HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-12 - Orange Coast Pilot• • l\111Ht11\, "''n ' • .. Biza:r-re details surface in miirder .prebe ~JU:~LB LMuna h M1lmaker Kelly Ru.ell Daniell pMeded lnnocent Friday to chat1H tha~• murdend hill oowln wtth a aunahot to hl1 hHd Tu ay nl&ht while 40 bonitied pat.rom . at a John Wayne Airport rt1taurant looked en. & Daniela, 32, enier4td the The dMd man II l)arkley F. Hod,.., 40, whoee lut known addreu waa In Weatminater. Oranae County Sheriff'• Lt. Wyatt Hen identified the vk:tim u tM brother of W•tml.nater City Councilman GU Hodaet. Meanwhile, a: num6er of bbarre dn:urnltancet aurfaced In \he wake of the llaylna. They tncluded: -An anonymoua caller who telephoned the Orange C-ounty Ccroner'1 Office, Lt. Hart aald, and AJked about the vtctlm. He Mid he believed Hodpe wu hll brother, but he hu.ni up wtthdut ldentlfyt.na hirnlelf. -A myaterloua "third man" who Wat ••aertedly at the Delaney'• Rettaurant table when Hocfael WU lhot haa yet to be publlcly Identified by authoridee. He reportedly bolted and r.n f.rom the nstaurant when the ahot rang out. -Harbor court oUlclale Frlday apparently decelved repo&1en J'rlday by •Wna 'them DlnleJI' court appearance would be ln \he afternoon when It wu ~'1.held Frida)' ~· lt now beinl held ln ~ County Jail ln lieu of $7d,OOO baU. He facea a preliminary hearln1 on the murder charae June 25 ln Harbor Municipal Court In Newport BeKh. Authorities have llaued Uttl• tnformatlon about tbe 1laylng and ha.Ye declined to reveal POllible motlvet. Lt. Hart aald ln~tlptarl now nave "1everal Ideal" about. what t.riggered the alle1ed attack. He wouldn't elabOrate. Accordt na to wltneaae1, Daniela, Hodges and the third man had been ainins for 1everal houra drinking in the aecond- ltOry airport restaurant. The 1h'oottn1 took pl~ce 1hortly before the 9 p.m. cJollnC hour. H<>daee llumped over on the table, latally wounded. Manhall Schulman, Santa Ana attorney for Danlela, aa1d he undent.ood the three men ran up about a $90 bar tab during the evening. Schulman didn't reveal what the men had been tal.k:inc about during the lengthy aellion. (See AIRPORT, Pase .U) ·I It innocent plea In Harbor Municipal Court. • Israel h.attles PLO 1 after cease-£ ire By tile Aaaoclaced Pre11 Israel and Syria declared a ceue-flre Friday ln the 6-day-old Lebanon WU', but heavy fighting raged on between Israeli foroes and Palestinian suerrlllu at. the aouthem approaches to bloody Beirut. Israel's defenae chief Mid hi.I country has ''no oeaae-fire with the terrorista." A guerrilla leader declared hi.I fighters ''are not . CC)llCerned by the cease-fire in any way." The Israeli-Syrian atanddown took effect at noon, just minutes after Israeli jets devastated Palestinian gu e rrilla headquarters in furious air and sea b ombardmen ta of the Lebanese capital. Lebanese authorities reported 199 people killed and 444 wounded in those attacb. Within three hours of the cease-fire, Palestinian artUlery crews and Israeli tanks were again trading shellfi.re near Beirut's southern beaches, where Israeli units apparently had gained control of the village of Khalde, just south of Beirut's airport. .,.., ..... ~..,ca.,......_ out the car in the ditch, and then drove away again. Either he was the owner and was giving up on the Volkswagen, or he was a pasaerby .faacinated by the scene. · Smith · Tool hands pink slips to 2 170 Le banese radio said Syrian gunners joined in the Khalde- area artillery duels and, citing unnamed "security sources,'' asserted that Israeli-Syrian artillery exchanges continued Friday afternoon in eastern Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. These reports c ould not otherw iae. be confirmed. Re porters who visite d one Israeli-Syrian flashpoint east of Beirut said the two sides were observing the truce, which apparently was arranged with U.S. help. VW SWALLOWED -Thia 1967 Volkswagen apparently was backed into a small ditch along side road for Newpo~ Boulevard, near the Santa Ana Country w ub. The man m the picture pulled up, got out of his car, checked By GLENN scon or ... ~,... ..... Irvtne-bMed Smith Tool Q,., a leading U.S. maker of oil drilling bits and the 11th laraeat employer in Oranae County, laid oft 270 employee• Friday, company offic:Mlla said. ~OD.ly 35 ol remaining 140 'draw oilers The la~ rep~ted • 6 pereent nctuction of the work fcn:e and touched both aalarted and hou rly work er•, who number more than 4.DOO. Hvwevw. the company 1Ull empJoyJ more wodun than It did a~ .., at thla time. said Bob 8Udenbrand, di.rector of ftnendal cammUnlciatiom. BY STEVE M1'IUlELL or .. .,.,... .... Bids frcm oil companies for 8eW!l'a1 of the 24 offshore oil tracta conte1ted by the at.ate remained aealed Fridal during the Interior Department • auction . in Loa Angeles. The two dozen tracts. located off Santa Monica Bay, Loi ~les Harbor and the cities of Newport and La*µna Beach, were "hands off to bidders 1 following an injunction issued earlier this week by a U.S . Dhrtr1ct Q>urt jUdge. The iqjunctlon, ordered by ~J udge Cynthia Hall on Wednesday, wa1 u_pheld the following day by the U.S. Circuit Court ol Appeall followtng an 1 emereency appeal by the Interior Department. \ Friday'• aale aaw only ~ of I 140 of&hore oil tract leuee bld upon by oil companies. ' A total of $210.5 mllllon WM ' bid, with the highest bid. for a tract ln the Santa Barbara Channel, gofn8 for $31.7 million by a group oonslstin8 of Chevron, Phillipa Petroleum and Champlln Pejrolewn. _ ~nd while one Interior Department officlal termed the auction a 1UCOE!91, another aald the bidding wa1 "lea• than normal, statistically." Reid Stone, mlnerals manager of the Pacific Outer Continental SheU Beidorl of the department said, "Conaldering all the difficulties we've had in reach1ng WORLD .._.point. it loob like we haVe a 11l"C"'hal .ie." , . But Jl.ll Grant. actin8 deputy mineraJa manager, laid the aale fell below expectations. R,gardlng bids on the contested 24 tracts, including New~rt and Laguna Beach, Grant aald the department '~did receive aome bids on some of thoee tracta." But be refl.lled to say how many tracts were bid on, saying, "Obvloualy it's a touchy issue and rm not at liberty to say." Meanwhile, the federal govenunent announced it won't appeal to the Supreme Court the 9th Citcui\ Court of Appeala N11na TbW'lday ul>hold1na the excluaion of the ~4 contested J.eues. Grant aaid the cue will atill probably go to trial. "Their argument (the at.ate) 1till has to be heard on its merits," Grant said. The state, which was joined by Orange Coast cities and Loa Angele•, contend oil rig1 off coastal towns poae a threat to the environment and to the tourist buslneea. The layoffa were lnd.1rectly cauled by the world oil &lut and reluctance of private and national oil companies to initiate new drilling, he Mid. Bu.sine9I strategltta at Smith Tool had expected that activity thia year would remain as bu9)' a.a during the 1att few years and had added worken to build an inventory, he aald. ''It came on ua, frankly, very quickly," Hildenbrand 1ai~ Friday. "We were lookina for Coun·t retllrns Ieaa to Crean BY JEFP ADLER or ... .,.., ........ The lead in the batUe 1or the 43rd Congteasional Di1trlct Republican nominadon may have changed banda for the last time Friday afternoon when travel- trailer tycoon Johnnie Crean pulled ahead of Carlsbad Mayor &o Packard by 93 votes. Cza.n.-~ traillna by 58 votea a1 of Friday morning, made up the difference and pulled into .the lead after .(28 abeentee ballots and 250 ballota. rejected by computerized vote- tabulating machinea, were counted by Orange County elecUon oUJdala. A day earlier, Packard had increaaed hi• narrow 36-vote marain to 58 vote• when vote tot.ala, they are counted. .~tee ballot.a in San Diego later. C-ou.nty wett talUed. 'lbe 43rd Also, San Diego Co'!!!.fi diat:rlct enoompuees por1loDI of election offidala haw a both ~Uee. number of uncounted balloSa that Unoffidal vote totall showed were rejected from their vote. Crean lead1.na with 13,688 votea ooun1ing device. '1'lole votes, u to the 13,595 received by well, m• be counted before the Packard. electkJo and a winner can be Orange Q>unty Regtatrar of certified. Voters Al Olson aafd Crean Crean'• ttrength on the picked up 181 votea 1rom the -rejected and •blentee ballots uncounted county ballotll to the from Oranee County wu not 30 votea polled by Packard. IUTPrisln8 a1 he ran much better Ollon added, however, that thaii Pacbrd in Orange County, there 1tlll may be several outpolllnl hi• opponent by uncounted. ablentee ballo1a that aut.tanti.al marainl-. will be added to vote t.dtala over Packard. on the other hand, the next aeveral days. Abeentee ran atronalY ln h.il home San ballot.a handed in at the polls are Diego co·unty, where he not included in electlon .qht (See CREAN, ...... A!) STATE more of an exten.iion of the type of activity we've seen in the lUt two yean." - Fueled by demand for new drill bita, Snu'\h Tool had grown at the remarkable annual rate of 40 to 5Q percent during tbc. y.n, he aaid. Friday'• layoffs• weJ'e the tint major dJmnillall at 1eMt ... the eompeny rnovetJ ita plant in 1974 from Comp\on to lrvt.ne, he -"ied. • Dnployees weH"nOtified of the layof& at the ~ of their (See SMJTB. Pap .U) The Israeli military oommand, which reported heavy pre-truoe fighting early Friday ln which 18 mor~ Syrian MIG• were 1hot down, aa1.d later it had DO reportl of pelt-truce fiahtina between the Syriana and Lraella. The laraell-PaJestlnian clMbel ln southefl\ Beirut continued wuabated until niahtfall f'riday, with Israeli warhip1 cruising offabon joining in the ahellina· COONEY POUNDED -Referee Mills Lane restraina World Boxing Council he$vyweiaht champion Larry Holmes aft.er be hammered challenger Gerry Cooney in the .BeCOnd round of Friday night'• qght in Laa Vegas. Holmes won the bout with a 13th round knockout; retaining hia championship. For fight details, see Page Bl. INDEX I ·1 I I AIRPORT-MURDER Ora~ COunty Republican Party.,Chalrwomaa Loh Lundber1 la a1~ln1 that tbt told lnvtldiaton he had been Oren1• County Re1l1trar of out of town. Vocen Uplaln why lt hM taken Employ.. at the reetaurant dtlcrtbed the trio u talaaUve bUt not drunk. Hocta-and UW third rnan wH dHorlbed aa well· dJ'elMd Wh!W Du\Jela WU la.Id to be olad tn dlrty Jeana and 1port1na ahoulder·leftlth hair. Offlcert u.ld patronl -and the third man -fled quickly when the atnale ahot tanl out. Hod1e1 died at the Fountain Valley Community Hoapltal Trauma Center. The fatal wound WM just above hla left ear. Dan.fell waa arrested at the restaurant, where offklerl aaid they found him teated at a table. Authorities have indicated they have located the third man for questioning, but have declined to reveal hia Identity. The Orange County District Attorney's Office baa refused comment on the cue. Sheriff's Lt. Hart said there wu a two-day delay in finding the victim's brother, P,uncilman Hodges, because, "We're not really Into tracing family trees unlees it has importance to the cue." Officers finally contacted the councilman Friday. Hart said Councilman Hodges lltfor111 to dNnnlne where the eo lorlf to count all tht bellow victim, Barkley Hodpl, Uvtd or cut ln IMt 'l\...tay'1 primary wotked turned up Utt». ei.ctlon. We1tmln1ter Councilwoman ~ cl\.&eltlonl of tldon Kathy Bucbol II.Id lht had met 1ecurhy. Mra. Lundbera ha1 the brother of her council Hked that Bruce Neatande, colleuue and that he WOC'ked chairman of the county Board of briefly on her atate Senate Superviaon, and CIOW'ty Diltrict campalcn. Attorney Cecil Hlckl lnw.tlpte But 1he add~ that he had the matter. moved away from Weltminlter ' ' I t I • b • y o n d m y ~ntly and ahe wMn't 1ure to comprehension that there are 8,· where. 000 to 4,000 outatandina at.entee Funeral service. for Hodan ballota yet to be tallied in the are pending. Pacific View county for the primary election Mortuary in Newport Beech la in l"elUlta." Mn. Lundbelj wrote in charae of arrancementa. a letter to Reptrar Al Ollon. Meanwhile at Harbor Court, The letter IC* on to inform there wu no explanatloD u to _ Olaon ~t. "We are allO aletti.na why news reporters had been the dlatrict attorney ln writing to liven falle time for the Daniels the fraudulent reaulta auch appearance Friday. procedW"eS coWd .UOW.'' One apokelman for the Dlati1ct I n a n e w s r e l e a 1 e Attomey'a office uid the pre11 aecompanying the letter, Mrw. was misln.formecl becauee of the Lundberg said that bealdea h lg h leve 1 of pu blicl ty rail1ng the que.tlon of eecwity, surround.inc the cue. the slow vote count la an Assistant District Attorney inconvenlence to both the Jaines Eruicht. however aald he candidate. And public alike. WU aurpri9ed by the don. He ''Th.la la of the areatest concem said it was contrary to the DA'a to our party and ahould be a policy CREAN IN LEAD . • • From Page A1 SMI~H garnered more votes than any of the 17 other candidates ln the race. While 33-year-old Crean was predicUng a victory Friday morning, Packard waa not optimistic about hla chancat of ~thelead. 'Right now it doeln't look like we can catch up," Paclcard uid. "In fact, it looka rather grtm. I didn't expect that he would pull that strong out of thoee amentee balloll. Packard added that. "it would be a abame to have Mr. Crean pick it (the nomination) off afler the type of campaign he ran." Crean, w~ spent $760,000 ln his election id, wa accu.ect of trytng to y the rice and of employin& dirty campaign tac:Uca. Packard alao aa1d he baa not yet decided whether he wW lllk for a recount if he loees the election or whether he will eupport Crean if he ii the party'a nominee. The ~year-old clendst said he might all!p consider running • a write-In candidate in the November election. While the race for the coveted GOP nomination came down to a runoff between the two top candidatet, the primary fleld Included 18 BepubJJcan bopefuJa, the most 1n any c,lltomJa race thla year. The lat.est vote tabulation did not chanp the relative ltandinp amonc the other candldata Heavily Republican. the 43rd dlalrlct GOP nominee i1 considered an euy winner ln November. The nice attracted IO '!'8ftY candidata becau.e Reo. t:lalr Burglener, R-Rancho Sania Fe, who had repl'e9ellted parta of the newly reapportioned district, decided to retire. The dlatrlct include. the Orange County cltiea of San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Mlmm Viejo and El Toro. San Die10 County portiona of the dlatrict include Carhbad, Escondido, Ocean1ide and Rancho Santa Fe. Whoever flnaily wins the GOP nomination will face Democrat Roy An:het, an &condido coUeae profe9>r, in the general election. eJ.ee1lcn. Meanwhile, a Lake Foreat attorbey flle4 a ault in the eatlfornla Supreme Court Friday, aaldn1 for an order declaring him certified aa an independent candidate for the November general election in the 43rd Diatrict. Mark Allen Smith waa a Republican until he cbanaed hla ~ty a!UUatlon 1tatu1 to pendent early thll year. He eald that the ttete law~ when independent cancllda• can F' ClQ the ballot and how many petition lipatu.res they need abould be let aide th.II ,.... beca1.11e the 43rd District never exiated before, and ita resldenta couldn't comply with the laws. The current law 1ay1 a candidate cannot run aa all independent unleaa he waa foe a full 12 montb9 the primary. Amo, UM quires an independent candidate to collect petition "8Nturea totallina 3 percent of the vote ln the laat general e~on. • • • ahlfta and were told to leave immediately. Don Th9maa, Smith Tool'• Pftllident, immedlately echeduled lor Monday a aertee of employee rap .motlll to dJmm the layoffa and uawe that no othen are anticipated, said Hildenbrand. Those ditmiaed were both "relatively new h1rea or tho.e with aenJortty, depending on the typea of project. they were workina on." tie uid. Smith Tool, at 17871 Von Kannan Aven~t la the 1arpst division of Smhn International Inc., which baa lta corporate offtcee )Jst down the atreet at U.3 Voa Karman Avenue in N~Beech. Smtth Tool'a $448 mi.Wan ln revenue in 1981 wu 38 percent of the publicly-owned corporation'• total $1.2 billion in pa.~ The Oranie County Chamber of Commerce ranked Smith Tool the 11th W.-employer ln the county hued on an employee bllae of 5,000 worken. SA lire chief set for honor The Greater Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce wlll honor Fire Chief William Reimel' and hi• ataff at a reception 'l'b~y at 7 p.m. at the Bowen M\mWft. The department recently reeeived a 0-I raUnB from the l'ltt Underwriten Board. Little change Light varlel* wind• ttwough tOl!Wlt.....,. ~ '° ... .. 10 to 18 llnoU lflemoon. OM to two loot ~ ..... Coneld•rab.. low cloudlllftl tllrouoh tonight but partial lflwnoon~ Smog . Mi. concean to fNery voter," Mn. Lundber1 aald. Oran1e County election offlclala Friday ~till wen counttna abtentet baUota. turned In at precinct polllna plact1 Tu.eday, and ballota that were rejlcted by county vote-eountina machlnee. Election rttultl won't be finalized and certified until IOC'nltlrnt next week, aocordina to Ollon. Hospital ship att~ck charged By.CM k1aoelated Preti Argentina cla1med that Britlah jet pilota fired two ml11llea Ji'rlday at the holp&tal ahlp Bahia Parallo anchored at the Falklandl capital of Stanley, but aaid the v...el WU not hit. A communique from the Joint ChJefa of Stafl aaid the ahip w• carrytna wounded aoldien and a group of Red Cro11 repreaentativea when the attacldna Harrier jlrta fired the m!MiJs at 8:10 a.m. -4:10 a.m. PM'. One mialile atruck the water neAr the Bahia Parallo and the other a1ammed into the home of a Stanley reaident, the statement aaid. It made no mention of cuualtiee or damaae to the ahip but aaid the bowie WU damaaeci 9eV'e1"ely. There was no Immediate reaponae from Loodon. Prime Minl1ter Margaret Thatcher said eaJ'Uer Friday there wW probably be "heavy caaualtle1" In the battle for Stanley, but there were no reporta of any lignificant aaault by British troope besieging the port town. • In Argentina. the arrival of Pope John Paul ll for a SO-hour villt ahared newspaper beedlines with accounta o1 the undeclared war over JM Falkland Ialanda. The pofttlff, irl. hla tint ccmmentm ln Buenos Ah'ea, expremed ~ foe a "just and lllltinc ~f"t() end the South Atlantic conflict. The Joint Cblefa had announced earlier that a Bed Cro11 commiulon aboard the Bahia Paralao had planned to lhapect Ar1entlne mllltary hospital facilltlee ln Stanley. Their atatem,nt said the allepd attack on the holpltal ahip WM "a clear violation of" human rt1ht1 and !Ulea of conduct govemlfti war. A previoua Argentine communique called Britain'• official reporta on Brttiah ic- 11 rid iculou1 and Incredible," referril\I to attacb by AJoaentlne warplanel on a Brttiah fripte and two landlni ah1pe Tueaday at Fitroy Settlement, 15 milea aouthwelt o1 Stanlev. Dllr ............... MEDICINE CRn'IC -Best-aelling· author Robin Cook, 'Speakina before UCI College of Medicine graduates Friday, aaya he wiee hJa popular novels to expose problems in the med1cal profemion. Cook novels,put . ' medicine o~. spo.f 1 BY JOEL C. DON .................. ' Physician and best--telllna author Robin Cook said be bM uM!d the power of fiction to expoee moral and ethical problems in the mec:Ucal _profeeslon. Cook, author of "Coma:' 0 Brain" and the recently re1eued "Fever," waa at UC Irvine Friday to add.re. graduating students at the College of Medicine. "rm not a medical revolutionary," he explained at a pre11 conference prior to hJa speech. Nevertheleea, Cook dted oonflict..of-interest problems with medical reeearchera on the government payroll who allO have vested inten!9ta in private biomedical firms. He allO criticized what he 8f9 as an inordinate amount of funding directed at cancer research ,t the expenae of other d~ fields of study. -"A.1.most the only way to get money is to gear your raeerch to cancer.·· tut Ulel'te<l Cook, who ii an ophthalmoloetst on the *ta.ff of the Maaaachuaetts Eye and Ear Infirmary of Harvard University, laid he wrote "Coma.'' his first novel, to bring attention to the debate over the definitloo of death. He uid the book, which allO was turned into a po~ motion-pidure, ~lved-from the-Karen Ann Qubiliih concrove1~ The woman aliPOed into a deep coma in 1975 and wu t alive a number of years on artificial life suppo:ft ~logy. Although a court settlement ordered the ~ equipment removed, she ii still living in a coma. Cook ••ld he received little criticism from his colleagues following ''Corp.a," a book which focuaes on a diabolical plot of 10me docton to kill patienta and aeD their organs to the highest bidder on the world market for ~lants. •I w .. wondertna what my patients Wel'e going to think, but, in tenns of my practice, it didn't make much difference," be said. "Some people axnplained that I might be exploiting medicine by writing and making -. movie for lta horror impact.'' SUMMIR SPIClalt LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED ON OUR Day . LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOR MEN 6 WOMEN • SAUNA, STEAM, JACUZZI . 2 SAND YOllEYBAll COURTS . 1 I MIU JOCCING TIIACK I • INDfYIDUAl E"ERCISE PROGRAMS NON-PRIME TIME MEMBERSHIPS . CYMPCASIUM ( IASKETBAU, \'OllEYIAll) . ~ CH&D CAllCINTBI . 16 CHA~ RACQUETllAU GOJJRTS . NAUTllUI E~T. . SPECIAL AEll09IC CLASIH . . 21 METlll Ol YMPIC POdi. AIU DIC" . PROIHOP J . llHTAUMNT,aQA.IOCtAll.OUNCE .MA_,R ·~-- l •• . . Retcan told U\Olwnde Of ~ W\blild to welcome him at Andrew• Air -roree BUe ln Nbutban Maryland that the q\IM for hldOm and peace around tlw world ••11 not • burden we ioucht.; but it 11 OM W• ahal1 MYel' lbJ.rk." A thronl of diplomata. memben of ~ 1ovemm•nt em~eea and Republican IU•t.I crowded the Air bue to creet him. Money growth disappoints NEW YORK-Two rneMW'e9 of the nation'• money l\IPPIY grew in the lat.est reportlna perloda, the Federal Reserve Board reported 1'rlday, dampenina hopes for speedy relief from htah interest raiea. Economiats aaid faster-than-expected SJ"Owth of the money supply, conU.nued atrona demand for bulhlell loana and expectatlona of another surge in the money aapply in July would keep interest rat.es hiih· . And despite Hou.e approval of a. Republican federal apendina plan, apparently endina a co~ lmpu19, anal)'IW aa1d interest rat.el also would be kept high by heavy Trea1ury borrowtna to 1Upport record federal detidtl. The l'ed Mid Ml, a meuure of hmda readily avallable for 1pendln1, r91e tt.5 billion to a aeuonally adjuated f4~2.8 billion ln the week ended June 2 from a revt.ed $451.3 bW\on the previous week. The previous week'• ftgwee fet Ml was originally reported u $451.5 . bWfon. 'Guiding Light' nanted top soap NEW YORK -"The Guiding Light" on CBS won two Emmya Friday, lncludlnl ttie award for outstandina daytime dramatic prosram. ~t ABC dominated the category, winning five awards for lta aoep operu and atan. In the nationally televi.led ceremonie. here, Anthony Geary, who plays Luke Spencer on ABC's 0 General Hoepital" was ho1¥>red as the outatanding actor in a daytime dramatic lerie.. Robin Strueer, who ~YI Dorian Lord Calli8on from •-one Life to Live' on ABC, was dlOeeD outstand.J.nc acue.. Sixteen Emmya w~ praented during the prosram, and ABC won aix, CBS five, and NBC and the Public Broadcutlng Service one each. Three went to ayndicated ahowa. Pope meets Argentine junta BUENOS AIRES, Arpntina -Pope John Paul II, on an unprecedented penonal peace million, met with Afaentina'a ruUna military Junta J'ridai and prayed for an end to the Undeclared war with Britain over the Falkland llLanda. Huae crowda -cer1atn1y numberinl in the ~ tUmed 9Ut on a bl~. taln-driven d;yiO( tbe pmtltt. Many Wawld yellow-and- wblt.e Vadcan flaaa and blue-.and-wblte .AremUne a.nn.r.. llEll\UT, J...eblmon -Bein.at'• .... were.' flDed Friday ntaht with bum1na pOa of prba&e and frt1htened chlldren runnln1 throup the lhedowa behind their parents. The atreeta echoed with rattles of IUbmlddne-gun fire, lone bu.ma of antl...alrcraft fire and the bowl of llraell jeta still flytnc overhead. Pale8t1nlan ~ retreating into Moslem- There w• no lien of reeentment over the pope'• recent visit to Britain -a lona-planned ecumenical trip he almmt canceled lelt it appeer he favored the Britlah in the war. lnlteed. be uTaneed the trip to Arpntina. • "I have come to pray for pee«» -few a dlplfied and jilt eolutlon to th4 lll1ned COl\fliet." the ~ told ~tine prie9ta and nww in the MetropoUtan Catbldn1. controlled wart 11eirut edckd to the cbaDI of a city where ICOia were killed in &rMU bombardmentl In the boun before warriftl l.ll'Mli and Syrian forca began obeervina a c:eMe-fire at noon friday. In one attack, about 20 people were Nported killed and an undetermined number wounded when at 19111\ three large aheJla fired by X.-U wanhipe ~ ln dvillan areal of west Beirut. 1 ~TifilTI~ \ Reagan 're-election opposed Nmw YORK -A majority of thoee who voted in IMt Tu.iay'a California primary electlooa do not want tow Pre.ldent Reapn run for re-4~ in 1984, ~ to an Amodated J>rem..KNBC TV poll. 'nle poll, of 4,UU voten •lected at random after eating their bellota at 103 preclncta Tueeday, llid 51 percent would not like to,.. Reapn run for Creatio~ists rap discov~r~ LOS ANGELES -"lt'a just an ape," aald er.~ Duane Gilb, reacting Friday to the announcement of University of California •thropJociata that they dilcovel'ed a anall-bnined, uprl1ht-walkin1 creature that puts man's evolutionary ancatral line back to 4 million yean. . 'nle fomOa. oorvW'na of Uwll fncmenla and • tl1llb bone, w~ dilc:o¥end in the.r.fiddle Aw~ River Valley of norihern ~ 1n 1981, but the findl¥ were not repcri.ea-uniu 'l'bunday at the Berkeley C81Dp.9. "They limply found eewra1 lku1l ~ .. and a level of rOck fonnaUoft that would indbte to them lt WM far older than any find in the put." llid Nell 8e1erawa. edrn•nktntcr of the er.tion- Sdence R1111n::h c..nter In 8Mi Pielo· • Orange C-.t DAILY PILOT /laturdmy, J~ne 12, 1H2 .:...;.._.;.--J J ,, .......... l PLAYING WITH BABY -Pope John Paul 11 a call at Government Houae Friday in Buenoi> holds the granddaughter of Argentine Aires. At left LI Galtieri's wife, Lucille. Pretaldent Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, right, durinl( Volunteer gets · college .award Dtddy Lammers, a Fountain Valley community leader who has devoted nearly 2~ years to volunteer services for organizations throughout Orange County, received the Outatandln1 Citizen Award at Golden We1t College's 16th commencement. The JZraduatlon exerciaes were held Friday night on the Huntington Beach campus. The Board of Trustees of the Cout Community College District gives the award annually to a penon whoee contributions to the community de9erve specta1 ~~ra when volunteer effort la the backbone of all community achlewment, Dlddy Lammers 11 an irreplaceable reaourc!1:· aald Chancellor Nonmft Wat.on. "')\o a:n-nted the award. ~ Mra. Lammers, a Fountain Valley aellident lllnce 1883, Mt aerved nearly 50 orpnizationa as . an_offlaer. "'f'\l"ber « volunteer.-B 0 0 R..E D - D l d d y worker. · IAmqma of Founfaln Valley Amon1 the activities ahe hH_recetved Golden Welt initiated ate a "Welcome Home" Collep'1 Outstandinc Citben proaram that provide• Award. The honor wa1 information to new resident.I; presented at Friday night'• American Field Service, commencement. Fountain Valley's f1nt student exchange progam; a mandatol'y orientation program for hospital volunteers ; an hoi;iorary luncheon for civic leaders; a rut?ella heahh clinic; a bloent.ennial \ime capsule, and several city beautification projects. Mra. Lammers la charter preGdent of the Fountain Valley Cultural Arts Foundation. She a1lo produca and dlrectl pla)'ll for the Huntlnaton Beach Play~. A reptered nurw who cared fet the wounded on fllahtl to Pearl Harbor durina World War D, ahe has done extensive work in community health care projectm. Mr,. Lammen received a 1982 Prealdertt'a ~~~r Action Award from . t Reagan. In 1977 1be wu Fountain Valley's Citizen of the Year, She 11 a charter member of Golden West C.ollege'a Patrons and Is the current president of the IUpport group. Mn. Lamrnen la the wife of retired U.S. Navy c.ommander Lorin Lammers. She i1 the mother of eight ch.lldraa and the grandmother of three. HB district · tightens eligibility ' , I l t By ROBERT BARKER ~ or ... _.,.,,......., , Huntington Beach Union High School District trustees have upgraded ehgibllity requirements• for 1tudents who want to ' participate ln athletial and other ' extra-cunicular acUvities. The standards, which go into~ effect in September of 1983,' require students to have at least a 1 C-minua, or 1.75 grade point ' averase. ln order to be eligible to participate. t Hun~ Beach Is believed to be the only district in Orange ' County to impose academic ' requirements exceeding ' California Interacholutic , Federation standards. : The CIF requires athletes to • have a paaalng arade (D av- erap) in four subject.a. • D6mict Supertn~t Fr.rue "Jake" Abbott said Friday that I the new ~ty requirements · ~expected to motivate a~. "lf academlca and lrwtruction I are what we are really here for, k-ia not beyond reuon to-' maintain certain ate.ndardl for 1 atudenta to tepreaent their • IChool." be laid. I Other extra-curricular · activities for which the 1. 75 , academic requirement wW apply will be ~ted next month. • , They are expected to 1nclude music, band, marching groups · • and drama groups and any other' activities that include performances beyond the .-egu1ar ·clUaroom. . High IChools in which the new rules will apply are Edl1on, Fountain Valley, Huntinton BeQch., Marina, Ocean View and Westminster. Tuna boat sinks· , " SAN DllXiO (AP) -For the third time ln 10 days, a big U.S.] tuna f.iabina boat hal sunk off the IOUthem tip of Mexico's Baja California~ l I I An Oran1e County man Mntenced Friday io die ln the California IH chamber told Superior Court Jud~e Kenneth E. Lae they wouldn t be able to play aou. 111 IUetl this meana we won't 1et to play 1olf, huh?" murder defendant Gordon Lee Mink uked.Lae. Repl ie d the judge: "Apparently, and hopefully, we won't 1et tq play 1olf, Mr. Mink." • To which \he convicted slayer of Garden Grove police officer Donald Reed said, 1'0ut of luck ag.tn." The bizarre exchange took place at the end of sentencing proceedinp Friday ln which Lae ordered that Mink be sent to San Quentin Pri.son'e death row. that Mink may have been under the lnfiuence of amphet.amlnel when the lhoot.lnc occu.rted, but blood test.I ahowed there wu no presence of l'W'COUca ln Mink'• system. • The defendant testified ln hil behalf that he fnaested drup eo frequently that he remembered nothing of the evenif\I on which officer Reed died and four ot.htt people were wounded. Reed wu 1unned down out.11de a bar known then u t.bt Cripple Creek Saloon. He and 1everal other officen had 1one inside the bar to arrest Mink fot invest.lptlon of ... ult with • deadly weapon and drui salet. \ Reed's partner, officer Oleo Overly, tesUfled that Mink lef( the bar through a side dooi:. before opening fire on ~ 8nd other offk.ers. Overly and officer Dwleh~ H e nninge r were teriousl wounded and two bystander al.so were shot. All four survived~ EXP ANSI ON PLAN -Two restaurants. cocktail lounges, shops and more than 20,000 square feet of convention space will be added to the Disneyland Hotel in a $10 million expansion. The fadlity, to overlook man-made marina, la ICheduled to open by mid-1983. The 32-year-old defendant, who am.iled and joked with hb lawyer after the proceedings, was convicted of first-degree murder last month for Reed'• alaying outside a G"1'(ien Grove tavern two years aeo. The Orange County Superior Court jury which convicted Mink al.lo recommended he die in the gas chamber. Mlnk was arrested after h~ was found hiding in bushes near the bar. · The d e f e ndant'• d eat-h sentence will be appeale4 automatically to the Callfo~ Supreme Court. Lae added 10 yean and four months to Mink's sentence l n the event his execution is overturned. Disneyland .Hotel eyes expansion Before imposing the death aentence on the bearded and long·haired Mink, Lae turned down defenee requests both for a reduction ln sentence and a new trial. The Disneyland Hotel opened one facility Friday and is constructing two others at its 1,100-room, 60-acre resort in Anaheim. Construction hu begun on a $10 million expansion of the convention center to create a new hub (or dining, mingling and entertainment at the hotel. Nearby, a casino-style video pme room la being built and a miniature offroad raceway and a stage opened Friday. The tri-level entertainment and convention facility , acheduled to open in summer 1983, will contain two restaurant.a, two cocktail loung~ two small shops and 20,000 square feet of convention apace. lt•1a situated next to the marina. beech and Seaports of the Pacific -a shopping and entertainment center -and adjoins the exiltin8 convention center, which howles the 18,000-aquare-foot Grand Ballroom, meeting rooms, TV studio and 80,000 square feet, of exhibit apaoe. The lower level will contain 5,260 square feet of meeting space, which can be divided Into as many aa iix rooms. The restaurants -one fashioned after an Italian cafe and featuring aeveral intimate areas and patioe, and another top-of- the-line dining room serving American J"elional cuisine -a lobby bar and the two shops take up most of the ground floor. The aecond level will contain a cocktail lounae with a 1ta1e, dance floor and hexagonal pavilion with a view of the marina and a 14,600..equare-foot multipurpoee room for banquets, meetings and exhibUa. Aero•• the marina , construction is under way on a ncreation cent.er below the dock. It will have electronic, video and mechanical games and be modeled after the casinos of Monte Carlo and Laa V egaa. The c·enter Is to open in September. Near the marketplace in Seaports of the Pacific, the third Funds for Orange wood grow S4.4 million collected for abused children's home Funding for a ne1W facility for abuled and neglected children hu puaed the halfway mark with a $1 million contribution from the 14-member board of directors for Orangewood, the propoeed name for the home. 'l'he directors matched a challenge made by board chairman William Lyon of Newport Beach, who pledged $1 mlD1on lut November for the facWty, which would replace the Albert S i tton Home . Oranlewood is slated to be built on a aeven-aqe lite in the City of Orange. Contributions and pledges to date total $4.4 million. The estimated construction cart of the new facility is $7 million. Lyon'• challenge was met by individual board and ex oWdo members and their respective corporaUona as well u La Casa. the Children'• Aulatance Su port xuxiliary. project opened Friday. It ii a miniature offroad raceway to house scale-model radlo- oontrolled race can. Part of the raceway's viewing stand can be converted Into a p.fOfessional bandstand-stage 'to accommodate a variety of community and international performers. Los Angeles defense attorney Dave Shfnn argued that his client'• prolonged uae of drugs led to diminilhed mental capaclty. Shinn asked that Mink's conviction be reduced either to second-degree murder o r manslaughter. "' defetwe psychiatrist testified Seven detained LOS ANGELES (AP) - Seven members of, the Jewish Defen1e Organization, who had called a prees conferenc;e, were detained for about three hours and their unloaded weapons were held pending a reptration check, authorities said. Seven Marines hurt in blast Co-Ed Aerobic Fitness CAMP PENDLETON (AP) -A grettalflr- launcher rouhd blew up ln a barracks room Friday, showering aeven Marine. with tiny piece• of shrapnel, the Marine Corps said. Two men were seriously injured. A hue spokesman, Gunnery Sgt. Tom Adams, said two of them apparently found the unexploded round elsewhere_aod tDOk it to the berracka ln the- Camp San Mateo area. · Adami said the force of the blut broke both 1ep of S. Sgt. Richard D. PkbU, 32, of Oceanside, and left him with eerious chest injuries. The other terloualy ln)lttd man, Pfc. Ivan B. Wright, 22, of Madilon, Tenn., suffered numerous shrapnel in.juries to h!a &e.t and legs. Portions of the toes on h!a right foot were blown off. The two were taken to Navai Regional Medical C.enter, along with two other Marines, while three with lesser injuries were treated at a clinic. Their room was left spattered with blood. 16 Clas ... for •2509 . ........ "' .. 4 Wttks .bit Hitt to MJ Ith .... TH 6:30 to 7:30 pm FOR MORE INFO 84~7747 -- I Man sentenced in death of Niguel engineel! ~ntributors are: Leo Cook, Tuft.ex Carpet Mills Inc.; Christy D' Ambrosio; J i m Giller an, Mission Viejo Company; Charles Hester, Hester llevelopment Co.; Rober\ Ihrke, Kindel & Anderson; Ru111ell Jedlnak, Double Oem1n1 Corp.; La Casa; Michael Manahan, the Irvine Company; Robert Morgan, Cold"tiell Banker Fi.nt Newport; Dale Paisley, Coopers & Lybrand; Thomas L. Powell, Holzwarth & Schoellerman; ~ Santley, Pad.fie Mut\W; WUllam Steiner, Albert Sitt.on Home; Kathryn G. Thompon. A & c Properdee Inc., and ~ .8u.Uard Wrl&ht, Trappel"a Inn. A Newport Be9ch man waa eentenced to a 15-yeat9-to-Ufe term in state pri8on Friday for the ~ death of a Laguna Nipel engineer who w.. datt.na the defendant'• estranged wife. Oranae County Superiol' Court Juqe .Jama K. Turner impoeed the sentence OJl Patrick J . Fogarty, a former Irvine city planning department employ~ .. P'oprty, 33, Wat convicted of aecoiid-dearee murder in the deeth of Becht.el Corp. engJneer Donald Frulk Cook. 25, whoee body WU found in the bedloom of his Ellendale Drive heme by a roommate in February of, 1981. The ~ -a1Jea'ed that e;.arty killed Cook our of becauee he WM da#ng ~Y'• estranged wlfe, William Lyon la cba1rman and chief executive officer of the Newport Beach-baaed William Lyon Co. and chairman of A1rCal. One remainlnt $1 m1llion pledge to be maLtcbed it a challen.se from the Harry G . Steele Foundation. - It ' Art Pepper, the alto Jan MXophOnilt, WU ln a coma after ~a stroke, relatives Mid. ti Illa w1fe, LHrM, Mid Pepper NICI not regained CONICioulnell Ilia he wu stricken at thelr Van Nuya home. ' Pepper, 67, returned last week from an appearance at the Kennedy Center ln Waabington, D.C. and wu preparing to lea'1e Sunday for a two -week enaaaement in Toronto. Mra. Pepper aald he al9o had a June 28 dat8 at Carnegie Hall. in New 'York City. 1 Prealdeat Reagaa couldn't ~making a playful gesture as he stood on the painted white llne aeparating West ~rlin from Communist F.aa~ Berlin. .. A.a Reagan posed for pictures at the border mark, a reporter jolhed, "Don't step over." & if to take up the dare, ~~an joklnaly raised his foot, ~.stepped back down on the The new chairman-president of Amtrak, W. Grallam Claytor, says the puienger railroad is "an abeolutely essential element of our natlonal tranaportatlon lyatem." Ai>DO&ni.d to~ A.Ila I. loya·u heed of Amtrak, Cla~l 70, wu wlth Southem Railway from 1"3 unUl 197', when he became Navy ll8C'l"etary ln the Carter adminlatratkm. Three membera have been elected to the USC board of tru1tee1, thf unlveralty umounced. · Elected to the •U-member boud were Herbert G. lleta. Gordoll C. !Ace and Fred W. O'Greea. Klein, editor-in-chief of The CopJey Newapapen, .erved u communicationa director for former l'rH· ldeat Nizo• from 1969 to 1973. Luce. alao of San Diego. is cha1rmah of the board and chief exec- utive offlc· er of Great KU1lt American Federal Savings and Loan A!llOCiation. O'Green ta chairman and chief executive officer of Litton Industries. A Petaluma woman won f260,- 000 -and a chance for $1 mllllon more -when she hit a jackpot at the Reno Hilton Hotel-Casino, a apokesman said. Halla Jo lrviD(• payoff came o n a p r o m o. t i o n a 1 $ 1 J?().,, AL Tti41 CUlil~~ -. Royal IJhampain• ·1r11noh Two For The Price of Ont June Only 10:30 to 2:30 Ch1m1111ne Buffet Brunch •1.11 '•oturlng lgg• ••nedlct 1 .. w.i M.n11 Aw SMvH "P"OIJa.lW" elol machine which lncNM6a '" potntlal jflckppta WMnevw I ooln ti fed into It. CMno epoUnan 0-. ..,,., 1ald th• machine wa1 at It• maximum level whea Mre. lrv1na. 43, won. 1 She jo(nl a poup of 18 jldcpot wtnnen enUtlid to compete ln a Hilton "Pot of Gold" alot machine ch1mplon1hlp n•x.& April. The wtMel' of tha~ contest will take home $1 mllllon, Playwl'llht Teaaeuee William• was amona the cioaen dlttin1ul1hed peraon1 alven honorary de1reet at Harvard Univet1lty'1 331at commencement. Sen. Barry Goldwater rejecJed an invitation he admit• he'• never-received. The conservative Ari1ona Republican aaya he hun't aotten an i nvitation to vl1U the People'• Repub~ of China. but even if he did, he'd reject it. Every time Nick and &area Baldaroua throw birthday partiel for thelr kidt ther, know they're in foe a Jot of 'Happy ,., ,.___.. Birthday" alnaina -their three QUEENS' COURT -Eight Southern Debra Maffett (left) and Miss Ventura, A ndria kida, though dlfferent agee, were California beauty pageant winnera gather in Lee Ball. Standing, from left, are Catherine all bom on June lO. Los Angeles to prepare for the annual Mias McCauley, Brea; Eileen Daly, Orange; Kara "We alwaya have one blg cake California pageant in Santa Cruz June 26. Messer, Graden Grove; Barbara Szubot.i, Los and dlvtde it in thlrdl." Mrs. Seated center is the current Miss California, Angeles; Meliaaa Tyler, Saddlebeck Valley, Baldarotta aald. Cheryl Vancleave, flanked by Mias Anaheim. and Lila Moretti, Torrance. Mary, 16, Claarlee, 11, and ·---------------------------------NlW Mute, 25, all celebrated thelr birthda~buraday, t>ut For complete ad copy and art services June 10 is DO the chao9 it once was for the ttaa. advertisers all along the Orange Coast I ·1 p·1 It "It wu tDOSt difficult when II J I I\ they were youn1 and had r ely on 11 birthday parties to which their friends were lnvlted ." OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Dh•mP•Kn• Brunch '4.16 · 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1300 CHst IWJ. lltwport leach 541-2224 Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 / ~··························· •ORIENTAL CHAMPAGNE: ! BRUNCH : : ' 1 J :30 To 2 :00 : . •7.50 : ~--························· !~. I , H.arlow Carpets i$· havirig a Cle.arance Sal.8 ·on it's entire $650,000. inventory of qualit.Y carpets and area rug$! ·. i . -. . . . . Savings from' 10, 20, 30, 40, up to 50o/o off. ,. , "'~. .,. • t • · Featuring sa>conies, ~elvets, plushes, hi-ldws, solids. and· multicolors in shades and hu.es too numerous Ito list. ' with 50% down on approved .credit. '· . some late thunder 'l ':m sorry,' says Cooney after TKO LAS VEGAS (AP) -Larry Holmee It.Ole puncher Gerry Cooney'• thunder, battertn, the challenaer lnto 1ubml•ion Friday night ln a performance that ahou1d earn hJm the J'eC081'l.1Uon he hM lona eoucht. The 32_-year-old Holmee knocked down Gooney, cut him. almost cbed hla left eye and then pounded him into defeet at 2:62 of the 13th round to retain the World Boxing Council heavyweight champlonahip. ''Once again, I've done lt aaatn." aaid the undefeated champion. who hu been called old and fadJ.na In eome quartere, "It eeema that every time I go to the stage, l have to prove m)'llelf." Holmes proved hlmaelf on center ltage in what could be the richest flaht In hlltory before a roaring crowd of about 32,600 In an outdoor stadium at Caeurs Palace. About 10 minutes after Cooney was stopped, he went to the microphone In the center ring and uid, 'I'm IOIT)', rm IOlT)'." BE THEN WENT to the hoepltal to have hll face repaired. · It wu a crowd that clearly favored ~)'. ~~to become the tint white heevywetaht cham since Ingemar Johan.on In 1960. ere wu a racial undercurrent to this fight from the day It was announced, each camp accua1ng the other of rad.ml. "I eee no color," uld Holmee. "rm not a racist. rm not prejudloed. When I aee Gerry Cooney, I eee a hwnan being trying to take my head off and I try to protect myaelf." Hotme. protected himlel.f very well from legal blowe, althouah he took eome tremendous ahota. It wu the low blow. that gave the champion trouble and COit Cooney three Pof.nta. In fact, if referee Milla Lane had not penalized Cooney, he would have been ahead on two of the three offidal cards at the end of 12 rounds. bent the champion over with a low left hook. Lane jumped ln and led Holmes away. He gave the champion about a minute to recover and took two polntl away from Cooney. COONEY ALSO wu penalized a point for a low blow In the 11th round. ''Gerry Cooney'• best punch was a low blow . I never got hit with a low blow that hurt like that," Holmes said. "I was going to have eex tonight but I think I'll hold oU." Holmes abo said , "I want to compliment (Gerry) Cooney. I think he'1 a great fighter. I don't think he has anything to be ashamed of." And Larry Holmee doesn't have anything to prove, although he au• he has to prove himtelf 'It seems that every time I go to the stage, I have to prove myself.' every time he fighta. lie alao said he didn't have to prove himlelf to the world. But he has had to do that., fighting In the shadow. of othere despite being champion for four years. Then he said, oontradicting himself, "I'm very sorry not to be what you expect. I'm eorry I can't be a Muhammad Ali, a Joe Louis or a Leon Spinks. "But I wasn't born to be that. I waa born to be myself." IT LOOKED aa though Holmes might be an easy winner. Many obse rvers had considered Cooney'a best chance of winning would be early but In the teeond round, Holmes dropped the challenger with an overhand right that sent him to one knee. Then, falling backwards, Cooney got up and fought back near the end of the round. 1 VICIOUS EXCHANGE -WBC heavyweight champion Larry Holmes (right) and challenger Gerry C.OOney e>Cebange blows and send aweat flying during their championship fight Friday ., .... .,..... night at Caesars Palace in Laa Vegas. Holmes retained bia crown with a 13th-round knockout. Ju<IRel Duane Ford and Dave Moretti each favored llolmee US-111 and Jerry Roth had it 11~109 for Holmes. In the nlnth round, after Holmes landed a hard right to the head, the 6-7, 225 ~-pound chalJ.enaer For the next four rounds, Cooney was very much in the fight as Holmes kept moving and trying to pick hJa spots, not offering a stationary target fOI' Cooney's vaunted left hook. "rm going to fight Gerry Cooney like he is King Kong," Holmes said before the fighL Even Rocky lost his f ii-st title · f igh~ Right from the start, it. looked as if Hobnes had written the script By JORN SEV ANO °' .. .,., ........ ShllrtlY after Larry Holmes paced Gerrf tocmey, dream of • hMvYW9'aht title Wlth a flurry of rlabta in the 11th round, ring announcer Howard Coeell, • only Co1ell can, tried to rationalize Cocney'a defeat. uwen." started c.a.en. in that raspy, crackling, voice of his, "Cooney hu certainly nothing to be ashamed of. And, he can take eome eolace In the fact that Rocky Balboa loet to Apollo Creed in hi.a first title fight, too. II Howard sure ls comforting, isn't he? Cooney did more than pce1ent a Rocky I Balboa image Friday night, he also establl.abed blnwelf aa mott of a fighter than his spoon-fed reputation would ind1cate. Yet, undefeated challenger was eeriously overshadowed in skilla, ability, eavvy and punching power by the more experienced Holmes. A Rlab t from the outaet, althou1h C4oDey omely held hll sround. you ooukl ielf ~ ... --to win ~ one. Whll eooney atalftd, Holibee jabbed. While C.ooneY punched, Holmee )'bbed. And, when ChiOey came in with COMMENTAR Y his bands down, Holmes would eet up hl1 challenger with a left and then cut him down with a cromlng right. Twice, prior to Cooney'• deml8e in the 13th, the undefeated champion ltung his opponent with rtaht bandt. , The first one came in the 9eCOIWi round and sent Cooney to the canvas. The second came four rounds later and, altbouah Cooney budded, be wouldn't fall To Cooney'a credjt. he rebounded fraD :Reuss' one-hitter . . tames Reds, .. J J -1 Dodgers end four-game losing streak LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jerry • Reuaa. pitching hll aecond one hitter of the season, retired the last 27 batter1 he faced after givlna up a leadoU double u the Lot Angeles Dodgers pounded out lS-hits and battered the Cincinnati Reds 11-1 Friday J night to map a four-game !Oiiing l ~ 6-5, pve up the hit to Eddie Milner on the third pit.ch l of the ioune. Milner, who w• a 1J1t-minute replacement fot CeuJ' CedeJ¥>, WU aacrificed to third by Ron Oest.er and acored on a groundout by D4ve Concepcion. Kai Land.rellux led the Loe Anaeles attack with h11 flnt bOmer of the leMOl1. He allO iltPled and -1ed to drive in both po1ential d1-ten, but didn't have mouah ltlna In his puncha to return the f.a¥Or to iwm.. That'• not to aay ltolme• 1kated tbrouO the fight. O>oney unleuhed a couple of aood b low• to Holmee' 1tomach, and even cro11ed up the ~on orc:wloo with a ~tit wun t enough. In fact. thJnp ~ ., fnlltratlDI( lOC' the cbaJJeneer that be actually ftopped Hotme. in hil tracks with a devastatiq blow to Holmes' . . . wen. to put it politely, groin. The punch will probably be remembered at the "Thud heard 'round the ring." y Unfortunately for Holmes. the lhot wa1 1olld and sent the champion rubbery-legged t o hi• corner Jor aailtance. Such an injury, however, rally hM DO ewe and about the Qn)y thin& Hobnel' trainer couJd do WM pour ice water down the champion'• trunk& If Cooney Wal evet golJli to win the fi&bt, tbat certainly wae the time. NatunlJ.y, Holmea returned, but fOC' a couple of round• he cou ldn•t h ave knocked out c.c.en. much lem Cooney. E\tery time Cooney went to throw a left upper cut or hook. Hdlmes would tum bis back to the eouthpaw, trying to avoid another incident whereby hill voice would IOUDd like he had ju.st Inhaled helium. Who could blame Holmes? Tragically, Cooney's perlonnaooe will probably be remembered for that one ~ -although it shouldn't. He showed all the courage of a Rocky Balboa . . . and then acme. He fought toe-to-foe with an opponent he baa DO bustne9 being In the ring with. At least not yet anyway. For Kison, • • a victory is enough CHICAGO (AP) -Bruce Kleon pitched to 19 batten Friday night before he made hia first mistake. It 1poiled a perfect game. but he aaid it won't cost him any sleep. ''It's not 80mething you can control by younelf," K.bon aaid after the Angels held on for a 6-5 victofit over the Chicago White Sox. "A perfect game is really a peraonal goal. and personal goals are .elfish," Ki9on said "It's a 25-man team and we're really here just to win." Klaon worked to a 2-1 count on the 20th batter, Tony Bemazard, On TV today channel 5 at 11 ' • / Autry'& condition . termed 'excellent' Prem.AP. ........ ~ ·Owniw a.. Autry bM II Jett 8~ .bepb'• ta1 In In ..... u.nt OondJ~ after~ day phy•ic•l examination, 1ald a ' bolpttal~ "It Wiii )Ill • flu vtrw." tpOkMwoman Butma M1ebedo aald J'rldu, "He hid a YflY thoroucb phY*aJ amnina&n uid he .. ln ...U.t ccinditlon." 1Autry, 74 , a former •"'81na cowboy movtit .w, entered the ho1pltal on Sunday, complalntn1 of diulneel. He waa releiled Wedneaday, Ma. Machado aald.. Be1lde1 the Amerlo•n · 1.-.ue 'o111t.D -.n, Autry allo own• Golden Weit ar_.....MUna and Loe Anaelel ,,,., 1eleYtllon atatbl KTLA. . Privately. be owns a NIDl't hotel In Palm ~ a collertica ol vtnc.,. ~and k»+•wnoCiV9 plua record1nc end au.Ilic publJlhlna o•·~ Quote of the day TurJ MUI er, former Bu Halo Billa nmnlnc t.:k wbo la retirlQc fJ'GID toodJaD: .. I al'Wa~ew my mind would 1tay *:S:. than my me.. Tbat"1 why I ., It doml't matt. lf you 9lined 1,000 yards lf that'• all you mn do." . Royd opens three-shot Mempht9 IMd &ay Fl•1• put to1ether a II ~ 88 Friday to 10 9-under 135 and tab a~ 1-«l OYW Maft LJie after' two rounda of the Dum.y Thomu-Memphia Cluaic on the Colonial Country Oub ooui.. Former U.S. Amateur ~ Bal S.U.. Jim NelfeN, who lbot a iyma t.:k' nine so. and lllb a .... Weft tied fer third place at 139. Nelfanl fired a 63 while SuUan and Holland carded 611 to put the trio at 139, $-under for the 36 bo1ea •.. Ju Step•ea•H fired a .econd comecutlve ~under-par 69 to take ac))e ~HZ rlon of first place at the halfway point of the LPGA Cbamplonahip at the Jack Nlcklaua Sporta Center in Mason, Ohio near Cincinnati. Stel>hemon boJds a one-ctrob Jeed at 138 over Bed. DuleL ' BasebaJI today On th.la date in '-'-11In1881: Tbl11een pmes were ICbeduled 1D be played In major -... 'or nt.11, but all were canaoled dwini the tint full day ol. players' strike. On thll date in 1939: The Bueball Hall of Fame at Coopent.own. N.Y. w.. ~y dedicated. OD this date in 1922: The St. Louis <Ardina1s atrunc topther 10 comecutive hits en route to a 14-8 victcry over the Philadelphia PblDiM. lurgtntl• pltohel 9o'-"" IO WltOry , fila ...... ., ,..._. re 9....1 =i:..t:-;:J.=:t.= -............ 1. ~ ........ two =,. lour;&.-~ • dlliit tM .............. ~. ---··~ Llllu9 .... ~}: • NUtYld .., =~:~.::...~= I ...... hamt frcilil ,.,.. .... I> wttb a U..~ run on a wt.Id throw. by ~l>Wd''• Kin Ql~ltl l8' .l .. ,WO•rUD Milwaullet ....,_. l_nnlnt • the ••WWI ioOriid an M triumph ovu •ht Tl1tre , , Q1rs, RtHlob and ~:'Cr.oe '1":1:1':\= dtltattd •ht H•w York llMI 11: Y1nlltt1 1·4 to oonunue 1•r•1k1 for '''"'' "'o~l I In •h• oppoel'• dlrtcltkn. " Wll the Ytnona &ft ~ sam-. fw tht Ortom w • ·Y.-haw now droppld lhc Of··~ llWft • • • Jla 011•011 ou•d'ttlM lflU A.l•s:•• With a lhrM-hl•, -.,..... Ulftll Llblld In tht wtnnlnl nan 11 ,.._" ~ Oakland 1·1 ... J.,,, ~i'Gne-ou•~to ICCM'e .... ~ \ht ' \h lnn!nl. leidlna x.n.. a~ • • •·• ~ OYW a.iUJe. LflOY a btg hit tor Plra'-' IM ~ brok4I O.Ptft I 1-Ill ..,. wtth. ~· hQme NI\ ln U\t ~ ot tht nln\h ~. and ,. OU•11uta and 111• fM .. n 110i>Dld PhUadel""' an four . hl11 11 UM . Ptttabwwh Plratll ldlld \ht Ph1WM. l·O &n frida1 niahl'1 NatlaQal. ~ IOCkar\ •• ,• lllr#Ml't, lAlt ...... , ~· • ~ hGmM' and knoolaMI In four nuw to btlok tht eomb&ned U •hlt 11'~ 91 Tl• Lellar and OarJ IMll II 8an ~ DONd I 9·1 vlotory over Kou1ton. A1tro •'•rter Doa laUH alloW9d all .. Padre Nnl In .wt.tna .. third -~ MWD vlctorl" . . . Tim ftalatt laahed a two-run double with one out in the elchth lnnina u Montreal defeated Cbica10 9 -8 , LACY extendin« the Cube' loainl 1treak to 11 1ame1 . . . Jo••••• AadaJar .:attered n1De 'lilts and drove In two l'UlW. and batt.wy maw Danell Perter' knocked In three more nam with a two-nm homer and a slnaJe • St. Lou1a banded the New York Meta a 7-J lall . . • Dale M......, the majcr-lelarue'• 1eed•na home run hitter, cracbd hla 18th liomer In the ftnt ~to drive In two rum and Jeed Atlanta to a 5-3 Victory over San Franct.co. ] floran is no 1natch for Penhall BnM:e Penhall won a match ce with Shaw Monn and w.. eaented with a key to the dty Jc.o.ta Mela but o1berwiae had a off nl1ht at the weekly eec1w., motorcycle l"'9 at the ran1e County Falr1rounda iday niabt. . The amatleat crowd of the ..,., 3,750, _... on band for the qp-am. It came cm the heels ol ntaht'1 U.S. QuaJif:ler at t.oq ,acb VeteraDe Stadium ana .arlnc the closed circuit ~ of tbe Holme. Ferrell of1Fountala Valley. In the handtcap mmn. Monn Wll .ccmd with Keith Oi.rilco. Sterlina==Pada and Dm Beckel' behind him. Tbe second ~ Wll won by Mark Weavw wtth Blft Onaacn capturtnc the third dlvtllon nm. Penhall will not compete ....... In Lone 8wti tiut will ~~~ commentary. ~~r. .Hellthe~ WOt1d ~and dmn. bJi mu. a.. qu.m,tnc ...._ APWlu JI Ill LONG ARM -Larry Holmel (left) lunp to nllht in Lai Vegas. Holmes recorded a land blow to the bbdy of cbal"'NJier Gerry t.er nlcal knockout In the 13th round. Cooney durinl their championahlp bOut Friday Holmes takes time oui'to gloat 'I licked him,' he boasts after· knocking out Cooney LAS V!DAS (AP) -A triumphant Larry Holmel lifted the aoJd-and-areen beavywel&ht cham~lp belt OYel' hla heed. SdJi have lt," be aald. ''I licked him." Knockout winner over a you.na and hard- hittlna Gerry Cooney at 2:52 of the lath round of a furioul ~t at C..... Pal8ce Friday m,ht, the * * * * *· * Berbick rips Page in preliniinary LAS VZGAS (AP) -Canadian Trevor Berb6ck bau.rad Greg Paae with· body blowa and IOOl'ed a unanlrno..-10-round decWon '1Ver the previoualy _undefeated heavywelpt contender Friday DICht on the undercard of the Gerry Cooney-Larry Holmee World Boxing Collncil beavY'Wf!labt ll!ham""-"'P match. 9erblCk ~ tbnJu8bout the flabt, twice bn:l!lnc out hil oppment'a moutbP.:. Aher IOftenlnl him up with leftl and rlcbts to the midlectSon. Berbkk, wbo defeated Mubamrnad Ali In hla 1-t f:lcbt In Decwnber, stunned~ In the second round. He t.:ked him into a comer and had blm "'Gina on the ropea bet.en Pw -=-peel. In the lixth round, a snort rl.tht to the midla1lon In the~ .:oMs put P118f on the ~ apln and him re 'fnc,. In otlm' pnllmlmiiel. Wl1fredo Gomes of PustO NCO a'iltllbid bll WBCmper-ben~t ctwnpcnhlp bJ m-•1,,. out Jum Antonio Lopes o1. Mak» an 1.c o1. the 10th ruund. and J.-. '4Qulck" '1'11111 ...S a lo.round dec:Won over Wlenn .... Shawn. ,... vtctan peebed 111111' W' ncord to 22-1. Sbftww. wbo ·faM bwa bmdnc prd ntrnallJ llnce 1•t...•-~11-1. w, 9cllllit Dllvtl, 1 '71", ol. l'leepcl't, N. Y., ,,_ tb9 Unltlld a.... ....... AllodaUoa llcbt hHvre_taht cbem~~ptq Murray ~ lTI, al a.,:. <llJ', 32-yea.r-old Holmes seemed to get satisfaction that he WM able to anawe:r critial who be daima have never elven him propel' l"eCOOition. Thia waa Holmes' 40th victory and 30th lc:nockDut In a 10-year profe.:ional career In which he hu never bt, yet hu had to plrlonn in the ahadow of the cbarilmatlo Muh•nvnad Ali A reporter noted there had been suaesttons that, haviDC proved hbme1f the belt in the world. he ahou1d now become the tint black heavyweight champbi to retire undefeated. "rm not thinking about that," Holmes replied. .. All I want to do la be with my wife and family. We will Oy home tonlaht and I wtU take it e.y unUl after my next child la born bl September." The WBC Utlehholder sat on a rostrum In the ring at the Caeun Palace SJQ'ta Pavilion with the Rev. Jeae Jacbon on hia right and his tratnen. 82-yea.r-old Ray Arcel and 70-year-old Eddie Fu1dl. Oil hil left. "I don't want to pretend that I fought for~ and the world. I fought for me and my 1.amoy,' be uid. -Holmel seemed to .:ry the oppor1Unl3 to Nb it In to thme be felt newr ~ him a true~· I proved the critial wrong. Ewn 801ne of my frt.enda clldn.'t t.b1nk I would win." Bicycle races slated The c.at1fom1a Veterans Radnc Qub and Velo Oranae Bicycle Club In cooperation with the Southern CallfomJa Cxcllnc Federation are co- apomortnc two ncee -one OD. Saturday, June 19 in Irvine and the other Sunday, June 20 in Llguna Nlguel. The raca will have eight dlfferent dlvlalom, with the race In Irvine ltartfnC at 8 a.m. and lastina throuah 12:15 p.m. and the one in Lquna NllUel atarUna at 7:30 a.m. and condnuJ.ns thn:lulh 4:10 p.m. 'nle race in Irvine will be held off JenJftimo Rold; one mile north of lAb Fon.t Driw. The event in ~ Niauel is off La Pu. on Dolores or C..tarino Street. • " J For more infonnat.lon, phone 73-4670. . ·Practice inakes perfect. &&-&&&& &&&&&& &&&&&& WI SEIVICE THEM lfml llCAUSE IMW'S AIE All WI SllVICE. . 20t WHT F1RIT STftHT SANTA ANA, CAU,OftNIA t2701 7'14/835-3'7'1 Reg. 25.00 SALE SALE ····~ TEii PLYWOOD reg. 32.00 $1999 FURRlll STRIPS ' ILL PREFlllSRU PAllELlllG No Special - Orders SALE 'SALE -·~ iFF ' • .. pre~are for long course nationals . CM, Estancia .alums vie The inauaural Cotta Me•a- Eatancla Alumni rooiball Oame. aet for Newport Harbor Hllh'• David.Ion Field, kJckl off tonJaht at 7:30. 200 blcbttok• and Ttttany Cohen 1n the women'• 800 free. 111 thO\.icht our performance ln the 200 beck Wll the bl9t ahowlna,11 he u.ld. 11We flnlahed one-two--three and didn't have J-(V...UO) In the l'llCe. We CX>Uld have Uw four top blclclt.roken ln the country rtaht hen on OW' team." ~h• only winner who admltted to tal*ina a little few the meet w11 IUfPl'Ue winner"lubel 1*&11 of the Stanford S"wlm Teem in the women'• 100 frft. "I w11 aurpriled to win lt and the time wu ~ fOf' me," the native oi Mexico u.ld. 11 did taper a little and It made a difference. But this w• my lat chance to set a place on our national team." She automatically qualified for the World Gamet ln lcuador. John ttfoffet of Newport Harbor High, awimmlna tor the Beach Swim Club, flni.ahed eecond in the 100 b"9Ut to St.eve Lundquiat who ~t a meet record. Moffet Wll clc.e behind In 1:0~. 76 . RCA · ColorTrak 25" clegora "l don't like to «1me ln eeoond,11 h u.ld. "But Uke everyone elle, I'm 1wtmm.1ng a Uttlt tlred rtaht now to prepare for the national.a." He didn't have a chance to compete in the CIJ' meet thll year becauae of a hyper- extended knee but 1ay1 that injury la behind him. "I'm a Uttlf' 1Uff at tlmel after I get out of the water but I feel it la all rtsht now." Lundqulat viewed the competition u a chance to eet hia alghta for the nat.lonala. "I think I needed thla break from t.ra1n1na to get my mind off of workouts. l work out a1x daya a weiek and this la the first time l have ever won at thta meet. "But It'• a good chance to learn how •Other people awtm races. You can study each peraon and find out how they awlm an event. This helpe." Bill Babuhoff, a former Golden West and Fountain Valley High star, tied for fl.rat in the 100 free in meet record time of ~2.13. Amons the eo.ta Mesa 1quad 11 New Orle,nt Saint• place· kicker Benny Ricardo, alons with a beck.field which includes quarterback Dave Motllca and runnlfli back Dan D\.lddrldge. Eatancia counteu with a veteran crew, which lncludea former UCLA linebacker Larry Hall. quarterbacks Dave Jeranko, Chuck Perry and Chuck Boegel and taHback Dan Princeotto. Proceeds of the game go to the school.a' athletic fundJ. MOit of the alumni competing are from the 19701, although Mesa's Dennis Perrin hails from ~he Claaa of 1962. RCA ColorTrak WHILE THEY LAST DEL l SET-UP INC. YES-HURRY FOR THIS ONE 25" diagonal 19" Dl~GONAL COLOR LESS TliAN THE DISCOUNTERS ./tJ.ABC..lliJSJS.AStEP-UP MODEL AT ABC. '299 ~ . ' . " U.-UMI• IT,_1111 -==~ W L .... -ic-Ollr M II M1 = ..... 111 114 • • • n• ....... ~ ..... 1. T... 11 • .MO 1116 """""°" 14 .. .. 1114 ~ .............. ..... II • .141 o.dl ... 11 .tu 14 ....,_.. .. .., .111 1 ......... .. 11 .111 1 QMlllld 11 II Mt 114 NlllrYOltl 11 11 Alt t TOf'Of'ltO 11 10 .474 Mt -.... .. Cr"'[:, ..... T---1.~1 ....._.., .... YOltl4 loNll I. QMlllld I ............. ic-Qlr ...... , (11 ....... ........ T-. .... ,.. T .... ~41:n°'~1'o!f:U-~ '11.wetenct (Den11~ l ·I) et aHte11 -~~ ... ) ......... ~~" . l>elntll {WllOOll 4•1) el MllWeullff CC-...M).n ....... CNl9on .. 1) .. ~~(Creel 1-1)." MlllllHOI• cc .. 11110 I ·•> •• THH Oto!--.-~7). " ~:::r:- • L M -14 2' A11 32 n Ml I H 11 .471 I II II .Ml .... 1111.-10 .. " .411 11 ............ kl.OW N n .a ....... . ..... , ~ 'tttff 1$1a IO 21 .141 1"6 New Ycwtl It It .eol 116 ~ 26 2t .... Cflloleo II 11 .. 1' .......... ...... 11c.CJ'';'t• I ......... 8t.LOU91,,._ !tlt ........,.1,F'MlllllP•O 9MDll801. ......... Mer* J, len ,......,. T .......... ~ (Hentl 2-11 • ~ (Wl6all M).n Atlanta (Nlellro ._2) et 8M ftMOllloo (a.M) ......,,,... (SerWllenlo 1-4t .. .... 1 $ '* (KnA!ow'"4).11 Cflloleo (MefU 4-4) .. Monlrelll ~ lsO). " k l..cMa (Mur9 Ml .. ,_ Yoftl ("*' .. I)," t4ouMon (iw. 44) ..... Olligo (WWllll .. I)," ................ Clllliilrllflld IOO 000 oot-1 I 1 ..... 400 110 ...... 0 ..-.~ ............... . 0..-.........., (2). ~ W- aur1111eler, l·O. L-.. oro11Hn, l ·I . A-IO ..... ....... ., ....... New Yoftl 110 101 000-4 10 1 ....,_. IOO 001 aoa-. 14 1 Morgan, 11\awtey 1_•1. frulef ~I and ~ 0. Me111ne1. T. Men1Ma encl Ncilen, ~· W-0 . ...,._, t.-Mor94111, W . a-T. Mutin. Cl). Hl'l- Beltlmoro. Aoenlcll• ( 14), l'ltplle11 (I ). A-12.111. llAnoMAL LUOI• D1'fa'ra11 ..... 1 CMIEi' LOt._. .,.... ., .... ...,._d4110 IMftt 4110 o.e.r• 2 0 0 0 Lall*9ltf I 2 I 4 ON!pln•2001 ..... 4011 ..,,.. .. , 100 0 """**· 1 0 0 0 ~ 11> I I 0 0 0...-rt 2 I 1 0 VII• 1000 ,,__rt 1000 .... 2 0 0 0 GeMr 11> 4 1 I I LMl!wfll 1000 0rw• 1001 """'9i'rt I 0 0 0 ..... e 4 1 1 0 T...-.o 1000 ........ 2 I 10 ....... , 0000 ...... 1110 Krfldlkpll1000 ..... ,. 1110 ~, 0000 ..... 1000 ,......,,0000 ..... 1000 r.-a • 1 1 ,..., • 111110 ............. QrlOIMell 100 000 --1 Loe~ tl1 411 oa.-11 lOe-Clnolnnetl o, Lo• A.._...• I • .._.....,.,...,.,.,.,._~ Hl'I '--"*-(1), ..., ......... ---~ ......... w-cw. cczt a •et••W ,.....~ ' I I 4 4 1 0 ~· . I 1 I I I 0 ~ • 11101 ..::me t 1 1 I 0 7 ~T-~A-17,MI. ............. ......... 000 110 000-2 • 0 e.. °"fl 000 OIO IOll-f 1 I .......... m.~-"*"' Liiier, '--111 .,... • w...uillr; "'· L-avttOfl, 1·1, H" , lelUM fl). ·"-ti, 1iM. Chicago Tribune Grmphk: COMPETING COUNTRIES -The World CUp eoccer games '*81n Sunday M 24 teams try to IW"Vive the . . . quallfying rounds leading to the world charppionshlp an July 11 ln Madrid. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /8aturday, June 12, 1882 300 yachts to compete MARINA DEL REY -More than aoo .. 1uni yechta are ex~ to compete In th• 15th annual Marina dtl Rey to San Dlqo r1ee which geta under way at 11 a.m. July 3. The race hu become the laraett uilboet race that •tarta and fin11hn within the borden of the United Statea. Eiahty ct.. trophi• are up for arabl ln the 104 -mlle downwlnd .1llde co-1pon1ored by Windjammen Yacht Club of Marina del Rey .00 Southwntem Yacht Club, San Dlqo. The race ii open 'to all members of yacht clubl affiliated with the Southern California Yachth\i AllociatJon and the United St.aw Yacht R.clr11 Union. Thoee participating In the race muat hold ratJna certificatea under the International Offshore Rule, Performance Haodlc.ap a.ctna Fleet, Midget Ocean Racing C1au and Ocean Raclnc C..tamar-'1 . Aa9odat!on. THINK AI OllT TH/I There la a iouthina l'tory of a little boy In New Jet1ey whoee father, knowlna he w• about to dle, wrote a lttlee of Jettere to hil eon -one let~ t.o be opened on each birthday until the boy became 21 yean old. H became a wonderful experience for him to reed the letier e11eh yHr. When the boy bad 1-..d the flnt letter, a newa V • k • } G 11 5 reporter uked hil mother I m gs topp e unners, -what hh father had written. Gerry Hall IOOred four goall, and teammate "ll WU too aacttd to be Duncan Clark added three more Friday ru,ht to made public." She waa 1park the Mlaslon Viejo Vlkln11 to an 11-5 right! thump~ the Orange Gunners In·~ Yet, God our Father action at C..balleroa Racquet and Sporta Club. ~uan1{0e~~ibleH. II.It~~ The Gunners got a pair of goals from Charlie ""' ...., .. Cole and Dave Nicholas. sacs;ed, still God inlllll that SP INNAKER RUN -ClaM D yachts in Long Beac;h Yacht Club's Race Week regatta engage in a spirited duel downwind in Thursday's second race. From left are Mike Delly .... "'°'° .., ~ Loebbet Kennedy's Audacious, Dana Point YC; Pet.er Tong's I t i h • h N B h It be made public. 1n fact, ...l n on1g t a games, t e ewport eac He uya. "Publish iL Let .meakers will face the Irvine Rebels at 7, while the everyone know how much Fountain Valley Flames and Santa Ana Wind.a I love them." i I Momentum, South Shore YC; and Don Hill's Antagonist, California YC. The four-race series Winds up today. square off ln the 8:30 conteat. That'a why I write l.h1a 1Trio unbeitten at .Eong' Beach ·yacht race i;:::=:=~:=;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;:=-column each week. God la .... ~ I so eager for you to get HI.I messqe. He wanll you to IARL, I be a new perlOn In Christ. ' Ni 1 111 HU,_ All a..1io1•1a ICIUla WAYll HU,_ I l By ALMON LOCKABEY l Deitr .......... ( Three skJppers are holding down three straight 1 wins as the Long Beach Yacht Club race wind.a 1 down to a cla&e tOday. 1 Y achta with three wins and no losses are David Fenix' 55-foot ~tom sloop Bullfrog, St. Francis Yac}\t Club in Class A; Monroe Wlngale'a l Serendipity-43 Scarlett O'Hara. metropolitan Yacht Club, Oakland, in Class C,, and Bill Palmer's Choate-40, Shenandoah, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, in Class D. The three yachts are virtually assured of a Sports on TV, radio T'ILIVl9M>N J 11 a.m. (5) -aAIUALL -Anoeta et Chlctao. ~ 11:15 a.m. (4)-UllaAU. -~ etlkieton. 12'.30 p.m. (9) -AUTO ltACtNQ -~ of the World 800, , lc>ed Mey 30 at Cherlotte MotOf Speedway. 2 .m. 4) -WomN'9 QOUI -Third round play In the LPGA 2:30 p.m.' (2) -GOU' -Third round pley In the Oenny ThomM MenU>Ntl CIMalo. Taoed. m -t9ITORY OIJ THI u.a. ONtt -Jecl! .... Amdd Pilrner and Jcttntry ... -among the fonner t:f\llll'laicl1n1 recoum1nO If'* rals In thll Chronk:le of lt'8 U.I . ()peft. 3 p.m. (4) -OU1'000tll LR -World ,_d hOlder Stu Apte fOf tarpot1 In Ille Florida EY8rQl8dee. 8:30 p.m. (2) -Cll8 #Oll'f8 IA1UllDAY -8erglo Palrrle 48-3-4) defefldl Ne WB4 JunlOt .... welgflt tide .... Leo en.a 37-&-21 In e ecNdulad 1~ bout 1aped 81 Miami. (1) -MO ~ -The flnall of the City of ~ Open, taped .. Pcwttend. I 5 p.m. (2) -WOM.D GAme -A ..-ot tour progrMW Uno non--Olyrncllc -a taoed In 1881 In Senta Qin. E_,.. t>odyt)ulldlng, IOeed llk9llng. beclmnlon. .,...,.. and Mrste. .... WOMJJ Of WCMIT9 -Mlc:tlMll lc**a (20-0) .... hla BA tight heevywelght tltle egalntt Jefry Celeetlne (26·tl In a )cn.ICM9d 15-round bout, taped a\ Atlentto City. Alttto'. A poet-flgh1 from the H~ = eight title metdl. Beaeba11 -Angele et Chlc:ago, 11: 15 &.m... KMPC (710); Clnc:lnnetl Dodgen, 7 p,m., KABC (790). lel'lee victoey whether they win or ioee today. Hottest con tender In the 56-boat fleet of International OUshore Rule racers is the 55-foot Petenon-deaigned yacht Bullfrog making her maiden outing. Still ln the shakedown stage, she appears to be a certain winner in the Highly com~titive Clasl A. Scarlett O'Hara is fresh from the Southern Ocean Racina Conference ln Florida is domlna~ Class C, 6 ~ points ahead of Lowell North s Yamaha-41.Super Witch. Shenandoeh is be" skip red b saUmaker Dave Ullman of Balboa ~acht Ciub ~is winning a cloee duel with Ron Melville'• Bi~. Balboa YC, Irvine Loube's Frera-46 Bravura, St. Francis YC, won CJ.as. B Friday to give her two wins and a third' place in the class. Class E winner was Phil Ramser'• New York--36 Vldiot, Newport Harbor YC to boost her to a first place tie with Dave Klatt's Petenon-34 Tonka from Anacapa YC. Friday'• ~rs: C~ A -1. llullltoQ, OeY8 '-"11. St. Franc:la YC; 2. 61uaiv9. John Pequln, C«oNado Ceyt YC; a. or.t Fun, Cley Bemerd, 8t. l'YC. Cl.A.88 B -1 • ....._.. 1rV1na Lollbe. It. FYC; 2. P9ndteoon, John Meclann, CellfofM YC; S. ai.ion, Ed McOoMI. King Herbor YC . Cl.A.88 C -1. ~Hera, Monroe WlnQ9te, MetrOOOlltan YC; ~ ~ Low11 80YC; t . Or. AJ ~ c.ilfornle YC ~ct.JtG~ 1. ~. M Pelmer, NHYC; 2. Blgwtg, Aon M9Mle, lelboe YC: S. lolttt. Alen '""!!!~oyl08ff YC. Ct.A88 I! -1. Vldlot, Phi ,..._., ""'TC; t. Pollitl Pnnolee. Jedt IMN. cave: a..,...._, ~ -....r-8c:ftod(. NHYC. MAXI ClAS8 - 1. COndor, Ole* 0.--BYC; 2. WlndwWd ••OOSE OF T ·' ILORI"'(,, :, l .• t ,, /\ T i 0 ,. ·, I ( ) II M~N I(, l,./')~•fN .. -.. call U 2-5171. Put • few words to work for ou. Plummer's lets Dad rest in the I Any one of our fine leather reclining chairs at low warehouse pr~ces will show Dad you really care -and know how to shop too! The one and onlyl Oi1glnal stressless ·Leattaer Chair frOmNorway The suesstess comes ft'Ofn WOf'ld famous Ekomes craftsmen tn NOrwav. ctevertv designed on a ft1Ctlon batanee principle, tnts comfOrtable --. -.... chair. on Chrome frame, automatkallV ac:lJUStS poslUon ov tne SllOhte$t shfftfng of tne bodV'S center of gnwtty. lnctuOtng ottoman, c:notce of lather c:ok>rS. $79SVlll-.' Famous Disl9n Leather Cllalr contemoorarv deSlan wttn oak Shell frame & caramel color leather. ---$798 value. P--oe. Wllhm I . Jotwllon, ,_ Yott Yedlt Club; a. Ctwtltlne, Fred 1An900M...,...... fT.lClR.f rJeR.S ,,.._, Pec:fflc Mertnen Yldlt Club. So "' 2 t76V ~ L-..-• b 8tllndlnQ9, three of tour r--. a.v1ce rime 8-e1 v°"" 0oor ~1Cr .AAR!: CLA88 A -t. Bullfrog, 114 pOlnta· 2 'Mw i · ! ()(Mt ,..,,, 9 (Cell 81-Nelr9lt Y-Ar .. ) CLA88 8 -1 • ...._.., ,._.: ,_.,....,.,, 11; is iulion. 11. OOITA MBA M 1·1289 JomborH Rood ot &son Avenve Cl.A88 C - 1. 8cel1ett O'Her9, 2\4; 2. Sups w.at1 t; a. •odle UU ............... ""4. New po r I 8 e o ch, Phone Am,~~· cave. 10. ~-· 6•0-6010 C O -t. 8henelldoef\, 2\4; 2. llQw4o. t: a. Apogee, Mlt end MISSIOH YllJO 495-0401 Wouhop ServtCe Sundoy 9:00 Merty Vogel, KHYC, 11. 2-,.. _ _.__ C I 1 CLASS E - 1. Tie betWMl'I V1c1ot Md Tona,~ 3. ec.,. de ..... --••·-A M Lion. Ed\Jferd Hert, KHYC, 11, ~-1:,; .... ;;;_;.;;; .... ;:;;,.;,,_,~·,;;;;•.;,:A-.y;.;,:.,_,;.;;;;,:;;,:.->-ll.-----· ··---- LARGE CAPACITY 2-SPEED WASHER • 5 cyclela, Including permenent prMslllnlta • 4 wuh/rln .. tempereture &electfc)l\1 • New elllra cleenlng cycle f()( heavily tOiled modem labrles DOC f<T•4t 6 • 6 cycles including~ ,,,_ • 4 llMI ..leltiana onc"°"G no· '-' llutf • ~ 1111-tronc 11n1 flller r TUff- TUI .. llTHIOll 4-CYCLE BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • Durable Tull-Tub· 1nteroor w11n 3-way sound control • Energy Sawer Ory op1ton • Contemp0rary nogn·g•oss 1el·black door panel ow 2 OILY 99 SPl\CEMAKEA'" MICROWAVE . OVEN • Au1oma11c Cool<ong Control 11kes tile guesswork out of m1crowa111ng Cook Code"° control-a shOrt· cut 1n cook•fl9 •Ten Po-• Levell I °"""Colet DAILY fltLOT/leturd-. JUne 11, 1HI H~her education f ae~s eCo~omic challenges · f11~1F-ANO NEW YORK -lt'a been a U'lwnatic ~ for the nation'• 3,000 cou.,.. and univenltt• -and for ttae whoee job lt II to 1-d u,.m. Collece prealdenta, audd,nly thruat by economic and poUUcal clrcumnance into the unaccuatomed role of lobbylata, have hit the huat.ln.11 by the score. Hiaher education, they aflUt, ii no lonpr a "fat cat," but a pauper. And if Prelldent ReQan pta h1a way and aharply c:uta ttudent aid and other hlaher education fund11 there wm be, or 10 North-9tem Unlvel"lity p,resident Kenneth Ryder warn1, "a cataatrophe ' next September and beyond. Lobbying efforts by educators may have ataved off IOme of tne propoeed ~ti. In March, Conareaa approved emerpnoy fundlnc of $1 .3 bWlon for-the federally guaranteed 1tudent loan prosrarn, more than $300 million above what Rffaan had uked for. But other student aid prosrama have been cut deeply, and the iuue of Washington'• involvement tn college tuition aid still pl'OllWles to be a year-to- ~battle. · • FOUR PRESIDENTS repre9entlng a dlverae · assortment of colleges were interviewed jointly by The Aaociated Presa: •' -John Brademas, former 11-tenn Demodatic congressman from Indiana who haa been president since September of New York Unlvel"lity, a private, 42,000-atudent university in the heart of New York -City; -Sister Brigid Driacoll, president alnce 1979 of Marymount College, a small. auburban liberal arts college in Tarrytown, N. Y .; -Btll L. Atchley, president since 19~ of Clemson University, an 11,000-atudent, 1 state-funded land-grant university in rural 1, Clemson, S.C.; and , -Kenneth Ryder, preeident llnce 1975 of , Northeastern University, a 57,000-student private univel"lity in Boston where about half the atudenta are lower-income and participate in a work-study prosram. Following are excerpta from the interview~ Q: Becaaae of federal 1tadeDt aid nt1, Wealeyan UDlveralty aad a Hmber •f otlter colleen receady declared u ad &o so-aUed ••need-blind" adml11loa1: acceptl•I 1t•deaf1 n1ardJes1 of fhwlclal Deed. ~mL~ ldlool adml11loa1 pollcl• aderao1D1 . review? Aad wut are tile lmpllcadou? . Brademaa: At NYU, I think we do our best to provide sufficient assiatance to students who need , help to assure that it's poeatble for them to~· , And we're not proposing to change that policy. In my judgment, it is arithmetically lmpmllble for thia university or any other university in the United States to provide auftident funda to make up so enormous a gap aa would be cau.ed by the implementation of the Reagan student aid propoula. Atchley: U you're aaklng whether we will take a look at the enrollment and say thoee who can pay will get in, and thoee who can't pay will not, no, we won't be 1ookina at it that way. I don't thhik any of ua feels that there isn't a necessity to cut back 1pendlng in government. My concern at both the state aruf fedu.1 level is that we haven't established priorities. F.dLlcatlon haa dropped treinendoualy. If you want to talk about turning the economy~. about defense, that all be8ina in the c1am'oom. And I.think hia1ory will tell you that. eaterla1 aa era wlaea IOllM, of "11 may 111 aa1avory? Atchley: Wt dJd it back in the '609. State in.atitutiona dld for aure, when their ~ were bued on head counta. But at Clemton, we don't have any problem with enrollment. I oould double my enrollment in a yffl'. Brademaa: Ualni new and modem techno~ for communication doet not mean we ahould ~ in llovenly, dlahone1t, lnaccurate way1 of ad potential student• of what our colleaea an univel"lidet have to offer. Slater Drilcoll: I agree. But unlvenltlel will react differently. If colleges are really concerned about decllnlna enrollment and are not plannlnc their prosrama to meet a eomewhat amaller pool, they will 10 out and try to attract more atudent.I. That may "help for a year or two, but th.at' a in '10 way usu.ring your future. U you take tn anyone you might not have when you were more .teetive, you're really going to affect the quality of your in.atitution. • Ryder: I think you're going to find 10me aggressive marketing, without much question. We have had Sunday supplementA for yean for adult education students. We h~ve had televisi9n commercials. That haa been a part of our system. Q: What abo•t bl.filer edacatloa'1 commltmmt to minority 1tadeDtl. A re"at 1tady by tile Pord Foudatloa 11aeat1 daat tbe commltmeat ua waaed, ud aac• practices•• overrellaace Oii SAT scores ud badly packaced fllluclal aid programs 10 doably llard on mlaortty 1tadent1. Brademas: I am not satisfied that we are ~ well enough. And there'• no doubt in my mind that one of the ~est problema, a major obltacle, to effectively recrult more minority students i.a that we don't have-auifident flnanc:ial aid, because many of thoee students will require more grant money than loans. Q: Do uy of you tkJ.Dk that 1tuclard1zed test• sacb aa SAT1 work a1alut mlnorltlea! Ryder: The best judgment I have heard on the subject is that college board testa reflect family Sister Driacoll: We 8ff! 1till need-blind in our income levels much more than minority venus admiaaiona policies at Marymoun~ College. But let ·majority relationships. To the extent that you have me give you an example of what happena to a a large number of lower ~ in the minority college our alze this year. community, there ia that kind of bias. Our inltitutional aid budget last year was roughly $450,000. That was to provide fot thoee Q: How macb do yoa tblnk yoar minority students to fW up the pp that wu not provided by enrollment will fall off? basic gi'anta. Juat from ~ tmpllCt of this year's · Sister Driscoll: l would guess in _a very short federal aid cutbacks -and rm not talking about time we would be close to 10 percent. the dramatic cutbackl projected f« next year -we are forced to increa8e that budget by 50 percent, to Atchley: In South Carolina we've increued our $670,000, in one year, the number of blacks. in engineering by uaing a ------· * * -------------------· * ·-----.. The impact next year wW be 10 dramatic that summer program. That's been ao auccesaful that we couldn't pmllbly fW the needa of our students. we·ve broadened that into other areas. But that We would not be able to admit atUdenta with the program was paid for by industry. We find that aame lewis of need. industry haa been more willing to pay for emne of Proposed stud~nt-lt>an ~euts Ryder: We envision a catastrophe. All best we the tta'Uitment programs tn the minori~ aree can judge, if the (federal) guaranteed atudent loan program is eut aa projected, we wW suatatn a ~ Q: Rtteatly some 1tate llDlvenldet Jlave beell in support of about $20 million by 1983. It will ral11Dg adml11lou 1taadard1 •• more 1hMleai1 certainly affect 4,000 to 5,000 students at tarn away from more costly private colleges. Bat By die AHoclated Press President Reafan wants to cut $900 million from the 2.3 "Ulion Pell Grant program, which would cost 800,000 students from families with incomes above $18,000 those outright federal grants for the 1983-84 school year. He also wants to pare $600 million from $1 bQ1ion in other grants, Work-Study and campus-based loan programs. · Reagan wants to apply the sharpest knife to the Guaran~ Student Loan program, which since 1978 have been available to all students, however wealthy. Last year, at Reagan's urging, Concre- put the first ~es on the GSL proeram, requiring 1tudents to pay a 5 percent origination fee -limilar to potnta on a new • rnort,pge -when they take out 1oana and (orctna th&e with family incomes of '30,000 or more to demonstrate need.' Reagan's new round of pri"""'oopoeed....-... cutbecb would bar graduate atudenta from the GSL program4 double the origination fee to 10 pen:ent and make all undergraduate. prove need. The president wanted to lmpoee thoee GSL restrictions on April 1, but Congrell refuaed to go along with that timetable. · Some 3.5 million students borrowed $7.7 billion in guaranteed loans in 1981 at a ClOISt to taxpayen of $2.7 blWon. The government pays an. the interest while they are in llChool. Six months after graduation, fonner students repay the loans at rate. of only 7 or 9 percent, with the government subsidizing the rest. Reagan want.a to ahlft the 600,000 to 700,000 graduate student borrowen to a new Auxiliary Loans to Aailt Students program at 14 percent intettlt. They would have to 1tart repaying ~ interest 60 days after ta.ldJli out the loan. The loan ceiling9 would be lifted from $5,000 a year and $25,000 cumulative to $8,000 a year and $40,000 overall, which means that graduate students could face monthly interest payments of up to $466 while still pursuing their degreell. Allee M. Rivlin, the director of the ~Budget Offfiee, aaya Reqan'1 new cuts. coupled with the phale-out of th,e $2 billion tn Social Security benefita for coJJeae atudenta and the oth« economy measures enacted la9t yNr. would reduce the total pot of federal atudent aid from ne:~ $10 billion in filcal 1981 to leet than tB on tn filcal 1984, I Currently, the federal government helps pay one-third of all coUe&e tuition, room and board bills. she aays. . Northeastern. Clemaon railed lh atudarclJ? Thi.a put year we had about 500 upperclam studenta in good standing who did not return. When Atchley: No, I don't think we've i.ncreaaed out we polled them, we found that the overwhelmtng atandarda. But I think some of the people who have number were departing for flnanclal J'e8llOn8. applied are better prepared. Slater Driacoll; We are fJ.ndlng that cloee to 100 Ryder: State institutions are not going to percent of our studenta who are Ieavina are going expand their enrollments. U applications ina'eue into the tax~supported Unlvel"lity system. aignlficantly because of the drift of students from private universities, there'a B<?ing to be an Q: Haven't ta.ere been •raes daat 1hdent inevitable drift toward higher standardS. lou programs were abued'? Q: Clearly muy sellool1 are looktq.&o blllld Brademaa: I dld an investiption of this, u one brlclaes &o private ladutry. B•t at some ldlooll, of the authors of the program. In 1976, the data aotaftl)' Harvard, tlaere'1 beea aoal ~ abMt show there wu a default rate of between 16 and 20 tlle etlalct of certabt klads of reseattlt,".U wut pe~nt on guaranieed student loans. All a result of ladHtry ties mlpt meu to academic freedom. leg11latlve strictures whic;h my then<e>lle*IUes and Wltere do yoar scllool1 1tud? I wrote into the statute, the latest tww. a6ow that that default rate baa dropped to 9 to 12 percent. Brademaa: I thjnk it's time we talked about So you have 1101M iOea of the unlvene here, some auch marriages, being fully •ware that ill all the default rate on dbaater Joana from the Small of the9e kinda of arrangements there wW be ethk:al, Buatnem Admtnlatration runa about 75 pel'Clellt. The legal, financial and economic problems. default rate on Veterans Administration education Atchley: I think you're goi~g to find loans rum about 50 percent. · univel"litiea .not necessarily advertising for more atudents. They're going to try to find innovative Q: WUll colle1e earollmeat1 espected to ways to find more dollars. declbae eoUean are 1ettlal ma~ mere •ant•lve Sister Driacoll: Yes, it is a aoul-1earchinlt ID aelll•I tlaemaelves to proapeetlve 1t .. eat1. question. Here we are ai a new stage of COOP.eJ'8Uon Muy are advertilbal-Recialtaleat U. beeome a with buainete and industry. Dl.tt I think it's nealthy wlld bHIHH. Are. JOI afrat• we mltllt be that we're fo&'U!d 10 face the questiOh • ... By DONALD M. ROTHBERG 1111............ . I WASHINGTON -I got a .. Dear Friend" Jetter from Betty Ford the other day. Actually, hardly a day goea by that the postman doesn't bring a cry for help from the rich, the famous, the powerful. note. Sqmething obvtoualy ii terribly wrong. Their t.idlnea Jre never aJ.ad, And like people who 1!at can'f IM'lll to remember your name, i&e famous or. uaualll be1ln their letters, "Dear J'rtend. 8'nce ahe and her huaband moved from the White House and the former fint ~ IC>Unded u~t. ' Friend," she beian· "You and I could ~ ~ up." What hail Mn. Ford upeet ii that time !• run!!~nJ out for ratlflcatlon of the I Moat of them beaift on an apOcalypttc · The one from Mr1. Ford was no different. It'• been more than five y..... ~ual JU&htl .Amendment. 'Altho111h we -re Juat three atatea abon of vk:tcry, tNa almple declaratioa of eq""1tty for women that we auppon will fail 1f ~.and I let ·~t;:· Mn. roril tm•t rmJly · about 1Mnc up. Sbe•1 raMtnl mGDty the Radailal ~-fOr Women.. Saw aboUt dm Cne1 ''Dier Jl'i1end: ••J:lcb day, three to five new m.ldeli warheedl, are conlU\ICt.ed OIA• tbil -.11 ~~one? . "DIM' J'rlmd. "You may be in for a bll N'pri9t . • . • • dliilll'GUI ~." Or ""' fftlm SllOI' Judd Hinh! .. DMt mind. ' Unel., Len found hlmaelf hwnrnll\f "You're a Grand Oki F1q" pretty often th.la week u the conteet entries waved at him in the breellt. AetuaJ.ly, lt WU pretty hatd to get hi.I work done, becaUle he had to stand up and salute when the mail wu delivered etlCh day. It'• pretty hard to work a typeWl"iter whlle at.anding, he dilcOYered. Something el9e he noticed wu how many different flags Amerlca has had ln just a little ., more than 200 years of being a Jf country. n Uncle Len's friends dld a nice job of l'efearch, and he Sol many Interee= veniona of our flaa. 2£ He ea ally liked the happy b snake on Molly.Deneher'a "Don't •' Treat on Me" flaa. . .1 The flag ending up at the very • top of the flagpo•e this week belongs to Tu}'en Pharp of Huntington .Beach, who collecta first rtace and ~. u well as a amal Uncle Len No-No for forgetting to include an age. Thirteen stars stood for 13 colonies becorn.l.ng states, a lucky number for a new country. Second place and $2 go to Mimi Ayres. 12, of Huntington 1 Beach, who apologized for not being able to cram all M> stars onto the cwnnt flag. Honorable mentions go to Molly Deneher, 8, and Jillian Smith, 8, of Newport Beach; Greg Deras, I 13, Jarred Cai.ms, 14, and Jeremy Cairns, 8, of Huntington Beach and Terry SI.mm. 11 ~ of Cc.ta Mesa. Ur\cle Len's fri~ at Bushard Middle Sohool Must be very smart, bedauae their teacher, Cynthia Newman, says they've 'l. learned a tremendou. amount dUs year, ,b\at Uncle Len WU sorry to hear the school will cbe. With all that art talent. hil frienda from a.hard .mmt be aure ~to keep.~ the .n contest each week, though. Thanks for • areat job from Quyen Dao. Huy Vinh, Edward i Woods, Vteny Keo, Cbrla Wallims, Cindy Scout, John Lu cas and Manothong L~klwn. And of coune Uncle Len can't toriet hill faithful friends from c Willen School in C.0.ta Mt-. • Once apln, he received gh!et artwork from Room 13'• John t Rogers, Heather, Monica, Ricnard Barba, Pattie Jo Alvenon, Joel l.;ozano, Daniela Picardi, Tonya Morris, Teresa, Laura Adame, Jay Arryda, Craig Bruyn, Sean Dunham, Doan, Kenn)' Wendel and Hector Parti6. J SANTEE (AP) -When 11-year-old Matthew Dorworth came h ome from the school •library last summer. he didn't r have a bundle of boob under his anm -he had a 2-fooc 8lll)ce. '"nle snake didn't bother me at all except one ti.me when lt eot stuck up a vacuum cleaner hole and it tOok U1 1 ~ hou.n to get it \ .• First place: Tuyen Pham of Huntington Beach Second place: Mimi Ayres of Huntington Beach Uncle Len read a newspeper ~Big Foot, but his friends article recently about ,.IOlne men might lllte to draw what they who said they started ~ rumors think the creatiltt looks like. Just about Btg Foot, the large, don't get too carried away, monster-type man people thouJ.h, because Uncle Len tornetimes say they've 9een out in doem t want to have nightmares the wilds. The men said they from fierce entries. made artificial feet to leave the · Draw wit.h black ink on white huge footprints and start the paper cut 4 inches sguare and stories about Big Foot many mall en1ries to Uncle Len, Daily ~ago. , Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cc.ta Mesa. Uncle Len never bas eeen the CA 9262G. out." says his mother, Shenilyn Dorworth of Santee. Ro9ey the Boe, as the snake ia known, ia safe and sound and back at the Cajon Park School animal library -where for good academic work and solid citlzen.abip a pupil can "check out" a favorite pet for a SURROUNDED BY SNEAKERS -Tommy Skidmore, who attends the Alternative Children's Center in Columbus, Ohio, sits among shoes of his classmates while he slips on A~~o his socks after cooling off in a wading pool. Could this collection confuse the 5 .. year-old in determining which pair are his? Way-out problems test teains GLASSBORO, N.J. (AP) - Student teams posing as space travelers from the planet OM or early American Indiana descended here to put their brains to the test. The Third Annual Olympics of the Mind attracted more than 2,000 spec~ton who came to watch elementary and high school students grapple with way-out problems dreamed up by two profeaaors. Teams from Pennsylvania, Boy rolls RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -Like a gambler on a winning streak;"' ~rofu!:~yton m la going to keep . In fact he h.u quite a large aelecUcm of thinp to roll on the9e days becau.e of the resulta of his peculjar winninl streak. Robby, 10, got a 10-a~d bicycle u a CiriltmM gift in 1980, but in March lMl it WM stolen. Hi• rodmother bourbt him ~ new one the next month. New York, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Ohio and Arkansas placed first in various divi$ions in live categories: Earthquake S~. the Cruppets, Strike it Ricli. Omonauts and Monsters. The stud.ent teams had won local and state competitions before advancing to the finals here, where they struggled to solve long-term problems distributed last fall as well as problems handed out at the last minute. on luck In May 1981, his parents took him to two stores to register for the stores' annual ''Kleis' Day" drawings. , Robby won first prize at one store and 9eCOnd prize at the other. Recently, Robby won another 10-~bfke. He shares his over-supply of bicycles with neighborhood l<l<b who don't have bikes of their own. "Your team is from the planet OM," read the instructions• for one long-term P.roblem. "The five members of your team have been selected as the first space explorers from OM. Therefore they are OMonauts. Your mission is to collect samples from the planet Earth, which can be taken back to OM for analysis." The task was to desjgn and build a vehicle that could pick up objects without the use of h.and- held devices. The vehicle could be powered only by a .12-volt car battery. "It can pick up up to 10 pounds of any type of material," said Ludington, Mich., high school student David Battung, 17, of his . team's earth module, which resembled a miniatu(e .antique c.ar with only three wheels. ''It has a syringe to pick up water, a hook to pick up the balloon and two dustpans to l*k up everything else," Bartung said. Slnce the competitors were allO judged on style, they showed up in bright costumes and with skits planned to accompany the presentation of their solutions. Anawen appear (ap1ld~ down) beloe qali world scope (10 point• for tech que1Uo111n1wered conec:tly) 1 President Reagan ~Id the U.S. (CHOOSE ONE: would, would not) obsern the SALT II treaty during new strategic arms reduction talks wilh the Soviet Union. 2 U.S. Interest rites have not declined significantly, as President Reagan promised at last year's conference of Western industrial nations. But the President emphasizes t~t the annual U.S. Inflation rate has bttn about .. 1 .• percent during the past she months. 1·3 b·7 c-12 3 When U.S. Interest rates rise, the value of foreign currency (CHOOSE ONE: increases, decreases). 4 The Census Bureau reantly announced that about .• 1 .• percent of all Amerlc .. ns 2S yeoirs of age and older have completed four or more years of college. a-11 b-16 c-32 5 Yuri Andropov, recently named to the Soviet Secretariat, ls considered a prime contender to succeed the ailing Communist Party Leader Leonid Brezhnev. Mr. And(opov had been the chief of the Soviet secret po1ice, known worldwide by the initials .. l .. newsname • news picture (10 point.I II you tn•-r Ihle quettlon correctly) Pope John Paul II uld his histori(: visit to l'rltaln was an imporuint step toward reunltlng the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England. During the reign of .. l .. , the Church in England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church after the Pope refused to sanction that monarch's divorce. a·Ellzabeth I b-James II C·Henry VIII peoplewatd1/spor '"'If (2 polntt fof .. ch QuHtlon __ ,td correcttyl 1 After nearly six months of sollt1ry confinement, Leth Wa~. IHdet or Poland's suipended Solidarity trade union, was (CHOOSE ONE: released, moved to a new, secret loatlon). cy '--... .._ ... _ ....... "Knffl down, Oaddy. I can't hit the bat when it's that high." W..\RMADl:KE by Brad Anderson "He burled the lawn mower!" 11Y.,h, but wh•t'a good •bout being rtch If you're conat1ntly In the tloghouM?" . by Harold Le Doux 1 WANT A WCffE. OETAILEO ,x)&~~ 1 MAKE A OEOeiec>N I 11\IE DECIDED TMAT I 5MOULD 5e. PAID A MILLICH oottAAS A VEAA AUNT FRITZI KEEPS IT HERE--- by Ernie Bushmiller SHE PUTS IT IN F=RONT OF HER FACE WHEN SHE HAS 10 ANSWER THE DOOR WITH HER ~IR IN CURLERS ~~ 'by Gus Arriola I I I 1 ' ' ' I 'heir chapel olls along COACHELLA (AP) -"One double-chatahlnc, trailer-truc:klna, fried chtcken-liddn' pnlChet man. Wt're truckina for Je1ua, heav.n·bound and movln' on,"•>" Bunny Oreaoey'1 votce, drawllnc ovu hJa dtizen'1 band ndto u h1I mobile c.._pel rOUI &Jona the hiahway. tie aaye the 1962 Kenworth 46-foot ric Nm "Uke lt'1 walkina on water'' even after travellna Jlff.l'ly 2 million miles in 11even yean. Gregory, his wtfe, Blonnle, and their teen-aaed 90n, Orville, Jr., are baaed in Arvonia, Va. But diey spend 50 weeka a year pu1.lirla up to 40 truck 110pa all over. the country and holdina impromptu chW'Ch 1'el'Vlces. There are 15 other such mobile churchea, iG~aid. Truck drivers, hitchhikere, prostitute.. 1ehool •children and transienta attend eervicel in the truck, 'whlc~ has dark-paneled walla, an altar, five rows of pew• and an amplifier inside. The chapel is , equipped with a rack of banjos and guitan for "'Spontaneous musical aeaaion1 before or after >Gregory.opens his Bible and givee a 1ermon. 7he Gregorya a.lao live in their truck. They . have oo income, but pay for thelr food, oil, and f ttou.ehold fumishings through money that people give them. . "We have never passed a tray here," aald Mn. >Gregory. "We only take what God lays on people'• 11 hearts to give. If you're doing the Lord's wQrk, God ' will always supply." They say they seem to get whatever they need. 'Th' truck itself was a gift from a truck driver. "God has ordained this truck to do the job," said Gregory, who says he is an onia1ned minister but not a member of a specific denomination. "I ' don't really reel right 'unless I'm on thia truck doing the work of the Lord. This is my home," he said, 1 dW'ina a recent 10-day stay at the Truckadero truck stop-in Coachella. "What we're trying to do is help truckere and . anyone else we meet see the need to rededicate· f~ their lives," he said. "We try and show people how .. ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/81turdmy, June 12, 1H2 -. .. u WlfepMto TRUCKIN' FOR JESUS -Fellow truckers join in during services in Bunny GreaPry'a mobile chapel recently in C-oachella. Gregor y, his wife and 'teen-age son spend 50 weeks a year holding impromptu services at truck stops across the nation. Day for youth slated Farewell Mass, reception to honor 3 nun "AO APE 'H" , 1 day of fun and t UowahJp for all youth IJ'OUPI of Irvine ohW'Chee. wW t»arln at 10 a.m. today at Heritaa• Park at lrvine Hlah School for 1amee, lklt.1, lfnainl and a performance by the Jama Leedlie 8and, a Chrlulan rock 1ro1 p. Plannen of the event are jun.lore and eeniore at Irvine Hlah who repreeent vario\.11 ohurche. of the comm\,lnity. A FAREWELL MASS and reception are planned at 7 p.m . Wedne9day at St. John the Baptist Church, C.O.ta Mesa, honorlna St.tere Catherine, Dominic and Elleen teachen at the pariah tchool who have been reasai&ned. A GROUNDBREAKING celebration la echeduled at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Irvine Presbyterian C hur c h 's building site ,'5 Meado wbrook . across from Woodbridge High School, where the church currently holds Sunday worship 1ervices. ClllCI 11111 lecture ii 1ponaored by the La,una Buch Church of Reli,ioua Science. BARBARA WILLIAMS has been appolnted director of the Temple Bat Yahm Preechool, which wlU open lta doora Sept. 1. The facility ii located at 1011 Camelback St. Newport Beach. CHILDREN'S DAY will be celebrated at the 10 a .m . .ervlce Sunday at the Neighborhood Conaregatlonal Church, Laguna Beach. AN ICE CREAM SOCIAL, aporuiored by the Cllppere Club of the; Community Presbyterian Church of Laguna Beach, will be held Sunda) from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on th} church lawn. THE PROBLEMS of peace. nuclear freeu initiatives and the impact or the "THE UNIJMJTED YOU" will be military budget will be dl.acussed by diacussed by Larry Martin, a writer, Bo b Erle nbush. social action ---------speaker and eeminar leader. at 7:30 coordinator, at the 10;30 a.m. servict: to be aood Chrlatiana. Our goal 11to1ave eoula." p.m. Wednesday at the Beverly Hilla Sunday at the Unitarian-Univcrsalist Day and night, but mostly by nlaht, truckers Savings and Loan. Laguna Hilla. The Fellowship, Laguna Beach. knock on the back door of the moblfe chapel. In II!•------· 1-----------------------------order not to make newcomen feel uncomfortable, • Mrs. Gregory _.iwaye tells them that a eervice is just • If it's got about to beeln. h ndl "We can't make a achedule for •rvioea," aaid • a es Gregory. "We've got to make ounelvet available • you'll grab when God ii giving the opportunity. It doesn't a sale matter what the time is." • faster in Mn. Gregory said aome people don't want a • i i .ervice; they just want a chapel to pray in, • Da ly P lot At a recent stop in Colton, Gregory was asked • classified to preside over a trucker's wedding. • ads Call "It was a beautiful ceremony," he said. 642 5679 "Unfortunately, the celebration was cut short f · because the groom ha!i to haul a load of lettuce across the country." ~ South Coast _ Community Church ' Services 8 : 30 A.M . & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mar Higt' School ?10t Eastbluff Or Corona dPI Mar ·;wh,.,, l'our RaC'k 1~ Al{oinst Thi• \full .. Tim Timmont Speaking Forlnfo: Call 644-1350 Orange Coast RELIGIOU.S DIRECTORY Freedom of Worship An Church of St Matthew by the Sea (T~,. Clpel) HOL V COMMUNfON • Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common ,,.,., • 1121) . MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 81-1 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rew ......... HohW -..... 8T.JC>Hlr.I • :ntm llNCOPAL CttURCH • COSfA •u .., ........ ~ .... Holy Eucharist 9:00 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES MAHCHla CW n..,,.... OHUM»t. 'Oil f'IMT CMURCM cw~. --.meT 1t llOITOM. ~ "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" S.,ndcry, June 13th, 1912 C09U ..... -,lrat Church of Chrtet, Sctentlet _ .......... c.-.... c....a..._..,...._ .. A.11. •••••t1••-.-.._v .. 1r. IUIAllP.M.-.lnleL ·-f-1:11 ~ ... -.... , .... lntne -Pint Chwctt of Ctwte'i!::"ttet ....................... " ...... •1 .......... ,., .... y ... , c......a.__,.__._ .. A.11. CMa.D CAM PflOWllD AT llN».Y l8MCa H'8ntlngt0n llNch -fl,.t Church of Chrt•t. . ScltnU.t ••CMM.••·• ............ c.......,,.__,.....,_ .. A.IL .....,. ....... _ ......... Newport Be11eh -Flrat Church of Chrtat, Sclentlat a303 Via Lido, Newpon .. actl c~ • Sund•r School -t:OO I 10-.30 A.M. "Mdlftt ftoom, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. tlwu lat. -t A.M.·5 P.M. Tu... -7·1 P.M. G"'6d C..e ..,_ T-.ys t 30-• t 30 AU kw Stud,,...,. . Newport 8Mch -a.co..ct Church of Chrlet, ........ ............... c--..- a-tlt • ...., ....... -.. A.IL ............. --.... LC.......,., C4lll W!D. IVININQ TelTIMONY MUTINGI - I P.M. ALL CttURCHSI Al we COfdtlllly ltlwttH to •"-"' IM • ._.~ ... ell!Or IN ...................... "-M. QM C.. flla1t•1• AT ALL lllMCa9 WESTIMSTER LtrnlRAlt CIUtCH .. ,-.. .. ( .......... Dlet9 ................. ., .... , -woa1• IUVICaa -... ....... PMTOll .IOI&. A. 8W11.. '"°911-Mii -------_...,__ IDilBJIHOOO CONGIEGATIONAL CUCH ,. ...... ... ..~ ....... ... 494-IMl DllM.IETllUS ~~:0-- ltUl-...., ... Clllldl .... &~ HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlulpl11 of Clwt9t) 2f01 lrYIM .. ..,_.. ..... M5-171t .! 0..8WIRllO, ...... Attend Th.e Church of Your Choice IT. MARK PMSBYTERIAN CHURCH ....... Dr ................ ~ haot\ Rew ....... McOltald Raw. TOftr Wotte ,.... AModate ,..tor LMlle .......... Muelc °"'*" Churd't School & AcMt cia.. -t:OO a.m. Wonhlp 8ervtce -10:00 a.m. ......, c.. ........... ,., lllto: Cell .... tM1 ·pt1p11out'1 C ot~ll1~ql1f illtll1I C hurd1 3292 BROAD IT., .-WPORT Bl!ACH 642-2740 lundar 8erYtce -10:30 A.M. "REJECTED STONE'' PUTOR TONY CUM'O A Corcllel Welcome from TM UNITB MmTHODIST CHURCH Thia Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. AndreWI Road• Newport Beech• 631-2880 Dr.~ A......_,·~,...., Worship SeMcee -7:30-8:45 and 10:15 A.M. "Who Wonts To Be A Senront?" Or. John A. Huttman. Jt. ~ 7:30 a.m. -Infant. Thn.I Kinder~. CMd Care 6.45 a.m. -lnt.,,ta Thru ~ ~ 10:15 Lm. -lnfllnta Thru 6th Gfade I~ C...... AK lt1lplne e412ZD Community Pr•brterlan Church 411 ,oreet AM.. utJ-a llaectc 4M-7MI Rev. Arthur J . Trienley Rev. Craig WIHlamt CMstlan Education Hour 9:00-10:00 AM WOt'lhlo -10:15 AM NUNUIY ~ ""°"'°'° J.T M..L. llEfMCO PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH OF 'M COVENANT -,Mmew Rd., Coeta ..... -M14340 llruoe A. Kunte. "-tor T•ry McCanne, Director of Youth Mtni.t ... Howard l<ttllon. Oltector of AdUtt Mlnlltrlet Don Medd<>J(. Oll'ec:tor of Singlet Mln"1tlee ...., ..... -l:IO. 10:GO A.M. C""'°" ICIMel -Ctcldr•1 ttwu Adull8 10:GO A.M. ~.,. ........ -..... A.II • v...,.-7:11,.a CHURCH OF CHRIST 117 ......... c..ea ..... M4111 we·,. A Golna -GloWtna -Otowtng ChUfctl fUNOAY UIMC98 ~ ITVDY I A..M. WOfl819110 A.M. & t P.11. 10 A.M. -"What It It Uka To Be Lonely?" 6 P.M. -"The Vlr1in'• Oit" ....,. TliMMe, ........., -.,_.. Cole, Youth lltnleter SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAMOR Ml'ORll TeMPLE ........... eo. ,,.., ......... 9:11 P.M • ,.....,..,.... ., • OP , ... ,.,.. ,..., flf .... ....... 1:t0 P.M. Rabbi Bemerd P. Kina Jembor• & EutbMf Or. Mutlc: Arie ShlkJef Nwpof1 Beectl, Caltf. EdUCatot: Heney Levin ,., ............... Ml ..... .,_ ,.~ ....... ' OrMOt C~t DAILY '-ILOTllltuf'd1Y, JUrMt 11, 1HI -- TIUV.lA BOWL XXVI STANDINGS 1. T~ ~ (tt) tt1 .... ....__(tt) -~ .......... '-'""' (I) 100'AI I. 0.. IM Hiit °*'I ( 11) M "° CMfe • (11) ITYt t . W11ttwer1h c. "'"'"' ""' .. ·nie Gt-. Cf) ... • which usually will be ,from a flick which produced at least one o.car. Trivial tidbit: You know. perhaJl9, that Amos 'n' Andy started out • Sam 'n' Henry, but were you aware that until just before the first ahow was broadcast In 1928, their names were Jim and Charlie? On to more trivial fare. 1. Barbara Moorehead found paradise in . · Another holdout HOI,..L YWOOD (AP) -Jimmy Best is the lat.est actor among the cast of TV's ''The Dukes of · Hazzard" series to derml1ld a renegotiated contract. Unless he gets it, he says, he won't work on any , new Installments for fall. · . Best, who portrays Sheriff Rosco B. Coltrane on CBS-TV's popular Friday night show, said he's unhappy with his salary, the quality of writing and , his share of profits from products based on the series. A complaint about profits also is the basis of a lawsuit filed by two other "Dukes" stars, John 1 Schneider and Tom Wopat, who portray Bo and Luke Duke. They contend Warner Bros. . intentionally deprived them of their fair ah.are of revenue from the more than 400 iterm the company · ls marketing in connection with the show. I I I I ~· 1 "A IASSt BllASSt IUSSY COllEll!" lUtftlM lltOGlohtllSI 1n 6-'46 -Gent5'-ljec.rv TOOAY SHOW NOWPlAYING COSTA lffSl lllfl• Iii~ EON<OS WoodtlrtOQe 646 S02S SS I oass OUllGE UA Co!y c;,,,.,,.. 634 3911 · COSTA MHl lct#llds 8t~IOI S40 7444 FOUWTAIM HllH OflAllGf f;im4'y lwrt S11C1tum °'"'"" 962 1241 6391170 WllTMllfSTDI UA Miii 193 OS46 LUXURY THEATRES E.S. $2.50 ht 2 Matin• Showin11 Unlm Notad t>34 2SSS/~~. FOR FOOi EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur... -A-k;1:t(;'!~1'100Tttl~U'1i... )o( ........ ·,,,. ... __ --..... ROCKY.· 70mm. No &lffl.,....,.. m --i::.-= 9:30 12:002:a1:11 I 1.001 ,. 12:002:104:151:201:301~ t W1nrwl CtNt! lJ-L Pl't'/)llll OF TH~ Wll.OP'lt ~""Y. Im OILUA fl Ir~ LOS-T ARK KADNt:" rSAIV' ' •. .-•:OOs·-7·..,. IO:IO 1 :00 J1 IS S:JO , ~ .,. •6¥ i-..v • 7 ;11 •;•• •iii'DJDl412J6J4 9282/~~). .. !!\! p•·~· ~,:..f T. J'i 8 ?·ao ,,_,.. ·--oc-fl· /·'d U ;lS 2·U 4 •11 • • n "'"' '" l :fl 1011 "" '"''"' ""'..;.:''~'".;;." ... -STADIUm Dr.vOll' a 659 8770/'1~'&l:' llu111lf11I Cln• "' So11nd Olrec1 To Vo11r Carl srAA TP.EKJL THlt WRATH or KHAlf l'lulVICTO"V(l'G) BJ CF.NI:: lJ--L WILOV.K Jlfftll\Y. lml Oil.DA fl ;;.&., If.Yo.", Cct11ld SM Wh•l RADNER ... s""y .... '"GI Vietor Victoria ~ DRIVE-INS OPEN 7:15 NIGHTLY Children Under 12 FREE Unless Noted MAPOCALYPSE ••• POWI EXHILARATING · ENTERTAINMENT," Hollywood wlth Mr new name, wh.lch WM what? 2. Namo the rich kid tn tho comJc at.rip Nancy. 3. Al Hodp •tarred In TV'1 ftnt eclonce-flction tenet. What WU It? 4. Who waa the lut surviving llaner of the Declaration of lndepe~ence? ~. Name the flrat Bro.dway 1how preeented on TV. 6. Laura Marr Stone made hiltory aa the fint guest on what popular televtaion procram? 7. What 'baaeball player anawera to the nickname of Papa Jack? 8. Mordecai Smith shows up bi what stage play? 9. lr) the movie ''The Mad M.,tcian," reference ls made to a real-Ute murder cue of the period, Name (a) the location of the deaths, whkn will bring you to (b) the name of the IUlpect. 10: In a movie which produced two act1na Olcara. one of the characters mentions that he ana hia wife are "walk.Ing what'• left of our wtta.'' Name the movie. · La1t Week'• Aaawera 1. George .Segal (name change) 2. Gooty (cartoon character) 3. Ocean City (TV's "Bronk") 4. Ann Landen and Abigail Van Buren (Esther and Pauline) 5. Simon (Prince Charming'• horse) 6. F.dgar Bergen and Charlie M~y show (Ersel Twfng) . . 7. Minnesota Fata (Rudolph Wanderone Jr.) 8. "Twelfth Ntaht" (Andrew Ag\lecheek) 9. (a) Minyok, (b) Squeaker ("Great.eat Show" animals) • 10. ''The Collector" (movie riddle) (Send your answen to TRIVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, Box lMJO, Costa Meu 92826. All entrl• must ~received by W~y. otherwiae half the· plllyer's last !ICOre will~ award«i.) edwards TOWN CENTER l,. IN 801JTB COdT~PIAZA SAN DIEGO FREEWAY AT BRISTOL A ANTON Aer ... Fre• h•da ~t Pia-Betel C..taMesa 751-4184 NOW PLAYING Dally 11 :00 A.M.• I: I 5·3:30·8:00·8: 15· I 0:3e ... 50 -~00 a.n• lJa•er ta li'i1 Ge•eral A••· d ./ D D 1 I Sf ARS -Sophia Loren, releued from jaU, will atar in a movie with her niece, the granddaughter of Benito Muaeollni. IJ JOB l:DWAADI .... "'""" .... NASHVILLE -Hll worcb are .wn.d. h.la ~ 11 deltbnw and he Walki wtth a c:.ne -all a ,.:.Jt of erippllnl ~ aboUt 13 ~ .., wMI) he wrecked hJa ~ oar on a rold IA Swtmrland. • He11 ltil1 rtooYWln8. WI fAl'DOUI name, Al Jollon Jr,. 11ln~11 &a hll ~~IA hil name, bll fatber. And the 34-year.old Jollon .. part of' the entertalnment field. thou&h he'• bthlnd the "** and no\ doWn on one knee on 1ta1•. atnalnf "Mammy" in a 1Cratchy voice l1U bll talenced father. 'l'he bearded Jolaon dlrectl Al Jolton Jr. Enterpri•ff -a 1mall recordlng atudJo, cauette cepyln1 dlv1fion and two aon1 pubU,hlna companies. · NMbvWt11 tamed Muatc Row. ''Thia ...... hie b.la name 1n ~tion of him," Jol1on Hid. "He waa the be1lnntn1 of popular mu1lc. Ht ~t out a lot of Jm: he •tarted ~tt." The elder Jollon ta remtmtiered for IOl\ll IUCh M 11SwanM," ''Toot Toot Toot.le Goodl>ye0 and 118roth•r, Can You s~ a DI.mer' It. perfonoed ln vaudeYUJe and minltrel lhOWI and .tarred tn two _.~ motion pictwea, '"The JUI I ln 1927 and 11The $fncinl Jl'ool" 1928. fflll""'8 on the wall of the younger Jol1on'1 recordln& 1tudlo la fill cocnpanY'• ttnt cbec:k -$225 from country muaic llnaer Conway Twitty for recordlna worll the studio did for tum. '"lbia ii a dream come true," he •>" proudly.: aa he ~~es alowly Or~ Coat DAILY PILOT/8atutd~. Junt1 12, 1882 . th.fouah the mnall atudJo. •11t'1 a mna1.l atud.to, but lt'• a blu.<hJp 1tudlo • We've tried to make the rat.el '° n wcomen to Nuhvtll• can aft ord Jt." Jolaon'• mother manied playwrtaht Norman 1(,..,. 14 monthl alter h r huaband died. Jola:>n and the Kraanu •pent much of h1I opulent youth In Switzerland. He aang in hla church chotr and did 101ne 10loe, "When l sr-w up my voice chanaed and I never ~ the opportun1ty to 1tnc aaaln," he aaya. He moved to Nuhville two yeara aao from Laauna Beach, 10 he could be near the muaic buainesa and take muaic atudio counet at Belmont ~U!f!e. He a 1tlll recuperatina from the automobile acddent that left him In a coma and then hoepltaliz.ed. But he ~ya, "thinga are getting better and better." Sophia,. niece· star togeiher ROME (AP) -Actress Sophia Loren will appear In a movie al~ with her niece, Italian televiJlion star ltlesaa rid ra M uasoli ni. the lf&llddaughter of Italy's World War II He 'waa about three yeara old wben bla father died followln1 a heart attack. That waa In 1950 In San Francilco after the elder Jolloo Nd Oops, couniry awa~d wrong dictator. . Mia Mu.olinl ii the daughter of Miss Loren's lister, Maria Sclcolone. Shooting ol "The Miracles and Sins ~ Happiness of Saint Tieta.''. baaed on . ar book ' by Brazilian writer Jorie .Mnadl>, is due to begin in Rome'a Cinecltta movi~ comp1u .. returned from ent.erta.inlnl American"· NASHVILLE (AP) -The wrona . servicemen in Koree. . country music 8J'OUP wu preeenced an The elder Jolaon wu be9t known award for aibUm of the year at the for hla black(ace perfonnance in the 16th annual MUlic Qty News Country landmark ta.Udna ~ "'I'he. Jazz Awards a.bow, the pu&ucatlon'a editor Singer." Hia IOll. whQ WM adopted, says. says he'• still proud of hll father. 'll\e aroup Alabama won the award "He atlll haa a fan club, even for ill album "Feela :;o RigtJt" rather though it'• been more than 30 yeara than the Statler Brothen for "Y eara aince be died," Jolaon said. "The Ago," editor Lee Rector aaid. shock of hla deeth stayed with me." ''We apolotiie to the Statler Jolaon's atudlo and office are on Brothen, Alabama, t.helr fans and the KMp an eye oat for the fuoofeet ' mov ... 'abowt growhlg.up ft'WI' madel You'll be glad you camel.- -~~flt~ ' . The MAN in your llfe . country music indu1try for thl1 unfortunate lnddent," Rector l&ld in a statement. Rector said the mix-up came when tr:ophiea were be Ina readied for presentation on the nationally ayndlcated televialon ahow, which wu televiled live Monday niaht from the Grand Ole opry Howie. ''Thia has never occurred before In the 16 yean we have been malc:lng these aw arch." Rector aald. ., \ I I ., I I I I .1 . I ' : · l . ·1 . . : . .j , I ... " ~ I ,. APWlr_... .. MEMENTO ~ The 11Roeebud11 sled from the movie "Citizen Kane" was auctlonee? for $55,000 this week to moviemaker Steven Spielberg who calls lt "a 1ymbolic medal.lion of quality in fibnmllkJng." Spielberg spends $55,(JOO for sled NEW YORK (AP) -Filmmaker Steven Spielberg, wt'jo says he was influenced greatly by the classic "C1uzen Kane," telephoned in a bid of $55,000 to buy the balsa sled "Rosebud" used in the movie, an auction house says. Spielberg b'id by phone from the West Coast Wednesday. beating out bidders from Chicago and Texas for the famous prop, according to Colby Kelly, spokeswoman for the auctioneer, Sotheby Parke Bernet; "When I heard that the sled was going on auction, I was very h~ to have it," said Speilberg, director of "Jaws, • "Close ~unt.ers of the Third Kind" and "E.T." ''It's a symbolic medalllon of quality In filnimaking," he said. In "Citizen. Kane," a reporter tries· to discover the meaning of ''rosebud," the last word •poken by publisher Charles Foster Kane before he died. The reporter neve.r solves the mystery, but the final scene shows a workman tossing a sled into a furnace. "Rosebud" is painted on it, a reminder of an earlier lime when the young Kane frolicked in the snow, poor but happy. Three bal'sa sleds were made for the 1941 film's final scene. Two were burned, but the thlrd -sold at auction Wednesday -survived. Spielberg· said he fi.nt saw "Otiz.en Kane," which starred and was directed by Orson Welles, when he was l8. "I was making short films at the time, and I kept going baCk to see it again and again," he said. "It was a milestone In American filmmaking and it Influenced me." MOVIE RATINGS FOR MREllTS AND YCMIG PEOPLE ALL am NfO 111 'ILMI "'"IV£ TWE SEAL OI 'n!E l!IOflON N:JIJllE 000( OF IEJ.f MOUi-A TION By ~OB THOMAS ..................... KOLLYWOOO Curlou• thlna: Tht oUlclal "Orelle 2" bl<>araphy of Lorna Luft menUona h r debut on tho PaJMo Theater at.age at the ap of 14, but lt doesn't 11y who WU ttarrlna. 1t wu her mother. Judy Garland. In fact. the late Mlu Garland'• name d~'t appear ln the blOlt'aphy. Ooet that mean Mlu Luft la touchy about mak.Jna It on her own? "Somebody In the Paramount publicity department muat have done it,'' the aays. "Not me. I'm proud of belng Judy Garland's dauahter." There's no way she could hide It. She haa Inherited Mias Garland's explosive laugh and nervous manner. She alao can't hide her age. "Somebody at Paramount suggested I should lie about my age, since I'm 29 and playing a 17-year-old In 'Grease 2,' " she said. "Grease 2" 1s Miss Luft's fu'St film She 11 blonde, with a flaw-. that aometJmet betr.J)'I h r fondn-. for puta. That almOlt COit htr tho role of Paulette Rebchuck. th• Marilyn Monroe of Ryd 11 Hlah School. She crashed on what the calla "tht w1termelon diet'' and convinced tht producer• the waa meant to be Paulette. "I watched the other atrla tettJ.na tor Paulette, and 111 of them tried to do a Marilyn Monroe lmlteUon," the said. "I made Paulette ~ peraoh, moving tn and out of the Monroe voice. She'a the kind of a ,irl who tries to Imitate Marilyn, but doeen't quite make It.'' The daughter of Mlsl Garland and her third husband Sid Luft, Ml.a Luft profeaea no hangupe about havina her half-•iater, Liz.a Mlnnelll, make ft big before she has. But she admits that she has been diacou.raaed along the way. ''My family was very supportive, 1 my father, my silter, my brother," 1he Including 11ld. 11 'Aw, come on,' they aeld. My father had the best tdea: 'You want to know how to aet back at them? Bo • aucce41.'" Sint'O then, 1he has played in a 1ta1e revival of "Greuo'' and made a 82·dtv tour in "They're Playing Our Song.f· She hu had film offers before, 1he , eald, "but they were alwayt explotUve thln&1." So ahe waited tor the break to come, remembering advice from her mother. "When J told her at the age of 13 that I wu IOing into 1how buaineta, s he waa very hurt, becau1e sh e remembered what 1he had to go through," Misl Luft uld. "When she realized that I was serloua about a career, 1he wave me t,hls advice: 'Study and train, because you ain't gonna get there on my name.' "And 10 I did 1tudy and train. And I itW do." GREASER -Loma Luft, Jud,Y Garland's daughter, makes her movie debut as a Marilvn MonroP lookalike in "Grease 2.'l . •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm1ncH before 5:00 PM (Except Speclll Engagements 111d Holld1y1) Hl'.~I A<'llU-'' -K:.ttl\Jr1nt• lkphum ttfH A<TOR -lknry fond.I • ~Ii MllilAC1A M.al1 LA MIRADA WAlll< IN Muooo ot to .. c10"1 99•·2•00 u·ROCKY1u· WINIER AND ST LCHAMPIONl"1 .. A KNOCKOUT!" -~ « t,llCcJll-."""'' .. LOTS OF PUNCHI". ••t¥• ............... ,, .. THE BEST ROCKY Of THEM ALLI" ..HEROICS AND HUMOR:' .. ~ ........ .. STILL THE CHAMP:' ........... ,.,. ....... ... ....... ..... ... Clf'llCJl"llll~ 1IOUIOIM(/f llMIWlllU~par111101· IX'J(1a Sll~Sll,Sl.IU.lll•LtaM Mll!Uli CM.lll~ltl •1m&1111.t1tM•..._,,. .. ,.ci..1~ .... 11-..aiwusc _.,ll.laJ111 ,....., • ._,,,_q11~1 ..,..llrSl\ltWSUUIJl - -. ..,.. ... ..... , ..... __ , .. ___ .. __ "POL TIAGEl8T" '"°' ·----- "POL TE .. GEl8T" '"'°' --. .... -.-I "GREASE 2" IPO) ______ .... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAU< IN "ROCKY Ill" ''°' IN,_ DOUY tTtMO ----••n:v "8TAR n.K It: THI! WRATH OF KHAN" I n.-OOUY ITWMO (N) ------- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAik IH I ' I "THI ROAD WARRIOR" ---"VlllTINQ HOUR8" _, .. ". .. 8T AR 1"1K 11: THI PATH OF KHAN" 10MM D0\.8Y anao <N'I _..., __ _ "ROCKY Ill" '"°' ___ , ....... ~" focwtty 01 Co"ot .. oCHS 213/531·9110 "DIAD MIN DON'T WEAR PLAID., (ll'Ol ·------- "GREASE 2" IN) ·------ "GREASE 2'' (P'O> _.._ .... ,,., ... -1011111 COOi! Mtwoy ) ot lloodwoy 4~1514 A~"' A..•• r ._,.. ANAHEIM DRIVE IN "ROCKY Ill" <'°> UT-~::."':..- ----------~~~.= , ... -~= .. ---.... ...... 11-••··--·-11 .., ..................... _ .... .. "°-·--· ................. -. ~--_,_ ... . -----·----~ '=="·:.-=~-t --·------· ~ NOW PLAYING IMA COITA ...U MIUICMI YllJO OIAIMll UA ~ 1t1tbo< Twtn Votro T-OllllQe Orl•t 111 m 4022 •3t 3SOt ''° 1990 sse 1022 Every Sunday • MU PMI •IMIT•Tot1 9UCll • .,..._ WUTIIUllTU ._ Patti OrM Ill EfwlldS °'*"" ~ l'O.nrds Cft<u WHI t2t 4010 141 03u &34 2ss3 m nn •COITIMllA l.AWIUCM (..o• ___ .,,..,...11-1 Eowm 1111s1o1 s.wth Cols! S40 uu 494 1st• •Presen1«11n ismmCXJ1--1 Presented In Specially 'n•tallect 70mm Projection and Six Track Dolby Stereo "' '"i .. '.&(II( BUENA PARK OlllVE IN ------" ..... t'"'"" LINCOLN DRIVE IN 1-0lft A•• We" Of •no" 121-4070 H l,.._. .• I.., FOUNTAIN VAllEV DlllVHN A r "'~ "• ~ " 111 WAY 39 ''""" '" f ....,.. ....... "" -"OOfN' AU. TMI'" WAY" lltl c-t " MlllllD "LT., TM9 aJCT'RA-nRMaTMAL• 1Nt -..,..AL AH•atRJBIT"4"1 • 1TAl'1'1D II: TMI WRATH 0. llKAN" INI -"VtCTOtlY" IN! Cl'lf I• MlUNO ltOtll "'° So .. Golldttl GI ... fl- 191• 3693 HOSTS SPECIAL -Mel Tillis host& "Country Galaxy of Stars," a-two-hour special tonight at lQ on KHJ-TV (9) . G 8 IUD IUPeA ~HOUR 8 (lll'ONZI~ OAYaQANO • UANIPll'OUTI ''Try It, You'• I.Ille It" A YOW).g Chi~ ~ent IMlt embetrllued lbout '* petentt, hi• ienou. end hie trldltlOl\lll l1I•~ ~MOYie * * * "Sliver Streak" (1978) 0-Wilder. Jill Cleyburgll A Mild· men~ed booll edttor 1ccld1n111ty b1com11 lnYOlved In • lk'llat• ert t!Wr• bluff• plot during. Ct~try lteln ride. ..... ~ CllMornle Ange\9 11 CNc:.. ~ Wlllt• Soll II WllQNO l..CW. "The HorM Tlle1 Pleyld Centerfield" A 1.-n of llopMA '°"" pldc• vP • hot c:«1tetftllder. (Plf1 2) (RIO ' I THIN>OKD ::::ro .wxJCAN * * ''lnvedet• From The Diep" ( 1981) Puppeu. Tiii World Aquinlul -11)' petrol end ~ ctlft Stlngrey bin ... M enny of aquatic ....,,, '"'° - determined IO t•e -the plenet. 11;.ao 8 Cl) IC.ACKITAA 8 AMINCAN MNOeTANO I WILD, WILDWUT MAQICC#OIL PAINT'INQ I!) W!DD1HQ CANTATA JOhn Caey portreya 17tf>. c.ntury c:omooeer Merc- Anlolne. Ct\erpentler. Ind th• Oberlin Beroque En-1\bll perform• "Wed- ding Centela .. TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Tho Tneuure of Ban Boaco Roef .'' Conclu1lon of two-pba 1 rt epltod about 1 tttn-a1er who 1turti et upon a murd~r. KTTV (11) 8:00 -"A Star la Bom." Judy Garland James Muon •tar in mualcal about ~ girl'• overnl1ht Hollywood IUC(.'ftil and the decline of 1tar hulband. KNXT (Z) 9:00 _ "Oeor1la1 Pttachet.'' Tanya Tucker, Terri Nunn in movie about three young Southemera wbo are framed for grand theft auto. KHJ·TV (O) 10:00 _ "Co\.lntry Galaxy of Stars." Development of country muaic ta tr~. See photo, left. \ OflnQI Oollt DAU,.V ,.LOT/latu,._, June 11, 1111 F ISH FRY WINNER -Carol~n Balley, 38, of Costa Mesa, prepares to drive away 1982 Chevette donated by Connell Chevrolet for the Costa Mesa-Newport Lions Club fundraiser ~ Not fltMlto a., "•t O'OonMfl last week that netted $130,000. It was a lucky day for the mother of three -she'd also won $50 in a supermarket contest. , Cool weather delays grape season SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A "good crop" of wine grapes is forming in California vlneyards, but a cool spring has set back the wine grape sea.son by about two weeks, an industry official says. "It does appear that a good crop is forming. certainly above last year's light harvest" of 2.4 million tons, said Bob Hartz.el, executive vice president of the CalifoTn ia Association o f Winegrape Growers. But without a burst of heat this summer , the fall harvest oould run late, he said. Hartz.el added that he's received reports of "bunching up" of bloom and berry set, which could cause a jam-up of crush facilities at harvest time. Besides slowing down w ine grape growth, cool weather can mean grapes may have a augar content lower than desirable. · Temperatures all over the state are r unning below normal, according to Hugh Myers, a senior marketing sped.aliat with the Federal-State Market News Service in Sacramento. "In the San Joaq~ Valley, the temperature range at last report was about seven degrees below JlOnnal," he said. And ln the north and central coast areas, temperatures were ranging from two degrees below norinaf aouth of Monterey1o five degrees below normal at Ukiah, Myel'tl added. Harvesting atarta in August in the Central Valley and can last Into November In the coolest wine-growing regions, Napa and Sonoma counties. JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS ANNOUNCES A FIRST TIME OFFER 5.0 DOWN LEASE ~ ' Allfllee Tb ..... Cen Onlr In 81-, On Al!P<-~-/ ~of Thie All Mwl lie Pr-..CS Al T1IM Of L-. EXAMPLES OF PREVIOUSLY OwNED MERCEDES BENZ .,._,.., -··--~ ... ---... -. 4eOIL'"-'13 Maz 2IO Oil. Grn 'IO M8Z 3000 ~ .. MG 30080 Wlllle 7t MN 4'0IL !led •• Mm 210al ar-'IO MU 3000 Wtllle 7t Mel 4eoen .,_ 7t MR 4IDllC ..... '71 M8Z a~ .._ 'II M8Z 80080 ·n MU 4IOIEl Mwy IO Mel 4IOILC .. °""' '.s MU 300 Conw. ..._ 'IO M8Z aootO •• ~ 4101a. on11c1 '7t Mel 4809LO Gr., 'IO Maz :iooo 80 Mel 30080 '11 MU MOit. ·n ..z ... .._ 'II MR 3000 ..... '80 Nez 30080 '{4 MR 118C11L ... LIOICE, CuchC1lovak.la (AP) -After ruahtfall on June G, 1942, Nut t.roopt avenatnt an llMNlnation took the woi-Mn and chlldren from thla lHtlt Yi.Uqe, maaucred lta mtn, and then obliterated lt. The women Jnd children were taken to concentration camr; 60 bf the women and 82 o lhe cblldrenl eventually died; 192 men were killed in the mauacre it~lt. The village of 603 people wu no more. The Nails covered over Its burned rubble and ordered lta name removed from German mapa of World War II CtechoalovakJa. "No one can describe how terrible It waa," aald Anna Neseorova, a survivor. "We didn t know what was happening or why. "For a long time afterward, we still thought we would see our loved ones again one day. We didn't know." But Lldlce lives aaaln and Czechoslovakia la mtaldng the 40th anniversary of the massacre and destruction t.hia month with memorial conoerta, exhlbltiona a.od commemorative 1ervtces. The Nazis wiped out Lidice ln reprisal for the -.sinatlon ln nearby Prague of SS chief Reinhard Heydrich on May 27, 1942. Historical records show no evidell(,'e to connect the village to Heydrich's aaaaaslnatlon by partisans, but Nazi suspicions were aroused by an intercepted love letter to a woman with a family name that lhe Gestapo traced to Lldice. In the letter the man wrote of a "fateful day" -a phrue the Gestapo took to mean the day of Heydric h 's a11aaaination. Htatorf&nl later aaid the phiue prot>.bly referred to a lovtn' ~ or t0meth.lna 11m1.lar. In a poetwar People's Tribunal in Prague, a former SS officer, Haralcf Wiesman, testified that the SS -the Nu! elite corpe -w., under such heavy pretture to solve the Ullllinat.ion cue that the faked repon. were sent to Adolf Hltler about weapona belng found ln Udlce. He aa.ld the reporta probably prompted the detttructlon of the vW.ge. Seventeen .. Aryan-looklng" children of the village were "Lidice sh o uld b e rem em bered as a symb ol of the mil l ions o f innocent victi m s d est r oye d b y war." spared the concentration campe and sent to Germany for "re-education." Most of them returned to Cz.echoslovakia after the war, while others remain unaccounted for. "Lldice should be remembered aa a symbol of the mUllona of children and other innocent vtctiml destroyed by war ln our cruel century," said Czechoslovak eculptress Marie Uchytilova. For the past 10 years, the nationally known artist has been eculpting life-~ statues of the 83 Lid.ice children who died. U a local arts board grants the 6 mUllon crowns (about $600,000) lht ll)'t la needed to bronze the Marly completed flaurw. Mn. Uchytilova hop. to place them ln the meadow that now marki the ortginal vtllai•· After the war, Cr.echoelovak offlctala planted a "1arden of peace" on the lite, With flowen from 36 countries. A cram draped I with barbed wtre 1tanda ln the field, and atone plaques repre.ent. each of the de1t.royed home1. A muaewn visited by nearly 300,000 people a year overlook.a the meadow and com,memoratee the vlctlma of Lldlce with plctures, relics and documentary film cllpe. The new Lldlce ls a quiet residential village of 530 people set ln the rolllna bills 20 milea northwest of Pf'll8Ue, and lea than a half mile from the old village. Neat rows of alngle-family homes face lta tree-lined streets, and a clustet' of small 1tore1 makes up ita shopping district. Nearly half the famlliea lived in Lid lee before the war. They were given· new hornet by lhe government when they choee to return. "It didn't matter where we lived after the war, we would have carrie d those memories with us everywhere," said Josefa Endualova, a pre-war resident. "So we came back." A survivor of the concentration camps, the 70-year-old gnmdmother aald her daughter was one of the children sent to Germany and returned. , ln Prague's Old Town recently, Mrs . .EndU5lova joined a doz.en other survivors to open an exhibition of paintings and poetry readings that depicted the massacre. Concerts commemorating the reprisal we re also held. NEWPORT DATSUN TAKES YOU OUT TO TBE BALL GAME ~ · WITB FREE.ANGELS ·~ • ,. • ~ I TIGKE1'S AND BATS! Come tMt drin a new car or truck at Newport Datsun t1m ...u.nd. and nceJn a Fll£E PAIR OF ANGELS TICUrS mad a F1t£E ANGELS BAS£BALL CAP/ rJien wafch ti.le Ange& B£A'1 ti.le WhJte Sox on SatunilaJ'. June 19tb at 1:00 p.m. {Sony. Th1I oiler u lfJDJNd to tbe IJ.nt $0 Ntd drfftll du. weekend. Flm come-..IJ.nt NIYed.J Saturday, Junt 1a, 1882 iooking for a care . in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , clas!ific"tion 7100. CLASSIFIED ~.4itftl.Mft Mm.~!fl .... ~.'.ff ·~:v....,..v "1 mJ.tl!.ffl •... !.~ff «~1..'!¥.~ ..•. !.{trl~«.,,,.~ .... !.{ff «~11..'!.~'!l. •••• !.{ff !'.~11..rt1!'!!. •••• 1J.fU.i!1..'!e.'il. •••• !.{ff "9'4111 11°'9 1t 1t10 AllOn Ind !toot walk 11p Offlolll ,.nM-61 ··~ ji1 11 ,.,.o IQ, ft p1ue 1 1111, 1111 eno 1uo, LM1I1,a..u llWlll IDT NIT·'llm • • -HUii &1111 PllOPlllllULI , ,.._ INDEX 0,,; II'•· e.1 .. nr. 01t1H111. dfaf>", oan•· •• r.o. ••••• ~•••••• Lott IPYOll"Hlllt .,.. •-114 Conv . 1ono ..,.,, o.r• W• are MeltlnO O PfOple ADVER• Uno Ooron1 d•I Mar -'•--ti l,lff 8-10. I -mo. Oki .... ..... .... •HI llMtft • wl1h ..,ni.u. --1111 ot Tl Pleet Ylllf M. t1• RWNaT llTIA. 762·11'° ~·&';'f~oit.;:,0 l°ICl•n oolor Cooker :r~ ~::39. "':~: 111,0lt"i'j'~lf Hlf•'• • unlqu. oPPOf• 642 5678 x1n1 100. on PM. oou1 m UINIT UU. Don't i.1 alcohOllarn Pllll op•nJ•'· ~n•r•" to Work in our fun,. cuual proflt·rn.akJna Mrrnt, 7·3:ao. 3·11:30. tun1tl10toneWNan/=: • ~~·n:.-' .r"ti t:~~~~ 1200 ~ eoo tit eoe per you 10 •ll·d••tr11otlon. ~4J3. 11 L 11 0 'I off lee 11 a telephone plot promotion ~!i~~~:·'::: o;1:l~/~ 0P•op1: ;~r~o 1~~: ~!:d :~~ti: ,~:P~':n:"and IUSlll(SS, INYEST· 1000 aq tt. 9'0·1 fOO. • ~~ii:o :.:r;·~o..=· ~:,,riv ~1:~~~ ,!!.~ :: Leet: o'1Hd'• ll...oetl min clerk for the area'• flne1t new1paper. Ad'5 NB .':f wouio 1111• 10 be r• ::~~p,,:.oney •t th• ·MEMT, flMAMCE C-.tnlll The Moorlnga. With a at OCQ &tedium, lllura Only requirement II a iood telephone progrJ1ned for a new Yovr eucc•aaful HIH t:.':!!=.:i ::13 lt•llll ff1f IUmnL n1t1on111y recoonlzed nit• durl1 Mom'• 1r .. volc:e and enthuaiasml LOcal eo.ta Mesa 1111111 c., .. ,.. ,,or p1r1on11 uperlfnca wlll enabl• ro1 ......... rn•••, =:, ••••••••••••••••••• .. • llWNT OllTlll outpatient tre1tment dL1u1111t.lo~0. v 111 ... .,",.!r•otkv•rnn.' Office. ' lnteN!eW'call I~ to,.!2 you 10 1>eoom .. 112 p911 ....... _ ... Willl.. la -.. ..., w h I program you MY« need u , u 11PM·1AM. !xpr d Ger• noon only 714 • ......,-4 .... 1 I ,,._ •• ,.~ d ,,._H•'-" .-..,.r_ II UH ot rec•pt on. to be l\Otpi1111nc1 mi.a 9'5·114;t, 8'1-21'2 ·::r~~ titled l\UrM eld4lf Shift Mf. 8unltnt 0 our.,,,_.... •· .._, ll>•~ri· : In '*!!. bldO on Coaat conl. roon\la1' ~Heh, l>tlOned • tim. from work. 0t time dlllerentlel pllel. sm.i1 '" t\OuaeclelMn; new & ~.~=n t ~n~ 11~r~: .. ,.(un1lS Hwy, vvulh Uouna. Ap-MGret1r • wor pro-from your lamlly. Mor· Found Coffie. fem .... ap-.... c:onv holc>ltal Mewpon ""'''""'" "'~" , prox. 600 1q. lt. Excel· ~·Mall & m...age nlng l ewnlng programa prox 1 YT· Vlo FalrMw ......,. ....-11M.... ~·be)'., .. CID for model hom .. only, lft mSONAU & le nt prlveta parking wv. evait. MC*•lely 11 evellebl• l lnaurenc• end Baker. 11711-5132 $84.00 for flret we4fk : 'hen •hare in lntervl•¥1 10-,!GO pm, tran1port1tlon, f.ng. It yov ha"9 MIM ability, los'' F,11 .. 1 behind bldg. 1525 mo. dHlred. C11t· Judy. ipprov.d FOUND: Cock•r, brwn. hi , fl Mf.30efi •P.Hklng, expu. t"o are• "9tl·tlan9( and Ille• A-•-M• VII ,, Tum• AMO(). "'·1177 714/'780-0100. Tll ..... l•m .. Chlhuhul , brwn. partnen p-.iro ta. 0FflC£ MANAOE•Mor r 00 pr hr 8AIM«4 llft ~~~;=:~ ~.';1..,... ~ H.B. olc l/Of lnduat epaoe Y1IW l"IOI 1853 E. Llncoln. Orenge l•m. Lib. puppy, lllk. .., ......... 11 ... nt. f&11 ' atn•ll m1chlne ahOP· P.Tlll ... •t FOf en appolntmen1 '°' 1-• ,._ 1vall. F0t IN •tarting •t Well-IPOOln'*' onloe wt '847 Long Beach BIVd.. male, '~·heired kitten, -111 proce11 orders·-1\awer -lntervlfw, pie ... clll our r;.~~!;.. : S<t50 mo. 84'7-11954' Nwpt H1rbor view, •P· L-Beach grey & w 1 male. New· phonH·lnvololng·good EnlOY wOfklno llVllh kl<ta. P1raonnel Oe~t 11 "'•"" SEhlC(S IMIO !-!t!•!!!!!.!!~!!!1!.! pro•. 1<:>5-e:l~ 0111*1·~ ... .!!~~ 1111 r:.18~~:5:nlmal ~ti· AeroblC DI~/ Ex«eftll DOG LOVER! Wiii train ~r~~d~~qw"~,~.1,':,.rc•~"'.·~.~a':'la·~: ~:g:··~,l::;::-;:1 ~= ~2~ii'~ ....,,,... 0tr•ct"'> N.B. 31175 Biren. 5800 liq. 580 & 1250 liq.ft. 1vell. ..,., ... ,.-l11HlU11 ''" lnatructor nHIMd pert 1 1 ... goo gu Y going peraoneMty, .. ,'" •••Lf "LIT . lMrlOYM(llT & It or le11. MIA z:on1. ...1rbor·B· .. er Ctr. CM 1•• .. -* •••••••••••••••••••••• groom ng n exc ... ng• open tor qu1Ufled per-how lo becom. • trelned 330-W. , ... 81 ... ,...... 5'41 5032 " "" --time, Colla MeN .,... Io r k • n n •I h •IP aon Micro Preclalon 111e1 coun11lor Call ., PtEJIAIATIOll ""~.t • · (1cro11 lrom FEDCO). 1815 So. El Cemlno Atal, ~.~1121M11o. n . a It II AM 957-8589 Swtie (off Avery Pkwy nr j 2.aPM. 942•4321, Ext. Coate MeN ~ ,_u. -1778 up. 21eo It. lndu· M g r • e .. 5 • 8 1 0 0 ; San Clement•. 402-72H Lilda & V"ICki's ,_.,.. c 3,3, EOE An Equ11 OWiy Elnplyr t::.~-=· tu,. ~ atrlal • omc:.. 18081 ,. 540-13e& FuH lie. -... LI ASSEMBLERS We w1111 1 ILHTllLNllTS I ~ ~1:.:1:~ ~u~~ HI •s OUll ul.,.H'.,DIS( d1 ondo ~~-~ ~.E2 H283un41. "'--. office: 705 E Bel· SlnnlM eocial ballrm cleon-r-•• train. •-""-7"'M .. M---~Wtd,.......!,0• '°'"groupour ~ Ni-.-i). 4119-'50S , -"' "" "" ""ton ...,...., -..,._ . .., T & F I 1•-11•-•t ....,.,.T " --_,, ~ _... "'-' QUALITY ENGINEER M1ture women prel'd ~ -.... • . • . bOI Blvd. Nr 8 •ll>OI ce every ..,. r . -· -·· -Gr•gor Yechta, 18311 tllul loclllOO. ex'cet•enl PA INTER I Exp r . d Apply 108 22nd St, NB --= ,,.,,,, ,,,. .. ,,,. Thutre 525 1q It, 12 O•ncer• Corn•r. OUTCALL 2• HRS. Plaoentll, eoa .. Meea. . llnanclal 1rr1ngement. Cullom Neat. cour·' MECHANICAL """--•••••••••••••••••••••• $425/mo. Ale, bath. 1438 S. Mein at Edinger, ••• 0207 I l SALES CLERK needed IOf ::r;~ ........ i. -Mature gentlemen dMlrn 91s-3eoo s A. 542-9047 • A"H4Mtt .. A plac• ol hH th teou1 Reply Ad 1102. llngerll boutique., •J!P9f ~'"u""''"""' :; bachelor~ 1 br, Lido/ 551-88341857-8111 ...... Mr ParllllC hr111 t>eeuty" 845-7942 Dally Piiot 8 ox 1680, I llttlrHI WtlH .. f prel•rr•d 648·8'4' °"" . -NB.,. ... 875o.4749 CHIU HL IU * * * PIT, FIT. Laguna 6-ch. Engineer Co1t1 M .... Ca 92828 : C.M ~:,.~~.., :;: Retired, P1lm Spring• HTHll'1 IHI ltl11tlt P1rltr 2 lhltla avafl. 8 o'e l•llMll PAIT TllE I mNee•cdhaqnutc11 11 11,Y B•nsg.l~•.eE~,s ~.,-eag--lrl-need--ed-. _A_ppl_y-ln c ..... s.1. -I I I f Up1t1lra. Conatructlon wl1h a IQ9Clal maaege In AM ·111 2 PM, 2 PM 'Ill I Iii .... Y1tJt Ev•• end/or weetcend1. ::,::,01,IGoo•b : ~f= ,,::."~or 0:11 u~; ~~2~J ref · S 4 o O · the Dally Piiot. Let 01d 0~.~! ~,..;.:•Y PM. Muat b• neat, d We 119 currently accep;-~ Rnponsll>I• 1du1t1, over 1 f;~~rr•~Pf:y"~'~.'hife~ ~r~ ~~ L: ::;.cel~~";9, J..,o1,, :; patt of eummer. Call lo-... hit n1me In print on II 9 Gorgeoua glrla to pend1ble. 8tart1 It *3.75 ting 1ppllc11ton1 for li 21. with out1tandlng, al· view drawl""• and ·--·1 720-0'777 ~=, 11111 oally, 873·'982 IHtllttYt l•ffH Jgur .. ,,.112~°'h1~1 ~d ~ou'-w111' pa mp., wou. J1cuul, per hr. Cnance 10 move fulf/Ume, experience tr1etlve perton1Jlllel to ... .....-----~----,--,.,.. !! ..... ,-",•--• ~.-.. "' -F 100 ti full .., ~ .,. , ' Into Va14tt Pklno POlltlon. ..,,,,In-. "'""'ly In ,,_ work with youth (lgH lllcatlona 10 determine SALES. You rnlly hive all ~ -·' • -- 1 Br rvef duplex E aide rom aq · · be ellg ble tor th• drl· Saune. Local• 11 well 11 Call 11.._•~t22 -··.. ........ ,..._ ) c 5 p d1t1lled ln1peclion re· it.a ...-....,., wanl °' ........ 11........... -.,.. · · · ~lmeHuntlngtonBeach tourllll BankAmwlcard, " ion : Peraonnal . 10·14 •112· M., 1 1 o J1t -i·-.. ~-, ,~ otron t'ltr•• ~' -C.M. 1385 lope. agl per. ...,.2471 wing ol B"'BYSITTll:R ...___...., ••on.·FrL. 10 --• pm,I 642~321. Ell1 3'3. EOE QI.I remen I. ul y ... n..cl .II not . TIWe II an ...... -.i aon. 548-4471 ....,.. • Fiil TIOlm Maeter Cherg•. Am.,. ,.. "'" .-..-... .,.,_ auranc. baelcground 11 • oppty to ch1ng• your =~~:,.: : Partial ofc ~ for rent 10 1111 lean Ell$>r .... Diner•. All hom•. R•r1. Mon-Fri, 400 Mlulon VleJo Mell. PllT OHTillL must Cell collect· ptnenl lll•t~ t:!~ .. ,., -lt•llh 11 Ihle f30f In exi.tlng ofc. So.E. H B Ullll ..icome 71418.45·3433. &-5:30PM 562·770. 27000 Jrown Valle) TlO .. tolAll FUN-MONEY· TRAVEL : •••••••••••••••••••••• George 9112.5511 · 2112 H1t1><>r 81· CM Baby1111.,, 1or 1. 8 yr old, Pkwy. 11110" Vl•Jo L..alno 1oc:a1 PM• con· imam IEIYICll Miii• 1992 YOUf i>M• 1n-~"l:. ... H1"•••.. . -Gorgeou1 28r, 281 COn· WDALL Ulll PIJt .. lt le-,.1•-9'-5. S•t!Sun only. Call EOE M/F. 1 C d (213) 377--0971 L. Hart., come yHr everl Call BOATS & IUllN£ do. w/pool, Jee, ameni.. llWPllT 1001 Call &42-5e711 end piece • --· ooona 8.4~8210 eve fll..W tro 0 nH 1 route SR it 13W 645-0554 tkll. Xlnt toe. Nr 'So. Cat Exec\ltlw office In Can-"Our mHHge now lor 116 1173-93e& ••• lntnthn tectmlc11n I~ steady Job ---------(QftPMENT Pl OCC Fl ' Babytittar PIT eummer. 2 wanted for L.~ end Entry level Position We SECRETARY/ R1eepllo-•1e 66;~47 ti 4 & w,.11 ~r · nery Vlll•t•· 5'50tmo. only 16.00 F,...I•~ writ• looklng yr old boy, Orenge County. Send train, no ••par nee. Cell Real Etlll• S1IH per· nllt Fast growing llrm -• 1 n 1 Broiler 87 4912 l.nl I 1•••1 SJIO tor peraon lnlerntld In 87M90e rHume end 11l1ry re· Ch1rley. Mon. 9-12 aons, need 2 exper peo-nelda aherp pwaon With :: Newpoc1 e.ach 2Br, 2Ba. Nr. OC Airport. 1 lum of· ...................... room. board, and lllary qulr•menta to Wiiiie Ill 9711-6021 pie In commuclal & g ood typing 1klll1 & -rell1ble M/F, b11ulllul tlcea. 2 1h20' from In exchenge I~ COfTIP•· BABYSITTER. 1 d1y • Wil, Flight Plan. P.O. Box -IT O.....,IL lndu1trl1I reel M1ate tor enorthand or epeedwrt· :;: loc.Pool,jac,tennl1.to11 1300 Am•n l tl11 nlonahlp and llght hou· 8 :30·4PM. Pr•f. m 2813 Mlsllon VleJO CA n -•n our1UOON1tvl &growtng 11ng.C111.714·75'--0983, -of 11tru. 1345 mo. & 1141-8070 24 hr. fOlJND ADS MkHC>lng. ldMI. 1~ cot-home. 754-e973 112820 IPEUTll firm Belt working con-ask lor DenlH -$100 MC. 548-0108 leg• or Hll·employfd B b 1 d d 8 e I Ornamental plant exper. dltlon1 In Newport's O.C. Airport Exec\lpl1n cerHr woman Phone • YI II., nee • • Help wanted lor pro1... e.ach. 714.tJ.46.5051 ectetary 1111 Fm+ cat lhr 2Br H~81 Mlgr'a rep1/111te01e IRE fRE£ Edmund In L1gun1 dally,!~ 17moa.boy, Ilona! cielnlnO co Mu11 required Wiii treln lor 1mm•dlat• op•nlng tor " Condo, N. lrvlN, bMu1 ..,.. off .. d9lk ap. Fuh " BNch et 494-04211. ~ nr Bal 1• only R be hOnelt & relleble. Call rHldenllal/ lndu1trlal lllOEPTllllST Secretary to Gen Mgr, ::: ground• $250. 111 lut aarv. or no lrHl1. Elegant pleue. 875-591M evee.. an 4PM 116&-1300 Agrlc P••I control 50 wpm, xln1 phone IPHd lyplng & ahor-1t• 832-2509 759-8978 Cal·. Sugar BlnklnO $960·11 .250 mo lkllll, Ht• bllk"" Musi tlland required tt• llSllTAL 8.48-7441 ..., 8·30·5 30 Offer• lull t>e--5 s~k~~ ~ ::;;.:-, lalhtn/&•I/ M2·1tll & 20~/T =unt Alu.............. ~ W:~::ir.:-Cs~~~ neht pack•g•. salary $211mo.673-8529 ~ lngton s&L 8M7 Wer-o.Mfal offloe position PllTllllPlll commenaur1te w/exper. °'*' Call 558-3110 IM •1e Female non-emlcr to lhr ;;;;;;;••••••••••••• Loat· Diamond heert & Spice ner. H.B. a.2-eeoo. =~1': :~~~g:ra~~ Eun top pay taking 78~761 Peggy appoint & ~tlon• = nice & qui.I, "O 2Br/2Ba ,.__,__,,. ,,,, ch.in necklace . JWle 3, and evetythlng hlce uua flee. Filing. good rnlltti. enapahOtl In your arM. IHt,./Olerll SIOlnAIY /TYPIST twnhM, pool. 13'° + 'A ••• ~c:::-;;'•••••••• At Her HlghnMI dr... ~ Hair •""'•t wttll I m1t1cel & communlc•· Amlteuf photogr1pher1 EIA1rlc11 con1tructlon 1 := utll. Newport "Beach. Chicken to Go 1f1 Tutlln, lhop. Atlante & Beleh. llWlll In the'TAiftx,,t AIM F t1on' 11tK1t & llght typll'IG nMded. P1rtlfull time. firm 1001dng for a sharp Wl1h pleUlnl pertOnal ty :: ~585. Prof...iona11 mull NII, 115,000/ottar. HB Rew11d. 982-10454 time. Pleale phone required. Muat be d•· No •xperlence ~ Hlllng uper'd peraon. Must :iorrc':n~•~A::r: -only. Pt1ona 771·1C>e0. Loat: gr•y ooc:katlel vie T~h•r -Boating. Fl· dl'a. panclable, reeponeible & required. Write to: Uni· type eG WPM, do 10 key typing 11 85•70 wpm, ~b lo :;;5 ~:ta e:: SWIMMING Pool Ctleml· Brookhural and H1mll· '°"'~=-~I.:~': ~. 8'5 ::~t~vr,~n 1~ :"~· ~~· :!,>'.~:~~:.. s:ll~ry .~g:,~ •ord prOCfHlft9 expe-= rf. 011 Hrvlce lie. Coate ton. R9wwd. C.lallna Wtllllendl. (7''4) llAl11 Ill.II 84C)..8950 Xlnt ben•llta. Virginia. rience helpful. but not & MG. dee>. Nort-lmkt. Meu .-.. Ho eicp. nee. 8.42-3125 anytime .,. ... 781 _......__ •• lll•IT · P.,_.,'RE F ~ , .. ,, .,.570 nec•••ary No ah or· rM COfnPI. Mn. t13-8302 Wiii trarn ..... ,. 000 full .,.... _,,.m_ --,._. ..... I ..... _,..., r-. '".,... thancl. EVllle, 544.2507 -u ..,.,, ' ~ . .,__, ....... _.. __ M , I NII.IF _........ ""--, ...,-d. 111~ ;;u Male to etv 28f Condo. amount ,.q'd. Wiii net ~ ~ ---· ·• ,._,...,., MATUAE, A~ E d -.._. . .,.., "-RecepUonltt!TypiSt "40 000 pl Call col 1~ yra, "Pecot", vie .•• X":"-'••••••••••••••• EXPfJUEHCED xp•r • muat apeak p09. for mature. r••P· E11e1>ll1h•d Mortg•11• lllllTUY nn kV. Nr. UCI. ' ua. -Hurkay Crk Ca m p-•-a..~•-a .,,._,,... apanlah. Call ALISO ,__ 831·5983 P"'RT TIME 20 hour• mt $250 rno.. 862-tae tect, Mon-F'r1 .• aak tor R d -• ,.~ CRE.S< INN, South U-.....-~·· Co. Meda ~ git! ,.. -Aud I, I -t PM , u:unda. •war · ,.,.,,.,,,,. 1M TOP PAY MS-«»12 fridey mu9t be~ ,...,.. Smell A&O ftnn ima ,.,_..."-I _...,-0111 2913 •••••••••••••••••••••• ........ 217t ... 't _.__..__ .,._ )ll9l euy QOlna. Hra.. n9eda generll ~· ::: ••• ea-.-.. ••• :ir.. • Loal: ""' maho0. dUIC OtfM a,.... Nec:ltlet. In ....,, ..... llp. ,._. 11·5. Call 714-/770-8487 Accur•t• typlft9, llght mi $jftglil O-•· dbl lodl. • ...... N•-u drawer, via. Adam• l c M •• g. e I h ( u? Newport BMch IKADI~ ............. , IUTill LUI t.ain l>OOkkeeping .... dee'-~ S80 rf!O. ltOO eecurlty, -Placentia lo COM1 Mwy. 812-0559 Mn. NJllMI\ ~Uonedab~~ndlMlkvlcl"''at d to Informal home mgr. Iv• you IOOklng for•»'> red Send r91Ut'M eno 151-2171 C.M. R d en 17 U ....... " ouo--Fr1 1 ... M ,.._ With ldv1nc:ement. raa· Tnht/............ Nlary requlrementl to 0 ~ 41 yr old retell/ whote-~7~ • -• I• rl•IH 1111 monlt boOkk..., -~ • ....,.. · ...... ,_ ponalblllty & hlgheT 1f6'0 per monih to start. e Lab. inc 201 W Oyer no Secure dble 0-In CM tor 1111 bakery butln•n. -... eu••••tt.•••••••••••• ping C::eec11. P1y1bl11, c~'.~":'.'l: r~m~g: wegea? Do you leel un· ,Accurate and l .. t typing Rd. Unit B. Santi An1 :::: ltOfage. S80 mo. Located on the corner, l.Olt: Gray mate kitten, 9 Young married""" WOUid I bl d d~I cettaln wt11t the futufe 1 muat. Stert lmmedl•· 92,.07 ::: 780-8378 nell1to1na Palllllon. 301 wk• old. Vic: Hubor Ilk• odd Joi>• IVll l ==· ~·~ve 1 Y 873-1621 hOlcl• In 1t"4fy employ· tely. Ellper prerd. . 2 IMU-·-··-· ~~-Main St. 8alboe. 2800 an I • I • n d . R • w • , d . wl<end•. Cen dO • vlriety Hp•r and be •bl• to -ment """1«1 you ate? w. 1f'4-72Q.-09'1 uoanuY /EDO. ·-""'•• -~ ,_ ft. ,._...._....., _,,,......:."' 875-11226 of handyman Job a. .. Ith b t h Anlnclll lnvestrnanl firm """ •••••••••••••••••••••• ....,.,,.,...,_T ...., • .,,...... 1172,e525 tlVM. ak tot wor .. w our 1ccoun Pit., 11.200 plua/mo. er• very uay •• • 11 __ tm 1817 WMtdllf, N.B. Want A fine ...... Prload to Found Blk/brwn Sh•pl Biii. 1ant1. S1.000 per mo lo Own boa, ..,iit. mgmt. Wiii Co11t'1 IHdlng _,.,_, Io r •du c •tor• lll. t11\encl1I ln1t. 70001.1. NII. For Information call. Hueky mix epprox 3 111 rt. Re I. pre I• d Lv. number. 8'1M17e custom Infection molder: F~ plulh offtea In New· Pet'llcomrn dept Mer• mz fat floor . Ag•nl MEL FUCHS mo .. cropped 1111 Young M eeeke W()(k u 71,..720-0941 gro*1h opportunity tor por1 Center Appllc1nt tary Exceil typing and ::; 541-5032 Pftllltl lttr 7s.4-0255 ~ penon, Nwpt Of l9t lttlp laltt the dedicated lndiV. lho-rrnnt have plallanl per· S/H required Executlva -tlM12t L 1 g B c h M&T •Hiii Flair '°' dec«•tlne nee: wing delir• & Initiative to eonallty. with front office aec:ret11111 UP' a muet m? 520 IQ. ft. ll.OO per 1q. Found Getman Shep lem, 213-.-88-3385/272-1255 8 hOl.wl ..,.,y Mondrf. Flllllble tva. WlH train i..rn & move up Prev app1ar1nc• Accurlle Non-amoker pr•f Cell It., 31175 Birch .. N 8 . Ill tt tan. 8 mo. old. Gothard CorOM del Mar. 18/lw. FOf 9'1Qt Call Mra. E.r1ok· exper. wllh cloae tole, typing at 55 wpm. No 6'()-0123 _ Agent 541.5032 :!!:~,,.. IOll & w1mer, H.B. &42-8344 R~~:b:;:.•~:.=ru~ FemalM pref. 842-'783 eon • rance 1 precl91<?"1nrc'1':f ~k~· ca11 Eva11e at -5E-W-1NG--M-A_C_H_IN_E_O.,..P.,..E-:-· ... ~r;;;;:;-;, •••••••• ,ovnd: Adult mate ltM>l1 position. 1-435-8922..,. BKKPRJHOSTESS 411t-14'e1 mold ng req d. xc• • RA TORS. Exper. quality = MEED A WRfTE OFF? hair cat tiger & wilt wt llOllESITTlll Mon·Frl llAM·3PM. :~~o~~.plP':. '::i! FlEME¥BER DAD! mlnd•d, pl•c• re111. w 11 sine.re College atudll'lt II•• cotter. Vic Bay. ply In peraon Monday, medlcel. dentil, & Ille with a Cost1 M ... 842-91152 ::~ nffdl help. Oov't cut· 848-979'4 Prof. woman MA exc. 3-5PM. C1labaeh Lin· ln1. F1thef'1 Dey meuage. -C---. bade• & hard tlmee tor Found: Male yellow Lab. ref. C.M., M.8~ Lag area. ding, 1711 E. 17th St.. ••w 842-5678 SIWlll = ~c....-......... BullflMa Mator to Nik. Nr Goldenrod/S.avlew. Sunny 831-8377 C.M. -Win 4 FREE TICKETS! Exper'd 09etal0f. 2300 -""~-amall pvt grant, acho· CdM, 557·2e74 NurM'I Aide wlll care for CHEF ASSISTANT 265 BtigVI :• C.M. lo en~ Game Harbor Blvd . Cos1a IGI "_._ lllShlp OI' loan. tt your 141• Dally J>Uot M ......• ,. .. 1 = .,1 ,.._.._. eompany b•ll•VH In Found: Young CeMco eat, eld«'Lor lll~lllO chaul· MUST B~fJCPERIEN Clllllfled Id• __ ... _._ .............. _____ _ -~ ..._..... education & can help In mo•tly wnlte, long fur. *"· t-03 3 Ptlone. ,93-'805 P ... .. S~Rovo Cll'll ! ~ {+r.;;:.~f: =do.AL Mar,: ~Jl.!f~!!! ..... 1.1.! Chlldc11re lor twin 2 yr UllllY PE1111 on• •W'I USS t1o:s'25 hr. Un-::!: ~· Coeta : An 1 w • r Ad /1 4 8 o, no~ ... -:: vie 17th~ &llHIHIJ ~ my home. Alt 5PM, Elcp('d PAff. Junf 14 thrv • ...... Y1tft dereover WHr home ....,... : • "2-4300. OreM'e, c .M. Ana 10 SucceAtlll yac:ht com· Donna 9' .... 2 ~t~t~e.':c~ We•• C1Krently acoep-part .... 845-7744 1'1'911 r•• 1511 -*111111 ...... * INVEST '""" or lg• "Hulkl'f 9'2-8438 p.ny In Newport requltel ILBl/l&I~ v1111c•nt Ho1plt1I. ting eppllcatlona for a Salee Plr1 time. Mutt be eyail. = ""rom 1 room to 3 rooms. amount• ... olt produo-. full charg• lln1nclal a 1••11 n-.t..o. St HB porter polltlon. Apply In SIAIE l 11011 W'Mkenda. 4~ 1141 .-r' "' F d B JI Cl b '"0 "'oura/wHk. t .75 -r..,.,... • · p t fOt ............... "~ ..,. From 11.18 a IQ. ft. No tlon now. av. 110 pro-oun : a11n u acoountlng peraon. ~ '' P•rton: eraonne , ....... -..,..,_ What it means far yuur ad to be "clo.ssifwd n When people ralld your ad In c:lualfMd, they're .... dy t.o buy •nd atUYtly ... ~hlftl fw the euct 1-..m &e fiU their Med- .. ,,~ it' 1 la ,._ar ... leilM requlred/AdJ. AK ductng welll, drllllng 2 wlah .. lo p11ee YO M Beautttul worlllng ~ atartlng. "•vl•w In 1 GPI ... ...,., Mom.-Frl .. 10 lfTM pm, ITAIT NEU TellOI' porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. new w•ll• thl• month. l>llk,... dog thlt yociala. Ilona, on water, cono--= ~.!:·~: N•wport Center ~HI 400 Miiiion Viejo ti'•ll. Thf IJ>I Angelel Tlmaa lllW'I Call AM. 133-3223 Hive purchlM run rec· fa8-382e n111 11aoclate1. Dream 2308 w . Oc•antront Eatate Litigation Firm 27000 Crown Vall•Y Clroulatlon Dept. cur· ---------t .ipu. 841-0721. F Job tor right peraon. n••d• experienced Pkwy, Ml .. lon VleJo. rently hH poalllon• open ....... fttJe ound: Gr•y fem1le kit· Muat I>• m1ture, wllh Blvd, N.B. (N. of Mewpor1 Legal/Exec Becy. Xlnt !OE M/F. In NIM. At • Field A.-we ere corrently accep-BAYfRONT ~ti"'• SIU ten. W,hll• pawa. Vic. Impeccable reference.. Ptar~ typing, dlctaphone & PIE••i•ll preaentatlve, Y9U'n ~ ting 1ppllcatlon1 for • Pr1-0 ___ 87,.1003 •••••••••••••••• 111 I h & W a I I a a•. Cell Mr9. U*e, 9'5-6351 • .., -ahor1tland a mull. Salary .. .,. hourly w-& -..-cu1 lull/tlm•. 1xperlenc•d ...... -. " ...._...._,., .. .,. 831-7828 ..... 10 .. 12 noon --••" -39·• 1 _....__ M ...... ._ "5 _... -·-· lltter/tallor "'PPI" In ,.........,... ..,... "' · For r•t1ur11nt. 10 k .......... .....,........, ......,. _ .... "" commla1ton1. Houri · " ' c:dM dlx tu11e. AJC, ample Secur• credit ..,,d ven-====:::==:;::J.;;:::=;~::=;~~===:-! xpertence. Dena Point MAIO Fltlrne el Lag yrs expr. Wllllng 10 run 4-llPM. For lnformetlon peraon. Peraonnel, pkg. utll pct 2165 E. C.c turM through Eacrow, ~a""u•' c.m-a _n, f _ f) 'C he.a .... :e:,_,Me tot~ • Bch Eng. .;,::: · ' amatter pres... 55 yr call. 71.._1157_2311, ExL Mon.-Frl .. 10 am-' pm, HWy. Sse5. 87.-00 Lo1n1. and Balance .,,.. ~~ ~GU to <It J,:..(I' i:' ..., · · 4 ... ,. .. ,...~g. old comm·1 prlnt1ra, l2Q.-400 Miiiion Vleto M-. an.et. Loan•. We PfO· ..,_. '9 a.u L POI.WI .,....,u·~ ~ conec:lou9. Loe. 27000 Crown Valley ~r~ui:50w!i."t:: vld• Convantlonat end o•-......, cA ..,. ted 1n LIQ\in• t11111. Xlnt Hive ~Ing to Mll?I Pkwy, M1111on VleJo. W 10th St. 851-8928 non-eonventlonal aolu.-,_ ~ _. i.. t>enef1tS. 061·11500 C1111Wled 9de do It w.11 •. EOE M/F. ---------c Ilona. Contact larry i.. .. '°"" ,_...,.. _. Exec au11 ... lull Hrv.. Ru9MI O.O&L Flrlandal fUmtunlUm., greetly r• ServlC9I H E P R A C I dUC*I. No .... '54-021' wa':"::. I I I I r . CUI'\ 72 hr. 7314530 agt G R I B N I • EXPERIENCE PAYS 1 1~ 1 r • 1 For alt typea of tat & 2nd . • _ _ A.!. loana. Cell Al 11 831~. 2.4 hr eervloe, p A O R E I ! I got rully Hr1ov1 abollt 1 " ooneultadon "... I I' r I s =~~ ~;,:..--;~ C: ~ PllWITI .-Y ft!~. It""°"'"' I '*' llO :k~~: & up Tom --,-1-5-0-H-E-.,I rnonaytaft tobvy-. ·---------• '--1 ....... l..__.l .... ' .... I .... ' ... I .... ' __ ~ mt~~~ liliiiiiiitililililitillilililililill•1 r r r r 1· r r r ! , t • I I I MINICAI\ -The Honda City, reportedly able to achieve 68 miles per gallon on the highway, could be sold f<:# about $3,500 in the U.S., but HIRllCIPI By SYDNEY OMARR Sanday, Jane 13 ARIES (March 2l·Aprll 19): Hospital Yilit could bring joy, reinforce relationahip and uplift spirita. F.mphasis on responsibility, eome restrictiona and added kriowledge enabling you to IUCCellfully deal with temj>OfV)' limitations. TAURUS (April 20·May 20): Member of opposite sex communicates needs. deliree and belp1 you make wish come ttue. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittari~.~ figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21..June 20): Family member diacua8es ambitions, career potential and aeeka your counael. Be diplomatic, receptive and acqule9ce to domestic adjustment. . CANCER (June 2 1.J4ly 221: Focu1 on communication, travel, spiritual n1ighll and prindples of justice. Long-distance call provides py, enlightenment. You'll now separate lllusioo bun fact. . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Individual you aided in recent past makes reappearance -you now will discern true motives. Accent on employment, dependents, pet&, neoeaaary aervicel. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Spedal agJ"eement could be broken -have altematiwa at hand. be aware of l e gal r i ghts, permiuiona and responsibilities. Aries, Leo, Libra nativee figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22);..~oacb brings desired results. Exerci8e of thought, action. Lunar empbaala on work procedures; alliances with those who share concerns. Mpiration&. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): FoDow thlwab cm bunch; loved ones do c:ant and you'll beo.,.Mt more aware of it. Cum!ntl)' )'ou are pulled in two dittctions simultaneoual.Y -decision ls on horimn and will lead to greater leC!W'ity. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Social activity is involved with community. charity or church. Build on IQ.lid hue -reject .W..Ututes, flimsy material or au_perfidal explanations. CAPRICORN (Dec. ~Jan. 19): YES sense of directiCJn. Neia)ibora. relatives pi.y roles in exciting ~. Put erron are · you recoup 1cm and get proverbial "leCODd chance." AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Emphuhe communication, dialogue. ability to expren meanings in interesting. = manner. }'!nancial news could be cause for tion. PISCF3 (Feb. 19·March 20): Study Aquariua mesaaae for valid blnt. Emphulze oril[inality t creativity, independen~ and telf-conlldence. What appeared a io. wW boomerang ln your favor. IALn•MIOM IMITM & TVrMU. Wiln:Uflf CltAllL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 84&-9371 ., ... .,..... import restrictiona and low factory capacity will keep the car out·of thia country for at least a year. Drinki'ng !+'"ater hazards grow WASHING TON (AP) -Arnertca'a drln.ktng water ii aettina more dangerous, with 28,000 com- munity water systems -(3 percent of the total - reportiJlc violatiQnl of federal health atandarda. f.tt.. General Aalounting Office uid Saturday~ In a repol't to the Environmental Protection Agency, the GAP said apathy about water quality by syatem operators and inadequate aiate enforce.- ment bu led to gradually falling quality. Much of the problem is caused by operators' failure to test for water quality, the GAO aid. But in addition. 13,600 of the nation's 65,000 community Wa1er systems have inadequate treatment fadllties, the report said, 'The agency al90 aid operaton of oomnnmitl water systems are failinll to. tell thelr customers about the dangers in thelr water, despite federal laws ~uirina public notice of violations. The GAO said of the 146,000 violation.a rec- orded in 1980, public notice was made ln only 16,000 cateS. The report wu add.n9ed to EPA Administra· tor Anne Gorsuch, and included not.lee that federal law~ her to respond to Congrt!ll within ... 60 days olr what 8Ctico she la taldna on the problem. · ''Compliance with federal regulaUona by the nation'• public water 1yatema, ln literally thouaanda of cues, appeua to be the exception rather than the norm,'' the GAO said. "Since the early 19509. the number of reported waterborne dlaeue outbreak& hat Increased ira- dually. The latest statistics available indk:ate that from 1961through1978, drfnk1ng water caUled 407 outbreaks of disea.e or poisoning, resulting in 101.243 recorded rune.es and at least 22 death& "Some water supply experts believe that 10 times u many outbreaks actually occur but go unrepor1ed.'' the GAO aaicL 'l'he report did not give a year·by·year break· down of mne.. nor did it uy what percent.ge of community water systems had violation.a in put years. The GAO study was baaed on violations re- ported to 1he EPA and cm a detailed study of 140 community water ·~ and 70 non<0mmunity water ~ ln seven states -Colorado, Okla- homa, Penmylvania. Soth Dakota. Texas, Vlrglnia and West Vlrlln1L . The GAO did not list the dUe9 that were exa- mined. BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - Mike Fo1ter doe1n't peddle Icebox• to r.k1rnol, but for eome ~pit that would '"'" an Miler JOt> t,bJn the OM he hat. Polter la d.lrector of towi11'n for the 1tate of North Dakota. North Dakota -the state whei:e - well, what'• in North Dakota, anyhow? That, "f'1er aaya, la a common queetton. "Moat of our lmase la n o ~." he aaya. "But that'• OK. 1\11 not nefative, n o t like Newark, N.J .' North Dakota has bee n promotina tourism for the put aecade. But the sparsely populated Great Plains state remalna an unknown. even to realdentm of IUl1'0UJ\din8 stats. Tourl1t1 who alreaay know 1ometh,n1 about the 1tate probably are familiar with the Badland• of western Nor th Dakota or the International Peace Garden 1t raddllng the Ca.nadlan border near Dunseith, but little elee, Foster said. 11A lot of people in Mlnneeota don•i know anything about North Dakota," he aa.ld. There are Image problem• within North Dakota u well. "A lot of people are paranoid about the state," F09ter said. 'l()ne of the pitches we use is to say It'• important for u1 to remember there is a lot to do and aee here." Armed with a $1.3 million two· year budget , Foster, a former national advertising mana1er for Inve.1tor1 Diveralfied Servic es of MinneapoUa. ta trying to make "Most of our • • • image 1s no image. But that's OK. It's not n'egative like Newark, N.J." North Dakota has allocated tor two years, said Swian Edwards, that state'• director of tourimn. South Dakota 11 spending $170,000 alone this ye ar on televlllon adve rtising in Mllwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Omaha and on a cable network, she uid. North Dakota's aims are a1ao more limi ted than S o uth Dakota'•, which oonalden itself a destination for travelen. "Our whole marketing approach is baaed on the premise that, for the most part, we are a ~through state. Our objective 1a to slow people down, or •tor, them for a day or two longer,' said Foster. Once ln the state, a bus tour can be expected to leave $2,000 a day tn its wake, and a carload of travelen about $77, he said. The Greater North Dakota ' A11oclaUon · e1tlm1tn to1.&rlam ,enerated about '213 mlllJon ln North Dakota lut year, or about 4 pel't'ent of the MW revenue In the It.ate. North D a k o ta'• tourt1m c ampalan la a lso heavily concentrated on the Midwest, becau.e that'• where the vtltton are mc»t likely to come from. Still, Foster said, "It would be nice to talk to people from New York, juat because they have no Idea what'• out here. Anything we can do to lhow them there are real people out here is to our benefit.'' L ike many 1t a tea, No rth Dakota la offering a packet of free information and a coupon book for people who call a toll-free telephone number or clip a magazine coupon. The Tourism Division expects 40,000 to 60,000 requests for lnfonnation thla year. Most of the Tourism Dtviaion'• $8~.ooo two-year postage budget and $90,000 printing budget go to supply th.at information. The North Dakota Legislature haa inadverte ntly provided a nother tourist attraction by legalizing blackjack. Th. ere ls a $2 betting limit and most of the money goes to charity. But gambling ls bringing tourists from all over the Midwest and Parts of Canada, Foster said. ''Fro m an econ omic and tourism standpoint, it has been a boom for the d ty of Fargo," he said. "Their hotel rooms have been running at 100 percent occupancy for the last si x weekends, and they attribute it to gambling .. eoRSg&oE COMPLEX -Thia is an art.ilta' rendering of a 530,000·equare foot wa.rehouae and distribution complex, under oonstructlon in Buena· Park. The $18 million project occupies a 25...acre site, and will be eannarked for big users needing at least 50,000 square feet. Front-row seat lo big battle Ensign witnessed Battle of Midway floating in Pacific survivors and aeuttled badly damaged 1h1p1. But by morning, the enemy had drifted away, leavina G~ to &.t aboerd a ~ houra-~ be WU shot down. Gay WM reecued by a PBY seaplane and flown to Midway. then to a hospital a thousand miles east in Pearl Harboc. "I'm . not a hero: I'm a survivor." 1ay1 Gay, who downplays the hero&mn that won him the Navy Crom for his role in the June 4-6, 1942 battle. . Ht.toriana ·consider the baltle, i n which U.S . naval planes turned back a Japanese fleet .eeld.ng to establish a base for strikes against Hawaii, the turning point of the Paclflc campaign. One U .S . carrier, the York.town, was lost. Japan committed four of ita six Pearl l Harbor attack carrien and :to.t them all, along with more than 300 planel and many of its best naval pilots. While it eeemed the torpedo bombers were sacrificed to no avail, they contributed to the victory bY' oocupyina the four 'carriers in Vice Adm. Chulchi Nugamo's main strike force during crudal minutes while dive bombers from U.S. canriera F.nterprise and Yorktown joined the battle. The busy Japanese carriers were unable to launch their own air strike and their fighter cover wu drawn toward the aurf.:ie to attack the torpedo planes, leaving the big lhipa vulnerable. Three carriers -Abgi, Soryu and Kap -were bit by the dive bombers that arrived shortly after Gay went down. All eventually sank. PICnnout.,..N um ITA.,.....,, Ttle fotlowlng pereon 11 doing ~-THE HUNTINGTON HACH tOTE COMPANY, 309 Miiin St,_., Huntington teach, CA t2MI. Lora Lia Motttlon. 208 #3 13111 Street, Huntington Beach, CA 1264a. Thie ......._ ti conduc1ed bY an lndMdual. Lor• L Momlon ACTmOUa.uutt•I ..,... STATlmJff The lollOwlnQ l*tOna .,. do4ng blall19ll u: 8l!UJNA IMPORTS LTD., 81'2 VI• Cerone Drive , Hunllnglon Blech. Ca. 12647 Dorolh't Rout Belllnap. eee2 VI • Cero ne Drive. Hunllngton lleach. ca. 121147 S1meOn Eugene S.nap. eee2 via c.rona Dr .• Huntington Baaoh. ca. 1121147 Thie buelMal i. conduc1ed b)' an lndtvldual (JILtsbaM & wtt.). Dorottly Aozd Baltlnap Thll 11atamenl wu ttted with Ille County Clerk of OrMQ9 COun!Y on May f7. 1182. ,,..... Publlall~ Ot1no• COHI Da~y P11o1 June 12, 11. 2e. July 3. tea.: 2590-32 ..Cnnoul ......... lllAlmeTA,_y The ~ !*'ION -doll'G a Oran.ge ~· ~IL.Y PILOT/laturdey, June 12, 1112 ... ilii :a--~A-Ml _...,rs• nw . ..._'"'..._ .. ,_. .AllFAWIW ":mr1Tmrz" ~ ~~fllfr --n~. "'°""TIU, 11711 ~l=:lf .... .,. Nllil ~ ~ l*90ftt.. The ....... ,.._. .. dOiftO ~ ~.,,~t, 41t M , ~ Wffj lalt, lrftnl, Cell!. ...GAW II. HOO itvll Offtt• 1. O\.GA '"'"'°" 'AINCI ~-TOCX. DIVll.°""INT ....... Me 61 tulel:ll'°" .. 1,,, ortve, '""' 14001 Ot1t1 M•11. AHO OTH11'011":'o~M~ LTD HM via LICIO "" ''°°'' CA.-... ' ca. M '· Oor,ora0011, • c.llofnll.... llor•u.'· L THU. • ..... DA.... I Llftdl M. IUlfl. 101• MllllM~· 01lllornla oorJot1Uon, 1t1H OAON COR~~Uf =it: ~ 1:::-... ~:..o CO. ~too fona fo-oT.' tn1., I HijfltlnalOft IWfl, o.t "'41. ~Wt//-... tMnl. Olllf. =:'~T:'f:to 1•400, Coe•• ..._. 0;. tam. · c1ttfo1nl1 oorHfltton 1HI .v 11 ~~II oondUOted "Y Tillf. 1M1f1W1 11 CIC!Mllo'*' tay 1 ~ ~ tttat ;'Mtory 'IMot 'athlonl wt ~. 4ttl ,.._, ....,_, lleaotl. CA · I.Inda ll.lltl •f*lt!Ol1. Mtntn IJ. JOMf1 111 ~o .. lt Otlltr Thl119a, I 0 1lltor n l1 •I!!!· .... _....._ 11 oondll01ed bY 1 Thll MaWnlflt -tied wttll Ille ca .... '· ~ =--corone ... ,.., oe111etn1a o:::w=: l:3ef.N.•"' .. ,_., ~ p;1',;;,., . eoumy ~ .. °'anoe ~ OI\ =:·..'"' Alen 01vtton 1011 lrMt•lct Tl1le buelftOlt 11 oonduO*I by • l'llieer ~llldtnt Mey ao. 1tu. ,_,. ™'........,..,...flied wMtt"" :Ni La1un1 lttoll, Otlltorn • '*'*'"°"; F'Ntle1,,~ o:i':v·~~~eou::J:: '"bllehad Otlfttl Oout O•lll t:t. =·of Orlflllt County Ofl ~Obert Wlllte, 1111' .lftlfllct =~-Tlllhp 1$, 1112. ,,..... Hoe. Mey 21• It, JIN I, 11, 1 '~ ::l; L1011"• ••aoll, oemornl• o'1:: •:_-::::r~flltct~ •= l'ubt1tt1ad Ot1no• 0011t 0111y .,._.,. MftftH ~'J::.1 fl'1rJ.~Dally ,. .... oondUIMCI DV. Mev ~., .. a. ""°'·Mey 22• 2t, .rune •. 1:2= fVVU\I """- ' • 1401-11 r ~ . ,,_, '1CTfTtOUt ...... DAON ~noN. l'Ubllthtd Ot1n11• OOH' Dally MJC MOTIC( • o... eor,...110n Pt1o1, Mey ta. n, ~ e, 1~ rta.IC NOTICE PIC1mOUI...... JMll H. oon1lll' -------------N 0 Tl CI 0 P I' A 0 I Pl C NAm ITATI_,.,. Tilt followlng pereon It doln bualMMte. 11A111 nA1'11mNT X:!i!. OoM"·""'· ·-... Mft-TIUPHOMl'I i;~ I . 0Mwnattt ~ nun'4 Dlll'MCIATIOM,..... ANO l<INO TUTT'I MAIN't"tNA HAVIO!, 432 ..eo. 8larbollrd It., Sant• lvta. CA t2704. ~ '°'::"' l*1ION .. doll\O Thll 11~111!~ ~-._ .. ...!.--:-.,._ W Pacllle ~filed an ,Rl!NOI ANO O~'R'A County a.ti Of ~ ~ on ~ r 1m1 ndm1nt lo 111 1ppllc.tlon. Manin W. wt &.oulal.Tutt, 42t lo. Starboard II • Santa Ana. CA 12704. 1411 Vie Udo. ~ Mey ta, tlU. · CCMMTY W ~ OflOINllY Ned ~t 1, 1980. with ..... ...,., lno. •• ~ l'ubll1tled Of1n11 eo.!11': ,. a.. 0..... °'·.... I ,.,. C•tllornl• ubllc UtllltlH Tllll ~ II oonduel9d b)' 1t1 lndMclull. ! oo;poilltklft, MJ1 w ... ~ ...... u-_ •·JIN I . 1a, ,.. ..... AM. CA.._ 1 Commlu lon (CPUC) Th1 flllng •~· ....... ,. .. ....,.._. r--. ---. .......__..., '0. ._. ...... an lnc:f-In rll• 10 ofleet LOulM Tutt ,,..t1 _,.. .. _""' •••-· -.-.:~ .. -•n Inc;•••• In de prec1a 11on Thll builneal .. oonduOMd "Y • -.. ---llllCW\ •-.,. Mft-......, • LA*fORD 111p1n1H du• largely 10 recent OOf1MI' =i:· l ."C.:lnc. ,._ nu I "4 QON)OM. a p pro v a I I b y f ti a I" e d Ir I I Pubtl1ned Orange Cou t Dally l'llot, Mey 2t. Jl#lt r., 12. 11. 1182 232M2 -...-~ Conw1.-.on (FCC) P'ICrmoul .,._.. °'J~TIOM .... -:;:~1~·' and Ille CPVC of ,_ dePredallOI\ Vloe~ NMISITA,....,.,. - -•-I I I Thll ~wee Ned wtttl tN The tolloWlng per.on It doing THI PEOPLI Of' THI ITATE rl lH lor la ept1on1 "'"' na Ml.IC NOTICE County Ollttl of Orange County on ~ ... C ALIFORNIA, To DONALD L. ~r:n:h~~q=•~:-b=: ~nnou• eu ..... Juna2,1M2. S O UTH COAST BRO ACH GOMK>N You-l*'ebya..dllftCI ...... .......,. NAmlTATIMPIT f1ao121 COM PA"fY, 1711 .,.OIVOY!a 8tr..i, required to appw It• "'-1na In aDoul b)' lldvancll "' lacnl'"-Y The foilowlng p1r1o n II dolnt Publl1hed Orange Cout 0111)1 eo.ta M-. CA 12t27. tnll ~ Oft J4llo/ 7 1"2 It 10-.30 and lnc:taMlnQ compell1lon bulinlal 11 _, Plot, Jwle •• 12, 11, .. 1M2 JOHN WE81.l!Y WILSON. Lift._, OecK. No. a'ioo.ted "700 In addltkH;t. Paelltc Telapholla !' BIKE ·w z. 21551 Brodltlunll' 247M2 10481 Kl•m•ttl River, Fountain CMo Center om. w ... Santa lvta. Making 111• '0 offMt ttle CPVC 1 SI . •115. Huntington BNdl. ca., • ,.,........_... 92102 llftCt ..i... llf'/ IPC>fOVal ol an Iner-In 1181 12646 ----------------------"*"·CA 1270 • __......_ h . ..di~ ~o t AllirnalnlnO Ute Dec>raclatton ,.,.. M ,..,. 21551 .,._.,. Mft-Thft bullNM I• conducted b)' an ~ .!.'2:.. ~o~hn ·--._ ..... ,..._..,._. "'ant, Including Margaret fl'f ~·-· ~ ""',_ lndlvldull ....,,,_,;;ilk;',_,..,, .,.,_, '"' -_.~-... 8•ookhur11 .St .. •86. Huntington fllCnTIOUI .,..... .idwi w. W'lllon Thi ton tor appotn1menl 1T~~~~ ::,u::::.,.~!:. !'.!!~~ Beaeh. Ca 12'4e ..,... tTA,_,. Thie i lilemenl ..., .. ttled wlltl Ille ROY el.Al OMV • Ouerdlan ..._.,..,.... "'»......., Merle Chrltllna ZinHr, te5 Tfle lollowlng pereon 11 doing County ewtc of Orange County on DONALD LAHKFORD OOAOON b)' the CPUC of Equal Liie Grou~ Pergola. Irvine. Ca 112716 ~ ea; June 10, 1182 lhcUd not be ~. new deprec•lllOn melhOd appr Thi• bull-11 concluc:ted by an c o N s T R U C T I O N P191-Dltad: Ml!Y 2~2 by ~ri:u~·wllnMI llMtlng on the unlncorporallCI 111oclellon other Publlahad Otano• COH I ••llY &M A. .,...... 1mendrnenl WUI be held " 10 I m.. lhln I pllftner1tllp • CA 82t27 Piiot, June 12, tll, 29, July 3. 1182. ...,_ A. ........... ........, UC 350 u -•HI Mllf99'lt Zln-Danltl fdWard Flecky, S 11 2$42...e2 LAW °"'9CI Oif . July 12 al Ille CP ' ..._.. Ill< Tille lllllmtrll wu filed with ttiri '~7 0r. Apt. a. Cotti ....., CA ----... ---.,.-.,-n-a----1 ~ ... ~ s1;:· ~':.,~~d:;=.e;;r~d Jun• 7. County c...-11 of 0renoe County on11 ·-. ..--.n. .;:,;; .._CA• 1182. 11 pert ol 1h1 continued June 10. 1182 '1t12A IC.-n {714i ~ '-'no• ordll<ad by ihe CPUC In Publith•d Orenga Co11t Dally,..., HCrme>Ue ........ um ITATDmMT The loloWlng patlON .,. doinO ~-STYLE CA TEAERS. 229' 1 IUNllOA COUln' Of' Publl1 .. ICI rania Cout Dall th• Company'• 1 OIO rat• cH• P 1o J 12 111 2e July 3 11192 c~ -... •. ..:.:. • 12 1 .... 1182 t"Wllulton No. _.,). The llllng II I t une . . . 2538-82 <o COUll1'Y Of' 04'AMGI r""'' _,. "• ' ' ,v, ,.413-e formally deelgnated u Ille .. Ttll<d 7'0 CMI CIMW Df. .... " Amendment-to Appllc1110,, lor E ._.AM.CAll7'D'I Ml.IC NOTICC Ganarel R••• lncr••H ·· Tl1• ___ ... Ml;__IC;_NO_m ____ t> " L A I • T I , , I .. y " .. A reqUMI rept....,11 I 1 4 pefc;et'll CP'P 20941 NT1llUOMN. ~ANT MOTIC9 lnct•••• 1n 10111 1n1 ra 1111e MOT1Cl Of' nw.nu IAU , DI, I .. DA.': , I 0 .. A IF YOUR PROPERTY 18 IN ~. or set 11 rnllKon I )'Ur On Juty 2. 1182 .. 1100 Lm. > tCMOIM•ORN, a114I DOii I FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU How1va1, lhlt requUI wlll nol FIRS T AME A IC AN T I T l E " ....... X,........... ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. chenge the Pfevloublty 9Ulhor~ed INSUR A "f C E C 0 MP ANY. • ;! 8' 111*1 rT MAY Bl SOU> WITHOUT ANY proftt leYal of Iha COlllC*'Y· Cellf0tni. corpor111on ... Trusl•. C.. .... ....,.. COUAT ACTION. and yOll 1119)' ~ A oopy of !ht -ldn'lll•t IO Iha or ~ TruslM or Suo.tftuted MOTtCm Y• ,._ .... ..., tha legal rtgh1 to brtnG yovt acccunt IC)pllcatlon and IUl)C>Orttno exhibit• TrutlM of that Olt1aln Deed of l. TM oewt.., ............. JW In good ~ by peyltlo al of will bl avallab4e IOt ~ton al Trutt axlClUled b)' OARY M RILEY , ..... ,.. ...... ...,,. ... your pHt du• payment• plUI Pactflc Telapholla·• principal put* and CAROLYN A RILEY, llUlband i ,.. ,...... ..... • ..,.. "'8d permitted ~o•tl and 111penH• offlcel. ._.. eno W'lla. and -oeo A~I 20, l ._ lllflalWlll n ...... within ttwee monttll from the cMJtl Coplea of tlle arnendmem ..... 1181 a1 in.trumenl no 26137. lr'I "Y°" Miii to..-Iha._ al 11111 notice of dafll.lll --dad. 1upPoftlng exlllbll• wlll alto be bOOll 14188. PllOI 1438. o(()flldaf an attorney In tt1l1 matt9f, you Ttlll amount le 11.241 .. of May 1. 1vallabla 11 tfll CPUC ofllc.e ._, Ricord• of Or1ng1 County. · lflollld do IO~ IO thet 'fOAll ttl2. llftCt w4ll lnCr9Mle unlll your below. lnqulrlH and commentt Cilll0tnla. 1nd pu11uan1 to th1t " wrMen ....,onee. W "f'I, !MY bl ecooum becOfNI currant. You ~ ralathle to ti-mailer•. lncludlnO cer111n Hollce of Default end , ftlad on ttrna. not .llllW to 1)1)1 Iha entire Uft9.9iO '~' 10 reoat¥e nollol of data, aacuon to Sell thereundll< ,_dad -:, Av 11 OJ U ate• Iii a 1I41 • portion of your account, even lime and ~ of 8ift'I ~ tnlY January 26. 19112 .. 1n11rument no. .__._.., 11 t11M11 .. ,.... thOuOfl fUl1 ~WU oamandld. be dlrec1ed 10 1111 CPUC offlc* 112-030$4e, of Offldal Record' of .....,_.,. ........ , • 1h a buty011!ftU911>1YttlaalilOUfttltl1ed at: Uld Counly. wlll under and '! -... IM.·::: ...... llll>cJW. PACIFIC TE.LEPHONE pUf9Uaftf lo Mid D9ld of Tnm Mii' ._ • .., ~ ea ' n ... Aftw ttwee monthl from the data 350 McAlll1lr Stl'Ml 11 public euc11on tor cun. lewful ~. money of th• Unllad Slates of '• Ameriea. 11 Ille mein enlr~ lo Flttl Amarlc1n Tiiie ln1ur1nce Company IOCated II 114 Eu1 Fllth , . Slr•I. In Ille city of Senta Ana. , Calllorn11. 1n thal rlghl. tllle and • _..._ _________ I 1ntetaol con~ to and now he6d r·t NlJC NOTICl AC'TmOU8 ....... ~ -MMalTA...-eT MARINl!R'8 MA AIN E fWUC 9'JT1C( The fotlowlng p«tOft le CIOlnt IEAVICU, 117f' fUWnllde A¥e., __ _.;;..;;,;:~~~...;.;.---~II: NRport .._,.,CA '2113. tC.... __ ....;..;..;..;...;,~"'!"'""---- REB PRODUCTIONS, 1014 A~ K. CUftftlftt'I-· 177F 8TA,_-, f/I Qeorgla St. Apt. E. Huntlntton =-A-. ....... llwltl. CA ~:~,..,. ~~~~ld rldll•· 1014 ........ =~fl=' -MftftlUI Geof~ St. Apt. E. Huntington L-. """ .... · I I I • ..... a-ti. C4f< eaq. · Thia bllllMa It by• ne tou .. 1111 ,., .. ,. .... P.O. .. • Ttllt ~le conduC'9d by en ..... .......... 1 •14www•a ..... ,.,._tr0ftl ..... -. CA ... .,...... .....It~ ........................... ----..... _____ .. -Aober1 lleldridlla TNI "" ,,. .. ,.. ..,--"" N _... .._.. ,.... of DANA (DAVl9l Ttllt ..........,. .,.. lied wllh v. County all1I of Or.nga County °" CASTANO. 1.o Mllln, No. 210. CITAnolf C"M9ATI) eowrty Qll1I of ~ eounty on M9y 2'. 1112. .....-. ...,._,CA'*'-C.. lllt. ._.,._ Ac1f11 ~ 1912. ,,_.. TM fle1ltlov1 buttneM n1me THE P£Ml..I! 01' THI ITAn Of • • ' Publlllle;! ~ Cou112. 18 ~ 1111 ••tt tor 1t'9 i*tl•lllllD -CAllfOANIA, To CLARENCE Pu~ Or~ Cou1 Plot. U., -· -.., • 1Ml tlld on ~ t, ,.., Iii ,_ CAIW)l.l OA"'9. Plot..._ n . .Ml8 5. 12. tt. 1tl2 2331-12 County ot ~ You era flefOY cited and 2378-82 Tiie M ftllM end ,......_ of ,......., to ~ .. a ..,.._ In Ml.IC NOTIC( ttla pereon wlllldr1wl119 •• • tHI ~on NtJ 'J, 1tl2 • 1CJ:IO ---.. ---.,.-Mft--------par11_W: AOC M. FAOIT, 1CMIO W... Lift. In o.pt. No. I, IQ*9d • 700 ~ ""'-. 9ttl 8n.t. ~!dido. Cellfomla. ONtc.C«*' OrM w.t. Senta AN. ACnnoue .,.... .._ • ,,... CellbM 92702 1111C1 '° rJi¥9 ""' '9Cnnou9 llUIMIN MAm ITATllmNT MA .. "-,,_. 1aOa1 rwon Why, .xoiOll'lg IO 0. llAm ITATUmCJ' The folloWln8 penone II doing ......... ,...., Wtllad CMldliofl ll9Ct Wllll ,_ caurt The ·~ per'IOnl .,. doing buelnW •: .., Ltillllo The ~ for ........... of ~ •: BONAMAA. 19802 Mltina Bey .... ,tr&. ,_ fltOY l!AN. QAAY • Ouerdlen of L & L C 0 MP UTE R S OrM, Hunllnaton Baactt, CA t2Mf. ........ 11 I.. JULIE ANN OOROON (DAVIS) UNLIMrT!D, 1400 Quall. lull• 110, Adella M...un. c.non. 19802 ........... ,..._ lhould "°' be orw*d· ~~L~: ~~OAOFF. Marina Bay Orlva, Huntington TNI .....,_.,._.tied wlttl V. Dated: .iune~ 1tea. 83214 8luelll'I ()(lw. Dena Point, CA 8-:tl. CA 12M8. County t:llrtt of Orange County on &MA. ....... ctlfl 92629. ~II condueted by en Mey 28, 1182. ,..,. ...,._A.~ LOIS JUNE FLOOD, 20102 1M011Ae M.--. llC. 19QtAll D. llADDY JeftlnOll. Pltril. CA 12370. Adela M cenon A Pl tr r I pit Llllf c.p. ~ ....... !51.... Ttllt bullrlall .. oonducted b1 I ~...m.m .... flied """ ttla • ,., ...... ,.. ..... -. CA .,.. oen-ai pen!Wlfllp. C1erti or Drange cciunty on ................ CA -(114, ...._ 1.o1t J. Flood u-1t12. Pu~ 0renee 00..1 09M'f Pul>tleMd 0r....-c~ Oe6IY Tl'lll aeatement -flied with ttla .... , ' ,,_ Plot. JuM 5, 12. 11, K. 1te2 Pio(. ..,._ IJ, 11, tt, K. 1ttl County CW1I of Orange County on Publlehed Orange Co•t D8lly 24lf.t2 24M-12 June 10, 111.2. F'tt1Mt Plot. Mey 22. 2t, June 5, 12, 111.2 __________ .;... Publltlled Orange Cout Dally 2227-12. "81C llJ11C( Piiot. June 12. 11, 2t, J4llo/ 3, 11tt fWUC N011C( HCnnGUe M H •M --------~25U-12--1--fiC=ii;i;r,."iUiiiiiii"-MAm 8TA~ I HCm'ICllU9 w••M 1lil folowlnt .,.,_. ..... •-.,. tlR1C( 9IAm ITA,_y .,...,_ 8* rvaN TM foltoWlnt person ti dolnt IPEC1Al TOOl.8 COMPANY, ,-.crmoue 111J11•11 ~-.: N1 Pierpont DrM. c-. ....... CA !Um ITATDmllT (A) SUZANNE'S EXERCISE '2l2t. The klllOwtng penone are doing ANO DANCE STUDIO; (B) YHalr Abdul-H1f11, H 1 ~ •: SUZANNE'S STIA>K>: (C) Sl\JOIO; ::n1 Otlve, Cotta ...... CA THE £LEOANT DETAIL. U (Cit F.1.T..l.. 3023 E.. Colet~. ~Tr•~ IMna, CA H 715. COfOM dal Mir. CA 82Gl5. T .. ~ 161 """°"" R09MoCAUlSTEA.14 Acada Sua.nne 0 . 8ell1n1y, 144 DfM. 0-. ....... CA tttae. T,.. 1N1na CA 92715. ....,._ ()9lk OJ., Corone dal Mer, TN9 bu1111na9 11 _...,... by a DON ANOLI!, 782 Tu1lln CA tza6, ganertl l*••lhlP A-'Ua. COit• Mele. CA t298l. Ttllt bullnlal le condUct9d by en Tartt IC. AINM Heilla Thie ~ II condUCted by a ~ Ttllt 1t1Mnne W tied wWI tfll general ~· au.in. G. 8ellmY eounty ~ of °'Mfl C--. on Rob McCelllle• Ttllt ltNmlllt .. tied Wiii! tfll JUN a. 1"2. TNI etatemenl w• ftlld wttfl the eowrty Cllrtl of OJ-. ~ on ,_,,. CounlY Cleft( of~ County on M1¥ '¥1. 1tu. P11MM Publltlled Oranoe Coaat Deity JUne 10. 1112. Piiot, JUN 6. 11. 11. 2t. 1112 fltt11t1 Publltlled Oranoe Co.11 OellY · t-45442 PublllhlCI Or•nt• CoHI Dally Piiot, May 2t, June •• 12, 18, 111.2 --,,. ---June 12. 11, 21. J4llo/ 13, 1912. 23a().82 ~ ..,,_ r_., 2M5-UI~--~~"'!'"".'~~-~ ' One ot th• way• hom11 are betnc bouSht. and 1old today 11 with Land aon,rao\ . (Oon\raot for Deed) A ttnanoing ple.n whtrt1n tht seller loans tJ\e buyer tund1 with whloh to purohaee • property 11 known as a land oont.raot or contr&et tor deed. A down p&yment ts required and pertodto payments at a.n a.greed-upon interest rate and term o! loan. • June 11, 1111 t t>own Nlt\tn,, monu111 Pl1m•n't, in-...-r.'411 .now"' of lot.n ftl'1 n neco"•MHl • No ltnf'hY wa1~1n1 pertod LO Qu&llf1 ror lot.n • • ltoom•• owntrob:r r.oord1n1 of oon\rao\ • l'eotlYtt Cletd when oon\No' t• paid In tull lm»-o\ on ••ll•r • klN ...,..rntn\ dt1l1ned ~ 11.11\ l)&M«!Ulal' nttda • For '-.x p\ltpottt o'1\ bt \tt&~ M an tnat.allm•M nit th1.11 axpoell\I oni, down parm•M and prlno.lpal payment ln ytar or eale ~ oapt~ ca1n1 • Addl\ion&l pl'Om fl'Om tn\tl'tlt reoe1v1d on oontl60~ • J\e~tn1 d"d untU oontr.ai-. It ptJd In tull Father's Day Wish Dad a Happy Father's Day for all the world to A 0 SOON YOULL BE SEEING SIGNS AAOllNO TOWN CALLING ATTENTION TO SALES! see and Tl UYI 1 IMIWnL llUU SIU (Of Yetd .... , latate ..... etc.) WIN 4 FREE TICKETS to an Angels Baseball Game KINQ alze water bad frame, mattreas, llntr ISO Chtmelu hHler S 15 Padded refit for d~ble to king bed $10. Craig ceu1tte t•P• deck 130. Bentwood rocker $40. 7 ·drawer cheat SS. 10·drawer cheat. wntte and grewi lormlce 125. Shipping trunk with orlglnal ahlpplng labels S 1 S. 'Duncan Phyfe style ottoman I 10. Storage cub11 13. Color T.V. conaole work• S2S. Crock pot 13, Tupper 50c·l2. Quality fabric •1·14 Twin to "Ing ahffta S 1·13. Ceramic pot• 50c-S2. Antique Chlppendall table, paid S 130 Hll 130. VW camper Jump Hat IS. C1mera tripod 115. Saturday and Sunday 9-2pm. 980-3458 NEW Incl lnHd "ema: Clothing men, Womens. chlldrent 25e-S 10. Roller redlol, new 125., relall $59. HMdbancll $2, MW. KllchM!Wlrt 25c-S5. 2040 Pl1c1nt1a. Colla M1aa. Alano club In bad!. 631·9559 8am tll 1 S.1urd1Y. NEW claulc 1tyl1 Andiron and ,,,.. tool Mtl "4-1&. ee11owa sa. New bo111d tyr1lln1 maple llreplec• match b01111 S 1 Tw.ity polllhed aolld copper and braaa tea kett111 13·18 Clreular ITlltal tubl tog hold«• 18. Many old Iron or bf'ua llrtplact Andiron and tool 1111 $5-135. Thirty unique and antique wooden chair• 14·150 Oak rocktrt S 10-UO. Btautllul antique walnut rocker With thick c:owhldl -· and b.ck '50. FOl't(a 8 dra~ walnut dr111«. mirror $50. Large Mltc11on of vintage and antique wooden olllce chen. oak, wamut anc1 manooenl tllt, IWMI Ind aide chalrl $12·$45. Well made WM1.-n Addle, no 1tlrup '35. Ten kllCMn dlnln\ and end table• 120· 50. Solld oak dining labl• 150. Matching c:rldlnu '50. Five chalrt 125 HCh. Lar~ m1pll drop IHf tabll $50. Good MJcaoon foldlng wooden poker table 112. Stwfal det611 I 10-$50. Sete pKlc~ fire atartlng l'I~ campfire or 8 Q 50ci carton I 10 CMI. Tiii high baclt chlld'a wood rodl• 110 New Otrn\alnt rtc:twood plentera 13--1-4. 18 Inch red wood planter tube S3. New redwood ahll!Qlld dog hOYMI 112 and s 18. Old pair goldlln Ollc ladder bad! ..... chalra 150. Lovely old beYlled plN gl8M NI In glue tiandltd wood cabinet doOf s 12 UnlqUe herd wood 2 peraon porch twin' I U . An1lqu1 ollt oldlng doubtl church !MW 536. Unlqut old r.,,.. .,.,,.. on 11and f21, 24 ~ aolld walnut pllftt 11..,o SI. M3 W. i61h "'-', Coel• MH• (b•t~..n Monrovia end Placemle atruh) s ... o 1i1 S..mrdavM• SKATEBOARD (Prof111lor Germany b11rlng) $30 '78 F1lrmon1 (Future) floor ma.ia S30 Mt. new. 241n ten 94>lld S30 COCkttll glaSMI $2S. Round rug, bluelgrMn I 1S. Bird pley pen for am11t bird $15. new. M1tt1I e1ec1ronlc Baske1bell ltS. 20 gallon llah 11nk with acceuor111 $15 10 gallon fllh tank 110 with ac:ceuorlee.Bo11ofyarn 1nd Jute 110 . Sk1teb0erd helmet I 10. Skatboard knee pada S7.5.0 pelt MVP Electronic footbell ae Radio S 10. R1dlo $5. Super Joctley balkelball player SS. Super Tot lootbell player 15. Wrought Iron equartum at111Cf$5. Youth ctlalr '5., Two wrought Iron rocking chelr plant• 15 each. ~1"90 vlew9f $6. F\nllnQI Qamt 15, MW. Camera SX70 SS. C.leu\ltor wtth ctlerger (Sear'al IS Ctr meta, front eat only 15 Record pl1yer (port1bl1 8olld State) I 16. V1cuum, Eureka S3. Pitched bldl 12. Potw SOc-lt eedl. Wai. toy game S3. 20 lnc:ti bile• tire and rim$ (front llld teer) S3 Mdl. Plllowa 11 50 11ch. Waate ball!., 11 uch. Twin btd tram11 13. Stuffed anlmal 50c·$1 HCl'I. CI01haa 25o·l1. Aggr1vatlon g1m1 25c. Parch111t game 25c. Cro .. wordl Domino•• S3 MW. £#phone 5()c. Record• &Oc 11ch. 800111 25c each ... , llghtldodl .. 919-11437 Ht Val1nc11, Co111 ....... DRESSER '60. KlriQ 1111 11ed comp1e11 810 l.adlee b111e UI. Tatlee '•"'P' 17 Vao11um clea111r '39. la1tblurt 7ff.1 ... 3 LAOllS bffje 2 7 lnd'I *"" Chleclt .... m . ....._ rocker UO. ChHI of drawer• IH. Metal boatclhetf •• ~ a_-. lntnt a1r e••I ClillriaM> II eta.7ieot 1. Piao• your ad In tht Dally Piiot c1u1m1d eectlon (It'• best to run 3 da~ for maximum expoeure). If you pay for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 daya and only charge you for 21 2. Get your FREE Garage Sale algr\9 (afl you have to do Is come In to the Dally Piiot 6 pay for your ad In advance -we wlll give you two 11 x 17 Sign• - FREE of charge). 3. Prtoe Itch piece ~f metchandlat. DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAYERS Seti your no-longer-needed hems for cash. If It doesn't teH, we'H run It another 3 ~• ">nAYS '7:1NEs0 OLLA RS days FREE. One Item per ad, mUl1 be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. CLASSIFIEDS&.42 •5678 CaJI today for full detaJle. . ...... ... IUI) '115 FORD 3to engine S50. '58 Ford 292 S35. 12 gallon fish tank S 10 '71 Honda 100, good framt, englnl. rMI' wl'9lt $50. Trant PTO wltl\ unh11r1111 150 Chev. trudt front ult. new S50. Ford truck front axle rebulll 150. Steering 111blllz1r $5. Rima I 1 Heh. Clulctlel 15 ..en. Shodll 12 Meh. Frll1'ft $20 11cih. Forka 125 each. 814 Towne SttMt. Colt•Mlaa. ZENITH bled! llld wtllttl MACHINIST 1ool box $40 I BRASS -lea S8 Oullt I "AM AH A 0 • 5 SA TV V.H.F 1nd U.H,F Eleclrlc gl.tlter 150 recil 118 Pine drop leaf I cleas1c1I gu111r S"O $20. 8 lnCh IPMk• lnl Trumpet $30 L111ne11 l•t>le S35 Oak chairs 720 · 1332 N1wpo r1 wall boll 17 OVal mirror gun carrying caM SSO S 10-120 Bentwood Beect1 In wooden hOl6lt $5 111 New •, H P BI n ch tr u n k S \ 0 L am P s -G-IR_l_S_cr_ut-.. -very--C11-an- Ce111tt11 on Bibi• lnl grinder wllh 6 Inch S3-S15 011 painhng S10 SSO F0tmica labll S3S holder book I 111 15 wh1111. $50. El1c1rlc 81111111 25c·S 1 J-elfy Two btack and wtiitt 12 bookl on butlneu S15. 1yp1wr1ter1 $40, 150. soc-SS Picture end in porll~ TV excellent Electronic book1 $2 19600 Loa L1on11. lr1m11 S1·S6. Lace and condition 125 'and S35 eaeh. New RM!latlc AM Fou11teln Valley. Eat of llnena SOc-$8. Old tins Shop llacuum $35 Av~ Olgltl.l L.E.0 , clodl redlo Brookhurst Ind south of 50c·S3 Dllhea en<! collection 140 fc;ir all. S20. Martell lube Am/Fm EJ••. gt111e1 25c·S" Floor 2060 Stitt Ave Costa 11er10 r1dlo with 2 ORAPEfUES: Beaulllul 11m119 &15 Lots of milk Mesa FOiiow Oak Street 1peak1r1 130. Glau lull custom, Ilk• new In gla11 50c·I• Kitchen t>ome alter tpm · v .... $1. Delk temp $7. primitives 25C·S3 8 Inch IP9M• 15 pelf. neulral wheat eolof. One Pottery. American and CARTOP luggage carrier 2130 Doctor. Cir~. Apt 191 8 Sit alldlng door with Engllah soc,14 Oall $8 Ctr blkt cerrltr o, Colt• Meu &42-7&et •ntlqw bf' ... •ar1tor blndl. lffta IO<ir $50. 3 S7 50 Ready to roll rod S50. One pair tor 1 tier 111 can on wMeta GOO<tyeer 8 451114 wheel TEN R1mlng1on Rend Sit wide window with sso. Old typ.wriler SlS. and 11r1 s10 BridgeltOtll Whffltd rMlll Llbrtry 1nt1Que brau decorator Old Schwinn bllle frame 1 3511 14 lire $8. Both book carta. ttUl'dy, many rod SSO. 54&-4189 Cotta 120. Old bike rims SS. t1r11 dnp tread. Bike u .. e 112-1111 34 Inch Mela. Seturd1y 11122 MonrOVia, pan1 25e-l5. ~5-3138 Coall Guatd P'\'OI. t hlndcrefttd modal BICVCLES30. 18.5'tructc 2 bloclla wes of wl1Mll with tubet $15. ~e. &.twten 16th "bartender" with twin Bar stool9 110. Walker and 17th •!reel eo.11 •noln" and dlaplay S30. Ski boot a 125. M111. (down 1Hey). atand 150. Box• of boat l.&lnpt S lO. °'"' rack• gHr fight• and rope S20. Old rlCOl'd ple..-r 25e-S10. Good Mltetlon •-of boat Ollt S2·S9. 12 120. Gamet 12. Clolhet Inch old Petko Muthead 25c-t2. Aleo«ta St.45. I ... ,....... 1• S.bY car Mat 115. 2520 lant1<n 6<'• """ CMt v WMlmln•t• Aw , Coate Inch Wllco• crH1ndon Mtaa. Situtday and boat Wheel WOOd tlandtel USED blkH, ell 1lz11 trom ctllldrw1'1 to adutt. Maoy 10 choo•• from s 10-SSO Hch. Bicycle wlllela, ur" and parts SOc·l 10 MCh. Two nlcl gr.n upholattnd living room chair• 115 ..en. Alttt 9am 545-7215 SCHWINN Veralty tO-epMd S50 64Mll88 NEW II volt heevy dOty llt compr-.ot S35 Ant tlectrlc lhoe buff• end poOsn machlnl or UM on J1w1lry 110 1925 Atwater K1n1 curved ..,..., hOm S 1S Good wortllng thirty'• 2 IPMd tltctrlc f1n S 18. M1ny polished brau dlcorator pi.c.t 11·$12. Set of 3 ornate 7 lncih brau clOthell h0ok1 $10. Many pollahld brau birctl end 1nlm111 $2·18. Pewter and cut g1... lllHr'lcant candt• holder 118 Btalnl111 11111 drink aerver ovw 10 gellOn S35 1ver1on ofllclal modal J0-1pe1d bike 150. SChwfnn 1~ 1-45. Old m1xlcan tlnw1r1 c.ncl.. lant•n st. Flfty fight• end lamp• from evwy .,. fOf noor. table and celling ·u-uo. Antique CU1 lton deltc lamp ta. Good II way floor lamp $9. Many old end antique oll fabl• lllTIJll and farm lint•ne 15-'35. 11132 dated 1111 111vor atalnleta 1teel II 111vor Penny Oum machine. w111 or table mount 125. COllectlon hand pelrited blaque and porotlaln flgurln11 -------- 110. ~ Kodak lo6dlno _s_unes_Q_. ----- 620 cam1ta. wortc. 115. DOUBLE bid '35. TV u Several th®Mnd high It 110 eacn. Metal otlloe quallty 1telnle11 11 .. 1 dtllll S30. rwrn bed 112. hoM CIM!pl, tlzel '.t to Couctl and 10V1 -I $50. 8 Inch 2Sc Mcil. 5 for 11 Car bed • 10 Orentr or 110·115 per 1 oo. SH. Crib mattr ... sa. Meny picture trame1. Dr111er 135 Lampe PORTABLE 1yp-rlter 135 Clock radio 13. Toya and gemee 2SC.15. R1cord1 250. Bookl t0c·S3 Kitchenware. pott. pane 1100.110. Clolhlng 10c·'5 Suntan IOtlon 50o Chlld'1 rocklt 13. Linan• 10c-13. Scarfi 25o. TO)'I 10o-$5. Infant ittma and ctothea 100·13 RCA TV end eland $2&. NE eolderlng gun outfit H Toole IOc·l 10 SeMday end Sund1y . 21391 Yarmouth. Huntington 9Mct1, 53f.O~ I 50c·S8 . Ttylor ba'omet• sa. a.aut1t1.11 mahogany bOat let cNlt $18. Thrt• wood art d9QO CIOdce ...... ..3 w. 151h 81rMt, Coal• MMe (~ Monrovia and Placentle 1t1Hl1) 5411·0135 S1turday t·a only. 15·120. Corner d11k S20. Clllld't d11k 112. Hld•·•·b•d end chair 135. Coff" table tnd tebl11 SS·U PttlO lllmlture 110·$25. Table and cf\•lra 150 Table $50 Chair• at HCI\. Lll'ltn cheat I 16 543-2N7 °' H7·11ot POWER ltwnrnower '50, OMC Pfoc>t tat H P l&O eaofl OMC on dfllln kit s10 Battery ceM ss. ...,. ohlln .... ""°' F!ATHEA pillow , atandard, ., 5 for bOtt\. Traftl Audio bookehe4t ep1ak1U .35 pair. l<tnWood cet ........ etlll undlr werranty paid HOO Hll S40 Hoh. Pioneer OOllirlr amp, .. 54114)' ..... POATAIL.I Kenmore dltll•••'* ..... ,. Maple COftlOI• •1111 ,.. .... -.~ Wine· olle lr,.. IOOd oondftton aao .,...,... ..,,,. I 10 Wood ~ 00 IT NOWI ,_. ftr ... .,. Vour C>Jlly Pllol hMCe Olreclory Atpt.-il1tlw Ul·Mll, tit. HI Sol1 & lov••••t. dirk brown contemporary. Clean. 1325. 957-8fG7 Oertl wood con. & 2 end t1blll L~ condition. 199 ... 483-1472 Club ch1lr .t ottom1n 1125 both. Ule evoc.do colof. !Jlcepllon.ily nice. 493-1472 LOV!SEAT l30 EAATHTONES DeSION 493-1472 e· Sof1 w1t11 1rg nor. cte- 11gn. gd cond. MUST SELL 1125. 648-21.23 ~1.'11111 ••.••••••••..• ................ _. .......... Cu11om catpentry, Otcll1 ' Piiiot. Quallly WOfk Uo •380901. ,, .. •tl- mllM &59-5511 1-J AE.MEMMA OAOI wlCtl. Fettler't Dev n-oe 842·511• Win 4 FREE TICl<ET& \ I ' \ NABER~ CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! "1911 CADILLAC PLHYWOOD llOUGHA,_. "ASflOIOOI" UI. (1CRR592) $15,995 1919 CHIVIOLIT co1v1m T·TOP (412309) $}0,995 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOO IROUGHAM (1CGX359) sis,995 1911 OLDS 91 llGINCY COUPI (1BIX142) sio,995 l 1979 MllCIDIS llNZ300D (735WOD) SALE PRICED -- J l . l l i I ...... . . - I 1 t I dA LUl'P• 11.21" Flnancinc avaOabJe when you takeover existing ban on the elegant 4 Br executive home that hM been extensively prepared for entertaiJUne. One of fnr homea in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San MJcue1 Dr •• N~ Beech. 759-1501 OI' 752.7373. •WISTCLl;F ·HIGHLANDS• SemaUonally ~Jed & decanted 4 Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, akylite, lush private courtyard, fplc & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. _. •fin llNT• Choice 4br executive ranch ltyle home in prime nIRTLEROCK location! $1,200/mo rent all applies towards purchale In 6 months to 1 yeer. Large, low interest -.unable ban, formal c:linin«. frpk, and FEE LAND. 2670 San MtiueL 714/'159-1501 « 7141752-73?3. * 10'h FINANCING• llDUCID TO • 1ao,900 When you takeover e~T.D. populat BmCH model with fplc, ~tral air & the 1areest . in' WOODBRIDGE GLEN. 2670 San M.JUel Dr., Newport Be8ch. 59-1501or752-7373. •MUSn, DUSTY & VACANT• •$109,()00* • 9.K USU1Nble finlncing available on thJs tastefully decorated 3 Br Townbome. Vacant & quick pci•ulion. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759· 1501 or 752.7373. •$1,279 Pll MONTH• •TUlnllOCK• la all you pay when you takeover existipe lit TD. Splldow 4 be executive detached home. Peeturing trml din, fml~ & frp1c. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Mipel Dr .. Newport . 7&9-1501 or 752- 7373 · ••ACK IA Y AllA• •$135,000. 3 Br bOlJ8e on fee land fe.aturina hardwood floon & mtn&le room with 11" ...wnable lat T.D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 7'2-7373. •$1,000. •lllAll• On brand new town.home! Feeturine privacy, 2 matr suite & de/loft owrlookinc liv nn. Only $123,950. 2870 San MJcuel Dr., Newport Beech. 769-1001 OI' 752-7373. •'9S.90h a.a ..... ~ 3br det Md bame 'With ..... yanL l'rmblJ petnted 38'10 ~Mta-a Dr .. Newport 8wh. 'l&f.1501 Cl! '1A-'11'11. •I ' °"~~C~n\Y ~ ~8t"An~~9'11Q ~to the DAILY PtlOTISaturday, June 12, 1982 -l k>Cker rooms and the friendly atmosphere of the Oubhouse, where you can enjoy delicious meals and refreshing cocktails in the ,Santa Rosa Room. Viaitlronwooa'.Counhy aub tOda,y and find out how we can improve bOth your game and your outlook on life. ... · 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY .PILOT/Saturdcsy. June 12, 1982 ...... -...... . Trad. for property In Westwood, e.erty HMta area. Corner IOt on Udo. SoOth patio. 4 bdnn 3 baths, 3 car garage. 40 ft. lot. Wltf NII wtth • 1125,000 ~. ......... ...... 1111,111 Ideal corner location this 1parkttng clean 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home on an extra wide iot. Only 5 hou ... from clubhouae actlvtttee. beach, tennis and ~ Large -..nable loan. Owner ftnaoclng ble. . ...... .. .... Just lleted ..• beat priced 4 bdrm 3 bath home on l1land. Aleo, dellghtrul and charming. Fenne open bwn = 1hroughout I a eeparate famltyroom. for fMt acttonltt · 673-7300 .· --• .... . 12,211.-. Splendtd CUlltom family hC¥M on extra •o. lot. 5 Bdrm, pg t1)81d• quertera. Large IMng and dining rooms. Famllyroom and gourmet kit- chen. Beautiful pool and spa~ View Qf golf COUf'M end mountains. waur; 1-4 , . • 111111 . 1111.m s Bdrm, 7 bath home with an the ~­ tndoot/outdoor pool with llkftng gtua roof. Sauna. ateem room, S )aoczzM. Pt8y & game room. Screening room. Gour.met k~ ~ aq. ft. •... .... Open Sunday 1-5, 25 Canyon Island Dr. -off Ford Rd. Spltt level with great golf ~YIN. Poof, Spa, T.-inta. Good aeum. IOlf't & bwner will help flna'ftce. ~., teavfng state. See & compare . ._ llllH .m 11111111 complete OOMn vt.w from thle tmmecuwe s bdrm 3 beth hOme wtth euper Woe terrace for entertaining, lounging or boat watching. Sheftered pool with large deck apace for eunnlng. F.EE LANO. Owner ftnandng. innT•W 11lt,IM ' FM'l6de Coeta Meea tttple>c. Po9ftM Ollllt't low. ~ x oro--Nw ptlrk. 8ChoOla. ~­Alw9Y8 rented. -·-------~~-~------------' •• nu nytpetttrd•v, Jy09 12, '182 -9 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Jllne 12, 1982 -5 ·JACOB$ REALTY Perfect location just a few blocb from the Fun Zone, restaurants and the BalbQa Island Ferry. Three .bedrooms, 2 baths and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Bullt.-lna; 4-car garage. Only 5 yean old. $750,000 and seller will finance entire balance.~ . .. ,111' 11m1141•• Once a 3 ~ home, expanded into 2 Bdrms (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, bride fireplace. Large yard w/aprinklers front and rear, cov. patio, room for boat and/or a motor home+ 3 car garage. Super location. and terms availab~. . . ....-...... Over 3doo IQ. ft. a.tom Cape Cod on three levels for e::-livi.ng and entertaining. Thia one year old bu 4 Bdrms. family room, formal dining room, 2 u.ed brick firepiaces, 3 decka, and ia MOST beautifully decorated. Offered at $399,000. .......... wittl a BAYVIEW from the large front balcony deck, plus a huge sun deck in back over the garage. 2 Bedrooms in each unit. just a few doors to the Bay. Tremendous assumable loan. Asking $299,000., submit your down payment and take over. . I . UNIQUE IN WOODlllltDGE Greet loeatk>n and g,..t ftnanclng. Come eee thl1 Wannlngton 3 Bdrm plus amall bonus room, 2~ Bath condo today. A llstlng of Joan Bracey. $152,000. UNIQUE ON BALBOA ISLAND ,Quaint • 8dnn hOme with Bey.1ew on the peacefut Uttle leland, neat apot to Hve. Call Artie Johnson for eppt. $375,000. UNIQUE ON BALBOA llLAND Prime main channel duplex owrtooldnQ the Pavtlk>n. • Bdrm upatalra & Bdrm unit aown. Oversized bulldlng with endleU upgrad• & epectal featur•. he land prtced to NII. A llsttng of Marilyn Hodgee. $995,000. UNIQUE .. BEACON BAY Thie apectacul&r locatJon OYefk>oka the main turning blllln & Harbor llland. A duplex with three lktrme up & 3 down on • aandy beach mak• thll a Ideal weekend nttreet or year around llvtng. A listlng of MarMyn . Hodgee. $995,000. . UNIQUE IN CAMEO IHORE8 Forever vtew of private undy beadt & rocka. Thls home ha a pool, spa & heated ftlh pond. Complete aecurlty 1y1tem Include• T.V. monltor9 around ·the houae & grounds. The flnelt In etereo equipment throughout.· Your own fortresa & worth the ~· $3.~.ooo. UNIQUE .. BIG CANYON Spacioul 3 8dnn 2~ bettt, flrlptllce, wet bar. patloa, master MJlte, walk~ doeet, aecurtty gates, comm. pool & tennll .. A llstlnQ of SuMn Harder. $287,900. UNIO-JE .. COSTA •U Thie 3 Bdrm home It located on a quiet cul-de-Mc ltreet. Great 8llUfftabte 18t T.D. & owner wffl Mlist on a MCOnd. A la.ting of Rita l Tom Boland. $13'4,900. UNIQUE .. HAMOR ..,_ City llghta help to make ttm ~Model one of the more unuMl8I condoe 1n cu ctty. 2 Br + den with an erdoMd porctl tot vtewtng tM ctty IW't• & mountalnL "25,000. UNIQUE .. llAY8HORE8 Charming one level remoct1l1d home with a • country kltc .. en & bullt In refrigerator. Hardwood ftoon, ~ brtQk "'= .. 3 Bdrml. A ll9tlr'0 of 8n MtriN.~000. ,. OPEi HOUSES .. + •910 Nottingham (Dover Shra) NB $3.49,600 L/H Sat/Sun 1-S • + 2108 UghthouM (HVH) CdM $481,000 Sat/SUn 1-5 • + •979 Sandcutle (HVH) CdM 1295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .. + 2 510 So. Bayfront, Balboa lit "95,800 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 2307 Port CerUlle (~) NB $241 000 Sun. 1-5 3 + 1 210 Grand Cenal, Balboa Ill '575,000 Sun. 1-5 3 801 Patolta (lrv Terr) CdM $389 IOO Sun. 1-5 • •2221 ~(Bonnie Bay HI) NB '279,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 3 #8 Jetty(~ Ck) CdM $345,000 Sun. 2-5 2 • MelodY Ln (Woodbrdg) Irv. 1142.000 Sun. 1-5 3 + 3 5 B•con Bey, Newport Bch 1895,000 Sun. 1-5 5 + #5 pt, a.or::JSpyglw) CdM te25.ooo Sun 1-s 8 304 Goldenrod (Old CdM) CdM 148&.000 Sun 1.,5 • UNIQUE IN IRVINE Thie charming cottage home hu 2 Bdrma & a famlly room. Upgrade• are many & In earthtones. The flnanclng II excellent. 1 year old with a low Interest rate. A watlng of Katie Roberta. $139,999. UNIQUE IN IRYINE Thia large 4 Bdrm 1'ome hu alt kinda of extras: extra good terms, location & size. A Hating of Laraine Shaw. $199,000. UNIQUE ON 8PYGLA88 Thia highly upgraded and expanded Southport Model hai a forever view of the cout line -II decorator perfect In every detail ... French doora •. bay wlndowt a must to eee. A lilting of Barbara Hutchin•. $925,000. UNIQUE IN OLD CDM A cottage on a canyon lot. Thi• quiet uncongeeted part of old COM Incorporates a Y19W of the canyon & mtn1. OWC. Terms. $275,000. UNIQUE IN 8EAWN> Thia Monaco Model haa Mexican pavers mlrrol 9d WiWdrobel and automatic aprlnklers. 3 Bdmw & • lowly yard with patk> ovemang. Owner wtll help on terms. A Hating of the 8oland1. S2•9,000. UNIQUE IN 8EAWIND Dramatic Portoftno Model with encloled entry. See thll charmer with Mexican payers, 1kyUght & French &>or1-lt wtll knock your IOck1 offf W ... decorated & owner WAI help finance. A lilting of Natalie Fogarty. $339,000. UNIQU! It HARBOR YEW HOMES Thia .. BR Portoffno MOdel .. one of tbe loW9lt priced and you own the tandl Frptc, bonus room, OWC. A ll1tlng of Laraine Shaw. $319,000. UNIQUE IN IWlllOR YllW HOma Value & location In thll 3 Bdrm+ Fam. room" Mexican paver entry, plulh carpet, much more, tee. Good uaumabte loan,. A detlng of Carolyn Masone. $279,000. .. UNIQUE .. IWlllOR YEW llLL8 Relax with a panotamlc ... of the OCMn, canyon & rollng hMll. Thtl home ii priced for an utremety tut ..... • Bdrm, 2 baths. A Jiiting of DOttle Valentine. $295,000. Momiligslde Tuwnhomes offer a rare opportunity for famllles of moderate Income to enjoy the personal sattsfactton and the financial benefits of home ownership. . Imagtne owning a brand new two-story townhome tn beaµttful Laguna HWs by Mission Vl9.> Company for leas than the cost of rent! A variety of i:iew. financing programs ts now avaJ.lable to help~ qualify for loW·lnterest loans and keep your payments down. The dramatic two and three bedroom homes of Mornlngalde feature private fenced courtyard entnea. rear fenced patios, private balconies and plenfy of apace for the kida to~ up lri. 1b own yow: own famil)' tiome ta a majOr step up froni apartment uvmg. Now that Important step ts acceasfble to fafulllea on their way up. not just to thoee who've already arrtv«L . · Take the pleasant drive to tlle decorated models of Morntngatde Thwnhomea WblCh are located at 28998 Bll'CbWOOd IADe. ~na Htll8 nowT Every: IDembCt of ~ flUndy wtll luv tbelill · BAYSRmS .•. Bayfront Mediterranean vtlla. Rep! bvme room with huge fireplace. Paneled dming room conceals 1ntngulfll wine cabinet Five bedrooms and family room. Private staircase from master suite to patio and spa. You own the land. Price reduced $450,000. Owner wilt consider lease-option. Available by appointment .................................... $1,650,000 HAll8m &SlNI> ROAD . . . Bayfront. Owner wilt carry One Million Donar first trust deed. The view of the bay so breathtaking you could easily ima&ine you are hving aboard ship. Five bedrooms, den, maid's quarters. Sixty feet on tile water with pier and slip for three lar1t boats. Open Sunday 1·5 115 Harbor Island Road .............. ~ ............ ~·····-· $1,500,000 115 CMYOll ..• An incredibly beautiful home. Distincbve in its architectural desi&Jt . . • in its charm and *Poot . . . in its warmth and comfort five spacious bedrooms. Formal dini• room. Hore family room with buit-in t*iiSion and screen. - Wal•·•n wet bar. Parquet ftoofs. Elabofate security system. Pool/Spa. located on 18th fairway of Bic Canyon Gott Course. Available by IC)POintment .................................... $1,495,000 SPYaASS tti . . . tlepnt En&fish Tudor. five spacious bedrooms. Two story ~vi• rOOl1l. formal ~ room. Family room with wet bar. Bmled &lass throutflout Spa and wet bar in master suite. four fireplaces. Flexible financinc. You own the land. Reduced $150,000. Awailable by appointment ............................ Now $1,395,000 BAYSfDD .•. Extraordinaty opportunity. This resideftce sits on prime waterfront ..• trittl the prilechdvantace of its own Pt pnvate pier and slip. The ~operty boasts of paceflil days and sparklinc ni&hts ill 1 hichfY privileced pted tofMIUllity. Very spec.al ownlf finlfttint is avlllab6e. Ofl. yes, 1hefe is a three bedroom hoflle set on this treasufe. Available by appointmeftt .................................... Sl:ZS0,000 .-TEIUCl . . . Million dolaf view-and it's II yours.-110t leesehold! One of the most impressive mne ¥iews ill the Hartlor area. Three splCiolls bedrOOftlS. Hute family/blltiards room. Immense patio With pztbo and spa. AeQble finillciftc. Open Sal/SM. l "5 1301 Dolphin Terrace ..... m ............... _ ................ $1,050,000 DOVO SH011£S . . . No claustrophobia here. former inodel. Picture windows. five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. lovely courtyard suitable for poof or putti(ll cmn. Avatlable by appointment ........................... ·-········· $675,000 - SPYQASS tti . . . Eitcitm~y elegant four bedroom home. Dramahc front row view of ocean and city ll&hts. Bnck and tile walkway. Pool and spa. liberal creative financma.. Open Sat./Sun. 1 ·5 11 Carmel Bay DrlVe .............................................. $655,000 DOVEi stmS . . . Owner win assist with financing. Impressive two story home. lovely bay view. Excellent bedloom arrangement with one downsU.rs and three upstairs. Spartllna pool in front courtyard. Bic ~! Pnce just reduced $75,000. • Ava.lable by appointment ............. ,................. Now $625,000 IAYcmt ... (Jceflent financin&. MacJijflcentty UPCfaded five bedroom, tourbath homt. loveff poor ... wrouafll irontiieid- for protection of small children. Available by appointment ............... :....................... $600,000 .,._ stm:S . . . Captivatinc four bedrOOM hoN. Slidi• roof in atrium combines indoor-outdoor hq. 8euMd cei~,. in livi• room. Three firepllces.. Lovely bey view. Available by appointment ....................................... $600.000 'DOWl stm:S ... Elcellent ~ Outstandinc waterfront home with pier and slip. Dramatic bly Md city li&tlts view. flllily room with wet bar and fireplace. Four bedrooms. Restfut bnct patio. Priced reduced $105,000. Availallle bj appointment ._ ..................... -..... Now $595,000 DOB stm:s ... Bay view. Totally wided and remodeled low bedroom hoftle. f renctl doofs Md Windows. Skytictrts. Colnp!etety new kitchen. Ten foot solid oak blr in family room. comp!ete. even to brass rail. Newty plastnt Ind tiled pool. In fact. II that's lacklft& is your ~ 11r approval. Awailab6e by aPPointment ....................................... $550,000 DOW.I stms . . . Waterfront. 20k40 foot dock. Spacious foar bedrOOMS. Hi&NY UC!lfaded kitdlln. Two car ho~ shOp, plus two C11 pace. Price reduced $100,000. Avlillbte br IPPQintlltnt ........... " .................. How $550,000 I 8ACa UY . . . Over half acre early Caifotnia tsUte. Sil --bednloms. ... mac room. fonul dilq fOOll. I' s-; -~ rOOlll ..... ~ lnctldible .... Three Clf aarict. Hofse corr1'. Seplrlte lot lat&i enOUlh for ttlllis court. Availitlli ., .-tment ............................ ;.......... $550,000 BAYQEST . . Custom bu~t home. five bedrooms. Family room. Dining. room. Two fireplaces. Island type kitchen. Built·m barbecue .. Brick patio. Pool size yard. Paddle tennis court. Three car carage. Available by appointment ....................................... $495,000 BAYCltE.ST ••. Elc1hn& five bedroom home. The meticulously chosen decor creates a feehn& of warmth and comfort. formal dining room and family rooms. Sparkling pool. Security system. Available by appointment ....................................... $495,000 ~T ISlNI> ... 116' of waterfront Three bedrooms. . large den or bonus room. Huie patio. Your own pier and slip. Available by appointment ....................................... $479,000 DOVOt stD£S . . . Fantastic view. large living room with fireplace and master bedroom o.m'lookin& the bay. Three addrbooat bedrooms. format dining room. Family room off kitchen. Wood paneling. Owner financlna. Price jus( reduced S75;000. Owner says "Settrtr - Available by appointment ............................... Now $475,000 ETClf'F ... E1e&ant four bedroom home. Cathedral cei,.:s in ~Ying and dinine rooms. Paneled den. French doors and windows. luxuriant pool size yard. Huge brick patio and gaiebo. Available by appo1ntment ......................... ~············ $475,000 ll)() ISLE . . . Spaciou$ family home. five bedrooms or could be three bedrooms plus in-law quarters. Separate famiy room. Format dining room. Convement to beaches and tennis. Available by appointment .............................. _ •..... $475,000 ll)() ISLE . . . Attt1Ctive two story home on wide street to strlda lot. Four bedrooms. Bonus room. lnviti• patio with your own Macadamia nut tree. TastefuMy decorated. Open Saturday l ·~ 111 Yia DIJOfl .................................................. Now $450,000 . UYcaot ... Elepnt four bedfoom home. Al fOOllS lfe nceptionally spacious. Two huae fireplaces. Wet bar. 3,000 square feet of Wvlnc space. AVlillble by appoinbnent ···························-········· $449,500 BAIJOA •.• Neat duplex. QUality built Two .bedl'OOlllS eadl unit. flfep(act in hint room. ExtenliYe m of tit lends to thi charm. Two Pl,_iaC spactS each unit. located just one b6ocl from ocean beach. Available by appotntment ....................................... $365,000 I FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM BIG CANYON Thia Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal LR. & D.R. Richly Paneled Library With Coffered Cemng, Paneled F.R. Spadoua Meeter Suite W/Hla & Hera Bathe. Pool, Spa. Mllld'a Qtra. 1't)e uttlmate In au.atty & Charm. By Appointment. $2,290,000. Miiiie Howe'• Uttlng. WATCH IT BEING BUILT Magnfflcent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Conatruction. The Style la Engllah Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect. $2,200,000. Susan Trlvlaon'• Listing. . . CUSTOM BAYFRONT Promontory Bay -5 Bdrm Home -Ltg Liv. Rm., Formal Dining - Family Rm. -Powder Rm. -Gourmet Kitchen -Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tie -You Own The Land -OWner Will ~at With Ananclng. $1 ,850,000. Cethf'yn Tennille'• UstJng. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO l Spectacular Hilltop Estate. Magnlflcent View. On Ave Acres. 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Built Home Ideal For Entertaining. Solar-Heated Poof, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennis Court, Horses, Guest House. Submit Reasonable Offers. $1,775,000. Binnie Dixon'• Listing. COUNTRY MANOR ·NELLIE GAIL RANCH Spac:foua, Spectacular Architecturally Designed Home on Approx. 11A Acr .. of Hiiitop. 5 Bdrm + Maid'• Qtra. High Beamed Celllnga, Projection Room, Two Kitchens, Walk-In Freezer, Wine Cellar, Touch Button Controls. Plus Solar Energy' System. CaJI For Appt. $1,600,000~ A Trlvtson-Hlll Listing. ON THE BEACH Outttandlng Cuatom-Bullt Home. Forfter View looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High ~med CeHlng8 & Large Glue Wtndowt For More View. One Of Laguna Niguel'• Anest Homee. Owner Wiii Help With Anancing. Priced At $1,450,000. A Hlll-Trlvfaon Ustlng. \ JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Manners Point, San Clenllnte. Gorgeous Ocean V~. City Lights. Entertainers' DelJgbt. Numerou. Amenities. See To Appreciate. $950,000. Owners Will Accept An R-1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment. Marla Bercovttt's Listing. EXCLUSIVE BAY8HORE8 BAYFRONT Prime View. Pier, Dock. Quality 5 88. Gated Community. Private Beach. Priced At $975,000 Leuehokf. Home Pk.la Fee Price-Of Land $2,076,600. Marilyn Twttchell'a Lle1fng. EMERAL!D BAY MODERN Exciting Oceari View Home -Sus>«t> Contemporary ·a_ty11ng -3 BRa -3 Ba. + Oen. High Beamed Celllnge In Den, D.R. & L.A. Sun Decks. Spa Off Spacious MBR. BBQ. Senatbly Priced At $895 000 Joyce Oaboft'a Listing. ' ' NEW LISTING In Exciulfve S..vtew Area. Gate Guarded. Spectacular View. With Or W/0 Furniture. 3 BR+ F.R. Beautiful Condition. Only 1450,000. A Twttchell-TrM8on Uatlng. . - CORONAL DEL MAR DUPLEX Recently Completed Custom Urnt W/Uaed Brick Areplace, Mexican Tllea, Veulted Celllnga. MBA Suite W/Cathedral Windows. Cozy, Secluded 2 B~ Rear Unit + Posa. Guest Quarters! Greet Financing. $358,000. A Collins-Hiii Listing. WOODSY RETREAT Split Level Home Overlooking Cherry Lake. Private, Secluded Location. a Bdrm. Remoct.led Gourmet Kltct)en W/MexJcan Tile. OWner Wll Carry Ananclng. Aaaumable 1at. Truly A Beautfful Spacfous Home. Huge Price Reduction. Now Only $318,000. Blnnfe Dixon's Listing. HORSE COUNTRY Remodeted Home, Approx. ~ Acre ... BR, .Poof, Spa. Park 8 Cars + R.V. Great Location. Keep 3 Horeee On Your Own Property. Great Ananclng. $289,000. A Dabolt..Shlpley listing. BLUFFS -BARGAIN Excellent Ananclng Available. large Assumable Loan @ 111A% & Owner Will eon.Ider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carmelita W/3 BR+ Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Near Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Salty Shlpley's Listing. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low, Low Priced 3 BR W/Uvfng & Dining Areas Opening To Secluded Patio. Nr. Beach, Schools, Shopping. Custom Cabinetry. Good Aasum. Loan. Priced At $175,000. Call Now. BJnnle Dixon's LI sting. OLD CORON DEL MAR Just Listed. South Of Pacific Cout Highway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Cottage. R-2 Lot. Room To ExJ>Md. •257,000. Sharon Colline' Lfstlng. EASTBLUFF Rare 5 BR Lusk. Two Frplca, L.R. & Family Room. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodeled. Xlnt Financing. Only $274,000. Salty Shipley'• Uatlng. BLUFFS Single Lewi Lovely 3 BR W/Encloled Yard, Pvt. Patio, On Lush Gmblt. Frelhly Painted, Newly Carpeted. Oftfy $222,500. Sally Shipley'• Listing. y Waterfront W/Dodt. PMCnmlc ~. Great Location. Redwood Float + &O' Dodt. Cuatom-BUlt Home W/3 BAL Kitchen Wtvt.w Window HM Al Modem Amenltlea. Ueed BrtGk B8Q In OutMndlng Patio Nee. Tied G9nlgea. Of.at on..lnQ. $1,295,000. A Dion-Marta lJatlng. . ·wna" 11•1 Drastic reduction on gorgeous new country French home near harbor artrance. ExtentlWe uee of Oak & leaded glass. Beat priced new home on the Penineula. Now only $675,0GO -Builder w/trade. .,. WM.TD •1·1111. 111111111 ••••• 3 bdr., lg. fam. rm. w/ fireplace, remodeted kitchen. Hurry on best value In town ... $115,soo: w .,., •• , N1·12tl. 111111111 IDT "' Spacious 4' br., SECLUDED SPA In private MWng. ExoeU. new flnancing avaHabSe. $218,500. W ll•W" N1·12tl. LllllY • 11•1 3 bdr., 3 car garage. plus fam. rm. wtth wet bar, plus pat1o plus ftreplace In Lv. tm .• plus 21A baths. See to believe for only 1197,500. For prlVate vtewtng ..call llllY .... 11a1-1ne: 117211-aLI Bright and airy 3 bdrm w/pvt secluded "Home8 ~ Gardene" lt'g. Manicured yard on fee land. $375,000 w/good terms. NTllll er Hll Tlllll ea1-1288 or 780-8702 OUIEO llOIEI Fab. Ocean & coastline vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r., f.r., study, lge. pool & cour· fyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. • er 11-NU. 759-1221 · 11111111111 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, ltallan marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study&. f.r. has beaut. panetlng & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. -., .... , .. 759-1221 ....... -llUlflllT Convert ex. lge dupfex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11•~. 2nd or $250,000 at 12%. StMI at $&50,000. -• ... U.' -llYllll NEWPORT 280 2BA near the ocean - $129,900 -en unbelievable prJcel ' BIG CANYON 2bd 2bath -A steal at $179,995 w/terms NEWPORT 4 BDRM reduced from $24'9,000 to $199,900 -Won't tastl HARBOR RIDGE Prof. decorated thruout - only $399,900. Try these beauties on purchase, lease or tease option. Have more. Call today N~ er FID Timi! agt1 631-1266 or 78()..8702 •••• 111111 TURTLEROCK -Lovely 2bd Z1hbath drutlcal1y reduced to $155,000 -:-Must seet SO. COAST PLAZA area. Super sharp S bd - 2 bath 1325 aq.ft. Only S108,900 -Too good to be true! Have more -Hlllll • ,_ ~ 631-1286 or 780-8702 Calt T.odayl Liii PEITlllll 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. 1525.000. -..... 759-1221 f IUll.ISllE llUlll-.. Omtl 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. Fantastic sun rm., beau master ate. w/marble f.p./ocean & city Vu. Huge master ba. W /Imported tiles. One of the lrgst Iota w/rm for pool and lrg. play area. Very, very motivated HUer. Bring -any offer. Lowest price custom at .S11H6,880., $.'ufOi,888., $.1,109,1~ .• $1,200,000. wUI trade equity + GRT. 1st avail. Catt• er tnll DIP. 75~1221. .. 1111'• ,... ····-You m.uat eee to believe all thl1 fine wkmnlhp' br 3 ba. form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. ttie, choice of crpt. Npt. Hota. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13%. •er ""' ... 759-1221. . •WfMT•DTOllll 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge .,,aster ste/sJttlng rm, vu, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. • er 11111119 IEWPHT IEIU11 IMM 3 br. 3 ba. new custom bit. quality bit, upgr,ded crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe this. $155,000. $107,000 1st at 10~%. • ., ... ·-759-1221 UH WATEIFlllT LUSE 2 br. 3 ba. f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. $1800 mo. •.,.,. • .. 759-1221 UllHllMEWIE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., studr., beautifully dee. fge decks., fab. vu. Pr . grd.Jr:.:, pool & tennis. $2700 mo. Submit an • ... ., ..... 759-1221 IUYIEW LUSE 4 br. 3 .~a. f.r., d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd gate. pool & tennis. S 1700 per mo. • ., .. a. 759-1221 •m ... n Outstanding location w/vu of aH back bay & Fashion latand. 4' br. 6 ba. form. d.r. poo4, ap.a, MC. system. s1ea1 at seas.ooo. fee. Wilt trade local. Grt. ftn. avaJt. by ..... -., .... 759-1221. For Information On All , . . ·Properties F·or Sale -In Ttle Following: Communities, Call: ... . 7i4-894-7521;. 213.;.598-3328 Huntington B~ach/Huntlngton Harbour · -714-962-5585; 2~3-592-1525 ~ · Hu_ntlngton Beach/Fountain 'Lalley / NEWPORT BEACH BIG CANYON LIDO ISLE ll'fmll 11•.1• One story custom home on a qulet tree tined street Move.tn condition to be suret 4 BR. Fam Rm, formal DR & exceptional pool, epa & patk> area. Realistic owner transferred. Term• RlllT IUll M11,111 Warm cozy brick fireplace & hearth. Large formal dining room w/french doors, targe patio, great kltthen w/custom cabinets & eating area. Master suite w/Jacuzzl, custom ·papers. lltmn ~ tm,111 Beautiful custom home. Remodeled, redecorated & ready to M<lV8 Into. French doors enhance the brick & lattlCed patio. Family room, 3 BR. Owner highly motivated. . ....... . ''""'' Don't miss the Catalina view fron\ the deck of this spacious, bright & sunny beautifully decorated 3 bedroom condo. A VfJlr/ apectat property -on a qulet cul-de-sac streetl msa 1 a . 1111,111 Adult Uvfng at Its best. Many facHltles to keep you happy & healthy. 2 BR condo waiting for ycu to move In for the summer. Skip. to the beach or stroll to the shops • . UYIMn lllt,lll _\l.aeatlon at home this sur;nmer with y<IAK own sparktlng PoOI & spa surrounded by apack>ua. Immaculate & elegant 4 BR home with remodeled kitchen. A81Ume first & OWC 2nd. t ... ..... .. Enjoy a sweeping view of ocean & city Ughta from this gracious 4 BR FEE home. Prtvaey & aecurlty for your family within this gated comm. · 8SIOC pool, apa & tennis. ...... I~ Reduced In Big Canyon. Gorgeous \/..ailles with golf course view & lovely private yard. 4 BR Include extra large mister suite. Oen with fireplace. Extremely motivated eeQer. • 111111 111 ..... Deane Deauvtlle. Superb loeaUOn oYertooklng the 18th fairway. This dramatic 3 BR family room townhome has It all. Huge muter suite, glass .-lClosed patk> for outdoor IMng. . ..... . 1111;111 Over 2000 Sq Ft of perfection. Deane ·''Bordeaux". 2 BR, large fmnlly room, kitchen & 3 bathe. extremely pttvate end untt location with ltt own pool, spa & fount.an. · • • 111111 11•r111 Ideally located 5 BR townhOme In prestigious area. Exqulattely 9PPC>fnted wtth many custom • -features. Oeal~ed for outdoor living with prtv,te apa·& tovely deck. . ..... ., ..... 4 BR custom home with unmatched vtew of goff course. 3 fireplaces, air conditioned, beamed celllngs, elegant address for active family. Perfect for the executive. • 111111 ~ •ifu•• Country trench family home beauu ully decorated. 4 generous BR'a, den, huge flmily rm, maid'•· Surrounded by IOYely gardene-. ~ brick patk>a, magntflcent large poof & spa. • 111111 •• ,. .. 4 BR overtookJnQ 8th fUway on a YefY private • cul-de-sac. Beauttfully decorated. Air conditioned. ~ dedc .. ape. Lovely low maintenance yard. ...... ., ........ Outstanding 40 ft bayfront Jocatlon with view of main turning basin. Remodel or have boOcjer... owner construct your dream homet Price lnclu• plans, permits & coastal approval. . . . .... Ill.I . 12,111,111 Magnificent Dutch Cotonrif' residence on the bay. 5 BR, Ubtary, formal dining room. with • extensive · U88 of DOllshed woods & tlles. Wtll captivate t~ most dlecrtmlnatlng:_ Pier & ellp ..• .... Ill.I ........ Thia lovely 5 BR plus Den gives the whole ftlmMy thetr own epace. Sunny south patio doee to prtvate beaches & tennis courts. Great famtty community. l.91111.1 .... ,. •• Elegant & epactous. llvlng tip of Lldot 8 BR. 5 bath gracious home. Features hlgh beam cefllngs, private courtyard patk> with new tiled gpa. Home built on two lots. -··· 11••···· Enjoy private beach & tennis courts. CloM by •. Two BR, large famlly room on ·35 ft. Street to street lot. E.Xcellent home & Investment. Make appoJntment today. · Lmlml ., ..... Completely remodeled 4 BR 31n BA hOme on extra wide lot. ldeaJ for elegant famlly lMng. FR doora. oak floors, stained glass, ext uled brick & sunny south patio. Nothrng spared .. ...... .. ..... Newty remodeled spacious 3 BR & Oen hOme on .52 ft. lot. French doors opening to DOOi for lndoor..outdoor family entertaining'. Ask to"'" see this towly home soon_ .~ ' • t;,! . I I .. ~ -~ ~ .... , ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ F"'> -:~ '<,'!:> a ~ II D . ... _, ~l ~ 1 <>-:' ~ ,. !11 ~ 't }, •,a 1 '\ ..,, .. . ' f)NANCING: A vuiety o( IOllS tenn fin&Dcina plans witb initial p.ymet!IS cakuwed. if tbeintetat rate'WCl'e 12~. Ac:naal illlereSI nle IBll)' be bl1bct. Come ou1 today IO th8t we can sbqw you bow this financing can mO¥e you into,.,.,._ home. .Aat about atlOCialion membenhip rces for diis new neigh bofhood. 'Prices efticctive date ol publication. Subject to prior We. . a'9~MCMD~ •. .. VM;fO 14 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to th• OA!LY PILOT/Saturday, June 12, 1982 "This Week end! Keep this handy dlr.ctory with you this w•ellend as you 90 hous~ntln9. All the locations listed Mlow are described In 9,..1ter detail elwwtt.re in today's DAil Y PILOT classtfled Ids. Patrons -advertising open houSH for sale or rent ht The Dally Pilot may list such Information In tt.w columns each 5aturd1y and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 9BMtOOM 2013 Mlrenwi!_elboa Peninsula 675-6376 im15,000 Sat/Sun M ~ Vllta Ce)on, Newport Beech 759-1221 $275,000 Sat 1-5/Sn 12-5 222 Martaokl. C«ona del Mar 631-7300 $340,000 Sun 1-5 * *833 lido Park Or (F2) Npt Bch 760-1900 $495,000 Sun 2-5 10 Vienna, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 840-9605 $395,500 , Sun 2-5 221 Via Hhaca. Lido 19'8, N.8. 873-7300 $335,000 Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $272,500 Set/&.n 1-5 2•e PAM •orDEN 1754 Santa SL, Coete Meea 873--0359 $179,000 Sun 1-5 * 1538 hreMde T«r (trv T.,., CdM $280,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 #3 Rue Fontatnebleeu (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1-5 213 "11, ~ del Mer 8"--9060 $575,000 Sun 1-5 4521 TremontJ. 9ameo Shena, CdM e«--9080 _..95,000 Sun 1-s 227 Via Orvleto, Udo 18'e, N.B. 8"--9080 Sat 1-5 2005 Ylldrt Mllchief, N.B. 873-4082 $419,500 Sun 1~ 1838 Port Char1el Pt., Npt. 8ch. 873-8550 $197,000 Sun 1-5 *19 CUtl Or., JMmlne Crk, w, CdM M()..1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 JMDROOll 1126 E. BalbOa 81. (Penln) BalbOa 759-9100 $1,285,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 430'~ Begonia, Cerone del ~ 875-2500:·:.0'437,000 2508 FOfdMm, co.ta M..a 751-3191 S 121J50 15872 ~ ctrde, H.B. ~1~ 1312 Santanelle, Corona del Mar 873-8550 $220,000 Sat 1-5 427 Catallna, Newport e6ach 8"--721'1 $267,500 Set 1-5 801 Gert pt., Newport Heights, NB MM299 $199,000 Sun 1-5 212 Via Eboll, Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 $498,500 Sun 1-4 5041 Paeeo de Vega, Turtlerock, Irv 760-1900 $167,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 2718 W. Cemden, Santa Ana 983-e787 S103,000 Slt 1-4 Sat 2-6 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 8un 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 .. ~--··· t - 802 Kings Rd., Newport Beach 645-8532 $895,000 Sat/Sun 3-5 8 Morning Glory (Trtlrk Rdg) Irv. 581-1100 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2635 Solen• Way, Laauna e.ctl 494-289• 1345,000 Sun 1-5 810 Kings Rd, Ctlffhaven, NB 648-6960 $565,000 Sat 12-5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach &«-1017 $550,000 Sat/Suri 12-5 1 1905 Diana ln (Mariner's) Npt Bch 955-0809 $191,500 Sun 1-5 375 Camden. Laguna Beach 8$1--6936 $895,000 Sun 1-5 f 1974 Prt Lockstefgh (Hrbr View) NB &«-2573 $248..000 Sun 1-5 2149 Mtramar.(Penln) NB 631-1286 $576,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2989 J.caranda, Mesa Verde, CM 541..aon1s..1-•744 Set/Sun 11-4:30 3715 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bdl 675-1771 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-8 • 2040 Monrovia, Costa Mesa 540-8149 $98,500 SatfSun 1-5 1218 Keel Or., Corona del MW 631-12ee $375,000 Sat/Sun1-5 1721 Kings Rd., Cllflhaven, NE 759-1501 $875,000 Sat 12-5 4511 Cemden (Cameo Shrs) CdM • e1~ne1 $885,000-fee Sun 1-5 *1901 GaAatea (Irv Teir) CdM 873-7'161 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 4 Elderberry, Trtlrk, lrvtne 844-9080 $330,000 Sun 2-5 1907 T~s. Beycrest, NB 844-9080 '325,000 Sun 1-5 1524 Sant.-.. Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $335,000 Sun 1-5 1301 OofpNn Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 631-7300 $1,050,000 SeVSun 1-5 1930 Port Btlatol Cr, HV Hrna, NB 631;,7300 $268,500 Sun 1-5 4714 Cortland, Cameo Hindi, CdM 873-5354 $220,000 Sun 1-5 928 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar . 873-8550 $259,000 SatJSun 1-5 118 Via Quffo, Udo Ille, NB 813-7300 $639,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 321 Kings Rd., Nwpt Hta. N.8. 173-7300 "82.500 Sun 1-5 13 Canyon !stand Or, 86g Cyn, NB 640-5580 $335,000 Sat 1-5 - 201' Pailoma, E/Slde, Co9t• M"8 &48--IMte $199,500 Dally 1-5 4 MDROOM 222 Cent. Balboa lalend 875-e921 $531,000 S•VSun 1-5 **748 Vla Udo Nord, Udo Ill, NB e.«-eoeo $1 ,995,ooo s•t 1-s **748 Via Udo Nord, Odo Ill, NB 644-9080 Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Rd., Newport Helghta, NB 831·1400 $398,500-Sat/Sun 1-5 424 Belvue, Penlntola Potnt. NB 831-1400 $4091000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 9R plue FAii RM 0# ~ 488 DeSola tirr., COf'ona dee Mar 875-5930 1399.000 Sat 1-4 233 Polneettl•, Coron8 det Mar 873-4271 Sat/Sun 1·5 15~ T.ooeBeech Sat/Sun 1-6 '97 Ntghttwiwk, Wooclt>ndge, lrvlne 867.oeo4 $239,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 2100 &.ntlago, Dover th«el. NB • 842-7888 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 GMDty Dr., Dover Shores, NB 541 1847 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1412 s.ntlego, Npt Bch e31-12te .'375,000 S.t/Sun 1·5 3474 Wlndaor Cpurt, Costa Meu , 87~11 Sun 1~ 19122 Biddle, Trtlrk, lrvlne 759-1501 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry HUii, Btg Cyr\, H8 _JM.4-9080 $1,305,000 Sun 1-.5 #8 Rue VMl8n, Btg Cyn, N.B. &M-8080 ms,ooo Sat 1-5 * 1715 G.eetM Tetr, trv. r.,,, CdM 644-9080 $498,000-L.H. lun 1-8 •1148 Tradewlnda. ~. NB 844..eoeo $385,000 Sun 1-5 1r1805 G61nwood, Baycr•t, NB . 144 9080 $349,500 Sun 1-8 toe a..cnut. E·Bluff, H.B. 759-1901 $440,000 Sun 1-5 *2708 Uahthouee Lw. HVH, CdM ~ $485,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 Sun 1-.5 Orange County Real ~etate/An Advertl1lng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sat~rday, Juae 12, l982 -15 1924 Port Weybridge, HVH, NB &44-7938 $269,500-fee Sun 1-5 1296 Londonderry, Costa Meea 648-2313 $142,!500 Sat 1-4 1085 Skvttne Dr., l..aQun• Be8Ch 497-3639 $525,000 Sun 1-5 3202 Delaware Pl., Mna ·Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1948 Port Chel9ea, HV Homes, NB 640-7877 $360,000 Sat 2·5/Sun 1-4 ' •112'4 081\8, Wimbledon VIiiage, CM $45-0303 $285,000 S.t 1-4 3408 Wlmbi.cton Way, Wimbledon VIII, CM 64~3 $255,000 S.t 1-4 ' 2811 Lorenzo, Mesa det Mar. CM 631-7370 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Udo ISie, NB 875-30481873-2558 S.t/Sun 1-.5 I RDROOM **4028 Ch8nnel Pl., Nwpt ISiand, NB 873-0202 '"5,000 s.t/Sun 1·5 . 1533 Miramar.I.~· Penln. Pt., NB 873-n81 "49,000 Sun 1-5 **1415 E. B8)' Ave, 881 Penln, NB 644-9080 $1,800,000 Sun 2·5 · • **21$ Vla Udo Soud, Lido, NB 780-1900 $2.25 Mlltlon Son 1..5 **708 Via Udo Nord, ~ 191. NB 875-4'~81 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 I 9R .... FAii Ml or DtE.N **1008 W. Bay Ave, Bal. P9ntn, NB 644-9080 $~,000 ... Sun 2-5 **2500 Bllylhore Dr, 8aylhra, NB 831-7300 s1,eso,ooo Sun 1-s 35 Rktgelfne Dr, Harbor Rktge, NB 780-1900 '2.~.ooo Set/Sun 2-1 *#2 Wlnaed Foot. Bia Cyn, NB 873-7300 $875,006 s.t 1-4 1321 Outrigger, Oorona det Mair • 844-820(J-... 50.000-Fee Set/Sun 1"'5. *12 Trefllger, Hrbr Adoe, N.8. . 844-8200 $2,500,000' Set/Sun 1-.5 • 442 a.aonla. Corona det Mw ~ $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-.5 I • ,.._ FAii Ml or DtE.N 93e Via Udo~. Udo tile, N.8. · fM.4..8080 '8$0,000 8-/SJAn 1-5 **115 Harbor llland Rd., N.B. 831-7300 •1.500,000 *1848 N9wport .... Dr E. HV ...._ &42.e235 $486,000 D9lly 1-6 209-19th St., Balboa Penln., NB 831-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 a BEDROOM *314 Ave Cumbre (Bluffa) Nwpt Bch 759-9100 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1741 Tustin 8A (E/Slde) CM 845-9181 $140,000 Sat 1-4 304 Eaplenade (Blufft) NB 840--0020 $272,000-FM Sat/Sun 1-5 2559 F, Elden Ave., Costa Meu 87S-1n1 $152,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 885 Vista Bonita, Blutft". N.B. Sat 1_5 831-7300 $29,000 2653 Vitt• <>made, Bluffs, N.B. 644-9080 $279,000-Fee Sun 2-5 ~ Selicove ln., Coata Mesa &48-7171 $175,000 Sun 1-8 102 Blue Lagoon. Laguna Beach 831-1400 $545,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 24~4 Vista Hoger, The 81ufft, NB 831-1400 f179,500 Sat 1 .. 5 I • plul FAii Rll or DEN 117 Rue vntert (Big Cyn) Npt Bch 759-8100 S72S",000 Sat/Sun 1-5 200IJ' Yacht Defender (Seevu) NB • 7~~100 $450,000 Sun 1-5 4 IEDIK>Oll 3&4 LourdM l.Me, Cost• ..... 545-2241 $129,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 .. TOWNHOUSES -FOR SALE I ....ooM • 33973 Cep9 Cove, Uauna Niguel &40-2571 $259,000 . Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE . 2 ··--111t 315 Ina, Corona dei Mllr 8'4-9080 $318,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 a••1• 108Auby.~~ 844-9080 M10,000 Sat 1-5 1510 Abalone Pl, Biii. llland, NB 873-6900 1535,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 ., I I I i j j I ( l I • I I I 1l l r , l f f ----........ -cqrt nrru.rt © mm1nrn1 co.rtrnnr • OJSTOM ON THI GOLF COUISI One of the finest famtly t.om. 8Yllllable -in the Canyon. 8 large bedrooms wtth maid'• quarters and a eeperate 2 bedroom de wtth tta own IMng room. Terrtftc vtew and eoc:.t1on on the 9th fairway. VERY private poot S1.8 mMHon and owner wtH help wtth ftnanclng. CUSTOM ON THI GOU' COUl5I Thia new Uatlng II one of the ftnMt examples of contemporary architecture avallable 4 bedroome and Its own YfllY private pool and ape. Recently 1emodeled with a VERY modem kitchen. There II no home Jn the C8nyon with M mudt prtv.cy. 11.76 Mlllloft. CUSTOM ON A l'llVA11 2.25 ACll PAIK AdJolnl•~ a wonderful chllilreri"• ~ground, thta I bedroom ........... tt ... Prtv• pool lind ..,.. fMicr• qulliWI; and tNet 5,600 ._...,_.of eec:ulM tlMIJ)lvtng. Owner_. help wtth ftnenclng to a qulllttled buyer. :The~ 11,1.585 Miiion. . • OMNI TOWNllOIM -QJSTQM POOt. & SPA MN on the nwket, U. 3450 eq,.ft.erid 'tMllt O.Mll provtdee the u1t1mate with "°" COUt'M veew. nw.. blldrooma. three full baths, 1a1na end a ,._ "no ~,, yin CC>ml)lete thi9 ottwtng. Kuge -.wnable tlnandng. $791,500 •. 'DIANI TOWNllOIM -ON THI GOLP COUl5I Thil new on the nw1cel MarMo le pe1c:hed right on the ~ courM and II VllQ9nt and ,...., to move In. The price le below _. nt 1he owner '-~ he • IWe, ''::::::' or oubW1t Mlf. ~ 0ver $400,ooo o1iow 1ntere1t .... ._ ar .... eeor.;; WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM BAYSIDI -MAIN OtANN& Sknply the finest waterfront home avallable In the entire city. Over 8,000 aquare feet lnctudlng your own white, aandy beechll 7 bedrooms, private pool & apa and a view from all rooms. You'~ got to ... It to believe ltl Super gourmet kitchen. $5.75 Mllllon. CUSTOM LINDA ISU -MAW CHANNB. New On the market, this llmply fabuloua Country French Normandy eetate II lltualed "on the point" In one of the premier private c:ommuniU. In the world. Over 5,000 square feet, with private pool and ..,a. Over 127 feet on the water Md a lltp to accommodate the largest of bolds. For the connotaeur., S5 Miidon. CUSTOM HMIOl ISLAND -MAIN CHANNm: Thie le the ._. home to become 8dllable on twt>or leland In r.oent time.; ~ adult IMng wtth lta own pier 8"d llp to acc:ommodat• a 100 foot boat. UnueuaUy lllrge 9'M8Y • on the • harbor side. Reduced by '800,000. Price '4.2" rnllllon. CUSTOM UNDA ISll ~ MAIN CHANNB. Over 8,500 8QU81'• feet of ... eleQ8nce with breethtaklng vteWI from all Important rooma. 1ndoor7outdoor pool and apa wtth retraictabte rooftl Over 78 feet on the water. Sit down bar to W.. the boat trafflc and bMutJful IUOMta. Huge -..mable. 13.8 Mae>n. CUSTOM LIDO 1511 -UDO OtANN& . . Can you blllwe 11.4 Miiiion of auumeble flnMClng on a Udo waterfront! Y04Jf own pier and alp io acoommodate LAROE BOA T8 and .n OWi lllie IOtJ Thia home hu a huge cuatom St. etwtea k~ and vtewa to take your brMth flf!8Y. 12.25 Mllllon. Artistically etched into a gentle hillside adjacent to • the fairways of Irvine Coast Country Club, Sea Island is , oriented to panoramic views of the golf course, Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newport Center and Fashion Islahd. Explore this semi-tropical environment of exotic trees and flora, emerald ~agoons and magnificent landscaping. You'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive statement of fine living, a world of elegance, guarded- gate security, recre4ation and sophistication that reflects the Legacy of Style for which Newport Beach is uniquely renowned. .. - Select your new residence from a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bedroom floor plans, ranging up to 3,003 square feet and appOinted according to Sea Island's theme of the quintessence of privileged lifestyles. Newport Beach A Lega of Style. • • • ' j ' I ! ___.__ _ _____c_ _ _____.,__~_...__ 'J . . . \ t' . ' J ·~ I I u t. : .. : .' II '. p ,,,,, . In;~.~ il :;'; .. !llf 0 ' f rr I J!f l u• · · ... ·" (ifl •= ~ ·11 -· \ .. -.--.,. · · · I . · · t ,. .. · ':5 I ~>~~~-~·· ~~,f1 i•· -·1:1 .. 11f·iii:·,lU " · '1•f1Lr+,I · '! ,fJE ,l1f-, .'1 1fl;1f1l~t1nf· f1t-; .. · .. a: tfr~ ~ · .. · > · . .-i' -· 11~ · ( ,u . _:, { ~111.•1 c· -j 1.. -~ ~ . i;J:~ .: .. ~.+'I ,. ~ _ ·J 'I'' ;tr:n1 ~ 1111 ·'~if t . iirf _i '-~~~,~:~ii, ·:'. ~·lf~.~f ·. ·;i':.,,1!1 , r. Ji;·"t: ,~~;~~~--~ 'f f ."·, J f ~ .r~ ~; !~~~f ~,1 tint ··:I l :· .. ~ ~t ~ ,Lh~-.~'11·"·:'.!J&-. ·~·11Gi' '~!1:1r . 111,. c 11i111 =~~-g·r ~. J?· .,, ... ~·a· 1· ft': =s:.11 111_, ... J'.I ~ " ,., • · ~ ' _, '-J I • -• 0 > " • I , • I , , • , ' J t i r . , !·· · ·~i. '.· · : ... ~ ·•'·r ~ .. <'~;:-.~~ . . :• ::; !•I · .· IJ _ " .. sii~il·. ~~t:I ~: .. !11;;~t .. ,i .. ~11 .i~'~li; .-•i f · • if . ,.0 1J1 (·-I ··J' La' ~lff II (HI .la ti : if , ·-·s I ·1 le\),(, ... ''I : 2 ' ·e·1:1 ·· 1· r t 1 · .~ ··i!l ~·~ I , · · .,._,.. I ' ..... r: . • • -w·~~· .. . . -I .... 1:i1 !Jilt -:::,. 1 ... ~~:·~---:~'!·rJI· ~1 .. :~1:;~[11 .... •· i ·. J•!I .: t = . .:.J '· · -:·1 ~. r• "·(• '9 =.... l• .. , . , . •. I . ' --' ... I ' t ' '-:1-ir . .. J ' n . . 1111 . j! (' . . {., '·· 1 .. ' it' ~ 1t ~. • -; 'I; I .. .. ' l I ... I~ .. • f ; • l .' ' . ' -. . .. ! • , . • . I !. I • -• • • ~ I ' • ,.-1 -l · I I . . i, ,, ··: ·' -:: ;f'." la . · l .. : :<·, _.. ,!. l~ -~ • .. J · ... d ,., ·r:\ J i . . ·Jli rlH 1 : "1'J . ·' . c • • •, ' . ' - ' • ~ ~'.1~ • ~ ·_ • • •• • .• ;.,.-• • ~ "· ; > I'• -• ·-·:' :;_ . .f ,• -. . :-: •• ~--., ~ ··:~:ff•[} !z!a~~!I•. I 1[1 _If fl~:·l,J.l ;;:B.-ll.f'I. ·.~~1.1:1·~ ~Jllll·r~.· :lll litf'li· 11'Jll 2 J1 n, .. ~'·-1•1:_ ,lif•'f"rt ·11,-.. ~Ja:r· ,.~~-·~':J~\ '.,. L~ .. ·i, __ :,~ L·~o.: • .-1· -.. '"1' t di. '11~·1 .. ~i1 ·11 i1 f 111 -:1'. ··~.IJt •• "-•.;.. r d _ ~~II l'-'·l H•'a If fl J '"' H2 lift .• ia . .f. If ;1·: . . .. , . · ~.1J•I. . ill +. ·0·:J!~1.1 Jr ·•al•.1. i •' r•IJ! .... -11 frrr ill 91=11' I . $ 1rla '·'~l·.:h.·IJ' .ifr ~JI~ ·l''J .till ·11.1 ·-lrJ .. 1.l 1 di ·' llirlJf ; ., n , .. ,}·hi ;,i(·.1 .-··1 1,11.. .... ~ r.J rs • .•• • ' "'l -~.. -• • , ... --...!~ .. • . ' {~ ~· :1 .a ~ i .. ~· i ; •'( .. ~, ... a. • ~ .. • Orange County Real Eatate/An Ad~lelng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, .June.12, 1982-_:-19- Put your life on the right course with a prime fairway homesi~ at the famous Indian Wells Country Oub in the Palm Springs area. 36 select lots are available, all on the fairways ol this prestigious course, ~all in the desirable cow section. , It's the petfect place to build your dream honie. Behind the security ol the countr)r club's te-g\Jarded entrance, lb= lots sizes .. ·~ : ' ' ........... A wonderful warm contemporary baytront -the view breathtaking thru the mitered wtndowa. The Santa Marta atone & marble enhance the feel & charm throughOut. Included are 3 BR. 4 bathe, fwnlty rm, lbrary, & a .up for a 50' yllCht. Off9red fumflhed at $4,760,000 Lynne Valentlne 844-e200. (0-11) W1I Wl111 mw Mlllll I Jetty & harbor. Thla cuatom dellgned tr1..Jevel residence offers '4 BR, fam rm & game rm. White oak floor11 lkytlghta, French doors & deddnQ on all 3 lewis. Pftvate master suite w/apa. $3,675,000 Lynne Valentine• 6«-8200. (0-12) IS ........ ,. Elegant 5 BR, 5'A BA handcrafted home rtJgally lodted high atop preetlgtoua Spygtue Hiii. Breathtaking views, family rm;Ubrary, matr suite w/flreptace. Pool, Spa, ~or. 3-cw garege w/motor court. Fun eecurtty. 12.295,000 Lynne Valentine 844-6200. (013) ___ ..... ,..,... View of coast Hne, jetty & offlhore lllandt with accea to eandy beech below. 2 family rm1 -5 8RS & den with wet bar & parquet floor. Cuatom dee'Gned patio with pool. 12,500,000 Fee. Lynne Vmentlne 644-6200. (D-1;t) IPflLlll•t• A luxur1oua country Enolilh Mtate on the highest knoU in Spygtaa w/apectacular view. ~ for the dlecrimlnatlng buyer, thts 5 BR home lncludee gated entry, clrc:uW lfatrcue & epaclool master eutte wtth flreptace. S1,975,000 Lynne Valentine 844-8200. (0-15) .. Uil&lll1 Water, water everywhere ••• There are water vlewa from aN the fMng area of this Jnnovatlwty dellgned home on a 50 ft. IOt w/exceetent docktng fadlltJee. '4 BA, '4 BA. FR. OR. a.... W/ctllfY lg 2nd. Beet -price In town $1,550,000 Including land. Dona Chk:heeter 842-8235. (~1~ . ···--·· Simple yet elegant 3 BR home In Newport'• flnett guarded community. Quainy workmanthlp & appotntmema plus W1IY livable floor plan for the dlecemlng oouple or email famlly. View. $1,295,000 Land Included. Martha M.cnab 6-42-8235. (0-17). OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-5 10 Napolt/HllbOr Rktge • II .. -H•W&Y WIT& A prestigious location hlghllghta this '4 BR elegant Veraallle w/grand · tlled entrance & ftret lelMt master suite. Exl*lded fam. rm w/brtck fireplace. Gourmet gatden kttchen. Spacioul terrace w/t>tack bottom pool & spa. Security. $8t5,000 Lynne Valentlne 644-6200. (0-18) ........... , Traditional wtth dramatic extrul Bultt by IV8ll Weffa. Spack>ut rma for entertatntng. Glau reVllctable roof, 3 ftreplec., mirrored wait•, handaome mur•, 4 bedrma. Luehty llnd.caped yard with pOOf, ape, & waterf .... Offered at *815.000 lnckKHng land. Cethy Schweickert 842-8235. (0-19) Ul1ILlff I Yll1ll Lg. '4 BR home w/wonderful family rm & den addltlon. The family-play rm has an ornamental fPIC w/ralMd marble hearth, m&rrored wetbar & carved ceiling. Lg. view lot w/room for play, p6cnlc & party. $299,500 leasehold. Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanea &42-8235. (0-31) •11111111n11• -Priced below all otherl of thJa size -tlPfuced up wtth new paper & paint. 4/5 BRa -nloe family rm. Good *9d IOt. a.ma -brtck. Owner WKY motivated -bring offer. 1299,000 leelehold. 8eYertv Morphy 842-8235. (0-32). OPEN HOUSE ·SUN 2·5 . 2832 Cr•t~/Baythor•. Ul'llLlff -·-·· ml UBnl .. 4 BR, tam rm, "Charmer." Situated on lg. MVated comer lot In exclM1nt neighborhood near lh<>Potno a llChoole. 8elW w/Wlet w/ft!\llnelng. '225,000 Belle Ch..e lM l44-8200 (D-33) ....... Ablolutety ammacutate. 8rtQht a ~ Moneco w/lldd on bedroom. ~ ph.11 den In p#t( Ilk• Mtttno. a.uttful patJo. Room for poof. uoe.ooo LH. Lo1e Ep\ &W-e200. CD-M> 142-123• NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH . LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY IN NEWPORT BEACH Located just a half a block to the beach, this duplex has 2 two bedroom units. With 20-i5•t. down. owner wllf carry for five ye~rs. $235,000 Call Davie Hlrechler at 144·1020 . ; SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-25% DOWN This Newport Beach leasehold duplex Is just a few steps to the be~h. Live In one. rent the other. Flexible seller otters good low Interest financing $225,000 Call David Hlrachler •t 144-7020 TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR BAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance thi s already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Seller relocating, wilt be flexible. $259,000. Call Dcwothr Slmpeon at 144-7020 THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms. den and 21/1 baths features an addltlonal fireplace, vaulted celllngs. hardwood floors, wet bar, pool, private beach and stained Qtass. $825,000. Cati 144-1020 ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambllno ranctl home la Ideal for first time buyers or Investors. Need• a little TLC but weU worth It! Large lot Is Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $189,000. Cal JoMna Hendrte at 144-7020. THE SHORECLIFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large assumable first plus eetler will carry a large S.Cond on this charming home with gourmet kitchen, hardwood floor•. a large patio, family room, wet bar and wine cooler. In addition.- this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with den enjoya"Uae of a private beach. $850,000 CaH OOrothJ ........ at 144-7020 JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ocean view resldenoa has good Income potential. Right near the beech with 2 levels, garage, carport. MWWal Bdrm• & low Interest assumable financing. 1225,000. Call 144-7030. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Beectt condo Is within euy walking distance to beach end shopping. Motivated teller wlll assist buyer to purchaM thta 3 bedroom home with beam cetllng,, country klt,hen and many other upgrades. $275,000 Call .................. ,. . MO.TIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERS! This commercial property on the oceanside of the Hwy. In C9rona del Mar has two units with parking In rear. Terms . available. $750,000 C•ll Jim Seller• at 144-7020 FOR LEASE IN EX~LUSIVE ~RBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean a city light vtews. that come with this 3 bedroom, 21h bath ome awash In neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique llfeelyle that typlflee Newport Beech. For leue at $2000 per month. W U r....., lnW .............. ,121. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VliW DUP&.:EX Make this Income property your new summer home with ideal rental units: With 20-1. down, owner will carry at 12•1 •. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps. to the beach with 2 fireplaces, patio and . double garage, posslbffltles are almost endless. $475,000 Catt Stephanie Burns •t 144-7020 GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of th& ocean, city lights and mountains greatfy enhance this "Devonshire" mOdel with 4 bedrooms, 3'h baths, two fireplaces, two t,rge deck•. an atrium and excellent aasumable low Interest financing. $695,000. C•ll Ed Eac8no or JucfJ Joran at 144-1820 GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walking distanoe of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets, new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395,000 Cail 144-1020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city light views Hlumlnate this 3 Bdrm home with family room, 2 8atha, contemporary 1tytlng, 2 patios, courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfat nook & much, much morel $495,000. C8'1 Hanle Strock at 144-1020. PRESTIGIOUS HARBOR RIDGE This spacious luxury condominium loaded with upgrades has oak hardwood floors, a beautiful marble entry, plush carpeting. large deck overlooking the lake, 2 fireplaces plus 4 bedrooms, famlty room, 3'A baths and views galore. $595,000. c ... Joe c.r.rattt at 144-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community is the aettlng for thfs 4 bedroom. 2'h bath home with deck. professlonal land9caplng, courtyard entry, high ceUlng1, fireplace and skylight. Just be&utlfull $585,000 Call Judy Jordan or Ed hano at M4-7020 NEWPORT~GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This welt ar~ foi' • bedroom. 3 beth home has lmpresstve city • light and Catallna sunaet views plus good assumable and seller financing available. $495,000. Calf .1uctJ ,,..... or Id Eeceno et 144-TmO. ' · , .. , ......... Al,.,_.....,,.. In '"'' new1p1per 11 eubfect to .... ,.,.,., T H E: REAL ESTATE:RS ,.,,, tblllno Act of ,... - ~_,; ::t:.:. I .... 11111 oe, llmWoft °' dllartml-UI llMIJ nation Meed on rece, -ootor, rellelon. Nit or Complet~ remoct.led MlloMI oitgtn, tK any lntenllon to mah any ~ pr9Mi••· llmlta-"°" ot dlecrtmlnettort ... Thie .... ....,.. .. not lcnowt.:J.IY accept eny ..... "'°'' ...... .--'tlflldt .. lin vlol9tion ot••· 11•1111 Advertl- ..,. ~check their .... dally Wld report error1 lm- m ed I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT u- IUCY* tlabllity tor the nm lnc;orrect lnMrtlon only. lW Immaculate 4 Br, 1 ~ hoMe w/oono. dl"9. PoOi -t mot. n•• coppet ............ ~ ...... .. .... end fabutous curb et>PMl-t U ,HO down. Only tl.12% El. S13t,500 ..... 111 PMllll ••lll1 Incredible beluty, ek!prit 7,000' on 211' acrea (8olne flat; 10me very hilly). 4~ t.utlful maible b9thl. expemtve oak paneUed waU1 & cemnaa, exqulmte cleccW. St.one columm. iron fence, electric 1•te•, 1ot1eou1 landaupln1. $1,295,000. ·Submit terml, tndla. ........ , •.• Delightful WeMClif.f .._ 3BR family homie. Beauu.M Pool & patio area,_1uperb for entertaini.Qf. Sellers delperate & have reduced tllldDC price $14,000. WW connder leue/ option purdme. Only $235,000 9uzaJme Shula' 842-8236. 3 Bdrm home, prime Coate Meaa location. fn.dt trees galore, last year 400 pb• •vocadoa harvested tram 1 tree alone. Owner wW carry lone term. Jaw intereat financins. Flexible down payment. . In •nn1i11II1JM~..,,. Enjoy the bch & comm. pool. ncquetball and tennia. ~y 3Br 2ba, fam bm. Owner financing. Newpon Beech. $192,000 . ........ .. C.ondo -1 yr new. Stained glam. L intercom. Fr. doora, wet bu, frplc, 1"' .,..11 auo•t -• microwave oven,.-compactor. Pvt spa. Charmiftl 4 Br. & larae faailly room. $152.000. E'lide. C.M • Brick firepba, country kiteben, quJet ... t. ...... lll-1TI1 reaidential area. Lons term aeller 1111 11111 e.e. ... financing. $229,000 includlna ~· !!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gl· 1• PL Ull• 1-1 ------.. Br, 2 ~ Ba. ideal family home. Oxnmunity pool & park. Cul de Ille. Aaaumable lOM~ loan. $390,000 includinl ocean view land. 1111 IW • WIT UT!• 1-1 .. _, -Ull 1~ MiWWWf ...... au_ .. ,_ QWei, partc-llke eett:ing. Rm for J*idle tennis and pool Greet foe orchard. Cul de l8C st a ~ f..m nn. $379,500 includfna land. Alk about a 1~ lntenst loan on thia home. ....... ····--Terrific blveatment opportunity South of the Hwy. Just a ff!W • blocb from the '-ich. Top rental property c:urrendy eem1nc $14!50 per month. Amune exkdnC low Interest f:inancinc. A .Uper value at just $230,000 . .. 7 lllTS $180,000 All 1 Bdrm unit. wtth carpor1a. Located ln Riveralde Cty. a_nd recently refurbished. Good Income. Assume existing ftnanclng. Try $25,000 dwn. owro llSPERATE Baa bought another home. Largest 4 Bdnn 2 Ba single story in Msa del Mar. . Allumie low interest loan & owner will -s.t tn f1nancina remainder'. Full price $1~900. 731·7370 ~·~., r i~X of Costa Me~ ------- ----...-.....· .. Orange County AMI &tate/An Adverttlmg Supplement to the DAILY PfLOT/Saturday, June 12, '1982 -23 ace.n & ie«Y views.~ room. ' bdrm. a bath, 3700 iq.fL $1,385,000. Oceanfront. ... 1111-. __ .... _ ... 1 .. Prime Udo Nord bayfront. ~ bdrm. 5 ~ bath . Lee L.R., 2 boet llips suoo.ooo. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + ..,. rec. nn. beam ceilinp, fumiahed. padoL $420,000. a.ma Ill.I llRlllJ Laaoon view from 6 bdrm. ~ bath. playroom. daik rm. den, Boet .Up. Sl.3!!0.000. IAT181Clft SpeNcu.lar bayJront \IMw 2 br, 2 be up: 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 boet Iii~ Sl.800.000. ...... CAYS 0.-onado Island cust. bayfrant Jot. 15' boat dock. Pblm avail Bed. '370,000 w/tenna. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR 1 l .. I/ , , t • • t .. ~ 1' I ~J NEWPORT HElGH'lS vmW. 4br + POOL wttb cape Ced delfF. PRICE REDUCED $80,000 Below-marbt!. LEASE OPTION $10,000 DN in CLUTHAVEN. . ~ POOL home. HM lt all! 'ro'f AL LEASE payment appUe9 to purchMe. $355,000 NEWPORT HEIGHTS "CHEAPIE'' New an mUket! 2bn 2 beth PLUS tam. rm. WON'T LAST at $189,500! 111 YM ,, .. ,, Then INa neet & dNr\ 3 Bdrm ..,. .. )uet '°' rou. Ex~ll. financing wtth • "" ...,..,.. ,. T.O. at t%~ FUii Pftoe 1139,tOO. 751..itt1 c:::. I ' --f'-'.' • I ftllllllm 1m•m Ontv '20,000 dn can bu)' thl• pr•t1Qlou1 upgra- ded 2 8d& den, 2 8a&2 cat oar-oe. ,MOramk: ..... communlt)I pool BalOw maltl« at ''~ 000. cal Glelt 11111• • -••'I R&M~ ... , .. .......... ··~·· ., .. .... Private baaoh, me & cheery comfortable ...... s ltrga bedroomt &dan,tbaltla,lr.peca end much morel Wiii trade dawnl INCLUDES THE LANDI Owner! Agent 17S-1111 or '75-70IO. Mn.ooot -~';)) . ,- 17Mttt . ' . , ..... ....... ,. ,.,, lrs ....... .............. .............. fl ~--............ , ... .,., ....... . ............... . ., ........ ... .... ..... ,.. ....... .......... ".,... .... ,.....,w 1#1 • ••••••••••••••••••••• -..1....a Thie .. a V9f'Mlla 2 Bdrm 2 bath, 2 unit home . Flreplac. In llv rm, 111- ched Olllltig, formal di· nlnO room, dtll gerage. Qoee to ~ 1339, . 000. ..... , 1111 • mrr ....... A PETE BARRE TI . REALTY COUO.....-T MALTGM K•tt .... Htt L Celill..,. 2 bdrm. 1 ba.. Price c-..... 1295,000. Good ftnan·- 171·111' clng. 544-1211 ~:~ .. ~ ~~ .. JI!! --.--.... -.... -iiii ... ............. ... ..... • ... 3 ..,.,, 3 beOI, '°""" -t1atN rt1Wt1tfel CflarmlrtO 4 bdrm. 3'4 dllq. lalOeJMlll<> •IO-•• bL 2 tty Don~ 880. Dbl gerage, room HUit ,.,,,. f tr home. br"kfAt room, tor boet or RV. GrMt ....... ..... .... flrepi.ce, many extru. flNlnClng. Qoee to tenni. ltlf Ir. letlltert. S53t.ooo. 222 Coral. & .. ~-.., 1-1 ........._._ ...., Open Sat/Sun 1-6. ~. - -• <>wnar!Aoant-e1M921 11n L ..._ ... ...... ...., UniqYe & c:Nnn1ng a bra Ml-1211 t t I • t I 1 t • I t loft. Lae/09t or nde tor ... •• unite. en.au. ...... -.y ··-A PETE BAAR En REALTY ............. ,~==~=; Join our new Orange Count)' offl~ Hlllng .,..,,... Opportunltlee. a•--rcp locaUon. ~-.. We'll give rou exee tnlnlnO In Bullr*9 Br 11-. -• ftald 1Nt'• ..cs. op«! with oppclftll- ntty • ,,.. ...... MaoclMe ... VR. 10" can eicpect t30 000 to N0,000...,.. ~ ,,,.t C:.~r .. "e1p1nv lfTlllll cNrtga hand8 prof ... a.'\1111)1. RE llo req'd. To~ an lntaNllw llU.a ., .. ,. 11•1n111 ..... laa ,,ard. blodl ... .nd. 6cet auumable loan, 12~ Int. filled. OWnar tays "SELL" cal for ln- formetlon. ~ ............ 4 ldrm & 3 Ir, 2 be MCI\. Qanoa. Xlnt cond. Gl'Mt~loenat •~ Int. Prtoed to ... at 1295.000 -hard to beet INa pnce. cal to ... _,_ ...... ,. 11M1• , I I I I I .I I I I I I I I 24 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. June 12. 1982 MUST SELL • 2llf ~ 18', 40· A2. O'S*! 8.WSun 315.,... ln«IOI . . R&M~ ...... MUet ..... bf, 2 be. >Ont floor plen. _Appnlleed et St•0,000. Priced at s 1~0.ooil w. a10,ooo oo.n. S135.000 w .... ooo. owe. Bkr (213) n1.-1. PUI Pl.ACE m11u C7t4t 494-1177 4 II. 2~ II. BETTE.A THAH STEAL m MOOEl. .._..__. s100.ooo. e:.· HAS EVeRYTHINO ..,......_ Cukte-uc 9treet 090U9 3400 eq. fL ' • 4 Sun & 8811 II Club Ba. 180 degr .. ~ 20 "*'·to ... ~ Houae Sul\. ~ c.n. 1·5. 1015 Skyllne Or. 1210,000 with a1eo.ooo 1525,000. &lllmll. Oull ... ·--~---' & P I a c • P rop• r ti• 1 •• ''~ ..,.... 111 • 75~Mt20 or 840-7814. No=-~~. Lower Thr• Arcti Bey Gtt no-«M7 Ocw1 vu. Dtvorce for· Owns/Amt C. MIL Offer OI trade. ~~~~~-~~~ Owrt«JAf11. '9941"' 2 M/1\t I& -IM.f • lUll End unit on WOOded GrNI OcMtt View. w• grnR*t. lt11,llOO. to prtute aeacri. 3 _ _.,._1s_2_-'33_1 __ _ bdnn, 3 be. ~room. Own«'""' ...... 5113,.1\a.1113 OTH BLlff -BAY V1W It -11 rare ttl•t you find the popular "E" plan, end unit on FEE LAND. It la something very apecial when It has financing. tool 20% down and owner wlll carry ffnanctno to flt your budget. $365,000 -call today. I .................. 1 ... H ........... carm••· pool, AIC & more. S2,.l,OOO . ~ 41t : • • \ l . ,, ' I ~ ' .: ' • '' t. I I '• l " ~ ' ' r, l 1 -------i \ \ ' l . ""' .. ~~.r.~ ~rm!' ... ~ .. !~ft e.eut1tu1 2 er 2tMI cones. Compl•t• with TV. wHher, dry9', llnen1,,. dllhH, etc. Wiii 1hort term. Nr. Hoag Ho1p. 11200. 97S-2543 or" no .,., a.-~ Ad No. 467, IM2 .... 300 24 hta. WA TERFAONT • 18' on pvt qul91 Nwpl Jllend. Mature adll, no pell t550 mo. 975-7297. 752~n33 Reuon•ble. Sml older atudlo apt. In ,.., • nice area, pref9f employed gentleman. 94'4·8394 .,.., -. 111911111 $450/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. ept1, PltlOa, c.rpor11. Im pee ok. Won't llllt 11 ttlla prtoel TSl ...... .. -----~---------- •• 28 -: ara.,. County RMI Eatate/ An Advertlllng Supptemerit to the DAILY PU.OT /S.Uday, June. 12, 1982 ... , US--... UT I -1-1 -Loweet price kT Harbor View Hlk 3 Bdrm & den, huge lot, model perfect. Large "haumable loan. CNIC. 928 Goldenrod, Corona det Mar. Call 873-8550. NW • ***' -Thi. custom bUllt 4 Bdrm pool home comet with super. vlewa of Newport'e upper Back Bay and city llg"ttl Seller offers great terme. A bargain at $210,000. Celt todayt 848-7171. _. llY, t18--Beau'tlful Buc:cola ranch home recently redecorated. Space age kitchen with new wood cabfnete, huge master eulte wtth walk-In -Cloeetll. big, big llvlng room with crackling fireplace. The back yard le an entertainers delight with aparkllng poof, BBQ ·and covered patio. Much; much more. Call now, won't latt. 548-2313. .. ' ... 11 ... rem -Wltt1 $.15,000 down 3 Bdnns. with prtvate ma11er IUite, ~ qu9rtera, country kltchen, patio end grounda. Only 195,000. Cd noW. MS-7881. ITITILY lalll Riii -BMuttful Englllh Tudor wl1h fOmW dlM1a. huge tMng room with crackling fireplace. IJrNkfut nook, huge muter IUlte, atudy or ffbrary off hlng room. t.ge bonus or In-law· qu.,... with ftrep1aoe, wood beam C8Ulng8, etc. Thia beautlfuf home .. being offered at S17V,OOO. In an .... of mllllon doll9f propertlee. CaH now for~. to ehow. 548-2313 . ··-man -3 yeara new. Extra large .. Bdrm . on 1 etory, ·formal Hvtng and dining, gourmet kitchen, separate famlty room'. 2 stone fireplaces, easy care rear ground& + spa. 3 car garage & trailer accea. Asking $284,000. Call 963,.7881. lllT IAIUll -Value priced 4 Bdrm, 2 bath pool home In excellent Ooeta Mesa locatlonl M1nutes close to achoola and major lhoppfng. Sellor offer& to aaelet buyerl Call now for detallel 646-7171 . ... 11AllD -Only $7 4,900. 2 Bdrm condo. Community pool, apa, dubhouee & eecurtty. Aaeume loana. 873-8550. WMT l IUL -Sharp 2 atory townhome With a $66,400 aaaumable FHA loan, monthly payment& of only $762 at 11.5% Interest. All you need Is doting costal Seller wtu carry the email balance. Hurry, 847-6010. 4 11 llll Hiii PHL 1111 -$157,70.01 Spacloua home In country club eettlng. Low maintenance yardl Owner will aubt ldlze payment& for 3 yearal Hurryt 963-&787. UWDf .... IAlllll NW-Large 3 Bdrm with format dining. Located near greenbelt. New on· the market. Only $197,000. Call 873-8550 . . . . "' • 1IB m&a un -'"Reduce the prtoe" on hl9 abMdc>Md 4 Bdrm pool hOine for quick ... New price-.• rldlcUloue .. 1122,900. See It today, 847-ec>10. t111,lll ~ 3 Bdrm doll houael Quiet neighborhood! Immaculate tum-key condition! Aelume 163,950 loan •t 8%% fQr ~allfled VETS! $628/mo. Call now, 963-e787. Aif91 ... M • Tll TUii Spack>ua 3 Bdrm with SEPARATE MAIO'S QUARTERS. Aaume 1115,000.00 at 10'.4%. owe. vac.nt and priced right. 873-8550. _.....,.. __ "'!!!!!'!!!'!!"!'!!'!"' Ill • Ta Wiii -2 atory executiw pool home, priced at onty $199,900. Recently remodeled with Iota of attractive upgradet. Juet $54,000 aaaumee the existing financing. You'll want to be the first to see! 847-ec>10. .... un 111.L -Prtced below matket for fast tale. Huge 5 Bdrm 2 atory executive fMng • Gourmet kitchen, brick ftreplace. Large family room QJferlooklng patio and manicured grounds. Onty $145,000, calt now 963-7881. -.t 1111Y --Super 2 Bdrm 2 bath unit with excellent Eaatalde locatlonl Featuret greenbelt view plua acceH to pool ind clubhoueel Minutes to ehopa. Well priced at $125,000, caH nowt 84&-7111. ' . am l Ul1LI 1U -No qualttytng UM1me 182,000 loan. Only 11017 per mo. Large 4 Bdnn, formal IMng, country kitchen +patio on CUI de UC. Only 1123,500. Call for det811a, 963-7881. I · ml HI .... Located In good area of Cotta Mela. Meda eome paint and work. Great for the handyman or woman. Big backyard with fruit t,... and ltlll room for • pool. Cloee to achooll ~~· F1x It up and perfect for retirement. won,:t tut. C.U now 546-2313.