HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-13 - Orange Coast Pilot1 ; • PlllL INmDDlliN NCDld u.. MIMt ... and eddNll • il'llililllifiiimii-=--:: ol every adult parapbei'nalla • A Jtswpan Belch t.111111 11• pureh ... r, with aw:h recorda ,. ·~ ..... ,......to Ol*l a opentopolb~ . SUN DAY SPECIAL • •tor• tarry l n I d r u I The tountaln Valley C1'1 .......... In J'oun'91n Valley Council unanimoully QProv*t to miaimt"•" Court cballenp to a thJi P">ec-d ordln8nce 1n '" dtY law Nculatlna IUCh ant~. June 1. BefoloJ lt ..,,· " O.X.oeelaw,ltDlU9'be~ icea Oehettl, owner of the • .corMl time at tble coundl'a Pw-..... ~ 1n Newpott Jum 29 ~. . Be.ch. 1rY1ne. Cyprw and Lake "U the cOuncl1 apPl'OTee thla Tahoe. .ud Im lale objlctkln la law Jww 29, we'n Poi tot. in . ·the NCICll'd-keedna plVYllloo of there JW» 80 trytDa to open a the J'nunW.ln \f alliy (Jl'dfnua st.on," OCheUl -'I. ''We want to ID addldm to fOrbf.ddina the maU It a tell ~... • dl1pla7 and aalea of• aru1 · OcbetU', a 34-yeer-old Newport bu11n .. ,., atatewlde, 1ome carrytn, paraphernalia, eome nol. • He llid bit Newport BellCh Peer Record• atore 1etl1 parapherna11a1 but hit other tbieit loCatlom ao DOC. u~·~ilnota life or diiatli malw wtth me," he tald. "But thla law II ~ totally , ~tttutkmal. .. I have no qualm• about lpendJnc a mWiori doUarl on tlm to pnKect ..,. •• rtaht&." . OcMul iUd be u"1 the otben • · paraphemala. to mlnon, the B.cb relident. uld be ID8lka for: ; ~ law requ1nl IUlrw to a looae coalition of about 00 ----:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . .~550~000 " . . . ~!.protest I # nukes NEW YORK (AP) -Mon than ~50,000 protesten tram -far away u mro.bima rallied in Central Park on Saturday to demand a nuclear weapons ~~~ t!·~;i~cal · •.•we haYe come here In . numben 10 lar=tbat the 'r .. --eet to tbe Whl• Howe .md ptol Hm." ConUa 8coU Kin& widow of' dYll 118h• .leedel' Jlartln Luther ~ Jr., told the crowd. . Nb esUmated tbe crowd at- 90,000. RallJ orpnilen Mid mo.. tbm 800,000 attended But Secretary of Defenae Caapar Welnber1er, In an Interview taped rrtda1, had· "'* k d • .... UlloU& ,... :e: I! ts> ..... cliNet ....... CID .. _ ............. 1ra:atblilicla jlOlkiJ. la a.. rr-... .,. wwbl1e, abautlu.000 ................ a nud9ar lreeie 1'aturday, and .... ~ ..... held In WO I ... c:lil. tram .... Imbo. to Al..-. ..... Rew Yor"k pQlfce and cltJ flclala ·••Id that by late atwrnoon there bad bMa no ........ and no ¥iolm&9. AtiaU&'• P!_O~l~ were ta:eated for euta, ~and~ . Uede Caalm. • epokmwaman for the New Yark rally, callecl it "a turninC poili&'' for tbe madeer tr.. niaYement. : 'lbe 130 erour. who planned the event •repreaent comtituenciee that hiltorically have not wodtecl ~ ... Ma. C.aon taid. But on Saturday, ''W'e found the commm COIWWWn. We found the •MM'IJ!OI\ fear. And w-e found the common 'commitment. That'• why we were able. to draw tJUa many T.~"Y ln ~he crowd that overflowed 1be park'• 18-~ ~t I.Awn bad marched three mDei ~ the ~ Natkma. •here a apeclal 1e11ion on dlaermlmeDt )I under w.y. To kick off the rally, ~ ~''' II 3,000 llllver, blllimn-fllled balloam Into the 9UDp1 ..... Thim • pande of '!eakera and muliclana •••!ti!d the~ fram•Clant .... flenked by hue-columrw of ~~ i.ICit90o Browne MDI "Por he~," and, with Ga9: "U.S. Bonda, "The ~-' aowne WM ):med on ~ Bruce 8prlnelteeD for the I "The~ Land," .bn BMI led the crowd throu1b John lanaa'• ~." and Liada 8Pnlllsdt .Dd --Taylor alto P.frfOi'med. '. ~ .............. .,e.J ....... BUBBLING OVER-Wu Rick feld, a IOdal ecokJcy major, &dine a betdltan on pmt-graduatkJn.parties or brin8lna an anUdote for borlit!peeche1? SH atory of UC Irvlne commencement OD A3. . . 1t1,,'\N1,l l <•t1rJ1, ,\1 lt<1HNIA "'1< 1 rn·. in hl• coalition aupport th• provllkn ltlpulaUO, that drua cphemaUa ·1ener1 mutt be ..t and that the ltam must be bpt out of view of mtnon. · Bllt be taid they believe it ta an improper ptemmmtal intnatlcn to require an edult cwtiDioar to provide bit or her name, ... and addreH when buyln1 leaal' ardclel that may or may not be 1..-d in connection with d.ruaJ. Ochetii ta1d he fean tb1t wtll leed toward requirlnl people to tip when ~ dgarettea, alcohoUc beverape, "Playboy" maoz1nea and other ltemt. l'Ountaln Valley otfldala have admitted there have been no complalnta re1ardlng pu:aphemalla Mlet {n the dty and tald they knew of no local bulfJw. now carrying the ltema. They delc:rlbed the propoeed law -•a 0 preventive meuure." City _Attorney Alan Bumi aid the rf&ht of a d ty to ~hlblt the 1ale1 and dlaplay of paraphemalia to mlnon hu been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. But he said the hiah court bu not addretaed the &Bue of requlrtn1 record• of adult transactions. Mayw Marvin Adler uld It will be up to • majority of the COWlld1 u to wbetbtr the dty wm ..nd behind the record-keeplnc provl1ion, even if it m .. na a OOltly court battle. Cound1man Ben Nlellen. who requeeted that the dru1 paraphernalia ordinance be ~~ the record· "lt'a no dlftennt than what dnag ltor'el do when aomeoae buys preecrtpUon drucll," be .ad. ''The atore hu to keel> wda L- thil II no d.Werent." • According to City Attorney Burm. a at.ate law forb6dl the (See DRUG, Pase AJ) B ·ritish renew Falkland push By TM Altoda&.ed Preu Brl t11h commando• and infantrymen, covered by air aJ¥i naval bombardment, overran Argentine posltionl 12 ma. west of Stanley in a eurpme attack before dawn Saturday and battled to within leYeD miles of the Fal~!t-r!.~ltal, Brltiah offidala The Argentine Joint Chlefa of Staff reported ''hea. eavy tigbUna la in J>IOl'e&" It ~ Araentlne warplane• attacked a Brltiah friote that ·-w.. bombard1nc the dvllian population" of Stanley and left the llhip "out of actkm and abandoned by lta crew." Britllb oflldak taid they bad DO JmowW. ot • frtaatt .,.. hit. It ,...1be fin& clUn of a tilt an a Bridah 1blp 1lnoe Tu..clay, ~ jlit = ttruck. frlpte and two lh1119 in the bloodiest blow again.at Britain 1inoe the undeclared war began April 2 with the Ar1entine occupaUon of the lalawla. Senior Britlab officials have aald 60 10lidert and sailora were killed and 120 were wounded In that devutating raid at Port Fitzroy 15 miles aouthwest of Stan.le)'. Argentina'• official Te.Jam newa agenc y 1aid h e avy caaualt!es were ant!dpated on both 1ide1 in the battle for bealeaed Stanley, which alto lnvolvea artillery, flghter- bomben and helicopter IUDlhlpe. It ald~in Argentine:=-wwe 10 halt" the tilh auault t at marked the be,lnnlnc of thelr major cAtimiYe to retake the FaJ!glanck An earlier Argentine cammun1que aid that amona the mmaltlef of the BritWl naval bombardment were aix Falkland d viliana -two wcxnen lr.tDed. and two women and two men wounded. British Defenae Minister John Nott, who came to the Defense Ministry In London 1mlllng broadly from the Royal Navy command headquarten at Northwood, north of London. said Britain'• commander in chief, Adm. Sir John F'Leldbome, considered the operation • "brilliant aurpri8e night au.ck." Nott a aid moat of the ArJienUne defenders were aaleep and "first knew. of the attack when our infantry appeared amoQI them. ,,_._,_ there WM lwd flcbtine before tbalr polltiom were taken." Be ~ no caaualty figures, but aald (See p ALKLAND8. Pap Al) Israeli; ~uns s,ilenceiJ Cease-fire with Palestinians takes effect BJ TM A.111datell Prw Iaraell s~na fell silent Saturday Dil.bt around battle-rawaed Beirut .. a ce.e-flre went into effect between llniel . and the beJelcuered fcrc:. o'f the Pale1tlne-Liberation Orpnlzatlon. . It came 33 houu after a ceue-fire between Iarael and Syrian forcea bad left the Paleatlniana and their leftiat l.et.Dele aJBel alone 10 faoe the fury of llneU -ultl on their ttnJacholdt jult aouth of Betrut. Saturday'• cea1e•flre, repprtedly negotiated by telephone wtth Saudi Crown Prince Fahd ,erving aa an intennedlary between Prelldent !IUaD and PLO 1eedel-Y~ came tn1o fCirce at 9 p.m. ( . Within half an hour, the .. and cnclde of bombl, rocketl and anU-alrcraft lihella bad ended ln the 1molderina IMwhem caD&tal. · Unie1 and the PLO ealid In '8epU'at.e ~ti they would obeerve the ceue-flre, which cmlll after at 1eMt 200 DeOllle' wwe =.'9d killed In Beirut In the round of fierce llrMll air, -and around attacb. Tbe PW clltml tamt 10,000 people have bem ~and wounded In Lebanon 1lnce the llraeU1 bmded i.t Sunday. The hraeli military Oommand put itl le.-IO W M WAR ZONE-Diagonal lines 1how Israeli-o ccupied I...et.non. Israel's troops are said to be holding one-fourth of the conflict-ravaged nation. 91 dead, 18 mining and one taken pn.oner. · larael warned that If PLO guerrWu violate the truce "we wt1l feel free to-reect with all our milbt.'• . i"OC' the lhell-.bOcked l'elklentl ol. smut, It WM tbe f:tnt quiet ~ ~ June 4 when llne1l jetl blMted PLO strmaN>1dt In the capital after an nf•tbl attempt on llnel'a amh m :\or in L.ondon Iaraelt ground forces drove ac:rcm the frcllltler June 8, md still hold about a quarter of the country (See map). The 'pL() said it oeued fire in accordance with a U.N. rMOlutioo that alao calb for an ltraeU withdnwal. Iaraell Foreign M inl1ter Yitzbak Shamir, apparentlJ referring to the reportl that Reagan had preaaed for the cease-fire, aaid brael had "decided to make an experiment, not as a l'e9Ult of the interwnUon of outsiders. It WM our initiative. We decided to make another attempt, and if the terroriatl cm88 their fire, then firing wlII ceaR.'' On the que1tlon of larael'• wtthdnwal. Shamir told llnel Televlaion, "I cannot llftallne that. there wtll be a withdrawal before we cr}'atalUse the prindplea of' the le'ttlement and we obtain the _. that we tet ouraelvee at tne •tart of the operation.'.' llnel'• overall aoai. be uld, · waa to "arrive at a lituaUon bi Which Lebaneae territory wQl DO lona•r aerve •• a ba1e for temJrist adiGn. How to arrive at that? Tba(• to be ~ted." f • i ' I • . I .( 1 FALKLANDS ATTACK. OOBOMA (AP) -Two liDil11 tndtc1Uon• were Uiat Bl'ltl1b CllMWCS. W9N u,nt. The Brttilh BroedcllUna Corp. ml AfllDUne cmua!U. wwe heavy and .. hundred•" of P1"°'*9 had bell\ takm. A Def.-MinlltrY epokWINln In London Hid the Briti1h atonned down from ~tlalw on tb• hUll overlooklna Stanley, lncludtn1 Mount Kent and Mount ClWlenaer, bodl .,._ 12 mtlet from tlie capital and , overran Ar1entlne forward I pomtionl, but were ltlJl about ~ mUm from the cent.er of the town. . , Ten Brttiah wanhlJ» moved ~ cloff In Friday ahead of the und attack and bombarded rr1entlne po1ltlona, the • =-Diil Mid. Wh1l9 HanW JM WI bomb.cl the pntlcm in I fin.I ·~up operatkm.'' Preu AteoClatlon, Brttam•1 doalilltSc MWI ~ qwMd a deftnll IOUlOt II llYtNt '"lbe ttm UUnc the Arl'lfttmil knew that they wwe ~ 1ttacbcl Wll When ~ woQ Up and wwe ~ doWn the ban'el ol a 8Uft. TMre Wll ftabttna. but the 'Ar8'in'1ftea IOOD feallied thelr pomtb\ WU hope)-.'' Tbe announcement of the flahtina Wll preceded by I --of communiqun accuatna the Brltiab of bombtna near a hoapltal 1htp and of ''lnd{1crlm nate" naval bombardment of Stanley. PlaMe ...... ~turday a..... CDIAI' 3:'ona airport, Id ::,.:our ...... -bcmd..... ... er-. mu., and ....... °' the planH or11hln1 Into a Nllcl9ndal ltrwt. DOlice Mkl PoUoe Lt. Jim Valle Mid tbm'e ,w.. no ~ en tbe arvundt DO damqe to '*-and DO fin ca~ b)' tbe cneh ol. tAtbs c:raft. One p1aM C9IDe down on Shamrodi atreet In a new ... ~t aboUt 40 ,_ flan a IMM.-. poUQe Set. Dave SDU'kman llld. 'Reagan eJa·ted · •'We have two aira'aft (down) and there were two kllled bi. Mell," laid van.. "One cnlh •• waa rt1ht at the ed1e of a Nlldmtlal cl1ltrici. It hit in the atreet Hparatlna completed ~ frocn a comtructSon ..-. The other lite la in a field, in a ama1l ravine.•• PolJce Officer David Berkeley Identified thr. of the dMd • Harry Kohr, 49, and hll DI, Scott, 20, of Blven&de, and John Davi8on, 39, of Onnce· Berkeley Mid the name of the 36-~ man with Davi110n wu beinll withheld pend1nc notification 01. next of kin. I by· E11;rope trip t· BONN, West Germany (AP) - J· From hia arrival in Paril in a thundentorm, to bis depanure e from Bonn aa the aides opened ! up, Prelldent Reepn had one " overrtd.lna theme on his flnt s G~~!f.ential European tour: t IUpport amcnc the alliea , for h 1 eftoru to contain the • Sovletl, mill tartly and eoonom1cany. l The president'• aldel •Y that -• Reqan conferred with others ~on the world 1ta1e at the ,, economic aummit conference in Venaills, in Rome, in London and then in the West German capital at a rare ~t of NATO leaden. he ~ most of the auooMI he D.agbt. In the 'J)lendnr0 of V ename., be won endoraement of the I tou,jh economic atance be hu taken toward the Sovieta. delpite ~n reluctance to rlak !Mt-West trade durtnc a of economic dlff:k:ulU... t But rf:::.CSentlal counaelor Edwin m laid here tbat ''there are dltt.erencm ol. oPnlaa on the extent to which we abouJd 1WCl1ct r..t.-W.t tnde. ' Maybe tome mind• were changed bOth waya." ' -At the North Atlantic Treaty IOr1lni%ation meetlnf, the 18 participants came up with a atatement on defeme reaffirmlna the alliance'• three-part ltratecY· of medlum-ran~el;ar weapom bailed in , klaa- range nuclear mlMDM 9d fu the United State•, and conventiooal forces In J:urope. And the p~ldent told a throne of di ta, memhen of Con1re1a, and Republican aupportera buaed out to Andrew• Alr Force Baae In ~lmd to welcome him home J'riday ewnlnc: "I can report 1111 llllDll that we acoamplllbed what we aet out to do on th.la trip. Our frlendahiJ» are firm and America II once aptn 191*ted by alliel and potential adverariea alike ... Despite the i..eu advance into Lebanon. a topAc of ctm •on at ~atop , aidu aay the t wu able to focus on the broader topb on the pre- arraneed agmdM. "From the location where they fell, It 1oob like they were both ln the pattern attemPUna to land .at Corona airport,'' aafd police Sit-Fred BlaJ. ''That'• pure apeculatioo on m~ but they would have ap~ from the eut and both lml)llCt.ed eut of the alroort In line with the nmway.'' BlllPt llkl one of the planet wu ftclstered to an owner from Fullerton and the other to an owner from Wlncbe1ter in Blverllde County. 'Pen guns' draw cops' Offlclall had expre11ed concern before the trip that anti-Reepn demorwtraton milbt disrupt it, or draw attentim from it, but the only major pl'Otelta oocurred in Germany. and ~ wen well out of lilbt of the • prelident. warning "You're alway• concerned about tbt ~Uc llltt.. the Police• they fear danaerow =tty a dlpbmtic row," ;i::;? may be in dmilatim B. Gera-. h p.-..at'e . Soutbem c.aufcmla. ..m.tant tor communlcatlom, md babe tbt trip t.eim. The weapom an 6~ mm. -_ ,.._ lon1 and r ... mble a pen or .. Baf::=-.=,.,~ ~tlu)let~ ~~ mlm• t.s not OtdlllliCL 1IDy trtaw. W9l'9 DO ~,..... in --public -a mroonwed Oran1• _police offtcen !¥t by tmmr Caner in week anened &ni NadJer Of Poi.nd _ and there ._. no Anaheim, who all~aedly had open mlcrorhonee that could ~t.erlal to mu. 1.~ of h ... ____ ..... the we.pcm. He " beinc have caua an emu.n---. held in County jlil In u.u remark and amplified lt for the of $26(),000 bail. world. The auna were belna More importantly, Reaaan wu manufactured at a mechlne lhop able to win at leut a .bow of ln Fountain Valley, they . ..s.I. 1Upport from a diW!lW poup of Slmllar w.pom have tumad up International leaders for hl1 In Blvenlde and Loe AnceJs effCl1111 to malre It men dlffbalt countlea. ~ aaid. for the Soviet Un.km to canduct Police Sat. Pete Hewitt bullnem with the Welt and for warmid anyone win& a J>Oll'ble hi• propoaala to 1tren1then "pen eun" not to tlnbr with It. western def-• a mem:. of "If you pell it up and try to ~ anna neac>tlaUona . fi8ure out what It 11. lt will 10 with the kftmUn. tOff." Hewitt warned. Mir .......... ".., ....... TillNG MILESTONE JN STRIDE -Carol Beutlet, with bedpan, waa a clown for the Fountain Valley Community Hoeplta,l float which won flnt place tn the clty'• 2~th anniversary parade Saturday. Huntington Beach'• city float, ln foreeround below, placed aecond and wu followed along the rou~--b)' Bob'• Bia Boy entry and Fountain Valley High School bend;' All th1a delighted Kevin Teraoka, 2, more than h1a grandfather, Larry Stanton. Fountain Valley celebrates Paraders turn out to mark 25th anniversary of cityhood J'ountaln Valley ceJetnted the 25th anniversary of lta lncolpcratlon • a dty S.~y with a penceke tir.kf.Mt. ..- and a number of other eedvttleL The wtnnen of the awardl far th* parddpdon•in the ~ are • follows: PLO.ATS: Fountain Valley Ownmunlty Holpltal. first pllice; Qty of HunUDlf.00 BeM:b, aeeond place; Fountain Valley •H Cloverdalu, third place; Fountain Valley N~borhood Wat.ch, fourth pJ..ce; Fountain Velley Boys' Club, f1tth place. MAJORETmk Splmien and Sun 8eeken of Fountain v.u.y, flrat place and Continental c.dla. aeoond piece. BAHDS: Special awards given to the Lo. ~oe Band and Drill Teun of Fountain Valley. Fountain Valley Blab School Band and Drill Tam and Band X. whaee memhen come from arcMmd Onnae c.ounty. ANTIQU• CAR'S: Brian Garland of Huntinaton Be.ch, f:lnt place far a 1932 Model D Ford; Holy Spirit Church· of Fountain Valley, aeoond piece foc a 1930 J'ord; Alpha Beta Markee.. th1rd place f« a Model T Ferd and the Baldwin family of Fountain Valley, fourth p1llC8 fOf' a Model T J'ord. RESTORED CARS: Main Street Auto of Santa Ana, tint pLlioe for a 19M KaJaer; Fountain -Valley Jaycw, aeoond p1ece f« a 1~2 ~ Fountain Valley Cultural Arts P't>undation. third plaice for a ~Bens; '"'1be ,.abu)om 50'1" Car Club. fourth p1aice 1« a 1"° Ford and Adobr Milk c.o., f1tth place for a 1938 Cheolfro1et truck. EQUES'fluAN: Top award to Mr. Perez, f:lnt mme and addraa not available, for hla horae "Spanlah Man." Novelty award t.o }Jam Davia, addnm not lilted. Group ridtnc awarda to Conal 100 of Huntmcton Be.ch. 6nt place, and Reynolda C.Ow.boya and Jndlem, aeoond p18oe. ii.-'°.=-~~ ··•:·By -their own~ 1rvtne """*'• W. when UMy llw but. WUh the commWllty wouldn't F!Nf 11 fut, ICCOl'd1na to a UCI t(IUl'Yey. And deapl te a lea1eholder l battle over tncn111d annual t.. IOIM l'ellidentl must &>alt ..to tbe lritne c.omp.ny, the ltUdy found f only • minority foster w feelinp toward the development firm. ·~ illue, accord1q to the _ ti, la the concept of COSl ~"the 73-P1C9 ~t, acttvtU. for i.m-.,.n. COit of livlbl, community hou1ln1 codea ana ueoctatlon feel and atUtudel toward the Irvine Company. a.tdentl cholt location, ihe quality of the netchborhoodl and echoola .. tMll' top three rMION foe cxUina11Y mov1n8 to Irvtnt. 'Aft-tr livlnl in the city, the rHpondent1 aaJd location, a planned community •Pl>roach 11\d open •I** rai\k.ed -• the major attrac:Uon.t, ,. ........ -... -....... -~ Ol'tnge Co.et DAILY PILOT/lunday, June 18, 18U f ~~of the rSdentl believe i~) .. too fut and f that if It qooUnuee, it wW not' : Improve ~ community." The Irvine Company faired relatively well In the wake of a leaaeholder battle aa well u other lnddenta that have drawn publJc critlc::lam to the firm. Nearly halt of~ questioned had politive fee~ toward the company. Only 21 percent save the firm poor marka. But 72 percent aald realdenta ahould have a greater aay in the company'• deci1lon-making procw. COMMENCEMENT CROWi> -Anyone on the fifth floor of the Phyaical Science bulldidg Saturday would have had this 0.-, .... ,......"' ClllfJ ~ view of 2,558 graduates and 16,000 well-wishen 1n Campus Park. Most spectators at UCI preferred a cloeer view. ' Tbe ltudy WU Conducted by ; four ltUdentl u. JM'1't of a winter ; quarter project for UCl'1 Graduate School of ; Manaaement. Al Euphrat, Paul VCI grads given challenges • worked undet the -of Jew, Sue Leib and~Wood In~. 41 percent had no oplnlon on the Jeueholder controveray, which affects resldentl In Newport Beach as well as Irvine. Forty-three percent said the Irvine C ompany'• p olicy on the leuehold iaaue ii unfair. Vasconcellos advises, 'Get involved,_ don't expect some hero to save us' Dr. Alladi Venka UBiatant . prof-.-of marketml. . '. The reeearch project earned . the ttudenia recognition u 1982 • DlsUnguiahed Student Scholars, an annual award given to 21 midenia thia year. "The moat Impo r t ant complaint ~ to be growth," 1a1d Venkateah. "Irvine by c:ompariaon la a very apacious kind of community. Irvine can probably accommodate crowth ·but they (rellldentl) apparently ! don't want It," : Added student Paul Jew: "I ~of the ....an for that ! ~ ~!:.. ~":1.::U • and" apenely populated and an area with W\COngetted roada. And they mill that.., The .,. .. .,.. and manaaement majon .et out to ~ on the attltudee and feellnct of residents of tile lu·1••t planned oamm&lbity in the nation. J'ollow1n, an Interview with a lfOUP of .......... the atudentl oompiJed a 1lx-pa•e qu.donnalre and leJected 102 bauw·-wt. in 10 nctom ol it. dtyf«~ 'l:lghty-flve percent of the questionnalree were returned, cov,rlng l11ue1 auch a1 the .c1van...-and dlaadvantaeea of living in trvJne, 1rowth and .1=rom Page A 1. "I waa surprised that the attitude wu more politive than negative to the Irvine Company," said student Pesgy Wood. "It means there ii more than one aide to a story." Almoat 87 percent qf the reapondentl said it COlta 1*>tt to live In Irvine than the rest of Oran,e County. . ec.t of living WU dted Uthe 1eut desirable element of Irvine, followed by overpopulation. lack of ahopping facil.lties, road9 and t r a ff 1 c a n1d not e n o u g b community in\'Wvement. 'lbe 1-Je of CIOlltrolled growth, however, drew the rdoat J'9pOllid on a question about the clty'a needs. Other needa mentioned Included protection from crime, open apace1, uncon1eated •treeta, youth activltiel and hmpitals. Moat of thoH who cited c:oatroUed powth 11 the major laaue have lived Io the caammnity for men than three yean, aooordtna to the lurvey. . Of the kJqt(me relidcmtl who ( ... IRVINE, Pqe A7) BY STEVE TRIPOLI OflheO.-, .......... Cloudy akiea kept the weather comfortable and 2,15158 happy waduatee kept the atmosphere lestiw aa UC Irvine held 1'8 17th commencement Saturday. A crowd of f.amily, friends and dignitaries estimated at 16,000 jammed Campua Park to watch the conferring of degree. and bear the keynote speech of state Amemblyman John v~ D-San Joee, plus teYel'a1 other addre9a Grou.,,tof sractuatea re' ed he1Jonna, eent small rocketl aloft, whooped it up NCb time their individual school within the university wu mentioned and cenerally let the world know they were happy to be reechint a mllmtone. VllOOI~ chairman ot the A11emblyaya and Meana Committee and a leadlnt leplatlw ex.pert on edumtloa., atruck • ---Cbold with bll speech _ titled "Toward a More Human Future." "lt doem't 1llkit -apst to .......... tDclil7 ....-..,.. dlmraf," be ...... ..,,.~ la bow oame lt ls in such dlllllft'a;, and ls lt ca_. for dllmay?'' VMCOOCelloa told the .,.ctuaa that humanity~ at a·~ , DRUG GEAR REGISTRATION UPSETTING croaaroada," and that their deci.Sm to "a.ume the worst about humans" or believe "that we may by nature be Innocent, 1entle and truatwortby.. will help determJne lf there ta a future for humanity. V uconcellot challenged the graduates to live "involved and committed Uvea" and .. not expect IOIDe hero to come rlc:llnc In on a white bone to 1ave ua." UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. called for grMter pemment .. commitment to education In hia welcomlnf. remark1, calling education 'an lnve1tment . . . you cannot postpone .•• Aldrich aaid cuts In educational fundinl now tak1na effect leave bJaber education fiahting a battle "to mtnlmt:re our 1cmes, whkh tbneten to be musive. uThe great danger la that dlltrell (over the cutl) will lead to dlacouragement, and di1couragement to apathy," Aldrich aaid. "You cannot postpone hlaher education and make it UP,D fat.er -not without sreat w.., Brief addreaaea alao were delivered by undergraduate degree recipient Mark Guttenplan, maater'a degreee recipient Peter Cullen and doctor'• degree recipient Rogel' Tengwall. Tengwall ii a Coilta Mesa resident. Twenty-one students -six of them Orange Cout ttsidenia - were honored •• 1982 Distlnguiahed Student Scho1ara. dhplay or aale of drug para1)bernalia to mlnon. But be Hid thia law contain• no penalties for violationa. A. a re-lt, ciU. must pa19 their own paraphernalia lf wa for poll(ble inVMlon of privacy. But Im motion drew no support from the memben of the onunctl TOPPING OFF STUDIES -While one to wear his Redwood High School baaeball cap So would buslnemnan Ochetti, s:racfuate hailed a parent, Al Euphrat decided when he received h1a MBA. who HY• be ia willing to .------------------------------------ enflrcetirient. Locally, Hunttnct.on Beech and Newport Beech both ~ la'ft ~the ... and dilDlay of ~ to m1non. Neither city, however, bu a record- keeplnc requirement for 9dul\ Vcm then joined the rest of the council in approvina the panpbemalla law unamended becal ... _. ... .., be favored the ban Oil dilplay and --to minon. • But be added Friday, .. rd feel more comfortable with the ordinance without the record- keepmg provil(Clll." challenge the Fountain Valley law became be feuw the record- keeping provlaion will ~ uu the Oty of FOW\tain V~ doel it, then the City of Costa Mela may aay they want to do It, and then Irvine . . .'' he aid. "It'a a matter of stopp.di thla before it~" ewtomen. c-.. ... and i.,una Beech currently have no drug ~ lawa. Irvine Police Lt,. 9ob 'Lennert said hla city WAI: oor•dednC such a law but held off became no Irvlne bl...,._ 'ii .iunc~ Recovering Beep considers oilers · ,· .. I would want l'ountain BJ .JACKIE BYMAN Burm, an mtenliw care mane at Valley'1 law to be stroneer than SANTA ANA (AP) -. Beep the Grand AW!Due Pet lfmlXtal. the other cltl .. ," contended the gooae had a new beak Beep ate her fint aoUd foot Councilman Nlel1en. "We've Saturday and a new eareer with Saturday, .a plate of sreem, after' blllll ..,..,,,.. thmotber c::itislJo an a1ent, a 1cheduled TV Friday'• operation to replace her tblnel lib tbia before.'' on "Real People" and. mmlnl upper beak wttll • p1a1tic i 1'.'When the l'ountain !alleylaw ~ for Beep T..tmta, a ~ Mid Bunny lcbl, btr Wll fint ~tect. ~ r;;;p;,-w pme anc1 a ~ acent. rr.t, Vom llked that the recard-beUJC wrtttm for her. 0 We'w had a lot of calll." Ml. ~~be~· .. She' up Tbebeaklsin..i-Ickea Hid ... People have .._....,....it• m unwarnn-.. 1 · __.... indicated they want.9d to do a gowmment re~tlon and a It loob pretty aood." laid Jami 90DI· We've Md a r.quest for T-Jhlrta. Some 1•me .people .,. ___ ....,...._ _____ c_1_ ...... --.-.,..-,..--.-"-4'MWln-----. = ~ ~:_~tB:J Alothard•p•rt1ne•MM111 After Beep'• owner, pet lllAIN a.Pa .... .., ... C-. ..... CA. ....... : .. ••C... .... CA.- boepltal owner-admbWitrator Wrr, JlaJ, bllld tb1I 7-J'W'-ald ...-ll8l'Cb a wtth mr .,__. Milf-an oft ~ a dGI er Wild oorote, a traa•plaDt WH 1M m111ll ~a blall flan a .... tlaat ... led. It ... ~-"'f:l'.!:.: ~= E;:::n =-"='~ mdbeM=trDliD~a ~.~!;:= ;;r';·' Wllil a• wfNll Of tlit ........ A Personal ~ift for Dad (or you!) •r::: ~ ' . ~ Choose · any Dress shirt from our fine · collection of Stripes, Tattersalls and Solids ... W.e'll monogram it for you.__FREE! Offer good thru June 30th ™adline for Father's Day delivery-J~e 16th , . The commllllon unulmoualf approvect llMDClmlnt of UM park't ~ p111n to allow' ~t of daj•'* fM:Wta. CID a Itri~ ~ beech Mar the park'I IOU border. ~t plant for Dohen)' BMcb had c:aUed for la& camJlllt. to be tiuDt at that Jocatkm, but Pw camPIJ'OWMf WU oppmed by .,.. Nlidlnta. · hdlitlll planned for the..,.. now lnclude a ·~ JIU'ldnl lot, r.trooml, picnic tab19 . and bu'becue pita, eccordinl tlO Will&im IJOlina-', ol. the atate Pub and a.cr.tton Departmerit. He· aaid the department a110 will be lnYWU&a.t dna whether the day.we parldnc _lot miaht l>e uled for O\lel1liaht camper parJdnl befween 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. Wlllinar aa1d at a comma.Ion meetina lut TbW'lday that parb ofticlall hope to ui the ltate $:tu.re to budaet $1.4 million In ltl 1984-85 t to ccmp)ete development Qf the day-ute ties. ., ITSV8 ilAULS ............... A'* --.WV. ......rch fra:n UM drtwr'I ... ol mY, car. rw OClml to a bald conduiAon: I Newpe>rt: BHch doeln't bav-a tnfftc problem. At liiilll not a a-u&ne one. What.ff; have, I think. II a rk~ Droblam. My \hej)ry that wmm.ath all' the COMI, bArrbdll and work crewa. the ltree1I ln Newport are n.lly OK. 11M problem. • I f1c\u'e tt. II that the local awn\* an ... under IUCh continUOUI repmr Ulat · iobody hll been able to Und out that u.ete>a ldblna wraic with them. The atate of the 1treet1 in N•:etrt, I luapect. .. a -=ret bidden by re.cl projeeta, intenectloa. lmprove~t Jobi an traffic ligrW synchronization chores. The problem lln't too much traffic. lt'a tOo\ much lmprovinc. Flnt it WM the Upper N~rt S.y Brldae· 1 Thll •• IOrt Of UM Ultimate in 'Wtina "the padeacl o1 ctrtwn. ~ •1 1111lliKt'toJ1rtnc anodMI' hledeche. ~ day 111aud to brfnl another lane cloiwe. But I ltayed ooOt I didn't honk my horn like the otlwa or C\J9 out the workmen. I mean, the project only lMted two YMn· . Anyway, I knew that heaven -ln the form of a new eewn-lane apan -w. Jl-t around the ~. Wronc. The new bridle opened but the work c:rew1 appeared to move down the hJahway a mlle where they ltarted rtpp6na up Jamboree &.d. ThJI WM an lntenecdon 'Wiclmll\I job. With wmmer app'OKhina and the tounsta flockh>4f to town, the ltate decided it WM a aood time to IO to the other end ol. town and build a bike lane aero. the Santa Ana River Bridae· Naturally, thll meant clotln1 two of the four ~WU,~ ._m.n ~cm a brid&e, but staylna cool about lt, of coune. Like -my fellow motorl1t1, I wa1 ju1t thankful that the ltretch of hJChway between the two brsq. wu OK. Just your bate smooth u.Wng. • • That lllded quJcldy. Werk cnwa ~ tD one mam1nc lMt manth and llW1ied clollJll -... . It w• a ltWer P.'C>Jec:t -new ptpaa, the wen.; But hey, I kriew the new ..,,,er lint .,.. needed. I remembel' the. p-eat ltW ......... al '81. Th• th1nall happen. That'• when the Newport BoWlvanl tnttiC lipa} synchn'lrUJ.aUon job ltarted. ThJI Wal a blale and involved Wf!rY traffic Uaht from the &Ont door of the Newport Qty Hall to the San Diego Freeway. Unfortunately, Newport Boulevard allp II the final lea of my approech to work. It turned out that to l)'nChronlze the lfahta ihey tint bad tobe~ • Thia WM lots of fun. F1nrt it'1 littfng l.dle on every brklae 1n town and next tt'• aet:dnc stopped .at Wf!rY traffic light between the harbor and -the freeway. But rm not mad, a little amdoul to try out t0me ~ theee lmprovementl maybe, but not rmd. I ~ IOl'Deday tome0ne ii .,U,, to chw all the ro.d ·wCX"k ganp out of town and the whole dty'1 amnc to run like clockwork. But rtti not tak:inB any beta on when thafll be. WE HAVE A GOOD TIME IN MEROM ....................... ~ LAST CALL -Jack Hammett c1oaes out 21 years with CGsta Mata police reeerves he organiRd. Merons.· Your good-time cotton collectibles. • ~ Soft clothes you'll love to hang out In. ! · ·,. Little kids look gr8at. So do big kids. So do Dads. I 1 E:xperiellce On reserve Mea.'1 llammett cited•• 'part-tlme' police career ends •1 JODI CADBNllSAD , trattic divtaan; recalled that Hammett waa • .. •ir=, .. 8-11 '1wa)'I belll kind al Wee alviaYt around to otter Younaer Jeck n.; the fonDer a fathw blc9Lm ba11 okMl" than men advice about rfttraJnfn1 o.ta ..... ~ who blmmit the ...... r-.lled Cal1t Robert bneh tempert. the dtY°i flnt rllln9 officer 21 Moody, who WM a f7-year-okl Chief Neth Mid that he WU ~ • may haw pu1W l)ft U.Ut.mant when Hammeh jo&ned l mp re 1 • e d w 1th th• way another tint: the onlY knoWn the department. Hammett had hand 1 e d an r •• ...,. officer ln the lltate to Hamn:wtt fOf'dly NCal1ecl the attempted murcar cw that had retlre. Um• that he wu dt11tn1 occurred only a few doon from Durln1 a party la1t week twioUlly under a bot.-fo find a h1a houle. an.nded by about '1& former and brobn ... line wbm the frail "I am deeply appreciative of current police department white-hatred woman he waa the reeerve of6cen" Neth told employeea1 Chief Ro1er Neth helpina needled him about the party(lOel"I. "Jd bu pven a aaJd It.ate ottidall could not recall dro ~ hll peat deal of time." another iwve offloer ltepplnC ~&bi. IU" altd into The chief then preaented down from the uaually pari-tlme a neut>y pool u be 6ubed down Hammett with a 1Jlver police ~ the door a~ a dnaa rakl. bedp and Colta Meea Mayor The job Wiii never ~ to Lt. Jacknon, who wu a Arlene Schafer procla.lmed June Hammett, who .ametm. Joaoed 21-year-old officer In 1961, 9 u "Jack Hammett O.y." 40 houri a week and helped eet ::;=..~~~·now Sunday guests scheduled "At fint they aaJd I WM too old," aaJd Hammett, Who WU 41 at the Ume. "That ltlmulated me. I aid, 'Let me bompete with the )'OW\11\1)'1.. t II The reUred Naval lnteJ.Ucence offJcer worked patrol and~~ department when he w.. elected to the "ouncll In 1970. He returned ln 1978 to work In the Here .... the ecbeduW ~ on the ma.jar 1leJevlllon network rw-. lni.vtew lhowa today. ABC, '-nm Week with David Brtnkley,0 Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr., from WMhlnpm. . I CBS,~ the Nation," Sen. All these. and more. are In Beverly Center, Pasadena, Westwood. Cbarlea Percy, ~m., chainnan of the Senate Foreign Relation.a Ccmmittee, from Wuhlnaton. NBC, "Meet the P"reaa," J'arouk K.addum1, head of the Paleatl nian Liberation Oraanlza tlo n 'a political department, from th e United Nationa. Century City, Sherman Oaks, Del Amo. South Coast Plazs and Mission Valley. (Kids also In Mission Viejo. Men's also In Manhattan Beach.) Attention Graduates! · Make your dinner reservations now for g rad night! 644-1237 Open from ~:30 ~ CAFE 600 D Newport Center Dr. Fashion Island Newport Beach . l I ' D .emonstrations show (defenses still welcome Over the tut aeveral montha, the 1pectac)e of hundreds of thousanda of Europeans demon.trating again.t American plana to deploy modern nuclear miaallea on the Continent has beoOme almoet routine. Two ,demonatratjons last weekend -staged u PresJdent Reagan arrived for conferences with allies -weren't routine. About 120,000 West Germans gathered in Bonn and 60.000 in Bavaria to shout slogans and wave placards . thanking the United States for preserving their freedo~ and reasa~g Americans they Wllh to remain allies. For Reagan, trying to keep an · overcrowded schedule, sweating over economic policy disagreements with allies, sleeping through a blunder at the U.uted Nations and watching wars in the Middle East and South Atlantic, the demonstrations were probably one of the highlights of his just- concluded trip. Many Americans found the outpouring to be a pleasant surprise also. The anti-American demonstrations, where the U.S. is denounced regularly as a warmonger and the Soviet Union goes unmentioned, have become more than a bit tiresome. For decades, American taxpayers have spent billions to keep troops, tanks, planes and ships on guard against any threat from the heavily armed Warsaw Pact forces to the eut. Deterrtns a repetition of the 1940. la not warmongering. Americana ahould remember, however, that the majority of Western Europeans want to remain allied with the U.S. and ita military umbrella. And we ahould understand European•• fean of being caught in the middle of a nuclear sliowdown between two superpowers. The fear of the mushroom cloud •tarted the mass protests. The Western allies have agreed the U.S. should install 572 modem nuclear missilea to counter the Soviets' 300 deadly SS-20 rockets, each armed with three warheads pointed at Western Europe. The U.S. Pershing ll and cruise missiles are to be installed in West Germany, Italy, Britain and The Netherlanda next year. No sane person wants a nuclear anns race. There are too many nuclear and conventional weapom in Europe, on both sides. The solution, though, is not unilateral American withdrawal of these weapons but a verifiable and substantial reduction covering both NATO and the Warsaw Pact. This is a far more difficult course, but the only long-range solution to weapons proliferation. In the meantime, the U.S. must keep up its defenses in Europe. It is heartening to know that despite the anti-American protests, many Europeans feel the same way. Vote coUnt lag stays Once again Orange County was among the last in the state to tally up its election votes, coming in 5lst out of the state's 58 counties. Final results were not available until some 12 hours after the polls closed Tuesday evening. But that'• not the worst record. In June 1980 lt took four days to come up with the complete tally. That was the first time the county used its highly touted $1.5 million computerized vote- . counting. system which proceeded to break down, through human and mechanical error, from start to finish. But in November 1980, the glitches seemed to be overcome aQd the counting procedure took a mere eight hours or ao. Although it hardly affects the fate of the nation, to anxious candidates, late televia1on watchers and impatient news people, tlte wait for election retulta 1eema interminable - especially whey they learn that San Diego County. with a ~ voting population, can get its vote-counting act together hours ahead. of dninge County. But Registrar of Voters Al Olson says he doesn't anticipate much improvement here because the system purchaaed by the county -against the advice of oonsultl¥ltl -1s just slower than thoee in uae elaewbere. Even without the few last- minute mixupe that marred this election. the count could not have been completed more than about 90 minutes earlier, h~ claims. That's because the county's equipment requires one additional step~ in the counting procedure that is eliminated in other 1)'8tems. And, Olson points out, the primary ballot thi1 year was exceptionally long, involving one more voting card than used in the November 1980 election. Any improvement. in the 2-year-old electronic counting system apparently would involve a substantial additional Investment of time and money. So, given the climate of the times, it eeems likely Orange County will continue to watch and wait for many elections to come. . , Fly sylllbol of our dreaID Tomorrow, June 14, is Flag Day. The date also marks the beginning of the 21-day Honor America salute, confinned by an act of Co~ to run from Flag Day throug)l the Fourth of July. It is a period when Americans are encouraged to honor their '()OW)tl'y and ce1ebrate its history of freedom. An appropriate beginning to the ulute la the dilplay of the Stan and Stripee on Flag Day. At fini there were no stan on the American tfif. The f lrst emblem wu one o 13 red and white ltripea, but with the British Union Jack in the corner later ~ by 13 •tan repreeenting the states. The forerunnei: of tDdiy'1 mnner -created by Betsy Bcm -wa. officially adopted on Juni 14, 1777. But John Paul Jon. in 1172 bad flown an earlier ~•Ilion of the ••American Start" to !WenUly ·hi1 veuel in warfare •'Ml GM Bnu.h lloOp Drake, Jn 1780, two more SUipea arid stars were added to the official flag in recogrii tlon of the admisston to the union of Vermont and Kentucky. But by 1817, there were five more states to include and Congress ordered a. return to the original 13 stripes. with the simple addition of a atar for each new state. . In the history of America the fl8ga of seven natiom have flown over parta of the country claimed or occupied by Spain, France, England, Holland, Russia, Sweden and Mexico, along with the flap of the Republics of Texu and California for brief perlodl. But tOday the colorfW Start and Stripee ~bly IS the best recognized f1a1 in the WOrMI. In times of 1tre91 it baa ti8ell bUined, trampl4!d and dilhonoftd In Odm' i.nct.. But to tn09t who tee lt. the American f1aa ltil1 .ymbolizm • dream of f~ that has become a ttality for more than 200 mnuon people. Fly It thankfully tomorrow. ... Preserve nature's province By BELEN CRAIG Helen Craig,• resident of Hunfinllton Beach, offt1n these consideratJOM prior to Friday'• meeting ol the mte Coufal Canmlmion reprd1ng the Bo1-Chica w~tlan<U. The best part of my homeward struaJe on the freeway every evening ia when I tum onto the oU-ramp where I 11ee the hawks. There are two of them, IOlring on the air current.I, their fierce eyes watching every ,movement ln the field below. _The hawks have becbme more valuable to me than ever now, becaUle ia dwfndlln&. Nil "alurbaniJ.ed1" the~ of Orance c.ou.ntv and '' '' the 00Mt 10 that the ~ syRem whJcb IUpported the bird population Nil almost vaniahed. NOW THE LAST wetlands on which our native and milratm)' bUd9 depend are under attack. Lawyers for the developen are c:NJlenlJna the courta for the right to build a marina ln the Bolu =:ea3~ ~:~ :! asked to lend the birda . and rai8e a million do1Jan fr:r the benefit of real Htate lntereata •J!d that 1mall 1 percentage arnoqst ua who can afford to support a yachtlnc habit. Gardner's column I once believed I knew the ultimate game plan of thme per90lll =ble for cementina the beaches, b out the oout with b.tgb-rt.es,. and polluttnc the air. They int.ended to van1ah with their lll-gotten 1aln1 to a tax-tree Paradi8e, while the rest of ua choke on their leavlnp. I WU wrong. The tax-ftee Paradbe bas disappeared, tbanJm to the grump_inen of native populations demandinl a piece of the aood life for tbemlelvea. And atW the cement m1xen roll 00. The truth la that the deveJopen and real e1tate broken who create the concrete world are a new breed. nu. aberration .la .happier In an air- condltloned Merceda. crawling on a conaated freeway thlOUlh the llDOI than he would be in a oonvertlble rolllna along open to fresh air. nu. ii a hwnan . . . 1pecle1, but a mutated, lower-1eJe1 human. ; Fortunately, nature me the mllWer:to f Ulla threat. Nature la red in toQth .ewt I claw ~use every animal has tte predator, who keep1 lt from m:yt.bg enough to mab a nuiaance of i U a mutation of humanity has occu.rrflid, IOIDething elae will mutate to control Its spreed. FOR THE ANSWER, I choo.e the tteeway hawks. Someday IOOll I will look up to see that araceful glide, magnified a thowand timea. One of ~ huge birds will fold tremendous~ and fall, in the c:haract.erWtic, terrifyihg swoop of the hawk falling like a projectile from the air. The mutaied predator will land on a Mercedes, cruahing the metal roof like an ea with it• iron beak and claws. The enVironmental dspciler within wOl )>e matched from the wheel and carried off, kicking and ~. through the ll1JOS to hit doom. It ia nOt nice to fool wUh Mother Nature. • Yesterday I aaw a hawk drop besrde the freeway to make hit kill lfe was a sizable apedmen. Perhaga the ovenllle mutation hM becU,n. and just in tia)e. One more pievance and we peeoMble environmentaliata would have had 10 find a mad scientist to speed up the prooell . Entrepreneui-s' ventu:r:e spirited I . . By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner I• • uml-retlred · jurVt. .frequent emcee and aenlOf' body •urliJJ6 enthu.1 .. t alolJI the OrM11e c.c.t. One time Cbatlie Plummer and I bad an abalone route. Charlie Wal the belt all..around water man I ever' knew. He taught me to swim, to IUl'f, to dive, to clam. to fish and to pom:h. I aw-Charlie taught me almost everythl.QJ worthwhile that I ~ver learned. AJlo Charlie Wal a free eoul One year he reptered • a Communilt. What a commotion! This Wal almost U bed as reailteri.q Democrat. To compucate matt.en, Charlie had a vety lelllldve job'with the dty. He drove a truck for the ltrfti department. The dty mnply oould.n't have him planting bombs on their dty ltrftta. Ol ooune Charlie wu no more of a c.ommun11t than I WU. Thia WU just his way of reailteri.q one man'• protest aplnlt the ecrewed-up world. Well, as a result of all of this community upheaval. Charlie dediWI to become a capitallat in a bl.a way. Re and I were dol.n, a Jot ot aDUoae dlvtnc toplher' 80 be dedded to open up an abalone route. unreMOmble Um&tt an free enterpn.e whh lofty diadaln. So early every morn1nc we would dlW at Arch Rock. off what la now ShONclW, which then Wal a ltUbble f:lel4 Then we woWd ~ a IWUlY ..S full of u.Jonf tO Clmlie'1 car on the Cout Hlcbway. Walktna acre.a that stubble aeJd mlTYlnl a IKk of abalone wu ~ on the'.-feec but tt never occurred tO us to w.r-ahoeL Maybe we didn't haw any. Our ftm ~WM at the White ff~ Cafe in La1una. Our prlce1 were ridiculow -two bl• an abalone. FOi' Ulla we shucked thi .a.loot, trimmed it, pounded it and aUced It tnto Maka. I Chink at thia ~ abUalw .-a .... to ......... DQUDd;J Ide that ...... dwJJ.Wllm. ... , . ......_ iiJtllii/b;:z ...... W 11 tu ps ~ "E -ifltit ..... -" ~·~"'·• ,1*'reoutGltbi l faoUUy. The demand waa M~Dy hllh u..nc people more &haa ·ll· veart old, e 1 =of wbom re1'-°nded '° • hailpltal tor the '1· Thou1h aome fel t nel1bborfiood hou1tn1 cod11 JIOYWnlM property d9Yelopment ind l an dJcaptn1 rHtrlot lndtvidualilm; the Yllt majority uld auch reaulaUona protect home valuta. In a nlated lnue, moat ack.nowledpd that oommW'llty ..oelaUon t .. are worthwhile btca\.118 they maintain aervtc. and the quality of their ntJ&hborhooda. "'1Y OR MOU NOPLI TO Jc. QMND PND C~AIGN CMAftDBYOUR ADVMNINQ AQIHCY - JUIT TO tm.P ADYUNI Ttll IA&.a Orenoe OoMt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 13, 1882 Teen·a1er1 have enou1h ectlv1U• a«lOrdJ.nl to 60 percent of the re1pondent1. No teen• were poU.d, howtvet. But nearly 40 percent of 1Wlden'8 Mid the city need1 more recreation centen for tta teena. "Our .. umption that Irv1ne ii a beeutlful community wtth a peat ct.l to offtt WU IUpporWd by ~the majority ot rtl&dlri'8 we surveyed, .. the report concluded. "Thia nudy proved that p1anMd commun!U. do tn fact work. Newrthel-. It ahoWd be 1trei•t<A that It takea people worklna with one another to achMtYt um reeult." Dellr ................ .ANALYZE FINDINGS -All.ad! Venkatesh, Irvine residents' respo111e1 1urveyed by PauJ ..u.tant markett.na profe11<>r, center, reviews Jew, Sue Lesh, Peggy Wood and Al Euphrat. 26%-10% ·OFF EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK • EVIRYYHINQ GOE8 I • NOTIMQ Rl!8BIYED I • NOTHING •LD BACK I ILL 141 llU PEIDllTS I IEUlllUI PIECES llOW 2&%-60% OFF ILL IElll I llLIYl ILICll c..-.... ) llW ~PRICE ILL PURL Rll&S ii f41 I 181 ltld llW . ~ PRICE Lar11 ~ ltltotlH tf ~ ESTATE .IEWELIY EHntlllq fr•• ••••ti larrttlp .. ............ at . LIW, tlW P111n ILL ID llllCELETS • •• or.,..eo.t DAILY f'IL.OTI~. JUni 11. 1111 Oo&del\ Wiit 0oU.e ln Hun~ WW rewm·io «a tour-day work w.tk um month. a IWNMt ICheduJe u.at hal •wd the lchool a1mo1t t7e,.· 000 du.rinl th• ~ two yeera. From .rune 14 '· throu;h Aua. 20, Colleo tlQPJo)'MI will work 1o;.how' dayt'"'Monday Woulh ThUnday, and mo.t ot the carnpu1 will be cloeed ~y, Saturday and Sunday. ·a-allo wW operate on the four-day week. Except.Iona will be the admlnletratlon of ju1Uce and eoametolol)' pro1ram1. which will continue to operate on Frtda)'I and weeltenda, but 1n ~ N'IU Qf campua. Golden West otfldall aay the four· day 1chedule reduced enercy ~ 1Ml 1M' by 11.5 ,..,.nt and •ftd aboUt ... ooo tn O\WUml w..- Th• l'rlday cloelnt allow• the coll~.&• ·~o· ahut down heattna.•a&r ~ end "Madia"-l)'dlml Th\&ilday nt1ht, 1 .. v1ns them off until Monday~· Bee9~ the .ciimPUt 11 del.red of 1tudent1 and ltatf on J'rlda)'I, repair and cuatodlal crew1 can complete projects that mlaht otberwlle haw been 1ctledulecf durlnc overtime houn. (' '!be community ..-vtcee office will COl\Unue to hold ..mnata. warbbope. concel1I and l1lm ...... on weebOdl 1n •iect.d campw fldJIU.. Join the SUinmer Fun at DAY CAMP.!! GIVE MOM A VACATION ••.• . . e Picnla e Swimming JUNE21STTHRUSEPT. iOtti ~ • Flold Trips e Crafts ~ • "II ~roll now -Foll Semes19r . Starts Sept. 13. SUMMER SCHOOL Reosonabte Tuition JULY 6th JH~U JULY 30th •A Ptivot9 School of Dlttinction Founded 5n 194Z' IN FOUNTAIN YALLIY . 16835 BROOKHURST ST. (714) 962-3312 Coming '1une 16 Father'• Dey ii jutt atound the CO(f*, end to It a IP«*! megatne eupplement timed to ~ you gr•t gift ldMe.. Pk-. ,..d about the fllhlon, reor•tlon, lelluf• ectMtlee 'and mor• of the man In your Nie. Coming exclullwly In the Delly Piiot. ~ h. ' I OUR FIXED IATI JO TO 19 DA~ llTAIL IEPUICHASl AGIEEMENT PIOGIAM FOi A MINIMUM Of $5,000, IN SI 00.00 INCREMENTS, MAXIMUM Of $99,000. .,,.. ...... -..... 9" llMN ........... l ... J It's yours for the asklng ...... hlgh Interest on a minimum Investment of SS.000 for a $hort term of 30 to 89 days. South CoASt Bank's Retall Repurchne Agreement Program pays Money Market lnterestr has no opening or transaction fee, and the rate upon opening Is fixed for the term of your Investment. . Earn competitive Money Market rates whlle still maintaining your valuable banking relatlonshlp. f or further Information please give South Coast Bank a call at (7 14) 540-5'00 and ask for Sue Patton. ext. 231 . Our Retall Repurchase' Agreement Program Is another good reason why we're ..... The Bank for All Reasons. • The South CoC1st 8C1nk Ret<'lll Repurchc'lse Agreement r rogram Is nor a savings C1ccount or Cl deposit <'Ind Is not Insured by the FDIC or guaranteed. Handling fee If 1he Bank Is requesred 10 repurchase prior to maturity. @ South Coast Bank ~ ornu eoo e._k., Sir••• • co"• ~)<\ CA 92626 • , 1141 !>40 SlOO fOUNTA* VAlUY ... ANCN 10760 W•rM< Awnue • Fount•lri V•tley CA 92708 GAl.U. GIOVI .. AlllCM 1l1 U HArbo< 8outev•1d • wrdcn Gtove CA 92642 . CJUCAOO (AP) -11Don't blame me " • llkl C.arlton ,,.. • "Revolutlonlm the PID!I and let'• bua the tlcben, betwl and coem..'' llkl Ollkland BUlcl.tt Martin. &wt ed when they blame l'llk," utd C61C!.IO \Yhlte Sox Mana1er Tony ~ •-rhey'n trytna to make a acapept out c1' bJm." What'• it all about? And the Oakland A'1 and. White Sox aeem ~ be tqareat offenden. LAST YEAR THE A'1 avenaect 2:5~per pme. Th1t year they are up to 2:58. They fiaw had 18 PJDe1 of over 3 houn plua three over & houn. Lut week they were ·~ <:Nf!!r three boun a pme until they hac1 pmea of 2:14 and 1:58 ap1nst Boston which brouaht dQwn the aver.,.. The White Soxt They have played 20 pmel of 3 houn plu. and are •vencma 2~ per pme th.II~ The two teum bit the betcha recently when It took them 3:47 to play an 8~-lnnlna pme whk:b QUcaao won M . That WM 10 minuta abort of the reoord aet by Boston and Cleveland five yean .,o when 27 rum were ICOl'ed. Fllk baa been gettina most of the blame for the Jencth of White SOx .-mea. "There are a Jot of thin8I that are ~ Oil that are not the fault of the pttcheri ana catchen,'' laid Flak. ''Some batten like RJcby Hendenon of Oakland take five mlnuw up at the plate." HENDERSON, THE maJor-le~·ue1' leed~ bw ste.Jer who hM been fllrUng w1ih llltOUnd1nl avence of a atolen .,_ • pme, allo comum. a Jot of Ume once be aeta Oil bw. Pltchen trnmecftately start throwtna to fint to "hold him cm." and in most trwtancw be wtndl up steal1na anyway. '"That baa to 6e done, lt'1 part of the P.D!•" Im.ti l'llk. "But there are other mlDIP.c'' Sure, there are tlmel I try to slow down PEEK-A-BOO -Chicago leCOnd bueman Tony Bemuard does die splits after taking a throw &o n:ttre Anpl ~ b•en .. n 8obby Grich, who bad lllCrificecl during the fourth inning Saturday. AEI!~' won for second ltrafebi cla1. beatmc w~ S.. ~- my= and tbse are tlmm I speed him up. ·h on ~ -tuadnn, ~~If you an~ap1mt1n~ak.lb.' )e . CHICAGO (AP) -Ken Foneb went to tcbool J'rlday nlPt and Jeuned hfl .... IO well that he aet the Chlcaao White Sox on their heel• Saturday. Working before U,084 - ' Cbicaao'• bigest bueba1l crowd of the le8IOl1 -and a national teJevilloo audJence, Fonch fired a mappy tbnle-bltter in Jeed'nc the Ancell to • 3-0 vict«y. ''I came out lMt nlaht and watched (Bruce) Ki8on ptch." uld J'orach. "lt wu helpful On TV today channel 5 at 11 1incJe to Steve Kemp wUb two ouu In the fourth. lie did not allow another buenmner until Jim Mon1lon beat out • bunt In the llxth. Almon aot the third CbkMo bit with • two-out ... In the etahth. Foncb walked two and struck out two In tumtna In his aecand 1hutout and aeventb complete pme °' the .-in. Steve Trout, 4-~. ,.__the aer, starUna b1a downf.all In the fifth :when the An1ela. 1COred an uneamed J'\Dl to bniak a m 'w tie. · With two out, Tim l'oU •,,,W. Trout threw wlld on an auempted pkkolf for m error, ~after flrlt bueman Tom ek recovend the ball and threw It Into the Chb8o duaout for another error. l'oll iaanlf. Brian Downln1 and Rod Carew, extendlAC Im bttU., .n.k to 17 ...-. ~to start the alxtb. Bo~rlch lllCrWced and Don ... intentionally walk before Dllancei •Qlled to Wt Im two n.IDI. GOTCHA -Db!:kr ba1e-runner Ken Lmdreeux diWll toward ftnt bMe in a vain effort to avoid being picked off by "You do tt man aphwt a twD ldrie Otklanc:l beca'--the A'• l\lll a lo&," llAd Jiik. "You do It 1-.,.m.t a tem:n that dolm't run and ~fol' the home run." bJI club beca= ~im:'t.": Hendenon, Dwayne Murphy Ud Davey Lopea, But the fiery 0.kland =on .... hll de&lte JdeM of apeedtna up the ...... . ''Why doee a _,.tichm' haw to ID off the mound to ao to his mouttir ..sa ll8rUn. "Can't be stay on the mO&md, ao fo bit mouth and wipe lt oft?" ••Sure, I know a ptcher la pnc to throw to f1rlt bue four or five u.m. Wbenewr 'Why can't we bug our players? Instead of going out to tbem, we can talk to them I rom tbe dugout.' -o.lcland'• lllY MerUn Rldcey Hendenon. geU OD bale. And there are also a lot of ptch-ouu. Thara pen of tbl game. 'Ibat'• part of Flak'• job,'' mid MarUn. "AND EVERY TDIB we .eel a man cm third bue, out cxmea the man..-to warn bis pitcher, his catcher and h1I intJelden about certain play. we have." r "Why can't we buc our p&ayenf Imtmd of aotna out and at.oppmi the ... to 1-Jk to them, we can talk to them froln the dulout," said Martin. "Why should we have to take time out to give llipl?" said MarUn. ''Why cen't I ).9t stay in the duaout and •Y 'Let him Ft CJete.' We live a lip and the batter lt.epl out and we start all OYf!r apln. "Jlevolutlonl1e the 1ame, I aay," utd Martin. ''But no, m.be.ll hM dont It U. way for more than a hundred years and eweybody .,. why c:hanet!" I Roland Helnond. aenera1 mamcw o1 the White Sox. la ane who doem't -.y "why man-.,.. --1'l'ft;I a l&'l>Od idea," aald ffamond. UWby not chanae? 1 think the Ja~are waddnc Oil aomethlna like that by the battinl P,Y.. Cenalnly, It would p speed tbln&I · up and the ...,,. eouJd be far the IOOd." . Stadler breaks mold of golfing standouts FrtmAP6'a.-.. - PEBBLE BEACH -Crall II Stadler baa~ a popalar ~ ln~. J'or 1everal aea1ona now, tel•vi1ton commentatora and nationally dtculated colwnniata~ted .chat po -fa ic.lnf lta • the emer of an unidenuttatr.1 and lD rc~ifr band of look...WC. men.. all tall. and blond. '11*1 Stadler came alcN. He'• not call. Ha'• not blm>a. And he'• deflnltely -very definltely-not aktnny. He terMla tio be en the chunky aide. He baa powerful, ~ lhouldera 'wfth the hlni ol a paunch . •trualJ.na ap.lnat hi.a belt. Bia la Ta round and pink, STADUR and 1raced by a drooplna muac.che that helPI proY'ide him with h1a lw-Uwi-l)oriow nickname, ''The Waln.w..'' And he'• aJao -at leMt thla aeuon -the best player ln the pme, a fact that atabl»Nw hlm u a major fact.or ln any ciomlderatioo of the 82nd U.S. Open Golf Ownpkmbip. be(pnntnc 'Dluraday on perbaJW the most apectaculu' cow. ln the United Statee, the Pebble Bet.ch Golf Linka. 'Tm not what you'd call a majon-«lented peraon.'' u.id s~. tbe -.i'a only three- Ume winner with victol'y win ln the kemper Open. He alao bo1da the money-wtnnlni ie.d with more than $312,000. 'l()b, you know acme toumamenta ue more important than otben. but. really, they're aD pretty much the 1ame tlo me." Olym~lc coins reluctantly suppor:ted WASHINGTON -Repre-• aegtatlvea of the U.S . and Loa An1elea Olympic Commltteea reluctantly aupported thla week legialation cal11nc for the m1nUnc of thr. ~ commemontfna the 1984 Summlr G--. The coma, tio be JitOduced by the U.S. Mint. will be aold dr«nettkally by the Trwury and overaeaa=y vate flrmL Al they preferred a 17-eoin pl'OJP'8ID whJch w uae only private marbtlnc flrml, the Olympe offidala told the Senate Bmkll>c. Committee the Con1reaa needed to pua legialation u aoon u pomible, even if It c:aDi for fewer colna than they wanted. Quote of the day Guy Ward, ~ State buebe.11 COllCh. on h1a t.eun'a problema with weather thJa aeuon: ''We opened the Bil Eaaht -.i In SO-degree we.ther tn Nibnib. That'• 80 degrees collectively -27 26 ahd 27 degreee... ' Braves keep rolling at Candlestick Gleu B•"ard drove ln foui-II rum and S.. Boner had five bits, powertnc the Atlanta Bravea to a 10-6 victory CNer San Fnmdaco Saturday afternoon at CandleaUck Park. The wln wu the t1fth atraigbt for Atlanta, which lncre ued ita tnMt.ery .,.m.t the National Leq\.le Weat to 17-3 overall and 13-0 on the road . . . Elaewhere In the NL. Qrtl Weldt blanked Howt.on on four blta for h1a fourth conaecutlve victory and Lala Salasar hit hia aecond homer ln u many . aamea to cap • tour-run fourth lnn1nc .. Sm Dleao atayed two pmee behind die Braves with a 4-0 win ... Al Olt•el"a twc>-nm double htahUahted a three-run aeventh-lnnlng uprildnc that carried Montreal to a. 7.5 victory over the Chlca10 Cut>. . . . Mike .1«1.._ and 8-BMpl homered and CraJa 8wU posted h1a flfth victory of the aeuon u the New Yark Meta downed St. Loul.a, 6-2 . . . Rl ht b nder Maaay Sarmleato held to a:lx blta and alngJed home two • ttlbursh bi.ted Pblladelpbla. 9-2. 8te9dy F1oyd brMZtng by ftve ,oH:f.~~t~= 'II a flve-UDCtV-;;" 87Tturc1a1 and ··•~ded hil lead to five atrokM =~ ~fbM!aC:-+.°'1111~~ :;:;r.:-the eo. put J'loyd pos;nfortably aheld ot ~Mae BollUd, a n,oo.wtnmr in hlia ~ ~ y..... U J'loJd em tdd en and pkk: 1U.P tbe flm pm. of t'2,000 today, be wOuld ~ the tpOl't'a sixth Pliar-'. to ~ m111lon 1n career eun1ft8I • • • Jq 8 playtnc 1n • aMdY drilile on the front • abot a 70 to IDCHMi hlr Jeed to two ltl'Olmi ln the LPOA C~ptonahlp In Muon, Ohio. Boda O..W. who lmred U. ft.m..round lwl and trailed by one Stroke at the hallway J»C'nt. ran Into trouble lmmedJately OD the 8,298-yard Grtaly OSune at the Jack Nlcldaul Sporta Center, beclnn1na with a txweY on the flm ~. hlttina a aw 90 anodMr mil lancllnc bellde a cart path en another. She adJl manajed a one- under 71 to 10 ax-under for the tournament. Sima denies report of drug use Profeaalonal football'• top • draft choice of the year , It• Slm1, aaya be doea not U1e U-lelal ct.nae. and the New Enfnd Pafrlota, who obtained the t~nalve •Y they belifte him. 1be Globe Saturday that Simi, of the Univenlty of w one of nine dnft choMm out of 160 ..... In Tmnpa lMt JllW8l")' who had pellllUve ~ for cocaine. "We had hlm checked tboroucblY by our own doctcn and their ccmclullon la that he doea not have a drua problem," aid C~aet S•ID•aa, the NFL club'• vice pt'tllklent ... Web1ter MeDoaald, a atar pitcher In the old Ne1ro Baaeball Lea1ue, dfed Saturday at the -ae of 82 -. . . Undefeated -llle .. el Splab atloppecl chaJJenr' Jeny Celetdlle at 1:58 -of the ellhth round to retain h1a WBC light heavywelabt Ude 1n a bout Saturday In Atlantic ~ . . . Carl Lewi1 wcm the 200-meter de9tl 'SJdMr Mane tloOk the mile tlo b~t the Jumbo Elllott Invitational Track eet In Villanova, Pa .•. Job MeEaroe and Jtm;, C..•n fouabt throuah to the final of the 8 Art.cU Grana Prix tmnia townammt ln I.c:mdol\ with vlctorlea over Orta Lewla and Kevla .Cure., re,pectlvely. . .L"eo cr.1 battered Serpe PabDa and claimed the WBA Junior featberwetaht crown from the defendln& = t!>iat~'i:di.tmc;.i'a. dedRon 1n a Cohen, Meagher also wla.nen BY BOWAllD L. BANDY or .. ....,,.. .... -It W..'t meant to be that way an the bill'•rc but there la little doubt that the seYentHD M.,.an. Swim Meet of Ownpk>nl la the pen w ~of America'• pnm&ere female twfmam, I ... -~~hal won four ewnta and,,...,_, wecond ln another after two daya ot the m.t tbM. concludet ton_taht at the Mllllon Viejo In~ $wlm CunpJG 1n Marsueftte ReCreatloa c.w fMtur!Nr many of the nation'• top swtmmen. In lour prevloUI yeera. C.ulldm m. belll blah-point winner and la well on the way to a Mb _s_W._lM._M~lN_G~~~~lliil UUe. She will twlm ln three lndMdual eYmlll t ! ~~00-metet btickstrob, 200 IM and i I "I'm really pleaaed with the way l'm j awimmlnl£i ht qow, 1• ahe uld followtn1 her i aecond trtum ln the 400-meter lndMdual niedley Saturday t. She allo won the 200 free mrUer and WU a ln the 200 beck and 100 bi...t Clll J'riday nlght WXlme-wile rm not awiJnnUJlc .. well .. laat year," the added. "Strategy-wiae, I 1'..i need to be a little fast.er. My breastatroke needa a little more work on technique. "I've .un aot a lot more work to do tio pt where I want to be. I awim the IM a lot In pndice becauae I get to IWim all of the R"oke9 that way. Winn1n8 the 200 beck ii the flrat time I have wen It anywhere in the country." . WllJLE CAULltlNS appeera rlabt on acbedule • despite beinc tired from all the f:ieavy trainlna, i I othen appear to be just a shade behind her In their • spedalU... • 'Ibe flrat three events on Saturday nilbt were : won by awtmmera wbo had posted victoriel tbe : nlaht before. Tiffany Cohen of the host Mlaalon Vieio Nac:t.doree. who celebnted her 16th birthday t6e day before, captured the 400 freeatyle after wtnninc the 800 Friday. Jett Kc8tott of lnduatry Hilla woo the mm'• 400 to make hlm a double winner with tbe 800 Friday; and Mary T . Meagher took the 100 • butterfly Saturday In meet record time of 1:00.38 : aft« ~ the 200 fiy Friday. : First time wlnneni Saturday lncluded Bob ; P1acak. unattached. in the 100 butterfly; Rich : Saegeio of the Nadadores in the 200 free and Ricardo Pn'1o of the Nadadores by way of Brazil, in the 400 IM. "I didn't rea11z.e my time WU a meet record." Meagher aald. "I'm ltill having trouble putttnc my atrok~together all the way through a race • smoothly." ~ i i · 1 : t ' f s,.;11 c1 ...... , L•• .. ••r.f:i. .. or 1.,.1r Wen * * * EVERYBODY WlllS WITH * * * IOT Yll llWll J.ET US HELP: BAKER. EQUIPMENT RENTAL has everything you need to get the job done. w• 11Di1'1 Trucks, :rrallers, Garden Equipment, Hand Tools, Shamp<>Oers, PILrnblng E~ and much more ... Prime Palm Sprinp Townhome1- Price1 81-shed ~II Below Marked Rock-bottom prices hold throuabout thit liquidation sale- thls is not an auction! Excqx.lonal barpins-beautlful 2-bedroom homes with lam, pools, spu, ahutieboard. A private commynlry where you own the landl EverybOdy wiii8 Action Wrist Bands! I Weknme to Croclceri exciting .r" T~ Attraaaon, a week-Iona spedal event featuring the t?.ic aurac--~ tions ci me Crocker AulDmAied Tellet:8 .... , Hurry over to our cl6ce and we11 -... show ~just how quick and easy you can put our convenient Automated Teller into action-aet a fast. free Automated Teller demonstration, in fact. and y001l get free wrist bands. Just for the asking. But you won't have to ask for easy ~ that OOfllblnes precision performance with liahtnina speed. Becaute that comes every clay with evtzy transaction at Croclcers most famous attraction: our handy Automated Teller. Win an ~Video pme or a Mini Stereo C•eDe Player with a..dPhona in OW' Tranucdon Attraction $wecpt01ka! I ' . b i • Miami captures Series I I OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -Phil Lme blasted bia thlrd home of the Colleae World Serlea Saturday mot to power flfth-niibcf Miunl to a 9-3 victory over No.2-ranked Wichlta State in the NCAA ~ 1 champm.blp ~ drove bJI 25th hcmel' of the .....i well OYW the J'7()..foot lip ln left field with two nmnen on In a dedllve a-run tJtth 1nn1q by Miami. The vlctory left the 04·18·1 BurrlcanH unbeaten ln the Hth annual to~nament . They were only the nlDtb t.m to wtn a UUe without a )om. MlmJI allo ti. .... the flnt team other than ' Southern CallfomLa to 10 unbeaten ln the oaDep .... Dee 19&7. Tb• Trojana flnlabed •mb-ten ID 1981, 1M8, 1 ~~=-= Mlllit KMprak tor two 1 n1D9 ID the bottom of the flnt lnnlnl aa Phil Stephen1on doubled home one run and dealpated hitter RUii : u---•"--NCAA RBI ........ -.,_..._,... .I.\.. l"'" : record-eettet whn ov, llnaled home another. Wichita State arabbed a tbrw-tuD ie.d when Morma Jed otf the third lnnlDI with hl1 24th hcmel' of the -.i. The bome nm U.O W• bit tbtrd of the toummmnt. ....... quallfytnc for 111 fUth ttnlabt ... jumped oD -Shocker ~ Dan JWnkel ID the fifth lnn1na when Javier ve1nqms Jed oi1 with a .... md maY.t to thl•d OD a Mitch s..ne double. 1 ~ 8hWdl llnPd home lJoch nmnen one out Jaw and advancld to tblrcl • Bmy Wrona and 8'"9 Lwby wa1bd the bMllio.t.cl. ' s..n Softe'• -=ri&e f1J awed Sldeldm wttb the 1ame·tytn1 run .,.... Lane ..nwMd bla three-nm bamm'. Celebrity S8r.Vlca NOnstops. Repubk's ~Service, ntJN ~ from Los~ h 1temational.1Wo a~ to Detroit. Tlnea (jgyto~ St. Paul. Wdh skrtrwtmentaltheway: convenient schedules, to fit'f04!'_ own. Discourltfares, to saw you~ A ~htful choice cl er ttrees, to please you: palcite. And more. ' . New C>n8~rllna Siir.Vlce East. reeord wins Tb9 Jmne a.bell and J'ountatn v.u.y J'laa. each potted narrow v'.ctiorlll Saturday nflbt lnArwtmll~ AmodaUGD play at Loi CabeDlrol. Irvin• 1haded ~~n~1bo-: Burke tallied, while :rounta1n v.u.y aot &JM the Santa Ana Wtnda, 3-2 • SUND A¥ CHAMPAGNE ·aauNce . in the Mediterranean Room .from 10-3 • .. . Col118 Aboard. . . I : ~--=-Cla\aGll ..... iou.41 .... ... .... _ .......... --hid.-\bit 1 _,,.,.1 ....... 'n. O.~I' ._ cllillat ID Ula& ltntcb ..... • 17~ ---by 8outhem cal Conference foe t;-A Harbol'. 118ut ~-~fell apart.,., that.'' ~ 1_1....-the Odwc' ct.y 11 he watcbld 1 •• OomiDUftlty eon ... ioum~ni pme ta .... at Blair Tield. "'lblre'a no way eo.d\ Hoowr would JM that happlD to ua." be lidded. ' COACH BOOVD fl J'Nd HooYer, ba1eball coactt at Golden WHt Colle ... And SJJAe&e! II rtpt. Hoovw didn't JM 1hat lmid of a turnaround happen with bit RmtJer team. 80 SPIEGBL will be a ComhUlkW in 1983, but he Wouldn't mind ~ ,,an A in 198'. Oakland dratted the Lei Alamltoe Jliah sraciuate bl the third round of thil Yf!Ar'• wtncu draft. ••Yeah, l want to play_ P.O ball." With Sp&eael • one of the catalysta thJa ..-on. the RUltlmw ro.red to a 18-0 firat half of Southern Cal Conference play, laJ,!!'I the COl'Dllr'ltCne for their' quail dm for thJa ~· state tournammt. And Hoover and the nit of ~ Ru1tlera can thank tbe Cypre11 Co"eae tramfer fer their fourth-ever •tea~. 11He WM a Welcome liabt fer ua," noted Hoover. He'• one of the premier power bitten around, Just a .,]jd performer. SPIEGEL, AT lt, baa air.dy made \wo tran1ition1 -movin1 from pitcher to outfielder and then outf:lelder to the Rmden startina tint bueman. He batted .360 th.la year, ;,r n.lne home rum and added 42 It abould mo be noted that Spieael hM walked M Umee and been hit by a pitch Oil lo&~ "He'• a big old kid. Jle can bang in there. It ieema like a lot of tmzm like to throw him Jmkle," Hoover noted. Meanwhile, s~::,1. while at eypre., aot acme tnbmaUon from former GWC 1tar Tony Kinolover that Golden West would be ~ perfect p1.ce to display bit talen1a. "At that time, I wu-thinldn1 about either Loni Beach CC or Cerrltoe," noted Sl>Mtlel. who bad already decided that-one year at ~ypr~11 w_a1_ ~nough. "Be Sp6eeel admitted. "lfopetuu.y I aan llm after my junjor year." If he doelD'f, he'll 11a)' at Nebruka and earn hla phy1ical education ~ coacbm there '(Nebnllca) ~ areat. They have everythtna you Could want In a bueball pl'Oll'mn - indoor lnflelda, lndoor battina c:a,.a and a .,._t ooecb (John Sanden)." Sp&eael added. . . 818 CURRENT coachlna ataff haan't done anythln.! to hinder S~~11::1°~~t ~about hlttlna alnce 1 came here. There'• • lot of tbJno I didn't know when I came here. co.ch Hoover pointed out that I didn't have a IOQCl becbllde. I didn't even know what that wu. I jult had a dead swfna," be said. S~'a swinl WU revived at the most opportUne time, however. When he came to GWC, the RUltlen needed a tint hueman, and Hoover tried him at the cornir. ''We didn't really recruit him. He recnaited hlm.lf," Hoover aaid. 0 He played with our py1 d'-lrlnc the aummer and the aummer team b bsdm~bal we have now." To bow valuable Speae1 II. &over toyed with the idea of Ultnl him Oil the mound durtnc the atate ~;::oar be.hadn't FIBING AWAY -Golden Weit College "U you're t.alldnc about five pmie.. bueball star Chuck Spiegel did it all for 'the you haw to do th1np Wr.e 1hat. He'• a Ruat1erl -pitch.lng. playing the outfield and very aood athlete and be can handle at first base, batting .380 with nine homers and it," HOover-pomted out. _4;;.::;2;._;RB=L=--------------- Newport's Palmer wins at Long Beach By ALMON LOCLtBEY Dlllr ............. Uabt. overc.t weather IUW! hied the 58-00.t. RllCe Week fleet out al Lams :ee.cb Y.cht Club Sa=: dkl :1iU1e · to chance the overall ID the ID a-.. Btll Palmer'• Holland-40 out of Newport Harbor Yacht Club placed third in the final l'llCe, but her three flnt pJaces in the prevlow nee. gave her ample pomtl to win C.. D OYer" &o • Me)ville'a Choate-o&O Bipia out of Balboa yacht Club. David Fenix' 55-f.oot doop Bu1Hrqi .i.o io.t a battle but wan the a-A war. In the final n&» the lilbt air favored Dennis Choate'• 48-foot Bria but Bullfroc with a aecbxt plllDe flnWl atm won the clue by a maratn of e w poin1a. Tod~y's radio, .TV fare -Sci McDowell'• Choate-44 Wuaion, ~ 11.txr Yacht Club won the final am B ,_, but It ..m't .,,.'Ch to :>vertake lrvln1 Loube'• J'rera-48 BraY\n, St. FraDd9 Yadlt Cub. wbo wan the cl.-with 2 !o4 pomtl abeld ol IDUllan. Tomahak, the Bolland-41 aldppered by John A.rem, Balboa Yacbf Club, emal::i frtwn deep in the pack to win the nee ln ci.. C. but Monroe Wtn1ate'1 Serendipity-43 Scarlett O'Hara had three bulletl to ao with her aeccnd p1ace in the Jut nee to ..ny wtn the c1MiL In 0... Ethe New York-36 lnlanity, co-aid= ~Wayne Auatero and TOIU wport Harbor Yacht Club, won the final nee but it wu too little and too: late to OYeRIOme Ben n.y oommlimloMd David ....... formerly wlth Sparkman an-a 8tephenl to deal&il the MW YICht. U waa built at lf ewport O!hhote, N.wport, R.L Other --. whO bift j06ned tM t~te Include O.L.. PIUI and IM " p Smith of J't. Wonh, Tex.. Gordon ·.} Edwardl o( San ,... • .,.,, and Oarl , Anderal of OkJahrne Qty. • "We named tb• aew Yacht De1ender becau.e we thoueht. it mlCht lmprem the aeJeatlan committee in cue the iriaJa are dme "1Gt IWDIDll','' qajpped BltckaUer. Skipperina ~ in the triall wW be-Davkl Vietol', who ~ C.owqeoul from Ted Turner in JM1 B!Kkaller, a fonner reaident of Newport Beech. Mid plaJll call for a lhab-down of the new 12-meter in trials aaun.t Counaeoua thla pammer and fall before a&ipplnf tbetn to Newport Belich for winter tl'alnlna· Jladr•Ji..., one of the top )'llCht nclna -1lon in the world, will be the lkipper of ~ender with Jot.on .. hia t.c'tidarl Tbetr flnt chore will be to beat Dennll Conner of San Dleao who will have two new 12-meten at bill dilpma1 in the defender trlala at Newport, R.L next aummer. BJw=lc•Der Mid be felt the wind and ::.• eea conditiona off Newport Beech w-. c; compuab]e to oondltlohl oft Newpol't. -:• R.L and would be ideal f« winter trainlna· U.S. team vies Job1on baa been tactician on Co~ in two America'• Cup cmnpalp, includlna 1977 when Ted Turner "9fended the Cup. Bledcaller and Jot.on both crewed for RUlle1l Loni on Clipper ln the 1980 camJ)al8n but failed to make the defender'• rOJe ap1mt Conner. The U.S.A men'1 volleyball temn. hued linoe 1ut year in San Dieao for the 1984 Olympic Gamea in Lo• Angelea, wlll hoat tbe National volleyball team of Mexb> In a best.- of-five game match Friday ln the Long Beach State gymnaaium. q . Game time la 7 p.m. ' - Coach Doug Beal'1 U.S.A. team 1 :~'1 made sreat 9tridee in 1081. knocking off sUch world cl.ul powen u ~ Japan and Cuba. In fact., the ~ American conquest of Cuba for the =· The formation of the Defender· dourageoua Syndicate atarted following the 1980 America'• Cup when Blackaller and Joblon decided that a new 12-met.er wu needed for the 1983 Campajgn. gold medal at last November'• Canada Cup marked the first auch U.S . victory over their Cuban oounterperta since 1973. The U.S . aquad doea have a distinctive Orange eo..t flavor to it u Steve Timmons (Newport Harbor High-Orange Cout College-USC), R~_y Dvorak <Laauna Beach Hlgh- USC) and Mlb BWdwd (Newport Harbor Hlgb-Pepperdlne) are on the team_ Defender ~t off the ground during a meeting with Nk:k and Jane Heyl. Newport, R.L who aareed to apomor the dellp and ccmtructlon of a new 12-meter. TDDAT~I CIDSSIDID l'VllLI CAOS8 et HlldcMY9d 118 At home 17 e.umated ernooctlty 1 M.iic:. 70 WOft( her~ 119 RotOI' 18 Bone: L8L 82M* • a.bye.• 71 Song , houl6ng 19 Taxi tlmen 830dd,ln NoM 72 Oftheeun 121 Traplhoot-20 Gratify Scotland 11 Pythlae' 73 MMtet Ing tonn 34 Cauc:aalan 84 Part of a toe Mind booUt 122 Mongol Ibex as 8perttle 1e F«o-7 4 Smel piano w.mor 35Greelc NShMr9 eppar1t ... 75Weddlng 124 Haberduh· monument 87 Hen hcM'8e 21~ri••tldl words wyltem 3e Ring d«:t-81 Polwele ol 22Pwtoh 71 Pr<NtcM 127 lndlan 16on, lor opera fame ooet oollt' fOod blKkwood ltlort llUnkldl 23Aomen n Heatlno 128~ 3e Verb form 91 Ooe9an ollk:&lll epparatua tr.in 40 Romlin Ultler'•tob 24 Alttlt'• 18 "etlldc9Y98" 129 Frendl goddem (12 Plge ltMd 19~ ll1k;le 42Wlnged 93Glrden 125 Elect. poeitlonl 130 Mlled'I aon 45 Theaweet· tooll cunwtt eo Niii 131 Guido note IOP (15Comedy 21Can .. USA. 81 Fldl ftood 132 Righi· 4 7 y Ofbtllire ltyte etc_ 82GMI h#1d Ploe rtver 91Wor1la 27 Jewl8h 85Wref)of1 133 M0'1 50 G.llllum teNnll81111 month tYP9 neighbor symbol 97Concede 28&.lngod MApplaudt 134~ 51 More teFll 29Ttiu. 87 Scotti.ti ftne mite national 100 Cc*'t 30Nero'1 (l()Expunoea 135 While 52 C«.i lllatld opening ··~· 91 °"*' 1380fa ll18U8 54 Yewn: 101 a.1111 31 NF\. J>C*-t2Cut 138 --not.el1e ~· 103Clldc tton 93 Roting toy (nut-I 55 Yugoa&IY beMlea 32-Deurn IM lAgal cndt«): Fr. money 104 M.ipped 33 LAlfilt ..,., _ documen1-140 Eog-lheped 51A8C*ld 105Aleged 36T8Qtpega t5Pwtl'rtver 1420ldMW 51 Salty force 37aun.n·a 918te91 144~ 51~1io 10IP*-anew °'*' t1 Lone-145 Knc>e* -victory 1078odl 38Jaaon'• .... naect bird , ... Smllll bird 51 Aomen ,,_ 10IFemaM 41 llblc9 Mtvyt..igue 147 Allot• eo CMckly. t..t. Nllnt:Abbr. mowttlln OolllOe DOWN 81 Bargeln 110 Contract 43Mtlua ll&moodl 1 Qnduet9d ~ "-' 44 8erl1QllO ..,... 2~ 82 Blr'NI l1lrtp 1 1 1 Al/II. to come ... ,...,.._ 100 LUICUfY 3Catp 84Wlndow 111 PMs»Pll• .. ,llWOUI .... 4 Choir YOlce -*Mt .... bllrd 101 SMN: 5Ht9tono 15DecMrw 113 &c1111 .. 4tTab19 AtdrllJc pertod MTUftteaet folldllW ...,,.. 102T .. llnterwMY9 tlmea 114 OeCa up 51 looatlone 104 FIMl!y, 1~·· 888mel 118P .. on 82t.4M tOIC: ~ pertldle 1t7 -Lou9 53~CllW-8WlreMMc9 et feed ah 118~ --ooln9of~ 90nly 708k..,.,. 120T.ny 54'-ttw 10l~tltle 10Random 72~ 123 WWI lllanda M~ 1(11 .... c:uttlngl 73 F91CeStep 125W11Wter 51~ ~ 11 Cowt• 74 Form 121Helrn .... 110 Smail job 12 Lovee 78 Anemal Polftlon aa "'-' 111 WomM. In ··~· .,... 134ZocMcalgn 11 Warb119 Nor'Mrnyth 13 Mullc".ll n8Md 137 F'NnCtl UTlly 112 OklehOml note 78NASA lt'llde .. ~ °"' 14 Fetid concern 138 Helm ,.,._ • month 115Cutlolf 15 "Rall9n" 79Conquer uon ., ....... .... word eo Pebble 141 Exc:&arMtlor .. &Joni' pride 111 lllldcbOet'd 18 White ant 81 MCMe 143 Attending I J 1 I 1. ~ . . " " A1 llCAM L&A4M• ~ ...... ~ •rllW •rllW OcNNll. • • t 1 o 1u .... c:1 1 o o·o c.-.• 4t10 ......... 1000 ..... 1010 ice...• 4010 ...... 1000 .......... 4000 DICnOl. lb4 0 1 2 Pa1I, 111 • 0 0 0 ..... ,,. 0 0 0 ..... " I 0 0 0 fla.ti,dl010 ... 0 2000 .... • I t 1 0 Hntn. pt! .. , 0 0 0 ..... 0 1000 ,.,0 0000 Mnn.30S010 Almon,le '3 0 1 0 TcMll at It. I _ TOClll.SO 0 a 0 ~ .._..,":ro12 ooo-a Cllllll80 000 000 000-0 a-'rrOllt1 ~_!'~· D"-~ t. ~ .. QllDIOO .. ~ ....... . fendl(W_..., t I 0 0 2 2 :ir ... --t t I I 1 I 'T-~-44 .... .............. ~ 100 o:io 001...... • 0 ....... 110 100 ....... 12 1 .:St!k-:f 'a~-·~~:.:: 1-t. • .. ,. ... a. .... ....,. 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OOMl DAILY PILOT/lunday, June 13, 111a •• ---. : :-... • -· I ...... ,, 11 11 11 10 10 • 1 • • • • I I I 2 1 1 1111 II CllMIJ ... ..... , ••••• , ..... ti .,...._,,... ..,_ t10 •• 11010 •• 11010 ~ 10 1101010 I ttO 110 I I ......... ..... lt0tt1010tllt1010 ~ 10 1010 I t1010 1 10 •• OOoner 10 • 10 10 I I 10 10 • 10 • • ..._ 10 10 'rr~"-:"10 • I 10 10 ~I l101tlttott101t T.._ Ford!.__ ,, .. 111 ..,,......_11-.111 "°"'= ~ 111-10t '~. ,p• .. . . ... :r 1j :, •I ' , .. ·, \ ' -~ ·1 ., ' ' II r ~ ! CondlHons 11 you shampoo In . ............ -'lflz'1A·• ILID10 ·vo 5 ....... , Fut drying formula. Poise · key for Hol1nes LAI VIOAI (AP) -If thin ti .. ,.... to dmcdbe ~ HolmM' vtciory-over Gerry ~. it hM to be .. ,,.. ... HolmH kept ht• _polu t~bout hll Worlcl Boxt.ni Council beavywetaht title .,..... ...,.. CoOniy wtdcb tnded Iii ~a.. lath iWiM4 Friday nilbt. Mevtr dtcl Holmll ..,. In 1n1ry •111ohan1H with the ~wer-P,Unchtn1 oqllen1er, which oould have left &Im ~ not ft.a~ betna Ill& JOw, WWcb occurftid -.u ..... And ...,.. cld hi b«a•• BEN GAY oma11 · Hlfpt IOOtht arthrlUI pain. Orftlnal or Gfea1tlt11. Your face will look frtlh. glowing & alive. . l CoverinQ tHoSe · facial marks BY VJDADEAN illt............ . When S\&IU\ Barker wu a teen-apr, her face WU traaically diaftaured d\.ll'f.nc an aµtcimobde mclent 1n wtUch lhe 0 W.t tbroqh the wlndlhiekl.'' Stw WM left wttli .... ~ \he 1-lth ol her f ...... That WM 17 yean·aao, and today, you would never know the attractive blonde model had auffered auch a traumatic experl.erlice ; I (II" B~ her modeih,, care«. Suan allo la Southern California repreaen\ative for L~ O'Leary C-ovennark Caanetlca. c.overmark ii the product ~t makee it polllble for Suaan to face the camera and the public with confidence. At Robina:>n'• Fuhlon Ialand recently, the New Jeney native said ahe bepn using Covennark a short Ume after recoverlna • r f • J from her accident. "When I came to · California, I had difficulty finding the : product, 10 I wrote to the company tell1na z them I could not obtain It here. That's how 1 : beearue Involved • the repreeentati'Ve for · Covetmllrk more than a yeer ago." • Covermark ii an opaque makeup that WM deYeJoped in 1934 by Lydia O'Leary to camnuflaee her own problem. a severe birth 1'lark that covered almost half her face. The waterproof product can be U8ed anywhere oo the body to cover not only acar1 and birthmarks, but skin splotches where p(gmehtatkln has been lost; to cover ·dark dldes Under the eyea and to disguise . blemiahes. broken veim and acne. ''When a penon uaes Covermark, a akin problem will be covered an9 made to look 81 'natural u any other cosmetic," Barker 18id ! add1na "but it muat be applied properly to : achieve this result. 'lbat11 why the oomumer ; needs to have a CIODIUltant show her how to I \.lie it." . I Buker 18)'8 the JDOllt important thing fa ~to aet the foundation mixed to properly match the consumer's akin tone. Covermark , hM 12 foundations at the pawnt time and ~ p1am to add new cmea. · The creme foundation is first mixed on the hand to warm it to body temperature so lt will spread more easily over the surface. H lt is U8ed on the face, it can be oon.fined to the problem --only and U8ed ln coojundkm with any foundation or it can be u.ed to cover the entire t.aoe. (Covermark 1000 will i'8 introducing tta own liquid foundation). The foundaticm ii patted or premed with the flngertipe onto the blemiahed area and f•tberecl Into the All'IOUDdinl area eo that there ii no line of dlman!atlon. · Then. a fbdlldnt powder la applied t:•._Y to thit u. mid dowed to let for 0 mimRH The ~ pCiwd!w ia. ~ NIDOY9d wffb •. bNib .. CDttlllll ban. Tbe. llDlibfnirpoWdllir la a mun t.d set the Co.;eimark, JtUtr.. .,.. If •Piiied in the above manner, the product will"lMt until the \1881' moo.. to remove it. "It takes a few pra1ice experience9 to 1eern to u.e Covermark producta properly," Barker advt.es "but after you learn. it takes no Jmaer than any other ccmneUc line.0 Alter the foundation la applied, a conaumer la ready to add her glamour producta to the eye9 and cbeeb. Other Covermark eroducta available include a punHlize cover stick, cream rouge, shading cream, grey toner for men to U1e in their beard area, a tonlna lotion, removing ~ mol8ture lotion and creem. . B!llidee the new foundation Mwts th' compenya future plans Include a liquid leg makeup. and new rouge fMhion lbadea, Barker say.a. "I aet very emotional when I eee how people raporwl to Covermark,'' Barker' said. ''When they have lived with ~ta for a Iona time and then finally aee tbenwelva with a Oawlem comp)exion, lt ii such a ~ I remember particularly cioe· V«Y yoonc alrl and her rmdloll when I covered a cfark birthmark which had ~ much of her t.aoe. About 10 percent of our cmtomer1 have ..ven pnllMnw," lhe aid "about 50 percent have mmGI' scan•or NeinhibM, and otben uae It became they want more OOYWal8: ALL WINNERS -Newport Beach Oty Arta Ccmmllllon and the Loa Anaelea Bordeaux Slater City Af flllaUon co-aporwored a reception and art exhibit ln Bia Canyon Park to honor five. Honoreea, ·from left. are Flom Schwnacner, Bud PMhlef, Penny Mc~ and .Elaint? Redfield with Andrea Berry,' ·~ in for her rnorDt Dorothy Berry. .. GIVING CREDIT - Madeline Role rea 7 off a long list of credltl for five community vol- unteers for the arta at a reception in Big Cany<:Jn Park. . . • . . : The s1rlpi«st shoe in town • ankle tied : • and prietty oa a picture by Nino. . ~-....._ . • • . • • • • . . • . • . • . • • • Bon~ & Whltlt Gold & Whltlt Red MultJ S54.9/.~ By VIDA DEAN Of,..Dllr,... .... After nine montha llvina you tlpa on how to pretty younelv• up fOI' a party, rve dedded to ao to the parUee with you. Thh h my flr1t wrap . Obvloualy, I won't mak4' it ph~y to all of the fun event.I in thJI area. (there are 10 •. many), bUt with the help ot collequee. lrlmda and Upe frcm you rll be ~them. • . For example there waa that walk in the park Sunday . h • CANV ABES AND KUDOS were exhiblt.ed at a reception planned by the Newport Beach City Arts Commillion and the Loe Angeles Bordeaux Slater City Affiliation. · G~ ltad the opportunity to stroll around Big Canyon Park under sunny blue skies (I hope everybody had on their sun ICl'een. Ooops, for a minute there I reverted), chat and vie~ more_ than 70 of artist renny McManlgal 11 acrylics and watercolors bt!fore the paintingl were crat.ed up for a three-weelc lhow in France. ' During a brief ceremony Conducted by Madeline Roee, who chaired the afternoon affair, five community volunteers were honored for helping the area'• cultural development. Goina home with the blue and .silver plaquea were Flou Schumacher and Bud Puhley of C4rolla del Mar, El.a1ne Redfield of Fullerton. and McManip1 of Newport Beach. DoroUiy Berry of · . Garden Grove wu allO given an award whkh wu accepted by her dauthter, Andrea. It would take paa-to lilt the accom~ta of the honoreea. Let 1 juat N,j without them we miaht be a cultural delert. City Arta comml11lonera Introduced were Bill A&ee. Novell ~n. Betty Tesman, Walter ZlaJai', A Z. Taft and Dr. Jenell Rlcharda, who jult ,ot back in town. Richards visited 11 countriea during hia two-monthl trek. He loyed Portugal, but hia favorite spot waa SJngapore. In our talk on travel he said he plans to take a train ride acrcm Canada. But, that woo't be any time aoon 81 he bu ICheduled that u his last vacation trip . . . when he'a about 85. Others spotted at the reception were Lorraine L ippold, Dr. Samuel and Sally McCUlloch, Don and Dorothy Burden, Jane and Paul Whiatler, Lisa and Alan Calhoun, Len and Jane Bedsow, Anne Nutt, Marion Daugherty, Susan Beechner.and Joane Evans. A BIG 21 topped the four.tiered cake when the Adoption Guild of Southern California obeerved its birthday 1ut week at a celebration hosted by Cannell and Chaffin. J The event, attended by 300 memben and guests. was followed the next day by the guild'• annual tenn11 tournament at Newport Beach Tennis Cub. Ollie Hill arranged the "antna IJtJeAnn&, Cl .. c Dads I . Grads ATHLETIC a LEISURE SHOES Nib, Adidas, New Bateaoe(. Cccftrw, Sperry ••• Oft? as different name llcuu:lt to chooee from. ~ WAIN-UP-SUITS New Bal&AOe, Fred ~.~uth Robbim, Adidas, Pierre Cudin. WinnlDcJ ways; Nib. Sub 4. I TElllS WUI BocJner. fr.cl hrry, Gut, htla Robbin.I, Adidu, Wll.on. Cal Sport. U1tnilport, bocL ' ACTWE LEISUU · C..tnbarJ, Cal Spart, BOlba Tr&den, laod. Tbompeoca, StubbliM, Gotch.. Jin a Heert, Surfll.De Hawaii, A.pen. AFTER THE CONCERT -Diane Ingram, Nancy • Thornton, Barbara Caldwell and Roger Ingram, from left, diacussing the OC Master Chorale concert at the reception which followed in the Dicus home. Barbara is chairman of the Special Gifts Council and Roger aerves on the Business Council. BUSINlmS ~ PLEASURE -Ken Heintz of South I.aauna chain the Bualne9I Council of the OC Muter Chorale. At the po1t~concert reception he di1cu11ed corporate and foundation 10lidtaUon1 being undertaken by the council. Other patrona, from left. ,re F.a Sebek, Glenda Serettl and Jane Strahl. CAKE REVEAI.8 IT -Ollie Hill, right. arranged the Adoption Guild's 21st birthday celebration. With her. are member Phyllis Carpenter and Dan Baker, president of Cannell and Chaffin. CELEBRATING -Sponsorln& 21 annual tennis "AND THEN" -Ward Chamberlain eeems to be explaining ·tournaments is reaaon for celebrating according to Adoption aomething, maybe a lemUa game, to wife E.G., let~ and Guild memben Bobbie Stabler, Jeft, and Patty Andenon Jaye Beman, Jackie Peterlon and Jim Benaon. The place shown with Patty's husband, Bob. was at Cannell and Chaffin's party fbr the Adoption Guild. Securlfy Protection 1t Do You Own A Safe? , Can It H0ld ALI. Your Valuables?. How About A Walk-In Safe? Affordable Security For Home or Office Call Our Consultant For fl"M Evaluatlon ,CIC 552-3975 534-8797 Semi-annual clearance savinga event! Selected groups of dressy and casual shOel. Many cqlora and stylet but not in every size. So better be here early. HaDdba .. lnduciel i6t 1'lg ~ Adclltlonal SI off With two :::;-, . Ldearance lihOel aftd/.or'bap~J A NEW TECHNIQUE -"Hat Weaving" ls a new technique created by the inspired talents of Anthon)' M.ucolo, artlstlc di.rector of Toni & Guy of London. Rarely do hairdressing and fashion unite 10 beautifully. B' nai B' ritn to install officers 1 '] THE NEWPORT BARBOR Lodge of the B'nai B'rith meets June 19 in the Lakeview Room Df Big Canyon Country Club for ita fifth annual installation of officers. For infonnation. call 644-8758. THE WOMAN'S CIStJB of Hund..neton Beach will hold lta installation of offtcen June 15 at their clubhouse, 420 10th St. For reservations to the luncheon meeting, call 898-3370. NEWPORT BARBOR Lawn Bowlin& Club members meet on the greens on San · Joaquin Hills Road and Crown Drive in Coro.na del Mar Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 p.m. and Saturdar at 10 a.m. For infonnation, call 159-996 . THE AMERICAN Association of Retired Pel"IOnl, Huntington Beach chapter, will hold a bwiinesa meeting June 15 at 12:30 p.m. at Murdy Community Center, 7000 Norma Drive. For information, call 963-9106. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY for Training and Development will meet June 16 at the Saddleback Inn in Smta Ana to hear a talk on intuitive management. For reservations to the 11:30 a.m. program, call 892-6939. . A FD..M ON Finland will be shown at the OASIS Sen1ot C-enter, 800 Marguerite Avenue, Corona del Mar from 1 to 3 p.m. June 28. For infonnation. call 7~9-9471. THE IR VINE Toutmisttess Club will meet June 14 at 11:30 a.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings and Loan building, 1100 Irvine Ave ., Newport Be,ach. For reeervationa, call 731-4041. ~•ff (tlCf'Oeefrom ..... '•) { Spedal SinlOr Studio Sitting • . ODlv •10.00 • 10 poJa tabn • BrlTW voor /ovortt. out/tta: at#Wtfc, cmuaJ and formaJ . . • s.mor porbolt pockoge avallable • Coll /or dda& I South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa 92626 M9-210I \ / • 28 master tailors who take pride in their work , ORI<;. 18.99 TO 20.99 12.98 ORIG. 21.99 TO 24.99 14.98' ORIG. 25.99 a MORE 16.98 ., • Select clearance groups, reoular stock! Broken sizes. big choices! Exciting Handbag Bargains! [Pocket $1 ·~~with any two ule shoea and/or bags] SO. COAST PLAZA Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 13, 1082 ~· FITS TOGETHER-For her turn at the' jigsaw puzzle, Lipda aelects a two-piece black dre9I by Flora Kung of Deaegni. It's a dressy crepe de chine with orchtd print featuring a round neckline with three-button shoulder closing, raglan sleeves and an elasticized waistband. IN PRINT -Perfect for IUJDD>er wear is thia 100 ~t oo\too red print dre98 from Joule · of San Frandlco. The V-neck de9lgn has abort sleeves. aelf tie and a flared skirt. I \ OOVER -At Eiler's Inn in Lagwi. Beach Linda Strahan Tucker models a teal blue sundresll which baa ita own coverup jacket Magenta piping acoepta the Joanie Char oJ San FrancJst:o C1'81don. The drms bl styled with a pocketed 6traight skirt, tucked bodice and apa/lhett:i straps. The jacket with its pulled above-elbow sleeves with band opening and modilied Mandarin co1Jar glvet1 tbe ct.re. aomethlng extra. FashlOIJB from Sutton PUtce, ~Beach. ...... ,,,,., ,...... ., ,.,,,..,. "...,,,, SIMPLY DESIGNED -Linda's cuual two-piece salmon colored 100 pen:ent silk dress reflecta elegant simplicity. A single pocket detaill the bod.lee made with cap aleevee and round neck. Designer Styled Cordouroy Coat and Pant Separates 25°/o off. Select group of Pin whale Cordouroy slacks 29.99. Men's Cotton Sweaters 25% off. Men's long Sieve Sport Shirts 25% off. Select Group of . Men's Pre-finished Casual Slacks $19.99. Select group of Mep's Suits 25°/o to 40% off. Select group of Men's Sport Coats 25°/o off. . r Linda Strahan Tucker apendl moet of her days in .Wta and ~lorecl clothlna. However, the vlce prealdent and director of Marketing for Oranae Clty Bank ln Orange say• 1he welcome• the opportunity to switch to a dreaier look when she attendl aocial eventa . . The Irvine resident's interest in fashion alto bu led her to develop an intereet ~ keeping fit. She exerdlea ln a salon three timee a week, and 1he says she enjoys tennis and aiding with her husband, Robert, a real estate consultant with Executive Consultants. Linda is a native of Douglas, Ariz. She ' moved to California in 1969, and since then has made her presence felt by becoming involved in numerous civic organl.zatiom. She 11 a member of the Board of Directors of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Women's Division (Dolphins), having served in that capacity since 1974. She also is a past president of the Dolphins. 1 Last year, she was chairwoman of the Dolphins' Wimbledon West Tennis Tournament, and this year she is serving as an adviaor for the tournament, planned for September. · Another project is The High Signers, a support group for the Sutton Movement Sign Writing which aids deaf and hearing-impaired persons. The Tuckers also are membes of Friends of South Coast Repertory Silver Circle group. Linda is a former member of the American Business Women's Organization. Currently she is busy' preparing for the opening of her company's new office which will take place in late July. She Will trarusfer to this Newport Beach branch where she will be vice president and director of marketing, working in business development. l , I LUNCHEON BA TS -Paul Salata and Valerie Sutton, rlaht. are in the money or under the money at the Stanley Awarda ~ heJd at the Newporter. Joining them are Stanley Award winner Tom IUWj And Marian Bergeeon. STANLEY AWARDS went to · Herbert Sutton and Supervt.or Tom Riley at a faahton 1how lundieon held at 1he Newport.er IniL '!be pre1entation w• at the tint annual event stven to benefit another ftnrt. the SIGN WRITER NEWSPAPER. a quarterly whJch prtnt1 the new1 in both 1lgn hn1ua1e and En1ll•h. The newapaper la an Qranae County creation 1ervln1 the deaf community in 31 countriel. Valerie Sutton (no relation to Herb) 11 the inventor of the international movefY\ent hand~tina.' . Herb aml8ted in. bringing the paper to lta preeent format. and hM been printing l~,000 copies each 1-.ae .. hia Sift. Riley hM Uliated in obtaining aranae County Revenue funda to help with the preparation of each i.u.e. . A11emblywoman Marian Ber1e1on pre1ented a third surprUe award to Valerie Scudder for her contribution to Sign Language .literature. Her generosity made it pcmible for Valerie to bring out a book which teaches deaf children and adults to read and write any sign language. Jim Dale, Tom Fuentes, ~olice Chief Pete Grc. and Dr. David Martyn joined profemonai models durina the fuhicm portian of the benefit narrated by Florence Smalea. ' Debbie Gray, cha1rwoman. wu Ulilted by Emma Jane Riley, who la founding a support group, The Spaman of Sutton Sip WrtUng. Beraeaon was honorary . chairwoman. MUSIC GOES ON: After the Oranp County Mater Chorale concert ln the Santa Ana liah School, benefactor and patlfbm were honored at a reception hosted by Charter 25'1 Special Gif1a Council ln the Santa Ana PARTY TAUt -Barbie Hlncbler and husband. Dave, right, chat with home of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Glenn and aetty Turnbull at the Adoption Guild'• birthday party at Cannell Dicua. _and __ Chaffin __ ·_. Barb __ ,_·e_is_the_guild __ '_• _presl __ den_t. _______ ----'=-----See A ward•, Page C1 Take your pick of rope wedge casuals at our Joyce·Selby ahoe store . . where espadrilles are the free·wheellng • aprlno and Summer favorite Stop by and see the super selection by Joyce. today1 . NAVY, RED, SAND & WHITE CANVAS TIKKI '29 . ' jovce·selbyshoes ~ ltultl Ctaal Plaza S1n11 Miiiie• Place Mlt11011 Vitjt Mal ~· .,....Lrtt1 ... .,111eyc. te•L•wt1.••-• l_l,... en .. c.wi Vis·• ... ,.-.... , C..lllllHI • ._.._. ... _... --....... .. 714 754-1311 (213) 314·1154 495-9847 A111enc111 Ea,,.u '· '---------~----------~------{ I ·1 .. l glnglss · . fOI irlalWe·ar ... . I. STEP ON IT ,,_ .,.. GI ' ' Owenda; tn.altell Bob Humphreyt IM~. a lirnUI •lect-and Oeor1• Rodda, Jr.; l\Jch en1tmbl• from the Chorale, Bn.lhtman, OCC dean; Gera1dtrie . ~ \he ~ iftclud!N Cafilll·Plckart, oounHlor: and fOlki trom the oouta1 area. Hank Panian, who handled Chorale director Dr. Maurice tributet frorp the podium for the AllArd prettnted 0.-. Dlcua with a faculty. OCC coech• Dlck Tucker plaque ~Una h1a year u u\d Leon Skele were clrculattna pre11dent and cha tr woman tbo, handlomt 1n ooatl and U• for Barbara Caldwell had the the occuton, by .,ny. oppommity to thank the aueete It wu a bil ntaht for Dr .. Bob f()I' their 1upport. trom more than 600 of hi1 The concert f.unded out the admirere, with a few teare and lotl Chorale'• 81-ai INIOJ\. but the of cheere. members will remain acuve thia s\,UIUMl' lfnce they are leaving 1 Jwy 8 for a two and a half week I concert toW' 1n Europe. Spectal guest at the affair wu Gearp Wyle, muaical arranger to, 1 · many entertainers ·and TV speclala. And be also arranged .much of the Chorale's concert nUJnben earlier that evenina that reflectedonpaatA~demyAward winning songs. Guesta included the Dean Tromanhauaers and the Donald Wagoners of Huntington Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hatto of ~ Hills, F.ci Sebek, Glenda I Seretti, Dr. and Mr.s. Roger Ingram, Newport Beach. n WAS LIKE old home week \ on the Orange Coast College • campus 1n c.o.ta Mesa recently 1 when faculty members , administrators put and present and a host of civic dignitaries "tran1ferred" to the Balboa Pavilion to honor Dr. Bob Moore, retiring president of OCC. Among the estimated 500 I wen.Wishers were members of Dr. Bob'• family; his mother, Minnie , 0 . Moore, 91 years . young; his · Wife, Pat; son 'Tom and grandson Chadd. Numerous Coast Community College District offtctals were ln evidence, like Chancellor Nonn Wat.son and wife SHARING CHUCKLE -Among attendees ~t OCC President Bob Moore's· retirement testimonial were Phyllis Cool, OCC psychology department instructor (left), and Phyllis Bruns, a.ociate dean at OCC's Career Development Center. '1AEGER. l~ '1AEGER. L.CHXlN clAEGER. L.CHXlN 25~o TO 50-ro OFF FAMILY ON BAND -Grandlon Chadd, ~ 1011 Tom Moore were both on hand at Balboa Pavilion to honor retirement' of Dr. Robert B. Moore, preeldent of Orange Coast College. .,.., .... ltaff "'-'• THEY DID THE WORK -Three members of the decorating committee for OCC President Bob Moore'• teltlmonial eeem pleued with their day-long choree at the Balboa Pavilion. They are '(left to rtaht), Rochelle Rande, Sharyn Tovar .net Jacki w~ GANG'S ALL HERE -In attendance to honor Dr. Bob Moore were (left to rtght), trustees Bob Humphreys and George Rodda, Jr., along with former Orange Coast College dean Jack Scou, now president of Cypreea College. · SIGNING IN -Janet Haniford, one of the many admirers of Dr. Bob Moore of OCC signs guest book at Balboa Pavilion while hostess Hedy Carnett looks on. ' ORIGIN.Al PRICES ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE LeSpo Graduates Bo1h Stores Open Today: 12 to5 P.M. Ladies' Sportswear and Gent1emen's Furnishings Jaeger International Shop 9699 Wilshire Btvd. Beverty Hiits. CA 90010 (213) 276-1062 Ladles' and Gen11emen's Sportswear Jaeger"~' Shop SOUth Coalt PkJz.a 3333 necl Sn.t Cotta Mlea. CA 92626 (7~MN703 You'll find Ule enUH LelponHc collecdon •': ~ . . .. ~ • ~ .. .. I I f MOSES K. OUZOUNIAN· .. • Rug Expert ' EXPERT-ADVICE SAVES MONEY A REFRESHING APPROACH TO MERCHANDISING ORIENTAL RUGS We, dealers, as knowledgeable as w~ are, to make it easy on ourselves, buy new oriental rugs by the grade and quality by the square foot. Therefore, at SHAH 'N SHAH ORIENTAL RUGS, in order to make it easier for the CLIENT we sell our new rugs by the· square foot by the grade and quality listed on the rug t.ag and on your purchase invoice. THE ADVANTAGES OF SQUARE FOOT PRICING BY THE QUALITY AND GRADEz . J •• Standardization; Knowing what you are buying and acquiring your money's worth. Reputable dealers will mark the quality of the rug. 2 . Faci1itates easier comparison shopping, expecially if the sizes vary somewhat. 3. You can compute the cost by the grade and quality apd per square foot price. 4. You end up with a better rug, or a similar rug, for less money. 5. In cases of misrepresentation, where the qualif)' is not correctly marked you have legal recourse for frau<}, etc., here or elsewhere. YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW Regardless of where you buy your rug Lt is your right to receive the grade and the quality listed on your invoice. Here we do that without the client asking !or it. Buying an orlen ta1 rug shorJ:ld be a happy and pleasant experience. We do just that for you. And.we sell our rugs for less. The countries that produce their rugs by gradt; and quality are as follows: China, India, Pakistan and Ruman/a. On new Iranian rugs the quality may be determined by the knot count per square inch . J. C'1•e•e 4x6. Th~e ere wlrhour-doubt the ma.r exqW.Sr. bWfUref ol modl'm OW-looml. '.Dwyar. hendcrllfl«l ,,,..rerp;ttm of Ille flnst Jwcurious wool from tM cold t?giolv of OUne and waah«I co • •ubllme velvery •hHn. The color end dHlln comblnalion• ere u veriM u the .i-. l'l "x:l', l'WIMrt. ovela, l'fXlllda and l'f!CfMl6}m. Priced by the aq. ft. 4. RonutJ1laa Tatwu 4.¥6. The RomanUuv larMd rug malcbt6 from the~ Their"""". rhal ol Che •rud~ll ~ Ille tftcJM>r. Their """ all follow tM cia.c fnldit-.1 Pen»n ~ Wllh belfet" quality wool. d,,_ end quality worlcmnvhlp The Bulcher81I umpl~ •bovf' C'Oata •bout 1-Srd of 1u equ1vakn1 LranI.n rug And yet. tMy we.ar as Jong as tM p~ rug& Pric«J by lhf' IJIQ. ft 8. Sld,,,an, antique C..UCMtan 4'"6'7.$", 1'hU pierft!Cfly pl"8tt'Ved tribal rug dater from Che 2nd. IWf of the llr.h ceJtUI')'. The color variation, ita bold ~tnt: ~ Vftlter:able d>W end «>fr wool errar r.o Ir. primitive artJ•tlc ~aury of it• barbaric 11nd Vf't romanlk Ol'f6ina. Moderarely priced by the piece. • Any work 0£ art displays the spirit that made it. These rugs are testimony to the beautuul people that produced them. CALL FOR A CXJMPLEI'E LIST OF OUR VARIOUS QUALITIES & SQ. FT. PRIO:S SQ. FT. PRICES ARE LISTED IN OUR WINDOWS AT BOTH LOCATIONS WE TAKE OLD RUGS AS TRADE-INS OR BUY THEM FOR CASH COMPLETE SERVICE1 A11 work done on our pnmJ6ft by THIRD 0.l:HDA'170Hexperta 1. APPRAISALS ol new or old TU/IS I« b1luraoce by tbeJr 6f'ad8 Md quality: verbal OI' written. 2. CleanJll6, tr1nt1Jn6; blndJ.n6, pet .wn removal, blHdi.n6 removal. rew..vi1J6, etc., el.It'., etc.. \ We Also Carry Wall To Wall Carpeting, Ceramic Tile and Hardwood Flooring At Cost+ 10.. II You Cao Find Ally~ We ~ For Le. EJMwllere, S.y It. FREE EDVCA TION1 Many Depamnent Stare. and dMlen are '/Jol.dln6.'~-81JS oil sale& How genuine are these sale11? Are you re.lly acquil'iJ16 what you are 'pqlrw.~t ShOp them befott their sale11 loC' a spedflc item and then mop them durllig their Mlee for oomptirlaan. (~ for a Free Sem.Uw-on Oriental RCJ611 given by Mme9 K . Otuol.inUin. Time 7:30 p.m., June 17, 1982 at the Olrona del Mar Showroom.) , New ·decal:" Greatest lad ' I I on earth? I . BJ 8TSVE M.AaBU: oftMDllJ ....... ........... The happy &a It • tb1nc ot the pelt, the pet ~ fad t.m"i a fad anymore and the ··ot1co Sucb'' bumper lticken have IOl'8 the way of dllco ltMH. . The No 8olOI movemont la here. No Bowe? U you t<ave to uk. suaesta Newport BMch reaident Krlst1 Brellert, you're probabll a bozo and all the explalnlq ln the wor1ci won t do you one bit of aood. The round flit-me lticken bearlna the face of the famoua clown with a line 11.aabed right throuah hl8 ~ nme are Rartina to appear on car bumpen, on store wlndowa -there'• even one puted onto one of the Balboa laland ferriee. · Mn. an.en. creator of the •tickers and aplritual leader of the No ~ movement. SENDING THE MDSAGE -Mary A.Deen Matheis and Barry Bumlere, center, give Rep. . .., ......... _,,.....O'D ti Robert Badbam batch of letters from Realtors asking ~ to batanre budget. Realtors---peiitioning ·Re;igan ·Letters auning to bala~ce budget, lower interest rates By BOB BARltER or .. ..,,... .... • The Huntington Beacb- Fountain Valley Board of ltealtort la partlctpatlng ln a letter-writing cam= that nwnben hope will brine dDwn reoord-bleb ID1ilnlt rateL • The 1,760 Jocal a-lton are )Jlnlnc wtdl otb8r'I .rem the nation ln a1kln1 PrHldent Rea1an and membera of to put .... polltb and a b91antM y aay that ~~need budla* will reduce the intS'9lt ~-now ~the lndmtry. •• are boPnl to haw two ialllloa letters 1ent to the p ...... t wl ~ within the ant 20 days." liaid L. Berry Bur n, board pelldent. "It II Important for our federal lMdll'I to undentand that their ccmttn•q deftdt spendlnc and the ~Una record blah intenst rates are burtln& ua -their camtituenta -in our hamea, jobs and bulinel9el. .. The local Realtcn handed over 2.ooe letters to Rep. Robert Bedhem, R-Newport Seidl, 1-\ ,..,._ Bedbam -.kl be would be .. delichted" to carry the mall to •= and other offic1all ln w ~ , BecUwn lald at a newa .-an In Hunttnctcm BMch that the American dream of home ownenb1p la betnC threatened. He noted that a balanced budaet would be uaed "u a trl11er.. to brtna down the lntes'at ntea. Bu11iere. a reatdent of Buntlnaton Beach, aaid real ..aate .,...,.,. it down sharply from a year .., beca~ ot the hip lntereat rates prnently ltaDd1na at 16-5 percent. ' . He aald that prior to the dropoff, local Realtors were aelllng about 200 homel wor1h about $2& mW1on per week. That total baa fallen to about 80 homes and $10 million ln salea per week In the Hunt1n1ton .Beech-Fountain Valley area, he aid. Uline a $100,000 heme aa an example, Bu1~iere aald an int.erst . rate of 4 percent would me.n monthly peymenta of about ~. ~ .. 1d a 17 percent loan lntereat rat' would balloon payment. to $1,400 to $1.600 per man th. Bumien -.kl that membenhip in the local board of Re.lton hM fallen oft about 2& percent Jn the IMt 12 moot.hi • aale9men leave the bUllnell and real estate finnl fall. .. exp1Unl what tf1 all about: I .. w. all know what • bozo ... rlcht? lt11 the IUY who pW1I up on your rtaht at a ltop ll&ht and then triel to pua you in the middle of an lntenectSon.. work on the project lut=c with ..vera1 collequea. She •ya the pert of the job WU tncklng down the rM} • Bozo1 it turned out. WM a IUY named Larry Hannon, a aometimel actor, a part-time producer and aole owner of the oopyrtaht on the anW.na face. ..lft the woman who ttops ln the middle of the ramp and bkJcb everyone from aettini on the Be1boa Ferry. You tee bo:rm all the time.'' . She ~ molt of the bozoe teem to find their way tO"Newpon Belch. thouch other dtiea "I waa a little worried he wouldn't 1fke the idea of a line riabt throucb Bozo'• face. that -he might think we were maldnc fun of Bozo. But he loved it. He thought It wu Jll'eaL appear to aet their fair lbare. The Newport woman aaya the atickera ahould be uaed by people for their own ~living othen a clear wamlng that r.ygu.r;-,;; boso but you know that they are." Make eeme? Mn. an.en thlnb ao. At a dollar a pieQt, ahe allo believea the idea could Mn. Bre8lert aaya ahe and a oo~, Howard StoreS', obtained a five-year exdullve on the No BOzoe design and then convinced record atores and lift ahope to stock the atkker. make a blt of money too. The bubbly brown-haired woman went to The Bozo buaine9I, the aaya, baa been brUk. "It'• hard to explain why but everyone who (See NEW FAD, Pase DZ) Vibrations relax , baby Newborns getting a comfortable start from Laguna Hills By MARY .JANE SCARCELLO OftMD91J ........ New parent• know the problem -l:lrln8f.ng a baby home l:rcm the hospital can be a real acream. No one uks the newborn'• opinion. becau.e he makel tu. feelln11 perfectly, piercingly clear. He m.iuet the aecurity, aowut. and boundarlea of hla world in the womb. Now aomethinC baa been done to amooth the tranlltion to life on the outmde by Inf.ecare, a diviaion of Product Source, Inc., in- Laguna Hilla. 'ftMt device, called CrlbCuddle, la made of atret.ch terrycloth with a deep pile fabric and an electronic heartbeat to make a Nby feel rlaht at home. The t.atri: la atretcbed U&ht from the crib raWnaa and hano like a tiny hNnrnncX to· awlddle the lnfmt and proYfde a OOll'1 place for rocldna and lleePnc. The heartbeat mechanism, powmed by a nine-volt battery, fita Jnto a beut-ebaped pocket fn tbe fMric aboY9 tbe ..,,.. bmd co provide a rhythmic pu1le to calm a f:rettul t.by. '"The fMric la •-ti-oetdieei-u,ht, ao It carriea vibration. like J dnam heed.'' aaya Boy Taylor, marketing dlrectcr for lntacare . "Other companies have put out stuffed toya with a heart8ound, but it wu on a amett.e and provided noiae without the vibraticm.. .. The heart-ahaped electronic device baa a red plastic cover, can be turned on or off and la remov•ble for wa•hlng . Aa:ordlnl to Taylor, it can be placed near a beby on a crib maure. when the labric allng ii out.grown. The CribCuddle waa developed two yeara aao by Pauline Shakal of Santa Barbera ln conjunction with Patricia Wllbaraer. coordinator of developmental aervlcea at the Ventura County Ho1pltal Intemlve ~Nunery, where the ~ta were felted. "She aune up with the balk: delign but without the heartbeat, .. Taylor uld ... The device w.. intended to cuddle a baby after the trauma of coming from a cloeed ..... wtthfn the wcmb to all that apece." The atretdl terrycloth pw a gentle reai1tance H a baby puahes aaalnat 1t to promote emotional and gravitational aecurlty. accbrdlna to the company. SUSPENDED OOMFOR'll -~ 11eeD ay1tem J9 designed to reduce the trauma of blrth wtt6 a ~ heartbeat mechanism and womb-like cozinels. 'lbe heartbeat was added to the design due in pert to ~es in hospital nurseries ahowing that groups of newborns expoeed to the aound of a heartbeat cried 1e9 than newborns not hearing it or listening to metronomea or lullabyea. Infacare, which a.lao producee a special mattress for pregnant women, recommend• use of CribCuddle up to the age of 4 months, although the electronic device can be removed and placed on a crib mattreel for longer. A hospital version for premature babies will be the ~y 'a next project, to Taylor. . CrlbCuddle retaila for about $40 and la available at NOftlttrun, BroedwaL.. and aucb children'• atorea u gstiun'a. Hamel and Gretel Stores, Sweet Kids and Marcey'• Baby World. It'a enough to make rocking chairs obeolete. Perk priority A Loa Angeles expert In executive compenaation baa reported that automobile., extra life in1urance and club memberahips continue to lead all per_qulaites, but aecurity in home ind office ia cominC up tut. Gerald c. F.ckermann. dJ.rec:tor of the Western Region ~&~~~ Eiaht public accounting firm, said that 42 percent of all fl.rms contacted ln a recent 1urvey ottered automobllet u executive benefits. • Eck.ermann told a meeting of the Electronic. Allociation of California that other frequent "perlu,.. u such benefUa are c8lled. include executive klmlil; reimbursement for medical expenaea; financial or tax . conaulUq; UM of a company airplane; and \.Ille of a company- owDed residence. How~. the perk that now la at the end of the liat -am.atty aysteml for heme and office - doubtleu wW be one of the fastest risinc in the ·ao.. he aakl. a i:y:Cdon _by ~the work: he juggles ·Former clown renlB 4 iDillion ~ feet ·of office space I I 1 ' I 1 u.-•• ,." I Alloo 0.,f, . , .. , .. , .. . ' ......... '' ' ... ,. ····· ' ......... ''· ' ... ,., ... , ... • kh• "". t ···-·•••••"' :~ :::~~~·,::~ : '1 :::~2!::· ,::: ' c11.1.•.T•"' H O llP~ uu• HUI tt Ct •&•\,.t•• Ill • U Ctr\ h rtlillt r CAI .. t 1 C1,.\r•1 C••ll• Cl tl II Choou.. CIU " ., .. lt••• .... -• IO C•lt•t• ,,,, at C•l•Mh k•• II Ct .. rtl, I••· Ct .. 0 fJ C:••t•• Cert CMPI ft Ctt lec\t• COtt• " C.t•M• l\tt\ CUI• It hu,1w•r •.WI ,., .... ,... DTll ti 0.1.. '""' It h w111 i t•. DIL )0 llCO, 1... lie J1 llP •01r1. 11'11 ,, ., .. ,. ... ···" '"·· )) lwl•~ Ctr• IMLI' >• •••hit••• r .. -. .. )I lttttt\. tft•· Ill It ~~~.:-::.~~;: JI "••'" Ctr•· ,. "".,. .. , ..... •o hr .. "'·'' L. ,, ....... , .. , .. ,, .... ,.., ,.,. .. ,., '"" '"' . re••• ,., .. Giil GTCI t) ltl•t t W. I. Olfl • tt Oreu. v. •••• OU ' ., l tt lL\ ta•. '' l t llt•t \ltt ULI tf "trU tlt ltftlt l ltl Ill ,..,,.,, ho un•• tt 1 .. t rltl h t. IMPI l•OH ... ~.,. ....... , ...... IP•U• ...... , ... .. ..... ,, .... . 1r•t•• ....... .. .,.,., ...... 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UtttH et ... 41t\.t •••lt•llt41 •ere. Ct .. l hl ltf b • hMtP• •DHlt IUC MIMlll ilt .. Turn off furnace pilots (or • summer savings CLOWNING AROUND created the gimmick awkward characten. From Page 01 NEW FAD ....,,... ............ Kristi Breaeert to guard against • • • 1ee1 the sticker wanu one of them.-Ifa like then!'• .a certain breed that lrnmedlately know. what it meena. "lfl ).wt pure nori.er.e. really," abe says. Afw.r all. ahe lldda, deep down inalde, we're all a bunch of bo7.c:.. You c• own JM·oftlce ~· Y• can stop ,_ rent tr. pine •· YCM} can own \I! In -llDt lust. Yau cm rtllt Wiii the ipllln to bly. AIRPORT WEIT BU81NE88 PARK 241Alcher....,Redlll,C.M. Cell Mr. Dma 711-7400 llrobrCD ........ TREASURE HUNTERS Jofn this setea group of people who are ll'M>Md In • cNnc:e of a llltlme adwenCure thM wtll change the eour. ot ~ o..111 on how,._, ain ~In thfll ~ .... Pf ... tllelby. 'mEASURE HUNTERS; LTD Jc. ,... ... , & Assoc. he. 4667 MlcMtM 8cUMR1 ~ 8NCh. CA 92660 .. Raidel:atlal natural pa customen can save about $11 on their aaa bUJa th.la summer~ by tum1na ott their furnace pilot lighta, to Sam Bonnick, district manaaer of Southern Callfcmla Gu Co. .. Shuttlna ott your pilot llght can save about $2.75 a month, or '11 over the summer eeucc at today's rau.," Bonnick aaid. He added that aavingl Big enough to be safe .•• Howsefe? $26 million strong ·Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over $1 SO million for other financial institutions for the four-month period oould ranae from $6 to $29, depending on the size of the pilot light. -The gaa company official el(plained the ~··goal lJ to save a total of 68 million therms of meflY, enoua.h pa to eerve the needs of an e9timated 1.5 million residential cust.omen during a summer month. "M09t cuatomen are able to safely turn off and Small enough to be neighborly. How neighborly? •The simplest, safest IRA ISO/o for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account"' -·the interest-bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome San Marino Savings relight their own furnace pilots since the inatruct1ona are usually provided on the tumtoe." BonnJck aald. For more Information on ways to save natural SU this p,unmer Bonnick urged customers to call .the gaa company's toll-free hotline at (800) 352-4124. . i ; I • r ' . t11ne · f/~2~~, NIW YORK -A1 i mllliona of people · have learned over the • ~~. to wait and I for the 11riaht11 time : to y • hot.lie la '° rely Oranoe Oolit DAIC.Y PILOT/Sunday, June 13, 1812 Althou1b new home pricee •230.2e'1 tut July. The mlfClian conttnue to climb in Orana• Pl'b of theM homel wu •229, c.ounty, the ihcn'a1t over ~ 098 :c!lh the laraHt number pllt ellht monthl hlll llowed to & rrou in the over $300,000 percent, ~ to a reclr\t price ranp. Orana• County rHidentlal The l\U'Vey included 9911Ncle 1urvey _publ11hed by Firet family detached project.a ttiat American Title In1urance were -Wna when the IW'Vey Canpany. wa1 conducted. The avera1e 1irtt American'• prevlou1 equate footqe WU 2,463 with a report ln July 1981 ahOwed a 7 value ratio of $98.40 per equare percent 1ncr1•1 ln the price of foot. llnlJe family de1ached houllnc Pricee ranaed from a low of ttu..bath ~ at Coral Cay ta H\9\tinp>n Beech. Mon Q)n1pJ.\ed houMI w.. found for aaJe at th1a ti.me di.ID when the Jul~vey 'WH conducted. Total whetMr under comtrucUcn or completed_ ahowed an lncrnu of 4 peroent from the evlier ttudy. Coptee of the Oranae ~,.Z Relldential Swwy are a on a lhif:£.partner. I ~ t:;•ttrne EXECUTIVE HOMES -Thia II project, whlch II being boolted by r aide to ~ heme ~. the interior of a model home 1n a new financina program. d~ a llx-month period. '89,990 for a 935 1quare-toot, Of the 1,761 homll found for two-bedroom, two-bath home at aale at the time of the aarvey, the Green HU.la ln Yorba Llnda to a avwace price WM fU1,80e, Up hilh of $050,000 for a 3,206 •11,339 from the avera1• of 1quare-foot, four-bedroom, from the Market RHearch Department, Flrlt American Title Inaurance Company, Santa Ana. CalllU-1171. i Flrat came a time oft San Clemente•• Coral Pointe ! ln11ation, followed by • : time of ri•lna lntere1t N £ • • ~ =t ~1d4;! o~.. ew: 1nanc1rig I : .. .fte ~ti~~ plan offered I joint." It probably will I • remain ao for yeara to · come. 1liat amnment la I · baled not on opinion but on a cold-eyed look at · clrcum1tancea facin1 : would-be homeowners. . 1 Prtce9 have re~ted only aligbtly, mortgage rates remain hfgll ... financina lnltutltlona are beaet 6y their own troubles, many builden have gone bankrupt. . Even the demosraphk:I offer little encouragement. The latter, which involve population mix, show a aurge of houaeholda being formed in the bomebuying agea on either side of 30, repreaenting a potential for bidding up prices if lnterest rat.es eventually fall. .. So what do you ~do? A random aurvey of builders, 1ellers, buyen, housing analyats and others who feel they can make a contribution, auggesta that thole who want to buy today should simply e xploit time. To exploit the times, remember, it not to abwle a friend, aiDce time hasn't been a friend of homebuyen for a decade or IO. To the CD'ltrary, It hu been the enemy, and a formidable one too. It la to be u.ed. At Coral Polnte, atop San Cemente'1 h1l1I, a new finlu1clal concept called "Money Magic" hu Juat been introduced by Maurer Elllott Development. Thia new financina pl'Oll'aJD createe the belt ix-fble purchue lituatlon for buyen of the oceanvtew estate homee.. "Alona wttli Santa Barbara Savfnla, we are P1adna our finandal capabWtlea equarely on the Side o1 the buyen," states Jean Irvine, ln-hou.ae ulee agent at the project. · · . The Coral Pointe homes are priced from $299, 990 to $699,900. The aales office and four decorated model home. are open dally from 10 a.m. to duak and information may be obtained by phoning 408-8100. To reach Coral Pointe, take the San Diego Freeway to ~ Camino de Eatiella exit ln. San Cemente, drive notth on c.amino de FAtre11a until it turm into Camino de loe Mares. then turn eut on Avenue Vaquero. Follow that 1treet to the lntenection of Calle Guadalajara, then right and up the h1ll to Calle Corral and the C«al Pointe ales ocmplex. A luxurious lifestyle la hi&hllahted by the resort recreational facilltiea available at the condominium ocmmunity of Pointe Surf:lide near the .ea in Hunttncton Beach. Pointe Surf:slde residences are priced from $113,~ to $157,000 and include a choice of aeven floor plans. Model homes and the aalel office, under the direction of John Stuart, are open dally from 11 a.m . to 6 p.m . at 4682 Warner Avenue and lnfonnation may be obtained by pbonlnli 840-1396. To Pointe Surf1ide, take the S'•n Diego Freeway h•ctlng north to the ~amer exit. Tum west on Warner and drive apProximately four mile• toward the beach and -the model complex. Fn:m the San Dleao Freeway heedtr,. eouth. take the Garden Grove "'-way east, mt fmm-Jlately at Bolla CbJica and drive eouth to Warner, then turn rtaht on Warner to the cuomunlty. • TRADE YO~R LEASIHOl.D HEADAOtE . FOR A NEW WAY OF UFE For a llmlted time, Palacio del Mar II accepting appllcatlons for trad&1ns of Irvine Co. residential leaseho4d property. In return, you will receive a spectacular "Fee simple" ocean--vlew home In a beautiful hillside setting. Pnone n4/83l-9122 Take advantage of this out81andlng offer today. It may not pass thls way again. Prtc.cf '"'" $310,000. Attrodfve 12~" llinandftt LUXURY OCEAN VIEW HOMES lN SAN CLEMENTE Dk'ectton.: 406 IOUth to B ~ RMI IOUth. Lt of Gabrte1 to Sen Pablo. RT. on &In Peblo & f<*1w 19'9 to modell. ..----~~--------------------------.......;;.__ __ _ ..... , Action-Packed a.me. • Otglln&ll9 Your FIMnen • Ylwtd Color Qraphlca • Excttlrig lowtd Effecta A9g. 3'1.00 • AttM:hee EMiiy to Any TV Start oompUtlng at b!i saving1I Just pop In an lnstant- loadlng Program Pak for video games, to set up a budget, or to ald In your child's education. Learn to program, too! Add more memory, a printer, Joysticks for added fun from games, or telephone communications to other computers. Hurry! #26-3001 ByTanctye U1tenWhlle You Welk, Jog, Do Yardwoftl- Even Follow the Pllly-by-Pllly At the 8alfpi9rtd Cut 33010 Put a few words to work for ou • Enjoy your favorite stations anywhere-with hands-free convenlencel Padded earcushlons seal out noise, seal In rich, dual-speak~r sound. Ughwelght for hours of comfortable 119tening. Slde-mountpd controls. Antenna won't get in the way-It's hidden In the headband. #12-186 Solenoid-Operated cassette Deck Cut 33% Micro-Cassette Pocket Recorder Electronic controls and solenoids for smooth, precise tape handling. Dolby• noise reduction for Improved record- ings. Variable bias and selector for metal, ero2·and normal tape formulas. Peak~old fluoreacent level meter. #14-623 ····················· ..................... ......................... ..................... ..................... ............. , ...... . ~ ~i~~ ;~~~ii~ i iii~~~~~ :::::::::1:1.::1•::::: ~g~g~~~:~: ~n:~H~! H~~~~~HHHHHH A "talking notepad"! Records two hours at long-play speed, one hour at normal. capstan drive for low wow and flutter. Built-In mike, Coe/Review, Auto-Level. #14-817 Ben.rlet •JCt"' MC-900 by Reanltlc 430JoOff 39~ Reg.61.95Each Dual-Port Design for G,.at aa .. 1 Perfect for patio, poolside or yard! Omnldlrectlonal-360° sound. 8" driver with whlzzer cone. Weather- reslatant polypropylene enclosure. Hurry-save $30. #40-1258 .. ,___Collt DAILY PILOT/Suodty, Ml 11, 1Ha TOM SCOTT ... Saxopboalat Golden Bear draws performers ., Twilley and Tom Scott ready to rock and swing Rocker Dwtgbt Twilley and ju.:i saxophonist Tom Scott will take the .i.,e ln wparate ahowa acheduled this week at The Golden Bear, 306 Padtlc Coast Highway, Huntington Beach. Twilley will perform at 8:30 and 11 p.m. on Thunday, June 17. Scott will play 8:30 and 11 p.m. abowa on Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19. SI.nee the release of his 1975 hit "I'm on Fire.'' Twilley hu been hailed aa a rock 'n' roll original. At the Golden Bear, he will perform songs from hJa You'll be glad you came! --~~l~~- ' neweat releue. "Scuba Diver." Tom Scott is respected not only aa a great jazz perfonner but abo aa a top recording aeaaion man and a televiaion and movie llCOre compoeer. He has played on recofda by artists auch aa Joni Mitchell, c.&rofe King and former Beatlea Georp HarNon and Paul McCartney. Accompanying Scott at tl\e Golden Bear will be Victor Feldman on keyboards. Neil Stubenhouae on bus and Buzzy Felten on guitar. · Including BE.'"f ACTRES.~ -l<:athatine Ht"phum BF-\T ACTOR -Henry Fond-.a They share tbe laugbt.er, tbe love, tbe.frustr~on ... and tbe bathroom. Anyone can be afalber. But not every father deseroes a standing ovation. They continue to boa11 their own record category • 87 Y ~DENA AIU.ft •11111 ,._...., L08 ANOSLl'S -'nMI ChlettalN -that •xt.et with the cw1o lhop collectJon of lnltrwnenta ~ rowdy Jlal and maMe.rtd folk tUMI -•ll mol'9 oonceri Bcketa thaJ) NCOl'dl. Paddy MoloM,Y• who plaY1 the uWMn p&pe. (pronounced eH ·l••·uhn), rememben with f~ the bend'• blaett performance ever -the ()ctober 1979 MUI celebrated by Pope John Paul In Dublin. No one hM ever chal1enaed the Chieftains' claim that the audience of more than 1.3 mllUon who heard them play 1-<YCaroW\11 Welcome" that day, is the 1arplt aUdlence .ver to hear any band live. ''His lia, not oun," Moloey •YI with a laUC)l. ··w. W«'e-the open1QI ect.•• The haunttna IOUnd of Mobley'• u.Ulean pipea can be heard on Paul McCartney'• 1on1 "Ralnclouda, .. which la the _fUp aide of the McC.artney-Stevll Wander bit llnCle. "Ebony and Ivory." Moloney allo plaYI on "Flve MOea Out." the latest album by Mike Oldfield of "Tubular Bella" fame. The Chieftalnl -Moloney, two fidd1era, one fluu.t., a harp player and a pet"CUllionlst who playa a drum calfed the bodhran -have their own prodiaioua record catalog datinl back to the 1960I.. i'!Xcept for one live album ~ the aoundtnck to the film "Barry Lyndon,'' which won the group an Academy Award ln 197~. the a1bwna are all conveniently numbered. Chieftain• 7 and 9 were nominated for Grammy Awards ln the ethnlc-tradidonal category." They lolt. · The latest effort, Chieftalnl 10, is subUtled ''Cotton-£yed Joe,'' becau.e it Includes a number that Moloney oontendl ii the ancettor of that western foot stomper. Some-the group'• jlgl and folk tunes date back to a blind 17th-century harptst by the name of Tur~ O'Carolan. But the recorda have never been u auccmaq&J u the Uve lhow1, whlch only MYen ~ became profitable enouah to enable band Men) to quit ill their outlldi jobs. The Cbelftalnl lpeiwi eome llx monthl a yeer on the rmd. Alter windfna up their lateat vlllt to the Uni Statet lut month, the Chleftalna retumed Ireland to complete the ICOl'el for '-The Gw 'J'oXf" a fllm abolat a tum-of-the-.century train robbery l;n Canada, and ''The Y..-r of the French," a TV mlnUleriea aet ln 17th century Ireland. ~ A British televillon 1pedal on the group is the worka, and their concert achedule lnclud appearances with Jackao'n Browne and an Morrison ln Eng1and, and with the RoWnc Stonee ln lftland. In Aupt, they'll be b9clt ln the Uni~ Statea to play at the World's Fair ln K.noxvlle. Tenn. . ) "The audl.encea we get are usually ~)' mixed," •YI Moloney a diminutive man W!h brtaht blue eyea ~a jinuny Durante aoee .••• A_ "You get aome rockers, you get aome fo~ cleMicel -just people who Jove music and peoste who come along on speculation to find out w '• happening,'' he aaid. "Like, for lnatance, we did Symphony Hall Bolton twice last year,'' he said. ''The first time ln March -naturally you're going to get 40 ~t Irish . . . The next time, ln October, was part of ~ autumn aeries that they do -they have c1aasiClll muaidam from .all over the world. :f "We ao. ld out to a completely strain audience,'' Mol~y aaid. "They loved ua." . Moloney ahiup philoeophlcally when as about record tales. He 1&YI the band is hoplne t part of the bustnel9 will improve as a result of Chieftainl' recent switch from CBS Recordaa email. New Jeney-bued Shanachie Records, w handles other Iriah artiata, such aa Tommy and Liam Clancy and DeDannon. ~ '°"'·~-. ~ ·~~-.. PN.Wl,a:.,10:IO ·~ IAT/IUN. 1-, MO, 4:IO ~ .... 1:11. 10:IO ''°' ~ "GREAIE . II" .... 1:11,t:ll IAT/IUM. U:t1. 1111, Ml ?:11,.t:ll(N) Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/8undey, June 13, 1982 Q.-~-... ,.. ...... • .......... & =1' WM.I ... \ ..... ., ..... w ..... ,.. •I•• tafl1lal11 Utt ·~"•lee ... ~ .... .. .... ...., ........ , ... a. WW... ha PnHtlea, Clllf. rrw. .... &1ee ..a""-............. Mkl,,......, A.-Thla la not a qu•Uon for a column, but for a bookl ln· d..cl, I know of at leaet ont . book that ha• betn devottd 1ol1l1 to tr1111fer bld1. Ho1'tYtl'1 wt will dJ1eu11 tht bid lo It• bulo form. Th•rt art obvtou1 advan· tap1 to havln1 tht no trump optnlnr bidder declare the baod1 wlth iht 1troni hand cone.a.ltd, It ta more dltftcult to defead to beat advanta,.; U la better to have the optn· ln1 lead comt up to the 1tron1 band rather than throusb lt. However, the e>luae1 do not end then, A11ume that artner ~ UXURY THEATRES .. E.I. $2.&0 1st Z Mltin11 Showln! Uni~ Noqd . S lli(et#ij•Xuil6i~ ~sss/~a;:, ) d * FOR Funt EXCITEmEml V111tOvr ... optne th• bJ n1 w t on• ne tt\lm, and 1ou havt 1 weak laand with a ftvt-c&rd .. major ault. Jn your prtatnt mttbod you bid your 1ult and you become dMlartr with the etronr hand In dummy. Uelnr banaftr bld1, you bid tflt 1ult below your auJt, and partner correctl to your lon1 eult. Now ht 11 dtdarer.and your weak band I• dummy. For ••ample, euppot• part· ntr optn1 ont no trump and you bold: •us ~Kuu OQsu +a Obvloualy, with your weak, unbalanced hand, 1ou would l)rtfer to play In 1 ault rather than at ·no trump. Uetn1 etandard method1, 7ou would bid two heartt. and partner would pall unle11 ht htld a malllmum w"h pod htlrt 1upport. In wbieb eue ht would ralH. Pl1yln1 tranaftr bldl, you bid two diamond•. Now partdft know• that you have at !t11t five llearta. Normally, ht would 1lmply acctpt the tran1fer by blddlnr two btartl. However, with the 10ri of hand with which ht would have ral1td your two heart 1l1D-<>lf to thrH heart., h• cu take a Jump tranafer to tbrte be&rtl, ReverH the tpade and heart boldlnp on the band above. In that caM reaponder would bid two beartl -that It not a natural bid, but a trauftr to two 1 ~EIS S'llLL THE WORD! PRESENTED IN GifJW114sl21~ ~121~~) .J1\I ,.,. .. ~~ · f T. 15)1,1°. 4 Traek D~lby Stereo U 1ll i1114111 • • 1n '91m 111111111011 /Ill I \/H\n HHl'IHMI • STADIUm Dr ... u1n [] 6598770/~~ ... 11tt1111 Cine .. I Sounct Direct To Yo11r earl ~1ME~ll ..srAATl\EKJL ~ "111& WllA'lll OF KRAii ~"f.~£0w;') ... v1cTo"YlPO> H ·-Qi~m ~f~~DSA ti~~~ If v let Sn Wll.•t llADN " Yfftly .,.:~ Victor Vlctorlm PO ..:.ET. fh;i;i,~·e \l\Sm~ ~ • • JJi:m•n (\.o) PM~ /llf I \IHI TI HHI 'ltll 11 hraslte (") EL TOIO Edwards SaddltbacJc 581·5990 •Ollla Preunted In 8peclally ~ lnatalled 70lilm Projection and· Six Tr•ck Dolby Stereo edwards ~ TOWN CENTER la S.•dl C.Ut Plaza A BBAtJTIFIJL Plaee te aee a llevle -Die•• Freewa7 at Brlatel A A.late• Ae .... Ire• S.•tla Ceut Plaza Betel -..751-4184 Dally 1a1M. az11.11M, 7111, •••• ' In It• ilmplt1t form , trauftr bid• are UMd in tht major 1ult1 only. Tbty 111 not Umlttd to wtak handa, but ea. bt ultd on lnvl&I.· tlonal and ramt·foreln1 hand• aa wtll. tor example, IUppoff )'OU h0Jd1 ' . •Quua ~asa OK.la •a Partner open• tht blddlor with one no trump and you bid two heart.I -a trantfer to two 1pade1. When partntt aeetptl th• trantfer, you raile to three 1padt1 to In- vite rame. Make your hand 1tron1er. for ln1t.ance, by ad· ding the king of heart., and you would jump to rame In • 1padt1. You can al10 ,Pve partner the chole. betwttn your 1ult nd no trump on thoH 1aao• where you have a b91aa•d ~ with a ftvt-Card iUjcir, tuc'h u : +Quaa ~•u OQ.rs •u Over partner'• ont no trump you make your tral\1fer bid of two bta.tW .. Partner duly bid• two,.,... and you bid two no trump . That ttU• partner you have live 1p1de1, a balanced hand and 8-9 polntl. Partner can pu1, correct. to apad" or ro on to game In either 1pade1 or no trump. Make your hand a bit 1tron1er by adding the queen of clube, and you can delCJ'lbe lt perfectly by jump- ing to three no trump over artner'1 two 1 ade1. N 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO edwards TOWN CENTER IN SOUTll. COAST PLAZA SAN DIEGO FREEWAY AT BRISTOL A ANTON , Aereu Fr•• S••tll C.ut Plaza Betel Ceata Mesa 751-4184' NOW PLAYING Dally 11 :00 A.M.• l: l 5·3:30·6:00·8: 15· I 0:30 s2so s~oo C•lld Vader 12 General A... ... . I .. All New Movielan8 plf ers dinner show The Broadway muaical ocmedy '1 Do! I Do!" \rim open at the Movieland Dinner Theater. The two chancter mUlical ii the a.tion of the Tony ~ward w1.nn1ng wrtd.na team of Tc:m Jonee and 1larvey Schmicft and will be performed under the ~ at the California P1ua outdoor Nltaurant at All New Movleland. It la a profemlOIW ncn-equlty pneentation Euced and dlrec:ted by Micbae1 Jon Sims with usical d1rectlorr by David Anthony and starrtna Packard and Gretchen Almond. The sentimental marital axnedy_ la blled on the ~ ~ Fourpo•ter" by Jan de HaJ1o1 and w. Originally produced cm Broadway by David Men1ck end· directed by Gower c,bampion in 1966. The ~arm-hearted story revolves around the 26-year marrilp of Michael and Agnee and takea place in their \'ictorlan bedroom around the 1turdy fourpolter bed.J • "I Doi I Do!'~ opem Wedneeday and nma throlulh Friday. Doon open at 7 p.m. 1 FOr further inf.Ormation and raervatiom, pue a.11 (714) 522-1164 or (213) 583-a026. .... ,....... .... ..........,0". TIE fMUm'I CIWa ITClff &JITU ... ROCKYm· WI ... AID CliAMPIOll" "LmOF PUNCHf' __ ,. __ _ "HEROICS AND HUMOR:· "mLL THE CHAMP:' and ~ ~ a little btt t:ZUY ti.c.Ult ti'1 an tm .... bli ~ .. haUI hu "not been totally oui of ~.~.and hu been~ Oft ··llllllnc affair with Orra ~ <&rbara Babcock). "Hit privai.t llf• II ltrtctly from the tantiilMi Of the Writ.erw.'1 •YI Conrad, a 8-foot.4 KWI' who 1oent molt of hll cerMr playtna what ihe Ollll ·'Ph~ft)).ea." ~ "Of 00U!9t, I havt a wUe 20 yean ~r Ind t.MY, know rve done an J1Cht with the lacl*. But I'd never played a ladlee man befon eo they kind of ~)'«I u:Ourid with that. It can be a bit much. 11\e j>l1°-' lald Phil FAlterhaUI W .. a man 48 yH1'I old With • 17-)'*ar-old plfrtend named Cindy. It'• hlChl Improbable, bUt pc:mtble ... ~ ePlode that wan him the 11'.mmy WM the one that Dll.l'ly tOOlt hhn to the altar with Cindy. ~ broU up the wed_dini-to-J>e rlaht In the church, and .trice then lt'1 been nude honeblick ridlna. leather lbeeta and hot oil Nbl. O:inrrd wa1 bom In New York Qty the ton of a career Army man, and he terVed In the artillery dwi.na World War ll. .. l w~'t brouaht up by a man," he •)'I. "I wu broulht up IWTOUnded by wamen and lt'a had ID enotmoua effect on my lffe. rm very comfortable with womm.. I have no preooocepUona. 'lbe women I crew up wl~. were very 1troft1 women. 'Ibey ...... ltloaiflUst 772 •••• OMTlMlaA Edwd .. 640 7444 NOW PLAYING CMTAMUA ltlYm MtN EOwarda Woodbttdgl 14U02b 651 OUS ~••aun -F.., TWWI Slldun 0rtwt 111 162 f241 63tl770 •APOCALYPSE ••• POWI EXHILARATING ENTERTAINMENT." -lldwd Coliel. TME MAQAZM I J... didn't trMt me UM a little bby. I Wll tlw man." \ WJ..n be IOl out of the ~bit W•l to Qtyf: ~ ol New York and IUl&d draaia!ft tbt ' DruMUc Worliahop ot the Ntw lchoal. q. dkt,. tcne IUD\mtr .tock and w11 ln the nadonal '°""' al 0 A Streetcar Named Oellre" and "Mr. Robeiu." ' "I couldn't make a llvt.n, Man actoi' until I w 33," h• 1ay1. "l alway1 did 1oru•thln1 •lM. Whenever I couldn't pt work Man .ctor" 1-.nt out: and 10t another Job,. But I knew that if I stuck with it IOIM. day I wOW'd make lt. I loved the wen • much. And 1 dJdn't have a lot of mtddJe ~ va1UM to IUpport IO I could lldmp by!• He a1IO found IUltenance woddn& oo alCti New York 1hpw1 u "Naked City" and ''Th• Delenden.'' He traveled to Lou1slaDa for a~· ihot on one of the flnt ''Ro\.ate 88" esUodla. Ht · U)'I, "I played a l'OUltabout on an offl&cn oil na.:: We flew out from Grand lale every momina •: hellcopten and flew beck at night and ate d1nDlr bl : a fine New Orleans l"elta~t. I had jult finllbed worldna cm a eoep opera, 'l!'.d&e of Nlaht.' and all the waften knew me beat\,lft they worked ni&htl and watched teleYWon durtng the day. That ~ I my first taltie of betna recosniJled, and rm An actor who hatel to be~-·• *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Monday ttlru Saturday All PtffOfmancH Nfort &:00 PM (Ex• .,_.. fftlllllMlh IM HIMlya) "POLTERQlllT'' (POI -. ......... - "POL TERQl!18T" (PG) ------- "GREAIE 2'' CPO) ______ ,.~ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN "ROCKY Ill" O'O> • ?.-DOUY .,...0 -. .... -,_ .... ,,.. "8TAR TRIKI: Tttm WRATff OP KHAN" ,_ DOUY STIMO (N) -.-. .... -- LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAI• IH AJ Del AlrtO 211 6M-t211 "HANKY PANKY" <POI ,.,.. ... _ . ..__ ... '•." t ... ANAHEIM ORIV E·I N ,_ .... w-... "ROCKY Hr' CJIO\ ,......., __ .._, ... Poc111i, 01 COllCll••OOd 211/Hl•tUO 'WAD ..,. DON'T ftAA PLAID" '"' -------- "GREAIE 2" IPG) . ,... ....... _ ... .. GREASE 2" <PO> -. ...... ,,.,_ ~~-'-17t~_tt __ IO~~~,.-~~CI!!.~~~~ . ..,,_ROAD W._...1111 -._.TMWWIF..i Cllll ,. IOUlll to 1 '•A VAa. t BUENA PARK DlllV( IN lH>colll ... ,,.. '*•" Ol IMll 121-4070 91 i l\,i & 'Aiitf' LINCOLN DRIV E IN "'POMY'S"..i -"GOIN' ALL nlm WAY" f'll c. "SOIJllO "LT .. nlmUTRA- TIJIRSSTNAL" CN1 -"AMAL AlltQlllmMT" 4"1 :· BJITAND~ KYOTO, Japan -Kyoto SI a P11V town. The •anclen\ Japanete capital with lta lantern alley Iv.ta la the tndldonal home ot the aetaha. The pf.Iha Welt ~t. In tM traln1na ICbool9 maQm -the aJ)llNftdcl ~-.spend yean ~ the tea ceiemony. HOW to 11na and dance. How to play muaical lnatrwnenta and ....-. And they i.m the art of nan talk. The Idea la to be dlann1nc and .,reeable companlonl. *** Kyoto'• lJcemed 1111u..nent dlatricta of Pontocho and Gton Kobu have plab.M of the fim rank. And the belt tea bowel. A lot of Japmme bi•""-la done ln,tea bouaea. The 1et1ha breakl down the .[a~ reeerve and bullnw IJl'OC)eeda. (Like a tigee-martini lunch at "2f.") It ii tl'aaition that the b1abe1t eecreta can be d.18c:umed. The aeiaba'• Di-are ..i.ct. My maid ~ ''Getaba ~ talk becau.e not auppmed to bear. Supix-e man talk eecret, abe no llaten. Lllui tum off televtlioo." .... The tea hot.-19 are ~ the Kamo river which rum throuah the center of town. It la • district of paper lantern Ughts and exotic views into courtyard• where atone fountaln• drop water delicately on Japaneee poola with vennlWon bl1dam. In the evening, the geisha ao clickety- cllck on wooden geta to their appointments with a mama-aan holdina an umbrella above the elaborate hairdo. It'• a very expensive wig. In antique t1mee, the poor gejaha had to -::t on a pillow that aupJ)orted only her -a wood affair like half a bone c:ollar. Haw do you •Y "ouch!'' politely? *** Kyoto wu the capital of Japan for a ttiouaand years. The m111tary ahogum · moved to Tokyo a.nd ran the country throu.&h mWtary goyemon and a swau:h of HIGH FASHION -Maiko, young women in training to be professional geisha. spend large swna of money on their )dmonoe. Although strangers are not wekome ln the tea houses, mailw perform in small theaters. bull.rf!°Li:1'-ln Kyoto -lived very well. A1 playboys, they developed a dellcate cookinc known • Kyo. And they developed the ever-IoYtnc ~ atrL It's an~ bawl'MW When a maiko 'Plan your motor trip properly V .::atiQn time la here AM 10 la the frmtradon that can accompany it. But p'Oblema-.:tated with a motor trip can be alleviated by thal'ouab p1enn•nc. Hen are IOIDe tii:-tram the Autn••ib'le Cub ot Southern California: • Before Jeavtnc on your trip. afw lOUJ' car a tune-up, if this ham't been done nceoUy. Cledt the tires, bnbe, wlp_en, wheel -=--t and ~(specially if )'OU'n ~trailer). ~If1 al8o important to have the car's exhaust system checked. ff working tmp;'Opedy, it can allow fumes to leak Into the ~ CIOIDpartmeftt. 1'veri before sympbnl IUCb • ~ dlatneea apd nauaee occur; carban mcmoxide can reduce pbysl.cal J'elip(lllleS and coordinaUon. • Pack 80lDe anadt fooda that are nutritious and will keep for leVel'8l bou.ra. Don't foraet to take ~ napkins or ~mc:Utened towelettes and a llD8ll ~akl kit. • Caution younoten about the danaen of ~ the driver. One recent study Showed that a llplflamt number of autcmobOe aock:lenta occur wben childnn d'91rmct the driver. • Make 1U.re eacb p1rrrnaw la -ted and wdng a -t belt. In the event.of an acddent, wtoua ~e. can be .-tamed by t>w.e not weartna 1Mt Oilldren ln the 0-4 age poup -under 40 pounds-aboWd be pkiced fn a V.S. Department ol Tramponadon-.app'CMld chOd reltralnt ct.vice that states it hu been tra1h-te1ted. Pedlatrlclan1 eontend that lap belts, ~ exert too much premure on the abckmtnal pelvic arw of a small child, caualn& potenUally srave Internal ln).u'im durtnc an automobile Cl'8lb. • The key to 1tayln1 f reah durtnc lon1- c:Uatanoe drive. II mak:lnc frequent at.ope.. Sctiedule a food OC' re9t breek ~houn OC' 100 m1lm, whichever come. fim. a ,,,..w.;1e p6cnic • a special treat. Thia atv. a chance to Jet off steam. . graduatel to a full ,mba (and knows all about flower~and poetry), abe la reptered. pays a tax. and hopes to be in p-eat . Kind of like a budd1na starlet. The mald aald: "When abe bec:ome ptaha, lt COlta much. much money. She must aet rich boy friend. Maybe two, three. One rich man buy all her kimono. Other man pay rent. Maybe number three buy all her obl.'' I pther it atvea you plenty face to be on the buying li.t for a fl"'OW piaha. 1b.e lnafd aatd: "She have apecla1 kimono for each rich boy friend'. Hts name embroidered in 1old on kimono. Very !:~t =-~ ~.=· oome to call, It must be honcnb&e to have top billlng. '* * '* Kyoto la full of famous lhrtnes. Became of ita bolY charac:t.er, American bomben dJd not hit the dty durtnc the war. It la FOd for luck, too. For lhrlnea are built to honor 101De Fda and appeue othen. At year'1 end. Japanae 10 to Y...U shrine fdr 80IDe of the lllCnd fire ll&hted at daybreak. Eat rice cooked over tbla fire and you wl11 be free of um-for the entire year, even a coJd. They have a Bieddhilt caemony t«·tfit eela that have been eaten durtnc the year. All tbina• have 1plrlt1 and mu.t be appeued. *** Recently we had Broken Needle Day. We eet up little altan of three steps. All n9edW broken cturtnc the year are stuffed In dt bean curd to pve them a soft rest -and placed on the altar. We w1Il a1IO honor the lli1kworm that spun and pertahed to make your lhlrta;-.tbe • 1ilkworm1 are honored at Aaakuaa Kwannon Temple. I think the lllkwotrm ahould bold a ceremony honortq the nylon Industry. Cheerlna-.tor polyester. It sawd a lot of WCJnD1. I~ they are sratefu1. Couldn't find a day hono~ the hononb1e piaha. Some •Y they ~fj 1be oompetttton la becomlnc eewre. a better mowetrap and tome rat beclna ~.) There WU IJ'eat demand for plsha durtnc the OcCUpadon days. Not enou8b aeiaha and not enouab time to train tbeln. So a number of quickie mat.to wen tumed oul Like 90-day lleu1emnts fran officer• tratntnc IChool.. They were known • lnltmt ,a.ha. And when true .... wuited to be <:a~Y· abe called the9e oo..a1 wooden "pWow gelaba." Jigsaw puzzle players · now have place to go A two-minute walk or a fttW ca1lathenlca will help set your blood drculatinc .,.m and prevent the bumlnc feelina OI IWelllnl in the Jeo and feet camed by litUnc for a me period of tfme ln one pollUon. • Finally, don't push the day's drive too far. Stop early at a hotel« motel -preferably one that baa a swimmlnc pool OC' TV -IO the family can enjoy ame ncnatkm-1 ei:UvtU. before reUrtnc for the nlaht. Reserve your room in advance, particularly w~ h-dtq towanl IWOl't arw. 'lbla will avoid w..unc time and fuel ..rcb.tnc for a PRICES STJ.mr FROM sl,255. ATHENS, Ohio (AP) -Seriow IOlven of ,.,_., puzr.lea will be able to match talents this aammer in the first National Jiairaw Champ&nrwhli:- 10 be held here AUi. 21-22. The oompeUUom to determine the "f.Mtst lniahen" are be1ng ~ by the Dairy Barn SoutheMtem Ohio Cultural Ar1I c.enter and the Athena Area Chamber of Commerce. Hallmark Carda, which makes Jeuaw prnw, ·la C04pOmOI' and w;i1l provide the pu.zzla to be Uled. The champmebli:-will bet-ton the time lt ..W to amp1ete each jlelaw puzzle In three ~teaariel: linglel, double. and i.ms of four. l'lnt, vacancy. I.. lllCOOd and third place winnen ln eacb of. the three : cate1ortn will receive $1,000, $600 and $260 !; .~Yely. .. .... iiiiiii..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiliililiiiiiii The sparkling blue Car- ibbean. You've always wanted to go there. bi may even have plC before. But once you .ee how ataacti\'t I Sitmar 10, 11, or 14 day cruile ii, you'll "'81\t to cruile with \II this IUIDl'ner. '' ••eMOvt1 * • ~ "Contlntntll DMd•" ( \" O John &eluehl, llelt lltOMI A 0111caoo n•••P•P" OCllutMitl lr111911 10 the Aod!IM 10 MOllPt tOll'9 POlftlell ""' end "''~ I~ neturlllat. 'PG' •:• 10:1'0f!Mlll t:OO 8 MUllC AHO THI UOKINWC)N) e YOUTH AHO THI 1-:..ANIWIM AOMN"~ SUNDAY~ DIMCmOHI TOWAN) IOOO: A ecM..D...,.. Slgnltlcant .__ concern- ing rellgloua IMd«a who wlll •Ilene! the Southern &apllll Coownllon In New Ol'IMnl wlH be eHmlned. (l)MOVll * * "Thunoertllrda To Tiie Aelcue" ( IM 1) Puppeta. TM pllola Of the epeclelly equ!pped roctlet tlllpa ~I MYe I~ llYea Of pu- lllt'lglln -tr1PP9d on • aupereonlc ltMl90'f. CZ)MOYIS ***"A "SI ... Of Siege" (1913) Yvn Montend, Renato s.lv1IOri. Tunnol and unreal ..,awn the ......,n•llon ol en Ametl- cen olflcl8l In lJn>gcw/. 8:301~ "°9IRT 8CHUU.P DAY'IMAK LA. G flOfmWTlt IN PA8TIU • NIM ~.::.:PUlaa * * "The Jui Singer'' (1NO) ..... ~. Leu- -~ A,._York cantor bf'Mka with llll'llly tradition and Mtl OUI to find lllCCMI u • pop mualc 1t11t. 'PO' ®MOVIE * * "S.turdey Tile 14111" ( 1081) Rlchlltd Benjamin. Peula Prent..._ A -.!pie di9covw ,,,., the ~ they've Inherited Is being occupied by vemplrM, gtl09tl and UIOtted mon- lllers. 'PG' 7:00 I TODAY'S AEUGKIN THAr8CAT • UTT\.! ""8CAl.8 D fTl8WNTTEN • KENNrrH COPB.AHO • DAY CW oeec:::c>wRV • CMTOONI I • YOM flOA HMLTI4 111 8NC1llJM atl8UNDAYMAU UMOV91 ••• "l• 01119" (19571 G-Kelly, MllZl <layn«. An Ameran mu*-atiow Ml the EuropeM c:lrc:uft whefl compllQtlons .,... 7~8 FAITHWAY8 8 WHfT'HEY AND THI AOeOT II CAMPUS PAOfU: V1EWPOINT OH NVTN1lOH ' • .11111'( SWAGGART e MllmR AOOIM ~ (I) TV~LOOKSAT lEAIMNQ l.:::U, T~ LOO 8 8UNDAY MON•tca II ,,_.THILR 8 PONYEAND R9a • •••OMA&. ~ I u.oro OM.VII IUC11IC ~Nf'( ~ (I) LETTHIM • LDfT 0 JBlllf( FAL.MLL ~=.....,.., • • "The O.ybrqk ...... ( 1979) Glenn Ford. 8em Elliot. The Saclt•t broth- _.. tlftd lld'.lentUN ~ they tr!MI ... from their T----home. 'PO' (l)MOVll • 'h "llue Are Lady" ( 1978) C.ttwyn liarfteon, Merk Holden. A )'outlG girt lrlee to -• c:ent.IMroue lloc'N trom being edd lo • wort! tann. CZ)MOYll * * * "My eo..in Ael:MI'' (1953) OIMe de Hevl!Md, Rk:hlltd 8unon. 8MeCI on the novel by DllolWl9 OU M-W. The heir to• oon- lld«eCle ~ atten'tptl to find out II !fie -he ~·fMtl;/·~ l:IO. 00\'lllY "l\ellolon And Marriage" 0~1: BoM1e s.nen, Cllutcll on the W1y. VM NUye; ~ __., Mel1ha Polodc; Mt. Md ..,.. fdwwd °'*"'8rd. •r~na.AOC WOtlWt • amTIMll TM AT ~YAllY 1 .-..c»cK. NICI ...,.,.., CCII •#llt'f l ~t.M4Yll ...,.VQM ... --*** ::JNVJ>I'(_, .._..T.,_,~ IUrioft. Aap 11 ... Ofe ...,.....,.._ ..... -'"·---·· GUEST -Loretta Lynn is among celebrities interviewed on "Entertainment Thia Week" at 8 tonight on KTLA (~). London lllrl)O'I. In.Ir IYM become ourtou•ly lni.t!WMd. t:OOI Niwa OOtRMHCa NO!tl.11 (l)OM&.~ THIW91TMHK rT•WNTTIN MOYll * ·~ "lOffll, Tiie ~ 81ede" (1Ht) Oe«ge Hamilton, i.-..n Hutton. Tiie heroic eon Of Old c.ll- IOl'nla'1 lemou• IU•llee tighter II lncepeclt•tad by • • rldlnO Injury, forcing hit I~ llfotner lo don the c:_,. end nl4IMI. 'PO' l:IO 8 (I) '.-0. THI NATION I 8MRTTHI PMaa NIWZOOMV\19 DAY Oii O*)OVERY THIWON..D TOUOMOW 9 ICINNeTH OONLAHD Cl)THI! COUlmn' OR. Feye ~.Didi Van Oylc9 and KM Howwd ltllr In thlll'l)erlONMnoe of Clll- fOl'd Odet'• Pey ebout the complH rel11ton1lllp1 betwMn an atcollollc ector, hie wffe end • ltlMt- ricel director. 9:41(%)MCMI *. "The Flnel Count-down" (1980) Kini Ooug- laa, Mlll'lln ~. A mya- terloue 1tom1 et -tran- apotta the··~ lllrcrafl c.'lter u.s.s. ~ IU bac:1t In IJIM to Decern-w e. 1941, poaitio116ng 111e,,...i~~ Hlltbor end the edvenclng Jepaneee ftMt. 'PO' 10:00. MOVll *. * "The lnvllible ....,, .. ( 1975) Devld Mc:Cellum, Jedtle ~. A dwnlll attempt• 10 ~ the world a"9r lli.oo-'•IO the MCfet Of lnlllelblllty. II TOWARD 1000: A ecll.D...oN SlQl!lftCW--~ ""' r9lgbil ...,... wflo .. lllteftd .,.. SoulMm 8aptlet Comentton In NllW OttMne wll be aamlned. I QI I ••N'e llt.AHI) M-"il.L 9lMCH au.t:JlmAlca. I t9W..D Oii TNnH ........ .., ..,..,Of'OL PAIN11M8 (l)~WOMAN Q) NllWICINTIR wmc&.Y CIDMOYW ••'h "lorro. The ~ 81•d•" (1111) a-v- Hamilton, ~ Hutton. The lWolc Ion of old Call- lorn&a• a temoua jultlc. fighter .. ~·'*' by • riding Injury. forcing "" ~ "'°"* fo don .. .. end lll8lk. 'l'G' ... QI I tQNr9*-'HI) .... ,.,. NOPl.ITOO Oueata: Jon "eo-" s-. cOIMClian Pal HMrtey. Undl a..v ...... ..... Jedi !Ind l(..ety Henna.(At l ~ecHUUa .,_,,ALW&L MMIOWOIL PAIN11M8 . !::•n.u.u. * * • "A Face In The en-t• (1H7) hwJty on.. 11th. P9lftde ...... A.,.. let ,.,.. "°'" • • Clll to natlonel recognmon on ltle etrenotll of 11111 ll'il'llOt Md m..-lcal talent. ewovw ***~ "On The T-" (1t501 Gelle Kally, "** 8MWra. A trio of ..,,_ teem 1.$ """ • taid ..... ~ 811 .... opelog!M to 'find .. .,...,.,. girt ... plctwe Ill~ In ... ~ ,,. •• OM~ ....... Ind ..... ~ ,,.... • fllOl'llON c:.. ..... _w. ~._. .. a.:.: I::' *.. "" . ...,,., In .,... .. '""' ...... L~ Oleltl ...... lilt A...., .. 8'1 ,...,. .... ~lnvoMd-­'" ...... -""*',. It* IO Ullle tllt MPIWW badltoNNfloa. • llMCIUU ICJI l'MMTM .. ,_.,... ,.,... ..,. ,...... .., ...... """' .._ ....... In IO,_ oono ¥Wt•«*l-•D •IMO i ............. .,Q ---·•.-c --· Cl) WUTlhN OUTDOOMMAH I OUT'DOOfl .... '1:ao (I) DAHH'f ~ MIMPHl8 CU8llC Finel..,ound CO...llge Of lllls '400.000 POA Tour IOIKnamtnl (H ... from Ille Colonial COuntry Club In C<lrdo¥•. Tenn.). I AGNCU&.:n.N U,a.A. 9 THll WllK WITH DAVID~ II l'IMV COL.I-ra: ... THE HOM9 CID WAU. tTMET Wiii< "Up. Up And Away" ~t: MlcllMI Dercflln, \llOll ~Mldenl Of Ille Flrll loeton Cclrpofatloo. (RI a lPQA CHAMf'tOH8Htll' FINl-lound 00Yerl09 of Ihle women·• go11 1~ ment (Hw lrom the JICll Nlcll*" 8por11 Center In Klnga ltNnd, Ohio). (Z)MOVll * * * "Mectam, RoN" ( 11178) Simone Slgnoret, Clatlde Oeupllln. A wom- an'a s-aonelity undergoea en exfr*N ttanlfonnatlon whefl ... ln\IONw her9eff In • romantlc etfelr w+llc:ft bridgw two Widely dlfler-lnO culturll levela. 'PG' AFfEANOON 12:00 II IUNDAY location: llw lrom lhe Annual CNN Cooltott. San- ta AN. I If.ARCH • fOUft HOUM FOR LR Stiirtey ~ and Mllt'ty lngetl bring U9 tlll• minl- telelhon tor the leulteml8 Foundellon. • LOAD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAH FOR THE CINTUAY "Road To Mandele(' The lonnallon Of • llt1tllfl- A/Nlttcwl OOllllllon end ""' cW..a and tttumphs of Mounlb•ll•n'• Burm• C8l'l)P4llgn of lhe Mrly • 40a •e cNOflicted. (P.-t 4) (R) • eocca UAOEIN GIMIANV CH> MAiC DAVll IN COHCaT Teped 11 the Sporting Club In Monie certo, Mee singe, lc*M and danoae In a per- t~ beetled up by the~ ~-d-. oo~· **~ "Z.o To Slxly'' ( 1978) 0""811 McGr.lln, DefllN Nlcll..ort. A mid- ~ dlwroed men, neiadlrlo money kif lllmony ~ ... Ill f~ """" f'eClll '19 ...... cw containing • deed body .. '*' of Ill• -per1nenhlp wllh • 14-YMr-old ""'· 'PO' -· ft=-""1"'0il- ••\.\ ''The °"""' Died-,. .. (1969) Ill.Wt l.ancut•. Kltll Douglaa. 8-' on .... pl9y by o-g. Ber· Mid ~. Tiie dt9M\a and dutlea of A9Yelutlotl- ary Ww eadws ---IDied. I Nt•111.11111••rllll"'WMWCB• .,....,..NllE Oii ...... "TN o.e Ot Wine And ....... Piper ~ tfld <*f ...,..,"°" ..., •• hullbarlCIMd ... wfloblll IMo ..... °' 4lllooflolltn. t.aee NCMTMCK ,...,....., ~01•.,. ..... · • ..sw....·.c-. 1kte Treoll end Flekj ~ ... (fnlm 8'ig.. hMl v-.. t.lnMrllty "' "-·~ • JOUIUtCU• '°" lRtQOMT'DJ ..... ~."""' .. eut to .......... 9'bot_ one-.-~ l"~~\19 "Call Qiw'' 8rleft Ind .... "*' -• ...., of • .,....., ..., " ~··--·­mMflOCS of -11'8Dt111g the ~ "°'" ........... (Pert 'I (A) Q • 8'IORTa 4tl9 JOA "COiiete Clyl,ti'l•Oca: .......V..U!ClA'' (l:)MCWIS •• "911 WedUllllJ" (1'111 .Mn ...... VlltP cent. ....... !Cal\. ,.... C......IJI01I .... .... Md ..., """ ...,. Mtlft l• ,..... ""' ...,..._ .... ..,. .............. I~ ~ --~ -~ ....... .tlO 11 IMul ...... 1111 )0lt IO I~ 1711r1 _.IKW the lllfll el IN ........... onf ..,.. '*" '° llfllll tiwee~ •o• , ... Cll "°""~y u.1. lputwt.y Motor~ ~ (froln l.ong 'leeotl, Calif~ UIOf' Men'1 Oym111t11t• Ch11nplo11° elllp1 (ft.,,, lyrec11H, NV.L • W.TINll OUTOOOMM.AN '•lurtd: !ell• flllllno; wild li.Htcey • MWit-•• Otftoer "MCI oomee up wllll • ~ pion '°' """ I!!& deyllmo llllr~ "'lli'OM'IM*U> 10°ro11nd wellerwtlglll bOlll lie'-K.W. HOW- lrd Md JoMny Cooper (II-.. from Au.MIO City, N J ). 811tv!Y., Of the '11· l•t, ,.,, t. Wflll ,,_ •• Oownlllll NII (from New z .. llndl a:ooe U1GA ~ .. ,lnlll-tound CO-age OI 11111 women'• DOii tCIUl'N- ment (from Ille Jedi Nlck- l•u• Sport• Center In King• lllend, Ohio), 9 GIUJGAN'818LAHO T1141 Sllfp1>9f lnelt11 11111 • alone found by Qllljgen wtll grant Ille llndef' llW'M wlello- • before aundown 19 UOfmle!AT MOVll . * * '" "Olly Of The 0ut-11w" (1959) Robert Ryen, nne LOUIN. OUllewt trying to NCape trom Ille U.S. C.velry telie o~ •com· munlly end ll'1orln Ille ·-~ • MO\IW * *~ "A Dlttanl Trum- pet" ( 1 llM I T rc>Y Donalll.le, Suunne Plnhelte. A CltV· elry olllcer 111emp11 to wor1C out Illa romanUc ~oblelna end llandle lndl- en uprlWngl 11 Ille ..,,,. time. ID TIWNtHO oooe n. WOOOHOU8I WAY "Show Hendllng" BartMwa Woodllou•• 1llow1 beginners her way ot mov· Ing, llendlng end pr-I· ;g~>ucso- * * * * "Hie Olrl Friday" ( 1940) C•ry Grant. RONI- Ind RulMll A tough city edllor end • topnotch rec>O'ler ccwer lhe exec:u- llon ot • convlc:ted cop. kilter. (!)MOVIE **\~"All The Fine Young Cannlbela" ( 19e0) Netde Wood. Robert Wegt\9'. A lleedalrong gift from • poor Sou111em lemlly ,,..,_ rlea '°'money, not tow 0MOVll * * "Home Movie•" ( 1980) Kellll Gordon, Klrtt OouglU. A young nlm atu- denl auflera from • badQerlng leacher and an 111rec:t1on to hit bfother'• llancM 'PG' 2:30. on..uGAH'l llUND Tiie C:Ut-llyl UM e m• clan'• P'O?I to llCAre -ay ...~ D (lg AMUICAH ~ Peter 8elrd repona on the deC*IJOn ol the blue "" tutlll; • aquad Of par.a- tl•t• Jump off the 2,000- foot cllff El c.plten In YOMmll• Perk; Ethel K.,_ nedy and llet eon Mlc:tlael rttft down Meine'a Kenne- bec:~ • PAIEMNTE "The Making Of A Mayor" Henry Ctsneroa Is Ille IWlll Me•lcan·Amerlcan to be elected mayor of San Anlonlo a:oo. IHT'EN'Aea • MOYl5 • * "Topper Returns" ( 1941) Roland Young, Joan BIOndllll. The Kif by ghoeta help Topper find • deed Qlrl'. murderer • R>lJR HOUM '°" lR(COft('Dj • WOM.DCUP looca TI>UNWotEHT Higtlligllt• of • lirat ........ neuon me1ch wlll be broadoul from~ (I) M-"il.L IUNa4 8IUCIAAMY ~·90l.DIH Gl.OVU '° Cetllomle VII. Louim-(1:} MOYIR **** "Orend UluSion" ( 1937) Jean Oabln. Eltc:tt Von Stroheim World Wiit I PfllOnerl conlllct wflll • Germen COfnlMndlnl. (Z}MOVIE *•*.,."Slate Of Siege" 11973) YYH Mont•nd, ~o 8atva\Ott Turmoil end unr•I spewn Ille ......in.uon Of an Ameri- can offlcjaj In ~. aaGl ..wlM>ICW a WlleWOM.D Oii ~ U.I . Welgfllllft~ ai-. plonMllpl (from florth- bfooli, 111.1; u.e. 0t111e1 PrtJc Motoc:rou Motorcycle Champlon•ltlp (from C«ltblld. Cellf .); • pt9\'lew of '"' IJ.8. Open, ero•~ (I) llMUNT "9TON Oii THI YUKON • CID l.lllllNDe: JOHN WA~ "Tht Me Ulle9 On" A ~ kx* le taken at lln Arner1can lnltttulton'I .... • .,..OOUNTRY..._ '¥ 0\"1-.y, OICil VM Dyll• and Kel' ~ .. ., In .,. pertol "*• of c.. lclfd °*"'• .,. .._. 1111 COll'll)I.. rellllOftllllpt b•'""" •n efcoltollc ......... ~ ........ ,.,.,..,,.., .... MCMI •• " ''lN ~ OrMft'1 ("111 Oavtd ..._ ...... ~.A UI l~lll"'IM· .. 811 ...... INMllr ......... . ..,..,..,., '°'T.r-:--•'•"' ............... =1'W:2'~· .. ~t fl .. """" "" ............ Ml -··;..:..o""'.....-.. ....... TUBE TOPPERS · K'M'V 01) 7:00 -"U.S. Autot: Oearlna up for Survlval." Documentary examines offorta of 11uto maken to survive tho recnalon. KTLA (6) 8:00 -"Enien.lnment Thla Week." Interviews with celebrities lncluding Loretta LyM. See photo, left. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Trapper John, M.D." Gonzo and Trapper learn that .a brtlllant staff surgeon may also be a Ku Klux Klan leader. wlUI her ~urel pow--• M0\111 * * * "Rancho Oalu.u" (1976) Jeff~. Sam W•ler11on. An American lndlen and Ill• YOIHIO COhott dltltMloned by .,,. rlgotl of • reeponelble ... become ..,,... """"' end tum to c:elll• "'9lttng. • M0\111 * °" "Dell• County, U.S.A." (1877) Joanna MllM. Peter Donel. All Old Southern femlly lllempta 10 -IOcel lfeditlone lrom being deetroyoed by a lend deYe6oper. • WAU.IT"UT W11K "Up, Up And Aw1y" 0.-1. MlctlMI Derc:hln, vice ~eeldenl of lhe Flnlt Bolton Corpor1Uon. (RI (I) 8TMTNK The !anding P«1Y of Ille Enlerpt'IN II e11poeed to • llrange di-11181 11999 people .. 1111 lnuedlble rate. 8MOYll *··~"Den Candy'• LAw" ( t973) Donald &Yttlertend, Kevin McCarthy When Ills buddy " IMln, • rnllO-m • n n• r•d Moun II• beCOmH • d••P•r•t• hunter out to get Iha lndl- en lie t..i. la reaponalble. Cl)MOW! **'-\"~And The 8encllt II" ( 18&0) 8w1 Rey· nold•. Jecllle Gtea.on. Slletlfl 8ufOl'd T. Juatlce calla In 1111 two ......,,.,, brol.herw to 11op • retlted bootlegger. Ille Bendit, trom tranapottlng • beby elephent. 'PO' 4:IO. WA81.eGTOHW&K .. MVllW~ CB)MOVll * * "Saturday The 14111" 11ee1 I Rlc:hlltd BenJ8mln. P .. PrantlN A~ dJec:owr INll Ille llol-. they've Inherited II being occupied by vempir91, ghosll end IMOl'ted mon- aters. 'PO' 1!00. 8TAA TNIC A .,_,., of bodlea lmpri- -l(JR In • lemllle body _.....,._.._ -Kll'll·a. eGMATRT~ ,.....,. "lobOy Hui" Hoet: Ken Howlwd. • F-.cal.IM "Is Italy Coming Aplrt?" Guell: Rlcllerd N. Gerdner, former U.S. AmbMMdor to Italy. fR) (I) M•A•l•H Wiiiie an antertlllner doee • .now from en ""9r0Yiled atage "' the compound. the~ end drema Of the doctora' ._ 00 on. != ***"The V.l.P.1" (1943) E.lliatlalll Tey!or, Rlchlitd aurton,. ""p1111ngei1 of. daley9d lllgtlt a.It .... off In ttl9 VIP lounge of a London elrport, their ._ become curlo111ty In~. (Q)MOVW ** * "FIMll Gordon" (1M0) SM! J ~ .... Von S)idow. A trio of MrthlnOa ltawf to the .,,.. Mongo Ind help Ill opPf t lntlMltaMa In .,,. ~of die .... Emperor Ming. 'PG' CZ)MOYie * * i.. "Contlnentel Divide" (tt11) Jolln 8eluelll. 8IMr 8r-. A Clllcego n-•P•P•r CONIMlat '""'96a IO IN . "°'** to 91eape -.. pollffcll hMt end ~ -i~~· "Plennlng For L•l•r v ... u Cl) Wll.coMI~ KOTTa larMrlnO , ... OOIMWlnd when he •nd llt• Sweattloga b•C0"'9 lltended In "' ...... °' ....... ~· -.,_~"on,,. w.y. .._;. elMltW .. ,,.,.. .. ..... """"' ,... "' ........... ... r ... -.. ~, ...... .. ~ '·'*"'"'MMlll 10 llw In Ml ftlm (ft1t1 •> 8oMCWll ••~ "letro, n. Gay llld•.. 11t111 o .. ro• Hlmlffon, Lauren HUllOll, The IWOIO eon of old Otll• lornla'• l1m0111 j&iellee llglltet .. ~.., by I r~ lnlUfY, IOtelng hie loppitll brotfllt 10 '°" the fir.=. !Niii 'ftO' • * * '18trtpee·· 11N ti 1111 MvJrey, Hll'old "8tnla, A New Yortl GabOle loOlllng IOt Mdlement OOfWtncea Ille bell lriencl IO join llln\ In enllltlng In t.lw u.. . Ar"'f ..... .MOVll * *.,. "00111tn1n1a~ OMdt" (1H1) Jolln "' S.ehl, lM.ar ltOWf\ A Ctllca90 n1w1peper cobnnlat Ir~ to lhe Rod!IM to tlCepe -pollUcal llMt end Int.,..,.._ 1 ,..,.,.... netur ... I. 'PO' l"..IO. (I) OHi OAY AT A TUI Mn Oii• • llU(priM vlell from II« Old ~ nemaalt • Freneine Wllo --1"9Wlllltl10 be Ann'•,_ '*1'* (RI II ,,_ WOfV..D TOMOMOW 1'41 CZ} QNIMAICON t:OO. (I) At.a Allcit'• mottler -to Plloenla to r.organlM lier ~ter'a llfe. (R) DatMCMI • *'" "Another Man, Anotll« Chance" (19771 Jemea Cl*t, Oenevleve 8u)old. • WIU) IONQDOM "Atct~ Ad\olnture" Martin ctplur• • young welrua (RI D«I MOV9I * "1 "Herry And Wlll11t Go To New York" (1971) J-«-i. Ellolt Oouks. I Ofll..CHO ~ANO C!Ot#Nt'f • MAITEl#llm n.ATM "Fllclcef•" Amie lllree en ~ ectr-with ellpeneive ,..,.. end • demanding ,.,.,.,.,_, 10 1tar In hie r11m (Plltl 41 it AMENCAH Pl.AYHOUM "~" Aher Ille fltll IUCCMlful t ... nplo- llon In New Medco. pllllll lltl llnelizlld for the UM Of 1n. etomk: bOmb on H1te>- llllml and Negellllll ( P11t1 6)0 (()MOVIE *** "A F-In The Crowd" (185n Alldy Gtif· 11th, Pettlc:ie Neel A derel- lci goea from • jail cell 10 netlonel recognition on Ille llrengtll of hie llurnOt and muelcall~I (Ql PIPPIN Taped at Onlerlo'1 Hllft'Ml- ton Place. 11111 Tony A-d-wlnnlng ptey tr-. • .,,W-'I ....c:ti for lutlfa. -'· (Z}MOYIE * * * "Your Thr.. Mln-ul• Are Up" ( 1973) Beau &ridges, Ron U.bmen. T-triendl poee u • movie SWOdUC* end dhc- lor to ptc:ti up glt'8 HO 8 (I) THIJEIRNONS The ...,,_ end w~ .. _ learn tllel lllelr chll· dren'a mvNg9 Is totter- "'9-IPlltl 1 )(R) e WCR.DCW IUMVAL. I :::. VAH IMfl'E 10:00 (I) TIWlfl£A JOHN, M.O. Gonzo and Trapper 1Hm l,,., • br1111enl elaff -• geon may eleo be 1 Ku Kiwi Klan teeder (R) ...... THI WON> FOR TOOo\Y • N()N.ACTIOH TILlVlllON ''ll.lrdan Of Dr_ .. The wor11 of con.,_.... wees Oennan dnctor w-Henoo II ~led M lie lltlootll • -fllm In the Soulll American jungle t111rring l(leul l(inekl end Cleudla Cerdln.tle. • Fl.M&W)I "lady loYnllful" Feeing relpOI....,.. tor Didi'• dl9- ,,.... from FWnOerds. Ctwlltlne ,,... 10 help '*" and hie lamMy. (Plltl 31 (RI CfD•MOYll **°" "Blow Oul" (1H1) John Trevolte, Nancy .u.i. A -.Id tec::Mlclan .no WOttl• on horror 111me becol..-lnwlwd In • murder~~ he wit-1111 -..Ina· lloo. 'R· (J)MOYll ···~ .. ~ ~ min" ( 1980) OOldle Hewn. EllMn aw-n. A ..... !O- do~ ~mitt•­enly JON me Ar""I IOllow- lng the dMl.11 ~,,...., llu*;'. on their ding _. LONI_,.. ..., ,A&.WBJ,; .WflWl'MA«f llilOllW I ···~·'9 .... 0flitge" (11111 v-Monllnd, AaNto ~. Tunnoll -~ --"'° INllf'l'MltfOn of 811 ~ cen oMc-.11n UNguey. .... IU9DlY"'°'"1 NM 11•19<1?!1-.JMiliiiW MOUa-TO Tu. ' It*\ Mn11e,_... Md c:.rOI ~ ... .. .......... , ..... .... ............. '" MWe ........ ""' • .... .._ lilJ _, Md .................. r•..-.::... = ............ ~--·· u., ..,.. """' •CIWI ... •••• "Ou.,.e Olt" ,, __ Gt-..._. ,, ..... Jf ......... ....,.,~ ...... • TM.mClfltNI UNaMOllD "The 11ue ...,.. .. A llUnllrOC111et11r••.-Of her • .., .. unllMe .. Oii My .. Ing tdll '**-Of Mt IOOMt (I) MCWll * * • "Tlle Hired HIM" (1171) ....., '°'*-Wer· "-' 0..... A -,....,,. to hll flrn#y ...., .._. YNl•.Ollly to IM¥t _. • help Ille ft'8nd a TI4m 1CC M ue (C)~ *. • • MOrand lluillaltW (1937) JMtl <Wlirl, .,. Von ltrotleltn. ~ .,,., f prlaontrt conftlot -• Owm11t1 commandMll, tt:4'8THI~ ~ II THI ICC 0# U9 A couple wttt1 dllldr9n "°"' ltleir pnMoe.11 INI'• rlegte try to !Mk•~'*" lemlly. 11:40 9 Movll * * *... "lvllerfllee ,.,. ,r .. ·· (18721 OOldle .._ Edward AJOert Jr C!OMOYIE * * * * "Tiie lMt Metro" (IMO) C.lherine 0.-, Oerwd Deperdlau. Durtng Wolld Wiit II, the ~Oj)tle­ IOl'I ol • emell Perla ~ llr• try to lleao ~ •l•blllhmlnt CIC*! durtnO Ille Germen oocupaUon. ·PQ· 12:00 I AIC Niwa HEEHAW Oueata: Johnny Rodr!QUa. HeMfl Cornellua, Hant& Codven. (I) PlAY80Y'8 PLAYMATI M1HON Rldt11td 0--hoeW Ille' 26th ~ Oliebt .. llo!\ Of Hugh H9fn«'1 lllllO- uJne el Ille Playboy Man- llon Well In Holmby Hiii. Caldornla. 9MCMR * * "Home MoYIH" ( 1~ Keith Gordon. Kiili Douglaa. A young film lllv- dent •uffera from • ~ teacher end en attraction to 1111 brother'• tlancee. 'PO. 12: 118 MOYIE * * °" "Thi Oreet Nlegllte" (1974) AlcNrd Boone. Mld\MI Sacaa. 12:30 Cl) MOYIE * * ''The Anal Collnl-down" '1880) l(JR Douet- .... Mllt1ln 6'-' A ~ l•IOUI 11orm et -tr.,._ IC>Ol'fl Ille II~ 11tc:rett cem.r u .s.e. Nlm- 112 becll In lime to Decem- ber 6. t941, poettlontng Ille--~~ Hlltbor end the actvanc:fnci J.,.,_lleet 'PG' 12:418 NAMECWTHR~ GteM Howlwd ~ that • lrlend'• • oppoMdly ~ m.rllge .. ""' • COYer-4JP for lw Mat Md t:11 &)'A llAAE TOUCH°" MMllC WCll'tcktael Malik* ...._ made, the~ CerniW end an PCiUnQ "••ecutlon" by gulloUne " well H beeulllul "'°"'Olrl• end deuNng ""OfiCll leetl -feetured . 1:2:1 (CJ MOYIE * * "Tiie VlaMor" ( 1978) ..... F«rer. John Hulton. An encienl trom e dlltanl geluy com.. lo EM1ll to deltroy an 91141 &-v-<-dd girt whO II deatined to be Ille moc1let Of I ~. ~-.11r-·A· 1:ao. 'nMNMouf ·= . *. ·~ "Smolley And Tht Bandit 11" (IMO) Burt ~ nold•. Jlldlte a..uori . SMrlff 8ufotd T. Jullllce cell In 1111 two ..,__, brothers to stop • ,..... bootlegger, IN Bendft: from tn1nepon~ • blby elepllenl. 'PO' 1:.aD ATONE GU9lt: actor Cert w ...... Gemini: You make points M-.1,JaeH ARIES (Man:b 21-A..U 19): You flt amwe.n to queat1on1 prevlou1ly tc_no~ed, evaded or deli6entely mWn~ Cycle movee u.p - c:trcuJmtanoee aoon favor your efforta. Member of l>Dlllftlltte aex communlcatel in manner that could be 4~tive." TAURUS (April 2()..May 20): Surprtae due in connection wtth Home, family. Socla1 activity HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA cub polltion of one wbo ~t leek ...-i oonfUct. Emphaal1 on dt11tn1 beneath auperflclal lndkatiom. VIRGO (A~ 23--Sept. 22): New appiOllCb MC I I ry. leol iiw:IJock CU be brobn. If you maintain inclependent aiance. l'OCUI on publlc relatlonl. vlewl that c1-h with 'ydlr own and maldni 111X011anodatkln bwd on mutual ,..,.ct. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Go lllow, IDlinalbl 1ow protile, attend to bulc -.., a.p rwolutlom concerntnc aafety huarda, eecwity and your health. Plnit lJnpnmiona are apt to be CJft ~ SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): J:mpbMla on penonal maanedlm. phytlbl attncticn, apeculaUw venture ancf c:llaloiUe with cblldren. SpOdilht en chanp, travel, vmtety, abWty to ~ ~ in -entert.Unlnl. pphlc mmmr. Watch s.cmutml accented -plee1aot news received where income or CMh flow enter pkture. A bulc wtah ta fulflJJecf SAGmAIUUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): l'mph'* on GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You make extra detalla, aecurity, pn>perty loam.. inter.-raw and pointl in connectlon with career, dealinp with long·ran•e plana that lnclude familJ. Pc:mlble autborttaee and ~petlell in comm\Dllty project. chance of nmdence II d.ilcumed · Preattge rlw. popularity mere... and powen-CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Mowment that-be talk of promotion. Pt.cee playa key role. repi.. tnerUa; ~ are recetwd to ~ ~~ =n:l= :~ ac:;: !t~~~v::.~trt~aytherole~ travel pJana. educational project, cxwmYUmk:ation AQUAftlVS (Jan. 2()..J'eb. 18):· l'mplw41 CJft and ~· Ca~ Taurua and another peymenta, collectiolll. locatinf at erUdla and an ' ."Caiicer f:icure prmntnently. SpVttual val\.a come lmportant domeatic adjuatment. into foe\.: Aid neighbors during summer VOLUNTARY ACl'ION CENTER of South Oranp C.Ounty hu the followtnc volunteer ~u:.. adult help in repeil' work and . peln*'l 11 well 11 to llllllt with outiqll from the .~Belicharea. Ccmmunlty ccwnpmlom are needed In Senta Ana to work wlth mentally ctiebled, to befriend llolated amlol' dblna or to monitor and evaluate JJ9)'Cblatrk: boldtala. A Santa Ana .,.mcy worldnc with lkkJe cell uwNa prqpwm blll vu1ed poalUom open. Ty1*ta are needed for an -..mcY in Smlta Ana btip&nc the handbpped. Ddven with a a... ""D llcenle are needed to operate a bul two daya per month at m Onnae )IYellOe fadlity. Penom ace 15 and older are needed to do rmoumt and information fillna, --phone work and cram-reference fl1lnc for an acency in CGata Meaa workiDc with brafn.injured teem and adulta. l'or information, call the center at 85Mm in Seta Ana or M0.2888 ln Irvine. AM£RICA!li( CANCER SOCIETY 0nnet County Unit neecla bllinaual volunteen to conduct 1top·1moldn1 cfa1ae1 ln Hlapanlc commumu. in Oranae c.ounty. Two three-hour i 11r'om wUl equip SpenJah...,-lrfnC people to t.-ch c1-afiDlcl at redudng lune cancer, a COIDIDCJll form of cancer amona Hllpenlcl Call 752-3800. BIG BROTllERS and Bia Sisten of <>ranee County pair volunteer men and women to hlld ea 6 to 16 f~~~dance and p. Men are es needed to boys waltinl up to llx moatlw for a Bll Brother. Volunteen 1pend three to five hours a week with the youngsten and mUe a one.year commitment to die proaram. Call 831-6933 for lnfarmation. VOLUN1'EER BUREAU of West 0ranae County baa the following volunteer opportunities: CoumeJon are needed thia IUIDIDel' at campa for blind and handicapped chUdren. Hours md data are flexlble. The Vlctlm-Wltne.. program needs help for vkthm of juvenile crime. West 0nnae County homes are needed ln ~ AquR to host Japeneae exm.,,,. Spanllh lnterpretera and other opportun1Uea are currently offered by the Oranae County Prqbation pe~t. Ruralna bomea need help with pmea and lldivltiee for the elderly. Call the buRiau at 898-00t3 foe lnformatkln about volun~ lldivltlell. PISCES (Feb. 19-Man:b 20): 'Vou'll moc- LBO (July 23-Aug, 22): IntuiUve flMb unlocb riibt direction; clrcunwtaW favor your eUorta. ,____;......;.;.. ___ ~-.·---------~------------__, m_rtay. burden Ja removed, you lelrn more about Empbul1 on timlnc, lntultlon and judpnent. .•--......,,-------1 ... ._ ~_;__--_.,.....--=--------------------t• · 'ltUFFELL'S - Michael J•J Levine, M.Q~ D•rrell J. Burnet.I, Ph.D. su .. n D. 8choflttld, are pie l88d to announce their wtth a.tar Medical Inpatient treatment of disorders of located at (211)1M-11ft UPHOLSTlltY . ; 4'118 ....... ltu~Aft. ,COSTA Mii.A -149-1 INo _.., Mt. end Mrs. OM WNte, eo.ta ....... ~ .... Mr. and Mr1. Chuck Aar, Huntington Blldl, ~ ... Mr. and Mr1. Ao11 Moroan1 Huntington Blldl, girt IAlYl ..... OM SM'ftt & nrn&I. WllTC .... CHM'IL 42t E 17th St Costa Mesa . CMM37f fllCTmOU~ ..... MAmeTAftMaNT The lolOwtnt l*90IW -doing ~-= PULLMAN AVENUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1303 A11oc1do. 8ut11 220, Newport 9-:tl. ca. 92e80 DOl'llld W . 8h1w, 1SOS A11oc1do, Suite 220, Newport 8-:h,C..92NO . Mlllllll .net Pit Gottlllb Tnm, 1303 Avoeedo Ave., Sutt• 220, N9wport Bllct\, c.. l2MO . Thie ~ II conducted by I genwll pertnenhlp. Donllld w. 8"-w Thia IU~I WU lhd with lhll COUnlY Ollftl of OflnQe COUnty on "'-t, tN2. . LAYMAN. .IOMla a DYi LAWVSU. 1 Corplrltl ...... Mewpott ..... ca. -- ,,.,m Publllflld Or1n111 cout Dally Piiot June 13, 20, 27. Juty 4, 1882 2903-¥.t c::. ,, ' ---t-" 1 1 •'I ,I + 1 •W&lll L•I .. ._ . ..,,"" ......... .. .......... ,£ ........ .. L1rat .. .,.. I I ••*11• lleM ............... ,.. ........ e .... ,.,. ..... , ......... -......,191.D .. ...... = ...................... ... = ~ ......................... ... = ........ .., ..... _,..... = ............ . 4111 = unm ... u~ = ........................... .. : ~JrelF = = :::::~:: Wl'fllflllf Hii&llll 1.11111 -......... ,. ................ .. = ,, • .,.,, •• ,.,,., •• ,,, ..... tf = .................. """ •.••• -'""" lltl•1 .. ,.!It"'· l!'tltlt 2 . . .,........... . ........... ................................ ................................. Ult It t1IJ fer tllt •111rl•l11tl11. .. ..... ..... IPYIUll 11111• " ......... • •• ,.,,., ..... .... 4 ... ,.... ... ......... .,,,. ... . ll1H1"•• atrl1• le "•1•1 rt••• I ..., ...... 2 ,.... ,.. ...., ...... = ............................ . 7111 ....... .... -= .... 11n• .,,. = ................ _ .. ...... = ••aft ...... hi .............. .. -,.._ 11 ....., ... I ••••-. I .... = ...................... .... -, ........ ,., .. .,.,, ..... .,. = , .. ,... ........ ....... • ...... . = ........................ ... = ....... ..,, ...... ----------- ............ , .... l11cMlll lllJ 1M ft. ,.._ Mltlll, I ........ , .... u ............. .. ft1HN.i. Prlee4 ftr a.M41ate ult. sa1..-. --..... • .. Ill ., ..... = .................... ,..,+ = ................. ,,..... .... .. -........... ,...,.., ...... ..... .... ., a1 ,.,... M. <"' • •·> ... ... •:om mst-LlftLY a-.-,, .. ,,. trt .............. ...., .. . ..................... + ... .. ......... ..., &rn. .... a t-1• _ ........ \!~~ PiifMtl••*"•R,I.... Mllrp lit. .................... ..... ........... .,titl.-....... ..... ....... ........... .... _..,_.. •• ,..... .. a ••*n• II ... w/=*-,.... ................... .... ferel•lll••· Lars• 1111••"• 1111. tm.m. ...... 2 br lllCh +. t .. property. Tiu. la a reel buy at •2951000. lbccellent term1 . Call CURTIS HERBERTS SR. 631·126e . ............... Drutic reduction on ppous new country French home near harbor entrance. Extensive Ute of oak & leaded glaH. Be1t priced new home on the Pen.insula. Now only ~75,000 • .Builder w/trade. JOYCE WALTZE 631-1266 MITlllUIMUm 3 bdr., Jg. fun. rm. w/fireplace, remodeled kitchen. Hurry on best value in town ... $115,500 • JACKIE RANDLEMAN . 631-1266 1111 ftlll lllT "' Spacious 4 br., SECLUDED SPA ln private eettlng. Excell. new financing available. $218,500 . JACKIE RANDLEMAN 631-1266 LllllY•-3 bdr., 3 car garage, plus faro. nn. with wet bar, plUI patio plua fireplace in Lv. rm.., plus 2~ baths. See to believe foe only $197,500. For private viewing call HARRY FREDERICK 631-1266 234 L 17th St., Costa MIN 631·12" 4412 Bamaca rtwy, .... 559-9400 15 Cerpantt Pim, lfpt 8dl 759-1221 1141,_ ..... .... ...1 .. LllT .. .. 11111, Wiii ..... UL.I Only $15,000 Down. Large Amu.rbable Loan W/30 Yr Fixed Bate. Owner W~ll Carry Lrg 2nd T .D., Low Interest.. Lovely 3 BR Bluffs End Unit W /Wrap Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Immed. Ponession. Reduced To $199,600. Sally Shipley'• Listing. #I-NITS klll . ..... ....... Presenting The Least Expenaive Home In Newport.BMC:h'a PresUgioul Bia Canyon. Shows Like A Model - Typically Pl'ide Of Ownenblp. Huee M.ter Suite PQ Separate Guest Quarters. Owns/~t Will Finance. Priced Under Market Value At $415,000. Jobn Merrill'• Listing . JMIY&l lf ..... ... ...... Former Model -Top Condition -3 Bdrma, 2~ Ba -Great F.R. - Unbellevable View Of F8lhion Jaland & Catalina Sumeta -Huge Lot • Covered Patios -Community Pool, Tennia -Gate Guarded -Only $450,000. A Twitchell-Trivl1on Lilting . 1110 .. .......... All In I rO#. Tuteflll!Y decorated With pluafl pile mrpetlng. beel.ltlfully tlled. Top of the llM ap- pllanoea. Vwy llgM and airy. Terrlflq home or r.:• ~t. Cllll for 1 ..... ,, l!l\!11 ... TlllllE Sellar wlll oarry 1301< 111alaht note for 5 yrs. You "benefit with a mon-thly payment of '924 Pl/mo. Cllll RO# to ... the omy country ltltdlen With rook ftr..,r.o. and cu1tom cabinet•. $119, 900. Don't deley call ot.\a todey. DIA.NA PlfifNP<>l- VOl.PE ~ ...... ....... ~ 5 bdrm home with '°""* fi191'dene on owr8l:llld oomer loC ~ the Pl9aa. HIOh beMI ~ ...,.,.e *""' room plua den. Thie could be 'I04/Jf l'llCM '° Lido. OWn•r wlll help with fNnclng. MM.000. 111111 Lido Realty 673-7300 2 lll&ITILY IUITIFIL Nl!W TOWHHOMES lo- oated In IOCClllnt .... All the roome 1r1 extre- mely large. 2 maater bdrml, periect for joint ownentllp. The property II YeCMt. newr ~ .. \Old tn., Cel now. won't ..... 546-2315 THE :REAL ESTATERS ----....... ....... ,.,,, .. 8'1Y91!111yrnllW~ derOM bUlt town.'IOIM In . NotthWQod. a... ... to mo111e and wtll ~ MOK et 12% for 10 yrs. Cell now to ••• tt1• °""°"' tie Mlft( In .. prl. cover•d p1t10 w/ gr..mou. window 3 Id 21A 81 aep. D.ll, luedol'9 pool & ..,.. • 1•.000. Don'tdei.y Oii Dlerl9 todey. DIA.NA PIETEM'OL· VOLPE 5Mt400 ..... lllTlm lllm 2900 aq.ft, ot llvlng 1p1oe. Too many up- 111'*'-to lat. "'°" ..: flvlng room with roa. wood flr1pl1ce, temlly room with tHk wood plMllna end ceblneta. Rock tfrepllCI, epace ... ldtchln, .,.,.. ... Cllllr!ln9 °""'· upgr9ded dl•hwlfhlf, etc., etc. :..--..... and ,...,/:~ .................. ........... Cll ti TH•· PFAl. p I I r :rM:P!_, Tl\ \DI I It l\ \I ~I \I " LIWllTPlllll .... Only HH,SOO tor tllll channlng s ldrrn home I009'9d ,,.., otubllouM and t1nnl1 oourtal An uoapllonal ftlue, cerl't .... flnlnclne ~ Call todlY fof lhoWlng. M&-1171 t18 VIA QUITO OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 THE :REAL ESTATE RS 1 lm>ROOM 2013 MlramarJ.~boa PenlntUll 875-9378 ~5.000 Sat/Sun M 2034 Vllta Cajon, New\>Ott Bellch 759-1221 $275,000 8at 1-5/Sn 12-5 **833 Udo Partt Dr (F2) Npt Bd'I 780-1900 $495.000 Sun 2-5 10 Vienna, Harbor Ridge, N.B • fM0.9605 $395,500 Sun 2-5 221 vta Ithaca, Udo i.e. N.B. 873-7300 1335,000 Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave .• Balboa ltland, NB 873-6900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR-olul FAii Mi or DEN 1754 Santa Ana St., Costa M ... 873-0359 $179,000 Sun 1-5 * 1538 Serenade Terr (Irv Terr) CdM $280,000 SaVSun 12-5 213 lr1a, Corona del Mar 844-9080 $575,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremon~ ~ S~ CdM 64-4-9080 .-.95,000 Sun 1-5 2005 Yectrt MllctMf, N.B. 87~ $41fUOO Sun 1-4 1838 Pon Charlee Pl., Npt. Bd'I. 873-8550 •197,000 Sun 1-5 *19 CUft Dr .• JMmlne Cttt, w, CdM 8*-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1708 Mt!.,,.~ Penln Pt. NB . 842-6200 ~QOO Sun 1-6 921 Udo Pn Dr, C-3, Udo Penln, NB &31-1400 saeo.ooo Sun 1-5 1 l9JIROOll 2912 Broad St, (Nwpt Hgtl) NB !,46-1448 •2&0,000 Sun 1-5 3842 Rlwr Ave, Udo Landt 875-1171 $192,000 Sun 1-4 1199 Augusta. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $129,900 Sun 2-5 2506 Fordham, Costa Meu 751-3191 1129,750 Sat/Sun 1-5 15872 Piigrim Circle, H.B. 893-18'8 Sat/Sun 12-4 2481 Irvine Ave. #D, Costa Meu 867-2121 $186,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1911 Co&.W't St., Bal ,,..,, NB 873-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 601 Gary Pl., Newport Heights, NB 84~ t189,000 Sun 1-5 212 Vla Eboff, Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 $498,500 Sun 1'"" 5CM 1 Pueo de Vega, Tunlere>c*, Irv 780-1800 $187,600 ' Sat/Sun 12-5 2718 w. Camden, Santa Ana 963-e787 •103,000 Sat 1-4 . **341~ 0cNn BIVd., CdM 780-1800 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 1 Rue Font81nbleeu (Big Cyn) NB 780-1800 $500,000 Sun 1-5 703 St. Jamel Pl., Cffffhaven 842-8235 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1-e 1581 Mtnorca. Coeta M..a 548-2313 $138,900 Sa 12-5/Su 1-5 2331 Cfltf Dr., Newport Height., NB &31-1400 M95,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 502 "I" St., PenlnlUll Point, NB 931-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 .. 71 .. CorUMd, CtWMo Hinds, CdM 971-6364 $220,000 Sun 1·5 928 Goldenrod, CorOna del M• erwseo *259,ooo Sat/SUn 1-5 31 .. w.taold, Corona del Mat, NB 931·1..00 teee,000 Set/Sun 1-6 -. DIRECTORY 1.., flih...., 4lrectery wMI,.. tllh ......... • c p h•t lwat ... Al teie i.e..-. 1"'4 Mlew ... tcr6iM .............. 111 c4oatllltg .. _.a.~ DA .. Y PILOT WAtn' AH. P*-• ... w ... .,.. ........... w,.... .. -..4 .. w ................. tlth c ......... , .... y ... s-.r. *228 Amherat, Costa Meta 548-2313 $148,500 Sun 1-4 1511 Kings Rd, Newport Helghtt, NB 673-6900 $699,000 Sun 1-5 1588 Myrtlewood, M ... V«de, CM 84&-3255 $123,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 602 tongs Rd .• N9wport 8Mctl 645-8532 $895,000 Sat/Sun 3--5 s Morning GIOt')' (Trtlrk Rdg) Irv. 581-1100 1345,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2835 Solana Wey, LAguna 8Mch •M-2814 $346,000 Sun 1-5 1803 Yacht Colina, Newport 8Mctt 64-4-1017 $550,000 Sat/Sw\ 12-5 *1905 Diana Ln. (Mariner'a) Npt 8ch ~ $191,500 .., 1-4 375 Camden, LAauna 8Mch 851-883e $ef6,000 Sun 1-6 *1974 Prt Loc:kMelgh (Hrbr V.) NB 64-4-2573 $248,000 Sun 1-6 21•9 Miramar, (Penfn) NB 931-1298 $675,000 Set/8wl 1-5 *2989 Jacaranda, M..a Verde, CM 541-8077/841-4744 s.t/Sun 11-4:30 3715 w. Balboa BIYd .. Newport Bd'I 875-1771 $429.000 Sat/Sun 1-t 2<MO Monrovta, Costa Meaa 54()-8149 $98,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Keel Or., Corona del M81' &31-1286 $375,000 Sat/Sun1-5 •511 Camden (Cameo Shrt) CdM 873-7781 $885,00Q-fM Sun 1-5 *1901 Gala._ (Irv Terr) CdM 873-n81 S795,000-fee Sun 1..s .. EJderberry, Trtlrk, lrvlne 844-90«> '330,000 Sun 2-5 1907 Tradewtnde, ~ NB 84+9080 $325,000 . Sun 1--5 •11• Corttend, Cameo Hinde, CdM 873--5354 $220,000 Sun 1-5 928 Goldenrod, Corona del M8I . 9734550 $258,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Udo 191e, NB 873-7300 M39,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 821 K1naa Rd:z.!!!Pt Hta. N.B. 873-7300 ~"'.600 Sun 1-6 120 8horecltfa. Corona def Mar 844-e200 $485,()C)()..f.. Sat/Sun 1-5 102 Vla Koron, Udo !it'· N.B. 642-8236 $985,000 8at/8un 1-5 1515 CUrrtbertMd (W..tc:H) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 118 VII Qutto (Udo Ille) NB 846-7171 $299,500 Sun 1-6 2921 J8C81'ancl8, Meea Verde. CM 7514191 t13',500 Sun 1-4 * 1472 (Mlaxy Or., Dovel' 8hrl. .. 642-aa10 •t39,ooo-f'M a.vSUrt 1..s 2011 Pllloma. E/sade, Coeta .... 646-9498 t189,500 Olly 1-5 4....ooM 222 Coral, 8albae lllMd 171-8121 Nllt,000 84itl8Uft ,.., ·~~~ ~~odoUdo 111' ... Sat 1-6 **7 ... V19 Udo Nord, Udo Ill, NB ..... ...,., .8un 1-6 4a4 a.Mae, ,.,..... Point, N8 131·1400 l40t,OOO 8at/8un 1-5 ....... 8entt CW-. (Mela Woode) CM •7l-2390 •1•.• aun 1..a 23 Helf Moon Bey, (Spygl .. ) NB 760-9333 $850,000 Sun 1-5 1850 K«ltuc«y Pl, Coeta Meta 546-2313 $129,900 Sun 1-4 1•59 Galaxy, Dover Shor•, NB . 842-8235 $465,000 L.H. Sun 1-5 **1817 8eylkSe Dr, Corona del Mar 844-8200 $1, .. 75,000 Sun 1-4 2515 Windover, Corona del Mar 844-8200 $459,600 Lti. Sun 2-5:30 #• Narbolwie, Harbor Ridge, NB 831-1400 $2,200,000 Sun 1-5 •21 Plrete Rdl.~' NB 931-1400 ~9.600 Sun 1-5 233 PoNMU&, Corona del M8r en-.4271 Sat/Sun 1-5 1521 Anita. Newl>drt 8Md'I 64&-0632 '3C)t.OOO Sat/Sun 1-5 97 Nlahthawtt. Woodbttdge, ltVlne 861"-0804 $239,500 Sat/Sun 11-5 2100 SantlagO, Dover Shoree, NB 642-7188 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shoree, NB 546-5847 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1•12 Santlaao. Npt Bd'I &31-1268 f375,000 SaVSun 1-5 3474 Wind.or Court, eo.ta Mesa 676-8811 Sun 1-4 19122 EMddle, TrtJrk, lrvlne 75t-1501 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis, Big Cyn, NB 844-9080 $1,30'5,000 Sun 1-5 3433 SQmerMt Olt. (Wlmb.Vlg) ~M . 546-2313 $229,000 sun 1-4 *1715 Galat .. Terr, Irv. T«r. CdM 844-ec>eo $498,000-L.H. Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewtnda, Baycreat, NB 84+90e0 . $385,000 Sun 1-s * 1606 Glenwood, Saycreet, NB 844 90eO $348,500 Sun 1-t *2708 UghthouM l.Me, H\IH, CdM 87s.-eooo $485,000-fM Sat/Sun 1-5 3 SebMUeli. Harbor Ridge, N.8 .. 780-1800 $2.3 Miiion Sun 1-5 1844 Port Chattel Pt, Harbor Vu, NB 54&-seo5 $309,600 Sun 1-5 •27 181h Pt, E-Slde, C.M. 644-4910 $229,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1--5 1251 SUt1llne ~~. HV Hllll, CdM 644-4910 '291,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 'i'888 GrwMldl Way (E/Skte) CM 648-7171 $210,000 Sun 1-5 1924 Pon W~ HVH. NB 84+7838 t2et,&oo-fM Sun 1-6 10::1: ~ 8Mctt 8un ~ 3202 D*-• Pt., Mw Verde. CM 6'5-8258 . •1•.eoo SMJ&un 12.5 1948 Pon a--.. HV Homtl, N8 840-t7117 '3e0,000 $at 2.,;a/8Un 1-4 2111 Lcnnzo ..... del Mar, CM 831-7370 8un 1-5 210 va. Sen Remo, Udo •• N8 t7&-a04M13-2W let/8un 1.:a 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot ~ MCtlon (tt'1 Hit to run 3 deYt for maximum ~). " you pay fOr your Id In eclvanoe we'I run It 3 dayt llld only ctwoe you for 21 2. Qet your FREE Gatage Sale llgni (all you hive to do II oome In to the DtMty Ptlot • pey tor YfM Id In advance -we wtlt atw you two 11x17 ~ - FAE£ of otl81'Qe). 3. Pttoe MCh ptece ~ merchlndlM •. 4 . Have plenty or onang• on nano (nlcklM, dlmee, quarttn, halvea, one and ftY9 dollar blllt). 5. Relax, have fun, and count your rnoMV at the end of the dey . * 1211 Cllff, (Cllffhaven) NB 642-5200 $425,000 Sun 1-5 2632 CteStvlew Drtve, Bayahores 642-8235 1299,000 L.H. Sun 2-5 1818 Tanager, Cotta M .. 548-2313 $260,000 Sun 1-5 1321 Outrigger, Corona del Mar • 644--6200 -$450,000-FM SaVSun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar, Hrbr Rdge. N.B. &«-8200 $2.500,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 «2 Begonia. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 t 8R plue FAM RM t# DEN 938 Via Udo Soud, Udo Ille, N.,B. 8«-9060 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1848 Newport Hiiia Dr E. HV Homes 642-8235 $495,000 Dally 1-5 1760 Port ManlelQh, Hrb Vu Hiiia 64-4-4337 $450,000 By appt CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2525 E. Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar B«-5560 $499,000 Sun 1-3 200 McNeil Lane, The Verullles, NB 631-1400 $139,000 Sun 1-5 2277 Paclftc Ave., eo.ta Meu 873-7300 New Sal/Sun 2-5 2 ... plue ... 415 Bryson Springs, Costa Mesa 54&-2313 $124,900 Sun 1-4 1018 8eylkSe Cove East, NB 642-8235 $4.48,000 Sun 1-4 209-19th St.. Balboa Penln., NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 30 .. Esplanade (Bluffl) NB 640-0020 $272,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2559 F, Elden Ave., Costa Meise 675-1771 $152,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2653 Vista Omlda, Bluffs, N.B. 64-4-9080 $279,000-Fee Sun 2-5 2048 S..C0V. Ln., Costa Mesa 648-7171 $175,000 Sun 1-8 102 Blue Lagoon, Laguna Beach 631-1400 $545,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 819 Hammon, Costa Meea 546-2313 $1•2,400 Sun 1-4 • 9EDROOM 364 Lourdes Lane, Costa Meta 545-2241 •129,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I leDROOll 33973 Cape Cove, Laguna Niguel 840-2571 S259,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • DUPLEXES FOR SALE ....... , ... 315 lrtl, Corona def Mar 64-4-eoee> '318,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1581 Mlram81'J.~boa Penln Pt, NB 642·5200 ~.000 Sun 1-5 1·2~ 202'A DlemOnct, Balboa Ille, NB 931-1400 $47.8,000 Sun 1~ , ...... ,. 1510 A~ Pl., Bal. ltlend, NB 8]W900 $538.000 -sat/Sun , ... MOBILE HOMES POR 8AL:E ··~ 890 Welt 15th St, #79, NB 875-1530 BAYFRONT LO'I' FOR SALE .. ... "' '1 .-., ... . ' .. ! 1111 lllZI ....S"_.. 5 lpeed trllNl'nleelon, AM-FM radio, .. the t.ctory equipment, Just ~ 11,000 ..... cuetom wt-'8 & ttrea. (1CQA945). ~5799: 1111 llm'I .....,,_. ... 5 lpaad mocW '°' outatandlng economy with 1terao CHHtte, ou1tom exterior trim a morel (t77RLF). ar.t gradu9tlon gift for Otrty '2999 1 .... ......... AutofMtlo tnn., * oond., MUM .-.0, lloy ..... OUltOfn trtrn ~a mcn1 fx~Oillll cer In wery NepeCt wtttt Otrty 15,000 ,.,._ (18JZA36). 1•1nm1 11•''1 I -· The ultlmete In «)()f M>my wtttt • .. 1paed tran1., AM,FM 1tareo, exterior trim p=z· a more • ~ brown ftrlWI with beige Interior. (1CTP811). Ju1t 15,000 rnlaa for Otrty '5399 , .......... . ........ 5 •P••d tran1ml11lon, 1tarao caeaette, sunroof, chrome atap bumper and jult O¥S 10.000 ,.,._ (Ji\13881). 1 7499 • ' BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! •1!.7!.'!':·..=~.,:,·!!·hu '3999 an aut.omtlc tranamlaalon. It II alao an ~ ce... cert (2HYHO). Thie oner. a.,.., at only ~1111 lllLLlllll IPllT ..... Auto. nn.., air cond., full s>OWer1 tttt wheal, etareo t.,,., alloy wheet• & more •• sterllng 1llver over charcoaJ tlrtone with low low mlleL (1BJK72"). Don't mfal thll one at jult •111111111'1111.111 Llf1Um 5 epead ~.air COf~ AM.FM etereo,,.., WlndoW ..... morel You'W got to ... thll two tone bMUtyt (M7WPl). 1111 YILYI •5999 1 6999 1111,_,. "244 IL" Auto. tran1 .. 11r cond., power 11..nno. powat' brak• & very clean. Light blue flnt1h with dark blue Interior. Don't ml11 thl• onel (187XWB) •11111-N1mna Equipment lndudea power....,_ ,_.,, power brak-. im.tor decor and complettty original lnllda and outl (219WDA). 1111 TIYITA llUU "LlnMll" 5 lpeed, air oond., AM-FM stweo. alOV whaela, ,.., lhede & mot'9. Low mlle1 & 1potlH1 In every ~(413WRA) '5999 · 1111 mna lllJU WUFTllOI" Auto. trana., ak oond., 11.-.o t.pa, power bnlk• & mor.. (8878EW} A rare find & extra dMr'I for only I •4999 1111 TIYITA "llUIA "'"" Popular 4 epaed, AM·FM et•eo. poww brllk•, cu.tom exterior tr1m & more. Great for graduation! (51MMXU) 5 2999 1111 UZll "ILC" PoPUlar front wt'9el drtve 5 speed, fully factory equipped plua extwlor tr1m peckaga & morel Jult crteT 10,000 mflel. (18WY805) Take a IOOk at only '4999 1m-. ... .... .. Llnllm. ~EcOl-101..,,m_._,_ 5 lpaad wtttt ak cond .. 1terao caaaatta, exterior trim paokage & more. (7HZLF). An out9landlno buy .. onllt '2999 , PllDI HUNTINGTON RACH (2) 4-plex~ 2 b1b to sand, Spanish ttyle 2 bdrm townhowa. Condo potential. Ganges. $275K ea w/2511 dn. Prine. onl~. Below bank appraisal. 1-870-9227. ON THE SAND Exclusive Gated Community of "The Shores." Spec. Custom Built 4 Br Home on ~ White Sand Beach. Hi Be.JD Cellings, Graceful Circular Staircase. Forever View of Ocean. Owner Will Help flna.noe. $1,450,000. Call M. Hill or S . Trtvfaon, 759-9100 · * EASTBlUFF * 11.21 Cft Flnancing avallable ~ you take over existing loan on the elegant 4 Br eacudve home that baa been extenaively preplftd for entertain.lng. One of few homes in aree on FEE LAND. WALKEI & I.ft llAL UTATI 2670 Son Mle'* Dr., Newpert leach 759-1501 • 752·7373 HARBOR RIDGE '50,000 under market, profeaalonally decorated. A ward Winnina Dynasty Model Two bedrooms, two batbl, wood Ooon. view. Gete guarded community. $386,500. Prine. only. 640-~. • ·-- ... IWffl NIAii. Y NIW 'CONDO ONNl\AND (YOU OWN THI LAND) 3 Bdrm, 3 patloa, 1-story, Low density p-eenbelt locaticn. Seller will carry 8°" Ln at 9 ~1' amort. 30 yeen due ln 7 ~ years. Lowest priced Fee property in Bluff.a. Priced to aell at $272,000 ()pn Jbe Sat/Sun 1-& 304 Eaplanade or call Phyllil 640-0020 or 760-9678 .Agt. 200 FT. NEWPORT BAYFRONT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN -Spacious open & sunny all view home w / panoramic decks. on hup prime laland Point,+ docking & prkg galore,+ you own the land.+ owner flnanclng, all for $965,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island, N.B. 673-0202. JASMINE CREEK Price alaahed on this rare Plan 4 Model in ~ Jamline Creek. Call for detaila on this huge two story, 3 bedroom home. Tennis, pool, 8\Ull'deei gate. Fee land. · ASSOCIATED REALTORS STIVI Willi ' • Orange OOMt DAIL.Y Pl~OT/8unday, June 13, 1812 HARBOR VIEW HOMl5 By owner. Seven bedroom. Fo\11' batha. Major conat. co~_pl~ted . $450,000. Fee. 1760 Port ~ch Circle. Call for appt. 644-4337. UllU IDOi Private estate on ~ acl9 tucked into mature garden & trees with panorami-c views! 3 BR +maids. Recently remodeled. Hardwood floors, beamed ceilings and Old World charm. Nothing like it anywhere ln area. COLDWB.L IANKIEI 1..w.nt1al leal Estate Servket 644-9060 BIAWINNB with thit ad, one time only, $309,000. Better than new. Comp. remodeled. All the luxuries, yet homey. 4 bdmn, 3 ba, family room. 2 fireplacee. Maid's qtn., muter suite. Waterf.all, guubo. ·0pen 1-5 daily. 1521 Anita Ln., NB. 645-0532 llAUTlflUU.Y APPOINTID Three bedroom home with g:1reat add-on encloeed patio. New carpets and front and nm lprinklera just liiiltaJled. A.mamahle lat TD at • ~. l'lexltile terma. Call 979-5 370 X-cALIBl'.R R.&: NEWPORT BEACH Three bedroom, three and one-half bath, living room, dining room, family room, den, 3000 aq ft $350,000. $200,000 l~Cft F1nt at $2~ per mo. $100,000 low interest 2nd by leller. Nice View. 373 Newport Glenn Ct. 642--0430 for directions. ENCHANTING I Ia the only way to de.:ribe this apadoua 4 bdrm home with very private back yard. Recently remodeled kitchen with new appliances including trash compactor. Superb financing with $10,800 down. Sacrifice $108,000. WALKEI & LEE REAL ESTATE 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington leach . . 963-5671 "556-7035 A FAMILY OBJGHT Custom expanded Portofino 4 ~ 3 ~ batl), ' air cond. Large lot. Pool, ipa, waterfall, security/ smoke system. $459,000. 640-9996 Owner/Bia. DILUXI COIONA DB. MA.I DUftlX South ol the ~way. Four bedi-oom unit in front with all tbe mnenitia Nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath \mlt In reu'.' ~ $340,000 in bna. Priced way below market at $438,000. Try 1°" clown er will trade for other real estate. Contact Durell Pub, Re/Max for more det.aUa. 7~1221 ate. 780-8748 ra. ' I • ·~ •• tJ8• .. ,,.., .... ................. Thia unAqUe bami~OOO-.. ft. II an eWtalnen pandlae. Le lllp. ba~ lawn. pool, 8 fpb plUI h1a and Mn bathrooma. den off loe/artroom, U brary, l)'IN\Mlum. UnUIUllly deep lot w/lJ)proX '14 ft on the bay. Only 0 yn old. f.4,950,000 Owner will help w/financtna, John Macnab 8'2-8230. (D-38) HLIPlllll IPlllll HT&TI. SopbSatkated Uvt.na on Udo Ille In th.la le room home on 3 low - 1 BRa & e~thal to an expanalve courtyU'Cl . &· 11. pool. t finandnC -$1,260,000. Call Tom A1l1mon or Terry Hanel. to aee this one-- of· a· kind home! 642·82U. (D-37) "llTI llHIHTH" Beautiful upgraded "Kenalngton" wlth loft. Wood, super carpeting, stain~ glaaa, brick spa ln entcy .. you name it, this houae baa it. Aalwnable loana + owner will carry. Priced at $649,000. Darlene Herman 7lS2·1414. (D-38) Mn• UUM ll&m Just atepe away from the S. Bayfront ia du. chann1ng ling.tam. home w/rental unit above garafe· Pride of ownenblp, gUJtena t~hout. Gives this home ap galore. Ueed brick facade exterior, bay window, spa & ideal location. Attractive financing too. $639,000 Lorraine Jackson 5M-8700. (D-39) llW II llHHLIFJ Charming countcy home w/lota of wood & used brick featurine 3 BR, family nn. Thia split level home hu a delightful master suite w/an ocean view off deck. The locaUon .ia Wlequaledl $495,000 Sharon Smith. 644-6200. (D-40) l1ff,IH Pllll llllmH llW ..... Custcm Tri level 3 BR, 3 BA plus guest. Seller financing. Martha Macnab 642-8235. (D-41) OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-5 2211 Waterfront/COM ............ 1111.11111 Spacious traditional, terra cotta tiled family rm with fireplace. Fom:tal dining rm with beamed ceiling . 4 BR or 8 + convertible den. Nearly ~ 11Cre with 20x40' pool & spa. $4&,000 L.H. OPEN HOUSE Sun 1--5. 1459 Galaxy Drive. ... -UY I ..-r IJllTI Y11W Beautiful, customized 5 BR home. Neutral oolon-Van Luit Wallpapers -wood plank floon throughout halls, fam rm & k itchen, create a charming atmosphere. Separate children playroom or could be ln-law qua.r1er or maid's rm. A91l.unable loam. Anxious owner-Submit. Vacant & available. $450,000 incl. land. Rosemary Sietz. 644-6200. (D-43) WILi Tl PllYlTI 11111 Thia CUltom home baa recently been renovated by owner and la the Jwt expemtve heme available In this exclusive area of Dover Shorea. -Seller ii hi&bly motivated. $415,000 Duffy Riebe 551-8700. (D.44) -NW mu Lowest price home In Harbor View Hilla ind. land. Fantastic family home featwinc 4 BR, f.am rm, 2 frpb, wet bar, lg kitchen w/eattnc area. A must to eeel $319,000 Call Sharon Smith 644-6200. <D-4') 111'1 llllllT HPLll 2 units ready for loving change. One level, fireplace, oj>en beams. Owner will finance. $248,000 Coby Ward/Barbara Callihan 642-8235. (D-46) 1lln.I .. IAlla YllW 3 BR, formal d1n1na rm facing park. Nice carpet & drapes, air conditioning. Owner may Uliat In tinanc:fnc. SteJ19 to the pool. $159.000 Jean Laten 752-1414. (Df 7) a Bdrm home, prim• Coal• MHa locet.loft. tNlt trMI pion. IMt yMf 400 plUI aYW:lldm ~ tram l t.Ne alone. Owner will carry Iona term, low lntereat flnanclna. J'lexfble down payment. I .. _ .... , ....... Tll IUL aTl.... llM11T _ .... , ..... _ ~ 4 bid a be hGme wlbanUI nn Ind 3 car Pl'aet· ~t earth10IW dkw. approx 3000 eq. ft. rtreplac•ln fam. rm. and m1t. Bed IU.l~. 8epante dowNWrt bid • b9 • Pwf• few ln·lawa. maid, teen, etc. Child proof pte 111*'1• epe, pool w/waterfall from lule sr-/play area. t220,000 In UP11neb&i ~ ftnand.na, P•Y •llen' oasta + move Inf s.n.r In financial trouble •. AU Offen =--mf79,900. REIM~ of Costa Me~ 11)\~1 -:::=::-~~~-, ~Red Estate I• ............ .. Utmll • ., lpe ,,, !Medi llYllMln Ouple11, ... i.nd, tl'llde Oreat three bedroom "°'"' · deligned for M1Y entertaining. Quallty Ind 3br hie, anxtcq ....., Fbcet w/plctUl'e vtew lll-1111 lnfor=y In OM l>Mu-lltul , •. Ju1t Ndu- oect ,000. Now '335. ~·-· 000. 111-1111 .... .......... Oolta MHI UP§rldad hOme '*" ,..., front unit. luP« a on a lot opportunity! Motivated M11et Wiii "'**~ 1116,000. c.11 lot datlllll, 841-7111 rtm1 Spectacular bayfronf lot with private pter and float. 40 feet on the bay. Newport'o moat preatteioua addreaa. ,l,91!5,000 a11ume low intereat loan. Bir 17141 673-4400 lllllli IM PRU•• 7!. ... -.. llftllW 12 I J.J •2 .. 2121 n. HeriHw .,..., '-9ttt EshMl.-ct R..t h .. C• .. • t Just profeaionally decorated. Like new, IOphisticat.ed 2 BR + den, 2 ~ BA, bar, pool, spa, beach & aecu.rity. Price reduced '96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Frau 6 ·t2·8235. OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-t 1018 Bayatde Cove East. •MISA DIL MAR• Aasum.uble financing. Specious 3 Br ranch style home. Featwina family room. central air cond. & private location. Clme to al[ Only$ L36,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1501 or 752-7313. . *TURN A FROG• Into a handsome prince. SpllCioua 3 br, 2 ba home on large comer lot needs help. Seller anxious, Sacrifice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •53 DOWN• Brand new iownhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom m odels with two baths. Builder wW finance at 12.9'r> and pay buyers nonrecurring clOling costs. Prices atart at $105,990. Call for complete detai.la. 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7°". •$727/MO.• Buys th.is channl.ng 3 bl' townbome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DIMOLISHID HOMI -CHIAP• 963·5671. 9032 A.dama, Huntington Beach. 556-70~. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable all\lle story end·unit decorated In aumptuou. earthionen:. Two car aaraae with elec:trlc opener. Greet -.unable lat Trust Det.od of $68,807 at 11.~ payable $795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, H.untlngtco Beach. 556-70~. •ABANDONID• Artist's c.halet w/panoramlc ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 983-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• Ia all you .P8Y for this 3 br, l ~ ba cutle with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and It'• youra!! 963-5671. 9032 Ada.ma, Huntingt.oo Beech. 556•7035· •MISA YllDI• I Affordabl1~ living with superb financing available. Spsdoua home rneticulowily maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adams, H11.111tington Beach. 556·7036. •$20,000 DN• Spacious tum.Uy home wtth eoaring cathedral ceillnp and briaht and · alry counb.7 kitchen. Wlth 4 J.arse bra, 2 ba'a and a lamlty room, it's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adami, Huntinp>n Beach. 656-7035. •$9,600 DOWN• Buys th1a k>lg 4 br pool home. Over 2000 sq. ft. Loera Schools. Aaktnc $159,900. 0032 Adams, Huntington Beech. 556-703&. •fRll MONIY• Owner desperate, will finance home at am> lnterelt fot O Y"J"I. Beautifully decorated home ln mint condltlon. 9032 Adam, HWttinet.oKt Beach. 656-703&. •OWNIR DllPllATIU. M• ae1J tllll ~ c:wtom home nMI" cb9 ot.n 1n ''Old ToWD" Hund~• Be.Ch. nw-.rtnc cathedral °""Ill' With 61111 ... ._ the ~UC a::Jt wtndow add pw and charm not~~--ii dill ~ tided &:t.,,OtJAJrtyrrd wt th. loW 1m1n..... ,.... ~ th• J*tuft. 1or •111.aoo. eon ~ am....-Bllioll .... ,OS&. • . . MOST DllTINQUllHID PAOPl!RTll!I , Priced Over •1,000,000 IAlllPIOllT OllmY Ill .. Superb construction, finest craftamanablp & decoraUna, an uchit.ectw'al muterplece. 8,000' on 9/10 of an acre, electric aatea, "'"pm, viewt. 0 bdnna, 8 batht, 4 ~ om/wine cellar. Room fM horaea. tennl1. Pr••tl•e Lemon Heftht. .,..., •t.990,000 (adj. full acre lot available al.eo). llllllTll ........... , lncredlble beauty, elepnt 7,000' on 2 W Mftl (tome tlat, eome very hilly). 4~ beautiful marble baths, expensive oak panelled walls & celllnas, exquillte decor. Stone colu:mna, iron fence, electric gates, 1 orgeou1 landacaplna. ,1,296,000. Submit tenna, trades. l acre lite, areat view., exclualve location. $400,000 . 11.1.TIP OHmY VIW Channlna & dellahtful 5,000' country french, beautifully decorated, hi1h atop Lemon Het1hta on 1.1 acre with macnJfScent view. 5 bdrma, 3~ ba• 6 flreplacee. $1,190,000. SuboUt terme, \ndet. OUllll •llTIY lllllN Behind maantflcent cobblestone motor courtyard & huee iron aata. 8,000' on full acre, 5 bdnns, 8 baths, 5 muslve firepl.aoee, wlne cellar. Just completed, wiJl decorate to su it. $1,4~.ooo. Submit terms, trades. l acr e, almost flat, great view. Surrounded by h1.1ge estates. S225,~. 9110 acre lite, pretty view, flne area. Hu arnal1 fixer or tear-down houle. Plana for 7 ,300' estate Included. . $365,000. • 'I RICK ALDERETTE Realtor /Developer . Llttle ,.. Ml"'9t Mt on 1 Tuffet. 110119 oama 1 tPlder end tHd In the Delly ,llot CIHllflad MCtlon abOUt Mlle Muf• war..-Md bought" for St.H. You cen ... , your tuffet ind lot• of other 11111191 through Dally Piiot Ola11lfled Ade. Cell 142-te71 731-4444 or 731-5115 d RLU"* 11.21~ Flnandna available when )'OU takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that bas been extensively prepered for entertaining. One of few homes 1n area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Be.ch. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WISTCLIFP HIGHLANDS• Senutionally remodeled & decorated 4 Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, akyllte, lush private courtyard, fplc & asswnable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport ' Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •Fiii RINI• Choice 4br executive ranch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1,200/mo rent all applies towards pwchase in G months io 1 year. Large, low interest usumable loan, fonnal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •10'/J FINANCING. llDUQD TO t 1aG,900 When you takeover exlatina ht T.D. popular BIRCH model with fpk, central air & the -..i beckyard 1n WOODBRIDGE GLEN. 2670 San Miluel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •MUSTY, DUSTY & YA.CANT• •$109,000. 9.K usu.mable financtna available on th1a tastefully decorated 3 Sc Townhome. Vacant & quick pcmllion. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beech. 769-1501 or 752-73'13. •$1,279 PIR MONTH• •TURTLIROCK• la all you pay when you takeover eldst:l.nl lat T .D. Specious 4 hr executive detached home. Featuring fnnl d1n, fmlL:h & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE: 2670 San Mi~el Dr., Newport . 759-1~1 or 752·7373. ••ACK IAY ARIA• •$135,000. 3 Br bOUle on fee land featurln.g hardwood f1oon & shingle room with 11" -.um.able lat T.D. Priced for lmmediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 769-1501 or 752-7373. ... ,ooo. ·•••A.Tl• On brand new townhomel FMtwine privacy, 2 mm suite & de/loft overlookiDI llv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Bet.ch. 759·1601 or 752-7378. .... , ... C.olta M-. ~OUI 3bt detllChed home with tarp yard. Freshly paint.cl. 2670 Miiuel Dr., Newport Bwb. 759-1501 or 752-7373. . . TWllUMIYl.....U ....... Charmlna 4 Be. & ~ family room. Brick fireplace, country kitchen, quiet resid ential area. Long term seller financing. $229,000 including Janet 411·1• PL UTi• 1·1 ----....... 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. ideal family home. Community pool & park. Cul de sac. Auumable 10 '4 % loan. $390,000 including ocean view land. 1111 llUUll WAY UTI• 1-1 .. Wiil.i YM LIU 14' lllllllTt ........... _ .. ,_ Quiet., park-like aetu.n,. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac 1t. 3 bdnnl, tam rm. $379,500 including land. Ask about a 1% interest loan on th.is home. •1MO"YDUILD"'1 ... Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small family, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy in Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. waa.n 1. TA~-. mum 1111 .............. ........ ~11'8!!1,U. MMl11 NllWPOB1' HllOHTS VU:W. ~br + POOL wtth Cape Cod dellp. PJµe& amucm> •eo,ooo Below maratl LEASE OPTION •10,000 DN tn ClJJ'l'HA V'Df. Oori'OUI fOOL ~. Hu ll all! roTAL LI.AU ~t ~~ t.o purchaM. *808.000 . . • NEWPORT HDGHTS "CHl:APIE'' New on market! 2bn 2 bath PLUS fun. rm. WON'T LAST at •189.&00I VIEW CX>NOO In .dult ..:u.rtty complex. FINANCINOI $12'7,9001 UI llHal U1·t• REIM~ of Costa Mesa IDTILomll .......... Terrific investment opportunity South of the Hwy. Juat a few block.a from the beach. Top rental property currently earning $14~ per month. Aaawne existing low interest financing. A super value at Just. $230,000. 17141 673-4400 t21 ll 621·2121 TM H.t>or Aree's a...,nt bhlMllllH .... btat. CCNwp•t • We have a bMutiA&l .el«don of hornet at thil tlmt. All flooc plana. Good vt.wa. aood finanalnl, aood buys. Some i.. ac..n ai Jetty vt.w.. Manne room. 4 bdrm. a op\lont, Some inCludlna lanci. P1eue let ~h, 3700 eq.ft. •1.m,000. ~t. our •xpertl show them to you. 1.91 .... -. .. 1.1 1••--.... , .. 411 Yllte ...... .., 1111,IM Yrt.n. Udo Nord ba)'front. & bdnn. O~ b9&h. 111 ftlll llilti,' 1 IMI,.... P1.... Lee L.R., 2 boet ellp. t1$0,000. H11 ..... ....., • .,, .... 1111,IM .., ....... ....,, Ulll UltllM'f .. ~led 3 bdrm, 2 ba\h + larte rec. nn. bum t-elUnp. fumilhed, peOO.. $420,000. ....... -............ _____ I IN1 ....... .,, .... tl1Ull HELEN B. DOWD • L.u Ill.I U"a.T 1..uopn view from Cl bdnn. & bath, playroom. dark rm. den. Boat ellp. tU~.000. Fanwttc vacation resort, primary reaidence or investment. 3 Bdrm. home 1n THJt-HEIGlrl'S wtth decked patio & ape In the aun. Few minute walk to panoramic view of bay & ocean. Many other amenities lncluclfua clean air & you own the land. Price reduced to ,,..... .., .., ..... 'OPEN Slll>AY l ·5PM fie '81Jltl11•1, l111ter 111-1111 ICl-1211 ,..,.... tf ........................ ..... 11111111UY IDllD Delightful Westcllff area SBR family home. Beautiful Pool & patio area , superb f o r entertaining. Sellen desperate & have reduced asking price $14,000. Will consider lease/ option pu.rChaae. Only $235,000 Suz.anne Shuler 642-8235. IULU.S, -MW1M UHM•VI Speci.cular bayfront view 2 br, 2 be up: 2 br. OCEANFRONT LAGOON AFFORDABLE NEWPORT 2 ba dn. 2 boet alipe tl,800.000. 1IO' OF B!ACH LOYefy H111>or View 4 br, 1000 eq tt bulldlna pec1. 2 ba.im.5001... ClllUll CATI .es AD LaCQete. c.rt.o-Bv owner. e.u..1e:se ,.. ___ _._ ,_, __ ... be f lot "' boet Ml 127&K. M1-IMlll5 W.nt Adi o.11 642::&178 '-'UIVJIMJIU ..,_..., CUit . y ront . dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/t«rtW. RrSIOENlfAI Rf Al f$fATf SrRVIC£S lllUIY• 11,111,IM Exqulaite Country Engllah home overlooking golf coune. 4 BR & fam . Detaile d with c r o wn moldihga, trench doon & coffered ceilings. Owners will consider $100,000 down, balance at 12% for 3 yrs tq qualified buyer or will conaider commercial property in trade. . ... .... ,1 .. 11~-.U IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 I ILlffl _. Slnale •tor)' end unit. expanded, uPtP"ldeci 3 br, ! be on larpst sreenbeJL ,~.MO. , ...... 3 bdrml, ~ 1h bat.ha condo new pool. tl45.000 . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J41 lluy\,,j,. Dr,. ••fl I) 'S /, IJ' Ill HI -Clo•e to 1hop1, $220,000 fee. I 4 .. .., A UM -HV Homes, $249.~ L.H. Good financing. Ill YIAI Ill -3 BR , Turtlerock, $265,000, $35,000 down or lease option. " AOll ISTAll flwan -Top , of CdM. View of ocean, bay, city ~~ta. $2,450,000. + IUOI -Cameo Shores, $885,000 fee. Seller financing. IAY YO -Had cosmetic help. Showa. well. $795,000 fee. Seller financing. UY H MUI -5 min. walk. 5 BR, $449,500, Peninsula Point. UHll LHI If 111,HI - Condo, $119.~. Good location. llST YET -Carmel in HV Home s. Expanded, shows brilliantly._ f265,000. Ulllll ftlW ... -Monaco model. Leue, $1100 per mo. 1 .. 1•1 11a.n11 .. NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH UDTICDllTA ,STARNES COfl>ANY LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY IN NEWPORT BEACH I Located just a half a bfock to the beach, this duplex has 2 two bedroom units. Wlth 20-25'1. down, owner wur carry for five years. $235,000 Call Davie Hinch'-' •t "4-7020 SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-25% DOWN This Newport Beach leasehold duplex Is just a few 1teps to the beach. Live In one, rent the other. Flexible seller offers good low lntereat financing $225,000 C•ll DHld Hlrechler at 844-7020 TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Seller relocating, will be flexible. $259,000. Call Dorothy Slm.,.on •t 144-7020 THE COYE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND Thia elegant Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms. den and 21/t baths features an additional fireplace, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors. wet bar, pool, private beach and stained alass. $825,000. C.H 144-7020 ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home ft Ideal for first time buyerl or Investors. Needs a little TLC but weU worth It! Large tot la Ideal for gardens or pool. Be crMtlve on the financing. $169,000. Call Jo8nft8 Hendrie •t ....,._1020. J • THE SHORECLIFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large assumable First plus seller Wiii carry a large Second on this charming home with gourmet kitchen, hardWood floors, a large patJo. family room. wet bar and Wine cooler. In addition, this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with den enjoye use of a private beach. $850,000 C•ll porothJ aam;.on •t 144-1020 JUST OFF BALBOA BL YD. Priced below market for quick aale, this ocean view residence hu good Income potentlaJ. RIQht near the beach wtth 2 level•, garage, carport, ..wr.i ecfrm• & low lntereat usumatlte nnanc1ng. s22&,ooo. c .. M4-70ID. t I EXQUISITI WHITEWATER VIEW HOME Thia contempor..-y NeWport ee.ch condo ta Within wy walking distance to beach and •hopping. Motivated Miter will Hslat buyer to purchue tNt 3 bedroom home wtth beam cefUngs, country kitchen and m•ny other upgradH. 1275,000 Call ....................... .,. MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFER'S! .This commercial property on the oceanside of the Hwy. in Corona del Mar has'"lWo units with parking In rear. Terms . available. $750,000 C•ll Jim a.tier• •t 144-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabuloo9 ocean and cfty light vtewa that come wtth this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath home awaah In neutral earthtonee. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique llfestyte that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. lal 14 ...... ., lnW......, .. loM-1121. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new summer home with Ideal rental units. With 20-4 down, owner will carry at 12%. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces, patio and double garage. posslbllltles are almost endless. $475,000 C•ll 8teph8nle Burne •t 144-7020 GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean. city lights and mountains greatly enhance this "Devonshire" model with 4 bedrooms. 3'n baths. two fireplaces, two large decks, an atrium and excellent assumable low Interest financing. $695,000. C•ll Ed Eac.no or Judr Jordan •t 144-7020 GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR Thia contemporary Income property within walking distance of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets. new paint and an ldeat owners unit. $3$5,000 Call 144-1020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Excttlng mountain and city light vlew9 lllumfnate this 3 Bdrm home wtth family room, 2 Bath•, contemporary styling, 2 patloa, courtyard, wetbar, flreplace, breakfast nook & much, much morel ~95,000. Celt tt.IHe ltroolt at 144-7020. PRESTIGIOUS HARBOR RIDGE .. This spacious luxury condominium loaded with upgrades has oak hardwood floors, a beautttul marble entry, pfush carpeting. tarQe deck overtooklng the lake, 2 flreptaoee ~us 4 bedrooms. family room, 3'h b•t¥ and vtewa galore. $595,000. Call Joe C.....ettl .......... ' . CASABLANCA MODEL IN HA880A RIDGE Thie gate-gu.rded community ls the Nttlng toriihla 4 bedroom. 2'h bath home with deck, profeaslf>nal landtcaplng. courtyard entry, high ceilings, flreptace and ekylight. Juat beautlfull $585.000 catl Judy Jordltft or Id tiOano llt -.1m0 • • ..a..blal ,. IOIUll lllK •0.;;;;;;··~· .. 1124,.. Charming 4 bdrm, 3~ Cozy condo next to t. 2 tty Don Peter.on babbling brook, 2 8dnn home, brMlcfelt room, end den, much more. flf..,._, "'*'Y utru. High..,,.,.* loen and 1539,000. 222 Coral. owner wlll carry. Call Open s.vsun 1·5. Appt. S-48-2313 Owner/Agenl e7s-.21 THE REAL ESTATERS lkllque & cNtmlng 3 br & loft. LM/opt « lrede for unite. 873-1515. Standard lot on quiet end IEll WMll ot ._ lncludee so yeer Beautiful cuatom ceblne-old oottege. 1270,000. try by 1 matter craft· Xlnt financing. Broker aman rMlly M11 tNt 31_64&-02t5 _____ _ Bdrm 2 81 home.,,.,,. TAll'I • ~ lovely geabo encf bee- ring fruit treee. low rate. 18 I • MW loen avWlable. Full lmU ....... pr i ce 1149,000 . 751-3191 Join our new Oreng• c::::. . ,. . I -t-'~"· '. ' ' County office Hlllng 8ull'*'9 ()pc>of1unltlea. We'll give you expert tf'llJnlng In 8uelt'98I Bro- . VIEW " kerege -I fWd theft wide opef'I with opportu.- 1m 11T :_iy~ ..... Aaeoclatewttn Thia QMonl bult 4 Bdrm VR. you Oln expect '30. pool home comee with 000 to '60.000 ~ 'fOAJI "''* Ylewl of~·· ttrat yHr by tlelplng upper Beck e.y and ctty ernell ~ cNnge llghtll Sellel' °"91"1 greet henda Pf al .... crnely. terma. A bargain et RE lie ,_,,d 1210.000. CaJI todeyl ..... ' 14e-7171 To emnge an lnteMew uu.. •1...,.. ....... ...... THE ~EAL ESTATE RS - ~~ ...... /.~~· Ntw H OO eq. fl, 111111 quetlty oon•lruotect :f: .,r..J. :·~ e1ruo1tct 00 .. 11 view. HouH hH everything, ... to tPl)nlCle-.. Jonn Joel • Aeeoo. 'TIO-lllO ~.'.!1.Jle .. l!M ........ " Willi I If. 1~ le, 1rP10. 8Y Owner. 148-la68 1!t.t··!lllll•1 .\: ~· 11 ·~\. ,;d ." 1' Rn-10-lCJ ')t,_•t.~1·m., [J,lbiul! Pru• Blrlq ••TDUll IPlllllSI 2 bl' p4Ut den, pool, ~ COIMr lot. ~ vtl'f lg 11t. 1538 Serened• TwrlrCI. Owner In Sat & Sun 12-5. REIM~ • or a bdrm.. s ba. Pl'*' ~·•· Nit.Om drape•, parquet floora . J'am rm w/ &.pllol & wetbar. 8eUtr w01 ®N.lder la Opdc;ln. ....... 1 .......... ... ., .... _, ............. ... .................... ..,71 RVMJ« of Costa Mesa -....U•··· . ................... ......... "!!lfl!.tm! .. 1.1.ff ... _ ........ _ .... ______ _ OTH Bllff -BAY VIW l'I IHlftff • .,,!lh.IMf ll!'IJ/.lf;ltidJl!lf ~Y IDTIU L00111ng ftf '· ~ AYSll. now. IHQ WMll lfJ-30 Who .. In,.. of up,~. 171-1110 flnlllldal flelp, D1¥ Mlle miRiliililiill!illililllWlllMlil 1 ... 2 ... ....... 1111•• olt1nlnt a ooo· .,,, .... on....,_, NI. klnO, towlllQlve,ou fl'• 1tt I Wilt of July cptn, f\&I ... ,.,,.,_ In l4Mll1 lllollMQI LlrOI ~ COUN'f"Y CLUI LIVING CdM 1oY11Y '" Wik to 21" nA IPI on 1111 IN NIWP0"1 llACH bdl, INlll Aug ' ti-It & waltir •lprtyeta beeGI\ 6 A tottl environment PW1 of Juty. l400 wtc hested pool, 7I0-4272 --------~ tll*t"*lt oomrnuntrv on 11w2t0 lhl IJpt* ley. '11V•tt ·~--~~----1 -01ub110u11 and hHlth N"POf'I lty ''°"t 2 If. 2 ... • ·~ 004lfW, 7 ... Adult oornplu. Avlll. AOOMMATI II.CV. •--,--------1 poott, olott to butlntet. I· 11 · 14 • • '' • • o' MOYlna? Avoid dtpOllU. airport, Faalllon 1t11nd. Ht1aoa. cut lMna ~1 1-;;:-:-:-~:--::--::=~1..;.;:.:..::;.;;:::...._;;;::.____ Oonv•nltnt 1hop1 on 'urn. •pt. nr ltlbot \t Off fOf' June 1.,,...-.,..-,,,....-------1 llt•. Unturnlthtd bliOM-llltnd, July & Allguet. 1 833 OoYW Or. Sit 2, NB tort, U 2 bdrm91>t .. nd Ir. 1 81. r111on1bl1 tl1·11U THE town':: 11000 er3-101~ • •IPYIWI a&.• • S.V-11t>eohllof1and1 LIYtonyacht ·~•erent ·s11r bHut., lg• 4 br ,,1.101 t35 lklml unlta tMtu,. 11n1 • Aow b08t rurn, hlalth~ "°"" wtpOOI a Jee , .ti.a aooe.otlel. Mow In to-1nytim.. EVIi, 780-1232 ·~ 75 detlgntt rurnlture •nd non-1mlu1 8411-1711 pr9f. A9f9. uoo + utlll . ·-· ••••••••••••r.-.:f U lu1 ..,,., Dlf d•y or rlltNI '°" "'""" 81tb08 ltland 3 tw, 2 b• -------------I • tt •--......a. FE'' ••••••~m ....... T:-... mer o 111 a ti MIF 111r 28r 2bt Park Ulf fl llT fUI -oo..nvi.w dpl• 11Pt, ~er. m n •· mu 'f houtt. Week• '" •vall NewP«1 I ,.... 8~ ' bdrm llou-. ala. trplo, 2 oer ger, turnlahtd model• Oi*l JUM, July, Aug, -t. or ttnnl1, g-:,:.. ·.~.' rr::: ,_,, )'OU ttat1M lft '911 rr1nc1d /.ard. Geraoa. ~ "* *2 8'. 1 Ba. Ntwty retur-Meo mo. e7w 915 dye, dally. apaol•I '"' tor July ~· mitUJe non-.tnkr. ;-:~~.Mela. ltOO. 21 •7174 118 Soolal AotlvltlH blahed. UH/mo. No (213) 434-1134 9¥11 On Jlmbe>fw Ad at 87MS4t l300 =• y, utll. S""'- 1415/rno. ~" .., PUii a " 3 ... YU, pool, tan-g ~,:: ~ ~, .",.. '*"-13a-1974• E~. 1258 mo. 111' SM JOIQllin Hlllt Ad. """ .. ,....,,. _7_11_e-_1_11 ____ _ 2 Ir. Townhou" with aet. )'OU llatt-S In,..., nit, ?,uard•d Ott• ~uo'.. UH/mo. 2 Br. 2 11. lat I llOUtlty. 144-1100 Ot1lgnar'1 townhou11, 3 br t\ltnnm to .nr w/1 pool, H.I , '515/mo. •tat• ownerthlp. '523~Jllt~ 11700 mo PWUerPlue Apt1. IHm~ ctlllng, 542-3et7 new ou1tom decor pereon, mutw bf w/pvt 1 Br . DI.Ip! ... EHtllda ~r TOwnhouH with • I Br S 8I. din,,~ ""I, mud! meta.. lrplo, gtngt, laundry rm. 3 If. 2\t 81. 1460 tq, ft, 1 bdf'm b9ch .• '-VI deck. COM PL. FURN. IP•· dtck, Univ. Pk, lrvlne. C.M. l460. .,.,..., H.8. 1476/mo, ~ ltMj Jiff 04ft, 1-• 0 It 8 AT AV811. June. private pello & enolid 1 bite to bellctl. Utll pd. 010111 2br/2b•. pool, 1350/mo 1ne1 utile. Ev. Ltt'•"" ywrln119111Mnt L'JG,::.:1" Coat• MIN F·u·,n·.·::·:.!.~····.·:~::.~! =1· ·~=~. ~'! "I c" I AT I OM : T8L Mom• 142·11103 oer•o•. Iott Of """· 13711. &40-3787 view. 5 min. to btaetlel $$1-827t, dya 117Mt20 ltal1ed. -"'' ..,, _ _, D Ttnnlt•Pree STUNNING large 1 •r. 33H<2 Blue Lantern. 3 Br 2 •• ~ .. -, ·-t lt 300/mo Avtll 1u••Eo •VAl•·-·""--·A. AQant M2-t700 1 Br. Dupl .. , Ee111lda lay poo1. "'beech ov • Koop, ''"· flt/ l..aNont ~ 6 .. ... ....,....., ..,.. 8115-10/t. ...... " ..... " .....,, S2500 l C.M.1460. ten~la court•, oc .. ~ MU. 751-1221 h , H Pt1oh gardan ept. Pool & rac 1875/mo. 4H·9230 or i.v.I, pOOI, 3 eet gareoe. reo-.lee?/(2131271-311311 •II turn home. lrvlna. mov11 ou In. Ltt'•oetyoi.xlnwetment • ..__ 3 D. 3 Ba.,,...... .._ • op,• •ah --. 710 w. 1tth. St. 4116-3364 1750/mo. 553-0255 ---------• Jae. gar 731"'830 1145,000 new 2 3 8'. 2 ltatled. ·--· .... ...... Blunw 3 Br. 2 Ba. pool, Cluba•Seune• BEACON BAY FOR AUG. Ba. Condoa. 11150 .... tt. Agent 882·1700 MPW•t• gu.ad J flac.tA5vlllh ~to tchool, lhope' Hydtom.... 2!,R_.11!~ ,apt. Chlldr•n ... -,.. 2N8r. 1 ea..~2"' Halgtm. Huoe 48' nom. 8t9P1 to M/F ahr .. bf hOUM, Nwpt A• tmtnftlll. Chance of 1~.,..,,.-------I ~Hr roun u Y t . park . I 8 o o / mo . Swlmml eOoff ..,,...7 • .,.7 mo. 1 IMt} 1140 o pit• . ..-..,mo. pvt bc:h & Balboa v~ Shor11, nr beacfl. l>OOI. ' tlfeitlrN. l .... option. 3 QA, 2 ba. •Int • ., ... 2 14/4117·18&6. 780-83'4 DfMllo ~ 845-0324 •••• .. •••••••••••••••• 875-«Mll tlon w/all the lux Avall 11nnl1 G1r1ga, W/O, Phone 842-2000 or oar gar. 2 ml. IO baectl. Charming belicfl front Ill IAIY• Ull I I Au T 1 Pu L •c.n 2 8' MacArthur Dllu.111 poolltldt, xtra lar-Lwtury Villa Balb08 Con-July 21-A~ 21 14000 lrplc. Pl•no 1350/mo. & 831·5055. 1750 mo. M2·79'0 home, apec:teculat view, Jutt reduttd from AfJARTMeNTI: Vig., S.A. Tannie, pool, G• 2br,,L2ba. bltn1, do. 28' 2b•, 1327 Ill, tor mo. Cal Robin (Agt) 1 ullli. 648-4340. Convenient 3Br 2 ... f•-. OC-RENTALS t>ncl( court yard entry. 4 8lno111, 1 l 2 •P•· UOO. Adutu. dtwtlr, 1h mllt1 IMacll. pOOI M60/mo.552-o853 646-7279 F/M to 1hr 2 Br. H.B . .... """ s Br 3~ Ba. latoe llvlno rm 11250· 2 tw. 2 be, GOii Btdroomt Fumlthtd 7112 5822 °" 141 1480 Adult•. no pete. l&OC>nio. ' h P OK p 2 I/pa, wld, rig, OH 1-Sbr'a 200 to t.2000 &dlnl ~ couree view. 2 deckl. • -• 1138-8382 2 Br 1 Bl. fl'plc, tnet. ga-Ja11tla l1~tali4JIO ouu .• •llif • vt BBQ, tenca, dbl gar, 760-3314 open 7-daye ngrm. room, Tannie, pool. Agt, a Unturnl1h1d•No 13704380 1 8 1 81 fll09, tdulta Avail now •••••••••••••••••••••• yard. 982 5759 Kurt. wt r 'J d n r . I 8 7 5 ' 9301 Velatdo. 3 Br. 2 Ba. =fy~:::~~"r.1': e.42-11113. P1t1•Mod1l1 Open Apt. ancl1d ~·arag1i ... '1.ITUI sSM/mo. e4s.esoe OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. 28R Apt to atir., FemaJt _5_58-_1 __ 8_____ d/W, dl1p., Ill.I paint. 2 . tor 1P91. 71'1155-2•73 pa-.a-YllW dally 9 to 8. Cllport, patio, lndry rm1, 1 & 2 Br. Dltcoun1 on Stepa to bftech, 2 8f t'i~ Avail. nOw. Weet<ly thru $2Qe I month pludtd 2 Ul11lll cu gu .. lrg yerd, RV Wkdys a-6. -OlkWHtl bH-lnt, cloM to all. eomt model•. Pool, Spa, Ba, frplc, 2 patloa, encl. tumlnlf. 873-7873. Br condo nr UCI. Fully lrtlfl9J ..... ~·1:~~~i,,! ELEOANTI S BR 2 Ba, ::u~m~~k~t:~~82 e:,~: .... T&LMgmt e.42-teoG Gym, hunt, etc. ~$860 /mo yrly. 11111 l&W&ll furn 2 ba, gar, pool/jec, . 3 8'. 3 Ila. frplc, micro, ltt. Call 979•8781 alt oc.an YU. "' l>Mch. Pvt t•ouul. 3700 IQ tt. 3 &,artmMh C20NbrD0.2Sb&..C. ~~ ""t • ~.1 ... 9· ... • rPM 905 wtcnda or ttt Beautiful Whaler Condo ~~a"~2Mtll/mo plu• utll. deck, pool & tennl1. 5:30. y8fd. N. L~na. Av•ll 1tory. IMMACULATE. ._ ._.....,.,.. • ..-. OI a, --on KWIOPll BMot1 1895/mo. 848-1184 N 0 W . I 1 6 O O mo . Large tunny p•tlo. .... __ • -AIC, carport, poofa, ldry. Lrg a Br. Townhou1• ,.. CJ•nlf J111 t Bedroom, 1 Bath CdM . upper duplex, YU, 2 dlye, 840-9643 evea. Nloa 4 bdrm, 2 ba. 1ge 411.....,.87• 12800/mo. 873-2t02 •tt 880 Irvine N9'lll q)t, cStpa. trtg. On Aplnmentt. Frplo, enc;1-•••••••••••••••••o••• (211) Ill 1211 bike 10 beadl, 1285 Incl. fan<:td yd, dl1hwelher. 3 or 4 Bt. 3 Ba. hofM, 2 Spm. (It 16th) ~~2~4:"'· Id 011 .. patlo/Yatd. NMr cteen, eunny 2 Bf 1 be. • ullls, 111ell 8/ t5 to F 1700 mo. Condo: ~8' 2'A be, 2 car oar. patto, trplc, 2 ltory, pool. Nr. Alrpofl. 873-827() dys aroo mo, 1at, lalt I 'A. atory, bHutllul OCHn BLUFFS (714) 645-1104 Hunt. arbout. Clllldrtn gar, Jnd'l, ~· 1450, Ull TUii !!;~$ 87t';~ Ot<. No Reta. 842-1004 att. 5. view. lrplc . p1t10 lmmac. SBdrtnduntt on ............ ,... 2 8'. 1'A ea. 1450 lot 2 OK. 1534. M0-e807. no pltt, 93-27 O lnelln• Vlll•g11'1 moat --------- 1 MILE TO BEACH St0$0/mo. Avail. alter greenbelt . V•cant. 1700 16th $1. pereona.f8 S Nopeta. 755W. REDEC, 3BR. 2'Abl , 2 Adult ttudlo, llOVI, retng befutltul veeetlon rental BAYFROHT 4 bdrm, 2 ba llOme. June 19th. 494-7034. I t 2 0 0 . 8' ... 0 4 9 8 ' (Dover at 16th) th. t. 84&-9507 GAA, &CH 3 BLK. FRPL, 'utll. 1255 & 1275. 152! Homet, c:tlaletl, conclol R11p Id Ult, pvt bath, 5.,~'.,!,~11~~~~~ 1875/mo 851~ CMn 2 Br. 1 Ba. houM, 78()..()447 (714) 842-5113 Weetlldt 2 8'. 1 Ba. ctn-DECK, PATIO, 4 UNIT8. move In. 702/831-2848 ::5~':i ~~~1 Oovte Koop, 75~1221 3 bdrm, 1V. bdrm. C*tl. Walle to btacll. av•. July Newp4rt Cf•t 3 Bt. 3 Ba. tral hHtlng, g•regt, I 7 II O + d 1 t · 498-5452 PALM SPRINGS Eateldt 2 BR w/tnd gar, ~~wd. Nr. Tranep. lit. l860. 494-251~ =~~:t~~112•1k~~No~~ N! SMuttlul 2 8' 2ba cond. =~~=~~= ~~~ill.~~05 or V ~•••••••••••!.~ New 3 :~.v:i~7 ll<>tMI. 0:0~~~j~~ no pttt. '520. Chum Ing eott1ga. Nr pita. Wet• paid. $800. Complete with TV , bide. 1460 + 11eurlty 2 SR. new decOlf, encl Glf', Eutlldt C.M. Fum prtv pool, IPI. bbq, ""'°· II• Xlnt loc. Hr So. Cit 548-11950 2 Br. & den 2 Ba Condo. Bch/Storu. 1 edit. 545-2000 Agent no,_ wuher dryer lln•M d1po1lt. 548·54'2 or patio. 1450. 17381 K-. room and IHlttl. Refrtg. dally mild ur. From P1u1, OCC, Fluor. Deluxe Condo, S780 or Pool, •P•. tennl1, no $425 /mo Incl utll . ' dlahH 'etc Wiil ahori n0-5629. aonLn.547-0422 1285. St26nlght. 862-22471tt4&wlmd1 1725. 2 +Iott br, 2·~ b8. r1!.t~00~z;o I~~-= 494-5995 '"".. term. Nr. Hoag Ho1p. Wutlld• Lg 1 Br w/ 873-7644 PIJln Spring• Ralon Sh•r• • 38'. 281. Cllln/ 8/c. Chrll 873-54811 uc de 1182 -263 ~ Oceen View Portottn• Big Canyon townhome 11200. 87~2543 or" no OWport. OIW lndry •VIII NMt l>Mch 2 8'. 2 fUtl Ba. PYI hofM. no llTIOlllng or Rent•. 213/8711-82011 nicety furnl1h1d CdM. 11&3:191l· ' Exe 3 br 2'Ai ba dtdl1 IHturlng magnificent an1. call AnSWlf Ad No. 7-2. l400 mO. eca-ee211 P~Y~!ep~te~: drinking. quiet M over Ul1 $2 15 mo. 780-2515. So. Cout Plaza. lmmtd. · ll500 mo. 4119-4920 view of golf coutllt Ve-457, 842-'300 2• hra. 30 1 50 occupancy. 18', tennlt, 3 bdrm, 2 bl llouu, cant a rMdy fOf Imme-.,. SM.rp 2 BA 2 81. IOI p.-trancia. No pell. l8$0. · 2 ''"'° lhlr• ulllt. New 2 8'. 2 Ba. Condo, Newport e.acn 28', 2Ba, epa, · 24 hr NC., Pflmt pool/Jae 1725 mo Avell ,,. ... , •Intl 'UI dlatt pa11111ton. WATERFRO"' • 18' on tlo, eat OK, 1495 mo. 833-3307. 556-0037. Prlneevllla UH Fur-rell1bl• M/F, bHutlful toe. 1415 Incle wattt. No now 71 .. ·72"0"'2°7 1-••'•"••••'••••••••••• 75~1501· 762·7373 pvt quiet Nwpt leland. Call 540·1158 uk for 2 ... 2 D. ,_... Ftmalt .,,, ..... N o c nl1htd, fully equipped, loc. POOi. )ac. tennis, Iott ....... ..... .,.. ., •• New 28' condo, rw coun-' M1tura adll, ('IO P•I• "'-""' .... 1 ~ ' .... .... ·-• 11 new. w -... '· · · tennla """" ...,.... G---'aJ of xtraa .. 345 & -·--·::Aoen.t:-=-::-:-·~':-::57:-::~:-::--=--1---"'-"'-Mtl--.nd..:....;_a.;__ __ _, try club. Pool/Jae. 15110 mo. 175·72'1. ..... ...... ...-17 enel1dJ:1raga, prlv1te Colltga. Room w/prlv. Sum,,.;;"°di F.il~;t';"i,y StOO tee: ~toao. IEU YERIE ltft•t ''" $745/'"10. Rlc:k 955-~700 752-n33 2 8' N9wty painted, nlca patio. 251'"'°~ •• .,.. ~0· Rel'I req. wHk or by month •••••••••••••••••••••• dy, or 769-128f •~I c:pW, no Piia. Pltlo, ge-Dee ......_..,., · 213/873-6211. Fm + eat lhr 28r 1\tBa Exto 3 c!d' famlly rm UNIV PK, epec 38r. 28a Wllnde. ~-fl rega. 1475, 851-21711 2 e , . • p t 1 1 v•1 1. CdM room to prof mtture, Condo. N. lrvln9, bteut =-~2s: iwn"':.~~· no 2 8'. 2 ea. ~ ** u.i.nuw .... -141a-'625. 2 8'. 1 ea., t:t1:5Reta. non amkr. So. Llkt Tah·oe g;~~ $2ao. 111 1a1t J1ckle Handlamtn. •ot ~ ' yard. ocean view 2nd. •••••••••••••••••••••• <•m-• •) 2 Br. 2 Ba. patio & emall 3 Br cottaot ...,. 8 t 8 83M2ee Turtlerodl -111971 Anti-noor. l850 yrty Of mon.-YllWI W lal#a _...... yerd, dahwahr, •Ingle FOR Rent, 2 rme. In Col-1 block trom bMcf1°10 Shr 3Br dptx. 1Ba. non- ... Eutalde---3-8-A-2-a..--ocfl. 4 If. 2 Ba. lam rm, t h1 y . A 11111 . now . Sennttonal 3 bdrm w/ "1IWU 1117 ~ i din. ~ated, Ol'90I· 1 child ell. no leg• Park. 12711 mo. min. from Culno. '350 amkr, garage. Bal~. r, dlnrm.wotU.C.l.Gat· 780-1917. b8y&oceai..vlew ~-•••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .. =·"'"-A"'t P•.1 20001· W!~ P•,ld. lnc1Lut1la.Cal:Plan'e1ft Wk, Call 83t-51150 or l211'"10.87M529 ~ •/tgl ywcft 18 · dlfllt wtr & IMll CSU. ...,, ........ & _ ...... ' Baohtlor ap' 1315 mo · mo. 11• • 54..-· ..._.t, no ea. 5PM 961-2052 831-0303 Avf 7/1. 7U-11531; lncld '1.tut 11100 mo "LAKEPARK" Country ...,.......,. """"'''"°".. utll Incl Walk 10 the tmmtd. Yrly t1u1. · Fim161 non-emllr to lhr 831-3091 ...... ;..1........... · ..n1ng nr 8aKtl a Santa 769-1501; 752-7373 ...__.... 87 .. -...... ~ uee tm.. 1144 FrH Bachelorttt• ·~· Hanalet B•y K1U•I HI. nice & quiet, 1rv 28'12Ba ....... .... ......... Ana. 3 Br 214 Ba. A8IOO ._... ..._.. .. -· .. ....................... v .... -kw --....... ~-:.-........ _ twnhM pOOI 134() + ~ IDT • W11 "'-· · ~ &.iper 2 8dr ' ea. s>k*' Latg1 n9W 1 Br. oondo tor ~-'¥'" ~,-.. ._ .. my ......... ...._, ....... • · 2 bdnn. 2 .._ ._. 1ar-.,..ac:. hofM 4 8'. 3 Ba. pool, IPL 40 ac: lake, carpaf, paUo, port &. .... ,,.., u c 1 mloro-a wortc. 546·4 731, 3 bdnn, t be ,,_ 1n utll Newport Baacll . ...... ·-1 .,.. flfTI. "'!·• fOfTNll din. rm., boetlng, IW!lng, '9nNI. I I I c..a aJ. ,,,, pool, aea ... ~ WIVe, frplO: w'Hfllf/ 54().1S81, $4!5-0()34. pwadlte. l460 llft(. &4~535. Pfof9allonalt condo. 2 cu garage. 2 frplc: a, a'lt fount, Kol la&0.13t..S12C ...................... dtv., .,.. aesoimo 2 Nici ""' with kit-Mt-1153/218-437.0715 only. Pool, elf cond .• newly pond, cOVlftd ~tdoot -Studio tpt. N.w C8l"peta. 2 br, 1 ba, $380/mo, + ,.... · ~ .... _, --------- dee. 1825 mo, 1pa. In bHt par• of ..... ~ 1111 dtapee & paint. tr; IMnt utJ1t. 11t. IMt a deaning ~7'2: 1155 · 1533 • prtv. '°' '-'l 1 w/pvt IUll • Ul/llJ ~ .. ~ ~5 Npt4 Beh 173-2298. on. T"'111r0dl. F« rental on ••••••••••: •••••••••• ... ,.11 --area. 1500/mo. A~t. dip • .._....51 · b •th I 2 5 o Imo. or a-rt. 1 br lwt. oondol. -1· 11t 1aat 1111-5814 8MUll ....._ aa.a to 3 Bdrm, 1~ 81 condo. w 1 --· GS1-e130 CONDO UCI TWn Ctr2 br 1200/mo, no bath. Sipe 4• 1-32&-8037 l MC. dep. Non-"'1kr, ....... 2 .... tellnlt 1 pool• .,_1d A/C, wlw earpeU. mo-2 8', 2 b&. pool, ttnnla. New ~ 2 Ir. 2 Ba. 1 1 ~ '*-14 ba, 2 c:er: 848·49'8 aft 4pm or comp!. tum 873-l302 01td-&. pool ci.a~ dern eppll•neH, oar, wallqo baactt. l900 mo. 3 bdrl'll rownhouM apt. 17Jl21 ltvtlg rm •lfrplc. porta, ntlW vecartt l nS 548-7183 ...... lellllft... Male to lhr 28r Condo, Luth cup111. drnlng .,..., laundry hoott-upe. atOYe. frldgt, yard, oa· rage. For quiet llvlng. No doge. le&O wet• paid. 81~on 980-31189 nlng pald/11300 mo. petlo dote to pool & rec Vacant. B.Wa CMm-2~ ba, llrepl9ct, ~ SH to •ppraelate. '"10. 5624'1t °"'"1AQt. ROOM FOR RENT, nr. No. Short Oahu. Beeut Irv Nr UCI R.'.. , • Q c. 11 .,.. In~"" Ml9elorl bite. Agt, t13-7300. Md ptUO. 1 blk btel;fl '550/mo. 831-2518 Of 0 c Collaoe AIM. whit•~ belch. Swim, 1250 mo. 552-nee 714/87~ . Vlt}o. '825 FIL plut MOVE 1H TODAY Ind ~ ~Iona 5'0-81?8 i-.-~ Jiff . . 546-2872 ""1, enor1tle In HulclllU --------$100 CIHn. 982-07113 •ceepted. 3 t8·8 Mar-1 br lndry fie.. ttl'.tt:".~•••••••• Bay. New 5 Br. 3b•, Reep n/amk F wanted, Llllllll -. ~~ ~ ~ ~ auema. Cotona dll M•. oa.:~ .. AY911 711 M..-r 8hlr1> ..._t BCh poo111aa. M*l!u.. saooiw11 He-"" tpac:. 2BR 2BA hM HOME FOR RENT 113115/mo: GrHt loo. l 7S..7tll3 S450 ~72l4 ' M<* al90ant 8')t. bldg. 1210 plut 1260 dtp. w a I I . co 11 e ct Irv. s325t mo. Paula Lowty modern 2 B<. MOO. ~ ':'"'ce11er1~ = 3 Bdrm. 1750. Ftne:td 75e-0819 Quaint 2 8'. 1 Ba. 514 • In LIQuna e.ctl. ftnut MS-1285, 842-411711 N· 808/293·1105 Mra 0 857·2315 or 54~71el b I a Imm ad I at 1 I y. ywd l oar-ea. Kldl & Suptt Jumlna, 1850 yrly. 1 8'. pertlalfy fl.Im. Con-loCClort In town, braltt.-lmkt Shelton Share Condo with Pto'-Room fOf' boat I carnptf. 1010 W. Wllaon, 213/Mt-4384. Call 9 to ..,, S800Jmo on t YMI'..... peta wetcomt. 546-2000. lhatp 3 Bel, famtly 875-49t2 B<Oltw. venlent to baa ch I liking vlewa, all blAlll-lnt. Malt, pvt. entry. retrtg, y•••-M • ._. p1r1on $285 111. last Five othara to chooM Agen1 no fee rm, din, pool, ape. Oultt •ho~plng. 1350/mo. h • • t • d P 0 o I • 11e»p1 te TV 11 -·-N H" d • P 8 4 1·4 8 2 5 or lrom We're the Ollll to . ' r1Hld1nt111 locatlon. Ent1ra1 111 tit, 2 Br, den. 842· 334. evet 851-taae 1ub.·g•r•g•. elevator. bc:h. ~;8 "'"' "'· AIYwt1'on1 home & dock 118844711 call j '--.__,, ,._. 1111 1560. Agt. 780-9333 pat o. 1t1p1 to .,.•ch, LNM only ll50 & up In Bullhead City. Artz 3 --------ELEGANT VIEW CONDO or . • . •• -..... ;;;•••••••••••••• $1175/mo. Derretl Paah, 2 8', 2 b8 coodo. Nr S.C. 330 Cliff of 4M-8083 . Furn. rm, Ltgun• Sch, bf, 2 be. Aofoaa from Lg rm, prl. b1., cotol' TV, 2Br 2~ m1e [g)\11..A~b d Leua Oii 1teM option Je-UO 4 Bdrm, pool, Pltlo. Ownr/Brkr, Re/Max Plan. Famlly HCI., · · nonamkr, kit...& lndry eallnoe, nr L•k• MoJllVe. phone, view. Quiet Plf· 1160 . 945.12i~.. ""'"'rl ge tm1n1Cr11tt,no.8plan, lt1U pr mo . Agt. 75~1221 dwnltra,2Allr.11c: oat•. Ulll&IUU pnv.1250/'"10.497-3091 ~YoU'dlttnow. aon.S350.631-03nN.S. Re h 3 Bdr, den pool/tennll. S3t·2711• 831-ttel AIC, Ill utfle pd. except At Mein SHCh·Oeaan Call Joy _Eaatlldt ___ 533-4300_C_har_mer __ t_B_r_. -1• a IJ 11750. AQi.180-9333 II' M&T SUP R~::;,n::~~ins:!,~':.: elac:. '550 mo. 8114-2592 v I aw . 2 bdrm . ~.!.~ .... !.~ff (ll0:,~7:f~· 2c'~";'!,~~ ~ Ba. recent remodel. 551•3880 BLUFFS 3 bf, 2'A ba, 2 Lux. 3 8' 2'A Ba condo. lfH, prefer emploltd 1 BR APT. D/W, New turn'd·eummer or l .. ' H•Ye rm & board for 1 •-_, •a. ~• etac:. Todd 645-2791 tmlanHca nw,,lo!M ::r· Beaut ... ""' remdld.. 1.,. bike to ocun. v...... nentleman. 8..,._. ... 4 J>llnt & cpt1 and dr8PM. leell. Call 8Q0..722· 120 ..,._.., In ... _, .. __ _.f.sl ,. ••Mt'" 1550/mo. Lerga yard. """7 •• , • " • Carport •400/ ...,..,, p., ·--· •••••••••••••••••••••• Llberal W/M for CM/ 54M124 •---------extru. Ho pete. FW'a "7MT7S, 87&-7oeo .vw. 851-2175 · mo. t1tra11111 10111-~ .. !~! .. ~erda trta. condo S289 lnel utU/gar. WttAtWp... wtU bedleoktd. A\11, 711. 'tM':J ••• ......... ..~ llOlllTE 55/405 I 3 Br. t 8a. '-GI yard, 2 Br. den, com« untt I 1 .200 mo. on 111 • ...i 1Mfj 1114 --EASTSIOE DUP\.EX w... nr • 1 1 4pm r9dac. 1te3 Con"""1tal. llt'IQle ltory, full)' lflutt• 840-4050 I •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 5-32117 2 8'. 1 Ba. ywd, 1 ,..... 28r 2b•. frptc, dtck, 11Mtl1 •mi. fl• FlllUS 831-4135 '7001'"10. 116~&001. tcf. trp1c r1um. ,..., Btldgapon 31:1r den 2 b 51e -wtd 11300/MO yrty Ca.It •••···'••••••••••••••• ---------~. ''"~t •rs mo. 3~ 8;-·:o..~,_;!B 8tep1 to t1nnt1,' l.:: lt1llt a,t, Hflfl. ::~!~rt·y~ 1'16iJ~g~ toll 1tr. 1-eoo-°5.32-3972 1111&119ltlL Oldaa1 & l•geat agency. Cata•ll /# JntfJll EASTSIDE. quilt, c:INn 2 Notlo. Waite to Saddlt-Cloll •to ":oae. H;;°: Merine, bHCh. 1900. I t I f • e a t • , Agent. -. lot C-7188 Wk~ r911tale now llYWI. All Cllenta ICt9lned with ••••'••••••••••••••••• ~~~P~'5.Y:Jo St>actth CO!ltolol . • /.ldtfdb llfoodld $785/mo. 8111 '4&-7332.. (213) 545-1835 aft. epni IHll•. llMlll 2 Br pool garage. '"•25 Loe 2 bf, twrlllc ocean YU. i~o~ .. a. 1":'rooc~o. '22T~4 photoa & r••IOM. Sit::' OS~~~· pets. Mgr 2463 B OrMQt o oot. Woo ' g• flldala• 3111 mo. No • it.. Col~/ No p1t1. 2807 Solan• ....._...... 8IYd CM Crtdlta: Coemopollt1n mo. _ .. ,. Aif'I amanltl11. 18 7 5. SPACIOUS 3 br. 2 ba •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br, 1 b&. frplc,eundac:k, e.k., 1~ ,;8,, W. S. Way. c.it 497-34115. ·~_....64&-i · Good Morning Arner1ca. 851-2t75 C.M. 551-2042 condo, trplc, bit-Int, 2 2 Br 1 Ba. a!rlQla giwage pool. Adultt prat. No • · 445 The Tomorrow Show. Secure dble gar In CM !Of Ull f9 EXa:UTIVE SUrTE <*' Glf'., pooll, ntlW di-1 chlld olc , No p111: ~· '32 Sta.ward. k1t. 84t.07113. .__, ...,, Jiii 1 ... a laflll 4M 1t'A oll1t to all new ltorage. $80 '"'°· 38r, 1~ £.Side nom. 2 bf, din, ale, "1Jle, all cor. Vacant. 18150hno. Wltef paid, 1415/mo. Imo. 640-1208 l.Mgt Badl Ap1. pr!Yafa • .-.~;•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• c:lant • ...:::: f'lltd .. a ptaca.ltt 7$).8378 w/frplc, lg li't rm; lam rm. Woodbtldot •menltlta. 842-1'65 546-2000. Agent, no,... patto, *'Cllll Pf~. NO FEEi Apt. l Condo llffMIT Htr9R.a 1· 1 Oil. H• new opt & paint. 1830 1n5 IN. 551·2042 Wtttclltt 3 BA tv. ba. 11-~ ... 1•1 C.ta .,.. 1114 8 5 t w. 19th. 8 t . ren..-. VIit Refit•. 4 bdrm, ' battl, WMty ... !'!..~!~ ....... .. mo. 2288 Corntll. lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitl l900 mo. Aleo arv. Ttrr .• MWV ____ .., ...................... 1315/mo. 875-4812 Btottat. beach, pier & 11011. OCEANFRONT. Mtture, 1817 Wtatelltt, N.B Want 54W042 llllP W .. ' BA 21'+ Bl., '1500 mo. ••• !~ .. !!.¥. ~'i".G.,~t;o:.:;. = 2 BA 1 Ba. cpta, drpa. UDO BAYFAONT 18000 tor Au,u11. 8111 re1p, non-1mkr. tem. flnanelal ln1t. 70001.I. STARTER HOMf 1br w/ Celltornla Homea lg yd Bott\ httl l dean, no Aeaon-ltc• ~ trld nr ChUd Ok. 762-5822 M bltn1. no pita. 1425. 3M 28A 11800/mo. YT1Y Q(undy, Rnr, 8 6-8181. 1235 pllll utrts. 541-t887 1. I f I 0 0,. Ag. n t ~· fncd~ 1455 311r, 28a, AC, gWdlfllt: pets. Avt now. 646-2319 SC PIH. Pool, grdnr. Mt-1480. 2272 ~. 831-2927 873-4118 (.213)282-na3 Newport 8tadl \tblodcto Reap/F to lhr 3 8', 2 Ba _54_1-_50_3_2 ____ _ ENTALB 50-3314 1795 mo. l&50 dep to 8M1I .... condo. 4 Br Ofux 18r. No peta. l4eO Waetalde Coate Mela. Slape to blac:tl, 1 room. ooean, deluxe 8 Br. 2 Ba. hOUH, C.M. Frplo. No 520 lq. tt. 11.00 Pit tq. cure 2bf unit, tOCtta mow In. 2'1\b&. frp6c. gw w/-.C & 135 utll. 175·2680. 1 ... I .. I .. 28f, lt0¥l/r.tr1g. 1450 bath, ,..,. but no kit· I 4 5 0 I w •• k . pita Of kldt. 1275 plu1 ft., 3975 Birch., N.B. b&. bit-Ina onty 1426 551~ 752·1588 opnr. tW ep1a I l)llilnt. Hlghly ~ l cleal'I Newly dteor. Gaa pd, 18', *"'9/refr'lg. 1375 chin. 1315 lneld utlle. 213/881-1705. utll1. Avall lmmtd. Agent 541·5032 OC-AE.NTAL8 150-3314 GOLDEN PROPERTIES 11.050/mo. ~12 Co••• Miu, 3 bdrm encl gar, dw1hr, pool, No peta. 64$-4382 Ne-l2t3 Newport Watlrlront-Olx. Mt-o828or11311-9880. ----- ,..,... ....--..... 'twnl\11. 2 car,i:r•o•. bbg. Adutte, no pate. Slpa 10, 1700/wk . ~ .... ,Id"" ............ EXEC 8br unit, gar, pool Wood~ 2 Br ..._ 2 ~,..,_ &42"5073 tBr Baohalot Apt w/ 2 BA From l&OO. No p1t1. .-,.. ... , ...,., ""'' .,,, ..- patio, loaded NOW MOO -._... . -·· 1·5br'1 l200 to l2000 IMO. 11t I lalt dip. . tdtchanttta .• • $:11315 mo. utlf Shown by •PP!· ooly, Wj(nde 714/875-3069 or B~ condo. Pool, 'P',i. OC-MNTALS 75().3314 Ba. dttadled air cond. 750-3314 open 7-<laya Ho pets. 21~2'8 Incl. 55&-00M Mon/Tuet/Wld. MPM, 714~771. ttnnlt. l300. 14~5185 S5aO mo. 1~ & IMt, 38', ~i ~ ~ ~ BIG ~ Condoe. full ~-ta•fJ hnJfAM lfe8tiBJl8 2 8', 1 ba, 9450. 2852 aetoet ftom = 8ofl golf .......... I.I. REMEMBER DADI i~868 Plaetntla. 5111-2340. r,', ~:-S1 i :o ~ c•u•u•H•u:;;;; ......... ~:.: !:i.~'1~ W= 54~· 1 8' Sum;:.,r~t!Plrtl Fethtr't = :,....ge, Lwwf1out T\lrtlttedl 3 bf, 644-1'24. .. .... !!ff ........... ~auf11~11nd~ 911'11f • ~ ~.,_,· frplc, Pvt ..,._ 1,,. bike 142-M78 3bdnn~b&.~71t5. ~;a ... ~~E~ .... ... 1&11 H •• =:od p:,:rn:.No S430mo.21t 18Lpool ·~lpool.MJ..1152 . bwtt.Weatcty.855-1743 ~!t::;,.~ITf~SI For Info o.i1 wknde 8n-Gt20. (II ) All UTJU'TIEI PAIO pet& laundry rm.: aHltlde: 3 bt, 2 M, lower unit, all On the wet.,. 4 8'. 3 Be. Delly Piiot t7M5711 ,., ~ 5 Cal lot llC>Pt-lllTllnlU8L Watef 1 AM furn. hout• on 81lbo1 Ctutlfltd Adt IWiift •1111 :!.., ":.oc,~ f!!t2 ~2 Compare before you 21 ar•·. 1.,~ k T8l ~ 14l·1I03 Ind. 1700 mo. CMM,-e.4, taland. 1·9"-CM03. BACK 8AV.s8r, 38a, din, Condo, Turtle Aock HAis. --, ..,. ... rtnt. Ou"om d11lgn " bftnl, petto, gange, ..,_ a !*lo vtew end \Witt. ,,ea. ~1o ..... 11eec:t1. AV811, t11•uru: fJool. bbQ, 111 • 11tt1 141.olSI ... ,.,,_ ••"-'- nla.. g:: + more. teee 24l>O eq ft, frpk:, bar, ·om_..,. ~v. 00¥'~ .... ewroun-j~~~~~~~~ IMd mo. _...n = j;~ ~ ter, boat clc* S&Oo/llWll =.No:' ~ -. lllH.wl ... ~ .......... !!ff ................. ~ EA8T8f IDE l/llAf 12 Ba, loe1 Hldf~, IN-2112. 1 Ir. tum. 9600 t410/mo, 2 Br, 1 Ba. am rtn w p c, qu et 18', b09t ** l40Q/\lt! sea w. Wllofl IQ.1971 apte. patlot, oarpona. It,.... t7 50 "'0 . TURTLERC>Ct< .--.n "" pet .. Won't IMUC 540-11111, Mil lot urry 4 9A a ... tWn rm, di-,_'CZ' Studio a,>t., decora•or ,,. pttoe1 2 Ir, fncd yard. ,tr, Nne rm, new palm, OW• "'"'-P'11 P9lla. wnw I TSL....,.,.. Ma·1I03 klde/,1t1 OK. I 80. P41', 11,000.142•3153 .,..,Tl . ~· pd, UOO mo. tt1 A flomona . 1415b0 "'9-fiDI --~~~~---· Kertnebwi.kport? lsn't he the auy who kicked the winnina fiekt aoal in the '74 Superbowl? ~IX)~ WESTCLIFF Bll >G NEWP,)R< Af A;'f< ',. ....... ' ., . . ... (;JI Mr .. IOW'fd'!' f.4) ir,•(1• .. ...... ~·• """"'t•••••o•••••• lfli(JJM .... ,,,., ... flWJffW ............ •• n• • • ........ f!t!'fW•u••••••nu•• ..... ,...... ·r;vwA LIAOOutTIO ~ W"'*' .,.._,. H~"9AH W• OIHft your houH. ·AIO MOVING· IM CS-000-?)4'1i O ....,.., new l old. 11 tiilOWN• ~. rltttna, 0etpentry, ~ ~ lrom kit*"' OuWI. CtNIM letYI09. ........ 1f9 ... ll;d lft·Nn ••e•plnt; .. ,r .... tl-"""'!Ill!· ... Ml·IC!fa to bt1111. HO. Chrl1, ,,.. -~ tH..()410 IOOMKIPtNO Mature reilelMe 19dV. Aff'J W .. tel(tut9e-~tto ,._, ...... fl? JACK MALL TMDU Coe9' Mete. A 1"°113 *'"' ...... llHIOltllllnt 1ft eoeoun. .... Trelt thlrll M "they HMO-T .... tMI etl.Htl LAWN CAAi Cell JMi -Of nltflt HOUllOltANtNQ T~uellty. 81*1111 01t9 PL.AITl!AING •-'_.,_ olnt 1« 9M IMIU1dtot .... "*"· Mf-I071. Uo.-..... 14U-1'4t Oomm/r..id, ......,OM •11t.I01'* 18 OVft llUltNl!ltl In ' .. )"'I •P· IHT/P'f ~ mr.r:rn; ........... . .. >Ont ......... WOfil ~··~AM "-1• atoctt/WAlll. 11Mlt2 •tPf'llllt'-~ .. , a\totney or tmall law, CHILO CANI Dl'YWALL T~NG ........ ' 1o~...., w'.. QOM~ HOMI MAINT. .. •• 10 ....... 87 ae1~ ..,. ._ .. , _.,._ •••• Ate /O«Mfl _..__ """·AIM real ...... In-My l)GIM, lftfWllM >"*• All Tutu,_ a Aoouttlo ..,...fOOf, _,, ..... ,•11 Qarp. plUfntl, oalnl, haul, ' ,.. • ~ ...,. ,_.,,._ .... M-. ~ ~~~. '; .. off~Y ~ •• O.M. .......... ~ ... l(9'M t'7840M yd 01n11p. ,,., .... tndMdull HOUUaManlnt ITAFVtNG COlL!OI! i::r.e.nr............. ~ ... 1,._"-~----·--·-•1 ___ &. ......... ..._., ToPPldJ,.__,, CIMrl ~1 ltcty. "•t1/lran1. l!ve ITUDlNT8 MOVINO D IU .... 1111 S!AVIC& a ,_,Alf' 00 IT HOWi fN/hn. r.T.'i'r.lnH.'r.'r.':n'.. up .._ 1.no11 1114471 ~ ~Ht: dye &4242tt, CO. Lio. T12'-43e. *""' I IAf• VIII Opplflt ._,.. Oo. AU flf laHrt • • •U••••u•••••••• MMOOIUAOO-ONI ILIOTf"OtAH-Prlotd M~INO. C~ Uf'I . •• •• , .. ••••••••••• OOMPLITI ~ING ~=·:~";4~1 l!hfml~ C11'1 a• ... 1 ....... r.:;11•t a Catpentry. Uo'd. H right, fr" tttltnete on H::P. , ......_._...~ JOU lnol . ...,...... 11c1 d, c» ·~-------Vo-Jt Oaltf Pttot 1 • • -1f9 ...,. iniM "'84111 woe or 11T1e11 •· • ...---..-a ..,... ~ .1o11e ~ -.........1 9Yt ·-~'l!r."1r. •• ••••••••••• ,,.... k\llo9 Direct""" --Lio """'"""21 t7'" ,...... l'tM 141 .., .... ""'"• M1 --80NTIKO£ Al!F"IO. •ittii'u•••••••••••••• Aepreeen1tttY9' CuttOIJI ~ • .._ fine l'lntened Qerpeiitry · -• .,...,_. ' -_.. 1 -.....J. • • h•••••••••••• l AIR COHO. M1rlne, 1.ath-PINt•·ltUOOO & pttfoe. Qualtty wotk. "9mQd. lpeo. Aendall LIC'D ILICTIOOIAN MoWI ~ flile. IWWP• HAULIHG-MucMnt "" ~... .......... b ~I ..... euto, oomtn'I, 546-520I T•irtur .. Thin Wr/A Ml .... H, llf, Ill Uq. #3IOI01.,,.. ""· Lio. '''"7 120-1290 ~.*°"'•Aw.,.... epr nr 01"".1.· 11eu1. ~ L...e ,..._ y ,.,oherd '"°'· Lto. i.-iai•-/L .. I• etuoco enea, UO'd. 9!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~-:.:.m~a~1•;·;;";:rt-~H;;i1~1w;ttit-COMM'VRISID fl'rtt ett. 4314072 Tom Chuc Mt·ll I Mt t 011 T ... 1t1t. II.Tim-21()14.4. 1i Y'9 of hapt)y •••••···::-:r1.":frr.:... OlfY 1157..07" ;;; <ten«el Contreotor Fl4tm0d·Add'ne.Atcltlre TOP OUALITY ""· rclU1 John. UH looll CUltomtr9. ..., ............ ~. fU. • j,..,,,•lf Ind., OO!l'lm'I,,.... Very rtM. UO. 300250 EL!OTAICAL WO"K AHldtntltl. CMtan-up1, l'N)lf, lllWK)il Think you, &31-"410 ,,.. .. , Aeaa. prtoee, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~·;;.;~·L;· uo. 333217. SIM'7SI Jtek H. hnnttt, Jt. AtM. ,..... 131-eolS garden wvtoe, malnt.. HallnO -yerd ~ Uw In ~ plut IN-PAINTIA NEEDS Oual. WOl'k. uc. ~371et. Custom C«.,,...,,,.. .... ~.,.,IM!ooel Otn~.&~142 ELICTAICIAK ~~!1~'3e.'~t1t. °'**'1=..t,._-. ~=..::~:v ~~K~1c':i1t~~. e31•234I ':.~~~~·~ a&":':':'hlt 4319'1~ ~!11. ........... ; Stnl Jobt/,,..,.,,... Uo. 8 ,,. .. w......,. ,_ .,.,_., DeYll Pelntlne &47·5111t ltltttM ... lltrltl CE""M"' • IUAI ••.u ALLSTATE PAVING J!.NC:t:.:~. LI ........ I ... "310f.G.10. Mt-11203 SH.~~-~ HA~IW>IHCI ,..,_ 111t) 13Mn.4 Ht.IT II .. II IT" TQ;'. F~~~- Sealoot:tlng-8tr:t:ei 81noe 1t7e. TS4-095t ~30MM. "9model. • Mohwtt"'. 111..U2 M CStmolltlon1 qlHl'l•llp, ~op!, mid 30'1 ,.~Al~AIFNTINO ....... .. .... e•• ...... .._..._ ,. ___ I .,.. ""bl ..... 11. ~ '' ~ & vw l"tn'IO'llll ,.....a-..___.. ....,.,om """"• r .. ..i. .._ ...,., ,.,...,_ • ....,_.. ""'""'· . . .... -·-· " °'** 142 Jut ........... to ,...._, thll Aeet. + nn. tnt. a •tit· I M4ltltlt Uc #3t73e2 1145-8181 CAllNrrr&·R!MOOl!I.. &4M5H/14&-4&44 ·I Ul-7211 ~Yd ClllUP9 MfV, • ~· W•'I oartt fOf nlng. 814111t, 5'479'1111 ... frtt"""' Skyllt ... OreenhH WAY CON8T"UOTION ~ 14$.ZMZ T,.. ~ melint. HAUllHO I MOVING hOUet. .. c. Ollll ......... h ••0 •u0 •••••H• .. ••• ~'!!!I. Wlndowl Remodel .~ Uc. 41llOI tmg.llOn. Jim 181..011t Loo91. 8tudlnt wltNGtt. HIYtl'I, ?50-0078, RALPH'S PAINTINO AMlderttlal...comnwclal LOW RATEl-TrH trttn• ••• •••••• ••••••••••• 54M90t uo. 4.20802 842·1200 .. Totlil Yard Cert bY ~ 17M1IO ,.._ tvtlll. lntlext. RMa. rat•. Tenant fmPf~l• ming l r•mov11. sft llABVSITTtNO·MY hom• 1t._ • .. ~ THE OAASSHOPPlfl! Ref. Free •l. 53M891 QUALITY WON< °*'1upe l trllh ~· ln·CiOll• Meea. ao-5 & ...t:Nf .vnlf -~ ........... ---Electftoel COntrector Heullng l queok ~. " .. !ffff. FREE ESTIMATES F~• ut. Martinez up •57 ~-·~ ...... -................. -....--net ,. __ ........ Lio p~ ""-......___ • • . " ...... ... Crpta in1tt111~'9d ,.,... •t. ,... PfloM. ~211:"Ph''w:ln11 Dornlnlo 8'2"'881 P~~Aici; • ~~;,~.. ,,,__,_ 17 CHILD CARE: my hol'n9, FIOod demllQ9. 8tMm Oual. WOl'k. LJo. $37181. 1131 , ~ 431.()953 , Newt up .:;,r.:;-.TA••••••••••••• 714/~9050 Daytime ftl#l.a• tunct1/anack1 lncludtc1. ctng.55'4--8510, t78-8611e 1131·23'8 lll"1l'L,rll• '9'111M ..,.,., Dew 842-4113 F= lnt-1« = 714/~~wnlnga ....... ,.. ........... .. woe yard. e.a.1ts11 No s1eem1No Shampoo CulM .,...,~ ·FoRMt0Acou"m!R8.. ,.... •· Kan 83M03t ~1!ff........ Bud a.w2u ~~':i~2s . ~~:.=, ~~~ Bablel WWtttcl, day cart. Stain Specida1. Feat ••••••••••••••••••• • Tope/Ca.blnet1 ..-taotd LANDSCAPI! MA.INT. "OltH'I CLl!ANINO ,,_.,,, •Hllal, Mr. MOfgen, 84tJ.517t my home, Mon-Fri, 2 Y'9 dry. Fr9t •t. 1131-1582 Crown moulding, entry Frta Ml. e..2•5357 eomm.nc.i & Pfopeny 9ef'vlOt. • thorouoNY •••••••••••••••h••••• 7ASR P~RHANO~~-••REPAIM•ii5•1•;;;95•• l unct«. E/Slde CM. Call Sh l at IMn doora, menu ... book· rnanaeementa. 831.eo41 detl'I "°'*' ~1 T..,,... L.-on. Anyone? Y'9 -ap. ~. W""-" l!l.a•l- AM'1131-310t c:"~rlght=•~ wlli =:-w~~~ ~tg-''':~ K~ F~ora ~ & • xtnt tHchtnt 1kllt1. work. Prtc .. ttert at ~~:r;. ~;"o-~r'· ... ~.·:.··,::~·.-...~.-· crpt• • 10 min. blMot\. ~ obltmal I m... Glfden e.v. Heullcln &pd.~ leglMtra/lntermtcllat•. II/roll. Alec 751-7027 --------• .... ,,. _..,.,.,. .. , .,,,, #mmun/ Hiil, ltvtdtn. ""' 115; •YO 83r.1s211 ••••••• •••••••••••••• up 8319'547/5'44-8409 -... ~11 ·, ... ""7~2nt Good with kid•. B• • Cu1tom waltpaperlng. Hub« Roollng-.it typee. ~~Ltdne. ~~853 l«ftH room 17.50: couch 110: •tWI' I MY ',,. ....., ,.,. 1 eva cl!amplon. C•ll Steve Mtleflc1ion guerantetd. N9w-recover-deck1 20% Mon ...,_ ...................... chi $5. au.. e11m. pet ...,di Ctwta11ne & Ed 848-71125. Ron'• Gardening: II yra au.Mty Hol!MCl9lnlng 646-7823 FOf eec: Frank 775-0714 1_.Llc_. _14_t_1_eo_a. __ MM __ 7_34_1._20%__,...,..,~thly~~°'*~-co_un1_ •••--111111 odor. Crpt repelr. 15 Y'9 •••••••••••~•••••••••• Hme area. Qu11tty at w/a pereonal touotl. CM, VJOHN HENRY CO.v *REStDENTIAL11t St==n enga, bllg9I exp. Do work myHlt. •KATRINA 8 : Live-In n ... ~ reu. retH. M1tnt/ Irv, HB. a.th 860..ot33 11.a--Expert wettcoverln~ In· Roofing for Ane Homea MonllllyOttly Dlloount ............ M"-:h' ........ rt-R9fl. 531..0101 hlkpn, deity maid MIV, ···c·:.-.:,.·:u·~w·ooo······· l1nd1oepe. NBICdM. p.....-... H !.?"" ......................... •l•ll•llon. R ... pr CM. Uc. 415232. IMM213 Ctvt• 967-8311 • ,,_,. ..., -· 1---------1 office cleantng, crpt n.r "'""" t75-93el. _.., CM-.c--.,;ig BNCKWORK: Smell Jobe. Con.uttant A11lgnment 1---------c al handyman work. EXCEL CARPET CARE dMnlnO. 835-21ft lnllelledlrepell'ed. Greg 11 yn ap. >Ont r9's. Newport, eo.ta M9ea, 581-1590 faljJ. II. Orange Cou1 WlndoWs 1175-7951 1 Jedi Bu111ng1on Uc. :set2te0 1-2~ ·~· Fret eat. Lott 117~53 lrvtne. Aefl. '7&-3175 •-•• ., •••• !.;W.(•••f!•••• "We IMv• you with• CHA.R'S CUSTOM T""AK Owner/opetalOI' """••,.,.,.... •• .-;;1::::-............ TLC .. _ ....... __._., ,,.., -naJ BUOOET RATEB bright• outtookl" ~ c·-·-....... .,.. '"" •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,,,.. ..,, .._,,. HOME IMPROVEMENT • . .,.,,._.._...,.. Brtdl b60dl oonc:ret• •• .,..-.-·•••••••••••••••• S OK Fr• •tlmat• ~111 Swim 1tepa-Bowtprlt1 -..-. """"" . ... AACHtTECTUAAl. PLANS •••i"Ae••••••:::::.... REPAIR-PLUMBINO 8erva. Low Rat.I. atuCco ' 11o' ••BRYANT'S** Lo min. ml )obi ' Uc. ~pit radc1 dMnlnQ. Wort(~· FOR BUft.OtNO PERMIT REPAIR & INSTALL ,.___,, ........_ Toni t50o0208l842"°405 , lfWY ,..._ • Wllloc>Yertng R41moval Free •t. tnl &41•7581 CLEARVIEW WINDOW etc. 25 ...... 845-3749 Free Eat. 845-\f» G d Herd'#.,_ ...__,.ry, -·Ille. f,_ Bot> 646-ftlJ0/53t-9909 Al~ &42·1343 ____ ,.______ -A .. tct.ntlal addition• a lf1IO' "· . .... No job too llmall. ElU>trtlM HOUMkeeplng --------.,.... WASHING. ~. ,., ... ....... en. f ltafltff remocMI. Don 8'7-8e08 DN!Qn/Palnt Ho-0188 DeHM &45-2811 We fUrnWI Y90IJl.m & tuU1Y .... ., ru.1' ,,, c.n ... MO&iL.e-seRviCe... 4 yr1 In., ... 842-5449 •••••••w.!'I •••••••••••••• !!'.'~••••••••••••• Have you reed today'• Cerpentry. Maeonry ~ Kitty 841-4870 Al kinda. 14t-2559 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bookkeeolna MtVICee.. pvt Cement·MteonfY'-Blodc 8WW me9l8 .... -'#tth an CtHtlfled Adi? It not, -Plumbing I .i.yne'1 e.rth WOf'kl Reecreent/New ICf~ Put your ldYel1lllng "*" pty l im bualneea. ealt Web-Cult. work. Uc. effective olH1Ui.d 1d. you're mlMlng the best ~8ii'! Stuooo • 1'1le 10111 LUY CIWltlN Ada, YG'lr on.-Pt•nt malnt. patio ' a/ NB/CM only. 6'2·9552 aqe where tne rMcMll tor appt. 840-85211 #381057 Rob 647-2883 842..&171 1>trg91n1 In townl Remodel. J.B. 14t-"80 l!XP. AUS. teCM>71t etop lflopplflg oenw. ""-riOf. teo-0024 Clwltltd Ada 642-69711 .... 842-1141711 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT - Orange Cout DAILY flllLOT llunday, June 13, 1812 tlCHANICAL .............. ~~' ,,.. ' -· ~.'.'!!.!~.~! ....... . •al ._.. IMPORTANT NOTICE ••••~••••~•••••••••••• TO READERS ANO Nft 12·1'7 Awnger llUll, AOVEATISERS trlller, oompl, Int. Need• Th• price of Item• ad· motor & 11..mg .... 500. vertlMd by wt\IN del- 64e..&318 ler9 In the Y9fllcle clMaJ. n.d edvertlllnv colulTln1 ,,..,..,,,11,. do•• not Include any •••••~••••••••••••• lppllcablil tu ... ltc.IM, Ah0tlh 1111 tranafer f1e1, finance •• • • •••• ••• • •• • • ••••• • chergea. feet for M P-Ot· Heng Glider UOO. 18' lullon control devl""• Delta Wing w/oovar '" 1w1no uat. harneu certlftcallon1 °' dealer "'4-t888 documentary prepara- COMHHL CHEYRCLET "'.>tl.1r: .. r I ! ·~I \ \1 ~' \ ~46-1200 --------1 llon charge• unleu c..,.n, W1 otherw1 .. •~clltad by1----... ----.-""m==\= .,., 11-the edv«11Mr. •· -Top dollar• for Sport1 ····cAMPERS.HaL•••• Aa~lf•ll/ Car•. Buga, camper1, For 1m11t P.U. S7t11080. lh11/11 ISIO t14's, Audi'• 398 W Hamllton C M •• ••• •• • • •• •• • • • • •• • •• ~ lot U/C MOR . ' . . llHL .. A"sl M IAI• ·75 Toyota. xlnt, new ang, Shay repllcu; ptokupe & YILllWAlll batl:1 & llree, S2950. ooupH. 4 10 ohoou 18711 Beech Blvd. 844-0 82 fromt (00878&) (Stk. HUHTINOTON BEACH #mr/611 llkff f 140 A3093). Prtcea lllr1lng 11 142-2000 ••••• ••••••••••••••••• ... y tt,ttll --------New Sport Model Peu-" WI mt geot. 1475 or belt orr. __ _ HHODORf 84M247 , .... ..,.., .. Foxl: latge, extr~. new cond., lo mllea, S276 or belt. 844-0782 ROBINS FORD 1000 H.U80l 8LYD COSTA Ml SA ()~2 1)010 lllt'Tlll Ull .. 1979 CHIVIOLn COIVlnl T-TOP (412309) $10,995 1911 CADILl.AC FLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1CGX359) $}5,995 1911 OLDS 98 HGINCY COUPI (180(142) $10,995 1979 MllCIDH llNZ 3000 (735WOO) SALE PRICED 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (S91>CZT} $11,995 1979 CADtUAC runwooo 810UOHAM (932WQV) " . 19895 LET 1IM , MIT IT, PJTCME~! 60 AHEAD, LET 'IM MIT IT! WE'RE Rl6MT w:.~rr:f,;; BEMIND VOU, l~i':~~~ PITCHER! LET 'IM .MIT ITt ! I TMOU61-rr YOU SAIDTO -~•vi<.-Q...a . LET .-UM . I MIT IT!?~ NO PROBLEM! -LET J.UM MIT IT! WHAT'LL WE DO? Jim Davi . t>t>t> t I . I ' MOC>N MULLINS -'\ / , 900. ~ Htss' -. SORRY, ~AN~. IF (JOU HAVE ANc.> PROBLEM~ Wl1M QOUR 8RACE5 , Jl.>6T GIVE ME . A CALl. · ~·-,. FOfi:GET 10 WEA~ . ~R Nl&U'r BRACE. CA>HaJ t.>Ou c;o 10 seo ..• AND Sfft/.J INOOO~ ·DORING E.1..EC1fi:lc.AL.. . SR>RM5! f SOMEgooY up TfJEgE HAP A CHANcqE OF HEA4RT ... . --· -~ --~·-,.---.,..--- 1"' Mafklen eltov• ,. pOltltl"CI to the~ 14t,H7 with gOQd rHton. Multiply It by two end the rttvlt Is 21S,71A -the seine digits In revlMd order. Multtpty It by thrte •fttt tht rttult la 4'f.~iply .,Y four end -enaww ls 571.421. ~ltlply by five end ii• end tht results ere 7'421Und 157, 142. ='';; d!fi' .. t (~ ...... Wf?6'ii ,,. ~ by Lynn Johnston lTS GONNA 1AKe Me: S\x B\lLION '{EBRS 10 -·CLEAN llP ~lS ROOM! r?._~ I r I I· . ' 8UMft, ~O&JR MOmtR ~·r.u., ~~~·-r ~T OO~tJ M1"& 1A8L£. l1~ NOT VOL.l"fe. fO SfAl1 EA1\tlC, S£rmtE ~l'fOMt li ~1U'. ~· ----~-....... ..--__.., .... GORDO IAIDE.EOf . (.C)..OR-WISE, IAlOAJ-WISE ANO v1e,10"1-WISE HE'sA '· ~.ECT 1-ITTJ..E OWL CHIJ..Df W>IAT'fl> TUI&, IJNCJ..E 6-iVWFDO MV'IVJ!IS DECIEVE ,.,.r . .. By Gus Arriola ., WHArvou 6EESIS WHATVOl.J GUSSS/ by. MacNelly FINE J.()OKING TAO.' . . ~~~ ... ·.._. u~~~ttWN~1Uf ~lMU..' ~ , •1 •• ~~ ~ IN~ §Ut'f/Z. ? •. --~~J r . June 13. 1982 FOR DAN Md<INNON, chlllrman, Ovf Aeronaub Boerd I ...... '-to n.tdl. aee ol 15 .-. ............... Woaldiit It prove ••d:WtolJ .. ,.._•, ...... --. ,... ........... olp•• ..... . ...... _,,,,, -A.S.. ...., Yodl Olp e A numbs of pndlcal problems, ott. dW\ ptca, make It ddBcuJt to "chop ..... "N~" (thole making raevatlonl who don't show up at de- parture time wMhout letting th. Ohs know tt.ey won't UM the tpa0e), for ex- ample, ~ a problem. But adnes an trying to lower Ima by charging low .. standby .. prtces, lowcrtng prtces for Oghtl dw1nQ off 1*11< houn, considering charging pwngen who don't show up for fights and offcatng promodonal ndlll·to encourage more people to fly. FOR DARYL HALL, of Hiii Md Olliii .. It ..... pour ..... comet ... yoclr ilw•llllNlllla. not fl!Mlrwf-A.K.,Sp •11, ~ • Not cxactliJ. but ~ towtng England In the illld-70't, I tenewed my lntlrelt ln ~ artlfacls. I Im: ••• d In 15cb-century ,... and aatol, my .. ~being a~. Now I have mnor, llpel- 8tet wl weapoca~ Of Co.ne I can't •Y what my col· lldkxt ii worth, but c:ctaln)y men 1han I paid. TFIS11 YOURSELF FROM THE •ASr EDrr<>R NEWS: Asked whether he plans to foDow his pop record wtth 4'oha IHawr with another pop NCOrd, opera -~ Domingo said: '1 would not call It 'pop.' I prefer nice, melodJc modem mUllc. If I find new material that Is beautiful, or old·tlme favorites, yes, I wi do another." . . . As a result of his conducttng appearance at N.V.'s Lincoln Center last fall, Don Scawt, long-time star of lV's The Guld· Ing Llghl, has been offered sfmllar sym- phonic concert data across the coun· by, ••• Sophia t..or., In London to launch a new fragrance named after her, reportedly get upetght when qulu.ed on her marital situation, rather than her ~ ventuN. She ~led lhe was ready to talk about perfume, not the ltate of her pmonal llft .... Prtncw Stephanie. daughter of PllncAll Gnce and PrtacJ lbdnllr, went on a needlepoint shopping spwe and bought a pillow with the motto '1>addla Are For Lov· Ing." ... Because w ... N.wton II guest of honor at the 20th annl\lenary ol St. Jude Childlwn's Ra- w.arch Hoepttal, and as he Is of Indian pa19ntage, Mn. Danny Thomas, wife of the hosptt.al'1 founder. ls fran . tlcaly tcOUtlng for unuaaal Indian m1lfada to decorMe the L.A. Century Plaza Hotlll, home ol the ewnt. ... .leny Lewi• will produce, direct and write his next rnov'8, Smotgmbord (his cur- Sleaoart rent It King of Comedy With RoMrt De Niro) and play 40 <Merent roles In •. . .. ntMA: Cheedt • Cboag's three moYlet to cs. hiYa mlced In O\lel' $200 mlillon. What .. they ~thlrnext one? Thtng1 N. Tough Al Over .... Not al rock pipe UM elaborate equipment to pro. due. their barfe and IOmetirnes ear-splitttng IOUnd ef- fects. ~. whit. rehearslng In the bandleader'a L:.. • home. dllcovered that the washing machine IOUnded Bica a flying aaucer about to &and, the CJClld tOund tt.ey ~. So they ftxed. mlk9 tnaldc the~ durtng 1t1 lpk\ cycle ...• At the 20lh A~ Marine Schollr· ~ Bal. the sby wa1 told ol how men tn the~ i.ct to a gol9IOUI woman entering a room: the Amrv man ltlNI, the Navy man Nnt to get her a tMt -ri the M.rtne lb In the chak ..•. f "91 wondeNd whit Vo.UI' Clblc lntaki .. whet you lk:k. ~ atamp? ACcoldlng to n. Peopls~ Almanac: •3, It'• only ~ ~olaQbie. • I l -r• -_ ---- '. I· ~a.----------------~.a.-~J The Sister nnection Confiding, Competing I And Loving Forever ------ The research results are overwhelming. Latest National Smoker Study provides solid evidence that 'Enriched Aavor: MERIT offers a satisfying alternative to higher tar cigarettes. MERITlMee Sc>mb Swidl. Nationwide survey reveals over 90% of MERIT smokers who switched from higher tar are glad they did. In fact, 94% don't even mi.u their former brands. Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT an easy switch, that they didn't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-casting low tar they've ever tried. . MERJT(Am-(]Q:e In I .*8f 1iss. In addition, extensive unmarked- pack tests confirm that MERIT delivers a winning combination of taste and low tar when compared against higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The ooerwhelming majoricy reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. <:onlirmt:d: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. ' Year_ aft~_year. in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The prooen taste alternative to higher tar smoking -is MERIT. 0 ..... ...,.. ... Jta r paren1S to acknowledge that their children are, Indeed, distinct and separate tndl- vkiuals. For futance, a teen· age girl who knows that her sister Is an outstanding stu- dent may decide to dflWlop competence ln other areas of her life, such as friendships or sports, or she may creattwJy challenge herMlf to go beyond her lister's ac- complishmenu. Underneath the rituals of stating that they're worlds apart, each sister can be r~lzed for beJng different &om the other. One lister we studied, Mary, was ftrmty tettled and secure tn her Identity as the family "'bndn" and dJd not mind that he Jilter Nancy had the role of "flirt." R lvalrous struggles can thus provide a crucial arena In whkh sibangs dJs.. cover who they are. ~ 90dlty tnaealingty supports the ~ of women to achieve competence In llJC)rtl, academic pursuJts and leadenhlp ro&a, we can expect that their rtva!rous *uPs for identity will become even more ecutc. P81hap9 more than ever before women wtll look over their shoukMn to ask: "How I 1s my tilter dolng?" I Whether the 1tvMy be- tween No ....... iS 8mlted and ~Y or Mrioul and detrtrMntal .. determtncd In large pmt by the parents. h's Important. dwrcfore, for pennts to be aware of chtki· rcatng approacha that can four darm9n9 rtvaky. • Some pamitl get over· Involved tn Mtdlng ttietr ddldr.n's dlffnaa.. "J"he chidNl1 thus lemn that one way qf gdlng..,... ~ atllladbi .. by ~. By charging Into he fray, penmts rmforce negadve behavk>r, mid tn the _pqxell, '1 by undemlt the kids' wil- ingr'811 to Mtde ~ on I th* own. Somettnws the best thtng that can be done when a skirmish oc:cun Is to Ignore the kids. • Other parents faU to monttor their chlldren's ag- gression In any way. Slbltng aggression can be damaging, apedal1y when one chlJd physicaDy bruises and batters another or when one child humJllat.a another. Any ktnd of senous bodlty harm or emotional humiliation calls tor rapid and mature pamrtal Intervention. • Pments 10metlmes un- wtttingly play Into a slb!lng "monopoly" garne. One daught1r will become the special pal of a father while the other daughtet becomes the mother's aly. If the parents are tn sa1ous conflict wtth each other, each daugh- ter can be pltted against the other In a proxy war within an unhappy marriage. Of coune, not al unhappl- nesa b9twftn liars Items &om parental causes: Two women may ftnd reasons to continue the nvUy even as mature adults. Most of the listen wllh whom we talked (as adults) stated that they wished thCll could have bet· tar reladonshlpt wtth theJr &lbllngs, but they Memtd at a lots as to how to make such an Improvement. We hove found that doing this ls not eaiy but that an opportunity foe a beu. rela- tk>Nhtp can emerge durtng a faml1y c:rWI, such as the 111- ,,... ol a family member, the death of a parent ot the dlvorc. of one of the lllterl. During such times, old roles can be reworked. One worn· an whole ~ *-fell Mr1oully Ill ltepped out ol her llllf9'\ed poeidocl as "baby..._. and, b tbs ftnt ~ Wiii able to prove •• ·help he domkuant olds li>ltng. In • CMe like d'\11, two 1i1ter1 tuM • chance to bve • Nlldonstllp mote charac· ~by equally, a rsldon· ~ ._ dlpendent on ob-'°'* ... a.ft 0""1 from chllchoCl. Aa .... by mav heW h..t ndt'9r dM llll9ll8i ncr dM ~ don to """' ~· eony ." but • mote ... womeri. Wld1 ~ fr'r Md ld.n· tMlll,thtpbfewbe.,.. :V. ~.;!:.' II , • ------- ·Stitch and· Save Colorful toesicr dol madehom scnp&. cn1t• has fulldir«· tionl and peu.n for doll end COltuma. Cool knit Qlmbdc is $0 anr.c. tM. Cnft 968 has dk'ectlons lot SmaD. Medium and l.Mgc (8-18) lndultw. Knit a handsome cable· rrlmmed ~ from IJ>O't or ~~m.Cnft., has knit directions for Slza 32· 421nclutM. For Baby. a solt set In slngte aochet trimmed ~h shell- sdtchu. Cnlt 5'0 has crochet dkldlon.s for Infant. 6 months and 1 year lndusMr Three daslic b6ouscs for sldrts or pants. entt m .. 1a &1-.10 to 18. ,,__ ......... Sliie 12. 34 bust .•. bow.fied. m ~ o1 4~ Inch fabric: raglan. 1 ~ yards; tailored. 2 ~ Five Steps to· letter Ustenlng I -- -··- ~toe and heel; GENUINE LEAlliER handcrafted Into a supple sandal Sltp Into the comfort of wown uppers and a sturdy, long-wearing 90le; great for aJ1 your warm weather fun. TAN-08. LADIES ful asS-lOM. #FW6HT ~., ~ for ooer 30 years dosed toe, GENUINE i1A°n!E: woven Uppen afford 8exible oomfort for ,YOtJr feet Side buckle adjustable tor periect ftt s~ ful so1e 1or 1..e1ng durablJitY. LEAntER lnlole. ventilated upper. TAN-57. LADIES fuD sizes S-10 M. #f'W6HR The Dipstick Deceit and Othe1 Setvice Station Rip-Offs By Andrea Pawtyna Fl s summer nean, many motorists gtve In to the lure ol the open road. Getting to a favortte vacatkm spot by car can be a pleasurable ex- perience, but If you decide to drive , beware ol shady set· vice-station operators who pny on out-of-state motor· lstl. They can tum a routine IU>p for gas Into highway robbay. Motortsta who pull Into thae ltatlons have been cha-.d out ol gas or oU or, even worse, sold expensive puts that their can dJdn't need. "Molt ol the people who do this ere pretty sharp at slz· Ing up a prolpld," says Pat GOii. who .. the raklent mechlU\lc on Motor Week, a W9lkly Mmylend public tele- vlllon Pl'OSJ'8"1 aimed at car enthUlillts. "They're looking for peo- ple who probably don't know much about can." Among the.more common swtndla to watch out for: • Shonchz 8'nl oa ol. When making a routine oil check, the attendant doa not run the dlpltlc:k aD the way down. The rauJt Is a Jow reading and the cus- tomer thblks be or lhe needs a quart ol oil . • DIAblmg the .,...,. Whtie d'9Ckb.g under the hood, the attendant dropt antacld tablets Into the bat- tiay. Within minutes, thll c::aUMS a minor a.plOlion. The cultOmer II stuck bu~ a new bellmy. • • Slmb ... the. lJllng • corr. alld la1fe or ruor blade, the aa.ndant ... the th )Ult undm tt.. treed. wt.. the tlN II~ wllh ....., ~ ..,.,.. and - the ....... Womw the . ~ ........... Mldld . ........ ...... .,, ....... a.-..Thedln· dllint ..... puddle ol oll under the tboc:U, In the - agency's efforts have been largely succaeful: Consun\81' complaints have dropped &om a high ol 351 In 1977 to 28 so far this year. One f avortte ploy that uau- ally goes unnotJced, says Matysiak, ts double<harglng credit-card customers for gas. What an unscrupulous operator does ls simply nan the aedlt card through th. stamping machine twice and forge the owner's atgnatur9 from the legtttmate recq,t. "Whenever you pay by ' credit card, make sure you follow the card," Matysiak cautions ... Don't let lt out ol your sight." There are several other ways that you cafl protact yourself against tt.. mod- em-day bandits, say experts. First, have your car checked out bii your local rnechank before leaving on a long tltp. .. Make sure It's roadworthy," Matysiak advises. STA.R€H BLOCKER TABLETS For DIETERS who LOVE ap11ghettl, pot•toes & bre•d New Slarch Bloclctt ........ you .., breld. pataioes, pata wlhoul Dorpllon of h ltlrCfl c:Mwfel.. Contains AMX powder, hoepbl &-.ct for ..WV Md.,...~ One tllt*t biocka the digestiof 1 of h ltafCh In a cup of "*'-Wane aoup pg 2 c:upe of ~end mNll*ls pU .... of bread. 30 Slllrch Blocker t•bletsfor$4.98 MAIL-ORDER CERTIFICATE D.WM'.11&, 0 30 for 4-11 0 90 for 10.00 D 200 for 18.00 D 400 for 21.5o -*>lw end banana chwW nindomy on an•lgid frWI. 5. Plac:e llrNbaria -dahd OWJ al. Serw on bu&t table for guall to ~ Iha oWn frWI c:omblnldons. Mata 6 *> 8.,.,.. 10AJ atlCICEN MfAIBAU.S . .,.~.._.~ ...... ,~...._ .... _..,... ... , .. ........ ~ ... l'Ac..--......... ~ '6 111 ......... ..... 1'-' 2 u , ..... II" J ,...,....., '6 ................. ..... .._ ................... "c'ttal ...... 'at. .,... 0 1. Alce chk:Mn, eolu, one •· cnan, br9ld crudlt. .,..,.,.. ... lhmy md _.onion.,. rnMI ........ .. Ylde Oii" atood ~•mm& choiai*• .... Procm und llDOOlh -,.. bllnded. CM. I. Roi ~ n-... km llDll W.llnd\tnclm st 2 I. In ... .,_._ .......... " two ... ... ._ ... ..,~ ... -..., ral " ,..., .._, CN'Dlla. ....... °' '° ...... .,... al 2 lnchit md bllll _,~on a...,_,_..-.. ft =I I111 fry ..... M1tlJ1ta .... W -2 ..................... . S.W.6tl)81'4m:••far ... $ I Hot ......... pllim ... --·Foci ............ ........ ,J .... ., .... • PliillD ..... a...ba•• ,,, 2 .... J*t;fMt• 1 P' ._...., ..... ...., .............. , .... ......... ,... ----- Mkk end keep warm on a h..eed plaac. z. In the ... pen In which you frted the benanal, &y the ... of wel-dnmled plneesipla until golden brown on both 8del, 1 .. for each llMng ol hem Ind ... !. Add 4 ~II btJu.r to ttie lkk Ind hat until melted. To «IWI~: In a lm8ll bowl, bat .. ~ lollld\ bk. add to lick, cook and 6 until cooMd • you ... Or limply brak .. Into ~Ind fry amny-tldc up or tum ova ~. • you wlltl. t. In a Ill** t16t, &y the hem In 4 tablapoo.11t mebd buns wttll lrdldY browned on -=It lkle. 5. To ISW: Put the egg1 otyone tide ol a 11rge 1..-.d ~. place the bwl\Mlnd ~ on top ol the him on the ad. llde ol the plm. 6. For auc.: In • llnlll laUCll• pen, -2 ~-butm. * ~ brown --Ind 2 .... tpOOne .... Helt mbdms to ~ llinil19 until qs di. --Ind • ¥UP fonnl. Poor about 1 ~ ol thk tyr\ip owr eech ~ ol baMnaa. '**"'* Ind ham and .-w wllh buDINd ... Mot.4~ ALOHA PUNCH The temperature was hot and the competition hotter. Now's the time to serve up the cool, refreshing taste of Southern Comfort and orange juice. We can this thirst..quenching combination °0J. Comfort~' :Your guests will call it • ...l-1! • ' uaiaous. OJ. Comfort Pour 2 OWKC'I of Southern Comfort over ice in a WI aJ.w, add oraqcjWa:, stir pdy and mjoy. Last Ja.DUlll'Y I aw this big ad for Naticnwide auto insurance. The headline laid, .. You could ~ up to '60 or mon every yes-on every car you insure:' I didn't really believe it. But it got me thinking. If I could uve on both my car and my pickup, suybe I'd 6.naI1y have moup money to buy the campiq pal' I'd been wantina for so loq. I filled out the Ratefinder cou· pon that came with the ad. ~n d~ later I ...ny got a jolt. Because with Nationwide. I could ave tt05. 70 fNery year! And the coverage WU exactly the ume u I'd had before. ' I fired off my application. And that afternoon I had a field di.)' buying all the gear I'd been eye- ing for months at the discount sporting goods store. Of coune. I know my camping gear wun't really frw. But try telling me that when I've got a trout in the skillet, and I'm enjoyi• another peat weekend in the wood& ''It's almost like I got the1n fi>r free!' Hen's why Nationwide coald cost yoa leaa "'9t. you save money became yoa're bu~ Y9W' covenp direct-by mail or phone. That belpe us cut our u1H and lldmin· istrative costs, and we pan the •vines on to you. S.•wl, Nationwide offen gen· eroua .. good student" diacounta -~ in 'ID.aa. We aleo otter a discount on •v•ry car you normally use for buainest or pleasure. If you have two can or more, your savinp will be multi· ptied-in 1Uu. onlY .. prescn'bed by the State Insurance Board. Tllircl. we insure people with good driviilg recorda-notnece.· aarily perfect, but good. Since our rius aren't u great as some other oompaniea, we can keep OW' rates lower. S ummc Is the Maten to have fun with t.hion -to try out daring, hot cokn, d&rzllng designs and fad )eWUy. It's also a ~ time to en- ~ maJdng your own fash- ion. '9nd ~ today's tiWl nrca11 prlca): a bandan- na ~ with a mldr::hlng drawstring beg, a no-petMm ctr.. or sldrt. a crochet ~. rope jewelry. The bandanna bloule ii a1y to make, comfortable to war and goes wd with jeans or slacks. Four bandan- nas, tn matching 0t eon- traltlng colon, can be put '°9'd• In such • way that no hemrnJng, cutting or flt· ting II MC11111Y and 11\Wlg .. "*'Imai. The blouM wll ftt ... 8~16.WMh enodw bandanna you can make • mmcHng draMtl111g bag. 'Map anocha bandan- na around your head or your hat. The lhoulder-tled draw- slrtng ctr.. II UC> easy to mMl. ltcen be~ orfNe flowing, cool b the hoeMlt dayi ol 1W1Un& F0t J*lo partia you can war lt as a floor-length lktrt wtth a blouM. On cooler days, tt can be worn as a jumper, If you whJp It up In a dark cob or denim. lJb the bandanna bloute, M fits a wide range ol ma and~ no pettmn and .m.MWtng. The croch.s purM can be made with yam and leftover ICl8pl of fabrtc. A single aochet .aadl II used and even a beginner can mab It. Vou1 ~ youtld and friends wtlh jeweky you can maM from wooden beads, vmn 0t rope and lhelac. So. forget the hid\ price of falhlof'I and rMke !IO'lf own ~ UJ ..... u. IUIOI\! D•taJl•d tn1tructton11 along wtth phoeot and dlus- 1rdonl .. lnduded '" the booklet ~ Sum-"* F~10 (#357). F0t ~ copv. ~ Sl.50 plus 25 cents poltlel Md hand). Ina to: , ..... .... P.O .... Dlpt. G · --...11-. ....... N.Y.lODll 8ii .... to Include tM booltllt Miii .. , Vo'll' Mme, edch9 Md ZIP code. (N9w Velk Nlldenll, edd ,.. illlitu.) .. "" Ml&YW9&.Y."""1e. -• ,, Q------' It can inakc or break }Ollf remodeling prqect. It's AD d C [IC D· The word for window qullity for llmost 80 yean. Elsy to install Andersen• windows ~the best to any~ and window ~job: Beauty -~ their fainous slim llnea. ~efficiency-with dou~p1ne fnsuladrw . Maintenance freedom with PtrmA-.el<r.. thick. c:xtremd,y hard vinyl emrior coverm, that won't need i-fntias-lf yOU•re home hnDroving don't leave ·~to chmce. Build-in qu.llty. And Aridenin. You'D find both at an Aodenen dtaler. See the YdJow Plges under Windows. Qmehmne toqnal~ Qmebonie toAndenai• ~~---------~~~-Cone home IO the facu. On windows for remoddinl IDd ~· 0164812 I M1i.1 aiupon co Andcnen c.o.,, .• Bolt 12. Bevnon, MN 55003 Ind we'll tend )QI the FREE I ··wincloW IDd Glidinl Door Anlwef Book ~r-. I I I ' CUWTIES .. ~ TVS exiest Sisters Two slaters working together and living together 90uncfa like a sparb-are-jlylng, Simonized 1V .itcom. But to hear the aultry Landen albllnga tell It, they are as hannonlous CJI the Omaond& this II no lngenue. That role belongs to Judy. Shy and still a btt unsure of hend, she has a youthful, unformed quaJlty that stand.a In contrast to her sister's high-gloss po8sh and deflnmon. Judy comes on unabashedly as the sweetly sexy baby sister. What she lacb of her sister'• sophlltk:atk>n and savvy. the makes up b with bouncy enthullasm and a dlsannk\g lack of pretension. Together. they play ~ off each other. each de.arty In tune with the other. moods and fedngs. But It'• only been recently that the Landen sa.. bn ~ acted h>glther JXOfask>nally. They will toon lhare top blang In SwedMarta, a rno"'8 that just 6nlahed production thll tpring, '1hls II going to be vay unutual," Mys Audrey eagerly. "'ft'• a psy- ~ ttvtDer about two ..._. who .. a ~­*"· . . Insane? •.• Wd, they have ~ prob&ans. They have a wry lbong low/hale rela· doc~. n.. W8I IOr'Mlhr.g In their chidhood thlt ... dMrn lpllt ... ~ dW'...,. ....... that no IUCh problem Gilb betMen thein (ttwy won't .vcn eonNll to a tqullbllie ov-dochea), Judy admb, 'When you're playing a part,.eorr.ettma, tOnMlthtng cl It nabs o! on you." "It alfecta your penonallty," Audrey ""911· -SO, we had our Mom mow In with ut (during production)," adds Judy wllh a *1/Je. The Mom 1n quallon II Ruth t..ndln, a IUC· c:alful pnldl.g, ""'* ~Ind rftlNlgilmlnt aecutM tn her own ..WW. In~'°~ her ~· .. and bullMil f'D111'.Mi811'. Bllld In N.w York, wt.. lhe rlMed ~.net~ In the suburbs (the gkls' parents are dlvon::ed and they consider Ruth's second hutband "Daddy"), Ruth ae. In to -her da~ regulariy and Is, according to them, the foundation of thet sucx.aa. · "I have a theory -I don't know tf e\feryOne eiM wouJcl .-with me," says Judy In her gently ten- tative manner, glandng up at Audrey. "I just think If you're a good penon and you do good things, good things will come to you." '1"hat's a ttrong part of It," says Audrey approv- ingly. "and aleo, for us, a very strong reaton Is °"°' mother. She's our manager and, aside &om her good career dedaons, she's a great friend and we have low." · As a result of this k>ve, the sisters maintain they haw never felt dapente to take any job or cfls.. oouqged to the point of quilting. Their ea'1'\lngf _.. pooled In a common corporatton, admlnlstaed by Ruth, from which each draws the same aBowanc:e -and Audrey offers no complaints. * 'We llW together." cxp&alns Audrey, "and fuere me ttma when one of us might be working and the odMr lln't. There ts no resentment; we've always aharecf ewrytblng. Both of UI are level·headed enough." So ~ ...... helded. In fact. that the lilterl haw Indulged thelnMlva with nothing W\Jer then an -a whh Eldorado for Audrwy and a Nd end ,,.,... Tr11n1 Am for Judy. "WeV. newr had to ,_ SJtlbby or weedY." Audny Mys. "~ 111 becaUM we dW-,k of each oct. 81 pllt cl a woddna tam." AudNy'1 tiechnlque h.a ~ deveJop9d In 12 ~ .. ol ~ICll In tlllmlk>n. Alm 1Mb'8 a ~ mppel!l8nee on tM M.nl ~ ShoW It 12, lhe ~ a part on The S.C... Sbftl It 13 and ...,..;:-~Jhat tolp °'*9 for ....... ~· ~ ~ IChool jull.,.,.. ..... 16, lhe lt8ited colege II Bliniid In ~Ill .. , a. SM "'*'9d In pre-med .nd waeW OD Iii .. .......... -st." to 9rdJh ... .,.,, .... ,,, CM9lr with • 3. • ............ ~ 'ol. dlllly ~on the lhOw. • ,... ,.,,.,...., s ·AYE s25 Ladies Knit CKS ~dinkOf course you want these new Resort Fashion Colors! An the autiful new 1982 Linen Textures! But p/as. don't go spending the current Sl6, Sl8. or S25 pee pair! · Instead, right here, right now, you can have the Shopping Party of Your Life, and get THREE pain, yes PAIRS for Only 95 WMn tbcl Ord« Ftom At*.,...,. In FamllJ ~ , ..... allow four to the '""' f« delw.ty. Since our lldvertlaera often rec:efve thcwHnda of «def• from all 0¥9f the country. occ• alonally unintentional «Nlay• <><> C41t It they do, Family Weekly want• to aaaltt you aa much •• pouibte. J~ Mf\d the detail• of rour otdet to: Unda Mount. Family W..kty. 941 Lexington Avenue. N9* Yo~. NY 10022. LAmW '"°""""*' /rom"" J8) At 13 -the same age at whJch Audrey broke Into acting -Judy was entering the worid of competitive gymnastlcS, eventually wtnnlng a ate championship. Though she showed btt1e interest in act- ing, Judy admltl that, .. lnsklc, I wanted to be an adrat and perform. I think that's why I found gymnastics, because It was a way of perlormlng without doing what my slster did. I was always really shy. I think It mJght be because Audrey wa1 so outgoing and sucxasful that I took the other n>M." Eventually Judy overcame her shyness and Mom introduced her to Audrey'• agent ln Los Angela. From there, she got such pmu • "Wm\da the Bod" In the TV movie What Reolly Happened to the aa. o/ '65 · . and more recently, prior to her "Stacks" role. she played .. Angle." the more sweet than swift MCrctary on Vegas. D oea she feel typecast In the dumb blonde role? "Well, the silly blonde -that Is me. part 'of my personality that's really there," she says ... But thae's another part of me that'• totally Mrlous, determined and ln- telbgcnt, and I would like to be able to show that other tide, too." · Recently, she was able to demonstrate another of her talents, llngjng publicly for the ftnt time, With Audrey at her sjde, on the Naahullle Palace TV spcdal. "She'• a good linger," Mys Audrey With apparent blg-a.tcr pride. "All these years she's been kaptng It quiet ... An accomplished singer henetf, spedeb- lng ln pop wtth a country flavor, Audrey managed to broaden the Afton character on Dal1ot to lnc:orporatie her talents as a singer and composer. "I write almost every song I ling on the show," she adds. Both listen have steady boyfriends and although both MY they eventually want to marry and have chddren, neither ii con- templating maniage for the near future. Judy regui.ty data frank Capra m, who Is Involved tn ftlm produdk>n, a fa~tradt· don (his ~father produced and directed It Happened One Night, among other 'ftlma). Audrey's boyfMnd, Eddie -whom the pnfen toke.pin the prtvate part of her life -Is in his lat year of law school. He grew up With Capra, en~ 11 one of hl1 cloMst &tendl. Audrey and Judy MY they have ndhc th• time nor the Inclination to hit th• Holywood pmty drcu1t except wt..n bull- .,.. obllga them to. Both maintain th.tr llva have oot been touched by the leg.n-ay .....,... lkle of H'o&lywoocl life. lt\'ou dOft't ti9w to be a pmt of It b«auM 11'1lhll"e,"8\11 Audnly. "If ycu'r. a.,..._ wtd\ your own v._ 9nd ~own JUdg- ftW1t. r>" don't h9ve to tW • piece ,. d c:mdy)Lmbec:IM• lt'1ol9.ci to you,..., WOULD YOU HELPLESS AND · CRIPPLED ANIMALS w··-• ~ .............. _ ........... ..... c....,_ .... ....., ..... ..,, ........ NEED HELP ............ ......, .......... ., .... _..., .............. _...,__ ...... ...., ......... ~ ... .... =:-...:::.=:' .. .,. 7,.:t:::: TO LIVE I ::.-: =~~;;a ... :: .........,_............. ...... ....... l MGIAll IUIT "DIOP .. M..cJllT.t-r•..,_ __ ... ..._..,.,..,._....._. . ....,_._ ................ -·--, .. ...-.__ ... ._ ............. -......... _,,~._._.... .......... ............... . S4'1141TIAYl~AH:llT8PAmNT.fw9"1\1_ ....... _...,..._~.._.. ............... _ ...... ................................. ...,... .. _,..._.,. --·. , ·-----....... ,,....... .. .._. ....................... _.-.i .,_._ ............. ,..,... ..................... _ ......... ,_ ......... _,... .. .....,. _..... ......................... ..._ ....... , .. _ _,,_., ...... _ .... ,........_ ............ ~ ... _ .... ,.....,. ....................................................... . ,.... .... _ . .,..._ ................... _,... ......... _,...,...., ................... ~ . ..., -·--_ ... ,_ ............. 1t1., ......... _ ..... Al ............. _.. ....... .. .... ~ .... .....,~,........_..... ... ...,.....,......,.,.._....,.....,......_,,.,,, __ ....... ................................. ,.., ................. _,...._. .. ..._ .... ......... I d I YES I I CARE • I WANT TO JOIN I I I I , .. ,, .... ...,, I DIA~., .. .., . a..-.. ~., .... I I 'DO.,., ..... 1'0""9'0n..., A.-Al..,, _ • .., DOIM1'0el.WTNI CMI& w&Mll Of I•-""' I I I I nmn on.nATHDP I I Veu~cMtwe"'f.,.....lrl .. __...,, I OIANIWltalCMD (VISA) OCMll ltAMCHE OAP~ PPIB1 OMASla OtMGI I I ~o... c-11 . ------------------------·--· WHATWOl?DI WANT Bad new• for the ToulouH·Lautreca out. there: 54 paamt of wom- en In a recent aurwy said they would not data a guy who•a lhortm than ttwy ... Addllonaly, radm of Glamour magazine (me-1--~~~~~~----~~~~--~~~ ....... ~--~~~~__. dJer'I • 27) IM1'Md ~ over the build of theJr Ideal man: 44 percent raly .U mil, mulCullr guys. while 39 percmlt MY an everaga build II )&It 8ne. Even tf tt'9 moehen wn them to APING A GORILLA You know that amy gorila In the ~ adt who whacb, aac:ks. ltompe on and generally mllhall the begs? Wd. thar'1 no monkey. For the past two years, that'• been 32-year-old actor Don MclAod. American Tourtster had used a real chimp, but time and ~piled up walling for It to git physbl.(Thcy ~ ly had to prod It wllh • red sulk:ale.) So they went looking for a human McLeod monbyfng around monkey. The ~foot 7-b:h, 140-pound and (I.ft} .ans hat' aur. McLeod got the pmt, he told ua. "owr a bunch of mecho ltur'lt men bragging about Olc:ar-wtnrmg makeup lrtllt Rick &Mr) II jumping out of an alrplanc Into a papa bag." 10 Wellb. It got Mc:l..eod thrown out· of the Hta ·training as a mime (he atudled under Miami Zoo. "Zookeepers were trying to Man:iel Marceau) can be 'l)Otted In the mate their male and female godDas," he ex- gcda'a anlmMad face, which fatura hints plains, "and became afraid that if the male of W.C. Aelda and Owle Olaplln. uw me, he m~ get jealous and arltJY and The 80-pound monMy IUlt (~ ~ be tntenllt." many a doctor, the lmv-t -------------------------t nurnt>. (32 l)lft*lt) ~ bmnmmen. I dothes meke SI• M, TAKm A lllll•MR the man, what are we to malca of the fact that 41 pen:ett aay c:._: --_..,, 2 ........... _ a a...1.--~ -...--'-In guys In bumnaltub IUltbembat .-Ki 41 percent aey jt9na ....... -· ·-'"f.Y .._ ~ ""°~' .. topt. 8tWly, • ,_ 11 ntlmlll apparel goa, 10 percent . central New Jeney announcing Sunday's Ml"mOn: of tt. women Ike box.-.taorts, 32 Pll'Clld go ga-ga owr "Tebptado.i -Al Welcome." Jocby at>Odl, 35 PllClld dtg tM1a m'Mi 21 parc111t prwfer, ..,_ _____________ --4 ~. none It al. The womm _.. emphdc on whit turns .a~u.a~ ..... _.lllQ them off n a man -28 pecalt fr'911ed diamond pinky RlllWRRVm ..,.....,. DlllllR PLU•• Nm time you "ooh" mid .. ...,.. at the ftarnlng con- c:odk>nl ~ In fancy rataunnll, CONlkMr this. \\\'ling recently In the Jovr. nol of the Amer1c:an M.dl- cal AllOdatlon, doc:tora from the Untventty of Califomla, Irvine Bum Center reported Kelng eight recent a11C1 of people (both wdm and diners) burned during the prepara- tion of IUCh blazing natl aa chen1a jublee and beef brochette. The doctors recommend ltepl *'1iar to tt\OM taken tJy N.wport Bach, c..w .• whose fire department atabllahcd apeclftc re- qulrementt for aervlng = dlahes, lncludlng permb and ruJa nigmdlig mmdrnum mnourW rtngl mid 36 pamld oAiied ~ c:helr1I. Wt-. ...-you~. Bob Gucdone? If a cJo. relmtYc or friend .._ cherga don't pUe up. of fuel uaed, avallablty of a loan, you•d probabltJ aey hand cxac:dt; how and Ing ~ and .ud you to co-sign a And put In wrtdng blfcn-Wit towel a~ ~. ~ he or the when you v.41 be ,..,md d the tranepon food or would newr dcfauJI and the borrower defaulll. bewrage once V\bd. &e.v• Vo" ruponllble. ________ ...... _______ __. Wei, think lglk\. As many .. hal of al pmoN who ~ lo.r\I end ~ pey- lng, It .... In pert. eccord· Ing to Ellmbett1 W',..ld, COMUll* economAlt at Comd. l~deddeto CXHllF, ....... you..... . the *\dine lndullon to nody you P.IOft~ If the boe1ow. ...... a payment, IO In· BIRTHDAYS (Al GemnO 8unU/ -Richard Thomaa 31 , Moft. I --Burt "* 73; El1c: Heiden 2A ... ......, - Waylon Jennings 45. v.w.; ---Jeay KOllntld 49. Th .. -Dan MMtln 65; &my Mdow 36. flldlip -Paul Mc<At· ney 40; E.G. Mclhll 72 . ... -- sav•$88~37 Copper Clad Huge 10-Plece Stalriless ·:Steel Cookware set Slipd~s:=.tt $18.88 COMPLETE You can now_.,., h lrn1l1• blG'Y and PfOC:tlcal b9l1 III ol oeru- 111111" .... .,.. I••.._. coollelr at an~ pttce.-. ucr.n won1 be~, ... wtrwM .._ 1lega11t and .-clef'I help mallll. 'Mrw ~ cf'0191 Ir*> 0 toYM peec.-lbu'I """ .. °" ol ~ IDOd ~ ... oddl 0 epeclol b.cft '° •••Wdof meal&. COPPll: THI IUPll HIAT ~I lhaf'I ttgtwn GetUne •• ,, ., .... bollonw -'*' Cllpet- ... (Mduoel hat tpoM 11g). M9clvy-9CJ'ige mtr 11 • ..... bodlel •.. can1Nll. pl Of conode. Mtlocl¥9 mlnOr-lnllh -*'Oii •lhonc9 Ol'f '*"'-'decor. 'Jewetec:t• lfaln-lnllh lllitertorl o,. eolY·fo.clean ... ,.... lltcklng ond ICtOtcNng. Spooeoge h9at flablmlf tddM and lrrtobl ..• modetough b yecn ol wecx.tupelb ciGllinanaNp. Why spend._. tlrMI '-money .... youcanawn .. handlolt'910-peoeMtol~ OIPP• a.Ill Sia.,.. OOotwafa. Hurry! Oro. NOW and beat,.. Nlh. Al Ofdefl lftlpped on a ftflt.come .,. MN9d ~ •.• only $18.88 .•. DON'T DB.AY .•• '* lncMdlbte low pttcecon1 laltl OOW""'8U VNJJI • uo UM 11.00 27.71 W.00 ,, .. i102.26 (P'Ul.aeeetm1