HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-23 - Orange Coast Pilot\ YOUR HDMETlll IAllY PAPER W: DNl-~•DAV JUNl: /J 19U:l OH ANGE COUN l Y . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Jf inckley Verdict questioned BY STEVE TRIPOLI 0(01e DellJ Hot ltaff The acquittal of John Hinckley in the assassination attempt on President Reagan points up the necessity of eliminating the insanity defense in criminal proceed ings. an Orange Coast legal expert said Tuesday. Lag una ex -judge decries insanity defe~se ·n·h11ophr1•n1l., .. hl' said "By ~u~h . llh•1t• art• 1nalllon s o( >;('h1z<1phr('ntl' H M.'hiwphrema 1-; go1n~ to bt· a dl•Ct•nsl• for murdt-r, it's JUSI opt•nang tht' door for wholl·~lv sl<1ugh1Rr" Detty ~ ll•n "1\oto CH ANGE NEEDED - Fonner judge Marshall Hou~ says the acquittal of John Hinckley points up the need for eliminating the insanity defense irr cr imin al proceedings. New law propos~d_ by GOP WASHINGTON (Al-') -The verdict m the tr1aJ of John W Hinc kley Jr has evo k ed congressional calls for broad c hanges in the criminal law under which President Reagan's assailant was found innocent by reason of insanity. Attorney General William French Smith and Republicans in the Senate and House proposed a new standard for judging criminal defendants who claim to be insane. Former Judge Marshall Houts o( Emerald Bay. who has been a private t'Onsultant in numerous (·rimanal cases. said the law should be changed so that Junes d ecade o nl y ir the accusC'd committed the crime The determinauon of has mental st a tu s a n d a p.p r op r 1 a le punishment should be left to a judge and psychiatric experts af,er conviction, he said. "The jury sits there confused and agog at all the J)9ychl.atric jargon being thrown around," said Houta. He said jurors in other cases have told him as much. Under such c1rcumstanoes, Jurors cannot truly decide on a defe ndant's sanity. opening the door for acquittals because they must be t-ertam a defendant was sane when the crime took place 1n order to convict ham, Houts said "I don't think it's possible for the jury to know if a person as sa ne because eve n th e pllychiatrists don't know what's going on. They had (in the Hinckley case) six guys saying he wt.t sane and lix guy. aaying he Viasn't. "Hinckley should have been found guilty of committing the crime and then, stlil within the criminal jusuce system. you bring m the proe to see what should be done with him and when he can -or if he can -be returned to society" Houts stud his system would allow psych1atnsts to apply the ir knowledge as at relates to i:nmanal cases 1n "a non- adversary atmospht•rc• "I don't mean to do away with the psychiatrists an thl'S<• cases altogether," ht· said. "There must be an end to the doctrine that a llows so many persons to commit crimes of violence. to u se confusing procedur es to th eir ow n advantage. and then to have the door open to them to return to th e society which they victimized," Smith said. It 1s possible that a crime i>ackage contammg changes lll the msamty test might go through the Senate later this summer. but congressional sources sa id Democrats wiU resist final House action this year ESCAPE INJURY -Louis and Tish Tabone of Costa Mesa escaped injury Tuesday when a station wagon driven by Russell James Currie, 32, of Costa Mesa crashed through their living room at 2140 Wallace Ave. at 10:30 p.m. Susan Dl9r .......... .., ~ 1(...., Tabone. 17. had been sitting on the couch five minutes earlier. Currie was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving and taken to UC Irvine Medical Center. According to the Senate Judiciary Committee. only 1 percent of those accused of serious crimes raise insanity as a defense. There are only about 100 s uccessful insanity pleas throughout the federal and state court systems each year. Israelis halt guerrilla advance Warpla nes., a rtille r y thwart Leba no n offe ns ive Despite the Hinckley case, almost all violent crime occurs under the jurisdiction of state courts. so a new federal statute would not have broad impact on insanity pleas nationwide. BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - Israeli warplanes and artillery attacked Synan and Palesunian guerrilla forc:es trymg lo advanCt" into lsrael1-held areas in th<' mountams east of Beirut today Heavy fighting also erupted near Beirut airport. lsrael said ats forces killed two Syrian soldiers and wounded several m the mountam battlt-s It also said two Israeli soldiers were wounded when their vehicle struck a mane n ear R<lc:ha1ya, 1n southeastern Lebanon. Thl' Tel Aviv l'ommand said thl' Syrians triC.'Cl lo push into lsr(IC'h ·hC'ld tC'rrllory eai;t of Lake Qaaroun, 25 miles southeast of BL•1rut , a nd then. JOtned by gul'fnllas. attempted to move south o ( the Beirut-Damascus highway an central Lebanon under a covering artillery and tank barrage Israeli heavy guns and warplanes were "silencing the . sourc'(>S o( Carlo,.. thl' Tel Aviv command said T h t· Pa I l's t i n e L i be r a t 1 on Organization said lsrach fon.·cs launched an intL•ns1vP artillery barrage an thl' hills around the Syn an stronghold of Aley a~ tried to advam·e fro m their pos1t1ons around Mansourayeh . Nonetheless. legis lation pending m the Senate would revise the current federal rule under which the prosecution in a cnmmal tnal must show that the defendant knew the difference between right and wrong, and was capable o f resisting an impulse to commit a crime. It could influence the s tates to make s1m1lar changes. Heir goes home Associated Press correspondent Tom Baldwm reported from the v1cmlly of the lsraeh-surrounded pres1dent1al palace at Baabda that artillery shells exploded in Synan-held terntory every 10 or 20 seconds Baldwin reported that intensive small-arms fire could be heard from Beirut's international airport where Israeh and Palest101an forces have faced each other in almost static posiuons for more than a week. Under a proposal supported by Strom Thurmond . R -S .C .. chairman of the Sf>nat.e Jud1c1ary Committee, and Ornn Hatch, R- U ta h . the right and wrong standard would be dropped and replaced with a much simpler test in which the burden of proof would be placed on the defendant. Ch arles, Dian a g reet crowds A man who strangles has wife, but is insane enough to believe that he was squeezing lemons. could be declared insane WORLD LONDON (AP) -Cradled m has father's arms, the heir presumptive to the British throne slept through his first public appearance when Prince Charles and Princess Diana took tf1e1r baby home. JUSt 21 hours after his birth. Wrapped in a white s hawl with his blue eyes firmly shut. the little prince was unaw;irc of R eagan warning scuttled Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger spiked a report predicting Israel's invasion of Lebanon, and President Reagan never saw it. Pa~e A6. COUNTY Diedrich begins prison term Ralph Diedrich has fallen from the pinnacle of Orange C.ounty politics to an exiltence behind bars. Page Bl. Hot ideas from the capital Anne Badham, wife of Rep. Robert Bedham, R-Newpprt ~ach, destined a Congre.lonal Club cookbook wtlh recipes ftam famous names. p_. Dl. the adoring crowds, waving Union Jacks. television cameras. photographers and a portable gramophone playing "Land of Hope and Glory" Tuesday night outside St Mary's Hospital at Paddington in west London. Diana, wearing a green polka- dot maternity dress. smiled and waved. When the crowd broke (See ROYAL, Page A2l NATION The Israelis agr eed to a renewed cease-fire Tuesday evening. conditional on Syria holding its fare. The truce. mediated by U.S . pres1dent1al envoy Phliip C Habib, w as requested by Le~non's National Salvation Council New savings firms thri ving As a whole, the savings and loan indu.try bu seen better times, but some new S&La, not burdened with old, low-interest mortgages, are pi.lina up profits. Page C4. R eagan to sign CIA b'ill WASHINGTON (.AP) -Prelident Rnpn II taking his first trip to CIA headquarten today to lip into law a controvenial bill mAld.nc It a aime to disclose names of American spies, even lf t he information ii contained ln public records. STATE Tourism reviving in SF San Francl.lco, • must for any eerioua towilt, haa .een lta buainem drop beQ\we oi the l"f!ClNlion, but betttt times are tore.een, Paae A4. • ,. B u t H o u t s u cl J t• d t h a t ('Onv1cuon for major l'rlffil'S. l'Vl'll 1f tht> defendant as JUdgt•d msam'. should t•arry m1nimum ~·nlt'nt't'l\ That lime' c:an. bt· dl:'Vott·d tu µsych1atrat· trl'atmtnl for thl· dt>fendant 1f nt'l'l'Ssary, hL· said "The emphasis has got to bt- balanced out betwN'n thl' r1ght.t. of SO<.'lt>ly and the right:. of thl· ddt•ndant," Houts said Houts also said Tul•sdav that Hmcklt'y's acquittal "as oi>cning the door lo wholesale slaughtrr "The psych1atr1C' testimony tound m this Hancklev ta~· 1s so absurd bet·aust-lht• t·v1deni:e to a gn·at extent showl'd hL' was Huu1. ... Mttd that m many pl<i<'t'S l l1m kh·v would havl• bl-en frt.-c 111 w<1lk out •1f thl' t'Ourtroom 1r Jc-qu1111.'<.I Only a e.tm·tcr ~t o( IJ"' s m Wa1>hmgton. ·DC . kept II inc kh·v u inf11wJ a(tcr the vt•rd1t l lw "JI(! "Wh<·11 vou g1·1 right down to 11. · I lout-. '-ltd. 'lh1· more b1zar"' 1h1· hl'hJ\'1or. tht• -.tronger dt>il'n~t r or 111'-lnll V \'OU have Hut th,11 1:-. t·,,1t tlv lht· typt• of p1•r-.1111 ,vou don'I want turmod 11111-.1• on -.01·1t•tv Th.11 1.., thl' I 11 g 1 c .1 I ,, 11 1 i p r a l" t 1 t· a I lfltOn'-l'>ll'll• v huil1 11110 1h1• whol1· lh111g .. 2 people/ die • Ill train fire; 42 in hospital (;JBSON. Calif cAP) f' I a mt• s er u pt c• d aboard an Amtrak passenger tram today. killing two peoplto· in a slec-pmg car and hosp1tal1Z1ng ~2 oth{·r., with smoke 1nhalat1on , authontaes said. The train, the Coast Starlight, was enroute from Seattle lo San Diego with 258 passt•ngt•rs aboard when the fire broke out at 2: 12 a .m . PDT. Amtrak offi cials said The train was halted near this small town a long the Sacramento River about 20 miles north of Redding and 200 miles north of San FranCL!if<>. "W e don't have any 1dent1lles yet. pending notificauon of m.'Xt of km," said Jam Delaney. an Amtrak spokesman 1n Washington Delaney said the tram. mmus two damaged sleeping cars and a dmer and lounge car. <.'Ontmued on its route at about 6 a .m. The four cars were disconnected from the tram and were to b<o towC.'Cl mto Redding latc•r. Mrs. Elizabeth Tadd1ck and her husband, Henry. from El Centro. were awakened when the a1r-cond1t1oning syst<.•m pumped smoke into thP1r l'Ompartmen l. "We both w okP up, naturally. and wonderC'd whcit m lhl' world happened," she said "We openc'Cl our door cautiously and went out llllll lht· hcill\A.,I\ Tht· l'IJUplt· n1 ·x1 door r1•alil<•d Wl' w<•r£• an trouhll• .11 dtx1u1 thl• '><lmt 11mt> "Anllra.1< 1·ntpl11\• I"' wt·rC' h1·lp1ng pt·opl1· 11Ul but my hu.,h<1nd d1dn I fl'l'I thal 1·v1·r,von1• IH·rhJp!-had b<•,.n w.1rn1·d. so hl· wt·n, botk into lht• train Latt'r. he· <tnd a young man took out 0111• ~c·nlli·man wh1c·h I'm sorry w.':"1y. l und1•rsl.dnd did not '>Ul'VIV(• Fortv two ix•ople who anhdlC'd smokt· wt•rc· bu~'Ci to a nearby hospital whc•rt• <ill wc·rt· reported an "good shapt.-" Four i:x·ople wen• admitted to M e n· v M <' d 1 t' a I C l' n le r 1 n H<-<ld1ng. but ffiC!:'.>l of the others "'c·n • C'X pN 1t·d to bt• rele:is1•d LHt·r tod.i~. au:o r d1ng to -;pokt>sman Jam Huldndgt• ThC' '""" dt>od had ~n an a sl<."c.·pmg l'Jr thal wa!'o on :ire. he ., a 1 d Ii t· ~ 11 u I d n o l s a v 1mmt'<.11all'lv wht•lhn thev d ied of burn:. or' -.mok£• inhalation Sh;1!.l<1 Countv Sheriff's Lt Rot)('rl Nt>sll'n '-did the• blaze may have• anvolvt'CI two t·ars and fire' likl·ly wa<, l'll'~:lrat·al an nature• O ff1t·iab from lhl• sheriff's dC'partmc·nts 1n Shasta and s1~k1you l'•Unllt''-· the u S . F'ort•s t S<·rv11·1· ;ind rt•scue wurk<•r), from t ht· t•ommuni ll<'S of Sha<,ta Lakt• and Mount Shast.a t·V<t<'U<1ll'd I hl· p<1.,,.,1·11gC'rs and put out 1h1• fin· Auto crash victim cocaine s niuggler? A man killed m a smglc-car crash an Dana Pomt Tuesday has been identified as John CharlC'S Gale. the man pohce ~y headed the la rgest known c:ot·a1nC' smuggling operation an Orang<· County The 33-year-old El Toro man was killed sometime early Tut>Sday when the Me rt'edes h(' was driving at high speed went out of rontrol in Del Obispo Park and crashed into a tree and <:areened into a sign. Highway Patrol officers found GalC' at 5:30 a.m. pinned beneath INDEX At Your Service Business Herb Caen California Cavalcade Clusified Comics en-word Dtath Notices Editorial Entertainment Food Hofolcope A4 C4-6 B2 A5 B2 F1.F4-6 F2 F2 E3 A6 B6 Dl-8,El-5 82 SPORTS the Mc•n.·<'Clc"l>, wh1t·h had napped 011 11.'i Sid(• Gell<• was om• of six people arrt''>l!'cl 1n 1981 1n what Juthorillt'l\ dt'Sl..'rtbt'CI as a maJOr C'c1Camt• smu~lmg operation 10 Laguna Bc-at:h Pol1C'l' who <.'o nf1scated 23 p<1unds of <:ocaine. valued at $2.7 m1ll1on. si11d 1t was the largest seiwrl' m th(• c'Ounly's his~ry. Gale was fre<' on $250,000 bail a nd had pll•adt•d innocent to t·harg<'S brought against him in thl· l asc· Intermission Ann Landers MoV1es Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sporu Stock Markets Television Theaters ·weat.her World News 83 B2 B6 C4 A3 84,F3 Cl-3 C5 86 B6 A2 A3 Bangers stop Carew's treak Rod Carew, who knows all about hitting streaks, hid one stopped by Texas. Page Cl. ' ' ............ -.. _______ . - 8 Orang• OoHt DAILY PILOT/Wld1'1t1d•Y. Jun• 23, 1912 ~\ \\' Continued stories ROYAL HEIR HOME • • • • lnl.O 1i1ppluust• atw blulih\.ICI Ttw Jlrlnl't.'tl.", who will bt> 21 Ju l y I , lookl•d rudllant but , llJlghtly t1rt'(I after her 16-hour . labor Munday . Her l'arly 1 departurt' from hospital wu11 1, que tloned by i;oml• in medical t circles, but ruyal gynecologist George Pinkt•r ~1d she was "In very good health und this will ., not cause any problt.>ms." , Prl'S8 reports said Diana wrui • heard to jokl' to a doctor as she • and Charles thanked hospital starr before leaving with their first-born child: "Will you be 1 here next time'?" Then she hastily turned to her 1 husband and said ... I'm only JOking. dl•ar " Charil'~. 33, s howing ever y s ign of :.i proud new fathc•r, , t'onstantly peered at his son's blondish head JUSt v1s1ble inside the shawl He still declined to announn· the name of their baby second 111 line to the Britis t-; throne. "You'll JUSt have• to wait," Charles told reportc.•rs London bookrnakL•rs favon'd Georgi· as a fi rst naml' at ti-4 ,odds. Pinker. who delivere d the buby M onday n ight, uld: "MrolcaUy l ca n aay 1 am not aj{alnst anybody a ornaz out of the hOllpltal early." Hobert Atluy, 8Cerewry of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, leadln a Britis h 1nst1tu\1on tor those fll'lds, said he beHeved the decision was right for Diana but li h o u I d n o t b e t a k e ,, ll s a precedent for other mothe rs. "Those who want people to race back t o their home environment after a birth will say that if the pr in<.'t'SS o! Wales can do it so can they," he said. "The d1CCerence is that most of them are not going back to the samt! circumstances a s the princess." For several m onths Charles and Diana will reside with the baby in Kensington Pala<.-e, the ir London home. Lat.er they will move i n to the ir perman e n t res1denl'e, Higrovc Mansion, 113 miles west. Court backs . public right to • view sex trials WASH I NGTON (AP) Sk1tf'S cannot 1mt>O*· u "blank1•1 rult•'1 cx<.'ludtng tht• publtc and pr1.•ss fro m all t'l'IOHrwl trrab. whtlt! young VH t1ni:. ut o;t •>.: cnmt.'B urf' t.esufymg, tht.· U S Supreme Court rult<d today By a 6-:J vote. lh1· jus111·c·s slruck a Ma.ss.whuS4.0lL'\ l;.1w that m a ti c s u c h 1 'I 1· I u :< 1 11 11 m andator y . Thl' l;rw WJs c:hallcngt-d by Tht• Bo~tun Ch1lx• us an un cuns t 1tut1on .i l 1nfringt.>mc nt on frl•t• !>}Jl'c•t•h rights ln today's dec1s1on, th(· na11cm·, highest court agrc't.'<l Writing !or tht' murt. Justin· William J Brennan notc-0 that "safeguarding tht• physrt·al ;u\d psycholog1l'al well -l.H•111g of ,1 manor" 1s a com1wll1ng 1n1t·t 1· ... l for any state ''But as comp1•ll1ng ;,is that tnlCrl'SI IS, It dOC'S lllll JU:.l1fy ;1 mandatory-dosun· rul,· ... hi' addt'd. But the h igh court tod ay rt!vt•rsl•tl tht• Massac:hua tt1 l' o u r l • i; r u I 1 n ~ . B rt• n rl a n • s maJOrily op1n1on o tfored a r1ng1ng n·aff1rmdt1on and pt•rha~ a strc•ngthemng -of the t·uun'i. Rit:hrnond Newspapers th'<.'ISIOI\. "Un t.IHlying the F l rat AmC'ndmt•nt right of ac.'CeSS tD <. rtminal trials 1s the common undt•rst<1nd1ng that a major purpost• of the amendment was to p1 ott'<·t thl• frt.'<' di.!lt:uss1on of gov1•1111111•111 aCCairs." Brennan said "(11 '>Um, tlw 1n~l1tutional value 111 lh1· llpl'n c·n m1nal trial 1s r1·tug111lt'd 1n both logic and t 'Jl<'I 11 ·111· .. ·· lw ~ud '1'111 (;lohl· thall<.~ng<'d the 111.111d.1lw' dosu11• Jaw artc•r its 11·1K1r11•1 W•ts hunned from t~e I H71J 111:.I 111 Nortolk County of All11•11 AladJ<:I01 Jr. who was .11·q111tlt'<I ul IJp<· th<irges filed on Ix Ii.di 111 thn·<· lN·n-age girls. The normal hos pital s tay Bnllsh dt>t'tors recommend for new molhPrs 1s five to eight davs to let lht:m rest and learn about baby can· Their London hving quarters are small by roy::il standards but still plush. They consist of two apartmen ts o n two f loor s, including a nursery. mas t er bedroom. dining room and rooms for staff Children's nurse Anne WaUace. who cared for both children of Charles's sister Princess Anne when thC'y were babies, will help Diana with he r son betore the arrival of the royal nanny Barbara Barnl's 1n Augu:i.t. AP Wlraphoto F UT URE KING? -Britain's Prtnt'e Charles poses pro udly with his newborn son outsid e St. Mary's Hospital in London as he and the princess of Waites took their baby home . Brennan emphaslZl'd. "A tnal court can determ11w on a t·as<'- by-c·asc basis whethl'r closurP 1s ne<'essary to protect lhl' welfart.' of a minor vicum." The cons titut10nal r igh t tu attend a c rimina l t r ial wus recognized by the Supreme Court m a July 2. 1980 de't·1s1on In 1t the justices in spltnterc.'Cl voling Tlw nl·wspaµl·r <irgued that thl· '>l,1ll'd n•a!-.<ms of prr·ventmg c•mh.1rrns'>ml'lll and traum.i to young Vtl't1ms '>hould b4.· S(.'fV<'d on J t a-.t•·h'v ·l·Js1· h.1:.1s No olhl:r ... 1atl' has a law ulf'ntu·al lo thl' Mass:.whusc.•tls lllll'. l1u1 th<· Supn•nw Court was t o lt.J lhJt Iowa rt•qu1res thl' 1 l11 ... u11 ut all p<itl·rnitv trials and \\f, . .,, \'1rgmw r<'CJUln~ lht· close ol .. di d1v11rt·1· lnals. Asked why thl• prml't"'SS was leaving the hospital so soon. Buckingham Palace prC':.s secre tary M1chal0 I Shea told report<•rs: "It 1s tht> fashionable thing to do" Two Laguna cops •said trial judges may rondu1 I criminal tr ials. or poruu11i-ol them, in secret only as ;1 last resort to ensure jusl1c·t• HB cop faces trial on 17 molest counts A Huntington Beach res1d<.•nt :who 1s a Long Beach po lice :officer was ordered Tuesday to :stand trial in Orange County :superior Court on 17 felony counts o f chi Id molestation ;involving alleged at·ts with ,y o u n g c h 1 I d r e n i n h 1 s !neighborhood. : Following a two-day. closed- door hearing rn West Orange lcounty Municipal Court, Judge William tyiock ruled the re was 1sufficient evidence to order a :trial on 17 of the 20 felony C.'Ounts fa.led against defendant Michael Bruce McDonald. The Long Beach motorcycle :officer, who is free on $100,000 'bail, 1s aC'Cused of molesting six ,young g 1 rls begin n 1 ng in ,September 1980. ATTACK -This map shows the locat.J.on where three US. Navy ships were fired upon S unday n ig h t by a vessel believed to belong to Vietnam while in international waters • • renJa1n in Two high-ranking Laguna Beach police officers re main hospitalrzC'd , l eavi ng the department w ithout two key people going i n to the busy summer season Aunt to get kid survivors Three small children whose mother and grandmother were hacked to death in Huntington Beach and whose 41 -year-old father has ~n charged with the double murder were plac<'d m the t'Us t ody o f their aunt Tuesday. The childrt>n. ages 6. 5 and I, were to be released from the Albert Silton HomC', an Orange County JUVcntlt• fac1ltty The name of the· a unt, their mother's sister, was not d&fosed under Juvenile Court order Still cloudy Coastal Lighl variable winds 1t1toug!1 J tonlghl 1>ecom1ng westerly 8 10 16 / ~nots allernoon and evening Wind waves I to 2 leol lh1s evening Soulhwest s-11 1 to 2 feet Motlly cloudy in night and morning hours Par11a1 clearing afternoon U.S. S ummary Showers and occasional lhundersiorms reached from eastern Texas acrossSoulhern lllinols and Western New York state Tuesday. and Blong the Allant1c Coast from Vlfgln1a lhtough Florida. Morning thund9'st0tms 1n some areas prOduced locally heevy rain IUCh as 2 inches near downtown Allan ti. For today, scauered showers and lhundershowers were forecaat over Florida with widely scattered showers over eastern N-England, the upper M1ssour1 Valley and the Great Bes1n California \ I Mostly cloudy 1n Souther11 Cahlorn1a loday Some cteanng inland. sllghlly warmer elong coas1 Orange County can expect llighs In upper 601 along coast low 701 Inland Lows In SOs lnlll'<I valleys will heve highs 1n the 70.. lows ,_, 60 MountaJn1 ~ expect highs 74 10 80. low• 45 to 55 NortMrn deMl1 hlgh1 92 to 103. lows 80s to low 70 Southern deset1 lllgh1 98 to 105. IOWI 65 to 75. NO<tllMn end Centrll CeUlornla cen e•P•Clt co11111 log end overcall with drizzle A few ahower1 In nortl'leaSI, eouthern Slerre Olherwi" l•lr through Thurldey T emperatures NATION HI Lo Alblll1)' 74 49 ~ 93 61 ~=~ 56 41 79 68 AUafllCl Cty 74 84 Au1tlfl 90 72 BeltlmOr• 84 61 Slrminghm ... 68 ~ 90 48 8olM ... 57 &oeton 12 se· BufftlO ea 49 9ul'lln01on 76 48 QwWln tc 15 78 CN11111n WV __,,. 81 se CNtltW NC 75 67 ~ 87 47 ~. 89 48 78 64 OMiand 71 65 arntlltl IC 81 19 ~ 715 62 70 57 Oal·FI Wth Dayton Denver 89 73 77 78 73 6• 99 70 77 16 84 82 72 89 94 77 84 83 82 90 87 83 88 85 62 77 88 88 80 78 86 19 90 82 104 72 55 r-............ r-~~;....;;;;;-~...-~~~~~--.===----.----===: 56 53 41 60 •7 41 39 56 52 55 68 80 58 70 76 oa. Moines Detroit Duluth 59 ,._ weal"9f Setvce I 00 Et Paso Fa111>anks Fargo Flagstatt Great Falls Her1fo<d Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplls Jacksn Jacksnvlle 11.an1 City ln Vegas Little Rock Lootsvllle Mempn1s Miami Milwaukee Mpls·Sl P Nashville New Orleans New Vor~ Norfolk :~ NOAA U S 089! OI Comm•ce 57 Fronts: COid ..,. Wann 99 Occluded,... Slationa<v •• 70 80 MontebeUo Monla<ey Mt Wilson Needles Newport Beacn Oakl•nd Ontario 72 64 77 Calgary Montreal Ottaw11 Regina Toronto Vancouver CANADA HI 66 71 69 90 64 74 lo 56 so 48 57 47 53 Okla Cily Omaha Ortendo Phlladph1a Pnoen1• P1t1s1>urgh Piiand. Me Ptlend. Ore Providence Reno Richmond Sell Lake San An1on10 SHllle Shrevepon Sioux Falls St LOUIS 11 84 72 88 ;9 79 93 71 83 80 79 98 85 70 82 97 116 82 84 so 47 68 68 65 70 62 58 75 64 74 52 52 53 56 40 70 59 H 51 68 41 63 76 65 so 59 63 64 95 81 Palm Springs Pasadena Paso Rot>tes Red Blutl Redwood City Sacramento Sellnas 102 67 68 70 97 72 82 93 72 83 63 74 71 69 62 76 70 66 66 70 88 89 75 97 88 97 60 54 60 74 55 55 fl() 67 57 54 :: Sniog St P-Tempa Spolllne Syrecuse Topeile Tuceon Sen Bel"nerdlno San Gabuet San Otego Sen Franct!l(;O San Jose Senta Ana Santa Barl>era Santa Cru1 Santa Man• Senta Monoce Stockton Tanoe v111ey Thermal Torrance Yuma 52 54 59 59 62 52 58 54 58 57 56 56 55 42 66 59 68 Tut .. WUhlngtn Wichita PAN AM CALIFOftNIA B•kenlield Bers tow S..Umont Big BMt 81~ Blythe Cellllna Eureka Fretn<> l etle A"OWtlead Lancaet1< Long~ Loe Angelel Merysvllle MonrOllla . •' , HI 98 99 79 75 91 100 10 60 83 75 90 71 89 112 72 Lo 72 72 55 3~ se 68 58 so 62 49 84 81 eo 5~ 60 Acapulco BarbedOI Bermuda Curaceo Frt!8j)O<I Gu1d1l111ra Hev1111 Klngaton Montego Bey Maz1t11n Merldl Meldoo City Monletrey N-u Sen Juen, PR Teguctgalpe TrtnldeO HI 93 88 84 84 88 90 at 90 91 97 97 88 99 88 ee ... 84 SURf RIPDRT Lo 75 71 79 79 79 63 75 75 75 81 75 66 72 75 71 Be 75 •;; .. ;.f>=j;•111,-.iFtn ..... C: .............................. --... ... .... .... . ..... ~ Zuni• 2 3 16 Sente MoNea t 3 111 ~ 2 3 18 Sen Oleoo County 2 4 18 OutlOok tor T huftdty. Uttla dlangie. ' .... Alf 1 1 J I .... -2 2 2 2 . ... Dtr SW aw $W SW The Air Ouallly Manegement District predicts unheallhlul air for sensitive people today tn the Sen Fernando en<! Sen1a Ciani• valleys 1nd in 1he Riverside and San Bernardino are. Good air quality 11 pr•dlcled tor other areas of lhe South Coaat Alr Basin The AOMO said a Pollutant Stendard Index ot 175 11 pre<llcled for lhe River.Ide-Sen Bern.,dlno area. wlllle a PSI or 138 la predlc1ed for the San Fernando and Senl• Cl1r1t1 valleys Good air quellty 11 predicted for th• Sin 01brWll-Pomon1 Valleys with • PSI of 100, The Benning aree allould heve e PSI ot 92. wl'llle lhl Hemet-Etelnote ereaa should heve e PSI or 67. Matropollten Loa Ange111 will heve e PSI of 75, end the low ~a *"t have • PSI ot 50. The AOMO uld an 01het ., ... lhauld have e PSI or 42 Where to call (1011 lrH) lor letesl 1mog lnlormalloo. Orange County: (800) 445-3826 l oe. Ano•••• C ounly (800) 242...022 Rlv9flkM and San BemardlnO counll .. (900) 387-4710 AOMO l!plaode Center: (900) 242-46Be Tides TOOAY S.Cond 10w S:H p.m 2..2 S.Cood hlgl\ 11:i 1 p,m. e.11 T*"'IOAY F'lrtl IOW 8.41 L m 1.3 Flrtl high I 27 P m 4 2 ~IOw 8.11 pm 2.3 84IOOnd lllgfl (Ftf)12.16 a.m. U sun ..,. todey •t 1.08 p.m .. ,. ... Thurtd•y at 6:42 1.m. Moon rlMI todey at 1:06 a.m., 111t1at 1C>'.38 1),m ---.... ~ -.. hospital Lt. T erry Temple, an 11-year veteran with the Laguna Bea1:h department. suffered a mild heart attat·k m his ofhcc last Thursday. He w as rushed to South Coast Medica l C<.'n l er where h~ remains in stable eond1t1on m tht• intensive care unit. Police Chief Neil Purl'ell said Temple, :J3. suffert'd damage lC> lht' lower part of his heart and will remain hosp1tahu.'Cl [or al lt.>ast the next eight to 10 days "[ speculate he'll be off work for 60 days at least," Pur<.'l•ll said. adding doctors bcllC've Tl·mpl<· wall "recov<'r 100 p<•rt·l'nl .. Meanwhile'. Sgt V1<.· Sagan 1:. rec:over1ng fro m a he rnia operation he undC'rwl'nl las1 wc•ek at Tustin Community Hospital Sagan, 57, who h;L'> been with th<· dl•partm(•nt for :i~ yl'ars. 1s not exp<.'(.·uo<l bctck on the job until someumc m August. Purcc.•11 said The pohn· l'htl·f :.aid dut1t•s performed b:. tht• two offll'eN> will bl• cl1v1cl<.·d among other w a t c h <.' o m m a n d <' rs a n cl personnC'I until thc•11 rc.•lurn 10 duly Baby wha le gain with fo r ce-feeding RANCHO P ALOS VERDES (AP) Manneland off1r 1als hope a f1vc·-day-old killt'r w hale" who has bt.'t'n fed through a tube, will learn to nurse and be<.'Oml• the first of her kind to surv1vt• birth m capt1v1ty Th£• unnamed l·alf. t.'l~hl f(-t•t long and weighing a bout 400 pounds, was swimnu ng stronglv but still not feedmg normally Tuesday, S<11d Hilary S<:hmit. a spokesw oman for biologists a t the aquatic park The 1980 de<.:1s1on. m a c·ase called Richmond Nc•wspapcrs vs Virginia, was based m part on fre<'-SJX'C'Ch rights guaranteed by the 1''1rst AmendmC'nl and in J)drt on the• "unbroken trad1uon of openness" m American courts I n up h olding thl' con stitution ali t y o f thL· Massa<.'husetts law last year. tht.• sta te's Supreme Court said "c<.tl.l'S mvolvmg sexual assaults" wen• a notable c xcept1un tu that tradition. · Tiu t <1risll tll lll >n<.t Ii t y of th~· ... Lilt'·•"'' Ol<IV l'Ofnl' undt•r l h.tll•·ni.tc .is a rt·'>ult of todav's rulmg · r' II u I "tell(' s A I I 7 0 n d . ~ I 11 r Id a N,." l\t l' x I( o and M11111.111.1 allo\o\ voung v1u1ms I I I ., I ' l' r Im t' s l () cl v I) Id a 1·uurlroom <ippc·ara n ce a nd .., u b m 1 t t h (• 1 r t c· s t 1 mo n v o n vtdt·11l,1pc· for t•ourtroom' use Two '>l.1\t•s V1rg1111a aml South Caroll11.1. .1110"' Vll'llms to give de. pi1s111ons 111 ltt•u of l'OUrtroom 1t ... l11111111v J ohless carpenter Inakes his point He wasn't eligible for .)Obi<'~ benefits. he thought. so K(•vin M1c:hael Kelley paid a not:turnal v1s11 to the Ga rdl•n G r11v1· l'mployment office Monday night to c'Omplam. H e d rove his late -mod1•I Chevrolet Chevcllc.· right through the front. plate-glass doors ol thi budding at 97:rn G;,1rden Crow Blvd al midnight ThC' 22-year-old WC'Stm111~ll'l res1dC'nl, his car almost enure•lv w1th1 n the building. tht•n .,;,i·l down in a nearby office cha11 .ind waited for authoritws to arnv1• W1thm minutes lhev did And K e 11 <' y w as l a kt• n · a w a \ t u Orange County Jail on fi:lonv ma licious mischief charges On his way. Garden Grov!· Sgt Bruce Beau champ sJ1d . Nuke war i ue COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. (AP) -Roman Catholk bishops of the• UntlC'd States, completing a 10-day con ference, have dc'<.'l.111 ·d nuclear war 1s tht• ma,JOr mnr~il issue fat'mg the world and thl•1r church K1•lly da1mt"l.I he was told by l'mpl11ynil0tH off1{'1als that he wasn't going tn receive jobless b1·n<·f11~ I It 1 ... ,1n out-of-work c .. arpc•nh•r M adam gets big sendoff l\11-LROSE, Mon t. (AP1 Fru 1111' .tnd m·1ghbor swarmed 111l11 th1 • Mc:lrnst· &r lo toast Hubv l;:1rn·t1 . lhl' 64-vC'ar-old m<nl,1n1 ol on1· of Montana's 11ld1· ... 1 l1111th1'1 ... lx·fore she· turns hl't'>4 ·If in for 111<.·omP tax evasion "Sh<··.., ,1 goo<l nt•1ghbor. S he dm·o,n'.l l·ause a n ybody a ny trouble. · said Ch ff ·Bake r. one of the mnre than 50 people who .ittended a farewell party m her honor Tuesday night. Thl' riump. !l-foot-2 woman wnh o,hort. n-'tld1sh-blond hair .tnd dark l'YOS e1rl·ulated up and do\\ n thl' bar greeting w ell- w1~hf't.., and onJc'rmg rC'f1lls for t hmt· who had Pmpticd their gla ...... st-... SANYO SI EREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER ~·~ • He adphones • Stop/ e ject F Fwd .. • • Rew/Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/ tone sw itch Sale .SANYO (Sale prices good thru Mon., June 28, 1982) @D CROWM . HARDWARE All Stor-es oa.n 7 0.,. Weatcllft Pleza 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 642·1133 Coron• del Mar 3107 E. Cout Hwy. 673-2800 ., w .. wurt Tiit a:oo lllura. Herbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Or. Newport Beach 644-8570 Anehelm Hiit' 5820 Senta Ana Canyon Rd. (at Imperial Hwy.) 99S.-5282 r Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wedne.day, June 23, 1982 s Al WOOITJ[[[J/! [(JffiU~rnrn I! ~ITillIT~ .. -- SUBMERGE D LANDING -T his U.S . Marine Jeep went JUSt a bit too deep on its landing during operation "Cobra Gold'' and had to be pulled out by another landing vehicle. Everything else went smoothly AP Wlrepholo during the operation in Thailand which had more than 2.000 Mannes a nd troops from both Thaila nd a nd the United States part1c1pating this month • Federal Reserve 1n old role as president's 'scapegoat' WASHINGTON (AP) Stymied by the persistence of high interest rates, the H(.•agan admin istration is turning to a favorite scapegoat of prc·s1dents when th ey arC' bt•se t by economic woe -thl' Federal Reserve Board Afte r an uneasy truce of almos t four months, Treasurv Secretary Donald T Regan is again blaming the independent central bank for sle'ep intC'rest rates, which have bl'C'n going up in the past month. not down, as admin1strat1on offtl·ial~ had ~n predicting. In r ecen t months. th e administration has blamt'Ci high interest rates on knd('r fears that inflation would worsen agam or that Congress would fail to reach a budget compr o mise for reducing the rC'cord def1c1t!> facing the government But some modl.'st succ<'s..'it's on those fronts havl' hAd no pos1t1ve impact on mont>y IPmi(.·rs. So thi: problem mus t be with th<.' Federal Rcservt•, Rt•agan nl)w says. "What else 1s lt'ftT' he askt'Cl m a weekend newspaper inter-view What is left, respond c·r1t1cs of the president's p o l1 c1<.>s. 1s "Reaganom1cs,'" with 1~ mass1vt• tax cuts, record incrcasc-s In d e fe nse s pend ing and giant budget dehc1ts, not to mention its total support of the Federal Reserve's policy of keeping crt'<i1t tight in order to hold down inflation. With the November elc.-cttons fast approa chi ng and co ngressional Republ1t'ans growing increasingly rest1vC', the interest rate problem has be<:'Orne lik e a m on k ey on the administration 's back. The situation has become• so vexing that Treasury Department off1c1als even raised the possibility last weekl'nd of seeking ways to curb the Fed's long-time indC'pl'ndc-nc<.' in setting money a nd credit policy free of partisan pressure . By Monday. however, Regan wai. backing away rrom the idea. saying. "At this point, I think the Fed's independence 1s a good thing " M any economists beli(.•ve interest rates are high simply because the demand for credit 1s very high relauve to the supply of money the Fed 1s w1lhng to make ava1 I able One maJOr sourcl' of demand 1s thl· government, which must finanC<.· an unprecedented deficit or at least $100 billion in ftSCal 1982 The administration has no complamt with the bank's t1ght- money polu.:y Rather. 1t wholly endo~ n The administration's <.-omplamt is that the bank has donP a bad .)Ob of implementing that pnhc·y Owr the· past year. Ht•gan c.umplams, the bank has 1..•1tht•r l('l the· money supply grow too httll-or too much T hat makes lc·ndl'rs uncl•rtain. and they raise tht• cost of thl•1r money as a rt-su it But the prt•s1dl'nt's Demcx·ratic t·rillt'S a<.'CUS<· the administration of trying to have 1t both ways. wanting thl' Fed to suck to an anti inflation poht·y that means high intc·n·st rat<.'S but not wanting thl' White' I louse held r<">p<>ns1blc• for thl' t'<:onom1c and pohllcal sufft.•rmg the poht•y 1s ta using Hc•agan hl•ld a pnvatf' meeting with Fc•d Chairman Paul A V o I t· k l' r 1 n F <.• b r u a r v a n d r (' .1 f r I r m l ' d I n p u b I i l' h I s unqual1f1l'd support for the b:rnk's l1ght-monl'V policy • • Rein~p COlllllllSSIOll Ineasure on ballot SACRAMENTO (AP) -A proposa l t o tr ansfer reapportionment duties from thc- L€.'g1s la tun• to a I 0-member commission has qualified for Lhe November ballot. Secretary of State March Fong Eu says a random check of signatures from 51 of the state's 58 l'OUnties indicated that the mea s ur e, s pon so red by Republican leaders and Common Cause. a self-styled citizens l obby, has drawn valid sig nature s from 680,8 14 r<'gistered voters. At least 553,790 valid signatures were needed. Assem~y Republican leader Bob Naylor. R-Me nlo Park, said he wa s "elated but hardly s urpri sed" by Ms . Eu 's announcement. Ile sa id the measure wiJI "removt• reappor tionment once and for all from the ha nds of th()S(' who stand to benefit the most from the process -the polit1c1ans .. But Sc-natl' President Pro Tern David Roberti, D-Los Angeles, said pulling "reapportionme nt in tht• hands o f a n arr owly construl·ted t·ommiss1on 1s n ot good nl•Ws for the democratic pro<:c.•S!> " Roberti a ddt'<i. "lt means the voters might be led to believe th<'Se appointed individuals are ac<:oun table to anyone and would do a bet ter job on redrawing district linl's than their elected rcprcst'nt.al1ves. Tht' fact is, other groups ltkl• 1t m olhPr st.ates have failc•d " ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claulfled advertising 714/642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 Th(' GOP ;md Common Cause launl·ht•d th('1r pl'llt1on drive aftn tht• I:X•mcxTat1c-dominatro Leg1slalurt' a ppr ove d reapportion mc•nt plans for the Legis lature.' and California's congrc-ss1onal delt'gat1on that had be en drawn to bene f it [)comocrn L" Kay Schultz VIOe Pr-_,,., Oltec10t of A"-11- T om Murphlne [dltC>t Mike Harvey Olfec10< ol Mwioe11no (C#wlellOI') Ken GOddard Olr9CIOt of Op.ratlO<I• Ray Maclean Collllollet Char1e1 Loos ~Editor 0....,,. ... 0 ..... ..., ............. -try·~•tOay ti vou 00 n<M ,,.,,. yOu< -· Oy ~ 30 o "' call o.•or• I 0"' M'(I yOur COOy .,.ti b• Oeh.....,ld &.lunltry •"" S..r>day II you do ...,. ::" 1r:'~ ~ .:, ~o!v":..nr::: --" MAIN OFflCE l30 Wul 8•Y SI c~·· M~•·· CA M•ll •dd-.u 80• '*·Call• Mew. CA .,.,. Cooyrt9hl 1"1 O.~ Coast Pubtl•hi"9 C-y No n•w\ Jtories tUustrahon1 edltoriel m•tt•f °" ao. ~ettl,emf'ftb hitr••n may btt rtotOdu<ed without \Pf<i•I permlnk>n ot c.ooyrJQht owntr VOL. 75, NO. 174 Th<.' red1strictmg was required to r e flect population s hifts r<.'vcaled by the 1980 census. ln the June 8 primary, the voters. acting on three GOP referendums. scrapped the Democratic plans. But the state Supreme Court had ruled earlier this year that the plans should be u sed 1n both the June and November e lections. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot~ What don't you hke ~ Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record !el· ler~ to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please Tell 11~ what's on your mmd 642•6086 Navy shows power • ov1et also expand M edite1·ranean fleet WASHINGTON (AP) Both the UniW<l Stall'!! und the S1>Vit•t Union havf' 1mn·a!k'd thl·tr naval power in tht.' Mt>d itNrunea11 sign1f1canlly in t ht• wake ot Israel's invasion of Ll'bano11. Pentagon o ffidnls say. U.S Nuvy strength in th~ waters rosl' sharply over the· Bug ravages food stocks in Tanzania DAR ES SALAAM, Tanz.ama (AP) A bcl'lll• bt'llt'Vl>d to havl' arrived 1n U.S. gram i.h1pntl'nts 1s ravaging corn and t'assava root stocks, tragg<•ring f(•ars o l a w1des prc•ad food shortagt• latt•r this year in Tanwnw. "It's a hugl' probll•rn," said a U.S . agrit·u I tura I l'Xpl'l"l ht•rt• "Even m the Umlt'<l Stat<•s I don't know l·xactly how Wt' would COpl' Wllh It." Sinec 1t ftrst strut'k food stocks two years ago, not mut·h has bct•n done to combat tht• JX.'Sl thl' grPater grain borer (prOSt(.•phanus trunl·a tu!.). known locally as lh€.' S<.:ania bc.•l•tlt· aftl.'r the powerful Swt>d1i.h tru<.·ks as.<;('mbled ht'rt• The governml'nt says ll lal·ks tht.' resources, part1<.·ul<.trly 1nsect1c1des, transport :.ind trained ix·rsonnel. lnd1·rX'ndt'nt Tanzanian expt>rl"i and forc•1gn a 1 d o f f 1 l'I a I s t· h a r g t· t h a t bu r ca u c rat 1 C' r <' d tap t• and possibly <.'\'t•n !.abotagc• arc· behind th<· ina1·t1on But few question the• urgc•m:y of the problem "Without doubt, thl· P''"l wtll be the caust.· o f a Sl'rtous and widespread grnin shortagt• tn thP region latl'r this YNH and ;1 dearth of st•C'd grain for t hf' coming growing season." w1 ott· two scientists from Britain's Tropical Products Institute, H Golob and R Hodgl'S In a report to the agri<.·ultun• minister. G olob a nd Hodges warned that the bt'<'llt· c-uuld swt.-ep through m<m y art•as of "Tanzania and m all l'ountrtes ol east and c·entral Africa " Beforl' 1980. th<• pl'Sl was found only in tht· United States and Central Aml·rica. whC're ll posed hllle dangl'r because of adequate pre<:auuons Though conclusive ev1dc•nce 1s lat·kmg. experts surmise• tht insc><·t was introduced into T<.inzania 1n U.S food shipments dur 1ng thC' m1d-IY70s Specialists S<JY tht• b<'<.·tll'S havt• flourished in Tan:wnia b<.'l'aUSt' the chmall' 1s ldl•.il for tlwm and they havi.• no natural ent•m1cs her~" Groups of wornc•d pl'Hsants from Tabor.1 lkgwn m ct•ntral TanUtnia brought the mattc•r to the attention of the authorit1c•s when they compla1m•d that tht• beetle was eating up stort>d <.·orn and ca ssava. and dt•stroy1ng wood C'n farm 1mpl<'mt•n ts, storage silos a nd houses It t oo k a vea r for an mspect1on team -to arrive from this capital and gather samples for the beetle's 1dc>nt1f1cat1on Gem Talk lhJC Hl 'Ml'HHll-.S Crr11{11•d (,,•m11/n"1M. A(;S JEWELRY FABLES . nnd n fe1+ fnr l' There are some 1ntr1gu1ng h istorical Cables built aruund gemstones and Jewelry But like other fables. they an• nol always based on fact For example, we've all heard the one about the island of Manhattan being bought from the American l.nd1ans for JUSt $24 worth of trinkets that we probably call costume iewelry Well, the Indians weren't that dumb They did trade away the Island for whBt we would consider a pittance today. but they demanded that they be paid In useful tools, such as shovels. picks and hoes. As we have IC'amed since. the l.ndlans are quite capable of designing and crafting their own jewelry Then there's the story about Queen Isabella of S pain hocking her crown jewels lo finance the daring voyaae of the Italian sailor Crlstoforo Columbo. Sounds romantic, but that one lan't U'Ue either. The good queen did give her blessing to the. trip. and that enabled Cris to get the flnancilll bac king of wealthy Spanl1h mu"hanll Aren't you glad he made It'! w1•\•k1•11d tu a total of 52 ships, 1ndud1t1g four a1rcru fl 1.·urril•r hulllt• grnul)s, tll"<:urdmg to t h1· ofl 1t·1als, w HI asked t<J l'l'lltall1 Ullllh•n II f ll'tl This W..ii. lx•lll'Vcd to Ix• lhl· largt·st cJ1sµlay uf U.S naval powt•r 111 thl· Mt•d1terran€.'an since tht• l!l7:~ Arab lsral'li war when ;.ibciut Ii() Amen,·an ships wc•n· then· Meanwh1h· 11rfttiah. said. lht· Sov1t•t n.ivv has raised its prt•sc•nct• lo :i!l ships. That 1s higher tli.rn 11ormal bu1 wt'll b<•low thl· huge force of Uti vesseb whu:h f.:il'l'CI the U S flcl'l in the Mt·dllerranean m 197J Only 1<.tsl W<.·C'k . Pentagon spokesman Hc•nry Catto reporll•cJ the Soviet and Anwn,·an navies t>ach had about :m naval ships in lht• Mediterranean Trad1t10nally, both thl' Umted Statl'S and l0hl• Sovu•I Union 1nl'r(.•asc lht•1r naval puwc:r tn that :.&rl'<i whc·nt.'Vl·r Lht• Arab- brael1 ft·ud heaL.., up ln this way, both c·ountnl's demonstrate lh<'tr l'Olll't·n1 by showmg the flag Al though this increasei-. the risk of U.S. Soviet conflict, both uf the sup<•rpowefl> havC' taken prt-cauuons in ens1s after en s1s ltJ avo i d escalati ng thr1r demonstrat10ns 1nlo actu<il clash es. In this casC', off1nals said, thl' U S . naval buildup had bC'en planned for some l1mt• bl•fon• thl• lsraelts invaded Lebanon more than two Wl'l'ks ago Two b<ittle groups. including lhl' aircraft earners ForresLal and IndPJX.'ndencc·. were due to sail from tht· U S . East Coast lo replat'l' t wu other earner groups wh1l·h hav<.· bt-<>n on station. Also, tht• Navy reportedly had plannt'CI tu increasl' its force~ m the MC"d1lcrrnn€.'an temporarily for un upcoming NATO exercise. Thul ext'fdse, called Daily Doublt', 111 due t o run from Thursduy through Monday and will indµde land-based air units 1rn11l GH-ece, Italy and Turkey. A<.'t'urding to the Pentagon, the a1 111 of th111 exercise "as to dNnostrate an ab1hty to reinforce larraer battle groups in the Med1l(.'rranean. to project power ashore in support of land battles, and to demonstrate that NATO in the Southern Region has the flex1btl1ty to take advantage of niaJor short-notice training opportunities " Rl·gardless of whether the U.S. naval buildup 1s temporary and had b<.•('11 planned before the latt·st Mideast cn si,s erupted, the sizable U.S naval force could be kept 1n the Mediterranean if !><'nwr U .S policy -makers dl•t 1d(• their presence is lll'l"C's!.a r y to underscore U.S . In l C.'rt'S ts. A cc·ording to 1n tellige nce sourn•s, th€.' Sov1Cts have not yet lwp n de t l'l' t l'd sending new ~·qu1pmc·nt into Syria to replace ht•avy Syrian air and tank losses in b:1ttlt•s against lsraeli forces in <md ovt·r Leban'on. • A Soviet general, whose name wus w1thht·ld by the sources, was r l' p 11 r t C' d t o h ;< v e v 1 s i t e d D..ima:.t·us to "kick La1ls," as one !.OUr<t• put ll Tht•n • are an ~llmated 2,000 Sov 1 <· t adv 1 sers 1 n ·sy ria . n·:.pon~1bl e for training and guiding Synan for<.-es. Dl•<;p1te this adv i ce and training. the Synan army and air forl'<' wC'rt• badly mauled by the lsra<•l1s and much o f their Sova·t -prov1ded equipment dt·sLroyed, according to U .S . assessments. AP Wlrephoto j PARAPHERNALIA RAPPED -State Sen. Newton Russell, i R-Glendale. author o( a b ill that would outlaw the j manufacture. sale or use of drug paraphernalia, discussed it 1 during a news conference in Sacramento. The bill is slated to l go before the Capitol's Assembly Criminal Justice Committee. f In front of Russell are some of the devices he wants banned. ' 81n1tAmer1card-Master L.narge PHONE Me-340t Orange Coeat DAILY PIL.OT/Wednetday, June 23, 188a By PAT HOROWITZ Of'*e0.-,"9tewf DEAR READERS: The Callfornla S upreme Court hu aranted the petlUon of the 1tate Department of Consumer Affairs to• requ ire a warning to consumers of the potenUal health hawrda of plastic pipe that may release cancer-causing chemicals into residential drinking waters. The Supreme Court ruled that the International .Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (lAPMO) must either delete from Its Urufonn Plumbing Code (UPC) all listings of specific kinds of plastic pipe or elae must include a notice warning that plastic pipe is not currently approved in California for residential drinking water systems, and that an Environmental lmpact Report is under way to assess the public health hazards of that use of the pipe. The kinds of plastic pipe in question are polyvinyl chloride (PVC). polybutylene (PB) and chlorinated polyvinylchloride (CPVC). The California Housing and Community Development Commission, which is res ponsible for recommending building standards for residential buildings, last year determined that substantial evidence exists of pote ntial or actual significant adverse environmental and human health effects from certain forms of plastic pipe and ordered an EIR. The commission decided not to approve the expanded use of the plastic pipe pending completion of the EIR. The Department of Consumer Affairs sued lAPMO after the private organization of local building officials, contractors, plumbers and designers refused to modify its non- statutory UPC in spite of the scientific evidence and the state's decision not to allow the new use of plastic pipe. A number of consumer organizauons joined the department in the suit. Although the UPC has no independent, fonnal, legal status, 1t 1s routinely relied upon by local building officials, contractors, plumbers, designers and others as the guiding document. Consumer Affairs Director Richard B. Spohn said, "Until the EIR is completed, the safety of plastic pipe will be in serious question. The preliminary evid en ce is disturbing. Until it is approved by the state, the use of plastic pipe plumbing systems for pot.able drinking water in residences is not only imprudent, but also g~nerally illegal. Responsible building officials, designe rs, contractors and consumers should pay careful heed to the public health cautions raised to date. The Supreme Court now has added its own stron~ cautionary note." Cosmetics tested DEAR PAT: Is it true that a ~non who ba1 allergic reactions to "regular' cosmetics can eliminate this problem by· u sing "bypoallergenlc" cosmetics? I bave trouble wltb almost every brand of eye makeup I've ever tried, and a friend said my problem woald be solved If I used hypoallergenic brand1. I don't want to Invest in a lot of new products until I check Into this. M.G., Costa Mesa Hypoallergenic cosmetics are not cure- alls. A h ypoallergenic cosmetic does not LANZ SHOE SALON ESPADRILLES Orig. $32. NOW $26. Complement your summer wardrobe with this Ibo. !Md• ln France by Andre Aaous. Features woven rope IC>le 1nd 100" cotton upper. White, navy, red, .,.., bladt. __ ..,.. r .. -... nece11arlly d enote "eater than regular ooemetica." It ta not even 1pectally *&.ed. Cosmetics labeled as such are merely i uppol('d to be made with a mlnimµm number of known allergens. To clear up the confUJlon, the F-ood and Drug Admlnlatratlon (FDA) haa detlned "hypoallergenic" as causing slgnlficandy fewer adverse reacllona than competing products in human t.eet volunteers. To make the "hypoallergenic" claim, a product must be dermatologically tested again1t similar reference products having at least 10 percent of the market. Thoee meeting the standard may st.ate on their labels: Less likely to cause adverse reactions than some competing product.!." Manufacturers had until June 5, 1977, to conduct test.! and submit test data to the FDA. A substantial claim of hypoallergeniclty will be approved for five years of we, provided fonnulas do not change. Vague terms such as ''allergy-tested," dermatologist-tested," "lower rate of reactions" and "safer for sensitive skin " are subject to the same requirements. Spirulina settlement DEAR READERS: A "stipulated final judgment" filed in Sant.a Cruz County March 19 outlines the details of a $22~.000 out-of- court settlement by one of the nation's largest retailers of apirulina food supplements. Having been charged with false and misl eading advertising, M icroalgae Internation al Sales Corp. (MISCORP), Christopher Hill, founder of MISOORP, and the University of the Trees Presa, agreed to the out-of-oourt settlement by paying a fine of $225,000. The charges were made after an investigation by the Santa Cruz County District Attorney's office and the food and d rug branch of the state Department of Health Services. • The defendants admitted no guilt but entered the stipulation to "avoid lengthy, complex and debilitating litigation." Remodeling data DEAR READERS: If you are planning a home remodeling project, the Contractors State License Board has a free booklet that may come in handy. "Blueprint for Building Quality," includes tips for selecting a contractor, drawing up a contract and a list of "dos" and "don 'ts" to follow throughout the building project. Copies may be obtained by writing to: Contractors State License Board, Attention: Peggy Dawson, 3132 Bradshaw Road. Sacramento 95827. • Got a problem'! Then write to Par Horo-t j w1tz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the ill answers and acuon you need to solve in- equitJes m government and business. Mail your questions to Psi Horowitz, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Cosra mesa, CA. 92626. As many letters as possible will be ans- wered. bur phoned inquiries or lett.ers not including the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number ca.nnot be consJdered SUNDRESSES 1/3 OFF! The most extensive selection of Lanz sundresses to be found anywhere. Orig. $50. -$84. NOW $33.85 -$55.85 Also on Sale: All Summer dresses, sportswear, swimwear, sleepwear and accessories. 1/3 to 1/2 OFF! Newport Fashion Island 6444411 at Mr. Elliot's: South Coast Plaza 557-6080 U.S. asks money return LOS ANGELES (AP) -A non-profit firm created to teac:h minority youth how to lilk ICl'ef'n T-ahirta that collected more than $700,000 ln federal eranta has been asked to give back ubout I $443,000 of the money. · The firm, called G iant Step Inc., whme president la former football 1tar Rooeevelt "~le" Grier, and whose board o f dir ectors Include singer Ray Ch arlea, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassla, and tho governor of Kentucky, John Y. Brown, received the federal grant.! in 1977. The federal agencies that granted the money to Giant Step -the Commerce Oef)\U'tment, which gave $443,570, and the Labor Department, which gave $260,000 -received Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire's most recent Golden Fleece Award. "Not one T-shirt was produced for sale; not one minority youth found a job, but the taxpayer lost his shir t ," said Proxmir e . a Democrat who gives the awards periodically to agencies that he believes spend money unwisely. The personal manager for Grier, Aimee Hyatt of Associated Manageme nt Company, said "The Griers have no comment. They know what was said by Senator Proxmire, but they have no comment." Spokespersons for Ray Charles and actress Marlo Thomas, who is listed as a special adviser to Giant Step. said they were bewildered that our clients' names were included. They said they knew nothing of the finn and that they were sure their c lients' partic ipation was extremely limited if it existed at all. ln the San Francisco office of the Comme rce Department's Office of the Inspector General, regonaJ director Jowdy Johnson confirmed that his office audited Giant Step and that the audit asked the firm to return $443,- 000. He said officials of Giant Step have r esponded to the a udit report, but he would not divulge the details. Proxmire, who calle d the enterprise a "spectacular fail~." said only 76 trainees enrolled in the program, none received u sable training, and more than half the 13 who were said to have graduated did not know they had finished the program. AP Wlr9Ph0to STUFFED J .A . Joseph went to a pick-your-own-strawberry farm in Schuyler, N. Y., to pick some of the fruit for his wife, but it appears his wife didn't see all the strawberries Joseph picked. · Tourisni declines in San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Cable cars climb halfway to the ·stars with half the passengers. Hotel rooms go empty. Tourism, San Francisco's most import.ant industry. has hit the skids, but hope lingers for a late-summer revival. So say tourism officials, who complain the recession is keeping many travelers at home. About 60 ,000 people are employed in tourism-related jobs m San Francisco, and visitors contribute some $60 million a year to local tax co ffe rs , Convention and Visitors Bureau figures show. Officials sa'J the number of visitors peaked in 1980 al 3.3 million but slid to 3.15 million last year This year, industry obse rvers warn San Francisco will be lucky to reach that figure. "It will not be a good summer for us -no way," said Michael .. ... ·~· ___ .. now through June 26th Vayss1e, director of markeung at the five-star Cltft Hotel. He said the occupancy rate is running about 75 percent and would be lower, but many rooms are out of scrvK-e for repairs. But things are looking up. Three weeks into the post· Memonal Day summer season, tourism is finally starting to pick up -although still behind last year's levels. Some observers speculate that tourists -particularly California residents -wall flock to the city this summer to ride the cable cars before the system 1s closed in the fall for at least two years of repairs. San Francisco hotels report fewer foreign visitors and fewer advance reservations thtS year. But they're ge tting more last- mmute and walk-m busmess, a fact they allrtbute to the U.S. dollar's rally on foreign markets. S F ECi A L SA LE OUR SHIRTS, SPORT SHIRTS, SPORTWEAR, BROOKSGATE CLOTHING & FURNISH INGS AND OTHER ITEMS SELECTED SUMMER SUITS -20% OFF reg. $170 lo $190 now $136 to $152 OWN MAKE BUnON-DOWN COLLAR OXFORD SHIRTS l ightweight cotton or Brook$weave polyestff-and-cotton: White or blue, reg. $25 now $20.25 LIGHTWEIGHT SPORTWEAR -20% OFF Sport jackets of Indio Madras, polyester-and-linen, silk and silk blends: reg. $130 to $300 now $104 to $240 GOOD-LOOKING ODD TROUSUS-20% OFF Including cotton, washable blends, tropicol worsteds: reg. $38 to $80 now $30.40 to $64 OUR SPORT AND KNIT SHIRTS -20% OFF sport, reg. $28.50 co $36 now $22.75 to $28.75 knit, reg. $25 to $35 now $19.75 to $27.75 BROOKSGATE SUITS -20% Off Selected Summff and regular weight suits, trim cut: reg. $145 to $245 now $116 to $196 AU BROOKSGATE LIGHT AND REGULAR WEIGHT SPORT JACKm reg. $125 to $195 now $87.SO to $136.50 Plus Broolcsgate Odd Trousers, leisure wear and selected furnishings greatly reduced. ALSO: luggage, toiletries and selected neckwear, undet'Wear, pajamas, robea, ho.e, hots, beachwear, outerwear, boys' clothing and furnishings, women's 1portwear and shirts. 0 As long·as sizes are available:. ~;:;~«4W ~~~~~ furntshing9foriltn .Womcn ~Boys .,JO WEST Tftl STREET. LOS ~GELF.S. CALIF. FASHION ISLAND. ;\;EWPORT BRACH, CALIR . , . . . .... .... Orange Ooaet DAIL V PILO r /WednNday, June 23, 1882 --------------------------------------~ ...... -----------------------------------------------Al " Pink-plastic p:roject hit 1 Florida environmentalists rap artist's· plan The artllt w h o draped a curtain between two Colorado mountain• and anaked a tall fen ce acro11 24 ~ mllea of Northern California hu Florida envtronmentalla" fumlna over a to dlWll 10 BJ.acayne Bay di in 6 mUUon aquare feet of pluUc. lllrllto, a 46 -year -old Bulgarian avant-garde artist, unv~lled hls plan, titled "Surrounded Wands," at a gala held as part of Miami's New World Art.a Featival. Bu t Florida conservationists are vowing they'll never let his vision get beyond the planning stage. Mayor Sbella b Wen1e ll of Escondido, with a single-sentence letter, resigned after only 60 days in office to attend to "personal matters." 11111/flCll "My Inclination lo join the laraeU army probably wlll pua," Chiles aald. In late 1978, he lef~ San Dleso ln an 18-foot open boat. In one of his stops, Chilea remarried hit former wife, Su1anne, In Australia but they divorced again when he went back at sea. Chiles was forced to take a dinghy ashore in Saudi Arabia this month when his boat hit a coral reef after a 47-day, 4,058-mile voyage nonstop from Singapore. Sir F r eddie La ker, who"e airline collapsed under massive fonnt>r alrUne tycoon aaiutn. Former U S . Senator J . Wllllam Fulbrl1bt rec.-elved an honorary law degree from Wueda Unlvenslty In Tokyo for promoting International underuandlns through the tcholanhlp program that bean his name. Televlaion host David Frost and his actress wife, Lynne Frederick, widow of actor Peter Sellers, were divorced, a spokesman for Frost announced. They hAd been married almost a year and a half. The spokesman said they remain friends and that neither Frost, 43, nor Miu Frederick. 27, will be making any comment. A Los Angeles judge ordered a Netherlands Antilles company not to sell four multimillion· dollar estates claimed by Sbeika D e n a Al-Faul as part of a settlement in her divorce from Sheik Mohammed Al Fa11i. MILLINERY STAKES -Rock star Mick Jagger's girlfriend, Texas model Jerry Hall. left, and photographer David Bailey's wife, Al' Wlrephc>to model Marie He lvin, made a splash of color at a horserace meeting in A scot , England, recently. A 22-year-old Clevelander who won the $1 million grand prize in a contest sponaored by Burger King may have to do some-explaining to her boss. The winner, Rose Mendicino, h as worked at a competing restaurant, Denny's, for 2 'h years. debts in February, was divorced by his Ameri- can-born wife, the former P atr ic i a Gat es, who cite'd his al- lege d adult- ery with an unnamed The Curacao-based Spelican N.V. owns the homes, three in Florida and one on Sunset .Boulevard in Beverly Hills. his overall health remains good, according to his wife. mlllion a t Sotheby's auction house in London. Mayor Kevin H. White o f Boston has not said whether he will wekome a delegation from Taiwan to his city on Saturday. But the attorney for the sheik's wife claims the company is a front AJ-Fassi created to hide his assets in the divorce case. He estimat.cs Al-Fassi's assets at $6 billion. Elizabeth Eastland said that the 78-year-o ld veteran Democratic lawmaker underwent surgery on his right eye at the Mid-South Hospital in Memphis. New York book dealer H.P. "I couldn't believe it," she said on learning of her prize. Adventurer Webb Cbiles, whose latest try at sailing alone around the world ended after 3 'A years in failure, has flown home to San Diego feeling his age of "40_ -going on 200." woman. LAkl!" Lady Laker. 43, was granted an uncontested divorce decree by High Court Judge Sir Thomas Eastha m in a five-minute London hearing. Eastham said he accepted that Lady Laker, who now lives in Key Biscayne. Fla .. would find it "intolerable" to live with the Doctors anticipate no problems in the recovery of former Sen. James 0 . Eastland of Missis&ppi following an eye operation, and Twenty illu s trated manuscripts spanning 1,000 years and sold from the P r i n ce F urstenbe r g collection at the German Castle of Donaueschingen, brought $1.8 Kraus bought several of the top- priced items, including the Sacramentary of Augsburg Cathedral, which dates from the years 1000-1030. It went for $539.000. Kraus also paid $385,- 000 for a late 8th century copy of Orosius' "History of the World," a fundamental history text of the Middle Ages. The mayor visited the• People's Republic of China this year and his hosts on the mainland would not take lightly his greeting the Taiwanese. The delegatio n, including Mayor J ackson C.T. Ya ng of Ta1pe1. 1s m Minneapolis this week for the U.S. Conferenc.-e of Mayors. Crocker Co1nes to Douglas J>la7a ••• ·and Gives Aw~y a Trip for Two to CanneV Monterey Enter the Open H ou se C elebration Sweepstakes June 25 through August 4 at the new Crocker Bank, 19000 M acArthur Blvd., Irvine. trOn Friday, June 25, Crocker Bank joins the community in Irvine at 19<.X)() MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. Come and help us celebrate our Open tr The Crocker Automated Teller®! Now you can bank when it's convenient for you. Withdraw cash, make House June 25 through August 4. present to wm. Member FDIC tr There's plenty of parking, and we'll have free gifts and refreshments for deposits, payments and transfers, anytime from 6 AM until after midnight-365 days a year. All you need is your Crocker Banking Card® and Personal Identification Number (PIN)-lxxh free to Crocker checking account customers. Then you can bank a~any Crocker Automated Teller. We have ~!!!!!~ more than 250-all over Califor~ ~ nia. We have longer lobby h~rs, too-from 9 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Thurs-- day. Until 6 PM on Friday. tr For added convenience, we ~-=iiii~~ have one drive-up window open from• 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Thursday- until 6 PM on Friday. tr So join our Open House Celebration June 25 through August 4 at 19000 MacArthur Blvd. (in the Douglas Plaza). Manager Thomas Yundt and his staff look forward to seeing you and wish you luck in the Sweepstakes! e Crocker Bank People stay with Crocker because they want to stay ahead.™ e"fotal value ol all prb:es awarded ls approximately $1,100. Win.nm nttd not~ Crocker cuetomCfS or loen applicam1. Crocker employees, family members and agmts arc no< digibic to partidpate. Oddt o( winnina ~ on number ol entnnts. ©Crocker National &nk 1982 Coupon CaP.1.r.1 Whybuynew ••. when old can do'· SAVE15% OaAU Vaca•• Cleaner Part• aad Service flH ISTIMATfS • 1 DAY SllVICI COUPON EXPIRES 7131182 NEW PO QT ~CUUM CENTER (714)~5144 18321/1 Newport Blvd. ot intersect ion of Horbor and Newport lld. 23 Yeon In the &ome locotlon Hourtt Mon.•frl. lt~:30 Sot. 1130-Noon Cloted Sun. VIDEO DEPOT IEllEISlllP llLY 112.11 (1 Jf.) Discounts on rentals. accessories. blank tapes. cartridges. etc. 11411 lrttkll1nt F111tai1 YalltJ PROTECT YOllt CARPET WITH Host DRY EXTRACTION CARPET CLEANING 111sam • llTIAIT1t • MUii ...... •Im ·-·-• F•INTI ., ... • 11n11 ITAlll • II.Ill INTT1ll . .... ....,.,_ --' MIH••et•Y~Wfla 10~ OFF' , YU CMP£T IS LEFT on .,., "\'" READY F~ IMDIATt USE. ~ • .,.,,, -c • -.. *"°' C»"t all.LS ' • :-; •I II"" AVUA&I • • " • Cl ll llOW FOi A Flq DlMOMTIUIOte ( :\1. ~ DTIMll } • ~· ._ sam CllST ClllPO cu~·~ • ~ l7J4) 548-7921 \ w. ow..--.Ow w.t.- Siftdv'1 CrH1l...eHa.1r Dealon Halrcutt wiblowdry Pefmanenta ~Halrouts HalrcolOrlng 2052 "'"' .. ltvcl ..__,....a 141y s.r..+. c .. MeM ,.,... , -. . -~-~~~~~~-----~-----------..-.. ...... --------------------------.................................................. r.;;..~ . • - Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wednuday. June 23, 1Q82 College-bound scholars to face a rougher road The drive to upgrade academic standard• ln Callfomia'11 secondary schools was given sharp impetus last week with approval of s tiff n e w admission r e - quirements for the University of California. The new standards will go mto effect for students graduating from high school an 1986. They will require completion of 16 year-long courses, including 15 in academic subjects. seven of w hach must be taken in the final two years of hlgh school. Entering freshmen will have to have comple ted a year each of elementary algebra, geometry and intermediate algebra, a year of laboratory science. four years of English and two years of a foreign language. As in the past , stude nts entering the university will have to rank in the top 12.5 percent of their graduating classes and admi~ion will be based on school grades and c ollege entrance examma tion scores. But those who have not completed the minimum course requirements will not be eligible for admission. The move to stiffen entrance requirements was sparked by the revelation that only 50 percent of entering freshmen now can pass tests in basic mathematics and composition . despite their high ranklng in class. Jolrung the drive for tougher high school standord are officials ot the state C.Ommunity College and University syst e ms. They havt:! pre pared a document urging new emphasis on English a nd ma the ma tics s kill!! for college- bound students. It will be sent to local school boards and to eighth grade stude nts, along with a warning that st.ate colleges are being asked not to grant credit for remedial wor1tl i n math and English that should have been completed in high school. All t his may be just the beginning. The UC Re g e nts further are discussing a proposal by Gov Brown, also a member of the Board of Regents, to impose even stiUe r adm1ss 1o n re - quirements in m a the ma tics, science and compute r science. These, the governor contends, are needed to bri ng Californi a stude nts up to levels achieved in the rest of the United States as well as in Japan and the Soviet Union. With Japanese youngsters attending school six days a week and the Soviet Union graduating six tjmes as many engineers as the United States, for example, this is a point worth c o n sideri n g . California stude nts do not deserve to be le ft behind in the race• for technical superiority Logical housing help California ta xpayers have contributed billions of dollars to help build retirement systems for public employees. The funds today have assets of more than $30 billion. The two largest, the Public Employees Re tire ment System a nd the State Teachers Retireme nt System, are estimated to generate up to $1 3 million in new funds to invest each day. Mu c h of thi s money is invested in California, but a great deal goes to other s tates. the federal government and even worldwide . Responding to the depressed s tate o f California's housing industry. the st.ate Assembly has passed a package of seven bills designed to direct a reasonable amount of the pension plan investme nt m o n ey toward providing capita] for new hom e construc tion and aid to lower- income families buying their first homes. The measures, if passed by the Se nate, could finan ce construction and purchase of up to 40,000 home units in the next two years, create thousands of new jobs in the construction industry and add up to $1 5 billion to the state's economy through building and related services. They would, among other things. require public pension and retirement systems to invest up to 25 percent of new investment funds each year in residential con s truction a nd n e w h ome m ortgages at 2 p ercent to 4 percent below market rates. The state would pay the funds the difference between earnings on these investments and earnings they could make b y investing elsewhere. But it is claimed t he state would gain e no ugh revenue from new jobs a nd new construction to cover the cost of reimbursmen t. For every $100 million in new construction, it is estimated that $16 million in new state revenue is generated. The h ousing package probably will not be taken up an the Senate until la ter in the summer, a fter budget matters a re settled. But it makes a great deal of sense to direct the investment of at least a part of th is e n ormou s amount of public pension money toward stimula ting the state's economy b y providing needed help for the housing industry - especially if it can be done as anticipated with virtually no risk to the pension funds. Don 't cheer too s oon The lntem al Revenue Service has supplied new tax withholding tables to employers so they may reCigure paychecks to reflect the second installment of the federaJ income tax cut that takes effect July l. The cut will range from 40 cents a week for a single person earning $100 to $13.40 for a $1,000-a-week married worker. A worker making $467 a week and supporting a spouse a nd two c hildre n should t a ke home an additional $6 a week. But before the c h eer ing starts. the government points out that this year's increase in Social Security taxes, along with inflation's so-called "brack et creep" that pushes workers into hlgher tax brackets when they receive pay raises, will more than • offset the tax cut for most people. Tax indexing to offset bracket c reep, recently approved b y California voters. is not in e ffect on the federal level. The Social Security tax last year was 6.65 percent on the first $29'.700 of earnings. for a maximum tax of $1 .975. This year a rate of 6 7 percent on $32,400 wall raise the maximum tax to $2.171 . Add that to bracket creep. antl most taxpayers w ill owe the government more money at the end of this year than they paad last year. The only consolation is that without the income tax cut they would have owed even more. Perhaps a very small cheer. is in order. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Ottler views u - pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Inv it· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7U ) 642-4321. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot _.._ Thomas P. H~ley Publish•r Tttom.s A. Murphln• Editor Bar.,.ra krelbich EdUorlel Page Editor TRUST ME. Invasion warning ignored WASHINGTON -lsrael's massive invasion deep into Lebanon was fore<:ast with stunning accuracy by a longtime adviser to Ronald Reagan -but the pres ident never saw the pinpoint prediction. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger spiked 1t As a result. the While House was shocked and angry when Israeli troops ranged throughout southern Lebanon and as far north as Beirut. instead of restnC'tmg their o~ratJons to the border a r e a , a s most o f the pres1d e n1 's intellige nce experts had led him tu expect WHILE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to tell whether the Un1t.ed States could have dissuaded Israel from its all -out offensive w ith five months' advance warning. at least the president would have been spared the embarrassment or being caught flat-foot.ed by the sc.'Ope of the invasion. Here's the story of the wasted prediction: On January 6 -five months to the day before Israel made 1ts move into Lebanon -J oseph Churba. a top o triclal of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, wrote an internal memo to h is boss. ACDA Director Eugene Rostow He titled his memo "A Likely Is rae li lnitlative." Churba was no amateur tea-leaf reader He had served in Air Force lntelhgence under Presidents Nixon and Ford In 1979. he became a senior foreign policy adviser to candidate Reagan. and was appointed to the disarma me nt agenc:y in tht' new t.idm1nistrat1un C h u r b a co r r e c· t I y g a u g (' d t h l ' significance of Israel's annexation of thl• Golan Heights m ~ember Hl• :.aid It was "most likely the prelude to an Israeli rml1tary initiative designed to rl>dtaw the poliucal map in Lebanon " L ike othe r intellagen u .' l'XPl'r ts , Churba linked the long-expe<·tc·d ls1 ad1 G -JA-Cll-IN-0-fRS_O_N -~ movc against tht• Palesune Liberation Orga nization sant·tuary in southe rn L e b a n o n t o thl' Apri l 25 1:.raeli w1thdrawaJ from th~ Sma1. lt would be a means of protcc·ung Israel's nor thern flank "v1s-a-v1s Syria and the PLO." he said. a s we ll cts a test of Egyptia n Preside nt llus n a Mub<i rak 's good 1ntent1ons towa rd the Camp Dnv1d pca1:1· • agr(!(!ment. But most of the top-senf'l <mdlysl's last wmter offered the soothing pred1t·t1un a hat Israel would s top a t the L1tan1 Ri ver in the border area, as It did in 1!:178 Churba disagreed "A re peat o ( the e ar l ie r L1tan1 operatJon 1s ruled out," he wrote, "and m any case Israel does not intend to pay twice for the obp·uv1>, only to surrender it under U.S. prcssurP " Then Churba sp<•llE!-d C1Ut 1h1· gnal of the Israeli attal·k in L•xpli<:1t tC'rms. It's 1nte nt1o n m us t be no th ing ll'ss thun c.JL.ltvl'nng a knockout blow dgatni>l thl1 PLO and removtng Lebanon rt:. a l'o ntruntallon st.ate or :.t.agang area. If w, the lsraclts must sweep through lhe 1 Un1tl'<l Natwns) bufft>r zone beyond t hC' L1t.in1. l·lt mma tc· the 15.000 PLO loin .in<l link thl• two clreas under Lt•bJrll''>t' Chn<a1..an control In effr-ct. L1•b1:111,m ""ii I bt· peiruuon1..-<l " ROSTOW SENT Churba's memo to Wl•tnlx-rger at thl' Pc·ntagon In a ''Dear lic·nl'" n•Jlt:, which my aSS0(·1&tt? Dale Van Atl.d has st-en, Weinbc-rger kissed orl C hurba's pn•d1ct10n 1n a single st nteni:e ''Whtie• { agn ·e that I!;rue l has a g1•nu1ne conc:crn ovt.·r PLO presence in southern Le banon. it 1:. doubtful lhat a milita r y ope rat10n wall rectify this <;lluat1on ... W1..•mUt.-rRer wrote Though Weinberger did acknowledge tht• "compltcat1ons" for U S poltcy of an Israeli att.al'k , "md udmg the danger of t.'Xpanded host1hues." the aura of Cloud Nm<' wishful thtnkmg that d ung to ham "''.•S Pxpressed 1n has t'Ond us1on that the United St.ates m~t "conlmue to urge n•stra1nt on our lsroell friends and press for a resolution uf the problems through nL•got1ations '' In other words. Weinberger simply mlSSt.'<i t he point of Churba's explicit "'arnang Foo1notc C h u rba re~1g n e d his g<>Vt•rnmc•nt post last month. in d1sgusL '' v t· r w h <i t h e t P r m c• d t h e .1dm1 n1:.1 rat1 on '~ "bankru p t" fore ign pi1lt< v Law01akers seek to evade Prop. 13 By overwhelming margms the people hav e ren e w e d th e ir attac k o n government spending by voting tax cul'> on three s pecific ballot measures Two of the propositions repealed the state's inhe ritanc e tax while the third permanently indexes income taxes. Sance, when two measures on the same balJot do virtually the same thing the one receiving the highest vote rules. only Proposition 6 wall be effective. But at , along with the income tax indexing measure will have the effect of reducing state revenues by an est1mat.ed $1 billion. ThlS will mean less funds to pass along to local governments. DESPITE TH IS clear s igna l ror e liminatmg unnecessary government operations. the legislators are attempting to enact measures to circumvent the taxing restric tions 1mpos<'d b y Proposition 13 in 1978. One of the proposals would permit 1ncrenses 1n lol·al ta x b1lb bv 1h1· 1mpos1t1 o n o f <1SSessments £ur (t1r"t'I.. "bc>nef1 ts lo prop<•rty ownprs." lt 1:. lwin~ push ed ha rd bv l•wal govt-rn11lt..n t<i l r, 1-:? ::. fARl WATIRS age nc·1es whi c h e n v 1s1o n b r oad opportunities to rc.'<·oup revenues lost by the passage ,of Propos1 lion I 3 The legal basis for such an end-run around P roposition l:J ste ms from court decisions which ruled that fees for direct governmental SC'rv1ces were not taxes and could be made but only 1n the amount necessary to cover the costs of thl' specific service. As originally introduced, one or the bills ISB 2001) would have allowed s uch How are your P's ~nd Q's? People are forever being asked to mind their P's and Q's, so I thought it might be provocative to prepare a quiz featuring these cautionary initials. l What was the "Pact of Steel"? 2 How did the nation or Pakistan acquire its name? 3. Why is a certain breed of horse called a Palomino? SYlllY HAl'I < 4. Who wa,, Pandarus, and how ha.'1 his name persisted in English? 5 . What w as Pascal's succinct description of man? 6. Why is the princi~ race at Pimlico called the "Preakness'? 7. What and where is the Quai d 'Orsa ? 8. ~hy is the Society of Friends popularly known u "Quakers"? ~. What ls the dillerence in the placing of the apostrophe between Queen's College and Queena' College in Britain? 10. What II the composition of Qutche Lorraine? - 11. Wbf l doee the tcrOnym for the international a irline "Qantas" st.and for? 12 What is a quasar? ANSWERS: l. T he fulJ military alliam-e between Gennany and Italy in 1939. 2. It was a name coined in 1933 from the initials of Punjab, Afghan, Kashmir. and the termination of Baluchistan. 3. It comes from the Spanish, meaning "dove-like" and refers to its delicate multi-coloring. 4 . A lead er in the Trojan War, depicted in Shakespeare's Tro1/us and Cress1da as an oily panderer who solicited for his own niece. 5. "Man is the weakest reed in nature -yet he is a thinking reed." 6. "Preakness" was a horse who won lhe Dinner Party Stakes at the inaugural meeting at the Pimlico track in 1870. 7. lt is the site of the French Foreign OHice in Parts. 8. Its name der1ves from its founder, George Fox. who bade officials to "quake at the word of the Lord." 9 One is at Oxford Univers1ty; the Olher ls at Cambridge. 10 . A custard dish baked in an unsweetened pastry shell. often with ba.c..'On •nd cheeae. 11. Initials of the Queensland and Northern Territory AJr Service. 12. IV\ abbrevlaUon for "quasi-1te1Jar rad lo IOUl'Ce, '' whote nature la sttlJ debated by aatrnomen. c1!-.wssments without a vote of the people unless a st.alt.'d pcrtentage of the people p<•t1t1onL'Ci tO haVE· the issue submitted to tlu· vottc'rs. Even then 11 could have ~n 1mp0St.•d by a simple ma.J0rll:1 In It:. amended form thl· measure now would requ1rt· a two-thirds \'O le <1pprov.1l and pcrm1 Ls assessments only ror !JUll<'l' a nd fi re services. O ppone nts of the> meas ure have 1·h..1llt'ngl'd tht• ;:1btl1ty of officials w l'akulate the valutc> of poltce and fire -.l•rv1<:l'S to 1nd1v1dual property owners and also c.:ha rgL'<i such assessments would se>rvp as furthe r barriers to h ome ownership. The• arrogance of the legislators and 10<..:il governm1•nt uChc1als in their efforts to impose nl'W ;,ind added costs to the proper ly ownt.'rs. In the race of the repeated and OVl'rwhelming expressions of the voters for less taxes, 1s appalling. But thl' attempt to justify such new taxes by inferring they are needed to maintain the vital police and hre services ,'! sheer demogoguery THE PRIMARY and basic purpose of government 1s to provide for the health, safety and we lfare of the people Police and fire protcctlon therefore must be the foremost sef"\•1rec; and, as such, have first t•all upon the.• revenues If the local guve rnme nt~ t·annot provide those SC'rv1ces out of t'x1:-1tng revenues there is no reason for that governme nt's existence. However re luctant the officials may be to eliminate from the payrolls their aides, secretaries and other non-essential workers, the people should demand the e nd to s uperfluous employees and unnecessary operations Which of course is what they have been trying to do through their votes on Proposition 13 and the most recent ballot tax measures. GLOOMY liUI (f I could m~ke the ahort drive to work without encountering half a dozen blata.nl traffic violators I wouldn't be IO grumpy when l get to the office. APOLOGIES ..J •• ·~ ·Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT /Wednesday, June 23, 1aei No castle for summer Door-to-door dog license sales set Newport n1an ,givu up dee nnial tradition Th.o unda of Umu, *' tu •pt>ak, h1wt• run out on " Uttlt'·known tradlt1on In Nuwport Bc-ach. For thu lint l1ml' In <fO y1•ur11 . Nttwport niHlvt• AJlllil &<t.•k fuall'C.i lu atiif' hla dt'C\\nnltil Wl'lcoml11~ uf aurruncr by bullJin~ ~ sundt:tt!4th· m front or bis fomlly" Bultxm l"hmd homt.1 Shopping cart enforcement due LOS ANGELES (AP) -CJrtmg away groc.'C'ry store shopping t·urt.s could get you a $500 fmt> or six months in jail under a s tall' law passed tn anuary . Enfo rn•rnt•nt efforts began lhis week. Bt•ck atarted lht-tlr•t-day-of - 11um1m.•r lrodlUon aa u lt't'n•u1er In tp42 A.. llt_-ck tdh lhl' ltory, h WWJ playrng in thl• und when loni\lme I rll'nd Suu Jo'ickcr walked up and 1.:hlc.l\'d h im for such childhood play. Bt•t•k c.lefl•ndt•d sandcastle building u11d suggt'lltt'd she could find him doin~ the same thing 10 years hen~. I le kept his work in 19~2. 1962 und lH72. This year was different. Summer arrived on schedule Monday , but BPck didn't. He sold Miss Ficker t-Ouldn't make it and he couldn't go on .ilotw . B\•ck took the collapse of the trad1t1on in stride. "I'll call you back in 10 years," he ;.1dv1..,ed 'I. Ta iling~ hazardous TOOELE, Utah {AP) Radioac- EVES RA CE Former Sen . Dick Clark of Iowa, a Democrat, is co nsid~ing c h al- e n g i ng R ep ub - lican Sen . Roger Jepsen, the man who beat him four years ago, in 1984. Oran1i1e County animal control lnapt'Ctora will be 1ulllng dos llet>NM.'I door to door nl'X\ month in U unUn11ton &ach Thl' 1&111:11 , pr\:vlcn.11J y condu1..·tcd In June, are being done In July because of tht' rect>nl 11wltcb of animal control serv1l'CS from cl'\y to county level C o unty ln 11 pcc lors are prohibawd by luw Crom coUticting uny OHJnl'Y until Alhl' t•ontrtwt wkl'11 t•tfecl July 1. 1'ht' ll<:en&• l'\'nl'wul r1ttc 11 $10 !)l'r yt'ar. Nc.>w lltW\Mt'tf t'Ofl $1~ Co.lll for oiler~ onlmuls II $6 (or 1ww lie'ell.5('S and $!i for rt.•rwwulic In o break Crom tredltlon, lk1mor dtaien.s will be asked to p&a y license f eea to county mUt><.'\ors. But their p11yments waU be rl'fundt:d by tho l'llY whkh has bol'n olfcrlng frt•c· Jil'en1e1 to JX'Opll' 6:.? ycan or llll' and older. S.·nion Nm f'•'l th.-lr rofundl by pnividlnti1 ll'H'1pi. und proof of aKt' und rcKldt•1H'(• ot the S4•nior Citizens U!nter at 17lh umJ Orange strl'ets or at the Community St.irv1t't.'I> Office, on the fifth floor at City Jioll, 2000 Main St. Enroll ow-- FALL SEMESTER STAATS SEPT. 13th Enrollment Now Being Taken Reasonable Tuition Holliday of thl' Southe rn Cahfornw Grocers Association said the group establis hed a telephone hotlim• wht•rc· stolen or abundoned carts cun b<' reported. tr v" wa1lte uranium spread over a 128 -acre suburban Salt Lake site post•:. a health risk to area residents, the ~Lall''s Uranium Mill Ta1hngs Task Pon.·c says. Door-to-Door Bus 5-nict ,,,,.,, Poss/blf -,,,,, scholistk lfllld1rd In Fountain Valley -'"'""" tltt 'R'I' ll1dint (with phonics) lllrifi'lt, lrlhmftk. "'th". 16835 Brookhurst At $75 a cart, Holliday l>sllmatl'<.1 markets lose $14 miU1ori a yea1 w thieves or customer neghge m:e. THE GIFTS OP WORTH ANDING! Savings up to 353 GET YOUR FREE GIFT • ROBOT COUPE FOOD PROCESSOR •COOKWARE .. BRASS, COPPER & SIL VER ACCESSORIES • VlllEROY & BOCH and PORCELAINE De PARIS CHINA • GORHAM CRYSTAL • TABLE LINEN • INCOLA Y GIFT ITEMS • SHEFFIELD SIL VER • FULL LINE OF KITCHEN UTENSILS IWlD SPICIALTIES 1645 BABCOCK ST. COSTA MESA 642-2427 . X221 ·------------------· SPECIALS · We Have A L1m1 ted Number Of Select Mercedes Ava ilable For Lease At Favorable Terms. ------------------1982 300 D Turbo BluP lllt.>!1111 < "': • 1 Le..,.., 11" , !:>l t!QU Ul•>'tl I I ::t)1 •1 I Cap Cost 526,500 Lean fol' 1!.,. 24~~ 48 or 60 mos. -~ choos e! ---------------·-······--------····· 1982 ·1 300 D Turbo Golll IPP.loll•( .\ V If II l Le!>.., 11 "' .. ~o , .. • t•au OPPd t'wf aUJ/' Cap Cost 127,500 .. ... ' ... ·. ·- Lease fol' 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 mos. • you choose! •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• 1982 300 SD Turbo Blue m etdll1c wr ti ti ut' t " Leo,-. th.111 ct 000 " " .,, • Chr O<He ·"'"'' & mor l" tt 2lJ4 34 Cap Cost 534,000 Lease fol' 12, 24, 36, 48 or 6 0 mos. -you choose! ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 1982 240 D Daily Pilat Call 642-5878. Put a law word• to work for ou. A Private School of Distinction Founded In 1942 (7 14) 962-3312 Wed. ThN Sat. Jun• 23-26, 1982 c:::::lll .... s227 10" Dlag. Meas. Portable Color .Televlson 1cm S01t0 S101e cnoss.s />FC-IY.ito- moflC ~ Conl!OI />CC-~ rr.oric COIOI Confmj In.tine Plctuie luoe system VHf Pie Sel Fine IUoong ~· F I •\••·• Stereo Music System With Cassette Recording AM/FM Stereo Cassette With Recorder/Player • &·Track AM/fM storoo -Fio'lt $ IOOO>OQ couone 1oc01oet/ 13 7 PlaVef full w.e 8SR rec01d ChangO< •58608 1-Gallon Plants 48~ YOUI cnolce Hv- Orld BeQonto's 1 6 6 VlnccJ's 01 Aspm-• aous rems !r 85 20-Pound· Sulphate of Ammonia l''<UI cxtlng nitrogen ror •owns gardens Sh<ut>s and 1199$ _ ... Myton"°" ~~·aw &.77 ~.·Chelf • = 18.97 ti --~ -------- 4" • House Plants ASSOll• j t UV' p1on1s Poll<><:I 1 2 7 1"1()1 :1; YQtlOl "'S • .... .,.,.., s324 19" Dlag. Meas. Color TV VIR 11 Broadcast controlled color Energ y conscious chas sis AFC-Automotac Frequency Conlrol ln·line picture tube system ~~1~:~~~r~ ........... 1.99 2CHXPoSUre Rolls ........ .... 2.99 ~b-,~~~u.re.......... 3.59 ~l~:~s~r~ .......... 5.99 99.88 Lawn Mower >•PerigN> ;>()' C\ll ling polh E'JW 50''1 ,rocou "e" r-.___·,.,~~ 5.97 Deluxe a.at lldmmer s337 Upright Freezer ~QY IO""'O "'000 ....... OC1tu~'l'.X>e len"()elOI\;~ .cor••o ·~<'urea 1•00< dOOt'i Qntj Oi.Jllj~ rr .l~,.,·~' '.100' '800 1"'09f hP s•c.aoe "="'10 C'Xn <:•tv rost ,,,.....,,.. v~ - $354 2·Speed Filter· Flo · Washer $266 Automatic Electric Dryer Srondord copoc ry 1.rned oryer 4 cvcle!>-regular damp dry permonenl press and dewrinkle 3 dryrng selections Submarine Sandwiches Pw'\.J Ji ,, ... \..... JO Y r ur ''-J ,,,...'tpa•• fl'Qf"1f r .. r:tDJs Clamp-On Umbrella Jf. J ,,,, c (, fT t t Cl I It ft Ii+-•) , 48 hondle cA Sl\llOV oiumrnum Rust Vacuum HoM ptOQI 9.97 "' HIGH RATING - Barbara Walte r s' Interviews finished highest in this week's Nielsen ratings. Wallace • services scheduled Funeral services will be held in Pennsylvania this w eek for Cora "P e gg y" Golden W411ace. 88, a former Newport Beach resident who died Friday. The retired owner of an automobile agency, Mrs. Wallace had tx.-en active in the Newport H arbor Assistan ce League, the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Co mm erce, th e Federated Re pubhcan Club of Orange County and the Irvine Terrace Philharmonic support group. Recently a resident of Leisure World in Laguna Hills, she was listed an Who's Who of. America and Who's Who of the West. S h e leaves two g rand sons, Steven Wallace Richards and Raymond W a ll ace Revelez, and two great- gr a nd childr e n . Also surviving are a brother, Harvey Golden, and a sister, Alire Gross. Students to study abroad UC Irvine wiU send 10 Orange Coast students to fo reign countries next year to participate in the UC's Education Abroad Program. The juniors, seniors a nd graduate students wi l l s tud y a t h ost universities in Europe, Latin America. Australia and the Soviet Union The s tude nts were selected on the basis of academic achievement. recommenda tions and language proficiency Orange Coast participants. along with their majors a nd countries they will v1s1t, include: Meureen Flynn ol lrvlne. Spanish. Spain; Shandy Hauk of Hunllngton Beach, drama, Unlle<I Kingdom; Vanessa Havel of Irvine, Spanlah, Spain; Bernhard Hawkins of Minion Vlelo, blolog1c11 science•. Germany; Chrt11opher Logue of Hunllngton Beach, biology, Austria. M8fllyn Ma.nier of trvlne. Hter11ure. United Kingdom, M811a Navwro of Mlasion Viejo. social ldences, Spain, Gabrletla Netm1n of Costa Meaa, Spantan. Spain; Jeff VanderNml ot Mission Vlelo. humanities, United Kingdom and Sandra Wtckland of lrvlrie. 1oc18I ecology and German, Germany. !!.!!:! Alt OOfaTIOMNO .out WAT'a HUllHO IATMIOOM ltMOOaJHO ~ I• 111&$1 e.vtoe T-Slant al VOU< Ooot (Cal Sien --VOU< A-) COITA MISA 641-1289 Orangt.Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Wtdn•day. Jun• 23, 1ee2 ' Barbara Walters interviews rank highest iri we ekly TV ratings • LOS ANOEL~ (AP) -Tho allo llnllhod flrat for th w"k Company" and "Tho Love Boet." &rburo Woltt•f'tl Special," a ratlns Barbara Walll'l'I Spedal, an oull of endlf\i Juno 22, In the A.C. NI IM!n . ., · " of 23 4 or 18.8 million horn · , ABC: orlalnallly amon1 summertime ra.nkini'I. with a raun1 of 13.0. NBC 1 Klll Stroet Bluet, which ''Too Cloee for Comforl," 21.6 or Hom ," 18.9 or 13.3 million, NBC; ''Thto Love Boat," 16.8 or 13 .4 mlUlon. ABC. rt'runa, flnl1ht'd at th top of th CBS wu l«'Ond with 12 ~ nd betian Ill cllmb alter wlnnina eleht 17.3 mllllon, ABC. "filll Stret'l ~I viJlon mUnp tor th put week. NBC waa third with 11 .8. The ~my award. lu t SeptembPr, waa Bluf'll," 20.7 or 16.5 million. NBC, Th~ 1peclal , In whlch M iu network. uy this mciuu In an third. ~.BC &t.o pl.aced ~~o other '"rhree's Comoany," :W.2 or 16.1 Waltc111 lntervt wed country-music avc ragl' frlml•-tlme mln.ut .. , t:l sho~•· Gimme 8 Bre~~ and tht! million, ABli-:-••·rrupp,·r John, ainaor Willie NellOn, actor Clint pcn.>tmt o tht• nat.lon'a honws with NBC Sun~~ Movl! Flvo O#ya M.D." 19.5 or 15 t5 million. CBS: H,.,,. ore· the next 10: "Howie Calla," CBS, "AJICC!," CBS: "WKRP In Cincinnati," CBS: "Diff'rent Stroke1," NBC; "20-20," ABC: Eutwood 11nd actre11 Carol TV were lunt--d to ABC. from Horne. In the fop lO. "M-A-S-H," 19.0 or 15.2 miUJon, Burnett. waa o ne of the few CBS hlld three 1hows In th Top CBS; "Thi· J••Cft.>rsons," 18.7 or 14.9 "The Fall Guy," ABC: "60 Minut(••," C.85. "Quincy," NBC; NBC Mo nday Night M ovie, "Charleston," NBC, "One Day at a Time." CBS or1glnal Hhows of lhe week u the Other ABC ahowa whl~h placed 10,'' TrAP.per J ohn , M.D .. '' million. CBS; "Gimme a Break," rerun MNllQn wu ln Cull swtna. In the rau~· Top 10 were '"foo "M·A-S-H, •and '"rhc J effef90na." 18.1 or 14.5 million. NBC: NBC ABC. whJch telecast the 1pecW, C lose for Comfort," "Three'• Here are the Top 10 11how1: "The Sunday Movie. "t1ve Daya from SAVI! 20° FRiil STAID DRINKS AUOITID fUYOIS 1. 0 6-8 oz. DRINKS , •• •'tli+• CLAlltOl. ..._____, SUMMER BLONDE •A Uffi[ SUN .!It.Ii..-~• A LOT Of SUN . YOUI CHOICE! IA~-3.29 .. •itlil• METAMUCIL ... r---=-i NATUUL·F11£1t WATIYE Regular or Orange Flavor SPECIAL I DIAMOND ALUMIUM FOIL SPECIAL! CHRIS' & PITT'S UR .. tQIAUCE .,..au UGULU tr MtCKottY lllOKI f\.AVOfl 1. a 123 or. u . -...::;;.o, SAVE30c ltlYLON FLEX ~~ ~ 51 ~I AllCMITlD FottMUl.AI z FLEX 111 -&~ • 18 oz. u. ~RSPECIALS •iS:'i'·• ltEVlON MITCHUM ltOU.oN Alm-""""'" AD PRICES PREVAIL: POLAROID AMIGO 620 Scented or Unscenteo tor proDlem persp1Jallon ,.J.99 .. Cf§J.I.• POND'S CREAM & COCOA BUTTER ~~0~ SKIN SOFTENING c..~ Wednesday. June 23rd thru Saturday, June 26th INSTANT CAllW In times ol LOTION ~ I N.1.49 -· _r , ... 2.69 ~~ ct&Ji• TAUi TOAS ' ' i TUMBLERS For orinks as long as tono hot summer days Con· structe<l ot rug(le<l poly· ethylene 340L .... 3:S1 ~~m:; •i439t.H• CONTAINER lSSOltTMENT 1·01 UPRITE (PJ.K OF JI •15'. • GAl UPRITE 1SINGlE PAKI •117, •8 OZ ROUND JAR ISINGlE PAKl --JN~:::::f •IJJ,•801 FLAT SINGLE PAKl •tn .,,,,,, .• SIWlltOCll TOTE BAG Made ot rugged polyethy· lene m a gracelul lace design ASSORTEO COLORS 14" • ll" SABROSO COFFEE LIQUEUR 1.75 LT. 9.99 ......,-~-·~ 750 ML. 5.99 !.75LT.9.99 '-~~~~~~~~~-- ~~ 24" B·B·O HTISSOI£ ~ llG IOY llG IOY TAil.£ TOP ~IUZJO B.S.Q~ 1121412.99 IUNCSfOH CH UCO Al lltlQUETS 2 79 10 lit. • 15 QUAil COOLDATE .. ICE CHHT WITH I.JD Strawberry chest with white lid has capacity to hold 16-12 oz cans plus "' '" .. " 15.95 'i'rCAlLON BEVERAGE need Amigo 620 Will be lhere like a lrttnd to give you lhe sharpest clearest p1t1ures Possible Close- up lens locuses 1n tor a p1cture- perfect portrait ~ #2M7~ <Pii''S• ~+"~'°" SUNDOWN SUNSCltUN Assor1ed sun pro•«flon fatlOIS HIGH SPEED { ---~~;,:,:199 4 n . 3.99 u PHOTO SPECIAL! PANASONIC AM/FM POITUl.£ RADIO WITM • • (ttJpa.1 .• .,. [l[ltQS( SM!DALS <1439'1\ia lt(Vtl[ TEAKETTLES ALL COPrtlt (ll2t0tl er COPPER IOnOM (112701-4) 2-1/l Ill •t*'l1·• PLASTIC a.nu Sl.ICXJW9I fr--=-~~ . -~­. WflMON( PARTY POPS~~~ F111 w11h your fav orote Dever age F reue En1oy ots cool retres~1n9 flavor' 1S26 .......... et.4. ,. ..... 99~ GULi Ult CMAICOAl STUTO 2 89 .JUG ~,,,.4.49 •UUWO 99c MISSION VllJO 495-0401 t'"2 c-.i-c.,1119-is-.... '""'· • ,._,. ,..,.,., Sptdaf .... %).Jane 29 Kryptoptws b1cr1t111: Sl.79 ----~ PlANTERS ASS'T. MACKI Nn~ CHAIR UMBREllA With a oooseneck clamp to auach easily to your p1110 Chair En· IOY sitting outside this 'n •·'· • ~~::::,;~rou1 3 9· 9-~ sunburn IUtlJ• • """7. NACH -MM9e a ......... -'-'tri •1ll I .... -._... • .,... 'OUWTMt YAU.rt -¥ .. Miit a W.,._ Features dt· lu•t 111nyl WtblMO Ind ,,J.'"""11!- 0PP051nQ 1trap~t· cure ly bound 01111 frame Folds com· '\: pactly lor 11oraoe ".-7.99 ~. '9WPCMtT -1-......., wnu•11,._ .. v. -~Dr ...... SAVE 2oe HAAGEl·DAZS ~ PllMIUM ICICRUM .. TOftO -M1P1 Ruklel• Reed MtMIOM V1l1'0 -tm71 _..H,_ """' IAHTA AHA -•11 '4Mlttl lftet .. ltrwt 5 llllJPllat ... ., • yo G r egory Peck tt'i l l .., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1982 portray A brah am Lincoln 0 CAVALCADE 82 • "Th e Blu e and th e a In THI ClllT MD THI COUNTY COMICS 84 Gray." Page 85. TELEVISION 85 ' Holida y confusion Diedrich at end of long i-oad T HE FOURTH FOLLIES: Considering all the glumpy weather we've suffered in recent times, it's difficult to realize that the Fourth of July is only 10 days away. But it is. Independence Day celebrations. however. have already Callen into certain confusion because the Fourth of July this year falls on Sunday. Lots of folks will thus have the following Monday off. · So do you celebrate the Fourth on the Fourth ,,..._\ or do you do it on the -,0-M_M_U_R_PH_l_N_f ,~(" Fifth6ne placard for a ---------~-..ii-.. .... -. picnic in the Mariner's Park area of Newport Beach carried a note the other day for a Fifth of July celebration. It was changed to the Fourth on Tuesday. By tomorrow, who knows? T HERE IS ALSO A meas ure of confusion among the populace on where we'll all be allowed to shoot off some so-called ''Safe and Sane" pyrotechnics, or where the practice is banned. Fireworks bans seem to be more prevalent this year. A large sign warning against use of fireworks has been planted on the M ain Beach in Laguna Beach. Some previous seasons. Laguna's Main had been a free-for-all location for shooting the approved types of works. One loyal subscriber had an interesting reaction after this sterling journal printed a photo in some editions last ''Martha. I warnc:d you -one more cherry bomb md the cops would come .. " Friday depicting a banner that had been stretched between two palm trees at Big Corona Beach. It proclaims: "All Fireworks Prohibited." Our reader called up and he was hotter than a firecracker. "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE," he declared. "You mean I can't even light a s parkler to cele brate the independence of our nation?" That's right. Not in Newport Beach legally, anyway. The odd circumstance of this complaint is that the gentleman reader said h e'd been a resident of Newport Beach for more than 10 years and such a fireworks ban really heated him up. He was a little late 10 the protest. Fireworks of aU kinds have been banned in Newport Beach and its environs for decades now. IN MANY PRIOR years, howe ver, the ban was vastly ignored by the multitudes, just like the dry years of Prohibition, and on the Fourth of July at dusk, Newport Beach began to look like World War III had just broken out. More recently, police and fire agen cies in Newport have made a concerted effort to crack down on offenders. Thus you might not get burned by fireworks in Newport, but you sure can get pinched for them. Unfortunately for the easily confused populace, the rules and regulatio ns on fireworks can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. There have been instances where shooting pyrotechnics on th e county beach is legal, but if you step across an invisible line in the sand on to city-controlled beach, it could be citation-time. AND OF COURSE if you're shooting what used to be known as "the good stuff" in the good old days -bottle rockets, skyrockets,. flashcrackers, Roman candles, or cherry bombs -you're illegal anywhere you are in our area. Maybe the best rule to follow is to join the family dog during the Fourth of July celebrations. Under the bed, that is. E x-supervisor in prison 5 years after indic tment By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 tti. o.iiy ttttot •••" 1''ive years ago, Ralph D1edr1ch enjoyed all the power, prestige and influence that goes with being the captain of Orange County government -chairman of the Board of Supervisors. To political insiders, he became known as ''Super D" He was a stocky, blunt-talking politician who. associates once said, aspired to be Orange County's premier political power broker. Bnt on a drizzly day in Vista Tuesday -five years after his much-publlciied indictment for bribery by the Orange County Grand Jury -Ralph Diedrich's aspirations took a dramatic turn. The best he could hope for, his attorney told a San Diego c'Ounty judge, would be to stay alive while serving a one-to-14 year state prison term. Diedrich, 58, was taken into custoy Tuesday morning after Supe rior Court Judge Ross Tharp rejected defense requests that he be all6wed to remain free on probation. Also taken into custody by San Diego County marshals was co- defe ndant L e Roy Rose. the arc hitec t who se rved as Diedr1ch's one-time campaign treasurer. He too faces a one-to-14 year term in state prison, though h1S attorney said a modification 1s possible following a diagnostic study at the Chino men's prison. Both men were convicted iQ Tharp's courtroom -on a char~e of venue neurly thrt:t: years ago. A jury found Dit.'<irich guilty of t~o counts of bribery and a single count of conspiracy. Rose was t't>0v1ctt>d of a single <.'Ount of consp1rnc.·y. The c.·h arges stemmed from allegations that the two men conspired to gain f1na nc1al benefit from owners of 2,200 acres in Anaheim Hills in return for a favorable vote by t h e County Board of Supe r visors p e rmitting re s 1dent1al development on thf' property. Following the <..'Onv1ct1ons, the case became mm.~ for two years in appellate <.'Ourts. Th<.' state's Fourth District Court oJ Appeal at o ne point r eversed the convictions. But the California Supreme Court m a dramatic reversal last month reinstated the convictions. That ruling set the stage for Tuesday's final court hearing - one that many observers thought they'd n<.'ver see. "l was beginning to wonder 1f I would live long enough to see this day," prose,·utor Mi chael Capiizi quipped. referring to the lengthy delays and appeals in the case. Noting that D1ednch was one among several Orange County public officials to be convicted a nd imprisoned for improper political activ1t1cs m the 1970s, Capizzi said: "He's the last on<.' to pay the fiddler." Diedrich df'Cllned to comment to reporters. D•llY Piiot 8t•ff Photo BEHIND BARS -Former Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich has begun the l -to-14 years sentence he was given upon conviction of two counts of bribery and one of conspiracy. But his attorney, Keith C Monroe of Santa Ana, told Tharp that sending the 58-year-old World Warr II veteran to pnson would be tantamount to a dc.-ath sentence. Monr oe cl aim ed that D1edrach's h ealth was poor. making his chant'(>S of surv1vmg 1mpnsonmc•nt shm He suh.l that h is t'l1e nl was lt>l(ally blind, uffcrt•d from high blu11d p r E' s s u r l' a 11 d h u i> h l' n r 1 n g p robll•ms all "unui.u a l" c1rc ums t anl·c.•S JU5ll ry 1ng probation Cap1z.z1, c.1s1>1stant d1 1>t ru:t attorney for Oran ~E' County. d1sagrel•d .. Thl're 11> nothing unusual about th11> case, except for the ract that ht• (Diedrich) wa1> l'aught,''" h<.' ~1d In a latl·r int(•rview, Capizzi said 1t would lx· two years before Diedrich and Rost• could become eligible for parole mns1derauon He smd hl• wanll"<.I to Sl.'e both mc·n servt• al lt•ast thrN• years bt'hmd bars Owdnl'h last yl·ar rc'<:t'1ved a ont• yl'ar sus~·ndt·d p1l s1·nwrwe and was fined $5,0011 for parlll·1paung 111 a l·ampwgn fund laundl•r111g uµt·ra twn s1 x yt•<:1rs ago. Thl' d <lV D1t'dr1 ch was $C•ntenc<.'d 1n that c..isl· was the samt· day th<· statt· Supreme Court gra n ll·d a hl•a ring sought by Cap1n1 on lht' -Ith D1sll"u:l Court of Appeals UL't:1swn lo ovl·rturn lhl• brihc•ry and l°Cmsp1nit·~ umv1t lion.., It is l'>-!X'<:tt'Cl that D1ednch and Rmw will n.·matn in the north San Dl<'go County Jail m Vista unul nc•x1 wc•t'k They will be transpurll·d to th(• men 's pnson at Chino and from there to anothN fauhty m California to finish out tht·1r tt•rms Better idea pays handsOmely Engineer saves county money, gets reward By F REDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of ttM 0-"1 PMot St•ff Jack Frabl had a better idea. Why, he asked, should Orange County go,·emment hire a bunch of different contractors to seed dirt embankments to prevent erosion. Why not give the contracts to a single firm and thus r ettuce contract overhead costs? Frabl came up with the idea five years ago. But 1t was not until last fall that the county finally h a d e n o ugh embankments requiring erosion contro l to put Fr ab l ·s cost-saving idea to a test. The result was impressive. Officials estimate that an $8 2.079 contract for the seeding of 51 acres wou Id have cost a lot more i( it weren't for Frabl's idea - $16,513 more to be exact. Frabl was awarded $1.500 last month for his cost-cutting idea. He received a check, a certificate oC appreciation a nd a Brown n a m es two O C j udges Gov. Edmund Grown Jr. appointed two Judges in Orange County Tuesday. Judith Ryan, 39, a judge in the West Orange County Judicial District, was elevated to the Superior Court. replacing the late Judge Ronald Prenner. James Franks II, 42, of Mission Viejo, a former deputy public defender In Orange a nd Los Angeles counties, was named to the No rth Orange Coun t y Judicial Di s trict Court. He r e pla ces Judg e Linda McLaughlin, who earlier was promoted to the Superior Court. Superior Court judges get $63, 267 a year, and Municipal Court judges $57,776. personalized coffee mug from county Supel"Vlsor Ralph C lark. Frabl, an associate civil e ngin eer wh o l ives in Huntington Beach. 1s amon g scores of c.'Ounty employees who have received ca s h a wards ranging from $10 to a maximum of $1 .500 for suggestions on how cou nty gove rnment can hold down expenses. Frabl was the 23rd county e mplo yee t o receive the maximum award s ince t h e program began six years ago Officials estimate that more than $2 million h as been saved through the suggestions. ''There's more to 1t than the m on ey ," said Frabl. "The strokin.g . . thr recognition is important." Awards are doled o ut by supervisors about one<.' a month. Among this month's winners are: -Paul Gushard. a deputy m arshal in O r a n ge Cou nty Central Mun1c1pal Court. who proposed a flag system to alert courthouse personn el lo court files that need to be transferred from one courtroom to another, or to the clerk's office. Gushard is receiving $1.210 on the anticipated savings of $12.097 -Marlene Nelson. a superior . court supervising stenographer, who said it'd be less costly for the county to let a master contract ·for the repair and servicing of th e cou nty's e l ec tr ica l typewriters. She's receiving $1. 120. -Charles Murphy, an Orange Cou nt y Fire D e partment information officer . who is receiving $200 for suggesting that weekly bull<.'tins to fire stations be sent via the county's in-house dispatch department instead of the mails. D•lly Piiot Sl•H Photo IDEA P AYS OFF -Jack Frabl. a civil eng ineer fdt" Orange County, suggested a cost-saving idea on erosion control • contracts and received a $1.500 reward. College districts fight fund loss OC election results certified; Crean official winner in 43rd By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tti. D .. ly Piiot 8t•ff The chancellors for Orange County's four commuruty coUege districts have fired off a joint telegram to state legis lators, hoping to prevent the loss o( about $23 million in funding for the county's two-year colleges. "devasta ting " impact on community c·ollcges. Concern about the prov1s1on was voiced I - by loca l chancell ors in their l telegr~m 1 As a means of resolving the I state budget dcf1cil, the deflator wo uld automatically reduce - fund ing to sc h ools and community colleges b y $1.2 billion, education officials say. .,.., ................. CERTIFIE D -J ohnnie Crean wu offldally certified Tuetday a1 the Republican candidate in the 43rd . eon,re.tonal Dtatrict, but h1I margin of victory wu shaved to 9~ votes. • By J EFF ADLER of .... DeltJ "°' St.ti ~tly two weeks after the June 6 primary election, Orange County Registrar of Voters Al Olson Tuesday certified county election results to the California Secretary of State. By signing the certification papers, Olson officially finalir.ed the ballot-counting process that began when the polls closed election night. Candidates who have been considering asking for a recount of their races now will have until ~ p.m. Monday to JNke such a requelt, Obon said. While the final official vote tabulation did not chanae the outoome of any cont.ett 1n the countr., It did narrow the winner 1 margin of Victory ln Southern California's closest election. Final election to1als in the 43r<J Congressional Final election totals in the 43rd Congressional dis trict gave Republican Johnnie Crean a victory by or;qy 92 votes over his closest rival, former Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard. A running tabulation of votes in the diatrict, which includes portion.1 of both Orange and San Diego counties, had Cr ean winning the Republican nomination by 100 votes. ln the final offldal tally, Crean finished with 13,761 votes to Padtard'• 13,6e9, Olton repor1ed. He said Orange County voten marked their ballota for Crean 6,395 times to the 1,277 votes polled by Packard. San Diego County vote tallies, which also were certified Tuesday, had Packard with 12, 392 votes to Crean 's 7 ,366, Olson said. The race for the Republican nomination in the 43rd district was a topsy-turvy affair that was bitterly contested by the 18 candidates vying fo r the nomination. Since the election Crean - who was a.ccuaed of using qucationable and often dirty campat1n tactics -haa been challqed ln the aeneral elec\lon by MCODd·place flnilher Packard, who ii mount1n1 • write-In campaign. Lee Myers, who is employed in Sacramento as a legislative advocate for the four districts, said members of a state Senate- A.ssembly conference committee' on the budget failed to resolve the community college funding issue during exte nsive talks Monday .. "Every time they get to the community college Item, they called a recess or passed over it," Myers said today in an interview from the 4tate c~pital. "They want to do aomelhing, but they . just can't agree on what." U state le,gialaton cannot airee on an alternative, Myen aald, a "deflator mec:hanlem" wlU 10 lnto effect July 1. He utd thla provision co uld have a a co a o n Locally, district officials say. the deflator would result in the following losses to Orange County's community colleges: Coast Community Colleke Dis trict, $9.1 million; North Orange County Community College district. $6.6 million; Saddleback Community College District. $4.6 million; and the Raneho Santiago Community Collese District. $3.9 million. The schools also face a proposal that would enable the state to reclalm $50 million from ~rvc rund1 accumulated by tht c.atJfomla <"OmmunJty coll~ districts. ·a \ -\ - •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN •HOROSCOPE What's parent role when children divorce? DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our daughter will aoon be signing the legal papers for a separation from her husband. She did not want the separation, but he pressured her into lt. . We are aware of the emotional pain this girl has suffered, and perhaps we have already said too much in an effort to help. These days. when divorce ls almost as corrunon as marriage, it would be very useful if you would print some do's and don'ts for parents whose children are experiencing the agony of ending a marriage . Thank you, Ann . - ANGUISHED IN SYRACUSE DEAR PARENTS: Tbe most important thing parents can do at such a time 11 remain supportive and silent. The worst thing you can do Is give unsolicited advice. If tbe departing spouae was not liked, it's easy to say too much. So remember, whatever words are uttered should be tender and sweet because yoa might have to eat them one day. Tbe following letter might be of interest. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am· a 32-year -old mother of two. This past summer I remarried my husband after a 10-year separation. My question: when do we celebrate our anniversary? Also, how many years have we been married? Our first marriage was on June 9, 1970. We were married again Aug. 18, 1981. Thank you for helping point the way out of FINISHING TOUCHES -A Rockwell International employee puts the finishing touches on the Challenger, America's next shuttle spacecraft that is due to debut during ceremonies at the company's Palmdale facility. thhl dilemma. -TRYING AGAIN IN WINNIPEG DEAR TRYING AGAIN: Since yoa are making a fresh s tart, I 1u11est you celebrate your anniversary on Aue. 18. A1 for tbe number of years: ID all boae1ty, you 1bould deduct tbe years you were not married. I see no reason to celebrate time spent apart. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I loved your answer to the woman who was critical of her "dear friend" who used beer glasses for wine and salad forks for the fish. You said, "A much greater disaster is to become trapped by socially correct bores." That letter reminded me of a lecture I attended recently. On the way home my friend who had accompanied me said, "Did you notice the s peaker mispronounced harassment?" I replied, "Is THAT all you got out of her brilliant presentation?" I've observed that "'ost critics who nitpick are mental midgets. No detail is too small to glom onto in an effort to elevate the mselves. -MARINA DEL REY. CALIF. DEAR DEL: Amen, 1l1ter, or brother -whJchever. Well said. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thank you for printing the letter from the teen-agel' who wanted to keep her baby. I made chat mistake, and it was a big one. The spacecraft will be towed overland to &iwards Air Force Base July 1, and will remain there through the upcoming STS-4 mission. The Challenger's first flight is planned for early 1983. I Libra: Humor wins Tbursday, Jane !4 ARIES (March 2 1-April 19): Aura of romance prevails; domestic tranquility returns following stormy sessions. Focus on change, speculation, variety, entertainment and physical attraction. Personal magnetism soars, member of opposite sex cares and attempts to prove it. TAURUS (April 20-May · 20): Protect property interests. Check payment schedule. Be aware of legal loopholes. Focus on security, safety measures, authority figures and ways of lifting restrictions. Cancer, Pisces, Virgo natives figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Relatives~ to think they know what's best for you. Be flexible, but know when to draw line. Special relationship is highlighted and includes financial, emotional involvement. Long-tenn agreements oorrunand attention. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cash flow resumes once you are rid of burden which was not your own in firat place. Emphasis on payments, collection, consolidation of aueta. Obtain professional appraisal, be aware of accounting procedures. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You become more Independent in thought, action:Ernphalis on new ttarta, fresh approach and innovative procedures.. Aquarius and another Leo play important roles. It la time for cold plunge Into future. Romance is highlighted. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): E~otlonal involvement could lead to clande9ttne meeting. Much that OCCW'9 ta behlnd toene1. very private NMi requlrel utmost dilc:retion. Intuitive intellect tel"W9 aa reliable jfU.lde. You'll know what to do, wbm to do it ancf how to announce It. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct.. 22): Dlveraty, dJ.lplay wnatilJty and be wilUng to chuclc.le at yow own . . -...... ~ ... • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA foibles. Popularity increases, and invitations multiply. Forces tend to be scatter e d , constructive activity features artistic e ndeavoni. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll be asked to revamp, revise and to make speciaf report for supervisor. superior. Focus on career, prestiie. community project and dealings with authority, including government officials . Another Scorpio lS involved. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Accent on travel, education. spiritual development ability to communicate in graphic manner. Focus al.lo on publishing, special relationship and a variety of sensations. Language study would prove profitable. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan . 19): Major domestic adjustment highlights acenarlo. Financial structure also comes into aharp, clear focua. Budget program would be COllltrUCtlve. Taurus. Libra, Scorpio person• figure prominently. Occult mystery provides challente. AQUARIUS (Jln. 20-Feb. 18): Define 11Prma, lie low, So slow, avoid .elf-deception. PllY lbel"e. a'11entilln to public relatlo~ bit a•.are ·of~ lltd ~ber commitment to ene who MC:s1'ad far your benefit. Pbcel, Cancer, Virgo pereo1111 play lllenificant roler1. PISCES (Feb. 19 .. March 20): c.onoentrate on task.a which have been delayed <?t ICrloted. Chanca for major advancement are hetihtened. You require aoUd bue, ample quarten and authority to make money decllion1. Cancer, TaUrut, Qipricom J)fl"ION play algn.lflcant tole&. • • 1 got pregnant at 17 and l.nalated on keeping my baby no matter what. My boyfriend wanted out. I let him go -no strings attached. (Another mistake.) Now I am tied down with a kid and my ex- boyfriend is running around town, dating, going to baseball games, having a wonderful time. No young guy wants to take out an 18-year -old girl who has a baby. The girlfriends I had in school are like strangers. We don't have anything in common anymore. Some of their mothers don't want them to associate with me. If I had it to do over again I would have given my baby up for adoption. I hope every girl who has to make this decision will put her baby's welfare first and do just that. - WISH I COULD DATE AGAIN (GA.) ~ANN UMaS DEAR WISH: I can add notb1D1 to yoar letter except my thanks for bavln1 written It. Are drugs OK if you learn how to control them? Can they be of help? The answ ers are in Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2, plus a Jong, self- addrt!ssed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 1199~. Chicago. W . 6061 J. Dishes break record ALLEN FISHER, the Britisher who buttled for Bing Crosby in H'sborough and is now a butler for the Prince of Walee, curled his lip over Kathryn Crosby's auction list and sniped to an amused Cal Rosst ln London: "I remember a wedding reception where we didn't have enough dishes ao I ruahed to Cost Plus and bought some for 30 cents apiece. I see they're now worth nine dollars each. Really!" HERB MEN ?;IA MAH IN SAN FRANCISCO N~EPHREAKISM may be well anq ttuly dead here, but reports Janos Gereben, it is alive in -Siberia! Meet the deputy chief of the Irkutsk Communist Party. Leonid G. Pinko. Montana?" TPe Cronk: "I think you mean ~· H\11\tley." IN SONORA , Auto Dea l er Don Dambacher is offering "a 50-50 warranty - if your car breaks in half you get to keep both pieces." This is a scream in the boonies. IF YOU WERE TURNED on by the topless lady on the cover of the June 7 Newsweek -Artist William Bailey's "Portrait of S" -I know where you can get a closer look; that outstanding painting is on display at Oakland Museum till July 18. JAN Y ANEHIRO is off KPIX's "Evening Magazine'' on maternity leave, so a contest is being held -25 words or less - for a one--night replacement. My vote goes to Jeanne Marks of Aptos, who wrote: "How about a 200-lb. 66-year-old swimmer grandma who loves people and would give her false teeth to get this assignment? That's me" ... Whenever I hear the term "anchonnan" I envision a guy with an anchor around his neck jumping off Pier 39. I N ONE EAR: Barbara Boxer's knockout description of the nuclear anns race: "Two men are sitting in a large pool of gasoline. One has seven matches and the other has only five" ... Tuesday must have been a slow day in Washington. My phone rang and it was Senator Alan Cranston saying, "Heard the latest?" "No," 1 replied, signaling Stop the Presses. "Well,'' he went on, "the people on the Falklands are now being moved to the island of Malta, where they will become Malt.est Falkans." He is still one of our finest Senators ... Makes sense: Dr. Rudy Noble, upon reading that Margaret Thatcher is suffering from insomnia over the Falkland fighting, ventures, "Has she tried counting ROBIN WILLIAMS, a night person, will make his first appearances at Harrah's Tahoe July 2-3-4, doing only a 2:30 a.m. show ... Jerry Schultz, who thin.ks pro bas~etball is "boring boring boring!" likes David Brenner's idea: "Give each team 100 points and let them play for two minutes." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT sheep?" . TMERE~S NO COPYRIGMT ON LOVE - Big sign heralding a special sale at Merrill's Drugs at Fourth and Market, caug.ht by Jean C'oiii"ns: "American Flags - Made in USA!" That's news. YOU CAN COPY IT TALKTAIL LOUNGE: Walter Cronkite had a fairly mizzerable time Tues. night. Outside the Fairmont, a stranger hailed him with, "Hey, good to see you -still retired in TO VOUR HEART'S CONTENT. -.. GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •542 c;> QJ4 0 AKJ1078 +9 WEST EAST •K873 •J t09 c;> K 962 c;> 8 73 0 8 O Q942 •Q02 +KJG SOUTH •AQ6 c;>A105 0 53 •A 10875 The bidding: Soodt Weal Nordt Eut 1 • PtH I O Pua I NT Pua S NT Pa11 Pua P ... P ... Opening lead: Two of <:>. "Penny wise, pound foolish," states the old adage. South, declarer at three no trump. took care of the pen· nlea, but the pounds failed to take care of themaelvt1. The auction ,.,., tlmple. North judred well when he ralffd to tbrff no trump with hi.a unb&lan~ hand and sood elx~1ult -lt wu unlikely that eleven tricks could be made. but nine were quite likely. West elected to lead his fourth-beat heart. Declarer won in hand with the ten and led a diamond to the jack, which won. Elat~d whh the SUCCUI of his fl11eue. declarer returned to baad with the ace of clubs and led another d iamond. West's discard of a spade was a cruel shock. Declarer took d1.1mm1'1 two high di.&JMods, and he could set up two lcm1 card1 in the suit if he so 1'1th· ed. But there was no entry to cash them. Inatead. decluer '-Ook a spack finene, wbic:fl Ion. West exited with a 1pade. and declarer had to be con· tent with seven trick1. Dedarer m.cle a 1&"6 ,,.. ror at trietr oQe. ~· ~­mond tricb ..,. all t Mt were oeeded to malt tt. con- tract, so dealarer should ba•• made certain that Ille h.t .Jft entry to dumsv to ""• tltt wlL Dlclarw • ..n ..,._ ftM·. trio too chuplf-h• .~ have taken it with tilt 141tl Now dedarer caa la. the dlamond n..... AIPn!Df Eut agaJn hol'8 u~ ckeW'W cont.Jnue• •Ith tlte ace et diamond•. When Wen .~ ... .. ouL. declarer simply concedes the next diamond trick t,o East's queen while discard· ing a club from his hand. (That is better technique than taking lhe second high djamond and then conc-.dinr a trick in the suit, becaU9e declarer won't have a conve· nient discard on the fourtfl round of diamonds.) As the cards lie, Eut'• best return is a spalk. Declarer spurns the fineaM. He rises with the ace and leads a heart toward the queen-jack. Now he is U3Ured of an entry to dum· m7, and he will be able to run the diamonds for bis con- tract. l•lalaer brld1e el•la• ~·t tM c1•tr7 w u..t.w•• ......... ....... De ... ,. rn.w ........ ,.. •••'tt ClaarlH Ger•• •a "FHr·Deal lrW1e" •lD ~,. .. th.,... .. &Mtlc9 •• t.W. rut ....... . ..... did,.., .... .. ... .......... :•:ii· Fet • 91'7 ... • •-rr-.... II.Tl te -C.... ,_.. 0 .. 1... ,..... ., ,~ •• ......... P.O. a.•• H••nl, N-'. Of ....... ..... ,.,..._ te N ... ... ........ .. .. '\ , I . . 'Sugar' sweet at Harlequin; Two more musicals opening By TOM TITU of"IM DellJ '"91 Ii.ft M o r•• than mo11t mualc o.l adapt11t lo ns ("Mame ," "Applau1e," "Promh l•s , Promlac1," otc.), "Suaar" Is virtually bound with hoop11 of steel to It.a original incarnation - in this cue the hit movie <'Omcdy "Some Like It Hot." One c~m hardly m e ntion the musical without crediting Its gcnet1ls. Suddlc.>back Colh•ge I• S teve Elm ore . with Sue Anne Oershl•n1<>n pluyh\i Marian, the Ubrarlun, In Meredith WllJ.on's populur 11atlre of M1dwu11tern Amt·rlca . Doyle Mc Kinney. V i.lcrll• Mcilroy, Rkh.rd Doyle, Martha McFarland and Michael Barnl.'tt arc featured In the supporting cast. l'crformunce11 will be given Thursday through Saturday of this week, June 29-30, J uly 1-3 and 6-10 with l'Urtaln at 8 p.m. Saturday matinees are offered at 2 p.m .. Sunday matinees at 3 p.m. ta the main Saddleback College theater. Reservations 831-4656. ThruJune 26 Chicken Dinner Special &2.69 You get the best part of the chicken. Four Chicken Plonka "-strips of whole, whltemeat chicken breast, dipped in our special batter-served with fresh c:ole slaw and golden frycs. 3095 H•rbor Stvd. In Costa Mtsa Jun Sou111 or San Diego Fwy Across lrom Frdco Yet the st.age version has a definite life of Its own , a sparkling it somewhat silly , charade set in the Al Capone era when gangland violence was at its peak. The passage of years has turned tommy gun -t o ting mobsters into comic figures not unlike Keystone Kops, and dressing m drag haa been a comic staple since the beginning of show business tune. WHO, ME? -Bruce Winant· has second thoughts about donning a wig in "Sugar" at th e Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Ringing Its curtain down this Drive thru service w~~~will~''Yow~~~l--~~c~~~~~~~;•~H~~e~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mine?" at the San Clemente 1- Community Thater , 202 Ave. Cabrill o. San Clemente . Performances are Friday and Satu rd ay at 8 p .m . and res e rvattons are taken at ., Put the two togethe r and you've got "Sugar,'' the summer production at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. And director Tom Blank has provided the spice, juicing up the musical numbers to create a bris kly paced, imaginatively s taged evening of entertainment. The twin centerpieces of the sh ow are Bruce Winant and Mark Sawyer, musicians on the run fro m the m o b afte r witnessing a Chicago rubout, who take refuge in an all-girl orchestra bound for Miami. Both are highly adept at physical comedy, particularly Winant, whose facial machinations as he fends off the advances of dirty old man Jack Cregory are a scream. Ada Maris is delightful m the title role of the sexy singer who's been around the block a few limes. always winding up with the "fuzzy end of the lollipop." Her seduction of a "reluctant" Sawyer earns high comic marks. Not.able in support are Jensen Collier as the brassy bandleader, Whitney Rydbeck as her klutzy manager and Lou Genevrino as the tap-dancing gangster who leads a flas hy toe routine augmented by some lmagmatlvt! Lighting effects. Musical d1r~tor Jim Ishii keeps the pace snappy "Sugar" is a sweet show at the Harlequin, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. JUSt north of Cost.a Mesa, where 1t will be in residence through Labor Day weekend. It's a splenqid way lo pass an evening. * TWO VENERABLE musicals open along the coast this wt-ek as Sebastian's W est Dinner Playhouse revives "George M'' Wednesday and the Saddleback Company Theater opens its new summer season Thursday with "The Music Man." lra Denmark plays the utle role of sh owman George M Cohan in the musical biography at Sebastian's, 140 Ave. Pil'o, San Clemente, with Bill Richards, Mary Gillis and Vanessa Vandergriff toppi n g the supporting cast as his parents and sister. Laura Derby and Cathy Piles will enact Cohan's fi rst and second wives. The patriotic, toe-tapping musical plays through the summer, nightly except r·Jtonday al varying curtain times, under the direction of John Spindler. Reservations 492-9950. "Th e Mu sic M an " at . Ever Had l Ps1chic Ex1terienc1? YOU HAVE! Aooertll•r It Pref. ti Par1p1rolttl•CJ ESTHER DeWEESE Now you can 'attend an Astro Soul lecture Sat. & Sun. 6 /26 & 27 2 p.m . HOME FEDERAL S& l Seacliff Village 2111 Main St., Huntington Beach Make your plans now to attend ACVPVNCTVHE For FACE-LIFTS AS SEEN ON TV CH. 13 492-0465. Still on stage are "Tintypes" at South Coast R e perto ry (957-4033), "The Bad Seed'' at the NC'wport Theater Arts Center (675-3 143) and "A Man for All Seasons'' at the Huntington Beach Playhouse (847-4465). . * CALLBOARD -the Stop-Gap theatrical company will hold auditions S unday at 2 p .m. in the Newport jjfliX>r-Actors Theater, 390 Monte· Vista St., Costa Mesa, for an original musical, "When the Bough Breaks,'' about young people who ha ve l os t communicat ion w i th the ir part:on~ . . . a cast of four girls between 13 and 18 ts sought for the show, which will open Aug. 12 . call 631-5 110 from 1 to 5 p.m for details The Newport Harbor Actors Thl'aler also will hold audiuons M o nday, Tu es day and Wednesday e venings at 7 p.m. for 1ts season -opening sh ow. "Th<· Gondoliers," a Gil~rt and Sullivan operetta . . director Nancy Ebsen 1s set'king a cast of nine men a nd e ight w omen. along with a chorus of 10 ... call 63 l-51 10 or further details . MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER LOW COST ANO IT IS SAFE! IT'S ALL Also For ~igrain«>s, Back Pain, Depression Shook's Aeu11uneture 19929 Beach ervd., H.B. Office M*W*f (7 14) 536-4070 301 OFF WIDE LOUVER SHlf'FfERS . ALL SIZES - 5 FT. SLIDER DOOR INSTALLED 6 fT \tlOHI 11•1 lrU. '189 l•H I fT \UDCll 11•1 llOJf, 'CH,,.., - ----!·---~ ..... PllO\£ 1'004' OR !! TOP IH 0\ Ii OF Ol If rt1 £ ltFA I TU I I SUOW ROO.WS PALM Oft-' 'GE El TORO '1"111 Olf.(.0 8AN "IPIU:"IC!I 19'011 oi..... l4l1thttl.c 11f1W --MA9'00S ttH-C>4>8·3 l!H\ <>ll-11799 2'6''1816 13SN'9clllt 320·9400 °'''IUIU'UCUTll't.Mf 442·11&5 OVER SAT. FURTHER- FINAL DISCOUNTS LAST 3 DAYS! IT'S ALL OVER SATURDAY! YOU WILL SAVE ~~ 80% OFF! 'THE INSTANT LAWN (Just add water) Ol~oy. There's a corch. You've got to coll Pacific Green/Nunes. We're Colifor- n1o 's largest sod company, with J,000 acres and 9 different varieties for every purpose. We con help you choose what's best for you, and hove 1t rhere when ir's convenienr for you or your landscape contractor. Don r wo1r for seed ro sprout Coll us Today 1-(800) 432-3805 (714) 937-1481 PacificGreengNUMS THE INHAN T LAWN PEOPLE. scons JEWELERS AND WI QUITI 5984 EDINGER (COIHEI Sl'llHGDALE) MAllNA VILLAGE CINTll HUNTINGTON IUCN A.M. SHARP!! SELLING OUT TO THE BARE WALLS SALE HOURS DAILY 10-6 SILE Eln SIT., 0/ .lllE 21• . /OOFF COST! BELOW COST! IEAI COST! WAY IELOW COST! 14KT CHAINS AND CHARMS 50-80%0,, .. •' .. ·: ~ :; .. ... ~ .. '· t l ' { f .d .. (I I I I I I I I .•.. . .... Of'll)O! 00..t DAILY PtL.OT /Wedntlday, June 23, 1882 OFFICIAL ATARI JACKET ••• WITH EVERY ATARI VIDEO I COMPUJER SYSTEM '90'nfloUt .u ...... NAMt tfATW•tlt Th• 1011owlno peraon It Ootng bu .. .,... o; H08HI MAYU l!A,000 H24 Ohttlnut Avenue. Co1t1 M111, Calllornla tH28 00tdon Allan MlllhOUM . HU Cht1tnu1 Avenue, Co11a Me11, Celllornlt 12828 T 1'111 buelneu II CondUGled by an lndlvl<ll* Q A MlllhouM Thl1 lllltmenl wu lllld with Ille County Ctetk ot Ot•noe County "' ,, .... , I M1y 21 1972 Publl1n1d Qrtng1 Co111 Oally Ptlol, June 2, 9, 17. 2). IOU 240242 ~toTmOUI ..,,... .. NA .. ITATSmNT The ro11ow1ng pettOlll .,, Oolng 11u1lne11 11: H01'1LI M OTI L llUA · Ml8HIN01, t OI I I ll 8 HHI, Nft'port &Hatl, CllNl0tnl1 82Na H•nry Hau , 110 I lunHt l'ltdg•. L111un1 I H Gh, Ctlllornl• 828111 Qw.,, .,. ... 1wt111. ll01 8unM t R1dg1, L1gun1 I t.Ch. C1111ornla 02e51 Thll bu11n111 11 C:OlldUCled Dy nu11>1no ind wit• Henr~ HHI fhll llllttntfll WH filed Wilh Ille County Cl-.k Of Of111ge County on June 1 IOU ,1 ... ..,.,LIC NOTICE Pulllllhed Or111ge CoHI Oelly 1 ____ r-uu ________ ,P1lot. June 2. II If), 23 11182 ,ICTITIOUI IUllHIH NAMI IT A TIMINT Tht following p•r1on la doing buelne11111 C ALlfOAN IA COT TAGE COMPUTING. 1191 e Verb•n•. Fountain Velley C1lll0tnl1 92708 Rleh1rd Eow110 Carter I 1918 Vett>ena Fountttn V1ll1y CalllOtnll 2708 Thia bullneu 11 eonducted by an ln<!Mduat Rtehlrd E Carte• Thlt 11atemen1 wu liltd wllh !he Coun1y Clerk ol Ortng• County on May t2. 1982 F111325 Publ11Mod Orange Coast Dally Piiot. June 2. 9, 16, 23. 1982 2410·82 PUBUC NOTICE 2392·82 Ml.IC NOTICE MN r.Mt7 flCTITIOOS 9Ul ... H NAMI! ITATIMINT The IOllOwillQ petlOOI 1te OOlog busonenH JUOY'S. 2136 BrM Mill 8'e1 Calltornla 9262 I Judy 1 BrM. Inc; I C11tl0tn11 corporallon. 2136 BrM Mell Brea. Calllornla 92821 Thll OUlllWKI II conducted by a co1por1t1on Judy'• Brea, Inc Lawrene• 11r1111. Preeldent Thll 1111emen1 waa filed wllh the County Clerk ol Orarioe County on --,-IC-T_1T_1ou--1-•_u_1t_NE_t""1--June 21. 1982 f111m NAME STATEMENT Publlthld Orange Coa11 Oaily The following Ptrton 11 doing Pilot. June 23 30. July 1 14 1982 butl~.;:ROSE TATTOO 56 So 2743"82 Portol• Road. South Laguna, Ctlil0tnla 92877 Susan Busby 81111111. 58 So Portola Road. South L1gun1. Calltornle 92877 This business 11 conducted by an Individual Susan Busoy Bartlett Thi• statement wu riled with th& County Clerk ot Orange County on POOi.iC NOTICE MN 1149' FICTmoua IU81NEll NAME ITA nM!NT The following pertons are doing business at D & T MACHIN ERY ANO SUPPLY. 1701 E Lambert Road Sports sch eduled at college A 1 p ort1 ca mp for you ng 1ter1 btltw een 7 and l~ w lU be oonducted by Oru n ae Coa1t College'• Cotnmunlty Ser v ice O ffice lhl1 summer. T h e fi r s t o f tw o &etl8ions runs July 6-16, and th e second July 19-30. Reg1strut1on fee is $40 per camp, or $70 for the two fo'o r 1nforrnatlo n , phone 556-5880. Open house Services for t he Blind will host a 20 th anniversary open house T hursday from 3 t.o 6 p.m at the center, 2015 N . Broadway. Santa Ana. Pla.IC NOTIC£ FICTTTIOOI _, ...... NAME STATl....-r The tollowlng ptrM>n 11 doing bulll'llMU OELUXE PHOTOGRAPHY, 31~ Klllerney Lene. Cot1a Mela, Calllotnle 92826 Ruatell Cht rlH Porter. 3146 K111erri1 y Lane. Cotta Meu, Cafllorn11 92828 Mey 28, 1982 lhll bu11nne It conductod by 1n lndovlduel f1IOMS Unil C LB Habra, Cal1forn1a 90631 Rutllll C POflet Publl1hed Orenge Coaat Oally 0 & T ln1trests, a Ca11torn1a Thia 11a1amen1 wa• flied w1111 the Pllol. June 2. 9. 16. 23. 1982 corporalion. 1701 E Lambe<l Road. County Cletlc ol Otange County on Purchase an ATARI Video Computer System during June or July , GAME OF THE MONTH PUBLIC NOTICE 2354-82 Unit C. La Hebra Calolorma 90631 June 7 1982 This bus1ne11 is eonducted by a • corporation D & T lnteretta f1_,. Publllhed Orange Co111 01lly P110I. June 9. 18. 26. 30, 1982 and ATARI will send you a free official jacket. Choose a great look- ing jacket in either blue or silver with the ATARI emblem on the front . The jacket comes in sizes to fit your whole family . Just send us your original dated receipt, along with the coupon avail- able from your retailer. In return . we 'll send you an official AT ARI jacket. What's more, you 'll have the chance to purchase additional jackets at a specia l price of s24.95 . • Remember this exclu sive offer is only from AT ARI. So take a trip to your local ATARI dealer. Then take hom e the fun of an ATARI Video Computer System . And we'll give you a free jacket . Just for the fun of it. '(Plus '2 00 for shipping and handling l lt....,t -st lie postlllarked "° later tt.. 9/15/12. ~ #2609 FICTITIOYS 9UalNE88 OonalO A LIPICh NAME STATEMENT President The following person Is doong Thi5 statement WH hied w1lh tne buaoness as County Clerk ol Orange County on FANTASTIC VOYAGE. 3461 June 21 1982 Windsor Court. Costa M esa, Callfornla 92628 Nan G OeMeyer. 346 t Windsor Court. Costa M esa, Cal1rorn1e 92626 This bus1nen os conducted by en 1nd1v1dua1 F111170 Published Orange Coast Oally P1101, June 23. 30, July 7. 14, t982 27«-82 PUBLIC NOTICE Nan G 0.Mey9f This s1a1emen1 was filed wlln 1he NOTICE OF I ALE County Clerk of Ora"""' County on (Under the PtOYltNoflt of .. ,,_ Becllont 3071 end 3072 of the June 21 1982 CIYll C«le of tM Slate of Ft8l90I • Callfomle) Pubilshed Orange Coast Oa1ly 111 accordance with tile provisions P1101. June 23 30. July 7 14, 1982 01 Sections 3071 and 3072 ol the __________ 2_70_1_·8_2 C1v11 Code ol tne S1111 or Celllornla. nunllC NOTICE the tollow1ng haled vetilCle will be nm sotd et Public Auction el 10.00 a m -----.,...--t2Al7------on July 9, 1962at818 E Walnut St FtCTITIOUll aUSINE88 Sanla Ana. California NAME STATEMENT 1976 HONOA MOTORCYCLE. 10 The to11owing persona are o~ng " G L I 2 0 3 6 9 3 8 , Eng 1 n e business as t GL 1E2035429. t98 I Calllornla JUDY'S, 3333 Bristol. Costa license s5L5390 Mesa, Caltlotnoa 92626 BEN WARNER$ Judy s Costa Mesa. Inc a GARAGE INC Calllorn1a corp0<at1on. 3333 Bristol 818 E Walnut St Costa Mesa. Calltorn1a 92626 Santa Ana. Ca 92701 This busmess 11 conducted oy a L~nholCer 2.C74-82 fltatc NOTICE flCTTTIOOI llU ... H NAME ITATEMENT The tollowlng peraon I• doing business es: IRVI N E SOFT W ARE CONSUL TINO. 102 0 Britt, Mesa Coun. Irvine, Calllornl1 92715 Gllbt rt Oylan Gllck. 102 0 Btlaa. Mesa Court. Irvine. Calllomla 92715 This bullnat I• condUCled by an Individual GHoert Dylan 01ica Thia tlalarntnl WU flied With the County Clet1I ol Or11199 County on June 7, 1982 Ft-1 Published Or1nge Coatl Oally P110t. June 9, 18. 23. 30. 1982 2477-82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOOa aUllNHI NAME ITA T'£MEHT The following perton 11 dOlng business u Ill GLENCO (2) GlENCO GAS SERVICE. 216 E ()y9f Rold. Santa Ana. California 92707 corpora11on Puohsned Orange Coest Oally Verne E Olander. 216 E ()y9f 2693-82 Road Santa Ant . Cel1tom1a 92707 Judy 1 Cosll Mesa Inc P1101 June 23 1982 Lewren<le lsr ael This buSl.-s It conducted by an Pretldenl This statement waa l11ed with the County Clerk ot Ora119e County 0t1 June n . 1982 F111178 Publlahed Orange Coaat Oall) Pilot. June 23. 30. July 7. 14. 1982 2738·82 fltB.IC NOTICE ------------11ndMdual PUBLIC NOTICE Verne E Ola.ndet This Stllemenl WU llled with '"' STATEMENT OF A•ANDONMENT County Clerk Of Ot1nge County on OF USE OF May 28. 1982 flCTITIOUS IUSINIESS NAME F111M51 Tile following persons heve Published Orange Coast 0 1ily abandoned the use or the hc1111ous Ptlot. June 2. 9, 16, 23, 1982 business name 2353·82 Hf B f W P ARTNERS. Two ------------lTAltl 11 1 rtsist~ed tr!Mhtutii tf l Tllt, INC. V141H c-,.ter SJSIMI ii 1 tr...._,. tf ATut, INC. ATARr A·TARI VIDEO COMPUTER SAVE '10.00 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doong business as M OLLIE'S COFFEE SHOP 1451 w111 171h Street. Santa Ana. CA Corporate Plaza, Suite 250. Newport BeaGh. Calllornll 92660 POOlJC NOTICE The F1c1111ous Business Name MN t:Ml7 referred to abo•e was filed in FICTITIOUS 9UltNESS Orange County on Merch 5. 1980 NAME ITATEMENT HUG~ES INV~SlMENTS. a The IOllowong persons art dotng qeneral pannersh1p Two Corporate 0 Slness as ALFREO HANNA. 10S9 Calk! Onega San ();mas CA 91773 Thts business IS conducted by en 1nd1v1dua1 Plaza, Suite 2SO Newport Beactt. u JUOY S 8420 l1 Palme. Buena Ca1ilorn111 92660 Park Ca11f0tn1a 90620 UNIT •2soo 139.95 Harvard C Weken. 230 West j dy's Buen• Park Inc 8 Wtsta11a Araed1a. Calll0tn1a 91006 Calil:rnla corporation. S420 'La Alfred Hanna John K Waken, I l20 Fallen Palma Buena Park. Calllornoa This statement was filed wllh the Leal Road Arcadia, Ca1trorn1a 90620 County C1erk ol Orange Counry on 9100D6 1 R 8 hi 880 This business Is conducted by a Jun& 21. 1982 arile U1$C noer • corporallon F191904 01d of <I Ao ad San Mar I ri o · Judy's Buena Park Inc Published Orange Coast Dally Celllornia 91108 Lawrence Israel Pilot June 23 30, July 7 14. 1982 Tn1s business was conducted by a President :>734-82 general parlnership This statttment WIS hied with Ille flta.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE P1El.IC NOTICE FICTtTIOU8 8USINESI NAME 8TAT£M£NT The 1ot10W1ng persona are dOlng t>us;ness as FICTITlOUI llUIMIS NAmSTATEllENT FICTITIOUS IWllNHS FICTITIOUS aUSIMHS MN l2U7 NAME STAn•NT NAME ITATEMENT FICTITIOUS IUSINEH NAME STA TtMENT (a) CALIFORNIA NAILS (OJ NAIL DYNASTY 1749 Newport Blvd . Cosl9 Mesa. Calllornl1 92627 Tammy Rae Wargo. 1601 W MacArthur Boulevard, No 188. Santa Ana, California 9:<'704 The following per1on It doing bush''" u ; The following p111on is doing The totlowing persons are doing FICTITIOUI BUSINESS business aa: business as: NAME ITATEMENT The following pertons are doing NEWPORT HAP.BOA COIN, 1808 Newpor1 Blvd .. Cotta Mesa. Calllornl• 92627. PERSONAL PAINTING ANO EXECUTIVE SWEETS. 315 15th llle following persona ure doing C business as. OECORATING, 16S82 Goldenwesl Street, 112, Huntington Beach, A JUDY'S 924 Mlasion Vie1o ouslnets 8!1' SMITH & SONS PROPERTIES. 1542 Monrowla Avenue. Newport Dtvld All>Ml Wargo. t60 I W MacArthur Blvd • No 188. San1a Ana. Ca11torn11 92704 Keith O Wllllamson. 1808 Newpor1 Blvd ., Cost• Men. Catll0tnla 92t27 Street. Huntington 8etlcn 92647 92648 Robert E. oavls. 16582 Barbare J Javoraky. 3!5 15th Mall. Minion V1e10. Ca111orn1a C 92691 Goldt nwtll Street, Huntington Street. rr2. Huntington Beeeh, A Judy'• Los Angeles. Inc. 8 Beach, CA 92663 WALKER SMITH. JR . 1542 Monrovia Ave Newporl Beach. C This buSlness is conducted by an lndlvidual Thtt bu~ la conducied by an lndlvlduel. Beacn, CaHl0tnl1 92847 928'48 Cehfornia corporation. 624 Mission Thl9 bu9tneu Is conduC'led by an Josephine E Javorsky. 3973 Viejo Mall. Misalon Vieio Calitornla 92663 CLARKE A SllAITH, 154 Tammy RH Wargo This statement was tiled wllh ttw! County Cletk ot Orange County on June 21 1982 Keith 0 Wllllamton ln<IMduel Edinburgh Or1ve. voungttown. OhiO 92691 Aober1 Oavlt 44511 Monrovia Aw Newpor1 Beach C 92663 F111911 Puohshed Orange Coast Oally Piiot. June 23 30 July 1. t4. 1982 2699·82 Thl9 1111-1 WU flied with the County Cltl< ot Ottngt County on Tllll atatement was llled wtlh the This business 11 conducted by a This business 11 conducted by a County Clerk of Otange Counly on general partnership c0<pora11on l<.IM SMITH, 1542 Monrovl Ave . Newpor1 Beech CA 92663 M OLLY M S M ITH 1542 M1y 28. 19112 June t4. 10112 Barbare J Jiv0tsky Judy's Los Angeles Inc "11CM41 f111... ThlS ataleinent was flied with tne Lawrence ltrael. Publl1hed Ortngt CoH l Dally p bll .. ..,, O C t O•'I O C President u '""" r1n~ oas "' Y County Clark or renge ounty on This tlatemenl wu liled with lhe Piiot. June 2, 9. 18. 23. 198:356-82 Piiot. June 18, 23. , July 7. 1982 June 21. 1982 Ftt 1 90S County Clerk of Orange County on Monrovia Avenue. Av• . Newport ..,.,LIC W\TIC[ Beach, CA 92863 nlD ·~ ------------I 2648·82 C DI June 21, t982 "8.IC NOTICE NOTIC Published Orenge oast a ly F191875 flta.IC [ Piiot • .lune 23, 30, July 7. 14. 1982 Publlsned Orange Coesr Daily WALKER SMITH Ill. 1542 .,onrov111 !<·-. Nctwpor1 Beach. C!< flCTITIOUS IUllMEH 92663 •v NAME STATEMENT , 2733•82 Piiot, June 23. 30. July 7, 14, 1982 ___ flta_l_C_NO_T_IC_E___ 2,. t-82 LEOAL NOTICE This ouslnoss IS conducted by Tne tollowlng peraona •re d<Mng bualneas as: general partnership DIAM OND RIOOE VENTURE, Welker Smllh. Jr. ou AJl'f'UCATIOM TO OfllGANIZE A NATIONAL IANK JUNE 22, 1112 AJ'f'UCATlON ACCUTl!D fOfll ,IUNQ ON MN 12417 JUtlE 7, 1112 FICTITIOUS IUSINHI TitE COWTIIOUER Of' THE CUMENCY NAME ITATEMENT WASHfNOTON, DllTllltCT Of' COlUM91A The lotlow1ng persons ire doong ~ATION 1>us1ness as WE. THE UNOERSIGNEO, Intending lo organltt and operate I JU O Y S , 4 16 N Eu c II d . N1tl0nal e.,.ic In ICCOfdance with the prOVISlona ol the National 8-nl\ Act. Anaheim. Calllor11ta 92801 u M*1ded. to nertby malc1 application to the CC>lnptrooer Of the Jud y · t An a II e Im . Inc • Currency tor permltalon to organlz.e eald National Bank, end propoae u Calllornl• eorporellon. 418 N fotlowt. Euclid. Anaheim, C1lllom11 92801 1. Thal the main Office oi ttld N1tlonal Bank be loett.O In the Ylelnny Tl'll• ou11ness It conducted by 8 of BrOOlthurll S1r .. 1 Ind Ad8ITll Avenue In the City Of HunllnOton Beach. corporation. Or•nge County. Calllornla. Judy'1 Anaheim, Inc. 2. That, In ord• oi prtferenc., ttld N111on11 Bank hi ve one ot the Lawreno. lttae4. lotlowlng 111111: Prtsldent Beach City Bank. Nltlonal Aaaoclallon Thia 11a1emen1 WU tiled wOh llW Beach City Nlllonal Banll County C"'11 ot Orange County on 3. Thtl the totel eaplteMutlon to be rtcelv9d by tald National Banlc J.-21. 1982 tor the lh-""*' by 11 be allocated u lollowl: f111190 Capital .................................................................... 11,500,000.00 Puoll1htd Or1nge Cout Di lly &trplul .. .. ........................ ~............... .. .. ... . 11,500.000.00 Piiot JuM 23, 30, July 7. 14. 1932 Total Caplt~ ......................................................... • 2736-82 Number of ~ to be IUlhonllld .. ............................. I 480.000.00 Number of et\11'91 IO be lttutd ........................................... I 300.000.00 Pw v1llut pet lhet9 ....................... .................. . ... .... . ...... I 5.00 Salt Price pet .nere .......................................... ................. I 10.00 4. Tllet ,J'"* 8 . Macdontld of 1120 Eu! Attt Street. 5th Floor, Santi Ana, Cllltomle. 92705. act • eolt and 111Clu111vt egent to repr-IMftt and llPC)eet IOt !ht 1111der1lgned btlor• tilt Comptroller of the Currency. tnd to reotl'tt all corr~ta Ind doalmenta, In rttptel oi lh{I IN>Pflea1ton, IN WITNESS WHEAEOf, the undtf1lg,.S hive hereunto ... our hand• on tilt dlte Mt fOtttl libove. bdl 0¥ptlaeo'e .._. -4 City .......... --~ ~eutMtt ...-1TAT1•NT The lollowlng ptt9onl tre doing t>ullneu u ; MF.DtTEARANEAN IMPORTS. 2059 See Cove Line. COiia Meta. CA 92627. J O HN D E M OS TH EN ES CHACON.A!, 2050 SM Cove Line. Cotlt MtM. CA 92827 . MAAOARl!T C. CHACONAS, 2059 ... Cove ~. Coeta .,...., CA t 2e27. Thie butlMM It cooouetld by hue«lend end wfft ... .,OM'! c 01aconM Tiiie lt...,,,.,,I WM Iii.ct Mtfl IM CollnlY a.tt of C>tenot County on JUM 21. 1"2 •tt1111 Publl1hed Orang• COHI Dally Plot, June 23, 30, Juty 7, 14, 1N2 271...U Ml.IC NOTICE Tkls a1•1ement w11s tiled with the 2026 811 StrMt, Newpor1 Beech. " o Calllornla 92660 County Clerk ot Orange County on STEARNS DEVELOPM ENT May 21 1982 COMPANY, INC . a Ctlllornla flCTITIOUS BUSINESS '111933 corporation 2028 Ouall Street. NAME STATEMENT RICHARD B. LYNN Newport Beach. Calllornla 112660 The totlowtng persons are dOlng AttOfney at L1w R F S O E V E L O P M E N T ousiness 81 12 COfpotate Pina CORPORATION. a C1lflorn1a COAST OESION STUOIO. 1733 Suitt 202 corporation. t745 Ortngewood Monrovia A...,,ue. Unll "O' Coste Newpott hach, CA r.i.> A.,.,.ue. Or1nge. Catllornla 92668 Men, CA 92827 Publllhtd Orenge Coast 0111y This busJness It conducted by a RIC HARO L BRANSTNER. Piiot. June 2 9, 18, 23. 1982 general P•rtnerthlp,. 2920 Club House ROid, Costa I 2403-82 STEARNS DEVEL· M .... CA 112828 OPMENT CO JOHN A. CUKRAS, 18684 NO ICE Hedy Mllehtlll. M eplewood Circle. Huntington PUBLIC T Antltanl Viet Prelldeot Beaeh. CA 92648. K-oo300 I n11 atatement was llled with the Thlt bu .. neta It oonducted Oy t flCTITIOUS aUllNEll County Clerk ol Orange County on g-rtl par1nerlhlp N•Ml STATEMENT · June 14. 1082 R.L. Br1n1tner "t1442 JOhn A Cukraa The following pe<sont art dotng Publltht d Oran~• Co111 Dally ouslnest 11 Thlt slatemenl wH llled with the ELITE PATROL ANO GUARD Pilot. June 18. 23. 0. July 7. 1982 County Cleric ot Orenge County on C)ERVICE. INCORPORATED, 2649-82 June 111. 1982 Calilornl• corpo•allcn. 1570 E P\8.IC NOTIC£ F111.,.. Edinger Av•nue Senta Ana. Publlahtd Or1ng1 CoHI Dall~ Cafilornle K-GOI04 Piiot, "'-23, 30, July 7. 1•, 1982 Eugena Kamlntkl. 3 I FICTITtOUI IUINll 2720-92 Diamante. Irvin• C1ltlornla NAMI STATIMSNT ----"8.--IC-NO_TICE ____ 921 14 Thi 1o11ow1ng weon• .,, ootng Belly K1m 1n1111. 31 ous1neua1 ,ICTITlOUS IKl .... 11 Otemanll. lrvlne. Calll0tnl1 TUSTIN MOVING Cl:NTER. NA• ITAftMINT 92714 1'431 L1gun1 Road . Tuatln, Th1 lollowlng peraon I• doing Thi• ouslneas 1• conctuc:ttd by 1 Calllornla 112880 blltlnett "' r;orpor11t10n u-Heul Co 01 Orenge County, • BEACH. ELECTRONICS, 18042 Elltt P1lrol e.nd C1lltornl1 oorportllon. HO S. 8MQl'I Blvd .. Unit "A", Huntington Guard Servtoe. Inc; Plact nllt Av1nu1. Pl1ctnlla. Beach. CA 92847. ~~~tmllltltl, CalllOtnll 92t70 Merk Alan Rodgers, 20 111 Thlt italtmtnt -• fifed -Min the Thi• buslneM It QOndueted by • Moontklt Cir ' HunllnQton 8Nc:h. Count Clerk Of Otlltlfll County on corporat~Haul ,.~-~ .. CA t2648 llA¥ ~ 1982 .,,. ...,.,_..., inJ.:U':,'11-11 oonduc:tte1 by an vl:lcENT O. JAMTI. =~b ~i:. Mttll A fllodoet• AHomey •• uw Preeldent Thie ltlt"'*'I Wll l'llld with Ille 200 N. T111tlft Aftfllll• Thia tll1wntnt WU l!leO Wltfl the Coun1Y Clertl Of Ortnoe County on ~~ T,.., c~a. U70I Counlt Cltttt of Orenge C4ullty on JUne f4, 1982. ,,_1_ May 20. ltU. ,,_. '111tll Publl•h.O Or•no• Oot•t D•lly Publithed Or1ng1 ColJt D•lty PUOll•llecl ~anoe COlltl D•ll\ PMol June II n 30 July 'I 1082 Pltot. Ju~ 2. 9, 18, 2a. 1H 2 ll'llot. Jufte 2 ••• 18, ti. 19112. • • • ' • 2isaM2 2"04·H 2407.a. ~UGHES INVESTMENTS County Cle<k or Orange County on By W1ll111m w Hughet. Jr June 2 t 1982 Partner · f111179 Thos stlltetTWlnl wlS hied with the Published Orange coast Oa11y County C~rk 01 Orange County on Pilot June 23, 30. July 7 14. 1982 June 21. 1982 2737-32 HUFSTEDLER. MILLER. CAELSON IEARDSLEY ---.,.-.,,-IC_NO_""_r __ _ Suite 7000 n-. 11~ 4000 MacAr1hur 8o41tevard, Newport .. ech. Caltt«nta l2MO '133152 Published Orange Coast Oally Pllo1. June 23. 30. July 7. 14, 1982 2745-82 PUBLIC NOTICE K-00535 NOTICE Of' IAU Of' REAL""°""" AT "'!VAT£ IAU No. A·11008' In I.he Superior Cour1 of tM State of Ctlffomta. kw IM County of Otenee In the Matter of the Estate of JOHNNIE LEE RODGERS WALl(ER aka JOHNNIE LEE WALKER, Deeeued Nollce It hf'eby given !hat the undersigned wUI sell 81 Private sale. 10 Ille hlghesl end bast bidder, subject 10 conllrm111on ot Hid Superior Court, on Of alter the 2Sth <111y 01 June. 1982. at the ollle:e of WAL TEA BYRON TAPPEN. 2301 W Lincoln A•enue. Suite 130. A111hetm. County ol Ot•"QI. State of Calllornla 92801, Ill lhe tight. title 1nd Interest of Mid~ 11 the time or deelh end alt the rlghl. title and 1n1ar .. 1 that tne .. "" ol tald deceaaed h1a 1cqulred b y 0911a11on ot 11w Of othe<w!M other than Of In eddltlon to 11111 ot uld deceaMd. at thl llme of 0.-th, In end to 111 the oer1aln Rell property tlluated In lhe uld County 01 Orange. S1a1a ot C1lllorn11 . ptrllcularly described aa lollowt. to-Wit; Lot 13, Tract 3307, 9ooll 101. Peges e & 9, Mite MIPI Oflll'Ot County • more oommonly known u . 320 E. ROM Street. Lt Habrt, Calllomla 90631 Terms o l H I• C:H h In l1wlul money ot 1111 Unl ttd 811111 on conflf'metlon Of NII, 0t Ptr1 CUh 1nd 0111nc1 1Yld1nced by note MCllfed by Mor1gegt Of T Nit Deed on tile propet1y ao eotd. Ten Plf cent 01 emount bid to be dtpollted with bid. Bid• or ollert to 08 In writing and wtll be r1Cl411Y1d 11 the ·~ olflct at any time tfler lhe llnt publloallon htreol Ind bMore 0... otttlt. Oeted 1111• 14th dey of June. 1912 Admlnlltrator of the Ee11te ot Mid o.o.dtrll WALTIA IYttON T..,... a11 w. UMtlM A-. """ 1• AMMIM. Cllttnlla -1 (71') ..... ·:::z:.-= If llllke, • Publlehed Orenoe Co111 Deity Pttot, June 11. 17, u. 1tl2 ?fl .. , ... , NOTICE TO C"'DfTOfllS Of auuc TRANSfEA 11ece. 1101-4101 u .c .c .1 Notice Is hereby given lo creditors ol the within named trensleror that a bulk transter Is about to oe made on personal property he<e1natter descrtbe<I The name and business address ol the Intended transferor Is OAVIO PACIFIC. INC • 3S5 Plaoentla Ave. "210 Newporl Beech. CA 92663 The locatton 1n Calll0tnla ol the e11tet e•eeullve office Of 1><lncipal butiness olllct ol the lnlended transferor ts same as above All other business names and addresses used by th• lnltndld tr1nsteror within three )'MfS laat paSI 10 lar a• known to Iha intended transferee 111e Coastline Trevel. 355 Pltcenlla Ave . # 210. N-porl Beach. CA 92663 The name end business tddr~ ol the Intended lransler• 11 OEL· BECK INTERNATIONAL CORP , 935 Azalea Orlve. Cotta Mesa CA 92626 That the property pertinent herelo IS r:IMCtlbl<I In general IU Trt\111 Agency I nd IS located II 355 Placentia Ave • • 2 10. Newport Beactl. CA 92863 The buslnttl name used by the uld lr-teror at llld location ts COMlllnt Trt\111 Thal uld b ulk trtntltr It Intended lo be consummated at the off~ ol NORRIS & ASSOCIATES. INC .. 4570 Clmput Otvt. Sufi. 9. Newport Beach, CA 92&e0 end 0t alter July 12. 1982. Thll bulk trantler 19 aubltcl lo Ct lllornte Uniform Commercial Code section 6108 The name end ~ of Ille ~ with whOtll dtlml rney be I llled .. Nortlt & Allodet-. Inc.. "570 Camp111 Drive, Suite 9, Newpof1 BMctl. CA 92t80 and ttw ltlt dey for llllng delrnl ti., eny creditor 111111 be July t , 1982 11 5:00 p.m. wt1'ctl Ill the bulllltel 0., before 1h1 con1umm1llon dttt apedfl.cl abO'le. Oiied June 15, 1M2. DIL·8 101C I MTllllNATIOMAL COlllP. OMflle '· OI I.a """ ,..lllf I NOMI & Aaeoo.Aft.I, IMC. ..,.c..,..Df .. n ....,.,.._.,ca-, .... Publlahed Otlf'IOI Coett OeHt ~.~2SttU 2748-« C•ll 142-1171. Put • rew word• to worll ror u. t l c l l Q ii k r t ~ • e 8 a r· i \\I II" "'" \' _._EVBINO_ l.'00··· HIWI ~WOMAN wonw Woman NYM the '#Otkl from an lllOIY eei.n- 1i.1 and a "thlnktno" ,,,.._ .... • T ... IAINT A gano11.,·1 !)lot lot ven. geanoe 41ndano«t ti.. 1"11 of a b .. ulllul young ..om- an I I .WAT. HAWAII FM"' An elderly Hawellan ~ Iha lllgel of mytletlOua and lneJ(pllca- blt death lh, .. ,, ID HUMAHITlU THAOUGH THE AAT9 "Fiim Tile Oynamle mu- llion" (fl UC NEWS ,~~ * * '-' "Blow-Up" ( 1"81 Oevlc:I Hemming•. v-.. Aeclgr1ve Wiien a young London photographer haa tome of hi• plelurM blown up, Ile dltc<>vet• wt.at ~fl 10 be a lnUtW U O. CAMERA TH..U "Tile Family: seen.. From 8rlll1h Worklng-(:1111 Life" Pubtle reaction lo the l1mlly that parlielpated In 111e eec -• "The Fami- ly" la 08mlned. (Part 2) (R) • AMEAICAN OOV£AHMENT "Background To The Con- alltullonel Convention" 9 MANEY MIU.EA 8emey la reluct1nt to ~ • young oftleet on the bMI with hla Ma.oned tquad QINEWS 0 THE GOl.DEH AGE~ TEl..EV\SION "The Comedian" Mlchy Rooney 1111'9 " an ego- lialleal comic wtio thrl"" ... "" by ~ting .-yone around him 1:00 I C88 NEWS HeCNEWS KUNG FU Caine ir• to help 1 medl- clne-.00.0. goddeea 11rlck- en with • deadly lype of lndependenoe. I A8CNEW8 l(OJAK A young p1ychologl11 Mei<I Kojek'a help Whan her patolee-llenoe dl1ep- pee11 with •gun • M 0 A0 8 °H Hawtleye la pleked to be the penonll phyaic:IMI lot' • COtPS Commender untH ha gNea Iha generll a phy9k:al. I JOKER'S W1U> G BU81N£88 REPORT CJ) P .M. MAGAZJHE The wavea ol lime, The curative powers ol • min· etll lek• In Wuhlngton 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview With Eric Estrade a TH& MUPPET'S G.-t: St-M"11n (C)MOVIE * * * "The VIP a" ( 1"3) Eliube1h Taylot. Rlet\ard &rton. A• p..-.gera of • delayed !light ewllt tak• oll In Iha VIP lounge ol • London llrport, their llVft become curloully lntettwlned (O)PIPf>tN Ben VetMn, Wllllam Kan, 11Aar1ha Raye and Chit• RI,,.,, star on thl1 Tony Award-winning muelcal that lracea a prince'• tearch lot lulllllmant Taped at Ont.,lo'a Hemll- ton Place CZ)MOVIE * * *'It "Atlanlle City" (11180) Burt Lancaster, Sutan Sarandon The es1tanged '-band of an oystet bat waltr ... arr1- wlth her p<agnant ~ ...,.. and -11olen hetoln, wl\lch he WMll II\ au'no hood to Mii fot him CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT <CBS> 0 0 KNBC (NBC! 8 KTLA (Ind I H .KABC IABCI c CiJ KFMB (CB~) • C!) KHJ TV (ln<.J ) ,, e KCST (ABCI ( • KTTV (Ind) $ ., KCOP TV llnd I 0 • KCET !PBS> g Ill KOCE IPBSI ... STRUGGLE -Mary Beth PeU as Alma and Robert Orth as John struggle for each other's love in "Summer and Smoke" tonight at 8 on KOCE (50) and at 8:30 on KCET (28). 7:30. 2 ON THE TOWN FNlurac:t • p<Oflle of Id• Nudell, • wom•n p<l- ln • Rulllan jell cell, Iha hllloty of Puadena. the City ol RoMI; 111M> a look It talcen at 1 young elt!Qllf wl\o ta trytng to break Into lh• mull4; business D BOOYWORKS "HNfl And Clrcul•llon" Or Timothy Johnaon ••amines the atronoest muaele In the body. 8 EYEONLA. Fe•tured. plltl one or • repon on payehica; • looll II 1116 Mxleat ladles on tjfevlston: part one ol a profile ot Pllrlel• HMrsl. • M0 A'S0 H H•wll•Y• and B J dl9COver CharlM llvlng the Ille of Riiey due 10 the allenllona ol Im '"f'llaNy paid Kotean Mtvanl ., CJ) TlC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT G "MARK RUSSEll waa111ng1on't lop po1111ca1 ut1ns1 poi<es tun II ma)ot laaues •nd ,_. •lotles ol the day 0 YOU A8l(ED FOA IT FHIUted "Japan's Human Bomba" and "uctuslve: Grand C1rcus 01 Moec;ow " QI FAMILY FEUO 8:00 8 CIJJ'(>VIE •*'A "Mr. Hom" (111711) 0•111<1 Carradine. Rletiard Widmar-The Ille or the legendary lrontler llgura Tom Horn, whOM cat- lnctuded Ille capture ol Getonlmo and a stint u a bounty hunter. is drama- llred. (RI D QI REAL PEOf>l.E FHturac:t: a drlv-4n l\.oneraJ p.,lor; • photographer wt>o 11 paid 10 lake p;c.. tur .. ol bathing l>Ml.ttlea: en 82-)l'eW-old l>lcycltst. (R) • MOVIE • * * "The Appelooaa" ( 196«1) Merion Brando. Anjanette Comer A rart pony 11 1101en trom • c;ow. boy and hidden In Mexleo a o TMEOREATEST AMEJVCAH HERO Ralph acquit• the lblMty to -Into the future. and wl'l•t he -upsall him. (RI liJ MOVIE • • "The Cavern" ( 1116«1) Rolann• Schlafflno, JOhn Suon Owing Wot1d War II. llx soldleB •nd a beau- lllul wotnan are tr&pj)ed together In a German mun- itions dump for five montha G) P.M.MAOAZINE The curative po-s ot a mineral l1ke In Wash111Q- ton, two eldetly women whO are nlghlctub bkJ9tl llt!Qllfa ., MOVIE • • • "Rio Conchoa" ( 111&4) Richard Boone, Stu- art Whitman Four men Ml out •cross the Tax•• o-1 alter the CIYll War to recovet stolen Army ,,,,.. eetmart<ed tor Sale to theApacn.. • MARI( AUSSEll w aanington'a top poHllCal aallrla1 poll" fun •I major ,,..,._ and ,_. stooea of the day On TV l TV HBO 1C1nema~ I tWOR>NV NY I WTBS1 <ESPN> l!'>how11me> Spo1119ht <Cabll' Nt>ws Network) ID SUMMER ANO SMOKE The ChlGllgO Opera The- llte preean11 an operatic ""''°" ol 11\11 American drama by Tanne-Wll- 11a1na about • repr....O young woman who IMkl •llec;tlon from the lallOw she has loved aloe. chlld- hooel (lDMOVIE • • '1> "Brubaket" ( 111801 Rober'I Redford. Yaphet l(ollo A rel0tm-mtnded wardan uncovers wld• 1preed Cotrupllon when he enter1 hra newly aulgned prl1on posing •• an Inmate 'R' (l)BCZARRE "The Btgol Family" D MOVIE • • • "lnald• MovH" ( 1980) JOftn Savage, Dllvld M0<ae A new~ to the group or ragul111 11 an OU.land bet may hOld the key 10 making Iha barten- der'• dr__.. of t>ec:omlng • pto basketball player • roeltly 'PG' 9:30 G) 000 COUPLE • SUMMERAHO SMOKE The Chicago Opera T~ air• Pt-•· .,. ~•lie vet slon or I his American drama by TenOMaee Wll- ll•m• about • repreaaed young woman who ..... , attectlon lrom the fallow the hH loved 1lnce chlld- hood. (!)WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest· Andy Griffith 9:00 Q QI) THE FACTS OF LIFE Blair's late g,.ndlather IHvea • alul>le don111on In hi• wlll to help Mect • new Eastland Hbrary CR) II a:I THE FALL GUY Ozzla lab Colt that he llole a car, but doeen't mantlon th•I h• was escaping from the aoene ol •mutdcw (R) • MEAVORIFY'lN Gues11· Olc;k Van P•tten, Andra Oo Shleldl, RObet1 Wuhl, Shannon TwM<I Robert Mac:Neol (C)MOVtE ***'At ''Monty Py1hon And The Holy Grall" ( 1974) Grlham Chapman, John CleeM King Arthur and his bind ol knight• ancounlet gl411ts. rtddler• and • 1.,oclua t1bt>tt In their aearc;h lot the '*Oend· aryc;up (Q)MOVIE * •11t 'Blow Out" (1981) John Travolta. Nancy Allen A sound technlclen wtio wo<ks on hottOt lllms becomes Involved In a murder mystery when he witnesses en asaasa1na- t1on 'R' CS) PAT COLLINS: THE HIP HYPffOTI8T Volunt-• from lhe audl· ence respond comlc;lllly to hypnosis aogg••llon• made to lhem by this .,.,,.,,&In« CZ)MOVIE • * * "La lloyage En Ooooe" (11180) Dominique S•nd•. Geraldine Chaplln Two women ttavel to the South ol Franc. on •vaca- tion lrom their lemllloe and spend their 11me e•chang- 1ng lhelr memories dream• end lnnermo11 leall~I 'R' 9:30 Q Q9 LOVE. SIDNEY Laurie Is wary wt>en her paranta lrom Wyoming arrive In Manhattan to vlelt het and Patti. (Al 10:00 Q QI QUINCY Quincy lnveatlgate• the dellh ol en lnlanl Whell lhe competenoe of 1 holpltal Is que1tloned. (R) DDGl•NEWS D O DYNASTY and IM\my Jo ...... .. WI! .. '* '*"'°" .. . ~Mure (Ill) • .....,LIOAOY file ttOty of '"'" ~ lllM-A!Mrl«n !>fOll'leA WllO 11 ..... undtlfgone ._, -gwytalOld CJ)MCMI • "Or aduallon Oay" ( 1H 1) Chrla1 ophar 09orge, Peteh Mact<.,,_ High IGl\oOI trllCll 1ethlelM '" being Nletllly "out from the IHm" by an unknown kUlet 'R' •MOvie "&.Itch An<I O..trOy" 10. 11 QJ) INIAt< PMVtlW HOii 1.eoo"d Ha<rlt looll1 at Iha movlw. 11*11•1• and IPOf'll Iv.till COt'lllng UC> on Home 9ox Otttoe. t():IOI NIWI IMAOU A <IOCUmentlry protlle or 1& 1.atln American grmpnlo 1111111 from Mexleo. v-. ZUall •n<I Columl>la II pr•· Ml\lacl ID JAZZATTHE MAINTlNANCf eHOf» "Woody Shlw O\ilnle1 (No 2)" WOOdy Shaw. trumpet. Carter J•ck1on. HXO• phon• On•I• Allan Gumb1, piano, Stattot'd J1mu, bus, VlctOt lAwla, drume (RI (C)CME Of' M~E BATTLE~ 0 P£TEA 8£UER8, 8"(.E MUUJOAN. A "" and valuable 1n11ru- men1 II ttolen from • mu~ 1t:00808Cll0a! NEWS II SATURDAY NIGHT Hoat Eric Idle G.-1 Kato Buth D YOU ASl(EO FOR IT r .. 1ured "Talloo Artl81" and "Baldwin Chimps " G) M'A0 S0 H Ore•m• end nlghtmaret pl•gu• the overworked '4077th. I ., BEHNYHILL Tiier• must be money In c;ommerclala, but not wtth Benny In c;h.,ga . • OtCKCAVETT Guest: Julia Child (R) CID WIM~ TENNUJ HIGHUOHTS (O)MOVIE • * * "Stripes" (1118 ti Biii Mutt•Y. HerOl<I Remis A New Yot11 abbla looklng IOt ••cllement 11onvtnc;ea his l>eS1 Irland 10 join him In en11911ng In the U S Army.'R' (Z)MOVIE * * • * 'Netwqrk" ( 1978) F1ya Oun1w•y, Pater Finch An aging lelevlslon ,_.,,,an, wt.OM "tl"OI ara llHdlly slipping, II turned Into • renting prophet ol the alrwavea by a crehy female p<ogram- mlnQ_exec:utlw. 'R' 11:301)(1) MOVIE •*'A "Foxbat" ( 1977) H•nry Sliva, vonelta McGee. A renegada CIA agent llHls the plans for • Sovlel alrCl•ll only to loae them when a dMlf lnno- c;ently ••allows the mlcr~ fllm D QITONIOHT Ho•t. Johnny Carton. G~ta: Shelley Wint.,., Clark Tetry. c;r-·~ Oeor~ Arc:hlbald 8 9 A8CNEWS NIOHTUNE Cl MOVIE **'A "8aba ' (1075) Susan Clari<, Alex Katru. B•IMI Ol<lrlekaon Zaharlas. Iha wotld'a Q1'N1esl wom- an athleta, wagee a h«olc b•llle against cancar • THE JEFFEASONS A piece ol p<lmtllve art spark• •n lnter-lamlly bet-''* •bout the Importance of ianceat0ta. • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 'Love And Carmen Lopei" t& CAMERA TMAEE "The Family Scenes From Brilllh Wor~lng-Clus Liie" Publlc reac:tlon to the lamlly that participated In lhe BBC Mrles "Tha Faml· ly" II examined. CPar1 2) (R) GD CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (H)MOVIE • * * * "Dog Oay After- noon" (11175) Al Paclno, JOhn Ca.Hie A New Yot'k City bank robb"Y ascalatea Into a nMt· Cltcut wt.an community activist• loin In to stage an anll-polk:e p<OIMt during Iha caper . 1 t:ota (!)MOVIE • * ·~ 'Conti nan I al Divide" (I 1181) John Belushi, Blalr Brown A Chlc•go newap•per columnl1t travels 10 tile Rockies to eteape some po1111c:al hMt and Interview • rec:lu.i.,. naturalist 'PG' 12:00 II EHTER'TAINMENT TONIGHT 1'n lnlorvlew \Ollth Erk: Eatra<I• D t1I LOVE BOAT JuU. la pursued by Captlln Stublng'a lectier'ous uncle. •nd a noglealed wlla suc- cumbs lo the advances of " " •• t •• . . . . . .. Oran~ Oo11t DAIL y PILOT /Wedne1d1y, June ~3. 11US2 .. ; TU BE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 7:30 -"Body Worka." Or. Timoth y J ohn son lnvuaugatee the wonderw of the heart. KNXT (2) 8:00 -''Mr. Hom." The life of the legendary frontier figure Is dramatized. David Carradine, Richard Widmark star. KOCE (50) 8 :00. KCET (28) 8:30 "Summer and Smoke." Chicago Opera Theater presents operatic version oC Tennessee Williams p1ay. See photo, left. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Dynasty." Blake uses Alexis' relationship with Rashid Ahmed to recover his embargoed oil. •n 1morou1 author (R) G) MOVIE • • • "PutlUacl" ( tll47) TarHa Wright. Robert Ml tch1,1m An orphan a11..,.p1• 10 •venoa hi• lather's murd., upon raac;hlng m1nhooel ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "love Ano Th41 P•lrol P., son . (C)MOV1£ * * •, "Ouadrophanl1" ( 19711) Phil D•n1ela, Mark Wlngen Mualc Dy Th9 Who A Brllllh youth rejects the v1Juea or hit l•mlly lot the "freedom" of Iha Madi. only to dlt1CO¥er th•I thl1 new IOCl•I group Is even mote c:ontlflcllng 'R' 9 MOVIE • • • "Chapter Two" 11979) J•me• CHn, M•r-•h• Muon Soon 11ter hi• wlle'1 death, a writer llnd1 himself reluct•nlly lalllng In lova again. 'PG' 12:30 Q a! LA T'E NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Gueats •ulhot Oen Gra«1- 1>etg. c:omedlan Geot119 Miiier D COUPLES Tople The unequal rala- ltonshlp ol lwo trlendt 11 eaploted in thlS lhow ., NEWS t:OO D MOVIE • •111 "Born To Buck" (111711 Documentary N11- rated by Henry Fond• C"*Y Tibbs, a rad~ Champion, trl .. to drl.,. • h.,d OI 400 wtld h~ llCIOSI I wide axpanM • ., MOVIE • • '.\ "Ave Golden Dfa. gon•" ( 1987) Robert Cummlng1, M.,.g.,411 Lee. An American dllettanla In Hong Kong gate awept up 1n the 09etallon1 of • secret lnt.,n•llonal net- work ol 1muggleta. (C)MOVIE • • 'h "The Wanderer•" ( 1117111 K.,., Wahl, Linda Manz. The member• of • tough 1 SleOs •treet gang In the Bronx dl9c;OY9t that the p<--Of growing I.IP 9nd lalltng In to... - much ,,,_. dllftcutt ••i>erl- erM:eS than 1ny ot the rum- bles they'w talcan part In 'R' CZJ MOVIE * 1il "Dead And &rled" t t118 ti JamM Farenllno. Melody Anderton A ernall- town polleeman lnv•ll· gales a --ol bizarre murdera R' t:10 8 MOVIE * "The Falcor1" ( 1969) Brod«lek Craw!Otd, Kant Taylot An undercover FBI agent and his lama11 cohort get lnvOllled with countarfeller1 and NuJ war c;11m1nats <11J NEWS t·30Q aNEWS (S)MOVIE • • "The French Woman" (19811 Franco111e Feblan, Dayle Haddon. A bordello being kepi open by a gov- ernment 11ub.idy 11 the -ol murdet •nd polllt- tal acand11I Whel1 • VIP cull~ IS phologrephed al play R' 1 :35 CID MOVIE • • • 111 "Pr1va1a Benja- min (19801 Goldie H•wn. E~ Brennan A wetl-10- do young wom•n mill•k· enly loin• Iha Army follow· lnO the death of he< new hutban<I on their wedding i ht 'R' 1:40 NEWS 2:00 MOVIE •*'II "The Brol"'-<t Rk;o" ( 19571 Richard Cont•, Dianne Foate< A Flotld• t>ullneuman •Im• lot the lop In hi• allampts to Pf• 11en1 a etlme tyndlclll• lrom mutoatlng ht1 t><oth-.,, 2:10 8 MOVIE • • "Mandrake" ( 1979) Anthony Hetreta, Robet1 Reed M•n<lraka Iha Magl- c;l1n UM• hll apeclal pow• etl lo comb•I a rulhle•• madm•n Ind hie .,my ol mlnd-cont•oOed robot•. 2:30 9MOVIE • • •'It Allanllc City" 119801 Burt Lencutar. Sunn Sar•ndon The e11tanged husband ot an oyll•r bar waltreu arrlvoe with her pregnant younger Siiier and tome etolen haroln, whlCh l>O wa1111 an 90lng hood to sell tor him 'R' 2.408 NEWS 2:46 MOVIE • • • ·~ Allan lie Coy" ( 1111101 Burt L1nc111ar. Sunn S1randon The "tr•noeo husband or an ov11er bat wallreu arrtvea with her ptognant younger "''., and some atolon "'-<oln. whl<:h he wants an agtng hood 10 tell lot him. 'R 3:00D MOVIE * * • "The Pretender" ( 19471 Albett Oakker, C11hef1ne Craig A wealthy llOCkbtolc"'' I o.ed ly plan 10 ellmln•le his c:ompetl- hon backlltea wl\en he dl1- cove<1 that he hlmMll Is merktld lot mOl'det. (C)MOVIE • ,. "The lnherltanoe" ( 11173) Anthony Quinn. Oomlnlqu• Sanda. A con- niving young woman cur- ries laVOt Wllh het f•lher· In-law, a rich baker, alter het husband la disinherit· ad ·R' 1:20 (J) WAO<Y WON..D OF JOHATW.N W1NT£R8 G.-1 JVtay Gtlfllth. 1:26 CID WAIT UNTIL°""" Kath«lne Rou and Stacy K..ch al" In this chlll1ng atOf'Y ot lhr" men whO let- rorLH • t>llnd woman atone In h« al)lllment 3:46 GI MOVIE * • * "Once Mora. With Faallngt ( t9601 Yul Brynner. Kay Kandall Aller losJng hts lalerlt and ht1 Wll•. an ot<'-'" con- ductor tries 10 regam both~ 3:50 8IZARN: "The Bigot Fatnlly" 4:20 CS) MOVIE * · Gr•duatlon Oay" ( 19111) Chrlllopher G&orge, Patch MacKenzie. High schOO! track athletes ••e belt1g literally "cut lrom the l&am" by an unknown killer 'R' 4:30 D VOYAOE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA "The Return 01 The Phan- tom" 0 MOVIE * * '.\ "Stay As You Are" ( 1980) Marcello Mastroian- ni, NUllUlll l<lnalll A married. middle-egad man emb11k1 on an attllr with • t"'HIQ8 girt whO may IMI related to him CZ)MOVIE • • "Verbotenl" ( 11158) James e..1. Susan Cumm- ings An American uncov- JOHN DARLING I'VE: NEVER 5£EN ,._ C/16E LIKE 1'Hl5 ~! LANA A~ "TO AA\IE AU.. OF THE SYMPTOMS OF WATER ON 8R.AJN! "' • O.IMll ~" orean-lHllOfl 10.mecl ~ I O'iMIO Of ••·Kalli Tllur•datl'• o.,,, •• ,,, ,,,,.,,.,,. -MORt•t0 - 1:0t (J) * a '"' ·io.to, Tha Oay 11•<1•" 11t11) Oeoro• H.,,.111on. Lauran HullOI\ the herOIC IOI\ ol old Cell- lotnla'I l•moo1 IU•tlce Ilg/Ht II lnGll)acllllad by • rldlt•g tnjuty. t0tc1no hl• IOC)s>lsh btOlher 10 don Iha ~tndmHk 'PO' 1:30 ~ * **'A "The Mulle Man" ( 1962) Rober1 p,.,. ton. Shlrtey Jonee. A tut· talking Hlffman comae to • amall town In l0w1 10 0tg1n1&• a l>Oy•' t1ar1a 111\d •nadvatlently 111i. In IOlllf wllh .,. unm.,r'4Kf llbr.,I· •n CH) * a '.\ "Heidi" ( 1979) A young gift 11 btoughl lrom her grandlauw'• AIC>IM 110me 10 llva In the Clly ) "•'A 'TheSr.ogun Wartl01'11 GetklnO" Anl· m•lad A ~ul robol Clafend• Earth when 11 11 thtHlaned by l(tng 0•1Wt and th• DHlh Hortor Corp U * It • '1> Darby O'GIH An<I The lillla People' ( 111511) Albefl She<pe. SNn Connery An old lrllh cat• laker who Is about to loM hll IOb 10 • younger tnan captutes the king ol Iha lep•..cheuna end lorcea him to grant lhr" wtaN11 'G' • 7:46 CZ) • • •11 Ou•drophenl1" ( 1979) Phil Oantels, Mark Wingett MualO by The Who A British youth reitt the values ol hi• la lly 10< Iha "heedom" or th Mod•. only lo dlllc:OVO< that lhll new aoc:ial group la even mot• c:on11r1<:1lng 'R' a: 15 W • • "Oe•d Men'• Float" ( 111711) Grog Roe, Sally Boyden A m~terl­ oua 1trangor au ... lrOU· bla IOt Iha '"habll•nta Of • peacelul Australian 1own 8:30 * * "GOlll' Ape" f19811TonyOanu Jesslea W•ller Thr" 0tangutan1 hold the purM 11r1ng1 IO • S5-mllllon 1nhart1anca PG' 0 * * '1> Chu Chu And The PhMly Flaah" (1981) Alan Arkin, Carol &rnelt An aleohollc lormer baM- ball player and • koolcy street antatla.n« become par1ner~ In a scheme to make money by returning a loll tullc ... 'PG' e:00(C) ••*"Pardon Mon Allalre" ( 1977) Jean Rochefort, Anny Oupetery A happil)' m"rled man contemp111re1 1nlldat1ty alter seeing a l>eaulllul madel In a parking garage. PG' 9:45 CZJ • •;, "OGad And &ir- red" ( 19811 Jamea Ferenll- no, Melody Andetaon A amall-lown pollcaman ln ..... tlg•IM I -lea al blurr• murder• 'R' tO:OO (HJ*• "My Champion" ( 1981) Yoko Shlm•d•. Cflrll Mitchum Tha true sloty or 11 temala Japaneta running champion 11 told •*'II AM The Fine Young Cann1bela ' (1960) Natall• Wood. Robert Wagne< A headstrong girl from a po0< Southern ,.,,._ Uy menlel lor money, not '°"' g ** *'"'"Allantk:Clty" ( 11180) Burl Lancaatar, SuHn S•r•ndon The •lranged husband ol an oySIM bat waltr_. ""lvea wllh her ptognanl younger slstet and aorne SIOlen hetOln, which he wanll 811 aging hOOd to Hll for him 'R' 11:00 (Cl • • • 'Home From The Hill" (19601 Rober't Mitchum. Georg• Pap- perd A man's Wloglttmale son uvea his Illa. 12:00 D • * "That Ten~ BHI" ( 11168) Shuon OoBotd. Earl Richards A guitar player mak .. It b'il after being guided by a lady pr••chet end con•-peat lndl1et• loons publicly G) * • * "Anatomy Of A Murder" (Part 21 ( 11159) Jamoa St-"1. 8«I Gu- 111ra A small-town lllOt· ,.,,,,...,.,. ... ,.,,..., ... ~ wl'IO II MOl*d 14 kllllng • lfl#I ~ ol 111tolng ,.._wile ••• " ""9tatnber AllBlt" ( 1980) Joell f'on- ta!M, .JQlllll)tl Colten 1-.o peopla belle"9d kllled In "' airplane 0t•n CONIOet ti "1 lnO II.. CMlt egeln ~'"" {I} * * • "II,,,_" ( IN I I "' Ml>rtay, HwOld """"· A ,...... Yotll oabble looklnQ lot' Hol'-1t OOf\,.,._ Illa beal lrlel)d 10 join him In enM11tno In the u 8 AtMy 'R' • * • * "Cn114>1., Two" ( 10101 J-Cu n. M11· th• Muon. Soon '""' hi• wll•'• death, • wrllat find• hlmMll raluctantly l•Mlng ln '°"' aglln 'PG' 12:30 (8) *'II "Oii The Rl(lhl Tr ~k" 119811 Oary Coi.- man. MlchNI l.embeelc A IOOlll WOtll• ltlea to find • not'mll home lot • train 11at1on lhoelhlne boy with I tuenl IOI plcklnO the POt'* 'PO' 1 '00 <l.) * * • • "Network" ( 1978) Faya Oun•way, Pel« Fln<:h An aging , .... VIiion ,_tllnan, whoM rat1no• .,. 11Mdl1y e11pp- 1no, II turned into • 'anting ptopnei of the elnwav• by • crelty 1ema1e P10Qram- m1og e.Hcut tve · R' 1:80 (C) * * * The Wrong Arm Of The Law" ( 1963) Patat 8ellet1, Uonel Jet. troea The 1ynd1c111a 111\d Iha polloa bandl tog.ther to atop • trlO 01 1111ev .. who pose" i.wmen 2.00 CS) • • "0 .. d Man's Float" ( t979) Greg Roe, Sallv Boyaen. A mysterl- ou1 llranger c:au-lrou- bla lot the 1nhablt•nta of • peaceful Auslrellan town 2:30 9 * •*'It "O.,by O'Glll And fhe Llllle People" ( 11159) Albetl Sharpe, Sean Connery An old lrlsh cat• liker wtoo la about to loM h11 job 10 • younger man captur" the king ol the lop<e<;h1un1 and lot'CM him 10 grant three wla.hea. G' 3: 15 (%) • "·~ "Zorro, The Gay Blade" ( tll8 l) George Harn111on. Lauten Hullon The her<MC '°" of Old Cati- lot nl• a l•mous 1u111ce logh1M JS tncapac:neted by a roding '"l"'Y· fOfclng his lopptsh brolhet ro don the cape 9/ld maak PG· 3:30 ~ * • Whll• Waler Sam ' Ke4th LarMn A mountain men travels the NOflhWOSI with hll husl<y ... 1ch1ng for the grHI white w•lt( route IOUth 'G CID • • •11 Continental OIYlda ' I 11181) John Belushi, Blair Brown A Chlc•go newspap., column11t travels to lhe Roektes to escape l<>tNI pollllal heat •nd interview a reclusl.,. netutallat 'PG' (.S) * •'It "The ShOgun warroors Galklng" Anl- maled A ~ul robot delend• Earth When It II thrHtened by Ktno Oarlua end th• 0.llh Hotror Cot'p 4;00 8 * • Brlghty Of The Gr811d C•nyon" 4 1967) JoMc>h Cotten. Piii Con- w•y An Independent b<Kro 11\d In old pt~Ot wtlO II ruci< II flCh encounter advenlura on the Grllld Canyon 4:30 0 * * * '" ' On The T °""'" ( 11150) Gena l<olly, F"nk Slnetr• A l•IO ol sailors team up with • taxi c1<111et and an anlhtopolo- gtll 10 .find • bMu111vl gor1 whOM plc;lute It dltc>lay9d In the&ubway 5:00 (Cl * • * 'II 'The Music Man" (19621 Ro!Hw1 Pres- ton. Shlrley Jones A lut- talktng salesm811 comes to a 1mall town In Iowa to organize a boys' band and onad..,.,tenlly lalls In love wllh an unmarried llbrllfl. an (%) 6 *" "High RISI<" ( 1981) J&mH Brolln, Clea11on Llltle A tno ol gteedy lrtends plot the robber'( or a mllllon doll.Ir• lrom a South Ametlcall drug dealer 'R' 5:30 • • • "Sliver Streak" ( 19761 G-Wilder. Jiii Clayburgh A mild· mannered book editor acc1dantally b•comaa tnllOlved 1n • 11n1a1or art I h'*I' 1 bl tan e plol du""O • Cfoaa-country train nde by Armstrong & Batluk WHAi DO'VOU 'THINK COULO HAVE ~USEC' THAT, OOC. TOR SOIL--1 Blake UHi Atex11· ralatlon· Ship with Rashid AhtMd lo rOCOll., his amb•rgoed oll ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Civil War • series in production Theres oalyone Fift Crowns. By JE RRY BUCK -T .......... WftW LOS ANGELES -At Fort Smilh, Ark .. director Andrew V. Mcl..aglen had John Brown ' hanged outside the courthouae, then he used the dty for the II• of Vlclcaburg. Mcl...aalen marched his all-star army acrosa Arb.Nu for 80 days to re-create the ravages of the CMJ War in the eight-hour CBS minileries ''The Blue and the Gray." The banks of the Arkanau River at Fort Smith 1 at.ood in for the Potomac at Harpers Ferry. W. Va .• and for the Mlaslaalppt In Grant's assault on V~. 'The c:tty of Van Buren, Ark., a1ao beca..,e "Vtckaburg, and on one occasion was ~.Pa. 'TheY took down all the telephone polet and all the lamp J)09ta In Van Buren th.at weren't and buried the wlret," says McLaglen. "But they dldn•t do It for ua. They we~ dolnS it to restore a period look to the town.'' Mc' .,ien. a t.owertna bear of a man and the eon of Academy Aw1rd-wlnnin1 actor Victor Mc.Lqlen, II one of Hollywood'• bull.t dlrectora. ------------------• Aft.er "The Blue and the Gray" he directed the two-hour "Travis McGee" pilot for ABC, and is now at work in Northern California on ''The Sha6ow Riders" for CBS. "The Blue and the Gray;• which will be broadcast in November. ls told through the eyes of a young artist who covers the war for Harper's Weekly. John Hammon stars as the artist, a man with relations on both sides of the war. The aeries alao stars Gregory Peck u Abraham Lincoln, Sterling Hayden u John Brown, Stacy Keach, Colleen f>ewhunt, Lloyd Bridges, Warren Oates. Diane Baker. Robert Vaughn, Paul Winfteld, and many more. It's a story or lwo families, one from the North and one from the South. ''The famllle1 ere Lntertwtned.'' McLaglen says, "and that'• how we take you dramatically through the war. We had three marrlaget and three funeral&" I.an McLelland Hunter wrote the l!Cn!enplay, hued on the Civil War bookl and mat.eriala of biatorian Bruce Catton. The Civil Wer has been a reC'W'Tin8 theme in the work of McLaglen. One of his earliest film5 was "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come." In 1965, he directed James Stewart in "Shenandoah ... Four years later, he directed J ohn Wayne in "Th e Undefeated," a story about a group of Confederate officers who escape to Mexico to continue the war. Altogether, he directed Wayne in five pictures and Stewart In four. "l know one thing," he says. "Columbia Plctures will have more Civil War footage than any other studio as a result of 'The Blue and th" Gray.' "Travis McGee" stars Sam Elliott as the "salvage consultant" in the aeries bued on the mystery novels of John 0 . MacDonald. McLaglen says he thinb there's a good chance ABC wtll pick It up as a aeries. The pilo\ ii bUed on "The Empty Copper Sea." ''The Shadow Riden." which McLaglen c:urrentlL ii directing, abo ii a Civil War tale. It'• a Lou fa 'Amour ·~ and 111 ln effect, a continuation of "The en." m!N8eries broadcu\ by NBC .eve.rat 1euon1 bllC.k. fine dining. .3801 EAST <:OA.sT· HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CA (71•) 160-03.Jl . .. .. . . .. ' :· 1 .. ~ I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wednteday, June 23, 1882 !E.T.,' 'Ro-cky' hot flicks HOLL YWOOO (AP) C.Ontlnuln.11 sood n~w• fur "E.T .. Tho E>clr.·Turrwtrlol" and T'Rocky ID'' •Nl unhappy n wa tor ''Annie" and "Orffle tl" 1tMttd th mm companlt-s u thuy added up the w.ekend box off lee r'C'C.'el pta AM expected. Unlvcraa1'11 "E T." ah pc.>d up ua the 1umm r'1 winner with a three-day towl of tlll,626,906 on l,116 IK'ret•N In ha 114!<.'0nd wet·kend fn ntll'UU. Thu movie, whkh movt'<i Into l l!\ mote· thc!awn1 for M to\.Ml of 1.116. lncreaa«J ita (IN~ by ti ptrcent c.-ompared to tt.s openlna w""kt'nd. With Incomplete figur es from laat week. Unlverul projected the 10-duy gl'OQ for "E.T" at $34.810,2 11. which the studio 1111id would ~11tabli11h u new Industry 10-day mark. The old nx.'Ord wus tht• TRIUMPH ''A movie of soaring pleasures that you hope wlll never end. To be seen again and again . . . and treasured." -Gene Sha/It, NBC-TV Today Show CITY CEnTER ~ IN THE CIT'Y Cf'-Tllll OAA>IGl • 634 9111 ET. f'w fHI Ctl'V (.ff\;1Rf ORA .. t.1 • 6)4 •111 I • U4,7it4.it6l lO·dlly opontna of "Superm11n 11,'' Or\!vtintnl 111IJ. "Rocky lll" tndicll"'--d ll can go the dl1Ulncc. brlnalng tn u wt'<'k<>nd toti£1 of $6,313.~76 In l,232 housl'i. The 2 4 -duy total to dull' W illi $~4.994.478, which MOM-UA reported was well nht•ud of tht• pat.<t.• 114.'l by the flral two "Rocky" lll~KCIS PG 1-------NOW PLAYING -----~ ·~·· •,,,,.. '~·· •~>n COIU MUA l1IA I fl I~•·• t t•1m ,.,.. "'., •coau 11110 ....... ., ,, fl A t t ,, 1 1Hll4 GAIDU ClllOtl .,, •• tt.o .... \JO 4401 • MUllllllC 1011 lfACM ld11W.itd\ Litwn14 NO OJU 111¥111( td•lfld '!Al •xtt 4Vt \\I Ob\' .... 'Ulfl 6(.Ql'f(0 PQa 1-S E"""11Mf•I IAGUH llACM •• ' ,o -4 . .... ,., ... MllllOtl WllJO UAMllM ~~c b1 ... ~~ =~~, ,~:,,.,'/ ·· ... OllAllOI l"'"'"'"',. t•U '.'.J UN JUAll CAPlllAAllO ... ... , ... ·36tnm ~....,J OllAMOE UA Cily Cinem.. 634 391 I • WUTMlllSTEll I dw.uds Cinema Wt~t 891 J9J~ WUTMINSTEll tit W'y )9 011ve In 111•1891 3b9J •35mmCDr"°""""""'l NOW SHOWING AllAM(IM lhol~V!ll 11 l 6U ti fl TORO OllAllGI So4411N<t SI I 5110 Ort"1• MtM IH OHO IAIA IOUlllAll Yaun OllAIGI Mf .. ·~ Platt 529 5)39 COSIA MISA £•wont F .. •lt•• W ty 839 I 500 Sltd-0 I ll9 1110 lllVUll OIUGI u• c. ..... !>40 059• WllHllJOdft 551 0155 U• Coty C.'lt .. t 834 ]911 COSHI MU .A £dwt1d1 Con•"'• CtM•• 11141919 4141 WISTMlllSllA UA C.n11N 893 0548 r-LUXURY THERTRES ~ ht l•o Mat1nrr Show1nuOflLY$2~Unltu0therw1w Noltd S 113r1U•r•l11tl6l63~ 2553 f~";;::~::.) ~ r FOR FUOl EXCITEffiEnTI V1s1tOur... ~ ~ C :Ni! •l(tl(l(;tjjlf U~!S9;!t11• l--l '2.00 2:35 5 15 8:00 t O· 30 70mm No Econ.Seats .S.TAA ~WP.Alli Tl'\EIUL -NoW1 ~ .... ... .. Show! •I I Z 00 2·30 5:00 7 30 O 00 In 70mm n..-·· ~ .nct .... 11 ... ~ "'~ go ... ~.. • ......... ~ ., Clint EllUwood F===~~~H!IFDX snoy.rl a1 12;.1 5 2·so N 5:25 :10 fu·lS ·fROCK'Y111 s Sh9wi al 12:00 2 IO 4: 15 6 20 •·30 10:40 * OPEN 7:30 NIGHTLY Children Un du 12 F "f Unless Noted •• • THE KENNEL CLUB OF BEYERL Y HILLS ALL BREED DOG SHOW & OBEDIENCE TRIALS 6 EXCITING ENTERTAINING "SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS" THROUGHOUT THE DAY * .. L.A. COUNTY SHERIFF'S * "HERDING DEMONSTRATION" CANINE CORPS" * "THE EDUCATION RING" * "THE FILM ROOM" * "THE VETERNIARIANS' * CORNER" "SO. CALIF. CANINE RELAY RACE CHAMPIONSHIPS" THE"LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA 3839 So. FltutrH Ave.. L.A. 12131748·6131 All far 1111 NEW LOW PRICE OF Adults 13.00 Chll*tn I Sn. ClllHM 600 ,.... a.ct Ad In Entwlnlllflt llCtllft, Thia S11urd1w. l,A. TIMI ftr Aft ~ TIM • ~, .... And "Sptelll Anrtctllft" l*dultl. "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" "BAMBI" <o> "ON GOLDEN POND" Plue "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Ii. OlifeCJ,. OI Ille •tMOI •to - .....,_ ·-,,.. •Utt•l>My al ,....,._.., __ ,,,,,,.,,._ .. •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru S1turday All Perlorm•ncH !Mfore 5:00 PM (Except Special En11191ment1 •nct Hollcllfl) l/< MlllAIJA MAil MllOOO 0 1 10 .. c1on1 LA MIRADA WALK-IN •••·2~ "ANNIE'' 1l"01 -.,. ........... , .... "POLTERGEIST" (f'O) ,,,..._.,._.,...__ YOUIH SflOW SAi 10 AM "GREASE 2" IPO) .... -. .• .,... ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK·IN "ROCKY Ill" (l"OI IN 70MM DOLBY ITEllEO tl';.JI, !:'• t..::tO, 7'100. t:itO. u·n "STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOLaY ITEllEO (f'G) ... _._ __ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IH Foeul!y Al Dei A/no 21J/6M-t211 "HANKY PANKY" (l"Ol •tO.-Hl.t.tl.- LAGUNA "AUTHORI AUTHOR•' -- -,... ·-11:11 (N ) "IT AR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOLaY ITEllEO (l"O) ,_,._ .... __ "ROCKY Ill" (f'o1 ti'. .. J:4' ... Ja, •1' U:tl Joc:1.111y or Cono•••ooo 213/531·9510 "OEAO MEN DON'T ftAfl l'l.AIO" (~I ..... __ "AllTHUll" C~I , ...... - "f'OMY'I " 1111 _ ... ,.... .... "fUCHAAD Pf'YOfl LIVE OH THI' IUN9n 111Uf"' (RI --- "GREASE 2" '"°> .• -. .... -.~ "GREASE 2" <"o> IUI, -1:11, ,,... .... so. COAST WALK·IN Soutll Coo1t Hlwoy at l rooowoy 494-1514 "GREASE 2" (PO) '1.11. ......... , ..... "ROCKY Ill'' (f'OI -l*LYl:tO.----l:tO._,_ ...., 11wu rn 1 lO -SK. s. 1 IS si.. St.ts et IM* IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHILORlN UNOlR 12 fREl' Hattier ...cs 11 ...... Mon ..,. I ri 1 ~ • Set . s-.. IWd•rt 6'00 CtNf fl SOUl<O ••OU~ lM CAA llAOIO IS •oo« SPUJl(l; ·~ lo() l"' (.A~ flAOO Wffl4 IQlmQoi ~SSOllY f'OSmQlt -l.lllN(; AM l'Ol\IAIU 1•AU. ~ OIUVf-lllS l30 Oii UI llAOIO ANAH!IM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••ov 91 ot lemon SI 179·9150 "GREASE 2" 10>01 -"AMERICAN POP''<~> C1 Nf f I SOU HO BUENA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN l•ncoln Ave W••' ot Cnott 121·4070 8UINA PAll«i LINCOLN DRIVE·IN ,.nco•n ••• We\I 01 (1"10 11 121·4070 ''·liitllJ"i Son O••oo '"" 01 1100-"""' (So I 962·2411 WHIMINSll~ HI-WAY 39 DRIVE IN "FIREFOX" '"' -"OUTLAND" c111 C•Nl It SOUND "f'OllKY'r tRI -"OOIN' AU. THE WAY" !RI "l .T .. THE l!XTIIA· TEllllEITlllAL" tPOI -"FINAL AlllONMIHT" 1~1 "ROCKY Ill" IH I -"CLAIH OF THE TITAN8"cN1 "ST.All ~k II: ntE ftATll D' KHAN" (N I -"VICTORY" INI Ct~£ f l SOUND 8t0<h Btvo SO ot G.>101n Gro., ltttWOY 191·3693 "ANNIE" (~I "FIREFOX" INI - -"POPEYE" (~I "OUTLAND" IRI ___ ..:;.Cl;.;_~l:;__l•..:;.Ml:.:Uc.:;"D:;__ __ --lf---__;:_1N.::..l II 50\IHO "AUTHO"' AUTHORI" <HI -"MODERN PR08lEMI" 1N 1 C•"' " '°""° I l-4 HAllRll LA HABRA DRIVE IN ""°" ........ -· "'' .............. •n·1162 OllllNGI "POI.. Tlll~llT" IN I ~IEA WOlVl l " (N I Cl!Of ft SOU110 "ROCKY HI" CNI -"CALIH OF THI T1TAN8" ORANGE DRIVE IN Santo Anof~ • SIO'• Con•o• 551·7022 "tlOC'\:.. ltl" IN I M" 'OflC:I °" ()NS" (N I A,,. ... ,,. .... "" .. ,,. MISSION DRI VE IN •I '4 t4 • •~ I\ I ot. • WARNER lllllV• IN ........... ,. •• 'lll•ttelle9Cft l •• 7· " +I • I 1-lllO Ulltt I 't '1• f ,.1. ''" ......... "' ..... ~\'._¥. •If 411/0 ~ ... . --UlllMN ~11 ~Tl "'"'ti• . ,, lltV•• .. U•I f•U•tO-'"''t.l•G&wUtUtf ... .. ' .. ' ......... . 1111.r PHii WeDNe80AY. JUN! 23. 1912 Future pro athlete have some lremendou odds to overcome. BUSINESS C4 e~ page C2. Carew knows hoW to ·turn on and off Rod Car~w. the renowned batsman, says hitting streaks excite him, particularly marathons of the ROrt with whil'h he recently broke the Angt!la' club record. "I find u lhang like that exciting," Carew says, "and I think the fans get a IJttJe jazzed up too and that is good." SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER "WeU," he says, "a little !K'ratch hit with two out and nobody on baae every game for 60 straight games ls very nice for a streak but It may not contribute one single thing to the ball club. So if I am on a streak, it ls Lmportant that the hJts are productive and it is alao far more satisfying If I get more than one hit a game." started doing the job In spring training and carried right on and that really got our i'JY• excited. "We know everybody is still standing around waiting for our pitching to collapse and they thought we might be all finished awhile back when we l°"t seven in a row. We didn't let that bother us. Every ball club will go through tlJl periods of misery." The question that ar1SeS, of course, is whether this is consiste nt with Carew's theories on concentration. It is Rod's stated belief that the most important aspect of hitting is concentration and he has srud he would not permit his-attention to be misdirected if an express tram suddenly roared past between the pnching mound and home plate. In other words, a r~ord-breaklng hilting streak i. exciting but not to the point Carew will let it take over hia mental approach to the game. Another vital ingredient to good hJtting ls a sound altitude. Rod Carew's menJ,al outlook varied a year ago but he seems a contented flrst baseman with the Angels of 1982. Carew is asked if there L'I a better ball club m the American League than the Angels. "Certainly not m our d1v1sion," he replies. "The best thing about 1t ts that our guys know we have the talent and that If W t! play up to our potential,• we can wan this whole thmg " "ln answer to that question," Rod says, "I know how to stop the commotion of a thing like the hitting streak Crom bothenng me. I got a lot of experience in 1977 when there were a lot of people around me when it looked like I might hit .400. "Exactly,'' Rod saya. "When I go ur to the plate, I don't go up there thlnklng maybe will get a hit. I go to the plate fully intending to get a hit and most often I do. I wouldn't let anything change my thinking in that regard. "l walk up to the plate every time with the intention of getting a baae hll and if I continue to do that I will get those hits." "Thre 1S a different atmosphere around this ball club, that's for sure," Rod says. "It is entirely unlike it was a year ago. One thing, we have the talent to win everything and the guys on this team know that and talk about it and that's important." Rod Carew has played with a sore hand most of the season. Surely 1t as well, Judging by the hitting streak. "I have 50 to 55 pert.'(mt strength back in the band," Rod says. "I have t.o be more selective of the pitches I swmg at." "I learned then how to blank out the things around me and how to get away when that becomes necessary." Carew says a thing Uke a hitting streak can get out of perspective from the standpoint of the overall p4rpose of the ball club. Carew, the super batsman, credits the Angel pitching for the success of the club up to this particular stage of the gallop. "Everybody l()ilked al our pitching and said it couldn't do the job,'' Carew says. "Our pitchers The other night at Anaheim Stadium, Carew had four hits. One of them was a double. Very selective. Carew's streak stopped at 25 T exas wi ns the game, too! By CURT SEEDEN OftM OlllllJ PKot It.ff Rick Ho n eycutt was o n ce suspended for 10 games when an umpire found a tack taped to his finger on his glove hand. Another time, he was ejected from a game [or hitting an Oakland batter right after being warned by an umpire. Tuesday night, the Texas Rangers' left hander got the pb done without misbehaving - fashioning a seven-hit shutout in the Rangers' 4-0 victory over the Angels before a crowd of 25,634 at Anaheim Stadium. The seven hits were provided by Don Baylor (two doubles and a single), Tim Foli (double), Joe F e rguson (d ouble), Brian Downing (single ) and Doug DeCinces (single). Conspicuously missing from that hit parade was Rod Carew. who saw his 25-game hitting streak come to an end against the sinker ball-throwing Honeycutt. "You defirutely have to be on your game to pitch against those guys. They have mostly MVPs and all-stars in the lineup," Honeycutt said after posting his third victory against seven losses. chance to extend his streak came m h1S f11-st appearance at the plate when he hit a chopper between first and second First baseman Dave Hostetler got his glove on th e ba II , defl ecting 1t behind h im . But that's where second baseman Doug Flynn was and his throw to Hon eycutt just did n ip the speedy Carew. Aft.er flying out an the third a nd hitting a comebacker in the fifth, Carew got one more chance in the e 1gh th. He promptly whacked a Honeycutt fast ball to right whic h required a good JUmp and a desperation running catch by John Grubb. That out , h owever, was sandwiched bet.ween singles by Downing and Baylor in what was one of the few legitimate Angel threats of the night. Relo'U(1e Jackson flied to right. Bobby Grich s truck out and half the crowd produced an exodus Otto Preminger would have been proud of Carew·s eighth-inning drive looked like 1t had 26-game hitting streak written all over it to JUSt about everybody in the park but Carew. JUST MISSED -Home plate umpire Russ Ooetz gets ready to call out Bobby Grich at the plate as Texas catcher Jim o.ity Piiot Photo by RlclMlrd KMl\ler Sundberg applies the tag. Grich was trying to score from third base on Tim Foli's high hopper to pitcher Rick Honeycutt. "My s uccess tonight was making good pitches and staying ahead of them," Honeycutt continued. "When I had to make a good pitch, I made it." Meanwhile, Car ew's best "I didn't think so. It hung up there too long a nd he (Grubb) charged the ball," Carew said . "When he (G rubb) came down to first base later he told me what actually happened was that the ball got in the lights and started hooking back to him," Carew continued Dodgers making their run at Atlanta ATLANTA (AP) -It was, as St.eve Garvey said, "a well-spaced. kind of odd three-hitter." It also was JUSt t h e thing the defending World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers needed to continue closing in on the National League West-leading Atlanta Braves Tuesday night. a single in the second inning. Dave Stewart, who had pitched one inning in relief Monday and seven on Friday, turned m a strong five-inning "Last year I pitched about two innin~ eight games in a row," he said. "I wasn t surprised al the distance I went. but l was surprised at the effectiveness I had "We don't want to let them get too far ahead of us. We just want to come in and get close and see what happens the second half of the season." Garvey belted his ninth homer to lead off the second, a blast into the left field seats, and Baker connected for his 13th Asked if G rubb offered any remorse in snapping his streak. Carew responded: "Why should he be sorry? He was just doing his job." So was Honeycutt. After losing his firs t seven games of t he season, the left hander, who will tum 28 on June 29, has put together a modest three-game winning streak Garvey and Dusty Baker lashed solo homers and three pitchers combined on the three-hitter in a 4-1 triumph over the Braves that enabled the streakin~ third-place Dodgers to move within 51h game'S of Atlanta with their ninth victory in the last 11 games. The Dodgers were forced to use their bullpen early whe n Vicente Romo, making his first major league start since 1974, was forced to leave the game after twisting his left knee while running out We just want to come in and get close and see ~hat h appens the second hal f of the season. -0...ly ..... stint to Ufl his record to i -4. He gave up the three hits and then watched as Steve Howe faced only nine batters over the final three innings no notch his fourth save. "I ha~ to make lhe breaking pitch work for me, and I did," he added, saying that Manager Tom La.sorda had told him Atlanta was a good fastball-hitting team. "We've been getting super pitching," Lasorda said. "Stewart threw the ball hard and Howe's been just pitching tremendous." Baker said it was an important victory for the Dodgers because the Braves had swept a three-game series earlier this month in Los Angeles. • an the third. Both came off starter St.eve Bedrosian, 3-1. T he setback left Atlanta with a .500 home field record, 16-16, compared with a glittering 24-10 road ma rk. "There's no explanation for it,'' Bob Horner said 'of the mediocre home field record. "If anything, it's good because it's tough to win on the road and sooner or late r we're going to start winning at home.'' He brought a 4.40 earned run average into the game and was the team leade r in allowing home runs to the opposition (nine). The Rangers made things easy for him Tuesday night by scoring two runs off starter (and loser) Bruce Kison in the first inning and two more off reliever Dave Goltz in the fifth. Rose has only Cobb to catch ST. LOUIS (AP) -Phillies first baseman Pete Rose moved into the No. 2 spot on the all-time I career h it list when he doubled off St. Louis pitcher John Stuper I in the third inning of Tuesday night's 3-2 Philadelphia loss to the Cardinals. The hit was the 3, 772nd of Rote's career, moving hlm one ahead of the 23-year career total of Henry Aaron, baseball's all- time home run king. Ty Cobb is the major league's all-time career hit leader with 4,191. Des pite the feat, R oae managed to put it all in ~rapective. I "In the lut 12 yean, I've been on five World Ser1ea teams, and played in aix league plfit'oUs," Juld the 41-yee.r.old Rote. "U I l 1•t a hlt the flret Ume up tomorrow, l won 't aav , 'Four-hundnd-elahteen more.1~ (S. R-OSE, Pase CS) Stewart said he wasn't worried about tiring. "It gave us incentive to come in here and not let them beat us," Baker said. Homer drove in Atlanta's only run in the fourth inning with arsacrifice fly. Kison made an early exit when Grubb slammed a linP drive off (See TEXAS, Page C3) McEnroe DJa y be the center of attention • • • ... But Ch ip Hooper is grab bing some of the limelight after upsetting Peter McNamara ' WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -John McEnroe. the defending champion and top-seed, again was the star attraction at Wimbledon, but another American, Chip Hooper was getting plenty of notice. ~ the crowd awaited McEnroe's second pound match with Eddie Edwards of South Africa, the talk was of Hooper's latest triumph. · The 6-6 serve-and-volley apecialiat whose game is tailormade for grass, ul)8et eighth-seeded Peter McNamara of Australia 7-6, 3-6, 6-2, 6-4 Tuesday. "Good player on thia stuff," Fred Percy, the former Wimbledon champion said of Hooper's grue..court akills. "We've been well aware of his potential on thia type of surface," Neale Fraaer, the Auttralian Davia Cup captain, said of Hooper'• po~ntial. "That 1erve is aomethin.g we're aolni to have tQ contend with." Hooper, able to hammer the .rve from a frlshteninl angle of attack, pounded serve alter serve off hlt ovenlzed racquet. rattling the CW1alnl and an occasional linesman a t the opposite end of the court. McNamara, who became the second ranked player to exit the event, left immediately after the match without talking to reporters. He ran out of steam ln the third aet.. seemingly disheartened as Hooper's service, cloclted at 13~ mph, appeared to get even stronger. The 1etting, the historic All-England Tennis and Croquet Club, obviously had aomethtJ\l U> do with hia performance. "At other place9.'' said Hooper, who climbed from 235th to 23rd in the ra.nkinRI' over a six-month stret.th, "it ls like playtna in a tennis tournament. But th.la I.I like pla.yt"I on a different planet -and not j\.aat becauee it ia grass. "McNamara played good tennia for whJ~. But when you begin 108in.g your · eerve and have to come beck ao much. get Ured mentally." >'°former champion Vt~ Wade and defending cbampton Chi1a Evert Lloyd were a1'o.!!1~:lae standout women wtnnen y. - Giving away 15 years to fellow Briton Jo Durie, the 36-year-old Wade seemingly made them vanish in the midst of a harrowing tiebreaker - winning 15-13 in the longest ever in Wimbledon women's play -as she pounded out a 3-6. 7-6, 6-2 victory. "Haven't we all put our foot in our mouths and said that we don't want to go on playing when we're old and decrepit," said Wade, the 1977 Wimbledon champion who wore thiclt woolen socks over her 1hoee to gain a better foothold on the rain-slickened grass. "When you are 18, that means about 23." Wade's match htghllaht.ed the first day of women's play, which a1IO aaw Lloyd diapatch 17-year-old Barbara Sue Gerken of Thousand Oaks, ~ 6-4 on the rain-clicked Center Court.. "Now I know how BWJe Jff.ll (Kins) and Marpret Court felt aaatnat me," aaid Lloya, who bounded into the third round with the vtctory. Shew• pwo a flnt-round bye ... Wat ~en, but played Tuesday because Wimbledon calls for its champions to open play on Center Court. "I don't have the luxury of time on my side," said Lloyd, who squeezed her match in between showers that wiped out much of Tuesday's card. "I'm not playing like when I was 17 or 18, playing loosely and with no pressure." Meanwhile, sbct.h-9eeded Gene Mayer came from a aet and a service break down to overtake Tim GulUklon 5-7, 6-4, 6-1, 7-5, booomlng the 10th of the 16 seed.a to reach the second round. Yannick_ Noah &f France pulled out Monday wit.ti a at.rained thiah ligament. In other women's matches, 15-year--old ltathy Rinaldi defeated fellow American Stacy Margolin 6-2, 7-6; Lucia Bomanov of Romania toppled Britain'• Anne Croft 1-6. 6-3, 6-1; South Korea's Duk Hee lAe stopped Glynla Coles of Britain 4-6, ~4. 6-1: American Wendy WbUe def•ted Brenda Remllton of Aunralia &-3, M and AIPerlcan Sharon Wabh downed Brilllln'• Sue Barker S-0, M . . . . I Orang• C~llt OAll.V PILOTIWednMdav, Juri• 23. 1982 For :niost athletes,~ the future • 1s now u•"4& Bt-ach Swte buk tball OOleh Ttx Wlnt.er apoko on aa aubject the olhor day -one which t'fflly toucht.• bMM with Jutt about every athlete who ev r kicked a ball, •t a pick, .Ud lnto ~ or hurdll"d a barrl r "Don't 11et your iioall too htah," warned Wlnter at a luncheon honoring the cream ot Oran,e County hlih .chool basketball players. • "l'm not auggoatlna you forget about aoall." thti veteran and h(ihly 1UCCt.Wful coach told the gutht>rlf\8. "JI.I.It keep thlnp tn perapectlve and ~membfor an l'ducotlon b No. 1 on the llat." You see It every day, on ev<'ry level, parenta t1nd athletes, the goal aeems to be the pot ot gold at the end of the rainbow, which ls all too often no more than a mirage. ln reality athle\1cs is no more than a means toward building a future, except tor the milUon~ to-one shot. Winter pointed out some statistics, which were 10mething like this: Every year there are 70-0,000 basketball seniors ompetmg on the high school level, wh ch produce 5,0-00 college freshmen. a sehall's longes t game --a year later From AP dispatches BOSTON -The losing pitcher is II out of baseball now He runs a bar in Syracuse, NY .. and says he's not ashamed of his place in sports history. The winning pitcher. despite a slow start this season, has a bright future: with the Boston Red Sox. ' Some have a good shot at major-league success, others have a slim shot and most have none at all. But those who played in professional baseball's longest game have enduring memories. "It's a back door to the Hall of Fame, but I'll take it," says 26-year-old Dave Koza, whose big- lcague hopes are fading in his ninth minor- league season. But one year ago today, with the major- league baseball strike in full swing, Koi.a was one of the biggest stories in sports. The first baseman delivered the winning single that put the Pawtucket Red Sox in the record books for a 3-2. 33-inning International League triumph over the Rochester Red Wings. lt also put his bat and other items from that game in baseball's shrine in Cooperstown, N.Y. The historic contest at Pawtucket, R.I., began the night of April 18, 1981. It was suspended at 4:07 a.m. the next day with the score tied 2-2 after 32 innings. "It's hkc the first time you thought there was never going to be an end to something," says catcher Rich Gedman. "I only played nine innings of it," he adds. Gedman spent the next 23 in the bullpen and was with Boston when the game ended. He is one or seven Pawtucket players in that game who are now with Boston. The others are pitchers Bobby Ojeda, Bruc-e Hurst and Luis Aponte, infielders Wade Boggs and Julio Valdez and catcher Roger LaFrancois. Quote of the day "The club's off to a bad start, but I don't think the backup catcher has much to do with 1t." Mike Berry of the Cincinnati Reds when he was farmed to the minors. ~EP8PQATI ROGER CARLSON '""t'• a rate of 47·1 qa!Nt you to Nm a apot in the college ranka, and from that th odda of a profeaional future drop to mlnuteule ttauree. Only 4,000 of thow 10,000 complete their four-year education and ol Lhat, 200 are dratted by the pros. Maybe 50 make a pro aquad aa rookiett and from that, the pro cage career averages out to 3 4 years. That means when you're ah>und 27, it'a lime to look for another future. The football figures are similar. From a million high school football playeni are 41,000 who make it to t.he college level, and only 320 are drafted. Quisenberry notches save No. 20 Reliever Da n Qailenbe r ry •. a II Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College product, earned hls 20th save of the sea.son, c.'Ombining with rookie Bud Black on a six-hitter as Kansas City edged Oakland, 2-1, to highlight American League action Tue9day. The loss was the A's seventh in their last eight games. Matt Keough picked up th~ loss ... 'l:laewhere, SeatUe's Julio Crut stole third base and scored the winning run on a throwing error by Toronto catcher Buck Martlaei in the seventh inning u the Mariners edged the Blue Jays. 6-5 . . . Ro• LeF lore snapped a 5-5 tie with a leadoff home run in th e bottom of the eighth inning, helping the Chicago White Sox to a 6-5 victory ou1~ over last-place Minnesota . . . Pete Vuckovich and Rollle Fingers combined on a five-hitter and Marshall Edwards drove in the tie-breaking run in the second inning, leading Milwaukee to a narrow 3-2 decision over the New York Yankees. The Brewers have now won seven in a row ... Rookie Wade Bogg• blasted his first major league home run with one out. in the bottom of the 11th inning as Boston rallied for a 5-4 win over Detroit, sending the Tigers to their ninth straight Joss . . . Cleveland had a six-run fifth inning which helped them beat Baltimore, 8-6. Expos win their fifth straight Montreal took advantage ot . Randy Jones' wildness to score three runs in the first inning -two on Warrem Cromartie's bases-loaded single -and Al Oliver homered in the third to lead the Expos to a 4-3 victory over the New York Mets to highli,ght National League action Tuesday. The victory was the Expos' fifth s traii;tht ... Elsewhere, San Diego third baseman Lois Salatar's throwing error let Cincinnati's E ddie Miiner score the go-ahead run ln the seventh inning and Mike VaJJ added an RBI single to give the Reds a 7-5 win over the Padres . . Mlke R a m sey drew a bases-loaded walk with two out in the eighth inning, forcing home Willie OLIVER McGee with the winning run and giving St. Louis a 3-2 decision over Philadelphia . . Vern Ruble fired a three-hitter and retired 23 consecutive batters as Houston blanked San Francisco, 2-0 . . Winning pitcher John Candela r ia, Dave Pa r ker and Jim Morrison drove m two runs apiece as PitL<1burgh bombed the Chicago Cubs, 9-2, for their fif th straight defeat. Maybe 1&0 tn1ke it 11 rookiet wtth the NFL and mott will be wuhed up alwr 4 ~ ~ with the proe. , So the odds of malc.lna It big ar.n t good. They'~ abou\ u 1ood u hlU.lna t.he Pick Slx at Loi Alamltoe twioo In a w k't runnJns. Winter allo pointed out only i6 percent ot pro Cootball plal!i can actually boa.It a colleae dearec. th rt'tt fai to reelly aet the molt important lt.em from their co 1e daya. Probably an even blaer l<* for the athlete can be the choice ot subjects. It's very euy to attend collep, como out with 110me pretty good grades and know next to nothlna. In the wt t0-16 yeara there haa been an Incredible emphaaia put on bein1 "No. l." And wtth lt haa foetered unrealiaUc goala, goals that man juat about anything accompliahed a failure. * * * Should traveling or all-star summer basketball le•guea be declared Wegal? A lot of coaches are mumbling ju.1l that these days aa more and more of the athletes lnvolv~ suddenly traNfer to another 8Chool where others Baseball today On this date in baseball m 1973: Philadelphia pitcher Ken Brett homered In his fourth straight game(a major league record for pitchers), and led the way as the Phillies beat the Montreal Expos, 7-2 at Jarry Park. On this date i.n 1971: Philadelphia's Rick Wise pitched a no- hitt.er and hit two home runa an beating the CincinnatJ Reds, 4-0. It was the second time Cincinnati had been no-hlt In three weeks, as Chlcago's Ken Holtzman had turned the trick on June 3. On this date in 1917: Boston Ernie Shore pitched perhaps the most unusual perfect game in major league history, beating the Washington Senators, 4-0 at Fenway Park. Boston starter Babe Ruth walked Washington leadoU man Ray Morgan, and was ejected by umpire Brick Owens after arguing over the ball four call. Shore relieved, and, after Morgan was thrown out trying to steal, retired the next 26 Senators in order. Today's birthdays: Philadelphia coach Dave Bristol is 49. Angels pitcher Dave Goltz IS 33. Oakland says Raiders are permanent Attorneys for the city of Oakland • declared that the Raiders "are here to stay" as owner AJ Davia talked to his lawyer Tuesday in the wake of a state Supreme Court ruling that could allow the citv to acquire the team ... NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle aga.m was urged by union chief Ed Garvey to become involved in the contract dispute between the club owners and the players ... The NBA, meanwhile, finding itself surrounded by threats from two sides, is asking the federal courts to help it avoid lawsuits concerning a propoeed move of the San Diego Cll}:>pers to Loe Angeles . . . In San Diego, though, a man ''of the highest personal integrity" is conaidering buying the San Diego Clippers to save the franchise from being moved to Lo6 Angeles, the Greater San Diego Sports Association says . . . The Los Angeles Kings traded left wing Paul Mulvey to F.dtnonton for right wing Blair Ba rnes in a straight one-for-one NHL exchange Tuesday. Television, rat1io TV: World Cup Soccer -Brazil vs. New Zealand, 11 p.m .. Channel 34. ' RADIO: Baseball -Dodgers at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m .. KABC (790); Texas at Angels, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710). THURSDAY'S TELEVISION 8 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Algeria vs. Chile. 11:45 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER -Honduras vs. Yugoslavia. from \ho11e aummt·r toum" juet happen to be ptay1na. C.'ot~h ar(> r£'lut·llmt l-0 hollt•r for print. but 'thert• url' 110mc ugly ulllludt'lf dt•Vl'loping catiMlnlt the high powt'rl'<.l Kum11wr h•uJ(Ul'll, which make teummntes uul o! rq(ulur ~·w.1011 ft>t'ti. Summer lt•u6(ut• bm1k1•thall'I'> ungmal lnwnt was to lmprov<.> thC' pluy<.>r hmd tt.•am) Thl' tuper 11ummer lcugm·~. how<•vcr, l'mphasiu· onJy \ht' cream of th<· <'rop, g1v1ng coll eg<> itCOUts an easy way to skim tht> t·n·um 1n u short 11pon. TOUCJllNG BASES Marina High's Tlrn Parsons, Lhe Sul\Sl't Leagut' swimmer of lhe year, <'aptaln and MVP on the Vikings' swtm team and Sunset Leagut> re<·ord hold<•r in the 100-yard butterfly. will c:ontinuc h1:. education at Bucknell University ... F.cl1son High pitcher Greg Cloney II set for Long B(•ach Sta tp . The U.S.A. Basketball Devclopm1·111 summt'r league kicks off its schedule SaturdJy with Or<inge County meeUng Metropolitan North .it 10 3U J m at Cal State Los Angeles. Sunday 1t'~ OrJng<• County against Mt!tropolitan South at 2.30 p.m. Dallr Piiot Staff Pllo4oe ALL-CIF -Estanci~ H1g h's Jeff Gardner (left) and Corona del Mar's Gordon Moss were chosen to the fu~l t<•.i m on tht' All-CIF 2-A baseball team. Area stars earn All-CIF Gardner., Mos on firs t team By ROGER CARLSON Of lhe D•llr Pilot Sl•ff Estancia H1gh 's Jt•ff G<irdm·r· and Corona del Mar High's Gordon Mos.., Wl·rc· naml"<i on the 1982 Cirst team All-CIF 2-A bast"ball .,..h~ t~y the Fu-st lnterstate Bank Jthlel1l· foundat11 Gardner, <1 twcH1mc All CIF -A basketball player who 1s ht-aded for 01.1ngt· Coast College. earned a berth by a<·c.famat1on, while Moss. with a hefty 505 batting awrage, pl{'kl-d up enough votes to °be<.'Ome one of lhrl't.' Juniors M'l<'Cled on the first team ThrCt' others from lhl' Or;mE(l' Coast area were named -second learn laurd:. going to Costa Mesa catcher Jeff Field and third team honors to Corona de! Mar pttcher Dave Rohdl• und Laguna Beach catcher Damon &>rryhill. Player or the Y<'ar ho.nors go lo Inglewood H1gh's Mike Ludgood, who bit(t<'<i 5:.!0 Gardner, tht.• S<.•a View L<•aguc's Player of the Year, had a .980 flC'lding awragl' and had 15 RBI, with 40 hits in 8.J at-bats. At Coast he says he'll concentrate on bast•baJI only. fcm •saking basketball He was in the Orangt· County All-star baseball gamC' recently. sl.<l rung <1t <;t'<·ond base for th~ winning South. and ht· wa., thl' ... urting point guard for th<' South oo:-k1·thall o;qu.id SJturdav. Moss wa-; thC' kc•v to Coron,1 del Mar's fourth straight Sea View 'L1•aguf' < h.imp1onsh1p season. slugging seven hom1· run.., .tnd .1veuunung fo1 28 RBI amidst his 505 <1v1·rag1· Brazil, Argentina headed for early showdown? F'IC'ld. headed for UC lrv 11w. •~a repeat choice at cau·h<'r He was t-dgC'd out for first team honors, however. by CIF champion Norwalk's Bill Loard. FiC'ld, without l'x•m•h1 of CIF playoffs exposure, 1s a ~-cond team ('h t>1l'l ' afll'r hilling 388 with 7 homers. 7 doubles, 2 tnplC's and :{I RBI in 24 games. . MADRID, Spain (AP) -Favored Brazil and •fending champion Argent.ma appear heeded for , early showdown in the 24-nation World Cup «er tournament. With five of the 12 second-round berths filled, is now certain that no more than one of the South merican giants can reach the semifinals. Only an unlikely tie or loss against twice- ~aten El Salvador in its last opening-round match inight in Alicante will keep Argentina from lvancing to the second round. But, a victory by Argentina will give it no ~ewport's Cook third DETROIT (AP) -Al Copeland drove his , 1tamaran over smooth waters at a record speed pf 1 1ore than 87 mph to take the open class 'lampionship in the Stroh Light Challenge [fshore boat race Tuesday. Betty Cook, from Newport Beach, finished iird in her Michelob Light, which was hampered ya broken propeller. Copeland, 38, owner of the Popeye and a New 1 deans-based fried chicken chain of the same 1 ame, covered the 178-mile counie on the Detroit .iver and Lake St. Clair in 2 hours, 1 minute, 26 : ~nds at an average 87.665 mph, a U.S. Oyen 1 lass record. better than the second qualifying spot from group three. Belgium clinched the group's first berth Tuesday night by tying with Hungary 1-1 in Eiche. Hungary will advance to the second round iC El Salvador beats or ties Argentina. The Soviet Union advanced from group six with a 2-2 tie against Scotland in Malaga Tuesday, but the result ensured Braul's place as the group's top qualifier. While the Soviets and Belgians scrambled into the same second round group with ties, Poland advanced in style. It crushed Peru 5-1 at La Coruna on a 28-minute second-half scoring spree led by Gn.egorz Lato. If Argentina advances. it must face Brazil and the group one runner-up, probably Italy or Cameroon, in a second-round playoff in Barcelona. Only one of thoee three will go to the semifinals. The Brazilians also play tonight -a meaningless match in Seville against New Zealand. which already was eliminated. Cesar Menotti, the Argentine coach, confident of winning, said.he might rest 21-year-old star Diego C•ll 642-5&78. Put • few wordt to work for ou. IJATIJH I l/IJI FOOTBALL IJU#llJ F0t Hol, Flil °"'"' Sfmcf Cd Yu ,.,,,., ME·N·EDI Featuring Members of the L.A. Rams Maradona's strained right thigh for the second round. He does, however, expect a stubborn Salvadoran defense, which held Belgium to one goal after yielding a tournament record 10 to the Hungarians. Although an Argentina-Brazil clash would not come until early July, Menotti ts already thinking Rohde 1s a third wam st>lt"Cl 1on at pitcher after romp1ling an 8-1 rt'<:ord with ;1 2 -11 ERA. He was also a very big factor for Corona d(•l Mar's success at third baS<.' (defens<') and al the• plate (.400). Berryh11l, anotht•r without Cir playoff exposure, is a third team cho1c·c• after his third straight first team schxtion on th<• All-South Coast League team about it B b 11 I d He has said he wants to play the Brazilians as a e a tryou t S a t e soon as possible. "We came here not to avoid any A maJor lcaguC' basC'ball tryout camp 1s rival but to show why we won the w orld scheduled for this weekend at Cal State Fullerton championship in 1978." for anyone age 16-25. Argentina has failed to beat Brazil in eight Candidates should bring their own uniform, internationals since Menotti took over the squad glove and shoes to partJcipate with scouts from 18 following the 1974 World Cup. when Brazil major league teams involved defeated Argentina 2-1 in the second round. American Legion players must bring a letter of Brazil won t he next six meetings and the last consent to participate signed by their coach. There two ended In ties, including a scoreless second is no cost to anyont• wishing to participate-. round encounter in the 1978 World Cup, which host lt begins at 9 a m Friday nation Argentina went on to win. -----=---------------- Brazil and England had already reached the second round, and seven more teMM will qualiCy in the next three days. • IMPOTENCE PROSTATE PROBLEMS llCI Piii TRY ACUPUNCTURE (PERIPHERAL NERVE STIMULATION) The problems are physical physiological as well as psychological Recommended by the top medical authority on the subject Holistic Approach ea Body Rejuvenation Natural Heallngs T.SHOOK,CA:ACUPUNCTUAE AND REJUVENATION CTR8 19929 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach (l14) 536-4070 IFFIOI l.,.W., F., SllllY~ ~ . . ., " MAJO" LIAOUI ITANOINOI Amerlcen leegue W••I.,.. OIYltiefl ....... K.,...1 C1ty Ch1C1190 S.aule Oati•end l•••• M1nn..o11 eo.1on MHwauo. .. Oltlroll B.illMOr• c..,,...no N-York T0<on10 W L ~I. 08 40 28 &e8 38 17 686 ., 38 28 578 ' 38 34 514 ~ 30 40 429 '1 24 '7 3U 12•1 18 54 229 25 EH 1•n• OMoioft 41 2S 821 31 :.>9 $41 35 28 5$G 4'\ 34 JO 531 5 32 32 500 e 30 33 478 II'> 31 37 458 11 l ue..S•r'• k<H•• ft•H 4, A~ll 0 Botton S, O.trOll 4 ( 11 lnnlr>gll c1e.,..•nd e B.iumo•• 8 Ml!Wlu~ .. 3 Ntw YO<k 2 Ctileago 8 MlnnMOI• 5 K•n• .. City 2. O•kl•nO 1 Sa.Ille 6. Toron10 S Tod•r'• Gem .. Te .. 1 (MedlCl1 5 61 Bl AnQel11Forsc11 S 6) n Toronto (Cl1ncy 1·3)11 Seeltlo (Bann•tler 8-4) K1nu1 City IGufl 7-3) 11 Oakllnc1 (K1ngm1n 0-2.) Oe1101t (Morr11 8-71 al Bo11on (Eck1r11ey 8-SI. n Bll11moro (Pllmer 4·31 If Cl1veh1nd (Denny •·n n New York !Morgen 3 41 II Mil ... I UkH tC•ldnll 4·6), n Mlnneso11 (C .. 11110 2·5) 11 ChlclQO (Llfllj) 4·31. n N1Uon1I Leegue Weei..n OMalOn Allan la San Ot.go ~.:r. at>CJaCO c1nanna11 Houston w L Pct. oa '40 26 606 36 211 554 3'~ 36 33 522 S'• 30 39 435 II'• 29 311 433 11'> 29 33 433 ',., E••t..n OMllon St L<k.iit Mon11aal N-York Pl1i~phla PIUat>ufgll Chicago 40 211 588 37 27 578 I 34 32 515 5 33 32 509 s·~ 30 33 476 711 25 44 382 15'> Tueedar'• leotet Dode«• 4 AUen1e 1 MonlrHl 4. N-Yorfl 3 Pl111burgn Q, Chicago 2 C1netnneu 7. Sin Oi.go 5 Houston 2, Sen Fr•ncltco 0 St Louil 3, PhUadetl)hla 2 Toci.y•1 QMnM Dod11111 (Valeniuela 9·5) •t Alllnta (Mlhlef 6-S). n Monlreel (ROQCfl 8 4) ti New York (Swan 5-11. n Chicago (Filer 0 2) al P11111>urgn (S11m1.n10 2·0). n Sen Diego (Welsh 5·21 11 C111c1nnall (Pastore 4-6). n San Francisco (Martin 2-4) 81 Hou11or1 (Ryan 5·8), n Philadelphia IKrukow 5·51 11 St l °"" (Mura S-5), n AMERICAN LEAGUE Aangera 4, Angel• 0 TIXAI CAUF<>l'NIA eb r llbl ab r llbl Smple,11 4 I ? 0 O""nO II 4 0 I 0 Bgnr cl S I t t Ca1e .. to 4 0 0 0 BBell,3b 5 t 2 0 Bylr dh 4 0 3 0 Grubl>.rt 4 1 3 I Re.Jksn.rt 4 0 0 0 LJnsn on 3 0 0 0 Groen 2b 3 0 0 0 Hflllr. lb 5 0 0 0 0Cnc1 3b 3 0 I 0 S~Ol>rg c 2 0 I 2 l ynn Cl • 0 0 0 Wgnt u 4 0 0 0 Falt u 4 0 I 0 Flynn.20 4 0 0 O Fro.,, c 3 O t O To1a11 36 4 9 4 Totals 33 O 1 o icor. br Inning• Terat 200 020 000-4 Calllornla 000 000 000 0 E -Fot4 OP Te•U I Caltlornll 2 LOB -Te• .. 11 cawtorn11 8 2B B Bet• Baylor 2, Ferguton 3B Sample SB BoQener Sample TH.. IP H R !R II 80 Honeycuntw .3-71 9 7 o O 2 4 Callfornl• KlsontL.6-3) 2 6 2 ~ I :l Goltz 5 2 2 2 2 5 Corbell 2 1 O O 3 O K11on p11cneo 10 t oatte< m me 31 Cl 1 -2 42 A 25.634 lndlan1 I, Orto .. • 9 Balhmore 010 00 1 040 6 t 2 l Cleveland 110 050 00• 8 14 O Stewart G11m1ley (21. T Maritnez (4) Stoddard (7) and Nolan Sorensen wn11son IB) and Hassey W SorenH1n 16-61 l Ste..art (5·5) HR B11t1m0<e E Murrey (91 A -7,400 l r•W.,I 3. 1nkHI 2 N-Yot~ I It 000 000 2 5 0 MllwaukH 2 • 000 00• 3 8 O Et1c~son Jon11 18 1 ano Wynagar Vuc;kovtcn F•r>ge<s 19) and Simmons W Vuckovlcn (9·2) L E11Ckton 14-8) S Flngefa ( 181 HRt New Yo<~ Smalley 161 Miiwaukee C-112) A 31 63? RM 101 S. Tlit.r• 4 0.1100 01 I 000 020 00 4 11 I Boaton 001 001 002 01 5 11 2 w11co• Tot>lk (II) and Pat111n Torrei Clear (8) and Gedman W Clear (6-21 l Tobtk (2·2) HR1 -Bot1on EvaM 141. 8og9s 11) A -28 215 From Page C1 ll91el1 a. A't I KW'IN• Clly 100 001 000 2 It 0 Oakt1111d ooo ooo o 10 1 e o Dia Gk. OlllH nbarry (9) and Welhan K.o..gn "'° N-man W -lllec;k t>-t) l l<-Oh (8•9) A 15.328 Marl11111 I. ••v. Jar• • f 0<or1to 020 030 000-5 12 2 1'1ean1e 010 400 •OK 8 o O Qarvln. Sant.ney (4). R L Jachon (e). J MclauQhlln (0) end Whitt. 8 MalllMZ (8). N•ltor1, Cl•rk (5). Stanton (8), Va11<1t!Mrg (8). Cev<llll (Ill end Bulllng W -Ct•rk ( t·O). l - R L Jacllton (2·8) S -Caudill (It) HR1 To101110. Up1haw t9), !!Hiiie, 111k (~I. Hellderaon !11. Bumno 111 A -7.933 C1r-Boont1 Downing FOi• Lym> Gt ten 8•ylor OeCin<:•• Re JIOllOO s.<>tqUOl Ro JIOCU OO C11r~ Ferugaon Wtllong Burlt1son Kell-• Toll I$ Ha•51Bt R&n~O "•so Wiii Angel •~eregM IATTINO A8 II H Hll IUll ll'o1. 225 35 81 0 ,, 324 11145 13 56 I 16 288 286 43 76 10 28 2118 221 28 63 2 28 285 217 36 81 3 15 277 220 29 eo 8 35 213 266 29 70 9 41 283 244 31 62 1 40 254 212 29 52 13 32 2SO 6a II 17 O 6 2SO 211 2 1 0 3 241 40 5 9 1 3 225 31 3 7 0 1 216 89 8 14 0 5 157 45 4 7 0 2 158 13 2 0 0 0 000 2318 306 ~3 54 219 2611 PITCHING IP H •• ao W-L IRA 27'• 20 11 13 1·0 t 65 84"> 60 20 37 7· I 2 66 42~> 32 19 35 3·2 2 74 6!h 61 26 40 4·1 2 75 12 9 5 9 0-' 3 00 GOlll Forsch Sonchlll Zahn K11on Moreno Corbell 107"' \)2 24 29 5-8 3 18 36'> 31 17 21 3·0 322 97'> 92 23 35 7.3 3 24 74~1 69 30 41 6·3 J 74 48~> 52 22 21 3-6 4 44 42'• 48 20 25 1·6 5 74 ro1a1s 630 514 218 297 40·28 3 26 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodiler• 4, Bravea 1 LOS ANG!CU ATUHTA ab rllbl .Orhbl Sa• 21> 5 0 I 1 Bulle< Cl 3 0 0 0 l and••• ct 4 t 2 I Watson ph t O O O O Thoms cl 0 O O 0 Qaroer p o O o o Bakr .11 4 0 t 0 Hubl>td 20 4 I 2 O Guerrer rt " v v v Chmbls to 4 O o o Grv II> 3 1 I I Murphy 11 4 0 0 0 Cey 31> ' O 2 O Horner 3o 1 o o t Yeager c 4 0 I 0 Whlsntn 11 2 O o O Russet• sa 3 2 I I Linares II t O O O v Romo j) I 0 I 0 Benedk:1 c 3 0 1 0 St-an p 2 0 0 0 R Rm'l SS 3 0 0 0 S Howe P O O O O Beelros.n p O o o o IC Smith ph 1 0 0 0 Hannap 0000 Ro~te<ll 1000 Totals 33 4 10 4 To1a11 28 t 3 t 8cOf'I b1 tnttlne• Los Angeles 021 000 OOt-4 Atlanta 000 100 000-t E-8elu1< A.Ramirez OP-lot Angetes I, Allanta 2 LOB Lot Angelel 8, Allanla 3 2B-Cey HR Garvey (9), 8a~er ( 13) SB-Su S-BeOroSlan. Guerrero. S Howe SF Horne<, L&nClroau• Loe Ange!M IP H A Ell aa 80 VRomo I 00001 Stewart (W,2-4) 5 3 I O t 3 S Howe (S,•) 3 0 0 0 0 I Atlanta Bedrosian IL.3· I) Henna 5 3 1 1 3 3 3 s 2 0 0 0 I 1 , 0 0 ' Garbflr T -2 38 A 27 137 R~• 7, P~tH 5 S111 01ego 010 003 100 5 9 l C1n"nn111 030 00 I 30•-7 11 I Lollar luCH (71 Chiller (71 and T l(e""8Cly La<0t.no1. Prt<A (71. Hume (8) Ind T""vtno w -Price 12·2) L lucea (0·51 S -Home (151 A -14, 101 Expoe., .,..,. a Montreat 301 ooo ooo 4 5 1 N-Yori\ 100 200 000-3 11 I Palme• Reardon 171 •nd Carter Ra JonM Lyne/I 111 Orosco (51 M Scon 191 and Stearns. Hodges (91 W -P.imer (2· t1 L Ra Jones (6-6) s Reardon I 121 HR Montreal Ott-(9) A 16 850 A1t1oe 2., Olenl• O San Franctsco 000 000 000-0 3 0 Houston 000 002 00•-1 6 O Gate and May Ruhle and Ashby W Runte 15·4) l Gate (2·71 A 12.968 Ce<cltnalo 3, Phlll .. e 2 Pn1ladetpn1a 011 000 000-2 6 SI l<k.115 200 000 t0•-3 6 0 Chr1slen•on Lyle (Bl Farmer (81 and B 01a1 S1upe1 and Porter W -Slup&< (2--01 l Lyle 12-21 HR Phtladelphtl , B Dill 1121 ... 19 612 Plrelet t, Cubo '2 Chicago ooo o 11 000-2 10 2 PtllSDurgn 02S 00 I 01~-9 15 2 Mam Proly (31. R1p1ey (6), Campt>ell 181 and J Oav15 Carodela11a E Romo (1) and 1 Pena w Candelana 13-31. L -Maru 14-61 S E Romo (11 A -6 114 Top 10 (aa-d on 115 M la1•1 AMEllK:AN LEAGUE 0 A8 II H Pel H1rra11. Ctevetll'd 63 245 54 93 380 BonneU,Toronlo 61 182 38 64 352 W WttSOn.Kanut Clly 4 I I 78 23 81 343 McRae.Kansas CHy 65 248 38 84 339 Hrbefl Mtnr>esola S6 222 38 75 .338 cower. ~11waukee eo 2« 38 80 328 c ..... ~· 61 ~25 36 73 324 Hernoon,0.11011 64 244 41 711 324 YUlrHmSkl Botlon 53 1112 23 81 318 Whole.Kansas Clly 62 2241 3-4 71 317 .......... 11 ... Tnornl on Cleveland 18, Ogilvie, Mllwau,ee 16 Htl>el. M1nne101a. JS Roentel<e. Belflm01e, 14, H11rah Clevet•nd 14 G Thames Miiwaukee, 14 ........... Moll••· ll•"H' Clty..1_~-·~_fll111110", ~ .. L.!it-~ ~. H Otlt l(ell11t 01~4t HI!* MIMIMC 4. (t~) Ouldty, NUI .,-~...-·-V11kovlcl\ Mllwe11kH t-1, alflllf, Ci.vt lanCI, •. , HOy1, :s 10 4, Cllf\Cy, Til'CHllO. 1~. z.lln. A 1-ai l•irna. CNoaoo 7-l , a ..... K 11y, t-3. CWdlll .... 11 ... 1·3- Naf'IONAL &.IACMM 0 Aa II H Pol Olt-.Montr.et 83 t37 31 71 )'9 J Tn0<nlM>0/1 Pm e 1 U 4 41 1t n 1 I •en<:ona,MontrHI 44 131 14 •1 '1' llu JOMI, Ian Olivo 8l t 18 40 70 320 11 .. rn1. New Yorll 61 213 3) 71 :118 J Rey, Ptll•l>llfllh 83 H3 u eo '1e IO<Q, 81. LOull at 114 t 39 31& c.dtno.CtnotnnaU 17 t It 27 08 313 H0<-,A11an•• eo 11:1 41 h 310 r Pent, Pl1111>u1gn &6 210 1e oo 3 10 l4offte """' Mu1Pfly, All1111•, 21; Kl119men. tww Yor11, 11, J ThomptOn. Pllltburgl\, 16, C111ar, Mo1111 .. 1, 13; ..... ,, Dodtwt. 11. llllM ... ltdlll M11rpl!y, Attent1. &7: Oliver. Mont1HI 4t, l<lnQMl n, N•w York, 4 8. 8 Olu ~~Ha0t4phla. 4t. J. TtloMe>tSOfl, Plt111>uroh. fltlohlng (I~) 'OraGl1. St LO\lil , • 2. Roget•. Mont1 .. 1, 8 3, Sullon, HOVelon, 7•3. 0 Robinson. P•1111>urgh. e.3. v.i.na-. Dode« ....... Soto Ctnc;1nn111. 7 A. lleuat, o.dee••, ..._ HIOH ICHOOL All-Clf 2·A P"llllT TWAM Po. fltaf., ~ P -Oavlcl bi-.. Norwalk P JIM Plante, Hatt P R Goodall. Whlltlar C -BIH Lowd, N-lllk 18 -Mike LUOQood. lnQltwOOO mt-Hit OerclMf, ta~ lnl Bobt>y ICay, 8evetly HIM• lnt-Gotdoft MoH. C4IM OF Mike s ..... Hiii OF-Jot Mll11Ml. Affcryo OF Louie Lull ... C1Jon VIH RoD Pac:tlha. Art..i. () R Slom1n11111, Arroyo lrtONO TUM P Kirk C1nnon. Yuulpa P Oton Beck, Maylalr >p. -Sllv• Grolla, Hatt c Jell Field. Coll• Mtll I B M Morrison, Canyon lnl J ROl>4trll. Anl•loPI Val lnl O F'lorM. Coaehetla Val Int-Mike 81118f, Yucaipa OF-R Mei.ndti, Cen1w.i1 OF A Gon1alea, Plu1 ll OF -Jell Holme•. Mllllon vi.10 UI P Ponce, SI Gt<>evleve THIRD TIAM Marti CL 8 0 Sr 1.1 Jr 1().1 Sr 358 Sr S20 Sr .An ''· 4$G Sr .50I J•. 423 Sr 08 Jr 370 Jr 4113 Sr 475 Sr 9-1-t Sr 10-3 Sr 9"3 Sr 388 Sr 405 Sr 500 Sr 380 Sr 325 Sr 435 Jr 420 Sr 417 Sr 417 Sr P B Slev-. S.V..ly Hiiie 13-3 Sr P -Daft llohcN, CdM •1 I r P -0 Alaworth, L• Mirada 7-2 Sr C -0. a.tryMll, LagvNI hacll .ll3 Ir. tB Mlk• Whitt. Ha"'1h0rlll 461 Sr IB-ChaCI Kerr, RowmHCI 353 Sr Int Tony Camp-onl La S..n1 374 Sr lnl Andy N .. lo. Sch<i<r 385 Sr lnl Jolln Padlo, SI lle<n•rCI 425 Sr OF-l Ba'1on Whllller 367 Sr OF Ale• Selie, Sen1e f'e 39 t So OF T 1m Plough, Avtallon 352 Jr Ut-R Calley Chino 454 Sr Player ol lhe Year Mike ludoooo 1tngi.woocs1 Southern C•llfornla Am1teur Quellfylng '1MAL aMi<>ll LUDllll '•' trvlne c-1 CCI Ito p1e_,..., tor 17 .,._I 1311-Mar'k Bl•kttY (WNI COISI Amateur G A ~ 141-Jlm BrMtl (WHI Coall Amateur G A ). 142 P1ul O'Shea (lrvlne Co811 CC), Doug Rvl>lckl IOICI R...i:h CC) 1u -M1111 Patllho•p (Well Cont Amateur G A ), Mike Ivy (M ... Verdi CC), Boo Andel-. (Wiii eo..1 Amateur G A ). Chtllll>Pll« WOOCI (INlne Coast CC). Doug ThOmpeon (El NIQUll CC) 146-Kann Tet4 (El Ntguel CCt, Fr.t Miiia Jr (MINton Vltj() CC) t48-Gr111 ~ tc.nel'-'>od cc~ a.,.,. Bayly (YOtbl Undl CC) 14 7 -Ray Brown (Lo• Coyote• CCI. Fr•nc11 Crlnetla (lrvlne Cou 1 CC). Oave Hobby (Santa Ana CC). Btuoe Wtlkamura (WM1 Cou t Amateur G A ) Artl Allerna11 1"9-81-L.ats (W .. t Cout "1na1.u< G A I (al VllU V ... r CC, Vhlal (21 .,..,.,. tor 91• ~I t•7-8rlan Mal'IO• (Rancho Bercardo Inn CC) 1<48-Chllf1il C®I> (San ci.m.n1e CCI. Rent Grtvel (S•n Clemente CC). Guy Het11etelar (RanchO Santa Fe CC), Mike Long (Slr'QlnQ Hills CC). t~ll-Ernle Gon~ Jr (8onlla CC) Flrel Alttrn•t•· 1S3;-Brlan Bobb11t (Whlll)t<1ng Pl!mt CC). WlmlNdon .....,., ,.,,.., llovftd llnot.. Dick S1oc;tuon (U S ) del Bruce Manson tu S I. 8·3 8·4, 7·8. John Alexander (Aullralla) Oii Kim WlllWICk (Australle), 2·6 S· 7. 7 ·6. 8-3. 7-5, Chip HOOC>« (U S ) def Peter McNamara (Aualralla). 7-8. 3-6. 6-2. 6-4, G.ne May« (US ) Oii Tim GulHk-. (U S ). 5-7, 6-4. 8-1. 1-5 ·-··Finl 11""41 .. ,.. ... Sharon Walth IU S I Cler Sue Barker (8rll.in), 6--0. 6-4, Lucie Romanov (Romania) Oii Annal>t4 Crol1 (8r11alnl. 1-e. 8-3, e.1 Ouk HM Let (South KorH) a.I Gtynts Cora (Brllllln~ 4-8, &-4, 8-I, Kathy RlnllOi (US) .ael Stacy M1tgolt<1 (US). 8-2. 7-6; Wlfn(Jy Whll• (IJ S ) dtl Brenda Ramllton (Aultr.ila). '-3. &-4, T .,,.,.. Har!ord (South Alnca) Oii L .. AnlOOOPONa (U.S.I. &-2. 6-4. Virginia Wada (Brllalnl, Cle! Jo Ou11• 1Bu1.in1, 3-8, 7-8. 8-2 ·-·· e-oncl llound ltnglH Cnrta Evart Lloyd (U S) dtl Barbara Ger'llan (V S I 6--0 6-4 TEXAS BEA TS ANGELS • • • his right leg in the third inning. X -rays of the pitcher's leg were negative. but there was some swelling. . At the same time, there~ was a little swelling in the heads of the Rangers who have found victories hard to come by this season alld are lodged in (i{th place in the AL West. 121/2 games behind the Angels. "Right now a win feels real good," offered Honeycutt. "We're struggling. but we have a good ball club. W e're ju.st not putting it together yet. But it does seem hke when we score early. we do all right." While Grubb and center fielder Terry Bogener picked up RBI singles m the fU"St and catcher Jim Sundberg delivered the Rangers' other two runs in Dent may not play MILWAUKEE (AP) -Bucky Dent of the New York Yankees, currently leading the balloting for the short&top position on the American League All-Star team, said Tuesday that he may not accept the aaaignment due to his status as a part-time player. "1 said that I wouldn1t accept il the way l've been playing," said Dent, who is hitting only .138 W1th two hita ln hia last 37 at~bats. ln the latest fan ballotlng, Dent led all AL ahorutope W1th 2tS~.236 votet, with Milwaukee'• Robln Yount eecond at 229,123. ''I appreciate the fan's support," said Dent, 11but there~• no wa.y I could accept it undfr these coodiUona." Roy Smalley haa seen the bulk of duty at aboftltop for the Y anka ever since he wu acquired from MiMelota. The Yanks are alao BOomblC Andre Robert.son ror a future apot In the Tnfleld. the fifth, Tuesday night's game will be best- remembered for the night Carew was stopped. "l don't think I've ever held him to an O-for-4 night," Honeycutt tried to recaU. "He hit the ball well, almost too good." Carew agreed: "I wasn't swinging the bat lousy. He just pitched me weU and got me out." Aside from his shaky fifth inning, Goltz pitched relatively weU in his longest o uting since joining the Angels. The former Dodger right hander allowed just two hits t.o go along with the two runs whHe striking out five. Goltz also walked two Rangers, including Lamar Johnson in the fifth. lt prolonged the inning and gave Sundberg the chance to rap in a pair of insurance runs. "If he didn't loee Lamar Johnson to a base on balls, he w ould have had a s hutout," Angel Manager Gene Mauch noted of Goltz's relief effort. Doug Corbett mopped up with two innings of shutout work, but he still struggled thro~gh three walks.* * * * * * ANGEL NOftl: ·~ Cll•lml•n of the boefd ca... """' Wit admllt9d 10 St. JOM Ph'• ~Otf>Jlll tn Or•no• Monday nlghl with r.ourrlng dizzy apella wNen l'llt pllytlclan Nyw oould be ceuMd by • vlrel lnlacllon Of the Inn« .. r. Auiry wM 111P901td lo be dlecharged from the hoae>ltal today ener undergO!ng 1•tt T~I)' • , • C11chtt Bob 900M ml...O l'llt fhlrd etralQlll Q&IM and I• on • day-to-day bllll titer lllYlng fluid tllitn ffOfll N• !tit k11419 T~tY loone w• examined by Dr. ~ YMVfft •nd wat Given • OOrtltoM lntectlon ... .... ,.,._, l!loone'• ,.._t behTnd the pll1•. oollected his 11'91 All tlnCe s.ot. 30, 1H f wMn he knodted In • run In th9 Anoell' ....en-rvn .ic!htfl 1MW10 Mondi)' ntgllt , ..._.. .......... Nd !Ill In t3 of 111e lat 14 ~ encl relMd hie IY'lfl09 It polnt1 (to .2U) corning Into TUMC!ay ntght'• gall'l9. . • ftor tllOM Wflo care dapwtment: Tll9 oftlcllll 1COtar haa changed 1 ~In the 1111111 Inning of Monday =~~.cw ..... occurredhlt !!,._,.~~tin~...,~ '"' ........ --0 ... _ ........ Renko'• doutlle p1ey att.,... -not handled • boCl'I ...., Ort8'I _, T1M ,... oonwfgtd at wconct. Ofla!Mly, an rt'Of wa ClfWV9d to Qrtah. llUt It '* no-tlMll ~~to "8Mo . . . ftotffWll C• l tlM ~ h '*-'*'-. W. ~ T..., In tM MOClfld round of tM ,..,. .,.. """ drift. went '°' tM "8nOln' T,,._ fmrm Cllll9 (T..-LMgllta) In I Mii IMf Attt- Monday •.• The fli~ ..... ...,. tM ""'""oonclUcM tonlGflt with DIM ....... IM) t*O tor T-eoM* tC... ~(Ml Otange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneld1y, June 23. 1082 Cl WOttd Cup tUllOAY'I 9C°"411 POIMO •. Per11 I hlQlufn I, H\lllQll'Y 1 Auaal• 2. &coulllld 2 TOOAraOAMH llaly va 0-oon et Vrga Atganuna ..,. II lalvlCIOt 11 AltCJllll• Oruw v• ~ 1-tllat\d at kvlHe THUflaaAY'I OAMll AIQetla va Chllt tlon4u•aa ....._ YUQOelavt• Fttnoe Vt. CltGhOllOVl kll World Cup tlandlnga (Tllt°"9h T ... adaJ'• OMI .. ) Pottnd ll&ly C1m«oon P.,u OllOU, 1 W L TPta.Ol'OA I 0 2 4 5 I 0 0 2 2 I t 0 0 2 2 0 0 012228 llemalnlne '1nrt llHfl4 Gem" TodAlr llaly vt C•r-oon •I VIO• Qfl()Utl 2 W l T'1a.O,.OA """"' 2 0 0 4 4 ' w .. 1 Germany 1 I 0 2 5 3 Algetla t t o 2 2 6 Chlle 010016 R--'t\"'9 F1111 llCMHld Oamt4 Tllw.O.y Algt<la .,. C1111a •I OVMldo ,nci., WMt G"'mtny VI Au1t111 ., Gltort OllOUP, W L T'1a.O, QA Balgtum 201631 Hu119ary 1 1 1 3 12 8 Argt<lllna I 1 0 2 4 2 El Sllv•Oor 0 2 O 0 t 11 ....,_alnlng Finl "auftd a.- Todaf Atgenlln• VI El SellladOI II Al~·· QROUP4 W (. T Pia. GI' QA England 20 041S1 Fran<» I 1 0 2 6 4 ClechOilloyakla 0 1 I t t 3 Kuwait 0 I 1 I 2 5 flemalntno ,.,..t llwn4 OamH Tllweday France vs Czecho110v1kla at Vell•dOld Friday Er>glanCI va Kuwait II Biibao OllOUf' 5 W L Tha.QFOA Spain 101332 HonOuru o O 2 2 2 2 Nortna<n lret&nCI 0 0 2 2 r I YUQOll•Vll 0 1 1 I 1 2 flemalnlne Flrel llovnd Oernff TIKl1eday Honduras vs. Yur,:;:a at Zalaioga Sl)811'1 vt Nonhetn fretano 11 V•lenc•• OllOUf' I W L T '1a. OF QA Brazll 2 o O 4 5 2 RuSSll I I 1 3 6 4 Sc011ane1 1 I I 3 8 8 NewZealand 020028 ,...,,.,.,,"ii Flral Rovnd 0- T oci.y 8'1WI vs New Zulend at 59vllla Loe Alemlloa TUHDAY'I llHULTI (44111 of tl•nlghl q11ll1.mot.. MMllf\9) FlfllT llACI. 350 yaro1 Skte> Ano Go Lucky (Crdtel3 60 2 80 2 60 Empire bptest (ThomH) 5 80 4 20 RhOClal>O (Lackey) 5 00 AIM> r~ lmae>ochtcompul• KaWHh w ... En 0.VOIA limit. OeMt1 LIQ4l"CI, M.,,, Me Etnia, Flying Potlcy. lo<MQ Rui.t • Time 1824 12 EXACTA (3-tl paid $18 60 HCOHD llACI. 870 yaro1 ~et Mooo (Cwdoul to 20 4 80 3 oo Spring Fury (Cteage<) 4 40 3 00 FltA 1(1ng (Kn!Qnt) 4 4() Alto •acad Wh1111ea Rockll Snappy ltget [J<amonCI Star!lar• Anolll« Vanl Nie> N Red Time 46 57 THIRD llACf.. 350 yetda Dupe 0. Lu (MilCl1elll 29 80 8 80 S 00 Deadly Watch (Ward) 2 60 2 40 1Jnl1m11ed Barred (Herl) J 20 .\ISO raceo Tame Copy. PrOl>llfMI Qondu, Rocket Pedlar Tlnya Good Kid Jungle Strea~er. McGee L1g1111001 Ber Mesa Charger Time 18 50 FOURTH llACE. 350 yards Sheckys Image (B•rd) 9 40 ~ 60 2 80 Two More OouDlet (BrOOl!al 5 20 3 00 OH·Tatloo Moon (Fryday) 3 00 OH-Arts Je-..el (Thomas\ 4 410 Aleo raced Thein No Oou1>1. Credit Reler•nce, Big Wini< Rugged Jel, Pops Bame T OO!ln And Rulln OH dead~ea1 lo• third Time· 1800 12 UACTA (6-10) 1)810 S50 40 'FIFTH RACE. 350 yard1 Toms Ch•mplon (Tonktl 24 AO 13 00 6 60 Pro1~on1st (Clerl&M) 7 20 4 80 Jonie Boone (8i.vins) 6 40 Also receo Ou1ncv1 Featufl. Feature Rocket. Mark 0 1 Money Buenln lm• °'''~ 0111111t, 8rlQllt At A Flash, Watc11 Him fruc;I( Time 17.63 IUTH llACL 350 yardl Humt>ug County (fWCI) 8 80 4 00 2 80 Hey And Oalt (Cre9Qlfl S 00 4 60 Biiia ~ (Adlif) S 00 Also •aced By Beouino. Ktnachtc Magaruta Copy, Nlg1111 Umtll, Truly A Chic Ribs Aaaufed Tlme 17 71 ~ EXACTA (8·3) paid $50 40 ll02 ' ll•t•ll• I btoclt w ol Nrwp0rt fwy lll-l&IO llYltfTM ""CL aoo ywdl l.w; Jt4 KU1t (Hwt) 17 eo 9 IO I 00 bay VO/W/ (I~) 1 80 11 IO MIM MIO"ly MO Wdl '1 IO Alto rao.o •yt14111all lw"t Crvatal Mln KOPV 0•• ''°'""''... Moon Oenllh latnl Motll<M 111..,..llMftl MllbladOI J .. Time 17 II ti ClACTA 17 101l>8'0ata400 llGl4'ht flACa. 440 V1td1 •n•-HIO" (Al'lltll'IQ) 40 eo I) tO II 20 T l'ltll Ot VIC'tOtY (lackey) ) to 4 00 8-P*Y (PlllitneJ 10 00 AltO I~ W111111 Wr_..,, taey Niki. MlllU• Martt. TU.• A Wiik kot Too faty, troeomoor ~. 114••1« Sum"* Time. 2113. a iv.cu 1• ·4) 1>11c1 a 11e eo a '1CK Mx <• 8 1.&-1.e1paiCI12.061 'o Wllh 11 wtnrllnQ llckeU (IO\lr hor-) 12 Pl(Jll 81A Contolallon P•ICI 136 20 with no wlnnlt19 llckelt (lhrM hor"I) NINTH llACI. •00 y•roa Mlaa Jac:1y11t (8tr~) 16.40 8 00 8 00 Sj)H(ly A1\Q411 (Myi .. I $ 00 4 00 C11I Ouwn (H•n) 4 80 Aleo rtlC4td Lii WUJy Love. Melo In T•m•. ShawnH PIH, Moon11v1r Windy Jack14111 femplallon, SP«:lal Note Tit!le 2033 a IXACTA (1·8) P•ld \114 20 AltW'ICI~ 0,411 0Mp M• Rahing NEWPOllT ("11'1 LMdlng) -43 angler• 38 blUI 1 h .. i1K1t 280 mec;ke<el (Oav•Y'I locll.,) -165 anglers 6 1>arracud1 75 oon110, 287 sand o .. a. 120 ealk:o bus 40 roe;~ lllll. 3 na1111u1. 582 maekerel, 3 king utmon DANA WHARF 228 angl"'' 823 l>Ht. 11 1>on110 S nahbul, t rock ti.h 132 mackerel MOllRO IA\' (Vlrg'e L1ndlng) 13 angl•rs I ling coo. 30 tock cod. 60 red •OCk cod. 75 oltve l>HI LONO l f.ACH (hlmont Pl•r) 85 anglers '70 roc;tl coo. 100 sand flats, 5 calico Daa1. 2 hall but, I b111 acuda SO m1cker1M (011Hn'1 Wharl) -127 ang11,,s I white tea boa, I Da1tacuda. 110 bonoto 348 calico b1aa, 553 aanCI bast. 1 heHbul. 18 roc;k lllh 1 Almon IEAL aEACH -9 t lt\QIOll 50 Hnd 0 .. 1 22 halibut, 300 mactie<el IAN Dlf.00 (HIM LAHDI HQ , f'l1hltrmen'1, Poln1 Loma) -138 ang1e<1 30 aloacore 50 oarracuda 7 1>u1 51 rock 111111 Tranaaellona a Al HALL AIMtic:en I.Me.,. DETROIT TIGERS -TraCleCI Rictt Matul• pit cite< lo the T esu Rengen tor Sieve Lub-P<ICl>IH NEW YORK YANKEES -Sent Ooyle Aleunder •nd Rudy May p1tcners lo C01umt1u1 01 tna lnternauonal LtaQue on 20-<Say 1el1abtllllllon auignments TORONTO BLUE JAYS -TraOeCI OICk Oev11 outlletde<. to tne P111souro11 Pira1es tor a j)laye< 10 be named taler Act1vta111<1 0110 veiez. deelonateo n1t1er from the IS-day dil8bled 1111 Natlonal I.Me..,. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES Named Tony Tayloi manager of ine club's Clau AAA aHlllate a1 Ot<lehoma City 01 1tie Amencan A11oc1a11on. replacing Ron Clark Named Clark to a scoouno posnion Named P J Carey manflller 01 Spartanburg ol lhe Class A Car011na leagve. rep4ac1no TaylO< ST LOUIS CARDINALS Acllvaled Steve Braun, oulllelCler lrorn tne IS·d•y dl .. bled 11s1 Oplloneel OrlenOo Sanc11e1. catcher lo Lou1&vllle ol the American Atsoc•ttlon '00T9Al.L !Mtffonal footbell L ... 111 BALTIMORE COLTS -Signe<! Jolln .. Coou ltnebac:ker 10 a _.., ol one-ye•r conuac:11 MIAMI DOLPHINS Signed Jon Gelslet o1i...sM1 llf>t<nan. to a --01 on&-yeer GOtttracta S>gned Paul Lanktora OeleriS1vl! Oac:k. Charles Bowser. 11n•bacl!er. Steve Clark. delen11•e end. Macl< Boat-runn"'g bacl<. Wayne Jones oHenSIVe guard ana Hans N ... ten ano Joe Pew ktcl<e11 NEW YORK GIANTS Signed Jell W1Sk1, guatCI Cut Dennis JOl'lnson Mandel RootntM>n and Bobl>y Brornl>le running D•cks Kervin Wyett. t1nebactier. Bruce 1<11chner cen111r and Doug Maci. ... guard Te<mlnated the<r fights 10 l~e Fo<1e running back WASHINGTON REDSKINS -Signed Brad Ou66k and Lemont >iolt-Jellers llnebeckers. Todd L•ebflns1e1n defensive lineman. Michael WllUams. ugnt eno. anc Rall)h Warthen. detenJlve 1acllte HOCKEY Am.,ic.n Hoeller L•avu. MAINE MARINES Named Tom McVle tiead coa.cl1 National Hocker la.g..,. CALGARY FLAMES -Announce<l lhe re11roman1 of Boo Mu•doch. oelenseman. and named him asslslant coacll LOS ANGELES KINGS Traded Paul Mulvey, left wl119. 10 the Edmonton Oiiers for Blall BarnM, rtglll Wll\Q SOCCER Mato< Indoor aocc., la<tQue BALTIMORE BLAST PutchaseCI lhe ,;ontrac:t ol Renato Clla oeferider lrorn 1ne New YOik Arrowe ~a r.em T ennla LOS ANGELES STRINGS Renamed Vtjay A.tnr'ltrl( 1-0 cOllCf> OENE1'AL U S TROnlHG ASSOCIATION -Named Francis X ~ el9Cu1MI VICe oreSIClenl COl.UGE NORTH CAROLINA A&T -Cl< Bori C Pl!IQOll. al.hletlc Clltec:1or. resigned effective Aug 23 ------------------------------From Page C1 • • • But 418 more hit.a plua on~' would ll«' hlm with Cobb "It's tmporUtnt t.o me that lt (hi• ll~'t'()mpll•hnu:nt) d<>t:tn't a~t put uht'ad of the teain." said R<~. l\JI the fourth-place Phillies drvpped to ~ 'll games behind the pac·e -se ttlng Cards in the National Lca~ue ~t. "I think at s tmporumt t.o me tha t l t.akc care of my11elt so that I'll hiiw u chance I may go blind tomorrow I c-nn't worry about that. I don't worry about that. That'll why I've missed only nine' gami:'s since 1970." Rose's m1li:'St.one hat came as he lined s 3-0 pitch tnt.o cent.er field W1U1e McGee fielded thr ball towurd the right ccntt>r field a lley, and Rose beat M ake RamS(_•y's relay throw to se<.'Ond with a belly slide. The hit drove 1n Ivan D~Jesus from seC'ond base-. Rose received a standing ovation rrom the Busch Stadium c·rowd of 19,672 after has hat Rose went 1-for-.J on thf' night. Rose had tied Aaron at 3,771 when he sing led twice off Cardinal pncher Dave LaPoint in the Ph1L<;' 7 5 loss to St Loul.S Monday night. Aaron ac.'Cumulated has 3,771 hits while play in g for the Milwa uk(•e-Atlanta Braves from 1954 through 1!:174, and with the M1lwauk<.~ Brc>wers in 1975 and 1976 Aa ron, who had 755 humers 1n his career, had 3,600 hns in the National League and I 71 in the American League. Last season, Rose, who played for the Crnc1nnat1 Reds from 1963 thro ugh 1978 before bet·om1ng a Phillte via free agency 111 1979, became the Nauonal Lt>agut>'s all-time htt leader I le-ued Stan M us1ars all-time NL htgh of 3,630 hits when he ingled off Houston's Nolan Ryan on June 10. 1981 Amateur golfers advance Sixty-lhrc>e golfers, indud1ng 10 from thl· Orange Coast area, advanced to this weekend's Southern Cal1forn1 a Amateur champ1onsh1ps after surv1vmg 36 h oles o f qualifying rounds Monday and TuC'Sda y The t hamp1onsh1p. which will begin with two rounds on Friday. wall be held at the Stockdale Countrv Club m Bakersfield Thl' ·10 area golfers who will be L'OmJX•ting mdude. Newport Beach's U"l' Da vis, who shot a 146 al th1· Ca l.Corn1a CC in Wh1tt1l.'r, Newport Beach·s Paul O'Sheil, who totaled a 142 at lrv1m• Coast CC, Huntington Beach's Mtk<' Ivy, who shot a 144 at Irvine Coast· CC. Corona de! Mar's Christopher Wood and L ng un a Ntgu e l 's D o ug Thompson. both of whom shot 144 at Irvine· Coast CC Other-.. to. ma k<' thl• grade at Irvin<• Coast wt•rc Capistrano BeaC'h's Kt•nn 'fl'<.'I and Laguna N1guel's frcd Mrlls Jr (both at 145), and Costa Mesa's Francis Crint>lla ( 1-17). A parr of 4ual1fters made thE- cut a t the Vista Valley CC m Vista Th<'y wc>re Capistrano Beach's Charl1<' Cobb and Rene Gnval. both of whom came in at 148. Th(• Southern California Amateur championship w all be held lh1s Friday. Saturday and Sunday Defending champion. Greg Twiggs o f L a Jolla. aut.omatically qualified. Breakaway CrONb8ck ttyle In JIQhtwelgth 11re1ch lycra makes this a f1Jnctlona1 1ult that dazzles. Mena Team Sohd color team sulls. brief and sleek in nylon or tycra. Ladles Team Cfoset>eck. T-back. or the new XB-1 1 Slylll. Solid colOf In nylon or lycra. $40.00 From $11.00 From $24.IO CEU.ITOS Los Curit~ Ccn111 bftwnn Nonhtn>m • Sur• JUFHt·ll21 l'1JUU1'm 2520 E C...,._. ) bloclt• w ol,., ,.,, 17CMl71 I 1 C4 Orang• OoHt DAILV PIL.OT/Wtdn .. d1y. June 23, 1oea Small S&Ls do fine By t~e Aaaoclated PrtH Sunrlae Saving11 t>pl'ncd Its doon In We.t Palm Beach, Fla., a llttl • more than two yean.t ago with $3 million In asset.I. Today, Sunrlae Savings hos '82 million In assets. It made a profit of $584,000 In Is first year and its president expects u second-year profit of $1.1 miUion. While most of the thrift lndu.stry has been hit by rising inte rest rates, many newly establ1shed instituli o ns are thriving. including several in Orange County. Figures fro m the Federal Home Loan Bank Board show that 328 fede rally insured savings 1nstituuons merged into others last year; 85 percent of the approximately 4,600 S&L.<i lost money m the second haH of 1981. At the same time. however, Savings & Loan News, a monthly publication of the U.S. League of Savings Associations, says 128 savings institutions have been established since the start of 1980. The new inst itutions, like Sunrise, are not burdened with long-te rm mortgages written when interest rates w e re 1n single digits. "The greatest advantage that new savings associations have is the ability to start brand-new mortgage portfolios which earn market interest rates," Savings & Loan News said. Range Savings in Hurley. Wis., whlch opened in JuJy 1980 with assets of about $1 50,000. has assets of $5 million and David Spong, the president, says last month's profit was $5,700. "How can you lose?" he said. ·•You don't have the backlog of old mortgages." Robert C. Jacoby, president of Sunrise, says he has two things going for him: "New money and new operating philosophies." Sunrise tries to "match the maturity of deposits with loans of comparable maturity," Jacoby said. If the majority of deposit.'> are in 31h-year certificates. for example as they are right now -the majority of loans will have a 3 11!-year maturity. In the past, the traditionql mortgage had a fixed rate and a long term -usually ~5 or 30 years. That kind of lending was profitable when the interest rates that the savings institutions paid on deposits were fixed by law at a relatively low level. As interest rates on deposits rose, the fixed-rate mortgage became a money loser Sunrise -and most of the other new ins titutions -a re avoiding that danger. Some do not issue any long-term loans. Others. like Sunrise. will grant a long-term mortgage. but will then sell that mortgage on what is known as the secondary market. Sunrise makes its profit on the origination fees, Jal'oby explained -not on the intC'rest. Henry Prior. thC' president of Lincoln Savings in Miami, says he is selective in the services he offers. TOPPED OUT -Topping of Pacific Mutual's Fountain Valley City Centre project was commemorated with an American flag. Taking part were, from left, P eter Gattino, gene~al s uperintendent of Mora n Construction Co.; Roger T ornero. Pacific Mutual's diret·tor of d evelopme nt; Bill Borden , the company's vice president for realty management and ~evelop~ent , and Bruce Batley o f t h e Gin Wong Associates architectural firm Tuna slump cuts building • se1ner SAN DIEGO (AP) -Campbell Indu s trie s i s s t o pping construction of a $1 0 million fishing seiner and laying off 140 wotkC'rs "because of softness in th e tuna business." the s hipbuilding firm's presidc·nt sayi.. Truc k s recalled DETROIT (AP) -Ford Motor Co. IS notifying owners of 4.321 F-, C-and L -series trucks with propane gas-converted engines their vehicles are being recalled for replacement of fault y throttle-return spr ings. the automaker announced. The No. 2 U.S . carmaker said the 1974-1981 model trucks. built from Sept. 1. 1973, to May 20. 1981. may have throttlt'S that stick open. Because more force ts needed to close the throttles in t he propane-fueled vehicl es. inoperable throttle-return springs may keep engines from re turning to idle s p eed, the statement said. "The outlook is not good.'' Pet.er Schmidt said. He also h eads Campbell's parl'nt company, the Marine Construc tion & Design Co. of &attle In the last 12 months, there was a rt><:ord work force of 800 at Campbell with five 3,000-ton superseiners in production. Four were r ece ntl y under construction. There were r eports. meanwhile. that the owners of more than 40 tuna boats fishing out of San Diego for Van Camp Seafood Co. are being told to tie up their vessels for 60 days at the end of current trips. An oversupply of tuna and a depressed market are blamed. There was no public comment by Van Camp, but the American Tunaboat Association said an estima ted 700 fis hermen are affected. ln the words of Manuel Neves, fleet coordinator of the boat owners' organization , "there's more to it than just losing a tnp. What Clbo ut these owners who have to make payments on their boats and have other expenses - things like insurance and other costs that JUSt keep going on even if they aren't out fishing?" RESENT A TtON -Otis Chandler, chairman P!. the board and editor-in-chief of the Times JWrn>r Corp., presents a company scholarship jO Mark M. Panoncialman, who graduated from Costa Mesa High School this June with a 3.96 grade point average. Looking on are Greg J . Liptak, executive vice president of Times Mirror Cable Television; and Mark's mother. l OEITIFlll PllLll llOlllTAIT I Avalable fol Income TH & l .Accouttitt Aslfl11111nts Cll Cllld Pearson (714) Kl-1121 \ ' I Moble home work clear ed SACRAMENTO (AP) -A state task force said it's clearing up a backlog of 44,000 m6bile home registration_" and hopes to have the paperwork current by the end ot ~~iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.t.iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii--..wai Jwy. ~ • -rour The backing , Professional developed after ihe . florist t'etPQftlibruty for moblle R.CAST 2915 Red Hill Avenue home regl1traUon wa11 A·lOS Costa Mesa shifted trom Motor Stone Mill Business Park 641·0810 Vehicle• t.o Hou1lng a year ago. · .. ' 'Debt to millionaire' A uthor tells formula for making big money lb JOHN CUNNIFF U ....,_. AM171t NEW YORK -1n th" midst of the housing lnveetmcmt boom alx years ago, Mark O l iver llurold11cn, a clean cut youns Mormon from Salt Lake City, wrote a book about how h <· ascended from debt to be a millionaire. You too t'Ould do the same, he said. Just buy undervalued houseti for little or nothing down, fix them up, rent them out, refinance them on the basl.s of their new and higher value, or seU them for big profits. Those were among the basics, but there was more too, which Haroldsen related in ''How to Wake Up the Financ1al Genius Inside You," which he wrote, published, promoted and, in the beginning, personaJly sold. The other day Haroldsen related that 1,075,000 copies have been printed, including an inventory of 45,000, and that the book is still selling. Many t'Op1es were sold for at least $10 by direct mail. Mail brings return addresses. and Haroldsen, now 38, used them. He signed close to 50,000 subscribers to his $42-a -year monthly magazine, The Financial Freedom Report. And in it, he advertised books, calculators and other items helpful to those who sought to emulat.c him. He also advertised reaJ estate se minars , and each year associates of his National Institute for Financial Planning tour the country to hold 15 to 20 two-day "regular" seminars at $199 a person. These sessions. and more than 2,400 free, one-hour seminars. promote interest for three 3-day conventions that attract up to 1,200 people at $120 to $140 a pe rson. Finally, there 1s the once-a-year super semJnar at $2, 000 a couple, runnin~ one week to 10 days in an exotic setting. perhaps on a cruise ship or in a warm-weather resort. CB antenna rules OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -In an e ffort t o c ut a d ea th toll estimated at 45 people a year. the Consumer Product Safety Commission has adopted s tandards fo r h ome-based citizens band antennas. A rule approved by the panel requires the a ntennas to be shock-proofed. The comrn1SS1on staff estunated that 45 people are k illed annually when th e anteannas to uch power lines while being installed on roofs. The commission also instructed its staff to work on an education program directe d at people employing used antennas that are not s hock -pro o fed . Chafrwoman Nancy H. Steorts said she was "astonished" the antenna industry refused to cooperate in such a program. No listings Over-the-counter quotations d o not appear today due to transmission difficulties. MUTUAL FUND IE• AlllYlll Haroldaon has made a lot of money from his enterpriaes, but hasn't forgotten where It all started. He says h1s real estate holdings have a market value ot $20 million, but concedes h e hasn't found much to buy tn recent months, not with interest rates where they are. But, he says, that doesn't mean you can't continue to make CUNN!ff This 1s the thinks: • money In real es tate. The formula migh l have c hang ed because times hav e changed, but change produ ces opportunity, he says. way Haroldsen '.'W e are in the deepest recession snce World War 11. The rate of bankruptcies is the highest since 1941. the rate of f o r eclos ures on homes the highest since the 1930s." This, homever, doesn't mean there aren't opportunities. It • means the opposite: There are opportunities. "This is one of the best times we've had in 30 or 40 yea.rs to buy bargain properties. It has stimulated the biggest nunber of motivated sellers. When gloom and doom thicken, you need to have guts and take some action." You can't buy nerve. "It can come only from you." As Haroldsen views the market, "It's a matter of buying property that makes sense - buying at such a bargain that you could tum it around and sell it tomorrow for a profit, or at least not at a loss." It's possible to find such bargains, he says, because of sellers' fears. "However, it takes skill to find motivated sellers," he warns. "They do not have a brand on their foreheads. They are not jumping out of buiJdings." You have to look hard, work hard to find them, he says. Ano ther m o n ey mak ing technique, he suggests. is to buy paper from motivated sellers. That is, buy mortgages and real estate contracts, a practice in which h~ says he has become personally involved. That paper becomes available tn several ways. U, for example, an eager , perhaps frightened selJer oCCers a duplex for $100, 000 a nd because o f a poor # market. is forced to carry back pan of the balance. That seUer might be left with a $30,000 note from the buyer, with the buyer agreeing to pay the seller 15 percent interest for 7 yea.rs. But the seller doesn't want to wait; he wants his money immediately. To attract a buyer for the note, the holder -the seller of the property -mus t offer an inducement, and frequently the inducements are enormous. That $30.000 n ote might even be discounted to $1 5,000. Whil e perhaps a large percentage of Haroldsen 's audience fails to act on such advice. many people do. succeufuJly and ~ully. It 11eema Ukely that eome ant among the overleveraaed ownen who In the put two yean have been forecloaed by lendlna 1n1tltution1. But leuou In Institute tilea, aUeat to the suc.."CelS many have had. "Survey» of thoee who read our magazine and book.I show most are 30 to 45 years of age," says Bruce Couch, s pecial programs director. "About 95 percent are male, moat are Republican, moet are religious." They want to make money, maybe not as much u Mark Haroldsen made, but more, a lot more, than they now have. Car dealer settles for $50,000 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Cal Worthingt on, the car dealer whose interminable late-night TV ads exhort customers to "Go see Cal, Go see Cal, Go see Cal," agreed to part with $50,000 to settle a civil suit aUeging he lied about having top merchandise and easy financing. Worthington steadfastly de nied c harges in the suit brought four years ago by deputy atto rneys general Sanford H . Feldman and Albert Shelden. Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Betrand D . Mouron Jr. approved a stipulated judgment Tuesday that doesn't involve admission of guilt. Under the settlement, Worthington will {Jay $25,000 c1v1l penalty and $25.000 for legal costs. Worthington's ads portrayed him surveying vast car lots in Long Beach with his "dog s p 0 t " frequently a hippopotamus, tiger or elephant - proroising incre dible deals on new and u se d WOflTHlffOTOH vehicles. "Spot and I are disappointed." he commented when the suit was filed. It claimed Worthington said he offered new Fords for less than other dealerships. while his business actuaUy "has a higher gross profit from the sale of new Fords than al most all oth er Southern California dealers." The used cars Worthington advertised as "beautiful, clean and sharp," were "in generally poo r conditio n and have exceptionally high mileage," prosecutors sajd. The suit claimed Worthington lied about offering better credit terms and lower payments than other d ealers, and that his discounts actually represented only markdowns from inflated prices. The judgment restrains Worthington from continuinR those practices. He also agreed to supply proof oo demand for purported savings or favorable financmg. NEW YORK (AP) -Tiie foll-11>9 QUC> l•' ions. fUPPI'"' °' llle N•tion.I ,..,_, hFr• I " IS) l1 Mun u. 11 NL hlel 11 <ll NL ln<om I •S IM Grwlf> • 40 .011 B•I_, 17 11 NL C•PTNT '11 Nl P\orl~ ..... NL I Fd '0 NL T• Fr• I" • .. \HHIU> I) .. 11 IS B-1 'Cl Hl •llon al Securlll .. Outers. Inc , •rt ,,,. "'"'"' 41 """''" theM wc.ur11lt\ could IWlvt \bten SOid ZNel ..,,.,., v•l,..I or l>OUQlll lv•I~ ~u~ Wff'\ clWlrlje) Tl.-.d4V 5"1 ... , Able 12 o• NL '"orn F 2• M NL AO\/ IJ S. NL Afulure •1 '1 NL AIM Funch CvYld 11.21 12.06 Ecnon 8 17 1.7' HIYld 1.27 I.lo AIPIWI F 1S It NL A B I r I II T 10 .71 wl m/O Am .. 1c., Funch A B•I 7 99 873 Amcp S 61 6m•• \A MUii 10 41 tw 4" Bond 10 .. 11 .67 Fd Inv 7 <I 1.16 Grwlll • 65 10 SS tn<om 7 92 I .. ICA I M 83.5 •Nw:.er~I l:: : : Amet' Gener•I OP 8d S.13 • i. EMrp 10 60 11 SI J141 Yid ...... 104 , M u n 8 1 41!\4W al I • •lltftlr 20 11 n OS Cmtta • f11 •" EM:h JO loC NL , FCI Am 8 61 9 41 ~Grow 17 oe Nl H-...... I 10.71 PKt U'1 .eos PrOYld U7 J ,. A OlflFcl • •1 1.2' A H•rl'9 l.Jt NL Amin• 4 . .0.S CIJ A l""'Ht 174 Nl Alnv In I~ NL AmMecl 117.SS NL A N\Gth UO J.71 A Nllnc 1'.1' t .. U Amw•y S.CMtt,., Artl\Gvt t . .O NL AH Hou9114on: Pfld II 7.11 I .• I l)Com I... 4.lt Sloe.II 1.41 1.0 BlC GI 12 *4 tl .... 9LC ll"C I 1.20 J~t4 Baos Inc 1.Jl L" B•l>S In¥ o.JI L 9ffc Gttl aO.rr NL BHC Hiii 11,,. ML B•ri•O.-: 1 Fd 11.4' Ht 11 fCI US H Bolton Ct>· I Pt Inc t S> 10.ot C-"-II. .. HL II o t I I' t1 ti .. ,, 'rn"'p" 111141& .... l c.n-, ' l =I. = i: ... t u1v1nNtee111 = 'tH~~ E tii~ lillWS Ut tft Cenltnnt•I Go Tllrllt 1.. NL /J Grtn 11 2t 12 2• Mllo...I 11 SI NL \Ho Yid I• U I• 50 Cap ()p 16 1' NL Grtll 1 IS I 81 fr...cl 2• 1' NL JP ln<o 6., I .. Mui Sllr l6" Nl ln<om s 51 s,. Stock ,. 1S NL Equll S 60 • 11 Fin•n<t•I Proa J•nU5 , I O• NL NHUT J1 n NL lnVfll 1 51 Ill Stn5'14 t JI Nl CIWln<ellor Gr-Oyn• 6" NL John ~00 N•I Avl• J.50 NL ()pin II 2• 11 11 StnT• 6.21 NL HI Yid I 13 ' U Fn<ll• 12 S9 NL Bond 1J.i. tJ lJ Nat Ind 11 lO NL T n E• 16.S:I 17 e-1 Str•llnv J .. 4.t1 =~ i,~ ~1~~ :~~ ! :: ~t 3~ '9'!0: ~ N.,;.~urn~ io,. ~~·~~ i;o ~ :r !!1 t,':J~ ,~ ri ,N.,~ TuM 1S•S ••SI F'1 f!Wfllor• T•• E• 8.JJ •os Bond 2•1016 OuUM JO /I NL TH~ U02 IS37 Cnl 51>• .02w Nl BBndApllll'I IJ'IO Kaufmn •s Nl Gr"'11' •70 1n R•lnt>w 2111 NL TmpGllt lOtO .. Ch•rt Fd ty 1J ti 63 OiKo 1.-" 9 21 K•m-Funds. Pr•IO SI& •JI Revere • M NLI Tmpl GI S.r.I • 2t Chp Dir 11 71 Nl Grwlll •ts • 1J lncom 6 '7SI., ln<om S 50 S •1 S.fe<o S.Cur Tmpt w IS «> "·" Clle\lnut JO loC Nl ln<om S .a 6 o16 Gr-'lm12 •.'7 Stock I OS I... Eqult I ft NL TrM (-.> I.SS •.2'1 Cotonl•IFund\ N•IR .. 4M S07 HI Yid 819 877 Tu E• ... 1.31 Grwtt> 1113 NL Trn•-I.SS Nl .. F x ~ ~ ... ~ '• '• ~~n E• rn N~ ~~:i 1~:~ 1N~ •F~~~~~ ~S:1 :::; S1~"::1 in...:1 J9 Nl ~~~ ~ ,~·~ ';tl SGrwlh • 11•1 <O u WIEq 6 n I )I Optn 11 20 11.2' NELlft Fund' Capll '• • ,_ TwnC Gt t.CIJ NL HI Yid S." 6 U u W•ll 11 1' Nl Summ IS,63 17.08 EQuil 11.40 10.00 GrW1h 101• 10119 TwnC S.I 12.lt NL ln<om S 11'1 6 l6 Fo'1ff ...-.v1ll "-Ttth 9.6S 10,U Grwtl> 14,0S IS.17 Soe<I IS 116 NL TwftC Ut 4._..CM Optn 1.23 I 99 Fnd Glh 4.SS •.o7 1Tol RI 11 OJ 17 OS ln<om t .1• 10 CM Sc~r Fund\ USAA Gnlul>: TU Mg ta.SI 20 30 FOl.lncte" Group· US Gvt 1.83 8.16 Rel Eq 17,35 II.. Com St I0.6l Nl Grwth 9,S7 NL Colu Glh IS 01 NL Grwlll .... Nl Koyst°"" Mau: TuE• S.S9 SIS Otvtl <7.. NL in<o '·"' NL Cwllll AB 1.09 1. II ln<om IUI NL Cys 81 13 2' 13.81 NtUbergtr S..m. C•PGlh Sbll 9.)1 NL Cwllll CO 1.U I .. Mulel 1 OS 1.)1 C<,.Bl 1116 llmel Enrgy 1' ot Nl 10 J1 Nl Uni Accu S.46 NL Comp 8d I 'IQ I •'I Spe<t 17 tc Nl Cus 8' 6.7S /.31 Gu•rd 26.2' NL lncom t 76 NL Unll MAA 1.52 NL Comp Fcl I 20 817 Fr•nklin Gr-Cu\ l(t 6 IS 7. llbty 3.17 Nl Intl Fd IS 04 Nl United F.-.· COfttOrd llSS Nl AGE JltteJ/ Cus K1 SU S.9S M•nM J.71 Nl MM8 642 NL Accm 707 1.13 ConF ~llcut10~1t 1 26 ONTC 17 69 te 67 Cu\ 51 1'.61 15.91 P•rln tw 9S Nl Spe<I )9 '1 Nl B-4.loe 4,,. u.-'"' G Wiii 1 10 I &S Cu• Se 6 09 '.. Schll• 13 12 Nl S.curotv Functs lnlGlll 12.12 1J.'IO lntom I , ... ,. sop: Ion s 01 s 40 Cui 5' iu s OS Newt GI 17 1J Nl Bonet 1 OI 1 21 CCII\ Inc '·" t .15 •Mun 8d 6 lo 6 6' Utlh , .. s OO lnl•r,,. 3 11 • l3 Newt Inc 6 'It Nl EQv1y S 1' S II FICl\IC 21 .. n,47 COft• lny • ., 10 37 lncom 1.M 111'1 T .. ~, 6.S} 6 ... Nlcl>OI• IS 23 NL inYflt 111 • SS H• inc 11.43 12.ft Con•lel G II 04 NL US Gov •.» 6 II Man .... IO IS NE In Tr • 71 Nl Ullr• • S. 1 11 ln<om I U l.V Cont Mui 6 7) NL C•pil s,. s 10 l .. lnqton Gr1I Hf lnGI 1.20 NL S.ltcl«I """"' Munl U1 S.70 ~Ii~ •G'·-'· .,, 11 Equll • n S.JO Cp l.dr • .50 10.loe Nov•FCI •1.'7 NL Am SM • .. Nl 5c1Env a.01 1.7.S ---~ lJ J • tJ. Tew Fr S • • 13 GolCllO w.04 NL NY \lent .S '1 .... Sol Shi 1S" Nl \/-II ... IJ.6S ~•• • F GNMA .... H NII-•.20 NL Seil-Group, U S (;Gld l.02 NL 0.1.,. IS 00 I• Jt unct• In< l ~ t.111 NL C•PFd • 62 7.1' 11•1.,. Lir. Fcl: 0."11 ._,. • ,_ Cmru 7.119 I SI Gr-6·" Hl One 'Nm 14.23 NL CmStll t » 10.0t 8-WO 10 NL Ta Fre S 7616 03 In~ I '5 I.IS ltHh ll. If NL ~nwr FCI Orow!JI S 01 S.41 fund 11.1' NL "-I'• 0 ;1 IO -Pilol 1 SJ I JI Llndnr le QJ NL t• -1• ~ I NL 01 .... , ,.:::. , !.. H.~L GT Pt< IJ ot NL Looml$ S.ylft s ..... -n<omt ln<om s.a ..._ "' 0.1 Op J 51 C i I 0-6.41 1 01 1 .. 0 GI 14.73 NL OocKll Bl 20 SJ NL t 1 NL •P I UJ Nl Hl Yid .. ,.. 17 s... 1omo1 10 " Sol Sit '·" NL OoclC• St 11 et Hl "9£'.,~~ ·~:..s. . . L:~,~~~·" NL Inc 8os 7.» NL Senllnorl Grwp. \lance s.ndtn: ~·.~L!"'G,11 n NL flfnT• 1 a . AlflttCI .... 1 SJ ()ptn 21.QJ n... a.I., 1 Of 1.. lfl<om t .D ... ~ ""' P ••s B~ -a.~ , -Soec1 u .. oo 1._,. a-uo 6.0I 1nvett 6.JD ..., A 8ncl tt " NL -n t1 NL .... --·-r. Fre 6.01 • • com s "., IJ 15 L•V'11f .. .,.,.L e;= ::: :rn o!.6~Lv ;-: =t ~~ 1t:: 't: ~1:. 1t:: ·~;; ~= ~ \~ ""~ itt>~ 1~ ~~ H HIN 140 NL OllT U2 NL l11l1Mr_, BA. OTC t-J1 to tt• '"--1 l1 M ll.t Sot Inc 6 OO NL Ot'\h Ind IS.10 NL Fund 10m41 11.. -• " ,..., f'Y ·-Ell T'a t .6:1 10.D r .. E• 'JI NL GrclPt&A II" ., °' lncom 7.11 1... ~ ...... 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I.II. pl) I 12 1100 '1 I PteP pl J.IS l4 ;!J~o v, UL plK I JO ISO "4''> • '1> PKP pl 4 07 10 ~ V• Ul.plU 4 U 111 ?t''I ''• P..:S<I \ JJ 1 111 c110•;, IV, I.I I. p(T ) JI 1• 10" "" P•lneW '° II n• I."• Lii. plP 1 u ' ,,". '" PalmBc I JO s n 1 S'4 ... UlrtOOt I 04 IO 42 ?•t.. •I P..,.A8 n SA t 1) 1-4• 1 '"' I.oral n 1' 101 311 + '"' PanAm 117 JV. V. 1..-Genl 6e I S1 11'... ''°' P..,hEC 2 JO • .U ;•t UL.Md 1.IO ' -,.,,., • ~ PtPCl1 t 11' I tt :Cl''"• \lo UPIK Mb 3' ISO •iv· p.,ovn "'° ... •!OVt . " =' rn ~ 1r. ~, ..... ~ ::r~: 2~ ~ ~ ~;~: :z "-• s 41 1S 11 14'0 PtrH.., , .. • n ~s~ \~ u.nJ I.Qt I 103 11\1> P•r-Pn n 1J n '1,,. '• ~II 41 11 D 11 .... Ptrt11• I 1 111 1.fllo.+ lit LuckyS I I• 1 "3 I~ Pe1Plr1 ll '32 cl 1.._ 1111 UA-n s SS 10'• .... P•r•N ... I 11 ,, ....... -M-M -P•yClh n.lO t.t n ~''• • '"' Mil.COM 16 II 1117 1'~. .. "'-lldv I. 42 •14 S'> • \\ NC.A 1 SO 11 l ... ut1 .. •>'Ill Pea"y n 1 20 10 J21 ~ .... MEI st IO l• J4V. + "' = .,,. e 1Jt4 · 14 + &o =~~:. 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' • SNl"Alr .00 lO 11 U"' Vatero J1 4 JOI 16"• •, 5-IPw 1.44 1 • JO'• \o ve1.,.1n 40 • !O • • v.. Selrl.c:; .S2 It S.O l:I'~ ', Ver«i n 12 6 •s I ', .. 5-'s 1 •• IW 1••.... • • v..... 51 ,. ., 36\o ... S«Pac 1-40 • 214 JP. Vero 40 lS 11' '" Seko 4<4 S l1• 211' • WCO 20 ll IOI ll''o • •~ = to S tt 111 • • 1'o v."40 IOt S • ''" . .-I 116 n~. \Its& I 11e t ' .. I S 40 11'0 • .. Vl«om JD ll .. II'• '• ~I 1' 1J • '> Vl(m pl 2 10 I 17\, • ', si-tn 10! I t )' • VaEPw 1 SO • II~ 11' • •, 51181() I '° ' t(l'tl n•. • • V•EP pfl n 140 so•. • • SlllllT 11 .. 6 4 18 '• V•EP pit 60 I SI' 1•1" 9'etGlo !O s 37 u " vee p1J 1 n 110 so•• 1 5'1olG pl l 1 ;a 1'-V•EP p/1 " 1100 41' • '• StYWn 1 ,,, 1111•. '• Vornad 43 u~. .... S"1"Pa< 1.4" 18 11• •. \Ne Inc '2 • 1 ,.., "' SIQntll .. 6 J1' 1,,.. 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I'll 4 lt 1l YI • \II fe ·~ ~ .i: .: : , "' """ r: .. t .• tJ8 !!" • :~ i~ .'IO. l7f 2~ "" Wi rt l.~ •107'11~•'" Wiil t .5' 1 14 It,._• YI ~I UO 1 JO I'"'• '-' ICI 2.~ J 21~ '91A ,._ Vitllllll I II 6J 11\4 t \It llld uo • 11"1 ., • " 'l'ltll i. 1.00 J 1>0 ,,.., .• SllOOll 2.to A 1..0 JI~-'t W ttlldt 1' •t ._. t .... StPll<q> .10 t2 3 ' ~. §"1«11 Im • 111 l•V. • "" ..._ •. t• s s dt2 l'o jmf"' t 401 u-.i • '-SUl!Wlli ,1• 7 US !• YI WO . 11 to t ., S 1• 1 • JI"'-II, "°" ,,,. • ... :it~· .. uo. .. JI • .._ ..... ,.,.. ,, ,,,.. •v. ~i; t ~ 't"'.:1·~ :~'t'J t~I • ,~ ,~ "°' tO "" tt • .,.. .. ~ uo 11 0 ., • 1,20 .. 1' l~ .... , ,. • l 111-"' 11 ... 10 .. n1e .. . ..-ac I·,. • , • "'• 111 \IC I, .. t 10. IO •1111 = AO J .. 2""' ~ \IC I t rtoO r. L • ,41 TI 11"' • I\ 1.-it ...... • '"' .S) 1 4t U V.+ "8 ' ... 11 4\'i • ... ........ .• ' '" tm. t\11 l AI 4 ~~ t 1 °MIWU\ l.t0 QI '""• \t • • en n._,.., 5£ •·• g it111 +11'1 ' lJ 121 ,. • • • • ·--+ ..... " l '!" ·. ~ ,_... • ,,~ ... TY f ,. "''" • s , -... ' . . . , . Cl firm revenues up The latnmond Co. of Newport Beach repont that during tu fiscal year, which ended March 3 1. mortgage volume roae 34 percont in loam and 62 peroont in dollars, and rev~nucs trlplcxf. Revenues increased 200 percent. from $3.2 million to $9.5 million. lncome totaled $1.7 mtllJon. or $3.99 per share -as oppoecd to a 1981 loa of $23,18~ or 10 ct>nts per share. Assets leaped to $20.3 million from $6.l million and shareholders' t>quhy rose from $712,000 to $2.3 million, a 225 percent lncrease. The vast majority of the company's revenues, 76 per cent or $7.3 mUlion. came from loon orlglnatior1.-< Hughes expa nds Ground was broken In Newport Beach tor the third phase of an expansion program being undertaken by the Del E Webb Corporation for Hughes Aircraft Company's solid state prod\Jcts division. The Webb organii.auon is generaJ contractor for the $15 million additton, which will consist of a two-story electronics assembly and test building and an adjacent four·story. 921-car parking structure The project will add 110,000 square feet to the 270,000 square feet housing the diYis1on's operauon.s. Activities of the division include development and production of semiconductors, freque ncy control devices and hybrid m1croc1rcu1ts for t'Ommcn·ial, industrial and m1htary applic:auons Architect for the addition 1s The Elliott Group of Costa Mesa. T-bills hit hig h y ield WASHINGTON (AP) Yields on short·term Treasury securities are hi~her this week -their highest in nearly three months. The government said that at 1ts weekly auction Monday it sold about $4 5 b1lhon 1n six-month T -b1Us at an average dtSCOunt rate of 13 031 percent, up from the 12.503 percent of last Monday. and about $4 .5 b1Ut0n in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.588 percent. up from 12.248 pert'ent. Beginning today. in accounts linked to federal securities. savings and loan associalJons and banks may pay as mu<.'h as 13 28 1 percent interest on $10.000·minimum six·mo n\.h m o ney m a rket certificates: S&Ls may pay as much as 12.588 percent and commercial banks as much as 12.338 percent on $7,500-mimmum three-month certificates, S&Ls may pay as much as 14 7 percent and commercial banks as much as 14 45 percent on 2 'h ·year "smaJl-saver" certificates: and tax-exempt, one·year "all-savers .. certificates issued through July 10 will pay 9 85 percent interE!St wht>n held to maturuy Order received San/Bar Corp. of lrvme r~ported its Break-Free DivLSion received an order from the U.S. Military Defense Logistics Command for approximately $600, 000 of "Break-Free CLP," a mulu-purpose cleaner. lubricant and protective agent STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? According to California Bu1lne11 and Profession• Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) all persona doing bu1lne11 under a flctltloua name muat flle a statement wtth the County Clerk and have It publlahed four times In a newspaper serving the area In which the business la located. The statement la required by law and Is neceaaary In protecting your bualneu name. Moat banb require proof of fifing to open commercial accounta. The DAILY PILOT provides both fifing and publlcatlon HrvlcH. We have all the neceHary forma and maintain a dally Hrvlce to the Orange County Courthouae. Either atop by one of our conv.enlent otflcea or phone the LEGAL DEPARTMENT e.2-4321 , Ext. 332 for more Information and forma. Dally Pllilt 642-4321 • • • .. • • '• • :· . ·! =1 t " \ t Orange Oout OAILV Pll.OT/Wedneeday, June 23, 1982 882 u11its near Viejo approv·ed Wt11U hu the a ppearance of 1<>mc old-fuh1om .. '<f hortt' trading w il l re1ult in lncrea1ed development on the Robinson Ranch in the Banta Ana Mountain.a eaat of J\1laaion Viejo by an Irvine firm. Orange County •up~rvuor­ have agreed to 1chap1ea $n, development plar" tbat wtll pennit construction ~t 882 units on the 822-acre ra h located north of Coto de Ca; , Ridgewood Development of. Irvine oriainally had1 appc-pva\ to construct 782 units. In consideration of \yl"Jlip&<\ approval to build I 0 0 addlilonal' unit.!, Ridgewood has agreed ~ boost the amount of open space land to be dedicated to the county from 350 to 40p ecres. The firm also baa •gnMG to build a required pen of units priced for buye th low and moderate incomE on the ranch site. Under the former . pptoved plan, most of those ~c~lled affordable units would Ye bfeJ) constructed at another don in the county. ' The county requires that '.25 WllllNllll 111011 Marlboroush Development Corporation ~t.alned Landscape Arcbltecture, lnc. of Newport ~h to provide land.scape services for the modela an4-<."Qmmon areas at lts new 3e3-unit townhome ex>rnn.mlty 1n Rancho Cucamonga. S~ve Lackenbach ~ ~ named markl'lmg 1f'l)anagei fbt CataUna c.rur.~ ne is formerly of Newpott. ~.tl ~ fo~ ...U with Ail'Cal. , D'o• Little has t>e•J) .~med controller of Way6ern Corporatlod, Garden Grove. He was formerly )Vith U .S . R•ni$l'IJ a construction organ1tatk8l Jn Irvine. . ' Ttmti '1'lrtor Cable TelevJ1lon has promoted JoNt P ufdle to vice presldt>nt of sales. r ' • · Mlctotla~, C•rporatlon~ Ne wport Beach, has retained B~NO i ' Assocla•e~, Ne"". port Beach-~ • adv•~ and pllblic relations Ctrm. to handle its ,, $1 mUllon-plus adverusing account MOWAlllO~LL OUTLllt Dt,,,_Ll lUCK•..,.CH Mfl8, PANICIY Co .. a firm specializing in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pankey of Tustin, participated in an internauonal conference of labor experts at Windsor CastJe in Wmdsor, England. Amencan and British leaders held a five-day l"Onference on Britain's trade union power and the implications for union power in the United Staie.. The L'Onference was sponsored by the Cent.er on National Labor Policy, a Sprmgf1eld . Va. non-profit, legal group concerned with union power m 1he United States. AP w1~10 percent of all units be J:fH.ced for 50 YEARS OF LUGGAGE -American Tourister President sale to persons with '.low and Susan Akers Graves has ~n named d1rccl.or of public affairs for Ramada Inns Inc. headquartered in Ph0<1nix She 1s a former Vil'<' president with Ralph Jark:;on Associates. public: relations, marketing and advc.-rusing ag<'ncy, and a public information officer at UC Irvine's Colleg<' of Medicine Pankey was the conference speaker on "Union Power and Party Politics," and Mrs. Pankey on ''The Pres.sure of Pressure Groups." I • li moderate incomes. Harry Bomes displays one of the uggage company s ear est About 57 acres of the 400 that product offerings, right, at the luggage manufacturer's will be set aside 88 opc•n space Warren, R.I., h eadquarters during a 50th anniversary was dedicated to the county. The celebration. The company, the first to manufacture hard-sided balance of the open space will be Brothers Howard and Culler Dippel! pun:hased molded luggage, offers a broad range of hard and soft-sided turned over to the coun1~y after Lido Realty, 3377 Via Lido, Newport Beach. Frank T . Bo1d of Huntington Beach has been appointed vice president of eoyo marketing df Royal Crown Beverage Company of Southern California. He has been with Pepsi Cohf. cases, samples of which surround Bomes. final tract maps are recorded. The D1ppells are also owners of Dippell Realty ~~~~--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~-'-'~~~~ ' At Last, A New Bank That 'ftµlg S~cializes in Business, Professional and Executive Banking You've heard it before -banks claiming to be "Business Banks" that weren't any different than the typical. retail, take any customer. bank. And what do you get? Long lines, indif- ferent service. and no true differentiation between business customers and anyone else who happens to walk in the door. Liberty National Bank is truly a Business Bank. We do dtf· ferentiate and you will see the difference. "Taking Banking To Business"'" is the motto of Liberty National Bank and we do exactly that. First, our bank services and programs are all designed from a business person 's P<>int of view. We've taken the traditional attitudes and services offered by most banks and redesigned them to work more effectively in today's business world. Second, we will literally bring the bank to you, at you r place ·of business. Our Account Officers will meet with you in your office and will arrange for you to conduct your banking busi- ness from your office. Our Business Courier Sen1ice. Armored Car Service. Telephone Transfer Servio~ and post- age paid Bank-by-Mail Service all work to give you easy access to you r bank without having to leave your office. Call Mr. Gene Lesher. S.V.P. and Business Development Man- ager, for an Account Officer to come to your business. Or. if you prefer, call to arrange for an appointment at our head- quarters. You'll see what a difference it makes when your bank is truly a business specialist. . ., Li6er1JJ National Danit One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Center Avenue • Huntington Beach, California 92647 • Telephone 714/895 -2929 StrategfcaUg locoted near the intm«tion of &och Bouli!wrd and the San Diego F"rttwog Mtmber FDIC and Federal l.!eserw \ Lobby 8anJdnc Hoon APPoint.ment Hours 1\:30 ~ m. 5:00 p.m. Monday • f'nday 1'nns.ICt ion Hours 10:00 a.m. • 4:00 p.m. Monday · Thunday 10:00 a.m. • S:OO p.m. rriday , ---··· -... ' Eltc-U-Ttlk1'24 HounA ~ /Automatic Ttl#r HodttttJ Buslntaa Unc Toltf'rtt Numbtr l!OO--i72-8529 7:001.m. • 10:00 p.m. Dally • 1:00 p.m. • 5:00 p.m, Wtt·kcn<b Frontier Bank August (Gus) Werner ,of Newport Beach has been named division general manager of the aerospace hydraulic division of the Parker Bertea Aerospace Group. Werner lS marketing manager of the Parker Hannifin 0 -Seal dlv1Sion in Culver City. • ABLE Computer of Irvme appomted Elvlo tO Organize Rose director of manufacturing~ He was with Oivtsion Associates -a joint venture between IBM The Comptroller of the and MCA in Costa Mesa Currency has granted preliminary approval for th e organization of Frontier Bank in Buena Park. Upgrading seen around airport According to William A. Bayzerman. chairman of the organizing group,• Frontier js scheduled to Penn -Irvine A ssocia tes of Ir vine is open during the fourth redeveloping a 52,000-squar e -foot induslrial quarter An in it 1a1 warehouse at 16808 Annst.rong Avenue in lrvme. ca p 1 ta l 1 z a t ion of Plans a.re to convert the she ll into a corporaU! approximately $3 million • headquaners facility, adding a second floor to is antic1pa~·~!1tb s~ double the sll:e of the building to 103.000 square aalel'10tnl1le~g by' faJ.V feet. · · F r o n t i e r w a s The six-month undertaking has provided a organlied bx,a v ol.IP .'?f ~ corporate hea'dqtJl{ters k>cation for Taro Bell, e 0 r ctn g e Co \J n t yl." division Of Pepsiei> of New York, which took businessmen. occupancy in late May. The parent holding The Newport Beach oWces of Grubb & Elli& compan y . Fro nt 1 er Commerda1 Brokerage Group and Coldwell Bankec Group. Inc ., 1s bein~ Commercial Brokerage Company represented the est a b 1 i s h e d i n lessee and lessor, respectively, in the $5 mOlion, c9nj~nct i?n w.ith the long-term lease ne•!iclUons. Equidon Contractors banks organiiat1on. of Irvine was the getleral contractor, and George W. A number of,locatiops Seitz of Irvine, thP project architecL within Buena Park's The remodeling is indicative of a trend in business dis tric t are upgradmg surrounding John Wayne airport. under consideration for The Ko 11 Company is upgrading a the bank site 2 O. O O O. square -foot warehouse to a Speakers' club set in Valley A new Toastmaster Club aimed at helping members improve their speakmg ability through humor 1s being formed in Orange County. "The Good Humor Club" will conduct its next meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Guy Fowkes Restaurant. I 717 1 Brookhurst St., F ou ntain Valley. Comedy writer Gene Perett will be guest speaker. Members arc being sought for the club, which will m<'et the fourth Thursday of each month at Guy Fawkes. For information. call Woody Young. 962-8611. or Marcia Salley , 974-11086. Bank sets • sem1nar Liberty National Bank will present a seminar on financing s mall businesses June 29 at its office, One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Center Ave ., Huntington Beach. The pre!lentation at 6:30 p .m . will be by Robe rt J . Coleman & Associates, manage ment consul tali ts. For information, call Pauline Kinsey at 895-2929. Mixer set A cocktail mixer for the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Comm•rce will be held July 1 al rt :30 p .m . at Avco Community Developen, 29982 Ivy Glenn Drive. 40.000-square-foot office building: Bayshore Development is expanding a 72.600-square-foot industrial warehouse to a corporate headquarters facility, and Diversified Properties Company of Costa Mesa 1s constructing an industrial shell of 30.000 square feet for converting to approximately 50.000 square feet of offices A Cost.a Mesa developer, the Carlton Browne Company. has been remodeling buildings in Orange County for three years, and an official says 1t is finding it "quicker and less expensive to upgrade existing industrial s pace than to borrow the money and purchase a site." PacTel proposes phone sale plan SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pacific Telephone has filed a plan with the state Public Utilities Commission giving customers the option of buying their home telephones from the company. L . Reed Wate rs, Pacific Telephone vice president, said under the company's plan single-line equipment could be purchased or continue to be rented for a monthly fee. The proposal involves only modular or plug-in telephones or those that could be converted to modular phones. Waters said people who already have phones could rontmue to rent them or buy them with a single payment. or on an installment plan. He said in-place <'qUipment prices would vary from $26 for a standard rotary phone to $56 for a Touch-Tone Trimline phone. New customers would pay from $35 to $75. Current rental is $1.09 a month for rotary and $1.68 for Touch-Tone. AJI equipment would be covered by warranty and after warranties expire. Pacific Telephone would offer repair service. U approved, the plan would go into effect Oct. 20. Mtdti-line telephones and switchboards would not be offered for direct sale. NL T Corp. battles American General NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -NLT Corp. bought $102.5 million worth of American ~neral Corp. and said it will move quickly to buy more. NLTs putthue of l,~31,200 shares of common stock and 4~8,000 shares of junior preferred stock ln Houston-baeed American General gives lt 9.9 percent of the Texas company. NLT Chairman Walter M. Robi.NOn Jr. said the comp&ny now "will mov, expedJtiously to complete our ol!er" for up to ~1 percent of the outstanding aha.res of American General. American Oeneral already owns lU pen:ent of NLT and last year launched plans to acqulre up to 26 percent of the NL T. 1 \: I ! ' ~I DlllJ Pll1t Wldneed1y. Junt 13. 1912 SLIM GOURMET OUT OF THE KITCHEN SUPERMARKET SHOPPER MEAO ON WINE \ o .. 07 E2 E4 . ~ Former 'poison' now popular ... D5 Liqueurs flavor easy summer menu Warm weather dining demands a cool and eaay approach to cooking. An ideal summer menu Is one that adjusts to active echedules -done ahead of time, of course. Combine the best of the season's produce with the highest quality unported liqueUJ"11. The results are dishes both light and satisfying, in keeping with the unhurried pace of the season. For starters, try a cold vichyssoise soup. A touch of brandy added at the last mtnute heightens the delicate flavors of the vegetables. For a cold main dish. a hint of Scotch-flavored liqueur helps create a distinctive chicken salad. Guests will delight In a light-as-air charlotte, inspired by cof!ee liqueur and fresh strawberries. Prepare the menu a day or two before, and it's ready for a patio dinner or an even!n~ picnic whenever you are. VICHYSSOISE 3 large carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped 2 medium potatoes, peeled and <..-oarsely chopped I medium leek (white part onJy), cut into pieces half Vi small onion, chopped 3 cups chicken stock 1 Vi cups heavy cream or half and Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons fine brandy Fresh chives (for gamlSh) In a 3-quart saucepan. combine chopped vegetables and chicken stock. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until tender. Strain vegetables, reserving the liquid in a large bow I. Puree the vegetables in a food processor or blender; combine with liquid and mix well. Stir in heavy cream. Season with saJt and pepper. Cover and chill. When very cold add brandy. Taste for seasoning, adding more if desired. Garnis h with chives. Makes 4 to 6 servings. CHICKEN SALAD 3 whole chicken breasts, boned \I.I cup Scotch-flavored liqueur 1h cup soy sauce I teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger or ~ teaspoon powdered ginger 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons oil 3 cups shredded lettuce l cup fresh bean sprouts ~ cup sliced scallions 1 can (8 ounces) water chestnuts, sliced 1 medium sweet red pepper. cored and thinly sliced V2 cup blanched slivered almonds, lightly toasted Slice the chicken into pite-size strips, and place in a large bowl. · marinade. Pat pieces dry with paper towel. ' . ln a large skillet, l)eat the butter and oil. Quickly saute the chicken over medium high heat, stirring frequently until cooked, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Transfer chicken to a large bowl. Moisten with 2 tablespoons of marinade and le t cool Refrigerate until serving lime. Just before serving, toss chicken with lettuce. , bean sprouts, scaJJions and water chestnuts. Add the reserved marinade to taste. Garnish with red peppers and slivered almonds. Makes 4 to 6 servings. COFFEE CHARLOTTE 1111 envelopes unflavored gelatin 111 cup cold water 4 eggs, at room temperature 2h cup sugar 111 cup coffee liqueur 1 pint whipping cream 2 dozen lady fingers 1h pint fresh s trawberries, if desired Additional whipped cream , if desired Soften gelatin in cold water, then dissolve over hot water. Separate eggs. ln a large m1x1ng bowl, beat egg yolks. Slowly add 11.1 ('Up sugar, beating until thick and hght Slowly add liqueur and gelatin. Mix well. Beat egg whites until foamy ; graduaJly 'add remaining 1/3 cup sugar, and continue beating until very stiff. Gently fold whites info yolk rruxture. Whip the ('ream, fold into mixture. Line the bottom and sides of a 9-mch springform pan with lady fingers. Pour m half the mixture. Lay small pieces of lady fingers over the custard. Add remaining custard. Chill overnight. Decorate with strawberrie s and additional whipped cream, 1f desired. Makes 6 to 8 servings. PRALINE TRIFLE 2 packages (3 ou n ces eac h) spongecake ladyfingers 1h cup raspberry preserves 'A cup praline hqueur V:i cup peach nectar 2 c ups custard (prepared from scratch or package custard m.ix) 1 box fresh raspberries 1 to I l/z cups sliced fresh peaches l large banana, sliced l cup whipping cream 'A cup powdered sugar l tablespoon praline liqueur Sliced almonds. toasted Split ladyfingers into halves. Spread preserves on one side of ladyfingers and put back together. Layer half the ladyfingers in bottom of 2 'A -quart serving bowl. ~ I HOT-WEATHER FARE -Chicken salad, vichyssoise and an elegant dessert are flavored with liqueurs for an easy summer meal. Combine liqueur, soy sauce, sugar and ginger. Pour over ch icken. Let marinate for two hours. Drain chicken, reserving Mix 1.1. cup liqueur and nectar and pour half over the layer of ladyfingers. Layer half the custard and half the fruit, then repeat the layers. Beat whipping cream unuJ soft peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar and remaining liqueur until stiff. Spread over trifle top. Garnish with almonds, cover and refrigerate severaJ hours or overnight. Serves 6 to 8. 1 New cookbook By MARY JANE SC~RCELLO D., Piiot Food ldll« Anne Badham of Newport Beach has succeeded where American presidents and other , experienced s tatesmen have I failed -she's gotten a group of ! Republicans and Democrats to I agree on semething. 1 The wife of Robert Badham, a I member of the House of J Representatives from California's I 40th District, she submitted the design accepted by the Congressional Club's 10th cookbook. "We wanted a different look, I ' frf>m the club's last cookbook printed in 1976,'' she says. "That was done in red, white and blue for the Bicentennial. This time we decided it s h ould look elegant. The committee and I s pent hours meeting with printers and deciding on paper print, colors and a recipe format." Elegant is a good description of the hardcover book, printed in shades of brown and beige with g~ld lettering on the cover. Recipes are easy to read and have ingredients in a column beside the directions, with no recipe continued from one page to another. No one-bas count& recipes in the 7()(}Lpage tome. Mrs. Badham admitted, but requests for three each were eent to club membera, all of whom are wives of Congressmen, Supreme Court justices and cablnet members. Wives of four presidents offered recipes (Mmes. JohnlOn, Ford, Cart.er and l\eaian), and the book has two indexes -one for recipe titles and another for contributors. J:l&htilen chapt.en eeparate the bl-putillu) worlc. Lnto catepies such u appetlcer1, ve1etablea and desaerta. A "men only" aectlotl was added, aa well aa one wit h reclpea from wlvea of offld•k in foreign embuaiee ln WMh&nclm, D.C. Each chapter is introduced with a drawing and historicaJ description of a well-known • Washington landmark, and much of the art is the work of Marvia Burgener, wife of California Representative Clair Burgener. Mrs. Badham wrote the history for each, and says, "I certainly learned about the nation's capital by doing it." Another Californian, Ronald Reagan, contributed a recipe for Trail Mix, which doesn't include jellybeans. Badham also submitted two recipes, according to his wife, and is.a good cook who isn't afraid to tackle a souffle. "He came in second at a Washington chili cookoff," she not.es proudly. For Mrs. Badham, who also loves to cook, the 14 -month project was enjoyable but hard work. "We met at least once a week for all that time. You don't appreciate a book like this until you go through the experience." she says. "I always thought I'd like to write my own cookbook, but now rm not so sure." The book.a oost $12 and are available at Badhani'a Newport Beach office or from the Conareaafonal Club, 2001 New Hampshire Ave . 'N .W ., Washington, D.C. 20009. Add $3 for postage and handling from the Washington address. Here are a few aamples of recipes being Rrved in the nation's capital. a capital idea RONALD REAGAN TRAIL MIX 1 cup peanuts, salted I cup almonds 1 cup Brazil nuts l cup raisins l cup chocolate chips l cup dried date chunks l cup sunflower seeds i cup coconut chunks l cup pepita seeds Mix listed Ingredients and store in an airtight container. GUACAMOLE SALAD (Anne Badham) 1h medium head lettuce, shredded 2 tomatoes, cut in wedges ~ cup sliced pitted olives 1A cup chopped green onion 1 cup corn chips I can tuna, drained l recipe guacamole dres&ng (see below) 1h cup shredded cheddar cheese Combine all salad ingredients except cheese. Combine d~ing 'You don't appreciate a book like this until you go through the experienc:., , and top each serving with the cheese a.hd extra com chipe. GUACAMOLE DRESSING 'A rnaShed ripe avocado 1 tablespoon lemon juice ~ cup 80W' cream ~ cup salad oU 1 crushed garlic clove ~ teupoon augar ~ teaspoon chill powder ~ teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon Tabuco Combine all inf(redlents. in blender or u.e beater and mix. Makes 4 llttVlnp. CRABMEAT CASSEROLE (Nancy Reagan) 1 number 2 can artichoke hearts 1 pounds crabmeat \I.I pound fresh mushrooms 4 tablespoons butter 21h tablespoon flour 1 cup cream 'h teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 'A cup medium dry sherry Paprika to taste Cayenne to taste •A cup grated Parmesan cheese Place artichokes in l;lottom of baking dish, spread a layer of crabmeat. Add a layer of sauteed mushrooms. Melt butter in saucepan, add remaining ingredients except cheese, stirring well after each addition to fonn a smooth sauce. Pour sauce over artichoke crab layers and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake 20 minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 8 servings. SWISS CHEESE BREAD (Robert Badbam) 1 cup milk 4 tablespoons butter 'A teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon pepper 1 cup Oour 4 eggs ~ pound Swiss cheese, grated Bring milk and butter to a boil, add salt and pepper, add unsifted flour all at once. The dough will form a ball. Remove from heat. Add eua, one at a lime. and beat each e11 until completely blended. Add approximately ~ of the Swiss cheeee. Ulinl about ~ of the dough, drop 7 equal dollops onto a well 1reaaed cookie sheet In a drcle, barely touchln1. Top each with a smaller dollop us1ni the ba1anoe of the dou1b. Sprinkle tb~ remainina cbeeae over tbt top. Bake approxtrnaiely ~6 dl\utai I .,.., ........... ~...._.I( ...... CONGRESSIONAL COOK -Anne Badham shows her design for the latest cookbook from the Congressional Club. at 376 degrees until a rich golden brown. Separate and eerve hot. Makes 7 aervings. , PEANUT BIUTl'LE (Roaalyu Cuter) 3 cups granulated •uaar 1~ cups wa~ 1 cup white com ayrup 3 cupe raw peanuts 2 tablelpoonl eoda ~ l1ick butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Boll augar, water and syrup until splna thread. Add peanuts, atlr oontlnually until ayrup turns golden brown. Remove from heat. Add remalnJ.ni lniJ'edients. Stlr until butter melta. Pour quickly on\O 2 cookie aheetl with sldea. A1 mixture be(~n1 to hardm around ect,.. pull unUl thin. t DI Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wtdnt1day, June 23, 1982 .. No-cook picnic goes sophisticated - Tlud of \ht u1ual picnic tare of buraora, ho\doa1. and po ta to ulad' Put the chal"COlal back In tho garqe and @1tjoy the eue of thll timple, yet 1<>phlltlcated. no-cook pknk By ellmlnatlng the need for I &rill, )'OU e&n enjoy th~ae take-a long treata a n ywhere, anytlm~. All American Sa ndwi c h es and Kaleid oscope Fruit N ibbles add up to a perfect picnic before an open-air concert or a ball game. Simply nu up the picnic basket and go. Ham, turkey, and crunc h y walnuts are deliciously highlighted in All American Sandwiches. A creamy dressing made easily with a n e n velope of c heese sauce mix, mayonnaise, and prepared yellow mustard urns sandwichfs into something speciat Carry the filling in a separate container, then spread on crusty rolls JUSt be fore serving. Instead of lettuce, top with te nder broccoli norets, shccd cucumbers, or sliced tomatoes for a delicious change of pace. the 1weet -imi-r IU\d Worceaterehlre 11uco, tho 1ploo. Whit a dellc:loua way lo aavor thu beat fruit haa to offer. Spread o ut thla delightful old·f uhloned picnk on • blanket In tho park, or naht on your own backyard picnic table and aerve with froety ala.ue1 of teed tt!a or lemonade an(! butter cookies. ALL AMER I CAN SAND Wt CHES 1 e n velope ( 1 ~ ounce) cheese sauce mix l cup milk V. cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons yellow mustard 2 cups diced cooked turkey · Y4 cup diced cooked ham v. c up c hopp ed walnuts V. c up finely chopped green pepper 6 to 8 ('rusty rolls, sphl Sliced t o mato, broccoli florets, or sliced cucumber STYLISH SANDWICHES -Filling travels separately to spread on crusty rolls for a summer picnic. """'\ UN-BUN YOUR HOLIDAY FUN. WITH A HONEY OF A HAM. found o( bvra•n or do91. Mrn dellc1<M1• Hooey Belied Ham 1bl1 f1>t1nb of J .. ly. Yov'll ha•t more Ii-for fwi aod rel&utloo btc•liM' we'•• clooe all the wotli. S.cb hm I• Mlttted from 1ra10· (ed porli. TIMn °"' family"• 1pecial ('llrlna crea1e1 a .. oiquc fiavor 1ba1 baa ..,..r nrled in o•er '° yean. Nut we patleotly b&ke aod NllO!le eacb bu• for up 10 )() hc>11u. lk11 we doo'1 11op\ · , ' 1bert. OVI (aelly'a Mieret at.u 1Hla ,\ tn all the good ...... aod our unique aplral alklng maktt Mnloa almple. . All"°" bawe 10 do IJ caJI, ordH 1od -~~~~~<' pick up. Ybai could ht euier1 We alto ~ _., _..-:-::; ht•• • lar1e MlcetiCMa o( part)' IR)ll. ulad1 ~ ~ and chHM. We Do Catering ' GIFT CERTIFICATE RE~~EA~~8~"c3cAA~~oT~Me 111111, IAKll llAM --111 llAl-3700l C0011Hognwove(114)o73 0000 ~-1,,.v~c.,_,.,.1nno t110011tv••< .. ,11<>111000 )•(714 1 0~ i.&01 EL ,,,, _ ... low• Pioio-•fl•2~11loymonaWay (At l1l0tollooo)o(IW)631 3122 ,,,,,.,,, llJtJI -~&.ocl\ 81•0 (Al Gar!ielO "41•1!0 D<*lf\ I)• (llA) 6'16·~1~ ~-IAl9N lu11on (Ac•oni.om•ovo•oo101ono•>•(llA)QQ1 Woo ,,...111-11 o.Ml<wv 10(lloncnoM.tao-~1o j •(714)l40 la94 ,,,,.,. -~7 7 O A•lotlQIO" Ave ( W'I HOl(lm()n SnoQoot\O C et\! .. ) • ( 11A ) c68 06-' 1 Al50~LA"A.IQA 1.A-dWOOO wtStCOVNA ~'""°'-t.YWOOO <N'Uh•'f Vc.i.A(..I •Al~!it..,~AAfA....ot.ICA W()()OlA.N()~\5 M:)DlMO()C.4'. 'l,,.,..JOM ~f\IA~( PA4Q • 10 B e sure to take advantage of seasonal savings on fresh fruit and serve Kaleidoscope Fruit Nibbles as either an appetizer or salad. Prepare cheese sauce with milk ; sti r in mayonnaise, mustard, turkey, ham, walnuts, and green pepper. Chill well. Spread on rolls and garnish with tomato. broccoli, or cucumber. 6 to 8 servings. :! tablespoons lemon juke 1A cup oil 6 cups cut-up fresh fruit ~1~G~~1, ,...,,u,. coo,•9"1t•~1"0"'e•1ca.o"O""' inc beating bnskJy with fork L.1.-------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ or whask until slighUy l teaspoon The juicy, b1 le-size Worcestershire sauce pieces of fresh fruit are I marinated in a sw~t and 1spicy dr essi ng . 1 Confectioners sugar adds KALEIDOSCOPE FRUIT NIBBLES 114 cup confectioners sugar 1fi teaspoon ground gmger 1 'h t,easpoon paprika Pinch salt Combine sugar, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, ginger, paprika, and salt in small bowl. Gradual l y add oil , • , ______________ _ l SAVE 15~onanyslze COllSWI• C..-li.t-·• .... Ol'lt-.. ...,..,.. .. -'""'''"""" ... ...,,.. ...... ____ , .. ,Mt .. ¥M CIClfll .. hf.,.tHftM UlllT OWi ~ l'U- 111111.fll °"-" eorw .. .,. oo. '"" ·-"' 11111._ ""''" _,..., . .,_, .. -,~.""' ..... _ .. , .. ..._,, ... --·"""·~00 .................. .,,.. ........ ... -llNttl .... -··Pl'*"' IUdlUI ....... _ ..... ,_.. ,_ ..... 00 ....... ..,_ ... __ ..... _tllt .,. • ...,. ... __ _,..,,,._...-neo .., ... _ _______ ... ._ .. ,_ .. ., ... ~ ....... _ • .,, .. _..,._llWl ... --.... --::OC:':,~;~s.:.no~ro===~~ ..,...,_._.c 111112 ~llllll:MM&. FROZEN J. +tAWif IAN PU NC ti .. --------------- ---------------Southern Barbecued Chicken 1 cup Heinz Barbecue Sauce •1. cup honey 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 21/a to 3 pounds brofler· Any Size HEINZ ~ or Variety Barbecue Sauce ,... ,... fryer pieces Salt and pepper Combine berbecue seuce. honey and lemon juice. Brush chicken frequently with sauce during the last I 0 min. of grilling lime. Seeson with salt and pep· per. Makes 5-6 servings ( 1 v. cups sauce). 0 '<I" N M DEALER S.00 lhlt coupon aftAf 1eoa<np1ion 10 HJ Heinz Comoanv. ~ PO eo.1886,ElmCft'f NC 2789eforr.,mbut"Nmenlo!l6Ci>IUt 7i N h•lldl•"9 lnvolCH "'"'""II pur(fl-°' IU!ftc•nl ·-ol ....,,,, ,.,.. 8arl>9Cua S....,. IO_., coupont p<-19<1 mutl bl .-n upon -FMuralOdoao•wo!dll_,. COl.Plnl~ Salet taa mu11 be paid by ru11om•1 Voto wlle1•va1 P'Cll-. Wed 0t 1-e<1 0000 OM. 'f OH HUa IAllllCUI I.wet. AH'f OTMOI Ull COMITITUTU FllAUO. OF'J'Ell U,.1111 DEC. 21, 1112. OHEll llllllTID TO ONE COUl'ON I'll! "111CH.Ue. ---------------TAKE TH18 COUPON TO YOUR GROCE II SAVE15~ ONE 16 oz. CAN ~ompM/i PORK a BEANS -- 15COFF ONE 16 01 CAN llflOCU -°" ,,.... ••"' ,,. .,,..,,... _. °"'"""° II _, -•1'111 A'N 0!14(• 1151 OOf<S!•t1JllS r~AI.() ~---•et•llll'IJll,1 " ... -~ lltotllt'TIOll "°8AAM, IOll 1'to curTOll. IA '11>4 ~ r_._ .. ._.........,...,........,,.....,._ ~-· .. ,---~ ~ ...... '"'"""' _"'_"' __ ,,._,.,°" ;? -· t.11 •M 1 •COC """°" SolG c;o..w,, ~ COUPON EXPIRES 6/Jp/83 51000 210149 -----25eoFF ONE 21 oz. or 28 oz. CAN ~°"'-·~-...... --~o..-... .-1a _a: ....... --.carwNo-~ fl II*' ..... /.liY OllU USE OOHSTITUTIS rMUO "' -OI l«>t -"°" It NI ID llOVl'Oll • ....,,..,. ~.IOI ltlt, Cl.MOii, i.-ttl*' ! ,..,..,ll'Odllllf .. --ll'Mlt-•~ -.-Mor••Clll4llftl--~., .... _..,.... ___ "'_.._,.....,..,..,, ~ C.-lllOOI C.....9MC:.0.., COUflON EXPIRES l/l0/13 I 51000 2l0l.Sb ---------------' • thickened P our over fruit; toss and chill. Serve with wooden picks as hors d'oeuvres or as a fruit salad . 6 to 8 servings. ' Save money and shopping J~7i:J the Daily Pilat - •• ISLAND DELIGHT -Chicken breasts are prepared beforehand to make an easy company dish. Serve a taste of Hawaii A spe<:1al dinner on the horizon for family or guests? Try Chicken Breasts Hawaiian. a real pr ize for the rook who wants to serve an impressive entree, but doesn't want to spend hours preparing It. B y pounding and dredging the chicken breasts beforehand. and having all t he other ingred ients ready Lo go. this han dsome dish can be prepared from start to fin is h i n about 20 minutes. St>rved with an altract1Vl' crisp-cuokl·u green vt•getabll', a favoritt• warm bread, and a glass of wine you have an easy-but-elegant dinner in the mode of today's hghter meals CHICKEN BRE ASTS HAWAIIAN I (8 ' • ounces) can slict.>d pinC'apple 4 hal r breasts ()( c h 1 c k c n , IJ o n t• d ( l 1 i pounds) 2 tabk•spoons flour 2 tabk•spoons grated Parm€:San cht•se 1 i teaspoon salt 1 ~ tl'aspoon tarragon. erumbled 1 < teaspoon white JX'PJX'r 2 tablt•spoons oil (h<1lf bulll'r) -l thin sli<.'<'S tomalo -I slin.•s Swiss ,,:he<.'se (-1 bv :l 1m·hl•s) • 1 1 <.·up "' h11c• tabk \.\'Int• Drain p1m•apple well Lightly pound chicken bn·••sts bc•t wc·t•n sheets of waxt•d paper to flatten slightly Combine flour with 2 leaspoons Parmt•san <.·ht•ese. salt, AND HAVE A tarragon .ind pepper Coat 1:h1<.·k<.•n pwc<.'s in tht• m1xtun.• Heat oil in 10 Inch skillt-t. plan• t·h1l·k1•n skin s1dl• do\.\.'TI <tnu brown slowly over nwd1um-low hc·at. about 10 m1nutt•s Turn ch1ckt•n. top N1ch with a slH:c· uf tomato. Swiss ehet•st· and pineapplt· Spnnklt· with n•maining Parmesan t•ht•t>sl' Add w11w tu sk11lt•t anci cover Cook 5 mmutt•s Uncover and cook 5 minutes longer, or unul chu:kl·n 1s tenut•r Makes -l servings 10 Kid-pleasin' wiener roast. Redeem these coupons to save on 3 of America's biggest picnic favorites .•. KOOL-AIDe SOFT DRINK MIX, OSCAR MAYER~ HOT DOGS and DIXI~ CUPS ... then take advantage of a $1.50 cash refund offer ••• AND HAVE A GREAT 4rH OF JULY! Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, June 23, 1982 DI 200 Marine Ave. 673-0330 PRICES GOOD 6124·6130 PEPSI COOR 'S KAMCHATKA PIPER CALLAWAY BERINGER COLA BEER VODKA HEIDSIECK FUME BLANC CHENIN BLANC 12 Oz. 12 oz. can s 1. 75 I. CHAMPAGNE 750 Ml. 750 Ml. 6 Pak 6 Pak 750 Ml. l~u~ 1~ &~! 12~1~ 5~ 3!! Tax Tax Tu Tax Tax Tu WE DELIVER -. CHARGE ACCOUNTS A VAILABLE Excellent Fresh Meat I Produce Departments FEATURING: * U.S.D.A. Prime Beef * U.S.D.A. Lamb & Pork * Zacky Callfornla Grown Fryers/Parts * Full Dellcatssen Section For complete ad copy and art services advertisers all along the Orange Coast rely on Daily Pilat 60LOE't OOltiti --------------------------------------- ., --::E .., 0 u z STORE COUPON SAVE so~ on your next purchase of ~ one canister or 4 sugar-• • ' • sweetened envelopes of _., · GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION ---------------------------------------- STORE COUPON SAVE20~ onyournextpurchase ~ of 8 unsweetened • • ' • envelopes of . ---· w ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------MAIL-IN CERTIFICATE ~l]~~e go~~R~~A~) HND f'\.ut P100l-Ot·Purc~•• SMll trom KOOl·A•d • Btarld 2 complete 1&1>el1 !r0f'I 2 ~ Solll>lin-M1a(Ollee• On•I Oscal ~· W-10< Beel,,.,,.._. Pi-~ il4 En•eio(Jet u .... --l(O()f Aid. ANO .. •2 °' E~ Suo••·S-te<Wd KOOi A•d' 1 ~ 'llbe4 from trpf\j-lluftt ., 'c.n..t.,, S..0-r-S-tened KOOl-Aod' oi ~' CflooQe ..,.. Ne Kid l'leaelll''O•ne,.1 '°"'Corp., ,.O. lo• 41 ... J ...,.,, Or.,~ K. .... "--~----------'"""------------~ ...... ~------------------~-~ Clly .._ zi, ___ _ -........... ,._ ~-;:-:r. ~-..,--_,....., .. us• _..._ ... UI --......""'= .__ j:' :.":::: ... ,,;:.;:1:.:.:. ~ :.=-..:: • , I I I ---------------·-... Orange Oo111 DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, June 23, 1882 SophiSticated desserts of fruit and cheese ... I f IAftlAl\A OIBIONS Fn.all and ch mekt I tophl1Ucated d•uert. However, lf you'"J really ealorie.11vvy, the kJnd of cheeae you p•lr w ith trult II the low-calOl'le f re1h varie ty -like oottqe cheae or ricotta -not the hlih·fat hard cheeeee. The c~amy dairy \Ute and textu re o f f resh c h eeae 11 an Id e a l counterpoin t for fre1h fru it . H ere are some lleUOnal Ideas: TANGY STRAWBERRY HEARTS 16 ounces low -fat dry curd cottage cheese ~ c up l o w -f a t vanilla yogurt 1 pint fr es h strawberries Sugar substitute to taste C o mbine cottage cheese and yogurt in blend e r o r foo d processor; biend smooth. Spoon into 6 individual heart-shaped molds or l large heart-shaped mold. Chill several hours. Meanwhile, wash, hull and slice s trawbe rries: s wee ten to t aste . At serving t i me, s poon berries over unmolded hearts. Without heart molds, mixture can be spooned into 6 w ash ed plastic Heat over barbecues RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -As hibach is, grills, kettle s and smoke r s emerge from at'tics and carports to meet ribs and burgers this summer, a storm is brewinJit over the meanin.B of barbecue. The U.S . Department o f Ag r i c u ltur e ann ou n c ed i t wa s soliciting public comment on a possible rewrite of f ede r a l barbec ue reg u latio n s at the request of a barbecue manu fa c ture r . The perio d for publ ic comment ended, but the announcement, r es- urre c t e d a l o ng - standing dispute on the true nature of barbecue. Purists in Texas argue the term applies solely to their beef dish, while North Carolina residents say that shredded pork barbecue has a more legitimate claim to the title . Still othe rs sa y chicken or anything else bast ed w ith tang y barbecue sauce qualifies as barbecue. And the USDA found some people didn't like a federal agency getting involved, according to a story in today's editions of The N e w s a nd Observer of Raleigh. Will D. Sampson of Dallas wrote that If a representative of the government "shows up a.round here to tell me how to do my barbecue, there is going to be one less government agent." Alyce L . Bitticks of Greensboro, N.C .. wrote: "In California, barbecue is a verb; it is somethinR you do to mea t. When 1 moved to North Carolina, I discov e r e d that barbecue is someth ing that you eat: it is a noun." Dale Crane of Dallas wrote: ''Texas barbecue and beau tiful, a lluring women are alike ln that they are dim inish ed aome h ow a s o ur unde rstanding of them lncreues. Accordingly, it should be public policy t h at n o federa l specifications be written for barbecued meat." The USDA involved it.ell in the controversy a t th e urgi n g of Smok a r ama I nc., a Boley, Okla., company that mabe a commercial cooker that U1eS hickory wood unde.r prt!9IUl"e to make barbecue. California, under tu trut h -In -m enu law . charged the Smok.arama barbe c u e waa n 't authentic . California eventually dropped ita challenge, but t he company d e cid ed to challenge the US DA barbecue ln1p ectlon replation. The exiattng federal definition of barbecue, "hlch runa on for 93 '.I'~.,. in part that ~meat 0 1hall be cooked by th e direct action of dry b elt re1ult1n1 from the . ~ ot bard wood OI' • . . hnt cmala.. '' mar11rln• cup1. Or, layer mixt ure and bt rrlee ln atemmed deu ert 1laaae1. Makes aht aervinp, 100 caloriet oach. PEACHY PINEAPPLE CHEESE SUNDAES 12 ouncoa low-fat larae curd uncreamed cotta1 cheeee 8 o u n ce c an u n s w eetened crush ed pineapple, well-drained Few drope of vanilla extract 2 rip e p eeled peachee, thinly .Uced Suaar aubltJtute to ,tute P in c h o f s round clruwnon Optio nal : pre 1- 1urized llaht whipped cream Stir coita1e ch eeH, pin ea pple a nd vanilla to ge the r ; chill until llll llURllT ••rvlng time . S weeten pe.tehee to wte. Scoop pin e apple-cheese mhcture lnto 1undae cupe and top with peaches. Add a s pri n k le o f cinnamon and top each with 1 tabl e spoo n press uriz e d light FIU!".SHCANADIAN We t ime to """ on hand tuttlct.nl tlock of ad- _,,.., m«chandlM. H, due to eondHlont beyond our control, •• run out al en •d- "'11Md flMClel, a llAIH CHECK wllf be IMued enat>tlne you to buy the hem et the adMttlMd Pfle• .. ·-.. It bee-•Yelleble Of' wlth111JO ctaya. Coho Salmon 1•~ •A._... W9111d whipped cream , It dtalred . Maku four 11r vln11, 1215 calorle1 each. STRAWBERRIES WITH ITALIAN ORANGE CREAM l c u p part·aklm ricotta cheeee 3 tabletp oo na undiluted thawed orange ju.ice concentrate Few drop• vanllh1 ox tract 3 cu pl thinly allced freeh 1trawberr1es Opt ion a l : a ugar 1ubetJtute to taate C o m bine r icotta, orange juice concentrate and vanilla i n f ood proce saor or blender; ble nd completely until .. ~ 1m oo th •nd fluff y . tilter cone, hned with S poon ov"r (awec!tened) titter piapor). Empty the b e rr lu. M a k ea 1lx yo1urt lnto the filter aervlns•. 100 calories piaper; pl.ace over a bowl each. o r colfee pot In the CHERRI ES WITH refrtserator, and let the YOGlJRT CHEESE yogurt drain several 3 cups plain low-fat hours until the texture of yogurt a aoft chec!tle or a den.ee 2 cupos pitied halved c us tard . S poon lnlo fresh sweet cherries d e1Sert dishes and top Line a colander with with cherries. Makes ttx coffee filter paper (ot u.e servings, 105 calorlea a lar ge plastic coffee each. ~=·,,~ ·C~a.J J..v U ASSORTED VARIETtES NABISCO Snack Crackers REG PKG. l'ltClS UrtCTM 1 rat UYS JOOO's ~low-low Priees! froni your neiihborhood Blue Ribbon Store! -• • • -.. Ill I~ 21 u 1'7 :aa 2• ~· n;:~~:::: :~::·· r c•&CIUTAltD-:c-;.c:--_-~ ~--.... -:. -:::: ... ,c,..., ................ ~ ~ .. ~,......,........, ' ., ' I' -, .,,, OOlDf.N OIWN IV~ , .... BEEF BLADE.CUT Chu~k Roast LI 11.89 Ht' a&.AOl GVT AAlll trit tAI\. .. cmm.u sucu IACOll l(C• C:..UCC ltVO"f 6 'AIW l l 11.99 7•STW sauSACE rmu I ll' Tl"'Dl" t1!U..lt1•"t '"""''' va-..1 T1lt ll 12.39 CllE STW SMOlED SAUSilE Ill' •ti ''!IOH ll 12.39 SrEJCEI STW CfllCW rATTllS N(H TO l.ACU D JO~, fAf cliw MUST fl1£TS 1• 13.29 'A.MH.Y IJ,U )Ln O" ~E Clmlm ' t VM ln lU ll 11.39 ll •1.u "12.59 ll 13.89 "11.29 SHANK PORTION Kruse Ham s •••• LB BEEF CHUCK BONELESS Family Steaks ,,.,, ... PEICll fllfTS C(H~CUT LB IW.llUT STWS lf_f, CHYCI(. nmlmlOAST enr CHUC" "11.39 "11.39 LI 11.89 <:!l'~lirr T>rC; ~llfrinCc:! 7DEIOAST Ill:''°"'' jtt NIP IOAST atlr c. .. uc,, &O.,.h ts~ CLOD IOAST 8Uf tofifh.lS5o STEW._.T ..... , .... •11 •• .,. ••• ,,. ,,....!(.. 0.-°"" "11.99 u 12.09 5'1.t(:(O tC1 OMU(ff ROAST IUf .... " 5•1{ ,..,Cl CHEDDAR CH£ES£ •L(.t\ POTATO SAUD ·w ~ ~ ,/ OM't•lllll'f 011 "NK O~•llUO ... 11.79 ... 11.29 .. l,49c RICE A RONI ·~ CYCLE DOG FOOD OCEANSPRAY JUICE DRY 000 FOOD Alamo 9 , PREMIUM 000 FOOD, S VARIETIES ~ Skippy I REGULAR, DRIP OR ELECT PERK COFFEE Yuban t TODDLER DIAPERS Pampent TODDLER DIAPERS Pampers I ~ Straftlrry Pr1sll m ... 11.45 ~-....... • .. '1.53 a,lclt·Pl•1111~1t ._ .... -'1.21 50·L~I~.69 ,.~z 28° ll8 •2.69 12cr 1 2.I0 48CT •7.93 Kllf.Af~~0 • c & c Clla ! ....... Sllw*lft =ru~ ll-s ~ • I r tmYWllAT • DAISH m~~t .. ~ ... _ $1.99 = Ul.W !J CAT F• ...... .,4 • .,o,&gc r 9 SLICED Cll£S£ :~"' "°' s1.59 t:;110 •oe" Sl.29 'f SLICOI ~OI Sl.99 I rMRS .,, s7.93 CllES£ :~·· "''"' llAPEIS .. -.. ••• Oufi..-t »Ol '2.&6 Dll llltl ~ .... • ,...,&le Jiffy Cab ..... ,.," I l u'1• '1.29 Km llKW .. _. t "°'44c Y.U.m.•t.r • ...,,'1.17 Hiits PaclllS = I ....,73' Ul~lrnad m:t. . .o.52' c.try Tl .. tuV. Qfl I•« S2J& Pl'flctl• ~~ ··~ ... -· CINNAMON APPl.ESAUCE ,~z 53° 't a..o,•I.53 I ·~02 65° i~r"b;;;e Sauce9,.oz 77° c11r1A;cuPtttsl2~z . I .22 Seneca t i ORANGE JUICE Treesweet DRINK, ASSORTED FLAVORS Hi·C t0l3r I tOI 53.95 I ••or 1tc I ...... st YIU. Coffee P.it~.... t ... '7.65 f OllM'S ;;l'.w I _, s4.19 Cbarual UPter ~·· 1 .°' sl.15 QwiCu~ G ~19 :not'~ :Jl.e S1111e1'1 g.ii111111rtl CBeeA. ~lne S ~1quoi\ lroccoH ' __ .;._. ___ _ ,..,,. '3 .• , ...... 't• ........ 'lU.. ~ .... 11l48 .. II' tiiii'Yitin .21• iiiilil .. II' &.WW'Pii .. 11• ' iliil-••• • -·· . ---------~---=- -. --. " Orange Oo .. t DAILY PILOT/Wldnelday, June 23, 1982 Fresh tomatoes add nutrition Formerly thought poisonous, fruit give variety to summer m eals f're1h . red -ripe tomato•• are one of 1ummer'• moat an ticipated ailHaurtt. Savor their Juicy pulp eewn whole out-of-hand; or delltht In ro1y wedpl bathed In an herb viJ\alirette. Nutritionally 1peak.1.na, tomatoet are a good aource of Vitamins A and C and are a boon to dieter• (only •o calories tor a medlu'll tomato). Despite the overwhelming pop- ularity for the fruit (botanicall y -deflned) tomatoes have suffered throughout history. Thought to have originated In South America, the tomato plant waa considered pollonous in many par1a of the world and tor years was used strictly aa an ornamental plant where the red globes were simply admired. In France, they were considered an aphrodisiac and called love apples. Relished by the Spanish and Italians, acceptance was unenthusiastic In England as well as in the States. Today tomatoes are grown in every state of the Union except Alaak.a and are eaten in endless ways. From soups to stews to salads to sauces, tomatoes have finally taken a well-deserved place among the more noble fruits and vegetables. If unable to pick tomatoes straight from the garden, here are a few suggestions. Keep them in mind when buying, storing and cooking with tomatoes. -Look for red, soft (not mushy) tomatoes with a pleasing scent. ·-Tomatoes will not ripen in the refrigerator; so ripen at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Then store in refrigerator. (If tomatoes are placed in a paper bag with an apple, banana or ripe tomato, ripening will be speeded becaWte these give off ethylene gas.) -When a recipe calls for peeled tomatoes, and the tomatoes do not peel readily, spear with fork and dip into boiling water for 30 seconds. The skin will slip off easily when peeled back with a knife. -When trimming tomatoes, use a sharp pointed paring knife to cut out the stem end. The following recipes feature tomatoes as well as other seasonal vegetables -zucchini, summer squash , eggplants and peppers. Developed to be fresh and nutritionally sound, the recipes are low in saturated fats and contain no cholesterol and would fit well into a prudent diet. oil FRESH TOMATO SAUCE 3 tablespoons com 1A cup chopped onion 1.4 cup minced carrot 2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed ~ cup chopped parsley 2 tablespoons chopped frt!Sh basil or 2 teaspoons dried basil leaves 4 pounds (about) tomatoes, peeled, aeeded, coenely chopped, (about 5 cups) 1 teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon pepper In large skillet or dutch oven heat com oil over medium heat. Add on ion, carrot, garlic, paraley and bu:i.l. Cook 2 t o 3 minutes. Add tomatoes, aalt and pe p per . Stirring OCCMlonally, almmer ~ to 30 minutes. Serve u a sauce for thin apaahetU or bthef' puta. Ma.Kee ~ cupa sauce. BAKE D EGGPLANT JARDINIERE 2 cupe thinly al.iced onJona 4 cloves g arlic, minced or pr med ~cup comoll 11' cup lemon juice 1 tea1p oon d ried hMtl Jeevee · 1 tea•p oon dried ontano leawe 1 tellpoon Mlt : .:rr:.=ta (about 1 powld .-ch) 1 W pwndl (about) ripe tomatoet, halved len1thwl ... cored, cut into~ W pound (about) •mall 1ucchlnl, thlnly aUced In larae bowl to11 toa•ther onlona, 1•rllc, corn on, lemon Juice, bull, oreaano, salt and pepper. Place about 2 cupe 1n bottom of 13 by 9 by 2-tnch bakina dlah. Cut eggplants in half lenatliwlae. Cut eacb hall lengthwise Into ~-Inch strips, leaving allct!9 attached to atem end. Arrange aide by side in prepared baking diah. Slip tomato, zucchini and onion alices Into the slits of the eggplant halvee. Add remaining onion mixture. C.over with foll. Bake in 450 degrt!e oven 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350 degrees; bake l hour longer or until eggplants are tender. As a side dish or salad, serve hot, at room temperature or cold . Makes 4 to 6 se=E GAZPACHO l pound ripe tomatoes (about 3 medium) ~cup com oil ~ pound zucchini, thinly sliced (1 cup) 1 cup thinly sliced green onion 1 clove garlic, mi.need or pressed 1 green and /o r sweet red pepper, cut in very thin 1-inch long stripe ( l cup) 2 tablespoons chopped parsley l teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper 1 can (13 ~ ounces) chicken broth (1 ¥t cups) ~ cup dry white wine Peel, seed and coarsely chop tomatoes (about 111. cups); drain and reserve all liquid (about ~ cup). In large skillet heat com oil over medium heat. Add zucchini, onions and garlic ; stirring constantly , cook 1 minute. Stir in tomatoes, green and/or red pepper, parsley, salt and pepper; cook l minute. Remove from heat; turn into large bowl.· Stir in chicken broth, reserved tomato liquid and wine. Cover; r e frig e rate several hours or overnight. Makes 4 cups. MARINATED TOMATO SALAD 2 medium tomatoes, cut in wedges l small zucchini, thinly sliced l small yellow squash, thinly sliced l small onion, thinly sliced ¥.I cup com oil ~ cup white wi'1e vinegar 1 tablespo o n c ho pped fresh mint leaves or l teas poon dried mint flakes 1 teaspoon sugar (optional) In large shallow dish toss together tomatoes, zucchini, squash and onion. In small bowl stir together corn oil, vinegar, mint and sugar. Pour over vegetables; toss to coat well. Cover; refrigerate several hours, stirring occasionally. Makes about 4 cups. FRIE D TOMATOES In small pie plate stir together ~ cup fine dry bread crumbs , 112 teaspoon sugar, 1.4 teaspoon salt and lt'I teaspoon pepper. In large skillet heat 1.4 cup com oil over medium-high heat. Slice 1 pound (3 medium) slightly ripe or green tomatoes 'h -inch thick. Coat tomato slices with crumb mixture, patting off excess. Fry, a few slices at a time, about 3 to 4 minutes, turn ing once, until lightly browned. Drain on paper towels. Makes about 4 1ervinga. FRESH TOMATO SALSA In medium bowl ltir together 3 medium chopped tomatoes. ~ cup ciouwly chopped onion. ~ cup ooenely chopped celery, ~ cup coanely chopped green pepper,• tableapoona corn oil, 1 can (4 ounca) chopped green chi l ies, 2 table1poon1 red wine vlne1ar , 2 t.able1poon1 panley, 1 clove minced garlJc, ~ tMlpOOn salt and ~ tea1poon red pej>per flake•. Cover; r.friprate lleYeral houn or owml&ht. Serve aa a condiment with meata and poultry; with tacoa or &olUdM, or 1n omelets. Maka about 4 C:Upl. ~ 1.'J -l.$. TIME IS RIPE -Tomatoes flavor gazpacho, salsa and salad as weU as a baked eggplant. SO<:ON . ·.1.a...---• '1: j ~­if' ... 'J.·~-"' .:"::!' , . We're singin.g about Donutz Cereal-the crispy cereal that looks and tastes like little pow-dered donuts. It's a do- lectable mix of 3 wholesome grains, fortified with 7 • vitamins plus iron. Ymill agree they're DO-I.JCIOUS! oa 7cra.r nan pm'ObUe of ' • Ii H .:> I J 11 I} r1 h °' ,., l..i ., •, rl 'I ~ d .! - .. .,. . ' ·d ·ri .1 \ \ ,'! ,'l v'l ,-i :~ .. I ,, b ~ ·•u i1 . , ., 1n q If.) l b u .Ji? .; ·•{1 "' ~!1 'Ga hd pl IJ I r.·) . •f ,;d ·'tl It~ 1<t 1 Jlli .11 • 0 tU ,;(l "i1 I)~ nd orf 1rlJ "~' 1;) u·• ,>j O'( un 1 c;d rl J on l'll n.s JW cf J oa nu ml ,rfa ;fJ iqa ml ieJI , 8 1a rxt ilfJ 10:) )W !llT1 I • , J .tb cd ue .v, rh O? ~J ~'!ti ?b lw l'W lld 0, ,. , ... ~ ~ ( ,-- •• Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT /WednMd1y, June 23, 1982 No waste • ID fresh berries P'reah berrlea are ~o naldored one of nature'• convenience food• becau.o th~ro·1 no plttlna, pt"Ollf\8 or wute In prol*flna th<1m. Th '/_ rNAkl' any home chef 11 job tt&ly. Berrie• are a l10 a v~raatlle CruH. Whvther you add f retah berries to your <.'erl'ul, bake them in tarta or plee, enjoy the m In a fresh trull compote, or eat them as a refreshing snack, their sprightly flavor ls Incomparable. A c up oC fresh strawberries provides one and one half times the recommended daily aUowance of vitamin C for adults. Blueberries are a source of vttamin C. as well as important minerals. Be rries. like almost all fresh fruit, are very low in sodium. Two elegant but easily prepared desserts show the ease a nd conven ience o f using delicious s tr awbe r r i es a nd blueberries. S trawberry Party Loaf is a no-bake cake patterned after Sicilian cassata, with laytc>rs of pound cake alternating with a ricotta cheese ana chocolate filling. In this sophisticated American version. the cheest' is combined with sliced s trawberries . Amare tto llqueur 1s b rushed o n the <'a ke layers. and a whipped cream topping turns the loaf into a work of art Wh e n se l ec ting s trawbe rries choose those t ha t are fresh. clean and have full solid red colors and are free from bru i ses a n d moisture. Med1um-s1zed strawberries and those that h ave thei r caps intact are usual ly the best. Sour cream, cinnamon a nd ot h e r s pi ces perfectly comple ment the sweetly tart taste of blueberries in amethyst- c o lore d P o lka D o t Blueberry Pie. Wh en pur c ha s n g blueberries, look Cor plump. fresh fruit that are fairly uniform in size with a good, natural blue color. STRAWBERRY PARTY LOAF 1 pi nt fr esh strawberries, hulled, washed, sliced l tablespoons sugar l p o und ricotta cheese 2 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, finely chopped 1 (pack aged or frozen) pound cake. cut lengthwise in 4 layers •,4 c up ama r ett o liqueur I cup heavy cream l,4 confectioners' sugar l teaspoon vanilla In a medium bowl combine strawbe rries Spicy • rice Rke, like many grains, has such a neutral flavor that there are a lmost unlimited wa ys of spicing it. Spices can provide flavor. color or crunch (or all three) depending on your fancy. He r e are some tips from the American Spice Trade Association: -Curried rice is a nice variation. Simply saute two t easpoon s curry powder in a little butter or margarine, then stir in a cup of raw rice and cook as usual. -For her bed rice, ble nd a teaspoon of oregano, bas il, dill or thyme into a cup of raw rice before cooking. -Paprika rice makes a nice pink presentation. Just s tart with a teaspoon of paprika to a cup of raw rice. Stir it into the water with the rice. (For yellow rice wie t h e same amount of turmeric.) -Rice-with'-a-crunch is younJ by mixing two tablespoons o f poppy seed or toasted 9CS8.me seed into a cup of raw rice. -You might want to experiment with eeveral 1picet a\ once -say, a half-t.eaapoon o! ground alnler IUrred with two \ab leap oon1 toasted ~ leed into one cup raw ric:t, or a quarter· teapoan prUc powder m l xed ln w ith two tablapoolll poppy teed. 20 with whole 1ttawberrlttt1, it dea.I red. and auaar: let 1tand minutet Stir in ch and c hocolate . Bru1h ca ke l1yer11 w i th amar~tto. SprHd one cake layer wth l cup cheHc mixture. Place aecond lay<'r on t op Re peat with remaining lngrodienta cndlnai with a top layer or ca1'e. ln aimall mixer bowl beat c r e am with co n - fectioners' sugar and vanilla. Spoon ''ream Into a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip. Spread loaf with cream. Garnish a 12 Inch circle. Fit into a 9-lnch pie plate. Flutl! edge . RoJI r l!malnlng dough to a 12-lnch clrcle . Cut Into 1-IJ'lCh circles: set 1ulde. In me d ium bowl combine s ugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg; mix well. Stir in aour cream; add blueberrie.. Spoon berry · mixtu re into prepared pie shell. Place pastry circles at random on top of berries. Place pie on a cookie sheet. Bake in a 400 degree oven 1 hour. Mekee: 6 aervlnga. POLKA DOT BLUEBERRY PIE Putry for a two CrW$l pie ~cup sugar 4 t e aspoons cornstarch ~ cinnamon teaapoon 1A teaspoon nutmeg ~ t•up sour t•ream 4 t•up s fr es h bluelx>rrles Roll half the dough to Makes: One 9-lnch pie. PttlCtS ff RC TM 7 OAYS e 8 A.M., THUllS,, JUNE 2• THRU WfO .. JUNE 30. 1982 U S 0 A Chot<e Fre\h A,,..to<on LAMB SHOULDER ROAST U S 0.A Choo<• Fte\h A,,..nco11 LAMB SHO ULDER CHOPS U S.D A. Choice F,..,., Arneticon 0 -BONE LAMB CHOPS .. l 8 1.69 l8 1.89 lB 2.19 U,S DA Cho•<• Ftelh A,,..ricon LARGE LOI N LAMB CHOPS .. ts. 2.$9 SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS l ~"s~?c~) ~=~~f; 3 • 2 9 ROMAINE LlllUCI I~ .29 JOOS Q-TIPS 1:s9 A tp• , .. FACIAL SCRUB 2 .•• 'ttJl!J ~OJ .. 4076 •6/4 J&J BANDAIDS I . 19 i f A I v,,. ,.,,,._\ SOFT & ORI SOLID 1.89 10-or Aul Vortetiu AUNT .llMIMA 7 5 WAFFLll e 8IO< k & White Generic 4 EAR COB CORN '·or Ant Vot1el1u BANQUET COOKING BAG 12·01 HAW AllAN PUNCH . .99 .39 1193 l U-01. Solltbury St.alt SWANSON DINNER ..................... JI 14,,.17 oa. An!. Vorietiet ==~~:~.~~~~~. 1•3 5 KING SALMON FRESH ALASKAN s3a9 LB. WHOlf OR HALF CENTER CUT SALMON STEAKS lB 4.59 live fo,tern l8 .99 fo••~'" Pon ll~ody ClllllRY llONI CLAMI LAKI SMIL TS L8 1.39 For'"•' John 1 lb Co1no11on Brond 6 0 1 PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS IB 1.29 COOKED & PEELED SHRIMP EA 1.79 Bo• M Rope Style Z•pp• Brond R~d G·•~" Red Ho! 4 5 Ol SMOKED SAUSAGE l8 2.19 FRIED BURRITO EA .29 Bello Do11110 (l•o• Sp11ng\ ldoho 10 0 1 ITALIAN SAUSAGE IB 2.29 RA INBOW DRESSED TROUT EA 1.89 Reol McCoy 12 0 1 Formrr Joho 8 o' BEEF BACON EA 1.79 PORK SAUSAGE LINKS FA .69 A.rmour Frozen Fre1h TURKEY STICKS 18 2.39 GROUND LAMB LB 1.49 ~..,...FRESH BING CHERRIES SWEET WASHINGTON 78L!. Oyno''" '1 01 lottl• SESAME OIL 2. IS K,U omon 10 o• &ot1 • 19·or Pltg AJI MIRIN FRllH fvJObQ No, ioomo J "'' \ o• • I t 1 ,. t &1-J,.~ .. 1.45 1.35 .69 VINEGAR .69 TOFU SEASONING SARDINES IN TO~A TO SAUCE .99 65« ,..,l'l'I, C'tii·O''' l'-.o Hor "'o SEASONED CUTTLEFISH cc::::=:=:::~ UB AN COFFEE 1-LB. CAN ALL GRINDS ll~IT 2.49· 8·0Z. INSTANT. J 89 1 lb Buttermilk .. P~ Von O<! Ko'"p KRUSTEAZ PANCAKE MIX 1.19 BEAR CLAWS 1.59 6 Pit Reg & Pink. Treuwrel 1.19 60 (1 h Ab• w/"Stoy Dry Goth••I G RAPEFRUIT JUICE PAMPERS DIAPERS 8.79 12·pock Block & White. Generic. Flot .95 1.5·01 ENGLISH MUFFINS KEN-L-RATION DOG FOOD .35 32·o• Heovy Duty. Includes I Sc Off 1.78 2·l1ter. Reg & S F .99 WISK LIQUID DETERGENT DR. PEPPER BEVERAGES 6 .. 01 6·Plt II C ~Diel Rile I '2 or (OM FINAL TOUCH SOFTENER 2.39 R.C. BE VERAGES 1.49 18 2S· 19 or Auorted 9 lb 1 J or Include• 60c Off DUNCAN HINll 8 9 COLDWATER 509 CAKE Ml~ll . e ALL D111RGINT 12 PACK COCA COLA 12.oz. CANS • TAB • SPRITE .49 ' NO BAKE -A pound cakt.< lll the base fur an easy summer dt·ssert wi th fresh berru:s and whipped ('ream . 5 0 Fo~'"' form\ fre\h (hie"•"' WHOLE FRYER LEGS LB .99 Fo1••• Fo1m\ f,.,._ C~ ch n FRYER THIGHS 18 1.19 Foller Forrr\ Fr•1h Chic~en FRYER DRUMS lB 1.09 fo•••• For"11 Fr•1h (h.c~•n BONELESS THIGH MEAT LB 1.99 FRESH PORK SPARERIBS LB.1.69 TROPICAL MANGOI 18 .49 PLAIN LABEL BIER •REG • llTE 6·PA(K 1.35 I' .. N~ p, ; BALLANTINE SCOTC H • ,, rt .. ""'" MATEUS CHIPPED MEATS ' 01 Ao• 7 .99 6.99 12·ot l(,,ockwur\I or Pol1\h Sou,og• VIENNA BEEF FRANKS 1.99 llondorn Weight Dor..,on MUENSTER CHEESE 1s 2. 79 12·01 WILSON VARIETY PACK I .•9 llondom WetQlll. Do~oto Fo""' Halfmoon COLBY LONGHORN . . l l 3. 19 12·or. Ind Wrapped ChHH Food, Swlu·Plm KRAFT AMIRICAN 15 llNGLll . JUNE IS FATHER'S MONTH AT HUGHES *We accept coupons from ..... ~l.!!!'!.!_!!!!!'!:.'-~!.~·~"-•· ,,.., ............................ .... ~"''""'~ .................. tftlllllllOt.-.. . ............_,,_., ........ ~'""' ...... ""' ...... ""''*""•lllllf ..... ,......, ...................... ~.,,.-1_._ ........... c..-... , ""'-"'"'"lit ..... ~ .... ~,,.,..,.. .. y-.,...._..,.. .... ~ .... ,,........_ ................ ,..,.. .... . ........................ ,..._IW'I ...... .... c.-... ...._ _......,.. .... ,.,..,....... ~ ,.., I (•vo-e"' ,.'91. ....... •"' •h·(h •• , ........ -•tv. e4 ""-' ...... IN'th•••• ,.. • .cuo•N J t 'D"•' , • ., .. .,.,, "'O' ou•o••4 ) C•"' "-.i·•• •,•"""•• •~ •"' ""''" tvt<~O\t "",."'' ,,.., Mno"-4 • ~t., '"'O"'¥"ffoCl"t•1 t Clv0t"t tf It 00 f' •t u ce1111 ... tlOv .. t 4 J Sv,Ut h;tiel\ ~ , .. ,., 9" ,....,_v.~f" .. ' Ch-ff" •'•~•·'•4 •t '•• • v11w et ''"""' e11t ,,,, . ._, t cevoo"t dt ttr""•"-td "' *"' t~lt P''(' 1 It •• .. ""Ot t•.c\ , ... It-"" ... , I t4 ft' •t•O 't • t Ch~ •t """ '"'ltttot\lf't' 01'11 ,, .. .._ tf t 4Y'l1t\tf't ., • ...,. I l •\It • t,.ff(c• & ft·•t ••Mvt•• ••t•11"4 t ~-t<t,. ...... ., 1-ien"t"' •-"'"' l~ft: tO Offt, .-4 ,,_ , .. '° ... , f..U cow•• ........ , ACCl9'TU -- - I f-l 17~'.\"1\(, · i Roughing it certainly • IS By MARV J ANE SCAR<'EU .. O Deltr ,.... , __ ,..., • Ill no A• If modern hvina Jut•:oi't put t•nough wear und tear on marru1g . ll's ll111c u~u111 tor th(• annual bitllt> ovt'r wht•rn to 11p<•11J a :iummcr vacation M~t ftlrnllles exix·rll·nt-.· a tlny dl!K'repuncy In type and IOl:atlon ol trip involvt•d, with men opting (or u hunting, f1sh1nK or l'umping trip and their wives holding 11ut for a llt11on lloll'I in any major city not <:urre11lly ut war. Men don't undc1 s tund tht• ft•male aversion to the 'Great OutdOOfl', bt"·u 11~•· nwn :>l'l' t•1.11npmg as simply throwinK two sh•t•pmg bags into the back seat and driving off into tht• sunset. Women know u t•umpmg trip falls into the category of Expt'<htmn and wouldn't dream of leaving home without all lhl' supplies Napoleon packed when he mardwd on Most·ow, plus a gaJlon of sunscreen The other pro bll'm 1~ that the Great Outdoors leavt-s a woman with the same basic OUT Of THI KITCHIN chores as at home, but without any of the machines or t.'OOVl·men<.'t:'S of lhl• family hearth. For most woml'n, the phrase "camping vacation'' 1s a t·ontrad1ct1on m tt.'rm'i, and the persori who invents a d1shwashl•r working off a flashlight batl<.'ry will makl' a million. First of all (and 1>fll'n lu::.t, too). thL•re's the cooking. A man who cl<'mHn~s nothing morf' than black coffet'. tht• morning papt>r and large amounts of silt•nt'l' for breakfast at home suddenly becomes Paul Bunyan when away from the c1vilmng inrlut•m•t•s of a ir pollution, television commen:1als and a n alarm dcx:k. "Isn't this a wondL•rlul morning'" he shouts. leaping out of his sll'l•ping bag ;md beating his chest like a largt· rL~lut•nt from the• wo His wife. who t-rawb out fl--ehng likl• she slept o n a p1l<:' of rc><.·k~ .111 night, !Jt'<'f'S c·arefully around to se<' wht>rt• thl' humlX>r '>IZe mosqu1tos o f the pn.•v1ous night hav<' gonl' before comm1ting hcrsl'lf tu murning He goes orr whistling to w.ilk in thl· woods while she c:opes w ith produt·mg :.omethmg hot and edible wllh a mat<.·h-s1wd flame that self- extingu1shC'S whcm•vcr <i pan 1" put ovt>r 11 Most camps1U'S <H't' 10(.·att'Cl w t•ll above sea level, so the.• morning co ff t'l '' at<•1 l<:lkt.'s forever to boil and 1s thC' approx1matl· temp<•rature of molten rock when 11 d0<-s the wilds • • p1cn1c Fried egg11 nrP <'1thcr burcly congealed protein wobbllng on a plate or a y~llow c1rdt• s urro undc.•d by crunchy brown lan>, and pt11l<:akes arc almilarly llfflicted. lt doesn't matter IC thl• chief 'cook and bottle washer forgot the pancake 11yrup, either, because tho subtle and oxollc taste ol kerosene tlavors everything. Often a fine layer oC grit completes the garnish; sort of like powdel'ed sugar sprinkled on French toast. ''This food tastes funny," whine the pickier offspring, to which a mother 1marls cheerfully, "Shut up and cat." By the time she has lmlsht."'(j scrubbing off the burned egg from the Crying pan with sand from a lTeekbt.>d, it's lime for lunch and another round of scraping together a meal. When dinner arrives, she's baltling to serve up the victuals before the bugs carry them (and several small children) away. A smart cook m the wilds'serves dinner well alter dark and refuses to pass the flashlight with the salt. Admittedly, dinner can be a challenge for the man of the fanuly, who sees hunseU as the Great Provider and insists the meal can be planned around the great t•atch of fish he's going to hook. The only catch comes If somwne forgot to pack the can opener, however. and the beans have to be opened with a sharp rock as evening falls and the family starves. If a wife 1s the vengeful sort, she'll remind him of the experience next year when they sit down to plan the family vacation. Then maybe s he'll get to rough ll in a hotel without room service. One he lp for canned camp food with a faint air of kerosene 1s a little seasoning. Here's a· re<:1pe for seasoned salt that's good at home or beside a campstove. Mi x it m a blender, put it in a large metal shaker and take 1t along, unless you're staying at a fancy hotel. SEASONED SALT 6 tablespoons salt '! teaspoon dried thvme ll'aves ' ! teaspoon mar .JOram '! teaspoon garlk salt 2 '• teaspoons paprika 1·l teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon dry mustard '~ teaspoon o nion powder 1 a teaspoon dill sc<'d 11 teaspoon L-clcry seed Combine in a blender and blend until thoroughly mixed Double for a largt• metal shaker. Good as gifts at the holiday season, too ' The forest belongs to every living creatu re . Hit fl new high n111t· 111 \kxiran cmking. For a song! Ru y ;rny ~rre;1t l<1~1 ing Old El Pa:-.t ,· ~auce for 35c off the rts..ri.1lar p1in" '' ith t'11up1111. Try Old El Paso Tarn Saucl'. h()t 11r 111ilcl. Or Old El Pa:-.o Enchilada Sauce. hot, mild or gn•t•n . \ 11d di ..... c1 ,,·er the delicious difference Old El Pi!S<> ""lll"I'" r<111 makt· in vour favorite \lexir:m ch ..... h. 10ffl'r goc>Cl 1111.any size.) C N*'<o ,,..,,., lftC lftl -------------..... ·--------- Orang Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, June 23, 1982 * Labeling inaccurate A rWldom 1urvey of l ,1029 houa c hold producl I bell conduc~ by tht-Nt:w York Pol110n Ccmtrol C.entel" showc'<J that 8~ p e rcent hnd lswdequate or erroneo~ tirat uld information. ln addition, 31 percent 1 a c k e d a I i a0 t o C ingredients which as necessary to determine correc t first aid proeedurc'S. The study included Items such as cleanl'fs, waxes , polishes , det.crgents. laundry aids, drain openers, ammonia produl·t s, ovcr-thc - counter medications, im1ect1c1dcs. pest1c1des. and plant and animal products. Only 15 percent of the products studied had adequate labels that displayed proper first aid informatJon for eye and skin contaC't, ingestion, and inhalation, followed by a recommendation t.o call a physician or poison control center About 6 percent o f labels were found lo bt• incorrect. giving first aid advice that. 1f followed. could be pptt>nllally dangerous to the victim. About half had labels that gave insufficient information . a nd 26 percent had no warnings or fU"Sl aid information ::it all and were m1SSmg the admonition to "Keep Out of Reach of Ch1ldrc·n." Because label advice 1:, so unreliable. the best actio n to t a k e 1s to immediate l y. ca ll a ph ys1c1a n o r p o ison control l'Cntcr in <.'a.St' of accidental mgc'St1on In Orangt• County. th<.• Poison Control Center 1s located at UC lrvinl' Medical Cent.er, 6:34-5988 (24 hours a day). f .tWI /I/ fad}'hUf!\ M A r ,!·I< "•" • ""' ...,"fl h1 ,, \•f'.l['cl ~ ~ fl • \ J "' I ~ ( ot Atm1md • \bu can taste the natural • Here's 20C to discover the natural goodness of Autumn Margarine . Good taste . Good ingredients. There's nothing artificial added. No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives In stick or soft, it's the kind of flavor your family can enjoy. / / ,,/ ~----120t -------~ 20tOFF 20t: I I I l z 12 18 .~ .~ 1ln I I I Autumd Natural· Margarine I ?~IA~l.t~~! stick or soft . . . : •,t.utumnb ntrural btt.au\.111 it rN'de ""''h no 6r'tlfki4.I flavon color' Of pTitUrv6&.llh I I I I .. .. I ,, . I 1 • I 111 5 2 7 5 0 31 Toll •d t ... , .. ,.. •• ,_ •*• ~ """ M I """'-1111• ........ , --'"-" '""" ~ '20t __ ,.,..,h.. 2()tl ~-------------..,..--------.:.! 07 r------. S IO'll COUl'ON : 15( Save 1$( 15( I I I onanypew ~Snack. I; I I (Good only on regular s11' c.mist~) Cheez Balls Corn Chips Cheez Curls Pretzel Twists I 15( -----------------• ' I ~ I I I I . .. Orang• OoHt DAILY PILOT/WtdMeday, Jun• 23, 1982 FRESRIFRESH!FRESR1 FRESH STRAWBERRIFS ARE HAND-PICKED AND DELIVERED FRESH DAILY TO ALL llfREE.IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS STORES! Where Trc;rdition is Country Freshness. ------------------1i;I11; IQ ;(•1t)1191----~~ Large Ruby Red RASPBERRIES $1.29BAS~ET Finest First-of~Season NECTARINES 69~LB Fresh Local GREEN BEANS 59tLB Premium RUSSET POTATOES 98~10LBBAG Certified Organic, Extra Fancy SUMMER, YELLOW CROOK-NECK, GOLDEN ITALIAN AND SCALLOPINI SQUASH 49~LB 'Tender, golden first-of-sea.son localcor~he<Ob is hand-~k.ed. packed in ke. and delwered wlthi11 hours every day to each lrume Ranch Farmers Market. Extra Fancy Green ITALIAN SQUASH 3Lus/$ 1.0.0 -------------------------------------1\~1111:~1~----------------~.------------ BONELESS SIRLOIN LEAN GROUND BEEF MEATY CUBED BONELESS PORK TIP ROAST Nottoexceed.10%fat. STEAKS ROAST Reg $3. 4.9 lb Reg $/.89 lb Reg SJ. 491h loin end. Reg SJ.20 lb $2.79 LB $1.69 LB $2.89 LB $2.98LB --------11-..91 §11 i Ix I J t ] .. ---A-val-lab-le-at-th-l' 'Ii-us-tin 1tnd Newport !ltOl'l'& only! Fresh SEA BASS $4.98LB Fresh IDAHO RAINBOW TROUT Ht'ltS.!4'1/h $1.89 LB Barbara's Bakery Pure & Simple ORGANIC MASHED Pure&Simple WHOLE WHEAT POTATOES MAYONNAISE ELBOWMAC-ARONI lfo= R/'ll \~It ! I u; R1·11 H 'l.'i /("'; Heq SI /II 69~ $1.49 69~ Available at the fuslln and Newport 11tort>s only! __________ , t] ?I"'·-------- CHEESE OF THE WEEK; IMPORTED FRENCH JOANOFARC CAMEMBERT " . . FROM R. W. KNUDSEN: /.m111r./ lo SIOCR flll /11111<11 •'oz Ri!/l S.! ;:11 Cresceda PROVOLONE CHEESE .\/1<1'fl 10 onkr' Rn1 S I 4q lh $2.98LB FRESH FRUIT SALAD ~rlPCI fw Summn' Hf"fl SI 'l.~lh $1.79 LB Hormel BL~CKCHERRY $ .JUICE, 32 oz. 82.25 $1. 79 1.35 APPLE STRAWBERRY, $1.19 Ripe&ReadytoServe SUMMER SAUSAGE CRACKER BREAD IMPORTED FRENCH THURINGER 32••· TROPICAL PASSION, 32 oz. SP.ARK.LING STR4"BERRY, $2. IS $1 .69 $1.35 $2.37 $1.85 $1.4$ LAHVOSH VALEMBERT R~s.14.q1h Rl'flSS.9Slb $2 98 Plmn t>r lthror J or .'i" ; "' ; u: kt'll SI •1'i • LB $1.69 $3.95 LB .-...-..-~ipp~ ... ,...~ .... and N11wp<>rt stol"t's only! --------Available al the Tu!llin Pepperidge farms SANDWICH BREAD H'/1111• flt' Whl'tll • lfio: Rf1l SI/II 69~ Knudaen SOUR CREAM lfi nz Rl'R SI flll 89~ '" ' t1,~ • ·~,, Alpha Trim STARCH BLOCKER lflll IM>< lif'fl SI:! fi11 $11.50 Rachel Perry ALOE PARA TAN FORMULA I n: Rt'(tS.'ilJfl $4.25 I: I ii 4 :tf(1X11 •ti THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS Bu/It ur Poc~ol(etl $1.29LB RAW SVNFLOWER SEEDS Bulk or Pocltn§ed $1.19 LB I: t1 :i #1 •lf11Xu •ti Homemade Irvine Ranch Farmers Marketa CRESCENT ROLLS Packa~of4 $1.79 ' Homemade Irvine Ranch Farme~ Markets 100% NATURAL FRENCH STYLE BREAD No Sugar, No Preservatives added. 16ozloaf $1.19 .SPA8&UNG . CHERRY, 7 1/2 oz. ! 1 ~ FRO •. BANSENc NATtJRAL SODAS, l(aadarla·Llme, L••'9•·Llme, GraJteJ'ralt or 69~ 55~ 45t 1 NatarialCOla 51~ 12 oz.Cu• ,,. 82.99 $2.29 $1.95 JUlCES, 11; APPLE STRAWBERRY _.JtrlCf:,A.PPLE BLA.~K CBERRY, APPLE BOYSENBERRY, APftLEBAWANA, A•ft.& PEA CR, 1'&0PICALA.PP~, PINEAPPLE COCOWIJT, . rl b I 1• 31 o•.•ottlM ~ , 81.IS $1.$9 . o • • • ii ·~ Retail~ at ~h FoodStorff. Ll•lt ••s•ta ••••r•••, Ne Dealer Sale•. Prices good through Tuesday, June 29 COSTA M.aAINEWPORT ~ 2t51 ltvlM Avenue South of ..... Dl'lw 131-4404 . _ ... ....,.. ............ IRYINE 14002 My'ford Aoed It Santi An• FrHWIY 131-2151 tlJI\ to 7pJn. liloll.· S.l ta.m. tolip.m. .... TUSTIN 13152 Newport~ It trvtne eoue.¥1td 131-1570 . .._ ....... .._ ..... £1 Orange Ooaet DAIL V PILOT /Wedn11day. June 23, 1982 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Diet in style with chicken Oi•Ul'\I -I\ CflN lnly d oHn't have to mean Iona. huncry da)'I 1pent crunchln1 carro\1 a nd alpDina water. · Thi• aummeir, don'\ 1ulfer. Oleit In 1tyle with Peachy-Pec:1m Chlckt n roU.. Sliced peachce and ch opped pecan • are combin ed with tansy bottled light rod Ruuian dr essing, c reating a delicious and delicate filling for tender chicken breast rolls. Stir the light dreM!ng right. into the aklllet to c r eate a u n iq u e a n d savory sauce that's high In flavor a nd low in calories. Enjoy the fruity chicken rolls piping hot ·Cooking with class • WILLIAMS-SONOMA in South Coast P laza will host Maida H eatte r , au t ho r of "M aida Heatter's New Book of Great Desserts," a t 7 p.m. on J une 24 . Some desserts will be available for tasting, and she wall autograph books. · FA SS ERO 'S IAternational Cookware in Corona de! Mar will offer a class in Chinese cooking at 7 p.m. on June 30. Madame Wong will instruct, and the fee is $25. Call 673-2343 for r ese r vations and information. BROEK-MOORE in L aguna Nigue l wal l conduct a Lunch and Learn class at 12:05 p.m. on July 12. Menu will be Szechwan Noodle Salad, and participants can see a demonstration, obtaJn a recipe and eat lunch Cost is $5.50. Carl a W uistcr w ill teach a cool coo king microwave class at 7 p.m. on J une 24. She wil l emphasize the basics of p r eparing b reakfasts, b runches, snack s a nd dinners. Fee is $15. Ann Dreyer will teach preparation of an Italian picnic at 7 p.m. on June 30. Menu will include kiwi with prosciutto, rolled breast of veal, tortollino salad a nd orange shells filled with orange c rea m . Fee as $18.50. Patty G11lhllan will oo nduct a c la ss an preparation of fresh fruits desserts ranging from Italian and French fruit tarts to double-crust cherry pie at 7 p.m. on July 8. Fee is $18.50. Roy P in go wall i n trodu ce cooking students to special pates at 7 p.m. on July 15. Rec ipes will include brandied chicken liver pate with c ucumbe r rings, pate ma1son du Roy and. pate en croute Fee is $15. COAST Hardware in Laguna Beach wall offer K atie Lan g Slattery teachi n g auth e ntic Chinese dishes at 6:30 p.m. on June 24. Menu will include assor ted a p petizer salad, roast lemon chicken, eight· jewel rice casserole and ginger ice cream with lwon -ton cookies. Fee is $18. Joan Culbertson will t each a n adva n c ed microwave class at 6:30 p.m. on June 29. Menu will be artichoke quiche, Cornish game hens a la orange with wild rice stuffing, broccoli-celery aJmondine and pineapple dessert. Fee is $15. B etsy Moulton will offer a quick, easy and elegant dinner party at 6:30 p.m. on July 15. ' Students can go from the shopping bag to a dinner in an hour and a half with brie with nul.'I, cold beet and cucumber salad, scampi w i t h P e rnod , pas t a prlmavera a nd strawberries Romanoff . Fee ls $20. S uaan Slack will teach p re p a rati o n o f a J apanese picnic lunch at 11 a.m. on July l~. S he has lived in Japan and will offer both food ideas and artl1tlc arrange· 'menta ln traditional lacquered picnic boxes. Fee la f20. Call th e ator e at 497-4403 for lnfonnat.lon and enrollment. from the 1tove, or tf you p refer, 1orve1 thl• 1llmmtna 11.un.mcr tnt.ree chilled. Beatn your dlet today by addlna P~hy-Pecan Ch icke n Rolla to the menu. Bot h you a nd your acale are sure to aar"oe that 260 calorie• n vor tailed to 100<1. PEACHY ·PECAN CHICKEN ROLLS l can (8 ounces) sliced peache11 In natural juice, drained (reserve ~ cup juice) 2 t ablespoons chopped pec:aN \i cup Uaht Ruat.n dt9111na 2 whol• ch ick e n btfflll (about 1 . poWld ffeh). 1pllt, and aklnned, boned and pounded "' cup chicken broth 1 \.\ te&lpooN lime or lemon juice In srnatl bowl, combine peache1, pecan• and 8 t easpo on• llght r ed Ruaaia n dre 11l na . F.qually top chicken with mix ture; roll up and secu re w ith w ood e n toothpicks. ln ·tar,. aklllet, melt butter and br ow n clllcken. Add broth and lime julct. Brine to a b oll, the n 1lmmer covered, l& min utet or untll chkken II tender. Removt chick en and keep wln'n. Into 1k1llet, heat remalnlng dr81lng, 1Urring COl'\ltanUy, un til 11ightly thicke ned. To aerve, top chlcken with sauce. Makes 4 servings a t 260 calories p er serving. NOT E: C hicken can alao be served chilled. Red.Ripe Whole ~~~rnatennelon per lb. Fm1r•er John Bacon llb.pkg. Lim.lt J39 21b~ per Customer Ralphs Egg Sesame Bread llb. loaf .59 LightCh\lllk In Oil or Wat er Chicken of the Sea Tuna 61/2 oz. can EE~~,.77 LOW CALORIE Peu~:hc g and light R u s s I o rt d r l' ~ 8 I n g flavor fl ~umrrwr tlwl di8h. II ., ••••••• Save .89 p1US:d with Coupon ~ Ralphs-Vinyl Inlla1able FREE I Beach Ball with coupon and ssoo I ma.n pwchase Limit One Item and One Coupon Per Custom er WNl• supply Lasts. ~ Coupon EUective June 24 thru June 30 , 1982 !J ~------------· Double Coupon Presenl 1h1s coupon along with any one Manufacturers "cents olf coupon Cln<J gPr rJout1tf: ,,,._ savings when you purchase the Hem Not to include retailer free or grocer~ 11u•<.t•<1Sl' coupons or eicceed the value of the item Exchides liquor. tobacco and d<l"Y produCI~ Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective June 24 thru June 30, 1982 Double Coupon Present this coupon along w11t1 any one Manufacturers· "cents off" coupon and qet doutile Inf: savings when you purchase the item Not 10 include "re1a1ler", "free· or gioccry purcnasc• coupons or exceed the value of the item Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective June 24 thru June 30, 1982 Double Coupon Present 1t11s coupon along w11h any one Manufacturers' "cents olf coupon and ger douOll' "'" savings when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer free or grocery pu•chase coupons or exceed the value ol the item. Excludes ltquor, tooacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective June 24 thru June 30, 1982 12oz.Can Coors Beer ___, p!~k389 ~ Adult Oltt~ $ nckets 6B~0~··8 e:!?a~.!.~ UNLIMITED TICKETS Child's ... s 00 11~~~~5 Only At fg,hs! e~~:!§ They're the best kind of tickets you can buy . unlimited usag e . to give y ou all the tun. all the rides. all the gOOd times of Knott's Berry Fann trom the time you arrtve in the morning, t1l the time you leave at nigh t Available June~ thru Augu.s129.1982 ' ' , a s .. Orange Oout OAILV PILOTIWednMday, June 23, 1912 Consumer survey shows food price optimism ~I By MARTIN SLOANE • It ahould ~'Ume u no 1urprl1e that thtt aupennarkf't lnduttry It lntere1ted In our 1hoppln1 habit•. The people who operaw the aupormarke\1 llko tu know what wtt'rti doing Mnd , tiv~n moru Important, whut we're thlnkln,. rtfund forma at the 1upermarket , in new1paper1 a nd maaaaln 1, and whon tradtn11 with friends. Otter• may not be available In aU a.reu of the country. Allow 10 week1 to recelvci each refund. Proireulve Grocer, an lndu1try trad e publication, found on Its recently released "49th Annual Report to the Grocery Industry" that the average shoppe r vialted the supermarket 2.53 times a week during 1981. That was up from 2.31 trips in 1981 and was the first increase In more than five years. The report also found that we consumers were a little more optimistic about food prices. Some 38 p ercent o f th e shoppers in the survey expected that food prices would remain mor e stable than in recent years; that was up from 31 percent in 1980. (We could afford to be a little more optimistic, since the Consumer Price Index for food consumed a t home increased 7.3 · percent in 198l. down froin 8 percent the previous year.) What did the report tell the supermarke t op er ators about our money-saving habits? It found that 88 percent of us believed that it was important to keep track of the exact prices of our purchases. · Using cents -off coupons ranked second among money-making habits; 83 pe rcent of those questioned said that coupo n s we r e important in shopping economically. A little farther down the list was the use of stor e br and s and generics, with 55 percent of the r esponden t s ranking them as important. The s upermarke t operator s are always eager to know why we choose their supermarket over others. What are the characteristics we look for in making our choice? In 1980, the report found that "low prices" ranked No. l on our shopping list. But last year, the report found that "cleanliness" was back in first place. ••All prices clearly labeled" ran second, and "low prices" came in third . "Accurate, pleasant checkout clerks" was sixth, "frequent sales" was 11th, "short wait for checkout" was 16th, and "trading stamps" was a distant 38th. (The availability of clean restrooms wasn't even on the list. Perhaps the people conducting the survey weren't in the stores long e nough to need them.) Believe it or not, the supermarket operators also want to find out how much money we think they are making. Perhaps th ey c an breathe a sigh of relief. The survey found that only 29 percent of us believed that the stores • were "making muc h more money than ever before," down from 32 percent the previous ~MART SHOPPER AWARD The Smart Shopper award goes to Joann Shafer of Scio, Ohio. . Her supermarket had Sock Sense on sale for "66 cents a pair and was offering double coupons. She had eight 50-cent coupons, which she used to get all eight pairs free. "I then went home and sent in four front names f o r a $3 .50 refund," she says. "What a bargain!" Ms. Shafer and other readers whose money- sa vi ng experien ces appear in this column receive a free copy of my refunding magazine, The National Supermarket Shopper. Write to me in care of this newsrper. CLIP 'N' ILE REFUNDS Mtteellueo91 NOD·Food Prod.eta (File lt·A) Clip out th1a file and keep it with •imllar caah-off coupon• - beveraae refwid offera with~ ooupona, for example . Star'\ colleet1n1 the needed =of purmue while for the req~ 1, BANDAGE Rebate, P.O. Box NB-002, EJ P1101 Tox.u 79977. &celve a 60-«>nt refund. Send the "Aca" name from tho front p11nel of any Acv Elutlc &ndap carton, the regl1tor tape and your namt.i and addreea on a 3-by·O-inch card. Expl.ree Aug. 31, 1982. llPElllllll IHIPPll 1tatementa from Otp·It or a rept.er t.ape with the price of ontt 8-ounce bottle of Dtp-lt 2 circled. Explree Dec. 31, 1982. wtth the price circled. ExJ>ire9 Dec. 31, 1982. OURACELL $1 Refund Offer. Send the required refund form, the top quarter of the panel from an}' 0, C, AA or 9 -volt Duracell battery package and the register tape. Expires Aug. l, 1982. required rotund form from the peck.a&e and 20 cent• for _po1taae and handlllul. EXplrw March 31. 198:f. RA YOVAC H eavy from the blck of the box Duty $1 Refund. Send and the dated re1l1t.er th~ required refund tape with the price form, the UnlverHl clrded. Expires Jan. l. Product Code 1ymbol1 1983. and numben from three SOCK SENS!: Refwld Rayovac Heavy Duty Offer. Receive a refund Batt.erle1 packagee and of 00 centa, $1.20, $2.26 the repter tape(•) with or $3.00 . Send the the p r ice• cl r c;led. required re fund form Expl.ree Jwy 31, 1982. and the name "8ock RAID Free The foUowlnQ refund offer. arc worth $13.74. Thi• week '• refund offera have a total value of $21 .83. These often require forms: DIP-IT, Economlca Laboratory lnc. Receive a 00-cent refund. Send the required refund form a nd two net-weight RAIN DANCE Rebate Offer. Receive a $1.25 refund . Se n d th e required refund form, the Rain Da nc e Mechanical Bua Offer. Recelv~ 4.6-inch hhrh Rald Mechankal Bug. Send the r eq uired refund form and the word• "John1on Wax Raid Roach Traps" from the back panels of two R ai d R oac h Trap packages. Expires Oct. 31, 1982. SeNe" from the p.ck.age SIM 0 N I Z fronts of Sock Sen ae S U P E R P 0 L Y $ 2 aodu. Send one proof for Refund . Send theoo centa, two for $1 .26. required refund form, three for $2.26 or four t h e • ' S I m o n i z for $3.00. Expi.ree Dec. SuperPoly" auarantee 31, 1982. Thia offer doesn't requlre ll form: ACE E LA STIC ,uarantee statem ent rom the back of one Rain Oa.noe Car Wax box and the register tape ERASER MATE Pen Offer. Receive an Eraser Mate 2 .J>en.. Se!"d the Harvey & Denise Levinger Laura & Ed Jones SaY'!d •18.84 Saved S14ift ~·t· Lucky's total: $102.54. The total at the Lucky's total: $87.88. The total at the other market on the same or other market on the same or comparable items: $123.38. The comparable Items: $102.07. The Jones Levingers saved $18.84 at Lucky. saved $14.19 at Lucky. THtt•k•n Ju,,. 1. 1ee2 T •II 1nan Ju,,. 3. 11192 Selection plus savings. There's nothing more basic to food shopping than selection and savings. Your neighborhood Lucky makes meal planning easier with over 200 cuts of meat, fish and poultry: over 100 fresh produce Items; and nationally advertised brand names. All discount priced ... that's basic valuel We're so confident in our low price leadership, we asked shoppers to compare our prices with another supermarket of their choice. First they purchased their own list of items at Lucky. Then, they compared the same or comparable Items at the other market. In test after test. shoppers proved greater savings at Lucky. Compare for yourself. CANNED & PACKAGED rLADYLEE 69 CHUNK TUNA UgM-. •Vi Or c.n• Oii or Wlttt Pd r LADY LEE 149 SUGAR SLO GrlnUlatld 819 (Oocumantallon on Iii• I pi 89 -----------------------. '~~:-:'!~!.~.1~~~ 101 C-• FRESH MEAT FRY INC CHICKEN WhOlllOdy Cl'IOI A SOvtMm BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST IOnOld ..., U> • FRESH CROUNO BEEF .. 119 FARMER.JOHN 99 HAM SNr* PortlOn lb • MyCOOUd ~.~.~~ ... 1.n FRESH FISH ITEMS ~f!ER.~~~!~~~. ~~~~. u 1.09 ~.~~s~ .!~.?~.~ .............. 1.49 CANNED & PACKAGFD rPOTATO 69 ~!~v. 101 a.g• lf9Wir or Olp !~~~~~ ........ tlOICM•29 l~~ .~~.~~~~~not tl\ .99 l ~~~2 ~.~~~ ...... •ot lllW .59 l~-~~~2-...... '"'°'-.89 l~~.l!~:.~oru.2.53 l~!.~~~. I001!0# 1•03 r~.~~ ............ 57 l~;~~~ ..... noitll 1.09 r~~!:.~~~sl~Ol ... 1.32 l~~T.~~~or ,..2.45 12.~. ~~~~~.UGI .2.99 l~~~~. tfOl -.89 l ~~~~~~ .~~~~.5~.01 ~ 1. 99 l~~~~~s 11ou n 1.19 l~.~1.~.~~~ 1101 M 1.69 l APPlESAUCE _.,.-·· .... 1tOICM 051 110I CM.44 M01 t T\ 1.39 l~--~y~sr.~~~OI toi 1.29 l~~!~. ~~~~. "°' _ 1.49 r~~I~~' ....... ""°' eoa.89 I~~!~~.~~~.~~"01 '°.1.55 r~~~.~~~ ..... , .. -.89 ~~~'.~. ~~~·E··. •oor -4.19 l!~s.~.~!~~.~~~~.~1! 1.35 re~~ ..... tor-.65 ATOCHIPS IOllCe89 ~!~~~~~ tCT -.48 ~~.~.~.~~~~~ •.• ,.Of CM2.53 2.~~~ ........ •10tCM2o53 HARVEST DAV BREAD 57 ...u.a """"'°°' ---11 Cll .... , ••,,., • ••••• , ••• Mot lOllh DELICAH SSEN I rt-.M '. r~~ ....... 1s9 Aln«IC:ln fO~K.~~~~.~. 101-2.09 l~~e.~.~.~~~·••ar-1.39 £~:!., LE.~.~.~.~~~~,01-1.49 I~~~~.~~~5~ ....... 101-.69 r ~2: r?~~~. ~~~.~;e_ 1.29 l ~_LI~U~~ ~~~ ~.'!A!e3.49 r ~er~~~~.~.~~:~. \01 _ .69 l ~18~!'!!.~~!~ ""or CM• 2 3 ~~~.~~~ .. Mor-1.89 DAIRY & FROZF N HOMOCENIZED 193 MILK La0y lM GalllOn It! 'CRADEAA 78 ~~EE~~cm • l~~~~ ~~~ot IO• 2.69 ~~ ~~ ~ •• ~~~~ ••••• GM4ClllT\ 1.88 l~.~.~! .....• a..35 l~~.1~ .•.......• 1AGI "11 •~g l!~.~.~-nll.59 l~.~ ....... "' 1.7$ l=~. , .. ~Cit IOCt 79 r~~TI ...... UOl<Mo79 122.~~~ .............. 99 l~.~~••••·· •UOtl .. 1.09 l HARVEST DAV PEAS 79 ................... ·········-· The Discount Supennarkel ~t:S~;: ...... 1.ft ............................... 1. FRESH OYSTIRS 1 9 ························· .... . DAIRY & FROZE-N pe LADY LEE 37 ·~~~!c~• ltt9UI¥ or Pini r HARVEST DAY 129 ICE CREAM sou-Half CM crn BEER & WINE r PABST BEER 1lPaO SPANAOA WINE TVROl.IA WINE """" 1.99 !hit I T\ 1.99 r~~SSON WI~~;." 2.99 I ~&~ec;_,,, .. m 2.89 P'KeyBuya 6 mean extra savlnga. Key Buys are items prtceo ~low the11 everyday d1tcount prlC:H ts a rasull Of manul1cturers· t1mPQrtry promo1ton11 1llow1ncH or eac1p11on11 purch•M& You II llnd 11undracl1 of Key Buy items every II~ you er.op t H lUSf HOL(l X. Pf-r l'F. ..... 349 r~~.~~.~~.~.l!~,,.1.95 ~~ ....... -2.29 r~~.~.~.~~.~~o -.69 l~~·~••• ftlJIGl 1.29 PHO nt lC F I T fM ~ RIDllPI TOMATOES ...... ,,_ ~-49 ~.35 u24 ........ _ _.,...,_ ... ,,.. ... _.....,·_"_,_,,_"_ ..-....-----;....-----:-~-::--------------... \ 1 ~r .......... ~., ........................................ ------------"· ..... ---------------·----------~~-----,--~~---------------- -- Trouble-£ ree casseroles You've probably nover h eard of hid-back cUMtrolet. They're .,uy- t o • m • k e 1 umm e r ~rolea that let you lie back and take It cuy on the ti.ach or backyard patio becau.ee they can be prepared ahead of time. But there'• n oth ing laid -back about the exciting flavors of fresh, wholesome vegetables that atar in these casseroles. They'll propel you right out of your chaise lounge. F.aslly readied early ln the day o r the night before, Golden Emerald Baked Squash is a light and nutntious blend of sliced jade-green zucchini and yellow squash. Alternating with the squash are layers of c h o pped nuts a nd pungent Parmesan cheese. Just befo r e setting up the grill for the barbecue, simply remove the casserole from the r efriger ator and put in the oven to bake. Soft-shelled squash, such as zucchini, should be tender fresh-looking, and fairly heavy in relation to size. They should also be free from cuts or bruises. Low in calories and sodium, squash contributes a wide range of nutrients to your diet. You ·won't have to spend the day in the kitchen to make Baked Toma toes M edi t e r - ranean , either (but 1t will taste as if you had). Toma to es and mushrooms in an egg custard highlight this casserole, richly flavored with fresh parsley and basil. C h oose unblemish ed tomatoes that have a uniform r ed color and are neither over-ripe nor soft. They should not be refrigerated until fully r ipened. T h e ever - popular tomato is rich in "11amins A and C plus important minerals. y•llow 1wnm r tquuh, 1Uced ~ -lnt•h thick 1 mt!Cllum zucchlnJ, 1llced IA -lnch thick '-' cup butter or margarine, m~lted ~ c up coarsely chopped walnuts \!\c up grated Parmesan cheese 2 table s p oo ns chopped fresh dill or 2 teaapoons dried dill Arrange h a lf the squash and z ucchini slices in a 9-inch pie plate. Brush with melted butter. In a small bowl combine walnuts, cheese and dill. Sprinkle half the m ixture over the squash. R e peat with remalning ingredients. Bake in 350-degree oven 25 to 30 "minutes until squash is tender. MAKES: 4 servings. BAK.ED TOMATOES MEDITERRANEAN 2 tomatoes, sliced Yt-mch thick V. cup packaged dry bread crumbs, divided 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Swiss cheese, divided 1 medium onion, sliced Yt p ound mush - rooms, sliced l cup half and half 3 eg g s. slightl y beaten Yt c up c h op p e d fresh parsley 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil or 2 teaspoon s dried leaf basil l large clove garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt 114 teaspoon pepper Arrange sliced tomatoes in a 9-inch pie plate. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons bread c rumbs and l c up s hred d ed c he ese. Arrange onion slices and mushrooms on top of c hee se . Sprinkle remaining bread crumb6 and c he ese ov er mus hroom s. In small bowl combine half and half, eggs, parsley, basil, garlic, salt and pepper. P our over vegetable- cheese layers. Bake in a Look for freshness, 350-degree oven 40 to 45 colo r and shape when minutes. L et stand 10 purchasing mushrooms. mlnut.es before serving. Their normal color is MAKE S : 4 t o 6 white to light brown: servings. select those that ar e Note: Recipe may be bright and attractive. partially assembled in ~ow in calories a nd advan ce . Arrange sochurn. mushrooms are vegetables and cheese in high in potassium, 99 pi e p 1 at e . Cover. per cent fat-free, and Refrigerate. Combine con~ a fair amount of remaining ingredients. protem. Cover and refrigerate. GOl:.DEN EMERALD Just before baking pour BAKED SQUASH eg g mi x t u re o v e r l m e d i u m -s i z e vegetable-cheese layers. MICROIAVI COOKING ~ipe CHEDDAR-Y FLORENTINE EGGS 6 eggs. slightly beaten 2 tablespoons butter or margarine l green onion, sliced 1 can ( 10 ~ ounces) condensed Cheddar cheese soup l cup chopped fresh spinach ~ teaspoon dry mustard Slices bacon, cooked and crumbled In 1 V2 -quart glass casserole, combine all ingredients except bacon. Cover with glass lid. M icrowave on HIGH 6 to 7 minutes or until set but still moist, stirring once. Stir and let stand, covered, 2 minutes before serving. Garnish with bacon. Makes 4 servings. Food prices up From Th e A11oclated The la test sur vey Preas s h o w e d t h a t t h e Grocery bills went up ma r k e t b a s k et bi 11 last month at the fastest increased during May at pace in almost a year, the checklist store in 10 accord i n g to a n cities, rising an average A ssociated Press of 2 .1 perce nt, and marketbasket survey decreased in three cities, whic h s h ows h igh e r dropping an average of prices a t the meat 1.3 percent. The overall count.er were to blame increase of l .3 percent for much of the increase. was the largest since The AP survey June 1981 when prices showed that the price of also rose 1.3 percent. a randomly selec:\ed list ' Comparing to day's of 14 food·and non-food prices with those at the i tems ch ecked at one start of the year, the AP supennarket in each of f o u n d t h a t t h e 13 c i \lea rose by an marketbaaket bill was up average of 1.3 percent at the checklist store in d u r i n g M a y . T h a t 10 cities and down in compared w i th a three. fo r an overall decrease of eight-tenths average increase of 3.1 o f l percent during peri;:ent during the April. . five--month period. The The AP began I ta average marketbasket 1urvey on March l , 1973. bill dropped 6.4 percent P r l c e s h a v e b e e n in the same period last rechecked on or about. year. ' t h e It a r t o f e a c h One of the few bright ~ month lince spots for consumers Wt then. The findinp are m o n t h w a a t h e not weighted to refiect continuing decline ln the aeuonal adjuatment or to price of egp. ahow what percent.age of Prices for m eat - a family'• actual food particularly pork - budget eac h hem were up 1harply laat repre9ell\&. month, however. ' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedn .. d1y, June 23, fee2 PREPARE AHEAD Summer vcgewbles can become convenience foods when fixed ahead in a casserole. Beef~Rib-Steak Sof•woy Ouolity a •• 1 •ib, lor11• lnd ~199 SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Leg of Lamb 5£.":~~ to 1219 Sirloin Lamb Chops(11o0~et:'C:99) .., 12111 Rib Roast ~~~J ,, 1299 Safeway Whole Hog Sausage l.i~· '199 Fresh Squid t.4on1t•ty 5129 11 I Breaded Perch Fillets L~~\ s1a11 -:;Nectarines t~~ , •. 39c (,~~·~0 ~j·­Frelh;:J • Cucumbers Berries R b G f . BtUlll.Hl u y rape ru1t F'"°'''' 10 29' R d Q • GmtOn e nions Hamburat1s ID 25' Red Plums 5="' ID 79' Crisp Fresh Carrots 2 :v 39' 'Olll MYOR WIMY · FILM DEVILOPllG Fresh Beef Brisket s.~=~· 111 1211 Beef Cube Steak = 11 1251 Fresh Ground Beef ~1a1F~'*:a.~ lb1131 Chunk Bologna 1au~~•3t> lb •11• Skinless Franks HI> $129 P\g Fned Chicken Ff01!::.~':1tca 21• s2ae ao. s...,,. Topp.cf Wlth Choo .. Sou<• ..... ·-_.... ·~~ -~.• Pineapple r -., Q)flj. ~1r:e,a:; Melons ,, . .,, 39 o.~~··29 ( ........ ( ~ ~ . '-~---------'~----------~ Mushrooms 8f= 12-or s1ee ~g Large Mixed ore:::,~ 1'uncft s2ee Gladiola Bouquets 0\1"4;h '2"' Assorted House Plants 6 ;: '3" .... Peppers ,. ....... 89 ••.H c ~ . tallan Squash n;:.: 39c • 100 ..,.._ Dr., Newpwt .._.. • ...... Cwt ...... -. utw ..._ • • •1 eo. 9'Wlol, lanta AMI HAMBURGERS NEVER ••• Tasted so· good f o r hot & splcy uae I Cook-In' Sauce ln your , hamburger ... for that Far East flavor use Sweet 'n Sour. Add 2·3 tbsp. sauce.chopped onions, and 1 egg to 1 lb. ground meat. Mix well. Cook as usual. FREE ! Recipe Book Wrlle WOODY'S P.O. Box 1788, Long BHch. CA 90801 AVAILABLE AT EL RANCHO• GELSON'S •HUGHES IRV/Nt; RANCH MARKET & other fine food stores Follow your team in the Daily Pilat GROCERY ::: Hi-Ori Paper Towels C-£ Margarine Cubes ~ ~Hamburger Buns°'Mr":'= 2¢'Lucerne Ice Cream Lucerne Buttermilk Lucerne Half & Half f.S~159' ~39' 2 "'J: '1 ~~·119 ~ Los Hermanos Light ·;:;:s L',,~ 1299 ~ Scoresby Scotch "''!' :.r; 1999 ze Smirnoff Vodka 1 ·s s9e9 "f' ~ Black Velvet ~'"'":o1~:•skt 1 1s s11u Liie< 6 Packs 2 12 Ol 1300 Cans ~ Brown Derby Beer 1 r=:============~ Gallo Wines =~~;:IMly --. *444 • Chobll1 ,,;;:::. II one 3 •led.... hHr.I Uter .C.tol no ~...,,, l't\o t•"'P." ofe,,.. woh .,.., •l'I• menvfMfY•_. • ;::"~~r~o.:-:':.-~.:' H~~·,::~:..:h~,:::.~· -:::: I t•M•ry pvHhCu• C•wfN~• I'"'•' fho" "'• d.Mwt ., I ••c•.d the voh,• et th• ,,.,.._ faclv4•• hq~ ,._... I I •~ ... cfou-,. pre-dvth lfM1t ~ 1t•m ,., cw,.._. ~· I tkfff cevjlMn• pet cv1t.me• GM4 Jvne )4 >O 1•12 et f (\) .. Sof•woy S• .. •• '" S-11. .. n C.~1 ... ,. (&.) I I \ II-<••• S.,. Ot.t• & IMli•"' ... C.vftllllH Y ~----------------J ~7m!Jl!lfl. I yew purC'hoH th• •••m Net I• 1n<-lvcf• ••lftft•t ' fr•• I ,, •• ,, ,..,,(~... '•"'"'9"' ....... ,he,.. ~ ....., ... I I ea_c...f tt.. ..... "'. of the •'•"" l ul1o1cfet 1 ... -..... ,._A I ond oll 4-1fY P'-4vc.•• ~1t -"'• 1t...-i,.., CtM"9ft lHftlt I tht" e:ev...,,.• P•' "'"'~•• Ge+d J"'..,. 1..._>0 1•11 et I I (\) .. Mf•••' ,, •.••• ,. s.,,,...,,. c.M.,'"9 (\) ' • , t.up• s. .. o..,. a ''""''°' c.v".... I -----------------· "'•M"t ~. cew,."' •'•"I w~th ony 9"• meni.tfoch••••'t ',· • I •,.,.,. .H c~p•n •Nil 9•t •~'"-,.._ .. W•nt• wh..,. pu pvr<Mu tt\• Ihm ~I t• ~vcl• ,.,.,..,, f,.. I. I ::~.:J ,:':~:: .:·:=7,'.!'-:!dV::" .. :::, ~~= I I oNI .. 4e.,., p..,;vch Lloft\rt ~ .,..,. ,,., .-...,,...,. L.HiNt I ..... ~· ,... <v•Jt>m., 0.... JvM 14·10 ttl J .. .. s.t ...... $•••• •" s.wt..., .. c.M .. ".. I I (\) lh•••• s.. o..w• ...... ,...... c-..... , (\)I ~---------------~-· SAFEWA Y'S NO NAME HAS A NAME ••• Scotch Buy ·. Green Peas 1 ....... ~ ... ~l.!.nnaise 11 ... s 11 • '• H• .- ;. ·: HEALTH & BEAUTY Multiple Vitamins 511ew•y W'1~1ro<l :;m~s459 • Safeway Multi pie Vitamins eott1t s3ee ol~ Rubber Bands 'r ~. ':',~ •100 Professional Brush p\I lf Sf9 Sue l«ft • Trim Emeryboard ProleUIOll•I ~~ 59c : • 1•u1 o...., Dr.,•• w-.... tmM 1 I , ""' 11 r ! ' ( I _______________________ ._..,,. ________________________________ .. _____ _.,,.,_,_-. -.--.... _.,.. .,..,.,,,,..... • B4 Orange Oout OAILV PILOT/Wedn .. day, June 23, 1982 • Price records broken in Heublein auction \ly JERRY D. MEAD HEUBLEIN AUC· TlON More than S600,000 worth of win" chani od hand• In a alnale day at th" 14th annual Houbleln Auc tion. Thia year's auction took place an Botton. The htaheat prlect J*ld tor a single botll" thla ~ear wu Sl3,000 for a eroboam of 1929 hate au Mouton · Rothschild, while a 1tandard bottle of 1865 Chateau Lafit e commanded $10,000. A retailer from F1orida set a r ecord f or lndlvidual purchases by spending $83 ,495. Papillion Restaurant of Fremont, Invested a total of $53,150 in fine and rare wines. No important price records were broken, and Heublein still refuses to auction California wines produced by wineries othe r than the ones they own, with the exception of a couple of finns long out of busmess. A serious auction s h ould be serio us l y involved in selling wines -everyone's wines. It should not be solely a public relations event to promote some brands to the exclusion of others. One of the events that has tarnished the shine on Heublein's sale is the Napa Valley Wine Auction which debuted last year. Not only did it steal some of Heublein's thunder in the media, but stole He ublein 's auctione e r , th e unflappable Michael Broadbent of Christie's of London. BEST BUYS - Everyone l oves a bargain, including wine writers and wine co n s umer s . The following are a pair that deserve special attention. The M o nt erey Vineyard 1979 Pinot Blanc (about $4.50) Love Chardonnay but can't afford $10 to $15 the bottle? This wine is pr o du ce d in a Chardonnay style, has s up erb balance , restrained fruit flavors, and subtle oak influence. Fresh • • v1tam1ns Fresh fruits a nd vegetabl es add color , texture and variety to o ur die t s. as well as supply vitamins A and C. W it h ou t fru its and vegetables, 1t is difficult for a p erson to get e n o u gh or these nutrients. How much 1s enough? The four food group system makes it easy to tell. Remember, for adults the fonnula 1s 2-2-4-4; fo r c hildre n unde r twelve it is 3-2-4-4; and for teenagers it's 4-2-4-4. That means eating a minimum of that number of servings from the milk, meat, vegetable and fruit, and bread and cereal groups. But how much is a serving? For fruits and vegetables the rule of thumb is one-half cup cooked or juice. or one cup raw, A serving of apple or banana is a m edium- sized one. A large potato might be equivalent to two servings. An individual bowl of salad greens would be one serving; so would a glass of orange juice, a handful of celery and carrot sticks, or a small d is h of stir -fried zucchini. Dining out popular Eating out is up restaurant sales have l.ncreaaed 7 to 8 percent 90 far this year compared to the same period last year. Customer traffic is climbing too. especially at family -type eating establishments. Seafood ia up i n demand, beef down in restaurants. Mexican food ia the top ethnic food and iOlng •trona. followed clOeely by ltalian and Oriental d!ahe9. c.otfee and hard liquor are droppin& in popularity. Puroh11ed In caae lot1 tho prh ... 1hould be even lower, which wol.lld be like 11.eaJlna h . The Chrl1Uan Bro1. ''C\.iv 809" Napa Fume (about •~> The Brothen put out a con1latantly sood bottle of Fume at a reuonable price. Other w ineries In the Napa Valley charge twice aa much and then aome. Thi.I ono haa pleasantly grassy overtones and la crisply finished with good fruit that won't overpower food. Both wtnoa are available ln Sood supply nationally, and both won aold medalJ In their cla.u at Oranae County. HOT RUMOR Word la that one of the larae1t family-owned e nt1tlea In the Napa Valley It for aale after turn i ng down uncountable offers over the put decade. Tell me it isn't true, Peter. Aho through the grapevine, via a bank lllDDN WINI o tflclal who thoul d know, a total of 26 N11~1 Valley wineries are on tht-block. We're either going to have to do something about 20 pcrct'nt money. or start drinking more wine beca use many wine r ies may not be with us much Ionizer. EXPENSIVE IN - TEGRITY -Sam Se· bastian1 is buildin~ a new premium image for h lw Sonoma Valley fnl.'illty When Sam took ovn in I Yao. uvcr 90.000 bul t lt-1 o( 1976 "Pt uprletor'a Reserve" Chardonnay wu ready to go to market. Aft.er serious consideration, Sam dt'Cided it wasn't as goo d us h e felt a Sebulllrnl "Re:H:rv~" should be. M 06t wineries would ADVDllSIO ITIM AVAILAllLITY GUAlfANTllt fA(M Of ''"'f\t Tt .. \ ~ 'IOV•llO tOll 0t40lt~ a.v.t.+~Allt f~ t6CM MAhl• l&\•(t fW((Pt A\\,P((lf(AH\' ~'f0 t._ t .. 1\40 +fWI C'JiO :c'0~~~~!.~1 ~r.1~'.~r~ ~~·.~:.t,w~(',~: ~ ~:;.°:' .. i~t~~,·J~ Oi. ••1~(M((ll I"'"''•"*' 'f0li fQt'\;l('ttAU h4f AC)\IClfl\f01tf~., htJ &Ollt•Ti\PO N t{f WltM1,. )OOA't\ ia 11011son1 411 OUAllTl'IY RIGH~ tESEllYED HO SAlf TO OEAlE~ CC Jot llfSAlE OR COMllER(IAl ~ sweet. Ripe Honeydew Melons Crisp ~Red Band ~Celery .. ~Kleenex ~Towels . ··-69 • • rOlt e ~IS'OffUtlel 2 12 ~ BOid 3 . . •::.1 · • \IDOY Cttltl1 MY<~ ()f wnoo. •t• .... CON" -""'°' C11t Of ~cut Green 2/. 89 ~Beans 1~1· • ~ IQllKJI Sl(fCI Purl "'~ Of ~ s & w Fruit cocktall 1~:: . 5 9 ~lllllOltl'tfttcl ~Hunts Toma toes .. ,.~n°' • 5 3 ~ -SWftt"'4'0 ~KOOi Aid ........ ~ .. 65 ~Tomato Paste .... ~ .. 3 S ll 'iOmato sauce ... ·: .. 22 ~~-Ur" 69 ~Grapefruit Ju ice . _'ti" 1. Market Basket Monterey Jack Cheese ---------p havo r.IAbeled the wino !or 1omc aitaant r e tail choln, or perhaps have 110ld It out of state in .ume market conaJdered unimportant. Sam had the corks pulll'd on c:ach bottle and the wine dumped Into the chabll• v ut. The chablls la o whole lo t better. There won't be a 1979 "Reserve" Chardonnay, ei ther, be cause Sam didn't find anything in the cellars that came up to his standard. In 1980, he t.ested oak Rlaht on, Sam. barrtil• from aeveral of CLASSY PLASTIC Frun1:e'1 be11t t•oopora, -Sumcone finally and the n for thu 1981 lnvent«f M plutlc wlnt crush bought loll uf the glua that look• and barrels he liked bett. The almoet feel.I like sia.. 1 9 8 0 v I n t age The glaaaea come In Chardonnay 11 a blend of claaalc shapes, have a the various t.Ht lots. 110hd glau-Like feel, yet Thl' 1981 Chardonnay the unbreakable gluees (the best I've ever tasted are perfect for camping, from Seb11stlan1) will boating, or any other ref l ec t the new kind o f outdoo r• Sebastian! style, and will entertainihg. be the first vintage In For information write man y years to bear thf to: Epic Products, P.O . "Proprietor's Reserve' Box 7 8 6 1. Ne wpo rt designation Beach, CA 92660 -~~~~---_:_....:.....:c..:....:...---~~~~ Graoe A Whole u s o A cnotce Beef Boneless 1 98 ~Brisket .. "'-• l(ruse snan1t POt'tlon smoked 1 09 t{ Ham .... .,. • USDA CMOICI! Ill. 2 18 ~"Wti Leg O' Lamb • Fresh ~ Halibut 3 99 ~steak ... lb. • ~ ffOlfll MJllCl't ,.Xi ffm ~ Fried Potatoes ... :: .. 5 9 1Z FriedChlcken .... :: 2. 89 ~ frOlfll llf'll \ ~ ~cool Wnlp ....... •: .. 85 ~ .. Pl'OOf S<Olell ~ Old smuggler .... ~ 4. 99 ~ 1ttr '°"* 4 99 ~ crown Russe vodka . . i---· ........ ~ c.-ronu tllln ~Taylor Wine ..... ~,s 3.59 ------------'-------- i f Orange Co .. t OAfl Y PILOT /WednNday, June 23, 1882 ., .-El · Tomatoes go into the cold r WMn tt ~ to male cook&n1. many people ...m to hold the Mme 1wr.otype -men cook only hearty, heavy dlahea to matct\ their man..alled apptuta Tha\'1 probably a myth. Why 1houldn't mtn al10 crave llaht, refrethtna foodl durtn" the hot 1wnmer month.I? Soup ii one di.ah that adapu ea11ly to the requirements of the aeaton, ln addition to the thick. steaming eoupe of winter, there a.re many summery soups made of veptablea or fruit which are meant to be served rold. Gazpacho, a classic Spanish dish, is such a aoup . A mix tu re of chopped vegetables ln a tomato base, gazpacho requires no cooking, so it is as cool to prepare a.s it is to eat. • Gupacho is a perfect appetizer for a true ~ Mexican meal. Or serve it with cold cuts or cold seafood when you invite the men over for an afternoon of baseball on TV. Gazpacho can travel w ith you in a wide - 1 •outhed thermos to ,(. Correct • recipe The recipe for Pot.~ de Creme from Barbara Swain's "Cookery for 1 or 2" contained an error in the amount of chocolate used. Here is the correct recipe: POTS DE CREME 1 egg ~ c up chocolate chips ~ teaspoon vanilla or l to 2 tablespoons dark rum 1A cup milk ~ cup whipping cream l tablespoon sugar Dash salt Combine the egg, c hocolate ch ips and vanilla o r rum In a blender. C.over and blend 15 seconds. Combine milk, whJpping cream, sugar and salt ln a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Pour over chocolate mixture ln blender and blend 3 minutes. Scrape sides and blend 30 seconds more. Pour into 2 6-ounce souffle pots or d essert dishes . Refrigerate overnight until firm. Makes 2 servings. (Best served with a dollop of whipped cream). Mooses for meals OAKLAND, Maine (AP) -Not every student dreams of munching moose for lunch, but moose-meat casseroles are saving money. And S c h oo l Administrative District 47 officials figure what students don 't know won't hurt them. School Super - intendent Ralph At- wood said the district has served moose meat for lunch for many years but that students aren't ~y told because they might get upset. The moose, killed in accidents or by poachers, a r e ground up and served in casaeroles. School officials say mooee la good lean meat with no fat and that they pay only 17 cents a pound , to have It butchered and ground. Atwood said a young cow moose, killed ln a hit-and-run accident and dreaaed out at 450 pounds, will probably IJ'DOWlt to two meals for abo u t a thousand st~ts. 25th year ~nnlverury Q_.1 In tllc Harbor Area '['<• . ~ f-.S WSIUICl 119 .. , OW ....,_.MM _..,......,c. Ht·714f [ __ aplat up a plcnJc, or to cool off an af wmoon on th btac.h or at th pool You am aamiah your cup of 1upacho with 1our cream tor added aeat and a touch of Cl'Mmlnea, and you can vary gupacho'• 8plcynet1 by how much hot pepper aaucc you we. Thl1 healthful soup can be kept In the refrigerator for a week, so serve up gazpacho whenever the summer heat calla for 110methlng light and cool. OAIPACHO (Mabe rlltoat I et1p1) l ~ cup1 (14 ltl\ ounce can) atew•d tomatoe1 .nd Julee 2 CUpl (two 8 ·0UJl( cana) tomato aa~ 2 cup1 water oU ~ cup wine vinegar 2 t.ableepoona ollv~ 1 tableapoon Wortesterahlre sauce 12 drope hot pepper sauce 11,A, teaspoon aal t 1h teupoon cwnln l c rushed garll~ clovo ~ c up tlneJy chopped onion \'\ cup fin e ly chopi>OO ~ltiry ~ c up flnoly chopped cucumber l cup finely chopped grMn pepper Dra i n t o matoes: reserve juice. Chop tomatoe1 . Combine c hopped tomatoes, reaerved Julee and remaining ingredients. Mix well. Chill thoroughly before aervina. . ' J dNSMILD CHEDDAR CHEESE REOOLM P£CES LB 2.04 FAl'IA.VPACK-~ ~ SOUP'S ON -. Chopped vegetablea ln a tomato base create Gazpac h o, a daaalc Spanish cold soup. r &DOUBLE COUPONS t ,. PRODUCE llMCOll""' [> .39 Large Purple Eggplant \'lllo'[_[l .A.IC.• l8 .33 Cantaloupe ('AU.f ~()I' \,o\1.AO EADtl e39 .Fresh Spinach P'M~-et~ Oreen Beans l.8 .59 ~0'1..Y'L Seedless Crapes •8 .99 ll<lCA rt 'IJl\oOll fA .49 Large Haas Avocados •...ell -SST!> !A .99 Tropical Plants FROZEN FOODS $.;)Ur<( "'G Brds Eye Cool Whip 10~1...c; S.,. Lee Pound C.ke t. lilOU"O llO\ 5wlnson Fried Chicken Ila.Kt (NO-~ Oii ...... Vons Lemonade ~~ 4 HOO .79 }49 259 .39 2 29 VONS BAKERY V:r.(Y'M'~~O-(QC; ~..=~ .65 }29 s>:.C=rc:.i:"°''".,; °'' • 69 ~~:itQIJ~ 269 ~~~°'"°" .99 LIQUOR ~ t10l"'•8 r High Ufe Beer 229 I l~Vfrl\ Ollbeys Oln 9 99 1~lnt.lt C~ Blac:k Velvet Whisky l l 99 1'°"'-L.Ufe.•-S<ft• Yow.cl$ And~ White Champagne } 97 o••i~ I 10l "08 OCG IWlo< He neken Beer 315 7!IO""K.lll.IT[t 2 29 Cella LambNsco Wine ~-~ """"":t.'ri llf.D 005( Oallo ChabHs B nc 4 99 DELICATESSEN •601 "'C 1 )9 AOI ""G Precious Mouarella Cheese l ~OI ... G T""Ct 'VI~ PQl~bury Biscuits '°' ""c;-o-cono~ Vons Sliced Beef Selame } 29, .23 }1 9 } 69 109 It()! '"Cl-f//l>l1'1TO IWIL-1~•"'1G 98 Ponl's P!u.a Crust • ]29 DAIRY PRODUCTS ·~-,..,.~ Je Onlnge Juice 269 I'°"'° AACIWll-_, .59 P.rklry Stick /11Wg911M lt,~((T"o u Hn Sour Crum .98 ~l CAWIOl't-C!<U.tl> Snaw Crop Five Alive }59 GROCERIES ••-Ol ~-,-N"'lf"lW'tCS Bread & Butter Chips .79 ta:OLCM by's Seuerlnut .35 »Oll:'<t:.JM 112 Vons Mayonnalu 'r.':C.""' Van . mps Port< & Beans .41 &4~.;Alf 139 Vllslc KosMr Dils ~8Tt --(;llA>f;':il Ocean Spray Cockta }39 ~~ c'toi:CXMO Qll err .99 ~en a Club Soda .39 l>~CNO Libby s Corned Bttf Hash }09 Lbb;ii'Potted Meat .31 SERVICF SEAFOOD •..c'P'IC~ Fresh Perch Fiiiet ~rcocc,v. Fresh True Cod Fllet WIFOOO~I Fresh C.11. Squid rwou."'~tlD-•"crc Sworcmsh Stuk UI t 89 ,. 239 l8 .89 UI 499 HEAL TH f, BEAUTY UOIK'fll(C <".IL"'l'ff Ciut oothpaste ]55 ~11(0 ~iito~~s JOon'• rct Ol'llnt ]47 Ot~Q~Tlo&n 311 ~~Eyel>fopa )19 S<JNLIGHT UQUID~1 22our«:E eomE U'llT 2 IPY<Ct\ew ~ 11tn• '"9 pnc• I l61 GROCERIES ~r°V1enn11 S.Uuge .58 ~R'~~ 369 SLIM PRICE ·~-~OV<H\' S Prtce nut Butter 129 ~ Apple Juice 149 "i:n CM S Price Sweet PHs .33 s~-itt'0 llm e chup .69 MEATS fAftU lllf'<.f!l((f f (""D{9\lt0 Bottom Round Steaks 1-.a..l~BlU fllOJ"JfU''\ Sirloin Tip Steaks tAt"-t V«.. eu:r '""'" Boneless F1mlly Steaks 1Aftl(K,"9(, T[~lt Bttf Cu~ Steaks 1.-.fl.[ "-l'tt. .. (f_Mf Q(Ul Beer Chuck Steaks l'<llU•l"«;ll(~ Boneless huck Roast 1 Allll ttroc. cr»I Boneless Stewing Beer a 209 18 2 48 l8 2 29 e 2 58 lft 179 lft } 99 lft } 99 ~ BBQ Sauce .99 11 OU"ICf llOu "°"" ttOI otG w:t 1 6 9 Jimmy Dean Seusage t• '#HC!lt (}II HAV 9(W'tt l (\\ lft 2 29 Fresh Leg of Port< Roast •"CS.. lft .69 Sliced Bttf Liver ""~~~ .99 ~JAii -~· 179 m Price Pe.nuts ll.B eox '-oil" 259 UOMT L~"l>T~ Swift uncey Roast ti~~a.con lB 169 ~Prk~ ~Napkins }15 &O~T\. -KU<Vf ()(IT'f UQlAI) }59 S Price Oclel'gent lV'O()T llOU. .49 Sim Price A.kimlnum Foll PlnCQ uncTM ntcJl!S. '™""WU> .. JU"'! u TO JUl'tt JO. I M2. CAU. (2 I J))~l "°" LOCATlOft Of' STOM l'llAllf1l'T VOCJ. l'IOT AU. mM MD ••1a11nM Ill)~ AT WM. I'°° w. '9CO 91.\IO .. an' w. IOTH .. LOI NICl!U!I. AM DIP.00. l'MMO MO LM ll!OAI. wa 11'1 lll!TAI. QUA/OTT1D °"'-Y. MOIT ITOMI °"" 1 ""'TO ' I ""'., Oll\'S A ..... SUN LIO HT DISHW ASHINO LIQ(JIO )2-0Z. 1.68 tUfTMTOlt•ACH IMl ..... &.,...11 ., COITAMUA CRYSTAL PRING LES DISHWASHINO LIQUID POTATO CHIPS lW1N PACK REOUl.AR & 1..!MON REGULAR & RIPPLE 4&0Z. 1.18 ~z. 1.19 NUNTWGTON •ACM """'9eCITON -.CH 1WWm .,............. ..,........ .,..,, __ _ 8M '41AM CAN11WIO ~ W L 11'11 ........ Or-.. A ... _, C..... C!llJllbW A D.e ~ .. .,..... ....... MAXWEU. HOOSE INSTANT COFFEE I-OZ. 2.89 IOQZ. 4.19 flOUNTMt VMU!W _, ............ ~IUCM a.1~,..0r.a-.- ___ ,_2.20 ~Tit-,._ 1.1, IOOl. 4.24 PCMITMI Wal.UY 11mMs • •~ ...... la&.a -.1 .......... •- --------------------------' \ ·~ ( f • • .. l Hughes show canceled LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two benefit shows at the S hrine Auditorium t o raise mon ey to establish a scholarsh ip in Howard Hughes' name at Northrop University, an aerospace college in L os Angeles, were can celed for lack o f ticket sales. A spokeswo.man for the Shrine who declined to identify herself said, ''We have 6,489 seats, a n d they didn't sell e nough to go on with the show." P r omoter Larry Green, who organized the benefits with partner Kathy Gillies, was not available for comment on how many tickets were sold for t h e shows originally scheduJed last Saturday and Sunday. A bout a week ago, Green said, "We're both pilots and w e've bo th bee n admi r ers of Howard Hughes for a long time." H e said the two invested "quite a few thousand dollars" in the bene fits that were to have featured actor Cliff Robertson as master of ceremonies. wi t h appearances by t h e Smothers Brothers and J a n e Russell, wh o appeared in the Hughes film, "The Outlaw." They hoped to raise $.}0,000 so t hey cou ld invest in a Treasury bill and give a scholarship from the interest each year Academy graduates named Ten residents of the 40th Congressional District have graduated from three U.S . military academies, marking the first group of cadets and midsh ipmen nominated b y .R ep . R o b e rt E . Bad ham (R-Ne wpor t Beach), to complete the ir academy education. The young men and women were nominated in J a nuar y 1978 and were commissioned in the Army, Air Force and Navy in ceremonies this month. The graduates are: -Lawre n c e K . Hara da , 2749 Mendoza Dr., Costa Mesa, Second Lieutenant, Army. -Patrick O'Farrell, T u sti n , Seco nd Lieutenant, Army. -Devi n Bower, Mission Viejo, Second Lieutenant, Air Force. -Ralinda Bozelll, graduate of El Toro High S chool , Second Lieutenant, Air Force. -Stephen Katapsld, tl To r o, Seco n d Lieutenant, Air Force. -C brh t o pbe r P . Ra11ick, San Clemente, Second Lie utenant, Air Force. -E r ic St ake, 2014 Phalarope Court, Costa Me sa. S eco nd Lieutenant. Air Force. -Soauae Va1lrhaot1 20M2 Kevingrove Lane, H untington Beac h , Second Lieutenant., Air Force. -S~e ll ey J oau, H~ntlngton Beac h,, d L ieutenant In Corps, graduate of polis. -r. D a a lel R . Waldmaa, El T o r o, eNlgn in Navy. 'Call 142-1171. Put • few word• to work for u. Orang• COii\ OAILV Pll.OT/Wtdn11d1y, Jun• 23, 1982 > YOUI OIOIQ • ANIMAL COOIUU, 14-0 . ~a~~• · CHIP'S w 1m. 12.oz. • MACHOOlt. 12·0Z. • NVTS & CMOCOl.lTI, 12·0Z. • OU,UX SANOW1CH1$, 14-0Z • • 1ao flUIT, 12-0Z. • 1a o UMONADt, 12·01. • OATMIAl. 12·0Z. • SUGAl. 12-4Z. 12-0Z. & 14-0Z. VISTA PAK COOKIES Flavor 1?~~~ 69 c snack cookies with fresh· baked taste INFLATABLE 2-PERSON BOAT REG. 18.99 VIDAL SASSOON LADIES' T-SHIRTS :~~:E~Nf:p~:oo 299 Cotton/polyester nb- k . W ' 1. S YOUI OIOIQ nrl tin onoon WMllJ JTOCICS chest logo S-L lASJI Heavy goug1499 With pro 2499 vinyl. 78"x46". OAH NOT lective grill INCUlll LONG HANDLE GARDEN TOOLS REG. 7.49 3!~ CHOI Cl Shovel, rake, hoe or cult1votor. SAYE 3.SO ALMADEN FIESTA ICE CHEST REG. 18.49 1499 Double insulated #287·SP 28-QT. GET READY FOR .~JULY 4'h LADY PEPPEREL GIANT 36"x60'' BATH SHEET "l~ICT 799 14 99 YOUI otOlct • WMIU STOCU lASTI WEBBED PATIO OR SAND CHAIR REG. 8.99 Aluminum with 699 plastic arm rests. YOUR CHOla REG. 10.99 J99 For summer ploy. 'Mother Goose' design. ltlG. 1.79 lITTU GIRL'S SWIMSUITS 3!? CMOfct Sizes '4·6x. Mm J.14 4 . 99 •llTIMITOM llACll .... , ............. . ... , ..... .,......_ .......... •Ulll ........... .._... BOY'S RAINBOW SWIM TRUNKS 699 Color Miection. S..l. " )> \ .i ~· t I ' I MEN'S TRIMMID SWIM TRUNKS 5!? CllOIU Striped or piped. fOVllTAIM VALLIY • 16141 ............ '....., • •t7"4 ........ .,, .... _ .......... •• ..,... ., "'.._ noen 129 --.~ .......... -~ ..... WllTMllDllM .., •• 2 .......... ClASSlfllD Wednelday, June 23. 1982 Real Estate CLASSIFIED INDEX ... , ,,,,,. ...•.••••••........... Te rtace Your Ad, Call 642·5678 HOUSES FOi SALE i-::.:1hl....t .. , ... rtNflt.ul• c • .,....,.-. ...... 1' CflfCIA• .... M•t C"•t• Mt\• o.Aa PfWM lit .... rtuntaUt v.u., lt'6ntlf\C\Oft u.., .. "WI,.. l.o ..... flt•t• """""" "'"' LA,tUlta N11w•I Mh•"*" V1•1'' ~:rt:~~~~~ S.A J".n c .. JH\U .,..., SAA4.e A"• s .. 1 &.•'" ~9'L••wn• \li•4-tft'UMIH .. ,.,. ..... .,. ... ,,.,,. 1£AL mm Atr•IC• •w '•I• Ap.u11Mftl\ tot '•I• ... ., .. ,.,~··· iy..l"'fO ~(>l~rh C•mcltt,-Lotti ',,.., f.~"!~~~:·:,'::*.1: h 0...Plf~fl'' I "''" "'-•h· t~toW \t"••4 Int~ 11thp. th 11l11wMttal VroP"tt._ LAA' tat \•I• Mobtt. Hmt Tth ••n, Jiilounln r.,.,.,. kf'\lill ~~~ ·C.:Ulf~~f~U" tN1. ti Sh tir hv.-lll•nct.et t'1rma 4ir11H111 tt .. I Eat.If' •• Hl'llA&P l'luJ U c et•~ •I''•"' RENTALS tticMt..tt. '"'~""*" Hw'°"' t 1tfti1tnnhfl1 tiouM) ,. ..... , ft Oif 1 at l'"eNlofr+1Nwm' •w•,. Condocn1Ck""'' l nf T..,...Mo...W'' turn To-.Mau, .. , l nf Ouplt•f'• .. "'" Owpt..u' l l"f "llU t'llr• Aph l nh•tn Aph hH" tN I nt RWm\ Room' llo•rrt ltOltll M{tltJI' Gt.if''-Uon-._, S...mtNr KtflUI' \'a<•hon H•lllal' R~al,'u"'•'"' G•t •If' lot K .. M Off1C't' R-nt•I 8uitNH Af'fll•I lllllktUt1af .... fthl ~:t.,~ '4•N"4 M~t MtlMl•I' BUSINESS, INVEST MEN T, FINANCE IQ 1000 IWl .... 1m , .... IU um llM 16'0 1004 HNI IOllO l\6t 100\t 11)111 1111<1 '"'' '""° I ... I-·-llQO ·~ ITI! II» ·~ '" JliAl 1100 IMIO llOI l!OUAl HOUSHIO OPPOllTUHIT't' P11lllltlltr't letfot1 Alf real Nllte advertised In 1n11 new1p1ptr la IUblect to tne Fedtr•I Fair Housing Act ot 1968 which makea It Illegal to odver11ae "1ny preferen- ce, llmltatlon or diacrlmt- natlon based on rece. color, religion, sex or nattonal origin. or any lh!ant1on to m1k1 any 1uch pretaranca, llmll•· tton or dlscrlmlnatton Thia nawsp1per will not knowingly accept any advertising tor real Bl· tale wn1cn 11 In v101at1on of the law = liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,.., u.v ltOO l.)l'<J mo Nill l"lllO llOlO Z'AJl} j l "'"' )JOO ,..., •0 >lOO ll:) EllROR11 A d vert l· sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I a te I y. T h e DAIL y PILOT as- sumes liability for the first Incorrect insertior1 only. ~,.. .............. ... JlW ::: oa111 /or S•lt ~ a~-;;;;i·········i·ooa 4lli'i ...................... . •J.'10 '"'" l •00 .... , U .. '41 BEAUTY HD THE IEST '"'' Beaulltul 5 Bdrm Bue-~';' cola w11n 3.000 sq ft ot ·~·· llVlng space Good auu-~ mable loans. quick es- crow Aslung $260,000 Oc-ean & Jelly views Marine room, .i bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 *I ft Sl.38~.000 OcNniront- Liii llLE 11111 t-'r1me Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn, 5 1rt bath. Lge L.R . 2 boat slips $1,500,000, Hemodeled :i bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, furnished, pauos. $420,000. LlllA llLE IAYFllllT ....agoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom . Jark rm, d1:n, Bo.it slip $1.350.000 BAYSIDE COYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat slips $1.800,000. CORONADO CAYS Coronado Island <:ust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/terma. ILIFFS OOllO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba tJn largest greenlx>l t, $250,000. Piii I.Ill '3 bdnns, 211'1 baths rondo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 34 1 Boysode Dr•\ll' N 8 t>7~ t>lt>l Ill IEWNRT II Charming 4 Br & large family room. Brick tire· place. country 1111cnen quiet rastdentlal area Long term seller l inen· ctng $229.000 Including land MEW LISTllll Lido Realty 673-7300 ~::::~~· = Pi~M 144-4110 Duple.11. Balboa Penln· sula Two 3 Br units. 1 blk from bea ch Summer/winter rentals Min vacancy laclor $389.000 A Olon-Marla hstlng 759-9100 IMttlftWoM (1ppe~ I ' AIS l•'h-nt'"""' • •"'f'd ~ 'Coney lo l.oiin ~ M~)' '4 UH.._,. \11._1 ind oul about lhe high earning real estala sales car~r opportunities wllh THE REAL ESTATERS Licensing school fees compleiely refundable to MO'IU lO T•• • .Jou.l> ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND ANW"U'"Otnfnh l •• ho4 lA••t llour .. , lat& ••"Ind PthOflt•h • Sorrol( lub,. Treut• S£aVICfS "-"r"K'• U.tt<\OI) Otrt.OJMENT & nEPARATIDN Yhoob hh1n.1 tto" Jon Wanlr~· ..... "'•!'\..., 'I' t MERCHANDISE AwlJUn tr:i1:; ......... ,, C•mirro • t~o.t•J•n-.nl c.u Doc• f)tt U• \OU f"ltrNt'fff' Gat1Ct \•I• llorwo t~C_,O"d\ Jt••ln IJVhlOtll. M.ci'UNtp ~tKC'U•n.rov• M1~ll•n101.t• \4antf'11 M,,..,.< •111\\Uvt,U•flh t)ffl("C' t\iltft. I' UV'I' Prh ~:~ ~~:~;:~~ ~t•n1Gt1t'«h Stott' H~'l•w,an1 lhr ~:•rltdt0 U1t1 ~t'M' BOATS & MARINE EOUIPMENT GC"tW-ral fto•h Ma.!M 'rr~1\r &.h 'I tttM t «NIP RNU. Pow.tr eo1u ••"• l ... ,, .... -.s..1 11ooi.~.,,. i>o<~ lloel. Sj>o..t 4 .,. ' BMu "M•il" TUNSPOIUTION -"tt-nt\ C'1mprn ~tit' Rrn1 flttlnr Cer-• ==·~~'.:~Scoot .. ,,. Mo«or Hma.~atf' Rf'l'lll Tre1l~u Tttnl !~:~~c:.~~;~·:ti:art• AUTOMOBILE An.1'-t""' l la,.u• °' k«rut~ \ f'h14 lh ~~~l~)~~: .. ~j ... rrw ... \/• ... Avw lA•••nc AutMWAflllftt AUTOS, IMPORTED {,ffH'UI AU a Mofftl u ...... ""'''" u,,,,ft, llllW L•tw'• f.'.:ri"" O.uun •'t-tr•f• .. , .. t$fwvt,, Jitl(IUf Jt>1M .. n te.rm..nol1h•• ~"""' "fl•td• Mth •d•• K.a. )f,.; MGll 0,.1 ., ....... ""''"" l'llf•t'tlf ~wl1 lloll• Koyu Rour Sau =·· J~r:m·"' Yol'-'••••n VDlwo AUTOS, llEW ::~ scnool al your choice ~'" Extensive sales training "'" For 1nlorm11lon. c11l = 751-6191 ~JO 1---------DOOLEY'S DELllNT Beautltul 4 Bdrm 2•;, batn hOme with nuge II· v1ng room. family room, large tree snadad prlva1a back yard. Located In ••-6 pres1tglous Corona del "'"' Mar Seller hlghly mo11- vatad. Call tor details, 546-23 13 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS llHIOll ISWI Large bayfront lot with prlvlla plar and float. Assumable low Interest tit T.D. $1,915.000 FIXER WITH l YU ThlS house needs lots ot elbow grease but what a ,,,_, Fantetle nome tor poolslde entertaining Full price S 129.000 751-3191 C:. SEtH T -t"-PAOPE H 11~ <, EW VIEW TO WN - • HOMES 2 Mesler Sul· ~ 1es Vrew or ocean & .r.t night hghts Outet Area : Parks. open spaces ""'° $125.800 on Xlnt Fin ::: Hal or Pat Bauer, Agls ; f-siiiii13iiiii. 7iiiii3oiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.I IEST PR I CE ~ I 1 Great slarter home Ow-~ To place your message ner will consider ALL of· ""'"' t>elore tne fers, 2 Bdrms. gr eel reao1ng public Costa Mesa ne1ghbor- phone nood Lowest priced Daily Piiot home 1n lhe are• at C1ass11ted. 642-5678 $107.000. 751·3191 Are you plann1no a mo"a? Classified ads will point C::. C.,f 1 l C 1 -t"' P~(JP( Pr If '1 you in the 11ghl dlrec11on --------- to ftnd she home you Have •omathlng to •tit? need 642-5678 Claaalfled eda do II well. HRIOll VIEW llllES 1221,too Only 10% down can get you into this fee Monaco. Assume the 1st TD & th e owner will carry the 2nd at 12 1A % for 7 Yrs. No payments the f irst two yea r s. Great financing. S uper location. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 GEORGE ELKINS CO llWNIT TllUll Excellent flnanelng. Nell thrH bedroom condo Prlvecy end oe.an view. M1ny axtrH In tnla I0\19fy N-por1 Beac:n retreat Prte41 reduced $22.600. Now $136,900. 111-7100 •••• TIIE SUH ti TIE IUCR 2. BR. 2 S., beaut. furn., micro, hl-n. My 1112111 ownerlhlP tor $8500 My 4 wks era laal In Mareh. June, Sep1, Dec. Ofc 851-0331, Home. 975-0936 IEW umHt HIT SUP WATERFRONT spacious 2 story. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, tlraplace home. Open beam celllngs, Iola of imported Illa & much more $595.000 IN· CLUDES THE LANDI • ......... , ,,.,, Rellffn *11a.1010* IUOlllS UYlll In thle 4 bdrm nome wltn add-on family rm Many extraa Including new carpet Laroe assumable loan and owner wtll as· SISI. s 135,000 Call for more Info. 979-5370 \ f : ·/ ~ I 111~ • 11 .. , A, • • ' '•, l ..., ',_.f ~ • '-. IEW PElllSIU n.; l••ac•l•t• I Mtralale M•t, Jnt tttps te lay I hacla. httllt.t fl•H•l•c .. tttls 2 Hll. 2 Ila, + llH H4 ,atft, lrlH lllJ 1111 I. Ott11 ad call. U44,IOO. WATERFRONT HOM[ ...... I(. I• 1• ~ ltHI ~ (,,.., M•\ '"'I""' II<-•• 11 131-1400 ,, • tt ' ~ '1.u '" ,\.,, Hoo •••• 1,a...Oli '7Mtoo /Jn NIGEL GAILEY !., A55UCIATES _,_ ____ -----...,....----~~~~-----~--- Looking fo r a career in sales? See toda y's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . F1mlly home 3BR 2BA close to schools. garde· ner, refrlg W/D, O/W Olsp $725 mo 979-8899 S33·860() li111'1111t .. See 1782 New Hampsnlre 3 Br S800tmo tsl/ laal/ S300 security No pets . 644-e996 ~73 CAMN5Dl·IRVIME .. • s I .. Ortngt Oout OAILV PILOT/WldMldty, June 23, 1Nt TRE by Vlrgll Partch (Vlft) .~ MILW \ c1act1 6'-•> "look! These dandelions have turned into little pompons!" "It lan't whether you win or loH, 01org1; lt'a how you play tht game." :tl.\R :ti .\Dl'Kt by Brad Anderson .. "Maybe he's too smart to learn any tricks!" Jl'DGE PARKER ~00~ ~l'LLINS GEE. SINCE NERMAL ISN'T ~EF\£, ('LL £AT HIS FOOt7, TOO ... C,AN You PICK up A S~IRT FOR LORD P.'s B/RTHDA Y iHAi1S ON SALE ?""' ___ I " 7J ACROSS 54 Water body 1 Chief 58 Tennis shot 5 Thwacks 60 Sultan of - 9 St1gmahze 6 t Spine t11191er 14 Water sport 63 Hue ~~ltl~~~~ 15 Height Pref. 64 Icon 16 -Semple 65 MUSIC McPheuon passage 17 Cance.ts 66 Places 18 -mechc1ne 67 Greet\ oste 20 Others 68 Current mo 21 Poetic 69 Shen,.s home ~+-4111 ~~~~8 conlraciK>n 22Gardened 23 Cllarget" 25 SmaU cllaoge 27 Olscred11 29 Beetle 30 Ruler 34 Alas· GM 36 Swo1cl 38 Comte's Olek 39 Mf'dteare 2 worcls 42 Ambauaclor 43 Metric untl U J1m;am1 Abbf 45 Congregate ~....,.·. .,.,,,. 47 Prem putrw 41 Medlen siv...,. DOWN 1 Copyc111s 2 Synonym man 3 Near accident ~words 4 lodging Host 1n thought 6 Pungent 7 Tait's IOllower 8Emp 9 P0tson1 10 l1tu1gy 11 Sun ounclecl by 12 Snow field I 3 Tltle .,_,., ··~ 24 Powd«y 26 Cocle m&n 28 Chee< 30 Pewit! coin 3 1 Asian lree 32 CAO! CPA 33 Canacllan wnlsttles 34 "EaCUM, please" 35 Recent Sul 37 Wiid bcWine 31 ,,.,,..,.. 40 Auction 9'0UP 41VesMI 46 -Ilene 48 snuooie 49 Jadet SO <:etlsln studenlt 52Weapoo 53 Mug 54 TllPffed piece 55 Ooclle 5' Aelencoln ST Jllon't8"11P .... -----12""'"· Hank Ketchum F=f:TLOCK THtS rs ~MORE 1 1 WANT LUh.f OUTTt\ JAIL ~0HT AWAY' 1 DON'T CARE HOW MUCH THE t">AIL lS' (;E'f HIM 0VT' .--.....-- .. PMNl:TI SHO£ • IF [ TMOU6MT F~ ONE k MINUTE ™AT VOU l.tJE~g f l LAIJ~IN6 AT ME, l'D MW YOU! ,__...., ! ~....,...___ I'M NEW IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD l{tvo[;;-r--~----. }{NOC/( -::::::::::..- / Fl':\K \' "INKER8£.4N DRAB BL£ I PM I RJNKl,.l ! fW.J 'AIR Goi'TAR' ~ I~ GOINO marr AN 'AIR RECORD'! 1 :; by Charles M. Schulz --------, TMIS IS MV 11WMO'S LAU6HIN6 ? l'M NOT LA06HIN6 H FACE .. IT'S NEVErt • .. vlAP' WORKED I ,..t4U"' • YET I ,.!' ~ by Jeff MacNelly ---COULD YOU TELL ME HOW TO GET BACK TOTHE POLICE STATION =:> by Gus Arriola AND IR.AILING AR&JTU5 15ALWA~ OIJnle i40RIZONf . by Tom Bat1uk ON 1HE Al~VES,1 OF~SE. by Kevin Fagan ~.1·u.~MA1<£ tf 'fo f"E. 'f~ ! M-4 ~ l!i 1'oO VAIHf \Jl. ! CAtil I P\11 M-4 AAA\ 'fO\> "0601.£ ~~O ANO 1'AA1 IUA5 PRf'l'f'/ CLEve:rt I uMH 1't> fMO\J<Mf Of IT! WOMO 'iOO R>R ~1' 1 't'EU. ME.~ RIOll\JLO\JS DR.SMOCK HOW L..ON G HAve YOW eeeN COMIN G 1'0 "OL/ POC ICY FINGeRS,"' KIDDO? na •nna oa rea •oast: Ff\RLt=Y! (oo~oo;) .. ~ EfW.EY! !HATS FINE. I 1HE OQ';'f?> LOST· ·n-tftTsousr FINE! 51'0tN A60\JT ~ ~()\,) ~ 'IO'JR 'f~ 1U11'1-\ A &01"1l£. Of MOIJ1'1\ll)A5i.t, .mT SO iOv'O ~A\IE A~ €tC.~E. 1"0 NT i00R. ARM ~ROVNO M•l QJ by George Lemont 1"HIS WAS GOING -ro ee Hf;:R Fl Rs-r J v'ISll'.' A ":tJ Vv .. . ' 4 ; v DIATH NDTICIS --------~ _ _._ ______ ,,.,..... - \ ~ C:RALSTON·PUAINA COMPANY 1982 ... Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Wedneaday, June 23, 1982 Fl MllC NOTICE PtJll.IC NOTICC ,l6rmou• euiiNiH "CTITIOUI IU ....... NA ... ITATllllNT NAiii ITA TIMINT l ho IOllOti11lng Ptrton II doing Tl\1 IOllOwlng pertortl .,. doing !XIII-ea 1>1111ne•• u (A) MIMI fl Clf, (II MIMI, 31 SAN CU'.MCNTC MOVINO laoohlfo. 8 .. bol ltlall<I. CA tall82 Cl!NTI!". 310 PICO .Avonue Sen Mii)' Olllen 0 1(11!11 3 I Cl-le CalUCKnle 11287' Sapphire, Be/boa !eland. 0.A ':tee2 u 111111 Co ol O•eng• Coun1y • fhl• bualn111 11 oonducled by an Calllo1111a co1 po11t1on U O S 11141vld11.,. Platenlta Avon110, J'tecentre. M11r a O'K1en1 Calllorrna 112870 fhla etatttntnt wu llled wHll 1M 11111 1>1111r10n 11 oond11olld by • County Clerk of Ot1no• Coumy on Co•11011!1on Juot 14 198' U·Heul Co ol '111412 Orange County Pubflahod Orang• Co111 Delly Wiiiiam 0 0111hrM1 PllOt. Ju~ tO. 2' 30. July 7 11182 Prolldanl 2$113-82 fhll 1111men1 w11 llllO with '"' -------------1 Coun1v Clerk 01 Orer190 Counly on MLIC NOTICE Mav 20. 111e2 ~~---MNta411---------- " CT ITI OU I 9UalNIH NAMI ITATlMENT , ,1...,. Publl1hod Orenoe Co111 D111v Piiot, June 2, 9, t6. 23. 11182 ?•09 82 Tiit lollowlng poraon1 art 40lng bu11n111 11 1-------------t JUDY'S, 270 w .. 1m1n1tor Mill. N3l.IC NOTICE W111mlna11r, CtlllOrnla 92683 ---,.-,C-TfT-IOU--l-9_U_l_IN_t_l_I ___ , Juoy'• WHtmln11or, Inc . 1 Celllorn11 corporation 278 HAM« aTArt•NT We11m1n1lor M•ll W111m1na1er Thi following pottont are do111g C " • bu11..-u. alll0tnl1 .2883 MAIN STREET .AACAOE ANO Thi• bull""' II conducted b)' •'ice CREAM PARLOR t 18 M I cCKporellon · • n Judy'• Wellmlnaler, Inc Str111, Hun11ng1on Beech CA Law1ence •••all 92848 Prttklenr · Robert Pomeranu, 189?0 Thlt tleltmenl wH llled with lhe P11a<1ero. Ten.ane, CA 111358 County Clerk of Orongo CO\Jnty on M1tk Flaller. 10377 Sunael June 2 1 1g92 Boulevard. Lot Angtj ... CA Fltll14 Tiii• buelneu 11 conducted by 11 Publlshed Orange Cout Dilly general partneranlp. Pilot J 23 30 J 1 7 14 tn82 Aobet1 Pomerentz UM u y • • 4. Thi• lllllemenl WU filed wtlh the 27 2·82 County C18'k or Otange County 011 Ml.IC NC>TtCE PICTnlOUI llU .... H NA• STATWMINT Tile 1011ow1119 l>OftOO• "' dOlr\Q 1>11t1n•1 •• PHAS( II PROMOTIONS 1000 W lalbo1 •1vo lull• 800 Newporl Oeieh. Calrf01nl1 t2N:I PltaH II Promotion• Inc Incorporated 11111 of Calllo1n11 2006 W B1lboa Blvd., Suite 60!1, Newpu11 Beech, c1111orn11 112883 f hit butlrlHI II COtlOllCttd tly Y c0rpor11lon Ph•N fl PrumotlOl•I. Inc Salv1tore PuglllM J1 , Pr•tldent Thll 91111oment wu filed wnh 11w1 coun1y Clefk 01 011nge co~in•y oo Ju~ '1 1g8' Flt I ... Publlshed Orange Coast 0•1ly P1101 Juno 23, 30. July 1 14, 1982 26116·1!2 MLIC NOTICE IC.ool'° l'\alq NOTICE .... ......, PICT"10UI IUllNIH NAMI ITATa .. NT fllo IOllOwlng f)lf!IOM 8fl 0011\i; bU•I,,_ u JUOY 8. 2HO N Main Olr•I Sent• An1, CalllCKnll 12701 Judr'• 8•nta Ana Inc . 1 Calllornla corPO••llo11. 28tl0 N M•ln SllMt, S11n11 ~n1, Calllornla 11'701 Trt11 butln"' 11 con<luctld by • t.Otl)Ot •llOll Judy'• Sent• Ana lflC Lawrance larMI Prelldent Tnta 11111f1'181'1t wl• hied Wlfh Ille Coun1y Clerk 01 Ot•MQ• Couniy on Jurt011 tGI~ '1t1•" Pub1t1'1ed Orange Coa11 Otil) Piiot. June 23, 30 July 7 14 11111~ n 4o 82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 1ua ... u 1 NOTlCl °' ... "',, .• IAU NAMI! I TAltMIHT PLAINTIFF· MOUNTAIN AVENUE The lullOWtng pe<tonl are do1 BUSINESS PARK ETC YI bu11n1ss 111 DEFEND.ANT JOHN 0 AODEFFEA INITIAl l INCOAPORA TEO, ETC NO 3&-26--08 1781S S~ypark Circle $11111 o. By Ylrl ... Of en ea9Cl.lllon luut(J llvl111. CA 927 14 on April 28, 11182 by the Sul*lo< Gol Otf YOur H1or1 Hor111. Inc , Court, County of 011ngo, Sitto of a Ca11fo1n111 corporeuon. t 78 t 5 CelllCKnla, upon• ludgmont tntl!red Skypnrk C1rc.le, Su11e 0, 1rvh10, CA ln lavor Of MOUNTAIN AVENUE 92,14 BUSINESS PARK, a Ltmlled This nu~lneas 11 conductfld by 8 P1r1no11hlp, aa judgment crlldllor(1) co1por111un and llQllnat JOHN 0 ROOEFFER Get 011 Vour HIQh 111dlvldu1Hy end dbl 0c;e•n Floolt Hor111, inc as )udoment deblCK(t), llhOwlng 1 A Cahlotnoa corpe>(allon ne1 b&llnCe of $178,000 00 IC1ually LoiSlv Lane Pr~ Seer <1110 on said )lidgment on tM dale or Trees 1111 IJMlanGe of MIO ea9Cl.ltk>n, I ---PUBl--1-C-NO-Tl_C_( ___ Juno 14. 1952 This 11a1emen1 wos Irle<! w1m 111~ have levied uP011 ell tile rlQhl. Ullo F19115' Coun1v Clv1k of Orange County on and 1n11res1 of uld judgment FICTITIOUI aU81NEal Publlahed 01eng1 Coesl Delly June 18. t982 d8blor(s) In the properly In the NAME ITATf!MENT Pilot, June 16, 23, 30. July 7. 1982 Fl91792 County or Orange S1111 of !ho followlng person Is doing 2846-82 Published Ora11ge Coas1 Oa11y Calltornra. dMCtlbed u IOllowa. buSlnese as DIDtlC NOTICE P1101. June 23. 30, July 7. 14 1!1112 Loi Ill. In TrlCI 9350, In the A·OEPENOABLE CLEANING ""°" 2732·82 County of Orange, S l ate OI COMPANY 276 Avoc11<10 1B 104 FICTITIOUI aUllfttll CalilCKnla as per map tlCCK~ In Costa Mesa. CA 92627 NAME ITATEMENT MLIC NOTICE Book 39 t Pages 35 to 37 or Thomes Arthur 8a111e 276 Tile IOllOWlng penon1 are dOlng FICTITIOUS BUSINESS M1"*laneous Maps. In Ille OttlGe ol Avocado • B 104 Costa Mesa, CA busl,_. aa. ~ lhe County Aecofdef of said county 92627 BACI( BAY F'ISH CO 406 1 lh NAM£ aTATEMENT Property 11 more commonly T The to11ow1ng pe1son 1s doing known aa 3 R1mrock Lant 1rv1ne hlS bu11n1u Is condU<lled by an S11ee1 Apt B Hun11ng1on Be ch business as C ' • 1ndlvldual Caurorn1a 92648 I~ 1 M f !:. A 0 RN AMEN 1 AL elllornla Thomas A Basile David Alan Rann, 408 131h IRON fbl MESA tRON IC) MESA Together wtlh all lhe Singular This eteteme"I was filed with !he Stree1, Apt B. Hunting Ion Beach, IR 0 N RE A L F S I A T E I 4 I 8 lhe 1enemen1s heredltamenlS and County Clerk Of Orange County on C1lllornle 92648 Shamrock l dn\1 Costa Mesa CA appur111nanc;es lhl!feunto belonging Ju~ 14. 1982 Robert Daniel Rann, 21782 92626 Or in anywise appertaining P:1t1"55 B1ookllurat, No. 9, Huntington NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhlll Publl11led Oren~ Coa&t Dally 10.--. CllllfCKnla 92..... JAMES THEODORE SILERIO on lhursoay July tS 1982 al tO 00 ...,...., .,..., 1418 Shamrock Line. Cos1a Mesa Piiot June 16. 23. • July 7. 1982 Thi• bus11-la conducled by a CA 92626 o clock a m a1 Ma•n LO Db)' 26 t0--'2 11 panne<thlp Courthouse 100 CMc Center Orlvo ------------Rot>er1 0. Rinn This bullness ts conduc1e<1 by an Wes1 City or SBrlla Ana. COl.lnty of P\el.IC NOTICE Thts 11aleme<tl wu tiled with lhe •ndMdu8'..amt" • Stlet1o Orange, Stale ot Calllomlll, I will soN oun1y Clerk or Orange Coun1y on This sta1em6MI was tried wllh the Ill public auction lo tile hiQl!Mt MN t24f7 une 7, 1992 bidder. lor CMh In law1ul money ol FICTITIOUa BUSINESS Fltolft County Clerk OI Orange County on lhil Unlled S1a1es all the right, title NAME STATEMENT Published Orange Coal! Dally June 4• t982 and interest of said judgment Tne tollowrng persons are doing llot J 9 16 23. 30 98 F190n3 dublOflSI In lhe above described bu11ness as ' une · • • • 1 2 Pubilshed Or jllge Coast Oa11y property or so mueh thereof 111 may JUDY'S No 25 Fuh1on 2478·82 1 Piio1 Jun" e 1~ n 29 1982 be necessary to sa11sly said Square. tmpertal & Beach La r----Dl-ID-,1C-NO-T-IC_E____ 2406 82 eaec;ulton with acc1ueo rnlltfett and Habra Ce1110rn11 9063 1 r "°" cost• Juoy s la Habra Inc a FICTITIOUS aua..-aa PUBLIC NOTICE Oaled at Sanla Ana Calll0rn11. Calllornla corpora11on No 25 NAME STATUolENT June 10 t962 FaSti1on Square, Imperial & Beach. The IOllOwtng pertona ere doing FICTITIOUS llUSINESS BAAO GATES La Habra, Calllorn111 90631 business as· NAME STATEMENT Sherlll-C0ton81 This business Is conducted by a (II) PACE SETIEA (bl PACE Tile tollowono person~ are 001ng ~ County or Orange, CA corP0'8llon SETIEA PAVILION tC) COMPANY'S business ilS By· K Brown, Judy's La Habra, Inc. COMING, 3333 Brlllol Street Costa N P AU I 0 SERVICE 6292 Se<geent Lewrence ls1ael, Presldenl Meaa Calllornli 92626 Wes1m1ns1ttr Avenutt Wes1m1n"er UNT a FEN8TERMAl<ER This st11emen1 was tiled W11h the Schlnnete<s Inc • a Callfornla Ca111orn1a 92683 lalnllff'• Attorney County Clerk ol Orengo County on corporation. 3333 Brlarot Street. P11oa1 Pakdi;•chll 7875 Aonalo 20 Newport Cenl&f Dr1vo. June 21 1982 Cotti Mesa. Calil0tnll 92626 Drove Hunllng1on Beach Cahlorma ulte 211, F1111n Thi• bullrt6SS 1s con<lucled by a 92647 ••port hech, CllllfCKnla 9*° Published Orange COISt Oe1ly CCKPCKellon Ne• Lee. t3306 Hunklee Published Orenge ColSt Oa11y Piiot. June 23. 30. July 7 14, 1982 Schlnnere<• Inc Avenue Gar.ien Giove Ca111orn1d 11>1101 June 16 23. 30 1982 2739-82 Jonn F Scltlnnllfllf, 92640 2607-82 ------------1 Presldent This business is c.011du~1ed by a PUBllC NOTICE Thia statement wea llled wllll the genl!I al pa11nership -------------tC t Cl k f o ,.._.. Pade1 Pa> drv1ch1t FICTITIOUa IU9*£11 oun y 8f o t1nge """nty on Thi$ s1a111men1 was flied with ttie SUPERIOR COURT OF NAME STATEMENT June 7 1982· FllOl7I County Clerk ol Orange County on CALIFORNIA The following persons are doing Published Orange Coast Daily June I 1982 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO butlness.. F1llOSOS NORTH COUNTY OAIGIN•l DON JOSE NO 2, Pilot 9. 16 23. 30 1982 p 0 C JUDICIAL DISTRICT " 2S36 82 uohstied range oas1 Oa11y 428 E 17111 Street, Co1la M111 Ptlol June 2 q 16 23 1962 PL AI NTIFFS: DWIGHT D. CalllCKnl1 92827 D11D11c NOTICE 2396 82 WAHL IERG and MARTHA E. Oon Jose Fleet11uran1 Inc a '"°" WAHLIERG ••· Calllornra corporation, 11093 e --,,-1-c-nnou---,-.-U-Sl_N_E_l_S ___ t N3l.IC NOTICE DEFENDANTS: C OASTLINE Adema. Hunllnglon Beech, NAME 8TATEMENl ------------INVESTMENT. INC . CLARENCE Catll0tnl1 112646 The following pereon II doing FICTITIOUI BUSINEll ALBERT VERNON, BETTE A. Thia bull-IS con<IU<lted by a bus1nea.s as· NAME aTATl!MENT HARRISON •nd DO!I I ttlrougll corporation OCS PRODUCT SALES. !623 B The following persons a1e doing l(X. lnclu1IH. DON JOSE RESTAURANT N O Donnell Way Orange business as CH• No. N-13573 C1lllorn1a 92667 C&L C.AAPET CARE 1S70 APPl.ICATION FOR PUBLIC NOTICE INC Joe MOtjoteph. Aeymond C Jenkins 15752 Orange Av&nof>. No A, Costa Mesa. ORDER DIRECTING KALEY St Paul 111 Los Angeles. Ca HARBECK LINDROTH President Grey Oiks Slr&el Weslminster Callt0tn11 92627 PAYMENl OUT OF DR JAMES C:.OWlNin 19li4 He came lo WILLIAM WALTER REYNOLD EMIL 962-7911 c1urornla92683 Verne A l11son Jr 1570 REALESTATEFUND KALEY. a"e 72, a formc>r Huntm"ton Bt>al·h m 1967 HARBECK. reside n 1 or LI NDR<YrH. a resident of Thll st•Temenl wu flied wilh the Tn1s business 1s con<111c11<1 by an 0111nge Avenoe, No A Cos1a M&Sa (8'PC Section 1oc111 o 0 Cos ll h ( N Be h Ca Passed County Clerk ol Orange Counly on ondlYldual Calllornia 92827 Praonloff alleges Pr1es1 of St Walfr1d'!>and was thl' rl'ClOr and ":ta Mesa e was C te ewport ac • June1ol.1982 Raymond CJenklns ReneCandelar1a.276Avocado t OnOc101>er12 1979.pla1n1111 Episcopal Church. passC'd buildl'r of St Wtlfrtd's building 1nspt>etor fur the away on June 20. IY82 F111444 This statement was filed won tile No C -102 Cotta Mou. Callto•nla 1011>0 a complaint on lhf! above away on Sunday, Jum• :lO. Ep1stopal Churl•h m 1967. City of Newport Beach for Survived by his daughwr Publllhed Orange Coast Dally County Clerk of Orange county on 92627 en11111.10 maner 101 oamages 101 1982 m Anah eim. Ca. Fothc•r All m aJJ F'alher Kaley built 2 past 12 years. He was a Karen Va I ley, son Erie Prloi. June t6, 23, 30. July 7, 1982 June 21, 1982 This business 15 conduc1ed by a '' <lud and aece11 breecn 01 ( h U ·--' S L d h d Ell' N 1..-2614·82 Published Orange Coes1 Dally genllfa) Plr1norshlp con1rac1 and consp1racy against Kaley was born on May Z4. churches, 4 parish halls and veteran o I e m ... " • tales rn rot an 1sa e.,;un ------------Pilot. June 23, 30 July 7. 14. 198., v A Lerson. Jr aelenoant CLARENCE AL BEAT 1910 on the lsle nf M an. 2 rectories Ile retired from Air F'orcc, havmg served Memorial Services will be N3l.IC NOTICE 2692·82 rrus t 1atemen1 wu hied W1th lhe VEANON ano olhe<s Great Bnuan. At an t•arlv St Wilfrtd's m 1977 Father during the Korean Conflict he 1 d at St Andrew's County Clerk or Orange County on i' Tne couse 01 act•e>n ell~ed 1n age he moved 10 London. Kaley eamt.'d his Ph O in Survived by his wire Shirley Presbyterian Church on "~!~~:A~=~· N3l.IC NOTICE May 28 1982 Flt0450 '"" comp1a.n1 aroMi oo 01 abou1 On'"rto, Canada whc·rft h'· 19-1 ·' 1 n th0 .;,out h 0 rn of Coot.a Mesa, Ca . son Paul Thursdav. June 24. 1982 at M&y ro 1978 ano •S oaseo on the ..., " , .., , ., ' • The lollowlng person II doing NOTICE OF TRUITEE'I I .ALE Published Orenge Coasl 0111ly frJuO m•S<eP•es&ntat1on ano decett attended the Univer.;1W of Cahforma Graduate School of Ohio. daughter He1d1 o( 3 OOPM In hru of flowers busmess as T.8. No. J3aOI P1101 June? 9 16 23 1982 ot lhl' oe1enoan1 VERNON W estern Ontario, he • was of Theology Ht· t•arned his Oh to. s1stc•r Betti Vreeken of the fa m I I 'Y re q u es ls MISSION EN TEA PRISE s. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that 2352-S2 3 VERNON was a real eSlale ordained a Deacon m I 933 BA L T h r rnm Huron U ta h a n d h 1 s parents donalluns be made t.o the St. 1822'~ N-port Blvo ~ 138· Coste on Wedneadey. June 30, 11182. at 11c.-nsee a1 lh .. tome the 11ansaci1ons On M d M W I A d • p d S Mesa CA 92627 9 00 o'clock a.m ol said day. In lhe P\el.IC NOTICE mvo11e(.1 1n the compla•nl occurreo and was made> a Prll'St 1rt College 1n London, t.a:-10, r J rt rs a t er n 1·ew S rinte ermon BETTY BOMBOY. 369 Aalcam roorn se1 aside tor co11rtuct1ng And was ciertormong Bel~ 1or which a 1935 m Ontario, Canada. In Canada. Hl' mt•l and marned I ldrb(,·k of ULah Servll't'S 1"und Pl . Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Trustee's Seres. wOh1n the otllcea or NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS real estate 11cense •S requoreo'" 11ie southwestern On tJrio ht' Clanc.'e Walkc·r m Stratford, will Ix• ht>ld on T hursday. This buJlneN IS conducted by en A EAL EST A TE SEC URI TIES CALLIP'O FOR BIDS State 01 c a1oto•'l•a when lhe cause F' h K I J 2,, 1982 11 OOAM P\el.IC NOTICE lndlVldual SERVICE. loceled II 2020 N<><1h S C H 0 0 L D I S T A I C T t)I JCl•on ana1nst him occurred served 25 churches d(lC'r hts Onlano al t•r a ey was Un<' "• al : al Beny Bomboy Br01dway, Suite 206, In lhe City 01 HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION 4 On Ju~e :?O 1981 pl&in1ot1 was ordmauon He came 10 thl· .ii.so acllVl' in tht• Masonic lht· Harbor Lawn Memorial FICTTTIOUI IWllNESI This ttaiement was tiled wl1h the S1n11 Ana, County of Orange. s1111e HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT granled a default rudgmen1 by 1h1s United States'" tht• 0111(.f'M' Lodge and Lions Club m Chapel Final interment NAME I TATEMENT County Cle<k OI Orenge County on OI C•lllornla, BELL TRUST DEEDS. BIO OE.AOLINE BIO NO~ 497 • Courl or<1e .. ng lh81 lhe plarn1111 of Georgia, he was the fin.I Canada. hl' wai. a member of servit'eS will be held at Thf• The IOllowing P8BO"• are <loir>Q June 14· 1982 INC . a CelllCKnla c;cxporellon, as i ~ P M ThurSO•v. Julv 1 1982 ~noutd recove1 lrom defendant the H o h R d N ll aJ M I ta F1t1&51 du"' eppolnted Trustee undef llnd 1 NO 498 2 OO PM Tnu•sday >Um$ 01 S2S 000 00 com~nsal""' rector and built St Philtpsthe unt1nglon c>t•ac 1vers1e aon 11 r) bullnessu. Pbl 0 c ·r Ju1y11982 ~ -1 .• f h C 1 R d C OILL Y'S, 16681 BolH Clllca u llhed range oasl Dally pursuant lo Ille power of 1111e <1amages st ooo oo at101ney·s tees Episcopal Churc•h 1nR01.aryandpn.-s1uen10 t~ cmecry. iversi e, a SHeei,Su1telOl,Huntlngion Pltot.June16,23,30.July7.1982 conrerrlldlnlha1cet1aln0eedo1 PLACE OF BIO RECEIPT s12011S8 1nwes1S66tOOcosis. Coalinga, Cahfonua in 195 I No rl h Amt' ri ra n Manx Serv1l'<'S under Lhe direct1or. Beach, Celllornla 92649 2613-82 Trust executed by James Oavldson HUNTING TON BEACH UNION totalling $38.672 58 said 1uogmen1 H e wen l lo Stockton, Association. fr<lm 1974 10 of llarbor Lawn-Mount OILLY'SRESTAUAANTS.INC.. • •Ingle men recorded June 22' HIGH SCHOOL DISTAICT 15nowlinal California in 1960 and was an 1976. Beloved husband of Ol1vc M ort uar y of Costa a Celllornl8 corporation. 1656 1 MUC NOTICE 1981, In Book 14110 of Olllc1ai ~O~tCATl~N CEN~EAd ~0251 s The amoun1 or 111s actuo1 and M .. ,.0 555" B 1 Chi SI t S II 101 Rec0<d1 ol said County II Page or own venue, oar oom, 011ec1 loss sulfered by plalnllfls assistant al the Cathedral of Clarice E Kaky beloved esa .,.. • "'· 0 sa 011 ree ' u e · BTA~Mt:NT Of' ABANDONMENT 538, Recorder's tnstru;,,ent No. Huntlnglon Beach. Calllornla 92646 1 hr o u oh 1 he 1, au d ;l'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:--, father o f James David c MORTON Hun~i·r KS.ech, C::~°'cf': :2~~ OF UIE Of' FICTTTIOUS 32079. by reuon of • breech CK PROJECT IOEN TIFICATION m1srepresenta11on, and aece11 Ol the Neptune Ka I e Y o f K 1 n gs ton • BARBARA JEAN RA VN ASSOCIATES. INC • a C1lllorn111 •USINESI NAME deleult In p1ymen1 0t per1CKmance NAM E BIO NO 497 • Asphill oerenoant 1~ $38 672 sa Washington. and daughter MORTON.ageSl.a r~ident corporation, 18721 Carouael. The following person 1111 or lhe~tlonasec:uredtllereby Aeslorlllon WHtmlnster Htgh 6 Ne11her,>la1n11fl1slhespauseo1 CREMATION 8URtAl Al SEA d J B f ~" Huntington Beactt. CeUfCKnl• 92649 abaodoned the use of the AC1iltous lncludlno 111a1 br111Ch CK defeu11: SchOOI and Huntington Beaeti High oe1enoan1 ·hcensee no• 11111 personal 646 7431 Winnifre ane aces o of Co!-ta Mesa. Ca Pa.<;.Sed This buSlneU 11 conducled by 8 Bullness Name Notloe of which was recorded School BIO NO 498 · Bulldlng represf!nlal•ve ot sucll spouse -C I are mo n t • Ca A Is o away on June 19. 1982 She gene<al par1nersh1p IRON SPUR, 1 t086 Garden November 10. 1981, 1n Book 14286 Plllnllng · Edlton High SchoOI, and 7 As 01 1 he d 111 e 0 f 1 n is Our llteratu1e lells the ~ u r v t v 1 n g are 4 is survived by her husband Dill Y'S RESTAURANTS, Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove. of Olfictal Records of eald COi.iniy Wlntersbur~ High School ttpplicauon plain11lls have receoveO complet e s tory of our grandchildren. Catherine R obert L . M orton, 2 son s INC. Ce~llornFla 92640 II page 1930, Aecorder·i Mpli:.~e LAN~ ARE110N FIL~ noth1nq 1n pa111ar sa1111ac11on or society. J C Fr&nk Woolsey. he lttltloua Buslnesa Neme lntlrument No. 11~59. Will SEll 8 nance, pera ons an 111e11 1udgment against VERNON Cell,., ir .. ,..,110110 Emma . ii ml' s Ow In • Stephen and Cr a I g President referred 10 above was filed In AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Consirucuon Room 321 Hunllnglon 8 P1a1n1ills nave mede lhe JA 11n. c ..... lkr. Jennifer CollC'Cn and Emily daughtl'r-in-law Melinda Thia slatement wu flled wllh the Orange County on May 12. 1982 HIGHEST BIODEA FOR CASH Beach Union High School District rolloworig searches and 1nqult1es 10 .lll---ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==e;=~~~ Eleanor Ka I e y a 11 or Memorial services will bt' County Clefk of 01111Q8 CO\Jnty on Mark Van Ornum. 4791 Myra lawful money ol lhl United St•tes' Education Center 10251 Yorlttown a'cert31n wllelher lhe delanoant Is KmgstOn. Washmgton He is held at Prrnce or Peace June 14, 1982. ...ven~. Cvpress, Cal!ICKnla 90830 CK • ceslller's check drawn on • Avenue. Huntington Ba&cll. D055USed Of real Of person11 rtHCllaOTHHS also survived by a sister Luthnran Chur~h. 295~, f'IHODEa , IC E NO ALL a This bu.s1nesawH conducted by 11•1• or national b11tk, •stale or Calllorn111 9284 Phone 17141 l>'ooe<lyor otherassetsheblelobe SMITHS' MOITUAaY ~ ~ HA.NUNGTON •n lndMdu•I federal tredll union CK a 11e1e CK 964-.3339• EAt 320 sold ot apehed on s111stac11on ot 1119 627 M ain St Eleanor Margarl't Kaley and Mesa Verde Ori ve East , A ProfelaloMI Law COf'PO'etlon Mark V1n Ornum federal savings end iOi n auociatlon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that iudgment bro1her Wilham C Kaley, Cost a M es a, Ca on .aa MecArtllur lloutnerd, Thia atatemenl wes filed With the domlclled In tllls 11111, .,, payable 11 the above-nerned ScttoOI Olslllct 01 ~I An Abslract ot Judgment llas Huntington Beach both of Rodney. Ontario, Thursday, June 24. 1982 al ~e 105 ly cien. of Orange Coun1y on 1111 time of sale, all right. 11118 end Orange County. Calllornra ac1ong ~n •ecorOed in the ot11ee of lhe 536-6539 Canada. lie was prcceeded 7·00PM. In lieu or Clowers Newpor t •••ell, C 1llfornl1 une 14, 1982 1n1er .. 1 held by It H Tr111IM In oy ano inrough 111 Governing County Reco<de< ol Orange County ,ACIRC VllW MIMO•IAL f'ilW Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drove Newpon Beach 644·2700 McCOllMfCI( MOHUA•llS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768--0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 HAllOI LAWK-WY. OLl•t Mortuary• c.erretery Crermtory 1625 Gisler Ave Cost8 Mesa 540-5554 l'tHClllOTHHS l&LllO ADWAY MOITUAIY I 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642•9150 IM.T1 IB•HOM NTH & TVTHllL WISTCUflf CHA'8. 42'7 E 1711'1 SI Coat•Meea 8'6-9371 naeo-zoe1 F11QM 11111 real s>rc>j>erty · el1U11te In ield Bolrd, herelnalte< relef'rOCI 10 11 end arso or San Otego County in death b¥ a grandson . t h e f amily r equest s l'tt·t44t Publl11ttd Orange Coal! Dally County end Stete. deacrlbed •• "OISTAICT'\wlllr-1veup1o.but Copln 01 said abstracts 'W'e Richard Kaley Bates and 4 donations to Hoag M emortaJ Publlehed o range Coast Dally 1101• June l8, 23, 30, July 7, 1982 lollowa not later lh&n lhe above-slated 011ac.ned as E•h1b11 3 bt'others. Herbert. Ern est . H ospital. Newport Beach. Pllol, June 18. 23, 30, Juty 7. 1982 2844-82 The Soulh88aterly 139 ,.., or time. Miiied bide tor the award 01 8 bt rn January 1962 p111n1111·s Spencer and Fred Kaley 8th rtoor. cancer ward 2647-82 DI-IC NOTICE the SoulhWMtlt'1y 200 feet 01 the conlrect tor Ille •boYe projeet counse1 ll"Oaged thtt rirm or OuHt ""°" NCKlll-lerly 284 leot or Loi 112 or Bids •h•ll be race4ved In the pltce Allorney lnveM1g111ons number Friends may r<1ll at Pterce OSBRI N K P18.JC NOTICE FtCTITIOUa 9UllNEH Trect No 300, as per m11P recorded Identified lbove. ind 9hall be AA008736 10 conduct an easel Brothers Sm1lhs' Mortuary MARY E OSBRINK, a NAMI! ITATEMENT In book 14, PIO" 11 end 12 of 098lled •nd l>Ubltcly rff<I 81°'-'d 111 sea1c1i A copv of lhet• rePO•t is r m 12 noon to !l OOPM on K-«Ma T Mltc*l•neou• mape rtie above-et•led lime and ptace a11acneo es E•h•bll ' ro · resident of Newport Beach. FICTITIOUI 9U .... ll hi loOowtr>g P8'90t1• •re dotng The street addreu or other Each bid mual ClOnlCKm and be 9 BY THESE SE.ARCHES ANO Wednesday. June 23, 1982. Ca Pa.-'~"' away on June 2 1. NA• aT ..... •NT bllltrt6SS u d 1 1 responsive 10 1h11 con1r11c1 II b "'""" .,,.. SURFER PUBLISHING GROUP. common ff gnat on Of lhe rH I INOUIRIES PLAINTIFFS HAVE Funeral services w1 e 1982 Born September 24. Thi toltowtng P8f90tlt .,. dOlng 33048 Celle Avlador, San Juan l>fOP8rtY u h«elnebove delcrlbed document• • DISCOVERED NO RE.AL OR conduct ed o,n Th.ursday, 1901 in A rizon a. S urvi ved bu1ln911u: c... c It purported 10 be 256-260 Sanll Each bid theft t>e accompanied PERSONAL PROPERTY NOA J 2A 1982 l 2 OOPM l G AND G UNION 78 10975 a.,.81r•no, alllomla 92875 l11bella, Cotti Meae, Calllornla ,by lhe tecurlty ieterr9d lo ln lhe OTHER ASSETS WHICH HAVE une ~· . a . . a by daughter M arian Cripe o f s . SURFER PUBLICATIONS • cont eel d I d by th II t St W I f d S EPISCO al Euclld trHI. Founltln Valley, ClllfCKnla l'Alnlvellon. 3304'" c:.... The un derelg ned hereby . r ocumen I an •• NOT ALREADY BEEN SOlO OR · 1 ri P N ewport Beach. Ca .• a son CelltCKnle 92708 Avlador, Sa~Juan Capla~ra~o. dl1clatm1 all llablllly tor any 01 pr~11JbconlractOt11. o THE R w 1 s E AP pl IE o 1 N Church. 18631 Chapel ~n .• Dr. Raymond H. Osbrink of GlfY Robert Aull, 3790 A990'l CallfCKnlt 92675 lnoon'ec1,_ In 9111<1 "'"'add,_ n.. OI TRICT rM«Vea the right s A T' s FA c TI 0 N 0 F TH Is H untington Beach.Ca with Newport Beach, Ca • 6 L-.1.Chlno,CelllCKnl1 11 1710 Tlllabue1.-.11conductedby a °'other oommon dealgneOon lorejec1 en)'CK 1llbklaCKlow1J..,. JUDGMENT the right Rev Robert C grandc hildren 7 great-UlfY Aly C1ev9nger, 1784 1 E. CCK"PCKetlon Said l8le wll be made wi111out •ny lfregut.nllee or lnlCKmllttles In tO P1111n11111 hive dlllgenll)' R k B h f L • S•llo1d Strtll. Oerden Grove, S r1 p warrenly el(preu 01 Implied '"l bid• CK In Ille bidding. pursued tne remedies ag11n11 111 usa • 18 op OC os gr andchildr en and a brother Callf0tnl892704 Fu «~bllcatlont ragardtnO Utle, poueulon. o; 11• DISTRICT 1111 delerrnlned 01ner pe1sons llebie 10 htm 1n 1he Angeles. Ca .. Rev harles Berton B eals. M emorial Thl8 bu*-11 oonductlld by • rlnll 11• encumb renoH , to 111111y Iha 1118 genorel pr'e'lllllng rete of per lr•n•"etion tor which he 1Hks Sacquety. Rector o f St services will be held o n general i>ertG,,,,,,n«WtlpR ..,_·_.. Tiiie a1'!:i87wu filed w1h the oprlnelpel INllenoa of t~ Note CK dltm ~In the loceNl)I In wnletl recovery by 11trs c111m (See W ilfrid's Episcopal C h urch, F ri' day, J u n e 25, 1982 mt -, · ...... eou t Cltrtl of Or Cou llw oblla•IOlt tte\lted by lllld thlt 11 to be pertormtd lof 1111c1ted E•hlb115 Oecl11111on of N R R h d B d u Thi• 1111ement wu lllacl wtlti the nr. lf108 nty on OMd Of frutt, with Int-I and 11011 01111 or type of workman Munro Merrlek 1 ev. IC ar at~s ~n 3 .00PM at Pacific V ie w County Clerlc of Orange County on June • 11182· olM1 tume 11 provided tllertln· naeded to u ecutt the contr1tat. WHEREFORE, plelntlffa pr•y 11111 James D.C . Kaley off1daling. M e m 0 r l 11 I c h 8 p e 1 May 10. 1982. .. .. ...,_ Publlslled Orengo co:.1~Y plu8 ld"*1Ctl II 1ny under t~ TlleH ratH ere on Ill• 11 11\.B 1h1 Court make ilS Order directing Intermen t will be ma~e al Inurnment at Inglew ood .. __ 23. erme tllereof 111<1 ~on euctt DISTRICT otfloe IOCllllld 11 102$1 lh81 '"' AHi Estete ComrnlN!Oner St. Ph!Uprs C hurch. Coabnga, Park Cemetery, ~lewood, Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dally Ptlol, Ju~ 11• 16• • 30• 19:l"-"' ~. and plu8 ,.... cruwoea ~o~~ :=~t1ng1C: pay 10 the ptalnlllft. OWIOHT D c Th r m lly suggests Piiot, June 9, 18, 23, 30, 1982 upeftMt of I~ Tnm .. end or • ..._ ""Y WAl1LBERG end MARTH.A E 8 • e 8 Ca. I n 11 e u o ( o w e rs 2633-82 rta.lC NOTIC[ '"*' ~ by Mid Deed of obtained °" f"9qUM1 A 009Y of WAHLBERG from the r .. 1 Mtll• contnbutions be made lo lhe memorial contributions are r1.111. Tiit total amount or H id 1'-rat• ehtoll ~potted 11 tile 1un<1 1h1 aum or l t0,000 00 10r March of Dimes in memo')' requested to the John Tr.icy rta.JC NOTICt ~~:.~ 1b1111gatlot nd, 1n1 eluding rtHOl\tbldy = ~::;,. n:.::t:':.-~ ~ damages suffered by 1111 p111n11fft rn of Dr Kaley and h 1 s ci· ( Or ng County ..,.._ .. __ • ma • •••· cllarge• an ...,..,..1no dey ~ ......,1 18) ......__ --connecllon with 1111 1a10.,·l1aH . IOICO a e . .. ...... ,_ .. __ •• Tn.lollowl""~•-d"""' ~t ...... T I ........ .,,_ .............. b Ill ' r andaon R ichard K aley . ..,, --· -... "".L":" _.,. .... l'Olttt,atthotme r1te ..... ........,_and __ .__......... 1ck-101n tr•n1e~t1011 on t t t B WILLIAMS NAmlTAT'lmNT buelMMat: ·11nltlal:l.':blleetlon0fthl8Notloe,le ... 111•,:::·a-1 .... __ 11 11~vi•nd""'::::.._:VO,tt". retldence. and lh• tum of a t es. Pier ce rot h ers 1'11• followlng por1on t1 doing J ANO R ClE.ANING SERVICE. 1"•" 11 ... ... .... .._ _.....,, • M d B E R N I C E A N N ....... ~ ...,,, • • .. ...,... .............. h ..... s 10.000.00 u comp.nutlon l0t the Smith! ortuary lrectors ,,,,__ II: 23711 Ctllt Hoger, MIMlon V'ttJo, 0.19CI "'-8 IN" no uouutr may wii.,..raw II ""' d lf9(1(f b pl I lllf I C>36 6539 WlLLIAMS. a resid ent of Ll!WIS CADILLAC MOBll.f cetlfomla t2891 :BELL TAusT.OEE.OS. INC. IOt • PtrlOd ot tony-flw (46) daya c 1 0m:y:: 0~ 1 0 n ! I I all n 1 1 11 : • Newpol1 Beach , Ca. Puaed :~C~IX...!!8 f~.~L !t'.!t. S Anthony Jolln 811011. 14611 a c.1ffom1t 00f'PCK8llon, • •ft• tht <Salt Mt for t11t OP«llnO of tr•11<1uttntly·tnduc.<1 1nvte1men1 by a w ay on June 21. 1982 . 'Harry• ~,7.;1;-;;rN 9~1111 Avtftllt. trvtne, Cellf0tn1t • TNlttl bkll. p111n1111t wtth deftrldent VERNON Survived b y his sister Ruby L"'''· Ltkt !lelnore, d a111ornte ROM """--23711 Ctllt ........... IY: MAL U TATE A p a y man\ bon d 1 11 0 • Oeted· Mar~ 2•. 1982 H ( ,... ~ .. ___ h Ca 9,..,..,.. ......, nvv-llCUf'UT1E8 SERVICE. pertonnanot~ 10 .. ,,-~ ~ ~ ~. N, ...._ ......... o w e o n ew ~ , . -Mltllon Viejo, Callfomlt t2t01 a CaMornte !ton _ _..,..,... "' .... _,,._, Attemer • "8Mttlh and eeveu n iece. and Thie~ le oonducltcl by • Thie bullneM le oondUCllld by a tteAoent ~ • PIY'fttl\t bond 111t1 be"' t11t ""L<ll'I TO 1'11,0WO MAl nerchewa Services will be limited pattMrWl!p, llmlted pan~ ly~~J. MorDIF, ~~: •. rortlt In 111• eontrtot l'I IUL T IN IUl,.NllON 01' h~ d on Thwtday,: _June 24, Thie ~~ ~ .. flled wttt1 1t1t Tiiie 11~~1 -,. Wltfl tn. 2020 Nor1tl ltoedW&y, By: Ao_btrl c. lafley, .,°"" ~-=-....,.. 1 9 8 2 at l 1 : 0 0 AM a t th l' County Ctll'k of Orllf'IOt ~ Oft CountY Cltt\ or OrMOt County on 8'lflil IOI, l>Wo1... 111 ......_. a ... Pacific Vie w Chapel with .NM 1. 1N2. Jl.tne 14, 11U. Sel)ta AM.~ t210I Main~. ~ ...._ ...-. CA ..,.. k1u:J~~k.P= ~~:w ,ubll•lltd O<•ntt co.::-= ttu1111111«1 0,.,101 0011~~: Pu1111~ ~~:~ Publl•= ~roe11 Delly P11b11a11f._.i,~~1 Del~ Me d'--Nat, .Ntwt t . 1t , 13, 30, 1Ma Noe. June 11. 23, to, July 1, tM2 , JvN t . 11. n. 1112 Piiot. June It, 23• tu ,,_.,. .... P11o1. June :r. 1. 1a. :zs. 1t U ortuary ~..,.... 24....U H IM2 Ka-t2 .__ 24 lol.U ... \ ~----·-..-----~-----Oraogt Coaa• DAILY f'.>ILOTIWodnMday, June 2:>1 1082 ~==:· TN ~ ,..on• .,.. clOil\Q Tt1• fOllO*lf!O petton 11 dolno ~.. 11\1111\eM .. OOLOIN Q\,OW, 114 IOl h I a D eot'IT"VQTION, )001 I.,_, No. O. H\lnttnuton IMon, OA Aadlllll A¥9. ll<IG 8. llllta 108, 11M1 Cotti MIU. CA HNO. NiOHOL.AI I( OUOllH, 114 IOllY OfAN OANlll 11621 10111 t11•at, No :l, Hunt11101on 0•1• '''"'· 011cl1n Qrove, Cll IMiotl GA•n4t Ut4t ltl\llN M ROI lllTI, :lto:l Thi• ~ II conduclad b" 111 A1hwoflh, Llkawooo. 01tlfornt1 lnOMdull llob Oll\ltl to711. Tiiie ~ II conducllael by I ll"llllN l)arll\af'ltllp Nlcnola1 K. Oudllll Thia tlll-1 Wll llled Wl1h thl Oounty Olerll ol Ofange County on Mey H , 1N2 ,,*64 '11bt11ned Orenge Co111 Delly PllOt, JUM 1, II. t8. 2). 1982 f hll llllamanl WU llted wllh the County CltlJ• ot Or1n9• CO<Aflty on June 21, ltlt P1ttM4 Pullll•h•d Oran9a Co111 011ty PllOI, Jtilll 23. 30, July 1 14. 19'2 270242 _________ 2_3_66--_U N 0 TI C I 0 f N ON· PUBUC NOTICE lllHPONllelUTV Nolle• II har•by Qlve11 lh•I lhl NOTICI OP TMJITll'I IAti undaratgn.O wlH not b<f tffl)Oflllbl• 101 1ny Clebl• or lla blllll•• MlJONOTMI Ptem10W ...... ...... TA,._NT Tlla IOllOllMO pwtont If I doing bvelNNe .. Ml~lX MA~l<ITINCI 11171 Mariner Orlva, L.1g11n1 NIQu1I, C8lilom11 112en Aaa 0 e110. 139' 1 Mariner Drive, L•ouna Niguel. C1lllorn11 tttn M loha1t Worden , 2387 I Mlrlner Ortvo. l •gun• Niguel c1111o1n11 uen Thie bu1IM81 la CondVOtad by • (lanar81 parlnafl/llp Au 0 Salo Micha.I WOiden Thll ll8ttnlant WU fli.d ,,,..th 1111 County C1lril of Orange County on May 24. 1112 f'tlOOU Pub1t1had Orange COHI Delly Piiot June 2. 11. 1e. ~3. 1082 2319 8:1 NM.IC NOTICE ITAT'l!i OI ;IA.Dt•MT OP OI Nrmout ............ Tlla l ollowlno pert on1 he'll• abandoned Iha llM Of Iha flGtttlO\ll Blielll98t Name; CLAHIC PAODUC TIONI . 2045 Plaoanlla. Coete Maaa, CA UHt 0 11')' Allan lynch. IMt tr\11na Ava . Newpot1 DMch. CA t 2eeo Normblrt A Jolvlaon. 2111 <>gi. AOI IS. C~ll Mela, CA llH27 Wllllem H. Hair, 17831 8an Roque, Hunllngton Such. CA tao Oery C. Y1Clarllnlc. '1 11> W1tr111 SI , Af...,1~. CA 92003 Glll'f A Lynch TN• 111lam.n1 WU n1ec1 with Iha Coun1v Clark of Oranoa County on Jun• 14 1082 Pl1~ Publ\lhad Orang• Cont 01fly Piiot. June 16, :23. 30, July 7, 1082 28.43-82 PICTtTIOUa llUllNIH ....... ITA T .. lf_NT POBUC NOTICE 8u•ln1U1 Opportunity World, 1-----K-.---------- T.I . Me. ,_,, • con1111<:fao by anyone otnar thi n NOTICE IS HEREBY OIY[N, that MyMll, on or 1111M' tnl1 dl la on W~y. July 7, IH2. at 11·00 Dl lad tf'lll 181h dl y OI Jun•. o'ctoc:ic a.m. ol tald d1y, In tlll room 1912 1223 E lfth s1r .. 1. S1n11 An1. ._..,. C&lllornle 92701 flCTITIOUI aUllNIHI Ml lllda lo< con<1v<11lng Tru11 .. ·1 R1ymon(l M na1>111owek1 Sllal, wtlhln Iha offiCM ol REAL 638 Sunll1h W•y. Rlch1rd F no~rt1. 6(116 Vl1t1 NAME STATUllllNT Doi Valli, Anehetni, Calllornla The lolloWlng ~eone 1r1 OOlng ESTATE SECURITIES S!AYICE. P0tt Hueneme. Ce 93041 located " 2020 NOfth 8roedw•y. Publl1had Or1ng1 Cout Dally 92807 bu11nea1 •• w11u., .. H. ~o•. 411 Avocado r HE EtG Hl W IN C>WOOO Suffl 200. lt1 1111 Clly of s.,,11 Ana. Poot. June 22. 23. :29 11182 Count) o f Orenga. 9 111• o f 2725-82 C1lltornl1, 11 duly 1ppolnt1d1------------ CtNI l.1 ll1b11. Catltornll 0063 1 PARTNERSHIP 8 W1ndwood. T1111 bu.ti,_. 11 coOCIUClt<l by e trv1n1 Calt10fnt11 92714 True1 .. uodar end purtu.,,1 10 tha MllC NOTICE general par1n«&hlp C.IHte 0 Welch, 8 Wlndwood, Wllltam Foa '"''n• Cattlornle 92714 power of "'' cont1rr1d In 1h1t 1------------oertlln Deed of True! ••touted by C-1710 fhll t111emen1 wH filed wllh 1118 Tf'lomu L Colfm1n, No Ill, County Cle1k ol Orttnge County on 15491 Peudene Avftnua. Tu111n, June 23. 1982 Celllomlo 92&80 F1t1111 Trllt bueineu It condUGl41d by a RALPH CANTlAY and HELEN NOTICE OF SAU OF C.\NTLA V. hu1b1nd end wife, f>efllONAL PlllOPEflTV raco<dld June IQ. 11181. In Book AT PfUVATt IALI 1'107 ot OtllcllJ ~di of Mid No. A-104961 Publtshed Orange COHI 0111y gene11t p1r1n1rs111p Pilot. June 23, 30 July 7 14, 1982 Ce!H I• 0 Wo!Gh County, at page 799, AacOfd«'t In 1h1 Supenor Court ol lh<t State 2686-82 Th•• ste1eman1 wet llled wnn 1r.. Coun1y Cleflo. 01 Or1nge Counly 011 lntlrument No 211168, by reason of of C1tllorn11. 101 1he County ol 1 bfMCh Of del1ult In payment Of OraOQe p1rform1nc1 ol the obltga11on1 In Iha Maller ol 1116 Eatale ol MLIC NOTICE HCurad thereby. lncludlng that LUCY RICHARDSON eke LUCY I K 00310 btffCh or deleull. Notkla ol which RICHARDSON. Oece&ffd STATEMENT OF A8ANDONMENT w" recorded March 8. 11182, •• Notlea l1 hereby given thel lhtl OF USE 01' R. 0 0 rd. r. I In I tr um. n I N 0 undersigned Wiii Miii II Prtvete sale. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI! 82-079904, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC 10 llHI highest and bHI bidder The lollowlng person (personal AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 1ubJec1 10 conflrm11lon ol JBld 'lave obendoned 11111 use ot thll 8100ER FOR CASH. lawful money Supe"°' Court. on Of aller 1he ISlh hct111ou& 1>us1ness name All STATE of lht Untied Slates. Of • cutller's day 01 July 1982. al ma oNtce ol REAL TORS, a1 1s2s Men Verde ChP drewn on a llate Of nlllonal OUITSMAN & HUGHES. INC • 560l 011ve £1111, Co8ta Mesa C1lllornla blnk, 1 Slale or f1deret credit West Slauson Averiue No 220. 92626 union, or • 1t1te or lede<al uvtngs Culver Clly. Coun1y ol Los An-rtie 11c1111ous oustneu name end loen aasocfallon domlcfled ln gates. Suite ot CaJ•loinoa, 90230. ail rel erred to above was filed tn 11\lt 11111. all p1y1ble II the time of lhe righl, 1111• and lnlereel 01 Slid Counly on Sep1umber 30 1981 Mia, all right. tllfe .,,d lnteresl held dtcea9ed a1 the time or deem Ind XCAL18ER INVESTMENTS, by II. 11 Tru111e. In fh1t real all tne rtghl 111te and •nlllf9111 1nat 2865 E Cont Highway, No J04, proper1y llluete In aakl County and 1ne 111aie ol ta•d oeceased has :;Ofon1 del Mar CetllOfnla 112825 Siiia. delctlbed 11 fOllowt· acquue<I by op8fa11on of law or Lot 22 ol Trect No. 33Bo. In me otherwise. 01her man Of tn addition This1 ous•ne&s was COl1ducte<I by City of Coate Mau. County of to th•I 01 said decease<l at the 11me an ind vi~~~es A Jones Orange. State ol CalllOfnla. as per 01 de1th. in and lo dli lhe certain tndlvidua'fly map recorded tn Bool\ 133, Psoes personal property 11tuo11l<J on San 34 lo 39, Ml-41aneou• Meps. In Juon cap1s1rano. County 01 OraOQ&. Thll st11emoot was lllod wilh t~ 1111 olflee of the County Recorder of s1a1e ot Ca111orn11 part1cular1y County Cieri.. of Orange County on Uk! County oescribed as 10110,.s. 10 ... 11 May 27 198:1 Thi 11re81 addreu or other 1972 Roflaway Mot><ltl Home Fm1Js common deslgnellon of lhe reel LIC No JP4769. Ser No S445U. Puohshea Oranoe Coast Oa1ly proper1y as nerelnebove described JP4770 Sar No susx Pilot June 2 9 Iii 23 t982 is purporled 10 t>e. 2935 Java Road. Terms ot sate cash in lawlul 2408-82 Coate Mesa. CaJl!Ofnle money ol 1he Un11ed S1ates on ------------Th 9 under s 1 g n ad har e b y confirmation ol sate or pan cash PUBLIC NOTICE dl1cl1tma all lleblllly lor any end balance evidenced Oy note FICTIT10US 8USINl!89 lncOf'r9Cll'le9$ fn said streat 1ddress secured by Mortgage or Trusl Dee<! Of other common designlllon on lhe prOP8(ty so sold Twenty·llv NAME STATEMENT Seid sale will t>a made wllhoul percent ol amount Old 10 b Tl1e tooow10Q perloOns are doing w1rr1n1y. •~press or 1mplled. deposlleel w1lh bid l>u5'"8U H regerdlng 11111. ponus1on. or Bids or oilers 10 bll In writing and MANCHESTER SOOK CLUB. encumbrances. lo nllsly the will be received at 1ne 1loresa1d 2654 Soulll Grand Avenue, Santa prtnctpet batanu of the Nole or ott1oe at any time arter tM 1or91 Ana, CA 9nos other obltoatton Metlred by said pubt1catton hereol and before date Gioucestor Publishing Co . Inc .. Deed ol fruSI with lnlerett and ol !Ille a Calllornle corpor1111on , 3 t3 It other 1um11 a~ provided I herein, Oa1ea this 411'1 day ol June 1982 Pa• e o Nara n I a S .an Juan plua eavanoes If .,,Y Wldlr tha William D R1ehardson Cap1mano CA 92675 term• tharet.>f ~ 1n1eie11 on Mleh James M Rocn1rdson This 1>us1ness Is condUC1e<I by a 8dv1ncin and plus 1-cllarges E.ecutOfs 01 Iha Estate corpo<ahon and ax~-ol the Trustee and of ol said OeGede"I Gtouces1or Pub1ts111ng the trulll cr .. led by eald Deed ol DUIT8MAN • HUGHES, INC. Co . Inc Trull The toll! amount ol said ROGER 0. DUITSMAN M G Armstrong, Pres obllg111on Including reasonably seo1 Wnt si.uM>n Avenue Ho. 220 Tl11s s1a1omen1 was fifed wllh the eellmeted fees. chargu and Culver Ctty, Calllornt. 90230 Coun•y.C!"k ot Orilllge County on expenses of Iha Trustee, 11 the time (213) 17&·5411 June 2 • 1982 of tnltlal publlclltlon of lhl• Notlee, IS AllOf,,.YI fOf EHCUIOft F191171 $71, 1114.23 Published Orange Coast Daily Published Orange Coast Dally Oiied. June 11. 1982 P1to1 June 23. 24 30 1982 P1lo1 June 23 30 July 1 14 1982 San Melino Salling.s 269f>-82 2735-82 and Loan Auool11ton • C1llf0fnl1 COfporatlon as Trustea Sy Real ESlate Securtllee Service a Celilornl• c;orporahon Its Ag«ll By 0 J Mor04K 11s Preetdool 2020 NOf1h Broadway Suite 206 Santa Ana. CA 92706 (7 14) 9~-6810 Pubtlshed Orange Coesl Dally Ptlot. June 16. 23. 30. 1982 2822-82 Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF TflU8T£f.!'8 SALE T.S. Ho. 34223 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. th81 on Wednesday. July 14 1982. 111 9 00 o'clock a.m or said day, m Iha room set aStde lor conducting Trustee's Sales. wllhln the oNoees 01 REAL EST A TE SECURITIES SERVICE, located al 2020 North Broadway. Suite 206. Slate ol CalllOf"le, In lhe Clly ol Sanla Ana, County o l 01ange, Sl ate ol Calllornla. MLIC NOTICE Pl&IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U81NEl8 NOTICE Of' TIWSTEE•t IALE NAME STATEMENT loen Ho. 40002000 The lottow1ng person 1s 001ng T.8. Ho. 71122·3 bus.ness as t< t M 8 EALY ES CR 0 W SHARE BUILDERS. 3472 Sen CORPORATION as duly •PP<>lnled Marino Costa Men. Cat1lorn1a Truatee under the 1011ow1ng 92626 described deed or lrust WILL SELL Sheri Boyer. 3472 Slln Marino. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE COSIO Mesa C1tlllOrn1a 92626 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH This busmess 1s conducle by an (payable 11 lfme OI stle In lawtul 1nd1V1dual money ol the United S1a1es1 all Snen Boyer right title and •nle<9$1 conveyed to Hus s1a1ement was hied with tl'le and now hel<l by 11 under said Oeea Counly Clerk 01 Orange County on ol Trust on the property hereonalter June 21 1982 deSCfibed F tt 11110 TRUSTOR: WILLIAM J CLARK Orange Coasl Dally Piiot, June and LISA B. CLARI<;, husband and 23. 30. July 7 14, 1982 wile as to an und1vlde<I 6 percent 2692-82 1n1ereat and JAMES A CARTER ------------and SHARON A CARTER husoand end wile as 10tn1 1enan1s es 10 an rtJIUC MOTlCl undivided 94 per~nl 1nieres1. all as 1------------ lenants 1n common BENEFICIARY LLB CO ii pan11ershtp NOTICE OF DEATH OF LIZZIE MA E HALE AND OF PF.TITION TO ADMINISTF.R F.STATE NO. A-113901. Recorded April 6, 198 1 as 1ns1r No 6108 1n book 14009, page 1905 ol Olhc1at Records 1n lhe otftce ol lhe Recorde< ot Orange County sa.a deed 01 iruSI dMCrlbes tl>e To all heu-.;, lx>nl'ftnanl'S, tollowlOQ property cred1lors <ind l'Ontingl•n l Lot 46 01 rrec1 3813, City ot creditors of L1ua M a<' H ale> Newport Beach, as shown on a map and p ersons w h u may be recorded In BOOll 162. Pag99 11, . . 12. 13. t4, 15. 18. t7, 18. and 19 othc•rwlS<' m u.on•'lllod in the 1nclu1tve of miscellaneous maps. will and/or L'Sl.all'. records of O range County A pt.'llllon has l1t>t•n filed Callf0frn11 b Cl -' I Th YOU ARE IN DEFAULT l)NOER A Y ~Uul' : umpson In OEEO OF TRUST OATEO MARCH t h<· Sup<'rior Courl or 31 , 11181 . UNLESS YOU TAKE Oran ge County rl:'q uesttng ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR th;tt Claude L T hom pson be PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A a p p 111 n I c>d as person a I PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN . May 18. 1982 F1"712 Publl11heO Orange Cont Dally Pilot. June 2. 9 16. 23. 1982 24I1-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS UUSINEll NAME STATEMENT The following persons are dotng bu~tness es A L A S KA MllN 'S ENTERPRISES. 8 Solana. Irvine, Calllorn1a 92716 Z Cttrk Branson. 335 S EJ Molino Avenue, No 5, Pasadena, Calllorn1a 91101 Wendy Sue Wylie 8102 W Ocean Fronl. Newport Beech. Call10tn1a 92663 Hanry E Rullebeck. 10538 Ari Slreet. Suntand.'Callfornta Tf'11s busmess Is conducted by a general pertnershlp Z Cie·k Branson Th•S s111em~n1 was hied wllh Iha County Clerk ot Orange County on June t4, 1982 f 181"41 PubltSned Orange CooSI Delly PllOI, June 16, 23 30, July 7. 1982 2504-8:1 P\&.IC NOTICE FICTmOU8 autlNEH NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng perllOfle era dotno bustne11 as: JO A SS O C IATES . 12°" Broadway, Cos1a Mesa. CA 92627. DENNIS J. PIKUS. 3828 Vl1la Slfeel. Long ee.ch. CA 90803 JAMES J ANDERSON, 2014 Summerwlnd , S1n11 Ana, C A 92704 Thi• oustness ts condvc1ed by • general partnership Oennts J. Pikus This s1a1emen1 was fifed wllh lhe County Clerk 01 Orange County on May 28 1982 F110451 Publlt hed Orange COHI Diiiy Piiot. June 2. 9 16, 23, 11182 2383-82 PlELIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U81Nf.!81 NAME STATEMENT T ne lollowlng per son ts do1no buStne!o.9 as ' MANEUVERS 11086 Garden Grove Boulevard , Gerden Grove, Cahtorn1a 92640. Merk van Ornum, 479 I Myra Avenue. Cypress Calllornie 90630 This bulilness '' conducted by an 1n<11vlduat Marti v an Ornum Thll slelemertt was llled with the County Clefk ol Orange County on June 14, 1982 F1t1'5t Pubttshed Orange Coast Dally Pilot June 16. 23. 30. July 7. 1982 2645-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U81N£8S NAME STATEMENT TM lollowtng persons are dOlng business as GARV'S GLASS SERVICE. 28091 Arcadia. M1sa1on v1e10. Cahlorn1a 9269 I Gary Alan tobey, 26091 Arcada M1ss1on Vlelo C11tlorn1a 92691 Susan l\nne Tobey. 2809 I Arcada. M1ss1on Viejo. Calllornla 92891 Tiiis business Is conducted by an 1nd1v1dual Su$111 Anne Tobey Th•S statemenl WU flied wllh the County C18'k 01 Orange County on Jur>e 2 I 1982 f'tt1913 Puollsf'led Orange Co111 Dally Pt101, June 23. 30, July 7. 14, 1982 2687-82 •Hw llah,.UW I•••• U.Ju•IMM A,.,,.,1111 A,.,,.,.,. A,.,,.,.,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • llal ral• "" 0.Ju '"'" 0,,.1.,.i,w W'l.UI ltati '''' ,.,,1 ~.... .I •••••• ! ... ::-.................. !'............. . ... :l· •••••••••••••••• ·· ................... ;·tt;~~··~.;:t7'.. C.11 • ., JIM hill• JIH fu"• ..., Preetlglout High Or ffplo. w:l91 ,0 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••-=: •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••"m••••••••••~tr ocean ¥u. walk to b91oh per11 1160 •ot· 1ot7 &paolou• a It I St. 1425, e-ve~-wv-v-rwrwrvr-t" SP!CTACULAR ramo: • 3 Br Ht a •. $478 . --------~ - Cl•lld home 3 8t 2'..\ ea. "'nl-1Mltf 1111 t.111ndry fie., pool, backyard, frplo, ••C. '-'•••••••••••••••••••• 648·11658 alarm. toad• ot Fr de>or9 28r, tBa. A/O, IO acr ... -.-2-B-r -, -a-.-. -Newl--y-r_e_tu_r· & ekylltH. I t600/mo. Md potCh. fncd yd, 1&25 btahtd SOl5/mo No 404·1741or4114-e&n mo. 111 6 1111-11c ...... , 8 .... ..,,,7• 055-001S ,,.., • ..., • ., .... OCEANFRONT Mobil• l495t mo 2 Br 2 Ba Homaa·Adlll only, $1000 C••'••/•/8•1 Aptl. B .. mld Cl lllng. I 0 I 1 5 0 0 m 0 . Ag I u.1.,.,,," '4ZI frple, 011•0•. laundry rm 499·38 18. 1 · .... •• • • • • • •,.. • • • • • • • Av all June 3 BR pallo wl •P• •horl RHort-llka adull lrtot nr TSL Mgml 842-1603 • s' 2 OOO SC Pl&e Pool. grdnr -----------walk TO beach • Ok.Ix 18,, No e>e•• 1475 •Ci.an 2 Br MacAr1hu1 mo. yrly 213-978-2256 & ,35 utll 7711 •2680 vio .. S.A Tennla. pool, £ B/111 31$0 Highly u1>9raded & clMn • P • S 8 0 0 . Adu I I• .!1.~~~. .••. ... . . ..••. 752·5622 Of 84 I· 1480 4Br. 281, cul·de•HC, nice Auil•••ll l•nltiH 1380. 1 Br 1 Be. Apt. PI I I 0 S 'f 3 5 rn 0 , •'•-••••••••••••••••••• 1nol1d 9areg1/c1rpo1t, 553-1405 C•1••1 '•I #11 1111 pallo. lndry rm1. bll-tn1. ........... '!.......... walk 10 beach Ullll paid TSL Mgmt 542-1803 HOME FOR RENT · · CALL IT HOME -WlllU1l- 1 & 2 Bedrooms, lmmedlately avAllable. Optional 1 year leaaci. Deluxe living at TlllllllWlll BeauufuJ Park Uke setting. Walk tD shopping. Cloee to freeways. Pool. fireside lounge, sauna. Gaa included to cool, heat and cook wlth. All extras are here and . ~<:>':A._ 1 too will want T1 MULL IT Ml" Santa Ana Fwy & Newport A.v. e>dl, left on Walnut to 1322 S.E. Walnut laU IH·llll lli11I•• Vl1'• JUT e~~h~;;··;;,~;·~;j .. ·,·a·y~ clOM 10 111· I 3 Bdrm S750 Fenced $225/mo. 640·7523 Wulllda lg 18r w t d & · a age Kida & C If, 3114 carport. DIW. lndry, a11all _. r:.. wel~o~e. 545-2000 .• !!!~ ... !~........... 7-2. $400 mo. 645·8825 ~---~...u.:W Agent. no fee Olli DE ORO 1br.1tov1. gar., lndry fee at ... i JJlf ALL UTILITIES P..\10 Cloae to OCC. Avall. 711 '!'.'.'!r.!! •••• !. . . • . • . • • $450 546-72 14 S 38 I Compare balo ra you ---------uper ehllrp r. am rm. rent Cuatom design I BR APT O/W , Naw den. pool. ape. quiet laaluree. Pool, bbQ, paint & cpts 111\d drapee r&1tdantlal toe. $1550 cov'rd narige, eurroun-C.arpo rt $400/mo I Agt 780-9333. ded wttt:" plush landaca-1 851·2175 Leaae or tease option Ja· ping. No pets. _2_B_r_poo--l.-g-ar_ag_e_. -,-5-26 amine Creek, no. 8 plan, 1 Br. turn $500 mo. No pets. 1395 "B" 3 Bdr. den pool/lennla 365 w Wiison 642-19711 w Baker 8-41-0783 $1550 Ag1 760-9333 I H••liaflH 2 BR 1 Ba, cpts. dfpt. wes1c1111 3 BR 1v. b•. IHti Jl40 b ltna, no pell $05 $900 mo. Also Irv Terr • • •••• ••••••••••• •••• •• 2272 Maple 631-2927 4 SR 2...., Ba. $1400 mo Both lreah & clean, no pets. Avl now. 646-2389 H.l.'s FINEST 2 Br w/refrige 2273 Mapta. $435. 545-5004 HHli•i•·· !'.'!r.!!.~!~ ... !!.~! ... , 3140 ··•••·····•·••··•·•··• 1 BR IP'· 11ove. relrlg, 2 Br. 2 Ba $525/mo lSI pukn8 on Penln1ul1 & lut pk.11 deposit 1200. $400 ell 675--0812 SPM 214 P0<tland, 96().;4438 lul• A., "" 2 Br 2 Ba Apt. IVlll now ....................•• P11to. small yard. single MacAr1hur VIiiage :2 BR. 2 garage, dishwasher. Ba. ground llr. end un11 water paid 1 child oil, no New epplk: lmmad ocv p I I a $525t m o PY $625 mo Evt/wllndl. 545-2000 Agent, no lee 213-377-1221 Bech S425 mo. Poot. Jee. w.,,.;.,,., "" seune, 18 nnls, down -.•.......•.•.....••.•• town. 840-2886 •Clean Studio. ulll pd. Bluffs aree condo 4 Br 2',1,ba. lrplc, gar w/elec opnr New cpts & palnl $1,050/mo 644-55 t2 Spant1h E11a1e Llvtngt Beaullful park-Ilk• eur-llSTAllT Ill Delu•e ~ 8 2 Ba Condo. 1 Privacy S lngle only ro unding• Terraced Adults. sec gate. ame-752•5822 pool. Sunken gu bbq, $43-0mo 2 Br 1 Ba pool. nlt1es $650/m o Hatch --------- spark II no founlalna. laundry rm • eaattlde. 847-2563. 2131592-153 1 A ... tl•••I• finliiH ' S I e San1 Cati for appt ,,., I r refrige, gar. Avall $275 SPACIOUS 3 br, 2 be condo lrptc. bll·lna. 2 car gar .• pools, new d&- cor Vacant S950/mo 642· 1155 IEICH HOUSE (Slll•ER) By the n1onth only BUT only $900/mo lor 2 Br :2 Ba. walk 10 beach Avail. lrom June 20 pac ou1 room v .. • 842•1803 eve1. 11 Uaf•1ll JllO rate dining area. walk-In _T_S_L_M_o;;...m_i _____ BEACH apart. 1 BR ' ea, ••• • ••••• •••• •••••• ••• closelts. home llkt kllell· 1 er. ger19a, yard No kids OK 5425. Ask for SUWllD en & cablneta. Walk 10 pele $425/mo. 387 B K · h 9 6 2 4 4 7 1 Hun1tngton Cenlet. Hamllton. 841·0783 e 1 1 • • · YILUIE 1 Bdrm-furn. '505 1_96_8_·_9_8_5_3 _____ _ 2 8drm-fur11 from $805 Npt Hgta 2 BR, 1•,1, be. New 1&2 bdrm luxury 2 Bdrm TownhouM furn Ip c gar. n o Pett WALK TO BEACH, Bach. epts in 14 plans 1 Bdrm from le75 $495/mo 842-572:2 stove & refrlge, gu & lrom $515, 2 bdrm from No pell. MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 88 water paid, $300/mo $570, Townhouse trom 536-7979 S640 + pools, 1enn11. Utllllles Freel gar. Included. Large w aterfalls. ponelsl Gae LA QUINTA HERMOSA yard. lower unit. No pets. 2 Br with garage. bat· for cook ing & hl911ng 16211 Parkside Ln, 1 blk S•75. Wkdys pis call cony, st ov e & dish· paid From Sen Diego 28r boat dck $500/wk W ol8each,3 btksS of 759-4 229 : wk n d s wa sher . S550 /mo Fr wy drive No rlh on Edinger 549-7329 536-7979 Beach lo McFadden 10 1er. boat dck $400/wk Ul·IU1 PINE BLUFF APTS HaatiaflH S e• w 1 n d v I 11 age JACIH llULTI Q uiet Junior & 1 Brs. 2 Br 2 Ba. 1 child ok, no Bar'-., Jl4Z (714)893·5198 PROP •W&EllHT From $375 Poot. rec. I pets. Pallo. view. frptc. •••••••••• •••• • ••••••• • 4000 lll·llla rm .• sauna, enclsd gs-~5c~:~3~~~-io?" Slolle STUDIO CONDO • Frptc, .!!.'!!•••••••••••••••• ] rage. 17301 KMllOl'I oft I refrlg, patio. ape. across Eulllde c M. Furn prlv 5 Br 3 Ba. lam rm, din rm. Slater 842-7846 2 bdrm. 2 be unlurn. SSOO from b c h $4 7 5 mo . room and balh Refrtg 3 car. view. many •Ires L •~ L Jl~I mo Call ar1er 3 P M 062-4014 $285 NI P O 0 I & 11 n n IS l'l.UI -It• 'W 751· 1508 .,.~~ 673-7~4 $1650/mo All 5PM •• ••••••••••••••••••• 1 '""-• --644-4084 Furn Laguna Beach lu-2 Br 2 Ba lrple, balcony, •••••••••••••••••••••• B•t•I• ll•ttll 4100 xury studio, spa, Setentte I pool. jacuuf. No pale •••EllATE ...... '••••••••••••••• 1 3 Br 3 ee 2 story, pool/ tennis. $ 1050 PROPERTY HOUSE 642-3850 642-1010 81g Canyon Townhome 2 br, 2 ba. on golf cOYr· se Pool. lennis ct S 1075 mo 8 5 t-1611 days. 760-1 t97 eves. OC-RENTALS 1·5br's $200 10 $2000 7 50-33 14 open 7-days I Blulls lg 3 br. lam rm. poot. greenbell S 1050 mo Agt 644--0134 4 Br 3 Ba. beaut decor, lrg decl\. lab vu. guar- d e d g ate . H H $2700/mo 3 er 3Ba. vu. pool, ten- n 11, guarded glle SHOO/mo 2 Br 3 Ba. den, baytronl, poss boal dock, sec. bldg. S 1800/mo Bob or Dovie K oop . ag t. Rel MIX 759·1221 Stults 3 Br 2 Ba poof, close to school. snops & park $80 0/m o 760-8384 H' UAT SLIP Lu~ 3 Br 2'"1 Ba condo, 1'1t btk1 to ocean Yrty 675-6775. 675-7060 Npt Sch condo. 3 Bd 2 Ba. $700/mo. 631-1266. Ro· berl Miiiiken. agt Harbor View Home 3 Br 2 Ba. famlly rm. $ tOOO/mo Lea&e 6'14~977 r v. sauna. maid service, $580/mo 545-3115 tcOIPUCY SUURl lllTtL phones $11 5/week I c d f 499.2227 E Side 2Br. tg patio, gar, t Br on o. spec ous. Wi<ly rentals now avail new paint. no pels. 120 new. xl nt locatton S105 & up Color TV 1/1 ... tl lf1ti J11f E 20th s 1 $485 mo I $650/mo. 955·1833 Phones In room 2274 ••••~••••••••••••••••• 646-0100, 646-6219 Orangetree lbr condo Newpor1 Blvd CM Light Brlle, Airy & Brand New 2 Br. 2 ea. lrptc. 2 car garage. pool. ape. From $795 557-2360, 545-3115 end unit, ale. ow. poof, ____ 84_6-_7_44_5 __ _ tennis. 1ac Avall. July 5 l•••ll 1 .. 1111 42'0 $475~ 675 .. 143• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~!1.~'!~.!!!t.t .• !.~~! 4 bdr~Y!lb~~ aandy IOUlflltlT beach, pier & 11011 flESM A HW CflHS Most elegant apt bldg. S600 0 for Augusl. Biii 1 & 2 odrm condom•· In Lagun1 Beach, finest Gwnoy, Rltr. 87~161 Y£AJWtOUNO FUN: ntums each with 1uto· tocatton In town. breath· S,.otao•lar I.I. Social Acllvlttes matte 2 car garage. lire-taldno view•. all butlH ns. Summer rental Spire! THE "GOOD LIFE" place . ekyllght. patio. he a t e d P o o I lgh 0 Ir e ct or • Free d I s h washe r ' et c sub.-gerage. elevator st~. skyt ,ts, blk S u n d a Y $495·S595 Lease only $850 & up frpk:, sp1 8151r5 7 s3 Brunc'1•BBO's• 330 Cliff Or 494-8083 beach Weellty • I 4 Partles•P1us 131·HOI much mo<• 1872 Monrov1a Ocean front, secluded ta-WUllY lflT&LS QA t A T Cos1a Mes& roe 2 er 3 Ba tn ofd Avell now. $350 week At CA t AT I 0 N : med villa on cllfl over· up Agl. 675-8170 T e n n I s • F r e e $425-$435/mo. 2 Br t Ba looking ocean Steps lo ,_B_E_A_C_Q.;_N_B_A_Y_F_O_R_A_U_O_. Lessons (pro & pro apt • beamed celling, private beach Leaded H •a h S shop)• 2 H ea 11 h windows. 3 frplc's. l>ea· uge .. r ome. leps to Clubs•Sauna• laundry rm · poot. Avail. med ce lltngs. many PV1 bch & Balboa Yaca-July Call 10< appt lrees 52950/mo yrly. t•on wl all the tux Avall Hydromusage• TSL Mgmt 6-42-1603 640_5629 July 21-Aug 21 $4000 Swlmmtng•Golf SSOO/mo 2 Br I 88 up-----------1 for mo Call Robin (Agl) OrM ng Ainge I ·-·••fr•-" .. _ ... , 6-46-7276 e EAU T 1 f u L per unit. enclsd garage. -•• -• A p A AT Iii t N T 8 : patio, all bit-Ins. laundry Eteganl 2 BR. den. 3 Ba. $400 We .. ly s 1n 0 11 s . 1 & 2 rm woodburntng lplc. DOOi. <>-"'rooms•Furnlstied 1 TSL Mgmt. 642· 1603 $1500 tse 499-J:>'29. 2 bdrm hse, very near '"""' 805-969 5328 waler and Newport Pier & Unfurnlshed•No USTSllE . Avall June 27th lhru July Pets•Models Open s625mo. 2 er 1,~ Ba I BR. lge hv rm. ocean vu. 2nd Aug 81h thru :22nd dally 9 to 6 Townhouse. yard. car-close beach No Laguna Aug 29 thru S ept 5 Oakwood pon . a11 blt-tns. sm•ll per ,_s68_o_. 4_9_,_-64_04 ____ 1 646-7958 ..... ok. Wont lull --------- &. -..&.. TSL Mgmt 642-1603 !'!!r.!!.!!~!~ ... !!.~~ o~!.~'!?!.~~n~. 2 ..,,anwl•n 2 br, I De. small encl NO FEE' Apt & Condo ••rt .. NII/le. patio, enct gar E/Slde. renlale. VIiie Rentals BR or ' BR. Rented by 880 l"'lne SSOO. 540-3666 675-4912 BrOker. the week. Below marker r ate Ownr /agt (at 16th) New carpels. drapes. 848-4557 or 962-2305 (714) 645-1104 pelnl Adult, large :2 Br 1 ~ eeaul. B81b0a Covea 3 br. h.,.,t .. Mii/Se. Ba upslalrs WeSlstde. Ocean View: 2 br, 2 ba, 3 be exec hom$12.5p0v01 1700 16th St. o, 11hhwasherl . 'tloevnea.poct~eea COUNTRY CLUB llYtNO ape, sec syal .. fully tum . beach & dock. (D over at 16th) 0 s opp ng. r " • $400/wk 499-5304 Mary Ellen 952-2025 (714) 642_5113 lion. $4:25/mo. 1st. last & IN NEWPORT BEACH aec 545-4156 A total envi ronment Vititi,. l1•t1/14111 SAN MARINO SAYINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION a CallfOfnla corporation. u duly eppo1n11d Trustee under and pursuant 10 lhe power of sele conlerred In that cer11tn Deed of Trust e~ecuted by DONALD l. WILLIAMS and KAREN L WILLIAMS. hu•band wile, recorded April 7 1981, 1n 8oolo. 14010 ol Otflc1al Rec0td1 of sa>d County. at page 1394. Rec<>tder s ln•lrumant No. 6856. by reason 01 a breach Of dalaull In payment or performance ot tne obllga1tons secured thereby, Including lh&I breach 0t default. NotiCe ol which wet recorded Maren 12. 1982. as Recorder's Jnstrumenl N o 82-087761, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO TH E HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful money ol Iha United States. 0< a cashier s chocll drawn on a 11a1e or nellonel b1nk. 11 1tat• or federal credit union. or o atatt Of federal aavlOQs end loan aasoctatton domiciled In lhft 11111. ell payable et Iha um. ol eall. all right. title end 1n1era1 held by 11. 1s Trustee. In that reel proparly alluate In Mid County end S111e, delOflbed U follOWI. EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE repn•stmlallve In administer OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST lhe CSlale of Lil.Zif? M;w Hale 'IOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A (un der t he l ndl'penden t CHARM! 5 br. 3 be HVH · · aparlment communlly on •••••••••••••••••••••• MLIC NOTICE French drs & baya Sky----------Large 3 Br 2 88 Town-the UPP8< Bay Private OCEANFRONT 2 & • Br. 1tghl1. Jacunt s ~.700 A 1 1 house In quiet complex, d h 1 h Avail. now Weeil"' thru Lor 2 In Block 23 of the F1r1t Addllton 10 Newport Heights a1 per M~ recorded In Book 4, pege 94 ol MllCllleneous M11os. In Iha office ol Iha Counly Recorder ol said County Thi llreet addreu or other common deatgn11ton of the reel pr~ty as heretnabove described ii purported to bl. 28 16 Broad S1reet. Newport Seach, Ce.tllOfnle. T he underalgn ad hereby dllClelma 111 t1 1blllty for eny Incorrect,_. In .. Id 11r .. 1 eddrea Of ottiar ex>mmon daelgnltlon. Said Nia wlll ba made wtthoul w1rt1n1y, 1xpra11 or tmplled. reo•rdlng 11111, po11a11lon. 01 1ncumt>r1ncu. to 111t1fy 1111 ptlnolpal balencl of Iha Note or other obllgatlon MCUred by 181d Deed ot 'fru11, wllh 1n11ra11 and oth« •um• 11 provided therein. P4119 9dvanee1, tt ll'ly, Under lhl ,.,_ lhlfeOf and lnteraet on auch ed\lencel. and plus •-. chargee and -..pan ... of ttla Tru1t" and of Iha ttuetl OfH lad by tlld Dead of Tru1L TM total 1moun1 of 11td ot>ltoatton. Including rH1onably u t rm1fad fau. cllergu end aJCP'f\* of thl TrullM, 81 lhe lfma ot lnJtl9I publlcltlon of lhll Noltoa " S29.08UO Oiled: June 1 e, 11182 SAN MARINO SAVINGS /\NO LOAN ASSOCtA TION 8 Callfomla COfP()tltlon, M TN9tM By. REAL ESTATE SECUAmES SERVICE. • c.lfO(nla CC>rl'O'll.lon, lt1 ~t ty; '8(M.) DJ. Moroet. lta ,,...,. = H. 8'oeOMiY. ........ ~cA•noe ~ (114) 953-7'10 PubPtfled Of!1'19' COM• 0.fly ...., •-tJ IO. ;Jty 1, 1M2 .. _., -· • 2'127·12 J '( LAWYER A d f E 4210•4212 s euhore Drive m 1n1str at1on o sl a tes Newpon Beech CA 92663 Act). T he pcl1lm11 ts sel for ·(II a 11reet address or common hl'aran~ in l1t>pt No. ;J a t 700 dealgnatlon ts •hown 11bove. "o Civic Cenwr DrtV<'. W est, in warrant y ts given IS t o tis lhc C i ty or S ·1nta Ana com91e1eness or COfrectneu)" The • ' beneflcluy under uld Deed of Callfom 111 on July 14. 1982 Trul l, by re&$0n ol a breech or al 9.30 a.m. daltull In lhe ot>llgellons aecuraa I.I'' YOU O BJECT tu lhe tneret>y. hlte1of0te executed end grant.mg of the petition you delivered 10 th• undartlgned a • h w11t1en Oec;laratton ol Oeleult and should e1the1 appear a t l 4! OemandforSala.andwrlltanno1tce h earing and <i l a l ·your ot breech and of etec11on to ceute ol>Ject1ons or f i l e w ritten the undersigned to n tl H id obJCl'l1ons w ith 1he courl pr~ 10 aatlsfy H id obllg1ttons. y 1nd l hereelter the undersigned before t he heurtng our cauNd said nottca of breech end 01 appearan<.'t' may bC' in person e1ec11on to be recorded March 5. or bv your attorney 1982, as Instr No 82·077677 In I f y O U A R E A book , page • ol said ., El !TOR o mc111 Records l 1't , ) or a conlln~enl Said sale w111 be made, but cr('(i1LOr of the deceased. you without covenant or w1rran1y. must hie your chum with the 1xprM1 Of Implied. r1g11rdlOQ tltta. court or p~nl It lO the po11aulon or encumbrances. to erson al r e r esentallve pay Iha remaining p.11'\Qp.al tum of P P 1hlnota(1)1eCU1edbysaldOead ol a ppointe d by lhe court T1u11. wtth interest u In Mid no1e w1thtn four months Crom the provided. lldY•llCll. If eny, 1.tnder dale o r first issuance of the IMm1 ol aetd Deed of Tru1t, 1 d--' ln eo~: oharoes end exp•n•n 01 Iha ellc rs as provl \.'-' ~"won Trust .. end of Iha 1ru111 oraetad by 700 or the Probate Code of eald Deed ol Trust C altfornia. The time for Said 1111 wilt b• held on flhng claims will not expire ::::~~· t~ly c~~·p~9.8~ :~.~-: prior to four months rr:om 1ntr1nc•. 10 1111 c;lvtc Canler the d a te of the hearing 8ulldtng, 300 Eut Chapman noticed 11bove. Avenue. In tna City ot Of•~· YOU MAY EXAMINE At Iha ttma of th• lnlllal the tlle kept by lhc' c.-ourt [f publlc1t1on of thlt nottc.. Iha total • amount ot the uripald bllanoa o1111e yo u are i nterested in the ot)llgatton aac:u<ad llY lhl above est.ate. you ;nay tile a rcque.t duc;rlbad deed ol 1ru11 end with the court to re~lve 11ttm1ted co111, ••P•n•aa. and 8 pee I a I n o 11 c e 0 r l he tldYllOOal II$ 135,1184 'I To delamtlne the opening bid. lnvt'nto r y of estate aueta you may c.11(1141937..oee& and of the peuuons, OttOUl'I" 0.1a· June 16, 11182 and reporu deacrlbed In KIMBERLY l!SCAOW Sr~tl on 1200 5 of the ~.!c, Tr1111.. C.Ufomia Probate Code By T D . lfRVIC£ L1w Offlcn o f 8111 COMPANY, MtClalll, P.O. Box IH4 OH :r'c!nc,., 8cf1oono"9f Newport Place, ltttl f4ioor, Alllttant s-.tary · N e w p o r t 8 e • c It • C A Ona etty 81Yd., w.t, HHO-IOOt 'JH .. Oatt °'~ Clllfomll llttee Published Oran~r CONl P111>U~) Or= .. Co.t Dally ~~ Pilot, JUM 2 • 23. 29. Pllol. ~ "· to, and .My~~~~ 2726-82 K-OOS1t 640-2523, 833-2375. Ill••• 1 large pool, garden set-clubhouse an 88 1 summer. 673-787l~ ORANGE COUNTY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ua/11•/1)H l lng S600. 645-3381. spa, 8 tennis couns, 7 MUNICIPAL COUAT·SOUTI4 •••••••••••••••••••••• 675-5949. pools. CIOM 10 business •• ,.,,,, I• $i•n ,,,, 301~ Crown Vallar Parkwey 0 WCOll UY" c., ••• ''' "" JIZZ ---------alrpor1. Fashion Island .•••••••••••••••••••••• L..eoun1 Nlgu.I, Calllornta mn IEITAL ;..:.·8•1n•1••2••8•·r.·•1••;.:·. •5••1~ 1 Wk Free Rent: 2 br, 2 ba Convenient shops on P[AINTIFFS CHUCK KENNEY \JV .... condo, SC PllZ8, naw elle. Unfurnl•hecl bache· andOARRYl ZIMBRO dba KENNEY Charming waterfront Jasmi ne. $650 yrly crpl, drps, trig. Poo11. lors.1 &2bdrmeptsand REAL ESTATE home, 4'h BR, 4'"1 balh. 675-4912 Broll« carport. lndry Buallne 1ownhouMt DEFEND ANTS CYN THIA den plul room. lg kll·•----------N on sml<r s $545 S540 -S1000 ANDERSON. KERRV ANDERSON Chen w/eetlog ar••. "' LO eludlo apl, new cpl, 642 2142 Several bachelors and I 1n<1 DOES 11hrougl1 5. lnciu11Ve bar, 2 patios, lop NCU· drpe. paint mo Imo 1• 1---· -------Bdrm unlta 1e11ure flne SUMMONS rtl~ aystem. Tennie aval· nancy. $500 mo agt 2 bdrm. 2 ba. llreplace. ON FlfllT AMENDED COMP\.AtNT 1a le Living. dining & ,_5_5_1-_6_1_3_0_. _____ pa1lo. cp1s. drp1. c tr· designer furnllure and •. accessories Move In to-CAH NUM8Efl 24111 maller suite BR 111 wt Near Shorecllfl 2 Br. taro• port, $485. 557-6932 day or reserve for sum· r.:!oc~!1m~~ ~;! ~-~~ waler view. S3200/mo. eit1. deck•. :2 car port. so C11. VIiias. 1 br, pool. mer m onths Smerlly • ...,,... • M a r Y Lou M • r Ion frplc, refrlge, pool. Oc-ape plua amenities. $450 lurntahad modal• open wllhout ,_ '"4"9 IM«4 ""'"' 642-8235 (E-49). cup an c y J u I y 3 r d . 873-5446 dally. JCMI rnpond wlt114n IO daJ .. fteed $ 7 9 5 I m o 6 7 5-2 '4 4 • -------,:--~ Iha lnfonnatlon bafow. 8 kid OK le. 11 vou wt&h 10 Mell Iha 1dvtc8 ol 673-444:2 2Br, 1 8• s • n On Jamboree Rd al hi I ---------8fea. $475 mo 95 1·5<144 San Jo1quln Hiiie Rd en euorney 1n 1 1 mat er, you 3 Br 2 Ba 2 car garage s H bl E 1 should do so promptly so lhet your Avall 7-1. $850/mo. o: ~~8-1~8 a a apano 144-1100 wr111en responM. II any, may t>a Pash 759. 1221 flied 011 time 1----------1MacAr1hur Vlltage 2 BR. 2 Weatcllff xlrl lrg. 1 Br AV I a O I U • t • d h • •Id o Bachelor apt wtln kl1cherl ea. ground tlr, 91"1d unll. Complellly redec:ofl1ed d11H11dedo. El trlbu11al puada 3 Br. hom•. frplc, nice & pallO. No pea. NO ga· N" apptfc, lmmad OClC· Pallo a pool. e-45--8152 deeldlr COfttfl Ud. "" ..... ICla • .,... Hwt>or Highland•. rage. $400 875-ttoe. p y . $ 8 2 5 m 0 . E VI I m-oa qua Ud. ,._..... delltro Upgrad .. ln1ld•. pr¥11·,.--' __ '-,,-.. -,-,.---=-••• ~~• Wknd1 213-377-1221 Weatcllft x11'11 lrg. I Br. de )0 dlae. Lo.-la Ill~ 4'IM yard. not tub. Nr tchOole. ..,.. ,., --• Completely rldeootltld •toua. seso. e..2•3358. ••••••••••••••8•c··P••••• 111 __ 1 '-'•I ••-Patio & poo1. 645-815:2 S I Utled dua• I OllCltll al •Clean 3br, nr 1811. --ft, -·· ROOllATE FllDERS Oldeet & largM1 eoency. All ollaols acrlMIMd with photos & ret~~es. Credits: Cosmopofltan Good Morning A"*1cl, Ttie Tomorrow ShOW. * 'h olf• 10 •II n ew client• who need a pllOI IElfPllT 141·1111 oon11Jo de un ab<>oado an este :2 Br. 1 Ba. Newpor1 SA. Gar. pool. tpl. $780. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. 2B•. 1 cat garage. uun to. d1b1rr1 hac1rlo Haight•. old cuitom Ctllld ok. 752-582:2 or 2 bdrm, 1 t>a. oceen w dehwehr.r11frlg,lrplc.wtr SnaraCOndo wtthProleU tnmedlatamanta. da aall menera. Charmer, open bHm•. 841-1480. r•lurbl1hed. lno1 Utll. pd, no pet1. $800 mo. peraon $265 111, IUt tu rnpua11e ffGr111. II hey alguna. oak floora, •Piii leval. S465 mo. No peta. 2485 I trll-85 74 or 842-4656 de p . 8 4 I • 4 6 2 5 or pueae 1« regl11racl• • llampo. se751mo. 434 C.lallna. 1 •· I 11. a II, Selva. 631-72:20 aYM. 00$-64711 1 TO THE DEFENDANTS A cMf N . 8 5 4 6 -4 3 8 0 . Newly daoor GH pd. _3_B_r_2-,,.,-Ba-.-1450--..,,-.-tt-.' B __ h_l ___ t __ D _____ , -F.,,,--. -rmm--te-.-2.__,.8.,,.R-.... -t. complllnt "" baerl n1te1 by '"' •ncl o•r. dw1hr. pool, ...... •c e or •P • over ..... plal!ltlftt ega.lnS1 you. 11 yOU wlah to 631·5•715, 494..o396. t>bg. Adull•, no pet•. prlvll• p1t10 & enot1d s11or ... non tmkr. S350 prlv t>a. S295 plUI.,. utH. defend 1hl1 l1wtull, you mual, wtlhln 3 BR 2 Ba Eutblutt, avt 842_5013. iarage, lote of o r111. mo. Utll pd. Ask tor tff-2001, 842"8702 30 d1y1 alter thl1 1ummon1 II July 115. S1200 mo. $:::2 Bl~~t:;~~rn, Olno-t at 641-eMe Rmmile wented to Jtw In MtYad on you, Illa wtth thll OOUt1 1 1540-90111 ~"" ! .. ~~· or 2 8'. 1~ Ba. TCIWMOUM :2 BR hH In CM. For wrl1tt11rllPC)lltl10 Iha complelnt, ...... ...,_..... ..,.........,_ f II Cl d un .... yOU do eo. Y°"' ~ w111 Spectacular vtew, lmmac:. ~_.. ~ ltyl•. Ad11ltt pr•t •• no lurther In o ca n r be 1111..a on flCIPllUtlon of lhia 5 bdrm. 4\t t>a, 3 ttOtY IPU'Niitl •u~,.,, P • I • S 4 5 O I m o · S4&-7to0 plelntllf, and thll coun m9Y enter• 3700 eq ft, o.n. OQUl'rM' BHutlfully t1nd1c1~ .... } "41 548-2N2· M /F. Pla11ant, quiet )udgfnerlt IQ•lnet you tor Iha rallef kitchen, Cethedrll eel· garcMll ~\1. Pool 6 . •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 a,, Ver1811188 1'9nttlae twnh•• Coe ta Mesa • ...,.. ........,..... • no ·"· ep. ·"· & ovara parking. o on court. 1540/mo. .22 p u• ,.. u .. _anded In Iha .......... aln, wNotl II l .. s 0 .. "I o.lv~• pool~. ltlrl ..,. • 5 I .... t 11 could rHull 1n 01rn11hm1nt ol fpca.O\lldoorJec.s2800 peg. o• 2br, 2b•. bltnt, 2131887•3212 bua. 631•15913 wlQff. 11111na of m~ or property mo. lncludlng gard9Mr. ~helot "400 dtwhr. n~ mu .. bMctl. 2131381..atoO or other raflal raquHte• In tri. 114..e1a 2102 A.dune, no pet• UOOMo. I----------2 bdrm. I ba -.>t H.L co:;f,•lnt. MMllon ; llouM '°' r«ll, I -. ~ ~ 1.100 BlAUT"Ul 2 If. '330, lit utlle. Ev .. 0 TE~A~2::~!~2Al8, t601& 1511 MlfanwSI. UH/mo. I I r, '... ~ '"''0 • j,,~•dUltt. t15-0eOt ~. Cl8f1I s tlOO ~ lit & lut. •Ptl. peOoe. ~rpol'\I. , & 2 Ir. DlecOunt on .·~8;?·.... ......... . No N-.mkr. M/F 2 ... .... 8y: C. 0 .. IYlt. l520-tOlf H 14) 8"t pet oll. Won t IMl M IOfM modala. Pool, 99a, -• '" miw-.:':•r ~.,.':t:,,1360 .... .,. "°°'"'°='= " J tl*prtcal :.~~ huna, •to. lrf. 831~11 · A Lew C~ • ... t ' Tl\. Momt Ma·tl03 11, • • at Yf old ~ prail. mu .._.. ......_ ... ~ .... r.:! PQOI, pvt petlo 21f. t~la. 131& mo. + 4*ollfT ... a •· a I&. ~ .. --•• .! ,__• .... '!.~ ._.. 111 8PEC1AOULAA VflW & • X It tU •· IS16 dep. Cpt-. drJ>a, nr uppet w/frplc. refrtte, -· """r" - -.................... CA ...,... s tit I be. p004 ''° ~ garden .... on !Jllk:la BMofl ••vd. & Mctr•d· dr1lpea. pool MOO/mo. condO In N.a. '1111ftio. PublllMd Otl11Q8 Coe1f Dally IJ~t,~M~·=7=f;;·t;:zt..<~=='~' =:±"'°"'=:= """°==· =51=1=·*=='·::::..1::•:==:No:=petl.:=:;•=:::::4:e.4=:::.J::IA=J.OIOf=======..L.=+="'=..-.==7='°'"=':1:;:44== ll'll04, JVM 23, to, J>.Jtt 1, 14L 11111 2r4M2 ' ... ti~ ......•..... .. . ......•..•••• ~ ..•.......•. ~VWALI. T AfllNO ~ .. '4~ ........... . COMPL. HOMI MAINT Catp, plumb, ,.1"1, 11.ul, yd 01n11p re• 111. .... s1t1 II IU ...... lift ~om C.emto Tiie *--I aay* fltompt. 0111 Chuck, eve ~,m.~!!fr ....... . PIANO 1111on1, your 1t OU~ 8U91Nl!881 llome. New 1ppro1oh. A• T•t~ & AOOUtllc ,,.. •l Kevin 17t-tOl8 Janl~'I A1go-dy Ann t 8 11 1 u o n L • n n y _.' -1 642~5841811· 1401 dy1 DO IT NOWI ... "''*" YrM ~ "''°' ~~lory Aep~tallva w-1111. m. au ~~~ ............. . Ortwway., Parking LOI Aepelra, 8"1COlll"J1. SH Aapnll 831-41"\.lo ALLSTATE PAVINO S..iooetino...slrk!lng Repelrl Comm./"-id. ••••• t'I! •••••••••••• PENCIS & DECKS Martt Robll\IOn Conlt Slnot 1978 754-0859 0A81NITS·AEMOOEI.. Skylhu • Or11nh11 Wlndowt $41-4909 Lie "397382 645-8181 Crpta ln111ll/rep1lrad Oen HellbetO Griding . FIOOd damage. Steam & Pivin Co. Rn/Com1. clng. 5$4-8510, 973-8586 lie. 397Xc;4 842-1720 Shampoo & ateam clean. General ContraC1or Color brlght1ner1. wilt A•t.•1tln crpt1 • 10 min. bleach Ind .. comm'I, r ... ;,;~;;;;;0~·;1·~:u·1~·c1~~: Hall. llv/dln. rms s 1s, avg Lie 333217. 557· 1738 n'--. waillno. Polllhl"" room S7 50, coucn S to. D9•11t/r T~ Oet111er1 6'40-5199"' chr $5 Guar ellm pet ••• • ••••••••••• • •••• •• odor Crpt repair 15 yrs •KATRINA'S LIVE-IN "tnilli•• up Do work myself hskpra. dally maid serv, •••"•"••••'••••••••••• Rel• 531-0101 office cleanlng, crpl Over 5 yrl educ•llonal _EX_C_E_l_C_A_R_P_ET __ C_A_R_E_ cleenlng 835-2 I 16 program Included 1•0--_..;.-•_--J ___ _ WHkdey1 754-13152 Jack Buttlngton 11/li•f •'~"'"' eves. Ownertoper11or ••• • ••• •••••• • ••••• •• Carpel, uphol. aree rug ARCHITECTURAi. PLANS Mllure lady w/own I yr cleaning Work guer FOR BUILDING PERMIT old would Ilk• lo sit Free Eat 645_1771 Residential 1ddltlon1 & another chlld, my llOITll, remodel. Don 847-8606 842-4205 Prof. carpet cleaning, apt ----------·I & realdent111 Uc & bon· IMHH•l•f. ded Also clean-up jobs • • • • • • • .t: • • • • • • • • • • • • John 642...035 7 hJf•lt Ta1lt1 ••••I ,.,,,,, Srnoooothed S°4G-447~ ••••••• •••••••••••••• !'.11!'!!!! •••••••••••••• ORYWALl./ACOUSTIC Repairs, new & old 11 yrs e11p Bud 1552-9582 1111111'11 1um11 We don'I mike yc>Y watt Lio. 37C>e89. 831 -7623 !!~'!~~ ............. . Wttl FllOlll Fr .... 11m1I• 845-82511 !!!!!~~'.t(F!!! •••••.... FORMICA COUNTERS Tops/C1blnet1 refaced Free ell. 842·5367 !!!!!.f~!!~I. •••..•• CRPT·LINO-WOOO l11stalled/rep1lred Oreg Li<;. 3692660 1·240-3082 ~~!!! ... !·~ ........... . E•t 10 vr•. t75·a614 _a_s_1_.1_1_3e ____ _ MOWING • CLlAN UPI C1tp1ntry, rougll/llnl1h, Jo1n'1 CIMl'tlng SIMO. 11/•ll•• Haullng • l.M\d1e1prng dr1, wndwtL fenott. dry• Hou1 ... Ap1 .. Aen1.i1 •••••••'•••••••••••••• ,,.. 111 642-9907 well, paint 154..0Ht Otfic.t 640-1217 flM PlllTI• R Id Cln P g d.n bl Rlcllard Sinor. I.to H ·u 1, ar •11111• General Houeec:lunlng. '""· malnl, Ir•• trim. ••••••""•••••••••••••• Relllble, refi 10 yr• I JIP 2 0844. 13 yfl of hippy Fr .. Ml 641·1080 Wiiiy DUMP JOBS 962-0610 all 4 IOQJ CUllc>merl & Small Moving Jobi Thank you, 831-4410 Lendeo~ng·Yd Olnupe Call .. 1.,1! ·~-13,,1 H~ .. 1~11anlng, with r11e-Tr• lrlm-(Xperl malnl. ___ ..,_,. ______ ., __ 1 r';,eM, IJ11*'. PAINTER N!EOS lrtlOlllon. Jim 851.() 129 PROF SERVICE 031•8181 Ill &P WORKI 30 yre HP, Intl ~!!~!fl~ ••••••••• aONTeKOe REl'FUQ & AIR COHO Marini, euto, comm'I 541-6209 H II d I Exler Acou1110 c•lllng1. Tot.i Yerd Care by au ng • ylr 0 llnYP OUSECl.EANI 01 II P1lnt1no M7 6180 I II 'fHE GAA8SHOPP£R Quick & clean. Frff Ill H MAINT .. REP v • .!!.'!I. ..•••••••••••• PtJ10nll•[)epend1ble 873-0548 Shir""" 831·5148 RALPH'S PAINTING REPAIRS 125 to S 185 Dominic 842~1!11 HAULING-GRADING .,. lnl/Ht R111. ratn Fr ...... Call anytime, d1mollt1on, cl11n-up Ouallly HouMCIHnlng Rel Frff HI. 538-0HI WALT 770-2725 .. ., ..... lar4tur Concrete & lrM remov11 with • Pereonal Touch B&M P111111ng a Tl... -----fl--, -- F ., 83" o1cn35 D.Mh 55•-01--.. .... Hubef Roo ng·•I typn r11 .. , ""' "'""" Quick MfV 842-7838 ---""'~' __ v __ .,_u___ Froe 111 lnl/1x1 & 111ln1 New-reeovlr·deeki LANDSCAPE MAINTt HAULING & MOVING 611111111/a• 10 yrl In 0C Spec flll 1.IG •41 tl02 !148-973• Commerlcal & proper1y local Student wltruck •••••••••••'•••• • ••••• on • P I 1 2 4 h r • , managem1n11, 831~48 t.ewle 875-81eo R1llabl1, mature lady w/ 1-995·3488 collect "'JOHN HENRY CO "' r1f1 111k1 hou111l1Ung ---------Roofing for Fine Home• Ron'1 Gardening: 8 yr• Hauling & Quick clHn·UP, pollllon 1·435-8922 IVI Custom P11nt1ng ti>' Jim LI<; 415232. 548-6213 11m1 1r11 Quallly 11 ydl, garag11, Job-II .... & Rn./comm'I )Uni rel• r 1 111. r 1111NBM/Cal~~/ pr 0 p mg mt. R 1 ck #H••rr __ 83_1-_s_so_1_1_11_6P_m __ f~~-~~!~~~:'A •••...... 1nd1c1pe d.... 831..0885, l<rl1 831·0953 ••••••••·••••••••••••• 876-8388 BRICKWORK· Small job• ,,..,,.. BUDGET RATES Heullng. Student wlll h1ul Newport Co111 M ... , •• ,..-.-•• -,.............. Lo min Sml job1 OK Lie Hl-Tr11 SINlcff· hvy cln· anylhlng. Fr .. 111. lrvlne. A1l1. 875-3175 Farthing Interior 0111gn Free 111, Ins 641-7581 UPI, repair tired yd•. reg Robert, 714-493·2148 HANGING/STRIPPING •·rH•• malnt. 1131-1198 ,Brl~. block, ooncrete, Vita-MC Scott 645-9325 "" ----------1 H1ullng-1tud1n1 w/truck tlucco. very rea1. lie. • •• • • • ••• • • • ••• • • • • •• • A•ltlta LH4Hl.lll Low r1tea, rellable. Bob 548-78150/538-9908 ASA PAPERHANGING MOBILE SERVICE Tree trim, gen clnup1, Th• n k you. S 11 v e 7 yr1 local exp Guer. Reaoreen1/New acreen1 ~-ent work. Free "' 759-1028 FlrepllCft·Planlert work Pr1c11 start at NB/CM only. 842-0552 """"' BBQ:1-P1t101-Veneer Cell 549-1604 enyllme HAULING & DUMP A11la Free 111. 848-0464 $8/roll. Alec: 7151•7027 IHtlllrl•J h nitfl JOBS. Allk for Randy. Custom w1llp1perlng. •••••••••••••••••••••• !'. .. ~~r.!~~. • • ••••• •••• 64 1•8427 Expert M11onry Ouellty lllilflctlon gueranteed SECRETARIES TO GO Ho••E IMPROVe••ENT ----------1 workmanship. rea11111c F 1. F k 175 0714 Your Ollloe or Ours '" .., /(i I g prices. Refs 551-4555 or el · ran • Et11e1ent1Aellable REPAIR-PLUMBING •• ~~!!!.~~~··'·••••••• , l•NI ll•lr•J ln-hOUM Word Proc Carpentry, elec, 1111. Fr.. ROBIN'S Ct.EANING #lfJ•f ••'•-•••••••••••••••••• i No minimum 642-0969 "'· No job too tm•ll Service • a thorougllly ••••• • •••• •• ••• • • •••• Dalles 646·28 t 1 cte1n hou111 540-085 7 *A· 1 llOVIH * **BRYANT'S• • lt.rlu /111 C1rpentry • Masonry Pectflc Houaecleanlng Top Quality Speclel care Wallcovertng Removal • •• •••••••••••• • ••••• Roofing • Plumbing tn nendllng 25 yrs exp All types 842· 1343 1 SERVICE & REPAIR 8 yrs exp )(Int refa. Competlllve Rates • Van Oppens Service Co R~= • ~~~c~~&.:~:O Free est Lori 675-8353 No ovenlme 730.1353 ~!~!!!!/.!.•e.~'. ... •••• 1714) 838-4666 EXPERT HANDYMAN TLC. Housekeeping STARVING COLLEGE ED'S PLASTERING I Dives Sprinkler Systems. Carpenlry . Roofing 5ervlce. low Rates. STUDENTS MOVING ALL TYPES INT/EXT lree estimates Plumbing. etc. 642-6013 Toni 850-02081642-0405 CO Lie Tl24-438 Textures Patching 770·1101 • ExpertlH Houlekeeping Insured 64 t-8427 FREE EST 645•8258 The flllHI draw In 1111 JACK OF ALL TRADES We furnish vacuum & WATCH US GROWi Pt.ASTER PATCHING W111. .. a 01lly Piiot CEAAMIC·LINOU!UM Tiie. fir .... uma111 AM&. I.ob 87&-544 I ,,.. ,."',. . .................... . LOW RAT!8·Tr11 trim ming & remove l 111 cle1nup1 & trHh h1ultng. Free 111 M1rtln11 5$4-7017 JAY rneE CARE. compl Mrv & 11ump grinding Llc:'d, lnl 640-9308 HERITAGE TREE SERV Comple11 tr.. c1re 17 yfl ••I* Dan 552-5377 r. .. ~ .. ,!~1. ............ . Moll ll.lbjlc:lt K-14 0 1y-4v1-1ummer $ tOwi< Mr Morgan, 645-5178 TUTORING IN ENGLISH AS 2NO LANGUAGE Joyce Zorg..-545-3830 !!!!~!~f ............. . WEI.DING No )Ob too small VfHY reasonable Call Gene II 845-0675 !~~!!r..~{~~~!~f ..... "let tile Sunllllne In' Clll Sunshine Window Cl11n1ng. I.Id 548-8853 20% Monthly Olscoun1 MA SPARKLE. afl wndws both sldll screens & tracks. HonHt, depen· dable Guar no streaxs Reas prius 540-5654 For Clualfled Ad ACTION Call a Delly PllOI AO-VISOR 642-5678 SELL Idle l1ema with e Dally Pllol Cluelfled Ad. Wall 11111ure1-Acouttlc Hano· Tep&-Steel studs lte 389944 1·532·5549 Gardening Wanted Mowtng, edging, raking, sweeping. Free utl- mlles. 845-5737 Call Jack day or night aupplles Reatuccos Int/ext JO Ct··· ....... •d c·" Tod *•75 301•• __ ,....," · ... IV Shop 11 nome. 11'1 euy ., • .. v anean 971-4838 Sell ldll llem1 842-5678 yrs. Neat Paul 545-2977 842-5878. with cJa .. ln.d 842-5878 COEDS • Would love to Chlldcare· Need ma1ure party with you Cell Sue women, 3 days a week FOUND ADS or I<. a 1 h y a" y t Im e my nome Permanent 953-9363 63 t-3523 ARE FREE f'rntl S4SO CLERICAL •••••••••••••••••••••• One person ott,ce. Recll Estate the Complete Orange Coat Matf(et ptece .,.,.,, WHIH 4100 .•........••••........ l1•td1 t• S.111 4300 Olllt• IHt1J 44 ·••·············•···•• ..•...•..•.......•.... NEWPORT BEACH Roomm11e needed, M/F. S250/mo. LOfl 848.7310 Call', Western Alrflne Tlckel t.aguna/Oena Point area LA to Alaska Good 1111 Start out doing envelope lfWNllT IUCll Responsible l•dy needs Aug 11, '82 Paid $350. s1utllng for melllngs Executive office In Can-room 3 days a week 142·1111 ~ant $1150. 548·9265 alt Could work Into secrete· nery VIiiage. $450/mo Newpon Beien Of Costa rial position SS/hour to P Of 0 t 01 I I I B k 675 •912 Mesa Reptu lo PO Box start 496-1456 r u o no s no e e-ro er ... 2685. M1ufon VleJo, CA Lost: Cat, Tabby rem, l••/tr•••t melt. Non-smoker, no1--.---.. ,-,-.-0fff--0-,--92690 "Jaemlne" vie Shore· •• a •• ,~.............. CLERICAL/P&AT TIME dependents to share 2 -I~~~~~~~~ clllfs CdM. ·7"'"6057 evs Jd1 WHtH 1015 BR 2 beth 1p1. Gd loc In Lab space, 7,000 sq ft 1-, ..,.,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• looking for Interesting P I I work? Typing. no shor-lrvlne. S330 mo plus utll. Near Hoag Hospltal lliittll••H•I Lost Tin German She· II me secretary wtrea thend. &-Noon Ole on Wendyl551-4981 ldeallor1sm1llsmall ltatdt 4150 phard,H.B SIOORe· esteteup.Npt Bch PCH.646-7431 RMMTE Wented Shr 1_bu_sl_neu __ 64_s-_2_1_1_1 __ •••••••••••••••••••••• ward 898-2434 dys area 673-8118 beaut. 4 br twnhouse In DESIGNERS, arch1tec1s. PALM SPRINGS • Lovely (2l3) 592·l013 eves RtK:ePllonltt/Hoatess Full CIPY nPllJ Npt. Sec .. pool $250 graphic: artists: furnished 2Br, 2Ba, S550 mo. Rent Lost 3/82 Blk long heired time SS hr N B./ Irv lrvlne ad egency hll plus utlls Patri ce. offlc11 to share. Incl ortxiy Agt 752-8731 cat,S100R-•rd.Called aree,Lelgh553-1008 newly created position, IJ!!I •• JY!!'.'!!. •••• !.'.~ IJ.'!l. • .Y!!'.~-1. •••• !.~ ~ IHIH AllH lrrl11tl11 s,eo11111t Person with EXPEAIEN· Conv • long term care CE In 1nstallet1on & ope. exp req'd Excell wor-king coods & beneltts ratlonal maintenance ol F/tlme, 7.3 30, 3.11 30 larger systems Fullllme. 7 14.542.8044 or apply In permanent Salary based I person 466 Flag5hlp on experience. Irvine-Ad NB based company Will ~~·~~~~~~~ lake appllcatlons from : 8 30am-2 30pm Call Otlslte Installer Some 768-4751 I llgllt woodworking expe-rience Must have truck JUITOIW. 646-0229. Ole cleaning, Npt 8ch 1---------F /time days. P/tlme PART n•E eves u S CITIZENSHIP Eves end/or weekends AEOUIAEO Some p/ Responsible adults. over time nll e waxer ope·J 21, wllh outstanding, al- nlngs Apply: 123 N tractive personalities to Olive St Or1nge work with youth (ages 1·5PM. Mon-Fri. 10-14 ). Call 2-5PM . 642·4321. E11.t 343 EOE IJ.'.11..vt~!~-!. .... 11.!f '!.e.'1 •• sr~~~-1. .... !.~~ REAL HTATt SALES Sates We have an opening for Expenence<J ou1s1de sa- two well-dressed. tntelli· lespeople for progressive gent salespersons to travel 11gency Call wor k In Ille Newport _54_7_-_6_78_3 _____ _ Harbor area 1n commer- ctal sales and/or res· 1dent1al sales In the more alfluent areas LEO HANNA SR VICE PRESIDENT W11l•r •· Tarter Oe. Realtors 644-4910 RECEPT/lllER IESI II you're gd w/ligures, organized, neat & de· pendable we need you at our 1ron1 olc order desk for busv men'• •olletrles co In Irvine Exp req'd 10-key IOUCll. type 50-60 S 1,000 comp SALES SSSS $ tO to $25 llr Un· dercover Wear home parues 845-7744 SAL ESLADY ·PtT Tile Mole Hole. Ltdo VIII 20 yrs exp req 673-4655 Sales Person, mature, Pt lime. H8 gift shop. 963·6900 SALESPERSON tor cll•I· dren's shop E-p'd In retail only Full/ P-tlme Pelilo Morctle. 642-4 714 714-851-1844 deys ;:~~h~~~~e22~ewporl IHi•tfl/l•nll/ "Meatball" 873·6972 Bl) WHI" TlOO ~~:1~1~~op1;~~~~~1~~:\ Pentn11. Cataline View, ---------Fial•tt Found· Sund1y, N-Tes-•••'-••••••••••••••••• standard• & excellent JANITOR • P•rt·tlrne eves, M on-Fri pH 0 T 0 0 rd er Desk. I _P_k..;.g_5_4_0_.o_7J_7 ___ _ delatl-rellable. quick, llEOEPT./SEC'Y SALES REPS MEED ED H. B , pvt en1r1nce & II Tiit WATtl •••••••••••••••••••••• tament Bible. 1.1 Paz & proofing 1kllls Work bllh. rem 18·25. $300 Dix e~ec. sulle. 2,012 sq '•"•"' 405 Fwy, M.V 531.:µ32 AAAAAAAAAAAAAMA>-fHl·P•Ced, but run 10 7 30PM· t I 30PM Ml1- 11on Viejo area. 14 hr 541-33111« 6PM mo. lnct ulll. 536-0794 11 N-port Arcn.s Ml· ~r.,rtHi!(. SOOS FOUND Mlle Irish Setter. OllT, SHY. I ll,IOO work IOfl Mary 979-7000 Shr 3Bt hse. S260 mo rln• Bldg. 642-44144 SWIMMl;;0·;,~·0~1: purebred, approx. 3 yr1., 4 vu. experlenoe. COUNTER HELP • for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mature person lor a variety or duties Pnone. Light boallkeeplng Full clerical, etc. FIT Bus. or pa111t1me. 557-5116 Storer Cable T V Is now accepting app1tcat1ons for sales represen1111ve poa1t1on Related sales and/or educallonal background llelplul Please con11c1 Storer personnel at 831-3242 hrs Non-student, Non· RETAIL SALES MGR -JOINN~~,~~~~~FUL, amkr Apply 10·2. OnSlle For 1 clllldren'1 boutl· $520 move-In. Apply 250 FOllTAll YALUY cal urvice lie. Coita vie C M. 545-7091 S.oretary 111,IOO Cleaners from 9AM-5PM Ceder SI., N.B. alt SPM. Prime offlc:e fadllty loc. Mesa ern No ex.p nee. FOUND Ooti.rman pup-Tt65. no lhrlhd. Mon-Fri, apply II: 306 Pro t M I F 2 5 . 3 3 . led dlrlClly ecroae from Wiii train. $50,000 full py. fem .. 3 moa. old. Vic:. 8 mo.. Mktg. 1xpet. Old Newport Blvd. N.8. SALES TEAM Pho10/Gr1phtca, 3303 que, unique apply lor an ee one of over 800 In· Harbor Bl , Commerce enthu1lastlc 1ndlv. Please r:t.pendent ..i.s IQl'l1I P a r k . E • 5 . C M . call for 1ppt s.49-1461 non1mkr, 11r1lgnt, no Civic Center, e11y 1c-amount req'd. Wiii ne1 Dana Pt. se 1·0707 , Appointment Only lllTAL pell, to lhr 2br. 2~bl c111 to '""'Y'• llexlbl1 140,000 plu1 C.11 col· 496-~95 l.IZ Reinders A9,Y·· Inc Recpt . ortho ottc E.xpr n-coodo.C.M Dave& ot11ce sui tes lrom lect. Mon-Fri, etk lor 1----------402081rch.Ea1 6"'EOE selling products 01 The _5_4_o_.()66 __ 8 _____ _ 631-4391. 957-5731 235-1430 sq II For ad· Rud I. 9 • 6 PM , Found. Yng all blldl lam Newporl/633·8190/Free nec: Xlnt wage & bntts dlllonel Info cell 408-867-0111 cat, spayed, wormed. ell • Nwpt Bch 640.0121 Fem. to shr 3 br ocean shots To good hme view newer home. so l .Y.M. lao. GRAPHICS CENTER 646-5478 ACotllTAIT h9'1I Euo. Seo. l.ouna $235/mo ••t 1020 Gd loc NB/CM All or Enthuslutlc. efficient & 499-2770 ' · 1-------·-----equip, low overhead, FOUND Lge white Sa· c. manager. construe-organized w/bkpg awn ,,._,. c 1 H N8 llon uper req'd Job ..... IEWNIT PllllllU compl training Xlnt m~,-. 011 wy, · costing & llnenclal thru p 4 day wk C. Meu Thos O. Murphy Co . a Production Artist needed. pioneer 1n specl11ty ad· lest growing graplllcs verllslng since 1888 laclllty, complimenting Through our salet torce. typeaetllng & camera .we provide imprinted deparl & creating comps calendars, speclllty req'd Hunt Bch area Items and executive gilts 114.53g..3939 llEI a Rm OIT1 940 sq. It prime exec. oppty. I.OW dn & le<ms Call to Identity 673•2810 & L. Send resume to. 546-3000 Working ladles over 40 office space Mark 1_6_3_1._s_s_n ______ Found Black & White P.O Box 6668. Laguna _H_IT_l_L_W __ IS_T_AIT __ 10 1hovsands of buslnH· 1---------- ses who 1dven1se by gl· PROFESSIOHLS vino gttts to their custo· mers This 111 your big opportun11y tor good commissions and conll· nued Income from repeal orders Commissions are pald 1mmedl11e1y 11 you wan• tndependence and a selllng career contact. John Morrluey Phone 714-557-3006, Costa Mesa • Orange Co. Air- port Holiday Inn. 3131 Bt1s101 St , Costa Mesa, wllllng to lllk aboul fin-873-&606. t••E n tff• ••• male Shltzu 17111 SI Nlguel, 92877 ding and lherlng 1 house -" -c 111 M 673 5904 Dynamic;, patlenl orlent- (Newport area). Call 300 sq It 2 ottlce suite START IAllll Miii 0 1 esa • ed N.B prac11U needs "TL " at 842-7583 Sun-$300/mo. 41 old B Ibo p 1 Found· LO brn dog, lhOf1 AOOHITill CUil bright. motivated, enthu· Merk 673-6606 vr a 1 en n-hair, female Vic Hunt· daylhruTl!ursdayaf1er8 sula Bakary retell/ TheJollyRoger,lnc nu stastlc teem member p.m. NEWPORT BEACH wholesale txislnese. Lo-lngton B<lh. 960-058l an entry level position ROA or comparebte ex- "Tum Key" Ott1ce $390 cated on the corner nett LOST· Small yellow l1un· evallable In our Sales & Per · s e I a r Y o Pen 'Branch" office $75 10 the Pavilion. 301 M~n dry buket full ol cloth... Cash Accounting Oepl _64_· _&-_2•_&_1 _____ _ Olliff J.•l•I 4400 Seminar meeting rooms St, Balboa 2600 sq fl. Fen from car In College for a person who has II· DENTAL Chalrslde Assl i6~7"w:S~~jj1j~;."ii"w~~j hourly. Typing, malllno. Completely equipped A Perk 1ree. Costa Mesa mlted uper but l a Npt Bell 4 d•y wt< Exp llnenclal Intl 7000, 1 phones Call lor Into llne lease Prk:ed to sell REWAROI Please call 1mbillous & wllllng to or prof scllool training 1 s 1 11 0 0 r A" 8 n t , _7_5_2_·640 __ 8______ For 1nlorm1tton call • 641-2818. learn 1 yr· ex per. pre· prel'd. 646-3535 54 15032 " •· MEL FUCHS 1----------!erred Duties Include ---------l· 3 office 850 sq II SYlte PAVILION REALTOR lost Gold cherm breoe-auditing of sales reports, DENT Aul Ortho Npt 520 sq. ft $1.00 per sq avail • or 400-600 sq 11 11•1120 let. Unuaual ctierm1, la-some flllng, mall prooea-Bch 4 day M· Tll E.xper Calll 92626 ft .. 3975 Bi rch , N B designed to sul1 Citizens .-mlly 1-•lry, r-ard 1lng & general clerlcel & ROA req 642-2626 Anant 541·5032 Bank Bldg, 301 E 17111 ., ti 11... SO•" 556-5797, 540-3286 work EJlcell. t>enellts & • -dy 10 ... -w apart-nt•. vv St, C M. Contact John 1'11•11. .,_ ~ DRIVERS 25 yrs of age ..., """' "-• i_w_a_1_1h_._9_1_s-_•_200 ____ ····;.jY&ii"iiiin .... F~7~0~1r:,:n V:rf~,~~"& :°;r~:Y,,;:~111or11 with ~9~-1g~ivlng record ~~:~. ~~/~~o ~~~o;ko r!;~ WESTCLIFF BlllG N('f,POfll BEACH ''. If#'' I t ' •• ~"J '\II' &.fl (;;rr Mr Howard F',4~ 6101 *111.m tfFtOrs* From 1 room to 3 rooms. From 11.16 a sq fl. No leltl required. Adi Alr- POt1• Inn 2172 Dupont Cell AM. 833.3223 BAYFRONT Prime office. 873-100G Airport area . Exec: Sul· $ 10.00 0 & up. T 0 m Redhlll, CM 966-1443 THE J 0 L l y A 0 GER. ---------weekends a monlh, wlll 1es From 225-450 sq. ft 642 9914 INC. F/C Bkkpg. typlal lor PA train. Call for interview s1 Plf'SQ.11 Many xtras • Found: Gray & Whi te 17042 Giiiett• Ave . Ole. In HS. Muat be ex· 9·12 Thursday & Friday Call S57·70IO 1'01t1•111, ,,..,, Schnauzer vie Santa An• lrvlne. CA 92714 per. F/tlme. 536-3793 alt only 545-4855. 1--------lhHI SOJS Ave. & 18th 8'2·7731 714-546-0331 5PM Ole for renl 1\111 or pllf1. , ~~~~~~~~~!1----------Lt11I Stortt1ry ••• • •••••••••••••••••• Found: Lldlet -ring June = GENERAL OFFICE-Mull 19th St .. C.M. Xlnl front I I UmH 19 B lld E 1 a.ytl .... •H Newport Center Real ofc toe. Avall lmmed. ' ' "· I u ere mpor um -,.., type 4SWPM. trainee Estate litigation Firm 540-1287 llert111• -· ... Pk 1 n O 101 E 1 T 0 r 0 OMllllATll OK, em company, good needs experienced Legel Speclellzlng In 1st & 2nd 551·•091 Coordinate brolcereg• & benellll Cell An n Secy Xlnl typing. dlcta-YIEW IFFICE TO's alnce 1949 Found: Sml male poodle. claaslfled advert11lng. 642·9363 phone & shorthand 11 Well-appointed olflce w/ Robt Saltier NH/CM fewn. vtc Sprl;'f:•ll & SupervlH pnteup NO --.-----.Otfl----must Salary open Nwpt Harbor view, IP· A E. Brokef 8d Al1llora E g•• •1 3 IHr., H dlnger ,..,._ ARTISTS. Telephone, ly-•• j 640-6960 prox 1 ,000 sq 11 6'42-2171 545-0811 ping & record keeping. ...u11 en oy phone con· 65,6·7l00 Found: mele Lab. 2 hu1ky tect, working with custo-LIFHIUI Fil ULE1 mix puppies, fem. terrier Mature & exp'd. only. mer1 and detail work 1t. • I Apply· 419 Old Newi><>n Mull Water Safety In· --llC1' Noles with a lace value mix-grey, mi le Golden B s: F N Bell Paid vec:1t1on. sick pay, structor Certification lt•l•ll 4415 of $71,250, $115,000 & Retriever mix {blk & I., te. ' pt. · and hullh lnaurence Must bl 18 yeara old. •••••••••••••••••••••• $215.000 secured by 1st gold). male Semi-mix BABYSITTER needed for Full time Apply In pereon Salary plus room and • tfflOI ti IHP T.O 'a on 1+ acrH of (blk & whl). male Collle occulonal wknd1 & Mon-Fri 11 BARDEN'S board. In newer bldg on coast ocean view properly In mix (blk & tan). tem. wkdys, C M 751-8982 PEST CONTROL. 698 t.azy w Ranch Hwy, South Lagune Ap-San Juan C1pl11r1no Terrier (tan), Male Whip-evs Randolph, Co1te Mell 7141493• 1541 prox 500 eq. 11 Excel-eraa Wiii discount to pel (b<n & Wiii). also 2 _B_A_B_Y_S_l_T_T_E_R_._S_u_n-.' 548·5570 tent private p arking yield 20%. Mllurlttes In Clllcke ns. Newport 2 h I o -H-A-IA_O_R_E_S_S_E_R_n_e_e_d_•_d, IUlmUIOE Ul,000/YUA CALIBER ONLY Experience required In REAi. ESTATE, TEA· CHING, SALES OR MA· NAGEMENT People wno have now reached a fork In the road & would 111\e to be reprogrammed for a n- career Appl only. Coll 9AM·Noon Mr Kelly 830-4945 wish Increased earnings, utlllze your outgoing personality, leern how to become 1 trained sales counselor. Call 2-SPM. 642-4321. Ext 343. EOE RUL ESTATt IALH Need 2 exper people In commercial & lndut1rl1I real estate tor succeaalul & growing llrm. Best working conditions In Newport Beach 714-646-5051 What 11 Wonderlul World of Snopplng. 11gh1 at your llnger11ps everyday! Dally Piiot Classified Ads. To place your ad, call 642-5678 and lel a Classified Ad-Visor help you RnAJL IUIAHMEIT Apropo Fashion Island • Contemporary European designer boutique Is seeking a creatrve 1ndiv tor career 1n re1all sales & mgmt FashlOl'l bkgrnd IS a must. Call blwn 9 & 12. 547-7609 3ates Secretary · llHIC ltUtS and nimble m ind 1n search of challenge'? Fast paced. demanding work for speed typist & voracious reader Call us if you're good Non- smoker. COLLINS ASSOC IA TES 567 San Nicolas Dr • NB 714-644-5771 SEWING MACHINE OPE· AATORS Exper, quahty Here's a unique oppor-minded, piec e rates •unify for one who enjoys Costa Mesa 642-9652 working With tne public on tile telephone and SHOE SALES 25 nr wk. earntng money a1 the ~xcell oppty Exp pre· same lime. I d Hrly plus comm Your successful sales Children'•s Bootery eaperlence wlll enable 644-2464, Mr Miiler ADVERTISING you 10 become a key part JOBS . Full & part time or our Clesstlle<J Adver-Oancets wanted for Bare 11stng Department Minimum Telegrams Straight commission on Auditions being held 10- 111 sales day (Wed I & Tllurs June II you have sales ab1hly. 24 from 9AM 10 3PM are a sell-starter and llke Apply at Bare Minimum, MONEY, we wlll traln yc>Y 1807 W Ka1e11a. Ste In Clusilled procedures 216, Anallelm For an appointment for 1ntervl-. please call our Telephone Sollcltor P/ Personnel Dept 1 1 ttme, eves & Sat lor au10 642·4321. Ext. 277. detailing co. Salary plus OUJtlE CtlST comm. 641.0383 llllf PILOT 330 W. Bay St, Cost• Mesa An Equal ()(>ply Emplyr Sales Call t•tl•rl Ctsll ••· •l11tt Must have 1r1nsp. Call 545-0795 or 6'45.()()76 ) ) TtUPUIE AIVHTISlll UUI For local sports & por- lormlng ins publlcatlon, 557-9910 TOPLESS MODELS $15 DAV • PAID DAILY no exp • nee • 826-2583 Wanl Ada Cell 842-54578 behind bldg. 1525 mo. 118. 23 & 315 month1• ~::~~£~nlmal Sheller ~~~~~· 759~~·12~. · !':~ w/boolh 1v1ll. Alu rent Sm. mfr. needs Janitor Cotti M-250 11 suite Turriet AUoc. 49'4-1177 n1trest P• d monlh y. .,.....-.,.,..., 875•1174 8'48-6044 with m1chanlc11 aptl· 1,75 U ff l Id n "' Bear Brand Ranch Co. ---------t d 1 klll & mo. 1 nc · • H.B, olc &/Of lndust apace 11n,.1l1 1310 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hardwire clerk. 1)(perl1n· u 1' carpen ry 8 11 W 19th SI. 851-8928 avall FOf lse starting at _7_14_1_6_40_·_4_•_o4_. ____ •••••••••••••••••••••• Banking cld Seel 8ellCll knowledge of lawn malnt Exac 1ul1H, lull t1rv., $.450 mo S.C7-9954 A.HIHN•llll/ TtlURI (213)'430-~329 ~ft~y~~ ~~· I020 W tum/unlurn., greelly re-SJt•E/OFFIO~ 11111Hl1/ l'tnda & Vt'ck't'S Experienced. Part time F I duced. No 1111. 754-0274 " K; £oil a ••••' Hott M/ P•rl·I me. d•n· M1lnl1n1nce Peraon ,,.... INTED 300 sq ft Fool tralflC, • 11 .. Tt --u (20 hre wt<.). Ind !vii time c:e & travel club Eern SS did, full time po1ltlon, Ontwn ' .,,uni 494-5688 •• • • •••••••••••••••••• .._ f>Ollllon1. Huntington t1111e fun. Frank or Rite ,_..., All.,Htt•l•ll 51H fSOllTS/NIOEll Saving• & loan. 8987 e60-e868 Of 542•9047 mostly nigh• work. Cell LAGUNA BEACH •••• • ••••••••••••••••• OUT.CAii.iL _ 021 24l HRS. ~~~~~~H~~~~~~!I Chris ot Sandy 84 1-1079 let Go 01 Alc:oholl1ml '....,' . . .._L 900+ lq ft bldg 1900/mo Don't let llooholllm pull -H MEDICAi., Flllme, tront (,--~05---..) ) Deborah, eot. 497-5494 you 10 self-destrucllon. l~~~~~~~~~~I ltk,r/ttflea lier• Swllchboerd Op1r1tor ofc. poelllon. Minton 110 to 3000 eq tt ·'Mo Frlll" Prtce. Wllltem Co1e, Bkr. 114/l~1- fu11tri1J l••l.J4500 Let go & live 1 1119 of i: N1wpor1 811ch public only 11 luxury Laguni Viejo. AIQ'I . medlc:al ... •••••••••••••••••••••• sobf11ty wltll the help ot * * * r .. atloni nrm 181111 ct. Beaell hOlel. Full time, cr-111r111 exper. Including N.8. 3975 Birch. 5600 sq. Tiie Mooring•. Wllll • ltl11tl• Parler p1nd1ble lndlvldull 10 ;;,:.r,~~~ s.: ~~:d~ In I u r Ince b 11 11n0 It. or 1111. MIA zone. nallon1lly recognized °'*' 2411,.. 1 day monitor bUlc: boolclc ... 10 apply, 497•4417 495•1080 Agent 5'1·5032. outp1t1en1 1re11men1 7 d•Y' 1 week ping n .. d1. P1y1blH , E. M ODELS t or llngerle program, you,,_ need Jecuul, Sauna. Locel• rec11v1bl11 and dally _E_._o_._______ allop Over 18 prel'd . ,lo be hoapltelltld, mlu 11 well 81 tourl•I•. lournele. Mual have prior ....,10..•••MI 548-8'444, Scenty Panty W1r9hou11 1p1ct wltll time frOfl'I work, « lllM 8ankArnerlcard, Muler eicpar 1nd be able lo STRONG ANO HEALTHY Motl4 c1rp111. drpa, & wet from your lemlly. Mor· Charge. American Ex· work with our eccoun-non·lft'IOlcl r for older M••••lll (0Pl) b1r1. 700 to 3200 sq.ft. nlng a evening progtll'l'll prell, Diner•. All wel· 11nt1. St,000 per mo to man. Live In. 875-80e7 - PllllE IFFIOI Newspaper Carriers tor routes Me .. lndu1trl1I Plrk. 1vell1bl• & 1n1ur1noe come 7141846•3 433, 111r1. Rel. pral'd up'd. for 31 unit molel 711 W.17th SI .. Pacl11c approved 2112 Hart>or&l.CM 714-720-0941 HllllAllOI I n 01n1 Pt. Call· _________ 1 8 1ult l11du11rlal Park , lll ... IMI FGS hH opening• lor 493-1648 -•-..... 1135 Wh111ler A ve. , • ..,. E , ,....,.._ "'-Yout Car Aeflectl Yc>Y ll&f UJ11'1111U ... n'd. lndlvtdull1 to..,. N 1 I k ti 1';&;~.J..-1* &42-<M83 & 8'2·7804 .fw L~;;ga:;c,,ura:T. Cullom Wu & Oetlll Mull be eicperlenced. viQ9 P«eonel Llne aecltl. :: ~e~,0':m~~~:.~~ a/T. Mo 10 mo. 0t teaee. 775 up. 2HIO ft. lndu· Long 8MOh Aele. •Tony 5474241 Want P•rmanent em· Mu11 h1ve gd. oral 4 e>pply for 10 demonstre· M\ltlen AMlty. &40-29e0 ttl'llll . Oftloe, 18081 A.-Oael 1.....UJ·llll Prot e11lona1 Man 38 !>r· 928 w. 1Tth 8I, wrlu en commun1c1t1on '°" OY8t 18. Travel wflll dOndo Clrcle #E Hunt-'"kl r11pon1lbl• •t-1_c_._. _______ 1 1111111. Selaty commeneu-group or work locelly . ...,.. lngt04'1, Beldl. 642·2~ BUSINESS OPPO .. TU· trac11W young Woman lo l&ITlll rate w/pper, & lblhly. Above 1vertge 11rnlnot. •lftlT 9111 NITY 111.,.. Wl19'1r04'll eatlte, Dlnlnv room, full Um•. Pd. co. blneflll. Advtlfl· upenu1 1dv1nc1d. in Huntington Beach, \ · Fountain Valley & Newport Beach WI_. UM of r~tlon, ·~, ' • pool, bo,11, 9tc. rn,lehxt· ~only. a111r. c.~~~1.n.t c cp1~:•n~1:~11~0,r ,M,.!!~1t.ti:_c1'*t,l. IM. •·-""101>1-b CGnr. room. kltctl. phoM. ..._ cnang• or •0m• gn fOf pr1v1t1 country Club. &rt-a8oe : ' ""' """ .. .,, "'" llicNtltlll & word PfO-llouffk .. plno. oocH lo· Call •rt•r :J pm. Inter· Call tor ~I. 10•5. Mre. G d E .. =·~.:,;:~a; .... '1.lf.f~.'11.J.'!f! MOllUi ~.:!~d!J.'"~~;1:r P~w• :!t.~,'r sun. __.. ~~e"e' 48-3337 or • 00 GI ICJI CIRCCUAL.l•\10N d H .lred 'Oell• Jydy Lootcltlg tor u"fUm 3 br DOG OAOOMINO UNIT OM • FOS hae oC*ll"V In fl..---------1 C...... f..&.. " 114neo-0100. · · .;tor condo w/enclOMd 111.atl 8ucce11tu1, 1t1r1ot1v1 CA8Hl!A Fltlm• po•I· ,,...., Dept. for Pl'ton to ------..... ---1 • ~r •-~ DEPARTMENT garage for 3 mall OC ---------1 mlddi..ged men,.... Ilona. Od. P•Y· orowtll ~· & tollowup on 1,.. f Ot CllHltled M .... Piil b ee. ofJlolc 10a E. B• 1111cten11. No emOklng, MONEY BACK· SOI Qo'tl1 Olllbl'tty of eone, l6flo co .. s 1oeatlon1. Metro new111. Auto rating or ACTION • Greaf Prf• 1toa lllvd . Nr l elboa drinking or pertyl"O· W reflmd to 111 Clllf. t1m1 Newport IHCfi C11 With, 2t80 H6rt>or underwrlllng exp. Pf'9f'd. Call a TrlH tr•. ua •ci rt. Need '°' Sep1. 111, ·12. ~" w11o wor11e<1 1n tllltcfent "°" ._..., IN Bl, OM 1>1oe11. MIMY & bOnlJI, ~ "°' · 14211me. Alo, 01tll. Rent ~aed tlY. .,.. 1t7t. Send SASE IOi SOI ~t l1dy''. ltO 1 011 -~------1 Pd. co. blnefitt lncllldlng AO.V180fll -~-~-~·~:~~~ .. ~1~1~,d~=--~--=· l£p-~,~·-~,~~~1 ~· ~~~J:T~,~~:._.~~~~~'·M~n~.!_~2e~~~:.~•:':o=•~!!!~*::•:"*:rt~:--:a:.,~°"J~'~~n~d~w~~~·~'~&~:.~14-~1·~:~:~t::l:"Ll~~o~. ~p~d~;~~~·~n~.'~~~p~1t~;G.~·.1.::===&4= ..... ==1•===1__·~-~~~~~-... !!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~~~~·~~~~1~ .. ~L-, ' .. . ., ,... .................................. __ .... ______ ..... ______ -:--~---~~-:--~~~~~~-~---· " Or1ngt CoHl DAILY PILOT/Wedn .. d1y. Jun~82 .._ -..w !,IM C.-t1 I ,. .. ,,,,, .... 111,,..Ji..,... ~~ ~ lf.tf Aal9 l11Yln, l11t1 ,~~.'!!..'tft~.'M ••. 1.~'.f ~.'.~~'.!!'!ttllf~ ••••... ~.~~~,.~~~ .••.•• A~'.'1f1..Vl!I. •••••••••• ~.-im·""···· .. u .,,.,....,., MM ir. • .-•••••••••••• r.~1 r.4u.wr,../".~TI··· ••• • ••• •• ••••• ,.. I j..-.•*""•• MOO Top DoHar -' 111 • ' l,11f ~•Jwa. 1111 T~YIL A1911t, ··~·d ••• ~TXTI•• •••• :;.;":T leeul tolld * '°" lop DOLi. I HOW ... June... IC"""' '""· oom· , ••••••• u:r.: ••• 1.~.. ..~~.~ ................ ~mt.!.......... ... l"'T.;.-................ . """ • .,. ••• ~ Hllikonn•t ,Tl, 011011. .... M" wjOt, new & \0·4 •• , JO•c"I"' O•· plel• ~ U!Mrft• All Cll•Y't LNOl 1*1•· ... p 'd 1911 Aocord U(, 2'.000 Sh.,o t>ledi on black '78 lllTIWU• HOllU\19 l rl'tfll lerv , 10•110 1oom1 IX OOn• llnlt lleG ... U/Olr. lhollo CllUtOll, 1114 bly lncludlnt lHk 01p IOn lo dle H I, Abll al Ml, AC. AM/f'M oau, 9111C. loaded, HK ml, OAlll&I! ~ W t40e ¥t rter. HIDOCI, t111h & t 41-4001 °'lf't99A~ c ~•n~k rail•~ llkt n ew UllO. tranemluton rrom 1116 ForYourCe.rl 111n1 eond IOG16 tn.1100 Mu •I ue Wt tPeellllle 111 , ..... ~t111+' l!Mded Ill/lime ~f~o"':~"b•~1~10n:~. 2 Wino back ollalr., )'ti· '*·raffle. et2· 124 & up. 664-1150 .tHl•t• 1111 oee 14111 e1111.ttt11 H8-1ae1 tor 1114 oueln4lee ti1tcu- nlotlt1. fdlt Wfller t•l* 041•11407 low, 'l>t t;e print 111n1 H .QOO l'ull l'1mlly Mem· vw enolnt, 40 ttP. N-LI Ml It 1Tii W1gon. ••"1'"oono. ·ee 812. 6 epd, ~ 11v1 a profNtlonll ~·d. 11un1. l ch "" -Qut llty t200. IH·tlU betenlp In John W1ynt U ' Sitt( l arttnd•r not re bu1t1. Mu•t 111 1 •· '"'J 1m/fm '''' Mull 1111 Weber•. AMIP:M. new Ler1t llttttkl 114 JGHHI O I. V M II U I X A ( Z I Tennie Otu b lor· only "un1bou w/reoent t n· HOO. tll-7327 Coa~:2Mo ~oor5~01~50"'0 '3000. 073·2260 11111, new pt lnt H .700 If ltw 1•1 -. --"poctlet" "mm oamer1, Heywood ·W1k e tleld '900 714•121·1503 gin• &$,850 or ._.Int .. C . M ood " 1980 Pr•lude. 6 ..... , eun-720-0007, 194·8247 0 .... 111.~ ....... .... lully I Ulomello, nl Vlr ..,bd'.'";_,~d. ~::"1,::.·. !Mut. NW white w.cldlno rHI w/eflo 8krl0 wner l;t" r ~II Olor d=~• P11tn~m Otletl I ,.. ,..... ~ --- ne1d1 u pr'd 1nt p•r bH n uH d I H 010. hdbrd,"HOO 651_11100 gown, nt..., worn. •lie 1146·.006 640./708 ,11 llPM 011<1 ror eny uMO cat ~C:~~:"'6~.= ~~,~~ ·~sell 1&0~~1g'B8 ~:~'. N~lt• II ...... ~ oC*llor. 0111 131-346& 173·11711 0.10. t 100. t31·117t4. ·n M~KO 23' lnbo.,d (foreign or oomeetlcl corid S0300 720-0626 979.5090, eve 1176·603• blwn 2 & 4pm liiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiil Antique oak & l)r ... fur· & In good condition ... ,, CANON 514 XL MOVll nllUre coUeollon: offlc•. l<INOSIZI Oomlorllr, 3 F••I • llllhlng lll rbor A1t11 l11 l•I• SH U1 l'lr111 JUHi 11'0 '72 I 7 914, n.w trena, (""'/ L r.:~ /., CAMERA, 111c.Htt1I COf'I· bdrm, llv & din rm + NII matching •llMI• & 0 r u 11 1 n g S 9 O o O ' ......... •• ••••• • .... • l~llRllll'9R!l!ll!ll ••'• .. •••••. •••••• •••• cluloh, t11•• a Tero• too. , "' • ~••• •••••••••••••••• 11 fl 4 I I I"'-._...... ..... ""9 1150 "8·7327 546·2660 IMPORTANT NOTICt '77 Jeguar 2 door "M/FM c ... Perl In A /1.(J()t~"I•• ~11 • 111 ·~ at on. ·I •n•. I UIO MVlll • "'" p.....,e ...... . . eo•TON WJ '"LER 16'.... TO 111£ADl!RS AND .-.1••••••••• .. ••••••• aoom. meoro tocualng. e:»M 11. S..UUl\ll handoalnled oe-.. ""' ,. ADVERTISERS XJnt cond out Incle. c;11 cvr & ak l 1 ,._,, \\..,, °'"° '1100 Oartg• 111e • \,011 01 only uH d 1wtce. with Muet ucrlllct b<l nd new r~Vwy laroe llorM Llk• new, 70hp, Trlr. Th• price 01 lllml tel· 2131436·414183 11c;k 16300 Dive. Ooodltel 8111Sun 10·4 °'"ling cue 1200 L A on1tr1. 11b1u . I I• II. Alto m-0. 15$00 04Q..41H vertlNd by vthlel• <Sta J1a"• 11JZ 497·5S13 wkdya 79 Sollte, •ln1 cond. 171 Arbof 81 JN' 19111 & 1~e~46-~i13:8ii:~;ii~i;~l lempt. mlrrora & 010• lo tr 1nlmal1, you1 14ft OMll Oraher let• In the vehicle ctnal· •• •• ••••• •••••• ••••• •• 00 Suoer 90, lectory rime brown/brown. mt ny ex• Monro-Ai ), C Ii 1ur" 714/971·8457 oho ce ot oolora. Lulu f•oelltnt condition. With tied 1dv11111Jng cotumn• '73 JENSl:N t1et1y. 400 l 4SOO tr11. el tow blue boolc ••'!tl'!flN l1H• Comol•t• 0111k1oom 4)1.6 ITllllT 1111 S40·8'T09 an flPM Ne wport Mooring. No do•• no1 lnolud• eny ~litl8 11.u b111 lll•ll ~~~ ,! 1?1~ ~;::.~ 1:::i 6<16-5264 g/11'.i:,9, .'9;_g3J,,O O ••• •• .............. It • a 2 Metil d"kl. toll. 2 Al· monllll~ IH. $29,500 mppllcebl• taxM. llcenM. \I · 11111 Ml & run 10 urtvt $4,800 l••••lt 1156 ---------0e~=.A~~¥~n~~E,;,~~I ::i: :.'~:r09:qu1~~~n:r11l:60. ~;; dr1wer~ooC:! ~~~ ~~~.'i:,~;0~0~r0krr~: ~~J4~e.e\~1.-9 " 7 11 • ~~';~~ 1!::~c,,'~~:;:.~ Hl;h·~:·,··c.~~·:;~.;,;.1e1y o Bo •93-9&&& ·········MEW ········ TME URIEST Iott ol etulf, Ootdtn-1 ~54~6~9~4~llO~~~~~~ Outdoor Furniture, llrown dlf\O lawn mO'<llef, new lullon control devtce tor your ventcl• Do· ·e1 JENSEN lnte1cep1or SELEOTJOI &Steier G942 Meha111n ;:; Jordon, (W111er 1.1mb Ol k d ro p 1••1 d H k 14' Oregor, hvy duty c1tllllo111on1 or <Steier me111c or lore tgn Right hend drive '1211111HLeOar o1111emodel,lowmltta Dr. H.8. C•ll IOJS Bronie), 3 loongee 1200 11411·3514, 9-4 model, 211 llp Su1ukl documenlery prepare· !551-S265 1110mph, 4 pus 15. 100 30 to chOOM lrom ~e C1d1ttece In Southern • •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 eng .. tune 9rtat, Incl. 3 tlon c111rg•1 uni••• 1---------OBO. <193·9595 Immediate Delivery mi••'IH Free kl1ten1, bHu blk H eh, canvH roclcera Mitt•"•· klno •lit et1u-chair•. rod holder•. oar•. otherw111 10 .. olfled by ---------179911 alltornlal S.. ua tod•yl "•••••••••••••••••••• long h1lred 1 will boo· S l60 each, 1 llrtlghl tyru t, llrm. Nr new. & hvy duty 1r111er w. 2 lhe ed.,.tUM< A•t11, l•r..1t•4 #1141 1131 MAIERS AllUJ.•11 IOOS led 1 r1coon lalled. chair s 126. 1 bronze $4'00 540.0 111 •P•••• Perfect tor B•f•. -a;·; ;r ·······-;7;,j ....................... 14111 OIDILUO A~;lque'°~·a·br~·.;·i:,: 980·2534 2-7 PM ;:.~=s~'e!!~. ~4~~ New Folding Sletrwey $1!500 firm. 1173-023<1 A.llf,.11/ •• !.~•••••••••••••••• OWIH OOllT nllure colleCUon omce, n-IHO For Oarege/ittlG 16!5 WoodlOn Duel Cethedral C/111/ei 15ZO '82 Hondn C1111c1 " d• UIO/JHP/RHAILT 26gg~fA':e:~d bdrm. th1 & din rm + :-.-,.~••••••••••••••••• OlllTIY FllllOll 720-15"5 llbergle11. 1!5', O/B, sci ..... itiiL•:.i~;·,••••• $l37 "7 plua 181' P'• mo. 2524 Herbor Blvd , CM 540 lllO &33-<1411 ding & Grooming. Poodlt Steamer Chll ... Side 4XS POOL TABLE SISOO. Mull 1111 Ihle Shey repttcu ; plckupe & ALL SAVERS ....,.,., lld• P*" Ph Pets · R" people. Boer-Love Seat. Oek Hutell, ---------1 hp E11tnrudt, on trailer. 1 Closed and <18 mq leaae 649-6023 645-7770 1 . pupa tor 11le. 957·8689 Table. Ma1chlng Anlmll SLATE, '400. weekend 980·55"3 coupH 41 to cnoou 71 4·534'·0lS9 10111 IO'T,t• 1156 -.8-2-c-,m-ar-ron-.-8000..,-,.....m""""."'1.-a,.....11 American Pll Bull, UKC Skin Cheirs. All top qui· 6•!5-876t/836·1fl6e ... I ~~~~) l~r~:.:~:~rt!~d~t lllW 9112 •••••••• ••••••••••••• lactory op1lons, llke new UTleH AOBA.2 mos.old.S150 _1_11y_C_d_M_._1so_-e_1_1_e. __ 1Compt bue C B w/ ti, l•I OILYSl,ttll ...................... "'lDCALERINU SA I S1lvergr1y Ownetmu11 IHW I llU or trade 714·536-S958, 4 paneled J eo a neu entenne , pu1h-up, •ti C•11tf1 IOSO . sell $11,500 S91-1589 Sundey,June271h(I0-4f 1xtr11. perlect, $100 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• I 1"'11 111 UI ~ rY'tv'CARV£R Mike tcreen, wllh paatorel de-968-8 t 10 July 41h Weekend. Merl-~Ill• ,Ol YOUI • l'l.....11 Cln-11l1t flZO UWPHTEI IH FtH ,. ,.. IHS ~I~~..()~,~~ !.~old $100. -------net 40 Ketch, $500 tor ~, I ",',".,T"4 ... ,zo,.. M. I IOlS·IOtCE ···5(·;·u··s··,··1iis'it• •--IT 1••01 •••••••••••••••••••••• aa UL. ••••11•• 3'..\ dys. 673·5340 .. ~. ~. ·~· .. •• " .. ff' ... H .!'.'.' We h'"a··· 8 good .. 1~-awr• "" Ab1ndoned I yr old Gol· Hendr11don Kore1n style 9 Compl $96 968·S110 I • JI 1-0 ~~ ~ .. -• ... Into: Fradkin Fairs den Lab. Need~ good drawer dreuer w/mlrror. · Hll' "'. -• """ M.. .. ... , · CLOUD ~VNO,t,O tlon ol NEW & USED 846-8983 home, has all shots Cell $350 851-0701 e111 E1trel11 llh HO 23~·Sta;·& ;,;;·siaoo·~r flOUTYI --------Chevrole1st Antique Oak, legal size. 4 631 ·1030 or 751-5288 While WOOi Rug 770-1370 ofter. Good colld SILES·SERYIO( llll IWJ 11 mu •m US Ul4 79 Sn11er Shadow II COMMElL CHEVROLET drewer File Cabinet FllEE 11" Tl 12' X 14' S 100 IUI. IWS 535•4 So9• eve• '12 MITI ltt,llH LUl1H _ 1 s~~~~n~9 :4 ;"~ S1000. 559-6565 673-9<199 720·1545 00 adgl $50. 770-1370 44' Beaul Swe<llah slOOp Beeutllul ehow car Mull 831·2040 495-419t&9 1974 Mazda RX·t&, new --- ~llllTlll SALE 8 week otd klllens FREE OYEllSTIFFH OWll Mull aell, large play hou-529·500· 7141•552•37o 1 Mii Price sa7so 0 90 I SlDILHACl lllW tires & battery Lik,. new S•d 9160 •• T .'JULY 11, C I' $50 or 714-821-1503 535-7660 de Tues-Sal 28402 Marguerite Pk""' insitJe & 0111 AM/FM •••••••••••••••••••••• °"" llMlo•f II ' ' • I "T ·\ "" ~ ·" \ su.1200 Tabbys. adorable, out· $10 S73-9499 ae ome and get •· ----------1 V l .. , caneth' stereo Manuel I THE 1982s All furniture & store fix-side trained 751-7213 KING MATTRESS & _6_4_5_·9_5_1_0 _____ 27;1 VESGA dss'i;'r50P ~P~ 49 BENTLEY, Mark VI, (A M1ss~ii ~~I~ S) 4 iipd l•ans Needs en· lRr HrRrt lures gol Available by Fre• 10 loving home. SPR GS Fish tenka & equip, from s p. ac. · · blk/ yell Xlnt c;ond I very "' • g1ne work 1> 1> '°' phone & shows unlll I sweet neut cat. must BOX IN 'illnt $10 10 $50 752·5968 0< _5_4_9_·5_5_5_5 ______ , S 17.soo 575-39o9 . Open Sundays S800 OR BEST OFR 900 series 3 doors, 4 '10 cnATIH relocate. Margaret N0<d keep in house 694-6054 cond. S50. 573•9499 552-5638 30· Wood Sloop w/new _41_9_7_·3_3_2_0 _____ 962·5355 doors & Turbos avall11ble Antiques. 1896 Harbor 11 LOE COFFEE TABLE engine. locele Newport •51 Wlllys wagon. 2 wht & now• Come 1n and dt1ve Loa ded. xlra sharp , tiurrrte<:t cond $4700 537 ·<13481669-16' 1 19th, C.M 642-7578 Cream & red, llulfy, dlr· 3'•6', cane lop, $25. SCRAM-LETS allp Try $19,500 An-drive, runs great, Sec I '• 79 GLC xtnt Extres Road & Trac11 Maga-ting k111ens need homes 673 9•99 MuSI sell 1mmed $2699 .. ,.,.,,.,.,." 1010 . . .. •toos Bkr 6411-4005 $795/obO, 6416-4005 line's BEST IPOrlS se-,.. ,, .. 968-1201 . I 01 besl oller 499-4837 den 01 the ·sos• • ••••••••••••••••••• 1---------1Ber wllocklng cabinet, ANSWERS Morgen 45. lmm1cul11le MGA '58 complelety re· 79 Monte Carlo. silver/ blue 1n1e11or, air, V8 lo- cal 15K miles. $5700 645·6218 HARBOR AREA l•111it•tt IOSO very nice cond. SOS Owner reduces price lo bullt mechanlcelly 74 MAZDA RX4 BEACH IMPORTS APPLIANCE SERVICE •••••••••••••••••••••• 968-8110 Squ1ll • Ceaee Mii, anxious. 8k1 Bock· $2500 714-640-4050 Xtnt cond, lo mi, etc 848 Dove Street We sell recond., gu11r KING INNERSPRING EX----------Tribe . Unless mll1411' 646•4005 CREVIER $1500 6410-4102 NEWPORT BEACH 75 Vega Halchbaclt. a/c, eppllances 5419-3077 TRA FIRM mallren Ml. 2 Lime green velvet chr1, BRACES 1975 Brlcklln. gullwlng 81 RX7 •Int co-".. sun· 35 000 mlles. n-!Ires Se<! rth $530 xlnt condlllon S 180 H b 16 llh 1 II 1 x fl t S I ti " nu 752 0900 $ I I.' l,,Lll .• CES never 1u2 8· dwo1 • both 962_4939 Sign 1n dentiel's ollice o 1e X w re er$.2000cus doors, I ownr Int cond •H e eo o• , 001 red Mu5I sell • m1n1 cond 1750 or best sac: 4 e Never "II your kid's smlle la lrmp lnl cond 7 14·530·9659 I• Oraaie Oeuity $9000 01 S3000 & lake ____ , oller 846-6153 Les 957-8133 used queen sz, worthw __ A_T_E_R_B_E_D_S_u_oer __ Sl_ng_le crooked, each parenl 57s..5335 ·57 CHEVY 2 dr. Bel Air Sales·Servlce·Leaslng over pymts Sheri IS•Ht• 9162 73 M11hbu t&Or, 30.000 Washer & gas dryer, both 5399• cash only, S2 18 w/2 sets ot alietta, matt. now lacea. a trip to the LIDO 14, nds repair Best Rebll. ang & trans New We specialize 1n Euro· 671-6534 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• or 1 g m 1 , $ 1 9 O O clean. work good. sso ~::.73~gu 811 Y ho m 8 · pad $75. 675-1253 onhodonllat, then It's olt oller. Seen by 11ppt I tires, new uphol Nds peen Delivery .79 RX7 Auto. al•. radials. SateS:lervlL1Eii•ci 'ng 645-4199 645-4203 548·448S --------4 Poster Queen size Bed 10 the BRACES." 760·6086 pnt $3,200 556-4417 WHEllE CUSTOMEll o --------mini cond 36. 00 ml lllllll c•rzdet g9z5 DOUBLE Oven. elec Like **I BUY** by Burlingeme Secrlllce MOVING SALEll Werds LIDO 14. nr new tncl's. lttt.,lioHI SEllYICE COMES 1ST! 497.3930 ••• •••••••••••••••••• ..-, Red8CO!aung S75 lor $<195. 6416""'°°5. washer & gas dryer, bOth cstm leek cradle $2. ~ j . I 135·3 l l l II ff I 131·2040 411·4141 67 NEWPORT 1tln1 iran- 968-7327 ~~an"~o~u~n~~res!i WATERBED . v. -Deluxe ~!i~h P~al~v~:::~~~ 800 675-6649 •••• !.!!.!~ ...... !.~~~, 208 w tst •• !~~ .. !! .. !~.' ... !.~~~ fti••1• 9161 sf)O(I $~~-9595 Philco Ford Frostlree 01 S ELL IO< You Oak frame Auto. hlr. $ lOO All llke new CAP bit Apr '78, lull race 72 Dodge Conversion San1a Ana •II, ,refer a •••••• ••••••••••••••• ---------17cu 11 relrlg /lreezer •ASTEllS AUCTIO• S 125 675-9288 848.3396 w/x 11ap splnn gear. II-bubble top, reldg. chem Closed Sunday .,. M 4 1 66 TR4-A, summer lun CoaliHlllil 9930 Brown. •Int cond, S 175 berglass box. lull cover toilet, must sell. $5500 UI•• tree II I V6/2600 Capri & 4 spd. ••• ••••• ••••••. ••• •• •• 960·9675 or 962-5355 141-1111 133-1121 B1r111 1060 llalital 0710. $4000 493-5350. 63 1·204 1, dys evs CHOICE INVENTORY le I llW I Fast. tun & econ $3.200 '66 SEMI -Classic. may HOTPOINT Electric range, 1 llY FUHJTlllE •••WESR.RiiWiU ...•• f!.'J!!f'!!!.t! ••• !.~! 15' SAILBOAT, needs .,. 5 4:;:H 03 / 5Dti'••i aSSO VOLU&LES Co.:p'tehl~~u:!·:~ Im ::B/~ 493•9595 111110 ~~ ;~"~~n~ut ;~~e;· 30 .. Harvest Gold, hke Les 957-8133 w/stand $150 S40-6777 Flamenco Cluslc Guller some work. great lralter, '!.!!'! ••••••• :~ ••• !.... por11 Direct lease and 60 !!.~!!!~f!~ ...... ! .... 979-8017 ,_ $195 675-5292 wlhard•h•ll cue. $400 $300. Mull eell this 1---------New lvll-s1ze mallress set. For sale. 7 yr Old 0 H. "•5-s7511.,.,.,1,,,,,, weekend 960-5543 73 Toyota Land Crutaer BO I IC l ARE 111 mos sensible pymts 74 VW 7 pass Iverson rblt '82 Contonen1al Sig senes Elec:trlc0ryer$115 $65 New queen size, gelding & 8 yr old TB. .,.. .....,.. """ Wagon. cus1om bucket " 01al 213 or 714, MER· eng L1Ke new $3395 10 000 m1 $20.000 Holpolnt. Good Cond $100 750-5832 gelding. bolh trained OlllH ,.,.;,.,,' ..,,,, 1111• 581111, AM/FM CllS!le1ta. BMW c E 0 Es Is 2 I 3 0 r 631-1400, 552-4052 e1ts 559-•221 640-7990 ____ 12_0_._15_4_5 ___ N bea Ill I 48" 0 nd Western. 548-2698 ~ • t 1015 DH~· 9010 ca. $2250 675-8335 Sales-Serv1ce·Leas1ng 7141637·2333 '70 Pop-lop Camper Warner K Wate 8W u u r u 0 ••••• ,, ••••••••••• ••• • • •• •••• f: L 111560 850 N B h Bl enmore r picnic lbl w/4 matching Jiw•lnt 101 •••• ·""'•••••••••••••• , , t•t•I ~ · eac vd Ha1ten 1 you walled iong 8000 m1 on motor. good Co•••t 9933 Softener S 150 benches St 10 540· 1735 •••• •• -, ••• • • •• •••••••• 9 ~ooct de.ska & swtvet Side Tie •••••••••••• • ••• • ••••• La Habra enough 10 own a Mer· cond, $2000 ••• A •••••••••• ••••• •• 720-154'5 ----------tOne SS gold piece. 1885, chairs. Counlry French '67 Ford F600 2'.\ Ion 122·H33 cedes Benz? Don 1 lel 960-5543 lllST llClllFICE Campe< relrlg., white. llP. COIOR $95 One handmade gold Oeetgn, n-cost S 1800: To 18 It Marcue Channel Bobtail. 390 CID engine Open Sunday 1111s oppor1un11~ pass yov 74 XR7 good shape orox. 10 cu II. good ll 81tEEI, GI. 0111 ring from Laguna Art S•crlllce al $550 Call $100 673-6145 eves e.~~rio~'o71e~lu~~9·''.~'06eo I OllllliE cou1n•s by act now• We have a ~~e:' ~~~.:ec~~~I :?i $995 978-9<157 cond. $55 750-7802 s•o DIO ,., lllO FesUval, $75. On• t<lkt 833-stlOO. eek tor Dawn • • I fantastic se1ec11on ol $1450/0BO ~·7·184'5 ,. • • gold necklece from ••••rt at•• 8ll1. 132 or 551-3680 al-OLDEST models & colors avail•· _____ .,.. ____ fot4 gg40 Wards Signature port _T_w_eed--s-ol_a_g_ood __ c_o_n-dl-i· Franklin mini , S75. Closing Office. IBM TyC--Sllpa avail day. wk or mo. 1er 5 pm ble 'l2 118 S2210 •••••••••••••••••••••• • dishwasher avoc ado lion $125 ' 642-55115 811 5· Ui: ;.11~~911 E:f~;~ecu~ ,_6_"_~_o_5_5_1 _____ '75FordF100 v.T. Pickup. ~ Jiii ILEllOllS Xtn1 cond 640-7051 dys 79 Fies~~~' cond color. $65 750·7802 847-4963 #1d/HW 1011 Selec:trlc' Monroe Celou· Side Tie up to 30' powe< Air. 11..-eo. runs good "'I IMNllTS 1'80 RABBIT Convt GTI 675-4506 Swamp water/air room Three aolld oak executive •••••••••'•••••••••••• latora. delks, misc st•· bo111, $195 873·9127. $900 All 6, 631-5507 1301 Quail Streel cooler, po11ebl11, elec c11B1rs, s15 81 lJr C•••r•H•r 11onery eupplles. ate-673-6209. 1981 Toyota SR5 short Sa1es-Serv1ce-Leas1ng NEWPORT BEACH ~~a~~~=:o; ~~;:•r:e~., 69-Wagosn500runs good Kenmore Elec Drye• ven ASME code tank. culler, poatage scale, 13' boat Bil latand/ tires. new paint, 11lnt l'k./I 968-8728 wlthe<m. S65 750·7802 847-4963 3 HP. 1 phaae, 60 gal piers, punches. paper ,.W_A_N-TE_O __ Doc __ k_s_p_ece __ fo-r bed, new clu1ch, new rY'tv' CARVER 133·1300 I lect 22K ml $8,885 968•2272 Oetuxe model $75 Mille·a-i.e4 Ill. Never used $895 Te<ms. Friden Postage meter P11vlllon eree prel'd cond $5500 840-8709 ~11.S ~ ~ 'f •Ml\ 1\\' *'10 llZ HOOE . '78 FteJJl8 gd cond Fee· 750.7802 962-4471, 968-9853 1-772-5390 bllle. Siiex Coffee Ma· 661·5798 eves. all 6PM . ...,, .... ,,, , .,,.... .. SPOllTE COUP£ 76 VW Sclrocco. sl'lr w/ 10 , y s u nr 1, 1 o wn, ker, atectllng 1r11ys.1------------------1 •"'' ",.. " ..... ..., stripes. l(lnl cond s2 8oo1oao 960·91l"I Se11s double door 1ef11g CHINESE Red Co•om•n· lttas J1l1ter 4". waS1e buke1s, etc. 129 f11•1Nrllli•• 1966 Renchero good ----Sun root alloys. loaded' thruout. runs grea1 ,...,..,--· __,.._-,,..--,,.,--19 cu It gold. good $135 675·5292 Cabrltto Costa Mesa ••••• ;r.-;•••••••••••••• cond , eng recently 76 2002 air. 4 spd •m· Lo w m11es very rarell Wkdys 964·6292, work '60 FIESTA G111a. 16K m1 cond. S150 752·5968 or del Screen. 3&··x42·" 3 ---------631-74415 ll1t11nH lik•1 fl40 overhauled Musi see 10 mac Musi see 10 appre-"Thos excepuonat car " eves 557·7968 E11c 1oc ownr S4.900 552 5638 panet S200 673-6979 Rockwell Woodworking •••••••••••••••••••••• apprec $600 641•5080 c1a1a S6 500 675-4775 mini lhroughout• Lie 673-2290 · La the, complete w/ New 6 II oek H11mllton '7S Motot>ecene Moped, •203ZOL 75 VW Bus. 7 passenge<,1:---------l(ltchenSJde trash complr. 4 •o Liw II• Set knives, $495 675-5292 Dratting llble end gd condlllon $300 080. 75 Cllevy I.', P1c:k Up 79 3201 brnltan AC . CllEYIEll MOTOllS •lnl condt11on $3150 '77 Ford Wagon super 1'h yrs otd Fine cond 1 wk old Cost $600 sell e q u Ip m ·I . $ 7 O O 979-S208 Good tires, engine. 2 gas AM/FM cass Snrl. 4 208 S 891-9355 clean. $1975 S 75 G 752 5968 $250 213 630 5252 Table drill press. 3 apd, ''• 559 6525 tanks s24oo 545.26~6 spd $9900 63 t-5550 or w 1s1 1 431. 7776 t rn. • ' . • hp mtr. 11>" chuck, never • '78 VESPA CIAO moped, 641-7905 Senta Ana '72 BUS. XLNl CONO 1--------- 662·5638 74"x30 maple table used. still tn box. must ___ TY_P_E_W_R_l_T_E_R--1 good condition $200 or V1a1 9510 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 114 131·3111 New paln1 . su nrool. Li11co/11 9f4S SEARS WASHER & GAS S7S sell Cost $400 MW, sell Remington Selectric. be$1 offer 979·8208 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1982 BMW 633CSI 1000 cusiom whts, stereo •••••••••••••••••••••• DRYER. •lnl cond 673·3691 Bal lale Sl30 646-4965 p1ce & elite. $350 1978 PUCH Very good 'll IOKE YU mlles All ophons plus 79 Mercedes 450 SL. tape. n-radials, $2000 69 MARK 111 IOOks & runs $265 pair 5•8-6115 Ari Deco 3 piece mat 646-4965 cond $360 tncls owner's Very dependable $3750 3001 BOS p7 ,.,. / cream w/camet 1n1 $26 J J 966-8•7017541-8870 li ke new $2350 OBO GAS WELDING TABLE 5 r,,,, w 000 544-0590 eves 554.9118 STOVE, apt size gas, Ched bdrm lurnllure set, W/BRICK TOP. $25. SHARP SF 820 Copier Manual 494-<1861 6•2·3914 Ian intr Rare 3 perlec1 'l4 llli S2Jl0 1--------- works good $75 very good cond $ 1200 646-4965 with reducllon capablll-Aalll WllllH 9S90 G r a n d G a 1 a g e • 71 MRZ. 4 dr. 6 cyl, 4 1 1t ... .,. llO 3113 7 I Marte Ill Body rusted 548-4485 631-5794 ties. Matching cabinet. 1f1tortyeln/ •••••••••••••••••••••• 631-3698 1 spd, auto PS Well ••••Ct••• · good l1res.1nter1or & en· -------1-0-2-0 -JE_N_N_Y_L_l_N_O_O_r_es_s_e_r_/, Miic•llHHH IOIO Lessthtnlyrold Cost ltHl•ll 9150 WE PAY ---------I ma1n1a1ned S4500 71 SUPERBeetle.gd glne SSOO obo ~!!T!!!! •••••••••..•.• changing 1bl Whl .. like •••1N'reRAAMS.MK·x··· $7400, wtll take S4000, •••••••••••••••••••••• 19 3201, snrt air AM/FM 897-130 1 cono s1.800 1_6_4_i._so_s_6 _____ _ Glrla' small cruiser bal-new S90 968-7327 Professionally Custom 129 Cabrlllo. No 206, 79 Yamaha 650, special. TOP DOLLAR $10 750 831·8131 9.5 MIZ 10 300SD 545-8713 llerc•rr 9950 IOOn tires. dk blue & sll-Built Rllle. Heevy Barrel CM. 631-7445 very cleari 497 .3549 alt 5 70 VW S k 2 • • •• • • .......... •••• • • ••• RECLINER c11r. olk . hvy #ltl IOl1 $1150. 960·5325 FOR USED CARS Turbo diesel Aztec red Q·bac: owne1s, 74 Dix Marquis Wagon ve<, $30. 750-7802 vinyl, wingback Xln1 22-250 wllh Red lie Id 80 BMW 6331, Loaded Brown vinyl 40 gal tank •ln1 cond S 1650 OBO Top cond 40 000 mi RALEIGH Competition 24 $75 968-7327 3x·911 Scope Cost $1. ••••••••••••••••••••••VESPA 100 SCOOTER lW •&1111 $22.000 ask tor Warner. 1 $27,000 Michael 540-3<145 $1295 firm ·642-09SS b Gd d 23 .. g 170 100 Sac. $700 Firm. Jell COCKATtEL bird with Windshield, carrier, seat N•·TllC/llUlll 559-4221. 640·7990 873-7368 1 •· con · · · For Sate. Solid oak. 7-ller 842-1570, 556·0•80 cege S55. Very lame. back. etc 1200 ml, like ---------'79 RABBll Dsl. 23K ml M t ggn 770-l lOl unll wlamoked glass -------:----557-6393 new. $695, 644-8097 2480 Harbor Blvd DlllDll 9120 1110 410 SL Loaded'' Musi see to •• '!!.~'!I ...••••..•••.. shelves. record cabinet. IEIWIOI hi .... -,.--,~-:---1::-AAA':":"::I----------COST A MESA • •••• • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • Xlnl cond 2 tops Bleck appreciate 640-0646 73 convert , 6-cyl, auto. to SPO. Raclno Bike $70 0 .80 497-5873 '•"';., .,,,,;,,, 1025 ......•••••••••....... IDW 31c /FT. Redwood 2xlS decking, 4·20' tong: also redwood fencing. Call Jim or l(en lflYllme. 775-14'9 I rollawlly Wrlllng desk 8 lo 20. tong, 3.a.. ..., 11 ''11a11 "-fl•I .,_ '78 XR7S, xlnl condition, 1•t ••oo .._ CB • .,. ,..... 1 v• ,. .,.. w11<1 bamboo 1n1e1lor '64 van Xlnl cond $1000 nu t op stereo. '.'lo e d 8 e Im 77~1491 an""lme •••••••••••• ......... recent lune-up. $275. 3 5 n ry r w r, · .,. ,. 'RENTAL PIANOS' 752-64 l3 141-1417 Polished rims Firm al orbeS1olfer $2800 857-660 maculale nearly new 410 COIN COLLECTION Open plan. $15 mo. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $32,500 631-8325 545-3458 percent oll. Sacrlhce 111 PAPER MONEY F 1e 1d ,9 P 18 n 0 8 ,I• WE IUY ---------_________ 1·57 Fastback. needs• $500 642·3477 airer BASEBALL CARDS 714•63S_2771 'IO IOllA 01 IOO '80 3000, 20,200 ml, lully ·53 Bug. 111n1 condition, llllle body work $700 or 4pm 00 CLEAi CARS loaded. asking $22.500 new tires. rebll eng. 2nd best oller 545-3458 8 Tall bookcase Solld SSLTIAOMINPGS TWodAdR5036R·098B3E2 WV~tzgedrccoonndao$1e600plano. ~~~.g.~n':c~~~le llD TRUOIS ~i'~~~t3~~~: ~ (:~~d~'. owner Musi sell $1750 0141•dll1 99SS d d ., v· , $ 2 5 0 0 I b e I I / n o w I 581-2932 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • steine woo ,....any DOORS $20 494-4861 1·6 6·3298 shelves & in good cond 38 559-9299 1978 WESTPHALIA cam· OLISMHIL( 'll S 3 5 9 6 o. 9 6 7 s or 496-40 Sftria ll1tii•nlOfZ 1974 SLC like new per lo mo new II res. CITUU SIPIEME 962-5355 J .W. T111ls Clll •••• .!.(............... ·71 KAWASAKI soo I Must sell AM /FM cass S8 ooo. lltlHIUI CllPlt Radial Arm Saw w/stand. Beaut mahog antique bl 1 d , ... , Loadedl Economleat d'• Regular Family mem-Singer Touch & Sew In Need• work, mu1t sell ------'----/llG 631-3689 g74z _8_5_7_·2_5_2_41 ____ _ bershlp 'or Sale. Eves ca ne • oes every " ng. I a a t • $ 3 0 0 0 B 0 . .... nice cond. Must setll dresser, recur11ed Classic Muat sell s 150 646-9424 11 2<10Z. Fresh paint Xln1 17 Air, s1ereo cass Gd set engine! Handsome' 1295 OBO. 6.<IS·4005 w/mlrror S395 646-4005 714-859..0715 · 549-1953 cond 4 apd S3,750 •••••••••••••••••••••• cond. 60,000 ml $2950 (865YJE). lr.,ttl•f. c.H1 IOH KAW_A_S-AK_l_K_M_l_OO_S_l_ree-t 1111 am• 714·675·5741 ·77 Midget Converllbte 720-0525 OILY 112111 ANO SOON VOU ll BE SEEING SIGNS ,t,AOUNO TOWN Ct.lllNG t.rTENTION TO ESALES! •• TO UYE a SICCEllnL IAUH SALE I (Ot Yard Bale, E•t•t• ••. etc.) 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot Classified section (It's best to run 3 days for maximum exposure). If you pay for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 days and only cha.rge you for 21 2. Get your FREE Garage Sale slgna (all you have to do I• come In to the Dally Piiot & pay for your ad In advance - we wtll give you tWO 11 x 17 Sign• - FREE of charge). ' 3. Price each piece or merehandlte. 4. Have plenty ot change on tt1no •(nlckels, dimes, quarters, halves. one and five dollar bills). 5. Relax. have fun, and count your mon.y It the tnd Of the day. '· • ••••• •••••••••••••• or Trell Xlnt only 1000 " Low ml $3400 586-3038 i--------- W•D'I m HIT mlleS, MUST .SACRIFICE Top dotl1rs tor Sports 77 B210, xlnl cond. 60K Sal/Sun bef 3pm Vtln 911Z ••Wlll c •• ., •••• 5'S" $125 545-5408 $400 646-3197 ~::.~·. :~3'~i Camper•. ~~7~~~cfa~9~~u11 -,,-G-1 ______ 1_1_4_4 •••;;;-y;;.;;·i;~j;;·•• N~V:6~ai~:;~H ..., • ,, CB 550K I Aa.k for U/C MGR •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 r'-•• 111 Honda · m nt 73 240Z am/Im e tc, 79 MOB. asklf\O $6000 11 Or111• o .. atyl Hl·OHI 1tlfi ltllH IOll cond. Blk, 10 ml. Must "IM 1&1111 auto, mags. runs good Xlnt cond. 645-9803 or •••••• '/ .............. • a.ill ss5o tali ea 642-0955 YILllWllO $2800. 5•8-9•35 979·2333. ask tor Sieve UUS, SERVICE 7~1~u~~~ngPs~h~~· ~~ BEAUTIFUL 25'' RCA -,.-11-l -IW-.... --,-U-IO-1S711 Beach Blvd. All LWIH AM/FM 8 Irk. 1 ownr Cot0< TV ule. 2 yr wrnty HUNTINGTON BEACH 76 B210, xlnt mpg, lanl· 0M/ 9146 S 148 Free delivery SW Stroket ehoclle. air astlc 2nd car Must sell j • ,-.-. ••• • ••••• • •••••••• OVERSEAS DELIVERY 2 0 , 0 0 0 m I. $" 3 2 5 TV JOhn'1 646-1786 tork1, JLlnt. $425 Mu1t 142-2000 S 1550 OBO Cell Chris, ·74 OPAL MANTA runs EXPERTS 720· 1111 eell 644-5410. 64 4-2338 wt iirirl 662-l592 good. needs paint $1 IWI Oil.II TY UOO. -------~ 200 548-0731 att Spm UllLE i•E ri•t• llS1 9112-447 1 968·9S63 'lO 11111 1lUl YOH DOTIO 81 ZX. LOADED Take · " •••••••••••••••••••••• ~75. 675-1<128 over lease No money Po11ti1 g750 VOLVO '75 Wegon. eulo. ale. Sony 111ereo system Mod. I UmSM 0111 d 0 w n $ 3 o 2 m 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1g66 Harbor Btvd. 59~. S180010BO, must HP·25S, AM/FM. 8 trk. VESPA 150 SUPER 714'-640-4050 1tn t 11 so COSTA MESA setlt 551-S 125 alt, 6 lurnteble , g rul lor 6800 ML S52!5 7S z. auto, air. stereo, to LHther Interior, new 141-llOI 140·141l •75 PINTO. very gd. cond anyone. Slightly demi-76().()310 paint, $1500 stereo, 16" ---------1 stiuon wgn, AIC $950 ged bul worlc1 greet. 1980 Harley 0 1vld1on, ml, S1000 & take over potlahed alloy•. new '7<1 145 Wagon. am/Im, Al 640-4102 $75. 64t-5080 Golden Annl¥erH ry LI· 1~-pymts. 97s-o745 blueprinted engine, con-C Xlnt oond. $4100 1--------- Seara 25" ~<>< conlOle mlled Edition. Fec1ory . . .......,~ 71 240Z, like new In & coure wlnMr, bes1 offer 64S.S6.43 ·73 Plnlo Runabout TV, good cond, c:ontemp. cumom; 1850 pelnt lob. ou1 All orig Sheepakln S1ereo. tir. runs gd. atyle, S160. 750-7802 Muny, many ex1r11; lot• 1ea1 cvrs~ $1000 In ef!g. 0111 1-ltl-2221 AatH U1ffl $900, 63l-5507 afl 6 ... '. ·-..1 01 Chrome a go1d p1e11ng. . • S39oo oa11e. 491.5513 ---------·····"·······-····· ... rlra••li IHI II .r••• 17.000 or B.0 . 046-1SS4 3100 w. Cout Hwy wkdys. MEJSTER AllC I •• «..-••••••••••••••••• L J t Newport Beech .• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• '69 Plymoulll. S cyl, runs, ••• ~~~!~••••H•••• #•t«BMn,111•/ 642-9405 73 240Z. whl Int Ilk• -RICllE/llDI 68 Rambler,4dr, blg Ja-$300 newbett&gr brlll IHtt lflllH 1,.111,., .. , llfl new . $3200 0 1v1, r-v ¥elln VS eng. NMI clQ. ' ~ L:.1 ••I H31 ...... ::t.·................ WAITED! 4'97-5613 wkdyl 13t31 Htrbof BNd lie Running, Nda '°'"'r------.....,.~ .• ~:!f!! ............ ·73 25'. lullr •Quipped. L 1 0 1 Tb 1 71 DATSUN 510 Needs 01rden Grov. work . S296/bet olr . 1 .. tJH IHS IOHP Albln 2 cyl. rne<ln• Sipe 8, HI ciontelned. • • mo 1 yo ee. WO<k. MUST SELL FAST l1lt1·S.nloe 642-6812 "•••••••••••••••••••• tn ......... rd ..... ""'. 54$-5747 VOl'IOI, Plck!Jf>a & Vene. • .. "" 080 . !54S-4793 L•--•-H '07 Fll'•blrd, rune good. uvw .,,.....,., Cell us 1odlyl ~ -... l1J1t l need• eornt body work, 662•7765 r1li--lm--,,-.-n-l_ll_1~11 1971 Dateun 1200. lookl 114 131·2111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sl200tOBO. !5!53·1429 Sporty Y1k w/otr1 S116 •••••••:.'•••••••••••••• good. rvna grMI, good IEE II '117 ~ rune good OBO. 7S Goldin F1loon, 26'. ur ... 189$ Call Harry '7S Turbo, 9'*:llCUlar red tot lhe i.rg.t and t>M1 need• ~body wonc: 04&-4005 lull)• 1111 cont'd Twn 1144-9414 T1rga. to•dld. low ml· H l•ctton ot n•w end 1120010110. $63-t•H bed•. lub l lflowet. roll IHge . Tom S42·1003. uMd Buldc• In DrlnQei--------- 70 LB. ANCHOR up awning, Sipe e. Nka ltM........... • .. ,, 1111 042-0467 County today! fA••'""" '"' Otnforth typ(t, a10. new tn I out. UMd very c .... -... •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------1 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• llA~ Uttle Mul1 Mil. S!5760. ~ u .. t>tl ar UO.t4U tg7e Honda Civic Good '69 P0<ec:ht 9 t 1T. 5 epd, ,. _Bird, orig. 20 yr old 080 21 ...... ,.,..,..,. condition. 57,000 ml. new eng, 1noy1. lap•. ... __ ..... Ilk 10 1 ,.,,,, ,.,,,., ~ · .,...._.,.. """ WI llY BHt otter. Celt (714) •Int cond Wm cont!Otf S'2,ii0'. 87t.";h· m · ...................... Alff l«rilt, 11.111 USED OARS&. TRUCKS eoe-roea tr1d•~ kind. 1 10. PAlll IAU I ' .. , ..... Hll COME tH OR CALI. FOA1.·,-1-Preludt--.-5-IOO-.-lntf-. 500. dv-.- LOST MY SLIP .... :;;; • .-.-.......... nG •-a .. u ... /fm ~... .... fl75--~73 1 11 .._ n..-c--. For Cl1t1lfled A4 2~· ......... ,.......,_ ,._ .• .., LITI: llOOY WORK & ~ -· M'I\ CIM, • ..,, '"· "'--.... -r ACTION "' .,,._ ......,.., ""'"' Conn,_.o.utlo I 9 K I 0 8 0 . 7 0 PORSCHE 91 tT 2126 Hlf'bof !Nd . .... PIP paint/Up to 80% off l:r mftl&IT 2 I 3 I 5 3 7 ·I 5 0 0 , ee,OOO'ml, bl'IOIMI C'Ofl• COSTA .,.H A Cllll a 1841-WOOd·Cllry1l•r ~ efiop ..t. ue-2 1s211 &EACH BLVD. 213/933-201.. dltlon. II epeed, look• I 111-2111 ~= 1ao Fl~•! SHI.NI AUTO HUNTINGTON BEACH run• nice. •II HrvlC• I 141-6111 Vlillll MOOO Ot!TAILING. Guw. ...., ... ,, IM ••• , w~ f.!..Hllp' r.oe!Ple. no Net. "800. ______ __, Ed 6M te40 ,,_ PU/lfli. 142·11441 ---•-•• 632·2163. ~ Cl 7 1 ii Nie 141..tl?I " t • 111111 l:IAIT WL ONI: S OAV, JUN E lJ. 1'111:1 WHERE 'S EVE RYBODY? -T he sea gulls outnumber the sun worshipers by a vast majority along the Orange Coast beaches these days, even though school is out. The reason is -I lllllllilll 1111:1 I f1111111 I All II OH A N G[ COUNl Y 1,AL II OHNIA 25 CENTS Delly Piiot Photo by Petrick O'DonM ll that leaden skies which refuse to part before the sun are creating chilly conditions, and this June is gloomier than most. most. Bolsa Chica's project hits another snag By ROBE RT BARKER Of the Delly Pilot lteff Th e long -di sp ut ed development of the Bolsa Chtt•a coast.al area ran into anothl'f r.nag in Sacramento Tuesday and t·a used a new delay 1.n tht• consideration of the prOJL'C:l The Assembly Energy and Natural Resources Comm1tt1:1e was slated lo act on leg1slat1on designed to take tht> l'Ontrovt•n.wl 1.600 acres surruundt•d by llunungton Beach city hm1ts and the Pacific Ocean. out of the hands of the Coast.al Comm1sswn. Approval of the measun· by legislators would have m:idc• th<· Orange County plan for th<' arl'a official.. compromise to the Coastal Commission and the Legislature for approval Assembly comm1tk'i.! members will consider the proposed am1:ndmrnt next Tuesday. Lorraine Faber. prL'SldPnt of the Amigos de• Bolsa Chica, an env1ronmental1st urgC1n1za t10n dt'd1catcd to pr<'6Crv1ng wetJand arNts, S<Jld tod<1Y that Tuesday's last-mmut<> c1l·l1on wa., unfaJr lO tht· pC'oph· who tr,JV••led lo Sacramento w t<.o.st1 fy "ll is obvious thl'Y !Signal) didn't havC' t•nough \'Oi l's t.o approve th<.· bill to take the rnatll'r of Cuast .. d Comm1ss1on hands so thl!Y mad<.' the anwndnwnt · Beachgoers: 'Sufilmer bummer' But John Knox. lobbyist for the Signal Landmark Company. the maJOr land owner. suggesu-d a last-minute amendment th;it environmentalists say would change the whole prOCC'S.'i ·we wc·n• allow1'<.l to testify only on 1lw n<:1.1. <•rnendmen• and l'OpiL>s of tht•m Wt'rC'n 't readily JVa1labl(' "It was V<'ry d1frtcult and it is th't• fault of Signal Att~~dance down 50 percent along Orange Coast The ame ndment by Kno>. would permit Signal to devl•lop residential units on th(• mC'<;a blufftops along Warnc•r Avt•nue It also would authorize a park m the north(>rn sections that would hnk Huntington Bt•at·h Central Park to Bolsa Cht<.'a St.ate park "This is last m1nutt> vest pocket legislauon. Tht· county and Signal soy they ar<.' working on thl' proc1:ss and have been stabbed 1n the back by the Coastal Comm1ss10n By PHIL SNE IDE RMAN Of the Deity Pltot Steff Weatherwise. this summer's already a bummer. . At least that's the word among beach e nthus iasts along the Orange Coast. School may be out, but students are staying away from the oceanfront in droves. Stubborn low clouds have been looming overhead all month like a gloomy gray umbrelJa, prompting an e pidemic of untanned bodies and unsoaked swimsuits. "Attendance has been down by at least 50 percent -maybe more than that," reported Bill Kra me r , chief l ifeguard at Huntington and Bolsa Chica state beaches. "It's the crummy w eather," he explained. "There's no sun, and the water's pretty cold. At Bolsa, it's almost like winter with so few cars in the parking lot. We've been sending lifeguards home early from some stations." Bob Webster, a spokesman for the National Weather Service, blamed t he cloud cover on a strong thermal low in the desert areas that draws moist marine air in off the ocean. S uch cloudmess 1s typicaJ for June, h e said , al though traditionally the s un finally breaks through by afternoon. This year, Webster said, the cloud layer is just loo thick, resisting the sun's best efforts at clearing the sky. The gloomy Ju ne of 1982 contrasts sharply with the toasty conditions that developed during the same month last year. Off-season Santa Ana winds swept through Southern California last June, sending the mercury past the 100-degree mark on several days. Even the traditionally cooler roast did not escape t.he heat wave . On June 15, 198 1, a Newport Beach lJfeguard tower recorded a peak temperature of 98.5 degrees. The water was a bathtub warm 71. Needless to say, Orange Coast beaches were s warming with (See SUMMER'S, Page AZ) The center sections of the marshlands. ·the area I.hat has caused the most controversy. would be decided by a comm1t t.ee comprtS(..'<l of representatives of the co unty, Signal, the Department of F1sh and Game and the St.ate Lands Commission. The committee would attempt to work out the separate concerns of the agencies and forward the "This last-m1nuw amt•ndmenl really is a cheap shut " But Wayne Clark, public relations roun.st'I for Signal. said that a number of people from a "variety" of interests mad(> their views known in tesumony He said Costa Mt'Sa City Councilman Donn Hall and Sant.a Ana City Councilman John At'OSta testified in favor of the legislation design('(! t.<> take the (See BOLSA, Page A2 > RepubliCans seek new law Royal baby naps throug h appearance Hinckley verdict sparks bid for end to insanity plea WASHING TON (Af') -T he verdict in the trial of John W. Hin c kley Jr. has evoked congressional calls for broad changes in the criminal law under which President Reagan's assailant was found innocent by reason of insanity. Attorney General William French Smith and Republicans in the Senate and House proposed a * * * new s tanda r d f o r judging criminal defendants who claim to be insane. "There must be an end to the doctrine that allows so many pe rson s to commit crimes of violence, to use confus ing procedures t o their own advantage, and then to have the door open to them t.o return to the soc i ety which th ey * * * Insanity def erise confuses jurors? By STEVE TRIPOLI O(tfM o..., Ptlot lltlff The acquittal of John Hinckley in the assassination attempt on President Reagan points up the necessity of elim inating the insanity defense in criminal p roceedings, an Orange Coast legal expert said Tuesday. Formef Judge Marshall Houts of Emerald Bay, who has been a private consultant in numerous criminal cases, said the law should be changed so that juries decide o n ly if the accused comm itte d the c rime. The deter mination of his mental s t a t u s 'a n d a p p r o p r i a t e punishment should be left to a judge and psychiatric experts after conviction. he said. "The jury sits there confused WORLD and agog at all the psychiatric jargon being thrown around," said Houts. He said jurors in other cases h ave told him as much. Under such circumstances, jurors cannot truly decide on a defendant's sanity. opening the door for acquittals because they must be certain a defendant was sane when the crime took place m order to convict him, Houts said. "I don't think it's possible for the jury t.o know if a person is s an e becau se even the . psychiatrists don't know what's going on . They had (i n t h e Hinckley case) six guys saying he was sane and six guys saying he wasn't. (See INSANITY, Page AZ) Argentine army takes over BUENOS AIRF.S, Argen tina (AP) -The army h as taken contro l of the Argentine government, a p pointin g r e tired arm y Gen . Reyn a ldo Bignone president over the objections of its junta partners. COUNTY Diedrich begins prison term Ralph Diedrich has fallen from the p innacle of Orange County politics to an e xistence behind bars. P age Bl. Hot ideas I rom the capital Anne Bad.ham. wife of Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, designed a Congreeaiooal Club c:ookbook with recipes from famous narnea. Pap Dl. • victirniz.ed," Smith said. It is possible that a crime package containing changes in the insanity test might go through the Senate later thts summer. but congress io n a l sources said Democrats will restst final House action tlus year. Acco rding to the Senate Judiciary Committee, only 1 percent of those accused of serious crimes raise insanity as a defense. There are only about 100 successful insanity p leas throughout the federal and st.ate court systems each year. Despite the Hinckley case, almost all violent crime occurs under the jurisdicuon of st.ate courts, so a new federal statute would not have broad impact on msanity pleas nationwide. No nethe l ess, l egislation pending in the Senate would revise the current federal rule under which the prosecution in a criminal trial must show that the defendant knew the difference between right and wrong, and was capable of r esisting an impulse to commit a crime. It could influen ce the states to make similar changes. Under a proposal supported by Str om Thurmond, R -S .C ., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Orrin Hatch, R- U tah, the right and wron g standard would be dropped and replaced with a much simpler test in whic h the burden of , proof would be placed on the defendant. AP Wlreplloto F UTURE KING? -Britain 's Prince Charles poses proudly with his newborn son outside St. Mary's Hospital in London as h e and the princess of Waltes took their baby h ome. NATION New savings firms thriving \ As a whole, the savings and loan ind ustry has seen better times, but some new S&Ls, not burden ed with old , low -interest mortgages, are piling up profits. P age C4. Reagan signs new· CIA law LANGLEY, V a . (A.P) -Presid ent R eag a n , making his first trip u:> CIA h eadquarters here, signed into law today a controversial bill making it a crim e to discloee the names of American spies, whom he called "heroes of· a grlm twilight etruggle." STATE INDEX At Your Service Business Herb Caen California Cavalcade Class.i(ied Comics en.word Death Notices F.di torial Entertainment Food Horoecope A4 C4·6 B2 A5 B2 Fl.F4·6 F2 F2 E3 A6 86 01-8,El-5 B2 SPORTS • LONOON (AP) Cradled in his fath e r's arms. the heir presumptive to thc> British throne slept through his first public appearance when Prince Charles and Princess Diana took their baby home, Just 21 hours after his birth Wrapped an a white shawl with has blue ey<'S firmly shut, the little pnne<' w;L" unciware of the adoring crowds. waving Union Jack~. tclt'v1s1on cameras, photographers and a portable gramophone playing "Land of Hope and Glory" Tuesday night outside St. Mary·~ Hospital at Paddington m west London. Diana. wearing a green polka- dot maternity dr(>SS, smiled and waved. Whe n the crowd broke into applause sh(> blushed. The princess. who will be 21 .July 1. look e d r a diant but slightly tired after her 16-hour labor Monday. H er earl y dt'parture from hospital was questioned by some tn medical circles. but royal gynecologist George Pinker said she was "in very good health and this will not cause any problems." Press reports said Diana was heard to joke to a doctor as she and Charles thanked hospital staff before leaving with their first-born child: "Will you be here next time?" Then she hastily turned to her husband a nd said· ''I'm only ,JOkmg. dear ·· Intermission Ann Land~rs Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News B3 B2 B6 C4 A3 B4,F3 C l-3 C5 B5 86 A2 A3 LIVERMORE (AP) -A planned 1hird day of anti-nuclear weapon demonttratlbna at Lawrence Livennore Laboratory fi2zled today when no one turned out to prowt . Rangers stop U.rew's streak Rod Carew, who knows all about hitting streaks, had one stopped by Texas. P age Cl. • • • Ortno• Cout DAILY PILOT/WldnMd1y, Ju;,.n..;•..;2;..3:..' _1a.• .. 2_'---...... ------------------~~----------------- evelopmont plan from I hl' Coastal Cornmlulon "There wu an opportunJty for p ublic comment. Tht• Amla&Oll de Boia.t Chica urt· not thu publk. hey topn:Mnt their own narrow vtow," Clark ltK.'k'rted. Tht delay wu nothing nuw for l8a Ch!ca plans. The Ca lifo rnia Coastal • mmJssion delay<.~ action lut rlday on thl' Orange County plana tor development. Commissioners said they ouldn 'l act because the ommission's aloff had ecommended alternative evelopments that had caused an Ulpourtng of testimony and ocuments that needed further tudy. The Coastal Commission 1s scheduled t.o take up the county plan when 1t next convenes in Southern Caltforrua m late July. ' The Coast.al Comnuss1on role ;would be eliminated should the Legislature remove the matter from its jurisdiction. The Coastal Commission staff • • • had uraed thl' denial of thu Orl'11\ac County phm becA&UM of dlapult' over the alw of weUandl, ooncerm ubout an 1,800-lllp boat marina, a lOM of aooe. to the Bol.!Ni Chica Suatt-Beach DOied by " navigable channel tu the ocean tmd other concerns. The cou n ty -wit h the blessing of Signal -ls eeek!ng t he development of 0 ,700 residential units, crt.tation of o 700-foot-wide navigable ocean access and the preservation of 600 acre11 of wetlands (including 300 acres under state control.) Tht.> Coastal Co~ion st.aft has developed alternat.ives that include the clustering of about 6 ,000 residential units and a 650-room hotel on a bluff near Warner Avenue. The commissjon staff also is recommending the elimination of a navigable access at a savings of $38 million and the creation of a small boat launch facility and dry storage area for boats instead of a marina. SUMMER'S BUMMER • • • visitors. On Sunday. June 14. 1981 , the parking lot at Corona de l Mar State Beac h admitted 1,377 vehicles, according to c ity parking records. • Last Sunday, about one year later, the same lot ra'Orded JUSt 350 vehicles. Cities such as Newport Beach and Huntington Beach depend on beach parking charges ($3 per car) to add heaJthy sums to their municipal treasuries. With beach attendance down. so is the income. Christopher Rey, parking supervisor for Huntington City Beach, said his 2.100-space lot is typically filled each weekend during the summer This June, he reports, the lot has been filled Jus t once -for about 15 minutes on S unday, June 6. Between June 1 and J un e 20, 1981, during the heat w ave, 38,- 286 vehicles parked at the city beach lot, Rey says. During the same period this year, the total Injunction OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) Superior Court Judge J ohn L. Cole a pproved a temporary {1njunction prohibiting an East Los Angeles company, Custom Plating Corp , from d1SCharging m or e than sm a ll le vels of c hromium, cyanide, copper. nicke l and zinc mto the county sewers. Coastal Per11al ell er "oon clearing of low ctouds today H1gh1 66 to 74 Low clouds night and morning hours tonight and ThurSd•y. then • pertly Cloudy Thuradey &lternoon Overnight tow 54 lo 62 High• Thursday 65 to 73 was about 15,000 less than half of the 1981 figure. Rey said the gloomy weather has been tough on his employees, too. H e's had to send some parking attend ants home each day becau se there's just n ot enough work for them. There is one silver lining in the doud cover. According to the South Coast Air Quali t y Management D1str1ct . June has b ee n particularly easy on the lungs because sunshine ts required to produce photo-chemical smog. Last June, a district spokesman said, Orange County had two first-stage ozone a lerts and another eight days in which the air was considered unhealthful for sensitive people. This June, he said, there hasn't been a single air qua lity alert in Orange County. A cco rding t o weather forecasters, the string of overcast days may not end until July. when warm e r co astal temperatur es b e gin counteracting the desert heat that draws the clouds inland. But veteran beach watchers are not panicking yet. They say the weather tends to balance out in the long run. Huntington Beach parking supervisor Rey observes, "We sometimes end up with h o t Indian summers that extend int.o September or October, making up for the bad weather earlier in the summer." NATION HI Lo Pep 74 55 10 93 60 111 55 1.15 78 57 62 67 46 74 60 90 70 .14 81 63 ,01 86 60 0 1 84 63 60 57 84 55 03 72 59 04 96 79 O.ifr ll'llot It." lllhoto CHANG E NEEDED - Fonner judge Marshall Houts says the acquittal of John Hinckley points u p the need for eliminating the insanity d e Ce nse i n c r i minal proceedings. From Pa e A1 INSANITY • • "HmckJey ~hould have been found guLlty of oommitt.ing the crime and then, stilJ within the criminal ~tice system, you bring m the pros to see what should be done with him and when he can -or if he can -be returned to society." Houts, a Conner FBI agent, is the editor of Trauma, the largest cir c ulation m e dic al-l egal publication for lawyers in the world . He 1s a consultant in forensic medicine and t.oxicology and a C'l inical pro fessor of pathology at UC lrvine. Houts said his system would allow psychiatrists to apply their kn o wle dge as 1t r e lates to c·1·1m 1na I cases in ''a non - adversary atmosphere "I don't mean to do away with the psychiatrists in these cases altogether." he sa1d. Bu t H ou t s ad d ed that conviction for major crimes. even 1f the defendant is Judged insane. should carry mirumum sentences. T ha t time can be devoted to psychiatric treatment for .the defendant if necessary. he sru.d. "The emphasis has got to be balanced out between the rights of society and the rights of the defendant," Houts said. Houts also srud Tuesday that Hinckley's acquittal "is opening the door t.o wholesale slaughter. "The psychiatric testimony found in this Hinckley case is so absurd because the evidence to a great exte nt showed he was schizophre nic," he said. "By gosh, there are millions of schizophrenics. If schizophrenia is going to be a defe nse for murder. it's just opening the door for wholesale slaughter." Hou ts said that in many places Hinckley would have been free to walk out of the courtroom if acquitted. Eleewhere. from Pot"' Conception to the Mextc1n botdef and out 60 miles light vartebltt wind• night end morning hOUra becoming weste<l'f 8 to 16 knots thta evening Ind Thurldey Wind wevu 1 to 2 feet thlS 1ftert1000 Soot"-1 swett 1 to 2 feet. Mo1lly cloudy througll Thursday with 1ome p1rt11t clearing In the •fl•rnoon end IV9nlng llOura Albany Albuq\.18 AmllllllO Ath8'\'111e Atlante Atlante Cty Au111n Baltimore Billings Blrmlnghm Blamer ck BolM Bo.tOrt Browiisvlt• Buttalo Burlington Casper Ct1ar1s1n SC Chartsln WV Charltte NC Cheyen1>e Ch~ Cincinnati Cleveland Clmt>le SC Cotumtxis Oel·FI Wth 08yl0tl Oen..., 68 49 74 56 88 59 l>i1!10n11 WH ther SeMce I 68 NOAA U S Oeot OI CO'Tl'Tle<G* V.S. Summary Thundetllc>rml lhll ptodUC.O IMge hall °' t0<nldon "1 the centrer plllna contntnued but grew gradually weaker today u they drifted lo the Htt. Observer• llld 11 le111 two twisters touched In Nebraeke. one east of Lewellen end one west of Ch1ppe!I, Ind .,. Inches of reJn fell In Cherry and HOOl!er counties The weethef ~roe u ld the downpour oeuMC! some flooding In th• Nebruke town of Orem, While baHb•ll-elted halt 1e11 1>eer lhe west ed ge or Lake McCOt1naughy Showers ltld thunderstorms -• wldely ecanered over the northern Aoclclel, the upper Otllo V11tey end •long lht Atlantic Cout end the MStern Gutt Coast. The rett of the netlon hed fair -ther. Tamperahlr•• uound th• nation before dawn ringed from 3& In Marquetle, Mich , to 8e In Ptio.nlx. Artz California The NltJonel WHther SetvlC4I ptedlc:ts "'°"* cloudy night and momtno tM wltft 1 beller ~ for 1un1hln1 In Inland U H i Thu'*'-Y lftltnOOn. OeMrt lklll lhould be cleet: thunderlt<>r!N are po11lblt In northern rnoul!lllnl llnd \tie Owene Valley. High ttMPtfllui'• lhoukl r911ge from 12 In LOI Moltle and et ~. betWMtl 1'4 end 80 In tht moumllna, from 92 to 102 In tht lllOh dlMrt and betweer1 M end 106 In IOw ~ .. ~ from Poirrt Conotpllon I to the~ bOl'dlr c.n ~ ll9M. ~ wtndl tonight and 11rty 1't111r1day, becoming .-.rty at I to 1• kftOtt In ltle ett•rl'OOn anel .venlng wlllt • _,.,,.... .... NmlnO ' lo 2 ..... 0et M oines Oetroll Duluth El Puo Fargo Fla~t1tt Great Falls Hertford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnapllt Jacllan MS JllCktnvl141 Kans City LuVegu UtUe AoClc Loullvlll l.ul>tlodl Mll"""'9 Mleml MUwu11 Mpta..S1.P NNhvtllt New Of!Mne New Y«lt Norlclk No. Plat1• Olcla City 64 73 8t 58 75 64 .51 Fronta: Cold .,. W8!m WW 02 76 53 69 " 77 54 09 .09 7t 48 14 81 69 81 75 51 89 72 75 51 .04 83 55 .19 78 56 73 48 64 47 99 68 77 60 76 39 8-4 58 .09 79 !17 .16 79 58 .40 89 74 • 94 77 .60 77 49 01 84 65 83 73 .19 82 62 too 13 87 TO 81 57 89 5t .30 88 72 64 '" 82 47 n se 8e 87 91 71 1.06 60 60 18 78 64 84 57 15 8e 8e Omlh• Oftando PhHadphla Phoenix Pltt•burgh Piland, Me Piiand, Ore Provtoeooe Aalelgt1 Reno Salt Lake Sen Antonio Se1111e Shreveport Siqµx F1t1s St lou11 St P-Tempa St Ste Marie Spokane Sy<ecuse Topeke Tuceon Tuls Wuhlngtn Wichita 79 61 92 78 80 58 104 76 73 48 04 71 54 05 84 58 77 62 05 75 86 .21 118 52 89 60 01 94 67 78 52 87 1M 80 62 711 63 03 88 79 68 38 65 59 70 50 47 82 63 97 1M 90 72 83 65 07 64 68 CAUfOflNIA Belleretletd 98 76 100 81y1he &Kell• F~ LA neut ... LOI Angalee Maty1vill4I Monterey Nlldlle Ollkltnd Paso Roblee Rad Blutt 60 49 93 84 90 87 72 63 92 5'4 102 88 58 82 62 93 88 Redwood City SllCflmelllO Slltnll Sen Diego Sen Fr811Clsco Santi Barbera S1nte Mer•" Stockton The<mal Ukl•h B1r11ow BIO Bear Bishop Catalina Lake Arrowhead Long Beech Monrovia Mt. Wlteon Newport Beach Ontario P1lm Springs Pasadena Sin Bem1tdl"o San JOH Senta Ana Sent• Cruz TahOe Veney Yum• mog 72 60 83 55 63 54 119 66 62 54 116 58 70 89 59 97 9t 99 72 75 39 91 56 70 58 75 49 71 61 72 60, 77 60 67 55 70 60 97 67 72 57 74 59 76 58 70 54 66 57 76 42 117 lie The Air Ouellty M1negemen1 Dletrlct ptldlet1 unhNlthhlt elr tor Mneltlw people toc:t*)' In the San Fernando and Santi Clarita vllleyl llnd 11'1 the R~ end San Blrnardtno ., ... Where 10 cell (toll frH) lor -.-... -.--.. --.• -.-.-.-.-.-.-s~~u~~~R~~,~~~R~~-1-_-,~~~o~~R~~,~~~~i~~;= AQMO Epltode Center: (800) S ~. 0 i -42 ... ff! .... ....... fJ~ poor poor poof OOOt ,.,, ,.., ,.., poor poor A""'99 Tetntt 58 57 58 58 58 57 60 eo eo 80 eo Tides TOOAY Second low II: 11 p.m. a.2 8.aond hlOll 11:tt p.m. t.o TMURIOAY Arel row •:•' a.m. t.3 Flrll high 1:27 p.in. •.2 Second tow e: t 1 f.m. 2.S leCond high (,rl)t2:t a.m. U lun Miil 10diiy et l;OI p.m .. ri-~111 1:.u ....... Moon ,.... 10daY .. l :OI • "'" ltllaat 10:H-.111 OC drug figure killed Former Leary follower dies in car crash B)' PATRJCK KENNEDY Of tM Dellf ...... llAI" John Churll'll <.;ul1•1 " lormt•r folJower of 19tl0k drug guru Or T imothy Leary &nd the man pcJlit.'l' ot.'Cust.~ of heading one of the lurtic11t cocaine 11mu.,Bgllng oper·1Hiun1 In Orange County history, hWI dh:d In u singll' ciu· crash In Danu Puint. The 33-year-old Gale, of El Toro, was identified by Highway Patrol offk'crs as lhe man they found Tuesday at 5:30 a.m pinned beneath a 1971 Merc-edeii In park oft Dt-1 Ob111po Stn.·~.'l JU 1 t e II t 0 f Pf.IC If I c· ('<HI~ t Highway. Ofhl't!nl ¥Uy <;ah• 11pp:m•ntlhv lost control of ttw t:u1 ot a ht~ rate of ·~· Ttw vdudt• Wl'nl ovllr u curb. t·rashlod mto u tn'\· und curet>ned In!.(> a sign t ;nlt· wu11 t•J('Cted and fell lx•f\\.•at h tht• .-ar 1u it r o lled nn Its s 1c.l1•, uuthorlties said, Th t· n cc 1dt'11 1 o c ,. u r ri'CI !Wntl'llml' Tuesday 111m·ru11g G111t• w:1i; pronounced deac.1 at tlw :iC'tit.•. At thL· Umt• of his d(•ath, Cale wu.11 awo1una t.riaJ on chara&ts that he was fnvoJved ln a multl· 1nilhon dollur cocaine amugsllna opM"ntwn that pollcc unvelled In Latcunu &•i1<.'h on April 28, 1981. Ci1•k-was fr<.'(.' on $2~0.000 bail. 1 ll· hud plt.•Udl'<i lnnoc.'f•nl to the l'h'1ra&\"S Ul(Ulnst hlM. Cult"s c·on nectlons to drua truffk krng g0t•!i b.llck ut least to ttw curly 1970s llc aUegc.'<lly waa u k l'Y m t•mber o f the Brottwrhuod of Et<!mal Love, a group labt.>led by p o lice 1nvt.o::1llgutors 1.1.S the largest deale r or LSD. hashish and hashlsh oil tn Lht> world. AnJ trak fire kills In 1973, ht.• was indicted and t·crnv1c·tcd of possession and conspiracy to sell LSD. He was :...mtt.>tWt'<I to on(' t.o 10 years, bul onl y sl'rv1·cl a s hort tim e an pnson 2, hospitalizes 42 During murt wsumony Gale .1dm1 llC'd possessing several 1hoUS<.1nd d~ of LS D at varioua tum-s I le also was 1dentjfied in Lt-i.L1m1my twrore the gTand jury ,1s th1• ni.m who walked through Suutht•rn California rock concert l·ruwds giving away L SD. GIBSON . C alif (AP) - Flames erupte d aboar d an Amtrak passenger train today, killing two people m a sleeping car and hospit.almng 42 others with smoke 1nhalat1on , authorities said. The train, the Coast Starlight, was enroute from Seattle to San Diego with 258 passenge r s aboard when the fire broke oul a t 2:12 a .m . PDT, Amtrak officials said. T h e train was halted near this small town along the Sacramento River about 20 miles north of Rroding and 200 miles north of San Francisco. .. We don't have any 1dentit.1es yet, pending notification of next of kin," said J im Delaney. an Amtrak spo ke sma n an Washington Delaney sard the train. minus two damaged sleeptng cars and a diner and lounge car, continued on its route at about 6 am The four cars were dt.SC'Onnected from the tram and were t.o be towed into Redding later. Mrs. Elizabeth Taddick and her husband, Henry, from El Centro, were awakened when the air-conditioning system pumpe d s moke i nto th ei r compartment. "We both woke up, naturally, and wondered what in the world happened," she srud. ''We opened our door cautiously and went oul into the hallway. Th<> couple next door realized we were in trouble at about the same time. "Amtrak employ~es w ere helping people out, but m y husband didn't f eel that HB cop faces trial on 17 molest counts A Huntington Beach resident who is a Long Beac h poltce officer was ordered Tuesday to stand trial 1n Orange County S uperior Court on 17 felon y counts o f child mo l es tatio n involving alleged acts wrth yo un g c hildr e n an hi s neighborhood. Following a two-day. t'losed- door hearing in West O range County Municipal Court, Judge William Mock ruled there was sufficient evidence to order a trial on 17 of the 20 felony t'ounts filed against defendant Michael Bruce McDonald. The Long Beach motorcycle officer. who ts free on $100.000 bail, is accused of molesting s1x young girls bcg1nn1ng 1n September 1980 everyone perh aps had lwt•n warnetl, so he wenl back 111to thl· tram Later, he and a young mun took out one gentleman whrch l'rn sorry t.o say. I understand chd not survive." 1''orly-two people who tnhakd smoke were bused to oi tll'arby hospital where aU Wt'l't.· r<•p<ll'tlod tn "good shape." Four peopll' were admHLl'<J to Mt•rt'Y Medical Cc·n11•1 1n 1"lt'<iding, but most of tht! uthcri. were expected to bf' rc•le,1s1.•d 1 a t e r t o d a y . a t-c· o r d i n g I 11 spokesman J im Holdrn.lgt· Tht.• two dead had been 1n a slt'eping car that was on fart', hC' sa id H e coul<.l not :.ay 1mmediately whether they du.:d of bums or smoke inhalation Shasta County Shcnff's Lt Robert Neslen said the blaw ma) have involved two cars and r II(.• likely was electrical m nature Wh(•n th1.• alleged cocaine ::.muggltng o peration w as unmask1'<.I last year. Gale and ftvl· olh~·rs were arrested in raids on t wv homL':i Authorattc•s t•o nfiscated 23 pou11ds of cocaine the largest st•12un· 1n Orangt• County htStory 1wo submachine guns, gold .md gc•ms v<.1lued at $500,000 and m11r<' than $130,000 in cash. The t'(><.'aint· was valuL-<l at more than $7 m1llton, authontt('S said. Bahl eagle shot MILTON, Del (AP) -A bald c· •• glc• fmm Florida shot near here ~ufft•n·d a "badly damaged" wing uffic1als say The culpnt, if caught, could fa<.'(' up t.o 2t·l years 1r1 prison and $25.000 1n fines. Dogs to get shots Thursday in Valley A low-cost ant1 -r.io1e~ vaccrnauon clime will bl-held T hursday at the f'ountarn Valley Recreation Centl·r ·•l Mile Square Park, 164011 Brookhurst St. The event v.111 take place from 7 to H :m p.m Local veterinarians wdl '• Summe r Safarr. lht second session of the We-st Orange County YMCA S ummer Day Camp, well st.al'! July 6. A trip to Marint>land and to tlw Los Angl•'ps Zoo anci a • The Huntington Beach Adult SC'hool is offl'rang business cours<'s for pl'opll• interested m developing m•w skills or brushing up on old ones. The center offers tour.;c-s an accounting, business English. business machines. business writing. clerical practices. dnnetlC' ttft-tr lame to conduct thl· d tntl All dogs older than f11ur months are required to Ix v<ic:t·anated against rabies, undt r <;l<J l<' and C'Ou nty law. Th<' t·ost or vacc1nat1ons at tht· < lm1c will bt.· $3 per dog clav or m1ntaturt> gortmg are rm:ludcd. Th(• c·;;mµ. open to boys and girls agc·s 8 t1, 12. w1U last 1mtil .Julv lH The• C'OSl is $110 prr s1•~s •<>n For mort> 111lorm.1tlon. C'all 847-!:1622 frl1ng. Gregg Shorthand, m <1 l h 1 n c• t r a n s l' r 1 p t i o n . t {' l n r d k l' l' p t n g , A B C sL<'nO'>(.T1pt and typing lnstrm·uonal materials are prov1dc'd and n o fee is l ha 1 gcd Those in tereste d should rnntac:t the Business Skills Center. 10251 Yorktuwn Av<', or phone !:164-6855. extension 542. •_Headphones • Stop/eiect - • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/tone switch Sale $39.88 .SANYO (Sale prices good thn.i Mon., June 28, 1982) ..,, CROWN • HARDWARE • All Stor• open 7 Deya Weatcllff Pim 1024 lrvlne Ave. Newport Beach 642-1133 Corona del Mer 3101 e. Cout Hwy. 613-2800 Wettcfltt Tiii 8:00 Tttura. H1rbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 644-8570 . An•tt•Jm Hlllf . "6620 Santa Ana Canyon Rd. (at Imperial Hwy.) 998-15282 • ' I ----------=-------~----------....-...-.......-lliliilliiliilliiill_ ... l I •Viets llre oa lf.S. ships By Tbe A11oc:t1ted Pre11 SUBtC NA VAL BASE, Philippines - Thrtt' U.S. Navy w1.u·•hl1X1 d1J«:kt'd hert' today after reportlns that &n\All Vlf'tnamf'Se vesae!JI fin~ at them earllt>r th111 Wt.'t!k. A hole thl.• lllw of a pea In tho hull of the U.S. dc»troycr Turrwr Joy wns the onJy visible rvldtmcc of battl1• scl!n by reporters. Navy 11ulhorltlt•11 11howl'<I ruporlN'!I wht•rt• o 30-culiber machine-sun bulll't plert.'ed tht< :ctt-t·I waU of the dNtroyer, cmtAtred an otrl<.'t'rs' lounl(t" and lodgt'<.i In.aide a cablnt1l No one wus reportt·d injured In tht• sklrm1Jhtt41, whkh oct•urn-d Sunday night and Monday momlng. ·rhe lnddcnl.8 were the first engagement of the N"vy In Southeast Asian waters since 197!S " •Budget nearing appro11al? WASHINGTON Congress ts on the verge underestimated by billions of dollars of giving final approval to a Republican-drafted The Senate was set for a final vote today on 1983 budget plan that-includes the largest the spending blueprint that c'11s for limiting deficits ever to pass the House and Senate -federal spending to $769.8 billion and holding shortfalls congressional economists say are next year's deficit to $103 9 billion. •Soviets irked by shuttle CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -With the countdown under way for the space shuttle Columbia's first defense-related mission, the Soviet Union is aecusing the United States of making space a new frontier for the arms race. The countdown began Tuesday for Columbia's fourth and final test mght. scheduled to lift off at 2 p.m. PDT Sunday, and the Soviet Commumst Party newspaper Pravda criticized U.S. plans to test military hardware on the flight. ''American brass hats make no secret that they regard outer spa('e as o potential theater of operations,'' Pravda said. "The Pentagon also is planning to put laser weapons, spy satellites and anti-satellite systems into near-Earth orbit" and it plans "to spread the arms race to outer space" •Chastened Begin back in Israel WA S HINGTON -Prime Minister Menachem Began goes home to Israel with pledges of support from the Reagan adm.m1stration but sharp words from senators upset over the use of American-made arms in Lebanon. "I think the message he is getting is that lsrael 1s going to have to take a step or two backward," Sen Larry Pressler, R-S.D .. said after leaving a closed-door meeting with more than 30 senators and tht> lsraeh prime minister Tuesday. •Computer spy trap sprung SAN FRANCISCO -An elaborate undercover operation that required setting up a bogus computer consulting firm snared 18 Japanese businessmen for trying to steal valuable secrets from IBM, America's largest computer ('<>mpany, the FBI said. Six Japanese nationals and one American, most of them employed by two giant Japanese electro nics compan ies, were a rrested 1n California and face trial on federaJ charges, FBI director William H. Webster said Tuesday. Arrest warrants have been issued for 12 other people who are in Japan after the elaborate. 8-month FBI undercover operation that required the cooperation of International Business Machines Corp .. Webster said. •More layoffs at KCET·TV LOS ANGELES -Another 32 employees at the city's struggling pubUc television station, KCET. will be out of pbs come Friday. victims of the statwn's efforts to move from a S3.8 million de£ic1t to a balanced budget. Channel 28 has eliminated 87 people since Jan. l . or 22 percent of its oart-and full-time staff. Spokeswoman &rbara ·Goen said six more people could be fired before the new fiscal year begins. The staff now totals about 139 plus 15 or 20 people paid through grants for their specific projects •Revoking of killer parole urged SACRAMENTO Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. recommends that "Omon Field" killer Jimmy Lee Smith's parole be revoked because of a report that he has resumed using heroin. Smith. 51, was paroled in February after S('rvmg almost l!:l years of a life term in prisvn. But he was jailed earlier this month after disappearing for three days from his San Fernando Valley home. Officials said parole revocation could mean up to six months in jail •Bird recall gets green light SACRAMENTO State Sen. H .L . Richardson and other conservative Republicans have the green light to circulate petitions for the recall of Chief Justice Rose Bird They are llrrung thear campa1gn so that the next governor would appoint a successor. Secretary of State March Fong Eu said Tuesday the recall effort, the second now under way against Ms. Bird, has until Nov. 29 to submit 731,244 signatures of registered voters and force a recall election. •House panel baeks freeze WASHINGTON (AP) -The House Foreign Affairs Committee today approved a resolution calling for a "mutual and verifiable freeze" on U.S. and Soviet nuclear weapons arsenals. were afraid of losing. The vote "is a major step forward for the freeze movement," said Rep. Edward Markey, D·Mass., one of the key congressional backers of the freeze drive. The 25-9 vote capped two days of debate during which freeze supporters claimed that opponents had delayed a vote t:>e<;:ause they On Tuesday, a Democratic supporter of the measure accused Republicans of stalling. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Thomas P. Halev I'll--0"9I (.ecu1-.. omc.r Kay Schultz YlcaPr-. -°"*"°' ol ,..,_,,""'G Tom Murphlne ~ Mike Harvey OWclOt ol Merl.911nQ (°""'llonf Ken Godderd onctor ol °'*91IOM Ray Maclean Cont- Ch arlee Loos Mlll'OIQlno IEclltOf hlly'11eto ... ..-, ...... ......,, Mondoy ''l<lllY II 'i9'I 0q 11(11 """O yOojf -l>y 5 30 o "' cell l>elore I P"' ano \'OU• COOy ..,II ~., .. ._.., =--~' .,,., =·tv" ,~"'de);:: Wlor• 1&':"m lf'd ,.OV• COOy .. 11 t>e .....,.., Claulfl~ edvertlslng 7141642·5671 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE JJO Wtll Bn St. COll• Mesa. CA Mall actclr." Bo• U60, Cml.t Mesa, CA 9262' Coe>Y•l91'11 1"2 Or-Coas1 Pub11Slli"9 ~y No" ... ' ttorl ... llf<ntrallons, ed"orlal malt•ror _. v•rllM,.,...,b -etn may lie r•Of'OCIUCed wlf'-s.-ctal peln\lulon Of <oPY•IQftl owner T,. G· -cou1 Dally Piiot, w1111 ""k" ts <- blned Ille -..Pres, Is publlsNG t>y u.e er.,. '""'' P""'lsN"Q Compeny, S.~r.tte _...,. .,. ,....,.,,...., Monday U.rOUQll Friday lor C.ta Mtw. Newport 8Mcll. Hur1t"'91on 8-11. '-'-"' Y•O•y, INlf\t, ~ IM<ll, Soulll Co.ti. A t i ..... ,....-edfUen It .,..,.1_ s.t.,,..,.y, and ~. Tiie Pfln<lpel publlsl\lftQ pl4'nl IJ et »0 Wot Bay St.-, P o Bu 1'60, CCl81.t """-· Callfoml• ttu6. VOL. 75, NO. 174 Mississippi teen new Junior Miss MOBILE. AJa. -The 1982 Ameri ca's Junio r Miss . 18-year-old Susan Lea Hammett, of Hattiesburg, Miss .. said it was the "joy of the Lord" that helped her through two hectic weeks leading up to the pageant. Miss Hammett, who won the crown Tuesday after performing a song she wrote, titled "First Love," told reporters she was looking forward to some sleep. "Right now, I'm thankful and stunned and kind of tired," she said. We're Listening ••• What do you like about lhe Daily Piiot., What don't you like'> Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor Tht same 24 hour answelin~ service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verillcatlon No clrculAtion calls, please. 'rell us what's on your mind 642•8088 • Orange Coaal DAILY PILOT /Wedne1d•y, June 23. 1982 H/F Al . .. ~ . ' •• CORRALED -Anti-nuclear demonstrators flash victory signs from the yard at Santa Rita Jail m Livermore wherc mor<> than 1,300 await ~ Wlrepfloto arraignment following a rrests during protest at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Airlines face space boost Terminal fees increased under n ew county agreement John Wayn<.· Airport's s ax airlines will be paying about 50 percent morl' for airport l£'rmanal space under prov1s1ons of a nc>w lease agreement with tht:' Orang<.• County Board or Supl1rv1sori. approved Tuesday Under terms o f lht.> n<.•w month-to-month l«ai.C'. whu.h supervisors approved without comment, airhnes St>rvacmg tht> airport will be paying anywherl' from $2,000 a month to $10.000 a month for comml'r<:lal terminal space, said MaC'hael Howard. School fund cut averted by Placentia Orange Cou nty's poort'st school distract w as s uccessful Tuesday in forcing thl' State Department of Education to 5(.'t r aside $270,000 that would have been cut from the distract'!> budget. The Placentia Un1f1ed School Distric t won thc order an Superior Court Judge Thomas E Crosby's courtroom aflt.'r It sued the state an May Placentia School off1c1als a t that time believed they were faced with more than $800.000 in cutbacks by the state, which providcs about $23 million of the district's $31 miUion budget Judge Crosby s1~natrd his intention last we<.•k to issue a limited preliminary inJunctaon requiring the state to take a closer look at the troubled Placentia d 1slr1cl before implementing any cuts m aid . The state is cutting back aid to many districts an California. The district contcndcd. and Crosby agreed, that the state was relying on an "archaic formula" to impleme nt t he cuts. That formula was unconstitutional. school ofhc1als saad, because at violated the spirit and meaning of the landmark Serrano dec1s1on of the early 1970s Gem Talk By J C IWMPHRlf.:.'\ Cur1{1rd (;1•mr>lo111.•t. A<:.'> JEWELRY FABLES ... and 8 fl'w fsct4 The re are some intr1gu1ng historical fables built around gemstones and jewelry But like other fables. they are not always based on fact. For example. we've all heard the one about the island of Manhattan being bought from the American lndl.ans for just $24 worth of tnnkets that we probably call costume jewelry Well. the lnd1ans weren't that dumb. They did trade away the llland for what we would con,,ider a pittan~ today, but they demanded that they be paid In useful toola. such as shovela, picks and hoes. As we have learned since, the Indians are quite capable of designing and crafUng their own jewelry. Then there's the story about Queen Iubella of Spain hocking her crown jewels to finance the daring voya,e ot the Italian 8&llor Criat.oforo Columbo. Sounds romantic, but that one l.sn't ll'Ue either. The good queen did give her ble11lng to the trip. and that enabled Oil to iet the fln.anct&l backing o f wealthy Spenlah men:hanta. Aren't you glad he made It? c hat>f o l 1h e property managemL·nt div1s1on of the co u n t y · s g l' n e r a I S e r v 1 c es Agen('y. Howard said the rent increase wall brmg the cost of space at the airport mto line with rau-s being charged for commercial space cls<>where in Orange County The increased revenues will pay for airport improvements and operations. he said. Significantly, the new lease also formalizes the rommercaaJ airport access plan -which apportions '41 daily flights among the airlines The aL'CeSS plan was included 1n the lease agreements after the U.S 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled earl ier 1n June, over several airlines' objections, that th(.> county could implem ent virtually any access plan tt Wl~hed The plan forced four to five John W ayne ca rriers to surrender some of their existing flight allocations over a two-year period. Guaranteed allocations then will drop 10 percent Pvery three months B esides the access plan prov1s1ons. the leases s~ll out other operational restnct1ons by which the airlines must abide. Those include: -That Jet aircraft not be scheduled to depart between 10 pm and 7 am or arrive between 11 pm. and 7 a.m. (8 a.m. on Sundays) -That airlines not operate any .)Cts at the airport that ha".'e not been approved for use m writing or aren't specified in the access plan. That the airlines use only smokeless engines on airplanes operating at the airport and that all noise abatement approach and d e parture procedures be followed. -That the airlines not schedule non-stop fhghts from John Wayne to destinations any farther away m rruleage than Salt Lake City. Utah Another gallling rap for freed bookie f\lyn Brannon , a former Saddleback College trustee. free while appealing a judge's ruling on a bookmaking conviction. was back in custody today foUowang has arrest for allegedly ac.'Ceptmg bets on a professional baseball game. Deputy District Attorney Maury Evans s1id Brannon would likely be sent back to state prison immediately to finish out a sentence on a previous gambling charge. Brannon. 51. was arrested by officers from the Orange County D1stnct Atto rney's office and Newport Beach Police Deparlment. He was taken anto custody after officers searched has Santa Ana home Monday and found what they believed to b6 betting markers and payoff checks. The one-tame Saddleback trustee, convicted three separate times in the past I 0 years for bookmaking activities. was booked into Orange County Jail.! Officers obtained a search'. warrant thas week when an informant allegedly placed a bee with Brannon for a basebal~ game between the Los Angel~ Dodgers and Cincinnati Reds. Brannon was sentenced to a· state prison term of t~ years last/ August after it was alleged he was runrung one of the larges~ bookmaking operations i n' Orange County. fjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~' I J. C...JJump~rUM Jewel.I'd MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY @ 1809 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ~ SINCE 1a..8 BarikAmtri~rd-Muter 1.,,n1rge I . . \. • Orange Cout-OAU. Y P~OT /Wednelday, June 23, 1982 .. •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN •HOROSCOPE Wh.at's. parent role when children divorce? DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our daughter wlll IOOn be signing the legal papers for a 1eparatlon from h er husband. She did not want the separation, but he pressured her into lt. We are aware of the emotional pain this glrl has suff cred, and perhaps we have already said too much in an effort to help. These days, when divorce is almost a8 common as marriage, it would be very useful if you wo~d print some do's and don'ts for parents whose children are experiencing the ·agony of ending a marr iage . Thank you , Ann . - ANGUISHED IN SYRACUSE DEAR PARENTS: The most important thing parents can do at such a time ls remain supportive and silent. The worst thing 'you can do ls give unsolicited advice. If tbe. departing spouse was not liked, It's easy to say too much. So remember, whatever words are uttered should be tender an~ s.w.eet because you might have to eat them one day. The following letter might be of interes t. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 32-year-old mother of two. This past summer I remarried my husband after a 10-year separation. My question: when do we celebrate our anniversary? Also, how many years have we been married? Our first marriage was on June 9, 1970. We were married again Aug. 18, 1981. Thank you for helping point the way out of FINISHIN(; TOUCHES -A Rockwe ll International employee puts the finishing touches on the Challenger. America's next shuttle spacecraft that is due to debut during ceremonies at the company's Palmdale facility. thls dilemma. -TRYING AGAIN IN WfNNrPEG DEAR TRYING AGAIN: Since you are maklng a fresh s tart, I 1ugge1t y ou celebrate your anDlvenary on Aug. 18. A1 for tbe number of years: ln all honesty, you should d educt tbe yea rs you were not married. I see no reason to celebrate time spent apart. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I loved your answer to the woman who was critical of he r "dear friend" who used beer glasses for wine and salad forks for the fish. You said, "A much greater disaster is to become trapped by socially correct bores." That letter reminded me of a lecture I attended recently. On the way home my friend who had accompanied me said, "Did you notice the s peak er mispronounced harassment?" I replied, ''ls THAT all you got out of her brilliant presentation?" I've observed that most critics who nitpick are me ntal midgets. No detail is too small to glom onto in an effort to elevate themselves. -MARINA DEL REY . CALIF. DEAR DEL: Amen, sister, or brother -whichever. Well said. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thank you for printing the letter from the teen-ager who wanted to keep her baby. I made that mistake, and it was a big one. APWl~to The spacecraft will be towed overland to Edwards Air Force Base July l, and will remain there through the upcoming STS-4 mission. The C hallenger's first flight is planned for early 1983. Libra: Humor wins Tbarsday, Jane U ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aura of romance prevails; domestic tranquility returns following stormy sessions. Focus on change, speculation, variety, entertainment and physical attraction. Personal magnetism soars, member of opposite sex cares and attempts to prove it. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Protect property interests. Check payment schedule. Be aware of legal loopholes. Focus on security, safety measures, authority figures and ways of lifting restrictions. Cancer, Pisces, Virgo natives figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Relatives seem to think they know what's best for you. Be flexible, but know when to draw line. Special relationship is highlighted and includes financial, emotional involvement. Long-term agreements command attention. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cash flow resumes once you are rid of burden which was not your own in first place. Emphasis on payments, collection , consolidation of assets. Obtain professional appraisal., be aware of accounting procedures. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You berome more · independent in thOught, action. Emphasis on new 1 et.art.a, fresh approach and innovative procedures. • Aquarius aJ!d another Leo play important roles. It it time for cold plunge lrtto future. Romanoe is • highlighted. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emotional involvement could leed to clandestine meeting. Much that occura la behind ecenea. very private and requirel utmolt dilCl'etion. Intuitive intellect 9ftV9 aa reliable gu.ldtt. You'll know what to do, when to dolt ancfhd\P.t to announce It. UBRA (Sept. 23--0ct. 22): Dtvenfy, display venltilJty and be wU.Una to chuckle at your own • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA foibles. Popularity increases, and invitations multiply . Forces tend to be scatte r ed, constructive activity features artistic endeavors. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll be asked to revamp, revise and to make special report for supervisor, superior. Focus on career, prestige, community project and dealings with authority, including government -o(ficials . Another Scorpio is involved. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Accent on travel, education, spiritual development ability to communicate in graphic manner. Focus also on publishing, special relationship and a variety of sensat ions. Language s tudy w ould prove profitable. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an . 19): Major domestic adjustment highlights scenario. Financial structure also comes into sharp, clear focus. Budget program would be constructive. Taurus, Libra, Sco rpio p e rsons figure prominently. Occult mystery provides challenge. AQUARIUS (JaQ. 20-Feb. 18): Define tenna, lie low, go alow, avoid self-deception. Pay more attention to public relations, be aware of l.mage and remember commitment to one who aacrlftced for your benefit. Piace9, Cancer, Virgo penona play significant roles. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Concentrate on • taaks which have been delayed or Ignored. OwlCe8 for ~r advancement are heightened. You require toUd bue, ample quart.en and authority to make money dedslom. Cancer, Taurua. Capricorn pel"IOna play lfgn.lficant rolea. 1 got pregnant at 17 and insisted on keeping my baby no matter what. M y boyfriend wanted out. 1 let him go -no strings attached. (Another mistake.) Now l am tied down with a kid and my ex- boyfriend is running around town, dating, going to baseball games, having a wonde rful time. No young guy wants to take out an 18-year -old girl who has a baby. The girlfriends I had in school are like s trangers. W e don't h ave an y thing in common anymore. Some of their mothers don't want them to associate with me. If I had it to do over again I would have given my baby up for adoption. 1 hope every girl who has to make this decision will put her baby's welfare first and do just that. - WISH I COULD DATE AGAIN (GA.) gAllN WIDEIS DEAR WISH: I can add ootblng to your letter except my thanks for having written it. Are drugs OK if you learn how to control them ? Can they be of h elp? The answers are in Ann Landers' aJJ-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2, plus a Jong, self- add ressed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chkago, ID. 60611 . .Dishes break record ALLEN FISHER, the Britisher who buttled for Bing Crosby in H'sborough and is now a butler for the Prince of Wales, curled his lip over Kathryn Crosby's auction list and sniped to an amused Cal R~i in London: "I remember a wedding reception where we didn't have enough dishes so I rushed to Cost Plus and bought some for 30 cents apiece. I see they're now worth nine dollars each. Really!" HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO NAMEPHREAKISM may be well and truly dead here, but reports Janos Gereben, it is alive in -Siberia! Meet the deputy chief of the Irkutsk Communist Party. Leonid G . Pinko. Montana?" The Cronk: "I think you mean Chet Huntley." IN SONORA, Auto Dea le r Don Dambacher is offering "a 50-50 warranty - if your car breaks in half you get to keep both pieces." This is a scream in the boonies. IF YOU WERE TURNED on by the topless lady on the cover of the June 7 Newsweek -Artis t William Baile y 's "Portrait of S" -1 know where you can get a closer look; that outstanding painting is on display at Oakland Museum till July 18. JAN Y AN EHIRO is o ff KPIX's "Evening Magazine" on maternity leave, so a contest is being held -25 words or less - for a one-night replacement. My vote goes to Jeanne Marks of Aptos, who wrote: "How about a 200-lb. 66-year -old s wimmer grandma who loves people and would give her false teeth to get this assignment? That's me" ... Whenever I hear the tenn "anchorman" 1 envision a guy with an anchor around his neck jumping off Pier 39. IN ONE EAR: Barbara Boxer's knockout description of the nuclear arms race: "Two men are sitting in a large pool of gasoline. One has seven matches and the other has only five" ... Tuesday must have been a slow day in Washington. My phone rang and it was Senator Alan Cranston saying, "Heard the latest?" "No," 1 replied, signaling Stop the Presses. "Well," he went on, "the people on the FalkJands are now being moved to the island of Malta, where they will become Maltese Falkans." He is still one of our finest senators ... Makes sense: Dr. Rudy Noble, upon reading that Margaret Thatcher is suffering from insomnia over the Falkland fighting, ventures, "Has she tried counting sheep?" ROBIN WILLIAMS, a night person, will make his first appearances at Harrah's Tahoe July 2-3-4, doing only a 2:30 a.m. show . . . Jerry Schultz, who thinks pro baske tball is "boring boring boring!" likes David Brenner's idea: "Give each team 100 points and let them play for two minutes" POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT TMERE~S NO COPYRIGMT ON LOVE - Big sign herald ing a special sale at Me rrill's Drugs at Fourth and Market, caught by Jean C'oiiins: "American Flags - Made in USA!" That's news. YOU CAN COPY IT TO YOUR HEART'S CON TENT. T ALKT AIL LOUNGE: Walter Cronkite had a fairly mizz.erable time Tues. night. Outside the Fairmont, a stranger hailed him with. "Hey, good to see you -still retired in -., GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • 542 <:;?QJ4 O AKJI076 +9 WEST EAST + K 87 3 • J 109 <:;i K962 <:;?873 0 8 O Q942 +Q432 +KJ6 SOUTH •AQO <:;i A 105 0 53 +A 10 875 The bidding: Soatla Weat Nortla Ea1t l • P ... I 0 P&11 l NT PU1 3NT Pue Pue P ... P ... Opening lead: Two or ~. "Penny wise, p ound foolish," 1tatea the ollt adage. South, declarer al three no tr ump. took oare of the pen· nies, but the pound1 failed to take care of themeelves. T he auction was almple. North judred well when he r ailed to three no trump with hl1 unbalanced hand and rood abr-ard aull-lt wa1 unlikely that eleven trickt could be made. but nine were quite likely. West elected to lead his fou rth-best heart. Declarer won in hand with the ten and led a diamond to the jack, which won. Elated with the success o f his finesse, declarer returned to hand with the ace of clubs and led another diamond. West's discard of a spade was a cruel s hock . Declarer took dummy's two high diamonds. and he could set up t wo long cards in the suit il h~ so wish· ed. But there was no entry lo cash them. Instead, declarer took a spade finesse, which lost. West exited with a spade, and declarer had to be con· tent with seven tricka. Declarer made • ratal er· ror at. trick one. Five dia· mond tricka we~ all that were nffded lo make the con· tract, so declater should have made certain that he bad an entry to dummy to run· the suit. Declarer won the flrat trick too cheaply -he 1hould have taken It with the acel Now declarer can take the diamond flnelM. A .. umlnr Eut again holdt up, declarer coritlnuet wlth the ac. of diamond•. When WHt 1how1 out, declarer Simply concedes the next diamond trick to East's queen while discard· ing a club from his hand. (That is better technique than taking the second high diamond and then conceding a t rick in t he suit, because declarer won't have a conve· nient discard on the fourth round or diamondsJ As the cards lie. East's best return is a spade. Declarer spurns the finesse. He rises with the ace and leads a heart toward the quee n-jack. Now he is assured of an entry to dum· my, and he will be able t-0 run the diamonds for his con· tract. R•bhr brhl1• clalt1 ~..-.t die cieu&ry ... die ................. lwaat. 0. dley ........... ,... 4••'t'l c a.arlH Ger••'• "FHr-Deal lrl4l1•" wlll &.Mil 1•• tile ftl'•e.cle• ... tactJc• •• tW1 fut~ M- tlH .... tUt ,... ..... die din ....... 84Jas ... ..... Fw a eefJ UMI a._....,.., .... H .f5 w "G .. a r .... Deal," ea re el t a.11 ..,...,...,, P.O. lu IH, Nenr-4, N.J. t'fe48. ... died• ,.,...._ w N .. • .... ... b ·' I ~ ~ \, I' I l . ' Orange COut QAILY PlLOT/Wldnt1Qay, J\tnt 23. 1982 .... 882 • units Vi ejo n e ar approved What h~11 the apix•uranc:t' of f'VlllDtl 1e>mc old-fuhiom-d· hon1oe tracllng w l U rtu ult In lnC'reaaf'd WlllNlll developm<'nt on. the Robinson o c BUSINESS Ranch In th e Sa n ta Ana I Mountains east of Mlsalon Viejo by an Irvine firm. • 11011 Orange County •~rviisprs Mnrl boroush Dcvclopm"nt Cocporatlon h ave agr eed to c hli~e• ln•. Jt..t.\lncd L.-d1c1pe Arcbllecture, Inc. of NPwport development pl•na t t wUI ~ to provide landscape servict>t for the modC'lB permit construction of 1,Jnlts "d, ~<>fl arte.s al IC. new 383-untt townhomc on the 822·aere ranc~ a ted <.'nn\Ql ru~ •1~ho Cucamon!l8. north of Coto de Caza. • , Ridgewood Developmynt o.I ,J.• I Steve Lu~tnbacb h naml'd rnarkL•ting Irvine originally had apptvvaJ ~ Jn!nagr;r (df ca..-Una r.4 Ce la formerly of construct 782 units. · 1-lcwport Beach otld {O Y. J'D!i with AlrCal. In consideration of wit~ •ii approval to build 100 addi ~ ~ • o.-Little has bctlrl ~med controllL•r of units. Ridgewood has agreed 'to Waybera Corporation, Gard.en Grove H1 • wa~ boost the amount of open apaoe #'>rm~rlf ·•'Y.ith U S . Re~)lts a l'on11tru<.·t1o n land to be dedicated to the O{ianiz.a~ an i..,1ne • county from 350 to 400 ~ '· The firm also has ~ to Times· Mirror Cablt Television bas promoted build a required perom&Age of .Jdttn Purdle to vice president of sales. units priced for buyert. With low c\ • , ~ch~:~rate incomes on th~ ·.. Ml~ta rporatlod, Newport Beach, has Under the forme r appl".Qved rewned •sso & Associates, Newport Beach-based plan. most of those eo-c•)~ advertising and public r{•lauoru, firm. tu handle ats affordable units would f\ave bell $1 malhon -plus advertising al'l.'OUnl. constructed at another l<>oatioo ln the <.'O unty. The county requires• that 25 AP Wlrephoto percent of all units be priced Cor 50 YEARS OF LUGGAGE -American Tourister Preside nt sale to persons with low and Susan Akers Graves has lx·cn namc-d dirL'<.'tor ' o r p u b I 1 l· a f fa ir s I or Ha 1 n ._. d a I n n s I n <.' • h~adquartt>red in Phrn·111x She 1s a former v1cl' prl'Sld('nt with &ll!Jh .hiekson As..<;1JC1aa•s, public relulaons. marketing and advert1s1ng as:wney, and a pubhl' information oflH:l•r <ii UC lrv1m•'s Colll•gt> of Mc'<.hcmc• I r moderate incomes. Harry Bomes displays one of the luggage company s ear iest About 57 acres of the 400 that produc t offer ings. right, a t the luggage manufacturer's will be set aside as open space Warr e n, R.l., headquarters during a 50th anniversary was dedicated to the <.'Ounty The celebration. The company, the first to manufacture h ard-sided balance of the open space will be Brothers Howard <md Cutler Dippell purchdSCd molded luggage, offers a broad range of hard a nd soft-sided turned over to the county after Lido Realty, 3377 Via Lido, Nl'wport .&>ach cases, samples of which s urround Bomes. final tract maps are recorded. Tht• 01ppells are also nwnns of Dippel! R<:'alty ________ ___: ________________________________________________________________________________ ~~------- At Last, A New Bank That 'ftµly Specializes in Business, Professional and Executive Banking You've heard it before -banks claiming to be "Business Banks" that we ren't any different than the typical. retail. take any customer. bank. And what do you get? Long lines. indif-' ferent service. and no true differentiation between business customers and anyone else who happens to walk in the door. Liberty National Bank 1s truly a Business Bank. We do dif· ferentiate and you will see the difference. "Taking Banking To Business"'" is the motto of Liberty National Bank and we do exactly that. First. our bank services and programs are all designed from a business person's point of view. We've taken the traditional attitudes and services offered by most banks and redesigned them to work more effectively in today's business world. Second, we will literally bring the bank to you, at your place of business. Our Account Officers wi ll meet with yuu in your office and will arrange for you to conduct your banking busi- ness from your office. Ou r Business Courier Service. Armored Car Service. Telephone Transfe~ Servke and post age paid Bank-by-Mail Service all work to give you easy access to your bank without having to leave your office. Call Mr. Gene Lesher. S.V.P. and Business Development Man- ager, for an Account Officer to come to your business. Or. if you prefer, call to arrange for an appointment at our head - quarters. You'll see what a difference it makes when your bank is truly a business specialist. Ll6ertg lf allonal Danit One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Cen ter Avenue • Huntington Beach, California 92647 • Telephone 714/895-2929 Strateglcally located near the intvrS«tion of Beach lJoulftX11'd and the San Diego f"lwlvay Mmiber FDIC and Federal Resm>e Lobby Banldna Houn Special Banldq Houn ~ntmmt Houn 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. Monday · F'riday 'Ttansactlon Hoon • 10:00 a.m • 4:00 p.m. Monday · Thunday 10:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. Friday El«·U-1\ller 24 Hours A Dly (Automotfc ~14r Hocllint) 8UJlnaaUne Tull Fm Num~r ~72-8529 7:00 Lm. • 10:00 p.m. O;ally • 1 :00 p.m. · 5:00 p.m. Wttktnds - Frontier Bank • organizes Thl• Comptroller of the Currency has g1 anted preliminary approval for the organi zation of Frontier Bank an Buena Park. ACt'Ording Lo W1l11am A Bayzerman. chairman of the organizing group, Frontwr is sc:hroulro to open during the• fourth quarler A t\ 1n1t1al cap1tal1zat1on of approximately $3 million as ~ntkipated, with stocW safos oommencmg by~falf. Frontier was org•ma:u.><I by a group or Orang e Co unt busln~n:ien The paren t holding company . Fronti e r Group. Inc, is b~ing e s t a b I i s h l' d 1 n COnJUOCtion With the bank's organization. A number -4' locations w ithin Buena Park's business d1stril-t are under consideration for lhC' bank Sile Speakers' club set in Valley A new Toastmaster Club aimed at helping members improve their ~ix·aking ability through humor 1s lx•ing forml'CI in Orange County "The Good Humor Club .. will conduct its next meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday al the Guy Fawkes Res taurant, 17171 Brookhurst St .. Fountain Valley Comedy wratC'r Gene Pc•rett .will be guest speakl•r • MC'mbers are being sought for the club, which will meet t he fourth Thursday of l'ach month at Guy Fawkes. !''or 1n£ormat1on, call Woody Young, 962-8611. or Marl'1a Salll'y. 97-l-tiORfi Bank sets • sem1nar Liberty National Bank will present a seminar on financing small businesses June 29 at Its office, One Pacific Plaza. 7777 Cent e r Ave .. Huntington Beach. The presentation at 6.30 p.m . will be by Robert J . Coleman & Associates. management consult.ants. For information, call Pauline Kinsey a t 89~-2929. Mixer set A cock\a.iJ mixer for the Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce will be hold July l at 5 :30 p .m . al Av co Community Developers. 29982 Ivy Glenn Drive. cun..11 DN'l'IU. LUCKl ... ACH Co .. a farm spt'<:lalizmg in thc llanc.'OCk Park area of Los Angell~ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pankey of Tus tin, part1c1pated m an mtemallonal conference of labor expt•rts at Windsor Castle an Wtndsor. England. Amencan and Brtt1sh leaders held a five-day conft•rence on Britain's trade union power and. the 1mpl1t·at1ons for union powN in the United States. Thl• <:onference was sponsored by the Center on National Labo r Policy, a Spnngfaeld. Va. non-proht, legal group concerned with union pvwer in the United States Pankey was the conference speaker on "Union Power and Party Pohtacs," and Mrs. Pankey on "The Pressure of Pressure Groups .. Frank T . Boyd of Huntington Beach h as be<'n appointed vice president oC markt•ting of Royal Crown Beverage Company of Southern California. He has been with Pe)J6i Cola. August (Gus) Werner of Newport Beach has bl'l.'n naml'd division gC'ne ral manager of the aer(JSpace hydraulic d1v1s1on o! the Parker Bcrtea Aerospace Group. We rner as marketing manager of the Parker Hannihn 0 -Scal division m Culver Caty ABLE Computer of lrvme appointed Elvin Rose d irector of manufacturing. He was with D1v1s1on Assudates -w joint Wi'lture between lBM and MCA in Costa Mt'sa. ·u p g rading seen around airport Pt•nn -l rvine A ssol'iates of Irvine is redc•vc•lop1ng a 52,000-square-foot industrial warehouse at 16808 Armstrong Avenue an Irvine. Plans are to convert the shell into a corporate headqua:rt facility, adding a second noor to double the~ of the bu1Jding to 103.000 square feet The six-month undc•rtakang has provided a corpora\~ hcadqYafters location for Ta<.'O BcU, ;lo division o[ Pe~ of ~ew York. which took occupancy in late May. The Newport Bea~ offices of Grubb & Ellis Commen::iaf Bro~erage Group and Coldwell Banker Commercial Brokerage Company represented the lessee and lessor , respecuvely, in the $5 million. long-term lease negotiations. Equidon Contractors of Irvine was the general contractor, and George W. Seitz of lrvine, the project architect. The remodeling is indicative of a trend ln upgrading surrounding John Wayne airporL The K oll Compa ny is upgra ding a 20.000-squ are -fo o t warehou se to a 40.000 -square-foot off1l·e building: Bays h ore DevC'lopm<.•nt is expanding a 72,600-squarc-foot industrial warehouse to a corporate headquarters fac1hty, and Diversified Properties Company of Costa Mesa 1s construcung an industrial shelJ of :w.ooo squarl' feet ror converting to approximately 50.000 -;quare feet or offices. A Costa Mesa developer. the Carlton Browne Company, has been remodeling buildings m Orange County for three years, and an official says at is finding at "quicker and less expensive to upgrade existing industrial space than to borrow the money and purchase a site." Pac T e l proposes phone sale plan SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pacific Telephone has falro a plan with the state Public Utilities Comm1ss1Dn giving customers the option of buying their home telephones from the company. L Reed Wate rs, Pacific Telephone vice presid<'nt, said under the company's plan single-line equipment could be purchased or continue lo be rented for a monthly fee. The proposal involves only modular or plug-in telephones or those that could be converted to modular phones. Waters said people who already have phones could <.'Ontmue to rent them or buy them with a single payment, or on an installment plan. He said in-place equipment prices would vary from $26 for a standard rotary phone to $56 for a Touch-Tone Trlmline phone. New customers would pay from $35 lo $75. Current rental is $1.09 a month for rotary and $1.68 for Touch-Tone. All equipment would be covered by warranty and after warranties expire, Pacific Telephone would offer repair service. U approved, the plan would go mto effect Oct. 20. Multi-line telephones and switchboards would not be olCered for direct sale. NL T Corp. battles American General NASHVILLE, Te nn. (AP) -NLT Corp. bought $102.5 million worth of American General Corp. and said it will move quickly to buy more. NLT's purchase of 1,531,200 shares or common stock and 458,000 shares of junior preferred stock in Houston -based American General gives it 9.9 percent of the Texas QOOlpany. NLT Chainnan Walter M. Robi.naon Jr. said the company now ''will move ex:pedit.iously to complete our offer" for up to 51 percent of the outat.andlng shares of American General. American Ueneral already owns 9.1 percent of NL T and last year launched plans to acquire up to 25 percent of the NLT. 1 I I l . - ~ • RALl:ilON·PURINA COMPANY 1982 • .· DEATH NOTICES • I Orange Co1tl"OA Y PILOT/Wednnday, June 23, 1982 H/F F8 Mt.IC NOTICC Mt.IC NOllCE ''° I ..... 'tCTITIOUI .UllNIH NAMI ITATl•flfT NA ... tTATIMINT The 1011ow1ng oereon la dotno The lottowlng peraona .,. 00tno bUllneN... but111118• .. (A) MIMI IT Cll, (11 MIMI )1 I AN CLt!MEHtr MOVtNO 8ec>Phlf .. 891t>Oe llland. CA t 2M2 CI NTI~. ) 10 PtC:O Avenue San M11y Olllen 0 Kl1fle, 3 I Clemente, CllH0tnt• U872 8 "4)0tllre, Blll>Oa llland, CA 12ee2 u Hl \.ll Co OI Ot•noe COUnly,. t111e buelt'9M I• oonducted by en C•lllorn11 cotpor all on. 8110 S tndlvld\.111 Pl1c1nt11 Avenue Pt1cent11 Mii)' 0 0 Klette Cllllotnll 92970 Thia 1l1temen1 """ 11180 ..itlh the Thi• buel,_ II conduct.a t>y • County Clelk ol Or1nue County on corf)Of1t1on Jun• 14 198:1 U•Hlul Co ut ,,.,..., Orange Cour1ty PuDll1h1d Orenge Coaat 011iy Wttt11m 0 Oumrle Piiot, June 18, 23, 30, July 7, 1982 Prea1den1 21193-82 Thll 1t1tment WU filed With Iha ------------•iCounly Cletk ot Orange Coun1y on PUBLIC NOTICE May 20, 1912 ,., . ..,. MNt2Al7 FICTITIOUS 8UllNlll NAMI ITATWMINT rne 1011ow1r10 per1011e •r• dolno Put1ll111eo Orang• COIUI 011ly Pttol. June 2, 0 18 23. 1082 2409·82 bu1tneu Ill ------------- JUDY'S, 270 WHtmtn1ter Mell. PUBllC NOTICE Wettmlneter, Ca1t1011111 112883 ---,.-C-TIT-IOO--l-8_U_l..:.IN..:.l!_l_I __ _ Judy's W111m1n1te1. Inc • Calllornl• co1po1a11on 271! NAMt tTATl!MINT w111m1n11er Mell waa1m1n1111 The IOllOwlng pettone are dotng Caltlornla 82683 1>u111::~Ne1STREET ARCADE ANO co~=.~~n .. I 18 condu<:tllCI by 1 ICE CREAM PARLOR, I 18 Main Judy's WHtmlniler Inc Street. Hunllng1on Beach, CA Lawrence larael 92948 Pte1ldenl Robert Pomerantt , 18920 Tl'lls stetement wet filed ..,1111 the PHadeto, Tanana, CA 9 1356 County Cletk or Orengo county on Merk F11ne1. 10377 Su neat June '2 1 !982 Souleverd, Loa Angeles, CA • f1ttl74 Thi• OUtlnesa II CondUCled b'J • Puo11sned 011nge C.0811 Delly ~al partnetlhlp Pttot. Juoe 23. 30 July 7 1<1 7~982 Tl'lll .. :~:~~':'.~,:: wnh tne 2 2 ll2 County Clerk ot 01ange County on ---PUBl--IC_NO_T_l_C_E ___ June t4 1982 F111"54 Pubttshed Otenge Coast Dally Piiot. June 16, 23, 30, July 7. 1982 FICTITIOUI tUSINl!ll NAME I TATIEMEHT Tne lotlowlng pereon Is doing ousrness as 2846·82 PUBLIC NOTICE ,IOTITIOUI eue•H NAMI tTAT1MIN'T fhl IOllowlng peoont ate 004110 bullllMe .. PtlA8E II f'ROM0110H8. 2006 w lhlboa a11ro , Gull• 806. N9wport ~11 C1111orn11 92N3 PhH• II PtO"•OllOtle, Inc lncOrPoreled, t l•ll QI C•lll011118 200& W B•IDOa Ol11d Ult• 805 Newpofl Baach, CtalllOIOOI 92M3 Tnte oueineH 11 c.onduc:led b~ • c:or pot I I ton PhtM II l•romouooa l11t b•lv"IO<t f)ugt!Me Jr PrH ldenl Thia •letement WU llled Wltll fhl County Cl11t. ot Orange County oo June 11 1118' 1'191 ... Publl•llod Or•no• Cou1 Dally Pilot. June 23 )0 July 7 14, 1g82 "8.IC NOTICC .... ...., PICTTTIOUI au ..... NA• ITATIMINT I 111 IOllOwlflO IM'IOtll ate dOI"' tlutlneat .. JUDY S 28$0 N Mllf' S1r .. 1 811111 Ma, C1lll0tnl1 0270 I Judy • Sant• An• Int • Ca11101nl1 corpo1111on 2850 N Main Sttllf 8aflle Ana Ctalll0tnt• 11110• t tt11 tx.itlnM• 11 conducted by a tOtPQtellon Judy'• 81n1a An1 11\G Lawret1G1 larlll. P1e110on1 fflll ttaltMtwlf WH filed With I~ County Cleric 01 Ornnoe CO\J11ty on June 2 I, t982 1'111171 Publl111eo Otanga Co111 Dally Piiot June 23 30. July 7 14, 1982 2881Hl'2 ------------1 27<10-42 lt.OOl)O PUBLIC NOTICE P\l!UC NOTICE FICTITIOUI tutlHlll NOTICI Of' tHl"lfF'I IALi MAMIE aTATIEMIEHT PLAINTIFF MOUNTAIN AVENUE Tho IOllOWlllQ per&on• .,, dotno BUSI NE s s PARK. ET c YI buttn"" "' DEFENDANT JOHN 0 ROOEFFEA. INITIAl l INCORPORATED ETC NO 3&-28--08 17815 $kyp1111>. C11cle Surte O By vlr1ut of .,, execulton latued ltvlne, CA 9271<1 on April 28, 1982 by the SU4>«10f Get 011 '!'Our H1gn HOfae. inc Court County or Or1noe. Stall of 1 C1lllorn1a corpo1a11on. 17815 Calllotnla, upon a tudoment en1weo Skypark Ctrcte Suite 0 1rv1oe. CA In lavOf ol MOUNT'AIN AVENUE 9271<1 BUStNESS PARK a Limited Hus b<Jsineu it conducted 11y • PertnetlJhlp, aa JUdon*ll credltOf'(a) corpo1a11on and agllntl JOHN 0 ROOS'FER Gel 011 Voor High lndlYldualty and dbl OU.n ~ Hotae tnc:: u )Udgment "-blOf'(•). ahowlnQ a A CahlOtnlt COll)Of8h0fl net ballnGe ol I 178,000 00 loCtuall)t Lesly Lane P111 Sect due on said judgment on thl date 01 lreas the '"uanu of uid execution. I Thts "•1e.ne111 was Ued wnh tile nave levied "'pon 1111 1n1 tight, uue County Cler~ ot Orang11 county on and 1n1e1e11 01 utd judgment June 18 t982 llebto1(1I in tne properly In the F1tt792 County ol Otange. State 01 Puol11hed Oranoo Cont Dolly Calllornla, detcrlbed a• rottow1· Pilot June 23, 30 July 7 14, 1982 LOI 19 1n TrlCI 9350, In the A·OEPENOABLE CLEANING COMPANY, 276 Avocado .fB104 Costa MeH , CA 92627 2732·82 County ot Orenga, State 01 FICTITIOUI tUSINEH ------------..: Calllornla, at per map tllCOfded In NAME ITATEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE Book 391. Pages 35 to 37 01 Thomas Arthur Batlle. 276 Avocado 11010<1, Coate Meat. CA 92627 Tiiis business IS conducted by on Individual Tnomas A 8Hlle Thia sta1ement was flied with inu County Cle1k or Oranoe County on June 14, 1982 F1'1455 Published Orange Coast Delly Pi101, June 16, 23. 30. July 7, 1982 2810-82 PUBLIC NOTICE The IOllowlng persons ate doing FICTITIOUS BU8INEIS MllGCelllneoua Maps, In the Otf!Ge ol bu1lnHt H : Ille ounty Recorder ot Ntd county BACK BAY FISH CO 406 t3th HAMIE STATEMENT Property I& more commonly Tne tollowlng person 1s dotrru known a• 3 Rtmrock Lane 1 1 a Sltee1, A.pl B. Huntrngton Beach buillness as · rv n Colllornla 92648 Io I ME:; A 0 RN AMEN 1 AL Callfotnla Oevld Alan Rann, 406 13th IRON tbl Mf&A IRON lti MESA rogether wllh all lhtl slngulw Street. Apt B. Huntington Beach, I RO N Rf A l E ST A T £ 1 4 1 8 the tenements het&drlaments and CeillOtnll 92648 Shamrock Lene Co~ta MPSU CA appurtenances thereunto belonging Robert Oenlel Rann. 21782 92626 or in anywise apperta1n1ng Brookhu11t, No 9, Huntington NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thal BeaGh, Cellfornla 92846. JAMES THEODORE SILERIO. on tnursaay July t5 1962 at 10 00 1418 Shamrock lane. Costa Mesa Thie buelneN le conducted by a CA 92626 o clo<;k a m at M ain lobby 11 perlnetWllp Courthouse 700 CMc Cilnter Ortve Robert o. Awm This business 1~ conducted by an West Crty ol Santa Ana, County Of Thll atetement wu filed with lhe lndlvidual Orange State ot Celllorn1a, t wtll N it nry Cl9"k of 0r-Counry on Jame~ 1 Slleno •' pubtrc auction to th4! highest MN 92497 uoa 7 1982 -....-T111s 1ta1eman1 wu hied v.1111 ,.,. b1ddet lot catll tn lawful money or FICTITIOUS 8USINEll ' ' Coun1y Cletk or Or•OQe County on the United States. all lhe right, title MAMIE STAnMENT Publlthld Or•noe Coe:,1: June <I 1982 •nd 1n1eres1 or Slid Judgment lfle tooowino persons are 001ng 1101 J 9 18 23 ' Ftll077'3 <J .. b10t(s) in the abOve deecfibec:I bu$1ness aa · uoa ' ' '30· 1982 Pubtr~hl'O OranQe Coast D arty property. Of so mucn th4!reol as m1y JUDY S No 25 Fasn1on 2478-821 Pilot Juno; 8 I!. 2l 19 t98, be necesnry to settsty ea1d Squue tmpe,.al & Beach. 1.a 1----.,.-.,.-1C-..,,~Tl-C_E____ <'406 8:> e1ecution. wnh ac:crued rnte<es1 and Habra Ca1tlorn1a 90631 rUOK. nv t\>SIS Ju a Y s la Ha b' 8 Inc 1 FICTl'TIOUI tUllNIESS PUBLIC NOTICE Dated at Santa Ana Ca1tl0tnl• Ca11to1n1e co1po1a11on. No 25 MAMIE ITATEMIENT June 10, 1982 Fasluon Square tmper1.,1 & Beach Th41 lollowtng persons 1te dotng FICTITIOUS BUSINESS SAAD GATES, la Habra C•l•lotnta 90631 OUllneas IS NAME STATEMENT Sne<otl Cotoner Tnrs buSlnelS 1s cooduCled by a (I ) PACE SETTER (bl PACE Tio!! IOllC1w1n9 persons arl' <1orny ~ County ot Orange CA corporat10<1 , SETTER PAVILION (Cl COMPANY'S Ou~111e~s a~ By K Brown, Judy s la Habra Inc; COMING, 3333 BrlSIOI Street. Costa N P AUTO SERVICE 6292 Se<geant Lawrence Israel President Mase Calllo<nla 92626 Westminster A•!'nue Westminster UNT & FENSTERMAKER Tnrs statement was l1led with the sChlnneters Inc , a CalllO<nla Ca111orn.a 92683 alnllff'• AllOfMY County Clerk ot Orange County Of' corpotetlon, 3333 Bristo! Stteet, Pada1 Pal\d1v1cnn 187S F1ona111 20 Hewport C.nt., 01lve, June 21 198<> Cotti Mesa, Calllotnle 92626 011ve. HurHongton Bt<BCll Cal1lornia ulle 211, F1t11n This bullness ts conducted by a 926"7 ••port Be.ch, C1llf0<nle 92980 Published Orange Coast 01111y corporation Nar lee 13306 Hun~l ee Puollahed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, June 23, 30 July 7 1•. 1982 Schlnnereis Inc Avenue Garden Grov!' Cat1te>•111a P1to1. June 16 23, 30. 1982 2739-82 Jonn F Schlnneter. 92640 I 2607·82 -------------• Ptestdent Tn1s busmeas 15 conduct~ IJy d PUBLIC NOTICE This slltement was llle<I wlllr the general partrier~fl•O -------------1Counly Cletk ot Orange County on Peda1 Pa~dl~1Ct11t FICTITIOUS 8UllNIES8 June 7. 1982 Tn15 statement wa~ hleo with tne SUPERIOR COURT OF NA.MIE STATIEMIEHT Fl1Cl811 County Cieri. of Oranqe County on CALIFORNIA The tollowlng persons are dorng Publtsned Orange Coast Daily Jun~ t 198? COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO business as Pilot g 16 23, 30 1982 F110SOS NORTH COUHTV ORIGINAL DON JOSE NO 2. 2536 82 Publlshe<I Orange Coast Daily JUDICIAL DISTRICT 428 E 17111 S1tee1. Costa Meu Pilot J1rne 2 9 16 23 1982 PLAIN TIFFS DWIGHT D. Cahlorn1a 92627 PUBLIC NOTICE 2396-82 WAHLB ERG and M ARTHA E. Don Jose Aesteu1ant Inc a -------------WAHLBERG v• C a111otn•1 cotpotauon, 9093 E FlCTITIOUS IUSIHIESS P\BllC NOTICE DEFENDANTS: COASTLINE Adams. Huntington Beech, NAME ITATIEMIENT INVESTMENT, INC., CLARENCE Callt0fnl1 92846 The following po,,90n rs doing FICTTTIOUI 8UllNt!lt ALBERT VERNON, 8ETTE A Tllls busllMIU la cooduc:tlM! Dy a bu.mess as NAME ITATUHNT HARRISON and DOES I ll\1011911 c;orpora1100 OCS PRODUCT SALES t623 9 The l0Uow1ng pe<SO<'S ltll dOlnQ XX. lncluelve. OON JOSE RESTAURANT N O'Donnell Way Orange business as CH• No. N-13513 CaJll0<n1192867 C&l CARPET CARE 1570 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC NOTICE INC Joe M0<10S99h. Reymond C Jenkins 15752 Oran09 Avenue. No A Costa Mtl$ll ORDER DIRECTING CALEY St Paul in [..(,., A.ngdl~. t'.1 HARBECK LINDROTH PrMldenl Gtey Oaks Slteet Weslminstet Cahl0<n1a 92627 PAVMEHT OUT OF DR JAMES <..:OWINtn l~ti-1 H t· ldm•· t o WILLIAM WALTER HEY NOLD EM I L 962-7911 Cefll0tnl892683 Verne A Larson Jr 1570 REALIESTATIEFUND CALEY. ase 72 a rortnl'I llunlmgwn lkal h tn 1961 H /\RR~<..: K ro:>s t<i (' n l 0 f LINDROTH. a resident of This statement W8$ llled wtlh the Thtl bullneu IS C:OOOUC:led by an Orange Avenue. No A Costa Mesa IBIPC Section 1CM71) , • M l I f N n -h Ca p----..i County Cle1k ol Orenoa County Oii lndlVldull Calll0tn1a 92627 1>1a n1 11 311eges Priest o[ St W11f11cl -..ind wa5 th1· n-.tur and ... ust.1 ('Sa l' was ch1e ewport oo:al'. · ~ June14 1982 RayrnonoCJenkins ReneCen<1ela111.276Avocado 1onoctooe•12 1979 pta•nt.1 Episcopal Church. pa'""d butldc•r of St Wtlfr1d·s buildin~ tnSJX'('lor for the a w ay o n June 20, 1982 F1116'5 ThtS statement wu hteO W1tn the No C.-102 Costa Mesa Cahl0tnra ro1e1.1 a comp1a1n1 rn tne above a w ay o n Sunday, .Junl• :w. ~p1<.n1pal Chun'h tn 196i C1ly of Nt•wpurl &ac·h for Sur vived by his daughter Published Orange c;oest Dally Coun1y Cler'fc of Orange county on 92627 .. nt·th!<I ma11er tor oamages tor 1982 m Anaheim, Ca F..illwr All mall Falhl'r Calev built 2 pasl It Yl'IHS H f.' was a Karl•n Valley, son Eric Pilot. June 16. 23. 30. July 7, t982 June 21. 1982 Hus business is conducied Oy • trauo a1111 11ece1t b•eacn 01 Caley w as born •Jn M"Y 'l. I , l'hun hc'S, ~ '"'rtsh halb and VC'll'ran of tht• United St<1tc-<1 Lmd rolh and Elhsa Nl'lson 281 ... 82 Published Otange Coast Darty general partnership ~',."1'!.rra•;a' 11"1 '"cdL'.0.!'E5PN•Cral:E Y. algaE,"R5r1 ' v ,,.. ... h M "'· -------------•Pilot, June 23. 30 July 7, 14, 1982 V A Larson Jr "' ,, "' "'" " B 1910 on the lsll' of M an, 'l. rt'(.toru.'s Ill! n•un·d from Air r oru>, a\ltng served emorial .x•rv1l-es will bE' P\J!LIC NOTICE 2592.92 Th11 sta1ement wu 111e<1 """'"the VfRNON and otne•s Great Bril1an Al JO t:..trlv St W1Hnd's in 1Y77 Father during lhl' Korean umfhcl he Id at s l And re w . s _____________ ,county Cler~ ol Orange County 00 l Tnl' C8U$e Of ilGllOn alleged •n age he moved to L ondon, Call'y earntod his PHO m Surv1vt-d by h1i. wire Sh1rl<'y Prc·sbyt('rian Churc:h on F~!'~o~:A~~:;:~s PUBLIC NOTICE May 28 1982 tne ,.,mp1a1n1 arose on or abOu! Ontano, Can<1da whpn• h" l 117 4 In th l' South c r n u[ Cosld Mt-sa, Ca • S(ln Paul Thursday, Junl' 24, 1982 at The 1011ow1110 person la doing ~NO.,.,..,TlC,,,--IE-OF---T-R_U_S;;,.TE_;;E,;;'8-8-A-L-E-I Published Orange Coa:,t= ~:Jd 1<:,,r;,~~~e~~?,t~~r~~S::d ~~:~ attended the Unrvl'n.tl\o of l'altfornt" Graduall' &·hool or Ohm, daughll'r Hl'1d1 ol 3.00PM In lieu of flowers business as. T.I . No. S320I P1101 June 2, 9, t6, 23 1982 ,,, 111" 11e1e11ds"t VERNON W estt!rn Q n l;:JflO, h t• ·w;1i, of Tfwolog:v Ht• t•arntoJ his Oh111. 'it'ilt!I !kltt Ur(.-t•ken u( lhl• r am I ly requests MISSION ENTERPRISES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lhal 2352·82 J VERNON was 11 real estate ordained a Deal'on m l~:l:l BA LT h from llurun Ut<th and ht ~ par('ntc;donat1onsbcrnadetolheSL 1822';,NewponBlvd ... 138°Co9ta on Wednesday,Juf'eJO, 1982 et -------------l """"'"ea1111!'11me111e1ransac11on!. M 1 M W 1 A d • p · d S Mesa, CA 92627 9 00 o'Clock a.m or said day, 1n the PUBLIC NOTICE 1rwulvoo "' tne complaint occurred and was madl• .1 P1w:-.l tn l'nlJ,•g• in Lon<hm, Untann r an r r )o •1 l I! r n n•w s rmte ermon BETTY BOMBOY 369 Aotcam room set &aide tor conducllngl--------------l dfHl was pe1lorm1ng acts tor which,. 1935 in Ontarltl C;inada In L'.1n,1d,, Ill' mt•t .md married 11:.r ~)(~·k of U t,;1h S1·rv1c<"S fund Pt . Costa M8$a, CA 92627 Trua1ee's Sales, within the offices ot HOTICE TD COHTIIACTORS r1>al es1a1e license is reQuireo '"the • southwestt•rn Onl:irro ht• l'l,1rn't' Walkt•r 1n Stratford. will bt.> held on Thur;doy, PUBLIC ..,,TICE This business ts conducted by al' REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SC ~~L~l~G Fi~ ~l~SA 1 CT Staff' ot Ca11to1111a when the causu served 25 t•hurt'hl'l> aCtt•r h1:. Ontario Fallwr Caley was .lun1• 24, 1982 al l 1;00/\M a • ""' lndivrdual SERVICE. located at 2020 Nonh .,, dt ''"" agam51 h•m occurred ordinal1on H l• came· to 1h1· ·1lso at·uw m thl' Ma~nrl thl' llarllor Lawn Mt•morial This st:~~Z!~~~~Y111e0 wrth 1he ~~~~~~~~. ~~~1~0!,· ~~~;.~~ra~~ ~1~~TJ~.?~J"to1~~~1gr UNION 9,:nt~~ ;u~~,;~11 11?,~~!~;1~'~ ~h~~ United States tn lhl· OtUlP-...' l,odgt• and Lmns Club tn Chapl'I Final 1nlerml•nL Fl~!:!~o~:A~~~a County Cletk ot Orange Counly on of Calll0tnt1. BELL TRUST OEEOS. BIO DEADLINE BIO NO <197 C'lurt orderin11 ttiat ttie pte1n1111 of Georgia. he wru, th<' rtrst C,tnddri. he· was a mf'm~r •>f servtt'l'S wtll bl• hl'ld al The· The totlowlnn .,.,rsons are dOI"" June 14 l982 INC .. a Calllotnla t:otpotatlon, as 3·00 P M ThurSday, Julv 1 198" ,11ou111 recover trom detenaant the R d N I M l • "" ... f111'51 d ty 1ppot led T det BIO NO 498 2 00 PM Tnursd&y rector and built St Phthps I h l' Hun l 1 n g tun Bt•ac: h 1ven>1 <: auona I itar) bualness as Published Orange Coast Dally u n ruatee un and Juty 1 1982 ~um~ ot $2S 000 00 compensatory Episco p a I C h u r« It 1 n Hntdry and prE'Stdl•nt of t hr Cemetery Riverside, Ca S1fe~11~L;~~ie'~~811. ~~·~~lncg~1~~ Pilot Jllf'e 16, 23 30. July 7, 1982 ~;.,'.;::::,' 1~0 1~:~ ~':J~' ~a~~ PLACE OF Bio RECEIPT ~~;'g'?~s~::n~~~ ~~~,t~~~~9:· Coaltnga, California m 195-1 North AnH'rtO'Jn Manx Services undc•r lhc d1recllor, BeaGl'l.Calllotnla!l26<19 2613·82 Trustexeculed byJemesOavldaon HUNTINGTON BEACH UNION 101alhng S38 67258 Sa1d 1u<Jgment H e w e nt lo SlcH ktvn i\S!.IJ(.'lalion. frum 1974 to of H arbor Lawn-M ount OILLV'S AESTAURANTS,INC., a •Ingle ml/\ recorded June 22° HIGH SCHOOL DISTR I CT 1snowtrnal California m 1960and was an 1!:176 Bl'lovC'd hu!.band of Olive M t>rluary of Cost;. a C111lorn1a torporetlon. t656t PUBLIC NOTIC[ l98t. In Book t<1 110 or Olltc1ai EDUCATION CEN TER 102s 1 s The amounl 01 the actual an<l a.sstSlanl al the Cathl'<irnl of Clarice E Caley, belovl'd M l'Sa 540-5554 Bots& Chica Sireet, Suite l01, ITATEMIENT OF A8ANOONMIENT ~~~~~c~,o'!~s ~~~;.,.:~. P~": ~~~~,1:o~~ ~~~~c:i~!'~a ~~i~e ~~~c~ ~o~~h suit~•:~ by r:a~n~r~s Ji;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;moiip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:-i fathC'r of James David l' MORTON Hunj'l'r KBeach. C:l~og": rr~ OF UIE OF FICTTTIOUI 32079 by teason of e bleach 0t PAOJEC T IOENT IFtCATION m1sre~esentation ahd deceit ol the Neptune Ca I e v of K 1 n gs tun . B ARBARA JEAN RAVN ASSOCIATES. INC .. a C1llforn11 t USINIE88 HAMIE delaull In payment 0< per1ormance NAME BIO NO 497 • Asphllt oe1ena1n1 ,, S38 672 58 Wash1ngtun , and d;.iught('r M ORTON , age 51, a resident cotpo11t1on. 1672 t Carousel, The lollowlng perton hee ot the obtlgetlona MC:Ured thereby Restoration • Westmtneter High 6 Neith.ir ,>la1n11ll 1sthesoouseo1 CllEMAltON eulltAL A1 SEi> W f cl J B f H 11 ton Beach Cllllornla 92649 abandoned the use or the Fictitious 1nctu0lng 11111 brllCh °' default Schoo! and Hunllngton Be8ch High Ol'lendant·trcensee nor the perSO<'at 646 7431 1nn1 re anl' att'S o of Costa M esa. Ca Passed ~nr~ObutlnMS IS conducted by a Bualneu Name Notice or which was tecorded School BIO NO 498 . B\.lttd1ng represl'ntal•ve ol such spoose -C I,; r l' mun L. Ca A Is o away un Junt' 19. 1982 Sh e gene<al pa.nnent>l1> IRON SPUR. 11086 Gerden NOYember 10, 1981, In 800lc 1<1286 Palnllng ·Edison High ScllOot. and 1 As o 1 the date o t 1h1s Our literature tells the "u r v t v ' n g a t l' 4 is survived by her husband DILLY'S RESTAURANTS. Grove Boutevard. Gerden Grove, of Official Reootds or saJd County Wrnte<sburg High School JpplrtatPOn pt81n11111 have iecetVeo complet e story o f our gran<khtldr<'n. Catherine Robert L M o rton. 2 sons INC Calll0tnla 926<10 et p1ge 1930, Reco1det's PUICE PLANS ARE ON FILE no1ntng n parua1 sa11sract1on 01 society E J C Frank Woolsey. The F1cttttou1 Bus1neu Name tn111ument No t t559 Will SELL M aintenance, Ooere11on1 end meor 1udgmen1 against VERNON Cell ....... ~•rtlell• • m "'a· am e ~ do w 1 n • Ste p hen and Cr a 1 g Prllldenl relerred to ebove was filed 1n AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE CoostructlOfl, Room 321 Hu111rng1on fl Ptaon11tts have made the M ""•· c.'". •1tr. ,Jenntf••r Colleen ..in Emily daughtl'r-in-law M elinda This sllilamant was llloct With the Or1nge County on Mey 12. 1982 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Beach Uf'lon High Sch004 Oielrtcl 1011owmq seatches and 1nquir1" to ,Jiiil!ilii-m!!!!!!!!!ll~-~ii:!!:=:~:_t Ell· an" r Ca I e Y a II o ( Memorial serv1~s w ill be c t c ...... M 1 o Count Mark Ven Ornum, H9 t Myta l1wtul money of the United Statei Educalton C.nter 10251 Yorktown n5eertern .. netner tne detenden1 1s rtHCI .. OTHHS SMITMS' MOITUAllY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 ,.ACIFIC VIEW MIMOllAL ,. Aak Cerreterv Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Or111e Newport Beach 644·2700 McCOllMK:K MORTUAlllS Laguna Beach •94·94 15 Laguna Hills 7~0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAU<>a L4WM-MT. OLIVI M ortuary• Cemelety Crematory 1625 Grsler Ave Cosla Mesa 540-5554 rtaCI llOTHIH I&&. llOADWAY MOITUAl'Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 lALn IHOHOM SMITH A TUT'HtU WUTCU# CHA"L 427E 17th 5t Colte MHA 849371 ~"" oun Y ...,.. 0 r1noe Yon .t.venue, Cvrva•s, C•tlfornla """30 ....... · Avenue Huntington Beach KtnAl>t<m. Washmgton He ts h e ld at Prince of Peace June 14. 1982 T ,~-v~ v ~ or 'cash..,. 1 Check drawn on e · possessfld 01 111e1 01 person11 I _, b R H o DE a , Kt Ho ALL & 1119 business was cooduc:ted by 11a1e or n1ttonat bank e stale or California 926<1 Phone 11 141 property or olher assets llabte to oe a ~(t c:;urvtvl•u Ya s1slc•r Luthe ran Churc:h , 2987 HARRINGTON antndlvldual fedetal ctedll unlOll o( 1stata 0r 964-3339,Ext 320 ,oldorapphed1nsall1tac11onolthe Ell.'anor M argaret Caley and Mesa V erdl' Drive East, Mark van Ornum lederll aavtno• end iOan auoclatlon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 111a1 Judgmeni b th W II C C I A Prof .. elonal Law Corporetlon This statement was fll-' ~tth 1 ... d , .... 1 the above-named Scllool District of r1J N 1 tam a ey. C 0 s la M es a , Ca . 0 n &2111 M.c:Ar1hui eouleverd, "" " ,.., om .... ed In !his at11e, all payable al a1 An Ahstrac1 of ludgment has both or R udn l'y. Ontarw. Thursday, June 24 , 1982 at l ull• 105 ounty Clerk of Otanoe Coun1y on thl time of aale, a'I tight, 1111• end 01ang11 County, Ca11lo1n1a oc11no llflf'n iecorded rn me olllce ot the Canada H e was prccceclcd 7·00PM. [n heu o ( Clowers Newpor t a .. ch, C alltornl• une 14• 1982 F1_ lnlet811 held by II. aa Trustee. In oy ano lhtough Its Governing County Recorder ol Or!'nge County 91M0-210tl -that real properly altuete In aald ~ard. her.~nelter referrod 10 11 and elao of San Orego County In den th by a grandson . the Cam 1 I y r e q u es l s F1l1"1 Publlahed Orange Co111 0111~ County end St1ue. deaetlbed as DISTRICT · wm r-4ve up to, but Copies ol u1d absttao ts are H1chard Caley Bates and 4 donations to H oag M emorial Puollehed Orange coast Dally 1101• Juf'e l8, 23. 30. July 7. 1982 follows· not later lh•n the •bovi-1tated a11ethed as E<hrb11 3 brothl'rs. H erbert, Ernesl, H ospllal. N ewport Beach , Piiot, June 16, 23, 30, July 7. t982 28·U-82 The Southlaste<ty 139 feel ot lime. M&led bldt tor the awatd 01 • b) In JanuBry 1982, plamflll s Spenc~r and Fred Caley !hh floor. can<'t"r ward. 2647-82 11tm11c ..,,T the South-tlfty 200 teet ol the COtltract 1°' The above ptoject c~unsel pngag11d the firm of Quest ruuu nu IC[ Nor1hwea1.,.1y 284 feet of lot I t2 or Bids shall be received l11 the PllQe ~lforney 1nvea11ga11ons. number Fnl•mli. m~y cal! al Pu~rce OS8RlNK l'tlll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS tUllMEll Ttact No 300, ••per map recotded ldenlllled •bove. and •hell be AA008736. 10 conduct an a$Set Brothl'r.. Sm1lhs M ortuary MARV E OSBRINK, a NAMIE ITAnMENT In booll 14. peges 1 t af'd t2 ol opened and publlcty teed aloud at search A copy or their repon 15 rrom 12 nnon to 9.00PM o.n r·~i·•ent of N~wport o _,.,,h, K-GCN25 The IOllowl d MlllGlll1neou1 map1. the •bove-staled time and place n11ac11ea a~ Exhrbtt 4 9 ~·~ u ~· °""" FlCTITIOUI 9Ul-ll business II. ng P8<fl0tll ere Olng The 111891 eddteas Ot olhet E6Ch bid mual conform end De 9 BY THESE SEARCHES ANO ~Nln<'!.<!By, ,Junt• 23. 1 1 l!:l Ca Passed away on Junl' 2 1, NA• STATEMENT SURFER PUBLISHING GROUP common dHlgnaHon of the real responsive IO Iha contr act INQUIRIES PLAINTIFFS HAVE ~ unc·ral srrv1ces wtl b~· 19fl2 Born September 24, Tile lollowfng pereon1 ate dOlng 330,.6 c · r.'oPertY u hefeinebOve described documents 01scovE RED NO REAL OR ttrndul·lt•d o n Thursday, l90I tn Arizona S urvived buetnMS at 111• Avledor, Sen Juan 1 purp0<18d to be 256-280 Senta Each bid Shell be l<lCompenled Pl:RSONAL PROPERTY NOA J 24 1982 t 2 OOPM al G ANO G UNION 78, 10975 Capiitreno. Callfoml• 92975 INbella. Colt• MNI, Calllomla by lhe MC)U(lty telllfred 10 lo Iha OTHER ASSETS WHICH HAVE une ' a : by daughter M arian Cripe o f Euelld Street. Founteln ll1lley. SURFER PUBLICATIONS, a The unde11lgn ed heteby conttlCI dOCJUments and by lhe llSI NOT ALREADY BEEN SOLO OR S l W 1 lf n d 's E P' sco Pa I N'ewport Beoch, Ca., a son Calllotnl• 92708 Cellfomla oorporetlon. 33<M8 Cella dleclalm• 111 llaOlllty lor •"Y 01 proPOled eubcontrect0<• OT HER w 1 s E APP l IE o 1 N Churt·h . 18631 Chapel Ln , Dr. Raymond H Qsbrink o f Gaty Rober1 Ruh. 3790 Ampen ~vl1dor, Sen Juan Ceplsttano. lncorrectneee lo said 111 .. 1 add,_ The DISTRICT ,_,.... the rtgnt S AT IS FACT I 0 N 0 F TH t S H unttngton Beach, Ca with N e wport B each , Ca , 6 Lane,Chlno,Callfoml191710 8llfornle 9u 7s 0<othefClOfTlmOlldelignatlon tore)ectanyot1nbld1otto welve JUDGMENT h h R R b l C Gaty Ray Clevenger, 17841 E. Thie bull,_. 1' conducted by' Seki Nie wNt be m..,.-without 8n'J in.Qulatitles or lnl0<mellt1411 1" 10 Pl11n1111s have dlt1gentty L e ng t t>V 0 er g randchildren , 7 great-s 11 s G COIPOflllOn ...... 9lt'f bid• In Iha bkkll Rusak Bishop of L os ~randchtldren and 3 brother • orcl treet, •r<l•n Grove, &irtet Publlcalton w1111nty upreu or Implied T Of ng. P\.ltsued thl temedies 1g1111s1 an C I Celllornt1 92704 F c ' regerdlng title, poueulon, o; he OtSTF\ICT haa dat.,mlned ot~t persons ll•ble 10 him In the Angeles, Ca• Rev har es er to n Bea ls . M e m o rial Thia buel,_ le oonducted b'J • S: lolll, encumbrencu , to ut11ly the the generll prevalllng rete of per 11an11c11on tot which ne teaks Sacquety, R ector o( St ser vices w l ll be h eld o n generll oartG..,..,~R ,._·~ This 1111..:!,'?wu fllect wth lhe prtnctpal ~ of the Note °' diem wegee In the locellty In ""'leh recovery by this clllm CS•• Wilfrid's Episcopal Church "' J 2 .. 982 -• · ,_, Cou ~ C'-" o1 ,..._ other oblloatton ~ed ..., Mid thl• work le 10 be partormed 1°' atteche<I E•nlbO 5 Oeclatellon of N -• r rtday, une "· 1 at Thi• 11•1-t wat fllect w011 the n ..... "'8"08 County on Deed of fruet. with Inlet;;! end ••ch craft or type ot workman M"nro Merr~k 1 R ev Richard BatC'. s. a_nd 3 ·.00P-M at P'"'tflc V 'iew Cou ,.,_., .... ,.._ ,.__ June 1982 n-...... to ex~"t• the ~~tr1ct y ~ J DC Cal ( u~ nty """"""' ..,.1"91 """'•IY on • · other euma H provided therein· ...,.,... -· ~· WHEREFORE. plltlntlffs pray thlf ames . . .• ey o f1c1ating M e m o r ' a I C h a p e I Mey 10 1982 ,.1*71 ....... , lldVlflOM If any "'flder ,..e ThH• ""' .,. on Ill• at th• , ... c~·n • 111 Or .. -dt-1 I t u be d l ' · '119141 Publlahad Orange Coaat Dally ,.... 1 t'--f ..: .... In • _,...., DISTRICT otnoe located 11 10211 t ,,. ~ ma .. i """ ·-·no ntermen Wt ma e a Inurnment at Inglewood Publlthad Ore~• Coaat Dally PllOt, June 8, 18, 23. 30, 1982 .~~w:-.. -~-'~on~...,.. .. Yorluown Avenue, Hunllnnton '"" thl Real E11•1• Commission« St. Philips Chu,rc h , Coal1ryga, Park "'-metcry, In~lewood, :>ll'\4-11' ..,Y .. ,._, ...... ,...... ·-C ..... • pay to the pt11n11tt1, DWIGHT o C Th f I t \A.' Pllot,Juoa ll,18, ,30,1982 1nch~oflheTN1tM of~· A 92.._.Coplesmeybl WAHLBERG andMAATHAE o . e. amt Y sugges 1 Ca. In lieu o f { owers 2533-82 P18JC NOTICE he truett Cl'Mted by Nici Deed of obtt1Nld on requeei. A OClP'1 of WAHLBERG ho"' the reel 811•1• contrtbuho~ bE' made to the memorial contributions are -------------ru11. The total 1moun1 of Hl<l ti-,., .. thell be Pc>tted 11 tile tund tne '"'m or S 10.000.00 tor March of Dimes m memo~y requested to the J ohn Tracy "8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI eu1 .. 11 bllgatlon tnclucllng t .. eon1t>ly fOb 1111• The l0<11Q01no IOhedute of d•m•oe• eullered by the plllntl!b 1n o l Dr Ca I e y and h JS C ( Or ,.,,.. NAMI ITATW•NT 111m1tad ta•• chll"H and per diem WllQN le b8aed upon 1 <10Mect1on with the utu-11111 · linic o ange vuunty '1CTITIOUe llU ... H The foltoWI""' penions .,.. o......., · • WOfklng d1y or elgllt (81 hOUf• Tne grandson . R ichard Caley Wll.LlAMS NAiii tTATW•NT bull,_ u : . .,. '""" f.::j• of the TNlt ... 11 the time rete for holkf•y end OV8f'1IMe WOtk b1Clk·lo111 tr1n11ct1on on their 8 a l cs ·. p I e r c e 8 r o. t h e r s 8 E R N I C E A N N Thi loltowlnO per eon 11 doing J ANO R CLEANING SE AV ICE, .,nit1at pub41Cetlon of Ihle Notloe, 11 911811 be at taaat time end °')9·11111 t I a 1 d e n c e. I n d I h • I um of S I h M d ~·-·~6 37 c t.,,a,210. tt. N ~·'"'ct .... ,.... hi 1<1' s to.ooo oo .. compen .. tton '°' thl m I 9 ortuary ll'eCl.Ol'S .,,...,...., M: 2 t t Ille Hoglt, MIMlon Vlefo, Oiied' J 8 1982 0 ""' et m1y .., nvllW e t> d I ad b 536 65'19 WILLIAMS. a resident of LEWIS CADILLAC MOBILE Celllotnla 92801 ·8~ TRUST DEEDS INC f0< 1 J:':: of lotty·llve (45) d•YI c 10m:~•: t~r,~· n ! 1P:•~ntrt~\1: ' • ·' • Newport Beach, Ca. Paued MECHANIX, 245 Fltoher Strfft, Anthony Joh" Shoal, 14591 1 Cellfoml• QOl"POf'8tion. " altet date 111 fOf the opening or frt\,l(julefllly·lnduced lnYlttment by away on Ju"'e 21 1982 8-I , Coat• M .... Celtfomll 02e2e s-1a11 Avenue, lf\llne, Celllornl1 .. Truat.. l)l(ta. "'•lrull1t wi1h d"'-d1n1 VERNON '' • · H•rr" Arthur Lewie "13 N ""7 t• ' A P• -ent "on o encl '" ...... S .. _ ... ed b h'--'-t·~ Rubu , :..t c • .. .. By: REAL IESTA.TE y '" v e Oateo MMetl 2<1, 1982 \41 v.V y ..... C> ol lewla. L•k• Elll"ore. ~•lllo1nla Roaa O&ra. 2371 t Celle Hoger, SEC IT 8 per10tTnane8 bOnd will be required Howe of N ewport ~a.ch, Ca. 02330 Mlltiofl Via"'. Cahlomla t2891 :CUAITl~l SERVICE. r: to lltecutlon of the conlrllCll. N. Munro Mefftctl, d -... ,... • CeRtome OOl'PO'lttlon AttOfner kif PWftUflll and several n i e ce• an ,,_ bullneM I• oonducled by a Thie bvtlnwl I• GOndvoted b'J . "e AcMnf • 1>1yment bond th•U bl In ,,,. r AILURI TO IH!IPONO MAY n ephews Services will be llmlltd .,.,,.,.,...,...,, llmlted oartnertn~ ey-~1 .. ~~}..~;}· Morger, ~~..'or th In lhe contract "HI.IL T IN IUIPINSION 0' held on Thunday. June 24. T'lll9 .. ~~~ ftled wfttl the Thi• .1:~, WU flled with the 20IO';;tft\,oe0w9y, av: Aobln c. Beiley, VOi.if' I.~~:. Mwrtdl 1H2 at 1 l :OOAM at the eoun7 Clertl of Orenoe County on County Clartt of 0r.,. County on 8'Atl aol. Direct« 127 9._. ,._ Pad f ic View Chapel with JuM , 1N2. Jvne t4, 1ee2. tent• AM. CA 021oe Melnten~. Oc*'lllona ..._ ..._,CA_,. 1nummenl al Padftc View ,_ 1'"'*7 T~: (714) MM110 Ind 00nltruc1t0n (11•>,....... McmoriAl .Park Pad.fie V~w ,;;bll•hed Orenge Coeet Oally Publl1hed Ot1nge co .. t Oelly Pub(lltlecl Or•nee. Cout Delly PublllMO Orenge Coa11 Dally Publl•hed Orenge Oout Delly M dl . ' "'-•• 11, 23, '°· 1"2 PIOt, Ju1'le 14. 2'3. IO. Jul'J 7, 1N2 Jvna • ti, 2S. 1Mi Plot, Jvna 11• n . "" Pltol June 2, 9, 18 23 tte2 ortwu-y rectona UM-U 26H-12 • ' ' 1622..a 2t0t·t2 2,. ,,. .. 2 " fl \ 1 ... 111111 ClllT WI D"I ~~f>/\ V .lllNl '/I 1'111.' Ofi ANGE COUN I Y. l.Allf O llNIA 25 CENTS Laguna hill plan means fewer homes By STEVE MlTCHEftL Of .... .,..,,... ..... Laguna Beach City C.Ouncll members have drutlcally reduced the number of homes It wlU allow on the city's remaining vacant hlllaide land. The 4-0 decision Tuesday (with Counci.lman Bob Gentry absent) eliminates a previously approved density plan that would have allowed as many as 480 dwelling units on remaining unsubdivided hillside parcels. The new density fonnula calls for only 270 new homes. New law propose.d by GOP WASHINGTON (Af') -The verdict in the trial of John W. Hinckley Jr . has evoked congressional calls for broad changes in the criminal law under which President Reagan's assailant was found innocent by reason of insanity. When the new City Council majority joined Mayor Sally .Betlcl'\le and Nell FiUpa\rick on the oouncll dais In April, It vowed the flrst matt.er of bus.inns would be to pull back a former council's approved local COWltal plan. Mrs. Bellerue and Fitzpatrick, who were the minority votes in the rrior council, urged that pane to bold off adoption of the plan until after the April elections. But the council mnjority at that time ignored their request and approved a locMl coastal plan with the higher denalty figures. Tuelday's voting .eee a l\Ulside denaity formula created aft.er the April elections by a grour calling itself the Coallt on o1 Neighborhood Asaoclationa. Instead of a maximum of 480 homes. the new hillside density formula within the coast.al plan calls for a maximum of 270 units. And where the formerly approved plan called for a maximum of four units per acre on relatively flat land, the new formula calla for only three units per acre on land w1th zero to 10 percent grades . Credita for density decreue as the land beoomee more ateep, with no credits allowed on land 'with a alope of 4~ percent or more. The new plan also states lhat all legally subdivided parcels may be eligibl. e for one dwelling unit -as long as all city zoning ordinances are observed. The hillaide density formula Attorney General William French Smith and Republicans in the Senate and House proposed a new s tandard for judging criminal defendants who claim to be insane. "There must be an end to the doctrine that allows so many pe rsons to commit crimes of violence, to use confusing procedures to their own advantage, and then to have the door open to them to return to the society which they victimized," Smith said. WHERE'S E VERYBODY -The sea gulls outnumber the sun worshippers by a vast majority along the Orange Coast beaches these days, even though school is out. The reason is 0 9'1J Piiot Pfloto by Petrick O'Oonneff that leaden skies which refuse to part before the sun are creating chilly conditions, and this June is gloomier than most. -- Bummer summer to continue? It is possible that a crime package containing changes in the insanity test might go through the Senate lat.er this summer, but congressional sources said Democrats will resist final House action this year. Attenda~ce, suntans fa de -it's not a bit like last year According to the Senate Judiciary Committee, only l percent of those accused of serious crimes raise insanity as a defense. There are only about 100 successful insanity pleas throughout the federal and state court systems each year. Despite the Hinckley case, almost all violent crime occurs under the jurisdiction of state courts, so a new federal statute would not have broad impact on insanity pleas nationwide. * * j( .; By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .. .,.., ""°' ablft Weatherwise, this summer's already a bummer. At least that's the word among beach enthusiasts along the Orange Coast. School may be out, but students are staying away from the oceanfront ln droves. Stubborn low clouds have been looming overhead all month like a gloomy gray umbrella, prom pting an epidemic of untanned bodies and unsoaked swimsuits. "Attendance has been down by at least 50 percent -maybe more than that," reported Bill Krame r . c hief lifeguard at Insanity defense confuse~ jurors·? • By STE VE TRIPOLI Of'IM Oelfr ,._. Steff The acquittal of John Hinckley in the assas&nation attempt on President Reagan points up the necessity of eliminating the insanity defense in criminal proceedings. an Orange Coast legal expert said Tuesday. Fonner Judge Marshall Houts of Emerald Bay, who has been a private consultant in numerous criminal cases. said the law should be changed so that juries decide only if the accused committed the c rime. The determination o f his mental status and appropriate punishment should be left to a judge and psychiatric experts aft.er conviction, he said. WORLD "The jury sits there confused and agog at all the psychiatric jargon being thrown around," said Houts. He said jurors in other cases have told him as much. Under such circumstances, jurors cannot truly decide on a defendant's sanity, opening the door for acquittals because they must be certain a defendant was sane when the crime took place in order to convict him, Houts said. "I don't think it's possible for the jury to know if a person is sane because eve n the psychiatrists don't know what's going on. They had (in the Hinckley case) six guys saying he was sane and six RUVS saying he (See INSANITY. Page A%) . Argentine army takes over BUENOS AIRF-c;, Argentina (AP) -The army has taken control of the Argentine government, appointing retired army, Gen . Reynaldo Bignone president over the objections of its junta partners. COUNTY Diedrich begins prison term Ralph Diedrich has fallen from the pinnacle of Orange County politics to an exil1ence behind bars. Page Bl. Hot ideas from the capital Anne Badham, wife of Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, deeigned a Congre91ional Club cookbook with redpee from famoua name.. P.,e Dl. Huntington and Bolsa Chica state beaches. "It's the crummy weather," he explained. "There's no sun, and the water's pretty cold. At Bolsa. it's almost like winter with so few cars in' the parking lot. We've been sending lifeguards home early from some stations.'' Bob Webster, a spokesman for the National Weather Se~. blamed the cloud cover on a strong thermal low in the desert areas that draws moist marine air in off the ocean. Such cloudiness is typical for June , he said , although traditionally the sun finally breaks through by afternoon. Oelfr Not I t.fl f'tMoto CHANGE NEEDE D - Former judge Marshall Houts says the acquittal of John Hinckley points up the need for eliminating the insanity defense in criminal proceedings. NATION This year, Webster said, the c loud layer is just too thick, resisting the sun's best efforts at clearing the sky. The gloomy June of 1982 contrasts sharply with the toast} conditions that developed during the same month last year. Off-season Santa Ana winds swept through Southern California last June, sending the mercury past the 100-degree mark on several days. Even the tradition.ally cooler coast did not escape the heat wave. On June 15, 1981, a Newport Beach lifeguard tower recorded a peak temperature of 98.5 degrees. The water was a bathtub warm 71. Needless to say, Orange Coast beaches were swarming with visitors. On Sunday, June 14, 1981, the parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beach admitted 1,377 vehic les, according to city parking records. Last Sunday. about one year lat.er, the same lot recorded just 350 vehicles. Cities such as Newport Beach and Huntington Beach depend on beach parking charges ($3 per car) to add healthy sums to their municipal treasuries. With beach attendance down, so is the income. Christopher Rey, parking supervisor for Huntington City Beach, said his 2,100-space lot is · typically filled each weekend during the summer. There is one silver lining in the cloud cover. Aocording to the South Coast Air Quality Manageme nt Dist rict, J u ne has been particularly easy on the lungs because sunshine is required to (See SUMMER'S, Page A%) New savings firms thriving As a whole, the savings and loan industry has seen better times, but some new S&Ls, not burdened with old, low-interest mortgages. are piling up profits. Page C4. R eagan signs new CIA law LANGLEY, Va. (AP) -Presid en t Reagan, making his tint trip to CIA headquarters here, signed into law today a controvenial bill making it a crime to discloee the names of American spies. whom he called "heroes of a grim twilight ttt'Uggle.'' STATE LIVERMORE (AP) -A planned th1rd day of anti-nuclear weapon demonatratlona at Lawrence Livennore Laboratory fizzled today when no one turned out to prote& lncludea about 1,065 acres of unaubdivided land. Excluded from the plan are tracia within Arch Beach Heights that remain undeveloped (about 400) and the Diamond-Crestview area, whe re about 200 lots remain undeveloped. And while the formula gives developers an idea of how many units they might expect to build on their acreage, there are other restrictions lhat come into play. For Instance, geologic constraints. water courses. hydrology concerns and traffic conslderatlons would be taken lntn account when a project is brought before the city. With the tulhide development U1Sue behJ,t\d them, the ctty will now tackle the remainder of the local coastal plan, with approval of the entire document expected sometime in the fall. The approved local coastal plan will then be forwarded to the stale Coastal Commission for its review and approval Once approved, the plan will become a blueprint for future development in Laguna Beach. El Toro man, guru follower, dies in 'crash By P ATRICK KENNEDY OJ tM Delly l'ttol l tett John Charles Gale, a former follower of 1960s drug guru Dr. Timothy Leary and the man police accused of heading one of the largest cocaine smuggling operations in Orange County history. has died in a single car crash in Dana Point. The 33-year-old Gale, of El Toro, was identified by Highway Patrol officers as the man they found Tuesday at 5:30 a .m . pinned beneath a 1971 Mercedes in a park off Del Obispo Street just east of Pacific Coast Highway. Officers say Gale apparently lost control of the car at a high rate of speed. The vehicle went over a curb, crashed into a tree and careened into a sign. Gale was ejected and fell beneath the car as it rolled on its side, authorities said. The accident occurred sometime Tuesday morning. Gale was pronounced dead at the scne. At the time of his death. Gale was awaiting trial on charges that he was involved in a multi- million doll&r cocaine smuggling operation that police unveiled in Laguna Beach on April 28, 1981. Gale was free on $250,000 bail. He had pleaded innocent to the charges against him. Gale's connections to drug trafficking goes back at least to Lhe early 1970s. He allegedly was a key member of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, a group 1abe 1 e d by p o 1 ice. investigators as the largest dealer or LSD, hashish and hashish oil in the world. In 1973, he was indicted jd convicted of possessio n and conspiracy to sell LSD. He was sentenced to one to 10 years, but only served a short time in prison. During court testimony Gale admitted possessing several thousand doses of LSD at various times. He also was identified in testimony before the grand jury as the man who walked through Southern California rock concert crowds giving away LSD. When the alleged cocaine smuggling operation was urunasked last year, Gale and five others were arrested in raids on two homes. Authorities confiscated 23 pounds of cocaine -the largest seizure in Orange County history -two submachine guns, gold and gems valued at $500,000 and more than $13-0,000 in cash. The cocaine was valued at more than $7 million, authorities said. Two Laguna cops remain in hospital Two high-ranking Laguna Beach . police officers remain hospitalized, leaving the department without two key p eople going into the busy summer season. Lt. Terry Temple, an 11-year veteran with the Laguna Beach department, suffered a mild heart attack in his office last Thursday. He was rushed to South Coast Medical Center where he remains in stable condition in the intensive care unit. Police Chief Neil Purcell said Temple, 33, suffered damage to the lower part of his heart and will remain hospitalized for at least the next eight to 10 days. INDEX At Your Service Business Herb Caen California Cavalcade ClaasWed Co ml ca Cro-word Death Notices f.dltorial l'.htertainment Food Hotolcope A4 04~ B2 A6 82 Fl,F4-6 F2 F2 E3 A6 86 Dl-8,El-5 B2 SPORTS "I speculate he'll be off work for 60 days at least," Purcell said, adding doctors believe Temple will "recover 100 percent." Meanwhile. Sgt. Vic Sagan is r ecovering from a hernia operation he underwent last week at Tustin Community Hospital. Sagan. 57, who has been with the department for 35 years, is not expected back on the job until sometime in August, Purcell said. The police chief said duties performed by the two officers will be divided among other watch commanders and personnel until their return to duty. lntennilSion Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Natiooal News Public Notices Sports Stock Marketa Televtaion Thea ten Weather World Newt B3 B2 .86 C4 A3 B4,F3 Cl-3 C5 85 86 A2 A3 Rangers stop Carew's streak Rod Carew, who knows all about hitting streeks, had one stopped by Texas. Pace Cl. . UMMER' BUMMEll. • • produce photo--cl'wmtca.l arnoai. Lut June, a d!Jt.rtcl apokcaman ulJ, Orana County h•d two l ll'11t 1ta41e 01one aJort• and another oiaht daya ln whfch the air waa OONlldtirod unhealthful for .er\8ltlve pt-ople Thls June, tlc said , there hftsn't bt.'Cn a single :fir quality nlf'rt In Oronaie County. According to weather .forecast.en, the atrlng ot overcut .days mAy not end until J uly. wh ttn warm e r coas t n l ~~NSANITY .. :•\vasn't. • , "Hinckley should have been lound guilty of eommitting the ' crime and then. sull within the criminal justice system. you bring JO the pros to see what should be done with him and when he can Wimble don match won b y McEnroe WIMBLEOON, England (Al') -John McEnroe overcame both his errauc strokes and his erratic behavior to post a 6-3, 6-3, 7-5 victory over F.cidie F.ciwards of South Africa today and advance into the third round of the All· England tennis championship at Wimbledon. (Earlier story, Cl). Umpire George Armstrong Issued the first wammg of the tournament against McEnroe "for abuse ot ball" in the third game of the final set when the left-hander , upset because he missed an easy volley, smashed the ball anto the net. A brief exchange between McEnroe and Armstrong ensued. It was one of several the young American carried on with officials during the course of the match, in addition to berating himself on a number of occasions for poor shots. Edwards, on the other hand, presented McEnroe with only a 'handful of problems and never serio u sly threaten ed the defending champion's progress through the draw. Despite serving 13 aces, McEnroe encountered his share , p f problems, double-faulting ~ ~ight limes, the first in the opening game when Edwards extended ham to deuce. But McEnroe held on. broke back in the next game and held his own service an the third, closing with an ace for a 3.0 advantage. • temperatu re• b e a ln rounteractln1 the de1ert heat that draws the cloud. ln.IA.nd. But veteran bMch watchen ue not PllflJckJl\I y t. They say the weather tencfs to bt.lanre out In the long run. Huntlnaton Beac h parktn1 11upervl1or Roy obaerve1, "We sometim ea e nd up with hot Indian 1ummers that extend tntA> September or October, making up for the bed weather earUer In the summer." -or if he can -be N'tumed to society." Houts, a former FBI agent, is the editor of Trauma, the largest c1 rcu la ti o n m ed ica 1-lega I publication for lawyers in the world. He is a consultant in forensic medicine and toxicology and a clinical professor o f pathology at UC Irvine. Houts sald his system would allow psychiatrists to apply their knowledge as it relates to cl'iminal cases i n "a n o n · adversary atmosphere. "l don't mean to do away with the psychiatrists in these cases altogether," he said. But H outs added that conviction for major crimes. even if the defendant is judged insane, should carry minimum sentences. T hat time can be devoted to psychiatric treatment for the defendant if necessary, he said. ''The emphasis has got to ~ balanced out between the rights of society and the rights of the defendant," Houts said. Houts also said Tuesday that Hinckley's acquitta1 "is opening the door to wholesale slaughter. "The psychiatric testimony found in this Hinckley case is so absurd because the evidence to a great extent s howed he was schizophrenic," he said . "By gosh, there are millions ot schizophrenics. If schizophre nia is going to be a defense for murder, it's just opening the door for wholesale slaughter." Houts said that in many places Hinckley would have been free to walk out of the eou rtroom if acquitted. Only a stricter set of laws in Washington, D.C.. kept Hinckley confined after the verdict, he said. "When you get right down to it," Houts said, "the more bi.za.rre the behavior, the stronge r defense for insanity you have. But that ls exactly the type of person you don't want turned loose on societ y. That is the logical and practi cal inconsistency built mto the whole thing." -Oistr ict surplus reviewed t...aun• Beach 11ehool t.n.&.-U'el wW meet Thunct.y ntaht to form a tuk forw comm1ttee to atudy the dilpoul ol 1urplu. district !Auld. Meanwhlle, Laguna Beach City Council members Tu~y named two cltlt.ena -&telle Warner and Liz Schwartz -to tdl on the school dlat.rict panel. The coundl action came ofter a joint meeting with the school board, at which time Ule council turned dnwn a request to appoint two City Council members to serve on a 10-member task force. The task force Is expected to explore means of obt aining maximum profit& from d isposal of an 11 -acre parcel the district owns in the Top of the World commuruty. But Mayor Sally Bellerue told trustees last week that council participauon on the panel would put the city in an awkward position. That is because the entire City Council eventually will be called upon to decide on a tract map and development plans for the parcel. The land, located at the' Intersection of Park Ave nue and Alta Laguna Boulevard, was purchased by the district in I 971 for $325,000. The mostly flat i>arcel could be subdivided into residential lots. man y of which would have commanding -and expensive - v1ews of the Saddleback Valley. The task force, when formed, i s expected t o look into maximizing the revenues from sale, lease or exchange of the property and come back to the school board later this summer with a report. Concurrently, an appraisal of the land is expected to be undertaken by the district. Declining revenues, as well as declirung student enrollment, has forced the district lo cons ider disposal of the hillside property, once slated for a school campus. Solons seek budget pact SACRAMENTO (AP) Legislators of both parties and both houses are still struggling to reach a $25 billion compromise on a new st.ate budget that can give schools more money withou t cut ting state and local governments too much . "l think we'r e slowly and surely coming together." Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti, D-Los Angeles. told reporters late Tuesday night. Still cloudy Coastal Parllal allernoon clearing of tow clouds !Oday Highs 66 to 74 Low clouds n•ght and morn1r19 hours tonight and ThurSday, men partly cloudy Thursday elternoon Ovei'nlght low S4 to 62 Highs Thursday 65 to 73 EIJew here l rom Point Conception to the Mexican botde< and out 60 mites Light variable W1nds night and morning hours becoming _,.,.1y 8 to 16 knots tht• ewnlr19 and fh~ay Wind waves t to 2 leet lhla al19fnoon Southwest awett 1 to 2 feet Mostly cloudy through Thursday with some Patllal clearing In the afternoon and evening hOura U.S. S ummary Thunderstorms lhal Pfod~ large hall or lornedoes In the centr•I plalna oon1ntnued bul grew grldually weaktf 1od1y u lhey drifted to the eut Ob1ervert H id 11 1eaa1 two 1wlalera touched In Nebraake, •0<!8 easl of Lewellen and one -t or Ch1ppe11, ano slx tnclles ot rain fell In Cherry and HOOlcer coun11et The -ther lerVloe Hid the downpour c8UMd aome lloodlng • In lh• Nebtul!a town ol Grant. whlle beMbell·med hell 1e11 ~1 the weat •doe ol l""ll'f(e McConnaughy. Shower• and thunderatorma W9fe wldely tcell.,.ed over Ille not1hetn Rocklet, Ille UPPef Ohio Valley and elong the Alltnllc Coatl and Ille N81em Gull CoML The rm of the netlOn hed lalt -ther Temperelur•• around the naltoo befor. dawn r~ from 38 In Mlrquette. Mich • 10 ae In f'lloenlx. Attz. alilornia The Nattontl W•lner 8etw:. predletl enother cloudy nlghl tnd morning but with a bett ... <:htnele tor 1unahln• In Inland tr•H Tituradey elt«noon.. o.-1 .... lhould be CIMr: llluncWllom\81 11• po11lbl1 In nortl'ltrn mounfalne and the ~· V*'t. High l9m1*1ture lhould renee trom 72 an Loe Moetee and •t ~. t>etwMn 1"4 ll1d ao m thl fl'IO'lntalna, trom 92 to 102 In the hiOtl o.Mrt and l>lltwMn N ano 106 In low dtMtl•. loet.,. trom POlnt Conception to !tie ~xleln bOrd« can lllq)llClt lfGM, ..,.._ ...inot tonight and •uly Tflur1d•Y.1 !>•coming .-.rty m e 10 1• •"°" 111 t,.. •".,noon and e\leftlflil With a ~ .... "'"'*" , 10 2 .... Temperatures ,....;..;..~....., ...... ......,._ ....... __ NATION Albany Albuque Amarillo Asheville Atlanta Atlante Cty Auslln Baltimore Bm1r19s Blrml11ghm 91Sm1tcll BolM Boston Brownsvtle BuHato BurUr19ton Ca aper Chertstn SC Chertstn WV Chetltte NC Cheyenne Chic.go Cincinnati c ...... ano Ctmble SC Columbut o.1-FI Wth Dayton Oeover 0et MOIMS o.trott Duluth El Paso Fargo Flagstalf Grell Falls Hartford Helen• +ionolulu Hou a ton lndneplla JeCklll MS Jeclltnvlle Kens City Lat Vegu Lillie Rocle Loulsvtffe Lubt>odl Memphis Mlaml Mllweuk• Mpls-St.P ~ New OrlMnt New Yor11 Nor1olk No. Piette Olde City HI Lo Pep 74 55 .10 93 80 91 55 1. 15 78 57 82 67 48 74 60 90 70 14 81 63 .01 86 60 01 84 63 80 57 84 55 03 72 59 04 96 711 68 49 74 56 88 59 Na.,,_ Wedler 5-tce I 88 NOM. U S 0.01 01 Comme<ca 84 73 81 58 51 Fronta: Cold ..,. Warm 99 .02 Stationary • • 75 84 78 sa 69 « n s.c 09 .09 11 48 14 81 89 .81 75 51 89 72 75 51 .04 83 55 .19 78 56 73 48 84 47 99 68 17 80 76 3g 84 58 .09 79 57 .18 79 58 .AO 9g 74 94 77 .80 17 4g .01 84 65 83 73 .19 82 62 100 13 87 70 81 57 89 69 .30 ee 12 8A 81 82 47 n se ea e1 11 11 1.oe IO eo .18 78 ... 84 57 IS 88 88 Omaha Of1endo P!liladphia Phoenla Pfnabufgh Piiand, .... Pll•nd. Of• ProWlence Raleigh Reno Salt Leite Sen Antonio Seattle Shreveport Sioux l°all1 St Louie SI P·Tampa SI Sle Marie SP<*INI Syracuae Topella Tucson Tull Walhingln WlcMa 7g g2 80 104 73 71 84 77 75 ee 89 94 78 87 80 79 ea GS 85 70 82 97 90 83 84 CM.WOMIA ~enllflkt Bly1he EuniM ~ L.anc;aster ~ Monterey i..ci ... Oelcland Paao Roblee A9d Bluff 6 1 Reowood City 78 SKramento S8 Sellnas 76 Sen Otego 48 04 San Francisco 54 05 Senta Barbara 58 S1nta Marla 62 .05 Stockton 65 21 Thermal 52 Ukiah 80 01 Ban1ow 87 Big Bear 52 Blanop 84 C111llna 62 Lake Arrowflead 63 .03 Long Beach 7g Monrovia 38 Ml. Wiiton 59 Newport Beach 50 47 on11110 83 Pelm Springs 84 Pasadena 72 • San Bernerdtno 65 07 San Jose 88 Santa An1 ~1n11 CrU2 g9 78 100 Tahoe V al19y Yuma Smog 72 80 83 55 83 54 eg 65 82 SA 66 58 70 89 59 97 91 99 72 75 39 gt 56 70 58 75 49 71 61 72 80, 77 60 67 55 70 60 97 67 72 57 74 5g 76 58 70 54 se 57 75 42 A7 lie 60 49 113 84 90 87 72 63 g2 ... 102 ee se 82 52 g3 88 Tiie Air Quality M1ntg~1 Dlllrlcl predict• uMMllfllul alt tor Mnelllve people today In the Stn Fernando tnd Senta Clarita ...... and In the AIYertlOe and San 8em11tdlno ., ... Where to cell (loll lrM) 101 ----------------~~~~---tetMt mmog tntomiatlon: Of toge County: (800) 4'W42$ SURf RIPIRT Loa An gelH County: (800) 242-4022 ~ tnd San a.tnardlno oountlee: (IOOl H7-4710 AQM O EpilOde c.ntw: (IOO) m~ :if. ..... ....... good A~T Tides .. 1-3 1-2 1·2 1·2 1·2 1·2 1·2 14 14 , .. r11C>Od POOf POOr poor .,_ '* ,.., '* llOOt "°°' 58 57 58 58 58 51 80 eo eo eo ao TOOAT -- 8.aond 10W 5: 11 p.m. s.cona high 11:21 p.m. u u TMUMOAY Flnlt low 8:41 Lin. 1.3 Flnt lllgl'I 1:27 p.m. .4.2 ltCOnd" low 9:11 p.m. U 8«iOlld hlgtl (Ftl)t2:10 a.in. U 8un Mte today II 8.-Qf p.m., ,._ Thurtdly 11 &:42 e.m Moon rteee lodey It l:Oe t--tn.., .u 11 10.se p.m · Am-trak fire kills two 52 others hospitalized n ear Gibson 018SON, C1ltf. (AP) - Flernea erupt ed eboerd en Amlrak passenger train today, killing two people In " •lt-cplng car and hoapltallzlng ~ othen with 1mokt Inhalation, authoriUe. aald. The traJn, the Contt Starlight, was enroute from Seattll' w San Oiogo with 258 passengers uboord whun the fire broke out at 2 :12 nm, POT, Amtruk of!klols said. The train was halted near this smaU town along the Sacramento River nbout :.!O mHes north of Redding and 200 miles north of San Franc18l'O. Amtrak spokesman John Mcleod identified one of the dead as Douglas E . M oore, age unknown , of Hayden Lake, ldaho. The Hcond victim, deecrtbed u a young woman, was not Immediately ldcnllfif'd. Jim Delaney, 11nother Amtrak •pokearnan, said the train, minus two uam11ged slttplng can and a dlnt-r and louna ... car, continued on Ii. route at about 6 a.m. Tht tour cara were dilcollnected from the train and were to be towed Into Redding later. MrH. EJl1-beth Taddle k and her hu1band , Hun ry, Crom El CcntrCY, wer e awakened when tht• alr·CQn ditlonlng systl'm pumped smoke tnto thl'ir l'Omoartm .. n t ''We both woke up, naturally, and wondered what ln the world happened.''she said. "We opNl\'d our door cautiously and went out Into th hallwey. The couple n~xt door rcallud we were In trouble· al about Ule l&l1W' time. "Arutr 1k t•mploycea were hl'lptna pc.-opl~ out, but my husband didn't feel thal ~veryonc• pcrhap11 had been wumt'd, so ht• went bllck into the tram Lutn. he ond a youna man took out om• 8Cntlemen which l'1n 1;nrry t.o ~wy, 1 understand did not 11urvivt• " .P'ifty to 60 people who Inhaled smoke w"re-bused to a nearby hosp~w where all wvre reported in "good shaJX' '' Heir goes home Four people were admJtted lO Men·y Med1 cial Center I n Redding, but most of the othera were expected lo be released later today , according to spokesman Jim Holdr1 •. The two dead had been tn a sleeping car that wu on fire, he said H e coul d not say immediately whether they died of burns or smoke inhalation. Ch arles, Diana greet cro wds LONOON (AP) -Cradled an his father's arms, the h ear presumpuve to the British throne slepl through his first public ap_.pearance when Pnncc Charles atfd Princess Diana took their baby home, just 21 hours after his birth. Wrapped an a white s hawl with his blu<' <'yes firmly shut, the little prince was unaware of the adoring cr owds, wavinf Union Jacks, television cameras, photographers and a portable gramophone playing "Land of Hope and Glory" Tuesday night outside St. Mary's Hospital at Paddington m west London. Diana, wearing a green polka- dot maternity dress. smiled and waved. When the crowd broke into applause she blushed. The princ-ess, who wall be 21 July I, looked radiant but slightly tared after her 16-hour labor Monday. H e r early depar ture Crom hospital was questioned by some in medical circles, but royal gynecologist George Pinker said she was "in very good health and this wiU not cause any problems." Press reports said Diana was heard to joke to a doctor as she a!1d Charles thanked hospital staff before leaving with their first·born child: "Will you be here next time'?" Then she hastily turned to her husband and said: "I'm only joking, dear." Charles, 33. showing every sign of a proud new father, constantly peered at his son's Laguna B e a c h r estaurate ur dead at 62 Restaurateur R obert L Geyer, founder of the Jolly Roger res1.aurant c hain and a 36-year Corona del Mar resident, died Tuesday. He was 62. Mr. Geyer opened the first Jolly Roger m 1948 on Balboa Island. Others soon followed in Anaheim and Laguna Beach. He sold his restaurant empire in 1966 but held onto the restauran t in Laguna and later started the Soja>< chain with three locations in Orange County. Mr. Geyer leaves his wife, Anita: a daughter, Sharon; and two gran dchildren. He also leaves a brother, Jack, and a sister Lois Geyer, both of Laguna Bead). Funeral services are pending. blondish head Just visible 1ns1de the shawl. He still declined to announce the namt! of their baby, second in line to the Braust'1 throne. ''You'll JUst have to wait." Charles told reporters. London bookmakers favored George as a first name at 6-4 odds. The normal hospital stay British doctors recommend for new mothers is five to ei~ht davs to let them rest ana team about baby care. Asked why the princess was leaving th~ hospital so soon, Buckingham Palace press secre tary M ichael Shea told reporters: "It is the fashionable thing co do." Pinker, who delivered the baby Monday n ight, said. "Medically l can say I am not a)itainst anvbodv,. eoinu nut nf the _hospital ~Jy. Shasta County Sheriff's Lt. Hobert Neslen said the blaze may have involved two cars a nd fire ltkf'ly was ell'('tracaJ In nature. Laguna m e ters clipped Burglars used a key to open 105 parking meters in Lasuna &ach's downtown area, taking some-$710 in cash. police said ... today. The thefts were reported eari.>' Tuesday when city crews opened some of the meters and found them empty. Police said t h e thi e f. apparently using a key that works only on every third meter. made the rounds of a three-block area, pro babl y during night hours. ··\\\ Laguna principal joins state panel Lagu n a Beach High School pri ncipal R obe r& Hugbes has been appointed to a statewide g r oup of educators to study ways to improve California's JUn1or and senior high schools. The Association o f Califo rnia School • Eye problems common to the aging is the topic of Dr Andrew H enrick al the Senior Citizens Club u f Laguna Beach July 12 at I p.m. • F r e d As t air e and Eleanor Powell in a film presentation o( "Broadway Melody of 1940" to be aired free to Laguna Beach senior cituens July 16. Adm1n1strators, headed by st.ale Supt. Walson Riles, will meet later-Utis year to diacuas 1 he future of junior and senior high school students. Hughes was nam ed chairman of the Student Standards Subcommittee of the Coalition t o Im prove Sccondary Education. ThC' d1 scuss1o n , which includes a question and answC'r ~nod, will be held at thC' club headquarters. 384 Legion St. Tickets are available at the Se nior C i tizen C lub of Laguna Beach headquarters. :384 Legion St. The film will be shown at 2 .m. SANYO STEREO MINI CASSEi TE PLAYER ~-• Headphones • Stop I eiect • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/tone switch Sale @SANYO (Sale plioel good thru Mon., .June 28, 1982) ........ HAR.DWARE All Storee °'*' 1 D1Y9 WHtclln Pim 1024 lrvlne Ave. NeWport Beach 642-1133 Coron• del ~ 3107 E. Cout Hwy. 67~2800 W•tcllft Tiii &"00 Thura. tt.rbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 644-8570 AM ....... Hlllf - "'SftO &.nt• Ana canyon Rd·. (at Imperial Hwy.) 90l--&282 111111~1111 111111 llDll Wt ONL S OAV .JlJNl .•I 1'111/ OHANGE COUNTY C A l Ir OH NIA 25 CEN 'f S Irvine faces hurdles • • • ID CIVIC center plans It la uxpected to be a modem clvJc <.-enter tor a contemporary city -a functional, comlortable meetJna place where resident.a of all aaes can viait day or night and feel the pride of ownenhip. It will be known QI! the Irvine City Center. But before this estimated $17 million project becomes real. deslgners are faced with several problems. The first hurdle involves the acquisition of 25 acres for the center at Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway. The land belongs to the Irvine Company. City offldala are countJna on the company donating the expenaive property in exchanfe tor developme nt rights or ita surrounding Villllge 12. Another problem: The property lies l'TIQltly within the flood plain of the San Diego Creek. There are ways of designing around this prot>Jem such as the Woodbridge aolutl.on -building a new channel and using l akes -but that's expensive. Concrete-lined chanriels are easier but uglier. Underground channels are another possibility. Archlt.ccta for David K.laaea A..>datea and C.udlll Rowlett Scott of Houaton, Texaa alao muat decide whether c urrent construction alowdowna will last or if the city population will return to its former fut pace, thua requlring a more spacious aetting. "The best we can do I.a kind of take a snapshot of what the needs are now," said Kevin Kelly of the Texas firm. "Admittedly, we are using educated gueeaet1." The architectural team, including representatives from collaborating SWA Group of Laiu.na Beach, I.I meeting thla week at City Hall with any intereeted people who want t.o offer •"WBestiona for the City Center cfesign. "We're not inundated with Interviews," 1ald Kelly. "But we're keeping busy." After Friday, architects wilt take their stacka of commenta and auorted demographic ma terlal to Texas where deeignera will brainatonn ways of creating the center master plan . Then on the week beginning July 12, they will return to meet again with resident.a and city offlciala to go over their propoeed plans. The Irvine City CoundJ will have flnal say on the design. It ia tentatively 1eheduled t.o adopt a plan on Sept. 28. Said Kelly: "The project iB on a rather accelerated schedule." Thia week, the architectural team 1a conferring at the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room in the City Hall Annex. People with written comments can leave them at the Community Development Department's public desk or, after 5 p .m . at the Police Department counter, Kelly said. They can call Civic Center Coordinator Sue Tsuda at 754-36~0 to book an appointment t.o talk with the team. The $17 million estimate covers the City Center master plan and con.structlon ol a new City Hall and Police Department. The plaza also is expected to include headquarters for the Irvine Unified School Dutrict, Irvine Ranch Water District. a senior citizens' c enter and perhaps a 450-seat perfonning arts center or a hospital. (~e CJVIC, Page At) Roofing materials decision delayed WHERE'S EVERYBODY -Th e sea gulls outnumber the sun worshippers by a vast majority along the Orange Coast beaches these days, even though school is out. The reason is DM!y ll'tlol Photo by Petrictl O'Oonf*I that leaden skies which refuse to part before the sun are creating chilly conditions, and this June is gloomier than most. Bumnier sumnier to continue? Attendance, suntans fade -it's not a bit like last year By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or.._ DelJ ll'tlot ,..., Weatherwise, this summer's already a bummer. At least that's the word among beach enthusiasts along the Orange Coast. School may be out, but students are staying away Stubborn low clouds have been looming overhead all month like a gloomy gray umbrella, prompting an epidemic of untanned bodies and unsoaked swimsujts. "Attendance has been down by at least 50 percent -maybe I from the oceanfront in droves. Insanity defense confuses jurors? By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the DllllJ Piiot lteff more than that," reported BlU Kramer, chief lifeguard at Huntington and Bolsa Chica state beaches. "It's the crummy weather," he explained. "There's no sun, and the water's pretty cold. At Bolsa, it's almost like winter with so few cars in the parking lot. We've been sending lifeguards home early from some stations." Bob Webster, a spokesman for the National Weather Service, blamed the cloud cover on a strong thermal low in the desert areas that draws moist marine air in off the ooean. The Irvine City Council's smoldering inclination to ban untreated wooden roofing materials in new construction grew more intense Tuesday, fanned at least temporarily by the hot winds of debate. Council members sat through a two·-and-a-half hour discussion on the proposed ban and implied at the end of the debate they are closer than ever to approving it as a fire safety measure. However. the council postponed a decision until its July 13 meeting. They asked that local homeowner associations be n otified of the pending vote because it might affect their architectural standards. And they asked for an update on pending state legislation proposing a similar ban that might make the city'• action unnecemary. Council members repeatedly asked opponents of the ban to offer evidence that it would cause housing 008ts to riae, but they .eemed unimpreseed by the answers. M ayor David Sills, for instance, said he expected to hear that the substitute roofing matenals would drive up housing costs. "If there is no better information that we have heard on costs, the CounclJ members are ~enerally thinking, 'Why not'? ' he said after the hearing. Members also were aggravated by a presentation by Hal Tamblin, president of the Irvine Board of Realtors. Tamblin began his speech by greeting viewers watching from home on television and then launched into ·an attack of local governments that had almost nothing to do with the question of roofing materials .. In fact. a slide presentation he showed lambasting housing shortages featured several ideal houses that were built with asphalt or tile roofs, few with wooden ones. Council members fired on Tamblin, calling his sp ee ch inaccurate and his opposition t.o the ban ill-advised. Councilman Larry Agran, who initially propos ed the ban, d e pic ted it a s long-range ins urance to protect homes. "That's something I'd think vou'd be in favor of," he told (See ROOFING, Page A?) Irvine budget OK alter long nieet By GLENN SCOTT or ... Deir ,... ,..,. A $19.5 million operating budaet for Irvine was approved by the City Council early today at the conclusion of a marathon meeting. Counc il members finally ado_pted the 1982-83 fiacal year budget at l : 15 a.m.. almost six hours after they convened to review several important issues. The budget is similar to initial recommendations made by City Manager William Woollett Jr. with these changes: -A $12,000 program t.o check homes of vacationing residents by civilian police investigators was funded. -Four city plann e rs suggested for l.ayofCs will not lose their jobs. -A revenue-sharing fund will be supplemente by $25,000 from contingencies for funding for local non-profit programs. A ft er a sho rt discussion, council members also agreed that all teams regularly using the Heritage Park Aquatics Complex should pay $5 per participant monthly t o h e lp d e fray operations costs Lap swimmers will be charged $1 per visit (they now pay 50 cents) unless they buy discount passbooks that reduce the cost to 75 cents. In a related matter, the council officially assumed resoonsi bill t y (See BUDGET, Page At) The acquittal of John Hinckley In the assassination attempt on President Reagan points up the necessity of eliminating the fnsanity defense in criminal proceedings, an Orange Coast legal expert said Tuesday. Such cloudiness is typical for June. he s aid , although traditionally the sun finafly breaks through by afternoon. This year, Webster said, the cloud layer is just too thick, resisting the sun's best efforts at clearing the sky. County drug figure killed Former Judge Marshall Houts 6f Emerald Bay, who has been a private consultant in numerous criminal cases, said the law should be changed so that juries decide only if the accused ~o mmitted the c rime . The determination. of h is mental status and appropria t e punishment should be left to a JUdge and psychiatric experts • after conviction, he said. "The jury sits there confused and agog at all the psychiatric jargon being thrown around," said Houts. He said jurors in other cases have told him as much. Under such circumstance;, ju.ton cannot truly decide on a ~fendant's sanity, opening th.? door for acquittals because they must be certain a defendant was (See INSANITY, Page At) WORLD Deir .............. CHANGE NEEDED - Fonner judge Marshall Houts says the acquittal of John Hinckley points up the need for eliminating the insanity defense in crimina l proceedings. Argentine army takes ov~r BUENOS ~. Argentina .(AP) -The army has taken control of the Argentine government, appointing retired army Gen. Reynaldo Bignone president over the objections ol ita junta partners. COUNTY Diedrich begins prison term Ralph Diedrich bas fallen t.rOm .the pinnacle of Orange County politics to an existence behind bars. Page 81. Hot ideas from the capital Anne Dedham. wife o1 Ree. Robert Dedham, B4'Newpon Beech, del&gned • Congremlonal Club cookbook with ttdpea from Wnoul namm. Pap Dl. # J The gloomy June of 1982 contr8b1.s sharply with the toasty conditions that developed during the same month last year. Former follower of LSD guru L eary dies in Dana crash Off-season Santa Ana winds swept through Southern California last June, sending the mercury past the 100-degree mark on several days. Even the traditionally cooler coast did not escape the heat wave. On June 15, 1981, a Newport Beach lifeguard tower recorded a peak temperature of 98.5 degrees. The water was a bathtub warm 71. Needless t.o say, Orange Coast beaches were swarming with visitol'I. On Sunday, June 14, 1981, the parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beach admitted 1,377 vehicles, according to city parking records. Last Sunday, about one year (SH SUMMER'S, Page At) NATION By PATRICK KENNEDY or..,. DelJ ..... ....,, John Charles Gale, a former follower of 1960s ~guru Dr. Timothy Leary and the man police accused of heading one of the largest cocaine smuggling operations in Orange County history. has died in a single car crash in Dana Point. The 33-year-old Gale, of El Toro, was identified by Highway Patrol officers as the man they found Tuesday at 5:30 a.m . pinned beneath a 1971 Mercedes in a park oU Del Obispo Street juat east of Pacific Coast Highway. Officers say Gale apparently lost control of the car at a high rate of speed. The vehicle went over a curb. crashed into a tree and careened into a sign. Gale New savings firms thriving AB a whole, the savings and loan industry has seen better times, but some new S&1A, not burdened with old, low-interest mortgages, are pilil'\g up profits. Page C4. Reagan signs new CIA law LANGLEY, Va. (AP) -President Reagari, making his first trip to CIA headquarters here, signed into law today a controvenlal blll making it a crime to dilcloae the namee of ~,;,J.lee. whom he called "heroes of a grim twilight e." STATE LIVERMORE (AP) -A planned third day of anti-nuclear weapon demonatrattona at wwrence Livermore Laboratory fizzled today when no one turned out to pn>le9t. 4 \ was ejected and fell beneath the car as it rolled on its side, authorities said. The accident occurred sometime Tuesday morning. Gale was pronounced dead at the scne. At the time of his death, Gale was aw;liting trial on charges that he was involved in a multi- million dollar cocaine smuggling operation that police unveiled in Laguna Beach on April 28, 1981. Gale was free on $250,000 bail. He had pleaded Innocent to the charges against him. Gale's connections to drug trafficking goes beck at least to the early 1970s. He allegedly was a key member of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, a group labeled by police investigators as the largest dealer INDEX At Your Service Buainea Herb Caen Califomta Cavalcade Claaeifted Corn.lea Cromword Deeth Notkes Editorial EnWtainment Food HorOICOpe A4 C4·6 B2 A5 B2 Fl.F4-6 F2 F2 E3 A6 B6 01 -8,E~-5 B2 SPORTS of LSD, hashish and hashish oil in ,the world. In 1973, he was mdicted and convicted of possession and conspiracy to sell LSD. He was sentenced to one to 10 years, but only served a short time in prison. During court testimony Gale admitted possessing several thousand doses of LSD at various times. He also was identified in testimony before the grand jury as the man who walked through Southern California rock concert crowds giving away LSD. When the alleged cocaine smuggling operation was unmasked last year. Gale and five others were arrested in raids on two homes. l:ntennimion Ann Landers Moviee Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sporta Stock Marketa Tele'Ytlian 'Ibeet.era W•ther World News B3 B2 B6 C4 A3 B4,F3 Cl-3 C5 B5 B6 A.2 A3 Rangers stop Carew's streak Rod Carew I Who knows all about hitting ltrelb, Md one Mopped by Teua. Pap Cl. . -,._ Old.;.time picnic planned in Irvine A "plquunlquu" plc.:nk from the J)&ltit I~ planned at 6:30 p.m. July l'7 b y the Irvine H istorical Scolcty. Society. The plcnlc at the Irvine Historical Mu.scum, S Rancho San Joaquin, ha.s a French theme reJniniscent of an 1885 picnic in lrvlne Park held by the French family whose home is part of the museum site. Guests are encouraged to wear clothing Indicative of a picnic on the prairie circa 1885, said Gall Daniels of the historical society. • l\obert M. Saunders, professor of e lec trical engineering at UC Irvine, has been elected chajrman of the Board of Governors of the Am erican A ssociation o f Engint'<'ring Societies for 198~1. The AAES represe nts two-thirds of the nation's l.5 million engim.'Crs. A Newport Beach resident, Saunders came to UCI in 1964 A picnic bwikot dinner with wine, crolssanta, ehceee and other tasty morsehl will be featured. she said, along wit~ a "B eat o f the Baken' competition for the tastiest cake, pie, cookies and bread which w lU be auctioned. Proceeds f rom the $2~-a-person tickets will be used U> con tinue the society's community education program and for museum operations, Ms. Daniels said. Jo'or tic kets, call Delphi Ballinger at 833-1409 or Ann Miller at 851-1852. as the first dean of the School of E ngineering. H e had served 18 y ear s at UC Be rkeley, including fo ur year s as chairman o f its Department of Electrical Engineering. He has been a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Simon FeUow with the University of Manchester in EnRland. Israeli jets, guns halt Syrian push sources of fire," the Tel Aviv command said. • t ID G IBSON. Calif. (AP) Flame• erupted uboard an AmU'ik poak'041t.•r trltln today, klUlna two poople In a aleeping car and hoepltllll1Jng S2 oth«-r• wi th 1mok c Inhalatio n , authorlUes aatd. Th" train, tht• Coost Starlight. wtll enroulc." from Seattle to San Diego with 258 pas8<"naers aboard whc>n the Circ broke out at 2 :12 a .~. POT. Am trak o fficial ~ said. Th~ train wu halted neat thj11 t1mall town won~ the Sacramento Riwr about io miles north o! Redding and 200 miles north o{ San Francisco. Amtrak spokesman J ohn Mcleod identified one of the dead as Douglas E. Moore, age unknown, of Hayden Lake. Ida ho. T h e second v1ct1m. described as a young woman. was not immediately 1denufied. Jam Delaney, another Amtrak spokesman, said the tram. minus two damaged sleeping cars and a diner and lounge car, continued on its route at about 6 a.m. The four cars were di.sc.'Onnected from the train and were to be towed into Redding later. Mrs. Elizabeth Taddick and her husband, Henry, from El Centro, W<.'re awakened whe n the a1r-condit1oning system pumped sm o k e into their compartment. "We both woke up, naturaUy, and wondered what m the world t-.appened," she said. "We opened our door cautiously and wen t out into the hallway . The couple next door realized we were in trouble at about the same ~ime. "Amtrak e mployt"es were he lping people out , but m y hu s b and d i dn't f eel that everyone pe rhaps had been warned, so he went back into the train. Later, he and a young man took out one gentleman which I'm sorry to say, I understand did not survive " Fifty to tiU people who inhaled smc>iu1 w rtt bUM<l to a nearby ha1pll.4ll when.• all were reported In "aood •hupt.·" ~·our peoplt• wtirt• 1.1an11tlt'd lQ M l' n · y Mt.' d I ca l Ce n t e r 1 n Rc.-dding, but matll of the others w~:n• <•xpc.•('tcd to be relC'ased I 11 t t' 1· to J u y , a c.· c o r d I n g \ o 11pokesmun Jim lioldridgt•. 'l'he two d\~od had been 111 a sleeping car thut was on fire, ht.• sa i d . H e cou l d not u 1y immediately whether they dit..'(i of burns or smoke inhalauon. Shasta County Sheriff's Lt Robert Neslen said the blaze may have involved two cars and fare likely was clectr1cal In natw-e. Officials from the sheriff's depart ment!! 111 Shasta and S1sk1 you counties, the U .S Fores t Sl'rv1ce and rescu e workers from the communities of S hasta Lake and Mount Shasta evacuated the passengers and put out the fire. Sheriff's detectives remained on the scene t.o probe the cause of the blaze Local hotels were expected lO put up the passengers until Amtrak arranged furth er transportation, Neslen said. Trans plan ting abalone OK'd In an attempt to rebuild dwindling s tocks of n ative abalone along the Orange Coast, the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a $4.000 program Tuesday t.o transplant abalon e collected near San Clemente ls lan<.l tu t:oasta l waters. S upervisors approved the expenditure from the <.'Ounty's Fssh and Game Propagation fund so that the state F'1sh and Game Deparlment can charter a vessel and divers to transfer 1,500 abalone to waters closer to the coast • INSANITY • • 1n order \o L'Onv1c·t him, fluut."i .uid "l don't thank lt'!C µus:ublt-for the Jury to know If 1.1 pc~on Ill a n e becaua e t!Vt'll th l' psyl·hiatr1Bta don't know what's going on. They had (In thl' Hinckley cllllC) six ~uvs :wvlniz he WOB t1anc and si.x guy11 ~ying he.• wu.sn't. "Hinckley should have ~n found guilty of committing th1• L'rtme and then, s till within tht> criminal jUlltke 11yst.em, you bring in the pros t.o see what should bl' done with him and when he c·nn -or if he can -be returned t.o society." Houts, a former FBI agent, 1s the edit.or of Trauma, the largest ci r c u la ti on m e dJca 1-lega l publication for lawyers m the world. H e is a consultant 1n forensic medicine and toxic.'Olo~y ~n d a c hn_1cal professor of pathology at UC Irvine. • l loul.8 su1d hl1 •Y•tem would allow p1ychlutr111U1 to apply their kno w lt·dgt! &a 1 t rel a let to c1lrn1nul 1,,· ~c11 In "a n o n adllt!flillty &Url(.)8pherl• "l don't mean t.o do 1&way w1th the psychauuisLB in theR caaet a Hogc.•thcr," h1• mud. Bui H outs radded that conviction for major c·ritlw1, even 1f the dcfcndont iii judged insane. 11huuJd carry minimum Rent.ences. Thot time l'un be devote d to p1>ych1utr1l' tr~atment for the defcmJnnt 1f ne<.'<'SSary, he 5aid. "Tht• emphaslS has got ui be baluntt'CI out between the righta o! '<()('IC'tY and Lhe rights of the <lt>!endant," Houlll said. Houts also said Tuesday that Hmckley's S('qUlltal "is opening the• door to wholesale slaughter. "Th<· psych1atr1~ testimony found in this Hinckley case ts so ab:.urd lx><:aUSt' the evidence \o a gn•at t•xtc•nt showed h e was schizophrenic" h e said. SUMMER'S BUMME R • • • later, the same lot n<ord<'d JUi.t 350 whicles. Cities such as Newport Beaeh and Huntington Beach depend on beach parking charges ($3 pc'r car) to add heaJthy sums to th('1r municipal treasuries. With beach attendance down, so is the income. C h ristopher Rey . parking supervisor for Huntington City Beach, said h.is 2,100-space lot 1s ty pically filled each weekl·n<.l during the summer. This June, he reports. thf: lot has been filled just once -for about 15 minutes on Sund<1v. June 6. Between June I and June :W 1 !181, during the heat wave. :58,- 286 veh1cl<'S parked at the city bl>ach lot, Rey says. During the saml' period th1i. year. the U>tal was about 15,000 -Less than half of the 1981 figure. Rl'y said the gJoomy weather has lx.>en tough on hJs employees. too. H e's had to send som e parking attendants home each day because there's just not enough work for them . There is one silver lining in the cloud L'Ovcr Ac-rordmg to the South Coast Air Quality Management D1~tr1cl , June ha s been part1l·ularly easy on the lungs bccaUSt' sunshine is required t.o produl'C photo-chemical smog. ROOFING BAN • • • BEIRUT, Lebano n (AP) - Israeli warplanes and arullery attacked Synan and Palesuman guerrilla forces trying to ad vance into Israeli-held areas in thl' mountains east of Beirut today. Heavy fighting also erupted near Beirut airport. lc;rael said its forces k1lled two Syrian soldier s a nd wounded severaJ in the mountain ~ttlcs. It also said two Israeli soldiers were wounded when their vehicle s truc k a mine near Rachaiya , in southeaste rn Lebanon. The Palestine Liberation Organization said Israeli forCf'S launched an intensive a rtillery barrage in the hills around the Syrian stronghold of Aley and tried to adva nce from their positions around Mansouriyeh. Council action Tamblin. After e n countering mo re criticism, Tamblin apologized and c laime d he obviously h ad a "rnisimpression" of the way the city operated. no r•t I et.'t on JObS. "T here 1s no reason at all why any organization whatsoev er should oppose this action," he told the council Associated Press correspondent Tom Baldwin reported from the vicinity of the Israeli-surrounded presidential palace at Baabda that artillery shells ex ploded m Syrian-held territory every 10 or 20 seconds. In action Tuesday night. the Irvine City Council: The q'el Aviv command said the Syrians Lned t.o push into Israeli-held territory east of Lake Qaaroun, 25 miles southeast or Baldwin r e porte d that intensive small-arms fire could be h ea r-d from Be i r u t ' s international airport where' Is raeli and Palestin ian forces have faced each other in almost statJc positions for more than a week. B UDGET -Adopted a $19.5 million operating budget for the 1982-83 fiscal year, a 3 percent reduction from this year. LIGHTING -Imposed an $8.82 annual fee on residences to cover costs of street lighting distnct. Homes on private streets wall be charged $4.41 e Beirut, a nd the n . joined b y guerrillas, attempted to move south of the Beir ut-Damascus highway in central Lebano n under a covering artillery a nd tank barrage The Israe lis agreed to a renewed cease-fire Tuesda y evening, conditional on S yria h olding its fire. ROOFING -Postponed until July 13 a dec1s1on on banrung un treated wooden r oofs ng materials m new construction or Is r aeli heavy guns a n d warplanes were "s1l<'ncmg the Coastal Partial afternoon clearing 01 low clouds loday Higns 66 10 H low clouds nighl and morning hours tonight and Thursday, then• par1ty cloudy Thursday afternoon Overnight low 54 to 62. Hight Thursday 65 lo 73 Elsewhere, from Polnl Concep11on to 1he MeKlcan border end ou1 60 mil&t Light verllbte wtnd1 night and morning hours l>&Oomlng westarly 8 to 18 knots this IWlnlng and Thvt1day Wind waves 1 lo 2 feel lhll aharnoon South-1 swell 1 to 2 feat Moeuy cloudy through Thuradey wllh aome pertlel claerlng 1n the afternoon and evening houra U.S. Summary Thunder1torm1 lh•I produced •large h•ll or tornedoee In the 1 central pl•lnt con1nlnvad but I grew graduelly weaker lodey ea 1 they drll111d 10 lhe eut. I 1 Ob1ervara H id II l•ell two .1w1e1ar1 touched In Nabraske, !one eeat of Lewellen and one wesl of Cheppell, end 1IM lnchea 1of rain fell In Cherry and HOOker (counu ... 1 The weather UNloa M id the I downpour CllUeed some flooding •In the NebrUka lown of Grant. ' white bueball·slzed hell ttll near 'the west edge o f L ake McConnaughy Showers and thunder11orm1 -a widely IClltlered ~ the northern Rodllee. the upper Ohio ! Velley and •long the Allantlc ) Cout and Iha H l1ern Gulf CoaL 1 The r11t ol Ille nation had fair 1 -ther Temper1ture1 eround the nation before d8wTI ranged from 33 In Mlfqu9tte, Mlcil .. to 86 In PhoenlM, Allt. Ealiforaia The N1110na1 w .. t,,., Servlee !)'edict• anon. doudY nlQtlt and momino but wttti 1 °""' c:tmnct ror 1un•hln• tn 1n11nd 1re11 Thunldey •tttrnoon. DMtt1 "''" anoutd ~ oltll: thunden1ormt ere poulbl l In norltlarn mountalne Ind the °"""' Vfl/W;. High ttmPttatu<t lltloUld ~ lfom 72 In Lot Anotlte and Ill ~. belWMn f4 encl 80 In the ""°"'1tllnt, ttom t2 to 102 In the t110t1 dtMrt and ~ H encl 105 In low cs.ene. l toetere "°'" Point ~ion I to ttll Mt!Cloen l>of der oen expeet light, ¥9fiebll winds lontvfll encl early Ttlur•d•y..1 btcomlno .....,iy at 8 to I• knote In IN altt rnOC>n a11d evening wllll I _,.,,.. ..,.. running 1 to 2 .... Still cloudy T ern p era lures NATtO .. HI LAI Pq7 Albany Albvque Amarillo AsllevUle Atlanta Atlante Cty Aull In 8aJUmore Biiiings Slrmlngtlm Slsmarck BoiM Boeton Brownsvtle Svtfalo Sorltnglon Casoet Cl\arlstn SC Cllartstn WV Cllarltle NC Cheyenl'e Cllk:egO Clnc:lnnall Clt1(eland Ctmbla SC Cotvmt>us Del-Fl Wiii Dayton Denyer Det Moines Detroit Ovlvlll El P1to Fargo Flag11att G!'Mt Fall1 Hanford Helena Hoootutu Hovslon lndnaplls Jaclcen MS Jackenvtte Kllfll City LU llagu Unla Rock l~ Lvbboelc Mempl\18 Miami MltwalkM M....,,IP Naa/Wllll N.-on-. N9w Yen Noftolll No. Plait• Oki• City 74 55 10 93 60 91 55 1 15 78 57 82 67 46 ,. 60 90 70 14 81 63 01 86 60 01 84 63 80 57 84 55 03 72 59 04 96 79 68 49 74 56 88 59 84 73 81 56 75 ~ 76 53 lllt!IOnal WH~ s.MI:• I 68 NOAA u S O.Ot of Comm•rc• . s1 Front1: Cold .. Warm ,... 02 69 " 77 5" .09 09 71 48 14 81 69 81 75 51 89 72 75 51 04 83 55 19 78 56 73 48 64 47 99 68 77 60 76 39 84 58 .09 79 57 .18 79 58 .40 89 74 94 77 .60 77 49 01 84 65 83 73 19 82 62 100 73 87 70 81 57 89 51) ea 12 84 81 62 47 n M ea t11 91 7t 1.06 eo eo .18 18 84 84 87 15 ee 68 OrNhe Orlendo Phlladphla Phoani• Plttlburgh P1land, Me Piiand, Ore Provldenoa Aelelgh Reno S•tt t..ak& Sen Antonio SaeUle Shreveport Slou• Fells St Loula SI P-Tempa St S1e Merl4l Spollene Syrecuse Topelce Tucson Tull Wuhlngtn Wlelllta 79 61 92 711 80 58 104 76 13 48 o.i 71 54 05 8A 56 77 112 05 75 ~ 2\ 88 52 89 60 .01 94 67 78 52 87 84 80 82 79 83 .03 88 79 88 38 85 511 70 so 47 82 83 97 6-4 90 n 83 65 07 8A 88 1111 76 100 80 49 9S 84 90 117 72 83 112 114 102 ea &a 82 52 93 68 Redwood Cily Sacr•men1o Sellnu Sen Diego San Francisco Sanll Barbell Senla Merle Stockton Thermal Ukiah 8ar11ow e~ Sear Bl1hop Calallna Leka Arrowhead Long Beach Monrovia Mt. Wiiton Newport Beech Dnterlo Palm Springe Patad&nl San Bernardino S•" Jose San1a Ana S•nla Crut T &hOe Valt.y Yume Snwg Stationary •• n 60 83 SS 63 54 69 65 62 S4 66 56 I 70 89 59 97 91 99 72 75 39 91 56 70 58 75 49 71 61 72 60, 77 60 67 55 70 60 97 67 72 57 74 59 76 58 70 S4 66 57 75 42 91 se The Air OueHty Menagament Olelrlct prec11c11 unt!Mllhfut air for 1«1lltl\'e people tod•y 1n the Sen Fernando end Senta Clartta valleyt end In the AIYerllde end San Bernerdlno "" Where 10 call (1011 frH) for ·----------------------l•t•t IMOQ lntorm•Uon· •. . '-",lliliii;mii!•~-~!-~-1:-~-~-~~-24~::y;::~~:: I counll": (800) 8e7-4710 t. .. AO~D EpllOde Cent9t: (800) ;-• 21819!! :;:::. 1-3 1·2 1·2 1.2 t-:1 1-2 1·2 1·2 1-3 .. ,., .... Temp 58 57 58 58 118 87 80 eo eo eo 90 Tides TODAY-- s.cond IOw &: 11 j>,M. 2.2 Second high 11:21 p.m. e.& TMURIOAY flrsl low 8:41 I rn. 1.3 =~ 1:27 P,fl'I. 4.2 1ow e· 11 p.m. a.a leoond 111g11 1rr1112. 111 Lm. u 8un 11tt todsy It eoOI p.m .. ,.... Ttlur.clsy ., 1:42 1.rn. Moon l1ltl toM)I llt l:o6 a.m., Nie 11t 10.M e>m. major rc•roofing lx'<'3Ll:>e of fart> ddnger SH OPPIN G Allowed a wider variety of rl•ta1l stores - but no video arcades -an a new home improvement cente r under construction a t Culver and lrvme Center drives Police seize man hiding in roof duc t A 22-year-old m a n found hiding in a roof duct at Islander Yachts, Irvine. has been arrested on suspicion of burglary and booked at Orange County Jatl. The man, Augustin Cardenia, 1s a transient from Los Angeles, said Irvine Police Lt. Robert Lennert. Cardema was arrested at the yacht firm, 1922 Barranca Road, when lrvme pohce responded to a burglar a larm sounding about I o'clock this mornlng, with six officers plus the Tustin Police Department Canine Corps, Costa Mesa Police Department he licopter and a unit from the Orange County Sheriff 's Department Several business machines had been put an boxes a t the yacht firm, Lennert said . The lieutenant also said the firm's office had be<!n ransacked. Meanwhile, the t.•ouncsl hcJrd strong encouragement for the· ban from AJex South, an Irvine r esident who runs Cal -Pac Roofing, a statewide operation South said his firm s topped using untreated wooden materials four years ago because of concern about fire danger. He claimed other materials such as asphalt, com positc-or Liil• can be substituted for wood Just as cheaply, and the swa t.ch has T h t· r l' a so n p e o p 1 e a re rc,luctant 1s simply because of trad111on, hl' added UndC'r the proposed ban. any nc·w c·o ns truc11o n would be r<'qu1red to use either more • cxpens1v<' shakes and shingles pr<'ssure-trea ted with f ire rC'tardant chemicals or substitute materials. The same· wou Id be true for maJor rcroofang Jobs. Existing wooden roofs would not be aff{•l t<.'d unll•ss they were substonllally remodeled. BUDGET APPROVED • • • for a street lighting district that formerly was administeri>d bv the county government. · The council imposed new $8.82 annual charges for all residences to make up for the expected loss o f s tate bailout funds th at formerly covered operating costs However. council memlx>rs cul the bill in half, to $4.41. for r esidents who live on private streets as a concession to those who already pay to Light their own roads. Th<.' charges will appear on prop<'rty tax bills. The new budget ss 3 percent less tha n the $20 I million spending plan for this fiscal year. wh1l·h ends Jun<' 30. Thl• approval marks the first llmC' an the city's JO-year history tha1 1ts operauons budget has l><'C'n redu~ Woollett said lack or n ·vcnues from development aet1v1ty and state and federaJ grants caused the reduction CIVIC CENTER • • • A City Hall and school district o ffice are most likely t.o be built first. A performing arts center would b e in a final phase, depending on the outcome ot a s1nular facility near South Coast Plaza -GLENN S<XYIT • Headphones • Stop/eiect • F Fwd • Rew I Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/tone switch Sale $39.88 @SANYO (Sale prloes good thru Mon., June 28. 1982) ••CROWN HARDWARE All Storw ooen T Deya Weatcllff Pleu 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 642-1133 Coron• del Mllr 3107 E. COUt Hwy. 673-2800 Weetclln Tiii 9:00 Thurt. HJrbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 6-44-8570 Anaheim Hlllf i"54~o Sant• Aha canyon. Rd. (at l=~wy.) i? ' 111111 CUii WI UNt ~.OA 'Y JlJNl /.I 1•111.• .., ........... .., ....... O'O•••• UNCROWDED -A lone jogger has th.ia stretch of sand along Newport Beach all to himself, despite the arrival of summer. Unusually cJoudy days have kept the beachgoers away. Summer blahs Beach crowds, tans fading By PHIL SNEIDERMAN of!M DeltJ l'ttot It.ff Weatherwise, this summer's already a bummer. At least that's the word among beach enthusiasts along the Orange Coast. School may be out, bUt students are staying away from the oceanfront in droves. . Stubborn low clouds have been looming overhead all month like a gloomy gray umbrella, p....rompting an epid emic of untanned bodies and unsoaked sWimsuits. · "Attendance has been down by a1 least 50 pen:ent -maybe more than that," reported Bill Kramer, c hief lifeguard at Huntiltgton and Bolsa Chica state beaches. . "It's the crummy weather," he explained. "There's no sun, and the water's pretty cold. At Bolsa, it's almost like winter with so few cars in the parki'ng lot. We've been sending lifeguards home early from some stations." Bob Webster, a spokesman for the National Weather Service, blamed the cloud cover on a strong thermal low in the desert areas that draws moist marine air in off the ocean. Such cloudiness is typical for June, h e said , a lth o ugh traditionally the s un finally breaks through by afternoon. WORLD This year , Webster said, the cloud layer is just too thick, resisting the sun's best efforts at clearing the sky. The gloomy June of 1982 contrasts sharply with the toasty conditions that developed during the same mor.th last year. Off-season Santa Ana winds swe pt through Southern Califorrua last June, sending the mercury pas t the 100-degree mark on several days. Even the traditionally cooler coast did not escape the heat wave . On June 15, 1981, a Newport Beach lifeguard tower recorded a peak temperature of 98.5 degrees. The water was a bathtub warm 71. Need.I~ to say, Orange Coast beaches were swarming with visitors. On Sunday, June 14, 1981, the parking lot at Corona del Mar State Beac h admitted 1,377 vehicles, according to city parking tecords. Last Sunday, about one year later, the same lot recorded just 350 vehicles. Cities such as Newport Beach and Huntington Beach depend on beach parking charges ($3 per car) to add healthy sums to their municipal treasuries. (See SUMMER'S, Page A%) Argentine army takes over BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -The army has taken control of the Argentine government, appointing retired army Gen. Reynaldo Blgnone president over the objections of its junta partners. COUNTY Diedrich begins prison term Ralph Diedrich has fallen from ·the pinnacle of Orange County politics to an existence behind ban. PaRe Bl. Hot ideas from the capital Anne Badham, wife of Rep. Robert Badham1 &-Newport Beach, designed • ~ Club cookbook with r«lpes from famous ~ Pace Dl. \ 11111 11n111 ORANGECOUN TY . C ALlf-OUNIA 25 CENTS Fair theater 'on' again New construction contract signed after delay By JODI CADENHEAD O("ffwO..,NetlWf Backers for the lol'\1--delayed $10 million amphitheater to be built on the Orange County Fairground.a in Costa Mesa have signed a new con1trucUon contract to begin work June 30. Rlck Witte, vice president of the Nederlander qrganiution which has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, said the company signed a contract Monday with C.L . Peck Construction of Irvine. Witte said that he hopes to have th e amphitheater completed by May 15. Groundbreaking was last July 11 for the facility expected to be open by May, 1982, in time for the annual Qranae County Fair. A d.llpute arOle between the Orange County Fair Soard and Nederlander over whether thelr contract agreement called for completion of the amphitheater by June 30 or merely a ligned construction contract. As the week1 of Inac tivity wore on fair board members decided to wait until June 30 before taking any action. By Tuesday officiala for the Orange County Fair Board were still unaware of the future plans for the amphitheater. "I really don 't know anything," said assistant fair board manager John Burke. "We're still optimistic. We'd like t.O see it happen." Witte ia scheduled to meet with fair board members Thursday morning to di.acuss the amphitheater. Witte said that financing fo'rced the Detroit-based company with 28 theaters to delay construction o f the amphitheater. "I don't like it anymore than anyone else," said Witte. "This has been one of the roughest projects to put together." Officials from C.L . Peck declined to comment on the new contract. William Blurock, president of Blurock Partnership, the Newport Beach -based architectural firm that 1s dealgn.i~g the open-air theater, saJd he understoOd that a new contract had been signed and that the project would go ahead. Blurock said he believed that financing was to blame for the project's delay '"If I were sitt1.ng in Detroit I would have canceled any project that spent money," he said. Plans for the bowl-shaped theater include 7,000 permanent seats and space for 8 ,000 add1uonal spectators on the grass. Nederlander took over the amphitheater projec t from Harvey Kresky and was able to settle litigation with the city out of court, enabling plans for the theater to seemingly.move ahead. Mesa sign law change debated Insanity defense confuses jurors? Repertory gets cash • from Mesa Reaction was mixed today to councilman Donn Hall's surprise recommendation to radically alter a sign ordinance that has vexed Costa Mesa officials since it was adopted in 1974. Hall, reading from a three- a n d -a -half -page memo , suggested that the ordinance be modified to exempt present non- conforming signs that were legal prior to passage of the ordinance eight years ago. ''It is my feeling that the signs that at one time were legal under the the n -existing ordinance, should still be legal," :Wd Hall. Weary councilrnembers went along with Hall's proposal late Monday night, asking dty staff to take the steps necessary to legaliz.e present non-<:Onforming signs allowed prior to 1974. The council still will have to approve the ordinance In public meeting. Council members Ed McFarland and Nonna Hertzog voted against the grandfather clause proposal. "We're looking out for 10 percent of the business people in town that have been very vocal. This is a very self-serving decision," said McFarland. "It leaves them in a very favorable position." Mayor Arlene Schafer and Councilwoman Norma Hertzog both said that they have not decided whether or not they will support the revised ordinance when it comes before the council for a public hearing. No date has been set. By STEVE TRIPOU -or the 0...., Not lt8ff The acquittal of John Hinckley in the assassination attempt on President Reagan points up the necessity of eliminating the insanity defense in criminal proceedings, an Orange Coast legal expert said Tuesday. Fonner Judge Marshall Houts of F..merald Bay, who has been a private consultant in numerous criminal cases, said the law should be chan'ed so that juries decide only 1f the accused committed the c rime . The determination of his mental status and appropriate punishment should be left to a judge and psychiatric experts after conviction, he said. "Tbe jury sits there confused and agog at all the psychiatric jargon being thrown around," said Houts. He said jurors in other cases have told him as much. U;ider such circumstances, jurors cannot truly decide on a defendant's sanity, opening th< door for acquittals because they must be certain a defendant was in ordP.r to convict him, Houts said. ''I don't think it's possible for the jury to know if a person is sane because even th e psychiatrists don't know what's going on. They had (in the Hinckley case) six guys saying he was sane and six guys saying he wasn't. NelVport D.., .... ._..~ C HANGE NEEDED - Former judge Marshall Houts says the acquittal of John Hinckley points up the need for eliminating the insanity defense in criminal proceedings. "Hinckley should have been found guilty of committing the crime and then, still within the criminal justice system, you bring in the pros to see what should be done with him and when he can -or if he can -be returned to society." (See INSANITY, Page A%) While other cities are beset with shrinking revenues, Costa Mesa has become a patron of the arts. passing out $10,000 to South Coast Repertory before giving final approvaJ to a $35.2 million budget for the 1982-83 fiscal year. The budget approved by the council Monday night is 4 .8 percent lower than last year's and includes $28.9 million for operations and $6.2 million for capital improvements. City council members decided to consider later a request by the Costa M esa C hamber of Commerce for $60,000 to start a visitor and travel bureau. The donation to South Coast Repertory will come out of the city's general fund, said Alan Roeder, assistant city manager. The budget includes the hiring of four city employees. but does not reflect any salary increases other than nonnal merit raises. Salary negollations are expected later this summer . City manager Fred Sorsabal told the council that the city will be able to reserve 25 percent'of the operating budget. City o fficials are expecting $13.5 million to be added to the city's coffers from sales tax during 1982-83. striker returning "l'll never make a decision at 10:30 at night on a matter as controversial as the sign ordinance," said Ms. Hertzog. "I resented it coming up at the last minute like that. It took us unaware.··· Women end fast, accept impending def eat of ERA The law was passed in 1974 to eliminate the clutter of large business signs towering over the city's downtown skyline. All non-conforming signs were to be removed by 1984. A recent survey of 584 signs in the city found that 141 were conforming or legal signs, 143 were non-conforming or signs that were legal under past ordinances and another 300 were illegal signs that were never allowed. were legal under past ordinances and another 300 were illegal signs that were never allowed. (See SIGN, Page AZ) NATION By STEVE MARBLE or ttie o.., ,... at.ft Newport Beach resident Zoe Ann Ananda and six other women raised plastic champagne glas&es filled with grape juice today and proclaimed an end to their 37-day hu1!Ber strike In support of the Equal Rights Amendment. The women, gathered in Springfield, the capital of Illinois, were going home. They were happy. But the moment was undercut by what now appears to be the certain death of ERA. Bitter over recent rejections of the constitutional amendment by several key stat.es, the women still raised their glaaaes and toasted what several called "the new era of women." New savings firms thriving A. a whole, the savings and loan industry has seen better times, but aome new S&La, not burdened with old, low-interest mortgages, are piling up profits. Page C4. Stock market rallies NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, spurred by congressional budget approval today, rallied, with the Dow Jones index up 13.51 points to 813.17. STATE LIVERMORE (AP) - A planned third day of anU-nuclear weapon d~natratlona at Lawrence Livennore Labon10ry fb:ded today when no me turned out to protelt. "I'm getting really excited about the prospect of coming h ome, eating, and seeing my dogs," said Ms. Ananda, owner of a bookstore in N ewport's Cannery Village. , She conceded that ERA, which must be ratified by June 30, appears to be a dead issue. '"We expected that and we put up the best fight we could," she commented. "I'll be happy getting on that plane and going home.'' She expects to fly home ThW'9day evening with fellow hunger striker, Dina Bachelor, a Los Angeles resident. While the women were calling an end to their fast, lawmakers in Illinois were vowing to press for INDEX At Your Service Business Herb Caen Calilomia Cavalcade Claaslfied Comica en.wont Death Noticel EditorSal Entertainment Food Horoecope A4 C4-6 B2 A5 B2 Fl,F4-6 F2 F2 E3 A6 B6 01-8,El-6 B2 SPORTS a last-ditch effort to save the measure. lllinois lawmakers came up four votes short of the required three-fifth margin needed for passage of a constitutional amendment Tuesday. Illinois is one of the few states that has such a three-fifth rule. Ms. Ananda said even if Illinois does reverse itself on the measure. that would still leave ERA two states s h o rt of ratification with the c lock running out. Lawmakers in Florida rejected the measure Monday. Three of the strikers had grown so weak in recent days that they were confi.ned to wheelctiairs. lntermission Ann Landers Movies · Mutual Fund.a National News Public Notices Sports Stock Marketa Television Thea ten w .. thet World News B3 B2 B6 C4 A3 B4.F3 Cl-3 C5 B6 B6 A2 A3 Rangers stop Carew's streak Rod~ who knows all about hlUinc streUa. had one ato by Texas. Paae Cl. , 14 students • Will Rotary grants F ourttwn 1tUdt."nts have ~lved 11eholun1hlp awatda (rom the <Alto M<•11tl Rotary Club. All o( thP Jut1I OI' h igh achoo! students honon>d by the Rotary clu b received Webster dicttonaries. Trac~y Hcuel, Sbaoooo Sc hol es and Krl1ta Middlebrook were winne rs from TeWinkle school. Davis school winners were Maura Mc Gllnn, Brian Hirano and J ohn Hyde. Kaiser school students •Four Newport Beach elementary students have been hof\ored by the Amerkan Cancer Society for their e fforts in an ant1 - smoking <.'Ontest, Honored was Amy Alward, honored Included ltarea HaaaenJ... Autum Gray 1nd Tu1em uo. Costa Mcaa High School 11tudent11 Alan Yoona a nd M4rto Weapbal each rec.-elved • $200 t1eholarahlp. WUllam Thomas and Craig Oklum received $200 scholarships f or the ir scholastic achievements nt ~tanda High School. Susan Weibel Conde, an Orange Coast College student, a l so received a $200 scholarsh1 p. Randi Stein. Gwyn Stanley and Stephanie Scheck. all students at Newport Heights Elementary. The students created posters as part of an education program aimed at teaching children the dangers of smoking. Israeli jets, guns hplt Syrian push BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - lsraeh warplanes and artillery attacked Syrian and Palestinian guernlla fon.-es trying to advance into Israeli-held areas m the mountains east of Beirut today. Heavy fighung also erupted near Beirut airport Israel said its forces killed two Syrian soldiers and wounded several in the mountain battles. It also said two Israeli soldiers were wounded when their vehicle stru<'k a mine near Ra<'h aiya . an south eastern Lebanon. The Tel Aviv command said the Syrians lried to push in to Israeli-held territory cast of Lake Qaaroun, 25 miles southeast of Se1rut, and then, ~01ned by Injunction OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) Superior Court Judge John L. :• Cole approved a te mporary injunction prohibiting an East Los Angeles company, Custom Plating Corp., from discharging more than s mal 1 levels of chromium, cyanide. copper, nickel and zin<' into the county sewers guerrillas, attempted to move south o{ the Beirut-Damascus highway in central Lebanon under a covering artillery and tank barrage. Israel i heavy guns and warplanes were "silencing the sources of fi re.'' the Tel Aviv command said. The Palestine Liberation Organization said Israeli forces launched an intensive artillery barrage in the hills around the Syrian stronghold of Aley and tried to advance from th eir positions around Mansouriyeh, Associated Press correspondent Tom Baldwin reported Crom the vicinity of the Israeli-surrounded presidential palace a t Baabda that artiUery shells exploded in Syrian-held terntory every 10 or W seconds. Baldwin r eported t h at intensive small-arms fire could be h eard from B eirut 's international airport where Israeli and Palestinian for<'es have faced each other in almost static positions for more than a week. The Israelis agreed to a re n ewed cease-fire Tuesday evenir.g, conditional on Syria holding its fire. Temperatures Coastal Partial allernoon c1eer1ng or low clouds IOday H1gt1s 66 10 i4 Low cloYdS night and morning hours lonlght and ThurSday, thon par11y cloudy Thurlday lltternoon Overnight low 54 10 62 Highs Thursday 65 IO 73 NATtOM HI Lo Pep 74 55 10 93 60 91 55 t 15 78 57 82 67 48 74 80 90 70 14 81 63 0 1 86 60 01 ~ 63 80 57 84 SS 03 72 59 04 96 79 • ID By PATRICK KENNEDY Ofthe 0.U, "9t •tan John Charlca Gale, a Conner follower of 1960. drui guru Or. Timothy L JAry and tho man pollt.'t! accuted ol heading on of th6 larg ·•t cocaine 8muaallng opcrutlon• In Orange County hi»tory, has died In a. alnsle car <'rl\th ln Dana Pulnt. Ttw 33-year-old Gale, of El Toro, was identified by Highway Patrol offk(lrs as the man they found Tuesday a t 5:30 a .m . pinned beneath a 1971 Mercedes In ~ P"rk off Del Obispo Street just east of Pactfk Coast Highway Officers say Gale apparentJy lost control of the <'W at a high rate of spet-d The vehicle went over a curb, <'rashed into a tree nnd careened tnto a sign Gale was ejected and fell bef)eath the car as tt rolled on its side, author1t1es said The accident occurred somNime Tuesday morning. Gale waci pronounced dead at the scne. At the lime of his death, Gale was awaiting trial on charges that ht• was involved in a multi- m1Uion dollar t'OCaine sm uggling operation that police unveiled in Laguna Beach on April 28, 1981 Gale was free on $250,000 bail. He had pleaded innocent to the charges against him. Gale's connections to drug traff1cklllg goes back at least to the early 1970s. He allegedly was a key memb<'r of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. a group labeled by police invesugators as the Largest dealer of LSD, hashish and hashish oil tn the world ln 1973. he was indicted and convicted of possession and conspiracy to sell LSD He was sentenced to one to 10 vears. but R escuer s find pilot's body in wreckage The body of a pilot who left Orange County Airport Monday en route to San Diego was found an the plane's wreckage near Loveland Reservoir Tuesday. Sterhng Meyer. 59, a La Mesa busmessman. crashed in heavy fog Monday on a hillc;ide 25 miles east of San Diego. The plane disappeared from Gillespie Field radar screens in San DIE~go Monday and a resident near the crash scene reported hearing an explosion. Sheriff's reservists found the wreckage and the body after a two-day search Elsewhere . J1om Poln l Conceollon lo lh• Me111cen t>Otdet and OYI 60 mllet Light vvlable wtnd1 nlgt11 and motnlng hOurt becoming W6Sl8fly 8 10 16 knots lhla evening and T11Y11dl')I Wind wives 1 lo 2 feet Ihle alternoon Sooth-I swell 1 10 2 teel M ostly cloudy through Thursday with some paru11 cte1rlng In the efternoon and Albany Albuque l\marlllo Asllovllfe Allan1a Atlante Ctv A11s1ln Baltimore BllHngs Blrm1nghm Blsmetck Boise Botton B•ownsvlle ButtelO Burltogton Cuper Chans1n SC Char191n WV c:ti.n11e NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnclnnall Ctewland Ctmbla SC Columbva Oal-f"I Wth Dayton Oef!Yef 68 49 74 56 88 59 84 73 81 56 75 64 76 53 69 « 17 S4 "la~ Wealher 5eMct I 68 HOM U S Otc>I 01 Comm9'ce eYMlng "°"" U.S. S ummary ThYnde<1lorm1 that produced larQe hall or tornadoes In the centtal plalnt contnlnu•d but gr-greouelly weaker today u they drifted to ·the ea11 Observers Hid 11 18111 two twisters louched In Nebraika one eatl ol Lewellen and one WISI ol Cneppejl, end .ix Inches ol rain fell In Cherry and Hooker counllee. • The -•ther Ml"llee M id Ille downoour c1used some nooding In lhe Nebr111k• town or Grant while bHeb1ll-1li;ed hall Jell near the we11 edge or Lake Mcconnaughy Shower• and thunder11orm1 -• widely ecattered over the "°'1hern Aootllft, the Uppet Ohio Valley and along •h• Atlantk: Cout and \he ... tern Gulf COMt The rMt of the nation t1ad lalt _,,,., Tempe ratures eround 1'1• Nllon before dawn renged from 38 In Marquette, Mich • 10 88 In Ptioentx, Artz. California Tile Nlllof)ti Weather Slf'f1ce predict.I anolMf ctoudy night and mom•no but w11t1 • belt"' cnanoe lor 1un1hlne In Inland are11 ThU<tday afternoon. o-1 1111ea should be cteer; thtJndefllomll ar• po11l b te tn nor1hern mountalne and Ille e>w.nt Veilfy High lem~u<t thOIJld ,._,. from 72 In l.ot ~ Ind 11 ~. betwMl'I 1• and to In the mountatna, from 02 lo 102 In lht high a-1 Ind ~ ti end 106 In tow ~. lloeten trom POlnt Conception to tM MQ4can botOtf CM\~ llgfll ~ ~ t(Wllgllt 8nd eulr Tllurtdt)'J becoming we9tttly M I lo ht knota In 1M tf1ernoon and evenlno with a _,..,.... ..... Nflftifto I to I ..... Des MolnM Oelroll Oulult1 El Paso Feroo Flagatelf Greel F1ll1 Hartle><d Helena HonolulY Hou•ton lndnapll• Jacktn MS Jeck•nvlle Kans City LUVegu llttle Rode l..OllleYllle LYbboc* ~ Miami MllWaukM Mpl•St.P NMhVll!e ,..... ()f1Mne ,.._York NortOlll No.~. Olcla City .s1 Fronta: Cold ..,. Warm .,., .02 09 .09 71 48 14 81 69 St 75 51 89 72 75 51 .04 83 55 t9 78 58 73 48 64 47 99 68 77 60 76 39 84 5S .09 79 57 .18 79 58 .40 89 74 94 77 .80 77 49 01 8-4 85 83 73 .19 82 62 100 73 87 70 81 57 89 59 .30 88 72 84 81 62 ., 77 se .. 67 e1 11 1 oe 80 60 18 78 84 84 67 .15 86 68 Omaha Oriando Ph4laOphla Phoenix Pltttburgh Piland, Me Piiand, CKe Provldenoe ~ Salt Lah San Antonio Seattle Shrevepor1 SIOYx Fat11 SI LOYla St P-Tampa SI Sle Marie s~ Syrecuse Topeka Tucson Tu!t WUhlng1n Wlchlt1 79 92 80 104 73 71 84 77 75 88 811 94 78 87 80 711 ,88 88 85 70 82 97 90 83 84 CAl.lf'ORNIA Baker1fleld Blylhe EYt-. Frwno l..ancaal• ~~ Montto'ey Needlee Oak lend Paeo Aob4M Red Bluff 61 76 58 76 48 04 54 05 58 62 05 85 21 52 80 01 87 52 CIA 82 63 03 711 38 59 50 47 113 64 72 65 07 88 98 78 100 60 •9 93 84 90 67 72 83 112 84 102 68 68 82 52 113 68 Redwood City Secramento Satin• San o..go San Francisco Santa Barbare Sanlt Marla Slockton Thermal Ukiah 86r11ow Big Bear Blst1op Catalina Lake Arrowt!Md Long Beach Monrovll Mt. Wiison N-port Beach Onta,;o P1lm Springs Paaaden• San Bernardino S11n Jose Santa An• Santa Cryz TahOe V1lley Yuma Smog Statiof\ary • • 72 60 83 55 63 54 69 65 62 SA 68 58 70 89 511 97 01 99 72 75 311 91 se 70 58 75 49 71 111 72 60, 77 80 67 55 70 80 97 67 72 57 74 69 76 58 70 54 68 67 75 A2 A7 66 Tll• Air Qu111ly Manege'"-'lt Ol1trlcl Prldk:11 Ynl'letlllhful alr lor aer\lltlve people todey In the San Fer"nandO and $anta Clertta valley9 and In ltle ~ and Safi Bernardino a,... Where to c11t (toll lr••I tor -:.~'!:.-.--.-----------------lllNI 1mog Information: OrangeCounty:(SOO)AAs.3826 r •• SURF RIP I RT 2.~~0t,_noatH County· (800)· • Rlveralde and San Betnarotno coontl•: (800) 387·•710 ~ AQMO ~ C.,,ter: (800) Eili?i:lli??iii.._n ___________ 2•2~m Looett.ft Hun11ng1on e1un1 Huntington Pier Santa Ant AAolr Jelly '40th8'.~ 22nd ••. ~ IMlboeWedge Aodlplle, LaouN == ..,,~,.., Tr.,.,.., (T...,._) --... Temp Tides 58 57 ae 118 58 117 60 80 80 80 80 -----= TOOAV hcOnd tow 6: 11 p .m. 2.2 Second high II :21 p .m. U 1MMIOAY fWlt low 6.AI a.m. 1.3 '1ftt lllQfl 1:27 p.m. 4.2 8ecOncf loW t : 11 ,.m. U 8«lOnd high (Frl)12: 1 8."'-S.t lun -· locMY .. l:OI p.11\ •• I'!.-Tllund«)' II 6:•2 a.m. Moon ,,... tod«y •t l'O& a.m~ Mt1 et IO:H p.111. ) only tt'rvt•d a 11hort Um~ In pnaon Our1n.c t•ourt tc-atlmony Gale admitted pou Hing 11everal thousand dOllel of LSD at varlou. Urnet1 lie also wa. ldentWud In t<'Sllmony before th(' gr1;tnd jury as tht• mun who walked through Southern California rock concert crowds givin.c oway LSD. When lht.' a lleged co<·alne smuA1tgl 108 operat io n was unmasked lut1t year, Gulc and fivt' others wt-rt> arrested In raids on two homes. Authorities confiscated 23 pounds of t'OCame -the largest seizure in Orange County h1Btory -two submachine guns, gold ;md gems valued al $500,000 n1vl more than $130,000 in cash. The <'OCaine was valued at more than $7 m1lhon. author1uei. said. Mesa cops attacked b y animal Costa Mesa polict> Investigating a residential burglary Tuesday got more than they bargained for when they opened a bedroom door and were attacked by a large furry animal resembling a r a<."COOn . OCCtcer Chano Camarillo said that the tropical animal known as a C'oati leaped from a tree and charged toward his foot. The long snouted mammal sped past him and cornered Sgt. Dennis Cost m a rear bedroom. Cost shot the animal to death A neighbor had called police at 2·20 p.m to report that two men were attempting to -burglarize the house at 2188 Canyon Road. One su..,pect, Octavio Estrena, 34. Costa Mesa was arrested on suspicion of burglary. The other man remains at large. Police found numerous household items stacked against a window and believe the pair were frightened away by the coati Laguna Beach res ta ura teur dead a t 62 Restaurateur Robert L . Geyer. founder of the J olly Roger restaurant C'ha1n and a :36-year Corona del Mar resident, died Tuesdav He was 62. Mr. Gey~r opened the first Jolly Roger an 1948 on Balboa Island. Others soon followed an Anaheim and Laguna Bea<'h. He sold his restaurant empire 1n 1966 but held ont o the restaurant in Laguna and later started the BoJaX <'hain with three locations in Orange County. Mr Geyer leaves his wife Anita; a daughter. Sharon. and two grand<'hildren He a lso leaves a brother. Jat'k, and a sister Lois Geyer, both of Laguna Beach Funeral services aJ e pend in~. Endorsing nixed HOLL YWOOO (AP) -A Screen Actors Guild leader says the union board's decision to avoid making p o litical endorsements is not a slap at SAG's outspoken and politically active president, Ed Asner. ~\ ~ Continued stories INSANITY DEFENSE . • • Houta, a lorroor FBI •a~nt, la the editor of Tr!lunul, the laraest cir <'ul.-tlon mt>dlcal-legal publication for lawyers ln the world. He 11 a consultant in fort•n11lc medicine and toXll'fJlogy u.nd u cllnlcal prof •isisor of puthology at UC lrvlno. Houts said hl11 isystem would allow psychiatriats to apply their knowledge u 1t rl'la t e:s to crltnlnal cases in "a non adversary atmosphere. "I don't mean -to do away with the psych1atnst.s in these cases altogether," he said But H outs added that ronv1ction for major crimes, even 1f the defendant is judged insane. should carry minimum sentences. That time can be devoted to psychiatric treatment for the defondant 1f necessary, he ~1d. "The emphasis has got to tx> balanced out between the nght.s of society and the rights of the defendant,'' Houts said. Houts also s~ud Tuesday that HlnckJ~y·1 14.'qUltt.aJ "l• opening the door to wholesale ttlauaha..·r. "The p11y<'hiotrlc teallmony found in this Hincklc·y caae i.s !IO -.bflurd tx-cuuae the evidence to a l(rea\ exte nt showed he waa sdi I zoph rj!n i<'," he uld ••By gl)a h, tht·i·c are m1111on 1 o f schizophrenics. lf schlwphrenla 111 going to be a defe nae for murder, it's JUSt opening the door for wholesale slaughter." "When you get right down to tl," Houts said, "the more biza.n't! the behavior, the stron ger dt'fens<' for ll'Wlnity you have. But that Is exactly the type of person you don't want turned loose on !.octety That is the logical and practical tn<'OnsLSten<·y built into the whale thing .. Houts said that in many places Hinckll'Y would have been free to walk out of the courtroom if a<'quttwd Only a stricter set of laws an Washington, D.C., kept H1m·kley confined a fter the verdict, he srud SUMMER 'S BUMMER • • • With beach attendanre down. so is the income. Christ opher Rey. parking supervisor for Huntington City Beach, said his 2,100-space lot is typically filled each weekend during the sununer. This June, he reports, the lot has been filled just once -for (lbout 15 minutes on Sunday, June 6. Between June I and June 20, 1981. during the heat wave. ;$8,- 286 vehicles parked at the city beach lot, Rey says. During the same period thlS year, the total was about 15,0UO less than half of the 1981 figure. Hey said the gloomy weather has been tough on his employees, too Hl''s had to sen d same parking attendants home each day because there's just not enough work for them. There 1s one silver hnmg in the cloud cover Act:ording to the South Coast Air Quality Management D1!>trtct , June has been particularly easy on the lungs bc<'ause sunshine ts reqwred to produce photo-<'hemical smog. SIGN ORDINANCE . • • Hall's proposal if adopted will exempt the present non - t'On!onning signs, thus allowing signs erected legally prior to 1974 to remain. Doug Clark, city development services director for the city, said that the removal of non - C'onforming signs from the ordinance will make it very difficult to enforce the sign law for new businesses. He estimated that 20 percent of the <'ity's 3,500 businesses have non-conforming signs. "Quite frankly I would like to see a decision made.'' said Clark. "It's going to be difficult to enforce the ordinan<'e. 1t will make it very difficult for us." Support for the r evised ordinance came from Chamber of a I lowed to stand until t he business it advertises is sold. City officials said that it would be too diffl<'uh to determine if and when a business <'hanged hands. During the meeting Monday night Hall s uggested that businesses with non-conforming signs be required to meet the provisions of the sign ordinance when their sign is altered. Wimb'1edon match won b y McEnroe Commerce members who sa1d WIMBLEOON. England (AP) that they were told by Hall that John MC'Enroe overcame both the sign ordinance would be his errauc strokes and his erratic discussed at the meeting. behavior to post a 6-3. 6-3. 7-5 "I think that it's what we had victory over Eddie Edwards of hoped would transpire for the South Africa today and advance last 10 years," said Ken Fowler. into the third round of the All- president of the chamber. "I England tennis champ1onsh1p at don't see how you can put ·an a Wimbledon (Earltcr story, Cl). sign ordinance and make 1t retroactive." Umpire George Arm strong Chamber of commerce oHicaals tssut>d the first warning of the have long complained that the tournament against McEnroe law is restrictive and a financ:ial "for abu!W of ball" in the third burden to small businessmen game.• of the final set when the Monday niaht was t th f left-hander, upset because he "'9 no e 1rst ___ _, 11 heel Lime that city off1c1als have mi~" an easy vo ey, smas the ball into the net. tan~led over the issue of the sign ordinance. In 1979 Councilman A brief exchange between Hall won a pproval from his McEnroe and Armstrong ensued. colleagues to establish a sign It was one of several the young ordinance committee to study the Amert<'an carried on with controversial law. offtcaals dunng the course of the Last year Councilwoman ma,t.ch, in addition to berating Hertzog suggested that any sign himself on a number of occasions le all erected before 1974 be for poor shots. --..;__.;;:=....~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~ • Headphones • Stop/ eiect • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select I ton• switch Sale $39.88 @SANYO (Sale prices good 1hru Mon .• June 28, 1982) ....... HARDWARE AH Stor .. Ol*1 ' Daya WMtollH Pim 1024 lrvlne Ave. Newport Beach 642-1133 Coronadelllar 3107 e. Coat Hwy. 87~2800 Weetellff Tiii 8:00 Thure. Harbor View Center 1814 San Miguel Or. Newport Beach 64~8570 Anaheim Hlllt 1~ ,~ •• Ana canye>f, Rd. (ltl=~·> I .. llllllCUIT Wt: DNI SOA Y. JUNl 'JJ. l'JBl 0.-, ,... "*o bf f'atftok O'Oanllell UNCROWDED -A lone jogger has this stretch of sand along Newport Beach all to himself, despite the arrival of summer. Unusually cloudy days have kept the beachgoers away. Summer blahs Beach crowds, tans fading BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN of the Dally Piiot Stan , Weatherwise, this summer's already a bummer. At least that's the word among beach enthusiasts a long the Orange Coast. School may be out, but studenl'> a re staying away from the oceanfront in droves. Stubborn low clouds have been looming overhead all month like a gloomy gray umbrella, prompting a n epidemic of untanned bodies and unsoaked sw1msuits. "Attendance has been down by at least 50 percent -maybe more than that," reported Bill Kramer, ch ief lifeguard at Huntington and Bolsa Ch ica state beach es. "It's the crummy weather," he explained. "There's no sun, and the water's pretty cold. At Bolsa. it's almost like winter with so few car s in the parking lot. We've been sending lifeguards home early from some stations." Bob We bster , a spokesman for the National Weather Service, blamed the cloud cover on a strong thermal low in the desert areas that draws moist marine air in off the ocean. Such cloudiness is typical for June, h e said . although traditionally the sun finally breaks through by afternoon . WORLD This year, Webster said, the cloud layer is just too thick, resisting the sun's best efforts at clearing the sky. The gloomy June o f 1982 contrasts sharply with the toasty conditions that developed during the same mor:th last year. Off-season San ta Ana winds s w e pt through Southern California last June, sending the mercury past the 100-degree mark on several days. , Even the tradit!onally cooler coast did not escape the heat wave On June 15, 1981 , a Newport Beach lifeguard tower recorded a peak temperature or 98.5 degrees. The water was a bathtub warm 71. Needless to say, Orange Coast beach es were swarming with visitors. On S unday, June 14, 1981, the parking lot at Corona del Mar S tate Beach admitted 1,377 ve h icles, according to city parking records. Last S unday, about one year later, the same lot recorded just 350 vehicles. Cities such as Newport Beach and Huntington Beach depend on beach parking charges ($3 per car) to add healthy sums to their municipal treasuries. (See SUMMER'S, Page At) Argentine army takes over BUENOS AIRFS, Argentina (AP) -The army has taken control of the Argentine government, appointing retired army Gen. Reynaldo Bignone president over th e objections of its junta partners. COUNTY Diedrich begins prison term Ralph Diedrich has fallen from the pinnacle of Orange County politics to an existence behind ban. Page Bl. Hot ideas lrom the capital Arule Badham, wife of Rep. Robert Badham, ~Newport Beach, detigned • Cong:relsional Club cookbook with recipes from famous names. Page Dl. . . -. .. . . . . . -.. -' ... I HlulJICU ./ 'On' Fair theater • again New construc tion contract signed after d elay By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM ~Not ..... Backers for the long-delayed $10 million amphitheater to be built on the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa have signed a new construction contract to begin work June 30. Rick Witte, vice president of the Nederlander Organization which has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, said the company signed a contract Monday with C.L . Peck Construction of Irvine. Witte said that he hopes to ha ve the amphitheater completed by May 15. Groundbreaking was last July 1 I for the facility expected to be open by May, 1982, in time for the annual Orange County Fair. A d.iapute aroee between the Orange County Fair Board and Nederlander over whether their contract agreement called for completion of the amphitheater by June 30 or merely a signed construction contract. Aa the weeka of inactivity wore on fair board members decided to wait until June 30 before taking any action. By Tuesday officials for the Orange County Fair Board were still unaware of the future plans for the amphitheater. "I reall y d o n 't know a nything," said assistant fa ir board manager J ohn Burke . "We're still optimistic. We'd like to see it happen.'' Witte ls sch eduled to meet with fair b oard members Thunday morning to discuss the amphitheater. Witte said t~ fin a ncing forced the D e oi l -based company ,with 28 heaters to delay con s truc t ion o f the amphitheater. "I don't like it anymore than anyone else," said Witte. "This has been one of the roughest projects to put together.'' Officials from C .L . P eck declined to comment o n the new contract. William Blurock, president of Blurock Partnership, t h e N e wport Beach -based archit~c tural firm that is designmg the open-lllr theater, said he understood that a new contract had been signed and that the project would go ahead. Blurock said he believed that financing was to blame for the project's delay. "If I were situng in Detroit 1 would have canceled any project that spent money," he said. Plans rbr the bowl-shaped theater include 7,000 permanent seats and spac e for 8,000 add1tionaJ spectators on the grass. Nederlander took over the amphitheatt-r project from Harvey Kre8ky and was able to settle lillgat1on w ith the ci ty out of court, enabling plans for the theater to !iff'mingly move ahead. Mesa sign law change debated Insanity defense confuses jurors? Repertory gets cash froni Mesa Reaction was mixed today to counctlman Donn Hall's surprise recommendation to radically alter a sign ordinance that has vexed Costa Mesa officials since it was adopted in 1974 Hall, reading from a three- a n d -a -half -page memo , suggested that the ordinance be modified to exempt present non- conforming signs that were legaJ prior to passage of the ordinance eight years ago. "It is my feeling that the signs that at one time were legal under the then-existing ordinance, should still be legal," ~d Hall Weary council.members went along with Hall's proposal late Monday night, asking city staff to take the steps necessary to legafu:e present non-conforming signs allowed prior to 1974. The counciJ still will have to approve the ordinance in public meeting. Co un ci l members Ed McFarland and Norma Hertzog voted against the grandfather clause proposal. "We're looking out for 10 percent of the business people in town that have been very vocal. This is a very self-serving decision," said McFarland. "It leaves them in a very favorable position." Mayor Arlene Schafer and Councilwoman Norma Hertzog both said that they have not decided whether or not they will support the revised ordina nce when it comes before the council for a public hearing. No date has been set. By STEVE TRIPOLI Of Ille Dally PHol Stefl The acquittal of John Hinckley in the assassination attempt on President Reagan points up the necessity of e limina ting th e insanity defense in c r iminal proceedings. an Orange Coast legal expert said Tuesday. Former Judge Marshall Houts of Emerald Bay. who has been a private consultant in numerous criminal cases, said the law should be changed so that juries decide o nl y if t h e a ccused committed the c rime . The determination o f his m e ntal s tatu s and appropriate punishment should be left to a judge and psychiatric expert.s after conviction, he said. "The jury sits there confused and agog at all the psychiatric jargon being thrown a round," said Houts. He said jurors in other cases have told him as much . Under such circumstances, jurors cannot truly decide on a defendant's sanity, opening th~ door for acquittals because they must be certain a defendant was in ord"'r to convict him, Houts said. "I don't think it's possible for the jury to know if a person is sa n e because even the psychiatrists don't know what's going on. They had (in the Hinckley case) six guys saying he was sane and six guys saying he wasn't. Newport D.-, Piiot It.ff ""'40 CHANGE NEEDE{) - Former judge Marshall Houts says the acquittal of John Hinckley points up the need for eliminating the insanity defen se in c riminal proceedings. "Hinckley should have been found guilty of committing the crime and then, still within the criminal justice system, you bring in the pros to see what should be done with him and when he can -or if he can -be returned to society." (See INSANITY, Page At) While other cities are beset with shrinking revenues, Costa Mesa has become a patron of the arts, passing out $10,000 to South Coast Repertory before giving fmal approval to a $35.2 million budget for the I 982-83 fi scal year. The budget approved by the council Mond ay nig ht 1s 4.8 percent lower than last year's and includes $28.9 million for operations and $6.2 milhon for capital improvements. City council members decided to consider later a request by the Costa Mesa Chambe r of Commerce for $60.000 to start a visitor and travel bureau. T he donation to South Coast Repertory will come out of the city's general fund, said Alan Roeder, assistant city manager. The budget includes the hiring of four city employees, but does not reflect any salary increases other than normal merit raises. Salary negotiations are expected later this summer. City manager Fred Sorsabal told the council that the city will be able to reserve 25 percent of the operating budget. City off1c1als are expecting $13.5 million to be added to the city's coffers from sales tax during 1982-83. striker returning "I'll never make a decision at 10:30 at night on a matter as co ntroversial as th e sign ordinance," said Ms. Hertzog. "I resented it coming up at the last minute hke that. It took u s unaware." Women end fa st, accept impending defeat of ERA The law was passed in 1974 to eliminate the clutter of large business signs towering over the city's downtown skyline. All non-conforming signs were to be -removed by 1984. A recent survey of 584 signs in the city found that 141 were conforming or legaJ signs, 143 were non-conforming or signs that we re legal under past ordinances and another 300 were illegal sign s that were never allowed. were legal under past ordinances and another 300 were illegal signs that were never allowed. (See SIGN, Page At) NATION By STEVE MARBLE O(tM D.., ..... ..,, Newport Beach resident Z.oe Ann Ananda and six other women raised plastic champagne glasses filled with grape juice today and proclaimed an end to their 37-day hunger strike in support of the Equal Rights Amendment. The w ome n , gathe r e d in Springfield, the capital of Illinois, were going home. They were ha ppy. But the moment was undercut by what now appears to be the certain death of ERA. Bitter over recent rejections of the cons.titutional amendment by several key states, the women still raised their glasses and ..._ ~ted what several called "the new era of women.'' New savings firms thriving As a whole, the savings and loan industry has seen better times, but some new S&Ls, not burdened. with old, low-interest mortgages, are piling up profits. Page C4. Stock market rallies NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, spurred by con~ional budget approval today, rallied, with the Dow Jones index up 13.61 points to 813.17. STATE LIVERMORE (AP) -A planned third day of anti-nuclear weapon demonatratlona at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory flzlled today when no ofte turned out to protest. .. "I'm getting reall y excited about the prospect of co ming home, eating, a nd seeing my dogs." said Ms. Ananda, owner of a boo k s tore in Newport's Cannery Village. She conceded that ERA, which must be ratified by June 30, appears to be a dead i.s.'iue. "We expected tha t and we put up the best fight we could," sh e commente d . "I'll b e happy getting on that plane and going home." She expects to fly home Thursday evening with fellow hunger striker, Dina Bachelor, a Los Angeles resident. While the women were calling an end to their fast, lawmakers in Illinois were vowing to press for INDEX Al Your Service Business Herb Caen California Cavalcade Classified Comics Cro.word Death Notices Editorial F.ntertainment Food Horoecope A4 C4-6 B2 A5 B2 Fl,F4-.6 F2 F2 E3 A6 86 Dl-8,El-5 B2 SPORTS . a last-ditch effort to save the measure. Illinois lawmake rs came up four votes short of the required three-fifth margin n eeded for passage of a con stitutional amendment Tuesday. Illinois is one of the few states that has such a three-fifth rule. M s . A n a nda said even if Illinois does reverse itself on the measure, that would still leave ERA two states s h ort o f ratification with the clock running out. Lawmakers m Florida rejected the measure Monday. Three of the strikers had grown so weak in recent days t hat they wer e confined t o wheelchairs. tn terrnission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notit-es Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World Ne'Yh B3 B2 86 C4 A3 B4,F3 Cl-3 C5 B5 B6 A2 A3 ... Range~ stop Car.ew's streak Rod Qarew, who knows all about hittina streaks. had one stopped by Texas. Page C 1. • J Drug suspect dies in crash stories 14 students • 'Will Rotary grants FourtP••n :c tudcnts huvo l't!t'CIVt-d IM:holurstup HWl•rdrc I rum the Cos tu Mt-ma ltot.ury Club. All of tht.• JunarH high school studcm\8 honored by the R otary d ub received Webster dl<'Uotaarie11. Tracey H essel, Shannon Sc bol e11 und Krista Middlebrook were winners Crom TtAWinkJco !l('hool Davis school wmners were Maura McG llnn, Brian Hirano and John Hyde. Kaist•r s1:h ool stude nts •Four Newport Bl'ac h elementary students have been hono r e d by t he Amc·rkon Cancer Society for t he i r d ft) rt s i n an a nti - !>moking l'ontt•st Honored was Amy Alward, honored included Karea HanseoJ... Aucum Gray •nd Tu1em uo. Costo Meu High School Rtudents Alan Yoaoa and Marlo Wespbal c•uch received a $200 8Cho1orshtp. WllUam Thoma• and Crall O khem received $200 sc h o lars hips for their scholastic achievements at F.standa High School. S usan Weibel Conde, an Orange Coast College student, a l so r e c·e iv ed a $2 0 0 scholarship. Randi S tein. Gwyn Stanley and Stephanie Scheck , aJl stude nts at Newpart Heights Elemen tar y. ThC' students created posters as part of an educalaon program a imed at teaching children the dangers of smoking. Israeli jets, guns .halt Syrian push BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - braeh warplanes and arullery ;lltacked Syrian and Palesuman ~uerrilla forces trying to advanet.' 1nto lsraelr -hcld a re as an the mountains east of Beirut today 'Heavy Cightmg also erupt~ near Beirut airport Israel said 1ts forces killed two Syrian soldiers and wounded BCveral m the mount.am battles. It also said two Israeli soldiers we r e w ou nded whe n the 1 r vehic le s truck a mane near Rachaiya , 1n southeaste rn Lebanon. The Tel Aviv command said the Syrians tned to push into lsraelj -held territory east of Lake l.,laaroun, 25 males southeast of B eirut. and then, ~oant-d by Injunct ion OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) S uperior Court Judge John L. (C~le a pproved a te mpo rary • lnJUnctaon prohibiting an East Los Angeles <.'Ompany, Custom Plating Corp . from daschargmg more than small levels o f C'hromium, cyanide, copper, nickel and i.mt· mto the county sewers. gut.•rrallas, a ttemptea to move south of the Beirut-Damascus highway an centra l Lebanon under a covering artillery and tank barrage. Is ra e li heavy guns a nd warplanes were "silencing the so~ of fll'e," the Tel Aviv command said. T h e P a l estine L iberatio n Organii.ation sajd Israeli forces launched an intensive artillery barrage in the hills around the Synan stronghold of Aley and tried to advance from their positions aroMd Mansouriyeh. Associated Press correspondent Tom Baldwin re ported from the vicinity of the Israeli-surrounded presidential palace at Baabda that arllllery shells exploded in Syrian-held territory every 10 or 20 seconds. Baldwin repo rted that intensive small-arms fll'e could be h eard fr om B ei rut 's interna tional a irport whe r e Israeli and Palestinian forces have faced each other in almost static positions for more than a w eek. The I s ra e l is ag reed to a renewed cease-fire Tuesday evenir.g. conditional on Syria h o lding its fare BY PATJUCK KENNEDY or .... o..;y "-' ''•" John Charles G11lc, fl Comwr f oUower of l 060. drus 1uru Dr Timothy Leary and the mun police accu.ited of heading one of the largest cocaine amuaghng operatlon11 In Orange County hhltory, has died ln u islngle car crash ln Dana Point. The 33-year-old Gale, of El Toro. was idenlified by Highway Patrol officers as the man they found Tuesday at ~:30 a m. pinned beneath a 1971 Mm-cedes m u park of( Del Obispo Street j u s t east o f Pacific Coast Highway. Officers say Gale apparently lost control or the car at a high rate of speed. The vehicle went over a curb. crashed into a tree and c~eened into a sign. Gale was e.iected and fell beneath the car as at rolled on its side. authorities said. The acci de nt occ:urred sometime Tuesday morning. Gale was pronounc:ed dead at the scne. At the time of his death, Gale was awaiting trial on charges that he was involved m a multi- million dollar cocaine smuggling operation that police unveiled in Laguna Beach on April 28, 1981. Gale was free on $250,000 bail. He had pleaded innocen t to the charges against rum Gale's connections to d r ug trafhckmg goes back at least 1.o the early 1970s. He allegedly was a k e y m e m b e r o f 't h e Brotherhood of Ewrnal Love, a group labe l ed by police invesugator~ as the largest dealer of LSD. hashish and hashis h oal m the world ln 1973. he was indil·t.ed and convic ted o f possession and conspiracy to St'll LSD He was sentem.•ed lo one to 10 years. but Rescuers find pilot's body 1n wreckage T he body of a pilot who left Orange County Airport Monday en route to San Diego was found an the plane's wreckage near Loveland Reservoir Tuesday. Sterling Meyer. 59.~ "La Mesa businessman. crashed in heavy fog Monday on a h1 lls1de 25 miles east of San Diego. The plane disappeared from Gillespie Fleld radar screens in San Di ego M o nd ay a n d a resident near the crash scene reported hearmg an explosion. Shenfrs reservists found the wreckage and the body after a two-day search. · Still cloudy Coasta l Pamal allernoon clea11ng 01 tow crouos IOOay Highs 66 lo ... low clouos noghl ano mornlr>g hours lon•ghl and Thursday. then partly cloudy Thursday allernoon 011ern1ght tow SA to 62 Highs Thursday 65 to 73 Elsewhere , from Poin t Concep11on 10 the Me•lcan bordet and out 60 motes Ughl 11arlable winds night and morning hours becoming wasterty 8 10 16 knots this 81/enlng and Tht.lrsdey Wind waves t 10 2 leel thla afternoon Southwest swetr 1 to 2 reel. Mostly cloudy through Thursday wHh some partial clearing In the allernoon end evening hours U.S. S ummary ThundMstorms that prOduce<I large hall or 1ornad<>e$ In the cenlrel pl11ln1 conlnlnued but or-graouaJly -•ket lodly .. they drifted to Ille ea91 Observers Hid at 111811 lwo twlsiers •ouched In Nebraska one east of Lewmllen afld 0,,4 W8S1. Of Chappell. and SIX Inches of r 11n fell In Cherry and HOOker counties The -athef _.,tee Mid lhe downpour cauMCI aome lloodlng In lhe NebrUJce towh or Grant while baseb•ll-slzod hall lell nellr t ha w esl edge of L ak e McConneughy Showers end lhunderslorms -e wldely 1C111t111ed ~ the notrhefn ROCklM. the upper Otllo Valley ind •long th• AUanllc Coe11 and the eutarn Gulf CoM1. The rMt of the nation tied Ill• weather Temperel uret aro und lhe netton before dawn re~ from 38 In Marquette, Mleh • to M In Phoenix. Artz California The National w .. th« S.,"'°9 predict• enother cloUdy night •nd morning b4JI wfltl 1 better chW104I tor sunthlne In Inland 1reaa Thunday attemoon o-t •• lhould be dew; thunderslomi• are poutbte In northern mountelnt end the Owerls v~. High tlmt)er&tUl'9 ahOU4d ,.,. from 72 In lot Anoelea and e1 tlNchM. be'-f4 and 80 In tha mountMia. from 92 to 102 In the high deMf1 and ~ 98 end 106 In low "-11. BoeteH flom Polnl ~llon to the M•xlClan bofder aen UpeCt Ilg/II, ,,_,llble wlndt tonight Ind tarly Tl'luredty. btco1111ng .,..teliy al I 10 18 k note In thl allernoon and evening wlll'I e ~t ...-running 1 lo 2 ,.._ The ForecHt For 8p.m. EDT A.In~ Snowr:'!!."' Thursday. June 24 ~ l.:w.1 T empera tu res •H• h rem turea Shower•• Flurr1 .. [!!] NATION Albany AlbuQue Arna11t10 Ast>ev1lle All•nta All•nlC Cly AuSlln Bslllrnore Biiiings Blrm1nghm Bl1m111ck Boise Boston BtOW1\Svtle Bullalo Burllngtori Cuper Chor1s1n SC Charlstn WV Charttle NC C~ne ChleegO Cincinnati CMM!land Clmbla SC COiumbus Oat-Ft Wt/I Dayton Denver 0es MOlnes OelrOlt Oulu th El Paso Fargo Flogatatt Greet Falls HartlO<d Helene Hon<>Mu Houlton lndnaplls Jacksn MS Jeckanvlle Kan• City La Vegu L11tle Rodi l~ lutlbodt M~ Mllml Ml!waUkM Mpl..St.P NMhvllla New~ New YO<k Nof1olll No. "'8tte Ot<la City HI Lo Pep 74 55 10 93 60 91 55 1 15 78 57 82 67 48 74 60 90 70 14 81 83 .0 1 86 60 .01 84 63 80 57 84 55 03 72 59 04 96 79 68 49 74 56 88 59 84 73 81 S6 75 64 76 53 69 44 11 54 N Im.I Wu!he! Servlee I 68 NOAA. u S. Oec>t ~ Comrnt!ce .51 Fronta:Cold .,. Warm w. 02 09 09 71 48 , 14 81 69 81 75 51 89 72 75 5 1 04 83 65 19 78 56 73 48 54 47 99 68 77 60 78 39 84 58 09 79 57 111 711 58 40 89 74 94 11 eo 77 49 .01 84 85 83 73 19 82 82 100 73 87 70 81 57 89 st .30 aa 12 84 81 82 47 77 58 88 87 Ill ,, 1.08 80 eo .18 78 64 ... 57 15 M 88 Ofn8N Ori.ndo PNladphle Phoenllt POt•butgh Piland, tH Pll#ld. Ora Providence ~ Seit Lelle San Antonio S..111• ShrtlV890f1 Sioux Fells St loula SI P-Tamp1 St Ste Marie SpokaM SyrKUM Topellm Tucaon Tula Wall'llngtn Wlchtte 711 61 92 76 80 58 104 76 73 48 04 71 54 05 84 56 77 82 05 75 85 21 88 52 89 80 01 94 87 78 52 87 84 80 62 711 63 03 ea 19 88 38 as 59 70 50 47 82 63 97 84 90 72 83 65 .07 84 88 98 78 100 80 49 93 6' 90 87 72 83 92 84 102 88 58 82 52 93 68 Occluded 9P StationatY • • Reowood City Seer amen lo SaJlnu San 0.ego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Marla S1ookton Themiel Ukiah Berllow Big Bear 81thop C11a11na Lake Arrowhead Long S..ch Monrovia Mt Wil.on Newport Beech Ontario Pelm Spnngs Pasadena San Bernardino Sen Joae S1n1e Ana San1a Cruz TahOe Vmlley Vume Smog 72 83 83 89 62 66 70 89 59 97 91 99 72 75 39 91 56 70 58 75 •9 71 St 72 80, 77 80 57 SS 70 80 97 67 72 57 74 59 78 56 70 5' ee 57 7S. 42 Q7 88 The Air Quality Management Olatrlct predle11 unhaallhlul air for Mntlttve people todey In Iha S111 Fernando and Santa Clertta velley9 and In the AlvertkM end San Bemerdlno araa. Where to call Ctoll lrH ) lor -~~o:--.--,-.----S-U--R-f--R-l_P __ O_R_T--~:~~~::.: oounti.· (800) 387-4710 •&;:\.lii·illiiiiil_i-.__________ AQMD Eplaocle <Anter (800) ? D a 2421888 TodeJ'e A,~ 1-3 1-1 1·2 1-2 1-2 1·2 1·2 1•2 t-3 ·-lhape 1.ZO::aa poor PoOr PoOr POOt ,,,, fair ,.., poot PoOr Aw. ... r..,. aa 67 58 5t 58 57 eo eo GO 80 '° Tides TOOA't s-id iow s·, , p.m. second high 1 u 1 p,m. THURIOAY 2.2 1.5 Flrlt IOw 6'·'1 a.m. 1.3 Flral high 1:2? p.rn. ~.2 s.oono low I:, ' I·"'· 2.i hcOllCI hlOh (Frl)12: t t ,fll, U EM! Mt9 tod9Y at l:OI p.m., rw. TllufMJly al 6.42 a.m. Moon ti.. lode)' ti •·OS a.m .. tttt et UUI p.m • • only llt'rVl'd l• 11 hort time In p l'ISUtl Dul'lng murt tt'aitlmony (;3l1• admlttt-d puo unlng 11t-vt•rul thoUllllnd doeea of LSD at varluus limes He al.so wu tdentlfled In lt'llUmony bt:fore the gra nd jury us tht' rman who walked through Sou thern California rock t.'<>n<:t•rt nowds giving away LSD. When lht· tall t-ged coc·aane s muggling OJH•rat1on was unmasked last year . Gale and (lv1· others were arrested In rald'I or1 two homt'S. Autho rities confiscated i:i pounds of l'OCatne -the largest seizure in Orange County history two submachine guns. gold and gems valued at $500,000 Af'-1 more than $1 30,000 in cash. The c:ocaine was valued at more· than $7 rn illion. uuthonlles said. Mesa cops attacked by animal Cos_µi Mesa police investigating a residential burglary Tuesday got more than they bargained for when they opened a bedroom door and were attacked by a large furry animal resembling a raccoon Officer Chano Camarillo said that the tropiC'al <mama! known as a c'Oati leaped from a tree and <:hargl'd toward h1!> foot The long snouted mammal s1x.'d past ham and c'Ornered Sgt Dc-nrns Cost m d rear bedroom Cost shot the animal to death. A neighbor had called pohCl' at ?·20 p.m. to report that two men were attempting lo burglarize thl• house at 2 188 Canyon Road. One su.«pec·t. Octavio Estrella. 34. Costa Mesa was arrested on sus picion of burglary The other man remains at large. P olice fo und num ero u s household items Stal keel against a window and belaeve the pair were frightened away by the l'\/a(I Laguna Beach restaurateur dead at 62 Res t aurateur Robert L Gl•ye>r, founder o f the Jolly Roger res taurant chain and a :.i6-year Corona del Mar resident, du?d Tuesdav He was 62. Mr Geyer opened the first J olJy Roger m 1948 on Balboa Island. Others soon followed in Anaheim and Laguna Beach. He sold has restaurant empire an 1966 but hC'ld o nto the n.'staurant m Laguna and later started the BoJaX c hain with three locations in Orange Coun ty. Mr. Geyer leaves has w ife, Anita: a daughter. S ha ron, and two gran dchtldren He also leaves a brother, Jack, and a sister Lois Geyer, both of Laguna Beach. • Funeral services a1 e pending. Endorsing nixed HOLLYWOOD (AP) -A Screen Actors Guild leader says the union board's decision to avoid mak ing politica l endorsements is not a slap at SAG's outspoken and politically active president, Ed Asner. INSANITY DEFENSE • • • Houta, 6i former FBI al{t•nt, llc ttw 1..-dlwr of Truurna, the larg~11t cln:ulut lon medacu l 1 .. ga l pubhcat1(ln for lawycn1 In the world He l• u con1nllt41 nt an forensic medicine and toxtcology a nd o clinical profl>tuor of pathology a\ UC lrvint.•. ltouta aatd h18 system would allow pelychiat.riJ't.'I to apply tht•1r knowledge as 1 t rt'l:.i tes lo criminal case11 an "o nu n udversary atmosphert• "I don't mean ·w do away with the psychiatrists in these t'ases alwgether," he said. But H o uts added th at conv1ct1on for major crimes, even rf the defendant is judged msa.ne, should carry minimum sentences. That tim<' c an be devoted to psychiatric treatment Cot· the defendant if necessary. he• said "The emphasis has got to be balanl-ed out between the rights of society and the rights of thl· defendant," Houts said Houts also said Tuesday that lllncklcy'• &l'qUlttal "Is openlng thl• door to wholu1M1le aluughwr. "The psychiatric teatimony fuund 1n this lltn.cklcy caac I.I to absurd ~Ute the cvidena" to a g rl'al ex u-nt showed hu was 1u;hli.ophren1c," he said "By gosh, then· a re mllllona of schlz.ophrt.'nk11. If 11Chlzophrenu1 as going tu be a de fense tor murder, it's ju.st operung the door for wholesaJc i1laughter." "When you get right down to at," HoutB said, "the more bizarre the behavior. the 8\ronger dek nse for 1~nily you have. But that is exactly the type of person you don't want turned loo~e on society. That as the l oga<:al and pr ac tical tnl'OnslStcncy built into the whole thing." Houts said that m many ploc'e!I Hinckley would have been free to walk out of the courtroom 1C at-quitted. Only a stricter set of laws In Washington. D.C .. kept. Hinckley confined after the vt>rdict. he said SUMMER'S BUMMER • • • With beach a ttendann· down, so as the income. C t.ras to pher Rey. parking supervisor for Huntington City Beach. said his 2, l 00-spaw lot as typically filled each Wl'C'kend during the summer This June, he reports, lhe lot has been filled just On<.'(? for ~bout 15 minutes on Sundav. JMe6 . Between June 1 and June 20. 1981 , during the heat wave, J8. 286 vehicles parked at the city beach lot, Rey says Dunng the same period lhlS year, the total was about 15,000 less than half of the 1981 figure. Rey said the gloomy weather has l:>cc>n tough on his employees too He's had to send som ~ parking attendants home each day becausl• th ere's just not c•nough work for the"'. There as onl• salver lining m the doud cover Ac"<:ording to the !:>outh Coast /\tr Qu al ity Managemt.'nt 01st r1 c t , June has bee n particularly easy on the lungs tx'(:ause sunshine is reqwred to produce photo-l·hemtcal smog SIGN ORDINANCE • • • Hall's proposal 1f adopted will exempt the present n on - conforming signs, thus allowing signs erected legall y prior t.o 1974 to remain. Doug Clark, city development services director for the city. said that th e removal of non - t·on formin g signs from the ordina n ce will makl• at ver y difficult to enforce the sign law for new businesses. He estimated that 20 percent of the city's 3.500 businesses have non-confonrung signs. "Quite frankly [ would like to see a decision made," s~ud Clark. "It's going to be d1ff1c ult t o enforce the ordinance. lt will make at very difficult for us." Support for the revised ordmanl'e came from Chamber of allowed t o stand until the business It advertises is sold. City off1 c1als said that 1t would Ix· too d1ff1C'ull to determine 1f and when a business cha nged hands. During thl' meeting Mo nday n ig ht Hall suggested that businesses with non-conforming s igns be rcquan>d to meet the provisions of the sign ordinance when their sign as altered. Wimbledon match won by McEnroe Commerce me mbers who said WIMBLEOON, England (AP) that they were told by Hall thal John McEnroe overcame both the sign ordinance would bl· has errauc strokes and his erratic discussed at the meeting. bl•havior to post a 6-3. 6-3, 7-5 "l thank that it's what we had v1t·t0ry over Eddie Edwards of hoped would transpire for the South Africa today and advant-e last 10 years," said Ken Fowler. into the third round of the All- presade nt of the chamber. "l England tennis championship at don't see how you can put in a Wambk>don (Earlier story. Cl). sign o rdina nce and makf' 1t retroactive." Umpire George Arm strong Chamber of commt.•n't' uffkaab as.o;u<•d the first warning of the have tong complaim'<.I that th<• tournament <lga an st McEn roe law 1s restrictive and a financial "for abuse of ball" in the third burden to small businessmen game of tht.-final set when the Monday night was not the first left -ha nder. upset because he time tha t city o l I acaals have missed an easy voUey. smashed the ball into the net. tan~led over the issue of the sign ordmanc-e. In 1979 Councilman A brief exchange be tween Hall won approval from his McEnroe and Armstrong ensued colleagues to establish a sign ll was one of several the young ordinance committee to study the American carri e d on with controversial law. ofhcials d uring the course of the Last year Councilwoman match, in addition to berating Hertzog suggested that any sign himself on a number of occasions le ally erected before 19:...;7:....:4:.....::be""'-_f_o_r...:poo __ r_s_h_o_ts_. ------- SAN'40 STEREO MINI CASSE'JTE PLAYER jb • Headphones • Stop/ eiect • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/tone switch Sa.le @SANYO (Sale prlon good thru Mon .. June 28, 1982) •• CROWN HARDWARE All Storee open 1 OeYt w .. 1c11n Plaza 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport Beech 642-1133 Coron• del Mar 3107 E. Coaat Hwy. 873-2800 Wettcllff Tiii 8:00 Thu~ Harbor View Center 1614 San Miguel Or. Newport Beach &44-8570 ~nahelm Hlllt 1 se~ Senta An• canyon Ad. (at lmpertal Hwy.) 998-5282 f ·----Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wedntlday, June 230 1~82 N Cl NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS ' UOtAnoM llllCl.UCll T•llDll Oli '"' .... YOI• ....... "'· •ACtll'IC ,. ••• IOITON, DI UOlf ... p (lli(lliNAfl nocw lii(ll&litU4N• aOOIHOIY Tlil lfAtOAlllOllOtlltlT Wlft Nel ..... Ntl I" I '"" Cit.. C:llt "'I !Wli c.... C:llt ~:~-• ·r i: m.· .. ~ l~"(tt ' 111 u : ~ trnrr~·~ .. uif ~ ~ :::,"' • " 1~ it= ...... .. ,~ N•I 1111 • 't ~ • '" ~:NI .M t ~ 1:: ~ "'I"°' (IO\tr (flt tP 11 t '-ln'll n 1 II• fl"' ti 9." u• .. ]' mu " : !!! .. 11 111 ·+ · ~ 1111 • 1 44 1 dl "' • ,,. 11:~• I :iE:.: .. :a,·" .. "n -~ i:~ ·.1'L.d :tt1: Al 1, • • 1 ' Yt 11!.r 7t I) U t!~.'., ". 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Allll:&"' i4 i'.1'4 P I UO •>• 20"-•" V> IHIAlr W~ Jiit ' '-HI .ch n 1i l°'° t~ ·1'- M t t ..... m lt91;jtt" i i~+ '-=~lrwtO=t", , 1~"'· Ho~I y ,., I 044 17.,_+ ~ "'l ' t 1"'"... -llt • ~. ~-\.\ "IAlr r ·-' .# 1'"" '," i,,; Holly 1• ti ti m1o-" , • t "'° + loll ell<:\~ . 1 7l • 1 " ,.,. " H ... 1.10 • ;J 7\oli ... m. "" 1 1 tCJ1 ,.,~ . •• ttUO 1.10 1 171't • .. "' .,. t. H I ••·.... " • u •• ,..... ~ liutUu 1.10 • .. 1l ,.... Me111i. .-., '' ' .. .-.. '"' . u J '..'.iW: ~''"·' : •.• iO J~··i~ j:11(od )910)1'1 ?t ... 1 =· ~ : ,.: :: ! .~ :.Cr-11u i._: ~1=: *:~; ~ ~ t 1'~ ~~ ... ~ i:~fi'n ':U,J ~~t~. ~ ::r,:~n rn t '~ l:~• .~ • -. . d ·-·.... roilt ft J1 ''"• "' EUrcl. " '3140 '""• ..... HorllOll .u 12 137 IOW. .. " _... "" ~ ""-t • .,. It-•• Edlabr 1.'4 • 1~ JO " .. Alrf"N ,., J ~ 'fl.Ii+ -r....,. ' ,,_ •• Eclwrcl a.7t• t 12> IS + 1~ HO\OCo 41 12 1" """" + " Al,.,.,, .lo 14 )i iJ"'• \It ~pr J· t t• • V. EIPHo 1.4I • l»O llV. + 111 Hot .. 111 s 1 4 t3Yt + v. 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ER•d • 1g'l U • · · HOWPI 40 8 IM 10\'tD " ~ ...... •.•,1 • nl.t4 '. ~~ 1: : :: c,~ct~ uo 1~ .~ ~~ '" ~:::~~ , ·: 14 1~~ a~~~ t! Hubc>ro J e 11 ""', v. •.. llQCI> 1.0I 6 ~ JI""-~ ,....llt•"'• ,u 9 .a 1t• , En1pO. 1.Sl 7 lJ 12V.. ~uOu 1"-y 0 •1~ ·7· •• ! :!~• r! ••ot:P pn... .. 4 ~. 14 cenSoW 1.:I • ,,;; 1~ " emp pf ., .. 110 '"' ... ;;:::i1hr1 t: • 220; ,ov;:-; AIOlnl 1.tO 3 IU 24 • ... C•nHlld t.4f t H ''"'· .. . E1T1plnc 40 IS 2 11\io-..... Humen s 60 1?1316 241<. .. •hi'"~'·" 22 14-v. c ... 11L1 '·"' • l4 10-. "' ~~~:~& ~ ! 1:~ ::v. .' . ;· Hum• p12.so • ,,.,, v. ~1r~~C1~ .. ~ ·u21 1 : :~:. ~ ~"i11~ :::l j rm :~~ • ".' EnMrt h I tO S ... 111'1 • >II ~~~t~ .: I~ 11.! ~~\'o • t ' 41111\G 1 ti 21 ·~·... Cll~E n .to 4 II~ d16V. -.... e ... pl 10.D . t'IO " ' Hvdr•I 1 76 • , II~. v. AlldQI 2AO 4 760 311"1+ '.\ ~!.~ 'fl 1 11 1314 ~~';{,:' · ~~ 1~~·, .. ~ -1-1 -: u•t.~l lo J ;r~ ~ ~;; ,: 11 ·~ ~ !!£: ~ ~~:=~· ~ ! 3f, m~. ~ l~J~pl i·: ~ ;J ~~ :" ~ Al .20:11 16 7\'J.,, CntryTI .I• 's 62 t~. 1,: Equll• 2.60 7 .! ~+ ~ INAln 1.<n l 16 14111+ 14 Aft r 1,., I 232 19-ltt • Ill C"'vlll 4 S 73 lt'-• ~ Equlmlo ~ 4 • " IU Int I 10 S 714 11''" v. ••GTe• n 1 6 11 UV.. 14 Crt·•-" • II ..... Eqmk pt2,J1 " • 161/o.. IUlnl pl 1" 1 11 ... "'"'°' .. Ill 12'lli+ .. CtHAlr • .o • 2A17 16\'I. "' EqlG•• I.SO s 29 ll""' IUlnt pf 1.lt. 4 II • ~ •~.c1111u.• .. 1 )l'l<t+ v. ci.mr•n «> 11 11n ,,.,. eq1L1 1.10. 12 ,. •~ • "' •d•""P ,,._ 1 •1 22v.. A lr~u I 411' 32 -+ "" Chm Pf 1:20 , , 1 IS Esm•rk I &4 6 37 4''4 ldtelB 1.'/0 • IJ IS"4 + ~ A IAo I 1313 2414 + 'Iii Ch"' I pf 4.60 , , 81 n~ \o'o E>qulr s 61 S t 131,\ -t V. l!MalT 4 n4 ""'" + ""-All'lftut S > 11 44V.-" Cllli1t1Sc> .to 12 24' 7h, ~. 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MoreM 1 °' 3 111 IS\r.t-YI Moran 1211 I 40 121JJ \lo =~:i ~:~ ; s~: !:~; ''.:: Morws 80 10 71 ••I<.• .., MorN0< 1 n 7 1u n v, + 1 Molrol• 1.ti0 12 2S7J f>llo. • 1"' MtFuel 2 U 7 IOI tt~o "' Munfrd SO 6 1S ll'll • 11. Munsnt;1 . n 1:1>1t + •• Murph( I 28 16 171 1•0,. • 1 Murp() I s 2S2 ?()V. • .... M<lrrvO 1 20 6 4 IH• MutOrtl I 491 36 11 MyersL 281 . 20 8 -N--NBD 2.08 4 l4ll ?l•'o • ... NBI n 11 837 22'1• • 1\o'o NCH n ' JS 12"'-''• NCNB .• S 16 ll • 111t NCR 240 1 J'lf8 S~•lV. NL Ind 1 • 217'1 11 +IV, NVF !Sr 44 151 l'llo Nalx<B 2.os a 424 ~ Nalco s 1.12 It t•? t "'' + "• N•pc;o s .2• ' J 10_... Nap I Fd .IOI> 11 l3 ISV.-'It N•r<o .68 13 11 1~ + V. NHhUt 1.60 11 44 14'1\ •. Ntl~ I 6 2 1''1t+ ~ NCnvSt ,60b 1l 140 11v. • ~ N•IOlll l.lO S I'll 19'-+ ''• NOlst prl fl5 IS IV,.-\It N•IEdlJ 1.321 121 IJ + "1 :it~ t~ ~ ~="":!.Vo NetGyp 1.41 7' 1911> • V. NtHom .. 1 2'4. NMdC,. A6 I 643 6~ . NMclEn .40 10 909 141/o +-0,. 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T•lnl wt 7 q Pu.DIO 11 lJ •l,r '' TxNMx 2 08 8 lS 1 l'h PR Cem 4q J r •DGU 2' 17 IJSI 11•1, t ._ PgSPL 1.76 s IS9 I) TwPac )'.) 11 2•~ 70 + .. Puro 1 llO •O ?18 18~ .. '-Tuu111 2 Ot 6 78>1 ,,,,. • 1" Purltnf ,&:Jt • 81 1 lft Te-.O In .O 1111 • 11\i Purol!' 1 08 19&9' 33i,, 1 T,.lron 1 IO 119 18'1>, 1 , Pyro S ?02 •~ '• TeKlr pt 7Cl8 1" n , \I. Ov•lt.O '80 7 Iba «>101 • "' h •lr Pf 1 4() I 16'1• .... OuOSO 80 a 100 !Oh+ 1'• Thao 14 71, Quan• s 60 3 S9 8'1o TnrE n q 13 IS • .,. Questor Sl IJ ... , ... ThlOkl I 10 10 17 3211 ••• ,, R-R -lhm8et 2 12 11 16 «~. • 11t RBll'd I& 1'l 1 I w .. Thomln .Ml> 1 32 10.\ot .. RCA <I() '.SIB ll"o + 1 ThmMO l()t S 1• 14i,. + '" RCA Pf • 114 0 ' 1~ Tllrltly 10 6 '1 llV. • l/o RCA pt 1.17 101 111. • '111 TlCtro 1.20 s 1 Wt> '• RCA pf J 6S 19 ,,,,, Tldwlr <I() S 1•7 21 • .. RLC 64 l81 I~•• 111 TtQerlrt 377 ll• • lot RTE 40 & 7"• • '" Tlmel 1 1 12 218 ,. ....... R•lsPl.ir 18 •'13 131ot • V. Timi pf(A SO l8 SI • "• R•m.ad 40ol 4'1>. + ,,, llmeM 7 • l3S 40 ... Rempe; 1IO13 JI ,.,,. + In Tlmkn l AO 6 9 49•,, • .. Ranco fl.I 10 lte ••"-V.. TodShp 1 17 • 177 lS. • "' R•ybl 60 )7 6 l1110 t .,. Tokhm )' I 37 11h .... R•y<m" .... 12 ,. .,~.. .. .... Toi Ed•• , l& 0 131 17\ie... ,,, Reymdl 1 s lOI 11 .... ~r Toi Ed pl4.ll l ,,.,, 1/• Rtythn I 40 q 1776 3S~•01''" Toi Ed pl2 3& 6 1S3 1 Read&• .to • 716 14' • • ~ TonkaCp 40t 6 s 19'-t ''• AdB•lpf2.13 '1 11~• ._ ToolRol 40b ' II """ '"' RllRet 1 Olt 1 1'nt • •,. ToroCo 64 S"- RecnEq S2 4... \It TO\CO s 136? 13v ••••• Redmn .30 11 ., n1... Towlt' ... ' ,_.. "''•. IJ1 Ree<.e 3 •11• • 1 • lowte pt 4' . S '4 AttvsB 1.~7 b ,o!? ~~. V.. ToyRU s 18 16~ «> \I. =:r,·~c" .., • •9 '""' .,. ~~:~ •, ~ ·~ .~~ ~~: ·~ RtpAlr 113 ''-1 "• lw Cp 1361 ''"-+ 111, AepCp .60 S 18 ,...., 11• TW w; 7~ 6 ... + t;.. RtpFnS 1,lO 10 'l'I 3''!) ''"' TWC pf 2 • • 141{). . =;r:; ;,~ ~ I~ ~~'It ,,. 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Roc~wl IS. a 621 30,,. '· u-u _ RohmH l eo 8 II '8\,. \o, UAL Sl>l II • "'• Rohrln 4 110 I"• UGI 104 • J8 71 \ot Rohr pf l 1l 11 11'•• UGI pf 11S 1100 191·"1 • ''• Rollins• l>8 I 19'1 111 0 UMC f10 6 n 8 • ''t RolmCp 1• 1760 221• • '• UMET 31• 11 S He Ron'4>t\ l ,, , ~ '. UN( RP~ '11 SI sv. • ''• Roper 90 s I 10 UNR s JI 1~ •• ,. Roror 911 10 17• 111 • .. USFG J 60 7 871 38"' Rowan 08 4 1•1ll 10 • ''• UniNV 4 161t .c .a Sltl.. • \'I Rowan pU « l l1''• • t' • UC amp 3 7 181 431,, • 11" ~~~~~':at~ ~ ~~ • i,. ~~~!'.! l ~ .~ '02,! ~~:,;; ~ Ru•Tao I s l'I IJ ... ~~~~ ;Ti 6 ~ ,~ •• ~yanH t lO 192 IS ... "' Un El pl ~ ll10 ,. • 1 Rvde.-S 1 °"' I 1n JO .,,. UnEI pl & '° t110 ., •.• -S.-S -Un Et pfM • 3& lS~ .. • o SCA lOe I 103 10'"' • 'It UnE I pf 2 IJ ' 140,. SCM 1 • 100 22 • \~ VOllCal 1 1 1241 12~ • 11> SFN 1.0I 1 9 II UnP11c 1,80 q 11116 )St,._• 1Vt SPSTec n • Sl , • .._ ..... Unlrovl 4 '63 IV. • 0,. Sabine 40 19 llS 331•• • 'h Unryl pl 4e 1110 40-"i-ll't S1g<1Bi • .D 12 '5 14 '-UnllD n l Ill 7"-StijdSC 1S 4.,_ • Vo UnBmd 40 '1 14 Ho• 'IO ~l·Qde~,'."' • ~ .~ V> -UBrd pl 1 20 ' 81>-'lo .,..le-, •au 1 ~ '1911• • ~ UCbTV n 14 IS JOO lO • V. S...OaCp s. 8 113 JS\;+ 'It unEnro l.1' • 111 :ri11, SIJoLP 1.34 s , 11y. Ulllum 2.9' 4 1S 101/H .,. SPeul 1.20 34 ' ;,., UlllU pf l •7 J )411<-.,. SIReoP 2.14 ,.,, ,.._. ~ Ulllu pf 2.20 ~20 1J1h . S..lanl .40 I ~ • 1"' Ullfu pf 4 U 1S • 1/t SDleGs 1.12 s S70 14w-v. Unlllnd lb II 74 •• ~ ... 11/tt SJu•nB .•s. n 614 l•n '"' unl1,JM 22 a 11 19\', • "' SJu•nA 1•.4'c . · 1 71/o • \.'t UJtrBk I 12 • 10 12 + •;, S.nd4!r\ ,64 IS IJO 4n, • V, UldMM 1(18 S ... • '4 SAnilAI 1.61 I IS IS • \6 UPkMtl SJ 4S 11,. SFelnd I 6 al20 Ul/o. ... USFoS S.07f 7 19 • "" SQ1Wel 1.lO 7 73 ,._... • ... USAir 12 S 1ti7 IS .. ~ ... SeulRf .20t lO 1 1" USGYP5 7 40 8 lJ8 7711• • V. 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Wl!HIUQ1.1' •• 1~ ltlli+ 'Iii $CrEO 1.92 7 4" U~ Yo WtlCSv .'4 10 14 »ft• It. $0J•rln 2.11) • .,. 1911-.+I Welt.J"' 1 ... 1t +I._ SOuctw s ·'° 7 SI ,.__,,... WellJ P'UO .. 12 ltlli + '-Sott8~ I S 106 1i~ t \lo Wt~net 1 IO 6 116 J I ... • ,. SottPS I.Jn I ti t\1o + 1lo WrnC1t1 I It 2M) 4'14 + 1" S<:elU U A 6 111' II • \It WtrNL 1.40 11 ~ 21111 + ... $oull\CO t.p • l~ 1t , , Wa~ 2 16 1 '1 t 7\lo • Ill Sol!IGE U i • ,, 20\'J. "" WtlllUH'°' • 7S IS..,_ ... SNETtl ~st 6 a1 4ll4-I.lo WHM' .JO • , I JO.,.._ .... SouPK U O • 20 JO + ._ WshWt . ,40 ) '1 i1"'-.,., SoRy pf UO .. t' 11""-"'° W••lt ,S114 t)! 2'111 <, \'t SoUI)(» l It • » r.14 • · •" Watkin .flt IJ 0 ~Ill-\>') SoullllO 1:Jt I 1m + -Wli .10 • IJ 1'-+ \It Roy .oe u ut ._ 11o Wit 10 aJ ~· It .Gl9 I 1!1 Jo,\ .. "• wt I ,It 10 " \h "' t ~I 1 i.i ~ .r-t.: =:~. ~= : 1~ It ~·14 ''"' J r7 ·~· " Wtl\!ln . • 11 ''l " ..... " ._1111 _, ~ 1~+ ~ llW!tl l • ijs" ... 1 I' W"°9ft,.tf4.JD i· H "'\t I, I lT l •A W\l'tPtlAO • M + \·.1: \U 1,_;::.:: WntlTtl..... I ~+Ila . Dow Jones Final UP13.51 CLOSING 813.17 Mesa firm gets contract The Orange County Board of Supervisors has selected the Costa Mefia engineering firm of Jack G. Raub Co. as primary choice to complete designs for the planned Mission Viejo multi-modal transportanon terminal. The planned $1.1:1 million terminal, w~ic~ w.ill service Amtrak trains, Orange County Transit Distnct buses and a park-and-ride lot, is to be completed by April 1984. The terminal is to be located half a rrule south of O!io Parkway, by the raHroad right-of-way. and adjacent to the proposed Cabot Road. County planners are hoping that construction of the terminaJ can begin by the spring or early summer of 1983. Super 80 delivered to A irCal AirCal's fleet of McDonnell Douglas DC-9 Super 80 aircraft increased to seven when the airline took delivery of its newest $25 million plane at the McDonneU Douglas test facility in Yuma, Ariz. According to AirCal, based in Newport Beach, the aircraft was flown Tuesday to the airline's maintena nce base at the Oakland International Airport for preservice modifications. and in the afternoon entered passenger service with a flight from Oakland to John Wayne Airport . AirCa!'s Supe r 80s a r e configured for lflO passengers and powered by two Pratt & Whitney JT8D-2 l 7 engines. Fluor short stocks increase Short positions m the stock of the .Fluor Corp. of [rvine increased the past month, according to the New York Stock Exchange. As of J une 15, there were 239.030 shares that hadn't been purchased for return t.o lenders, up from 232,521 May 14. In a short sale, the seller expects the stock lO drop so he can purchase an equal number of shares later at a lower price . Network stock revised The board of directors of American &lucational Television Network Inc. of Newport Beach approved a revision of the t.enns of its outstanding warrants. The exercise period for those warrants that expire m June will be ext.ended to December 1983, and the exercise price will be reduced from $2 per share of m mmon stock to $1. Also, the exercise price for all other outstanding warrants will be reduced by $1 per share of common stock. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT NEW YORK IAPI· S.IH, l p.m. prlee 1nc1 nel ch.&~ 01 the lllletfl most ec:llw New York SIO<lt. E1cl\ar>Qe &osues, g.~?~~v~lion411y au;:,c:.,111ansl·~ " S..nl•F•lnd 764,600 14.. 'It W>&CoNA &24, 100 81 1 I BM 618,600 &O>\ • I E•slN\"l S?..3. 100 sv.. • '•• MesaPetrl )16,JOO 14.. • '"' Gen Moton SU,800 .. 11• ._ Cl\rHler •11.'200 I • o,. SuperOll 4tt.JOO n... • 1•1, Amf'f T& T •.571000 ~ 'I• C.iUcorp .450,400 ,.,,. • •,. I( ma'1 l71.400 "''• 0 l/o Ppnft(t!n CY pr ••lt..00 1•\io\ HtWltllf'tl I 3'8,700 •?'• • '-Gull 011 Joll, 100 '6'11 "' UPS AND DOWNS Ntmt 1 He<ll!Mno J Superi;cpP J Wetter Jl1t1 4 Intl Harv S ACtnlTr" 6 O•klrclu\f 7 SCA Svc 8 OklaGE C>I t CmRU. II 10 R.-cn cu 11 ff)(O Con> 12 TransO l'tn 13 lllPw •.Ollpf 14 l\lbtrto CUI IS CNAF pfA 16 Mur'pfly GC 17 EClwerch s 11 Smllft AfJ 19 OrevoCp "41mt I Monsanto pf 2 OMG In< l QoCltonCp pf 4 OhPw 1.~e S S.vln I. 6 PSEG, 1 pf 7 lngRiONI pf ~ ~"J~p 10 81Sl(JIOHNY 11 Hilkllf n 12 AmA.gro t :: e·~~e::'~1n IS Ntwml pfA 16 PNveyCo n 17 SullelrCp 11 Gldd._... It AndltSl\Gm n UPS us~~ .°l° l''• • " -~lit • 11'4 ''" . ~ 6 + 11> 16-" .. 11/. 10 "" .... . "" '"' .. "' '°"' .\lo s-. "' l>t.. • v. UY> 1 12 "' 1' + I 14 ... ~ ""' + "' Ith • VJ 10'" • "' DOWNS Pel Up 14,I Up 13.0 Up 10.1 Up 100 Up •1 Up 1,1 Up 11 VP a.o Up 7.8 VP 7.S Up 7.1 Up 1 I Up •.• Up tJ Up 6,1 Up t .7 Up t.6 VP •• Uo 6,5 UISI Ch0 8 P<I &4 8h Otl 11 1 10,. '" OH 10.S 46 '~ Off '. <16 -4 011 10 '1" .\lo Off IS ,. ,.... Off 7 . ,. lh Off 7.2 3711) -2'-Off 6.S 701/'t -'" Off .. l V• -V. Off ... , 1SV. -'"' Off • 1 2 -•>11S01t s.• 17~ -,... Oii s.o 1 -ll'tOff St 9' ~ Off S.2 ts -1-. Off u 714 ~ Ofl u 12\'J -"' Off • I 10\li -VJ Oii 4.7 GOLD COINS NEW VORt< (AP) -Prlc .. 1•11 TUMday Of gOld COIM, compared wtth Mond•Y'I Of'lce, I(~ 1 troy~. $314.76, on 12.75. ....... leaf, 1 lrOy oa.. i31t.15, Oft 12.76'. .... toaft 10 ""°' U t..oy oi .. $313.SO, Off '3.25. Autltttn 100 OfOWll, t802 troy oz .. 1m.oo. off 12.75.. Sourc.: o..lt-"~• . - • METALS NEW YOFI~ !AP) -Spot nonlcrrous metal prices today C09P9f 65-72 cents a pound, US destinations lb L•ed 23-27 cen1s a pound. Zinc 35-37 cen1s a pound, delivered. Tin $6.0616 Me1als Week composite Aluminum 75-77 cenls a pound. NY Mercury $370 00 pet llask Platinum $268.00 1ro11 oz .. N.Y' SILVER Hendy & Harman. $5 100 per troy ounce GOLD OU OTA TIONS 8y The At-t.t.ct P,.u Selected world gold prices today· London: morning fixing· $300 75, oH $3.25 . Londoni alternoon fl~•no $30• 00, unoh11ngecl Parts: altemoon rtxlng: $299.96. ott $0:l11 ,.,.nktvrt: $302 97, off $1.0• ZlHic:ho tale fixing· $30 l 50, off $2 00 bid; S302 oo asked Handy & Harm11n: only daffy ouote $304.00, unchanged E09alhard: only dally quote $304.00. unchangecl • Engelhard: only daffy quo1e lebrlc111ed $319.20, uncn.nged SYMBOLS ' . ., ' .. •' ..