ea_t1m1_t_11_._IM_5_·5_7_3_7_ ~ 121 sq.It. Fr .. at. 25 yra WaH texturet·AcOUltlc LAWN CARE •••••••••••••••••••••• exper. 781·9308 Hang-Tapa-StMI atuda Comm/reald. Nwpt/CM .... 11&.PU C.•,.flCt•llf,. Lie. 3899« 1-532·55'49 Xlnl, reli.ble work. St.em clean enQI, bllgM •••••••'•••••••••••••• DRYWALL TAPING Onr/Ol)f, Barry 8'45•7412 I d • o k • . M • c h I Cament·Maaonry·Block All T exturet & Acouatlc TREES eleclrlcal hll\dyman Wal11-Cu1t. WOfll. Lie. Fr" eat KIYl11 876-90118 "op..__./·----'. c•~n wont. 875-7951 1381057 Rob 5'47·2883 • ...... ............ -ll•tril.J up, lawn ranov. 751·34711 i..tlrrcs'.. CAJM e.,. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . l&lla...ll!i ~ ,..j e. ......... I 1no 1-1---r. .... ~ ... :.-: .... ~ ........... ...-................. er -r DUDLr~ .....,.~ Bootik~MMoel, pyt I S.byalt, t feed. Mon-Fri, Hauling • LandlCaplng Ply & ..-'*'· call 7:30 to 6:30. 11.50 hr.. right, frM Mtlmati on FrN Mt. &42·9907 .... 1aroe or aman tobl. for appt 840-9521 1_63_1_·533_5 _____ Uc. 396821. 873..()359 .., "' ....... ""' C4ldllMl9 to Gc><:erta C.tr#fm ••n.J UC'O ELECTRICIAN Exp'd, qu111ty work at wtia-. the Fad •••••••••••'•••••••••• Qual. WOfil·Reea.. "* ra11. ratet. Malnt. & Ao1 • .,, off the matket REMOOEUAOO-ONS Fr" •t. 631·5072 Tom tandacaplng. NBICdM With a camW.d M & c~~:. l!';.'!22751.,. ,...111._.. .. ....:. ......... 71 onlY. Ron'• Oarcten1ng. Cll Nowt 642-M71 yrt •JCP. .. ..... --" .,. ___ ---675-9311/&42-l<tlle .. IHIYO"I QA"DININO "Total Yard care" Mo/'#1dy lll1•U32 1Y1 HAULINQ.QAADINO d1mollllon, clHn•uP. Conotate & t,.. rMOYll. Ovlck wv. 141-1131 HAUllNO & MOVINO l..clc*. •t"'*tt wllruck Lnll t'l'M1to La~·Yd Olnupe Heulll\O & qulOll ota1n· Tr .. trlfn.txpert rnalnl. up, ycJ1, 11•r1011, fOb• Irrigation. Jim tll1-01H 11111, I Pfop momt. lillolc Total Yard Cir• b e#l-Ollfl, Krl• 131..ot&3 TH! QAAUHOPP1R •1•111J-•I•• P1110n.i·0toandabla ••t.•••••~"•••••••• Dominic e.42-4851 R08lt...S CL!ANINO &«vtc. • a 111orouoniv .. ., .......... tr olMn l\oUM. 5-40-0187 Ftll "'· Ken 839·&035 Exp'd . Depetldabla . LANOSOAP! MAINT. HOnMI • lnttltloanl Cornmar1ca1 & proparty Tl'le bellll 1'1'~70"11 el/I manageman11. 1131·ll048 au.Illy HOUMCManlnCI Key FICtore Lawn' w/I pereonal touc;h. CM, ~~ .•.....•.. --. IL1IUITM LIV• In ••Ou,11v Piii• "'1tut• lovlng oer• for pet/pl111t1. c.tUllad HOUM lflttft, (line• tt7t) 1)1-1234 ~~ ....•••... OUITOM LANDIOAPINQ Or1111 1 unlq111 envlronm1n1. f'rff 111. OonllCt "111)11, t75-ot41 fn1t1.• •••••••••••• ! •• Ttn,.11 LAMonl A'!)'OM? Xlnt tHohlno 1klt11. ~tM«1/lnlerm.d111 ... Oood with kid•. 8• a ch1mplon. C111 8t1v• 545.7923 ~!!!!1 •••••••••••••• BRICKWORKI Small Jobi. Nawpon, Colt• Meta. lrv!M. Aafl. 1175-3175 EXTIRIOA PA!N'l'tNG Cu11om wotk. ,..., .. "'· ,. .... + fin• Int & etalnlng 8teYe M7·428t MLPH'8 PAINTING lnl/t11t. "-9 ratM. "·· ,, .. ••t. 538-9108 ... • ... .,....... T.'I!!!! .............. . u4 It•••• NO par load. Orldlng & Aff~an1i.1~mer'clal pl1n1er mh1 1v111 ~'" ,, .1. Tanant tmprovem.nta del. loollty 557·1611e ilJ!JirA............. QUALITY WORK ,,,, lfrrl• '•rthlno 1n1111or 0..ton ,REE ESTIMATES ··········ii•········· HANOlNO/STRIPPINO L 0 W " A T e 8 . T r a 1 Vlaa·MC SC01t 845·03215 71419111-9050 o.vttme trimming & ramovat. 111 ASR PAPERHANGINQ 7141541-1454 Evening• clHnupl & trllh hllYllng 7 yra looal exp. Guat Lio. 343193 F , e. I I t. M ., t I n II work. Pde.a 1tart It IHll•• 1_&_5'4_-_10_1_1 ____ _ U /roll. Alac 751-7027 ••••••'••••••••••••••• f•lltla• REftAIM 125 to 1115 •••••••'•••••••••••••• Cullom walt p1perl11g, f,.. Ht Cell anY>itme, Molt IUb..,..a. K-14 11t11f1C"tlon ou•antaad. ,.... 8rldc, bloetl, concrete. FOf .. 1: Frri 17715.()714 WALT 770·2 25 Oay-1Ummar I 10wk llUCCO. V9('J rMI. lie. Hub« Roofing-alt typil Mr Morg111, MS-5178 Garden Sarv. HMll/cln Irv, H8. 8a1tl 1150-0933 up &31-45'47/IM .. 8"09 Pacific HOUllCllanlng Bob 5-41-78501535-tt<>e Expert waltcoverlng New-racovet-deck• Wlal• CJNalu .. H -Ul•f lnatall1tlon. R ... Prteal Lie. •411802 541-9734 •••••h••••••••••••••• ~~ .......•.••. II yra •llP· Xln1 rel1. Free NI. l.of'I t75"-6353 HOM! IMPAOVEMENT REPAIR.PLUMBING Carpentry, etao, tile. Free eat. No Job too 1tna1t. T L.C. Houlekeaplng s.rv.o.. LoW ... , ... Toni 1150--0208/IM2-o405 -.u 1 Con1ult1nt A11tgnm1nt ---------• "~ the SUMhlne In" AH klllde Ml-2559 5111·1590 ..,. JOHN HENRY CO..... Clll 1Wnlhtn1 Window OaHat HS-21111 Exl*11M HOUMkllt)lng We furnl1tl v1cuufTI l IUP- !~''··············· ·ABC MOVINO· Quick, Cw1IUI Sarvlca. FrM H tlmat11. 652-0410 Kltty IM 1·4970 Carpentry · Mue>r!ry Roofing · Plumbl.ng Drywall • S"'4:CO • Tiie ·-Ramodal J B. 841-9990 We CfHn your hOUH, ••· 1 ·-* pllU. EXPERT H'"NOYM'"N avery1htng lrom kitchen• Top quellty. Spaclll care " ,. to bat ha. 130. Chrta. In haridllng. 25 yr1 exp. Carpentry . Roollf\O C t M 831.0893 Competitive Rat .. Plumbing, etc. IM2·ll013 °' 1 ML No olll(11rM. 730-1353 HOUSECLEANING JACK OF ALL TRADES IS OUR BUSINESS! STARVING COLLEGE Call Jack d1y 0t night Janlce'a Raggedy Alln STUDENTS MOVING ___ •_8_7_5_·30_1_4*---1 Eat 10 y,.. 875-2514 co. Uc. T124·4311. COMPL. HOME M~INT. tndlvtdual Houaecteanlng :.:~~~·uS:h-:J~1 Carp. plumb. paint, haul. lady. R1l•l t11n1. Eva i---------yd clnup. FrH ••t. 145-4259; dyt H2·329t. MOVING LOOll & tong 498-3291 d l1. by prof movera. lfnJl COMPLETI: CLEANING Vary to r,tea. Cati for •••••• --•• -.-.-•• -.-.-•• -.-.-.-. h ncl. geragH. cxp·o. tr" 111. llalptl, 81$:.0941 DUMP JOBS dep1nd1bt1 5411-81157 & Sm1n Moving Joba _ffV_• _______ f~!!!I. ••••.•.•....• C.11 MIKE &<411-1391 '".-, .. ._.. ---------1.Ar1 you pi.t)nlng •move? n"" "'"" HAULING-aludent hu Cl1111flad 1d1 wilt point by Rlch1rd Sinor Lie tga tructc. LOWMt rat1. you In tha right dlractlon 280844 13 yra of t111>9y Prompt. Call 759-1978. to find the home you local cultomar. Thank you. John. need. 642-5978 Thenll you, 631-«10 Rooting '°' Ane Homee C~L d Ir •••• ,, .. 1 .. n.i Uc 415232. 5'41-8213 • t .,........,53 •• ,.-.-.... •• •• ••• • • • • • • 7-;-:-;--::-;~----1 . ....::2tw.:.:.:.·.=::.:.:lhly::.!..Dilcoun::::=::· ~· ••BRYANT'S** ,. ltl tl Wallcoverlng Removal •• ~ ••• ~.M••••••••• All typee. &42-1343 BUDGET RATES ••ot f • .. t "ltf Lo min Sml job• OK. Lie ~!~ ••••• !".-..}~'········ FrN .... Ina ... t-7541 Jayne's Eanh Worll1 If tll•I Plant m1tnt. patto'1/ •••••••••••••••••••••• lnttrlor H0·0024 MOBILE SERVICE R~1/New ICIMnl f !f!!!!l.~!~!1. ••. ••• • NB/CM only 842-9552 PLASTER PATCHING 8. i ••IAJI ti R11tucco1. Int/ext. 30 •• !.8N.~ •• f!!..~!!. .. •RESIDENTIAL* MonthlyOtrty Dllcount Chrla 95 7-13118 Otanga CoU1 Wtndowl "We leave you With 1 l>flghllf outlook!" Froe Htlmat11 830-9111 CLEARVIEW WINDOW WASHING. Rea. "'"· 4 yt1 In .,. .. 642-5449 ~r•. Ne•t. Paul 545-2977 Brtng ma your p1111m1 & •Pnllll•m a1t1ratlon1. Jackie • ED'S PLASTERING 841.oo 111, Mlg phn k11ock1 oft1n when you ALL TYPES INT/EXT 11 1 It tit O 11 FREE EST. .,.5_8258 _961 __ ·7_7_t7_. _____ u re u -ge ng a y .,.. Piiot Ct111llted Ads to r-'•Wm re1cn 1tte-Oranve-eou r PLASTERING • .,-:;-::-: ••••••••••••••• marllet. INT/EXT. RESTUCCO. •Sprinkler Repair• Phone 642-56711 Btoctc Walla. 586-4892 Rea.7comm. CommarcJ,al ---llillllliiliiiili-• Landacape Sarvklea 957.13111 t!~~,,. ........... . EllU Ul-llH • .... ,I IAY* SERVICE & REPAIR Ven Opptnt 8arvlce Co (714) 134-"S&e C111111tea Ads are the an1wer to a 1ucce11fut gau1oe °' yard Nie! lt'a a better way to tell more P90C)lel DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your n<Honger-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. ·Sorry, no reaJ estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detaJls. OLLA RS 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 ,._.•h•allll ...,. .... SUI) I•=·, ,,.,, ,,,, t!ffl!'!! ........ 1.~~, {!!'..'!.'!'!!. .... ?.~~' ,,.11..'!.'!~-!. .... l.{! .. , ..... !.............. Found: youne, calico fern . YOUfl9 M .... wor1I II Cook, full time, Tu..Sat . .... UmD cat. TIQ reada Nteaaon hOUll f*'IOn, Nwpt O< V Ir y 1 n 11 I ti I I t I o I 852-4387. Call 569-9538 L a 11 . B c h 8 A M • 2 . 3 0 P M & 1 ~It. let. 213--411-3315/272-1255 10AM-8:30PM. Prevtoua I S In 11t & 2nd Found: Ladlea w•tch at expar. pref. fO< l)Olitlon Uiiiiiiiiiiii.._ _ _. ___ ~-------'"""'!--------~------------------~---------1, l0'1 11Mt Alh F CM H 0 USES ITT ING offering competitive ._ laW I.-,_,.,, 4• ,_,.,, ,. lhlf 4#1 Int.Ji ,. 6'111 4111 OlllH lnt.J Hlf C.-""'1 ~·~~i:w 8d =a:: "'&..a.3oea :~~o~::c:~:~f C:,itr!w,•'~ ~:e~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• .. •• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,.,. H11 142.2111 545-0611 Lott: ""' mahog. dak cooktng, ct11ning , Hospital. ,N-5702. CLEAN,"'°'* pttvllaQea On the water. 4 If". 3 Ba. Fem., dlild OK. lhf Bad! Gorgeoua 2Br. 2BI • fm Wl'fB ....................... 1---------1 drawar. vie. Acf1m1 & erranda. rm a boatd In for Chrletlen workfog furn. houH on Balboa Bay condo. Pool, IP•. Condo, w/poot, t•c, Dix. nac. IUlte, 2,012 ICI P"-ttoa WMtcllft relall Witt dlecount well f>leoent• to Coast Hwy. uch tor aervlcH + Counter/Yatd Person 1& woman, 5'4M107 llland. MMll CM03. tannls. $300. 845-5185 1me111u ... Xlnt loc:. Nr tt. lncf'g. 2 euc. ofc.., 5 locallon, Approx. 2500 llCUr9d 3fd TO on prime Rewud. 8 73 .a 7 u , aatary. N.I .. L111 area toot I aqulppmant rentll Room ror rent tn Waterfront, CtlW'8 Cow, Proflady under38 non So. Cet PIHi, OCC. ar11onad IUb~cs. lg. eq.n.att1.05!ncludll1Q CdM ptoperty. S14.000 Mll-7&e0 only Sunnye31-e377 co MUil entov wortilng b •• ut',u' .. Ir. horn•. l2IOO ....... *3.000 AuQ. Im k, t 'o I", 2 . EM ~· 882·2241 trl, "°"' .,.. plua IQ. uftlltiH. AHlonomlCI ., 12% Im.. di.le In 2 )'ft. Q --·-kl " ............... t ....... I wfUI paop6e. Good Mlary -r 700& 1 rn Corp 87M700 Witt 1111 ror ltooo Loat: tr/ .. _ tten." .._ ..... m1 ura _, w 1 benefit pecttege. Apply 'IOU" .. prlv .. f(plc. 213-79M)03t 517· RM MATE . Y.. STY lu••fl Ill,,., 43H r•cpt. ""· Al don• n • 940-7885 wk• old. Vic. Herbor t1f1 Meka tlou ... tttlng 1930 Newport Blvd 1220/mo. M2·1T37. COM NEAR BEACH TWNHSE. .,.. CAR GAR. ••••'-•••••••••••••••• dacofatlon atyta, beaut. H.B. ofc &/or lndu1t 11 tend . Reward . PQlitlon. 1--435--8922...,. Coeta Mala. 8CdM room to prof 2 bdrm. 2 bl. tum homa. W/0, all kltch nac:eu. Wlltsm I.I. In eppnranc•. In loc:. ap1ce avalt. For IH 875-9225 .,.50 ..... .., S23e -5'45-1473 aft Doub'I gar fOf et........, preatlge bldg. Nawi><>r1 1tartlng at $450 mo . .......,,.,,/ 1--------Bt/• WUMI 7Jlf DELIVERY PERSONS. ~---•• ..,. ~ .... fWI • .., -75e,.1243 8:30P~ $80 mo. '180-337e _..,,.... ~!2c~!~ .. Marlna Bldg. M7·"54 1~V Found Bltl/6rwn Shep/ •••'•••••••••••••••••• over tll '°' LA Times ...... ....... .....,..,_ .... ---, ti HU•llY mix. approx 3 ASSEMBLERS. We wllt C.M horn•• 3AM-8AM. FOA R•nt, 2 rma. In -.all,..., ~I= ~.2.e~ Single oar,~· dbl tock. 2nd floo(_;t°upoMoat. !¥.~.~!~!.~ .. ~t ... ~ ...... ~~~ropped U tt u~,eo:..P:~~~~l cEoclto1cn1otonaca.rl~~ .. S~50~ ~ Park. 1275 mo. 2 bdrm. .._,. 8. gar. mo. seo mo. 1 MCUfll'/. 1135, 1175 and S240. N.B. 3975 Birch. seoo eq. ............ ,. I.Ill Pl tie. Coe1 Mela '"""' " lnda.ul.lla.Call:f'Wra1tt Piiio. f:amllfee. O~ e3t-e735 1151•2175 c.M. Cerp•t•, drape1, 11. or teH. MIA zo11e. ••.;.·~·;·~j· Found Garmin Ship acan • m o plua bonu111 ::· ::2::.u. apt. fa: ~atb.:C, :~· Shf 3 br houM. Nwpt !'!!'.~.~~!fl .... !~!! ~~ C«ona del Mar. Agent 541·5032. Oon'1 lat Mcohollem pui1 =h:d 1:'w:r::;: ~: ~=:r.:.~ .. ~:.!:~: ~ ... _.. ,_. Xctlanga '°' babytltt11'19 175-1832 Sch. prime loc. Pool. Nr 1817 WMtcllff N 8 Want I 7 7 5 up . 2 18 0 I t. you to 1111-dMtructlon. IM2-e3'44 l-5•30PM 552-n04 -WI I work. 5"5·"731, o c EA NF Ro NT ~=~~f.:1 ·~~~ncl~,1~~~1· 1foo0:~'i 1:';,'lle:!I ~~ ~,~,~~ <>g:c;:·,~~~ ~ ~t~n! t!Z ~ Found: Adult mai. ehor1 Babylitter PIT eummer. ~-:"tf:~:.' w 't 3 da. 540-7317, &45-0034. SPLENDOR Ind. utlla. Summer on,Y 5'4 1.54>32 · all. Mo to mo. °' ...... Huntington. Buch. Tf\e Moortng1. With • hair cat ttgar & wtlt w/ 2 yr Old boy, 1137.t200 2 Nice rm• with kl1allen Comp! rum Ml ha 4 er. OK. Jerlnl1lf 750-9135 Multan Realty. 5-40-2"0 H2·21134. n1tlonally racogntzea flea cotlu. Vic Bay. 975.aoe IEITIL IYallST prtv. for rent. 1 w/pyt with 2 le,, Incl brick 311 yr old bull,,... man 520 aq. ft. 11.00 per aq. • ... -._,,_,_ .,.,. fllf outpltlent 1reatm1nt 645-9194 BABYSITTER. 1 day 1 F batb 12 ao/mo. or trplc, w1t1r/dryr , ..tliqulet110n..emkrfor It., 3975 81rc:h .. N.B. --•w•• ':!!.:'/! •• '!~ ••••••••••• program.youMVetnted Found: Mata yellow Lab. Wk, ll:30-4PM. Pref my utttlme Mondays & 1200/mo, no beth. d1t1w1hr, 2 car gar. 2Br 2ba Prom Pt. Agent 541-5032 ..... l 8TD Attired. P1lm Springe to be holpltallnd, mlM Nr Goldanrod/S.avlew. home. 76.(.f973 eummer ret111 Pref1r 11411-4949 •fl 4pm or UOOO for Jun• 1t-31. Sayvlew, tennle. 1380, With uae of recaptlon. couple look Ing for time from work,°' time CdM, 557·2674 Babylltt•r nMded 1·11 :::;:csc:.u~~ ~~ Mt-7183 '1200 Auguet 2'"8~· 54&-6729 dyt, 173-71114 conl. room. kltotl, phone, furnl9had hOUll for Ill or 1r 0 m Y 0 u' 1•"'11 Y·1---------ROOM FOA RENT, nr. 4th. Slngla ramify only • .., aecretarlal & word part of •ummer. c111 Morning & ev1nln11 Found:YounoCetlcocat, :~;':'a11r.:°!,1y~~ ~!~es1~r;~!'~~· .. ~-°c::~~~ No p•ll. eH-9582, procaulng. Mall & locally, 878-4912 progr1m1 evat11ble & mo1tty white, tong fur. O.C. co::r21~· 2131127-5109. Prof. to lhlr• 1V•urlou1 rniHig• aerv. avall. ln1Uranca approv9d. Mala del Mar. 545 ..... 908 plaUI. 875-5 ... ..,... _N_.e_. ______ _ WDILY ...,.... view trj.1evel Condo, c..-, Hperalely If dHlred. 1 er, pr9f, dUpla)(, E.alda Tll ...... Alward • Lott lrllh BAB 'f 81 TT ER I 0 r Dentel A11t1tant. ROA ltlle,M ... pr9farr9d, Aval!. now. 1350 WMk Harbor Knoll• furn.. ~~...-.. Call : Judy, C .M. '385 top1. •Ill 1t53E.llnooln,Oranga Satter, no 1-0. S-5 vie Saturday• & 8unday1. pr•f'd . Eerly hra ownar or bUly with • m • n 111 • • · S 4 O O · .,""=., 7141780.0 too. pereon. 5'48-4471 4&47 • ...... 8Mch etvd., 17th a o c M •~ Matur• women. John Pteatant office • .,__,.,. 0 t Id I t., ., • m up. AGf, e7a-a170 75"'·"•"• ... _.. "1"" •2 I...:'! ......... range. ' . ,..... T I Cl b ·--...,.' u I e n • . u . .....,.,... ....... ... ...... NO DEPOSIT. lnc:llvtduall ..... /&NII/ ~.,, _,, to "Hulk". M2--M3e Weyne enn I u . 8-ch. Call 752-9733 ~1r.1"c1=.":::~ ~ ="A~1::. t: Fam, non-amkr, to ''" ~=..-:,:-office fOf r•"t In full· ~ W 1·11Mlt·llll 844-6900 lllTll UllSTUT etc 176-206I pet1 of J4Jly $400 Wk V9('J nlcl C.M. 2Br/2S. Mnlloa .xec, IUltl, 405 ••••••••• •••••0 ••••• • ...,,..._ SCRAM-LETS .Banking 0 y n • m I c , P • t I en t · • t75-3280 · · apt. Pool, ttnnle. gym, Fwy 8t MacArthur. l..i.t11 UP. PIT ml.II orl1nted N.B. practice .... , ~ 4111 etc. 1325 rno. + 'A·utN. THE EXECUTIVE •r•rtuJr. llH wt••• uasWERS 20 hre/wk . Apptl . need9 bright motlvatad ••••••••-•••••••••••• ,.,.flM latlhflfl '41A HSE NR 8 Co OFFICE/tn'lna • 10 YJ'l In•••-& •••u• .. •••••••• 1115So. ElcamlnoAMI, 1\11 Huntington SIL, 89 7 1nttlu1lettlc tea,,; H9V9 rm I boerd for 1 •• ••• ••••••••••••••••• Plaza! Frwy. Spa. S225+ ..vita. 833-1122. CNcktf'I lo Go In Tllttln. San Oernent•. 492·72" Mol\all • Daisy W H B 142-8800 m e m be r . R O A 0 r eldarty In pvt rllldelice, OCEANFRONT 2 a 4 Br. IMtl utlll. Mt-4913 ...... •m-* _ _ muai .... 111.0001ottw. Full lie. Nooee . Banter amer, · · M••• Verd• area. 4YllL now. w_,,, ttw\I -• _. w15w ~ PhOne n1-10M. ---------1 SAME DAV l&ml comperabl• uper. ~ "'""'*· tn..7173. Lg. Put. Room wee. From 1 room to 3 room1. Well-appointed office w/ Slnglll eocl1I b1Hrm Th• ttock mark•t 11 t Nlafy open. Ml-2481. ----------l·---------1 Col« T:V. Ovetlooklng From S1.18 1 aq. ft. No Nwpt Harbor vl•w. SWIMMING Pool dat\Cll rlflt'I Tue. I F'ri. ~rnpfng d atouncl. I've HllfltYtlllwtth Ollowt'JI ~/11P¥'1 ....,,1 ..,.,, fllf R•mod•l•d lrg 2 Br tannla. pool, IPI-gym, 11111 requlrad Adi. ........,, .. 1000 ... rt Cll•mlcal Hrvlc• lie. eve. &2. Oancert Comar, ..._, rfCh _...,. 1._ ..___ ln1 the AP!fpot1I At9a F •••••••••••••••••••••• hoUla, Npt Hot*. "'°'1 vary nice tor quiet Alrporter Inn. 2172 ....,..v... ~ ' Coata M•H area. No 1"3t S. Main It Edi-, ._, • .., ... .,_, I me. •lae phone ftll W:'!n~~ltL :N:.~~1:.·~~~f!~: g;1~~ U50. NB. ~~I Call AM . 5llO & :1:ft. ~ =·=·•=u~~~~: S.A.5'42-9047 "._ =E~A~lll ln ltla Haldl'~514,0-5 ~~°"'c;'~~~· t101 I up. Color TV. 84M749 or 7eo.t414 Looking f F betWMn Hait>of·llk•r Ctr, CM WUI net S40,000 plua. le•1••1r Found: BaaenJI Club IUl11 ULll prC)facta. Dehl. Taytor & PllonM In room. 22741---------• 22·80 wtte°'ta &, nead or BAYfRONT (1croaa ffom FEDCO). Call collect, Mon-Fri., fltm'l llYI wlsh11 to plac1AM ...,ftllln Aaloc. 71~9-5234 ....,,,_~7~~.M. s • . L a k • flnanc:lal help. Otv. M• M II r .: .... 1 u . 8 1 0 0 ; .. ~ .!.:7r Rudi. t-8PM, Mttu epec;tal meaaaga In ~~edog that .. M'"TURE ............ CTIVE DOG Groomar wanted . .,.._ ._., , ... ~:..;..-hat• 1 c: I• an In II l Prime office. 173-1003 5'40-1....., 40....,.. -0111 Illa D.ily PMOt. Lat Dad,_......., __ -..______ " EXPeAtaao C«one del Mar . .. , ..... ~111 _.. ~Ina. ao wtll glV9 you CdM dll1 eulla, A/C, ... 1141 name In print on lflfM.JI IJll PERSON 644-4000 •••••••••••••••••'•••• t It cottega, -t to II. Ir• NB I all ·~ .,,,..._ pk,. utlt pd 2e55 .luM 201h. "you plac. I •••••••••••••••••••••• TOP p•y ....... "12 Boar~lng home for 1 block fl'om bMc:t\. 10 In ••chano•. Lat"• ,,... · grMtlng '°'Did you wth " --1\nCUry 28R 2BA apt 0n E. C•t wy. UU. b ff, ~:=~~·, "ro~rn:':::.~ w~: = ~~5~: th• W•t•r wfprlvatl _9_7_&.eeoo ______ -4 d~nal ll~bl• tor lh• Lilda & V'ICki's Mtr/lfflee llp, "4-4004 &31-0303 beacll & h11ted pool. Coate M ... 250 af. iulte .a --Newport 8e1ct1 publlc --------·--------· 7&0-e272 1175rno. UtJI lnc:ld. 77t --------• ,...... ""'llHLI r•l•llon1 nrm IHk•1-------- Henalel Bey, Kauai, HI. --------1 W 19111 81. 851·8928 .:.: e u.tl/ ..... I Ftent my luxurloully fllrn. 2 rOOl'M avt, &250 M. lnc:I ---------1 ...,.... UTC RS :..:. ~ :.-In ~. \~9ff010"· CM execuplan Cal~=~ pi.ca 0 1iM2ii . -AOOMMATI ae~. M~Avold depcMNtl. Cut ~I ~ few June 133 Oowr Or. It• 2, NB ta1..UU "A NEW CONCISPT" Full llrvloe/cultonl ofllot a delk epaoa. Nr. O C. Alrpon 1&0·at1• your mHHga now fore~~~!'!~~~~ only '5.00 ' llCHMEAL Wark an our twi.· CIMAl1. ~maldns ••• •111 •II off tee u • wle.phone tal• pt'OllM.)tlon NMd '"•ltty IMIMitt clerk tor th• ana'a ftn•t ...,,..,.,.,, 1•1101111110!1L 1.1".M,1. ~-----'"'."--­ Only ~ulnment 11 a ~ telephOne r:•r•. '""'dlM "*' --'--·"-.. ..1~1 '.;;._, n.:-... M• ""' '"'''''I''""'· ~ wu\11-.. --'""'9'-lltevlew fflWlntt trut Oooktr lp1nlel AKO Offlol. • p eo If Io• t 1t11' to PupPlff, luff Colored. •.::;::....... dlt4'tlft 111 det1lled 1171. Pvt~ .... 1-2311 _O_tl_ll_d_t_l_d_r_w_r_d_r_t_r -, ~ ~ ,...~.,,..... ...... ._., ... """' tlMclt. ~/Wftt, Ida.. ...,., .. ,... Quallty euvranoe AKO. Top Otlimplon r0tm1ee. 1110. f40.ttte k b h I ~ It • mutt. WHtler/~yer l1U Germen lloodalnt. 2 Iott. ou11om, otloa . • 84.00_t~r=flrtt V:..,H i t en • are n Olll ~: eectl. ~ ttO( 1228. mllN. 3 fem ..... e wk•. brown, ottoman. wllnUI put:M&Wupl _.::· .. m •IBTll •--, ~J ... ·~.~.·.• tr 8100. 18M2915 bite, orto 11100, wlll --.. ..,.. -~ 1 ..a. •...a..1~ aao. 1300/mtke otr. MMIJl ea 11 1213>3~::~~~· ~ ...;...;...-.LM--111-11-.. --i lltelrlo•rtlor. Wlllrli>ool AKOPVP~~ _1_3<>-_518_1 ____ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!I---,-------!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~! V1c1tlon Condo•: very clt1n. IJCOeOtnt tem110. Yellow. Avalt 14NM.11. OOffee table & 2 =;, •1 1 1 1 tALU You may hlYI dlnno o· Qolf at 111 conct. t141. M7·H18 8124, t118 with 1llo1t. matching oncl t1blt1. "1 llltl 1 H ell the . I '11 ICM, let M . aoee r ', I 2..0.M CO"IPI 101 1138 , peroonolnMed I lllPef& ..-...~If .... your~ .. ~pt, c .M. 0111 Oenyo1~ t11t• Moving out or etato, AeoorW Now. M 857_.111 Hanclymen/iflnl1on.I NUA81!8 AldH. 'ull ~ ~ & or,,_..,, ,,.... ·-· •·rn •--rnuGtl ~. "'" ....... ,united lltefrlg., avooaclo . ., ., .-1 -..:..-------,-fol' CdM blft"' P111 time, 7 lo I a 3 to 11. ,.., ,_ ~· \Oatieneo. your "' ............ _, Mottloclltt Church. H&()/ofr. 754-74'3 • .,.. ,. ... ~ -,...... °'o ,........, u.-1. ...... ,.~u, ettate '"" rnoto. lo tq t400. • ...... ~ ...... 1•. •1pm . ..;-------.---1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Mahog. twin bedtloadt, l/llme. Aet. roq'cj. P .,......,. """'' _,, .,..... our tuOCIMlful & ,.......i.... __ , .,_,. • .,.. T ,., Ad bl K11t1nt metc"'I"" whit• .. -bnau Box 111, CdM 12115 Hoopt., 1147·3815. Pr.. firm. e .. t wor'iiin'i NN-·TMYI'-Cti.tt, aottien, wicker, eutver a UnlY. lrYtne, Double door "clmlr11 " ore 1 · bldt(;,Md., IHiior Ill. H 01 P w 1 nt1 ct 10 r c.n. CltMMI .. offered. condition• In Mewfort Make 111a your belt HI·" 1HO M•af'avox IAT/SUN. ,urntturo. Aefrlo, t•:=2~eenr ~:~,·~~110:k~.~~i:~: tlt-3M1 (Colt• Meat) 1eecn. 11.......,eoe 1noo1ne Y9lt ..,,.,i Call .Mite Ind mom. a.t w . 1 9f2.7213 r:~·:~ .. ::'~1~ ..... -·--N;ii;-;;--1 MS-0864. Htllldon ~uzm•·o~~i.mT~· AllOlltTIO Home __;..:_ ______ DECORATOA 'I rollable. oa11 alt 4PM Cohv • 1ong term car. ........ IT WllY MOVING out or tttte. "8neh, Irv. •PPll9'1Co • lleetrolux, S ICIOflbleklttena. twit• SALE: R1E.M~~i •. ond -..._ __ 1300 ______ 1 exp. req'cl . lxoell. 50 wpm, iclnt pllone ,Alltf TIMI. 10 tlOUft Juno 12·13 ••t/lun. --...;__-----• Ott•rl11r ,ood otd, 2 bleck. 1 bllt/Wtll. toblH. 111g1r1, new -or"l nJ conclt. & *Ila. Yto bldtpt. Mui* .._ ...... •--" ••D .._ ~ ~ ltwlwnow, ....... ...... Procoetor, eto. All rw. to gd llOmt. 751-7388 lllftf&L " " be Well Of99nlled. GrMt :==--..==' :=...;:::; S.::::, l•blH, 110., T.-., _.......__., Doote•. 173-tlOt 7 month otd mixed brlld b 11 hr0 0 m c r Pt g . I boneftlt. 111mo, 7-3:~. co. benefit•. 8tlory ·-----~r lo ..... t......... .,~ "'"""'.._' 7 pletur•. mite. Hlwpor1 AeHMll ...... I S-11:SO. 714·114240.4 commonturl1e w/Uft«. Aocurtle typing, llgtlt pat '"'·• -1por11 OQUfp mt, po. ts cu. ft. fWflgeretor. s malt pup. Betd\. 844·&111 Oan«al offlc:e poalllon Of IPPIY In peraon: 411 75-4711 Ptoo'f boollkoepl11g ex per 15'1 Con6ca Piece. drum Mt, Olr1't 10 epd., door. wlloemahr. 545-1913 ~. av1ll1bl1 In corporate F1!9INp Ad., N8 dHlrtd. 8tt16 ,..ume GAAAG! SALE s.t/&in Mini Motorcycle. Alum. H.,.,._ Ootd, a yrt otd. Free 3 klttw 10 lolling -llT 1111 1ccoun1a recetvable -.... nl•H end tt&ary ~tt 9AM4PM> IC05 leloat1c window twn11191 tncl l300. 815-7414 ale tor homo. Adorable. 8 wkL Full tin. 541.9572 olllc1. l"lllng, good lllllll Law Ofllct, Newport ~ !,_la1b.:.,.lno8~~!'1 . Or. C.M. ~~ ~~~i!n:!:!1 MWk. 81k, blk/wtlt 847-1123 -... llT Stl m It ti. m It I c •I • Center. Good typing ~!'!'.2"'"10'1""'' • .... • -1 Hamlllon. Frl/8tt & 811/&in 9 A¥ lo .. PM a..,. ..., K~ Aefrlg communication 11c1t11 & 11 PM-7AM. Expr'cl .-... ~ldonl ....,. ..., T t? 0 Fr•Kltlon• 541-N72 I I cl ---------1 Sun. Toole, bootee. ...._ w/ Opper. now. to~ 11omao. hght typing roqu re · certified nurH a lclH. on exper. --UY/.,... SAT • M,_ kltchlnWWe. 13te. 87911474 Uk for llf• •-Ill Mu11 be d1pencl1bl1, Shift clllforentlal paid. --------1 -• -)IWelfy, cllttltt, mite. ~ good•. antique 875-2 42 1tter 4PM. - rotponalblo & ••II· Smoll conv. tlotpllal. ....,./.... FlntnOl&llnveatmontflrm Clothle f\lm tlbt'lc & oak turn, mleo em _M_.,._·------1 Loviblt blec:k tab lype ___ 54_M_5 __ 72 __ _ motlv1t1cl. Newport Nowpor1 beck~--. Electrtc•:noconttruollon ~~~.,~~~c:n·.~~~~.' tolltel.9..s.J\IM 12a'1a. antlqueo. e Mandrako. Apl Size 110Y1, clotn, f9mole. 9 moa. To good TWIN BEDS Beach. Irene RU ii , C.ilf0tlnlerYtewlM:SO !Inn look fol' •"""P t I!_...... I I In Alloy, 125 & 131 lrvlne. (Ul)IYlrtlty Pirie WOtlctgood.115. hon)o.842-3557. Mitt. & 1prlng1. Iron 840-llt!IO. pm. 549-30t1 1xper'd poreon. Muat "°" ary. ..... YP ng Cleafbrootc L.11 CM off Stndburg & CUIYof). 541-4416 1r 1 m,. I 5 o b o 1 h . typelOWPM.dO 10key and S /H required . · · Atttntlon roof1ret 500 1173-1573 1ttt1 ...... ..,., PAINTER / Expr 'cl . by touch. Salary Executtve tocretarltl I••-•.. ·~ a.-j Electric dryer, good lbl enow coat tn 50 lb ~-------Exper'd, mu1t 1poak Cuttom . Noat , commenturate with 1xpr. a mutt. Mon -Satonly1~.TMAlano •••~•.';T.7••••••••• condition, oloan, Call baga . You h1ul . Ylwlwlllvnl10f1&Qlalr, 1panl1h. Call ALISO courteou•. ReplyAd902. 1xp1r. Xlnt benefltt. 1mo111r p11t . Call Club tlH drained It• lrtllllttttl •HllJ 857-02M tlk for Biiiy. 541-5383. . 175. t>ltl vnl eollbecl, qn, CREEK INN, South Dilly, Piiot 80x tHO, Virginie. 840-1570 840-0123 membert ol ger11g11 f\lll ..... "91 11 I 11. Upright lreuor, 1200, Lgo M whit• German S75, blk ,vnl rocker, 1.25, Laguna Coot& MllO, Co 92821 _.:.,Rtc_c_•_lll-lonlt-t/'fyplt---t -I SEWING MACHINI! of lfrlllttabll lternt at ... ..... xlnl condition. Shep/WOif mill, 9 moo 2 lldwd end t&blto, m , 4 "- 2211 1°' epp't ,. A A,.._,... M1!. "cnr abtl1t1ecr-Mltno100 01tl!AATOA9. Expor, b9vtn sine-. llr1ng YoUt Olllc• ell re. fllo cab•. M&-8148 old. Great Pll'IOnllffty i =-~ii. ~.? ,.~ .......... ......, 1h1l111r. n11cl1d for Co. Medi Wille girt ~~~~~ "81::~:· ~~:: :~,'le~ ~t 1~0~ 1uppll11, equipment. Kenmof• portlblt Mc:. n • • d • b 1 g Y •rd · bkoHH, t30, Mirror Informal t1om1 mgr. Nowpoft Cantor 8nnoft fr I d a Y mu• t b • 1142.teSa Pltctntla Coote Meaa. Hou 11 II o IO r urn . wuhlr & dry9f. Apl lln. 146-11750 pl"'t illncl, 115, BIR MM-Fri, 1.-PM. Dinner Hbrary. Allp lndMdulS, rHpontlbl• l•' •HY antlqutO, boc*i, dothl&. wwr. l400. 957-1'188 5 mo old puppy. F, lm/ turnt1blt, 125. 2 rttlan prep/lndry. Plf'm. po1. IAM-1PM. Mon-Tue yo1n1; Hra. ·5. Call --.8ATJuno12,Mpm.Cor M1ny 01~1 you 8wt 5 ft UPftatl Terrier m ix Cell ehalra, l1 5u . 2 •• Ctr nee. Lv . mag . only. 14.0011 hr. Call 14/ o-8487 Laure Expet'd alOf 2300 "8ant1 Ana & 18th St. can't do . 11 lo frott ,: .. ~; .. i.,, xm: n 1 ... 524 dye: e73-7S511 btlnd1. '15.1173-4413 873-1521 840-224t h'lkt/IH .. Hllt Harbor ~cl. Coua ~~· Hou11hold, rurn, '300. T450 G • 1 ~B. oond. 118115' °' be9I on.. ftW (Jen) ~ bleutlful 4t" round -PUT Tm 1756 P. month tO attn. Mou. Me-11337 Now onnl• ·~•P mt. &40 tlh FrH to good home plcf'6c lbl w/4 matching Pit 11 200 I I o e-Ind/Of Wllllondl. Accurate end fut typing c.........._,......_ Ctr1c YUi Ill.I llt/ .. 1 racbta, .,.,.,..,\elk rm REFRIGERATOR Frott aclorablo 5 wk old boncML t100. 540-173& ,.._,;_• ..-..:.., _! UI mmt. .._.__......_ .......... OllW I m U It ' St art ..,_,...'11'•-•v . a • 1uppllat, co1mot1C1, r .. -.. 842 •757 ""'"' ............ t. "'Ill · ._....,_._ .....,, 'c11 Ex$11r. necMMry, Coot. -mite houaoware. Sal tree, OllYe llf99'I. ..,,__ ~ Full 1111 w1t1r bed, Lv. numtlor. 14Mne 21, with out1,1n ng, lmmodlotely. bper Meea.131-0100 OE portlble vacuum, Jun 1 1 2 , 9 AM . cond. t150. 567.27 hnJt.n 1111 Meter. & ra111 Outtpm med• letll ...... "'98 '11,..... wine raollt, atoolt & meny otNr """" ''°"' 11e.t1 to ttt.tl. Mt-MM. 4 c ... of MmlOx '24 Cate , 1 OttO Of MlldrOll&I 12.4. l 1 oeat of ~ TooCtlpOwdtr •1•. IN-OelO 3.1 erlat• a 81rttton Ylrtloal """ rotllt ong. 141. Of ofter. M:l-4714. ra..u...... w .. w ., •••••••••••••••••••••• JHO CAAPITINQ In Oood concl. Neutral Of 11rth1ono 1t11cl11 ~It. AIM, pttco ,....., Nd lql(OX 56() eq ft. Mt-1771 IY mtg. •a1u1 ,.,,,.,...,,. •••••••••••••••••• ••• :C>ll< 000 AA 9flCI caae Ilk•,_ 1100. 155-tseO '"" 3pm. r!H.~l..fr.I~ .•... 'RENT AL PIANOS• °'*' !)Ian, • t ~ 11\Q. Fltld 'I P l 1no1 . 714--ISe-2771 Ur><lotlt Plano, xlnt conct. 11000. 752-6eet PLAYER PIANO Magnificent tone. nice orig. cabinet, player no1d1 work. sets. 847-7017 lltrtC11~raonaltt ... pr9f'd. ··1 ..... c1•-............ _. .. .... TBL'-....... VISTA 17'"' .,,.,,. '"'•n ................. ...__ 71 720-ot41 NI ID ... .. ... ... _ "'"" ...... .,.... .. --AUAIOERATOft •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ........... .... --.. -lo WOftl ~th (llQll 4-ITI• new Hllogen llgfltl ror GRANDE. New trott-free 2 dr KING INNERSPRING 1 b d Flair for decorating nee. 10· 14t, Oall 2·5'PM. REMEMBER DAO! Pwt time. Mull be aYWI. Honda CfYic, cf11lgner1-----------1185 ' 1i3.toeo EXTRA FIRM m1ttroH I( ng 11 weter 1 • '81 KAWAI Con1ol1 Atlclbll lwt. Wiii train. 142~1.Ext.341.IEOE with WMkonda.4M-t141Ull men't & women'• l'VEREDECOAATEDt · Mt n1Y1futod worth ""1or&rlltl piano Walnut 43~·· For appt Coll Mn. F9\W1 Dey:,,... ~. picture framea. Furnftuni, lampe, mllc. Gold Rolrlg / freezer, Hao HC 1248 clal S45 5ff.5"n port cond S2 200190' Ertc:Uon ...,....,,., 8'2-&178 for Mlenllo C4wnel dlrinet, trtlnOlltor radio, Sat/Sun • 542 Tutlln good conlfltlon IH. Nevo; uHd quMn n: a PleCel Boule tum11w1, ....:.:S11 ' ' · 4 "- 1 4t 1 Earn top P•Y tetclng Win 4 FREE TICt<ETSI Tllllor apkra. 282 M1gnoll1, Aw. In.....,, NI e~m. ~9 wortll '3te, Cllf'I orlty, orly 1tttl conlury. _U_p_r-lg_h_l_C_t_b_l.-N-.,- 1 - 0 -n1 lllH• INL lnlC)lhOll In your area. to en Allgell Game 111•111 I C.M. SAT OMLY. 370 l. 2llrd REFRIO. Side· by 1lcl1 '211 dol Ulully l1otne. ippralt. 131, 150. 117. Plano. Med. w1lnut 0111 entry p1r1on Amateur ~ogrtpllert Olly Plot ...... Yltfl M 0 VIN G 8 ALE. SL 8ICll Bay lfM. NB. 24'F.I". ~tor, wNte TM-1360 000 080 M5-7544 llnllh. ftor1. cond. 2 yrt needed tor 2nd ltllft. 3 nMded. Por1/lull time. Cllallflld adt Wo ero currently Everything mutt gol WWt midi MO, 4 vtr¥ 1325. Ht-2102 new ** BUY** ,,.,_ ,.,, old. HOO/make ottlf. pm to midnight. Mu.I be No~°' .-.nu Rental Hoit••• 4 day accepttny appllcallon• Antlquet, furn., dlltlol. ~it.:'°· !um. Hulty Ten Speed, coat I ••••••••••••••••~••••• 7S..1208 Uncla rHpon11bro. Pel co. required. Write to: WOek,,,.,.. be=. to Io r • u 11 1 t Im•. trt. jewelry, bookt, --------S12t. W• .... for 179. Good uMd Furniture & Wliliii ..... Hammond Of';en. model b • n 111 t • ;. s 'I• r Y ~;~;~~!~i.~?io. 8c0.~ WOftl at llMt 2 a :"", P1'!~ ~":'!-:':; ~tblno. 'c11:~'· 30e5 Ne 1 G Hao,. Hoo o .... 2112 Applllinoet-OA 1 w111 ... w/ttand a150 M0-1777 101A, good cond. ~=-~M:f"· llitol40~~~~~~~~1 =~clw:~=~.::. ~~;0-:. Perlol:,_,, Mon.·1'11 .. 10 _P...,._o_o''Wl_l_t Cn_a_b·l-,-·'"'8-·1-0-0-. -C-.B-. ~~~1E~~:.n 8MX Mongoo11 HO. Of~ Y::.,_ HORSE l"OA SALE .. MMIM9 = no. to PO lox 1014, ""'"" Pfft1 400 Mllllon Xlnt. eonct,• Mew.=•· -·-_..,_ Mare • Apfaloou • Plono. New Yamotla Ull•Y n••• PICTURE Frernor, Qllllry Hlwpor1 IMdl, t2M3 v1or.: Mell, 27000 Crown aw.~"°"': Huge Churofl.wlde Salo palnl. tlr• "2 ... ... au.tiff Arabian, yra old. upright wlwllnut flnllh Expr'cl pref. June 14 ttvu ...... Exp. snfcl. Mme • ......._. ........... ~YEOPEk:r,·, Mlttlon :::: .~::a u:·~n:..o a.t. orlty 8-2 AOUL T 3 wtlMI bike I ·-... ,. ~ex:-=~d-taddlo 12300. 173-3515. July 11 Apply In::::: poa. for mature, rHp. ....._ -. .,....,... • ' · · C M Furn. & tone of mite. S75 -• j "'4 Hunt1'ngton och Pll'IOfl. 931-5913 ~~r~.1010~ .. 2~ =~~ ValtnOle · • 1724 Nwpl H .. Dr. W. 8734118 Lii 957.-133 714flll1-1518 .~.~••••••• Convai.tcent Hoapltal. Portor ......,....,, -.._ ._..........' --------..... Au AUSTRIAN BUILT New full-1111 mattre11 J~ 1#11 DIVING Wlltult, 18c*ot & 18811 Florida Bt. HB. ......... 8eactl TAN WHILE Gwaao a.. 8at. only, ........ ~ ...... {........ L.adlol' blltl, gd WOfklng ... seo New queen Ille ...... ............... longjohn• Like brand Ltpl ... ,...., ...... Ylele Salta s~7~= "=.~'-:~~ cond. 875-1355 S10o. 75o-511S2 '~':'~~1:-:..:·.~t n•~· l1°ro1. UO . Newport Center Aeil W 1 1 r • cur r on t I y AOVfR•llll' YOU EARN of & rocofd pltyor t 10. '20. 40" rnd frultWOOd tbl, 2 c:onct. 12500, 1140-1230 _96_7_2930 _____ _ Eat ate Llllgtllon Firm accepting appUcatlone I hlll1Q ", 1 ._ t• au• 1HO !IVY wood crtb ndo ' COASTER e11<e 12" ....,.., e dn. cNne aft pm. Mcco y • 1no11 11 n noeclt •xperloncod tor o porter potltlon. H • r • · • • u n I q u • ..-.... ._.___ 11 --.. ._ -work u• Chin• cab Mon'•· IClnt ooncl. cab.~. 1s.-e1n •~•a ._. 1urtbo1rcl. Brend n-. L-•llExec Secy. Xlnt E for °"-llWtlO ._. ~·-.-. ........ From toup to nutal a100, ,,.:::.__ · ... M2·21S1 c:H -'•••• -,....__Horen mcl. M\Mt -. & Apply In porton: WOftclng wtttl the 111r1no tor publlc .,._,,_.. oata1Ytic _., •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·--,·-S200 080 ~1~11ctaptlo~ Pwtonntl, Mom • ...fft., to _ __.. l"llllttono. C4ll: !!~~!•8t., I on. ca.,,plng floater uo. Mor11 I 8MX.. blle. Lota°' Hatch cover tablo w/ IHTEAAAMS Mt<. x .... ~..n •1'1"'91.,.._, am-4 pm, 400 Mlalkln u .. .....,..'°'19 -,..._... t. 1 lall19 non 104cllno411t -. 11• ..---. aft ~ :--1dlf*-a 1"' Pro.1...,one10.. Cuetom •••-... _OPll;.__n_. MO __ eeeo ____ , ~ Mol, 21000 Cn>wn ::' .::in=:._moMY 11 Mart' 531.:2401 Antique ot1o1r1, ro11wy WOOd en.. '8ble *· ;_· t67~W _... ...,..,_, · M-054 Mt Me.~ 9lrf9I ""'1,_u_R,,...F'""a-o=-A-A...,.D,,__-~e•--4...,.,.~, LllM. ~Alf ay Pkwy, MIHlon Your 1uce111tul aal.. .._ -bed, -.C. ~Honda Coleman a bumw ltO¥I SCLIUH._.._. 10 ......a Bdrm , queen, nt• .22·250 •Ith Rectllelcl BRADSHAW, UMd cnco Nowp ort Cen l•r. v..to. Eoe M/F. exper~ wlll en•ll .. ~~~--!!!~•!!!'"·~~~I 70 & more. Sat. 9-$. 211 w/ltond St5. 2 bur1* ""'""· _.. meno 12200. 1111 I 1.000. 3x•tx scope. Coat 11. • too 1ma111 Sacrlflc. Litigation uper. Non-_...;_pt_pqq---.-.--I youtobecomukeypart :: E. 1tttl It. cairnp lltow 110. Biby blko. Xtnt cond. 12oo. Mo~, ucrlllc1 . 100 Sec. t100 Firm. J«f 1150. Call 875-0852 .. "'*"· Mr. Gretnblum, ..... 1 _.... ............_ .. .. o I our CI e 11 If I e cl ftAJ flM Gar11Qa a. . Lota of ~~~~ a:'m~:d~~·· •1• ~~-~ 857· M2· 1570. 56&-04eO _1_or_M_11c_1 ____ _ _ 54&-3 __ m ______ 1 :=, -~--;; ~ AcM111&1110 Deoartm.rt. Wortd lootc..Qlldetllft. t Goodlett s.t/Sun 1M 11 .• " -_...... LMnu Am. ,.. MOO. ... I I I W I I I I 1 I Poot Tlble, 3' 10"xre" I l 1 I y I I l I I I ~~.,';' ~..;;:_ 56 yr Straight comrrMou on I•• d • r In r • • d In 11 t7t Albot St. (Hr 1tttl & a.A. tt7..,7t NA ~ on S750. M<Mng. w:rfftce. ... rtei. t" IOlcl ..... 1750. ,.._ old comm'I prlnttu, :':ti.YI ..... *8ty, ~U:-0!::"~ 1 :';re:':; _Mot_-_ .. _~~...,.c...,.._-..~· ........,..~-:.."'J:i. ~~ ~ = ~· ,,_ .... ~. 857-6N5 11 to 20' iq, set por ft. _54_14_~20t_2_. ____ _ Otneral molnt1nanco quallty contcloua. lf'Oall(f-stlrtwendllle ...,_.&oMllMteattng IT It• la&I toll all lt1ma. Grut Movin9I Sewing mlCtl. n&-1491 tn)'tlme. FrHh w1tor factllo & knowledge. Exp1r. In Locat.s In LaQl.WW Hiia. MONEY, we.,. train you 1ummer po11tlon1 In Fr1 end Set w . Emptied barQalna. Ouallty 11.,,,._ .._,_ "" ~. 7 ,.,, 27~. Welnt.lt. • -llll• P • n n R • 11. V • r Y electrlctl & plum bing Xlnt bentftta. ff1-8500 In a..lflod prOC*lur9o. ~ ...... Ouar. ow giitagea end cloelb. 4 10 1 So. M 1 In 9 t. :::1::::-............ _-.. __ _.._.....,.____ -·"' - --r •a• on• b I•· Ca II helpful. AltPt1 to L.any, Production Leed with For en ~ tot Inc, training et dOM of , urn , c Io t II••. (Corner Sunflower & New Hurty Ten 8pMcl, Gema table 40" round. "-"-3!__.1411um+ ........ ~ "8 41U. I Surf & Sand Hotel, Lag llne HPtrlence. Full lntlMaw, ,...._ calt our eotlool. PerMenent applencoa. Mite. 25t to Main). Cont11T1porary 0091 1120. Wiii Mii for Sof1c1 Olk with 4 ctira. ..,_........, ..._., • ..._._-. Rlfl11 . 1Augermdln:3 e Bch, 4t7-44n. E.O.E. time. Engllltl tpoetclno P1nonne1 Dept. 11 opanlno• tor tho•• '200. 1112 ~ BMS. Olk~ rm Mt. Spinet 179. Me-27112 l500. 973-7908 ~or ·~·[~ oa:~;1oni • • 1 • 1 & 2 11 s . •. 2 w•am prererred . Cryatel 8'2-4121, Ext,. 277. 1howll\g IHcllrttllp Coota ~ piano, runclte bod. -8-M-X_M_o_n-,.-0-0-,-.-.-1-0-.1 HUI.;:, !:..,..,r..:: & WlnctlHttr 1422'1. 1 --~-Creetlona, 711 w. 17th. ll&m 11111 tblllty. For 10001 VldeoiiWwa.tiWn Double clrHttr wltll • a· Naugotlyclo •luper r."' ,.._..o MIUIOt 270: 1 Python Ice cream ttore. Mull SI. &.tlte 81, C.tft. 111.f"" Interview call 8111 lltW/10d"'*9 ctlnlflt mirror, llOeper IOI&, ~ r::..~-; J:.~1• c:ouclll200.'twtlftl• : 11 • 1 good 2 concl. &lllot't Dey. 873-4419. 1350. 17a-41i51 ' ti• vo • x P • r I• n c •. 330 W • ._. 8l Helmuth at 7eo-ot01 oorn Mt ~ ..._ eppllanCet. ho\111 .,..., ~-------1 "'"'' Duopt1on1 Anawerlng -------- Newport aoach aroa. Pllflllllllll.I Cotta;;._ • 1 111 1 1 • ~ .. r-=or • ••1~ lndl Mrtt1enw,._ .. l!!:........R'ta rugt, ADULT 3 wtlMI bllt• e• Living. Rm couch, Madllne 1n xlnt conct. w/ .n:.m.W •• ", ....... • ••••• -•••• -&48_~_11_•_•·-----• Wo .,..-....., 5-•I If 1111 I In ... ..~ I llQtlU ... """"-· boolla. '75 brown & gold, 1100. remote control, 0111y --.. ,...._ An ECl\111 Oppty &nplyr Wo rited Qd, people to drll, -•MW,.,.,• oN!dren•a oemeo loya. t7W1'18 ,.... 3-1909 -.. -... With IWnlng-potentlet of __. ... appta. ll'om our Hpt. traoll _tape, I Much enlatQtf, oJott1'"9. TV.•--------Good cond. '75-7&12 1100• ..... •1 . BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Motivated couple to ·~I,.. ,W lctl, ofc. for ~ & More. Sat/Sun 1o.3. 362 Mite ltemt. Ht-0271 AUSTRIAN 8UtLT 5 Pc bunk bdrm tot, AMIAPHONE, Nl!W ColorTV ..... 2 'lfwm1Y. manage adult, no pet • BACK STREET new tf9WI c:tub. 8titry ~on., flfO •. O.M. beeMen 7:30 & 1:3C) PM Ladlta' ~ Gd worillng good cond. '350 or bit '240. (HALF PHONE~ ll4t. ~ :::T:· :: ~=:'tr: ~.~::.~·.-;:rt rn ·.~: == ::u~ ~ ~L""°. ~ ~!-.!! only. Celtl, Olll'fY only. ~· 115-,355 °"· 9114-224g •1a-1.... TV John'• ...... 1 .. l'OIMf and~ lllte 10 be ........ """'• ,,,_ ""' .. _ ~ ---Brlclal dreu. crum &iper z.nt1t1 eotor TV llQtlt ropalrt, Wltll lmod for I I 111111 r I W tt. TOPLE88 MOOEL.8 ~St., C.M. ...,....,,, COASTE!lt BIKE "'-COior, old•flltllon look. Conoole xlnt plcturo & ~:'.~~r::'yt ~. For per~o'=. • t t75 DAY• PAIO DAILY ....... ,,.,._ ••••••1••-•••111•••o•••• Men'a. Jdnt cond. ~ ... \~~-= llze 8. 1200. !x'*lonl IOUnd, i1a. MM741 8 ,_._ __. ...... •-12 • I I I I I t I no-"• nea • 932.513 "•••••••••••~• .. °" ......1•1• W M6 M2.2731 ;::::-:._.iH_ ...... ,~toot ,_oond __ ltlon_._ .... __ 74_23 __ nogot11bl1. ubmlt ..... .._...., -"' 1 • t t It• I -.... f'*I-~ ..,.... -· .. _...... ·· • -., por'IOnll r-..me to: Box noon onty .•• '. 714-t30-4M1 • "' f"'91 ._ 1t040 8 II Utt St, • -• t .,..._ lllMX. bike. Lota of 1too111 • 549-1 FREE 4• x 4• Battmib, ' 911, ~!tot, Cotta Mr. 8unllrle tlflll•n _ .. ..J..J.....,:..--1 r.= ~~111Edln12:::1Fr1to/ :!'a~. , .... In alloy. 115. call 8ettl aft CU1 Iron. You'*""· lt't Advent Video bHlft. Mola. • PIT ......... Newpor1 ...,... end La -'" .. -,..·=:, ,. _. -· """ OlllY Pier. .... 4pm.167 .. 121 Olnln .. room table, 2 youra. Call 173·11101 Xlnl. 11960 080. tloo•ec:-•a. new Habra etorH. Startin" In OOINMtWWW &pm. • ~ rw In Pr1nt on 1 • ~ .. 1 T • ............ '31·2011 ... - -& model tlomot only, & • trovol. 81brt training • a.. • ...a. .. _ 20ttl. "cC ....._ 1 8CHWIMM. 10 ICld """' ••vet. '" c .. a "· op ...,.. • _._. ---------·--trontportatlon, Eng. rm.15.50 tit. up S*li Pffifd. llJl'f N9 agency ... ,,_._ ---bfll .. Xlnt conct. t200, cond.1250. 4M-5t45 Hoelor a J"""'8I oont. 25" Cotor COftl06a TV. WO .,. turning IWIY •P••klng. 1xp1r. To lnc:entlYlt to exper'cl. calt TotM* •u~ ..... ;;,r:;:-••• .-....... or-ttna tot you wll c:all 84M5M s~ I . ........ I kl dark Wllnut cabin••· bu1tn111 encl need t '5.00 pr IW. 8'2•7444 oft oo-91ttera. 'ull & par1 • 3 Generetlon oarooa be eHglbl• IO'J 1111 · V'l"A ~ .. ovettet. ,..... or n O or 7u11n workt gr Ht. 1116. • x P rt• cl P rlothf. r,lltatlel 1 e. lime. ....,_I "' ~.. W It ••' & Walt • a., "'-" 12 & 13, M . ~-of_ --18 ICld cuttom tourtno ooncl. ~e0-e44o WIMrtled, 125. e 5-'355 150-1et0, ICVIP r ... w • ,.. we oo • y.,.. • o • re • ., Loveoeat, otlalra, 4 ... ,_ All IWoPMn on ~onctfe' out 1t1 n cl Ing 1-------- lolowlng. Top comm. Of P.tml llLD come join -over 11 yral!. Apply In llldeebod, ..,.. eoottr, to., 24" frame. Al now. MSO. OUEEHSIZE Matt., box WJ4EELCHAIA. lilt• new "'"I..,.. llUI' ltlety P-. lcldlt. Enjoy woni1ng w1tt1 "*-YOY nMIY lend,..,,,_ Plf•On tt I MateclOt IBM typewriter, end -.a 11'-0l81 ~ & """" Good meot1anlo1lly & newt~ ._,_.., t;~.!,, Program . and •Ith rnereH1d or apply In pereon to Ae1tauran1. 1711 ttblH, twag lampe, U••& -...,...,_ conct.S78.e75-780S reuptloltttr•d In 1111111 .. ~;JC?!!! ....... .. a¥eltDlo. oarnlngt utlll&e your Back StrMt Executl¥• ~l'°'' Blvd .. Coat• boelllt, pg""*'• IPOtta ----·~ b 1 u e ., 1ny1 I 11 5 . "-II #II 8arnpeon & Delllotl outgoing' P. eraonallty, OfflcH, 151 "I " L It.. ~-~~~~~!!!~~1 & marine ntlte. tot11 Cal "2..et71 end pi.oo ~.. ,,,, M.L Wood MIM blby 9U·f~ r.:T.""••••••••••••••••• South CoMt Pima lllm tlOw lo beootno • Tuattn, t29IO, T~*ooe ••acll~ L.n. (IE. ot your lftO&lale now few .. ;;:';;:~.......... orib. New 0091 '300. Soll •--------MMEMIEfll DAD! Alie for Oloftl Mt-1111 treilnecl ..._ OOUf'MOt ct1t.,.. • "no no'. -• Meanolla. N °" Atlanta). on1y t6.QO .. lle/n, 11eo1oeo. en.eeoe POOl QQVEA With 1 Catt 2·8PM. u2 ... ~21: WMf Ml Cell ...,...n Good frrla"e'I AQtncv ea;.oe1f ,,._ ~ ..--.... a I dedttna. 8*. Mtlled alt, 111140, ,,.,.., Oow,...... :;::8tl=;ldle:=;;"";:'•;;;l42::;:;•:;71:;J~Ext.2!;~343~~E~0£!__~.!====::;::;;;;:;;;::-1 • • • Aa~-;::; :7.":l ~t;i; J-~ Kt a rnattr .. boa tpttngo ""'In cat1on. oott 13eo, 142·"1• -· Mor. w/"*t 3 >'l'9 _,.,, lolveng Gift ltlop •••• •••..,••••••••••• ..,.,.. a. e.A-& tnme. t75. Good ... S1IO. Ut...olll Win 4 l'ME ~1 g:::r.:~n::.T.: CloNOutl ~ntlqUH I. '=\:~~i :11 = ns-~1or,l<M cond. 875-7toa WHHLCHAlllt deluxe to en Molli 0trne negotlebte. "ewme to :;;-•3.':o-au: ~·· t t00/080. • . Bout. IOrHt gr .. n =ri~etlapa, ct=:'°'Adl Ad No. 812, o.11)' Piiot, M . 307.1.0Ntf (NrMaln). -1•1 ,.._, tlHPtr•tOfl, qn H ,1..:.;;.;;.;.'.;;,c;...M...;. . ...;...;.;,_;_;..;,,..:.. __ ,-:".~:.O:--:-:::-::-::~=~· PO 1011 1eeo1 00111 M0-57~;i I llTl1I ULI ._,__, MM • e e o. e 7 5 • 4 s • •. II' .... IMT ml MeM. CA ttta 8AT/IUN oJ,ty 10.4, Mutt ,.crlfloe lg pvt .. ~~ ..... :tt:T _e_7e._,..\83a______ c.IJMIBMH ....... 1182 l•atpqrt Or. Mr collecllon or Orfental OenonModoU1•,eupw1 Iota~ lov .... t, cltrk1 _________ 1 ,_..-, Atl•n~_!•-o" at. Antkw.LQ&n,_.. ~~·.!..~ =~.:::.•::1..0;:?· aw.._ ....... .-a W Nu Some ~I. ""9c. of Jlidt, '-'/, ~ ,,_.., -t-"-: -· _..,, -• .. bfOllHI, 11 ollln• Mint oond. Dirt! ;;oo .... & 2 llgn"!.~eri Incl It. GAMGI ·~-rig. otbln•tt w/lnlay•. • ... I Ho••ll "10Yle •nd ttllt••· LOYOl)'l---------leiita.,.... tbfa, dWa. °""• lewrll .. ..,.. lftf .. d ~. IMM!luper I , ,. ltt I uten1ll1. o~. appl, ... w/lldl,l'wefy&._, ueed OMe. Mine oond. co1u111ton. al . b•d•. l•tllun 7AM, OtOAI • "''"Y 0111., 14a-40l4i 7 .... 1 4n-14 1M1 Goodwtrl LA. H.a. I t • "' • • • • ' I • " n KALAftT 11mm lound "' Niii t~f14-8ftM. 1100 'or1 ~ t110 H0U81HOLO 1r1w•. ...ilfl Ill* :-l.14Mi1'1 '4M1al .... 1 -only ....... (T .. lle6j ,.... • 'ord 11411 .._. LI\. .. ,.cl,. htt Oft ,ord to ·-• =.~ r~ ..,,,,.,. .. ~ ......... ~! . Side Tte To 11 ft MM:UI CMl)NI, 112&. 173-1146 - 1121 Mdl. ''A" Ford ptiup. a.. c:eb. ~ ona. cood. 11500/080. ~,- 'et GHIA, xlnt. ody, .... tnlne & "*· .... AMIF,.. oah. Xlnt • .... .... -& tlfb. sa?00/080 ....... , ... 'H Muat. 111ce1 oond. 12180/obo. Of lrede for 4wflldf.N2~ 'H Mu,tang ooupe, tfftored, 11tnl, •" Mw. 12"5 or otf.,, t76-M 11 '71 PLYMOUTH, Xlnt. motor. '500. Good cond. 847-4963 ·ee ve11an1. e cy1 euto. ,._ tlrn & battery, good trantp car. 1495/bst !)fr. 873-8013 aft &PM. ,,.,,. Ml ..•..•.........••••••• ,.,,,.... .. Good m.Ch. eond. w/ ,_ stereo cau S900 . • ~79 , ... ,,,i1r1 n11 ....•..•....•.•••...•. '11 T-Bird, 111 power. Excellent cond. $2'15. 840-7290 A•lff UNI ...••................. NABER~ CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC FLlnwOOD alOUGHAM "ASTaC>eOCW' CPL (1CRR592) $15,995 1979 CHIYIOUT COIVl1TI T·TOP (412309) $}0,995 1911 CADILLAC •unwooo llOUGHAM (1CGX359) $15,995 1911 OLDS 91U81NCY COUPI (1BIX14a) $}0,995 ; 1919 MllQDll UNZ3000 (735W00) SALE PR I Cm 1979 CAOILLAC SIVIW (8tt>CZT) 111,995 ' c\· 'Real People's' Willard ~~,.....--~Fan'' tastes changing .. I See Insiae TV, Page 31 See Orange County TV, Page 3 r I -• ... . . I ·dex . Or~ Cocut TV Antenna .....•........ Page 3 Sports Highlights ..................• ·~·Page_~ Daytime Schedule ................ : ..... Page 6 EwninR Schedu~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paqe 8 Inside TV" ............................. 1 ............. Page 3l ·utters ....................... ~........................ ~ iJa Word Game ....................................... PaiJe ~J TV Puzzle .............................. Page 33 Daytime Drama ........................ Page 34 Channels. 8KNXT <CBS) I '- 61.21 W. Sunset Blvd .. Loe Anicdes. Ca. e KNBC <NBC> • 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, C•. • Kn.A <Ind.> S800 W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Ansdes. C.. eKABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave.. Loe Angela, Ca. ell KFMB <CBS> 7671 £ncineer Rd., San Dleso. C.. e ·KIU·TV (Ind.) M15 Mell'OM Ave., Loe Angeles, C•. (10) KCST <ABC> 8330 ~Rd .• San Die8Q. Ca. • K1TV <Ind.> 5741 W. Sunset Blvd., Loe An&eles. Ca. • KCOP:r'V <Ind.> 915 N. La Brea Ave., Loe Aaaei.. Ca. 124> CBICable · •Kcrrc .. , 4401 S-.. llwd., t.o. A ....... Ca. eKOCSCPllJ 15744 Golden West St., Hunllniton Buch <0> On-TV 1131 Grand Cftllral Ave., GllfldaJe. Ca. CZ> Z·TV 2931 Nellrlllka Aye., S1nt.a Monica. Ca. ' (Q>H.80 • . Tlme·Life ...... l.ocllefellff c.mr. N.Y .. N.Y. ( c) Cllllmaa Time-Lile 91d1., llOe'kefeUer Center. N.Y .. N.Y. ecWOR> tlr.Y.,N.Y. (17) (Wf~) AUant.a. G•. CE>ESPN (LI Se\ect cS> Showtime <SI SpoUl«ht CCI IC•ble News Nttwork> Coast TV Antenna Nielsen war . . . Viewers leaning toward less predictable for mu la By PHIL SNEIDERMA.N "' .... ....,....... . What do televla!on viewers really want, anyway? The network executive who oclJuld accurately • predJct audience tastes would ~ worth hi.a or her weight 1n eoUd gold hot tut.. Obvioualy, no IUCb pencn ia on the Jeyn>ll now bee.au. the networb each teUO.D end up cancelilltl moat of the new aeries they introduced with great f\J\fare the previow fall Even ~ It.an and loll of car er-... are no guann ... dMit • --will dick. lnteJli8ent ICl'ipta and .mfW dill ~ don't COlftlat.e with 8eliesa..- So "hat do tele'vWon vlewen wane? Well, consider the Nie18en ratino fer the week endlnc Swlday, May 30. What wa.·the week'• mmt watched prime time procnun? WM it "W' W• it ''60 Minutm1'' Gue11 apia It WM a one-hour lpecia1 en$itJed ''TV'a Greaae.t ~" Network executives are ~Y 8Cntcbinc their beads In amuement. Tbe abow'1 ..... 9eellW to nm •'• oonwodaml wlldam. May viewen an iurmn. to paJ televlaaon l9rvkea because they want to watch without beina interrupted every few rninuta for another ,.,t for a "auper dry'' deodonat OI' a ~ remect7. Yet what did~% fer that week? An entire hour full of lnwnapced only bJ breaks lot IUD more cammerda& ~ that out. will ii: ·~-.-...watlched pl'Olr'UD that week WM "Paper JloDI." a teJevillon movie about Brooke ShJeldl-type teen..,. modell wbo are expmtld for their eex appeal No ~ In the b6a twnout fer that lhow. . But tab a look at who came In fourth: RiiQuel Welch starrtnc 1n ~ ~ of w.om· hr Woman." Now, thta wa1 a · 1Dovle that NBC executiwe bad reportedly labeled a ~ Jeavlna it on a ahe1f f« aneral ~-·~ dull. The netwon decid9d tit * it .._ JO liiWy .. an attempt tD hllp dis• Ma llWmtqry. You ca lmacint eome follo at KBC are klck1na themlelvwJilht now far llWnc on the ft1m eo Jana. Speakinc of NBC, the network'• 0 Maroo Polo" THI: INCREDIBLB HULlC. .. olfettd good •torle9 and actt.rw. hut was alway. ~ble. mini-aeries w .. panned by juat about every television critic who had a chance to preview it. The critb pre(1icted that viewers woWd tum it off 1n d.rowe. But once again, the rating• proved the forecMtera wronc, ~ "Manx> Polo" didn't quite pmer the bJockbuUer ratlnga ol "Roota," ita 11egmenta lt1ll f1nllhed quite respectably 1n the top 10. It lhouJd be noted that ttplar telev1lion leries lib "Dallaa" and even '490 Mblutet' are Into renme right now. Maybe that accountl for vlewen' IJ)ter"St 1n fre.h televtlion mof1es and wpedab But it al8o ..._ ane wonder whether people are·aetttna 90 tired ol the tradltioftal eeriea format that they'll lladlY IWitdl to an~t.bat breab. the~ ~ l&mderd=ilk telftildan eeries areMMlldtbe~ol·1he ur. AJtboulb '1lilft'a _.... oamb----about tun1na 1n to the ume chanden Tn a farnlli.ar eet1ing eech week, the tradldoml ilrlel formet ii al8o quite restrictiw, ltorywile. I can reeall wateblna an elJilode of "Bonanza" ea a younallter. It -.About Little Joe, I believe, aettinc married. 'Even • a kid, I knew hit bride would die in a tngic acddent oc IOmethiQg by the See Nielaen, Pye 31 . - .. ., ----~-™~--------= ' " - .. / - 4 • N ao a. ,_ .... ,_ ! ~ .., ~ ~ "C ~ 8' ..J ~ -.2 a: : ROY CARVER IMW · 1540 Jamboree Road -Newport Beach -640.6444 C A DILLAC , DATSUN LI NC 0 Lt'~ -MERCURY SANTAANA UMCOLN-MIRCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547~1 I I PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. We~minster - 892·6651 ~ 636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. 'Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-673-0~~0 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden· Grov~ 636-233'3 SAAB IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -712-ltOO TOYOTA EARLi IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 1~7-855E , . Sports Highlights ..... , Friday JUNE 11, 1982 &.001 NA8L WEEKl y 8:30 SPORTS FORUM 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 COll.EOE 8A8EBAU. "College Wor1d Series" (Game 11) frorr1 am.ha. NebrMkL (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON r 12:00{1) TENNIS HIGHlJGHT8 "1974 Wimbledon" ( 1 tv.) 1:00(1) COUEGE SOFT8ALL "NCAA CM1k>1i I Women's~·· from Onwha, N,bratka. (2 hrs.) 3:00 Cl) COLLEGE BA8EBALL "College Wor1d Series" (Game 12) from om.ha. N.bfatka. (3 hrs.L 4:30 CD> HOLMES I COONEY: A MATTER Of PflOE Jerr>: lzenberg natratee commentary on the upcom-~heavyweight c~ bout. (1 hr .. 30 S:oo<l> BASEBAU. St. Louis Cardinals et New York Mets (2 hrs., 40 ~) Eve.ta 8:00 Cl) COl:lEGE BASEBAU. "College Wor1d Series" (Game 13) from Omaha. Nebraka. (3 hrs.) (I) (D> BOXING "WBC Heavyweight Champ6onehlp Fight" Gerry Cooney va. Lairy Holmel (live from Ceesats Paiece in Las Vegas. Nevada) (3 hrs.) 7:36Gl) BA8EBAU. Atlanta Br11YM at San Francleco Glents=,1~ 7:401 8 8:30 RACING FROM A006EVEl. T " 9:00 SPORTS CENT9' ... 9:30 COi t EGE l"ENm "NCAA DMlkwl I Wom- en's~· (2hra.) 11:30(1) 8POAT8 cane. 12:30(1) Cot FOE BA8EBAU. ~·College Wo.td Serie9" (Gwne 12) ftom Ornliha, Nebr81ka. (3 hrs.~ 3:30 QOLf tlGHlJOHT8 "1978 U.S. Open" 4-00 SPORTS CSfTER Jimmy Connor• is a:heduled to play Jn ~~ the 105th All-Eng- l a n d Te n n,i s Championships at Wimbledon . NBC Sports will of fer a record 23 houn, 45 . .minutes of exdu.slve coverage of the event .w1in6 Sunday, June 20 on KNBC (Ch. 4). .... .... --. 1. ! ::s -, >; • -0 ;f ~ -' ~ ,,.. -.2 a: ... . ~J~~ ··~· t BIG BLUE MAR84,..E '(M'ON) NATUAAL HISTORY Of; A SUNBEAM (TUE- '&mNG TO KNOW ME (ml) SESAME STREET (A) CJ (M0M-ll4U) COLLEGE 8ASEBAll 1MON) TRACK ANO FIELO (TUE) TOP RANK BOXJNG (WED) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE (THU) MOVIE 1 HR, 36 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 53 MtN.) (MON. THU) MOVIE 2 HRS., 30 MfN.)fl MOVIE 1 HR, 33 MIN.I MOVIE 1 HR., 45 MIN. MON. WED) MOYIE 1 HR., 56 MIN. MOY1E 2 HAS .• 20 .... ) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) . 10:06Gl) 10:30 e CHARLIE ROSE I ~~~ ':.l~: ~ HISTORY LNE8 EDUCATIONAL~· (RI) MOVIE~MOM-WED) . MOVIE 1HR.,30\tlN. (MON) MOYE 1 HR., 20 ..._ MOYE 1 HR., 50 Mk MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. ffl) llll0\1E 1 HA., '1 MIN. MON) •TA ALES ilt"Si EHE8 Of (MON) THE DOCTORS BONANZA 9 FAMtl. Y FE\JO THE YOUNG AND THE RESn.ESS ~ ,._ WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE ELECTRIC COMPANV (A) AICHAAO SIMMONS VEGETABLE SOUP (R) Q (MON-THU) ( 1 HR., 37 Mitt) -(FRI) AMERICAN DANCE MACftlE (WED) 11:16,MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.) (THU) 11:30 THE YOUNG A.NO THE RES1UB8 SEARCH FOA TOMORROW AttSHOPE ~:GAME LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACHEIL I LEHRER REPORT ELECTAIC_COMPANV (R) (MON-TWU) ~FRI) MOVIE (~ ~ (TUE) ANMAl. YMPIC8 (WED) .\I 111{'\< >< >'\ a ________________________________________________ ...... _____________________________________ 7 MOVIE c2 HM. ao MK) <Al> aecw:· IM"t <B> • 12:35 li FUNT8TONE8. u Ii 1:00 AHOn9~ , MAeAZIHE GI ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE MATINEE AT THE B&JOU B>UCATIONAL PAOGfWUNG (FAI) 8E8AME STREET (R) Q (MON-ntll) MOVIE (MON, FRI) ~ 80FT8AlL (FAI) HOA8E RACING WEB<l Y (MON) GOLF (THU) WHATS tW AMENCAf ( 1 HR.) (THU) AMERICAN DANCE MAa.E (~) . MOVIE (1HR.,43 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( l HR., 38 ...._) (THU) 1:06=THE ADDAMS FAMI.. Y 1: 16 MOVIE (2 HRS.) (TUE) 1:30 Cl) CAPITOL ' I ~~~: MISSTrTA (MON) MOVIE (THU) TOP RA* BOXING (MON) 1: iOZZJE AHO HAARiET 1:45 MOVIE (1HR.,35 MK) (FRI) 2:00 (I) DAYTIME EMMY AWAl'd (RI) GUDINO LIGHT (MON-THU) CHIPS (R) JOHN OAvtoeON 0 GENERAL H08PITAL IAON8IDE <>PEHL.IE 8UFERMAN (FAI) LOVE. AMEJICAN STVlE (MON-THU) BOTANIC MAN=FRI) MIXEOBAG OUIZKl>8 ) ~~S?(RI) B.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) (M()tt-l)tU) ~ BASE8Al..C (TUE) TIME WAS ( 1 HA.) (TUE) MOYIE (2 HRS., 50 Jilll) (WED) V10EO JU<EBOX (THU) MOYIE • AEA08la8E (MON.TL WED • MOVIE 12 HRS., 21 MOYE 1HR.,31MIN. MOYIE 1 HA., 55 Mil MOYIE 1 HR., 30 ..._ W>N. TUE) THE OOl.OEN ADE ( 1 HR., 30 .... , (WED) CZ> MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 ..._) (MOH) 2:06i THE PARlllDGE FAMi.. Y 2:30 llBMTCHED l!F HHCY (FAQ ' I a.ENMN (~THU) .. =A.cSOCETYOF lJNCOl.N CEN- l =GABl.EA (TUE) ~~JAMEBJOVCE BUJEOAA88 AT WATIR.00 wT:ae (MON. .-THE R.OAEST AN TflO IN REaTAL (TUE. WED) , I WEDONl CANTATA (THU) ==::me, WHAT OH EARTH (MOM) MOVIE MOVIE (1 HR. 15 MIN) (THU) GOLF H LIGHTS (MOM-WED) MOVIE (1 HA.: 38 ...,.:) (FAI) SPORTS FORUM {THU~ l.AFF-A· THON (MON) 80PER8PteS ( 1 HA.) , MOVIE ( 1 HR., S1 ..-..! (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HA.. 30 MIN. (TUE. THU) ~~ HA., 30 MK (J'll) BEllT HOA8E (FRI) MOV1E 2 HRS.) {THU • MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (MON) MOV1E 1HR.,43 MIN. (FRt) M0'11E (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (TUE) 2:35=H 4:05Gl) ~ (FRI) 2:45 CtNEMASCOAE (WED) G1J GREEN ACRES (MOM-THU) 3:00 BAANASY JONE& (MON-THU) 4:308 NEWS DONAHUE I BOB NEWHART ' RICHARD~ ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT EDGE OF NIGHT M•A•s•H ~~THU) / FRlrsrrAINMENTTONIGHT (MON. TUE. THU, HAWAII FIVE-0 BASEBALL (WED) PEOPLFS COURT LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPNIV THE WAL TONS BUGS BUNNY AND FAIEND6 (FRI) MIGHTY MOUSE (FRI) S1GNA TURE CARTOONS (MON-THU) MISTEA ROGERS (R) (Fii) MADE IN TAINAN (THU. FRI) SESAME STREET (R>g<MON-THU) ~TELEVISION (MON) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT" THE MOVIE AT THE ENO Of 'rHE WORLD THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES (~ ITUE) WELCOME TO MIAMI. CU8AH08 (THU) INDEPENDENT EVE (WED) SPORTS CENTER (MOM-THU) . HOUR MAGAZINE HOLMES I COONEY: A MATTEA OF PflDE SESAME STREEr (R) CJ r) MOVIE (MON, WED-FA1J MOVIE (1 HR., 31ij..... e MOONWALK (DOCUt4ENTAAV) LAUREHCE MOVlE i1 tifl, 35 MIN. )' LUCKINBILL (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. FRI) I COLLEGE 8ASE8All (Fhl) MOVIE 2 =~TH SKIING (TUE) 4:35 Gl) ANDY (MON. WBM=A) MOVlE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) ft) NEW OUST BOWL BLUES (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 .t:tR.. 53 MIH.) (TUE) 6:00. 8 e Cl) t!I NEWS WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN WINTERS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE ~MON) . BASEBALL (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) " I, CLAUDIUS (MON) 3:05ilHR.SONS50MIN.) (THU) MOVlE (WE} "'• THREE 784 DAYS THAT CHANGED AMERICA (THU) 3:16 MOVIE ~1HR.,35 MtH.) (TUE) THE BRADY BUNCH 3:1.i ~i(f, (FRI) THU~~=:"° FflENm (- WHA~8 HAPPENINGlll CHAAUF8 ANGELS (WED) a OUD8 Of GLORY: THE RIME OF THE BOTANIC MAN (THU) I~~ (WED) ~A~E~ (R) Q (FAI) NA8l WEEJ<l.Y = OVER EASY 8PORT8 FORUM ) ' CINDER-a.LA (MON) == .) (MON) MOVIE~l'HU) ~ =Jr ~wm<tJ:i=:'hue, 3: EATHSt KNOWS AUTO RACING (WED) • 4.-00 IAl!f"~ .. ~THU) GOLF {THU) I·~ BAENOONCHAIE <MOt4. WED, RI) =-MOVIE (1 HR.. 36 ~ft (nJE) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (MON-THU) = ONl' ~ ·:1:p'· ·· MOYIE _,,,. MOVIE 1 HA., 43 Mil TUE. THU) YOU A8f<ED FOR rT MCME 1 HR., 35 ...._ ) TOM AND .IEfff( 5:06@ MOVIE (MOH. THU, 8C008V 000 (RI) @All IN~ FAMI. Y CARTOONS (MON-THU) • Cl) MOVIE (2 HRS .• 20 .... ) '~l VIOLA (TUE) 5: 15CZ> MOVIE (Hit, 31 MIN.) ~~~j~~ s:l30fte~~ urTl.E HOUSE ON nE PRAIRIE • 0000 TIMES IRI) Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Scn ·ing All Faiths" ..... ..... EXPERT ADVICE SAVES MONEY A REFRESHINC APPROACH TO MERCHANDISING ORIENTAL RVCS ' THE ADVANTACES OF SQVARE FOOT PRICINC BY TllE QVALITY AND CRADE: I. S~Uon; Knowllv what you are buyln1 •nd •cqulring your rtJOMY'• worth. 8-puubk dulera will mat* che qualJCy ol the 1'1.18· Z. F•clllt•te• •••ier comp•rlaon MopplQ6, expecUlly II the llble9 vary aomewhat.. 4. You end up wilh • berre-1'1.18· OI' • .unJJar ""· hr -m«wy. 5. In CMS of mUa ..-wo1tatlon, WMre the qualley la not correctly tnlU'hd you h.tw kpJ ftlCOUne IOI' tnud, etc., M'9 OI' elsewhere. '20 00 SQ. • FT. YOIJll RICRT TO KNO'ff' Reprdlea of wMre you buy your t'UI it la your rilht to receive Ille gr1IM and the quality u.tt!d on yow In~. Hae~ do that without the client -"'ll6 /OI' IC. &}'1.IV an oriental t'UI tlhouJd be • happy and ple11M1Jr exp«ieoce. We do just that hr you. And we wU our NII" IOI' .&em. Tile countries that pmduce Cheb-rtlllll by ~ and quality ue • lollowa: Oi.fna, lodJa, PaJcJ6Un and Ru.mania. Qi nrw lr•nl•n ru1• the qu•llly m•Y be deWrmlned by Ille knoC count per aqu.re Inch. .\I< >lf\ I '\C ~ .\I< >\ IL" 5:00(C) "Morgan!" (1968, Comedy) Vaneesa Redg(ave, David Warner. 6:20(%) " ... If' ( 1968, Orama) Malcolm McDowell, David Wood. 8:00• "J.O. And The Salt Flat Kid" ~ 8:06@ "Branded" (1951, Western) Alan Ladd, Mona Freeman. 8:30()) "Smokey And The Bandit II" (1980, Come- dy) Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleaton. 7:16(%) "Black Moon" (1976, Orama) Cathfyn Har· rtsoo Therese Griese. 7:3000 "The Heerle" (1980, Horror) Trt.h Van Devere, Joseph Cotten. .. e "Foul P{ay" ( 1978,. Comedy) Goldie Hawn, ~Cflaae. 8:0Q(C) "You Light Up My Lite" (19n, Romance) Didi Conn. Joe Sllvef. 8:06@ "Gidget Goes To Rome" (1963, Comedy) , c~ Celol, Jamee Darren. 8:"6(%) "Oetby O'Glll And The Little People" (1969, Fant~) Albert Sharpe, s.n Connerv. _ • t:OO())-"Far FrOtn The Madding Cuiiil' (1987. Dra- ma) Julie Ctirlstle, Terence Stamp. 9:30. "t<lng Of The Pecot" {1936, Weltem) John W!lyn8, Murlil Evans. CC) "Pardon Mon Affelfe" (1977, Comedy) JMn Rochefort, Anny OUpefefY. 10:00® "Thie Time Fofever" (1980, Romance) Claire Pimpare. Vincent Ven Patten. . 1~~ "The Master Of Balantrae" (1953, Adven- ture Errol Flynn, Beatrice c.mpbell. 10:30 "My Cousin Rachel" (1953, Mvtt.-y) OIYle de Havtllend. Rlchar.d Burton. 11:00• "On The Aleitt Track" (1981, eom.dy) Coleman. Michell Lembeck. 11:30 "The Wrong Ann'C)f The Law'-.C1963, ~ P.ter Sellef'I. Lionel Jeftrtle. 12:00.' "Merk Of The Pholnbt" (1967, ~) Shtfdon L..,..ice, Jula Arnold. • Ride The Wld Surf'' (1984, Orema) FtlblM, Faber11. e rede Wlndl" (1938, Or.,,.) Fr**1c M8rch; .io.n Semen. 12:11(1) "819ck Moon" (1975, Or.,,.) Cdwywl Hllf,; "'°'1._ n. ... Grlliet. 1~30(1) "Uy Chempiof1" (1981, Or81M) Yoko Shi- nwda. ON~ 1:00(!) "S.U Jamel" (1967, Biography) Bob ~v.,.,._ CC) "Pulp" (1972, Comedy) Mlcheel Celne, MICby ~. 1:46(%) "Dwby O'Gill And TM Uttte People" (1869, Fent__,, M>ert Stwpe, Seen Connery. , 2:00(t}t'tmprcper~" (1981, Comedy) Alen Mein, Marlette Hartley. ~ Aly" (1078. Comedy) Ooldle Hftn, a.a.. 2: ''The nw:C Ofllera" c1es1. Mula!) Lotte Lenya. &rilt . (JI) "EMI" ( 1979, BloOflf)hy) Kurt "'-'. 8-of'I ~ To Sbdy" (1978. Comedy) o.n.n McOftln. 0... NickeftOn. • ''SqL-.ze Pl9y'' ( 1981. Comedy) .Im ..,.,.. ..... Hltr'ldc. CZ> ''Conttnenlal Divide" ( 1981, Al:>rlwice) John BellMN,BllllrBrown. aoc>(C) "White Water Sam" (Adwntwe) ~ Lar· Mn. 4:00• "Encleea Nlghf' (1971, au.per.) H9ylly ~~Bennett. 4:30(1) "Blue Fite Lady" (1978, Oteme) c.twyn Herrilon, MMt Holden • • "Mateo Polo" ( 1962, Adventure) Rory c-1- houn Yoko Tani. 6:06@ .. ~ Beeuty" (1948, Orwne) Mone,:,... man Rk:twd Denning. 6:15(1) "My Coulln Rachel" (1963, ~) OMa ' 'Enjoys a laugh Linda Gray, aa Sue Ellen Ewing, and Howard Keel, •• Clayton Farlow, enjoy a pleaa11nt moment, ooe of only a few, Jn "Drali..,," Fri"-Y at 9 p.m. on KNX"l' (Ch. 2). · de Havllend, Aichatd Burton. 5:30~ "Pardon Mon Affalre" (19n, Comedy) ....... Rochefort, AIW'ff Ouperery. ~ 0 -<! r ~ ,, :l. ~ ~ . c.. c i ... ... ... fO OD N II I . ... .... ~ ., ~ ~ LI. ! ~ i ~ ~-- Arms special NBC New a Corl'ftpondent John Hart, abown with the Jaunclabv of an IBM Minuteman MJaik ln the b•cltground, report• on the growing world reaction lo the continuing bul1d-up ot nuclear arm• by the U.alr.d Sta• and the Soviet Union ftldq "' 10 p.m.. -KNBC (C':JJ. 4). Bob Barker .of 'The Price ls Right," will host the 1981 -82 ''Ninth Annual Daytime Emmy .Awatds., Friday at 3 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). The awards are broadc:Ht from th~ Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Ntmt York Ory. ... .... ., ' " Stitch in time The Smurf ette gets a new outfit from Tailor Smurf on the -highly-rated NBC Saturday morning children's show, ·~ Smurls," wblcb i• seen at 7:30 on KNBC (Ch. 4). 'The Smurb" have made NBC the No. l network on Saturday momfng. hot centerfie6der. (Pert 2) (A) Q · I THE AOOKIE8 COOl<Ml MEXICAN TENNIS HIOHUQHT8 "1978 ~ .. (1 hr.) . • MOYIE "Invaders From The Deep" (1981, Sd- enoe-Flctlon) Puppets. < 1 hr., 30 mn) 11:30• (I) BOCIC8TAR I AMEflCAN BAND8TAN> ~ WILD. Wl.D warr MAGIC OF OL PAINTING 1~oon:A~~:·~· and the Oberln Baroque~ perfomw 'W.0- dqa ~ta." (1 tw.) \l ll l\'\()()'\ • Saturday (c0ntinued) Giants~ hrs.) • 1:30 8 (I) 30 MIHUTES I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEB< NOVA "Salmon On The~·· The power and detefmlnatlon of salmon are captured In an exanj. nation of the role these fish play In the coofllct between eoonomlc growth and c0neervatlon. (R) ' hr.) • -~~ 2WTTHYOU 8 lPOA CHAMPtONSHIP Tl>lrd-:round cowr- age of this women's golf townament (1lw fJom the IJac~-~lcktaus Sports Centef In ~ lllend, ONo). GIWGAN'S ISLAND PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND ~WEEK tN BASEBALL ~E "My Dariloa Clementine" (1SM6, West- ern) Henry Eonda, Linda Demel. CJ) WRESTLING • MOV1E "The Barbarian And 'The G.llha" 1958, Oflima) John Wayne, Sam .Mflit. SIGNAT\.ff Guest: L~ ....,.,._ MOVIE ''The Snows Of Klllman)lto'' ( 196\ Ora- ma) Gregory Peck. Susan Hayward. Cl) RODEO "Schrade Pro Teem" t<8rll8S W'81iglen. • vs. Tulsa Twisters (2 his..) CR) SUPERSPIES (1 HR.) Cl) MOVIE "Father Of The Bride" (1950, COmedy) ~ Tracy. Eftl.abetti Taylor. ( 1 hr., 3511$\.) ~ MOV1E "Private Benjamin" (1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Eileen Brennan. { 1 hr., 60 min.) 2:30. Cl) DANNY THOMM MEMflt9 CL"'881C . Thkd-round COYerege of this $400,000 PGA Tour tournament (fJom the Cok>nlal Coootry Out> In Cor- dcM. Tenn.). (1 hr.) . I Oll..UCWt818lAN> Ga U.S. OPEN 8P£CIAL Past U.S. Open Golf • champ6ons will be ~ed. ( 1 hr.) • MIXED BAG "FaklnQ It" They ~ the m111er1 and don't gilt 81T8'ted: they mt ... . • ffl>DEN fllM&; Wtl:Rt. telTOIW LNEll "Two -Aoul.a We.t" Hoilt PhilP ~ 9alcMe the owrtand route end the Mlleourt fl¥tr to 1N grMt frontiel', stopping at llttl9-known ..._ . ._.NI a lot about America's-PMt. ~ CC) MOYIE "The~ CcUlldown" (1W, ~ r~~·::inn..... ·~ft'; Comedian'' Mickey ~ .._. • M -.:;cUillwl -'l'lllN n. FAT-Judy Moel. author of the bmc ~ book "The Beverly Hl11s Diet,'' ~ and the new "The Bev~rly Hill• Diet Uletime n.n." joins guftfa on both llide6 of the chin w. bt issue when "Look at U•" airs Satw'day at 7:30 pm. on KNBC (OI. 4). Richard Crenna la host. comic who ttwMI ... star by~~· around hint. ( 1 IW., 30 min.) • aoo• OUTDOOA LFE F9atured: fllhlng In 1he Rcri-dll Eyergl9del; ht#1tlng off the Maine cOMt. • ~ "Topper T-.. A T~" (1939, eon. .. •I 14 ~ &turday (continued) ~ CC> ctNEMAX SHORT FEATURE . 5:00 8 'WORLD GAMES t AA lntematlonal sports ;:.. spect~cotar. with over 1. 700 athletes from 60 coun- ., tries participating in various sporting events. ~ lthr~i ~LUnlted States. ( 1 hr.) ~ \. STAR'fREK . as WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-round WBA light ~ Heavyweight Championship bout between title hold- -er Mlchael Spinks and Jerry Celestine (live from ~ Atlantic City, N.J.): a look back at the Holmes I _, Cooney fight. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) IM•A•S•H ~ GAlZZl..YADAMS NEWS . ~ SOUDGOLO ~ HAMLET Ian McKellen, John Woodvlne, James Oalmcross and Tim Pigott-Smith at&1 in this televl-. slop adaptation of Shakespeare's popular play. (3 . hrs .• 30 min.) I LAWRENCEWB.K SOCCER MAQE IN GERMANY MOVIE "Paradise Alley" (1978, Orama) Sytve&- ter Stallone, Armand Assante. . (I) COUEGE BASEBAU "College World Serles" ~ame 14) from Omaha: Nebraska. (3 his.) CID TIME WAS "The 1970s" Dick ~vett concllJdes the documentary series with • look at the decade which Included the Watergate break-tn, tt. Ameri- can 8icerltennlal celebration and auch trende as jogging and di9co. (1 tw.) CD> MOVIE "Darby O'Gill And The Little People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Seen Connery. 6:05@MOVIE ''Sands-Of two Jlma" (1949, Adven- tureLJohn Wayne, JQhn AQat. 5:15(%) MOVIE "Derby O'Gfll And The Little People" (1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Seen Connery. (1 hr .. 35 min.) 5:308NEWS Cl) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER ' 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-<ound WBA Light Heavyweight Championship bout between tltle hold- er Michael Spinks and Jerry Celestine (from Att.tlc City, N.J.); a look back at the Holmes I Coon,y !!g_t\t. ( 1 hr .. ;JO min.) • ONCE UPON A a..AS8IC ''The Ml on The ~" Maggie visits Tom at school and t>ecomes friends with-Philip; Tulllver Is f«oed to have Torn leave school. {Part 2) CJ • CC MOVIE "Up Rivet'' 11980, AdventUfe) Morgan Stevens, Jeff Cetey. l .\ L '\I'\< ~ Tanya Tuc1cer,' the country· music star, plays a wouJd .. be singer who returns home and find• heraelf worl¢Jg aa a goveTnment under- cover a11ent Jn the action com- e .dy-ad v·en tu re -1.il m • "Georgia Peaches," Saturday at 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). , --· .... ----·-.. -----"----.- A took at buslnete and economics 8k>ng the Orange CoMt In 1982 and forec:ut for 1983. A Hoe6day Gift GUide wHh whet .. MW In CJ:9.C:.aUone· redpte and~ . • HouH of the Month A look at the fantutlc hornet of the Orange coast. their ocean vtewa. ~ure and beautiful / " l$ ,Jl ~ ~ . . r t8 .,, ~ ~ ~ '-c ~ ct ---<O Q) ~ -" -·- r r Sylvester Stallone breab away from his "Bocky" image in "ParadiM! Alley," to be sbown'S.turday on Onemax. StalloM wrote and directed the li1rn as wen. It is tbe 1tory of three brothers who attempt to find fortuae and eacaee Manhatt.an '1 Hens Kitchen in .. "the 1940s. ' .SUOOay \I< >H '\I \'C , • ....... Aclor George Liodsey. a co-star on the zany country music show, ''Hee Haw," for du! past 12 yeJU'S, will bring hls . brand of humor to KHJ-TV (Ch . 9) Sundays at 4 p .m . Lindsey brings his role of "Goober,'' a part he made popular on "The Andy Gri/fith Show," co Channel 9 with all the "Hee l:faw" gang. ~ fl ~ 0 -~ r-$ 'Tl 1 0. Cit ':< '-c i ... ... ... <O CD N • • again "Father Murphy" wiJ/ return to NBC next fall, but will .have changed a bit. Merlin Olsen's (aop right) role will have changed some. He wJn no lOIJlfeT don a prleat's robe since he was married to Mae Woodward (Kath- erine Cannon, low- er left) in the season~ f IJW epillode. Moses Gunn (upper left) and Timothy Gibbs will also be bllck with the show on Sunday at 7 p:m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). The Cobblef... ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) CD) MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Sdeoc•Action) Sam J. Jone$, Max Von Sydow. CZ> MOVIE "Continental Olvlde" (1981. AofMnct) John Belushi, B&alr Brown. (1 hr .• 43 min.) 5:30• C88 NEWS · I N8CNEW8 , 9ABCNEWS we.COME BACK. KOTTER • AFFAN OF THE HEART> MISS TTr A Thia flrilt .... of a fille pert teriel on the stone. of Hefvy James II an edaptatlon of "The Alpern Papen.•• ~1 hr.) •MONmW<BW 1-.\ l. '\ f '\( ' •I ________ < __ , I ~----,. ·~:....;.;...m __ .;..;;;...:o..;;..;.;;.... __ ;:.;;;;;~~;.-:;;;.;....;;~~~~~~~~~liiiilii~~~iiiilliOI .... ~. ----------~~~..-~~--19 suooay (corifintied) I SIGNA T\JRE GETTING THERE This~. nerr1ted by Hugh Downs. focuees on the students It 1 ..,._, educl- tton IChool In West LA. M&IWEB< IN AEV1EW 8:'6 OINEMA8COAE 7:00 (I) 80 MHJTE8 • FATHER MURPHY An enlhUl!Mtlc young priest arrives to take control of the Gold Hll IChool. (fl) 0 ( 1 hr.) • 9 MOVIE ''The Magic Of l.Mlle" (1978, AdwntUle) James Stewart, ~ey Rooney. LMlle pnl'Wlnta ......, .. crlMa from oocuntng In• ~ ~area. (R) (2 hrs.) I PAUL HOGAN JllMilY SWAGGART U.S. AUT08: QEAANG UP FOR SUMVAL This documentary examlnee the tftont Ulld by American auto makers to anhle ~ rec nrlon Md deadly lnternatlonal competition. ( 1 tw.) al a.0008 Cl= GLORY: THE ME OF TIE ANCIENT ..... JINEA K«I FUeel'I flm of poet s.n.. uel Ta)'lof Coteridge who lufWed from oplUrn lddlo- ltion. ~OF MAH w:NA "Salmon On The Run" The power ~ determination of Nimon are ClplUred In an ..,.._ nation of the role thele fllh DlllY In the oontlct between economic growth and C0.•11111a (R) (1 hr.) '«>VIE "The J8zz Slngt(' (1880, Mullcll) Hal • Laurene. Ohfer. A New Yoric c.ntor bN*a wtth f8mly tndtlon 9"d lltl out to find IUO- ~••pop mueic SW. 'PG' (1 tw •• 56mi\) (I) MOVIE ''Ra.die" (1980, ComecfV) MMt Loaf. Klkl Hunter. A rock mulio roedle !eta nothing -ln-hil •Y In hll pursuit ot the gl'1 of hit dreernt. 'PG' i!f1!~L"*'·> CD) ..uY11: "Atlentlc Oty'' (1980. Orwna) Burt =:n::=::::m~:.; nent younger *• and IOIM ltdan hefoin. wNcl'I hi w.rta an aging hood to ... tor him. 'R' ( 1 hr .. .U mn> CJ) MOYE ''The Anej Countdown'' ( 1980, Sclence- Acltan) Kirk Dooglu • ...un Sheen. A ~ ....,., et aee tra"'PC)ftl the 1t~ alfcnlft cemer u.s.s. Ntmltz beck 1n ttme '° Dlcamber e. 1941, poeltlonlng the v.eel betw.n PeM Hatbor and the edYanclng Japanele fleet. 'PG' (1 hr •• 43 7:~..LNEW8 8:00. (I) AACHE BUNKER'S PLACE Archie.._ the law Into his own henda after bind Mr. V11n AM- ....., IS mugged and the pola cen't flrld flllY '*"'- i) • CH1P8 Ponoh'• apartment buMdlng goea COndO; and Jon's girtfrlend 1e robbed by 1 mechani- cal wizard using en exotic YM d (1 tv.) l ~~THIS MORECAMBE AND WISE ""' MOVIE "The Barbarian And The Ge61ha" (1958, Orama) John Wayne, Sam Jaffe. The flrlt Ametican ambasaador to J~ reoelVee cold rebuffs from the emperor and devotion ffom a gel-- she. (2 hrs.) e AUST AIR COOKFS-AMEAICA SEBXS PABf'NBBSBIP -l'r•ncin~. plllyed by SMUey Faba/w, in ~ a partnership with Ann, MlUt6 the aid of a client-to-be, Gilbert Re«l, portrayed by Warren Munaon, on ''One Day •ta Time," on KNXT (Ch. 2) Sunday at 8:30 p.rq. al ARAN Cl= THE HEART: ... TITA Thia r.et of a fill9 part •lea on the storial of Hanly Jemel II an ~allon of "The Alpern Pap9ra." (1 hr.) e w:NA "The Hoot For The Legion Klier'' The '°' .... lnvestlgatlOn i.AnChed bV the Center tor ~=~,:,-bir€ e THEATRE··~~ an 98t.abllehed ectr ... with~~ IOd a dem9nclng temper1m1n1 to aw In hll tlm. (Part 4) ~~ ~MOVIE .. ~Gey et.de" (1981, Come- dy) George Hamiton. Lauren Hutton. The hefok: '°"of old Callfom'a's famoua }Ulllce ftgM• II Inca- pacitated by 1 riding Injury, forcing hit fopplatl bfother to don the cape and mak. 'PG' (1 hr .. 33 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Stripea" ( 1981, Comedy) 811 Murr9y. Harold Ramis. A New York cabb6e looking for excitement coovlncea hll belt friend to join IWn In enlilting In the U.S. Army. 'R' (1 hr., 20.mio.) •MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1981. ~) John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago ~ columnist trlMtls to the Rocklel lo eacape tome Polftlcal heel and Interview a reclulM neturellt. 'S>G' (1 hr .. •3 min.) 8:30• (I) ONE OAY AT A TIME Ann gets a pPrile J! visit from her old bullrle8I nem11ll i:ranan. wflO _l> announces lhe wantl to be Ann'• new partner. (R) I THE WOALO TOMOAAOW ~ EVENNQ AT THE IMPAOY :.s•~ i 9:00. (I) ALICE Aloe'• mocher comet to Phoenix .,, to re-organize her dauahaer'• llf•. (R) :2. e e MOVIE "Anolher Man, Another Chlnce" a. (1977, W•tem) Jamel Caan, Genevlev9 BujOld. A ~ widower and a widow In the Weat of the llte 1800a ~ meet and become romenUc:aly molwd. (2 hra.) :) I Wl.D l<INGOOM • 9 MOYIE "Harry And Walt• Go To New Yott<" _. ( 1978, Comedy) J9met Cun. Bott GoWd. Two _. lum-of-the<ientury bunglert decide to mike • Mng-... ~ Mfecrackers. Q (2 hrs., 20 ml,t) ! AOAON8KY AHO CCMPAH'f CHAMBER MUSIC 80CETY Of UNCOlN ~ Soprano Batbeta Handrickl and tl'Wl'1P9t aoloilt Stephen Bume jc:Mrl thll CJOUl)Jor 11l1ctlonl from Torell. Bach, Ame, Rachmaninoff and l<lllller. 0 hr.) •MASI EFf!IECE THEATRE ''AlclWI'' Ame '*'9 an establllhed actr .. with ~ taatet and • demanding temp«ament to tt• In hll fh. (PIU't 4) (1 tv.) .. i AMEflCAN PLAYHOUSE .. ~._,,..., After the first ~ teat expeoaic)tl In New Mexico. plane are finalized tor the '* of the atomic bomb on Hlroehlma and~· (PM 5) O (1 hr.) CC> MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" (fl67. Olwna) Andy Griffltb. Patricia Neal A dlfelct goaa from a Ja• cell to national recognition on the lb•IQth of hit humor and muaic:el ~ tn., 5 mn) (I) WORLD CUP "Opriig Game Ar'td Cefemoniet" from Barcelona. Spain. (2 •tn., 30 min.) (I) AU8H IN CONCERT CD) PtPPlil Taped at Onterto's HamltlWI Place, thll Tony Awar6-wln'*'g pUiy tracet a pmca's ~ '°' fullfilment. (2 tn.) Cl) MOVIE "YOOI Tlvee MIR.It• Ne Up" = Comedy) Beau Brldgel, Aon Liebman. l'wo POBe as a roovte producer and director to plc:k up gi(la. (1 hr .. 32 min.) 8:SO e (I) THE JEFFER80H8 The Jeffer'lont and Willilel lelm thet their children'• marriage 18 totter- 1.J;:Jj} JR~Al. JACK VIM titPE MOYE "CroWl."idl" ( 1851, AdYentunl) John Payne, Rhonda Flemtng. A ahlp'• captain encounter1 peril when he attempt• to reoollef hit ;.~and Na loller. (2 tn.) 8:36,1 OPEN UP 10:00 (I) TRAPPER JOHN. M.O. Gonzo and 'Trapper ... n that • brimant ttaff surgeon may allo be a Ku KIUx Klan lea<*. (R) ( 1 tv J ~FORTOOAV OUD8 Of GLORY: THE NME OF THE MARINER Ken Ruaaell's ftem of poet Sam- uel Taylor Coleftdge Who suffered 1r0m opium addic- tion. ( 1 hr.) e HOM-FICTION TELEVISION "Burden Of Dreams" T WOik of controwrMI Watt German - I - • 1 - , Good friends Susan Tyrrell stars .as ·a iron tier school reacher who befriends a veterinarian (James Caan) now caring fOl' his infantJ;On after his wite· is tragicaJly slain on their ranch in "Another Man, Another Chance," on KNBC (Ch . 4) Sunday at 9 p.m. ~JOE FflAHKLJN (! m "Ashanti" (1979, AdWnture) Michael Caine. Rex Hamson. A determined doctor seta off across the Sahara In hot pursuit of a group of Altib Slave traders who kidnapped his wife. 'R' ( 1 hr., 57 3:30 INTERFACE mlo~ Cl) HtGHUGHT8 "1978 U.S. Open" • MOVIE "The CNnese Conneetion" (1973. Adventure) &uce L.ee. Robert Bak•. A mertJel arts student sets out to avenge the murder of hie teeot. In which a rival school was lrwotved. 'R" ( 1 hr.~ U • mlnJ_ ~60(%) MOVE .. My Coullln Rachlf" (1963, Mya- t8f)') 01Ma de Ha~nd. Richard Burton. e..s on the novel by Daphne du Meurler. The heir to a con- siderable fortune attempts to find out If the woman he loves II realy a murdet'esa. ( 1 hr .• 38 min.) 4:00~8WAOOAAT Cl) 18 CENTER 4:05 U) RJNT1ME Cl) MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) Bii Mumly. Harold Ramis. A New Y<>ft< cabble looking fOr excitement convinces his beet friend to join ~ In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20tr*I.) 4:10(8) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, ~)John Travolta, Nancy Allen. ). 80UOd technlci8n who works on horr0< fMms become$ lnW>Ned In • murder myst8f)' when he witnesses an 898Ullnatlon. 'R' (1 hr .. 45 min.) 4:30(!) JIM BAKKER l :3647) I DREAM Of~ ., W ateraon and Swit set to co-atar in TV movie .. r Monday -.... ... .\I< >lC\ I'\<~ .\I< )\ I L"i 5!06(C) "Big Wednesday" (1978, Orama) Jen- Michaef Vincent, Wlnlam Katt. 5:30• "The Rose" (1979, Orama) Bette Mkllr. Alan Bates. C%l "Continental Divide" (1981, RomMoe) Johrl Belushi. Blair Brown. 5:50(1) "Bbt Fire Lady" (1978. Orama) eettwyn Harrison, Mark Holden. • • 8:00<8) "Runaway Island" (~•) ... ......., Buchanan, Simone Buchanan. • 8:05@ "Greet Day In The Morning'' (10M,,..,,.,.,.. tureL Virginia Mayo, R'obert Steck. 7:00(C) "A Challenge Fat Aobll'H HOOd" (1988, AdVenture) Barrie Ingham. Jamet HayW. 7:15(%) ''Madame ~· (197'. DrwM) Simone Signoret. Oaude Dauphin. 7:30(1) "Dead'-Man's Float" (1979, ~) Chg Roe. Salty Boyden. 8:00® "The Hearse" ( 1980, f'tofJor) Trllh Van Devere, Joseph Cotten. e "Ctwoter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) Jlmll Cun, Manha Meson. 8:~"Come Back. Little Sn.be" (1963, Dnlme) Booth. 8wt l.encalter. 9:00 "Monty Python And Tht Hair·~ (1974, C9medy) GraMITt Chapnwn, JcM a.-. CZ> "818& Mooo" ( 1975. Drwnl) CMtwyn H.m- 800 Therese Griele. 10:0000 "The Blact< Marble" (1980. Orama) Robert Foxworth. Paula Prentia Cl) "The Last Hoot" (1956, ~) ~ Gr•!99'· Robet1 Taytor. 10:0511) ''The StOfY Of Mankind'' (1157, ~) Ronald Colman. HedY Lenwr. 10:30(C) "A Fistful Of Oyrwnlte'' (1972. Adwnture) Jamel Coburn. Rod Steiger. • "Marco Pok>'' ( 1982, Ad¥enture) Rory C.- hour'I, Yoko Tanl CZ> ''Shock Comdol'' (1883, Orame) ,,..., ~ ~Town. \l l l IC\<)(>'\ \I<>\ 11.~ Holding forth i i ~ '-c i f=aptain Kangaroo _. (Bob Keeshan) and _. his clan holds forth _. weekdays at 6:30 a.m. ! pn KNXT (Ch. 2). He is •Ul'TOUlJded here by many of hJa. lrlendil, among them Olrolyn MJgnlni, .Puppeteer Kevin Clash and several of his characters, Cosmo Allegretti and Hugh Brannum, the pofJllliu'_ Mr. Green Jetma., r I When "Little, House on the Prairie"· returns this fall to tbe NBC Television Network, Victor French will be back 811 a regular in the role of Mr. Edwards. Al.to returning on Monday at 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) wt1J be Melb;/la Gilbert as Laura and Dean Butler as Almanzo Wilder. TueSday ·- .\I< >I { '\ I .'\( . \ h >\ I LS &:30e "The Awekenlng" (1980, Horror) Chertton Heston, Susannah VC)d(. 5:45(1) "Dead Man'a Aoet" (1979, Mystery) Greg Roe, Sally Boyden. &.OOCB) "Darby O'GIU AncfThe LltUe P9ople'' (1959, Fantiasy) Albert Sharpe, Seen Connefy, 8:05al) "Aaxy Martin" (1949, ~) Vlrgln6a Ma~ ZacHary Scott. 8:30 ~ "The Magnificent Hultli" ( 1978, Adwn- ture} George Hamilton, 0.vtd K~ 7:30(1) .. , Sent A Letter To ~ LAM" (1981, ~) Simone Slanoret. JNn ~. e "Invaders From The Deep" (1981, ~Fk> tionL Puppets. 7:45(%) "State Of Siege" (1973; Orama) Yvea Mon- tand Renato Salvatori. -e:apfilj "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gety Coleman, Micheef lAmbtck. 8:06al) "Hunica.ne 18Aancf' (1951, Adventure) Jon Hal Marie Windaof. e:so(C) "Tribute To A Bad Men" (1966, W•1m> James Cagney, Irene Papu.. 8:~(1) "Continental Olvide" (1981, Rom9a) John Belulhl, Blllr &own. • 1C>.OO(JI) "EMI" (1979. Biography) Kurt "*el S.- ton Hubley. Cl> "L• Glrtl'' C 1957, Mulical) Oti'Mt ~. Mlezf Ga~. 10:061!) "Critic'• Chok:e" ( 1983. Cc:imedV) Bob ~. Lucile Bal. 10:30(C) "High Country" (1981, Drlma) Tmothy Bottoms, Linda Purt . • "Stflpe9" (1981. Comtdy) Bl Murray, Harald fWnll. 11:aG(Z) "Y04Jll Tine Mlnut• lw Up" (1973, Come- dy) "J-u 8'ldges. Ron~. \I l ! IC\<><>'\ \H >\ 11 ~ • 12:00e "Hide Crane" (1958, Creme) JNn $m- mon1, Guy Madilon. e "Derby'• Rangett" (1958, AdYenture) Jamee Gamer, Etchlka ChouNmu. • "The Secret lrrwalk>n" ~1984. Orama) Stewart Greoger, Aaf Valone. Cl) "Slow Our' (1981, Suspenat) John Tmotte. NafgAlen . 12:30(C) "The Mtlllc Men" (1982, Muelcel) Robeft Pretton, 8hlrtey ~. (JI) 'Qiu Chu And The Pt1lly ~··~1. Come-dy) Alan Arkin. c.ot a.nett 1:00(1) "CaAamlty Jarie'' (1963, ) Oorit o.y HoWa(d ~ • 1:~1 ''Sta .. Of SieOe'' { 1973. Drema) Y'41 Mon-Aerwto SetvetOft. 2:00 "819ck Girl" (1972. Orame) &ode ,,...., ~Uggama. -Cl) "I Sent A Letter fo My low'' ( 1981, Romence) SimoM Slgnorwt, ...... Aoctleb1. • ''trw.ders Frorn The Deep'' (1981, 8denol fio. a:~~StrMk'' (197.t; Comectt') Qn~ · er. ~ OaytMgh. • 3: 15 (%) "Derby O'Glll And The Utttt P9ople" ( t969, F~) AIJ*t Sharpe, Sein Connwy .. 4:00• "The Spy With The Pertect:C<Mr'' (19M, ~) Aobet1 ~o..~ . .-(I:) ''W'Nt9 Water Sam" (~) Kellt'l IMMI\. (I)·~ 8c:er19I Va. the~-From...,. .. 1.1981) Allllt•lid. • ·~1n~~" (1970, Olwna) Rob- ert 9twW ....... Mceow.l. -&:OCH!> '~dward.· My Son" ( 19'9, OratNI) 8perQt Tr~. Deborah Kerr. ® "Dlrt>y O'Gll And The U1tte ~·· ( 1958, Fantay) Albert Sherpe, Seen~. CZ> ''CONtnental OMde" (1981, AA6i~n!WiMilii.om-) Jottn liluthr. Bllif &own. • ~cm ''You Lid" Up My Ute'' c1on, Aae•IMC») Dkl~Joe811\w. Cl) "Coottn•al Divide" ( 1981, AomMot) Jahn ...... 8lllt BrWn. t 1 • I , • , ( ' ' I ' f .,, 2 < war ~ ~ ~ ~ c.. c Followmg World War i II, J . Robert _. Oppenheimer (Sam _. Waterston), shown at '° a party with Im wife, CD Kitty (Jana SMldon), N used his influence in an ef(ort to establish nuclear controls on ''Oppenheimer," seen Tuesday at 9 p.m. on KCET (Ch. 28). ' ·' I I I . , .. .. .. -· - art Cass"je (Angje Dkklnson) and her group set out to recover a pair of priceless paintings stolen trom a mysterious million- aire on "Cassie & Co." Tuesday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). She is shown with her team of Alex Cord, John Ireland, Dori Brenner and A. M.art:Jnez. .. \I< >IC\ I:\<~ \I< )\ 11 "> 8:060') "The Prlncese And The Pirate" (1945, Com· edyLBob Hope, Virginia Mayo. 8:30~ "Pardon Mon Attal,..'' (1977, Comedy) Jean Rochefort. Annr, OupetefY. (%) "Shock Corridor • ( 1963, Orame) Peter Breck. Constance Towers.. · 7:3000 "The Last Metro" (1980, Or8ma) Catherine Deneuve. Gerard Oepardieu. 8:06dl) "June Bride" (1948. Comedy) Bette Devis, Robert Montgomery. 8:15(%) "The F'inal Countdown" (1980. Science-Fi(). . tlonLKirt< Douglas, Martin Sheen. 8:30~ "The Anal Countdown" (1980, Scieno&-Flo- tlonL Kirk Douglas. Martin Sheen. 9:00. "Stevie" (1978, Biography) Glenda Jack. eon. Trevor Howard. / 10:0000 "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. ())"Made In Paris" (1966, Comedy) Ann-Margret, Louis Jourdan. CZ> "Black Moon" ( 1975. Orame) Cettwyn Ham-'°"· n.... GrleN. 10:06G') "The Ooolint Of Oklahoma'' (1949, West- ern) R8ridolpt'i Soott. George u.a.dy. 10:30(C) "Pulp" (1972. Comedy) ..... Celne, MldCiy Roooey. \ l l I I\'\< )( >'\ \I' t\ 11 "> 1~· "The Crooked Sky• (1157, ~) Wayne Mon1I. r<.1n Booth. • "The Goddee&" (1868. Drwne) l<lm Stney. YoYd 8ridgel. . • ''Rwnrod" (1947, W..a.m) Joel McCre9, Veronica Like. (II) '"My Qwnpion" (1981, Or.-ne) Yoko Shine-. de. Ctwll Mitchum. (I) "Adln4ic Ctty" (1980. Dr.,.,,.) Burt l.ancelter, &mt\ s.r.ndon. J • "Derby O'Gll And The Uttfe Peopte'' (1969. F~) Albert Sharpe, Seen Connery. 1~CC> "A Face In 'rhe Crowd" (1~7. Drama) A¢y_ Griffith. Patricia Neel. - 1:00(1) "Lucky Me'' (1954, Romance) Doftl Day, Bob~ <Z> ·'The Final Coootdown'' (1980. SdellCl-Flo-llanL Kirk DoliglM, w.ttn Shein. 2:00(11) ''F• From The Meddllig ClOMI' ( 1987, Dra- ma) ."*t Owllde. Terence~- _"Zam>, The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) Hemlton. Lann Hulton. ~ "Blue Fire lady'. (1978, e>r.me) Catrwyn Hlnllor\ ... Holden. aooa:> .. A ettll1nge For Rob6n Hood'' (1988. AcMnture) Barrie~· Jemel Heyter. . CZ> "State Of Siege• (1973. OrarM) Yvea Mon- tand Alnato Sehatori. 3:•ili "Fout Pley'' (1978, Comedy) .Golcte Hawn. Cf*YO\ale . ~-.. On The Threehold Of Soece" (1958. ~}.Guy Madllon, Vl9* Uhh. 4."IOCI) '~da To The "-::ue0 (1981, Dra- ma) PuDPMs. 6:00<1:) ''Home F10m The ... (1980, Dnlml) Rob- .. Milchum, Geotge Pepp9fd. (%) ''Derby O'Qm And The Ultte P9oPe'' (1959, ~) Albert Shelpe, Seen Connlry. &:•• ....... (19'18. Blogr9phy) OtMd Jeck· eon. Tiwor HoMrd.· . . .. ·Last 15 1 -~ r-~ .,, ::l. a. ~ roundup ~ Wildlife cinema-! tographer Dieter _. Plage kneels over .; a baby Asian ele-~ phant that has been _ .. _. .tranquilized 110 it can be transported to a game park in ''The Last Roundup of the Elephants," a special filmed on location in Sri Lanka and lnd1s for Wednesday at 8 p.m. on KNX'I' (Ch. 2). . . . ·', _,;;...._..;._ ____ ....;. __ __,~--~~~~~~~~~~~~----~----~-----------------17- lffitlrsday Ji \ I< >l\ '\ ! ~ ( ; .\ I( >\ 1 i. "., 8:00(1) "Private Benfamln" (1980, Comedy) Gotdle Hawn, Eileen Brennan. 8:06~'Along The Greet otvlde" (1951. Western) Kwk Virginia Mayo. 8:30(C)' ee Tates Dari( And Oenget~' (1 hr., 25mln.) (I) "Revenge Of The Mysterons From...,. .. ( 1981, Ftnll!SY) PUpQets. 8:00(C) "Monty Python And The Hoty Orel'' (1974. ~) Gtaham Chapman. John ca... Cl) "Skatetown U.S .A." ( 1979, Comedy) Scott Balo, Oreg Bradford. . (I) "My Cousin Rachel" (1953, Myatety) OMe de Havll9nd, Richard Burton. 8:05G!) "ConYlcted" (1950, Drlma) Glenn Ford, Broderick Crawford . . e:aoe "Les Girts:' (1957, Musical) Gene Kelly. Mtt- zl Ga__ynor. 9:30(C) "The Jazz Singer" (1980, Mullcal) Nel Dle- mond, Laurence Olvier. 10:00(8) ''Sitller Streak" (1976, Comedy) Gene Wld- .Jll,. .. Cleyburgh. Cl) "FJt From The Madding Ct'1Mf' (1187; ~ me) Julie Christle, T«nnc» Stmnp. 10:05 G!) "In Name Only" ( 1939, Drwn9) CArOle ~ bard. Caty Oral\l . 10:30. ''f'lgl.Kes In A landac:9pe" (1970, Drlima) Robert~. Malcolm McDowell. .... 11:15(1) "Darby O'Glll And The~ Peopte" (1969, Fanta.v) Albert Sharpe. $een Connety. 11:30cCff·Gr.nct ...,,. .. (1937, er...) JeM(WM. Ettc:hvon Strc:Nlrn. \I i l !\"\< )< )'\ \I(>\ ii ·"' Gets break Dolph Sweet, who has ma handa fuH .. a tough police captain both at home alJd at the office on the popular NBC comedy, "Gemme a Break." will be •etiing up •hop again next sealJOll on Thunday night at 9 p .m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). ! < ~ & ~ c.. i ... .. . . fl . ~ Iluirsday (OOIJtiouOO) ... • BUStNESS RePORT CR> JIMINY CRICKET PRESENTS BONGO ~ trained ::: bear escapes from the circus and looks fot ~ ture In the wfld. 0 MOVIE "Home Movies" (1980, Comedy) Keith Gordon. Kirk Douglas. A young film student suffers from a badgering teacher and an attraction to hie brother's flancee. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 7:100=~AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A game show contestant school; lnne<-clty youths who are. accomplished acrobat a. KOJAK MEET THE MAYORS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MAGIC OF Otl.. PAINTING MOVIE "Grand llluslon" ( 1937, Drema) Jeen Gabin, Erich Von Strohelm. World W81 I prtlonetl conflict with a German commandant (1 hr .. 65 min.) · CD THE Gql.OEN AGE Of TEl..EVl8tON "~' Rod Steiger •nd Nancy Merchand aw In a 1955 =tion of Peddy Chayeflky'a teleplay about a butchef who fds In love wtth • ., girt (1 hr.) (DJ MOVIE "Ntght School" (1981, Myst9'Y) L~ ard Mann, Rachef Ward. An anthropdogy pr<*llor with a penchant '°' co-eds 1s 8Ulp8ctecrot the bru-tal murders of some of h'8 former bed pettners. 'R" u hr .• 28 min.) CZ) MOVIE "My Cousin Rachel'' (1953. Mystef)') OIYia de Havilland, RicNrd Burton. 8-.d on the novel by Daphne du Maurier. The hew to a conlider· .... able fortune attempts to find out If the women he loves Is really a f'l'ltJfderess. ( 1 hr., 38 min.) 7:30. 2 oN THE TOWN Feetuted: a profle of Industrialist Armand Hammer, the men who h9IPed to shape ow cooeot eco1 IOmic and poldcal r91Mion- ship with the Soltlet Union; meet. 14-ye9r-dd girt who suffers from Down's Syndrome; a look at the UCLA women's rowing etew. • I . FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & 8HR..EY & COMPAHV EYE ON LA. -Featured: new fathiof• tot hin women; .a report on hotel thefts; the "Hart To Hert]'!' basebal teem. • TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POU8HER8 YOU A8l<ED FOR IT M*A*S*H SIGNATURE~: loolle Newteon. MACHEL / l.&tAER REPORT N0800V DOES IT BEi IER THAN YOU. AMER- ICA Host Ed Aaner looks et the tncredlble rlNtl America has ~ through teemworl(. Mullc by Cerol Bayer·s.o« and MaMl H8mlec:h. CR) TWO IN A BOX The mime teem of Robert Shields and Lorene Yarnell ling. dance and 1*1onn rrime In 8 --of sMtct.. ' Cl> A9'08Cl8e BEGINNER TO llfTERMEDIAlE a.t '" lhape, look good. and .... grelt wtlh thla ph~ fltlll88 program. 7:36GZNEW8 8:00. (I) MAGNUM. P.L A beMlful Jepeneee woman Nrea Magnum to &ld her wealthy American husband, wtlo WM ~ and Is being held for an exOt'bltant r..-.om. (R) (1 hr.) 8 • FAME Danny's schoolwork a'1ferl becauee of his job ate IOCal comedy c:M>. (A) ( 1 hr.) • 794 DAYS THAT CHANGED AMERICA Hiney Oickerson ,..,. ... 1hll documenWy whict\ tree. the Watergate Scendlll from the .,,._...,. on June 17, 1972, to President Nxon's r~ two yws later and includes ln1ervlews with aid Fotd, John Sirlca, John Eht1lchman and Blot Rk::herdeon. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Intruder Within" (1981, Hom:>r) Chad Everett, Joeeph Bottoma. Wortcefs on an ~ lated o11 rig .. terrorized by a prehlstonc cnetwe. ffi) (2 tvs.) • MOYIE "A Time For U:M" (1973, Orwna) Rick Jason, Jene Merrow. Two ~ent men haY9 clffer· ent =-conc::en'llug their lltel1ytet. (2 hrs.) i MOYIE Hl!-:LThe Pink Panther Strt. lqlkl" (1976, Comedy) Peter $eletl, Herbert Lom. The maniacal tanner polc::e lnlf*;tor Dreyful chcts a dozen ......,_ to ellmlnate the bunging lnepector -n-Clouleeu. (2 tvs.) • Ji. MAGAZINE A men who tm mede a for· tune betting on tiportlng ~ ~ heMh f!..oblams through hair ...... •MOVIE .. Top Secret" (l078; ~ a. Colby, Tracy Reed. An AmericaD st dllllf 11..nt to Rome on an undlrCCMW IO r9lrM 130 Magnum returns Tom Selleclc, who stars as Thomas Magnum, P.I.," will be returning next seuorJ to his usual 8 p .m . Thursday ti.me slot on KNXT (Cb. 2). He ls shown here with Susan Heldford during the shooting of a recent episode Jn Hawall. ~ ot stolen plUtonium. (2 hrs.) Cll-80TANIC MAN "On The Umlt" Dr. Devk1 Bela- my examines the cultural Impact of agrbAture and It'~ use and abuse today. • LAST CHANCE OAAAOE Brad Seats die<=-1111 f!..evenlattve maintenance. • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert end Gene Sisk· el review "Star Trek II: Tfle Wrath Of Khan" and "E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial." Cl) SPORTS CENTER CR) MOYIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Orama) Burt Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. The estnanged U- band of an oyster bar waltresa artlves With her ~ nant younger sister and some .tolen heroin, wh6ch he wants an aging hood to aea for Nm. 'R" (1 hr., 44 min.) CD GINO VANEW The C8nadlan pop singer per- fonns "I Just Want To Stop" and "l.Mng Inside Myself' In a concert taped dl.w1ng a tow of the U.S. andCenade. (1 hr.) · Cl) MOVIE "The Return Of The Secao. Se\19n" ( 1980, Drama) Mark Arnott. Gordon ca.pp. The membenJ of a group of colege students acttve In the protest movement during the '80s gather tot a weei(8"d reunion. 'R" (1hr.,46 min) • MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twtce'' (1981, Orama) Jack Nlc::hollon. ..Jesak:a Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murdef her hw- band. 'A' (1hr.,37 mfn.) 8:30(!) RACING FROM A008EVEL T I OODCOUPLE MOYE "Le Secret" (Mystety) Jean.louls Trtn- tlgnant, Mwtene Jobert. A man belieY'8d to be crlml- nally Insane escapes and bring& dal9' to.a coupte -__________ ....;.,;;;;.,._ ____ ..;......._.,..._ __ ..,i;.. ................. ~..,;...--.....,. __ ----~---~----------------~-----.... my uamlnel the cumnl lmpecj of ~e lll'ld lt'a~and~~· -~ .,, who befriendl him. (2 hrs.) • SNEAK PAIMEW8 Roger Ebert end 0... Sa.k· el revkhW "Ster Trek,11: The Wrath Of t<hln" aad "E.T.. The &118· T errestrlel." e LAST CHANCE OARAOE Brad 6Mra t• about how to find a reliable mechMic and What toots are needed to do yoor own repelr work. 8:311 AU! .. THE FAML Y 8:00 Cl) ICNOTS lANOINQ Sid lies ~ In the hospttal following a near-fatal cat accident. (A) U hr.) •• Off'RENT STROKES Wiiiis Is jlted by NI Qlrlfflend. (R) r:J W MOVIE '"TtilTreasure Of Paricho VIia" (1955. Welleln) Rory Calhoun. Shetley Winters. One of 'JI.. la's U.S. ~ plans a gotd robbery for hm. but the Mex1can ne¥ef receives the money. (2 tn.) e MERV GAlff=1N Guests: McLean St9YSl90lt. Gregoty Bodenhamef. an amateur chldren'a rewt called ''Let's Put On A Show." (1 hr.) e NUMERO UNO Argentina's tamed race car drtv- er. Joan Manuel Fenak>. ls profiled. -e MASTEAPECE ntEATRE "Alckef'a" Amie'*- an establahed actress with expensive tastes and a demanding temperament to star In hi. film. (Part 4) a P !W°J_ ~''The Vllitof"' (1978, Horror) Mel f«r9', John Huston. An ancient from a distant geluy comes to Earth to deetroy an 9Ytl 8-Y98f-dd girt who Is <Sestined to be the mbther of a powerfU. INllM>- lent race. 'R' f 1hr.,36 min.) Cl) AUTO RACING "CART Atfx. Maya 160" trom Mifweuk ... Wisconsin. (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Oh Godt" (1977. Comedy) George Bums. John Denver. God Mllcta an ~ young tupenn81i<et manager to dlhef' 8 m 111: of hope and good wtl to the IMptical people of modern-day wotld. 'PG' (1hr.,38 min.) CD> MOYIE "McVlca(' (1980. l1rwna) Roget-o.ttry, Adam Faith. The true atocy of 8rilteh Ct1n*lal John McVlcar's life In plleon. hit ~ and '* new lte on the outside Is ctvonicled. 'R' (1 hr .• 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Private Benjamin" (1980, Comtdy) Goldie Hawn. Eleen Brennan. A wel-to-do young woman miltakenly joint the Arrrty folOwtng the death of her new huf,band on their wedcll 1g night 'R' i1 hr .. 50 min.) 9:061!) MOYIE "Dial M For Mwdef" (1954. SUspenee) Ray Miland, Grace l<elly. After IMming of his wife's lnfldellty. a man decldee to have her ellmlnated. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 9:308. GiMME.A BREAK 13-Y98f-dd s.n.naha ..... her father'• equed car 1n an attempt to get him to~ her. (R) • UP AHO CCMtG ''The New Kid'' The Wllof-. become guarclana of • tough. 12-yew-dd atreet kid~ 1ct00 CBS REPOAJ8 • H1U. $TREE I 8UJE8 captain Furtlo -ches fot the murderef oc • yoUng black pubic defender'. LafMt rwt. a chg .... and Fay lbec:Oll1 •• .,~ ,.,.,.... (R) ( 1 hr.) 20/20 0 THE MANOR BOAN THE NXON INTBMEW8 wmf DAVI> FROST A post-Watergate ~..,.... wtctt bTMr Preeldent . Richard M. NIXC?f'. (1 tw., 15 rrin.) TROUBLE AT SCHOOL -P.R . Paul Montgo17Jery. a regular on "Fam~." Thursday at 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). In this week's episode his friend Danny runs into trouble with his school work because of his job at a local comedy club. · <JI) MOYIE "Silvef Streak" (1976, Comedy) Gene Wiider, Jill Cleyburgh. A mid-mannered book ecltor aocldentdy becomes ltWOtved In ...... art thief"• biz.atre plot during a etoss-country train ride. 'PG' l hr., 63 min.) 8IZAAAE "The Bigot Family" • MOVIE "Disappearance" (1977. Suspenee) Donald Sutherland, Francine .Reoet1e. An lnt.-ne- tlonal -hit man becomes obleued with lrldlng his ml8Ulg wffe. 'R' ( J hr .. 40 mln.) .tO:aD•lEWB lr~ Guest louiae NelNllM•l•lloon.n. CASE OF MUK1C1NE8E 8A m.E HOAN (18156) 8El1.EM, 8"<£ MUl1JGAN. A rlN and vetuabla Instrument 11 •olen from • ~. CD) WHAT HAPPEN8 TO THE MAIL Cl) WACKY WOALD OF JONATHAN WINIEHS o..at; Meleen St""'80!1. 11:001'-&~J&t NEWS · 1~~~ IENNYHU BOTANIC MAN ''On The L.tnlt'' Or. Ol'*9 .._.. ==th annlvetury ~ O:!:gate ~: r David Frost's Nstorlc first lntefVlew with former ~ PresJdent Richard Nixon will be seen for the first time since its original broadcast In 1977. (1 hr., 15 j' min.) -(I:) MoVIE "Mooty Python And The Hdy Grall" (1974, Comedy) Gtaham ~.John Cleeee. ~ King Arthur and his band ol knlght9 encounter • Qiants. rlddkn and a fetocius rabbit ln their aeerch ':: fot~rycup. (1hr.,30mln.) ~ ~ MOW: "~tch" ( 1979, Orama) Jotw'I ~ i lins. Aft• an extramarital affair deltroVS her mar· ::: rlage, a hlgh--llYlng woman searches for other eourc-es of funding. ·R· (1 hr •• 30 tnn) _. CD> MOVE "Atlantic City" (1980, Orama) Burt ~ Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. TJle estranged hw-fl> band of an oyster bat waitress anWel wtth her preg- nant younger sister and some stoten heroin. which he wants an aging llood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 hr •• 44 min.) . (I) MOV1E "American-Gigolo" (1980, Orama) Richard Gef'e. Lauren Hutton. A Beverty Hill gigolo becomes the prime suspect in a murder lnwstlga- tlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Blacit Moon" ( 1975, Orama) Cathryn Harrison. Therese Griese. When bitter cM strife breaks out in hef country, a young glf1 lleel the war!!lg scene. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11: 16 dl) MOVIE "The Hound Of The Baakervflles" (1959, Mystery) Peter Coshlng. Andre Morell. A mysterious curse haunts each generation of a noble ~family. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) e TONV BAOWN"S JOURNAL "How CNll:zatlon Was Destroyed" Tony Brown examines why Afri.. cans OCM find themselves at the bottom OC woftd ·~s laddet. (R) 11:30 e Cl) QUINCY Quincy 8CC11888 the author of a diet book of b8'tlg responslble for the deeth of a young~ who was fOllowlng the boot<'a ~ lines. (1 IV .• 10 mfn.) l .TONGHTHost: JoMnyCarson. (1 hr.) 9 U.S. OPEN H~ta of ftrat-<ound play {f_rom the Pebble Beach-Gcif UMs ln Celfomla). G MOVE "The Afth Day Of Peace" (1972. Dra- ma) Richard Johnlon, Franco Nero. The rate of a pair of German POWa is decided In the final days of World War II. (2 hn.) 1 ~~81YlE ~"Le Secret" (Mystery) Jeen.l.Oula Trln- tlgnanl, Mal'lene Jobett. A men beieYed to be atmi- naley Insane eacapes and brings d9nger to a couple who befriends him. (2 hrs.) Cl) 8PORT8 CENTER e MOYIE "SQueea Play" (1981, Comldy) Jim H81rls. Jenni Hetrlctc. The g1!11f1iaodl OC eoftti.11 play· ers decide to f~m · their own tMm as a way of avengl~ their neglect. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 11:46e a ABC~ NQtfTUNE e CAPT10NED ABC NEWS 11:66 <JI) MAC DAVIS IN CONCERT Taped at the Sporting CM> in Monte Calio, Mee Wiga. )ok.a aod dencea in a perlormanoe becked up by the tailented ~-da~ofStrut. (1 hr.) · 12:00 • ENTI:RTAINMENT TONIGHT Stt Tlt•n4•y, Pap 11 ... t. .,: Jnm Pa/19 6 -~ Swday .., ii' JUNE 13. 1982 ~ MOANNi u.. ci 8:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER ,3 7:00 Cl) COLLEGE BASEBAU. "College WOl'td i! =les" (Game 14) from Omaha. Nebrl8Q. (3 ~ 10:~L~~~Rioe. ir Cl) WORLD CUP SOCCER ''Opening Game And Ceremonies" from Barcelof'MI. Spain. (3 his.) 10:30(!) BASEBAU St. Louis Cardinals at New York Meta (3 hrs.) , 11:ooe BA8E8All C81ifomla Mgel6 at Chicago White Sox (3 hrs.) (I) WES I &tN OUTDOOR8MAN 11:30 e (I) DANNY ntOMA8 MEMPHIS ClA88IC flnal..round coverage of ... $-«I0,000 PGA Tow tournament (live from the Cok>nlal Country Club In Cordova, Tenn.) . (2 his.) • LPGA CHAMPIONSHIP Anakound coverege of this women's golf tournament (live from the Jack Nicklaus Sports Center In Kings Island: Ohio). (2 hta) AFTERNOOH 12:001 SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY 12:06 BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Franclsco Giants @ hrs.) 1:00e 9 NCAA TRACK ANO FIELD CHAMPK>K- SHIPS Men's and Women's Collegiate Track and Field Championships (from Brigham Young Unhler- ~ln Provo. Utah). (1tw.) • SPORTS AMeilCA "Coleg&-Gymnastics: Nebfaska Vs. UCLA" (1 hr.) Cl) AUTO RAaNG "CAR't Rex Mays 1~' from Milw8ukee, Wleconsin. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 1:30• (I) SPORTS SUNDAY U.S. Speedway Motorcycle Championship (from Long Beech, C8Nf.); USGF Men's Gymnaatles Champk>nehlpa (from Syracuse, N.Y.). ( 1hr.,30 min.) a wan EHN OUTDOOMM+.H FeMurect. lek• ftlh- a:~~ 1Ck0und •lllrweight bout between KtW'I Howerd and Johnov Coopet (live from Atlantic City. N.J.): 8uMY8I of ihe Fltteet, Part 2. with men's downhill A#'I (from N9W Zeeland) . ( 1 tv .. 30 min.) 2:00. LP<iA CHAMP90N8HIP FNkound covw- • of this women's goff tournament (from the Jack Nicklaus Sports Center In Klngt ls!and, Ohio). (2 hral • 8PORTSBEAT 2:30 9 AMERICAN~ Peter Beard report• on the depletk>n of the blue fin tuna; a squad of pa1echutlsta Jump off the 2,000-foot clHf 8 Capitan In Yosemite Parl<; Ethel Kennedy and her son Michael raft down Maine's Kennebec~-(1 hr.) 3:00 (I) BA8EBAU. BUHCH e SUGAR RAY LEOHARD'8 GOLDEN GLOVES California w. Loulelan8 (1 hr.) 3:06 a1' BETWEEN GAMES 3:30. 9 WIDE WOALO OF SPORTS U.S. Welght-llttlng Charilplonshlpe (from Northbrook, IM.); 0 .S. Grand Prix Motocroee Motorcycle Championship (from Cerllbed. Calif.); a preYlew of the U.S. Open. (1 tv .. 30 nW\.) Cl> HOME RACING WEE<L Y 3:361!) BAIEBAU. Atlenta 8t8YM at San Frandlco Giants= 4:008 ~ 1G-round welterweight boUt between Kem Howard and Johnny Coopet (from Atlantic City, N.J.): Survfval of the Rtteet, Part 2. with men's dowoNI run (from N9W Zeelend). (1 hr .• 30 min.) Cl> SPORTS CENTER 5:00 e GAEA TEST SPOA'T8 l.EGEN06 "Bobby Hull" Host: Ken Howard. (I) COUEGE BASEBALL "College Worid Serlea" (Game 15) from Omaha. Nebraska. (3 hta) EVENING 8:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER 9:00(1) WORLD CUP SOOCeR "Opening Game And Ceremonies" from Batoelona. Spain. (2 tn., 30 mini 10:46 . SUNOAYSPORTS. PAGE 11:30 SPORTSRNAL · Cl> SPORTS CENTER 12:30(1) COLLEGE BASEBAll "College Worid See Sparta, Page 32 WIMBLEDON ACTION -D'acy Austin will be one of the tennis stars to watch m the up-coming Wimbledon ten12is tournament. a feature of NBC Sports which starts Sunday, June 20, and will end with the finals on Sunday, Jr.#y 4, "on KNBC (Ch. 4). ' • -.;;;;;; ...... --.. ....... ~~=-------~.;..;;;~----------------....:..-----;;;;;;i;;;;;;---~---~--------------..;..---------51 . . .Nlelien-war~: -~ ~ Willara's knack ' ... 'Real People' star enjoy real talk By ALAN L GANSBERG ~ ........ HOLLYWOOD -He returned to "Real People" u a bolt lat .-.on, but only for six shows. Now, Fred Willard will be back with the NBC show fot an enUre-t'l,ln--i>f ·B episodes, and he'• very happy about the prospect. "I found out last year that I enjoyed it.." Fted aaid. "It'• euy work and I enjoyed the trave!Jni. rve ~Y done 12 ~ 13 stories on the ro.d and ru do at lepst 26 fer next ...on." _ Fred finda that producer Georae Scblatter -,... him lltorie9 about people who are a little ea:entric.'In fact. that'• how he came to be a host in "People's" first ..an. Tbe produce!',had ae11 him 1 on the ltteverent .. Fernwood 2-!{lte• and was impressed by the way be •poke to .the uny . cbaracten a-eated by actora. The difference la, on "People," there are no ac1onl. •Tve done a story on one lady· who dellgna punk clothes,'' Fred ttlnafked. "Her hair WU cotton-candy pink. By the end ol the day I WU piddnc out a color for my hair. rm not a eulllble penon -in fact. I'm skeptical. But after a while, tbeee peopJe can make a Jot of 8enle. •• Another example? He did a story on a man called Spee Ship Frank, who 9*ld he WU aroma to Ven&a By the end of ijie day, Fred thoQcht it miaht be pomibJe. Then. there W• the guy Who lived in a space house aod wore a aorWa outfit • . • Avtay from the c_.ner••· l'red mig,bt be conaidered aa different as thoee be interviewl. In a buainem where performers prJIC'tically kill foe work, be takes an attitude of ·:u you were meant to do IOIDething, they'll call you. .. C.Onaequently, he'• bee:n known to cancel interviews IO he Can play buebaJl1 tum down appointinenta just to toes the ball around. He admits, it mlgbt be "a little recltlel.. '' He allo baa •wife and ctaucbter to think of. But Fred still takes cbance11. He-doel hia ~·up comedy llet, writes aome IOft&I, hM a four-piece bind. . Plua, there are dlOle dllllk roJe9 be hat a yt!n fOI'. When his ~ter perlonned in her junior high 9Cho01 production ot '"!be MUlic Man." he W8I a proud papa in the audience. Ba! in the back of Fred'• mind waa the thought that the lead wu right fer him. . MARY TYLER MOORE ta a1lo eettina ba to what mieht be oomidered her l"001I -comedy. Sbe'• licned far a fea&ure entitled "l'lnneaan. Betln Apln." Mary Jusl finiahed '•Sb: w••· With Dudley Moore, and rµmon to the (Qt~. fnlilta abe hM no plans for a TV lelies or a TV movie. It'll FRED WILLABD ... impl'etlllf!S lUs tans by tbe wa. y be~ able to speak with r.any characters on · the NBC show, "Be.1 People." be the big acreen now. Bia j)8St boob -including two memoln ana-a nove1 -;-have aU been aucceaees, 10 David Niven will go back to. the pen and paper to write another. .novel. 'nlere'1 no word on its topic. Will the Fonz marry or not? That is the 3ueatlon asked about next aeuon'a plans (or Happy Daya" ~ Henry Winkler. ABC is willing to admit that tlR character of a woman with. a yoang child will l>e introd\l()ed and that this woman will be a Jove interest fOI' the Fons. But wedding bells? That dependa on the ratln811. If. they start to &lip, ~ can be 11Un! Fonzie will tie the knot. With • Mork aad Mindy" canceled, Pam Dawber will go b-* to her role in "Ptrai. of i>enzance," at feut for a few week:a. Pam will spend three weeks on Broldway subbing fot Maun!en McGovern, who needa a vacation. Robby Demon, who spent time on~)' tn "Penzanoe," rewn. to. te1evilion in 'Two of a Kind." atantna with George Bumi. a.. wDlMeS> out of character to play an oJd mm .... hM lolt bit will to Uve , aAf!I Benion wtll be hh mar1Snally-retarded ~ n•n air Oil CBS nnt -aeaMJlll. • And Bcbert Hayt has ..,... to do .. AJrplme ll," the aeq_uel -to the film tnat ,rMdf him .• Ital'. Production beliDI "' June. 11 fl" • ~ .. • ..,,--5 FromPage3 - end of the epiaode. I knew that in the "Bonanza" ~ framework, Little J~ was not married. r In the more recent series "Family," the .g eenaitive son Willie married a young woman who, • of courae, turned out to be terminally ill ~ Anyone who watches eplaodlc' know. the ~ fonnula. The continuing characten won't c:Ue no ~ matter how dangerous a spot they find ~ves '- in. The pollce or private eyes, from KoS-k to § Charlie's Angela, will always get their vlllain before G the hour ia up. .. One .me.~, I believe, was finally :t done in by ita le formula. 'lb.at wu '-rbe ~ Incredible H ." BelieVe it or not, th.ii pnicram ~ had IOlne of the best-written 9Clipta and ... of the finest acting around. Unf«tunately, It mo had one of the most restrictive formats. You could always count on the Hulk to make precisely two appearances per epi9ode, dolnc a Jot of damage to bl.•Ddh'IJ and furniture, ~up the bad guys but never eerioualy iri. . To prompt Bbcby'1 tranafonnat:ion into the green~ mamter, the writen hid to make sure be wa beaten up OI' k'ddentally in;ued twice each show. And each epltode had to end wlth Bixby hitchhiking down the road toward yet another new job and a new at of friends wlth problems to be aolved. Within this format. it's a wonder the writen turned out as many good el)ilodes u they did. (In one two-part pcogram, Bixb)"a character even got married. But yes, she too died of a convenient terminal illnea) tntimately, the Hulk program just became too predictable, and viewers l1arted awltcbing channela. -A few dramatic eeries are trytna to break out of the restrictive epiaodic format. "Dallaa," for example, has storylines that continue over many weeks. But tbJs baa ita huarda, too. "Dallas" was number one in the ratings through most; of the f~run season. But now that it'• in repeats. the ratmss have dropped. Knowtna how J.R. will eventwany 1queer.e out of Clift Barnes' lat.ell 1np takes 90me of the tun out of viewil\g. The acclaimed "Hill Street Blues" 8eries has taken sort of a middle course. Thia aeaaon'a storylinei aometimes continue over three or four epiaodes, but the writers have tried to de up at least one plot thread 'by the end of mdl lhow. ''Hill Stttet Blues" his manqed to stay lell sndictable than most police aeries l>ecame ita vlllalna are not always caugh~ b~ the end of the hour. So what does the future hold? Will viewen continue to. tune in .traditional aeries, or will they opt for more televised movies ln which the conclwdon ii not qUlte IO predictable! - My crystal ball ls probably l)O better than thoee of the network execytivea. BUt lf the recent n~ =indication, viewen are oertalnly lookfna the tndltional _._ fonnat. With pay te aemce. offerina an even wider variety of ~the networb will hne to make theU w"1dy mow. • pl'edidable. • ... . ,,. WBER~'S JOBNNYr -16 it possible to write Johnny Canon1 H to, what ad~ would one 1.111et Oanon'a, ol OOUl'lle. It'1 ~ Prod&, 4123 Radford Ave.,, Studio City, CA. 91604. 8-' yoer Jetten te Pepper O'Brl1111, lhllted Fea"'1w Sya4Ja~ Ill Put Ave11-. Boom Ill, GOIN' HOLLYWOOD -I wUJ be ncatt.lq New Yri, N.Y. l•JU. ; Sports HighlightS ln.nPage30 • Seriel'' (Game 15) from C>nW\a. Nebraka. (3 hrs~ 3:30 GOlF ttGHlJQHT8 '' 1978 U.S. Open" 4:00 8P()Rf8CENTBt ·Madly 2:30(1) 8PORTSWOMAN 3:00(1) 8KJNG "International Speed ~ ~·· 1 3:301 NA8l WEEKLY •:OO aoLF HtGHUQHT8 "1980 U.S. Open" 4':30 8PORT8 CENTER -5:00 Ttm WEEK IN THE MIA &:30 TOP RAN< 10X1NG From Natwlle. T.,,._ ... ._J2 hrl., 30 mn.) 5:351!) U8EBALL Atlant• Br8Y9I at Houlton Astroe (3 hrl., 15 min.) EVENIG 8:301 DOOOER DUGOUT e:• OOOOER~ NO MIEBAU. Loe ~ Oodgeft at Serl m,,..{3tn.) • e:oo 8'0ftl8 CENTER 9:00 MaNQ MOM AOO&EVElT (I) FULL CONTACT KARATE ''Wo'1d ~ weight Chemploilll,ip'' rrom ~ Ienn•••• (1tw.,30"*'.~ 10:.,IWJE~ 11:00 n. WEEK .. THE MIA t t:30 8POAT8 CENTER • 12:30 MR.I> CUP 80CaA "Opening Gne And ~emoulel" from BaroMona. Sp9ln. (2 hrs._;. 30 3:001 NA8l. WEBCL y $:30 GOLF. HIGHUQHT8 "1980 U.S. ()pen" 4:00 8PORT8 CENTER ANSWERS: I. Strate z. Jm Ta1lor S.11.ltlloue C. Buaper 5. llUC Bayes •. Gae Barij TV Teuen are avai..lable in the boolc "TV Trivia Qui%," which Include. more than 300 qustiom and may be~ lac 13 from C.. Co., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanbur1, SC 79308. Satisfaction guarantad. 7:00. BA8EBAU. LOI Angeles Dodgers at Sen Q!ego PadrtMI (3 hrs.) Cl) 1982 U.$. OPEN GOLF PREVIEW • 8:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER 9:00(1) ALL-8TAA SPORIS CHAUENGE Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1950'• ya, Loe .At'Q8lel Oodgere of the f970's 9:30 (I) TEHNB HIQHl.DfT8 '' 1981 Wimbledon'' (1 hr.) 10:901 1882 U.8. OPEN QOlF PREVIEW 11:30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 AUTO RACIG "CART Au Mays 160'' from Milftukee, WlitcOitellL (2 tn.) 2:30(1) 1BN8 MOHl.JClKT8 "1979 Wimbledon" (1ht~ 3:30 OOLFHIGHUGHT8 "1981 U.S. Open" 4:00 8POAISCENT9' Thursday JUNE 17, 1882 \ ". 1,5 Shown, plays Vicki on 32 An Angel Love Boat ~ MIM Papas' handbag ID 11 Late Show Item , 37 SM--- 12 Plays Dwayne 38 Comedian Bruce 14 MIH NMbltt'a algn-ott 41 F11mlly member 15 -Utt .. TlfM 4" Bet -Slat du SChoen 18 Anger 45 Got off 17 Mualcal note 48 Ma. Mldlef 1&-..Jo¥ -Carre 48 Let _,y P9ople - 19 Ekbefg or Loos 49 Compau point 21 I A9lnember -50 Role fM Ed 23 R6ck or Ron 51 Director ZukOf"a 25 Compau Point lnalgne 28 Dorta or Kathy 52 lntematlonal org. 27 GulnneU or Waugh 5S Ursu&I - 29 eo Mlnut94 .... y11t: ee The Roc:tcford - lnlt. 51 ~ Mett Dillon 30 Actteaa Patricia, et aJ 58 Role for WlnkJer DOWN ..... .r • --.,.,.. --.&..-...... .... lHe FAMOCS 50H99Tfte55- ~e01eNNe l"AOM eNel..NIO ~ AL...Rl!AD'r' WELL-KNOWN ON TH!! ~T TO'-"' \M11!N eHe FIAST STARReo ON A.W!ACAH 11.ADIO IN 1942. &UT HeR &A.WOY STVLe HAD TO ee TONeO DOWN FOR &1'AC/e r/e£DS Sl'r'Ow. IT WAe OR!elNAU. 'I" A ONe-eoN91 FIVl!-MINUTe eHQT NleKTLY ON THe 51.ue NeTWOftK. TWO "f'eAR& LATt!f' IT WAS l!J<Aoi'.~ TO A THl~'(­ MIHUTI! ~MAT. .. ~ Daytime § .., ~ ~ 'All My Childre~' · j ... Jenny flees prom j:: By LYNDA BIRSCll ~ 0: ALL MY CHILDREN: Jenny neea the Pun after Liza tells her that Jenny'• d.d, Ray GardneJ-, Is lD pri9on for rapi.na Ruth Martin. Jenny rwhea home and pacb her t.g, leaving Oree and Opal a goodbye note. Villtina Ray ln jail, Jenny ~ be 11 lylna \fhen he clabm be wu framed and Ray vows revence on Pine Valley. With Nina still mlaelnt. Palmer lytn&)y teHa police Cliff physically aoo.d her. Nina shows up at Daiay's but rm.es to aee Oiff. Erica dec'4ea td drop her slcned Sens>iaUe contract at Kent's and II surpriled when ihe di8coYen U10C.ber> woman In his apu1mllnL Erica allowl her pennilell and ababbily d"9ed balfG&er Sl1wr to stay at her apu"tment. Leeming from Ellen that Mark Is / stayinc in New Yoric., Pammy shows up there and the twOllOIDe t.11 lnto bed. ANOTHER WORLD: Mac veto. Sandy's .iory about Stein In Bravia because the evidence wu illegally obtained, 80 Blaine glwe the ltol'y to • competing ..,.,.Une. Quinn pr.....-to 1lell Bob .ax.at .... part lD Denny's dishonest plan while Bob llftSWW to tell her he's _..,..Una from Henrietta. Ada Is hofilnl that 8-w and Allee wt1l ~ 8000, tbl.9 ~ ........ fixation on St.eve. Harry II accepCina P9e. md a.a.•• ma.rriqe, wblle SteYe has cut Drana-off finandalJy and emotionally. With the nurse about to quit, Cftllle wonders bow abe a.o tab care ol Ibale- AS TD WoaLD Tl1R.NI¢ Tom remDs be 111ft Frmmy Uw hatband Mr. Bl& wanted. but Dl!hber Bob nar Frmmy can fJnd It. &Die oontinue9 his work at ~ the microfilm 80 Important to Mr. Bia . .e.rt.ra • IQlrid and her father bold IJo&D on her. John and Ariel jubilant Jfter tint Nght ol low. Jeff and Annie ...U. the depth of their love while vacationinc at a country inn. Karen continues her ~ to destroy anyone who hM ever wronged her, elpedally Annie and ~- EXTRA ATTENTION -Surgeon Mike PoM(ers (Stephen Burleigh) offers some tender words of assurance to patient Adrienne Hunt (Nancy SWfonJ), who bas attracted more than profeislonal attention on liBC'a 'The Doctors." weekdays at 11 oa KNBC (Ch. 4). - • ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Marco Intercepts Kat's Jener to Jenn)> and penuadee ~t to fly home. Kat complles but ls determined to tell Jenny the truth. Karl di.cOven that Brad gave hlm phony plans foe the 1e>laramlte extracior and aendl hit men after Brad but Ka~Js IU'UCk by the 'bullet. Following Kat's IW'&efY Jenny aab to be he!' privaw duty nune with Kann. Larry and Marco fearint what Kat wW uy to Jenny whel) the ocme9 to . Georgine makaa eecret plans to tat the Danmite car, unaware the Karl liel In wait at the tnck.. Dorian wanta her mJi!dical records from Will When he ~ to give them over, Dorian wants Will removed u chJef of staff.. Herb offers not co Cont.mi Dorian's divorce Claim if she'll let him have Cusie. Aa offers to fly Mimi to norence but she refuses. Pat and Tony make love. RY ~'S BOP~ After lnt.ervenlna between Seneca and Kim. Hollis takea Kim to d1nnet'. and probina her pMt.. II convlnce4 lCJ.m II his dauch1er. Rae admits ilds is true, but pleads with him not.to tell Kirn becaUle It would destroy I(Jm Rae then tries -to ~ Kim apinlt .Hollis but al9o decidel Klm would be beUw oU out of town. Rae lntonns Jeck about Hollis beln, KJm11 dad and be proml8eS to-keep the leCl"et. Dee UI aware Kim planned the kidnapping •nd she bites when Onon offers lnfonnation that could make her mi. owner of the Ceysta.l Pa1aoe ln exdwlge lot pe11po11 and money. A drunken Roger lubes out at Jane tor •lfffinl to pmtpone weddlnc unW Ox's race II over. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Brian finally aooepta that he could be permanently blind ltut be still does not ' want Suzi or Stephanie helpmg him. Still ~ if she should marry Teel. Janet exita town and Ted-.. Stephanje to have dfnner with him. Aja thrilled that • Operation Bequest baa uved Travis' lite. Suzi tells Lee she feela be only married her to ove Rota' Lee a father, and then ahe exits with the beby. Martin unhappy wttb Jo's ~tive .reacdcn to hJs camblinc kma.. An ardllt's rendertne of an elderly 'JWstY Sentell helps In the teUd\ for Travis' tnl.tni lather. TEXAS: Bena manages to divert Justin for a while by teWna him that T.J. and Aahley were cnce..,...... and are probably still lnYOlved. Flnd1na Justin and Bena In bed, Gnnt 9tonm out. In Howt.on ltena 1leDa Aabley about the bet and Jmtin finl~ .J. A drunken JUIUD ll* to look for ResMI with revmae In mind. Lurlene's Aunt Navia from Iowa says she wants to villt Houston. Ruby aab everyone to help make Mayts think Lurlene 11 a wealthy eodety girl. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Victm' t.eDa NUdd then JI DO W_, that be will ewr' lft ~ with her and she IDLllt 1-ru to llCCeF' Kevin. ........ be dollla'l .... tD ~ .... Jack ......... = c::::-~1~~r. =c::~~ Paut. Paul continua hill poUce tralnlna. NUdd tne. to ....n Vidor about Laurie, but not wantJna to be told what to do by Nikki, Victor plunaa further Into the relationlllllp. After M ~t wilb John. Jill acDlpll ......... t line fJ"Om lwl.y. Richt .,... that John cao. to apolqsbe foe the ficbl . HOLL YWOOO .(AP) -Robert Wagner will 1t1r In Blake Edwards' "Curse of -Che Pink Panther," on! of two "Pink Panther'' fi1ml beinc filmed limultantOUl.ly on location in Europe. • It will be a reunion ot Wagner, David Niven and C.pucine, who 1tarred u "the Utton family" 20 years ago in the first "Pink Panther." • In 'Trail of &he Pink Panther'' Niven anll Capudne are interviewed about their experienca with Inspector Clouwu, p1a.)'ed by the late Peter s.uen. Jn ''Cune'' w~ j8iDI t1*D and the)' .o becocoe lnVQlvecl With a New Yock policeman (Tc!ld W-> ~ by Interpol to unrevel the ClOUleaU mya&e'1. " More 'CllilClren' · Erica gets naff-sister · By LYNDA HIRSCH Pretty soon now, "/JI My Children" is going to have several additions to its cut. Look for Erica Kane to get a half-sister named Silver, daughter of Erica's father, the late director Eric Kane. Alao, Ray Gardner is returning. For thoee of fOU who are new to "All My Chnaren," Ray Gardner ia the quintellential 908p OPfta vi.lla1n (p1*yed by one of the nicest guys around, Gil Rogers). Ray ls Jenny and Ted'a 1.ather and Opal's huabmd. who bas been lmprilooed for raping Ruth Martin. Told you he wuml A.18o, there will be a love interest f« Nina, played by Dack Rambo. If the name aound1 fJllDlllar, that's. becauae he and hia twin brother Dirk were in many lerie9 in the '609. Dirk periahed in a tr.p: accident aeveral years back. MARRIAGa TO REPORT: LawieDce Lau, who plays Gr~~~:y Children") bu married Linda . Linda WU last teen OI\ daytime u the original 8-aer on ~ Light." She and I:awrenoe Nd pla0 Md to DWTY next year in Paris, but c:lecMled tbi!i1 were 10o mueh in Jove to waiL Steve ScbneUer and Nancy Snyder, Y'bo plav Marcello and Kat on "One Ufe to Uve,'' aid "f &i' ln a emall ceremony in New Y or1' Oty. ANNE MURRAY bu ligned to do a guest appearance on-'-Jbe Guldtng Light." No word on whether Anne will lift her voice in ICll'I or merely do an actin8 bit, • Maurice Gibb did on 'i(luidina Light" a few weeks aao. We understand that f!Very few weeks you will be eeetng tos> enien.inen .i the Wired for Sound dilCO on CL. We've reported on leWl'al here, and they cen.tnJ.y are an eclec1ic poup, from the afmementimed Mr. Gibb and Mm Murray to the B-52a and Alhtord & SJ.nq.on. "DYNASTY.~ the hlch-tated ABC prime-time I08per; ls ICl'Ubbina tm. ofita main characters: the character of Nick Trlacontl, played by J,amn 1. CAROUSEL -Ttje cwtolnal "CtMm«y" Ice Cf'MIT\, Al MturW ...... ,.., ~ • io. .... coneent1 Flitt Fall FMt Plus,.., f'INltl9d ma. 2. Our c.ndlee .,. -~ ,.., butt« • ,.., ~~---·Jelly ....... tOOI AUUIUNG NBW PA'lfBNT -Channing, attnctlve Adrienne Bunt, pllU'ed by Nancy Stalford, arrfvett JiJ Madiaon and aoon draws the attention of the handsome bachelors at Hope Memorial Hospital on NBC's daytime drama, ''The Doctors," weekdays at 11 on KNBC (Cb. 4). Farentino; Stephen Caninaton. played by Al Corley, and_ Sammy Jo, played by Heather l.-Ocklev. Word ii that Farentlno rehmc1 to do any publldty for the lhow, thw anaerinl producers. Al lor Corley and Locklear, it w• dedded that the chancten bad gone • far • they eou1d go. The Idea now ii foe "l>ynMty'' to have lhon-run guest llan, a la Marcello ~. whom \My are trying to get for next eeuon. ~ Q: Pleue &ell me abHt MJcbeJ Tylo, wlle II g: Qmtat om ''Tiie Galdlq UpL" II H avallable? -~ M.A.lt., M011e11e9, Pa. < A: Nope, Michael ia happily married. He ,.... decided to be an actor after dropping out of oom-.8 collep, and while. the goifta wu slow for awhile, he - 1s thrilled with being on ·I(;"~ Light" and • ao .,, deliChted that hia chancter bf QWnt bas caught the ~ a~'• fancy and imaginatiorl. You can look for ~ him to be one of the pivotal GL characters in the c... coming year. c i Q: v .. memtiened diet dtere were 11eW wrlten = oa "Geaeral Hospital." Cu'" tell me uyWq abMHlte wemu wllo w Mell lllred to replaee G die Co......,__? -G.V., Bllffalo, N.Y. ~ A: Yes. Ann Howard Baley created "How to Survive a Marriage.'' a ahort.-lived NBC IOaP that aired ~ly 10 years ago. The lhow wu a ratinp faQure but considered an artistic IUCU• and WU called "aheed of h1 time" by many criticl. We undentand that Mm Baley ls going to get beck•to storyline buial, do away with t1le fintasy lt.Ol'yline and kill off 1eVeral characten. You can look for Mel to exit, alon.a wi~ Jeremy, Anne and Dr. Bradlhaw. Q: Bew .... • die..., operu IDeM • aa -epllM--e? I IAJ tltey',.e tltere for two 'Men a ta.J; •J prl!rlm .. ,, It'• mid ...,er. -J.W., llaebie, Wll. A: It'• a good deal more than a couple of boun a day on a 908p. Tbe acton' <day ...uaUy begins at 7 in the momina. when they IO in to nm their U.. with the perfcinnen they'll._ be workinc with. 'Then they "block'' the ...... -this meam knowing wt.en. they're Fine to stand, what objects they're aupJ>OMCI io pick up, and what areu they're w~ to md fram ., that the cameramen and ~ caamoot the right anp.. Then they break for lunch -half an hour genenlly -f.olJowed by makeup, a drt!9I reheana1 and then the taping of the ahow. Tbil uaually btlnp them to 4 or 6 in-the evenbla. Taping takel man tban an ~. ~ which lt'• ul:ually time to ao home and learn the ICeDel f« the next day. l ~ ~ I ~ ~ -~ . -l , I ' I ' I I I I I I I • ' f:' l I .One ... ..... . ) • [hey are going for baroque cbcnopapber ~Lona; ... M;On....., a prof_,.. ~Mt at Cal State ~;l;illWwtrate Im' ctmrgtm of baroque arc:hltec:ture with Colar il1idlili; Mn. Lona, a =g::::11lonal dancer, chonocrapber and iDIVUctor at UC Irvine, Will ·pi'r11 at dMmn Krildn Hall, <ludy Heyboer, Kate Rlll, Denlae Boyland, -.2 0:: . T he houae lights at South Coaiat Repertory Theater dim, and the butler atalka out to center stage. Hla elderly frame la atraJght as a ram.rod, and 90rrectnem oozes from every pore. Here, obvioualy, it a butler!• butler. "My name, air," be announoee in an accent more Slovakian than anyt.hlna heard in Budapest since World War r. "ia DwomltlChek. D-wor-nit-IChek." Tbe audience lauahs and aavon every rich syllable aa t6e actor delivers his Una . In fact, the butler isn't elderly, bil name isn't DwomitlChek and be1a not at all dignified offstage, althou1h John-David Keller can be both eerioua and articulate about his work in the theater. "Even• a child, I wu attracted to the theater, and I always knew that waa what I would do," he saya. · Altbouah born in Texas, the actor gew up in San Frand8co. Hia stage experience began • a student when he •• ~ the tint of 20 boya .elected for • chol'ua. linllnc with the San Francllco Opera. "For five years, I sang child rolee in major operas, ~ l never bad a aerwe of 'opera,' becauae I never aat and watched a performance," he ~ "The big 9COpe of it awed me. I heard music from~. and opera is atlll my favorite for listening.'' And then with an expb:ive laugh. .. I've always kicked m)'9df becau.e I :an't sing like Pavarotti." The youngest of lix children in a non-tMatrlcal f9mlly, Keller deecribes hlmlelf as the clown of the aroup, the one who enter1ained hia brothers and m.t.er. He continued omtace Qu'oulh hilh achool and 'San Francl1co State Cn''r•1 where as a theater arts majr he kept bumpina into a couple of ,uya named Martin Benson and David Fmmes. Two years in the Army followed. with Keller workinc offidally at "a lilly job" but often borrowed by Specta1 Servic8 for USO ahowa. After tbe ~ IUnt. he did what all a.pirlna' ecton did at the lime~ be went to New York to leek Im fortune aDd 1-m bSa trade. "I IUD JoVe NeW York, and lt'1 the dty I mmt Identify with. becau. lt'1 ~I becilme my own JJ8l"IOll. It'• • exdtift&. alive dty, ..ad I Jiwd then for 10 ~ withoul ewr beinC ~ or __.ted." he aya Wida a:Jauah:'"I didn't dO ad\ acUnc. but I did a Jal of od1iir WOrk to IUl'Yive. lt'1 hOcwMb for ecton to 10 to New York nc:ww. beca-.m theater elsewhere •• better, with more &alloted peOple ... ... .. Actor'-S actor John-David Keller plays anything ~ from the butler to leading man . John-David Keller (right) with Jonathan Farwell in 'The Play's the Thing.' By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Of &be Dally Pllo& Stan where be literally Mi found himlelf dlndlaC • play in the att.emoon. performtnc • -llCtior' in the ewnl"I and~ Yet another play in tbe mammta betwem. "I~ m)'ielf • chanctier Ktor, which la the whole point of repertory," be 1ay1. 0 1 can play anYlhlna frorii &he butler to a leldlna role. An .ectGI' 1bould be haDPY anll ~ to do •ytbinc that fft.i into • ~" J'or inllance, after abavirW hil hlild to play • oamedy ... •:a.e bUdei' Dwomllllehek In ''The Play'• &he Thine." be W• .... te(uJ to weer a hit .......... al-~ in the f~·:w·" ~ ~ doila Keller dUWd and Id In the iM1ii1 play. 111 cld 1Mt in ·•yonc1 the......_. ..• mr ~-... but that WM different, became it WM a lleria of aketchea, mmie of whicti we bad perfoimed befOl'e," he uy1. "AlthouP aome people do ciamtime actinC aDd dil'ecUna, I think It'• hUbi'l9 became you loee objectivity. The diredor'1 job ii to watch, and lf yciu'~ involved ...-.. there it no third eye. lt'1 lib ''.~ a ~when you're pm\ o( it.'T - SomeUmia the llCtine/dil'ecUna ii Unlricendanal, aUich aa the tame be =" tbe •budei' In "Pet o' My ) . . . . •. [~ ' Whose Ufe Is It Anyway1 NEWUT lllUM8 • NOSTALOtA • CONCE"TS • "llJOIOUS ~ • CMUMtlNS • AOUlT • OOCUMOITMll.t INCLUDING THESE TITLES THE SEVEN-PD-CENT SOLUTION CPGGAN'S KUff FMll.Y P\OT PllYATE LESSONS OEATH YAU.El · HAii IOPEN: M-F,10.8-SAT.10·1-SUN.12-ll ·· •. ··*~"VIDEO GAMES f{c-. · .. · 369£ .. S.-_,.,lt SirM -CNt• ....... CallltKflllf 92621 Ulltr.Q I I f7t4J511·S1"'• U t -1161 Wll"'I AC#lpSS l1fOM RAl.PH'S He takes home loot for best art work ... By STEVE MJTCBELL • or .. DlllJ ........ His acrylic painUng "Senior Citizen.a" hu already meant nearly $600 in winnings for Laguna Beach High School lel\ior David Threadgold. And the 18-year-old art student la IUl"e to make more if and when he Rl)a the colorful montage which depicts the faces of three elderly gentlemen. David recently woo the top award in the State of California Visual Arts CIOlltesl. ~ by the Junior Women's Club. 'nlat win followed first place awards at the Oranae County level, and the Joca1 J,eve1 of the women's organization. In addition, '"Senioc Otizena" mo took top honors at the Laguna Beach High School student art CIOlltesl. W. elderly subjects Weft captured on mm, ~ .ud, during a walk around Hetsler Park and Main Belich. "'I shot p6ctures ol maybe 30 old men. and •" r&ed tlM!R three for the ·montace," be .ud, . P°'nUnc to the large acrylic painting. '-rbe8e were the belt. I think.'' What be captured on fib:n. and trantpJed ooto ~WM three men. all weartnc hatl and gl !I, one llDlJJna, one not ("He clidn't want me to take hia ~ at lint," David explalnei!.) David plam to attend Oranaie a..t c.oJleae ln the t..11, tM:inc .rt d e1. 'tbal be wanta to tnmfw to the Art Center C.OUeee ol Dellen ln Pz r '"'-aa to complet.e hia ech.adon. l'rom &here, he's Jal oertaln. But he's aare art will. have a put in bis future. DlllJ ............. Laguna Beach High School arti8t lllvid Thre.adgold kneels beside hia award-winning .acrylic p.ainting of three elderly gentlemen entitled "Senior Citizens." He won nearly $800 in art oontesis fOl" the painting. ----------------------------------l(currentlylcreenl119~~------------~----------------~ 5 EVIL UNDEll TllE IUN: Rated PG, ...,.. .,.._. Uldno¥. J-B1rk1n. SyMa Mii-. J-MMOn and DIAM JUa In ...,.Iha Ouiatle'• tale of murder and 1nu;,ui.. TM PG ratlnc ii for ldult •tua._. DAS 800n Rated R. la a__Gftman.mlde ta1it of the crew workinc In bnnal conditlonl aboud a Nui aubmuine In World War U. The film .w. Juraen Prochnow and KlaUI We-nnemann. The R ratinc 19 for violence. A LITTLE SEX: Ratect R. 1tar1 Tim Mathtaon, Kate Capahaw and Edward Hemnann In the llOI')' of a man who trite to b. faithful but finds it hard. The R ratin1 la for adult litua- lionl. ATLANTIC QTY: Rated R.1tar1 Burt l.AncMter •an aptc. bott.am-runc a -pnpter who fittl one 1aat chance to make a b6I buck wt-be happena upan a -... amount of COC81ne, and one !alt ct... at rom9IC.'lf when ht rnMll &.ft Sarandoft. a card deeler'. Loula Malle din!C'ted thil btt of whimly, wtltitn by John Guin. It'• fnlh. funny, and allw. The R rat.Inc la for ~ - and edult •tuatlom. . BODY BEAT: Rated B. lltarrinl William Hurt• a bun&linc. Movies now showing along Orange Coast ~ attorney and K.athllen 'l'umer .. t.be fewrvne raw. Thia .xy, dlrYiow mys1ery takes p&acit in a fld.ltloul Florida town ao hot that people In cafea order feed t.eM two •• a tirM. Directed by l..a~ K-san •a"~ to film noir, the R ratinl COfJWI from brief nudity. •lty lancuaarand a pneral air of 11Hmlnea CANNERY llOW: Rated PG, itan Nick Nolte and o.bra Wincer In a ~ film .dapt&tlan ol John Sletnbeck'1 *>rift "Cannery ftaw' and "Sweet Thunday." Shot on MGM aound ...-. tNa --bat a ..,-. tnehanted ~and fine pedormeraa by Nohe, wu.r and Audra Undley • t.be ~. Natnlied by John Huacon. The PG rat.Inc ii (OJT lftua1 adult •tuadona. CAT PEOPLE: Rate R. 1tara NHta11la Kln1kl llnd CILUllOTI OP nllE: Bated PG and ........ 8m 0'09 and Ian Char.._,.• runnera In the 1924 Olympi8d. wt... nan -for dilfemit ~but inanatt to wtn JI* t.be-. 'n. PG neln& mwt be for Ill k>tty thcnws: \here ii no nudity, -violence mil very Utile offen11ve ~· ~ DEATHTRAP: Bated PG . .w. ~ Beew. lltichMI "· Caine and Dyan Cannon In a clever _._ ~ ebout a wlllMd up writer and a promilinC ywnc ..........._.-a sreat '- mystery. The PG ratlnc is for~. i ENTU TllE NINJA: Baled R. ...,.. aw ......... Georp, _. Frant'O Nl'l'O and Su.an r.,._.F In a &air el -al artia and vt."'ll•a.-. 11K> R ratlnc la for '~ , .... POllBIDDEN WOllLD: Raid R. la a-""-fldian t.iTor •l«Y wt in spece. Tht R ra\lns ill for ~- See Currently, Page 6 co OI> N .. :----·.........,;;_---=;;;;;.._~~~~~~~~~~<~--1( CurrentlyScreenln•)~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 1 ..... ..... From Page 5 ,....• ntS FRENCH UEUTENA.NTS WOMAN: Rated R. 1tara ! Meryl Strffp in the role o( the Meltbrok~ and het.rtbreakln.I ;::, Fftnch l.Mule'W\l'I woman and Jetttny lrona • the Vic1orian .., aenlleman who pmbla his love and repu.sauon on her. TM •~ modern day mm crew maklnc a movie of "The French Ueu· tenant'• WomanM hu its own romanuc dramM and downCalll ~ which are meant to compue and contrut with the VIC'10rian ~ sequence. TM R ratlni Is for adult •xual situations. i GOIN' AU. THE WAY: Rated R. is a.bout a 11Nmy 1Ummer 'g. and young people.• with "only mt' thmg on ~r minds. .. The a e> ratlnc i.s for adult aituationa and n~ty ~ I IP' YOU COULD SEE WHAT I REAR: Rated PC, l\al'I Marc ~ SillJ(cr and Shan Karper Thia movie as baled on the life of Tom Sullivan, Wngl'r-<lOfl'lpoet'r. wrf1tt-dtl'ft10r and athlet.to who was ~ bltnd Ralina is for adult aituataons ~ . MAKING LOVE: Rated R. 1\al"I Michael Ontkean, Kate Jackaot1 and HAIT)' Hamlin in a story about a woman. a man and tus tiorni.,xuaJ ~ TM R ratln« 11 for adult 11tuall0nl and horrarexuahty. MISSING: Rated PC.IWI Jxtt Lemmon and Si.y Spec'tk.as a man and his dauah1.er 1n law who-rd! for hlS mmanc '°" 'Ille evcnlS are based on a true story in which a young A.mencan was a1>P9rently allowt'd to be lulled In a Lalln Amencan country by fOl'Cft rnendly with the U S Govttnment The PC ratlna Is for ad w 1 51tua lions ON OOLOEN PONO: Rated PC. s1al'I Ken,.y Fonda and K.atharuw Ht'pbum as an a&inc ~le retu.ml11C to Uve on GoW.tn Pond. He's filled with wuc.leU. 6out dHth. lhe'1 1ntenNnably cheerful. They bdler poUtely untll the arrival of lhW c1:auch1er rJ•N' Fonda>. titt lalnl bo)'fnmd. Bitty (played bnlhanGy by 0.bne)' c.otenan) and his 13-year~ boy.1'Mo PC raU.,, is for~· ONE FROM THE RE.ART: R.ted R. takes place in a sound state re~tion of Las Vegas and. lelll the story ot 24 hows in the lives of two lovers. The film was dittded by Franaa Coppola, writl.et'I by Annyan 8erNtein and Coppola, and stan Frederic Fon-est. Teri Garr, RauJ Julia and Nastassla KJnakJ. The R rating is fOf' .tu.It lituationL GENE WILDER ad GILDA RA.DNER . . .are caught up in in tematJonal intrigue in the new mot.Ion picture, 'Hanky Panky.' PORltY'S: Rated R, 1tar1 Kim Cattrall, Scott Colomby and Aln Karras in a tale of boys growing up. The R rating is for nudity. PARTNERS: Rated R. •WI Ryan O'Neal and John Hun u cops one atraiahl and one P Y -who must live IOtlether to cndt 1 murdtt cue. TM R ratuia Ill for adult lltuatlona and homowxuallty. SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R. Nn AlbM Finney as Georae Dunlap, wtio.e marnaee IO Faith (Diane Keeton) II on the rocka. They become Involved with different people. and for the flt'll time In Y"f'I. lftm lO lnvolw themwlva .,.in. It'• an 11CCU111te, movmc acxount of a brte.k-up. more Intuitive and precl8e than nut movies on divorce. A.$ their dauaht.tor. Shttry. Diana Hill is brilliant. Keaton civft tl\e performantt or a Ufe~. The R retina Is for adult al watlom. SOME UNI> OF BERO: Rated R. stan ruchard Pryor as a down and out MariM who can't make hil We So • ~ wanta It to. TM R rauni II for laniu-ce and adwt atualMnl. CONAN THE BARBARIAN: Rated R. stars Arnold Schwarzenegser as the muscle-bound Conan, a pagan wamor who seeks n.-venae against the other pagan1 who k.Uled his mother and father. Directed by John MiJJus. The R rating is for violence and sex. STAR TREK 11: Ra~ PG, stars William Shatner and t.eonarcf Nimoy in the continuing quest to leek out and ~xp1ore strange new worlds. The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. POLTERGEIST: Bated PG, at.In Jobeth Williams and Beat.rice SLrai&t)t in a tale of the supernatural. The 1-.ory ie by S~ Spielberg; the directk>n by Tobe Hooper The PG rating ii {or ampen1e. THE ROAD WARRIOR: Rated R, etari Mel Git.on as a ll!m!-hero who batlles maraud.int bandits in • posl-end--of·lhe-world thriller. Qirected by Georie Miller. The R rauna ii for violence, which la abundant. See PJrrently, Ps~e_I_ .. ~~--~~~~~~~--------~~~--~~ CotnlngAttroetlon•~~-~~----------~~~~----~~--~7~ Currently Screening FiY?m Page 6 R~Y ID: Rated PG, atara Syl~ Stallone ae the IUW)' Rocky, who bet:Uee to detend his crown. The PG rating is foe violence. DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID: Rated PG, atara Sieve Martin in a spoof on the detective films of the -to. and 50a. lntercut whh the film are "~' appearancep by Boon. Lana Turner, Veronica Lab, Bette Davia and Burt ~. n. PG raUoa ii fot adult humor. VISITING 80\JRB: Bated .R., stars Lee Grant and. Wllliun Shatner in a tale about a bonible bmpltal Tbe R rating la foe violence. . ANNIE: Rated G, start Albert Flnney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film ii bMecl on the popular musical 0 1Jach Concert ready Smith, tenor MichHl Sells and baa Rod Gllfry. i Tickets are $5 and $4 for OCC students, tenior I citizens and children under 12. ~ fior @"'ange Coast Raub said this is the first time ln the college'• ~· '' 34-year history that Bach's work will~ performed a. ln its entirety. ~ Richard Raub will direct the Oran&e Coast Raub, who directed the Le» AJl8!e)el Bach ,, College Chorale and Alumni Choir S-aturday Festival ln 1980, said the mast created while Bech 5: eve~ durtna a perfonnanoe of Bach's "Mass in B was a df,ntor of St. 'Thomas Church ln Leipzig i8 ID Minor. considered among his great.est choral works. ~ The 8 p.m. concert at the college'• Robert B. Ms. Rawc:liffe, who has performed twicie with ~ Moore P~rforming Arta Theater will feature the OCC Chorale, has an eX1ensive badqiround in i soprano Mary Rawcliffe, meuo soprano Janet baroque vocal music. ~ SOMEWHERE IN THE DARKEST REACHES OF THE UNIVERSE, A BATTLE IS ABOUT TO OEGIM. A BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL, BETWEEN A WARRIOR AND A MADMAN, OETWEEN THE AWESOME POWER OF THE STARSHIP EN_TERPPJSE AND THE WRATH OF KHAN. ~__;:;;..___._, .. 'I 8 -i ~A· SASSY, I BRASSY, IUSSY COMEDY.'' ~ -Gene Shalft. NBC·TV. TODAY SHOW 0:: "-"ll 11•1 •11• 91 D ti• ... Ullt••t llHll =•• 1111a .. ~! ... ,. ... ._. ••. 111• "".__ ...... _.. ....... _ .................... -. .... ... tw··· ..... -.,...c..1ww1 liiilUA _ ..................... 0..-. --.... .oaldlw1I 1T?'44' _ta ... ........... $407444 NOW PLAYING c:oaTAIUA ... --. lW"* WOOdlNIJI UA c.ey C- 1-46 SOH SS I OISS l:M U 11 ,_., .. tat.Ln ..... Ml~lU r.-.r-~0....111 UAMll 9'2 f241 lltl170 9930S41 ~ -·-= -~ ~ -·-- .;..... ________ ....__....,C Tobie Dillman's serves up fine American cuisine Bv JOEL C. DON or .. ...., ........ DD..LMAN'S. 801 E. 1WbcM Blvd., Balboa. 873-772f. Lunch .etVed from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday throcl6b Friday. Dinner ~ from 5 to 11 p.m. Mond.ty throu6h Saturday, S to 11 p.m. on Sundly. Brunch ~ from 9 -.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday #Kl Sunday. Lunch tram $2.15 to '8.50. Dinner from $3.1>5 to $15.95. BnµJCh from $1.95 to $8.$0. MaJot' credlt CMds. Moat reatauranta enjoy boaatina of their regular cllentele. And DUlman'a, a fixture on the or.nae Coat al.nee 1958, la no exception. m fact, the .. regulan'' add an earthy quality to the restaurant and bertenden and waltrellea are alwaya wW1n& to oblige. On a recent visit, we ot.rwd friends -ted at different tables ordering romidl ot drtnka far eech other. · it.tdDI at DOJnwn'a, located at the comer ol. a.lbcJa ~ and Main Street, lhouldn't be a if you ant> a 11*'18 in the restaurant'• valet O&blrwtit you'll haw to fiabt the tounsta and wbo swarm to the area dwinc tbe- montba. • The mmu often a~ cram -.1iaa of AmlrimD cUllne: from c:bldalD, stab and pdme rib to~.....-and cnb. There are more than 30 &lllW •mo.. flam M well M a limited . .i.ctloll of ell. v& and 1mported wm.. 'l'hse'a a ~ tnat for CUl&ilJnwa who came thit flnl l'rldllY • ...... , ot .eta month. Tbat'a WIMn OObntn'a W'\W up 901De wey apedal entrem that abould be laMled "Now, for .omethlna different." ~ How don hippo, wild boar or Canadian wallan 8IMmd to your tMte budl? You can aJlo ..._ buffalo. ..... Ion. ellt,or a $115.81 mmbo ot to Tobi• mallard, buffalo md hippo. Jim DWman. who rww the restaurant with his father, Max. exp1ajned that ::=,ty meata are ahipped ln from a New Yodt Just ln cue you're c:urtoua. the blppo. accordlna to Jim. la a red IDMt with the texture of rounCl steek. althouatt-it ii a little more touch. We opted for more tradidobil tare. however. Our meal IW1ed with an appetizer of ltelmed cluDI, a eenerom portion of theee IUICioul molh.UI RrYed with. bowl of clmn broth. 1'.e ..lads were on the ordinary aide, with icebel'l lettuce and • lln&)e cherry tomato. But the hou8e dre.tnc. a creamy prllc, wu one of the richest we've sampled. Al80 of note ta DWman'a prlic bread, ooztna with buner and the right hint of IMIOn.lnC. My pest .elected the toumedol of beef ($9.50), fileta of tenderloln wrapped ln ~ .UC. aftd topped with • •wry beamai.le ..uce. Tbe beef ... )Ill a b6t touch. thouab the uuoe, with the punamt t-.e and aroma of tarnpl. WM a creuny · delilht. At.Jone. e1medtne (t15:1.,_... ~ • fJ'9lh for the ewnJnc Md I 't uwn down one of my fawdt.e .-food& ._. .._ a mlba dlvtnc friend tDtroducld me to tnlh ~ ilibt ,_.... •· I -a a= sdnt of Nmlndinc my . lialate of Che ....... ol thll Cal1fomla natiw. r allo ~ the wild rice, topped wttb • rticb bciN1 I 'n ..... We flnilbed our mm! with lemon moe• ($2.25), althwlb ...... dieepolm.d that OW' dimert ,,.. on the dry lilde. Jim DOJmen noted that be llid bll f.etbs haft ~ wtt& the klea of open&nc ...,..,.. nmur.nt In Palm Sprtnel or anodier u-.. But fGI' now, be'1 =..to keep Oil with the family tndlUon in Thom~s in 'Joh11,ny Belinda' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Rkbard Tbomm ad 8-nna ~ .... In • l'liaiillsa of .. Johnny Belinda/' the IHI fDm In which Jane Wymmi won aa Acedemy AWllW • b-1 actrem. TbomM. who mrnd In ~ W.itam." playl • aa &ct.Hptc VISTA won. wbO w to Ml ~··~-Wrilndi • .., ....... ~plajwd 11111 Arqu.ue. • AldbanJ ..... wbo the 1111 Pe.body Aw.rd·......_ .... "'1111." wW dfnct fnaa a ~-by·--~ I , N ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.~ lnt•rtnl••lon co · ~ ~ ... ro..:mu~ · 'A Man' turns out ::: Robert Bolt'• historical drama "A Man for All ~ Seuona'• la a formidable amignment for any theater to be classy yarn => group. Three bou.n Jong and more than a little .., talky, it ia a play that demands exceptional ~ interpretation. unfathomable -that a man would cling stu~ ~ Fortunately, the Huntinp>n Belch Playbowe to dolmatic principle at the expeme of hill ;f bas aarmounted ~ inhennt obstaclaa t.o.brtna Yet Terrence Dojle as the ill-fated ~; Thomlll • off a hiehJy lmpnllive ptoductlon of th.la literate More endows hill character with not 001y loP=al I tale of conaplracy bi~ durtnc the nip of credulity, but a human quaJity which fiubea ~ King Henry VllI. DkeCtor Randy Keene bu periodlcally to the surface ln an excellent 1a; em v e d a ltrq mil well vened in the intrfaldet performance. • • of d rj-.1 drama. Ralph lUchmond. a giant of an actor, enlCtll ~ The crux of the play ia somewhat More'sarch-enemyCromwellwithvill•hvawreliah. L - Art Goldman as the ubiquitous Common Man plays tija audience like a violin, establiahing rap~ and keeping the most dour momentS light and spirited. Other lmprellive portrayals come' from Marc Le Blanc as the oily opportunl.at Richard Rich. Alexandra Robertson u More'a impassioned daughter, Bill Carden as the crusty Cardinal \:f olaey and'rony Holt aa the robust Henry VIllin hia Anne Boleyn period . t..e9 effectlve are ~ Binmore 81 the Duke of Norfolk. Susan Doyle aa More'• unsympathetic wife, Chuck Neal aa Mila RobertlOl'l's sultor8L~ George Bndfoni aa the Spanish ambama<'or. ucua See Classy, Page 12 A•,10 •,t ANAHEIM Dl111/E IN -..Mer.,.. -.......... .,. ... ------,,...---r----~:!'~ -- "ilOM:YT' • -.._. M.L TMI WAr 11t c:.. ...... CM AloOl.o ...... ' "ROCKYr.,... BUENA PARK ~ • ,, N . -"CLAIM cw .,.. mANr ... --- - ~ ~. ,., .... LI N c 0 L N C• ~ ' : E 'N --------------------------....::::::::::i~~---A-'-'~h~•-M_WC!±_o_~_I•_• __ ~) . By TOM TITUS or .. ....,,... .... It 8HUl8 a bit incredible that a television teries that debuted in 1966 and ran just three leUOlll could evolve into a pair of blockbuster movies - the eecond claiming a three-day box office record at the nation's theaten.. Yet such ts the stuff of "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan." which pulled In $14,347,211 In it. first weekend of reiea.e. ~ aequel to 1979'1 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" ahou1d blue the trail for many future voyages of the stanhip Enterprile. ~ two "Star Trek., moviea are' •triking In F..eMIA.,hldl ..... S.WI ~· 1'11¥1 Pll¥3 t76' lfd Jun 18 Jul 23 Aug13 Fil 2Slt Jun 19 dul:M Aug l4 Sit Jul 17' 3Sun Jun20 Jul2S Aug lS Sun Jul 18 4w.t Jul28 Aug18 Tue SThu Jul29 Aut19 w.d 6Fil Jul:I) Aue20. Fil 7S. Jul31 Aug21 Sit 8Sun Aug l A.ug29 Sun Sep t S.2 Aug'Zl Aug21 'Star Trek/Khan' high adventure oontrut. Whereas the first was conceived J.n the ahadow of "Star Wan" and flooded the ICl'een with spectacular spedal eUecta, ''The Wrath of Khan" foeu9et on the more trad.itiQnal struggle between the good guyi and the bad IUYI -with a twist at I GROVE SHA1CESPEARE FESTI\N. (714) 636-7213 talllllllllft..,_.,0.-...._,CA .... I 1981 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM I "-A'tlt-3 NUflmlft"' TICUTI the end that has been Hollywood'• worst-kept eecret. Yea. Spock does Indeed die at the end of the ~, but fu. hmenl ts handled in such a way that there la every reaaon to believe that the polnty-eered Vulcan wtJl be beck with m itl F4Jilode ~ -tMt ii, U Leonard N'unoy ts willlnC.to beem up foe another go. The cmt.erpece ol the -movie, however, ii Khan, a treeae-dried 20th century hooligan stranded OD a dead planet 15 ye&l"I -.0 (actually in a "Star Trek" epUode from 1967) and 9eetb.in1 with venaeful ot.llion. Ricardo Montalban cr.ted the cbancter on that abow, and continues in the role, a IC:ien«Y<hewinl = ol peer from hJa mt.De, white-IUited Mr. on "Fantaly llland." Aa ln the tint ... creen ~ntain Kirlt (Wllliam Sbatner) la • chairbame . itcbinc to repln a atanhlp commaM. When the ~ - abOerd a tn1n1nc ru.ht manned by raw cadea - --. Kirk hM far 1'-trouble aetUnc the conn bKk frcD Captain Spock (it's the Jocica1 thbw to do) than be did from Stephen C.ollim In the lint IDOYleWn6on. ----• ~ ·•..J'I!• -:. ~ • I ' I i 1 .. .,: ''T .. be Bed Seed" ii • tbeatrtcal ! o.pertebce not unlib drtQldac a fine ~ bourbon that ba b8ell eced a number • of yean in chanloa1. .f The Newport Theater Arb ~ ;f Center uDCDl"bd lta production of • "The Biid Seed" Jilit weebncl ail it I Wal a botdil ol .. ~ -100 proof. Thil ii not ... .-y paay to eallt. but director Tom Tl• put toeethel' a 1 trou .. ol pla,.n who pve m.b ~ meanlnc to m old standard. 0 The Muwel1 AndellOll lldaptation ~ of WllUam March•• llonl about_ inherent bid ..... Wll ftnt N8ed in 19" to martr.ed acclaim. It ma proved to be one of a tmall ~p <>f plays with 1Mtin1 influence. It's a1 good today al it WM in 1955, when little Patty McCcnnadt WM the talk of the theatrical world. The IAkDIS of thil play lives and dk!ll In one particular part -&ttJe Rhoda Penmark. u Rhoda ia ml8cm . . . fcqet It. Howewr, In UU. llkk production Rhoda could not tie better. lt's • if Andenon Wll wridni the part fOI' l~yeer-old Dina Payer. Rhoda Penmark 19 a perfect little girl. She's neet and proper, almost angelical. There 11, however, a bJemiah in her penonality. She is the de.cendant of a string of crim1nala, peqple who for some r.eaaon or another have inherited black genes. -On ,, •• ;-:J,_ ____ __.;;;..... _________ _ Black · genes 1The Bad Seed' is smooth as good bottle of bourbon By JIMMY JOHNSON Of the Dally Pilot Staff using a saintly anUe to the utmost to play on your aympathy. She'• a ~ littJe 8C'tre9. And u for the poor 1ufferin1 mother, °'1'isUne Penmark, it WM a . pert made to order fOI' Lynda Oswald. Al the ~ wdolda. Mill Oswald'• ability and experience ah1ne throuch- You feel empathy for this poor mother who ii forced to take drastic llWllllW"el. Dorothy McMillan plays the upstairs neighbor and LuvUady who dotes on ewrythbla Rhoda do& To her, she ii the perfect little Jd,rl who can do no wronc. Mia MCMU.lan plays the part with ).wt the ~ amount of hUIDQI" and naivete. She la a Veteran of the theater and it lhowa in the way she moves around the .... Another salient performance la 11ven by Carol S&ockuleyer. She plays Mrs. Daigle, the grievln1 mother of one of Rhoda'• W:tbm. It's not ..., to feel com~ for Mn. Datcle· She'• a drunk and a slob, but the. p6cture .. &iva you of her little boy, whcm you oewr ot.erve, makes you feel aomethlng for him.• Other cast members -Robb Kirby as Kenneth Penmark; Francia Donnelly •• Emory Wages; Tony C..prio u ~ Kris ~ as Mila ~ Fern; Pat Oswald as BeginaJd Tasker; Tracy Godfrey .. Mr. Daigle and F.arl McCanna as Richard Bravo -play their parts wen, but they are jusnhe dressing for a two-character study. These genes often skip a generation. as Ander.on points out. Rhoda's mother shows no homicidal symptoms. She appean as ~ • appJe pie. She 1a. however, the carrier. She'• typhoid Mary. And as a result, perfecfJhtle Rhoda hal one e~ haw. She haa no compunction about kUllng folka. Do her dirty and you're a dead aude. Dorothy McMillan (rtght) puJJs Dina Fayer from the amu of Carol "The Bad Seed" will continue at the Newport Theater Arta Center weekends through June 27. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m., while the Sunday curtain riaes at 2 p.m. Mm Fayer la perfect • Rhoda.. Stockmeyer in a tense spene. · . ... Classy yarn From Page 10 Waterwon.h and Don Barrett complete the cast. "A Man for All Se•caw" ii a dw act, cbmily preeent.ed by a company WalnlY dedicated to 1ifUna local theater standards. lt continua Fridays ana SlrThornaa Mof9 ................. ~ ................. .! ................. _, T.,,_ ~ ~ CrOMWlll ....................... -.......................... ,_. Allpl'I Alct•nood TM Comnlon Min .. : ............................................ -........ , Art~ Alcflerd Alct\ •• , •• .,,,. ....... ,.,,., . .,,.,.,.,,..,,..,,,, •• ,.,,,,.,.,_no••"'' Mero Le ~ Dulle of Norfolk ............................................................ -... AIOI 8lnmore Lady Alloe Mof9 ................................................................. ~ ~ ~~.~ .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.~·== King Hilnfy VIII ................ ., ....... ,. ..... _ ...................... -.-···-· Tony Holt Cercllnal Wolaly ...... "' .......................... _............................... -Card9n ~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·a:=~.=:: Thornaa Cfannier ..................... ""-····--··-.. ··-··-·-·-·· .. --Don Blr1llt Saturdays at 8:30 throuah July 10 at the pla.1houle in Huntlnt Beach'• S'eacliff Vllla1e 1hoppin1 center. I ----· _._....,.... !!l!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~=~====:::r:~~a;;;:;a:=-----...----------r .. I j ) -MYS------"' .. THE BAD SEED," Maxwell Anderson'• tlllpeD8e drama, continues at the Newport 'llleater Ar1I Center, 2601 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Curtain la 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays~ July 3 with matinees at 2 p.m. on June 20 and f7. Re.ervationa 67~143. "CLOSE TIES," a drama about ailes in a contemporary family, continues at the Newport Harbor Acton '!beater, 390 Monte Vista St., C.O.ta Mesa. Performances are Thundaya through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 through June 19. Reservations 831-6110. "THE CRUCIFER OF BLOOD," a Sherlock Holmes mystery play, winds up ita nm at 1he Laguna Moulton l'layhouae, .606 Laguna Canyon • .. List of activities . ~ along Orange Coast Road, Laguna Beach. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. Reaervationa 494-0743. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE," a satirical. comedy, ta belng staged by the Mialion Viejo Playhotlle in the Forum Theater on the Featival of Arte grounds in Laguna Beach. Performances are given Fridays and Saturdays at 8;.30 Jhrou&tl June 19. Re.ervadona 830-9252. "A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS," Robert Bolt's h1atorical ctr.ma, continues at the Huntington Beach A Fatnily Shopping/Dining -.. 8c Entertainment Center Albertaon'• • Bank of America • Bltbo Bagglna • Coco'llReuben'• • Dolphin Hair Flllhlon9 • edwwo. Cinema• Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet• Ice C..,adea • Meu Verde F100e1 • Miia Verde Trawl Mione'• • Music Market • Plecemakera • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern Callfomlll Optical Spa Lady • SWenten'• 15 ~ •• J ...,,,,,,... W1LLIAM SCBALLEBf' ... will be featured in ".4n American Celebration.. along with Che La Mirada Symphony OrehMtn Sunday at the Cypresa C:Ollege Ounpua Theater, lltal1:in6 •t 3 p.m. PJayhioa9e, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Serffff Vflllae eenter. PJl'fca •IAl'ft!I are Fridays an~ Saturcfaya at 8:30 tbrou1h July 10. Be.rvadom 847~. ~ MAN WHO OOULD SIZ 111ROOGH TDO!," a romantic dnma llbout a a:iendlt and an aru.t.-il at die Second Staae theater at South CoMt BeimtorY .... TowD c..nter Drtve. o.ta ..__ eun.m tin. Moe 1:301\-saYI tbroulb • ...,.. 8 p.m. Sundays alid J .p.m. IGr wubnit 1mUne• tbiwlb June 30. Re!lil-vatbll 817-4Cm. "NORMAN, ts 'JBAT YOU!" wtndl up l1a enoa-nent at the ~ Dtilnm' PIQboule. 3503-s. Harbor BML. s.nta Ana. du. w.aad with final perfon,,....~throuib &mday at varying curtain dma w~ • the mullcal "Supr.0 8-vatbll 5511. "NOT NOW, DARLING," a f.U'dcl1 comedy, is the fare at the a.ta U.. Qvlc ~ OD the Orange County J'airarounda. Performancs are =ednndays, Thundays. Saturdays and at 8:30 throu8h June 20. R 1 vatiam 754 51 . "OKLAHOMA," the Rod1era and Hammerl"6n naulicaL oompleta ltl nan at Golden West Colle .. in Huntlna\On S..Ch with flnal perlonnanca fGDllbt and llaturclay at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. &e.rwJiona ~-· ,.,':;, - > r. \ &1 ca .... :..-The <>ranee County MMtel' Chmale .... enter1ai.ned a Jarae and entbt mertic: !' audience Satwda~ntaht at Plummer ::J A"ditorlum in Fullerton with a ..,_ 1elecdon of ~ aoldiel and aoo<fJea ~ from Academy Awards aince the '30s. ~ under the direction of Maurice Allard. ": Compoeer-arranaer George Wyle i offered a witty and amusing '2 COl'DIDll!ntary on eventa contemporary I with the music. foc:ulinC mainly on 1 the coat of 1aaollne and other ~ amenities of life. Wyle al9o arranged aeveral of the numben for the group. g The filig:reed walla and fanciful o.. painted ceiling beams of the hall blended well with the wann and relaxed atmosphere of the evening encouraaed by Maestro Allard in bis summer wll!te jlcket. The Chorale was as usual splendidly prepared and reheaned. singing the entire concert from memory. The mood liAbting reflected ' ' ...... Golden · Qoodies compoeed of 10 women and 12'l!Den from the Chorale, performed ~ med.ley9 which were well received. Soloist John Sawyer-cilaplayed a fine Irish tenor voice and Rhonda Sandberg wu warmly applauded for two aolOI of 'show .ongs. Orange County Master Chorale offers evening of Oscar music The Chorale never ceaaes to amaze with its fine balance and blend of voices which teeaW adaptable to my and ~ kind and 80r1 of muac. Any evening With the Chorale ia certain to be a sure-fire pleasure. By CAROLYN A. CAPALBO . Special to the Dally Pilot Dr. Don Dicus, board of di.recton president, spoke briefly about the upcoming slate of events of the Chorale, be1lnning with their European tour and climaxing with the Brahma German Requiem in the winter. And for thoee who feel they cannot go that Jona without a Chorale "fix," ~they can 6e enjoyed at the Heritage Park 4th of July celebration in Irvine. the feeling of the music from winter to swnmer, from morning to evening. It waa very effective. The mualc ranged from "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" from the 1930s to "Buttons and Bows'' from the '40s to "Days of Wine and Roses'' from the '50s to "Never on Sunday" from the '60s to ''The Way We Were" from the '70.. which was performed by Wyle at the piano assisted by the Chorale. Following il)termiaalon, The Californians, a specialty group See you there. Serving Lunch & Dinner From 11:30 a.m. LA STRADA RUTAUR.ANT -Carmelo Manto, genial propri~ior of La Strat'la Restaurant, has introduced a new dimension to fine Italian cuisine with the initiation of his Grand Dining Tours of the Regions of Italy. The new menu.. in this elepnt Corona del Mar location 4'eatures the specialties of Liguria and the Italian Riviera. Other regions will be featured in the month$ ahead. La Strada serving new Italian menu In addition t(> a completely 'new dinner menu. La Strada is a1ao ~raing the current inflationary spiral with a reduction in prices ~m'::-~~lbyp~a=a~~ Audltcrtum. C.olta ...... Mm ....... LYBIC <>PD.A ASSOClA.TK>N OF OB.ANOS COUNTY ...-ita "IA &blme" In Itallm at a p.m. June 218 In i...... 8-ll &lb 8choal AullttiarUa. JnfonneUc11 de.1611. • • u AN AMl:RICAN Cl!J ,zaaATfON,• fatudnc actor William Schallert and the L• Mirada Sympbo~~eat.ra, ia at a p.llL Sunday ln Cyprim Campa 'tbeats. Patrtadc JDUlk General .,....felon M. lnfi111n:1111.,_ m ••· . The Orana• County Grand Jury uraea .th• Board of 8UP.•rvt1or1 Thuuday to pw-cbMt ~ ~pmellt to ~ Nlkterita whO Uw near the fiood-prone banka of the Senta Ana aw.-. "A flood warnln1 ayatem would not pnMde full protection to property,'' the Grand J aald, 0 bul It WOUld deftn&Wly ~ to prevent io. ot Ute In the event of flood•na.0 • Into the P9dftc Ocean Oft the Huntln1ton Beach-Newport' . BMch bOu.ndary. In a Nport n11 Id lMt April. tM Grand Juey cWmed that tbe rtver'• J)Otenual I« overaowtna • .. --.... the (r!a~ ~ haard -..& of the ,Milllllmlppl . ., The juey~tbat there WU 0no way to when 0ranp County experience one of the molt devMtllthur f1ooda In United Sjatm ~"!· Orenp ~unty al.Nady hu bei\an iDllaWnC flood warmn. ~pment in parts of the IOUdi County. the jury aaid. Thi• eqWpment wW ~'rainfall and water level1 In Alll'o Creek, Arlf1YO Trabuco and San . Juan er.tk. Addltloaally, the panel rid, National Weather Servlc• repnaentatlvea lMt month met with <>ranee O>unty otftdall to ~ tnnallation °' warnlnl l}'lteml f« flood-prone.,.... of the county. '"lbla type Of flood Warnibl aywtem woWd provide J.eed time to Oranae CoUnty realdenta by lfvlNZ diem ttme to reech aate ... the Grand Jury laid. A flood wamt.nc aystem would provide "up-to-the-minute ra4nfall Information at vartoua Jocadana alaoa the Senta Ana River, thua ilvtnc reaponaible county a1encie1 t i me to ~ccy_rately predict where ~ may occur,'' the jury The l)'ltem conmta of rain and rtver p~ whJch automatically lend data on ralnfal1 and w.w Jevell by radio to a data center In Santi Ana. A county official aaid the Board of Supervisors may conalder the 1y1tem durln1 bud1et hearing• in comtn1 weeks. PLO vows resistance Cease-fire reinains sha.ky BJ 'ne AIMdated Pren Iarael and Syria declared a oeMe-fire in the Lebenan war today, the &raelJa cla1mlna they had achieved their objective - 1ma1htn1 the PalHtinlan =movement But arUllery flared outalde Beirut, 2 \.i hours later. and the 1uerrllla1 vowed continued reail'tanoe. J\.9t befan the ctMe-fire took effect, llnlell Jeta ICOl'ed a direct hit on PLO military beldquarten in Beirut s~ broke out in Kbalde, efCht miJiea IOUth of Beirut center and juat aouth of Beirut ln~tional Alrpcrt. A pro-Syria I...ebane radio station aid Pahedntan and ~ aneee left.lat forcea entl'enche in KhaJde bad beaun ~ fire with Iaraeli warahlpa otf.lbon, and 8~ artmery ...... .. the blDI • Aouk I al~.,._ Jthelde,~ ....... fire .,_ tbe ..... five mlmnee AT THE WALL -Preet~ ltand8 in control tower manned by East German 10ldieri lam. the American aector, near Cuickpolnt Owile. on the other llde of the wall larHl'• mvuton army had at the Berlin Wall today. Behind hbn la the '-1 bett1Jnc PQpttntm fGl'C8 -at tbe 9DUtiaiD .tee ol Bmut for 4,800senlars . ·West County sets • · graduating rites More than 4.000 hlcb 8CIM>Ol aenlon ln Hunttnaton Beach. Fountain Valle1 and Wettmlnater 1choola will 1raduate in ceremonin next Wedneedey and ThwD.Y. Foema.ln Valley Biab School. with 880 ......_ .ui-haw the Jar.-~tine da& Gndiiatlon ClftiQOldes actually Wm be laundled tonllht tor 17 eeniora att«Mtinc U.. di8trict'• l'ddame cmiW, a fadllty fer the 8ewrely bandkapped The~ ICb9dulr. •l:DISON mGe SCHOOL - 700 1tudenta. Baccalaureate ..,w., 2 p.11( Sunday at the ~ bowl. Unduatloo June 17 at & p.m. at the s:tMd bowl VaJectictmtw; c..wme ~. Brian Clark, Kerl Kanemaru, Bkk ~ Chadel Yoon. Jan Zemanek. Speaker: Dr. Ben =· J'ountain Valley HiCh mdal PIJdaolao twlm. •POUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL -880 STATE . graduatea. Baccalaureate ... ~ .f p.m. at dMd bowl Gnduadon June 17 at 7 p.m. at Sheue JWd. Huntlnlf.aa Bmcb HIP School. v~ In Aattacbaa,. Robert •=· Mlc:hMJ Otmbq, Jerry~. Mark Kane, Cynthia Mqura, &mil Swift and~ w.,. . Student ..,.an: Terri SjDdlD.. Dana ~. Heather' alcblr, &mnrw Newman. •HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL -880 1raduate1. No bacealau~ate •.,..... Graduation June 18 at· 5:30 p.m. at Sheue ~lelit. Valedictortana: Mark Warren, LIA Nakamura, Diana_,, Kona, Suaan Va.er, Jeffrey Plel1ck, Marvin Carl~ MUj Dou. ~ Al.NL ,ap.r... inc:hede DmleDe Banm. ':C • •ntmc tbe aentor clue; TaUba Lucu. ..... m.~wtAnn Chleb6dd, M»1 't JlriDdp-1. ID addltlan. five ~ wm ( ... OUD,NjiAI) President· • ends 1our olEurope . BERLIN (AP) -President Rea1an, eadlna hia 10-day Europeu odymey, viaited the 1tark Berlin Wall today, ·~Soviet Union to a peace Initiative. and ICOl'Ded communlat rellma for belna "ICaNCI to deadi" ol freeclcn ''Goodb)le and unUl we meet apin. -"' wleder'lehen." Jt.pn told Win German hmta at a farewell ceremony ln Bonn before ~ ~ aboard Air Force One at 8:&3 a.m. Pl11' tor the et1ht-hour 'Utabt to WlllhinctmL '4Tbe9e trtp1, tbeee meetlnp; haw been 8rduoua, they've been lon8. '5!beeli Urtnc to all of ua.aut t..i~·· .Rapa two..,., afte' pllbnr 50, mi. to the ..... of the'"tetiar- capltal in a atx-day campatp thiiry aid ,... aimed at drfvinl Well-dressed robber hits . savings firm A 01an deacrlbed •• "tmpettably dr !M 111. with a ~ 1 calm but demanclinC manner ' robbed a Hunttn1ton Beach aavtnea and ... ol about $3.600 Thunday, police aid. '!be holdup oceurred at 1:17 p.m. at Glendale Federal Sa~ 7148 Mft8P( Ave. Sit. Trta Swan lmld the man enteNd the .,. .. ,,_ and Wlllted leW!l'al mbluta after -~ he wtabed to open a new account. The man then 1tood up. dilp)ayed. ~and C'll'dend everyone to lie on the fioor. pobnld. • He ordilnd the DM"J:, to fill a v.u.e with money, fled. The robber, who la belleYed to haw comnlu.d a limilar holdup ...... month tn the South c.ounty, ... ct.:nbed ... b1D ma. about 38 to 40 ye.rs old, 226 poiinctt, e t.et.-2 lncbea tan, wttb abOrt, cbe-cut hair and a thin mtlltacbe. in Lebanon the ,uerrillu out of 90Uthem Lebanon. In their lightning offensive the hraelh aho colllded with the Syrian force1 that went into Lebanon alx years ago a1 peacekeepers between the Arab country's w~ factions. Fighting on the ground and in the air had continued to within minutes of the noon (3 a.m. PDT) ceaae-fire. Israeli planes bombed Beirut's Palestinian enclaves. Saves heart victim Valley clerk, 19, earns hero title BY ROBERT BARKER 0( .. ...., ........ student Jamee Beck la credi toda with •vtna the life t::f attack victim who bad *>DDed bnatblnll Tbunday and w&me heart had stopped "-= 19, a ~ clerk at the Radlo Shack at ·t 7054' MacnnJla St. Fountain Valley. la = balled .. • hero by fire •h who aid it la eeJdom that a "full cudilc tirrWt" patient la nMved at the 1eme. "H• (Beck) made all the diffenncie," Mkl Battallcln Chief John BoJstad. . Beck applied cardio- pulmonary reawdtatlon on three a.Ifferent OccuioN In attempta to revtve an uncorwdow Richard . Boelib. 445. of San Clemente. "fie went out on me three ttmes." aald Beck. "I w• waltine on him while he wu look.Ina at turntable. when be toppled over on the counter before falling to the floor. ' "I knew something wa1 happenlnc that abould.o't be. I pve him about four bunts of air the firlt time and be revtved and ~ that I call h1a 'wife. ''Whlle l was aaJJ.lng her and the pmamedJcs he went out on me aoln and hia ~ stopped. "lfobody in the atore waa dolnc an)'thlna to help. They were just ~ and atartna and appeared to be oonfuled. ''One man wanted to help but be oouJdn•t find the te1epbone and it was rllbt in front of him," BecklU<l. Roeplte, the victim wu repll'ted in stable condition today at the cardiac care unit at Hunttn1ton Intercommunlty Holptal. Beck aid be iook a clUI In cardlo-pulmonary nsU8Cltation about• y.ar aao at Goldm West CaiUeae. 'Tm alad I could help. I always .,.., .............. SAVES Ll'FE Nineteen-year-old James Beck employed resuscitation techniques he'd learned to save life of a San Clemente heart attack victlm. t.houaht that when the time came rd lll'Ob9bly blow tt "But I didn't th.ink of that yesterday. I kept think:lnc. My God, don't let him die." . Beck u1d this wasn't the f.iiwt time that be'a helped to •ve 1omeone in an emer1ency lituation. . He utd he applied ttie Helmlk:h maneuver to a penion who waa choldn1 u be waa leavtna a Hunttnaton Beach nstaurint about a year' •· Beck la 1tudy1na--e1ectronlc enalneerlnf . at the DeDry ln1tltute o Techno~OSY· In Atlanta. He nkl he 18 liVtftl ID Anehe'm with hla new wife until the next term opem. in July. .~MA~ANA HlOH CHOOL -810 1raduatH. r~ureate •rvlcee, 8 p.rn. ·:Sunday at the 1chool bowl. Nduatlon June 17 at 7 p.m. at hool bowl. ValedlctorlaM: Alll1on Buhman, Andrew J . 8ecka. William Lennart&, Diana FoH, Greaory Smith, John Moore, Uland Sun. Tuan C.O, Vuonc Vu, Richard s . Newman. }t(o commencement 1peaker available. I •WESTMINSTER J{IGH SCHOOL -509 araduatea. Baccalaureate eervicee 11 a.m. , Sunday at the 1chool 1ym. : Graduation June 17 at 7 p.m. at : the high 1chool 1tadium. • V aledlctorian1: Carrie Baker, ,uJoaeph Mellak, Ennis Ogawa. :.Commencement 1peaker not available. - •OCEAN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL -410 graduates. No baccalaureate 1ervice1. Graduation June 16 at 6 p.m. at Weatminstet High School Stadium. Valedlctoriarus: Min Han, Andre Paplllon, Susan Merrick. Commencement 1peaker: Andre Papillon. l ('" •LOS AMIGOS HIGH SCHOOL -380 1tnlor1. Baocalaureat• Mrvlcee, 2 p.rq. Sunday at U~• cry1t11 Catbedr•l In Garden Grove. Graduation June U a\ the Oarde'n Grove Hlah School Stadtwn. V~: Andrea Boddy, Su.n ~y Michael Pompeo. Speaker: Michael Pompeo. •WINTERSBURO CON· TI?fUATION Hlah School - 85 aracSuatet.. GraduaUon June 18, 6:80 p.tn. at 1chool fleld. Commencement 1PMken: Kelly Tinker, Becky Romero, Li1a Kaaner. •GUIDANCE CENTER ....-17 graduates. Dinner on the 1Choo1'1 1round1 (Wintenburg High School) at 6 p .m . toniaht followed by graduation at 7:30 p.m. Student 1peaken: Cheryl Schwart& and Steve Falzon. •EVENING lllGH SCHOOL -40 graduatea. Graduation June 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the ecbool fJeld (Wintenbura ff!ah School). Speaken: AW1a Weatherly and Paul &anglnato. Valley seeking housing panelists · The City of Fountain Valley ii accepting applicaUona fro111 resident. interested in aerving OD the city's Housing and Community Development Advbory Committee. Deadline fs>r receipt of the application ia Monday, June 14. Thia advisory commlttff mee1ll at 7:30 f·m. an the tint Wedne9day o each month to review the dty'1 Hou•tng and Community Development Block Grant Protuam. The committee con1f1t1 of 10 members. All term• will expire June SO, 1983. Application• may be obtained at the dty clerk'• office at City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. More information may be obtained by canmc tbt clerk's office at 063-8821, ~232. -------•Mike ~Irey, deecribed u a former profesidnnal thJef. will •peek Thunday at· the Huntington Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave .• In a program sponsored by Nelabborbood Watch. The meeUnc. ~ to the public, beglna at 7:30 p.m. McC.afffty will offer advice on how to avoid becanina a victim of crime. for fete !'ountaln Valley wW celebrat ltl 28th blrthday Saturday W'ltb a parade, • "Uma bean lunch.'' • flower lhow and other te.tivttiel. The event• wtll mark a qua.rter-decacs. m1lm1one for the clty, whJch wu Incorporated on June 13, 1987. The f..Uvldel wW betrtn with a parade atepp_l_na off from Fountain Valley H1lh 8choo1 at 10 a.m. Partidpenta will proceed north on Buahard Street. eut on Heil Avenue and will d1lband at the J'ouptain Valley Recreation Center at Mlle Square Park (Brookhurat Street and Hen Avenue). Street. alq the parade route wW be cloled to reCUW' tratttc. KABC-TV 1port1caater Ed Arnold, a Fountain Valley resident, will aerve a1 grand marahal. Leading the prooeeaion will be the current city council, fanner co~ncilmen, city ploneen and Qranae County Supervt.ot Roser Stanton, who alao llvea in Fountain Valley. More than 100 unita are slated to participate in the parade including band1, horn-riding group1, floata, antique autos, -scout troope and majorette.. A review stand wtu be located on Bushard Street aouth of Heil Avenue. Trophiea will be preeented at the recreation center at the oonclWlion of the pende. Other birthday activities will take place on the recreation center grounds throuahout the day. The Fountain Valley Histortcal Society will 1pon1or a memotabWa display and "Lima Bean Lunch'' from noon to 2 p.m. The coat ia $4 for adult.a, $3 for children under 12. The Pink Hawthorne Club will conduct a flower shower, with arran~ment and horticulture clBMiffcationa. Plantl wW al80 be available for sale. The Fountain Valley Woman'• Club wlll provide a giant birthday cake for cutting on 1tage-at about 1 p .m. The Fountain Valley Host Lions Club will have a mobile unit on the ground• for eye and hearina tesm. Afternoon entertainment on two stages ouWde the recreation center wW be provided by the Coutllne Community Colle1e Band, the Harbor Lltee Sweet Adellnes, the Fountaln Valley Canmunity Theater group and othen. More than 60 arta and craf1a booths. food tables and 8erVb club di1play1 ·will allo be operated on the recreation center ground.a during the afternoon. -db-TALBERT AVE. 0.-,"'4 ... ROUTE -This is where the parade celebrating Fountain Valley's 25th birthday will be seen Saturday, beginning at 10 a .m. Falkland bonib raids repelled? BJ Tiie Anoclated Prest Afsentina u1d today that lta prri8oll in the Falkland Ia1anda capital of Stanley beat back repeated Bridah Harrier bombing raid1, kllled at leaat three commandos in a lklrmiab and took one pNooer. Britain bad no mmment but aaid it1 forces killed five Argentane troop1 in a claah Wedneeday, and that Argentine ~ucara around-attack planea Strafed a forward Bridlb position near Stanley on Thuraday without cau•na c:.ualtiee. Prime Mini1ter Margaret Thatcher told the Houae of Cm>mons in London, in a written respome to a question. ahe will give "early consideration" to vilitln8 the Falklanda once they are ncaptured. Me.hwhile~ 700 IWVivon of three IWlk Britilh warabips, the Coventry, Ardent and Antelope, arrived In Southmnpton to an emoUonal. ~-~ welcome abcmd the reQullltioned luxury liner Queen Elfzabeth 2. Mesa bank bandit link~d to HB holdup ' A lanky man wearing thick 8lalles. wno held up a bulk in Coat.a Mesa Thunday, may be the aame man who held up another Bank of America in LOlV clouds .. '7 .. 11 .... '--W....a.Nc.t • remain HOM.US 0..,. flA C-.:. f:ront1: Cotd.,. Werm.,. OcQldeO 9'P Stattonatv H .01 M .. TutM IO 81 .It w~ 71 16 .2t Wldllta 715 II UIS I cAWOllllU IS2 == 90 ts .. ...... .. .. ......,. IO 4t ..... n u .... t1 12 =-102 16 .. IS2 &Nike 157 ... ,,.. 90 ,,. --... 157 11 e:-71 .. 11 157 IO ,,. Mo1111111a 12 II :i=:n IO A 70 It =---101 71 • 157 II u 7IS .. . .. .. 11 IO 1~ A t1 .. .. " 71 41 1 13 ... n 11 ... .. '° ea ... IO • .. n :: 11 ... ... • .. • It T1 11 -• " ,., ,PMMmlC• = 13 71 .. n 9ermude 11 70 .... .. 41 Cet8C9D to 11 Ff9llPOrl .. n Qutl'd\IM . .., ........ •'n =-t0'11 •n tt T1 Mlrtde .. 71 MllCIOo~ u M ~ M 73 ...... .. 70 ..., "'*'· '·"' .. 715 St.~ T9g11.,.._. TrtNdld VwaCna OAMDA Clilgllry ~ ~ =:o WIMlpet Extended weatlier Huntl:f:on Beach Monday, police Costa Meea police u1d that the man dea::ribed .. a male Hispenic In bJa mid 2CYs, about 5 feet, 6 incha tall. robbed the Bank ot America at 548 W. l~ St. of an undWJc...t IUJll. Police Sgt. Sam Qrddro said that the man'• deecripUcm and the ldnd1 of rambllnaz demand not.e UMd in the ban& robbery Thunday WM limUar to a Bank ot America holdup Monday at 15672 Sp~dale Ave., Huntinctm About $2,000 WU taken in the Huntiniton Beach robbery. ~;.!f~ERMAN they want to "halt ~~) 1prwld of mlllnlormation to vh•) c=n~o= ha~ a writte rebuttal to charftll by a puentl poup upiet aboul the cUltrlct'• plane for a middle achool proaram. The Committee Adv~at!l!f Relpocwible Education. or CARE. bail a1Jeced the trultellt made lecal errors tn. pr~partna to c1*tae from a klnderprten to qhtb lfAde l)'lt.em to a mixed aystem that will lnclude up to three mJdd1e school.a (gradel alx ~elght). 1lM9 parentl have eCICUled the- tn.llteel of insuff~t plannJ.na and My the middle ~i. will require excellive apendina. They also claim. a 1urvey would indicate moat famllles in the echool, 1y1tem don't favor the reorpnlzaUon. . The CA.RE parentl have been un1ucce11ful in convincing tn.&stee9 to =I~ fall openina of Talbert Schoo( (The 1lte now aerve1 kindergarten through eighth/rade). The parents have aal they might seek a court injunction to atop the convenion and even have threatened a recall effort aimed at ousting current tnasteea. In the& written reapome, the trustees accueed the perentl of 1preadlng "mhleadlnf 1tatementa and mlllnformation.' "The lmponant thing about the middle dlool plan ii that we d1d what we felt waa best for the ldda -and that Wiii to live optiona,'1 said Cheryl Norton, . pnllldent of the IChool board. "I had been told by parents for yean. even before I ran for the board, that we needed a way to =en. our upper level ., abe aaid. 1'b18 ia ~the ~tive step we've taken." The CARE parenta initially criticized the trustees for the c:llltrict'1 lepl cledllori that the middle school conversion would have no lipi.fJcant impact on the environment. In the dl1trict'1 rebuttal, Trustee James Woest claimed the Huntington man injured in sh~oting,. Police said a 30-year-old man wu shot in the ann outside hia Huntington Beach home Th~ ni,ht aa a result of a domestiC quuftl James William Winnen was treated at Pacifica Hospital foe the aunabot wound, police aid. William Henry Tidwell. 43, of Anaheim WU jailed on auspidon of attempted murder in ~with the lhootlng. Huntington Bead>' police detective John Daly aSa Winnen 11 a boyfriend of Tidwell'• estranceei wife. He said Tldwell drvw i-t Winnen'• home Oil the 800 block of lndlanapolil Avenue . at about 11 p.m., lhoutfnc. • Police said Winnen WU shot when he 1tepped out1ide to investlpte the dlatUrbanc:e. Detective Daly said of:flcera are also tnveatlgating Tidwell'• l9l!l1klo that Winnen fired at him tint with a rifle. A rlfJe and I abotcun wete oonf.llcat.ed from Winnen'• ~. he tald. lepl c~ hid the CARil pareou• true motive of preventJna the middl• .chool convenlon and the cloetn1 of N~lal School in the f.a1l ot 1983. Woen aa1d the puenta "lhould deal with the. t-... and not wtth the illUH of :::JZ:aed Wep.lity that .an~ _ .',' HB couple in niolest locked up A Huntinaton Harbour couple who pleade<f no contest in a child molestation cue will remain in Orange County Jail unt:ll county health offlclal1 recommend where they can be treated as mentally dilordered 1ex offenders. Orange County Superior Court Judie Myron Brown, who ordered that defendants John and Chr1ati Steen be taken into cu1tody Thursday night at a private hospital, Nied today that they would stay in_ jail pending another court beaJ1nC on June 17. The Steena pleaded no contest in April to felony chargea a1legiJ1i sexual milconduct with two young girls. aged 9 and 13, at the couple'• Huntington Harbour home. Brown had declared the c!dendanta to be mentally di8ordered sex oUenden on the baal1 of p1yohlatric reports earlier this week. The judae ordered that the Steen1, who were receiving treatment at a private Brea psycliiatric hospital. be kept in a led-up facility there until the June 17 heert.ng. At that Ume, on the buia of county mental health department recommendations, the obuple will be sent to a pennanent treatment facility. A di1t..rict attorney's investigator who went to the Brea N'euro-Paychiatric Center aai4 the Steena were not being Jocked up but instead roomini with other people in an open .. ~. Judge Brown contacted the hospltal administrator, who told him late Tbl1J"8Cbay that be could not keep the Steena in a setting conforming to the court'• order. At that Ume, the couple were taken into custody. Today, defense lawyers argued that their clients could be sent to another private hospital in Lona Beach, which coUJd provide a lleCW'e environment. • Brown. who aid Monday he could not disregard psychiatric report• supporting medical treatment for the Steena, bristled at augeestklna this morning that he WU giving speda1 trfftment to the defendanta because of their wealth. The dJstrict attorney'• qffice bad laid that the Steena abould be treated like other defendantl in a state men1al hospital rather than a private fad.lity, where the COUE_le would pay for treatment. "Every individual who appean before this court.getl preferentiaJ treatment. .. Brown uid. Defenee ~ pro1ecutioo psych.iatrlltl JWDDmeoded treatment for the Steena at the private Brea f.adlity. dads da)r,junz. 20th, fJEST OF CLASS 4ld:e9Q"*JAt&;n- Wandi ind to ~ hil Witt 1ut week to malnlY Prote1ta"t Biftaln, a &rtp t>iat arou1ed an ~t o1 cnddlln here. M a cold drtU and blwteey wtndl buffeted the ~ John Paul ct..lded fl'Olb hit jttliner, kiwd the~ and WM lmmedilftiy pWc.d by o.n. t 40POklo r. Geltieri, ~w·• · Jnllldent and army commander, who alt and k1-d the ponttft• rinl- ·U.S., NATO urge arms cuts BONN, We.t Germany -The United Statee and lta NA TO alliel, pnllM&Nd by a Ude of mitl.· nuclear eentiment that ~tout thc'M•nda of demomtraton, have called on the Soviet Union to ~te IUbstaUal arml reductionl. Prealdent Re.on and 15 Wtltem pernment JMder'I Thunda.y 1-ued • declaration ursU'I the Soviet• to "join with u1 ln the 1earcli for comtrucUve releUona. arme reductions and world peece~ NATO 1elden al8o told the SovJ•ta they wW coniuu• to lmproYe NATO defemee ln Eu.rope over ~ next lix years and 11eek waya to keep crilel ln other ~ of the world from distu.rbina the .,..... Liberal p~,-ty wins Baha1na election NASSAU, s.hamu-Prime Mlnltter Lyndln 0. PindUnc won extenlion of hil 15-year rule• the Pro8r'elllve Liberal Party cn.-hed the oppolltion Free National Movement ln the Bahamu' first aenenI election ln fl'lte yeen. Unofflcial reault1 of Thuraday'a electforr ~illTI~OO~J · ~ by the offidal s.hamM radJo network. ZNS, showed Pindlint• party wlnn1nl 32 of 43 1Mtl in the HOUie of Amembly. The oppolldon took the other' ~ 1 aeata ln thlt IUll·baked laland nation off the aoutheut Florida cout. Inhati~n picture improved WASHINGTON -Wholeaale prlcea held steady ln May aa ~:_elm In food prlcel were oft.et by the fifth t monthly decline in energy ooata. the sawmment tald today. Today't report me.am lnflatlon Id the first five month.a of the year 1Mu a amall 0.4 percent, calculated annually, and bolat.ered economi.ttl' · predk:t1cmt that. fer an of um, the in11adon rate would be well under the 7 percent of latt year and the 11.8 percent of 1980. . The improved Inflation picture hu ·been attributed laraely to the stubborn reoemkJn. and the work!Wide oil giuL The ~UI of oil,. thouch. baa been \timlnllhb>a ln recent mootht. a deYelopment likely to Jeed to hfCber enera prioe8 in the months aherid. malysta aay. ', · A1nerican plane do.Wned by Mexico Clll a bwb wr LM Veqult.M Ialand. O.....W Cmdr. Genaro ~Dena Mid TbUl'lday lD 11an ... .,~ The erbn pOot, Identified -Dewie J. 8m«Wn, Wll arrmt.ecf oft the twh, but a p Id ll'JI' -llGlllblY armed with mi autmnatic weapon - eiapec1 atter the Cl'lllb landin&· House finally Basses ~OP buel.get ,. WASHINGTON -~ Home hM finally i-ed a l>udpt but lt will be mootlw befcire the nation knows whether th.la battle royal bM ham ' much ado about nothJng -er fer ~ Republlcana, predictably, hailed .-.ae of Deir ........... "' CMrtee _, HONORED -Former Daily Pilot publisher Weed was honored for 18 yeara of eerYioe ~ Robert N. Weed baa been hailed aa Orange the community. " " Coast College's outatanding cltl7.en for 1982. County hits snag over • • airport sites By DAVID KUTZMANN or .. Dmlr ........ Di8cual1oni by Orange County offlclalt w ith three major 1andownen to determine if sf tea are available few a future general aviation airport have proved ~tleta. According to a memo obtained Tbunday, the landownen told Airport Manager Murry Cable that ~ respectlve tltes were unavallab&e for development aa a ~ aviation airport'' Cable reported to the Board of Superviman in the memo that the pollUom of the 1andownen "are firm and not aabject to change or alteration ln the future." . 'nie 1andawnen with whom Cable held dilcu•om wen the Irvine c.ompay, Rmcho MJ.lon Viejo Co. an" the California ~ Madonal au.rd. Tbe ..... in qumtlGn are in, Loa Alamitos, where there la an Armed Forca BeeerYe Cent.er; Sanu..> Can)'Oft; Bell Canyon and San Juan Creek. Cable had undertaken ta1ka wtth 1andownen an direction of county a.apes Non. who voted eerllet Ulla )'Ml' to tee if one or more of the sltea could be ~. Acoordlng to avia~ planners. there la • need in Oranle County for at leMt 1,200 more 1p111CeS to accommodate private aircraft. John Wayne Airport and Fullerton Airport curtently provide II*» for tmall craft. Cable u1d that it the required land could not be purcfiued vol\mtarlly, 0 land acquialtlon through condemnation roceedinaa would be required ... hat proce11, however., la f:requetJr, ti.me GDIJlll•mtr\I and costly. The airpori manafOr noieci that tbm'9 are about 1 tiedown speCe9 available rtaht now at 1.-a Bem:tl and a.mo munklpal alrpartll. "-n-t.dlltiea can be ea1Uy reached ln about 20 =--m:~==~t: lald. f Daily Pilot's Weedl honored by college Fonner Daily Pilot publiaher Robert N. Weed I.a Orange Cout College's outstanding dtlz.en .for 1982. Weed. who retired earlier th.ls ~ear u president of the Orange Coast Publlahing Co., waa honored Tbunday night during occ·. 34th commencement exerclles. The outstanding dtlzen award it made annually by truateee of the Coaat Community College DI.strict ln .recognition of aerv1ce to the community. Weed, a Newport Beach resi~nt, baa devoted nearly 20 yeara to public tervlce ln the Harbor Area, working at a volunteer with numerou1 orpnlzatiom, parUcularly ln the fields of education and aervice to youth. He la a trustee of UC lrvlne't California Collep of Medldne and .WO aervm M a cilrector ot the UC Irvine Foundation. In addition, he ia a directer and pest pcemdent of the Frtenda of UCL Weed also la a member of • citiz.ent advilory committees f OCC and for KOCE-TV, th public television sta~ opera out of the Coast College Dlstricit"• Golden Weat campua Huntington Beach. He is a past dlrector of Boys Club of the Harboc Area. the Orange County Boy ~ Council, the Orange Coas YMCA. the 552 Club of Memorial Hoapital and th Orange County Coas Aaodation. Weed a lso baa served hit ~emion as a dlrector of ~ omia Newspaper Publlah Amodation and .. president 0 The Auoclated Presa for th western stats. 'The University of .MUUM!tll>lAI graduate came to the Orang Cout area ln January, 1964, become publiaher of the Dall Pilot, a poat he held untl l)ecemb4'r, 1980. He becam premdent of the company in lMB ret1rtnC from that post on A so of thlt 1:r aft.er a 42. career as a y newspaperman. Colleges to. light state aid cutbacks Repreaentatlvea of Orange CountY:• four community coUele diltrtcil have vowed to maintaln a united front .,.m.t a state ~ to recowr $80 million next filca1 year from California'• community college system. Lee Myera, a Sacramento lobbylat who repreteJ\tt the Cout, North Or1nae County, Rancho Santiaao and Saddleback cammunlty collep dil1ricta, told loea1 offidals that the state may try t.o iecover theee fundt by. ellmiDating eelf-help counes and fordna dlttricta to •pend their tellel'Y9 funds. The lobbyist spoke at a rare joint meeting of the elected truateea and a~mlnlatraton of 0ranae County'• collep dlttrictt. SAXONY PLUSH A tuxwtoua ..xony pfah mede wtth lJltron nylon-today'• mo.t durable long-WMrtng carpet fiber. More faehlon colora mal(e It •••Y to c9ordlnate with your ~decor. Ai the conclualon of the aeulon, repre-entatlve1 fro~ each di1trlct were urged to gather information for a united stand against the propmed cuts. College offidall a1ao wen told to organize a task force to preeent the community colleges' cue Q local le&Platon. Lobbyt.t Myen told the grou that community colleges are~ target of state lawmaken w.,,_ are attempting to erate ~ projected $4 billion deficit, state funds. ~ Coaat Community Collecel Dlatrlct Chancello:q Wat8all de9crlbed the coD.eae cutt.cb • • dime cure." in the leOla~ effcna to eliminate the cleflcit. ~ l •-nwy then found that tbelr Ume tO do volunteer work fOf' tbe -.U-WM Umlted.'' IUd Mn. Neuman. a mot.her of three wbo doel not have • paytnc --. ------job ou1ll<le her home. ~~~~.;~!i~~~~~~~iiiii-1 Rafting on Kings River dangeroµs ESTATE Afl> FBl'BNO (AP) -The abertff'1 department baa wmwd Kings River raften to be careful boaUna downstream from the Pine J'lat Dun In Nltem NEW JEWELRY Fr.no Q>unty. "We are ~ people from rafting on the river due to treecneioUa ccodlttu..'' ukf Lt. (One Day Only) Robert Wrieht. Releuea from the dam have lncreued to CQlllpenlate for snow runoff in the ~. · Put a few word! to tDDrk for you Dres..UD 4 2043 WISTQIPF l>R. .. 642-5678 in '~ Daily Pi~at N.B. 631-8290 NIAi COCO'S 1lr9D .one. TO CMDITOM O..._.UIJlll'llll , .......... u.c.c., Notloe 11 hereby plven to credltore of Ill• within named '**' "* • tMlll .,....., .. M>olll '° be IMde Oft perlOnlll property ----~ Tiie name(•) and bu11n111 addr••• ot tll• Intended •r•n•taror(•) are: VALOR EU!CTAONICS, INC., a Cellfornla eotpOllillOh, 1211 F Logan Aw, Colila ...... CA t2l2t. Tiie name(•) and bu1lne11 addr••• ot tll• Intended lr• .... M(I) are: S & S, INC., a Calltornla corporation, 1211 F = Aven4'9, Cotta ...... CA That Ill• property pertinent ...... deiGlbed In ......... -...,,..,,.., flxturel and aqulpmln4. tradename, ooodwlll, I••••· ........,.....,.o .. 1•1ta.Modtln trade, atl teet a menutacturtng :,:,':.!f.L: offlo• and 1llop In COlta ...... c.lf.; T.-., and 1om119r, lncl9 end II locMad at: 1211 F Logan Aw, Colila ...... CA .... The.....__ .... 111¥ .. ..... ~ ....... . VAlOf' INC. Tltat. ••Id •ulll tran1fer I• ........ to lie •IN1ll7•'1 ~ .... otfl .. of tEAVICI ISCAOW CO .... ANY, 141H 8Mdl IN'ld., P.O. loll 211, w.tmlnet., CA 12111 Oft or lftlr Ml9 21, 1112. ~ ...... c-. for MllO ollllll9 In ...... ,...,.,., to --.. June21. lll2. lo far •• 11 llnown to eald h1tended Tra111fete•C•> Hid lfltended TrMlfel'of(I) ueed tfle folowlnG flddMoMI buielrlW,..,. and .Od ....... witlllfl the tllr., yeare leat paat: VALOA EL£CTROHIC8 8lld VALOA EAST. DAT!D ..,._I, 1112. aa S, INC~ • Callfornla oorpor9tlon BY ALONIO DI SANCHEZ. flnllldant BY "°8EAT 8. SWAIN, Vice~ . IMMdedT,_ ...... Publletled Oraft99' Cout Daffy • PlloC. Ml9 11. 1112. 2819-82 Old-Fashioned, Family-Style SWAP M·EET EVERY SUNbA Y -·~ 8 5 % Non -Commercial Collectibles & Garage Sale Items ORANGE COAST COLLBQE AUDITORIUM PaRKING LOT Fairview & Arlington, Costa Mesa • Glitn Opni lo BMym -8 a.m. -3 p.m. Stlltr Ho"rs -J 7 a.m. -4 p.m. '1fFOOD 1:cFRESHFISH 'tcANTIQUES * TEXAS-STYLE BBQ *PRODUCE \. *BREAD & PASTRY 'f< CRAFT ITE~S And MMch, .MMcla Mort! FREE PARKING & ADMISSION TO BUYERS! SWAP MEET INFO SPACE RESERVATIONS •a.oo oua RXED RAn 30 TO 19 DAY IET All RlPURCHASl AGRUMINT PROGRAM A\ JOI A MINIMUM Of $5,000, IN $100.00 :.~ INCIEMlNTS, MAXIMUM Of $99,000. •no. ..... _ ......................... .... It's yours for the asklns ...... hlah Interest on a minimum Investment of S5.00QJot a short term of 30 .to 89 days. South Coast 1$ank's Retail Repurchase Asreetnent Pr<>gTAm pays Money MArket Interest. has no o~nlng or transaction fee, and the rate upon openina Is fixed for the term of your Investment. Earn competitive Money ~et rates whlle stlll malntalnlna your valuable tNnklna re~atlOnshlp. for further lnformatk>rt pfease alve South Coast Bank a call at (71 •) 5~5300 and ask for Sue Patton, ext. 231 . OUr lletall lepu~ Aareement Proaram 11 another aood ,...._,~we're..... A Ole111nlng 14kt. gold Jewelry Is yours at fantastic savings. Elegant accents for summer faehlons. Lovely for gifts, too. 14kt. gold pendants, reg. 55.00-200.00, ••le 27.49-99.99 10kt. or 14kt. gold rings, reg. 80.00-265.00, 39.99-132.49 14kt gold chains, reg. 20.00 to 425.00, aale 9.99 to 212.49 14kt. gold pierced earrings. reg. 20.00-75.00, 9.99-37.49 14kt. gold charms. holders, reg. 10.00-50.00, 4.99-24.99 Ouztlng diamond fewelry earrings. braceleta, pendants. rings. men'• rings, reg. 150.00-1550.00, 7~.99-774.99 Wedding bande, reg. 30.00-300.00, tale 14.99-149.99 Mervyn's Fine Jewelry DepartrMnt. \ CHALLENGER -Gerry Cooney'a experience and stamina are on the line. Dodger . streak • continues LOS ANGELl'.8 (AP) -The ' manaaer was talking about Jon opportunitiea and lllCk of clutch hltung and ~vtng runnen on 6-e. "We're just not getting the key hit at the right Ume," he aid. The Los Angele• Dodgers' Tom Luorda? Not this time. This was Cincinnati'• John McNamara, explainina the pliaht of the Beds even after pullfna out a 3-2 victory over Lo• An1ele1 Tbunday nieht. ~ the ~ blna .nu tO four pnes. 4 The Reda, though, who are· last in the National Lelpe West. have been ha~ucb the mne problem -the . KWe're 88COlld in ie.aue in hitttna," pointed out McNamara, "but next to last in rum aiored." It appeared the Dod&el'I mJcht break out of their skid, ~y after aeUiDC their Ke, Fernando Valenzuela. a 2-0 lad in the . sixth lnnlq. . Normally, that'• enough. VaJenmela, 8-5, hadn't allowed an e.rned run after the llxth innln& in a game 111.nce April 25. He al10 hadn't walked flv.e batten in a pme liDce April 25. : But he walked five 'lbunday 'nllbt. and he aJlo pYe 'Up two rum in the le'Ymth and anodM!r, :the pme-winner, In the a,hth. Eddie Milner, who entered the pme in the 8eWSlth • a pinch :runner and ICOftd Ondnnad'a 'flqt nfu. knocked in the tie- breaker with a 8ingle to left-cenw. " I t • t my fl r a t game-· Wlnninl RBI ln the majora," Milner mid. "I --. JM•••ied, a curve ball. and I dlda't hit it well But the way w."ve been aotnc. if l bad hit it bard it probably would haY'e been ri1ht at ICllDlbody ... But it dropped in front of I Pedro Qwrrero and. &n o.ter aboard with a leadoff walk, IODNd Che tle-breUlnl nm. ''There'• not much anybody CXMdd do about that one," catcher MJlr,e 8dc-=le md. ~as· Ve.gas .,.,.1,,,_ -VN \:&MIU~~·· noun. IU°WWeN<I in hil 1ut three fichta, destro}'fna JCen that at the weten-in when he led hia Norton, Ron Lyle and Jimmy YoUn, - ento= in a chant, like a colle1e ·three men who either held or fouaht for c~t u,;,. II it?" be ahouted at them. the heavywetcht Utle -in four rou.ndl or "Hobnee' Time!" thlay answered. le11. n.di.. Im.._. _..._ Fol' theee reuona, the flaht hal captured U11VJ men carry r-"9 "'n:ucntlala the lrnqinatlon of the boxina public. The into thll filht which ~tcbee a muter fant' appetite for the match wu lncreued = =.i: ~r in the even ~ by a two-month pmtponement Holmel hM the WBC heavyweight forced by an Injury to the challenaer'• left divlilon for the 1Mt four )'9U't_. defending shoulder. his title 11 tlmel and ending 10 of thme Cooney uys be la healthy now and flehta with knockouts. He II 39.() for h1a trainer Victor Valle thinks the delay may career and hal ICOftd 29 Jmcrigouta. have hel»ed his man develop his fl&ht hand "rm ltickilur with my prediction of eeven Cooney la afao "'ndefeated with 22 and made him more of a two-fisted threat ~·~the:!'fOW'~· "But lf he ICtl knockouta in ~ fi&hta. Eiaht of hia flghta. to ~he excitement the match haa uu.MAI~ .~ lncludln& the 1Mt two, have ended in the created, oo..prornoter Don King aaid the The two men wetped in sepuately, first round 8I'CllJI could _,. put the record ~ million avoidlnl any confrontation. They have Hohnel la the boxer, an expert at •tting figure which Holmee and Muhammad Ali been kZt a-.. for much of the Jut two up an opponent. He ii conatdered to have t in .... ~ ~ ..... lo --..a• ~ 2 _. • ,__ of the ...__t '~ •-the .... --'----. "I 111 ulC' same P81'"""'6 t •wa.uum '-A~ • weeks wing traininC utldOQI becauee of --~ zu au U\aU-1980 inddenta between members of their campe. C~ ... ::~ aald. I'm gonna leave here "I. imagine it will groas somewhere C.ooney'• people have harueecl Holmes between $7~ and $100 million," said Kfn4i. with taunta of ''Tick ... tick ... tick," Cooney'• left hook has devuiated many M~ of that will come froq'l the cbed-suuestinl ____ tha_t_U. __ la_l'\lllnina __ . _ou_t_on_the ___ o_p_ponen __ u._H_e_ICOl"ed_· _a_w_eec_ome __ knockou ___ ia ___ <SW11 __ <JOLM~. Pa1e CS) CHAMP -Larey Holmes goes for his 40th straight victory without a defe.at. -Reeling Angels still in tailspin LAltERS HONORED -Kareem Abdul..Jabbar (center) pw the No. 1 llign • Laker players ride a ~ down aro.dway tn downtown Loi Anples Thunday. Thousands turned oui to -=knowledge the Lakera as NBA champion!. ' CHICAGO (AP) -Manager Tmy LaRueaa baa it all fiaured out • to why h1a Chic.-go White Sox have been involved in eo many one-run games lateZ: • lolll .. 'they win. be 't mind. "Everybody'• battUn1 and nobody la giving in," LaRuma laid Thunday night after the Sox edaed the Angela 7--6 on Steve Kemp'• tie-breaking, 1eadoff home run in the ninth lnnina· It was .the ninth atnUght one- run ~ involvtna the White Sox and It. marked their third victory in four pm-. ''Thoee 8aJDe1 were ...,mat Kama Qty, Texas, Oakland and now California." taid ~ 0 all teems in our divilion which make9 them doubly Important." The thing that baffled ~WM the way they lost a 5· l lead which they bad ntabllabec:l with aome daring ~tunnlne. especially by Greg Luzimki who ICOftd three times. Britt Bums didn't allow a hit un- til the fifth wherl Fred Lynn hit b la third homer, but Burns couldn't get by the sixth when the AnaeJa 8COr'9d three more nma ·on alnaJee by Rod Carew and Don BayJor, a double by Bobby Grich and a triple by Doug DIQncee, 'The Whl• Sox Mdeci a nm in the eeventh when Luzlnaki walbid and scored on a double by Tom Paciorek. but the Angela tied it in the eighth with two runa on aing)es by Carew, Baylor and Rngie Jaclmon and another double by Grich. Kemp led off the ninth with his'fourth homer which made a winner of reliever Salome Barojaa, 3-1, and a loeer of Dave Golt.%, -0-1. ul WU just ~ to hit the ball hard," said ltemp, who hadn't hit a home run in a month. "If you can get the · Jeedou inan on bate in the ninth 1nnln& your chances of ICOring are much bett.er. I don't know whether it wae a fast ball, alider or breaking ball.'' Catcher Joe Ferguaon verified that "It waa a fast ball and Kemp just hit it. It's hard to say exactly where the ball was becai.tee I didn't get a chance to catch it." ~ Manager Gene Mauch said. 'Kemp was the last batter Goltz was going to face. I had Doug Corbetf read'y in the bullpen and ~ was going to face Luzinski." Mauch had little to say in the wake of the Angela' ninth lom in 10 PJDeS but be WM pleued with the e,f:fort against Bums who has a 6-1 lifetime record against the Angels. "They battle f!Vtt'Y night," said Mauch, "but tonight was eepeci•Uy lmpreative since Burm has always been tough. on us." Haden, the TV commentator, takes a salary cut UC Irvine's Magee takes a lawyer,·an(l tlle NFL players take a look at a Monday nigbt strike Nora IN A ~ JAB: Pat Haden'• oontract with CBS. j,n whlcb the former a.rm quarterback will provide cob OCDlne"tar)' far ~ football ~ will net him $125.000 thll--.. 'l'bat~ II ~t.17 half of what his woWa haw been lf be Md stayed th the BalDI • . . Accardlnc to one CBS eource. Haclien'• cantnct UC> hal a ci... wbk:h alJoWa him to retUm to the Rama if be IO dellree. The aource added that the cla\m II a ltandard one UIUlllyiC to all atblilit& Ub-hub. Look for to be a.:k tn a a.a. uniform befan the 1982...aexsm-... UC IBVINE BASKETBALL All- A.meftwa Kntn M.-. will Mw bis UJ)COlbln1 n•1ottatfou handled by Newport Beach attorne~ •Denn'• e.waod; II..-wm mMk ·Harwood'• tin& ~Into thl ~ wwld. Harwood Mid that h• will be le oamubrn n with aMMJ Tmn o.DbW tbrou•hout ne1otlationa. Colline, Incidentally, wlll handle contract proceedinc• for DePaul'• Terry Cummlnp. By th• way, ano~ of Colline' clfenta ii Laker center ~ Abdul..Jabmr. Add ....,.. attorney: Harwood bal been in practice for 18 ye an, l• a member of the UC lrvlDe s.-ortt Aaloclatet' Board of Dlrecton, and ierYed 11 the mllW' al ca••_,... at the 1-btball team's awardl ~ •. rtnlJ add lbrWaod: So ,. wonlinl to Harwood, only preliaalnary di.iCuilAonl have tal&eD pi.. w1tb a t.ndtu1 al In• ... d .... in the NBA: Harwood .aid men Would be known atter the NBA holde ita league meet1np next week... · For what it'• worth dept.: rm not U'IUina the poUlt that M.p: Jobneon didn't deeerve ~ cbampioDlhip eeriea MVP award but. aU11. my vote would haw IOI» to Bob McAdoo, who turned a W!ry good Laken team Into • very, very, very good one . . . It'• ;,.c talk ao far, but the NFL players Amodatkln. rather than IUilre before the ...an, ii toying with the ldee of atrtklnl the first MOnday ntaht pme of 1982. That would be their token wamtna to the owners. foUowed by a mmve walkout at a .....,,..ted &maay to be lwned law. I think my Idea II better. The .-,.. lboukt pi.)' out the llMOll and tlm etrike Jul& Jlrior to tbe playoffa. n.at way in--amonc tht pubUc Wauld be at lta heWit and h OWQel'I wOuld be .wnlY prwand to eolvethe ...... . s-a.. .... o1 ~tndl iliaid *.a--~~·,... m.~ eelec:ted on the first round by Seattle in Monday's eummer bueball draft, wanta ~ _ qntng bonus of $35,000 fnlm the Marineta or he'll return to OCC for another season. Teammate Kevin Sllwlmki. taken in the third round by Toronto, 11 aeeldn1 $25,000 or he'll cantlnue bis career at Cal Sta• Fullertmo , . 1 ~ . ' . "' MA.IOlt LIA-ITANDINCll A::::',~ "'r'L ........ =City ~ H .IN u n .au -la II .M1 1'A 8Mllle H H .600 I Oekleftd " u ...... • T-17 N .MO 1a ~ 14 .. .m21 ................ DWoll 34 11 .... IOtlon SI tO .at ...._. 21 27 ,608 1i. .......... II 21 .eot N ~ 27 t7 .600 • N9w Yon& 2t 21 .411 l 'A ToronlO 2t 30 .464 10 ~--­c:Nc-eo1.-..1 Mllwel*• 1. t.11.lll'lore 1 New YOtll 5, ao.ton 3 ~•.~CITY ? °"'Y~~ T..,..._.. Ano•I• (!Cleon 4·21 11 Clllcago (Doteon. 2-11. n Olkllnd (KlnOmlft 0-01 II T0tonto (Clancy W l.n ,.._ YOl'tl IMofVM )-21 et 8altlmOl'e (0, Mertlna 6-4), n Cl•11111nd (Sor•nHn 5·41 II Bolton IOJ9da 3-41. n O•troll (Petry 1 ·3) 11 Mllwauk•• (VuetlcMCll 2·11. n S..1111 (Peny 4-5) II Kan111 City (81u9 4-:t). n M lnn11011 IH1111n1 2·4) II r .. 11 (Honeycutt 0.7). n NettoMI ueaue , w.....-n~ W L 13 21 31 23 27 31 28 31 2.5 SI 2.4 32. ......... ~ 34 23 30 2.4 2.8 24 2.1 21 24 2.1 21 31 ,..........__ Sen OllOO 5. Houelon o PCL QB 111 .574 2 ...... 451 l'A ...... • 42.t 10 581 5541 2'A .1134 3'A .518 4'A 4$3 • 318 13 Cincinnati ,.9 t °"'YO-- Clnc;lnnall ~P 1tor~ •I DMeen (,__M).n Clllcieoo (llir4 Ml II Monlr.., (LAI 4-2), n St. LOUii (Andujlt M ) II New 'i'0111 (Jonie 8-4),n Plt19burglt (Cand96wll 2-3)" ~ IOllrilleneon ~>. n .._.on ISWon 7·2111 San OllOO <L.oll4W 6-1), n Atlanta (Wall.._.) at 8an Ft'Wldeco (Cfvte 0-11 AMDICAN LIAGUll Wbltlloll7,~I CALWOMIA CHlcMO • r llM • r llM ~ " 4 0 0 0 R.t. of I t I 0 ear-fb 1 2 s o ...,.,.,., a a 1 o o 8-tordll 1220 ~· 1111 Aa.Jcbn 114 0 t 1 L.1.c11r*1 dll I I I Q Orldl 211 a 1 2 2 Pldottl tb a t 2 2 o.cno.Sb 4 0 1 t AodrVI• 0 0 0 0 L~d 1111 ,.._,. 1011 F'ol• 4000 Allio 4000 ltooftec 4010 111onter1•I010 Wltono pr 0 0 0 0 ..... lb t 0 0 • ~o 0000 ~-4020 l"OC91 ae • 11 • Totm 12 1 • 1 CaltomM .... .., -:r 013 020-4 Q*'8igo 102 020 101-7 ~P~a:n~'im:#"f L08- Clllar* •• Ct*-.. 2&-~ Cktall 2. ......... ,._,.edor91. ~HA­ Lynn II), K•m9{4). Stt-".Uw. 8-a.-.t. If...._ ~ •N1t••eo "-*' 4 tllll Octtl (\...0-t) 4 4 2 t 1 I ~ '"4154424 Hid!~ 1'A t t t 0 0 ..,._(W,a.11 2 I t 1 t 0 AIMo pltcfl8d '° 2 blll1'r9 "' .. 5'11. ~--'° 1IMltWtntheM. Ooftz pltc:fled to 1 Nt1er tn Ille 9tll. H8P-9Y ~ PeclclNll. WP-8uma P&-1'11111. 'r-1:41. A-20,7". y ............... "°" Ycwtc 001 010 210-I I 0 8ollol'I 000 000 ~ 4 1 Rlglletll. 0..... (7) encl~~. ApolM (I) encl ~ W-Ngllettl. 4o4.. ~Tlldor, M . l-Oolllge (ti).~ Yorll.-..... (1). ~,-: NA110NAL LIA-,~·a; D1i11ri I., ~ --:':'l w LOI~ ... ...... '14000 .... 1100 °""' ftl 4 1 0 0 GenW ,~ • 0 1 g ~ .. •010 .....,. ,00 OrieeMft 1bl 0 0 0 Gulrnlr Gf 4 1 1 0 v .. If 3 0 0 0 ..... rf • 1 0 0 I.Miiier • 1 1 1 1 OW ._ I 0 1 1 c.ci.noot 4 1 a 0 .._..o 1o11 ~-1000 0 TNW!o O 4 0 2 1 ~ .. 3 : ~ 0 '°'° P 1 o o o r;;;;;;.': I 0 0 0 = pll l : : J v.-..o p 0 0 0 0 "'-P 0000 lllolMpll 1000 roe• la ' 1 I T..-e II I I I QrldMlll .... ..,, -:r 000 ., ..... Loe ,.,,...-ooo ooa 000-1 t-CO.iOllMIM1 L LoeQrlah-a I, Loi ,.._..... •• t9-0111•fl''lfO, IGlolole.. 1- llG(o, V*'8111L 1 tt , 1n •"" 111 • eo 8oto I 41241 Hume 11 1 00000 ~cw~ a 1 o o 1 2 v!:... 114 e a 1 1 a v."°"'° ,.. 1 o o o 1 l<enl plldlld '° 1 bettw "' the ..... -.ni-V.Aomo. P8-Trwtno. T-3:07. A-47,142. ~l,Mlrwl Houlton 000 000 000-0 2 t Sen DllO!I 001 tot tOx-1 • 0 ICnl!IMr, L.co.. ltl _, Piiie*: Cw1ll and 1: Kenn9dy. W-Curt11, l.,J. L- Knlooer. 2-7. H"-'-Olago, ~ (t). A-~·1,129. MCM~=­D(ftA:M',~ Mllnll2,T-1 T..,._ ..... WlcHla It.,,., T-...,.,,., .... T~rl'Cu ......... I:..' ,f' • .:x , -..._ ic:... ..i. =••1llll71WOCUld.d. 1 ... t-1: ....alwi Fak II def, ''"' T r °""KM,·~ Allllt ..... K-, .lclNM, .... w. •• ~ .,. ~!! Zt ~==~"~f. ... ,,,.,,.., IO -Outtll llorlMOn). KO Aue. 11 -Doll lfllldl (lorllltofl). W t. lljt.. tO -800 1C1119 (Nlw Yelt\). It. Nov. " -Wt'; Jlldel (lorMtoft), w .. Hoot. It -KM! 1M1io (Qwllllnd), KO I.. .,. ,..,,. ... .:_ Howtrd o.rtnglon (lonnton), KO 4 • ... " -8oo MelllOurn (~).KO 1. Deo. 1 t -Joi ~(lo-Inion), KO 1, 1f1I Mlrdl 24 -~ Oreen (Cllwland). K02. """' 10 -~ Wl1Qllt ~). KO S, """' It -l\otlef1 'fltbotoUGll (Tten1on. H .I.), KOS Mey 11 -lrnll SMllll (._ V9g11), 1(0 ,3. Aug, II -Obie lllQIWI (lcnnlon). KO 1 AllQ. 2t -Cllatlle J-IHOnOlulul. w 10. Oct. 1 -~.8o0idl (Manlla). KO I Dec. 9 -Lynn 8¥w (WUlllngton, O.C I. KO 1. Dec. 20 -lilly Jolrwr (San Juan. P A.). KO 3. ,.,.. Jen. 19 -Joi Ollolllton (EMton, Pa.I, KO •• Apf1I 5 -Ft9d ~ (~. Md,). K02. Aplt ao -Roy ~ IL.lndowr, Md.). w to. ttn Jin, 11 -TOMI ,,._.I~ Fla.). WI. ,..,. t7 -MOtatlo ~(Sen.-.-. ,.R.). KO I. '-"-14 -Y'OY1'9 llerlbd Hool lt.- V90M), KO 7. • Nov. I - L Arrtngl!on (ta V-oae), KO 10 • .. ~ 21 -Etl'IM ~ILM Vea->. W 12. June t -Ken Norton ILH VIQH), la). Nov. to -Allr9do lv1n991111a (Lii Vag19). KO 7. "" .._.. 2S -CM9do OClll (l.M V'911), K07. MM 22 -._. W-CN9w Yortl). KO 12. Sept. U -&NI.._.. (lM V"llllll. ICO 11. ~ t. ,_, I -"-bM (l..M V...-, KO llWdl S1 -I.Arv, Jocl9 (lM ~KO • (b) J4ir 1 -lootl t..ooua (lloomll""°"' Mm.). KOT • Oct. 2 -..,,.,.._, NA 11..M V.0-l. KO tt, 91 ~ 11 -Trewot eertMc* ILM V-oae). W 11. """9 12 -'-_.... IDMrolt). KO l . Nov. 1 -,_.., ltlpel I~ KO ti. • -'flon world 8oalng Oovnol\ ................ . II -WOf'I -W Wortd lteall)..._.. ... TCICllM: • 11o1-. • ..... 2t Moc*outt. QIMY COC*rf'S MCOM> ., M , 1._.--*-' ~Yon) KO t ....,_ a-....., ~ ~ Yon) KO 2 lO-Jole ,.._ (Loiulllvlllt KO I ......_ "'*'-' (New~)W 4 11-Joe W.,. ( .... Yortl) KO 4 Nov. --Ouk=• Lodlllr (WtM ..... , KO t Deo.21-......,=-~)KO 1 .-, 14-T.,,y ICJdlll ~W 'Olli I(() 1 Jen 2-....an .la4llw (HM\OMlldl KO t ,.. 11.....o.y 'c:a.::c V..-. ICO 4 rMrdi 11-& T. (lM \#...a W 4 ...... 22-4. G. t' Pf I *'° ~ \'Oftc) I((). :.t:=-..=-=:~K~4 Dec. 11--Gndy ~ 1N1W Y KO I .. Jen, 1l-..... LOf* (MilnW lleedl) WI M.. t9-Qwte .,..._ ,.._ YOttc) KO 1 . 4 :=.::::.:-..: ~~JKO 2 OCI. 1._.... 0-. tcionu1111dll KO I ft0¥, t-Jo1wi Oii* ,.._ Ycwtc) l(O a,_ Ole. ,.._~ __ ,MIW!tlc ~ 1\0. ·-.. 26 ~ Yoww (AllMtlc ~ KO Ool. ,._,_. L,._r--KO t ..., 11~ ...,_ CN9w YClft() KO t T-*tl .... a& ..... 11....._., ~···· NEW YOM~:a !,, ~ 111 OOl$'1Ct of OW. 9*egmln. oudlledw. trom Cofvl'l\bu• ol IM lnt9mlt!onal League; d••ltnated JIM -i.•Wlt, pit ell er, for I 1 uwwwit ...... o.t ........ oulllAOw • T XA8 ",{NCHR8 -Fired tddle ~ ....................... CN:INNA~ ~Tonye... 1nd Jiff 8plaok, ellorta1op1; Knln ........................ *""" Aonwlo. ~end VIMllrlt ""-· ........ MONT"IAL aXPOI -Na111ed Bob ~ .... ollWlnorlMguedvlll. POOT'MLL 11 n .. ,., ••U..- GMIH BAY li'AQCEM -tredld ~ Cllfk, deMMtft 11-M. to tile N- 0...... ... lcw a No.''**'" 1111. NIW ENOLNC> PATNOTI -._. ... ~. n.nnlng **· WA8 .. INOTON AEOSKrNa -.::C" °""" 8lltl, ~ ...._,, '° a of ow.._,..,~ BALL STATE -Nam•d 8111 Halln _... bailll*bel ooecii. DUQUESNE -Al'lllOvnoed Ille r .. A11n1tl0tt of .loltn Minning, 11.111•110 cllredor, .....,. JV/It 1. HAAVARO -Named P1t•r Roby -~ooedl.. MIAMI UNIVtRllTY -Named Jon f'IMtlllo ............ ooedl. NtW YORK TECH -Named 8arry ,..,.,_........, .......... OOMfl, o l'llL'W tf I quality," One .... Ii July • md u.. other 1n Sweden. Jul)' 23. 0 1 don't know IJ I woWd fO and come beck or ;;.t my chin and wait tt out. But rm .n ln my • wayt here and wouldn't want to ao over then for tM full~·· Lan year it waa a broken collarbone that kept hlm ildellned • aood portion of. U'- teMOn. ThJa YetAt, he broke an ankle 1n the aprtna clulk which came a month before the resuJ,ar leUOn opened. He la now reed;1 to 10 lull bore ancT'ayt"tbe iftklj hU healed completely. "I'm dolnt all of my own mechanical work now and I have a very sood 1pon1or In STP (Gordon Johncock won at lndy under the STP ~r). 1 feel thinp are going right for me right DOW and l hope to keep them that way." Christian will compete at both events th1I weekend but could face the toughest field to date at Cotta Meaa tonight. It will include world champion Bruce Penhall who la here to oblerve the American final (he's already qualified by virtue ·'Of his world title last year). While ChriaUan believes that the tldera from the English ci r c uit will have a alight advantage In experience, he doesn't give them any further edge in the Long Beach competition. It will find each of the 16 riders competing ~aimt each of the others in four.rnan, four-lap heat races on a point basis' of 3-2-1-0. The three with the highest total at the end of the program will advance to the next step, the Ove~ Final at White City Stadium in London July 4 . Thia I.a where Penhall begins his q'*t of a leCOl1d straight world title. Ten riders advance to Sweden and 11 will gain a spot in the Coliseum event from there. • • • BOBBY SCHWARTZ CALU Bal.boa IaL1and hia home when he is ln this country but dwing the summer months he rides for Reading in the British League. He's here tor the American Speedway final Saturday night and will by-pass tonight's program in Costa Mesa to concentrate all efforts on the qualifier. "1 d.Idn't make it past this race last year and I want to do better," Schwartz saya. "I've been having a good aeaaon and I feel good right now. Penhall races at speedway Bruce Penhall, the reigning world champion speedway rider, will make a rare appearance at the Orange C.otmty Fairgrounds in c.osta Meaa tonight to compete in the weeklynctng ~am. Penhall, who ca laBalboa I.aland his home when he isn't off racing, will be joined by Shawn Moran and Brad Oxley of the English circuit along with regulars Alan Chrl..st.lan, Mike Bast, Mike Faria, Mike Curoao, Steve Lucero, Dave Sims, Keith Chrlaco and John Sandona. Tonight's action ia the final preparation for Saturday's American Qualifier. at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium- EARLi~SON,JB. ~~~ = • l'elldent of a.ta Meaa. Ca. will be held on Satrday from ~~ C }~ after the Whltham-Kanapaux a-·-U"'U Portland, Funeral ~ ln Rocbway, J reion. Paued away on New Jeney. Liturgy of une 9, 1982. He was a Chriatlan Burial will a1ao be rilember of the Qarden held on Saturday at 9·30AM 2~ Lodae 11952 B.P.O. at S t . Cecelia Caiholtc -. member of DAV and Church, Rockaway, New t h e P u r p l e H e a r t Jeney. Whitham-Kanapaux Amodadon, active with the Funeral Home d1rect.ora. Junior All American Football and aerved • the Athletic Director and w)c an ------:t!B.~~Uc sa,~ DEATHS ~u~d~·~ ELSEWHERE Kalez, Marcia Koval1kl, -------MI ke, Duffy and Joe AtkiMOn, 1randchildren, M U H I C H , W e 1 t Mark, Laura and Lin., G.rmany (AP) -W..t l*"'fttl Mr. and Mn. Beed German film dir•ctor Myers. Reclta~on of the RalMr Wener p~ Ro1ary wlll be held on 36, whole film "Th~ S11nday, June 13, 1982 at 14an1ap of Maria Braun." 7!SOPM at the Harbor Lawn .... widely ahl~ted ln the ~will~ United State1, dled on Monday, June 14, 1982 at Tburaday. lO:OOAM at St. John the TULSA, Okla. (AP) Ba_ptllt Catholic Clultch R .~ -1 n term en t service; •••rw D. Rebert•, ~1. Immediately followina at anUque dealer and elder Harbor Lawn Memorial ion of evan1ell1t Oral Park. Servlcea under the Ro&M-111, wu found dead ·direction of Harbor Lawn-W e d n e • d a y o f a Mount Olive Mortuary of 1elf-tnflicted gunshot c.o.ta Mesa. M0-5554. wound. BLODGETI' CPT . EDWARD F . PASADENA (AP) - Archi~ Wallace Neff, 87, active In the development of Soutbem Callfornia'• early architectural style with buUdiJ\p IUCh .. the ~ mantkln ln Beverly am.. died Tue.day. PARADIS!! (AP) - Elmer E. ~ 87, the outspoken two-term San Francilco mayor who tried to thape the dty into the Parf1 of the We1t, died Monday. BLODGETT, a1e 84, realdent of Rockaway Town1blp, New Jeraey. P-.:1 away on Wedne9day, June 9, 1982. at College Ho1pltal, Newark, New J-.y • a rault of Injuries llU9tained In an autombobile accident. He wu born in X..t, En&Jand and lived ln Parslppanr, New Jersey before IDOYIJ'tC to Rocb~y TCJVllllhlp 14 yean 880· ept. ~ .... employ.cl ... =&tit ~:.:s :Yb.!: SAN DIEGO (AP) - wlfe Sally and dauihter Fra•k B . T•omaa, 71, :----:"----------..... 1er1eant-at-arma of the M&.Tl ..... ON tMrTN ' TUTt9U. MSTCW.C ....... 427 E 17th St COttaMeu Me-9371 Cali!omia Senate fnlm 1975 to 1981, died ~. SAN DIEGO (AP) - Lela MHclllat EtJUU, 100, who died S.turday, 11 IUrVived by 10 children, 80 1randchlldren, 55 sr-i-pandchlldren and 1G ll'M'--sr-~ ' as::: I ,20.000 I 70,000 I0,000 38,000 I seo,ooo 1S.000 535,000 200.000 ' 11,141,000 tft4t+ Ill 1~.111 • + .... ~+Vt T=~ S m 27111 + VI 1M! = ~:C..AtJ '.'. '1.JIS~.~ MW.+ 14 Tr0" ll'f.... • . ... ,_ +~ lM+ -TreftW'( t• 6 10 aov.+ Ill 1..-••••• Trevw1U• Stem 21111 +1v. 2Wo+ .... Tr~ U1e .. 11 .. ,.,_+ ._ JIMl+l Tr "a.JO .. 1 2"0+ 14 t-rl Ill 4 1 114 ...•. TrleP'c I tt tO 14¥ ..... Trlcntr Rr t 12 1\11+ \II Tri~ .16 7 Jl Mio-" Tri ID • 112 10 + 111 T~ fl I.fl S SJ9 lt\l't •••.. TwlflOI 1.10 S 1 ,._ " TYClK. t .10 S Mt 12\G • VI Tyl9r M • tN 1.-.+ l4i Tymw 17 JD5 11 ..... -U-41 -UAI,. • • WI 17'1t + Ill UOI 2.0t S 2t 22V. + 1 VG:ir us .. rl40 20 + ._ u All • 10 , ....... UM T .Dt M S t~ + .... U N~llel 1' S1 S\'1+ .... ~~ G MO~ .: ~-;·-u11 114.nt 4 t ~.1-. u~ >, • -·'" U MIO S "1 4 +I .... U .»12 I 17 ... .. UfllclnC .191 • • 7J ......... . u11Etec 1.SJ • 4M 11111 •.••• U11EI pf 4 •• rlOO in.+ 16 U11EI " 4.St • . aJO JCMla +I \le U1llEI "'°" 4 • • 20 ...... " U11E~LU •• • ,..._. .... Ufll!I Ln . . 14 1"lf + \lo Ult I .. 11• 52 .. + 16 VOii I 12* 37\it+ " U111"ec 1.10 t IQM J714 + tit Ufll~ ' -I + .... U"f'{I r1 • .. di 41\11 ••••• U111t011 4 S2 ~ •.••• Ulllmd ... 45 4J IV.-.. uanu• ,_.. 1 ~. v. UQT<l 11 .M H 145 .,_+I UflElll"I t.J2 4 212 ..-.+ -Ulllum Ul 4 40 .-+ .... u11111r1 t." .. 1 u + "' UI 111111' _. •• 1100 14 -Vt u11111 pf , • • 11 u + "" Ulllthw 1~11 .. ft .... +1-.i 011111,.. .22 • 1 11\4+ "' UJ«llll 1.n 4 J 1,_,+ 14 ~= ;t ~ =:: S... .. 11 1N+ '4 .u •I ....... -lA • Ml in.+ .. ... .. -11\4+ .... • . Jt .... ,... .... ..... ,.u..--. 1U••JUll+4lt l Hut ~+Ill ""..: tiut, ·-=~ ·~ UTctilll' •• 4 • + 41> U'td11lf • • M 2114 ••••• UlllTel 1M 7 In 11 ..•.• u..-1 .!SW • 17 +I .... Ul\l-... S M 11'411+ 411 ":"!: , ... 7 .. ~· .. u 1.64 7 11 • + " U ....... UI l lM 0 +1 USl.1 ...... ' ., " ••••• U....,._ 1 • . tt Tflo+ Mi UWI'\, UI I M5 tt + " ~-ue .. ' Ill'+" ut~........ ' 17 ..... -¥-111-~~ '== t m :: ~ VMYt11 A S • 614+ .... llMDnl 1.11 6 S 18+ .. Vetroe" .n ' M N+ .... v.1-.JI u "' ~. , .. .,_ .... 1 .... .. V-.»W 1• I~ .... . .,,... .. u ~· .... Vftdll 1.a •. 17 9"'+ 16 lliec.ft ..2SU • IM+ .... ,,,.._" 57\'I+ "' ~ .. Avco l'tnancial S•rvlce1 of Newport BHch rwhed ..... '*''with Callfom.la 8ancorD Inc. '°" purchail Ol Anahebn .N'aUonal Bank for$&.& mUUon. The dollna .. •Jq>eeted wlt.hin 95 da~ >4 a eonamon, Avco P'inancta1 Suvlcet It -nqUlted t.o Mil tlw ~ loan portfolio Of_ Anaheim National, The purchaee mu1t al10 be· approved by the C«nptroller of the Currency and thi YeClenl R:Jystam. The marb A voo'a mtry i.niO national ~terYicel. Newport Balboa dividend told Newport Balboa Savino and Loan Aaaodation baa declared lta tint stock df vldend. '?be board of d1rectota approved a 5 pe.raml .tooa dividend to Uw-eholderw of record June 10. The three-year-old savings and loan aaaodaUon with headquarten ln Newport Beach recently announced eern1nal of $1.M per share in fiscal 1982, up 40 percent. Kremer cites risk factor A combination of drastlailly ~ fina.nda1, market and political realities la resulting in a new risk/reward ratio in land development, Peter C . Kremer, president of the Irvine Company, told the Pacific Cout,Bullden Conference in San Frandaoo. "Real estate development la not ri.dlng the trouah of another cycle but ia being completely restructun!d," K.reroer said TbW'lday. Kremer said riaka Involved l.o large-scale land development are beginning to outweigh potential • rewards._, As a result, he said, large land developen will either undertake smaller scale, incremental development or require a development agreement, a new form of contract between a developer and a munldpal jurtad.lct1on that will give both parties a degree of uaurance that a project will be completed. Charity seminar set A three-day seminar on "Planned Giving: A National Perspective .. begins Monday at the Newporter Inn, Newport Beach. Speakers include Lynn Nofziger, former advt.er to President Reagan; Bert Knault, member of the Presidenrs Task Poree oo Private Initiatives, Milt()o Cerny of the Internal Revenue Serv1oe and econom1at Lefter Salamon of The Urban Institute. For information. call 644-7000. Seminar 'spomor is the National Institute for Philanthropic Studies at UC Santa Barbara. Jaeobs due at C of C meet A membenhip luncheon for \he IAguna Niguel Qwnberof O:immelce ha been ICWuled for June 21 at 11:30 at the El Niguel Country Club. The guest lpeeker will be Brad Jacot.; county tax, ••e90C. FOi" informat:loD. call Carole Bowpwt at 495-3300. Century Data signs pacts C-entury Dita Systems, Int. of Anaheim received three contncta totalina more than $2 mlWon for ita Trident line of removaole pack d1ak drives. Voice and Data Systems of Chk:ilao will puichue 200 unita, Pro O.ta Corp. of Cleveland signed for-60, and S.B.A.A. Marketing Inc. of Cape Girardeau, Mo. 6r25. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AYEIAGES NEW YOltKCAPI f'IMI ~ -~oc~·J.., '°· \ • lrld ~:r., ~ ~. ~ ao Tm >tel.ta 114.52 •M '1J.Ot+ Ult 15 Utt !Of.Cit ttt.a !GUO tOt.tP-O.ta US. Jll.GI Jl•,tJ .... Jrt.JI+ I.II ,...,. .•....•...•.....•••.•. 4,ttl,IGI ~= ...................... =:: 6S Sell ....... ..... ........ • ...... WftAT STOCKS DID NIEW YOl'K CAPI J..,. te -TAICIOO Thon. ,.. '° ., tllS1 to m NIEW \'CMtK (API J..,. 10 METALS ........ ~ au 121 •• ' 4S NIW YORK (AP) -lpot nonfwf-,,.... Pl'-tocMr; C.,... f"'-111*1U e l>OVfld, U.S. f ........ ..... ~ ............. • • • IQJUDCtlOD By .. ITl:Vlll'~ and the Onnae o.t woukl not Th~y. whUe u~ .the for lh• Sierra Club, aald tu She N!d today'• ie..e Nle dOll on •..., .._. be 1Mlld untD a trial ill MJd on ~ did penD.if~tit-,_. or1anlution ta auemptin1 to · not ~ the door to the club'• c.i~~':tl~\ ~=n~0:~b~!-~ ~«*--:\ ~ ~~.,..to,._.,..... ~:b&d'-:-:!J~ ''There are other ~·· the injunction on the 24 tncta. ''Al Jona u the tracts aren't offel'ed--and M Iona • blcM----t- . tod~ico doaen ,tracta1 Th• emer1ency appHl ta And while the court'• d«tWJn all th• Southern California aid. 'trt'oday they are r.cet~ lncl 10 off Newport MO permit the De~nt of th• WM a ~ far the ...._ iind t:raCa. and o.,.n.lna bMil.. but they wont i.._.pna . were not in the Interior to JeMe the 24 ~ COMta1 dtlel, the apPjilll ODWt j .. W• are cWlnttilly aof.na to be acc:eptect today, ancf that'• oUe~. .tncta w• reJleted a day atw a turmd down a b6d bY the 8Mfta par.-tbe cw," Jila. -Dkiliaa another= that'• critical." not accepted, they won't be eold," aaid Mart GottdJener, an offahon oil analyat for the CoHtal Cornrn1aaiOn. ' "And lf they don't tell the tracts, I don't know U we'll further pursue the auit," ahe 'lbe 9th U.S. Otcult Court of U.S. Dilt:rict Court Juda tmpoeed Club and the Qty of LMuna • iakl . Meanwh le, a 1pokeawoman Appeala ruJed tn San Frand800 an lnjuncticn on .U. ol the tr.-Beech to halt the u of alf 184 SM Mid opdonl •Delude Pnl for the state Coutal CornJnlllioq i.te Thunday that 24 ncta off let few today in Loe A,naea tncta in 1--8Ut No. •· fornrd with the ~ Pl'OCWt aald ahe doesn't know lf the state Santa MC>l'IQ Bay, Loe Anae1-The Cn:u1t Court rul1na lac. Kathryn Dlc:bon, an attorney IO forward in trtal court. or "try ' will pursue a trial, liven the aald. Department of the Interior (See OIL, Pa1e Al) -----~":-=:-~--=:....---,,;--------_.;:;.-----;___--...;...-, ----~ fo do both lln)ultaneomly." circult court'• upholdlna of the ·-JS IT AT THE WALL -President Reqan ltanda in control tower manned~ J!'.Mt German 1e>ldien_ the American leefor, near Checkpoint Cbarli,, --00 tlie other side of the wall. at the Berlin Wall today. Behind him ls the 676 seniors Laguna, Dana Hills. graduations set Laguna HeaCb :. School will graduate 250 ta next W~y eveninf while Dana Hilla High School Will band ~t diplomas to 426 graduating seniors in ce.remonie1 next Tbunday. The Laaun·a Beach Hiah aaduatiGD will becin at 7:30 p.m. Iii the Irvine Bowl and will be ~e!!.1hted by the keynote of Dr. Wiiliam Parker, a Newport Beach author and founder of the Community Church by the Bay. . . Parker, a frequent speeker on the subject of motivation, will talk about what kind of future the Qr8duat81 wD1 W:Je. .. Ar.a addnm1na the gniduatlnc dlll will be valiedict.orian Lynn Caverly and lalutat.orim Kerry Shea Hu~ both of 1.-,una e.m. Sea lionR drown MONTDEY (AP) -'lbe 42 • deed .. &.. that have VIMhed up on Mclnterey bwhe9 lllnce the we+r" IDf1 haw dtowoed in nets ~ 111'.dd ban. ' Al e9Ch of the 250 JEl'lldua• ta penonally awarded lda or her atploma, a 35 mm allele eelect.ed by each araduate will b' projected Ol'l a nearby ICfteD.. • 'l'he 1llde. will ranee from baby pictures of lnduat. tb their lu1h school graduation photoe. At Tbunday'a Dma Hilla mp Schoool araduatlon ceremony 1raduatea will be awarded dlPilomM by Capiltnno UnWed Sc"'boql Di1tr1ct truateea Paul H"W!W" and Jan Ova1m. The 6 p.m. outdoor oeranouy will be held in the echool"a Walter Spencer Stadium. SAx clam valedictortana, all ot whom matntabwd J*'fect four. point 1rade averaaea, will .sm-thetr d,., ...... Clua of 1982 valedlctoriana are: ~=~.!\~e Andenon, of ~a!1-~~ San Juan Capiatrano; Julie Renfro and April Durrett. both of Dana poblt P,oUat; and Jett Wood ot Liluna NlpeL President ends tour .of Europe BERLIN (AP) -President Reaaan, endin1 his 10-day E"!J'Opean odyaey, vialted the stark Berlin Wall today, chaDea&ed tbe 8oYiet Union to a peace Initiative, and scorned commwliat reatmee for beinl ...... to deadi" ot freedom. "Goodbye and unUl we meet apin. auf wtedeleehen.,'1 ae.pn told W• German boltl at a farewell ceremony in Bonn befcre be departed abmrd AJr J'orce Qne tt e:&a a.m. PM'· fdr the el1ht-bour fl11ht to WMhlncton- WZ'belie triPlt tbele meeUnpt haw been arduom. tMTve been aw.~~ tlrtnC to all of ~;kl 'nO been •""'""ul," Earlier in West BerllD, the =:oJ· wea~ a heavy Y9lt. far about flw mnutea at the whltie-D9intlld line at the Cherk.po&nt t2mle bcrdel' cnmlnl that ....... dae dty fRllD the commun11t-m.IL PLO vows 'resistance · Cease-fire re01ains , c shaky. in Le·hanon BJ fte A...aa.._ Prell larael and Syria declared a ..... an in the Lebanm war today, the llraelia c1abning they had achieved their objec:dve - smashing the Palestinian l\lelTllla movement. But artOlery fNarraaea flared outside Beirut 2 ~ hours later, and the auerrlllaa vowed continued remtance. Just before the ceue-ftre took effect. i.r-u JeW 9COted a dlrect hit on PLO military beedquarten in Betnat. Shellfire broke out tn KhaJde, eight mli. IOUth of Bein.at center and ju1t south of Beirut International Airport. A pro.Syrian l.ebane.e flldjo station aid Paie.t1nian and Leb- anese, leftist forces entrembe in Kbalde had becwl ~ fire with hraeU warship• offshore, and Syrian artWA!l poaldanl ID the blDa at al..Qhmrb. above Khakle. oDf!Md--- fire on the i....u. flw mlnuta JaW. brMl'• lnvuion umy had .,_ baUU... Pa)twd ......... ..a-the 8CJ&lthlm ... -Of Bmvi Im two day.. after pulbJJW 50 .,,, .. to the ..... of the ~ capital 6a a 11~ C;UDpaip they .ud WM at drivtna the ~ out of -.them LebDon. In their liahtnine offeDlive the laraeU. abo collided with the Syrian forces that went into Lebanon al-x years a10 •• peecellll epen between the Arab country's warrt.nc t.ctiona. Laguna seeks unit members "in land study Applicants for aeata on a community talk force to explore the .,POtentlal sale or lease of . IUflllUa IChool diatrict ~in lACUM Bwh, haw~ UnUl June 18 to apply. • Appljcation forms are available at tlle t.pna BMch UnWed Scbool Dlltriet bmdquanen. 550 JUummt Drive. --The 10-member board· will include four community mMnhin -two fRllD tbe i'op of the World netchborhood wl two Nlkllnta from the .... of the ~ pme1 wm look Into ..,. of r· of an ll«n Plft.'ll1 CID Lacuna BouleYard that the dlltliet DO ~ needs. JW mare lnlmmtkln, Call the dJstrtd at4M-IM8. Flcbtinc 00 the ground and in the air had ocndnued to within minuw ol the noon (3 a.m. PI1I') oe.e-ftre. i.r.eJi planes bombed Beirut's PaJesUnian enclaves and reportedly shot down 18 more S)'!Wl jets over-Lebanon. Just 10 minutes before the ceue·flre, a clwiter of Jaraell Aquatics aid vowed • by L~guna The Laguna Beach Qty c.ounct1 has qreed to pursue cooperating with the Laguna Beach Un1flecl School Dtstrict on implementing an .uPlfllded high IChool and dty aquatica procnm and proposal to build a new pool at La1una Beach Hlah School. The acbool board made a r~uest at this week'• joint rneeuna wtth the City C.oundl that the council ahare.ln P8Ytna the $13,000 salary of a tunttme 1wimmin8 coach and aquatics director. "We would like to aee the d~ come in with us at the out.et,~ ukl Carl Schwarz, a member of the 8Chool boerd. Council memben expressed concern that an e~tended aquatica pl"08l'am allow for more use by the public of the ~~ Bellerue noted that ~·· aenior dtizens now drive to Le.i.aure World to swim and other residents of the dty drive to.Laguna Niguel to swim at a public pool along Crown Valley=f" One cal1I for cloainc (See AQUATICSl Pase AJ) Noise of jets will increase bombs unleashed high above Beirut 9COted a direct hit on the six-story apartment building houling the Palestine Ubention Organization's military headquarters. The PLCYs chief ipobsman. Mahmoud Lal:wU, said none of the top PLO leaders wu killed °""' ............... SAVES LIFE r Nineteen-year·old Janfes Beck employed resuscitation techniques he'd learned to save life of a San Clemente heart attack' victim. San Clemente victim saved by FV teen By ROBERT BARltER °' ... """ ........ ColleQe atudent James Beck la creditecf today with •Ying the life of a heart attack victim who bad hoooed bftiathinc Thunday Aircraft noise. from the and wbC.e heart bad atoppt!d Maria.' El Toro AJr StatiGD will beating. be louder than usual trom Beck, 19, a temponry clerk at Monday throulh Friday becau. the Radio Shack at 17054 of special operations, baae M..,,,,,U. St., Fountain Valley, ta of.tidala ay. beina baled • a hero by fire lncrl!•e d no6le will nm frCJrn 7 ofticfaJI who aaid It la aelcb:n that a.m. to 11 p.m. Mcnday tbrouP a "fUll c:ardiollC arrest'' patient ia Wecb>e-tlY, from 8 p.m. to 10 mtYed at the 1Ce111e. ,. p.m. 'nwnday and from 11 a.m. ..He (Beck) made all the to 1 p.m. rrtday. diffenalce," aaid Battalion Chief Notae allo will increase on · John Bolatad. . Monday, June 21from7 a.ru. to Beck applied cardlQ· 10:30 p.m ., Marine offlciala pulmomry ~tation on three repon. -<See mo. Pace AZ> IL SALE INJUNCTION ••• . . . ' flclall were unavaUabt. for .. W• ooWd atop \he .._ lllit, i, .. nui .. nt ~ on th• clrcult ~ ... Gnl'lt llld. "a.At we dOl'l't '• rejlclUGI\ of tMlr' 8PIM!IJ. tblnk o.•1 u. ~ ._ to "-t • 1poke1man 1ald do. w.· ... trYtM.~bl~. )ur1day., before the clreult wt you cam. lo a ~t ,..,... '1 ~ w• annowad, ~ have to be made." t. if tM Interior Depertment TM U.S. ~ 8"""'Y hal U\ ltl .ttort. ~ on the ~ ..u.wct there .,. betMen a.a actl would be returned bW1oP and 10.9 bUUon barrelt of ~--~Diii#. ~to. lA...trWkln_ B 11 Grant, acdn1 deputy cubic fHt of natural IH in )IDineralt mana1er for th• ~ drW1nl al* between lnterlor Department, warned and tM Mexican bolder. lthat 'failure at the drcuJt COW1 GOV. !'.dmund Brown alya the would only mean the 2' tnctl H diaputed tract• repr•Hnt mlabt be olteNd for Mle apJn 1n "onl,y about 10 percent of the oil .19'4. potenual.0 ~AQUATICS PROGRAM ... 1he ~ pool -26 by 15 Yarda ...... and buildl.na a new pool ~est of the football field . A new ~·· 26 yarda by 25 yarda, la And location of the current pool to claarooma presents a. nolce problem for lta daytime UM by raidenta of the community. LoncUme OUltGlnen and ocMr fana of th• Oran1e lnn, a 1andwlcb·and-1hakea lhop on ,CoHt Hi1hway Juat outaide Corona del Mar, can breathe Miler, at lMlt until later thll yeu, The· r.t.aw-ant 11 atayinf put t0r now. The lrvtne Company, wbJch owna the land on which the reataurant alt.a, hu ~ to extend owner John rero'a 1eue at leMt until Nov. 30. 1be leue WU acbeduJed to expUe ~16. Bodrero hu been aeek:1na a new site for the reataurant, which firat operated 50 years aeo on Cout Hlahway near Lacwla Beach. 'lbe Irvine ~ hu acreect to deed the over to Bodrero 10 that it can be moved. Bodrero vuy much wanta to ~preaen t pool 11 not conducive to comeetltlon, according to Bob Sanchia, outgolna superintendent of IChoola. Bruce Hopping and Ann KJcher made a public appeal for quick action in pur1uin1 an aquatic• rroartlm and construction o a new pool. HERO SAVES LIFE. . .. SEEKING SURPRISE? -Johnnie R. Crean. who conceded the Republican 43rd Congretaional District race to Carlabad Mayor Ron Packard, now awaita ablent.ee ballot count that could turn his defeat lnto victory. ' keep the <>ranee Intl aomewhere along the strip ot Cout Hilbway between Laguna Beacli and Corona del Mar ao that it CAI) continue itl long tradition in the' aree. He CWTently ii 1eeklnc to have it placed in the new Crystal Cove Sta~ Park. • , different occaaiona in attempts to revive an unconecloua R1chard Roepke, 48, of San Clemente. happentnc that lhouldn't be. I gave him about four bunta of air the fint time and he revived and insllted that I call h1a wife. Packard increases "He went out on me three timet, .. aald Beck. c' c "I wu waiting on him while ~t wu look.Ing at turntables w.nen he toppled over on the C:QUnter before falllng to the floor. "I knew aomethlna was "While I WAI calllna her and the paramedics he went out on me qatn md hia heart ltopped. "Nobody in the store waa doing an)'1h.lng to help. They were just standino and staring and ~J?peareed to~ confu.ed.•• slim lead BY JEFF ADLER or .. ....,....-.... Laguna to screen Although Carlabed Mayor Rm Packard fnaeaed hll llim Jad to 58 votes in the 43rd Congreaaional Diatrict race for the Republican nomination, travel-traller tlcoo~ Johnnie Crean today precUcted he will be the winner when all the votes finally are countea. ' g1 . Panel prospects Padtard and Creen are locked in a u,ht two-way bettle that hingee on an uncounted number of ballota in both Orarwe and San Diego counties. The 4!rd diatrict Includes portions of both "' 8 Laguna Beach City Council ,aembera will interview Ji':pectlve member• for the nh\I c.ommi..lon and Arts ~nextweek. But what remain• to be 4etermlned la whether the cwrrent four-year term for Plannlna commilllonen will be reduced to three yearL That WAI the aiaastion of ¢c;uncllman Nell Fitzpatrick tFlier this month. Given the fact that City Coundl elections are held ~ two years, durtna which majorltlet on the pJnel can chanae1 Fitzpatrick &aid the tenm or planning commWtmen -who ler'Ye at the pleallure of the coundl -lhould be reduced to reflect the philoeophy of the ~ And, since the terms of cc;mm1-a~ Art Cuebeer and Ken Mullens expire July 1, Fitzpatrick uraect oomideraUon of reduc:fnc the term to three yean before new commiaaianen are appointed. The ooundl Will take up that llCUorl Tu81day at 6 p.m.. FolJowinc a decilicn on the length qf planning mmmt..S90 term.. the council will interview prospective ccwmn•N'men to fill the two1eat1. In addition. the council will interview applicants for three vacanciea on the city•a Arta Oxnm•emon. Art ccwmnwmnen cummtly aerve three-~ tenm. Luunana lnteniated in aervtna on efther panel are uraed to subtbit a rasume to Qty Clerk V ema Rolllnaer' at Qty Hall. counties. . · Packard increased hla lead from 36 to 58 votes Thunday after San Dieg<> County election oftidall tabulated 838 abeent.ee ba1lotl there. A count of 450 dlatrict Republican ablentee ballots ii 41.XPected ftom the Orange Countr Registrar of Voter. Office later today'" Reptrar Al 01-m reponed tbil ~-However, election auihOrttlea in both countlea still have hundreda of Republlcan bellota from the diatrlct that were l'e'Jected from computemed vote tabulattna machfna Tuesday night and Wedneeday morninc; ~~ Low clouds • remain • j1 fl.. ...... •• 11 14 lert lllfWlcltlO 11 • .. ler!Gitwtl6 .. i : = =~-=· 7t It llfl Joee II 100 11 ... Ma .,. .. IO t1 ~ ..,,._ 1erWe t1 le 71 • .2t ........... .. ... 71 .. 1.7' ...... Mof'6oe • 51 ltoc*tOn a a, to U T.,_ V., TT 17 ::==. ~~ 8Q 41 ,. Alm1IOA n11 ~ 11 12 lltiedoe 102 .. ~ • sa eoooca 17 ... a.... IO • "9lpcwt 17 tt ~ 71 51 HM1N 71 17 IQngMll to .. ,...,.._._ It .. ........,, to II .... 1'0 ., ,..., °"Y 101 71 ~ ta 71 • TT 11 1'0 .. u to " • n. • IT • n l" ... 3 ... 71 II 14 • n . • 10' • •IT.._, ........... --______ _ n 14 .. . 11 ., 1• .. t1 • .. .. " 4t • • ID 43rd nic.. V01e9 are to be counted over the next aeveral day•, election offida1a aaid. Nevertbelaa, Crean exprelled confidence that he will atap a ~fnm-behind win for the coveted nomination. "I think I'll P'.&11 it off by maybe 20 votes." he said bun hil San Juan Capiltrano home today. '~ WU really a repmal candidate." Packard oouJd not be reached for comment. Packard outpolled Crean ln San Diego County portSona ot the two-county ~cnal d1atrict. but Crean won In Onnp County portion• of the district by substantial PW'8fna. FolJowthc TbUtlday'a count of at.entee ballo• In San 1*ao County, Packard w.aa leadlna with lS,505 vote1 dlatrict-wide to er.n•a 13,507. The additional baUocl m:tted 129 vot. for Packard and 107 for Crean. . The tabulations also did not ch.anBe the relatlw atandlnp ol the 16 other candldatea who jammed the field in hopee of winning ill! nomination. Heavily Republlcan, the 43rd district GOP nominee ia conaidered an euy winner ln November. Portion• of the dimict had been re~~~ Rep. Clair Burgener, R-l\al)QJU Santa Fe, who ii retirin.I· The l)ewly reapportioned diatrlct Includes th' Oranae C-ounty dtiel of San Oemenle, San Juan Caplltrano, Miulon Viejo and J:l Toro. San D&eao County ~ of the dlltrk:t include Carlsbad, Elcondldo, Oceemk'e ~ Rancho Santa re. Whoever unaDy wtm the GOP ncmlnadon wt11 face Democrat • Roy Archer, an~ ooJJece profeeloc. 1n tbe aeneral elitcticn. Archer IWept to vktory by man than 5,000 votes over b1a DellZ'mt rival • Irvine Company officia1a have aareed to extend the lea1e beyond Nov . 30 on a month-to-month bHi• until development of the property af'O\fDd the current restaurant lite actually begi.na, if Bod.m:o hM not found a new alte before then. Bodrero aa1d Monday he wW "wait until I see the bulldm.en" before moving if he can. "I'm dlaappointed about mavtnc and not Jooldng forward to leaving, but I ap~iate everythlna the Irvine pany bu clone lor me," be aald. The reataurant, once a tomato-~lant, apeci•ll:ra tn frelh onnae juice • well -aandwichm and &bakes. The boxy, cottage-1.lb building with tta pl8tel-c::ofcnd lian on to/!. ii n!ne-t.entha of the restaurant a lmage, which la why Bodrero feela it ii 10 important to preserve the bullding 1n any move. Police seek transient in shooting Laguna Beach police are .eeldna a 40-~-old tramient who lhey believe ahot bis companion In tbe Jeg ·Thunday night while the two were eating a pknk: dinner at Heiller Park. 'John Sa Giles, as; who liltl hh'JWl:lf u a tennia pro, remainl in FOd condition at South 9-t Medical Center where he WAI taken Thunda.y for a gunshot wound to the rtaht leg. Gae. Mid bll companion, Gary Webb, 40, who aharea aooommodatiam In a' van with the victim, abot b1m with an old model .44 caliber, 1lx-1hot· .revolver at about 8 p .m . Thw.t.y. The victim uld the gun went off acddentally while Webb w playina wtth lt. Sut -police investigaton lt1ll want to talk to Webb, who fled the ... Clll foot foUowina the ~·-dwribed .. atandlna five feet six 1ncbe1 tall ana wetcbJnl 100 pounda with bl.ck, thlnnlna hair. Irvine C4mpeny ottic:IU haw pled19d to do Whatever they CUl to help Bodret'o find a auftable nearby llta for the Mtauranl Cowity Supervilon alto have Intervened in the reataurant'• betwf in uritna ita relocadon to the Cryltal r:ove .,.,-k, ltrellinC lta hiatOrb1 importance to ltate oWdala. '!be Inn waa dw.n one of the "Ten Beat Ro.dllde P.aterte. In the United States" by Fortune Mapzlne ln 1978. F~lkland bollJb raids repelled? By 'he At~ted Pra1 Arpntina aa1d today that ltll 1arr11on ln the Fa1kJand lalanda capital of Stanley beat back repeated Britilh Harrier bombing raids, killed at least three commandos tn a ak1rmlsh and took one priaoner. Britain had no comment but uid its !orcea killed five Argentane troops In a clash Wedneeday, and that Argentine Pucara ground-attack planes ltrafed a forward British poattlon near Stanley on Thursday without causing caaualttea. PrlJne Minister Mar1aret Thatcher lold the House of Commom in London, In a written reapome to a question. abe will give "early conafderatlon" to villting the FaJkJanda once they are recaptured. Meanwhile, 700 IW'Vivon of three sunk British wanblpa. the Coventry, Ardent and Antelope. arrived In Southam.ptca to an emotional. flaa-waving weloome aboard the requiaitioned luxury liner Queen Elb:abe1h 2. The famoua crulae liner berthed one month aft.er eettlng aail for the South Atlantic wldi aome 3,000 British troops, offloaded at South 9eorg1a and later landed on the Falklanda. Britain aaked the Red en. on Thunday to evacuate 250 dvWam in Stanley and said It waa determined to oust the Argentine. de.plte devaatadng attack.a pn British warships earlier in the week. One British newspaper reported 70 British troops ldlled in thoee ralda . Church bells rang out Thursday In Buenos Aires to honor 700 ArJrentJnea killed llnce the fighting 6roke out 10 weeks agp, and Argentina celebnted ita reeolve to hold the lalanda by proclaimtnc a ''Day of National Sovereignty .•• ''Be ltl'Ongf Don't back down! Long Uve Argentina!," people shouted aa President Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtierl appeared in Plaza de Mayo, the main sguare. In front of Government HOUie, for a brief military ceremony . "EnaJand a1reedy baa IUftered trernend<u 1omea and will suffer more," iald Argentine Navy Capt. Adolfo Ardulno. "We are goU\I to win . . . Thia ls our most &kirioul hour." But Britain declared it would take the F-lkland Ia1ands capital althoulh it IUffered abattertng air attacb on lta larw:tlng craft Tuesday. I' Stocks < • qualify ~today RIVERSIDE (AP) - Qualification run1 to determine the pole position and first 20 starting 1j)ot1 for Sunday'• Budwet.er 400 stock car race were echeduled today at the Riverside International Raceway. The 30.-race Wlnaton Cup Grand National stock car aeries will be making ita 14th stop of the 1982 1ea1on at Riverside for one of only two road races on the annual achedule. Entering Sunday's $280,000race, Terry Labonte of Ctd°c&u' Cbrtstie, Texas a narrow 51-point lead over Bobby Alll90n of Hueytown, Ala., in the chase for the 1982 Winston Cup Grand National cbampionahip. Darrell Waltrip of Franklin, Tenn., the defend.lna cbamplon, is in third plalCle. Despite holding the points )eecl for the past nine outlnc•. Labonte will be eeeking hJa tint win of the ~ and first win ever at Riverside . He has maintained hit top •pot in the ltandin8I wttb a string of conalatent finiahea. Waltrip lead• the season standtn11 in victories with five followed by Allison with thne. Boch are tanner Budweiser 400 winnerl. AIDCll8 the reconil up for 1rabs la the one- year-old, one-lap mark of 114.419 mph .et by Waltrip in a :9uk:k. '!be 400-ldlometer race recpnl of 106.2'19 mph. m by David Peanon in a ·Cousar, ha• held up since 1076, but ta expected to fall Sunday. Miami upsets Texas ' L OI 1 . .1 ~om P•Q• 01 HOLMES. ctmdt telecilt. 'lberi .... • "" clcmd;.am.aat ~ loca~ and bullMm Ml been bNk lit molt of t.Mm. Tlw bout UC> WW be 1hown on 1ome pay-TV outlets and bHmed to 100 forel1n countrtff by uteWte, either llw or on a delay.cl and ABC Ml~ telm.kln ~ta at a reDOl"Wld milUon for a June 25 tei.c.t. The = Jot IYdluna been ex from the 2~,000 i held for Ali·~ to 32,000 thi• fl,ht. With tickets IC lrom IOO-f800 lor 1on11~ bout, Kina aald the live p record of '8 mil1lon 1et by AU Holmee allo would tumble. "I think it will grom more any event in the biltory o sports," he nid. "I thinlta million ii a aboo-tn." A major part of the f:laht' intrigue Involves Cooney' tn.ctivlty. He bu foucht OQly rounds ln the last 30 months anc:t. veteran boxlnc people have suggested that could ca\.118 him.::( be ruaty apina\ Holmea, who defended llil crown seven timell during that same period. The challenger, however, 1" unconcerned about the problem. , • i . • • • • • • , • : • • • f ' ! r • • J tn.naf erred ,... the JurilcUGdca of thl Oran1• County aovernment to Wt dty when the new ftlcal year beatN tn July. But •500,000 in atate ball-out fund• that prevlo~ly helped cover coata are not e,q>eeted. Thua, City' Man.&1• William WoolleU Jr. propoaea the fee CBAMPAGNING UP A STORM -Jean Aldrich, wife of UCI ChanoeDor Dan Aklrich, winds up with hefty champape bottle swing to dedicate laboratory boat "Storm Maker." As v STATE lncn•• • part Of hia ~ 1982-U operat1n1 ~~ Without that lncreue, he ilkl. th• •&oo.ooo would be takln from the city'• e f\and. HSI ~ t Clalll for a 3 percent reduct on In city •&>endlNI -from p0.1 mUlion w. ftatial yeer to $19.5 mD1kn next year. ~la• t'00,000 dlffereD(le npr .. ntl projlcted c:utbKQ In .... ~ Howewr, dWt '9CM'.J1000 loll tn bail-out funda for aw lilhdna diltrtd ta no& tnaluded _,. .... lt II not:==:• dty ex~. Qty Paul Snay Jr. laid tOday have been aent By fte AIMClaced Preaa larael and Syria declared a ceue-flre in the Lebanon war today, the Israel.la c1a1m1na they bad llChieved their objective - •pla1hln1 the Paleattnian Jr\lerriDa movement. But artlllery 6arracee Oared outalde Beirut 2 \IS houra later, and the 1uerdlla1 vowed continued re9tatance. Just before the ceMe-fire took effect. r.r.eli jeta .:or'ed a direct hit on PLO military heedquarten in Beinat. • to every Irvine hou1ehold advilina r..&dtnta of the JncreMe. No pubDc heu1na II aeheduled en the maUef, he Mid. The 1ncreMe will automadaallY ao Into effect if the ccuncll approve. the proyilion u part of the budcet. The council ii acheduled to review the propc.ed budget at • Ill the guerrillu out of aouthern Lebanon. In their lightning oUensive the la~aeU. abo collided with the Syrian forcea that went into Lebanon 1ix yeara agCYa1 ~ between the Arab country'1 warring factions. Flcbttnc on the lfOUDd and in the air had continued to within minutes of the noon (3 a.m. PDT) ceue-fire. Iuvli planel bombed Beinat'1 Palestinian enclaves and 4 shots fired .. 7:80 p.m. Tueeday and take final ect1on Jww 22. Administraton, allo point out the propo1ed bud1et demonltrates that the city doel not have miWoN of dol1an 1n 1urplu1 account•, H alle1ed recently by memben of an 1See UGBTING, Pa1e A!) •• reportedly shot down 18 ~ S)'!ian jetl over Lebanon. Ju1t 10 minutes before the cease-fire, a cluater of laraell bomb1 unle-sbed hish above Beirut ecored a dittJct hit on the 1ix-1tory apartment building houaing the Palestine Liberation ~ion '• military The PLO's chief spokesman, Mahmoud Labadl, said none of the top PLO leaden was killed. Shellflre broke out in Khalde, eight milee aouth of Beirut center and juat 1outh of Beirut International Airport. A pro-Syrian Lebaneee radio 1tation aid Pal~ and Leb- aneae leftist force• entrenche in Kh•Jde had begun~ fire with hraeli waraliip1 offlhore, and Syrian artillery pcllltiol» in the hills at Aouk al:.Oharb, above Khalde, oPened fire on the lsrael1a five minutes later. Gunman arrested . . out$ide Irvine 'bar hrael'1 lnvuion · army bad ~-~PaJeatlAlaafmaa at the WQdWn eclae ef IWrut far two.,.. aft. cf~~ --to the ptm the IACM- capttal tn a -.Ix-day camS*p they uid WU aimed at drtvtna Four abota were bred during a ICUffle between a patron an·· the manager of an Irvine bar early today, but no one Wiii injured. Jc.e Antook> Hernandez. 381 ol Bellflowll', w~. police aid, w• 'CMS"YIN • aun. Gld the .... after Ole incident, but wa1 UTe*ted later In Anaheim. He w• boobd Into Orange County Jail on 1usplcion o( r:J(JI launches · 'navy' / for research wor-k • • By JOEL C. DON which wu the f1nt established «" .. Dllr,....... on the West Coast for the study UC IrvlDe m9de naval history of equld. of aorta Thunday with the Reeearcb at the UCI f.acillty dedication of the f.int boet in ita complementa lhniJar work being reeearch fleet. done at the world-renowne<I The 32-foot "Storm Maker" S c r l p p 1 I n 1 ti t u ti o n o f w• cbrlstened with the requisite Oceenol!rapby in IA Jolla and bottle of~ in nooou.ne the Wood1 Hole Marine U!l&DOlueeattaNewpol't Beech Bloloalcal Laboratory in dock. Muuchu.ttl. The boat will 1erve u a re1earch ve11el for the The new UCI boat, • twln- Ph and engine dime! built In 1979, WU ~t ot donated to the camou1 by =~· atalln.a 11fand for Newport Beach Industrial atudiel 00 the human ~ contnletol' Donald Kitti. ayltem. On hand at the dedication "Squid have IUCh Iarae nerve were Collete of Medtdne clean cell• that they are ideal Stanley van den Noort, 1peclmeiu tot ·•tudylnf. tbe Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. (human) nervous aystem, ' aa1d and M a b r y S te l n h a u 1 , department cbalrman Dr. chairwoman of UCI'1 Marine Stephen White. Development Committee, a The lquid wW be \.-d mainly private aupport _poup. ln the lab of Dr. Michael Aldrich noted that acquWUon Cahalan. whoee reaearch may of the w.et for ..-by uu CJD9 day IOlve the -mysteries pf aientilta WU the fint aocademAc crlppltna nervou1 1yatem contribution of the commi1'ee. dlaordera 1ucb H multlpl• ~.muacular dymophy and m~...-vta. Cahalan al8o la director of UCl'1 Marine Blophym hcillty, The chancellor'• wife, Jean, !mt a band for the chrWtmlna and ~ to drench helwl1 and Dr. White with the bubbly. assault with a deadly weapon. said Irvine police Sgt. Richard Bowman. Hernandez , who 11 unemployed, got into a ~t about drinks with ber manqret' Steven Scocin and • aiaested they Co outmde the diaco to talk, aaid BQwman. Sc«>"Cin 1aid he became appreheniive when he saw Hernandez reach for what al)l)e9t'ed to be a CUD 11 they eiclted. 'l1le manager then reeched for the cun and the ICUffle began. Bowman Mid. The ahota were fired jult outside the bar'1 door and one round WU later found in an butside wall, he added. · Aft.er Scogin finally w1enched the gun away, the suspect fled and wu apprehended 40 minutes later by Anahetm police of&en, laid Bowman. Noise of jets will increase Aircraft nol1e from the Marines' El Toro Air Station will be louder than u1ual from Monday through Friday becau.e of 1peclal operations, baae officials aay. Incr1r1ed ~will nm from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday throuah Wednmay, from 8 p.in. to 10 p.m. Thunday and' from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. Noise also wlll increase on Mooday, June 21 from 7 a.ru. to 10:30 p .m ., Marine officlall report. • Ill Irvine But examination 1how1 tht :y 1urplUM9 ln the propoeed ud1et art two contln1ency unta totaltna $460,000. Mike McNamara, city di.rector t admlnl1tratlve aerylces, 1&ld the $20.3 millloo referred to ln advertlJementa actually breaka However, clty offlc:lalt are Nportlna,,....-on talks wlth PAW• a\Out p&ana fOf' a lhelter that could end their financial bJckertna. Jk.Sy taJd both aldet Hemed wllUn1 at a meet1n1 Tb\U'lday to find Wayt to C\lt 17&7,000 -or 26 percent of 'Wftltruction eottl -from lhtlter plan1 after advlaed to do 10 Tueeday by the City Council. Irvine Dive Club seeking members The Irvine Dive Club has invited scuba and skin diven and anyone else interested in , the underwater world to '" attend its 7 o'clock meeting tonight at Harvard Community Athletic 'Park. "Hui" El Men Yama ls to •Wants 12 to 18 months and , their parents are invited to ,, j o I n t h e· N o r t h w o o d Communitl Park Children/ .T k Parent P ay Group, said , Marilee Coa1rove of the ~ Irvine Community Services CJ Department. "' The group meets from 9:30 OJ x 11 j I '). ,e 11 "lj • •Irvine youngsten age'? and up are euaio1e lQ paruopate tri a day-tong Vi.lit June 30 to $ea World in San Diego. The trip ia spon90l'ed by the city's Community Services •A family excursion to a Los Angeles Dodgers-New York Meta ba1,ball game July 16 ls planned by Irvine's Community Services Department. give a slide presentation about F.gypt's ·archaeological wonders and the Red Sea reefs. Admission 11 free. For information, c.alJ the Heritage Park Aquatica Complex at 754-3813. ~ to 11:30 a.m. Thu.radays at the park, 4531 Bryan Ave., Irvine, she said with parents ret1ponsible for development and Implementation of all program activities. There 11 no charge for participation . For information. c.alJ 552-4350. Department. . CO.t ii $12 for YOW>Clltera 7 thrOuch 12 and $16 fc>r ~ple 13 an<l over. fnformatloo ta available at the department by calllng 7M-3639. A fee of $12 per peiwn inc 1 udes tran1 porita tlon. reserved 1eats and superviaion. tor reservations, c.alJ the department at 7M-3639. Di~ will be handed out next Wednuday to 985 aractuat.lna ltrUOl"I at thtee blah icltooll ln 1rvine. --At the city'• fourth and newest hlah achool, Woodbridae Hlah, • there I.I no aenior clall thlt year and thua no araduadon. The laraeat crop of June Rraduatea will come from Univenlty High School, where 482 1tudenta are expected to go throu1h commenc ement activities beiinning at 5 p.m. at the appropriately -titled SenJor Lawn. V aledictortans Sara Polack and SEEKING SURPRISE? -Johrmie R. Crean, who conceded the Republican 43rd Congressional District race to Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, now awaits absentee ballot count that could turn his defeat into victory. Falkland 'bo:mb raids repelled? By Tbe Al1oclated Preti Argentina uld today that its Packard • &arriaon ln the F~ lalands Increases capital of Stanley beat back repeated British Harrier bombing raid1, k1lled at leaat three I • I d 43 d commandoe In a skirmish and S Im ea in r ~:p~ comment but By JEFF ADLER 0.-ttleDelr ..... ...., Although Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard increased his allm lead to 58 votes in the 43rd . C.ongressional Diatrict race for the Republican nomination, travel-trailer tycoon Johnnie Crean today predicted he will be the winner when all the votes finally are counted. Packard and Crean are locked in a tight two-way battle that hinges bn an uncounted number of ballots1n both Orange and San Diego couptiea. The 43rd district includel portion• of both counties. Packard increased hi1 lead from 36 to 58 votea Thursday · after San Diego County election offldals tabulated 838 ab9entee ballots there. A courit of 450 j:listrict Republican lbeentee ballot. J1 ~xpected from the Orange Count~ Reglnrar of Voten Office later today, Registrar Al Olson .reported this morning. However, election authorities ln both counties still have hundre<U of Republican t.llota from the diatrict that were rejected from eomputeriz.ed vote tabulating machines Tuesday night and Wednelday morning. Thoee votes are to be counted over the next several day1, \ said ill forces killed five election officials said. Araentme troops in a clash Nevertheless, Crean expreaed W~y. and that Argentine confidence that he will •taie a Pucarat around-attack plane• come-from-behind win for the . llrafed a forward Britiah,position coveted nomination. near Stanley on Thuraday without cauaJ.ni casualties. "I think I'll pull lt off by Prlme Mlniater Margaret maybe 20-votea," he said from his Thatcher told lhe Houae of San Juan Captstrano home today. Commonl in London. in a written "Packard was really a reaional respome to a question, she will candidate." 1lve "early conalderation" to Packard could not be reached visiting the Falklands once they for comment. are recaptured. Packard outpolled Crean in ~:B;;Ja~ =:: ~ San DielO C.ounty portions of the C.oven""", Ardent and Antelope, two-county congremlonal d1strict, -~ but Crean won in Orange C.ounty arrived in Southampton to an portions of the dhtrlct by emotional. flag-waving welcome substantial marginl. aboard the requiaitloried luxury liner Queen Elizabeth 2. Following Tbunday's count of The famoua cruise liner abeentee ballots in San Diego berthed one month after eetting County, Packard wa1 leading sail for the South Atlan1ic wit6 with 13,566 votes dil~wkle to 1ome 3,000 Brltilh troop1, Cr.n's 13,~7. offloaded at South Georeia and later landed on the FalJdiinda. The additional haDota netted Britain asked the Red ero. on 129 Yole8 for Packard and 107 for Thursday to evacuate 250 Crean. civWana in Stanley aJfl said it The newly reapportioned was determined to ou1t the di1trict includes the Oran1e Argentines despfte devastating County citiea of. San Clemente, attacks on British warahips San Juan Capistrano, Mission earlier in the week. One Britiah Viejo and El Toro. San Diego newspaper reported 10· British County portions of the district troope killed in 'those raida. include Carlsbad, Escondido, l: h u r ch be 11 s rang out Oceanside ahd Rancho Santa Fe. Thursday in Bueno1 Airea to LOw clouds • remain Record crash award OK'd honor 700 Arsentines killed since the fighting broke .out 10 weeks ago, and Argeptina celebrated ita resolve to faold the ialandl by Proclalmlnt a "Day of National Soveretgnty." 88 M 70 47 82 64 7l 61 13 11 70 54 .... IO H 73 ~ .. .. . 72 72 M .TT 95 e3 1.15 71 46 11 43 n.., .02 75 50 SM 86 .82 78 ... t2 78 78 52 79 53 11 M 75 ... 87 46 .. ~ 10 48 73 31 72 42 .... 75 ... 11 78 e. ao 11 13 SM 72 17 74 71 IO .. 17 f1 81 77 N .01 14 to M 12 86 14 n 74 44 71 ... a M t2 75 11 to 1'4. 12 ., 11 • ,.. . • 1, 72 .. 1oa n 71 II US n 42 to. 17 :: : .... .. ,, " . =~ .. 11 14 IO 71 S7 92 ea 80 71 100 80 71 5t 74 SS 64 80 5t 81 17 .H 15 .a • 1.75 . IO 12 13 ea " ea IO ... 13 37 11 62 102 u t5 52 17 41 IO H 17 81 71 :J 11 tO .. a M tO 13 70 51 101 71 .. ST II 62 71 ... N 15 11 IO 74 53 t1 .. .. 13 n • Salin• 83 49 len Bemlrdlno 11 51 Bin Oetll1ll M 56 8an Diego 70 12 BM Fr81lCllco 64 50 lenJOM .. 56 l1nta AN 73 M lenta ..-,. f1 .. :::=:. ... 14 ea &I. llOdlton as 51 TahoeV..., ~ 17 Thermal .. Torrance 70 17 PANAmNCA ~ 83 larbedol .. larmuda 11 loOO\I ea c.r.-80 ~ .. Quad...,.,. " ....,. .. =-to .. t1 .....,.. .. Mexico City 12 ~ 15 ......, .. Extended weather l111M11b:uetday: Nl91t11 := ~--"'--=-..... a.. ....... 1r1.., ... I' ..... tlllOll'I te POI _. .._, IOa ,,..... ..... "' ....... :~rt:..-;.:r:r.:."' • . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - General Moton and an insurance company have .~Jreed to a "record" Sl 7.5 ,ml.l.J.lon. tax-free out-of-<X>urt tettlen'M!ht in behalf of a Napa couple burned and d.iJlflgured ln an auto c:raah that killed their two Infant children. Attorney Melvin Belli and his Loa Angele• aaaocJate, Mark Robimon Jr., called lt the Jarg.t such lettlement an reocrd, anct· said Thunday'a aettlement will be paid aa a lifetime annuity to L=ff• Jeffrey and Deana "Be ~ Don't ~ down! Lona live Ar1ent1na!,'1 people 1houted aa President Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtieri appeared in P1aia de Maio. the mAln lgUate in front of ~t Howle, for a brief mditary ceremony . "Encland alreedy has .uttered treinendow licw and will suffer more," aaid Argentine Navy <=.pt. Adolfo Ardutno. "We are aoinc '° win • . . 'lb1a II our most alc>riOw hour... . But Britain ~ it would take the Falkland kl.ands capital alt.bough It suffered ahattertng air attacla on lta Jandlng cn£t Tuesday. Alice ltiana, both 1ir1a1ht·A ltUdtnt., wlll 1peak. frvlne Mayor David SW. will Jive the conune~ment add.reel. At Irvine High School, 435 1tudent1 are tehedu~ to receive dlploma1 at a ceremony 1lao beginning at 5 p.m. at the echool 1tadlum. Miriam McK.enna wW '-Ive the 1enior claaa speech: 'Yenerday l.lld Tomorrow - Through the Years." Senior Cta. President Paul Muelin a.I.lo will otter a short farewell. SEi,F Alternative High School's graduation will begin at 7 p.m. at the UC Irvine Little Theater, where 48 aenJon will participa£e in ceremonies. Instead of the usual speeches. students will have short statements they have written read by faculty and staff memben. Color slides of the students will be flashed on a large screen as the graduates accept their diplomas. None of the schools will hold baocalaureate services, but each has scheduled separate awards recepticns. At SELF. a buffet dinner will be held Tuesday at 7 p.m. Trustees OK school . '83 budget A $44.~ million tentative budget for 1982-83 has been approved by trustee• for · the 25-campus Irvine Unified School District. The budget ls uf> $3 million over this year, a hike of 7 .. 3 percent. The final budget, to be approved in August, probatily will ~etain the $44.5 million figure, said Ron Upton, deputy school superintendent. More than half of the i.ncreaae is needed for pay increases, he said, while the rest is for an expected enrollment i.ncreaae of ~Us in the 15,500-student 'Ille tentative budget provides for the same educational program u this year, Upton said, with minor cuts in psychological services. maintenance . instn.lmental music, clerical and administrative help. The final budget will depend on what happens when the state Legislature passes its budget, Upton said. Jazz concert set in Mesa !he public is ~vlted to attqd a J&Z% concert toniaht. sponeorfd by the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation. The Riedlina Jazz Trio will perform . from ,:30 to 9 p.m. 1n the Costa M... Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park A ~e .. Costa Mesa. . Ticlceta are $10 per family at the door. The school's foundation is tryiJl8 to raiae money to n!lltott • and enhance~ cut due to a lack of funding. The Orana• Count)' Grand Jury ur1ea the Board of Su·pervhora Thuraday to piarChue warnlna equipment to protect relldenta whO Uve near the flood-prone bank1 of the Santa. Ana River. · "A flood warntn1 1y1tem would not provide full protAledon to property." the Grand Jury eald, "but lt would definitely help to prevent lOll of life in the ewnt of fiood.lna!• A repor:! by the U.S. Army Corpe of ~-baa llnaled out portion• of HunUn1ton PLO vows resistan.ce · . . .Cease-fire remains in ·Lehanon By 'he Alsoclated Pren Iarael and Syria declared a ceue--flre In the Lebanon war today. the Iar:aelil clalm1ng they had achieved their 'objective - smaabing the Paleatinian guerrilla movement. But artillery 6arrages flared outside Beirut 2 ~ hours later, and the Court steps In guerrillas vowed continued resistance. Just before the ceue-fire took effect. Israeli jets ICOttd a direct hit on PLO ·military Madquarten in Beirut. Shellfire broke out In Khalde, eight miles 90Uth of Beirut center and just south of Beirut I Oil tracts sold ~ -but not Newport By STEVE MJTCBEu. °' .. .,.., ........ OU tracts off the Southern California coast went on aale today. but two dozen tracta1 incl~ '10 oft, Newport ana i...,una ~h. were not In the offerbac, · Tlw tth U.S. Clrcu.it c.ourt of ~ ~ in s.n Fnndlco late Tbufl!day that ,. tnctl off S'anta ~ Bal;.. lAI ~ and the Orange ~ not be leMed until a trial • held 90 the economic and envtrcmnental impac:ta on coestal c:ttiea. • The emergency appeal to. permit the Department of the- 1 Interior to --the 24 of&hcn tracts WM rejected a day after a U.S. District Court~ impoeed an lnjwiction on ule ol the tracts 1et for today in Loe Anaela The Clrcu.it Court ruling late Thunday, while upho1dlna the injunction. did permit the --of 140 other tracts to fO forward today. And while the1court'• dec:Won WU a victol'y f« the state md COMtal dtiee, the appeal 'court ~ down a bMI by the Sisra ~ ':tmi~ ~-°'a1= pcm Ill LeMe SU Mo. 88. • Kathryn Dicbon. an ~ for the Sierra Club, Mid the organization ii attemptm1 to dedde haw best to 10 fWwud with their bid to bah drt11ina 10 all the Soutbero California tracta. "We are definlte11 IOlna to pursue the cue." ML -Dfcbon aald. She said options Include &o'na forward with the appeal poc111, go forward in trial court, or ~ to do both limultaneou.iy." She ea1d today's-.. lale doel not c:Jme the door to the club•• efforts. '"lbere are other ...,._ .. she said. "Today they are rebttving and openlna bids, but they won't (See OIL,. Pqe Al) International ~n. A pro-Syrian ~ radio station aald Palestinlan and Leb- anese leftist forces entrenche in Khalde had begun exchanging f'ft'e with hraell warships offshore, and Syrian artillery poationl in the hWa at Aouk al-Gharb, above ·Khalde, opened fire on the llrael1a five minutes law. Ierae1'1 lnvulon army had been batt11nc Pale9Unlan fol-ca at the 80Uthern edge of Betnat for two days. after pushtna 50 mDel to the ptel of the Lebeneee capital ln a lix-day c&mpallJ'l they aMd WM aimed at drtvina the aueni1laa out of IOUthern Lebanon. ·1n their liahtninl offemive the braeU1 alto collided with the Syrian forces that went into Lebanon alx years ago a1 peacekeepera between the Arab country•• wan1ftl fact1om. Filhtina on the lfOU"d and in the air had continued to within minutel of the noon (3 a.m. PIYI') w-~. i..elJ ~bombed ....,..,. ~ w:liWeand ..... 111c11, 8hot .. 18 IDOft S~~OYW~ .Just 10 minutee before the deue-fire, a cluster of lira.ell bomba unleuhed ht1b above Bek\lt IDOnd a dired bit OD JM 1ix-1torJ apart.meat buUclina ho•n& the Pai.tirie Ltberaticn ~ion'• millta.ry The PLO'a clllef tp>keernan. Mahmoud '•••fl, a.Id none of the top PLO le9der'I WM killed or wounded in the attack. But be uid eome Palest.lnlan officlala were trapped alive in an underp'ound cnnmend bunker. 8evenl people were known to have been kWecl in the au.ck. LebMti laid a truce WM ''under CONideration.'' He al.lo declared that "the raistanoe 11 aotng on on all the axis." ita banb 0 11 the an-test flood hazard west of the Millmlppl." The jury stated that there WU "no way to predict when Oranae County could experience one of the ID09t devaatattna floods in U nlted States h.iltoey." Oranae County already ha• beaun lnl1alling flood warntna equJpment ln parts of the aouUi County, the jury aafd. Thie equipment will measure rainfall and water l e vels in Allio Creek, Arroyo Trabuco and San Juan Creek. ~E CONTEST -Windward Passage (left) and Christine bead downwind after rounding the weather mark Thursday durit\g spirited competition of Long Beach Yacht Club's race 0.-, ..... ,,._ ~ AlllMft Lectr.., week for yachts over 70 feet in length. Series continues through Saturday oH Long Beach with 56 yachts in 13 classes. See story. Page C2. l ,~00 to graduate NewRo•t-Mesa ... · Abolft l,IOO .,J... fnlm llx Yonkera. Sean L>ftua and Allaa ht1h 1eboola in the Newport-Kaanoff will speak. ,.._ Unified School I>lltnct are Costa Mesa High School tcbeduled to sraduate durtna swdenca will graduate at 5 j>.m. oaanonlal next Thunday. in wrby Oran,e c.o..t Cone,e About 4&& Corona 'del Mar stadium. mp School atuden1a will be8ln Victoria Lamar, Johanna Eddy marchlnl to the fmUUar ltrairw and Steven Andenon each have of pomp and drcum9tanc:e at 3:45 earned 4.0 grade point ave~ p.m. In tbe echool quad. and wW lead their clall of 400 .. Amona thoee ,mduatina will valedictortana. The salutat.orian ls be 11 valedictortW who Ml1led Huy Cone Vu and the speaken perfect 4.~JEnde point a~ will include Victoria Lamar and Tbey incfude: Steven Candan. Miia Hue Ngo. Patrlda Chapman, Chriltopher Ea ta nc la Hi g b Sch o~ 1 Finch, Cynthia Kendall. Kerry valedictorian Kerry Clevidenoe Kim. Allan Menton, Margaret has maintained a 4.0 grade point Neff. Scott Rlchn'8n, Sumnne avenge and will 1ea3 the clall Ruuo, Pamela WU1on, Mary durlna ceremonies at 7 p.m. Zaletki Brenda Branin is aalutatorian Students Jody Becker, Ken and John Ursini and Brenda Branin will addresi tbelr 425 NB planners torpedo Fun Zone The Balboa Fun Zone. a lefcover of the 1930s, wu read what appear to be its final rites Thunday. Unleu an appeal is lodged within the next 20 days. the block-long harborfront arcade will be ~doud into history and replaced with a three-story complex of offlcea. shops and re11auranta. On a 5-1 vote, the Newport Beach Planning Commiaaion approved a $20 million plan filed by Claremont-baaed JBS Development. The lone dissenter was Allan Beek. The action will stand unleaa appealed to the city coundl. • .ERA hunger strike now in 25th day With one woman too wm to hold up her own he9d and a eecond drifting in and out of c:orwdoume9I, a hunc« strike in support of the Equal Rt.rhta Amendment moved Into its 25th day1oday. History 'iPoned out'. z-~~~~= acf'Oll Davideon Field at 4 p.m. The Fun Zone waa erected in 1936 and over the years baa· survived several redevelopment tries. Zoe Ann Ananda. a Newport ee.cti woman .and one of the seven 1trikere 11athered ln Dlhda, 4-:ribed the 1C1!1e: "Molt of UI ldll fO to the Capitol buildmC .very day. The JePlaton are trytna to avoid ua now. I don't think they ew11 wan. t to .ee ua. I think~ feel auilty. I hope they feel ty." Supporten of the have until -June 30 to 'aet thtte rDON statel to ratify the constitutklnal amendment. Illlnoi1, which requlre9 a two-thirdl vote f« an amendment, 11 one of the targeted states. I 1, J '911) 7 and will be led by valedictorian Old board yields SF newspapers irom *' Glen Kauffman . Frank Llvinoton is aalutatorlan and Jazz concert set in Mesa By JODI CADENllEAD af .............. It'• one of ltfe'a atranae coincidences, thought Maraie Mulvany ol Cotta Me.a when she ripped apm the old wood ironin1 board in her cloeet ThW'9day and found thtte San Frmxm> newspepen dated June 9-ll, 1927. Ms. Mulvany w• only two years old when a San Fhncilco woman WM ~ the be9vy boud 55 yean aao with perfectly folded San J'randlco ~pen that IOld tor three ·cmta. The lroniftl bcmd WM a lift from her Ion ~ ~ • and she doesn't know where be aot it. Still in good ooodltion. the now yellow ~l'I 8iw -=counts of Olarlel retuminC to the U.S. after hlltory- makinl eolo fli&ht acroee the Atlantic. ' Allo interestlna are the stories that colored tlie tlmH, but eecaped the pa1e1 of history boob. A youna mother complained to 1chool offlclah that her 11-year-old ion 1hould be allowed to wear overall• to .chool. . Ann Lander"* mlcht blush at the letters written In "Tell it to speakers· include Andrea Fine, Ellie." 1 .R . Salvatore and R .B . Alexander, founder of Hobie A youna woman alone In the tq dty for the tint Ume, aaked the advice columni1t if 1be abould mpae in pettinl. Her friendl told her, ''lf you don't pet nowadays boye will thblk you•re a flat tire and they'll newr Mk you out." Ellie tWd the ~ woman not to co_mtder hene1f IO ba.h and miahty just becaute 16e didn't pet. "The pett1na iteeU la vu1pr and cheap. But the aplrlt beneath lt im •i,•• the mlwfdlfst WMt.e. IntemationaL I About 60 lt:udenta from Back Bay High School are expected to .,.ntcipate in ceremonies that belln at 10 a.m. on the campus. There is no valedictorian. Students Liaa Flemming and AnaeJa Aken will epeak. Newport Evening High School's lflduation ceremonies at 5 p.m. will be the echool'a last following a dedsicn by the IChool boud to c1me the campus. About 45 wW Baduate. (See l,•H, Page A!) INDEX TIM! public is invited to attend a jazz concert tonlaht. apomcx:ed by the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation. 'l1le JUedlina Jazz Trio will perform from '?:30 to 9 p.m. in the Co.ta Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park A.ve" Costa Mesa. Tickets are $10 per family at the door. The achool'a foundation l1 trytna to raile l1lOlleY to nstore and enhance pr<>ll'8lnl cut due to • lldt of funding. - -... ---. _-..... -~--... I accepted today, and that'• •'-19 ihat'• critical." M•Jnwhllt, a 1poke1wom1n the .Wte Couw ConunilltOI\ d the doeln't know if tht It.ate 11 pUJ1ue a \rlal, liven the' lt court'• upholdti\a of the tunctlon on the 24 tract.a. ~•Aa t.ona u the \r.Ctl aren'\ eNd and u lone u blm are t ac..wp1ed, they won't be 10ld," d Mari Ootidlener, an offshore, oll analyat for the Coaatal Cornmisaion. "And If they don't aell the \racta, I don't know U we'll further pursue the auit," ahe sald. Department of the Interior officials were unavailable for comment today on the circuit court's rejection C1f their appeal. But a spokesman said ni'huraday, before the circuit otOUrt'a decision was announced, that, if the Interior Department fau.d ln lta effort, bidl on tM :&4 tracts would be returned unopened. Blll Otant, actin1 deputy rnlntrala mana1er for tht Interior O.partment, warned that failure at th• cil"cult coW't would only mHn the M tnctl mJaht be offered for W. apln 1n 1984. "We could atop the leue tale, yes,'' Grant aald. "But we don't thlnk that'• the proper thina to do. We're t:r')'ina to be NllCNble. but you come to a ~t w~ deciJlona have to be made." The U.S. GeoJocic Survey h.u estimated there are between 8.6 bUlSon and 10.9 bWion barrels of oO and ~.4 trUUon to 16 trill1on cubic feet of natural 1a1 ln ~ drilllnl aitee be~een and the Mexican border. Gov. Edmund Brown uya the 24 dlaputed tract• repreaent ''only about 10 percent of the on potentJal." 1,800 GRADUATE~ .. · Bltc-at•weate ceiemonlea for The Orange Coast C.Ollege btancia High School· atudentl are acheduled for Sunday at 7 p.m. ln the diatrict auditorium. Newport Harbor Hiah School ceremonle1 begin at 4 p .m. Sunday 1n the achoo1 quad. No b8ccalaureate ceremoniea are acheduled f.Or Back Bay and Evening htgb 8Choola. SEEK.ING SURPRISE? -Johnnie R. Crean, who conceded the Republican 43rd Congressional D.istrlct race to Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, now awaits absentee ballot count that could turn his defeat into victory. • Packard increases slim lead By JEFF ADLER o<ttw .,.., ,... ltalt Althour.=bad Mayor Ron Packard his alim lead to 58 votes in the 43rd C.Ongression.al Diatrlct nee for the Republican nomination, tra'Yel-traller tycoon Johnnie Crean today predicted he will be the winner when all the votes finally are counted. Packard and Crean are locked in a tight two-way battle that hinges on an uncounted number of ballots in both Orange and San Diego counties. The 43rd d.iBtrict includes portions of both counties. Packard increased his lead from 36 to 58 YOtes Thunday after San Diego C.Ounty election offictala tabulated 838 abeentee in 43rd over the next several daya, election oftid.ala aaid. Nevertheless, Crean expreeled confidence that he will •life a come-from-behind win for the coveted nomination. "I think ru pull tt off by maybe 20 votes," he said from his San Juan Capl..strano home today. "Packard was really a regional .,.candidate." Packard could not be reached for comment. Packard outpolled Crean in San Diego C.Ounty portions of the two-county congreaiotaa.l district, but Crean won in Orange County portions of the district by substantial margins. A ~ to let ownm of tmall N.wpart Beach •partment complex•• convert unit• to oondominlwna la headed for a 1howdown. .J 11w ne'W law I to be conaldered Monday by the City Council, would perrnlt ownera of aparcment complexea of four unlu or l•H to convert the pro_perty to oondom1nlwna. City offJdalt have calcWated thfl law cbanae could aflect more than 7,000 renten and allahdl more than 2-2 percent of the city• rental hdualni. City plannen caution, thou1h. that they woWd not e>epeot a flood of conversion requet11 and that tbe auaetted )aw comes with a lone Ult of QOnd!Uont. Barney Lark•, a =rt resident who h.u spear • drive aplnat the conversion law, aald senior citlun1 on fixed lncomea likely would be unable to purch.ut thetr apartment.a. But 1-kt aald some rent.en are air..fd to IDUk out ap1Nt the new law and othen have Jwit given up, ttaurtna approvaf of the law " Inevitable. The Fair ffOUll.nC CoundJ of Oranae County al.to ta cridcal of the condominium plan. A apokeawoman for the houalna 1roup aaid ahe baa trouble beUevt.na Newport'• reuon for the law ~ ii to provide a new atock of affordable housing. She lllaetted it wouldn't be. affordablefor aeniora and college atudenta. Several UCI 1tudent.1 also have crltized the ~ropmal. There are about 900 UCI students living ln Newport. According to the proposal, there are aeveral oonditiona that could throw a wrencli into an owner's desire to convert. Under the law, at least one tenant of a duplex and at least two tenants ln a fourplex would have to express interest in purchasing one of the converted units. Additionally, a new state law requires ~ owner f"8Placing 1ow and moderate income people to come up with replacement howdna within three yt>an of the oonveralon. City plannera said theae condittona would ao far In keepln1 converaion1 at a reaeonable J*le. Current law In Newport effectively bans converalon1. There hu not been a conversion in the city lince 1979. Falkland bomb raids repelled? By Tile Aatoel•ted Pr~ .. ArgenUna said today that ita prrilon ln the Falkland I.al.ands capital of Stanley beat back repeated Britilh Harrier bomblng raid1, killed a t least three oonunan4oe ln a skirmish and t00k one prlaoner . Britain had no comment but said hi forces k illed five Ar1enune troops In a clash Wedncwday, and th.at Argentine Pucara around-attack planet Jltl'afed a forward Britiah position near Stanley on Thursday without causma casualties. Prime Mlnlater Margaret Thatcher told the House of c.ornmona in London. ln a written responae to a question, ahe will give "early conaideration" to visiting the Falk.lands once they are recaptured. Meanwhile. 700 survivors of three sunk British warships, the C.OVentry, Ardent and Antelope, arrived ln Southampton to an emotional, flag-waving welcome aboard the requisitioned luxury liner Queen Eliuibeth 2. • art department will hoet a Sunday brunch at the Magic Island restaurant in Newport Beach in support of an outdoor mural on the c.o.ta Mesa campus. gounnet breakfast and three magic shows from 10:30 a.m. 'to 1 :30 p .m. at 2505 Via Oporto, Newport Beech. · ballots there. UCI launches 'navy' for research work The famous cruise liner berthed one month after setting sail for the South Atlantic with some 3,000 British troops, offloaded at South Georgia and lat.er landed on the Falklands. , Meta are $75 per couple or $37.50 apiece and include a •itAnnie," the story of everyone's tavonte orphan, will be staged tonight and Thunday by students at Bear Elementary School. in Costa Mesa. Proceeds from the event will help fund an outdoor mural by internationally noted artist Uta Albaq.erqae. For more information or reeervations call 556-5880. The play begjna at 7:30 p .. m. at the F\.&.ll S:O.pel Bualne9a Men 's Fellowship International, 3150 Bear Stre.et, Costa M esa. Admission UI $1.50. LolV clouds ea M 10 47 S2 S4 71 51 113 75 10 S4 M 80 58 73 40 lie ... 72 72 68 .77 85 83 1.15 71 48 78 4a 73 48 .02 75 so 94 85 .32 78 48 t2 78 78 52 7t S3 11 5t 75 ~ 87 4 •• 70 .a 73 M n 42 85 ... 75 .... 81 78 94 IO 77 S3 94 72 87 74 78 IO lie t7 81 81 77 66 .01 &4 IO .48 82 e6 &4 77 74 .... 73 .... 82 541 82 76 11 IO 74 .. 11 11 " • .IO 71 • ta 71 72 .. 102 73 11 6S u• 72 42 to 17 7t 4' IO .. 2.• ~~ .. 1IS .... N rt 1• IO A count of 450 district Republican absentee ballots ls ~xpected from the Orallge Countr Reglatrar of Voters Office later today, Registrar Al oi.on reported this morning. However, elec:tion authorities in both counties still have hundreda of Republican ballotl from the district that were rejected from cornputeriz.ed vote tabulating machines Tuesday night and Wedneaday morning. Thoee votes are to be counted •' remain By JOEL C. DON o<tMD911rfllet .... UC Irvine made naval hiatory of sorta Thursday with the dedication of the first boat ln ltl research fleet. The 32-foot "Storm Maker" was christened with the reqwaite bottle of champagne in noontime ceremonies at its Newport Beech dock. The boat will serve aa a research vessel for the Department of Phyalolol'Y and Biophysi.ca, primarily gathering .squid off Catalina Isla~d for studies on the hum.in nervoua ·~· "Squid have auch larp nerve cells that they are ideal specimens for atudylnf tbe (human) nervous system,' aatd department chairman Dr. Stephen White. The 8Quid will be used mainly in the lab of Dr. Michael Cahala.n, whose reaearch may one day 90lve the myateriea of crippling nervo us 1y1tem disorders auch u multiple aclerosia, muacular dystrophy and myaathenia gravia. Cahalan alao is director of uct's Marine Biophysics Facility, whJch was the tint established on the West Coast for the study of aquid. Re9earch at the UCl facility complements similar work being done at the world-renowned Scrippa Jnstitution of Oceanography In La Jolla and the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts. The new UCI boat, a twin- engine dielel built in 1979, was do.nated to the camoua by Newport Beach industrial contractor Donald Kitts. . On hand at the dedication were College of Medicine dean Stanley van den Noort , Chancellor Daniel G . Aldrich Jr. and Mabry Steinhaus, chairwoman of UCL's Marine D~velopment Committee, a private support .ll'OUP· Aldrich noted ,that acqulaiuon of the'" qee.e} for uae by UU lcientista waa the first academic contribution of the oommittee. ·Reagan ends Europe tour; on way home BERLIN (AP) -President Reagan , ending hia 10-day European odyssey, visited the stark Berlin Wall today, challenged the Soviet Union to a peace initiative, and scorned communist regimes for being ·'scared to death" of freedom. "Coodbve and unbl we meet agaln, aur wiedersehen," Reagan told West Gennan hosts at a farewell cerel)"lony in Bonn before he departed aboard Air Foroe One at 6:63 a.m. PDT for the e ight-hour flight to Washington. "These trips, these meet.inp. have been arduous, they've been long, they've been tiring to all of us, but they've been successful," Reagan said. Earlier in West Berlin, the president, wearing a heavy bulletproof vest. stood for about five minutes at the white-painted line at the Checkpoint Charlie border crossing that 9ep1.tates the city from the communist F.ast. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . .. dads day)jum 20th, ·eesT OF CLASS~ The Oran1• County Grand Jury u r 1ed the Board of ,Supervlaora Thuuday to hue w~ equipment to tect {elidenta who live near the flood-prone banka of the Santa Ana River. • 11 A flood warnln1 ·1y1tem would not provtde full ~ to property," the Grand JurJ uJd, "but it would dttinltely help to prevent loll of llfe ln the event of floodina." A NP91'.! by the U.S. Anny c.orp. ot ~ra bu ""'1ed out portion• of Hunttnaton PLO vows 'resistance 8Mch1.. !Wntaln Vallily and w91t Colta M .. U hi&h•rtill ANll.: The cmt of a flood ~ l)'ltem WM pl-.ci at t122,000. The Grand Jury aak1 OnQa County could ahare the CCII& wflh Rlvenkle and San Jlenwdino countlel. • shaky •• ID Leban On ~ By ne Asaoelated Pren . · Iarael and Syria declared a C18811e-fire ln the Lebanon war today, the Iaraella c1airnln& they had achieved their_ objective - 1paahin1 the Paleatlnian guerrilla movement. But artWery barraaea f1aJ'ed outatde Beirut 2 ~ houra ·1ater, and . the Court steps In guerrillas vowed continued resiltance. Just before the cee11e-fire took effect, llraeli jets ecored a direct hit. on PLO military headquarters in Beirut. SheUf1re broke oui in K.halde, etght miles IOUth of Beirut center and juat aou th o f Beirut Oil tracts sold I -but not New-port By STEVE MITCllELL or .. .,..,,... .... Oil tracts off the Southern California coast went on sale today, but two doien tract.a, ' lncludina 10 off Newport and Leguna Beach, were not in tbe offertnc. · The 9th U.S. Cin:uit Court ot Appea1I ruled ln s.n Frandaco late Thunday \hat 24 1ndl oll s.nta Monica ~Lm ~ and the Orana woukI not be leaed until a trial ii held on the economic and enviraeanental impacta qn COlltal dties. The emer1ency appeal to. permit the Department of the- Interior to 1eMe the 24 of&bon: tracts waa rejected a day after a u .s. District Court Judae lmpoied an injunction on -1e ol the tract. aet for today in Loi AnaeJes. The <lrcuit Court ruling late ERA hunger strike now in 25th day With one woman too w.U to hold up her own bead and a lleOOlld drif Unc in and out of CODICI~ a h\mCW strike in aupport of the Equal Ri•hta Amendment moved into ita 25th day today. Zoe Ann Anand&; a Newpcl't BMch woman and one of the aeven atrikera 1athered in miii.a.I... deKlii.d the acene: -iiMO;t of -. .uu ao to the Capitol buildinc f!Wr/ day. The Jeplaton are trytnc to avoid w now. 1 don't think they even want to tee w. I thlnk~ feel au!Ity. 1 hope they feel ty." Support.en of the have· unUl-June 30 to ,.n three more ltatea to raUfy the comtitutional amendment. lllinoia, which • requ1ra a two-thirds vote for an . amendment, la one of the taraiet.ed ata• .. ' Thunday, while ui>holdlna the injunction, did permit the ie.. of 140 other tracts to go forward today. And while the court'• decillon WM a vlct.or)' for the state and OOMta1 dtiee. the aJ>PMI court cumed down a bid by the Siena Qub and the Qty of ~ a.ch ti> bait tbe Ille ol. air 18' tr.-In Lelee SU No. ea. Ka~~ en att.clme)! for the Sierra Club, ..td the or1anllation is attempttna to deOde how bell t9 ., forward wt1h their bid tO bait drUllnc 1n all the Southern California tracts. "We are definitely IOina to p.nue the cue/' Ma. -D6cbcn Mid. She llkl optiom include going forward with the appeal procw. go forward in trial court, or "try to do both simultaneo-..ly." She Mid today'a 1ee8e ale does not ao.i the door to the club'• effcr1a. "Tb.ere are other aia,ee." the aaid. 'Today they are receivinC and openina bkla, tMrt they won't (See OIL, Pqe .U> By JODI CADENllBAD or ... 1111r ....... It'• one of life'• 1tran1e coincidences, thought Mar1te Mummy of Costa Mm. when she ripped apu1 the old wood ironin1 board in her closet Thunday and found three San Frandlco newspapers dated June 9-11. 1927. Ma. Mulvany waa only two yeen old when a San Frandlco womm Wiii pedrti,,. the heavy boerd "years.., Jrith .,.r{ectly folded Sa1i Frana.co newap9pen tl\at IOld for three CBtW. The ironinl tpard WM a lift from her IOll sewn1 ~ .., ·I lnt4;ma~ Ab:»ol1. :;. . .. ,ft ~- \ A ~Yrian 'l...e'ballele radio station said PaleatiniaJ) and Leb- anese leftist forcel entrenche in Khalde had besun e~ fire with hraell warship• offshore, .and Syrian artillery pclliUom in the bills at Aouk al-Oharb, above Khalde, opened fire on the llraella five mlnutea later. Iarael'a Invasion army had been battlinc PalesUnian forces at the southern 9dae of Beinlt for two daya, after pushing 50 miles to the gatee ol the Lebaneee capital in a aix-day campaign they uJd WU aimed at driving the guerrillas out of llOUthem Le&nao. In their Ughtnlna offenmve the Israelis also collided with the Syrian forces that went into bebanon atx yeart ago aa ~pen between the Arab country'• warnna t.cuona. , Flgbtlnc on the around and in the air had continued to within minutea of the noon (3 a.m. PDT)· w-fiN. IsneJl planes bnmhed Belruf• P,'eattqlr endMt9 md nrpultiiClly abot clown 18 mere SJ!iu ~ over Lebmloa. ' Juat 10 minutee before the ceue-flre, a tluater of llraeli bombs unleuhed hl1h above Beirut ar:ored a dirict hit Gil the 1lx-1tory apartment ltutW&q hDwir'I the Pakwdrie Uberadon ~Ion's mllltary The PLO'a chief spokemlan, Mahmoud t•bedi, aaid none of the top PLO leaden WM killed OI' wouncled in the attack. But he Mid eome PaleaUDSan offlclala wete trapped alive in an underaround mmmand bunker. Several people were known to have beell killed In the atudl. Labadi said • truce W8I "under ()C.)1111deratlon." He abo declared that "the reartance ii ~ Clll on all the axis." and abe doan't know where be got IL Still in aood condition, the DOW yellow ~&ive accounw of Ow-lee retumina to the U.S. after hiatory- maklng aolo flight acrou the Atlantic. Ai.o inier.tina are the stone. that colored tlie times, but eacaped the pases of history boob. A youna mother complained to achool offlciala that her 11 -year-old aon should be' allowed to wear overalla to ... .:hool. - Ann t.nden mlaht blush at CLOSE (.'ONTEST -Windward Passage (left) and Christine bead downwind after rounding the weather mark Thursday during spirited competition of 'Long Beach Yacht Club's race Oel!J NM fltloto bf ...._ ~ week for yachts over 70 feet in length . Series continues through Saturday off Long Beach with 56 yachts in 13 classes. See story. Page C2. NB planners I i torpedo J Fun Zone / About 1,aoo leftkn &om ax h11h tchoola In the Newport- Mma UnWed School J)jstrict are ICheclWed to p-aduate during cenmem. next Thunday. About 455 Corona ·del Mar m,h School studenw will begin marchl.n4J to the faini1lar atrains of pomp and dm..amtance at 3:45 p.m. in the IChool quad. Amona tho. graduating will be 11 valeclictoriina who earned perfect 4.0 IP'llde pamt a~. They lncfude: Steven Candan. ~trida Chapman, Chrts~pher ~ Cynthia Kendall, Kerry Kim, Allan Menwn, Margaret Neff, Scott Richman, Suz.anne Ruaso, Pamela Wllaon, Mary 7.alski, Student.a Jody Becker, Ken the leuen ~tten in ''Tell it to Elsie." A young woman alone in the tq dty for the first time, asked the advice columnist If ahe ahouJd ~ in pettina. Her friendl wld her, "U you don't pet nowadays boys wlll th1nk you're a flat tire and they'll never Mk YoU out." 1!2sle told the worldna woman not to conlidel' henelf IO hJa:h and mt&hty just because afie didn't pet. '-ibe pe~ lt8elf " wlpr Uld c:hmp. But the. .... t beneath it tm't." the columnfst wroce. , . Yonkers.. 9elln Lotlu& And Alisa K.aanoff will speak. Coata Mesa High S chool atudenta will graduate at~ In nearby Orange Coast stadium. Victoria Lamar, Johanna F.ddy and Steven Anderson each have earned 4.0 arade point averages and will leae! their class of 400 as valedictorians. The Salutatorian is Huy C:Ong Vu and the speakers will include Victoria Lamar and Mila Hue Ngo. Eatancia High S c hool valedlctorian Kerry Clevldence has maintained a 4.0 grade point averaae and ~ lead the c.lass during ceremonies at 7 p.m. · Brenda Branin is salutatorian and John Ursini and Brenda Branin will address their 425 clamnates at Davidtfon Field. About 420 Newport Harbor High School seniors will march ~ Davidson Field at 4 p.m. and will be led by valedictorian Glen Kauffman. Frank Livin"2tton ii salutatbrian and apeakera include Andrea Fine, !.R. Salvatore and R .B . Alexander, founder of Hobie Iniemational. ' About 60 atudenta from Bliek Bay High School are expected to rticipate in ceremonies that at 10 a.m. on the campua. T e la no valedictorian. Students Liu Flemming and Anaela Aleen will apeU. 1'ewport Eveni ng H i gh ScMoPs gnduation ceremonies at 6 p.m. will ~ the IChool'a laat followtnc a~ by the achool board to dole the campus. About f5 will ~uate . (See l,8H, Pap AZ> The Ba lboa F un Zo n e, a leftover of the 1930s. was reed what appear to be ita final rites Thu.reday. Unle11 an appeal is lodged within the next 20 days. the block-long harborfront arcad~ will be bulldozed into history and replaced w ith a three-stor y complex of offices, shops and restaurants. On a 5-1 vote, the Newport Beach Planning Commission approved a $20 million plan filed b y C la r e mo nt-based JBS Development. The lone dissenter was Allan Beek. The action will stand unless appealed to the city council. The Fun Zone was erected in 1936 and over the years has survived .everal redevelopment tries. Jazz concert set in Mesa The public ia invited to attend a jazz concert toniaht., sponaored by the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation. The Riedllng Jazz Trio will perform from 17:30 to 9 p.m. in t he Coata Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. Tickets are $10 per family at the door. The achool'a foundation la trying to rabe money to r9tore and enhance prosrama cut due to a lack o, funding .. ··~ptitd tod1y, and that'• thtr ltap Ula\11 c:rhlcaJ." Mtanwhlle. a apokffwomu' the 1tai. Coutal. Commlalot\ d ahe doMn•t know If the atate pwaue a Uial, 8lven the· t court'• upholding of the juncUon on the 24 tracta. "M Iona u the tract.a aren't fered ani:i u long u bldt ue t accepted, they, won't be 110ld," d Marl Gottdiener, an offahore • ll analyat for the Coaatal n. "And if they don't .ell the ract1, 1 don't know if we'll further pursue the suit," ahe d. • Department of the Interior officiat. were unavailable for comment today on the circuit court's rejection of their appeal. But a spokesman said ~'l'huraday , before tbe circuit <lburt's decision was announced, that, if the Interior Department failed ln ha effort. b1da on U\e ~ traco would bt returned UDOpened. , Blll Grant, aotln1 dep'uty mlnerah mana1er tor the Interior Department, warned that f&llur.9 at the circuit court would only mean the 24 trtcta might be offered for tale acaln In 198"4. "We. could atop the leue aale, yea," Gt&nt uid. ''But we don't thlnk that'• the proper thinl to do. We're tryina to be reuonaDle, but you come to a ~t wh~ dec:illona have to be inade." The U.S. Geologic Survey hu estimated there are between lU bllllon and 10.9 bllllon barrell of oil and 5.4 trtlllon to 15 triWOn cubic feet of natural 111 In propelled drillinJl sites between Oregon and the Mexican border. Gov. F.dmund Brown aaya the 24 disputed tracts repre1ent "only about 10 perunt of the oU pe>tenlial." l,800 GRADUATE ... ')I Z'• l 9 #;. ~ Co 0 The Orange Coast llege art department will host a (, Sunday brunch at the MagJc 9 Island restaurant in Newport ,. Beach in support of an ~ outdoor mural on the Costa .,. Mesa campus. "Tickets are $75 per couple or $37.50 apiece and include a •"Annie," the story of everyone's tavorite orphan, will be staged tonight and Thursday by students at Bear Elementary School in Costa Mesa. BaCcal•~te oeietnonies for Eatanda High School studenta are echeduled for Sunday at 7 p.r;rt. in the d1'trict auditorium. Newport Harbor High School ceremop.ies begin at 4 p.m . Sunday in the achool quad. No baccalaureate ceremonies gourmet breakfast and three magic .shows from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 2505 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. Proceeds from the event will help fund an outdoor mural by internationally noted artist Lita~ For more information or reservations call 556-5880. The play begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Full Gospel Bus1neaa M en 's Fellowship International, 3150 Bear Street, Costa Mesa . Admiaaion ia $1.50. A pr_opoMl to let ownerw of tma1l Newport Beach apartment compltJCes convert uni ta to condOminiuma la headed for a thoWdown. I The new law, to be conaldered Monday by the City CouncU, would permit owner1 of apartment cornplexea of four unit• or le11 to convert the property to condomlniuma. City officlala hav' calcuJated the law change could aff~ more than 7,000 rentera ~ allehtll more than 22 percent of the city s rental hoUllna. City planners caution, though, that they would not expect a flood of convenJon requeata and that the """ested law cornea with a long list of condltiom. SEEKING SURPRISE? -Johnnie R. Crean, who conceded the Republican 43rd Congressional District race to Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, now awaits abeentee ballot count that could turn his defeat into victory. Barney Larka, a Newport resident who haa 1pearheaded a drive against the conversion law, said senior citizens on fixed incomes likely would be unable to purchue their apartmenta. But Larks said some rentera are afraid to 1peak out against the new law ana others have just given up, figurtna approval of the law la lnivitable. • Packard increases The Fair Housing Counc:il of Orange County alao la critl.ca.l of the condominhtm plan. A 1pokeawoman for the houaing group aaid sh.e has trouble believtnc Newport'• reuon for the law ~ ia to provide a slim lead in 43rd By JEFF ADLER OfhDllJ"'9t..... ' Although C-arlabad Mayor Ron Packard increaaed his allm lead to 58 vote• in the 43rd Congresslonal Diatrict race for the Republican nomination, travel-trailer tycoon Johnnie Crean today predicted he will be the winner when all the votes finally are counted. Packard and Crean are locked in a tight two-way battle that hinges on an uncounted number of ballots in both Orange and San Diego oountlee. The 43rd district includes portions of both counties. Packard lncreaaed bHI lead • from 36 to 58 votes ThW'9day after San Diego County election o!fida.la tabulated 838 absentee ballota there. A count of 450 district Republican absentee ballota is expected from the Orange Co\.\!1 tr Registrar of Voters Office later today, ~ Al Olson reported thla morning, However, election authorities in both counties still have hundreds of Republican ballota from the district that were rejected from computeriz.ed vote tabulating machines Tuesday night and Wedneeday morning. Thole votes are to be counted over the next several days, new •tock of fordable housing. She suggested it wouldn't be election officiala said. affordable for seniors and college Nevertheless, Crean exp~ -. ..a_ will ·~1.KKDta. confidence that be stage a Several UCI students also have come-from-behind win for the crttized the proposal There are coveted nomination. about 900 UCI students living in "I think rll pull It off by Newport. maybe 20 votes,'' he said from hi.I Aocording to the proposal, San Juan Capistrano home today. there are aeveral conditions that "Packard was really a regional could throw a wrench into an candidate." owner's desire to oonvert. Packard could not be reached· Under the law, at least one for comment. tenant of a duplex and at least Packard outpolled Crean in two t.enanta in a fourplex would San Diego County portions of the,.. have to express interest in. two-county congressional dtstrict. purchasing one of the converted but Crean won in Orange County units. · portions of the c\latric:i by Additionally, a new state law substantial margins. requlres an owner displacing low UCI ·launches 'navy' work for research BJ JOEL C. DON or ... a.1r,.....,, ' UC Irvine made naval history of aorta Thursday with the dedication of the first boat in ita research fleet., Cahalan allo ia director of UCl'a Marine Biophysics Facility, which was the tint established on the West Coast for the study of 9QUid. and moderai. lnconW people to come up with replacement houalfll within three yean of \he converaJon. CUy planners uid thHe condlUona would so far In keeplna co~verslon1 at a reuooabfe pace. Current law in Newport effectively bana converalona. There has not been a convendon in the city since 1979. Falkland bomb raids repelled? By Tbe Aaaoclated Preaa Argentina lald today that its garrison In the Falkland Wand.I capital of Stanley beat back repeated British Harrier bombing raids. killed at least three commandos in a skirmish and took one prisoner . Britain had no comment but said its forces killed five Argentine troops in a clash Wedneflday, and that Argentine Pucara ground-auack planes 1trafed a forward British position near Stanley on Thursday without causing casualties. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told the House of Commons in London, in a written response to a question, she will give "early consideration" to visiting the Falklands once they are recaptUred. Meanwhile, 700 survivors of three sunk British vlarships. the Coventry, Ardent and Antelope, arrived in Southampton to an emotional, flag-waving welcome aboard the requisitioned luxury liner Queen Elizabeth 2. The famous cruise liner berthed one month after setting sail for the South Atlantic with some 3,000 British troops, ofOoaded at South Georgia and later landed on the Fa)klands. Reagan ends Europe tour; on way home Low clouds • reina1n The 32-foot "Storm Maker" was chriliened with the reqw.si.te bottle of champagne in noontime ceremonies at ita Newport Beach dock. The boat will serve as a research vessel for the Department of Physiology ~d Biophysics, primarily gathenng squid off Catalina Ialand for 1tudie1 on the human nervoua Re9earCh at the UC! facility complements similar work being done at the world-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla and the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts. Bkmlnghm Bltmll'Ck Bolle Bo*ton 8fown9* Coastal ~on . Ceeptf "1 Fllr todlY with hlgha 88 It the Qwtetn SC ~ ll1d 74 In Inland _... OW'lltn WV ~ cloudlnae tonight with lows CMrlolte NC Of 54 to 58, Low ctoudlnne d\ll'lng CMflnne ~ornlng hour• Saturday. ~ ••coming pertly aunny In th• Cincinnati 1ftemoon. Highs Setur~ M to ~ 72. C1mb1a SC El1ewhere . from Point Columbue ~ to the Mellluf\ border 09-Ft Wth find °"' eo mlel: Ugtll verleble ~ p.tnda lh<OUOh tonlgl'lt. exc.pt lot Owl\'w .....-lerty wine». tO IO 11 knoll. Ihle 0. ~ -.n.rnoon. Westerly ......... of 1 to 2 Detroll ''"'· Coo1lder1bl1 to111r clCMid• Duluth throuoh teturdey. with parllel El P-ettemoon clel!Mg. Fwoc> ~F9111 Hanford .......,. Honotulu Hou.ton ~ Jldltn M8 Jedi ... KIM Olly La VeQ81 Uttle Roc:ll Loui.vtle Lubbodl ~ .......... Mplil-81,P ....,,..,.. NllllrOr-. NllllrVOfll ~ No ....... g:,..c:.r 0-...... =:-=:rt. "'9rld, ON ,.,OMlllOI =~·Pb .. UM llflAMofliO ...... ....... " .... , ... 88 &4 70 47 12 64' 71 61 93 75 70 54 .48 10 Ge 73 40 ee ea .12 72 N .77 15 63 1.16 71 45 7t 43 73 .... 02 75 50 ... 86 2 71 ... 92 75 71 52 7t 53 11 51 76 ... 17 46 " 12 70 45 7$~ 72 42 IS 4e • 76 « t1 71 M IO . n 53 M 72 11 74 1~ eo " 17 11 11 n 56 .01 M IO M 12 16 Mn 1• « 73 ... 12 M t2 71 ,, IQ 74 .. ,. •1 11 -~ ,. . • 71 ' 72 .. 102 71 73 13 1.21 72 42 IO 57 7t .. •• I.II .. , It • .. 71 .. .. .. 12 74 90 ~· "Squid have such large nerve cells that they are ideal specimen• for studying the, (human) nervous ayatem," aald department chairman Dr. Stephen White. The equid will be used malnly in the lab of Dr. Michael Cahalan, whose reaearcb may • one day aolve the mysteries of crippling nervous 1y1tem disorder• such aa multiple tcler'Olia, muacular dyatrophy and myasthenia gravis. The new UCI boat, a twin- engine diesel built in 1979, was do.nated to the camoua by Newport Beach industrial contractor Donald Kitts. _ On hand at the dedication were College of Medicine dean Stanley van den Noort, Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrtch Jr. and Mabry Stei nhaus , chairwoman of UCI'a Marine Development Committee, a private support _group. Aldrich noted tbat acquisition of the ~ for use by UL:! scientists WM the first academic contribution of the committee. .. -dads day,juna. 20th, BEST OF OLASS ~Bc51r • bank • services Avco Financial Services of Newport Beach reached agreement with California Bancorp Inc. for purchW of Anaheim National BanJc for $5.5 million. The closing la expected within 95 daya. All a condition, Avco Financial Servtcea It required to -ell the commercial loan portfolio ot Anaheim National. The purchase must alao be approved by the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Reserve System. The J>Utttiue marks Avco'• entry into national banking services. Newport Balboa d ividen d told Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Asaoclation has declared its flrat stock df vidend. The board of direct.on approved a~ percent stock dJvidend to shareholders of record June 10. The three-year-old savings and loan asaociatlon with headquarters In Newport Beach recently announced eamingit of $1.54 per share in filcal 1982, up 40 percent. K r e!Iler cites risk factor A combination of drastk:ally changing fi.nanclal. market and political realities ia result1ng in a new risk/reward ratio In land development, Peter C. Kremer, president of the Irvine Company, told the Pacific Coast Builders Conference in San Fra.rlClaCO. "Real estate development ls not riding the trough of another cycle but ia being completely restructured," Kremer said Thursday. Kremer said risks involved in large-acale land development are beginning to oUtw~gh potential . reward.$. As a result, he said, large land developers will either undertake smaller scale, incremental development or require a development agreement, a new form of contract between a developer and a munJcipal jurisdiction that will give both parties a degree of assurance that a project will be completed. Charity seminar set A three-day aeminar on "Planned Giving: A National Perspective" begin• Monday •t the Newport.er Inn, Newport Beach. Speakers lnclude Lynn Nofziger, fonner adviler to President Reagan; Bert Knautt, member of the President'• Twik J'orce on Priv~te Initiatives, Milton c.emy of the Internal Revenue Service and economist later Sa1amoo of The Urban Institute. , For information. c.all 844-7000. , Sem.in.ar sponsor is the NatJonaJ lnatilute for Philanthropic Studies at UC Santa Barbara. Century Data signs pac ts Century Data Systems, Inc. of Anaheim received three contcacts totaling more than $2 million for its Trident line of removahle pack disk drives. Voice and Data Systems of Chicago will purchase 200 units, Pro Data Corp. of Cleveland signed for 50, and S.B.AA Mar~ting lnc. of Cape Girardeau, Mo. for 25. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLICHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND OOWHS • METALS Nl!W YORK (AP) -Spot nonfettout _. .. Pltoet,~ C•tt~r 10"-1& c:enle • po11110, US dMtlneUoN Leed ZS-27 -· • pound Z1M 3$-37 _,.. • POUnCI, Ollhiwecl. 1111 M.002S ~Week-..... lb. Al t:u 7 .. 11 _,,,•pound, NY ........, '370.00 I* ,... ....._.213.00 lroyOL, NY. SILVER