HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-15 - Orange Coast PilotMESSAGE TO PRIME MINISTER MARGARET THATCHER, received 1n IA>ndcn, 6:45 a.m. today: "In Port Stanley at 9 p.m. Falklands time tonight, 14 June, Maj. Gen. Marioa Benjamin Menendez surrend:ered to me all Mjentine armed forces ... The Falkland Is1anda are once more under the govenunent desired by their inhabitants. God save the queen.'' Signed J . Moore. (Maj. Gen. Jeremy Moore, commander, British Falklands Amphibious Forcee). British soldier's i mother 'ovel-joyed' By ROBERT BARKER or .. ~,....., "rm going to have a nice cry and a good cup of tea. I'm overjoyed." J. Theee were the first thought.a lhil morning of :nonie Keflord when ahe beard that Argentina aurrendered in the Falkland Ialanda. . Mer aon la a major in the Brttllb Army and was believed ~Una in the Port Stanley area 'Thi1 i1 one of En'-land'1 greatest moments. There • such a feelina of relief and happinell and r hope everything (the 1urrender) holds and that Mich.Ml comes baCk safely with the rest of the boys." Mn. Kelford and her husband, Robert, are vlai tine her dauaht.et"a fam.Uy in Huntington Harbour. 'They plan to leave for their bl.lme near Oxford Friday. "It (the Falkland Ialandl) la jult a n.unbllna island of 1,500 people. But it belong• to the people there. "'!bank God they eot it beck. It la one more effort on the part of the British that proves you can't walk into ~·· bomea and take them over.' 'Mra. Kelford aald ahe bad heard about petl(le developnenta in vacue ie,ma befcre retirin8 IMt nilbt. But it wam't uutil lhe wu awakened by her daupter Leslie thia mornina that ahe knew f« sure. NATION 'Tm waiting f« my ~uaband to get home from tile aou ooWwe and rm eoing to kick him. You alwaya kick somebody when something la over don't you?" Mra. Kefford'a 800 la a major with the Gurkhu. He left Southampton for the South Atlantic May 19 QI\ the Queen Elizabeth n. Mra. Kefford hun't heard from Michael since ahe aaw him the d,ay before he left. "I rather expect we'll have a letter waiting for ua at home." "Our boys had a long way to eo and it took a lot of ti.me to get there but it didn't take much time to mobUhe. . "Thank G¢ they were trained and ready. Mafia invading LA poker club? BELL (AP) -An oqanhed crime strike force la inwstigatinc alleged attempta by Chicaao Mafia f.amWe9 to ..cab&h i.n- aharldna operaUom. at • lep1 poker club in th.ii Los AnpJel suburb, ~·· Lo. An1elee Tlmee repc11 ted. Local money lendera who beaan operatina at the club lhonly after it opened In fall 1980 were beat•n up by the aw.en mobstal and rtm out °' .... .,.., the newwpaper -'d. IRS accused of blaclcinail The Internal Revenue serYk:e '8 reeorUna to the rankelt kind of b1adanall ap1nlt the elderly, Iilind or otherWi8e dilabled, reJ)C1111 coltiinrmt Jack AndmlClft. PaceM. Fly lanber, pay leu TL-LE VI S/c)N o,,.,. .,.,, "' .,,;.. . over ' . 14,800 . troops • give up By TM Anodated Preis Tb, H-day war for th~ Falkland lalancb ended today and the Unk>n Jack WU hollted over the capital. Britain laid 14,- 800 Araentfne troops throucbout the South Atlantic i1land1 IWTeDdered to British forces. ~ WU jubilation in Britain and IOITOW in Buenos Aira. British Defenae Mlnlatry source• aaid 11,000 Ar1entlne 80ld.ien laid down their arma in Stanley alone. The figure 1urprla.ed Bri tiab commanders, who estimated ArgenUne troop strength on the Falklands at about 8,500, the IOUl'ta Mid. • 1es s ' The offJce of Prime Mini8ter Maraaret Thatcher announced today that Argentina _formally aurrendel"ed at 9 p.m. Falldanda ti.me (5 p.m. PM'), after a 74-day war that beaan with the Argentine invulon of the ialanda April 2 and ldlled more fPan 1,000 IU\'Mlemen, 8"COrdina to Britilh CIOWlt. TRIOMPBA.NT -Thia was how today's London newspapers played the story of the cew-fire in the Falklatvf Ia1anda. The mood nmaed from the jubilation of the tabJoid Sun and Mirror to the more conservative announcements in the Times and the Guardian. Independent Televlakln News cccre1po1~t Michael Nlcbollon reported later from Stanley that Brl tlah forces ralHd their · country'• flaa over the eovernor'• home. A11•ear -related Government 1ource1 aaid Britain WM Workina throuah the Swill F.mbuly in ~ A1ree to 8eCUle a stable petl(le on the South Atlantic arehlpelaao. The Buenoe Aira government announced that the military commanden of the two forces had drawn a document "establiab.ing the conditklna for • oeue-fire and the withdrawal of the ArgenUne troopa." The junta'• communique made no mention of awrender, but aald the docwnent would be made public when the text a available. 5 armed robberies plague Costa Mesa "Great Britain la greet .,UO." Mn. '!batcher Aid outside her Downina Street office jult befon midniaht Monday. A crowd of about 100 u.na "Rule Britannia" and "God S.ve the Queen" .. lhe returned from add.remng Parliament. AJda to Mn. Thatcher aa1d lhe WU COOllderina a vlait to the Falkland• and postponed her ICbeduled addre9 W~y at the U .N . special 1e11lon on dlaarmament in New York until latec in the week. The offidal canmunique from her nl6denoe at 10 Downinc St. quoted marine M..t. Gen.. Jeremy M09re, commander of Brlt11b land fon.'9 OD the Falklanda, .. ~ that arnnpmenta were beln1 made t.o aaaemble the captured Aflentlnee f« return to the mainland wtth their anm and .Wpment. •Talldand laJanda once more (leeP'~Pap.U) COUNTY c.o.ta Mesa held the dubious title of Orange County's robbery city today after four armed holdups ldonday and another early thb rnorninl· Police Mid they appeared to be unrelated. Monday went like th1a: -At 10:50 a.m. a lone budit got away with $231 from a branch ol Pint J'edenl Savtnas md Loe of Suita Monica at 1465 W. Beker St But he didn't get far -about 76 yvda. to be ex.act -after fint falling to get away oo a bicycle chained to a tree behind the aavinp and loan. .. Police arrested PatridP Allen Swa11erty, 20, of 1857 New Jersey St., Co1ta Meaa, in connection with the robbery. 'nley aaid they found no 8UJi, but did recover the loot. -At 11:50 a.m . The Big Yellow House Reetaurant at 3010 Harbor Blvd. waa robbed of about $1,100 by a man poling u a delivery man. Pollce said the bandit, ct.:rlbed u male whlt.e in hia 80I, forced the manager to Ol>8fl the restaurant aafe at gunpoint, then fled on foot. Holdup 'hero' bailed Ile •YI be'• no hero, but the Newport Beach restaurant owner shot by a holdup man wa1 treated like one. Pmp Bl. SPORTS -At l :37 p .m . the First Interstate Bank at 3029 Harbor Blvd. waa robbed by a man in his mid-20.. Police aaid that the bandit pueed a note to the teller before fleeing on foot with $660. No gun was aeen. No detail.a were available on a robbery at 3333 Bristol Stn!et that occurred about 9:20 p.m. Then, about 4:30 this morning, ~cab driver, parked in the 1600 block of Newport Boulevard was robbed at knifepoint by a lone bandit. Police said cab driver Robert Stout, 32, wasn't injured. State losing road funds? SACRAMENTO (AP) - California'• failure to adopt a vehicle lnapection program to fight anos coWd OOlt the atate up to $1.4 billion in federal hig'hway and leWa(Ce oonatruction funds in the next year, a pro-inspection group clalml. INDEX A7 B2 84-6 B2 ~ BS m Cf A8 B7 82 B'1 £.t)S/NESS · Renters flay condo plans in Newport By STEVE MARBLE Of !tie 0.-, .... ltllft A move to open the door to condominium conversions in Newport Beach touched a nerve Monday when the City Council took a preliminary paaa at a law that could affect more than 7,000 ttnwrs in the city. One Balboa woman dellClibed the proposed law aa having an "aura of snobbism" and favoring homeowners over renters. A Corona del Mar senior ciUz.en suggested the law would give developers a tool to tell older renters to "get the hell out of Newport Beech." The council, which ia considering the law change u part of an effort to provide more affordable housing, did not act on the proposal ind o6nUnued the hearing to July 12. Current city law virtually prohibits converting apartmenfa i nto condominiums . The suggested chanp would permit owners of complexea of foµr 4ftft.a or lem to convert but only after meeting a lengthy list of conditions. Maya Dwme, a Fair HOUlinC Council of 'Orange County representative, sald perml~ oonveraiona "only destroys Uva. (See CONDO, Pap Al) wwler th~ IOWmnMn' dtl1Nd by thelr tnhabltan\I -Ood MW the ~ .. Moor.'1 ~ re.d. Wt\h hll fon>11 )IOlled on the outakUu of Swuey, M~ ~ nown throulh a 11\0Wltorm Into r the Araenune 1an11on to accept the aumtnder from Brta. Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez, ~ Bdt!ah eyewitne11 repor\I Mid. ~ B r lt o n 1 re J o i c e d a n d ac Araenurute chan\*1, jeered and .,. wept over the Britlah vietor~, .,1 which frustrated ArgeJlUna s 149-year-old dream of ,~ toveretgnty over the wtndawept South Atlantic archlpelaco. ~ Queen Elizabeth II, whose 91second-oldest son Prince Andrew, 22, ia a helicopter pilot • with the Fa.lkianda task force, "'was "delighted and relieved" at ~the news, press aecretary Michael· .>c Shea said today. · "She 1a very pleased and proud 91()f the courage, determination .qand professionalism of the n'Servicemen and all those involved down there," but a1addened by the loss of life in the '3(confllct, Shea said. ~ . The Argentine junta reported Monday that the commander of b~ts soldiers around Stanley magreed to a cease-fire as British mforces swarmed forward in a three-pronged attack on the port mtown. But the Joint Chiefs of ruStaff said there was no official Jn a difP'teh from Stanley, coh'tlpandent David Nonil of the London Dally Mall 1aJd: "Abandoned Afaentine vehiclll. bandoUen of ammuniticm. riflel and cane of food Uuered the appf<*het. The only people I MW lpel't from Britilh troope were forlorn, aray -clad Araentine 1oldiera, hand1 on head -1tad it wu finally at an end." Norrie said moat of (the 'tlsUmated 1,050 residents of Stanley fied after the Argentine lnvuton. A high Britl1h government source aald many Argentine soldiers were suffering from exposure, exhaustion and froetbtte, and food was in short supply. . But Brlti1h correspondents quoted ialandera as saying the Argentines had beaten the British air-and-sea blockade up to the eve of the final Britl.ah aaaault. They said Hercules tranport planes landed at the cratered Stanley airfield u late as Sunday night, and the container shlp Formosa arrived May 1 with food and supplies. One of the exiled membera of the Falklands Executive Council, William Luxton, said in London that June 15 henceforth would be k n o w ·n a s Fa 1 k la n d 1 Liberation Day "to be celebrated with a public ho)iday on the islands.'' ( ~truce or surrender. I !<CONDO CONVERSIONS ... She argued ihe law· change 'J.lwould di~lace renters and 0 'would provide a new stock of ~.,'housing affordable only to 9f==~ more than $60,- c1i "tm a renter and I see myself ·as a resident of Newport. I vote ;'and I take an interest in things. ~ of us are not interested in owning property," said one ?>Wl8 Balboa resident. "I see this 8bp.s a threat to my continued ·residency in Newport." ii:' Councilman Phil Maurer expressed sympathy to renters ~who can't afford to buy property '"in Newport. 6 "I have a son and I know he can't afford to live here," said sMaurer. "li I sold my house and ~12 contaminated -' CHATl'ANOOGA. Tenn. (AP) ~ -A dozen workers at the 11Tennessee Valley Authority'.s -Sequoyah nuclear power plant were contaminated with Rubidium 88 in a weekend accident, the TV A reported Monday. stayed away for a month, I doubt I could afford to come back." Not everyone, though, criticized the condominium plan. . "If you choose to live in Newport Beach you're going to have to pay the price," said Kurt Sandhoff, who noted he pays $4,000 a month in house payments. He said permitting converting small apartment units to condominiums might help eliminate the number of summeri rental units. "We give up our beaches, our streets and our parka every summer to people who stay here only a week or less," Sandhoff said. "rm not in favor of giving up our city to th-at kind of element.'' City officials have predicted the new law would not open a floodaate of condominhtm conversions and have propo«ed 1 conditions that are designed to block developers from Kicking out renters. Newport is being sued for not providing enough affordable housing. I)' TH A11odated Preti ltrHll '•nka and artUler)' banled pmillu Mil' Sldon ln 1outbern Lebanon toda}' and tlahtened the rlna around Beirut. ., Tl\e PLO da1Jnta Y.-r Arafat and hi• atdea were dlrecttna "1tubbom ret1atanco" from we1t Belru,, but Israeli newspapera eaid Arafat wu believed htdtna ln the Soviet t.mbuly. Iarael radlo uld other guerrillaa, e~ an lsraeU aaaault, took 1S lect\irera he.teat at the American Uhlvenity ln Belrut. A\ a refugee CJ!llp, near Sidon 20 milea touth of Beirut, Israeli preaa reports aaid Israeli taJlkl and artillery were battling 250 tc 800 guerrillas holed up in two moequea for the fourth day. The reports, subject to the Israeli military ceNOnhlp, Mid =ti to persuade the Sidon to surrender at the Eln wa refupe camp failed wqen the guerrillu el~er killed the Arab emt.ariea aent to talk to them or kep\ them hc.tage. They said the auerrW.u were led by Haj Ibrahim Hawirn, a fanatic Lebanete Shiite follower of Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and that Hawim ordered his men to re.lat to the 'death. In west Belrut, the Palestine Liberation Organization said the only top guerrilla leader not in the PLO enclave waa Farouk Kaddoumi, and that he was at the United Natlons 1n New York. "It ls unthinkable that the PLO leaders would desert their people in their hour of need," Lebanon'• leftist newspaper Al· Liwa said. It and other lefti1t Moslem papers published photograph.a of Arafat said to have been taken Monday in west Beirut. The photoe showed Arafat unshaven as usual, but wearing a military fatigue cap instead of his habitual "khafia'' Arab headdresa. In Israel, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Raphal Eytan said Arafat had taken refuge in a foreign embassy in Beirut and "we know whlch one." The Soviet Foreign Ministry in Moscow said it had "no information" on reports that Arafat had taken refuge in its milsion in Beirut. A1 the Israelis and their Lebanese Christian a,llles bepn surrounding west Beirut Monday, rumors swept the city that the PLO leaders fled to the Syrian capital of Damucua. The PLO denied these rumo~ and published the photos, apparently to dispel them. Sunny Tuesday tonight end Mt'Y w~. Highs ere lor9CMt at 76 In Loe Angeles.~ 74 end S2 at ~. In the mid 70. In the C 1 mount--. '*-t5 llnd 105 088f8 In the high '*-111119 from 100 to 110 In tfie low -..n. Huy llftemoon sunshine. Highs eo.t-from Point Conception ee to 74. Late ntgllt llnd -tv to ttMt MeXIClin bordlrC81'1 upec1 morning low clouds and log. llght, vwlable. winds tonight and ~ and Wedneectey. early WectnHctay1 becoming lowl 49 to 68. Hay .-t·eouthW9et at 111 to 15 knOtt •ftemoon Weclneed111 ~ lllghtly by afternoon wtth 1-to S-loot warmer with highs ea to 78. scM.trwea1 swelle. s.. could be H u n t I n o t o n -N e w P o ' t running 5 to 7 teat ,_ the point. temperatutee l'1lnge from a low of ----------51 to • high of 10. Temperatures t:'.lsewh•r•. from Point Conception to the Mexican border and ovt 80 mites: ~winds 8 t.o 18 knots ove~ outer waters .ijlrough Wednaldey. Combined -of 3 to 5 t.et eMl9Pl 5 to 7 feet ,_ Point Conception. Seat decreMll'IQ Wectneedey. locally, llght varlabl• winds except southwelt to_. 10 to 18 knots during ~ hOuta. today ind Wedneeday. Sout'-1 swell of 1 to 3 feet. Moetly 1Unny during anemoons. 50 Nai.on.I Weaff)er 5e<vce ~ 58 NOM U S 0901 OI Comml<ce 91 82 fronts: Cold ...,.. Warm __. 11 51 sr ea 88 54 91 70 7S 53 87 81 88 82 75 54 S1 60 57 80 fM 76 72 54 8'7 49 10 48 13 14 81 87 12 ea • 55 83 55 'I'll 50 79 80 87 13 11 ... t1 11 11 12 74 811 1t 12 12 81 18 86 Ill •1 n 58 N SI 11 86 .. 49 15 53 90 18 90 18 12 IO ta .. ta .. :: •• IO A 11 12 t1 10 t1 ., It ..... , .... ' a.1 56 70 59 85 eo 92 12 12 54 78 82 78 82 87 82 13 ... 114 70 73 53 97 13 n 49 57 48 81 85 58 52 83 83 71 58 11 4& 78 '&4 91 .. • 52 9G 71 10 82 11 58 91 18 70 38 S1 51 78 50 ... to oe a .. . It II at a Exten.ded Forecast • 50 ae 58 71 80 70 50 91 10 .. 72 51 81 82 n 41 t9 71 87 541 11 54 10 541 " ea • 53 92 so 89 55 ra :: 93 M ea eo 1J 61 ro a eo a1 18 53 • 58 88 49 .. 541 .. 81 WASHINGTON (AP) - Sta• muat pt0\1de frte public educratlon to Ute1al alten children, the U.S . Supreme Court Mid today. By a &-4 vote, the COW1 ruled th.at a Texaa law allowinl luch chlldren to attend public 10hoola only if tuiUon were Pf.id wu unoonatitutlonal. Lower OOW'\I reached the ume ClllllClualon. In what l•l•l 1cholata antk:l~ u a deda1on of ~ ~lcence. the juatk.w Mid \he COnatltutlon'1 iuarantee ot 9Clual protection under the law applJ• to ilJeli,1 aUeM u well u to dt!'lenl and to aliena who are leplly In the country. APWll......,.. 'FL y • SNARED -Ronald Boe= speaks to reporters before stepping into a police car in Angeles Monday. He was a:rrest.ed after climbing up the side of the First Interstate Bank building. "'l'he 14th Amendment ~ that 'no Rite 9ha11 ••• a.prtve any perton ... within it• jurl1dlct.lcfo· the equal protection of the lawa.' Whatever hil 1tatua under the imn'll .... Uon laws, an .Uen la 1u.r-.ly a 'pereon' ln any ~ ltN8 of that term,'' ttlce William J . Brennan w for the court. Today's deciJlon t. particularly important for thoae atatee borderlna on Mexico, where the t.reatment ot illeaal aliens ii a tenaltlve political question. The ~on al.to will have an impact on the one mlllJon 't.o six mlllion illC!lal aliena the CenaUI Bureau estimates a.re living and working ln the United St.at.el. Other eatimatea put the figure cloeer to 10 million. The Supreme Court previoualy granted aucb "undocumented" allem t0me of the same rights enjoyed by citizens and legal aliens. It hu required that state and federal · off.lclala give illegal allena "due process'• hearings in criminal de(>!>ttation and other legalp~. Today's decision marks the fil'lt time in the court's history that illegal aliens have been declared eligible· for all the individual liberties and rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Joining Brennan's opinion were Justices Thurgood Marshall, Harry A. Blackmun, Lewis F. Powell and John Paul Stevena. Chief Justice Warren E . Burger and JusUces Byron R. White, William H. Rehnquist end Sandra Day O'Connor dlsaented. Brennan said public education is "not a right granted to individuals by the Constitution." but "neither is it merely some governm enta l benefit indistinguishable from other forms of social welfare legi~tion." Last battle on Falklands told British troops charged hills before surrender LONOON (AP) -Grenade- lobbing British commandos and paratroopers charged machine- gun nests on the hills west of Stanley in a bid to punch through the main Argentine defeme line before the Argentine forces surrendered, military sources say. The ao-called "Galtieri Line" -named for the Argentine president and junta leader -was all that lay between the British forces and the Falkland lalands capital when the pre-dawn assault began Monday. Their faces blackened witn camouflage cream, the troopi pushed the estimated 7 ,000 Ar-'entines off the ridges in a senes of fierce firefights, military sources said. "The Argentines just got the hell out and ran," said a aenlor British source. "Many of them threw down their weapons and took off back to Stanley. It was a rout." It proved to be the last battle in the 74-day conflict. It ended toward dusk aa white flags fluttered from the wooden buildings around the sprawllng harbor town that the Argentine commander, Brig. Gen. Mario Menendez, vowed· to defend ''to the last man and the last bullet." The attack was the second night aasault for tbe British troops in three days. Th'e objectivm: 606-foot Tumbledown Mountain in the center of the line, 350-foot Wireless Ridge to the northwest and Mount William to the southwest. These were the key strongholds that held together the Argentine defense arc - dubbed the "Galtieri Line" by British troops. Argentina's pcesident is Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtiert. Saturday, the British had scaled a h!gher string of bills five miles to the west, driving the Argentines back from their forward pofitions and out of rock bunkers in hand-to-hand fighting. That attack by 3,000 men caught many of the Argentines sleeping, the British sources say. But the Argentines were ready Monday. The British pounded the Argentines with a barrage by 105mm howitzers and 8lipm mortars, the sources repo~. They said the 6 ,000-strong assault force then moved off down the boulder~strewn slopes of Two Sisters ridge, Mount Lon.gdon and Mount Harriet. Behind them, Bllitain's commander, marine Maj. Gen. Jeremy Moore, 53, had another 2,000 troops in a second wave. As the marine• and "Red Devil" paratroopers advanced - guided by Special Air Service pathfinders -the Argentines fired star shells, illuminating the columns of Britiah, the sources reported. They opened up with machine guns and 8lmm and 120mm mortars on the attackers caught in the open, the military sources said. The British charged the hills, and the Argentine line apparently broke when two battalions of marines and paratroopers seized fortified positions around Tumbledown about 2 ~ miles west of Stanley. Commandos reportedly met stiff resistance on Wireless Ridge but blasted strongpoints with anti-tank missiles and took the summits, capturing heavy weapons. Mount William, guarding the southwestern approaches to Stanley, fell to Guards units, including a Welsh battalion that suffered 43 dead and 55 wounded in air strikes last Tuesday. The backup force moved up and caught retreating Argentines scrambling down the slopes in a fierce cross fire. "It was like shooting rapbits," one llOW'(.'e said. . Argentine casualties were reported as "heavy.'' while British losses were .. surprisingly light." . The defenders fought hard, "but they were outnumbered and had little support." according to the sources. The British general contacted Menendez by radio at his headquarters. · '1 • ID SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -U.S. pree1ure on El Salvador to_."!.orm a government acceptable to the Reagan admlnlatratlon and follow through on lta agrarian- refonn program i1 creatln1 a · wide anti-American backlaah here. The United States viewa the land-z:eform program u vital to k@eping peasants from aiding with leftia~errillaa fighting in the coun de in an attempt to take over e·govenunent. "What we're witneaalng la a wave of anti-Americanism that has never been experienced here before," said one U.S. Embassy official, requesting anonymity. Unlike some other Central American countries, El Salvador has never had U.S. military intervention and never developed the "Yankee Go Home" attitude aeen elaewhere in the region. A recent full-page ad in the mornlns newspaper Dlario de Hoy accused U.S . Ambaaaador Deane HiDton of "blackmaillng us with your mlaerable aid, which only keeps us subjugated in underdevelopment so that powerful countries like yours can continue exploiting our few riches and having ua under your boot." The ad 'YU placed by leaden of the Women's Crusade for Peace and Work, aligned with the ultraright Republican Nationalilt A1lLlnoe that tiontrola 19 aeata ln tbi new fJO.manber CoMtltuent ~y. A ri1hi-wln1 alliance, includlna the Republican Natlonall1t1, controla the uaembly. El Salvador now hu a proyfsional pemment, bellded by PrHident Alvaro ~a1ana, which replaced a U.S.-*ked. reform-~ junta led by Joee Napoleon Duarte of the moderate Christian Democratic Party. The Women's Crusade ad appeared to strike a responsive chord with many Salvadorans, even thoee not in the right-wing olf§archy. 'The ima.e of the United States has deteriorated a great deal here," said Alejandro Gomez Vides, a Safvadoran undersecretary of foreign relations. "But the United States is still our principal aIIr, and we hop! this will continue.• Ji'or more than two yean major Salvadoran pollciea, including agrarian, banking and foreign trade refonm and the March 28 Constituent Al9embly elections, have been heavily influenced by the United States. After the elections, a widely held Salvadoran view wu that the United States imposed a na,tlonal-unity agreement Oft four rightist parties and the Ouiltlan Democrata, then hand-picked Magana, who bu no known party associations, a1 the provisional pretllde!f ' Elf orts extended· -I for free Namibia JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) -A ~c effort to create an t Namlbla and ~nd a 16-year auerrma war in the 1Mt ClOlofty ln Africa ia pining momentum. Signals from the man= in the conBict have ra1.ed a elections in March 1983 to draft a Namibian constitution. An agreement would end South African rule over the territory it calla South-West Africa. Voices as disparate as guerrilla leader Sam Nujoma, Prime Minister P.W. Botha of South Africa and the U. S. aamtant secretary of state for African affairs, Chester Crocker, have sounded optimlstic about the latest push. Diplomata held a new round· of talks in eouthem Afrlcan ca}>itala laai week, including a atop at the suerriDM' beadquart.en ln Ancola. • NeaoUaU.. have been wldef way foe nine y~ They lnvolve the United Nationa, the bt.ck- rulcd "Front-Line States" surrounding SOlltb Africa and five We.tern countne. charsed "' ·by the United NaUona with forging a aettlement in the. territory, an arid landacape rich ln uranium and other mlnerals. "In view of. recent ltatementa by the South African government, the five believe a valuable, indeed unique, opportunity now exista" to belln bnplementatiorl of a Narnibfan i.-:e plan by the end o( 1982," the dlplomata said Saturday on arrival in Dar Ea Salaam, Tuu:ania, from ~ Tallm in Luanda: between the 0 Weatem Five contact aroup" repre1entatlve1, Njumoa'• SoutF-W•at Africa Peoplea organization (SWAPO) and Angolan offlclUa went "reasonably well," a West.em dlp)cmatic aource laid. "rhe envoy1 were to confer with TamaNan PrMdellt.Jullua Nyerere and Foreign Minister Salim A. Salim. N-..ti•tionl boaed dawn in A.ri;i;n SW.APO~ a voting proJQal by the contact group. The plan called for each vote to be counted twice -once for an individual candidate and once for a party. SWAPO )ea.den said the plan wu too complex for the mostly rural Namibians and would favor the ~o.ooo whites over the black population of nearly a million. SWAPO then stepped up ita hit-Ind-nm guerrilla attacb in northern Namibia from bales acrou the border in Anaola, killing .everal white farmen. South Atrican troops tracked and- killed dozens of gueniPM. But en April 30, Botha met Pftllident Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, • leader of the Front- Une Stats, for telb focusing in part en NamlbU. The Weatern Five -the United, States. Canada, France, Brttai.D and Wen Germany ~ a1epped up contldl in repnai capttala. Tbe prwnce ot. 20,000 CUban troopa tn Ancola baa been a major U.S. concern. but Ancola •ya they are needed became of South Africa'• preaence in Namibia, includiDI periodic cross-border ralda a1ain1t auemna bMel. / Cleeelled ........ 11~ Al ....... ,.. .. MMalt ---. __ _...._..,_... __ _ \ .. Orange Coatt DAILY PtLOT/TuMday, June 1S, 1982 GIFT PROMISES LIFE -A ministef, left. leads, from left, Krysta Roberts, 21; her natural mother Pat Collins; and her adoptive ~nts Nonna and Ed Roberta in a prayer in Krysta's hospital room in Dallas. Mn. Collini gave up Krysta at birth, but returned last week to donate a kidney to Krysta, now blind , ,.. ........... and diabetic, giving her daughter a chance to 1urvlve. Krysta's adoptive parents had searched for eight months for Mn. Collins, whoee identity was protected by law. A judge ordered the records opened because a life was in danger. 'Religious Right' supported Bush praises movement to bring nation closer to God Justices grapple • issue WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court bu retu.I to brick off decld1na whether Loa Anaelea police of&en can we two "choke holde" to subdue people who re.Isl arrest. · The justlcel voted Monday ~ to dismlla the cue de.plte betn& told that Police ·last month were generally barred frun Ulinl one of the holds, Today's order said the court will not mrwkter "the qu.Uon of moot:neS' until lt conducta oral araumenta in the cue aomeUme next fall. Both controvenial ho.Ids are borrowed from the sport of Judo. Each can render a peraon WlClOnldoul. One, called the bar-arm, cuta off a penon's air supply. The police officer u1e1 a forearm wrap~d 'around the person's throat. The other, called a carotid hold, cuta off the brain'• oxygen, supply by putting pressure on the carotid artery In the neck. Critka of the holds blame them for 16 deaths In the put aeven years. City Police Chief Daryl Gatea announced last month that we of the bar-arm hold would be dlacontinued. Gates ablo touched off a spate of controversy last month when · he said in an interview with The Loe Angeles Times that blacks' physiological response to the choke holds seems dlf1erent than NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Vaoe Oow," Bush said. would say belated -to earlier that of "normal people." President George Bush, in an Bush dted a long history of high l·y cont rover a i a 1 Gates refused to apologize for unusual gesture from the Reagan political reli~oua movements, developments" in American the comment but said, "Perhaps I administration, says the includingthedvilrtahtadriveeof society, including legalized should chooee my words more conaervative religious movement the late l>r. Martin Luther King abortion, widespread drug use, carefully." deserves praise for trying to Ind the current campaign against pornography and changing The chief subsequently was bring the nation cloaer to God. nuclear weapons by many sexual and marriage standatds, reprimanded by the dty'a Board Bush told a huge ·Southern Protestant, Catholic and Jewish he said. of Police Commissioners. Baptist rally on Sunday that leaders. Bush, an Episcopalian and The Supreme C.ourt on Feb. 22 instead of fearing or condemn1nc ' ' T h e f a m 0 u • w a 11 ° f dedicated churchman, said he agreed to review the CMe of a the relllious-polltical right wing. aeparation between church and personally .deplored acceptance Los Angeles man, Adolph Lyom. ~rtcans should welcome it • state la there to keep the state 0 f the drug cu 1 tu re a n d who sued the dty in 1977 after a • •an e 1 s-' n t la 11 y healthy from interferlna with the chUllCb, weakening of family standards. carotid hold wu used on him. develo~nt in our politic.I." ndt to keep the churches or Lyons had been stopped for a "l embrace the conatrudive individual rellgioua leaden or ~"Othe.ra, with other beliefs, traffic violatioD. contrlbudon1 lt can make to ordinary chwdl mrrnhen from Y dlaagree strenoualy. 'lbat is U.S. District Judge Robert atrengthentna the Urllted States partic~. ting in our polltlca," elr privilege, perhaps evea TakasuJd ordered that po1.1oe st.op u one rtatlon under God," a.h Buth thetr obliptlon." be said. "But uains the bolda. except in llfe- told about .q,ooo people ln the 'nte rise of the rel'8k'Ua rtgbt t h e process , po i n t a n d threatening situations, until be Louisiana Superdome. bu been "a reaction -many counterpoint, is aa American as ~p.roved a -1 .. 1 .... l"ll"nOrA"' for It the #i--~'-_._1w would aay inevitabJ.e and 80IDe apple pie." ......... 16 ,.......,..-wu ~~ aur.;u '""'..,._.t .-------'------------------....:..;..;_..;_ __________________ _::..:~e~::......:uae==.:. ______________ __ enc:Sonement from the Reagan administration of political actMfy by conaervat1ve religious organlz.ations. Such group" -lnclu~ing Moral Majority, led by the ReV. Jerry Falw~ll. and Christian Voice -widely backed Reagan'• election. but have lately become restive that the admlnlstralion la not following through on their goals. Among thoee are stepe to allow prayer in public echoola and curb abortion. Such measure• are pending or planned in c.oncre-. The rally al80 gave a rombl8 reception to evangelist Billy Graham, who recently came under widespread crlticiam for hla positive remark.a in the Soviet Union about religious vitality in. that offidally atheist country. "l believed It was the will of God bef<ft I went," Graham said after a long, standing ovation. "l knew it was the will of God while I was there. Since oominl back, rm more oertaln than ever that God's will was in it. rm IOlT)' 90rne thlnga got mixed up." Bush pralled Graham lor "carryina the gospel to "the whole world." -' The vice president told the rally, a curtain-railer for thla week's annual convention of the Southern Baptista, that "a part of America ls wary of what It calla the 'relJilous right.' • •1A great ~any people, Republicans and Democrats Alike . . .fear that thJt relJgloua ~t u \My call it want. to lmpoee Jta moral values pn American aoctety u a whole.'' But he aald 11careful analysis of the movement a1 a whole'' Indicates no such objective, deaplte some "ill-advised • u~0 by aome individuals in the movement. Their "fundameni.il tmpulle, correctly underatood -and however imperfectly lt may be exprnaed or ::plied lil some CMll -ls ""' to brtna thil nation into a ecconf'" wWa U. cme flan wham all bl~ Crack into a place of hot, steaming crab legs. Try a generous serving of our new spiced cold boiled shrimp, Or our famous Popcorn~ shrimp. And then do it again! It's all you can eat, Every day of che week. Each special is served with your choice of a crisp tossed salad or coleslaw. baked potato or rice pilaf, and another favorite. sourdough bread. , . All }'OU can eat. All week long. Alaskan SnoW Crab Legs s All you can eat. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.45 Popcon1 Shrimp All you can eat ..... .... 17.75 New Spiced Cold Boiled Shri :All you can eat ....... ' ..... ~9.r ' Overcoming the wind. It's absolutely critical.to achieve gOOd mjleage. At 55 mph, over haif of~ car's fuel is used just . to overrome aerodynamic drag. AerodyJKlllllcs,. At GM, we've put millions of dollars into aerodYJ1cmric research. That incluaes evefytliing from modifying the overall shape of our cars, to scr,utinizing details like the aµgle of the outside mirrors. GM .is the only manufacttlrer in the U.S. with its own full-scale automotive wind tunnel-and it is the most advanced. It gives us an oppc>rtunit:Y to buil<j tile most aero- dYnanli~ cars in tlie world. . Great gas mlleage. The aerodynamic efficiency of a five-passenger concept vehicle developed in our wind tunnel improved potential mil·eage by five miles 1 per gallon. Our aerodynamic know- how, which is being applied to GM cars today, }J.as oontributed to the 100% \ I ~ Cout DAILY 'ILOT /Tueedey, June 18, 1812 ~· ' • • • .. \ ct , mileage improvement our ca.rs Greal looks. have achieved in the last eight years. · Aerocl~amically designed - ~ lOOk terrific. Sleek, sophis-- ticated and elegant. . •· Comers are rounded, surlaces are smooth, trim is minimized. Great mileagemarriedtogreatappearance. A ne\tl kind . Of examence. • We believe that GM stands for something special in the eyes of the American public. ~ It stands for excellence. And continuing excellence. So that nqw, next year, and the years aftei: that, we need always to be: the best GM ever. MAlk Of EXCIUINCE · Chevrolet . Pontiac Oldsmobile Buick ·cam11ac GMCTruck . . ' , Aber watchtna the activitlet ~~ eever8l rac.w in lut 'l'Uelday'• ~election, we are left with a queat1on. Who's runn1nc certain of today'• J>Olitical caml>Ai2na -the candldatee or thelr nlghly paid politlcal oonaultanta? . , From the look of· \hinaa, in some campaigns it la the conaultanta. Certain conaultanta seemingly can produce any ,amount of false and/or mialeadlng material and blithely avoid taking any responsibility f.or their actioQa. Once again this election seaaon, it is the Newport Beach firm of Butcher-Forde that has demonstrated such lack of responsibility.· It was Butcher-Forde that was employed by Johnnie Crean, the winner of the Republican nomination in the 43rd Congressional district, to produce a flyer that made it appear that fellow .candidate Bill 'McColl was on the verge of {Wing to jail for alleged acts of "voter fraud, mail fraud, conspiracy and perjury." Only when the voter read a cli8clalmer did he learn that it was Crean raising the charges, not any public proeecutorial authority. And it was Butcher-Forde that ~as behind a blatantly racist mailer put out by Al Serrato, one of four candidates for the Democratic nomination in the 32nd state Senate district. Serrato tried to make it appear that another candidate, Frank Barbaro, was Hispanic, by listing Barbaro's first name as "Franchico. '\ And, the Butcher- Forde mailer claimed another contender .. marched wlth Vletnameee in black plljamu." Alao d11turblng were two other eteces put out by the Nelaon-P1tdberg conautttna firm, .. of Irvine. One aald Incumbent Sueervisor Thomas Riley bad the backing for a four-year tenn from all members of the San Juan Caplltrano City Council. In fact, tour membera had taken no position in the race. And Nehon-P.adberg originated a mailer in which it was ,made to appear that incumbent Aalemblyman Nolan Frb:zelle, R- Hun1ington Beach, was missing · vote after vote on important issues. The mailer encouraged support for Irvine Mayor David Sills, who ultimately was unsuccessful in his bid to defeat Frizzelle for the Republican nomination in the 69th Assembly District. Some candidates appear to have been convinced they must · have a consulting firm in order to win. So they turn to the finns with the best win-loss records, regardless of type of material the firm may issue. It may have gotten to the point that aome candidates even hire consultants solely to prevent a potential C!Pponent from hirinR the same fin.n.' We encourage candidates to prudently taka control over their campaigns in November. Otherwise, the county's voters will be doomed to deceptions and dirty tricks. Oil supply vulnerable A short while ago, the big people would like to forget. items on the energy news 'front Ottinger says supplies of both w ere the_ petroleum glut that fu~ls fell below the level defined seemed to be drowning oil by the National Petroleum Council exporters and overflowing storage to be "min l mum operating tanks,. falling prices, a fow old-inventorie•. "The American fashioned "gas wars" and talko Petroleufh Institute reports about America's energy problem gasoline inventories were down 20 being a thing ot the past. percenl from year-earlier levels. How quickly it all seems to To support prices forced b ave faded away . The down by the glut and to cut organization of Petroleum inventory carrying costs, oil Exporting Countries reduced companies in the last few weeks production, sopping up the surplus have been reducing their gasoline oil; prices are up 6 to 7 cents at the inventories. . pump~ a ~t, and now there is Ottinger fears inventories talk about "spot" gasoline may be cut so far, oil companies shortages during the summer wHl have no choice but to • driving season. withhold some supplies from the In the always4 touchy Middle market to build them up again, East, so"'rce of half of our which could lead to the vicious imported Oil, there are two hot cycle of shortages,' panic buying, spots. which could pose a threat to long lines and greater shortages - supplies. A fragile cease-fire has the pattern of 197.9. taken ef (ect following Israel's The Errer~ Department has furious thrust into Lebanon, while countered, however, that this Iran, more bellicose than ever year's situation has some after viceories over Iraq, could be /significant differences from 1979. in a position to threa~tm the Refinery operations are far below vulner41ble Persian Gulf -0il capacity, while ·large stocks of kingdoma. ·crude oil are available to boost gas The bottom line 11 that production. The great unknown, American vulnerability to oil of course, ls the ever-present shortagesj which did .not go away possibility of a Middle East during thecmeery dJya of the glut, disaster that could cut off or is attracdng IODie attention again. sharpJy limit oil imports. A J)6tentW!y ominous report on All in all, the oil situation oil Jnventories could attract even looks a lot leas rosy than it more. , appeared a few months ago. And Rep. Richard L . Ottinger, the swiftnesa with which it D-N .Y., chairman of a House changed underscores America's energy suhcornmittee, says stocks need to eventually eliminate of gasoline an~ heating oil are dependeqce on Mideast supplies significantly below comparable by continuing conaervation and levels in 1979, just before the long planning for the day when the oil gas lines and panic buying most fields have been pumped dry. . . . Opinions expressed In the space above are those Of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page ar, those of their authors and art1$tS. Reader comment Is hwlt- ed. Addre.ss The Dairy Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321. I L.M. B0y8/ Someone's swift On ~ nov~ J'.rlcb Segal_ ob-~ "No one will ever be fMtelt. but llOID80lle Will always be falter." The )'OUnC man ltopl growing tal· I« at• 21 yeen 2 man~ typ6Cally. The youn1 'Woman at 17 years .3 months. Or IO a\udies in Ohio now I lndlicete. western provlndala •Y thoee tnitlala stand for "Here Before Chrlart. '' Q. Don't modern piano tunen \.lie electronic dev!cet1 to tune pla.nDI by . mathemattca instead of llat.ening to the nota? A. Some do. That technique im't • fall .. the ear, however. NM u aooct, if the ... I.I l(OC)d. • ·Tax 'request' holds threat WASHINGTON -The Reagan administration aeems detennined to save money at the expense of the ~ and the afflictecl. Now, the people being kicked around are the most vulnerable members of our aociety: the four million elderly, blind or otherwise disabled Americans who get up to $264 a month in supplemental benefita from the Social Secunty AdmimstraUon. In ita roemianic zeal to cut costa by getting rid of cheaters, Social Security la resorting to t)le rankest kind of blackmail: Dther let .,. pry into your income tax reoorda, or we'll cut off your benefit checb. ( NOT ONLY THAT, the e.&e1""Y plans to ext.end ita "' Brother moopinc to the tax returns ot ~· pu-enta and 'other houaehold mem of t.boee who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI} benefita. The first inJd.lnc SSI redpienta got of this outrageous llWUioo of tbetr privacy came within the pelt few weelca. Along with their government cbeckl, they received . a form entitled "ReqUest for Your Con1ent for SodU Security to Get Your Tax InformaUon." . "Pleaae read. ldgn and date thJa form and return it •.. within 10 ~'' the request read. Tbe bottom half of the one-page notificaelon was a legal authoriz.ation to the Internal Revenue Service to diaclOH ·to SSA "all tax information from any information return relating to my receipt of income other than wages fer> all tax yean beginning January 1, 1980 ..• " ' The notice states disarmlnaly, "You have a ch.n abou~ atgning ~ form." But then it add.a an ominously vague · note: "If you do not sign the fonn, your Supplementary Security Income checks may be affect.ed." Actually, "stopped," not "affected," would have been the exact word to use. An internal Social Sec urity Adrniniatratlon document makes thu -.llC-.-•• -.1.-•• -.-£J perfectly clear. Intended to. inatruct agency pertonnel in answering questions from confuted SSI beneficiaries, it baa this stark Q-and-A exchange: '4Q. What will happen to my benefita if I don't sign the conaent form? uA. If you don't return the lianed consent form your benefits will be Ito ped." Oeputy SSA Commi11ioner Paul Simmons confirmed to my usociate J,.uoette I ,,.gnado that there is. indeed, little "choke" involved, no matt.er what the' conaent notification states. Either a beneflciary signs away the right to keep tile tax returns confidential or the checks ~i:=t fonm wen ~tout to reciplenta' family members .- presumably entaW.nc the aaane threat in Clle of DOll-<XllDpliance. • John Shattuck, Waahingtcm director of the American Civil Ubert1es Union, said hia organization believes the Social Security Admj.niatration is ob shaky legal ground, and plaJ)a to cballenge the gove'rnment in court. "What this amounts to is a coercion program. trying to get people to provide information under threat," he said. In addition. the Capital Legal Foundation , a Washington-based public-interest Jaw firm, plans to seek an injunction against the agency to prevent fta threatened action against anyone who refwies to sign the consent form. . On Capitol Hill, complaints have been pouring in from disabled and elderly constituenta. One member of Congress. Rep. Steve Solarz, ~N.Y., -baa received eo many complaints from hia Brooklyn district that be int.ends to introduce legialatim to block the SSA's threats. "Simmon, and other Social Security officiala defend the tax-return snooping on both legal and moral grounds. 'nley say that only those with something to hide will refuse to give the agency permi.sBion to rummage through their tax records. ACl'ING ON TRIS theory I I asked agency officials to let. me see their tax returns. Only one, Frank Dell'Acqua, an attorney in the general counael's office, • agreed to send me his tax records. Other top officials have so far declined. Either they have 90l'.Dething to hide, or they feel that their tax returns are nobody el8e's business. Exactly. Footnote: White House and SSA 1offidala repeatedly cited as justification for their actions a February 1981, General Accounting Off.iL'e report which recommended the uae of IRS files to establish SSI recipients' eligiblilty. A GAO spokespenon said, however, that the .auditors did not suggest that recipienta be "strongarmed." . . . Lawmakers ey~ p~rk ride saf e'ty, (Tod.ay'a column • by Mr. Wat.en' associ.tte, PhlJ Jordan) Summer II comm,. Rural~ will be maldna planl for county and aoic\altural f.alrl, while dty dwellers tfilnk of tripe 10 amuament ,parka. fairs, two citrus fairs, 48 agricultural diatrict fain and the state fair. Joint C_2mmittee Chairman Ray ~a Republican state .enator from Cblco, has introduced a bill callln, for a teat program at two und~signated atate...upported fairs under which ticket.I ,. .. The upaxnlng ...an hU nothing to do With it, but two leplative committees andhinkithe attomboureyt ~'sdoffice are allot 1 1 , • (; ~ •':\ '. t ng a lain an amu.emen . ~\ ~ ASSBllBLY'S new~· IUl IATla : e Ride safety SUbcunmittee la~ · a proposed bill that would brlnl for rides and gamea would have to be amuaement Park ride9 undl;r' ltate lilfety" purcbued at U'.entral loc:ation., with ride inapectiona. Cunmtly. carnival ridea are...c and ~ operators rebn~ lot-the inaPecf.ed at leMt annually by Cal-OSHA ticke1a ttwY collect from patrom. officials, but park ridea are1 e~empt. Sounatmriece~rily complicated? subjeet only to Jocal CIOJltrol; only two Could be. But according to a joint local jun.djctiom. Le». AnaeJm' County committee lteff rpember, when such a and the City of Santa Cruz, have apecitic ticket plan WM put into effect aefaln in &m)Jllernetlt park ride aateiy programs. ~ country and Capads, I.air revenues according to recenl aubcommittee lnc:reued &om 36 percent to as high u testimony. 1 . 1,800 percen~ with the average lnc:reue Meanwhile; the Fain Allocation and about 400 pM::ent. Cla11iflcatlon Joint Committee 11 Jobmon allo ~ the attorney investfgatma repona of 'tskimmlnC0 by aeneraJ.'s ln~ticp _afier law officen ride and pme operators at 24 eounty appearing at hearinP lnto.t.Ir .rever.ue. - told o('rumors -no documentation -of illegal bidding_ procedures. extortion and bribery in fair carnival contract negotiations. At this atagle. ol coUne, thett is DO proof that, despite the lack of atate-Jevel inspection. ·amuaement park rides are any less safe than those with travelina carnivals, that carnival ride and game operators are flpping off either the carnival operators or the state-supported fain at which the carnivals -eight of them last year -appear, or that ~ ha been anything at,an irregular in the negotiating of contrada for carnivals to play the 7S or to fain receiving suppqrt from the state. I By PAT HOROWITI °'*'-Mir"""'" DEAR PAT: Cu a ll·)'tar-o:id non 1•t Mtdtcare If be or 1tae I• 1Ull wo ? -W.F., Pou ValltJ Yea. Medicare la a federal health lnautanoe prosran> available to anyone 66 or over who le ellalble for Social Security benetlta, even If the penon la atJll work:ina: or who la 60 or over, does not have enough SOctal Sec:urlty credlta, but II wllllng to pay for the f.Nurance; or to anyone at any a,e who baa 'been on Social Security diubWtyt payrnenta for 24 monthl or who needs kidney dtalyala or a kidney tranaplant. . · .,.. Medicare la made up of two parts: hospital insurance and medical insurance. The Social Secur.ity Administration hu a pamphlet that describes the two parts of the program, what benefits are available, what la not covered, and the requirements for participation in this lnauranoe ~· For a free copv of "A Brief Explanation of Medlcare.'l send a postcard1 with your name and address to the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 539K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Getting rust off stove DEAR PAT: The andentde of my 10-year-old ga1 stove 11 1ettm1 n1ty. I clean It rep.larlJ. b•t tla• rut II pttlg 1Ma.-er. Wlaat II eaa11q *•· U4I MW ou I •Umlute U..preblem? -P.T1 Newport Beas Technlotan• at the u11 Appliance Manufacturen A.odadon .. y the corTQllon may be cau.ed by bum1nC ... rwctbul wtth the propellant.a from a pray cant., A. the concentration of 1pray1 lncrhlM, 'WO doea C<>n'Ollon. in. amoalatlon'• ~ ii to avold the uae of 1~ya around au-fired appH•nr. Information on drup DEAR PAT: I NM tUt a reeord aamJter of a~w =~11were approved by tile Fotd ucl Dn11 ~ tratl• Jut year. II daen uy way tb aven1e eoanmer eu lean more aboat tlleu dnap? -E.G •• Costa Mela The. Food and Dru1. Adminl•tratlon (FDA) approved 27 utotally new"' drup tn 1981 -the rno11t new chemicala approved tn one year for uae u drup since the~ of the 1962 legillation govern1Jl41 dr\.la approval. The total la more than twiClt the 1} approved in 1980. . ' According to FDA Comm,lalioner Hayes, two drugs in ~:J:ire.ent important therapeutic gains. Alp can temporarily treat infants with congenital heart defects over prior to IJW'pry, and Ketoconuole cen treat Intemal fW\IUI dlw•. Other new drua• are verapamU and niftcllpJ.ne, heart dni8I known u caldwn blocken; captopril, for atubbom cue1 of h1&h blood pre11ure; albuterol. for 11thma: aucraltate, tor Wceni and several antiblodat. YOU may be tnt.erelWd In a blmonthly conaumer new,letter of the U .S . Pharmacopelal Convention, a non-profit orpnlzatton of health profelllonall workina together 1n the public lnt.erelt. The 1tatea object.Ive of the "About Your Medtctnee" newsletter ii to provide Che comumer with timely lnformatloft on drup and drua u.e. Subscription Information ls available by wrltlna to United State• Pharmacopejal Convention Inc., 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, RockVUle, Md. 208~2. • Got • problemr Then wrJ~ to P•t Horo-· -j wltz. P•t will cut red C.pe, gettJng the ill .ntwen and aatlon you need to ,aolve In· equities In j\lvemment MJtJ bualluw. M.al1 your que•ilon• to P•t Horowitz, At Your Service, ~ Coat Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1680, Cose. meu, CA. 9~6Z6. Al many letten u polllJ.lble wl11 be .nt· wered, but phOIJtld /nqwnt¥ or letters not indudJn6 the reader'• lull n•me, •ddrea and bulinHll hours' phone number cannot be corWdered. Robinson's ,, ......... _ BAD SHAPE -Lisa Haarstad, Wendy Wheeler and Chrlatine Weinmuller (from left) caat strange reflections in a fun house mirror in Seattle's Science Playground, a new exhibit at the ci '1 Padfic Science Center. .M.Boyd in{~r,:; Daily Pilat · THE AMERICAN HOME OF WATERFORD WATERFORD ONLY FOR YOU: OUR EXCWSM ERSONALIZED COLLECTION You can search the world. for exquisite treasures, or you can find the most unique ones of all, at Robinson's. Shining, , magnificent Waterford. Each crystal piece. a work of e;irt. ~outh·blown. tiand·cut. esteemed the world over for Its beauty and fineness. And now, you can make the pieces you choose to collect yours alone. For the first time ever, through an exclusive arrangement with the Waterford factory In Ireland. we're pleased to pr4sent a unique, pGrsonallzed collection of the finest Waterford Crystal. It's a $elect group of e.xceptlonal pieces you won't find anywhere else In the country. And to pereonallze your new crystal treasures, will be one of the eljte Waterford Master Engrave~s from Ireland. here exclusively for ui. • 1 ' MEET MR. THOMAS HAYES, MASTER ENGRAVER, HERE TO PERSONALLY MONOGRAM YOUR SELECTIONS. Mr. Hayes is one from a group of five highly proclaimed Waterford artisans who have created special presentation pieces for Presidents Eisenhower. Kennedy and Johnson, as well as for Pope John Paul II and his predecessor Pope John Paul I. He'll monogram the Waterford crystal we show. in the following store: Newport, Wednesday, June 16, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday. June 17. 12 noon to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. June 18, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. During these same hours. you'll have a chance to meet Waterford expert Maria Donegan from the Waterford factory In Ireland. She'll be here to discuss this beautiful crystal and to answer all your questiens. ~me see our collection. And have your new treasure embellished with a hand·cut monogram in either plaih or fancy lettering. Biscuit barrel with 2 letters ........ . Ship's decanter with'\3 letters ...... . The Waterford Cup with 2 letters ... . Old fashioned glass with 1 letter ... . And, not shown: 5• jewelry tray with 2 letters .... , .. . Spirit decanter with 3 letters ... , , .. . ~hot glass with 1 letter ............ . e• ashtray with 2 letters ........... . I Plain Fancy $186 $200 $280 $310 $15 1125 S55 S70 $115 ·-·. m 1188 WATERM>RD ONLY FROM US: OUR EXCWSIVE STEMWARE AND WORKS OF ART / There's '0 picturesque village near the Waterford factory. And from its serene old world charm and the' spirited legends of its townspeople came the inspiration to ~reate an artistic masterpiece. It s namesake: "Mooncoin." Now, our exclusive stemware suite designed just for us by Waterford. It's everything you expect your Waterford to be.:::legant. Gleaming. Breathtaking. Much too beautiful not to showcase. And with its remarkably fine diamond cutting, we think its the newest classic. Here are the ,--.. ___ _. pieces you'll want to own (left to right): \ Wine, $55. Flute champagne. $55. Goolet, $55. Each Item shown left may be monogrammed with the number of letters shown. ,Special orders. other than those Mr. Hayes completes during his visit. will be delivered approximately four months after placement of your order. Plan )(Our Christmas giving now. and order by July 20 to ensure delivery. And, as the perfect accompaniment, we're offerlhg • script lettering metal engraving on our stainless steel serving pieces. Our Waterford knife for S85, and our Waterford cake server, not shown, for ... 50. Charge is $1 per letter for metal engraving. Please allOW approxlmately 3 weeks for delivery. You can see samples and place your order for all ten of our monogra.mmed Items In all stores except Palm Springs Or If you can't come In, call your nearest Robinson's and order your Waterford by telephone. (Sorry, no c.o.o:s O{l monogrammed Item&.) Now, comt discover the world of Waterford. (And ask aboUt our Waterford Club Plan.) In Robinson's Waterford Cryatal.-142. To Order, cett tott·free 1·•·Ml·llOI. .. • ~ OOllt DAILY "'-OT~, June 11, 1111 Sen.Hayaka ....... ~ ... MIGHTY MOUTHFUL -Miss Mississippi Hospitality Patra Massey of Mendenhall. Miss., bites into a slice of watermelon while Mlaiasitt/!hi Governor William Winter nibbles on ca · . The event was the third annual .. Way Up North in Mississippi Picnic,. held in ew York City'• Central Park. orange Costa Mesa 1111 E. Katetla Ave 2000 Harbor etv<I C714)997·1SOO , 17141145·3153 IW.ileble to c.Momla INldettr. OIJN, fl""*«l '*'1 a.ASSIC SADDLES ) Bock musldan David Crolby refuled dwina a pretrial bearing In DlllM to answer prwecutbi questiona about h.la arTelt on felany narcotics and IUD c-1°" ctww-. y, 40, took the ltand durt.nc a heu1.nc on hia requeet to auppre11 evidence he contendt WM .elzed illegally. . He WU arrested April 18 durtnc what DlllM police ~ a routine liquor violation inapec:tlon at a Northeeit Da1lu nlahtclub. Attorney Melvla BeW •ys a ~million IUit aaa1nat him by hia former partner of 28 yeen, V-a1Wot M. ~1 bal been lettled. Chouloa cbarpa lrt hJa Superior' Court IU.lt that BeW wrongfully di9olved their partnenhlp In November, and kept most of the firm'• -u. "We have parted frlenda," said Belli. "We decided it waa better to eettle than lltipte." The fint man to walk on the moon urged students to follow unknown paths In eolvl.ng known problems. Fonner astronaut Nell Armstrong, In a rare public appearance, told gaduating atUdenta at the University of Cincinnati to "face the challenaea of the problems ... left unflniabed." INCLUDING AEROBICS -NO DUES- PIATUllS INCLUD11 * AEROBIC CLASSES I OPEN I * PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION l ..,. a .... * BODY FAT ANALYSIS * STRESS TESTING * BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING * COEOSAUNA * NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING * COED WHIRLPOOL * OLYMPIC FREE WEIGHT lwtr 114 I PtJtltlt ..,.,...,., YOU HAVll "'People should learn "the elegance of aimpllclty," said A.npstrong. 52, an Ohio native who llvee near the mWl town of Lebanon. * COMPUTERIZED DYNA Vil. * NAUTILUS EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 957 • 6226 ' * SUN TAN ROOM * GUARANTEED RE SUL TS The people of Tltuaville, Fla. have a spectacular next-door nei$Cbbor and they're eqer-to ----- All you need to do is change your household habits a little. Use TUISDAY, JUNI! 18, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION Oil's in them thar • underwater tracts BLACK GOLD DEPT. -No doubt the numerous obaervers along · our coutllne who_ OP.~ the leaalna of underwater t:ractl for off.shore oil drtlllJl8 were overjoyed only yesterday by the words of Loe Angeles ~yor Tom Bradley. In the evel\t you mimed the public notice,, Mayor Bradley was back there in Wuhinaton. D.C., te9Ufying before a congrealonal subcommittee. And the good-LA mayor gave •em a )VOrd or two about off:abore oil. Bradley said that if the U.S. Department of the Interior doesn't start litenlng to of:fahore oil objectiom of Cal1fom1a, they can expect 101De battles in the courta. ~ Well, if the Interior boys have any aensitivity "'r- at all, they are well aware ~,.,.._, of this possibility, alnce it's TOM MURPHINI L~' already happened. -~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA just last week won an early akirmish in the courta when it got the sale of drilling rights &toJ?ped on 24 of 164 tn\CtB ~t were up for leaae off our coastline. Included among thoee underwater holdings were 10 sites off the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shoreline. So it may indeed be wanning to aee Mayor Bradley getting back there and taking a firm position before the Houae Interior subcommittee. Since Bradley will be the Democratic standard-bearer in November's_ race for Califo~ governor, 90IDe cynica With th.ls new drill. ro mace it nch for IW"e. • . among UI might suggest he W8I just getting bis political legs warmed up for the sprint to Sacramento late th1a year. MAYBE SO. Others, however, might say ao what, if · he's going to nm. he might aa well leg-off in the right direction. Bndley baa, as a matter of f.act., been rather consistent in his position against what one former publiaher of this sterling journal liked to refer to as "the stench and vomit of oil." For the record, about the only l>1ace that has been a bit 90ft on the oil imue along our shoreline ll Huntington Beach. You have to suspect that a measure of pro-oil exilta . there becau.e Huntington Beach baa been pumping up the . stuff for decedes now. Once upon a time, there was a learned profemor ln our region who l8id oh, boeh, to all the oil talk. THE PROJI' TOOK the position that wildcatters and other oOmen would never find any mineral depoGt& worth &etting excited abOut 8f1¥Where on the downcout side o~ the Santa Ana River. His words were hardly etched by the time they found oil in the West Newport fieJda (dowDOOMt of the Santa Ana River) and then aomebody punched down a live hole ln Costa Mesa. 'nlen a terrible Orange County government randal enapted over maneuvers ol one oil exploration outfit that wanted to drill a few exploratory puncturat tn (my goodnelB) Upper Newport Bay. Tbat one never came oft. ... STILL LATER, Mn. T. Duncan (Jerry)° Stewart, confided once that ahe dl8covered qm ot oilmen prowling around the footh.illa of Corona del Mar. You can ).wt never tell where thoee oil people are aotna to~ the ecent and suffer the irresistable urge to start boring holes ln the earth. Or bay. Or ocean. Anywhere. About the same time, Jamee B. .. Jay'' s~ who was mayor of Newport Be9dl and a chembl enclneer of ~ble repute, offfJl'tna the l\lell that the entire Newport-Balboa Penh•.&la "could be Ooatin& on 00.." That too created a mWl ldr at the time. So Mayor Bndley and all the other anU-offahore oil people may down down the pulh for undenyater drillina ln our region. But don't fil\n they'll 9top it ciold. If the petroleum peop1e aell ft. and ftaUre it'• there, they haft tbil atronc canp•Wve \11'19 to flO pt it. It'1 ju9t the nature of the oOman. QUIET TIME ON CAMPUS -Fin.all are over. Graduations have come and gone. Now ll the quiet time on college campuaes along the Orange Coast. There la time for a 10litary stroll under a bridge at UC Irvine. And there is time for 'HerO' hailed 'One bullet won't stop me' By STEVE MARBLE O( .. Delf ........ Lorenzo Pulni waa greeted like a hero. · The 68-year-old owner of the Spaghetti Bender returned to h.ia Newport Beach restaurant Sunday to ah.are a meal with h1a friends and family. It was Paslni'1 first trip back to hil Pacltic c.out H.tahway diner aince a would-be robber fired a bullet into his chest. $50,000 net for Fish Fry The 37th annual c.o.ta Mesa Fish Fry and Carnival netted $M),000 to be awarded to various charHable groups in Orange County, it was announced Monday. The Co1ta Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club fund,.....-. earlier this month pm ed $140~ 000. Clyb officf.ala Will meet in September to decide how to distribute the funds next JJ,11\iary. 'llUs year's net proceeds will bring to $705,000 the. total amount ~buted to charitable orpnizatiotia ~ the Lions Cub lince the Fish Fry began jn 1945. Church offers summer care St. John the Divine Epi1eopal Church in Costa Mesa will be ·offerinJ{ a 1ummer care program for c hildren ages ·5 to 11 beginn1ng June 14. The program will continue until Auguat 27 from 7:30 a .m. to 6 p.m. dally. Colt la $35 a week. 'lbat was more than a month ago. Police since-have arrested a man alleged to be the gunman. and Paaini now dismi1 the epi8ode aa being little more than one of life'• testa. ~little bullet'• not enough to al?>p me," he advi8ed in a rich Italian acoent. "'They're going to have to think of something elae to get me." Paaini, a 47-year veteran of the kitchen, aald he'll be back to work full-time eoon. , ''I don't ~ blame anybody for this happening," he 1aid, reflecting on the 1h00Ung. "I don't blame the police, I don't blame anybody. I blame the system .. "There should be more aevere penaltie.1. They let bad people out of ~ too easy. There just ahouldn t be people like this on the looee." Paainl said he be.Iieves in fighting back. "You have to fiaht to survive. It's always been that way. You can't a never go out without a fight. The most important thing ~ the family. It baa to lticK together like glue!' 1l'!ie restaurant owner aaid he WU trying to lure the gunman away trodi his employees when he waa aho~. Pasinl attempted to get the woUld-be robber out of hla reataur•nt by 11am.ming a door in h.ia face. But the gun.man fired through the door, striking Pasl.n.L ''My intention WU just to get the guy out. He waa a sw1ngl.ng that sun around at all my Tcidi (employees) and I was worried. It wu a gamble to my part but it turned out okay." A hero? Puini Mid he doesn't lee hlmle1f that w,~. But his friends . The 2_re1~nted him wit a mock PUrpJe He.rt durinl the midst of the celebration Sunday. They u1d Pasbil deeerved it. .. can't you, lJut you don't have to leave it to your kids. Ann Landers, Page B2. -Deir .... ,......~ CMl1le -Orange ~t College math lnatructor Bob Denton to get a little exeroae running up and down the bleachers in LeBard Stadium on campus. · Club to fete , , civic work DUR ANN LANDERS: You have 1tatecl in your column re~atedly that .. ,_rentt ~o not owe their· children an ' · tnherltance," and augweted there are many ~ araanlzaUona and foundationl that · can -.-befp. · We accept reaponllbWty for atvtna our chUdreft too m~ too 800n. Aa a reaalt. ~y (and their children) are rude, moon.iderate, ee1flah and have no ~ tor the i-elieion we tried to brina them ·up in. Should theee expectant he1ri be told NOW how we feel. to that they may have an ACTIVE AGAIN -Wendy Mountz. 17, and her ~ Lisa. 14, who made medical history lut IUDllDel' as the first siblinp to receive heart transplants, are leading active lives once more ... with a few restrictions. The teen..agen are back riding roller oouters and • .. •IRMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE opportunity to mend their waya? Or would luch a chaNie be .u~ to make IUl'e they are left a heilthy IWnT Your opl.nlon Ii wanted. -DON'T WANT TO BE FOOLED IN MICJUGAN DEAR MICHIGAN: Wla•t ye• are , ......... la ............. lllLMtmaH. TM lteMYlenl ,.tteru ef y•r elalWnil iM ~ ....... la COllCl'ete .. , *Ii flme. If .yea waat to ••• a promhed baMrttuee u ............. , .......... to IMpe sp, p ~b9t *ty wUIMte JM fw It .. U. NYert te tllelr •W way1 before , . .,. .... , ........... DEAR ANN: My &0th birthday 11 comlna up. I'm deJ>rnM<l and terrified. You've been there. What'• it like? -NEEDING A LIFELINE DEAR NDDING~~·r .... WeUDe for tn.11. BW Atwood'• .. ~ It nroap ~Ac•" (PlblllHr Ath9lam) 11 a boOk J•'ll adOre. r did. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I would like to comment on your ttatement, "To err ia human. but only a computer can do a tborouah job Qf 1011stna thinp up." (1) A human beln& had to read that I letter fim. TechnoblY la improving but It ha1n't yet reached-the point wnere a maiablne can ftllld anyone'• handwritt.na. (2) A human J>etna had to act on the lmtrucUoDI before lt was placed ln 1he computer. In~ every btt of information that 1' fed into a computer la prepared by a human belna· The probleml cte.:rihed by "Irate" ln hll letter were created by the ume old brand of bureaucratic Inefficiency and lneptrl em. In other wOl'da, HUMAN ERROR. A machine la only u good u the individual who feeds it the lnstructiom. -A PROORAMMER IN LEXINGTON DEAR LEX: Everytllla1 J•• llave wrlttea II tne -bat I 1tiM by my polltl••· wlllcll I will re1tate. All eompaten, repnlle11 of llow .-i1dcated, are ...ay pieces of maclllaery. No oae eu paraatee tllat a piece of macldaery wUl perform perfectly 100 perceat of tlle time. Wbeell fall off can.-rv 1et1 10 dark la *t middle of a favorite pro1ram, 1arba1e dllpnal1 pllld to a bit wltU.t waralQ, typewrtten koak oat ~t tile wont po11lbfe mo meat. · Now do yoa 1et It, Baiter? (live been tllere. DEAR ANN LANDERS: One moming I was awakened by a kiss planted on my llpe. When I opened my eyes, I saw my wife (of one year) standing by the bed d.relled ln her wedding gown and veil, wearing her )Yhite utin shoes and holding the Bible she carried when we were wed. 'fears came to my eyes and I embraced her. That dear woman has done this for the last 30 years. and it has kept our marriage fresh and exciting. Sign me -HAPPY IN A PERnr!' MARRIAGE IN • TAMPA DEAR TAMP A: U yo•r manta1e ll "perfect/' I'm sare It took more tllaa standing DJ die bed ID her wedd.lng oatflt ea die monalq of you ualvenary. CoagratalaUou to you wlfe for belDg able to get lato lier 1own. That, In lheU, ii qalte u aclllevemeat. Kitchen aides n .o . help APWll!U ta swinging tennis rackets. They ai.o take it eaay with such activities as video game11 (above) which thee in their Kansas City home. They are by brother Timothy, 12, and their dog y. Thia Ja a repdnt of the best of Erma Bombek wb.ik abe'a on vacation. A Southern newspaper baa, as one of itl features, a column devoted to exposing the sanitation or the lack of it in local restaurants. 'nie list of improprietie9 consisted of the f oilowiruc · llMA iOMIKI AT WIT'S END Melted ice cubes on floor creating safety hazard. l.ibra: <:heck details . . FooCI not covered in refrigerator. Improper dishwuhing practicea. Hot doga soaking ln water in refrigerator. FIGHT AMONG KJTCllEN help using cold, hard peas as ammunition ... pomible · danser to cook. , W~#J'Jwll (March 21-April 19): Despite attemptl at deception. ~to heart of matt.en. Focus on inde .. initiative and fftSh start in neW direction. Terms will be defined and you'll obtain glimpee behind ~ TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Ariel message for valuable hint. Reject superftclal explanations, strive to obtain story behind story. You'll be deal1ng with individual who is administrator for hcepital or sped.al int.en!st group. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Friendship can be transformed into meaningful relationship. YOU begin to see pk_Cture ln itl enUrety; accent on penuulon, penonal fulfllhnent and 9UCCeldul bwiw venture. Lone-standing project it more nearly oomplet.e than you -..pect. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Morale is boosted due to promotion, production, succemful buslne-move. Focus on career, • pre1tige, unique honor and added recognition becau.e of community project. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are capable now of puJ.Uni away from situation which drains, discourage• and aapa ambition. Dnphalia on lmg-range plan. travel and educ;ational opportunitle1. Cancer, Capricorn. Aquarius penom play lignificant rolet. . VIRGO(~ 23-Sept. 22): By utillzhll natural powers of obeervation. you di8ooYer loophole whJch aw. money and ultimately I leedl to profit. Flnancial status Of One cJoee ~ )'Oil commandl attention. Diacu.kJn of bUdpt ia blah OD ..... LIBU (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Stud~ ~or~~~= -BY SIDNEY OMARA aware of legal loopholes and remedy situation which could endanger safety. It may be neceaary to revi&e, review and rebuild on a more ,.olld baae. . SCORPIO (Pct. 23-Nov. 21): Myaery ia aolved, milling linka are discovered and some louea are recovered. Emphuia on routine, baalc 1ervicea, dealings with dependents, employment and 1 added attention to pets. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Pleasant 1urpri1e1 dominate scenario. Children, variety, speculation and creatiye endeavors ant hiahJ.lgbta. Pleasure prindple ls accented. ~of luxury item creates flurry ot exdtement. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You become aware of property rights. costs, lnterett ratea and procedures DeJI: z rr•ry in connection with loam and payments. Focua on proce11 of rebuilding, removal of safety hazards, inlurance and securi\)'. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Relative confldea problem, di1cu1se1 debts, respomlbWda and bumM!ll potential. You'll have an additional ctWlenge and clwM9 for ~ m\&ltiply. Call or menace alt.en planl connected with abort trip. PISCD (Feb. 19-March 20): Burdell will be removed. Don't feel guilty. It WM!it your own to carry in tint pllce. CMh flow ........... '.You locate tam that bad been Jolt, mluln& or 1tolen. You add to 1pectal Collection. Arie9 Wtely "! be involwcl. 1'ank top ~~omen's restroom. Restrooms not . _ Cutting board not llDOOth. • Tbermometen needed ln refrigerator. Beck door open to flies. Employee. working without proper hair restraint. Carbon build-up on pans. Corroded vent fan. No eoap or towels at sink. Outdated buttermilk ... poaalbly unwbole9ome. . I BAD TO STOP READING. The list had just denibed my kitcheri. ~ a kitchen clean is like trying to tidy up after a aandst.ann. Belides, I employ cheep Jabc?r. My own kidl. Somehow, you don't get~ pride from them that you'd get from. ay, a tranlient Mexican. alien. The ~ night, I walked lnto the kitchen ·with a clipboud and made out my own llst of health violationa. Dog drinking water out of Old ~ffn;r running around rlm of mashed potatoes pan. Hair dryer on oountertop. Ice cream in carton at room temperature. Loading dishwasher while diner ia still eating off plate. Emptying raw garbage into wastebasket-with no plan of removing it from kitchen. M I was writing down the violations, my mother came in, her eyes panning the kitchen area slowly. "Th.is place is a dump!". she said. My face brightened. "Thank you! I thought you were f<>ing to be sarcastic." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT PL.EASE DON'T ADMl'T YOUR GUILT eE~ I STOP &E\.lf:VtNG IN VO\M INNOCENCS. GORIN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF 1econd diamond. o.dare.r would now have -1a trieU ln the minor 11.1ita, ud • aure trick la .. cb IUIJor. Ht would onli have to~ U. •pMe position to come to 11.ioe tricb, and Jn addition ~ would be the poatbWU" of &D eftd pla7 la lM ~ aulta. Thil t1pe ol lloldup oeeora frequent.If. But tllle oae UU11 U..t Sut auat avoMI la top llDto • traooe ..... u. 4Ja. moed tt ...... jj id•. ,..., ..... • • ., tM lo.Uoll_,. ol u..11111.mu.i.n~ will ... up~ ...... cMl•o.., • tll9 ~ re.aN ud IODre tfcMar \rlekl la Ult Miil wMell Wiil ...,. IWa ,,_ -~ ,, ..... ... • • .. T•I t' •ILY c1ac1:1 Qy Bii Keane "This gross is wet. It must've dewed last night." by Brad Anderson ! "He'll eat anything, as long as It Isn't dog food." " ••• and thl1 one I bagotd on the out1klrt1 of downtown Ttx11." DEN~IS THE MENi\CE Hank l_Setchum /\/~ ~ [ ( '1 · Jt:DGE Pt\RKER GARt'lt;LD FACE IT,GARFIELP. VOO'F\E. NOT GE.TTINC1 ANV VOOHGER l WI~ TMERE WERE ~ETMIN~ [ COOLP VO A500i TME AGI~ P~E~ I DID ... -rH~e's NOTHING THe~E' ~XCEPT A MILK .__.....,., BOTTLE:·· llONDAY'I f'UZZl.E IOI.YID UH···~ by Jim Davis I'c:> PO 61T-<JPS, &IT l COULPN'T 5TANP1'ME NOi~ .• . I 60T A LETTER FROM t.w SISTER SAU.V ... M'S AT "8EAN8A6., CAMP. Wl-4Y IS PETE T~E PANHANDLER DRESSED LIKE THAT? I 0rl!1Qe 0out DAILY PILOT/TUlldly1 June 111 1142 OH, YOU'fU: ~R"TH OF iHe RIO GRAIVPe. HE'S TRYING 1"0 MOVE UP IN THE WORLD ANo IF THI: &lM& PLI~ HAD PAID Arre.;../770ltJ1 ~, 111EV'D HAve ~TO 0i:.Ao •.. Al.lo HE WANTS TO HAVE A RICHER TYPE OF CONTRIBUTOR ... IJC.H'4 •u$11fMIL&..~ o ___ .,._. .. by Tom Batiuk The Pasadena Touma - ment of Fcses Dear Sirs, On behalf of the West- view High ScOOol Scape- goat Marching Band. I am writing to congratulate you on having the 1'ournament of Roses Parade select- ed as one of tbe parades on our schedule for the Assod au.on ' I 1 coming year! I J. 1 I DIRECTOR -Peter V. Ueberroth. ~dent of the 1884 Loe Angelet Olympic Or1antztna Committee, has been elected a dlr4*tor of KOer' Cement Corp. Ford recalls 650 vans in malfunction DETROIT (AP) -About 650 Ford F.conoline vans from the 1982 model year are being recalled to determine lf an electrical conn•ctlon in the emialione-control aystem la ~!{ ~o . said the recalled vana have 4.9-liter especially calibrated for altitudes. An unarounded ca to an aneroid switch may caute excessive emiulona, the ccmpany said. Owners are being notified by · mall to brine in their vehicles fOI' free inapectlona and repair at dealenhi Ford aa1d. DID YOU KNOW: 11•,eH •efll•• H~using priced out of reach? WA8HlNOTON (AP) - ~ pricee -.red to a rMCUan t72,000 IMt yeuo and ''cut a pe1! over the American drHm of homeownenhlp," tavlnp and io.n lndUltry oUldalt Mid. . The $72,000 DriCe tq mMl\t. down payment of tUl.100 and monthly boualna paSrmenta of '8 US, lncludln1 taxee and inauranct, the U.S. ~ of Savln1• Auoclatlona aald MondaY ln a atudy. l'lr1i-ttme buyera typically pald t&S,900 for a bowie and a1reed to monthly hou1in1 expel'*'9 of t721 after makJna an '8,600 downpaymenL ''The averap American Just can't attord to own a home theee daya." Mid the chairman of the leacue, Roy Green. "The avera1e American la belnl fror.en out of that which haa cauaed th1a COW\try to be great, that which hu been a greet part af'(i parcel of the very fiber of the American way of life, and that ia the thread of homeownenhip," he told a newa conference. The atudy -"Homeowner- ship: The American Dream Adrift'' -found that flnt-time homebuyen accounted for only 13~ percent of UM. l>W'Chulna homes last year, dowD from 17.A peft.'lmt ln 1979 and 36.3 percent ln 1977. The cost of houalng, it aald, "slammed the door OD millions of would-be homebuyen and cast a pall over the Amer1can dream of homeownenhip." S&L officials weren't optimi.atic thia year would be much better. ''Hoult.nl mark.et condltionl ln 1882 abow UU.le jrotpect for Improvement, an th• future v.ndl •.. ~ a c*-de of dlttkNlty for hamtbuyen." mid the report. the third ln. eeriel of blannUal ~YI that the S&.L .-odaUon tW1ed ln 1977. The trade •roup repr ... nta QM 4,000 -~ and Joanl, Green atn11ea out tnwreet ratee 11 the major ca~ of the lnd\Attl'y'• probleaw. ••we mu1t take whawwr Sf.e111 ate nee ary to,., intawt raw. down ln thla COW\&ry, thJI ln tum will brin1 back the flnt-time homebuyer," he Mid. He called tor tax incentiVel to boon penonal aavtn1• and lncreaae the amount of money available for housing, and for.lell restrictive regulatlona on howln, conatruction to help low.-pric-. The median houae price' 8f9'YI from $44,000 tn 1977 to ~.ooo two yeus later and $72,0QO last year, the ttudy said. The median la the midway point in a leriea of numbers; half are above It and half are below it. Cllmblnl with houae prices were monthly housing expen11e9, the med.Lan of which roee from $400 in 1977 to $550 ln 1979 and $816 in 1981, \he atudy found. T h e 1 t u d y f .o u n d OOJMiorn1.nlwnt were lncreeld.nlly popular. representing 2 f . 5 percent of the market, about double their ahare two yean earlier. Nearly 30 percent of the homes aold laat year were 25 years or older, and new homes accounted for 26.1 percent of the market, down frqm 30.8 percent in 1979. / RUFFELL'S Yau can own yu office space. UPHC>LSTBY I ;! 'tau ~S... 1'22 HAJIOllUD. Yau can stop yu rent from coins •· Yau can own the land -not lease, Yau can rtnt with the option to buy. AIRPORT WEST BUSINESS PARK 245 FllCMr nM1 Red ... C.11. C•ll Mr. D•vle 751·7400 Broker Co..,.eton Use Atllwet' It/ service when placing your ad .,,. NewlHue 642-5678. {In organization) • 500,000 Share• common Stock ($5 Par Value) $t0 P9r Share COSTA MISA-14 .. 1 IN- TREASURE HUNTERS Jofn this setea group of people who are l""1IOMd In • cNtnc:e of a ltfldme actwnlure tNt wtff d\1119 the course of h~ o.Mlontww)lallan~ ..,INI ~ ............ TREASURE HUNTERS, LTD J. c Pattenon & JUsoc:. Inc 4667 MacNthJf ~. ~ BNch. CA 92660 Wednesd~ June 16, 1982, 7:15 p.m. June 4, 1112 I:. DCO~w,a. MIDld fttM R. Caitlll viii» pnlkllnt of alel. He WM viii» pr.....,1 of .. 1.. for l:volutlon Com put.er Sytt.enw C«pontlon, Oranft. The C...'81 c.ner.u.. d I Houaton eltcted Mle,ael P. ~ of Colta M-~ vtce p....Sdent, .... polllllbi. for WHt COHI rdlnln1 and markeUn1 operatlona. Coutal haa a rellnery ln HerculH, California and markettn1 bldUU. ln GlendU. He WU with the Cbam~r:et.roleum C.ompanyt a IU of Union Pacific Corporation, H vice prtlident of Wut Cout operadoal. America• II•!• Baak, headquartered tn New_J>ort a..ch, repor1I Jamee M. Fala, vice prelklent of the a.I r.tate Department received the dHl1natlon of lnternattonal certified appraiaer. Walker 6 Lee Nta1ned bl A•verlhl•I ••• P•bllc ReladeM of ~ewpon ae.ch few ~ and ~~ relatiol)a aervicM, Sandra Kina Bnyton, preatdent of the Newport ae.ch· baaed advert11in1 a1ency, announced. ltet&ll L. ~ of San Gabriel hu ~ Carl Kuelter Eaterprlaea, lac. aa vice president of marketinc. He wu vice pretident, mana1ement 1Upervlaor for Cochrane Chue, Ll~ and Co. Ip Irvine. W. Mlcllael Ro•1en of Mt.ion Viejo h.aa been appointed aenior vice president for realdential and project management of Sllearsoa/ A.merleaa Espresa Dnelepmest Corporalloll in Newport Beach. #5 Watson, 1,vine, 11 the OMOM addr"' of an tH0,000 main facility deqned and built tot Roberta and Jllhon t a pattnerahlp, and leaaed to .JW.. ... a.n.. i.e. The project wat planned and ~ b~ A.rftlteca.nl,...... ftrie of Santa Ana. conatructed by Cleek c.ancdell of 1rv1ne aDd ~~' Farmers wl Merelauu of El Toro. Jlllaon and Roberta, Inc. manuflicturee deqner linea of lift wrap, ribbon, lift boxes and U.... paper eold ln ataUonery •::r:,j department 1torea ad • ty lhopt. Mreo Cno1eatca, a divilion of Alrco, !nc., announced compledon of a c:uttomer terVioe center in Pltt8bu.J'lh. 'nie f.acillty ii equipped to handle repa.in of equipment uaed ln the production and diltrlbution of Industrial .... The Irvtne-bued architectural art pla.nnlnB firm of ~l701okl Auoclatu won two Gold Nuget awards -lncludina a IJ'8Dd award -for lta planning of a pro po1ed-4 0 3 -a c re development in San Juan Capistrano. 1'he annual dulgn and planning comp~tition waa apc>IWOl'ed by the Pacific C.O.t Builders c.onterence and Builder ~kt Auoclatel received the grand award in the ca\e80f'Y "Beat Site Plan -Over 25 Aaerl' and a merit award ln the category "Best Mixed-Ute Site Plan (.Retldentlal and Commerda1 -An Sm)." Boeh were f~ Klyotok.tr. p1ann1na of J'orater Canyon, a propoted development by Aroaa Development and Manapment, Inc., of Cotta Mesa. Jon Elmore of San Juan Capistrano haa been named director of property management in the industrial and comrnerdal real •tat.e firm of Croebll, ~e1 ft Co,, Santa Ana. To celebrate ita ninth annivenary and the redecora~ of ita offices at 3420 Bmtol, ca.ta Meaa -Lyaa Carol Employmeat Aceaey and Zip TemporHJ Pel'IOllDel Senlcet will hoet an open hou.te June 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. Export talk set in Irvine Manuel K. Rodriguez, part.net. Export Ami.stance Services, will diacu9 developments in export adminiatration compliance activitiee at a meeting of the Wocld Trade Center ~lion of Orange County. It wilf be held July 12 at 11:30 a.m. at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. Rodriguez baa ma naged international operations for Dataproduc ts Corpo ration, Datum Incorporated, and Kwlkaet aales and service division of Frnhart Corporation. i..-,.., .°'!. '"" . ... 22 • J 2 .... 1 • ·-J • ... , .... " . , ... 1w • 1.. .... , . .., JI,, • .. ... 1V1 + ~ 2 .... I.. 2"' + ... "" . ... M"' + 11" , ........ ,.., .. "' ,.., . ... .... . ... >'• + .. . . "' J • .... ,... . .... ,,, . ""' 1"-• ,_.. ~· Up 2:U UP IU UP I U Up M.J Up M.J Up w.J Up IU Up l'-J VP IU Up It S Up 11 I Up 11 I UP 111 Up 111 Up t .T UP tA Up U Up 1.1 Up 7 I Up ''° Up .. , UP '1 Up ., UP U Up •.J Up u LMt C"9 Pct. 11 -• OH "o 1?'. -,.. OH "' s -· Off .. , • -.. OH 1s t ,.--l1 Off 1S • 2'9 -•• Oft ue , -,, Off "J 2 -1>-M Off IJS .._ -"' OH tt • J -"'OHll l 2 "-Oftl11 • -'"Off 111 21'1 -loo Off lOS "" -"' Off 10.A 2w "-Oft IOG 10\oo -1... Oft ... tllo -1 OH ti """ -"• Off •• ..-.. -" Otl ,, 2-. -'• Oft ,, '"" 1.. Oft • ' ,_, • .. Oft,, , Ao •r Oft •S 1"' .. Off • I ,.._ '-OH '' iv. '• Off '1 MICI AM S.511 6.01 WIMIOllt "'" Ml. MSa fff lS.SZ NL ~ 9lft Ul 10.11 MdWIOl<t t... NL MV"_.F.Nt~ ... ea G,... UI U • Hellkl L21 .... M""* tf °'""9: NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ._,,,., ...... ..CWN fUOUON '"' .... •OH, Mtow1n. '"'"(· ,,., IOHO•, OIHOlf .... Ctlf(t••ATt ITO(I u ........ aai• ••,..non'"'""'••• ••n1111n • .. to stUdy recorder fight WASHINGTON (AP) -Tb• U.S. Supreme c.ou.rt aaz-d today to ret.r. a bWJon-dollar fllht plttlnl movie producen ap1nlt maken ol ~Y popular home video recorden. • The court -.id lt will review a ruJJ.n8 that 1he manufacturers ·may be Hverely penallied for copyrlaht lnfrlngement cauaed by mllllon1 of Americinl tlPb,11 ielevlmon ~ The lower court'• ru.lioa atUnned the electnwdcl · lnduatry and reaulta ln aeveril~ tn ~to 1ettle the d.lapuie over the ta of wlevW!d movlet and other procran:w. The doel not aubject to individual UabWty ~ t\9\1.ma 5 mW.Ion Americant who own vtdeo recorden. Micro General gets funding Micro General Corporation of Irvine tip~ agreements to obtain $775,000 ln venture capital flnandna. 11'.he qreementa provide for tale of 775,000 lharft of convertible pteferred 1tock at $1 per ~. which are convertible, an)'1ime within five ye.rs, to common •tock at $.50 per ahatt, subject to adjustment under certain conditions. The muance ii subject to approval of ahareholden at the annual meettnc .checfuled ln July. Pu.rcbaaen include Oxford Venture Fund of Stamford, Conn., u lead lnveator and Innoven of Saddle Brook, N.J., and a limited number of private lnveston. Downey profits increase Downey Savino and Loan hued in Costa Mesa repe>rta its •vtno balance hat increa.ed $tJO million this year, with $22 rnillioo of it comiJl8 in May. The S&L aleo says checkina accounts for the year are up 45 percent to $11 .5 million in account balances. · Downey says it is one of the few S&lA in the country to show a profit in the first quarter. Hughes division ge•s pact A follow-on production contract, valued at approximately $25 mllllon, for advanced audio switching equipment used in 1hipboard cornmunicationa systema haa been awarded to Hughell Aircraft Company's mic:roel«tronic aystema divilion in Irvine. 'The cont.rad, awarded by the Naval Electronic Systems Command, coven funding for 1982 production of Secure Voibe Switching (SVS) syst.ema. It calla for 45 switches, 661 control i.ndiaaton, ph• ancillary enatneerine aervicea, support, trainina. 1peres and data, and an option for 40 more switches in 1983. The initial contract, awarded in 1980, covered fundina for 68 lhip aeta. 'The fint i>roduction SVS unit waa deliveted to the Navy last June, two months ahead of ICbedule. Anaheim firm tells loss General Automation Inc. of Anaheim aaid revenues tor the third quarter were $24,344,000 with a net la. of $1,052,000, or 41 centa per abate. Thia com~ wtth revenues of $30,594.000 and net Income of tl33,000, or 5 cents, for the third quarter of the previous year. ·General Automation la a worldwide supplier of high technology computer prqducta to the end-u.:r and OEM marlietplaces. I STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW VOfllltCAP) Fine!~ ...... ~~·JYll.I._ AMERICAN LEADERS ..... T.,.~~,=.:..f2 • '"' Jf1 ..... , ..... 11111 Jlf.J>-... U Utl 10U4 '°'•• Ml.II ~ t.14 .S 5'11 >UM nt." Jtl.11 JUAI-US .... . ············ 4."'-• ,,.., • ........... ........ 951,,. ~"~ .:.:·:.:·::::·::::::::.:·: s.H WHAT STOCKS DID HEW Y()flK CAP) .n.. M ~. ,_, ~. ..... Meed GI Deel .... '°" "' ¥::-:::. ->n ,.,. ... ==-• " u D -r AlllUoo "llW ~It "'"I JV\. \4 """"· == '-,a ~ -,. UllC,_.., tu "' feQI -- ,,. ,. .......... , , ......... ts " METALS H1W YOM (Al'I -8'1ot "°"""°"' INllllll prtoll ~ c...., ?CM-11 ...... • PGl'ftd. u.a.. d a 11111111o1-. "'-' "41--• PoUl'O. a.1141 .............. . ,.. IUlfil ..... w.11 -·· ... •• o tar~n ...... ....-. ... v . ..... ..,.. ... ,. llllllL ....... _, ... .,-.,M.Y . , . MALIGNED MONGREL Bridget, a chihuahua-poodle mix, looks like she was 'fl'Ongfully accused of a rotten deed. But her rnistrea, Mn. H. El.kins of Bakersfield. said that the dog is just spoilf'd rotten and not ............. naughty. Mrs. Elkins aaid she and her husband, Hartzell, have ao children and ~ Bridget gets all the attention. She even has her own toy box. Telephone Losers named· winners surcharge reduced The 15-cent surcharge on Orange County phone custom.en' bills, to fund provision of Tel - ecommunications Devices for the ·oeaf (TDDI) will be reduced to 5 cents a month beginning July 1. Paciflc Telephone Division Manager Diane Dailaci1 said the reduction was made possible by a lighte- than-expected response from the deaf community. "Statewide, 90,000 deaf persons were expected to request the machines." she explained, "but the response by the end of the year ia expected to be around 15,000." Since institution of the surcharge in September. the trust fund reapooaible for the surcharge revenue accumulated $7 million. County money club forming The f1nt meeting of the Orange County Entrepreneur Club will be held Ji.ane 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Bolaa Grande High School, 9401 Westminster Place, Garden Grove. The club la made up of .uaduates of E. Joeeph Cossman'a recent seminar on "How to Make Money in Your Own Buslnea." Coaman will be present to help organize the club. Graduates Corona del Mar resident Janet McNalley has graduated with honors from Mills College in Oakland. She received a barjlelor's degree in economics. Readers take ~ff pounds in contest GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) - Big loeers, 93 of them, were named the winners in a sports editor's challenge to his rounder readers: take off pounds and "Beat Becker'• Bulk." Altogether. 973 readers of the Grand Rapids Press lost more than 4 'tS tons in the six-week slimming contest. the newspaper said. "Oh brother, it wasn't easy." said Trudy Haven of Grand Rapids, who took off 35 pounds to take top honors. She weighed 216 pounda at the concest start. · About 2,400 people, who entered the cont.est to try shedding PoWlda faster than aporta editor Bo6 :Becker, weighed in at official stations around the dty. After the six weeks, 973 people were game enough to weigh theimelves again. The total lom: 9,148 pounds. Say"Happy Father's Day!" with a gift from Hickory Farms:· Delight Dad with a gift from Hickory Farms:" We've got over 100 delicious gifts to choose from . in almost e\'ery price range. And we'll gladly handle all the details send· ing your gift. ff lckor1 farms OF 01110• We'll give you a taste of old-time country goodness~" Your nearby Hickory Farms'" is your year 'round gift store: s·outh Coast Plaza · 540-6991 dad's day,juna,20th Tiit loll0Wl111 PeflOn II Clolne Ml4mUtruN1i.. 1101 •01101 l<ltlOI, IM!a Ana. iuA "7f1. "°°9r1LAw11Otey,1402 ~ .. Olllld on'A=~.::. Cyotw, IMll Ma, OA tl701. T""" Dt .. ~ leldl, Ce. OAM M .Thie~ II~ 111 Ill .... THI NM'-& °'THI lndMOYll. · TNI ~ II oond-.cl by an ITATI OI CAI.If~ "°'*' LAwll Of'9Y lnctMchlll. to Af'IOMW Nf Tllll 111ttment wM Ned with ttw ~I. lt..,cf You ut htrOy olltcf end Ooun!Y Oltnl of Orenoe County on Tllll 1t11emet11 .., filed wltll ltlt ,.qulrect to ll1l'W 11 • lltttlna In Mev s. 1H2. Oountv Oltf1I Of Orenot County on 1111t oour1 on ~-'· 1N2 11 ,,..,.. June f 1, 1Na, ,.,... 1~41 A.M. 111 AOOf'll No •• 11 700 ,.ubllllhed Or111gt Cotti Dltly Y'°9 itrttldtnt llublltlltd Orano• 00H1 Dally CMo Otnl4W OfM Wttl, llnl• AM, PllOI, .i-t, •• t5, 22. 1H2 Thll flaMmellt ... lllld Wiit\ IN Hot .NM 111 12, It, .My 11.'..~ OA. 4 INI U 7o-ta County CWl of Or-. ~ on irMr.a2 Oiied. Jllnt •· · •-.,. llft-June ~. 1N2. ---------LEI A. IMNOH, Oltt1I ,._ ""'._ C~ a KAtOM Mt.IC NOTICl ly1 TOM IUfllHS. ~ty ,IOTmOUI llUINll ATT()MfYI A'f LAW • -----------KLIJN a CU'TLM tNC. NAm ITATD*NT 91 ........ C.... °"'9 "°~ ......... ... ... .,....~ ..... -Thi loflOwlno l*IOfll .,. dolnO ... -MAMI ITAftmMT ..,.._AM. CA..,._ bu~ ta: ~CA m1f.n• TM fOlloWlllO Ptttonl.,. doing , ... (?Ml........ C'UT LA VIE CAfl an South tMlllntM • '"b111hecl Orana• CoHI Dilly cout Hwy L•oune ietcf\ C• 1 a ,. fllfllOMOTIOHI, * ao. fttlo4 June 1a. u. a . J\Jt't e. 1ee2 92161 .. • · Otnterl lam• Ana. CA 127oi. "37-12 c L v Inc ~· C allrornle I & fll ,,.oducltl lnl, lno. I ' 011ttor11l1 oorportllon. 804 io. t:::!'::'cn~~. •i2~1 Hwy ' ---.,.-.. -.,.-llft------ 0..,ler, Sent. Ml, OA n1oi. l'UBltC NOTICE fhlt DutlnMe 11 conduct9d by • ..._ ""'-oc:;:.:--It oondu*d by a COfl)OfltlOn. --~,~OUNT==AIN~~Y~AU:-:-:.IY~-- I l ·,. ltroduell Intl tno ~A~I C.L.V. Inc. IC~ IM9TNCT H1J MMow, Pri.iidettt . Thi lolowlng petlON .,.. Thia 11:r~~IT=:.4;'n Ille ttemel OI' ADCWn0M TNI ....,,.,. Wl9 flled with tl'le ~ ta: COU Clettl of Or Coull °" ~ Ofll CowltY Qerti of °'lll9t County on EXCEPTIONAL HOMES nty lnQI ty on INftNT TO UAIS Junt 1t, 1H2. ,1t11'11 INVUTMENTI, 18371 llMr Line. Mty 21• tN2. ,,_ ~~T Put1n1t1ed or1ng• cou1 D111 Hun~:';; ~R~A ~::;r Put111eh1d o11ng• co111 0111y .., NO. a.11 Piiot., June 111, a2, 2t, .My I, 1tl ltne, Huntinciton eMcti, CA t2847. Pilot Mey 211. Jvf1e 1, 8, 111, IH2 NOTICE IS HERESY OIVEN THAT 267242 MARTHA A. ILAKI!, 20182 2302-82 THI! FOUNTAIN VAU.EY SCHOOi.. ---.---.,.-llft-~----Mldlllld i.-, Huntlng!On Beldl, ••.,. MftftM'. OISTRICT hU deeltred thll Ille ,._ ""'-,.. 92..... .-~ ""'"4 1o11ow1ng ,.., Pf09t"IY _. "°' be ""' -· neeOld lor o.troom purpoeea: HCttrlOUI Wll CLAYTON T. OAKLEY. 17312 FOUNTAIN YAU.SY Ont (I) GIWOOl'll 11 WtrdllrM MAMI ITATWT Mii Clrdl, Himtlnglon lelc:fl, CA IC~ IMITMCT School, 9 tt1 Pion Hr Orin, Tll• followlng pel'IOll II doing t214T.]_· ... oA&..~ .. _ ............. ..., NOTIC9 °" ADOPTtOM Of' HuntlflOlon BMctl, ClllfOf'nll. ~ M ' •-......,_ ...,......,...., ~, 1 IU~UTIOM Of' INftllfT TO Thi Boerd of Tru11111 of 1114 NEWPORT AIRI! IYSTl!M8, gentrll perlnel'lhlQ. l.IAM IUN't.UI DllllltCT s I 01 I 15St Monrovia Ave .. Ntwpo11 . AIYfn H. HIJ1 MAL NOl'IRTY Founttln V1lley choo ltr ct e.cn. ca. t:zee:s Thie 111temen1 wu filed with the .., NO. 12•12 :,:-to ..... tf\e l.cllttlM '° CMt1e1 Her1ty Nor1on. 330811 Coull~ Clettl of Ortnge County on NOTICE IS H!.REBY OIVl!N THAT end !~n=l~11;91~T. ~5 Ct., Sin .iu.. Cec*trano. June • !tit ,,... ~iT~~~~N d-:~ ~~ Relolullon of tf\e S-d, Aeeotutlon Thll ~ II oondUcted by M Publl•h•d ora,,o• Co111 Dilly lollOwfno ,.., Pfopett)' wll not be Nor::·~lnlmum montf\fy IHH lndMduel. Piiot. June 8. 15. 22. 29. 1982 needed lor c1-oom purpoeet: payment for 1119 term of the ,_ Ctlwtel Henry ~on 251)-82 Ont (1) Ql-oom 11 Buaf\1td enlll not Ile .... thin ,242 .,., Thi• mtement wu fled with the School locllld 11 1teff EdUCllon month '* a-oom. The minimum County Clerk of Ortngt County on -----------Lani. Huntington BMoll. Cllllor..W.. monlf\ly 11111 payment tor Jvne 11, 1tl2. ,,_,114 flta.IC NOTICE Tf\1 Board of Tru1t1H ol th• aubHquent period• miy b• Publl1hed Orin~ CoHt Diiiy NOTICI OF MARaHAl'I IAU! Fount1ln vi: SchO~::.wlct edju9ted by '"-ConMHner Prloe PllOt ~ 111, 22, 29, Jlit'f •• 1te2 p l A INT IF F w ILL I AM A r..olvel to the I I IO Index -"* -· ,~ II 21184-12 SPENCER "' DEFENDANT ~!~n=a~e';'ln~ the end of lhe le11e period A -------TM'-r___ PHILLIP A SPILLER No 41 724 Reeolullon of !hi Boerd Rl9olullon lfCUflly depollt "'IY be required rtaJC N01.-..... . prior 10 occ:upenc:y 8y v111ue of en eaecuuon lnu.... No. 82·52. No commllllon lhllll be peld lllY '1C'TIT10U9 llU .... 1 on May 211. 11182 by th• Munlellpll The minimum monthly IHH llolnMd rMI "11111 l>rOllll' In 111111 NAMI ITATl*NT Courl Harbor Judicial Olttrlcl. PIYIMf'll fOf the tll'm of the ..... regard, i nd lf\lrt lhlll be no Th• tollo11tlng pet1on 11 doing County ol Ortnge Stat• ot llllall not be ._ lhln 1121 Plf deduction from tny propoHJ In bulllleet • C1J1lotn11. upon• 1udgmen1 1nterec:t montf\ per cl...,.oom The mlnlrn\lm hi..o.-. -OREEN BELT LANDSCAPE. n favor of WILLIAM A SPENCER monthly lllH p1ym1nr for dettrmlnlng 11\e ,...,._, r.....-,- 117 Vltglnla Pl., eo.t• Mela. CA 11 fuOgmenl (CfeclltOtl•l •nO IQllntt 1ub11qu1n1 period• may be ~led propollll 10 lelM t ld 92827 PHILIP A SPILLER U ju<lgmenl ldju119d by thl Contumer Price ec.l....o by llMI J.im. R. &<-. 187 Virginia debto<l•I Showing • net bll~ ot Index tnnUll -809 rellecled II ~9d m;:: !. 11\e Fountlln Pl, Coetl Mela. CA t2127. $4 154 60 ec1u111y due on 1110 th• 1nd of th• te•H ptrlod. A Valley School Olllrlct Education Thll bulw-II conduc1ed by M 1udgment on the dlle of 11\e MOUrlty depollt m1y be ,..quired C«itll' 17210 Olk Street Fo<lnlaln lndlvldi*. 1t1U1r>c:1 of said ex.cuuon. I h1v1 Pl'lor to ~· Vllllly ' Clllfomll. 92708' no 111., J-R. a....i 1ev,.d upon elf the right, title and No commlNlon tl\111 be Plld lrf'/ tllM i·oo pm J ne 22 ite2 Thie Ital-I wu flled with !hi 1nter1111 of NICI judgmtnt debtOt(t) NcenMd rNI eellll broil• In lf\lt Befort accep~ny w;ltten County a.ti of 0renge Countt on in the propet1y on lhe County of r1g1rd, •nd lhtr• thlll be no propollle 1111 led omc. ~ 11, 1t82. '19112 Ore no• State of C1ttforn11. deduction from tny propo111 In &hall ci ti for or b ddlng Any Pu~ n.-Co Mt Dell)' dffct1bec:I u IOllOwt delll'minlng the f\lghell relC)Onelbll h h h I 'f .,._..,.. e fte1 R11t property Commo"fY blddll' pereon w O II e re o or~ Plot, Nl'9 111• 22. 2t. Jiut'/ 2474-12 ~nown H , 21575 frv1ne Blvd In the ~ Pfopoeell to ,._ Mid submitted 1 wr1tlll'l bid mllY IUl>mit Coty. ol Cotta Mesa. lhe County of property mutt be rlelelVed by the 11'1 oral bid eJ«:MdlnO by II '-' ----.---.,.-NO-TIC(____ Oranoe. and th• St11t of C1Ulomla. dlleg•tld offloer 11 1111 Founllln five P«Cll'll tf\I f\lgheat writtll'l bid. ,._ The SoulhNl19fly recllln(lullf V•ll•y Scf\ool Olllrlct Education ~r== r~:. ~,:'~ NOTICI Of11 one-hail of lot 81 ol trlCI No 37fS, C«il•, 17210 0111 Slrell, Fountlin leeM euc:tl IOfm&I ll8I heretofore .,.,.,..... IA.LI u eh own on • m•P thereof Vlltfr/ ce11fom1a. t2708, no 11111' • T.I. No. m-.. recorded In book 16 pege 2t. thin i:oo p.m •• June 22. 1t82. ~ IPCl'°"90 by 11\e Soito of T.O. SERVICE OOMPANY M duly M1tcett1n1ou1 M1ps rtcoroe ol 81tor1 1cc1ptlng 1ny wrlt11n ~Cl of Trust-~ mlll• 1ppolnted Tr1111tt undtr th• Slld Otll'lge County propo1111, the delegtled olflctr 1,_. delll'mlnlltlon .. 10 ~ 10 followlna deec:rfbed deld of tlWI E1t01PllnQ therefrom 11111 portion 1h1ll call for oral bidding. Any ,..... Mid ldlUll wltNn let! (10) WILL S!U. AT PUBLIC AUCTION ol "Id, Land lying Southlll19fly eon who f\u hll'elotor1 aubrllltt daye ttttr receipt of bide TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR end E1tterly 01 ll'le Notth-terly • •rltttn bid may aut>mlt 11'1 orll bid 1nlorm1tlon concerning th• CASH (pey1lble at time of .... In and W11t1rty llr>H ol parcel 137.01 111ceedlng by 11 11111 five (6%) Pfoe>OMI lhOuld be addreeeed to· lewflll moMY of the United Stltel) Oetcrtbec:l In the dffd olthe CounlY petcent thl f\lgf\MI wrlttll'I bid, Thi FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL .. rtgtlt. title Ind ln.__1 COrlvered ot Otenge recorded July 23 1989· f\ign.1 retpOnllbll bidder thlll be DISTRICT 17210 Oak Strllt to end 'now hl6d by It under Mk1 on book 9028 pege 4 Ollic111 rtqulfld lo 11tecut1 11\e form of Fountain v• Cellfotnla. t210e' Deed ol Trull In 1h• prop11ty r.cOfda ...... IUCll lormtt 1181 heretofote (7141 &42~1• Altll'ltlOn Naomi ,_..,._. delolbed: SWC 1rv1111 Avenu1 and Men bell"I epproved by Ille Bowd of Wlelend • TRU8TOR: JAMES MU88l Y, M O<lvl. Newport 8eecti. C11ilotnl1. TNli.M F~ y..., lc:hool unm1rrled man 111d RANDY Code 63026. P11cel No. The8oltdofTN1t-lhaltmlk1 Dlltrtctllosd9'T.,,.._ 1 ::'.,ART• I..,_ men, Ill 11 joint 43~~~16:01s HERESY GIVEN tf\lt =-de=I~=.: ~ ~'i 1m ,,_ D ...... aENl!,,CIAfllY: ENflllOUE on TuHOay. June 2t 1t82 11200 deyl alt• r-'C>I of bid-. ~·~ty~H2 CASTn.1.AHO. en-"*' lnlfl. o clocll pm 11 County CourthouM, lntormatlo-n concerning 'h• Publlthed Or~• cout o.i1y flleootdld Jlit'f 1. 1te1 11 trwtr. 4801 Jamboree Btvd (lrot\I ot Pfoe>OMI "'°""9 be eddfWd 'o: 8 5 t82 No. 444 In book 14123. P1Qe 465 of Courthouse), City of N1wpor1. FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL Pllol, June '· • 1 ' 1 239().82 Offtcltl Aeoofdl In !hi ofllol of the County ol Orang1. State of DISTRICT, 17210 Olk Slrtll, ------------ Aeoofds of Orenge County; Ilk! CaJllOl'l'ltl, I wrn self II publle IUClion Fountain Vlllty, calilomll, g2708, P\11.IC N011C[ deed of 1ru1t de1orlbe1· the to the h1ohes1 bidder. !or c11h •n (714) 142.e&51, Atlll'ltlon: Ntoml -~~~~=~=~~~ to11owtng propll'1y; l1w1ul money ol the Unltec:t Stites. Wlel111d. NOTICa Of' 11IUITU'I IA&i PARCEL 1: , all the right tllle and interest of said Ottld Mty 27, 1982 T.I. No. m 1w Loi 74 of Trw:t No. 942:3, In Ille jU(lgmenl debtortt) 1" lhl l l>O.,. FOUNTAIN VALLEY LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE City of lntnl, County of o.._,,., CIHCflbld property or 10 much SCHOOL DISTRICT COAPORATIOH 11 duly eppoint9d Sta of Callomle, II"'°""" on I thefeol H m1y be nKetlll)' to BOARD Of' TRUSTEES Trull II under the loll owing mtp -ded In book 408, P1Q1e Hlllly ea;ct ellec:uhon with ICClued J-0. Woeet deecribed deed of lrult WILL SELL 111 to 21 boll\ lnolu1lv1 , 1n1eretl ano c:ostt Clertl of Ille S-d AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE M~ M.-, In tf\I office of Oatlld June 1. 1982 Publlehed Or1ng1 Cout Dally HIOHEST Bl ODER FOR CASH th1 County Reoordtt of Hid OM11on Harbor Piiot June 1, s. 15, 111s2 (Plyeble 11 time of .... In lawful Couf\ty Rlc:f\lrd E Benn 23"--82 money of the United SlltH) 111 EXCEPT THEREFROM II oll, 1111. <Dick B11nes> right. 1111• lr1d .,,,.,.., C(lf'l...,..0 10 mlnetltl Ind ~ h)'dlocertlol•. Plelntllft Auomey ptBJC NOTIC[ lr1d now NICI by it under a9d o..o below 1 depttl of 500 feet, wltflOut 508 S. Harbor ervo of TNlt In tM Pf09t"IY het'linllt• the right of 1urt1ce entry, 11 A"lhelfn. C1lllorn11 92905 ..._,.. deK:rlbed rtllfYld In "*"-ti of ,_d. Don E. Rhea NOnc:. CW ""'9Tlrl IA&i TRUSTOR. ROBERT R. RACm. PARCEL 2: Mwlhal, No. T.1.1111 BENEFICIARY JOSEPH I 1 An excluelve euement tor Ortnge County On June 26, 1912. at 11:00 a.m .. DELMAN pettllng purpo111 over lhlt portion By S. Hyeong. PEOPLES INVESTMENT ANO Recorded Marci\ 17. ttat .. of Loi 237 of Mid TrlC1 No. 9423, Deputy LOAN ASSOCIATION .. duly lnttt. No 224n In~ 13te4 ptge ehown on Exhibit "A" to the PubUlhtd Orang• Co111 Dally 1ppolnl1d Tru111e und1r ind 15'8 of Offlclll Recotdi In Ille office OedlrllUOn of ~ '°' TM P1tol June 8. 15. 22 1982 ~I to Oe«I of Trust recotded of 1111 Recorder of Ortng1 CoYnty, Ube Miiter AllOcletlon, ,_ded 2437·82 Jwie t , 1tl1 II lnetr. No. 13'42 Mid deed of tNst dllcrlbel t"9 eptemb•r tt. 1t77, In book ~ 14092. pege 1334, of Ofllcllll tolowlng PfOl*tY: 12312, pag• 1285 of Ottlcl•I Recorde, IQCUfed l>y: .Hl1fr~ w. THE LANO REFERRED TO ~ 11cerpontpeoe74, Slid Pla.JC NOTICE L1•l1 111d lorr1ln• O. L1wl1, HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE euement II further dtflnecf and Hual>and 11\d ...... joint ltnlnt• STATE Of CALIFORNIA, COUNTY dHOrlll•d In Artlol• VIII of th• ,OUNTMN YAU.Ft .. ll'llllOB, In the ofllol of the OF ORANGE, ANO IS DESCRIBED Oeclenltk>n of flleltrtctlonl for Thi ICMOOI. DtlTillCT County Recorder of Orangt County, AS FOLLOWS: LlllH Planned Oev1fopment, NOTlCI Of' ADOl'1lON °' Slit• of Ctllfomla. WILL Sfll AT PARCEL 1: Tiie IOUlh-letly recorded 8ep4emOer 19, 1tn, In UIOLUTION cw *TINT TO PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST -.11111 of IOI 9 In blocll A of book 12 ot Offldll Aeoordl. LaAll IUfllft.Ue DleTNCT BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y1ble II Hlt'I*. In 11\e city of Coett .,.__ PAAC1!l.3: MAL~ llmloftllllnlawfulmoneyoftf\e county ol Ot1nge. 1111• rl A~........,, for VM _,NO. a -11 Unll1d St1t11)~· South front Celltomla. u per "'IP rt.corded In • and et1foytnln1ofLoa237 Ind 238 NOTICE IS HEAEBY OIVEN THAT tnlrltlCI to the CounlY old book e p1ge 27. ml1cell1n1ou1 of Hid Traci No. t423, Hid THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL CourthOUH, Clly 0 S•nt• An•J m .. In the otflcl of the county eeaament being f\lfther defined Ind DISTRICT hll declared Iha! tf\1 81111 of Cllltomll.111 l'IOhl, tllle lllG recorder of Mid county. dt1orlb1d In Arllol• II Of Ill• fOllowlng , ... pr°'*1Y wlll not be lntAWell con'l9)'ed to Ind now held PARCEL 2: Th• nortf\Hllerly DecWatlon of Aeltrk:1lonl for the nMded tor cl-oom prupoeaa: by It under Mid Oe«I of T""' In !hi ~ of IOI 8 In bk>ck A of Lak• ~ AllOCllUon ,....,.,.., ,our (4) cl111room1 1nd lf\1 property lltU119d In Mid County -wper 1n !hi city of eo.te Mela. to In PtrOll 2 lbo\4. kitchen et Wwdlow Sdlol IOelled It and S1111 d11crlb1d 11: Thi! .:ounly of Or1nge, et ate of • YOU AAE IH DEFAULT UNOER A t1t1 Pion.er Drive, Huntington portion of Lot 2. lloc* I, TrlCI 111S, CIAtomle. 11 per map NOOrOeC1 111 DEED Of TRUST OATE.O JUNE 1S, Betdl, CellfomlL In tlle City OI N1wpo11 Beach, booll S page 27, mlacellan.oua 1M1 UNLESS YOU TAK.E ACTION Th• Board of Truet ... of Ille County Of Or1ng1, Stal• of mape, In the Office of the oounty TO PROTtCTYOUR PROPERTY IT Fountain Velley 8cf\ool Olllrlel c.ittomi., II P« m-.> reoorded In rtcordtr of Hld..county. Str .. t ' MAY IE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. r11o1Yt1 10 ..... the tdtlll IO book 17, PIG9I 311 to 38 lnclutlve. tddrne: t 830r"'t 832, 1832~ If YOU HEED Af'I EXPLANATION lndicll~ 11>ove vndef Ille 1.-nte MleoellanloUI Mtp1, In !hi offloe of Hftpor1 81Yd. Coat• MESA, CA. Of THE HAT U A E 0 F THE end condition a 1t1t1d In 11\e lhe county re.corder of Hid YOU ARE IN OEFAULT 1JHOEA A I PAOCHDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Relolutlon of !hi Bolrd, ReilOIUtlon County. O E E 0 0 F T R US T 0 A T ED SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. No. 82-61. B1glnnlng It tf\1 Sou1hlllt FEBRUARY 1, tM1 UNLESS YOU I 74 Liii..,.,_. tn1tie, CA Tht minimum monthly IHH conw of Mid lot 2 and "-TAKEACT!Ot4 TO PAOT!CT YCXM "(It • ..,... ldck'tlt .or common ptymtnl tor IM term of the .... w~. llong IM Southll1y llnl of PAOPtATY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A detlg111tron 111hown above, no 1h1U 1101 be leu thin Two Mldlot,18.lfeM:ttlanoeNor1tlefty PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEO AN ( wart1nty 11 given II 10 111 o I 1I1 room II • 1 I to I point In the H<•1hll'IY llne of EXPLAHATIOH Of THE NATURI! oomplelenlll Of correctnaae)." 1 1242/month/claHroom: Two Mid Lot, '*'8111 IMAlon, h .8 fMt Of THI PAOCEEDIHO AOAIHST The lleneftcllry under Nici Oeild 0 I • I • ' 0 0 m • • I Waaterty of IM Nof1t-i corner YOU, YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A Of T'Nlt, by r-..on of a ~ or f 170/mo11lh/clulfoom: Kiie'*': thereof: t11tr10e E.Mt111'1Y. llol'O ~d LAWYEft. ~ Ill "" obllgellone ltOlnd ftto/monlh. Tht minimum momtlly Nonherl)' llnt, 81.1 , .. , IO -The beneflc:6llly 111\dW "'° Died ltltreby, r.atofol• __. Ind l•H• payment tor 111b11q\1111t NorthMll =~ ~--~· of TRiii, by -of • btMCfl ot dellvered 10 Ille \lnd.,..lglled Plf'lodt mey be ecl)lllted by tl'le ltOrlCI the ..... .,1 Mid lol defallt 1n tt11 otllgdotit teC1ncf Wttt1e11 Dlc8retlon of oefd Ind Co111um1r Price Index 11111u1I 15.e& .... 10 tit point of bealnnlno. ~ ... ~ ..-outed #Id Demlnd for Sele, and ...ittan nottoe lwrl!llt reftlcted 11 tt1e and of 1t1e Th• 1trett llddr•• and other d .. 1.,,.,9cf to the unctetllgllM 1 • of tnlCtl Md of eteotlon IO ..,... period. A llOUfftY dtpOlll fMY oommon .......... If lllY• of 1t1t ~ O.OWatlon o1 o.t.iMll Ind Illa \lnd•r=d to Hll llld be~ ptlof 10 ooouoencY· f9lll proper1y dalOrlbtd lbOW 11 Dtmend for Sele. ..o .,._ noetot P'Ol*'Y 10 .. ~ NO oomm1111on thll lie plld M'f purporltd to bt: 1104 Ooe1n of llrWlll end of lllealklft eo ..... and 1her .. ner the u11derllgned llo9nlld reel eetate ~Ill INI lot{IWld. ..._, ~ th• u11d•r=d to ••II atlf -..CS..,noetotofbrteelfllnd 11g1td, 1nd tlltrt 1h1ll be 110 ~Tnt \lllC1tra1911ed ffUltee property to ef11c1 ~ • .._.,,, to 11e "900rded Metcill . ?1 deduction ff om any propeMI In e111e1almt 111y ll1btllly for eny and t1'4tfMtt., the "n~ 11U ..... NO. 12~r.i. at .. dtt'"'*ilnO ttll llW*I rell*Mlll* lllCIOf11C11-of ... *'!"' ..... o..tlllCI Mid nottoe of.....,.. ... - Oflclltl "9oora lllddtr. Ind oetlS ~ ~· •• ....... tlllCIOll '° rtOOrdld ~ ... lald aal• wlll be med1, but letltd ~ to ..... Mid llft, lflclW!I ttertll\. 11U • lnttr. No. Q.094741. wlll\out oove11ent or werr1111y, Pl'OC*1Y mutt be feoelWd by tN lalel talt •Ill be macft, but lelCI HI• wlll b• med•, but ....,.... "'. implled, ......,.. llltl, clellgeted olftOw at ttle FountMI wltho11t oovenen' or w1rre11t.,, wttllovl eovenant or wef'ttlllty, 11rn1111on. or ~ to Vltlty lcl\OOI 0111r101 lduoetlOft ~or ""*9d1 teQlrdinl ..._ ....... or ""'9111d. ":: ..... perf111~..._..unof c.Mtr, 172100tllav.,,Ollnteln 11011111IC111, or_......._ to 11 11 la 1; or~ .. tM llOll(lt ...... by Mid Died of V*t Ctllfot'Mll. 11101. no ..._ per ._ rwMinlllG llftllOINI llMI Of per .. ,......,.. PftN1pe1 .. 11 TMl. wW1 .,.,_ • In .... note Nn i-oo p.m., Jvnt tt, tlU. IN llCM ....-~ ... Dael of 1M Mii ......r llW ... 0... .. .,,..,..., ........ W ..., undilr aetort Me"9JPllftl ll'Y wrtU9" fNll, Wltfl .,...,.., lherMn, M TNll, .. ..__ • Ill Mid ... "; h ......... -.... Detll .. fNM; ptOOOQll, tfle ~ oftlo9' pnrMM "' ............... ,,.......... ........ ...,, ...... J,I ..-. °'*"'.,.. __ ., et1alt eell tor ortl ttddf"t· Any ...,1..llftdef ._"""'of 11611 Died ti.·--.-..., o... till 'TNlt. TNMM ......... .,, ........ ., perton •llO tlU ll•t•tofOft f H\ltl. ••••• 01\lfttt anCI ...................... ... .... 0... ol Ttult I ~ a.,..,. bid,,_..,... of -itNIMe tnd., .. T,__ _of .. """' ....... ., ta14 .... Wiii ....... ,. Oft .,. cnl l*I •oll""8 by ....... v~a ... IWM~ .!!.!.!Id ~ Dael ., TMI. A .......... ~ 1.1tlllll:GOPA. 1tw. (Mi ..._.. of ... --T•-· ..... -.-.. 111111-MM•W• ,,,.,... .. ----~ ...,. .... ,,..,..._.,., .. , to'9;•:~··• .. 11to , ••. •• .-. c11....-11 r...-~:.: ::'& ~ :::--: :...~:::: ,-ni:;::, • ..:.°= ....... -·,.=..-=:.= -~ ..... bi .. ...,..,.,.. , ..... "!4~~ ~-Qrw. At eh tlll'li of 11'9 lftlllll ._.,ti T~ ;.,--;..; At I o tlll'IO et "'' 1"11101 ,iHulanGf .......... M._ ,_...,.. .. T,__....... .. .......... .:........ ., ... ~ .... ~ ......................... , ...... "::'ti ,,. ......... =-.......... ~ .... m.r= :r .: .. -=:: :.=.=1~: • .i~~ ~ ... ..Ju:= :r ,,_..::.i .................................. ,,..."""'-"II'' --.. -..... ••EL ... 14HH•I .. 144,ttr.n . To ..... ; .... ....... ~ ... ., •• ~ .. ,ft., • • 11111 ____ ._ Ill YA ...... t.!I ..... -'· ,,. °" . r'.'1 ~ .'ldt= 'Srwar' opens tor summer . , at Harlequin &1 ... 1Ylft Two yHtt a10\ &ho Harlo~uln Dtnnor ~ 1ntr'Clduc9d 'Grew'' to onn,. O>unty • and the lhow became the ,... of the IUllVDll'. Lut year history vtmaany repealed lwlf wtlh ''The Wta." Now &ho Harlequin la mountln1 another IWDIMI' mUllcll that theater otfk:talt hope will follow in &he footlte .. of lhc.e two productiofta - • "Supr,'' the...._ venSoQ of the mo\'ie ''6ome Uke It H°'-" It opem 'l'riday and will run throu8h Labor Day weekend. Bruce Wyn.ant and Mark Sawyer take the leldlna rolet pol>U1arized by Jack Lemmon and Tonr, Curtis on the ICl'flen, with Ada Neria cut in the 'Marilyn MON'Qe part" of the et1!XY anpr and Jewen Collier playina the leader of the all-girl orc.bestra infiltrated by two felloWI bi~ • .. Supr'' will play ntahtly except Mondays at varytna cu:rta1n tlmee at the Harlequin, ·3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Reeervationa are being taken at 979-6511. . j· Five other shows complete their acheduJed Nnl on local aaaea thia weekend. B6ddina farewell are .. The Man Who Could See Tbrou&b ~" on South eout ~·Second siaae. ''On Golden Pond" at Sebuttan 1 West Dinner Playhouse, ''Clme Tlee" at the Newport Harbor Act.on 11\eater, "Sav Goodniaht, Gl'8de" at the lrYtne Cunmunity 'lbeeter and ••Happy Birthday, Wanda June" at the M1-icln Viejo Playhouae. Ja.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-..--lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ _. Charles Lanyer and Linda Purl com~ the cut of ''The Man Who Could See 1brou&h Time." playina tonlaht throuah Saturday at 8:30, s~ at 8 P"°· anCl weekena matineee at 3 p.m. at 8CR, ~5 Town Center Drive, c.o.ta Mesa. Reeervationa 957-4033. Pat O'Brien, his wife and daUC}lter head the caat of "On Golden Pond," bowing out at Sebaatlan'a, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Performance• will be given tonight through sun::zo at varying curtain tlme9. Re.ervationa 492-. "Cloee '!lei" winds up ath Newport Harbor Acton 1beater, 390 Monte Vista St., c.o.ta Mesa, with cloalng performancea Thursday through Saturday at 8 p .m . and Sunday at 2:30. Raervatiom 631-5110. Irvine'• "Say Goodnight, Gracie" often ita final performa.ncea Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Turtle Rock Community Park auditorium, Sunnyhlll Road off Turtle Rock Drive. 'llcketa are available at the door, infonnation 557-7297. 11'9 Mimion Viejo Playhouae oompletee ita aeaaon with final performances of "Happy Birthday, Wanda June'' Friday and Saturday at 8:30 in the Forum TbMtel' on the Fe.Uval of Artl ' grounds, Lacuna Beach. Re.ervationa 830-9252. Ftve other local abowll continue their respective ~ta. They are; _..,,.tnet" on the~ of South c.o.t Repertory, 65!5 Town C.enter Drive, c.o.ta Me.a (957-4033), playing nJcbtly except Mandaya at 8 p.m. (1:30 Swidays) and weekend afternoom at 2:30. 1 -TM BU Seei" at the Newport Theater Artl Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach (87~143), on stage Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.. and Sunday at 2 p.m.. -A Mu for All Seuw" at the HunUn&fon Beech ~hoUle. Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Seecltff Vlllaa lhoplJina cent.er (847-4465), ~ ~.Y and "Saturday at 8:30. -N9t Now, Darlblt" at the c.o.ta Mesa Ovic Playhouae on the Orance County Fairgrounds (754-5159), playing Wedneaday, Tburaday, Saturday and Sunday at 8:30. -"You Flake or Mme?" at the San ClementJ! · Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrlllo, San Clemente (492-0465), continuing Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. •• j CALLBOAAD -The Irvine Community 'lbeeter la wkina • larae CMt for 26 IPNldna roles and numerous extna for lta productioO of "lnberit the Wind" ... auditionl will be held June 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Turtle Rock Community Parle. on SunnyhW Road otf Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine, for a preOOminantly male cast . . . the abow opena Aug. 8 for four weekends, and information Is available at 557.-7297. BACUTAGE -South c.o..t ~ ball been aelected by the Foundatioo of the Dramatists Guild to receive a $12,000 grant to underwrite the premien of a new play in the iprtng of 1983 . . . ••tmt"'om will be ~ between July 15 and Sept. 15 and ahould ~ addremed to Jerry Patch at SCB, 866 Town Cent.er Drive. Costa Mesa 92626. The Fountain Valley c.ommuntty Theater will hold a mu1bJ worbhop for children and teem ;:n~~~~==..n.~~·~ t °'*>' throuch ~~ 1 to 3 p..m. and will end wlth a by the .wdentl. . .call 984-6392 for mon tnlonnation. Creator of '2001' feted in Holland THI: HAqUEi ~ (AP) -Anhur c. Clerb, the author of "2001, A 8J*J8 dd11118Y/' Ml nceiwd the Marconi Intetnatlonal J'elloWlh.lp !:.;!. ~ "°"' in the field of a.lb ii ~tillb-~ author of mon t.hm • 60 wartm ol .... fiction and .. chancellor of tho Unhael_t710l Maratuwa In Sri t.nka. Hii ~ II a tdmtlflc r 111 ll'Cber c:redlWd wtlh .,.... .. -.......... ..w ... abow the Sartti for tntercontlnontal electronic Tbat ... In 1940, alnimt two illtill ................ ...... ---Ul)UI _,.. ... ----MUltt ____ ..__ COSTA MESA: 370 £. 17th Stt-eet • 645-8700 HUNTINGTON BEACH: 160?5 Colden Wett St. • 847.ml MISSION VIEJO: Alida Town Pina • 770.2651 SANTA ANA: 1224 E.at 17th St. • 547·5871 LUXURY THEATRES E.S. SZ.51 ht Z Mltin11 Stlowin11 Unless NotH s ll''h44•IieJl•l65425s~~~, J s * FOR FOOi EXCJTfmEOTI V111t 1f: ARCADE:. ofGA."Y'l£S • .: .... .=.-=M:l~"'.-~~~~ rim.-J,'''~'-''" m j Orlnol Coelt DAILY ptLOT/Tueeday, June 18, 1882 * •ARGAIN MATIN•••• Molld1y tllfV l1turd1y All Perlormancea bef0f'9 5:00 PM ( ........... htl .. •1111 tlM HtMaya) •tftOL T8RQIJIT" <N> ----- "POL TIRGEl8T" <PO> ----- "QRIAIE 2" ,,., .............. NROCKY •" <N> • ,_ DOUY lltlllrO ... -. .. NI,-·- lAl<fWOOD ClNHP SOUTH"·"'•• "THI llOAD WANIOR" __ .. "v.T91e ...... --- ntm WRATH OP KHAN" .,._ DOUY ~ (PO) ------"ROCKY Ill" (PO> --.-.N1.-•ri "DUD .... DON'T ftAR PLAJDf' (PO> .................. "':"~JI "t11Clam11...,.....,.,.. ...... - ttQftEA81 2" IN) ------ "ROCKY In" <N> -"·-MT--.-.--- ,WAC TMIATaU DlllVf.* I_, •ms lfllfTCll tM aucn-ll't• , ... .,AT HAHCMI llVO. D .. Vf ... I CMIMU DAIVl·t• t•lllNUf .. Y6_ ,.. __ Ylllr ......... ll- ... .,.,,. .. 1 v ANAHEIM OPIVf IN ~ .... .._ ... "GMAISFIN) -.... ..,.. .. .,.. ... l,..fflO CtllMt IOUllD --------.....----------- -ntliM>AD :."1WOM" ,_ "llUTM._.r,_ Cllll·ff lOUllO .. ,, ......... BUENA PARK [Jl<.~t IH .__,,.......,.,. ... '""" ............ C.·fltoullD I-~ ..... • "GOW ALL TMI WAY" flt Ctlll • .. Wll#ID . .......... ] ......... ,._, .... , .. , 11 I -..11 \\ -IYBING-=' e.-001•• HIWI CIHAN.M'I AHGl'-I Th'" city men Incite • w•r b•twHn leudlng rnoontnlMr- • THllAINT "The M.,, Who llktld Llone" • M•A•l•H HAWAIA l'M-0 MG<illffetl ...,ctiee for lhe M.tppler of .,, _.. drug wtllcfl C9lleed 1M dNlh of • \'OUt'CI girt .,Mf~MD "Slelt Of The Ar11" A looll le t•en •I MW I~ Clll ~le wfliCtl PfO\llde toole '°" wtlell SERIES BOST -Walter Cronkite ntJ>Ortl on the world of ldenoe In h1a "Univene .. eeries tonight at 8 on KNXT (2). (I) C..NIWI 9 AllONIWI ·=-NIWI * \4i "On TIMI Right Trec:lt" (11111) G•ry Coleman, MlctlMI Leml>eek. A 10C1e1 Wotkef trlel tO lind e nor> 11\11 home tor • t,..,n 1t•· Uon llloelhlM boy with a talent tor picking the ponlet. 'PG' ._, OOOU.. DUGOUT CAMIMTH,_. "Philip Jollnaon" Rou- mond knler ln*"'-9 the ct.an ol Amet'lcan 1rctlltec:t1 from Illa offlce In lhe SNgt"" bulldlng, hie tamoue "Qllll llouN" In Connecik:ut and 1111 M- hllttln town houM. (P.,, 1) IR) ··--~ CIJCllNEWI 111 LWWf MIU.IA The 12th Pfeclncl Pfepw' .. lor a "** ~ a bom~ ., ... _ a brlefcaM by °"*1M W"'°"'' dealt a41. DODCIM PM GAMI CZ) C#BIAICOM 7:00 8 CM N1W1 G NecNEWI 9 ~DAYS AGAIN RJcnie and Lori Beth end up going dllfwent weya lor I w.kend II the~ 0• 11111. I ABCNIWI l(().W( An P·llahlon model Ilg• IHH In l<ojalt'• fnVMtlga- tlon of a jewelry rac1te1 murdercaM. •ul&AU Loe Angellil Oodget1I .. San Diego PedNI I JOKa'IWILD IMllM88AEPORT ID MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING ''tk#wllla At The Sllore" <ll, .... ~ A man who hat rMde a fottune b9ttlng on #Of1lng eventa; an lnten4ew with Debby~ 9 ENT'ERTAIHMEHT TONIQKT An tntem.w with Sid c-.., CllTHIM~ au.t: Mldellne Kihn CC>MOYll "The M~t Huelle" (1978) GeOf'vll Hllmllton, Oe'lld Kyle. A young boy lrlea to •KPOM hll 111ep- l1thet who le trying to ttMI hl8 Inherit.,,.. 00..-.v~ PWMTl 90NGC> A trlllned beer ~ from the Clrcue Ind looll1 tor ld...,,ture lri the wld. (D) THI MAIMLOUI ~OfOZ Some vwy tlmlllr lnhetMI· '"'' of the i..1d of Oz help • ~ boy Ind .. <lllOC>d· en friend In llMI flllMd ... p!'oductlon by the ~·, TMetre Com· Pll'IY Ind Sdloot. CZ>ANMALYWD Anlmeted. Oitdl Rldfw and 8lly Crysl.i ptoYIOe the voic. for vwiow .,,.,. mtlll .. 1119¥ Pf'9Plt• lor tMlr own~ QM*. 7!ao 8 I ON THa TOWN FMtl.Wed: • took al • l'.2 million Miii~ casue; find out wtiy no commemor• trve 1tamp tor Loa Anoei-- ••1111, • profile of M••lcan ertlet Rufino Tam a yo, a vfllt to the muaeum he r-tly donlltld to ~ co City 111\d a IOOll •t why hll lf't le IO popular 111nOn9 Southland e11 collec1or1. G THi8 WAS AMEflUCA D LAVl!RHE a SHIRLEY &COMPANY The gwla put on the annu.i Shotz Brewery t•l•nt lhow D EYEOHL.A. F .. 1ured a r~ on how more peoc>1e are raot'tlng 10. <*lbecy; a cemetery Wiler• lamb 1tonaa talk l>lldl to YoU. • took II lltl tllhlone .. <I) TIC TAC OOUQH • MACHa. I LEHRER ~ al> MONEYMAKEA8 "Winning The Money Game'' 9 YOU AIKID FOR rT FMti.wed. "The T,U On The MoloetON Speedo- wr/' end "The Callie Of Jurnl." ~~ ~TO INT£MtE>IATE Get '" lhlpe, took good. w'CS .... QfMI with this pflyakal ~ &><ogram. 1:00. (I) UMVfMI W•ll• Cfonltlte reporl:a on vlltloul occurrenc. end pi. _ _. In the world of ldetlCe. D 8 llMT MAVINCK Mawrtc:ll ...,,. tlla1 the horM he won In • poll• 011N II not ~ llloten but .iao .,... to Oonot- -Teddy Ac 111 ..._ (R) • MOVll **'4 ''~To&hlofl" (1181) J91nH C•an. ...,_, 8ern:lln. ,.._, ld....ac ~ -join the Contilderec,_ duMg tfle CMt Ww. bul ,_ trouble eeeeptlng the hardlhlpe. •a HAllP'f ~va CMdll IMm9 Ille! hla mother hat bMf> Cllllng a ·=ltranget.(R)Q "Trained To Kiii" (1974) St...., Sanclot, Rlc:Nrd SlltlefY. The ••perleiice of IUf'nlng legll and peeceful Pf-to be "W'/ dlfflcult tor an ex-Nred ltlllef. • MOY1I * • "Montuuma'• Loet Oold" ( 1977) Oocurnant• ry. The -di'°" a fortune In Aztec t-• that ~ "-w eec:.eped the plunder• Ing of the Conqulltlldof .. .. dlronlded. • Do\HOIR UX8 "The S"-l.Jn#Jg" 8UMn wrtYM In London --pect9d1Y *Id 8riln ..... her tor 111'1 -*10 on the town. (Part 5)(R) Q CD NOVA "The Hunt Foe The Legion KJIW'' The In ....... in- Ogatlon ~ by «tie Cent• I« ~ Control Jo ~lleoYw the microbe CHANNEL LISTINGS e l<NXT ICBSI e KN8C INBCI • KTU (Ind.) e )CABC IABCI e KFMB ICl!IS) e KHJ· TV Unct.I el,(CSTIABCI e KTTV llnel.) 'e KCOP·TV llnd.I •• KCET (Pl!IS) • KOCE l'l!ISI (JI) On·TV CZl Z·TV (II) HBO (t) (Cinema•) (!) (WORI NV., N.V. GZl (WTBS) (I) (ESPHI Cl> (Shoo#tfmt) • Sc>otl lgtit • (c.ble ~Net_..) rnponllble lor leglon- nelre'1 d ...... 11 ltaced (R)Q ®MOYll * * * "Sllrtlng Over" (1979) 8uf1 Reynalda, Jill Clayburgh, Atlw rnonl/\1 of T\/ dlnn•r• •nCI btlnd ClllH. • dfvorotld ma.ga- zJne writer think• h•'• round true tov• when 1 achoolt4141Ctief en1.,1 hll 1111 'R' CJ) FOOTUQKT FMNZY The IWltd winning L- Moan SpeetKUlat comedy troupe perform• a hlllttoua revue ol thow bullne11 Ille. lltMCME ***'Ao "Darby 0 '0111 And The Llttle P9C)91e" ( 1959) Albert ~ 8Mtl Con· '*Y An Old lfllh c:atetaket whO 1a .i>out to tc.e hll Job 10 a younger lftlll'I c:aptur• lhe king Of the~ anCI lorcea him to Oflll'll ,,..,.. wltMI. ·a· lctO 9 THI TWO Of U9 Br•n1wood retuct•ntty agr-to poM .. ,..,,., tiu.beno to ~ off hit Old hlph IChOol ac:lmtrw (RI D tm LAVEAHE & 8HttV...EY leverne aYddenly and une•pectedly decldM to mow In with het boyfriend (R)Q ~~ ••'Ao "Bl•ck Moon" I 1975) Cathryn Harrl9or1, Thet-GrleM When bll· ,., civil llrlte brMkl out In Mr country, • young g1t1 "-the-ring-· t:OO • Cl) MOVte * •'Ao "The Street• OI L.A." (1979) Jo•nne WooClwarCI. Rob•rt Webber. A m~eged. llnlndllly ltruogllng dlvoc. CM,ino.-lbya~ 1ngi.11 and malfcfoua crima, OOM lntO the bento ... three ,..,,... hood- ~ (R) D Cit CAaa& oo. C.....aetaout'°-a pelt of priceleM peint. Inga ~olen from a mY9f9f1. OU9 mllllofWr• D 9 'MU'I ~ANY A bartender thll Jllnet hM hit eye on MU Tefrl foe I cSN.(R)Q • AMEUCAH PlAYHOUH "Oppenheim.," tn the poatwar yeara. Oppen- heimer becomM -of the ~t·1 IMdlng ld- entlflc ldllll«•, but Illa oppoaltJon to an Ill-Out ar"'9 ,_ melt• him a number Of~ -mlee.(Pertt)Q • OAHQIRUD "The 8llYlt Unlng" SUMI\ """91 In London UMJI• peetedly and Brian , ... het for an .-..n1nQ on the town (Pwt 5)(Rf Q ~M0\111 • • "The lnhertunc:e" ( 1973) Anthony Quinn, OomlnlQue Sanda A oon- nMng young -OUf· n.. '""°' wltfl '* fllthw· lri·lew. • rich bak•. lllw het hulbend II dtllnherlt· eel. 'R' (D)MOY!a **'Al "S-lllanc:I'' ( tNO) DoMld Suthltllnd, ..,_ M Redgr..... An Arctic _,,__,_Ch t.em'1 men!bto .,. forced Into I ' fight tor tflelr V9ry IUMval. 'PG' •.ao 8 9 TOO CLOM FOR COMFORT H9"rf trlee to anCI Ap<K'1 aff•w wltfl a mldCli.eged Lothario. (RI IO:OO a a FlAMIHCJO M>AD Conttanca'a revelatlon thll ehe le atite to Wilk prompt• Flelcl to r-1111.1· et• their rutlonlhlp, Ind ,,.. .... -w ............ ........ w .. ,,... • w O.,.i 1un1et1. ..... 0-.~ MleY "Tfle Mind Of G• lcott· ,_,on.. The word• Ind ' mullio °' l*l•llin09r QI lciotMiefon provide • OlifnPM °' 1"9 "*' Wllo flee tllllan • lltlld IOI' low, P94IOe Ind the libw•tlon .. hlal*Qla.Q D """~YOUR MOHIV CID 00 MOVll * ·~ ''llow Ovl" (1H1) Jcihn Travolte, Nanov Allen. A 1011N1 tllCtlnlolen \lltlo woril• on horror ftlmt beCOl'MI lnYOIYtd II\ • murdlt m~i.ry wnen he wllMMM In ......in .. lion. 'A' .MOYll * * * ,_. "Allantlo City" (1H0) Burt Lancutw, Su11n Su•ndon The Mtrenged hulbend of In oyatw w wllhr-arn- wltll '* Pf90!\lnl younger .... ., end -1tolen hetoln. wlllefl he wanta an eglng hood to ... '°" him. 'R' (%)MOW * *" "Contlnental Dlvlda" (198t) John 1 84iulhl, Bi.Ir Brown. A Chlcego newapaper eolumnlet traYele to the RocltlM to~ -potltleal hNt 111\d lntarvtew a rec:lullve naturlllal. 'PG' t0:aoe N1W1 • HtoOIN PlACU: WHIM HtSTORY UYa "Boom And Bult •• Tiie Mining Towne" Ha.I Phltlp Abbott vlllll lhrM 1U'1llV· i mining town1. (R) 10:4' TWOA.M. 11:00 D8Cll98 NIWI e IATUN>AY NIGHT Hoat. T tKI l(nlgtlt D YOU AIKID "°" IT FHtured: "The F11111ly Membef'9 Ate WllCI Anl- mal8" and "8r1Zll'I \/oo- cloo Mlglc " .. t.t•A•a•H When Kllnger trlee IQ lonenclelly lid a South Korean girl. het mother ml1underat•nd1 hie moll-. ti) IENHYHIU Benny pla)'I I walllt In I French hotel who get1 caught In -embat-raaelng lltuallOnl. !:::.CAmT ***""I Low You, Atlee B. Tolll11" l19e8) Petw Seller1, Leigh Taylor· Young. A mf\id ... aged law- yer, dlaenchanttld with hie Pf-I UtMtyte, 1tNt1 a ,_ Nie with a young hip- pie, 'R' cm wow "li!!llpoNd" 11979) JoM LAelle. Kitty$'-. 'X' 11:IO. (I) A&JCe Allee. Mel and \/efe tty to comllnce a --elgtlted bu1 vain Ao to tw.-i doM'I llNI buy a pair of oi-. (R) DCllTONIGHT Holl· Johnn,. Ceraon. Oueatr ·~· 8Heldl. °""* ...._. ~ •@ ABCNIWI NCIHTlN D MOY1I • • "The SC)y Wltl'I The Perfect Covw" ( 1048) Ro~rt L•nalng, Dana W¥nt.,, An Intelligence agent 11 aided In hla lllolonege wortt by the ~I belief tl'Mlt he 11 CIMd. • THI JEFFl.NONI O-oa and Tom~ ~ qt'* to a 2$-mite mlnlhon. • L.OYI. AMIJICAH l'TYLE "Low And The Know-tt- Afl" l!at• conoocta an lllbot• plen to tool her l\ulbend, ··~ And The 8wlng ~('A,_ bend and wife try to tell Jobe on a ell1gle9 meg.- dne. • CMl!MTHRU ''Phlllp ~·· AQM. mond 8er"'9r In ...... ..... .... of American l«:flitec:ta lrom I* offtce In the 1Mor1m llulldlng, 1111 , __ .. ,._ ~·· In ~_, .. ..... hmten town ...... ("'11) ; CAl'T10fe ABC NIW8 11:At(IJOI~ 1 t:IO <Bl MOYll * i.. "DMCI And lk#1ld" (1N1) J-1'.,.,.tlno, Mekldy Anderaon. A wnell-- town pok11Nn in.... .,.. a Mrtee "' b4urre murders. 'R' -MlllGHT- .., TUBE TOPPERS • KNBC (4) 7:80 -'-rhll Wu ~" WlWam Shatner narratte a pkrt.ortal -y aboUt what It WU like to 1fOW Up at the tum of the century. KNXT (2) 8:00 -0 Un1v...." Walter Cronkite reporta on occurrence• •nd phenomena In the world of llC'ience. See photo, left. KNXT (2) 9:00 -'The Streeta of L.A." Joanne Woodward portraya a ten.adOUI woman who ac-alone Into the Loi Anplea burto In punutt of teen-qed hooda who llaahed her Urea. KCET (28) 9:00 -''Oppenheimer." In post-war yean, Oppenheimer becomes one of the acwemment'a leading ldenutic lldvt.en. • 9 ,Ntf,.., lllAHD A PfOf-.lonll gamtiw looll1 IOI' 1M "big aoore." ind • youno women ~a -y 19209 lord\ llnOlf. (Al • MOYla •• * "The Prlaolw Of Zenda" (195~) 8tewtn OrMger, Oeborlh Kefr. An Englfahm•n 1191111 ott UIU<peta wfllle ~ .. the king of a lmtl country, whOM ec:tUll king "" tie.I kldn11PP9d. • LOYI, AMUIOAN l'TYl.I "low And Tiie Cltnlo" Ralph rMfly doeln't Wini to vlllt • marlt•I cllnlc. "love And The Tramplec:I PUiion" Caroline trlM to mMt • namencodaoc:. (l)MOW • *'At "Conttnentlf Divide" 11U1) John Blluahl, 8lllr Brown. A Chlcego new1paper cotumnllt Ira.,.... 10 lhe Roc:lllll to MCape -pollttc.I ,_, and Int.,..... • reduttve naturali91 'PG' lltMOYll "Sewdl AnO 0..troy" ClJMOYll • * • ,,. "S .. te OI Slege" (1973) YllH Montend, Renato a.iv.ton Tunnoll and ~"' apawn the .....iln.tlon of an AINrt- C*I oftldll In~. 1a.. (I) WKNt .. CINCNiCATI l .. 11 lnvtltld out to dinner ~ • temale groupie. (A) 12::IO U Cit LATI MGtHT WITH ~YID LSTT'BIMAN Ckleata: Ted Twner. court- room "11et Id• Oengrow, com.dlen1,AI Franken and TomOrM.(R) ·~IE:(M) " McClouCI trlel to l)<otect I union .. ecu11w who Ilea tie.\ "*11ed lor murder _, .., w1111 a ,,.oeutute whO II • .,. pelntlng her c:lent9 blue. (RI CC>MOYll * • • "Cutt•'• Way" (1N1) Jofwl Hewd, jeff 8r1dgeL A mllmed Viel· """ wt and hie beat ttterlc:I, a IOdllt drQC>OUI, locw 11'1* .,,.,g191 on IOMng a~-. 'R' 1:00• MOYll * * • '"The Baron Of Art- zone" ( 1950) Vincent Pftce. Ellen Orww Federal --""" of tM -· ~ ZON1 territory ii~ by In lnlefprtalng lend- Offtce derll. • MOYll * * • .,. "The Bella Of St. t.tary•a·• ( t945) Bing Croe- by, Ingrid Bergmlll'I. A prlMt and • mothet aupe.. r1or ....... an old paroc;Net ldlool by~. llllnntnt to donate land and a buldlng 10 ,,...., -. 1:10• MOYll * * ~ "Klllera TllrH" (1H8) Aober1 WeU!et", OIWM Vlf'al. A W"'°9!111n and ,,.. w11e are ln\'OMld In • robbery lttemc>f In wNCfl • '9deral agent II kltlecl. 1:211= * * '4 "The Survivor" (1N1) Rober1 P_., ~ "'I AgutW. A pilot _,.._ • c.atMtrophlc 7 47 crlllh -•tcfled and ..a-lor Ille IMtl rMDOl\llbla. . 1it0DCllHIWI t:AI (I) M0\111 * * "HOltywood High" ( f9781 Mwcy Albrecht, Sherry Hardin. T~1 It I.he lllllOlll public high ICnool continue their ..._ Uon ltudlee In Ille field of ld1t11cent human rel• !lone. 'R' 2:00• MCMI **'_."Bonjour Trllt-1' ( 1168) David Niven, OeborM l<efr. A yout1g girt ICl\emaa to eliminate Ille pc>dmothet who llU dle- rupttld her Mdate Ill• on the French Riviere. DMOVll! * ** "Strlpee" (1981) Biii MIH'rly, Harold l'laml1. A Hew York cabble toolllng tor ••cl•-• convlncee hl1 belt ltletld to join him In enllltlng In the U S. Army. 'R' CZl MOVIE * *.. "Your ThrM Min· ut• Are Up" ( 1973) a..u Brldgee, Ron Liebman Tv.o lrlenda pose M a movie prOduc:er and direc- tor to pick up girts 2:30 (t) MOVIE * * 'h "T.... Wanclerera" (1979) Ken Wahl, Unda MIN. The memberl of • tough tlle()e ltTMt gang In the Bron11 cllloovw lhet trw Pf-°' growing up lll'ld lalllng In love .,. much more dlfflc:ult expert- -than any of lhe rum- blea t'-¥.,.. telten l)llr1 In. 'R' =1= t::N MOiiie **.,. "Blow Out" (tH1) John Tr•voh•. H•ncy Allen. A IOUnd tec:Mlclan who wor111 on horrOI' fllrne becornM Involved In a murder myatery wfl9n he wit.-an~ tlon. 'R' 1:00e MCMI * ,_. "Larceny In Hw Hew!'' ( 194e) Ml'Dfl a..u- mont, Cheryl w-.. A cunning llttle lady ~ .. -hMdadlM '°' a .,,,_ vale eye trytno to llollle • <:Me. l:OI (J) l'OOTUQKT flNXZY The -ard winning low Moen Sc>ectaoulw comedy troupe perlorme a hlenolla ,_ of lhow bu*-.... 1:208 MOVIE ....... ........, a.... An Inch" ( 1971) Henry Fonda, Pu Newman. An Oregon togging larnlly drAM a..,. to dellver • taroa order on ldledule when 1trllt•1 llbotage their equipment. 1:11 (%)MOYIE • * '-' "Black Moon" ( 1975) Celhryn HwrllOn, n--Gr ..... When bit-•• cMI llrlte brNk1 out In het country, a young glt1 "-the wWT1ng -· ~-MOYll .... "Cowtloy" (1958) Jedi LllnmOll, Olenn FOl'd. A hot.II deft tMma up wttfl a cattleman to dt1ve • hltd of came to Meiitco. .MOYll • • ._. "Blow·UP" (1Me) Oe\lld Hemmloiga. v- Redgrave Wtlen • young London phot~ haa -of hil plct.ine blown up. he dlecollwl wN1 ~to be a murder. 4:ao • VO'f Nlll TO THE 90TTOM CWntl! llA JOHN DARLING WMEN ONE PUTI5 "1'06£THiR AN ENSEMSL.E I 01'£ SHOULP >J..WAY6 6TRNI! '"7t) MAKe 60f4! c50RT (]fl A ffeHICIH ~ NT.' ~ ·~-.;-,WS to air George London tribute Wft111~•da11'• Da11tl-. Mo.,ltt• -MORtM- l:aO CC)*** "Pardon Mon Alt1fre" ( 1977) JHn Rochefort. Anny ~ary A ~ married man contemptatH fnfldellty •It• -no • 1>eeu111u1 model In a patklng g11a.ge ·PG' (%) • • 'h "Shoclc Corri· dor" ( 111631 Pet., 8<11ek, Con1tWlCll TCM>et1. A writ• er'• commitment 10 a men- tal lnllltutlon reault1 In • Pulitzer Prlu, but the l>Httnga .ncs ll'loclt1 reault In ldltzophrenl•. 7:IO 00 * * * * "The LUI Metro" (1910) Clltherine o.r..u .... Gerard Oeo«· dieu During Wor1d War 11. tbe proprtetora of a 1m•• Parle thNlr• 1ry to keep their •tablllhmenl open during lhe Germen OCCU· P8110n •PQ• • 9:11 (Z) * * .. The Flnet Count· down'' ( 1980) Klric Ooui>- IM. Mwtln~ A~ t•tou. atorm at -tran- apon1 the •lomlc·poweted lliret•tl carrier U.S.8 Nim- itz bllClt In time 10 Decem- ber 8. 194 t. POSl•lonlng the __., ._ PM<1 Harbor Ind tM advancing J~llMt 'PG' l:ao (C) * * "The Flnal Count· down" (1980) Kirk Oouo· lal, Mlr11n Sheen. A mya. terloul "°""' ,, ... tren- IC)Or11 the ••omlo-po.wertld alret•tl Cllrrlllr U.8 S . Nim- itz back In time to o-n- bet a. 194 1, poe1t1on1ng the ........ bet-P-1 Harbor lll'ld the advanc:Jng J~llMt 'PG' 8:00 U * * * "SteYle" ( 1971) GMnCla Jlldl9orl, TrevOI' Howard Eccenlrlc 9'itleh poel-Stevie Smith la profiled. 'PG' 10:00 00 • *.,.. "Zorro. The Oey Blade", ( 191 t) George ...,,,.,on, Lauren Hutton The hefoic '°" °' old c..- forma·1 '"'"°"' justice llgllfef II lnclc>edtattld by I riding lnlury, bc:Wlg his lopplal'I ~Other to don the etipe and mMll. 'PG' Cl) * * "Mede In Perla" (tlMMI) Ann-Margtet, LOUii Jourdan. A P"'11 de19* NMPS e fUl'llon buyer off ...... CZJ * 6"h "Bleck Moon" 11975) Callvyn Hlrl'llon . Tiier-one.. WMn bit· lef cMI llrlfa lwMMI out In "" COUfllty, e ~ glt1 fleM the WlltTlng-. lO:tO(C) ..... """'P" 11~~21 MIChMI C•lne, Mickey Rooney. -t MtKly writw ii hired by 111'1 ... tam star to "ghoetwrtte" hil barely Pflnflble 1Utobiogr9Phy 'PG' 12:00 D • • ''The Cf0011ec1 ky" ( 1957) WrtM Motril, KaM Bootfl. U. enlofce. ment ofliclaM from Walh- lngton Ind 8ootl8nd Ywd loin h.nd• llCfoal the At!Mfie In c:ndcJng en IMematJonal COUM.,.....lng aperetion. ••• "Tiie ..... .. " ... ' ......... LIOyd ltldfll ..... °" a llOty "1 ~llfdY ~ A lonely woman..,~'°' ~ .. .,..,.. • ....... .__ .. N t 1u11 Joel Meer ... Veronica IAlle lo IMI .,_ OM heW IW ..wi way, N lema6t ownw Of • If*'!> ttnefl 1111" ,,,.,.. 10 help n. outwit'* own fllhet. CHl ••"My~" (tHtl Yotco llltmlld•, Chlll Mltehum The true 1tory of. ~ JllpeMM 'UMlnO d'tamplon II told. Cl) ***'Ai''AttantlcCtt)"' ( 18110) lurt Lancaatw. l1111n 8•t1nC1on The .. 1rangeo hulblncl of In oy•t• blr wilt,_ .,.,._ wit" i.., pregnMI ~ llater end -•tOllWI heroin, wtllcll he wantt 111'1 IOlnt hood to ... fOt hlrft, 'R' D ••• Yo "Owt>y O'G.111 And The Uttle People" (19591 A1ber1 Shlrpe, Seen Connery An old lf1lll Cltl• , ... " wno II I.bout 10 toM hit fob 10 • ,.ounoer l'Nlft cao•ur• •he 111ng of 1fle ~ecl\eun1 Ind torc:ee ""'1 to gt Ml llWM Withee G tt:IO (Cl • • • "AF-In The CrOWd" ( 1957) Andy Gril- 1111\, P•trlcl• Neel A dlt._ let goea lrom a jell oett to national recognition on the llrlnQlh of ..... humor and mullcal lllenl 1:00 Ct l * * "The Final Count· Clown" (1980) Klrll OOtJo- lu. Mlf'tln Sheen. A mya.. ter~ atorm at Ma Iran· 1por11 the atomic..pow.,ed atrcr•ll carrier U.S S. Nim- IU back In time to Oeoem-• t>et 8. 11M 1. poe1t1on1ng lhe VftMI ~ PM11 Harbor llt\d the ldvlll'ldng Je~llMt 'PG' 2:00(H) * * * * "Fet From The MMldlnQ CrOWd" 11een Julie Chrlllle, Tetenc:e Stamp A wittf\J4 young ,., m girt bet••• hwMlf. bul dellroyt llWM melt" in theorOCeM 2:30($) *"•"Blue Are Lady" ( 1971) Cathryn Hlrrlaon, Merll Hokleri A young gort ,, ... to .. ..,. e cantall- ,_.. from being aOICI to • worll l1tm 1:00 CC) * *'Ao "A Challenge For Robot> HooCI" ( t968) Betrle Ingham, Jeme1 Hlytef Rot>tn Hood end Nt blll'ld OI ~ men Ml OU1 to deth<one • Mff. appotntaCI dlctetor who h11 aetted power over the ..,.. (Z) * * * '-' "St•t• Of Siege" ( 1973) Yvea Mon- tend, Renato Sllvatort Turmoil anCI unr-apewn I.... MIMlln•tlon of 111'1 Am«lcan otflcial In Uru- guay 3cl0 U * * * "Foul Play" ( 1971) Goldle Hewn, Ohelly ChaM A librlrian enfisU the eid of .,, inept pOlice detective • •fter eh• ~ Involved in • bizarre --ol murders anCI ludnapplng ••'-"Pt .. •~ D ••·~"On The~ old Of ~ .. t tMe) Guy Madl9on. \llrgl!IN Uiith A,.. • ftler .. Injured, ,_ doctor n.ww Into a ltrange lltuetlon • 4:IO (I}** "Thunderbitdl To The AMcue" (1N1) Pup- pet• The pilot• Of n... spe- ctatly ~ulpped rocket aNIM mull .. ,,. Vie Uvee or ~ trllPPtld on a IUC>ltlOl\lC tranaport. 1:00 (CJ • * * "Home From The Hiit" ( 1IMIO) Robert Mitchum, George Pep· pard A man'• ltlegUtrnete Ion ...... hie Ufe. tZl ....... "Darby O'Qln And The Utile People" 11959) Albert Sharpe, a-.. COnnery An old """ cat• I aklt wtlo II ebout to ION hie job to a younger men c:apturw the king of the Jepredlauna Ind forc:M him to grant three....,_ 'G' l:tO D ••• "Stevie" (1978) GMnCla Jldlaon, T- Howard &!centric Britlltl p0et-St~ Smith i. prOfllecl 'PG' ..... SWAN DIVE -Carol Metten (Fletcher) la shown dotnc a swan dive during her preparation for the Ol~plcs in 1924. Metten, one of only 18 women to repreeent the U.S. in Paris, wu 17 years old at the Beach. where she still stays in shape by playing golf time she competed. Now 75, she lives in Newport at least three timee a week. Metten relives Olympic participation Chariots of Fire film rekindles flame for 1924 bronze medal winner By JORN SEV ANO OflMo.IJ ...... For her 75th birthday, Carol Metten'• children decided to treat their mother to an evening of dinner and the movies. Metten, not an avid movie-goet', wu told she would eee the Wm. "Cbariota of Fire," a story centered around tiwo British athletes in~ 1924 Olympics. The movie sounded Jntrigulng to, Metten,, if for no other reeaon than I.be bad partidpated in the Games henelf • a diver for the United States teem. Of coune, ahe ralized the memortea that woUld be rekind.Jed. And, there were 10roe that became more vivid than she expected. It only lasted a brief moment, but midway through the ficture Metten noticed a 1ltil1 photo o the ahip that amied the U.S . 8QWld to Paris. In the lower right band comer of the frame. wu yet another abot. thJa one delJ6cUna the 18 athlets which oomprUed die U.S: ~·· conUnaent. Metteri. naturally, wu one of them. ''It WU such a abort flaah.'' remin1aoed Metten u she l~ back on a ooech in her Newport Beach home. "You only saw it for a brief moment." mellowed, though, and allowed me to compete (on Sundaya). I told them there were a lot of thlngll I could be doing that are wone than that." "The only thing I thought wu unfair , waa the way tney portrayed (U.S. .aprinter) Charlie Paddock. Tht'y made him look like auch an wrogant 10-and-10, and he really wasn't that way at all." To Metten. who competed in the '24 Games under her maiden name of Fletcher, everything about her experience in Parla leelDed brief. Mett.en. who wu born and railed in P~ competed in the Olympias at the tender aae of 17. Moat of her teammatea, Metten recalled, were older 8.nd more expertenoed. but that didn't seem w deter her apirlt to the occaaion. In the movie, Eric l.Jddell WU aJ80 l'elt:r1cted by religious beliefs, eventually sidelining his participation In the 100-yard daah. For her effort, Metten won a bronze medal in three-met.er dlvlna. Iroiiically, she Jost to twq U.S . teammates she had beaten only five weeka eulier in the Nationals in New York. Metten returned from her performance in Paris to finish her achooJJ.nc at UCLA. After graduating in 1927, ahe landed a job as a pbyaical education teacher which, at the time, deemed her a professional~ thua dropping her amateur statua and making her ineligible tor any more Games. ''Back then an athlete was a true amateur. You didn't eee a penny from anybody," ahe said. "It's not like that now." ''I wu too young to be in awe of anything," aaid MeUen. "At the time it WU just aomethlna you did. "In tryina to analy1e it, the whole thine Wiii a tq d-1 to me. I hadn't t;Jeen away much from home before and when I flrat started out (divtn&) my parent. told me I couldl\'t dive on Sundays. We were very rel~ "I was embarruled to have gotten third place," she aa1d with a smile. "rm not saying I should _pave won . . . but I WU dfaapPolnted.'' Al for the film ltaelf, Metten acr-eed that "Chariotl of Fire'' deserved ill Ac.derny award aa Best Picture. "I thouaht it wu beautiful." aald Melt.en. "II was niCe that they were able to hanCUe a co~_paratlvely Innocent theme without add1nC eex or violence tc it. Aoool'ding to Metten, much more than amateurtan hM al80 changed lince ahe WU a oomrtttor in the Games. "When wu competing It was an "After a few oompettUona my parenta entirely different age," Mid Mettetl as the l'UlnlDaced through aome old photos and clippln,p. "You were repraenting (See METl'EN, Pase ~> ·chang in final area • outing South All-stars favored in county game Saturday at OCC By ROGER CARLSON OflMDllr ...... The South All-stars have been labeled .. the favorites in the 17th Orange County All-at.er buketball game, to be contested at Oranee Coast College Saturday evening. But South star Rich.ant Chang, the 6-~ two-year All-CIF 4-A =·r knows all about auch It wMn't too lorl8 aao that be and h1a Edi.Ion mp teemmates were at.onning through the finrt two rounds of CIF playoffs action only to become victima of Servite HUrh in the quartertinaJa. ar .un think about it," admlta the three-year Edllon starter. "I keep ukfng m)'leI!, 'how did h be to them?' I gueta some of the- football players are doll'8 that, . too. "We weren't mentally pre- pared for them, they played a crest same and they had that areat crowd. All you could hear WM •Servite, Servite ... "When Servile beet Verbum Del I didn't' want to play Servite. I knew we were aoinl to have probleml. •• So, now aw,, taka bia final bow in the ONnae CoMt area before departfna for the UllhW9ity oi CalibnLa, but he tan't worried about any more ~ "I jult want to play a aood eame. with no mental encn, to play IDOCl defeme," •;ya C!w1&. • ICadni IDllChlDe fer three yean wtda tbj Cbu'lln. He'• not concerned about whether he'• aharp In the 8hootml -.-. •yin& "'U )'OU don't ......... ..-... wm." Chang baa beefed up to 210 pOUDda on h.la 6-6 frame and aaya he may try to take a few pounds off ln preparation for college duty, '"mor'e strength. leaa fat," u be puts it. Al in the caae with most all- 1tar1, Chang enter• thla one without the preaaurea which bang over the central figure in a team'• format. Saturday night COflCh Barry Lelih bu .wnl wh-0 fit that category, even to the extent that bia berich will be stocked with central figurea, too. Prt!llurea began to aubmde for Chang after h.la junior aeuon. actually. ~ a eopbomon ltarter and the teem'• ,..,,,"' ICOl"el', it wu over before be e.med hia reputation as a can't-mi11 prospect. But u a junior, com~ in the same lineup with -M Nck DlBemardo, preaaure became an iaaue for h1m. ••T here waa a lot ot competition between my.elf and 'Dibo'. U I WMn't the ~·· leadinc acorer, my frienda Would be~ me, 'what happened?', -~Cbalac· "But u a 9ellior, I dldn'= care how manr, pomta' I just if we won. ' The Charaen rolled up 24 victcriel before caahlnc out wltb their third -of the ...i and wen rmibd No. 1 and aeeded No. 1 in the 4-A eltmlnatlonl, a rarity for an Oranae Countx team In 4-A did& The all«ar pme la an kleal vebide for ~ mMmuch • the South'• offeme ii Moul What It w.. at Edlaoll and 'Wiil be at Cal -a I.Mt tir.k ityle with . . . everyone looking for another. "Everyone~• bad their honon," aaya Chang, "Now we juat have to prove we're the better team. We'll find out Saturday." Chang averaged 20.8 pointa a game u a tenior, and finiabed a three-year career with 1,321 polntl, but in his case, sheer numbers don't really tell the story. "Richard could have had a 30-potnt average eaaily tor ua." ~lgh, Chang'• coach at "But it wouldn't have helped ua u much without our other players sharing In the acorlng. "He would give up the ball. (See CBANG;Pqe CZ) ~-..... -- ' ' It w-as a sweet HR for Baker SAN DIEGO (AP) - Outfielder Dulty ..Bek.er WU a perfect pntleman alter hi~ a game-wtnnlnC home nan. a&Qwt the San Diego Pedrea. He threw no fiata in the air, ~ted no finaera and aave no elfualve "hlah-tivea." lfaker'a 11th home run of the aeuon, a tw<H>Ut solo b1Mt tn the 11th inning Monday niaht. pve the Loa Angelea Dodaen a 4-3 victory over the Padftia before 49,973, the eecond Jaramt home crowd in the hlst.ory of the San Diego franchiee . . .. IT PELT eapecially aood tonight,'' aa.ld Baker, who had accuaed the Padres of ''ernbarraaaing" hia team with over-exuberant finger pointing and high-flvea when San Diego swept a four-game aeris at home against the Dodgen in April. ''There waa a 1',fayoft atmoephere in the air,' he laid. Baker drove rookJe reliever F.ric Show'• 2-and--0 faatball into the left field bleachers as the Dodgers closed to within 7~ gamea of division-leading Atlanta. "I don't look at it as revenge in any way for the four-aame sweep," said Loa Anaelea Manager Tom Laaorda. "It waa a well etayed game by both clubl and Im just glad we won it." DODGERS LEFT-BANDER Fernando Valenn1ela, who was· not feeling well before the game, was tagged toe 14 hill in nine ~ -the most he bu ever given up In the major Ieague.. "Fernando WU dizzy before the game," Luorda said. "I think he may have the flu. "The 14 hill Weft DO indicatico of the way be pitched," L.>n1a added. "A lot of the balls were not hit that aood off of him and he struck out a guy to end the ninth lnning. .. The Padres stranded 12 runners and mi11ed scoring opportunitlelt in virtually ~ lnn.ing. ''They u8ed the bomb, and we didn't get the hit when we needed it," said San Dieao Manager Dick ·Williama. "The long ball beat us. .. VALENZUELA GOT bis BeVenth strikeout of the pme in the ninth when he tanned Terry Kennedy with runners at first and third. Reliever Steve Howe, 5-1, came on in the 10th and pitched two Oawle9 lnninga to earn the win. After San Diego had taken a 1--0 lead in the tint innlna. Ken Landreaux and Steve Garvey each hit aolo homers In the fourth inning off atarter Juan FJchelbeqrer, who walked none and .cattered seven blta in 10 i.nninga before being lifted f<ir a pinch-hitter. Valenzuela stngJed in a run in the fifth for a 3-1 advantage before the Pad.res bounced beck with runa in the aixth and seventh to tie It. Kennedy'• lixth inning leU>ff double •nd Kurt Bevacqua'• third hit produced one run and.. Sixto Lezcano ainaled In Joe Pittman from eecond with San i:xe.o·· final Ully in the lt'Yelltb. Tne aeriea reaumea tonJJht with the Padres' John Curtis, 5-8, fadnc Jerry ~ 8-5. Jam Jones • signs contract witli Rams Prom.AP ........ 'ftMt Rimi arinoeriritd Manda . they have ~ three drag, cl'*-lncludln&·· ~ ... I A.J. "Jam" ~to cantnda for the 1982 National Football ~ ...... aseball's brass endorse restructure I Pnm AP .. ,,.teltel . CHICAGO -Major lea1ue ba1eball'1 28 ownen endoraed a Ill restructur1n1 propoaal wlth far-rMChinl 1mpllcat1ona Monday while \heir pleyet relatioftl committee Wed a laWM&lt aimed at Jhuttlna playera out of money from televiMd prDel. . The restructuring propoul calla fO.. mqina the two ie.,ue offlcm into the oomrnillklfter11 office and a more centrallred bua1nem operation "from the auditor ... up to the OWl\era,'' accordina. to reetructuring committee co- cbairman Roy Eiaenbardt, prealdent of the Oakland A's. "It waa the moat OOl'\ltl'UCtive day bueball haa bad ln my 13 yeara aa commi•aioner," aald Commi..t.oner Bowle Kuhn. Other propo9ed cbangee include: -Shorteninc the oommimioner'a term to five years from the pre1ent aeven. -Increaaing the number of ownera' meetinp to four each year from the current two. -Giving an eight-member owners' executive committee broad powers to ovenee the operation of baaeball between owners' meetinp. -Building cloeer relations between the promotion and player relationa depariment* of the commlllioner'a office. Under the restructuring proposal. the 26 owners would operate "like a board of direct.on and the comrnilslaoer would be like the chief executive officer," !benhardt said. Kuhn said owners' financial problem• prompted the restructuring proposal. Quote of the day Loa Campaaelll, coach of the Jamea Madison Univeraity baaketball team, explaining his team'a llUCCe9I: "Our players know what a good ahot la and what a bad shot la. They're not allowed to wat.ch NBA games, or they wouldn't know the ditterence." Raiders could move to LA this fall LOS ANGELES -U.S. District EiJ Judge Harry Pregerson issued an •II• injunction Monday that could allow the Oakland Raiden to move to the Loe Angeles Coliseum althouah there were divergent opinions over whether ~ tnmfer would be th.ls fall. invJ:ted~~~...,-F1_::.u-··· =--ru:= had prohibited the Ra.Iden move, Preen80ll ~y stayed hia lnjuncUon i.s allow an "Cer, to permit the National Football League defendanta to apply to the court of appeala for a stay, thia court'• order of injunction la hereby temporarily stayed, provided the NFL defendanta timely file an application for a permanent stay with the 9th Circuit," Pregenon said. I Baseball today On this date in 1949: Philadelphia Phillies first buernan F.ddie Waitkus WU shot and eerioualy wounded ~a female fan, Ruth Ann Steingaam, at Chicago'• Edgewater Beach HoteCWaitkua did not return to the club until the (ollowtng eeuon.. On .th.II date in 1938: Five daya after no-hittina the Bo9ton Braves, etndnnati'a Johnny \'and.er Meer ~ the fJnt pitcher to pit.ch ll.ICCeMive '*>-hltten .. he blanked the Dodgen 6--0 ln the firat night game ever played at Brooklyn'• D>beta Field. Today'a birthdays: San Francisco outfielder Champ Summen ii 34. Dodaen outfielder Dusty Baker II 33. Detroit catcher Lance Parrish ii. 26. :rom Page C1 ca•r.i:Jj, •• !!:~ :~ =.~:~~:':ti l... ~.r:T.cJ' Ylotoey OYU Ml-. ,or nt)e~, the c.c.ta M• Htah and Orann t eou.ae Dl'Oduct lt Wll h.la f'elb MW of tJie IHltOft • • • l'onner Corona del Mar Hl1h •tar Mitt & picked up a new pitch from coach Ari Jl'twltr about a month llO and hi UMd it to \ wln hill idxth vSotory of the leUOft .. Oakland def•ted Toronto, 4·2. T• ArmH :::rlUt; :-... ~ ... ~ h1I Qrd bue of. the llUOll . . . Dave Colll•1 amacked hil tint N.mer of the ....,., to blCk RM Ol.lbY'1 five-hlt ~ P'tchina u the New York YankM beat Bolton, 6·1 ... Lea Bubr f11'ed a four hitter ln the opeMr and Rids S.SclUfe and Da1t Splllaer combined to duplicate the performance in the iµahtcap ., c::tMland awept a twt-niaht doublehelader born ~t. ~o anc1 2-1 ... "'Jtm Beatd• and Mike 8tutoe combtned on a thtee-hlher and Ir.ct loe19te, Dan RelMlenot1 and Al Coweu powered ao1o bQrnen u Seattle downed Texu, 4-0 . . . Du Pord capj)ed a five-run eeventh-1nnlnc outburst with a pbjl:h-hit, grand alarn homer, propellina the streaklna Baltimore Oriolet put Milwaukee, 9-4. Nlekro blanks ~tlanta on six-hitter Houaton knuckleballer Joe Iii Nlekro pitched a six-hitter and Detaay WalllD1 knocked in three runs. two with a horner, u the Aatroe downed Atlanta, 9-0. Niekro atruck out alx and walked two, retiring 18 of 19 battera over one atretch, lncludlna 11 in a row . . . Darrell Porter tripled home r. Oberkfell in the third 1nn1ng and acored on Due lor1'1 aacrtfit-e fiy to give St. Loula a 2-1 wln over Montreal ... Elll1 Valeau.e hit a two-run homer• the New York Meta overcame 10 atrikeouta by Doa Robtuoa to nip Pittabu.rgh, 2-1. Pete Faleooe allowedtonly five hita In eight lnninaa befc1re Nell AllH pitched the ninth and potted hia 15th aave to cool the Pirate. ... Ba.mp WWa collected four hJta, lncluding a three-run homer, to hiabliaht a 19-hlt Chicago ... ult against five Phlladelpbla lftchen 81 the Cut. ppped their 13-game btna streak with a wild, 12-11, victory over the Pbillfee. McEnroe seeded No. 1 at Wlmbledon The All-England Tenru. Club . Ignored recent form and named defending champion Jolm McEaroe as the top seed in next week'a Wimbledon Champtona}Upa. Jimmy Coaon wu aeeded No. 2 . . . lob Meeom, the owner of the New Orleans Sainte. coocedee that aome players took coca1ne during the diaastroua 1980 leUOn but denies that lt wu half the team. u a former ·player baa a1lqed . . . Mary Baeoa remained lemi-a>nadoua and ln aerious condition but a bolpAtal apokemnan aaid the jockey appeared to be makfna eome Jll'Oll't!8I .. al:M! recovers from a t.d aplll at Golden Gate FieJda . . . Major ~ Players Amociation executive director Mania Miller aaid he will f:igbt an owners' • laWIUlt aimed at abutting the players out of money ameratea by televiaed baeeball . . . The champbia of IAtin America and the Far Eut will meet Aua. 24 ln the opening game of the 36th annual Little League World Serles at Williamaport. PL . . . He will be elJaible for next year'a NBA draft, but Sam Bowle la leaning toward a fifth aeaaon of college eligibility, University of Kentucky Coach Joe B. Ball aaya. ~ Televlslon, radio Following are the top aporta eventa on TV tonight. Ratinp ar: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; vv fair; v forget it. . e , p.m., Clwmel 11 "'"' V' V' BASEBALL: DodRera at San Diego~ Auoucen: Vin Scully and Rem Porter. The Dodgen aend J~ Ram (6-5) ~ Padre left.hander John Curtta (5-3) in tonight'• second game of the 9erlea. The Dodgen picked up a game on the Padres and Atlanta Brave. with Duaty Baker'• 11th-inning home run Monday night. • I I RADIO Baaeball -Dodgers at San Diego, 7 p.m., KABC (790); Toronto at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). METTEN LOOKS BACK. • • Simmons tabbed USFL your: country· back then, and that W'aa very thrHllna, but they :Hdn't make a bia hullabaloo about how many points thit :x:Mmtry bad or bow many that ~try got. "It WU more. bldlvldual YL individual when I waa oompednc. And. I think that'1 the way tt lbould be. I 'don't think it lhouJd be country VL country 1 like it .. today, UOf ooww, the way they time lt, the way they run it, they way they lhow the relUltl -lt'a a whole dlffereot world D11W." lleUen hM lived the pMt 18 of .b1r 75 ~ ymn In Newport Beach. She Jolt her huabud, c.i. four Yeart.., md..,. bM biam antnc her dmt p1.Qinc IOlf •t ... three dm.a a week. She looks back at her time in the Olympb • .. a part of my life rve put aV1ay in a compartment." In fact, ahe kept very few momentol of her experience -a few clipJ>lngs, her medals, a couple of proc:ramL The rest - like her un1fonm and swlmlultl -ahe just threw away .. 'Tin 1«rJ I cUdn't retain a lot of the ltUff I bad, but 1 w• vourur at the time and it nallv wasn~t a bic dell to me then.'' Metten explalned. "Now. I )mt try to enjoy Ute by ~a S1e of my OWll. I haw f'!lY a~ I've traveled, I haw fl'tendl. f.amU)'. '' And .......... , ''Y-. I have that. tao. But I cbl't want to look at tbolt.. l want to look at the fut:ure." WiIDbledon seeds dnaw • • comm1ss1oner O'Meara ·pla1s When Mark <rMeara won the U.S. Amlt.ur cbamplon1hlp nveral yHr1 aao, one ot the toumamenta M WM excited about WU pla)'inc ln the U.8. Open. Th.ta year, be wu forced to quallfy tor the Open but made the ar9de and will pe.rtldpat. in the ewnt at ~ BMc.h Golf Club th1a week. 'nMt tomwr Million Viejo ~ and relident of ~ ~~~~.::...~-::the~ adll eJaytnc ~ much and • often u pomlble. Ootn1 lnto tht14'eekend 'i Marlboro tournament, he WM ffth on the money lilt with t20.ea1 1n eamtnp_ TbJt could be enouah to pt him on the exempt tour ~ Jear under the new format where ~ qual1lylnl la ellmlnated. J'or the playen not 110 lucky, the PGA haa annowlCld , .. tall quall1ytna toumament data. Local compeddont wm be field Seot: 30-0ct. i while~ are acbeduled Nov. ~-5. The alx- round ftnll tounwnent 11 echeduled for Nov. 15-20 at the Tournament Playen Club and Sawgrua c.ountry Club at Ponte Vedra. J'la. <lnly the top 00 playen and tlea earn apota on the Exempt tour. tho9e players fin1ahlng in the eecond aet of. 00 will receive exemptions into the Tournament Playen Seriet, a $1 mUllon tour aet to beifn ln 1983. At the six-round f1nala. the field will be cut after 72 holes after each player haa played two round.a at each of the two COW'9el. The atart1ng field will number 200 players. Appllcation fonna, which must be accompanied by a check or money order for $1,000, are available by writing Karen Roee at PGA TOW' Headquarters, Ponte Vedra, Fla. 32082 or by calling (904) 286-3700. St HOWARD L. HANDY f 126,000 for flnt place to $3,000 for 10th. "I think thJa ll the ,._teat thJ.na that ever happened to ua," aaya JoAnne Carner who needa but one more victory to put her in the LPGA Hall of Fame."I don't think rm ever &'Of.na to retire now." Carner la batt!n, Sally Little for the point lud. All of the playen are enthUaiatUc abolat the program. Donna Caponi aaya: "When I joined the tour in l!Hl5, there waa 80f1leth1ng like 35 women playtna fdr $1 millJon in puraea. "Now we have 135 girla and eome $6 millJon in · priz.e money. Then something like th.la comes along and it's anothr shot in the ann." • • • THAT ANNUAL SPOOF ON everythln& relevant is about to happen. Paul Salata ia gearing h1a forces for the annual Irrelevant Week festivities that include a golf tournament Monday at Irvine Coast Country Club. The better part of valor would be a gracioua "thanks but no thanka" to an invitation to play in the event. When an excuae of being out of town for the. d~ or week 1.8 thrown at Salata, he only looks on 1.n diagwlt. "How could anyone in hia or her right mind be out of town when such an event is Uklng place THE LPGA BAS COME a long way in the put right here in Newport Beach" he asks. · leVel\ yeen in the way of pww money for winners. Well, honoring the 49era' 334th pick in the Thia year the LPGA hJt an even greater bonanza recent NFL draft, 1'im Washington of Fresno State, when it hooked up with Maz.da with a bonua money will have to get along aa best it can without us thia situation now in vogue. year. It's vacation time and we're off and running to F.ach tournament winner geta a new Maz.da or play ooW'&eS ln othy parts of this country. $5,900 in caah and at the end of the year, the top 10 Sorry, Paul, but that's about as irrelevant aa poiilt-getters w.W aplit $300,000, ranging from we can get. ---------------------- Beasley OCC's top athlete • Chris Beesley haa been named Orange c.out College'• athlete of the year fc. 1981-A2 by vote of the Pirate coech1na staff. Beaaley, a 6-2, 185-pollnd aopbomore awing man from eo.ta Meu Hiah. la the 33rd athlete to win tM. award in the achool'a history. He la only the aecond baaketball player ao honored in the last 14 yean. Ray Orgill took the award in 1979. Beuley will be honored at a luncheon 'ThW'lday which will be boeted by the Costa Meaa Chamber of Commerce at the Holiday Inn on Bristol atreet. He WM named South Coat Conference player of the year after averaging 23.4 points a game th1a put aeaaon. He was alao named to the All-atate baaketball thm which waa aelected by the Community c.olleae Coaches A..ociation. Beatley baa received a ba1ketball and baaeball acholarahip to attend Arizona State University next year. At Ora.nae CoMt, he la only the tee0nd player In the achool'a hlstory'to ICOl'e more than 1,000 pointa ln b1a career. He concluded two years with the Pirates with a total of 1,002. He waa the South Coaat Conference'• all-time leadina ICDttl' in 1982 with 320 polnta, aurpuatna the old mark of 284 aet by Ron Kru1dho1 of c.errttol College tn 1m. a. ai.o aet a conference mark In avera1lna 28. 7 pointa per outtna thla te8Dl. OCC'S BEST -Basketball star Chris Beule_y WU named Orange Coast College's athlete of the year thJs week. ~agetJ named. Dons' coach Santa Ana Co1Jece wtll have a new baaketball coach for the 1982~ IMllOll. Dana Paaett, 33, baa been tabbed for the job and will become one of the younaeat menton In the dn:uit. Pagett played far USC from 1967-71 and WM an All-CIF star at El Selundo Wah ln 1966. He hM been an a.iltant at Utah State Univenity for the put five yean. · Pagett wW replace Rcrtland Todd who left the team after the put aeMOll. From Page C1 CHANG. • • aim.ply becau.e he waa willing to do whatever waa needed in order for ua to win." When the Saturday Night Special is over Chang will tum h.ia efforta toward Cal and it'a the general feeling that he haa a genuine shot at meaningful contributions to the Golden Bean as a freshman. Sam Potter, Cal'a 6 -7 awingman, hu transferred to Oral Roberta, leaving a void right where Chana la expected to play. "lt'a an ideal situation for me," aaya Chan2 about his deciskJn to attend Cal. "I made the commitment early in order to relieve nne of the pre9IUre9 and I cboee Cal for a number of reaaona. "Flnt, it'• Pac-10 ball and there la the televtsioo ~­ And, Cal I.a ranked No. 3 in the nation academically.'' Chang remains undecided on h1a major, but it'll be aomewhere in the business field. ''Ol.ang fits in well with this tl_pe of game," says Leigh. "J!.'Veryooe pretty well ahares the ball and there a.re a lot of friends out there." Aa for pn!S.lre, only Leigh admits to that with hil group of all-stars touted aa can't-mill favorites. "U we allow the other team 20 points you guys (the press) are =·to be on my cue," says Buss against move SAN Dll!x;o (AP) -Jerry au.. Ownel' of the Loa Angei. Laker.. has revened his polltipll of a week 84JO and now. oppo9ed the propc.ecS move by the San Diego Clippera to the Loa Angelea Sports Arena, a .. . / Gaadmeals.. ii.deals.. .. ~ . . ,,. . " MAJOfl LIAOUI ITANDINOI ~cJ;m.- • L ....... 09 3' u .... 31 H .&IS lit 28 6112 2 32 30 .ue 4 2933..a7 19 M W 12\t 14 41 222 22\t .......... DMMoll )7 21 '6 22 31 27 30 29 29 21 27 " 27 33 ......,.e ..... Oeklllnd 4. T oronlO 2 ci...ill"ll &-2, DelrOll 11-1 lla.ltlmore t , MllwaukM 4 Niew vane 5, Boe1on 1 131 114 lit 634 I SOI 7 ... 500 • 412 9 •50 11 • ~CllV3.~t•0 8-l1le 4, t-0 II Only v-nee ICNduled _,Toda]~O.­Toronto(~lat .,.._ (Wma-o). O.trolt (Pullnlck 1·21 at Cleve1e110 (aor-6-11). n Mllw1uU• (McClure 3·21 11 l!lalllmore (l'llnaglll 5-4). n ea.ton (Hunlt 2-11 a1 "-Vortt (John~). II ~I IW-.nt 2-4) 8l ~ City (Biid< 0..1) n c:NblCIO (Hoy! i-3) at Oeklencl (Langford $-7)." II T-CTM\llNI 2·7} It 8-IU. (Moore 2-5). ~~-• L P'et. Ga 31 23 110 S4 24 .6" 1.,., 30 32 .484 7" 71 S4 .443 10 21 34 433 10'i'I 25 S4 .424 11 ~ °"""°" 3e 24 .eoo 3t 25 .654 3 . 30 27 529 4'i'I 3t 21 ~s •. ,. 21 30 464 • 22 311 3&1 14 ... ~---· ~;,o· i42.~ 'N lrlllinQ9> ..... °" 2. PttllburQll 1 St. L0111 2, Montrlll 1 Hou9ton II. Atllll'lla 0 Only 0-echldulld r.-,.ea- DMger'Q (,._ $-$) II &In Diego (Curlle 5-3L n Pl!lladafpllla (Rultwan 5·31 at Cl!lc;.gq (81.'d 3-tl New York (Puiao 5-31 at Pltuburgll 1"'-2"').n &In Frll!Cltoo (LN119Y ..._., iit ~II (Se8YefMJ," Monft ... (~ ~) It 81 LouD (Mduilir 1-4). n I Minta CW• M) et Hou9ton {~ 2·1\ II ' fillltMft .. ~. Tuu 000 (l()jJ 000-0 3 1 Sllttll 100 001 t tx-4 t 3 M1llac11. 01rwln (8) and lhindb1rg, 8Hltf1. StaMon (7) and Buffing. w -, BMllla, M . L -Mali.ct<, 1·6. S -Stanton (4) H"9 -&Miiie. Bocllta (3). Hend«eol\ 1111. c-.. (9). A -10,795 NATtONAL LIAOUI DodDefl 4, , ... t L08 ~I I.Alt 1*00 • , 11111 • , 11111 8a,2b 5010Wlaalnelll020 Landr-. cf 5 1 1 1 Pltfmn. 2ti 1 2 a o a.ker, " 11 1 2 1 Tmoit11, 11 5 0 3 0 Owr'Nr, rl II 0 0 0 Ru.Jon9, cl 4 O 1 1 ~. tb 4 1 1 1 .._." a o 1 1 c.,, 3b 4 0 1 0 Sal&Dr, 3b 5 0 0 0 Thomll. .. 0 0 0 0 8evlcq. tb 5 0 3 , 8clolcla, c 3 0 0 0 Ec:NOtgr, P/3 O 0 0 RuMell, ae 3 I 1 0 Ed'#fde pll 1 0 O O Orta.pl\ 1000SMw' 000 0 S,Howe. p 0 0 0 O ' P Vall\nlel, p 3 0 1 t Monday, " 1 0 0 0 Belangf, .. 0 0 0 0 Totela 311 4 I 4 To4.ale 43 3 14 I • ._.,, ........ LOI,.,__ 000 21b 000 01- Sall ~ 100 001 100 00-S E-OP-8811 Olego 1 L08-LOI Angellll , San Diego 12. 28-Be't~ T. ~. HR-~(%). ~(I). 8akM ( 11). se-sax: TlmPieeon. Pltfmln. 8-Eldllllberger, 8dolc:M. 4F-TllllOllllon. Lal....... PMll~•eo V~ II t4 3 S 3 7 s. Howl (W,trt) 2 0 0 0 0 0 :::.°':9 . 10 1 3 2 0 • Show (L.S-2) f 1 1 I 0 2 T-2:57. A-41,1173. c-.u. ........ 11 Plpt,l!oll__,. .... .-.......... 000 033 104-11 12 2 Ct*-050 131 oax--12 " • C1rl1on1 Altarnlrano (4). Monge (II). Brullter n). Lyle (I) anO 8. Diaz; Jenklne, Tldr-(8 CampMll (II) Ind J. D1W1. W-Jenl<IM, • L -C.lton. 7-7. Hfla -Plllladelpllla, Rou ( 1), lcll111ld1 (I), M41tttwwe (II; ~ Wiii (3). J. Oe¥11 (4). Ourham (7). A -10.7M. NAnoNM. &.Uoum 0 Al " " P'Gf, Au.Jonla. San 011ao SJ 202 44 e7 .W FnlnoOlll. Monlt9IJ 42 121 13 .. .a22 J.~ PlttllllurVh64 "'Ill .. .S22 81_,., New Yori! 80 1114 at 1:1 .aaG ~l MOfltt..i II 207 30 ee .J1t ""'II"'-Holle9orl eo 2M 12 71 .a 11 Homer, Attenta 63 IN 17 18 .117 8allot, H11w YOftl M 117 17 17 .S1t on...n. Clndrwllltl 57 204 tt .. .114 Cedeno. Olndnn9ll .. 1111 11 .. .a 11 ............ 1errta. 1t; ~. Nw Yortl, 1 e: , P1tteDur 11; carw. Mon1rHI, • 8. OIU, 1>11t:e1e1~ 11; Homer, Atllnta. 11; ..._, ttJ Cllttc. San F'l'Wldllo0..1. '.!-~ ___ ... ~. Attenta, A : Motlllnd. CNcaoo. 42; l!I. Ofu. ...... ~1: l<.lnglMn. ..... Yortl, 40; T. =:'1t DI :'°°i 40. FOtldl, ~ f.2; AoclW-. Mo1\tt1191, 7-3; 81111011, Hout1011, 74; Yee.. ....... ~ ... Andujlr, 81. Loo*, 1-4; J. NMl!IO, HouMol\, 1-4; WIWI, .,....., .... o,_,. Cout OAILY PILOTfTutlday, JUM 11, 1882 Loi AlemltM llOemAY'9 llUULft '="r .. .:C:-ut:·--....., Netlw Enll*« ~ UO 3.IO 2.IO 811111 "' Timl (LeCjcer) • 4.00 uo llua An ADii (a.rd) 7.80 Alllo reced: F1r9r Cofl_lel, llow 'N Duel, Requeat A Bid, teey 8111 Arr1VI. Deck• ~ EM)' A-da, Gotta Go Te. Time: 17.N, • UACTA (4-2) pel(,I '24.IO. MCOMD 11ACt. sao ywa 8dnl.Wllor (tw1) ~r 10.ao ... 0 My,... RM\bler (Atmettong 13.00 7.00 °""9Yt 81'1Qnl Moon (M)Wt 4.00 Ntto r**1: Mlaflty HeaOtJltor. llc*al>O. Tidy "u•blo, lpeclaf Oeb, Ruuatt. h_.Gondu T1ml: tU4. ,.._, MC&. 170 yvde. Fleet Mk*9Y (Berd) 20.20 IAO 4.20 Mldlo Miio {~ IAO 4.20 ~ C.W .... L.11*.n S.00 Aleo recM: wlH ·e1n1te r. W1ny110, ~ 0-. IPtr1llfl Amenle, Tlloo Tom. ""* ..... "'. ~~.::.r,:-40 7.oo' uo 8hOr1 -~t 22.40 •.• P-My (PIU!lnl) 4.00 Alao r 1 Coney l111nd. Urnll• Jet, W911nglon ~ ~ Authe c.I 8". Timi: 20.21. • DACTA (Ml pelcl 1477.40. ..nt u.ca. SIC> yerde. ~Clnder~17.40 4.tO 1.00 a.:..,.. l!ll&e* I uo a.oo Mlll l!zy Tomldo PUlnl) 1.40 AllO reoed: 01bby1 L•d)', Mlgllly M0Gf1111I•, Sompl11 Windy, Tiie Racing ai-. MlcMy ........ Mo Clllll Flow. ""* 11.aa. mTM MCIL=rr50 da. IMw*'a Olll <~ 1a.oo uo 4 eo Diieo lbde ~ 8.eo uo ~ lt*IY Miit (Hmrt) 4.20 A111o ,__ .__ KllMttvld, awamr ao Ilg. T~ ,._, IMly ~. 8o Moon. Milured 10 Win. Tin. 17.tG. • II.ACTA (S-7} pelcl 181.20 ~ lllACa. 380,..... ¢tiiCiio. the Doctor ~)3.20 S.00 Q.IO Aret AldlO CT°'*81 t uo uo T,_*111~· 7.00 Aleo rec.d: WHt1ot •-. llf Ille Co.di, ~ ..... .ION a.., Bue. flmlttr ni.rm-. Tlllap 8plol. Deep ......... lllllN11NW19HHlnlllTIT (M'e ~) -e7 llnQlln; It bue, U 1 1111c1terel1 13 rock 11111 (Dewer'• LHlillr) -154 an9le r1: a ~ .. bonito, 102 Mnd ._., 224 Olllloo U.. I halibut, 402 mack.,.. 2 klflO • ~. DMM WHAN' -15' ~ 524 ti.la. II bonito, 5 ye+loW1•11. 2 roctc fleh. 71 rnad<...i. LONO BIACH 1e1l111HI "•r) -I .,.i.r.; 128 rooll ~J:. 11 'I .,..,, -42 lllgllrl: 71 bar't 111 Ollloo llMI, 72 Mnd bMI. 2 Mlltlut. lllOMO BAY (YW.'a LM41"8) -31 ~ 1 llnO ood, .. -.. roca ocid, 30 r9d rod! ood. 10 r9d INICIC*, at bell. tAM•OOCHUll~......,_.., .... a.-1 -107 ~ • lwlllbut. I ~. tt2 bWflCUda, s bonito, 9 .,.., 15 '°'* 11111. OCbNW -143 ~I bll'r-*. 57 bonito, 73 c:ellOo blll, to Miid 11111. 1:1 rooll IW\, 1.062 mecllarml. •• •:·· -. -0 . -· I Moncle(:.:::.UIW1tof• Cl ....... ....... BOSTON REO SOX -8lanld ,.,.,_, Slllan, pllcll.,., and Biiiy "lchard1on, Clltdls. llld .-gned ~ 10 EJrnn of "" HY-P9nn i.-c..... ....... CINCINNATI AED8 -Optioned MUie O'lerry, c:etcl>lr, 10 Ind~ of the Arn«lc:ln Aaaod•llon mod rec:allld Dive VIII OorOlr. c:mdler, ltom ~ NEW YORK MET8 -Rllndell Myer•. pltcller. 111d u11gn1d lllrn to Klngaporl (Tann.) ol Ill• App1laclll•11 ~881MOH PIAAT'E8 -TrlOed Eddie 8olomon, pttChlr IO tbl Clllcego White loll for Jim Momion, lnllelder. ST LOUIS CARDINALS -Actlvmlld a-T111ec:e, ftra1 b-. Optioned Oellld ar-i. outllmlOer, to~ of IN Amertclll "8eodetlon. fJOOT9ALL ......... ,..... ....... CINCINNATI IENOAl.s -8lgnld lMyY Hogue.~ ~ L08 AH0EL.E.S RAMS -A. J , "JMI" Jonll. n'"'*-11 bee*: ....,, 11n1back1r; and Rlclty Collrna11. wide ~~ ..... ,..... ........, Qllll ~con•=• eocc:a ...... ._.._._"- SEATTLE 80UNOER8 -NafNa Jolwl ........... ~ !ASTERN ILLINC118 -Nmmed ·-~Ind Tim Wiiier ...... ~ AC'TmOU8 ----MAm eTATUmlfT ACmlOUI .,_.. IC.-nt f'IC11TIOUI WM MAim ITAnmMT aTATDmJn CW H•MDiOl•mtT MAm eTATW lllC1'T'IOUI ..... ~~ l*90M.,.. dolnO ACTIT~:::....... The follcN4ng penont.,.. dc*lg Tiie =:~doing fl'ICTmOUe wa HCllUOUI • 11•11 MAim ITAftlmNT ..... ITA~ The foltowlng c-eon la doing The tolowlnO .,.,.._ ere doil10 The followlnQ per.one .... doing ~-TAUJILL" & WICl<LUND CONSTRUCTIOft. 20300 9ellhlrl, Lakewood. Ce. Curt W1yn1 Trujillo, 20300 a.w.n. ~. ea. 90715 Roy ~d Wlddund, 824 N. Ast•. ~.Ca. 92025 Thie bulinlel .. eonducted by I CHEMICAL ENE"OY Thi followlng penon llfl ~te'iASAL 8AL!8 AN ~:IAI DGI! L!ASINO 8Pl!CIAUSTS. 1310 c LogM Aw .. lbendoned Ille'* of the fletltlo6m SERVICE, 3'21 W• ~.~ANY 1035 e Cemlno OtlYe Coft• M-. CA 12828. tiu--. ~ Senu AM. CA t2704. eo.ta ...... CA t2t2e. ' KEM NAO, tnc., I Cllllfomlll RUBY'S CAA!. 206 II Camino Unlvenal Puncll Corp ., a Stant.Y Aoblf1 Stenbrldge :'Q di~~ A14 .. AMl~'l: ~lio Soutll "8" Tom~~~~:, ~ 2.=_ ~:r=a7-• Ja;C: COl'1;;':.=-" eonduc:1ed by 1 s~ ~~ by CO(J)Ot~ II conducltld by • ,, 8tanl•Y R. s1anbrldge. KEM NAO, Ille. en lndMduel. IJnlwrMI Punc:t1 C«p. D.~ ~ -flld wltll !he L..onard Greiner Diana A.. Rnlrt Kint L.. W9atll8 l>f-6denl Thil IUl'-1t -flled with the 11111 1tawnent WM ftled wttll the County a.t o4 0nnge County on Thim Nt:':ll -fllld wttn the County an of Orange County on COuntY Cllr1I of er-. County on June ... lt82. ,ltOfro =~. =. Orange ~ M~ 12. tta2. ·~ Mey 2'7. 1te2. '11M10 Publtshed Orenee eo .. 1 Delly Publllhed Orange Cout Dally Publllhed Orenge Cout Delly Publl•lled Orange Coaet Delly Plot. June 1• 15• 22. 29• 1':2430-82 ~-~-(I) IMAGE CONSTRUCTION PRO-PLAYERS INTER- CO , (bl IMAGE 0£VELOPERS; (C) NATIONAL.. 3100 All'w9y A--. IMAGE SOLAR SYSTEMS; (di Suitt 129, Coete Meea. CA '2t29. IMAGE SOLAR DESIGN. 1570 PRO-Pl.AYERS WEST INC .. • N-port Blvd .. Colla MHa, CA Cell1omle corpOlellon, 3t00 AJr#rf 92827. Avenue, Coata Mele. CA 92829. DAVID F. u:ACH, 8811 CoM1 Thll ~ .. oonduc:ted by 8 ~2Z'1. '~"· }•oun1 Be1cll. CA P~LAYERS WEST IHC Thia ~ .. conduc:tld by en W*'-" H. F<*om, lndMduel Vice Pl'llldent OevlcS F LMot1 Tlllt llal-1 -flled wltll tM Tiiis •tet-i -ftlld wltll the Coun'I C*1t o4 Orange County on County Cllr1c o4 Orange County on June • 1982. ,1tln'1 Plot. June a. t5, 22. ~. 118'2 Piiot, .June 1. 1. 1a. 22. 1t12 Piiot. June 1. a. 16, 22. 1tat...., .ft -----------1~-------------------2"-7-2..aa~ 23t2-12.1~--------'...,........--PUIUCNOTIC( NlJC NOTICE June 4' l982. ,._,,. Publlallld Orang• Cout Dilly Publlallld Orange Cout Dally Pttot. June I. 15. 22. 29. t982. Pilot • .iune a. 15, 22. 29. 1912. 2s 1CM2 ~-==:' Tiie following perlOll 11 doing ~-(I) MESA OANAMINTAL IRON: (b) MESA IAOH; (c) MESA IRON REAL E8TA'1'E, 1418 81\emfOOk ~. C:O.ta Meea, CA 92628. JAMES THEODORE SILERtO, 1411 Stllfnrodl i..,,., Coeta ~ CAt28H. ~~ • oonduolad by en Jamee t. 8llarlo Thie ttatemerrt .,.. Ned wilt! the County Cllr1c °' <>rmnge C«.inty on ~<i.1982. ,~ PublllMd Orenge Cou\ Delly Piiot, .iune a. 15. 22. 29, 1ta2. 2408-82 fl1CTTTlOU9 .,..... 2~ fllCnnoue 11111•11 MAm ITATDmff .... .,. NOTICE MAim ITA~ The folowlnQ 1*10M -doing ---'=1'--------The followlng per90fW .... doing b\11111118 -fl'ICTmOUI ...... ~ ..: TIMI followtno 1*90f1 la doing RUBY'S CAFE. 205 El Camino MAm ITATDmJff T a R PAINTIHO, 1131 Bed! bullr'9ll • RMI. Tuetln, CA t2MO. The IOllowlng per.one ere doing In AO., I 111, *-Pott e..:fl, Ca. ART A l.A CART£ 3a Cypttet Olene A.. Rlwlln. 180 Soulll "B" ~ M : 928413 T,_ ~ 1N1na, CA t271&. Street, Tuelln, CA tHIO. THE LITT\.E GAZEBO, 1733 TllomMAAlenHeflln,235461en JANET MAI! 8:TEVEH8, 82 Robert f'. Rawlln, 4121 Wellcllll Drive, N-port Beach, Jecllnto Ad., Ollll V*t, C.. ezaao. Cypreu Tr .. Leni. lrvlne, CA M11mon, -'Of, 1, Orange. CA t2Mt. CelK0<nla t2te0. Robert Jollrl ·:~San 9271&. Thia~ le c:onductld by a Petrlc:le i.n-Gllmot9. 123& Jednto Ad .. 0... V*t, t2310 ...Tllll bu11tM81 .. oonducted by en g«1eral pertrMnlllp. Blue Oum L8nl. ~ 8-::fl. Thll ~ II by a ~ Ollnl A.. -., Celllornla 92te0. genw11 ~' Janet MM St~ Thia •t1tet11tnt wee flied wttll Ille Nici! Jolin Florio. 1238 Blue ~. Af*t Hdl Thll lllatement -Ned With the County Cllr1c of Orange County on Oum L1n1, Ne,.pOrt e .. 011 , Tllll ~ -Ned w1111 tN County C1ar11 of 0renot Cowlty Oii Mey 20, 1M2. Cellfotnle 92ee0. County ciertt et o,.-. County on MllY 13. 1112. ,_ Thia ~ 11 ooncluc*ld by • M~ 21, '982. PW Put>lllftld Or1nge Co .. t Delly O--fl pal'tl'lentilp. ,_ ~l>lllMd Orange Coat .. lly Piiot June 1, 8, 16, 22. 1982 Pltncla L <Jlmore . Publllhed Otange Cout Dally Piiot. June 8, 16, ea. 21, 1M2. 2381-82 Thll ltat-t wee flied w1tti the Plot May 211, June t. t. 16, 1Mt 2S08-.t2 County a.. of Oranee County on 2131-82 P\llJC flmC( Mey 19, 11182. ,.,. ~~~~~~~~~-fta.IC M)TIC( Publl1ll1d Oreno• 00111 Oelly Piiot, June 1, a. 1a, 22, 11112 237142 ncnnoua .,.. .. ..,... eTAl'llmf'r The 1o11oweno perlOf\ 1a doing ~-BACCHUS (ENGLISH WINE PU8). 4811 Wen'M Alie., Suite 104, Huntington Belch, Ca. 92949 Antllony Petlf Lu1k. 12241 ~. 81enton. Ca. toe80 Thie ~ II conctuc:t«I by an lndMduel. A. Lulk • Tllll Wit-' -fled with the County Cieri! of Orenga County on May 21. 11182. ·~ Publl1hed Oreng• ~ut Dally Plot May 26. June'· •. 15. 1182 21«M2 " .. i !• ... ' IJ TIM AaMelac.d PNtt • A. 1\ral1M Un• tan'c alway1 th• chH~t ClWnoe betw n \wo DOlnw tn ~·· cirowa.ct, ~tive and ff!q~Uy oonfuldna 11rJea. A 2,&QO.mlle·flllht between LOI~ and Honolulu oan t'Olt 1-than a aoo.mlll p ftcm ~ to Cbaha. It may be chea~ to ao lrcm. A to B to C than 1t la to 10 from A to B alane. 0 \'ou NU1.Y do ha..,. to check all the alrllnm." tald S.Uy Mcllwreath ol Trani World Airllna 11You can hav. dWvent prkel on the eame route." You can aoroed.mill wind up peytnc more for 1-.. Hfl'*'• an example: Dena Airllnel fll• 'to .London vta the p~ city ol Atlanta. A. round-trip, excu.raM>n...W. debt on a Del\a fliaht from Tunpa, Fla., to London wtth CltilUllR a 11op in Atlanta en route will cait you •7•3. U you pc on in Atlanta, your round·trip ticket wW cmt $8~2. The Atlan\a puaenger pays •109 more to fly about 800 fewer miles. ' Competition la the cauae of the confualon. Since 1978, the airlines have been allowed lncreulng freedc:m in choolling the route9 they will fiy and the pries they will charge. It's au part of the effort to deregulate the aviation industry. l>elta epokeeman said competition la the reuon for the aurlace inequity in the Tampa and Atlan\a fares. Pan American World Airways fllea from Tampa to London via Miami; the current round-trip excu.nion fare to LoJMjon from either Tampa oc Miami ia $730. Delta did not want to loee Tampa puaengen IO lt offettd them a competitive fare. ''There are hundreds of diecount fa.re.." said Delta spokesman Bill Berry. ''They come and ao." Berry ad.m1Ued, however, that it la eomedmes ''hard to explain to a cuat.omer'' why he or abe ii paying mott for lea. · The Southeut ien't the only part of the country whe~ the fares mav teem toJ19Y"rurvy. Airline fares never were baaed directly on the distance traveled; the~ wu no fixed rate per mile. Today, however, dist.lp:le ia even le9I important than it U8ed to be; popularity is the key to low price. You can fly the 983 miles from DalJaa to Orlando, Fla .. on American Airlines at a one-way coach fare of $169; the 989 miles from Dallas to Salt Lake City will coat you $233. "The key lo all o f thil is the kind of competitive activity that e>data under de.regulation," said Amerkan'a Al Becker. Fares are not necemarily detennined ''by OOl1a or even IOWld b\.&Sine9 practices," be said. •'There is a seeming inequity, but it's the nature of the pricing structure in a deregulated environment." c.out.-t.o-<:oast flights off.er aome of the biaest bargaina. The distance between New York and Los Angeles is just under 2,800 miles. The cheapest currently available fare is $139 one-way. U you don't want to go the whole distance, however, you probably wlll have to pay more. The cheapest United Airlines ticket from New York to I I I .-JD mta ~ 11n1C1 MUC NOnC1 Nm6:r · To'ff'~JTi.o JF..£EFi Party BllM ,,.,·::::.: ........... dOll't ..... ..,,.. .,.,. ~rOl'OVI "· n111 .... To.=;:~~ Too:""~~~ . ...,. "Sh 1 1r II 1 ,. ... .....,.. . .._ 101. Tu.In. oaw. to 1n. 1>ep1r1'""' of Atoot1oll4 ~~ o.,.,,,.111,.., muw ·~th ~ ':;. ~ ... or•ot • LIMlt•• f:l-.i~: .. Ofl1'~,\:' ·1:~~S~ OH'miil'li~Jt';tro OUahter, wncl addr~H r=:r::.:J.'~ ~1.'/~C'.';.~ ..,'hNO=~'t e;:.,.-:,: e_TIMCli'EC~':. '#-.-:= ran I• o u n • y . Cotta ~ Cotta OliforftleNel'I. bUlln ... men aC~ndl~ Lln,oln llvln11 ond Loan '"Dll Or1119e OOMt DtffY ' 0r.,... C.... Oe11f .... _ J··-""' ~ AHOO ttlonl... O•lll•r.n•• .... """"'"· ttU llloC.""""' , •• ,.., v.. ---totporetlon. tu1 Llnool11 Wey, tt11-ll _,.. the Extcutt.... ., ~ ,.,., Clllfornle '1114. of&. at 3140 pua TNI ~ "oonduOt..s by"' PWUC NOTICE ---------------Drive, Newport BMch. ::nllO:'.:i"" WOOl•llon other NTmOUe •11111.. PWUC ~ '11\e Pickwick Club1 an entertaln.ment packa1e producUon company ln Oran1e County, will provide the .ctor. U::.,."'f'ev. & L.oM MM!. MAim ITAW NiiilOUI • 11, IN John M. Yunll1t, Jr. Thi fOllowlnt PlflOlll.,.. ~ U.. ITA~ lxeo. VIOi Preeldtn1 l>UliMll M l Tllo fOlloMlt ,.,..,,. ft dolrlf Tiiie 1t1ltmtnl wM flled wtttt lt)I VIDIO VIM'll"I· 1101 W. bUlllllll • County Cllril of OrMOI Oounty on MacAttfU etvd., I 141, e.tta Miao I.A) " I OOMPOHINTI INC:J June to, 1t12. 0.. '2707 18> " I IYaftMI IHO ; (C) " • ,,.._ Jolul '*"-Jr., 1101 W. a.ICMnOH IHO .. 3100 W. WflMI ll'ul>ll1ll•d Oreng1 00111 Delly MIOAl1tlut lllYd., 1148, Stint• AN.> Aw't..la 7, a.n-. AM. CA H704. Pliot June 11 22 at ...... 9 11182 ea. •2101 row D Mlef.-.iotocw 1no. • ' ' ' · ..,,., "34-ta l'rri NIWtro, 2813 l.oolnlotl Calltornll Oot6)0rltlon, 1·100 w. 1---.---.,.-llft------It.. Lot~. Ce. llOOM W-Ave., 111, 8Mtl AN. CA ~ ""'-n. ~ "oonduc1ed by. 12704. "8JC flOTIC( ~ portnertNp. Thll ~ .. oonduotad ~ • ----------· Jolul ,ldleco Jt OCll'l)Otatlon. l'rri NIVWfO Faw D NOTICE OF OEATB OP ™'"""'*".,..Mid wlUI""' M1Crftl..--,;r ... ioqy-1na. TO =51c:'~ CECELIA 8 , ~ANDEL ~1~of Oranoe 0ounty on 11111 ~ -Mid wtt11 ... .wM• (I) AND OF PETITION TO "~ County CIOrtl of °'llnOI eouncy on ,.._ f1tM1l7 ADMJNJST1!:R ESTAT2 NO. ll'ublleh•d Or•noe eo .. 1 Diiiy Ji.w t1, 1912. --"'•-_.. A 11Sl11 fltlot June 15, 22. 2t, >.if e. 1"2 ,,.,._ --··-• • H3&-t2 Publllhed Orang.•• CouC'OlllY Noeloe .. ~"*. bUlk To all hein, benefid&rieo, Piiot, June 15, 22, 29, .My. 11t2 =:::: ~~ ~ c:redltore and c:ontlnaent NI.IC flOTIC( 2saw2 to be mede. credlton of Cecelia B. K•n ~ .. ~·~ ~ Kandel and penoru who NOTICE OP DEATH OF PlBJC fl011C( .,,..., Md ZI' Code Number: may be otherwile In~ ALICE ELIZABETH SHAW --------- 1111 1raneleror(~1ro: HAA"AH In the wW and/or estate. AND OP PETITION T.0 NOnCa °' g,o;_~~~~.:20 b/H~~J.~Sr~ ADMINISTERP.STATENO. ~~ "You'd h•ve S•ve ... four bits ,J;.,~1~ ~~I the Superior Court of A·1117H . .__ NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC.• ~ 111 ~ Orange County requeottna To all D1Cin, benefldariel, duly ~ TruetM undlt IN lf'n you got on in St. Lou." ~:, .,.. ~ that Herbert J. Karidel. Sr. creditors and continaent ~~~A~ AUTAUMHf IHCOAPOAATED, 1 be appointed u penonal c red Ito rt o f AL ICE TO THE H1G EST 9IOOE1' ~ C1111orn11 oorpor1t1on, tot3 E. repreeentatlve to tdmln1lter !!LIZABETH SHAW and CASH (peyab6e at lln'9 of .... 1n :::;•· Huntington &Hell. CA the eatate of Cecelia B. peuons who may be lewful money of tne Unft.ct~= _,_., ... " CONFUSING -This ta what airline pueengera are putting up with these days - paying more for a shorter trip. Loa Angeles -will ooet $358 round-trip. The d1l\aDce between auc.,o tD Omaha ii under ~ mllee. but the cheapest round•trlp ticket according to United .. Marty Leaver la $274; for $4 more, you can fly ~try and back. ''There are a lot of .bargalna out there," '81d Leaver, "but there are aome Tnoonaistenc:tea." United la faced with the proepect of competition on the route between Loa Angeles and Hawaii; two more airlines are about to enter the market and have announced low introductory fares. To counter the newaimen, United la aJaahirur lta one-way fare between Lo. Angels and HonOlulu fare from $310 to $119.98 through July ~. The competition, combined with the l'flCIWlion. has cauad nlCOrd 10tl8e9 in the airline Industry . Britain'• Laker Airwaye, which piooeered roclt- bottom transatlantic fares, went out of 1NliJle8t in Febnaary; Braniff Airways ~ aerYice in May. Industry analysts predict there may be other failures. . For the consumer, the competition can be great -if you're in ~t place al the right time and want to go to the t destbsation. Bui you have to watch the ads check travel agents and the carrien themaelvee; the dlacounu are flexible and fleeting. Thai IM l*'IOI~ to bl Kand e l ( u n d e r1 t b e o&herwt.e lnteres1ed In the : ~·= = ~ unc1w 1111ie1 1111..,1ecl 11 In 0--11 Independent Admln.laintion wWA and/oc es;::: been 1.,_. Deed of Trull In tll1 property a I m It I r I a I I , I 11 pp 11 I I , of llltatea Act) The ~ -oeti~ wcu ,,.,...,.., ~tbed: mero111ndl11, equipment (or) la .et for ~ In Depl b y \' Al.. E R I E A N N TIW8TOR: CL YOE A.. McKAY Md ~ im:c'~ No. 3 at 700 CMc c.nter TH 0 M P S 0 N i n t h e =~"'8> E. McKAY. llueblnd Md II looat9d tit: 428 I. 17111. Coeta Drive, W.i_ In the Qty of Superior Court of Orange ~: NEWPORT HOME M111 , CA 1001tller wltll Ill• Santa Ana California on County reque1ttn1 that LOAN TRUST #2» followlng d11ct1b1d alcollollc July 7 1912' at t:JO a.m.. V A L E R I E A N N Reoorded s.otem&>er 24, 11181 • b•v~ llcan11(1): OH SALE IF YOU oBriDcr to the THOMPSON be appointed lnatt.No.30lt11nbook t4231,l)IOC :r.uH2~1~1~ CfU\tinsolthepeUb.you adper.inall It repttment tative&of ~i:=-~~~ ~ tor prMIMe ioo.oci .t: ~ elths .....,-at the a m n 1 er the eetate o llkt deed of "'* dllcttOee IN -~ h I d t t A L IC E EL I Z AB ET H to1ow1ng property: L04 13 of TrlC1 Thal the tot.I oonllderetlon for ear DI an • • e your SHAW IRVINE, CA (under No 378 In thl Qty of Cotta MeM, tfle.,.,..., of Mid bullnell Ind of obEtlona or file written th •I d . d ~~i. of Orange, Slat• ot Mid lolnll{1) 11 tM..,, of s100. ob tlone with the court e n e Pen e 0 t • por,...., l'W«dld 1n 000.00 lncludlno Inventory be ore the bearina. Your Admlniatratlon of F.etat.es bOdl 15, PIOI a . m11c1 , * • 9ltlmNd .. ..o.. wtlioll ooMlal of appearance may be In penon Act). The eetitlon la eel foe mape, In thl offtol of thl county ttw 1o11ow1r1g; ~ °'**· 110. or bv vour anctne hearing In Dept, No. 3 at 700 r9COf'der or Mid c:iounty. EJlcept thl oo~.::J ~1m1nd Ho t• to be 1 'Y y y 0 U Ay.R E Civic ~nter Drive West Hortt11111~ 1557.42 teet. ret1 wllh eull thr~ Ihle F A ' YOU ARE IN DEFAUl T UHOE.A A aeorow. eeo,000.00. CREDrroR or a contingent Santa Ana, CA 92701 on DUD Of' TRUST OATB> AUGUST That It Ille been .... --creditor of the deceued July 7, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. 1. tH1 UNLESS YOU TAK! llld tr1n1far•1(1) and ••Id mustfileyourclaill(with~ IF YOU OBJECT to the ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR ltatWfllrOl'(e) tNt OOl-.ratlon tor I ~-'-'"of the -'tion. you PROPERTY, IT MAY HIOlDATA IN ltWlllllr of llkS ...,_ Ind of court or preeent t to the ..... --PUBLIC SALE. If YOU MUD AN 1111ie1 ...._., II to bl paid cnty pereonal representative either appear at the EXPt.AHATK>ft Of' TH£ HA.TUM .ner~hel"-'~~ appointed by the court hearing and ttate your OF THE ~AGAINST O.S-1111edl of Mod!olc ..._.within four montha from the obEtlona or fUe written vou. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Control. purwene to 8oo. 24Crn 91 dete of tint iHuance of ob tloru wlth the court ~Senta AM A Collla T~at th• llere111 d11crlb•d let1en u provided In Section be ore the bearing. Your ...._CA 12t28. -. ......,.. .. to bl CONUml'lllMd. 700 of the Probate C.ode of a~ may be 1n penon "i" • .,... lddr.-or common =c'; == ~=:..:. California. The time for or l t Yy o~l°R E A :~·~:~1:~n 1~1 ;!'::: ::o~· 1':: tuta ._,... IMl. w.-. .... ~ cl.alma wW not ~ r<"Dvnrron ..i .. -t ~ °' co11oe•11-)." CA t2tl3 on or lfter J41it I, 1t12. pnor to four months from ~ n or a coo ... ...,.. The belllllollry ""6er Mid o...s AN otll« bull-nllllM and the date of the heerlng creditor of the decewd. you of Tnm, ~,.....of• 1nee11 °' m:tdt 1 1 IMC! ~ thl tr~•> noticed above must file your claim with the cMfault In Iha 0Clligdol11 MCUr9d wlthWI ..,_ ~ IMI peel.'°,._ YOU MAY EXAMINE court °" preeent it to the thereby. heretofcn ~ Ind .. known ~o ttan1flt'M(t), aro: the.., .... .__ b .... _ U pe reonal representative cHllv.,ed to 1111 und.,lloned • non.. L__./ I .......... pt y u ... court. . wnt'9n Ded91edioi• of Olfd Ind Nanfi""'and ICIOIMI of MCtow you ue lnterest.ed 1n the appointed by tht court o.mand ror a.. Ind wrttten no-. holCI•" llRVICE ESCROW esta'-e you may file a request wtthln four months from the of bfeodl Md of Oleetlon to c:ai.. · · \ Cl } d £ p • }s !?~P:.:!; ~2::.::-Ch Blvd., with 'the court to receive date of fln~ _laauanc:e of ;:• undt~r='!.!:' .::..:::: DI.Ill llllal eve an Orest retty g1r wOA---2, tta. special notice Of the ~~~:g::: enr.1t!r .. tter Iha und~ned . HA"RAH CORPORATION ventory of estate ...eta( c llf I Th I f c:a.-dllldno-.ofllrllQllendol HILBERT GEORGE FREDERICK HILBERT, long time Otange County Phanriaciat, paaed away in South Laguna on June 12, 1982. A native Califomlan. Mr. Hilbert WU born ln Eureka and WU a araduate of the University of California S ch ool o f Pharmacy. He 1\erved hla profeoalon for 50 ye.an In Riverside, Fullerton, and latterly in Dana Point where be fourtded that d~'• only drugetore in 19$8. Survtvon include his wife, Muriel of the home, daughter Mary (Mrs. Peter G. ll'emple) of Corona del Mar, Ca. and grandlorw Eric and John Temple, brother Harry C. Hilbert of Carmel. Ca. and sister Mrs. Velma Greenall of San Lula Obbpo, Ca . Private graveside service• w e re heJtd on Tue9day, June 1~. 1982 at Pacific View Memorial Park. Pacific: View Mortuary direct.on. UNUMfTED of the pedUom, accounta a orn a. e t me or e1ec:11on to bl Aloordod Merdl ~1 h . I d covered ~"1.i.l..w, nd report. described In filing~ will not expire =:.::;:·1247.m4cf-untlng regu ate T•••ore Section 1200 of the prior months from Said 1111 wlll b• made but OON J08e RESTAURANT INC. ornla Proba&e Code. the date of the hearing wllllout cov•n•nl or warrenty. . by statute eCllfornlaooipoilllloo Mldael R. Le•beUer, noticed above. tlllPfW,or lmplled, ~ ttUI, Shooting and hunting in the Cleveland 8r Joe MorjOMJ)fl, jAttone1 at Law 117' YOU MAY EXAMINE pa 1 •·0"· or ~ to N tional ~~ ia _,...,,.. PNlldenl L ... • D 'c the file kept by the court. u poy IN ~ pmo1p1111.m of a run::111\ .... a-.ted by ocder of the forest TROP~.a. i•-'y (AP) ey ..,_ Morjoeepl. aura er rlve1 eeta in _ ... ln th eie notilC•I MCUr9d ~ ....s Deed of superviaor. • ~ w.i Sec.IT,.. Meaa, Callforala HUI. you a.re tefe&leu e Trwt. wt1t1 lntlt'lll •rt eald..,_ -'nl8 Town Council in T1w..,_ HMll7 estate, you may file a request provided. ldvW-. " ll'IY Ufldlr An order cloaes 80me lands with a history of this beach town has emMCa UC** COllPMY PubU.hed Orange Cout with the court to receive thl wme of lllliCI o...s Of T"*- sh<>?ting-related problems, retainacertainareu.and ~pealed a statute that =-:=.'="--Daily Pilot. June 15, 16, 22, apec:lal notice of the~~-==-~-;: destgnates othen for shooting only in the pu.nwl of banned ugly women Pubflatled °':;r eoee1 Dally 1982 Inventory of estate aueta llkt Deed of TNlt. 8a6d .-•tie game during hunting eeaaon. from aunbatbi .... n·•d• Plot • .-.... 16. 1 2628-82 land of the peddona, accounts hlkl on WedMldey, -Mt 'I. 1Na e1 .... .. "' 2131-42 and report• dekrlbed In 2:00 p.111. It tl'9 ~A-Most of the Trabuco Ranger Di.strict and Santa but allowed beeutlful ---PWUC--fl011CE-----llfl'l'M'C SecUon 1200.5 of the entrance to tll• Civic Center Ana Mountains will be open to shooting only durine women to bare their ftll.IC ""'~ Califomla Probate-code ~ 300 E. °""""*"A-. hunting aeaaona. Eight areas are clmed to ahooting tnuta on the beach. WELDlR Ir BRUNI~. 111:":1111 ~1~'rr' ~ 1n111a1 at all times. Moat of the Palomar and Deecanao "It was just a joke," NOTICE OF DEATH OF NOTICE OF DEATH OF BY: WILUAM J . BRUNICK pubblklfl of tNI noca. IN toea1 Ranger Diatrlcta are open to lhooting aaid Mayor Giuseppe DAVID B. SCHWARTZMAN THEODORE KLEINER A=al t.w emountoftNunc*tlWlnoloftM shoo~!'~~ ~vailawhJchbl ~li~~landthe Romano , aher the ~~l~~J8. ~~~D4>~~.~Bu~t ::.1:~t~d~E~=:: -. iQJwa;wona _.,. a e a. "-wve · statute wu repealed. A·llltlf PETIT I 0 N T 0 ~.CA Hl71 1dvanc11 11 ua.too.u . To National Forest office9. "Now we'll do thinp To all beire, benefidariM, ADMIN181'Ek ESTATE NO (71') 7tS.tllt dNrmrtl ""'~bid. you m11Y DEATHS ELSEWHERE LONDON (AP) -Dame Marie Rambert, 94, Po6ab born founder of the lAlDdon Housing • semmar planned eerioualy," c:reditora and c:ontlnirent A·UHl'-Publlahed Orange Cout ~f ~ ~ 1 1112.. 1 The repeal means an creditors of Davlo H . To all heirs, benefldariee. Daily POot. June 14, 15, 21, NEWPORT HoMELOAN, IHC. old town recuJation will SclJwartz:man and persona creditor• and contingent 1982. • 1111ie1 T,..._ go into effect, banning w~ho may be otherwise credlton of Theodore 26()9...82 ey T.D. KAVICE COMPANY. all nude or topleu In In the wt11 and/oc Kleiner and penone who :!,",.!...., • ....., .... __ .ca may be otherwiae lntensted ~ ::=;;-· sunbathing. d A peUUon bu been filed In the will and/or atate: One Q1Y 8NovwC1 w-. The etatute, paHe b~ A.mold Greene, D.D.S. In A ~tion baa been ft.led °'""""'CA 12ee1 ' •Maun'.Yb28at'hpermlln~ottedn 1nudeocal t e Superior Court of bsy arkCoKlelner 111 the pf~~ eo.t Delly ange County request.l.Jli uperior urt of Oranae Not."'-15 22. 21. 1912. beecMe in town ln that Aruold Greene, M.D. be County requeatlna that · · 2547~ -----------. ballet echool that bean her ''The Keya to Today'~ Calabria in the toe of the appointed u penonal Mary Kleiner be appointed1 __ .,.,,. _____ _ J1nanc=W Mase'' will be Italian boot only by t.d ve to admln.later • penonal repraes1batiw to 'PlaJC 1111( W l9Tll IMTZ ... OM SMrnt a nmta.L WISTCUff CHAN&. 427 E. 17th St Costa Mesa 8-'&-9371 ,_CllaOTNmS SMmfl' NOftUMY . ·927 Main St J HuntlnQton 811ach 536-6639 name and a major force In Brltiah ballet 1n tlm century, died Saturday. WORCESTER, Pa. (AP). -...... A. Seheikei, 87. a former ceramlc:e company executive and father of U.S. Health and Human Servtc. Secretary Richard S. Schweiker, dleCl Saturda,y. ·WINSTON-SALEM. N.C. (AP) -Alesaa•er HH••n•a Gall•c::(• 74, who bepn • a and became chairman of the board of R . .J. ReJ:nolda Toba()CO Co., died J'rlday. diacua•ed at two "young women capable the eatate of David H . admlnleter the estate of ---------- h b • f ltt b ut f waruman (under the ~Kleiner (under the OM9eUlal lllO ... o m e u Y e r • 0 exa n1 ea Y 0 t Admlnlatradon Independent Administration AM ONllNANm cw 1NI cnY cou•a1. cw 1NI cnY cw cotTA lnformation aeminara female.body." ._Act). The petition of flltatea Act). The petiUon mu. CAUPOMIA. CNA:11•11 n11 w cw A flOllT*I °' apamcnd ~lea & Women'• IJ'OUpe and eel for bearinc In Dept. te •t for ~ In Diep\. ,MCIU t MD ...... llt MD~ TO POIM.IC. Marbtlnc of the l e f l i I t p • f t l • I o. 3 at 700 QVic Cen1m' No. 3 at. 700 CYic Center THE~~~,... CfTY ~ C08TA MQA ooa H!M8V Bulldlng Industry immediately cl'ltici1ed , West, In the Qiy of. Drive. West, In the Qty of ~TION 1. n.. 11tlll'9byPleOedMCIlncludod1n tt. ll'OA-Ud A.odadan of Southern the ltatute u offemlve anta Ana, Callfornla on Santa Ana, CalHornia on UM.•,.... Pf°'*'Y bOUnded br Vwteae Way (WINfloule Aoedl. ,.._,,.omia 11> women. uly 14, UllS2 at 9'.30 a.m. July 7, 1982 at t:30 a.m. ~ Drtwe. 1a10 ·MllM A~ lllWf Pl°"'*"""" ••wt•dlt "-'tUU' • • 11' YOO OBJllCT to the 1J' YOU OBJECT to the :::.nd ~~:!,. ~4 ~~ l6oflG HnOt llNherd, July 10 will be the craotlnr of. the pJ!tltlon, you lfalltina of the petition, you 18IO•t .. 1 AIMNOr 11'1rff1 Numtten 1414J1-01.02.11 and fint eeminar at the PllUll abould elk aJ>S>eU' at the lhouJd elt.ber appear at the 4ta-111-01, 04. • Crown Va 11 e y II heartnc aod ital• your headn1 and etate your ~O.:::, :"_.....rt tN ~of°"""-. of Community Fark at obEtlona or fUe written obEtlona or file wrltten A potUon o1~2 and'· 11"'°""on•,_..fl'llP,...111 20751 Crown Valley 11111111 ob tlon• with the court ob tlone with the court lkM*Ul..~'!!_aoof'er011~1n1Noflllolottt.coun.y"9oof'derat Parkway. II be ore th• bearlna. Your be ore the hearlna. Your ~t. Punun to._~ of a..on '"" a1 --------~~be In penan ~may betn peras ...._..Codi of ..-.=ofc-.W... oe.tat•o.1•3 ~.,!.~1 e-=r:: s:-.1. -i't"Y"oM·ag A ori"f~on·RI! A~~1r .... ~-..:=:::=:a.:.:• b B Ci I ... ~S CBmlTOJl «a cxmt&nemt cRmroti or a conUD19ftt lnloollcift, _..., !...!..~~~-!!~ v c -.~,~ credttoroftbtdeo: 11111,,ou c:redlaolthedec 11111.you a.moNa.TNIOtdli•---tlM--_. ... .._M..,_..,_ TALLABA881!1!, Fla. -.vwniH .. cn-Mr. Ind~;;,,_, 1 IDUltflle~c:WmwUhtbe mustfileroutdalntwltbthe :'\:'ml:=.":m.,. ...... '*.::·:-s.::r .. -:11':::"..:-:: (AP) -ronq~r GeorlS• Both Wen.ta becln at Hunttnoton IWtl, ~. ....., ooun « ~t tt to the eD'Alt Ott ..--' It tD the OMNGe ~ DM.Y :!~ 1111111111 Of,,.....~ Gov. Mu•l• Orlffl•, 174, f'.30 a.m. ..., a pertonal reprea•ntatlve pertooal reprHentatl"• JlftMICI Md Dlll*MCI "'•dY Of 'C-. ....._ or. In._~·••· who once pledaed to J'or information, call ec:.:=..~r-'°ConletP• appoint~ by the court appohutd by the court ~~':rO::.i=::':.:::1::.-:_-::.a.-: r.-Te ~ a:hoola. 9$7-2665. -• whhtn ...... manthe from the within four wntha baa the ..... cl .. -Claltl .,. en:::-to ...... ~ .... r:::.!:.~. ~~.o;!~~:~o: ~·~no ,.,~D1v1d aonct, t.=.o!=~--.:C.:: :=..o!·~::~ =-:.·~~"'A-.:"'-1w=. .. ,0-::'.,,tat:.?,_~': trcm 1855 to_t•~ ~ D:....De.l.J•f 1 100 of thit Prob1t:t Ooc1it of 700 o« the Praba• Codo .c .._ .... °"' ,..,....~.,.. _... .. De 'i.J ~•:!:n .. , •. Dennie CaUfomli. 'the u .. for CallfC:: Tb• time for :...,_.,,,.,......, .. CIW~.._..,..,_.. .. 1 . ~ABSO Y; Nev ' ...._ fUlnc ddiDi wll not ...,.. ftllDC ~ not ....... 'Allm AND ADOIJTID W. 11t -Cllf ~ ,-.; (AP) -~T ~· -.. prior' '° row montha from ....... tour: ...... ,... I ·,~MIM....... t ~a~ MlthOr w~ skate set Mr.,,,_ Mre. "le""4 '°"· the Clate of tbe MarLa• th• date of th• bearla1 =:.=.._ becillne enthralled With IMM. Mr· .. U Diotbd lbow. "°"°9d .... ATT8T· • tbe Weit durlnl a BWy Barty's RoU.r ._,,...,..,._,_....._"""" YOU MAY SXAlllN• :YOU MAY SXAlllN.S ._.,:,...... , ... ,1d ... .;::,.;.a 1 y -~ .... ......_. wm "'· . &M ma ..._ _,, .... aowt; u u. • -. -.; -. cawt.. u ~ Olil*.,... . · en.a uvvv n o ... en, ,...._, .---.. • • ye\& ue lll&nffted la JOU .,.. ........ , .. IP die ~-~ =-x=:·. 1 Jf.Y., Cljd w~. be boet to. lO·tiou.r .. , . .,. ... ,.. °"'' .. DMi• -...J11DU-•a .... ,....., .. a--; IU•A-,,_. an .lune o.i.n. .... -.-with ti.e.iOW-t eo rec..iwia ..u.·u.. __.. ao ~ omM'l_..'A ... ...-.io ~... n-21 to ~ Unhld •peel al aoUH of th• •••cl•I aotlH of .... .. '· • -Cllltt .......... ClllJ'll .... ~ :'l:I :.,: •• ,d., 1:': Oll*.iNIJof~ Cl 1awat11!17., ._. .. -..,,,..~., ........... OlllMI • Gelli..._...,,..-r ..... ... •"'<• ....._. = OUltJ aha DIXed ........... I UPI -.. if ... plfd I -=-~~-vi:.i: ...... -..I•-. A T.... .... .... a • ....... ,..~= ... ,...,. .._._. ........... ....,. .... aa ·wz,;;;;;;;:;,.. .., -~ .... :-:--... •·•t•r •·0 A ., ~~ ....... no·.•.,.... • .. •hlllOO •• .... .............. ··--.._.. .. _.....,"'"_• ar•1111 a.. ...._a.. aa ......_ wm .,, 1r -~· .... : ........... .....,.-•tUI aaril.!_ oa tla• ... "WHk-4 ~Oh Tie .. ltaH 4'•1t•W• ter ..._ • Oereltral P•J•J" &a • •m,--. .. :1:-.:r:a: .. ,..,,.. _ ....... _ ... W iu••N•t• °' .. ,u .. ~ h•r• '110" '' _.AM,~ tft4111ltr• of the wltlllil "tfllOf ............. .,....., .. "'"T•'" tevi"t• •nf \.•tt1 ,_., '\" "''" ~ .. ~ A111t ~~,1 a Ooltto.t,l'lt. "CW~~ V:::'Ji:t. •1 \.IMtlfl WI,, _,,_ ~ .. ...... ~1\=~1r~ WA': ~~d r~,,,.lNM~: .. "c.~ ._ltllHI fl. owe, HOO w: ~011lvor Orlvo. lrvln•, = ............ Al-. o.i.ornle Tiie !Wiit =t ~ ...... UIMloll\ leY, U .w MM. of ~~OTf":f li"A . e = ~ ~-:-~ 00111«•'6oli. 1'40 '°""' T"9 =•it ... lllldllilltl\M 8:....~No. II, Mellelfll, ~ 1f/fl.ot er.,. ~on That lh• 11ro11ort' 11ort1nent ._..olor::11ri"'*"• ~11°'n',... ~~'-' 1°~!' r:o"~f.~•:t ;~:"' •6u::.tr ~'~"~~ ......... -.. • .a . .,..., .. -lrWlt,~ .. 114 ....., ~r....y-t~~ ---MIJC---tcne(-------.-,-!Jl.VIHQ NH NSTAUAAHT. l901'0llOf'IMNOUmOM ~t:~~:t~ NllO c:.:"i!':"' at¥en thot of FlRIT IH'f'!MTATI IAHt( JOAN M """"' and l.YHNI M 01' OALll'O"NIA, uo"ow DOWNING o"d MAYllLLI A: ~~.:~!..™ ~!= QAl\IANO, heretofore dolnt .,.., ir.e 18' day of JIJlt, 1tN. ~ \11\dW V. tlctltlouo llnft Tiie MITIO 8lld odcfrtte of ttlt 1101N Ind ll)'t9 of JlM Ill.ANT penon with ~ 0111n11 m.y be MIP'()ANTll.I, ot HI A. M~I~ llled to FIAST INnMTATI! BANt< Avtnltt, Olty of lotllo• latond, OF CALll'ORNIA, ESCROW ~Of Orone•. lt•f• ol DEPARTMINT, 1011 N. Main • on the 20lh d9' of Str .... 8anto Ana. Cellforni. t2702, s::.::12, lly lftUt~al OOnMnl, end the IMt day for ftt1na olallno by tM Mid llW••lhip and ""'I~ 1N1 lie ttie ~day ot "*' Nleltono • par1na'9 Juna, 11112. wtllcft .. the lluollwo "=-llOtloo .. hereby t'-' ~..::.. CIONUfMIOtlOn d•• .,... lie 111'1•• lllgiitd w11 noii lie So tor 11 ta known to utd ,_a,. ..... 'from IHI doY oft. fot im.nded TtWNroe Mid lneondod on' oblloatlon Incurred by th• Tranaforora uHd 'the rollowlng 04llltt In It* _.. ~ Of In the oddltlonot llualn ... namet and "°"" of the ftml. odd! 11111 wttNn the """ ,..,. DATlD AT'Coau Moat, i..tputnone CelbNa. IHI t44tl day of June, Dated May 2\ 1N2 1MI. LAMP POST ..a:zA ~ M. Downing o Callfonllo OOf1)0l'9llon Pul>lltMCI Or:r Coaet Dolly 8y. Tilon)M c. 8otro Plot. JI.flt 11• 1 291~ Publl1119d Orange Cout Dally -----------PllOt. June 15, 1t82 ,, "8JC M)TIC( 2~2 fliChnoul ._.. "8JC flJllC( MAim ST A,._.,,. •Tfle tollowlng ~eon 11 doing MOTICI Oil ~ -TWUrt'&'a I.ALI 10HELU OFFICE PROOUCTS T .e. Ne. .... 00,~ 2152 Mtc:Mloon Dr., ll'Ylno. CA NOTICE 18 HEAEBY OIWH, IMt 12111. on WednMday, J4it 1. 1N2; ot t:OO Donna l . Jullono, 47200 o'ctodle.m.ofMldday,tntheroom cn.okoe. MowllerTY Sprtnoa, CA Mt aolde fot oionductlng TNllMe'a tnea. a.i.. w11t11s1 the offtooo of REA.L TNt ~lo oonducted by 111 E8TATE SECURITIES SERVICE. ~ located .. 2020 North ·---· DoMa L Jullano Suite 208, In the City ot 8Mto Arw.. ~ TNe ......,_,. -tlled with the County of Or•nt•· State of COuMy a.. ot 0ranoe Col.my on Colltornle, RE l ESTATll June t1, 1"2. 8ECUAITIE8 SE~ o COllfomla '191.U corporation, 11 duty appointed PullllaMd Oronee Cout Dally Tn.wMe under and pur-..it to "" Plot, June 15, 22, a . J4ll't •. 1t12 po-.r ot l&le conferred In that 2512-12 Olft.ln Deed of Trwt executed by JONATHAN M. JARVIS. a ellVo ---.---fl'-..,,.------1mon. recorded ~ 1. 1tl0. ..._ "".-. In Booll 1Sl23 of OMclal Aaoof'da ot ---:fliC==::T:n:IOUl::::-::IU::::ll::•=M:---t a t i d CO u n I y, at P og a 8 4 7 , MAim STA,,_.,. Aeoordar'a in.tnlmant No. 1&48, by The folowlrlt ~ -doing raaoon of • llf-*' « d9fallt In bualll8M ..: payment or ~ormenco of the T t4 E J A .. E 8 BAR R I E ollllqatton• ncurad th~ COMPANY 106 E. 18th 81., eo.te tnc:IUdlng tMI ~ °' Mota. CA i2e21 Notice of which wH recorded ....,,.. Uo¥d o,m. 3353 Cell FebNary 1t, 11112. • Alootdar'• la V• San ~ bA 82112. INtNIMl'lt No. 12..oeeeeo, WILL ...,.. S..,_,.,, ~Cole la SEU. AT PUIUC AUCTION TO THI Veta. San~ CA t2f12. HIOHHT llDDE" FO" CASH, TNa ~ la oonduetod by • la*M moM¥ of .. UNlad ....... ~ perti1e11Hp. OI 0 OOllNlr'O Cf-* *-" on O ,,.,,_ L o.m. .... or ,..... ...,.. • .... or Thia .....,.,t -tlled wlttl \tie lador1ll ~ unlan, or 8 -:-OI ="I. a.. of 0ranoe County on ....., ..,.... Md 1oan 111.1r • ~-1--....... "' .. -. ......... .. --. -,... ............ ~ .. ... P\tbllafled Orange Co.at Deity ~ ._.., llr I, • T,...._ 111 Plot. ....... 15, 22, 29, tte2 .... :--==.-::::,,:,.a.: i........a lalowo: -ti' Ml\Tll"r PAM:ti. 1' ,.._ ""'~ Unit No. 10 H thOWft and dalcftbed Ill .. _...,...,.. ..... P9C1mOUI .,.... recorded on ...,...,..,., 14, 1t1I Ill um STA,_,. book 12Mt. Paoeo 12t to ttf Tiie '°'°'*10 s---dc*lg lnclulM of oMcW ,.... of Mid llulll.--OOl.l'lty • arnonded by Mltlidftwlt • T.K.O. JANITOAIAL, 17125 San to ooodomlnlurn pion recorded on "lc#Go ,ltNet, F~taln Valley, November 10, 1t11 In llOOk 12911. c.MorTlla t210I -.,.... 1802 and 1803 of °"'*' Mary fl Cornotoc*. 17125 San NOordo of M6d county. Ricardo Stroot, Fountain Vol .. y, PARCEL 2: Clllor'nlil t270I 1'I\ WldlYlded one thlfty·fouf'th Cathy Hitt, 1112 Sycamore (1i34tll) lnteroat H • tenant In Avenuo No. 3, Humtngton loedl, common In tlle fM tn..,... In and to ~ t2t4I the common -of tow 2.'3 and 5 nm .,...,_ to condUded by • of tract N6I .. por map "'9d 1n OINftll oartnweHP. llooll 43e, pagoo 1 to 7 tnctuolYe. of 'Mary fl 0omatod( mlecellaneou• mope, r-d• of Thll ........... -tlled wtal the Mid OOl.l'lty, • "'°' "*" .. doflnod ~a.. of Oranoe County on tn ttie *'*" ~ ~dof'•llloilt'' .._ 24. 1M2. of tho declorotlon of eoV9nanta. ,_, condition• a nd rootrlotlona, ~ OttnQe Coeat Dally recorded Apt 21, tt71 In. llOOll Pilot. -26, "'-1, •• 15, 1M2 1"44, paoo t61 ot oftlolal ~ 22IMMl2 ((fl• "decloratlon"), and any -----------1111pplement• and ornandmento PmUC llOl1C( -~ "*'*"°"' .. ol, ol MOnC8 Of rtgllta, mtnorala, mlnerol right•. ,,.,.,.... t.AL.m natural tao rlghta and other ,.,_...Ila.,..... fl)'drOC8rllOI-. by....,._ name Ort Nit t, 1"2, ot 2:00 ~.M., knoWn. gaothlrmal ltMrl\, and II MIC).QA.L 8EIMCO. • Callomla $;;clor'* "°"' """ of .. Oorporotlon, 410 W. Badillo, that ~ lie wtcl*I °' CoWw.. Celtotnla 11122 • duty un er tlle poroel of land appointed Truat .. undor and herelnolloff daectllled together ~ to Dead of TNOt NCOfdecl with ttie por1*Ull rltfll at dr9IO. Mord!•· 1111. • lnlt. No.. 3*1. mtntng, -.plorlng and operating Ill bOOll 1-. pt1t9 117, ol otlldal thorofor and atortno In ona ..... In' .. oflloo of .... County ~ .... -"°"' Mid land Alodl• • of ar... County, .... Of llf'/.oe.. llllel, llldud!lnt .... r1dlt of Celbllla _...,~JOHN 8. to ,....... 01 ......... Orm ~ end KU SUN H/W • Ind rNno ~ lerlde oCtl« INI\ JIT • T...-ora, WILL LL AT tt10oa ._ ... ~......,,, o1 « ..U.UO AUCTION TO HIOHUT OOI ..... UM11 Md lfWll !Mo, llOOIA '°" CASH (P~ at ttwoutf1 °'~flt~ df ..... of .. In lllWfUI moM¥ af .. tho land -.in8'°" cletctlllod, United ltateo) at: Utt front and tD llOttorn Wdl wM*ocUd « ....,..,., 1108 w. 8ftantoonttt, Ollectloliallr ........ tunnola S.t• AM. Catlfornlo 121oe, all anc1 "'*"' under and ~ °' ............ end .,,..,... oorNa¥ed '° ~ .. ..-tor ""'"" ......,., Ind"°" held llr It under .-d' Deed .nd to redrltl, retunn ... equip of TfUlt In ttw property ellu•d In inalntoln, repair, deepen and ..... County end ... doecrtbecl -9'** .,,, IUCh ... n-ut 111 of TrM No. 7111. In .. ....,._ ..,..,.._, 1'11 ltgflt to drtl. Cttv of Coeta ...... County of "*" .-.. ....... end °'** °"""" ....... ~ -Pl' ...,.,..,. .......... UllS*1 ..., i'eoOrd9d Ill book 803, ....-100 fillie Of flt ............ ol flt• • .. 40 ~ ........ 111• !Md --allow cl..ot\Md, .. ...... In ..... at ... oouMy ...,. Ill .... "°"'""~, rwtdlr of Mk1 county, l!XCI..,-~. a oorpc11.-1 recorded n•• '"* .. :.= ... .,._... ~ 20. 1t10 "' book tstu, ... ---....,,. • .,... ,.,., al ofld.i NOOnfll. ...-et llOCJ •· IN rtaM Al90 "oep:llerotrorn tM .. ...... .-y, .. ~ Ill............... butwllt!Ollt -. .... of reoanl ltl• rlthl of our oo• ontf H "'9 ..,... llddrooe ""9 OtMr ,...,... Ill lie dead lrOfll IN · ......,.. ••re,...,.,, • ""'' o1 .. CofllPanY, • ~· recorded ,.,:......., 9 , , .... all°"'8 .. ~ "· 1tlO In IMIOll t•tt. .. II« Ml oemMtoft, ia..-.11'1 crf oMdlll ..... "-' ~.... l'AN:E.1: .,.111or111n•• Truot•• hao!Mftto .. llUOfl , .. ,...., .. ._....... lft)' lfibntty tor any .,. ~!tr. Mt forth lft tM ·-£-"' .................... ! ..... _ .. • WI , 0$ .-or., • doo .. ratloft undof tM ... uon .... .... ......."' ............ . ia.N .... Wffl •• 11tado, •ut ..._ • ._..,. DMllE .,.._ ~ .. ,...,. •. Of..,.,, .... ,, .. 0.--Y ........... ·~ ....................... -........ "' .................. .. , .......... fH --~ ..................... ""°' 1111 .. '"''"''"' l ... -t.:···· •11• __ "_ ...... ,.,.. .......... ___ ,,... ... ..... ~Nm._._. ' ............ ~ ... DMd ot ttMOll. •: .................. .,...... a11 11 , .. • ... 1111 .... " ........... _ .... ~ ...... In .. ",.. ..... wit .,.... ..... ...... .... • ...... .. ::.......,.._~~...,..tr.. 10llll1 fooleratlo" ot oowonofttl, _,.. M ~Ill llld ot11•1tlOfto *"' rMtfltllOH __ ...._.,.....,,. .. .,, .. .. ,............. .... , ........ ...... .......... ...,., ........ .,,. _. .. ., ........ .-... .., . .... ···=-·. -.......... .. .:p~~-~~=-~ .. -""""fl -:& ..,~&e 0 ..,=:.=a,. I .., u •-., ..... ............. -- • 5 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 . 4 2 • The marketplace on the Orange Co~t ... 642-5678 IOUAL. ltOUINa OllllOllfUNtn Prise W•t S.y bayfront. 81.lpe tor 2 boe'-. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1.200.000. OcMn & .)et\Y vtewiM&rlne l'QMI. ' bdrm. 3 bath, 1'700 -..ft. ...... 000. ~t. .............. ~::.~:.~!Md !'rime Udo Nordbayfront. ~bdrm,~~ bath. In thl• newapeper I• Lee L.Jb 2 boet tlipe •l,500,000. eubi-ct to tho ffoderal ~ ~ 'jf' :a~~ Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + larp rec. rm. advtttltt "any Pf'oftn1n-beam celllnp. furnllhed, paUott. $420,000. oo. 11m1ttt1on °' dtacrtmt-• -· llLI u--llT nation blood on re~. ....... 1r11 color, rollglon. oa• or ·...,..oon view from 6 bdrm,~ bath. playroom, natlonal ortoln, or any darll rm. den. Boat ollp. •1.~.000. lntantlon to moko an, tuch prof~ llmlta· UYllM COYE tlon OI dlacrimlnallon." s--ular bayfront view 2.br, 2 be U~r, Tiiiie ,,..,,.p..,_-wlll not ....---• 000 knowlngly accept any 2 be dn. 2 boet llliJl9 1,800, . . adV«tt11no fOf r .. 1 ... tato wfllch la In violation COIOllUO CAYS ...... UI "9Atlll. e.outlfutty decorated' 1 bdrm plua den condo, -1 bar, 1'A bathe, pool & J*=u.Dl. Wolk 10 golf courM .. tonnl1 & allop. ping. CloM to treewaye. Charming Spanllll llled patio. Owner wlll carry 2nd. St48,000. ... au, au Lorqo covered patio, f\reptoca, dOl.lblo car g rage E.ccollonl condl !Ion I 136,000. Owner wlll carry 111 loon Beat of 1erma. ..,..., ... ,...,. 141-llH 2 Bt. 2 bo condo nr SC. PtazL 3 )'B. old, "1C, pallo. dwn1tra. Famll eeet Sec gate, uaum . $52,800. 11 37% Int. owe. am. 2nd TO. F.P. 180.000 Ownt 894-259 VACANT· MUST SELL lllYELlll LIOITill Jurt ltkt ~ In • pMI. oxcop~CIU fia'IO a day and """ ... 2 bdn'n. ~ be. Pt9fl 1 In Tunlo Aock Olan Town- 1\ om••· Ono Of tho outlUndlnCI *""° of tl!la home la the master oult• with fltapleot and eunken tub. End unit ~ oeted Oil two b4111ut""1 grMr'lllOlta. 127 4,600. ~ioiitiithaiilewiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiil Coronado llland CUit. bayfront lot. a~· beet ~ dock. Plana avail, Red. '310,000 w/tenna. Lido Realty 673-7300 4 Bdr, 2'A Bo. 10 ra, 2100 aq ft' IOng '*'"'· Int financing w/15% dWn. •513~Da:~ Maka offer. Robin Keith --------,-..,,. Alty 183-400• i-,,_. -IHI 1111111 Advertl· aera Should check their ads dally and report errors Im· mediately. The DAILY PILOT H · aumes llablllty for th• first Incorrect lnaertlOn only. THE REAL ESTATE RS ITAIT l•IT The perfect homo IM young Of amall tMIMlea. 3 Bdrm. l:la9utJfully remo- Cl.iod kitchen toaturlng all Mw oppllanoea, new root, rr .. h pal11t. tent· aouo financing. Mou Vorito arH. Full prto• •124,000. 751-3111 c:. ' ' -t-' I 't I = -=======-· T.. 11111 --.... ------------------------ "111.L llW1 Prlc.d to Mii at only 1109,too. thlo 3 Bdrm fM"'1 l1ome .. • .,.,., lnYeetmantl AMUIN tot TO and Mier will carry. Call now to •••I a.6-1111 •J-1 RfMEMBfA DADt with. Fatw.1 Dey meoeaoe 142·'8'78 Win 4 FREE TICK.ETSI to an Angelo Game Dally Piiot Ctoealtted Ado ••u ITllY .... Bupor 2 Bdrm 2 tMlttl unit with ox<*i.tlt EaotolcM locatlonl '••luroe groonbolt ¥tow S*le ao-coao to pool and ctub-~ Mlnut• to-.. w .. prlotd et 11211.000. c.il now! a.6-1111 THE REAL ESTATERS ILlfPl lllM Sln&l• story md unit, expanded 3 br. 3 ba on largeet greenbelt, $250,000. , ...... 3 bdnnt, 2~ baths condo net.r pool. •145,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR 1.1 · fln y' ct .. D• ,. '• !I t>l~ 6161 IELLll VEIT 11mam1 Sl)tldoua Nwo ot oooen and city tight• from tN• beautlful, otfordalll• 3 Bdrm 2 both llpllt level Laguna Boach homel A11ume 1ot TO. Mllor wlll carry large 2ndl Ae- ductd to ontt S22t,OOO. Call nowt &46-7111 THE REAL ESTATE RS COLDWel.I. BANl(eRC ~~~~~~~~~' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ::1'.~~ ••••••••••••••• i R••f --a llU OLDE LAGUNA CHARM ~ ... , Unique 2 lldrm llopr .IASlllll Ollll DECO RA TOR'S DE· LKlHTI Extremely popu- lar 3 br pion featuring mognlt!Qenl decorating, lrptc:. gourmet 111ond kit· chon, frml din, lmly rm & ln·hOUN laundry. All thl• & moro 101 only $389,000 FEE. 2870 Son Miguel Or. Newport Botch. 75t-1601 or 762-7373 ~ Walker 6 Lee WT MITA llU Architect'• home Pvt entry courtyard w/spa. Frptc1 In L R., F.Rm. Open ftr plan, ideal for antartalnlng. Spoclou1 MBA 1u1to. $225,000. Binnie Dixon'• lletlng. 759-9100 GEORGE ELKINS CO .... IN BAYCREST ... plan, 1 bath. llY rm 'Ml 2 BR, 2'h BA, atrium. beamed <*llngo. hatd· large enc101ed potto_ wood floOr• & oozy loQ Lota or privacy. 2 yMll burning trpte. 1111.600 old. lmmocutote. $150 Full Priot. 000. A11umobt• loon. MISSION REALTY Berti Mllchell 642-8235 494-0131 (0-5t). ~Macnab , Irv me OCEAN VIEW , Cleuy 2 Br l atudy, 2 both, 2 frptcs, aplral atalrcaee. $1600/per mo. Chan• Realty 496-8122 or 493-8U8 ~FUD~~IU~~.~llllOI~~.~~ ~ .. !.!!!'.../~~ on Ihle lmmoculote LUii LIT bdrm llOm• wltll ~ wttll 1M ML ..... 1ed pollo, fomlly rm. Darting 38' 2k OtMit aprlnklou & mOfe. Ow· atroet .. Will ..... option ner 1nxiou1 $129.500. or??? $155,000. Call 979-5370 Lapa Ylllct U 12% FllUClll 411-1111 A beautlf\llly Upgtaded Wf ,.,., • Jlfl Bd(m hotne with man •• •••••••••••• •••••• •• amonltlea. Sellera wll carry S 100,000 ti 12% Ot A.t.T.D. at 12%. $145 000. For more lnfonna, tlon call 919·5310 \ f >J l / tl F II • t ! . •,, j ''}I •, POI PUii EITITES 4 U. 2~ IL BETTER THAN MOO£L HAS EVERYTHING Cul-de-Ifie atroet Suri & Sal II Club ---eiccollent financing. 8outtl ot hlghwwy. Two *"'· two "9droom doll "°'* In front. Ono ~ droorn unit In raar. Con- venient location. 1299, 600. Thia functlollal 4 Bdrm IUffl llU.sl farnlty hOmo lend• ltMlf 3 8'. 1111Q1e atory homo to entertaining, tht yard w ith now corpou. with pool & 198 ewll hu ~ palntl, and ap-RV parking. A llotlng ot pltanooa. Homoownera in. Von Goldwna. SS95. Araoclatlon maintain• 000. llllDOIED SUSIEI 130,0011 111hc-Yln 20 min.'° Nowpof1 Cont• $210,000 with SHI0.000 at t2% ftx.td rate l fully ornorttad. No polnta or qualltylnt. ~1 0wnar1:gnt 111·1• .... =* ~ ~ ,: u,_.1001: oo,..r:s rotlf'ed ~or Jotoet· ~~~~~·°"~·~87~5-IOOO~~~~~I tero. Mow immedtetoly. :: Sea anytime. ...,... hhM , ,., MoH Verdo monalon over 2400 eq.tt.I View ot Cotolln•. auneeta enc c:tty tlghtal 4 king bdrma 3 t>aiha, maalve lomll) room . .-everything $38,000 movoa you In NO OUALIFYINGI Cal fllt. can't tut at tow, low. prloel 898-2e38 T/\YLOH CO ---- .....•.•.•............ Unique & cti.rmlng 3 br & '°"· Lie/opt or trade for untie. 873-8585. Ulmlmft ............ 1.- 381' + trptc, hardwood --------· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil t1t1. patio. 2 car garego, TAI •ua on lo cornor lot. Very· --Vory low Own. Balow 2 br, 2 Ila. In Ptlle*ltlo, mlct, "14.191 ttll.13f·2253. many faclttU.. nr. 57 4 OCEANFRONT LAGOON 91 Frwya. Hao gd. le· ... r nant. 150' ..,... BEACH 111 ...... 11~ ltn 1000 oq " bulldlng p.cr. .15 Ac LaCoste, Cart.. 11~~. H Yr, UM bod •216K. 681·8fi5 161--0331 or 916-0938 llLIMIL...U ... ......................... 1 ...............• 1 ......... ,,.... ..... .., .................. .... ftrel1•1•. L1r11 1111•i•l1 f11H. MJI- WATERFRONT HOMES. tN< Mt \I TUii' :l11111 \\ .~ ... , "'" '"''II''" ~···h 131-1400 ,, "' ,, lo 41,M,.r1n. AH· R.tt-. ... l.W~I '7Mtt0 tnl.al 1 .... 210 Grand Centi Uttte Balboa llland. Free & clear on Ill• water. Owner will llllanc:e. Unique Home• Alk for Rita or Tom Bo- land 875-8000 i.1-. l1.J•1Bl1 IH1 .................•.... Ullf Mft.11 VOi.ir place In the aun. 3 Bdrm 2 bath NCti. Con- 'ttnlant locetlon to .,., ' boach and shopa. In· come S 1800 mo. Owner ~ Ulll1 Ill financing. '355,000. 142-1200 j PETE BARRETI . REALTY C.nu •I llM 1111 .•....••••.••......•.• ...., flllllthlc Sellar wltl carry loan '°' qualllled lluyar. Groat tenna. 3 Bdr 2 Ba. Moti Verda Highland•. boat trlr accoH. • 130.000 3281 Colorado Ln Ownrlagt 55M221. IRA ftlll ... .. ASSUMABLE FINAN CINq. Sharp 3 Bdrm plUI family with ~ led kitchen. 2 yard• '°' ontortalnlng. Aakln' '145,000. c.11 5"4().-1151 lor on appointment tc .. .v .. HERITAGE . REALTORS -COM'S BEST ' Tilll~>1++~ ........ two 2 bdrm untta + an It.,} IHI extra large auett quar· ••••• •• •••• •••••• • •• •• ter1 Ownot II making It Cu1torn pool & ape, ••· aYaHob'o at yeatardaY'• oume + owe ·at 13%. prioa at '248,500. WI• 39', 1~ Ba, MD. R.E. C009«tta. Call 840-76&6 (213) 434-«81 l&lllf10I BEACHWAl.K. Townhou- M IMng near tho wet•, "9dUOtd by $100,000 • Your choice of three . now 1695,000. lrvln• 14~,~ to own. Bier • Terraoe • br. 3 t>-. Ylew. 709 poq1. 10% ctown. 1u~1--..,.--....,,.....,.-~=-1 Int.} 27 ,,... poae, trade 4 8"· 1'A I>-. Only 11.600 f« 50' boeL By fWMf. dwn. 11010. monthly . 152·1181 Call: Aft 131·1&87 r L ' . Nl~ t • ~ ... '· !'!!r.!!.~ .. !.l!f •WNIT llJllTI Owner needl calh. dMrl antique type~ 2 Br. 1 BL 60x 11r lot. L..vge del.chod gatego. 1119, 000. 548-5041 ...... & w1md1, 831-3520 wltdya. CAMEO SHORES Cuolorn 4 Br. 3 Ba. poot Jacuut, kol pond, 3 frplc '1 , $475,000 . 176-5830. Ideal CMal Front 5 BR 3 BA w/frple home, redecofated, allo lncld. wooden patio w/amatt boet dodl, 2 ear~. 4 llttio to oc:eian. S28t. 000. 114·131·15.42 or 1314811 usam l1ULJ Anolhtr -• SOLD tho other ona. Beat Newport buy. Ofutlealy r..oubed for qulca ..... LOYefy lrg 3 Bd widen. ape, & roraYer vu In aecurltl gatod oomm. wltannla, pool. (Fff). Only Uat. too firm. Cel DIRECT to Paltldc or Frod Tenore. agt 131·1211 or ··-. R&IM~ I I I ·, .. 3 3 AYI INEI CLAlllFll!D8642•5678 fkftti.<'!le!. ...... ~!.'.t'!! ............... !~t!!!.P~ ... !~~m.f~{!~ .. ll!!f!.fNN!{~~ .. A~1.:::,,., A':.':~:;." ~1;;.~.1111•1;= ,,!~a.!!.!f.fH!!.!.~!f 9!!~.~!~ .... fl.!f ~ ,,.,j lllf -•••n r.n11114 t.11• 11... JIJ4 t....u• ,..,A 114f •....,t ,,.., Ill •••°"1 • nr:: ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Prof t.dy. und., ~s. non •II.LID lfJllll* r9.•m:............. . ......... :-............ . ......... "1 ...... :-•••• ':':'I' •••••••• ,......... • ••••••. ••••••••••••• c .. 1. ,,,.. ,,,, c •• ,, ,,,.. '''' IUWlll tmkr to lhr 2 8R 3 Be From 1 room to a tP9ft1L ..... ,,..... '""'' t 1144 a bt hOUM. •It. ger .. fel\~ Chtrmlng belOh front Npl Den oondo. s 8d 2 Bt, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• YILUll I view condo In Nwpt. From lt.18 • lq. n1·No Id •••••h••••••u••••••• c:ed yd. Pref9r mature llOtnei ti>eCtllCUIM IMw, 1700/mo 831 12te Raa •Cleen Gbr nr SC Plue • WTSIM N 1,2 ..,.. lu S350 &44·1152 1eue r9<1ulred Adj. -'Ir· a ly ·.~3·,°!'oOEVo FON LN. Furn 2Br In Or~ Tr... advlle. '475 M8·4931 brick OOUt1 yard entry.. bert Mllllken ~t BA Gar pOo! IP• 1780. 0.1-•• -... ..~,.In , • .=!.m, 1 .. x..urrym IF-r-·t•. 2 •"' .......... cpor1• Inn. 2172 °"~'· on • ii" . le11lblt AO, lliAF\P teao mo. eo.tt u~. 2 8d 1 81 Br '"'Ba lerge IMng nn • Clllld o'k 7f'1·5B22 o; • ., ' --.. ,...... ..., _.. ""'-., '""" Ill ~M 933-3223 ttmll. C. Htrry l'rtcle-QOLO!N PAOPl!RTIE! 14001;-Robert Mllll· l. dlnlnO rm. bHGh room, tf•llll•l,.I _f 84 t-t4eo Large 1 Br. loft patio from t515, 2 bdrtn from ... 2 cer ger. W/O, tll 1--------- ·~ . 281 752·1&et k · Iott of 1t0f'ege, '°'IMM •••••••_t•••••••••r••• · 1495 No P•t• Oa~• $510, TowntlOUM rrOM kltch nec:eu. 1238 mo 2nd noor walk up offlcM, , ' 81\. 831_128e only. Ctll Peggy Pelllton 2 Bt 1 Be alngle gerege. 8 4 8 • t 1 8 4 , Eve 1 $840 + poola, tennla, 545-1473 aft 8·30PM $135, 1175 al)d 1240 . RVM ~ .W•i., ti 14 IOI appt 71-4195&-2473 1 c:hlld ok. No peta. .....,..~BAU 846-9543 w1terftll1, pondtl OH Male 3 ... 5 •"'r "br, 2ba Carpet•, dr•--..... ........_ ••'••••••••••••••••••• kd 8 5 Wtt paid 1475/m ~-u .,... .,, " ......--. ... -~ 4 BR, new die, turn, Sec 0.•1 It/at J w YI • . 6'5-~ A~t no,~: Hull•fll• for cooking & hHtlng llM nr S Co Plaut Frwy llng Corona del Mar . .._ gatt, prlv Bch .. tennlt. ••••••••••••••••••••••Ci.en 2 Br. 1 Be houM, • AP11Tllfm lfNt ,,40 P•ld. From Sen Diego Spa. 1225+ lher• utll1. 752·1830 """1 lllM Ownr. 496-4038 2 STY, 3 br home 2 frplct. welt! to beech. evell. July C1al1.U.l1•1 Beautifully tend•ctped •••••••••••••••••••••• Frwy drive North on 841-4913 -IPJ--.&a-IPHT----t..--•••••u•••••••••••r.•: fem rm. on QUiii at. Cla. lat. $050 494·2578. "•/ I 1....1 J~IS ~arden •"It. Pool & S1pa Oelu11e ~ ............... xtra lar· e.ecn to McFtdden to 2 ...,._1 •• ~. 12.,. ... 1_ .... ........ 11a111y .. ,,_, _, 1....1 10 bch & marine $875 "' •r• l•n .. .... ,,..,.,........ 8 ea w Ind V 111 • g • ·~" ~· .,.., "'" 1200 Of 000 a/f, tOt,., -•11111 .,.,.,.,,.,.. 4113-4750 PRIME HOME nr Emerald •••••••••••••••••••••• overed perking No ge 2br, 2be, bltnt, (714)893 5198 utll. quiet pereon, CM 1/f Mo to mo. Of)leeM. lnet9dlble l>Muty on 2Y. •••••••••••••••••••••• per mo. Bay. 3BR, 2 ba. pvt 'fd, Reeort-like adult lrect nr pet•. d1wt1r, 1'A m11" beai::h • • arta 850-91110 5-40- _._ wllh rnetble, oall •••11/ 1IO f•••l•hl Villf• 13 Wtlk to bch 11500 SC PIH. Pool, grdnr. Bacnetor 1-400 Adultt. no pett. S500mo IH•i fOOI Mullan RMlty 2"° paneling, .atone column•. • ••••• ••• ••••• • • ••••• •• ••• •• ••• •••• I' •• ••••. 494~87 4 Dtux 1 Br No ,,_,,. s•eo 1 Br. 1480 536-1382 • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • •• • • IUmPIL Iron flnce, e1to gttff & TIBURON Condo. 4 br, '1'~ & $35 utll 775·2580. 2 Br. 1'/• Ba, $525 E .. talde C.M. Furn Pfhl ftUl41111~ _...._._ uqultlt• landaceplng. 041/tihn be, ftm rm, AIC, HP· din Prutlglous High Or Hlghly upgraded & cl••n 181 E. 18th 842-0858 WMlfPLmH room end beth Refrlg 10WWW IEWNIT ftllHll S1,U5,000 • aubmlt. In Chine Cove with 111111· rm, pe11o, 9Uto gar dr oc: .. n vu walk 10 beech, C 1 & 2 Br. Olacount on $285 ROOMMATE SERI/ With UH ol rec4'p0on. Alck AldereUa RHllOr utlc ocean views,.....,.. opnr $800 per mo SPECTACULAR remo-Oita Mau. 3 bdrm eome model• Pool, Spe, 873-7544 Moving? Avoid depo11t1 cont. room. klteh, PIJOne, Oewloper 781-4444 or tor, 1pa. 3 Bdrm1. Prl-714.772.71102 dele<I hOme 3 Br 2'A ea. twnhH 2 oar ~fage. lllfl, OCOIPUOYI Gym, S • u n a. etc Female wented Nr O.C Cut living expen ... I HCr•tetl• & w0rd P'O. 781·5115 for detella, vate S.11eh. $2000. backyard, rrplc, HO 1590. 1at & lut P • d9'> $450/mo . 2 Br. 1 Be. 848-0819. College Room w/prlv. ''\Off foe Jwl• ceNlng Mall & ~ Butt.1,.• tletm, toad• ol Fr doora No pell. 213-~S-.9248 apta p11101. carport• 833 Dover Or. Ste 2. NB een1. avell. MJ)eflt91y 11 Otill ....i llllll On Water, Lido Penln. ~t · Jl4 & akylflea 11500/mo. Hunt. Harb , dlll 'J br. 2 ba, Sm pet ok. Won't laet et IUAlllll Will 1225/mo. Ref'a req 111·1112 dHlrad Cell. i111dy, •••••••••••••••••••••• Large condo, 2 Br. den •••••••••••••••••••••• 4~·87•1 or 494·8577 2 car ger., aec., rte lhla prlcel Lrg 2 Br. Townhouae 54o.o608. 7141760-0100. lhMJI ... n penthouM with view o4 3 BA. 2 be, 1tlnt are• 2 , Ill// ,31•0 SOOO. 7t4-873-4854 TSL Mgmt 1142-1603 Apartment1. Frptc, encl-FOR ~t. 2 rma. In Col· F/M to shr 2 Br. H B YlfW lfflOI 1., "1t llOO bty & ocean. 11800/mo car ger. 2 ml to beach ~~ll!!~ ..... !. ...•.. "!. 9d gar, petlo/yard. Near 1ege Park 1275 mo houH. Pet• OK Pvt ...................... l~.atertront H~ Inc. $760 mo. 982-7940 48r, 28a. cul·d••ac. nice Aurl•t•ll firailiH .a.k-.l:Hield Hunt Harbour Chlklten Incl•. utlla Cell: Pierre ett yerd 962-5759 Kurt. ~~;~~:;' vf!~ .:~ PMwport e..ch 0e Anza OC-AENTALS pat Io $ 7 3 5 mo .-..:;••••••••••••••••• WWC9 OK. a&35. 94o.eeo7. 5PM. 986-2052 Rmte needed 2 Br condo prox lOOO sq ft . bayfro"t Park. Mini RMltors 931-1400 l-5br'• S200to12000 553-1405 Co1l1 #111 31Zf ·UARlllm Near bMCh 2 Br 2 tull Be 2 Nlc:e rms with kltcnen nr UCI Fully furn 2 be, 1145-7100 cond. '78 dbl wide, fir.. 7~314 open 7-deys •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautlful gerdan aptt. unique apt, huge decil, prlv. for rent. 1 w/pvt gar, pool/jec. 1ennl1. place, brick petlO, "tltal ..1-1 .... 3••• £1001 #If.HI 3ZJI frt• 111·1121/.. prlvecy eeparate en b h • 2 5 o / $ 2 18 /mo pl u • u ti I Exec olllce· 705 E Bel-S58 500 Al90 2 "' •n -._ t MILE TO BEACH •• '•• ••• •• •••• ••• •• • • P II I IL. Pet101/deck1. Heat p•ld • -at • mo . or • · br., 2 l,;;;;·;,·j~·;i.:·;9R."2 4 bdrm, 2 be home "LAKEPARK" country ••~I It"'" No peta. 2 children wei-trance. No pet• 1850 $200/mo. no beth 553.0253 ~~:.~~~~· !:;~5 e:~bft~ :·~~.W:,1:·o= Ba. fem rm, ape, view 1875/mo 851·'8800 Mttlng nr Beech & Santa W kltolilH. come2 8 ·2 8 1550 933-3307. ~!a..8-74198438 •It 4 pm or Gorgeous 2Br, 2Ba Con-$425/mo_ Ale, bath. e7M181 S2,000 mo 760-0795 Ana, 3 Br. 2'h Ba AHoo. •No LHM r. a. 2 Br . •pt• • v • 11 . " do. w/pool. Jae. amenl· 675-3600 . 3 bdrm, W• bdrm. Clffn pool, ape. 40 ec lake. 1itTV, Pool, A/C 398 w Wiison 631-5583 $475-$525. 2 Bt. 1 Be. & ROOM FOR RENT , nr Ilea Xlnt loc. Nr So. Cit 551·6834/857-6111 llet, ltlil IMt Wf4t Owner moving 7-t ·82 Fenc.d ~ard. Nr TrlllllP boating, llthlng, lenfllt. •Leundramet •2 br nr s .c . Ptz. s A. 2 Br 2 BL patio & amall O.C. College. Re11. PI 1 i a. 0 CC. FI u or 2 bdrm, 1~ ba. edit•. Mutt ...... ...,. option 988-284 $850. 831·3128 •Tran1ponat1on nearby Pool, apa $550. e.rport. yard. dehwahr, alngle 540-2872 662-2247 alt"' & wknds CIRtU Ill Ill Large IOt. Sml pel OK. ~0~7~lul den 3 ba. 2 Br. & ~ 2 81 Condo. #Ill/ .. Vltlt 1111 •Maid Servloe avell. 752·6822 or 641-t..ec>. garege 1 cNld ok, no Pvt 11 1 Shr 3Br dplx, lB•. non-Up1t1lr1 Conatru9tton Nt. Shoooma. Low rent. Pool. spa, 1ennl1, no •••••••••••'lo•••••••• HA PENNY INNS S B 8 •• P •II W • t er P •Id . betr.::1 ~MN r:m h amkr, garage Bal Peoln II• Id pre I. S 4 ()0 . $25,ooo: 84f.2954 C1111 .... 3U4 r·· $700/mo Incl gH 3 Bdrm, 1~ Bl condo 2080 ~~ Btvd. fa~':"'121A re~ ··rli· 545-2000 Agent, no, ... H.8 '1~5:. ~79•ac • $211 mo 873--8529 _64_0_.2_1_00 _____ _ ** .... , •-1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ;1¥•t•r lat tlll plus A/C, w/y, carpefa, mo· · 1 Laundry rto , pool. 2Br. 1'.~Be. S375 mo. + B I I 00 S"'--• Con .. o wit"' Profe•• hto1tf•t l1ftt1 ..., OC-RENTAt.8 HC. dep 962-253 1, dern eppllencea. gar ... 7 .... ep Cpts drpa n Ill 1 .. ,,, 1 ~1 ·-" " ~ Wiii e«ry at 12% 2 BR 1·5br't $200 to 12000 993-7979 patio CIOM to pool & rec 727 YocklOwn Ave HB 548·9558 8.a~h Bivd a.' McF~d~ ••••••'•~~•••••••~•••• pereon $285 111, IHI From 100 1<1 ft, Ml Mr, aunnymobllehome ln 750-3314 open7-deys 3 bdrm 2 bt houH trHlnbeeutllulMlulon 538-<Mtl •281 lBa.Newtyr9fur· den.Nopeta 883_..894 SUUJl•mL dep 841-4825 or prlmeHuntlngtone.ech Coal• Meu. Belo• IE Ill If pool/Jae: s725 mo. Avali Viejo. $825 Fil plu• blahed $495/mo. N • Wkly rentall now avail. 98e-&479 loc. 960-2471 '351<1H BONDf09t243, ,,.., LI_. PIW now 714·720·0527 eve 1100 clHn. 9112·071>3 $5 on 1tt Wk Wheo you pets. 833-8974. B•alla1t1• $105 & up. Color Tll 2 rmmt• needed by 6/15 IEWPtlT HAii lll-all Re~t"ln c::.~ Men'• end WMt<-end1 -bring In thl• ad $495/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba •• .'!!!~~•'•••••··'·~~~ ~~=~ ~lvd~C~. 2274 ;~.~~ :..~1plu1 Executive office In Oen-.U Ml NEWEST gated 20 'A ml bch. CIMo 38f. 2bL HOME FOR RENT 2 Elf Apll Seemed celling, STUDIO CONDO -Frple, 648-7«5 nery Vlll•e· $450/mo 24Wlde,28R,1'ACo11a Townhom• VILLAGE 2 car gar. Gerdener & 3ldrm.1750. Fenced 2273/t:f'~S«O lrplc,garage.11ulldryrm. refrlg,peuo.tPe.actou Llberal W/M tor CM/ B<oller87 912 M.._ Owner wlll carry et COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. w • t er Inc S 7 5 O. ytfd I. garage. Kida & 4 Avail June, from bch S475 mo. S•••ll lt•l&ll 4100 coodo S289 Incl utll/gar 3879 1 lflce 12% with dn. pym·t 2'1t B• HI00·1800 aq. ft. 894-5489 peta welcom9. 545·2000. Bulillfltll TSL Mgmt 842· t803 962-4914 •••••••••••••••••••••• nr 55140 5 . aft 4pm St o~' ,f In Pf':.:4'~! BONOE;D 91243 of purt luxury. Garagee, /Ii tJa Agent, llO f.. 11 ti 3140 2BR 1BA apt Children /ni 3144 llYfltlf 631-4135 P11ettlc Plaz.a. Wiil subdl- 1•• ••ta •PH In every home • U fl••. .,..,_.., lfll&. 3z~1 •••••~•••••••••••••••• Ok-$475 mo •• • bdrm, 4 beth, tendy Roommate, non·•mkr lor Ylde. 234 E-17th St. ate. _._ muter •ult•. dining lluh11 3ZfZ ~ ..... .,;;; ••••• ~ ••••• '!. Quiet Junior & 1 Bra. .., &45-0324 L,;;,::;;,;;·9;:~d~·f; ~8e0a0c0h.10Prl•Aru~'uaftt.o8a1t1•1 belYt 1g N.B. apt. S225 1o9. c M. or ca 11 Double wide 2 br, 2 ba, In room1. wood burning •••••••••••••••••••••• L-or leeee option Jt• From a375. Pool, rec. •-• ea o1y 557 2 28 64!-3120 Hunt. Beach. Reduced llrepl1ce1. micro-wave Dix 2 br, 2 b• condo, gar · aml"9 Creelt, no e plen, rm., Nune, encled ga-"*Clean 2 Br. Mlle.Arthur llale, neer U.C.I. micro-Grundy Rltr 8 M161. mo r n • 4 --------- 17500. Neer bMch. P11n. oven1, private petlot & MC· pool, Jee. tenn11, 3 Bdr, den poo111enn11 rege. 11801 Keelaon off \Ilg .. S.A. Tennl1, pool, wave, frplc, wuher/ ' ' Fem. rmmt• 22 Ol'OYef to Pllmlltn only. Agt. ~593 yarda~erdtner provl· '800. 7l4-87~854 $1750. Agt. 780-9333 Slater. 842-7848. •P•· 1800 Adults. dryer trH. l 950tmo. S,.etH1lar I.I. lhf 4 br, 2 ba Balboa IUI II.A ded t IM on1y 752-5822 or 641-14e0 J 0 • n n • 9 5 5 • 1 8 3 3 • Summer rental Spira I Penlnaul• ept, S285 & ~ ...... _18U . en ng /nUt 3144 3 Br 2 81 1pll1 level. NB Studio, nr beach. POOll & 538-0720. ltalrt lkyl.,.htt $29" A 11 I d It.,.,. ltHlil 11.AI ..,....~-• 3 15 mlnut• trom Faahlorl •••••••••••••••••••••• Condo 3 ga age1/pool1 Jae U II ""' Fem 1370-$380. 1 Br. 1 Ba. . •v ' • ,, va . mme 111 ..,, I 00 lalend. 7 mlnut" 10 S.C. UNIV Pt<. tPec 38f, 2Be Close 10 H'o•g Hotp. · t • ...-. •non-Apt. encled gerage/ CONDO UCI Twn Ctr 2 br, lrple, Pvt IPL 1~ blkt 8 7 3-9 o 15 . ( 2 13 1 1100 1q ft . lu11ury •••REMEMBEROADi°•• Pint or O.C.Alrporl 1wnh•. gar, AC, frplc, 110 ,7851mo Blc 848-7332 '"*' S375. 53&.115e5 carport, patio. lndty rma. 1 & ,., plus 'le ba, 2 CM· beech. Weekly,855-1743 683-6899 9round fir. tulle. Over- with e Ju1t Hit of Newport peta, IN, 5~ r W•UI lf1ti 3141 bit-Ina, Close to ell. ports, new, vacent. 1760 On the water. 4 Bl' 3 Be -Spec--lou-s-. _brig_h_l_&_Cl_ea-ln looka garden courty.,d. Father'aO•y-•..,.. Blvd.&eo.olSenOlego T rtler k 18971 A 11 BLUFFS 3 br, 2'1e ba. 2 .. '•••••••••••••••• .. • TSLMgmt 642-1ll03 mo.652-94190wr\/Agt. furn houH on Batbo• 2500 aq 11condo1o 3 exec. olca Conf. rm. 842•5979---vv Frwy. Starting at S900 • u oc • n • "r BeeutlfuMy remdld., Furn. Laguna B•1tch lu---£ If a. Jl~I llland. 1-998--0403. there _ even better then ~~b~lsey rmc:.~ .. Sec95:'fl2-.,'2,.]'· month. 631-5.439 2473 och 4 Br 2 Ba lam rm, el eictrH No pe19 Ref'a xury ttudlo epa Et9telllte C0NDO, S.C. Plan aree. •1.••• ff• .. -., ..,. "'"v Win 4 FREE TICKETS! Orange Ave., Co11a din rm,"" of U.C 1· Oar· wlll be checked AVt. 7/1 TV. aaune,'maid wvtoe. 2 br. 2 bL Seo. gete, •• ••::.:;:.:;~:.:;;••••• llWNIT IOU ~~g· ,~·NB O C. Alrpon f.Jlecuplan toanAngeteGtme Meta dener, Wlr & uan dUM Sl.200 mo on la• phonH $11$/week. AIC,carpqn,poole,ldry _.._._, Ap1• & townhOUMI on 557-7683,or840-11339 Mlgr's repa/aallellte Deity PllOI lncld LMM S1100 mo 640_4050 4119-2227 New q>t, drpt, trig. On Moat elegent eQt. bldg. the Bey. Reeor1 commu-ti detk F Claalfled Ide $2500 movH you In. Agt. 541-5032. bOI tlftie. $645 plua ctep. In Laguna BMCh. flnea1 ..... nl -M-lle-, ,-..,,.,.--2-bdr--m-.-2-b-la .. , .. 0 • ap. ull $145..lO'lO. new 2 & 3 Br. 2 •SPACIOUS 3 br, 2 bl Mi I Ju i 3111 N<ip.amllra. 642·21~2 tocauon In town, breath-nlty ... th 8 ten • OOUl'tt; aerv or no frfllt Begant lnlalU Ba. i.;onaot. 165o aq. ft LUSESU I condo, trplc. blt·lna, 2 •• '!'!r.! ••••• !......... teklng lllewt, elf bullt-lna. 7 ~: SMI~ ape:,!°" ~ni!e.N~v~ s!t.~~· 1't _7_5_11-_8_9_7_8 ____ _ ,,.,..,,. 1411 AR emenltlM. Chenoa of 3 Bdrm detached homes car gar., poola, new de-1 Br E/alde, am but cozy h • a t • d p o o I . vv., v ew11: •·""'•on .. e 1 .. --•••••"";;"•••••••••••• a llfetlme. t. .... option 1 ...... ~, A -• v.,.• t $950/ T wllota of neturtl wood. b 1 t e.ctlelofa, 1 & 2 Bdnn Super view. pool, spa, • r~ P II I bid S A n ex_,...,, WM Vml•· cor ...... n mo. HE •"70. 8"1-9522, "5 30. au -gerege, e •vt or New furnl1"lng1. Rent 1-lt ... t• re-ac: oo t' · · Phone 842·2000 or bl• lmmedletely 842-1155 .., " -Leaae only. $850 & up. monthly fr~ ,989. 1ec ·gate. tennis. • .. ,,...., •• ' ~iJ=. :1.-o}~ 831-5055. $800/moon 1 )'Mr INN Weatclltf 3 BR "'" be, Wfftllde 2 Br 1 ea cen-330 Cllff Or. 494-8083 1141M4-1tl0 $2 45/mo & hakpg ~~~CCl~-.:'~n::,:;: Convenient 38t 2ba. fem. Five oth~rs to chooH $900 mo Allo Irv Terr., ''GOOD lral llHllng. garege, UllU IUOI P•..L ltwJtrt 760-9307 all amenltle1. From t:...uHJ.al 2 f/pa, w/d, rig, gu from We re the ones to 4 BR 2,,.. Ba, Sl500 mo. atove. carpet•. drapes. •'• LADIES ONLYI 12.,5/mo ... .._7189 •••••~••••••!.t. ~i;.;J8d n r . S 8 5 . \\00dbrld9e I pets Avl now.1146-2389 LIFE'' d•p~alt 548·5~~r o~ lurn'd-1ummer or year Charm home. 3 bdrm. 3 home. 1325. 646-5355 IS1ian1 lt•lll 44SO ht IO 880, fence, dbl rr· ilcall for lea.Ml} Both freah & clean, no ~1~4~11d~en, wat~;" Ct, ':!1~ 2Beec~-~~·!~ UllU IUll S..Utlful Npt Ben prlv ' .,.. 1"U YIUIY R I 81ulfe ., .. condo. 4 Br 770-5829. ...... Call 800-722·9120 b•, 2 blkl beaotl/lown en.,,n ,,, •••I 4JSO R;;:1i·~;;·.~·2e50·A~ Tu ........ WTSIH ei ru ~b•. lrplc, gar w/Mc .J.,,. ... ·OUND .,.... Aug $800 pef' wk. •••• ••••••••••••••••• SI., 1640 ...... ft. pf\,11 8 .. ___ .._ ....... 2 "~-......... We1t1ld• Lg 1Br W/ Lge2br,lerrlflcoceenvu. 973285 Single o•ra-dbl lock ...., 2b.::W .. c'h~'n11~l~h lrittMJ Wtt41 SSl·JeOO opnr N-apta & paint Soclal Acllvlllu carpon, OIW, lndry, tvall No pet•. 2807 Solel'la 4 -S60 mo. sioo eecurlty . ·car ~arage. 841-3777'. ftreplect, enolotecl patio. 3 Br. 3 Ba. frplc, micro, lfttllunnu Phu.lni.pt St,050/mo. &44-!:i512 0 lrector •Free 712. $400 mo. 845-ee25 Way. Cell 497-3495. IOW FlllT 851-2175 C M C•••11tl1l garege, tw.-111 Pos. dte:k, pool & lennl1 '1 BR detadledl home, fplc, 5br'OC-RS!!:!,TALSS2000 ~~ :lo•a Super 2 Bdr 1 Be, plush OcHn front, Hcluded 2 bdrm. alelpa II. gar, Secure dble gar in CM tor ltal1}6 4f1J cHll flow. Now $159, 8.5t mo t41!-1184 country -tch, covered 1· • 1.vv to • • carpet, patio, port & large 2 Br. 3 Ba. In Old patio. Famlllu. Open stOf'age. S80 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 500. 8111 Grundy, Rltr, days, 1145-9543 evee. patio, 2 car gare, comm 750-331• open 7·dey1 Partlet•Plut pool, BBQ. 645--0362 med vllla on clllt over-June 19th to 211th, Sept 760-8376 lmCE II Utp 1!7M181. 5 8r 3 Ba, Mau c:te1 Mar PoOI & park Nr acttools, Big Cenyon Coodoe.. tun m Tr•· loolllng oceen. Step1 to 18th on. $450 wk. 1---------1 In ,_.,. bldg on Coall lrg yard $925/mo Bob M •hopping, 'anlt '895 golf courH vtew. 3 & 2 "I c "I AT f Q N : 2 Br Newty painted, nloe prlvtta bHch. Letded 875-1832 OIHtt ltalal 4400 Hwy, South Laguna. Ap- llWPllT Olll'L Dovie Koop, 759·1221 mo. 551-277 Br. I•• a• S 120 0 Tenn I e •Fr•• cp11. no pell Petlo, ga-wlndme .. ows.cel3lln~1.''m' beaany-OCEANFROOONRT SPlEN-•••••••••••••••••••••• prox. 500 l<I· ~· f.Jlcel-Excetlent «*ltrel corner Eu Ilda BR Lwwrioul Turtlerodt 3 br, 644•7424 LMltont (pro I. pro rage. 1475. 851-2175 " • 1617 Weatcllff. N.B Wtot lent prlvete parking locattOn. 3 btdgt. Owner t 2 w/encl ger. 2 bt, crpta. drpa, bltlfla, •ho P) • 2 Hee Ith 0... .... ''"'· $2950/mo yrly Cornpl furl} hm 11&1 4 Elf flnanclel Inst 70001 f behind bldg. $525 mo. nnanclng. nope1a.$520. 1yrlae.$950mo.Evee& IUOH NOISE Clubs-Sauna• ( c-u) 840-5929 with 2 Bi .. Incl brick ht. floor Agent TumefAMOC.494-1177 Aeaionofn1c1 67M700 548-9950 '""'nd• 67~5820. llU) _.,_.. 541-5032 -'l: (II Hydro,.,..... 3 Br & d«I redecorated ...... rt IHfj Jiff I r p I c • w I II r I d r y r • --------1 H.B ofc &/or lnd\tst spec:e ,.,_,Ina.rt. ZIOO Deluxe Condo. $780 or mllTIYI 111/111 By Ille montfl only BUT SwlmmlngoGott """',. • tlonel • •••••••••••••••••••••• dthWlhr. 2 cer ger 520 aq. ft. $1.00 per aq avail. For IM ltllrtlng at ........... ~--~•••••• $725, 2 +loft br, 2'h be. only S900/mo tor 2 8f 2 OrMng ~ ,......... recree ame-NO FEEi Apt. a Condo $2000 for Jun• 19-31. ft .• 3975 Birch, N.B 1450 mo. 847_9954 --------•( ale.. Chris 873-5489 Condo, Tunte Rock HUis Ba walk t b..,ctt A all 8 I AU TI FU L nltl ... $800/mo. Avtll. reotall. VIiia Rentall. $1200 Augu1t 28-Sept. Agent 541·5032 CAt.l 3 petlO view end unit from' June020. . v . ~'!'.m.!~; Yrly feue. 875-4912 Brolcer. 4th. 8""""" fam'"' -"'. _ lalS1td1/ lataJ~lfl ... EIT llLLllEI So. Cont Pltw1. tmm.o. 2400 1q tt. frp10. bar, AltA"TMINTle ~-.. -"..,.... .,, ~"7 .. n .. 831-128e :"'~ !::;., •::. = sia:. ~J 28', bOat dck $500/wtl ~",~~ 2 bt, 1 ba. $380/mo. + 39~~A ~=?:: yrty ~~/g:7t-~.,:~4•9582' N:.~~:~1;:.~~cE~¥¥o:~ loo. $485 Incle water. No Hickey, 855-2882. & Unfur•l•hed•No utllt. 111, leat I. cleaning 87~10 (213)282-7733 WURY 11111'&1.I Agent 541-5032. .,..um Tr•d• for N.8. oc:nn-front home. Owner. 1800,000. 3711 SH· ~ts73-e571 fee. Agent. 957.0222 Orengetree Condo 1 18', boat Cldt '400/Wll Pett•"4odel1 Open dep. 4K-4451 2 BR From 1500. No pele Avell. now. $350 week $175 up. 2160 ft. lndu· Rm Ill LUii bdrm. air. adlta only. ,::-::.:.~'llT d111tyOel~0..1 1J>~~:~ .. ~~(f~: Shown by 1ppl. only. _u_p_. A.u_t._8_7_15-8_17_o__ ./~......., atrtet -C>fflc6. 18081 ~ 2 bdrm, 2 b•. Yer/ large tvall lmmed. $475 per llMlll ... • $450 546-721~ Mon/Tuet/Wed. 9-4PM, ***3 br 2 ba. on Can· ~-• dondo Clrcle #E Hunt-c;ondo. 2 cu guage mo. 551-2544 · ..... · ecrOM from Npt 8dl golf e1 NB 1it 2 wkt 01 July ./:;:::, _ lngton. Beach. 842-2834. Pool. elr cond .. newly 1 GR APT. O/W, New courae. S4S-4i55. o9.ft. S..8-05et •11t ./- _ dee $825 mo. lmlLJ Spectacular OCHn/bay lflrtiilt. pe1nt i. q>tt erld dr---------•-""--------• , Juia ... ;r. ... t/ SHOPPING center In 1173-2298. off. 2 tw, 1~ be M25 vu.~ 2•~es'1~~5 lam ....... lleill/le. Carport. 1400/~;: Newport Bay Front 2 Br. 2 .. _. ....... Flaan OOOOceantlde" ,nr.2f~ .. 17• 979-5814 2 br, 2'A be. 1775-$1100 rm, -...,,an mo. 880 l"'"-e · . la1•21T5 BL Adult comptex. Avall. •••••••••••••••••••••• aq · 1· M.~fl. 3br,2ba l1300furn Pvt .comm.759•0892or "'"' 8-15 548-3788 or ISll••ll =tser•t cMlll Call I lf4r ... 2.... 31>t, 2be 1725 l.-o HOii cell OOlllct 408-998-0591 (at 18th) 2 Bf. pool. Qlf909. 1525 553-1202. 0 ...__.1 .,.,_ &w t-OeH Luah cerpett, dining 5Br.38a.temrm,dlnrm, ~M.:-~10:., W.·e:':.r:1~~~."B" c~u::.:~g~~lli~ Furn. apt nt Balboa --...--------1 ... !lr.!!~!f ••• rr. .. : 25 Older Unit• ., .. , laundry hool<·UPt. 'I -3 car, vi.w. mll'y xtraa. _ .. ...,, A lotef environment Island, July I. Auguet. 1 BAYfRONT SWIMMING Pool Ofliml-Cath tk1W 2.2 A«• Zo-•tow, fridge, ylf'd, g•· ~£'-.._ $1850/mo Aft SPM. 1700 16th St. 2 BR 1 ea. cpta, drpa, 1c>911mentcommun1tyon er. 1 Ba. reuonable eel Hrvlc• lie. Cotta ned 41 Condoe. T111t1n '190• For quiet llVlng. No D : .. ~ 644-4084 (Dover et 16th) bl\n1, no P•I• $425. the ~ Bey. Private 873-8013 Prtme otra. 973-1003 M ... ., .. Ho U91 nee:.. S1M. ,\gt. 975-0979 d~•· 1650 water palcl. 'lt~/,~ CHARM! 6 br, 3 bt HVH (714) 642-5113 2772 Maple, 831·2ln? clubhou .. end llHlth BEACON BAY FOR AUO CdM dlx 9Ulta, A/C, emple Wiii treln. $50,= full .... ,.,., ....,, 81 HamUton M0-3999 French dra. & beys. Ja-1 B t B •c: II e Io r AP t w I tpa, a ten,.,11 court•, 1 H~ 48f home Slape to pkg, utll pd. 2835 E. Cat :T:'~ ~·:.· Call c:':~ ,_, IO LovelY modem 2 Bl'. $800. H2..860() cuul. $1,700. 840-2523, kllct)enette, '375 mo. utM PoOI•· cloee to butlMN. pvt bdl & 891t>C,. vece-Hwy. $595. 875-8900 lect, Mon-Fri .. Hk tor •••••n•••••••••• •••• Room for boat & camper. ~ 833--2375 S..Utlfut 2 Br 2be concl. Incl, 5~9098 elrpot1, Falhlon lalll'ld. tlon w/ell the luic Ava• Cott• Mesa 250 If, tulle R u d 1 • 9 • 8 p M , Ult 1010 W. Wlleon , 2 Br. 2 Be. Condo Wiit! Complete with TV, 2 Bf, f"t>a. S450. 2152 Convenient •hop• on J~ 21.Aug 21. '4000 S175tno. Utll Inc.Id. n 9 408-887-0111 Lake front/Hamllttlr. 4 213/889-4384. Cell 9 to . pool. Sl"O/mo. No WHher, dryer, llnena, 8" .. #4 "'"EH •-lite. unlllrnllhed badl9-IOI' mo Call Robin (Agl) W 19th St. 851-8928 •--------- bdrm. S ba. '615,000. 4pm .S13CAMPosPa:!ME Ct11khn~. 1184 Rut-dl1hea, etc. Wiii thort ~tt:,'c.M.a1.422t =:n~rmapttend &4f.72T8 Exec aultet, full Hrv., BEAUTY SALONS OWO. 714-146-3275 EaaUlde Charmer 1 81. 1 3 BR Woodbt'ldge condo. laod Rd. #II. &41·88e1 or ~~'200. ~~5:1.Jifr'rfo 1640 -$1000 VatlllM lnlllf'flfl tum/unl\lrn Your choloe of two, fron'l Owl# C:..."" Ba. recent remodel. Avt. July 1, S72~per mo. 833-2864. ant. call AA'llW« Ad No. JISTAIT llJ S-el bechllor'l ll'ld 1 ••••··~··••••••••••••• ~~ o..I 'I°"· ., •• 1550/mo. Luga yerd. Jim Votrtw ~1300 ....... .._ 3 br t 457, &42-4300 24 hrs $43Qm0. 2 Bl'. dte. pool, 8dnTI unlta 1 .. ture nne OCEANFRONT 2 I 4 Br .. ---------1--------.,....,..... luu& IJ.,., 5411-112.4 ' <>!""• lg • •m rm, 1tundry rm., eaattlde. -• ... • ,. •-·---.... •"'••"•••on•uo 4 Br. OOl!eae Park Home pool, (ltHnbelt. $1050 WATERFRONT • 18' on Cell for eppt. dealgner furniture and ~I. now. Weetl,, ttlnl .. ~ ... ~ .. ~ Duple11, Rancho Mlrtge, EA&TSIDE. quiet, cNlillrl 2 n .. r pool, achools I mo Agt. &44.0134. tvt quiet N11rp1 laland. TSL Mgmt. &42·1ll03 ~O:, ~:,: H "* 1.., B. 973-7K973· 1 HI PllV&TI """ C-1 property, S&0.000. bdrm, gar. prlv yd perk. Ault. 8<-20. • ... a .. _ .... ~·1 ...___ eture adlt, nb pet• .. ena.. ty, aua • s to ooo a. To-TIW eepwate unlta, 2 er, Common. pool $595, No $ 8 7 5 / m 0 Ev• 1 .. ... ... • .,....... • ..._..,,, SHO 876 72,7 1 8'. wt~ a patio. mer rnontn1 Smartty ,_,1 my luxurloutty tum. • up '" 1200 ~ ft each. By OW· pets. Mor 2.453 8 Orange 840-1538 0 .. t/Wkndt Ir; deck, feb. vu, ouar-752·77;;~ • • qtJlet adulta, no 1>911. f11rnlahld mOdel• o~ 3 bdml, 2 be '*-In _64_2_·9'_1_4 ____ _. ner. OrHt fl"anclng. Ave 857-1291.' y ra~:,,:c,• t e ' l1 · H $380, 310 0 Monte \llttL delly, parMtM. 1450 wk. ....,.,,., ,,.,, 1...an-5565, 3-40-1848 STARTER HOME tDt w/ '"' . 1 ir, ger•r· yard No On Jamb0f98 Ad et M1-1t53/21~7-011S . """ -~ ~ # '"'" "" ~~~.~~ ~t~~ TE~WNHOME. ~ 1'!': 3~a ~d ::°'a!';"; ~~::.2 .J;"..81J61 8 8'n JoeQulo Hlllt ""'· ~ OOMn front 2 Br. ··-·u.·uma ... ri VJ N . 2 bdrm, 2 ba, fl'pc, MW $1700/mo 14'-1100 2 a 1leepa 8. Avall . mTI •••••~·•~•••••••••••• 2 Br, fncd yard, gu, W/W cpt. 2 c., oar. £,tide 2 llt. 1\.t Be. DfW, June t9 to July 3rd. ~.-~ .. W11llln .... H lltM kld•'f9'' OK. '550. 1750, No petL 1u.01..a 2 er 3 Ba, den. ~ont, encl s;aoe. no pelt. a Br 2 a. oondO. 9')llt1_r5_2_.94_ee_._____ ?.~·~~~ s~~ 1tt & 1n4 ... H5. Onty IT50 dn. 2 2 1 A po mo n t . Woodbridge. 3 BA 2 be pon. boll docl!, HC. 841-1 . lelilll, PoQI, 3 oat QMIOe, ........ II AaM fM 'Miiiam ,.._._ llt .. _ .. ,TO. •-tt'-1'!!Jru OWrier ~rt 1 120 MO. ~31 upord ,., tdllt 'at1opt' l)ldg 110001 Bob lectlelot, .. udlltlee. 17tofmo. "3-0255 -•••••••••••::;:;-•• -.. ......... r. ....,., -,.. ,,.... __ ,._, 1t4-t7l.tfOO CUTE 2br unit. mre pool." No pett". aeeo' Dovie Koop~QI, A:, 114/l .. 1• A E Btoker Id....,_. .., ..... be, bit-Int on~ 1425 M1·atA5, Mu. 7&t-1121 6424171 ~1' I ........... ,,,, 00-AENtALS 80-331• ...... ""' -=--~~-=:-::i ....... !?A! .......... 8UP!f' MESA veAM 2 SIA ·~ b•the, dell, .. I UAI ar. *800/mo. 1tV IMt/ lndl!M. Pettc a.n. 1*1· '300 '80Utity. No pe4L gourmet kllch. 2 trpla, ner lntereat ......... ,0 • MA Ht&. JacuuJ. 3700 tQ ft. 3 ,..,..,. atory. IMMACl.41.ATI. 1110.000 yr net 1110. DEC 3bflftt,..,,poal ~ Letge IUlll\Y .$!•I to.-------~!!:..~~~~-! t11s.ooo ~ a. aaeo. petto toeded NOW 9'° anoo1"'° 9m..a1oa •" ·~ ----~--..... -• :.:--~ix.:-: oc-MNrAL.a 7804314 " ~J.1~ ,_9PITI __ . --------S'::~ frM end clear. E<4lkM I br, tllOd,., I w ..,., tl'M. Own/tgt. w ~opnt, ..., 6 f'8fl19. ~ tn.o1•a NU • .,.....,. ~ • .:,..· ...... , ..... , •• M.liiL .......... fi1'1'Jlll ........... ~· '1fllllM •••••••••••• llttllff ............ ~fltl........ tllrJIM ............. Pmm/1'11/""'1 ... -1•t...,-l1F • •V"lt ~~nel Wll ..... ~OOllltio :::=:...._. ~·Mwnl'Y --==Hoo-~ .. ,.. .... .......... .. ~~"!.. =714.; ... .:: ~~: ~::i·na. '"'"!~; ~!it=~ .,.fllMllllKttty~'n, r~~~·d:':'~ :::.:.i~·~. l ,_ .... _~ WOftl, l()t4I 1 Df'VWAU. A'tNG IMlel. MMtt7 "-model J,I ........ 0 HOOtlOllANING loOel ouetomn. A1•"4f llo. tMOtOi.1':-96 MV ..,_Colee Mw. AJ T .... & ,._,.... ~WH OA"I 5111rr HANDYMAN II OU" IUllNHll Think you, 131-4410 ._.........._ h•i'fr"MI m.-. ...... . t?t4111 I'* ... KMt l? .. IOll ~. Nwf11/0M "I • l'ooflna J.,,._., ~ AM PAINTM Nl!lot -.. "'" Ind . OOl'Nft'~,.., u • • .. 1 !""m .......... ,.. Ontl•, lltrY 146-7411 JACK°' ALL TMDll ,,.Uwtal-Elt«. Aooultlo oeil1naa. """···~············ l stfl.o,....., .. tuoco TaJCtw• TNn Wal ltuooo .,.... UO'd. Gary I0?-4?tl ~ ..•............... CY.iom °""* Tiie Prompt. call Ctluc*, eve 142-tM'41f71-140I dYI Otntirll OO'ltteotot -" _, lQM, ,..... W0111. PUn I "°· Ml..013 "'· 10 Y'•· n tYa-1114 WO"t<' $0 yre llCP lnV MUI .... "" I.la. N$111. •IM?M AOO-oHI ILIOT9'Jef~';:.~~IG•d 11111 0... Jaolc -or ntoht UMWlllT:........... Devie Painting ... , .. fM ......... ~!JZ ~ :.1*'~ ~.,,. =·-~=t. Ofl T..U:-A C1M11 •11W014* ":°"~'; IXTl!AIOA PAINTING eH lt•d1lt c~:~~l=:' OOITNOWI •fliNOll•i'OiO•Ki ... ,_,.,....°':'::1 Uo";aitUt. 11~ ,..,..._'*'OV.f 1-3411 COMPLHOMIMAINT. Dw.141·U5S =~•~J.'r,~.:: ~t:=~ ,._., lob1Tt-N51 ... flf llHrt Mlfll "°b!Mon CoMt. "9mod. 8"0. uoio ll.ICTNCIAH M0WtN0 • Ol.IAH UPI ~ol=~· m~· ='. IUd IM1-12'6 nlng. St...,. 541 ... 2'1 QUALITY WO"K Yow o.itV Plot llnoe 1171; 714-0Ht UO. '1 ... 1 ?»1llO Qui&.~---,_ Heullna • ~ 4"42t1 t..w1 1# iwl ""!E £8TIMATU !"f!.~~••• .. u• """°' Di9otory CAllNm•.-IMOOIL QOMM'L/Mato. p,.. •.• ,. I Tom ,,... ..... '4t-tl07 ... ,,_ :-m:::r._.!.:".·:.:...·::!-:.~·=.,· ,.,,... .. ,,.............. LOW AAT!l ·TfH trim· lllepreNl\11ttw 8 kyl11H • GrHnhH ~·~--. ~ QVAl...., Mow, edte. ,..., ""911, ..-.~ .... _ ,,_,.,. "''•--'erthlno ln1etlor Oeelon 114/tM-9050 Deytlrne mtno a removal, all Mt·llll, ut. Ill WlnclOM very ,...., uo. *2eO ~WON< •Pt Int ol••l'l*"P· haul. • ··ouM;·.;ou······ ~~.~:;,~~~~: HAN01NOl8T"IPPINO 714'~:~~""' ~ .~ ~r~ ~::i ~~~!!!!!!!~~~! MMIOt Jee. H. ienM!'J ""· ...... ...... A 1-tOll Ohuoli 141-H?t b.t • a lmall MOYlna Jobe Oood With kid•. I• • _v:;l•:;:·=~::4C:...::8co=.:.:tt.:14::.:t-;:.t3=:1.:..0 1.::::u=------1 564-7017 ;;; fm!}, ~ Geni&':. tN .. 141 •• -'"'"" Im. Call MIKI ~1311 ohamr:lon. Call Steve ASA PAPEAH•UAINO 1#/Jff 1--------~ .. ._........... .......,,,...,,_.. c ~ •••••• , ••••••••••••••• r: '!!JN. ••• ••••• • •••••••••• ---"-·~ uo. ""'d•nll•I. INn·llPI, HAUllNO-•tudent '"' 545-7 2S , )'ft local •XP· Ouat. AEP"lf'S •2· to •1•• • •• ••• • •• ••• •• • • ••• •• • ....., O• den M~ malnt k P I " " "" •••• ••• •• ••• • • ••••• • ~. 1'11111ng lot ~ti lnllllll/rtpalred LI. •ffl•• I... IM1 10. Ml-8203 tr;e trim. ''•• u i '. ~· LOW9ll rate. ~ wor · r c .. ttart •t P:r• est Cell enytlme MOil eubjeoU, K-14 ._.,,.., SMlooallnQ. FIOod dMWlge, 8t...-n UO. IOllU. "9nlodll, • 141·10ll(Cel Wiiiy) a.ii 75f.1t1t, ••••••• •••••••••••••• 18/roll. Alee 711·1021 WALT 11G-2728 . ~ 810wk MS AIClflh 831-41tll.Jo clng.1844610'. t?W5el ~·ne. 01Lb1Mta. ....._ you, John. BRICKWORK: SINlll joba. Cuetom wallpaper Ing, Mr. Me>tQM, 645-8171 ALlSTATI PAVINO HQ Steam/No 5'\ampbo Ml HM/l4MM4 111-7111 IS~~~=~~~~ H .... o,~ !!"d~-=:.nR91.~':~~ ro!'~arrr~~· Hu=-~~· .....,_ l!W.1- a..ioo.ung.strlplng &tlln ~t. 'ut W'll ledsn>I•••.. , .. -.au41-Mo/Wkly. 081.ena..,. ::I' ·----.. Lio. 1411ao2. 849734 ~=":~·,·"~.-· ,.,... eomm."'-'CI. dry. ,,.. ... al-1582 F,.. .... -.... ~ -°'** OIMn. Fr.. .... Bflok. block, oe>nor9ta, ''I!.' '!!'"' .... JOHN HENAV co..... ..... ., ___ ..... I.la #39~ l4Mi/111 8ch•mpoo1 & iteem ctw. Oual. ~1 i:i· 1189. • ~~ C::. HAuu::!:DINO ~":°.:.7:2,;::oe .. ;.•.;•BRYANT'S.;•;•.. UcAoollna23for2 F1~~~2 3 ~ ~53 .,,. ,...,_..,. o or brlohl•Mre, Wht ... • " • .-Jim 881-412' w11 .... _ _..,.,, .... --··• • 415 . .,_..., 1 20% Month .. Dlecounl ii:ft., CtPt• • 10 min. b!Meh. C..i• W..O.W-" . ..,.......... demolltlon. olHn-up. "aun ._, All ty";;.~' .. • 6'~3'.43 1-:::,.:--N-;;,:-:111-:-"":-----·1-.::..:.:....=.::::~"~==:... ...................... Hall, pv/dln. rmt 8115; avg ............. ;::.~. Total Ylld c.,. by ~.:.!: t,.. = A.II kind•. Mt-2889 ........... 1......... M!':.~O::~TJ.A.'c;:,nt Ullll llLIU room 17.80; OOUCh 110; Crown mouldlno. entry WWWIB ..,.... ~~t! Fl~Plentere IH!,t•!f.~ BUOOET RATES Chrle 9&'1-«SSe 91-n dMll enge, blloM ::,, Mc Ouat. """-Pll doore, mantlH, book· , mlk Domlnto .,..2 ... 801 HAUUNO & MOVING BBO't-P•tlot-VtnMI' • PLASTER PATCH"-fa·· Lo min. amt Jobe OK u c. •-------- • dec*I. Midi. aleetrl· . rpt 1'9pelf. 15 ~ OIMI, oed1r llned OIO· W• don t • you watt Local. Student w/truoll. Aefll Free -148-0464 AHtUCCOI . Intl••• 30 Fr• .... Ina M 1-7H 1 orano-Cout WlndoWt eel t1andym1n work. ~ &~.O~: myHll. Mtt. ::c'Pf'-:=r to Lio. S?Ol9. '31-7823 ""Miii ..,.._ lAwte e?M180 . . yr9. NMt. Peul 545-2971 ---------1 .. ~~ ::'ao:~~ • t?S-7991 EXCll CA"PE'T CARE 831-1828 !~ .......... ,,.. .... Ken~lb35 Hauling. quick ~p. ~................ ED'S PLASTERINO I!~ ............... Free eatlmet• ll30.e111 CHAA'S CUSTOM TEAK Jack Buffington ....._.._llf FORMICA COUNT£A8 yda. gwagea, job-tit•, & ·ABC MOVING-ALL TYPES INT/EXT MOSILE SERVICE l=jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ='~~ 0Wner/oper8'or =................ Topel~ rafwd LANDSCAPE MA.INT. prop m 0 rn t . A I ck Qutok Cat9'ul SeMce. FREE EST. IM5-8258 ReecfW11INew ecreent 11 r-*9 Carpet, UC>tlDI • .,.. rug •t<ATAINA:I ; LIVI-IN Free.. 142..W? Commel1cal & "'=" 831-0M5, Krlll 831..()H3 Fr• Mtlm•l•.852-0410 NBICM onfy. 642-9882 For Id Action . .io. 25 yr9. IMs.3749 CIMnlng. Wonc guar. hMPfS, deity maid MtV, • .··~ manaoernentt. 831-eo.4 ~-&-1..... PLASTERING ...U.•IAJ " .. Ltweal•• Free Eat. 646-1'1'11 office cteanlno! crpt ,,.. ~ F*'1on Lawn & •••••••••••••"•••••••• T: qur-.. Soeclal"':.H, .. \~EXTW · AE8!~~2 ••••• :114•.!!!!!'.~... C I :::ffi:;C:............ deM!ng. 831-211• ft .... Oatden lerv. Haut/cln AOllN'I Cl.EANINO 1 ~"' z& vr1 -..,....... lllt. .,........,.. Bnng me your pattern• & a a ,.,,.. Twin C. iJC. • l#il. ...................... up 131-4547/~ lteMce -• thor~ 1" Ing. 2 yr9 eJCP. lliudh alttratlont Jacki• • &moooothed f4o_4479 .... ~!,~ ... !!!!! ....... N!!!f.;:;;:m..... •t&lll •Y Aon'• oardenlno: 9 yre o.n hOuM. 1 No~~ ~~363 ........ 'I............. 8• t-oo 18, Meg phn Daly Plot BOOKKEEPINO cem.riw--t~~8'0C*. I .... AACHfTECTUAAL. PLANS CMltlne a Ed IMl-7826 um• ., ... OHllty ., Quallty Hoo•cteenlng a w. ua.1121 988-7717. __...,...,,. ...,.,. ~ FOR IUILD4NO PERMIT n._ ~-rue. ratH. M alntl w/a peraonal touch. CM, STARVING COLLEGE *"""I UY• •--------ID v~nD Speclallzlng In acooun· 1381057 Aob 1547-2881 "-identl&I addition• ..•••••• '::':::::r........ landtcap•. NBI CdM. ""· HB. letf'I uo.ot33 STUDENTS MOVINO 1-'dlm " • hlUft UllO for the 1nd9'*1deot remocMI.. Don M7~ CAPT UNC).WOOO e?5-93el 1"11•'11tlN .r.:· ................ .. attorney or amall law on-. paUoa. welkt. Free .it--'-Otea · Pacific Houteeleenlng CO. Uc. T124-438. ••••""'•••••••••••••••• •Sprinkler Repair• 642-5678 firm. Aleo,... Mt•t• In· .... No JOb too emal. ~ lnlt ·.....--3082 •• ,.,,_,. 8 yr• Up. Xlnt,.... lnllUfed. IM1-4427 BONTEKOE..REFRIG. ~Jcomm. Commerc:lal ve1tment & property 1538-2901 • •• ••••••••••••••••••• Uc. S882teO 1·a40-308 :-.-:':':f::::"............ Free e9t. Lori t?&-e353 WATCH US OAOWI & AIR CON9 Matine, Landecape SetvtcM ~~~~~~~~ m•n•o•m•nt 1ccoun-tllU ~ ~WA~TIC lo ... ... HOME IMPROVEMENT T.LC. Houaatceeplng Haw --· want auto, comm'I. 548-52011 957-8388 ttno. 87$-7108 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,... avn = 1582 9aaa 11 •••~••••••••••••••• REPAIR-PLUMBING Service. I.ow Rat-. IOtMthlno Y\--The fatteet d raw In tit. CHILD CARE , .• __,... • AEPAI" & IH8TALL Catp9ntry, -.O. th. Fr.. Toni 850-0208/IM2~5 '°t .it?11 ci..tfled I C II ~OWdo March to your phont to SERVICE I. REPAIR WHt. · .a Dally Piiot Fl.w eomethfnt to Mlf1 My home. lnfan...,.. yr1. SELL Idle Item• with a Ger-oe dra. Herctw9te. est.~ Job too emell. t we • " • piece a fat-ectlng cla. Van Oppene Service Co. ~Ad. Call Toct.y ctu 11!ad 9da do It Wll. Xlnt refl. C.M. 645-8848 o.ity Plot C1111lfled Ad. Oeelgn.IP*'l te0-8181 Dall .. 145-2811 Ctuetfled Adt IM2·15811 IM2-M18. lllled 9d. IM2-M71 (714) 83e-4eet IM2-M71. ~!!'! .. !{!f 11!!.!!. .. ~ .... !~ ~! ........ H.!! !'.lt..'9'!'!1. .... !.~!f !'11.~'!'!l. .... !J.'!f !tJl..8.'!'!!. .... !.{!f !'11..!'!'!l. .... !.~ff ~.!'!'!!. .... !.{~ !1!1..'!~'!!. .... !J.! , .. 11 .. '!~1.'l. .... !J.!f ....... , Found Collie. female. ap.. S.-DOG Ofoomer. exper. SECRETAAV/ Receptlo· Secrttuy to work part fltm'S un PfOll 1 yr. Vic FllMew L=-"a & Vi1Ck1''s ,,...... ... Corona c:lel Mar. ...., PllT·l'm -• """ ADVERTISING nlat. Fut growing firm time •t Church office. and Baker 97~5132 l lU 1100 000 Pl' yMt cal-84-t"'4000 .... a-.. ••• 1Puwv1 needt lharp pereon with !Wv. Norqulat. ~2237 with I apeclal meuege In . PllTI--. • ' ..., -good twp Ing ekllle • "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiii the Dally Piiot. Let Oed Found: 2 yng 9dult Cocker --lber comm. DON'T ION your tan wor-Here'e e unique ~-•horthMd or Wfj_ • ._hi•,,.,,,. In print on Spanl•I•. t M .. 1 F. EllllTl/u.at klno •II dayt OrHt In· Wor k in our ..,,_ --•A' profit-..... ~..... nit)' for one whO en)O'fl 11,.,, Call· 71.._~83 June 20th. tt you plaoa • M2-3214. N.B. OUTCAll 24 HRS. To Hll manufacturing oome for lhol1 hrl. In the L....a. '4Dwa&, ·~'6 WC>ftllng wtttl the publlc ,d;'ror O.,.. · grM11ng tor Ded you will LOST· M-cualom ..._ 111-1201 paclt•g• l~our Ar••· evening. El1'e. an 3PM. office u a telephone aale8 promotion on th• telephone and --------i be ellglbte lor the dr•· ID ~ecelet. June 11, Ir-~,-.!!,.. t~O ':!,'~ 497~1U, l.fo. lk:tl. cler k for the area's finest new1paper. ..rnlng money at th• IECllOllY wing of vi ne Meadow• Rock 8201. UIQUna Niguel, Ca. Im?.. Only requiremen t t.. a good telephone -Ume. 1r4er h-erAlltw • fUI TIOllTS Concert. OrHt Hnll· * * * 928n Eetly AM thfft. No ·~· voice and enthuaium! Local Costa Mesa Your 1ucce11ful ..... Potter & Brumfield Div. to an mental value. Steven Affllfll Parler nee. Pt/time. Apply In experience wlll enable llUU Dreyer. 714·&40-7824; MllllT.llT ww; ~Oonuta. Office. ~,.!~ b~~ .• ~}~~ Ul.J., IN. ••--••• ••-&16-1002 Open 24 hr•• day Succe11fut yacht com· ..... 1 •• ~~ ...___· C M .._..._ ..__., ~ ""' -,,,,_,_,....,.... hal an opening In our --. -7 dayea.-panytn "-POrtrequlrea ...,..._......., • · · ~ -~ ... ...,. t11ln51 Department. WHI Coaat regional C9't 642-5878 and place LOST: ledlH diamond 8 9 Oorgeoue glrl• to full ch9fge flnanclal & ........._,.. llat ~,... StraigM commlealon on 111 .. of fice t o r • your me111ge now tor engaoernent ring, fllf1\lty pamper you. Jacuzzi. accounting perton. Wam.d 10 )Olrl our w.y la1&4eta tall .....,.11M ,.-. all HIH. If you heve u cretary/ ordtr co· onty 15.00 antq. REWARD twtoe the Sauna. LOC811 u.,.. u BeeuttM WOftlinG ~ ~-or~ ....,._ $84 .00~or first week ; t hen share in ..,.. ablllty ... • lllf· ordinator. Mu•t have Vlu/Mutercerd. Gu•nn· value o8ofb'!'G·~T~ock ~!~· ~ge,, 'Aumya~: tlont, on n ter, conu--tlfUl(J.tion. t!x'oettent ---"'p' ... fitl. ltart..!, ~Ilk• MOln !!~: proven ability to dHI teed It you quallty? Fl· area, .!.. • :"'' on lean c-~ .... °""'9. Alt nlal utociatM. DrMm flnanclal arrangement. ..-w~-.. we -u-• you ..,._ with ou1alde contacll nenclng avail. C"8I er. Campue. _....... 1• _.;:;:; 1141645-3'33. fob for rtohl pereon. "A place of hHllh ,. ""' ... p.a. lltled procedur9. For"" and type 50 plu• wpm. dlt profile. 714/841-45&!> Lo1t: On th• Penlneuta, Muet be mature. with t>MutY' 146-7142 MJ ... ll Id. 112 appointment for Inter-Prev. •l!P9'· pref'd .• bul bl•ck cat. White whit-2112 Hlft>Or Bl. CM lm~ble referen~. . view, pleaH call our not nee. FOf appt. call ..... Ab 1111 keri, feet, Vitt. flee co1o-..__.._ ...... c.ii Mrt. Lute, M5-«Sl5 1 H.i., wanted f0< profM-Pertonnel Dept. at Catol 1t 71~93-4503 ··~••••••••••••••••• lar.,..... cell. l73-4218 115:,._. --87W3ea bet. 10 & 12 noon . ~ ..___c:teenlnO, _..~ M. ~ IM2"'321, Ext. 277. 28131·D ... , .... _, ·-.,.., ORANGE COAST Ave. Auropuer1o F~ writ• loCMclng ASSEMBLERS. W• Wiii all 4PM ~1300 --.... AHi E•t•I• sai .. per-DAIL y PILOT San Juen Clplttrano :collar :'l felt per'IOfl tmet.ted In trllin. AOPfY 7AM. Mac-eont. need 2 exper peo-E.O.E. n !f."d· ~Ii"' n?iton room. bo9rd, and ael#Y Oraoor \'9Cht1. 1H1 _,,..IL Conv -tong term cer• ~ommerclal & 330 W. Bay St. • U'J2on at. "ght. ~~ 'W,~:! Placen:. eo.ta••••Meu. J::~·~·=~ =i_ =:._ e:~ our~ r:~: All equ~~Emptyr 8iiinllYI Hiii· 'Cuz It 's your. eaMeplng. Ideal' b col-• 11 Hallaba. In corporate F • ?-3rac>. S-l,:30. firm. Beet WOl1ltng con-l&IY BIRTHDAY! FOUftd: Olr1a' red purw, ,..,, or Mlf-emplowed P!f'Jll..... account• recelveble of· 714-e42.-....orll>Pfvln dttloni In Newport eue• .,_ tor ""-ta Point. N9w -• • PIT rlT~w ~ ~r.1Ho8n: 4H Flagttllp e..:ti.114-e415061 --·-..-· left at geraoa Nie career woman. Phone • · · nee. Alna. oooct ma~ "" Mature woman pref'd. 1et1remenr faclllty In If. Have A Great Onel 656-2174 Edmu nd In Laguna 2 1M1a · 8 o'doc* matlcat l communlc•· 1111. DTATI Ul.ll Apply. 108 22nd SI. NS vine. Req'e. ablllt~ to Let's Celebrate 'DAD ' SECllOlllY .............. Excellent opponunlty for bright ••If 1tarttr to handle full •ecret1rlal function tor Salee MMa- ger or • manufac1Ul'er of medlcal ln11rUment1tlon. ld••I cendldate enoutd have typing aklll• of towpm on IBM s.i.ctnc. •horlhand experience and ability to WOl'k with minimum 1upervl1lon. Prior 1ecretarlal ex~ rlence and good rel•· rencea at• euenta.1 . Excellent atartlng Mlaty end company paid be-nefit •. For Immediate con•lderatlon. caH Sue Rohlf• betwee n 8:00AM~:OOPM. 114-112·2111 0 Beecfl at 494-0429. AM 'tit 2 PM, 2 PM ·1• 8 tlon •Mt & tlotlt ~ f orgenlze, communicate L VE SCDIULEJS PM. Mu•t be nee1, de-required. Mu1t be de-HUMES Aldee. Full time, We ri.w an opening or SALES Ct.ERK needed for & type. Excell. wor111ng co1101m1cs ' IUWI" S pendabte.Sta118'S3.115 peneSat>te reaponelbta a 7 to a & 3 to 11· Af1pty: two wall dl•nd, lntelll-llngerie boutique, exper condt. & beneflu. Sagebrush, 'Mom', ANSKH uga r per hr. CtllnC» to rnoYe Mlf-mot~ated. New1>ort Hunt. lk:tl. Conv. H<J"Pt, gent .. i .. penon• to preferred. 648-&444 Phone: 881 -115 5. • EI 11 • L ftUhl & lntoValet~POlltlon. B eactl . lren• Ruiz, 841·3515. Prt·Ctrt. work In th• Newporl C.M. llAM-4PM.Moo-fr1. • & Mouse, too! c.ii 114-aM-422 MCMl80. aw.a -oftllred. Hart>or ., .. 1n commer-SYITElll Canel«·~ --------1 clal HI .. and/or rff-lllU SECAETAAV ·PIT Irate · Teecup s , BABYSITTER-mature per· _H_O_U_S-EC_L_EA_N_E_f'_S_·H-e-lp-10FFICE MANAOEA-for ldentlll Mlea In the"'°" SW llO to 125 hr Un-Accurate typing 50 wpm 1111 E. .... lfrMt CHEAPEST DICe '°"· 3 hl"I per day. ell wanted, must haw own 1mall machine thop-effluent .,.... dercover WHr home + abllty to tranacrlbe. leite 111 A IWltdl to the mettle and !Y!Y'ill ~ day T11 .. ..:L...no.wkndt. trantp. top dollar pd. procMI ordert-anftrlr LEO HANNA pantea. S45-H« Oood wlpeople, to run Tatil, IA HIM ,,.,, ' ,, .. , "" •••.•.•.••.•..••...... FOUND ADS ARE FREE ty1tern woutdn't bottler ~ Refs r41q. •,.._715t4. Ceil M-11 MJ-15355 phonet-lnvolctng-oood SR. VICE PRESIDENT one ptreon church of· me. When I lt\Of) I always v -v typlet-quol• cullorner• ....... L ,.., t... s.... , ...... c M aa ..,...7 A Sub1ldlary of Amer- tell the ci.rtc to g.lve me Ill-a. BABVSITTI!:A, 1 day• wk, lllt ...... ... wl calculetort-muet be _, -84.4-4 _ ..... _._._. ---"-"--1 1c:an the CHEAPEST. 1----------t 8:80-4PM. Pref. my Aelr fof decoraUllQ nee good w/flgur .. ·Hl•ry ~ 910 SlllE I llCIS sr•n&af/TYPllT Home Product• Corp. 1--------1Need Summer homee for home. 754-elT3 Aexlble hrl. Wiii train' open for qualified Pl'· IHIPTWT ITllT HIE With ptwant penonallty An Equal Opportunity F~llblac:kk ,,,_!-"ale· t~~ foreign ttudenta ASAP. Banlllng For llPC>I call Mrt. &tell: ion. Micro Precl1lon 50 wpm, vtnt phone The Loa .a....-Tlmea fOf '*"" otnce In N9w-Employw M/F "'"" e .....,,nauz9r. "''" uaa &a1-84a RW'a PIT ... • -s.._ ton A-,,_ .... rw .. ~...--c Newport/Main. Tuatln. .,...., •~ eon San ni-o ;;;,y on-Ca-lklllt. Itta bkkpg. Ml.l9t Circulation O.pt. cur· port enter. Accurat•1-;~~~~~~~ 5!51·1425 la•J..,...t 20 tn1•. AWY; Hunt-4K-14'1 manoc;...rano Laguna be welt organlnd. Great rentlyhUpoeltloneopen typing•• 85·70 wpm.11 •• ~~--••••••••••••• lngton S&l. 8H7 War-U1trllll lflL -... .... 499 •soe' co. benellte. Sal ary In Mlaa. A. a Fleld ,_._ w<>fd proceulng ·~ Cal: F®nd blond male doo J• Wu"' 111 '*• H.B. 842-teOO. r • __ ,. .. commen1Utata wluper. Pf'eMntatlVe. you·n tern rlenca helpful, but not with black face, med. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••-Dela entry pet'IOf't nee-PllT 1'm 788-4751 Peggy hour1)' wage a generoua nece11ary. No ehor· -------•I tlze Oerman Shepherd VoungmarrledlTl#lwould -ded for2ndlhlft.3Pf'\IO E __,1 .-commluloni. Hourt thand. Evalle, 144-2507. _L.09t_:_A9d __ A_uttr __ ....,,--M-.-.· mix. 540-1"3 Ilk• odd Job• •VH l Hair...,.... wt1'I folowlnG mldnteht. Muat be ,... \I.a _,.. Ot endt. ....,,..,. 4-9PM. fOf lnfermetlon 1 ~ yre. "Pecot", vie. FOUND: Stlor1 t1a1r bMc & wlitende. Cen do a van.ty "' 1tle Alr'P0'1 Ar• RA pOnalble. Petco. benllllta. ~...,.. .. ~ ovw Succeetful yecht co. tn call: 114-957-2361. Ext. lllllTUY "urlley Crlt Camp-bm Male dog. Poll. lab of handyman Jobt. '"!'-· ~phone He!-Satar~ commeneurate ~ ~i: ~~ Npt. &di. requlrM ~p;>; 1204 PART TIME. 20 hour• orounde . Reward. German S'hep ml x.1 ~·982$ ewe, Ult for jjlt. IMO..o684 M :.:::·Call Piullne wortt wlih youth l•O•; f ... lonat A9ceptlonJ!~ s .... PeflOn mat\11'9 Pl =:-o!::'~~ ~2'83 968 4454 • 10· '4). C•ll 2.&PM, Par1on Friday. M •t time, HD gift lhop, • Accurate typing, tight UW&ll FOUND: PltbUll, fem. Vic. lllllllRlll a.,r1111M Ip. Ull•Y Plllll 842"'4321, Ext. 343. EOE ~& = !; "3-&900 bookkeeping aper dtll- U. ~ Hlll9 ., .. Yorktown & Newland, Prof. wo.n;;·w .xc. =c' .. ~ubllo Expr'dPNf.June 14thnl Pereon to worll oyater lncludtno t yping & IALEI red. Send reaume 9"g •10. 8 mo. old lernale HB. 9&2-8350 ffl/I. C.M., N.B .. l.llQ .,.., flrfft a I»-.My 11, Af1flty In penon. bet, 8 dy wk, baytront 10-ltay. Excell. wor1cln0 PTIFT Own hrt Tr-'-Mlaty requtrementt ~ oolden color Coeur FO\lnd mate tnltl lettllf, Sunny 831-«t'T7 ~'..'!'!·'*~v~k1 to H•un1 tlngctont e..dl H Con Conlt ,· ~. Xlnt company environment on th• "OU to bulld ow~ bu";: 8 Lab. Inc 201 w. ~,-Spanl•I. an1wer1 to chair collar. approx. 3 "'"'R'°' ,_ __,. • v •• •n a.ap 1 · benefit•. Wiii train. ..,.,, plaetant uaoc1.-• C 5-Rd. Unit B. Stint• Ana can d 1. c 1 H L u cy 'f"L OkS. 54s-1091. Nllr'M'• Aide .,. care felt ping Meda. PayablH, 1ea11 flol1da at, H8. 871-1229. M . t"· comsi-tttlve .. lary. neea. alt IJ4 9210 for 92707 640"'4433 9'dar11 Of·~ dleuf-recelvabl•• and dally I -... , contac1: Mre. Brown, aps>t. •--IUllT--llY-. -/-1111.---• · FOllnd baby mattr ... on feur. g,.9--03,., )OUmat9. Mi18t ri.w pnor Ltpl1ar""7 ,._ ~1 btwn. 9AM & i iiiii-=====iiiii ClaHlflad Ad• are the Santa Ana Ave. C.M. • Hl>" and be able to Newport Center AHi Enefoello rnponelbl• Noon Anandal lnve9tment firm an1wer to a 1uce111ful ~7882 Have JOU rHd 1oday • work with CM' eocoun-E•t•t• LltlQatlon fltm per'llOrl to write orclera a •••l•n t o r • d u c • t o r • . garaoa or yard Mlet tt'•• CIHtlfl•d Ad1? If not, tent•. 81,ooo per mo 10 need• experienced ano ier phonH. Full Aecepttonlat/Ty knookl Often wtlen )'Oii PertJcomm.dept . ..-:r. better way to tell more Have aomethlnt to Hft? you're mlealng the beet eurt. R el. pre f 'd L1911/bec a.cy. Xlnt Ume. Paln••lt. 14•26 btabllahed Morto•u• UM r"ult-oettlng Dally tary. Excel typing and 142 ... ll Secmarlal h.....,. •• .,~ Heedquart .. ofc. of JOiiy ROQlf R"taurant chain hu an e>penlng fof an uper'd. EMc. s.cr.. tary to the \Ilea Prealdent ol Op11atlon1. Poe. r• qulf• •<*I llhorthend • typing '9kMla & on.re • varltly of rffpon1lblll- tlea. Prior r•t1t1rant ex· per would be • definite plus. LOWIY °"'*· •· cell. benefit p1ck1ge. Apply In per1on from l :OOAM to 4:00PM at: THE JOU Y ROGER. INC. 17042 Gllette Ave.. lrVlne. 714-54$4331 people! CIMl lled 9da do It wel. bargalnt In townl 714-12CMJl94t ~lotaphone a ~ rw. ~ In penion. Co. Mede V91"11tlfe girl Piiot Cla11lfled Ade to S/H required. Elec:vtlve HI HIM open. ~ Salary {~~ ~~r:~I~~ =~ ":!v be~ = .. ~ Or.nge Coat =~='k~~:1."C':i Selllng anything with a Pm time, retail ltOfe, MAIO F/Urne motel Lao Irv. 9-5. Call 714-,n0-Mt1 Phone M2-M78 '40-012S . OellY Piiot Cl..elfted NJ Father;s Day Wish Dad a Happy Father's Day for alt the world to see and Thi D11w Piiot .. ,_ f Allin DIJ ... , ............ "Mwlll ..... f .............. _.-.,. . .._ • ., .... ,.,,.nu ..-... ,_ .... Clll M2-M11 ...... ,... ..... ~ !!' ....... ,.. !!Ill c.. ... _, ~ ............ Cllll .... ............. ( ...... , ............ ) ~,:i,. p. yr 011 · Bch. ei..~o.. . "" ..,.. LAI.Ir• Sell Idle llama IM2-6f7 :.: :r.:.;:.•,·. jUlt CHEF A8818TAHT lflll'lll Tllkt/ln1 ... 11ht MUST BE EXPERIEN-Onwnental S*nt uper. •fA per monitl to atart. CID requnct. WUI train for Accurata ar)CI feat typing Phona. ~ rfflctenllal/ lnduetrlal. • mue1. Start lmmedi.- - Alr lc. put oontrol. tety. Elcoer Ptllf'd. 8 50·1 1,280 mo. ?i4-7~1 For ,......,,..., 10 key ..... 1'41 gm i!1811 upertena p... PWlt. For pluetl Offtoe In NM-4~ 164t"' lfPt. PllHll' m "'1 Cen1«. Applicant Earn top pay t1kln9 ,,_... NW ,,.._,,. per- -In .-... .... eonllllty • ...,, front Offtoe ---,__, p • anc.. Aoe11rate ~ ~ .. "Pf". No 1---------1 No".,... .. or...,.. . Ceil EV111e et ........... Wrtte IOI lJnr. 144-H07. "'911, ~.O. 8oet 1m., __ N!MEM ___ NR __ ,....OADI ____ , MOUi • 111$ C&. IOl40 wt1t! a PllFlllllDILI ::·== l~~!jij~!!!!!!ll~~~~~iliil ::.~-=r:liii•to~;;e:;;;;"'°';;::r .. ~~I ~~.~ ........ . ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• o~=.,8•1• · Loi• of SaVSun 1()-4, 811 Arbor 81. (Hr I WI I MonnMe>. C.M. • ' COMMHl CHEVROLE'T .•.""I' -' ,..._ ''.•f ~41>-I 200 1111 '.Ill\\ ,i 1r:1 1 '" .' · MESSAGE TO PRIME MINISTER MARGARET TB.ATCHER, received i,n London, 6:45 a.m. today: ''In Port S~y at 9 p.m. Falklands time tonight, 14 June, Maj. Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez surrendered to me all Argentine anned forces. . .The Falkland Islanda are once more under the government desired by their inhabitants. God save the queen." Signed J . Moore. (Maj. Gen. Jeremy Moore, commander, British Falklands Amphibious Forces). British soldier's mother 'over.joyed' By ROBERT BMUtER or .. .,..,,... .... ~Tm IOine to ha.ve a nice cry and a coo() cup of tea. I'm overjoyed." The9e were the flnt thoughta th1a morning of Florrie Kefford when ahe heard that Argentina aurre.dered in the Falkland Ialandi. Her~ S01' ta a major in the British Artb.y and was believed ~ting .in the Port Stanley area. 'This la one of En~land's greatest monients. There s such a feeling of ~lief and happiness .and r hope everything (the Shirts bring • suspensions surrender) holda and that ~ comes back safely with the felt e>f the b9ya. .. Mn. Keftord and her husband, Robert, are visiting her daughter's family in Huntington Harbour. They plan to leave for their home near Oxford Friday. "It (the Falkland Ialanda) Is just a rumbling lsland of l,500 people. But it belongs to the people there. "Thank God they got it beck. It ls one more effort on the part of the British that proves you can't walk into people'• homes and take them over." Mrs. Kefford said she had heard about peace developments in vague terms before retiring last night. But it wasn't uutil ahe waa awakened by her daughter LesUe t}}is morning that she knew for sure. "I'm waiting for my husband SIGNAL 1ilLL (AP) -Four the 1f Signal~ po~ olfioen have to get home from go coune been aaspended without pay fat and rm llOing to kick him. You •.. -At .... a po"-camp·1 .. ..,,. trip always kick-somebody when' •...a ..... oe ~ ..... eomething ia over don't you?" while w earing T -ahirh Mra. Kefford'a aon la a major emblazoned with a hangman's with the Gurkhas. He left nooee, a gallows and the words, s "Si,, l Hill G teway to Southampton for the outh .na • a Atlantic May 19 on the Queen Heaven." Three oftioers were suspended Elizabeth n. lor 12 houri (one work shift), · m:fMi~~~o~::'!a!e~ • while the other officer '!as the day before he left. "I rather suspended for two work ah1fU on expect we'll have a letter waiting the 1rounda their conduct f« ua at home." • brought dilreapect to the "Our boys had a Iona way to 26-member department, said go and it took a lot of time tq.,et Police Chief ~red King. He there but it didn't take mUch refuled to identify the officera. time to mobllJze Beca~ Cal State Lona Beach "Thank God th were trained football atar Ron Settfea wu and ready ey found hanpd in Im 8iana1 Hill . . .J8!1 cell on June 2, 1911, Kina ''From 11CCOUnts rve heard the said~ the T-ahlrts abowea Argentina boya weren't and a " for life'' and ''very, that'• aad because the'/ are very t.te. '' .amebody'a mothers' IOnl.' NATION S.,axopbonist Pepper dies By Tbe A11oclated Prett The war on the Falkland Ialand1 ended today and the Union Jack wu hot.ied over the capital. Prime M1niater Margaret Thatcher said BriUah foreft took 16,000 prlaoners on the South Atlantic 1alands and would hold 90me of them until Araentlna confirmed a total ceue-fire. There wu jubilation in Britain and 1e>rrow in Buenos A1re9 over the news. British Defense Ministry sources said 11,000 Argentine eoldiers laid down their arms in Stanley alone. The figure astonished British commanders, who had estimated Argentine troop strenjth on the Falklands at about 8,500, the eources said. Mrs. Thatcher told the House of Commons that the Argentine commander , Brig. Gen. Mario B e njam in Menendez , surrendered to British Maj. Gen. J eremy Moore at 9 p .m . Falklands tlme (t> p.m. PDT) Monday after Moore's forces shattered the defenses of th e Stanley garrison. 5he said Britain will keep the Falklands and does "not intend to negotiate on the sovereignty of the islands in any way except with the pebple who live there." Independent Television News correspondent Michael Nicholson r eported from Stanley that British troops raised their Crean to face write-in I oes I in November? By JEFF ADLER Of .. o.lr .......... The apparent Republican n ominee in the 43rd Consresaional DI.strict -travel- traJler manufacturer Johnnie Cr-ean -cou1'l face a November wrlte-in challenge by both the 'second and third-place finlshen in the bitterly contested GOP primary. The vote1 still were being counted Monday as second-place finiaher ~n Packard and third- p lace finisher Bill McColl announced that one or both of them probably will challenge Crean and Democrat Roy Archer in the general election. Unofficial vote tabulations Monday showed Crean leading the 18-candidate field by exactly 100 votea more than Packard, hb nearest rival. Election offidala in San Diego and Orange counties reported Crean with 13,762 votes to Pack.ant's 13,662. The election's final outcome ta to be certified sometime next week, according to registrars of voters in both counties. As the ballot count geared down, however, the political free-for-all that characterlied the primary campaign in the 43rd district 9eemed to be heating up. McColl, an orthopedic surgeon and fonner professional football player, announced he will run as a write-in candidate whether . Packard decides to run or not. He ~Hid that Republican• muat "make it clear that Johnnie Crean I.a not acceptable." And P.ckard, the 50-year-old mayor of Carlabad, said ~ ii leantna toward running a November write·in campaign and will announce his intention! in the next aeveral days. COUNTY OHA NCf < OIJN : Y L l\l 11 Oll Nll\ :>'l CE. NT '"l There was no official statement of aurrender from the Argentine government, even M~sa aff ~eted Market Basket chain sold By PHIL SNEJDERMAN of"ltle D8ly ........... Employees of local Market Basket supermarkets were responding apprehensively to the announcement today that the chain's parent firm, the Kroger Company, has tentative~greed to sell most Southern · omla Market Basket stores to other grocery companies. "I've spent 27 {ears with Market Basket and hate to see it go down the drain," said Dave Myers, manager of the Costa Mesa store at Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street. He said he learned of Kroger's diveatiture plans at a general management meeti.DQ Monday. Audrey McCafferty, Kroger corporate spokesman at the company 's Cincinnati headquarters, aaid the chain has decided to sell ita 65 Market Basket stores ln the Southland because they "have not met performance expectations and have contributed only mode8tly to coroorate profits in recent years.'' - She said nationwide, Kroger operates 1,260 food stores in 20 states, making it the second largeat supermarket chain, behind Safeway. McCafferty said the Mai'J<et Buket name ia used only by the company's Southern California outlets, which were first opened in 1963. She said tentative agreements have been reached for sale of most Market Basket stores, with negotiationa continuing on the remaining sites. "We do expect the divestiture- to be profitable," she said. The Kroger spokeswoman said the company hopes to have the sales agreements completed within 90 days. "We can't speak for the new owners," she said, "but we're certainly hopeful that they'll be in~reated in retaining ~t of our employees." McCafferty declined to reveal the prospective buyers for the Market Basket stores, but local managers said they have been told the buyers include the Hughes, Ralphs, Vona, Certified, Smith Food K ing and Boya chalna. Costa Mesa store manager Myers said his 791 employees' benefits are protected by a union contract if the workers are retained by the new owners. But he said the new ownen will not be contractually obligated to retain all of the present Market (See MARKET, Page AZ) Newport securities firm closing down • By JODI CADENHEAD Ofho.lr ......... O(flciala of Comark, a Newport Beach-based commodities and aecuri ttea broker-deale r , announced today that they are withdrawing from government securities and municipal markets. An official releue read by a company spokesman today stated. "Thia action la being taken as part of an orderly and voluntary wind-down of the company' a operations." Steven Gourley, a dep~ty comrru.ioner with the Callloi;nia Department of Corporations, confirmed today that the Newport Beach company was claliOI down all operations. The California Corporations Department began investigating the company's finandal condition and ttCOrd keeping practices last week aft.er Comark requested an extension in filing a 1981 financial statement. . Comark blamed the delay on a switch from a manual record keeping to a computerized system. Gourley said he learned Monday night that the pxnpany baa ceaaed trading. He ~d it wu his understanding thai Colnark would pay all outstanding debts before going out of business. Gourley declined to comment on whether Comark's action was prompted by the Corporations Department's investigation. Ten days ago, Marine Midland Bank of New York briefly auaJ>ended the services it performs for Comark after the company was apparently unable to provide auf:fident collateral on ~tloana. INDEX l Mrs. Thatc her, who waa greeted by prolonged cheers, told (See FALKLANDS, Pate AZ) I PLO "'ows never to drop arins By 1'11e Associated Presa Israeli tanu and artillery battled guerrillas neat Sidon in southe rn Lebanon today and tightened the ring around Beirut. The Palestine Liberation Organization said Y asser Arafat was directing operations from west Beirut, and that the Pl.D "will never lay down its arms." Iarael's chief of staff, Lt. Ge'n. Raphael Eytan, said Arafat had taken refuge in an embassy in Beirut, and Israeli neW11papers said it was the Soviet mission. But ~afat was photographed today in a military fatigue cap and carrying a rifle as he toured guerrilla positions in west Beirut. Israel radio said so me guerrillas, expecting an Israeli (See ISRAEJ,., Page A!) t Edison set to 'upgrade' nuke plant Southern California Edison Co. says it will correct what the Nuclear Regulatory Commission called "significant seiamic design deficiencies" in Unit One of the San Onofre power plant, dela~g its startup for months. The 438-megawatt r eactor which provides electricity to more than 201),000 people in Orange and San Diego counties has been shut down since February for repairs and inspections. Robert Dietch, Edison vice preside nt, said NO\lember was the tentative date now ,set for completing earth qua ke -resis ta nee requiremenu ordered by the oommilsion. commission ·analyst\ William T. Russell said he found flaws while reviewing information in F.diaon'a own analysis of Unit One. The u tility described that Monday as a misunderstanding. But, rather than argue with the oommiasion, Dietch said Unit One would be redeslgnfjd and re- engineered to meet tougher seismic requirements applied to two other units. Those twin, 1,100-megawatt reactors currently are undergoing testing, construction and lloensing. A debate over whether Unit One WU built to comply with original selamic dHlgn criteria would have taken "considerable time, retources and haggling," Dietch said in an interview. Holdup 'hero' bailed -A7 AnnLandeis ~ B2 MOYiea B7 ~15 Mutu.i l\mda B4 Public Noticea 86;0,4 LOS 4NGELFS (AP) -Alto u.xophonlat Art He saya he's no hero, but the Newport Beach Pepper, one of• handf~ of~ who pioneered restaurant owner shot by a holdup man was treated ~ve jail ln the 508 and '60a, died today at ./~ one p Bl ~Ho.pita) without re1alnlD1 coruacloUlllew~ ~(; · age · SPORTS ~a stroke J\Ule 9, a boeP.tal apok~ safe! .. • Reda oppo11e lint rue UNITED NATION=) -Soviet J'onlp M....._ Amini .. ~·aran eDDO!mced tDda1 that bil OOUDtl'J. u~ an UGft DOC to be tbe I.Int to ... nuclllir' ....... " Tb9 Mli"'Nnt Wll pWllld " TE L EVISION '. RJchard Chana, a M ~t fot Bd.i8oo · HJab, Ii a central fiCure for the SoUtb All.Start ln &tunlay'a ~ pme at Oraftle CGMt ~· p.,_ Bl. 'Cllarioia' lpt#rb memorle. Cm'OI M.tten, of N~ Btz=b, hlid man than ~ • ,...,. an.. 1n 'CblrloCa o1 rn," ~ 1t.ory ceni.Ncl around th• 1924 Olr~plc Oamee, lh• ~ ID thl psw •a dtWr for the U;S. wmm'a . .......... ,. ~ ---.. ...,"!'J...... --· ~ • B2 C6-8 Span. C1·3 Ba Dr.Stletncrohn 82 BS Stock ltirlma 8$ C4 TUIYWoii B8 M n.-. 87 B7 W•thilr A2 B2 World NeWt A3 87 . , r , ( O,lnQI Oollt DAILY "tl.OT/Twld~, June 111 1NI ----~------------------..... --------------..... ~--..... --------------------------------- Parllamtnt that dtpo11d -Fa1k1anda Oowmor Rex HWlt 'IWould NNm to the tUanda u a RtMllan admlniltrator. •n Sht ~ that "teme 2~0 Bridah Mrvicmnen and dvtllanl" b~been killed in the 10-week l ontUct. Accordtne to Brltlah ~ utmatea, 773 Ar11nttne cemen were killed in th• .. lghtlJ\I. ''The battle of the Falklanda jcY'H a remarkable military operation, boldly planned, bravely executed and brilltantly ?. accompllahed," Mra. Thatcher i•d of Britain's g:reatat ahow of 'tlhllita~y strength since World l.!Nar n. -.9 The Buenoe A1rea govenunent ·~arller announced that the '.>mllitary commandera of the two forces had drawn a dfxument "eet.abliahlng the condltiona for a 1 8eue-fire and the withdrawal of t ll tht Ar9tn tlnt troop1." Tht junta'• communique made no mention ot llWftJ\der, but Mid th• document would be JNde publlo when the text la a~blt. In Wa1hln9ton, Prealdent Reqan u.ld: "Wt hope tht t.raiic loll of Utt which h.u thua far occuned in thJI cril1I can ·now be brought to an end. For ltl pert, the United Stai. at.ands ready to amt in any way it can to help reeolve th.ti conflict." · Mn. Thatcher w~ greeted by about 100 people l1nl1nc "Rule Britannia'.-and "God Save the Queen" when she returned to her 10 Downing ~-office Monday night after addttaing Parliament. "Great Britain 1a great again," Mn. Thatcher aald outside her Downin& Street office just before midnight Monday. annex BY STEVB MITCBBLL O( .... DllJ ......... A report by La1una Beach plan11tn1 0Ulclal1 lndlcatH annexatSon of South ~ Into the clty would be ••a bfeak-ev~n propoeltJon" economically. Laauna Beaoh City Council mem6en tonight wW review dty COit e.timatal on annexation and are exi>eeied to receive petitiON from South Laawuw aeekin& to become a part of the clty. In addition, the ooundl will conatder adopttna an ordirwlCe that would prezone about half o1 South Laguna -from Lquna'a IOUtherly limits to AlJJO Creek - brinainl the city'• zoning codes into conformity with exlatlna county zones. ~ISRAELI A TT ACK . . . The dty hope9 the action calms fears by the Local Agency Formation Commiealon that Laguna Beach is attempting to annex a port.lon of South Laguna aolely to prevent several 18.rge development projec1a ~tly going through the cotlnty approval process. /'!( · rueault, took 7~ lecturers hostage Jiat the Amertcan University ln &irut. At a refugee camp, near Sidon 20 miles eouth of Beirut, Israeli ~·press reports said braell tanks •,and artillery were battling 250 to •,800 guerrillaa holed up ln two moeques for the fourth day. 111 The reporta, subject to Iaraell ....UUtary censorship, aald attempts "''° persuade the Sidon guerrillas lt.o surrender at the Ein Hilwa ::refugee camp failed when the wuerrillas either killed the Arab emissaries sent to talk to them or ·tlept them hostage. ·:I They said the gueirlllaa were :led by Haj Ibrahim Hawim, a ! fanatic Lebanese Shiite follower 'l9f Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah !Khomeini. and that Hawim rordered his men to resist to the idea th. Lebanon'• state radio said the ilsraells delivered an ultimatum ~o the estimated 1,000 Syrian .troops ln the Beirut area to get .nut, but that the Syrians refuaed, .,saying they were there legitimately to belp police the (I anni.stice that ended Lebanon'• last civil war in 1976. There was no conflrmation from Israel that such an ultimatum had been delivered. In west Beirut, the Palestine Liberation Organiz.ation aald the only top guerrilla leader not in the PLO enclave was Farouk Kaddowni, and that he was at the United Nations ln New York. "It ls unthinkable that the PLO leaden would desert their people in their hour ol need," Lebanon's leftist newspaper Al- Liwa aald. As the Israelis and their Lebanese Chriatlan allies began surrounding west Beirut Monday, rumon swept the city that the PLO leaden had fled to the Syrian capital of Damaacus. Armed civilians belonging to various Palestinian and Lebaneee Moslem factions were in control of west Beirut and its estimated 600,000 inhabitants. Moat shops were cloeed and the city wu rocked occasionally by explosions as rival factions set off car bombs and rockets against each other. Lagunll Beach originally sought annexation of only a portion of South Laguna. But South Lagunana, led by the South Laguna Civic Aaeoclation. have been pursuing incorporation of the entire village aa part of Laguna. They are expected to pre1ent signatures of local residents supporting the annexation proposal tonight sometime after 7 in council chambers. Meanwhile, the city has prepared an economic feasibility report covering the entire community to determine cost factors related to bringing South Laguna into the munJclpal fold. Thoee figures show . expected revenues of about $931,000, baaed on property and sales taxes, bed taxes, llceJ\le&, fees, service charges and permits. Expenditures could amount to about $930,000, the report aaya, based on COit for extra police, fire, paramedic, lifeguard and public works and planning officiala. )IARKET BASKET ... The report indicates, however, one-time expenditures of $764,- 000 to acquire the oounty fire station in South Laguna and to expand Laguna's existing police station to accommodate seven. more offif'en and an investigator . Basket employees~ , Myers aai~ store mana5ers .were told that Kroger limply did not have enouah outle-ta in l:&uthern California to compete against the largest California -supennarket chains. Frank Madden, manager of he Market Basket on the Newport-Balboa Peninsula, said corporate off.lcials Monday only confinned ongoing rumon about Coastal Huy attwnoon eunehlne. Hlghe M IO 1•. Liie night Md ~ morning low cloud• 1nd log t_on19hl ind Wedne1dey. OWmlgtll Iowa 49 to 58. Hll'f afternoon Wecm.day but llghlty werm1r with high• ea to 11. Huntington-Newport temper11\n1 renge from • low of 58 10 I hlQll of 70. e11ewlle re. lrom Point Conception to the Mexlc1n border 1nd out eo mll••· NorttiweM wlndl e to 11 knoll over out er wltera through Wecin.dey. Con\blnlld -of 3 to 5 !Mt 911cep4 5 to 1 ,_ ,_ Point Conception. 8e11 dec,......IQ Wedneeday. l..ocllly, llght v1rl1bl• wind• except IOlll"-1 to WIM1 10 to 15 '"'°'* during ~ houri ·~ Ind Wed~. Sou1r-t .... of I to 3 IMI. MoetJy aunny dur1ng 111-. the saies p.lan. He said managera have been offered comparable jobs with other marketa in the Kroger chain. M adden said employees retained by the new· owners wW face a 30-day probationary period. If they complete that period, they will retain their seniority, vacation time and other fringe benefits, he said. A large hurdle in the city's annexation try la an unwritten county requirement that the city o b t a i n p r e -a n n. e x a ti o n development agreements from large landowners in South Laguna prior to a mid-July LAFC meeting to dlacuas the merger. Sunny Tuesday 91 ., 11 58 87 .. ea eo 91 18 18 58 • 59 ee ee 15 '3 ., 53 51 51 .06 94 81 12 as 87 48 10 •9 2. ts 83 11 81 52 82 ... • •1 .50 13 11 .93 19 59 19 50 11 • 81 58 91 16 S1 80 1• 50 .07 78 •. &5 82 81 13 M .40 98 12 n .. .. 31 79 54 .. 50 .01 15 •9 90 11 90 11 82 82 83 12 93 11 .15 19 13 .a& t3 12 .. 11 eo eo 91 • 17 11 11 la 11 ..... 10 N .1t 86 13 92 12 72 IO 11 82 11 M .3' :: l: t.M .. 1t nu .., n 17 .. 11 .. Fronte: Cold ..., Wiim WW Occluded ~ Stationary •• Pti.nd, Or9 Pl'CMdelioe :=a" Slllt Like ' Sen Antonio a..tt. ~ St loul1 81 P-Tlf'n9ll 81819 Merle Spolc-s~­T~ TUC90l'I TulN Wllfllngtn WlcNll .. 51 58 '8 .11 83 64 81 48 78 51 91 15 • 53 83 72 10 54 48 82 11 91 15 10 49 .. 12 59 18 52 ... 64 " 95 81 It 15 11 80 ". 1.85 Sen Franc:leco Santi kb•• Sanw Merla Stodlton Thermll Ulclah B•stow Sig hll Blehop long 8Md't Monrovia Mt. Wiiton Newport Befdl On tat lo Pwn 8prtnge PeN<lenl • 8an a.rr.dlnO 8an Joee eo 52 .. 54 ea t5 100 92 o~ aMlt'lfle6d Santa Ana Santa CNI 93 18 Tlhoe V!'~ 93 14 10 34 .. 54 11 eo 10 58 n 41 81 58 10 58 se 113 89 63 12 51 15 53 89 58 .. .. 12 Blythe flnka ,,_ Llnclleler ~ =: OllllllnO P..o ~ '*' """ ANWOOd atty lecnrllemo ..,.. IM '*IO .. 64 " 18 10 t1 11 " 11 t2 H 12 ti ee 10 18 54 81 M 10 52 12 52 ~~Extended 13 ~ Forecast , 11 IOUTHIAN Ci\L"OAH IA 13 OOAITAI. ANO MOUNTAIN AAEAe-NW!t•lftO!!!llll lOW Oloudt~ ............... (~ oot1f 1t •rH• 1111111 , "°"' i.-we • ~ '*°'* to '°" ..,...., ~ LO•• In 10• 'f"'••r-•cl•. Mcluntlfll f'llOl!e 111 Lowt .. to ... Newpqrt l••ae Oondo switch plans .flayed By STEVE MARBLE Of tfll DtllJ ,... ..... A move to open the door '° condominium converalona ln Newport Beach touched a nerve Monday when the Otv Council Five armed robberies hit Mesa C.OSta Mesa held the dubious title of Oranae County'• robbery city today after tour armed holdups Monday and another early this morning. Police said they appeared to be unrelated. Monday went like this: -At 10:50 a.m. a lone bandit got away wlth $231 from a branch of F1rat Federal Savings and Loan of Santa Monica at 1465 W . Baker St. But he didn't get far -about 75 yards. to be exact-after first failing to get away on a bicycle chained to a tree behind the savings and loan. Police arrested Patrick Allen Swagserty, 20, of 1857 New Jeraey St .. Costa Mesa, in connection with the robbery. They aald they found no gun. but did recover the loot. -At 11:50 a .m . The Big Yellow House Restaurant at 3010 ' Harbor Blvd. was robbed of about $1,100 by a man posing as a delivery man. Police said the bandit, dHCribed u male white ln hia 30a, forced the manager to open the restaurant safe at gunpoint. then fled on foot. -At l :37 p .m . the First Interstate Bank at 3029 Harbor Blvd. waa robbed by a man in hia mid-20.. • Police said that the bandit passed a note to the teller before fleeing on foot wittt $660. No gun was seen. . No details were available on a robbery at 3333 Bristol Street that occurred about 9:20 p.m. took a prellm1.nary pui at a law that could affect more than 7.000 renten in the city. One Balboa woman d.eecrlbed the proooeed law u Mvir14& an .. aura of anobbi.am"' and favortna homeowners over renten. A Corona del ~hr aenlor dthen auggeated the law would give developers a tool to tell older renten to "aet the hell out of Newport Beach." The council, which la oonaidering the law change u part of an effort to provide more affordable houaing, did not' act on the propoeal and continued the hearing to July 12. Current city law virtually prohibita convertiJ18 apartments into condomlnlum1. The 1uggetted change would permit owners of complexes of four unlta or lea to convert but only after meeting a lengthy ll.at of oonditiona. Maya Dunne, a Falr Housing Council of Orange County representative, said pennlttlng conversions "onl)' destroys lives." She argued the law change would displace rentera a n d would provide a new stock of houalng a f fordable only ~o famlliee making more than $60,- 000 annually. "rm a renter and I see myself u a resldent of Newport. I vote and I take an interest ln things. Some of ua are not interested ln own lng property," said one youna Balboa resident. "l aee th1a aa a t hreat to my continued residency in Newport." Councilman Phil Maurer expressed sympathy to renters who can't afford to buy property in Newport. "I have a son and I know he can't afford to live here." said Maurer. "If I sold my house and auyed away for a month, 1 doubt I could afford to come back." Not everyone. though, criticized the condominium plan. "If you choose to Jive in Newport Beach you're going to have to pay the price," said Kurt Sandhoff, who noted he pays $4,000 a month ln house pa~nts. lie said pennitting converting small apartment units to condominium• might help eliminate the number of summer rental unita. BBC tips world on sUrrender By TOM M\JRPHINE OflMO.., .... ltalf Loni houra b4tfore actual 1unender pf Araentlne foroea on the Falkland hland1 waa announced, Brltlah Broadcutina Corporation'• world new1 aervtce let It be known the fla}lt.lng wu over. The BBC did 10 with a broadcaat of Brltiah Prime Minlater Maraaret Thatcher'• actual report to Parliament. "The latest situation la that Gen. Moore (Maj. Oen. Jeremy Moore) decided to preaa forward. The Argentines retrea~,'' Mra. Thatcher aald. __ "Our force1 reached the outlkirta of Port Stanley. Large numbers of Argentine soldiers threw dowp tbelr weapona." The. prime minister was interrupted at that point by cheers and shouts from the members or Parliament, clearly audible on the 1hortwave broadcast monitored on the Orange Coast at 9 p.m. "The A.rgenttne. are reported to be flying white flags at Port Stanley," the prime minlster add~. There were more and louder cheen from Parliament. Additionally. Mn. Thatcher reported that Gen. Moore had met with Argentine Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez "about surrender of Argentine forces on both East and West Falklands." There was more cheering and, a BBC commentator said, the usually somber Mrs. Thatcher allowed herself "one broad srnilo." The leader of the opposition, Mr. Foote , then spoke, congratulating British troops and acknowledaing difficult times ln the criBis for the prime mini.at.er. Other minority leaders alBo spoke to congratulate victorious British forces. The live report from Parliament was followed by a BBC analyst who said the Falklands action "suggests the Harrier aircraft has proven itself in this campaign. "The upshot of it is, the British have retaken the Falklands. It is a conclusive military victory . . . it came to a conclusion with astonishing rapidity." Then, about 4:30 this morning, a cab driver, parked ln the 1600 block of Newport Boulevard was robbed at knifepoint by a lone bandit. Police said cab dHver Robert Stout, 32, wasn't injured. Bogus medic will undergo mental tests Smog center adds three new numbers Patrick Arthur Dixon, once a UC Irvine medical student who was arreated in March in Imperial County on charges of illegal l y workin g as a J>9YChlatrilt, waa 1eht Monday to a 1tate hoapltal for a mental evaluation. The 40-year~ld Dixon went to Chino State Hoepital at the order of Imperial County Superior Court Judge L. Harold Chaille. The judae said he'll sentence Dixon affer reviewing the 9Q.-day evaluation. Dixon pleaded no contest May 11 to practicing med1clne without a llcenae and grand theft by falle preteruies for accepting a $65,000 salary. ., Three new toll-free telephone numbera have been added to the Smog Epiaode Information Center at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, making recor ded smog information available without charge throughout th e four- oounty District for the firat time. The three lines -one for ~ Angeles County, one for Orange C ounty a n d anoth er f or Riverside and San Bemard1no counties -replace an outdated system of 14 tt<:orded telephone units in use in recent years. The new lines will enable more immediate availabWty of the latest smos readings from the di1trict'1 new meteorological computer 1yatem, according to district offidala. The new number for Loa Anaeles County areas la (800) 242-4022. For Orange County areas, call (800) 445-3826 .• For areas in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, call (800) 367-4710. Continuously updated information will be provided through the new recording system. providing the current day's forecast, current levels. ep.18ode infonnation, and the next day's forecast as soon as available, district officiala said. Another toll-free line -(800) 242-4666 -is staffed by public in formation specialists· in the Episode Information Center durlng office hours, as well as after hours and on weekends during periods of high smog levels, to answer more detailed questions concerning all areas of air pollu tion and air quality control. Our sllverptated shoehorn Is Just the style he can use. W~ti a hammer~ ftntsh , It's espe- clally fitting for Father's Day or graduation because~ can qrave It wtth;ttrs lnltfal. SI0.95. Engraving eddklotwl. t - ti LAVI CK' ........... ,. """ ....... ,. ......... • , '· . " ly Tlte Attoclat .. p,..., GE.NEV A, Switzerland -Pope John Paul ll, on a hecUc 12-hour vtait today pleaded for worker freedom In a apeech to the International Labor Qrsanhation and P"t.ed two membera of Poland'• auspended Solidarity union. Hla 80-minute apeech made no direct reference to the mlllta.ry crackdown on the movemem in hJa homeland, but the Poltah-bom pope aid ~om of t \· • unions workera to UIOCtate in uniona wu a fundamental hwnan ript. "Yet it la aeverely threatened, often flouted," the pope Mid. "It aeema e11entlal to point out that • cohelion of the torc:ee of aoctety . . . mUlt be the outcome of fNe dedliona by the. concerned, ta.ken ln full Independence from the "Ut.1c.1 authoriUel and arrived ln full freedom , , , I Dollar ini:Xed; gold still low LONDON -The dollar waa mixed ln early European trac:Una today, a day alter the U.S. Treasury Intervened ln currency markets for the fira1 t1roe ln more than a year. Gold was at a three-month low. "The maln cause of the dollar's uncertainty ls that people are worried there might be more ~UillUa lnterventlon by the Treasury and by European banks," aid a dealer in LondOJ). On Monday, the U.S. Treaaury enaaged in direct currency trading for the first time al.nee March 30, 1981, to stem a surge ln the dollar's ,..Jue attributed to high U.S. lntereat ratet and concern over the laraell-Palestlnian fighting ln Lebanon. Diablo Canyon given permit SAN LUIS OBISPO -One obstacle that had blocked operation of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear 'Power Plant has been eliminated with t!te eermit by the Regional Water Quality Control ~ for the diacharge of heated seawater at the plant. On Friday, the board met ln San Luis Obispo and voted 6-3 to allow the plant to di9charge water ffm the first of its two reactors at a temperature not to exceed 20 degrees warmer than the water it · takes in from Diablo Cove during nonnal operation. Jlowever, the permit also allowed. the plant to di9charge water up to 100 degrees warmer during occasional cleaning operations when the pipes will be flushed to get rtd of mussela and other marine Ute clinging to the pipes' interiors. ' Compromise seen in state budget SACRAMENTO -Six legislaton have begun negotiating a oomprom}se $26 billion-plus state budget amid a call by dty officials to ra1ee "ain taxes" for essential services. The two-house conference committee began Monday on hundreds of budget items for which the Assembly and .Senate have proposed spending different amounts for the fiacal year ~July 1. The job was expected to last all week: - The members postponed decisions on items on which they could not quickly agree. ApartHJent builder goes bankrupt • . SAN DiroO -One of the largest apartment I building companies in San Diego says it la eeekina l protection from its creditors under Chapter 11 o1 federal bankruptcy law. Ray L. Huttman. owner of 8-.Y L. Huffman c.on.truction Inc. and ihree affWafed compe.njel, aaJd Mcnday'a bankruptcy filinc Wiii broucht on by EMERSON, Iowa -The westbound San Francisco Zephyr passenger train with 200 paaaengen on board hit a "wall of water" and derailed on tracks washed out by flooding today, killing a young woman and hospitalizing 23 people, officiala said. the current economic alump. "The continuing rece9iorl and high intenwt ratee have created the wont market eeen in thia collntry llnce rw been ln bu11h>e191" Huffman -.kl in filinc the bankruptcy flCtion. H\lffman bu been bWJd1na apartments in San DM., aioce the eerly 19e0&. • ID derailment A total of 150 people were injured, most with cuts and bruiaes. "'The engineer said he was going 76 mph and was rounding a bend and swjdenly there was no track in front of him," said,J'ack Crandall, head of Iowa Disaster Services. Treasury securities yields up WASHINGTON -Yields on abort-term ~ aecurttiee are up for the third oomecutive week. I The gvvemmeni aid that at ita weekly auction Monday it IOld about $5 btllJon ln six-month T-billS at an ave.raae dilcount rate of 12.503 percent, up from the 12.117 ~t of Jtme 7: and about $5 billion ln three-month bills at an average rate of 12.248 percent, up from 12.074 percent. Beginning today, financial institutions may pay as much aa 12.753 percent interest on $100,000-minimum six-month money market certificate.. House, Senate begin work on budget WASHINGTON -The next step ln ~Una a 1983 federal budget la getting under w-.y with ~ and Senate negotiators berplninc aver the D of the projected deficit, tax Iner EI Ff 19 l!peftdinc cute and other differences in their rea~ve spendb'I plana. . ' C.onfereee were expected fu at.art work th1a afternoon on a com~ between the '784.3 ~ outline adopted by the Senate laat month and the $766.2 btl1ion pack.aie endoned by the """-laat week. Both plana were drafted by Republican .leaden tn each houae. .... Cleeellled ecMttlelftg 7141142-1171 All ..... , .......... 142'4121 Panel: Find job or lose coupons WASHINGTON -The Senate AcricUlture Committee, which rejected major benefit cuta next year for food atamp I redp6enta. .... dedded to require • many of them • polllble to work or be their coupam. "II there anythl.ftc alOna ·.the .ay that .. ,. that ~letter wold 'w~r-k' CMl't be bi'oulht .. mto the vombui.ry Of tbim. an ihe public dole?" ield 8mL Roaer ,Jepaen, R-lowa. -· Orange Oo .. t DAILY PILOT/Tueedey, June 11, 1982 HIP ...., .............. ~­FAIR ENOUGH -Workmen hang two large ~tte. on the Orange C.ounty Fair billboard in a.ta Mesa. The dreh!e are eight feet in diameter and are made from 1,500 feet of four-inch pleated ribbon. The 24-toot streamen announce the performers for the fair to be held next month. Commuter trains slated for county Caltrans offlcials are claiming that two new weekday trains could be-carrying Orange County commuters into Loe Angeles by late 1983. A recently completed study found the new runs economically feasible and Caltrans is recommending them for state funding, said Heinz Heckeroth, Catt.rans district director. Amtrak, whlch currently operates seven round-trips daily on the heavily used "San Diegan'' route linking Los Angeles and San Diego, would be asked to ope rate the two commuter runs, he said. The new routes would be aimed primarily a t gettine Orange County commuters to • and from work ln Los Angeles. The two traiN would run in the morning from San Clemente and then return after work from Union Station. They would stop at San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana. Fullerton, La Mirada, Norwalk and Pico R ivera . Once built, stations at Mission Viejo, lrvlne · and Anaheim al.lo would serv.,e as stops. The propoeed runs would cost , ~.5 milllon a year, of which $2.fi I would be paid through fares. The I other $1 million would ~ome from Caltrans' bud1et. Caltrans Director Adriana Glanturco fint propoeed the two runs during a press conference ln Orange County a year ago. Illegals granted education WASHINGTON (AP) - State must provide free public educatlQJ\ to 11l•aa1 allen chllcnen, the U.S . Supreme Court aid today. By a 5-4 vote, the court ruled that a Texu law alJowtna such chUdren to attend publlc IChoola only if tliition were paid waa unconstitutional. I Lower court.a reached the same conclutlon. In what le1al acholara anticipated u a dedal.on of major afghl~. the~ aald the Conatitution'a guarantee of eqUal protection under the law applies to illegal allena aa well u to dtiz.ena and to aliens who are legally ln the country. .. The 14th Amendment provides that •no state ahall ... deprive any petwm . . . within Us jurladictlon the equal protecdon of the lawa.' Whatever hia status under the immigration laws, an alien is surely a 'penon' ln any ordinary aenae of that term," Justice Will ~m J . Brennan wrote for the court . Today's dedaion is particularly important for those states bordering on Mexico, where the treatment of illegal aliens la a aenaltive political question. The decislon also will have an impact on the one million to lix million ll1egal aliens the Cenaus Bureau estimates are living and workina in the United States. Other ~tea put the figure cloeer to 10 ~on. The 'Supreme Court previously granted such "undocumented" aliens 90me of the same rights enjoyed by citizens and legal aliens. It has required that State and federal offidals give lllegal aliens "due process" hearlnga ln criminal deportation and other legal proceedings. Today's decision mark. the first time in the court's hi.story that illegal alien;i have been declared eligible for all the individual liberties and rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Joining Brennan's opinion were Justices Thurgood Marahall, Harry A. Blackmun, Lewis F. Powefl and John Paul Stevena. Chief Justice Warren E . Burger and Justices Byroo R White, Willlam H. Retlnq\mt and Sandra Day O'Connor diaaented. Crack into a plate of hot, steaming crab legs. Try a generous ser_ving of ou r new spiced cold boiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn~ shnmp. And then do it again! It 's all you can eat. Every day of the week . .... Each special is served with your choice of a crisp tossed salad or coleslaw, baked potato or rice i:Afaf, and another favorite , sourdough bread . .. All -you can eat. All week long . Alaskan Snow Crab Legs s All you can eat ............... 15.45 Popcorn Shrimp .. All you can eat ............... *7.75 I ~Spiced COid Boiled ShriDi All you can eat .. : .......... •9,45 ~ J \ .-------------.... --.... ------------------------------------------...... - I H/F CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 83 ea . Oil's in them thar Underwater tracts BLACK GOLD DEPT. -No doubt the numerous observers along our coastline who_ C!P-.potte the leasing of underwater tracts for offshore oil dri.lllng were overjoyed only yesterday by the words of Loe Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley. In the event you miaaed the public notice, Mayor Bradley was back there in Washington, D.C., testifying before a congressional subcommittee. And the good LA . .mayor gave 'em a word or two about offshore oil. Bradley said that if the U.S. Department of1 the Interior doesn't start listening to offshore oil objections of California, they can expect some battles in the courts. Well, if the h:lterior boys have any sensitivity at all, they are well aware of this possibility, since it's already happened. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA just last week won an early skirmish in the courts when it got the sale of drilling rights stopped on 24 of 164 tracts that were up for lease off our coastline. l'ncluded among thoee underwater holclings were 10 sites off the Newport Beach and Laguna Beach shoreline. So it may indeed be wanning to see Mayor Bradley getting ~k there and taking a firm position before the House Interior subcommittee. Since Bradley will be the Democratic standard-bearer in November's race for California governor, some cynics With t.hU new drill, ru .r:r1h It ricb tor IUl'e ••• among us might suggest he was just getting his pollUcal legs wanned up for the sprint to Sacramento late thia year. MAYBE SO. Others, powever, might say so what, if he's going to run, he might as well leg-off in the right direction. Bradley has, as a matter of fact, been rather consistent in his position against what one former publlaber of.this sterling journal liked to refer to as "the stench and vomit of oil.." For the record. about the only place that has been a bit soft on the oil issue along our shoreline is Huntington Beach. You have to suspect that a measure of pro-oil exists there because Huntington Beach hp been pumping up the stuff for decades now. Once upon a time, there was a learned professor in our region who said oh, bosh, to all the oil talk. THE PROF TOOK the position that wildcatten and other oilmen would never find any mineral deposits worth getting excited about an~here on the downcoast side o( the Santa Ana River. His words were hardly etched by the time they found oil in the "!Nest Newport fields (downcoast of the Santa Ana River) and then somebody punched down a live hole in Costa Mesa. Then a terrible OraW[e County government scandal erupted over maneuvel'!I ol one oil exploration outfit that wanted to drill a few exploratory punctures in (my goodness) Upper ~ewport Bay. That one never came oU. STILL LATER, Mrs. T. Duncan (Jerry) Stewart, confided once that she diacovered sigJll of oilmen prowling around the foothills of Corona del Mar. You can just never tell where thOfle oil people are going to get the scent and suffer the irresistible urse to start boring holes in the earth. Or bay. Or ocean. Anywhere. About the same time, James B. "Jay" Stoddard, who was mayor of Newport Beach and a chemical engineer of considerable repute, offered the guess that ttle entire Newport-Balboa Peninsula "cbuld be floating on oil." That too created a small stir at the time. So Mayor Bradley and all the other anU-offahore oil people may slow.iJllpwri the puf.h for underwater drilllnc In our region. But L 't filure they'll stop it cold. Uthe petroleum people smell it, and figure it'• there, they have this strong compulsive urge to IO get lt. lt'a just the nature of the oilman. Site of CdM school eyed for housing Newport-Mela Unltied School Dlmict tzwtw are expectld to vote June 22 on a dl1trlct recocnrmndatiiin to tum Corona cw Ms Jllemeinwy ldm .... bito oont4ftlnhw or bolw. I Supettn..ndenl John Mlooll toldU.....d~al'9GUl ~ tMt ....... With. ~--113,. .... ..... t'ellr,...7••1***..._. tit• H 1oi or leaHd for r dtrn1111 .... Trutteea will vote on th .. reco1Dmendatlon ~d~ Corona del Mar, w Ltndl!e~lh elementary-1c:hool •• eutnc u. .ruaa n ans flMMl!tl at ?:JO J>.ID:. al 421 I. 18tb I(. CCllta ...... Call"'J;. lb• commlU••'• ,..._ danlorC....dll ..... ••11 ...... Nla:ill ......... ..... •:-:;"" i:*BI•· ooo .. w ..... .... ... ,.....,, ......... ... .... QUIET TIME ON CAMPUS -Finals are over. Graduations have come and gone. Now is the quiet time on college camp~ along the Orange Coast. There is time for a solitary stroll under a bridge at UC Irvine. And there is time for 'Bero' hailed 'One bullet won ~t stop me' By STEVE MARBLE Of .... Delly "°' la.ff Lorenzo Pasini was greeted like a hero. The 68-year-old owner of the Spaghetti Bender returned to hi.a Newport Bea ch restaurant Sunday to aha.re a meal with hi.a friends and famlJy. It was Paaini's first trip back to hi.a Paclflc Coast Highway diner since a would-be rol>J>er fired a bullet into hi.a cheft. $50,000 net for Fish Fry The 37th annual Calta Mesa Fish Fry and Carnival netted $50,000 to be awarded to various charitable groups in Ora nge C o unty, it was announced Monday. The Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club fund-raiaer earlier th.is month gromed $140\ 000. Club officials will meet in September to decide how to d istribute the funds next January. Thia year's net proceeds will bring to $705,000 the total amount distributed to charitable 'Organizations ~ the Lions Club since the Fish Fry began in 1945. Church offers summer care St . J o hn the Di vine Episcopal Church in Costa Mesa will be o fferin~ a summe r care program ·for c hildre n ages 5 t o 11 beginning June 14. 'the program"will continue until August 27 froJD 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Cost is $35 a week. That was more than a month ago. Police since have arrested a man allege'1 to be the gunman, and Paaini now dismis the epi8ode as being little more than one of life's testll. "One little bullet's not enough to stop me.'' he adviaed in a rich Italian accent. "They're going to have to think of eomething el8e to get me." ~ Pasini, a 47-year ve~ran of the kitchen, said he'll be back to work full-time IOOll. "I don't a blame anybody for th la happening," he said, reflecting on the shooting. "I don't blame the police, I don't blame anybody. I blame the system. "There should be more aevere penalties. They let bad people out of jail too easy. There just shouldn't be people like this on the looee.'' Paaini said he believes in fighting back. -"You have to fight to survive. It's alwa~ been that way. You can't a never go out without a fight. The moet important thing la the family. It has to stick together like glue." The restaurant owner said he was trying 4 lure the gunman away lrorii his employees when he was ahot. Paaini attempted to get the would-be robber out of his restaurant by slamming a door in his face. But the gunman fired through the door, striking Pastni. "My intention was just to get the guy out. He was a swinging that gun around at all my kidi (employees) and I wu worried. It was a gamble to my part but it turned out okay." A hero? Pasini said he doesn't aee himself that way. But hi.a friends d.Laauee. They e_reaented him witli a mock Pwple Heart during the midat of the celebration Sunday. They aal.d Pulnl deeerved it. . You can't lake it with you, but you don't }Jave to . leave it to your lcids. Ann I Landers, Page B2. .. • Dlllr ........... .., a... ... Orange Coast College math instructor Bob Denton to get a little exercise running up and down the bleachel'!I in LeBan! Stadium on campus. · Club to fete Fluor for civic work \ \ ;, •' ' t ~· I l SW AN DIVE -Carol Metten (F1etcher) is shown doing a swan ·dive du.ring her preparation for the Olympics in 1924. Metten, one of only 18 women to represent the U.S. in Paris, waa 17 ·years old at the time she competed. Now 75, she lives in Newport C4 Beach, Where she still stays in shape by playing golf at least three times a week. I ·Metten relives Olympic ·participation I " Chariots of Fire film r ekindles flam e for 1 924 bronze medal winner By JOHN SEV ANO or .. Dllr ,......., For her 75th birthday, Carol Metten'a children decided to treat their mother to an evening of dinner and the movies. Metten. not an avid movie-goer, was told she would see the film. "Chariots of Fire," a story centered around two British athletes in the 1924 Olympics. The movie sounded intriguing to · Metten, if for no other reason than she bad participated in the Games heraelf as a diver for the United States team. Of courae, she reallr.ed the memories that would be rekindled. And, there were some that became more vivid than she expected. It only lasted a brief moment, but midway througn the picture Metten noticed a still photo of the ship that carried the U.S. aquad to Paris. In the lower right hand comer of the frame. wu yet another shot, this one depicting the 18 athletes which oomprilled the U.S. women'• contingent. Metter\, naturally, was one of them. "It was such a short flash," rernlniaced Metten as· sh,e leaned back on a coach in her Newport Beach home. "You only saw it for a brief moment." mellowed, though. and allowed me to 1 compete (on Sundays). I told them there were a lot of t.h1np I could be doing that are worae than that." ''The only thing I thought was unfair was the way they portrayed (U.S . sprinter) Charlie Paddock. They made him look like such an arrogant so-and-ao, and he really wasn't that way at all." To Metten. who competed in the '24 Games uhder her maiden name of Fletcher, everything about her experience in Paris aeemed brief. Metten. who wu born and raiaed in Pasadena, compe1ed in the Olympics at the tender age of 17. Most of her teammates, Metten recalled, were older and more experienced, but that didn't In the movie, Eric Liddell wu also restricted by religious beliefs, eventually sidelining his participation in the 100-yard daah. For her effort, Metten won a bronze medal in three-meter diving. Ironically, she l09t to two U.S. teammates she bad beaten only five weelu earlier at the Nationals in New York. Metten returned from her p~rformance in Paris to finish her achooli9g at UCLA. After ~uating in 1927, she landed ' a job as a physical education teacher which, at the time, deemed her a professional, thus dropping her amateur status and making her ineligible for any more Games. · aeem to deter her spirit to the occasion. "I was too young to be in awe of anything;" said Metten. "At the time it was just 90met.hing you did. "l was embarrassed to have gotten third place," she said with a smile. ~·rm not saying I should have won . . . but I was diappointed." As for the film itaelf, Metten agreed that "Chariots of Fire" deserved its Academy award u Best Picture. "Back then an athlete was a true amateur. You didn't &ee a penny from anybody," she said. "It's not like that now." Aooordlng to Metten, much more than amateurism has abo changed ainoe she was a competitor in the Garnes. "In trying . to analyze it, the whole thing wu a big deal to me. I hadn't been away much ffQjPl home before and when I first started out (diving) my parents told me f couldn't dive on Sundays. We were very rellgjoua. "After a few competitions my parenta "I thought it wu beautiful," said Metten. "fi was nfoe that they were ablet to handle a c~J.;atively innocent theme without leX or violence tc "When I was competing it was ~ entirely different age," saia Metten as ahe rummaged through aome old photos and clippings. "You were reptt9enting (See METTEN, Page Ct) lt. I -Chang in final area • outing South All-stars favoref:I in county game Satur day a t OCC Bv ROGER CARLSON or .... Dlllr ,......., The South All-stars have been labeled as the favorites in the 17th Orange County AU-star basketball game, to be contested at Orange Coast College Saturday evening. But South star Richard Chang, the 6-6 two-year All-CIF 4-A =·r knows all about such It wasn't too long ago that he and hia Ed.i8on High teammates were storming ihrough the first two rounds of CIF playoff.a action only to become victims of Servite High in the quarterfinals. "I atlll think about it," admita the three-year F.dbon ttarter. "I. keep asking myaelf, 'how did we lose to them?' I guea eome of theo football p.t.yen are doing that,. too. "We weren't mentally pre- pared for them, they t:f ed a great game and they that ~t crowd. All you could bear WU 'Servite, Servile ... "When Servite beat Verbwn Del I didn't want to play Servite. I knew we were going to have problems." So, now Chane takee b1a final bow in the Or.nae Coast area before depart fna for the Unlvenlty of Callfoml.a, but he lln't worried about any more up.eta. "I juat want to play a good aame. with no mental errors, to play aood defeme," says Chang, a ..wlnl machine for three y.n ~ tbi a.raen. Chang has beefed up to 210 pOUnda on his 6-6 frame and says he may try to take a few pounds off in preparation for college duty. "more strength, less fat," as he puts it. As in the case with moat all- atars, Chang enters this one without the pressures which hang over the central figure in a team's format. Saturday night c.o.ch Barry Leigh baa eeveral who fit that category, even to the extent that h1a bench will be stocked with central figures. too. Prem.ares began to subside for Chana after hia junior season, actually. As a IOphomore starter and the team 'a leading a:orer, it was over before he earned b1a reputation as a can't-mill prospect. But as a junior, competing in the aame lineup with 6-4 Rlck DlBemardo, ~ became an l.aue for him. , "There was a lot of oompetidon between my.elf and 'Dibo'. U I wasn't the game's leading ICOl'U, my friends would be ~me, 'what happeDed?', aaya CbaDc. "But u a 9e1lior, I didn'= care how many points I , )lit tf we won." T he Chargers rolled up 24 victoriea before caeh.tnc out with their third 109 of the 8eMCD and were ranked No. 1 and eeeded No. 1 in the 4-A elimlnadCJm. a rarit y for an Oranae County t.-m in 4-A drdel. 'n'9 all«ar pme ta an Ideal everyone looking for another. "Everyone's had their honors," says Chang. "Now we just have to ~ve we're the better team. We D find out Saturday." Chang averaged 20.8 points a game as a senior, and finished a three-year career with 1,321 points, but in his case, sheer numbers don't really tell the story. "Richard could have had a 30-point average easily for us," ~elgh, Chang's coach at · . ••But it wouldn't have helped ua as much without our other players sharing in the 900ring. .. He would give up the ball, (See CHANG, Page C!) UMINISCINO -Newport Beech'• Carol Metten chedc:a tome of the memoln of her participation lri the 1924 Olympic Geml& He'• not concern ed about w h e ther he'• sharp In the lhooting aazn-, saytna, "U you don't IOQl'e, ~ -wtll." vehicle f« Chana lnlmwch -the South'• otfenae II about what lt WM at Ed.iion and will be at Cal -• faiit tx.k style with . . . It was a sweet HR for Baker SAN DIEGO (AP) - Outfielder Ouaty Baker wu a perfect gentleman after hltdnl a game-winning home run qa1.nst the San ~ Pad.res. He threw no fiats in the air, pomted no fingers and gave no effusive "high-fives." Baker'• 11th home run of the aeuon. a two-out aolo blut in the 11th 1nnin, Monday niaht. pve the Loe Angeles Dodgen a 4-3 victory over the Pad.ree before 49,973, the second largest home crowd in the history of the San Diego franchiae. "IT FELT ~:.ially good tonight,'' said , who had accused the Padres of "embarrassing" h~ team with over-exuberant finger pointing and high-fives when San Diego swept a four-game eeries at home against the Dodgers in April. "There was a p,layoff atmosphere in the air,' he said. Baker drove rookie reliever Erle Show's 2-and-O fastball into the left field bleachers as the Dodgers closed to within 7 ~ games of division-leading Atlanta. "I don't look at it as revenge in any way for the four-game sweep," said Los Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda. "It was a well played game by both clubs and I'm just glad we won it." DODGERS LEFT-BANDER Fernando Valenzuela, who was not feeling well before the game, was tagged for 14 hits in nine innings -the most he has ever given VP in the major leagues. "Fernando was dizzy before the game," La9orcla said. "I think he may have the flu. ''nle 14 hits were no indication of the way he pitched," La9orcla added. "A lot of the balls were not hit that good off of him ahd he struck out a guy to end the ninth inninB· .. The Padres stranded 12 runners and missed scoring opportunities in virtually every inning. "They Wied the bomb, and we didn't get the hit when we needed it," said San Diego Manager Dick Williams. "The long ball beat us." VALENZUELA GOT his seventh strikeout of the game in the ninth when he fanned Terry Kennedy with runners at first and third. Reliever Steve Howe, 5-l, came on in the 10th and pitched two flawless lnninp to earn the win. After San Diego had taken a 1-0 lead in the first inning, Ken Landreaux and Steve Cfarvey each hit solo h omers in the fourth inning off starter Juan Eichelberger, who walked none and ecattered seven hits in 10 innings before being lifted for a pinch-bl tter. Valenzuela singled in a run in the fifth for a 3-1 advantage before the Pad.res bounced back with runs in the sixth an d seventh to tie lt. Kennedy's sixth Inning leadoff double and Kurt Bevacqua'a third hit produced one run and Slxto Lezcano singled In Joe Pittman from aeoond with Sc Diego's tin&l. tally in the seventh. The aeries resumes tonight with the Padres' John Cw1ia, 5-3, facing Jerry Reuss. 6-5. Jam Jones signs contract ·with Rams Jl'romAP~ The Rims Uinounded MOnda . they have aiped three dra7t. c:hok8 !ncl\ldlni nmnlnC back: A.J ... Jam" Janee to OClltnda for the 1982 National J'ootball t.e.sue teUOI\.. 1ClllUllR . a stop in Atlanta en route wW coat you $743. U you ~t on ti\ Atlanta, your round-trip ticket will coat '852. The Atlanta puaenaer pays $109 more to fly about 800 fewer mile.. · CCllnpetition la the cal.lie of the confuaton. Since 1978, the airlines have been allo~ed lncreuing freedom ln choosina the routes they Will fly and the prioea they will ch&rge. It'• all part of the effo.rt to deregulate the aviation Industry. bel1a aPOkesman said competition ii the reeeon for the aurlace Inequity ln the Tampa and Atlanta fans. Pan American World Airways Oiee from Tampa to London via Miami; the current round-trip excursion fare to London from either Tampa or Miami ii $730. Deha did not want to loae Tampa~ eo lt offered them a competitive fare. ''There are hundreds of diacount fan!S, '' Mid Delta apolreeman Blll Berry. ''They come and go.'' Berry admitted, however, that it la 80IDeUme9 "hard to explain to a customer" why he or ahe la paying more fot lea -The Southeut isn't the only part of the country where the fares mav 11ee1D topsystwvy. Airline fares never were baaed directly on the d1atance traveled; there wu no fixed rat.e per mile. Today, however, disUUlCe la even le9a important than it U8ed to be; popWadty ia the key to low price. YOU can fly the 983 miles from Dallu to Orlando, Fla., on American Airlines at a one-way coach bAre of $169; the 989 miles from Da11aa to Salt Lake Oty will cost you $233. "The key to all of thia ia the kind of competitive activity that exlata un(ler deregulation," said American's Al Becker. Fares are not neceesarily determined "by costs or even IOUJ1d bwdne9I practices,'' he said. '"There la a seeming inequity, but it'a the nature of the pricing structure ln a deregulated environment." Coa&to-cout flights offer eome of the ~ bargains. The distance between New York ancfl..os Angeles ia just under 2,800 m1lee. The cheepert currenUy available fare la $139 one-way. U you don't want to go the whole distanoe, however, you probably will have to pay IDCft. The cheapest United Airlines ticket f:roo\ New York to I I I ,_. M)txl Ml.JC MYICI ~Tmr ToT~t\t:rl10 llt&"m Palfty J aef T"9.......,. ,.,_. n **It MNI •fMI i;, ~~MM It, t7M1 n4nl To1=:~~~ Tor:-" ~ • .. Shi 1 k H 1_,1 " • .,,.,.. • .,... 101, TUIMtr\ Ollf. to 1110 O.,IM't!Mfll of At0on310 " to .,. 09'tr.IMI~ r oc o ••• , tttlO. lovetNt. O•ntrol '°' "4'1" N Oot1irciU0t ,:..;: ~ lleuth and crimt ltll• Orn•t • Llmll•d IAL• ...... I WINl l'UI\. 0 ON IALI QI fllA\. (f'Ul\.10 f l1hter will addre11 "•'•11•11"1'• t 11 t lrv111• IATINO ll\M)I), to ... llooflolll IATIMA fl\ACe. to .......... 0 ' C .... l!IW'd,.,,.. 101, T"9llft. Oellf, ••=•It 14' l. 1 ... lnlt. II--=· .. 4M L 1Nt ..,_,, ran I• o u n t y tMIO. eo.ta o.llfofn& ooeea ~ ... ,. ~ bualn ... men attendl':J Llnoo111 hvl1191 111d Lo111 1'111111 Oran .. eo..1 Dally 1'11111 0r.,... OoMt Oellf .... _ J•---"'" ~ Auool1t1011, • 0111rorn11 Noc. AIM 11, 1tU Not • .iw. f .. ttlf '"'9 _ .. -CIOfl>Otlll!llJ. 10t LlllOOll\ Woy, lttt.al ...... the ExecuUve '1 Monterey,..,., OalfofN t1714. -.7 ---------1 of&. at 3740 pua un1:o= ~= ~:, Nl,C N01IC( ___ NIJC ___ NOnCE ____ • Drive, Newport BMch. 1Min 1 Olt'lnertND. ~~., ... ~".. __ --.. Uf100ln lev. a Lo.ti AMII -.. ~111--'n>e Pk:kwk:k Club. an Jofvl M Yllllll•. Jf. The ~ ,.,_ .,. .,... Miil ITA1-f beo. Vici ~ bu11N1e • T"'9 fololMllt ..,.. -dolrlt entertainment packaa• ™• ,,.,_, w .. flltd with ti... v1010 v11uF11111. '101 w. ~ • ' pr-oductlo.n company ln ti:~o~°' Ol'enoe Oounr; on ~IMS.. 111 .... Santi Ana. Cl) Jr>e"e:.=a~ ':°i Oran1e County. wtll • ,,..,_ .-. l'llOMOO Jr .. 1101 w. MIC"°TICH tNC., 1to0 w. w.,.. provide the ac1or. fi'ubll•llld 0111'1(141 c. OUI Dally MecNttu llvd., 11 .... 8enle ...... !.. .... 1, ..... Ml. CA '2104. Piiot J 16 It ff. July I IMI Ca. tl707 !'OW D ~•IOlolW lno. a ----------ii ' UM • • ' 2'34..a ,,.,. ~o. :zen LootMor• Oatlf0f11l1 4*PCH•tl0n, 1·100 w. ·-.,,. llft-,,'.L Loo ~ Ca. eooea w.,,.,. Ave.. *'· a.ma Ml. CA ~ ""'"-&. ----------Tilll .,.,.. .. oondUcted by a 92704. ----------: "8JC N011CI "'"9'11 P#tf*lfllp. Thlt ~ .. OOllductld by • .... Pacftlco Jt. oorpotdon. frlllk Htivwro '-D NOTICE OF DEATH OF ~ ~ =. ~ '!: :.c'c:11111. _ .. ,,'loll!~-Ina. CECELIA 8 . llANDEL June it, 1912. nw....,,.,.,. ._Ned w1tt1 N mYIMG9 ~(•> AND or PETITION TO . '"'-County Qlfll of°'*"' County OI\ , ..... 11tM,., u.c.c. ADMINl81'Ba ESTATE NO. Pub11111oct ora,..111 co .. , D•lly Juno 11. 1N2. Md/et Min tu} A-111111 PlloC Juno 16, 22. 29, JWt e. 1t12 ,~ Nol'°9 le e'J"!!!' "* a bull To all .......,_ 1..--#1...i .... _ ~2 Publllflod Ofanoo Coelt Dall) ~ °' --·-.. ._. ........... ._, Plot. Juno 15, 22, 29, ...... tte2 ~of ~it lilout creditor• and contlngeqt rtaJC NOTIC( ~ 1011emec1e. credlton of Cecelia B. ----------• ~~·~~Kandel and peraona who NOTIJ.-:J'bEATB OP ---NlJC--ll)llC(-----~ Md zw coo. N11rnbr. may be otherwt.ae in~ ALICE ELIZABETH SHAW ---------111e tr1111l1tor(1) ere: HARRAH in~ ~ are =tetu.d AND OJ' PETITION TO MOnC8"' ~~:~~~i&.20 by ~rtJert°"J. Kandel Sr. tn ADMJNJSTERESTATENO. ~.,..:f ' "You'd haw• saued •our bits The na;"'1~ ~ the S uperior Court of A-TlU'JH. .._.4,_.._._ ~HOME LOAN, INC.• ,,... " '' ....,.. u • Md Orange County requntin1 O all hein, ....,.oc....,..._, Olit ~·*' TNRM l#ldlr • if'n you got on in St. Lou." ~;.:c'J':, =-=~E that Herbert J. Kandel. Sr. creditors and contln,ent ~~e~A~ l#aitt .. H CONFUSING -Thia is what airline pu&engen are putting up with theae days - paying more for a aborter trip. RUTAUAANT tMCOAPOMTB>, a be appointed u personal c r e d I tor 1 of AL C P.: TO THE HtOHdT 1MOOU1 FOR CalllMnle corporellon. 8093 E. repre.entatlve to adm1niltef' ELIZABETH SHAW and CASH ~ .. t1iN o1 .... 11t :::;1. Hul'llln9to11 a.1011 .. CA the eatate of Cecelia B. p e r1on1 who ma.y be::.-"' '":.:S~oo!!= Thei, IN pei~opetty to bl Ka n d e I ( u n d er the otherwi8e inier.~ m the '° ~·"'°" hMd by " under '*4 trwlllln9d II In~ Independent Adminlltntion willA ~OI' ~·,__ filed Oood ol Tr1111 In 1111 property a I m I ' • r I I I • • I u p p 11 • I • o1 Ettat.ea A.ct) nie petition pe lion """"'". ~ delcr1bed: morch1ndl11, equipment (or) 11 pet for h..rin, in Dept. b y V Al. E R I E A N N TRU8TOA: ct.YOE A. McKAY Md =--~~No. 3 at 700 Civic C.enter THOMPSON i n the =IFAEOE.Mc:KAY.~anct' Los .a. .. -1 will t 4l'1&o -··-..a trl ,..... II ~ et: 421 E. 11th, Coata Drive, West. in the Oty of Superior Court of Orange aEHEflClARY: NEWPORT HOME u .. ._,....e. -cos ..-..u •vuuu·tnp. u1e Mna. CA together wllh lh• Santa Ano, Calllornla on County reque1Ung that LOAN TRUST '~ ~bubet tbetw~.?-? .. ~ ... ~trip .. _~ ~~ followlng dnorlbed 1100110110 July 7 1982 at g..30 a.m. V A L E R I E A N N Aeoorded ~ 24, 1N1 • ~ uK'9 1vu.&1U ~' ---• b~o llo1nll(1): OH eALE IF YOU OBJECT to the THOMPSON be appointed lnltr. No. 308f71n ~ 1423t, PIOI to United'• Marty ver la $274; for $4 more, you ~r-uea'-2 ~.~.~ granting ot the petition, you udpe1nonaJ1 retpre9e11h ';'_tltve 'c; =~ :_ ~~ "'°C: can fly cro.-ciountry and back. Pfwrnllol. for~ toc.tec1 at: ahou1d either appear at the a m n ater e es .. e o .., 6Md of ltulC ~ the "There are a Jot of barpins out there," said -~ • hearing and state your A'LICE ELIZABETH folowlne proC11rty. Loe n of Tract Leaver, "but there a.re aome inconsistencies." then:,::. :i-..,OC::::.U:C,': objec:t1on1 or file written S~W. fRVJNE' CA. ~wvjer ~u!t..~~~;'.~::"':J United la faced with the prospect of Mid llcenel(1) 11the1Um of •100, objec:t10111 with the court t e n e P e n en t Cellf 11.,., !NIP '*lOfded 1n competition on the route between Lm Angeles and 000.00 lnclud~lnvel'ltory before the hearing. Your Adminlattatlon of Eatatea booll 16, Pee-a . rnllolllelw Hawaii; two more airlines are about to enter the ~et .o-. OOlll6lta of appearance may be in penon A.ct). The petitlcn la set for IMPI. tn the oflloe of the OCIUl'ltY n:wket and have announced low lntrod•IMnrv fares. ~:~=:-:.~0 ·~~ or by your attorney. hearing ln Dept. No. 3 at 700 ~~~~the T --~ reptM:.ci wttll cull throuoh t1111 I F Y 0 U A R E A Civic "Center. Drive Weit, voo AAE IN WAULT UHOER A o counter the newoomera. United ii alaahinR lta eecrow, l80,000.00. CREDITOR or a contingent Santa Ana, CA 9270 l on DEE> Of' TIWST DATED AUGUST one-way fare between Lm Angelee and Honolulu T1lllt" ""~agreed~ creditor of the dee d you July 7, 1982 at 9:30 a.rn. 1 191 t UNLESS YOU TAKE. fare from $310 to $119.98 throuah July 25. uld 1r1n1for11(1) al'ld u ld mµet file your ci8iJn whh the IF YOU OBJECT to the ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR The competition, combined with the reoeaion, ~~I J:.c.OOI~~': court or inaent It '° the .,anting of the petition. you ~~BAJ. ":Yv~~~ baa cauaed tt00rd 1oaes ln the airline lnduatry. Mid lolMl(I) 11 to be s>e6d onty peraonal representative ahould either appear at the EXPLANATION Of' THE HATUAE Britain'• Laker Airways, which pioneered rode-lft«tt.,.,.hllblln~by appointed by the court he~rin1 and atate yo~r OF THE PAOCe:I>tNG AOAIN8T bottom transatlantic fares. went out of buslne9a ln ~ Aklohollc ..__. within four monthl from the objecUona or file written YOO. YOO SHOULD OOHTACT A February. Braniff Airways IUBJ)eQded aervkle in ~ to a.c. 24073 et date of flrat l11uance of obl:tlon• with the court LA2~ER.Senla Nia A--. Coeta May. lnd11-n-v ana1---tict there mmay ....._ other Tll•t tho lleraln dHorlbed letten aa provided in Sec:Uon be ore the hearing. Your Moll. CA '2e2e. --J Jg-,..._... ~ ~ .. to be__.... 700 of the Probate Code of appearance may be in penon "(If 1 .._ ~ °' __, fallu.re.. lllbteC' to the tbO¥I piO'ltalol-. a CallfornJa The time for OI' by your attorney. dlllgnauon II 11\owft abov9. no For the consumer, the competition can be ereat SERVICE E8CJl'OW COMPANY, filiQg ~will t ~ IF Y 0 U ARE A warr1l'lly 11 given 11 lo Ill -if you're ln th~t place at the right ttme and 61~°'~;::'.~=· prior to four ~thl from CREDITOR or o contingent ~~C::::f;_., want to go to the t destination. But you have to All otlllr bullneae ,._and tbe date of the hearine creditor of the decrrred, you of Tnm, 11y ,_..of• 11rw:11 or watch the ads check travel ~ta and the ilddl '-' by ttlt ~1) noticed above must file your cl.aim with the dlfUt tn IN oMgalllol• .....S carrlen themeelvea; the diecounta flexible and wltt*I ""-,_. ._ Piil. '° fW YOU MAY EXAMINE court or pre9e11t It '° the ttieroOy, ._...,. tDCeClllld _, are u known to tron1loroe(1), are: .......... .__ b ... _ 11 peraonol repreaentatlve dotlvorod to 1111 undorllOnod 1 fleeting. • "°1M. • 'ux: ....., acpt "I ..,., OOW't. ---Oodll MIOr't cl o.r.liM Ind Hlll'll and acldr ... of HCrow lyou are int.eres1ed Ln the appointed by the court OernencUor8e6o.andM1hlnnockll "0 Id.,: 8 E AV I c E £ 8 c R 0 w !estate you may file a request within four monthl from the of brw:ll and of .....,. '° ca-. COMPANY. 14212 S.acll Blvd.,~lth 'the court to receive date of flrat i11uance of 1111 undor:!t:~d to 1111 utd Dllll Imm. Cleveland forest Pretty girls w=::-~.-:-•pecial notice of the ~~tein'"~' :,~.,':."" ... ~"~~· HARRAH CORPORATION inveniory of eatat.e a.eta( c l 0, i Th , .......... ,0 caMed.., rlOdcl of br-.dl Md of UNLIMITED of the peUtlona. 8CCOWltll a i orn a. e t me or ollc:Uon to lie AIODfdad Mercfl a. h . I d covered ~T:'Lcl.Mlo. and reports described In ~ clalma will not expire 1"211Ner.No.12~4S3.4ofllld Untlng regu ate ~..;..°'; :sect Ion 120 0 of the pnor to four montha from ~~Ill b1 1n1d1, but HILBERT -. OOH JOSE RESTAURANT INC.k:alitornia Probate Code. the date of the he•ring wlllloul eovon1111 ot warranty, GEORGE FREDERICK by statute a C.-omle COlllOlllllOi• Mlc,ael R. Le•better, notioed above. MPJW,« lnlpled. l'9QlllfdlllQ tllll. HUBERT '-'"time~-Shooting and huntina lo the Cleveland ByJoo~ ~Attoru1 at Law 117' YOU MAY EXAMINE P ·Oft. or~ to • . ' --a ' ...,....... N ' • ~ L b d D 'c the file kept by the court. U pey tt11 rll'Mlrq ~ """ cl ~ County PharmacUt, puaed ationaJ Forest ia regulated by order of the forest TRQD1"• I•-'y (AP) e,111McaMorjollptl, • ra or rive, H&a ln ted in th 1Nnottl(1)--'byM6dDl9dof away in South i..a,una on superviaor. ~ ~ '-&I. 9oc./Tr1111. Meaa, Callferala HUI. you are tere:,. e TNlt. wfttl.,.,.,.,.. 11tn11611 note June 12 1982 A native -The Town Cc.unciJ in T••...,-55'-tll'J estate, you may we a request r:=· .,_..., • ll'fr, -* Calif~ Mr ·fWbert WM An order clo.es IOOle lands with a history of th la beach town haa lllMCI llCMW CO.MY Published Orange Coaat w1th the court to rettlve wnw o1 llld DIM of Trwt,. born 1n FAJ.reb ond w• • shooting-related problems, retains certain areaa and repealed a statute that :-:~.~-Dally PUot. June 16, 16, 22, apecial notice of the~~~=-~~ IJ'8(iuate of the University of designates others for shooting only in the punult of banned ugly women Publlahod Or~ c-1 Dally 1982 lnventory of eitate aueta Mid OMd of Trwt. Sold ...... bl Cal if or n lo Schoo I of game during hunting aeuon. from aunbathina nude "°'·Juno 15. 1982. 2628-82 I ond of the petitions, accountll l\elld on Wednmdly, JWt 1. 1M2 • Pb H aerved hia .... 2931-82 ond reports deacrlbed in 2;00 p.m. • ttll Chlpnaft A--~=tf e SO in Most of the Trabuoo Ranger District and Santa but allowed beautiful "8JC llJ11CE "8JC M011C( Section 1200. 5 of the 1l'ltr1nc1 to 1111 Civic c o,..ter l\lveraide, Fullert~and Ana Mountaina ~ be open to shooting only during women to bare their California Probate Code. ~ 3: ~ A--. latterly lo Dana Point hunting eeaaona. Eight areas are cloeed to shooting breuta on the beach. WELEBIR 6 BRUNICK . Al 1111 ""'' •• Ui• '"'"•' where be founded that dty'a at all times. Moat of the Palomar and ~ "It was just a joke," NOTICE OP DEATH OF NOTICE OF DEATH 0 BY: WILLIAM J . BRUNICK piiblcellon of-. noao.. tt1t ...- only dru11tore in 1958. Ranger Districts are open to ahootlng. aaid Mayor Giuseppe ~~I:°o~ m¥:~ ~£.&t0~:.·!:~: tC"&~Law =~:-=-= Survtvcn include bl.a wife, Maps of each district which delineate the Romano, after the ADMINISTERESTATENO gLEINER AND 0 PO BuUH d11crll>od dood ot trull and Muriel of the home , ahooUng restrictions are available at Cleveland. statute waa repealed. A·llHU • p ET 1T1 o N T hiin+, CA tH'll :,'!'::~~. ~11:2:~.~: da~ter Mary (Mn. Pe:i Nationa1 Forest oftioes. "Now we'll do thlng1 To all betn, ~fldariee. ADMINISTER F.STATE NO. ('IH) 'ltMllt ctetlrl'Nno Ille .=no bid, rou may ~ C:~ ~Eric • 9erioualy." creditor• and contlnaent A·lllllt. Published Oranae Cout C8I ofi:6~1 ttea. and.John Temple brother U 1 The repeal mNDa an credltor-s of David H . To all beira, benefJdariea, Dally Pilot, June 14, 15, 21, HEWPORTHouELOAH,INC. u.~. c. Hilbert of Carmel. DEATHS nOUSJDO-old town regulatkJI\ wm Schwaruman and penona ~reditora and contlneent 1982. -Mid TNIM, c:·~ aiater Mra. Velma e go into effect. bannina who may be other,rlae ~reditora of Theodore 2609-.82 By T.O. 8EIMCE COMPAHY, "'-·11 of San Luiln...~ ELSEWHERE e all nude or topleaa interelt.ed 1n the will and/or Kleiner and per.ona who ~L.,Sdl unoo:IJIUl """'9...,o sommar esta&e; may be otherwi8e tniereated UJ --· ~-. Ca. Private gr av ea Ide '1'· sunbathing. A petition hal been filed 1n the will and/or estate: F« a..ttted Ad ~ ~ 1el'vlce1 were held on The 1tatute, paaaed ~AmoldGreene D.DS in A titian hal been filed ~. ~ ._,w •. ~>'• JWle 15, 1982 at l d May 28 -'tted nude ' · · · pe k K ...., (1V ' -41 Pacific View Memorial Park. 1..0runnN (AV\ -....__. p anne , ,_&...... t e Superior Cowt of by Mar leiner in the ~Plot p .. · 'ore C-1 Del"' P l'i Vi M t ·au,.., ..,.. ' .vtllDC aunbathlng on local e County requnting Superior Court of Orange AI>-VISOR r-,. 15 221:_ 1112. ., ac c ew · or uary Marie RamMn, 94. Pollah beec:he9 In tbia town ln that Greene, M.D. be County requeatlng that 842-6171 ' · ' • 2547-.92 ~ born founder°' the Lcodon "The Keya to Today'~ Calabria in the toe of the ppolnted aa peraonal Mary Kleiner be oppointed1 _________ --------- t.llet achoo1 that bean her Flnancial. Maze" wll1 be Italian boot only by tad ve to admlni.ter • pe:nonal repreeentatlve '° -.& 1111( fWl.IC ll1IC( 427 E. 17th St Costa Me9e &46-9371 PlllCIMOnMaS . SMTHS" M011U.AaY 627 Main St tt.lntlnQton S.ach 536-6539 MltCOIMlca MOl1UAlllS ~Beach 494-9415 laQuna H1llt 788-0933 ~Juan C.pietrano 415-1ne S:::..~~:::-~ dlacuaaed at two ''young women capable the otate of David H . adminlater the eatate of1 __________ ---------- died S.turday. h o m e b u y e r • 1 of exalting beauty of chwartzma.n (under the 1'bec>clott Kleiner (under the °"*--=-MO. .. lnforma tlon aemlnara female body... t Adm.iniltration Independent AdminJltration AN ONNNANCS °',,. cm cou•c& °',,. C:rrY °" C09TA WORCESTER, Pa. (AP), == b&:.u•._-Sal-& Women'a OPn11 .... and f Estate. Ad). The ~don of lltat.ea Ad). 11ie ~don ~~:..:::a:, ~~~A '°""'* °" ..,~_,.._ • w1e ...., o---r-aet for bearinc 1n Dept. ta aet for bMrina 1n Dept. ntECRYQOUNQl.Of'~CfTYOf'COSTAMUADOOHaav -Mablm A. -aaer, ketina of the 1efti1 t part le 1 • 3 at 700 aw Center NO. 3 at '100 aw C.eneer <>N>AIN M fOU.O'#e: 1 7, a former ceramica Bulldlng Indu1try lmmedlately criticized Wmt, ln the Oty of Drive, Weat, int.ha Qty of SECTION 1. n.. II~ .-.ci anctJndUdld In tht ~ company executive and ... _...A... f Sou•.._-.... _ --tute • o"__.·-an•· A .. • Callfo-•a on Son•· Ana ~·Ufo-•a on ZoM. 111 ,.., P'ooettY ~ ~ Vllllao Way (W"91\0uM Road.>. father of U.S . Health and ~won O UJC&u WlllC' •-u. _ _..,.. ~-1'" 1°':'2 n.30 ... u J"}t .. 7 ltM>.,• ""!,,.,, n• Plneoflell Dft¥lli. ti70 ·Aderne A¥lflUI. lftCf PfOC**'....,. -• Human Servlciea Sea-e••--Cal1fonlla. to women. ... "° at.. a.m.. • "'14i at••-a.m. &Olllnll ollllllc9tloN ~ "QIQot 111o11g HertMw lkM••W. -~ · YOU OBJICT to the YOU OBJECT to the ~ ~A_... Md V-. Wrtt. IUcharcl 8 . Sc;hwetker, died July 10 wll1 be the ----------l"UlUnc of the petidcm, you pandne of the peddon. 10" 11.0-tH1 ANMIOr ,.,Oii Numbetl 141481.01,02. \I a...d Saturday. firat aemlnar at the PUIUtl lhouJd eCihec •ppear at the ahould either appear at the 41 .. 111~11 04. Crow n Va 11 e y II bearln1 and 1tate your hearina and atate your ~.::=. ~ ........., tn t111 County of Ofw1ge. a... cl WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. Community Park at 11c11n obeona or file written obeona or file written A'°"'°" ........ Md S. •--on• &*Oii-.. .... "'· (AP) -Alesa•••r 297lH Crown Valley ob on.a with the court ob tlona with the co\lrt •oou:i,,....•of..,..._,lnhO-.oftM~......_Clf Bu•enH GaD•;:t• 7f1 Parkw; be on the hearin •. Your be ore the hearlq. You.r ~i. ~ '°.,. llfOVlllOjll ol ldolt 1._11 at._. who bepn • a ana ay. ~may be in penon ·~may be In penoll Ml.wlldpll OOdl ol h City of Colle....., D6MrtGI ._ C.'r of--= became cbalrman of the On Julu 17 the aecood B ar at:tcmey. or . ~ •tiomef. eo........, ~of ...wt 11on"'111.,. ._ cr1 tt1e ....... board of B .J . Beyaold1 lelDlnar ~be held at irtlis YOU ARE A I YOU AR& A .............. by ........ INrllOOl .. ~-- Tobacco Co., died J'rida1. th ew Brea Cl vie CREDITOR gr a contmaeni CRJ:DITOB er a oondnllftt "'~ ''*9af. e n a..._....,.... creditor of tba dece0 •d ,ou crecUtor ot the dec11a1d. you l8'TtOH a.,.....~.,........_ llflld _. ... In M toraa "*'Y · TALLAHASSES, l'la. CW1W'al Center '°".·.,.. Jrl!., ..._. mumttiJe)'OUr'claainwitbtba muat6le10'.lfcWlnwltbthe ~T;:=e"::.n""~P I -.;:·:9,::W~"::;'*""' .. ' (AP) -Former Oeo11l• Both ewnta besin at ~....., ~. • court ar prwt It to the court ar prwt it ~ the ~ ~ DM..Y • 1 "1 • ...., cr1 ..,... ..,. 1 • " (}oy. lllanla Grlfflll, '14 , 9:80 LID. -· pertonal repreaentatlve peraollal re~"entatlYe Pfll"" llld llUlllllNd Ill lM of C:0.. ..... Of, In IN ............. who once pl•d .. d to ror lnformaU90, call Mr.ll'lldMl'e;""'°'*>Comelo. appoln1ed by the court appolnt•d by the courtlM<*YaMIMr.._to.,......,..a...-yOCtNaOI•••, ~ ..... tad ICbooll, 9&'1-2655. OoU ...... Ci;.. wlthln four mcmtbla fJOm the witHn four montbl tram .. =.: ::-.,-;.: = :-,:.-,,.:::.™~'r9°11: :r :: ~ died Sunda1: Griffin, a Mr. 111d Mre. David lol'ld, data of ftnt law~ of date of tint lta.aance of Oldli ... ,_,._..._.,,fl-...-.r~~~a.ti- Democrat, waa 1overnor ~ ......... ..._ ...... ~In~ ittten•~Jn~ --••111'*2'='.,....,., ... .,..~,.. ..... ., from 19" '° 1•. . B 1.e ... ., 100 °' thit Pnba• Code °' 100 °' .,,. Probe• Code °' ...... .,. ~ ~-:= ~~--.. _,.,,_,. '=. _ ene.Jt Mr. and ol\i Mre. OoMll CalJtorn.la. Th• U,... fo~ C.Ufotnla. The time for::...,.... .. ._._. -,...,...,._,~.., d....,_. AA~fC'~Nev. Harroed. lr'MI. llft. tDalll .._ Will not..-.. fOktC cUfa wGl DDl ..... ~MO ADOPTm .. Ni-..,.-., 1911. ~ ,, -• P.b' '° low mondl9 6'om prior '° four _ .... tr.. .. MMe........ .. 2. a Newda •utbOr who slca te set ~ ::. Mre. ~lotl.,CI ft°". ~:.:!. th• b.earl•• :.:O:::.:!. tb• beat1n1 AT'Tltt = =.... .. : ~::~Dwll~ 8lll 'D--. Roll Mr ........ -..: ..... lr'MI. • YOU MAY SXAMIN• YOU llAY &XAMUC&I:......, '1 _...y1 er..,. lbelDe..._by.ecourt.:M .... .,..,, .. ...._u a.ea•-. childhood la Yon.ken, r.n1111, J\aDM1an. ~ •• 1 ou are ·latereeted '" • ,._..,. tn•,._. a. die .. a.. .... _ -_ ~ .. N.Y .• diedW~. be bMt to a 10 .. bour ,..,. a.nd Mr•. Curue Dl•t•· ...... ~.,maa~ ....-.,ou~m.a...-n -.. ~ l • . ....._A·Tban on June o.i.tt. ..... Ma...,.. wtth u.. CIO'&lt to niJeet.-wttb lbia eou1110,....... arry:~vo•" ~ .. MCXD'IO ~IM 21-12 to blDl9t Unltad •P••l•J~aollte qt th• apHlal notice of-, ... ~'··~~a.t • ....... Cla' II• :I = =--~ .... ~ . ., lnWMI c..bnJD..'-"of~ Cl eel fD¥"eO~ o1 .......... lawnlill!l'J o1 ...... --.... _.. -------• a ..... -"· ~~I, --.... aim DiJl tillidof_pilll....., 2 -.. aldli ... 1 E7 e:a1~ n· I ...................... It -.-... ..,.,..., ... ..._ • ::::S ~· u4 ,.,.,._ ~ ta ... ,.,_ .. ••nra. •.•. la !!fl'~..!.!!'•~=•• •• • ..... -a~. A Tb• aka Ur who IA• raAlfCISCO IHUOD ""·'of the •••11•• ....... t • .a:rs;;n;r;;I: '!!'.~ .. :: r-' .-.-..._. fnll n ..._ _...., (AP)-A,)untg&~ .... o.11t11•nr-CIR\ mt• Qiij. ~ ........ Will~ ... , ... ....._, rl· . :ztYT. • ...... ....... ........... .-~=====~~ M~ eet ?~Ai!~·-.~ ~: :r.&a;,•;o;te: • ••ii:£ "· lJ.r • · I::"" .,.,.., .. ftil\ti di• 1 li•tJ lt1rf_ Tel!.tll•• lor .,...=1•11 ~ h:'.,:r..~ if a\tt · a .. _. Cer~ral ralq" la .. • ·Iii-.. !'L~ , .............. "'•11· ... .. ..... ~. ~ ---~ ...,....._.. •• ,.,. NI rm1•b 11111 .. , ... _..._ 1>nnrw-a.-...,.._ .... ..... ~ Ml""' .... -,, ····-·(~ , I c L A s s I F 1. E D THE ~EA L ESTA TE RS B ~ COiii OAIL.Y PILOT/Tu.day, June 18, 1912 HIF Cl lldll Lido Realty 673-7300 IUIYEUll LIOITill ju9t .. IMna In • pettt, exctpt~OU ~ a dtty and llgt!t ... 2 bdtm, 'it ba. PWt 1 In T""'9 Rodi Glen T~ home1. On• of tht outl1111dlnQ fMtut .. Of thl• hOme 1t the INll1*' tutt• wtttl flreplece Ind tunken tub. l!nd unit IO- cated on two .,_,Uful greent>ttts. 1274,600. ILlffl .... I ~.·:::::::~·:::::.-., iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil fn.~~.~!.t .. !!ff Slrtgle awry end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba 11 ........ £ ••EU BIT NITA llSA OLDE LAGUNA CHARM on largest greenbelt, $250,000. •-S -.__ Unique 2 bdnn floor DEC ORATOR"S DE--pltn. 1 b•th, lh1 rm w/ , ... Liii 3 bdrms, 2~ baths oondo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR J-l tiqy\ d· C' v• " .. B t..'J Oit,1 COLDWeu. BANl(eRC LIGHTI Extremely popu-2 BR, 2 ~ BA. atrium, beamed celll1191. htrd- ler 3 br plan featuring large encloHd petlo. wood f1oora & eaiy loo magnlf~nt deeoratlng, Lota ot privacy 2 year• bUmlno frp6c. $187,500 frptc, gour~t lalend kit· old. Immaculate. 1150 Full Prlc:e. chen. frml din, tmry rm & 000. Anumable loan. MISSION REALTY ln·hOUM laundry. All th la Betit Mltc:Mll 6-42-8235. -49-4--0731 & ITlOfe for only $389,000 10-51>· OCEAN VIEW • FEE. 2870 San Miguel Claaey 2 Bt & atudy, 2 Dr, N•wport Beac h. bath, 2 frplca, aplral '!/!:Macnab· lmne 759-1501 or 752-7373 atalrcaM. 11600/per mo. ~ Walker & Lee WTotlTAIW Architect'• home. Pvt entry courtyard w/apa. Frplca In L.A .• F.Rm. Open nr plan, Ideal for entertaining. Spacloua MBR tulle. $225,000. Binnie Dixon's llatlng. 758-9100 GEORGE ELK INS CO ..... IN BAYCAEST Charter RMlty '49tMI 122 or 493-388e ~,~lDl~~.~u~,~ ....... ~~~ ~~:.~.ll!!t.!.~~ on lhla Immaculate 3 L.1111 LIT b<lrm home with enclo-wttlt 1 ...... ""'9 eed pllJo, famlly rm, Darting 3Bf 2ba. Ou'8C 1prlnkler1 & more. Ow· atreet. Wiii ..... opcton ner anxloua $129,500 or ??? S15S,OOO. Cell 979-5370 L1pu Yllllp U 12% FllOClll 411-1111 A beautifully uc>graded Wt,.,.,, Jiff Bdrm hOtr'le wt1h man •• ••• •••••• •• ••••••••• amenltlH . Sellers wll carry S 100,000 at 12"• Of A.I T.D. at 12%. $1-45 000. For 11'\0te Informa- tion call 979-53 70 \ ( >I l / Jl /: • 11 .. , •. . ... • .. ' . •)' ... POI PUCE EITlftl 4 ••• 2~ ... BETTER THAN MODEL ---Excellent fln•nClng. 8outh of ~· TWo .. ory. two bitdfoof'll dOll houle In f\'QM, One b9- droorn unit In reer. Con- venient IOCMlon. 12H, 500. This tunctlonel 4 Bdrm ll.lffl llU.Mlll lamlly home lendl 11aelf a Bt. a1r9e atOty no.ne to enteruilnlng. u. yard with new carpeta, with pool & ape...,_. hu drepea, pelntl, and 11P-RV pattllng. A. Uatlng of pllanca. Homeowner• Ole Von GeldetM. $3M, Auoclatlon maintain• 000 llllDGIED SWIED $31,100! 110 he-Yin HAS EVERYTHING CUI-de-Mc ltreet Sun & Sell N Club 20 min. to N9wpoft Cent• $210,000 wttt11180,000 et 12% ftqd ,... & fully amortllltd. No pointt or quelfylng. nC>-03'47 PoOI• & landaceptng IO U .. IOOf a.ii'\ you can travel. Ideal for ""' . • iv"lJS Owner/= 111-1111 .... retired couple or Jet•t-~~Reatt~~°"~·~e~7~$-«>00~~~I , ... Move lmmedl4lttfy. ;:: s.. enyt1me. •IMI lllHI I Oii Meta Verde manalon OY9t 2-400 aq.ft.I V1-04 ·~ ..... l•I Catallna, 1un1et1 1ncs •• ·.-;;r.:; •••••••••••••• ....... ............... 38' + frplc, hwdWoOcl firs, petlo, 2 car o-age, on IO comer tot Ve<y· Very low dwn. Below mlrt, mYlt tell. 831-2253. TAY l .OH CO Tll-.TD --2 bf. 2 ba. In Plecent11. many lacllUle, nr. 57 & 81 f'rwya. HH gd. te-nant. .......... 10,, .... 12~-X,, M Yr. Lt• 451-0331 or 97 S--0838 Ill.II& ... IM.ll .......................... .. ., ..... ...., .,~ ...... ..,............ .... ::::f 1•••· Lar1t HH••"• HH. Mtt,M WATERFRONT HOMES.IN< R .. : \I Tllll' ,, ... k. '' ~ 1·,. ""' ••• '-t , •• p ... • 2 l•10 " c;. .. ,, 11 ... '""l'llfl tin<h 931·1• c:, M.••ttlt A.., .. a.:t. ... l-'o11<I '7UttO •.•...••••............ Unique & charming 3 bf & loff. l.ae/opt or trlCM for unlta.. 873-8585. city lights! 4 king bdrm• .. Piil ...rs 3 bath•. muelve famlt) Owner Meda cMh a..i room. n-everything ant""-....,...__:. 2 .. . $39 000 moves you In' ....,.... .,,,_ ,...._. ... · NO, QUALIFYING I Cal 1 Ba. 50x'17' lot. Urge f t •t I t t •~ ,_ deteched 0"91119· 1179. " ·can " • """'· ,,,., ooo. 5•8·50• 1 evH & fflcel 898-2938 wknda. 831-3520 wkdy9. lfDMISl1-IPM 210 Grand C8l\lll Llttlt Balt>oe llland. Free & clear on l he water. Owner w1" nnance. Unique Homa A.lit for Atta or Tom Bo- land 87S-llOOO ...,., 1ai.1.i1 l 111 ..............•....... hatrfll ..... Setler will UITy IOC'I IOI qualified buyer. Orea• ttrml. 3 8dt 2 a.. Meu Verde Highland•, bo•• llAIP HPLD trlr acceH. $130,000 YO\lr pl1Ce In the aun. 3 3281 Colorado Ln Bdrm 2 bctl MCtl Con-Ownr/egt 5$M221 • vtnlent locatlon to bay, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil beach and 111op1. In-i-• _11 come 11800 mo. Owner -•l51t may Ullat In financing. NIL .. $355,000. ASSUMABLE FINAN 142•1200 CING. Sharp 3 Bdrm plUI lamlly with ~ led kitchen, 2 yerda fOf entertaining. Atkin' $145,000. Call 5-40-1151 for an appointment tc J PETE BARRETT . REALTY .. ~~ • HERITAGE . RE ALTORS -COM'S BEST TI\11 duplex + + lncludea ·-;:~-two 2 bdrm unit• + an llff e>clfll targe gueet quar-•••••••••••••••••••••• t•a.. Owoel' II melting It Cullom pool I apa, ... avallable .at yeeterd1Y'1 aume + owe. at 13%. price at 12411,500. Will 38r, HI• Be, MD. A.E. cooperate. Celt 840-7865 (213) •~81 UlltflOI B!"~.:A~ :::.~ Reduced by 1100,000 • Your choice of three. now $595,~00. lrvlne Eaay to own . Bkr. Terreoe 4 br, 3 ba. vt.w, M&-0708 pool. 1°"' down. 11.5% ·------,...-,...,....,~ Int., 27 yra. Pou. trade -4 BR, 11~ ba. Only M .600 tor 50' boet. By owner. dwn. •1010. monthly. 752-7891 Call: Agt. 731-7587 UllUll ITUU Anolher one • SOLO the other one. e.t ~ bUy. Drutlc.ity reduoed for q*ll Mle. LOY9fy lrg 3 Bd wi den, 1pa, & forever vu In aecurlty gated comm. wltennlil, a pool. fF91). Only 1359, 900 flnn. Call DIAECT to Patrick 0< Feed Tenof'I, agt 831 -1288.or , MESSAGE TO PRIME MINISTER MARGARET TB.ATCHER, received in London, 6:45 a.m. today: ''In Port Stanley at 9 p.m. Falklands time tonight, 14 June, Maj. Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez surrendered to me all Argentine armed forces. . .The Falkland Islands are once more under the government desired by their inhabitants. God save the queen.'• Signed J . Moore. (Maj. Gen. Jeremy Moore, commander, British Falklands Amphibious Forces). mother 'overjoyed' By ROBBRT BARKER ()(' .. .,..,,... .... 'Tm aotng to have a nice cry and a 104 cup of tea. I'm overjoyed." 'nM!!9e were the first thoughts thia morning of Florrie Kefford when she heard that Argentina surrendered in the Falkland lalAnda. Her son is a major In the Britleh Army and was believed fi~ti.ng In the Port Stanley area 'Thia ls one of Enfland's greatest moments. There's such a feeling of relief and happiness and I hope everything (the Shirts bring • suspensions -surrender) holds and tba.t Mlcbael axDe9 t.ck safely with the nit of the boys. ... Mn. Kefford and her ltulbmd, Robert , are vl1IUng her daughtet'1 family ln HuntiJlcton Harbour. They plan to leave for their home near Oxford Friday. "It (the Falkland lalands) ia just a rumbling Island of 1,500 people. But it belongs to the people Shere. -'"l''hank God they got it back. It is one more effort on the part of the Britleh that proves you can't walk Into people's homes and take them o'ver." . Mrs. Kefford aald she had heard about peace developments in vague terms before retiring last night. But it wasn't uutl.l she waa aw~ened by her daughter Leslie thi1 morning that 1he knew for sure. SIGNAL lilLL (AP) -Four "I'm waitfn& for my buaband Slpal Hill po~ officers have to get home from the aolf coune been IUlpmded without pay for and I'm going to kick him. You a .. ~1 .... a police campi ..... trip always kick 1omebody when ·~""'""6 ,..... something le over don't you?" while wearing T-ahlrt,s Mrs. Kefford's eon is a major embJa.zoned with '4. hangman s with the Gurkhaa. He left noaee, a. gallows and the words, f h s h .. Si 1 Hill G teway to Southampton or t e out gna • a Atlantic May 19 on the Queen Heaven.'' Three o.fficers were suspeftded_ \ El.izabethKil. f d h , h d • 12 L~·-( k shift) · Mrs. ef or asn t eu ~or llU\U1I one wor • from Michael since she saw him while the other officer waa the day before he left. "I rather aaspended for two work ehlf1a on expect we'll have a letter waiting the aroun~• their conduct for ua at home." brought d11re1pect to the "Our boys bad a long way to 26-membe~ department, taid go and it took a Jot of time to get Police Chief Fred King. He there but lt didn't take much refu8ed to identify the officefl.. time to mobilize Because Cal State Lona Beech "Thank God they were trained football star Ron Settfea wu and ready found hmgt!d tn bia Sienal Hill . Jail cell on Jupe 2. 1911. Kina "From accountl I've be9.rd the laid~ the T-shirta ahoweCI ~rgentlna boys weren't and a " for life" and ''vtty, that'• aad becau1e they are Vf!fY taste." aomebocly'e mothen' aona." NATION .. , •• , ot '=• w Jn open wm baDGr ... a... .. ... ....,....,,,.., , ............. . . \ ' -. (lHA N C1I l fllJ N 1 'l L AI II OllNIA ;,>~ c rNT S Falkland ended , Union Jack hoisted over island capital • I By Tbe A11octated Prea1 The war on the Falkland bland• ended today and the Union Jack was hoilted over the capital. Prbne Mlnllter Margaret Thatcher u.ld Britiah forces took 11),000 prt.onera on the South Atlantic illands and would hold some of them until Argentina confirmed a total cease-fire. There was jubilation in Britain and eorrow In Buenoe Aires over the news. British Defense Ministry sourcea said 11,000 ArgeQtlne told1ers laid down their arms In Stanley alone. The Mgur~ astonished Britleh commanders, who had estimated Argentine troop strength on the Falklands at about 8,500, the aources said. Mrs. Thatcher told the Howre of Commons that the Argentine commander, Brlg. Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez, surrendered to British Maj. Gen. Jeremy Moore at 9 p .m . Falklands time (~ p.m. PDT) Monday after Moore's forces shattered the defenses of the Stanley garrison. She sald Britain will keep the Falklands and does "not Intend to negotiate on the sovereignty of the Islands In any way except with the people who live there." Independent Television News correspondent Michael Nicholaon reported from Stanley that British troops rais~d their Crean to face write-in foes in November? By JEFF ADLER Of ... D91tf .......... The apparent Republican nomine e in tbe 43rct C.ongressional District -travel- traller manufacturer Johnnie Crean -could face a November write-in challenge by both the 'second and third-place finishers in ~e bitterly contested GOP primary. The votes still were being counted Monday aa second-place finisher Ron Packard and third- place finisher Bill McCQll announced that one or both of them probably will challenge Crean and Democrat Roy An:her In the general electJon. Unofficial vote tabulations Monday showed Crean leading the 18~date field by exactly 100 votes'more than Packard. hll nearest rival. Election officials In San Diego and Orange counties reported Crean with 13,762 votes to Packard'a 13,662. The election's final outcome la to be certified sometime next week, aa:ordin,g to registrars of voters In both counties. Aa the ballot count geared down, however, the potitical free-fOl'-all that characterii.ed the primacy campaign in the 43rd district teemed to be heating up. McColl, an orthopedic surgeon and fonner professional football player, announced he will nm as a wri~·ln candidate whether Packard deddea to run or not. He •aid that Republicans must "make it clear that Johnhle Crean la not acceptable." And Packard, the 50-year-old mayor of Ca.!Ubad, said he is leaning toward running a November wtite-in campaign and will announce hle lntenUorv ln the next aeveral days. COUNTY country' 1 f 1a8 over the though Foreign Mlnllter Nlcanor AraenUna, llke Britain, considers aovemor'• hou.e. Coeta Mendez told reporttta the all hostilities between ua In the 1 "surrender wu due to Britlah South Atlantic, and not. just on Thl1 ended fl1httn1 on. the materiel superiority and the the Falklands Islandt themaelvee, ta1anda in the 74-day undeclared advanQed technology developed at an end." war that beaan with the by NATO." He ai.o blamed the Ar.,entlne invasion of the lalanda United States, which aupported Until thil le received, ahe aaid, April 2, and claimed the llvee of Britain In the conflict. Brit&ln will hold some priaoners, more than 1,000 aervlcemen, including commanders and acoordlna to Britlah count. officers. Mn. Thatcher said Britain eent There wa1 no official statement of 1urrender from the Araentlne government, even Mesa affected a JlH!91aie to the mill~ junta throush the Swl11 Emba11y "seeking confirmation that Mra. Thatcher, who waa greeted by prolonged cheen. told (See FALKLANDS. Pare AZ) Israelis Market Basket chain sold set trap for Arafat By Tbe Aaaoctated Pre11 Artillery and tank fire erupted on the outskirts of Beirut today as IaraeU forces tightened a ring around PLO chief Yasser Arafat and his guerrillas and battled Moslem fanatics near Sidon. 20 miles south of Lebanon's capital. By P1UL SNEIDERMAN 0( tM .,.., ,.. ltaft Employees of local Market Basket supermarkets were responding apprehensively to the announcement today that the chain's parent firm, the Kroger Company, has tentatively agreed to sell most Southern California Market Basket stores to other grocery companies. . "I've spent 27 {ears with Market Basket and hate to see it go down the drain." said Dave Myers, manager of the Costa Mesa store at Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street. He said be learned of Kroger's divestiture plans at a general management meeting Monday. Audrey McCafferty, Kroger corporate 1poke1man at the co mpany s Cincinnati headquarters, said the chain has decided to sell ill 65 Market Buket atores In the Southland becau.ee they "have not met performance expectations and have contributed only modestly to corporate profltl Ln recent, years." She said nationwide, Kroger operates ·l,260 food stores in 20 states, making it the second largest 1upermarket chain, behind Safeway. . McCafferty said the Market Basket name Is used only by the company's Southern California outlets, which were first opened In 1963. She said tentative agreements have been reached for sale of most Market Basket stores, with negotiations continuing on the remaining sites. "We do expect the divestiture to be profitable," she said. The Kroger spokeswoman said the company hopes to have the sales agreements completed within 90 days. "We can't speak for the new owners." ahe said, "but we're certainly hopeful that they'll be interested in retaining most ~f our employees." McCafferty declined to reveal the prospective buyers for the Market Basket stores, but local managers said they have been told the buyers include the Hughes, Ralphs, Vons, Certified, Smith Food King and Boys c~ Costa Meaa store manager Myers said his 79 employHS' benefits are protected by a unJon contract lf the workers are retained by the new owners. But he said the new owners will not be contractu ally obligated to retain all ofl the present Market (See MARKET, Pase A!) Associated Press correspondent Tom· Baldwin saw about 100 rounds of artillery fire flashing out of gunbarrels from the mountains just south of Israell- occupled 11aabda, the site of Lebanon's tank -ringed presidential palace, five miles east of Beirut. An Israeli colonel told AP correspondent Alex Efty ln Baabda that his forces were not involved in the exchanges. claitning that rightist Christian (See ISRAEL, Page A!) Edison set to 'upgrade' nuke plant Southern California Edison Co. says it will correct what the Nuclear Regulatory Corn.mmion called "sianificant seismic design deficiencjes" in Unit One of the San Onofre power plant, delaying its startup for months. Newport securities fii-m closing down The 438-megawatt reactor which provides electricity to more than 200,000 people in Orange and San Diego counties has been shut down since February for repairs and inspections. Robert Dietch, Edison vice president, said November was the tentative date now set for completing By JODI CADENHEAD OftM.,..,,... ... Offidals of Comark, a Newport Beach-based commodities and securities b r oker-dealer, announced today that they are withdrawing from government 1ecuritiea and municipal markets. An official release read by a company spokesman today stated , "This action ia being taken as part of an orderly and voluntary wind-down of the company's operationa.'' Steven Gourley, a deputy commislioner with the California Department of Corporations, confirmed today that the Newport Beach company was closing down all operations.• The California Corporatlona Department began Investigating the company'• financial condltibn and record keeping practicel lut ea rt hq ua ke -reais ta nee week after Corn.ark requested an requirements ordered by the extepsion in filing a 1981 commiasion. financial statement. cornrnWion ·analyst William T. Comark blamed the delay on a Russell said he found flaws while switch from a manual record reviewing information in ·keeping to a computerized F.dison's own analyals of Unit system. One . Gourley 1aid he learned The utility described that Monday night that the company Monday as a misunderstanding. baa ceued trading. He said lt was But. rather than argue with the hia understanding that commisaion. Dletch said Unit One would pay all ou debts would be redesigned and re- before going out of engineered to ~eet tougher Gourley declln seismic reqWrements applied to on whether '• action was two othh' units. pr<fJlpted by t e Corporations Those twin, 1,100-megawatt Department's 1n ligation. re act o r1 c u r re n t 1 y a re undergoing testing, construction Ten daya ago, Midland and licensing. Bank of New York briefly A debate over whether Unit 1u1pended th aervicea it One was built to Comply With performs for after the ". orlginal seismic design criteria company waa apparen ble would have taken "considerable to provide auftident colla and haggling,'' ovemlaht loam. In an interview. INDEX Holdup 'hero' haile'd A7 B2 IM..S B2 82 87 .84 He says he's no hero, but the Newport. Beach restaurant owner shot by a holdup man waa treeted like one. Page Bl. SPORTS All-star cagers clam Richard Charil. a e..e ltaridout fol' ~ 'Hiab: 11 a central fi1Ure for the SOuda All~tan ln SatUrilay'1 BllUtba11 ~ at Qran&9 COMt CoD111. Pa'P. 81. . ~ . I 'Chmota' ·~h memor1,. carol Mettm, of N~ JllKh, hid man thin )lit a JI '• bi .... in 'a.rtGti Of ,,... .. a .., tentencl ~d the 1114 a,.~ a...-. llMt .., ....... .-...... .,.,rar.._u._ .. ,._ .. -.ftllll. CM :I C4 Al 81 B2 87 BUSINESS Be;C3,4 Cl-3 m B6 88 B7 Al .u --~--------------.~---------~..---------- FA LKLAND ISLAND S. • • Parllament t h at dtpoaed ~ Governor Rtx Hunt would Nturn to th• lllanda u a dvWan admlniatrator. Sbct dllcloeed that "IOme 250 BrltJ.ah tervicemen and clvtlla.ns" had been killed ln the 10-week confltct. Accordln1 to Britlah eatlmatea, 775 Ar1tntlne aervtcemen were killed ln the fighting. "The battle of the Falklands waa a remarkable mllitary operation, boldly planned, bravely e~ecuted and brilliantly accompliahedt Mrs. T~atcher said of Britainll greatest Show of mUitary strength since World War II. The Buenos Aires government earlier announced that the military commandel'9 of the two forces had drawn a document "establishing the conditions for a cease-fl.re and the withdrawal of tht Ara•ntlnt troopa." Tht junta'• communique mad• no mention of aurrender, but aald the document would be made public when the text ii avallable. In Waahtnaton, PrHldent Reqan aald: "We hope the tr-ate la. of Ufe which hu thua (ar occurred in t.hia criats can now be brouaht to an end. For lta part, the United Stat.ft atanda ready to assiat in any way lt can to help reeolve t.hia conflkt." Mn. 'fhetcher w~ l{l'ftted by about 100 people l1ng1ng "Rule Britannia" and "God Save the Queen" when ahe retumed to her· 10 Downing St. office Monday night after addrelling Parliament. "Great Britain ls great again," Mn. Thatcher said outaide her Downing Street office just before midnight Monday. ISRAELI A TT ACK . . . militiamen of the Lebanese Phalange party traded fl.re with Syrian forces at the University of Lebanon on the plain below Baabda. A Pbalangist spokeaman confinned the laraeU's statement. Lebanon's state rad.lo said the Israelis delivered an ultimatum to the estimated 1,000 Syrian troops in the Beirut area to get out, but that the Syrians refused, saying there were there legitimately to help police. the armillti.ce that ended Lebanon's last dvil war in 1976. There was no confirmation from brael that such an ultimatum had been delivered. The Palestine Liberation Organization said Israeli forees in Baabda also shelled the PLO- controlled refugee camp of Bourj el-Barajneh and the area of Beirut airport with tank cannon. There was no confinnation of the report. The PLO said Arafat was directing operations from west Beirut, and that the PLO "will never lay down iti arms." However, the Israelis say they want to avoid bloody street fighting and have no intention of ente~ west Beirut. Israels chief of staff, Lt. Gen .. Raphael Eytan, said Arafat had taken refuge in an embassy in Beirut, and Israeli newspapers said it waa· the Soviet misaion, But Arafat was photographed today in a military fatigue cap and carrying a rifle as he toured guerrilla positions in west Beirut. larael radio said BOme of the guerrillaa, expecting an Israeli assault, took 75 lecturers hostage at the American University in Beirut. At a refugee camp, near Sidon 20 miles south of Beirut, Israeli press reports said Israeli tanks and artillery were battling 250 to 800 guerrillas holed up in two mosques for the fourth day. The reporta, subject to Israeli military cenaorship, said attempts to persuade the Sidon guerrillas to surrender at the Ehl Hilwa refugee camp failed when the guerrillaa either killed the Arab emisaaries eent to talk to them or kept them hostage. MARKET BASKET ... Basket employee&. Myers said store managera were told that Kroger simply did not have enough outlets In Southern California to compete against the largeat California supermarket chains. Frank Madden, manager of the Market Basket on the Newport-Balboa Peninsula. said corporate officials Monday only conf~ed _ongoing rumors about the u.les plan. He aald managers have been offered comparable jobs with other market. in the Kroger chain. Madden said employees retained by the new owners will face a 30-day probationary period. If they complete that period, they will retain their seniority, vacation time and other fringe benefits, he said. Uaguna . welghi-'g annex By STEVE MITCHELL or .. _.,,...._ A report by Laauna S.ach plannln1 ·official• lndtcatH annexation of South ~ Into the :r. would be "• btMk-even pro tion" economically. L11una Beach ¢lty Council memben tont1t)t will review city c:oet estlmatee on annexation and are e>epeete<i to receive petitlON from South Lqww\l 1eek.ln1 to become a put of the city. In addition, the ooundl will conaider adoptina an ordinance that \vould prezone about half of South Laauna -from Laguna'• 10Utherly lirnita to AlOO Creek - bringlng the city'• r.onlng codet into conformity with ext1tln1 county :r.ones. The city hopes the action calma feara by the Local Agency Formation Commiaslon that Lacuna Bead\ a attempting to annex a portion of South Laguna solely to prevent several large development projecta currently going through the county approval process. Laguna Beach originally sought annexation of only a portion of South Laguna. But South Lagunans, led br the South Laguna Civic Allociation, have been pursuing incorporation of the entire village as part of Laguna. ... They are expec:ited to preeent signatures of local residents supporting the annexation proposal tonight sometime after 7 in council chambers. Meanwhile, the city has prepared an economic feasibility report covering the entire community to determine cost factors related to bringing South Laguna into the municipal fold. Those figures show expected revenues of about $931,000 , based on property and sales taxes, bed ta.Xes, licenses, fees, service charges and permits. Expenditures could amount to about $930,000, the report says, based on coet for extra police, fire, paramedic, lifeguard and public works and planning officials. The. report indicat.ea, however, one-time expenditures of $764,- 000 to acquire the county fire station in South Laguna and to expand Laguna's existing police station to accommodate seven. more officers and an investigator. A large hurdle in the city's annexation try UI an unwritten county requirement that the city obtain pre -a nnexation develOplJlent agreements from large landowners in South Lagun11 prior to a mid-July LAFC meeting to discuss the merger. Sunny Tuesday Amer1l1o 91 e1 A.i-tlle 81 68 Atllinte 87 ea Atletltc Cty ea eo Aull In 91 78 Baltlmot• 78 58 Hay etlemoon .uMhlne. Hlghe 8llllnot " 55 Blmllngtltft Ml ee ea to 74. ut• nloht end eerty Bllmatell 75 43 morning low cloud• end log BOIN S1 S3 ~ and Wedneeday. &oeton 57 61 .05 Iowa 49 to st. Ha:y 8'0Wl\l'Wlle 94 et afternoon WedllMdey but lllghtty Buffelo 72 55 wermer with high• es to 7e. Bu111ngton er 48 Huntington -Newport teniperetlH'M ':r/r. from a low of Ceeper 70 49 2. t5 58toa~of7 . Chlltiltn 8C 93 n El••• •r•. trom Point Cher1atn WV 11 52 Conception t o the Mexican °*1tte NC e2 84 border end out eo mll••· Cheyenne ee 47 .60 Nottnw.c wind• s 10 11 knot9 g:tl 13 11 93 over ou1er watere thro~h 79 59 WednMdey. Combined -3 Ctewllf'(I 79 50 to 5 ..., except 5 to 7 teat ,_ Clmble 8C 17 18 COlumbue 11 58 Point Conception. S••• o.l·Ft Wlh 91 75 dec:feMlng WedMeday. L.octllly, Oeyton 11 eo llghl verlabl• wind• except eouttiw.t to ..i 10 to 15 knot• 0..-74 50 .07 during -Ing houtt today end O.MolnM 71 16 .55 Detroit 12 81 Wedn.dey. ~ 1'111'111 of 1 Duluth 13 58 .40 to 3 t•. Mo9tly ~ durtng El Paeo ee 12 llfleme>OflS. F8'00 77 44 f'llOataft ea 37 U.S. S ummary Greet F• 79 54 Hllrtford ea 60 .01 The Central ~ ---... HeleN 75 49 Honolulu 90 77 hit tCICMy by = ttiundentol'n• ~on 90 77 wUh !J!f" win •· lerg• hall, Ind,.,.. 82 62 tOffetl ralna end tomedoea. JecMn MS t3 72 A ,_ thCH~• fingered Jedlln'tte 93 71 . 18 r1VS Flofida. Wllllt ahoWlra MCI t<:"v=. 79 83 .IS thunderellowera dan'l.,.ned ·tn. t3 72 "°"""" Rocky Mount ... Ut11e Aocll " 71 Fe/it eki. pl'ftlllled atong the l.ouleYllle IO eo Pldftc ~ MCI UW 8c>u1t'IW9M, lub«lodl 11 " end = the Gull ---II\ ...... 87 7t tM Atl lo -bord llatea. ~ 87 12 OUt1nO the dey Ululidel llOi IM ......... 13 N .. w•r• •x~t~ frem n«H't!Mfn ...... , 70 M .11 T•U.. OllHltlOme #Id 1M c.ntrlll NMtwllle 16 t3 Ptell'll to tN Upper OtllO ftlMy N9w OrtMne 92 72 end low* Of.-Llill• reoiOft. N9w Yortc 72 IO T•mp•r•turH b•fore dawn Norlolc 7t 62 r•nt•d 1,om 41 111 'orlland, No. PllCi. 7t .. .M ....._ '°Met "'°"'*' ML Otlta City 17 70 Omefll n 92 1.14 Ortlndo ... 71 ~ n 81 17 71 ::::t. n ... f7 44 FNM'ltl: Cold.. Wll'm. ... 8811 Frencleco eo 52 Sente Bert> et• 81 54 a.ita Marla 81 StOOkton 15 The< met 100 Ukiah 92 hrttow 93 74 Big a.., 70 34 Blahop ae 54 long Beec:ll 71 eo Monrow. 70 58 Mt. Wiiton n 47 ~BMefl 87 58 Ontarlo 70 se P81m Springe 118 t3 P.-dene 89 53 San Bemetdlno 72 51 San .Joee 75 53 SMte Ane " 58 &.ntaCNl .. .. TatloeV!~ 72 CMM>A ~ 71 IJ4 11 M Mont,.. 70 u ottht 72 St Ex tended I Forecast IOUTHl"tf CALl'O"N"' C~TAL AND MOUNT"'" ,,, _..,.. ............. ........ -.GI-. ... (,c"~ dOH f l ( eroa' llltfle ""'~--·-........... ..,..,:-=:: I.OWi In IOI •n• , ... , I •• .............. lrt?O&LANe41to ... Pll8nd, ()fe ea 67 Provldenoe 51 48 .11 A81eigh 13 84 IWlo 11 48 San L•k• 78 57 Sen Antonio 91 76 Seattle ee 53 Shleveport 93 72 Slowt Falll 10 54 .4&. St LOUii 82 7t SI P-Tatl!P8 11 75 St 811 Merie 70 49 .44 ~ 12 59 SY'~ 78 52 Topelca ... 84 Ill Tucaon 15 81 TulM " 75 W81htng1n 11 eo W1ch11a " et HIS hkMlltjd CAU'OMIA 93 71 IMytM .. ~· IM 11 Froeno 81 es ~ .. ee ~ 70 St 97 ::= It .. Olllli.nct 7t ~ t2 12 .. n ~Olty 72 .. e.or~o 13 •1 .... .. 61 len Dleoo . 70 13 ' Newport l ••ue ; CondO switch BBC tips world on - surrender plans flayed By STEVE MARBLE Of ttw .,.... ,.... ltaff A move to o~n the door to condomlnlum converalona ln Newport Beach touched a nerve Monday when the Cltv Council Five arined robberies hit Mesa Co.ta Mesa held the dublou. Utle of Orange County'a robbery city today after four armed holdupa Monday and another early this morning. Police said they appeared to be unrelated. Monday went like this: -At lO:M a.m. a lone bandit got away with $231 from a branch of First Federal Savings and Loan of Santa Monica at 1455 W. Baker St. But he didn't get far -about 75 yards, to be exact -after first failing to get away on a bicycle chained to a tree behind the savings and loan. Police arrested Patrick Allen Swaggerty, 20, of 1857 New Jersey St., Costa Mesa, in connection with the robbery. TheY.. safd they found no gun, but did recover the loot. -At 11 :50 a.m . The Big Yellow House Restaurant at 3010 Harbor Blvd. was r obbed of about $1,100 by a man posing as a delivery man. Police said the bandit, described as male white in his 30s, forced the manager to open the restaurant safe at gunpoint, then fled on foot. -At 1 :37 p .m . the First Interstate Bank at 3029 Harbor Blvd. was robbed by a man ln his m.id-20s. Police said that the bandit ~ a note to the teller before fleeing on foot with $660. No gun was eeen. . No details were available on a robbery at 3333 Bristol Street that occurred about 9:20 p.m. Then, about 4:30 this morning, a cab driver, parked in the 1600 block of Newport Boulevard was robbed at knifepoint by a lone bandit. Police said cab driver Robert Stout, 32, wasn't injured. .Bogus m e dic will unde r g o mental tests Patrick Arthur Dixon, once a UC Irvine medi~ student who was arrested ~n •March In Imperial County on charges of illegally working as a psychiatrist., was sent Monday to a state hospital for a mental evaluation. The 4-0-year-old Dixon went to Chino State Hospital at the order of Imperial County Superior Court Judge L. Harold Chaille. The judge said he'll sentence Dixon affer reviewing the 90--day evaluation. Dixon pleaded no contest May 11 to practicing medicine without a license and grand theft by false pretenses for accepting a $6~,000 salary. took1a p~Umlnaty pua at" law that could atfoct mo~ than 7,000 rentera ln the dty. One Balboa woman dellCl'ibed the propoeed law u havtna an "aura ol anobblam" and favorina homeowners over renters. A Corona del Mar aenlor citizen augeeted the law would give developers a tool to tell older renters to 11get the hell out of Newport Beach." The council, which is considering the law change as part of an effort to provide more affordable =rg, did not act on the pro and continued the hearing to July 12. Current city law virtually rrohlblts converting apartments nto condomlnlum1. The suggested change would permit owners of complexes of four units or lea to convert but only after meeting a lengthy list of condi lions. Maya Dunne, a Fair Housing Council of Orange County representative, said permitting conversions "only destro,va lives.'' She argued the law change would displace renters and would provide a new stock of housing affordable only to families making more than $60,- 000 annually. "I'm a renter and I tee myself as a resident of Newport. I vote and I take an interest in things. Some of us a.re not interested in owning property," said one young Balboa resident. "I see this as a threat to my continued residency in Newport." Councilman Phil Maurer expressed sympathy to renters who can't afford to buy property in Newport. "I have a son and I know he can't afford to live here," said Maurer. "If I sold my house and stayed away for a month, J doubt I could afford to come back." Not everyone , though , criticized the condominium plan. B,y TOM MURPHINE Of'"ltleDelly ,...,..,. Long hours before actual aurrender of Argentine forces on the Falkland lalanda w11 announced, Britlah Broadcasting Corporation'• world news service let It be known the fightinl wu over. The BBC did so with a broadcast of Br! tlah Prime Miniater Margaret Thatcher'• actual report to ParliAment. "The latest situation ia that\ Gen. Moore (Maj. Gen. J eremy Moore) decided to press forward. The Argentines retreated," Mrs. Thatcher said. "Our forces reached the outskirts of Port Stanley. Large numbers of Argentine soldiers threw down their weapons." The prime min1Ster was interrupted at that point by cheers and shouts from ttle members of Parliament, clearly audible on the s hortwave broadcast monitored on the Orange Coast at 9 p.m. "The Argentines are reported to be flying white flags at Port Stanley," the prime minister added. There were more and louder cheers from Parliament. Additionally, Mrs. Thatcher reported that Gen. Moore had met with Argentine Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez "abo ut surrender of Argentine forces on both East and West Falklands." There was' more cheering and, a BBC commentator said, the usually somber Mrs. Thatcher allowed herself "one broad smilo." The leader of the opposition, Mr Foote, then spoke, congratulating Briush troops ~d acknowledging difficult times m the crisis for the prime minister. Other minority leaders also spoke to congratulate victorious British forces. "If you choose to live in The li ve report from Newport Beach you're going to Parliament was followed by a have to pay the price," said Kurt BBC analyst who said the Sandhoff, who noted he pays Falklands action "suggests the $4 ,000 a m onth in house Harrier aircraft has proven itself in this campaign. paY._nlents. tte aa.1d pennitting converting "The upshot of it is, the British small apartment units to have retaken the Falklands. It is condominiums might help a conclusive military ~ctory ... eliminate the number of summer 1t came to a conclt9ion with sw;og cen1:;hmg;Ids three new numbers Three new toll-free te.lephone numbers have been added to the Smog Episode Information Center at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, making recorded smog Information available without charge throughout the four- county District for the first time. The three lines -one for Loe Angeles County, one for Orange County and another for R~veralde and San Bernardino counties -replace an outdated system of 14 recorded telephone units in use in recent years. The new lines will enable more immediate availability of the latest smog readings from the district's new meteorological computer system, according to di.strict officials. The new number for Los Angeles County areas ia (800) 242-4022. 'For Orange County areas, call (800) 445-3826. For areas in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, call (800) 367-4710. Continuously updated information will be provided through the new recording system, providing the current day's forecast, current levels, episode infonnation. and the next day's f o recast as soon as available, district official.a said. Another toll-free line -(800) 242-4666 -is staffed by pubUc information specialists in the Episode Info~mation Center during office hours, as well as after hours and on weekends during periods of high smo_og levels, to answer more detailed questions concerning all areas of air pollution and air quality control. OUr sltverpfated shoehorn f S just the Style ""' can use. W it h a hamme~d finish, It's espe- clalfy fitting tor Fat her's Day or gr~uatlon because we c1n engrave ft w ith hfJ fnltlar. s 10 .95. Engraving ~lllonll. L~VICK' ........... .., ....... ..,. ... ~ • .. J N .. CLOSING 801 .27 denies layoffs Reports that Fluor Corp. ln Irvine, which employs 6,000, ls considering ma.a layoffs are "without buia," Be-an Allen, vice president and general manager of the company's Soutflem California division, aaJcf today. "Manageme'nt. baa a strong commitment to our people and some of Fluor'• projects are pending for weeka or even months -longer than was anticipated," Allen said ln a prepared statement. Allen said that there have been a few layoffs ln recent wee~ due to cancellation of the Northwest Pipeline Project in Alaska ln March. Most of those employees have been reassigned to other d.lyiaions. 1. F luor pays dividend Fluor Corp.'s board of directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of 20 cents per ah.are on the company's common stock, payable July 19 to shareholders of record at the cloee of business June 25. Warrant limit extended Newport Pharmaceuticals International lnc. of Newport Beach announced it extended the expiration date of Newport's B warrants from June 30 to Aug. 31. All other terms and oonditions of the warrants remain unchanged. The extension is subject to a post-effective amendment to the company's registration statement. Builder gets proj ect Diversified Projects Development of Laguna Hills selected Saffell & McAdam, Inc., an Irvine builder, to construct a $4 million oonunerclal office building in the Lake Forest Office Development Project ln Laguna Hills. . The structure will be part of the 58,752-square foot development, located off Interstate 5 and Lake Center Drive. Planned use for the three-story building is commercial office space. Projected completion date is August. 20-story building sold Daniel Realty Corp. of Birmingham, Ala., announced the sale of the 20-story Daniel Building in that city for $21.7 million. Daniel Realty is a unit of Daniel International Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of ~uor ~· Lawyer's Title lnsurance Co. m Birnungham called the sale the largest single real estate transaction ln the city's history. Holding company forme d El ~o Bank of Anaheim said the bank's shareholders voted overwhelmingly in favor of a proposal to establish El Camino Bancorp as a bank holding company for the bank. The proposal is subject to the approval of bank regulatory agencies. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS 1,m .100 .. ..ao m ,tGO •21,200 3",600 3",100 JM,600 l57,$CIO MUCO :nuoo 317,400 ltS.600 JOl,700 214,IOO 261, 100 UPS AND DOWNS ""'" ?7\11 4.5 S2 ll\11 ~ 12'11 "\lo Z7Yt 36 ."' 11 J3 1S-Jt•• METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spol nonlerrou1 '1141111 priQea todav: CC!ptlef 7~75 _,,, a PoUnd. US ~Ilona lb l Nd 26-27 oent1 a pound. Z1M 35--37 oent1 a pouno, delfwred T1n S5.8725 ..._Wt w.-c:ompotlte Alumln-7&-77 oenta I PoUnd. NY Mefcu" 1370.00 pw nuk. ~ $297.00 troy Dl.. N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS