HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-19 - Orange Coast Pilot·• •. 1, 11·1 'i' • ,. 1ri. • llHJ\N C1I (.()IJNl y l ;\l 11 IJH N IA 25 CENTS Regents OK countj's medical Center off er lb FREDERICK ~HOEMEHL or ... ..,,......, Oraruze County government'• . ·. offer of $13. 76 milllon to eettle a ·: prolonpd diapUte over provillon : of care for indlpnta at the UC • Irvine Medical Center waa · accepted Friday by the UC Board • of Regent&. • Meeting In San Francisco, • regent• also authorlied UC : President David Saxon to ; continue negotiation• with ; county officials on developing a ; new contract to replace an ;[~olsa ~decision put off By ROBERT BARKER or .... Delly ""°' ,..,. The California Coastal Commission Friday put off approval or denial of a plan by Orange County to develop the Bolsa Chica marshlands because of a barrage of late arriving document&. A final decision on the plan, in the maklna for five years, is acheduled for July 27-30, wMn the Coastal Commission next convenes in Southem California. Friday's decision to delay action came after six hours of testimony at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Seventy peoph! signed up to speak but not all waited their tum and left. ~:.rne~t on tndlaent By law, the county i1 responsible for flnanclng care fOt' poor people who do not qualify for other forms of aaaiatance, 1uch as Medi-Cal. The obunty ha.I fulfill*1 it.a obllaa lion since 1')76 by contracting with the medical center for treatment of indipnta, Since 1979, however, the two parties have been at logerheada over more than $60 mUllon in univeraity-aubmiUed bUllnp the .. county hu refUIM!d to pay. NumetoUI aid,e diaputet al.lo developed that boolted the figure the univeralty clalmed the county. owed. County 1upervilora approved the $13. 75 million settlement earlier thb month in a cloeed~ door -1on amid lndJcatlona tht' one member, Roaer Stanton, ~· At that time, however, board Chairman Bruce Neatande iJWated the dispute would have dra11ed on for year1 -at tremendous 1t aff and legal expenaee to both alde1 -had aome IOrt of settlement not ~n ~upon. Supervilon allo agreed to a replacement Indigent medical care contract under which the county would make lump awn monthly payment• for emer~ outpatient treatment and pay 1tandardized dally rates for lnpatlent tare of lndlgenta. Underthecurrentcontrac~the county la bllled for eervlces on a patient-by-patient bula. Officlala blamed that system for leading to the multi-million dollar bllllng dispute. · Details of the new contract are at.ill being wor~ed out by couhty and univeralty negotiators. They hope to have the document completed in time to be implemented by July 1, the start of the upcoming fiscal year. Neither side has disclosed what the new contract will cost countv government annually. · Of the f 13 .75 million ~ttlement, $5 million previously was paid to the unlveralty. The balance of $8.75 million is to be paid by June 30. Oftlclal1 from both sides acknowledge that action by the state Legislature lo withhold about $11 million in health care funds from the county helped bring about r esolutjon of the indigent care dispute. That money has been released to the county. British ship • war prisoners to Argentina By The Associated Press Two British ships set sail Friday from the Falkland Islands for Argentina, carrying 5,500 prisoners of war from the humiliating defeat that shattered Argentina's military regime. The Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement to the U.N. Security Council in New York that there was a "cessation of hostilities;" but it will be "precarious as long as the British attitude continues in force , evidenced by military occupation (of the Falklands). blockade and economic aggression." It laid a "total cessation of hostilities" would be possible only when Britain withdraws ita · troops and naval task force, and lifts economic sanctions. The Bntish Foreign Ministry said the requisitioned cruise liner Canberra and the North Sea ferry Norland, loaded below and atop decks, left the Falklands capital of Stanley for the small Argentine port town of Puerto Madryn. British forces captured nearly 11 ,000 prisoners when they broke the Argentine defense line around Stanley Monday in the climactic battle of the 74-day undeclared war over the South Atlantic islands. The stunning defeat cost Gen. During the testimony, a rival alternative plan for the Bolsa Chit& came under scathing attack ffOPl Oranae County Supervilor Harrlet_t Wieder and Signal Landmark Co. Vice Pre1ldent William R. .Allen. The altern ative plan waa designed by the Coastal Commil8ion ataff. Signal is the major landowner of 1,600 acres of marshlands on the coastline of Pacific Coast Highway and surrounded on three sides by Huntington Beach Truck mishap sends pole, wires · flying Leopoldo Galtleri his jobs as president of Argentina and commander of the army, and the country's military rulers contjnued meetings to plc~ a new president from their list of generals and admirals. A British Foreign Ministry spokesman said the repatriation of the prisoners began after London received no-attack guarantees from Argentina via the International Red Cross. boundaries. . The Coastal Commission's staff had urged the commission to reject the county plan because of : a dispute over the size of : \\'.etlands, concerns about an '. (See BO~A. Page At) Residents of a Co1ta Meaa neighborhood miraculously escaped injury Friday afternoon in a n accident in which a tractor-trailer ripped down utility lines and uprooted a utility pole, severely damaging one house and leaving live electrical wires exposed in the street. Water reclamation • • • pro1ects get pr1or1ty By STf:VE TRIPOLI or1MDe11y ..... IWf F our proposed projects to construct or expand water recycling facilities in Orange County have cleared the first hurdle on the way to being funded. Officials of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, considering the projecta, have included the four on its priority list, placing them first in line for any funding which ls approved. The move is not a concrete guarantee that· any of the projecta will be funded, MWD .. offidals cautioned, but they aaid . that. an approval of funds ln the : fall appears likely. The four local projects include · two major packages and two smaller ones, with a total value of cloae to $30 million, aocordlng to local water officiala. The local agencies involved wou1" aha.re . the funding burden with MWD NATION d under current plans. The largest is the Orange County Water District's Green Acres plan, an $11.6 million package that involve s construction of a plant to treat about 1.6 billion gallons of water a year and pipe it to parks, golf courses and institutional grounds across the water district's service area. District officiab said earlier this year they hope to eventually triple the plant's capacity once it is in place. The U9e of recycled water, which isn't•drinkable but is s ufficiently sanitary for Irrigation. would allow OCWD to save on the U9e of expensive imported water in its service area; which includes Costa Mesa, and Fountain Valley. The Irvine Ranch Water District, one of the nation's pioneers 4'1 water recycling, has propoeed an $11 mllllon package that would allow ita current (fjee RECLAIMED, Pa1e AJ) Lunar eclipse due Late on the night of Monday, July 0, Americans will pt a chance to view a full lunar eclip91e, which will cM& a red hue over Earth'• companion.. Pqe B9. Hinclcley case to jury WASHINGTON <AP)-John W, Hinckley'a fate WM handed Friday to five men and MVen women, a jury lnltl'UNd t.o deliblnte ''not wtih QmPAth)', pity cw oompnmn!' tta choke between convtcUna the man who lhot Pa ttdent a..ui cw decJarinl him i(anocent by l"9MOn °' lmlnlty. Author John CIJeever dim . OlllMINO, N.Y. (AP) -Nimr Pail9-..... .... Jolln ~ ........... QekhoV GI Ille ..._ ,. hll 11 •••••~ tiklli oi AnmtMn au "" 1¥1 .ov.a. and_.. thin' 100 lllOft .--. cllld ,,.., ...... 10. The accident alao cut electrical and telephone service to an estimated several hundred families in the area of Royal Palm Drive and Pepper Tree Lane, but service was expected to be restored by late Friday. The accident occurred at about 4:45 p.m., when an auto transport truck carrying three vans on its upper deck ripped down utility lines across Royal Palm near Pepper Tree. · According to police and witnesses at the scen e, the contact with the utility lines resulted in one utility pole being ripped out of the ground,~after which it flew through the air and smashed into a home at 2968 Royal Palrtl. The pole smashed through a wall o f the home of Ethel Col well and caused heavy damage to the living room, police said. Live electrical wires then made contact with another . nearby home, electrifying metal trim on the home and briefty creating a dangerous situation for the resident& within. Two of the three trucks atop the tractor -trailer also were damaged, one 1eriously, in the accident. The accident was still under lnvestlgatlon Friday night, Ccista Mesa Police said. No charges had been filed against the driver of the truck, whoee name was not releued. . An Edlson 1pokesman ertirnated that several hundred customers were without power four hours after the aoctdent. WORLD Delly Not '9totoe br ftlotlenl KoeMel' TRUCK MISHAP -Ethel Colwell looks out the window broken after part of a utility pole slammed through the wall of her residence, smashing some inside furniture. Above, the cause of the mishap was a truck, carrying three vans, which clipped utility wires and the pole. INDEX World bot spots detailed Claalfied Cl-5 Comics 810 No fewer than 17 areas around the world are hot apoca. Map on Comment P8l9t 86. STATE Comment 86 en.word 810 Death Notices C2 F.ntertainment 812-13 HorOIOOpe A6 Moviet 812-13 SPORTS He said two Argentine hospital ships, the Bahia Paraiso and the Almirante Irizar, were to sail for Stanley to help expedite the return of wounded prisoners. British officials said they have counted 11,845 POWs. Catalina mooring bill rejected SACRAMENTO (AP) -A bill that would have given the company that owns most of Catalina Island a virtual monopoly on the state's master mooring leases off the popular island has been rejected by an Assembly committee. Th e bill , AB2574 by Assemblyman Gerald Felando, R -San Pedro, did not get a second to the motion to pass it in the Ways and Means Committee. The state owns the underwater land surrounding the island, a mecca for sailors and other boaters. 25 miles off the Loa Angeles coast. Almost all the island is owned by the Santa Catalina Co. and the related Island Conservancy. The firm is owned by the Wrigley chewing gum family. The company has held the master lease 30 years for 729 moorings off the island in state (Sff CATALINA, Pa1e AZ) Public Notices B4;C2 Religion 88 Spor11 81-5 Television C6 Theaters 812-13 Trivia 812. Weather A2 Youth 87 '\ . I, ' t I .. ·. j I .. I . \ . ' J i i 1'0LSA GHICA. • • l,aoo .. 11tp boat will not permit It,'' he eaJd. of accet1 \0 tha Allen allo .aJd that nudt• of Beach poaed by the wetlands conduetA!ld by the c h an n el a 1 w • •1Stsnal ICientlfic team" 1howed oonet1rna. that luge portion• of the The co unty Ith the lo wlands do n ot constitute blt!lllng of Signal la aeeklng wetlands (aenal ti ve wild Ii le the d evelopm of 6, 700 habitat area.a). rftlden\lal units, uon of a The commission staff's plan 700-foot-wide na le accesa j calls for t)le restoring of 8~0 acres from Bols.a Chica the ocean In additio to the existing and preservation of,: acres of ecological rve. The county's wetlands (lncludldll 300 acres plans calls or restoring 364 acres under state control). ' in addition to the preserve areaa. Thes t aff of t Coastal Lorraine ber, president o C o m m i s s i o n d' & v e l o p e d the Amigos Bolsa Chica, alternatives t h a t include environmentaliS up try c lustering of about 6,000 preserve the lo , · the residential units and a 650-room commission should reject the hotel on a bluff along Warner county's plan "because it would Avenue. destroy half of the area's 1,000 The staff also as ~ending acres of wetlands." the elimination of *' navigable She also said the plan that calls ocean access at a ..tilngs of $38 for ocean access to the sea would million, the forma$ of a small provide a cut equa l t o two boat launching facilftf and a dry football fields end-to-end at the stor~ge area for boa•lnstead of a Bolsa Chica State Beach. marina. That concern and others are ln her criticism oJ, the Coastal scheduled to be heard by the Commission staff's alternative Coastal Commission in late July. plans. Mrs. Wiedec'" ~uestioned But questions have been raised how the staff could 911H'ne up with whfther the issue would reach a Bolsa Chica plan in 60 days that stage. "with no studies or hearing." That's because a hearing is "lt took the count.y nearly five s c h e d u 1 e d T u es day i n years. It's simply amaz.lng," she Sacramento in which the said. Assembly Energy and Natural Mrs. Wieder also ~ criticaJ of Resources Committee will costs involved in the planrUng of consider a bill that would strip the Bolsa Chica. "Eapetially," she the Coastal Commission of s~ys, ."when local .aPvernm~nt authority over the Bolsa Chica. finds itself, as we tt.oe, battling There was speculation m the the commission s the way large meeting room Friday that on practically r y plan both the county and S ignal submitted." Landmark may be ready to put BY JEFF ADLER CM"tlleo.lr,... ... Former Carbbad Mayor Ron Packard admitted he w .. 1urJ>rl.M'.d to learn Friday that RepubUcan Rep. Robert ~. DortW\ w.. conaiderinc Jolnlna him .. • write-ln candidate ln the topsy-turvy 4Srd C:OngreuJonal 0£strict race. "I waa 1urprlaed, even though l 'va come to conclude that nothing In thl.a t*<le la gotna \0 surprise m e," said the 50-year-old dentist, wha.e term as mayor expired earlier tbia week. kard ~~ulated that Do wlll ver molt 43rd district on atltuent1 are not interested ln a Doman write-in candidacy tn November. "Bob Dornan will find the same basic reaction that Bill McColl did. We already got a good thing going and they will say the same thing to Mr. Doman," Packard said. McColl, who fin!ahed third in the 18-candidate GOP primary field, announced he would run as a write-in candidate, but pulled out of the race late Wednesday a nd threw his s upport to Pack ard, the second-place finisher. The Republican nominee, 33-year-old Johnnie Crean, a San Juan Capistrano travel-trailer manufacturer, outpolled Packard by 100 votes in the two-rounty congressional district. Friday, Packard insisted he is in the race to stay -whether Doman runs or not. "I'm not dropping out. I've j(otten too From Page A1 .. EYES RACE -Rep. Robert K . Dornan says he won't mount write-in challenge if poll he's proposed s h ows voters prefer Ron Packard. much of a mandate for me \0 go out and beat Crean,'' he said. "I think the only way Bob Doman can run in this race is to run against Crean and Packard." Packard also speculated that Dornan is eyeing the 43rd district because he is loo'ki~ for a way to go back to C:Ongress. "But I don't think the 43rd district is the place. The people down here in the 43rd don't h ave any relationship with Mr. Doman," he said. Doman, who had represented a Santa Monaca area district, interest district 1urrendered hil HOUll .. t th1a yur ln an ~fw bid t.o wln the OOP nomination tor the U.S. Senate. Ho flnl1hed a dl1appotnttn1 fourth with 8 peroent of the vote. ln a telephone ·Inter view Friday mornlns , Dornan propoled that he and Packard Jolntly charter a po\l \0 Ule8I what name recognIUon each haa ln the district. Bµt Packard rejectOO that Idea out-of-hand, saying, "I don 't aee any uaeful purpoee ln It." Dom.an alao said that If such a poll determined that Packard had a better chance of winning a wrtte-ln campaign he would step aside. Although Doman said he has received encouragement from several members of California's congreaalonal delegation to at least explore the possibility of running a write-in campaign, Packard already has lined up the e ndorsements of a ll 16 defeated GOP candidates who had sought the cov eted nomination. Crean 's reaction to Oornan's announcement mirrored what he has said when both Packard and McColl first announced that they would attempt to deny him the congressional seat in the general election. "I believe Congressman Dornan is a loyal American and a loyal Republican. I t.U.V. he wUJ decide h 11 In the belt interest of the nation and the puty for him \0 IUpport the Re1>ub1Jcan nominee In the 43rd dlttrtct," laid Crean ln a tenely worded llatement releaeed Friday. Cttan engendered tho enmity of all 17 of hil primary opponent. by runnlng a campal1n that Dornan char acterized a1 the "dirtiest rac.-e in the state ln 10 or 20 yean." Besides being accu sed of em pl oying questionable campaign tacUas, Crean waa u.14 t o be attempting to buy the Republican nomination. He admits spending $7~,000 in hit primary campaign effort. Becawie of the way he waged the campaign, what amounted to a "Stop C r ean" campaign developed in the days followtna his narrow primary victory. U Dornan does enter the race he will join Crean, Packard ~ Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer, a Palomar Community College political science prof~r. in the race. Also, Lake Forest at\Omey Mark Smith h as asked the California Supreme Court to place his name on the ballot as an independent candidate in the district. The district includes portioM of southern Orange and northern San Diego counties. She said Ora their hopes for ultimate approval coastal planning on the Legislature, instead of the cost taxpayers $850 Coastal Commission. RECLAIMED WATER. • • none of 14 Orange Coastal Commissioners Friday coastal plans in have delayed action on the county plan been fully certifi . because of the "massive amount Allen , the SiA•al vice of material" that was sent to president, called ~ble the them within the week. alternative plan stipulation for The material was generated by 6,000 residential unlta on about the Coastal Commission staff's 100 acres along Warner Avenue. alternative plan and the response "The neighborhood will not by Orange County officials . a~preciate the . de t , Signal Signal also sent along new will not accept 1t e county material. MOORINGS. • • waters. It pays t ltate an annual fee and in ~ aublea3e9 the moorings to boa._ The state LanEdsion last year award~ h e firm another lease after ving bids from other interes -. But th~ comnuss1on in8ettt!d in the 15-year c ontract a c lause allowing it to restudy the matter in three years and perhaps seek new bids. The Island Co. resj>Onded by backing Felando's bill. It would have required the state to gwe the master mooring lease first to the Island C.o., unless it decided it didn't want it. The Lands Commission said competitive bidding could bring the state more revenue. But Felando said other finns could offer the state more, but would pass the increased costs along to boaters. At the Lands Commission hearings last year, boaters overwhelmingly testified in favor of the Island Co. retaining the master lease. rdcYcling plant to be used to its fulf capacity. The package calls for the laying of pipeline in many of lrvine's newest areas so that 3.9 billion gallons of recycled water could be used annually. Pipelines from the current plant are capable of carrying only about half that amount, according to fRWD spokesmen. IRWD spokesman Keith Lewinger said the district might scrap Its entire program if the expansion is not funded. Despite the fact that water of(icials predict water shortages following defeat of the Peripheral Canal package, Lewinger said it may be more cost-effective for the district to abandon its recycling capacity if it can't be fully utilized. Lewinger said that the district is seeking "outside incentive," such as the MWD funding, to ·make it worthwhile to continue recycling water. But he added that IRWD directors would ,.,. AfternOon fair Coastal A PSI of 100 11 prechcteo !or 1he San Gabriel and Pomona vati.y. and the Al\<e<•ld•San Bernardino area PSI 5 0 I• loreca•t for metropotllen Los Ange!M. PSI 42 ls lorKUt tor ell other areas lnelvd~ Big 8"r~thf blgb desert•. Orenoe County, Benning. th• Hemet·Ef1lnor• region end the tow d9Mt1. Where to call (loll Ir••) tor latest smog Information: Orenge County: (800) 44s-3828 Los Angeles County: (8001 242-4022 Light VB1l11ble wind• n morning hOUrl becoming IOUlhwHI 10 l o t8 afternoon and eve SouthwHt swell t to S Moelty cloudy with local log and morn ing , c leulrt 11temoon RIVtlf'lllde end San Bernwdino ________ ..,.._counties (800) 387-4710 California SOutllem Cellfornla can lllght end morning low becoming m ostly felJ ettemoon. Orange County can highs 64 10 88, tows 58 to lnlend valleyl can exoec:f In upper 808. low1I In !SOt. ~ Mountalna can axl)9C1 70., lowt In 40. and 50s. W•lllfly wlndl 15-30 da«te. Northern ci--t 908. towe In 701. Southern highs 92 lo 105, ,_, 85 I Northern and Central Ce will be moelly fair uc coe11el tog. Sca11er.o ,,,__ __ rnountalnt througrl Sunday, U.S. Summary Hundr•d• of P•OPI• were drl_, ll'om their homes In Fklr1de on Friday H tornadoH end thundaratorma luhed out Ill&. etate. Theta -• It leUt 1'89«ted dM1ha b«:lluM ltorma. A ~.aura syatem nation·• mldMcUon pu air Into nortMm Michigan, • r-1! low-l~alUf8 of 32 oew-at Sault st .. Today'• foracHt cell \ ehowere end thunde~et ~ ll'om tM OrNt ecroH the eoutll•rn R ~Pleine, IOww M Velley and muctl of tti. lt\Wd of \M nation. Motlly ... Wllf• In 8'P'• ............ . AOMO Epitode Cent•: (800) 242-4666 Temperatures Albany Albuque Anc:horege Atlanta Atlante Cty Austin Bait I more Blrmlnghm Blamarck BofM NATION Boat en Bulftlo Burlington CharlSln SC Ch•rl1tn WV Cherll1e NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cle\lelend Clmble SC Columbus Oai-Ft Wth 08Y1on Denver 0.M'*- o.trolt OulUth El PMO Fargo Fleg81•ft OrMt F.ite Hlorllord Helene Holltton lndneplll Jecbn Jedlen'lllll Kane Clly LelVeoet utlle Rook Loul9\'lllll t.Wne>hlt 7S 93 57 89 75 94 79 88 63 88 77 77 71 73 83 79 S6 60 711 77 80 78 89 72 63 7t n eo .. 87 72 72 83 75 83 71 80 83 78 84 ee 78 ea 54 82 48 95 as 73 ee 68 48 58 61 55 51 70 55 87 48 52 53 51 68 51 1p 53 48 82 68 38 64 45 30 4(1 81 43 eo 5e 88 71 ee 73 83 55 .. The ·Forecast For 8p.m. EDT Rain~ Snow CJ Showers& FlumuE]) '., 'Ii JI I ~ ' l1 jl , I 1 I t H1 n Temperatures "l•l()l'l~t WU I"•' $eh<t "IOAA u S Ot o• o• Co111111e-~t 70 Fronts· Col<l ..., Warm.,.. Occlu<le<l .,.. St;'lt101"v. • • Mlem4 83 75 Culvef City MllwaukM 52 47 Eureka Mpls-81.P F19110 Nlllhv!IM 113 113 l.eka Arrowhead New OrtNn• 91 89 Uncell• New York 12 68 Long Beech Norfolk n 88 l.olAr. Okla City 78 83 Monr I Ometla 89 58 Montebello Orlando 80 72 Monl-V Phlllldphla 85 88 Need In Phoenix 101 74 Nawpor1 Beech Pltllburgh 78 48 O•kland Piland, Me 78 54 Ont ark> Piiand. Ore 99 82 Palm Springs Provl~ 80 82 Paudena Reno 88 52 PNO Roblel Richmond 78 88 RlvllftlOe Salt Lake &4 57 Red Bluff San Antonio 94 73 Redwood City Seattle 94 83 Reno Shr~ 81 87 Sect-to Sioux _,II 70 55 se11n .. St L.°'* 81 &4 San S.netdlno St P-Tempa 17 75 San Oebriel 890k-98 58 San !*go Syr!ICUM 77 50 San Frana- Topel(• 78 83 San JoM .Tuceon 84 64 Sanle Ana Tutee 87 89 Sante Betbera Weehlngtn 71 98 Sen\& Cruz Wlchl1a n 83 Stoakton TehoeV_,ley CA&Jf'ONelA Thetmel Apple Valley .. &e TOIT8ll08 Bllk•lfleld 83 75 YUIM B...iow " ee 70 81 82 so 91 83 78 so 75 eo 70 82 65 59 64 51 68 60 61 se 98 77 87 59 85 56 85 89 ea 87 61 57 71 56 61 56 64 89 74 58 86 52 77 55 64 52 64 57 84 58 87 61 81 53 73 57 67 58 ee 57 82 5e 81 57 78 4(1 95 88 95 5t II 7a 8-wnont 81 70 OMADA BIOIMr ee 112 Ollgery 8191'°9 .. 1111 ldmonton ' 81ytti. 100 72 Mon tr Ml Cetellna 72 118 Ott--. 71 IO 73 71 Retina Toronto 13 12 V9"00Uwr IO Winnipeg .. ... .. It 11 " .. .. = " II • consider the unplications of such a move before ending the recycling program. The South Coast County Water District is seeking a $6 millio n package that would produce treated water to irrigate three golf courses and a greenbelt section of South Laguna, spokesmen said. The Moulton Niguel Water District in Laguna Niguel is seeking a $2 million package that would prodUL'e about 163 million gallons of water a year. That water would be used to irrigate Laguna Niguel Regional Park, Crown Valley Community Park and the El Niguel Goll Club initially. Officials are hoping to eventually expand the capacity to five times the proposed plant's original capability. Wiley H orne, the MWD's project manager for the water re-use plan, said MWD direct.ors probably won't take action on funding any projects until September. Board members will r eceive a report on the top priority projects, including the four in Orange County, next month, Home said. MWD has tentatively set aside about $50 million for the top- priority projects. which would be constructed between 1983 and 1988 if approved, Home said. AP Wlr.photo EXPIRED -It was Archie 'Arnold's last request that he h~ve the l~t laugh and have expired par king meters placed at his grave m Fort Wayne, Ind. Relax in great style this summer with the sturdy good looks of Marrakesh. Act now and enJOY fantastic savings on sets & pieces at Roger's Gallery . 42" round table & 4 chairs REG. 1794 48" round table & 4 chairs REG.1830 TRICONFORT SPECIAL ORDERS Roger's Gallery "5o features: • AWIERT • TRIDtFORT • HERlAI • WOODARD •IMJWflJORDM as well as great accessories & all other patio needs. . . . . . . ' Orange Oout DAILY PIL()T/81turd1y, June 19, 1982 -----------------~..-----~----------~-----------------~..;..;...-------~ffiU~OO~ · Sanctions tiglitened t Reagan extends ban on oi1 gear I or-Soviets I WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reaganr it •peoiflee that U.S. finna may not set around the retu.Mct Friday to hL1 ~n on U.S. aalet of o ban by channellna the 1uppUes throuih forelan and ga.s equipment to the Sovtel Union and lnstea subsidlarlet or llcerllleell. ~ extended sanct.lons to for ~sn 11,.1baidlart~ anC:l ~ 11~~ of American oomp~mit'tl. In a tel'le 1tat.ement lllued followtna a meett.na · 'l'h~ surprll(le dec1-lon contlnuei to bar General of the National Security Council, Reagan said he Elect.ric 'Co., Caterpillar Tractor Corp. and other saw ''no movement" by the Sovtete that would lead major 0 .S. firms from selling equipment for him to ease the sancUona he lmpoeed followtna the con.st.ruction of a natural gas pipeline between Soviet-backed crackdown on the Polish labor Siberia and Western Europe. And for the first time, movement last December. I Personal income, spending up . W ASHlNGTON -Americans received their biggest boost in personal income in six months during May and spent it all and mo.re, the government reported Friday. Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige suggested that the economy is expanding for the first time since last fall. The Commerce Department reported that a healthy gain in wages and salaries helped push total personal income 0.7 percent higher last month than in April, the biggest gain since last November. And personal consumption spending rose an even sharper 1.3 percent, the most sJnce last August. Baldrige spoke of "Income prospects and consumer confidence brightening." i Money supply rises again I NEW YORK -A major measure of the expected for July, "time is starting to run out" to nation's money supply rose $1.4 biUfon in the latest reduce its growth, said Maury Harris, economist reporting week, the Federal Reserve Board said with Paine Webber Mitchell Hut.chins. Friday, and economists said that following a similar The Federal Reserve said the money measure rise the week earlier the report further dimmed known as Ml -cash and checking account deposits hope for lower interest rat.cs. -rose to $454.4 billion in the week ended June 5, With a "bulge" in the money supply widely from $453 billion the previous week. Artificial heart rules eased SALT LAKE CITY -The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved new guidelines that will expand by thousands the number of people eligible to receive the University of Utah's artificial heart, officials said. John Dwan, Un1vers1ty Medical Center spokesman, said the school was notified by telephone that the guidelines, approved May 24 by the university's institutional review board, had been signed by' FDA .officials. The guideline changes make sufferers of cardiomyopathy, an inoperative, degenerative disease of the heart muscle, eligible for the fist- sized deVice for the first time. Dwan had earlier said if the FDA finally approved the changes in the guidelines, the mechanical heart could be made available to an estimated 10,000 cardiomyopathic patients in the United States. Actress Marjorie ~ennett dies HOLLYWOOD -Character actress Marjorie Bennett, whose 60-year career ranged from silent movie-era bathing beauties to "little old Ladies" in the 1980s, has died at age 87. her niece said Friday. Miss Bennett, probably most noted for her role as Victor Buono's mother an "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane," died June 14 at the Alexandria Convalescent Hospital after a sax-month stay. Her niece, Doris N Jusllce, said Miss Bennett had suffered a stroke shortly before her death. Miss Bennett was cremated and entombed at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, according to spokesman Dick Fisher. There were no services. The actress, who began as an "Ince Girl" bathing beauty for silent film great Thomas Ince, appeared in hundreds of films. In recent years she was note d for her s piritE:d septuagenarian portrayals. HB tax protester sentenced LOS ANGELES -Tax protester Armen B. Condo of Huntington &>ach was sentenced to eight years in prison and fined $92,500 Friday for tax and mail fraud an a sc·hrmC' to avoid paying federal income taxes. "Mr. Condo is still convinced his theories are correct," Maxwell adds. "Perhaps a definitive ruling will be handed down by the court of appeals. Perhaps we can {ind out why our arguments have been termed frivolous." Defense attorney Clyde Maxwell said he planned to file an appeal for Condo, who had Before passing sentence, U,S. District Judge confended the federal government has no right ~bert M. Takasugi denied defense motions for a income taxes on federal reserve notes because the new trial and to dismiss the case. Condo said he was notes are no longer backed by silver or gold. surprised. by the sentence. wrnrnarn McCartney enters middle age LONDON -Paul McCartney. the baby-faced Beatle, turned 40 on Friday, entering middle age as a family man who works hard for a living, has rebellious kids and is "just one of the locals" in the sleepy village of Peasmarsh, "PauJ isn't that kind of person," she said. "He'll probably just go home after a day's work for dinner with his wife, Linda, and their children." McCartney lltld · his photographer wife, the former Linda Eastman of New York, were working on location "somewhere in England" filming a three-minute promotion videotape for his latest single -"Take it Away," the spokeswoman said. A spokeswoman for McCartney said the rock superstar had not planned any show business-style extra~ganza to mark the day of passage. · ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Haley ~ -a.I £ucuuw °"'- K*Y Schultz YIC9 ............ -Dlr"10r of ,..,... .. Tom Murphlne Ylor t.llkt Haivey crr-111~ (QrQMon) Ken Goddard Dir.-ol OpwatlCIM AllY Mt1eleen ~ CfwtM Loot .... Nlor CJaaalfled advertlalng 7141842-5'78 All other department• 642~321 MAIN OFFICE JIO W-.t ll'f'!' SI .. COii• -u. CA. Atlall .... ~ llox,S.O, C01i.11NM. CA ..... CGIP'IT'9M "" 0.M'9t CoHt PWlllll .... ~y. Non .. ss~lll<lllMr .. lon'-~l•l..,._w_. ¥er11Htneftt. llenfll may ......... ~ ........ ti»eclel ~efcopyrlfM-r. V<>Lu 75, NO. 170 Poles riot against regime WARSAW. Poland -Poles leaving church services started new riots against martial law Hrlier thia week ln Wroclaw, accordins to reports reaching here Friday. Police arrested 80 people. The outbreak of violence on Wedne9day WU the leCOnd in Wroclaw ln three days. There were 11eriou1 clUhee there on Su.nday, the day marking six months of martial Jaw in Poland. We're Listening ••• HOT DOG ON THE ROCKS -Summers in Tucson, Ariz., are known to be quite hot, so when Marvin Moore takes his dog, HoBo, to work with him at an ice company during the .,..,.... dog days he Jets hun stay in the shade under his car, with some ice blocks to provide the air conditioning. OC sues job placement firm A WestmJnster finn offering job placement services for persons paying a $29 fee has been named in an unfair business practices lawsuit filed by the Orange County District Attorney's office. According to Deputy District Attorney Diane Stavenhagen, the finl). Job Hotline Agency, is offering lists of jobs to applicants wbich Q'lay or may not be available. And, said Ms. Stavenhagen, many of the jobs duplicate those advertised in newspaper classified sections. A similar legal action was filed Friday against Job Hotline Agency's office in San Francisco by prosecutors there. And, Ms. Stavenhagen said. the Los Angeles City Attorney's office is preparing a complaint against Job Hotline Agency's Los Angeles office. She said applicants paying the annual $29 fee were told they would be given a list o f available JObs daily from a c:omputer- preparcd listing. The prosecutor said the firm has no computer. M s. S tavenhage n said no estimate is available on the number of persons who applied for .)Obs through the agency. "When we had an undercover 1nvest1gator in the re, he saw l'aght people pla<.-e down their money in seven minutes," she said Davis a Brown • APPLIANCE. TELEVISION. VIDEO COMPACT l::i21~ AID EFFICIENT SPACE SAVING 13.9 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR • S1de·h1ngeo freezer door • 3 lull·wtdlh shelves chiller Irey • 2 Ice N E .. y lllVS NOW $37995 ONLY oocoseoa HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL DRYER • Ptrme119nl prHt end llmtd regular cyc:IH • 3 hMI option• Including no·hNI fluff • Pore41leln enemel drum 11ow$28995 ONLY TUFF- TUB· INTERIOR 4-CYCLE BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • 011tftf>lp Tuft l tt · nfpr Qr .,,,, lh i ·.-W"h ~ uf'l1 tOhTllJ • ff'>("1 1 <; ... ,~, (J'y ,., 0' • Ct ni,-.,, c )'"'. ,.,. l' l '\ Jf' r 1 "' .., 1•• c •' • NOW$ ONLY • 23 S cu 11 w11h 8 57 cu fl freezer • Moist n Fresh and Coot n Fresh 11or1gt comp1rtme111S convefllbte mHI ~n end seeled 1necli peel! • 01spen18f deltvers c•ushed •c• cubes end ch•lltd w11tr lllrough the door sm$10000 GE. We bring good things to life. . . .. . ~ • • •• . . . . t I t . ' . . • • i . ' I I I ~ ' . ~ :i • . l 'f ·Oee&n View sellools score I :a~' 1urvey lavorable bx 15·1 mar:si.n I ~ :lfhe. Ocean View School from l,M& paNntl. ~111111~ ••tswufflci&ent lnformedon" end °'*'°' tn'lff\Aft~ Bilch Ml aboUt 20 percent ol UW dllaict1 "undecided." The po1lUve reoelvlld ltl btlt ._.. wer ln • populatJon. reepon1e l'Ole atx polntl from Jut I communlty IW'WY dtlilftld to Accordlna to Superlntenclent year and WU up bf 20 ,polAtl determine parent•' oplnton1 Dale Coocan the dlltrtct ol 23 from the tint year o the IW"Y•Y about dl1trfot 1ehool1, achool echooll .,_YI 'perUcuJ.ar aitentioft In 1974, met offld.ala. offtdall r.pon. "° three ....., oovend by the To the ~on, "Do you feel I Par.nw Npor1ild, by • l&-1 standard 15 qu..Uona: 1tudent thet ~l "-~-~l proper?" 8 .. mer1ln1 they have ovenll dt.cloUne, buiC lkUla and ownll •mp u • on IHl9lc 1itn1 .. I H tlaf eotion whh the school aatlalacdon. ~t of the ..,..... Mid Y9I l •)'ltllm, the oftldall Mid. In a re1pc>n.ee \0 • qutltion on and'8 percent aald no. The 1urvey, conducted by the handllna of 1tud •nt Dlti'Y•ven percent rePorted School Reaource end Science dl1clpllne, 76 percent of the overall Htllfactlon with the Corp. of Anehelm, w as a ~ntl aaid they were pleued llChool l)'ltem while 6 percent I randomly umpled questionnaire with preaent procedurea; 11 w~~ n:r:e. hen echoola are malled to hornet In April. percent said they wen not. • w The 1urvey got a re1pon1e Other re1pon1e1 were undel" fire from •0 meny !Meeting set Monday on rapid traD.sit A public meeting to air plans for a new rapid transit system in the county is scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday in the Irvine High School auditorium, 4321 Walnut Ave. At the meeting, one of a series of public forums being held throughout the county by the Orange County Transit District. feedback from residents and businesses will be sought. A :iuestion-and-answer period will follow OCTD's presentation. District of f icials are ::onsidering several ideas for e asi ng the county 's transporta lion problems, including a light i:ail system, bu.sways on local freeways and expansion of the existing OCTD bus fleet. Forecasts show the number of trips made on the county's roads will increase by 86 percent in the next 20 years, said Madeline Bickert, OCTD commun ity relations officer. OCTD bas received "a wide variety of-r esponses" to its proposals a{ public meetings already held in Anaheim, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Buena Park and Costa Mesa. she said. Residents have expressed concern about noise and safety, cost of a new system, ride costs to individuals and bow many people would use mass transit. Photos, maps and scale models of OCTD's proposed rapid transit system will be shown at the meeting. Potential routes and station locations will be discusaed. she said, as well as the timetable for making decisions on which system to implement. different audiences, It fl important for u. to know how parenta feel about our =am1.'' Mid Max s.dakow, rd pnsldent. "Aha it is wonderful \0 know that nearly nine out ol. 10 parents are happy with their IChOola." CM council eyes budget The Costa Mesa City Council will meet Monday night at 6:30 to consider adoption of t he 1982-83 budget. The proposed $35.2 milllon budget ia 4.8 percent lea than last year's and does not include any salary increases for city em- ployees .. City council members alao will consider 5 percent raises for themselves that will increase monthly salaries to $328.88. A.lao on the agenda is a new policy for citizen advilory com- mittees · that will allow council members \0 appoint oommJsaions and committees as needed. Ap- plication forms for thole wishing to serve on city committees are expected eoon. JUST THE THING -What do you give the dad who haa everything on Father's Day? How about thil swamp boat, offered for sale on a De1J Not f'tloto e., LM ,.,._ vacant lot at 20100 Birch St. in Santa Ana Heights. • Brooke WIDS photo appeal Nude pictures of actress at 10 can 't be used NEW YORK (AP) -A state appeals court has barred a photographer from commercial uae of nude pictures he took of teen-age actress Brooke Shields when she was 10. The Appellate Division of state Supreme Court rul~ 4-1 that Miss Shields, 16, "could lawfully disaffirm" consents signed by her mother allowing photographer Garry Gross the right \0 "use, reuse, a nd-or publish or republish" the photographs. Gl'OllS' lawyer said he would go to \he Court of Appeals, the state's highest court, to appeal the ruling . It effectively overruled Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Edward J . Greenfield's dismissal of Miss Shlelds' lawsuit to block use of the pictures. Greeofleld dismissed the suit in November, rejecting Miss Shields' contention that releases signed by her mother, Teri Shields, limited use of the 1975 pictures to a Playboy Press publication entitled "Sugar and Spice." The judge also rejected the actress' argument that further commercial use o f the shots would harm her career, but he barred Gross from licensing the photographs to pornographic magazines, saying they could be u sed onl y f or "le gitimate purposes." @ MIRCIDIS @ ........ TRlllBIL Brand new, arriving from Germany this week. Classic white wtth pek>mlno teether, 9'ec1rlc sunroof, alloy wheels. stereo caseette. Give Dad More ••• --..-J llMCI t30,6S2 IUI, 1111 PllYllllLY .... PUIPllElmlDEIWllll 22.000 ml. Sun roof, stereo cueett•, lllloy wheeta. White with brown Interior. lllllCI •• ,... uu ••• en•)'•• 1111 6.80% Limited Time Offer ""'*-Aalletence Allund -'fOUT ~ of eny -Pontlec. Upon ~· of yOUI Ct9dl1 yo.I ......... Cf** tor 1.90% of .... -llnenced (11cludlng ,,,..,,._ and wetrll"IY) '"'°"0" PAATICIPATINO LEHOINO INSTITUTIONS. Ofter good lhrougll ~22-82 Take your choice of any brand new P.ontiac excluding Firebirds and Trans Ams. BIG SELECTION! HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES! COME IN NOW ... AND SAVEi a. magnon pontiac HarlH:tr at Pair. Costa Mesa 549-4300 EHOWSIVE OFFERING NEW 1981 •LATE SERIES" DE LOREANS $19,995 ••• For Less ~ -omrn Tropi-kai 4Z"· Dining Set· Sale S4§8 ~omrn CANTINA 4Z" Dining Set Sale Mallin Yacht Harbor 4Z" Dining Set sa1e SJ18 s11s MaJJtn Westwdod • sa1e s1ss Mallin Yacht Harbor Mallin P¢m5prtngs I I I • I ' • I under " Sale s78 I I • ' . , ) . r . • • , , • • • ~ ' . .. - . . . . . • . . . • .,. .. .. ~. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 LUe In a 1oldU1h bowl apparenUy proved too much tor arU1t Joaaaa ltll1wortll, who m0ved qut of a Wett Loi An1elee 1t0Nfront window where 1he and aotor Ken KaNiae were to 1 have Uved 72 houri ln an I "experiment In one·room Uvlna.'' I The couple had never met before Wednetday but •till 1lept ~ ln the aame bed that night u , . ecoree of people watched them outalde the Square One fumilhinp atore. Kardlne aatd the atrangera watching them in bed made them nervous. He emphaah:ed that there WU no aex. The couple were pictured in Friday's Daily Pilot. Lil<e other war mothers in Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II is anxiously awaiting the return of her son from the Falkland Islands.' And, she has no clue wh e n that will be. Buckingham Palace said it PNNCI ANDMW had no word when Prince Andrew will be corning home. The 22-year-old Royal Navy sub-lieu tenant and co-pilot of an anti-submarine Sea King helicopter flew around-the-clock missions during the 10-week war with Argentina. Citbig his health and other personal reasons, the dean of the Stanford University's Graduate · School of BualneSI announced plana to resign· by September 19ftene c. McP•ertoa, n , former chief executive off kw of the Dana Corp., w11 ~tk:elly Injured In a car accident in December 1979, two montha after he was named dean. He spent four months in the hospital at that time and was hospltalir.ed again this year. McPherson is a director of Levi Strauss, Bank of America, Boeing, Standard Oil of Ohio and Gulf United, a Texas and Florida Insurance firm. A Marin County Superior Court jury rejected a claim by the late Sally Stanford for $50- 000 in lost wages and $8,000 In medical expenses from the Marin Mynicipal Water District. The f orm e r m ada m and Sausalito mayor claimed she fell and broke a hip after catching her heel in the cover of a water meter in March 1980. A $100,000 settlement has been reached in a M e mphi s malpractice suit against Dr. George Nlcbopoulos, former personal physician to the late Elvis Presley. a lawyer says. The $1 million suit against Nichopoulos and four members of a medical qroup was filed by the family of Ronnie Leroy Girard of Memphis, who died in ;~ HIS DAY COMING -Actor Richard Thomas will have his hands full on Father's Day when he celebrates \he occasion with his four children. Beside him ts Richard Jr., 6, while November 1978 from a blood clot near the heart. r-----------For 20 years Arnold BatUner has been living a "What's My Line?" life as the nation's only hotel money washer, providing clean coins for the rich and famous staying at the posh St. Francis Hotel. ''They tell me rve washed $11 million in coins since 196~,'' said Batliner, whose 78th birthday - which will make bhn the same age as the St. Francis itself - was celebrated Friday with a champagne reception at the hotel. The tradition of making coins ·pristine-bright at the St. Francis was begun in th1~ 1930s by its manager, innkeepN Dan London. He has a bodygu1ud and lives in a mansion, but Prince AU Reza Pahlavi, youngest ''°n of the late Sbab of Iran, is blending in with his fellow high school • sophomores, say ai~hool officials al Williamstown, M8B8. "He's become what we wanted him to become. You don't even know he's here," said Robert R. Weiser, superintendent of Mt. Greylock Regional High School in the western Massachusetts community. V().,_, 4L Tl-141 CUlil~I: -. Royal Dh•mp•gne Brunch Two For The Price of One June Only 10:30 to 2:30 ~ 1f I~'·· ~ Sunday .BfiV0ch Restatlr 11n~ 673-3322 •• Newpott Beach TALE .ai tluWHALE Ch1mp1gne Buffet Brunch '8.95 F•oturlng E11111 Benedict "•"'-M.n11 Al# wnd Sunday Brunch '4.75 $5.$0 With Champagne llllAY lllllOI M TIE WITEIFllllT 10 Ill •• 4,. Feoturlnt HueYOt Ranch.rot 675-0474 2311 w. Ntwpert Blvd. 1/ . ti ... ,. Guide Buffet By The Bay CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH S9.95 ($4.95 Unclet 12) Saturday t t to 2:30 Sunday 10 to 2:30 liOOtiNilJI On The W•terfront lft Udo Mllltne Y ...... 11.,ort l11oh ALL YOU CAN EAT Sunday Champagne Brunch 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.' S6.95 ~alts 54.95 C~Wna S.att.J,g Available For ~ Grou1>9 THE JOCKEY CLUI An aviation expert said Friday he thinks h e knows where Amelia Earhart's plane crashed in the Pacific and that he hopes to salvage the craft and display it on July 2, 1987 -the 50t h a nniv ersary of her disappearance. Speaking at an Amelia Earhart Symposium at"°'h e museum , Elgen Long of San Mateo said he is launching a nationwide drive to raise more than $2 million to mount a recovery expedition. The search , he said, will concentrate 35 miles west- northwest of Howland lsland m the mid-Pacific. about 11 miles from where the U.S . Nav y determined the Earhart plane ran out of fuel in 1937. Long hopes Lo display the plane in the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. Entertainer Lin'da Carter has filed fo r divorce from her husband-manager, Ron Samuels, a spokesman' for the Conner star o f the "Wonder Woman " telev1s1on series said Friday. The Superior Court suit, which was filed May 26 but onl y announced Thursday, cites I rrec:on c1 la b )e differences between the two. "-.~ ·--~-5 OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champagne Brunch '4.95 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3300 Coast Hwy. Newport leach 548-2224 Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 . . ~ ., . CANNERY~--i Sunday Brunch Fr.om 9 a.m. 675-5777 Cha•,llH lr•Hfli llarlttr Cr•lsn Departs 10 a.m. & 12:30 Re .. rvations Required 675-7522 1010 LAFAYETTE Ari. MEWH•T /IEAOI mAnDARln Geurmet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ORIENTAL CHAMPAGNE : : BRUNCH : I • I • 1 I :30 To 2:00 • • • •7.50 : • • ~--·····---··········-···-·· 1500 ADAMS At Harbor -.. .~ .. Or1nge COllt DAILY PILOT/laturdly, June 11, 1111 Talented singer:'s 'drinkins has Nashville worried • NASHVILLE. Tenn. (AP) - lt happen& at juat about ewry Tammy Wynttte concttt: Someone In U\t audhtnce Y9U.. "Where'• Oeorp?" They w•nt 'o kdow the whtreabouta of Geor11 Jont1, her ooculonal 1tn1ln1 parlntr and OM ot the fOUr ex~huabanda of tht •tJllnt Lady of Country Mualc.'1 • "l don't know where Georatt : ii,'' .,.._ Wynette aaya. "I dou{)\ : it even George know1 where "Geor .. ii." · The audJence u.ually lauaha. •The re.mfrk refer to Jon,•' ' known fonctne. for alcohol. llnlina ialent. The-50-year-old Jontt haa been atre1ted three dtml *"'- Marcb on drlnkin1 and drua chaJ'M, Jn t-ltwtlll!n &N Mbon4 and ihlkt UTll\I, he apent about a month in .a Blrmln1hami Ala., hospital for treatment o alcoholism and dru1 abwie. He a1IO la wanted on a bad~heck I charge. Texu-born lln8er 1pparently hu a de.th wtah. 11He'1 told me before be wan\I to be another Hank Wllllama," M)'I Murr•y, wlho'• ln charp of conctllion1 •t Jc>nee' ~rta. Willia.ml wu a country mwdc 1upenw who drank himaell to deeth •l .,. 29 ln 1958. ''It eomethtna· doesn't happen, ht won't live much longer," Murtay •)'I· 11Ht needl to 10 lnto a h01plta1 on hil own to pt •tf!ilh t.ened OU t. II Dan Wojcik, pretldent of the Lavender 1'alent Acency, which book.I Jonettf concerti, uya: "I've loat a lot of alEiep uk1na myself weat can we do to help lllm:" : For yeara, the Naahvllle • country muaic community bu ;. ! chuckled at Jones' drinkin1 • binges, t:reetina him u a lovable Jonet' current problema come at the summit of h.ta career. He hall been voted male vocallat. of the year for the put two yeen by the Country Mualo Allociation. Hi.a 1980 hit, "He Stopped Loving Her Today,'' wu chosen single of the year by the Country Music Aaaoclation and t.he Aca~emy of Country Mwdc. It abo earned him a Grammy Award. Loyal f1n1 still go io hi• co~rta. despite hil re~tat:lon for not ahowin.g up, Wojcik laid. But Jones ta n ot plck.lng up any new fana. • C.lative who l<eeJll the family : eniertained each Christmas after . : polishing off a $ix-pack. ~ But not anymore. Friends and ! associates are concerned for his : health, disappointed in a string of •scheduled perfonnances he has : missed and disillusioned because In an interview with The Associated Press laat month , Jones vowed a new attitude on ''Oeor:Je hau to want to help himlelf,' Wojcik aaya. his . .. ~ world will see a big difference in me," he said. And hi.a fnenda and uaociates are behind him. Songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard has written a song about Jones called, "George, Put Down That Drink." A he's wasting his conslderab~ But Gerald Murray, a business associate of J ones, says the .. . ~HDRDICDPI I Sanday, June %0 By SYDNEY OMARR I ARIES (March 21-April 19): Family rift need not be cause for despair. Instead, air ia cleared and you'll be more secure aa result. Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn individuals figure prominently. Special . • message dominates. . , . ! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You make contact -; at social gathering which could eventually lead to : effective tax shelter. Accent on popularity, . expansion, communication and location of needed material and people. . . • . • GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): You'll have more ~table quarters. Security will be enhanced. You'll :make correct move at proper time. Circumstances favor your efforts. Judgment, intuition and timing 'are on target. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Lunar cycle moving upwards -you'll soon perce(fe story behind story. Be reaqy for change, travel, variety and encounter with exciting, creative member of oppoeite sex. LEO • (July 23·Aug. 22): Family pf.herinc features discussions of luxury ttema, )>b.lble• purchases. Focus on hopes, wtahea and dedllon connected with community or businelS project.. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You11 be Mked to a ppear as spokesperson for ho1pltal, club or charitable organization. lnatruct1ona that come from professional superior are subject to chanae· LIBRA (Sep~ 23-0ct. 22): l'lrm ~t •indicated with one who is at a cl&tance. You ~ve ,news which means mor'e responsibility, ,.n exciting challenge, a possible long journey and chance for 1 .Promotion and financial reward. ' SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Someone who has /your best Interests at heart makes suggestion which ,could save money and heartache. Be ready to let go ;~f past -you can make move in new direction and ~ain greater independence. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You receive !lattery from members of opposite sex -many ~mmenta, suggestions lack substance. Know it, realize that you must become self-reliant. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You collect jterns which had been needed but previously were r not available. Focus on basic issues, unique services, nutritional requirements and discussion o f --· mployment prospects. _ _ i AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Person a l Seminar • series slated A series of free conferences will be offered to small businea entr.epreneurs, ownen, and managers by the Service Corps of Retired Executives and the Smail Bu si n ess Ad.ministra lion. These conferences will be held on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Fidelity Federal Building, 2700 N. Main Street. Suite 400, Santa Ana. The July achedule l.s: -July 6, "Marketinf ! C h ecklist for Sma l Bus iness," led by Al S e rcovich of Laguna Hills, SCORE counselor and former president of a wholeaale di1trib- ut.onhip. -July 13, "Public Relatton1 and Advertlaing, '' Shirley O'Connor of Laguna Hilla, SCX>RE COW1lelor and former J)n!llklent of a public relaUQ"' aqd ~Ycior:r,rtr;To Succeed You Must Sell!" Gene Roderick of San Clemente, SCORE counselor and former president o f a manufacturing representative company. -July 27, "Legal and Licen se Problems," Harvey Brewington of Laguna Niguel, SCORE counselor and former president, Empire Insurance Company. For information call 836-2709. MODEL VA8372 NaahvUle publlcation, "The Country Mu1lc Inquirer," pubu.htd an open letter to Jones 1-t month, urlfnc him to qult drlnk.lnc. Jone11, a former hou.e painter, wu arreeted May 25 aouth of Nuhvtlle on drunken driving char~ He w• arreeted March 29 tri Jackaon, Mill., on charpe of public drunkenne11 and cocam. pcwmton. A day after tha\ arreet. he totaled hil car in Aberdeen, Mias., when it ran into a dltch and overturned. Murray ll1d that he paid a $737 fine for Jones on drunken drtvlrw charps •temn\lna from the AI>erileeft lnddent. Charges are 1till pend.Inc in Jacbon and NMhville. Mill Wynett.e, who dlvorced Jones in 197& after 1eVen years of marriage, did not return a reporter'• phone calla for comment on her ex -husband'• recent troubles. But In her autobiography, "Stand By Your Man," 1he 1ays that Jones' drinking contributed to the breakup of their marriage. u..,.... ARRESTED AGAIN -This picture, taken from a WSMV television monitor, shows country music singer George Jones being arrested for drunken driving near Nashville. Jones' drinking has many in Nashville's country music community ~ worried. 1 -1 GIANT SCREEN TV "TIIS IS WHAT HE WANTSr PRICED TO SELL OUT DURING THIS SALE . --..._ · RECORDERIT1MER:14 day programmer • 8 hr. record • QUick programmer • Cable ready • Wireless remote • Special effects. CAMERA: 4 low light lens • Auto focus • Autota<Je in1out • Auto Iris -.--YOUftDAllA.REAL KLUTZ?? Then buy him the .. Int unit on the nwtwt to opeme. At a apeclel peckage price. ,, ~ ~agnetism attracts people to you. Popularity ! 1increases, especially where members of opposite sex are concerned. Focus also on style, creativity and :pleasant surprise connected wit.h children. STEREO VIDEO RECORDER HITAC.HI PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Stick to practical .lSSUes. Check details, be aware of fine print. Review )Jafety d evices, promote security a nd discuss property values. Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio peraons pgure prominently. · 1 li mmigrant flood~ seen r·······PLAv· .. -··-··1 WASHINGTON (AP) -Immigration in the i 1/~-· :. pe:xt few years will poee a challenge to American : ~· 1 ~ty aimllar to when Europeans flocked here at : · ' Fe tum of the century, according to a prtyate . E THE Mlfn.QUIZ ·1~. tudy. : WHO ... WHAT... , The report by the Population Reference : ... WHIN ... WHEAE reau, a n on-profit population research i A bH oi ~tion, projects net annual migration into the : Contemporery Hlttoty ted States. at between 795,000 and 970,000 in f 0•·1~ E•t~ F1tftt 2:30 p.m. decade. : ~ ..... r .\Aa About half of thoee lmrnigrant.s will enter the i ~/191i!iii1 untry lllejally, according to the study, primarily • --·----~ IAtin America. i .•....•• ~~~::::::;;.~~"'. ..... • A WORLD LEADER •N TECHNOLOGY VKC 1000 "SOUP STATE VIDEO CAMERA'' "IF DAD WANTS THE VERY BEST'' S YLVANIA VOTED BEST PICTURE FOR THE 4TH STRAIGHT YEAR At left tht smalllst 25" dlag . cabinet In the Industry and a full featured set. Fits on most 19" stands. See It at ABC. Records tall at USA meet in Tennessee. B3. do.es the talking Mauch understands S()Uthpaw's language; Angels win, 7-2 • By CURT SEEDEN CM""•Dlllf"" ..... Anael M~ Gene M.uch admita he rMlly doeen t know that much about pitcher Anael Moreno. After all, the youn11ter from Veracrua, Mexico does not speak F.nallah. and he'• divided his time dwinl 1 the 1982 eeuon between Al\ahelm and Spokane where the Ancela' PecWc Coast Leeaue team plays. Friday night, Mauch was happy Moreno was in town, and in particular on the mound against the Chicago White • Sox. · With starter Ken Fonch forced out of action with a pulled hamstring muacle in the second inning, Mauch called on Moreno to tame the Whlte Sox to the tune of a 7-2 Angel victory before a Jacket Nlaht crowd of 48,222 at Anahetm Stadium. • The victlOl'y corn. on the heels of Moreno'• fint 1ave o1 the aeuon the night before when he aot the final two ~~~ the Anp~ls' 10-8 fiuco over .. Lut ruaht did an a ful lot for him," Mauch said of Moreno. 'And to pile thla on top of it . . . I 't think it'• a question of confide though." After compiling an unlnlplrlna 2-6 record, Moreno was d ispatched to Spokane for eome needed work. But he waa recalled on June 5 after reliever Don Aue was placed on the 21-day diaabled list. "He just needs to relax," Mauch continued. ''There's a lot of anxiety in that young man. "You know, there's worlds and worlds and worlds of difference when you go from one cl.ulificatlon to another. But once you pt a taste of the majors, you don't want anythinl else," Mauch added. ganged up on White Sox starter Denn.la Lamp (4·S). Jackson delivered hla 11th homer of the year in the second inning, and DeClnces whacked a pair of doubles Moreno entered the game in the third inning after Fonch strained his left hamatring in th.e teCOnd inning while ducking a line drive off the bat of the White Sox's Carlton Fiak. Not to be outdone, Rod Carew extended hJs hitting streak to 22 games with a thlrd·innine double. The hit tied Sandy Alomar's Angel record and kept Carew at the .330 mark for the year. He promptly gave up a home run to Greg Lwinaki, the second batter he faced, but after that scattered just four hita and did not allow a run in earning his first major league victory since April 27 when he turned back New York, 3-1. "It's fun to get hits but I'm really not a stata-oonacioua perBOn," Carew said afterward. "It's nice to keep things (records) but I just want to be a complete ball player and help the club." TO THE RESCUE -Angel Moreno earned his thi{d victory of the season in relief Friday. While Moreno coasted, Doug DeCinces, Reggie Jackson and company Both Fred Lynn and Tim Foll picked up a pair of hits and scored twice, while · Brian Downing delivered an RBI single (See ANGELS, Page 8%) • ID Rookie Rinker down by two strokes PEBBLE BEACH (AP) -Bruce Devlin, an old pro Eeking golf's m(l8t coveted title in the twilight of h1a career, birdied the last two holes for a 69 and took a 2-stroke lead Friday in the IE'COnd round of the 82nd United Stat.es ()pen championship. Devlin, 44, whose las{ victory was 10 years ago, compiled a 36-hole total of 139, five strokes below par for two trips through the 6,825 yards of misty forest glens and spectacular, rocky cliffs that oomprme the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson remained within striking distance -not as cl0&e as they'd like but still within range at par 144 -while an ob8cure Tour rookie, Larry Rinker, chased an illusion into second place. "A very sloppy round of golf," said Watson, who was in only five fairways and hit but 12 greens and still salvagec:f a 72. "I got away with murder out th~." ~•11t·:1a~e.~m putt for bc:Jtre)t and then a 20-footer for oo.zey. He dropped two more ln the 8-12 foot range lor par, and topped it off with another 20-footer on the 17th 1 I for a ~ 'tbat kept hihlt'-the tJ• , 11. ~~!UiMll 1n the abeence of Wihd, ''\be fio11 coune was· defenaelesa," he said. "I WM looking for a Jot better 9COre .than that." Nicklaus, at age 42 acknowledged as the finest player the game has ever teen, grimly stalked to a fn.a,strati.ng 70 that again included many miaaed opportunities in his quest of a record fifth U.S . Open title. U.S. Open leaders Bruce Devlin 70-69-139 Larry Rinker 74-67-141 Scott Simpson 73-69-142 Lyn Lott 72-71 -143 Calvin Peete 71-72-143 Bill Rogers 70-73-143 Andy North 72-71-143 Tom Kite 73-71 -144 George Burns 72-72-144 Tom Watson 72-72-144 Bobby Clampett 71-73-144 Jack Nicklaus 7 4-70-144 attempts at the Tour BChool before he acquired hit pla~ rtahta, called the natio.W charppionabip 1 "~ anot.fter golf toummnent." ' l "You guys (the presa) build It up. The playen ., have to key down and think of it aa just another day. We have to have the Wuaion it's just another to~t.'' ''DeVUn. howeVer1 hlld no such lllusiona. AFTER MORE than two decades as a globe- trotter who has won in his native Australia, France, Ireland and eight times on the American tour, ~ • knows full well the import of this event. "Winning this obviously would be the highlight of my· career," he said. "It would be a marvelous thing to do in the twilight of my career." , Deir Not,._.... llf CMrtM...,., "The Open is an illusion," said the 24-year-old Rinker after he'd birdied the last three holes to finish off the best round of the tournament, a spectacular, 5-under-par 67 that gave him a 141 at the halfway point. And, althOl.lgh he's older than any man who's ever won it, the one-time plumber gave voice to thoughts of an eventual victory. "I feel confident," said Devlin, now no more than a part-time member of the Tour who spends most of his time as a golf television conunentator for NBC and as a course architect. USING YOUR HEAD -Brian Downing is Almon was attempting to oomplete a double struck on the helmet by a Bill Almon throw in play but was charged with an error. the bottom of the fourth inning Friday night. South dralVS role of fa Vo rite tonight North women choice in basketball prelim By ROGER CARLSON CM""• .,.., ,... .... From start to finish the 1981-82 prep basket.ball aeaaon waa dominated by teams from the Orange Coast area -the F.diaona, Ocean Views, Corona del Mars, r.tstancias . . . Even when area powen loet, they seldom loet much ground in the dominatioR of the Orange County polls by sportswriters. Tonight (8 o'clock) the cream of the graduating ~of Orange Coast area baake ii being asked to prove tbel.r reputatlona in Ple 17th Orange County All· star game at Orange c.oast Col- lege. 'The game, aporwored· by the p.ta Maa Kiwanis Club, bu been dollninated by the South All-.tan over the yara and the Rebels of Edi80l'l Coach Barry Lesh enter as 12-point favoritee to make it 12 wtna in th1a .eries. Jn the fifth annual women's game, the North la labeled at a ~point choice to make it two in a row and cut the South'• lleries 1-d to 3-2. 'n'8t one IW1a at 6:30 and feeturs l'.l Toro star' Robin Holmea ~ avera1e), ~~.8-~)n:: SlilllHt Lea1ue MVP Deanna n..tl of l'oun'81n v.u.:,. IANEh'• crew hit all the cren-dmtlali. ~ the All..clF .tan are l'.4Mlon'1 Richard ~ (CAI) aal Rlcll DlBern~~.!...\Motre °"89), fountain V.U., I Jeff 111~/a~i~= .... ~(UC lrvtnt) a ~llar'1 Cbrt1 ~ ........ ,....... . .. 11111111111 --" ..... because of terrible coaching," says Leigh. "U we win, it'll be 'ao what.'" North C.oach Mike Moore of Esperanza says, "We're jl.wt going to be there to have pne fun and to showcase our players," clai- ming little desire for victory. This is the same cmch who used that on-the-aurface ~ phy to record one of the t upeeta of the 1982 9e8IOll w hit unheralded Aztecl ahocked heavily favored Ocean View in the finrt.l round of the CIF 4-A playoffs. 'The game features a 30-eec:Ond clock and zone defenses are We- pl. "Team ball-handling la our major cmcem," says Leigh. "I don't really think we're going to ' need that 30-aecond clock." It'• doubtful the South will be slowtnc the tempo at all. not with a 1-4 offense geared around Gardner, the playmalrer. It's Gant.tu who ii ~to the South's pme. If the North hal a lhot at an upeet lt baa to tum the South'• au.ck befon Gardner lets the ball downoourt and to ihe bup front line, wb.iilh ln- dum. tbe 8-9 .Uaevttch and bul- Ulh r.dilon duo of Chane (M) and Dmemardp (M), abw with the perimeter abootinc of K.,..,_ andlat Bu'dl1ey. The Nonb'• ~ took ..... b9c:lr#llrd when Servite IUAl"d Tim Oleood bowed out Ol th9 ..... but the •bWty of O.W.'1 Mike Kelll_, &l Doredo'• Rell .... Md Dperanll'I Paul Mo. ......, all 8-0 ....-. llvw ehi y .... &be ~dal to ... ._.IM&.;lOOlrdw. ,,.. .. °' :.M at .... ==-tlllerpurt~ , ... ...,,.., ...... , - .. • • Rinker, whose credehtials include $2,112 in money-winnings this ~n and three unsuccessful "I'm not going to be a fool and sit here and tell you I'm going to win the golf tournament," Devlin said. "But I've got a very good chance from the position I've put myself in. "rve played beautifully for two days. There's o-reuon I can1t continue. If the wheels ......,uo;.._i~----i-j I'll just hang in there and do the best I can." Scott Simpeon, who highlighted his brief Tour •· career with a victory in the 1980 Western Open. ., I was alone ln third at 142, three off the pace, after a 69. Bill Rogers, the current British Open champion.• who shared the first-round lead with Devlin, slipped to a 73 and was tied at 14.3 with Andy North, Cal Peete and Lyn Lott. Scioscia 's looper lifts Dodgers, 3-2 • [ ·i Eller believes NFL 1 has ·drug problem l From AP dl1patc9ae1 ' i..e.,u. Comm1111oner Pew Rozelle 4 • NEW YORK -National Football • ' •Y9 drua wie in the NFL "could be a II larpr P.roblem for us than it la in 'IOciety, • and former defenllve end Carl Eller ' beUeve11 15 percent of the Jeque's 1,500 players I are "problem ueen." Eller, who had admltied he formerly used cocalne, told lhe New York Daily News that his estimates of drug use are bued on h1a own experience and recent conversations with NFL players. Rozelle previously had aaid he didn't think drug abuse was a serious problem among NFL players. But the commissioner said he changed his mind after conferring with Eller, an admitted IUD • former drug user and now a paid consultant to the league on the subject, and e>qmlining information gathered by the NFL security staff. "Carl has told us enough to indicate that it's not a wave of drug abuse," Rozelle said in an ' interview in Friday's New York Daily News. "But he gave us his feelings, having gone through it, of what percentage on each team uses drugs. It's just guesswork on his part, but we feel it's knowledl(eable ~esswork." Eller said he ~timated up to 40 percent of the players had experimented with cocaine. "I'd say every club in the league has at least one problem user and that there are several problem clubs in the leAgUe," he said. A "problefl\ club," he said, is one with four or five players In serious need of treatment. He declined to name any teams. Quote of the day Charley Walters of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, commenting on the quality of trades made recently by Twins President Calvin Griffith: "There is a report circ41ating that Calvin Griffith returned from the fishing season opener with his limit .of walleyes. Calvin immediately took the walleyes to a grocery s tore and traded them for a package of Mrs. Paul's frozen fish sticks and $10 in cash." ,.,_ ____ ~----~--------~----------~ I ·~Ryan overpowerlng to Padres 1 Nolu R yan struck out 11 batters II 1 :and Alu Knicely drove in three nana n to lead the Houston Asin. to a 7 -2 victory over San Diego Friday night. Ryan 6-8, did not allow a hit until one out in the l fourth inning and wound up with an eight- hitter, while walking two . . . Ebewhere in the National League, Bnace BeHd.lct drove in four runs with a single and home run as Atlanta padded its lead to 4 ~ games in the Western Division with a n 8-3 thrashing of San Francisco . . . Garry Maddox drove in three runs and Mike Krakow scattered nine hits to pace Philadelphia to an 8 -3 triumph at Pitts burgh Steve Rogers stopped Chicago on six hits and single in a run to \ RYAN lead Montreal to a 4-0 win •over the Cubs in a game marred by a second- inning brawl . . . The New York Mets raked f St. Louis relief ace Bruce Satter for five runs in the ninth inning, includinl two-run-singleit-by- Ell11 Valentine and Wally ackmu to post a 5-3 victory over the Cardinals in the rain-delayed opener of a double-header. Palmer In command • Orlol•• win Jhll , ..... &nd ,,.., Man&an •• oomb&Md tor 1 thrM-hltwr u Ow Bllttmore Ortol.. won their ninth _.... ln ll oudnp. bMtlnl the New Yark Yank .... 4·1 rrtday nicht . .PalJMr etnaek out four and walked five In II ti\ tnnmaa u lhe Oriolee anapped New York'• three-1ame wlnnlna etreak . . . El1ewhere In the Amerlc:an Leaaue, Pa•I Molitor'• two-run homer keyed a three-run MU"L&Ukff thlrd lnnlna u the Brewen poll1hed off elumpln& Detroit, 5-2, the fifth •tr•l1ht defeat for the Tlaen . . . Toby Harrala cracked a home run, two double• and a aln,ale H Cleveland routed Boston, 10-3 • . . . Rookie Terry Bo1eaer ,AL.fl a<>t h1a fint major-league hit, a 10lo homer ln the third inning, and Btad(y Bell and Lamar Jolluoa each drove ln runs ln the aixth to gjve Texas a 3-2 victory over Minneeo\a, handing the Twins their 24th loa in their lut 27 g.vnea . . . Amo• Otts and WWJe Albu each cracked two.run homers in the ninth inning to lift Kansas City to a 4-1 victory at Seattle . . . Alfredo Griffin and Lloyd Moseby drove in two runs apiece as Toronto nipped Oakland, 6-4, the A's fourth straight setback, all at home. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1974: Steve Busby of the Kansas City Royals hurled his second no-hitter in 14 months, allowing only a walk to George Scott in blanking the Milwaukee Brewers 2-0 at County Stadium. On this date In 1961 : New York Yankees slugger Roger Maris belted a ninth-inning home run off Kansas City's Jim An:her for his 25th homer of the year, putting him seven games ahead of Babe R4th's 60-homer pace of 1927. On this date in 1942: l>aul Waner of the Boston Braves singled off Pittsbw-gh's Rip Sewell for his 3,000th major league hit but the Braves lost to the Pirates 7-6. On this date in 1941: In the midst of his major league record 56-game hitting streak, New York Yankees center fielder Joe DiMaggid hit in his 32nd straight game, going 3-for-3 with a home run against the Chicago White Sox. Today's birthdays: Dodgers pitcher Jerry Re~ is 33. San Francisco infielder Duane Kuiper is 32. Milwaukee pitcher Jim Slaton is also 32. San Francisco infielder J ohnnie LeMaster is 28. Fergon's best enough for LPGA lead HERSHEY, Pa. -Playing what fl she called her best round ever, Vicki Fergon fired a 5-under-par 67 to take the first-round lead Friday in the Lady Keystone Open at th.e Hershey Country Club. Fergon birdied all three or the replacemont holes t hat the Ladies Professional Golf Association was forced to use in the 54-hole event after rain damaged the west course at the club. Mccombs closer to Nuggets' purchase A potential roadblock in the war, • of Texas businessman B.J. "Red ' McCombs' purchase of the Denver Nuggets was removed Friday when he reached agreement with Denver city officials on a lease for McNichols Sports Arena. The lease agreed to Friday is for five years, with an option for another five years, said Bob Locke, Denver's manager of general services . . . Canada beat the United States 70-67 Friday and won the championship of the sixth William J ones Cup women's basketball tournament in Taiwan. Posting their seventh' straight vict ory, the Canadians led 36-32 at halftime . . . Entries of Right Of Light and Maipoo boosted the list to an even dozen for Sunday's Inglewood Handicap at Hollywood Park . . . Martina Nav"'tilova, the world's top-ranked '"WQmen's-"tenni:s -player; beet Britain's Jo Du1e, 6·3, 3-6, 6-3 in the semifinal! of the BMW grass-court tournament in F.astbourne, England. Mlast best in scratch main event The Scratch Main e vent t,4ghlighted activities Friday ~t for speedway motorcycle Ct~ers at the Orange County FF grounds. 1 Riverside's Mike Bast won the !our-lap event but not before ljuntington Beach's Alan '~atiah and Balboa's Bobby ~hwartz made things exciting. Schwartz, who was the vi.siting "1.ropean rider Friday, came out II the No. 3 shoot and was wheel ~ wheel with Bast going into :he first turn. S c hwartz, 1C>wever, who came from the JUt.side, was forced to stay there as Bast, who came out of shoot No. 1 held firm to his inside position. Christian made things interesting later as he got inside Schwartz, passed him, and then set his sights on Beat. But the leader's position was too strong and Christian fell short of his bid. Mike Feria or Richmond finished fourth. Christian did come back to win the Handicap Main, tbbugh, winning the five-lap event ovet Whittier's Dubb Farrell, who finished second, and Oceanside's Sterling Cogar, who flnsihed third. NIW 1982 I UBIRU PIOM The trio was followed by ruck Miller of Reseda (fourth), Curt Strommer of San Bernardino (fourth) and Mike Ma.uacane of Riverside (fifth). Stanton's Steve McFarland came on to win the Second Division Main, defeating La Mirada's Ron Blanton. Schwartz, In cidentally, an American rider competing in Europe, is a member of the 'Reading te.am In the British League. A crowd of 4,550 attended the Orange County Fairgrounds Friday night. • • • From Page B1 SOUTH • • • than balMlandllng) IJ t.he only Ac:hlllet heel in the South attack and lt'• an obvious point tht North will be trying to exploit. Th South women enjoy all the advantacec. enterlna with a tal- ler team and dominated by All· CIF playerw1 yet allo wlth the underdog label. * TONIQHT'I ROITftl louttt AN-et.re .... ,...,.,,......,,....... Jell Oerdntr, Eltancte (g) Jell Hvghee, Fin. Vdty (g) Rletwd Cl\tno. £dll0n (f) Rlell Ol&emerdo, Edtaon (f) Jim UMYllC:n, OcMI\ View (Cl Chrll Lynch, CdM lo) Deli OefGfl"I, C"JIC) Vf/IW; (f) ~ Smfth, Marina (f) Rich ~. Foothill (fl Ken Betdlley. Colt1 M"' (I) lhd o-. Unlver.,ty (cl Rob t..ucM. Santa An• (Cl Coach: Berry IAlgh (Edlaon) North ...... .,. ...... 12.1 20.5 20.8 18.4 20.4 18.2 22.4 14.8 25.8 19.4 18.7 20.1 Paul Tnom., 8rM (I') Scott Warn«, Ktllll• (g) John Mangel•. Lt Hebl'1 (O) Nell Ev1111, El Doredo Tom Lelneb«~ll\U (I') Ptul Mortlez, 111\Z& (g) OIVI ~CYPI'-(Q-f) Ron eonn.n. Canyon (I) Mike Kelly, OftnQI (g) M 11.4 e-2 22.4 e-1 13.2 e-o 17.5 e-1 10.0 6-0 9.0 t1 19.8 12.0 6-0 15.4 8-7 18.5 8-5 23.1 M 10.2 Fen Frehnlf, VIiie P"11 (cl Paul Rolllne, Buena Plfk f) Al'4y M'°"'*", Servlte (f) Coec:h: Mike Moofe (Elpetll\U) Wo.N louth .......... Liu 8enton, CllPO Vllley (C) 5-10 18.0 Trtcy Blum. Mlallon Viejo (Q) M I 1.8 Kerri Carr, Hin. Beectl (g) M 10.0 OMnnl ~. Fin. Vlll9y (c) M 14.4 AM OMn. FoothlM (I) 5-10 29.8 Tine Otnhlylr, Edison (C) 6-0 15.0 U.. Olnlb4¥g, Ftn. Valley (g) M 12.0 LlM Oretnb«~ (c) 8-3 15.0 J-H.-re. M Viejo (fl &-10 9.5 Robin Hoim., El Toro (g) M 31.0 Join Howttnd, &tencle (g) M 12.0 Coec:h: John Hlttrup (M!Nlon VleJo) North Alt·et9n OenlM TlllOI, CYPI'-(g) 5-2 Mery Rldls, Vllencll (g-f) 5-8 Debbie Fletl, Vllenel1 (f~) 6-0 Kim Sdlmldt, L0et1 (f) 5-10 Debbie Oellk, Savenna (I) 5-7 Te' ctltn Coll Ina, BrM (f) 5-7 Sh1wn Stutveon. &i*lnD (c) 5-11 Lindi Zucclwo, Eaper1nu (f) M OenlM Bellngef, Fulltrlon (I) 6-10 DIAM• Long. Sonore (t~I 6-0 Shannl Oeotgt, SYM'f Hlfl1 (g) 6-5 Milli Clll1btetta, Le H1br1 (f) M C<>*:h: Dibble FUMI (VaJenell) Irvine posts 13-2 romp 20.0 17.2 19.7 18.0 17.8 8.7 19.0 10.1 14.1 17.4 111.ll 13.0 The Irvine Rebels enjoyed a laugher at the expense of the Huntington Beach Dolphins Friday night in American Speed.soccer Association play at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. Breaking to a 6-1 halftime advantage and 10-2 edge at the end of three quarters, the Rebels cruised to a 13-2 Victory, their second in t hree outings this season. Keith Walley netted four goals to pace Irvine, while Paco F.acofet and Sam Bareakilan poured in a pair apiece. .. From Page 81 ANGELS ••• in the third lnNnl whkta a& the time evened the IDln at ~t. The Ancell took a 5·2 a.II tn the fourth CC)mpllmenu of Lynn'• 1lnal•. a double by DeC1nca and·FoU'1 lntteld linlJe. Bob Boono promptly layed down one of hl1 ,atented 11crlflce bunta and Downing walked C.O load the hues. Carew arounded into a force out, and only a roWng block by Downing on Chlcaao '1 8lll Almon kept It trom tumlng lnt.o a rall~·endln1 double play, Almon a throw to first went into the Chicago dusout allowlnl two more runa to 11COre. DeClnces' double ln the fifth ,llCOred two more run.a and ~ Angels had maintained their hall-game lead over KaNu City In the AL Weat. Chicago , meanwhile, dropped two games back. * ANOllL NOTH -Tlie Angell' mott '**" crop ol fr .. ·•g•nt drtlt pick• hll bffll W<lftllng out II Cll Stitt Fulltl1on tNe .... In Whal ,. being l•med • "mini 8'IMg lrelnfng Cl/TIC>.'. Tliey'M pley 1111 lntr•llQl*I g1r119 tNi •11•noon II Anlhelm Stadium loloWlng IN Ang111-Whll1 So• gem• . • . On th• 1ubl1c1 of minor 111gu1ra, Ren ltltll•, Chlc1po'1 premier lrlple-A 111•..1..••• In An•m Fnd1y to be •umined by 11r. rlWlll Jobi, Kittle, who pllyt for the Whhe 8ol(1 Edmomon flfm club In the Pldnc ~ Leagu•, hH 1 nagging wrlat lnJury. H• wrrently ltac:l1 the PCL with 28 home fWl9 and 78 RBI He'1 lllO betting .387. Klttlt WM, orlglnally 1lgn1d by the Dodger• ... ""911 .l.ctlton'• llr•t·lnnlnQ home run wtt thi~.OOOlh bHI hit Of hfl m1J0t•le-OU. car-. . . RM Carww'I .'32 on<.o- ptrC*'llt09 .. aeoond Ill the Amerlcen LellQUll to CltYeland'I T.-, ...,., ... (.411} .•. ChlceO<>'• "4N'I LAftoH ltd the AL In ttttk"'O out with eo COn11nQ Into Friday nleM'• lllf'M• ._ ..... JeckMft ... tie<! with our1nd'• ow.,_ flilwllllr for third with 54 l<I . • , G1m1 two o( ttirM-gtm9 l8f1M todly (t:o5) pita Noll9rd Dot.-(2·7) ol Chlctoo IQll!Wt the Af19111' a..ft Zalwl (7-2). Argentina makes up for opening sethac}{ Brazil erupts to rout Scotland, 4-1 MADRID (AP) -Diego Maradona, the 21-year-old Argentine soccer superstar, said before his team's World Cup Group 2 games against Hungary that he would make up for his disappointing performance in Argentina's 1-0 opening defeat by Belgju.m. He kept his word, scoring two goals and setting up another Friday night as the defending World Cup chf,mpions bounced back with a stunning 4~ 1 triumpli over Hungary in Alicante. It was hard to believe that the beaten Hungarians were the same team that had crushed El Salvador 10-1 earlie r in the week. Daniel Bertoni and Osvaldo Ardiles produced the other goals for Argentina, which now has renewed hope of reaching the second phase of the 24 ·team tournament. Gabor P oloskei netted a consolation goal for Hungary. THREE-TIME Wo rld Cup winners Brazil also exploded Friday night, trouncing Scotland 4-1 in Seville in a Group 6 match. The victory left the Brazilians, the pre-tournament favorites, almost certain of advancing to the second round. Brazil's powerful finish in Seville was equally' as impn!llive as that of the Argentines. 1bey now are almost certain of a place in the secopd phase. Only a series of remakable results can prevent Brazil from qualifying for the second round. SCOTLAND, LACKING the firepower to seriously trouble the slick South Americans, took the lead on a goal by David Na.rey in . the 19th minute. Zico collected the equalizer with a well-executed free kick in the 34th minute a nd then sparked 'Brazil in the second half. De fender Oscar put Braz.ii ahead with a header and then Eder made 1t J...l with a shot over goalkeeper Alan Rough. Roberto Falcao delighted the sellout crowd of 47 ,000 with a fourth goal in the 87th minute. Brazilian Manager Tele Santana said, "We cannot play better than we did in the second half." Toribio Diaz's goal in the 83rd minute enabled Peru to gain its 1-1 draw with Italy in Vigo. Italy had led since the 19th minute when Bruno Conti scored from out.side the penalty area. t ' i f l ' ~ Lone goal-acorers for the I011ers were Val Fe~z and Farzin Ghavam. The Dolphins are now o:21n1eague play. A double-header is on tap tonight at Los Caballeros with Mission Viejo squaring off against Santa Ana ln the 7 o'clock opener and Costa Mesa meeting Newport Beach at 8:30. -rn a Group maccfi played in Vigo. Italy drew 1-1 with Peru. Maradona lived up to his tag as "the w o rld's best player" throughout Argentina's victory. IT A LIAN GOALKEEPER Dino Zoft al~ the oJdest man in the competition, appeared set to record h is second successive shutout when Diaz's shot was I deflected past him by Marco J Tardelli. Little receives aid AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -A benefit golf tournament for former St. Louis Cardinals place-kicker Steve Little raised "eoinewhere between $4,000 and $5,000, we hope," ac::oordinl to the tournament sponsor, Ruseell Erxle~n of the New Orleans Saints. A flick-header in the 27th minute set up the first goal for Bertoni. Two minutes late r Maradona scored from close range against Hungarian goalie Ferenc Meszaros, and then he made it 3-0 with a dipping shot in the 57th minute. Ardiles scored the fourth goal before Poloskei averted a shutout for the Hungarians, who still could advance if they at least draw in their final group match against Belgjwn. The result left both qualifying places from Group 1 wide open. Peru and Italy now have drawn both matches they have played, while Poland and Cameroon, who meet Saturday. drew their opening contests. Poland and Cameroon meet in La Coruna, while New Zealand fa ces the Soviet Unioq in a Group 6 ,game in Malaga and El Salvador plays Belgium in a _ ' Group 2 contest in Eiche in other Saturday action. Fountain Valley ·Racquet Club Presents· SUPER JUNIOR TElllllS CAMP "Make a commlttment, dlsclpllne the mind, become anything you want to be." Mark Hlrtler, Camp Director. DATES: 1st Four Week Session: June 21-July 16 .. . 2nd Four Week Session: July 26-Aug. 20 .. . T.114,ES: Beg. & Intermediates: 12:30-2:30 M-W-F Adv. & Adv. Intermediates: 12:30-3:30 M-W-F C081T: Beg. & lntermeldate: '7'2!"' 4 Week Session Adv. & Adv. Intermediate: '10800 4 Week Session ST'*F The C•mp la About: Mafl :~~ ~~!:E~:~~c~:o:r'~·o:~;os Caballeros>. 1. Stretching & Condltlonlng fey1nt Evan.-<>wntr F.Y.R.,.I '~tid ,.,., DnJllptr' rtof-..:-11 rt.rer Li 'Qllnta Hilh SchoOI, Open Tourntmtnt Pllyer Su111t O..l-4or• #1 """ O.C.T.A. SIMI Hjl Sdtool Doublli Chemp 1911 'iCilf:.llW -fllltillJ lnld 14 l under Moll 111'4• a. ...... 1191 I t Orange OOUt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 19, 1882 TIGHT FINISH -Herschel Walker ~lMt) noses out George Walcott of Oregon in the third heat of the men's 100-meter run time UWlr ........ trials Friday at the 1982 USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships at Knoxville, Tenn. .... Cannon's leap highlights meet Lewis also impressive winner at Outdoor Championships KNOXVll..LE, Tenn. (AP) - Unheralded Robert Cannon upset Willie "The Entertainer" Banks In the triple jump final Friday night in a record - break:ing first day of the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships. Cannon, formerly of the University of Indiana and now competing for Athletic Attic, got off his winning jump of 55-0 ~ on (he final attempt of the competition . pretty quick." said Tom Tellez, Lewis' coach at the University of Houston. "He looked good at the start. If he runs the same start tomorrow (tonight), he will run very well. I think he's ready." The world record in the 100 is 9.95 by Jim Hines and the world record In the long jump is 29-2 ~ by Bob Beamon. Both marks were set in the rarified air of Mexico City during the 1968 Olympic Games. long jump qualifying at 21-9. The final is scheduled tonight. Ria Stahlman of The Netherlands, who attended the University of Texas-El Paao and Arizona State set one meet record. with a t oss of 192-5 in the women's discus qualifying and the Stanford Trac k Club established the other meet record with an 8:22.26 clocking in the women's 3,200-meter relay final. llllEBI BIARD .411-ee•en traek ~ CoN9g4I wlll holt 1b1 111-Comefl trKk Ind lllld mMt• tt\11 eummer b9glnnlng JuM 23 and running ttvough Jvi; 28. Reid ......, .. beall\ II 5:45 p.m. with runolnQ ......,II ... to ltert 11 8:111. Coit 11 St for unllmll•d •ntrl••· For more Information, cell Tom Whit• 11 831--4545 In the colleg9'1 hMlltl Ind phyllcel ~ offtole. .4 l'SO eeaelte• aeetlefl Ametlc:an Youth 80CC« OrolNutlon R9Qlon 57 (Elat Newport BMdl, Coron• del Mar), I• IOOiclng fOf coacna fOf ,,,. upcornlog MUon. T,,. region ,_,,1y regiat«.cl mor. thin 1,000 youngattn tor thl t962 program. P ... eon1 lnt• .. ted In coaching oan call Fred Brookl, region commileloner, II 644-7098. THINK ABOUT ·THIS Tennis classes Clly of N•wport BHCh P•rkl, 8HCll .. •nd AKrMtlon o.c>ertrMnt will hc*I """"* terwN du.-II-· 111 .. m=Mondey. c.... tor Ill ~ ctey\llM, t#llgtlt _, night hOurt .,. IChedUl9d It P8ftl N9wport H91bor HIQtl Scnool, Lu Al'-P8'11, eot-dtll Mar High, Swi Joaquin Hiiia Pllftt .net ,,,. community youth <*lier. Regl1tr1tlon 11 und-•y at ,,,. partce, 6..ch.. and rec<Mtlon departmer'll, 3300 Newport Blvd, from 8 Lm. to 5 p.m. Slgnupa wlU be llCCIPt.cl up uotM ,,,. flnt ctua mMtlog 1 Cell 840-2271 IOf mor• lnfonnatlon. F• tor 10 llMcwll .. $27 .60 whlctl lnciudel teooll. .,...._ 1.DMtr•etl•••I smrlhl• The SM Clemerlte o.pertment of MariM Sef«y hH announced It wlll conduct an ln1truct1on11 IUrltog progrlm IOI lrl)'OM 12 ~of 809 or older. T,,. depart11'141nt wlll hold two -.•Iona -on• from June 26-July 3 t and t,,. ot,,., from Aug. 7-Sept. 11. TM aaaiona will be h9ld ~ S.turdey from 8-11 Lm. Th• progrem la alm•d 11 •nhanclng 11ch partlc:lpent'I lkllt wtlet,,., I b9glnnlr or • ..,....IQ9d IUrl•. TM prpgrem II under ~ dlr.ctlon of klf'n. Untied SW.. 11.1r1\na ChamplOn Rich CMw Ind lncludM lnatructlon ln aurf 11f•ty, condltlonlog, IUrflng 1ty19 end t9Chnlque, boerd Mlectlon Ind Cll9. Ind 90Y1ronmer1tll _.,_. T,,. program oonclud411 with a fleld trip to 0.. M•. The cosµ>4he program 11 $35 per peraon and appllcattlS<i's are 1vall1ble 11 Sen Clemente City H11t, the cily'a Community Center. Ole Hanton Beech Club and Marine Saf•ty headquarters. Mor. m0t• Information. phone 492-0759. It equaled the Tom Black Stadium record set by Tommy Haynes In 1976 and it dropped Paul Jordan to ~nd place at 54-10~ and Banks, the U.S .. record holder and crowd favorite because of his entertaining style of jumping, to third place at 54-l01A. Among those advancing to the 100 semifinals with Lewis were University of Georgia football star Herschel Walker, former Georgia standout Mel Latt.any, veteran Steve Riddick, University of Tennessee s peedster Mike Miller and former Olympian Harvey Glance. "'-major surpriae was the track record of 3:38.96 by little-known Mark Fricker of Oregon State University in the men's 1,500-meter trials. Fricker, a junior and third in the NCAA 1,500 two weeks ago at Provo, Utah, set a fast pace and no one seriously challenged him. Joinin. him in today's final were U.~. record holder Steve Scott, Sydney Maree. Ireland's Ray Flynn. and NCAA champion Jim Spivey of Indiana. A man wu aboutinc the glories of Communlmn at London's Hyde Park.. He pointed to a shabbily dreaaed fellow and aald, "Communism can put a new suit on that man!" A ChrisUan standing nearby answered, "Christ can put 10'' TABLE SAW SALE F.a.rlier, two meet records were broken, six track or stadium marks were set and one track record was tied. In addition, Carl Lewis began his bid for his second consecutive double In the 100-meter dash and the long jump by winning his heat In the sprint in a leisurely 10.23 seconds. At about the same time Lewis was winning his 100 heat, his sister, Carol won the women's Ullman to compete • upcoming regatta • ID a new man in th•t old suit!" This is not reformation but transformation. Thia la what Jesus meant when He said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot aee the kingdom of God." To be "born again" means to be "born from above." The first birth is a miracle -90 is the aecond birth. You are born Into a Lewis,ownerof thefastestlOO ever run at sea level (10.00) and the best long jump at sea level (28-3 ~ ). blasted out of the blocks unusually fast; but slowed over the last 40 meters when he realized he would win easily and qualify for tonight's semifinals. Six West Coast sailing Hall of The ~ponsored by the -F.'ilie!.~~ 7:n~ = Fame sailors -one from Orange Timberland Co. and Yacht la Christian. Your home is He also was scheduled to compete in the long jump qualifying Friday, but the competition was canceled when there were only 11 entrants. All thoae who showed up automatically advanced to tonight's final , which is scheduled 20 minutes after the 100 final Lewis said there was no reason for him to run any faster in the 100 heat, so he could conserve his energy for tonight's semifinal and two finals. "He turned it (the speed) off County -have committed Racing/Cruising Magazine, heaven, and life there la themselves to compete in t he first brings together yachting greats eternal. Yacht Racing/Cruising -from the past two decades. The Your future Is changed, Timberland Hall of Fame 20-man Hall of Fame was but 10 Is your preaent. Regatta at Newport, R.I., Sept. selected by readers of Yacht Christ makes you new - 11-12. Racing/Cruising Magazine baaed you get new pu.rpOle, new Dave Ullman of Newport on their major contributions to fellowship, new strength. Beach, one of the first nominees sailing over the past 20 years. Thia ii life on the hlahest to sailing's Hall of Fame will Others of the 15 -yachtsmen plan! compete against at least 15 of the committee to participate in the Friend, this amazing 20 Hall of Famers in Etchells-22 Hall of Fame Regatta are Bob polSibillty Is open to you! sloops In a five race series in Bavier. New York ; Pa u 1 rT.XlRfr:leR.S Narragansett Bay. Elvatrom, Denmark; Gary .~.....a.-.... -.....a.- Other West Coast l8ilora who Jobson, Connecticut;· Bruce ~'-1...ft...lf<Ll..l have agreed to compete are Tom Kirby, Cimada; Buddy Melges, Jamboree Rood ot Bison Avenue Bl.ackaller, San Francisco; Dennis Wi.aconsin; Bus Ma.bacher. New New po r 1 B eo ch • Pho n • Conner,.San Diego; Lowell York; Olin Stephens (honorary 6-40-6010 North, San Diego; and Doug chairman of the event), and Worship Se<¥lc• Sunday 9:00 Peterson,SanDi:'e~go:·~~~~~~S~te~w~art:..:___W_=:alk=.:.=.e~r,~Anna-=.::.::...:po~lis,=·~M~d~.-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A!.M!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Newport's Kane after own record SAN FRANCISCO -Mike Kane of Newport Beach ia in San Fra'nciaco today preparing for the 12:30 p.m. start of the third annual Single-handed Transpac race to the laland of Kauai. Kane will be at the helm of his 53-foot catamaNn Cnaader in which"he-9e'l an elas-d ~ reoont of 10 days. 19 hours and 19 minutes for the 2,120-mile ooune met in 1980. Elapied time record for monohulla ia 13 days. 34 minutes and 27 KO>nda .et by Norton Smith in 1178. . TwentI:_three yechw will be on the liart1ng Ulie today. They nnae from 30 to 50 fooeen. Amons the monohull atartera are four Ollon-SO.. includins one beJonclnl to Chuck Haw- ~. an officer in the apcJnlOl'inC Slnale-banded ~~·have no other mwU·hWll to na ~ ..acl he II .-na ~ pulh hard In thll nice la .n effort to "-& hII oWn rticord.. ••1 may not 9W!\ ,.ant the boat an the way tNflf," he cpDDed. Kw ... wtiinft .. lldar .... alio DU'dd,. = In tit 1'78 Tl'lnf.Adandc nee :wb1ch be to ftnllh ..... of • lnalalowft. 'ftw tin&...,....,. IC 1 .,.....,.. ,.. frcn .a Pcwtr [I' n=r.11 wt and.._• .. .... ..... .. ...... narth•••"'-Aftlr ••92 ...... , ............ . .... lllMt ... .,,., wttla El dMll ~ ............. ll&lirj; .... I by DEWALT $ reg. 517.59 DISSTOll TRIMMERS ~ Model 2040..13" corded Electric Hedge Trimmer Model 2050-16" Corded Electric Hedge Trimmer reg. 48.99 reg. 53.99 95 SALE 19'oFF SKIL POWER TOOLS Stock Items Only Reg. 85.39 I IN Orqe OOUt DAILY PILOT/laturdey, June 18, 1eea I4n Irrelevant start ~.,TIC( gc cnct NUC MJ1a ~.~· f'OTIOI ,~ • .,.... .,::r.t .. tar Ollo .. tno Ptr1on 11 dOlllf On ~ t. tMI 11 11:RQ t"' Tpie foffOWl"I ,., .. ,. II •olnt M i ''"IT AS!IUUOA"' 'tTl.l bUl!Mtl•: . "MA TATTOO, He lo. !MIUl'AHOI OOM,ANY , a KlHCl TUTT'I MAINTINANOI , .. lflo OOHI HIC1hw1y, L•oun• ()IM!fomlt OOfl*•llOn, .. T~I 11.WICI, .., ..... ··~ It .. ....,., Oa. 12111 Of 14-fNtlte Of ~u1t11 IMla Ana, OA tt704. '•lftol• A. '•itllll. 1'41 Trwt•, of tMt owtllll °"4 ot Manin W. ltld LOu6ee Tlltt, ... Washington's zany proceedings begin Monday Tt\9 bla countdown hu btlW\ -It'• lell lhan '72 houri before Tim Wuhlr\l'On arriwe ln the Onnp Cout &rM to rectlve hlt jUlt rewarda. It11 Irrelevant. Week VO, the braln(T)chlld of formar Untveralty of Southern <:aJlf ornla and Sm Franct1co ~9er1 1ub1Utut.e Paul Salata, N>norlna the tut collep football Pla.Yer to be drafted by the proe In the recent National Football LeQue 1eleci.lona. Wuhinilof\, a defenaive back at Frsno State (h.e beean at Cal, but tranaferred after one year), wu the lut player choeen by the Super Bowl champion 49era. None of the prior recipients have gone on to secure spots in the NFL, but Washington is on ' hi.a way, anyway. It all begins at 9:15 a .m . M onday. when Salata and crew take a double-decker bus to John W ayne Airpo rt, wh e re Washington is expected to touch down at 9:30. Newport Beach Mayor J ackie Heather and a namel~ band I will be there to greet the f J celebrity. followed by a press conf,rence at Irvine Country Cub at 10, where he wll be introduced a nd receive proclamations from state, county and city governments, along with gifts from various merchants. Things then tum to the really ~ficant items -such as a sewer Backup Valves dedication ceremony at the Newport Beach C h amber of Commerce and a luncheon. · -"It's a t ypical sanitation luncheon to be served ," says Irrelevant Week spokes person Betty Bottorf. "Barbecued lamb, co o ked by the local sewer contractors.'' Golf follows in the afternoon Oonl!Nfttll, Coli. MtN, Ca. 12127 Truet 1•ec.1ted by GAAY M, lltl.IY So. ltatbottd ft., hnl• Ant. OA Tiiie ~ le conducted by 111 aM C:A"OI. YN A. IUl.IV. hutband 12104. lndMdlMll. I/Ml wt ... tl!cl rtOOfded AucMt 20, Thll bOellltM II oond~ by an "odney loon A111••.1 # t '*tlelt A. 'avtlll tHt .. '"'4t111Mftt ,.o. al~ lftclMduAI. Mlndttllt Cir,. !MM. CA ttr11. TNt etat-1 -!Med with the book 141M, .,_. IUI, of UMle Tlltt Thll ~ 11oonduGttdby1 Oounty Cletll of Or1111941 County on "eoordt of Otano• Cou111y, ,_..., al~ Jwlt lo, tNa. Ct1tforn11, a11d purtu1n1 10 lhtt 'ubltlrled Or•no• CoMt DaUr -~ Almll l.Jnll ,,.,.. oert1ln NOllOI Of Def lull •nd Pllol, Mey It,"'-•. 11, 11, IM2 1llle .. ..,,_,t ... f1lld Wltfl N Publl•l!H Oran .. Co••• 011ty lleqtton 10 .... I~ rKQfded IUW2 IY OWtl ot Onntt cow.~ on Pilot June 12, 11, n . N>t I , January ae. 1H2 .. lnetrument no. ----------ey n , 1Ha. 2531 .. a ea~~. Of Ott1o1t1 "--a• of ~ MJTIICl Publllhect Otannt oou'ttlMalle ---------o...i Uld County, wlll under i nd ----~ ....... ----,. De,,, .... lC M>TICE pureuant to Nici Deed or True1 Mii K..- • Mev 2t, JuM I. 12, ''a Itta l'IOTITIOUI .,...,.. tt publlo llJCtlon for 0 ... 11, 11w1u1 ..,,.~ °' 2 SM2 .... ~ 1, .. -.. ._. mon.ey of th• Untied 8t•t .. of Wl'TNDIA•M. fllllOM 1----------,._ .. ,. "'' Arneflct, 11 the mlln 1111rt.nee 10 ,_,_,._,., °'9aAnNO bu::..'.o:!::wlno P•<ton I• dolno ~t Am:!= !l"1~4tn!~~·~~~ =r.=-=:- l'tCTYT'IOUl WH SOUTH OOA8T VAi.iT Strw~ lht City Of 81n11 Ana Tll• t0Uow1110 P•rton hu NMmeTATIMINT PA .. KINQ, 400 Merrlmeo Wey. Ctllforlll•, llt ·thlt rlgtit. title ;;cs ................ .,.,,.,,.°"' The ~ ~ .,. OOlno Coll• ~. C:a. tHH lnllfeot conY'tYM to and now held Ole '*"*INP ~ unoet IN ~ .. ; 811.-.n 8tlff, 400 Mt<rlmeo by tt 1o1ftc1er Mid OM4 of TNlt 1n \flt lletHloul ~ name of DANA HUJNA IMl'OMI I.TO., Mea Wey, CO.ti......_ Ca t2t2t propeny elt.uated In uld ~ CAITANO, INOO Main. No, 270, 1111 Cerone Drive. Huntington Ttllt buelntM It con6uc1ed by"' Ind Sl•t• dtKr1bed M : Lot at of Huntington li!IMc:tl, CA l:tMI. 8Mch. e& llt47 lndlvlcNlll. Treat No 8271, 11 llllOwn on 1 meo The flot1Uou1 bu1Jne11 n1m1 Dotothy "-9elknt0, Mea lwve lllW l'IClOfded In 8ook 321, Paoet 35, ltatlfl'llrlt tor the~ WM 1111 Cuone Dri ve, Huntington Thl9 1t11-t w .. tlled with !ht M , 37 Ind 34 of ~ flied on F~ 9, 1HI Jn the 8Mcfl, ea. 12&47 County Cl«tl of 0,-11191 County Of' Mapa, r-d• of Ot11191 County, Collnly of Orenge. Sl!Mon !ugene lelllMP eut June io, 1te2. Ctllfornla. The full name Wld r~ of Via c:11one Of., ~ e;;;;;, ,,.,. Excepting thenllrom Ill oll. oil th• per1on wlthdrawlno •• • ca. 92&47 Publl1hed Oreng• 00111 Dilly rlg1111. mlnarel1. mln1rel rlghlt, pertnar: ROC: M. FROST. 1050 Wtll Thi• bUll,_ 11oonduotedby 111 '!lot June t2. 19. 28. July 3, 1982 natur11 g11 right•, 1nd oth•r 0th Street, l!loondlclo, Callfomla. Individual (hu.band a Wife). • 2644--12 hydrOClfbOnt by whltl<llVlW name "91 II. ,,... Dorolhy Roell ltlilcntO ------..,,.-----known. th•t m~ be within OI under MA-. R. ,,... Thie lltl"'*lt WM flltd with the "8.IC nu TICE lh• plfcet of lend h•re1n1bovt wtlhdlaw.,4 ,.,.._ BIG DEAL? -Irrelevant Week VIl kicks off proceedings this week with host Paul Salata (left) welcoming Tim Washington. the last player selected in the NFL draft. County Clerk of Ol'lnlt Coun1Y Oft ,_101tl1 d11crlbad. togtther with th• -., ....... Mey 1'7, 1982. NOTIC• °'a.ATM°' pe<petull rlglll of drlHlng. mining, ............ !-"'-,_ UNA VIOlA D......,. axptorlng. arid OP«•llng thefalor, bledolatl ._.....,. Publl•h•d Orenoe co .. t Oally AND°' NIUIOtli TO Ind 11or1ng In and removing the .._....._ ,.,._ Piiot June t2, 19, H. J.Jit 3, 1982 U!Mllll'lllll •ITATW Mme from Mid lll'ld or •ny othet Thie NC-I WU flied with IN 259C).82 CAM -,._,11111 land, lncludlno IN rtont 10 wtilplt Coun1Y Clerk of o..anoa County °" with a shotgun finish (everyone quits at 5:30 regardless of the situation). then a happy hourlmd a golf awards dinner. Tuesday it's a tour of N ewport Beach and a college night rally a t the Balboa Bay C lub in the evening (6:30). W ednesday it's Disney land Day for Washing1on, followed b y the annual sports banquet and celebrities roast at 6:30 at the Balboa Bay Club, including, the presentation of the "Lows-man Trophy," sponsored by the University Athletic Club. Universal Studios tour is Washington's next venture on Thursday, culminated b y the Irre l evant Wee k Regatta in Balboa Bay at 5:30. Fnday it's off Park where the will be name d Washington. to Hollywood featured race In honor of ----------To •ll heir•, banaflolarlH . 0< difec1lonally dr111 MO mine from M•y 21, 1982. , .,_.,. NOTICE ~ contingent c:racNtore arid land• otl'ler 111111 thOM l'lerlin•tiov. , ..... ~ ,_,eon•' who m1y b1 otherWIH daKllbed. oil or ou we111, tunnel• ntOMAa !A-O.UR, INC. --Pte-nnou--.-IU-... --,-,--lnt•eeted 111 the w111 or ..uite of: 111d ''"'"Into. through or ecrot• A 'ut11n..-..I a.-c:.p. ~ ITA,....,,. LINA VIOLA DASHNER lill UNA II. Iha 1ub1urf1ca of the l•nd ll01Deweat..1-The followlng peraon. eta dOlng DASHNER hara1D•bov1 d .. crlb•d. end to Ntw'*1 ....... CA - bu-'-u · A pectuOO hu ~ ttled by: Rutn bottom au ch whlpllocked or Publl1had Oranr Cout Dilly Saturday it's off to R e no MESA OESIOH INNOVATIONS A. JoflM In,,,. Super\OI c~ of dlractlonally drilled Wllll. tunnel• Pltol, June 6. !2. 1 . 28. !982 here MGM Grand Hotel will 905 Macl(enzle Pl-. eo... ~: Orange County, rtqu11t1ng that 1nd lh•l1• undtt and beneath or 2495-82 w . , CA 92828. Ru1ll R. Jonaa be appointed, u beyond the exterior llmlt1 lhereot. be Washington s headquarters• J.8. ALLRED, 906 MldclOVa pe,.onil repruantattve to 1nd to redrlll. re1unn11, 1qulp, PUBUC M>TJC( and Sunday it's back to Orange PlllCI, Coit• M .... CA 9282t. . 1dmlnl1tar the 11t1te of lh• m1lnt•ln . rap11t • dupin and K.-- Co h Wfta"-•--... ill CHER IE ALLRED 9 0 5 dtc9dtnt OP«•l• 111y IUCh -111 or mlM8, a'"1lllOR COUfl'T Of' unty, w ~re ......... og...,n w MICklNla Place. Coal• ,...;... CA The s*ttlon requaett .,.hortty 10 wtlhout, tiow.ver, the rlilht 10 drlll, be sent packing by Salata & Co. 92828. 1dmlnl11ar 1111 Ht•t• under the mine, 11ora. eJCplore end °'*1" e~~ORANGm Thia bull!,_ II c:onducted by 1n Independent Admlnt1tratton of through the eurfece °' upper NO ctwto ~ Dr. w..c Washington, 5-10, 185 pounds indlvldUll E1ta1 .. Act. A 11 .. rtno on th• r'°o fee ht of1 t d ~b ofd 1"' a.Me AM. CA 111a . h h 1 ' J 8 Allred peUt1on wlll be ,,., on JuM 30 •n .,. OVI Her I • .. , 0 ..... as t e sevent paye r to be Tt1i.1titemeni ... riled wrtth tht 1en,tt 9:30Lm.,lnDIPet1"""t 3: r~ln thtdaedtromThllNlnl a.m.'A-,cAt2'1'0l2 honored by the Irrelevant Week Count; Cleric of Ortnge County on localed at 700 Civic Center Dfi'll Company. recorded December t3, ....._of: DOMALD LAHKFOM> committee June 10, 1982 Wiit. City of Slntl Ant. t973 in BoOlc 11023. page 1175 of G0M»0M. · ' # '1tt2a IF YOU OBJECT to Iha gr1t1tlng Officlil Aecordl CfTA'MON ("°9ATI) Publlahad Oreno• Co111 Oally of the petition, you lhOuld either The llraat addrau or other c-No. A·1'1m Others, beginning in 1976, Piiot. June 12. 19. 211. July 3. 1912. eppeer 111 the hearing and ital• common dlllgnallon of uld THE PEOPLE Of THE STATE OF include K elvin Kirk (Dayton), 25911-82 your objection• or Ill• written s><operty 11 purporlecl 10 be. 11712 CALIFORNIA , To DONALD L. J . K 11 h (C l d ) L objectlonl wllh the court belor1 t"-Pu4o Plcuso. Irvine. CA 92715. QORDON You Ill hateby cltar;I end 1m e e er o o ra o , ee PUBUC NOTICE '-lnO· Your eppaerll'IU may be In S1Jd .... wlll be m•d• without req\llred io appear 11 1 hearina In Washburn (Montana State), per90n or by your 111ornay. ~ven1111 or wirrinty. axpins or Ihle court on July 7, t982 11 16:30 Ml.k e Almond (Northwestern K.._ IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or• •mplled. •• 10 11111• po-.Jon or a.m 1n "-t 'No 3 1oca1 ....... 100 MftNOR COUfl'T CW ~~ • n I c,. d Ito r of I h • encumbr1nces to .. 1111y lhe unpaid CMc Cen--; OrMi W•t a";,;;• Ana State), Kevin Scanlon (Arkansas) CAU'OflMA you muet ni. yOUt cialm balance duti on the note or notes c.llfomlt 92702 and giw ll'IY leQti and Phil Nelson (Delaware). COUNTY Of' OMNCMI with ltia Court or ~· h to the ::::u'~ 8J7~ ::°i~ ~~~!ing'0 rauon why. ~ccordlng 10 the 7'00 Ctwtc C.... Dr. W... perlOl\ll llC>f-lllNe appointed · • · • -11\ed petHIOn flied with thll coun. ,.0 . ._.. by the court within tour monlhl 11tlm11ed co111. exp1n1H and The Petition '°' llPC)Otntrnenl of ...... AM, CA 11191 from lht date of tlrst I-of advances 11 the time of Iha k'!Hlll ROY EARL GRAY .. Guardllll of ...._ ot. M..m ANN OOM10N lelters u s><ovdtd In MCtJon 700 of pubhctllon of thl• Nolloa of Sale DONALD LANKFORD GORDO N (DAV11) the Celltornia Probli. Coda. The S5tJ~E~·Juna 1 1982 fflQUld not be grented. CfTA'MON (f'ROaATI) time tor fttlng dtlme wlll not••'*-FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Dated: Mey 21, 1982 Hoover back • in 'control' c..,.., ,._,,_ pnor to fOUf monlht from the d1te LM A. 9r-", et.tt R I h h d I THE PEOPLE Of THE STATE OF ot the '-1nO noUcad ~. INSURANCE COMPANY '°7CI A......._, dDeputy ust er coac to revert to asics regar ing p ayers' emotions c AL•FoRN1A, To CLARENCE .... y~ MAY lXAM1, 1NE the"" kept ;;."g?'~:'1>0r1t1on LAw cwFtea tw -CARROLL DAVIS. VJ 1 ... coun. you er• 1 per-eon A lh tzecs omoer llllllCHML D. MADDY HINDSIGHT DEPARTMENT: Prior to their appearance in the 1982 community college state baseball tournament, the Golden West College Rustlers had only made such an appearance on three other occasions. The most recent was 1977 when Coach Fred Hoover's squad was eliminated by Cerritos by the count of 15-14. Not a memorable defeNive gem, Hoover will tell yqu, but it was the year his. Rustlers needed to beat Orange Cout twice in order to face ,Cerrito. in the semifinal game. Five years later, he got another shot when G WC captured the Southern Cal Conference title. J uat three weeks ago, the Rustlers drew Los Angeles Valley College in their first-round game at Blair Field in Long Beach. And, take away a couple of throwing errors and the Rurt.le r s could have changed the cbmolexion of the tourney. LA Valley went on to W\n the state championship, yet twice in the same game they trailed Hoover's Rustlers. GWC's 7-6 defeat in that openin8 game paved the way for a quJck exit from the playoffs (Laney College of Oakland beat the Rustlers the next day), but Hoover says he learned something from the fl.aero. Not only did a couple of his players lose control of their throws, but they also lost control of their emotions. "I think I would have tried to handle those guys' emotions a little bit better during the regular season," Hoover says in retrospect. "The guys who _made the bid.. tbrowLWere vecy .out.gOing...playea__ and showed it on the field "But in a championship game when you're playin~ under a lot of pressure, it just shouldn't show.' Hoover says he plans to "clamp down" on outward exuberance, and he's getting an early jump. Whe n community college baseball players aren't playing community college baseball, they're usually participating in summer Metro League play. Hoover has coached such a team for years, and it usually consists of maJ\Y of the same players who will don GWC unifonm in the spring. "We're telling the kids right now. 'if you can control a bat and a ball, you're going to have to control yOU8elf,"' Hoover says. "U you don't, the ball is going to go into orbit." Pirates, Gauchos receive honors Orange Coast <tollege 9eOOl"ld baseman Rick Hopkins was selected All-State first team as voted by the state baseball coaches recently. Hopkina, a freshman, was the only Coast-area player io receive tint team laureb. Hopkins hit .368 this past aeaaon in helping to lead the l>irates to the South Coast. Conference championship and into the 1tate_playoffa. • Hopklnl will attend Long Beach State next fall, Second team honon a1llO went to an Orange CcJ.t Collete product la left-handed pitcher Jilek Reir\holts wu voted ooto the equad. Reinholtz, a eophomof'e, WM 9-4 with the Buca. A pair of area pi.yen joined Hopkina and JWnholtz in betna ldect.ed to the All-Southern C4!omia f.t.m team. OCC outfielder Kevin SUwlnlki. who hit .387 and .C. a CWO-year' ~ with 11 borne Nnl, WU. 1\.-d to Ullf t.eem M WM rigbt•t.Dded pitcher Bt\d Kinney from Seddlebllck eou.ce. Kinney, a '°~' WU '1·1 wtth a 1.~7 EIVt.. N...S to the .cond c..D WM 0CC &h&rd ~ TCJm Duman. wbo NCll'ltly llped a ODll&nd wtth the ~Ult MuiMn. I)•.... • ~ from ldllao ~ bit .Me. PN •!Im with league NSW YOaK (AP.'" The Unllff BU.Ml 11'111111111.MD ~ ' .. llD..,ar11 .... ti1Wn1itlllll·......-\on1 1111111111....... ._..,.. .. ...._ .. .,°' .... I .... ~ MD M1r~IL._ __ aa. ............... _.,, ....... ~. COMMUNITY COLLEGES CURT SEED EN * * * ADD GWC BASEBALL: Nine members of the Rustler team have received scholarships to continue their playing careers at four-year schools. First baseman Chuck Spiege l and pitcher Ron Hendricks are headed for Nebraska which really wasn't a surprise to them or their coach. "Ne braska people came out here in November looking for number of players. They saw a number of our winter sc~ges," Hoove r says. Pitcher Mark Crocken and outfielder Curtis Gervais are going to Cal Poly Pomona where they'll receive the able instruction of Coach John Scolinos, who not coincidentally was Hoover's coach when he played at P epperdine in 1955-56. "Both those guys want to coach baseball. He (Scolinos) was voted Coach of the Decade in the 1970s," Hoover says. Designated hitter Dan Larson is bound for the University of Houston. shortstop Roberto Villarreal is going to the University of New M exico, catcher Chris Schulz chose UCLA and second baseman Marty Boyd decided to stay close to home and picked The biggest surprise, however, is pitcher Rob Meyer who was recruited by collegiate powers like Miami, Houston and Wichita State among others. Meyer chose UC Santa Barbara, instead. "He didn't want to go too far from home, but at the same time he wanted to get away," Hoover e xplains. "He's a smart kid and an engineering major, too." When the 1983 season rolls around, Hoover will have a pitching staff t.hat includes F.cl Clark. Lanny De&se and Scott Marsh. N. freshmen, they combined for a 16-6 record this year. Al.!lo returning will be Beje Mahoe, who red-shirted this year after injuring h is knee in an automobile accident. * * * CYPRESS COLLEGE will offer a "Theory of Coaching Football" class this fall under the direction of former head football coach Don Lent. The .class is designed for athlet es and prospective coaches and current coaches on all levels. ' You have to admit, it beats psychology or sociology. Just say you're giving up those subjects for Lent. Today's TV, radio you 1r a he,. by c It e d and lnt•tllled In the Httla, you may file 1 ~. r..t Fifth St reel 1901 N. ...... ., required to llP9eer ti • '-tnQ In 1 ~ with Ille ooun to rtoelve a.ma ,._ CA _,.. lhll court on July 7, 1982 11 10:30 epeclal notice of the flltng of Iha Santa Ana, CA 92702 (7,.) ....... a.m. In Dept. No. 3, located 91 700 '"-llOtY of •lltt MMt1 and of the (7 l4l 55&-321 t Publlahed Oreno• Co11t Dally CMc Center Drive W•, 8an1a ,,,,.._ pet1tlon1. 1coount1 end repor11 Publlahed Orange Coul Dally Piiot, June 5, 12, 10. 28, 1912 Cellfomla 92102 and to gtw lf'Y daac:rlbed In Mcilon 1200.5 ot tho Pilot, June 12, 19. 26, 1982 2493-82 legel r--. why. IClCOfdlnQ to the caitfOfnla Probate Coda. 2553-82 V9rfflad petition llltd with.,. COUft: Ruth R. Jori. P\ll.IC NOTIC£ Thi P9t1t1on tor llC>POlntment of Petltiooar Ptltl.IC NOTICE ROY EARL GRAY M Quwdlan of ...oM. llcK .... Y, MiLU9'. JULIE ANN QORDON (DAVIS) ZO ... CK, IANDOllt a ALUAN FICTITIOUS _,SINEH ~ not be QtMted. MtarMtw .. P'alMlew . ...._ STATOllnn' Deled: June 3, tte2. 1791 ......., l111t1 u.C. Thi follOWing pertOns are dotng l..M A. ........ a.ti L-. ..... C ....... •11 buSI~ u · ,,.,.. A. ......... o..tr Published Orano• Coal! Delly L & L c 0 M p u T E R s LAW ~-Ofl. Ptloe, June 18, 19. 25. 1982 UNLIMITED. 1400 Oulll, Suite 110. 19CHAB. D. IUDOY 2t72-12 Newport Beach, CA 92tl60 .!!!_!~=· .,_.,. ..,,.nrc: LY NOIA LEE TODOROFF. _ _.,.. ~ ""'~ 33214 Bluetin Orlve. Dana Point, CA <™> ----------92629. Publlahed Orange Cout Dally ~--:'OURT cw LOIS JUNE FLOOD. 20 t02 Piiot, June 6, 12. 19. 2e, 1982 CAUPOllNIA ~fferson. Perris. CA 92370 2494-82 COUNTY Of' OAANGa This butlnwa 14 conducted by a 1-----------111 CMo C..... Dr..... ganer11 p1rtnerenlp P\8JC NOTICE ...... AM. CA IU01 Loi• J. Flood , l A I M T I F ' • M y " fl A This stelernent w11 filed with the ,........... · County Clerk ol Oranoe County on ,.,._ ITAT'lmNT DI, I fl D A MT. FI 0 fl A June 10. 1912 ~ ~ "9"IClnl -doing ICHOINIORN, .~d DOii I Publlihed Oran~e co:.!1~::v ....... JI........,.. p THE MOVERS, 25272 Gtteeom IUllllOMI llot. June 12. 19. 8. July 3, 1982 FICTITIOUS eul*IU NAm ST ATEMIMT The tollowlng per'IOl\a Ira doing bu..._ ... G. M. F. PROPERTIES. 111752 Conatructlon WIY Eu!. IMna, Calif 92714. G . M. F. Corporetlon, 1 Calllornl1 corpor1llon, 18752 Construction W1y Eaat, lrvlne, Ctlll 92714. This bull,_ II conducted by• corpor111on G. M. F. Corpof1tlon Mll1< M. Fiii Praeldenl This 11a1emen1 was nieo with 1he County Clertl of Otange County on June 2. 1982 ,~ Publlshad Orange COHI D•lly Piiot, June 5. 12, 1t, 26. 1982 2401-12 Road, Laguna H ... CA 112653. ~-._.,... 2544-82 Mov-lt E'ntuprl .. e, lnc.ot 9eOTICID Y• .._. .,._ ..-_ -----------1----------- C1lllornl1, 25272 Gr1eaom Ro1d, n. oewt _, ........... ,.. P\8JC NOTICE • PUltlC NOTICE ~Ht*. CA m53. ...... ,_ ~ .._., .... -----------1 -----------Mlcheel J . Newton, 17 ,.. ........,. .... • .,._....., Smollaatone, lrvtna. CA 92714. the ....,......,. ....._ K-00570 K·0056Z Thia bu.._ la conducted by• 11 you wtet1 to et111c th. tdYlct of NOTICE OF DEATH OF1 NOTICE OF DEATH OF ganerat ~~ an a1torn1y In Ihle matter, you HELEN M. LEADBEATER MACK P. FJ\EED AND OF • ~do 10 Pfomptly '°that your AND OF PETITION TO p ET IT I 0 N T 0 ~~lerpriw, Inc. ~ ::--· n any, m1Y be ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. Thla1t11ement-flledwtlhtha AVlaoi U1hd '" •ldo A-113851. A-113813. County Clerk of 0rll'IO' County on cfe.a.4ecfe. II lrllttl1ttl ~ To all heirs, beneficuuies, To all heirs, beneficiaries, June t, 1982· -_.,. Ud. • ·1 G11 • creditors and continge n creditors and continge nt ublrahed 011nge co:.~ •• .:--~ .. ,=::::hn .-CTl!l!nor s o r Hele n M creditors of Mack P. Freea Piiot . .June 5. 12. 1t. 29, 1982 ....., Leadbeater and penions wh and pe rsons who may ~ 2 "SI Uated d111t 101lc1tu 11 may be otherwise lnteres otherwise interested in lhe ------------1 (;()l'IMjo de un tbog9do an .._ in the will and/or estate: will and/or estate: "8JC M)TlC( 11u n to, d 1barl1 h •carlo A · · h ...__ c I ---===~~~~~--! ~ta. de ""' manera. petition as """n i . A petition has been Ciled '1CTmOUI WU IU relPUlll• eac:rtta. II hey lilgul\a. by Alfred A. Leadbeater I by William Leroy Bartlett in MAim 8TATUmJIY puedt _. '9glltrtd• tlempo. the Supe r ior Court o the Supe r ior Court of Thi ro11ow1no par10n1 1n doing I. TO THE DEFENDANT: A CM1 Orange County requesting! Orange County reques ting bust-u : complalnt llu ~ flied bv the that Alfred A Le dbe te be FRIENDS ANO COMPANY .. pltlntlff aotlntt you. ti you wfah to . . a a r I that William Leroy Bartlett 34191111Lido,Newport8Mctl. c"' d9fandthiellrwlult,youmuet,wtthln appointed a s pe r~o.nal be appointed as personal 921183. IO d•Y• artor 11111 1ummon1 11 representative to admrruster representative to administer Small Part•. Inc., • c.tlfomil ..we! on you, Ille with lNt court 1 the estate of Helen M .I the estate of Mack P. Freed, ~·~7:~ Maywood, = ::-:,~o~ ~ L eadb eat e r , Irvine, CA Costa Mesa, California Thie ~ 19 oonduc1ed by 1 be am...o on ~Jon of the (under the lndepende~ (under the Independent COfl)Of'ttlon. ptmrltlff. end th6I court mey witer 1 Administration of Estate Administration of Estates Small Pam. Inc. JudOn*'lt aoalnll Y'D'I kw tM,...., Act) .. The peUtion is set f Act). The petition IS set for !Mr 8. 8adll dtmandeel "' the comp4tlnt. wHdl h~ in Dept. No. 3 at 7 hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Thll ..=!:,=~with IN =· :~; ~~';~ Civic Center Drive West, Civic Center Drive West. ~cw. of Oranoe County on or other reOef requnttd In th• Santa Ana, CA 92701 o Santa Ana, California 92701 2, 1982. oompWnt. July 14, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. on July 14, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. Fttoe21 Dated JI/lit 20, 1981 IF YOU OBJECT to th IF YOU OBJEX::T to the Publl1had Orang• Co11t Dall ~ A.L ~ :--DtlMltY granting of the petition, yo granting of the petition , you Pilot, June 6. 12. It, 28• 1982 ~;_;..,.M'tll.D should either appear at th should either appea.r at the 247M 2 ~Law ' hearing and st ate you hearing and state your •---Nl--IC-NO_TICE ____ , 11111 ~ • ......_ objections or file written objections or file written ---.. CA-.. objections with the cour objections with the court --~ ---·· ... (1 .... ,-. L..._-=-bef h h i y ..... •v-.I)--··-ore t e ear ng. our before the hearing. Your NA•• ATDmflT Publl1hed Orenge Coa1t Dally appearance may be in person appearance may be rn pel"90n ~o:w1ng per1on 1• doing Piiot, JIJM 6, 12, 11, 2t. 1e::9242 or by your auomey. or by your attorney. BIKE 'N z. 21651 8'oollllurl1 I F Y 0 U A R E A I F Y 0 U A R E A St., •15. Huntington BMctl, Ca. "8JC NOl1C( CREDITOR or • contingent CREDITOR or a contmgent ~"Ill'" Maty zin-. 21551 credltor of the deceased, you creditor of the deceued, you 8rooklluttl Sln .,6, Hvnt'"9lon must file your claim with the must file your claim with the 8eactl ea. t2t4t :t"' "OS"\-court or pl'elent It to the rourt or preeent It to the TELEVISION · M8rl• Chtletln• ZlnHr, tt6 o ~ "' personal repreeentatlve personal re presentative 8 a.m.,..~~~ -SOCCER WORLD CUP -Pet~u~ Cf:~~~ .... .,.. ~ i appointed by the court appoin\ed by the court Poland vs. ~nc:roon. VJ : i;i within four months from the wiWn four months from the 10:15 a.m . (4) -BASEBALL -Philadelphia ~:i:,.nc:~=.;~eoctauon other • ••••••• : date of first laauance of date of first l11uance of at Pittsburgh. M.,.,,.. ZtnMr _ _.. • ~ letters u provid~ aa provl.ded in Sec:don 11 a .m . (~) -WCT TENNIS _ Ivan Lendl va. Thi• •••tl'lllftt wet llled w1tt1 the u... NeT~ _... 700 of the Problate Code of 700 of the Probate Code of John Mcbiroe in the finals of the WCT~•· . Countfi ~tot OrlnOt County on -. malTllO California. The time for California. The time Cor ""I June o. ' · ,.,_ MTM. IMCI Cillnc c1a1ma will not expire fllina claims will not expire 11:45 a.m . (34) -WORLD CUP R -Pubt1i11ec1 Of"•nge 0oett oa11y .._ .. t1t lllaad • 11 _, prior to four months from priM to four months from Belgium VI. El Salvador. PllOt-"-12 tt at. .llJlioJ l 1Ml r_od ... d by th• u.e . '°'''1 the date of the hearing the datt! of the bearln• 12:30 ~m. (7) -U.S. OPEN -Tb1rd round ' ' IAMa .._ '°' • po11 o111oe boll "'*· __ ..,___. ..__ .. , ___________ ,.._ .... .,...,..,.,.. "'° ,....._ • ....,,,,,.. notlald above. play from ebble Beach. -..c .,.-__ ,_,......, YOU MAY EXAMINE YOU MAY EXAMINE 1 p .m . (4) -BASBBALL -Toronto at "•tall ou• •lloutd b• file kept by the court.Uthe me kept by the aowt. u Oakland. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodcera at ":.:.:.~~· ::..=i:==:--.,:• you are lntereated ln tM you ar~ lntere1ted In Ute Ci.ncinMtl Tiie f0110W1ftO P8"IOM .. Mio (1) OM-htlt Mlfe raclhfe ef -..te, you may file• rciquen eetate, you may tile a~ 3~ (2) CBS SPORTS SATURDAY !MINN• .....,.1ae1rn of...._~ w$th the C)Ourt to rtfflve with the cou.rt to Nnlve · p.m . -._ -v•LLAGI aulLDI"'· 11&1 _,.,.......,_,a....._.°' 1peclal notice of the 1peclal notice of the Jaime Gana (34·0) va. Carmew Nesron (18-1) in• l.e9una CtnJClfl "~t"• •·'· ._.AM.~ '"\ien.tory of eatate aueta tnventory of •tate utelt ech.eduled 10-round junJor f .. therwelaht bout ""'=~'~T9oer.v, 414 .... (~>11~-~ ':,..,._.:: _. oC the petJdoN. •raowu1 and of the prddana, 9CCXM\ta taped ln Lu _Vtpt, Alm: A report frcm \be '*"'°",..,..Dr., .............. ma--.o....--.=•= d reporia d•ICt'lbed in and a'epor-.i de.Krlbed In bltemaUon&l bleycle c~ an 11-day ....,. nc. ca. tltlt , .. "'Id• ..... '!"' • uu• Ht Ion 1200.a of th• Section uoo.a of th• held In Colondo. ......... D!Mfl ~.::-lo. ... ,, • .,,_ ...... "' ....... C.Womia ..,..... Code c.awamAa ......... ODlk •:ao p.m. <M> -WOIUJ> CUP IOOCEll -=: .. ~ .. ~· · o.. .......... "=If* ..... ' •-.a....• ••d... 111•1., '· • t ,, • Ul8R yt.. New 7-Jand, ,.,. .,._II 111f•u~1 ~It..__ '9..... II Lew a Pl .. 11111111 ~l 6 P (2) •fta• ft,,..,,...,. P'• ... I J •"''"" ...... ~ .. I...._ · O.w Drift .-.., 11 Law I ewl\&. =.-.. 1iiib-.'i:;'a.,;:· &ndud: ,=-1iiii:°"" • 4'=-u~ .• .,.,, .... ..:: .. • e..... '"'e···· ...... II . ~°'---.~-·.... -~-R:.-=• . "" ..... =-···· . _...., f::'l~1il""".--Put"••• era-.... c.-. .. , °"8ftjl .~ 'pt hll -~ 8' analnMU, l __ p~.,a'J ~ n ~ '' ........_ DIMIJl ....._ olw. lit II, at.1W1111111 '°"'A.. lliat.'• I.A.IC ('90 ' 0'1•11 It ~ l p.m., KMPC ...., &Ill -f'IO), I •• .. --.,,... .... J t I • ~ l l l I I 1 .. ~ . . . " .. ~ L&AQUll ITANDtNOI Al'Mf'loM UM• ...._.,...... • L .... -...... N H .6t4 K8MM Cliy • H .MO It =-:a SI 21 .... • " " IOO I o.aJlnd 2t 51 .43t '° T-t2 as 31611 ~· II II H1 H~ ................ Boelon 31 24 113 i=r:,,. 35 2• ·* IY, u 21 133 I Mlw ...... '* 21 532 I ~ 30 30 .6()() 7 New Yorti 21 30 .491 1 .... Toronto 21 SI .•53 10 ''*' .. ._... ~7.CNcego2 OllWlend 10, &oa1on 3 MilweUll .. 5. Detroit 2 a.It~ 4, New Yorll I Ta 3, M""-'8 2 Toronto I . Ollklend 4 ~ Cl!y 4, S..ttle I '::ro.-0Ncaigo (~ • 1) 11 ~(Zahn 7-a) TUM (Mali.de 1·5) II ~·· (H•wne 2-5) 'Poronto (Clancy 7-3) al Olkllnd (Klngman 0.2) Mllw9ull• (H ... M) at Detrott (Wllco• 5-2). n Bolton (Ojeda Ml 11 C...,..end (Blrkw t-3), n 8altlmot9 (Mc:Oregor 1-4) al New York (Guldly 8-1). n l<enua City (CrMI 1-2) II S..ttle (Baettla M).n .... ion..~ ......... • L ..... Q9A Allentl 39 23 129 San Diego 3A 27 .557 ""' 33 32 .508 1'A ~t,;"*° 211 37 .431 12 .... Cincinnati 27 31 .421 1214 ~ton 27 3e .•21 12'A hetanlOMlloft S1. Louil 31 26 .69" Montr ... 33 27 .$50 3 HewYOl'k 32 30 .518 5 ~ 32 2t .525 ...... n 32 4$t ..... PlttNlutgh ChicaOO 25 40 .385 13Y, '"*"' ._.. := 3. Clnctnnatl 2 (11 lnnlngl) Mon Ml 4, Chicago 0 New York, 5-4, St. Louil 3·5 Pllll~ 8. Pttttt>u<Qh 3 Atlanta 8, Sen ,..rllldloo 3 Houston 7. San Diego 2 ,..,..ca.- Dedtln (V....,..,. 8-5) 11 Cincinnati (Berenyt Ml PhlllCMlphla (Catlton 7·7) at Pltllbutgh (Rotllneon 8-2) Montrea l (Oulllckton •·II •• Chicago (Jenklna .... , Sen Frencitoo (Hammell• 3--1) 11 Allartll (M.iMI< 8-1). n H•• York (Falcon• 4·2) 11 81 Louie tAndUi.rM). n Sen ~ (Mont~ 5-4) 111 Houeton (Hllllcoo I. n Ang4tle~ llATTINO ,,. R " "" -... c.r-20t 3A 57 0 17 .330 Boone 192 13 58 1 26 .m Downing 250 3t 71 10 27 .2114 Lym 203 36 5t 3 14 2t2 GtlCll 208 21 57 8 3$ .zu Foll 208 24 57 2 26 274 88ytor 252 21 ee 9 40 282 ~ 88 9 17 0 I .250 o.cir-2211 28 57 7 36 uo Ra.Ac*IOR 195 21 41 11 211 .241 Ao.Jedleon 2t 2 7 0 3 .241 Cllltl .a s 9 1 3 225 ~ 27 2 e 0 0 m .. I 14 0 5 .157 8urteeon •5 4 7 0 2 .158 ~ 13 2 0 0 0 000 Tot• 2.111 217 515 52 2e2 .298 m c...a • H -M> W-t. PA H-* 27'-'i 20 11 13 1-0 185 Goltz 7 7 3 4 0-1 2.57 ~ko 1~ 73 111 3A 8-1 2.U Aael 42~ 32 19 35 3-2 2.74 Ztlitf 113y, 117 22 32 7·2 2.117 Witt llO'-' 52 25 33 3-1 ll.02 Sanohel 31~ 211 12 11 3--0 3.13 Foncl'I 10N 92 24 2t 6-1 3.11 Kl9on 72~ 83 29 39 8-2 3.59 ~ •II~ 52 22 21 3-8 4.« Cot1lett 40 47 17 25 1-I 1.08 --T.....__~, ~aJ.2.~ ~ ..... W,.e.A'e• Tcwonto 121 001 001-1 13 1 Oellland 100 100 200-• 10 2 GarM. A.L '**-(5). J. Mclaighlln m and w111t1: Keovgh. t Und•r•oocl (3). Arroyo (I). 8-d (I) and ,.._._ W-J. McLa ug lllln, 4 ·3. l -Kaough, 1 -1 A-12.081. ....... ,..flld ... J ea.on 002 000 010-3 II 1 Clewlll'd 208 200 OOlt-tO 15 0 ~. 9urgmals (I). Apon1• (7) and Qeclmen, Lafrancolt: Oemy. ~(I) and 8endo. W-Oemy, 4-7. L-Edilf'lley, 8-6. HR-Ci.valend, Ollona (I), Harrah ( 13). A-18,1111. .,_..,,,._a M....,._ 003 000 002-5 10 1 o.trolt 000 002 000-2 II 1 l •rch. Barnard (I), Flnt•rt (II) end ~ Wllcolt, 8eudar (9) and L Pln'llfl. W-L«Cll, 6-5. l -.Wllcox. ~. 8-Flnowe (14). HR-Mllnuk ... Molhor (I~ Detroit. Herndon (13). A-37, t81. Oftelee .. , ..... 1 81111mor• 000 200 200-4 7 0 HN Y()ftl 000 100 000-t 3 0 Palmer, T. M•~,.::y (t ) and Hol•n, ~ Morgafl, (7) and Wynagw. w-1>11"'-r. 4-3. l -M«oen. 3 ..... 8-T. M¥11nm (I ). HA-HMw Yor1l. Wlnfl9ld (I). A-35.11111. ,.....,,htlla. T-OOt 002 000-3 I t Mlnne9ola ooo ooo 200-2 1 o· MHlctl. Mlrabell• (7). Com• (8) 1nd w.m.: 8. ~,...._.Cl) and~. lluWL W-Medldl. M . L-8. C-.0, W . S.-0-(4). HA-T-~ Cl). A.-t ,114. Top 10 llwoutfl Ttlllf'tder'• o.r- ( ...... Ofl 10l M .... ) AmRK:AM L&AOUI OM RHl'ot. H1trall, ~ 54 225 49 85 .378 McR•1 ~City 80 229 34 111 .35" Bonnell. T cw onto 5e 18" 31 51 .35" W.Wbon, I(.,_ City 3e 151 21 53 .340 Hrbllt, M""-11 SS 210 38 71 .331 Coootr. Mliwlult• 115 222 34 7 4 .333 C-, ~ Ill 205 311 ... a32 Yu11·91-1, tlOtlon ..o 11u 20 oe .32' ~i.ln. 8111. 44 113 2t 37 .327 Wllll•. ~ Chy 57 205 Sl M :322 ............. Y"~ • Thornton~ Cl1v1l1nd. 18: Hrt)llt, ~ .. t111: Roenldta. llaltlmort , 14; 0 ThomM. ........_ 131 Hamill. a.wlend, 12; Hetndon, Datrolt. 12; OglMI. M""-Alll, 12. ........... .,. . McRH, Kanue Cll=58: Tllornton, ~ 55: luziNltl, , 41: Hrl*t, M~ 48; 00.. K.-ty, 43 ........ (tO........) Ouldry. Haw York. 1-1: Vukovlcll, ............ &.2; z--. ~ 74; Caudll. s..ttll. 7-2. Hoyt. Chlc8oo. t0-3. kll•. ~.11-3: Clancy. Toronto. 7-3: eum.. CNcllgo. 7 -3. NA TIOMAL L.l.AOUI JThOme>tn. POh Ramlly, SIL lorg, Stl S'-,HY Ollwf. Mtl RWonll,SO Francona. Mii Knlghl. Hin c.dtno. Cln T,._, Pgh 0 Aa ,_ H f'ot. 58 ~ 39 Ill .330 •I 113 11 37 327 411 11t II 31 .32• 51 11MI 31 14 .323 5t 217 31 70 .323 59 208 ... 17 .322 "" 131 14 •2 .az1 82 24" 32 78 .320 62 191 2• 51 ,3t9 52 1M 11 11 .314 ............ Murplly, A11enta. 19: Kingman. H.-York, 11: J. l'homoeon. Plt18burgll, 15; ....... ~ta. __ .... _~ "--"' Murphy, Allln1a. 54: B. DIR. ~Pl1hli~i..t.*"'lla «; J. T1lomp9on. PltllbutVll. 4"; Mottltnd. Chlc•go. 43; Klngmen, H .. York, 42; o.n-. ~,:a-o.w-1 . Foredl. ~ 1-2: Aogera. Montrael, 1-3, Sunon. Howl\on, 7-3; ....,._, ~ 1~ ,, ......... ~ ..... Andultr. St. Lo1111, 8-•; Walk. At11n11 . 1·4; Soto, Clnc:Wlall, M : J. Hllltto, ~on. M . ~~~·· ..,..,_ ...................... Yr.~ P-tlnld KlnNy, SlddlaOtdc So. 7-t (Um P-~ PlnUrd. Ctrrttoa So. 10-0 (U2 P-Jlm Btnedicl. I.A Vlllly8o. 10.1 (0 112 P-£d 0.U., Secnmento So. 10.1 (1. ~ Mlltont>trgw, Stquom So. .35t 18-Tlm McNeugtl1on, 8.Mlll.o So. .&8$ tB-Den JueiWta. POf1..... Fr. .426 t8-flod ~. Cerrttoa So. Me 1B-T1m Coop, I.A V*t So. ...cM If-OM Roddy, Alo Hondo &o. .347 •-MDII ....... °'9'91 c.... ~. ... IF-M1111 Btny, 0111Wd Fr .. 451 OF-811en Flnl9y. Contra Coat1 So. .414 OF-Adolpll Ooodmen, An~ So . .377 OF-Soolt Bua. FrllRO So. .3d OF-John 8ty8nt, Sarti• Ana So. .41• o+1-Mall Stwruza. Cetrttoa So. .375 U1-Scoll Altllg. OeAnm So. 311 ._...,_ C-RICll 0'9)'. Santa Ant So. .3A7 P-8colt HtnnetMn, OJlntrd Fr. 11 ·2 .,_,,..~Or-. C.... ... M P-Mltdl Oorrle, a.er-8o. 8-0 P-Jtmla &rtlco, F,_ Fr. 1-1 18-0M s..v.n. s.a-10 Fr 558 11'-llrtln Outnldll. F-So. ,,... IF-o.tendo 8llcllwtl 8o .3" t IF-AaYIO Alflto, Canyone So .337 OF-Reggie M0119V, len9y So. .413 OF-S..,. w-. c.mtoa So. .375 OF-·Oemon F-. WllC I.A So. .4CM OH-01¥1 H111derto1~ F-So . .480 Ut-Jetl')' Me:Dermott, Santa Ana So. .4CM Ple\WS of !ht Y--Tim McHeugtlton (Sen Mat.o) and Jim e.'9dlol (LA V~ Big Stlell Award -John Armendariz (Por\.,....l and Rod MoCtN9r (Ctrrltoal , Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOTl81turd1y1 June 10, 1982 .. -.....:_.=._I ,;, 'c --. ,.. i. c - I Angel, DOilger sehedales ~ •• Angef1 on "•dlo KM~ ('110) An9et1on TV Chennel I '· Dodger1 on Aedlo KAaC (TIO) Dodgeraon TV Chennel 11 • Dlnoltt TY &•Ille lundey Mond•Y TuHd8y Wed need., Thur•d•y Frldey Seturday June 11 CllQCO II ~ l·OS . • Ooclctt1 II RW.. I lb IG 11 12 23 24 D 21 Cl'llCllO 1t Anctfs, I Ttm 11~1!30 Ttm •I ~tit. 130 Ttmel ~· 730 • Roy1ll 11 Anpts, 7:30 Ror•l1 al Anaets. / 30 Roret• 11 Anam. 1 • Ooclstr1 ti Redi, I l:IS Dod(lll II Ids. 4:35 ~ti 11 tawn. 4:•0 Ood&ttl ti lhts, 4:40 Oodatr1 al BrtvtS, 4:40 • Oodct1s ti Astros, 5.35 • Dodatrs ti Atlro•. IO' ~O v • 21 IC July 1 2 i Roylb ti Alllflt, I • Dodltt• ti Aslros. 3:0S Padm 11 Oodat11. 7:35 A:,: et Tnn. 5:35 ~ rn ti Ood .. 11. 7:35 ~:r: ti lean. S:3S P rn al Oodcers, 2. !rOS An&els at fem. 5·35 A111lls 11 Roy11s. S 30 Astros 11 Ootlatrs. 7 3~ • An&tls ti Roy Ill. S· 35 Astros •t Dodt•a. 7:05 • I • 7 I • 1Cl • = et Roytb, 11.35 ros at Oodpf 1, l:OS Onota et~. 7·30 Oodetn ti Mtb, 4.35 Ollolee ti ~s. 7.30 °""'' t1 s. 4:35 lndtw ti Anltfs, 130 Docletl• 11 [~s, 4 OS lndtlns 11 An&els. 1·30 • Oodttrs al [ajl()s, 4·35 • Vanlltts ti := 7 30 • Dodetts at . s OS YIMtH 1t Ancels. 1 • Oodttrl •I Pt11Mta. 4 O? U.L Open , .. ,..... ...... , &Noe o.vtlll 7CM9-t3t Llrl')' Alnll• 1.-e1-1•1 Scott~ 7~-142 Lyn Lott 12-71-143 CllWI Peete 7t-72-143 8111 Aooef• 70.73-143 Andy Norlh 72-71-1"3 Tom Kitt 73-11-144 0-ga lkKnl 72-72-t« Tom Wateon 72-72-144 lloOby Cllmf)elt 71·73-t« Jac;1t Nlcllll-74-70-1« Jim Thorpe 72-73-145 Wltlllm llf..._., 78-lt-145 0.Yld Grllllm 7a.72-1•15 Jeclc Aannet 74-71-t45 Liii')' HMaon 74-72-1•8 Craig StldMr 78-70-1•1 Danny Edwwde 71-75-148 Oen Polll 72·74-141 Sk ... tr HMth 73-74-147 Oon lllM 73-74-147 lkl4dl 811td 72·75-147 Cllttla SlflnQt 74-73-147 lloOby Wldklnt 73-7•-t47 Jottwt Ml... 7&-18-147 Fuzz; lOlilet 72·78--148 Tarry DWll 71·77-141 Woody 8tllc* butn 75-73-148 Greg ,._, 11·71-148 J. c. ~ 73-75-t•ll Lon Hlnkle 73-75-1411 Jim KlnQ 71·77-t48 Lou Grihtm 75-73-141 Hal Su1ton 73-71-149 Kermit 7 5-7 4-149 ~ Monf 79-70--149 John MINI! 11·72-14' Lenny Wd 73-71-1•9 Aon Slnlek 72-77-1411 Mika Brennan 75-74-14' Sob 04ldtf 73-78--1 •9 v..-Hellner 75-7•-1•9 ~ Uttler 74-75-149 7S.74-14g 79-71-t50 75-75-t50 71-72-150 76-75-150 77-73-150 75-75-150 78-14-150 71·73-150 73-78--111 71·7•-t51 77-74-1151 77-74-151 78-73-151 77-74-151 78-73-151 78-75-151 78-73--151 73-711-151 7&-75-15t 74-77-t51 71-75-t51 71-7,-152 711-73-152 1s-n-152 83-tll-152 78-71-152 73-79-152 73-71-152 73-711-t52 75-77-152 75-71-153 7$-74-153 78-75-153 S0-73-153 71-75-153 71-75-153 711-74-153 711-74-153 llt·72-153 711-75-154 llo.74-154 79·75-154 71-78--154 77-77-154 78-711-154 74-80-154 77-77-t54 78-71-15" 81·7•-155 711-71-155 711-78--166. 78-77-155 11-74-155 78-79-155 S0.75-t55 78-77-1115 78-71-158 78-71-\58 7M1-t58 11-75-158 112-74-151 74-12-llle M-71-157 S0-77-157 711-71-157 71-11-1117 78-Tll-157 78-l'll-157 711-71-157 112·75-157 78-llt-157 78-11-157 1e-1g-157 111·77-151 S0-78--151 11-77-118 711-711-151 11·711-159 82-77-168 111-78-1511 llo.711-159 81-78--159 111-79-180 7M1-1llO II 1·711-180 ll1-7t -1tl0 78-12-180 14-75-180 ~78-18t 78-13-111 711-12-llt llCM1-111 12.ao-112 81-8\-182 ... 74-113 13-11-1&4 ei.t1-18" ~165 a..ea-1• ...u-1• '3-tS-1 .. ~1 .. t t-78--117 ... 711-117 7 .. WO 78-Wl) ea.WO .. . Loe Alemltoe l'M>AY'S MIU!.. Ta (41 .... .,..,.. ........_.. ......... , l'IMT UCC. 350 ywda AM Ceti (ll«d) 1.40 4.40 3.00 8lmple Min (f'l')'dly) 9 .40 I to Batllln 1n11auon (Creegar) e 40 Al90 rlCld· LM Speedy SI•. Me ChetOk•. e.ntley Aoll. H-Copy Two. PO'#dtr Horn Pillo!. lu VIMqUI. My l.8dye Man TkM. tS.02. a IXACT A (8-31 paid 1103 80 H COHO u ca. 350 yard• C .... ar (Frydey) 4 20 2 llO 2.llO Ouplk:at• PoU<:y (Carelou) 3 20 2 eo Oully OU!" (Tonka) 4.80 Al90 rlCld. Aunt Chrlt. Jodi• Expr-. T...wty And Wllitly, Ftu• flla4, At¥etand Jim. s-1 S-Talk. Mr Ebony Orume Timi' tl.23 • 'fHIAD RA"-400-ytrOs; Etty N 08)' (Cwdoul 21 llO 5 tlO • 20 MO.. On Eeey (Hart) 2 llO 2.llO Aylngl ExprlMIOn (Mttc:ntll) 4 t10 Al90 raoad. l(llltty9 ~. Hll'ne*\I H~. tme Oun Runner. 01111 Mary Blue, A Haturel. Tlml 20.11 ,C>Ufmf U CL 550 ywdt Sonw Kind41 Country (lei!) 14 20 1 20 5 00 8r-'Yt Pop (Mylll) 4 80 3.40 Kllawnltt• C"'""-1 • 20 Aleo rlCld awl Copy, Fllr1end Flf91, WhoOoae Cat. 890fltng ~. Cwmallno. LeclY A.I> Wini Tl!M-27 Ill a IXACTA (1-2) plld '31.20 'FTM RAC~ 350 )'Ilda • T-Truek (illl'Me) 13 llO 5 80 3 20 Rubyl Khtn "'1181 (Piikenton) 8.40 3.40 WM Wlld WHd (Cwdoza) 2.40 Aleo~: Sure Future. Pr1or TotalllOfl. Prlnoe J a.. RklQMlatl Auler, T~ k:t1 11 8tok, MIQl'tty ~ 8uQ Time: fe.ts. tlXTlt RACI. 350 yard•. 1amtoo (Tonit•J 1.80 •.20 2.to Green 8-lty (Llcttey) 5.80 3.80 Bllllol> &rat (Adair) 3.00 Alto r-S: ,..lllt Floone. fN1 TYl)9. Uttll 8lldla Oo, Jungle Play. Ml .. H-d Couniy. Scotll .. ~ &lnlll Kip Tlrn« 17.112. 91 UACTA (~21plld169 to MWMnt u ca. 350 ywdl. Gin. ~ (l.ll*ey) 25.00 111.to 11.10 Audrl Uo (Tonk•J 45.10 20.00 Mlel !My Tudor (Adair) LOO Aleo 1.-ct. bll't Siil AoGMl141. OH-Olel "911". OH-Autly ... Ootl Lale Ull. Hlllth -. Jel-r 8-y, SMulatlOtlt Tlm9-tl .oa. • UACTA (t-tO) Ptld 17• to. DOtfTll AAca. 400 't9fell. 80001t ._ (Mltallll) 1UO 5.40 4.IO Ho~ AMII ( .. IUllnel 3 00 UO The "°" At.11erJ~ 4.10 Alto t10• : C •u•• Im Fair. !••Y ~_ Sll't'IO. Miio a.-. . ._ HIOf, Rodi ... un. .-.-... TlrM. lO.OI. a UACTA (M) plld 146.10 MNTH 11.ACI. 300 ywels. v-.wo (Mytlll 11 eo s oo 3 40 Wrlrtgla AIOI (Mhc:Mll) 5 20 3 20 C>tt-M«ry Wagon (Adair) 3 40 o+1·TO'#n POlloy (Harl) 240 \ OH -OaedhMI lor 11\0w Alto rlOld· To Angel•. Arbeke Jal Ona lme To Shu. Y.it« Fl.Ml, Tiny Ov•dr'lvt. Poo a.er MIN. lime: 15.•7. IUXACTA (2·5) ~ 153.60 nN'lll 11.ACI. 350 yarC11. Klpe Angel (Adllr) 7 .20 3.80 3.20 ROcillll Char~ (Hart) 5.00 3.40 Tiny Trlp (8erd) 4.llO Alto raced· Nevada Oh, Centarman. Hempen Men, Alive Wire, Cty Woll . 8cr1mbllnQ Joa. LotuJuz. n,.,.. tfll5. 12 IXACTA (Ml ~ $.45 . .0 Hollrwood Pert '911CAn llHUL Tl (and of ...., tlMlrCMlfMIHd -4!fte) l'1llST l'IACL e lut1ongl Emb«matlc (VallnZuel•I •.llO 3 00 2.llO J 0. MMOfl (l'lncay) I 00 4 tlO Scatp1n0 10r1eoa1 8 80 Alto rlCld Summet Sailor. Wit Alllld, Fll\C't Ouy, Tr..:ltlional Ruler, Hand Ovit HMt1 Tl,.,. I 09 4/5 M CONI> l'IACL e•n lurlOng9 V...._. Brin (MoCarron) 10.20 5.80 3 IO StephanMt Sue (811Citl 13.80 9 20 S..br-Peyoll (McHargua) 5 20 Alto tlCld: Apptleohlan Ttlll. Girl Ball•. Wrt Out Ettt. Young Petra. Oet•mlnacl \MIO, Oafj'a Sport, 0.-TU Oulk, H-lng, Ramblln' l uv. Tlma. 1; 18 4/5. 12 DAILY OOU9U (5-12) peld S3t.llO TillflO l'IACE. 6 lut'longa. Cont11t.O (Plncayl 12.llO 7.00 4 20 Nat'• Panny (Guetr•I 7 oo 5.20 Gentle Sun (Slbllll) I 40 Aleo raced: lnHerchof, Shiraz Tudor, Mien.Ill'• OrMm, Onoearouneltheellcic. Time: 1: tO 2/5. • IXACTA (S.3) peld S2t9.50. '°"'"" II.ACE. 5'"' luttong1. Prlnoaee l..un.rlllh (Vinz) 5 40 3.40 3.20 Mldn(gllt Aac>tura (04.Hlff•) 3 tlO 3 20 T o01 (""-Y) 5 00 ~ rlCld· T--. Miu Oialant Oay, Rainbow Rlt>bon. Gtowtng Ridgl, We)411t1, e..llkltan. Tlmr. , :03 115 ~ RACE. 7 IU<longl Aghtlng Fl1 (Plnay) 7 .20 4.20 2 40 Ooubll Dewan (V...,_.J 8.20 3 00 Mf AnlbMudor (M<:Cerron) 2 20 Alto rlCld Colonal Stu, Cl\111 C>Mlwar•. P8QIM1ry, ~ Ught. nm.: t.21 415 • UACTA (7_.) plld $102 50 SIXTlt II.ACE. Ona mile. e..u Ot.a.. (Ramirel 111.llO 11 20 5 20 Clllel Juatlce (Areoonl 1 e 20 1 20 My9tlcal St._ (Cutaneel•I I tlO Alto r•ceel: Envoy 01 Ora.ca. Hollow Range<. Hnruffah Oout>fael, Hllfgoler PlllOI' Prete, HOlmby Hiiia, Slf Shlld'Mdc Twn.: t:313/5 NVINTH RACE. I lut'longl. Bara i.-(Upham) 5,.0 l 20 2.40 Buy My Ac1 (Pincey) 3 20 2.60 Wini• Spirit (Vellrmllla) 3 00 Aleo raoeel: Meggie'• 1nt1n1. S.autllul Ona. Coun1111 C1bril1o. Swlll Pr()91*:1 Tin* 1:011 2/5. 15 IXACTA (3_.) paid $.40 00. f'ICIC Ill (12·5·7·7·11·3) pt1ld S311,g28,40 wtth IOU< wlnntng tlck1t1 (llx horMI) 12 Pick SI• con101a11on paid $921.80 with 56 winning tlcllett (lour hor-) EIGHTH RACE. 1 lut'longl . J.O. Oulll (°""9r") 11.00 5.00 3 llO Stenel Bat (McHargual 5.20 3.20 A-To Mullc (Mc:Catron) 2.80 A190 r-': W1l1• 0st10fM. Gti.u.. 'T1tM: F20 :J/5. • OACTA (4-1) paid $111.00. MNTH 11.ACC. l'A mllll on turf. -e..1 (Plncay) 1.00 2.60 2.llO Wiid O•t• (Toro) 2 tlO 3 20 Oogo(V...,_.I 500 Alto r_,: MorMI. Night LaegiJI. Prtncely Vwdle1. Hiii O.tw nm. 144 1/5. • EXACTA (1·5) Olid $35.50 Attanda._ 11,11911. Thia weell'• trout otenta L08 ANOILH -Big Rod. Cratll, Ullll Rodi R~. SClll Oat>rtel Rlvtr (Eu! end North Fort<t). Sen Oalll'ICll ~. R('llRllC>I -Oark C1nyon CrHk, Fulmor Lake, HWM1 Lake. Sen JIOlnlo Rl- (NOtlh Forll). IAN 81RNAROINO -Cucamong1 Creek. HolcomO Crltk . .i.nk1 L.alca. Miit Cr ..... Senta Ana Rive<, SCll'lll Ane Rlwr (South Fcwtc), 8IMlrwoocl Lake. •AM OllQO -San LUii Ray Rr-..r. s-wetw~. IAN LUii oetlf'O -l°'* LAk• ~ -8liJI Lllk• (~).Cw.on "'-(E.Mt end Wael For1l1). Marti._... Creek, Pllaeent Vllley Creek, ~ Creek KaM -Al4et Creek, Bori. Cra1k. Cedat Cfetll. EAlllM Creek. Kem R1wr (~ Oa m to KR1 PowHhouea. Borell P-"<lllff lo o.inocrat O.m, l••blll• Darn to Borell P owHhouH, I( lf3 ~ to L.Alta IMC>tlle), Nobe YOUllg c.- MADUA -San ~ l'INer (Mlddle '°"'" 8twlt-lhtr Llka. TUI.AM -~ er... Kem ,.._ (8cMll ,...mll1t Orwll. Soutll er., TUlil ....., Ind $Ol.llll Fotltl al Mlltl An!. World Cup 10CC9r (lfl lpMI) FfltOA Y'I I COAH llely 1. Peru 1 Argentina 4. liungaiy 1 Bruit •. Scotland I .. • TODAY-I ClAMH P~end v1 Caml(oon at C0tuna (Qroup 1) Balolum VI El SeivllCIOt •I Elcht ~roup 31 USSR VI Nlw z .. 1and (gtOU9 I ) World Cup atendlnga Throueh hturday'a 0-1 Ol'IOOf' 1 W L TPttOl'OA Italy O 0 2 2 1 1 PIN 0 0 2 2 1 1 POlll>d 0 0 1 1 0 0 Cameroon 00 1100 "-fining 'Int llound 0-Today P~lllel VI CM*oon .. Coruna TUMday P.,u v1 P~and al Coruna Wld.-day 1111) VI Cemeroon II Vogo ()110\W 2 W L T Pta OI' QA Algetta I 0 0 2 2 1 Auatrla I 0 0 2 I 0 Ch<le 0 I 0 0 0 1 w .. 1 0..mlll'ly o 1 o o 1 2 "-tMlnlne flrat Round 0-1\lndey W111 Garmany VI Chile at GtJOn Monday AIQl<t• VI Aul lrta •• Ov..oo Thvnday Algeria VI Chile at 0v..oo Frtday Wiii Gl'm•ny VI "4.tllrla II Olion OROUPJ W L TP1a Ol'QA a.tglum 10021 0 Arganttna 1 l 0 2 8 2 Hungary I l o I 11 S El SatvedO< 0 I 0 0 t 10 11-.lnlng Finl Round 0...... Today 8411glum v1 El Sllvador 11 Elcl>e ,....., 8elg1Um VI Hungary at Elc:M -~ Argentina VI El Satvedor at Alicanlt OllOUP • W L TPtaOf'OA England 1 0 0231 ~achlOlovtkt• 0 0 t 1 1 1 Kuwait o o I I 1 1 Frenoct 0 1 0 0 I S AtfMlftlt19 Rrtt1 ~ 0-.. ....., EnglCll'ld VI Czlci>oalollllUI 81 8llbeo .._.., Fraoo• VI Kuwan 81 Vallad<llld ~ Frenoa VI Cz-e1111 at Vellec!Olid frtday England VI l<uwel1 et Bllbeo OftO«}P 5 W l TPta Gl'OA 0 0 1 t 1 1 0 0 1 I t I 0 0 I I 0 0 North«n lratenel 0 0 I 1 0 0 ............... Ant 11-.d a--...., Spain VI YugoelaVll II Valef>c:ie .... , Hondurut •• North ern lra lend et Zaraz.oga n-.daJ Honc:IU<a• VI vir~· II Zaraz.oga Speln •• Northetn lrat1nd 11 V•IClncl• OllOOPI W l T PtaOIOA Brazil 2 0 0 4 6 2 Scotland 1 1 o 2 6 I Ruula 0 I O O 1 2 Naw l eal1nel 01002 5 "41fftMftlng Flr91 Round 0- Todey Rueet• VI New Zealand •• Malag• TllMday Ruelle VI. $coti.nd,&L.M•llQI . ...._., Bru tl VI -Englend 11 S.VIM• FrtdaY'• trenaecUon1 8AH8AU ._._. lMf\11 MINNESOTA TWINS -Plec•CI J im El11nrtlct1. outlt1IC11r, on th• 15·d•r ~ Mii. and brOUQhl up Bobby Mltehll. outllM<let NEW YORK YANKEES -SlgMd RodMy Scott. -"' ~an. and al8lgned him to Columbul ot Ille 1n1wnatlonal ~ NatloMI LM911t CHICAOO cues -Pl•C•d Scot Thompeon, outlllldtr. on tna dlllOlad llel. MONlRE.AL EXPOS -SlgMd Al Ol/-..r, ftret t>aaamtn. through 1915· Plaoed Tarry FrlllOOnl, outlllldclr. on tlle dlHt>led lllt. '00T8ALL ~footbell ...... CINCINNATI BEHOALS -Slgn•d EmtniJlf WHYer ROM taotr.ICI, DENVER BRONCOS -Signed Keith Vacktt, S1u1rt Ya11ko end Brl1n Clark, ~guards. HEW ENGLAND PATRIOlS -SlgMd a.orge Crutn9. dMlnlM and CINdltft f ootllell LMew MONTREAL CONCORDE$ -Cul Al Ooaen1, 0.... Oiiman, Aldwd LM«ntle, Bot> Ireland and Bud H11>tr1. al~l(v. t>•clt1, Jo. Rlcllerd and RoH RHv ... llnlbadl .... and Gerry ~and Joe Burke. wide r~vl'"•. eoqulreel Samtny o.-. ..to. -· lrom .,,. "°'°"'° AtOOf*'I• tor lutura oonlldtndk1na .. ec>CCUI .......... ._a.....- •UF,..ALO 8TALLIOHS -MatMCI Jrt ~ llMd 0090ll KANSAS CtTY OOM!'TS -~ -001'111Cll of Elion a... llld Tim ewtr. lolwdl •T l.0\/18 STEAMeAS -All~ .,_at.ti Mal!OWIW, dlfallder, 11M _,.,.,. • "-ll8"'l---~,~ ! t l • H l i I ! I l .. Orange Cot•t OAll.V PILOT/81turd1y, June 18, 1882 Cuba Reag•n &e1mil\l5tr8110t1 th<•••• 10 punt$h Cube IOI ass1s11ng r...olution&ry movements on C.n111l Amenca spurred Cubes biggest ar1n1 butlduc> since the Cublln m1Sal'9 c11si1 Top U S and Cuban lea<Jeu. ~• but hncl notnong on common Guatemala can Oen E1rain Rios Monn blought to power on a Marc.n coup turn Guatemala away hom c;1v1I war? Mann has won "'ljh marks tor a human1t<111an app1oach so tar His tun<1.imen1.i1ts1 ChnSll<ll\lty ·~ c.;onst<le•ed we1rO on 1h1S 11a<11uon bound Rom.in C<1lh0toe ,.oc;,e1y El Salvador Tho overwhelming turnout on lhe Maren etec1ions 1ampora11ly oampene<J lighting between Mar~1s1 guemllas and governmenl to1ces Bui r'9hl wing poht1c1ans lhr .. ten lan<J reform. undermining U S coogressionat suppon tor El Salva<Jol Poland P1a111tt11 fll)Orldicttly c;l .. 11 with t9411111 ot rnertfat lew rn tltMI o.monttrat!ON Tiie u S conttnll*t Hnctl0/11 egl•l'ltl tha regime lf'n90foeQ la11 No11•mb8r but lhOWI 1nc:reas.O w1tt1ngnH1 to work with other communllt tag1me1 on eur~ d811>11t lht Poll1h erac:llOOWn Northern Ireland voo111ra botween Iha f'rolHl11nt ll•l•,u111v •no Homan CathOIJc rn1norily WrltlnUI) IM 41 11 IOW level The lnlh OQV0111met'll llal I::~"""'"""' pi~ <111t1C11 talk.a w1111 mo 011111h 90vernmen1 abOul an 1mpo1ad Mn1-menl t>u1 an •no stams 111 ort to !hit 15 yHr old 1ouno ot foghung Morocco The WI• on ltle west•ro Sallera l>ltwHn Maiocco ano the Poltuno Front b&tke<J by Llbyl Incl Alge1111 lhffflt~ 10 become ev11n more 1nt•rnationat Tne u s has .n<;r18$e<I 8IO IO MotO<CO and the PohHOO has 1n1eet•ne<J to got arms lrom 1he Soviet Union The seven year old war still oeloes • n9901111te<J sentement Libya Although L•bya has noeoe peace movH to •ts neognoors tmctud1ng Egyp1 art<I Turnsia) 111 recent Weal B•nk ~1a11no ag•IMl new, 111trtcti\11 ltrHll con1ro11 In tha ()C()upiad tarr11or111 has cott 1Niny Arao l•va• In r-nl montll1 Thi U 8 II trying to jOg 1oOt8 11\41 111Jlld Ctmp David tll"9 on P11Mtln11n autonomy • --------E.-=¥Q>~=. --; ! :=. -...__...._ ~ ~ -Lebanon ram11n1 a powoar k9Q 01 ~ ~ conlllct 1mo11g L•btnH• C11r1111an1, Syrian occupation lorcH , P1IHt1n11n llghtera Md the lltMlla. llfHtl IOtcee, attempting to 1llmln111 border raid•. 1W99t ICl'Oll the country 18 ttr 11 B•frul lr•n-lrmq war 1r111 111• pus11e<1 becle lnYa<JlOg lreq1 lotOIS llOng I b<08<I lront CN8r llll put two monllls The U S oa woOOng IOf I MgO(laltld Ma'91J'Onl QI Ille 20-monch-Old contllet Moderele Alab ttal81 i.ar Iranian SUCC0$1415 COUIO re ogl\lll lr1n • eftart IO spread 111 1un<1amen1alls1 lsi.m.c revotutlOl'I Afghanistan So"'" troops ,,. on another ..,I-.--=:::;::::::==::::::::~ m.,or olfens•ve this spring the lhltd sine• they "' 1n1110tld on Oecemll81 19711 Mo1tem mbasmen have acknowllldgtld IOsse~ in tne 11lQuunos Ttie Sovoe1s aPQea• daterm."eo to slly on an<J 1n. 1111>1smen aPQea• oa1erm1ne<1 10 resist Phlllpplnea Pr11o0an1 --=;;;;;;.;;;;.:;:.;;;;~ Ferd1nanCI Marcos one man Nicaragua San<11n1sta lea<Jers ano monthS Moammar Kna<Jaly roma1ns an unpredictable lorce backed up by an arsenal ol Sovoet·maoo The Yemens Tne Soviets nave a mato• base al Adon rn South Vemen, ano rn addotion bile~ bolh 11des 1n a guerrlll1 war rn No1th Yemen UnthcallOl'I talks between the two c.0onrnos have P<Oved lruollo~s Tho thr•at to North Vernen trom the Na1ional Democr111oc Front •S not rule llas sub<lue<l Motlem seplllliSts, b\11 not the low· level conlltCI woth about 2.500 guetrlllas ol the Communl•I· beektld N-People s Army Marcos enoed man1al law U S diplomats SIOwly move toward nQ90t1ations but oomes1tc 01sencnan1men1 woth San<Jrnistas grows mcto<11ng among soc:oa~sts E11Je groups try to bu•l<I up s1rength '°' a tai.eover allempt t>Ot ~po1a<1oe anackS b\lt et•llCs complain lew O.mocratoe reforms hive lotlowtld Falkland Islands A m1oor 1emote ierrotoual d1spu1e su<JOonly became an 1nternationa1 cros•s when Argentina onvaolld the FalldanOs Aptd 2 ano Grea1 Bntaon sent rls lleel 10 r11gain them U S teta1ions with Europe anCI Laun Amenta woH be artec1eo 10< years by the outcome .=--. Angola Tile Soviet Un'°" ..:::=:::: Cuba ano Soum Africa contonue 10 use ---Angola as 11 oan1e9rouno Tiie Sovoet:. and Cubans support the Manus1 r1191me wl"olch 111es to repel Soulh Alocan 1ncurS10ns In ll00•1ion tne government :oghlS two !>lack guemlla 01gan1u1ions tne FNLA on 1ne north ano UNIT A '" lhe SOUlh negouate 1noepen0ence 101 Nam•bla appear.O headed IOI I surp11se 6UCC9SS untol guemlla leader$ reruseo I plao by rove We11e1n nations lhill onctudeo voling on a constituent assembly South Africa continues a guerroll1 war ag110$1 the Soutn·West Atroea PlllOjl4e s Organoza1t0n ISWAPO) lo1oes presseo a·mepr ottenSl\ll ag11ns1 Khmer Rouge guernllas t>elore lne rarny season whK:ll has iust begun Tt>e Vietnamese have gatnec:I con1rQI QI moSI ot ltle counlry since ,,.,.., 1nv1sion 1n January 1979 but have been unable 10 101a1ty subdue a OOl~llOn ol resistance forces Washington rulemaking: Long, winding road By G.G. LaBELLE A-l•led PreH Writer WASHINGTON This 1s the S tory of R -a tale of Sp<'Ctal interests and government bureaucracy and consumer frustration. lt describes the effort to adopt a fede ral rule, in this case, the rule on how to label insulation. This seemingly simple process kept the wheels of Washington spinnnmg for five years -and 1t was done with what one official calls "cxpc.>d1ted proc.'edures .. Indeed. the rule for "R values" of insulauon -expected lO be issued in final form this summer t.o6k less ttme to develop than man y other laws or regulations. IronicaUy, Congress has since passed legislation lengthening the proces:.. foUowing complaints by industry -and the Reagan administra tion -that federal agencies were foisting needless regulations on business. IF THE FEDERAL Tr ade Commission's insulation case t<; any example, however, industry is by no m~an~ left O U~ of governmen l rulemaking. Under procedures set by Congress and the PTC, there was plenty of tame for comment and rebuttal, hearings a t which five segments of the insul:lttnn industry were represenled Then then· was a re-rebutt.aJ period Then the rule was postporwd by an industry lawsuit, by Cong res., and by the need to develop new technology to satisfy claims of the suit. The prOC'eSS began in 1977, with the insu latio n business booming as h omeowner s scrambled to-f ight skyrocketmg energy pnccs It 1s t•nding with the boom over. at least for now, in the midst o f a depressed housing market. The rule wall set a precise "R -value .. measurement that will let cons umers accurately judge one type of insulauon against another. R-value measures resistance lO heat thl· haghc•r th<' number, the more l'rft•cllve th<' insulation. FTC lawyer Kent Howf'rton S<Jys tht• rule puts a stop LO tht' "radtl'Ulous . exaggerated savings claims" fed the public in the late '70s. Ile dt•scrabC'd tht• lone back then as "put our insulation in your attic and S<1ve 50 Lu 75 p<•n·ent of your fuel bill." Spurred by such claims. the F'1'C set up a task force in May 1977, proposed a rule for "substantiated" R-valuc measurements, allowed 60 days for ('ommcnt from interested parties, and began public hearings the following F'ebruary. The four weeks of hearings were designed as part of what Howerton called the FTC's "expedited rulemalung procedures." As the FTC lawyer explained It, rather than take weeks to narrow what issues would b e e xa mined, the commission ruled tha t representat1vt.'S of nine interested groups could question any witness at the hearings. THE GROUPS included makers of four dafferenl kinds of insulation -minera l wool, cellulose, cellular plastic, and urea formaldehyde foa m -along with insulation installers. Also represented were envir onmental and cons umer groups, 'other government agencies, and th£• FTC staff. After the hearings came 30 days for rebuttal and then, Howerton said. "the sta ff here went through all those thousands of pages of testimony, written mmment and rebuttal evidence. and . . recommended a 1inal rule.'· He said FTC lawyers put in 100-hour weeks at the height of the process. ''We had a notice of proposed rulemaktng published in November of 1977 and the final staff r<:>port in July of 1978 which as preuy fast for about any regulatory body," hl' said. NEXT CAME A separate report by the FTC hearing officer. then a chanc.-e for any of the rune interest groups to appear before the romm1ss10n ; and finally the romm1ss1on's own examination of the H-value for thick insulation by as much as 10 p<•rct•nt But. said KNhc:art. no tcchnologacal basts existed for such tests. He also said dlSt'laamen. n>qu1rcd in the rule made TV ads too <.'OStly "In a 30-set:ond spot, 20 to 25 SE'<:onds would be taken up with d1scla1men.," hP said. ev1dC'nce AS T HE SUIT wa.'> considered. the What resulted was a rule calling for FTC announl'<.od tl would delay the rule's stand ardized R-value test procedures, cHC'l.·tav<· datC' until IX'<:. 31 -JUSt one labchng requirements, a fact sheet on mont h R-values, and an explanation of the Then Congrt.>ss got involved. measurement in advertisements. It was While It wa:. moving t.o cut back FTC published on Aug. 27, 1979. and was to funding and authority Congress barred go into effect that Nov. 30. any ITC rc·gulallon from taking effect On Aug. 31. however. four makers or before Mar<.·h 16. 1980 Later 1l changed mineral wool 1nsulalion challenged two the date to May 31 clements of the rule in federal court. On June 3, the FTC publis hed a Francis K et hcart, a law yer o r proposal toswy the<.·hallenged segme nts Johns· Manvi Ile · I nl'., said the f' ms of the suit but put the rest of it into objected to the requirement f test effcn. Aftt•r a ~JO-day commen t period, insulation at "representative thi kness" the;' abbn•vwtt•d rule was formally and onl' calhng for an C'Xplan lion of pubiashC'd on Aug. 15 and look effect H-valucs in television ads Sept. ~9. Insulation had long been t ted in Th~ Nationa l Bureau .or Stand~. one-inch samples, with the R-V ue for me9rfwhile, was developmg the thick greater thicknesses extrapolat from i~ulation tests. with ~ Johns-Manville that . An ind e p e nd e nt le g r,6earcher helping, while on leave from organization had caUed for new tes~has job under a n indus try-funded saying the old method overstated the program In its research, 1nc1dentally, the bureau found the difference between a Gasoline shortages called unlikely 1-inch sampll• a nd a 6-inch sample was not the 10 percent predicted but an avcragl' of about 3 1 '1 percent. By July 1981. thl' bureau finished its work. and tht~ thick samples were sent to industry for tests of individual products. By THOMAS D. ELIAS The price of gasoline 1s gomg back up and the chairman of this state's largest oil company. Standard of California, says it~s because a new energy crisis may be on the way. OPEC, he says. is cutting production and will soon raise prices once again. But two other developments suggest that while the industry is ha ppy to up its pump prices, it doesn't really believe the prediction of a new oil crunch FIRST, A consortium of 01) companies scrapped the proposed $11 billion Alsands synthetic oil pro,ect in which petroleum was to be extracted from the tar sands northeast of Edmonton. Alberta. "There is 1nsuff1c1ent private sector support to proceed:· said thP pro,ect's chairman. Waning oil pnccs, he said, dampened the enthusiasm of firms like Exxon and Shell. Less than a week later. Exxon pulled out of the world's largest s hale-011 production effort, the Colony pro,,ect in Colorado. because it was "too expensive·· Both projects were con<.·c1vt.'Cl during the late 1970s, as oil and gas pm-cs h eaded ls teadily upward with no apparent ceiling. F..ngin~rs have known for decades how to extract oil from tar sands and the shale of the Southwest. They've also known that there's enough oil locked up in those sources to end the nation's need for any oil imports. BUT UNTIL THE Late '70s. it was always far more expensive to go after that oil than to pump liquid crude. even if the wells were on ·the other side of the world. The rising prices of the last few years changed the picture. Suddenly, imported 011 became only slightly less expensive than 011 from shale or heavy sands. And every forecast was for even more price increases fueled by an ever -increasing demand for gasoline and heating oil. But those forecasts turned out to be wrong -and California has Jed the way. just as it led the nation into the gasoline Lines of 1979. By switching to smallei* cars -the California fleet contains a far higher percentage of small models than any other state -drivers reduced demand, and even this spring's 25-cent per gallon pril'e drop didn't send consumption into a n~w upward spiral. Oil company hope1 of Increasing QuoteV 11To thole who march tcw ~ my hMt\ II with ~ou. l would be 1t WI h;d uf you.r J)Arldl ii I btu.Ytd nwdUnl alone m.i.Jd brt"I lboul • mote ~ world. , ,I undtn\and ~=~•nulM CDnternl." -.,...... blfort \ht Otrman ~ ""'""' '° the 'hounnd1 of ft'H•·fi•mon1&t1•.,• =Yintl In Otnnlft'/ '° Pf'C*lllC hill waillva demand. in fact, must have been behind those price decreases. Why else would firms like Standard and Arco have sold gasoline at a loss. as Standard says it was doing? Now it's clear even lower prices won't lndU(."f? drivers to revert to their old, wasteful habits. So the oil companies are gradually, raising 'their prices, to make gasoline refining and marketing profitable once again. But c;wen though Standard's chairman. George l<.eller, says prices will soon be back at t.lte-1981 levels, the synthetic fuel decisions of his firm and others mdacate prices won't soon go much higher than that. FOR IF THERE WERE any prospect that guoline prices would soon move back into a steady upward path, the synthetic oil projects would have gone forward. Thoec projects could only have been canceled because oU company economiata were convinced worldwide oil prices will remain fairly stable, at least for awhile. And that mearu the oil companies, while not saying lt outright, believe OPEC's days as an economic dictator may be numbered. Say. economiat Arthur Laff r, one of the prime archltecta oC Prealdent Reaaan'1 econom ic pollciet, 'IQPEC lt now maklnl a wt-ditch effort c.o bold on prll:es up. ut h will topple btauae of dofl'Wlltic price decontrol and con1umer h1blta." 8o\h hla prt"dlction and the lar and.a and wi. oil cant"ellat.loN IUQlll two thl n1•1 ~h• U.I . wll h contlnut lndtfln61tly '°ct.pend Oft'"'*'"' °'I and there " uu11 pm1pKt for rnon 111DUnt ~like thatt of the "70t -'7NlrNf rll#r 1 trw·latn mlumnllf .,_,. In nu OOH IMl)'ll'I ttAe. .... FINALLY, LAST Feb. 10, the FTC announced a proposal to lift the stay on the thick insulation test requirement. The final rule is now being reviewed by the FTC staH. lt is expected to go into effect minus its TV ad section, which ls stiU at issue -sometime this summer. Howerton, whose office contains a 7-foot-tall bookshelf filled with records of the R-value case, says It "would have been difficult" to complete the process much more quickly. He pointed out that the basic rule - without thick testing -went tnto effect in 1980. Formulating the rule, he said, meant balancing the needs of different segments of a competitive industry, of the public. and of various government agenc i es -eve n the Defense Departme nt got involved because of military housing. The PTC's latest request for comment shows. however, that not everyon e understands the .reasons behind the long and complicated process. Buried amon.g the letters from industry lawyers was a note Crom Vlrglnla Point, a citizen of Ntles. lll. She aa d the thought the PrC was guilty of "dllly-dallyins ... detrimental to citizens." O"ANQICOUT llllJPllll Tiii' commrnt p11• of th• Dall) Piiot Ht.a tu Inform ind 11m,1111•• rtta1t1r b> prtttnt •n• u ~11rff1) ot romm n11r)' «in luplu or l l•r••• •"4 •IMnlflrMnt t rnif'\ lntormttlt ob •••• ~l'r 1t1n.t•p1lu• M.-n YIUIH f . •' &~~'-'• Bigfoot legend '\'-'-~ alive and k i cking Uncle Len has been afraid to come out from under the desk alnce the firat mail began arriving. What a lot of Bigfoots! Or is it Bigfeet? Anyhow, Uncle Len had to be quJte firm with himself this week and kept repeating, "It's just a story. It's only a legend. Don't be afraid." It must be difficult to be a Bigfoot, though, and Uncle Len can sympathize with someone that•large. Imagine how difficult It is to buy clothes when_you're a foot (a big foot) taller than anyone else. And if you've ever gotten blisters from a new pair of shoes, think of the problems a Bigfoot must have in getting fitted. ~en open-toed sandals might pinch. Uncle Len's friends didn't have any problems with the contest this week, though, and drawings of Bigfoot came walking into the newspaper office. First place and $5 go to Scon Borack of Costa Mesa (who forgot to include his age) for a Bigfoot Uncle Len wouldn't want to meet on a dark night. Scott also enclosed a drawing of a large man removing a Bigfoot costume, s howing h e's not entirely convinced that Bigfoot is real. Second place and $2 go to Michael McDonal d , 7. of Fountain Valley for a genuine, space-age Bigfoot. Could Bigfoot really be a robot? Honorable mentions go to Misty Bulley, 8, of Corona del Mar and Mary Deneher, 10, Molly Deneher, 8 ~. Darci Dutton and Dori Dutton of Newport Beach. Uncle Len was thrilled but sad to get his last entry this year from Room 13 at Wilson School in Costa Mesa. Have a happy summer and thanks for all your great artwork this year! Bigfoots came from Laurita Rodriguez, Joel Lozano, Rachel Morse, Bobby, Heather Grosdidier, Pattie Jo Alverson, Richard Barba, Craig Bruyn and Jason Beverly. Now that Uncle Len's friends are out of school, they'll tlave plenty of time to sit· around the house and draw for the weekly contest, so Uncle Le n hopes everyone continues to enter. Besides, it's a great excuse to keep sitting around when parents ask you to go clean your room or cut the grass. Uncle Len got a puppy last week just so that he won't be bored in his spare time. and he thought that might make a good First Place: Scott Borack of Costa Mesa • Second Place: Michael McDonald of Fountain Valley subject for the next drawing contest. Draw a picture of a puppy (any type or breed -your own if you have one and can get it to hold still long enough). Be sure to draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square and send it to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Be sure to include your name, address and age and mail it early so it g e ts to Uncle L e n by Wednesday. Besides, If you let your entry sit around the house for very long, the puppy probably will chew on it. Preacher's car for the birds r No peep he ard from young passengers during ride r WINCHESTER, Ind. (AP) The Rev. Walter Haynes bas been chauffeuring a bunch of youngsters around town and even took them to Cincinnati. It wasn't until he got out of his car that be heard the peeping. He had a nest of baby sparrows living under his bumper. Haynes, pastor of Wesleyan · Dog of tlte Weelr----- H9Uness Church in Winchester, was puzzled because an adult sparrow had spent much of May eyeing the rear bumper of his car. The reason was confirmed when he went to Walters' Tire Cent er to h ave an exhaust system fixed. "While we were working on the car we heard all this chirping going on somewhere," said owner Dean Walt.en. "There was a nest in the upper ring of the bumper." "I told him 'you've got bµ-ds up in this bumper. Your bumper's ... for the bl.rcb'," Walten said. Walters said the workers couldn't see the birds, but assumed from the commotion "there's three or four young ones up there." Haynes, 60, saya the nest was near the left and ~nter of his 1973 Chevrolet. T he exhaust system ta on the right. "You'd think t h e blrds couldn't take the drive, all the Jarrlna, the pollution ," .aid Walten. "But birda build better homes than we do." · "The t hing tha t '• am azing thouah I.a the mother will wait until the car geta t.ck .. .I just know that that mother b ird OO.O't ride on that bumper," Walt.en said. Hayn. MMi when he returned from • trip to Onc:innat1 he could hear the blrda and ..urned they WeN \hire. But he couldn't find the Mlt beca..-It WM dark. Haynee Mid the car WM lllent • few days later and be could find no ~.,...._ they were llW u... .., be plann9d '° check blfan*Mftl ...... No&-collllllan~ty ,... ~ ...,..... ... he'1 .. .. Orange Cou t DAILY PILOT/Saturd1y, June 18, 1882 ,'., WATER WINNERS -Mrs. Carrie Slayback's third and fourth graders at Masuda School are ready to board a bus fora day atKnott's Berry Farm, the first prize of Orange County Municipal Water District's Water Conservation contest. The Fountain Valley winners had 0.-,,... ........... studied the state's water supply, its scarcity and the canal system, wrote slogan s and painted them on posters, and conducted a community educational program on the need for conservation. Fossil find • • • excites sc1 e nt1sts Discovery adds e viden ce to theory of primate e volution BAL TI MORE (AP) -The discovery in Wyoming of a 50-million-year-old fossil foot bone with a grasping big toe caused scientists to jump for joy, a paleontologist says. That's because the find adds new evidence to the theory that development of the grasping big toe was a major step in the evolution of modern primates, according to Robert T. Bakker of Johns Hopkins University. improving depth perception. The ancient creature, whose bones were discovered by the Bakker expedition in a rock layer known as the Willwood Formation, was about the size of a small cat, the paleontologist said. The scientific name of the animal is Cantius trigonodus. In aU , the Bakker crew has found 30 lunb bones of Cantius m four summer expeditions to Wyoming. The first finds - fossilized "teeth -were found ·in New Mexico in 1878 by pioneer geologist F.dward Drinker Cope of Philadelphia, Bakker said. "The -evolutionary advent of the grasping toe, according to a long-standing theory, was the key event which initiated the most important evolutionary trends l ead ing t o higher primates," said Bakker. "Our findings lend important new support to that theory." Bakker said he found the primitive foot bone of a true primate -the group that includes apes and human beings -while leading a crew o f students across the desert of Wyoming's Bighorn Basin. Fair c ontes t open "When we found the foot bone, everyone was jumping up and down," Bakker said in announcing the discovery. Junior chefs ages 9 through 18 can enter the citrus cookie, bar and cake contests July 13 at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa. Cakes will be judged in a separate division. A recipe, not necessarily original, must accompany each entry and will become the property of the fair. A grasping big toe enables a creature to grab branches securely and seek refuge from predators in trees, he said. That ability, combined with the animal's good eyes, helped ensure his survival in prehistoric forests. No pre-registration or entry fee is required, and the citrus- flavored cookies,· bars or cakes should be brought to the fair's 4-H building between noon and 3 Judging is based on appearance, texture, consistency and flavor. It will begin at 4 p.m. and is open to the public. 'p.m. on the day of the contest. The baked goods will serve as admission to the fairgrounds. Trophies will be awarded in age categories 9 to 13 and 14 to 18. A partial skull of the animal found by two colleagues, disclosed that the primate also had lar~e eyes facing forward, Cookies and bars will be judged as one class, and a minimum of six is required to make an entry in that category. For more information, call 751 -FAIR or pick up entry information at the fairgrounds. THE QUIZ world scope (10 points for Heh queallon enswered correctly) 1 Many analysts feared the new conflict in the Mideast would spread alter Israeli troops clashed with those of (CHOOSE ONE: Syria, lordan). That country's forces have remained In Lebanon since the 1975-76 civil wu there. 2 Israel's government has said it (CHOOSE ONE: will. will not) con~ider an independent homeland for the two million exiled Palestinians living along its borders. l The U.S. unemployment rate in May rose to .. l .. percent, the highest since 1941. a-7 .6 b-9.S c-12.2 4 Hunger strikes and demonstrations have accompanied the final effort for national ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by the lune 30th deadline ... l .. of all state legislatures must approve an amendment before it is added to the Constitution. a-One half b-Two thirds c· Three fourths S Citizens of (CHOOSE ONE: Philadelphia. Boston) have been celebrating u their city enters its fourth century. • newsname (fO polnlt II you can l~llly lhl1 perton In the ntw1) As Ch<1ncellor of West Germany. I rece~tly hosted the 16-natlon NA TO summit meeting. I have supported station- ing U.S. nuclear weapons In my couhtry, while I 1lso support a continued dlaloa.ue. with the Soviet Union. Who 1m U matchwords 1·patfty a-wpretM, all·fmpor11nt 2·plPl'l' IMcory, fable ,,,_.,on c·model, let.al 4-pltamount 11-tqualfty • .emtllrlty J.plrlblt .... offtc. of pope ' Answers appear (upside down) below quiz • news picture (10 point• II you 1n1wer thl1 question corr.c:Hy) The United Nations called for an immediate ceasefire and Israel's withdraw;il from Lebanon after Israeli troops launched a massive attack on Palestinian forces there. The attack was in retaliation for the shooting ol the Israeli amb.u~dor to Britain. TRUE OR FALSE: The U.S. supported the U.N. action. (2 point• for Heh qu11tlon en•-red correctly) • 1 The lavish 8-hour production "Nicholas Nickleby'' won the Tony award as the best play of the 1981-82 Broadway season. "Nicholas Nickleby" is bued on a British classic by .. l .. a-J<1ne Austin b-Willi;im Shakespeare c-Chules Dickens 2 Crowds lined up in Memphis, Tennessee, for the first public -• tours of Graceland Mansion, the long-time home of t~ late rock-n'roll star .. l .. l In a dramatic series of victories, 17-year-old, unseeded MMS Wllander won the French Open tennis championship. He replaced fellow countryman Bjorn Bora IS the Open's youngest champion. What Is Wllander's nat~ countryr 4 The French Open singles' title Is one of four cti.mplonlhtpl that make up the Grand Slim of Tennis. Which of thete It NOT one of those champlomh4psr a·Australlan b-ltallan c-U.S. s The (CHOOSE ONE: Mllw1uk" •ewen, MlnMIOD T'Wtna> broke out of their earfy-tea0n stump shoftty afltr ~ Kuenn reptaced Bob "ludt" llodpn IS the teem'• lnleriM man•I•· rouncltable YC>Uft ICORI:., .. t•,...... -TW ICOMt 11 .. •,...... -.......... ...... , .. thou1ht about u11n1 hi• ~·n•• '° w •• v the Wr4 111&Mpe. h&e •r• on lh• ' ... , ... ...,. .. .,. ... •/'-~~~~~-~,....~- I -0;1ng• Oout DAILV PILOT/latu"rd1y, jun• "· 11ia . .. • Anniversary marked Minister, three prie I ordained St. Joachim pastor plans retirement THE JOHN REYNOLDS family will conduct 10 a.m. 1ervlce1 S unday commemoratln1 their 10th anniversary of their putorate at th'e Nelahborhood Congre1atlonal Church, LaJuna Beach. CHURCH IDTEI M gr. N vin helped e tabli h Roman Catholic parish 35 years ago Rel(Ular mlnlatert, the Reva. John aqd Maraaret Roynolda will be joined by their aon Metthew, a recent anduat.e from the Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Another llOn, Jonathan, will play a drum aolo. studies at at. John'• Sl'mln ry in Camarillo. BY STEVE TRIPOLI or-. o..., "-' '""' When the Rev. Thomas Nevin arrived In Cotta Mesa in 1947 there was no Roman Catholic parish here;Ju•t a group ot about 100 families w ting for a spiritual leader. A lot of other things -like many of the buildings and roads known today - weren 't here either. One Interesting thing that was here, the 78-year..old pastor of St. Joachim's Church recalla, was an airport, located ne-what Is currently 19th Street and Placentia Avenue. ' Things have ch,anged a lot since then, af1P Father Nevin 1 now Monsignor Nevin . -has playe0 a role in th08e c h a nges . H e says now, as h e contemplates his retirement next month, that it wu a privilege to fill that role. arrived, and It wu u a _prlett for that dloceee that h came to Orana-County (then a part of the Los Anple1 Dl«'tltlt) In lH~. He uya he hu enjoyed JUI lo~, unbroken a.ociat!on wlth St. J~hlm • because •itt hae the advantage of allowlna you to become ao intimately acquainted with people." Asked to summarize his experience here, Magr. Nevin tell 1Uent for a moment u he reflected, then Mid in a soft voice that still cam.e. the dJatinct accent ol hta native land, "l consider It a very h a ppy privilege to be able to minister to th1s community for such a long time. I rejojce in the cooperatJon I've received. rve been happy to •hare with these people their joys and their sorrow• -with many from the cradle to the grave. lt'• been an unbelievable experience of joy for me." Msgr. Nevin will not be leaving St. STEPHEN MURRA'Y , w ho has been on the 1taft ot St. Andrew's Presbyterian chu.rch, Newport Beach, since latt tall, waa ordained as a mlnlater at t h e W estminster Presbyterian Church, San Jose. Murray earned hia mast.er of divinity de1ree from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. A DAY OF RECOl.LECTION for widows and widowers is to be held today at 12:30 p .m . at St. Edward's Church, Dana Point. ~ FORMER PASTOR of the Santa Ana Founiquar<> Church, the Rev. Arthur P. Pedenien. will be the (>Wpit guest Sunda y at the Me1a Bible Chapel, Costa Mesa A SIX-WEEK CLASS on the baalc ideas of Science of Mind will be presented by the New Thought Christian Church at 191Y Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. Closse11 will begin Tuesday at 7:30 p.m AN EXTENDED day care program will be offered by Grace Lutheran Eleme ntary School, Huntington Beach. Applications are now being accepted for adnuss1on to the school that will open in September. The day care program will run from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. For mCormation call the l'hurch office at 897 -0361. The small band of families that Msgr Nevin foun d here 35 years ago is now two parishes, the 2,200-family St. Joachim's on Orange Avenue and St. John the Baptist parish on Baker Street. Msgr Nevin guided the construction of both churches and the eventual split of St. John's from St. Joachim's when the congregation grew too large to be one parish. D.ity Hot •telt ll'tloto TO R ETIRE -M sgr.1 Thoma's Nevin, pastor of St. Joachim's parish for 35 years, plans to retire next month. Joachim's when he retires. He says with a smile that he hopes to "continue to work, perhaps with a bit leu worry" than he had as pastor. He also will leave for a visit with his five brothers · and sisters in Ireland shortly after he steps down July 6. and he said he hopes to spend a little more time on the golf course. THREE ROMAN CATHOLI C priests from Orange County were ordained last week by Bishop William R. Johnson of the Orange Diocese. The priests are the Revs. Timothy Ramaekers, Jaime Soto and Christian Anderson. All completed theological NEW OFFICERS of St. Paul's Ladies Philoptochos, St. Paul's Green Orthodox Church, Irvine, will be installed during Sunday services. ~ South Coast His replacement as pastor, the Rev. St. Joachim's was first a parish in name only. Msgr. Nevin celebrated his first Mass here in a local mortuary, the second in a private borne and the third in a Grange Hall. Over the past five years, St. Joachim's has been the home of a growing ministry for Latino families, and there is a M~ in Spanish each Sunday plus other events for the approximately 300 families. Ken Krause of St. Joseph's Church in' Santa Ana. will begin his du ties J uJ y 11. . · Community Church ' 642-5678 Services 8: 30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. But by the end of 1947 there was a temporary church, what is now the church hall of the parish. Now there is a lso a rectory, school, convent and another residence on the grounds. It's been a long road for Msgr. Nevin since he arrived her:e "in search of a healthy climate" in 1930. the first year of his pr:iesthood. Put a few words to work for yo-u Corona del Mar Higt"I School '2101 Eastbluff Dr Coronr1 <11?1 Mar "Whal If Vs. The As If" The church's growth a nd Msgr. Nevin's interest m it has not stopped with the com letion of buildinJ( projects. A native of Ireland, he was attached to the Diocese of Los Angeles when he in the Daily Pilat l>r. IJa•" ·"""'" Orange Cof!st RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY Freedom of Worship An New Thought ChrtetlM Ev~t NewThoufht Chftetlen Church Sunday l«Ylce a .IUnlcw Chwc:ft 15"' a lrYlne, .... pon BMch 10:30 A.M. "FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM" 1st CtUCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Of NEWPORT BEACH Member Cllurth Unlled Church of Rttcic>us Scitnte CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Child Care "&a Your Own Good Parent" 1011 Comelbadc, Newport leach . (eff Jom'*-a..,.i) Muoi< Dlr.ctor • Morie Inglish ~ti· . ' -. ... ~ ,., ~·· 951-6244 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional Epleoopel) HOLY COMMUNION • Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Prayer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. JemH Hohfeld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA Bay Street at Orenge Avenue Holy Eucharist 9:00 Infant ond Child Cot• the Rev. Conrad Nordqulel, Vicar 541-2237 ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport Buch flEWPOIT H.'JIC)I tunllM CMCH 711 O.W. Dr. •WPORT llACH ~ """'" ... ...... __. ........ ..... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IAAHCHH Of THE MOTHEll ~. THE FIRST CtlUACH Of CHfVST. tCIEHTIST IN BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS "Is The Universe, Including Man, Evolved By Atomic Force?" Sunday, June 20th, 1982 Coate MeN -Flr•t Church of fhrlat, Sclentlat -..... Venla Dr,. Coeta Meu Chwdt A 9undef 8dtoof -10:00 A.M. ~.-..... Y•deDr. t ......... P.M. .... Un a.t. Wed. 7-nD P.M. -t-t:a0 P.M. lrvlne -Flret Churoh of Chrl1t~nt11t Rancho a.n Joequln lnt.nMdlate 4111 MlcMeteon (NMI Yale) Churc:ft a l4andey 8dtoof -10:00 A.II. CHll..O CARE PAOVIOEO AT SUMOAY 8EJWICt. Huntington Beech -Flrtt Ch\lrch of Chrltt, Sclentlat Ith a Otlve, Hunttnaton llMch Church a lundey tcttool -10:00 A.M. Reading "4>om -221 Mafn It. Newport Beech -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat 3303 Vie Udo, Newport BHch Church & Sunday School -9:00 It 10:30 A.M. Reading Room, 3315 VI• Lido Mon. lhru S•t. -I A.M.·5 P.M. TUH. -7-1 P.M. C~·•d c ... P•o.wi.d Tvudayo -9 30 I I 30 A M '"' Stud~ Tome Newport Beech -Second Church of Chrltt, Sclentlat s10o Ptlclflc View Dr., COfOft8 Mt.._, Church a 9uftdey 8dtoof -10:00 A.M. RMCllnt 9'oom -3900 ''9" II. Coeat Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - 8 P.M. ALL CHURCHES Alf ar• cordl•lly lnYlt.cl to •ti-trt. cllurcll ~ a.nd ..,joy trt. ~ oC 1119 IWdlt>O Aoonw. Chlld C•e Provided AT ALL smtVICE8 WESTMINSTER LUTtDAN CHlltCH 1 .. 1 Mlttofl A". (Next to a.n 0teeo Frwy. It WMt"""9W llhd.) -WORSHIP SERVICES - 1:30 A 10:00 A.M. PASTOR JOEL A. IW1QQUM PHOHI m I• CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH (MlllOUrl Synod) 1'0 Ylctorte It., Coata ..... Lother V. Tornow, PMtor -111-1111 WORSHIP HRVICI! -9:11 a 11:00 A.M. Sunday School a Adult lllb6e CIMe -t:aO A.II. Chrtetlan llementaty School -Mt 1111 .·~· Sermon Topic June 20th \V. 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "Setting Father Fr••" CtUtCH OF RRIGIOUS SCDCE Member of the United Church of Rellgloue Sereno. SEACLIFF VILLAGE SUITE ~5. 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 9*8 Adulta & Jr. Churctt 10 a 10:30 For tnfonnetlon 536-51501 S38-ts3e A CORDIAl. WELCO. FROM TIE llmD CtUtCH OF C .. IST HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dtedplee of Ctwtet) M01 lntM at Santa ....,.. ..-..S711 C<MUITY CtUtCH CONGREGATIONAL y 111 H1lab'ope A". CotenadalMar "4-7400 Donald W. Kutz. ...,..., , • Morning Wonf\lp 10 A.M. O..Swaneon, Mlnteter 10A.M. -._., Wonhlp .r=======~ Cfturc:11 .,._. -iM-v ewe NEJ6flM)RHOOO CONGR£6Amul CtUtCH 340 St. ..... ,.. .. a-.,n. laellll .... 494-IO&l JOHN Ill l£Yllll.DS IM6M(T -ll(YIQ.DS liMlttn 10 Ul -s.My ...., Clllrdl Sdllll • ...., Attend The Church of 1 Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... tbMI Dr •• .Mlftbor ....... port llMdl Rew. Wiiiem lllcOHld Rft, TOtty W .... PMt• '· Aaeoclete PMtor LAelt9 8roelunan, Muetc Dtrectot Church SchOol & Adult Cl ..... -9:00 a.m. Worehlp SeNlce -10:00 a.m. Nu'9efJ Car. at lloth ... flcee For Info: Catt M4-1M1 ·p~t1nwuth C lH~tln:tlt1tio11lll C liltr~ 11 3212 BROAD ST., NEWPORT BEACH 642-2740 8UndaJ Serva -10:IO A.M. "CHRISTIAN COltONA TION: CROSS AND CROWN" PAITOft TONY CURTO A Cordl•I Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Coste Meu FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd. Churdl ICIMeC t:IO .......... Ctwlrtee D. Cfartc, Mlnlst• Coeta Meea Nonh MllAVIRDe UNITID MITH8Dt8T ' CHURCH ........ ~lcNol do ... A.II. Dr.WllanlL ..... CHRIST CHURCH Huntington Beach FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 272'1 17th St. 538--3537 Wonttlp Sefylca 10:15 a.m. ......,c.. ....... Chwdt lchoot-t:oO a.m. Huntington a.ch North COMMUNITY UNITeD METH0Dt8T CHURCH eee2 Hell Aw. &42.....e1 ............ e:ao. 10:00 e:ao ...., k9'ool .. BY THe 8eA Fountain v.-y 1400~~81vd. FIRST UNITED e7S4805 UTHODllT CHURCH Rev. Robert ~d Jr. 18225 Buatlard St. ....... ~ ....... ---t:ao A.IL Dr. CatToll E. WOtd, Mlnlat« Wlldef ~ ........... c ....... 8oftoot o.,c... ... A.II. 7*AJIL.efl.& .......... °"'*" NEWPORT CaNTD UNITaD •THODtlT 91-· ........ o.w .. _ MMW41 Worlhlp & Church Sohoot -9:90 A.M. ReV. Kett McMllMll You .... Weloomed -And ...... •di P•IT CHRllTIAN CHURCH .... ~1 ............... This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrew• Road· Newport Beach· 631-2880 Df • .MM A. ............. Ir. P•ter Worship Services -7:30-8:45 end 10: 15 A.M "Problem' ... Every Healthy Marriage Has Them" Or. John A. Huttman, Jr Preaching PROGRAMS 7:30 a.m. -Infants Thru Kindergarten. Child Care 8:45 a.m. -Infants Thru Adult Classes 10:15 a.m. -Infants Thru 6th Grade & .A,jult Claases ABC Helpllne-t.u-2222 Community Preebyterlan Church 415 FCHHt Ave .. Laguna Beech 494-nM Rev. Arthur J . Tankersley Rev. Craig Wiiiiams Christian Education Hour 9:00-10:00 AM Worship -10:15 AM NVflSERY CARE P~VIOE.D AT ALl SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2l50 FalrYlew Rd., Caeta M ... -557-3340 Bruce A. Kurrie, PHtar T9fry McCanne. Director of Youth Ministies Howard Klltlon. Director of Adult Ministries Don Maddox. Director of Singles Mrnlstrles Sundtly WC>r9hlp -8:30 It 10:00 A.M. Church School -Chlldren thru Adult• 10:00 A.M. Nureery care av.llable -1:30 A 10:00 A.M. Veepets -7:00 P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 'a1 W. wtleon, Caeta M ... 145-3191 We're A Going -Glowtng -Growing Church SUNDAY SERVICES MU STUDY t A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. A I P.M. 10 A.M. -"Father Abraham'' Forth" 6 P.M. -Mark Wimbish, Guest Speaker Paul '"'4>mn, Mlnl•t• -Doug Cate, You"' Mlnleter S~!~BO~~E~Me ~~~L~T Sabbeth hfvlcM Friday Evening 1:15 P.M. Famlly Service • • ' a• a a' ,.,.t Friday of the month 7:30 P.M. Rabbi Bernard P. King Jamboree·& Eastblutf Dr. Music: Arie Stllkler Newport Beach, Callf. Educator: Nancy Levin For fntormatlon call M4-720S Al v-w.loofM TEMPLE $HARON. ¢ , (ConterVaUve) Pr&-School -Hebrew & Sunday School Bar/Mltzveh Training Youth Group-Slat9fhood Servlcet: Friday, 8:15 p.m Set. 9: 15 a.m. Sun. 9:30 a.m. RABBI HERSHEL BROCKS 817 WMt Hamllton, eo. .. M ... 831-3212 tl" n:i Bm RHfll RABBI MARK $. -....0 ,. .... , ... ( ..... ) FllT\lly ~ • 11t Friday of Month -7:30 Retlgloua Sctlool, Adutt Ed., Youth Grou~. SlngtM • 1011 Cemlllllolc, Newpon heoh (oft ............. ) .... ~ CaMof ...... L ,-.,.. • • ......, ......_. V• ......_ .Attend 9k. Cluir.cll e1 '/jour . , . , How a total lunar eclipse occurs Chicago Tribune Graphic. Source. Adler Planetanum ECLIPSE MECHAN;!SMi A lunar eclipse occurs when the Eart · tly between the sun and the moon, · g the moon into C,..._T,._Qf ..... Earth's shadow. As a result the moon appears to be dark red to Earth viewen. A full lunar eclipse will occur late on the night of July 5. I Total lunar ecli pse c o·1ning 1 Cel estial show will be visible in U.S. night of July 5 I WASHINGTON (AP) -atmosphere through which the PDT and totality will continue Americans will get a chance to rays travel on their way to the until 1:24 a.m. view a full eclipse of the moon moon. At 2:29 a.m., the moon will be next month. For example, in 1963 volcanic completely free from shadow and The eclipse will occur the night dust in the Earth's atmosphere will appear as the familiar full of July 5-6 and the moon will be nearly totally obscured the moon moon once again. However, the totally in shadow for 106 from view. And an eclipse in closing moments of the eclipse minutes, a length that officials 1968 s h ow ed the moon as are not likely to be visible along say will not be matched in this coppery red in the center and the F.astem seaboard, with the century. blue-white on the outside edge. sun rising at 5:49 a.m. A lunar eclipse occurs when Observatory officials report The observatory reports that the moon, instead of reflecting that the eclipse will begin at another lunar eclipee is expected sunlight, enters the shadow cast 10:33 p.m. PDT the night of in December and the next in by the F.arth. It never becomes Monday, July 5, when the 1989, but neither is expected to totally invisible, however, but Earth's shadow first begins to equal the July event in duration. instead may seem to tum a deep dim the moon. A lunar eclipse occurs only reddish-orange color because of Coverage will increase until when the moon is full, but the the bending of the sun's rays the moon is half in shadow at tilt of the F.arth's orbit prevents around the Earth. 11:05 p.m. and total eclipse will such events from occurring every T h i s co l o r ca n v a r y occur at 11:38 p.m. month. considerably, depending on the The d a rke-st stage of the More dramatic than lunar c lo udiness of t h e Earth's eclipse will occur at 12:31 a.m. events• are eclipses of the sun. Contri butions sa ve marbles tourney CUMBERLAND, Md. (AP) - The 59th annu al Nationa l Marbles Tournament almost was lost, but a "g e n ero u s co nt ribution" fr o m a manufacturer ensured that the ~t's eyes, aggies, immies and steelies will keep on rollin'. Tourname nt director Gene Mason said the shoot-out would be held as scheduled in Wildwood, N.J ., from June 21 -24. Earlier, Mason warned the funds carried over from last tournament would have to be year's tournament, would make canceled if a sponsor were not it possible to go ahead -almost found to foot the estimated $15, as planned. 000 bill. Mason said no sponsor has A banquet had to be cut to surfaced, but a West Virginia pare the cost of this year'• marbles manufacturing company tourney, said Mason, who also made a "generous contribution'~ serves as this western Maryland to the tournament. That, coupled city's recreation director. That with an'fncrease in the entry_fee ~t_ the cost of the from $50 to· $80 and reser:ve--tournainenha..about $23,000. I' • ,. Orange Coat DAIL y PILOT/Saturday, JUM 19, 1982 Huge shark gets fun eral JAKARTA. lndoneeia (AP) -Hund.reda of flahennen in central Java conducted a funeral eervice for a two.ton, 30-foo\-lonl ah.ark, they believed to be the queen of all tW. In the Indian Ocean, the official new1 !lleney Antara reported. * - The re~rt aald the 1hark was known here as ''Moonllght ' becaUle lt only appeared during a full moon. The giant flah was ca1.11ht last week by aeven fishermen who towed lt aahore with an outboard motorboat. You can help your newapaper C'llfrl•r collect al 11maa conva n1en1 to you by having your chock or money order ready 10 the carrier won't have lo call beck Because this young pereon 11 In bu11neu for htmaell or heraalf. please be ready - and watch that big emlle which ~~M'fl , aaya "Thank you .. Jav&ne9e legend h~t the sacred flah will bring good fortune ~-tB--frtven a funeral and thrown back Into the sea. NO MA TIER HOW YOU LOOK AT HIM, HE'S YOU R DAD! • tt' , ont• ot ·• ~100 .md \Uuf 1ttl1ng ... 1ur him J't• un1qut• 100 f ~11h•11 0•\ I\ Suntld\ lune ltllh tht"" \t·~u '"" n~ni 'n°"'' ho\\ \l)\J lf't•I ~II" .t f ,uhtor \ [J,l\ ~1h fmm our umQ+.K.' • olk"f hon u' "ilOft"' ~ICJ4ht.· tum w1lh ~ P'Pf"' lk •. u hh hill) IM\4*' .. Wltll' Mt 1-. 1U 1'' '" ,. h+"" irlldr ot J)I\ ~ uvl d .. tutt ut two ""'th d c.oh1ttul 1 t' tu ht11(hlt"n h1' tl.1't \\h41~t-• U.u.J w.rnl't "''' h.a'tt. .... oc.1 1l-. d' lt'ld1tln1t '™'J>l••"tf. rt"',,. ht·~wnl> JllJ<t' Village OVH SO srtCIAlllY ~~AN0~6fAUU'IJ~ Sunflower & Bear Streets Santa Ana. CA 92704 · (71 4) 751 ·6595 Daily Piiat Annual ·ORIENTAL RUG PARKING LOT SALE SAVE UP TO 75% IF YOU HA VE BEEN DREAMING TO HA VE A GENUINE HAND MADE ORIENTAL RUG, NOW YOUR DREAM CAN COME TRUE. SA VE UP TO 75% ON RUGS FROM AROUNP THE WORLD, ALL -ONE OF A KIND, ALL -HAND MADE. Examples: Name Size Reg. NOW Price Reg. Name. Size Price Antique Mashad .................................... 23'xl3' 4" $6500 •2299 Ashfaque .............................................. 18'x l2' $3350 Ashfaque , India .................................... 14 'xl0' 2475 750 Chinese Super ..................................... 12'x9' 4600 Chinese ................................................ 12'x9' 2500 750 Chinese Super ..................................... 12'x9' 4400 Chinese Super Wash ............................ 12'x9' 2500 950 Cpinese Super Wash .......... · .................. 12 'x 9' 3000 Chinese Super ................................ : .... 12'x9' 4200 1599 Viss ...................................................... 1O'x7'9 " 2800 lndo Chinese ....................................... lO 'x8 ' 1800 799 Chinese Super ..................................... 10'x8 ' 3400 11'3" 7'7'' Kerman .................................................. x 2750 1099 Moracan ............................................... 12'x9' 2500 Chinese Super .................................... 9'x6' 2300 850 Antique Sporta .................................... l l'x9 ' 599 Chinese .. · .............................................. 6'x4' 550 175 Bok hara ............................................... 9'x6' 1250 1ndo Chinese ....................................... 6'x6' 525 ·75 Chinese ................................................ 5'x3' 525 NOW •999 1799 1699 1099 1099 1299 650 99 45C> ... I T .i l I I ' I . I I . '· • I I I f, I I ~ j t ( 1· . . . "I'll ploy c:ords with you, Doddy, but you keep scor, -I don't know my numbers." ,_:\RMADt:KE by Brad Anderson "How can I Ignore someone who always looks hungry?" OIL UPTH' FRYING Pkt PLUSHIS-... ~ l 1M GotNG fj_ FISMING ! .. I June 11 1111 81GGU8&1 by Virgil Part~h (VIP) "H•,. comet our food." · ~--c:_C 'M HOW '~E )Q)'~ MIN'~·,.."' FOR • ~y~ .. by Harold Le Doux I HAVE ONLV ONE OClN ! 5()MEl)\Y l WNlT mlJ TO MEET HIM! r---~ -- ~ .... " PUZZLI IOLYID _r PUNtTI 11 l~Alf61S NEM!HEM EXCUSAT '' Tl:M8LE•EEDI '' 16HORANCE OF TUE LAW lS NO EXCUSE " '111HAJ WI •ttPlit> "INP ,,.:•=~~ I NEED SOME BETTER AIR ' by Charlee M. Schulz -------WMAT IF '°" NEVER KNOW WMAT'S 60fN6 ON? .. ,, ._.,,. ___ _ THERE'S ALWAYS AT LEAST ONE PERFUMED LOV E LETTER IN THESE BOXES c ---·~ ... . ~ . -... by Gus Arnola .... ---=---_.I l'M ~ 'f~'i CAN ~fU{ ~U.U~f ~ M'f SORRY, &U 1"' 1"'H e RAe,e1-r we use FOR "0-1.A"f" PURPOSe WON'"'f" ~e P>.ACK PROM VACA"f'ION U N"fl t.. Nt!!X1"' MONC>AY 641.0KE.~ 1oE ... ? I l by Tom Batiuk C(OLJ'~£ RIC:1H'f ! I'L.l.. &IVE IHE.M A FEW /V\ORE HOO~ ! i.a.M~---I l..'.:E~~ by Kevin Fagan AAAAAAAA~MMU ,, /! I I • l i I I I ' . . . . I ! I l j • : I ' I I l • TM A1toelated Pre11 trlclal1 In CalUornla and aon are cr1eklna down on t d daUna eervk.'8, •Ying they u e ml1repre1entatlon to 1ell t Ir 1ervlcea, which cost $800 to • allfornla Attorney General 0 1 rge1 Deukmejlan said a ~. 1umer protection suit was fl In San I>Jego Dbtrict Court t International Diversions f jSingles, known as IDS. which o rates throughout much of them California and parts of them California. he Oregon attorney general's o ce filed a suit against a P *land office of Companions its parent company, United T •naact.ional Services of ulveda, California. regon Assistant Attorney Gj?neral Erik Sten sa id Cc$mpanions misrepresented w~t it was offering to selJ, and re used to cancel contracts when cl nts c hanged their minds d ing a three-day grace period. ten said Companions :rberships cost $800. alifornia Deputy Attorney eral Sandy Feldman, who is investigating dating services in California, said Companions has br4nches in California and offices in liouston, Phoenix and Seattle. The Sacramento o ffice of · Cofnpanions closed Wednesday, an~ four former employees-sued the firm, saying they'd been gi"len promissory notes instead of . paychecks. . 'f' L o n e l y h e a r t s i s b i g . buTriness." said the employees' ·at rney, Ron Richard. : n San Diego, Deukmejian's suit accuses IDS of selling its seQvices through the use of unfair and deceptive practices ' and misrepresentation. ~t said IDS. which claims 17. 1 OOQ or more members, charges $995 for a 24-month membership, dU('ing which the member is to receive one to 10 referrals to other mttmbers each 60 days for the purpbses of friendship and-or marriage. The complaint said IDS solicits prospects through mass mailings of a "personalJty questionnaire." It Said the •·counselors" who visit rdipective buyers' homes have no training or experience in ,COl!JlSeling. •I It said the sales presentation is : haracte rized by high-pressure : tactics, including attacking the prospective buyer's previous •personal relationships, refusing , for; hours to disclose the price of 1 the service, insisting that the pr~pect make a decision right awly, and belittling his or her wn ability to meet people and ;deve lop relationships w ith pen;ons of the opposite sex. Deukmejian asked the court for penalties of at least $250,000 · d restitution to victims. Ri ch a r d Hulnick, vice pres ident of Multi-County Acce ptance Corp., the parent company of IDS, said he was "totally shoc k ed " b y the ns~r protection suit. .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1N2 ••• CM pnomotes tourism Chamber wants to start visitor~ travel bureau Co1ta Meu Chamber of Comme~ le~el'I want peopkf in New York and even Kanau City to know that the clty might be a nJce place to vll!t . Th chamber has beaun efJorta to star t a vl1ltor and travel bureau that wlU attract vacation dreamers from around tJV' world and show them what to \:to ?nc:e they get here. Costa Me.a Isn't even a dot on Rand McNally'a famous map, complains Nate Reade, president of the Chamber of Commerce. "I feel that we're going to be the cultural center of Orange County," satd Reade. "I think they're jllst overlooking U$. Why should Costa Mesa take a back sea\?" The city won't take a back seat to other Orange Coast vacation areas if the bureau gets off the ground, say organizers. Jerry Wofford, chairman of th e visitor and tourism committee, Clgurea it will take •90.000 to set the bureau solna by October. Wofford aald that the ctty'a proximity to Dl.aneyland, Knou.'1 Berry Form and the beaches make it a prime vacation destination for out of townen. South Coast Plaza, the Oranae County Fairgrounds and the Bria-Cunningham Automotive Museum are attractions lnalde the city. he said. Anaheim, Buena Park and Newport Beach already have bureau. that 1end out 1louy brochures of thelt cities to unall and large town• around tbe country. "It'• about time we had one," •id Wofford. • An,,yone wanting to 1upport the bureau can contact the Co1ta Mesa Chamber of Commerce at 979-0536. occ summer s1gnups on Summer session claases begin Monday but registration continues through Tuesday at Orange Coast College. A few classes are sUU oP*:Ja, · according to OCC's dean ot admissions and records, Kenneth E. Mowrey. Registration without appointment Is slat.ed for June 17-18 and 21-22. • The admissions office will pe C?~n ipnight from 5 to 7 p.m .. '1"rida.)' from 8:30 a,m. to 2 p.m. Md ~day and Tuesday from ' 8:30 a.ni, to 7 p.m. For swruner r~tion information , phone 5~~~77~. AP Wirephoto FIGHTS SUGAR -The Rev. Bernard Mason. standing in front of a vending machine offe ring "junk" food, says hy poglycemia, from which he suffered 16 years, can cause D m en tal aberrations and criminal behavior. • Pastor says junk food spurs crime GLENDALE (AP)-The Rev. Benard Mason is a 74-year-old · American Baptist minister who had to give up preaching 16 years ago because. he says, he su(fered from a disease that he claims has triggered a wave of you th violence. The sym pt o m s of hypoglycemia were raised in the 1978 trial of San Francisco County Supervisor Dan Wh~te. who used the so-called ''Twinkie defense" to explain why he shot to death Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone in their City Hall offic.-es. White said he was temporarily insane and didn't know what he . was doing, because just prior to the killings he consumed an enormous amount of junk food. The Jury believed White, and convicted him of manslaughter, instead of murder. "I do n ot be lieve in the 'Twinkie defense.' but l d o b e li eve in the Tw1nk1 e explanation," Mason said in a letter to U.S. Attorney General William French Smith. He said criminals should be tested for hypoglycemia, and if the tests are positive. s hould plead guilty with mit1gat1ng circumstances. Then they can be put into programs requiring an lmproved diet. Maso n says h e beli eves hypoglycemia is "one cause of a violent crime wave, especially amo n g the yo uth o f our countr y," and s peculated a si milar dise ase m ay h ave afflicted John W. Hinckley. Jr., ; . -······ .... , .... . ... ~ .... . ~· -....... : charged with th~ attempted assassination o f ~re s ident 1------------l Reagan. . Mason wrote letters to Hincldey, hi s father and attorneys, urging that they test the defendant for hypoglycemia (low blood s ugar), which, according to Mason, can cause severe mental aberrations and criminal behavior. Doll Sho "J ohn had had a complete change of character in the eight years before the crime and . Sale and free Info clinic obviously was eating a lot of this Sat. & Sun., June 19 sugar and other junk food," says & 20. Collectors & Mason. who has founded the . antique dealers present H y pogl.yce mi a Res ea r e h unusual dolls, accessories Fellowship to get the word out and houses. Huntington about the dangers of refined Center Mall. 405 Fwy. sugar, salt and Oour. & Beach Blvd., H.B. Barbara Reed, chief probation officer of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, claims an 85 percent success M••IC Jrl'I~~ r ecord by requiring every ,...,.,..,..,...,,.._...; offender referred to her to take a o• .. •-~ hypoglycemia test. s,,.cJ.1 ~ . Ms. Reed says hypoglycemia can cause a person to becortle irritable, irrational, afflicted by a vague se nse of dread a n d frequently violent With Ms. Reed's help, Mason convinced the Los Angeles County &ard of Supervisors last year to ban a ll candy from probation facilities and juvenile de tention hal ls. S ugar was removed from the dining rooms. "I don't think sugar turns them (juveniles) into criminals, but I think 1t makes them hyper," said Supervisor Mike Antonovich. as he voted for the ban. .. Special """ 16-.looe 22 Hyphessobrycon Sefl>at: .89 I 1111 ol tht tamdy charKldae My boc1J red With an ebony patch 911 my shouldt! and dorsal fin, allll hn a dee!> red edpll 111 lllKk I 1111 a cood ctllltn ~ b those tlllt are smalef 111111 I. ill wlNc:h me I 'may nip a (111 or two Set 11t 1l Aquatic Trooitlls wflfre I am on salt undtt the name "Red Minor" lot only 89 VISA' • ISIO W. Baktf•Cosb Meu Sot9·139l•COIMr Hwbor & B•tf • • D FATHER'S DAY SPECIALS Model 8316 MAGNAVOX VCR wffti remote Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. l day/1 eveni timer. Transition editing. Remote pause. Special $661 25 ( STAR REMOTE Model RB•2es Enjoy the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. 1 There's also a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio output jack. Factory programmed to receive 105 channels. s5999s . FREE DELIVERY #5230 Star Remote '899~5 This 25'' star features an aU new 19 button Infrared remote controf that nQt only allows random ·acce&a to 105 ch~nnels, but push button controls for attemate channets. H~ iotJnd, Ind recatt fOnctlonL I •, • I · Th Uuw contendert f ot trivial IUpm'NICY played Alphon1e and Gaaton thlt wNk, Heh 8fvini the othera •clear ahot but none wu reedy to take It -and all wound up with Mven poln\I. So. we head Into \he final week of Trt\18 Bowl XXVI wlth Tracy Godfrey holdlna • rutr·thln edae ov~r J:d Scnmerler and Winalow Leach. Thi.I week'• queeUona wJU do lt, 10 tpink carefully before you anawer. Trivial Udblt: Cock MarUn, who pltyed the eight-foot robot. in 'ilfh.e Day the Earth S~ Still," stood aeven-foot-.even, but wu too weak \o lift TRIVIA BOW.L XXVI STANDINGS '· Tr.cy Oodfr-v (1) tot a. 1•f :=-~ 11> ,ig:;: a.~ the Hiii °*'Cl (7) lOt 4. 'Cotlfa H (6) 112._. 5. Wentwontl C. Ttt~ (7) Ill._. I . 'The Group (5) 74 ... 7. 'N~P11or(3) 12 I. 'Tiit htv Flett (f) 3A._. II. Aidt Wwner (1) 3A 10. John AutMll (3) 33 11. The ~2) 32 •no entty -halt of lat acot• awatd«I Patricia Neal. On now to the finale, aft.er which we'll go back and start again. CONFLICT ~ Ralph Richmond (left) and Terence Doyle square off in moral combat in "A Man for All Seasons," playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through July 10 at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. 1. WiWam Pendet1ut had a more familiar name inacrlbed on his Oecar. What is it? 2. In what comic strip would you find a character named P. T. Bridgeport? 3. The real inspiration for "The Wa1tona" came not from the TV movie "A Christmas Homecoming," but af'l early Sixties flick calle<i what? Dean Martin released f roin hospital LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actor-comedian Dean Martl.n was released from a Hollywood hospital following a physical examination and treatment of anemia and a kidney ailment, said a hospital spokeswoman. "He was feeling real good when he left," said public relations spokeswoman Tess Griffin of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Martin, who will ~elebrate his 65th birthda~ 't'1ursday, entered the .hospital, ' LUXURY THEATRES last week. Martin was to be arraigned Friday in Beverly Hills Municipal Court on charges of carrying a concealed and loaded .38-<:allber pistol. 'IJJUIJEIU OF THE l"'~U?!:f.~~ U :41:Ss00 1207140 10:10 CITY cenTER ~ " TRlllAIYll 4. One ot the worfd'1 mo.i renowned arttaw 10ld onlr. one palntlnc In hia lifetime -\o M• brother. Who wu he? 5. ~ame the eons that containa the lyric, "Aft.er you had acne. there wu •till 10nW atarduat on my sleeve." 6. Carol Burnett once "m1de a fool of henelf" over a certain ~t.ary of It.ate -but lt wun't Henry Kisainger. Who wu it? 7. Remember the Gillette parrot who used \o ask how you were flxed tor blades? What waa hi.a name? 8. Mollie Mlchae1'on ls the leading character in whai stage comedy? 9. In the movie "Don't Go Near the Water," Keenan Wynn and Zsa Zsa Gabor contributed two important it.ems to GJenn Ford's gang. What were they? 10. "Look out, here come• the terror of Gimbel's basement," said what actor w)\o won an Oscar for hi.a performance In what movie? Last Week'• Amwen 1. Barbara Eden (name change) 2. Rollo (Nancy's rich pal) 3. "Captain Video" (first scl-fi aeries) 4. Charles Carroll (Declaration survivor) 5. "Peter Pan" (first Broadway show on TV) 6. "This Is Your Life" (Laura Marr Stone) 7. Ron Jack.son (Papa Jack) 8. "The Crucifer of Blood" (Mordecai Smith) 9. (a) Fall River , Mass.; (b) Lizzie Borden ("Mad Magician") 10. t'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (movie quote) (Send your answers t.o TRIVIA, c/o the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otherwise half the player's last score will be B't(Varded) edwa~ds TOWN CENTER .....--..... , .._...,, .. -·H •otH <Jlt\lt1M£~_! Y~rn.~ HO.~ e:)t~illf~ffN,.~\ON'T ~l1._T.t1il?~D ~ tiaA"Y. .. ~~~~ E.T. R~R;~~:~L Orc!iY&iTRr..o, E: The 1ncr9Cf1-. .. s.;1ntc1nt IN SOUTH COAST PLdA. SAN BIEGO FREEWAY A.T BRISTOL A ANTON Ael"M9 Fre• S..tll Ceast Plaza Betel C..taMesa 751-4184 , •zso . •~•• Clalltl Ua•er 12 Geaeral A.••· .. DAILY 10:00 A.M: 12-.80, 2:45, 5:20, ·1:00, 10:20 A.-•*"'" ................ ~, ......... '-" ... ~ c..4t,...._..., "Lin • IUT ....,,. ............ _.,_..~ ... llCMI RATINGS FOR MllENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ®NOONE UNOE11 11 ~mo IA90 I __ , •• ,., wt C9f'\ltn ., ..... AU. D ta AHO !Ill ,II.MS llfCUVf lliE SEAi. ~ TME MOTION P>CTUllE C00E ~SELF AEOUl.AllOll -. *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Performanc .. before 5:00 PM (Except Specl1I En911tments ind Helllcl1y1) ll M lll,.1•1' Ml-ll M11000 ar ta1•c1an1 LA MIRADA WALK IN 99•·2•00 "ANNIE" <NI ___ ....... "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" ___ ,... .. _,_ (PO) -----1---" IT AR TREK It: "POLTERGEIST .. tNI ----- 'l'OUn4 IHOW SAT 10 AM "GREASE 2" <N> ____ , ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "ITAR TREK II: THE WRATH Of KHAN" 10MM oot.aY eTUllO (POii ------ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAii( IN THE WflA TH OF KHAN" 1.-. ~y ITIMO (PO) ----- "ROCKY Ill" (POI ---·-.-""' focully 01 ConOl••OOO 213/131·9510 "l'OAKY'•" ,., 11: .. -. ..... ,,,,. "lllCHAllO f'flYOll LIVE OH THI! aUHaET aTillP'' 1t11 --- "GREASE 2" <PO> 1.ll.l:M.tt ....... - "HANKY PANKY" (l'Q) I "GREASE 2" (PO) ts11.-.-... -___ ,,., __ ' I 11-r.·JN'- so COAST WALk·IN "GREASE 2" tN> "" __ _ 101111\ Coa1t Hlwoy 01 ltoodwoy 494-1514 "ROCKY Ill" <PO> --·-----··-- IMPORTANT lllOTIC(1 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRU! """' ............ 111111fri.1'1>0. Sal.. s... lllMoyt ,. Clllf.fl SOUllO • •OUll 01 CM! MOICl IS YOUll 5'fN((JI llf loO AIOI CAii llAOIO WITM IGHf'1'lOll ACa$5°"f l'C$ITlOll -IMlll All l'llllTAIU i•AU CM.fl~ &10 Oii All! Miii> 1-NAMllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN l1ee_., ti OI lemOft $1 __ __..;.1_79_·91_50 ___ .--- "FIREFOX" CNI -"OUTLAND" 1•1 -:--~~~~--.....::~~~~:.....::~;--~:;.,:;~.:::~=:::::::::::::====--a "GREAIE 2" <,.> --.oflKY'a" 1•1 -"AMEfttCAN ftOP" (ltl Cit!«'•- ~l I NI-Pl-V> BUENA PARK DRIVE IN . .. . ~ " LJ\ HAB~A 011,.1 ~ ' MI S~ION 1'"''' '"' .~ .·· . ' ,. .. "GOIN' AU THE WAY"' 1•1 "LT~ TH« IXTllA-nMEaTillAl." 1N1 "ROCKY 111" <NI -"CLASH Of THE TrrANl"lMl "•TM TMK II: THI ~Tit Of KHAN" 4"l -"VICTOllY"' ll'Cll I. I • errll~lng the tourists vlel•nd often lio~ror medley in 'Black Box' Movieland Wax Muaeum, ln Buena Park, lq et button for noet.a.Jaia butte, la uahertnc tn It.a anntvereary with a radbl chanp in Unlae •11rntld to attracl a youna audience with horror Id.nee flctJcn fant.ay. I ~. .,. u~ ~T. TOO, OLIVIA -Olivia Newton-John ~plays her "I Saw E.T." button for Steven ~ielberg, director of the popular movie, at a LOs Angeles showing. The picture concerns a toung boy's meeting with an extra-terrestrial on Earth. . . UA Heavyweight Hit! A Boxotflce Knockout!" ·--KYill ........... ~ NOW PLAYING •... COITI MUI MISSIOll "UO DIWlll ~ Movtn tWlb hrirl Vte'P hm Orange Onve In 'a90 4022 631 3so1 tJO et9o sse 1022 >MU PAM •llUITillGtOll IUCll •CllWMll WUT ... TDI Pactk Lincoln Or"'t In Eci.11~ CltllWN Cilldome Edwllds ~ WeSI lfl 4) 821 4070 ••• 03tt 634 25~3 891 3935 1•ilolTA MHI LIGUlll IUCM , ii1w110S 8t1SIOI Soulh ~SI • 0 7444 494 ISi 4 "For 110me time, we haw been fiaht!na an lrnaae problem of belna too firmly rooted lJ\ the ~t," aald Movteland apokeswoman Sherrie Bena. 'Llb all am~=· we haw been adferlnc from decUnlnc a and had to find waya to appeal to a yoUJ\191' market!' Th• bis chance oomee tn a 8,000..equare-foot addlUon to the m'*'°1l ~ the Bleck Box, jammed wlth apedal effect.a from recent horror and IClence flctlon fan\my movte.. "People low '° be friihtened," aid Vincent Price, who dedlcated the attraction June 9. "I think lt II aomethiJ11 ln ua from the moment' we are born. Besides. theN 18 auda a doee tie between horror and comed y , 'ult look at. the way people lau&)i afterward. ' The Black Box, which coat more than $1 million, re-creatn acenes from the 1978 film ''People frightened. something in love to be I think it is us from the moment we are born." "Halloween," the 1979 movie "Alien" and the 1980 movie "Altered States." "You are tormented, chased and scared out of your wits when y~u meet the monsters we've created,'' said Jlrn Wright, general manager of the Orange County attraction. Adds John DeCuir, who designed The Black Box: "It sets a precedent for future fomlB of high-density entertainment. In major metropolitan areas, where space is so scarce we can create multi-dimensional entertainment centers in a few thousand square feet where it is impossible to build huge theme park rides. And the entertainment value is tremendous." Ho'wever, Ms. Bang noted that Movieland has not foresaken thoae more interested in nostalgia than special effects. The museum is constantly updating its Backlot Boulevard with reproductions of sets from memorable movies from 1930 to the present. NOW SHOWING AlllllllM U TOlt 111•1 ....... ,., 112·'441 S...... Ml·MIO °"'lfl 111111137·0>40 llllA ""™" *1IY ...... MoM .... "-52'-Ull YwM1 '--11 IW!ef &n.liOO ...._ Ol 13M710 COl1A MllA llMlll OMllU UH•• MMSM .......... tll-Gl6S Ill Cly a.. 134-Jlll COITAMlU.-... C:... C-11141 t1M14l llUlWTH UI 0-llJ.0541 l'ARMUM' PICT\JRf:'i PltESENT'S ~ A AOOER'f ~'TIG"il\.IOO AU.AN CARR PROOXTION 1.91:.o • ~mn MAXWEU.rAlllFIF.Ul·MK'Hw.£ l'f'EIFFtll ~~PATRICIA lllD·~il'f Prodl.arlllUI~ ~ bJ KEH FINkl.tMAN· Ploodladby IO!ERT SOOAtlOO It'd ALU~ CARN IM!t1rd by PmKlA BIACH · PAl'iA~ ·A PAWU :"1' PK:'l\rtE .A. '° - --·-CD1liii1!l!iil • • ~ ----·------NOW PLAYING • .... IWIOll lllOft IJA ""°"" 990 4071 WISllWOOll ctlTallllU S)O U Ot C~atft • lllHITlllCITDll IUCll C........ Cell!., COwt1d1; C-979 4U1 141 OJll • CllTI MIU lllYllll (dW-Soufll ~I lO•atll> WoodOl'°91 Town°"'* '~' 4114 SSI 06~S U t• (dWflCl>S-0.Ck Sii SHO ·--.. ·-- "ITAfl TREK II THI WRATH OF KHAN" AL l'ACINO "AUTHOR. AUTHOR" DM Y -I DAILY 12:t0, t:ao ...... -411D. l:i0. 1:11, 10*1 (N) <"> ' . SOMIW..a IN 1NI NK(ST MACHts OI THI UHIVl"M. A Mfftl IS AIOUT TO DlGIN. FOA SOMI n Will DI THlJ" '1"ST Ml$~. JOA on.I rT Will DI THI LAST. 70MM sax.TRACI< IX)@l!Jlu•BB>l PRESENTATION WW'ttOU llACel lt••f\.......,1~6H O'o-O .._. l ~ tJ•hll , Wl~~•MTIJI t:1 O~•e , ....... li.HOt ''-' .,,, ........ &2ll014 "DEAD MEN DON'T W£AA PLAID" (l"OI DAil Y 2:ACI, 1:30, 10:20 tisMy~ DAILY 4:25, 1:15 ~ ,. , , ~I • ,, ,. . . ' I I t I ~I •I l l ; I " , I t ii , I 'I 'I ,, ~ i ~: , I ~: I I I ' . I I ·1 1., ~ i ... 1 .. . I ~ i q . 1 ~ j . ) ' o.wigeO.-DAILY "LOT/~, June 11, 1111 21% OFF ALL WALL & TABLE CLOCKS 31% OFF ALL GR~FATHER OCKS UYIWI ~·· Ill IR ~Rll FMturtng \ (111--11 . Seiko (){Oft.it!\.. Bu~ . . " .. .. " .. ·. ·. STORE HOURS: MON.-8AT. 10-7 CLOCK SH OPPE JIM'S TV~~!?O i -~~ SOI 'OAMAl.S l .t«..tS~ A~ PAl.M llUOI • lOAO WEST AJTtA soc TUXEDOS FOR MEN & WOMEN Wedding ConsiM.ntS 25 Ye11s bpetlence 631-5210 FOR YOLR FORMAL FUCTION COME SEE US • WE WAKE IT FUN TO 00 FOAMAL ll07 ..._., a.VD., COSTA IEA 1. Bucks Clocks +CARPET BAB . Come .in ••• and See our new look • SALEM • PHILADELPHIA • CHAMPl'ON • TUFTEX • ANS.O IV • ULTRON Z • ANTRON Ill Many June and July Specials All Major Linoleum . Miiis 'i YEAR WEAR GUARANTEE CUSTOM PK:IT;URE FRAMING I GALLERY Wt> spttializf in •M .... •MM1ti11 • Art .U Fr._ RestoretiH . 11tlC-Vatlt1 • Fr..cll Metti ... • SuHenl Siu FratMI •F11C... • 1••8'•111 Fr11M11 • Cenex &1111 • Mirnn • Catowl Fr .... SHADOW IOXIS lltNI HAND PINl5HIO WOOD RAMIS • DiatrlMtt• ef ..._. P•tlC'llll Oil P1i1ti111 ~·-1,. l~r """'' ,.,,..,,.,,. f<w M ,......,,. 110t NEWPORT ILYD. ·~lllrf~ · COSTAMESA (7t41 ~11 ~-...... ... ................. ., lllT SNIT llllT n. am. •lllllllmT-the way to beat the heat. Look coot, feel fresh In this beautifully detailed open weave knit sportshlrt of llghtwelght and airy, easy-care permanent preu fabric. Wide Hlectlon of fashion-right colors. lllert ..._ 111.11 Worn by half the men in America and reachfns fot the r .. t. . . " 1811 N ..... T Mltt.n-•• .......... Ne ...... mh'.._ la ••acawa C-•- 1fth Smw Up to 40% OFF .... On all lampshades in stock, and custom. New styles and colors available. Open 7 Days A Week For Your wnvenience 1805 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Open every day 9-6 (714) 645-7301 (Across From Cal's Camera) . .!t • Yoar Fall-Service Phoiographic Sladi • Instant 8:d0 Color Portrait• • W eddinq Photography • Studio & environmental portraiture • Model & actor portfolios • Business & P.R. Glossies •Copy and restoration of old photographs FOIDH . J ' . '• '• :: .. 1.· hl · ~:' •I · .. . ~ . ' :1 ' ,. 1. .· I f . I .· Clllllflll CLASSIFIED INDEX • 11111 ., ,.,.,.., ~ ,,.,, ... , !'.f!m!t~!.......... • !'!~ .... !.~ff l'/1.., Ml.,'!e.'!l. .... !JM l!.11..~'!!. .... !J. .. "!1..~'!'!l. .... !.~ff a..-....i.. I ,,,._,,__,,. lflf _. ~1..1.... ., ~ l '•• C:AS ... llfll '/time po•I· • ... a....... 81!CAITAAY • PIT ••• wrn:ma ••••••••••• ~:ma ••••••• •• ••• •••••••••••••• -........ .,,, _ "d . 0 ,.. .a. ..... -ISi ·-·r••• 1..-i.... eo: .. ..... •• •••••••••••••••• ••• .,.n •. "" IMIY· or • .. , tt• ftM~ G ......... '"""' P.Alm .. T H 1111 -CIMn. llatdwortclng fem. oo. I ~tlona. Metro eac>e>ed girt Ltlllt dut Conv • long •11\ _,. ADVERT N + at>1111y 10 tr.,_,t • flutf & lotd. QroH In· •WllTmTI Not• with • fMe YllUe wl w•ll·bellaved emall c;.; waa11, 2950 Harbor own trana ' NOl\lllnQI<., Up r~'d. £Jtoell . .-or· . Oood w/peopte, to run 001T11 e•oootmo. '"" .., M , or e71.HO, 111&,ooo & olllld aHktng llve-tn et., CM Min 34 t1'9/wk, Oft ,-rt..i ~ond• a btMfl•• Hiie • • vnfque ~Pof· one perao11 ollurth of-T1PIDY•M.Cd prlo• UOOO. C .M. o L llNIOl"*I• 1215,000 -.c>ured by 11t. llakpg, onll~ or 11... Sat' MCMl316 N 8 , 7.3;30, J-t1:30'. =~J!'~ ~:,~ I~. C.M. 5A8-22J7 642•5•7• I ..-ss,1iwru MOT, f'*AltCE e .0.-1• o lil'iM.,. ov•IMtM<lotlwt'r , ....... r.:.:_. ... =:~ ...... .....-•IMTQ~, ..ClMDITS, PEISONAlS & LIST & ftultl SUYICES -lllt 1111 -= - 140-t11M 1\,,t'f ;!. T .D. '• on 1 + eort 1 of elltlf'le. 81M10, 111 ,.Qd .. Ull , ' ' ._.... 1 ' • • ,71 .iM2-804• °' llJ>llllY In h1" 1- SWl...._.G P~~ Cntfl'f· sub•t~ntl•i ~o· Mrt In· ="J= r.:::r,~n~ :=."eet1~°"· ~· ' r::;'.~='1,Z!:!:r.: ,lr~F~.e!. ":~ k· 2''~~: 4H Fl•g1111p :~r~1:o '~:~:~n:t ~~: ••• Hr.ti~ Ito, Oott• vtetment. tnmal lnVMt• ., ... Wiii dlacount to 11 home Cere tor your Of 8 ~"ic:i' f c · ume tine. M ......... No •lt'lt· nee. ment lrorn $8,000. PUr· ut..1d 2°'4 Maturlltea I UV.In nur14. 'a I nll up my o yr o rom Your auoceuf\11 HIH Wiit train. 150,000 full CllHe prtcel from $3$. i°e 23 &' SI ti\ n Local Refer~ onlldren vlall Ilg o • pre·aehool l IOOk af1er PART TIMe llCPtrlence wllJ enable t ~·d Wiit net ooo Cenl al North d ' mon •· 1157-3(113 x 109 df9n. Be P&tl of • pro-fOf 1 nr at my nome Vic a..~ ..... .. ~ k ::r:'~o rptue · Oall col-aouinem tai1fotnla. en ~l!t';~:,~~tnty. feulonll cnlld °f' ~1• Santa An•·20tn s t .. ·cM. s--: 11=~ Call~ :"' C: c1ue1n!s ~de!,~ 1eo1: Mon-Fri .. Hk tor CINVUTMENT8 ' Fem.Mlflewonionyaotrt wknoo~e·d•gtte•:,•.nne!ta~ 646-33eeevee. da ... 54a.3883 ll•=n Department. .. u d I • • •• p M • ... {114) 111-1111 ...... ,.,.,.,, I :~.:~~ ~~-:.~· o~-~~:i ~a reepected MtlY H11dWaf• ctark, Hpetfln· ,. Str• ' c:ommltllon on 40t-H7-011i • •-·-,.,.. .__ ___ , ,, I dellYlttee. 831·3823 l>lf, elltldtloocl program. Catt oed. Seal 8Nel\. PUT Tiii all Cllemlc:el LlolnM .. !'!11./!.~ ..... '!! ~-~I I ~·--~ 1oam. Chll6'a World CtlUdren'• (213)4~29 Evee and/Of weekend•. If you haY9 ..,.. ablllty, SERVICE RTE BUSI --•--Cenler 582458 Reaponejble edvlts, ovet are a Mll·1tart« and like •NESS · • PllY&TI -· ...................... P/llm• wretary wt re1I ' · ~-~ 21 • .,..... ovtttandlne .... MONEY,wewllltrlllnyou "Sparkle water treat 110,000 l up . Tom ~ ,,,. telatl t•P· Hpt. If"· am/ftNT ""' ' r;:,; trec1We perl0Mlltle9 to In CfUllfled prOCledvrM. ~ ......,, lot ,...: 642-tt1• ••l.M•Go (,; A~;,;.t• .,.., ~f1' Pel'INnent f\111 time, Mon to ltut. Mon, Wed, Fri work wllh youtn (agH For an appointment lor Wett.tlel llloolt •tit'"' ...,_ rtuw I Don't let eloot\olltm pu11 •fl• rtuW 11• tnru Ffl. I to 5, olc elq)f a-12. MUST read & write 10-141. Cell 2-5PM, ~~=·n~~.c:t" ~~ 140,000 ptua. t15,000 ~'•••••••••••••••• you 10 Mlf·deetructlon. •••'•••••••••••••••••• pref. Xlnt benellu. Enollth, tteve car, nave ~2-4321, Ext. 3'43. EOE 2 321 271 down plUa equlpmt. WIH I NEED Let go & Hve I Hie ol Amway Olatr1b, F.T./P.T., Wkdyl eall 540-l 814 ult t1ferencu and love ProdUC110o Artl1t needed, 64 l.a.i.i'Oe&if train, no l)lp. nee. can . aobtlety with the help of ap1endld opp\y tor good for en.rte dogt. 944-92$4 IHt growing gr1phlc1 -Mr. Johnaon, Pl"80I\ to TIE LIFllTl\E Tiie Mooring•. Wllll a •emlnga. Local Amw~ Color Analy1l1 frH by faclllty, compllmentlng l&IU PIUT per90fl cottect at calttor-lllEIHTILY nallonally recognized Dlltrlb. AMiii you. Appt. be com I ng HOUSEKEEPER-lamlly l)'PHeltlng & camera 330 w. Bey St nla Ch•'!'ICal Corp., IA outpatient \reetrnent 55t-0().49. trlbutor. 780-92114 for looking lor r11ponatbl• depart & crullng C0"'9I Coeta ~ 4011-887-0111. Mon. Wiii trade or Hit part program, Yoli,_ need ANSW!IUNG Sarv. F(. aoat. ' maf..,• 41v•ovl nou.ae-req'd. Hunt. Ben. &r4t8 An l!qual Oppty Emplyr -9AM-5PM Int-I In Hovllon M•· to be ~tz.d. mlU time 19/ttme "'"'' I Yal . ~ l k91Mr, '°"''eve Y<IUlll 71 4·53f-3939 Nn ---------1 rlne property to get wna1 time from wor11. or time No "1tP, MC. 39wpm ty.. lt.,llftl lt•Htlt el·llfd care. Mu1t have --------alee 1100 0~~::,ic~B~~~~RAtt ~.~::'~. ~..V~~~~·B=~ from your lamlly, Mor-p lno req 'd . Cell: ltl• ~1~1~!~°;'~rm!~ PllOPESllOULI W ttMrt Oatlt ft· -equip, low overhead, Caall etc I $ub1tant111 nlng a ewnlno program• 780-7000 EOE 18-25 Female preferred. cooking. Non-1mkr. Reta llctit •1• . . v' Iv IY&llebl• 4. lnauranc• Mu1t llke Harley Davi· •73 91"'2 Ill -1YEU Mua1 have trenap. Call c:ompl. training. Xtnt 1Dedlac1 ovntl ery mot •· approved. , BABVSITTER-mawre per• eon'• & able 10 travel. teq 0 • • • ,_,. 54s.o795 or 8'15-oo78 -~~;.;,ow di) & terme, (114) 752.2747 111 WllU ~· iv:~~.~ ~t>'nd~~ Cell Sat. • WednH. E E11pe~t.';,1~eE~e~~~~ In Sales = ---------~~~·~~~~~~I 1653 E. Lincoln, Orange Reta req. 973.76,4. 8-2PM only. 891-8809 P/t.,'11.200 plu1/mo. REAL ESTATE TEA· •HI I -... ~LIO. • ft 4,~7 LL~ Beach Bt11d.. COii Own boH, mkt. "1.QITI\. CHING, SALES 3R M!-· ••-..., Olh 1nop. O~ner mo· 'G::/."' 811 ·' ~~ BA8VSITIER needed lor Lv. nutriDW. 645·87111 NAGEMENT __,1 llLD : vlng. Inventory + ~II. I .• 1135 fall 1·"9-4Qtlll. Qcc111lona 1 wRnd1 & Needed' lmmedlately for lllt••-r People who 111ve now Spectallty ga'ma atore -ooo. •••••••••••••••••••••• -, ~~ W.kdy1. C.M. 751-89112 last food crepe & omelet ....v reached a torte In the nu lmmed opening for : e73-37771873-8410 I.I, l&Tn.11 l1•i•1r •YI reatevranl. Min. 2 yeara FGS hlll opening• for road & wovld llke to be 8"try level. permanent, e1s lert&ace It, lu. f&Tlll'S l&YJ IAIYllTTll experience. Fullllme exp'd. lndlvldual1 lo Ill'· reprogrammed for a,_ lvll·tlme 11lea po1lllon. :: Speclallzlng In 111 a 2nd ltn a apeclal metNge I day1. 752-6676 N.8. vk:e Peraonal Line 8CC11. c:8/-. Appt. Ol'lly. c.H Game knowledge & flair •1 k'"'OCkl often w .. en y'ou TD'• llnce 1949 ~-D I"' Pilot L t "-dn Mature, lovlng peraon tor Mu•t h•ve gd. oral & 9AM-Noon, Mr: Ke.lly, f<>< Mlllng tine merctian.--,. " ""' •., · • "" l11fen1. Wkdya 7:30 to OIPY nptlT written colnmunlcatlon 830-4945 di• dHlreble Contact : UM raautt-gettlng Dally =~'e~C::W 8d ~ft~~ '"hi• name In print on 5:30, my home preferred. lrvln• ad agency nu lklll•. Salary comll)lfleo----------Janet Poland &45-5021. = Piiot Claeallled Ada to 642-2171 54~11 Jvne 20tn. If you piece• Reta. CdM. 780-oe&e..... newly c~eated poaltlon, rate wl •Jtf>lf· & ablllty. P.'911 l&UI ... :::.r• Orange Cqalt greetl~ tor Did you wUI BABYSITTER rep<><tlng to traffic. Mull Pd, c:o. ~Its ljdvan-Enjoy working with kids, alee. Dellwfy ..... Plf· = SELL Idle 1tem1 with a be ellg ble for flle dra-for 2 """-,.,...." & 1o, 3 have nlgn prof111lonal t •m•nl potenllaf. For and wisn Increased ..,. c~· S50 to$ lOO per day. ""°"' 142-!WIJI wing ol ~.----.. d & II I II p II • 1111 -Dally Piiot Ctaaaffled Ad. 4 FRIE TllllTI daya/wk. Salary open. 1tandar • exce en appt . ca · au n • nlng1. ullllze your out· 730 9111 11 10 30 1~~~~~~~~~11 ... ,,,.,., to an N.8. 633-0512, 645-3838 r:~~~~nc~d~k~~~ .~o~~ _54_9_·8_909______ ~~o ~IZir~~ 1-:----· __ a __ · -- ...... !f~ .. !~!f ... D.fr.!!~!1 •.. !.~!¥ ... :_u 1&111 R~l~~ c~sr~Ef~ic' ~:; :7:.:0C:: Leral Secv ~~~;~~~~~~:~2r1. ~=!~ --I J b N B PART i'fME 2 to~ eve-3A3 EOE =-i=;=iii~iiiiiii;~ .... --~ Call 8'12-5678 and pl-or 1ummer 0 · · · I/time makeup po1. In i008 per we9'1 for over --·------- -yono~ .'!'.'oo"age now for .,.._ 44pm. 831-0891. Clopa INI~.'· beeuLty, 'u'r'o,n. ~ow. S PM to? Lltjgit~ HAL EIT&TI IALEI 1--------- -., -experience Non-sp1<>ker Need 2 exper people 1n LES. Earn extra mon- -Visa/Muterc:.rd. Ouaran-BaMlng 213-274-8575 only .. News>ort Center commercial & Industrial ey. Oppty. to be flnan· -teed 11 you quellty? Fl-TIUDI COUNTER HELP wanted, 546-3733 real estate for 91JCClftSM ctany Independent. Mel<• YDY llM llYEl1'llllTI nanclng avall. Clelr ere-E~lenced. Pert time exper or will lraln Ory· ---------1 & growing firm. Beat u much u S1.000 •mo. 1111 •1• , .. •14• tlJI •1• tlll tt• -MtM1t Part, httl llesa. IWtr II.,... ,... 11114 • lfiff•ltl. Eutl. ........, ..., 1 ........... lltllc 11.a11.- (t .. tf tw llM ..... ). bMI fil11thtc cr•tt tu """'· 1n .. •arttt. dlt profile. 714/841-0565 (20 nra wk.). and lull time cleaners, 30846 Coeat Ltsel S.trtt•l'J working condltl0111 111 ~me':'fc! 1~J~~2:~; 1 _1 a ••u' 11300 po11tlon1. Huntington Hwy. so. Legvne. Newport Center Rael New p 0 r t Be 8 ch . -• ., J Saving• & Loan, 69671.-----...,-----1 'Ealale lltlgetlon ~lrm 714-646-5051 lea •••••••••••••••••••••• Warner, H.B. COUNTER HE'lP. Malvre noecla experienced Legal ----~--.---a person, calelerle alyle s.oy, Xlnl typing, dicta-IEOfn /Ila llSI fr...W.t laft1 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal: IU·llll LOST: Man. c:u1tom sllver I> bt&Cltet, June i 1, Ir· vine Meedowa Rock Concert. OtHI 1~t1- me11tal valve. Steven Dreyer, 714-e40·7824: 875-7002 Beauty Salon: Rent a 1tatlon In N•w- p or 1 Beacn . 714/631-7043 BEA_UTY SALON located nr Fuhlon llland t\e.s ttte followtng opening•: Olldfled llalr1tyll1t, wt followlnge ptel. o~led mantcurJet. ~· for rental rm tor -....OH or etee- troyfla. Tbole 11119'Mted pie-. call ma11ager tor Inter- view .. 840-M23 rest. Racquetball Heelln phone & 1horthend a 11 yoo're gd. w/llgvrea, $100,000 per year cal· Club In Irv. Evening poi.. must. Salary open. orgenlz4td• neat & de-lber comm. 5-10, Mon-Fri, Sat 9-3. 640·6960 pendable-need you at 973-01138, 9-4 our front olc. 0<der desk OllTtlll SYS HP. Uc'~ R.E. for busy,men'1 tolletrle• • co. In Irvine. Exp. req'd. A challenglng opportu-\0-key touch, t ype nlty I• open at Schweber ••eftf 50-60. s 1,000 comp To Hll manufacturing package In your Area. Comm. $2500 per sale. S8(1d reaume to PO Box 6201, Laguna Niguel, Ca. 92677 Electronlca. a leadlng E·~llen~:r.:unlty for pt<g. 540-0737 electronic dlatrlbl.ltor, for ~~ an l!tdh. •llo la 1elf-experJI¥• • aggr••1•• UOln/S..tw l&UI . r · .. d l'flldentlil r"'le peraon 1 _.._ S10 t $25 .. Un mot vated, "" goo fOf' "'-t a.acn area. Mature, peraonabte per--o .. r. • communlc:atlve lkllle and Cell·;~~ ~. full time, p1e...,,1 dercover Wear home :-..:=1T ~":.!':: ....... I ; . ~:n..::·~~!~:~~ partlea. :i1~p, .ecfuciltlon pref .. but not 790-8818 S8 req'd. Back olftce medl· l--l&U--IPl--1-111 __ _ required. PleaN contact ·-·•... eel exper dulrable. Barbera •L 556-3880 ,_._ .. ~ Salary commensurate Eat • en.at. Get rlctl and Ve(!~_., .__, .. ._ ..... 11., F allrn. 100% gverantled -lllTIL • .._ • .., u .. _.. ,._.._ ~ wltn exper .. .., -· Of' 650·9....,8 or 850-9363 -•-• ,-,unt ...., .. ..,..,,. eppt Eves and w1cends '~ petllnt <><lent· Olat E11der. requlr . 640-5353 i----.-.. --11!1---N. preotfQe need• 11.280-11,5" per' mo.---------~ bright, motlvat.d. entnu-depending on exper. UllPTilltlT PT/FT. Own ht1. Train 1lastlc team member. Apply 20451 Crelmer SILD PEllH you to bulld own bu•I· RDA or comparable ex-Ln .. H.B 984-8888. Needed f<>< a new excl· ness. Call 645-9210 for Per· 1•1 a' Y 0 Pen · MED) AL, F/tlme, front ting fltneu & fashio11 1_APP_t ______ _ _ 5_46-_2_48_1_. _____ 1 'Ora position Mlulon oente< In Fashion Island. SllESPEllSOI 11•n&1Y 9r0kerage nrm In Npt. , Clnt., hH """'"· OPI• nine ror lndlv, wtUI gd. typing & cornmul!IOetlOn ltclflt Hr1. 7AM·3:IOPM. Call Arlene Laeor . 644·9t11 SECRET ARV • Hvy. IY· ping. E.lloell. tlcflll plua 't"Ofacioul re.de-rilq'd . No thorthaod. OC>li-IMkr. Reply In confldenOe to: COLLINS ASSOCIATES 5417 San Nleolaa Dr •• Npt. Bet!, CA. 9HIO s.etttarlal hHett.tletr911n Hudqvart9'1 ofe. ot-the Jolly Roger Re1t~•n1 Chain nu an opening for an exper'd Exec. &.et• lllfY to ttte Vice Preeldent ot Operation•. POI. r• qulre1 excell ahonhand & typing akHI• & otter• a variety of rHpo111fblll· llM. Prl<>< realaurant ••· per. woold be a definite plua. Lovely olfleet, ex- cell. benefit package. Apply In peraon from 8~00AM to 4:00PM at: THE JOLLY ROGER. INC. 17<M2 Giiiette Ave., lrvtne. 714-546-0331 SIOUTUJ Hlgnty qualllled. Mlf· motivated Ind Iv. wltll ex- ceptional typing 911111 fol' profeulonel 1ervlc11/ I.raining dec>I. Knowr.dge of Mag Card II. Newport Beach 11ea. 6-40-a950 SEWING MACHINE OPE· RATORS. Exper. quality minded. piece rate1. Coate Mesa 542-96$2 TAN WHllE YOU EARN ... Reaor1 Interval• Is now hiring for public feta- llon1. Call. Mark 531-2401 After 2PM Telephone Sollcltor P/ time. ev'8I & Sat. for auto detelllng co. Salary ptua comm. 641-0383 TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAY • PAID D-"LY no exp • nee • 82&-2583 ,,..., lptlts/r..,. Looking for greeter MCUrlty tor you & your cllent•I•? Want more oppt'y 10 U l end your proleulonal qualification • ·Ovr agency bellevea npenalon 11 tne cvre for receulon Call Francea, 752-0867 to elevate )IOU< IESlll tff10E Viejo Req'1 medk:el 11e-Contact Richard Ouellet· Female jr. alze (7) me-cre1arlal exper. Including te Salon. 200 Newp<><t dlum. Work In de.ion ln"1r111ce bllllng. Cente< Dr .. N.B. Fast growing company cer- olflce ol SPOf'11VitMV"'lm-495-1C>e0 RECEPTIONIST-for pre- porter, Flt modeling, MEllO&l IEOllTAIJ 1\lglous salon. per1on qlJ8llty control & clerlcel Npt. etn. Some coJlege wtlo enjoys people & can dutlee. Wiii train. Call & medical bkgrd. pref. nandle buey phones Kelf'leilne, Thurs. or Fri. Muet type 75 wpm . Must be fashion con-~79-49~. 759•1833 salovt. Richard Ouellette OOG Groomer. exper. Salon, 200 Newport Corona del Mar MOOE LS for lingerie Center Dr .. N.B. snop Over 18 prel'd ------=---,-.,-644-4ooo 548-6444, Scanty Panly RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST lrhtrs, S.ltttl .. , Reeldentlal real estate Motel olflce nu an opening lor Class to train school bua ll&UIERI (CPL) 8 well groomed perso- ·drlver• OQW being lor-exp'd. for 31 unit motel nable lndlvldual, Must be med. If Interested. apply. 1 n 0 1 n 8 p 1. ca I I : exper. w/typlng akllla of Hunt. Bell. City Sehl. 493-1546 45-60wpm. L1cen1e pre- Dist •. 20451 Cralmer Ln.. 1 erred. ca II Mary, HB. 536-7519. Appllce-fWL IOILITIHI 631-1286 Ilona accepted tnru w 1 -...,,.,,..,...,,..,...,=~""."-=:~-6123/82 •• ,. turn no away REMEMBER DADI bualnlu and need 1 •x· wiln a ELECTRICIAN/ PLUM-pr'd prof. natl ac:vlptreu Fattlef's Day meuage. BER • Suceeuful yacht ~tn I little following. Top 642-5678 mfgr firm In N.B. req1 cbmm or guu Hlary Win 4 FREE TICKETS! lndl'v exper In lleclrk:al & plu1 lddlt. bofw• prog-G pr~ane aystems In the rem. Education evella-tll an Angele ame Merine &/or RV l11d . ble Dally Piiot p.Aust be Mll·ll•rtet pref Stnipaor1 & Delilah Clualtled eds W/own IOOls. Req1 lum Sooth Cout Plaza RETAIL SALES MGR worker wllllng to work Aek lor OIOf'la 546-7188 For a cnlldren's bovtl· Call 645-6351, 9AM-12 NURSES Aldel. Fllll tlrne, qve, unique oppty for an noon. enthualutle lndlY. Please seeks ealeaperson dell· _T __ RA_V_E_L_A_gen--,.-.-xper'-~d. ring high earning•. Mull Min. 2 yr1. Sabre agenc;y. be bright, hard working e s and ambltloos. No door xeeutlve Travel erv .. to d00< ul81, no evea or _1_rv_1ne_. _63_3_-_e.._os ___ _ wknds. We provide trel-Typeaetter needed Plllme ning. Call tor appt. nlghta. Edit writer exper .......... Ill Ot. req'd. Hunt. Beh. 8'91. l1C/IH·H•l 714-536-3939 WarehooM person. $50 to SALES REPS S 100 per day. Call EHi 130.9111 1tt 10:30 Storer ~!le T.V. 11 nowliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii accepting appllcatlons tor_,.... representative p01tltlon. Related 111ea end/or educ811onal background helpful. Pleaae conlact Storer personnel et 83t-32•2. SECRETARIES wanted to wont In law olfloes. Se- lllfY based upon exper.: no legal exper ,,_..: mvst have maturity, good ~eteri.i & olflce tkllls, an eblffty to learn; w/.traln. Start July 1, 1982. Cell 667-8081 <>< tse7-7171 When people read your ad in cla11ified. they 're ready to buy and actively Marching for t he euct item to ftll their need- maybe it '1 in your 1d . Daily Pilat clasalfled ads &42-5671 Father's DaY 7 to 3 & 3 lo 11. Apply: caU fOf appt. 549-1461. M0<a lamlllet ere getting Hvnt. Bch. Conv. Hoapt., -----tne camping "bug" this 11-da & yj:.I._ rs/ ·---------11 47-3616. Pre-Cart. Bvylng a11d aelllng at 1 year II you have 8 cam-Haw aomethlng ~ w.nt UI n;~ ·· c1...,_ are olf9'ed. rffaonable prte.tllat'a per 'tnat'•· not gelling to Ill? CIMelfted adl do ""' -• Have eom1tlllng to ... I? wll1t clualfl•d la •II used, sell It now with 8 It ••II I Call NOW , People wtlO need People That'• whit the DAILY PILOT SERVICE OlAECTOAY II .. lboutl to an Wish Dad a Happy Father's' D.aY for all the world to ' see and --Cluelfled ade dO It ..... Clualfled Ads IM2-5e78 lltlout. 842-5818 Cluslfied Ad. 842-54178. lllllTl/IAllllU ::=::::::::::=:;::::.L::=::::::::~ir:;i;:~====:::::,-OUTCALL 24 HRS. Ht-1211 *** ltl11t11 ,.,,., Open 24 nt1 a day 7 dayl I week Jeeuul, Sauna. Locale •• w411 •• 1ourl111. 8ankAm11lcard, Muter Charge, American Ex- preaa. Dlnera. All w•I· come 7 14/845-3433. 2112 Harbor 81. CM Your Car Reflect• You CUiiom Wu • o.c.it Rea. •Tony 541-8241 Profe11ton1I Man 38 Miki reaP01'!8lble at· trectlVe youno Woman to "'-wetriont •tate. pool, boat, etc. In ••· cll1ng1 tor tome tight ti~tno. occat1o-na1 t>abyetttfng . Salary POMll*. Cell 940-1171. A 0 SOON YOU'LL BE SEEING SIGNS AROUND TOWN CALLING ATIENtlON TO Sl'EI! Tl llYI I llllDlfa Ull• ULI (OitYetd...._ ...... ...._ ..... ) 1. Place your ed In th• Dally PJlot Ctulltid MOtton (It'• beet to nk'I 3 ~ fer maximum ~). ff ~ pey for )'(MK ad In edvenct we'• run It 3 daya end only ChatOI you for 21 Angttls Baseball Ga11Je 2. i:.=r::::::::~ -& P1Y fer your M In ...,.__ we wm atve ~ two 11 x 17 8lgfte -FREE of oherge). 3, ~ead\--of~MCMM •. ' •' 1 . ' I. : ; . ' : I I .. I :: i .. •• 1 'I -: I •,. '. I '' .. •• j I I I I . i ' . ' : : . . l .. .. . ; .. .. ' i I I I . . . :· .. . . . . • •I ·. . . ·: . .... Cl Oftnge Cou• DAILY PILOT/laturday. June 11, 1112 ''Don divorce kids' MUC fl)TICI MLie tlDncl ...C llJ1a ~A--=.,... fia9,£1'1:::WM.1 Tiie IOllOWll\O ~·Of\ " ooino .,,. ~ ,...... .,. ..... OllmAtm -~1r.o WHT COHOllllTe --=~ ~ ......... _•••tum IAWINQ, 117 ;, lllhttrelOt, THNA'I 110 N' Lii. KIO., OlllOU,, IHO., tlOO 0o¥t eu..c, 11111~ • .!:~e:~~~~= Ntwoott hect!N J:&~NA,t .. ~._.b;;1 .. ~,.,. =Town Cent• Ortw, LiOuN lulte 421, N-port IHOll, Ct tf1e per1ninn1p °'*Mlng ur'4Mr ... eparated ·dads .can still be. quality fathers MOUNTAIN VIl:W (AP) - Falher11 o-y la an on fOI' hUIJ and 1pecta..l U.... f0t many fatnera bu\ for hUftdred1 of Uiousand• o f Hparated or dlvoroed dada, lt'• juat another day away from thetr ldda. Llvina far from chUdr n and formor e1 , the relatlonahlp be n long· dis\ance dads and 10n.s and daughtera• o fton 1tralned, punctuated by • telepho ne calla and po1tct1 between visits . George New who writes fr experience, says It to be that way. H ther's Day message to dlvor.d men Is "don't divorce YOWtlUds." He wro t e 1'W-.f8 to Be A Long-Distance Su--Oad" for people who share W problems. He divorced his f wife when his son, Rick, was 18 months old. IUck end hil mother 1t1yed In Miami while Newman movwd here. "I wu wry, very fruatrated," Newm•n reca.lled. • 111 couldn't maintain the type of relationship with h1m that I wanled when l became a father. I went to friends who are ln IOdal. work for advice. They aave me Utt.le 1ugae1tions and I IOrt of built upon thoee." Newman said he developed a solid relationship with Rick, now 16, with the holp of Ma Bell and t he U .S . mail. He began by sending Rick animal pictures and children'• books. Lat.er, h.e called his son for hour-lOJ'\i talk. "He was always on my mind," Newman said, "but it was difficult to get conversations going at first. Thia ls the chief J>roblem of long-distance parents no matt.er what the age of the children. The parents want to AP~o BIGFOOT PRJN'rT Wayne Long of the U.S. Forest Service photographs a 14-inch imprint possibly made by a creature resembllpg the legendary Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. Long and other ~t Service workers were investigating a sighting of a lar~ature in Washington's Blue Mountains. b to.tA..ic>N JllA ~ _... CA ltt11 tHeO flolltlou1 11u1tn e11 name ot call Ul th• converutlon1 lut Cornulc=\~' IYONO DAL AHN, 19111 lnter1tal• Appralul IHNOVATIVI .. ..c>MOTIONSetM two mihutM -'How are you?' Thia • i>0n4UGted by an l.Mnllalon lttMt, l'ountllln v-. Corporetton I• Ctllfornla lent• Ana It., Laoi-9Mofl. c.. 'F' 1 •N bl • h 1t1dMcWtl -CA l170I, oorpofttlon). 1900 Oovt ltrMt, 021111 in Ot n1 new -t en M J U4Mn T1lll ~ le oonduottct by 1111 Suite •H. Ntw,or1 IHoh, Ca. Tl! .. ttotlltou• 1>uat111H 11etM U\e,..•• • void." Tllit 111i.ment .u flied wttll tllt t~Mdu8'. tieeo •t•tttntnt tor tllt """'"""° ... Newman trled to eolve that by =~7~J2~ Or.not County on Tlllt 11:r:,c:-'W:~ with 1111 ~Jl:f~~iJ.P"'-"8AI. ~1~01~=· I. 1N1 In the a1kln1 lUClk which tolevlalon ,,.,.. County 01tt11 of Ortnoe Coul\ty on w111i.m v. 1"'9wsbufy. Tiit 1u11 neme _, eddr.-of the ahowt he Witched, then ltarled .. ubll1hed Oranga OoHt Dilly Niii 10, 1H2. IJrlaldent Otrton wlthdrawlng 11: OARAll. wa•fthlna the .... hl--lf H .. •-k PllOt, Jullt 19, 28, Juty 3, to. 1N2. 111t1tt1 Tlllt .tatement WM llltO with COOPllll, 2132 ChalGHony et., .... .... .... ··-. " ..,., ' 2M1·12 Publllhtd Orano• COHt D•lly Ille County Cltt1C of Orange County Ian Diego Ca. 92109 no,ea and 1ometime1 tape· .. -•c NOTICE Pltot,June 19,211.Juty30.10, 1t12. on.June 111. 1Hil. oiirretcOOPtf recorded part.I of the sh owa end n~u 2t33·12· 111111U , ..... fl11Mel talked about them when he NOTICI °" TRUeTH'S IALI I Publlahed °'-.::J: COut Diiiy Pubt11h.O Ottn91 Co. ut DatlJ -·· "-..1 h'• -n on w-ken..1-. Ts ._ tM14J PflUC MOmE Plto1 June ,g, at. J 3. 10. tt112 l'tlOt, ~ 12, 11. 2'. Jvko/ s. 1NI '-"111.U'O'U ..., ..., """ wt On July 1. · 1082 at 1.00 o'Ok>c*I 2971•82 2fff.fa "Fint, It waa 'Sesame Street.' P.M. at the Fron• 1ttP• 01 the Oto MN-80196 "8..IC ll)TIC( .. _.,. 11111\Tll't later on lt wu the 'Slx MUUon Ooun~ Courlhoutt, 211 W S.Ot• NOTICE OF DEATH OF----------,._,.,. ""'-. Dollar Man,' then the 'NFL ~ht ~iy ':•·.,,t.·~~"sr.~~o~ I 0 LENE BR 0 w N ~A~.. _S_T_A-,.-MINT--Ofl--MTMINlA---.-A&.- Oame of the Week,'" Newman Oalllornl1. New Liie Mortgege & VANNICE AKA IOLENE Tiit IOllOwlng Pf'IOnl .,. doing l'ROll ,Alm ..... aald "I think right now it'a lnwet . tno .... Truet" under 1111 8 R 0 W N A N D OF ~ ae: lltC~=-"':"'NAMI ·w~hlnpm Week ln Review.' " ~to~ !~':~:=utr ~o ~e1r :. P ET l T I O N T 0 E. 1l~\t=F ~~!':. ~~eM=. Th• fo11o w1no pereon hu Newman also played 1amea . Bartholomew hw •• I• recorded ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. CA 1121121. wlthdrewn 111 genwll s>Wtner "°"' th Ri k 1 h Nowmbet 18, IN 1 .. document Al !Hit. 01nlel l:dwerd f'lecky, 31 i the ptll'tnerllllp opetltlng under !he wt c by te ep one. no tf423 In b004I 14201 Plll19 400 To all heln benefida.rles Melt Or Apt 3 Coet• Mee&. CA flcllt1ou1 bu11neu n•m• of ''A lot of lhe games revolved of·~ Rec:orde In the otnoe of creditor• and contlngeni 921127. · · · ~~1~~ D2~1~:a ~ .f.: around what he waa leaming ln 1111 ~oer of Orenot County, creditors o( Jolene Brown . Minhlko Klto, 2830 w Sulte200.~t.'..ionv1a1o.ca.02ttt. h l .. N --'d "I ould Callfornle, by ,_ of Oef~lt In Wwl'#oOd. Sent• Ana, CA g2708. Th llctltl bull .,.,. SC 00, ewman _. . w th• p1ymant or performenet ol V•nnlce and persons who TIW bull,_. 11 eonduated by 1 • '°' ou• ~ ask him to name pttSidents, or obllg111on1 H oured thereby may be otherwise interested genetel pertnerlhlp. =::,-;:'~:! 21 1881 In';: state capitals or foreign capitals. tneludlno the b•Heh or defeutt, In the will and/or esi.te: Dan Redly County of Or1nge'. FILE NO. Wh ted . notte. of which w11 ,_ded M.,. A petition has been filed Thi• 1t1t-t wM llleO wllh the F178868 en he got int.eres m sports, 5, 11182 .. document no. 82.Q771&11 b Vicki 1 .d Blank hi County Clet1I of Orenge County on The lull ~end addr-of we'd watch the last 10 minuta of ~~Record•~! NII 11°~~ ,: the S~perior Co~~ 0~ Mey 27. 1g82. 1111Mtl the petaon wltlldrewlng la: a football game on the phone ·~ .... ·h..... bid .. _ f . c HARL ES 0 . DAL y .. 100 • euc;t..,., to t ... ,...,,_, "'""' or Orange County requesting Publl•h•d Or•nge Collt Dally M1eArthur Boulev1rd Newport Newman doesn't pretend that eaen tn lewful money of 111e United t h 8 t v 1 c k i 1 n grid Piiot, Mey 20. Jvne 5, 12. 1g, 1082 Belch CA 02863 · talking on the phone for an hour St••••· wltho~,:f eovan1nt or Bl k hi be . ·-'"' 23411-82 . Chene. o "-"' . warranty, upr or Implied u an ens p appom..,... as · -~ or so a week can bmd a father to t t t '•. po 1••111 on. o, personal reJ?resentative to l'tllJC NOTICE PltotJbll";' 2~".hi; 3co::11= and his child as closely as if they eneumt>renoe1, tor the ~rpoM 01 admin ister the estate of une · · ' 2en-at llvi h ~no obltgetton1 MCI.Ired by Mid I I B y I FICTITIOUS .us .. ss were ng toget er . otTruet the lnttrMtconYl)'ld o ene r o wn ann ce NAMllSTA"R•NT "Anybody who believes a to Mid Tru1i .. by Mid Deed of (unde~ the. Independent The following pereon 11 doing relationship from afar can be True• In property 111u1ted In the Administration of Estates bull,_ u ; Id U __ ,. ualit to be' th County ol Or•nge. St•t• of Act). The ~itlon is set for (A) SUZANNE'S EXERCISE en \;Oi m q y mg ere Calllomll and delcflbed M : h ln I N AN 0 0 AN c E s T u 0 I 0 ' ( B) would be mistaken," he said. A IM..notd Ht•t• lnter .. t In ear IB n pt. o. 3 at 7'?-0 SUZANNE'S STUDIO; (C) STUDIO; "But it's the half-loaf idea 1 •nd to Lot 15 of Tract No. 4281, 11 Civic Center Drive, West, in (01 F.l.T,S .. 3023 E. COllt Highway, · per m1p reeordtd In Book H54 the City of Santa Ana, Coron• del Mar, CA 92125. know too many fathers who have page1 22 and 23 of M**lllleOUI California on July 14 1982 Suzenn• o . 8et11my, 144 no relationsh1p with their kids Map1, 1n the office 01 111e County at 9.30 am ' Jumtne Creek Or., Coron• del Mar. , . ' Recorder of Mid county. · · · CA 021125. who don t know their children. I The unpeld bllanc:e 111\d •tlmet• IF YOU OBJECT w the Thll bullnwa 11 conducted by en feel I do know mine." of coet•. open_ and ectvenc.e .. granting ot the petition, you tndlvldull. When Rick visits his father of June 14, 1882 le $14,lllle.80, Mid should either aopear at the Suunne G. Bellamy d . th d 1 amount w1u inet .... un111 d••• ol he aring and l"atate your This 111t-1 wa flied with the urmg e summers an ong Nie. . . County Clerk ot Orenge County on holidays the two go to ball Th• 11ree1 1ddre11 ind other ob~ectlona or file written Mey 27. 1oa2. back kin 1 common deelgnatton, If eny. of the objections with the court FICTITIOUS ....... NMmSTATUIEn" The followlng perton 11 dolno bulll-u: CONSTRUCTIO N MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 177F Rlwrllde Ave., N9wpOr1 8-:ti, CA ll2M.1 D.ie Corilland Wor1ey. 429'.4 Irle Ave., Coron• del Mar. CA 02626. Thl9 ~ ii eondueted by WI lndMdull. Oele C. Wor1ey Thie atetement -fifed with the County ~ of Ormnge County Oft June 2, 1962 g~ ~r pac g or on ong re11 propetty dwcft.bed et>ove 11 before the hearing. Your tram tnpe. purported to be: 303g FINmore Wey, appearance may be in pel"50n f'ttMM Publl•h•d Oreno• CoHt Deity Piiot, May 211, June 5, 12, 10, 11182 2330-82 "Rick said he has a couple of Coet• M .... Clltf. g2827· orb your anomey . The un dettlgned l ru11ee Y · fnends whose fathers are really dl1et1lm1 eny llabllllly ror any I F Y 0 U A R E A Pla.IC NOTIC( F~ Publlthed Orenge Coe1t Diiiy -----------· Piiot, June 5, 12, 10. 26. 11182 2309-G nice guys, but they're very busy, Incorrect,_ 01 the 11reet eddr-CREDITOR or a contingent STA~ Of' WITHDRAWAL they're professionals," Newman ~. ::, ~ Oeelgnetk>n. 11 creditofilr of the~~· you nMMll f'AAn.~ said. "He said, 'tknow, you and I Dated: June 14, 11182. must e your c ........ wtth the ONRATINO UNOIJl Ftennous .,... ... s pe nd more time every year e.n.tk:lary: E11u1>e1h B p.,_.,_ 1 court or present it to the f'ICTTTIOUS IUSINRH NAME ..,._ STATEmWT together than some of my friends widow, 11412 W11hlngton Piece. personal representative w1thJr':.!n1~1:=J~,C::C:: ~~ penone .,.. doing d •th th . dads ." API. •C. LOI Angei.e. Call! 90017 appointed by the court the pertnerahlp operating under tllt MA R INER . s MAR I N E o W1 e tr · (2l3) 3gi.7412. withm four months from the "We have that hour on the TruatN: N-Life Mortg1ge end . . flet1t1ou1 buelneu n•m• of SERVICES. 177F FUverlld• Ave., ' Invest., Inc .. 3716 Sea Clllf, S•nt• d a te of first issuance of CANYON CREST RIDGE VENTURE Newpon Beech. CA g26113. phone every week and when hes An .. c1111. g2104. 11141833·9•6g letters as provided ln Section 11 25301 cat>ot Road, Suh• 112. Ron1 1d K. Cunningham. 177' h ere I take off my entire vacation Publl1hed Orenj9 Co111 Delly 700 of the Probate Code of lallU;:.H~iuY:u:2::ineH nem• =~~ Ave .. N9wpOr1 Beech. CA and we spend the full time Piiot. June 1g· 28· uiy 3· 1g82 California. The time for 11a1emen1 for the partner1h~w11 MlchMI J. s.rpe, 21201 Cupw h I . l b 2894.82 flt' •~•-~ ·11 . flled I 23 "82 In toget er. t's fau-y intense ut mg c ...... ,.. w1 not expire on Apr I . 1.. the nty Lane, Huntington Belch. CA t2&4e. relaxed." Pta.IC NOTICE prior to four months fro . .m 01 Orange. FILE NO. F188007. Thi• bull,_ 11 oondueted by a h d f th h The full neme end addr-of generel partner1hlp. Newman intended the book for IMPOATANT NOTICE t e ate 0 e earing Iha pereon wlthdrewlng 11: Roneld K. Cunnlngtlam d . reed ( th b . IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN notJced above. CHARLES 0 . DALY . 4100 Thia····-· WM flied with the lVO a ers ut It .seems .to FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU YOU MAY EXAMINE M1eArthur Bou1ev1rd. Newport County Clertt of Orange County on have . found. an audience in ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. the (Ue kept by the court. If Beaeto. CA 92863. Mey t7. 1982. traveling busutessmen who talk IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY you are interested in the Chll'lel o. Olly F191M11 th · chiJClre ft.en f . COURT ACTION, 111\d you mey heve . Publlahtd Orange COllt Dally ftubll1hed Or•nge CoHI Delly to eu-n m~re O rom the legal r1gt1t to br1nO yo4Jf account estate, you may file a request Piiot June 19, 26, July 3. 10. 1g82 Piiot, Mey 211. June 5, 12, 10. 11182 hotel phones than m person. One 1n good 1t1ndtng by paying 111 of with the court to receive 2688--82 2331~2 of the few places where the book your PHI due paymentt plua s p ec i a I n o tice of the 1----------------------- is sold is a bookstall at San =~·~~~! e,:::,;~•J:!':i'a~! inventory of estate assets Pla.IC NOTICE NIUC NOTICl Francisco International Airport. thil no11<:e ot def8lllt -reciorded. and of the petitions, accoun.ts ACTTT10U9 MJWU l'K:TITM>U9 .,._... Published on Newman's This ernount 11 '808.tS •of Mey and reports described in The :=:1"~ doing ..,... STAT&mNT kitchen table press because no 1g, 11182, 111\d wtlt lne<MM untN your Sect 1 on l 2 O O. 5 of the ~ ee: The 1o11ow1ng penona -doing eoeaunl beeomel C\Jfrent. You may California Probate Code SPECIAL TOOLS COMPANY. ~ ae: ~jor publisheder ~o~bootakke lj ';:,'rt':': ~f ::r'':e:~": •. "".s= Wrt&lat, Ream & Pete.non 551 Pierpont Drive. Colta ~CA F~ ~~!0~~~ t e soft-<X>ver an so lllOUQh 1u11 peyment w11 demanded Att.onaeys at Law g26211" 02746. out the first printing of 4,000 in but you mutt pey the emoun11tat.d P.O. Box 1000 Ya11tr Abdul·H•llz. 551 Denn 1 a T • y 1 or. 2 o 6 o 2 lh.s llbove Ai&tc d CA 934%2 Pierpont Drive. Co111 Mell, CA F .. ~h Ln .. Hun1lnglon Belch, seven mon : . Att9r thr" "'°"'"* from the date • ero, 02e211. CA 02746. The book IS not sold m most of reeordatlon or thl1 document (805) fH·tOH Tlr1f Abdul-Heitz. 551 Pierpont OouglM Foeter. 111 E. 18th St. stores but is obtainable for $6.95, (which d•t• o1 reeord1t1<>n ~ Published Orange Coast Drive. Co1ta M-. CA g2SM. 121. eo.t• ~. CA 92627. including postage and hand.ling hereon). un .... the obllgetlon being Dally Pilot, June 19, 20. 26. Thll bullr-. 11 conducted by a Thll ~ 11 eondueted by • by writing to Blossom Valley ==='r'ti!:~= 1982. 2692-82 generalpan~Ab<M-Halll generai~FO.ter Pres,,, P .O . Box 4044, Mountain to llop the forec:loeure by P• .,IUC ........ [ eoun::'ty_.C.~oft~flledec:'ty'!: CounThllty~-oft~ lltedCounwttntytheon V . W Cat•f 94040 Ille entire amount demendecl by l"W '"' _,, -..,... ..,_,. ~-.,,.. le , I . . your °'editor. June 3, 1082. June 2, 11182. To find out the amount you muat P ·101881 1'1to710 ,,_,. pey, or to errenge for payment lo NOTICE OF DEATII OF Publl1hed Orange CoHt Dally Publl1h.O Orenge Coal\ Delly 1lop lhe loreelo1ure, or If your Piiot. June 5. 12. 19. 26. 1962 Piiot June 6 12 19. 26 11182 propetty 11 tn 1oreetceure for any LINA VIOLA DASHNER 2464-82 · · · · ' 23g1-82 other reuon, eonteet: PCM Reelty AND OF PETITION TO---------------------- end Man~t. eoent for w.inut ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. PtllllC NOTICE DllTH N Space lead in peril WASHINGTON (AP) _ The United Stat.es M1lnten1nee A110Cl1tlon, 23728 A·113'1Zl. FICTITIOUS 9USINEU RE.OT 1982 l o OO AM l h Blrtctier Drive, El Toro, CA g2830; To all hei·-. benefi·c;~..;es, .. a.-STaTE..__.... FICTITIOUS _. .... s at : 3 t e could lose its leadership position in aerospace and 1ei. 111•11ee-1281 •• ~· -.. _,;n, _.. N~ ITATDIEHT EMAMA REIDT, nt Pacific Vie w M o rtuary some high-technology induatries because of its lack 11 you heve any q""llOna. you c red I t o r s. c ontingent The following pereon 11 dol .. .., The following person 11 dolfli: of Costa Mesa. Ca. Chapel with Dr. John A. f d Cini . li rd b ahould eon11e1 • l1wyer or the creditors, and persons who b~E .. ~OINTS CHEVRON bullnat u : away on June 18, 1 • No Huffman, Sr. officiating. o a e tlve space po cy, acco ing to a report y governmental •oeney which m1y may be otherwise interested SERVICE CENTER. 18501 Beach ( 1) MA IDS OF ORANGE Survivors. Crematl •and Entombment w1·11 be at theOffice ofTechnology~nt. heve lneuredyourtoen. i th IU ta•-f LINA ........ H ....,. "---~ "-o-~8 COUNTY;(2)MAtOSOFNEWPORT, • Remember, YOU MAY LOSE n e w or es """o : """'·· unt .. ..,,.on ......,., ...... "~ 18202 M-Verde Court, Founlalll burial at sea will be~· Paci£lc View Memorial Park, In a report prepared at the riuest of the LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT VIOLA DASHNER aka Jeme1 Vietor Lopez, g1g7 Vllley, CA 92708. LA WREN~E · Newport Beach Ca p..,.;f1·c TAKE PROMPT ACTION. LrNA y DASHNER Nadine River Clrele, Fount1ln Jeennine o.......,. 18202 M-. ERM y NT Ru D A . View Mort~·directo;:· Senate Committee on Commerce, cience and NOTICE IS HEAESY GIVEN lha1 A t.i . h ~ filed Vllley. Cl. 02708 Verde eoun. F-;;.;,-:in v~. CA R C Tr rtau n the agency urged a mo.... acu·ve ~rtoent to Artlele IV. s.ctlonl 1-4. pe uon as Thil bual..-. 11 conducted by en g2708 LAW EN E, resi of LAND EHR anspo o • .. , of 1111 Oectaritlon of eo....nante. by Ruth R. Jones in the tndlvtdull. Thia~ 11 condlle1ed by., Costa Mesa, Ca. P away HELEN JOHAN NA congressional role In defining the relationship Condition• end Rutrlellone. Superior Court of Orange J-v. Lop91 lndMduel. on June 17. 1982. Born on LANDWEHR. a resident of between civilian and military space efforts, and recorded Augu.t 111. 1g77 In Book County requesting that Ruth Thll ate•-•_, Ned with the Jewinlne GIWtng May 18. 1902 in S~. Newport Beach, Ca. for the· noted that flsca1 constraints and the growth of 1233g, P-ow 8UM18g 01 Offielll R. J ones be appoin~ed as =%~~Orange County on ~~em:;·~~~ New York. Survived by her past 9 years after moving foreign competition "present Congress with a ~d.8c~~h<;":b'7ig~::"~i personal representauve to ,,.,... Mey 21. 1882 h us b a n d H a r o 1 d J . here Crom St. Lows. Passed number of large issues." peyment of UH11men11 hu administer the estate of the Publl•h•d Orange Cout Delly F19M11 Lawrence, daughter Jeanne away on June 18, 1982. She ocx:urred. Notk:e of Mid breeen 111\d decedent. Piiot June 1g· 21· July 3• IO, 11182 Publlll\.O Orenge Cout Dally L. Sem~wer of Costa Mesa. IS survived by her brother lien -lllld for record on M.,dl The petition requests 2eeo-e2 Piiot, May 29. "'-s. 12. 10. 11182 Ca .•. s111ter Geraldine M Walu.>r of San Diego, Ca. and 23· 1082 11 Document No. authority to administer the •-a.r Mt11nrc 2329-a T t d 82·100374 of Mid Offtelal A«lorda. l"UUU\# ""'~ Arnold of Syrac~M!. ew her ne1ce Sally Landwehr of u tor program s an s No payment of put due emounll e s ta t e u n d e r t h e F1CT1110US .,... .. York, n eph ew Ro F . Irvine. Ca. Final interment hM OCC\lfed. n.r.fore. t"'-Wllnut Independent Ad.ministration NA• STA~ Arnold o( Liver , ew services wiU be held at the M1lnten1nee A11oel1t1oft doH of Estates Act. A hearln~ on Th• following PfilOn 11 doing ~ W• York Funeral se~will f I J t th Oak G WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme hereby e1ae1 to Ml1 or eau• to be th Uti will be h I bu1tneA u : ..,._ STATDmWT . army pot a e rove IOld the fallowing dMcrlbed ,... e pe on e on AKA COMPANY 7051 Meddo Th• following per10n 11 dolno beheld on Monday, 21, Ceme t e r y, St . Louis, Court haa refuaed to interfere with a tutoring propertytoNtlttytheobllgetton· June30,1982,at9:30a.m.,in OrtveNo. lS,Apt 147,Huntlngt~ bullr*l11: -------~•--.Missouri. Baltz Bertgeron· program preparing minority members of the San PAACEL 1: Department 3, located at 700 Beech. Ce. 9~7 REB PRODUCTIONS. 1014 IALn lllGEl SMITH & TUTHI WISTCLIFf CHA •27 E 17th St • Costa Mesa 646-9371 I f'tHCIUOTHBt SMfTHS' MOITUAat' 627 Main St HunhnQton &lid\ 53&-6539 'ACIAC YllW WIMOllA&., Cemetery Mort Chapel-Cremato 3500 Pecif1c View ~ Newoort Beach 6"-2700 WcCOIMICI MOI~ L.9Quna Beacl\ •9'-9415 i..ouna Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p11trano •95-1776 Smith & Tuthill Westdlff fianci8co Police Department for a promotion test. Unit 88 11 1hown and Civic Center Drive West, Abdul Kulm Allnle, 7061 ~1~~~1· E, Huf!.tlngton C ha p e I Mort u a r y Tb 4.1.t-l with ed d deeerlbed In the Condominium Pten Cl; of Sant.a Ana. Mllddoa Drive No. 15, Apt. U7, Ro' be rt Be.ldrld~e 10 t,.. { d d e , ...... ces, out comment. turn own an recorded on Augutt 16, u~n 1n YOU OBJECT th Huntlnglon e.ech, c.. 02847 · "' o r war ing-irectors. emergency request by the San Francisco Police book 12339, pegH 112 lo 1og to e Thl•bu91-lleondue1edbyen Georgl• St. Apt. E, unttnotolf 646-9371. Officers Aaoclati lndullve. of Offlclel Record• of llkl grant.Ing of the petition, you lndlvldull. . CA 02648. SOUL TZ on. ~l:L 2: Should either appear at the Abdul Kerlm Allnll inJ"htvl:u~ 11 conducted by • JOHN CECIL SHULTZ, An undtvtdllet one elghty·nlnth hearing and state your Thi• 1111-tOrwu ftled with the Rot,.., 8llOrldQe ag e 39, a r e sident of PlBJCNOTICE -----------(1/Ss.thllntereetHatinent ln o bjections or file written Countf.Clerllof •noeCountyon Th1111attment-niedwltllthe Newport Beach, Ca., pasae:d. -----------"8.IC NOTIC£ common 1n the'" lnttr•l In and to objections with the court June 7• 1982· '"1m County C11tt1 of Ofenge County on away on June l 7, 1982. • ..,1 ACTJT'tOU8 .,..... the Common AIM of l.ot 1 ot Treet before the hearing. Your Publlahed orange CoHt 0111y Apr11 30· 11182· ,..... Survived by his wife Judy, l'K:TmOUS .utMH NAm aTATDllNT 11643, 11 per M:f flled In booll 408. appearance may be in penion Piiot June 1g. 26. July 3. 10. 1882 Publleh.O Oreno• CoHt C>irit) Children Mark and Karri ,.,,. ::=na ST~• doing bu~~ peraona are doing t:..1~~11 OI ~~~ or by your attorney. ~1..-2 PMot. Mey 20 . .1une·s. 12. 10, 1912 Shull.% and 1 sister Linda o ~ • THE EASTER PIZZA CO euen term 11 defined In the Artlci. I F Y 0 U ARE A P\alC ll)TIC( 237&-a North Hollywood. Memorial KRE.EPY KRAULY SALES Of 111441 Sterri Luna Rd., lrvlne, cA entitled "Oellnltlone" of lhe CREDITOR or a contingent 81_.,. MM'll"t services will be held on SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 12321 82715 Oeeteratlon of Covenente, credit.Or of the deceued you AC1TTIOU8 .,_.s l"UUU\I nun~ Monday, June 21, 1982 at ~~d. Garden Grove, NEENA MARIA SMITH, 10441 Condltlon1 end Reatrlctlon1 must file our claim with the MAim STAW ffCT1110Ua lllJH•tl "" • .._ Sterr1 lunl Rd lrvlne CA 02715 recorded In boOll 1mg. page 1110 y The followlng Ptt90N -doing ..,._ STATDIBIT 2;30PM at Harbor Lawn PERMKLEEN POOi. (CAI.IF.). LYNNE c "' GRAHAM 1831 of 0111e1e1 Rec ord• (tll• court or pn!9eflt it w lhe bullnwl • Memorial Chapel with~. I.TD .. 1 C1lllornl• eorpor1t1on. Tr~ taii.. N9wporl .Beec:tl. "Oeeleretton"), ano 1ny persona) representative C.Q.W. INV£STMENT ~P .• ~o:::;-tno Ptr90n 11 doing Joe Buonauissi officiatln.g. 12321 Hwbor Boulewfd, O.,den CA 02te0. ' •m•ndmentl or enn.iiettoni appointed by the court 5700 Loe Aml\)oe, ~Peril. CA COMPLETE HEALTH. 2421 Services under the dlrectlon Or~ ~ti oondueted by. ~~~~by. thw~f.tcotd ~ owner of ttit within four months from the To:w. INVESTMENT OOAP .. a ~~ Blvd .. C091• MHa, Ca. of Harbor Lawn-Mount eorpcntlon. NaenaMerlalmml ~inoNoommoolyllnown• date of first laauance of CalKornl• cort:IOf'•tton, 5700 l.oa st· Ml hMI 81 d 3 1 0 I i v e M o r t u a r y a n d Ptrrite.I PoOI (Ceflf.). Ltd. Tl* 111._,1 -fllld with t to Herll•· IMM, C11tfornl• 11 leltel"I u provided In leCt19ft ~ Buena Petti, CA 90&20. ~~-:'r..i ~ ·~ d., Memonal Park. 540-5554. ~ ~~ wttll tlle County OIW1I ot Orenga County on •:x L Janel. 700 of the California Probate ™' ~ 11 oonduc'9d ~ 0*3 ' · Supervisors raise pay County OIW1I of Oranot County on Mey 20, 1oe2. ,_ 1T'l~.,c9I~~... Code. The time for fill~ oorpor-t'o.w.1n.-.1..,1 eo.ii. Thie~ 11 oonouc:wo by .. "'-;1 1oaa c.lalnw wW not expire pnor o.ta A. w.e. lndMdutl. • · ,,._, Publllhed Orano• Cout Deity COUNTY<:# OAAHO£ ) \0 f ths f the date Seotel~ s1-M. 8ledlc9 C 0 I P"°'. June 10, H . Jtlly 3, 10, 1182. w I M I OW' mon rorn ........... ____ ... llled wltll the Thie 9letement -lllect wltll the Pubtlellecl Oren9e out I ly 2t1342 a--'~ U I I n t • n In O • of the~ noticled above. ~ •a;;;o,"n.-r-.-. on County CW. of Ofenge County on Piiot, "'-10, a . Jl"f 3, 10, 1082. ---.---IC-,.,-,,_.----• ~":A. ttone YOU MA"\' EXAMINE .._ 2'7. 1Ma. ....... ..,.. ..,..,_ .. , June 10, 1Ma. --------"80-l2--,.-., uw. 1,U A MANCH the file kept by lhe l.lOW't, U ,.._ ~ lllCTmOUI IUll•ll COilftCy ~ VftLI AN a -lnterestedln "6Dllalled Or~ Cout 11\iOllt~ Ot9ft09 C:oett Oaltf STOCKTON (AP) _, NMm ITA~ On Mey 2A. 111t, befol"t me,""' fh; .. ta~·y;~ ~y fUe , Piiot, Mey 21, June I . 12, tt, 1 l'llo4 June 11, lt, at, .My I~ San Joaquin County ~~ ""'°"' "'dOlno :-..,,..~=:::.:.:= ...ctUfft with ~-~'~urt \0 UTHI ---------- 1upervt.on have granted Tiit fOllOWlllO S*'tON .. dOlno M.l .J. JANITORIAL ANO "' "· .... ~ to ..,. to oe r«ielve~ TIVUUS of the ..c llmC( "8JC llOTICl tbemselvea rahet :.~~~1~~~~~~·,!~~! 1~· •. •i•.\ =~.:::-==: ~e .. ~. ~=:'':fYt:! "!~.,. .. -• ~..'!.nouena!!!!!.• totallna 28 percent tz104. known10-1o11e ... ...-wt1o tt•• • d -... ~ ,._ ·-· ..t-....1111 char-that the ltOMOr .... l'ou11t1111 Velley. CA IHIAYL ANH MINOlll H01 ....,._ ... wlWn ..... _ .. on P• won1, eccoun.1 an ni. .......... ""'°"'.. Tl!e......,,.,......,. ..... ..,,...... -t210I. lo. 1w Street 144A iM'4a Mt. ......, GI "'9 ~ ..._. nportl diill:ilbed ln aec:Uocl ~-. ..._ _ .I n c r ••• e • • r. IAMY I.II COON"-1 t217 CA t2704. • • ...-......... .,, •• '° IN 1 :roo.& of the California T~UNTINeTON ·a:= THI IUQANT DETAIL, .. lmppropriate becaUll of ltonte1fft, l'ountalfl Veney, CA MY JQtiHIOH, N01 to. lw' ..... lldl ..,._,,, ....,... ... .,. .. Qode.; KM' l:rik ': ,.._ , AWlll T.-a,w. IMne.. ~ N711. Che economy. "~ IDWAlllO KWa, 1MH ::;::·· UIA, ltnt• An•. OA .... ~II r:::::. ti:: RQU. a; 1Clft9 ""''="''--....... !?: T ~ ~~:r-.. AWlll a .. _"--._.-...1 • 11 :,UC,..,, '°""'9"1 VaMey, OA llllA LIW MINOlll, 4H •• ~ .. ~:~ ltHt, MUAt111'4e.. , ....,0 .. ANOLI, 7'1 t••ll• u..a.,....'!'_• ~ r'V ' 3~~0AI074I. wm-~ ~ W-.... ..... ' .. -••-'l1llllir• ,..._,0... ...... CAW. tolnm 11 thllir~ ~~lt.,.,d\JU ... '1r• 9' ANlf t'IHO .. , •II I..... .... ......... 6 'AJJM 1NI Ill I ,,......_ ............ .,. pay~)' h40 1'hm \he ..... ~·t:»· Glrw;OA'°'4 =.-..:....~ AIMlllll_ler,,_. ""'Lea: ..... =an, Clfdl.nMOliteMiiffecttn T111111=::r. • .:= .... -·····-~--... -~ ..... ••l1ll1p1• """~-,.. ,.. =··----IOcl8YIMd__,_.fMO =",~~0..,..Ceu!IWM o..a.tt-. ~-=,---LH' ~ .. ,, C•lll•nla ;lll."_OMllll =1.: ..... -.. ....... Jan.-1. 1'1al will boaet • ,.... ,,_.·"· *'· ..-u-_ •• · • t.heU'....,.. fram 1.10'7 ,._ ....... Or~-~~ ~ °'~ 00ftt4,_= or..... o....q; o:;~J <>raw l~ ,., ....... Orwe.19J..... "~· 11• ~ I rncll\th IO N.111. I ""·~ tt.M.Nr•. ,_. ,..., ............. tO .... tl,'11.MtL lllf ---_.., .. ai?Mi ... , ...... ~ .................... ....., ' . ., . \ • i ~ • 1 ' . . I 1 •• .. .. ' I , t' t: . • .. . 1, ~· l . • • r· .~ Oran e Oout DAILY PILOT/81turd1y. June 19, 1982 ~~ •••••• ~{f l/fr1!~ ......... 1.~'~~ ...•••••.... !.~~ n llVEITDIY LIOllllTlll n --------•!SCHWINN 8oy'1 Sctngray Amet1can Pit luH, UKC 20", rtd Od cood 150 A08A, 2 mot olCI 1160 LIQUIDATION 642-3~53 Of 11149 714 63&-8He. SALE loy'I 10 I PHd Hully Mike SA VI UP TO 70" _, rumtture Cranberry 01.ua Antique a.production Cryital I Biie• U-.d twlQe Seti I()( Clllhuanu .. AKC. mai. ' H O 845 5210 temw. lawn colof, & mo 8tlllng all app11ancee 11 ----· -----Old ••9 "'•11 0011. WHllere, dryer1. SCHWINN OtRLS' "'" '""'" rel rlgera1or1, d l1h· 20" Pair 1.ady, llke new, Black Male Mini Poodle wuher1, rang ... blln 175 549.1021 2•;, yeere, tulty ttalned Kit.chm ~ Collec1ort It.ema oven• & cook 1op1 & Mutt Mii. 150 5~239 l'IOodl. 18/1'/af Early AM O• late PM .. rtt'I A"lllHH lt1l11/1J1 IOZS AKC Reg'd pupplo, 11U ltlltr 0.11. •••••••••••••••••••• •• SALE PRICED plu1 15% Crocka . Jowelry Art Wor:k Br .. llUll lllOUTILI 1141 llT2 MIW 380 /FT, oll 111 mercllandlae w/ • Redwood 2x5 decking. thtt ed P1rker'1 Pe11. 4·20' IOtlg, also redwood NB 840.0090 GARAGE SALE• ADS NOW CLASSIFIED BY CITYI SE llLOW HllartMlH. ..... ... _. Ward'• Ou °'YM 4 mo lencing Cell Jim or Ken AKC min. schnauzer, 18• 1200. Lee'• Olnnett• Mt anytime 775-1491 1100, walnut coffee &l2 · mate, S150 . • ,,,&.--.61~ •-~e• ._1 end tblel s11s or bftl Ctear redwood ahetvlng 970-20S3 -_,., •-If 9"• "37" J 11 ,._ 1x12" various lengths •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••• 0 «. .,...... " 8 "' s 1 oo It Call ss 1 8099 FtH to f o• 1045 11•1 .. tf ....... llt ...... Chefle. alt &PM •• 00 • • • 00 • • ......... •• fi.,..~ l&Y I 125 6-4&.o37C1 15 cu It upright Freezer Brand new In carton, sin-F~: ~~u~~ ~~ed!t~: llJMI l1/1u Coit• /11011 C••I• lllN lmn .__. IHd with• ~lei meu~ In OAK DESKS: Hoo91ef & Admlrtl 11lnt cond 10 yrs ~le pc. lowboy American wed loving 640-7016 • •••••••••• ••• •. • •••. • ••••.••• • •• • •. •. • • •• • • • •• ••• •••• • •••• • •• •• •• ••••••••••• ••• •••••• •• • .-.•r;;••••••••••••••• t .. • O•' Piiot let ... mite 269 S1~"1 St CM Id $100 5S 1 809" fl d C Pe k f ,,.. .. ' ... · ,...., · · 0 • • e landard commo e . Older male Cock1poo, lllMtllllll SAU SAT & Sun .• 2030 Paloma, Loll ol goodlM, clOthel, 1°llegeod 9r ; •0 1 • Garage Seit: orlb, c:tr M8Ju ..... hla20n1htme. If ,!,11!."1..!.A°"• 64&-683~ 8PM. S32S or bes I ofter good disposition nds Appllanc., tucn , beds, Lg 6 amaH Item•. baby lurn, rabrtc.. June 19 & OV9989t, 1· -•. de9k, table, bird l ·-,~ ,.._... 49 289S 1oo11, clothing. every-tlllnga, hxlurn, eto. 20 10-•:30. In Al'8y, t25 PATIO SALE. Refrtg, S65, lnlmtl cegea, amall lruck gr .. llng ror Old 'f04J wtll FRENCH A~re ... belleled Retrlget'ator, green/white •· good llme w/older per· thing goea S81 9.5 310 GARAGE SALE-Velvet & 131 Cleerbrook Ln. arm chair $36. o Full elu wlll• & tlrH . coplar, be ellglble for the dra· mirror, 78 x3• • $495. $ 1 SO. Good working BeauUtul gold bathroom I son Evs. 963· 1112 Sapphire. bed read & shams 2 CM. bed, comp. 160, stereo & gamH & much more. wing of !175-0205 cond. 673-6-423. faucet, new. S200 (t o~ Free lo good home 2 kit· s 11': pk;t es 4 chra 1890 Love Seal end Chair mlec. 80 Wlndjamm4'r 00 Weetcllll Or. 811. ~ fW TfOlm LARGE SOiid Oak Delk Electrlc Seer• Dryer, llu wholeaele or discount tena I male a 1 female ConH ''' 1111 ° · ur ' • S 1 t on t r. t O • 5 M . to 111 E.ceell cond iuarantH Xlnt eond prk:e) 494•5695 646-J075 •••••••••••••••••••••• pt.ire air maclllnea, & tols $12S. 6x4 wooden sign. (WOO<l .. ·ld 8a7 •• 73 •.ooo 67S-0205 ---------h•tlitlll •••• of goodies. 2244 Raleigh. 1 0 . m I 0 3 pm 22 7 2 "" ge . " """' Boy Soout Gv.ge Sale uent ~ . 100. 832·3027 c •• ,,,, ' llALllU HTRlllEI E11ery1hlng goes Sat-Sun C M Sii/Sun 9-4 Avalon, Co•t• MHa, off Fl1hlng gear. bowling, goll Indian Spring• bel. 22nd IUllALL UME LACE Curt1ln1, 102"x83" Refrigerator like new, 2 r.8J••••I 103G &.2. 983 Sandcutle IRE&T SALE Wiison. clubs, furn .. hehld, Iott ol & 23rd olf lrvlne Av. Sat, Call 8'42·567!1 and place ea. 7 palre $125. N-. door. Fro•t tree $185. • •• ~.~···••••••••••• FREE 642'2150 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ goodleel Sat./ Sun. 9.4 8119, onty 8-4. your meeaage now lor 875-0205 893-9060 KONICA AUTO T 2 M1i.ed Breed Pupples Baby Items, lurnlture, ski Antiques. bu and bar MOVING TO MAUI. must 17921 Buc:orn. Univ. Pk. SUPER GARAGE SAl.E. on"' $5.00 SLR, Ft 4, 200mm tele· very sweet remeles. 6 equip. Otner mlac ttems stools, desk, teblu, ., Relrlgarator S17S. Weiher photo, 3X teleconv . 1 wks old Call 545-6396 415'A Heliotrope Sii 9.4 misc Sat-Sun 19th, 20th NII ell, tvrn, ruga, tool•. 8 Her11age, Set. 8-4 Many Item•. l'lvy duty •-I •-.i: Antique Pine Harvut & Dryer $125 eecn Xlnl llun. flltera. S2 IO Pvt ------2171 Rural Pl, Costa 10 apd Schwinn bike Furn .. dee. ltema, HW. work bench, exerclae ,.., J.•n .,_., llble wHh drop leavee, cond. 83l..0967. 673 8096 Loving 1 yr old spayed party Garage Sele (remodellng) Mesa x St 22nd & New-$50. Hammond Chord mach .. toys, Avon. ete. bike, 10011 of ell kinda, •••• ••••••••••••••••• Miii 14 to 18. Country ---------Elec range. vacuum porl orgen S400. Books, dla----------1 clay pole, p11n11. clOtllet, WESTMINSTER French feeling. Appral· DOUBLE Oven. elec. Like cleaner Cocktell table. ---------• hes, much m0<e. 1878~ I.I•••• ... ,. ' book•. hut lamp & ABBEY Md $3200. Mil S1SOO. new. Aedec:oreUng. $75 Bath room vanity Glass Fulltl Raiser Sill Plecentia, c M (next to ••'••••••••••••••••••• chllda 10 •pd bike. 1230 ANTIQUE MAl.L 548-4058 _9_68-_7_3_2_1 ____ _ Chandelier. doors end FRI/SAT 8:30 lo 4pm. M • • • P • t H o a P .) Returnlnfi 10 Holland. Som-I Ln. N.B. (off 117S1 Weetmln•ter Ave. Philco Foret Froetlree window., 36 In wood I•· Honda blkes, lurn, snow 642-5429 any day $81 Must st I all peraonal Highland). Sat 9-4. Cuh GARDEN GROVE Antique oak & brau fur· Heu II relrlg.llreezer. the, household Items, 19-Sun 27. No hold ~~,'=n~~iq!:..~'J~~ only. 554-8103 nllure cOllec:110n: offk:e, Brown. xtnl cond. 1176 etc. 305 Orchid Ave (In :h~~~a.1~~~ S:,~•;t'. •°""'~··~·~~~~~~!! rage Sele Sal/Sun. 511 UDO ISLE 8 am Stl only. bdrm. llv. & dl11 rm + 9fl0.9675 or 962-S355 alley) Fri and Set. June = B 1 um 0 n 1 0 r 0 111 104 Via Peleml<>. Come wl Mverel aide pleoes. Pti. 161h and 19th. 9 AM lo 5 Line Business phone •97 •72• • e--lyl Welnul dining rm "s 1 th 633-4411 Weatl~llouM refrlgeratOt ESTATE /GARAGE .. .... .. -!I ltllr chain. 1200 ( hlte ......,,,. condlllon C•lll lllll sy1tem. gentleman'• w . ,.~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~A"M~s~M~ ~iso' S~a~ dresser, antq. cook stv. £i•HI #l•HI 11•1• Ml 676·4800 ~11.J}~!': .. ~ •••••• ,.~{f $100. 646-73S8 YARD SALE· Elec coo· & heater Patio lurn, ••'•••••••'••••••••••• a••••••~•l•d•••••;• 111.L IRW HARBOR AREA Seara portable dllh· king appliances SS-$20. ~1; CE~t(~r H":,=.~~r~~ antq b~thtub , O ak 3 FAMILY SALE. new & S~~ne 19th g..8! :'u!i Sat·Sun June 19-20. APPLIANCE SERVICE washer. S100 Furn · lamps, mla,c turn. Incl bdrm set, hide-rockers, presabecic chre • used, tum, & mite, anu-sell ell Items GrMI bar· Free admlsslOn exhibit & we sell recond., guar 673-1265 646-2 t23 1753 S11n1e BBQ air compressor que car. Set 9·5. 24022 Q •11 1 I H II 1 Cent 77 Ana Ave, No 109 C M' a-bed, reclining chrs. bar bldg 'materlala. Sal/Sun: La Hermoea, Laguna NI· gains. ue ty 1em1. u ea. un no on er appliances. 5"9-30 Avon lnllaleble llleboet stool1,sota.mapleJurn, 8111 ? S79KnowellPI guet (nr Cro'!Nn Valley 4101 So. Main St . Mall 405 Frwy& Beach lllY&ffll&IOEI w/2 hp engine, mint Garage Sele • Lots ol kitchen tbl & chra, hutch, ' · Pk) (Corner Sunllower & Blvd, H.B. cond S795 675-S.26 Goodies! Sat/Sun 10-4. redwood tbl & benehes, Dul r1i•I Mein). Coniemport ry Amer oak sideboard, Lea g57,.a133 . 879 Arbor St (Nr 19tn & wuher, Hoover vacuum •••••••••••••••••••••• • .,,..,, ,,.,. ollk dining rm Ml, Spinet china clOMt & .. rty elee. W 1181/D S12S 8Ch Rel rig lg 2 dr. S 195 MOl\fovla). c M. eteaner. ml.sc. lamps & Super Sala: antiques, ··-·•'••••••••••••••••• piano. Trundle bed. stove. 673-&t23. •• ~ 8 ·1 Wash81 & gu dryer, dlx end tbls, &. kJtcnen utein· carpet loom. kitchen· -THE GREAT AFFAIR· Double drHser with mlr· RetrlgerafOf $225· Ol•ll· multi-cycle. new cond. Smell Home Day Car• slls, pols & pans, dishes. ware, bed, old scale, Gllls-Treeauree & 001Jr· ror, 1leeper sole, •P· ---------1 wuher $lOO. 646•58•8· S24S l $t95 or both onl) Items. 6t~r household & etc Cuh & carry clothes & mo<e. 33232 met lood Rummage Sale pllances, hou11wer11, Upright lreez«. $200, xtnt S39S. Garden Grove AP· garage misc Sat (June lllilllilllilillllilll••-•-•I Cllrltllna Or & Boutique 10 support earthenware, Rye rugs, fNIUI\ ADS eondttton. plltnce 13191 Harbor 19th). 9·• 207 Senta The Newport SllorH lighting 11X1ures, boolll. Wl1U 646-5848 Blvd. G G. 537-6333 laabel, Costa Mesa. Yard Sale. Sat. 7:30-SPM. !*:~~!!~!!!'.~.~':t... Swim T .. m. 511 Canel, clllldren'1 game1, toys, ARE FREE STOVE. gae, apt size, _o_pen __ su_n_1_1._•_. __ _ A•••iE llLE•llt 1•4 stereo, elec broom, $10, 1 Newport Beach. Follow enlarger, clotlllng, TV, O<N ....,. • & misc. Priced to eell out. Al baby ltema, clothH, Slgns-PCH at Orange 0< Misc Items. 569-0271 woril• QOod. s75. li!r._IOI I •HI 2320 Elden. C M 970 w. 17th. CM. No. B carpel, lots ma<e. SAT Prospect Sal June 19. .....,_.. 7:30 & 8:30 PM 5<'8"""486 ••• •••••••••••••••••• 10·4, 18801 Leelwood 9 .. M "PM """ C I Schwinn 20" Stingray 3 FAMILY SALE SAT Seers tool cheat, l rlg.. Cr Off Beach/Terry/Nol "' ...., · only. Cuh & c:atry only. a : Seara Coldepot 17 cu. S25 9AM 229/26S a 269 tights, elc. Fri/Sun 2302 Werne< Wellcllll Capri mulll· IUAll UU t•t·Hll FroalleH, e11eeptlonally 642-S107 Sierka, CM. Color TV, Columble Dr., C.M. GARAGE s •LE· MOVING lamlly ctrpor1 sale. Sat, 2010 W. central Senta clean S3SO. 5••·Sl 35 Beach Cruiser with front houseplants. Crystal, ---------1 "' · 9AM-4PM. 1700 block ~~~~~~~~~ freezer, entq col tbl MOVING SALE: Must Mil • Houaenotd 1tem1, toys. westcllff Or .. In e1i.y. Ana. Sal /Sun 9-5 Puatl _ CadlUacs to Go-Certs brake. New. S125 Everything! An11que to motoreyctu . Frt .. Sat.. _ lawn mower, wet 1ult. Have you read today's Whatever the Fad 1-993-9748 240 ShetWOOd Pl. All 2 Junie, huge collecllonl Sun. 9am. 19581 R~ March to your phone to Ur•. c:tmper refr1g, di· c181etlled Ada? 11 not, ROii 'em off lhe market Boys· bike, allV81, 20" Ni· Fn. Sat 9·3. An1q beQ. 3065' Loren Ln C M rtc:tc Lane, H.B. Magnolle piece a teat-acting clae-nlng room 18ble •nd you're mlu lno the best With a Ctesallled Ad ehlkl. J(fnt cond. $75 household, turn etc 97 • a Yoriltown. llfled ed. 842-6178 c:tlalrt. bargains In townl Call Now! 8"'2·5678 OBO. 1179·1478 Julkt . lam orange cat 111 shots Minolta Weatllermauc Mull move 642-2699 + Wll81 Vlewet S50 U1ed French doors & 673-8096 windows. $75 pr Doors N1kkormat FT3. black, 35x79 & 42x79 Win-70-150 zoom, 2X con· dows 50x67 & 42x72 verter. tripod, !lean & 720·1888 light meter Mint cond. 6 New wrought Iron Win-S400 or bes1 ofter 54$-S407 dow guards FrM. yOIJ remove 559.5577 OLY M PUS XA(2) "pocket" 35mm camera FREE KlnENS Cute. all fully automatic never blec11 or Calico 2 mos been used $65 OBO old 960-9526 673·S782 FREE Haorcuts ollered by Carlton Intl by lie stylists C111 1035 •• •••••••••••••• ••.... every Wed eve a1 7 00 Lovable black/whole Kot· 38•0 So Plaza Or (So tens wlahots S 10 to Coast Village) SA. No good homa 536-1927 _c_e_111_. ______ _ Siamese kittens, purebred FREE Lab puppy greet Bluepoint 10 wks S7S personality 496...() 170 960..0817 n..1 1040 Male Golden Retriever. *: .... ,. •. • •••. • ••••• • •• •. 1 ''t yts , free to good, Pets "R" people Boer· ellec11onate home ding & Grooming Poodle 6•2·6020 pupa lor sale 957-8589 A_l_l _w_h_l_le_m_a_le_G_e_r_m_a_n Cock81 Spaniel AKC Pup· Sl'lepllerd. Free to good pies Bull Colored S 175 home 646-9750 _P_vt_P_ty_S._7_-2_3_1_1 __ KITTENS. tree & cute. 8 li1i1t.re Sci111auzer wtca old 1ttter bo.,. 1ra1- workehonc couple mus11-ned __ 9_79_-_14_7_8_J_u_he __ sell. lovable lemele puP-ALE Germ Shepherd, py, SIP Ears d one exc.11 walchdog s 150 494-1095 540· 7585 ' Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line Bring them or mell them with oorrec:t ca1tl• , to Datly Pilot, 330 W . Bay St .. Coat• MH.t our famous DIMES-A-LINE DIMES.-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. CA. 92626 • Each item mull be priced wrth no Item over $50. 20c per line -$1 .00 minimum. • r(o livestock. produce or plants • No commercial eds allowed FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. ROLLAWAY bed, brand NICE Collier baby carriage SINGLE bed, very clean O' N El L futilU'i'l 2mm LARGE dog l'louae. Chotle SH U TTER doors $15 TWO naugahyde chairs CRIB 125. Playpen S5. LARGE pront area carpel CUSTOM Drapes. loke ·new foam mattress sso. $40 Intent seer S5. Ex· $20. Alt81 12 noon 10 medium-tall $<10. BluE chain, leull and groo· each. or • tor $50. Ja-$25 etC:h. Lane, wlllnut Bumper pads S2 Can-$<40. Men's bike $20 new. wheal color Antt- lronstone dishes, set for celtent condllton. 4pm. 261 MeH Drive, and red. 642-7557 as• ming bruah 120. coba 911 turfboard l1S. coffee table $36. Presa-later $3. Two chandelier Girls bike $20. Porlable que brass decorator 8 ( 11 k e n 8 w l s 4 s 642--0237 Coste Mesa. lor Hugh. S52·7011 962-9759 bec k clltlr 135. 9 44 $5 each. Curtains $2. typewriter $25 Electric rOds 1nckJded One '°' 548-7409 ___ ..._ ___ ~-----------1 Camttlon. Cotti Mesa Two chairs $15 each typewnte< $IS Sweeper 8tt sJtdong door $50 One ---------STAINED glass 50e·S1 BUNK bed. wood frame, 6 FOOT r-vy llOlld br ... BABYl.INE dresser S50 . .t.NTIQUE uddle rtck NASH Cruiser alcates Sl2 Pictures SS-$8 Toys $10 Large picture lrame1 pa11 for 61t wide window 3 TIERED 1ebte $30 Anti· Lead cane 50c each mallress, sprl~s, llnens, art deco clothes display Four drawer chM1 $40. from old tacit room 120. each. Porta-Potty SS. $1-$5. Books 25c-S1. $10 Gold lletware aodl $50 548-4189 Costa ~~v:s~1~id:r~fe !t;~d ~11r~~~~h a;i:esd~~e~~~ r~~ ~r~·~~ dS~ 1V~ ~~~s$~ee~~~r:::= ~d~ ~~:r•:o. ~= ~;~:;~. o~~a~lr1{11:~~: if~.·~:.~;:,m~rst:.~ ~~o;~::, ~f:=~ .. ~~~~~~ ~:~ =~g 1~8::o::, ~~~ K~Ne~a size bed mallless 145. Oriental laquer d&-S2·14. Painting•. picture 6-4S-3603-$1-$12. Twenty potllhed ee•t 14, Children'• cto-dlllds tteel l)ed•I toy9, day, Sunday 9-3pm tray $15 Fans S8 eaeh 1 ) coretlon S45. Ari pottery lremes S2-$S. Met boatd solid copper and bf&M u-. glrl1 elze 6-10, boys fire engine S 15. Chain $ lS. Kids toy9 10o-s 1· 2 106 1 S Ir el h moor, Nice clothing S2·S 10 and box spr ngs · very vases $1.50-$45 Bauer pieoes Sc each Candle INTERIOR shutters $1.50 tea kettles $3-$6. 10 Inch size 2·4, 2Sc-$4. Full drfve trect0< $15. Dump ~".!..Carnation, Coete Huntington Beach 9447 Serra, Costa Mesa II ~~~ ~•~x~~"tso~~~~ d~hes 11.50-$5 Coltec· ma k I ng supp 11 • s each. Wood doghouse turned 11881 cannon $6. meltreae and 1prlng1, urt S 12. 5ehwlnn Ver-WASHER and dryer $SO ...!.:._Pm long desk armchair $10 tlble Jewelry $1-$35. 10c-25c. 11 pound wu $4. Adding machine $5. 30 rine old brass pres· ITame $40. Twtn aprtnga slty 10·speed bike $45. CREATIVE Plavlhlngs, So $40 s 1 R di s c d 1 573 5686 Women• English riding blocks S2 each. Siik no-Black and white TVS•. sore g•,._ $6-$50. Thi-S1 0. women's clolllea Packaged sale fire ater· elide SIS. Twin strolee each.$ la · Ing e Al con llonerl ears. ca7 e Iver 1 • boots 6,11 SlS. Hewallan wer lOc-25c. Dried llo-673-2252 -.--S ._.. ........ SOc 1 120 ., __ _. •• beQ 25 Near n-lhed window mode . cost al eves or eave mes· rty heavy polished east S 1-2. Papert>ecic """"' ler -box, gr911 0< • .,.,... • 1.,.n. mower house $50. Outdoor grill $400 . sell SSO. 552-3519 sage durong dey shim S8 Salt and pep-wer buncllea 10c-SOc. COl.ONIAL upholstered brass animals and bird• 25<:-35<:. Harlequin and camping. New clusic fire $50 Caber akl boots. 1 $ lO D 1 11 bl --, ---per shak81s SS each Old Knit and crochet yarns rocklnQ chair $25. R• S2-S12. Lovely cast more. Oil P'lllnttngs IOOI Mii wtlh andirons llze 11111 $50. Baby ctr car · 9 ac 8 8 NEW stereo with record GOOD Quality needs tt,llchen and spice tins 25c Rugptinchlnglrame cord player $25. Sink brass unicorn 112. Ora-S2·S15. TraverH rods $<1 ·S8. New boxed seat $1S. Tpys 50c-S2. trallerlng mirror s25· player, diamond needle some work, wood desk $1 .50-S6. CzechOalova-$3. Llnner or cotton top 4llnx221n$50.C.bl· celulheavycastsoarlng S7.50eecll.upto801nch mahogany llreplace 944 Carnation. Costa New l>Uketball hoop $50 5S2-3519 $25 Square storage kltn nude csndle lloldat 0111aberg cloth SOC yatd. net 10 mtlctr $2S. Bike gull S18. Make fine gllts, wlndow1. Bumper pad matcil box• $1.50 each. Mae. ~ d~~ $~O. Spllf~ ~ MINI 1 • ..., recorder. new. table $20 Berret table S35 Deco collectlblea Yard""" pieces 25<: Sl s ...... ,,. 18f""' ---~-• ...... .__.ton .... TV __ _,,, ..... 0 ---'ng Sl•ft'--11-'-......_ ft.......... or us •no w ee ....-lor patio or ktlehen ""1<:· • -w-• reek 5 4...........,.. .-...,......,._ ....,._, -.,...., -..,....., ~·-1 _,, _ _....., UNIQUE Dolt 8unnv, llke $20. 64S.2Sllt Ptnaaonlc, lelesl model. ker trim S30 T'able $1.5()..$30. 409 coltectt-Brown leather piece.a, . ol hand painted porc:e-machine S2S. Kltollen Tllermo1 jug S6. Hun· ..,.., Cost s 159 .. &elf $50 Xe· ble clothing and ll'loee approximately 15 sq M TWO Goodyear 1SSP803 laln and bllque figurines fauc:.tt $5. Heir blower dreda ol •ntlque tnd new, wtllte wrought Iron FLAG, near new Indoor temps $5. Beakets $1 $4-$25. Wooden dlg1tal S3. Cushion and plllows $7 each. 2-750-H $7 13-$8. Eleven clasalc Old S2. Many pictures S1-$5. Vintage farm a1'd kitchen end Celloo from Neiman llag ael with stand, eost ~~a~~6~t~~2~·5~9mlni Men's roller skates. size clock $10. Old bottles 50c each. Paperbacks eaeh. 20 Inch bltt.e $15. solid br811 fireplace tool Antique bath healer $5. tool• and cont1lner1 Marcus $20. 648-4058 S125, take $50. Unused 6 hl<e new S8. Old doors S2-S5. Shirley Temple 10c each. Playboy, Pent· Exercycie $30. 540-0924 sets $9·$28. Many old Metal c hair $2. Bike 25e-$5. 5 new wood la· MAN'S 27 Inch Nlahlkl 30 Jallon trUl'I c:en 1g. CAA Mal $40 Bassinet soc Two chairs. table. pin $10 Deco ceramic house. magazines 0000 working antique Iron or brau llreplece parta 11. GeneratOf fa< the toole 115. Wood eeml·llghl weight Boys 3 piece sull, atze 7 $15 Baby beth tub pipe frames $10 Old dog $2 5 Canon T. L. 25c·S 1 Car top IUOQllQE wooden floor lamp $20 andiron Mii S5-$3S. Log older model ctr 125. c.Md art deco, full rig 10-tpeed bike, excellent S 1 5 . Boys c Io t 11 e • $2.50. Child's bike seal medicine cabinet, maple body $45. Nancy Drew rack S3 30 lneh luan Ten antique bridge lamp or magazine holders Baek window fOf Chev. lhlp eloclt $9. 1940 Tty-riding condition $35. 727 SOc-$5. Toys SOc-St 711 $2.50. 754-1183 $7. Yellow plastlc stec· end Gunsmoke lunch mahogany b ar 1tool1 promects Intricate caat $4·S15. New boxed 6 truck $S. Power ateerlng lor barometer U . Sev-W. 20th Street, Coate ltdde< S2. 6-45-259) LOVESEAT SSO Kan 8 • king baskets S3. Wicker boxes 17 each. Currier S3.50 eecti. Youth bed base• ...._:,111• Fifty llghll Inch potlatled brue tn· gear MMmbfy 120. Nuts eral tl'louland lllgh qu• Meu (re er house). · O shelves $2 Baby bUreau, 1M lvea prints S20 each. size, springs end mat· end lamp• from every ehor door knodler• se. end boftl 2c each. Clocil t1ty 11arn1ea 11881 hoM 542 5487 01.0 ~let Sl5. 23 Inch roo skins for weU hen-ell wood S20 Double Turner Pflnt $3S. Deco tress SS. Flue<ecent blub1 era for noor table and 1.arge lighted edVertlllng SS. Round wagon $7. ciarnpe, size ~ Inch to 8 • bike S · Men's clothes ~Inga °' rugs $50 eacll bed headboard $5 Glrls wal•colOr Dancing Ha· Sit $1 each. Auor89Cellt celllng S3·1So. Antique clock $38. 20 Inch hend· Toya for btby 25c·S3. Inch dlamet«, 26c each, BOOKS, book•, books, 11-110. Framed pictures I ant board S 1 O Sch°wlnn llke new. $30 wallan girl prints 122 fixture 2-811, 2•611 SS CHI Iron desk lamp S8. crafted Tlllany gl111 1974 Mtyer Blaoe, Co•t& 5 fa< $1 or $10-$15 per hard •nd aolt cover Sl·S5. L•mp $25· Clock 6-42•5255 Wicker tray SS Wood each. Old booka 26o-$4. each. Oak lumber $1 Good 6 way floor lamp lamp thade, green gl ... Mesa. 100. Fifty'• rtlla wrtppld 50c-S2. Set 1956 Brllan-13o. Wall clock S l5 HIGH chair $5 Baby shtters $2 each Flower 1928 Mc:Fadclen't Ency· board It. 80 square M s9 32 Inell good table $20. 22 Inch round ie.. Chianti bottlM 12 Md\. nlca Junior SlO. 3 tub Olahee $20. Chair s2s. walk81 14. Baby bath tub pot• SOc-$1 ~6-8210 elopedle ol Physlc:el Cul-oak parquet llooring $25. lamp $4 50 Solid brua Iller toot stool 1 20 BIKES men'e, boy'• Cfattaman brllOe and 8 1tyte bar atoota, H 11 Olvtng gear Sf>.$50. Mir· S3 Baby food grinder 371 La Pene Lene. eo.11 lure $45 tor 4 vOlumes. 2-811 rOll up blinds S2 euen ah· ad· e orlentei Wldt• flal'I cnM11 $4. Well 10 .1peed1, n 1 me bltt like new $26. Box• 221n. lo ... t $18 Nd\, re< $20. Drapes s5-l l O. $2. Elec1rlc feeding dish Mesa. 191S F h dlctloner" h 301 d i t • ' f .._... 11 _.. Ratttn chtlr awing, 81 la Bed•Prtld SS. Hide·•· se' B I $8 ---------reno , eac . n ame er plenter lamp $15. Very made WHtern nCldle, brenda, look-ride new. o ..,.,.., gMt, ghta ..... $ tO. Maple 10 drawer beQ $50. King size water S · 11• by2~•cFaPe 11: ENTIRE COllectlo(I ol 1953 SS. MAttropolltan H ml· globe type hanging lamp antique 5 light hanging Mns stirrups $35. Ten extru, NVI up to 1170 rope 25c-l10. 411 e .. t oheat, good condition bed $50. Complete aet nugg e s: .... . ac Vintage Mlnature Nceose nara In art $5 eech. Ari· SS. Two modem c:toalrs, llxture $ l 8. Many old kitchen dining tnd end each. $49. 548-80ee atumlnum dinghy dtvlt '60. Ptlnt. unopened, 5 Handlman'• Encyclope-Yily centerOl 8 $5. F ~'rt PSla2) plates, us end f0<et0n zona Highway• 25c. need rope aeeta $10 and antique oll lamp• ttblH S20-S50. ~olld '6S Chevy front Hl•_a1 and brtdlet $30. Many turqulee, 2 whit•. 13 di• S30. S atu rday glyml t$4. 1S2per1 ,P'"'11 . S50 Broyhill desk $30. ~yt>oys SOc. Old woo-~. Two smell antique S5-S3S. Brtae hanging o•k dining table 150. drum 10 drum $50. ':)II entlqUe and ctMlle auto gallon Rake hOe ••• aam-.,pm. 947 Serre n an eee . n en oys Men's 3 speed bike $25. den frames $2-$3 -.ch. tamp• $10 pair. Old pine hurricane lamp 1o lnctl Mttcll Credenza SSO. Ford lront txtee drum to light• tnd ecceHorlea trlmmW 13 Mc:ti ·Art.; We.y Mesa del Mar tract ScOSS. Playtex dispose· Floor scrubberlwuer Coleman 2 burner stove kitchen table 150. Eu· hobnail .51laa• ahade 1l8. Five matcillng cl'lalrt 125 drum l50. ,56 FOfd 292 I 1 ·150. Three cuto 9am 645-0113 · Colt'• Mee&. ' ble bottles 20c eacl'I. SS. White Pullman end S6. Womens 3 apeed rek4 Vacuum l :l5. Antlque4drtweroekflle each. Wooden 36 Inch engine nMdl rebuAll trunk• 125-HO. 1911 · Btby clolllu 10c-$S sink. new s2s Sears $10. ·Deco bench 16. Headstrom baby stroller, eeblnet wtth bf ... pu411 round gtt"-o table 120. S50 5 For 390 gellol'I 9WlnQ ..,out oll 1111 CAMP cot S5. ClotllH PUCH moped not In run-Oxygen ~uletor 120. manual portable IYP•· ONlcl'a trllciO< $5. Rugs good condllon S20. $45 Large Mlectlon of Autllenlc llbergleued ne~~61 re:ultt ~O. c:.n of eollcJ copper $10. 10e·S5. Crib and mtl· ntng condition S30. Jeck Greeting cards 5c Shut-writer s25 t9S3 Repu. 110 e ach . W ooden Jumper/WattlernearMW vint age and antique 1111r hatch cover table Tl Aneotd<:..elronporce.. \f9ll $35. Turnttble, 2 Kremer Au tograph 1er1S1eecn.Electrlctry bile Ave .. Costa Mesa. •hopping cart $10. Metal condition SlO Old oak wooden olllce chair•. $3 . Many entlque woo-Motorcycle P~•:F r• taln btth llnk with br9M •peakere, never uHd, atrung tennis rtcket, pan $3 Tea kettle $2. 642.0862 ah.We• $10. 979-5027. swivel office chair $50. oak walnut and meho-den truhkl, Cheat• tnd $3. Clutchel · r fl tureal45.Ant1Queend g<eet fOf kk:ll S25. End Oonnay Borg Pro racket Saturday 9-2pm 176 --------- 3085 Loren Lane, Costa Old oek typing table 150. geny tilt swivel and aide boxes S2-SS5. V"Y Old s1o. Fa<ke S20. Mini blk vintage door Mt• and table &7. etoeet IOI' van S2S Mch. Full size metal co 111 Mesa S 1ree1 . WASHER SSC Dryer $50 Mesa. (Corner ol Fair· Women and chtldrens cl'ltl~s $ 12.145. 1932 wooden hump beck t,'!' T= :::!t~ 150· plmblng nxturee Of por-with 4 d,_.. St5. Baby bed frame atltl In boll $5 Costa Mela.. Ollhwasl'ler S50 Vacuum view and Baker) clothing 2Sc-S1. I.Aether dlled 8111 llavor penny 1runk 120. Old IOfid ()Ill M.... oelUI, bf ... and gteM welker &4. Boye 1e1n &40-8409 SURBOAAOS S lO·S•5 cletner S25 Electric TOYS 1oc-SS. Cto1lllng. pure1ea tnd 1hoe1 gum machine 125. Hun-portable org•n c11e lt·S7. New Ger~• ~·· ... needtt ,J>9!~ds13u1. PAIR epelker b o>ees 8aby l>ed S3S. Hl-chal; 0m;w;r1 :~.;u~::~~~; ::!k:Oc~~~.11~!o f.~:!i ~g:.~: ~:c~~nd= e.~~::. ~~~uk~t:tt'!~ ~:~:e1':':: 'lf5.M:r.: S~J:,~= =....:. ~~ ,:::= pWit« a.: Cernetton"." Coate ~~·W:l~.61:;_~111 • Sl5. Pair ~a"o ~!~A~lS 110 Power edger $50. $25 e.ch. Two chalrt I 15 14. Sllvwware S2. GI... t ool• and contalnere c:tilld• 17 lnc:tl wooden Golf bag 14. Flreplaee tube $3. New kmeln'a 00 • n. ., eech. 4• t..,ic 1 ,_., or Sllurday alternoon 221 each. Four burner B" mixing bowie. $2.50. 25c-SlO. Thirty ~q"• ptane> 112. 143 W. 15th screen end lrone s•. redwood ehlngled dog -..ATE .. 1 .. l "'Oc. Leoe SSO. Smalt GE am/Im Toyota wn.ts StO, S30 Flower Street c'o•t• • 2 s d o 1 '"'031 v v h •• 2 d ••a ,.. "" " rtello $7 . Reatlatic for Mt. Whfte IC)Oke VW M • 11ove .so. 0<101 ay 1t11r 1Y n y: • antique. wooden Ira Street, Costa Meu F1rep(aoe log holder 11. ouHI •' an •' • 20e-50c. Lota of bllttona SA-101 Solld State •t• rtm• wtlh Ur• 2 15x8 __ ... _, _____ _ View Ave .. Stnll An• Ooeanwood Drive. Hunt· 18-$50 Set 4 bentwood (betwMn Monrovia and Garden Plan'91' 12. Thf'M Good Mleotlon bOat _. 1c-&c t.erge email ztp. pllf $20 / S30 $25 k Height•. off Meae •hd lngton Beactt.,ttlantef $30. Good uphQtt1ered P11centl• str .. u). wood Coke 0 .. 11 S2 U ·U . ao w. 15th per915c-50c:Manyelolll f.: :~~ r.cNoAse. lando~~::;,6 .me:.·~,, BALDOR e1ectr1cmo~ 1 lrvlne Av.. Magnolia. 9am-..,..m. barrel c:helra '8460, Set 548-0136 Seturdey Only. ~. catrom &o.rd aa. Street. Co1te M•H !Oo-US. a dinner*'-Ctlcutator with power 11,11 120 L HP 1lngl1 pl'l11• .so. Fl YING Model air plane, GOl.F clubl. left end rtgtll 4 8erltwoocl S30. Good 9am-6pm. e.ttr*ofl OOtda SQo.13. ~~ ~ and .... °"* ... *· Oki MIOtY .. Zenith blllClk 12·1 10 lee anUJ ?:.P.~ Beldor elec:tt1c motor 2 reedy to ..-nble, COit hand $2. Golf cert 15. upholst~ berrtll ctlaif FIVE pt.oe dinette aet, Solla OXW!I" torch 111. ~~~~~ a!f.!8~· 1114 cemtfa '2t5. ~ arid whit .. TV V,H,F. lind akltN .15-110. Toaster ::. 3~~;-; PS~~- $75. Sell 120. 673-872e Wood shaft club• 15. 115. High quellty t lub green and white so. RetrlgtfMor oomfll.-of ur"-# '"""7' la~ 11·13.. I U,HJt $20. 8 tnctt IPM-oven 115. Hou1ewarea H O ;011 to 220 voli Chevy hub cape $5. Pfc... IOunge chair, mucm ffnt Ster.o ptionogrtiph With S10, 8PQtt c:oatl &1-$3. ~. boot9 as, 8ef Nahl &l . ktf' In wall box $1. OVal ~t-15. Malling tubes tOo 1 anatormer 540 WASHER. older, oo ln nt~ table SHi. Potl end wood lhoWI~ '60. Oflk epeeker 115. &40-1857 Step tebt. •2. ,.tcord RAil.ROAD ti. 11. Fealt PllloM St. 220 Ctimtille mirror In wooden holder ~. 8202 Albany Cir-r ~ereted, Mayt~ 150. pin• 25e. Hand tool• r~ers Sto-taO. ~ ceblnet 12. Tebte drlll m~ ~II• MO. LeM. co.ta Mella. Sat• &6. 15 bootee on b\111-cit. Huntington a.-en. Ma.9490 ery.t, Older, ooln Of*• 26e-16. Tl/ Ht US dHk• llO·HO, Fine pr.a IGO. 81.,,. ~ w .. dlng oable 7hU. urdey tCMprlt. neu 115. l!lacttontc (lndlenapoll' endi-----:J~M•ylag UO. Oatdtn tool• &1·15. O...S COM tt«lnel lllO. MOno 140. Ford tlr•• nett12. 2424 Frendtco. P.int ~ 110 ..... l!ND 1n1e 10. Buffet book• H each. New Magnoh). SALMON tron pole S18. Cheln MW 825. 800llt New 411 t11bular ttHI 15410. Old ~ detk' Ht WP 0 r I 8 • e Oh· Ion. 8talnl ... ltMr; 3 \ttlle $211. ~as tMI AHlllllO AM Olgltat CutlnQ 8rt,ole t 17 Pl.YWOOO. veneer U.'a 25c. ~ eoc. Port•. nr.-ood raolt 18. Antli-1 15· Lawnmower HO. 1414521 compartment_. ..-0. tu. Plo1uru a 10. Ll!.D. olOck radio tto. OOU0.-1 and tove •Ht ~ 1'242 • ~ POii ~1. Steel etrep, re bl• bed aprlng 12. que CHt Iron baH, 81nglt bed end ftame Wtl~& IOc lb. ~ llOo-tl. ~\Mk OlaH veae1 S1. Oetk 150. Bleck and white breell .. M. HooM. 10t- plpe So lb, Aluminum SnN>-On ~ vtr9ftCh c:tlllda IClfloOI dttlCI ~11 Stl. Chev. ttUdl,....,. STUDIO oo"otl UO. °'*-Mem ..._ 10 .-on •10, C. rtldlo IWllP 17. Cl lndl epeetcer ...., TV N 5 ~7-95t0 peclo welgllta, leadert. pip. and tl.lblf1e &oc ~ 14~. C4odt r9dlo ~ ~. :=: wt11te ... 812.IO. lat"rdey end Lampe "4:ao' :~ttoe MO. a1s:.._twMtTVISIJ. H pair. 11$0 Oootore CONTOUR l°"rige 115 llQ• 11·'3. Ttokle t>o• ChW• l&-120. ShtMng ,,..,., 140. ,hhll'ig wing .. ""' :11ndtyi c"o WM 1tth Wlalcet... • •••• OLD dlelt9 •11-ta1:-iM-......_ ~ ..... Clro••.1..~Pt O, Ooata Large bean beg •• a: ... 141-HU • =.:-=. 2:;._ ~ ~u=-:J:i~ ~t~~= ~~~ oeta eu. ~::,:;~·=-tW1ft • ....., ..._. glW rlc ~ !... ~).a..:; ~ . ..,..~"': tet ~In. tteotrlc dtlll II. l'HNI drew«,,.._,, J eorHn• end prl"'' 1118 w on AV9 .. and Placenll• '''"''). .... .._,._..-.... WlnctowttO. Htaiwy ... ~'1.I~ .__ "MltN a " ..,. dlllr 111.1-.o 6f...,encl4dr...,l30 a 49 13 A 0-.Meea. '4U1Sl....,,_0Ny, TWOMlftlMtlD'"1Mdt II . I.Mii flrl 11. Towra. lfon.,.. tof ..._ 1 .. ,.,. • -i•• lflOftt ... •la. IM9e ....... tor.,. 110, Moh AetriOertaor MO 1 · Lampe eem.epm, NO ..at\, r .. ._. ....._ .,... wen.. oMldf•1e, ... ~ ...... U· ''''' la·7> c ot9'1ttt '-' 11 .. r.~.doll, Iii-1 r au 1 amp a 1 a. w~ l!'MtllM t.sa: rrr.-M~~.~. ....... Ud111r11•1 a10 aduM ...... dtallM, nett• ........... u IOo-tlO~-:J... .... "" •-nt. 09':.:rh:•· ••1111 L~::"*· 111 ArbOf 1"1 .... ~ ..... , .. • Ol'rEf.:b'• •"4 en CA,. doubli llllllc• oarltlt eaaft. ~ ... t.llft "''"*"'"'''-.. "o' ,..._.elf Wllafl;CeiU ANI. oAotNa. = ,a...._...., Ooet• Mete ,_,...,. TIWL•H•hdl ter..m-:=. .... ~°'°=: = C:, =.ra·&:&; :::.c:~ = a ·at""d= Mli-..~---= =·~: J ... lty 1llUMMcwo\41 bot WO.. .... =.;=-== =~...:o-= ='=',.•.:t.11. =·=·wi:_.E A.:u ":, 1·~~-~: lfli~~i~ m:a""~~:t,_: .... .._·...,.,Cl'HIM , ut. II like ftew. ,._ l_., ~ ~ Ula14 ...... IYlll,f & , ~ '"'---."'\: J.:. -H•I , 4:e ... t1 ''"' Hu•et •t ..... _. ~ ~.,_ ••• •1H1M .... , ... : hlf,IO. NM• Olita.... ' ;;;'~;;'GaelaW.. ,..._ " tll efl lln ' ! ' l ! . ,• .• .. " •' ·: .. ·~ l I •l l f: , • .. .. . • , ............ ~ .... lllilllfftr ••••••• ~t!••• lllftl'l.a\I •••••••••••••••••• ,...... ••• • ••••••• ""'91F .............. ~~JllP.!?'I! •••• # ••. ,,,,,,,,,,,, •••••• , •••• •••••=• ,,.... ;;A"mt..·1, '-•v•1N 1111in•..,. ...... "OllH'• 0L1AH1HQ e.-i&wON<: .... ,.. • .... vAHT·••• P••iiH~ ,.... _i • .. ~ ......_ ..,,._ ._ nlll ~l Wt "9ft't Miiie ~ twWt ' •· ~ ... IOll letVIOi • I tl\oraulNv ~. Olllf M ... _. W9110ewtrtng "8movll ,_ /COlnf'll. Com,_., CU:·=· , .... *' • o.u. '"'°' ~1•1"~~, •• ,,, uo. a10tet. •wm IHIYO'i GMOINfNO ._. "°'*' ..,_, ltVll-. ....._. l?WHo All 'YI*· ... a.iS43 L.Mdm-1..,.,._ & .-. ...... ce11W GIN. 11·• ~ .....,., Nf. ~ "Totll Yltf c-.11 ,aoltlo HoUMOiiiM•ne ltlalk, llook, ooncrete, ta ·83ll Ut IM0101. ,... _... Ylt~"'~\ Altela I ..,.,._ .. 1,,,_ • • ......... MolWtlly. H1.UH 9111 I rrt • JClnt t9ft, at\IOOO, Wt'1 NM lfo, fJfl!f'.L~....... IUWICl A ,.e,,,,,,. mee.. ...... ., ~ • """ .. o~. nnnw.m nu..... OOUNTIN ~-. "°" tfl.ela lob Mt-1t101&se.tt0e M PUl1llm v111 ~ leMCle-CO. ......... ......... A"°HIT1CTVAAI. fl\AHI T~· ret.otct ~Yd°""" r L.C ....... ~~, ,.,.,............,..,. ALL TYPfl l#T/00 (11'4) 831 .... flnJRtri •••••••••••• CHIU) OAN ~':.~ .. ,~.IT& ~ ... '41·N17 ~~r.:r'n ~. l.oW ..... eeo· .. , ... v.,., "NOU l OICKI WV IWWM. eo.ta....... ;;;;;;."Don-i4;:iiot !!!ff f'fmlM .,,._, Toni uo-oaot/'41~ .wt.''" aet. '4U4f4 FAES EST "54258 flJt DO IT NOWI ........... VM Delly ltllot 9ltY4oe ~ory M .... ..-.....~ ,,.....,.,, tJt..1111 ~ff. PLAITI" 'ATCHIHO ··c·~~om···-.:::,·m·1c··T·1· .. ••• .,,. __.,., ... _,. •• • •••••• ••••••• .... .ai.u. & _....._ -..~-Ew....,. M•'""""'' Oullltv D t I t/ t 30 -· .,.. tlnol 1t11. 754-0tM ._., C"'T IJNO..WOOD • • •• •••••••••••• n~,. ..---.--,....,._, ..,_.. ... ,. ' .,., uocoe. n •• · Prompt. Oalt Chuck, rn •---------Ohlld 0.re lft Mr O.M. fll'e'lme••••••••••••• lnlt .. eci/repejfed G HOMI IMPAOVIMlNT yd1. garegt1, job-..._, l workm1n1tllp, reallellc yr1. Neat. Paul 5,.s,.2977 042·05'4ll15•t40S dya CAllNIT .... IMOOIL. home. IOYtnt lftOtlMr, Dli"(WAWAQOVITIC LIO MIHIO 1 2~ ACPAIA·PUJMllNO p, 0 p m 11 ITI I. A I 0 k "'"*·Alf•, 651-45115 ,,. __ u_ lkylltew•~Hnhaa pp, "'°'*· Cr•"• ' ~ MW ' CINI. 11 • • Clr1*\try, ~.till.,, .. 831.oteS, kri• 831.ot53 •-'-.:~I............. CEAAMIC.LINOLIUM """'"'• ..,.,_.1 & -. Mt-fOU Yf' •· M"ttt·tset lla""-ha. flt, No Jo0 too llMll. ~IN Hmoeplng r.•m ............... g IU. 141-'lln Tile. FrM .. tlmatff IM,_.tOt &.. .. ..-..... ....._, $~Aoouatlc r.fr.m"W•••••••••••• DallU 1146-1111 We tumleh vaouum l *A-l --· ·-I •ay* Rt" lob 171-6'51 11~,.., ,.,_.. :::WO'i'.rr.n.Timn.. _... ... •tud• OllrdenlntJ Wanted Oarp«1try • Meeonry ~PPllM. To,> Queuty, ~1.i cat• _, -01ve'1 Sprtnkllf 8Yl••mt. r;;r..-••• :;;:1........ "IMOOllJADO-OHI L t.t~l-&54t MowlllQ, edQlno. ralllna, Aoonng . Ptumblno V1MN41 t71-4t3t In handling. 28 yra exp. lllrl•11llM ''" •llm•t• ~tatlve Ml·Mlt,eat.HI ~~~~,.~= ~ ~~ i.:::ar,t "~TVWALL TlA!~~..... ~~~:.~ta;s;• Htl• .:::=:.: ~~r.:..::o HOUSECLEANING No ~~1 f:,353 °iQ-=~~Koi•MFRiJ~ .. f. •-~l lO,l tky. ,,.. ttt. 939, t582 ..., eictut.. .....,.....,.. 18 OUR BUSINl!881 l AIR CONO Mat1nl IH -6nn Al~I ""' ~ eorsi.nn ,,.. •1 KIYln tfS.·IOll LAWN CAM µ_PfAT HANDYMAN Janloe'a AaooedY Ann STARVING COLLEGE auto comm'I ' 548•5209 .................... .. ·o,;...;~·P:;:l;;•L;~· Crpt1 lnataM/~ AemoO. lpec:, ~ Comm/l'llkt. NwpVCM Clfpentr/ ·Roofing Ett. 10 yr-. 875·2514 STUDENTS MOVING ' LOW RATE8·TrH trim· ...._....!"'a..ico.t...,. Flood csamao-. 8tllln Lie. 41"81 1120-tltO Orywa1M1•w-8Wooo Xlnt , r.ilabll WQB.. Plumt>lng, eto. 1142...013 co. Lio. Tt24.,.30. l••l4tUullt .. lt ming & removal, 111 S&ttePNt 831-41te'Uc ctng,554 ... 510, 973-l&ee COMM'IJAUIO. New/repair. Acou1t10 ON/Of", letry ... 5-7412 JACK OF ALL TRADES PAOF. H8ECLEANING lneurad, 041 ... 427 ••••••••••rl•'••r.":~... cte1nup1 & Ira.ti tMwUng, ---------•SllllT\900 l 11Mm clMn. ~Add'na.Aloelr• oetllno•. wall te•tUtff, Call Jaclt dey Of night Wl=~~~~37 WATCH us GROWi .,. ................. Fr .. '" Mutlnu ALLITATE PAVING Color brlgllttnere. wht VflfY ,...., Lio. Stlla50 w.tw t*9l:'l 8penlati TllD 11'117~14* Fr•"' ~. Pf~. _5_54_·_7_0_11 ____ _ SeelGoatlng-8.lrlPlnQ crp11 • 10 min. IMMch. Jack H. a.nnen. Jr. t•1Uf9· o.i'I l·NOS T~/l'el'llOY9d. Cllen Jo41n'• Cteanlng Serilce lll•tl•• Oull WOfk Lie. 3311119 JAY TREE CARE. compl. Aepai(• Comm /Reafd H'"'I " /di rn'I• 11•· IVG ~ Contr 552 1142 -~--· up, lawn renew. 7151-3470 OOMPL. HOME M,\INT Hou.-.Apt .. Rentall ••••••• ,.............. 1131·2~5 di uo #397392 '4s.818t r;n, SJ.~: c°"'h"'a1o: T8ondad' t 1n~ ~••••••••••••• MOWING . Cl.IE!AN UPS Carp, plumb, paint, heut, Ottleol. 540-12117 f1ll PAllTIH •--'l• ~a. ~n•'16,.":f.9~~ ng. Oen Hellberg Grading chr $5. Guar. etlm. pet ELECT"ICIAN-Prlotd Hauling . Landacaplng ~!. o3!_1!~P · Fr•• 111. General HouHoletnlng. by Alcherd Sinor. Lio. ~~.[•••••••••••••• f•l•tl•'I. & Pevl~Co. RM/Coml. odor. CrPI repair. 15 Y'• ..... hffllal I '" rlgtit, frM M1'met1 on Fr• t1.f.. 942·'901 '""' .n Reliable, ref1. 10 ... , I K". 2806«. 13 yr1 of happy .... s s 0 k II Lie 30e8811 Remodel 1-or arnd .._.., ,. ,. local Cl.tltomera REPAlrn> 25 10 185 ••••••• ••••u•••••••• Lie. 397 4 842· 1120 up. o wor my1t · · · • -..-""' · Reeld Cln·UP• garden Carpentry, roughlflnleh, 902.0510 aft. 4 · FrM fft. Call anytime. Motl aubleGt•. K· 14 Ref1. 531.0101 add'n1, cablnlll. Lio. Seetl1. 1173~59 , , drl, wndwe. ,.,..oee, d"'• Thank you, 831 ...... 10 7 7 L"'-llfhl 84S.8580/845·404• H y rnalnt trff trim '' HOUSECLEANING + WALT 7 0·2 25 Oay-eve-1ummer S10wk :'H~···a··~a .. a·s-r-· EXC~!-c ck~~~rngt~RE ......... __ ............... LIC'O ELECTRICIAN ~r~· .. ,, 8';·10H w111y' :~~~nt. 754.()llff MAINT. l REPAIR w6~~~~Ry:!e:.op~lnll Huber Aoollng-atl typet. Mr. Morgan. 1545-5178 TEENA E A y I -• __ ,,....... .?".i:e'S~2~tll al.,~• Stltrr)'9 931·5145 New-recover-dtcka TUTORING IN ENGLISH IN YOU" HOME. Owner/operator Fr• ell. Aeet. l)flcel. r• . • om Totel Yard Cart by •••••• ~.............. Shel'-"• HouteOllenlng Exler. Aoouslle celling•. Lie. •411902. 5415.97:µ AS SECOND LANOUA· CM/NB. 557·2279 Carpel. uphol, lfll rug au.1. wetk. Lie. 337109. TOP QUALITY THE GAASSHOPPEA OOMP JOBS -r D1vl1 Painting 847-611115 GE cleaning. WOfk guar. 1131·2345 E1.ECTRICAL WORK Pereonal-Depend1bll & 8mall Moving Jobi Exp'd·All1•*-Alf•. EXTERIOR PAINTING "JOHN HENRY co.... z 545-31139 ~!!fl~.......... Fr .. Eat. 045-1771 G-"" ,..~,,-or Alai. rat•. 531.5055 Dominic 842-4t51 Clll MIKE 1141-1391 **8t2·2t49** Cullom wc>ril. Fr .. nt. Roofing for Fine Hornes Joycie Mger -~-"""' -· 0 lit h I I & R Lie. 415232. 548-6213 w : ' Cl I ,.,,... f llMin Prof. carpel cleaning, apt Ind .. comm'I, rM. ELECTRICIAN PROF. SERVICE ua Y OUMC 1111 ng .... + fine Int. & tlll· .,,. 11' ... •f. Smoooolhad .. ~79 & resldentlll. lie & bon· UC. 333211. 557.1739 Sml jobl/Repel,.. Uc. LANDSCAPE MAINT. Hauling . yerd cteenup wlndow1 tool WHkly, nlng. Sieve 547..-281 •--.nJ ,,_ •••••••••••••••• ••••• ded. Aleo c:tean-up jobe. 2331oe-c-1o. 5"8-5203 Commer1cel & property Quick & oi.n. Fret tit. 11ml·monthly or mon· --• lllnlj "Let lhl Sunlhlne In" BOOKKEEPING JOfln 1542.0357 It ..__ ~ mllllQlf'llll'ltl. e31-eG4& 873-0548 thly. Julll 134-9181 ,, .. ,u. ····auOOET RATES···· Call Sunllllne Window S~•11l•lng In accoun .,.,_ ••,..••••A••••••••••••• Cleaning. Ltd 5411-8853 ....-• ••••••••••••••••••• • . · Ron'1 Gardening: 0 yre H•ULl"'G "'R•Ol"'G ~wt·"-Day Wot'-Lo min Sml )obs OK L'-tl~ ,or I .. _ lnd-d-t 1t--1at'/;'1t-a1nt1 c ldl • T ~ " ,. .... " "' ...... " Fert,,ln~ Interior O..~n · .... 20% Month"' Di1100Unl ,... ,..._. -· ---rown mou ng, entry .. ._..,._ 11m• ar11. Quallt~ et & ...... l1ble "-11 Fr""' Ins '"•1 7581 '7 11tornay or 1mell law ••••••• •••••••••••••• a I b k 1 demolltlon, cl11n·up. .._ · ""' · HANG NG/STRIPPI G • ~ • 1---------flrm. AllO rffl ffllte In-Clfnent·Maeonry·Block doora, m nt II, oo • ' .... lalet r I I I . r 1t1 I . MI n t I Concrete & t,.. removll. 549·93&3 Vlll·MC Scott 045-9325 *RESIDENTIAL* Ylllmtnt & property Wlll•·CUlt. work. Lie. ca .... cedar llnld clo-· QINmJ M l1nd1c1pe. NB /OdM . Quick ttrv 042 71130 lltH•I MonthlyOtrly Discount man1g1m1nt accoun #381057 Rob 547-2683 ..... =;:~=~to "} :.:u: 015-93118. HAULING. & MOVl~G !~!~!'!!!I ........ ~. 7As;.p:~R~~:G~!r ···MoeiLe.sERVICE··· Chrl1 957-83118 Ung. 015-7100 Of'IVll, patio•. wllka. FrM 631·1528 ~ Uc 4l090I College Student, very dip, Local. Student wltruck. Responllble cpl, mid 30 1 work. Prlcll •l•rt 81 R11ereen1/New screens Resld/ sml bu11neu. est. No Jot> too 1111111. · Lawn oare, 1vrg trect Lewi• t75-8lll0 looklng to hOIJ...,I thla 18/roll. Alec 751•7027 NB/CM onl)I 642-9552 Special monthly ret11. Have aomettllng you wt 53S.2&07 People Who need people home, 215x yr • 120 mo. aummer. We'll oere for Ke 11 h or Sandy to ... , au.Hlad adl do atlOUld a1weya cf** tne Electrtcll Contractor 52x yr 130 mo. FrH HIUllng. Student wltl haul p111111, hoUM. etc. CaH Cuetom wellpeperlng, Read the ClleMlflld ad• tor 841-4909 It well / ca II NO w, Have aomethlng to NII? SeMoe Directory In ttie Ind .. Comm. Rea. Lie w • • d In o & yd wk . anything. Free •t. Ken Haven, 700·t0711, 11l11lactlon gu81'1111ead, the belt dMl• In apart· -------- ... 2-64118. CIWlfttd Ida do It Will. OAilY PILOT 333217. Ph 557-1738 548-8895 Robert, 714-493-2148 ref'I avlll. For Mt: Frank 775--0714 rnent rentall. 842-50711 Went Ade Clll 042-5678 8 roll to,> dellcl end II pawn broker chair•. PRICED RIGHT. REPOS. --------54M110 For .... : 7 yr old Q.H. ---------1 geldlng l 8 yr old T.8. --------• ,. Lit la let geldlng. both trained 1 wk old. Coll St00... Wtttem. s.4&-2898 1250:•21:J..e30.5252 ·--------- Antique Dining table / c llalr1. New 11a1 up· hol•terln g . $1550. 544-6138 Deli tum. Sofa, bfown YI· nyl, Qn IZ hl•a·bld & matching overllU chelr, 4 brn vlnyl club chr1. .,.....7101 Oak Victorian McCarthy dHk, COit $1895, SIC 11350. 045-1410 --------1---------Hitachi R101lv1r / 111111n Wicker Tea Cert Litle new. Hew '400. NII for 1150. call 536-7719 Stltf91 br111 table 1eni9. 2 monttls old. New '200. aell for $100. 538-7119 Couch, I ft , xlnt eond. Celery grn. LOOM cu- lt)lon. 1115, 840-7119 04lad walnUt cMIC. 8 drwr =~ ~rnmente. 808TON ROCKING turntable, SNtp "-CHI. 8011nd Aeeeetctl 19MkersMOO. ~ '78 27~ft BAYLINER "Victoria." Fly bridge, VHF radio, bait tank, depthflndlf. outrioolrl. wltralllr. BEST OFnA . 848-2943 COHNl:ll CHEYRCll T ')\._'lo ' ti I\ I f \ ,. ~ I !14&-I 200 ·\ l1 ' I : ·~ i~ , ., '. , (.· " . . . . . . . . . . .. •. ·~ ~: :. ~I f ~ .. . · " ~ . "' . . . • .. • .. !! I .. .. .. .. . I ' ~ . ' I I j l l ) lj, 19'1 DOOOI • "·Celt ~o.twllllon (htHAZ) '1111 -1 ... CHIVIOLIT 1•.tu ...... 1 OWnet-Mlntl .., (81MI04) '1411 1'14 PIAT 1M~C-..• 5 IPMd • low m1i..1 (828LPn '1111 1977 MAZDA «.cc...- 5 IPMd -SHARP! (ASH"'42) '2411 1977 HONDA Accw4 5epeed-R&H (l50eTOO) '3411 1971 PIAT 1212 h•r 4al)Md-R&H I #8<409 '2411 1979 PIAT 4 Dfo .... _. 5 aPMd -Air oond. (823ZEP) '3191 1969 VW BUG Automatic #4•65 '1191 J ' I r ~ ' J , ! •JI , ,. •, MOTOR'> It ,, . A•• rr .. w ISH •.....•....•.......... Hlghelt calh Immediately for your velllcte. Do- meet I c or f oreign. 551-8285 Top Dolar Paid ~'888 llt11 b.11 Hh d l 'tll<f II :\lt'lll! ~ G:l3() f.~~,.~~ ..... . ~IJ. .•.••••.. 1~!! '82 Honda Olvlc1 4 dr. 1137.47 ptu. tax P9f mo. Ctoeed and 48 mo ...... ._AU SAVERS. 714~34-0t89 REMEMBER OADJ Wltll 8 F11'19r'I Day ITMl&Uge 1142-5'578 Win 4 FREE TICKETS to en Angela Game• Dalty Piiot Clt utfl.o Ad1 All•..... 110I ......•••.........•... '71 Alfa Vetoc:e, runa per- fect, new top. xlnt ml- ' leage. $2995. ~0-1304 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil '16 Alla. Red. «.000 ml, Good cond. S.-400, Call 546-1531 ~ GARDEI GROVE SUBARU *) .* LOW LOW LOW * OVERHEADll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1112 ...... , "'' ,, - '71 MBZ, 4 dr, 6 cyl, 4 spd , auto. PS . Well maintained. $4500 , 897-1301 1975 Mercede1 450SL. ·900 1erlea 3 doore, 4 Jllnt cond. S 19,500. doors & Turbos available 552-IHl35 nowl Come In and drl~ 111Z 10 MOU Turbo dleeel, Az1ec red. Brown vinyl. 40 gal tenk 127.000 873-73&8 Road & Track Mage- zlne·a BEST 1port1 M · dan of the 'SO.I IUOl llNITS 848 Dove StrMt NEWPORT BEACH 1~.:...3·~u:':it>1~ 1·1~ 112·1101 $2 2 ,0 00 . Fr ank , Ii·• 494-3361. ,,,..,. i • ...........•.••.••.... WLllU Ylt.YI ~ 11H16 Hatt>or Blvd. COSTA MESA 141-HllMl-Mll 1979 6.9 metallic green. Satee-s.rvtc.Ltllllng Metce otter. 1&111 DI• '80 VOLVO 2 dr DL ~4'! ••.••••••.. !.~~! '67 Dodge Dart. Stant 6 4 dr, Good cono S389 obo. call 631-3260 In IHO ...................... Frank 494-3361 111&11 Sullf'oof, 4 apd + OD, #I 1142 111-2141 411-4141 em/Im, 37,000 ml. xlnt ftll '11 •••••••••••••••••••••• c:ond. s1eoo. 586--0799 EICllT 2 IMll We PQNlbly haw the beet ·ao Subaru GL Wgn. mt 0 0 ~5 WGN 4 d & Ilk selection of u1ed MG cond. Meny xtraa, $5e00. '74 V LV 1.. •P•• trans. e convertlbl" In Orwnge SJ5-450e a/c, am/Im, xlnt conO. NEWl (1DEN049) ez f1· County lnctudlng a 19781---------14100. 548-4929 nenctngl MGB, white (381NTP), '80 HATCHBACK, xlnt. 070 VOLVO WAGON HLY UHll 1 9 7 7 M G B b I u e cond. Fully 1ervlced. 4 epd, lmm.c. cond, pb, •WAii IMntltt (545THM), 1979 MG Or I g · own• r • new paint, good Urea, Oo~/QuaJI Sta. Midget with mag wNelt 14,2_-:.01080. Mitch, good I n t. $20 0 0 . NEWPORT BEACH (091YMI), 1917 MOB IS4o-4098 876-2787 3 Oii& blue (123USU~ 1971 MG l-,7-8_<4_whl_d_IM __ W_ag_ • .,,.Gd~1 -------83 • Midget brown (909WQZ) running cond. 11800 Al,., llH -------- & • 1 t 7 t M 0 8 080. 9&4·1080 ·····"················ '12 Fiii IXP (035WWK). Choice of AllC 1Hf 0,000 ml. Jllnl cond. cotora.. and yes. exciting '78 Sub11n1, Ilk• new. 52K •••••••••••••••••••••• S5950. 857-8673 MGt from $2"5 & up-ml, 40 mpg. 'lt..-.o. mutt 'M Aambt.r, 4dr, big Ja-warda. eeuer Motora, .... 11700. 561 .. 288. vtlln va eng. Neer clu-'79 F19ata, xlnt cond 2925 Harbor BIYO., Costa t 1 l1lf elc. Running, Nd• aome 8~505 Meea. C.11979-2500. .'!!!................... worlt. S205/b11 ofr. -------:-~ '58 MGA flloadater, nd• '74 Toyota Oof'ona Merk 1142-8812 IJ•r.I• IHS palnt minor~ wortc 11· 2 dr H.T . .uto .• 8 cyl. IUd 1111 UMARKiti~;·;;~~; S13s0. 891·9355 ' ~.~:or'!:::: •••••••••••••••••••••• Ilk• new S2350 080. Great for 1ummer. A.O nMW good. 1750 090. aE II 554-9118 '78 MG8. *2<400, Nft SM-t118 for Iha lerg.-t and t>Mt 1------~-=-.:1 ""'·t.... •rs.--aeleotlon of new and •m.w HSO ""' ..... .. ....... Nm... 1111 ueed Buie*• In Orange ..................... . '81 ~GA r•d convert, :::~.............. CountY tocl~ '80 MERC. CAPRI good oond, 11850. '7t Tr1umpt1 TM. a.en · ~ •mt SIU* 645-3903 gd running cOnd. Hew AS Pq .. reel 190ftY w/ .. ' • ...,,. b r 11 a. I 3 2 0 0 . Ce 11 gniet gee mMeege. Plenty •••••••'l••••••••••.!.?'l "3-1tt0. of JClrea. Four other .__ ..... '1t -1t718pttfn.lllM..._ln modelt. (12t'f'OL) Ju8t "L:'9"1t11 .• Muet i....,, 10 & °"'· 1 oM*', 1'4180, #I ._n.-,..-, nMd relleble perty lo appr90ta ... HH tmd 111-1131. atH~H;;,, -;;:;;. :,:.• Jo"'~ =~r:~~ t09. 'll M -11111 C08TA MUA to Hlume. No beck NABERS (~ADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! '1911 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD BROUGHAM "ASTIOIOOf" CPI. (1CAR592) $14,995 1979 CHEVROLET CORVITII T-TO' (412309) si o,995 1979 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD BROUGHAM (932WQV} s9395 1911 OLDS 91 HGINCY COU'I (181X142) s9g95 1911 'ONTIAC IONNIVILLI llOUGHAM 4 DOOR SIDAN (105248) s7995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (691XZT) s11,995 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOO aaOUOHAM (1CG>C359) s15,995 1979Ciiia.AC IL DOUDO CPI. (1COM11) 1..._A1• 111~115 >0ntcor.J. 1-.oan 1 .. 1.. pnlt9. ou.. ~for Roee IS ~ jWt ,...._, 1.-142·•400, Hl·1008 I ::'».::..·~.:·.:: r1Asxw ...... mt 1m "** Nv. ~ ~~ ~ .. XA7 ,,,_. t2IOO. t7J.t74t 1111 WI IUI. NI_,. ··~~,t~.14 *9l'f aL• '11,995 PIP -., ~_....You ........ ......,.,, VWY ... ·~~ COM. ~ ~1), •§·'= 'JJll!f ......... l!(f mede. wlUI cuet. Int. Md . 11w1ot ~w · _. -~iiillau• :0:. ':;. ~o;:' ' I '*-••• .., Juet wcf,...... peny 'TT llul Mell. 41.000 ,..._ llMfl. W. ""8Dllftl1 "' ...... to 1N111e lfNll ....... ...,...., ...... ' . ,., .... "'*""' _,. ............ CIOfttt ..... '*' ..,_, "9._ * ·fi WI JANI&: M, ,_ ttwe a~ lo H1~•· Ne ~Hll = .. ~•~= ~"=..~.riv. ?.:•=·· m .... ~ .. T.,oo ~ ,._UM, --1tnMllCIDU .. NZ_ (7MWDDJ SALE PRICED .· . . :: . .· .:l J ·. I • .1: . .. I • n ·= ... .. . . :: . ' .. j ·1 I :1 ·, I AnNM •• r.r:=NmOt ~ &.aw" 11"3) Peter Llonill JeftrleL The .. Ind the POlloe ~ 10 •lop. '"° ~ t~ who poae .. '""""· 1:11~\IOYIE ..... "Network" (t878) F1~1 Dunaway, Pater F1iidt. A.n aging talevlllon ~. *'>OM rating• .,. •aed!IY llip9ing. .. 1111'~ Into a ranting pteCiflM of 1he ..,..._ by a al/fty r.tnala ptograrn- mlno «kecutlve. 'R' l;IO INIWS ~ DOITY'f l~T FNl'f FOfMAAD 'IOIEAHNOUNCEO ~MC ~OF I~= 8U81HE88 DR. 8NUOGLE8 •~The LUI Metro" I lPIOl Catherine Deneuw. Oeretfi Daperdleu. During W9fld W11 II, the propri. t°'9 Of a ln\alt Perla tt.-•lr• try to kaec> their .......,_, open during the!'German ocicupetlon. .,..i Cl)MOVIE * • ...,.Dead Man'1 Float" ( lt1w Greg Roe. Sally Boyden. A myllarloua ,.,,.. ~trouble for the Inhabitant• of 1 ~ lul Australian town. .MOYIE * * "Saturday The 14th" ( 1881) Richard Benjamin. Paula PranllM. A couple dllcover that IM houM the)"w IM«lted la being occupied t>y vamplr". ghdet• and anorted rnon- 1tera. 'PG' 7:00. Kl08WOALD F-.,utad: Glenn Scat1)elll ~ of Iha atan of the pop. ulv TV lh<>w. "One Day Al A Time"; a ~ frOlf Evanavllle. Indiana on tilt Melody Balla, the younge9' and largest performing hendbell Choir In the Unl1· ad Stat-. I QITHE FUHTSTONES IMO 8WE MAA8l.E •o~ I "DA~AHO OOUATH TEDtac:etE CHECKING rT OUT • 'YOGA FOR HEAL TI4 ' Cl) ~TIONAL HOUR 7:acl. MA. MOON'S MAGIC ~ 8ClllMUAF8 I DR. 8NUOO' ES 0 AICHIE RICH I 8C008YDOO G DAVEY AHO OOUATH I CALIFORNIA PEOPLE • VOICEOf AONCULTUAE • 8'G 8WE MAA8L£ Cl) INT£ANA TIONAl HOUR ~MOVE * * "8irth Of The e.-tlu" (1878) Stephan Mactlenna. Rod Culbert-'°"· Th,e etory of John, Paul, Ringo and Geofge from their obacur• begin- ning to Owlr stardom. l:GO·~ * • ~ "El Rancho Grenda" ( 1840) Gane Autry. Smiley Burnette. I AEAL ESTATE MB< SIX MIUION DOU.AA MAN • SPEAKEASY 1.:: **'Al ''Chu Chu And The PtliltY F1uh •• ( 188,, Alan At11Jn, CerOI lkJmelt. All alcoholc former bMebell pleyet and a koolly llreet enter1alner becOf'M pen. nerw In a ~ to rnelca money by returning • loet tultcaaa. 'PG' -~HOUSEOf HOMoR "Thi Silent 8c:nMI" Peter Cuehlng portray• a cMrnantad pet lhop OWfW wllft Mac:Na,,....,, am~ Ilona. 1:1t CJ) MOYIE .... "Deed And llunad" (1911) J-FllfWltlno, MelOdy ~·A amel- tOWll polcemen .,_.... --..... of bQaore ~·R' l::llO. Cl) TAR?AN I LONI ~ ··ICID~ ~HOtM ··~'~ ~Y8GANG • wi• "°""' .... Att4 Glrtl. Olrtt Md eo,." Alw\, owei1CI ldld ... '*-'elPOf ......... OrM19 0-.. DAILY lllLOT,...._, June 11, 1111 SHOOTING VICl'IM -Lori • vtotim of a shoot.Ing in a Chicaao'·9'buri>, 11 interviewed by News Correepandent Fred Briggs ln "For Every Violence-There 11 a Victim" tonight at 10:30 on UBC (4). f .... the .. being lrMted unfall'ly • a girl. (A) t:OO. LIAYE rT TO IL\VER 89 ~YEANE& 8HllUV G Wll.D, WILD WOALD °'~ • CAA CAAi! cemw. • EANUT ANGLEY • NEWVOICE ®GOTTA DANCE, OOTTA81HQ Thi• retr01peetlve loot! 11 movie mullotlla lncludel perlorm-by Altalre and "°OW•• Shlr14ly Tem- ple, 0-Kelly, Manlyn Monrc,. and EM1 ~ and c11P1 from "C.OUMI," "The King And I." "Weet S~ Story," "Cabaret" and "Tlwl Rocky HOITor Picture Show." Dwovt1 • * "TM Kid From Nol· So-Big" (1878) JeMffer McAlll11er. Rot>er1 Vlharo. A 12-year-old girl llndl herMlf In and out of trou- ble While running the town •.30 M'*eu0a 9UNHY I ..OAD RUNNER I a aPlOER-loWI OlZJE AHO HAMIET 0 HEATHCUFF & MAAMADUl<E • M'RE MOVIH' -~ ~MOVIE *** ''A F-In The Crowd" (1857) Andy Grff. ftlh, P1trlcla Neal. A ~ let goea lrom a Jal! ca4t to national recognition on ti-. atrength of hi• humor and mullcal talent. 10:00 a a 8A80AU. Montreal Ellpoe at Chicago Cul>I • SHANANA 8 0 THUNDAAA I OOU>IEOOLO II MOVIE • "D.IQora. TM s~ Monater" f1N5) Yoauka Natdl, Yoko Fuljlywna. • 80ULTIWN ·-JONEI • LNlf CHANCE QMAOE • YOTEJn PIP£UNE Jim Cooper modWat• • debala ~ the proe and oona of the Equal ~~ment **'Al · ·contlnenlal Divide" (1981) John Beluahl. Blair Browr\. A Chicago nawapap1r colllmnlal travei. lo the Rocklea to eec:ape tome pOlltlcal heat and Interview a raclullve naturallat. 'PG' (I) FOOTUOHT FRENZY The -ard winning low Moen Spectaco.ilar Comedy tr0U99 perlorma • hllllflow r_,. of ll>OW ~ "'-· (%)MOYIE * • "Lee Bon OeberTu" (1881) Chatlotta L'aurier, Metia Tllo. 1G:30 I AME.RICA'8 TOP TEN NA8l 800CEA KICKS • ~ wn"H CINDY • G0008YE MOTHl!9' ~ VMvolocl Lazhne¥. the Int mualclan lo cMfact from the Soviet Union wtlla on a concert tour of the U.S .• di-hla -cti for ar11111c. political and per- IONll freedom. 11:00 • WCT TEHHl8 ..... I.Md ... -Mctiwo9 llfl lllWa OI IM WCT, taped. •O WEEKS«> 8"QAL "Soup For Preeldent" A rnllchlaf-lovlng young boy "'"' for c:laM ptealdent. IR)Q • t"'8WUKIN ... SDAU 1-..X MOTOCA088 OOOtONO MEOCAH 8CMET oelllClENT8 INECILE Fl"9 humen tighta ecttwtN dlacual their ..... from the SOllle1 Union and their ~menta to the Weet. • M>MTB> MIDIUM MM ~ ArNaerdem. ..... a... and Oldl ~ .,. among tM .,_ biz peraoolllltlee wflO rOM4 ~ Youngman In ttlll 111*>:;· IUOCSTM •'jj,•ICM MMJSTAND I WLD, WLDWl9T ..,...,COONl\'l A llMTTMOf ,._ .,., ~ IWT8lee com-ntaty on t11e upcomlnt heavyweight ~bout. "'~A~N !.:"'Otl. :o~=-~n.E Hort._ Dlllota poel Tom MciGf8ll .. ~. and hie ap6I "'*" .. Lefler To All ~ Friend" II Mluatr.teil In Ihle epeclal narrat9d by Fredarlok Manlred. Al'TBWOON 1l:OO I <I> TROUJC• MIMlt-12 e-.,TINB "PlctoNll Oulltl Of Ect 1.¥- aon" ~MOYIE * * "819 Wednelday" ( 1871) Jan.Michael Vln- oant, Wiiiem Klltt. Three Cellform boya enjoy ttle aurl and awld until they ti.Qin to raall1e tl'lat there'• mor.. to lite than Wllltlnf down tllelr boarda. 'PO' ®..,. • • .,. "Zono. The Gay Blade" (1981) George ~ Lann Hvt1on. The heroic _.. of Old Ctll- fomta'• lemoua iu-11ce fighter II incapecltated by a riding Injury, forcing hie I09Pfall brother to don the cape and maak. 'PO' CJ) ED MCMAHON AHO OOUl'NIV The Teaaa Cowglrl1, Phyltll Diiier and At>be Lane fOln Ed McMahon for • dancing and llnglng van- (i} = ***'Al "Atlantic City" (1880) Burt Lancu1ar, SuHn Sarandon. The .. trangad hulbelnd of an oyater bar waltf9M amv.. wllh Mr pregnant younger .. ., and -atolan lwlroln. wt1'ctl lie wwita an aglrlg hood to ... for him 'R' 12:IO I Cl) TOM AHO .JEM'( 0 U.8.0flEN LIYe cowrage of the 18- hole third round of play 1(1 Ihle golf tournament (ffom the Pet>t>le 8Nc:f'I Golf Link• In Cllllfomla). G..aau.cK AMERICA PNJENlf Roger MoMly, Madge Sinclair and Rolllllnd C8lh QUMI atat In the 14th annual pageant. I DOOGER DUGOUT ~12 Two kllier. capture Reed whi.a he and Maloy .,. lranaportlng a ~ - through Malibu Cenyon. I :=-E8CAPD •• .,. "Algier•" (1938) OharlH Boyar, Hady Ulmarr. All International jewel thief tall .. refUga In the exotic Ceabell. • THE COUNTRY OIM. Faye ~. Didi Van '¥!•and Ken .._d ltar In t1lla perforrnanee of Cll- ford Odel' 1 play about IN complex relatlonahlp1 t>atwHn an alcohollc actor, 1111 wife and a theat- rical dlfactor. her feltlHI to rll .. Q::'° tor U. L11 ~--· .......... a.MD "-... .,.,. .... -._. ........ ~ ~-..-.. .......... a=="°""" • t "TI'll T,...,.. Qt ~ Vlk" " ... , "°'Y c.lhoun, ~ Willletl.. OM of VIM'a U.t . ~ -...... told '"'*Y '°' -............ ... ,..,,...._ .. ~, • lllONl't,.,., ---w. ol r-..oint ...... a..ooett~ .... ~qulljty ............ ~HCM lllMOIT9T (C)MOYll * * * "Tiie Wfono ~ OI The Lew'' ( 1MI) ,..._ ....... UOnal Jeffrlel. Tiie •yndlc)ate and ltle !)Ob bande together to ltOC> a trio Of thllYet wflO poae • k~. CB)MOWE * • • • "Flt From The Madding Crowd" (1N 1') Julie Chrlatle, Terenc:. Stan19. A w4lltul young flll'm glti bee tan henllllf. but daetroya three rnan In theprooeu. (l)MOVIE * * * "The LMI Hunt" (185e) 8t-11rt Granger. Robert T aytor. During the 1 aeoa. tw1rd• o1 t>u1ta1o dlaappear ffom Iha Dekota ptalrlla. 2:30. OIUJGAH'818l.AHO Mr. HOW9ll dlacovet9 a QOld mine on the laland. • HIOOEN PLACE8: WHEM HllTOIW UVU ''Boom Afld Bult -The Mining Town1" Hoel Philip Abbolt vlalt1 three IUMv· i mining towna. (R) 8TARTN!K S..'00 UNOERWAT8' TNA8URE HUNT • MOVIE * * • "The Secret Utt Of Walter MhtyA ( 1947) DaMy Kaye, Virginia Mayo. A meek man butdened with domHllC 111achmant1 conjuraa up llklalona of hlmllllf u a hero. • MOVIE * * ~ "The Allan Factor'' 11871) Tom onmtti. Don Lelfer1. A 9"~ from another planet aunea on Ear1h. loollng It• terrifying ~· • GOOOeYf! MOTHER RU8SIA VNVOlod Lezhnev, the 11rat mualclan to defect from the 8oYleC Union wt111a on a conoart tour ot the U.S., dllwlM9 hie ~ for 1111atlc, polltlclll and per- aonal freedom. • N0800Y DOU rT 8ETT9 THAN YOU, AMENCA Holt Ed ,.,_ lookl at the lnuadlbla reMl!ta ~ hH achieved through tewnwort.. MUllc by CerOI Bay9r-Sager and MINln Hamllleh. g L.mEAACE IN OONOERT Mr. SllOwmanahlp la joined by linger Marco Valant! and magician MllMn Roy " "'" lhow laped at the Sporting Club In Monte c:Mo. S: M (%) MOVIE •••• "Network" (1878) Faye Dunaway, Paler Flnch. All aging televltlon ~•n. whoaa ratlnOI ere 11Ndlly lilpplng, la turned Into a ranting prophet of tne alrwaVM by a crafty farnela ptogram- 1:30 e&>•~R' SAT\JADAY 10-round auper ban- tamweight bout ~ Jamie Garza and Carmelo Negron (from LU Vegaa. Nev.); lnterMtlonal Bicycle Claulc flrom Boulder, Colo.). 8 EVERYWHERE Localion: llYe from Santa Monica Pier for "Ener0 Faire." • 80YET Dl88IDEHT'8 INEXll.E Five human right• actMat1 dlacu• their elllle from ti... Soviet Union and their ld)ultment1 10 the Welt. • GREAT PEAFORMAHCU "Mont-di: Orptleln" The Zuricl'I Opera pt...,.. Jean Pierre Ponnelle'1 lnnovtltlw ptC)duetlon of Claudlo Mon1everdl'1 "Orpheua,.. conducted by Nlkolaul Hamor>e<>urt. (R) ~MOYIE *** "A F-In The Crowd" ( t957) i.r4y Grtt- littl. Palriele Neel. A derel- ict go91 from a )1111 cell to national reoognltlon on the aireflO'h of hit humor and ITIU9ical talent. 4:00 G HU! HAW Gueate: Erneat Tubt>. 8llGI Jo 8pMM, Cheryl Handy. • MOVIE *** "Dirty Mary, Cruy L.arry'' (1974) Peter Fonda, S-0-Qll. A ltril- aeaklng young glti Jolna • ~ay fUgltlw In • denget<>U* eecapa from • cleteml4ned lewmar\. 8 MMYTY\..lf' MOOM A phone c:.1111 ffom hie ,.._. who Md ..,.,,.. ... 111111 .. • beby, eendl Ted-Into en MIO- llonal tunnol • CJ) fllOOfUQHT flNNZY The -.cl winning Low Moen a,ectaouW OOIMdy troupe pertorma a hllwtoua rewe of tflOw ~ .... --·MON •• "Bikini ...,,. .. (1tM) ,,.,.._ A"6orl. MMtte ,_..IO, ~ow TOUNWmn CHAE LISTINGS """""*°' .......... natlOfl matoll wlll .. ~"°"' ... · eKNXTICH> e«NK tlilkl •llTL.AflM.1 -l'ICCMCI r • Ulll CC81J •IOU-TVCl,._I • llCIT CAICI el&ftYCM&I • .._TVU•t ., ... ~· .... , Ill °"'"" CJ) Z.TV. (II H80 !ID (OMINll ~ IWOAI NV., N.V. • cwr• fl)·~· ......... , ........ • c.... ..... --.. • .. • ..,.T9f "'°""' •a• .. ...._., eoe.11" ~ -......... •-••uMr .. _..._ ......... . ,..., ....... .... -~ ..... *" "°",,. .. ,.,.. .. t•o;..,, a, •w .......... ,., . ....., .................. .............. .., ......... -.. Kerr (28) 8:30 -1'The Dream ot 1>91( Guadalur.•·" Lth and Urnt• 01'" CalUornla 1 foundina father -Gen . Guadalupe Vallejo -la recoun1ed. KNXT (2) 8:00 -11The Chtrokee Trail." A determined widow and her young dau1hter are manapre of a wildeme11 •tqecotcl\ depot . \ KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Butch and Sundance~ The F.arly Da)'I." Torn Berenger, Wllllarn Katt 1tar u two of the Old West's most Infamous outlaws. • KNBC (4) 10:30 -11For Every Violence -There 11 a Victim." Cost of violent crime ln America and the prtce victims and theJr families pay are examined. ponlea. 'PO' 1:00 e WON..DGAMQ I An lntamatlonlll 19ort1 1pectaculat. wltl'I over t. 700 athlatM frOfll eo countrlae penlclpatlng In vlrloul eportlng -ta througho111 Iha United Stat•. (Part 2) I FME4AU ITAATRE< G GAIZZL y ADAM8 • eOuOGOl.O Cl> w·A·a·H An enllllad man wno want• to marry a Kor_.. girt ~ to Hawkeye for help. l~WF.U< "The W .. lhlr" ®MOVIE *** "Elvia" (1979) Kurt Ruueff, 5NIOl'I Hut>ley. EMI Prealer riMI from poverty and ot>ecunty to achieve f-and fonune ... IUP*'ller INlalcal I*· format. (O)MOYIE * '.t "On The Righi Tr•" (1881) Gary Coleman, Micheal Lambeck. A IOCial worker trlel to find a nor- rnal hOme for a 1tW ata- tlon ahoe9hloa boy with • talent for pictllng the ponila. 'PO' &11 (%)MOVIE ** "Verboten!" (1958) J1rne1 S..1. Suaan Cumm- lnga. An AmerlcM uocov- er1 • German youth organ- ization formed by a group ol•·Nazla. 5:801 NIEW8 ONCEui-c>NA CLAlllC "The Miii On Tiw floea'' Tulllver hU a attoke and darnanda 11111 Tom and Maogle never apeak to Philip aoaln. (Part 3) 0 • lfl'ORT8 AMEAICA "Soooer: ChfcaOo Sting Va. Unlver'llty Of Wlacon- aln" Cl) Ml&~ San Diego Padr .. at Hou-. tonAlttoe O ENTERT~ THl8WEE< lntarvlewa with Talla Shire, Joanne Woodwan:I. Un6- My Wagner, Sid C- anel memt>era of Cheep Trldt . ~ t:OO I C88 NIEW8 QIH8CNEWS MOVIE ***~ "Koleh" (1871) Walter Matthau. Deborah Wlntere. A wi dower r~ to let hla c:Nldren put him out to patura. 9 KOJAK 14 _. of t>urgtarlea puz- zlel Kojak becaUM 1111 IM .. ~·· lmpllcata him. • 8,W.A.T. • MOVIE * • "Statahlp lnvulon1" 11871) Robert Vaughn. Chr19tophet L•. • UP AHO COMIHO "Tha New Kid .. The Wll- ._ become guardlana of a tough. 12-year-old ltreet ~·~ ** "Birth Of The Bea- tlH" ( 1878) Stephan Mackanna. Rod Clllbert· --.. The llory of John, Paul. Ringo and George from their obacure begin- ning to tt1e1r ltMdom. (l)WOVE * • ~ "Chu Chu And The Philly Flaal'I" ( 1981) Alan Arkin, CetOI Bllmett. An alcoholic formal' b8Mbell player and • kooky It ..... entertainer t>ecorne pen- nera In a ac:t*M to INlk• moMY by r..cumlng • I09t ~.'PG' UC> ••• HEWS MNtf TYi.ER MOONE • CAlWOfNA DMAM8 "The DreM! Of Don Clue• dalupe" Alejandro Rey recount• the llory of lht Ille and tim. of Callfor- nla' a founding hither - Ganaral 0.19d•ioe v ... jo. • IOOC:Eft MAGE IN GINMHY 0 YOU A8KID '°" rT • 9'0AITID MB*JM MM ' MOl9Y AmlWdem, Ptlll 8llwr'I and DI«* 8NMI --io the allow 1111 peraonlllltlea wflO rOMt Hlnny y OllflCll'IWI In "* ~=-....... , ••• ~°'MO ''llla UltlrNlta D19MW" I ,,,,.,y..., MCK10Mll09 ntl *MW80Ya/ NMCYDMW flffliS-,.,.. ....... "'°'°" oroaa-to ~ • llrt f'llMDfOW'dlM --..... ·~ ....... orga. ........ • IMUMawatc r.fta--· ~"°"' :11 ....... _, ___ ~ .............. Mm .... ....... .. ..... or-. ..... . .. __ _. ... Allen. A IOUnd lact\nlolan who work• on horror fllm1 becoft\88 lnvoiv.d In • murdft ITl)'I~ when he wit-an r~ .. lion. 'R' (%)~ I * * * 'Al "A tl!lntlO City" 11880) Burt Lancuter, Suun Sara11do,,. Tha aa1rangad huab8"cl of WI ~ler t>8' wall! arrlwe with her pregn t younger litter and ltOlen heroin, which lie ..,,u .,.. aging hood lo NII lot him. 'R' I 1':*> 8 DANCE FEVER Celebrity Jud ... ; JOf\n .. aow-.. BauitlM.~ 011111. St•van Ford. GuHta: The Brother• JohnlOfl. I LOOKATUS PEOPl.£'8 COURT PAE8ENTt "El Mae1tro Prlmltlvo San- tOI" Prlmltlvo Santoe 'rd hie Of'CM9tra -... lured, playing a variety of mualcal ~ from the ""1*91 I Carlbb•an and Latin AIMf'leL • ININC flM\WW8 Roger Ellert and Gene S-111 ......... "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of '°'8n" and ••E. T,, The &tr•Terreltrl- al." 0 EY£ ON SAN DIEGO F .. 1urad: ride on PSA'I DC-8 jet llmulator; the 1ffact of Meilloo'• monatar c:4oud on wortctwlde -"'" er: an Interview with Bun Lancuter . l~MAOAlJNE * * "Saturday The 14th" (1981) Aichatd Benjamin. Paula Pranl.... A couple dllcover that the hOUM they've Inherited la being occupied t>y vamplrea, ghOlt• and auortad mon· atera. 'PG' l:oo • Cl) WALT Dl8MEY "The Clwlrott .. Tr1ll" A determined young widow end har 10-yaar-old daughter become ~ gera of an 1 eeo. wilder· ,_ atagec;oech depot. (R) 8 QI HARPER VAU.EY~ Flora Reilly plays Serooge and Stalta appeara u the gholte of Chrtalmu pui, Pf-I and future In a Harper Vll/wf -.ion of "A CMltmaa CarOl." (R) • MOVIE * * * "The Uninvited" (1944) Ray Miiiand. Ruth Huaaey • 8 0 TODAY'9F81 Nlcll ~too Involved In a CH• and alert• har1Hlng a man ha belie-10 t>e reeponalt>la tor a r~der (R) II MOVIE * * "TM Muque Of The Rad Death" (111M) Vincent Price. Hazel Court. A 12th- century pr1nce tel<• a myateriou1 young girt. who carrlea the Rad Death ple- gue, Into hla CMt ... • SONNY AHO CHER • MOVIE *** "Mysteriae ~om Beyond earth" mm~ umantary. Sdentlata and r...arcner. al(plor9 the pvanorrnal wortd of UFO., K.lt11an pfW>loOfaphy, ~ ct!<*lnella. clonlng. ESP and the Bermud1 Triangle. • TIWMG DOGS THE WOOOHOU8E WAY .. Nervoua Doge.. Barbera WOOCll'IOuM lhow9 how to make ewn "lncurat>ty'' ~ doge confident and happy. G MOVIE **** "A Star la Sorn .. f 1837) Fredric March. Janet Gaynor. Feallng Illa own popularlty allpplng aa 1'111 young wife'• cer.. .. on the rlM. a~ atar IVfna to the t>ot1le for comfort. ~MOYie * • * "The Wrong Arm Of The Law'" ( 1963) Peter Sellen, Llone4 Jeffrlel. Thi ayndicata and tne police band• togetlwlr to "°" • Irk> of thievw who PC>M u lawmen. CJ) PAT COUJNS: THE ...HYPHOTIST Voluntaerw from the lld- enca ~ comlclllly to hypno111 1uggHtlon1 , made to lhern by thll entert..,,.. .MOV9 * * ''89tufd11Y TM t4cfl" (1M1) Rlc:Nrd ....... PlllAI PrenU1a. A _,.,.. ~ "* tM "°'* ttiey'w lntMwlted • MlnO ~~by-..... ... gl'I09ta and ........ fllOft-...... PG' t:IO ··~ °''"' 80Y8 Oil-. ......... by. ..,., ___ _ lO ..... """"' ....... World W•" ut0 difL·fft> ·--·---.,........,.a.. Ct1•ot11 .. 1e ........... ... (1) .. ** ...... Altll ..... -.. TM..,_._. .. (""tT• ...... • ............. Git ....,,.... .... ... ... ......... . .... .. t -' mu__,. • I * * * .. _.,., .. ( ... 1) 8tll Muney, 'ft~ "-"'. A N-Y ·~~ for 11tcl fCll\llnota • hll belt ld1JD'n hlrn I In an • t the "u.s . Arma' A ti ~O:OO ~or ~ - There II l Tiie pri- ¥111 "41bflc fOlltl of Ylolent ~ In ~ and ti. ~ pttoe vletlma tlld tllelr 1lmMlel pay.,. ·~ned. ·~-~ !'. ~Oarting" ( 1985) Julie c•i.. Lauranoa H~. A~ girt exi>e- rlencaa a number of romanllc tailur• only to become the rejacted wtfe of an Halian prince. ., SOUOOOlD • INDEPEHDENT EYE "Strider'• House·· ~MOVIE *** .. A F-In The ~owd" (1857) Andy Orff· fith, Patricia Neal. A d«.._ let QOe1 lrorn a jail cai to national racognltlon on lhe atrangth of hie i.mor and muelcal t1lant. • ®MOVIE ' "' • • • * ··0og P•Y f.lter-noon.. ( 1975) ~ ~no. John Cuale. A NeW York City bank robbery aacalat" Into a i-- cltcua whar\ r::nlty actM1t1 jOln In I an 1nll-pot;ce prot t fartrlg ( the caper. 10'.aG 8 EYE ON Uoi l 1 Featufad: • prOjlle ~~. Zador: exotic ~-;. t~ world of Navy frogmtlfl m OOOCOUPLE Fella .racou;:tta i. and Oecar met lffvlog jury duty, ~ TOl .. The Polloa" • 1 r: 0BAANEV M~I Del. Janice \IVen rth goe1 underc:owl.to 1 1 muaaga parlor 9ld think• lul to trip an old lady who mugs rrtmn. all Pl.AY90Y ON M AtR 10:36CZ>CHARl.U ~ ON THI! FILM 80EN8 11:00:.=·(J)~­ • ENT£ATAtH¥ENT • THIS WEE< J : Interview• :..;;:a &hire, Joanne w d, ).I~ N.Y W90M', C-.n and member• a-,pl Trick. • MOYIE * ** ''birty Mary, Crary Urry" (t874) ~ Rnda. Suaan George. t ~ ttw-.. Making )'QU"O ~ ~ • apead-ctaz:y iugttve In A dangeroua eac+ f • determined la~. • MOVIE ** .. T09 ~" 11871) 8111 Colby, Tr~~ ~:anT~-= ~011 _:=.1C: \ um. l 1 • 80UN08T ~1'· Ode4\a, T09'1 • Glleon... JI -perform f lllon .. nd • Q ~=AM" (Z)MCWll • *""~~:: (ttl1) .-- ~ AllMll- towrl •ia 1 11 1.-( ......... ................. ~·1111· T ,, .. ,..~-..... ··M~....,. uw HHt; llllolNtt Utla .. ca..; .... ~ ... 1:.-· ~~r:. r.::-""'9 ... ,,,...,.. .. ;.-5_ f.._._.._ *'**'Al "A Dollt>la l.Jte' (1878) Dack Remt>o, lM Hagmen. A WMlthy •.~~l;n: ............ for hie jail lerm CZl MOVIE *• "Vert>otenl" (1951t ........ Beet, Suaan Cumm-~ All American llJllCOY• •WO.man youtfl ~ ~ formed by • _.., • ~Jt~ailL ) 1 MOYIE ;:_. '1' "The Trell Beyofld" • (1934) John Weyna, "-'n• ._. A cowb9Y j°""'9yl ~ .. Northw91 t*Yit~ "ft Mardi of a gold ~ 1•ir=~ . ,, --•it "'lJle ~ .. 1 • tiKr1 ~~~ev,•r. ·1=S::-rad ·~11 the • NEWS 8 tYEMNG AT THE IMPAOV 8MOVE • ·~ "Blow 0ur· f t98tl John Travolta, Nancy Alan. A eound technician who works on horror fhma ~ lnvotved In a mYrder myatery when he witnetMa an --.in.- tlon. 'R' 1: 10 (I) MOVtE * •'h "Blow Out" (198t) John Travolla. Nancy Allen A eound lachnlclan who work• on horror film• t>acorMS invollled In a murder myalery when hi wit,__ an .... ...,,._ tlon. 'R' 1:30. ROCK SHOW • MOVIE •• "Ooornw•lch .. (1972). Ian Bannan, Jvay o-i. A man conducting under· water r-cti -a lmall lllMld dllcovera ttwlt l ti-. water oontalna radio- active was1• '~ for pllpically· deforming lhe 1~·· inhebllantl'.'" 1Mct)MOYIE * * "~parata Waya·· (1880) hren Black, TC}IW • Lo Bi...-. A young ~ pie'• flfure 10 ~ cata nejlrty r-.ilta '!!.. lt1e , deetruction of thelff INlf. rlage ·R' 1M 0 Mc NEWS 1:50 CID MOVIE , * * •W "Private Blinj9- avn·· (1,80) GOidia "-". Ellean Brannan. A Ml-to- do youne _, ~--i enly :t the Amr/ I~ ~ ~:':'..!"".I.~ ... night.' I ~1)01 SHOW -~ • ***"*"The Stllf'lt t...,.• I tHO) Pater O'Toote. St-~· Wanted by ti-. ~ice •• dllt\lt1>ed V..,nern *•an ~ an un-.-.i on a~ I eat WfMta a World ~.,I epic 11 ~ fllmed. 'R' tp-<:ZJ~ , • •~ '°Zotfo. The Glly ll•d•" (1881) George 11arn111on. Lauren Hutton. The heroic eon ot Old C... :i~::·., ~..:'~ I ridlng:r.I ~fury, for~ .. l fopplllll other to .. cepe maall. 'PG' "°I~ I **'Al fSalgon" (1941) C~I Alen &..adi:I. Varonlcl ~ f45·~· r-1 ... "lury Me ~· ( 1847) +k Daniela. . uoe=- T * *~" Favor"l,;5 (,MO) Grant, ;nne. "l. i1 ~~1 ........ ~ .... dlelrlltla-- 1!_1111,.,__. ... ~ tC)MCMI .. " .. ,.. .... , (1t1't) ICel'I WIN. u.e ..... Tlle ....... fl• __.,... ........ .. ""9r'OIUI ---.. .. pnc 1111 If.,..... .. and .... 111 .... .. ,,.,,,,. .............. .... ..... ..., .... .... .......... OEAOUNES f'Of T~ through Saturdmy pub4icmtlona. 5:30 PM the prwwtoue dlly. FOi' SUndmy and Mond8Y put>llcations.. 12:00 noon s.turday. ERRORS ,; AdMfu.• aho\lld check th* ... dally and report *'°" lmmediatety. The DAJL Y PLOT _,,... ltllblH(y for the flrM ltlCOn'ed lnNrtloJ1 only. • =..~ti--. ::: !:!"" ~, . . :: ~ 7Z°Cryra . t• &-r-i:'-"ZC" ·. = ~"---· -............ _ --~ -r:::i.~. . -11t= "-........ , ... . --···-....... "" . -. ·- IElf M.S -• • 4111 ---... --·---- I - • l I I I J Perfect location just a few block.a from the Fun 1.one, restaurants and the Balboa Ialand Ferry. Three bedrooms, 2 baths and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Built-ins, 4-car garage. Only 5 years old. $750,000 and seller will finance entire balance. IEWPlllT IElllTS--1211,llO Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bcinns (now with some elbow room); Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, brick fireplace. Large yard w/sprinklers front and rear, cov . patio, room for boat and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, ~!i terms available. · ......... -. Two stories, 3 bedrooms plus loft and family room! Lovely wood exterior, slate entry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sun deck. Walking distance to -beach. Owner will carry BIG, 80-0 submit your down! Asking $165,000. ......... Over 3000 mq. ft. Clwtmn Cape c.od on three levels for gracious living and entertaininl. Thia one year old hmne has 4 Bdrms, family room, formal dining room, 2 used brick firepiaces, -3 decb, and ta MOST beautifully decorated. Offered at $399,000. LIVELY INlllll El 111111 right in the sand. Four large bedroom, newly remodeled built-in kitchen, and huge family room plus a formal dining room. Spacious living room with fireplace. Take ·over $500,000 loan at 12%. Asking $875,000. Owner will help . 211111....X just a few doors to the beach. Two plus 2 bedrooms including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio 1eparates the double garage and both units. Super Joc:ation. Near &bops and market. Asking $250,000 with owner financing the balance. ~, .. . '.). . . , ,t ,.,, -r, p ' t• ,,, ' • ~•f J I. 1 .~ .. ,.,, .. ,n,. ~ . · 1:· l,I , ' .._ ... •, ~ '• •P .... ' :: t • ' Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 -3 Half a house payment can be easier to handle than paying rent And a sh~ of growing equity is worth a whole lot more than a stack of rent receipts. The condominium homes at Heather Ridge are designed to make home ownership, with all Its accompanying financial benefits, accessible to those who are ready to buy a home for the very first time. And the dynamic, modern design of Heather Ridge lenQ8 itaeff beautifully to today's lifestyles. The dual ~Ute model is ideal for sharing singles. The two-bedroom for married cpuples. The cozy one-bedroom for a man 01 woman on the way up. There are even tennis courts and a swimming pool with spa* to help keep you in ~hape. The purchase of a Heather Ridge home is one of the wisest financial • • . ,, .. -. ·-----.. ... -_. ... -· ··----·-- 4 _Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. June 19, 1~82 NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR C ORONA DEL MAR • ....,. . 1111.- Best buy In Bluffs. New carpet & fresh paint. 3 BR "Anita". 1 story. Good Investment or 1st time buyers. 209/o On with low Interest. Assumable 1st. Bright & cheery end unit on desirable street. ... .. NIT mil 1212.- Lowest priced Plan 5. Move In condition. Clean, bright & cheerful. Near pool, spa & tennis courts. Owner will carry. Try 18% down. Call for more detatled Information. UllMYllW_. ...... Fantastic financing for a fantaatJc property! 3 BA Carmel plan. The owner will carry with only $30,000 down or tease option! Name your terms & move Int • UllYll 111..- 0verlooklng Big Canyon golf course, one of Mclaln's beat located condos with Its own double garage, 2 bedrooms. formal dining room & parquet kitchen floor. Superb flnanclnQ on one of Newport's best bu~~ ....... .., .... Where can you find more? Large expanded 5 BR 4 BA Palermo. New carpet & paint. Lovely oversized yard. Assume low lnt8f'est 1st TD. Owner will help with financing tool PmlAU ..... Desperate builder must sell! Reduced $100,0001 Submit all terms on this gorgeous custom built country french home with a vtewt No reasonable offer refused. •tut• ..... Reduced $100,000. Owner moving out of area. Must sell! Magnificent Lrg country trench home. 4 generous BR. Huge Fam. Rm. Country kit, den, Mds. Gorgeous pool, spa & charming gardens. •tut• 11•• 4 BR custom home In park-like setting wfth :'9W of championship golf course. FR, DR, wet bar, vaulted ceilings, tile roof & great Potential for expansion. mtl.U .... t• Attention bullderw & lnveetorall Bulldable R-2 tot, 13,200 sq. feet, will support up to four unite. Attraetlvely priced for quick sale. Unusual opportunity for the long or short pull. ......... 1141,111 New on the mark&t. A perfect starter home for the young rofesak>nal. Features 3 BR, brick patio, quiet greenbelt location & an Interior that Is decorator perfect. ..... au . .-.- Very anxious Miier ha ~ Ulla a great buyt Lusk bullt 3 BR famlly home With large MCtuded yard In quiet area. Can't last at this price & · owner wlH help f)nance. ..._. . an.- The beat of Cameo Shoree In this pride of ownership home. Extra large rooms throughout this 3 BR poof houae. Plants & flowera bloom 9Y9rYWhere allowing for a truly pkrtureeqU. setting. •· ....... llJt,111 Worth IMlng -worth owning. O.Wabte 'CdM • duplex In super location. Lota of parking. 2 BR unit + 2 BR + den \mlt tttat w• recently remodeled. Call for ippt. Price & term. made av9llable for quick 88'e. . ......... ·--Au.ntlon: BuHders & lnveat°"I Ocean vtew, 1-ae lot, tee land, supertocatlon & priced to eeft lncludee 3 BR uncompleted remodel with plans for completion. Great Potentlall _,,_ ...... FMtatlc custom family home, 4 BR & family & format dining. Tastefully decorated. Mint condition. Lush patio areas. Owner Wilt help ftnanoe . MI -11..-0ellrable 2 BR & den decorators home In sunny pastels. Ideal end unit. A/C, charming gardens. Priced t1ght. -.... ·--Fee land In this perfectly located area. Country Hench at Its beet. Ttles, trench door· & charm galore. Large sh~ gardens & lawn. Just waiting for a happy active family. WNW-.U ...... Can you lm11glne 4 BR, a 9eparate Fam Rm wtth wet bar + a cozy flrepl9ce & a decor to welcome you all avaJlable In one home? Thia la It & If that weren't enough there's a water view, tool OTHER AREAS WU Im,_.._ 81 ...... Value -Price -Terms. Cannot be duptlcated In area. ~lfutty decorated. Many upgrlldee. SkYffght, floor ..... near pool, echool, perk, ahope & freeways. 3 BR, dining room & patto. Compare! nmam ..,.. Trade your home In trvtne for Immaculate new Turtterock Pacifica built by Bren. Many buHt-lna. plantation ehutter9, prof. landeoaping. On qutet cut-de-Mc. .,._ -----~ --~ --~t••• ... -- MI I-lal._ • Gate guarded comrmmlty. 3 BR W/large master suite. 8plwtdlng clean. Ideal end unit on large greMbelt. _...... . ...... Too good to be true? Not so -It's all here! Expansive, unlnter·rupted ocean view, private courtyard pool, quiet street, comer location, and 4 beautiful BR's. Ananclng available. ----1111.-Thls 2 BR wins the personality contest! So. of the hwy & full-of charm, style & taa1e. Just steps to the beech or enjoy a dip In the "hot-tub" situated In the eeduded patio. .......... . .... 4 BR on FEE LANDI Soft colors & beautiful woodwork. Parquet floors, remodeled kitchen, elegant condition thruout. Large yard Is like a park. Assumable loans. IPYIUll ·--Marvelous family home on quiet & .safe cul-de-sac. 5 BR + Bonus room with pool & spa. Lush low maJntenanoe. Brick trimmed landscaping. Loads of privacy. Owner will consider second T.D. SPflWS ........ Portsmouth model with lovely pool & patio located on a quiet cul-de-sac near shops & schools. 3 BR with family room & wet bar. Call to see. ... ~ ...... Sweeping views of the Pacific will delight you as you enter this 2 BR plus den h,ome. Discover the quiet charm ot Cameo Shores, and all the amenities It has to offer. Private beach. -TBUll •• ,.. A super view home with pool. Lots of Potential In this spacious 4 BR, each with Its own bath. Probate saJe priced below market w/flnanclng avaffable. .,,..._ .. ,... Price dropped $200,000 on oceanfront 4BR home In guard gate community. 1eo• vtewt Private ~a. pool, tennis & beech can be enjoyed In thle auper spot. Sale, leaM CK trade. Ftexlbte terms. uma..-,, ... Ocean & city lights from this private 4 BR eetate on nearly ~ of acre. Selected a home of architectural significance. Reetored In '81. Gazebo, greenhouse & hardwood beams. Privacy . I . II> I N co a. -oi -~ :J ..., ~ ~ ~ -•• "' -b -' ~ f ' ~ ~ ! -0 --1 Q. Q. :J "' ~ ii i 'O < c ~ • -• ~ J ~ c ~ 0 • i 0 ' ': .. and then we(J go hunting for frogs real, earl -, • Fond memories of growing up last a lifetime. That's why a wonderful home is such .,. important part of childhood. Even in today's economy, there's no reason to deprive your- selves and your children of the wholesome environment and cherished memories created by a family homestead. Indian Hill Townhomes is what sweet dreams are made of. Designed for easy livi~g ~. privacy, in one and two-story models from two to four bedrooms, surrounded by • beauty of Laguna Hills. Features include attached two car garages and fenced rear patiai The great variety oflndian Hill plans encourages that very personal individuality so impor- tant in a family home. See Indian Hill Townhomes now: And, when you do, remember to bring the kids along. · Grand~Ojiening! New tuwnhomes In Laguna Hilb/roln $120,350 to $145,000 SPECIAL FINANCING: A variety of long term financing plans with initial payments calculated as if the interest rate were 12%. Acrual Im~ nue may be hiJ)lef. Come ovt today so that -can show you how 1.his financins can move you into your new home. Ast llboul IHOC'ia1ion membership lea Q tJiis new nciJ.hbottlood. Prices effective ct.re of publication. Subject to prior sale. 0 (~ •. -, T 0 w \ I ------ 6 -Orange County Real E8tate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 E. HUNTINGTON BEACH W. HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA/NEWPORT WESTllllSTU 1111,000 Nestled on quiet cul de sac sits spacious showplace. 7 years new. 37' X 18' bonus room w/bath & barl Gourmet's kitchen w/tlled work Island. New low price + exciting terms make this a steal! Hurryl 962-5585. lllTllllTll IEAll 1112,IOI Steal itl Great starter with low low cash down! Take over $94,800 In loans+ owner wlll carry plenty! Spacious 2 story with 3 big bedrooms plus wee cowboy's retreat. Family room + much morel Hurryl 962-5585. llm•TH WOl/MWITIWI 1111,IOO Just blocks fcom the breakers! Spacious 4 Bdrm.3 -bath.-Fort'.iial dine. Huge master sult.e w/Paclflc vlew..:.'f'lreplace, wet bar, greenhouse. Great opportunity to beach ltl Act now and save bigger than ever! 962-5585. 11m11T1111A11 1111.- vacant giant! Spacious two story accented by dramatic entry, formal dine + gourmet's kit. Family rm w/cozy fireplace. Hardwood floors, new paint. Serloui; seller will assist with low Interest financing! Don't wait, 962-5585. WEITllllTEI 1111,00I 4 bedroom doll house accented by well kept oversized yard w/varlety of fruit trees & garden. Secluded side patio + Inviting spa. Cheery country kit w/greenhouse window. Take over 9% VA loan. Won't last at $118,000. 962-5585. FlllTAll VII.I.II 1111,111 Mediterranean Villa enhanced by exten9've use of Imported Italian tile, rich oak & mar_ble. Dramatic sunken liv rm. Gourmet's dream kitchen + cheery breakfast room. Formal din rm + huge fam rm. Master suite w/slttlng rm, balcony & one of three fireplaces. Rich In detalll Call now for showing 962-5585. WESTlllllTEI l1H,IOO Price slashed! Serious seller otters massive two story at new low price. 4 Bdrm + 2'n baths. Huge family rm w/cozy fireplace. Oversized enclosed patio. 3 car garage. So much for your dollar If you act now. 962-5586. FHITlll YIWY 1112,IOI 5 Bedroom family home offers spacious entertaining areas + formal dine. Manicured landscaping. Sun-splashed patio. Vacant & ready for fast possession. Don't wait-act fast at new reduced price! 962-5585. . WEITllllllll 1221,IOO Tall and proud sits huge · 3 Bdrm offering entertainer's family rm with spacious wet bar & fireplace. Inviting pool & spa.. Anlshed 3 car garage. Serious seller wMI carry paper. Won't last at this prloe & terms! 962-5585. WESlmSTEI 1111,IN Gorgeous showcase home. Rose garden,· ga- zebo accented spa plus 4 Bdrms, 3 baths, separate maids/guest quarters. Assumable loans. Call 894-7521 SUL WOl/OIWIE PAii 1211,llO -4 Bdrm 2'n bath pool home. Close to freeways, shopping and golf course. Features Include huge famlly/llvlng rooms, den and master bdrm with fireplace, plus large bonus. 894-7521 llm.TN IDOi 1221,000 Ooeari view -1 block off ocean. 3 year otd 3 Bdrm, 21A bath house with wine closet, wooc:Sburnlng fireplace, skylights, clerestory windows, ceramic. tile entry. A large assumable loan. Don't miss It. Call now, 894-7521 WESTllmTD YIWIE 1211,000 In-law quarters -elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath, has 1 Bdrm and bath· downstairs. Large llvlng/dlning room, den with wetbar and fireplace + 3 car garage. Near Westminster Mall and freeway. Great terms with owners willing to qualify for additional financing. Call 894-7521 SlllET IDOi 1220,000 Investment triplex near Peters Landing and 1 btock off ocean. 1, 2 Bdrm and 2 studios. Ow- nerwlll carry at below market rate for 15 years with 20•1o down. This very clean property offers a variety of options for the Investor. Call now, 89-4:-7521 . lllTlllTll 11111111 ........ Priced below market. Spacious tri-level custom built with many, many extras. This grand I stand home has a large oversized lot with volleyball court, warm and cozy spa, tranqull waterfall and Kol pond and a warm heated fire ring for those perfect evenings. A great home for family entertaining and you can walk to the beach. Call today 894-7521. lllTlllTll UI... 14411111 Waterfront home with expansive water view, custom stained glass, ceramic tile, 3 baths, formal dining, patio, boat sllp, master suite with balcony and sunken tub. 3 other bdrms. Call for financing options -894-7521 llllMTll IUOI 1241,111 This tuteful 5 Bdrm home has parquet entry and dining room; pool with Inlaid tile; large fully equipped kitchen, bonus room with antique repo poot tabfe, aqu.,lum and 8'1nken wetbar. Calt tOday 89<4-7521 OPEN DAILY 1:30 to I P .M. 111ta mu IM,IOO Axer Is Ideal for Investor or first time buyers. Bring paint plus Imagination and save $$. 3 Bdrm, garage plus workshop, take over existing low Interest financing. Call today, 645-0303 llllllJllE lllEEI Hl,100 Security gated townhome near Mlle S~uare Park. 3 spf)clous bdrms, large deck off master suite. Community pool, spa and tennis. Owner wlll help finance. Fantastic value, call now, 645-0303. USTSIDE 1102,000 Would you llke the convenience of ".Ondo, but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your home? You can have it all! UnlQue de- .signer owned bungalow. Charming Eastslde Costa Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645...0303 IEU lllTll 1111,000 Just reduced $20,0001 Owner anxious, will finance at low, low Interest rate. 4-bedroom home, Ideal for family living. Lovely tropical yard, pond, and fruit trees. Outstanding value. Call 645-0303. Ul1lllE 11H,HO Spacious condo, has 3 large bdrms plus den, fireplace. Huge family kitchen. Sunny private patio. Community pool, spa and tennis. Excellent existing financing. Great value. Call 645-0303. lllYl'9E 1121,100 Deerfield condominium. separate bdrm suites. beautiful wood deck patio, garage door opener. Outstanding financing, call today 645-0303. llCI llY 1211,100 View! Huge 2 story colonial, 4 Bdrm plus den, fireplace In master suite, large covered patio, sparkling pool. Take over existing loans. See today, 645-0303. PWl IEL SOL 1211,000 Dramatic 4 Bdrm plus family room plus bonus room. Vaulted celllngs, 4 fireplaces. Sitting room off maS1er. Community pool, RV storage. Excellent financing. Must see, call 645-0303. OllTl MEI.I 1211.111 NEAR NEW TRIPLEX! Large 3 Bdrm ownera unit with fireplace plus 2, 2 Bdrm unha. Laundry facUltles. Private patios and balconlee, garages. Excellent financing. Act nowt 645-0303 - Orange County Aeal Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the Dr'ILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 ~ 7 NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half a block to the beach, this duplex has 2 twd bedroom units. With 20-25'/o down, owner wur carry for five years. $235,000. Cllll David Hlrechler at 144-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-25% DOWN This Newport Beach leasehold duplex is Just a few steps to the beach. live in one. rent the other. Flexible seller offers good low interest financing $225,000 Call o_,vld Hlrechler et 844-7020 . TRADE THIS J:ASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Seller relocating. will be flexible. $259,000. Call Dorothy Slmpaon at 144-7020 THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2 'h baths features an additional fireplace. vaulted ceilings. ardwood floors. wet bar; pool. private beach and stained Qtass. $825:000. Call 144-7020 --- ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home Is ideal for first time buyers or Investors. Needs a llttre TLC but well worth It! Large lot is ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $169,000. Call Joanna Hendrie at 144-7020. THE SHORECLIFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large assumable First p~tteller will-carry a large Second on this charming home wit~ 10 ·• kitchen, hardwood floors, a large patio. family room. h . 'l.fE.ine cooler. In addition. this-3 bedroom, 3 bath home~.. Joys use of a private beach. $650,000 Call DOrothy SI~ •t 144-7020 . JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ocean view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. C.11144-7020. EXQUISITE WH•TEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Beach condo is within easy walking distance to beach and shopping. Motivated seller will assist buyer to purchase this 3 bedroom home with beam ceilings. country kitchen and many other upgrades. $275,000 Call Jqenna Hendrie at 144-7020 ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace. oak library, master suite with Jacuzzi tub and st eam shower. 3 additional bedrooms, a tour car garage. Insulated wine room. full security system. 4 fireplaces and a whote lot more. $1 ,895,000 Call fd Eacano or Judy Jordan at 844-7020 MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERS! .This commercial property on the oceanside of the Hwy. In Corona del Mar has two units with parking in rear. Terms . available. $750.000 Call Jim Sellera at 844-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get 9et to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city light views that come wtth this 3 bedroom, 21h bath home awash In neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take adV!lflt&ge o1 the tennis, pools and unique llfestyte that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month.WU laeaM ., ............... M4-1121. . GAEA T NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new summer home with ideal rental units. With 20'/o down, owner will carry at 12°1 •. If you desire units could easlty become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces. patio and double garage, possibilities are almost endless. $4 75,000 Cell Stephanie Bums at 144-7020 GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean. city lights and mountains greatly enhance this "Devonshire" model with 4 bedrooms, 3'/7 baths. two fireplaces, two large decks, an atrium and excellent assumable low interest financing. $695.000. Celt Ed E1cano or Judy Jordan at 144-7020 · GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walking disntnce of the beach has assumable financing. new carpets. new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395.000 C•ll 144·7020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city light views Illuminate this 3 Bdrm home with famlty room, 2 Baths, contemporary styling, 2 patlos,,courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much. much morel $495,000. Cal Hattie ~trock at 144-7020. PRESTI~·~us HARBOR RIDGE This spacious luxury,. ~O"'lum loaded with upgrades has oak hardwood floors.~ ( /Jle entry. plush carpeting, large deck overfooklng thti .. aces plus 4 bedrooms. family room. 31n baths and ~. galore. $595.000. Catt Joe Cefllrattl at .,...1020, CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community Is the setting for this 4 bedroom, 2'h bath home with deck, professional landscaping, courtyard entry. high ceilings. fireplace and skylight. Just beautiful! $585,000 ~all Judy Jordan or Ed Eacano •t 144.7020 GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city light and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing available. $495,000. Call Judy Jordan or Ed Eacano at 144-7020. LINGO REAL ESTATE Laguna Beac~•Laguna Niguel•Dana Point•San Clemente l : .. Luxurious Custom-Built Oceanfront Home 3711 Seashore Avenue. The Most Beautiful on Newport's Beach. AUCTION: THURSDAY~ JUNE 24 TIME: 11 A.M. · No minimum starting bids. New first Trust Deed loan .. Owner will carry 2nd. Fee Simple title. For sale by owner: William Harold. 3 Bedrooms, 2Y2 Baths & Den. R2 lot, 25'x80'. Home:1900 sq. ft. Handsome : stone, wood and stucco exterior. Used brick courtyard. Front and rear balcon.ies. Double glass windows, insulated for sound-proofing, many leaded and beveled. Two large River Rock Fireplaces. Solid decorative doors. Kitchen includes: Range, Microwave, Qompactor, Dishwasher. Imported ·Italian tile floor and countertops. Hand-craft~d oak p~rquet Bar. Dumb Waiter, Custom cabinetry and luminous ceiling. · J·acuzzi Tub, separate shower plus bidet -in Master Bath. Instant hot water. Security and Intercom systems. Cable TV. Many extras including Garage door-opener. Lower level could convert for rental. Everything like new. See to appreciate. PRE-AUCTION PROPERTY. INSPECTION: . Saturaa~, JJune 19tra arnd Suneay,, June 20th, 1 P.M. till dark. Tuesday,. June 22 and Wednesday, June 23, 5 P.M. till da~k. CAMEi 111111 WITEIFlllT Custom 4 BA residence with spectacular white water & canyon view. Ideal for entertaJnlng -spacious living area with atrium & library. Gourmet kitchen Including teakwood cabinets. Retractable skylltes. · Center courtyard w/poot & spa. $2,22'5,000. Lynne Valentine 844-8200. (E-11) 1111 WITEIFlllT . Custom two-story home w/pler and sllp Including aide tie. Lg muter aulte w/frplc -3 additional BA·-fam rm -wet bar -motor court a. 3 car garage. Excellent financing. Owner will assist. $1,475,000. Lynne Valentine 844-8200. (E-12) Ill OUYH LIT Beautiful ·tot overlooking private park on Big Canyon cul-de-sac. Approximately 15,000 sq. ft. of prime property. Call for detaJls. $895,000 Lynne Valentine 644-8200. (E-13) Ill GUYii -I TIIE Fii LMll The quiet elegance of a master's touch la found In this beautifully appointed 3 BA residence. Exceptional Interior spaces Incl. fam. rm. w/Engllsh carved wood antique bar, country kitchen & spacious mstr aulte. All w/golf course view. Full security. $975,000. Lynne Valentlne 644-8~00. (E-14) · DI .. VIEW llLLI View of ocean & bay from this detlghtful 4 BA home. All new gourmet kitchen w/oak cabinets & floora. F'ormal dining rm & spacious fam. rm. opening to terraced patio. Private mstr suite w/adjolnlng study. $459,000. Lynne Valentine. 844-8200. (E-15) . TllREllOI . Submit on terms -seller flexible. 4 BR, one level on cul-de-sac. Fam. rm. w/beamed celling & stone flreplaoe. Delightful covered courtyard w/spa. Neutral decor -Lg. yard. Near recreational facllltles. $315,000. Lynne Valentine 644-4>20Q. (E-16) CUTUI 01 UWY lllYE Enter tall stately doors to a spectacular pool w/marble & tall columns. Look through the home to the bay & ocean ~nd. S BA, den, study, lg. lot. $1,900,000. Barbara Aune 642-8235. (E17) 22 HIT APT. GIMPl.ll IOI Olllll IEL llAI 1111 SClllL 2 BA, 1o/4 Bath, most w/flreptaa., 2 car garages or carport•, laundry facHltles, community pool nearby. On the BJuffs overlooking nature park & preserve. Excellent financing. $1,800,000 Leasehold. Jan Young 64Z-8235. (E-18) IEWPlllT IUH IAYFlllT Exclusive Linda Isle. Glamoroue tradltk>MI •dence located on the main bay. Spectacular architectural deelgn; high celllft09, walls of glass & matr suite. 5 BR+ library. Slip for 70' boat & slide ties. A Leasehold estate $1,650,000. Csthy Schweickert &42-8236. (E-19) • IAYFlllT + HOii Sall Into summer w/thls "one-of-a-kind" bayfront property. Approx. 53.75' on the water ~/slips to accommodate 3 boats. Magnificent 4 • BA custom home detalled w/luxury. Sophisticated seller Is ready to negotiate. $1,395,000. Suzanne Shuler 642..8235. (E-20) . COllTRY ESTATE Enchanting design & decor. Large custom home atop the hill offering the flneet In view. Several yrs new, featuring 4 BA, Incl. luxurious mstr suite+ den, fam. rm., formal din. rm. French doors, oak floers, beam celllnga, dream kitchen, 3 flrept&ce9, solar heated pool & spa Lovely garden area. Located on private cul-de-sac In prestigious COM, S1,295,000. Jane Paquin 642-8236. (E-21) llVllE TEIUCI LllTill Super ocean & bay vl8W from this spacious single story residence. 2 • mstr suites, plua 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, fam rm, & game rm. Pool In courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall 644-6200. (E-22) UOllTECTIULLY PEIFEIT -Clltll -Ill ExceptlonaJ offering South of the Highway on 40 ft. lot. Newly constructed spacious 6 BR, 4 BA, fam. rm, 3 fplcs, lg country kitchen. Includes In-Law or maids qtrs. Financing available. $569,500. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200. (E-23) ........ Beautiful custom 3 BR + den, pool home. Lota of wood & glass. Great for enter:tainlng w/large patio & pool. Addltlonal boat/AV parking. $434,500. Cookie Allison 642-8235. (E-24) <?PEN HOUSE 1863 B...-nar Sat 1-5 IWlll ITllSPllDE Tropical feeling tn lulftatrtum abound w/greenery. Ivan Wells custom 4 BA + Prof. decorated & landscaped. $290,000. Jane Paquin 642-8235. (E-25) IEWPllT IDOi -llPLD "ITEPI Tl 1001" Excellent rental area. 2 & 3 BR. Both units have fireplace, new drapes & paint. Owner will help with fl11anclng. $320,000. Berlt Mitchell 642-8235. (E-26) Ullll VIEW llUI Lowest price home In Harbor View Hiiis Incl. land. Fantastic family home featuring 4 BR, fam. rm., 2 frplcs, wet bar, lg kitchen w/eatlng area. A must to &eel $319,000. Call Sharon Smith 644-6200. (E-27) 1111111 VIEW llLLI IEIT llY Great location, excellent condition, quiet street, owner will help finance -make this 3 BA home one of the best In the area. Light neutraJ tones throughout. Magnificent garden tn full color. $299,500. Maxine Propp 644-6200. (E-28) WEITCUFF UEA 3 BA + fam rm, llght & cheerful home very privately situated on quiet tree lined street In excellent area. Close to au. Single fam home at condominium price! Good financing. $249,000. Fee. Jane Paquin &42-8235-(E-29) . llUT Pllll lllMTlll In Newport Beach w/RV & boat access plus rm for a pool In lg yd. 3 BR, 2 BA, lg dlnlng rm could be fam rm w/frplc. Fee land & clear. Owner will finance, great terms! $229,000. Bea Arnold 644-6200. (E-30) . ...... H MllllEl.T One story, 3 BR "Bonita". Newly painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely waflpapera. Perfect tor email famlfy or retired couple. Excellent financing. Comm!'nlty pool nearby. $225,000. Jan Young 642-8235. (E-31) Ill OllYH UU ... 2 story -2 BA -den -sunken ltv rm -wet bar -21n baths. Security gated, comm. pools, spa & tennis. All this & more for only $225,000. Seller says submit on terms. S~nne Shuler ~2-8235. (E-32) 1om ourr 1mo Elegant living near theaters -~erformlng Arts & South Coast Plaza. A jewel of a home, decorated beautifully. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. Perfection In flllery detalt -2 BA, Den. $219,500. Barbara Aune 642-8235. (E-33) PllOI lllllTlll FUTllTIO fllAWI For this 2 BA, 2'h BA, format dining area & patio. Only H~ years old located near Harbor Hlah School & Within walking distance of. shopping. $149,000. Fee Tand. Donna Godshall e.«-8200. (E-34) I .HO EIS ASSICIATION MANAGEMENT l I • ASSESSMENT COLLECTION • PROPERTY INSPECTION • CLEAR & PRACTICAL • MAINTENANCE j . . FINANCIAL REPORTING SUPERVISION • C C & R ENFORCEMENT • BOARD MEETINGS ,,. • BUDGET ANALYSIS • CUSTOMER SERVICES . . t ~DIVERSIFIED PllOPERllES, INC. I -t 01 WATER llWPllT .. llYFlllT ............. ,,... .......... ""' .... ..,II' ..... .., ......, ... .... .... ,.... . .... M1rta•l1 ............. M ..,._" llllH. IWI ....... , ......... ... l•l•lln-UI• 11111 ........,. •111r1t1• I llM. I Mi; ...., mlt rtdlt • .. ~ l111rltf ...... ... ....... ""'· All edrll fer......., IMlc,..,......, la1ll•11 I NIL 1111.-. am•T TWmlE W/ .. Tw ...,, I ........ ·~ ....... 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PlllllllTllY Ill llYFlllT M lll WllD wlll .,..., ........ 11111 flae ...-.,. l111rltf .,.._ ,, .. , ... 11111 t llH. .._•I ................................. ....., ... ............... / ... terll'JMllt+-.W.tlls. .. 11rr1t, ralat 11lllHt1 I tile, 11,Hl,ttl. f1t. 111-1• WlllflL llYFlllT-IEW Ell lwtM te ..... I -YI tn. ... .,.11111 I ...... ···-·· .... ""'"' ..... ..... Larp .......... + ................. ..... ............ ~ .................. ... ....... ...... .. .......... ''AZ"..r.··· .... ....... . .... , ............ ''· .... muea-..1 11n1111 ....... -................... ...., ........... ~ ....... ,,.,."' ................. ... ....... ., ............................ , W. ll4 lie. .. I ......... + I •11 •• I I llaltHltt. IW lltlf flaHtl fl •Hllflt• lllftr • ............ Lml llU ••••••• ............................... ,..., ........... "' '1'1111 ... ...., ...... • ... "'""" • ........ IM •1rt1lll11 ....... .................. + ..................... , ... .... 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MIYll, "" Ul111, ... ~ ... ...,, --""'" ..... .., , ...... ....,,.... ...... ...... .... ... .................... .. ..... ft1 ........ 11 ......... '"''"'' llH,111. YIEW FllOEI, WMI I IUSll befflq .......... Lapa .... YllWI ,,.. .... ,..... ............ .,.,,, ... ..., Mtlot4,., ............... 111114 + ........ ""hti ........ .,.,.._ ............ ..... IPEI IATllllY 1-1 P.•. 2tt-11t111 It .... '"· ... -.. -........ ,_ ,,.. 111•• IH llarl&eW, ... -... -..... ___ ..... 111 ..... '"., ... h •• -.............. __ 1111.-01 ,., ....... Ollfflllft8 _____ .... 12•,111 102 .... Lis..., ......... ,_ .......... --...... .... 2111 lftff Ir., L hlsMt ---........ . Ill ..,. II.. , ... "· ................................... 1•11.- 112• L ........... PH. "· -""""'""' 1""-121..., ........ la. ............................ --- 2111 L ..._ IW., Pta. "· t•• lM UM "" Ir., UM PM. 1111 """" '" sn,-.. l1l1••la. L lntt 12 .... 1111 -.......... IL Ill I I I 1111111 ......... ,,_,. I VIEW OF WATER I ... llTfllD Ill .. t11, .,,, •• , • ., tnta. l1•1rt ... 1 I W, 2 ............... ....,, .............. ,..... 11 ...... 2tl1fllrtall. lllUOILATE II IHI STIED .... ................... ,, .... Larp ..... .... .., ................ , ..... , ...... + ..... . ltw .,,111111. lrttt llr 2U •..-Ila; .... , llna a • .............. 111;111 ........... . Tiii L•I IT. LIVELY S 111,0IO ,..., ............. "" ........ , ••• lrNt ........ ...., .................... ~ ..... W, IN. ""9 ~!Ml,._ I .. fer ....... IEST PRICE II 'NllT' ..........., ...... ' _. .... , t-......... " ei...,. .._.... hlltt. ly tM ,art. 1121 Plua "' hr. •• te ,., IM ....... ....., II S!ll,IOO • CUFFUVU--IUllmll-S241,IOO ........................ l'IL + .... l'IL....., 11111 •11•• ..................... ,,.,.,., ... .............. ~ 411 ,.,... ... (tff Oliff Ir.) -... IDnllT IElllTI FIBI 11111 ....., l•n1 .. 1• ,.. .... ,..e IM .,.. TMs I Wnl+ ............................ .. ..... . ...., ... ,.., ... ..,.. ................ . 1112.-.. 12~'-......... 1211.-. Ull llll .... "' ltllrll IWn -8 Mdllll,111 ...... Rlllrin ... ...t .. 11tlt 1111 ., ..... 4 ....................... ....,. ..... ............. if .............. " 12.I~'-......... ................ . WATERFRONT Sales. Rentals. Property Mftnagement . 315 Marine "ve. Balboa Island 673-6900 IEWNIT IElllTS 4 Bdrm 2in Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over 'A ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. • • lftll 1• 759-1221. Liii PEITllllE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. in Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $525,000. -• -.. 759-1221 .......... lllllllllllEIEWlllTIM 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. Fantastic sun rm., beau master ste. w/marbfe f.p./ocean & city Vu. Huge mastet' ba. W /Imported tiles. One of the lrgst lots w/rm for pool and lrg. play area. Very, very motivated seller. Bring any offer. Lowest price custom at $1,H&,eee., s.2 sos ,eee., l2,100.eee., $1,200,900. will .trade ectulty .+ GRT. 1st avalt. Cail•• llWll i.. 759-1221. .. llS1lm FIEml llFll•Y You must see to belleve alt this floe wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fP., oak cab. beaut. tile, choice of Cfl)t. Npt. Hgta. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 139/o. • er ... ,., 759-1221. IEWPllT llEST ... 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge master ste/slttlng rm, vu, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. • • ...... IEWNIT •ilm .... 3 br. 3 be, ~w custom b lt. quality bit, upgradee crpt. & tlle, prl .. patio. Believe this. 1150~. $101,000 1at at 10%%. • " ....... 750-1221 UN WITDFlllT LUSE 2 br, 3 ba. f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. PoH. boat doek/fantastlc vu. $1800mo.•w11¥11 ... 759-1221 UYFlllT WR 3 Bdrm, $1300/mo yearly. Call llAIY LEWIS, 759-1 221 or 631-5963. llAllOI llllE LUSE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. lge decks., fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, poof & tennis. $2700 mo. Submit all offers. •tr Im! 1• 759-1221 WYIEW LUSE 4 br. 3 ba. f.r .. d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd aate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. • tr ... ,. 759-1221 MYEllHIES Oulstandlng location w/vu of all back bay & f:ashlon Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form. d.r. poof, spa, sec. system. Steal at $685,000. fee. Wiii trade local. Grt. fin. avail. by . seller.••..,.,. 759-1221. 1 11111 llllEI Name your terms on this lrg. 4BR, 4BA. Home. W/ocean view+ Sep. lnlaw qtrs. $315,000 L.H. wtth excel. terms. Low dn . or trade equity for C.M. or N.B. home or condo.• tr..,. IMP. 759-1221. Ill .. YIEWllW Fantastic harbor & bay vus from this-3 Bdr fam rm, nu crpts & paint, lrg pool. $340,000. L.H. -• Mftl 19 759-1221 CllEl lllUS Fab. Ocean & coastline vu, 3 br. 3 ba. ,form. d.r., f.r .• study, lge. pool & cour- tyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. • • .. • ,. 759-1221 . ....... 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up- graded, Italian marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. pS:_nellng & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. -"..,. ,. 759-1221 TH Lim.ma If a ms"• n On the most commanding fairway location In prestigious BIG CANYON . Sun-drenched grounds are g'raced wtth fountains, pool, spa and encha_nJ!~~ gazebo. A vtsual feast. Call .. , Ll1lll, 759-1221 or 631-5963. __ . _____ ___,.__. --~ OCUIFlllT -ICUIFlllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. • • lftll 1• • ao 1m1 -111111 •~4' Liii Owner assisted excellent financing! Over in the apts. are soon due rent Increases! Pretently 9.9XGross. Excellent Investment bargain. Hurry, can• UOATA, .,...,......, 759-1221 l&llll PElllSIU Drastic reduction on gorgeous new country French home near harbor entrance. Extensive use of oak & leaded glass. Best priced new home on the Peninsula. Now only $575,000 -BulldM. w/trade. aYll WAI.TD 631-1266. IPT ILIFFS IS Pm JOllSll Fee land -contemporary-view-spa 2 Br. 2 Ba. $289,000. 3rd price reduction move In condition 4 Br Fam Rm now $299,000 Fee. Call PrTE MISH 631:1266. 110,000 LUSE OPTIOI STUNNING 3 Bdr. POOL HOME In CLIFF HAVEN. Have your TOT AL lease payment ~purchase price In one year. Ill . IS 631-1266. UHCEI 110,000 OUTSTANDING VIEW From this NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 Bdr POOL HOME...., Has It am Setler la READY to move on . Submit your low cash down. CALL TODAY! UI •HDI 831-1266. IEIT II IEU ¥11• Beautiful 4 br. 3 ba 2 story home steps from the park. Auume jumbo 1at T.D. at 9~'1. and seller wtll finance balance at 1~h with 200h down. Price $207,000 .... llUIUll 831-1286. . &£! _"';""---;_":'\,. "' ;.""""t -,. .. ,... ,.. -•;. .. ;, ... ,:":"~~-r'.. J'\ -::-· .... "• -..,.-....,.;;;ro: ._ .f....., ~ J»2CZW • i ' 1 • I i. I , ~ it • t '+ I \-1( t.. • , t " 1 • • t • ,. ' "I • • . . ·-·----------OrJ10t'ljll.<'...011ntv ~I ES11~L6.A.AdwartJ&lQQ ~.tba.QAU..Y .. ~lLOTJS.Wv~.JUJ:aa.ill;_~-17 ---~---~ • • .~~· <!>Fang'e ~ountY'R~ :~M.•!Ah Advert18l "v· P.'u.' \Ti · · ·day.:• ~-1·~42-,...: 13 co1t nrru.rr © mvrs 1nrn1 conrnITT BIG CANYON CUSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE One of the finest farnlly homes avaJlable In the Canyon. 6 large bedrooms with maid's quarters and a separate 2 bedroom suite with Its own llvlng room. Terrific ~lew and location on the 18th fairway .. VERY private pool. $1.8 million and owner will help with financing. Owner will consider trade In No. Orange County. CUSTOM ON THE GOLF COUISE This new Hating la one of the finest examp'88 of contemporary architecture available.• bedrooms and Its own very private poof and spa. Recentty remodeled with a VERY modem kitchen. There la no home In the Canyon with as much privacy. $1.75 Mllllon. CUSTOM ON A PllVATI 2.25 ACRI PAIK Adjoining a wonderful children'• pl•yground, this 6 bedroom mansion has lt·all. Private poet and spa. maJd'a quarter'J, and over 5,500 square feet of executive family IMng. Owner will ~P with financing to a qualified buyer. The price la $1 .595 MINk>n. DEAHi TOWNHOME -CUSTOM POOL & SPA ·New on the mnet, thla 3450 sq ft end untt Oeauvttle provides the ultimate with golf course vtew. Three bedrooms, three full baths. sauna and a huge "no maintenance•: yard complete this offering. Huge assumable financing. $799,500. DEANI TOWNHOME -ON THE GOLF COURSE This new on the market Monaco Is perched right on the golf course and la vacant and ready to move In. The price la below market and the owner has Indicated he will leaae, lease/option or outright sett Over $400,000 of loW Interest financing. Priced at $599,950f .. DIANI TOWMfOME -VACANT Be UNIT Thia Bordeaux model wtth new carpets and paint features 3 bedrooms and 3 fult batM and i8 vacant and ready to mow In. There 18 an oversized yard to accommodate a poof and epa or for your children's playground. Very private yard. $250,000 of assumable flnanclng. Owner wltl assist. $50Q,OOO. HARBOR RIDGE QJSTOM -INCOM!tAIAml HOMI & V.W This newty completed Englleh Tudor has It an. Huge gourmet kltdle!'..t 5 bedrooms, a pool and epa with Its own functional gazebo. Huge ~ foot c:eillnga In the entry foyer. Over 7,500 square feet of 8he« luxury. $2.65 Mlfflon. OJSTOM -COUNTIY FRENCH WITH SUPll VllEW One of a kind estate with sweeping bay and ocean vleWa. Custom Diane Johnson deatgned kitchen with EVERY possible amenity. Very private spa and room for pool. Even has a children's playroom! Over 5,300 square feet of custom luxury. $2.3 Mllllon. VIEW-"LAUTllMONT" IN THE EST A TIS 3,000 square feet of privacy In one of "the" premier guarded gate communities. Superbly decorated ~th 22 foot atrium entrance. Veey private custom spa with extensive landecaplng. • bedrooms with 3 full baths and a large famffy room. $850,000. LOVELY "LAUTMMONT" WITH VIEW Profeak>MMy decorated four bedroOm. 3 blth, family room and · ct.i. ~d ene,y wtth Kol pond: Owner wtn oonllder exc:Mnge for waterfront property. 185(),000. • QJSTOM IA YSIDE -MAIN CHANNB. Slmpty the finest waterfront home available In the entire city. Over 8,000 square feet Including your own white, sandy beachll 7 bedrooms, private pool & spa and a view from all rooms. You've got . to see It to bellev~ ltl Super gourmet kitchen. $5. 75 Mllllon. ~ QJSTOM UNDA ISi.i -MAIN CHANNB. New on the market, this simply fabulous Country French No'rmandy estate la situated "on the point" In one of the premier private communities In the world. Over 5,000 square feet, with prtvate pool and spa. Over 127 feet on the water and a sllp to accommodate the largest of boats. For the conn~r. $5 Mlhlon. QJSTOM HARIOI ISlAND -MAIN OfAMB Thia ts the nnest home to become aYdable on Hart>or lmand In recent time. lncomparabfe adult llvtng with Its own pier and slip to accommodate a 100 foot boat. Unusually targe grassy lawn on the . harbor side. Reduced by $800,000. Price S4.2 mllllon. CUSTOM LINDA ISi.i -MAIN OfANNB. Over 6,500 square feet of sheer etegance with breathtaking vtewa from all Important rooms. Indoor/outdoor pool aod spa with retractable roofll Over 76 feet on the water. Sit down bar to vtew the boat traffic and beautiful aunseta. Huge assumable. $3.6 Million. C\ISTOM UDO lslE -UDO OfANNB Can you believe S 1.4 Minion of aaeumat>M financing on a Udo . waterfront! Your own pier and 9'tp to accommodate LARGE BOATS and an owralze lot! This home haa a huge custom St. Charlel kttchen and views to take your breath away. $2.25 MUtlon. UDO TOWt•tOMI -WITH IOATSUP ~tty reduced (by nearty 1100,000) this fine 2 bedroom~ d9n waterfront 8dutt condo hM It all Right on thet.Jdo OW.Mlt, 'With OV9I' $300,000 of aaumable ftnanctng. Oecotated to the 9'• and r99dy to mow In. WAY under market at .... ~.ooo. <>CUN -IA Y -.llTTY YllWS Newly ltsted oceanfront on a private street In Old COM. Moet Incredible views of the ocean, bay and jetty avallable. Quaint 3 bedroom home wtth overaimd fol Could be a graod remodel. Owner wttl provide ftnandng & subordinate. $1.26 Mtltion. HAllOI YllW Hll.S -~ ACll WITH VllW That's right, over 'A acre on FEE LAND. Gorgeous ocean and ctty lights view. VERY private pool and completely remodeled with multiple use of French doors and windows. Custom kitchen wfth European style fitted cabinetry. $750,000,. JUST USTID IN SPYGLASS Large spacious entry with splret atalrcue. Sbc bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 car garage, and family room. Thia home 19 l~ted on a large lot wtth a spa. and room for a pool. Beautiful city llght view. ~cellent financing. Offered at $615,000. . JASMINE CIEBC -NIW USTING Rare ptan 3 In guarded G* -'a1l'fltl .. CNMc.: a bedt'OOINt ,.,. room, 2 full baths. large cOVW9d patio wlttt putting or-n. TWo ~ cu1tom stained windows. ExceMent flnanclftG. ·Room for spa. $389,900. .. I 1 I t 1~ This Weekend.! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you .. house-hunting. All the locations lifted INlow •re described In......, detail elsewhere In t.Uy's DAILY PILOT classlfltd .ss. PatNM advertising open houses for sale or rent tn The Datty Pilot m.y ltst sud Information In these columns •act. Satwnlay and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 •DROOM 117 Marine Ave., Balboa llland, NB 673-8900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 512 Redlands Ave., Newport Bctl 675-6670 $219,500 Sun 1-~ *1'976 Bayside Cqve, Nwprt Bch 644-7020 $825,000 Sat 1-5 2137 E. Ocean, P9rM Point, NB 631-1400 $305,900 Sat 2-5 **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl, NB 873-6900 $596.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **833 Udo Park Or (F-2) NB 760-1900 $495,000 Sun 2-5 221 Via Ithaca, Udo Ille, N.B. 873-7300 $335,000 Sun 1-4 122 Agate, Balboe IUnd 873-6'38 *3SO.OQO • Sat/Sun 12·2 2 IR plua PAii -Oil DEN **3425 Ocem\ Bl, Corona def Mar 844-9080 •1.100,000 Sat 2-6 .S21 Tremont C.., Shores, CdM 844-9080 ~.000.. • Sat/Sun 1-5 213 '"•• eon.n.. dlt -144-9080 $575.000 I Sun 1•5 1018 ~ Cow E., Newport Bc:h M2-Gll I ~.oel 1 ""' l Sat 2-5 •10 Balboa~~ 8Mct'I 642-8235 ~2~,~. . Sat/Sun 1-6 •1& Curt Dr.,~~ vu. CdM .. 1515 $438,000 ~$un 12-5 1123 w. -. Blllboe .,..... MH220 $315,Cl90 Set/Sun 11-4 a mDROOM 5041 PMeO de Vega. Turtteroctt, Irv 780-1900 $187,500 Set/Sun 12-5 2331 Clff Ortve, Newport Helghta, NB 831-1400· -~ .. Sat/Sun 1-5 502 "I" Street, ~ Point, NB 831-1400 $438,000 Sat 2·5 38 Rue Font.inbtMU, Npt 9ch 844-0448 *589,000 Sai!Sun 1-5 ~ Oe8ola T.,.,., Corona Hlnd9, CdM 875-eOOO *329.000 Sat/Sun 1..S 1948 Pori Lodtllllal'I, HVH, Ne 844-4219 $181,000 Sun 1·5 **M16 ~Blvd., CdM 780-1800 $1.260,000 Sun 1-5 1 Rue F~. 8'0 Cenyon, NB 780-1900 $800,000 ""'1..S 314 Mariaokt, Corona def Mw, NB a1-14l>C> seee,ooo a.t1""1 1-5 1814 s.ntene11a; Corane dll ..., eeo.1•12 ... ._. M *512 Rockford Pl, Cam.o Hinds, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat 1-5 **1418 W. Bay, Penln. Pt., N.8 . 875-6161 $1,200,000 Sa11-5 321 Kings Rd, cttffhaven, N.B. 873-7300 $682,500 -Sat 1-5 1911 Court Street, Bal Penln, NB 673-7300 $399,ooO Sun 1-5 601 Gary Pl., Newport Heights, NB 845-8269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 I BR plue FAii Ml Oil DeN 1218 Devon Ln (W.ctlff) NB 631-1286 $289,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 Malnsall, Jasmine Creek, CdM 640-9512 SUn 1 .... 1588 Myrtlewood, coeta Mesa 646-3265 $123,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2oo9 Yacht Defender (Seaw) Npt Bch 759-9100 $450,000 ...tatt8un 1-5 **542 Harbor Ill Or, Prom day, NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **3711 SWhote Or., N9w1)0rt Bcb e7Ml571 $800,000 Sat/&.tn 10-4 2148 Mlr*'W (Penlf\.) NB 881"'1298 Sat/Sun 1-6 928 Goldenrod, Corona dlt Mer i 780-1390 $259,000 Sun ·1...6 ••31915 Coaat-~ South ~ • 494-1177 $995,000 . sUn 10-2 * * 38 Balboa Coves. Newport Beech 675-7060 $579,000 Sun 1-5 15 Landfall Court, tlewport Bctt · 644-7020 $275,000 Sat 1·5 9901 Vay99fK, Huntington Bch 631-1400 $166,500 Sat 1-5 2057 Port Bttstol Cfr, HV Hms, NB 644-9060 $230,000 Sun 2-6 2039 Shlpway, Bayclt•t. N.B. 631-7300 $249,000 1318 Estelle Ln, WeetcilH, NB 644-9060 $163,500 *204 Via E.botl, Udo 11'8, NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 Sat 1-4 1837 Commodore, Baycrest, N.B. 631-7300 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1301 Ootphln Terr, Irv. Terr, CdM 831-7300 $1,050.000 Set/Sun 1-5 *1018 DOYer Or, W•tcffff, NB 831-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1501 $280,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd, Cffffhaven, N.B. 759-1501 $875,000 Sat 12-5 501 Riverside Ave., Nwpt Hgta, N.B. . Ml-2887 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 120 Shorecllff Rd., Corona def Mar 644-6200 $495,000-F• Sat/Sun 1..S 102 Via Koron, Udo ••• N.B. &42-8235 $885,000 Sat 1..S *1883 Braemar, 'r, Beech &42-.8235 $43.4, • . Sat 1..S 118 Via Quito, l:.ldo 1a1e, N.B. 873-7300 $839,000 Sun 1-6 2011 Paloma, E/8'de, Coeta Meaa 646-9498 $199,500 D.ity 1..S *1472 Galaxy Or~, Dover Shqree NB &42-2510 $739,000-fee S1tiSun 1-5 • mDROOll 22 Coral, Balboa Island 875-A821 S53e,OOO Sat/Sun 1-5 8201 S.btrd Cr t-tunttngton Bctt e1~1111 s1eo,ooo s.t 1-e 3 San~....._ Ridge, NB . 7.80-1900 $2.3 mMllQn Sun 2-5 ** 1024 E. ~ efYd, P9ntf'I Pnt, NB 831-1400 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ID REAlTOR -™-----::--'• • -·-,. .-••' .. .,.-i " -•• :-.~ ·~:_-;-...,..-""""f"4• •.I•-:; •• .. ~~ • Fr"''t1W~,..~·--..,._---4 t • t • l. • . . t ' p • • ,. •• , • • ' .. .. __ _ _ --~ -~h°'l!Wi ~1· ~ti.tal.AA.Adv&ruiwi.£.~ lo.tbe.riAu..Y • ..,U.a.TJSaturM.v..Juaa...i.e....iaAa-17 **7..a Via Udo Nord, Udo Ill, NB 644..eo60 Sun 1-6 * 1412 Santiago, N9wpOrt 8wtt 631-1268 '375,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 780 Via Udo Soud, Udo llte, N8 - 873-9080 $575,000. Sat/Sun 1-6 207 Via Mentone, Udo Ille, N.8. 873-7300 $595,000 Sat 1-6 2152 State St .. Costa Meea 548-2313 $104,900 ' Sat 10-2 4 llR plue FAii Rll or DEN *2779 Tern Cir (Mesa Verde) CM 751-3191 $229,000 Sat 1-5 421 Pirate Rd .. CllfftMwen, NB 631-1400 $249,500 18971 Antioch, Turtlerock, Irv. Sat 1-5 541-5032 $200,000 Sun 12-3 26 Rue Grand Due* (8'g Cyn) Ne 8;42-6200 $725,000 Sat 1-5 •867 Presidio Or., M ... def Mar, CM 751-0250 $159,950 Sat/Sun 1-8 20832 Skimmer. La Cuesta. Hunt. 8ch 984-3311 $183,500 Sun 1-5 114 Vlq Ensueno (Mariners Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sun 1-5 * 1756 Sk~. Baycrest, NB 831-7300 $396,000 Sat 1-5 427 18th Pl, E-llde, Coate ~ M4-4910 $229,()()()..fee Sat 1-5 15 Cherry HHte Ln, Big ~. N.B. 831-7300 $895,000 j Sun 1-8 133 Via Undlne, IJdo 'Ille; N.B. &«-80«> $745,00CJ" Sat 1-5 23 Rocky Knoll, Tl1tft(, IMhe 831-7300 $225,000 DaAy 1-5 · 12S1 Surfllne Wwy, HV H ... CdM M4-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3185 Bermuda. Meea Verde, C.M. 831·12te $18-i,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *111' a.lat• Terr. Irv. Terr, CdM eu .., $498.000-L.H. Sat 1-6 111 E. a., Aw., Biii Pen1n. NB 831-7300 $549,5()() ' . Sat 1-5 3202 O ... we Pf.,._.. Vent., CM 545-1258 $139,500 Sat 1-5 *2231 Arda, Eutbtutf. tf8 ' M4..,., $294,'500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 home is also Where .... now. For a good TORS®. ,.at wtate, and rienced * 1805 oa.nwood, Baycrest, NB 644-9080 $349,500 Sun 1-5 ~ PolnMttla. Corona del Mar 873-4271 $824,500 Sat/Sun 1-6 * 1901 Galat• (Irv Terr) CdM 873-n811 •795,000-fee Sun 1-5 1501 Keel DrtYe, Corona del Mar e.M-8200 $319,000-Fee Sat 1-5 * 1801 Antigua Cir., Newport 8ch e.i2·8235 $424,500 Sat 1-5 **1817 Bayside Or., CdM &44-8200 $1,475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 105 Via San Remo, Lido Ille, N.B. 873-73QO . ~.ooo Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo, Mesa def M•. C.M. 831-7370 Sat 1-5 21b Via S.. Romo. Udo Ille. N.B. 875-30..S/873-2556 .. Sat/Sun 1-5 3128 McKlnley Way, Costa Mesa 545-7«7 $1«,900 Sat 1-4 1296 LOndonderry, Cost• Mela 548-2313 $142,500 Sat 1-4 1124 Dana (ptaz.a def Sol) CM M5-0303 $285,000 Sat 1-5 3408 Wlmbledon (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 845-0303 $256,000 Sat 1-4 1«1 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shra, NB 5..a-5647 $420,000 SatlSun 1-6 *4828 Roxbury Rd., Cameo Stiorel, CdM 875-5930 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I 9IDIM>Oll **219 v .. Lido Soud, Udo tll, NB 780-1900, $2.25 rmn1on Sat 1-5 **lot. v .. Udo Nord, Udo lal, NB 675-8181 s1.soo1000 Sun 1-5 **4028 Channel Pf., Nwpt 181., NB 873-0202 $985.,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 121 Via_ Arena, Udo .._ N.B. 873-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 I • ..... 'All Ml or &a 35 Rldgelne Or, Harbor Ridge, NB 790-1800 $2,850,000 SaC/Sun M 11 Mutr ~er,~. ,. 1c1t &40-8405 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1.;.f #5 Rue Fonte!M, eta Oyn, N.8. • , 844-8080 •!86,000 ' Sat/Sun 1-5 ·~~-=~~ N98un , .. 5· - «2 e.ac>n&a. Corona d9I Mat 6«-1200 $589,500 Sat 1-6 ,.,..., ••• na **115 Harbor lllllnd Rd., N.B. 131-7300 $1,500,000 Sat/SUn 1-6 *18..a Newport Hlffl Drive Eut Harbor Vl.w Homee M2-8235 *'495,000 Ody 1-5 7 llR plue FAii RM or DEN 1780 Port Manlelgh, Hbr Vu Hiiia M4-4337 $450,000 By appt CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE . 1 •DAOOll 1724 Westcllff #12, Weatcllff, NB 831-7300 $95,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .2 8EDROOll 1728 w.m:ttn #1. Weatdtff, NB 831-7300 &105,000 Set/Sun 1-5 2 Ill ...... FAii -or DIN 209-19th St., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 1319,000 Set/Sun 1-5 * 10 WUd Gooee, Nwpt Crat, N.B. 873-7300 $189,500 Sat 1-4 a •DftOOll 304 Eaptanade (Bluffs) N8 640-0Q20 $27~.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 551 Vista Grande (Eutbluff) NB 759-9100 $222,500 Sat 1-5 *314 Avenlda "Cumbre (Btuffs) NB 759-9100 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 102 Btue Lagoon. LagwMl e.ctt 631-1400 $5.46,000 s.t/Sun 1-5 1111,... PAM• or DEi 7 Rue Vlllan (Bia Cvn) Nprt Bc:h 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 29 Hllg,... (T~ Hinda) Irv. 673-}781 $215,000-... Sun 1-5 .. ~ 404 Columbia, •• , .... a.wt, NB U.1-1400 $2491000 Sat 1-5 .... •· MOBU HOMES FOR 8Atl! · _, 2 Mb..oo. 7~ Udo P9l1t Or., t.ldO ...,.,, NB I 831-1400 '39.000 Sat 1-5 300 E. Coat HWy No, 270 .. N.8 . ~1 141,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 I 811 ..... PAM Ml or DD 1750 Whlttlar Ave, 187, C.M. 873-4400 *'42,000 Sat 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SAl.e a•.,...1• 1510 Abek>ne=• llllrtd. N8 , 87:MllOO .ooo s.l/8ut\ 1-5 .___ • _.... ----,.. -• -~· -.r ..... ~-,. • , ... .;.7 ........ ._··:~-~-.. '~~~~-...i_. •.. '.":i_.-F:::.-;;:;;:;.;;;:;-~~'ii<•ii"iiln;;;;*""~...,..,.........,.,~-.,.... ----------~ • .. ·: ·' -'-~·---~.,...__.._...__:_,.!c\...w. ... ~!,~...,.~~·.·_,:_ t..:~.~-~_:_.·~_! .'~ - 18 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advert.latng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Satur,day, June 19, 1 r.. •. • " * 121.4 % PINANCINCk HARIOI VllW HOMI . Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 with large assumable loan & seller asal.Bted financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. *TURN A FROG• Into a hancbome prince. Spa«;ious 3 br, 2 ba home on large comer lol needs help. Seller anxious. S'acritice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Ada.ma, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •5 3 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. 'l)vo and.. three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9'> and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. . •$7.27 /MO.• Buys th1a charming 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHEAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single story end-unit decorated in sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great ••rnruable lat Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25~ payable $795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Ad,!l.ma. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •AIANDONID• Artist'• chalet w/panoramic ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• ls all you pay I« thia 3 br, 1 in ba cutie with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and lt'1 yours!! 9'3-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach, 556-7035. . •MISA VIRDI• • Affordable living with superb financing available. SplciDus home meticulously maintained. Only $13.~ down. Asking $135,000 .. 9032 Adams, Huntington Betlch. 556-7035. • •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with aoaring cathedral ceillnp and bright and airy country kitchen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba's and a family room. It'• a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$9,600 DOWN• Buys this big 4 br pool home. Over 2000 sq. ft. Loara Scboobf. Asking $159.900. 9032 Adami, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •flll MONIY• Owner delperaie, wiD finance home at zero interest for 5 yean. Beautifully decorated home in mint condition. 9032 Adami, Huntington Beach. 556-70~. • •OWNll DllPIRAYllt. •IAITaLun. 11.21~ Plnancing available when you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for entertaining. One of few hornet in area on FEE I.'...A.ND. 2670 San Miguel Dr.. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. . •WISTCLIFF HIGHLANDS• Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, skyllte, lush private ooW'fyard, fplc & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •FREE RENT• Choice 4br executive ranch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1,200/rno rent all applies towards purchase ln 6 months to 1 year. t:.arge, low interest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •11..46,-, FINANCING $30,000 DOWN• Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 br's, fj>lc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 7!;9.1501 Ot 752-7373. •MUSn, DUSTY A VACANT• •$109,000. 9.K aasumab&e financing available on this tutefully decorated 3 Br Townhome. Vacant & quick po11 Trion. 2670 San.Mfcuel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PllSTIGI COMMUNnY• Gorpous 3 br, 2 ~ ba, 2 story home In JASMINE CBEEK. Featuring auanf &*t.e, pools, tennil, clubbou8e. Secluded Jocatlon with c:uatom uppwlee !gclu~ina mined gl8ll \\findaws & carv.f doon. Flexible fimndnC tailored to your needL 26?0 S-Mfcuel Dr., Newpon Beach. 759-1501 oc 752-7373. •IACK •AY AllA• •$135,000. 3 Br house on fee land featuring hardwood floors & ah.lngJe ro0m with 11" assumable lit T .D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. · ... ~ •RllAR* On brand new townhome! Featurtna privacy, .2 matr st.tite & de/loft overlooking llv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. · •$95,90o. . Costa Mesa. Spadoua 3br detached home wiih latee yard. Freshly p.mted. 2670 San MJauel Dr., Newpal"\ :ae.cb. 7~1501 or 752-7373. .." NIANCll• 1111 When you takeover existing lat Tr-ust Deed Cl\ this abdutely beautiful Plan 4 in HERITAGE PARK. Thia former model fe.turee 3 81' 2~ Ba & extensive uptrad.ina. Only $151,500!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. .PRICI nDUCTIO"* WOO-IDCll LANDING Must sell this COZ'J. custom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The lbaring cathedral celling;s with 5 ak:yli&bta ~ the romantic bay windpw add grace and charm not normally found at this pnce. &eluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance prd complete the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 9032 Adams, Hun~ Btf1 plan 1 featuring 3 br, formal dininc· Located acre.. street from Lake 2. Priced at $244,900 on FEE land. Owner aaisted f1nandna ,, :::.;,.....,. __ .llVlliJ8bae. W70 San Mi,uel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. Beach. 556-7035. . ! SC-.-.,,.:,, z ·U" ;....;- J HOES IT TAKE TO SEIL A HOME· IN JO.DAYS AND NOF "BUY 'IHF: FARM"? U~lf)U~ §()LUTI()~§ UNIQUE SOLUTIONS: Using a full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 "lean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property -then sell it! Perhaps to you! ·TWO MASTER SUITES Award winning floor plan, surrounded by nothing but a park. $30,000 down, financing available. Located In Seabluffl $148,500. A listing of Cathy Cray. SELLERS ARE BUYERS a WANT TO SELL 4 bdrm In the ranch, neat street, wetl matnt. Owner movtng west, wtll finance with 20•1. down, great terms. $199,000. A listing of Laraine Shaw. 4 UNIT INVESTMENT Solid Costa Mesa rental area. $50,000 down lo 130/e loan. Gross multlpller of 11 .0 . Management history available, easy. Asking $225,000. A listing of Dottle Valentine. ' COM CANYON COTIAGE Quiet spot on Buck Gully. Mtn View, must remodel but owner will cany at 12%. Asking $275,000 with 20% ttown. ·A llstl~f MarHyn Hodges. COM DUPLEX MAKES CENTI · Neat as a new dlmet 12% financing with 20•1. down. Rent• are Bteedy with room to ralpe. Tree lined street· convenient to llbrary, lhops and beach. Accurately priced at $289,500. A listing of Nancy Laux. L \: .\ \t P L E ~ LOWEST PRICE PROVEN View home will go at non-view price If buyer has cash. Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 bdrm In HV Hiiis. Interesting view, only $295,000. A llstlng of Dottle Valentine. Open Sat 1-5 pm 978 Sandcastle. CORONA DEL MAR HILLSIDE HOME Great ocean view, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with hardwood floors. Free & ciear, 10 yr. owner financing. Probate sale at $329,500. A listing of the Von Getdems. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 420 OeSola Terrace. VERY BAYSHDRES Remodeled cottage within blocks of the beach, country kitchen, hardwood floors, ~ bdrma, used brick flreplace, delightful patio. Ampte flnanclng . avalfable. $335,000 leasehold, $487,500 fee simple. A llsting of Sara Marvin. BEST SELLING AREA Low malnt., no noise. As condominium area Jasmine Creek ts tops! This 3 bdrm one level has detail, loc~tlon and Is Immaculate. $375,000. . C1 •Ht HOME, NEAT l.lOAN Roving J...w'9 Crelik .... l9Vll 3 bdrm condominium, "*' pMto.. 8ftd epa. Aaalme . loans at leas than 12%. 1385,000. A Hating of Donna Schroeder. HANDSOME HOME PLUS ATTRACTIVE APT. 3 bdrm "townhouse type" with sunny kitchen and courtyard patio. Over huge garage Is a spacious 1 bdrm apt. Tree lined CdM street. 10% loans available with $150,000 down. Realistic at $449,500. A listing of Marilyn Hodges. GRAND CANAL/FREE AND CLEAR Cute and clean, 3 bdrm on the water with d6ck for 2 boats. Owner will finance. priced at MAI appraisal, $575,000. A llstlhg of the Bolands. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 210 Grand Canal. NEWPORT HAS EXCITING HOMES And this one's a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 frplces and unlimited view, on top of Spyglass Hiil. Sunny yet cozy, exciting white practlcaJ. Presented at $925,000 with $200,000 down. A Hating of Barbara Hutchings. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 5 Point Loma. .. ADULT CONDOMINIUM Near South Coast Center, neat as a pfn 2 bdrm, A/C, will work anything to setll Only $95,000. A listing of Bev White. BAVFRONT ~T •11,000 6 bedroom home In Beacon Bay. Now competitive. Free and ~ and owner may carry. Can be used as duplex. $995,000. A listing of M~ Hodges. . ---# •. • • • • t • .... -·-_ .. - -J .....--I .. ...,,....-.. ,,. ·-••• .._ .. _ --- .. WITI n. .. Tl • UIYll Privately shielded by towering trees. This super custom ·residence Is a successful combination of superior quality, fine craftsmanship and luxurious details. Five spacloas bedrooms. Dining room. Immense family room. Pool. Spa. Discover what living really Is. Avallable by Appointment ............... $1A95,000 IM wm 1s ... Tl 1m11 muo1 Sensible as well as sensational. A rare opportunity to acquire one of Newport's finest view properties. Three bedrooms. This offering Is of extreme value because of Its diverse and unspoiled ocean views .. The llsUng price includes the land. (Open Sat/Sun 1-5) 1301 Dolphin Terrace ...................... $1,050,000 •E WITI IL • • Tl IPYIUll llLL The lovely landscaped grounds Is a gracious Introduction to the spacious Interior. Five bedrooms, plus, bonus room. This property boasts a view that embraces the whole world of Newport Beach. . .ocean, u well as night lights. Many flawtess features. Available by Appointment .................. $950,000 .. ""' .... Tl .. UIYll Absolutely first rate. An Ideal environment for entertaining and family enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four bedrooms. Totally customized. French doors and wtndows. Ten skylights. lmpeccabfe and lrrec>laceabfe at Its price. Generous financing. 15 Cherry Hiiis Lane (Open Sun 1-6) $895,000 .. WITI D. •• Tl llftl llllD Only eight properties line famed Westwlnd Way. Its homes rarely change e>Wners, but when this happens, Its an eYent. .as la ttU one. Three huge bedrooms. Views from all sides are nothing short of spectacular. Extraordinary financing. Av_allable by Appointment .................. $835,000 11111 wm n. .. n •m ... u An unusual and functlOnat noor plan provides extraordinary Interest All rooms are g,nerousty proportiOned. Ave bedrooms. Dramatic vtew. Private courtyard suttabte for pool or putting green. Ex~t ftnancfng. Avallat>M by Appof~t .............. : ... $876,000 -11111 .. ~ .n 1PY1U11 Undeniable value. This property takes the laurel• for ementti. and ~ comforts, ptua a dr81'Mttc front row Wlw of OOMn and c;;tty ilghtl. Four bedtooml. Pool. Spa. Pr1M Juat reduced. Llberel ttnancfng. AVllilabte by Appointment .................. ~25.000 ., . -wn1a.n·••IMID Hug•IV enJoyabf•. Thi• four bedroom waMrfront • for thoM whO .. fed up with -today'• clreery probteme and w'8h '° enjoy tt'ie dr91Mtic vtew of water and night llghta. Large pier and tllp. Price Jutt reduced 1105,000. Avallable by Appointment .................. saee.ooo .. wm n. .. Tl llYEI 111m The quality runs deep. Out-of-town owner says "Sell it". Fantastic view. Four bedrooms. Dining room. Famlly room. Pool. Excellent owner financing. Price just reduced. $75,000. Avalla'ble by Appointment .................. $475,000 CHE WITI .. I .Tl llYOlllT The look Is confident, not cosmetic. An absolute treasure. Beautifully maintained grounds {complete with Its own greenhouse). Ave bedrooms. Formal dining room. Family room. Rare move-in condition. Very special financing. Available by Appointment .................. $425,000 OM WITI a. .. Tl •VIII lDll• It feels as good as it looks. Rich In old world charm.. This handsome offering features aueh finety detailed appointments as French doors and windows, crown moulding, expensive brass hardware and a completely new country kitchen. Three bedrooms. Splendid flnanclng. Price Includes the land. Available by Appointment .................. $395,000 OlllE WITI II. I I Tl llYOIEIT The Inspired work of a master craftsman. For those who demand more than the ordinary. Completely rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Seldom does a prooertv of this caliber come on the market. Open for the first time. PleaN don't miss It. 1756 Skylark Lane {Open Sal 1..S) $395,000 ... WITI IL I .Tl llYOlllT All the luxuries, plus, a down to earth price. Wonderfully dlverae thrH-bedroom home, Designed for euy eotertafntng. Huge living room with soaring bMmed celllng. Quality and informattty In one beautiful package. Just reduced ~.000. (Open Sat/Sun 1-5). · 1837 Commodore Road ......... m ......... $335.000 -""' .... Tl ....... Practically everything'• here. Three bedrooms.. Dramatic living room. P;lvate backyard. SecJuded pool, Owner will conelder leale-optlon. This l~ble offering 11 also for leue (furnished or unf\.lmllhed), Cell U1 for details. · Avallable by Appointment .................. $279,000 -""' ... ·",. ... , .• A place of dtgntty. Reftried. e.g.nt. &1d1eealy fudnatlf'G. Uncunoue two· Mdreom .,.mhOUM ovenooedng the b9Y and eow1. Securtty gat9. Poot. Spa. ClubhouM. Gym. Molt of ,,.... thing• are found only In more expensive eondoe~~ Ava»at>ie ~ ........ ~ . .._ ....... $259,600 -""' ... ·" ....... An abundance of reeaone to boy. ExceHent Hnanclng . Owner wlll ~ven consider lease-option. Convenlently located. Three bedrooms. Spacious open floor plan. Pool. 1016 Dover Drive {Open Sun 1-5) $255,000 ... W111 11. •• Tl llYllDT The message comes across clearly. Excellent curb appeal. . .and the Impression Improves (If possible) Inside. Three bedrooms. Oak plank flooring. Skylights. Beamed Ceilings. Pool sized yard. Excellent financing. Make offer. 2039 Shlpway Lane (Open Sun 1-5) $249,000 OllE wm IL •• Tl TllTLE 1111 A visual treat for anyone who loves excellence. Undoubtedly one of the best buys In Orange County. Three spaclo~s bedrooms. Convertible den. Family room. Impeccable condition. View of mountains and city lights. Uncommon opportunity to purchase below value. 23 Rocky Knoll (Open Sat/Sun 1-5) $225,000 OllE wm II ••• Tl Wiii llllUln Never a better time to buy. Pure and simple, this three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Superb location. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. ¥d ... unheard-of financing. It's great to ·g-much for so little. 512 Rockford Place (Open Sat 1-5) $199,900 .. WITI II. .• Tl lllTI IDI At last, a condo with character ... and prloed within the realm of reiaaon. This Intriguing trl-level, t,t\ree bedroom dwelllng Is made warm and comfortable with the lavish use of wood and used brick. Owner wtll trade or finance . Avallable by Appointment .................. $185,000 .. WITI IL •• Tl UIOll SU .aue• Irresistible. A two bedroom (plus den) end unit condo wtth a fabulous view of golf course and green belt. An uncompromising delight. Avall~ble by Appointment .................. $179,500 0011 wm 1s ... Tl TIE 111111 n11111u Simple. Straightforward. This Is a fixer-upper duplex. Prime beach area location. One unit has three bedrooma, fireplace and enctoeed patio. The other Is a paneled bachek>r unit with balcony aod bay view. Generous owner financing. May consider trades. Available by Appointment {Leasehold) $179,600 .. WITI a. , .n IMTA Ill& Value. An opportunity as limitless as your Imagination. Special three bedroom residence set on nearly one third acre. Excellent eaatl'de location. Large fenced-In pool. A superb buy. Owner wtll help finance . Available by Appointment .................. $159,500 ... WITl IL •• Tl Wl111Uff True value la not determined by prlee. Perhaps the beG-eC>ndo buye IA ,~ Beach. One and two bedroom unlta. AWtfUI patio overlooks pool. Nearly new kitchens. Refurbished Interiors. Private carports. Owner will h•p finance. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 1724 WMtcllff Drfve # 12 ,_ ................... $95,000 17~8 W-tctlff ~ #i ...................... $105,000 11\atm-........ Prime IOCatlon In Eatlkte Oolt* Meea. NMfty • fuN acr9 at 18th Street Md OrMge Avenue. Plana and permit• for 2e oondoe are ~. Purch ... Pfk:e allo lnciudM a RMI' new trtptex. Exceltent terms. ~wl~..., trllde. Call Harriet Perry ...... ."1 ... ....,. ... .., ... 11, 150,oto WATCH IT BEING BUILT Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Construction. The Style Is English Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect. $2,200,000. Susan Trlvlson's Listing. EXCLUSIVE BAYSHORES BA YFRONT Prime View. Pier, Dock. Quality 5 BR. Gated Community. Private Beach. Priced At $975,000 Leasehold. Home Plus Fee Price Of Land, $2,076,600. Marilyn Twltchell's Listing. FRENCH PROVINCIAL. CUSTOM -BIG CANYON This Elegantty Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal L.A. & D.R. Rlchty Paneled Library With Coffered Cetllng. Paneled F.R. Spac;fous Master Suite W/Hls & Hers Baths. Pool, Spa. Maid's Qtrs. The UJtlmate In Quality & Charm. By Appotntment. $2,290,000. Mittie Howe's Listing. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacular Hiiitop Estate. Magnificent View. On Ave Acres. 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Bullt Home Ideal For Entertaining. Solar-Heated Pool, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area Room For Tennis Court, Hor.sea, Guest House. Submit Reasonable Offers. $1,775,000. Binnie Dixon's Listing. CUSTOM BAYFRONT Promontory Bay -5 Bdrm Home -lrg Uv Room, Formal Dining - Family Room -Powder Room • Gourmet Kitchen -Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tie • You Own The Land -Owner Wiii Assist With Financing. $1,850,000. Cathryn Tennllle's .\lstlngj . HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NELbEJ;AIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Builder Must Sell His Newly Constructed Spectacular Home On Approx. 1 'n Acres Of Hiiitop Views. Soaring Ceilings & Spacious Open Rooms Focus On A Lrg Atrium W/Waterfalls & Even A Rain Forest. An Entertainer's Paradise. Call For A Private Showing. A Trlvlaon-Hlll Listing. ON THE BEACH Outstanding Custom-Built Home. Forever View Looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High Beamed Ceilings & Large GlaN Windows For More View. One Of Laguna Nlguel's Anest Homee. Owner Will Hetp With Financing. Priced At $1,450,000. A Hlll-Trlvtson Listing. · PENINSULA Waterfront W/Oock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood Float+ 50 Ft. Dock. Custom-BUiit Home W/3 BRs. Kitchen W/View Window Hu All Modem Amenities. Used Brick BBQ In Outstanding Patio Area. Tiied Garages. Grteat Offering. $1 ,295,000. A Dion-Marla Listing. •• •\JP 0 • ........-: JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Marlnere Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City Lights. Entertainers' Oellght. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. $875,000. Owners Wiii Accept An R-1 View Lot For Trade, Or Down Payment. Marla Bercovttz's Listing. EMERALD BAY MODERN Exciting Ocean View Home -Superb Contemporary Styling • 3 BRs • 3 Ba + Oen • High Beamed Cefllngs In Den, D.R. & L.A. Sun Decks. Spa Off Spacious MBA. BBQ. Sensibly Priced At $695,000. Joyce Dabolt's Listing. . JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BR End Unit On Qufet Cul-de-Sac. Beautifully OeCorated Home, Surrounded By Wide Greenbelts. Parking Spaces Galore. Call Us. $427,500. Muriel Barr's Listing. BIG CANYON .... Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigious Big Canyon. Showa Like A Modet -Typtcalty Pride Of Ownership. Huge Master Suite Plus Private Guest Becjroom & Bath. Owner/Agent Wiii Anance. Priced Under Market Value At $415,000. John Merrill's Listing. WOODSY RETREAT Spilt Level Home Overlooking Cherry Lake. Private, Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kitchen W/Mexlcan Tile. Owner Wiii Carry Financing. Assumable 1st. Truly A Beautiful Spacious Home. Huge Prl-oe Reduction , Now $297 ,000. Lease/Option Considered. Binnie Dixon's Listing. HORSE COUNTRY Remodeled Home, Approx. ~ Acre. 4 BR. Pool, Spa. Park 8 Cars + R.V. Great Location. Keep 3 HorMS On Your Own Property. Grea1 Ananclng. $289,000. A Daboft-Shlptey Uatlng. • OLD CORONA DEL MAR Just Listed. South Of Pacfflc Coast Highway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Cottage. R-2 Lot. Ronm To Expand. Prac1icalty Lot Prtce. $257,000. Sharon Collln1' Listing. . EASTBLUFF OPEN HOUSES BLUFFS Slngle Level Lovely 3 BR W/Encfoeed Yard, Prtvate Patio, On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted, Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shlpley'a UeUng. Rare 5 BR Lulk. Two Areplaces, LR. & F.R. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodeled. Excellerft Financing. Onty $274,000. Salty Shlpley'1 Listing. BLUFFS -BARGAIN Excellent Financing Avallable. Large AMUmable Loan @ 111..'.¥. & Owner Wiii Consider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carmellta W/3 BRa +Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovety GNenbett Neer Pool. VKMt. '229,500. Siity Shlpley'a u.tlng. THIS WEEKEND 2009 YACHT DEFENDER, Seavtew, N.8. $450,000 SAT /SUN 1-5 542 HARBOR ISLAND OR., Prom. Bay, N.B. $1,400,000 SAT/SUN 1-5 114 VIA ENSUENO, Marlnere, SAN CLEMENTE $875,000 SUN 1·5 314 AVENIDA CUMBRE, Bluffs, N.B. $199,500 SAT/SUN 1-5 7 RUE VILLAR&, Big canyon. N.8. $725,000 SAT /SUN 1-& • 551 VISTA GAAHOE, Eutbtuft, N.B. $222,900 SAT 1-5 . 759-9mcJ - BLUFFS FIXER Popular 3 BR Oefcne Plan. Major Greenbelt. End Unit ..W/Spacloua Courtyard El\trance. Vacant. SUBMIT OFFERS. Asking $195,000. Sally SNptey'1 Uetlng. N!WPORT HEIGHTS Low, Low Prloed 3 8R W/LMnO & Dining Ar••• Opening lo Secluded Patio. Nr Beach, 8ohoo11, Shopping. Custom Cabinetry. Good A8eum. Loen. Prkled At 1175,000. Cell Now. IMnnle Obcon'a u.ttng. I 1 . I J 20. -Oran9e County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY __F>ILOT/S~urday, Ju'_le 19, 1982 • Lido Realty Ill UIYM 12,211 ... Splendid custom family home on extra large lot. 5 Bdrm, plus ma.Ids quarters. Large llvlng and dining rooms. Famllyroom and gourmet klt- ch•n. Beautiful pool and spa. View of golf course and mountains. •111111 111 .... 5 Bdrm, 7 bath home with all the amenftl88. Indoor/outdoor pool with sliding glaaa roof. Sauna, steam room, 3 Jacuzzis. Play & game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6400 sq. ft. 1P11-.1.1 Ill OAIYH 1211,000 Golf couree a canyon view. Split level townhome condo. Large master suite with setting & d.....,ng area. 2 decks, pool, spa, tennis. Good financing. 25 Canyon ISiand off Ford Rd. .... ••nn .an 1•,111 Complete ocean view from thlt Immaculate 3 bdrm 3 bath home wi1h super 1arve terrace for entertaining, lounging or boat watching. Sheltered pool with large deck space for sunning. FEE LANO. Owner financing. lmSTIU MUii 1111,IOO Eastalde Cotta Mesa triplex. Potltlve ~flow. EleYen x grosa. Near park, schools, shopping. Always rented. lllTl 111111111'1 1211• Charm on a huge lot across the street from Newport Beach. Room for horses behind custom ranch home. Good financing. Owner anxious. You will love this onelll HYU YIWIE 1141,IH 2 story condo-2 bdrm, 2'h baths, patio, fireplace, bar, double garage, pool, clubhouse. 35 unit complex. Asso. dues $60 month. Good financing. •••Ill llUlflllT 1411,111 . Remodeled 2 bdrm Cape Cod beach house. Thia Is a financing dream. No quaNfylng, a tow down-payemnt and 1st T.D. la an usumable private A.l.T.D. lllTI ID& 1111,000 Attention builders. Come and see thls triplex and great potential Costa Mesa golf course . view. Call for more informatJon. WUT ..,., 1211,000 Absolutely steps to sand. Duplex located In most secluded part of beach area. 3 Bdrm. each unit. View from upper. Excellent financing. ILlfR 11•1 '211,111 Slngle atQfY "Bonita". Situated on a beautlful greenbelt with pool. Two private patios, 3 bdrms 2 baths. new carpets, Immaculate condition. Near schools and shopping. Make offer. Liii ISLE UfflllT 11,111,MI FANTASTIC TERMS . . . Owner wlll carry 1st Trust Deed. Priced to sell. Near lido Clubhouse & tennis · court1. Wiii accommodate a large yacht. .... 11,11 .... Own your own dock tor your 85' yacht. Pro- fessionally decorated. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overlooking prime bayfront location. FEE LAND. Security gate, and many more extras. Liii 1111,111 Dellghtfully appointed 2 Bdrm, 21A baths bay- frorrt condo. 24 hour security. Sauna, pool, sub parking, close to shopping. The most presti- gious high-rise condo bulldlng In Newport. Owner may exchange. UIFlllT .... 1111,111 633 Udo Park Dr. Spacious 2bdrm, 2 baths on ground floor. Many upgrades. Sub-par1dng, aecurtty and boat docking. Owner will consider trade for home In Palm Springs, Las PaJinas or Canyon area. UfflllT 11-1111 All, .. With view of ocean. 1 bdrm, mirrored wall, beautifully decorated, ready to move In. Sub-parking, security bulldlng. Walk to Lido Vlllage. Ull llt.E 1111,111 New French Normandy 4 Bdrm + den. French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass I wood + 2 fireplaces. This Is a true LTdo charmer at this fabulous price. 1.111111.1 1111,111 New elegant custom 3 Bdrm llght, br1g'hl and airy. Featuring sunroof piped and wired for ja- cuzzi, telephone, t.v., mood llghts. 360 degree view. Mos\ unusual home on Lido. Fabulous fi- nancing. Owner will consider all offers. Ull Ill.I 1111, lll Lots of warmth and character In this charming 4 Bdrm home on a huge lot at the quiet end of Island. Oen or 5th Bdrm for your added comfort and enjoyment. Beautiful large landscaped sunny patio. UH Ill.I Ul~,000 Dramatic Spanish Casa. 4 Bdrms, den, formal dining room with Mexican tile floors galorel Private pallo with wall -must see. 1.111 llLI ....... Decorator's dellght Is this country French home. Gourmet kitchen, French doors with oak throughout. Detailed wallpapering, landscaped patio. Owner may consider trade. Incredible financing. 673-7300 3377 Via Lido • 673-7300 Ull 111.1 1411,111 Trad& for pr6perty In Westwood, Beverly Hiiia area. Corner lot on lido. South patio. 4 bdrm 3 baths, 3 car garage. 40 ft . lot. Wiii sell with $125,000 down. 1.111 llU 1111,112 Ideal corner location this sparkling clean 3 Bdrm. 3 bath home on an extra wide lot. Only 5 houses from clubhouse activities, beach, tennis and swimming. Large assumable loan. Owner financing available. • 1.91111.1 ·--Just llsted ... best priced 4 bdrm 3 bath home on Island. Also. delightful and charming.- Features open beam ceilings throughout & a separate famllyroom. Priced for fast acttonlll WNllllllE 1110,000 Below market value. Great assumable loan and OWC 2nd. T.D. Steps to pool, tennis, etc. Try $10,000 dn. Move In condition. llWPllT nEST 1211,000 Ptan 4 • 3 + retreat end unit. New carpet one of a kind. Customized throughout. Pool, tennis, walk to beach. 2 car garage. No outside maintenance. ... IDllTlll 11M,IM Knowing that this ls a buyer's market, seller Is ottering one of the best In Newport Crest. 2 bdrm + den + retreat + office, Parquet floors In dining & living areas. Move In condition. UIO ISLE 1331,000 A true delight this beautiful remodeled 2 Bdrms, 2 bath home. Professlonally decorated & In Immaculate condition. Large sunny patio. Owner wlll help with financing. A must to seell 111111 PEl .. u 1an.- Th1s brand new 3 Bdrm, custom home features oak cabinets throughout, economical hot water. forced air heating, open beam and wood planked celllngs, 7 skylights. This Is truly a must to seem IALlll PElllllU 1121'°°° Oceanfront duplex looking for a new owner. Great for lnveators who love ocean views. 4 Bdrm up, 3 down. Good rental area. Owner will consider all offers. IALllA PElllllU llPLD 1121,000 Fantastic location. 4 bdnn, 3 bath up. 3 bdrm, 2 bath down. Fireplace, 4 car garage, sundeck. Lido Realty Newport Beach. Callfornla _.,..,...__ Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 -21 Ct•trll 1111 B1•1n let "11 B1un I« "11 BHH11., W1 · ••un /11 "'' .....••..•••••••..•...••••.•..•...•..•••..•.•••••....•.•.....•.•.•••..•..•.••.......•..••••.•••..............• FUILOll CniraJ IHI ln11al • IHI C..11•1 · IOI: c,..,11 1001 FL_ElllL_E ••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••• • • .• •.. •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ••• •. •• • • • ••••••••••• Buys~~~~~ Pon-·~·=t~ ~l' •:me:~:: deroaa bullt townhOme In NEWPORT BEACH Pride of ownfll'lhlp 4 Bd Only 120.000 dn cen buy Northwood. Seller wants Fantastic vacation resort, primary 2 Ba with fireplace & thl• pre1tlglou1 upgr1 • to move and wlll carry residence or jnvestment. 3 Bdrm. large wet bar In famlly dad 2 9d a den, 2 Be & 2 $80K at 12% lor 10 yrt, home in THE HEIGHTS with decked room. Lovely landaca-car garege. Panoramic Call now to aee the & p i ng automatically vlewl, community pool. custom Ute work In the patio spa in the sun. Few minute aprlnkled. Only $135, Below market 11 S190, prt. covered patio w/ walk to panoramic view of bay & 450. c.i1 Glen Heltwarth ooo. C811 Glen Hellwarth oreennouM window 3 Bd ocean . Ma n y o the r amen i ti es Me-9400 55e.9400 2~ Ba eep. D.R., lutcloul incl din cle & poo1 a ac>L S 155.ooo. u ig an air you own the RVM~ Don't ~ land. Price reduced to o:iNA ~rPO·L· •111• 111 .., ..... Clltlltled Me 142-6t79-Went Adi cal 142-5878 559.9400 CfEN Slll)AY 1-SPM VILLAIE OIEEI Yle '1111111 .. , l11htr Drll)'latlo tn-tevel 3 Bdr 112-1111 1•1•1111 townhom• w/wetbar. a--.a... tf. rt IM ... II I I trplc. patio, tennla -~· ll•H In courta.Ataumal>llloan. ~~~~~~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Full price $129,250. 751-3191 llU Tiii • Seller wlll carry l30K etrllght not• for 5 vr-. You benefit with I mon-thly payment ol $924 , Pl/mo. CIM now to -tile cozy country kitchen with rod< fireplace Ind cuatom cabinet•. $119, 900. Oon't~y cell Dl8N today. LA CUESTA BEAUTY Huge 4 Br with game room. 3 full baths. Ceram.ic tile entry.· Lots of glAss. Master suite bAth with sunken tub. Hot tub in landscaped patio. Fantastic tenns. Assume lat TD and owner will carry large amount. Price $183,500. .. ..,.. ......... 1 .....,21Wlllla ..._...._1112 DIANA PtETENPOL· VOLPE -t ~8400 N E w v I E w 1 Cl w N • 2-BR Slngle FamllY Home HOMES. 2 Meet• Sul· In H.B. $97,950. Only tH. View ot oc11n & · $20,000 down. Excellent iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil night llgt\la. Quiet AIM. t9rme with low Inter• .. -. l-1 Parkt, open apacea. uaumabte loan. Sher· 1125,900 dn. >Ont Fln. peat houle In the frl!Ct. II llLll& llWU Hal or Pat Bauer, Agtt. Call Mike tor more Inf«· *lln.T* 673-7300 matlOn. (714) 720-0391 OWIER WILL RIDE · llWLY llllllli.D Miii iil UI 11111 lllTllF ... IY Owner will trade tble beautlfull1 remodeled., three IMdroom family room home for $Ctl,OOO worth ol tract houHt, condominium• or rental un.lb. WW trade with deltt or dear. HouM hu $440,900 loan @ lS.54'1.. amortised °"' 30 ,....,., 11.. year rollo .. r. If you ha.. the desir~ to own thlt IMaut:lful home and ha .. anythlnc or any combination ol thins• with a $4ts,.tl0 •alue, call me ~ for Hample, I will trade fw your four n.w coml09 that won't 1ell or three $150,00f houa.. that cost you $50,000 .. ch cw ff? A. trade could ta•e )'OU tas~. lllT U A I w • y • a u t e In Haw aometNng Y<M.I Wllnt Call Caaey at owner'• office IBllD cl.aufflld·reed tile adt to ... ? a..dted *'-do (7H) 141-tlll wHkdayt t to 5 Prlvtte beach, Ill• a ~day. 842-M11 " ... 842-5171. '--------...,..---------i cheery comfortable ,.-----T--------TT ___ T ____________ ..... ___________________ .-..._,_, home. 3 large bedroomt A.l.AJ..A.L.l.VJ.\J.. .V-J.AJJJ.-V.Ll.V.L-.J.. .J.A.LU.-'.L.-Ai.:WW.U.\.LWW .. J.A.LWLl\i.AJ.A.U.A.-A.L.U. -.. UWWWL!LCLV GJWU.A.Lft,J..A.!f_. .!.-.L & den, 2 bathe. fireplace • end much morel Wiii trlde downl INCLUDES THE LANDI Owner/ Age111 873-9197 or e15-1oeo. 1679.ooot 2 Plll .. I UU•EIT -Completely remodeled kltcllen w/new cabinet• a apf)liancM plua micro, r-...cl fighting, no wax floorl. Speciou. llgf'tt & airy tam, rm 3 81 3 Ba. ~ol a 1pa. No quall- ng. Auume $99,800 et 4.111%. $141,500 1WI lmmaculete 4 Br. 1 'A home w/e«te. drl¥9, pool -e mo1. new copper plumbing, ger extenalon- perfect atlop .... and t1bulou1 curb 1pp111. $13,950 down. Only 13.12% El. 1139,500 tllR Don't de6ey call Diena today DIANA PIETENPOL· ~~ REMEMBER DAOt with • FllCMl"t Dev mellllOI 141-M71 • Win 4 fMI TICKETSI to1nA19MGame Cl~PllotAdt SOME OF CALIFORNIA'S MOST DISTINGUISHED PROPERTIES Priced Over $1,000,000 IAlllFICEIT OllltnlY 1111111 Superb construction, finest craftsmanship & decorating, an architectural masterpiece. 8,000' on 9110 of an acre, electric gates, sweeping views. 5 bdnna, 8 baths, 4 fireplaces, gym/wine cellar. Room for horses, tennis. Prestige Lemon Heights area. $1,990,000 (adj. full acre lot available also). llLLTIP OMmY YIW .• Charming & dellgbtM 5,000' coun\f}' french, beautifully decorat.ed, high atop Lemon Heigbta on 1.1 acre with magnificent view. 5 bdrms, 3~ baths, 6 fireplaces. $1,195,000. Submit tennt, trades. 1 acre site, great views, exclusive location. $400,000. DUIATIC FIE•H llllWllY Incredible beauty, elegant 7,000' on 2 ~ acres (some flat. 80me very hilly). 4 'h beautiful marble baths, expensive oak panelled walla & ceilings, exqui&ite de<x>r. Stone columns, iron fence, electric gates, gorgeous landscaping. $1 ,295,000. Submit tenns, trades. OWllO 1111111 1111• Behind magnificent cobbleatone motor courtyard & huge lron gates. 8,000' on full ecre, 5 bdrm.a, 8 baths, 5 massive fireplaces, wine cellar. Just completed, will decorate to suit. $1,450,000. Submit terms. trades. 1 acre, almost flat, great view. Surrounded by huge estatel. $225,000. 9/10 acre site, pretty view, fine area. Hu small fixer or tear-down boWle. Plana for 7 ,300' estate Included. $365,000. W llllT DTITl-YI .......... I-Intl., .... , ......... .. ...... 2..,.. ........... ,,., .. . ............ pies • .,.... ..... .... • M4 ..... .... •• ...., ......... .. .................................. ,.,., 1... ••. ft. • ••• ., ..... • ... ....,., .... .., ............. ...., .................... _ ••• ,, ..... Liew .............. ..... ....,,,,,,,...._n,.. ........................... ........,.,1-1• .......... ......................... ,.,,.., •• 111 ... ,.. • ... .,, .... . ...._....,_nlll11W. .... .., ............... ~ .. -.. ..,,.... .,._....._,,.,.. .... u1-1•~ ..... ...,...~•11•• ltallils I 11111 ....... ll ...... ...,, .. ,., .... lliM 1111111 11111a ....................... ,... .. _... -.1 ...... u••· n1-1• .... ...... o••mt It •1 .:::::i.: -I flre,11111 I ,.....,.,2 ........ .. ... ~ ,,.,."' If -!I .............. tlMlll .......... , .. ........ , .. ....., .. ····-....... . . ., ... ,., ... , ... .,, .. ,,., .. "'''"'• I ••tl11, tttH••• P'll•1 s1-.-.. .., ....... 11t-11a11 ..... ' llUIFlllT. llPLD ... . ....... ..................... .. '""" YllW fre• '"' 11ttt11= '"'"" ..... 2 ...... .... ...... .,! .............. .. .......... 1.1• •UWllllY .U l&f ., .................. , ...... . war•tft, YtHI l·•••rJ wit• 1Hrl11 11111111, .... ., ..... .... • ..... , .,.,. ..... , 11.!••1 ,... •••• 2 ... .. .......... ....,,... ....... ,... .............. ....,. ............ .. l1t1U1 11 1111 1tall1'91. 14H,HI. u1-1• ....... 4, .. ...... _...,1 ............ , M4rHt11, '"" •• ..... 11....W. == .................. .. OCEANFRONT LAGOON 150' OF BEAQi 1000 tq rt bultdlng plld. .es Ac LaCott•. Carla- bed 1275K. 581-9695 WT1111 ... •EI 3 8dr 2 Ba. apa. entry crtyrd, IMae opt. evell. Owner will help l!Nlnce. $225,000. Call Binnie DI· JI.On, agt. 759-9100 . . .,, ... _ 3 Bdr, 3 J)9tlo9, FEE land . 9'A% flnan. $272,000. Opn Sat/Sun 1-5 • 840-0020, 78().te79 agt LOWEST PRICE IN IDP(IT for • 2 8d comer unit OYW1ooklng pool In Pa-I< Lido. Vaulted celllnga, gar""-terma. 1119,900 . For more Info call Loll Miier. tlQ1 831-1288 or 873-7544 REIM~ .... lllllT Mr CIMn'a condo 1$5.000 1 BR delight .74,750 AIM\. S.5% VA Hm 1111,500 Walk to Bd1Hm$155,000 111-1111 ........ TWO~ on 1 tot. Take ovu VA loan. E".ide. 1145,000. Cell Pet. 1g1. et5-1111 or 780-1755 FORECLOSED PROPE.RTIES "INVESTORS" We now t11111e 88 tor• dOMd propertiea llMed for Immediate aale. Prtc. rang• from $20,000 (land) to 1625,000. Gr•t financing 1valllble With tow down. Hurry, cell now tor llPl)t. to rewtew our conlldent111 llat. 552-2000 OPEN 1 DAYS Tll 9PM ··-"-** Looking for duplex, 4--plrde cuetom TUWUlly decorated. Im- maculate 48r trl·l•vel home. Extra lrg PoOI. ape. RV aoc.e. 3 Cir ..,..... Wlllk to oowncry dub. Elcclell. ~ tlnanolng ..,....,... Ful price 1395,000. 761-3191 .... ,,.. ,. • ••••••••••••••••••••• Un6que l dlarm4ng 3 bf & loft. LM/opt °' trade for """--813--86111. -.. ·-----·---·----.----------------t:.11 22 -Or~ County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 ~~.~~...... ~.~!ti! ......... ~!!!.'!!.!ti!....... ~l!!.!!h ....... ~.{'!!!h •..... : ,. .. ~.{~!!.'!....... ! .. ~.~~ ...... ~ .. !ff!.!~!#.· ...... . ,,_,,., 1•1 en.ll I•l ••111/ 1•1 ,_.,., I ,... 11MM '"' C.... 111 llM 1111 c.,.., 11/-., 1111 C..11 • .,, 1114 ..•.......•.••........ .•.......••..••••.•... .....•...........••.•• ••.......•............ ..•..••..•.•.•....•.•. . .••.....•..•..•.•.•.....•.................. ·········•············ llYW llft HllLlll 1~ ... --llmlW Just profeuionally decorated. Uke new, aophiaticat.ed 2 BR + den, 2~ BA, bar, pool, spa, beach & aecuri . Price reduced $96,000 to $146,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642 ·823~. OPEN HOUSE SAT 2-5. 1018 Bayside Co:'e OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Close to Balboa Ferry, shops, restaurant. 1219,000 First @ 10% 1315,000 Second @ 10% Cash .to existing loans. Askinq price '625,000. 1H.MWI 30 year fixed rate financing, no qualifying. Lovely Bluffs "C" Plan overlooking the pool. 4 bdnns., 3 baths, terrific location. Owner motivated. $275,000 L.H. 1714) 6 73-4400 12131 621·2'21 nw ttnor ,.,...,. L..pst hhlblisMdbelh .. ca-.•t · ~~JJ=' IMMEDIATE TAX BENEFITS Little 111and. Sharp 3 ...._ ..... ITI Bdrm 2 bath on the r••- -ter. owe. $575,000. •11-411~ ..... an. UNIOUE HOMES Purchase this fantast•c new Sproul Rita or Tom Boland \: 67~ duplex for only $5'45,000. Wm lease \~I.~! I '1 '\ 1\YLOR CO f{ !-. I\ I. I ( ) I\ ~ '" : j I ' I ~ j. ti ....... ... 2 81. 1 Ba. + 1 Br. 1 BL 72'1105' R2 lot. Do not dl1turb tenante. 1528 Orange. 1 129.000. 548-50'41 4IYfl & wkndl, 631-3520 wkd)'I. llU YIUI l~~~~~~;I both units, manage It for youJ Sell later PW ..... 12.,.. l&Ynm W/,.. as 2 condos, enjoy the new 15 year 4 Br, 2~ Ba. Ideal family bQlne wi\h 35• on .. t •. Baell.ct bV depreciation schedule. 3 bdrm, 21~ ocean view. Community pool & park. 2 Bdrm cottage p1ua 2 bath, 2 bdrm, 2 ba'h with bay view. Must Mii 4 bf, 2 ba. Xlnl floor plan. AppralMd at Assumable lO Wli loan. $27~.ooo. ~~r_m1/5;,~~ :,:: 9'111UT/•1_.,. 181 ~WAY UTl• 1-1 land. M2·1200 .• <(;/ou11u.i ""1 JHai S 140,000. Priced et $120,000 w. 170,000 \ down. $135.000 w. 134. ooo. owe. Bkr (213) 927-8001. lWI -·Tl •WNIT Ullll -t~~~~~ 6'7.J-8494 Charming 4 Br. & large family room. "7CJV• I'· JUST REMODELED 3bf, 2ba,.cov'd patio w/ wet bar. Owner &46-...el Brick fireplace; country ldtchep, quiet 3141 E. CcMst Hwy., Coron• def Mer 1 II. 2 I& residential area. Lon~erm seller Large covered patio, financing. $229,000 inclu · land. ·-----~-1, _______ 1 flreplace. double e1t g.-421· 1• f\ UT 1-1 •--------1 1M ~--·• W. rage. Excellent condl-2• le. Ft. -tlon. $135,000. Owner of CUSTOM HOUSE. Ull /"'111 will earry 1et loen. Beet Excellent flnenclng. ...T9TY of terma. Sell first? or Buy first? That ls always $53t.OOO. 4 bdrma lncludlng 2 .., lellnlev lllr. th t . Wh bo h . 875-6921 It 31L ... lg ·-1111 e ques ton. y not t in one-1----~---mater tu ... ,.. .... -lransaction. We can offer you an unusual ,... :::!r rm, 2 frplc1, ru111c ~~~~~~~~ tlllbuah I •1 beem cell'1 • all In Ull lffD ophomeponunjpaid~y tof exchange youi: present •••••••••••••••••••••• .. • walk to private beedl Ch 1 E Sid 3 B , or of"' not. as the down DELUXE BEACHFROHT loceuon. The perfect 0 c• · 11 r • "~ ,_.,_ 3 B 3 ... II. IF Inn ,__,,., home In the ---1~8a home w/frplc. ,_ payment on an ou1standing Big Canyon .... t """'""'"'• r .... ·-·-7 ,..... paint & C8'l* thnl-Out home on the golf course. Why not call us owe. 1790,000. coa1t CIOM to bMctl, 2 bdrm, feet femlly neighbor-Auume low Int 111 ro: now. 644 A910 Pr0!*1* 873-5410 2 beth, clMrt now with hood. 1495,000 with Owner w4lf help flMnoe. -w 2 ... den --• potentlal for addition. PERFECT financing. Offered at-S12t ,tOO. .... ' r.,.,,ed patio, 2 $279,500. M4-n11 .. -.. "'uu 1~ ••aan =: 6~~ wb!:. =. .... ••• •• ~f~· 0wneri-et. --... •Lt •• ,. 1315.000. 84S-4220 ~p:-::. 3~~,.! Quiet, park-like aetting. Rm for paddle C..... .i llu IW vate ~. 1220.000. tennis and pool Great f orchard Cul •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ITllffll de sac st. 3 bttrms, 1.:: rm, $379,soo ILi 111111 Ill IU Ull IUl.n including land. Ask about a 1% interest UI 1211,000 ~~·~1~1-~N~N~~ loan on this home. ~ ~~ ~ 1--., .......... ........ ...... 1'11UA.US" 11 ...... Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small family, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy in Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. WllLIY I. TIM.., IULTlll 2111 .......... .... ••n11•1••nn !!!II, U. ...... 11 " mA••• 1411 W. IAY IPR UT 1·1· PrUe West Be)' bayfront. Slips for 2 boeta. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. . ~ & ~ty viewa. ~room. 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 aq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. ......... 11 l•Ntm.. ....1·1 PmM Udo Nord bayfrant. 5 bdnn, 5 \Ii bath. Lee L.R., 2 00.t .Ups •t.500,000. Remodeled 3 Wnn. 2 bath + Iara-rec. rm. beam ceilinp. fwn.iahed, patios. $420,000. umam11n1111 X...ocm view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom. dark nn. den. Boat sUp. Sl.350.000. ... UYI• Gift s~ bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat alipe $1,800,000. . •IUllCAYI Coton.do .laland Nit. bayfront lot. ~· boat dock. PLuw av.U a.d. '370,000 w/temw. ····-~be":>'i:=. ~~~ur a .... 3 bdnn9; 2 \Ii biathj .......... pool f145.000. Bltlr!1'•,ri1 RE~1lTOP Hwy. A11ume 1oan1 & OWC. Open s.t. DELIA. 4 Bf on home.~ 2TA-b&. Capehom mdl. Good .... nanc:lng. Fee lend. $715. 000, 831-12M mt. lnlM PHfflt I.I 851-0660 Of 552-6111 Wit~~ ~~rplc. IY OWIEI Ctll By Owner. 84M58e NEW 3Br Condo, 2300 1--------1 sq ft. *FULL OCEAN VU* Open Sun 12-5. 12% loan. JMmlne Crk 818 Madgold. Owner/egt, 640-1515 $385,000. 840-4521 Tum to todey'a c:lualtled ~ m.11 ..... wfth-.;;- 1 or the b .. t buya . I !!'!C""• cla11lfled ad. 842-5f78 842-5878 .... '"-' l,,,,...,,,......,a..'"'""'---..,,..h.,....,,al-,--l,,,-·•········•·•····•·••· ..................... . .......... ,..,. ..... -·-::· o.q................ .. ...... ..,.., •• _...., ...... r... ... •11 2 •ttr•t, I fire.IHI Htl llltl ••rtl11. h1tn .... H·•••rate •"' •1111111. 1•.-.w11,..., n1 ... . Lits •• .... ... ,,.... T'9 ..... . ............. ,.., ...... I~ ... 4 Wrm; I W. .._ • ~ .-0: ....... "' 1 ... ••t9•• .. ,..... .. .... ,..., ............. .... ..... .-. w 1,M-. IH .,_. , .......................... .. .......................... , .... .... .... fttrl IH .. I, hflt Hitt 18,.. rHten. 1111,MI 1st n ......... . ............. 1 ............ ,, l1H1llln. \ '-•• M.· t ·I •"'"' ~ llMI \\ 1'1.,.oj lh•I \,-,.. • .,, ltf.eth .,.,.. 9.5% 3 bdrm, family room end Ull •••t•n 1m11ll office. Covered Unobatrvcted "'-"'""'emlc Ptllo, big y.,d. $ta,OOO. ,._..,. VA A11umable Agt. view. ocean, Jetty, big 540-8148 Corona. Catalina. Exlat. --------3 SR 3 8a home wlguest h .. below, Ju1t a111p1 from the beedl. One of • kind! Call 840-5553 for lppl. ...... ........ Seller wll catT'/ io.n lor quallfled buyer. Great tetma. 3 8dr 2 Ba, M.a Verde Hlghlands. boat ~~~$~1~,500~,000~~~ trlr acceaa. $130,000. .:: 3281 Colorado Ln. YILll Yll.11 Ownrtagt 55M221. Under prloed Plan 6 In 1Q1 YlllE J111mln11 Creek. $310, Harbor/Baker. Lo-st 000. Prln. only. 673-4195 pr1e11 3 bdrm In-Area _or_8_73-_1 .. _79 ____ , $123.tOO. S25K d n. PlllATI owe remaining. '94.ooo Court order aale of Her-a 1 1 u m • a t 1 2 % bor View Hiiia 3 bdrm, &46-3255• ~7 2·~ bath w/buutlfuf ..... uwm ocean view & night llght In tf)ll 4 bdrm home with view. Only $319,500. add-on famlfy rm. Many Broll• 551·8181. 0peii I houee Set/Sun. 870 extre1 ncludlng new Sandculle Drive. :;:-~Lat=-~= -lllWPUll 2 etory. 3300 lq rt, 3 Yfl old. Gourmet kllch. 3 I~. 1dn.t fin. 233 Potn. M iiia. 873-4271 Owner . llet. S 135,000. Call lor more Info. 879-5370 \ f >I I. I ti F If . . .. ·. Opeii Sat Sun 1·5 MESA VERDE C.ll #IM 1114 Herbort&lllter. Lowest 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• Br. price In ar•. $123. 3 Bf. 1 ea. hOu9I on 1ar111 too. 12s dn. owe re- 50x175' 3 unit lot .. 4!e malnlng. $84,000 ti· Hamilton. Do not dlaturtl • u m • • t 1 2 % • tenenta. $12t.o oo. ~3255/5-40-4087 548-5041 evea 1 wknda. a.I Idle tteme 842-54171 831-3S20 Wkcfyl. r.ISA VERDE 2779 TERN CIRCLE (ffN HOUSE SAT 1-5 4 BDRMS • 3 BATHS • LARGE FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE • LARGE POOL W/SPA • LARGE YARD-A GARDENER'S DELIGHT • OWNER WILL CARRY FINANCING 111n 1nn Ml ... 11111111 Ia then! a ~ vahie or opportunity for you ln the beedl .,.. -!! 111~•1 i J • Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 19, 1982 -23 _ ...... l•t lalf ..... ,., "'' ...... ltt Ill• -...... "'..,, ...... -..,, ..... ,., ,,. .... /11 1111 ...... ,,, lal1 ..•................... .............•........ .........••..••....... .•...••.••......•.••.. ..........•...•••••••• ...................... . .......................................... . ~!~.!!~ ...... !.t. ~!~.!!~ ...... }.~~ ~ ........... !~ ~¥H.~t .. ! .... ~~.l!!!.t .. ! .... ~'!r.!!.~!! .• }.'.f~ !'!!r.!!.~!! .. J.@f !'!!mt.~ .. !.':!! E. 11111·1 -... Wlttll •Y It, MWI 11111111111 ---------__.,. 3Br. 18a, & 1er. 181 In-m111 SALE ........ AITD 13% 5 years or ~M-.M..&.JL.L..Fl.&A•J~L4Jl£_ -:=.~~bis~,:~ ... ,... ~!rwc:r .=!. :, ':~ ~~~·!act =::-'Cc!!;.!:; EASTBllfFS FlflST llYEl llOIES 900. Or try IN option. By ~1$ ~~~~A~ 11a large lot. Fea1urlng 4 and gt ... 3 bdrm, 3 b• 2 view. ~li,OOO. OwnfKI OW'* 846-2768 F H A / v A 0 K C • I l Bdrms and tamlly. acrou atory home In NOr1h La-Ag• n t 8 5 5• 0 5 1 7 0 r G .. ___ 1 1 ii.. & ".0_ 115 1 t"" more d~ from parll. Alklng 1230, guna. White water ~ 6«-2170• real'""'"' or 1m., .,.. ...... ~ 000. Call ~1151 overlooking Emerald Bay -------- entertaining, IMng room tl\ils. from svery room. Enter-WllD WllD High celling. library, tight taln on 3 view dec:tt1 or In ml-U kttcllen & family room. 5 bultt In sP' 375 cam-• •nK Bdrm. 3 Ba. 3 car gs-den. Laguna. Reduced to rage. 30' pool. Lsrge1~~~~~~~~~j~~=:;~~=;;;;=~~ $895,000. 851-8938 deck. fir• pit, l1ndsc .. 1: Tutr11erocic 29, 2ba. oon-ped. Near So. Cont Pll ,---Plaza. $285,000 Owner • --•••-do. S.159.900. 20"~ dn, will assist financing. Best W1flalde locate, 3 owe 2nd PP 675-3450 7141645-6095 ro.:l\Bfopt:!s~!.~C: Turtterock, 3 Br 2 Ba. la- By Own8' College Park • loans 1123 000 mlly rm, dining rm. ex- Br. 3 ea. A•11Jme v .A. PROPERTY HOUSE cell. assumable loan. OWC 2nd. S140.000. 84'2-3850 648-1889 $184.900. By Owner. Prlnclpala only. 556-1098 --------544-9179 eves/wknds. 1Y IWIEI !'.'.~~l~~! ...... !.~~ --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jL"- seautttu1 4 bdfm w/pool H "Wll and tam rm. N-pelnt 1 BA Dena Point Sea- and copper pig. Plank vleWI Poot. spa! T.O. SO Hdwd floors. L.R. ind yr loll'll $105,900, Sl,350 entry. I 159.95 o. mo. 681-6866 751-0250 Agt/Ownr FIUI 3 8d 2 ea. poo1, RV ac- ceea & A/C. Located In Mesa del Mar. Probate sale, make an ofter. 631-7370 TR\DITIO\,\L J.?L \IT\ •• llWNIT. Charming 4 Br. & large famlly room. Brick llr .. i . \ Y 1 .r > 11 < '< > ....... knOOb ott... wtlM you UM teMlft-aetttno Detty Piiot Clnelfled Ad• to ,.... the °'*'lfll ~ ~ ,... .... • • I e.. , -~ I •~-1 .. .... ,. ....... Wiik to beectl. hfO 2 9r 1 ee wwea. 1mm ... ...,. condition. fltffuced to HH.000 wll.U,000 =~-'-: ~ ........... Alt/J(, -.... 4'4-071, WEEIEllEI Onty 3 blocltl to Blueblr C91l)'On beach A quaint 18' home with a lar greenhouu. Fenced yard. quiet 1trMI. liold tor lnvHtmeni or just good IMng. $172,000. .... 10t1 j PETF BARRETT REALTY 3 Br 21h baths, split level "E'' plan on the clilf and on your own land. This spacious home has a gorgeous bay view from almost every room. 20% down and owner will carry financing to fit your budget. Call today. IAYfHITW/ .. Super financing, low down wll Duy Ulla well loc:ated 3 Bdrm home. Vacant-qu1lllled buyer can n•ll'le terms. •550, ooo•. ...... ,, .. CAMEO SHORES Cuatom 4 Br. 3 Ba. pool, jacuzzi, kol pond, 3 frp1c·1, $475,000. 875-5930. .............. ........... l&U. TUil 38R. 28A. Spa. 1239.500 IM, c>wnet will carry with 5% down, by owner. 979-3923 VERSAILLES 1 bf upgra- 1441 Galaxy OrlYe 4 Br. Den. Formal Olnlng Room, 2 Flraplacet. 3 car garage plua luge Hobby Room. Poot sized lot, beaut. landscaped. Owner wlll ualat at fi- nancing. Or1'Y 1420.000 Open Set/Sun. 1-5 Robinson: Realtor MllHl PENINSULA DUPLEX 206 44th SI. Xlnt linen. SALE BY OWNER Pti 673-6454 for details • lllY• llVD.ell FAIRWAY/LAKE VIEWS! FabuloU$ location, large 2 St. 2 Ba. + Den. 10' celllnga, apa, so. expo- aure, hlghly upgrade~ lmmacura1a. $575,000. A-.ne YWy i.ge loan, low down. Guarded community, 1hown by :r:,::1eo-ae11 IWllllESPll&Tt Selling st loss In Harbor View Homes. Hlghty up- graded Carmel. Asking $250,000. Assume 200K 12%. Own/agt 711().9596 u ........... 141·1280. J PETE ded condo. Sec., pool, 48'. 2Ba, 1 bllc 10 the beh, clubhH, 174K lit, H · be1utlful Inside & out. king l122K. 20% dwn. $159.500. 831-7853 or J BARRETI .,. REALTY owe. 780-9388 eves. 544-6018 --------lllllllYIEW-ES By Owner. ~ult 1elll Reduced. $198,000 L-H. Monaco 3 Br. low down. Open sun 1-5. ~289. WllTD Tt llY NEWPORT HOME. Fee Land. Have ••o.ooo cull. Send offers to: PO Boll 1974 Newport Beach CA 92683 ....,Yin .... By ownef. 7 bdrm. 4 ba. MaJor conlt completed $450,000. Fee 1780 Port Manlel9h Cir Call tor appt 644-4337 '",...vow .......... '°' ... p .. tH Wlttl a a -~ • I I 24 -Orange County RMI Estate/An Advertltlng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 3 Br. 2~ BL rwnod9led In Bay~ l32tK LH. S119K , .. converslon. Aenewel 1te1. 24111 Cir-a. Dr. 645-1211. v-Condo --, .. duced to '78.500. Com- tort8ble mW bdnn unit. b1ch1lor unit, g1ted commty. Agent 759--0120 • ....... 11-1 ...... 11·1 122 .... Belboe ltle 2 bdn'nl2 be ptua Otc 1pacea. Wf11t will you pey? lllMd .. $380,000. Agt 714-873-5838 or 213478-1437 0 0 Or~ County AMI Eetate/An Adt/eftlllng Supplement to the DAILY PIL-OT/Saturday, June 19, 1982 -25 . .............. ...... ~ !!ft!.~ •• ~~ .. ~ ,,-.. .,,..,, .,....,, •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~::!!' ... ~= ~-" .... ...................... •-;:r-nf4 •.• ~ ....... ... ~ ....... ,.,,,.... !~~J~./Mf ,,.. .. ~.fm! .. 1..., ~'!P.!!.~:.!Mf •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• c...... "" &WM... "" HOME FOR RENT MITIU w .. tcuir 3 BR 1f. &>a. CHARM! I br. 3 &>a HVH. ...................... ~ "-',,., - 3 Bdrm. $825. fenced $800 mo. Aleo Irv. Terr .. F'9ndl ch. & bays.~· •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... ....................... 2. 3 and 4 bdnna. from ..... FllUT luxwy 3 Br. 3~ Ba .• of· 1 BR APT. D/W, Naw l"tNE BLUFF APTS. yard & gar1199. Kids & 4 BR 2'A Ba. 11500 mo. light•. Jacuzzi. t 1.7 . 2 Br. 2 8a. 1 ctllfd Ok, no pet• welcOme.. 545-2000. M25to11300 Both fre1h & Gllan. no IM0-2523. 833-2375. I flee, family room, IA pelnt l q>tl and df .... ...._ a.. ~ Eltate LMngl bloct B11J Corona e.act1. Carport. $400/mo . pets. Pedo, *-· frptc, Agent, no fee. ~~ pata. A.t-now. M&-2389 LEASElOPTION Baautttul pelt!-llke eur Sf200lmo. t?S-5857. 851-.2175 =· gar., r flow 931-810 . HOME FOR RENT lluffl ... condo. 4 Ir Bluffs ~ end unit ~d~ T;::a:;: 2 If\, 1 tie. L1J lltudto ._,., 2 Bf. poot~. em 3 Bdrm. 1750. Fenced 2\tba. frptc, 1111' Wlelec Ptlme yrnbft. pool. V• mo. No • 1396 "8" 2 bdrm, 2 ba unfUrn. MOO ywd & p111J8. Kldl & opnr. New cpta & s*nt. CMI. $ 200Ot1199,500. aparkllng tountelnt • naw cpl. drp1. paint. W. Biker. 941-0793. mo. Call attar 3 P.M. pell Mlcome. 54S-2000. S1.060/mo. 944-5512 144-04H Spadoua roome s.p.,: mo.Imo. t.,,ancy. SSOO 75f·150e Agent, no,_, SPACIOUS 3 br, 2 ba ral• dlnfncl .,.., w•..,, mo. •· 5s1-e110 . 2 BR 1 Be. cpt1, ctr,e. """ A#&A J Llg 4 Bel 3 k comm. I:. 8kM 2Br. to patio. !JI', ·~ -·~ .._. condo, 'rpto, btt·l111, 2 cool, patio , BBQ. doaett, "°"'-•• ldtcfl.. Bechelof, quiet, "'baedl. bl1n11 no pe11. 1425. -....... _ lfl l ~. W .. to V r I 't $ 3 2 S . Eve I 2272 ....,..131-n21 new Pllnt. no pe1a. 120 ..... ........... !~ff Cir ~· pootl, ,,..,, .. 11H/mo, Alt Fred. HunOnglon Center. t 1 5 • I 1 4 3 , d 't I E. 20111 St. S485 mo . --oor-aicant. INO/mo. 131·12M, 131· 711 , Bdrm-tum, $506 1--438-0648 2fkw/~ M&-0100, 646-8219 . , am " "' PUii \523C.-.sla:-. . 142·1155 Big Canyon, ROOI. apa, 2 Bdrm-tum lrom - 2273~. . Neer Sll«ecllff 2 8'. large 2 Br. 1 ... 5435. Carpatt, Gata you •tarted In reel ..... llAll 11111 tennla 1895/mo. Agt. 2 Bdrm TowMQule tum ' ext. d«b. 2 ar port. drepe1, ,.,~ patio. .. late ownetlfl4p. Fred . 831-12ee • from M75 trplc, ratr198, pool. Oc· "'--· L.aundty. 57 2 2 Br. TownhouM with •IURRll (H•B) 131-2711 cupanoy June 3rd. '430rn9. 2 Br. 1 8a. poot, 2 Br. 2 Ba. frptc, balcony, pool, H.B. $575/mo, Large 3 bdrm. 214 bath BY, tile montl\ ~BUT No.,.. .. . laundry rm., eaat1lde . .2 Br~ Oen w/hot tub, $795/mo. 875-2444, pool, l•cunl. No pet1. 2 Br. Notti! Coll• Mala. townllou1a. living, di· only $900/mo tor 2 8r 2 tlfl & poot1, lt8J19 to Ulllltlea Freel 873-4442. ca. '°' appt. S580tmo. 54W115. '475/mo. nlng, family rm. l800 mo. Ba, walk to baecfl, Avall. bHCh. $850/mo. Agt. TSL Mgmt. 642·1003 1 Br. Duplex, Eu11lda lit & ..... $300 aeciurlty from June 20. 142-3850 LA QUINTA HERMOSA 'Nloa 2 Br, 1 ba, IO of 1 Br. garar•· yard. No LIJe badl apt, Qood locale, C.M. M50. depoelt. Wi contltdef lee· 18211 Perlttldl Ln, 1 b1k PCH.W S, pvt patio, er1gla pr.rd. Let'• get yow lnveatment .. option. 40 AlderWood. 28r. boet d<* $500/wk ENJOY VIEW from both w. of ...... 3 blke8 .. of Remax 175-1331 peta. $42 /mo. 387 8 *315. 859 W. 19th St. alerted. 857.013"6. ltorlae: 4 tlr avaM tlorne. Edinger. 3 Bf. 2 ea. 2 cer e-. . Hamllton, 141-0783 CM Agent 912-1700 WOODBRlDOE. 2 bdrm, 1Br, boet dell $400~ Hr rec tldl. l13tlf/mo. .., .... ,. Avell 7-1. IMO/mo. O. E.*9 2 Br. 1~ 8a. OIW, 1: Br1te, Alty ' Brand ....... " 751-0e1t encl. gerage, no pet1. OC-RENTALS den 2 ba. detacllad elr ~.!!f. ... !~if Pteh 759-1211. . 2 Br. 2 Ba. frptc, 1·5br'I l200 10 $2000 ........ l,EASE IN GA TEO 146-1956 • oond hOfM, Flreplec., .... a....... 1114 micro, 2 car oer•e• • 750-3314 open 7-deys cowr.s '*"· no ~ 11M111 ..... of .... and moun-Furn.~ hactl lu· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 8EDAOOM E. Side, ldllt pool, apa. $150. 9301 Vel•rdo. 38r 2be, M!IO. 561-2340 teln. Pool end t•nnla IWIY ,epa,....._ •Clean Stw. fW 8C ..... toe. 1375 mo. 71CM>11t, 517-2390, ~115 ·-court. 3 8R. I 1900 mo. · d/w, dllp, nu l)lllM.. 2 car ~~ ... !~ ~.cutar OCMn/&>ey TV, eauna. meld .W. • 8A. Gar. pool, ape..1780. ~ lar. lg• yd , RV acc. vu. 4br, 2'Mla, OR. tam. ean.n Atty, 642.-llOO l)llonH. S 115/week. Chlkf'-otc. 752·5822 or 2 8" 1:ct.n ~--... ... 725/mo 1at/laat + die> •• Charming bHcll front rm. etegant. 11975 mo. Lido ltle 4 Br. 4 81. ..... 2221. 141-14IO. pelnt. p«a. mo. 1 & 2 bdrm condoml-$100 daenlng. tN-8791 l'toma, apectaculer vtw, P-A. comm. 7M-0982 0t ~om 11500/mo. !9!!'!.ff!f. •• 11.!! , .. , ..... 5 .. "60 nlum1 MCfl ,.,.,,. auto· cal oolec:t .01 ... OM 1 aft 5:30 pm. bf1c* court ysd entry. 4 111-2906 rnatic 2 a. gartge, ... N.wly dKot. OH pd, ~ .. 2 BR. 114 ba. Br. 3'h Ila. large IMng rm 5 Br. 3 Ba. tam rm, din rm, 13 Br. hom., trplc, nice place, lkyUgllt,,_ patio, l ~rm. bMCtl room, 3 car. vw, meny ll1r ... TIE encl fW, ..._,, poot, po. gar, no pell. tote°' ....... For ..... 11850/mo. Aft 5PM. .... Her1>ot H~ ::1-tcM.""8, no P9ft. S416/lft0. 142-5722 d l ehwa1her, llC. =•dea ln•I a, prvt ..~. ontf. ca. ~ P8ttlllon .44 ... oNE W£E( F1'EE REHT .,, .... ___ ,. hot tub. Nr echoola. 0n tannla en. poot. Jee & tor .... 71 Jt65.2413 3 Ir. 3 Ba. 2 story, poot/ .142~. ''•I 2 br, 2 ba oondO. 8C 1872 Mor.nMa wtdy9M. •e•••· Plua. New crpt, drpa, ~· ate. $500 mo. t9nnla. 11050. eo.ta .... 2i2t H.B. PAIME HOME rw &n.eld PROPERTY HOUSE ,,., .. ,..,.. Poe*, ~. In- Bey. 38A, 2 ba. ~ yd. 142'3850 642-1010 • •• ~,.'!! •••• !!?! UFE'' ..._ .. dry . On buallne. WAU< TO BEACH a.-ttfutey IMO= Nonamkra. 1545+. Walk to bch. 11500. ..25-143$/mo.'2 Bt. 1 BL 421 Litle. 1 room cot· 494-4e74 811"9 lg 3 br, tam rm, SPECTACULAR VIEW ~ ... Poot~ 142-2142 taga for =.. llngle, tiny ~VIEW pool, o.reenbett. S1050 3 br, 2 -~-·.Ml ..... _ ..... ed perking. No QUIET 1 br, encl. ~ar. apt., bHmed c•ll':J, ~111d. No '335/mo. mo. AQt. 144..o134. 1. M7S. 1· 11 • lootel ActMtlea .,.... \ ~rm •• pool. A • a• paid. M0-3Ni ~ 2 er & ltudy. 2 Olreotor•Free Bechltor $400 adult•. no pelt, fr ga, -Mt '°' appt. bafh, 2 frptca, eplret 4 8' 3 Ba. baeut. decor. ~~ ••• P.!tf ~ 18t. .... alee renge. $350. TSl ~t &42· 1903 ·-."1:: lrg deck, fab. vu, QUW· 642-5964 at""*9. $1500/per mo. ded gate. H.H . 2 8t cot..::r· knotty pine, ... 2 Bt. 11~ Ba. 1626 S500Jmo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. up-1141 Charter AMlty 49&-e122 ,.,.._.Ptue 181 E. 18th 6U-ot5e 2 Br, 1 ba w/trplc, pvt $2700/mo. frplc:, to baedl l per unit, ended ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ()( 493-Mlt mudl mare.. r:llo· carpott, "' Colta patio, ell bit-In•. Dix 2 br, 2 ba condo. !Jal'., -perk. '750. 499-1997. QIUAT Na park. •450/mo. PrHtlgloua High Or. 3 Br 3Ba, vu, poot, ten--._..,.. rm. ::0 p~ac, tennl1, 00Nn VU, W1llk 10 baacll, nit, guarded gala .,,.,.,.,,. ,, .. lllClllATIOll: 1425/mo. 2 Ir, 1 Be . Avall July 1, call TSL Mgmt. 642-1903 . 71 3-4154 SPECTACULAR remo-$1700/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Tennt1•Free IM0.()708 '"'-Jiff daled home. 3 fk 2~ Be, 4:.::'· frptc, ... bar, ~.~:.~ apta. patlo1, oarr:.rt•. w.e.lde, latge. ~· 2br urnm & pet ..ioome. Sm pet otl. Won't et M2Smo. 2 Bt. 11,\ Ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• backyard. ':Jilo, HC. 2 Br 3 Ba. den, beyfront, ttll9 prtcel 1ba upper, 42 Imo, Exec. tiome 4 Br. 3 Ba. IUnn, loedt FT. door'I ans mo. 495-225' ett ~ TownllouM, tard, c11-po11. boat dock. MC. 1PM. TSl ~t 642-1803 ht/IHI, claanlng. No fem. rm., lonnal din. rm., & ak~ltn. $1500/mo. bldg. 11800/mo. Bo&> « Hydroff'rr ae-r:s'.:· adult• only. port, .. bft.ft, .,.,,.. pet 2 frplc:'•. em fount, Kol 414-8 41 or •14.esn Dovie Koop, •!JI, Re/ "'•'' ,.,, .. ~ •2 br nr 8.C. Ptl.. 8.A. 158 ok. Wont teatt Pond, covered ou1door MG. 759-1221 ~166().~ TSL Mgmt 642-1803 OCEANFRONT Moblle ,...... Ull •P•· In bHt p•rt of •IAUTIPUL 752-orl4M . e-... 3 Ir. 2 Ba. patio, T\#tlerodl. F0t rental on Home.Adlte oNf, $1000 Newport <:(.a 3 Br. 3 a.. • ••••••••••••••••••••• APAllTMl•Ta: "1*. 2 atcwy. MIO/mo. ..,,., ,,. ennuel ie-e. aooeee to 10 SUOO mo. Agt. spllt lava! CONDO. 2 Aaeort-111• --tr9Ct "' sino•••· 1 & 2 TC.:°" pvt patio MCMll97 •••••••••••••••••••••• tennl• & pool• paid. 4tt-3811. adult1, 2 kid• ok. No SC PIH. Pool, grdnr. ~ . )(to 1&2 8'. 2 bdrm, 1 be. ocean vu pea. Watw paid. teoo. Dlwl 1fk. No ·f':'::: $475 c:': tlPll. on Ellldl MESA vtROE 2 Bt. 1 BL retvr&>l•hed. Inc. Utll. G111daner a. pool cl••· VIEW OCEAN CANVOH & 1311 utll. 75·2HO. l Unturnletaed•No '480. 557-2141. gar. Included. large $418 mo. No pm. 24851 nlng pald/11300 mo. Eac 3 BA 2'h be decb 545-2000. Agent. no ... Hlgtlly up!Jl'adad & a-.. Peta•MCKMta Open ~· lower' "'*· No .,.... .8etwa. 831-7220 Ref ' 1 r • q . C e II 11400 ...... 20 delyt tol. ~ 2 Br. 1 8a. $42&. 5. Wkdl'· pt• cell 7141875-a04 --Hunt. .wt>., clx 2 br. 2 ba. ....... r 1~ Ba. $475. 769·422 ; trknde Studio w/f\111 kitchen & LUllllt ~."11! •••• l!!f Harbor View ~omea 2 2 car gar., 1ec., rec. laundry rec .• pool. 5'41-7121 '*"· .-Jng ..... l'M- 48r. 28a. cul-4e w , nice BR & den. 2 ._ W11 kept llOO. 714471-4854 ...... , 541-9651 lure edult. no pate. 3 Bdnri detacllad llomea patio . 1735 mo . home I ,..,d. S 1100 pel' Adult condo, rwor1 .... 0 J t1111 au-.1 a111•111 Adi Ml-M71 •1.-ea In ucallflt --.. A,,..._ bl• Immediately. !Ssa..1406 mo. ca. Oany,~ tint. Mar l .C. ftlua. ....... .....,. .. seeoio-E.. Side ApU. ....:r-. ........ llOO!mo on 1 )W ...... ~.!'r.!!-! •• l!!f l'n-7181Ot1 1317 Pool. ~ teeut. 1 Bt, 880 IMne Erid gar. C · d9tlMtw ..... 1141 peUo. 450. Ev•• ................. !!! Five ot,..,_ to chOOM' en.11• ...,, (at 11th) • ,_ .. ~ utl fNe. •••••••••••••••••••••• from. W.'re the onea to New 29r condO, "' coun-.,., .. (714) 8'6-1104 No pet& eel for ....... try clu&>. Poot/jac. Lux. a Br a•n aa condo, 1 BR, 1 pert0n Ma Kennebunkport? ...,., .. 1745/mo. Ride 155-2700 1'n blka to oceen. Yrty • ~~!!.~ ~~ 1 BR, 2 pel"IOn9 .. 75 '1j dy, or 759-12'8 ev .. / 87Mns, e1s.1oeo 2 BA *'*'I at M 10 Isn't that the horse that won lealft wkndl. .... (~at 19th) 1323 Elden Ave. CM The Trlple Crown In '72? 3 Br. 2 Ba. huge bactc 8MutlfullV uporadad 3 br, ,..._ nn (714) 842-5118 142·1805 551 .... 1~ ba oondO. Frpc. pa. ...................... yerd, oc.•11 vlftr 2nd. tlo, elec. 1111'· opnr, ~· YHrly t 9'. lurn. l•Y *2 Br. 1 k ~NU· ~ro~ _ .. ",_' ftwY lni.. "°"'. 1950 yl1y Ot "'°"" park. jee, eeune. 745 view, tno utll• &7'flf. blahed. l4Hlmo. No TurUlrock 3 br, tllly. Avalt. now. mo. urioa: 172-710 l&28/11to. 171-M or YMrty • · 1 9" tbe, dKk, pets. 133-tt74. tr you're not an who (or whet) 2 ba. crpls. clrJl9, bftlnl, 780-1977. ~ 3 BA. 3M, dan. 175-MCM Mk for ConnMi z::r.· w/d, .oroM ·hm 1416/mo. 2 Ir. 2 Ba. Kennebunkpor1 .... dOn'l .... bed -you're ~.MIO mo.Ewa& !!~l/!l .. Mt •••. M!l t.11... "" . 173-4t32 .\pta. 8eamed celtlng, not llkJne. ~It OM of 14 ln-5la0. ett.Somelurn. lM. dlltlnc:tMlty dlh'ent ~t llOotpCeM ., 873-3100 •••••••••••• •••••••••• Spedoll9 _. Ape ':: ffl*:, ~ lilundry rm. BRW~condo. a Bdrm, 114 e. oondo. 1&11 • -tnpleoe, W9t IMlr & A-. June. 8MIWlnd Vllllge In ~ Beech. A/C, w/w cer.,..., rno-Tr 8cll oondO, s Bel 2 a.. "Ll. UTILITIES PAIO CfOW9Ye. l400 mo. Ind. 1'8L ....... 142. ta a..tnd v-. le • of tot.lilly Awt. 14"11. &::.'mo. dern eppllenoea, gar. 00/mo. taMHI. Ao-~ prota11IOMI plMNng. The kind ........... -1IOCI Pllllo~&NC bart ....-en. agt uttl. "* fvr a.Ima, ... •a.an 2 Br. MecMtlur of •t•1t1on t:.e 6-W, A perfllc:t bleftd of .. """'· Compar• befor• you (1t41417-1744 Vig., 8.A. TeMla. pool, ... 1n MIMlorl HARBOR VIEW HMS. newr..., -....... In • fOf'8lt ~ Ir, 214.Ba, COfl'lmunlty Viejo. 1125 FIL l.1u1 Beeut. Moneoo, dOM to rent. Cttfl pMfl IMdlaoe-F\.991 8adt apt. utl inor~ ;.L•· 1100. Adults. ~ IWookl n.qutet~ cooled ~ =· (4 Cerrol Ave.I f100 oleen. tl2· 713 :::i:;tnt· I 1025/mo. pinlJ. No PIM. UH. Next to Hoat -Mn°' MM4IO mo. MM342 age . ~w~ 142 ~ ~~· ._.,..., rentel ... 1 •. 1 ... Ape. '*"' ~ ..,_, to ... ""'* ... o orl7W174 ....... ........... pool,. ........... •. Colap Parti Home ~'°"MNT • • .... 562--1744 ....... ..,...,~ ... ,...,.....,...11.-.w l br, 2 be oandO, bt¥ I neer '°°'· Mttoola I S 9drftl. l710. Fenced ocean "'· prof. dee. -=-IM .. Pi P ~ ~1111·~ ,_, •. •:•taw••"' • ,....C:..S--~ c•rll. Awai!. 1·20. ,,_., I. _.,.... ICkll I Pool. ch•bll ... •eo • -*',,__... --171/mo. ~vea ............. MlllOO. l1100 mo. 71Mt44S, ..... -·--~· M ... TIL...... ...__ l<tfUl~ OM .... two bedrOOl'F\ OM '40-1531. Deye/WknM AetM. ,,. ... 511-1193 Q let J I I 1 • ••-·--••••••-1 • ~ • ""'= -two bllllt -· ..... ,I.GO ,ii {' •1-1211. fl!l.'rM!.ffll! ... '!!f u unor ra.... ...._of ...... ~-,.vliai . ·• ..,... View ..... s •. 1 ,,CMn U11. Peot, rec. !!fJ!rlJ\ ,;;!Ill ~'•'PD. •Miii. W.. · •• den, k~OOOlnw, ............. "". ""·· ..,,..i enot9cl... . •le. •Id, retr~ frptc. L-. . i::i, 1~ ... ;..,.....r.· ............. U.~~ e-t11lllM. 111. dett, Pfft, epe, qu .. t ...._.. ... IOG. l18IO. ...._..._CCMaSbr, . Y'tJ .................. ~-~:-ur*'-* 4 •R I ••. """ 1llMllA a ba ..... " .. ·pvt ...,.., rw. ....... ....... deeal ..... .J:r "'°· . . ....................... '*"°"a Mc*. uaoo . l90· UUtl.,r.9· ~---_.._.. .. . .... I.., t ... _. -,. ,....... .... ....... fl~ ,.,.., ,., ..... ,.,.. ""· "-..... ...,_ .. u.ra.••• ' .... a . aa; .._:., ..... ·iii ::r~to, r:r a dlM rm, m• ten•. ..-C>eel&. •. 1 .... ..... ~ ....... Tfli ..... nr --~ _.. ···---.e..-;:1-· ~~ .... .,; St7f. 11-toOI; :,:~:: c =:r" ,_.. ~ 0... I 1r.~j';t'i ~..,Ur ::\lt=:l-~· 1424113 ·,•~ ,., ~10,7ro1. ::,li\-19 • .-.I ·===~,. "" -.~ ' :.: .. -,. Jlt -p ' ::.:?51' --' Pll/IRo. .,, ~ ~-= acl:£;:~· ..... ., ", .., I~ • --;· ""'i!••__ :~~~~1 ... ............ -y [" Ml9t'I .. =.1fM, ·, --=m=~, =:': ttiii. ., ..... _ ........ ...... ~ 0 ~ T --. .. -) --.. ., r -26 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 19, f982 N.ar bMc:l1 i ~. 2 full Ba. unique 4Pt.. "'ioe deck, prlvacy, ••parat• en- trance. No pe\t. 1850. 833-3307. • 2er. 1'ii8' S376 mo. + S375 dep. Cpte, ctrpe, nr Beach Blvd. I McFad- den. No peta. 893-4894 2 Br 2 Ba + Den Town-houae, tennlt & ~ tw beach. 2202 Hna Cfr. 960-3745 2 Br. 2 Ba. S525fmo .. 1st. & lat plUe dep09lt $200. 214 Pont.net, ~ cars*blkes• *skateboards* trucks*baby carriages*tea carts*trikes rol lerskates • walker!> ~oys •wagons•••• scooters*hot rods* coupes• trailers*hard top~*convert­ ibles*motor homes*lawn mowers* limos •corporate headqyarters *garden carts Model A's'**0 *typingtables wheelbarrows* recreational vehic~es*gotf carts*modet trains*blkes *pianos•cars refrigerators *skates****** If it's got wheels, you'll move itfaster in a Daily Piiot classified ad.call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- vlser wHI help you turn your wheels into cash. What ii means fur yuur ad. to be "classifwd" .. Real estate is not just ''three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18 ,000 sq. ft, zaned industrial, near railroad siding." 'It's welcoming a new family to town ·and helping them feel at Jiome as well . as find a home. It's helping someone who wants to start a business find the ·best location in terms of ixfr'pose, place and.price. It's working with other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent ·vandalisf!l, revitalizing a run~own neigh- borhood or doing whatever else we must. It's helpi.ng protect the rights of home- owners by becoming politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. . We're the N~TIONAL ASSOCIATION 'Ofr REALTORS® -an organization ·with more than · 706,000 members nationwide. We're real ~state profes· sionals, but our real business is people. ... ~- I it ' t' J, I I ... , Ullll B• -1-1 -LOWMt pftce In H.t>or View Hiiia. 3 Bdrm & den, hOge lot, model perfect .. Large uaumabte loan. owe.· 928.GoldenrOd, COrona del Mar. Call 673-8550.· LIWllT ,_ LM -Now only .$299,500 for thl• charming 3 Bdrm home located near clubttouse and tennis courtel Financing avellable-can't lutl Call for det81Ja, &46-7171. flltll'lll --~ -3 new:condomfnlume all In a row, euper huge rooms throughout and very tastefully decorated, plush plle carpeting, beautiful tlle, 1kyllght1, top of the line appllancee. Great tnveetment or very comfortable home. Won't lut, cal 546-2313. WftVlm .... _ -4 Bdrm 1~ bath. Price llahed to S119,90CJ by out of area owner who want• thl• home eold yeeterdayl Excellent etarter or lnveetment wl1h ~ ftnancfng. Hurry, 8'47-6010. 4-fUI ltl1--No negative c. 1 ftow: euper ......,able loanl • 189,0001 Units need TLCI Fix Ind ...r One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm unttel Hurry, call 983-8787. _., 1.11111 -4 Bdrm 1% bath, ~ kitchen. Large llvlng room. Brick flrepface, covered patro, manicured ground•. Aeklng 1129,500. c.11 now, 883-7881. -11111--LOOMed ... to eahooll Ind =::\ thll 4 8dnn 2 ~ home ""' pool , .... • ,.. ....... 'Riii ..... prtoecl • '*" ...., wmet well prto9d at 1131,000. all ~ 141-7171. LlllH Llllll -In Corona del, Mar. Thia beautlfu• home glvee you the feeling of elegance the moment you enter. Spaciouaneu, lovely drapee and carpete, space age kitchen, huge muter, big big llvlng room, ·very private yard, etc., etc. fhe owner le highly motJvated. The home of your dreams at well below market. Call ~2313. IDT • 1111 _. -Golf course viewl by day and ocean breezee at night. What more could you want -except perhape an affordable price tool Thie sharp Meadowtack home hu It all and terms you can't say no to. 8'47-6010. ... .-,_•HNI -Country Ctub Estate -4 Bdrm, Stepe to Co. Club! lmpreaeive eunken f""61y room, garden kitchen, bulltln library & 2 "'9plecel. Cuetom patio eurrounded by McCalta. Prtze wlnnltig landacaplngl Aalome low Interest I A ateal @ $287 ,0001 Call 983-6767. .... Tl ml ..... -Only $105,500. RV access. Large country kitchen. 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths. Extra lwge covered patio. Don't wait, caU now, 983-7881. •HD Tl ml -Super 3 Bdrm 2 bath spilt level Laguna Beech honiel Enjoy the beauttful ooeen and ctty fight• views plus financing that makee thts one affordable! Priced right at $229,000. Call now, 646-7171. ,.. ••--Wu $280,000 now $239,000. The owner 19 '9aYlng the area and mu.t setl. We ._. thll II the beat buy In Mee& Verde. Lovely hkSden 1wo ltOry. Big rooma, lovely poof and IP9. lovely vt.w of PfOPOMd regional park. The hOme i. 9" abeolute mint condition. Call for d«alta. 5"-2313. 1111•1 111,HI WI Lill -No quallfylng nec111ary. Low monthly paymente. A great famly home only 4 ye9rS old, In pride of ownerehlp nelghbOrhood. Calf a.7-6010. llTT• If lll 1111 -Ju.t a few short block• to the area's best beach. A very cozy home wtth Iota of room for outdoor entertaining. See today. 8'47-6010. IWia W1.L .UllY lit'-3 Bdrm hornet Prime Coeta Mesa location. Garden paradlee ... fruit trees gak>rel Low lntereat, long term financing available with flexible down payment. Call ·963-6767. lWI,. • Y11.w--Live In one a-n-a renl the other! Newer front unit plus recently refurbished home. Motivated seller says submit all offers! Terms offered. Only $184,950 -call todayt 646-7171. LL l111,R1, 17M ... n, -Immaculate 3 Bdrm home, huge family room, & wine cellar! Try $8,000 down. $1008 mo. Call for detallal 963-8767. ll'lllT• .,..... -Owner left only $15,850, no quaHfytng. Formal llV1ng, country kitchen. Large 3 Bdrm, 26' patio. Only $129,500. Call for details, 963-7881. I •11• .... Located In good aree of Coata Mee&, need• eome paint and work. Great for the handyman or wonwi. Big backyard wtth fruit treee and etlll room for a poof. CIOM to IChoola and lhopplng. Fix It up and perfect for .retirement. Won't laat. Call now 546-2313. · \